BY tub: same author. I. — A Life of Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, 1077-1108; with Notices of the other Ecclesiastical Founders of that Church and Monastery. 8vo. 2.- — The Mediaeval Nunneries of the County of Somerset, and their Impropriated Benefices. Imp. 8vo. 3. — The History of Taunton Priory. Imp. 8v'o. 4. — The Charters and other Archives of Cleeve Abbey, with an Introduction, Translations, and Notes. Imp. 8vo. 5. — The History of Muchelney Abbey. Imp. 8vo. 6. — An Illustrated Itinerary of the Ward of Bishopsgate. Imp. 8vo. 7. — Primaeval Middlesex. A Memoir of the Bell Tower, in the Tower of London. The Liber Albus. Moor HaU, in Hare- field. Austin Friars, The Last Ten Years of the Priory of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate. A Memoir of Crosby Place. Re- printed from the Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. Imp. 8vo. 8. — Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture. Two Lectures at Crosby Hall. i2mo. 9. — Architectural Restorations. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Somersetshire Archaeological Society. 8vo. 10. — The Application of Gothic Architecture to Civil and Domestic Purposes. A Lecture at the Gallery of British Artists, Suf- folk Street, Pall Mall East. 8vo. II. — A Course of Sermons on the Lord's Prayer, with Illustrations from the Fathers. 8vo. 12. — Twenty-nine Occasional Sermons, preached in various London Churches. 8vo. 13. — The Connection of Literature and Religion. A Lecture at Crosby Hall. 8vo. 14. — Cliristian ChiUlren, their Duties and their Privileges. 8vo. 15. — A Form of Self-Examination, with a Confession and Depreca- tion, from the Greek of Bishop Andrewes. i2mo. 16. — The Bewick Collector. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Thomas and John Bewick. Demy and Imp. 8vo. THE BEWICK COLLECTOR, Wl)t aSeiuiffe Collector. A SUPPLEMENT TO A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE WORKS OF THOMAS AND JOHN BEWICK; CONSISTING OF ADDITIONS TO THE VARIOUS DIVISIONS OF CUTS, WOOD BLOCKS, ETC., ENUMERATED IN THAT WORK. STfje iaifoh ttsvctbtti from t]^e ©tigmals CONTAINED IN THE LARGEST AND MOST PERFECT COLLECTION EVER FORMED, AND ILLUSTRATED WITH A HLNDRED AND EIGHTY CUTS. BY THOMAS HUGO, M.A., F.R.S.L., F.S.A., etc, Vice-President of the London and Middlesex Archceological Society ; Honorary Fellow and Honorary Member of various other Literary and j4rcha;ological Societies ; Rector of All Saints, Bishopsgate ; etc. etc. etc. THE POSSESSOR OF THE COLLECTION. LONDON: L. REEVE AND CO.. 5, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN. MDCCCLXVIH. J. K. TAYl.On AND CO., rRlNTF.RS, T.ITTI.F. QrKKV STnr.F.T, l.TNCfJl.N's INN FIELDS. PREFACE. Although but a space of little more than two years has elapsed since the appearance of ' The Bewick Collector,' and the interval may accordingly be con- sidered more than ordinarily brief between the issue of that work and of the present Supplement to it, there are exceptional circumstances which will be held, I think, more than sufficient to justify me in adopting the course which I am now taking. The book was hardly published before I was well- nigh inundated by consignments from all quarters far and near, including two from America, of parcels of greater or less magnitude, whose owners solicited my judgment of their multifarious and too often un- interesting contents. Some of these were gifts, a few were for inspection only — the rest were for sale. Books, Pamphlets, Miscellaneous Engravings, Wood Blocks, crowded on each other. For many months I positively lived — so far as important duties would allow me, and frequently at a considerable outlay of labour, j)atience, and self-denial — among old woodcuts viii Preface. and their impressions. Gradually the storm cleared, the influx of boxes and parcels became less and less, and finally ceased, so that during the last few months I have had sufficient leisure to arrange and describe the result, and in this manner to make the various treasures, thus strangely yet most happily brought together from so many and distant quarters, available for the use and enjoyment of others as well as of their more immediate owner. From an inventory which I have kept of the subjects of examination, I find that I have had before me about seven thousand Books and upwards of fifty thousand Wood Blocks. A large proportion of the latter, how- ever, came under my notice during three journeys which I have made in various parts of England, espe- cially the five northernmost counties, in the course of the last two years. Many scores — I might truly say hundreds — of old printing offices have I ransacked — not only in Newcastle and the neighbourhood, but in London and various other and distant places where books were published with Illustrations by Thomas Bewick — hundreds of booksellers visited and corre- sponded with. If, therefore, the result be inadequate or unsatisfactory, which few, I think, will allege, it is owing neither to want of zeal in the pursuit nor to stint in the employment of means. It may not be without interest for some of my readers if I remark that the additions to my Books and to my Wood Blocks have almost invariably been made from different localities. Hardly a tenth part of the Preface. ix former — the additions to my Books — have been ob- tained from Northumberland, Durham, Cumberland, and Westmoreland ; while, on the other hand, with the exception of some interesting London purchases, very- few Wood Blocks of Bewick's execution have been dis- covered beyond the limits of those four counties. The reason lies apparently in the fact that in the search for Books illustrated by Thomas and John Bewick the extreme north of England had been thoroughly ex- amined and exhausted ; while Blocks engraved by the former, especially those for miscellaneous purposes, w^ere done almost exclusively for his immediate neigh- bours, and consequently were not to be found at a dis- tance from their several localities. The great majority of his most celebrated works for remote employers were already included in my Collection, and I have now done my best to make his own neighbourhood even more bare of his Blocks than it previously was of Books illustrated by him. These, then, are the reasons which induce me to offer the present Supplement to all who feel interested in the Artists and their labours. Circumstances have crowded into weeks and months what is ordinarily the result of the successful labours of many and long years. And the repose which has followed the pressure of the throng, if it have not added to the result, has at least gone far to impart the certainty that little if aught more remains to be effected, and to make me feel that I shall do well, without a delay which would now be unproductive and consequently useless, to present those X Preface. who have already testified their approbation of my work with the Additions which I may not unreason- ably hope will supplement and complete it. Touching the former volume, I have in the first place to tender my best acknowledgments for the very flattering reception with which it has been honoured by the public press at large. Not only has it received the hearty approbation of various of our London critics, but a goodly number of the provincial journals, including more than one in Bewick's own noble town, have been pleased to comment most favourably and handsomely on my labours. I have heard, indeed, but a single adverse criticism, and that from but one or two private objectors. It is to the effect that I have created an unnecessary labour and inflicted a gratuitous weariness on my reader by the enumeration of " another " and yet " another " duplicate of many of the articles. I beg in reply to remind such a critic that my book is professedly and designedly not only a Catalogue of the Works of the Artists but of my own Collection, and that the mention of each article is, accordingly, a very important and indeed necessary feature in such a work. And, further, I take leave to add tliat it is rather hard, when I have spread so rich and varied an entertainment for my guests, that I should be grudged a single and homely dish for my own special gratification. There is, however, a further reason which will here- after ill all probability impart a public value to what is now, I own, but a private advantage. The feeling is Preface. xi strong within me, daily increasing in intensity, and all but arrived, if it have not quite done so, at the cer- tainty of a fixed determination, that either the British Museum, or some other National Art Collection, shall hereafter be, as it ought, the depository of this host of artistic treasures. There the multitude of unique articles, which not only impart to it an unapproachable precedence, but remove it from even distant compari- son, — the wonderful series of Books and Pamphlets, many apparently unknown beyond its limits, others of hardly less rarity, including a goodly number of volumes either the property of Thomas Bewick him- self, or presented by or to other celebrated persons, or for some other reason possessed of special interest, — the matchless collection of Proofs in various states, — the imm^ense aggregate of Miscellaneous Cuts done for public purposes and private persons, the fruits of the life-long gatherings of well-known Collectors, — and, perhaps above all, as, if possible, more than all unique and incomparable, the priceless assemblage of Wood Blocks, as well of many of the most celebrated books illustrated by Thomas and John Bewick, as of a mul- titude of the best performances of the elder brother for all kinds of purposes of business and amusement — would be in their rightful place, secure from casualties which in their case would be an irreparable loss to Art in general, and safely preserved for the study and ad- miration of generations yet to come. In the event of my Collection being deposited in such an Institution, where the possession of duplicates for careful compari- xii Preface. son would be estimated as it deserves, the present Catalogue would acquire a greatly increased value, as not only an enumeration of the results of private and long-pursued research, and a guide to Collectors desirous of following, so far at least as possible, in the same track, but a ready key to the contents of a great Public Department of Art. So that what now appears a blemish to the critics just referred to may ultimately become a thing of special utility to them and multi- tudes besides. Let me add that a far more serious objection — which, however, I have not met with — might have been advanced against my work, and for which I should have had humbly to solicit forgiveness. I am sorrowfully conscious that among the Books and Pamphlets there are more than a few — upwards of forty at least — which should never have been admitted to a place in the list. My reader, however, if he have carefully perused the notes appended to many of the articles, will not fail to recollect that I have in nume- rous instances expressed my doubt, and sometimes more than that, of the correctness of their attribution to either of the Artists. These doubts are now in- creased to certainties. I am quite sure that neither Thomas nor John Bewick had any hand in the pro- ductions referred to. And the same must be affirmed of a very large number of other publications, especially those of the London press, witli which their names have of late been most improperly associated, but in which not a single line of their work is to be found. Preface, xiii This should be well understood, for Collectors are pertinaciously beset, and now more than ever, by all kinds of specious pretences. In various Book Cata- logues, for example, I have been considerably amused by the note affixed to a number of worthless volumes — " Not in The Bewick Collector," " Not in Hugo," " Unknown to Hugo," etc. etc. Many of them were indeed " known " to me so well as to be intentionally excluded. They were certainly " not in ' The Bewick Collector,' " and it would have been simply a blunder in the book and a disgrace to its author if they had been. For they were mere pretenders to that to which they had not the shadow of a rightful claim. I feelj accordingly, that I shall be doing the Collec- tor a very important service, if I endeavour to prevent him from being cajoled by the practices referred to by enumerating some of the classes of books the illustra- tions of which are thus — to speak mildly — erroneously attributed to the Brothers Bewick. There are, indeed, hundreds of volumes which nothing but the most profound ignorance or the most shameless indifference to honest dealing can ever attempt to identify with either of the great Newcastle Masters. Disgraceful, I must say, and utterly unworthy of English tradesmen, has been the late traffick in such commodities. I warn my readers against the deception. The remedy, however, after all lies with themselves. For so long, I must be allowed to add, as Collectors are willing to be victimized, so long will worthless books " with charming engravings by Bewick" — such is the phrase xiv Preface. — be offered for their purchase. Ready, indeed, and thoughtless must many of them be, to be so impu- dently, clumsily, and absurdly duped. Passing these, however, as unworthy of further re- mark, I would direct my reader's attention to other works, which have, in good faith but ignorantly, been assigned to the Artists : — I . The publications in general of Vernor and Hood. For example : — The Letters of Junius, No. (98.) ; Marmontel's Tales, No. (136.) ; Bloomfield's Farmer's Boy, Nos. {'iSS-)^ ^^^- '■> Britton's Beauties of Wiltshire, No. (166.) ; Rural Tales, Nos. (182.), etc. ; Holloway's Scenes of Youth, No. (189.) ; Zimmerman, No. (195.) ; Bloomfield's Wild Flowers, No. (245.) ; Bloomfield's May Day with the Muses, No. (448.) ; Hudibras, No. (3803.) ; and others mentioned in Appendix, No. v., which I have compiled with the special intention of guarding the Collector against deception. Many of the illustrations in these volumes, indeed, are of consi- derable excellence. They are in some cases the work of Anderson, and in others that of Austin and Charlton Nesbit. Nor, it is right to add, are Vernor and Hood to be held accountable for the error into which modern students have fallen as to the attribution of these en- gravings. While, whenever they could do so, they expressly stated the fact of the illustrations of their books being the work of Bewick, e.g., Dodd's Beauties of History, No. (88.) ; Scripture Illustrated, No. (225.), etc., they never attempted to impart a ficti- tious value to their |)roperty by the dishonest use Preface. xv of the Artist's name. This cannot be affirmed of all their brethren. 2. A large majority of the publications of J. Carnan, of St. Paul's Churchyard, of E. Newbery, also of St. Paul's Churchyard, and of J. Harris, his successor. Among others, evidently by the same artist, are the cuts in Youthful Portraits, No. (89.) ; Pity's Gift, No. (122.) ; Mrs. Pilkington's Historical Beauties, No. (123.); The Crested Wren, No. (129.); Paternal Pre- sent, No. (176.) ; Triumph of Goodnature, No. (177.) ; False Alarms, No. (3779.) ; and others noticed in Ap- pendix, No. V. Most of the Cuts in these publications of Newbery and Harris exhibit very minute care in their execution, but have little or nothing of the bold- ness and freedom of the Artists' genuine works. A word, before proceeding further, to some who may imagine that too much attention has been devoted to works of a trifling nature and by- gone interest. " The world is probably not aware," says Washington Irving, in his ' Biography of Oliver Goldsmith,' " of the ingenuity, humour, good sense, and sly satire, con- tained in many of the Old English Nursery Tales. They have evidently been the sportive productions of able writers, who would not trust their names to pro- ductions that might be considered beneath their dig- nity. The ponderous works on which they relied for immortality have, perhaps, sunk into oblivion, and carried their names down with them ; while their unacknowledged offspring, ' Jack the Giant Killer,' ' Giles Gingerbreatl,' and ' Tom Thumb,' flourish in wide-spreading and never-ceasing popularity." XVI Preface. 3. The publications of John Marshall, Aldermary Church Yard. Among many others are Life and Perambulation of a Mouse, No. iS^.) ', Jemima Placid, No. (279.) ; Memoirs of a Peg Top, No. (280.) ; Ad- ventures of a Pincushion, No. (334.) ; Life and Adven- tures of a Fly, No. (3767.), and others in Appendix, No. V. The engravings in this Division are very peculiar. They appear to be the work of the same artist, and in their tasteless want of meaning can hardly be said to illustrate the books in which they occur. They con- sist usually of figures, in hard outline, of immoderately tall and thin personages, whose action and employment it is difficult so much as to guess. The following is a favourable example, bad as it unquestionably is. by the same hand, and its inspection will make my meaning clearer. I selected it some time since from a large and worthless stock of old Wood Blocks in London, where there can be no doubt that it was exe- cuted, and for one of the volumes of this publisher. 4. In addition to these are a number of books issued Preface. xvii by various Houses. Among them : — Riley's Historical Pocket Library, No. (57.); Musical Budget, No. (145.); Zion's Pilgrim, No. (170.); Life of Peden, No. (171.); The Nurse, by Tansillo, No. (197.) ; Miss Owenson's Irish Harp, No. (226.) ; The Painter's Budget, No. (329.); Burdekin's Publications, Nos. (339-), (340.), (341-), (461.). etc.; Brown's Poems, No. (433.) ; Tom Bragwell, No. (437.) ; Irish Family, No. (447.) ; Foote's Works, No. (3778.); Misfortunes of Love, No. (3781.); Life of Turpin, No. (3782.) ; Rowe's Fables, No. (3801.); Evans's Juvenile Tourist, No. (3802.); Week at Harrogate, No. (3808.) ; and others in Appendix, No. V. As I have previously remarked, most of those to which numbers are attached have been already men- tioned in terms of suspicion, so that I would fain hope the Collector has not been seriously misled by finding them admitted to a place to which they had no well- grounded pretensions. With a view, however, of affording him a better idea of the extent of the field which he will find him- self compelled to investigate, and still more of putting him on his guard against its dangers, I have added an Appendix of several numbers, a frequent reference to which I feel assured will prove very useful and profit- able. I. A List of Books printed for T. Carnan, in St. Paul's Churchyard. I know of but one of his publications, No. (22.), which contains any specimen of Bewick's powers. b xviii Preface. Their illustrations appear to be older than any of his productions. The list, however, is necessarily valu- able to those who are interested in this species of all but obsolete literature. Like those which follow, it has been compiled from a number of the publisher's own catalogues. II. A List of Books printed for E. Newbery, and for J. Harris, successor to E. Newbery, at the Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard. Only a few of these contain illustrations by either of the Brothers Bewick, some of which, however, are among the choicest productions of the younger ot the two. All will be found in the Collection. III. A List of Books printed and sold by John Marshall, Aldermary Churchyard. I am not aware that any of these contain illustra- tions by Bewick, though many are popularly con- sidered so to do, and, like those before mentioned, attempted to be sold as such. IV. A List of Books printed and published by T. Wilson and R. Spence (and afterwards Thomas Wilson and Son), High-Ousegate, York, A considerable number of the books in this List are not included in the ' Bewick Collector,' from the fact of their containing no examples of the Artists' work. Of a large number, containing such examples, careful descriptions have been given in that volume and the present Supplement. It should be distinctly remembered, liowever, that none of these cuts were done l:)y Bewick for the York i)uh]ishers, but that Preface. xix they were purchased by them from Messrs. Hall and Elliot, of Newcastle, and were used as occasion re- quired for the productions of their office. In many instances, the cuts originally done for one book were forced by their subsequent owners to illustrate others, and are consequently more or less unsuitable for the purpose to which they were compelled to minister. It will be perceived that the titles of many of the York books are identical with those of Carnan, New- bery, Marshall, and others. The illustrations, how- ever, of the latter are different, and the work of other hands. Hence the admission of the one, and the re- jection of the other. V. A Century of Books, of various publishers, places, and dates, which have been offered to me among the multitudes referred to at the commence- ment of this Preface, selected from the rest for their plausible appearance and consequent ability of deceiv- ing the Collector, but which I hold to be as really un- deserving of a place in this Catalogue as other and less artistic productions. Of course the articles in this Di- vision — this specimen list of pretenders — might have been added to largely and without difficulty. But enough, and perhaps more than enough, are given to enable the Collector to perceive the kind of books which he will certainly do well to reject. If he will carefully compare the illustrations of these volumes with those about which there is no question, exe- cuted and published at the selfsame time, he will see without difficulty how impossible it is that productions h 1 XX Preface. so entirely dissimilar could be the work of the same hand. The style of Thomas Bewick is always to be de- tected even in his most trivial performances. It is not always equal, but it is always individual. And it is at once absurd and dishonest to attribute to him works which detract from his well-earned fame, not from any desire to increase his celebrity, or to evidence the ver- satility of his powers, but — if the truth must be said — only with a studied intent to deceive the unwary, and dishonestly to give a fictitious value to articles which would otherwise be deservedly without a purchaser. I may add that not only is there no sign of un- willingness to give high prices for genuine articles, but that the value of such is still rising. One of the copies, for example, of the Chillingham Bull on parch- ment, w^hich I mentioned as being in private hands, has been sold within the last year for fifty guineas. Other instances hardly less conspicuous have been re- ported to me. The process by which I have been enabled during the last two years to examine so many and distant productions, w^hile it has proved by lack of results in various Divisions how complete were my previous acquisitions in such, has been the means of bringing before my notice many relics of singular interest un- connected with, or but distantly allied to, the subject before us. This is not the place, nor have I time at my present command, to enter into details. But, as specimens of the class of additions to which I refer, I annex impressions from two original Blocks which Preface. XXI xxii Preface. I doubt not will be duly valued. The first illustrates the old and well-known poem of ' The Friar and the Boy,' while the latter represents the Morris Dance which was so great a favourite in the olden days of ' merry England.' I am well aware — and indeed it ought to be strongly insisted on — that rudeness of execution is no certain criterion of the antiquity of a Wood Block. Many which appear to be the old- est, used in the Chap Books printed at Newcastle at various times, are known to have been engraved by the printers' apprentices in that town between the years 1770 and 1780. While a knowledge of this fact will reconcile the critic to my attribution of some in the following pages to the apparently late date to which I assign them, the primitive state of the Blocks whereof impressions have just been given is conclusive of their real and genuine antiquity. As I may, further, presume that my reader is more than ordinarily interested in the works of the old Northern engravers and printers, I give him the benefit of another of my acquisitions which unites each of these two specialities. It is an impression (.see the next page) from an original Wood Block by the celebrated Thomas Gent, printer, of York, with which he was so far contented as to annex his name to his work. The Block has been much injured by being employed as a " bearer," and otherwise maltreated. I also possess a Cut of Pontefract Castle, with " T. Gent York." engraved on the hack, used at page 122 of his ' History of the Great Hastern Window in York Min- XXlll ^^|En^^ ,3 ster,' 8vo. York, 175 7-1 760; and an impression of his Book Plate, the only one that I have ever seen, in a copy of Conybeare's ' Defence of Revealed Religion,' Third Edition, 8vo. Dublin, 1732, which was formerly " e Lib. Tho. Gent, Civ. Lond. Ebor. &c.", as appears by his autograph on the title. It consists of an oval border of roughly executed foliage, enclosing the printed inscription " A.C. Mdcclxxii. Mr. Thomas Gent. Printer, ^t. 80." I have, in the last place, the pleasing duty of ex- pressing my grateful acknowledgments for the many kindnesses and courtesies with which I have been fa- voured in the course of these investigations. Nume- rous friends have either enriched my Collection with gifts of rare or unique treasures, or have aided me with their introduction and influence, apart from whose assistance the acquisition of many of the articles would have been simplv impossible. Their xxiv Preface. names, where I have been authorized to give them, are annexed to the notices of the various objects. I have omitted them, indeed, in some instances, for the reason stated in my previous vokime. But such donors, although unmentioned, will be pleased to accept this poor memorial of my gratitude, which a desire to comply with their wishes makes so inade- quate and to me unsatisfactory. In concluding a work to which from the nature of things it is absolutely impossible to make any additions of more than very secondary importance, I feel that I am bidding a partial farewell to a pursuit, which, al- though rightly subservient to other and much beloved yet very different subjects of study, has long possessed for me a delightful fascination, and could almost wish, for the pleasure of acquiring, that the acquisi- tions themselves were less complete. Of course, as I have stated elsewhere, it would be folly to pretend that such a result has been attained without a long period of very large and unhesitating disbursement. This was necessary at all times — for the objects were possessed of great interest and value from the very moment of their production — and still more so for a number of years last past, partly through the reverential regard felt by their possessors for many of them as the sole surviving relics of old and celebrated Houses, and partly through the daily increasing avidity with which every thing connected with the subject is seized upon by Collectors, oftentimes more desirous of acquiring than intelligent in the selection of the ob- Preface. xxx jects submitted to them. Added to which have been various rare opportunities past and over, invakiable and beyond recall, long intimacy with deceased friends and business connections of the Artists themselves, and the successive dispersion of the other famous Collec- tions made during the lifetime of both, — precious evi- dences of which are thickly strewn in the former and the present volume. And, lastly, the aid of living friends, able as well as willing to help, whose influence towards the conclusion has been equally propitious. Fortu- nate accident and designed kindness have thus com- bined to aid the powerful adjunct of long and liberal expciiditure. And the result is that to which I have now the pleasure of welcoming my reader, with the concluding assurance to him that it is one which no zeal to acquire, no desire to oblige, nor any amount of pecuniary outlay can ever again purchase or pro- cure. Thomas Hugo. The Chestnuts, Clapton, London, N.E., Jinrit Mondaij, 1868. CONTENTS OF SUPPLEiMENT. PAGE Prfface . , vii Contents xxvii List of Cuts xxix Additions to Books and Pamphlets i ,, Proofs, etc., of the Cuts in the 'His- tory of Quadrupeds' 126 ,, Proofs, etc., of the Cuts in the * His- tory OF British Birds ' 128 ,, Proofs, etc., of the Cuts in 'tEsop's Fables ' 130 ,. Proofs of the Cuts, etc., in Miscel- laneous Books and Pamphlets . . . 131 ,, Book Plates 1^2 ., Cuts for Societies, Companies, etc. . 156 ,, Cuts for Exhibitions, etc 164 ,, Racing Cuts 167 ,, Shop Cards 174 ,, Invoice Heads 177 ,, Tradesmen's Newspaper Cuts . . . . 186 ,, Bar Bills 192 ,, Coal Certificates 200 „ The Royal Arms, etc 206 „ Arms of Newcastle and Gateshead . 208 ,, Newspaper Cuts 210 ,, Broadsides, etc 216 ,, Miscellaneous Cuts — Views .... 223 XXVlll Contents of Supplement. PAGE Additions to Miscellaneous Cuts — Animals . . . 225 „ ,, Various .... 226 Drawings 228 Wood Blocks for Books and Pamphlets 229 Book Plates . . . 247 Various Societies, ETC. 249 Exhibitions, etc. . . 251 Racing Cuts . . . 253 Shop Cards .... 2^'', Invoice Heads, etc. . 258 Tradesmen's Newspaper Cuts 263 Bar Bills .... 266 Royal Arms, etc. . 269 Arms of Newcastle and Gateshead . . 270 Newspaper Cuts . . 270 Broadsides .... 274 Miscellaneous Cuts — Views 277 .... 279 ,, ,, Animals Appendix — Bewick Portraits . ,, ,, Miscellanies ,, Works of Pupils Inserenda Appendix I. — Books printed for T. Carnan . 11. 2«2 28.3 285 286 297 298 30.3 Index ,, ,, E. Newbery, and J Harris HI. „ „ J. Marshall . . IV. ,, ,, Wilson and Spence, AND Wilson and Son 306 ^- — A Century of Books and Pamphlets, with Illustrations incorrectly at- tributed TO Thomas and John Bewick 310 .327 XXIX LIST OF CUTS IN SUPPLEMENT. PAGE Specimen of Marshall's Cuts xvi Ancient Wood Cuts xxi Wood Cut by Thomas Gent xxiii The Traveller (Poems of Goldsmith ^ Puriiell) .... xxvi Specimen of Illustrations (Fisher s New English Tutor) . . 3 „ „ {Fishers New English Tutor) . . 4 Kings Stephen and James I. {Grey's Annals of Great Britain) 5 Specimens of Illustrations (New Years Gift) 6 ,, „ (^Picture Book) 28 ,, ,, (Family at Smiledale) .... 29 ,, ,, (Youthful Recreations) .... 30 ,, ,, (Elmina) 31 ,, „ (Lif*^ o-nd Adventures of a Fly) . 32 ,-, „ (Three Instructive Tales) ... 47 ,, „ (Fill age Tatlers) 48 (Little Moralists) 52 Frontispiece ( Blair's Grave) 59 Specimens of Illustrations (^m/5 o/" Tow///?/ /^oj't'/'oo/") . . . 62 Preaching of S. Augustine (Lingard's Hist, of ylnglo-Scnon Church) 64 Horse and Cow (IFardens Spelling Book) 69 Specimens of the Illustrations (Garland of New Songs) . 83 to 90 Specimen of the Illustrations (Collection of' New Songs) . . 90 ,, „ {Garland of Northumberland Heroes, etc.) 9 ' XXX List of Cuts in Supplement . PAGE Specimen of the Illustrations (Gor/flwrf o/'5f//A', e/f.) ... 92 ,, „ {Figures in Rhymes, etc.) . . 93 Frontispiece {Ti/ne Side Minstrel) 107 Vignette. Carving on Panel {Knights and Burgesses of Dur- ham) Vitrnette. Walking in the Snow {Jackson s Treatise on IFood Engraving) Vignette. The Cold Ride {Poems of Burns, etc.) .... Vignette. Ruins, with Sportsman and Dogs (Poems of Fer- gusso?i) \'^ignette. Dog raising Heron Vignette. Man Riding an Ass in the Rain {Poems of Fer- gusson) Specimens of the Illustrations {Hasties Reading Easy) ,, ,, {Looking Glass for the Mind) . ,, „ {Tales for Youth) {The Hive) .... 1,36, ,, „ (The Forsaken Infant) . ,, ,, (Reay's Sportsman\'i Friend) Wew of Newcastle (Picture of Neivcastle) The Hilton Crest {Bishoprick Garland) Alphabet Cuts jj Vignette. Beggar and Dog Mr. Anderson's Book Plate Newcastle Waltonian Club's Cut Northumberland Life Boat Society's Cut Vignette. A M\\\ (Poems of Burns) Vignette. Hunting Racing Cut Racing Cut Racing Cuts Mr. Noad's Cul Border for a Shop Card Mr. Blackwell's Cut List of Cuts in Sulyplement. xxxi PAGE Harris's Cut 180 Ironmonger's Cut 181 Walker and Featherston's Cut 185 Waxchandler's Cut 185 Anderson, Auctioneer's Cut 187 Auctioneer's Cut 187 Mather's Cut 1 89 Vignette. The Highland Shepherd (Sporisnian's Repository) 191 The Cock 193 Half Moon 194 Horse and Groom 195 Robinson's Cut 197 West's Cut 198 Vignette. The Storm (Loo/chig Glass for the Mind) . . . 199 Vignette. Kite-flying (The Hive) " 205 Royal Arms 207 Vignette. MoonWght (F/owers of British Poetn/) .... 209 Heading of the Newcastle Courant Newspaper 210 „ „ „ 211 „ „ 211 >, ' „ „ 212 ,. „ „ 212 ,, Newcastle Advertiser 213 Newspaper Cat. Fighting Cocks 214 Newspaper Cut. The Devil and Horseman 214 The Tame Duck 220 View of Sunderland Bridge 224 Yignetie (Poems of Goldsmith and Par/ie/t) 227 Vignette (Craxi/ Jane) 228 Arms of Knaresborough Priory (Hargrove's Knaresl-oroiigh) . 233 Horse Racing (Sporting Magazine) 235 Specimens of Illustrations (Picture Book) 236 ,, „ (History of Engl (i)id) . . . . 241 Alphabet Cuts 242 Book Illustrations 243 xxxii List of Cnt.s in Supplemeii/. PAGE Specimens of Book Illustrations 244 245 „ 246 Tyne Side Scene, for a Book Plate 248 Royal Reception (?) Cut 251 Fighting Cocks 252 253 Catnach's Cut 25^ Davidson's Cut 2j6 Graham's Cut 256 Border for a Shop Card 257 Harris's Cut 259 Tea Dealer s Cut 261 Tobacco Cut 261 Draper's Cut 264 Gibson's Cut 264 Queen's Head 267 Royal Oak 268 Heading of Newcastle Courant 271 Heading of Newcastle Courant 272 Newspaper Cut. A Ship '. . . . 273 Broadside Cut. A Ship . , 275 Broadside Cut. Horse and Groom 277 Miscellaneous Cuts. Views 278, 279 Miscellaneous Cuts. Animals 280, 281 Vignette. Hunting 281 Vignette. Ru\m (Poems of Goldsmith is" Par/ie//) . . . 285 Vignette. Finis . . 340 ADDITIONS TO BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. The observations prefixed to the similar Division of the former vokime — as to the mode of description, degree of rarity, monetary vakie, and necessary care in selection, of the several articles — are equally applicable to the present, and to them the reader is referred. As to their uncommon occurrence, however, it may be repeated, that many of the following articles, es- pecially those which appear to be of least importance, are, as may indeed be inferred by the reader of the foregoing Preface, of the xevy highest degree of rarity ; while, as to the prices demanded and paid for such of these as now and then find their way into the market (though it may be observed that few of the rarest ever do so), there would really appear to be no limit to the extravagance of either. The reader will find examples of this in many of the following pages. B 2 The Bewick Collector. ^ I would merely add the explanation already given, that the first number (in brackets) is the running num- ber of the entire Collection ; the second, that of the particular Division ; and the third, where there is any, that of the separate Copies or Impressions. This mode of enumeration has been found so useful, both in pre- senting as perfect a view as possible of the Collection itself, and in enabling Collectors to identify articles at a distance without the need of lengthened description, that any change would appear to be as objectionable as it is unnecessary. (4026.) I. I. A New Lottery Book Of Birds and Beasts. No. (4.). Another very fine copy, in its original Dutch paper boards. (4027.) I. 2. Another similar. (4028.) 2. Impressions From Wood Cuts In tiie Possession Of Thomas Saint. Newcastle : Pilgrim Street, mcclxxii. Small 4to. Consisting of a title and nine leaves. There is one cut on the title, and the others, fifty-three in number, are printed on each side of the leaves. Fifteen of them had already appeared in the ' New Lottery Book of Birds and Beasts,' just referred to, published by Saint the year before. Among the rest, fourteen appear to bear evidences of the hand of Thomas Bewick, wliile the remainder are older than his time. Almost as fresh as when pul)lished, in its original gilt and flowered paper cover. ()t thi- utmost rarity. Formerly purchased for .^^. 3.V. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 3 (4029.) 3. The New English Tutor: Or, Modern Preceptor. This Work is beautified with elegant Cuts, representing such Vices as Children are most addicted to, and such Virtues as should be first inculcated : Likewise several Fable Cuts, with striking Lessons, re- ferring to each particular Passion, &c. The Third Edition. Much Improved and Enlarged. By A. P'isher, Author of the New English Grammar with Exercises of bad English. Newcastle : Printed for the Author, and sold by L. Hawes and Co. G. Robinson, and W. Nicoll, in Lon- don ; T. Slack in Newcastle, and all other Booksellers in Town and Country, m.dcc.lxxiv. 181110. Pp. viii, 164. With ten cuts, which I believe to be older than Thomas Bewick, although generally claimed for him, and by very high authority. The original Blocks are in my possession. No. (375J.). '^'^^^ the following are specimens of the impressions. B 2 The Bewick Collector, (•4030.) 4. I. Moral Instructions Of a Father to his Son, Comprehending the Whole System of Morality. [etc.] The Third Edition. Newcastle : Printed by and for T. Saint, mdcclxxv. i2rao. Pp. 168. With thirty-four fable cuts, some of which are very similar in style of execution to those in the ' Youth's Instructive and Entertaining Story Teller,' ' Hastie's Reading Easy,' and other of Saint's publications illustrated by Thomas Bewick. " The cuts [some of them] were engraved by Thomas Bewick in the first year of his apprenticeship, except that of a ship at sea, p. 167, — which was engraved by Bewick's fellow appren- tice, David Martin, — Bewick at that time disliking to represent water." Miss Bewick. Very fine copy, in old calf. (4031.) 4. 2. Another beautifid copy, in sheep. (4032.) 5. Select Fables, In Three Parts. Part I. After the Manner of Dodsleys. Part II. Fables with Reflections. Part III. Fables in Verse. To which are ylddidom to Buoks and Pamphlets. 5 prefixed, The Life of ^Esop ; And An Essay upon Fable. Newcastle : Printed by T. Saint, mdcclxxvi. i2mo. Pp. 2 11, ii. With a copperplate frontispiece by Ralph Beilby, and one hundred and fourteen cuts, some, at least, of which are by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in old calf. (4033.) 6. A New Epitome Of the Annals Of Great- Britain : Or, a succinct, impartial History of England, From the remotest Period of Intelligence, to the Con- clusion of the last War. [etc.] The Second Edition, Enlarged and Corrected. By G. Grey. Newcastle : Printed for the Author, and sold by T. Slack. MDCCLxxvii. i8mo. Pp. xviii, 284. With whole length portraits of the Kings and Queens, drawn by " R. P.," though generally considered to be engraved by Thomas Bewick, the original Blocks of which are in my possession. The following are those of Ste- phen and James I. P 6 TJie Bewick Collector. Fine copy, in half russia. It belonged to Mr. Thomas Bell, and has his book-plate. (4034.) 7. A New Years Gift For Little Masters & Misses. Newcastle : Printed by T. Saint, for W. Charnley, 1777. Square i8mo. It consists of thirty-one cuts, enclosed in borders, most of them printed singly, and all on one page only of each leaf, without letterpress. Among the cuts are six illustrations of the ' History of Little Red Riding Hood,' of which I possess the original Blocks. The following are specimens. Very beautiful copy, in tree-marbled calt, gilt. (4035.) 8. The Oxford Sausage: Or, Select Poeti- cal Pieces, Written by the most Celebrated Wits Of The University of Oxford. A New Edition. Adorned with Cuts, Engraved in a New Taste, and Designed by the Best Masters. Oxford : Printed for G. Robinson, in Pater-noster- Row, and F. Newbery, the Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard, London ; W. Jackson and J. Lister, in Oxford ; and sold by the Booksellers of Oxford and Cambridge. m.dcc.lxxvii. [Price Two ShilUngs, sewed. ~| Additions to Boohs and Pamphlets. 7 i2mo. Pp. X, 224. With cuts, some of which have much to recommend them as the early work of Thomas Bewick. Beautiful copy, in old calf, from the Fenwick Library. (4036.) 9. Youth's Instructive and Entertaining Story-Teller; Being A Choice Collection Of Moral Tales, [etc.] The Third Edition. Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by T. Saint, For W. Charnley ; and M. Vesey and J. Whitfield. MDCCLXx'viii. [Printed in error mvcclxxviii.] Sm. 8vo. Pp. xii, 246. With cuts ditlering from those iu the former editions at pp. i, 48, 130 (a reversed copy), 135, 138, 207, and 24^. That at p. 207 is a large cut of a Monk seated on the Seashore, and heads "The Epistle of Abelard to Eloisa." It is mentioned under No. (3468.). Fine copy, in old calf. (4037.) 10. Wood Engravings From A Pretty Book of Pictures For Little Masters and Misses, Or Tommy Trip's History of Beasts and Birds, Dog Jowler, Giant Woglog, &c. &c. Newcastle: Printed by T. Saint. 1779- Sm. 8vo. A title and twenty-seven leaves, containing eighty cuts, printed three on the recto of each leaf, except in a single instance, where two cuts, one of them representing the Giant and Tomni}' Trip, occuj))' the page. " The proofs from Tommy Trip in this state must be excessively rare, if not unicjue. I have never seen or heard of a copy in any collection of Bewick's works." Letter of Bookseller. A matchless copy, fair as when printed, in old tree-marbled calf, gilt and tooled, wdth marbled fly-leaves. It cost a former pos- sessor g£'j. 75. (4038.) II. [A Series of Cuts, for some Toy Book, published about the year 1779.] 8 The Bewick Collector. They are forty-three in number, and are printed, with one excep- tion, two on the recto page of a leaf, without title or letter- press, in an 8vo volume of twenty-two leaves. Some of them were used many years afterwards in 'Tommy Tagg's Poems,' published by Wilson and Spence, York, 1800. See under the publications of that year. Fine copy, in old half-calf binding. It was formerly priced ,^3. ^s. (4039.) 12. The Mirror; Or A Looking-Glass For Young People of both Sexes ; To make them Wise, Good, and Happy. Consisting of A Choice Collection of Fairy Tales. By Mother Goose. A New Edition. Newcastle Upon Tyne : Printed by and for T. Saint, [n. cL] i8mo. Pp. iv, 186. With cuts at pp. i, 31, 44, 59, 73, 80, 90, and 102, by " R. J.," and at pp. 109, 118, 149, 158, and 173, by Thomas Bewick. Those by Bewick are truly beautiful, and equal to his very best in the ' Tommy Trip ' and other works of the period. That at p. 173 is signed " T. B. Newcastle^ Beautiful copy, m old calf. At the end is the following catalogue of " Books printed for, and sold by, T. Saint, in Newcastle." Youth's Instructive and Entertaining Story-Teller. Second Edition. Moral Instructions of a Father to his Son. The Third , Edition. The Modern Cook ; and Frugal Housewife's Complete Guide. The Prettiest Book for Children : being the History of the Enchanted Castle. By Don Stephano Bunyano. Fables of ^sop, and Others. By S. Croxall, D.D. Tiie Seventh Edition. A Choice Collection of Hymns and Moral Songs. The Sugar Plumb; or Sweet Amusement for Leisure Hours. A I'retty Book of Pictures for Little Masters and Misses; or Thomas '^IVip's History of Beasts and Birds. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 9 Christmas Tales. By Solomon Sobersides. " And a great variety of little Books for Children." (4040.) 13. Robinson Crusoe. [Published appa- rently by Saint, and about the year 1780.] A set of six large cuts for this work, printed each on the recto page of a i2mo leaf, without letterpress or title. They were formerly in the possession of Mr. Thomas Bell, and were purchased at his sale by Mr. Lynch, of Newcastle. The first cut is the Figure of Robinson Crusoe, which was after- wards the frontispiece of ' A Supplement to the History of Robinson Crusoe,' Nos. (19.) and (20.). A History of Robinson Crusoe, with the same series of cuts, was subsequently published by Wilson and Spence, of York. See under the publications of the year 1802. Fine copy, in its original blue wrapper. (4041.) 14. Be Merry and Wise ; [etc.] By Tom- my Trapwit, Esq. Adorned with Cuts. London. Printed for the Author, and sold by T. Carnan, In St. Paul's Church Yard, 1781. (Price Six Pence.) 24mo. Pp. vi, 128. The cuts in this little book are older than Bewick, but that on the outside of each leaf of the cover, which in the present copy happily remains, is a most beautiful specimen of his skill. Each represents children at play, — one, a game of blind-man's-buff, the other, of battledore and shut- tlecock, — surrounded by a border of foliage and flowers. These borders were evidently engraved on separate blocks, pierced so , as to receive any kind of insertion, similar to the famous Bar- ber's Cut, Nos. (2326.), (2327.), (3645.), etc., of this Collec- tion, engraved about the time that this book was published, and the execution of which they most closely resemble. (4042.) 15. A Choice Collection Of Hymns, And lo The Beivick Collector. Moral Songs ; Adapted to the Capacities of Young People, on the several Duties and Incidents of Life. Adorned with elegant Wood-Cuts, to impress more lasting Ideas of each Subject upon the Mind, than can be attained by those in common Use. To which is added. Specimens Of Divine Poetry. By several Au- thors. Newcastle ; Printed by and for T. Saint ; and Sold by W. Charnley ; and J. Whitfield, mdcclxxxi. i8mo. Pp. iv, 177, iii. With seventy-one very beautiful cuts, some of which are used in others of Saint's pubHcations. Tliose at pp. 96, 102, 104, no, 120, 129, 139, and 145, are particu- larly excellent, and clearly indicate that the skill of Thomas Bewick was fast arriving at perfection. Very fine copy, in old calf (4043.) 16. The Real Reading-Made-Easy: Or, Foreigners' and grown Persons' Pleasing Introductor To Reading English, Whereby all Persons, of what- ever Age or Nation, may soon be taught, with Ease and Pleasure, to read the English Language. Newcastle: Printed and sold by T. Saint. 1782. Price One-Shilling. i8mo. Pp. X. Followed by "A S'uprim'int Too thi Histire ov Robinsin Kruzo," No. (20.). This singular book consists of Lessons in Reading on the i)honetic principle. At the end are " Propozils for printing bi Sub- skripshin A Nu Edishin ov thi Hole Bibil," etc. Good copy, in old calf. (4044). 17. Moral Instructions Of a Father to his Son, [etc. as in No. (4030.).] Newcastle: [etc. as before.] mdcclxxxii. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 1 1 i2mo. A reprint of the article referred to. Good copy, in old calf. (4045.) 1 8. A Curious Hieroglyphick Bible; Or, Select Passages In the Old and New Testament, Repre- sented with near Five Hundred Emblematical Figures, For the Amusement of Youth : Designed Chiefly To familiarize tender Age, in a pleasing and diverting Manner, with easy Ideas of the Holy Scriptures. To which is added, A short Account of the Lives of the Evangelists; and other Pieces, illustrated with Cuts. London: Printed by and for T. Hodgson, in George's- Court, St. John's-Lane, Clerkenwell. mdcclxxxiii. [Price One Shilling bound.] Entered at Stationers- Hall agreeable to Act of Parliament. i8mo. Pp. vi, 128. With a large number of cuts, some of which are most admirable, and the work, no doubt, of Thomas Bewick during his short residence in London. The frontis- piece, and most of the animals, — as the " Flock " at p. 8, "Sheep" and "Oxen," "Camels" and "Asses" at p. 13, " Ass " at p. 30, " Apes " and " Peacocks " at p. ^^, " Lions " at p. 52, and " Beasts" at p. 53, — are excellent specimens of the Artist's skill; and Samson and the "thousand Men" at p. 30, " Woman" and " House" at p. 31, " Children" at p. 32, " Horsemen " at p. 60, " Men " at p. 62, and " Doomsday " at p. 125, are hardly less beautiful. " I'here is every reason to believe that Bewick, when in London, was chiefly employed by T, Hodgson. It is, at any rate, cer- tain that several cuts engraved by Bewick appeared in a little work entitled ' A Curious Hieroglyphic Bible,' printed by and for T. Hodgson, in George's Court, St. John's Lane, Clerken- well." Chatto, in Jackson's ' History of Wood Engraving,' PP- 565' 5^^- Good copy, in old calf. 12 The Bewick Collector. (4046.) 19. Union Association Articles for the Insur- ance of Their Ships. North Shields: 1783. 8vo, with cut on the title. Good copy, in its original wrapper. (4047.) 20. The New English Tutor: Or, Modern Preceptor, [etc.] The Sixth Edition: With the Author's last Corrections. By A. Fisher, Author of the English Grammar with Exercises of bad English. Newcastle : Printed for T. Slack, in Newcastle ; and sold by G. Robinson, in London ; and all other Book- sellers in Town and Country, mdcclxxxiv. i2mo. Pp. vi, 144. With the ten Cuts previously noticed. See No. (4029.). Fine copy, in old calf. (4048.) 21. The Newcastle Magazine : Or, Monthly Journal. For [1785, etc.] Newcastle : Printed by Brown and Thompson. And sold by all Booksellers in Town and Country. 8vo. With the Arms of Newcastle on the cover, by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, half-bound in calf. (4049.) 22. An Introduction to Spelling and Read- ing : Containing Lessons for Children, Historical and Practical ; [etc.] By the Re\\ Francis Fox, M.A. Rector of Reading in Berks. The Twelfth Edition, Corrected and Improved. London : Printed for J. F. and C. Rivington, Book- sellers to tlie Society for Promoting Christian Know- ledge, in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1785. Additions to Bonks and Pamjjhlets. 13 1 2 mo. Pp. V, 107. With an alphabet and ten Scripture cuts, the former and some of the hitter of considerable excellence. I am in doubt, however, whether all of them are not older than Bewick. Good copy, in its original calf binding. (4050.) 23. Fables Of yEsop, And Others. Newly done into English. With an Application to each Fable. Illustrated with Cuts. By S. Croxall, D.D. The Eighth Edition. Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by and for T. Saint. MDCCLXXXV. iSmo. Pp. iv, 184. With cuts, some of which are older than Thomas Bewick, and others in which I feel little hesitation in expressing my belief that I see the work of his earliest years. This edition must not be confounded with those printed and published in London at and about the same period. Good copy, in old calf. (4051.) 24. The School Companion, Or Youth's Pleasing Instructor. Newcastle : Printed for the [Booksellers.] Small square 8vo. Pp. xviii, 129. With Fable Cuts at pp. 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14. My copy is unfortunately imperfect, the title itself being partly supj>lied in MS. I ha\ e never seen or heard of another. (4052.) 25. Account of Newcastle Upon Tyne. No. (29.). Another very fine copy, in half russia. It belonged to " E. Ed- wards, 1788." (4053.) 26. The Habitable World Described, Or The Present State of the People in All Parts Of the 14 The Bewick Co/lector. Globe, from North to South ; [etc.] By the Rev. Dr. John Trusler. Part. I. London. Printed for the Author, at the Literary Press, No. 14, Red-Lion-Street, Clerkenwell ; and Sold by all Booksellers, m dcc lxxxyii. 8vo, In twenty volumes, published from the year already men- tioned to 1797, the date of the twentieth volume. The second, dated 1788, the eighth, 1790, the ninth and tenth, 1791, and the eleventh, 1792, contain cuts by John Bewick. That at vol. ii. p. 96 is signed " J. Bewick Sculp." Fine copy, in old calf gilt. (4054.) 27. The Death Of Abel. In Five Books. Translated from the German of Mr. Gessner, By Mrs. Collier. The Second Edition. Newcastle : Printed by M. Brown, At the Bible, In the Flesh-Market, m.dcc.lxxxviii. 8vo. Pp. xi, 143. With a copperplate frontispiece, which, though very indiderent, I believe to be by Thomas Bewick. Fair copy, in half calf. (4055.) 28. Fox against Fox!!! Or Political Blos- soms Of the Right Hon. Charles James Fox : [etc.] London : Printed for John Stockdale, opposite Bur- lington House, Piccadilly, 1788. Price One Shilling and Sixpence. 8vo. Pp. xvii, 74. With a frontispiece, and cut of " The Revo- lution Pillar," at p. 68, doubtless by John Bewick. Very tine copy, in half calf. (4056.) 29. Fables By the late M""- Gay. In One Vohuuc Complete. London : Printed for J. Buckland, J. F. and C. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 1 5 Rivington, B. and B. White, T. Longman, B. Law, T. Carnan, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, T. Cadell, S. Bladon, R. Baldwin, J. Sewell, J. Johnson, H. L. Gard- ner, J. Bew, W. Goldsmith, J. Murray, W. Lowndes, J. Scatcherd and J. Whitaker, G. and T. Wilkie, and E. Newbery. m dcc lxxxviii. 121110. Pp. viii, 232. With a frontispiece, representing a Tragic Mask, and sixty-eight cuts, by John Bewick. The first edition of this celebrated book. The second is No. {6^.). Few volumes can show such an array of celebrated publishers as tliat which decorates the title-page of this. Fine copy, in old calf. (4057.) 30. The New Robinson Crusoe ; An In- structive and Entertaining History, For the Use of Children of Both Sexes. Translated from the French. Embellished with Thirty-two beautiful Cuts. Second Edition. London : Printed for John Stockdale, opposite Bur- lington House, Piccadilly, m dcc lxxxix. Entered at Stationers' Hall. T2mo. In four volumes. Vol. I. pp. 173. Vol. II. pp. 1(56. Vol. III. pp. 137. Vol. IV. pp. 177. Most of the cuts, if not all, are by John Bewick, and many of them bear his name. The work was a mere reprint of the edition of the previous year. Very fine copy, bound in two vols, in old calf. (4058.) 31. The Life Of John Howard, Esquire; LL.D. and F.R.S. Newcastle Upon Tyne : Printed By W. Thompson. M,DCC,XC. 1 6 The Bewick Collector. 8vo. Pp. 1 86. With a most beautiful vignette on the title, — the " W, T." of the printer, surrounded by flowers, palms, etc., — by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original boards. (4059.) 32. [A Hieroglyphic Bible. Published about the year 1 790 ?] iSmo. Pp. 136. The title is wanting. The cuts are generally similar to those in No. (4044.). (4060.) :^2>' ^- ^ Battledore. [Without printer, place, or date ; but probably printed at York, and about the year 1790.] i2mo. With eighteen cuts, some of which — " Flowers," " Ox," " Chrystal Stream," and " Thrush," — are similar in style to the early and undoubted works of Thomas Bewick, in ' Hastie's Reading Easy,' and similar publications. (4061.) 2)Z' 2- Another copy. (4062.) 34. Ancient Songs. No. (54.). Another very beautiful copy, in old calf. (4063.) 2)S- The Bee, Or Literary Weekly Intelli- gencer, [etc.] By James Anderson, LLD, [etc.] Edinburgh : Printed by Mundell and Son, Parlia- ment Stairs, mdccxci. Sm. 8vo. Eighteen vols. A periodical, containing various cuts of animals, plants, etc., by Thomas Bewick, published from I 791 to 1794. Fine copy, in old calf. (4064.) 36. Pieces Of Ancient Popular Poetry. No. (58.). Another beautiful copy, in half russia. Additions to Books and Pamphlels. 17 (4065.) 37. The Looking-Glass For the Mind; Or* Intellectual Mirror. A New Edition, With Seventy-four Cuts, Designed and Engraved on Wood By Bewick. No. {66). Another good copy, in old calf. (4066.) 38. A List of Books, Published By the Rev. Dr. Trusler, At the Literary-Press, No. 62, Wardour- Street, Soho. i 792. i2mo. Pp. 12. With a specimen of the cuts in his 'Proverbs,' and two leaves from the ' Progress of Man and Society,' with cuts by John Bewick. Good copy. Taken from the end of a copy of one of Dr. Trus- ler's publications. (4067.) 39. The Vanity and Vain Glory Of Mor- tals ; Or The Pride and Folly Of Man ; Explained in the Six Several Stages of his Life. Printed & Sold by T. Evans, 79, Long-Lane. [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. 8. With eight cuts, live of which have much of the appearance of John Bewick's early work. Good copy, in paper cover. (4068.) 40. The Works Of Aristotle, In Four Parts. [etc.] A New Edition. London : Printed for, and sold by all the Booksellers. 1792. i8mo. Pp. 491. With cuts at pp. 94, 95, 96, and 97, by Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, in old calf. (4069.) 41. Fables By the late Mr. Gay. In One Volume Complete. The Plates beautifully cut in Wood, by T. Bewick of Newcastle. c 1 8 The Bewick Collector. V Edinburgh: Printed for W.Coke, Leith. m dcc xcii. i2mo. Pp. viii, 252. With a copperplate engraving of Gay's monument, by Ralph Beilby ; and sixty-seven Fable cuts and thirty-five vignettes, the latter frequently repeated throughout the volume, by Thomas Bewick. A re-issue of Saint's edition of Gay's Fables, 1789, — No. (14.) of this Catalogue, — with a new title. A poor, but perfect, copy, with excellent impressions of the cuts, in old calf. (4070.) 42. Select Fables of^EsopAnd other Fabu- lists, In Three Books. By R. Dodsley. A New Edition. London. Printed for Will". Osborne & J. & H. Mozley, Gainsborough, [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. xlviii, 228, 12. The Fable cuts are older than Bewick, but the vignettes, espe- cially that at p. 228, are most probably by him. Good copy, in old calf. (4071.) 43. The New Whole Duty of Man, Con- taining The Faith as well as Practice Of A Christian : [etc.] Newcastle Upon Tyne : Printed by M. Brown. M.DCC.XCIII. 8vo. Pp. X, 550, 38. With a copperplate frontispiece, repre- senting the Law and the Gospel, " Engraved by Beilby & Bewick." Very fine copy, in old calf. (4072.) 44. Tales for Youth. No. (72.). 7\nother copy, in its original calf. (4073.) 45. General View Of the Agriculture Of the County of Northumberland, With Observations On Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 19 the Means of its Improvement. By Mr. John Bailey, of Chillingham, And Mr. George CuUey, of Fenton, in Northumberland. London : Printed by C. Macrae, m dcc xciv. 4to. Pp. 6^. With a ground plan, on wood, of Farm Build- ings at p. 13, which is attributed to Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original boards. (4074.) 46. The Universal Spelling-Book ; Or, A New and Easy Guide To the English Language, [etc.] By Daniel Penning. A New Edition, Carefully Cor- rected. London : Printed for A. Millar, W. Law, and R. Cater ; and for Wilson, Spence, and Mawman, York. M.DCC.XCIV. i2mo. Pp. xii, T56. Witli a frontispiece and a number of cuts, of the correctness of the attribution of which to Thomas Bewick I entertain considerable doubt. Good copy, in old calf. (4075.) 47. The Florist's Companion. No. (74.). Another fine copy, in old calf. It formerly belonged to T. E. Headlam, Esq., M.D., of New- castle, and has his book-plate. (4076.) 48. I. The Poetical Works Of Oliver Gold- smith, M.B. [etc. as in No. (79.).] Hereford : [etc. as before.] 1 794. 12 mo. Pp. 95. With six cuts. Exactly similar to the article referred to, except that it bears the imprint of the previous year. Fine copy, in its original marbled paper cover. (4077.) 48. 2. Another very fine copy, in old calf. c 2 2b The Bewick CuIIedor. (4078.) 49. Kings of England. Characters Of the Kings and Queens of England ; Selected from The Best Historians. ' To which is added, A Table of the Succession of each, from Alfred to the present Time. With Heads, by T. Bewick, Newcastle. London : Printed for E. Newbury, St. Paul's Church- yard ; and Vernor and Hood, Birchin Lane, Cornhill. ^795- i8mo. Pp. viii, 204. I believe that in this Httle volume the cuts were used for the first time, which were afterwards, on the removal of their plain line borders, continually employed in the various editions of Dr. Goldsmith's Abridgment of En- glish History. Good copy, in old calf. (4079.) 50. The Cries of York. For the Amuse- ment Of Little Children. In Twenty-three Elegant Cuts. Stockton : Printed by Christopher and Jennett. [n. d. but about 1795.] Square i8mo. Without letterpress. The cuts are printed on both sides of the leaves. Excellent cop3% in its original paper cover, as it left the pub- lishers. (4080.) 51. The Hive Of Modern Literature: A Collection of Essays, Narratives, Allegories, and In- structive Compositions ; Calculated to instil into the Youthful Mind the Principles of Morality, Friend- ship, Honour, Truth, Justice, and the other Virtuous Dispositions, Which fortify it against the Allurements Of Vice and Youthful Propensities, too Apt to grow into Inciu"ablc Habits. yldditiu)is to Books cuid Pamphltts. 2 1 Newcastle : Printed for S. Hodgson, and G. G. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row, London, [n, d.] i2mo. Pp. \ iii, 287. With the celebrated cut of the Hive — already given at p. 371 — on the title, and others at pp. iv, 83, and 90, tlie original Blocks of which are in my possession. The first edition of this well-known book, afterwards published with a large number of illustrations by Bewick and Clennell. Fine copy, in calf gilt. (4081.) 52. The Picture Book; Or, York Toy. York; High Ousegate. [n. d. about 1795]. Square i8mo. Pp. 30. Witli an oval, surrounded with palm, bay, and flowers, bearing the letters "W S M " (for Wilson, Spence, and Mawman) in ornamented capitals, on the title ; and thirty- two cuts, in broad borders which edge each of the pages. Fine copy, in its original Dutch paper cover. The following was its description in a bookseller's catalogue, in March, 1867, where it was priced ^^3. 35. " This is a charming little Toy Book, with 32 very pretty cuts within borders, which are beautiful specimens of John Bewick's early, distinct, and truthful style of engraving. I have not seen a copy of this choice little gem in an)' of the numerous and varied Bewick Collections which I have had the gratifying pleasure to inspect." (4082.) s^. Poems By Goldsmith And Parnell. No. (78.). Another very beautiful copy, in its original boards, with edges uncut. (4083.) 54. A Curious Hieroglyphick Bible; Or, Select Passages In the Old and New Testaments, [etc.] The Thirteenth Edition. London : Printetl and Sold by Robert Bassam, No. e,}^, St. John's-Strect, Wcst-Smithhcld : (by Assign- 22 The Bewick Collector. ment, from the Executors of T. Hodgson,) H. D. Symonds, Paternoster- Row, Scatcherd and Whitaker, Ave-Maria-Lane, and may be had of all the Book- sellers. MDCCxcvi, (Price One Shilling bound.) Entered at Stationers-Hall agreeable to Act of Parlia- ment. i8mo. Pp. vi, 136. With a very beautiful frontispiece and a large number of admirable cuts. See No. (4045.), of which it is a reprint. Good copy, in its original half calf binding. (4084.) SS' The Death of Abel. York : Printed by Wilson, Spence, and Mawman. 1796. i8mo. Pp. 160. With twelve cuts. Good copy, in its original cover. (4085.) ^6. Nixon's Cheshire Prophecy, At large, [etc.] Also his Life. J. Ferraby, Printer, Market-Place, Hull. [n. d.] i8mo. Pp. 24. With cut on the title, which appears to be the work of Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4086.) 57. Cinderilla. J. Ferraby, Printer, Market-Place, Hull. [n. d.] 24010. Pp. 31. With eight cuts, which resemble the early works of Thomas Bewick. Most of them are included in the miscellaneous collection wliich constitutes the " New Year's Gift," No. (4034.). Good copy, in its original cover. (4087.) 58. The Pleasant and Delightful History Of Jack and the Giants. Part the First. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 23 Printed by J. Ferraby, Market-Place, Hull. [n. d. but about 1796.] i8mo. Pp. 24. With a cut on the title and six otliers, four ot' which appear to be early works by Thomas Bewick. Fair copy, in old paper cover. J. Ferraby was a noted printer of ballads, chap books, and chil- dren's books, at Hull. I possess a number of his publications, and some of the Blocks with which he embellished them, but cannot attribute any to Bewick, except the three described above. (4088.) 59. The Sugar-Plumb ; Or, Sweet Amuse- ment For Leisure Hours : Being an Entertaining and Instructive Collection of Stories, [etc.] Embellished with Curious Cuts. London : Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country. (Price Six Pence.) [n. d.] i8mo. Pp. viii, — . With the same series of cuts as that after- wards used by Wilson and Spence in their edition of this book, of which a subsequent notice will be found. Imperfect copy. (4089.) 60. General View Of the Agriculture Of the County of Northumberland, With Observations On the Means of its Improvement ; Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture And In- teyial Improvement, By J. Bailey and G. Culley. Newcastle : Printed by Sol. Hodgson ; And Sold by Mess. Robinson, Paternoster-Row, and G. Nicol, Pali- Mall, London. i797- 8vo. Pp. viii, 168. With a wood-cut Plan of Farm Buildings, at p. 27, said to be by Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, in half calf. In the same volume are bound the 24 The Bewick Collector. 'Agricultural Surveys of Cumberland and Westmorland,' and Bailey's ' Essay on the Construction of the Plough,' 8vo, New- castle, 1795. (4090.) 61. The Children's Miscellany: In which is included The History of Little Jack ; By Thomas Day, Esq., Author of The History of Sandford and Merton. A New Edition, Embellished with Twenty- eight Cuts, by Bewick, And a Frontispiece. London : Printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly. 1797. [Price 3.9. 6d. bound.] i2mo. Pp. V, 325. Good copy, in old calf. (4091.) 62. The British Champion : Or, Honour Rewarded. York : Printed by Wilson, Spence, and Mawman. 1797- i8mo. Pp. 95. With forty-four cuts. Good copy, in its original paper boards. (4092.) 63. Mother Shipton's Prophetic Legacy : Or, A Favourite Fortune-Book. York : Printed by Wilson, Spence, and Mawman. 1797. i8mo. With fifty-four cuts. Good copy, in its original paper boards. (4093.) 64. The Fables Of Mr. John Gay. Com- plete in Two Parts. With Cuts by T. Bewicke, of Newcastle. York : Printed by Wilson, Spence, and Mawman. Anno 1797. yldditions to Books and PampJilets. 25 i8mo. Pp. vii, 252. -The precursor of the various editions pub- lished by this linn and their successors, and described in the present Catalogue, which were little else but simple reprints. Fine copy, in old calf. (4094.) 6^. The Seasons. By James Thomson. York : Printed by Wilson, Spence, and Mawman, 1797. i8mo. Imperfect copy. (4095). 66. Poems by John Gay : [etc.] Manchester, Printed and sold at the Office of G. Nicholson, 9, Spring-gardens. Sold also by T. Knott, 47, Lombard-street ; and Champante & Whitrow, Jewry-street, London. Anno 1797. Sm, i8mo. Pp. ^6. With cut on the title, used in articles sub- sequently described, of the authenticity of which I am very far from certain. I have " Poems of Thomas Parnell, D.D.," "An Essay on Man. By Alexander Pope, Esq.," " The Grave. By Robert Blair.," "Moral Tales.," "The Economy of Human Life. By Robert Dodsley.," and others, issued by the same lirms, and illustrated with cuts on their titles ; but I do not believe any of them to be the work of either Thomas or John Bewick. (4096.) 6-]. Holy Bible. With Notes by Matthew Henry. Newcastle : Printed by M. Angus, [n. d.] Folio. With Portrait of " The Rev''. Matthew Henry, V.D.M.," " Engraved by Beilby &: Bewick." The First Number only, in paper cover. (4097.) 68. Specimens Of Wood Engraving By Thomas and [ohn Bewick. 26 The Beivick Collector. Newcastle: Printed by M.Angus. Side, mdccxcviii. 410. Consisting of a title and eWen leaves. On the former is Mrs. Angus's beautiful cut described under No. (93.) ; and the leaves, which are printed on one side only, contain twenty-two cuts. The twentieth also has already been mentioned, No. (3539.), the original Block of which is in my possession. Fine copy, in its original bronze paper cover. I have known but one copy for sale, which was priced ^3. 3^. (4098.) 69. The Looking-Glass For the Mind; [etc. as in No. {66.)] Tlie Seventh Edition. London : Printed by J. Crowder, For E. Newbery, the Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard. m,dcc,xcviii. (Price Three Shillings and Sixpence.) i2mo. Pp. viii, 271. A reprint of tlie article referred to above. Beautiful copy, in tree-marbled calf. (4099.) 70. A Tour Through The Island of Mann In 1797 and 1798; [etc.] By John Feltham. Em- belHshed with a Map of the Island and other Plates. Bath, Printed by R. Crattwell ; And Sold by C.Dilly, Poultry, London ; Jones, Liverpool ; Brown, Bristol ; Ware, Whitehaven; Woolmer, Exeter, &c. 179B. [Price Seven Shillings.] 8vo. Pp. viii, 294. The cuts on the title and on page 93 are possibly, but not probably, by Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, in its original boards. (4100.) 71. Sotheran's York Guide; Inchiding A Description Of the Public Buildings, Antiquities, &c. &c. In and about That Ancient City. Illustrated with Nine Copperplates. York : Printed by Wilson, Spence, and Mawman, Adcliticihs to Books and Pamphlets. 27 For H. Sotheran and Son, St. Helen's-Square : Sold by R. Baklwin, Paternoster Row, London ; H. Har- grove, Knaresborough ; and by All the Booksellers in Town and Country. Anno 1799. (Price Two Shil- lings.) 8vo. Pp. 80. With a beautiful cut of the Arms of the City of York, with flowers, bay, pahii, etc., on the title, by Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, half-bound. (4101.) 72. The Picture Book. [On the cover is added. Containing upwards of Six Hundred Engra- vings On Wood.] Stockton ; Printed by Christopher and Jennett. [On the cover. Price One Shilling.] [n. d. but about 1 799.] Small Bvo. Pp. 80. Containing a most extraordinary assem- blage of cuts, many of which are by Thomas Bewick, and ex- tremely beautiful. A bookseller, who in 1866 priced it £"]. ']s., thus describes this pamphlet : — " The MOST INTERESTING Bewick GEM I evcT sttw or possesscd. It contains 600 of the most charming little cuts by Thomas Bewick., incIinUng Fable Cuts, Tradesmen's Cuts, the LARGE cut of the Execution, Ornamental Alphabets, VERY small cuts o/" Animals and Trees, about the size of a shilling, Portrait of Old Jenkins the Yorkshire Miser, Racing Cuts, Elegant Borders of Flowers, Coats of Arms, Bible Cuts, etc. Some few in the volume are by Green, but the others are by Thos. Bewick, with his signa- ture. This is the only copy known ever to have occurred for public sale. It is unknown to, I believe, all Bewick Collectors, and was given by the hands of Mr. Jennett, the publisher, many years ago, to the gentleman from whom I had it."' 28 The Beicick Collector. I have lately had the good fortune to secure some of the most beautiful of the original Blocks, of which the following im- pressions are characteristic specimens. Others will be found in the Division " Wood-Blocks." Good copy, as new, in its original paper cover. (4102.) 73. Cato, A Tragedy, By Joseph Addison. Manchester, Printed and Sold by R. & W. Dean, 9, Spring-gardens, Sold also by Sael & Co., 192, Strand, and T. Knott, Lombard-street, London ; and all other Booksellers. 1799. i8mo. Pp. iv, 58. With cut on the title, " T. Bewick, sculp." Good copy, half-bound in calf. (4103.) 74. The Pleasing Instructor, Or Entertain- ing Moralist, Consisting of Select Essays, Relations, Visions, and Allegories, Collected from The most Eminent English Authors. To which are prefixed New Thoughts on Education. A New Edition, With Additions and Improvements. [By A. Fisher.] Penrith : Printed by A. Soulby, And Sold by Crosby and Lettcrman, No. 4, Stationer's Court, Ludgate- Street, London, [n. d. but about 1 800.] i2mo. Pp. xii, 372. With a fn)iuisj)iece and four other cuts, which, from a comparison with some of his acknowledged works, appear to be by John Bewick. Good copy, in its original calf. Additions to BonJis and Pamphlets. 29 (4104.) 75. The Beauties of History ; Or, Pictures of Virtue and Vice ; [etc.] By the late W. Dodd, LL.D. The Third Edition. London : Printed by T. Maiden, Sherbourne Lane, For Vernor and Hood, E. Newbery, J. Cuthell, Bar- ton and Harvey, J. Scatcherd, Lackington, Allen & Co. and J. Walker. 1800. j2mo. Pp. xxiv, 288. A reprint of No. (88.). Fine copy, in old calf. (4105.) 76. The History Of the Family at Smile- dale, Presented To all little Boys and Girls Who wish to be Good, And make their Friends Happy. London : Printed for E. Newbery, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard. (Price Six-Pence.) [n. d.] i8mo. Pp. 128. With ten cuts. Of those at pp. ^6 and 124 I possess the original Blocks. An impression of the former is given at page 485, and one of the latter here follows. Good copy, in its original coloured boards. 30 The BeiuicJc Collector. (4106.) 77. The Triumph of Goodnature, Exhi- bited in the History of Master Harry Fairborn and Master Trueworth. Interspersed with Tales and Fa- bles, and Ornamented with Cuts. London : Printed for E. Newbery, The Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard. Price Six-pence, [n. d.] 241110. Pp. no. With twelve cuts. Fair copy, in its original boards. (4107.) 78. Youthful Recreations ; Or, The Amuse- ments of A Day. London : Printed for E. Newbery, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard. (Price Six-Pence.) [n. d.] i8nio. Pp. 128. With twelve cuts, several if not all of which I believe to be by John Bewick. I possess the original Blocks of those at pp. 23, 70, and 94. An impression follows of the second. Good cojiy, in its original cover. (4108.) 79. Elmina; Or, The Flower that never Fades. A Tale for Young People. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 31 London : Printed for E. Newbery, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard. 1800. By J. Crowder, Warw'ick-square. (Price Two Pence.) 241110. Pp. 60. With a frontispiece and eight cuts, most if not all of which I am inclined to attribute to Lee. Of tliose at pp. 41 and 53 I possess the original Blocks. An impression of the former is here given. Fine copy, in its original cover. (4109.) 80. The Life And Adventures Of A Fly. Supposed to have been written by Himself. Illus- trated with Cuts. London : Printed for E. Newbery, At the Corner of St. Paufs Church-yard, By G. Woodfall, No. 22, Paternoster-Row. (Price 6d.) [n. d.] i8mo. Pp. 121. With a frontispiece, signed "J. Bwk.," and eleven cuts. I possess the original Blocks of those at pp. 28 and 73, an impression of the former of which is annexed. 3^ The Bewick Collector Fine copy, in its original coloured boards. (4110.) 8i. The Happy Family: Or, Winter Even- ings' Employment. Consisting of Readings and Con- versations, In Seven Parts. By a Friend of Youth. With Cuts by Bewick. York : Printed by and for T.Wilson and R. Spence, High-Ousegate. 1 800. Price One Shilling. i8mo. Pp. vii, ijji. With a frontispiece and seven cuts. Most beautiful copy of this rare little book, in its original Dutch paper boards. (4111.) 82. The Forsaken Infant; Or, Entertaining History Of Little Jack. Embellished with Cuts. Derby : Printed by and for Henry Mozley, Brook Street. (Price Sixpence.) [n. d.] iSnio. Pp. 72. With a frontispiece and eight large cuts by John Bewick, of which I possess the original Blocks. Good copy, in old calf. (4112.) 83. Divine Songs, Attempted in Easy Lan- guage For the Use of Children, by I. Watts, DD. Additiom to Books aiul Pamphlets. 33 Adorned with Appropriate Wood-Cuts by Thomas Bewick, of Newcastle, To impress more lasting Ideas of each Subject on the mind than can be attained by those in common use. York : Printed by and for Thomas Wilson & Son, High Ousegate. 1800. i8mo. Pp. 72. With thirty-eight cuts. Good copy, in its original boards. For some remarks on the Illustrations to Wilson and Spence's publications, see the Preface to this volume. (4113.) 84. A Collection of Pretty Poems for Chil- dren. By Tommy Tagg. York : 1 800. 24mo. With sixty cuts. Imperfect copy. (4114.) 85. Dermody's Poems. No. (156.). Another copy, in old calf. (4115.) 86. I. Poems On Several Occasions. By The Late Rev. Thomas Browne, Of Kingston-upon- Hull. Printed for Vernor & Hood, London, by R. & W. Dean, Spring-gardens, Manchester ; And Sold by Mer- ritt and Wright, Liverpool, and Thomas Browne, Hull. 1800. i2mo. Pp. xxviii, 179. With vignette on the title, which oc- curs in Nos. (4095.), and (4173.), and to which I accord the benefit of a doubt. Good copy, in its original cover. (4116.) 86. 2. Another very fine copy, half-bound in calf. D 34 The Bewick Collector. (4117.) 87. The English Minstrel. No. (142.). Another very fine copy, in its original boards. (4118.) 88. The Scottish Minstrel. No. (i43-)- , Another fine copy, in half-calf. (4119.) 89. The Scottish Minstrel; Containing the Choice Songs of Caledonia, With Music Adapted to the Voice, Viohn, or German Flute. Edinburgh : Printed by and for Oliver & Boyd, Netherbow. [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. vi, 216. With the cuts of the other edition. Very fine copy, in its original boards, and uncut. (4120.) 90. Streanshall Abbey : Or, The Danish In- vasion. A Play of Five Acts : As first performed at The Theatre in Whitby, Dec. 2d. 1799. Written by Francis Gibson, Esq : Whitby, Printed by Thomas Webster. Sold by G. G. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row, London. 1800. 8vo. Pp. 108. With a view of Streanshall Abbey on the title, apparently by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4121.) 91. The Grecian Daughter. A Tragedy, By Arthur Murphy, Esq. Manchester, Printed and Sold by R. & W. Dean, 9, Spring-gardens. Sold also by Sael & Co. 192, Strand, and T. Knott, Lombard-street, London ; and all other Booksellers. 1800. iSmo. Pp. iv, 60. With a cut on the title, to which is ap- pended " T. Bewick, sculp." Good copy, in its original cover. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 35 (4122.) 92. Douglas, A Tragedy, By John Home. Manchester, Printed and Sold by R. & W. Dean, 9, Spring-gardens. Sold also by Sael & Co. 192, Strand, and T. Knott, Lombard-street, London ; and all other Booksellers. 1800. i8mo. Pp. 49. With cut on the title, " T. Bewick, sculp." Fine copy, half-bound in calf. (4123.) 93. George Barnwell. A Tragedy, By George Lillo. Manchester, Printed and Sold by R. & W. Dean & Co., Corner of New Cannon-street, Market-street- lane. Sold also by Sael & Co., Strand ; and Crosby and Letterman, Stationers'-Court, London ; and all other Booksellers. 1800. i8mo. Pp. iv, 62. With a cut on the title, which, as so many of those in the same series of volumes are by him, may be attributed to Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, half-bound in calf. (4124.) 94. Kay's New Preceptor. No. (167.). Another fine copy, in half-morocco. (4125.) 95. The History of England & Scotland, [etc.] Abridged, from Hume, Smollet, Robertson, Heron, And Other Continuators. In Four Volumes. Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by and for M. An- gus and Son, in the Side. 1801. 8vo, With vignette on the title, which I believe to be by Tho- mas Bewick. Good copy, in old calf. (4126.) 96. The Blossoms Of Morality, [etc.] With D 2 ^6 The Bewick Collector. Forty-Seven Cuts. Designed and Engraved by I. Bewick. The Third Edition. London : Printed by J. Crowder, Warwick-square ; For E. Newbery, the Corner of St. Paul's Church- yard. 1 80 1. i2mo. Pp. X, iv, 221. A very beautiful copy of this rare edition, in its original calf binding. (4127.) 97. Pathetic & Sentimental Pieces. Wolkmar and his Dog, by Drake. The Captive Mother, by Miss WiUiams. Story of Lady Harriet Auckland. The American Farmer. Poetry. The Soldier's Return, by Miss Blamire. Elegy, by Burns. The Emigrant, by Henry Erskine. Newcastle on Tyne, Printed and sold by J. Mitchell. Sold also by West and Hughes, No. 40, Paternoster- Row, London. 1801. i8mo, Pp.36. With frontispiece of " Wolkmar and his Dog." "Bewick fecit." and cut on the title, by Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, in half-morocco. (4128.) 98. Pathetic & Sentimental Pieces. Story of Dr Clement, from the Philanthrope. The Death of Rousseau. The Patriotic Clergyman. The Victim of Dishonour, a true Story. Poetry. The Lass of Fair Wone, by Buerger. Mor- tality, by Southey. The Downhill of Life, by Collins. Newcastle on Tyne, Printed and sold by J. Mitchell. Sold also by West and Hughes, No. 40, Paternoster- Row, London. 1801. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 2>'7 i8mo. Pp. 36. With frontispiece of " The Death of Rousseau." " Bewick fecit." and cuts on the title and p. 27. Fine copy, in half-morocco. (4129.) 99. Humorous Pieces, Consisting of Prose. The Life of Mr George Harvest. The Strolling Player. Poetry. Tarn O'Shanter. The Pilgrims and the Peas. Newcastle on Tyne, Printed and Sold by J. Mitchell ; Sold also by West & Hughes, No. 40, Paternoster- Row, London. 1801. i8mo. Pp. 28, 8. With cut of ribbons, masks, and flowers, " Bewick fecit." on the title, and a charming vignette of a Water Mill, at p. 28, by Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, in half-morocco. (4130.) 100. Humorous Pieces. Epistle on Marriage, and the Cheese Present, by Burns. The Newspaper Editor, by Peter Pindar. The Auctioneer, &c. Poetry. Watty and Meg, Monsieur Tonson, Epi- grams, by Anderson, &c. Newcasde on Tyne, Printed and sold by J. Mitchell. Sold also by West and Hughes, No. 40, Paternoster- Row, London. 1801. i8mo. Pp.24, 12. With frontispiece of " Watty and Meg." " Bewick fecit." and cut on the title, by Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, in half-morocco. The four foregoing articles are more generally known in tlieir subsequent form, where they appear incorporated in one vo- lume, under the general title of " The Charms of Literature." 38 The Beiuick Collector. (4131.) 10 1. The Happy Family: Or, Winter Even- ings' Employment, [etc.] With Cuts by Bewick. York : Printed by and for T.Wilson and R. Spence, High-Ousegate. 1801. (Price One Shilling.) i8mo. Pp. vi, 105. With a frontispiece and seven cuts. A re- print, for the most part, of No. (41 10.). Very fine copy, in its original Dutch paper boards. (4132.) 102. Dodsley in Miniature ; Or, The Polite Fabulist. With Cuts by Bewick. York : Printed by and for T.Wilson and R. Spence, High-Ousegate. 1801. Price One ShiUing. i8nio. Pp. 106. With many admirable cuts, used in the Select Fables of 1784. Fine copy, in its original boards. (4133.) 103. Elegiac. Shaw's Monody; Pratt's Elegy Of A Nightingale ; Jago's Goldfinches ; &c. &c. Printed and sold by G. Nicholson, Poughnill, near Ludlow\ Sold also, in London, by Champante & Whitrow, 4, Jewry- St., Aldgate ; R. BickerstafF, 210, Strand ; T. Conder, 20, Bucklersbury ; and all other Booksellers. Anno i8oi. i8mo. Pp.40. With vignette on the title, "designed from Dr. Wolcot's ' Elegy on my dying Ass, Peter,' by Mr. M. W. Craig, and engraved on wood by Mr. T. Bewick." Good copy, in its original paper cover. (4134.) 104. Fisher's Grammar Improved; [etc.] The Thirty-Third Edition, [etc.] Newcastle : Printed by and for S. Hodgson ; For G. & J, Robinson, Paternoster-Row, and J. Mawman, Poultr\-, London. 1802. Additions to Booh mid Pamphlets. 39 i2mo. Pp. viii, 208. Witli a facsimile of the signature of "A. Fisher" at the end of the Introduction, said to be by Thomas Bewick. I have tlie original Block. Good copy, in old calf. (4135.) 105. The Fashionable Songster. Newcastle : 1802. i8mo. With frontispiece by Thomas Bewick. Imperfect copy. (4136.) 106. The Prettiest Book For Children: Being The History Of the Enchanted Castle, Situated in one of the Fortunate Isles, And governed by the Giant Instruction. Written for the Entertainment of the Little Masters and Misses of Great Britain. By Don Stephano Bunyano, Under-Secretary to the Giant Instruction. York : Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Ousegate. 1802. (Price Sixpence.) iBmo. Pp. 81. With a frontispiece and thirteen cuts, of which I believe hardly one, if one, to be by Bewick. Good copy, in its original boards. (4137.) 107. The Holy Bible Abridged ; Contain- ing the History Of The Old Testament. No. (3784.). Another copy, in its original boards. (4138.) 108. Anecdotes Of The Clairville Family; To which is added. The History of Emily Wilmont. By Mrs. C. Mathews. York : Printed by and for T.Wilson and R. Spence, High-Ousegate, i 802. (Price One Shilling.) iSmo. Pp. 107. With four cuts. The book was reprinted in 1809. 40 The Bewick Collector. Good copy, in its original boards. (4139.) 109. An History of Birds, With A Familiar Description of each In Verse and Prose. By Tommy Trip. With Cuts by Bewick. York : Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Ousegate. 1802. Price Sixpence. Square i8mo. Pp. 81. Good copy, in its original Dutch paper boards. (4140.) no. The Wonderful Life And Surprising Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe; Who lived 2,8 Years On An Uninhabited Island. With Cuts by Bewick. York : Printed by and for T. Wilson and R. Spence, High-Ousegate. 1802. (Price Sixpence.) I Brno. Pp. 82. With a frontispiece and six full-page cuts. Good copy, in its original boards. (4141.) III. (No. I.) Of the Newcastle Songster; Or, Tyne Minstrel. Containing a Selection of Modern and Original Songs. Second Edition. Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed and Sold by David Bass, Foot of Pilgrim Street. 1803. (Price Six-pence.) i2mo. Pp. 68. With cut, on the title, of the top of the New- castle Old Exchange and the crow's nest, by Thomas Bewick, of which the original Block is in my possession. No. II., which is bound in the same volume, pp. 72, bears the date of 1805 ; and No. III., pp. 60, of 1806. Each of them has the same cut on its title. Good copy, half-bound in calf. (4142.) 112. I. Thomas Lovechild's Only Method To Make Reading Easy, Or, Little Masters' & Misses' Best Instructor ; [etc.] The whole adorned Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 41 with pretty Emblematic Cuts by Thomas Bewick, of Newcastle. York : T. Wilson and R. Spence, High Ousegate. Newcastle, Emerson Charnley, Bigg Market. 1803. i8mo. Pp. vi, 108. Hastie's Reading Easy, printed by "J. Rew- castle, Printer," Newcastle, with a different title. Good copy, in its original boards. (4143.) 112. 2. Another copy. (4144.) 113. The Holy Bible Abridged ; Contain- ing the History Of The New Testament. Adorned with Cuts. For the Use of Children. York : Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Ousegate. 1803. (Price Sixpence.) iSmo. Pp.84. With thirty-one cuts. Good copy, in its original boards. (4145.) 114. The Pleasing Moralist: [etc.] No. (190.). Another copy, in its original boards. (4146.) 115. I. The History Of Little Goody Two- Shoes ; Otherwise called Mrs. Margery Two-Shoes. With The Means by which she acquired her Learn- ing and Wisdom, and, in Consequence thereof, her Estate, [etc.] York : Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High Ousegate. 1803. I Brno. Pp. 84. With a frontispiece and thirty-one cuts. Good copy, in its original boards. (4147.) 115. 2. Another copy, imperfect. (4148.) 116. The Holiday Present; Containing 42 The Bewic/i Collector. Anecdotes Of Mr. and Mrs. Jennet, And Their Little Family, viz. Master George, Master Charles, Master Thomas, Miss Maria, Miss Charlotte, and Miss Har- riot. Interspersed with instructive and amusing Sto- ries and Observations. York : Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Ousegate. 1803. (Price Sixpence.) i8mo. Pp. 82. With a frontispiece and twenty-four cuts. Good copy, in its original boards. (4149.) 1 1 7. The History Of the Goodville Family; Or, The Rewards of Virtue and Filial Duty. York : Printed for T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Ousegate. (Price Sixpence.) [n. d.] iSmo. Pp. 80. With a frontispiece and seventeen cuts. Good copy, in its original boards. (4150.) 118. I. Memoirs Of A Peg-Top. By The Author of Adventures of a Pincushion, [etc.] York : Printed by and for T.Wilson and R. Spence, High-Ousegate. (Price Sixpence.) [n. d.] i8mo. Pp. vi, 84. With a frontispiece and twenty-seven cuts. Good copy, in its original boards. (4151.) 118. 2. Another copy, in its original boards. (4152.) 119. The History of England, From the Invasion of Julius Caesar To the Abdication of James the Second. By David Hume, Esq. With the Au- thor's Last Corrections. In Eight Volumes. Em- bellished with Portraits. Edinburgh : Printed by Oliver and Co. For T. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 43 Brown, Bookseller, North Bridge, and T. Oliver, Netherbow. 1803. 8 vols. i2mo. With a few tailpieces in the ist, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 8th volumes, some of which I believe to be by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in old calf (4153.) 120. The Grave. A Poem. By Robert Blair. With Gray's Celebrated Elegy In a Country Church Yard. , Newcastle : Printed by K. Anderson, in the Side. 1804. i2mo. Pp. ^6. With cut on the title, thought to be by Tho- mas Bewick. Good copy, half-bound. (4154.) 121. Mrs. Pleasant's Story Book: Com- posed for The Amusement Of Her Little Family. To which are added Instructions For the Proper Applica- tion of them. Adorned with Cuts by Bewick. York : Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Ousegate. 1804. (Price Sixpence.) i8mo. Pp. 84. With a frontispiece and sixteen cuts. Good copy, in its original boards. (4155.) 122. The Sugar-Plum; Or, Sweet Amuse- ment For Leisure Hours. Being an Instructive and Entertaining Collection of Stories. To which is added, The History of Mr. Ashfield. Embellished with Ele- gant Cuts. York: Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence. 1804. (Price Sixpence.) 44 The Betvick Collector. i8mo. Pp. 84. With a frontispiece and ten cuts. Good copy, in its original boards, (4156.) 123. The Renowned History Of Primrose Prettyface, Who, By her Sweetness of Temper and Love of Learning, Was raised from being the Daugh- ter of a Poor Cottager, To Great Riches ; And To the Dignity of the Lady of the Manor, [etc.] Adorned with Cuts by Bewick. York: Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, 1804. (Price Sixpence.) iSmo. Pp. 84. With a frontispiece and thirty-six cuts. Good copy, in its original boards. (4157.) 124. The Sleeping Beauty In the Wood ; With other Instructive and Entertaining Stories. De- signed to promote Good Humour and Proper Con- duct. York : Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Ousegate. 1804. (Price Sixpence.) i8mo. Pp. 81. With seven cuts. Good copy, in its original boards. (4158.) 125. The Picture Room : No. (194.). Anodier copy, in its original boards. (4159.) 126. Fables Of ^sop, &c. Translated into English. With Instructive Applications. By Samuel Croxall, D.D. Late Archdeacon of Hereford. With Cuts. A New Edition, Improved. London : Published and sold by all the Booksellers, and by T. Wilson and R. Spence, Printers, High- Ousegate, York. 1804. Additions to Booh and Pamphlets. 45 i2mo. Pp. xxxvi, ^^6. With upwards of fifty cuts by Thomas Bewick, with others older than his time. Good copy, in old calf. (4160.) 127. Poems By Goldsmith And Parnell. London : Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Shak- speare Printing-Office, Cleveland-Row. 1804. 4to. Pp. xxvii, 68. A reprint of No. (78.). Fine copy, half-bound in morocco. (4161.) 128. The Gentle Shepherd; A Scots Pas- toral. By Allan Ramsay. With the Original Music. Embellished with beautiful Engravings. Edinburgh ; Printed by Oliver & Co. Netherbow. 1804. i8mo. Pp.95. With cuts used by the publishers in other books. Good copy, in its original boards. (4162.) 129. A Father's Legacy To his Daughters. By the late Dr. Gregory, of Edinburgh. London : Published by Vernor and Hood, Poultry ; And Champante and Whitrow, Jewry-Street. 1805. [Printed by G. Miller, Dunbar.] Small i8nio. Pp. 72. With a frontispiece and four cuts. The former is used on the title of Relph's Poems, 8vo, Carlisle, 1798, No. (124.). Good copy, in its original half-binding. (4163.) 130. The Newcastle Chronicle Newspaper, for 1805, 1806, and 1807. Large folio. Containing many engravings by Thomas Bewick, of which I possess other impressions cut from similar papers, enumerated and described in the Divisions, " Cuts for Various 4.6 The Bewick Collector. Societies and Companies/' " Tradesmen's Newspaper Cuts," and " Newspaper Cuts." Good copies, half-bound in calf. (4164.) 131. The Man Of Feeling. A New Edition. Newcastle on Tyne : Printed and Sold by J. Mit- chell, Dean-Street. 1805. 1 2 mo. Pp. vi, 128. With a copperplate frontispiece and four \voodcuts, the latter ot which are by Thomas Bewick, and had been used in other works. Poor copy, half-bound in calf. This, although with a similar title to No. (202.), is printed in dilTerent type, and with fewer cuts. (4165.) 132. Charms Of Literature: Consisting of An Elegant Assemblage Of Curious, Scarce, and Inter- esting Pieces, In Prose and Poetry ; [etc.] Embel- lished with Engravings on Wood, By Bewick, &c. Third Edition. Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed and Sold by J. Mitchell, 1805. i8mo. Pp. vi, 434. A reprint of No. (1,54.). See Note to No. (4130.). Good copy, in old calf. (4166.) 133. I. The Fairing; Or, Golden Toy. York : Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Ousegate. 1805. (Price Sixpence.) iSmo. Pp. 84. With a frontispiece, representing Tommy Trip in his chariot, and thirty cuts. Good copy, in its original boards. (4167.) 133. 2. Another copy, in its original boards. (4168.) 134. Three Instructive Tales For Little Additions to Booh and Pamphlets. 47 Folk. Simple and Careless. Industry and Sloth. And The Cousins. By C. P . London : Printed for J. Harris, (Successor to E. Newbery), Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard. (Price Three-pence.) [n. d.] 241110. Pp. 83. With eight cuts, thought to be by John Bewick. I have the original Block of that at p. 44, of which the follow- ing is an impression. Good copy, in its original cover. (4169.) 135. Elmina ; Or, The Flower that never Fades. A Tale for Young People. London : Printed for J. Harris, (Successor to E. Newbery) corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard. By J. Crowder, Warwick -square. (Price Two- Pence.) [n. cl] 24nio. Pp. 60. With a frontispiece and eight full-page cuts. A reprint of No. (4108.), under which a specimen of the illus- trations has been given. Good copy, in its original cover. 48 The Bewick Collector. (4170.) 136. The Village Tatlers; Or, Anecdotes Of the Rural Assembly. Embellished with Cuts. London : Printed by J. D. Dewick, Aldersgate- street, For J. Harris, Successor to E. Newbery, Cor- ner of St. Paul's Church-Yard. Price Two-pence, [n. d.] 24mo. Pp. 64. With a frontispiece and twelve cuts. Of those at pp. 14 and 54 I possess the original Blocks. An impression follows of the former. It is probably attributable to Jackson. Good copy, in its original cover. (4171.) 137. I. The Wonderful Life And Adven- tures Of Robinson Crusoe. York : Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Ousegate. [n. d.] 24mo. Pp. 29. With a frontispiece and thirteen cuts, some of wliich, with two on the cover, are by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4172.) 137. 2. Another copy, imperfect. (4173.) 138. Prayers To be said Before and after j^ddU'iims to Books and Pamphlets. 49 Mass, And in the Afternoon, On all Sundays and Fes- tivals, In the Catholic Chapels Of Preston and Black- burn. To which is added The Ordinary of the Mass. Printed at the Request of Messrs. Dunn and Morgan, Preston, and Dr. Dunn, Blackburn, by whom the pre- sent Edition has been corrected and considerably en- larged. Manchester, Printed by Haydock and Wardle, Market-street-lane. 1805. 121110. Pp. 128. With cut, perhaps by Thomas Bewick, on the title. It occurs also in Nos. (4095.) and (41 15.). I have great doubt of the propriety of my attribution of the cut to Thomas Bewick, but there are lines to recommend it to favourable consideration. Good copy, in its original boards. (4174.) 139. Measure for Measure, A Comedy, By William Shakspere. Manchester, Printed and Sold by R, & W. Dean, 9, Spring-gardens. Sold also by Sael & Co., 192, Strand, and T. Knott, Lombard-street, London ; and all other Booksellers. 1800. i8mo. Pp. 78. With cut on the title, " W. M. Craig, del. T. Bewick, sculp." Good copy, in its original cover. (4175.) 140. An Abridgment Of the History Of England, [etc.] By Dr. Goldsmith. The Twelfth Edition. With Heads by Bewick. London : Printed by T. Maiden, Sherbourn-Lane, Lombard-Street, For Clarke and Co. and Thomson and Son, Manchester; Deighton, Cambridge; Upham, 5o The Bewick Collector. Exeter ; W. Jones, Liverpool ; Hazard, Bath ; Tod, York; and Rodford, Hull. 1806. i2mo. Pp. 384. With the usual cuts. Fine copy, in shagreen calf. (•4176.) 141. Steel's Naval Chronologist Of The Late War, [etc.] The Fourth Edition, Corrected and greatly enlarged. London : Printed for P. Steel, at the Navigation- Warehouse, Little Tower-Hill ; and to be had of every Bookseller in the United Kingdom. 1806. (Price Five ShiUings.) Small 4to. Pp. 12, civ, 123. With the frontispiece of the pre- vious editions. See No. (169.). Good copy, in its original half-calf binding. (4177.) 142. The Young Reader. No. (212.). Another copy, in old calf. (4178.) 143. Charms For Children, [etc.] With Cuts by Bewick. York : Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Ousegate. 1806. (Price Fourpence.) 24mo. Pp. 93. Good copy, in its original Dutch paper cover. (4179.) 144. The House That Jack Built. To which is added. Some Account of Jack Jingle ; Show- ing by what Means he acquired his Learning, and in consequence thereof got rich, and built himself a House. Adorned with Cuts ; [etc.] York : l^rinted by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Ousegate. 1806. (Price One Penny.) Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 5 i 241110. Pp. 29. With twelve cuts, one of which is by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, ill its original cover. (4180.) 145. The History Of Little King Skilful. Wherein is shown The Reward of Goodness And The Punishment of Vice. Adorned with Cuts. York : Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Onsegate. 1806. (Price Twopence.) 241110. Pp. 6^. With a frontispiece and twehe cuts. Good copy, in its original boards. (4181.) 146. The History Of Master Charles And Miss Kitty. York : Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Ousegate. 1806. (Price Twopence.) 24010. Imperfect. (4182.) 147. The Little Morahsts ; Or, The His- tory Of Amintor and Florella, The Pretty Little Shep- herd and Shepherdess Of the Vale of Evesham. Em- bellished with Cuts. London : Printed for J. Harris, Successor to E. Newbery, the Corner of St. Paul's Church-yard. 1 806. By J. Crowder, Wan\dck-Square. (Price Three- Pence.) 24010. Pp. 95. With a frontispiece and twelve cuts, some of which bear the name of Jackson, and others are probably by Lee. I possess the original Blocks of those at pp. 49 and 75- The following is an impression of the former. E 1 5^ The Bewick Collector. Good copy, in its original cover. (4183.) 148. The Mountain Piper; Or, The His- tory Of Edgar and Matilda. To which is added, A Journey to London. A Moral Tale. Embellished with Cuts. London : Printed by Rider and Weed, Little Bri- tain. For J. Harris (Successor to E. Newbery), Corner of St. Paul's Church-yard. [n. d.] 24nio. Pp. 96. With a frontispiece and twelve cuts. Good copy, in its original cover. (4184.) 149. Observations On the Utility, Form and Management Of Water Meadows, And the Drain- ing and Irrigating Of Peat Bogs, [etc.] By William Smith, Engineer and Mineralogist. Norwich : Printed by R. M. Bacon, Cockey-Lane ; and sold By Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Pater- noster-Row, London ; and all other Booksellers. 1 806. 8vo. Pp. xviii, 121. With several vignettes which may he at- tributed to Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, in its original boards. Additiom to Books ami Pamphlel.s. i^T) (4185.) 150. The History Of Ripon : With Descrip tions of Studley-Royal, Fountains' Abbey, Newby, Hackfall, &c. &c. [etc.] Second Edition. — With En- gravings. Ripon : Printed and Sold by W. Farrer : Sold also by Longman & Co., Pater-Noster-Row, London : And by Wilson and Spence, York. 1 806. i2mo. Pp. 314. With cut of a man fishing at p. 43, and re- peated at pp. 167, 221, and 262, probably by Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, half-bound in calf. (4186.) 151. A Walk Through Leeds, Or, Stranger's Guide To Every Thing worth Notice in that Ancient and Populous Town; With an Account of the Woollen Manufacture Of the West-Riding of Yorkshire. With Plates. Pannus mihi Panis. Leeds : Printed by J. H. Leach, And sold by John Heaton, (Successor to the late Mr. Binns) J. Spence, W. Fawdington, J. H. Leach, M. Robinson, and J. Ryley. 1806. Price One Shilling and Sixpence. i2mo. Pp. iv, ^e,. With the Arms of Leeds, and three insig- nificant cuts, thought to be by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4187.) 152. A Spring-Day: Or, Contemplations On Several Occurrences Which naturally strike the Eye in that Delightful Season. By James Fisher. The Second Edition, Carefully Corrected and Improved. Edinburgh: Printed for the Author, By John Moir, Royal Bank Close ; Sold by Ogle and Aikman, Edin- burgh ; William Smith, Stationers Court ; and Ogle, ^4 The Bewick Collector. Great Turn-Style, London ; And many of the Prin- cipal Booksellers In Great Britain. 1806. 8vo. Pp. viii, 338. With four very beautiful cuts by Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, in its original boards. (4188.) 153. The Fables Of Mr. John Gay. Com- plete in Two Parts. With Cuts by T. Bewick, of Newcastle. York : Printed by and for T.Wilson and R. Spence, High-Ousegate. 1806. i2mo. Pp. 252. Very similar to the edition published by the same firm in the same year, No. (215.), but with a few verbal differences. Fine copy, in its original boards. (4189.) 154. The British Primer, Or, First Book; Adapted to the Capacities of Children. Embellished with a Beautiful Frontispiece, And several Engravings of Birds and Beasts, By T. Bewick. Fifth Edition. Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by and for J. Mit- chell, and sold by every respectable Bookseller in Great Britain, [n. d.] iSmo. Pp. 42, With a frontispiece, and cuts of the Cat, Dog, Goat, Ass, Horse, Bull, Eagle and Serpent, Owl, and Robin Redbreast. Good copy, in its original paper cover. (4190.) 155. Memoirs Of Two Veteran Soldiers: Or, The Military Hospital, [etc.] Newcastle on Tyne, Printed and sold by J. Mitchell, Dean-Strcct. 1807. i2mo. Pp. 40. With a frontispiece by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. Additions to Boohs and Pamphlets. ^^ (4191.) 156. Interesting Anecdote Of the late Princess of Wales, Mother of His present Majesty, [etc.] Embellished with an elegant Engraving. Newcastle on Tyne, Printed by J. Mitchell, [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. ^6. With a frontispiece by Thomas Bewick, "The Female Exile," No. (1712.), used in various other works. Good copy, in its original cover. (4192.) 157. The Interesting Story Of Wolkmar and his Dog. By Drake. Embellished with an ele- gant Engraving, [etc.] Newcastle on Tyne, Printed and Sold by J. Mitchell, [n. d.]. i2mo. Pp. ;^6. With a frontispiece by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4193.) 158. The Absent Man; Or, Life & Sin- gular Eccentricities Of George Harvest, [etc.] Newcastle on Tyne : Printed by J. Mitchell, Dean- Street, [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. ^6. Witli a frontispiece by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4194.) 159. The Life Of Daniel Dancer, Esq. The Celebrated Miser. Embellished with an elegant En- graving, [etc.] Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Mitchell, [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. ^6. With a frontispiece by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4195.) 160. Ducks And Pease ; Or, The Newcastle Rider. A Dramatic Piece. Embellished with an ac- curate Portrait, by T. Bewick. £,6 The Beuick Collector'. Newcastle on Tyne, Printed by J. Mitchell, Dean- Street. Price Sixpence, [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. 24. With a frontispiece by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4196.) 161. Sporting Anecdotes ; [etc.] Albion Press Printed, For J. Cundee, Ivy-Lane, Paternoster-Row ; And J. Harris, St. Paul's Church- yard, [n. d. but about 1807.] i2mo. Pp. XV, 579. With cut on the title used in tlie ' British Field Sports,' the original Block of which is in my possession. Good copy, in its original cover. (4197.) 162. The Easter Gift: [etc.] Published for the Amusement of all the Little Gentry in Christen- dom. Embellished with Cuts. York : Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Ousegate. 1807. (Price Two-pence.) 24mo. Pp. 6^. With a frontispiece and twenty-four cuts, one of which is by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover, which has two cuts. (4198.) 163. Works Of the late celebrated Robert Burns ; With a Sketch of his Life. Edinburgh : Printed by John Johnstone, High Street. 1807. 24mo. Pp. xii, 2^2. With a frontispiece, "View of the Cottage where Burns was born." Good copy, in old calf. (4199.) 164. The Cotter's Saturday Night. By Robert Burns. Newcastle: 1807. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 57 i2mo. With frontispiece by Thomas Bewick. Imperfect copy. (4200.) 165. The Scottish Minstrel; A Selection Of The Most Favourite Songs of Caledonia ; Adapted for the Voice, German Flute, and Violin. Edinburgh : Printed by Oliver & Co. Netherbow, 1807. i2mo. Pp. vii, 216. A reprint of No. (14,3.). Good copy, in its original cover, and uncut. (4201.) 166. Oliver's Choice Selection Of Comic Songs. Second Edition. Edinburgh ; Printed by Oliver & Co. Netherbow. For Champante & Whitrow, Jewry-Street, Aldgate ; Lane, Newman, & Co. Leadenhall-Street ; and T. & R. Hughes, Ludgate-Street, London. 1807. i8mo. Pp. 216. With a frontispiece and several vignettes, about which I feel considerable doubt. Good copy, in its original boards. (4202.) 167. A History Of England, In a Series of Letters From a Nobleman to his Son. The Continua- tion to April, 1808, By J. Bigland, [etc.] London : Printed for J. Brambles, A. Meggitt, and J. Waters, By H. Mozley, Gainsborough. 1808, i2mo. In two vols. Vol. I. pp. iii, 317. Vol. II. pp. 347. With the large series of the Portraits of the Sovereigns, similar to that in No. (3797.)> issued by the same printer at Gains- borough in the previous year. Very fine copy, in old calf. (4203.) 168. A Spring-Day: Or, Contemplations 58 The Beii'ich Collector. On Several Occurrences Which naturally strike the eye in that Delightful Season. By James Fisher. The Third Edition, Carefully Corrected and Improved. Edinburgh : Printed for the Author, By John Moir, Royal Bank Close ; And sold by Ogle & Aikman, Edinburgh ; Williams & Smith, Stationers Court ; and Ogle, Great Turnstyle, London ; and many of the Principal Booksellers In Great Britain. 1808. 8vo. Pp. X, 338. With the four admirable cuts. Fine copy, in its original boards. (4204.) 169. The Repository Of Select Literature. No. (232.). Another good copy, in its original boards. (4205.) 170. The British Miscellany, A Selection Of Humorous, Sentimental, and Moral Poems, From the most approved Authors. By Duncan Donaldson, Esq. Pontefract : Printed by and for B. Boothroyd : Sold by Longman, Hurst and Co. Paternoster-Row; T.Wil- liams, Stationers'-Court, London ; and may be had of all other Booksellers. 1 808. i2mo. Pp. viii, 196. With two vignettes, among others, which may be by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original half-calf. (4206.) 171. The Grave, A Poem. By Robert Blair. To which is added Gray's Elegy In a Country Church Yard. With Notes Moral, and Explanatory. Alnwick : Printed by Catnach and Davison. Sold by the Booksellers in England, Scotland, And Ireland. 1808. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 39 i2mo. Pp. xiv, 72. With a frontispiece and other cuts by Thomas Bewick, of which the original Blocks are in my pos- session. An impression of the former is here given. Fine copy, in its original cover. (4207.) 172. The Caledonian Tea-Table Miscel- lany. Choice Songs. Edinburgh : Printed by Oliver & Boyd, Netherbow. 1808. i8mo. Pp. xii, 219. With cut on the title, thought to be by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original boards. (4208.) 173. A History Of British Birds. The Figures Engraved on Wood by T. Bewick. 6o The Bewick Collector. Newcastle : Printed by Edward Walker, for T. Bewick: Sold by him, And Longman and Co. Lon- don. 1809. 8vo. Part I. pp. xlii, 328. Part II. pp. xviii, 360. Beautiful copy, in old calf. (4209.) 174. A Natural History Of British Quadru- peds, Foreign Quadrupeds, British Birds, Water Birds, Foreign Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Serpents, & Insects. Embellished with 247 Engravings on Wood, By Tho- mas Bewick, of Newcastle. Alnwick: Printed at tlie Apollo Press, By and for W. Davison. 1809. i8mo. Each of the divisions consists of 2,^ pages. The whole comprises Nos. (284.) to (297.), but issued at an earlier date than I was formerly led to suppose. Beautiful copy, in calf gilt. (4210.) 175. The Llistory Of the Castle, Town, and Forest, Of Knaresborough, With Harrogate, And it's Medicinal Springs : [etc.] By E. Hargrove. Sixth Edition ; With considerable Additions. Knaresborough : Printed by Hargrove and Sons ; [etc.] 1809. i2mo. Pp. 423. With a number of cuts, and among them the beautiful engraving of the Cornwall Arms at page 100. Good copy, in its original boards. (4211.) 176. Every Man His Own Farrier; Or, The Whole Art of Farriery Laid Open : [etc.] By Francis Clatcr. The Eighteenth Edition. London : Printed, by Assignment of A. Tomlinson, Additiom to Books and Pamphlets. 6i Newark, For B. Crosby and Co., Stationers' Court, Paternoster-Row, Which is the only Wholesale House. Sold also by S. and J. Ridge, Newark ; [etc.] 1809. 8vo. Pp. xi, 179. With a frontispiece, a cut at p. 179, and two cuts on the cover. Good copy, in its original boards. (4212.) 177. Furnass's Practical Surveyor. No. (236.)- Another very beautiful copy, half-bound in green morocco. (4213.) 178. Rural Felicity; Or the History Of Tommy and Sally. Embellished with Cuts. London : Printed for J. Harris, successor to E. New- bcry, the Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard. 1809. By J. Crowder, Warwick-Square. 241110. Pp. 31. With a frontispiece and seven cuts. I possess the original Block of that at p. 18, of which an impression is given at page 491. Good copy, in its original cover. (4214.) 179. The Visits Of Tommy Lovebook To his neighbouring Little Misses and Masters. Embel- lished with Cuts. London : Printed for J. Harris, (Successor to E. Newbery) Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard, 1809. Bv J. Crowder, Wanvick-Square. (Price Two Pence.) 24010. Pp. 64. W\i\\ a frontispiece and twelve cuts. I possess the original Blocks of those at pp. 14, 24, ^^, ^2, and 62. Im- pressions of tliose at pp. 14 and ^^ are here given, and one of that at p. ^^ is to be found under No. (3619.). 62 The Bewick Collector. Good copy, in its original cover. (4215.) 1 80. The History Of Tommy Careless, Or, The Misfortunes Of A Week. Embellished with Cuts. London : Printed for J. Harris, successor to E. New- bery, the Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard. 1809. By J. Crowder, Warwick Square. (Price One Penny.) 24mo. Pp. 3 J. With a frontispiece and seven cuts. Of that at p. 22 I possess the original Block. ^idditinns to Books and Pamphlets. 62, Good copy, in its original cover. (4216.) 181. The Foundling; Or, the History Of Lucius Stanhope. Embellished with Cuts. London : Printed for J. Harris, Successor to E. Newbery, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard ; by J. Crowder, Warwick-square. 1809. (Price One Penny.) 24nio, Pp. 31. With a frontispiece and seven cuts, of the authenticity of which I have great doubt. Good copy, in its original cover. (4217.) 182. The Lay of the Reedwater Minstrel. No. (243.). Another verv fine copy, in its original boards. (4218.) 183. The Gende Shepherd; A Scots Pas- toral. By Allan Ramsay. Edinburgh : Printed by and for Oliver and Boyd, Netherbow. [n. d. The cover bears date 1809.] i8mo. Pp. 71. The frontispiece is certainly not by Thomas Bewick, but a vignette on the wrapper is possibly his work. It also occurs at p. 157 of the 'Scottish Minstrel,' published by the same house. No. (143.), etc. Good copy, in its original paper wrapper. (4219.) 184. The Antiquities Of The Anglo-Saxon Church. The Second Edition. By The Rev. John Lingard. Newcastle : Printed by Edward Walker. Sold by J. Booker, and Keating and Co. London. 18 10. 8vo. Similar to No. (249.), with the exception of the imprint. 64 The Beuick Collector. The following is an impression from the original Block in my possession, representing the Preaching of S. Augustine. K:^"%: Fine copy, half-loound. (4220.) 185. The Historic of Frier Rvsh : how he came to a houfe of Religion to feeke feruice, and being entertained by the Priour, was firft made vnder Cooke. Being full of pleafant mirth and delight for young people. Imprinted at London by Edw. All-de, dwelling neere Chrifi:-Church. 1620. London : Reprinted by Harding and Wright, St. John's-Square ; For Robert Triphook, 37, St. James's- Street. 1810. 4to. Pp. 38. With a fac-simile of an old woodcut on the title, said to be by Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, half bound in calf. It formerly belonged to "John Caley., Greys Inn. F.A.S. 1810." who has written on the fly- leaf some particulars of this curious production. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 65 (4221.) 186. The New English Tutor, Or, Modern Preceptor, [etc.] The Thirteenth Edition : With the Author's Last Corrections, [etc.] By A. Fisher, Au-. thor of the English Grammar, with Exercises of Bad English. Newcastle : Printed by S. Hodgson. And Sold by the Booksellers in General. 18 10. i2mo. Pp. vii, 121. With the cuts of the previous Editions. Good copy, in old calf. (4222.) 187. The New Museum Of Natural His- tory. With Engravings on Wood by Bewick. Edinburgh : Published by Oliver & Boyd, Nether- bow. 18 10. i2mo. Pp. 100. With cuts which, though positively stated to be by him, certainly do not add to Bewick's fame. Good copy, in its original boards. (4223.) 188. ATreatise On the Choice, Buying, and General Management Of Live Stock ; [etc.] Second Edition, Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged. Embel- lished with beautiful Wood Engravings of some of the most profitable Breeds. By the Author of The Complete Grazier. London : Printed for B. Crosby and Co. Stationers'- Court, Paternoster-Row ; And sold by Ridges, Newark; Poole, Taunton; Wood, Wakefield; [etc.] 18 10. (J. G. Barnard, Printer, Skinner-Street.) 8vo. Pp. viii, 232. With many cuts of stock, some of which are by Thomas Bewick, and very beautiful. Good copy, in its original boards. F 66 The Bewick Collector. (4224.) 189. Fables Of ^Esop, And Others: Trans- lated into English. With Instructive Applications ; And a Print before each Fable. By Samuel Croxall, D.D. Late Archdeacon of Hereford. The Twentieth Edition, Carefully Revised and Improved. London : Published and Sold by all the Booksellers, and by Thomas Wilson and Son, Printers, High-Ouse- gate, York. 18 10. Sm. 8vo. Pp. xxiv, 2>3^- With many cuts previously used in the Select Fables of 1784, No. (24.), among many which are older than Bewick. Beautiful copy, in tree-calf. (4225.) 190. Yorick's Budget; Or, Repository Of Wit, Humour, and Sentiment, [etc.] London : Published by Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe ; R. Scholey ; And T. Tegg. Newcastle on Tyne, Printed and Sold by J.Mitchell. 1810. i2mo. Pp. iv, 260. "With an admirable cut on the title by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original i)')ards. (4226.) 191. The Indian Cottage, Or A Search after Truth. By M. Saint Pierre, [etc.] Newcastle on Tyne, Printed and Published by J. Mitchell, And sold by all the Booksellers in the United Kingdom. 1810. i2mo. Pp. 72. With a heaiitiful frontispiece, a cut on the title, and anotlier at p. 17, by I'homas Bewick. Very fine cojjy, in its original boards. (4227.) 192. ^I1ie Fables Of Mr. John Gay. Com- Additicns to Bouks and Pamphlets. 67 plete in Two Parts, [etc.] With Cuts by T. Bewick, of Newcastle. York : Printed by and for T. Wilson and Son. Pligh-Ousegate. 1 8 1 o. i2mo. Pp. 252. A reprint ot" the edition of 1806. Fine copy, in old calf. (4228.) 193. The Poetical Fabulator. No. (257.). Another copy, in its original cover. (4229.) 194. Original Miscellaneous Poetry, On different Incidents. By Veterinary, Doctor Marshall, South-Street, Durham, [etc.] Barnard-Castle ; Printed by John Soulby, And sold by Crosby and Co. Stationer's-Court, London ; Mun- dell and Stevenson, Edinburgh ; Fauer, Dublin ; and by all the Booksellers, in the United Kingdom. 18 10. i2mo. Pp. ^6. With a few insignificant cuts, some at least of which are believed to be by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4230.) 193. Reading Exercises For the Use of Schools, [etc.] By The Rev. David Blair. The Sixth Edition, Corrected. London : Printed for Richard Phillips, Bridge Street, Blackfriars. [etc.] i8n. W. Flint, Printer, Old Bai- ley, London. 8vo. Pp. iv, 212. With a number of cuts, a iew of which, representations of animals, have certainly much to recommend them as the work, in part at least, of Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in old calf. (4231.) 196. Robin Hood; Or, A Complete His- F 2 68 The Bewick Collector. tory Of all the Notable Exploits Performed by Him and his Merry Men. [etc.] York : Printed by and for Thomas Wilson and Son, High-Ousegate. 1811. (Price One Shilling.) i8mo. Pp. iv, 106. With cuts, one or two of which may be the early productions of Thomas Bewick, though the accuracy of this attribution is questionable. Fine copy, in its original boards. (4232.) 197. The Northumbrian Minstrel. No. (267.). Another very fine and clean copy of the three parts, in their ori- ginal paper covers. (4233.) 198. The Grave, A Poem. By Robert Blair. To which is added Gray's Elegy In a Country Churchyard. Alnwick : Printed by and for W. Davison, and Sold by A. K. Newman, & Co. London, J. and J. Robert- son, & Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. i8n. i8mo. Pp. xii, 46. With a frontispiece and two cuts, of which I possess the original Blocks. An impression of the first has already been given under No. (4206.), of which this edition is a reprint. Good copy, in its original cover. (4234.) 199. A Garland Of New Songs, Contain- ing, I. Be Quick, for Fm in Haste, [etc.] W. Appleton, Printer, Darlington. 1 8 1 1 . i2mo. Pp. 8. With cut of a Swan, thought to be l)y Thomas Bewick, on the title. Good copy, uncut. (4235.) 200. I. A Spelling-Book, Wherein the Pro- Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 69 nunciation and Spelling Of the English Tongue Are reduced to a very few Principles, or General Heads. For the Use of English Schools. By John Warden, Teacher of English in Edinburgh. A New Edition, With considerable Additions and Improvements. Newcastle : Printed at the Shakespeare Printing- Office, By E. Humble and Son, Mosley-Street. 1812. i2mo. Pp. viii, 180. AMth admirable cuts of the Horse, Cow, Deer, Cat, Dog, Lion, and Bear, by Thomas Bewick, at pp. 148-154. That of the Deer was afterwards, if not before, used for the head of a Bar Bill, and occurs in this Collection, Nos. (2623.)-(2625.). The original Blocks are in my posses- sion. Impressions of " The Horse " and " The Cow" are here given, and one of " The Deer " will be found in the Depart- ment " Bar Bills." Beautiful copy, in half-ru^^ia. ^o The Beuick Collector. (4236.) 200. 2. Another copy, in old calf. (4237.) 201. TheNewTestamentOf Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Translated out of the Latin Vulgat : Diligently compared with the Original Greek: And first published by The English College of Rhemes, Anno 1582. [etc.] Newcastle Upon Tyne : Printed by Preston & Hea- ton. 1 81 2. 1 2 mo. Pp. vi, 412. With a very beautiful cut of Our Lord on the Cross, on the title, by Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, in old calf. (4238.) 202. The Hive Of Ancient & Modern Literature : [etc.] The Fourth Edition, Illustrated with a Number of Engravings on Wood, by T. Bewick and L. Clenncll, both of Newcastle. Newcastle : Printed by and for S, Hodgson, and the Booksellers in general. 18 12. i2mo. Pp. vii, 338. With the cuts of the previous editions, of which I possess the original Blocks. That on the title has al- ready been given at page 371. Good copy, in old calf. (4239.) 203. Choice Emblems, Natural, Historical, Fabulous, Moral, and Divine, [etc.] Written for the Amusement of a Young Nobleman. The Eleventh Edition. London : Printed for J. Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard ; Longman and Co. Pater-Noster Row ; Scatcherd and Co. Ave-Maria Lane ; and Rivingtons, St. Patd's Church-Yard. 18 12. Additions (o Books and Pamphlets. 71 i8mo. Pp. xxi, 226. The cuts added in the third edition are, perhaps, the work of John Bewick. A reprint of No. (f^-), etc. See the note to that Number. Good copy, in half-calf. (4240.) 204. A Description Of more than Three Hundred Animals, Including Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Serpents, and Insects, [etc.] A New Edition, Carefully Revised, Corrected, and considerably Aug- mented.' By A. D. M[cauin]. H.F.S.A. London : Printed for B. and R. Crosby, and Co. Stationers'-Court, Ludgate-Street, And Sold by all the Booksellers in the United Kingdom. 18 12. 8vo. Pp. XX, 364. With numerous woodcuts, of some of which I possess the original Blocks, and imagine them to be by Tho- mas Bewick. Most of them are certainly not by him, and perhaps none are. Good copy, in its original boards. (4241.) 205. The Parents' Best Gift. York : Printed by Thomas Wilson and Son, High- Ousegate. 1812. (Price One Penny.) 24mo. Pp. 62. With a frontispiece and thirteen cuts. Imperfect copy. (4242.) 206. The Sister's Gift; Or, the Naughty Boy Reformed. PubUshed for The Advantage of the rising Generation. York : Printed by Thomas Wilson and Son, High- Ousegate. 18 12. (Price One Penny.) 24mo. Pp. 30. With a frontispiece and seven cuts. Good copy, in its original cover, on which are two cuts. (4243.) 207. I. Entertaining Fables For The In- ya The Bewick Collector. struction of Children. Embellished with Cuts. To which is added, The Trial of an Ox for killing a Man. Also A Moment's Advice to Children, and Young People. York : Printed by Thomas Wilson and Son, High- Ousegate. 1812. Price One Penny. 24010. Pp. 31. "With a frontispiece and seventeen cuts. Good copy, in its original cover, on which are two cuts. (4244.) 207. 2. Another copy, in its original cover. (4245.) 207. 3. Another copy. (4246.) 208. History Of Sir Richard Whittington And His Cat. Adorned with Cuts. York : Printed by Thomas Wilson and Son, High- Ousegate. 18 12. (Price One Penny.) 24mo. Pp. 30. With a frontispiece and twelve cuts. Good copy, in its original cover, which has two cuts. (4247.) 209. The London Cries, For the Amuse- ment Of all the Good Children Throughout the World. Taken from Life. York : Printed by Thomas Wilson and Son, High- Ousegate. 18 12. (Price One Penny.) 24010. Pp. 31. With a frontispiece and twenty-seven cuts. Good copy, in its original cover. The two cuts which embellish the latter are, in my opinion, the only specimens of Bewick's work which the little volume contains. (4248.) 210. The History Of Little Tommy Two- Shoes, Own Brother to Mrs. Margery Two-Shoes. Adorned with Cuts. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. y^ York: Printed by Thomas Wilson and Son, 1812. (Price One Penny.) 241110. Pp. 28. With a frontispiece and nine cuts, the authen- ticity of which, as well as of the two on the cover, is, in my judgment, very doubtful. Good copy, in its original cover. (4249.) 211. The Affecting History Of the Babes in the Wood. EmbelHshed with Cuts. York : Printed by Thomas Wilson and Son, High- Ousegate. 18 12. (Price One Penny.) 24nio. Pp. 31. With a frontispiece and eight cuts. Good copy, in its original cover, on whicli are two cuts. (4250.) 212. I. Cinderella ; Or, the History Of the Little Glass Shpper. York : Printed by Thomas Wilson and Son, High- Ousegate. 18 12. (Price One Penny.) 24010. Pp. 30. With a frontispiece and eight cuts, two of which, together with two tliat ornament the cover, are to be attributed to Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4251.) 212. 2. Another copy, in its original cover. (4252.) 213. The History Of Little Francis: In- tended for the Instruction of Boys and Girls not Six Feet High. To which is added, Learned, Religious, and Moral Lessons for all the Little Gentry in the Kingdom. With Cuts by Bewick. York : Printed by Thomas Wilson and Son, High- Ousegate. 1812. (Price One Penny.) 24mo. Pp. 30. With a frontispiece and eight cuts. Good copy, in its original cover, on which are two cuts. 74 'J^JiG Bewick Collector. (4253.) 214. Rhymes Of Northern Bards; [etc.] No. (302.). Another copy, in its original boards, and lettered at the back in the handwriting of Mr. W. Garret. It formerly belonged to Mr. Thomas Bell, and has his bookplate. (4254.) 215. Elegant Poems: Containing, Pope's Essay on Man, Blair's Grave, Gray's Elegy, Gold- smith's Traveller, And Goldsmith's Deserted Village. Gainsborough : Printed by and for Henry Mozley. 1812. i8mo. Pp.119. With a frontispiece. Good copy, in its original boards. (4255.) 216. The History Of Alnwick, The County Town Of Northumberland. Alnwick: Printed by and for W. Davison. 18 13. i2mo. Pp. 142. With a view of Alnwick Castle for the frontis- piece, of which 1 possess the original Block. Fine copy, in its original boards. (4256.) 217. The Honey-Jug; Containing A Va- riety of Pleasant Stories, For Youthful Amusement. With cuts by Bewick. York : Printed by Thomas Wilson and Sons, High- Ousegate. 1813. (Price Twopence.) 24mo. Pp. 3 I . With a frontispiece and twelve cuts. Good copy, in its original cover, on which are two cuts. (4257.) 218. The House That Jack Built; To which is prefixed the History of Jack Jingle ; [etc.] Edinburgh : Printed and Published by G. Ross. I 813. Price One Pcnnv. Additions to Books and Pamj^hlcts. y^ 241110. Pp. 19. With a frontispiece and eleven cuts. In my opinion, although I give them the benefit of a doubt, they are copies, more or less clever, of those by Thomas Bewick, but are not by tlie Artist himself. Good copy, in its original paper cover. I possess a number of Ross's Children's Books, including Cock Robin. Master Jackey And Miss Harriot. Tom Thumb's Play-Book. Jacky Dandy's Delight. The Royal Fabulist. Nursery Songs. The Golden Present, etc. etc. etc. But I consider even the most clever of their illustrations to be copies, and nothing more. (4258.) 219. Ballads, In the Cumberland Dialect, By Robert Anderson, [etc.] Alnwick : Printed by W. Davison, Bondgate Street. Sold by all Booksellers, [n. d.] i8mo. Pp. xvi, 224. With a few cuts, used in other publica- tions, and of which I have tlie original Blocks. Good copy, in its original cloth boards. (4l259.) 220. Newcastle Reprints. A volume con- taining the following : — 1. Biographical Memoirs of William Ged. No. 2. Santander's Origin of Printing. No. (367.). 3. Willett's Origin of Printing. No. (369.). 4. Hodgson's Origin of Stereotype Printing. No. (37c.)- All are on large paper, with the autograph attestation to each by ^6 The Bewick Collector. the printer of the number of copies printed. Of the three first-named pieces, thirty copies were printed on this large paper, and of the fourth thirty-six copies. A very beautiful royal 8vo volume, handsomely half-bound in calf (4260.) 221. Newcastle Reprints. A volume con- taining the following : — 1. Cheviot. No. (351.). 2. The Marriage Of the Coquet and the Alwine. No. (352.). 3. An Account Of The Great Floods. No. (359.). 4. An Exact Narration Of the Life and Death Of the Reverend and Learned Prelate, and Painfull Divine, Launcelot Andrewes, Late Bishop of Winchester. 5. A Short View Of the Long Life and Raigne Of Henry the Third, King of England. No. 6. A Memoir On The Origin of Printing. By Ralph Willett. [etc.] No. (369.). 7. Observations On the Origin of Printing, In a letter to Owen Salisbury Brereton, Esq. By Ralph Willett, Esq. F.R. and A.SS. New- castle : Printed by S. Hodgson, Union-Street. MDCCCXix. With autograph presentation "To Thomas Davidson, Esq^. from J. Murray. New- castle, September 27th, 18 19.", and autograph note inserted. Very fine copies. The volume, which is half-bound in calf, be- longed to Thomas Davidson, Esq., Clerk of the Peace for the county of Northumberland, whose book-plate is inserted, and to wlioiii tlu'sc original rojjics were presented. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 77 " It contains the most rare and valuable of all the Newcastle Typographic Publications. The Ordinary Selling Price of the Life of Bishop Andrewes is One Guinea, Cheviot 10.9. 6d., but seldom or ever to be had even at these Prices for Love or Money."— Mr. R. Robinson, 1866. (4261.) 222. The First Report Of a Society for Preventing Accidents In Coal Mines, [etc.] Illustrated by Plans and Sections, By John Buddie. Newcastle : Printed by Edward Walker, Pilgrim- Street. 1 8 14. 8vo. Pp. iv, 28. Figure VIL, on page 11, is attributed to Tho- mas Bewick. Good copy, in paper wrapper. (4262.) 223. Davison's Halfpenny Books. No. (3IO-)- The following should be added as of special merit : — 1. The English Alphabet. 2. The Picture Alphabet. 3. The House That Jack built. 4. The Book of Wild Beasts. 5. The British Picture Book of Birds. 6. The History of Monkeys. 7. Juvenile Song Book. 8. The Guess Book, A Collection of Ingenious Puzzles. Good copies, in their original state. (4263.) 224. Natural History of British Quadru- peds — British Birds — Water Birds — Fishes — Reptiles, 78 The Bewick Collector. Serpents, and Insects — Foreign Quadrupeds — Foreign Birds. Nos. (284.)-(297.). Another copy of each, very line and clean, in their original covers. (4264.) 225. A New Family Herbal : [etc.] By Robert John Thornton, M.D. [etc.] London: 18 14. 8vo. A reprint of the edition of 1810, No. (253.)- Good copy, in its original boards. (4265.) 226. Mother Bunch's Fairy Tales. Pub- lished for the Amusement Of all those Little Masters and Misses, Who, By Duty to their Parents, and Obedience To their Superiors, Aim at becoming Great Lords and Ladies. Embellished with Engravings. Glasgow : Published by J. Lumsden and Son. (Price Sixpence.) [n. d. but about 18 14.] Square 24mo. Pp.71. With a frontispiece. Fine copy, in half-morocco. I am in great doubt of the correctness of the attribution to Tho- mas Bewick of the cuts in Lumsden's publications, but not sufficiently assured of the want of genuineness of some to refuse them a place in this Catalogue. (4266.) 227. A Selection of Stories ; Containing the History Of the Two Sisters, The Fisherman, The King and Fairy Ring, And Honesty Rewarded. Em- bellished with Copperplates. Glasgow, Published and Sold by J. Lumsden & Son. Price Sixpence, [n. d. but about 18 14.] Square 24mo. Pp. 60. With five cuts. Fine copy, in half-morocco. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 79 (4267.) 228. Christmas Tales For the Instruction Of Good Boys and Girls, By M^ Solomon Sobersides. Embellished with Engravings. Glasgow : Published by J, Lumsden & Son. & Sold By Stoddart & Craggs, Hull. Price Sixpence, [n. d. 1814?] Square 241110. Pp. 6x. With cut at p. 61. Fine copy, in half-morocco. (1268.) 229. I. Gammer Gurton's Garland, [etc.] No. (315.) Another copy, in its original cover. (4269.) 229. 2. Another copy, in its original cover. (4270.) 230. Beauty And The Beast. A Tale. For the Entertainment of Juvenile Readers. Ornamented with Elegant Engravings. Glasgow: Published by J. Lumsden & Son. Price Sixpence. i8mo. Pp. 48. With cut, thought to be by Thomas Bewick, at page 48. Good copy, in its original cover. (4271.) 231. An Elegy On the Death and Burial Of Cock-Robin. Glasgow : Published and Sold, Wholesale, By Lums- den and Son. (Price One Penny.) [n. d.] 24mo. Pp. 14. With thirteen cuts. Good copy, in its original cover. (4272.) 232. The Waggon Load Of Amusement. Glasgow : Published and Sold, Wholesale, By Lums- den and Son. (Price One Penny.) [n. d.] 8o The Beicick Collector. 24mo. Pp. 14. With twenty-one charming cuts. Good copy, in its original cover. (4273.) 233. The History of Selima and Azor. Derby : Printed by and for Henry Mozley, Brook- Street, [n. d.] 24mo. Pp. 47. With a frontispiece and five cuts, three of which appear to be the work of Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4274.) 234. Divine Songs, In Easy Language, For the Use of Children. By I. Watts, D.D. Edinburgh : Printed and Sold by G. Ross. Price Two-Pence, [n. d. but about 18 14.] 24mo. Pp. 31. With a frontispiece and eight cuts. Good copy, in half-calf. (4275.) 235. The Poems Of Allan Ramsay. A New Edition, Greatly Enlarged. To which is prefixed, A Life of the Author, In Two Volumes. Leith : Printed by and for A. Allardice, And to be had of all Booksellers. 18 14. i8mo. With a few vignettes. Good copy, in its original boards. (4276.) 236. The Recreation Of Leisure Hours ; Being Original Songs and Verses, Chiefly in the Scot- tish Dialect. By P. Buchan, Jun. Peterhead, [etc.] Edinburgh : Printed for and Sold by the Author, A. Clark, and W. Mortimer, Peterhead, and all the principal Booksellers in Scotland. Oliver & Boyd, Printers. Price Two Shillings, [n. d. but about 1814.] Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 8i i2mo. Pp. 138. With a frontispiece and numerous cuts, some of which I am willing to believe to be by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original boards. (4277.) 237. An Introduction To Spelling and Reading : [etc.] By the Rev. Francis Fox, M.A. Rector of St. Mary, Reading. The Twentieth Edi- tion. Corrected and Improved. London : Printed for F. C. and J. Rivington, Book- sellers to the Society for Promoting Christian Know- ledge, No. 62, St. Paul's Church- Yard. 1815. i2mo. Pp. v., 108. With the cuts mentioned under No. (4049.), of which it is a reprint. Good copy, in old calf. (4278.) 238. A Tour through Sweden, Swedish- Lapland, Finland, and Denmark. In a Series of Let- ters. By Matthew Consett, Esq. Second Edition. Stockton : Printed by Christopher and Jennett. 1815. 8vo. Pp. viii., 148. With a frontispiece of "The Lapland Sledge," on wood, by Thomas Bewick. It faced page 86, and was the only woodcut, in the previous edition. Good copy, in its original boards. (4279.) 239. Fabliaux or Tales, Abridged from French Manuscripts Of the Xllth and Xlllth Cen- turies By M. Le Grand, Selected and Translated into English Verse, By the late G. L. Way, Esq. With A Preface, Notes, and Appendix, By the late G. Ellis, Esq. A New Edition, Corrected. In Three Volumes. London ; Printed for J. Rodwell, (Successor to Mr^ G 82 The Bewick Collector. Faulder,) New Bond Street, By S. Hamilton, Wey- bridge, Surrey. 1815. Sm. 8vo. A reprint of the edition of 1796-1800, No. (p/;.), with the same cuts. Fine copy, in red morocco. (4280.) 240. A Copy of A Letter, Written by Our Blessed Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ, [etc.] [Marshall, Printer.] i2mo. Pp. 8. With the cut of an EvangeHst, already men- tioned, No. (3282.), as ilkistrating a Christmas Carol, issued by the sam^J Printer. Good copy, uncut. (4281.) 241. Divine Songs, Attempted in Easy Language, For the Use of Children. By L Watts, D.D. [etc.] Louth : Printed and Pubhshed by B. Fotherby, Mercer-Row, And sold by all Booksellers. Price Sixpence, [n. d. but about 18 15.] i8mo. Pp. 46. With a frontispiece of doubtful authenticity. Good copy, in its original cover. (4282.) 242. A Garland Of New Songs. Contain- ing Blow high, blow low. [etc.] M. Angus & Son, Printers, Newcastle, [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. 8. With an early cut, by Thomas Bewick, on the title, of which the following is an impression from the original Block, obtained, as those which follow, from Angus's Office, the wholi' of the Bewick cuts of which have passed, through the liands of Mr. l']n)ers(Mi Charnley and Mr. Dodd, into my Additions to Books and Pamph/et.s. 83 possession. This cut is also used on the title of No. (15) Poor Jack, [etc.], presently mentioned. In many numbers, of eight pages each, sometimes bearing the imprint, " Newcastle : Printed by M. Angus & Son, Side." Among others, those containing (i.) Thomas Clutterbuck and Polly Higginbottom. [etc.], (2.) Tho' Fortune shuns my Lowly Cot. [etc.], (3.) The Blue Bell of Scotland, [etc.], (4.) Ewie wi' the crooked horn, [etc.], (5.) The Flowing Can. [etc.], (6.) God save the King, [etc.], (7). The Bay of Biscay, O. [etc.], (8.) Meg of Wapping. [etc.], (9.) My Nannie, O. [etc.], (10.) The New Ploughboy. [etc.], (11.) Old Towler. [etc.], (12.) When o'er the Midnight Billow, [etc.], (13.) The Old Ram of Derby, [etc.], (14.) On the green Sedgy Banks, [etc.], (15.) Poor Jack, [etc.], (16.) Of a' the Airts. [etc.] (17.) Jamie Reilly's Courtship, [etc.], (18.) Kitty o' the Clyde, [etc.], (19.) Lash'd to the Helm, [etc.], (20.) Sequel to Sweet Poll of Plymouth, [etc.], (21.) The Soldier's Adieu, [etc.], (22.) The Tempest, [etc.], (23.) William at Eve. [etc.], (24.) The Banks of the Dee. [etc.], (25.) The Blaeberries, [etc.], (26.) Duke William's Ramble, [etc.], (27.) The Greenwich Pensioner, [etc.], (28,) The Golden Days of Good Queen Bess, [etc.], (29,) A song in the Opera of Inkle and G 2 84 The Bewick Collector. Yarico. [etc.], and (30.) The Whip-Club, [etc.], have cuts on their titles done by Thomas Bewick in his early days, most of the original Blocks of which are in my possession. The following is the cut on the titles of Nos. (i.) Thomas Clut- terbuck and Polly Higginbottom. [etc.], and (18.) Kitty o' the Clyde, [etc.] :— The next occurs on Nos. (2.) Tho' Fortune shuns my Lowly Cot. [etc.], (14.) On the green Sedgy Banks, [etc.], (16.) Of a' the Airts. [etc.], and (17.) Jamie Rcilly's Courtship, [etc.] :— Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 85 The following is on Nos. (3.) The Blue Bell of Scotland, [etc.]. and (2/;.) The Blaeberries, [etc.] : — ■ The next is on Nos. (4.) Ewie wi' the crooked horn, [etc.], and {12,.) The Old Ram of Derby, [etc.] :— 86 The Beickk Collector, The following occurs on Nos. (5.) The Fiowhig Can. [etc.], and (9.) My Nannie, O. [etc.] :— This cut also occurs in Bell's Right Merr}^ Garland of Northum- berland Heroes, No. (303.), page 13. The following is on Nos. (6.) God save the King, [etc.], and (28.) The Golden Days of Good Queen Bess, [etc.] : — Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 87 The next occurs on Nos. (7.) The Bay of Biscay, O. [etc.], (i3.) When o'er the Midnight Billow, [etc.], (19.) Lash'd to the Helm, [etc.], (22.) The Tempest, [etc.], (26.) Duke William's Ramble, [etc.], and (27.) The Greenwich Pen- .sioner. [etc.] : — The following is on No. (8.) Meg of Wapping. [etc.] :- g|'|i|i|?^;_i:™ 1 ■ H^^fpTrf lU^M The Beivick Collector. The next is on Nos. (lo.) The New Ploughboy. [etc.], and (29.) A song in the Opera of Inkle and Yarico. [etc.] : — \^^ The following is on No. (xi.. Old Towler. [etc.] : — Additions (o Bonks and Pamphlets. 89 The following occurs on Nos. (20.) Sequel to Sweet Poll ot Plymouth, [etc.], and (23.) William at Eve. [etc.] : — .^g^liUi The next is on No. (2[.) The Soldier's Adieu, [etc.] 90 The Bewick Collector. And tlie following is on No. (30.) The Whip-Club, [etc.] : — Good copies, uncut. (4283.) 243. A Collection Of New Songs. Con- taining ] . The Bleaberries. [etc.] George Angus, Printer, Side, Newcastle, [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. 8. With cut of the .Scotch Piper, already given. In many numbers, some with the above imprint, and others with " M. Angus & Son, Printers, Newcastle." Another, contain- intr I. Happy Harry, [etc.], has the following cut on the title, by Thomas Bewick. Additions to Booh cmd Pamphlets. 91 Most of ihe rest commence with the same songs, and are illus- trated with the same cuts as those mentioned and given above among the Garlands, which were printed at the same house, and from which they diti^er only in the designation on their titles. Good copies, uncut. (4284.) 244. The Jovial Sailor's Garland. Licensed and entered according to Order, [no place nor date.] iznio. Pp. 8. With the following cut, used also on the title of Hell's Right Merry Garland of Northumberland Heroes, x\o. (303.). Good copy, uncut. (4285.) 245. The True Lover's Garland. Licensed and Entered according to Order, [no place nor date. 92 The Bewick Collector. i2mo. Pp. 8. With the following cut, used also on the title of Bell's Garland of Bells, No. {2,iS-)- Good copy, uncut. (4286.) 246. The Jovial Ganiester's Garland. Licensed and Entered according to Order, [no place nor date.] i2mo. Pp. 8. With cut used in No. {33^.), given above. Good copy, uncut. (4287.) 247. The Fortunate Miller's Garland. Licensed and Entered according to Order, [no place nor date.] i2mo. Pp. 8. With cut used on the title of the Contented Couckould, No. {^^6.), and also in the Garlands (4.) and (13.) mentioned above, of which an impression has been given. Good copy, uncut. (4288.) 248. The Cuckold's Cap Garland, i. The Buxom Dame of Readings [etc.] Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 93 Licensed and entered according to Order, [no place nor date.] 121110. Pp. 8. With cut used in No. {2,36.), etc. as stated above. Good copy, uncut. (4289.) 249. The. London Rake's Garland. Beau- tified with several choice New Songs. Licensed and entered according to Order, [no place nor date.] i2mo. Pp. 8. With cut on the title, which occurs also on the title of ' Figures in Rhymes,' No. (304.). The following is an impression from the original Block in my possession. Good copy, in paper cover. (4290.) 250. The Ewie wi' the crooked Horn Gar- land, [etc.] Licensed and Entered according to Order. i2mo. Pp. 8. With the cut used in No. {2,2>^-), etc., of which an impression has been given. Good copy, uncut. (429L) 251. Poor Jack's Garland, [etc.] Newcastle : Printed in this present year. [n. d.] 94 Tlie Bewick Collector. i2mo. Pp. 8. With the cut of Sailor and Lass, already given. Good copy, uncut. (4292.) 252. Meg of Wapping's Garland, [etc.] ' Newcastle : Printed in this present year. [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. 8. With the cut used in Garland No. (8.), already given. Good copy, uncut. (4293.) CLS?>- Nelson's Garland Of New Songs. [No place nor date.] i2mo. Pp. 8. With the cut of a Ship, used in Garlands Nos. (7.), (12.), etc. given above. Good copy, uncut. (4294.) 254. The Midford Garland. [No place nor date.] i2mo. Pp. 8. With cut of a Galloway, used also in the Rhymes of Northern Bards, No. (302.), of which I have the original Block. Good copy, uncut. (4295.) 255. The Comical and witty Jokes Of John Falkirk, [etc.] Printed in this present year. i2mo. Pp. 8. With the cut already given under No. (4284.). Good copy, uncut. (4296.) 256. A Garland Of New Songs. Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. No. (138). i2mo. To those already mentioned should be added, as contain- ing cuts of special merit, the numbers beginning The Black- bird, The Bonny Scotch Lad and his Bonnet so Blue, and The Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 95 Woodpecker, with a rigure of a Blackbird ; The Post Captain, The Tempest, I'he Bay of Bisca)', O, and Oh ! Lady fair, with a figure of a Ship ; and The Roving Bachelor, and Muirland Willie, with that of a Gentleman walking. Good copies, uncut. (4297.) 257. A Garland Of Newcastle Songs. Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh Market. 1 2 mo. Pp. 8. \y\\\\ cut of a Gentleman walking. Good copy, uncut. (4298.) 258. A Garland Of New Songs, Containing The Hungry Fox. [etc.] Newcastle : Printed by David Bass, Foot of Pilgrim Street, [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. 8, With cut of the Fable of the Fox and the Grapes. Another number, containing The Lammy, [etc.], has a figure of Fortune. Good copies, uncut. (4299.) 259. Excellent New Songs. Alnwick : Printed and Sold by W. Davison, [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. 8. With a cut on the title of each number, used by Davison in others of his publications. Good copies, in their original covers. (4300.) 260. An Introduction To Reading and Spell- ing. Written on a New Plan, For the Use of Schools, In Two Parts, [etc.] By the Rev. John Hewlett, B.D. Author of Sermons in Two Volumes ; Vindication of the Parian Chronicle, &c. A New Edition. London : Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 96 The Bewick Collector. 47, Paternoster Row, And. R. Hunter, 72, St. Paul's Church- Yard. 18 16. i2mo. Pp. viii, 172. With Fable cuts at pp. 8, 11, 22, 23, 25, 30, Q,^, 41, 45, 47, ^o, and 51, most of which are by Thomas Bewick. Those at pp. 22, 0^^, ^o, and 51, are signed with his initials. Very fine copy, in its original boards, and uncut. (4301.) 261. The Youth's Historical Companion, Containing A Variety Of Anecdotes. Embellished with Cuts. Derby : Printed and Sold by Henry Mozley, Brook- Street. 1 816. i8nio. Pp. 72. With a frontispiece, and cut at p. 5, the authen- ticity of each of which is doubtful. Good copy, in its original boards. (4302.) 262. Dr. Goldsmith's Abridgment Of his History of England, From the Invasion of Julius Caesar, To The Death of George II. To which is added, A very Extensive and Faithful Continuation From that Period to March, 18 16. By an Eminent Historian. Ornamented with a Frontispiece, and with Heads by Bewick. Derby : Printed by and for Henry Mozley, Brook- Street, 1 816. i2mo. Pp. 428. With the larger Heads of Sovereigns, as in Nos. (299-)' (3797-)> etc. Good copy, in old calf. (4303.) 263. I. A History Of Hartlepool. By Sir Cuthbert Sharp, Knight, F.S.A. No. (343.) Another, a presentation, copy, " To the Ettrick Shepherd, a tes- Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 97 timony of affectionate regard and esteem, from the Author. Hartlepool. July 9. 1816." Good copy, in its original boards. (4304.) 263. 2. Another copy, presented by the Author to Mr. Sykes, the pubUsher, " With Sir C. Sharp's best respects to Mr. Sykes." Very line copy, in its original boards. (4305.) 264. An Account Of the Great Flood, [etc.] No. (345.). Another copy, one of the twenty-four printed on writing demy paper, ruled with red lines, with the extra leaf and MS. signa- ture, and half-bound in calf. It belonged to J. T. Brockett, Esq., and has his book-plate. (4306.) 265. The Custom House Garland, [etc.] No. (347.). Another of the fifty copies printed. It is on azure-blue paper, and curiously bound in blue calf gilt, bearing the initials t. S. It belonged to John Straker, Esq., and has also his autograph signature, " Jno. Straker, 1816," and his book-plate. I had it from an old gentleman of Newcastle, who believed it to be unique. (4307.) 266. The Budget ; Or Newcastle Songster. For 1 816, [etc.] Newcastle : Printed for the Union Lodge of Odd Fellows, By J. Marshall, Old Flesh-Market. 1816. i2mo. Pp. 24. With the Arms of Newcastle on the title. Good copy, uncut. (4308.) 267. An Account Of The Interment Of Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte, In St. H 98 The Beivick Collector. George's Chapel, Windsor, On Wednesday, Nov. 19, 1817. Newcastle : Printed for J. S. mdcccxvii. 8vo. With Bewick's cut of a Female Figure leaning on a Tomb, used by J. Mitchell in No. (281.), etc. Good copy, in its original paper cover. (4309.) 268. A Select Collection Of Anecdotes, Tales, Poems, &c. Compiled By G. Thompson. Newcastle upon Tyne, Printed by Preston & Hea- ton, Side. 18 17. i2mo. Pp. 24. With cut on the title, said to be by Thomas Bewick, of which I have the original Block. Good copy, half-bound. (4310.) 269. The Little Teacher, Or Child's First Spelling Book. By a Parent. A New Edition. London : Printed for Darton, Harvey, and Darton, No. ^^, Gracechurch-Street. 181 8. i2mo. Pp. 96. A reprint of No. (256.). The early period at which the Alphabet cuts were executed, and their great simi- larity to others of Bewick's works at the same time, induce me to concede to this little volume a place in the present Cata- logue. Good copy, in its original boards. (431 L) 270. Wilkinson's Treatise On two of the most Important Diseases Which attack The Horse. No. (409.). Another very iine copy, in its original boards, and uncut. (4312.) 271. The Highland Girl; Or, The Advan- tages of Early Piety Exemplified, In The Life and Death or Jane M-'Gregor. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. gg Newcastle : Printed by Edward Walker, Pilgrim- Street, For the Newcastle Religious Tract Society. 1818. i2mo. Pp. 15. With a cut on the title, No. (3461.). Good copy, half-bound. (4313.) 272. A Historical and Descriptive View Of the Parishes of Monkwearmouth and Bishopwear- mouth, And the Port and Borough of Sunderland. Compiled from Publications of Undoubted Authority, Original Communications, and Personal Research. By George Garbutt. Sunderland : Printed by and for the Editor ; And sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster-Row ; Nichols and Son, Red-Lion Pas- sage, Fleet-Street, London ; and the Booksellers in the Counties of Durham and Northumberland. 18 19. 8vo. Pp. vii, 422, 72, 18. With a " South-west View of tlie Custom-House, with Part of Fitter's Row," at page 420, said to be by Thomas Bewick, of which I possess the original Block. Good copy, half-bound in calf. (4314.) 273. Chronicon Mirabile Seu Excerpta Memorabiha E Registris Parochialibus Com. Pal. Dunelm. Pondere non Numero. [Book L] G. Garbutt, Sunderland, mdcccxix. Svo. Pp. vi, 26. [Book II.] Bishopweremouth : George Garbutt, Typographer, mdcccxxv, Svo. Pp. 23. With cut, at p. 3, of the " Friarage, Hartlepool, used in the History of that Town, No. (343.). H 2 lOO The Bewick Collector. [Book III.] [no place or date.] 8vo. Pp. iv, 27. With the cut at p. i, used in the ' Bishoprick Garhuid,' No. (490.), etc. Fine copy, half-bound in morocco. (4315.) 274. A Collection Of Classical Songs, [etc.] Part I. Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed and Sold by J. Mar- shall, In the Old Flesh-Market. 1 8 19. Price Two- pence. i8mo. Pp. 16. With cut of music and instruments on the title. Fine copy, in its original paper cover. (4316.) 275. A Collection Of Popular Newcastle Songs, [etc.] Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed and Sold by J. Marshall, In the Old Flesh-Market. 18 19. Price Twopence. 1 2 mo. Pp. 16. With the Arms of Newcastle on the title. Good copy, uncut. (4317.) 276. A Collection Of Original Newcastle Songs, [etc.] Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed and Sold by J. Marshall, In the Old Flesh-Market. 18 19. Price Twopence. r2m(). Pp. 16. With the Arms of Newcastle on the title. Good copy, uncut. (4318.) 277. Emerson Charnley's Catalogue For 1820. 8vo. Pp. 163. With the View of Newcastle Castle, on the title ; cut of the Elephant, at p. 24 ; two Fable cuts at p. 25 ; Additions to Boohs and PamjjJtlets. loi the Hon. Horace Walpole's 15ook-plate, given under No. (2 1 1 2.), and of which I possess the original Block, at p. 76; the Goose, at p. 85 ; fishing scene, at p. 86 (query if by Bewick) ; and Air. Adamson's book-plate, given under No. (1929.) of the 'Bewick Collector,' at p. 158. Good copy, in its original paper cover. (4319.) 278. Scraps For The Curious; Being a Miscellaneous Collection Of Interesting Events, he. &c. Selected from Authentic Sources. Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by William Hall, New Wheat-Market, For the Publishers. 1820. (Price One Shilling & Sixpence.) i2mo. Pp. 34. With cut on the title, which may be by Tho- mas Bewick. Good copy, half-bound. (4320.) 279. A Collection Of Original Newcastle Songs, [etc.] Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed and Sold by J. Marshall, In the Old Flesh-Markef. 1820. Price Twopence. i2mo. Pp. 16. With the Arms of Newcastle on the title. Good copy, uncut. (4321.) 280. The Gododin, And The Odes of the Months, Translated from the Welsh, [etc.] [By Wil- liam Probert,] London: Sold by E.Williams, 11, Strand, Book- seller to the Prince Regent and to the Duke and Dutchess of York ; W. Davison, Alnwick ; E. Charn- lev, Newcastle upon 'I'ync ; and P. Blair, Morpeth. I02 The Bewick Collector. Alnwick: Printed by W. Davison, [n.d, but pub- lished in 1820.] i2mo. Pp. V, 120. With cut of the Bard on the title. Good copy, in its original boards. (4322.) 281. A Selection Of Engravings on Wood By Thomas Bewick, [etc.] Newcastle: Printed at the Mercury Press. 1821. 4to. Consisting of a title and nineteen leaves, printed on one side only, and containing tifty-one cuts, among which are those of Tyneniouth Priory, No. (6';.), and the Knight, No. .(3798.)- Fine copy, in its original grey paper cover. (4323.) 282. Mynshul's Essayes And Characters Of a Prison, and Prisoners. No. (436.). Another copy, in its original boards. (4324.) 283. Catalogue Of James Oviston's Circu- lating Library, In Collingwood-Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; [etc.] Newcastle: Printed by Preston & Heaton. 1821. Price Sixpence. i2mo. With cut on the title, similar to that of No. (4309.). Good copy, in its original cover. (4325.) 284. The Hermit Of Warkworth : [etc.] With Engravings on Wood by Bewick. Alnwick: Printed and Sold by W. Davison. 1821. I2mn. P[). vii, fjo. With a frontispiece, " South \'ic\v of the Ilcrmilage," given at |). 449, ami three other cuts. Cfood copy. hall-l)()Uiid in call. Additions to Books and Pdmphlcts. 103 (4326.) 285. Specimen Of Printing Types, &c. In the Newcastle Printing Office, Newgate Street. J. Clark, Printer. — 1822. 8vo. With "J. C," encircled willi palm, oak, etc., on the title j a view of Clark's Shop, No. (2429.); Profile of Clark; Arms of Newcastle, No. (3007.) ; Arms of Newcastle, of which an impression is given at page 291 ; view of the Newcastle Theatre, No. (2187.); view of Sunderland Bridge; etc. etc., by Thomas Bewick, the original 151ocks of some of which are in my pos- session. This volume is another specimen of a class of books in whicli the present Supplement is so happily rich, consisting of impressions of the Blocks in the possession of various publishers. All of them are of extreme rarity. Of the one before us I have never seen or heard of another copy. Good copy, half-bound. (4327.) 286. Collections For A History Of The Ancient Family Of Carlisle. No. (438.). Another copy. A presentation copy, in its original boards, and uncut, from the author to Mr. Charles Devon, with the fol- lowing autograph note inserted : — " Somerset Place, 29"" Jan''. 1823. Mr. Nich'. Carlisle presents his Compliments to Mr. Devon, & begs his acceptance of a copy of His Family History." It is endorsed, " Mr. Charles Devon, by favour of Mr. Caley." One hundred copies only were printed, as presents, and not pub- lished. (4328.) 287. I. An Address Delivered in the Loyal Northumbrian Social Society : By W. G. Thompson. No. (3813.). Another fine copy, in its original cover. (4329.) 287. 2. Another Copy. The impression was limited to one hundred copies. 104 The Bewick Collector. (4330.) 288. The Little Child's Tutor, Or First Book, For Children, The Twenty-ninth Edition. Derby : Printed by and for Henry Mozley. Price Sixpence. 1823. i8mo. Pp. 72. With two cuts on the frontispiece and one on the title, of doubtful authenticity. Good copy, in its original cover. (4331.) 289. The Fables of ^Esop, And Others. With Designs on Wood, by Thomas Bewick. The Second Edition. Newcastle : Printed by E. Walker, For T. Bewick and Son. Sold by them, Longman and Co. London, And All Booksellers. 1823. 8vo. Pp. xxiv, 376. A reprint of No. (408.). Fine copy, in calf giU. (4332.) 290. New General County Rate Schedules, Ordered by the Court of Quarter Sessions at Durham, on the 2"'^ of August, 1823, to be Printed and Dis- tributed. Durham : Printed by Francis Humble and Co. [1823.] 4to. Pp. 18. With cut of the Seal of the Clerk of the Peace, Durham, by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4333.) 291. The Sorrows of Yamba, Or the Negro Woman's Lamentation, By Hannah More, [etc.] Newcastle : Printed by Edward Walker, Pilgrim- Street, For the Newcastle Religious Tract Society. 1823. Additions to Books and PampJilcts. 105 8vo. Pp. 12. With Bewick's cut of the Kneeling Negro, No. (3446.)- Good copy, half-bound. (4334.) 292. Negro Sale At Demerara. Newcastle : [etc.] [n. d.] 8vo. Pp. 12. With the same cut. Good copy, with the former. (4335.) 293. A Bibliographical And Descriptive Tour From Scarborough To the Library of a Philo- biblist, In it's Neighbourhood. By John Cole, Book- seller, Scarborough. Scarborough : Printed and Published by John Cole and by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, W. Baynes and Son, and Richard Baynes, Paternoster-row, J. Taylor, Great Surrey Street ; Isaac Wilson, Hull ; J. and G. Todd, York ; and Birdsall and Son, Northampton. 1824. 8vo. Pp. iv, 92. With a view of Hunmanby Church, by Tho- mas Bewick, on the title. Good copy, in its original boards. The impression consisted of fifty copies, whereof twenty-four were on large paper, of which the present is one. (4336.) 294. A Descriptive Catalogue Of a Select Portion Of the Stock Of John Cole, Bookseller, Scar- borough, [etc.] Scarborough: Printed by John Cole, 1825. 2 copies on Drawing Paper. 6 ,, Tinted Paper. 2"; ., Medium Writing. io6 The Bewick Collector, 8vo. Pp. 66. With Bewick's v'iew of Hunmanby Church at page 29. Good copy, on medium writing-paper, in its original boards. (4337.) 295. History Of the Earl of Derwentwater. Sold by T, Huntley, 11, High Street, Sunderland ; And 13, Dean Street, Newcastle, [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. 24. With cut of " The Female Exile," No. (1712.), on the cov^er. Good copy, in its original cover. (4338.) 296. The History Of Fortunatus. [etc.] Edinburgh : Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country, [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. 24. With cut on the title, which appears to be by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, uncut. (4339.) 297. New Penny Histories. Morpeth : Published by J. Mackay, Bridge Street, [n. d.] J 2mo. Pp. 24. In various numbers, of which. No. 4. The Three Meetings ; No. 7. The Falcon Inn ; No. 9. The Rival Cousins ; No. II. Helen Bertram j and No. i6. The Fatal Stroke, contain cuts which have much of the style of Thomas Bewick. Good copies, uncut. (4340.) 298. Storys of The Three Beggars, [etc.] Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers. No. 31. [n. cl] i2mo. Pp- ^4- With several ciits, whicli ai)pear to be taken from stereotypes, obtained, no doubt, from Davison, of Alnwick. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 107 Other numbers of the same series are similarly illustrated. Good copy, uncut. (4341.) 299. The Tyne Side Minstrel. No. (459.). Another copy. Of the frontispiece I have considerable doubt ; but, as the original Block is in my possession, I give an im- pression of it. It is probably by Isaac Nicholson. -^%l^ ''j%i,. (4342.) 300. Poems, By James Stirling. Newcastle : Printed for the Author By Preston & Heaton. [1824.] i2mo. Pp. 24. With cut on the title, used in No. (4309.), etc. Good copy, in its original paper cover. (4343.) 301. Hymns, In Prose. For Children: Calculated to impress The Infant Mind with Early Devotion. By Mrs. Barbauld. Alnwick : Printed by William Davison, Bondgatc Street, [n. d.] [1824 r] io8 The Bewick Collector. i8mo. Pp. 35. With a number of cuts, among which are seve- ral by Thomas Bewick, used by Davison in others of his pub- hcations. Good copy, in its original boards. (4344.) 302. An Account Of the Charitable Dona- tions To the Poor Of the Parish of Gateshead, With Extracts from the Wills of several of the Benefactors : To which is added An Account of the Plate belonging to St. Mary's Church, And St. Edmund's Chapel, Gateshead. Newcastle: Printed by J. & R. Akenhead. 1825. 4to. Pp. 7. With Bewick's cut of Tynemouth Priory on page 7. " To the Rev. W. Hawks with James Charlton's Respects.' ' Good copy, in its original wrapper. (4345.) 303. The Hermit Of Warkworth : [etc.] With Engravings on Wood by Bewick. Alnwick: Printed and Sold by W. Davison. 1825. i8mo. Pp. viii, 50. With a frontispiece, " South View of the Hermitage," given at page 449, and three other cuts. A re- print of No, (4325.) Good copy, in its original cover. (4346.) 304. The Battle of Chevy Chase. By Richard Shele. [etc.] Alnwick : Printed and Sold by W. Davison, Bond- gate Street, [n. d.] i2nio. Pp. 24. With several vignettes used elsewhere. Good copy, uncut. (4347.) 305. The Hermit of Warkworth, [etc.] Alnwick : Printed and Sold by W. Davison, Bond- gate Street, [n, d.] Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 109 i2mo. Pp. 24. With view of the Hermitage on the title, and vignette at page 22. Good copy, uncut. (4348.) 306. The Yorkshire Garland, Containing the Celebrated old Songs of " Yorke Yorke, for me Monie," And the Pattern of True Love ; Or, Bowes Tragedy, [etc.] Northallerton : Printed and Sold by E. Langdale ; Sold also by T. Langdale, Ripon ; W. Langdale, Knaresbro', and the principal Booksellers in the County. 1825. i2mo. Pp. 34. With a frontispiece by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4349.) 307. The Diverting History Of John Gil- pin, [etc.] York : Printed and Sold Wholesale and Retail, by C. Croshaw, Pavement. Price One Penny. 24mo. Pp. 15. With a frontispiece, in the manner at least of Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4350.) 308. The Universal Battledore. Printed and Sold by C. Croshaw, Pavement, York. Price One Penny, [n. d.] 1 2 mo. With twelve cuts, of which I possess the Blocks. They are a portion of those which ilkistrate the rare " Picture Book" printed at Stockton. See No. (41 01.). Good copy, in its original state. (4351.) 309. The Yorkshire Battledore. Printed and Sold by C. Croshaw, Pavement, York. Price One Penny, [n. d.] i2mo. With nineteen cuts, fifteen of which illustrate the " Pic- no The Bewick Cullector. ture Book," just mentioned, and of which I possess most of the original Blocks. Good copy, in its original state. (4352.) 310. The Pretty Battledore. To Instruct and Amuse. Printed and Sold by C. Crosliaw, Pavement, York. Price One Penny. i2mo. With seven cuts, used in the previous articles. Good copy, in its original state. (4353.) 311. I. A Battledore, To Instruct and Amuse. Printed and Sold by C. Croshaw, Pavement, York- Price One Penny. i2mo. With seven of the cuts used above. Good copy, in its original state. (4354.) 311. 2. Another good copy. (4355.) 312. The Royal Battledore. Printed by C. Croshaw, Pavement, York. Price One Penny. i2mo. With eleven cuts, most of them already mentioned. Good copy, in its original state. (4356.) 313. Weightman's New Battledore. York : Printed by T. Wcightman, 44, Goodram- gatc. Price One Penny. i2mo. With twenty cuts, nine of which are the same as those in No. (4060.). Good copy, in its original state. I have other Battledores, published by R. & J. Richardson, High- Ousegate, and T. Weightman, Goodramgate, York ; Thomas Richardson, Derby; R. Harrild, Great East Cheap ; S Bennett, Additions to Books and Pamphlets. Ill Market Place, Nottingham ; J. Rosewarhe, Helper; and others ; but, though not without an interest of their own, they have no claim to a place in the present Catalogue. (4357.) 314. I. The Infant's Alphabet. Neatly embellished with Cuts. York : Printed & Sold by C. Croshaw, Pavement. Price One Penny. 32nio, With twenty-eight cuts, most of them used in the fore- going articles. (4358.) 314. 2. Another copy. Several of the same cuts are used to adorn the covers of various toy-books of the same publisher, as The History of Goody Two-Shoes, The History of Jack the Giant Killer, The Inter- esting History of Charlotte & Francis, The History of Whit - tington And His Cat, etc. etc. (4359.) 315. I. The Juvenile Scrap-Book. Printed & Sold by J. Bishop, Taunton. (Price Six- pence.) [n. d. but about 1825.] Square i2mo. With one hundred and ninety-seven cuts, inclu- ding nine on the outside of the cover. Fine copy, in its original cover. (4360.) 315. 2. Another fine copy. An eminent London bibliopolist describes this little book as fol- lows : — " EXTREMELY RARE, £2 12S 6d " This beautiful Bewick gem is of the highest rarity, the cuts being full of life and character. Amongst the Amusing Contents may be mentioned, Jack, Mermaid, Giant, Murder, Red, Horse, Shepherd, Boat, Rabbit, Woodman, Robber, Ship, Gardeners, Goat with Dog Riding on his back. Ghastly Skele- tons (treated in the most curious manner). Smoking Dog, the Bull Finch, a large Cut, and Finis. " The publisher believes this very rare volume to be almost price- 112 77/ e Bewick Collector. less to the Bewick Collector, being perfectly clean THROUGHOUT." I am sorry that I cannot endorse this enthusiastic description. In deference to my friend's authority, I allow the volume a place .in this Supplement, but I do not believe that Thomas Bewick cut a single line in one of the cuts which illustrate — I can hardly say, embellish — it. (4361.) 316. A List Of the Knights and Burgesses, Who have represented the County and City of Dur- ham, In Parliament. Fifty Copies Printed. Durham : Printed by Francis Humble. 1826. 4to. Pp. vi, 41. The work was by Sir Cuthbert Sharp, and is illustrated with a cut, by Thomas Bewick, at the head of the Preface, which he had previously used in his ' Bishoprick Garland,' No. (490.), and elsewhere. Possibly that also at page 28 is by him, but I am in great doubt of its being genuine. The original Block is in my possession, and an impression follows. I believe it to be by Isaac Nicholson. Good copy, in its original cover. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 113 (4362.) 317. Narrative Of the Adventures Of A Greenwich Pensioner, [etc.] Newcastle : Printed by R. T. Edgar, Pilgrim Street. 1826. i2mo. With cut by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original paper cover. (4363.) 318. The English Portion Of The Library Of the Ven. Francis Wrangham, M.A. F.R.S., Arch- deacon of Cleveland. Malton: Printed by R. Smithson, Jim. Bookseller and Stationer, in Yorkersgate. 1826. (Only Seventy Copies.) Unpublished. 8vo. Pp. X, 645. With cuts at pp. 128 and rSi, said to be by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original boards. (4364.) 319. The Antiquarian Trio, [etc.] To which is added A Finale, Called The Poet's Favourite Tree, By the Rev. Archdeacon Wrangham ; with A brief Description of Hunmanby. Scarborough : Printed and published by John Cole, Library, Newborough Street, 1826. Svo. Pp. ii, 27. With Bewick's View of Hunmanby Church, at page 24. Good copy, in its original boards. (4365.) 320. Splinters, [etc.] No. (477.). Another fine copy, in half-morocco. (4366.) 321. The History And Antiquities Of Filey, In the County Of York. By John Cole, [etc.] Scarborough, Printed and Published by J. Cole 1828. I 1 14 The Bewick Collector. 8vo. Pp. vi, 160. With Bewick's View of Hunmanby Church, at p. 150. Very fine copy, on large paper, in its original cloth boards. (4367.) 322, Sykes's Tracts : Verses on Alnwick Castle, Hermitage of Warkworth, Quakers' Burial Ground at Cullercoats. Printed for John Sykes, Bookseller, At Johnson's Head, 179, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle, mdcccxxix. 8vo. Good copy, in its original cover. (4368.) 323. The Gentle Shepherd, A Scots Pas- toral, In Five Acts. By Allan Ramsay. Alnwick: Printed and Sold by W. Davison. 1830. i8mo. Pp. 60. With a frontispiece and cut on the title, used in other publications, of which I have the original Blocks. Good copy, in its original boards. (4369.) 324. Transactions Of the Natural History Society, Of Northumberland, Durham, And Newcastle upon Tyne. Newcastle : Printed by T. & J. Hodgson, Union Street, For Emerson Charnley, And Longman & Co., London. 1831. 4to. With the Seal of the Society, by Thomas Bewick, on the title. An impression is given under No. (2189.). The second v(jlume was published in 1838, with a similar title. Good copy, lialf-bound in calf. (4370.) 325. A List Of the Knights and Burgesses Who have represented the County and City of Dur- ham In Parliament. Second Edition. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 1 1 5 Sunderland : Printed by Marwood and Co. Herald Office. 1 83 1. 4tu. Pp. xi, 55, 8. With the cuts of the former edition, No. (436J.). Good copy, in bUie cloth boards. (4371.) 326. Robin Hood : A Collection Of all the ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads, Now extant Rela- tive to that celebrated English Outlaw. To which are prefixed Historical Anecdotes of his Life. By Joseph Ritson, Esq. [etc.] Second Edition. London : William Pickering : J. and G. Todd, York. 1832. 2 vols. Small 8vo. Vol. I. pp. cxxxv, 148. Vol. II. pp. vi, 261. With tlie cuts of the first edition. No. (86.), of which this is a very beautiful reprint. Good copy; in its original boards, and uncut. (4372.) 327. Service's Metrical Legends Of North- umberland. No. (489.). Another copy, in its original boards. (4373.) 328. Markham's Spelling Book. No. (495.). Another copy, in cloth boards. (4374.) 329. The Hermit of Warkworth, A North- umberland Tale. In Three Parts. By Dr. Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dromore. Alnwick : Stereotyped and Printed by W. Davison, 22, Bondgate Street. And Sold by all Booksellers, [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. vi, 44. With the cuts previously used, the original Ijlocks of w hich are in my possession. Davison was in the 1 2 ii6 The Bewick Collector. habit of protecting his blocks by the use of stereotypes, for which care I have much reason to thank him. See note to No. (298.). (4375.) 330. The Jolly Huntsman's Garland. Printed by W. A. Mitchell, Newcastle, [n. d.] Sm. 8vo. Pp. 14. With three cuts attributed to Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, in its original cover. (4376.) 331. A Treatise On Wood Engraving, His- torical and Practical. With upwards of Three Hun- dred Illustrations, Engraved on Wood, By John Jackson. London : Charles Knight and Co. Ludgate Street, 1839. Imp. 8vo. Pp. xvi, 749. With a large number of cuts, most of which, as stated on the title, are by Jackson. Among the rest, engraved by Charlton Kesbit, Luke Clennell, John Thompson, Robert Branston, and William Harvey, is a solitary one, at page 634, stated to be " by Thomas Bewick." Of this I have the pleasm-e of possessing the original Block, and the following is an impression from it. Fine copy, in half moro-c o. j^dclitiuns to Books and Patn/di/eLs. 1 1 7 (4377.) 332. I . Obituary Of Charles Newby Wawn, Esq. No. (396.). Another fine copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover. A presentation to "Thomas Bell, Esq. from John Fenwick." (4378.) 332. 2. Another fine copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover. (4379.) ^^^. I. Obituary Of Charles Newby Wawn, Esq. Newcastle : From the Newcastle Chronicle of 30th May, 1840. 4to. Pp. 10. Witli Mr. Fenwick's cut on the title. Fine copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover. (4380.) ^23- ^- Another fine copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover. (4381.) 334. The Hermit of Warkworth, A North- umberland Tale, [etc.] Illustrated with Engravings by Bewick, From Designs by Craig. Alnwick : Printed by W. Davison, Bondgate Street. MDCCCXLI. Sm. 8vo. Pp. xii, 88. With cuts used by Davison in the former editions of this Poem, and others of his publications. The fron- tispiece is the View of Warkworth Hermitage, given at p. 449 of the ' Bewick Collector,' from the original Block in my pos- session. The present copy is printed on thick and large paper, and is one of the best specimens of Davison's press. Good copy, in its original cloth boards. (4382.) ^^j. Obituary; Resolutions [etc.] No. (397-)- Another fine copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover. 1 1 8 The Bewick Collector. (4383.) 2,3^- Fables, By John Gay. With upwards of One Hundred Embellishments. Alnwick : Printed by W. Davison, Bondgate Street. 1842. Large 121110. Pp. xii, 216. With many of the vignettes which illustrate Davison's other publications. The cuts to the Fables are free versions rather than copies of those which ornament the editions of Saint, and Wilson and Spence, and are not by Bewick. Good copy, in its original cloth boards. (4384.) 337. Biographical Sketch Of the late John Trotter Brockett, Esq., F.S.A. [etc.] Newcastle : Printed by T. & J. Hodgson, For Emer- son Charnley. m.dccc.xliii. 4to. Pp. vi, 16. With Mr. Fenwick's cut on the title, and Mr. Brockett's arms and cut at pp. 7 and 13. Fine copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover. (4385.) 338. The Gathering Ode Of The Fenwyke. No. (401.). Fine copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover. (4386.) 339. Biographical Sketches Of Joshua Marshman, D.D. Of Serampore. Newcastle Upon Tyne : Emerson Charnley. MDCCCXLIII. 4to. Pp. xiv, 25. With IVIr. Fenwick's cut on the title. Fine copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover. (4387.) 340. Biographical Notice Of The Rev. Wil- liam Carey, D.D. Of Serampore, By The Hon. & Rev. William Herbert, [etc.] Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 119 Newcastle. T. & J. Hodgson, Union Street. MDCCCXLHI. 4to. Pp. 8. With Mr. Fenwick's cut on the title. Fine copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover. (4388.) 341. Memorial To the Senate of Ham- burgh, And Letter To the King of Denmark. Newcastle : mdcccxliii. 4to. Pp. ix, 20. With Mr. Fenwick's cut on the title. Fine copy, on large 410 paper, in its original paper cover. (4389.) 342. Memoir of Farrer. No. (403.). Another copy, on large 4to paper, in its original boards, and un- cut. (4390.) 343. Obituary Notice Of the late Mr. Wil- liam Anthony Hails, [etc.] Newcastle : T. & J. Hodgson, Union Street. MDCCCXLV. 4to. Pp. 8. With Mr. Fenwick's cut on the title. Fine copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover, (4391.) 344. Memoir Of the late John Trotter Brockett, Esq. F.S.A. Newcastle Upon Tyne : Printed by T. & J. Hodg- son, Union Street, mdcccxlvi. 4to. Pp. 15. With Mr. Fenwick's cut on the title. Fine copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover. (4392.) 345. Obituary Notice Of the Life and Mi- nistry Of the late Reverend John Mack Of Serampore. Newcastle T. & J. Hodgson, Union Street. MDCCCXLVI. 4to. Pp. 16. W"\[h. Mr. Fenwick's cut on the title. Fine cojiy, on large 410 paper, in its original pajier cover. I20 The Bewick Collector. (4393.) 346. A Brief Summary Of the Contents of a Manuscript, Formerly belonging to the Lord Wil- liam Howard, Of Naworth. Imprinted by M. A. Richardson, In Grey Street, Newcastle, mdcccxlviii. 8vo. Pp. 36. With the cut, at page 5, which the editor, Sir Cuthbert Sharp, had previously used in his ' Bishoprick Gar- land,' No. (490.). Fine copy, in half-morocco. (4394.) 347. Catalogue Of Rare and Curious Books, Copperplates and Wood Cuts, And Valuable Literary Copyrights, To be Sold By Public Auction, By order of the Executors of the late Sir Cuthbert Sharp, F.S.A., Knt., &c.. At the Residence, No. 6^, Northumberland Street, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, On Monday and Tuesday, October 29th and 30th, 1849. Mr. George Hardcastle, Auctioneer, [etc.] H. J. Dixon, Printer, Bishopwearmouth. [1849.] 8vo. Pp. 28. With various specimens of the woodcuts which illustrate Sir Cuthbert's History of Hartlepool, No. (343.)> etc., and other works. Good copy, in its original cover, on which are five cuts. (4395.) 348. Letters Between Ellis and Scott. No. (510.). Another copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover. (4396.) 349. A Genealogy Of the Family of Rad- clyffe, [etc.] No. (511.). Another fine copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover. (4397.) 350. Dialogue Between the North and South Tvnc Rivers, In Northumberland. Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 121 Newcastle-Upon-Tyne : Printed by George Bou- chier Richardson, 38, Clayton-Street- West, mdcccl. 4to. Pp. 14. Witli Mr. Fenwick's cut on the title. Fine copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover. (4398.) 351. The Foundation Stone: A Hymn. By the Right Hon. Stephen Lushington, D.C.L. Judge of the High Court of Admiralty. . Newcastle-Upon-Tyne : Printed by George Bou- chier Richardson, 38, Clayton-Street-West, mdcccl. 4to. Pp. 8. Witli Mr. Fenwick's cut on the title. Fine copy, on large 4to paper, in its original paper cover. (4399.) 352. History of Hartlepool, By the late Sir Cuthbert Sharp, Knight, F.S.A. [etc.] Hartlepool : Printed and Published by John Proc- ter ; [etc.] 1 85 1. 8vo. A reprint of the edition of 1816, No. (343.). Good copy, in its original boards. (4400.) 2)S3' ^ Description Of Alnwick Castle. For the Use of Visitors. Alnwick : Published by W. Davison, Bondgate Street. 1851. i2mo. Pp.40. With a vignette by Thomas Bewick at page 24, and the beautiful cut of the Percy Arms at page 40. The latter has been given at page 400. Good copy, in its original cover. (4401.) 354. Treasure Trove In Northumberland. Imprinted by George Bouchier Richardson, at the Sign of the River-God Tyne, Clayton-Street- West ; Printer to the Society of Antiquaries, and to the Typo- 122 The Bewick Collector. graphical Society, both of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1851. Large 4to, Pp. x, 68. With Mr. Fenwick's cut on the title. Fine copy, on large 4to. paper, in its original paper cover. ^ (4402.) 2>S5- The New Reading Made Easy; Con- sisting of a Variety of Useful Lessons. Alnwick : Published by W. Davison. Price Two- pence, [n. d.] i8mo. Pp. !^^. With a cut by Thomas Bewick on the title. Good copy, in its original cover. (4403.) 2>5^- Inscription On A Tablet In the Abbey Church of Hexham. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne : Imprinted by George Bou- chier Richardson, At the Sign of the River-God Tyne, 38, Clayton-Street- West. 1852. 4to. Pp. 12. With Mr. Fenwick's cut on the title. Fine copy, on large 4to. paper, in its original paper cover. (4404.) 357. Rustic Sketches ; Being Rhymes on Angling, [etc.] By G. P. R. Pulman. London : John Gray Bell, Bedford St. Covent Garden, mdcccliii. i2mo. Pp. ix, 78. With a vignette, said to be by Thomas Bewick, at p. 48. Good copy, in its original cover. (4405.) 358. The Protest Of Certain Lords against the Bill of Attainder Of Sir John Fenwick, Bart. Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Imprinted by G. Bouchier Richardson, at the Sign of the River-god-Tyne, Clay- ton-street-west ; Printer to the Society of Antiquaries, Additions to Boohs and Famphlets. 123 and to the Typographical Society, both of Newcastle- upon-Tyne. M.DCCC.LIV, Large 410. Pp. 17. With Mr. Fenwick's cut on the title. Fine copy, on large 4to. paper, in its original paper cover. (4406.) 359. Specimens Of Early Wood Engraving: Being Impressions of Wood-cuts From the Collection of Mr. Charnley, Newcastle. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne : Privately Printed for Emer- son Charnley, Bigg Market. 1858. 4to. A title and ninety leaves, with a large number of cuts printed on one side only. Since the publication of this work, of which there were " Only 20 Copies printed," many of the original Blocks, including all which were either known or be- lieved to be by Thomas Bewick, have passed into my possession. Fine copy, half-bound in morocco, gilt, with gilt top. (4407.) 360. "The Thomas Bell Library." The Catalogue Of 15,000 Volumes Of Scarce & Curious Printed Books, and Unique Manuscripts, Comprised in the unrivalled Library collected by The late Thomas Bell, Esq. F.S.A., Which will be Sold by Auction, [etc.] on Monday, 15. October, i860, and follow^ing Days, [etc.] Imprinted by J. G. Forster, at the Sign of the River God Tyne, in Clayton Street, Newcastle upon Tyne. i860. Folio. Pp. vi, 276. With an impression of Mr. Thomas Bell's book-plate, and several other cuts, by Thomas Bewick. Fine copy, on the largest paper, in its original cover. (4408.) 361. I. Impressions From Wood Blocks, 124 The Bewick Collector. Engraved by Thomas Bewick and Others, Formerly in the Possession of Messrs. T. and J. Hodgson. Newcastle-upon-Tyne : mdccclxv. 4to. A title and forty-two leaves, with impressions of three hun- dred and ninety-one cuts, printed on one side of the leaves only. One of twelve copies taken off" for Mr. Hodgson, before he disposed of the Blocks to me. Fine copy, in half morocco. (4409.) 361. 2. Another copy. (4410.) 361. 3. Another copy. (4411.) 362. Newcastle in the Olden Time : Being 155 Views Of Ancient Churches, Chapels, and Monas- teries ; [etc.] Reprinted from Richardson's Table Book. NewTastle-upon-Tyne : William Dodd, 5, Bigg Market, Printed by J. G. Forster, at the Sign of the River-God Tyne, 81, Clayton Street. 1865. 20 Copies Printed. Foho.' With four cuts believed to be by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in its original cover. (4412.) 2>^2)' ^ Pretty Book Of Pictures For Little Masters and Misses, [etc.] The Fifteenth Edition. London : Printed for, and Published by, Edwin Pearson, Bewick Repository, 64, St. Martin's Lane, Trafalgar Square. W.C. mdccclxvii. Sm. 4to. Pp. xvi, 124. A reprint of the famous 'Tommy Trij),' with cuts iVom the original Blocks, which — altiiough they have been retouciied, especially those used by Charnley in Additions to Books and Pamphlets. 125 the 'Select Fables' of 1820 — still retain very much of the beauty of their original state. Good copy, in half-morocco. " For this elegant Reprint of an exceedingly rare and interesting little tome, right precious and dear to the heart of the genuine Bewick Collector, we are indebted in the iirst place to the liberality of our talented townsman, Robert White, Esq. The worthy living depository of so much of the traditionary l(5re of the ' North Countrie,' Mr. White, who is in possession of a copy of the original work, kindly placed the same in the hands of Mr. Edwin Pearson, the bookseller, who has evinced much good taste in the getting up of this very limited edition." — Newcastle Courant Neivspaper, 25 Oci., 1867. 126 ADDITIONS TO PROOFS, ETC., OF THE CUTS IN THE 'HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS.' (4413.) I. A Series of eight Quadrupeds, similar to those described under Nos. (534.), {S35'):i and (SS^-)- They consist of the Bull, Girafle, Elk, Wild Boar, Weasel, Bull Dog, Mastiff, and Water Rat, as they appear in the first edition. It is, doubtless, to these impressions that Bewick refers in his Letter in the 'Monthly Magazine' of November, 1805, where he says, "As the cuts [of the Quadrupeds] were engraved, we employed the late Mr. Thomas Angus, of this town, j)rintor, to take off a certain number of impressions of each, many of which are still in my possession." (4414.) 2. A Series of the Qiiadrupeds, and Vig- nettes belonging to that Work, taken off without the Icttcr-prcss, one on a page. Additions to Cuts in the ^History of Quadrupeds? 127 8vo. In old calf. It formerly belonged to Mr. Thomas Bell, of Newcastle, and has his bookplate. It cost a subsequent pos- sessor ten guineas. I have been told that these brilliant impressions were taken oil" for Mr. John Bell during the printing of the fifth edition of the book in 1807. Almost aU have above and below them the marks of the letter-press without ink, similar to what I have already described in my notices of those curious and most beautiful proofs of the Birds, Nos. {66^.) to (668.). (4415.) 3. A Series of fifty-three of the Quadru- peds, with marks of the type, etc., of a similar charac- ter to those of the last article. 8vo. In shao^reen calf. Bound toarether with the Proofs of the Birds noticed under No. (4419.). It formerly belonged to Mr. J. T. Brockett. (4416.) 4. I. The Improved Cart Horse. (No. 546.) Another impression. Proof on [mper. (4417.) 4. 2. Another. A cutting from Charnley's Book Catalogue, 181 7. (4418.) 5. The Common Bull. No. (557.). An- other impression. On a card. 128 ADDITIONS TO PROOFS, ETC., OF THE CUTS IN THE 'HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. (4419.) I. A Series of twenty-eight of the Birds, and of thirteen Vignettes, most of which are of a cha- racter similar to those described under Nos. (663.) to (668.J. Among them are splendid impressions of the Hen-harrier, Do- mestic Cock, Pheasant, Turkey, Peacock, Pintado, Partridge, Quail, Water Hen, and Tame Duck — the loveliest gems of the ' British Birds.' 8vo. In shagreen calf. Bound together with the Proofs of the Quadrupeds noticed under No. (441 ^J.). (4420.) 2. The Office Proofs of the First Volume of the Birds. "Price i/. is. in Boards. 1797-" Imp. 8vo., with occasional leaves in royal 8vo. The last leaf Additions to Cuts in the ^History of British Birds. ^ 129 has the advertisement of the third edition of the Quadrupeds. The volume is roughly printed on coarse paper, and is still in its original uncut state. It was given by Bewick to Mr. R, Wingate, whose name, as also that of Thomas Win- gate, is written in several places, with various sketches of ani- mals and birds, inside the cover, and who has coloured several of the figures with his usual ability. The Jay and the Moun- tain Finch are specially excellent, and the entire volume is a most interesting relic of the earliest days of the celebrated work whose history it illustrates. British Land Birds. No. (117.). (4421.) 3. Title. Proof on paper. From Mr. W. Garret. British Water Birds. No. (117.). (4422.) 4. Title. Proof on paper. From Mr. W. Garret. K 130 ADDITIONS TO PROOFS, ETC., OF THE CUTS /, -•-■ -^ ^^'5 IN 'tESofs fables; (4423.) I. Vignette. " There will be sleeping enough in the Grave." No. (1603.). Another im- pression. ProoJ on paper. (4424.) 2. The Fowler and the Lark. On a can- celled leaf. No. (16 10.). Another. 13' ADDITIONS TO PROOFS OF THE CUTS, ETC., IN MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS & PAMPHLETS. Hutton's Mensuration. No. (i.). (4425.) I. The entire Series of the Cuts, cuttings from the book, mounted on crayon paper. Fisher's New English Tutor. No. (4029.). (4426.) 2. The entire Series of Cuts. On ichite India paper. From the original Blocks in my pos- session. Impressions have been given under No. (4029.). Grey's Epitome of the Annals of Great Britain. No. (4033-)- (4427.) 3. The twenty-four Figures of the Sove- reigns. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. Impressions will be Ibund under No. (4033.). K 2 132 The Bewick Collector. Hastie's Reading Easy. Nos. (ii.). (497-)' etc. (4428.) 4. The entire Series of the Cuts. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. The following are specimens. (4429.) 5. The twenty-four Alphabet Cuts. Proofs rni draiciiii:; jxiper. Additions to Cuts, etc., in Miscellaneous Books. 133 (4430.) 6. The Old Hound. Fiyie old proof on 8t'o. paper. (4431.) 7. The Foolish Stag. Fine old proof on ^vo. paper. An impression has been given under No. (1619.). New Year's Gift. No. (4034.). (4432.) 8. Six Cuts, illustrating the Story of Little Red Riding Hood. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. Specimens will be found under No. (4034.). " Deed For the Insurance ov Ships In the Loyal Club. North-Shields : Printed by Matthew Brown. M.DCC.LXXXII." (4433.) 9. Proof of Title. Curious Hieroglyphic Bible. No. (4045.). (4434.) 10. Cut " representing a Gentleman seated in an arm-chair, with four boys beside (before) him. The border of this cut is of the same kind as that of the large cut of the Chillingham Bull." Chatto, in 'Jackson's Hist, of Wood-Engraving,' p. ^66. An impression on vellum. Fox's Spelling Book. No. (4049.) (4435.) II. The Series of Cuts. Proofs on paper. The Children's Miscellany. Nos. (30.), (193.). (4436.) 12. Nineteen Cuts, mounted on crayon paper. Hargrove's Knaresborough. No. (38.) (4437.) 13. The Bewick Cuts, including the Arms of the Priory of Knaresborough, the Cornwall Arms, at page 61. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. 34 The Be2vick Collector. Looking Glass for the Mind. No. (66.), etc. (4438.) 14. A Series of nineteen Cuts. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. They consist of the cut on the title ; the large cuts at pp. 38, 75, 122, 132, 187, 202, 257, and 263 ; and the vignettes at pp. iv, 37, 53, 117, 174, 201, 223, 241, 256, and 262. See note re- specting them in tlie Department " Wood Blocks." The following are impressions of the cut on the title, and of that at p. 202. Sporting Magazine. No. (71.). (4439.) 15. Horse Racing. Large Cut on the cover. On 71'hite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. An impression will he found in the Department " Wood Blocks." (4440.) 16. I. The Cuts mentioned under No. (71.) of " The Bewick Collector." Early cuttings. Additions to Cuts, etc., in Miscellaneous Books. 135 (4441.) 16. 2. Another Series. Early cuttings. Tales for Youth. No. (72.), etc. (4442.) 17. The entire Series of thirty Cuts. On ivhite India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. Of these celebrated cuts, the finest examples of the work of John Bewick for juvenile publications, I am happy to ot^er the two following specimens, which occur at pages 40 and ^^. See note respecting them in the Department " Wood Blocks." 136 The Beivick Collector. Kings of England. No. (4078.) (4443.) 18. Cut on the title, and Portrait of King George III. 0)i uhite India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. History of England. No. (83.). (4444.) 19. The Series of Illustrations. Fine im- pressions. The OEconomist. No. (127.). (4445.) 20. The Series of Cuts. On luhile India paper. From the original Blocks in my posses- sion. The cut on the title has been given under No. (1966.). The Hive. Nos. (128.), (209.), etc. (4446.) 21. The Series of Cuts. Old proofs, on 8ro paper. The original Blocks are in my possession. The cut on the title will be found at page 371, and the following illustrate 'The Story of Fidelia,' and ' The Beggar's Petition.' Additions to Cuts, etc., in Miscellaneous Books. 137 The Picture Book. No. (4:01.). (4447.) 22. A Series of thirty-eight Cuts. On ichite India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. Specimens will be found under No. (4101.), etc. The New Songster. No. (139.). (4448.) 23. The two Cuts on the frontispiece, " Blekell Murry-Neet " and " Worton Wcddin." On ivhite India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. The Vocal Miscellany. No. (141.). (4449.) 24. Cut on the title. 0)i white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. The Pleasing Instructor. No. (4103.). (4450.) 25. Cut on the title. On nhite India paper. From tlic original Block in my possession. 138 The Bewick Collector. Elmina. No. (4108.). (4451.) 26. The Frontispiece. On luhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. The Forsaken Infant. No. (41 ii.). (4452.) 27. The Series of nine large oval Cuts. On white India paper. PVom the original Blocks in my possession. The following is a specimen : IT ^^'ii Reay's Sportsman's Friend. No. (163.). (4453.) 28. The Bay Pony. On while India Ijajxr. From the original Block in my possession. An impression is given on the next page. Fisher's Grammar Improved. No. (4134.). (4454.) 29. Facsimile of Signature. On white India paper. From the original Block in my j)()ssession. Additions to Cuts, etc., in Miscellaneous Books. 139 140 The Bewick Collector. Osterwald's Bible. No. (207.). (4455.) 30. A Series of thirteen copper-plate En- gravings, as follow, each " Engraved by Beilby & Bewick." Lot's Hospitality. The Meeting of Jacob & Rachel. Moses in the Ark of Bulrushes. Moses' Rod turned into a Serpent. The Israelites departing out of Egypt. Aaron. The Two Spies. Jephthah's rash 'Vow. Sampson with the Gates of Gaza. The Judgment of Solomon. The Adoration of the Shepherds. Peter Delivered. Sf Paul. The Hermit of "Warkworth. Nos. (217.), (221.), etc. (4456.) 31. Large Cut facing page 83. On the back of a card with the Multiplication Table. '•' Davi- son, Printer, Alnwick." (4457.) 32. Cut at p. 69. On a proof title of an intended work descriptive of the works of Thomas and John Bewick. Specimens will he found at pp. 400 and 449. The Picture of Newcastle upon Tyne. No. (218.). (4458.) ^^. Cut on the title. 0)i ichite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. I add an impression. Additions to Cuts, etc., in Miscellaneous Boohs. 141 Poems of Burns. Nos. (230.), (480.), (1685.), ^'^^^ (4459.) 34. The whole Series of Cuts, Fifie old Proofs on 8fO paper. (4460.) 35. A Series of eight Cuts. Old Proofs on 1 imo paper. Specimens will be found at pp. 429, 473, and 487 of ' The Bewick Collector,' and at p. 125 of the present Supplement. (4461.) 'Tf^. Tarn o'Shanter. On a proof title of the intended work before referred to. An impression has been given under No. (3599. )• Memoir of Farrer. No. (262.), (4462.) 37. Portrait. No. (1702.). Proof on large 4to paper. Warden's Spelling Book. No. (4235.), (4463.) 38. The entire Series of Cuts. On tvhite India paper. From the original Blocks in my pos- session. Specimens have been given under No, (4235.). 142 The Beivich Collector. Rhymes of Northern Bards. No. (302.). (4464.) 39. The Cuts at pages 149, 174. On ivhite India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. Garland of Northumberland Heroes. No. (303.). (44G5.J 40. Cut on title, the only Cut. On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. An impression will be found under No. (4284.). Figures in Rhymes. No. (304.). (4466.) 41. Cuts on title and pages xiv, xvi, the only Cuts. On ichite India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. An impression of the first is given under No. (4289.). Garland of Bells. No. (^:i3^-). (4467.) 42. Cut on title, the only Cut. On ichite India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. For an impression see under No. (4285.). The Contented Couckould. No. {_336.). (4468.) 43. Cut on title, the only Cut. On ichite India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. An impression is given under No. (4282.). Garland of New Songs. No. (4282.). (4469.) 44. A Series of thirteen Cuts. On ivhite India paper. From the original Blocks in my pos- session. Impressions will be found under No. (4282.). Additions to Cuts, etc., in Miscellaneous Books. 148 Collection of New Songs. No. (4283.) (4470.) 45. Cut on title. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. An impression will be found under No. (4283.). Account of the Great Flood. No. (345.). (4471.) 46. Arms of Newcastle on title. On u'hite India papei-. From the original Block in my pos- session. An impression will be found under No. (2169.). Memoirs of Blackett. No. (364.). (4472.) 47. Cut on title. No. (1737.)- On white India paper. Battle of Floddon Field. No. (377-)- (4473.) 48. I. Vignette. No. (1746.). On white satin. (4474.) 48. 2. Another impression. On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. An impression has been given under No. (1746.). Mitchell On The Pleasure and Utility of Angling. No. (384.). (4475.) 49. Cut on the title. On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. An impression will be found in the Department " Cuts for various Societies, etc." Chicken's Collier's Wedding. No. (391) (4476.) 50. Vignette on page i. Proof on large 4.I0 paper. I 44 The Bewick Collector. Carlisle's Collections. Nos. (438.), (4327.). (4477.) 51. I. Cut on title. On cin^vo lecifofwhite India paper. From Mr. W. Garret. (4478.) 51. 2. Another impression. On a similar leaf. From Mr J. G. Bell. Tom Thumb's Play Book. No. (456.). (4479 ) 52. The entire Series of Cuts. On ivhite India paper. From the original Blocks in my pos- session. The Tyne Side Minstrel. No. (459.). (4480.) ^0^. The frontispiece. On tv kite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. An impression has been given under No. (4341.). Stanzas on Intended New Road, No. (466.). (4481.) 54. Arms of Gateshead on the title. On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. List of Knights and Burgesses of Durham. No. (4361.). (4482.) ^^. Panel in Sir J. Duck's house in Silver Street, Durham, page 28. On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. An impression will be found under No. (4361.). The Bishoprick Garland. No. (490.). (4483.) ^6. The Hilton Crest, page 84. On white India paper. From the original Block in my pos- session. An impression follows. yiddilious to Cuts, etc., in ]\Iiscellaneous Books. 145 Jackson and Chatto's History of Wood-engraving. No. (4376-). (4484.) 57. Vignette at page 634. On n-hite India l:aper. From the original Block in my possession. An impression has been given under No. (4376.). Impressions of Ch.\rnley's Wood Blocks. No. (4406.). (4485.) 58. A Series of twenty Cuts, besides those elsewhere enumerated, amounting to one hundred and thirty-five. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. L 146 The Ben-ick Collector. Memoir of Thomas Bewick. No. (528.). (4486.) 59. Prospectus of the Work. 8vo. With specimen of the ilkistrations. (4487.) 60. Vignette, page 207. The Ass and the Bees. No. (1905.). Proof on paper. Wood Blocks formerly beloxgxng to JVIr. Hodgson. No. (4408.). (4488.) 61. The entire Series of Cuts. On ivhite India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. Specimens are given under Nos. (3594.), (3742-). (3743-)> (3744.), etc. Tommy Trip. No. (4412.). (4489.) 62. I. Prospectus of the work. 4to. With a portrait and six specimen Cuts. (4490.) 62. 2. Another copy. (4491.) 62. 3. Another. (4492.) 62. 4. Another, on vellum. " Only six copies printed on vellum." (4493.) d'^. Three Illustrative Photographs of Title, MSS. notes, etc. " Rev. Thomas Hugo, with Edwin Pearson's Respectful Com- pliments." Aristotle's Masterpiece. (An unknown Edition). (4494.) 64. Four Cuts of Monsters. On white India tiajwr. From the original Blocks in my possession. History of P]ngland. (4495.) 6^. The Series of twenty-seven large Por- traits of the Sovereigns. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. Specimens will he found amongst the "Wood Blocks."" Additions to Cuts, etc., in Miscellaneous Books. 147 (4496.) 66. A Series of Alphabet Cuts, having a great resemblance to those in ' Hastie's Reading Easy,' No. (ii.)? etc., but executed, as it appears to me, a little later. Taken off on coarse blue paper, and mounted in an imp. 8vo volume, which, after lying about the office for a considerable time, Bewick gave as a scrapbook to Mr. G. Watson, sen., ot Gateshead, when a child. It afterwards passed into the pos- session of S. Longstaffe, Esq., of Gateshead, and from him be- came my property. (4497.) 6j. Another Series of Alphabet Cuts, larger than the foregoing, but also bearing a general resem- blance to those in ' Hastie's Reading Easy.' On coarse white paper. Mounted in the same volume. (4498.) 68. A Set of Alphabet Cuts on two Blocks. On ivhite India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. Of these clever little cuts impressions are annexed. L 2 148 The Bewick Collectoi (4499.) 69. A Set of Alphabet Cuts on one Block. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4500.) 70. A Set of twenty-four Alphabet Cuts. On ivliite India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. (4501.) 71. Part of an Alphabet, sixteen letters. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. (4502.) 72. " M " for Merchant. Alphabet Cut. On white India paper. From the original Block in my j:)ossession. (4503.) 73. Boys gathering Apples. On white India paper. From the original Block in my pos- session. (4504.) 74. Boys gathering Apples. 0)i white A(l({itii»i.s to Culs^ etc., ill Mi see/ /an cans Boolis. 149 India pajjcr. From the original Block in my pos- session. Both of these, I presume, were done for Spellhig Books. (4505.) 75. A Series of fifty-seven Cuts in rectan- gular borders, for book illustrations. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. Spechiiens will he louiid among the " Wood Blocks." (4506.) 76. A Series of sixty-two Vignettes, for book illustrations. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. Specimens will he found among the "Wood Blocks." (4507.) 77, Eleven book-illustrations, in square borders, similar in style of execution to those which occur in Saint's publications. Among them are cuts for the ' History of a Fly,' ' Cock Robin,' etc. On coarse paper, of various colours. Mounted in the volume previously noticed. (4508.) 78. " T B " formed by the bodies of two posture-makers. On coarse white paper. Mounted in the same volume. (4509.) 79. Six London Cries, in scroll borders. On coarse white paper. Mounted in the same volume. (4510 ) 80. A pair of large Fable Cuts of the Fox and the Stork, 4j\y inc. by 2y\, inc., each occupying an oval in a square, the corners filled with beautiful flowers on a black ground. On while [)aper. Mounted in the same volume. i^o The Bewick Collector. (4511.) 8i. "Gardening." A Large Cut for the covers of copy books. (4512.) 82. John Gilpin. With extract from Cow- per's poem. For the cover of a copy book. (4513.) 83. A Series of fourteen Vignettes, printed two on each leaf of an 8vo pamphlet. The two first represent a man driving a pig from market, and a doo- rescuing a drowning child. Among the rest are a man shooting a hare, a post chaise stopping at a gate with post boy paying toll, jockeys weighing, sportsman loading his gun, etc. They were apparently intended for the illustrations of some book, and printed about the year 1820. Thouo-h tliey are not wanting in ability, the attribution of these cuts to Bewick is very far from certain. (4514.) 84. Two Fable Cuts, The Shepherd's Boy, and Old Man and Death. In octangular borders. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. (4515.) 85. Robinson Crusoe, bringing off boxes, casks, etc., from the wreck. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (451 G.) 86. Portrait of Robert Burns. In an oval border. Proof on paper. (4517.) 87. A Plough and a Pitchfork. On white India paper. From the original Block in my pos- session. Done for some agricultural work. (4518.) 88. A hne of Music. On white India paper. I'rom the original Block in my possession. Additions to Cuts, etc., in JMiscellaneous Bcoks. 151 (4519.) 89. Two pages of different kinds of hand- writing, used in various Spelling Books, On ivhite India paper. From the original Blocks in my pos- session. (4520.) 90. A Mariner's Compass. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4521.) 91. A Series of thirteen Plans of Coal Mmes, etc., to illustrate the working of the same. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. (4522.) 92. A Series of fifty Geometrical Diagrams. 0)1 uhite India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. '5'^ ADDITIONS TO BOOK PLATES. It is proper to state that the majority of the Arti- cles in this and the eight following Divisions, ex- cept of course the impressions on India paper from Blocks since obtained, should have been included in the previous volume, from which they were uninten- tionally omitted. Mr. Adamson's Cut. No. (1928.). (4523.) I. Another impression. On ijellotr China l)al)er. An impression is given under No. (1929.). Affleck's Book Plate. No. (1936.). (4524.) 2. Another im|)ression. On ivltitc India iHiJH'r. Vwnw the original Copperplate in my j)osses- sion. AdditioJis to Book Plates. Dd (4525.) 3. " Matt^^ Anderson S^ Petersburg '' Tyne-side scene, with distant view of Newcastle. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. An impression follows. " Wm. Armstrong." No. (1950.). (4526.) 4. Another impression. Proof on paper. (4527.) 5. " George Atkinson.'' Arms alone. Proof on paper. (4528.) 6. "John Bell, Gateshead." An angel blowing a trumpet, and holding in the left hand a palm. The name is introduced among the clouds on which the figure reposes. (4529.) 7. Mr. Brockett's Cut. A copy executed, as I believe, by Bewick himself. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4580.) 8. W. S. Burn, M.D. Arms alone. Cop- perplate. 154 T^he Bewick Collector. (4531.) 9. " J. Cockerill." Rock and trees, with Tynemouth in the distance. To this are also to be referred Nos. (2050.), (2051.). (4532.) 10. Viscount Gahvay. Arms alone. On white Indici pciper. From the original Block in my possession. "J. Green." No. (2021.). (4533.) II. Another impression. Proof on ivhite India paper. M. Hewitson. No. (2030.). (4534.) 12. Another and most beautiful impres- sion, for which I am indebted to the kindness of the Rev. C. J. Newmarch, rector of Leverton, Boston. (4535.) 13. "W"^- Nicholson." River scene, a mill in the distance. A most beautiful copy of Mr. Archbold's cut. No. (1945.). On white India paper. Query, if not by Luke Clennell. (4536.) 14. " William Robson." Arms alone. Proof on paper. J. W. Sanders. No. (2080.). (4537.) 15. I. Another impression. On uJiite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4538.) 15. 2. Another. On nhite satin. An impression is given under No. (2080.). (4539.) 16. " Britifte Skottowe." Arms and crest, with flowers and foliaoe. Query, it by Jk-u iik, allliuiigli i)()iilively ilale m) to be. Additions to Book Plates. 155 Straker. No. (2095.). (4.540.) 17. I. Another impression. On white India paper. (4541.) 17. 2. Another. On white India paper . (4542.) 18. Initial Letter T, with books. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. "William Thomas." No. (2102.). (4543.) 19. Another impression. With the name cut out, and the figure of a Fisherman inserted. Proof on paper. It thus appears in the ' Fisher's Garland ' for 1842. (4544.) 20. A blank oval, in a border of oak, palm, etc., apparently intended for a book-plate. On white India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. (4545.) 21. Tyne-side scene, with rock in the fore- ground, from which a name has apparently been re- moved. On while Ijidia paper. From the original Block in my possession. Afterwards used for ihe heads of ballads, etc. (4546.) 22. A blank Shield among foliage. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4547.) 23. Four Shields of Arms. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. Query, if by Bewick. 156 ADDITIONS TO CUTS FOR VARIOUS SOCIETIES, COMPANIES, ETC. I. Albion Firf, and Liie Insurance Company. (4548.) I. Figure of St. George and the Dragon. Very similar to but not the same as No. (2124.). Newspaper cut. 3. Berwick Bank. (4549.) 2. Their note for One Guinea, No. 13090. Copperplate. Dated March 8th, 1799. Believed to be by Thomas Bewick. 3. Carlisle Bank. (4550.) 3. Their note for One Pound. With the arms of Carlisle in a festoon of flowers. Copperplate. 4. Christianssuni) Bill of Lading. (4551.) 4. A blank form. "C & M" in floreatcd capitals. j^dditions to Cuts for Variou-'^ Societies, et^: 157 5. CowpEN Colliery. (4552.) 5. Bill. Prince of Wales' plume. Copper- plate. 6. Clerk of the Peace, Durham. (4553.) 6. Circular seal, containing a Shield with the arms of Durham. On icliite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. 7. FOKKESTERS' LoDGE. (4554.) 7. Forrester's Arms. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. 8. Freemasons' Lodge. (4555.) 8. Freemason's cut. On nhite India paper From the original Block in my possession. 9. Parish of Gateshead. (4556.) 9. Gateshead Parish Boundary Token, 1824. On nhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4557.) 10. "Merit," on a medal with ribbon. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. 10. KiRBY Stephen Bank. (4558.) II. Their note for One Guinea, No. W. Dated 12th August, 1807. With view of the Bank. Copperplate. Said to be by Thomas Bewick. I i.-Lambton's Bank, Newcastle. (4559.) 12. I. Cheque. " R I L & C"" infloreated capitals. 138 The Bewick Collector, (4560.) 12. 2. Another. (4561.) 12. 3. Another. 12. "LoTiiERY Office." (4562.) 13. Figure of Mercury, with cornucopiae. All but identical with the Cut at page 484. On ichite India paper. From the original Block in my pos- session. 13. Morpeth Hunt. (4563.) 14. I. Vignette. Coursing. For the head of their notices. Proof on paper. (4564.) 14. 2. Another impression. Proof on paper. Query, if by Bewick. 14. Newcastle Bank. (4565.) 15. Order, No. 2177., for payment of ^45. 18. II, Dated Oct. 22. 1806. Arms of New- castle, in a scroll border. Copperplate. (4566.) 16. Acknowledgment of Receipt of Money. Arms of Newcastle. Copperplate. " The notes of Ridley and Co.'s Bank were for many years en- graved and printed under tlie superintendence of Bewick, who, after Mr. Beilby's retirement, still continued the business of copper-plate engraving and printing, and for this purpose always kept presses of his own."' Chatto, in Jackson's ' History of Wood Engraving,' p. 598. 15. Newcastle Royal Exchange Assurance Office. View of the Royal Exchange. No. (2 140.). (4567.) 17. Another impression. Oti ivliilc India ])(il)er. I'rom the original Block in my possession. Additions to Cuts for l^arious Societies, etc. 159 View of the same. No. (2146.). (4568.) 18. I. Another impression. Dated March 14, 18 1 6. (45G9.) 18. 2. Another. Dated Dec. 12, 1816. View of the same. No. (2147.). (4570.) 19, Another impression. Dated March 18, 1814. (4571.) 20. I. View of the same. Very small. Dated September 24, 18 19. Newspaper cut. (4572.) 20. 2. Another impression. Dated Decem- ber 23, 18 19. 16. Newcastle-upon Tyne Fire Office. Figure of Neptune, etc., No. (2148.). (4573.) 21. I. Another impression. At the head of " Proposals," etc. (4574.) 21. 2. Another. At the head of "Pro posals," etc. (4575.) 21. 3. Another. Cutting from a Policy. An impression has been given under No. (2150.). (457G.) 22. I. Figure of Neptune. Copperplate. (4577.) 22. 2. Another impression. (4578.) 22. 3. Another. From the head ot' a Policy. It was this of which Bewick's cele- brat('d engraving on wood, the last article, was a copy. The copperplate, so far as I am aware, is not his work. Figure of a Fire Engine. No. (2157.). (4579.) 23. Another impression. On ivhite India Jxiper. From the original Block in my possession. i6o The Bewick Collector 17. "Newcastle Broad & Crown Glass Comp''." (4580.) 24. Bill, No. 5856, for ^27. lys. 2cl. dated Newcastle upon Tyne, Dec^- 22^, lyjg. With the Arms of Newcastle, above " N B & C G C " in orna- mental capitals, both enclosed in a scroll border. Cop- perplate. 18. Newcastle Waltonian Club. (4581.) 25. River scene, with anglers supporting a shield of arms. No. (2239.). On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. An im- pression follows. 19. Northumberland Life Boat. (4582.) 26. I. The Northumberland Life Boat, with Tynemouth in the distance. Old proof on paper. (4583.) 26. 2. Another impression. On white India pal)er. From the original Block in my possession, of which the following is an impression. ^■J (Id it ions to Cuts for Various Societies, etc. i6i The Northumberland Life Boat. No. (3482.). (4584.) 27. I. Another impression. Proof on pajjer. (4585.) 27. 2. Another. Proof on paper . (4586.) 27. 3. Another. On u-liite India paper. 20. Phcenix Fire Office. Phoenix. No. (2194.). (4587.) 28. Another impression. On ichite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Phoenix. In a black oval. No. (2203.). (4588.) 29. Another impression. (4589.) 30. Phoenix. 0)i white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4590.) 31. Phoenix. On ichite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. 21. South Shields r (4591.) 32. "South Shields, No. I owe the Bearer Five Shillings." With the Royal Arms, under an Oak. Very tine. The original Block has lately come into my ]')ossession. M 1 62 The Bewick Collector. 22. Sun Fire Office. The Sun. No. (2212.). (4592.) 2>2)' Another impression, 23. Weak Bank, Sunderland. (4593.) 34. Theirnote for One Pound. No. 1051J. With view of Sunderland Bridge. Dated 15*^ Feb- ruary, 1 8 15. Copperplate. Said to be by Thomas Bewick. [I have notes, among others, of Barnard Castle Bank, Stockton and Cleveland Bank, Tees Bank, and Sunderland and Wear- mouth Bank, etc. ; but the attribution of these to Bewick is very problematical.] 24. Union Lodge. Four Hands. No. (2231.). (4594.) 2>S- Another impression. F roof on paper. 25. WoOLCOMBERs' CoMPANY. (4595.) 2^^. Their Arms. On ivliite India -pciper. From the original Block in my possession. (4596.) 37. Female Figure. "Britannia" on the exergue. In a circular border. On white India paper. From tlie original Block in my possession, (4597.) 38. Figure of Fortune, standing on awheel and holding a cornucopiae. An ancient tower in the distance. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession, (4598,) 39, Figure of Hope, done, I presume, for Additions to Cuts for Various Societies, etc. 163 some Society or Company. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Not unlike that given at page 337, but reversed, and of better execution. (4599.) 40. Figure of Hope. Very similar to the last. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. M 2 1 64 ADDITIONS TO CUTS FOR EXHIBITIONS, ETC. (4600.) I. "Coronation Balloon.'' " Edgar, Prin- ter, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle." A bill of Mr. Green's 30th Ascent, from the Nun's Field, Newcastle. With a Figure of the Balloon. (4601.) 1. Balloon among Clouds, inscribed " Co- ronation.'' On u'hite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4602.) 3. The Cockpit. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4603.) 4. A Series of eleven Cuts of Fighting Cocks. On n-hite India paper. P'rom the original Blocks in my possession. [See also under " Newspaper Cuts."] (4604.) 5. " Ingleby, Sen." In white letters on Additions to Culsjhr Exhibitions, etc. 165 black ground. For advertisements of his Conjuring Performances. Newspaper cut. (4605.) 6. " Ingleby." In white letters on black ground. For similar advertisements. At the head of a programme of performances at the Town Hall, Mor- peth, on the 11^^ and 10^^^^ of May, 1818. (4606.) 7. Mr. Sadler, the Aeronaut. View of his descent in the Irish Channel. For a notice of one of his exploits. Proof on paper. Said to have been engraved tor Mr. Sadler, on the occasion of one of his ascents, from Newcastle, i Sept., 18 15. (4607.) 8. Mr. Sadler. Another view of his de- scent. Very similar to the last. On luhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4608.) 9. Mr. Sadler. View of his balloon among clouds. On uhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4609.) lo. A Bill of Performances on the tight rope and of learned dogs at North Shields. With four cuts by Thomas Bewdck. Dated i^^ August, 1786. (4610.) II. " Theatre, North Shields." Alabelfor the head of the play bills. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4611.) 12. "Theatre-Royal. For the Benefit of Miss Jervis. Gal." Good woodcut square border. i66 The Bewick Collector, (4612.) 13. "Tradesmen's Subscription Assembly. Stranger's Ticket. No. ." Good woodcut oval border. (4613.) 14. "George Wilson." " Preston & Heaton, Printers, Newcastle. Price Sixpence." A portrait of Wilson, the pedestrian, at the head of an Account of his various Performances. 167 ADDITIONS TO RACING CUTS. For the greater number of the articles in the present Division I have to thank an old and well-known Sportsman in the North of England, who, during fifty years past, had collected these memorials, not for their artistic excellence, but as records of other, and to him more interesting, triumphs. (4614.) I. Racing Cut. Small. Three Horses, to the left. Probably older than Bewick. Racing Cut. No. (2271.), etc. (4615.) 2. I. Another impression. " Newcastle Races, 1816." " G. Angus, Printer, Side, Newcastle." At the head of a List of the Horses and Prizes. (4^. Tea Dealer's Cut. A Chinese lady and child drinking tea. Gn white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4709.) 37. Tea Dealer's Cut. Chinese, etc. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4710.) 38. Tea Dealer's Cut. A Grasshopper. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4711.) 39. Tobacco Cut. An Indian holding to- bacco leaves ; by his side are four hogsheads, the near- est inscribed " Virginia." On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4712.) 40. Tobacco Cut. Two Indians leaning on a hogshead. On white India paper. From the ori- ginal Block in my possession. (4713.) 41. Tobacco Cut. A man smoking, lean- ing against a hogshead inscribed " Best Virginia." On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. 184 The Bewick Collector. (4714.) 42. Tobacco Cut. Tobacco plant, with chest and hogshead. On ivhhe India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4715.) 43. Tobacco Cut. A hogshead inscribed " W S W" " Long Strip ", with tobacco plant in the rear. Palms and a ship in the distance. On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4716.) 44. Tobacco Cut. A Scotchman leaning on a hogshead. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4717.) 45. Tobacco Cut. A West Indian planter smoking, leaning on a hogshead. On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4718.) 46. Tobacco, Cut. "Fein Toback." An Indian smoking, with tobacco plant, hogsheads, etc. On white India jKiper. From the original Block in my possession. (4719.) 47. Upholsterer's Cut. A sofa. On white India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. (4720.) 48. Upholsterer's Cut. A sofa. On white India paper. From the original Block in my pos- session. (4721.) 49. Upholsterer's Cut. Furniture. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Walker & Featherston's Cut. No. (2466.). (4722.) 50. Another impression. 0// wliile India Additions to Invoice Heads. 185 paper. From the original Block in my possession. The following is an impression. (4723.) 51. Waxchandler's Cut. A bee-hive, under a festoon of flowers. Oji white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. An impression follows. "■■■■■iiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiui"'*' (4724.) 52. Woolstapler's Cut. A Lamb seated on a sack of wool. A ship in the right distance. On ichite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Query if by Bewick. (4725.) 53. A border of palm, foliage, and flowers, for an invoice. 0)i nliite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. i86 ADDITIONS TO TRADESMEN'S NEWSPAPER CUTS. (4726.) I. " Dr. Patrick Anderson." On a circular border enclosing a shield, with A. H. above, and be- tween the letters the crest of a man's head. On white India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. (4727.) 2. " Dr. Patrick Anderson." Very similar, but smaller, and in an oval border. On ichile India paper. From the original Block in my possession. William Anderson, Auctioneer. No. (2473.) (4728.) 3. Another impression. 0)i uliite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. A remarkably spirited production. The following is an imj)ression. Additions to Tradesmen\s Newspaper Cuts. 187 (4729.) 4. Auctioneer's Cut. View of an auction. In a border. On ivhite India paper. From the ori- ginal Block in my possession. Of this also I give an impression. (4730). 5. Auctioneer's Cut. View of an auction. Very similar, but without the border. On irJiite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4731.) 6. Blacking Seller's Cut. A man shaving before a polished boot. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Very similar to No. (2529.). (4732.) 7. Carrier's Cut. A stage waggon. On white India pal)er. From the original Block in my possession. i88 The Bewich Collector, (4733.) 8. Chemist's Cut. A man with the gout. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4734.) 9. Chemist's (?) Cut, A bottle, under a shield. On ivkite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4735.) 10. Chemist's Cut. A Phoenix. On white India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. (473G.) II. Chemist's Cut. A Phoenix. On white India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. Dr. Cullen's " Scarlet Pills." No. (2481.). (4737.) 12. Another impression. (4738.) 13. Draper's Cut. A cornice inscribed " Cheap Cloths Hats Stockings &c." On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Very similar to No. (4755.). (4739.) 14. Florist's Cut. An orange tree growing in a pot. On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4740.) 15. Gardener's Cut. A gardener at work. On wJiite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Joseph and John Gibson. No. (2494.). (4741.) 16. Another impression. On ichite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Additions to Tradesmen'' s Newspaper Cuts. 189 (4742.) 17. I. Joseph & John Gibson. A lamb suspended by the middle. Very similar to the last. Dated June 8, 1793. (4743.) 17. 2. Another impression. Dated August, 1793- (4744.) 17. 3. Another. John Marshall Mather. No. (2512.). (4745.) 18. Another impression. On white India baper. From the original Block in my possession. Parsons. No. (2517.). (4746). 19. Another impression. On while India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4747.) 20. Piano-forte Maker's Cut. A cottage piano-forte. On white India paper. From the ori- ginal Block in my possession. (4748.) 21. Philosophical Instrument Maker's Cut. Barometer, etc. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4749.) 22. " B R " in reversed cypher, in a cir- cular border, inscribed " Smelling Medicine i Sh." On I go The Bewick Collector. white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Done for Mr, Roddam, of North Shields. (4750.) 23. "TS"in a circular border, inscribed " Smelling Medicine." On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Done for Thomas Saint, printer, of Newcastle. (4751.) 24. "TS" in reversed cypher. On wJiite India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. (4752.) 25. "TS" Similar. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4753.) 26. "TS" Similar. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Done for Thomas Slack, of Newcastle. (4754.) 27. Shoemaker's Cut. A foot. On white India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. Thompson and Robinson. No. (2524.). (4755.) 28. Another impression. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. "Turner & Akenhead." No. (2527.). (4756.) 29. Another impression. " Richard Turner." No. (2529.). (4757.) 30. Another impression. (4758.) 31. Upholsterer's Cut. A man with an easy chair. On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Additions to Tradesmen's Newspaper Cuts. 191 (4759.) 32. Water Carrier's Cut. Two men carry- ing a barrel of water. On icliite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Edward Wilson. No. (2533.). (4760.) 2>?>- Another impression. Dated " New- castle upon Tyne, 21^^ June, 1799." (4761.) 34. Woollen Draper's Cut. The fleece. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4762.) 2)5- Woollen Draper's Cut. The fleece. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. 192 ADDITIONS TO BAR BILLS. (4763.) I. I. "Eliz. Bendle, Three Indian Kings, Quay-Side, Newcastle." Dated in MS. 1 2 Mar. 1 804. Good woodcut border. (4764.) I. 2. Another. "Mrs. Eliz. Bendle died 13 April, 1824, aged 71 years." Mr. John Bell. (4765.) 2. The Blue Boar. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4766.) 3. 1. " Joseph Boggon, Rose & Crown Inn, Whickham." " Edward Walker, Printer, Newcastle." Good square border. (4767.) 3. 2. Another. William Burns, Haltwhistle. No. (2541.) (4768.) 4. Another impression. On wliite India papei\ From the original Block in yldditions to Bar Bills. 193 (4769.) 5. The Bush. On uhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4770.) 6. The Bush. 0)1 white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4771.) 7. The Cock. On uhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Very similar, so far as the figure, to the celebrated cut, No. (2564.). A\\ impression follows. *^ (4772.) 8. The Cock. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4773.) 9. " C. Colbeck, Chancellor's Head, New- gate-Street, Newcastle." " M.Angus and Son, Printers, Newcastle." Dated in MS. Dec. 29, 1806. Good square border. (4774.) 10. " Crown Inn at Penrith." Border of foliage, etc. A post chaise at the foot. Copperplate. (4775.) II. I. "Cuthbertson Chester Le Street." Lambton Arms. Copperplate. (477G.) II. 2. Another impression. (4777.) 12. " Cuthbertson, White Hart Inn, Ches- ter-le-Street." Clever oval border. (4778). 13. " J. Dewly, George-Inn, Sunderland." o 194 The Bewick Collector " Summers & Young, Printers, Sunderland." Clever scroll border. (4779.) 14. Green Dragon. On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4780.) 15. Half Moon. In an oval, with orna- ments of grapes, bottle, glass, punchbowl, lemons, and pipe. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. An impression follows. (4781.) 16. Hat and Feather. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4782.) 17. Hen and Chickens. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4783.) 18. "J. Herd, King's Head, Appleby." Oval portrait of George III. (4784.) 19. "Hine, Northumberland-Arms, Fel- ton." " Davison, Printer, Alnwick." Clever square chain border. (4785.) 20. " Mary Hird Old Fleece Darlington " The fleece, in a scroll border. Copperplate. Additions to Bar Hills. 195 (4786.) 21. Horse and Groom. On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. The following is an impression. (4787.) 22. " John Jackson, Queen's Head, Kes- wick." " R. Gibson, Print." Queen's Head. Dated in MS. June the 4. 1822. (4788.) 23. Key. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4789.) 24. King's Head. In a circular border. On ukite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4790.) 25. The Lamb. In an oval border. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4791). 26. "James Liddle, Nag's Head, Low Framlington." " Newcastle : Printed by Edward Walker, Pilgrim Street." Good square border. (4792.) 27. " Macgregor. Wooler." Dated in MS. Feb. II. 1822. Tankerville Arms. (4793.) 28. " Margaret Maddocks, Tankerville o 2 196 The Beu'ich Collector. Arms, Near Wooler." " Newcastle : Printed by Ed- ward Walker, Pilgrim Street." Good square border. (4794.) 29. " R. Martin. King's Head, Richmond." Oval portrait of George III. Maxwell. No. (2589.). (4795.) 30. Another impression. On white satin. (4796.) 0^2. Nag's Head. In a square border. On white India paper. - From the original Block in my possession. (4797.) 32. " Pyle, Horse and Jockey, Felton." " Catnach, Printer, Alnwick." Good square border. (4798.) '^'if. Queen's Head. In a circular border. On wliite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4799.) 34. Red Lion. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4800.) ^i,. Red Lion. Smaller. On ichite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4801.) 0^6. Red Lion. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4802.) 37. Red Lion. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. R. Robinson's Cut, Black Bull Inn, Gateshead. No. (2602.). (4803.) 38. Another impression. From the original Block in my possession. An impression follows. yldditions to Bar Bills. 197 (4804.) 39. Royal Oak. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4805.) 40. " Sam'. Salt, Legs of Man Call Lane Leeds." Legs of Man in a circle, with grapes on either side. Copperplate. (4806.) 41. The Salutation. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4807.) 42. Saracen's Head. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4808.) 43. I. "W"\ Shotton. Framwellgate. Dur- ham." Festoon containing a vvheatsheaf at the top, and a post chaise with four horses at the bottom. Cop- perplate. (4809.) 43. 2. Another impression. Perhaps older than Bewick. (4810.) 44. "John Smith, Star and Garter, Tyne- mouth." A Star and Garter. (4811.) 45. Stag. In a square border. On white India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. 198 The Bewick Collector. (4812.) 46. The Star. On jchite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4813.) 47. "Ann Stephenson, Black Bull Inn, Morpeth." " Blair, Printer, Morpeth." Clever square chain border. Similar to Hine. No. (4784.). (4814.) 48. Sun. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Perhaps older than Bewick. (4815.) 49. Swan. On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (481G.) 50. " James Ward, Cross Keys Inn, Lough borough." Cross Keys in a circle, surrounded by grapes, punch-bowl, glasses, etc. Copperplate. "William West, Chester-le-Street." No. (2623.), etc. (4817.) 51. Another impression. On luhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. The following is an impression. (4818.) 52. I. " Whitfield, Phoenix New Inn, Mor- ))etli." A clever oval scroll border. Additions to Bar Rills, 199 (4810.) 52. 2. Another impression. " E.Wilson. White Swan Alnwick." No. (2632.). (4820.) ^0^. Another impression. (4821.) 54. " R. Younghushand, Qiieen's Head, Hesket-New-Market." Qiicen's Head. 200 ADDITIONS TO COAL CERTIFICATES. (4822.) I. I. "Bewicke Main Coal." Tyne Side scene, with arms of Bewicke. Copperplate. (4823.) I. 2. Another impression. (4824.) 2. I. " Bewicke & Craster's Wallsend Coals." View of a spout. An oak with the arms of Bewicke & Craster in the foreground. Copperplate. Dated in MS. " 22 Jany. 1820." (4825.) 2. 2. Another impression. Dated in MS. " 25 Jany. 1820.'' (4826.) 3. I. "Bewicke & Craster's Wallsend Coals." An inferior copy of the former. Copper- plate. Dated in MS. "Aug'. 31^' 1826." (4827.) 3. 2. Another impression. (4828.) 3. 3. Another. (4829.) 3. 4. Another. Additions to Coal Certijicates. 201 (4830.) 4. I. " Birtley Main Coals." A ship at sea. Copperplate. (4831.) 4. 2. Another impression. (4832.) 4. 3. Another. "Collingwood Main Coal." No. (2726.). (4833.) 5. Another impression. (4834.) 6. I. "Ducks Main Coals." Arms of 1. D. Nesham, Esq., between two palm branches. Copperplate. (4835.J 6. 2. Another impression. (4836.) 6. 3. Another. (4837.) 7. I. " Ellison's Walls End Coals." Map of the neighbourhood of the mine. Copperplate. (4838.) 7. 2. Another impression. (4839.) 7. 3. Another. (4840.) 7. 4. Another. "Fawcett Main Coals." No. (2759.). (4841.) 8. I. Another impression. (4842.) 8. 2. Another. (4843.) 8. 3. xVnother. " Garesfield Coals." No. (2771.), (4844.) 9. Another impression. (4845.) 10. I. " Heaton Main Coal." Map of the neighbourhood of the mine. Copperplate. (4846.) 10. 2. Another impression. (4847.) 10. 3. Another. 202 The Bewick Collector. (4848.) II. I. "Heaton Main Coal." A copy of the former. Copperplate. (4849.) II. 2. Another impression. (4850.) II. 3- Another. (4851.) II. 4. Another. (4852.) 12. I. "Hetton Wallsend Coals." Ships at sea. On wood. (4853.) 12. 2. Another impression. (4854.) 12. 3. Another. (4855.) 12. 4. Another. (4856.) 13. "Heworth Main Coals." Map of the neighbourhood of the mine. Copperplate. (4857.) 14. " Heworth Main Coals." Clever view of ships taking coals from a drop. Copperplate. " Main Team Coal." No. (2840.). (4858.) 15. Another impression. " Manor Walls-end Coals." No. (2841.). (4859.) 16. I. Another impression. (48G0.) 16. 2. Another. (4861.) 16. 3. Another. (4862.) 16. 4. Another. (4863.) 16. 5. Another. (4864.) 17. 1. "Nesham High Main Coals." Arms of I. D. Ncsham, Esq., between two palm branches. Copperplate. (4865.) 1 7. 2. Another impression. Additions to Coal Certificates. 203 (48G6.) 17. 3. Another. (4867.) 17. 4. Another. (4868.) 17. 5. Another. (4869.) 18. I. "Nesham's Primrose Main Coals." Arms of I. D. Nesham, Esq., between two palm branches. Copperplate. (4870.) 18. 2. Another impression. (4871.) 18. 3. Another. (4872.) 18. 4. Another. (4873.) 18. 5. Another. (4874.) 19. I. "New Tanfield Coals." Map of the neighbourhood of the mine. Copperplate. (4875.) 19. 2. Another impression. (4876.) 19. 3. Another. (4877.) 20. " Newbottle Burn Moor Coals." Arms of I. Nesham, Esq., with scrip. Copperplate. (4878.) 21. "Newbottle Main Coals." Arms of I. D. Nesham, Esq., between two palm branches. (4879.) 22. I. " Newcastle Wallsend Coals." Map of the neighbourhood of the mine. Copperplate. (4880.) 22. 2. Another impression. (4881.) 22. 3. Another. (4882.) 23. "Old Ducks Main Coal." Arms of Sir H. V. Tempest, Bart. Copperplate. Very similar to No. (287 [.), but larger and of earlier execution. (4883.) 24. I. " Pelaw Main Coals." A ship taking coals from a drop. Copperplate. 204 '/'/'-25. I. "Pelaw Main Colliery." Copy of the former, on the head of an invoice. Copperplate. (4889.) 25. 2. Another. (4890.) 26. I. '^Primrose Main Coals." Arms of Sir H. V. Tempest, Bart. Copperplate. (4891.) 26. 2. Another impression. (4892.) 27. "Primrose Moor Main Coals." Arms of W. H. Lambton, Esq., between two sprays of bay. Copperplate. " South Moor Main Coals." No. (2914.). (4893.) 28. Another impression, " Tanfield Moor Coals." No. (2925.). (4894.) 29. Another impression. (4895.) 30. " Team Coals." Arms of Sir Thomas H. Liddell, Bart. Copperplate. (4896.) 31. "Temple Main Coals." Crest of S. Temple, Esq. Copperplate. (4897.) 32. I. "Walls End Coals." Arms of I. D. Nesham, Esq. Copperplate. (4898.) 32. 2. Another impression. (4899.) 2>?>' " Wallsend Coals." Arms of Sir H.V. Tempest, Bart. Coj:)peri)late. Additions to Coal Certificates. 205 " Whitefield Coals." No. (2969.). (4900.) 34. I. Another impression. (4901.) 34. 2. Another. (4902.) '^s- I- Coals. Crest of Townley, be- tween two sprays of bay. Copperplate. (4903.) '^^. 2. Another impression. (4904.) 36. " Cinders manufactured at the S^. Shore. S^ Anthons & Heworth Shore." View of the works. Copperplate. (4905.) 37. " Sheepfold Lime Shells." Arms of Sir H. Williamson, Bart, On wood. iS^j/S^J^'^^ -^^>-\i-I& '2o6 ADDITIONS TO THE ROYAL ARMS, ETC, The Royal Arms of England. No. (2992.). (4906.) I. Another impression. Showing that the Block is badly cracked in all directions. (4907.) 2. The Royal Arms. Nine and a half inches broad. Shield supported by an oak tree. Label, with motto, lying in folds on the ground. Rose, shamrock, and thistle to the left of the lion. Signed " T Bewick Sculp*.", the T and B in a monogram. Copper- plate. (4908.) 3. I, The Royal Arms. Small. Identical with No. (4591.). Proof on paper. (49U9.) 3. 2. Another impression. On nhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. The following is an impression. ^dditinm to the Royal Arms, etc. 207 (4910.) 4. The Royal Arms of England. A series of fourteen impressions. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. I do not positively claim an attribution to Bewick for each of these cuts, though some are undoubtedly by him. (4911.) 5. Prince of Wales's Plume. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession, (4912.) 6. Prince of Wales's Plume. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4913.) 7. Star and Garter. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4914.) 8. Star and Garter. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. 208 ADDITIONS TO ARMS OF NEWCASTLE AND GATESHEAD. Arms of Newcastle. Arms of Newcastle. No. (3002.). (4915.) I. Another impression, hut without the ships. (4916.) 2. Arms of Newcastle. Shield and sup- porters. No crest, but flowers on the top. Printed with the former article on an 8vo page of paper without letterpress. (4917.) 3. Arms of Newcastle. On white Indin paper. From the original Block in my possession. Arms of Gateshead. (4918.) I. I. Arms of Gateshead. On a title privately printed by Mr. John Bell for a volinne ol'his gatherings. "Collections relative to tht Town ami Borough jidditions to Anns of Newcastle and Gateshead. 209 of Gateshead, in tlic Northern Division of the County of Durham, Comprising the Rectories of Saint Mary, Gateshead, and Saint John, Gateshead Fell. By John Bell, Land Sur- veyor, Gateshead." Folio, n. d. (4919.) I. 2. Another impression. On white India paper. From tlie original Block in my possession. ^P"^^ 210 ADDITIONS Tt) NEWSPAPER CUTS. Headings of Newspapers. (4 920.) I . Heading of the Newcastle Courant News- paper. No. (301 1.). Another impression. On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. An impression follows. I am indebted for the possession ot' this unrivalled series to the kindness ot" Messrs. Blackwell and Rutherford, the proprietors of the Newcastle Courant. See further among the "Wood Blocks." Additions to Newspaper Cuts. 21 I (4921.) 2. Heading of the Newcastle Courant. No. (30i2.)-(3oi5.). Another impression. 0)i /c/iite India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. An impression follows. (4922.) 3. Heading of the Newcastle Courant. No. (3016.). On ichite India paper. From the ori- ginal Block in my possession. The following is an impression. (4923.) 4. Heading of the Newcastle Courant. No. (30i7.)-(302o.). On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4924.) 5. I. Heading of the Newcastle Courant. p 2 212 The Beiiick Collector Very similar to the last. No pennon ; the motto placed on a rock, above which appear the branches of the tree : the steeple of St. Nicholas and the Castle in the left distance. No windmills. (4925.) 5. 2. Another old impression. (4926.) 5. 3. Another. (4927.) 5. 4. Another. Omvhhe India paper. From the original Block in my possession. An impression follows. (4928.) 6. Heading of the Newcastle Courant. A fragment, very similar to the last. On luhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4929.) 7. Heading of the Newcastle Courant. No pennon ; the motto placed on a rock ; the steeple of St. Nicholas and the Castle in the left distance. One (?) windmill in the right distance. 0)i while hidia paper. From the original Block in my possession. An impression follows. Additions to Newspaper Cuts. 213 (4930.) 8. Heading of the Newcastle Courant. No pennon. Motto on rock. St. Nicholas and Castle in the left distance. On ichite India paper. From the original Block in my possession.. Query, if by Bewick. There are indications of the absence of the Master's hand, which the experienced student of his style will hardly fail to recognize. The cut, however, is extremely beautiful. (4931.) 9. Heading of the Newcastle Courant. No. (3028.)-(303i.). On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Still more probably not by Bewick. (4932.) 10. Heading of the Newcastle Courant. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Of this there can be no doubt. The Master had passed away. (4933.) II. Heading of the Newcastle Advertiser. No. (3043.). On white India paper. From the ori- ginal Block in my possession. An impression follows. (4934.) 12. Heading of a Newspaper. "The Star and ". With a Star and the Prince of Wales' Plume, and the motto " Vespero Surgente." On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. 214 The Bewick Collector. Cock Fighting Advertisements. Fighting Cocks. No. (3i55-)-(3i6o.). (4935.) 13. Another impression. On uhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. An impression follows. " Lost, Stolen, or Strayed." The Devil and Horseman. No. (3182.). (4936.) 14. Another impression. Dated in MS. 1782. From Mr. John Bell. The Devil and Horseman. No. (3 191.). (4937.) 15. Another impression. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession, of which the following is an impression. (4938.) 16. The Devil and Horseman. Very similar to No. (3192.), hut not the same. Various. (4939.) 17. I. Figure of Mercury. No, (3202.). 0)1 while India paper possession. From the original Block in my )l yldditiom to Newspaper Cuts. 215 (4940.) 17. 2. Another impression. An old one. (4941.) 18. Figure of Mercury. No. (3206.). iihite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4942.) 19. Figure of Mercury, with his wand in his left hand. 0)1 icliite India paper. From the ori- ginal Block in my possession. (4943.) 20. "Literature." No. (3213.) Another impression. (4944.) 21. Figure of Fame blowing a trumpet. On 2chite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. It is used in No. (3259.). (4945.) 22. Figure of Fame. Smaller. On ichite India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. (4946.) 23. Figure of Justice, in an oval border. On u'hite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4947.) 24. A Pointer. For Coursing Advertise- ments. On iL'hite India paper. From the original Block ' in my possession. (4948.) 25. Five Ships. For Sailing Advertise- ments. On ichile India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. 2l6 ADDITIONS TO BROADSIDES, ETC. (4949.) I. A leaf, with six cuts. No. (3233.). Another impression. (4950.) 2. A leaf, with thirty-four cuts. Dormouse. Ferret. Hunting Tiger. Boar. Wolf. Stag. Lamb. Lion. Fawn. Indian. Jew. Angel. Dolphin. Bear. Wild Horse. Reynard. Dog. Cat. Ass. Panther. Flying Horse. Squirrel. Cat. Tiger Cat. Goat. Greyhound. A Deer. Goose. Lark. Ostrich, (^ock. Dove. Eagle. Stork. (4951.) 3. A leaf, with six cuts. Well. Traveller and Shepherd. Man and Ass. Reading. Cow Milking (large). A Gentleman in his Phaeton (large). (4952.) 4. A leaf, with twenty-seven cuts. Robin Redbreast. A Linnet. A Jackdaw. A Duck. Crow and Pitcher. A Flower. A Flying Dragon. A Vulture. Birds Billing. A Swallow. A Starling. A Basket of Fruit. A Stork. A Cock. A Wood Pigeon. A Dove. A Rose Linnet. A Thistle. A Hawk. A Bullfnich. A Peacock. A Lark. A Tree. A Wivn. A Goldtiiich. A Swan. A Bird's Nest. Additions to Broadsides, etc. ii'j (4953.) 5. A leaf, with six cuts. Bison. Puss. Camel. Glaiul and Simon. Hay Rick. Bauldy and Gland (all large). - (4954.) 6. A leaf, with six cuts. Landscape. Cow Grazing. Ploughing. Cottage. Milk-Maid and Cows (large). Countrymen at Work (^large). (4955.) 7. A leaf, with nineteen cuts. Boar. Bridge. Crow and Jug. Stag. Duck. Eagle. Deer • (large). Goat. Fawn. Bull. Wolf. Lark. Serpent. Kan- guroo (large). Bear. Lamb. Giraffe (large). Lion. Hunting Tiger. (4956.) 8. A leaf, with twelve cuts of ships, etc. The Nightingale. Channel Fleet. Sea Port. Anchor. The Spitfire. The Rover. The Britannia. The Victory. Crusoe shooting a Savage. Sloop Nancy (large). Saving Goods from a Wreck. (4957.) 9. A Series of " Lottery Sheets," each con- taining eight cuts, surrounded with a border. " Pub- lished by W. Davison, Bondgate Street, Alnwick." Many of the cuts are by Thomas Bewick, and were used by Davison in others of his publications. The fourth cut in No. 6 is given at page 429 of 'The Bewick Collector,' and the fifth in the same number at page 127 of the present Supplement. Family Accommodation Mangle. No. (3257.). (4958.) 10. Another impression. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. View of an Execution. No. (3268.). (4959.) II. Another impression. On wliile India paper. From the original Block in my possession. 2i8 The Bewick Collector. " Martin's Wonderful Prophecies." No. (3267.). (49G0.) 12. Another old impression, on paper, with- out letterpress. From Mr. John Bell. The Hangman, etc. No. (3539.)- (4961.) 13. Another impression. On ichite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4962.) 14. A Series of fifteen Cuts of Ships, for Broadside Notices of Ship Auctions, Voyages, etc. On ichite India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. (4963.) 15. A Series of seven Cuts of Horse and Groom, for Broadsides of Horse Sales, etc. On uJiite India paper. From the original Blocks in my posses- sion. (4964.) 16. Portrait of a Clergyman. On icJiite India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. (4965.) 17. Female Figure and Tombstone. On nJiile India paper. From the original Block in my possession. For Monodies and similar Broadsides. (4966.) 18. "Patent Safe Coach." A two-horse chariot, with lady and gentleman passengers. On white paper. Mounted in the volume described under No. (4496.). (4967.) 19. The Bald Cavalier. On icJiile India paper. P>om the original Block in my possession. (4968.) 20. The Fight with the Devil. On white Additions to Broadsides^ etc. 219 India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. Done in ridicule of a fanatic at Newcastle. Songs with Cuts by Thomas Bewick. Out of an immense collection of Songs printed in the North of England, the following selection should be added to the series already given. I am, however, very far from certain of the claims of some of them : — (4969.) 21. "A New Song. The Rigs of New- castle Fair." " G. Angus, Printer, Newcastle." With cut of The Miller on Horseback. An impression has been given under No. (4283.). (4970.) 22. "Tom Starboard and Faithful Nancy." London — Printed by J. Catnach, and Sold Whole- sale and Retail at No. 60, Wardour-Street, Soho- Square." With cut of a Ship at sea. (4971.) 23. "A New Song, called The Rump-Steak Lady." " Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-Court." With the cut of a Swan swimming, mentioned under No. (2632.). The Block has not been seen for many years, and although I have searched for it long and carefully among the stock of Catnach's office, I have been unable to find it. See the note to No. (4626.). (4972.) 24. " A Funny Dialogue, Between a Fat Butcher, and a Mackarel, In Newport Market Yester- day." " Catnach, Printer, 2 Monmouth-court." With the same cut of a Swan 3.u immina. 2 20 The Bewick Collector. (4973.) 25. "The Lily of the Valley." " Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth court, 7 Dials." With cut of the Arms of the Duke of Northumberland. See No. (217.), note. This Block also has been long out of sight, and cannot be found. (4974.) 26. " Nature's Gay Day." " J. Catnach, Printer, 2, & 3, Monmouth court Seven Dials." With cut of " Lads and their Lasses tripping lightly away." (4975.) 27. "The Fairy Boy." "J.Paul & Co., Printers, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials." With cut of a Boy reading to a party of children. (4976.) 28. I. " The Christmas Goose." "Printed by W. S. Fortey, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials." With cut of a Duck, of which I have the original Block. (4977.) 28. 2. Another impression of the cut. On white India paper. From the same. I am not certain of its correct attribution, but the work is of great merit, as the following impression will prove. Additions to Broadsides, etc. 11 1 (4978.) 29. "Skewball." With a small Horse-Racing Cut, of which I have the original Block. See No. (4642.). (4979.) 30. "The World on Credit." " C. Cro- shaw, Printer, Coppergate, York." With a clever Horse-Racing cut, of which I possess the original Block. See No. (4643.). (4980.) 31. I. "Tobacco." " Printed and sold by J. W. Procter & Son, 4, Engine-Street, Hull." With cut of a Man shaking his list at a Boy in a tree. (4981.) 31. 2. Another copy. (4982.) 32. "The Drunkard's Ragged Child." With cut of the Old Man and Death. (4983.) 2,3' " Mother, Don't you Cry." With cut of a Child relieving two Beggars. (4984.) 34. " Pat M'Guire." " Published and Sold by Robert Rankin, 38, Bottle Bank, Gateshead." With cut of an Old Beggar. (4985.) 2)5- ^- "What's a' the Steer Kimmer." " Printed and Sold by J. Ross, Arcade, Nevvcastle-on- 1 yne. With cut of the Farmer and his Visitors, by Lee (?) (4986.) 25- -• Another copy. (4987.) 36. " Duncan Campbell." " Printed and Sold by John Ross, Royal Arcade, Newcastle-on- iyne. Widi cut of Boys tracking a hare. (4988.) 37. "The Butcher and Chambermaid." 222 The Baric/,- Collector. " Printed and Sold by J. Ross, Arcade, Newcasde-on- Tyne." With an excellent copy of the cut in Burns's Poems, vol. I. p. 275. No. (230.). (4989.) 38. " The Sheffield Apprentice." "Printed and Sold by John Ross, Arcade, Newcastle-upon-Tyne." With cut of the Devil driving a man under the gallows. (4990.) 39. "Napoleon's Farewell to Paris." " W. R. Walker, Printer, Arcade, Newcastle." With cut of Tyne-side Scene, of which I have the Block. See ^^"- (4545-)- (4991.) 40. "Woodman, Spare that Tree." "Printed and Sold by W. R. Walker, Royal Arcade, Newcastle- upon-Tyne." With cut of a Man felling a Tree, an admirable cop}- of that in Burns's Poems, vol. II. p. 85. No. (230.). (4992.) 41. "Donald's Return to Glencoe." "Printed and Sold by W. R. Walker, 7 Royal Arcade, Neu- castle-upon-Tyne." Withcut ofa Wild Cat. (4993.) 42. "Erin's Lovely Home." "Henry Disley Printer, 57, High Street, St. Giles." With cut of Donkey and Monument, a copy of the vignette in the 'British Birds,' First Edition, Vol. I. p. 87. 2 23 ADDITIONS TO MISCELLANEOUS CUTS. Views. (4994.) I. Large oval view of Jarrow. On uhitp India paper. From the original Block in my posses- sion. (4995.) 2. TynemoLith Priorv. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4996.) 3. View of Durham Cathedral from the river. On uhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (4997.) 4. View of Bamborough Castle, 6 inc. by 2f inc. (4998.) 5. View of Bamborough Castle, a copy of the preceding. Given me by Mr. Geggie, of Alnwick. Query, if by Bewick. (4999.) 6. View of Sunderland Bridge. A small oval. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. 224 The Bewick Collector. (5000.) 7. View of Sunderland Bridge, 2 inc. by i|- inc. On ichite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (5001.) 8. View of Sunderland Bridge. Three fourths of a circle. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. An impression fol- lows. (5002.) 9. View^ of Sunderland Bridge, 4 inc. by 1^ inc. On white India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (5003.) 10. View of a Manufactory, apparently by the side of Newcastle Old Bridge, on which is the name of Bowes. On ivhite India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (5004.) II. A Series of Eight Views. On white India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. (5005.) 12. A House. On while India paper. From the original Block in my possession. (5006.) 13. A House. On uhnle India paper. From the original Block in my possession. Miscell(i)it<)U.s Cuts — ^-Jnima/s. 225 Animals. "The Remarkable Kyloe Ox." No. (3388.), etc. (5007.) I. Another im])ression. On u/tife India paper. " Durham Cow. 5." No. (3410). (5008.) 2. Another impression. On coarse blue paper. (5009.) 3. " Durham Ox. 8.'' A reversed copy of that in No. (247.). On coarse blue paper. (5010.) 4. White Pony. A reversed copy of that in Reay's Sportsman's Friend. On coarse blue paper. Above the cut is written "Barton Valuations, 1815." These were intended for covers of copy and account books. (5011.) 5. A Stag. Signed " T. Bewick, New- castle.'' Copperplate. A copy of that at page 260 of the ' Select Fables' of 1820. (5012.) 6. A Series of Nine Cuts of Animals, each enclosed in a square border. Horse, Bear (signed " TB "), Wikl Boar, Chamois, Fallow Deer (signed "T Bewick"), Sheep, Otter, Raven, and Wood Pigeon (signed " T. Bwk.''). Fine impressions. On while India paper. They are thus noticed in a Catalogue of Mr. E. Pearson : — " Nine Very Rare Bewick Wood-Engravings. Two Bki TisH Birds, and Seven British Quadrupeds, with Borders. These beautiful cuts are nearly 2^ by 3^ inches in size, and are exceedingly beautiful. One is signed ' T. Bewicke,' another 'Bwk.' They have been in the possession of the descendants of the Foreman to Wilson and Spence's Printing Offices, York, for the last i^o years. I have not seen impressions of them in 2 26 The Beu'ich Collector. any Bewick Collection. Small 4to, uncut, toy wrappers, g£^ 5.^., very interesting and c/ioice itnpressions. "Wilson and Spence, York, alvnt 1789-" Although several of these cuts are, as stated, signed by Bewick, they are, on tiie whole, unworthy of him. The Horse and Otter >ire singularly inditferent. I cannot, therefore, endorse the expressions either of admiration of the work, or of the correctness of the attribution of these cuts to Thomas Bewick. Several of them, nevertheless, indicate considerable ability in their author, whom I take to have been a pupil rather than the great Master himself (5013.) 7. A Series of Eleven Cuts of Animals. On nliite India paper. From the original Blocks in my possession. They consist of the Kyloe Ox, Lancashire Bull, Group of Sheep, Lion, Nondescript Animal in the ' History of Quadrupeds,' Bull Dog, Greyhound Fox, Hare, Kanguroo, Goldfinch, and Carp. Impressions of the Lion and the Bull Dog will be found among the " Wood Blocks." Various. (5014.) I. A remarkably clever copy of the Vi- gnette " Man watering " ; British Birds, First Ed. vol. i. p. 42. Copperplate. Proof on a folio page of foolscap paper. From the collection of Mr. Lynch, of Newcastle. (5015.) 2. A Party of four Smokers, one of them Miscellaneous Cuts — Various. 2 2' said to be a portrait of Bewick himself. Proof on icliilc India paper. " Said to be engraved by Thomas Bewick. He used to meet a select few at the * House of Commons,' Newcastle." MS. note on the paper on which the impression is mounted. ^^P^S^"" 228 ADDITION TO DRAWINGS. (5016.) I. The Letter "T"in German Text, be- fore a shield bearing the Arms of Newcastle. On the paper is written, in an old hand, " Drawn by T. Bewick. G.R." 229 ADDITIONS TO WOOD BLOCKS. The causes which have led to the goodly Additions described in some of the foregoing Departments have been even more full of beneficial results in this of the Wood Blocks — the most precious and invaluable of all. My thanks, in the first place, are due to the generosity of friends, who have either given me their treasures, the collections of lives, or have aflforded me introductions, hardly less valuable, to quarters from whence I have acquired what was othenvise un- attainable. Then, in the second, through the induce- ment ofi^ered to numerous printing Firms to contribute their stores by purchase to the aggregate already so comprehensive — added to some fortunate accidents in the course of my varied investigations, as detailed in the Preface — I have been enabled to make most in- teresting additions to the list already given. I have also, both in person and by correspondence, instituted 230 The Bewick Collector. many and strict inquiries, not only in London and his own locality, Newcastle, Gateshead, Hexham, Alnwick, Durham, Sunderland, North and South Shields, etc., but also in various provincial towns south of his neigh- bourhood, wdiere some of Bewdck's productions were used by the publishers in those places, — as York, Knaresborough, Richmond, Penrith, Ludlow, Glou- cester, etc. etc. — and have in a number of instances succeeded in recovering the Blocks, while in others I have satisfied myself that they either cannot be found, or, as in some cases, have unquestionably perished. The reader who is familiar with the list which was given in the previous Volume and connects it with the one which follows, bearing also in mind the facts now stated, will thus be aw^are that, with the exception of those in the possession of the Bewick family, there can be no considerable number of the original Blocks, especially of those executed when the Artists had arrived at eminence and for works of mark and importance, outside the limits of my own Collection. After those of the ' Quadrupeds,' * British Birds,' and ' ^Esop,' to which I have just alluded, the Blocks of their most celebrated and im- portant Book-Illustrations are here associated ; while a very large number of their occasional works, done for j)rivate persons and miscellaneous purposes of various kinds, have been traced to their hiding places, the concealment of which has been the sole cause of their escaping the fate of so many of their companions, and arc now atlded to numbers which before seemed but jJdditiun.s /<> ff\)od Blochs. 23 i little likely to admit of increase, and preclude the hope of future additions of any extent or importance. It hardly need be said that these results, excepting those for which, as already stated, I have to thank the kindness of friends, have been obtained at a very considerable cost of time, patience, labour, travel, and money. To add, indeed, to the difficulty of acquisition, many of them were estimated at a fabu- lous value from the fact of their being the sole sur- viving relics of old and celebrated Firms, and hoarded by their possessors accordingly. But the complete- ness and value of the product so acquired are most satisfactory, and more than compensate for those ne- cessary expenditures, apart from which the present result was simply impossible. To enable the reader to judge in some measure of the beauty of many of these acquisitions, I have fur- nished him throughout the volume with impressions from a selection of the original Blocks. Truth, how- ever, obliges me to add, that the action of the modern rolling-press is but poorly adapted for taking fine im- pressions from Cuts engraved in Bewick's peculiar style, with the lower and more delicate portions of which the ink never comes in contact. The impres- sions, therefore, rarely do justice to my Blocks, which in most instances are in as good a condition as when first executed. Hence I think I may reckon on the gratification of the reader, when I inform him that a very beautiful Volume is in preparation, which is in- tended to contain impressions of some eighteen hun- 232 The Bewick Collector. dred of my Blocks, taken off by the old process, and thus presenting a worthy counterpart of these lovely works of Art, which, as was said of one of the many series included in the Collection, " will be a monument of fame " to the Artist brothers, " of more celebrity than marble could bestow." Additioxs to Wood Blocks for Books and Pamphlets. Fisher's New English Tutor. No. (4029.). (5017.) i-io. The entire Series of Ten Cuts. Ob- tained from Mr. Hodgson. Specimens have been given under No. (4029.). Grey's Epitome of the Annals of Great Britain. No. (40.3 3-) • (5018.) 11-34. The Twenty-four Figures of the Sovereigns. Obtained from Mr. Hodgson. Specimens will be found under No. (4033.). Hastie's Reading Easy. No. (11.), etc. (5019.) 35-70. The entire Series of Thirty-six Cuts. From Mr. Dodd, of Newcastle, successor to Mr. Emerson Charnley, to whom they came from the Angus family. Specimens have been given under Nos. (1619.) and (4428.). New Year's Gift. No. (4034.). (5020.) 71-76. Six Cuts, illustrating the Story of Little Red Riding Hood. Specimens have been given under No. (4034.). Additions to JVood Blocks. Hargrove's Knaresborough. No. (38.), etc. ^33 (5021.) 77-81. The entire Series of Five Cuts. From Mr. Blenkhorn, Hargrove's successor at Knares- borough. The following is an impression from the beautiful Cut of the Arms of Knaresborough Priory, the Cornwall Arms, perhaps the finest cut that Bewick ever executed for a provincial publisher. 1 possess a considerable number of Hargrove's Wood Blocks, executed for his various topographical works, but do not attribute them to either Thomas or John Bewick. Many of them are undoubtedly the j)roductions of Green, and some apparently of Ander- son. Looking Glass for the Mind. No. (66.), etc. (5022.) 82-100. A Series of Nineteen Cuts, namely, that on the title; the large Cuts at pp. 38, 75, 122, 132, 187, 202, 257, and 263; and the Vignettes at 234 The Beiiick Collector. PP- i^'. ?>h S3^ 117' ^74, 20I, 223, 241, 256, and 262. After a very careful search which I have been per- mitted to make through the more ancient stock of Messrs. Griffith and Farran, the successors of New- bery and Harris, I have been able to select sixty-one Blocks, which will be found enumerated under the various heads to which they are referable. It is under- stood that at the time of Mr. Harris's decease the greater part of the old stock was disposed of, some of which found its way to the North of England, and was ultimately purchased by myself from a trades- man long resident in Northumberland. It is from that purchase that I have been able to furnish the various specimens of the Illustrations of Newbery and Harris's publications which have been given in the earlier pages of this and the previous volume. The Blocks which remained in their successors' possession were happily the choicest of the whole, and reserved, I presume, for that special reason. They constituted, as will be seen, a perfect series of the cuts done for the ' Tales for Youth,' — the finest and best examples of John Bewick's work for juvenile publications, — a considerable number belonging to his next best volume— the ' Looking Glass for the Mind,' — and others of hardly less interest. And the very large price demanded and paid for them was on account of their being, in the words of their former owners, "all the valuable relics of the old Firm." Specimens have been given under No. (4438.), and at page 199. Additions to J Food Block.s ^35 Sporting Magazine. No. (71.). (5023.) 101. Horse Racing. Used on the cover, and at the head of ' The Racing Calendar.' One of the most celebrated productions of John Bewick, which, although subject to hard usage for a number of years, yet preserves much of its original excellence. Obtained in London. An impression follows. Tales for Youth. No. (72.), etc. (5024.) 102-13 1. The entire Series of Thirty Cuts. They are the finest examples of the skill of John Bewick employed in juvenile publications. Pur- chased of Messrs. Griffith and Farran, successors to Newbery and Harris, of St. Paul's Churchyard. See note to ' Looking Glass for the Mind ' above. Specimens have been given under No. (4442.). Kings or England. No. (4078.). (5025.) 132, 133. Cut of 'Ancient Britons' on the 236 The Bewick Collector. title, and Portrait of King George III. Purchased of Messrs. Griffith and Farran, Successors to Newbery and Harris, St. Paul's Churchyard. The OEconomist. No. (127.). (5026.) 134, 135. The Series of Two Cuts. From Mr. Dodd, and formerly belonging to the Angus family. An impression of the Cut on the titles, Mr. Bigge's well-known Cut of ' Liberty,' has already been given under No. (1966.). The Picture Book. No. (4101.). (5027.) 136-173. A Series of Thirty-eight Cuts. They were originally in the possession of Messrs. Christopher and Jennett, of Stockton-on-Tees, and from them appear to have passed to Cornelius Cro- shaw, of the Pavement, York, who disposed of them to the gentleman who sold them to me. Specimens will be found under No, (4101.), and others follow. The New Songster. No. (139.)- (5028.) 174, 175. The Two Cuts on the Frontis- piece. From Soulby's office, Penrith, where the book was printed. The Vocal Miscellany. No. (141.). (5029.) 176. Cut on the Title. From Humble's office, Newcastle. Additions to JJ^md Blocks. 237 Thk Plkasing Instructor. No. (410.3.). (5030.) 177. Cut on the Title. From Soulby's office, Penritli, where the book was printed. Elmina. No. (4108.). (5031.) 178. The Frontispiece. From Messrs. Griffith and Farran, Successors to Newbery and Harris, St. Paul's Churchyard. The Forsaken Infant. Nos. (41 ii.), (4452.). (5032.) 179-187. The Series of nine Cuts. Done for Mozley, of Gainsborough and Derby. A specimen will be found under No. (4452.). Reay's Sportsman's Friend. No. (163.). (5033.) 188. The Bay Pony. I have to offer my grateful thanks to T. H. Wilson, Esq., for the posses- sion of this very beautiful work of art. An impression has been given at p. 139. Fisher's Grammar. No. (4134.). (5034.) 189. Facsimile of Signature. From Hodg- son's office, Newcastle, where the book was printed. Picture of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. No. (218.). (5035.) 190, 191. View of Newcastle on the title, and Figure of a Roman Altar at page 152 of the Se- cond Edition. From Akenhead's office, Newcastle, where the book was printed. An impression of the former will be found under No. (4458.). Warden's Spelling Book. No. (4235.). (5036.) 192-198. The entire Series of seven Cuts. 238 The Bewick Collector. From Humble's office, Newcastle, where the book was printed. Specimens have been given under Nos. (423 "J.), (4817.). Flowers of British Poetry. No. (281.). (5037.) 199. "Meditation by MoonUght." From Sunderland. An impression will be found at page 209. Davison's Specimens of Wood Blocks. No. (298.). Various Cuts enumerated under other heads. Rhymes of Northern Bards. No. (302.). (5038.) 200, 201. The Cuts at pp. 149, 174. From Angus, Charnley, and Dodd's office, Newcastle. These Cuts, and the others similarly described, were successively in the office of the publishers named. Garland of Nothumberland Heroes. No. (303.). (5039.) 202. Cut on title. From Angus, Charn- ley, and Dodd's office, Newcastle. An impression will be found under No. (4284.). Figures in Rhymes. No. (304.). (5040.) 203-205. The Series of three Cuts. From Angus, Charnley, and Dodd's Office, Newcastle. An impression of that on the title is given under No. (4289.). Garland of Bells. No. (33,^.)- (5041.) 206. Cut on title. F'rom Angus, Charn- ley, and Dodd's office, Newcastle. An impression is given under No. (4285.). The Contented Couckould. No. (_'i^6.). (5042.) 207. Cut on title. From Angus, Charn- ley, and Dodd's office, Newcastle. An impression is given under No. (4282.). Additions to JVood Blocks. 239 Garland ok New Songs. No. (4282.). (504o.) 208-220. A Series of thirteen Cuts. From Angus, Charnley, and Dodd's office, Newcastle. Impressions have been given under No. (4282.). Collection of New Songs. No. (4283.). (5044.) 221. Cut on title. From Angus, Charn- ley, and Dodd's office, Newcastle. An impression will be found under No. (4283.). Account of the Great Flood. No. (345.)- Arms of Newcastle on the title. From Hodgson's office, Newcastle, where the Book was printed. It has been already enumerated under No. (3628.). An impression will be found under No. (2169.). Battle of Floddon Field. No. (377.). (5045.) 222. Facsimile of old Woodcut. From Charnley, and Dodd's office, Newcastle. An impression has been given under No. (1746.). Mitchell on the Pleasure and Utility of Angling. No. (384.). Cut on the title. From North Shields. Enume- rated under Cuts for Various Societies, etc. An impression \^ ill be found under No. (4581.). Tom Thumb's Play Book. No. (456.) (5046.) 223-246. The entire Series of twenty-four Cuts, not including those enumerated elsewhere. From Angus, Charnley, and Dodd's office, Newcastle. The Tyne Side Minstrel. No. (459.). (5047.) 247. The Frontispiece. From Stephen- son's office, Gateshead, where the Book was printed. An impression has been given under No. (4341.). 240 The Bcnicl; Collector. Stanzas on Intended New Road. No. (466.). (5048.) 248. Arms of Gateshead on the title. From Stephenson's office, Gateshead. List of Knights and Burgesses of Dukham. No. (4361.). (5049.) 249. Cut at p. 28. From Stephenson's office. Gateshead. An impression will be found under No. (4361.). The Bishoprick Garland. No. (490.). (5050.) 250. Cut at p. 84. From Stephenson's office, Gateshead. An impression is given under No. (4483.). Allan Ramsay's Gentle Shepherd. No. (492.). The Cuts, enumerated under other heads. Jackson and Chatto's History of Wood-Engraving. No. (4376.). (5051.) 251. Vignette at p. 634. Given me by T. H. Wilson, Esq. An impression will be found under No. (4376.). Collection of Newspaper Extracts. No. (503.). The Cuts, enumerated under other heads. Impressions from Charnley's Wood Blocks. No. (4406.). A Series of one hundred and thirty-five Cuts, enume- ated under various other heads. The Howdy and the Upgetting. No. (512.). Three Cuts, elsewhere enumerated. Descriptive and Critical Catalogue. No. (151S.). Cuts elsewhere enumerated. Great Newes from Newcastle. No. (520.). Cut previously enumerated. Additions to JFood Blocks. 241 Imtressions from Dodd's Wood Blocks. No. (527.). Cuts elsewhere enumerated. Impressions from Hodgson's Wood Blocks. No. (4408.). Cuts elsewhere enumerated. Aristotle's Masterpiece. No. (4494.). (5052.) 252-255. Four Cuts. From Kendal. History of England. No. (4495.). (5053.) -236-282. The Series of twenty-seven large ^ 242 The Beivick Collector. Portraits of the Sovereigns. Done for Mozley, of Gainsborough and Derby. The foregoing are specimens. (5054.) 283, 284. A Set of twenty-four Alphabet Cuts. On two Blocks. Given me by Mr. Pruddah, of Hexham. No. (4498.). Impressions have been given under No. (4498.). (5055.) 285. A Set of twenty-four Alphabet Cuts. On one Block. From Kendal. No. (4499.). (5056.) 286-309. A Set of twenty-four Alphabet Cuts. On twenty-four Blocks, From York. No. (4500.). (5057.) 310-320. Part of an Alphabet, eighteen Cuts. On eleven Blocks. From Akenhead's office, Newcastle. No. (4501.). The following are specimens. -^ Tid- y==^ (5058.) 321. " M " for Merchant. Alphabet Cut. From Catnach's office. No. (4502.). Additiom to JVood Blocks. ^A-3 (50.59.) 322. Large Cut. Boys gathering Apples. For a ' Reading Easy.' From York. No. (4503.). (5060.) 323, Large Cut. Boys gathering Apples. For a ' Reading Easy.' From Gloucester. No. (4504.). (5061.) 324-380. A Series of fifty-seven Cuts in rectangular borders, for Book Illustrations. From Newcastle, Durham, Hexham, North Shields, South Shields, Sunderland, York, Darlington, North Allerton, Penrith, Appleby, Whitehaven, Whitby, etc. etc. etc. Nos. (4505-) and (4514.). The following are specimens. 11 2 244 The Beu'ich Collector, h Mii'lliif'f' Xv. fm\-^\mm, (5062.) 381-442. A Series of sixty-two Vignettes, for Book Illustrations. From the same localities. No. (4506.). The following are specimens. (Iditious to ff'ood Blocks. ^45 It may be questioned whether all of them should be attributed to Thomas Bewick, but of the great beauty of many there can, fortunately, be no doubt. Take, for example, the following cut of tlie Chillingham Bull, and the Fishing Scene intro- ducing the distant view of Durham Cathedral. 246 The Beicich ColltcLor. Some of them are copies, or possibly the tirst draughts, of vignettes in the 'Quadrupeds' and 'British Birds,' and it is ditHcult to say which are to be preferred. -^^^ Another specimen will be tbund at p.ige 151 of the present Sup- plement. j-ldditions to IVuod Blocks. 247 (5063.) 443. Robinson Crusoe. From Hodgson's office. No. (4515.). (5064.) 444, 445. Figures of a Plough and a Pitch- fork. From Hodgson's office. No. (4517.). (5065.) 446. A Line of Music. From Hodgson's office. No. (4518.). (5066.) 447, 448. Two Blocks of different kinds of handwriting, used in various Spelling Books. From Hodgson's office. No. (4519.). (5067.) 449. A Mariner's Compass. From Hodg- son's office. No. (4520.) (5068.) 450-462. A Series of thirteen Plans of Coal Mines, etc., to illustrate the working and ventilation of the same. From Hodgson's office. No. (4521.). (5069.) 463-512. A Series of fifty Geometrical Diagrams. From Hodgson's office. No. (4522.). Additions to Wood Blocks of Book Plates. (5070.) $i2>' Mr. Affleck's Book Plate. (Copper- plate.) From Mr. Dodd, Newcastle. Nos. (1936.), (4524-)- (5071.) 514. Mr. Matthew Anderson's Book Plate. From Humble's office. No. (4525.). An impression is given iukIlt No. (4525.), 248 Tlie Bewick Collector. (5072.) 515. Mr. Brockett's Book Plate. No. (45^9-)- (5073.) 516. Viscount Galway's Book Plate. From Durham. (5074.) 517. Mr. Sanders' Book Plate. From Mr. Dodd, Newcastle. An impression is given under No. (2080.). (5075.) 518. Initial Letter T, with books. From Gateshead. No. (4542.). (5076.) 519. A blank oval, in a border of oak, palm, etc. From Mr. Hewitson, South Shields. No. (4544-)- (5077.) 520. Tyne-side Scene, apparently intended for a Book-plate. From Mr. Reid, Newcastle. No. (4545.). An impression follows. (5078.) 521. A blank Shield suspended in a tree among foliage. From Catnach's office. No. (4546.). Additions to Jf^ood li locks. 249 (5079.) 522-525. Four Shields of Arms. From Durham. No. (4547.). Querv if bv Bewick. Additions to Wood Blocks for Various Societies, Companies, etc. Where the subject of the Block is not stated, it will be found under the Number annexed to each. I. Clekk of the Peace, Durham. (5080.) 526. Seal of the Clerk of the Peace, Dur- ham. From South Shields. No. (4553.). Eagle Insurance Company. (5081.) 527. An Eagle on a rock, inscribed "Safety." Newspaper Cut. From Akenhead's office. Forresters' Lodge. (5082.) 528. Forresters' Arms. From North Shields. No. (4554- )• Freemasons' Lodge. (5083.) 529. Freemasons' Cut. From Hexham. No. (4555 •)• Parish of Gateshead. (5084.) 530. Gateshead Parish Boundary Token, 1824. From Gateshead. No. (4556.). (5085.) 531. " Merit ", on a medal. From Gates- head. No. (4557-)- Lottery Office. (508G.) 532. Figure of Mercury. From Rumble's office. No. (4562.). 2^0 The Bewick Collector. Newcastle Royal Exchange Assurance Office. (5087.) $'>^'y^. View of the Royal Exchange. News- paper Cut. From Humble's office. Nos. (2140.), (4367.). Newcastle upon Tyne Fire Office. (5088.) 534. Figure of a Fire Engine. Newspaper Cut. From Durham. Nos. (2157.), (4579.). (5089.) ^'^^. Figure of a Fire Engine, Another very similar. Newspaper Cut. From Newcastle. (5090.) ^'^6. Figure of a Fire Engine. Another very similar. From Newcastle. Newcastle Waltonian Club. (5091.) 537. River scene, with Anglers, etc. Nos. (384.), (2239.), (45«i-). An impression will be found under No. (4581.). Northumberland Life Boat. (5092.) 538. View off Tynemouth. No. (4583.). An impression is given under No. (4583.). Phcenix Fire Office. (5093.) 539. A Phcenix. Newspaper Cut. From Humble's office. Nos. (2194.), (4587.)- (5094.) 540. A Phoenix. Newspaper Cut. From Durham. No. (4589.). (5095.) 541. A Phoenix. Newspaper Cut. From Catnach's office. No. (4590,). WOOLCOMBERS' CoMPANY. (509G.) 542. Woolcombers' Arms, From Hum- ble's office. No. (4595.J. Additions to J Food Blocks. 25 i (5097.) 543. Woolcombers' Arms. From Cat- nach's office. Perhaps older than Bewick. (5098.) 544. Figure of Britannia. From Humble's office. No. (4596.). (5099.) 545. Figure of Fortune. From Walker's office, Durham. No. (4597.). (5100.) 546. Figure of Hope. From Humble's office. No. (4598.). (5101.) 547. Figure of Hope. From Walker's office, Durham. No. (4599.) (5102.) 548. Cut for some Durham Society. The Mitre and Coronet. From Akenhead's office. Additions to Wood Blocks for Exhibitions, etc. (5103.) 549. Cut apparently done for some Royal Reception. A throne imder a tent, ornamented with the Royal Arms, in a border of laurel, etc. From Angus's office. An impression follows. 252 The Bewick Collector. (5104.) 550. "Coronation" Balloon. From Cat- nach's office. No. (4601.). (5105.) 551. The Cockpit. From Humble's office. No. (4602.). (510G.) 552. Fighting Cocks. From Akenhead's office, Newcastle. No. (4603.). (5107.) ^$0^. Fighting Cocks. From Walker's office, Durham. No. (4603.). An impression follows. (5108.) 554. Fighting Cocks. From Walker's office, Durham. No. (4603.). (5109.) $$$. Fighting Cocks. From Mr. Robert- son, Durham. No. (4603.). (5110.) $$6. Fighting Cocks. From Mr. Atkin- son, Monkwearmouth. No. (4603.). An impression follows. (5111.) 557. Fighting Cocks. From Mr. Hender- son, North Shields. No. (4603.).. Additions to I Food Blocks ^53 (5112.) 558. Fighting Cocks. From Soiilby's office, Penrith. No. (4603.). An impression follows. 1Uiiiifin»»« »«..m M"M; (5113.) 559. Fighting Cocks. From York. No. (4603.). (5114.) 560. Fighting Cocks. From Mr. Hudson, Kendal. No. (4603.). (5115.) 561. Fighting Cocks. From Mr. Hudson, Kendal. No. (4603.). [See also ' Newspaper Cuts.'] (5116.) 562. Descent of Sadler's Balloon. From Mr. Reid, Newcastle. No. (4607.). (5117.) ^6-^. Sadler's Balloon, among clouds. From Walker's office, Durham. No. (4608.). (5118.) 564. "Theatre, North Shields." From North Shields. No. (4610.). Additions to Wood Blocks of Racing Cuts. (5119.) ^6$. Racing Cut. From Mr. Reid, New- castle. Nos. (2320.), (4634.). (5120.) ^66. Racing Cut. From Mr. Robertson, Durham. No. (4639.). 254 T^^^^ Bewick Collector. (5121.) 567. Racing Cut. From Mr. Ainsley, Durham. No. (464c.) An impression is given under No. (4640.) (5122.) 568. Racing Cut. From Mr. Reid, New- castle. No. (4641.). (5123.) 569. Racing Cut. From Humble's office. No. (4642.). (5124.) 570. Racing Cut. From York. No. (4643.). (5125.) 571. Racing Cut. Small. Three . horses, to the right. No border. From Newcastle. (5126.) 572. Racing Cut. From Soulby's office, Penrith. No. (4644.). Very similar to the vignette at page 346, but with a rectangular border. (5127.) 573. Racing Cut. No. (4645.). (5128.) 574. Racing Cut. From Mr. Hewitson, South Shields. No. (4646.)- (5129.) 575. Racing Cut. From Mr. Robertson, Durham. No. (4647.). An impression is given under No. (4647.). (5130.) 576. Racing Cut. From Chester-le-Street. No. (4648.). (5131.) 577. Racing Cut. From Mr. Hall, Sun- derland. No. (4649.). An impression is given at page 173. (5132.) 578. Racing Cut. From Mr. Ainsley, Durham. No. (4650.). An impression is given at page 173, the lower cut. Additions to JVood Blocks. ^-55 (5133.) 579. Racing Cut. From Mr. Pruddah, Hexham. No. (4651.). Additions to Wood Blocks of Shop Cards. For the subject of each Block see the No. ref>.Tred to. (5134.) 580. "J. Catnach, Printer and Pubhsher." Said to have been drawn by Thurston and engraved by Thomas Bewick. From Mr. W. S. Fortey, suc- cessor to Catnach, who preceded Davison at Alnwick, and employed Bewick for several of his pubUcations. See Nos. (158.), (201.), (217.), (221.), (231.), and (4206.). No. (4653.). An impression follows. (5135.) 581. "J. Catnach Printer & PubHsher" From the same. No. (4654.). 256 TJie Beiricli Collector (513G.) 582. Davidson's Cut. From Angus, Charn- ley, and Dodd's office, Newcastle. No, (4655.). An impression follows. _. om Rumble's office. No. (4937.). An impression is given under No. (4937.). (5285.) 731. Figure of Mercury. No. (3202.). From North Shields. No. (4939.). (5286.) 732. Figure of Mercury. No. (3206.). From North Shields. No. (4941.). (5287.) 733. Figure of Mercury. No. (3205.). From North Shields. No. (4942.). (5288.) 734. Figure of Fame. From Mr. Walker, Durham. No. (4944.). (5289.) 733. Figure of Fame. From Mr. Walker, Durham. No. (4945.). (5290.) 736. Figure of Justice. In an oval. From Angus's office. No. (4946.). (5291.) 737. A Pointer. From Humble's office. No. (4947.). (5292.) 738. A Ship. From Akenhead's office. No. (4948.)- (5293.) 739. A Ship. From Hodgson's office. No. (4948.)- An impression follows. (5294.) 740. A Ship. From Walker's office. No. (4948.). 274 The Bewick Collector. (5295.) 741. A Ship. From Walker's office. No. (4948.) (5296.) 742. A Ship. From Walker's office. No. (4948.) Additions to Cuts for Broadsides. (5297.) 743. Family Accommodation Mangle. No. (3257.). From Blair's office, Morpeth. No. (4958.)- (5298.) 744. Portrait of Dr. " Will"^ Markham." From Akenhead's office, (5299.) 745. Portrait of Dr. Markham (?) From Akenhead's office. Not improbably done for a Frontispiece to S[)eHing Books. (5300.) 746. Portrait of a Clergyman. From Ken- dal. No. (4964.). (5301.) 747. Female Figure and Tombstone. From Gateshead. No. (4965.). (5302.) 748. The Tame Dtick. From Catnaclfs office. No. (4975.). An impression has been given under No. (4975.). (5303.) 749. The Bald Cavallier. From Mr. Rcid, Newcastle. No. (4966.). (5304.) 750. The Fight with the Devil. From Mr. Reid, Newcastle. No. (4967.). (5305.) 751. View of an Fxcciition. No. (3268.). From Mr. Ainslcy, Durham. No. (4959.). Additions to JFood Blocks. ^-IS (5306.) 752. The Hangman, etc. No. (3539.)- From Angus's office. No. (4961.). (5307.) -js;^. A Ship. From Angus's office. No. (4962.). An impression t(>llows. This and the following were done for Broadside Notices of Ship Auctions, Voyages, etc. (5308.) 754. A Ship. From Angus's office. No. (4962.). (5309.) 755. A Ship. From Angus's office. No. (4962.). (5310.) 756. A Ship. From Angus's office. No. (4962.). (5311.) 757. A Ship. From Rumble's office. No. (4962.). (5312.) 758. A Ship. From Akenhead's office. No. (4962.). T 2 276 The Bewick Collector. (5313.) 759, A Ship. From Akenhead's office. No. (4962.) (5314.) 760. A Ship. From Akenhead's office. (5315.) 761. A Ship. From Mr. Walker, Dur- ham. No. (4962.). (5316.) 762. A Ship. From Mr. Walker, Dur- ham. No. (4962.). (5317.) 763. A Ship. From Mr. Hall, Sunderland. No. (4962.). (5318.) 764. A Ship. From Mr. Hall, Sunderland. No. (4962.). (5319.) 765. A Ship. From Mr. Henderson, North Shields. No. (4692.). (5320.) 766. A Ship. From Mr. Hewitson, South Shields. No. (4962.). (5321.) 767. A Ship. From Mr. Lackland, South Shields. No. (4962.). (5322.) 768. A Ship. From Blair's office, Morpeth. No. (4962.). (5323.) 769. Horse and Groom. From Humble's office. No. (4963.). This and the following were done for Broadside Notices of Horse Sales, etc. (5324.) 770. Horse and Groom. From Humble's olhce. No. (4963.). (5325.) 771. Horse and Groom. From Akenhead's office. No. (4963.). An inipiC'^ion follows. Additions to Wood Blocks. 277 ^^^Sc''^^^''>-^^-> (5326.) 772. Horse and Groom. From Mr. Wal- ker, Durham. No. (4963.). (5327.) 773. Horse and Groom. From Mr. Hewit- son, South Shields. No. (4963.). (5328.) 774. Horse and Groom. From Gateshead. No. (4963-)- (5329.) 775. Horse and Groom. From Gateshead. No. (4963.)- Additions to Blocks of Miscellaneous Cuts. Views. (5330.) 776. View of Jarrow. From Mr. Reid, Newcastle. No. (4994.). (5331.) 777. View of Tynemouth Priory. From Catnach's office. No. (4995.). (5332.) 778. View of Durham Cathedral, from the river. From Akenhead's office. No. (4996.). 278 T/ze Be trick Collector (5333.) 779. View of York Minster. From Aken- liead's office. (5334.) 780. View of Sunderland Bridge. From Humble's office. No. (4999.). Probably, as the following Views of the Bridge, done for some Sunderland tradesman. (5335.) 781. View of Sunderland Bridge. From Mr. Hall, Sunderland. No. (5000.). (5336.) 782. View of Sunderland Bridge. From Mr. Walker, Durham. No. (5001.). An impression has been given under No. (^001.). (5337.) 783. View of Sunderland Bridge. From Mr. Walker, Durham. No. (5002.). (5338.) 784. View of a Manufactory. From North Shields. No. (5003.). Perliaps for the head of an invoice. (5339.) 785. View of ? From Soulby's office, Penrith. No. (5004.). An impression follows. yldditious to IVoad Blocks. 279 (5340.) 786-791. A Series of six Views. From Catnach's office. No. (5004.). Two specimens toUow. (5341.) 792. A House. From Mr. Henderson, North Shields. No. (5005.). (5342.) 793. A House. From Mr. Henderson, North Shields. No. (5006.). Perhaps done for Sale Announcements. Animals. (5343.) 794. Kyloe Ox. From Mr. Walker, Dur- ham. No. (5013.). (5344.) 795. Lancashire Bull. From Stephenson's office, Gateshead. No. (5013.). 2«0 The Beivick Collector. (5345.) 796. Group of Sheep. From Catnach's office. No. (5013.). (5346.) 797. Lion. From Messrs. Griffith and Farran. No. (5013.). The following is an impression. (5347.) 798. The Nondescript Animal of the His- tory of Quadrupeds, Ed. 1820, p. 293. From Rum- ble's office. No. (5013.). (5348.) 799. Greyhound Fox. From Catnach's office. No. (5013.). (5349.) 800. Bull Dog. From Catnach's office. No. (5013.). The following is an impression. Additions to J Food Blocks. 281 (5350.) 801. Hare. From Stephenson's office. No. (50I3-)- (5351.) 802. Kangaroo. From Mr. Harrison, North Shields. No. (5013.). An impression follows. (5352.) 803. Goldfinch. From Catnach's office. No. (50I3-)- (5353.) 804. Mackerel. From Akenhead's office. (5354.) 805. Carp. From Stephenson's office. No. (5013.). 2»2 ADDITIONS TO APPENDIX, Portraits op Thomas Bewick. Thomas Bewick. Meyer after Ramsay. No. (3879.). (5355.) I. Another impression. O71 vellum. Only seven printed. An error occurs in my description of this portrait under the No. cited. It is on copper, and not on steel. The artist, who was a nephew of John Hoppner, R.A., died soon after the completion of the work. Given me by Mr. E. Pearson. (5356.) 2,. I. Thomas Bewick. Meyer after Ram- say. A photographic reduced copy. From Mr. E. Pearson. (5357.) 2. 2. Another. Additions to Appendix. 283 Miscellanies. (5358.) I. Cover for the Mourning at Thomas Bewick's Funeral. " Mr. James Burnett Mourner for the Funeral of the late Mr. Tho^ Bewick. Mr, Burnett is requested to join the Funeral Procession at Ovingham on Thurs- day the 13'.*^ No\^ Inst, about i o'clock." (5359.) 2. Autograph Letter of W. C. Trevelyan, Esq. dated " Wallington October 29^^ [1820] to " Mr. Bewick, St. Nicholas Ch. Yd. Newcastle on Tyne ", containing various orders, and communicating an ex- tract from a letter from Norfolk on the Kestrel's hawking after cockchafers. Mr. Brand's Bookplate. No. (3949.). (53G0.) 3. I. Another impression, (5361.) 3. 2. Another. (5362,) 4. Letter of Mr. J. T. W. Bell, with cut- tings from the Newcastle Newspapers, announcing the sudden death, and giving a sketch of the life of Mr. W. Garret. (5363.) 5. Portrait of E. H. Baily, sculptor. (5364.) 6. I. "A Book Of Wood-Cuts. Cut & Printed by Wm Garret Newcastle." 8vo. A pamphlet consisting of a title and fifteen leaves, each of the latter containing a rough woodcut. Given me 1)V Mr. Gnrrct. 284 The Bewick Collector. (5365.) 6. 2. Another copy. Turchased of Mr. Rutland, Newcastle. (5366.) 7. On Illicit Love. Written among the Ruins of Godstow Nunnery, near Oxford. By John Brand, A.B. Of Lincoln College, Oxford. Newcastle Upon Tyne : Printed by T. Saint, for J. Wilkie, No. 71, St. Paul's Church-yard, London; J. Fletcher, Oxford ; and W. Charnley, Newcastle. MDCCLXXV. 4to. Pp. 20. With a view, on the title, of Godstow Nunnery, engraved on copper by Ralph Beilby. Fine copy, half bound in green morocco. (5367.) 8. An Address To the Subscribers For the History and Antiquities Of the County Palatine Of Durham : With a Sketch of the Materials from whence The intended Publication is compiled. By William Hutchinson, F.A.S. 1784. 4to. Pp. 10. With an engraving on copper of a seal, said to be by Ralph Beilby, Bewick's master. Good copy, in its original cover. (5368.) 9. Mr. E. Pearson's Book Catalogues. On large 4to paper. Several of these are embellished with impressions from (he ori- ginal Blocks, lent to the publisher for the purpose of illustra- tion. Among them are those of " The Foolish Stag," Mr. Bigge's cut of " Liberty," and two of Saint's woodcuts. All of these Blocks are now in my possession. Additions to Appendix. 28: Works of Pupils. View of St. Nicholas' Church, Newcastle. By Charl- ton Nesbit. No. (3975.) (53G9.) I. Another very beautiful impression. From Mr. Robert Robinson, of Newcastle. (5370.) 2. A Bacchanalian Scene. " And long may the sons of Anacreon, etc." Said to be by Luke Clennell. 286 INSERENDA. Books and Pamphlets. (5371.) I. "The Newcastle Journal" Newspaper [for 1776.]. It contains, besides the cuts mentioned in No. (3032.), some clever advertisement cuts of Fighting Cocks, Stolen or Strayed, etc. (5372.) 2. The History Of the Castle, Town, and Forest Of Knaresborough, With Harrogate, And its Medicinal Waters, [etc.] The Third Edition, Im- proved. By E. Hargrove. York : Printed by W. Blanchard and Co. for the Author. M.DCc.Lxxxii. i8mo. Pp. iv, 144. With cut of the Cornwall Arms, the Arms of the Priory of Knaresborough, at p. 51. The Cut is now in my possession, and an impression will be found under No. (5021.). Good copy, in old calf (5373.) 3. The Honours of the Table, Or, Rules for Behaviour during Meals ; [etc.] The Second Edition. Inserenda. ZO/ London. Printed for the Author, at the Literary- Press, No. 62, Wardoiir-street, Soho ; and all Book- sellers in Town and Country. m,dcc,xci. i2mo. Pp. 120. With various engravings of joints, poultry, iish, etc. At the back of the title is the Truster Coat of Arms, mentioned in his Memoir, No. (210.), pp. 12, 13. Very line copy, in its original cover. (5374.) 4. On the Conduct of Man to Inferior Animals, &c. No. (97.). Another very tine copy, in old calf. (5375.) 5. A Father's Legacy to His Daughters. By the late Dr. John Gregory, of Edinburgh. Manchester, Printed and sold at the Office of G. Nicholson, 9, Spring-gardens. Sold also by T. Knott, 47, Lombard-street ; and Champante & Whitrow, Jewry-street, London. Anno 1797. i8mo. Pp. 38. With cut on the title. Fine copy, in old calf. (5376.) 6. Moral Philosophy, &c. On the Duties of the Young, by Dr. Hugh Blair, [etc.] Manchester, Printed at the Office of G. Nicholson, No. 9, Spring-gardens. Sold by T. Knott, No. 47, Lombard-street ; and Champante & Whitrow, Jewry- street, London. Anno 1798. 1 8 mo. Pp. 27. With cut on the title. Fine copy, in old calf. (See the note to No. (4095.).) (5377.) 7. Moral Philosophy, &c. On Human Pursuits, [etc.] Manchester, Printed at the Ollicc of G. Nicholson^ 288 The Bewick Collector. No. 9, Spring-gardens. Sold by T. Knott, No. 47, Lombard-street ; and Champante & Whitrow, Jewry- street, London. Anno 1798. i8mo. Pp. 28. With cut on the title. Fine copy, in old calf. (5378.) 8. The Economy of Human Life. By Robert Dodsley. Manchester, Printed at the Office of G. Nicholson, No. 9, Spring-gardens. Sold by T. Knott, No. 47, Lombard-street ; and Champante & Whitrow, Jewry- street, London. Anno 1798. iSmo. Pp.40. With cut on the title, " W. M. Craig, del. T. Bewick, sculp." Fine copy, in old calf. (5379.) 9. Ancient Ballads, Songs, and Poems. No. (135.). . Another copy. (5380.) 10. Ballads & Songs. Scotish. Printed and sold by G. Nicholson, Poughnill, near Ludlow. Sold also, in London, by H. D. Symonds, Paternoster-row ; Champante & Whitrow, Aldgate ; [etc.] [n. d.] iSmo. Pp. 56. With an " Emblematic Vignette in the Title- page, designed by Mr. W. M. Craig and engraved by Mr. T. Bewick." Good copy, half bound. This together with the foregoing article forms a volume which belonged to " Elizabeth I'igot, 1808." The lady was a friend of Lord Byron, and is given as the authority for some verses on the flyleaf being in the poet's autograph. (538L) II. Miscellaneous Poems. Insereiicld. 289 Manchester Printed at the Office of W. Shelmer- dine and Co. No. 5, Hanging-Ditch, [n. d.] 1 2 mo. Pp. xii, i4j. With a few insignificant cuts, the authen- ticity of which is very doubtful. Good copy, in its original boards. (5382.) 12. Wood P2ngravings From Tommy Trip. No. (4037.)- A doubt has been expressed of the genuineness of these impres- sions, but, as it appears to me, without any foundation. I'hey were purchased of Mr. Lynch of Newcastle, and were in the old stock of his predecessor Mr. Farren. Another fine copy, in old calf. (5383.) 13. Songs, Comic and Satyrical. By George Alexander Stevens. A New Edition, Corrected. London : Printed for G. Kearsley, -at Johnson's- Head, No. 46, Fleet-Street, [etc.] m,dcc,lxxxviii. i2mo. A reprint of No. (7.). With the cut of the ' Poculum Poculorum," at p. 7. Good copy, in old calf. (5384.) 14. Captain Cook's Voyages Round the World, [etc.] Newcastle : Printed by M. Brown, At the Bible, in the Flesh-Market, m.dcc.xc. 8vo. 2 vols. Vol. I. pp. xx\i, 1022. Vol. II. pp. 796. With many copper-plates, among which are some with the inscrip- tion " Beilby & Bewick Scul'." Good copy, in old calf. (5385.) 15. A Compendious History of England, [etc.] London : Printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, W, Bent, and J. Scatcherd. 1794. u 290 Tke Bewick Collector. i2mo. Pp. xii, 249. With full length portraits of the Sove- reigns, which appear to be the work of John Bewick. They are improved copies of those used in Carnan's publications. Good copy, in old calf. (5386.) 16. Fables By the late Mr. Gay. In One Volume Complete. London : Printed for T. Longman, B. Law, [etc.] E. Newbery, and J. Walker. 1796. i2mo. Pp. viii, 232. A reprint of Nos. (4056.), (63.), etc. Fair copy, in old calf. (5387.) 1 7. The British Champion ; Or, Honour Rewarded, [etc.] York : Printed for Wilson, Spence, & Mawman. [Price Fourpence.] [n. d.] i8mo. Pp. 95. With a frontispiece and forty-two cuts, several of which are repeated. Very similar to No. (4091.). Fine copy, in its original Dutch paper boards. (5388.) 18. The Hermit: Or, The Unparalleled Sufferings and Surprising Adventures Of Philip Quarll, [etc.] With a Curious Frontispiece. The Tenth Edition. London: Printed for the Booksellers. m,dcc,xcvii. i2mo. Pp. 240. With a frontispiece attributed to John Bewick, but in my opinion with little or no proof. Good copy, in old calf. (5389.) 19. The History Of the Castle, Town, and Forest Of Knaresbrough, [etc.] The Fifth Edition. York : Printed by Wilson, Spence, and Mawman, [etc.] 1798. i2mo. Pp. 4,382. With the cut of the Cornwall Arms at p. 82. Good copy, half-bound. Inserenda. 29 1 (5390.) 20. The New Harrogate Guide : [etc.] Knaresbrougli : Printed at Hargrove's Office ; And Sold by J. Hargrove, Harrogate, and Knaresbrough ; Longman, Hurst and Co. London ; And by the Book- sellers of York, Leeds, &c. &c. [n. d.] 121110. Pp. i^^. With several Cuts said to be by Thomas Bewick, of which I possess the original Blocks. Good copy, in its original paper cover. (5391.) 21. The Oracles: Containing Some Par- ticulars of the History Of Billy and Kitty Wilson ; [etc.] London : Printed for E. Newbery, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard, By E. Rider, No. 2,^, Little- Britain. [Price Sixpence.] [n. d.] iSiTio. Pp. 124. With thirteen cuts to which I give the benefit of a doubt. They are exactly similar in stvle to those of No. (4108.), of which a specimen is given at p. 31, and are I be- lieve the work of Lee, to whom without doubt the great majority of the cuts in Newbery's publications, ordinarily attributed to John Bewick, are to be referred. Very fine copy, in its original Dutch boards. It belonged to " Mary Burchell, Feb". i5'\ 180.3." (5392.) 22. Poems and Ballads. Huddersfield : Printed by Brook and Lancashire, for J. Todd, York ; [etc.] [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. 6^. With cuts used by tlie same publishers in Mel- moth's Beauties of British Poetry, No. (174.), whose claim to. be the work of Thomas Bewick is very doubtful. Good copy, in old calf. (5393.) 23. An Excellent Collection of Popular Songs: viz. i. The Gvpsic Laddie, [etc.] [n. d.] u 2 292 The Bewick Collector. Edinburgh : Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country. i2mo. Pp. 8. With cut on the title of the Piper, occurrincr at page 26 of Crosby's Caledonian Musical Repository, No. (r44.)- Good copy, as published. (5394.) 24. Fables Of ^Esop And Others : [etc.] By Samuel Croxall, D.D. [etc.] A New Edition. London : Printed for J. Brambles, A. Meggitt, and J. Waters, By H. Mozley, Market-Place, Gains- borough. 1 804. r2mo. Pp. xxiv, ^^6. With cut on the title, said to be by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in old calf. (5395.) 25. Scarronides, Or Virgil Travestie, [etc.] By Charles Cotton, Esq. The Thirteenth Edition. London : Printed by J. Galton, Little Eastcheap ; And Sold by The Booksellers in Town and Country, 1804. i2mo. Pp. 122. With the four large cuts. Good copy, in its original boards. (5396.) 26. The Waes o' War; Or, The Upshot O' the History o' Will and Jean. In Four Parts, [etc.] Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Mitchell, Dean-Street. 1804. i2mo. Pp. 23. With a cut at p. kj, used by J. Mitchell in others of his publications. Good copy, in its original paper cover. (5397.) 27. Impressions of Wood Blocks in the possession of J. Mitchell of Newcastle, [n. d. but about 1805.] Tnserenda. 293 8vo. Consisting of seventy-six leaves, with two hundred and twenty-nine cuts, printed on one page only of each leaf, with- out title or pagination. It contains the cuts of Relph's Poems, the ' Charms of Literature,' and other publications of jMitchell's Press. Many of the original Blocks of this most rare book are now in my possession. Fine copy, in its original cover. It formerly belonged to Mr. Thomas Bell, and has his book-plate. (5898.) 28. The York Herald [for 1805]. This Newspaper contains several cuts of Fighting Cocks, similar in character to Nos. (3138.), (3i43-)» {3^A9-)' [etc.]. (5399.) 29. A Modern Delineation Of the Town & Port Of Kingston Upon Hull : [etc.] Hull : Printed by and for W. Turner, Silver street ; And sold by all the Booksellers in Hull, & the County of York. 1805. i2mo. Pp. ii, vi, 114, vi, xiv. With a few insignificant cuts. Good copy, in its original boards. (5400.) 30. The Economy Of Human Life. By Robert Dodsley. Printed and sold by G. Nicholson, Poughnill, near Ludlow, [etc.] 1805. iSmo. Pp. 39. With a cut on the title, " designed by Mr. W. M. Craig, and engraved on wood by Mr. T. Bewick." Good copy, in its original wrapper. (5401.) 31. The Child's Monitor, [etc.] By John Hornsey, [etc.] York : Printed by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High- Ousegate : [etc.] 1806. i2mo. Pp. xxiv, 240. With a few insignificant vignettes, used 294 T^f^^ Bewick Collector. in Gay's Fables, No. (14.), Select Fables, No. (24.), elc. etc. Good copy, in old sheep. (5402.) 32. Fables By the late Mr. Gay. [etc.] London : Printed by Savage and Easingwood, For J. Johnson ; [etc.] and J. Harris. 1806. 1 8 mo. Pp. vi, 224. A reprint of No. (4056.), etc. Good copy, in old calf. (5403.) 33. Flowers of British Poetry. No. (281.). Another v^ery fine copy, in its original boards. (5404.) 34. The Leeds Intelligencer [for 1807, etc.]. This Newspaper has the Arms of Leeds for a Heading, probably by Bewick. Among the various Cuts for Advertisements, in the rest of which it would appear that he had no hand, is one for the Newcastle Fire Office, similar to those described under Nos. (2151.), (2154.), (2157.), etc., which is doubtless his work. (5405.) 2)S' A Compendious History of England, [etc.] London : Printed for J. Johnson, [etc.] 1807. J2mo. Pp. xii, 274. A reprint of No. (5385.). Good copy, in old calf. (5406.) 2,^. Scarronides : Or, Virgil Travestie. [etc.] By Charles Cotton, Esq. Compared with former Edi- tions. Durham : Printed and sold by G. Walker, Sold also By all the Booksellers in Town and Country. 1807. J2mo. Pp. 144. With vignettes at pp. 61 and 144. Good copy, ill its original boards. (5407.) 37. Furnass' Practical Surveyor. No. (236.). Insei'enda. 295 Another very fine copy, in its original boards and uncut, as it left the publisher. (5408.) 38. A History Of the Earth And Animated Nature : [etc.] Embellished with upwards of One Hundred Elegant Copper-Plates Engraved on Purpose Representing some Hundreds of Figures. In Two Volumes. Alnwick : Printed at the Apollo Press, By and for W. Davison. And Sold by all the Booksellers in England and Scotland. 18 10. i2mo. Vol. I. pp. viii, 278. Vol. II. pp. vi, 272. The en- gravings on copper are not by Bewick, but the volumes con- tain four vignettes, used in the Poems of Burns and others of Davison's publications, of which I possess the original Blocks. Fine copy, in old sheep. (5409.) 39. British Picture Book, Of Beasts, [etc.] Alnwick : Printed by and for William Davison. i2mo. This and the two following contain a selection of the copperplate engravings of the previous article, and the covers are embellished with various cuts from Davison s Natural His- tories and other works. Good copy, as published. (5410.) 40. British Picture Book, Of Birds, [etc.] Alnwick : Printed by and for William Davison. i2mo. With Bewick's cuts on the cover. Good copy, as published. (5411.) 41. Alnwick Picture Book, [etc.] Con- sisting of Beasts, Birds, Sec. [etc.] Alnwick : Printed by and for William Davison. i2nio. With Bewick's cuts on the cover. Good copy, as published. 296 TJie Beicick Collector. •(5412.) 42. Fables By the late Mr. Gay. [etc.J London : Printed by J. M'Creery, Black Horse- Court ; For J. C. and J. Rivington ; [etc.] J. Harris ; [etc.] 1 8 10. i8mo. Pp. 224. A reprint of No. (4056.), etc. Good copy, in old calf. (5413.) 43. The Caledonian Musical Repository : A Choice Selection Of Esteemed Scottish Songs, Adapted for The Voice, Violin, and German Flute. Edinburgh : Published by Oliver & Boyd, Cale- donian Press, Netherbovv, 181 1. Large i2mo. Pp. 286. Apparently the same as No. (144.), with a different title. Very line copy, on large paper, in its original boards, and uncut. (5414.) 44. Dr. Goldsmith's Abridgment Of his History of England, [etc.] Gainsborough : Printed by and for Henry Mozley. 1812. i2mo. With the large Heads of the Sovereigns, as in Nos. (299-)» (37970. and (4302.). The original Blocks, which are in my possession, are those enume- rated under Nos. (4495.), (5053.), but the oval line borders have been removed. Good copy, half-bound. (5415.) 45. The Poetical Works Of Oliver Gold- smith. No. (271.). Another fine copy, in its original paper cover. (5416.) 46. Divine Songs, Attempted in Easy Lan- guage, For the Use of Children. By I. Watts, D.D. [etc.] Adorned with appropriate Wood Cuts, by T. hisereuda. ic^'j Bewick, of Newcastle, to impress more lasting ideas of each Subject on the Mind, than can be attained by those in common Use. . York: Printed by and for Thomas Wilson and Son, High-Ousegate. 1812. i8mo. Pp. vi, 72. With thirty-eight cuts. A very beautiful copy of this rare httle book, a reprint of No. (41 J2.), in purple morocco, gilt. (5417.) 47. Fables Of yEsop And Others: [etc.] By Samuel Croxall, D.D. [etc.] A New Edition. Gainsborough : Printed by and for H. Mozley. 1814. i2mo. Pp. xxiv, 336. With frontispiece and cut on the title, attributed to Thomas Bewick. Good copy, in old calf. (5418.) 48. A New Garland Of Excellent Songs, [etc.] South Shields : Printed by J. Paxton, Market Place, [n. d.] i2mo. Pp. 8. With cut of a Ship, thought to be b)' Thomas Bewick, on the title. Good copy, uncut. (5419.) 49. Charnley's Book Catalogues. Newcastle : 18 16-1824. Nos. (349.), (3804.)- (3806.), (4318.). 8vo. With various cuts by Thomas Bewick. Fine copies, bountl in one volume, half-morocco. (5420.) 50. Dialogues Consisting of Words of One Syllable only ; [etc.] 298 The Bewick Collector. London : Printed for J. Harris, Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, 18 16. i8mo. Pp. 136. With a number of cuts, of which those at pp. 84 and 93 are by John Bewick. Fine copy, in its original half-binding. (5421.) 51. Newcastle Remembrancer, And Free- man's Pocket Companion, [etc.] By J. C. Printed at the Newcastle Press, By and for J. Clark, Bookseller, Newgate Street, And may be had of all other Booksellers. 18 17. Svo. Pp. viii, 136. With frontispiece portrait of Clark, and his cut " J. C." on the title. Good copy, in old calf. (5422.) 52. Fables Of Esop And Others: Trans- lated into English, [etc.] By Samuel Croxall, D.D. Late Archdeacon of Hereford. Derby : Printed by and for Henry Mozley. 18 19. i2mo. Pp. xxiv% 329, vii. With many cuts, all of which are older than Thomas Bewick except the frontispiece and a cut on the title, which are used in No. (5417.), and are possibly by him. Fair copy, in its original binding. (5423.) i)^. The Shipwreck, A Poem: By William Falconer. With The Life of the Author, &c. [etc.] North Shields : Printed and Sold by T. Appleby. 1819. iSmo. Pp. vii, 120. With a very fine frontispiece of the Ship- wreck, and a vignette of a ship at sea at p. v, of the latter of which the original Block is in my possession. Good cop)^ half-bound. (5424.) 54. The Caledonian Muse : No. (434.). Imerenc/a. 299 Another very line copy, in its original boards, and uncut. (5425.) 5^. Thomas Curry, [etc.] No. (444.). Another copy, in its original paper cover. " MV Fawcett, Cockermouth, With the respects of the Author." (5426.) $6. Declaration Of the Objects of The Newcastle Upon Tyne Society For Promoting the Gradual Abolition of Slavery Throughout the British Dominions. Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by W. A. Mitchell, St. Nicholas' Church- Yard. 1823. 8vo. Pp. II. With cut of the Kneeling Negro, No. (3446.), on the title. Good copy, in its original cover. (5427.) S7' Fables By the late Mr. Gay. [etc.] London : Printed for C. and J. Rivington ; [etc.] J. Harris and Son; [etc.] 1823. i8mo. Pp. 224. A reprint of No. (4056.), etc. Good copy, in half-calf. (5428.) 58. Local Records; Or, Historical Regis- ter Of Remarkable Events, [etc.] By John Sykes. Newcastle : Printed for, and sold by, John Sykes, Bookseller, mdcccxxiv. Imp. 8vo. Pp. xiv, 372. Fine copy, on large drawing paper, of which only twenty copies were done, and in its original boards. It formerly belonged to Mr. Fenwick, and has his book-plate. (5429.) 59. First Report Of The Committee Of the Newcastle upon Tyne Society for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery, [etc.] 300 The Be trick Collector. Newcastle on Tyne : Printed at the Mercury Press By W. A. Mitchell. 1825. 8vo. Pp. 28. With cut of the Kneeling Negro, No. (3446.), on the title. Good copy, in its original cover. (5430.) 60. The Comical History Of the King and the Cobler. [etc.] Edinburgh : Printed for the Booksellers in Town and Country, [n, d.] iSmo. Pp. 24. With a cut on the title, exactly similar in style to tliat in No. (4338.), and which I am willing to believe to be by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, as published. (5431.) 61. The New Robinson Crusoe; An In- structive and Entertaining History. Dublin : Printed by B. Smith, 46, Mary-Street. 1827. i8mo. Pp. 180. With the frontispiece of No. (19.), etc., which has the appearance of having been inserted as an additional illustration, for imparting a value to an otherwise worthless book ; but, as I have never seen another copy, I am unable to speak to this point with certainty. Good copy, half-bound. (5432.) 62. Time's Telescope For 1829; [etc.] London : Printed for the Assignees of Sherwood and Co. 20, Paternoster Row. 1829. i2mo. Pp. xviii, 428. With various cuts then belonging to tlie publishers, among which are several from Scott's British Field Sports, No. (410.), at pp.92, 147, 195, 289, 368, 417, etc., of which I now possess the original Blocks. Good copy, in its original boards. Inserenda. 3or (5433.) 61,. The Modern Farrier; [etc.] By A. Lawson. Fourteenth Edition. Ilhistrated with niime- rous Engravings. Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed and Published by Mackenzie and Dent, St. Nicholas' Church-Yard. 1830. 8vo. Pp. iv, 616. With a vignette at page 292, thought to be by Thomas Bewick. Good copy, ill old calf. (5434.) 64. A Concise View Of Colonial Slavery, [etc.] Newcastle : Printed by T. and J. Hodgson, For the Newcastle Ladies Anti-slavery Association. 1830. 8vo. Pp. 20. With cut of the Kneeling Negro, No. (3441.), on the title. Good copy, in its original cover. (5435.) 6^. Declaration And Address Of the Dur- ham Society For the Universal Abolition of Slavery. Durham: Fewster and James, Sadler-street. 1836. 8vo. Pp. II. With the cut of the Kneeling Negro, No. (3446.), on the title. Good copy, in its original cover. (5436.) 66. The Entertaining Naturalist, [etc.] Illustrated by upwards of Three Hundred and Fifty Accurately Drawn Figures, Finely Engraved in Wood by Bewick, Harvey, Whimper, And others, [etc.] By Mrs. Loudon. London : Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covcnt Garden. 1843. 302 The Bewick Collector. i2mo. Pp. xliii, 532. With many cuts by Thomas Bewick, of which I possess the original Blocks. Fair copy, in cloth. It formerly belonged to tlie printer of the volume, Mr. Rickerby, and has his autograph on the title. (5437.) 67. The British Angler's Manual, [etc.] By T. C. Hofland, Esq. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged By E. Jesse, Esq. [etc.] London : H. G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Gar- den. 1848. 1 2 mo. Pp. xxxii, 448. With three cuts attributed to Thomas Bewick, two of which were used in the Fisher's Garlands. Good copy, in its original cloth boards. (5438.) 68. Adelaide ; Or, The Shepherdess of tlie Alps. Newcastle-on-Tyne : W. R. Walker, Royal Arcade, [n. d.] i8mo. Pp. 24. With cut on the last page, given under No. (5077.), from the original Block in my possession. Good copy, as published. (5439.) 69. The Complete Angler, [etc.] Of Izaac Walton and Charles Cotton, [etc.] London : Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden, mdccclvi. i2mo. Pp. xxi, 498. With seven cuts attributed to Thomas Bewick, three of which were used in No. (5437.). Good copy, in its original cloth boards. (5440.) 70. Local Records ; [etc.] By John Lati- mer. Newcastle : Published at the Chronicle Ofhce, 42, Grey Street. 1857. Insereiida. 303 8vo. Pp. iv, 420. With cut used in the ' Rcedvvater Minstrel,' No. (243.), etc., and others also used in other pubHcations. Good copy, in cloth boards. (5441.) 71. A Collection Of Right Merrie Gar- lands For North Country Anglers, [etc.] No. (530.). Another and very beautiful copy on large paper, of which very few were done. Each copy was numbered, and the present is No. 3. 4to. Half-bound in green morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut, as issued by the publisher, from whom it was purchased. (5442.) 72. A Pretty Book of Pictures. No. (441 2.). Another very beautiful copy, in red morocco. (5443.) 73. I. Mr. Edwin Pearson's Catalogue of Books and Wood Engravings By or Relating to Tho- mas & John Bewick, To be Sold by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, on Wednesday, 10'^ of June, 1868, & following day. 8vo. Pp. V, 67. (5444.) 73. 2. Another copy. Imp. 8vo. One of a few copies taken off on large paper. It contains several engravings by Thomas Bewick, as well as others not by him, together with a fresh title and the imprint " London. Printed by J. Davy & Sons, 137, Long Acre. 1868." Proofs of Cuts in Miscellaneous Books. (5445.) I. A Large Folio Volume, thus described in pp. 10 and 11 of the last Article: — " BEWICK'S (T. AND J.) EARLIEST AND RAREST WOOD ENGRAVINGS. TWELVE HUNDRED WOOD ENGRAVINGS by Thomas and John Bewick, 304 The Bewick Collector. engraved for Thomas Saint of Newcastle, and Wilson and Spence of York, previous to the years 1784 and 1810, in- cluding all the beautiful Cuts used in New Lottery Book of Beasts and Birds, 1771, Child's Horn Book, 1770, Moral Instructions, 1772, Select Fables, 1776, Youth's Instructive and Entertaining Story Teller, 1778, A Pretty Book of Pic- tures, or Tommy Trip's History of Beasts and Birds, 1779, Gay's Fables, 1779, Select Fables, 1784, with the borders to each cut (a most beautiful series of cuts), Philip Quarll, Robinson Crusoe, Little Jack, Cock Robin, Red Riding Hood, Cries of London and York, Robin Hood's Garland, Poetical Fabulator, Holy Bible in miniature, Full-length Kings and Queens of England, with heraldic shields. Fairing or Golden Toy, the Picture Book, Goody Two Shoes, Death of Abel, Watts' Divine and Moral Songs, Happy Family, Tommy Tagg's Poems, Patty Primrose, several editions of iEsop's Fables, Dodsley in Miniature, The Happy Family, Lessons of Truth, Morning Amusements or Tales of Quadru- peds, Afternoon Amusements or Tales of Birds, Christmas Tales, York Toy, Peter Painter's Pretty Picture Book, and a whole host of Juvenile Toy Books now almost extinct 5 " and though many of these pi;blications were of an extremely trivial nature, the Wood Engravings with which they were embellished caused them at this early period (1770 to 18 10) to have an extensive sale," they have delighted thousands of " Little Masters and Misses" in years gone by, and are nearly unknown to the " Bewick Collector " of the present day, but will be instantly recognized and admired on examination as the early handy-work and designs of these great Masters. 1200 beautiful Cuts, the earliest designs and handy-work (unaided by pupils) of these great artists. " Set No. i " of only seven sets printed {see vellum guarantee on title), portrait and cuts, neatly mounted in handsome folio volume, excessively RARE." Purchased at Mr. E. Pearson's Sale, loth June, 1868. /)i.srren(/(/. 305 TradeSxMrn's Newspaper Cuts. (5446.) I. John Craike, Woollen Draper. A cur- tain. Dated Newcastle, June 2. 1801. (5447.) 2. J. and W. Middleton, Linen Drapers. A cornice and curtain. Dated Sunderland, Nov. 18. 1801. Bar Bills. (5448.) I. Henry Sunderland, Turk's Head Inn, Bigg-Market, Newcastle. A Turk's Head in a circle within a square, the corners black. Newspaper Cuts. (5449.) I. Heading of the Newcastle Courant. A cutting. Dated August 8. 1801. This is die cut given under No. (4674.), and should have been placed among the series of headings. It was used in the Courant in the year 180 r, as well as by Mr. Blackwell for his invoices. (5450.) 2. Heading of the Newcastle Courant. No. (4929.). A cutting. Dated Feb. 13. 1830. (5451.) 3. I. Heading of the Newcastle Advertiser. Arms of Newcastle. A cutting. Dated March 21. 1801. (5452.) 3. 2. Another impression. A cutting. Dated June 6. 1801. (5453.) 4. Blank oval for the insertion of a letter. In a tree by a river-side, on the bank of which is in- scribed " Tyne." 306 The Beii'ick Collector. Note On the variations in individual copies of the same Editions of the ' Quadrupeds ' and ' British Birds.' There are several variations observable in individual copies of the 'Quadrupeds' and 'British Birds.' For example, in the ist vol. of the 1st Ed. of the latter work, 1797, the back of the last leaf, as I have stated in the B. C, p. 47, is sometimes blank, sometimes with an advertisement of the Third, and sometimes with one of the Fourth Ed. of the ' Quadrupeds.' In some copies also of the same volume, the Sea Eagle is with, and in others without, "Wyclitfe 1791 ". Other instances are known to Collectors. The late Mr. W. Garret furnished me with the explanation of this difficulty. He was the foreman, it will be remembered, of the House from which the work was published, and was an eyewitness of Bewick's frequent practice of altering the forms when his volumes were in press, whenever he thought that some alteration was desirable, or had some later information to conununicate. As related in Mr. Chatto's sketch of him in Jackson's ' Hist, of Wood Engraving,' p. 600, "When any of his works were in the press, the first thing Bewick did each morning, after calling at his own shop, was to proceed to the printers to see what progress they were making, and to give directions to the pressmen about printing the cuts." It was during these visits that the alterations were made. The dis- covery, therefore, of the variations referred to does not militate against the genuineness of any volume in which they arc found to occur. The most direct proof of the actual issue of the copies of the 1st vol. of the 'Birds,' ist Ed., is the un-inked state of the cut at p. 285. Three days after that of publication, all the copies remaining unsold were daubed with ink at the page referred to, in the endeavour to obliterate an offensive vignette. 3^1 APPENDIX I. Books printed for T. Carnan, Successor to J. Newbery, IX St. Paul's Churchyard. [For some remarks on these Books see the Preface]. The Fairhig : or. Golden Toy for Children. Price 6d. A Little Pretty Pocket-Book, intended for the Instruction of Little Master Tommy and Pretty Miss Polly. Price 6d. The Infant Tutor; or an Easy Spelling-Book for Little Masters and Misses. Price 6d. Juvenile Trials for Robbing Orchards, [etc.] Price 6d. Be Merry and Wise : or. The Cream of the Jesrs, and Marrow of Maxims. Price 6d. The Holy Bible Abridged : or. The History of the Old and New Testament. Price 6d. The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes. Price 6d. The Lilliputian Magazine : or. The Young Gentleman and Lady's Golden Library. Price One Shilling. A Collection of Pretty Poems. Price is. Short Histories for the Improvement of the Mind. Price is. The Museum for Young Gentlemen and Ladies. Price is. The Newtonian System of Philosophy. Price is. A Spelling Dictionary of the English Language. Price is. The New Testament adapted to the Capacities of Children. Price I.S. The History of the Life, Actions, Sufferings, and Death of our Blessed Saviour. Price r*-. X 2 3o8 The Bewick Collector. An History of the Lives of the Apostles and EvangeUsts. Price i^. An History of the Lives of the Fathers of the Church. Price is. A plain and concise Exposition of tlie Book of Common Prayer. Price IS. The Twelfth Day Gift. Price i^. The Important Pocket Book. Price i.v. The Circuit of Human Life. Price is. Fables for Youth. Price 2^'. The Adventures of Telemachus. APPENDIX II. Books printed for E. Newbery, the Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard, London. (Tlie same Series, iv'ith few exceptions, was issued l:i] J. Harris, Successor to E. Newbery). [For some remarks on these Books see the Preface.] Price One Penny each. Holiday Entertainments, or The Good Child's Fairing. History of The Little Boy found under a Hay-cock. Hermit of the Forest, and The Wandering Infants. The Foundling, or The History of Lucius Stanhope. Rural Felicity, or The History of Thomas and Sally. Lovechild's Golden Present to all Little Masters and Misses. The Royal Alphabet, or Child's Best Instructor. The Father's Gift, or The Way to be Wise and Happy. The Sister's Gift, or The Naughty Boy Reformed. The Brother's Gift, or The Naughty Girl Reformed: History of Tommy Careless, or The Misfortunes of a Week. History of a Doll. The Holiday Spy. Price Two Pence. Khnina, or The Flower that Never Fades. Appendix II. 309 The Visits of Tommy Lovebook to his Young Frientls. The History of Jacky Idle and Dicky Diligent. History of Tommy Titmouse. The Flights of a Lady Bird. The Village Tatlers, or Anecdotes of The Rural Assembly. The Fortune Teller, by the Renowned Dr. Hurlothrumbo. The History of Little King Pippin, to which is added. The Story of The Children in the Wood. Virtue and Vice. The Entertaining Traveller. Tom Thumb's Exhibition. The Hobby Horse; or Christmas Companion. Robin Goodfellow, A Fairy Tale, written by a Fairy. Little Tales for Little People. Price Three Pence. Three Instructive Tales. Little Moralists, or The History of Amintor and Florella. Little Wanderers. The Mountain Piper. False Alarms, The Adventures of Master Headstrong and Miss Patient. The Juvenile Biographer. A Bag of Nuts ready Cracked, by Thomas Thumb, Esq. The Puzzling Cap 3 being a Choice Collection of Riddles, in Familiar Verse ; with a Curious Cut to each. Royal Primer. Price Six Pence. Juvenile Rambles through the Paths of Nature. The Oracles, containing Some Particulars of the History ot Billy and Kitty Wilson, &c. The New Robinson Crusoe. The History of tlie Family at Smiledale. Youthful Recreations, or The Amusements of a Day. Sinbad the Sailor. Life and Adventures of a Flv- 3 1 o The Bewick Collector. Triumph of Good Nature. The Youthful Jester, or Repository of Wit. Adventures of a Silver Penny. Adventures of a Silver Three Pence. The Toy Shop, or Sentimental Preceptor. The Adventures of Peter Wilkins. The History of Tommy Play-love and Jacky Love-book. The First Book for Children, or Reading made Easy. The Royal Guide. Tlie Ladder to Learning. Step I. 11. 111. The Cries of London. The Sugar Plumb. Vice in its Proper Shape. The Adventures of Captain Gulliver. Gulliver's Instructive Lessons. The Lilliputian Library; or GulUver's Museum. The Poetical Flower Basket. Mr. Winlove's Collection of Entertaining Stories. Mr. Winlove's Lectures on Moral Subjects. Mr. Telltruth's Natural History of Four-footed Beasts. Mr. Telltruth's Natural History of Birds. A Short Introduction to Geography. The Pocket Bible. The History of the Enchanted Castle. Little Robin Redbreast, A Collection of Songs. A Description of The Tower of London. A Description of Guildhall, with The History of the Giants. An Accurate and Historical Account of St. Paul's Cathedral. A Description of Westminster Abbey. Spiritual Lessons for Children to Read and Learn to be Wise. Pilgrim's Progress. Part 1. II. III. Fables of the Wise yEsop. History of the White Cat. Price Eight Pence. I'lie Iniants Friend, Pari I. A Spelling Book, by Mrs. Lovcchild. Appendix II. 3 1 1 Price Nine Pence. Mother Goose's Tales. Parsing Lessons for Young Children. By Mrs. Lovechild. Mother Bunch's Fairy Tales. Pilgrim's Progress, Parts I. II. III. Price One Shilling. The History of the Davenport Family. The Life and Adventures of Joe Thomson, abridged. The Bible in IVIiniature. A New Spelling Dictionary. The History of Joseph Andrews, abridged. The History of Tom Jones, abridged. Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded, abridged. Clarissa, or the History of a Young Lady, abridged. Choice Collection of Riddles, by P. Puzzlewell. Parts I. II. III. The Florist or Poetical Nosegay. Museum for Young Gentlemen and Ladies. The History of a Pin. The History of Young Edwin and Little Jessy. Reading Lessons, by Mrs. Lovechild, being Part II of the In- fant's Friend. A Short Introduction to English Grammar, by Mr. Davis. The Village Matron. Choice Scraps, Historical and Biographical. The Sunday Miscellany. Moral Sketches for Young IVIinds. Polite Academy. Filial Duty Recommended and Enforced. Lives of the Admirals, Part I. and 11. The Crested Wren. By Edward Augustus Kendall. Sir Charles Grandison, abridged. The Adventures of Gil Bias, abridged. Anecdotes of a Little Family. Price One Shilling and Three Pence. Parsing Lessons for Elder Pupils. By Mrs. Lovechild. 312 7 Vie Bewick Collector. Price One Shilling and Six Pence. Geography for Children. A New History of France, by the Rev. Mr. Cooper. A New History of the Grecian States, by the same. A New History of England, by the same. The same in French. A New Roman History, by the sanie. The History of North America, by the same. The History of South America, by the same. The Tutor, or Epistolary Guide. Jeu des Fautes. Par Gaultier. The Faithful Contrast. By Mrs. Hurry. The Paternal Present. History of Prince Lee Boo. The Paths of Virtue. Poetical Blossoms, by the Rev. Mr. Cooper. Lord Chesterfield's Maxims. Newbery's Familiar Letter Writer. Constantio and Selima, a Fairy Tale. The New Children's Friend. Keeper's Travels in Search of his Master. Moral Amusement. Youthful Portraits. Newtonian System of Philosophy by Tom Telescope. Memoirs of a Sparrow. Price Two Shillings. The Amusing Instructor. Choice Emblems, Natural, Historical, Fabulous, and Moral. The Fables of Flowers. Life of Henry IV of France. Chronicle of the Kinps of Enoland. o o characters of the Kings of England. Pity's Gift. Historical Beauties. By Mrs. Pilkington. The History of England on Cards. A Geographical Description of Enghmd on Cards. A'ppeiuUx III. 31^ Price Two Shillings and Sixpence. A Geographical Description of the World on Cards. Tales for Youth. The Looking Glass for the Mind, or Intellectual Mirror. Tlie Blossoms of Morality. APPENDIX III. Books Printed and Sold by John Marshall, No. 17, Queen Street, Cheapside, and No. 4, Aldermary Church Yard, Bow-Lane, London. [For some remarks on these Books see the Preface]. The Happy Family j or, Memoirs of Mr. and Mrs. Norton. Price 6d. The Life and Perambulation of a Mouse. By M. P. 2 vols. Price IS. The Village School ; or, A Collection of Entertaining Histories. By M. P. 2 vols. Price i^. Jemima Placid. By S. S. Price 6d. The Holiday Present. Containing Anecdotes of Mr. and Mrs. Jennet and their Little Family. By M. P. Price 6d. Memoirs of a Peg-Top. By S. S. Price 6d. The Adventures of a Pincushion. By S. S. 2 vols. Price is. First Principles of Religion. By M. P. 2 vols. Price is. Sermons to Children. Price 6d. Mrs. Norton's Story Book. Price 6d. The Renowned History of Primrose Prettyface. Price 6d. The Orphan ; or. The Entertaining History of Little Goody Goosecap. By Toby Teachem. Price 6d. Christmas Tales for the Amusement and Instruction of Young Ladies and Gentlemen in Winter Evenings. By Solomon Sober- sides. Price 6d. History of England, in N'erse. Price 2d. 314 The Bewick Collector. The English Hermit ; or the Life and Adventures of Phihp Quarll, Price 6d. Little Timothy Ticklepitcher's Tales and Fables. Price 6d. The Imperial Spelling-Book, by C. Bolton. Price gd. Lilliputian Spectacle de la Nature. By Mrs. Teachwell. 3 vols. Price 2^^. ^d. The Fairy Spectator ; or. The Invisible Monitor. By Mrs. Teachwell and Her Family. Embellished with a Frontispiece. Price i^. The Juvenile Tatler. By a Society of Young Ladies under the Tuition of Mrs. Teachwell. EmbeUished with a Frontispiece. Price i^. Moral and Instructive Tales. With an Engraved Title and Frontispiece. Price is. La Bagatelle. 2 vols. Price 3^. Letters from a Mother to Her Children. By M. P. Price 2s. Dialogues and Letters on Morality, Oeconomy, and Politeness. By M. P. 3 vols. Price 3.?. Poems on Various Subjects. Price i^. Anecdotes of a Boarding School ; or. An Antidote to the Vices of those Useful Seminaries. By M. P. 2 vols. Price 2s. School Occurrences. Supposed to have arisen among a Set of Young Ladies under the Tuition of Mrs. Teachwell, and to be re- corded by one of them. Price 15. The Infant Lawyer. Price i^. William Sedley ; or. The Evil Day Deferred. By S. S. Price 2s.6d- A Father's Advice to His Children. By M. P. Price 2,?. A Course of Lectures for Sunday Evenings. By S. S. 2 vols. Price 35. A Clear and Concise Account of the Origin and Design of Chris- tianity. By M. P. 2 vols. Price 2s. The Good Child's Delight. Ey M. P. Price 4^. The Histories of More Children than One ; or. Goodness better than Beauty. By M. P. Price ^d. Short Conversations ; or, An Easy Road to the Temple of Fame. By M. P. Price ^d. AlJpendix III. 315 The History of a Great Many Little Boys and Girls, Four and Five Years of Age. By JNI. P. Price 4(/. Familiar Dialogues for the Instruction and Amusement of Chil- dren Four and Five Years of Age. By S. S. Price ^d. Dramatic Pieces. By P. I. 3 vols. Price 6s. Fables in Monosyllables, by Mrs. Teach well. Price is. A Father's Advice to his Son. By M. P. Price 2s. The Conversations of Emily. Translated from the French by Madame la Comtesse d'Epignay. 2 vols. Price 7*". The Birdi Day Present ; or. Nine Days' Conversation between a Mother and a Daughter. Price is. Midsummer Holidays j or, a Long Story. Price is. May Day ; an Anecdote of Miss Lydia Lively. Price is. Cobwebs to Catch Flies. 2 vols. Price 2s. Rational Sports. In Dialogues passing among the Children of a Family. Price is. The Rational Dame ; or, Hints towards supplying Prattle for Children, Price is. 6d. The Rotchfords ; or. The Friendly Counsellor. By M. P. 2 vols. Price 35. The Footstep to Mrs. Trimmer's Sacred History. By A. C. Price is. 6d. The Female Guardian. By Mrs. Teach well. Price i.y. 6d. Fables, by Mrs. Teachwell. Price is. Juvenile Correspondence. By Mrs. Teachwell. Price is. 6d. School Dialogues for Boys. By Mrs, Teachwell. 2 vols. Price 4s. Little Stories for Little Folks, in Easy Lessons of One, Two, and Three Syllables. By M. P. Price ^d. 3i6 APPENDIX IV. Books of the value of Oxe Shilling and under, Printed and Published by T. Wilson and R. Spence, High Ousegate, York. {Alany of them were subsequently reprinted by Wilson & Son, Successors o/' Wilson & Spence, also of High Ousegate, York). [For some remarks on tliese Books see the Preface]. Twelvepenny Books : — Happy Family. Anecdotes for Children. Visible World. History of Pamela. Letter Writer. ^sop's Fables. Lessons of Trudi. Hymns and Moral Songs. Morning's Amusement. Afternoon's Amusement. Mother Goose's Tales. Christmas Tales, Robin Hood's Garland. Dodsley in Miniature. Moore's Female Fables. Mental Instruction. Thomas Lovechild's Reading Easy. Thomson's Seasons. Anecdotes of the Clairville Family. Indian Cottage. Gregory's Legacy. Gay's Fables. Whole Duty of Woman. Appendix If^. 317 Dictionary of Love. Death of Abel. Economy of Life. Rochefoucault's Maxims. Wisdom in Miniature. Tommy Tagg's Poems. Queen Mab. The Mirror. Sixpenny Books :- Pretty Poems. Prettiest Book for Children. Primrose Prettyface. Memoirs of a Peg Top. Pleasing Moralist. Be Merry and Wise. Enchanted Castle. Holy Bible abridged. History of the Bible. Children's Manual of Prayers. Tom Trip's History of Birds and Beasts. Food for the Mind. Gulliver's Travels. Robinson Crusoe. Sleeping Beauty in the Wood. Picture Exhibition. Goody Goosecap. Sandford and Merton. History of the Goodville Family. The Fairing, or Golden Toy. Canary Bird. The Sugar Plum. Mrs. Pleasant's Story Book. Holiday Present. Pleasing Fabulist. Tales of Past Times, by Mother Goose. 3i8 The Bewick Co/lector. Goody Two Shoes. Babes in the Wood. Philip Quarll. Valentine Gift. FouRPENNY Books : — Charms for Children. Primrose Bank. Memoirs of Little Personages. Mother Shipton's Legacy. Chronicle of the Kings of England. The British Champion. Threepenny Books : — Child's First Book. Tom Thumb's Play Book. Mother s Gift. Looking Glass. Instructive Miscellany. New Royal Primer. Twopenny Books : — Lilliputian Masquerade. King Skilful. Golden Present. Master Charles and Miss Kitty. Fables for the Instruction of Youth. Child's Delight. The New Year's Gift. Easter Offering. Easter Gift. Winter's Amusement. Honey Jug. Penny Books :— =- Golden Plaything. History of Little Francis. Appendix IV. 3 1 9 Tom Thumb. Tom Thumb's Toy. Picture Gift. Picture Alphabet. Golden Alphabet. Whittington and his Cat. Goody Two Shoes. Tommy Two Shoes. Riddle-Book. Robinson Crusoe. Babes in the Wood. Robin Hood. Cock Robin. Cinderella. House that Jack Built. Parent's Best Gift. Sister's Gift. Fables. The Looking Glass. Enchanted Castle. Giant Grumbo. London Cries. Serious Address and Catechisms. Many of these, as already remarked, were subsequently reprinted by Wilson and Son, with the addition of the following Shilling Books : — The Holy Bible in Miniature. The Poetical Fabulator. EUinor 5 or the Young Governess, 320 APPENDIX V. A Century of Books and Pamphlets, the Illus- trations OF WHICH HAVE BEEN INCORRECTLY ATTRIBUTED TO ThOMAS OR JOHN BeWICK. [As stated in the Preface, the articles in the following list are not given with any view of exhausting the subject, bat are merely se- lected from some thousands of volumes for their plausible appear- ance, and that the Bewick Collector may be instructed as to the kind of books to which, how interesting soever in other ways, he would do well to refuse a place in his Collection.] 1. Choice Emblems, Natural, Historical, Fabulous, Moral and Divine, [etc.] London : Printed for George Riley, in Curzon Street, May Fair. MD,CC,LXXII. i2mo. Pp. xii, 192. The first edition of a celebrated book, to the third edition of which I believe that John Bewick contri- buted some cuts. See the note to No. (13.)- 2. Introductory Grammatical Remarks On the Persian Language [etc.] By George Hadley, Esq. j [etc.] Bath : Printed by R. Crutwell, for the Author ; [etc.] JVIDCCLXXVI. 4to. Pp. 216. With a vignette, containing the " R. C." of the printer, at p. 42. 3. The Adventures of Telemachus, [etc.] London : Printed for T. Carnan, in St. Paul's Church Yard. MDCCLXXXI. i8mo. Pp. xviii, 305. With oval cuts, by the engraver of those in ' Choice Emblems ' noticed above. 4. The Circuit of Human Life : A Vision. The Second Edition, Corrected. Apjiendix V. 321 London: Printed for T. Carnan, at Number 63, in St. Paul's Church-Yard. (Price One ShiUing.) [n. d. about 178.3.] i8mo. Pp. 116. With a frontispiece. 5. The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes j [etc.] London : Printed for T. Carnan, Successor to Mr. J. Newbery, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, m doc lxxxiii. Price Six-Pence, bound. a4mo. Pp. 158. With a frontispiece and many cuts, by Car- nan's usual artist. 6. Fables of i*Esop, and others : Translated into English, [etc.] By Samuel Croxall, D.D. Late Archdeacon of Hereford. The Thirteenth Edition. London : Printed for J. F. and C. Rivington, [etc.] 1786. i2mo. Pp. xxxiiii, 329, 7. 7. Juvenile Trials For Robbing Orchards, [etc.] London : Printed for T. Carnan, In St. Paul's Church-Yard. M DOC Lxxxvi. (Price Sixpence.) Sm. i8mo. Pp. xxii, 124. With a frontispiece and sixteen cuts, by tlie artist who executed the engravings in others of Car- nan's publications. 8. The Testament Of the Twelve Patriarch.s, The Sons of Jacob, [etc.] Sold by the Booksellers in Great Britain, Ireland and America. 1787. i2mo. Pp. 96. With a frontispiece of "TheTewlvc {sic) Sons of Jacob." 9. The History of Pamela ; or. Virtue Rewarded, [etc.] London : Printed for E. Newbery, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard. Price is. [n. d. but about 1792.] Small i8mo. Pp. 168. With a frontispiece. 10. The Death of Abel. In Five Books, [etc.] Printed, and Sold, by Brodbelt, Knarcsborough. mdccxciii. Square i8mo. Pp. iv, 160. With twelve oval cuts. Y 32,2 The Beivick Col lector. 11. Belisarius. By M. Marmontel, A New Edition. London : Printed for Vernor and Hood, Birchin-Lane, Cornhill ; and Ogilvy and Speare, Middle Row, Holborn. mdccxciv. i2mo. Pp. viii, 259. With a cut on the title, and others at pp. viii and 289, by Vernor and Hood's usual artist. 12. The Journey of Joseph Jolly : [etc.] By Nick Nightcap. London: Printed and sold by R. Carpenter, No. 16, Aldgate High-Street J [etc.] m.dcc.xciv. i8mo. 2 vols. Vol. L pp. 135. Vol. H. pp. 1.36. With a frontispiece to each volume. 13. Junius. London: Printed for R. Floyer, Strand. 1795. iSmo. In two vols. With cut at the end of the Index. 14. Lessons For Youth, Selected For the Use of Ackworth, And Other Schools. London : Printed and Sold by Darton and Harvey, No. 55, Gracechurch-Street. m,dcc,xcv. iSmo. Pp. 204. With a few insignificant cuts. 15. The British Miscellany For Youth ; [etc.] London : Printed for R. Snagg, No. 13, Brunswick Street, near New Surry Street, [etc.] [n. d. but about 1795 ?] i2mo. With six cuts. 16. The Village Orphan ; [etc.] London : Printed by C. Whittingham, For Longman and Rees, Paternoster Row. Price 2s. 6d. [n. d.] iSmo. Pp. 140. With cuts in the style of those in Mrs. Pil- kington's ' Historical Beauties.' (See the Preface to this vo- lume.) 17. Sermons By Laurence Sterne, [etc.] London: Printed for J. Rivington. 179'^. Berwick, Printed by John Taylor. iSmo. Pp. vi, 284. With cuts on the title, and at pp. 47, 118, and 147. Appendix V. 323 18. Jeu des Fautes [etc.] Par M. L'Abbe Gaukier. A Londres : Chez P. Elmsley, dans le Strand j & chez E. New- bery, St. Paul's Church-yard, m.dcc.xcvi. i8mo. Pp. xii, 106. With a frontispiece in the style of the cuts in ' Joseph Jolly,' ' Pamela,' ' Circuit of Human Life,' etc., already mentioned. 19. An Easy Introduction To the Arts and Sciences : [etc.] By R. Turner, Jun. LL.D. [etc.] The Sixth Edition, [etc.] London: Printed for C. Dilly, J. Johnson, [etc.] 1797- iSmo. Pp. xi, 252. With rough figures of Beasts and Birds, hardly worthy of a place even in this Appendix. 20. Solitude 3 [etc.] Written Originally By M. Zimmerman. London : Printed for the Associated Booksellers, Vernor & Hood, J. Cuthell, J.Walker, Lackington, Allen & Co. J. Nuun, and Bar- ton & Harvey. 1797. i2mo. In two vols., the second printed in 1799. Vol. I. pp. xi, 303. Vol. II. pp. 338, 26. With cuts by Vernor and Hood's usual artist. (See the Preface to this volume.) 21. The Letters of Junius. In Two Volumes. A New Edition. London : Printed for Vernor and Hood in the Poultry. 1798. i8mo. With cuts by Vernor and Hood's usual artist. (See the Preface to this volume.) 22. Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life. By Lewis Cor- naro, [etc.] London: Printed for Cadell and Davies, J. Scatcherd, and Ver- nor and Hood. 1798. i8mo. Pp. xii, 166. With two cuts by the engraver of those in Mrs. Pilkington's ' Historical Beauties,' etc. (See the Preface to this volume.) 23. Anomaliae. Being Desultory Essays On Miscellaneous Sub- jects. Whitby. Printed by T. Webster. 1798. i2mo. Pp. vi, 272. With a cut on the title. Y 2 324 The Beiuick Collector. 24. The Dramatic Works Of David Garrick, [etc.] In Three Volumes. London : Printed for A. Millar, Strand. m,dcc,xcviii. i2mo. With cuts by the same artist, and similar to those in the works of Foote, issued by the same publisher. 2j. Visions in Verse, [etc.] London, Printed for Vernor and Hood. J. Cuthillj [etc.] 1798. Small 8vo. Pp. 144. With cuts at pp. 70 and 144, by Vernor and Hood's artist before referred to. 26. The Scotish Gallery ; or. Portraits of Eminent Persons of Scotland : [etc.] By John Pinkerton. London : Printed for E. Harding, No. 98, Pall-Mali. 1 799. Imp. 8vo, unpaged. With a few vignettes at the end of some of the Memoirs. 27. Solitude; Written originally by J. G. Zimmerman. London : Printed by T. Maiden, Sherbourne-Lane, For Vernor and Hood, J. Cuthell, [etc.] 1799. Small 8vo. With cuts by the artist of the " Associated Pub- lishers.'' 28. Beauties of Saint Pierre : By Edward Augustus Kendall. London : Printed for Vernor and Hood ; No. 31, Poultry, [etc.] 1799. i2mo. Pp. xxxiii, 203. With a cut on the title by Vernor and Hood's artist. 29. Studies Of Nature. By M. de St. Pierre. Abridged from the Translation Of Henry Hunter, D.D. Third Edition. London : Printed for C. Dilly, in the Poultry, m dcc xcix. i2mo. Pp. viii, 424. With a cut on the last page. 30. The Entertaining and Atfecting History Of Prince Lee Boo : [etc.] London: Printed for the Proprietors; [etc.] [n. d. but about 1 799-] i8mo. Pp. 127. 31. An English Spelling Book, [etc.] By Arthur Masson, A.M., Teacher of Languages. The Seventeenth Edition, [etc.] Appendix V. 325 Air: Printed by J. & P. Wilson, 1800. i2mo. Pp. xiv, ]68. With twelve Fable cuts. 32. Solitude, Written Originally by J. G. Zimmerman, [etc.] London : Printed by Thomas Maiden, Sherbourne-Lane, For Vernor and Hood; J. Cuthell, [etc.] 1800. Small 8vo. Pp. xlviii, 310, 20, With nine vignettes. 2)2)- Aphorisms And Reflections [etc.] Translated from MSB. of J. G. Zimmerman, [etc.] London : Printed by Thomas Maiden, Sherbourne-Lane, For Vernor and Hood, J. Cuthell, [etc.] 1800. i2mo. Pp. o^^d. With a few small vignettes. 34. Instructive Lessons Conveyed to the Youthful Mind, [etc.] By Lilliputius Gulliver. London: Printed for E. Newbery, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard. 1800. i8mo. Pp. 128. With cuts by the engraver of those in ' Jemima Placid.' 3^. A Collection Of The Most Approved Entertaining Stories, By Solomon Winlove, Esq. A New Edition. London : Printed for E. Newber)^, Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard; By J. Cundee, Ivy- Lane. (Price Sixpence.) [n. d.] i8mo. Pp. ii, 121. With cuts by the same artist. '^^6. The Adventures Of A Silver Penny. London : Printed for E. Newbery, Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard ; [etc.] [n. d.] i8mo. Pp. 126. 37. The Adventures Of Master Headstrong, And Miss Patient, [etc.] London : Printed for E. Newbery, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard ; [etc. n. d.] 24mo. Pp. 94. 38. A Bag of Nuts ready Cracked, By Thomas Thumb, Esq. London : Printed for E. Newbery, Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard; [etc. n. d.] 24mo. Pp. XV, 94. 326 The Bewick Collector. 39. The Adventures Of A Silver Three-Pence, [etc.] Written by Mr. Truelove. London : Printed by J. Cundee, Ivy Lane, Newgate Street; For E. Newbery, Corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard. (Price Sixpence.) [n. d.] iSmo. Pp. 119. With cuts of the ' Jemima Placid' type. 40. The Nurse, A Poem. Translated from the Italian of Luigi Tansillo. By William Roscoe. The Second Edition. Liverpool, Printed by J. M'Creery, For Cadell and Davies, Strand, London. 1800. i8mo. With cuts which are doubtless by Henry Hole. 41. Persian Lyrics, [etc.] [By John Haddon Hindley.] London, Printed, at the Oriental Press, by Wilson &: Co. Wild- Court; For E. Harding, Pall-Mall ; [etc.] 1800. 4to. Pp. 98, X, 54. With a vignette on the title. 42. The Stranger. A Drama, [etc.] Translated from the Ger- man of Augustus Von Kotzebue, By Benjamin Thompson, Esq. London : Printed by T. Maiden, Sherbourn-Lane, For Vernor and Hood, No. 31, Poultry. 1800, 8vo. Pp. X, 71. With several charming vignettes by Vernor and Hood's artist. 43. Pizarro ; A Romantic Tragedy. In Five Acts. Translated from the German of Augustus Von Kotzebue, By Benjamin Thomp- son, Esq. London : Printed by T. Maiden, Sherbourn-Lane, For Vernor and Hood, No. 31, Poultry. 1800. 8vo. Pp. 92. With a cut used in the previous article. 44. The Farmer's Son ; An Entertaining History For Young Masters and Mistrefses. [etc.] Interspersed with fine Cuts. London : Printed by R. Balsam, No. ^2>' St. John's Street, West Smithfield. (Price Three-pence.) [n. d.] 24mo. Pp. 79. With a frontispiece and twenty cuts. 45. The Effects Of Tyranny & Disobedience! Or The History Of Hamet, Prince of Persia, [etc.] Appendix V. 327 Printed by R. Bafsam, No. t^2>^ St. John's Street, West Smitli- field. (Price Sixpence.) [n. d.] 24mo. Pp. 80. With a frontispiece and thirteen cuts, most of which occupy the entire page. 46. The Blossoms Of Morality ; [etc.] With Forty-two Cuts, Designed by J. Bewick, and engraved by T. Kelly. Dublin, Printed by J. Jones, 90, Bride-Street. 1801. i2mo. Pp. xii, 239. Witli copies of the original cuts. I introduce this volume into tlie present series with the view of suggesting to some, who are in the habit of referring to either Thomas or John Bewick the very inditferent cuts which ac- company a multitude of volumes published during the last hun- dred years, the untenable nature of such attribution. In the present case, there was no endeavour to deceive. The cuts are expressly stated to be the work of a " young Irishman, a native of Dublin j" and the publisher avows his intention, if the present attempt should meet with encouragement, to reprint a number of other London publications. Let Collec- tors be assured that hundreds of volumes offered to them as " with cuts by Bewick " have really no more connection with him than the volume now described. 47. Melancholy J As it proceeds from The Disposition and Habit^ [etc.] London : Printed by T. Maiden, Sherbourne-Lane, For Vernor and Hood, J. Cuthell, [etc.] 1801. i2mo. Pp. xii, 420. With a few tailpieces by Vernor and Hood's artist. 48. The Beautiful And Interesting History Of EmiUus & Sophia ; In Two Parts. Burslem : Printed by J. Tregortha. 1801. 24mo. Pp. 114. With a frontispiece and twenty-one cuts, some of the most important of which bear the name of Lee. 49. Zion's Pilgrim. By Robert Hawker, D.D. Vicar of Charles, Plymouth. Second Edition. 328 The Bewick Collector. London : Printed for the Author ; And Published by T. Wil- liams, Stationers' Court, Ludgate Street. 1802. Small 8vo. Pp. 180. With cut on the title. 50. Zion's Warrior ; Or, The Christian Soldier's Manual, [etc.] London : Printed for the Author ; And Published by T. Wil- liams, Stationer's Court, Ludgate Street. 1802. Small 8vo. Pp. 52. With cut on the title. 51. Moral Tales And Poetic Essays, By Mrs. Crowther. Hudderslield : Printed by Brook and Lancashire, For the Sub- scribers. 1802, Large i2mo. Pp. ix, 136. With thirteen cuts. 52. The Adventures Of Gil Bias, [etc.] London : Printed for Vernor and Hood, Poultry, [etc.] 1802. 8vo. 3 vols. 53. False Alarms, [etc.] as in No, (3779.) London : Printed by J. D. Dewick, Aldersgate Street, For L Harris, Successor to E. Newbery, Corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1802. Price Three Pence. 24mo. Pp. 96. With a frontispiece and ten cuts. 54. Virtue and Vice ; Or The History Of Charles Careful, And Harry Heedless, [etc.] London : Printed for J. Harris, Successor to E. Newbery, the Corner of St. Paul's Church-yard. Printed by E. Hemsted, Great New street, [n. d.] 24mo. Pp. 57. With a frontispiece and seventeen cuts. 55. Gradus Ad Cantabrigiam : [etc.] London : Printed by Thomas Maiden, Sherbourne-Lane, For W. J. and J. Richardson, Royal Exchange. 1803, 1 2 mo. Pp. viii, 140. With a clever cut at tlie end of the Dedi- cation, by the engraver of those which usually adorn the works of Maiden's press. 0. An Efsay on Man. [etc.] Gainsborough : Printed by H. Mozley, Market- Place. 1803. i8mo. Pp. 49. With a few trifling cuts. j^ppendix V. 329 57. The Grave J A Poem: By Robert Blair, [etc.] Gainsborough : Printed by H. Mozley, Market-Place. [n. d.] i8mo. Pp. 37. Witli a few trifling cuts. 58. The TraveUer : [etc.] By Oliver Goldsmith. Gainsborough : Printed by H. Mozley, Market-Place. (n. d.] I Brno. Pp. 16. With cut on title. 59. The English Spelling Book, [etc.] By William Mavor, LL.D. [etc.] London : Printed for Richard Phillips, No. 71, St. Paul's Church- yard. 1804. i2mo. Pp. i()6. With Alphabet, Animal, and Fable cuts. 60. The Faithful Contrast j [etc.] By Mrs. Hurry, [etc.] London : Printed for J. Harris, Successor to E. Newbery, at The Original Juvenile Library, Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard. 1804. i2mo. Pp. 215. With engravings similar in style to those in Mrs. Pilkington's ' Historical Beauties,' ' Pity's Gift,' etc. (See the Preface to this volume.) 61. A Town Eclogue. Edinburgh : Printed for tlie Author, By Oliver and Co. Sold by John Buchanan, North Bridge. 1804. 8vo. Pp. 2>?)- W'ith three vignettes, in imitation of those by Thomas Bewick. 62. The Naturalist's Cabinet : [etc.] By the Rev. Thomas Smith. Albion Press Printed : Published by J. and J. Cundee, Ivy-Lane, Paternoster Row. [n. d. but 1805.] i2mo. 6 vols. With cuts by the publishers' usual artist. 6^. The Moralist: A Selection of Tales, From Various Authors. Huddersfield : Printed and Sold by Brook and Lancashire. Sold also by Vernor and Hood, Crosby and Letterman, London, [n. d. but about 1805 ?] i8mo. Pp. 95. With a number of cuts, used by the same printers in others of their publications. 33 o The Bewick Collector. 64. ElFusions of Love From Chatelar To Mary Queen of Scot- land, [etc.] London : Printed for C. Chappie, Pali-Mall, and Southampton- Row, Bloomsbury. 1805. i8mo. Pp. vi, i^i. With seven vignettes. 65. Miscellaneous Poems, Some of which are in the Cumber- land Dialect. By John Stagg. Second Edition. Workington : Printed by W. Borrowdale, In the Market Place. 1805. i2mo. Pp. xii, 237. With a few insignificant tailpieces. 66. Letters on Natural History : [etc.] By John Bigland [etc.] London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme, Pater- noster-Row ; and James Cundee, Ivy- Lane. 1806. Sm. Svo, Pp. xviij, 448. With a few vignettes. 67. The Cottage Library of Christian Knowledge. London : Printed by W. Nicholson, Warner-street, For Williams & Smith, 10, Stationers' Court, Ludgate Hill. 1807. i2mo. 4 vols. With a cut to each tract, many of which bear the name of Lee. 68. The Pilgrim's Progress, By John Bunyan. Printed for James Cundee, London. 1808. i2mo. Pp. xxxii, 463. With a tailpiece at p. 23(5, used in various publications of the same press. 69. The History of The Irish Rebellion, in the year 1798, &c. Alston, Cumberland : Printed by John Harrop. 1808. i2mo. 2 vols. With a few tailpieces. 70. The Adventures of Captain Gulliver, In a Voyage to Lilliput. Edinburgh : Published by Oliver & Boyd. 1808. 32mo. Pp. 47. With a frontispiece and eleven cuts. 71. A Tour through Cornwall, in the Autumn of 1808. By The Rev''. Richard Warner, of Bath. Printed by Richard Cruttwell, St. James's Street, Bath ; [etc.] 1809. Appendix V. 33 i 8vo. Pp. iv, '^62). With a cut on the title, by the engraver of other cuts in Cruttwell's various pubUcations. 72. The Foundlings or, The History of Lucius Stanhope. Em- bellished with Cuts. London : Printed for J. Harris, Successor to E. Newbery, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard j by J. Crowder, Warwick- square. 1809. (Price One Penny.) 24mo. Pp. 31. With a frontispiece and seven cuts, which bear no resemblance to those of the genuine edition, No. (3788.). 73. Mamma's Token Of Tender Love. Coventry : Printed by Luckman & Sutiield, Broadgate. (Price Two Pence.) [n. d.] 24mo. Pp. vi, 62,. With a frontispiece and five cuts. The former bears the name of " Lee," to whom, as I have already remarked, is to be referred the great majority of the cuts for children's books which within the last few years have been attributed to John Bewick. 74. A Winter Season : [etc.] By James Fisher, Author of The Spring-Day. Edinburgh : Printed for the Author, By John Moir, Royal Bank Close, [etc.] 18 10. 8vo. Pp. viii, 204. With four full-page cuts. 7j. The Wren J Or, the Fairy of the Green-House; [etc.] Dublin : Printed by Graisberry and Campbell, 10, Back-Lane. Price, IS. id. [n. d. but about 1810?] Square i2mo. Pp. 62). With a frontispiece and twelve cuts. 76. Memoirs of a Peg-Top. By the Author of Adventures of a Pincushion, [etc.] London : Printed and Sold by John Marshall, No. 4, Aldermary Church- Yard, Watling-Street. Price One ShilUng. [n. d. but about 1810.] i8mo. Pp. iv, 82. 77. Harrison's Amusing Picture & Poetry Book, Containing nearly One Hundred Engravings. ^^2 The Bewick Co/lector. Devizes : printed by J. Harrison ; And Sold by The London Booksellers and Stationers. Price One Shilling. i2mo. Pp. 48. With ninety-five cuts, most of which are said to be the work of Harrison himself. 78. Harrison's Amusing Picture and Poetry Book, Containing Seventy Engravings. Printed by J. Harrison, Devizes, And sold by the London Book- sellers and Stationers. Price Sixpence, [n. d.] i8mo. Pp. ^6. With seventy cuts, most of which also are said to be the productions of the printer himself. It is entirely dif- ferent from the foregoing article, and from No. (64.). 79. Dorastus and Fawnia : Or the Life and Adventures of a Ger- man Princess. Darlington, Printed by W. Appleton. 181 2. i2mo. Pp. 24. With cut on the title, which is a copy of Bewick's cut of the Habit of an Englishman, in the History of All Nations. No. (3762.). 80. The Adventures Of a Silver Three-Pence, [etc.] London : Printed for J. Harris, Successor to E. Newbery, the Corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard. Price Six-pence, [n. d. but about 18 13 ?] 24mo. With a frontispiece and sixteen cuts, similar in style of execution to those in ' Jemima Placid ' and ' Memoirs of a Peg-Top.' (See the Preface to this volume.) 81. The Life and Perambulation of a Mouse. In Two Volumes. London : Printed & sold by John Marshall, No. 4, Aldermary Church- Yard [etc.] [n. d.] i8mo. Vol. I. pp. 91. Vol. II. pp. 84. With cuts by the en- graver of those in 'Jemima Placid,' etc. 82. The Orphan; or, The Entertaining History of Little Goody Goosecap. [etc.] By Toby Teachem. London, Printed and sold by John Marshall and Co. No. 4, Aldermary Church- Yard, [etc.] [n. d.] i8mo. Pp. 99. With a frontispiece and numerous cuts, in the manner of those in ' Jemima Placid,' etc. j^ppendix V. 333 83. The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. [Imperfect.] i8mo. With cuts at pp. 8, 17, 48, 55, 70, 76, 85, 91, and 104, which are very similar in execution to those in ' Jemima Placid,' etc. (See the Preface to tliis volume.) 84. The Happy Family 5 Or, Memoirs Of IVP. & M". Norton, [etc.] London : Printed &: sold by J. Marshall & C. N". 4, Aldermary Church Yard, in Bow Lane. & N°. 17 Queen Street, Cheapside. [n. d.] 24mo. Pp. X, 89. With cuts by the artist of those in 'Jemima Placid,' etc. (See the Preface to this volume.) 85. Illustrations Of the School-Virgil, In Copper-Plates, And Wood-Cuts; [etc.] By Robert John Thornton, M.D. [etc.] London : Published by F. C. and J. Rivington ; J. Johnson j and New be ry, St. Paul's Church-yard 5 [etc.] 18 14. i2mo. With many cuts, the best of which bear the name of Thompson. 86. The Galloping Guide To the ABC, [etc.] Banbury : Printed and Sold by J. G. Rusher, Bridge-Street. Price One Penny, [n. d. but about 18115.] 24mo. Pp. 14. With a frontispiece and twenty-six cuts, in- cluding two on the cover. 87. The Ladder to Learning : [etc.] By Mrs. Trimmer. London : Printed for J. Harris, Successor to E. Newbery, at the Juvenile Library, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard. 181 7. i8mo. Pp. vi, 223. 88. A Guide To the English Tongue. In Two Parts, [etc.] By The Rev. Thomas Dyche. A New Edition, Carefully Revised and Improved, By The Rev. Thomas Smith. London : Printed for Scatcherd and Letterman ; G. Wilkie, Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy; [etc.] 1818. i2mo. Pp. viii, 156. With a frontispiece portrait of Dyche, two pages of Copies for Writers, and fifteen Fable cuts. 89. A Collection of Armorial Bearings, Inscriptions, &:c. In tlic Parochial Chapel of Saint Andrew, Newcastle upon Tyne. 334 ^he Bewick Collector. Newcastle : Printed by Edward Walker, mdcccxviii. 8vo. Pp. viii, 32. The plates are by Armstrong and Walker. 90. The Cries of London : Or, Picture Exhibition, [etc.] York : Printed and Sold by E. Peck, Lower-Ousegate. (Price One Penny.) [n. d.] 24mo. With a frontispiece and twenty-two cuts. 91. Ballads of Archery, Sonnets, etc. By the Rev. James Wil- liam Todd. London : Printed for R. H. Evans, Pall Mall 3 And W. Ginger, College Street, Westminster. 18 18. i2mo. Pp. xxxii. 175, ^^. 92. The Natural History of Quadrupeds. [Birds, Fishes, and In- sects.] For the Entertainment and Instruction of Children. With Numerous Cuts. London : Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy. Paternoster Row. 1819. Price 2s. 6d. The ' Fishes ' have, in addition to the foregoing imprint, ' and N. Hailes, Piccadilly.' i8mo. In four vols. Four of the cuts of the Quadrupeds, — the Horse, Bull, Urus, and Thibet Musk, — have the name of J. Bewick, but I do not believe that they are by him. The second is palpably a forgery, and I have no doubt that all are so. Some of the best are copies of Bewick's Quadrupeds and Birds. 93. The Life and Perambulations of a Mouse. By M. P. In Two Volumes. London : Printed for Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, Paternoster- Row 3 [etc.] 1819. i8mo. Pp. 59. 94. A Collection Of Armorial Bearings, Inscriptions, &:c. In the Church of St. Nicholas, Newcastle on Tyne, [etc.] Newcastle : Printed by Edward Walker, mdcccxx. 8vo. 2 vols. Vol. I. pp. xxvii, 90. Vol. II. pp. 84. The illustrations are by Richardson, Armstrong, and Walker. jlppendix V. 335 95. An Abridgment of Natural History. By Dr. Goldsmith. London : C. Cradock and W, Joy, Paternoster Row. [n. d. but 1820?] i2mo. Pp. xvi, 376. With figures of Animals, copied from Bewick's cuts. 96. A Picture of Whitby And its Environs. By the Rev. Geo. Young, A.M. [etc.] Whitby : Printed and sold by R. Rodgers : [etc.] 1824. i2mo. Pp. viii, 310. With cuts by Green and others. 97. The Cries of York. (In Two Parts.) For the Amusement Of Young Children. Decorated with Cuts from Life. York : Printed by J. Kendrew, CoUiergate. [n. d.] Square i8mo. Pp. 15. With a frontispiece and twelve cuts. 98. The Cries of York, For the Amusement Of Young Children. Decorated with Cuts. York : Printed by J. Kendrew, CoUiergate. [n. d.] 24mo. Pp. 31. With a frontispiece and twenty-six cuts, several of which are those of the former edition, but the borders have been removed. 99. The Cries of London. For the Amusement And Instruction of Good Children. Decorated witli Cuts from Life. York : Printed by J. Kendrew, CoUiergate. [n. d.] Pp. 23. With twenty-one cuts. Of all the cuts in Kendrew's publications, of which I have a very large number, none are attributable to Bewick. Those of the three little books above noticed are the best, but Bewick had no hand in them. 100. Fables of ^sop. And Others: [etc.] By Samuel CroxaU, D.D. The Twenty-Third Edition. London : Printed for C. J. G. and F. Rivington ; Longman and Co.; [etc.] 183X. Sm. 8vo. Pp. xxiii, 2)?)^' Many of the old cuts have been re- touched by Charlton Nesbit, who engraved the frontispiece. ?>2>1 INDEX TO BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS DESCRIBED OR MENTIONED IN THIS SUPPLEMENT. Abel, Death of (4054.), (4084.), (5445.), pp.317, 321- Absent Man, The, (4193.). Academy, Polite, p. 311. Addison's Cato, (4102.). Address, Serious, p. 319. Adelaide, (5438.). Admirals, Lives of the, p. 311. Advice, A Father's, pp. 314, 315. .tsop, (4331.), (4423-). (44H-)". (5445-)' pp.310, 316. itsop, Croxall's, p. 8, (4050.), (4159.), (4224.), (5394.), (5417-), (542i-)'> PP- 321. lis- ^sop, Dodsley's, (4070.). Afternoon's Amusement, (5445.), p. 316. Agriculture of Northumberland, (4073.), (4089.). Alarms, False, pp. xv, 309, 328. Alnwick Castle, Description of, (4400.). Alnwick Castle, Verses on, (4367.). Alnwick, History of, (4255.). Alnwick Picture Book, (5411.). Alphabet, English, (4262.). Alphabet, Golden, p. 319. Alphabet, Infant's, (4357.). Alphabet, Picture, (4262.), p. 319. Alphabet, Royal, p. 308. America, History of North, p, 312. America, History of South, p. 312. Amusement, Afternoon's, (5445.), p. 316. Amusement, Moral, p. 312. Amusement, Morning's, (5445.), p. 316. Amusement, Waggon Load of, (4272.). Amusement, Winter's, p. 318. Amusing Instructor, The, p. 312. Ancient Ballads, etc., (5379.). Ancient Popular Poetrj', (4064.). Ancient Songs (4062.). Anderson's Ballads, (4258.). Andrewes, Life of Bishop, (4260.). Andrews, History of Joseph, p. 311. Andrew's, Saint, Newcastle, Inscriptions in. P- III- Anecdote of Princess of Wales, (4191.). Anecdotes of a Boarding School, p. 314. Anecdotes for Children, p. 316. Anecdotes of the Clairville Family, (4138.), p. 316. Anecdotes of a Little Family, p. 311. Anecdotes, Sporting, (4196.) Anecdotes, Thompson's Collection of, (4309-)- Angler, Walton's (5439.). Anglers' Garlands, (5441.). Angler's Manual, Hofland's, (54.37.). 33^ The Bewick Collector. Angling, Mitchell on, (4475.), p. 239. Anglo-Saxon Church, Lingard's, (4Z19.). Angus's Wood Engravings, (4097.). Animals, Conduct of Man to, (5374.). Animals, Three Hundred, (4240.). Annals of Great Britain, (4033.), (5018.). Anomaliae, p. 323. Antiquarian Trio, (4364.), Aphorisms, Zimmerman's, p. 325. Apostles, Lives of the, p. 308. Archery, Todd's Ballads of, p. 334. Aristotle's Masterpiece, (4494.). Aristotle, Works of, (4068.). Articles, Union Association, (4046.). Arts and Sciences, Turner's, p. 323. Azor, Selima and, (4273.). Babes in the Wood, (4249.), pp. 318, 319- Bagatelle, La, p. 314. Bag of Nuts, pp. 309, 325. Ballads and Songs, Scotish, (5380.). Ballads, Poems and, (539s.). Ballads, Songs, and Poems, Ancient, (53 79-)- Bank, The Primrose, p. 318. Barbauld's Hymns, Mrs., (4343.). Bards, Rhymes of Northern, (4253.). Barnwell, George, (4123.). Batdedore, A, (4060.). Battledore, The Infant's, (4357.). Battledore To Instruct, (4353.). Battledore, The Pretty, (4352.). Battletory of, (4327.), (4477.). (4478.). Castle, Enchanted, p. 8, (4136.), pp.310, 317. 319- Cat, History of the White, p. 310. Cat, Whittington and his, (4246.), pp. Ill, 319. Catalogue of the Thomas Bell Library, (4407.). Catalogue, Descriptive, p. 240. Catalogue of Oviston's Library, (4324.). Catalogue, Pearson's Sale, (5443.), (5444.). Catalogues, Charnley's, (4318.), (5419.). Catalogues, Pearson's Book, (5368.). Catechisms, p. 319. Cathedral, Account of St. Paul's, p. 310. Cato, Addison's, (4102.). Champion, British, (4091.), (';n87.), p. ?i8. Characters of Kings of England, (4078.), p. 312. Charles Grandison, Life of Sir, p. 311. Charles, History of Master, (4181.), p. 318. Charlotte and Francis, p. 11:. Charlotte, Interment of Princess, (4308.). Charms for Children, (4178.), p. 318. Charms of Literature, (41^5.). Charnley's Catalogues, (431 8.1, (5419.). Charnley's Woodcuts, (4406.), (4485.), p. 240. Chatelar's Effusions, p. 330. Cheshire Prophecy, (4085.). Chesterfield's Maxims, Lord, p. 312. Cheviot, (4260.). Chevy Chase, Battle of, (4346.). Chicken's Collier's Wedding, (4476.). Child's Delight, Good, pp. 314, 318. Child's First Book, p. 318. Child's Horn Book, (5445.). Child's Monitor, (5401.). Child's Tutor, Little, (4330.). Children, Anecdotes for, p. 3 16. Children, Charms for, (4178.), p. 318. Children, Father's Advice to, p. 314. Children, First Book for, p. 310. Children, Geography for, p. 308. Children, Histories of More than One, p. 314- Children, Prettiest Book for, p. 8, (4136.), P- 317. Children, Sermons to, p. 313. Children's Friend, The New, p. 312. Children's Manual of Prayers, p. 3 1 7. Children's Miscellany, (4090.), (4436.). Choice Emblems, (4239.), pp. 312, 320. Choice Scraps, p. 311. Christianity, Origin of, p. 314. Christmas Tale.s, p. 9, (4267.), (5445.), pp. 313. 316. Chronicle of Kings of England, (4078.), pp. 312, 318. Chronicle, Newcastle, (4163.). Chronicon Mirabile, (4314.). Chronologist, Steel's Naval, (4176.). Church, Lingard's Anglo-Saxon, (4219.). Circuit of Human Life, pp. 308, 320. Cinderella, (4086.), (4250.), p. 319. Clairville P'amily, (4138.), p. 316. Clarissa, p. 311. Clark's Newcastle Remcmbrancer,(542i.). Clark's Woodcuts, (4326.). Classical Songs, Collection of, (4315.). Clater's Farrier, (42H.). Club, Loyal Insurance, (4433.). Z 2 340 The Bewick Collector. Coal Mines, Buddie on, (4161.). Cobler, The King and the, (5430.). Cobwebs to Catch Flies, p. 315. Cock Robin, (4^71-), (5445-)' PP-75> 3i9- Cole's Bibliographical Tour, (4335-)- Cole's Catalogue of Books, (4336.). Cole's History of Filey, (4366.). Collection of Anecdotes, (4309.). Collection of Classical Songs, (4315.). Collection of New Songs, (4283.), (4470.), (5044.). Collection of Original Newcastle Songs, (4317.). (43-0.)- Collection of Popular Newcastle Songs, {4316.). Collection of Popular Songs, (5393.)- Collection of Pretty Poems, p. 307. Collection of Riddles, p. 311. Collier's Wedding, (4476.). Colonial Slavery, (5434.). Common Prayer, Exposition of, p. 308. Companion, School, (4051.). Companion, Youth's Ilistorical, (4301.). Conduct of Man to Animals, (5374.)- Constantio and Selima, p. 312. Consett's Tour through Sweden, (4278.). Contented Couckould, (4468.), (5042.). Contrast, The Faithful, pp. 312, 329. Conversations of Emily, p. 315. Conversations, Short, p. 314. Conybeare on Revealed Religion, p. xxiii. Cook, Modern, p. 8. Cook's Voyages, (5384.). Cooper's History of England, p. 312. Cooper's History of France, p. 312. Cooper's History of Greece, p. 312. Cooper's History of North America, p. 3I-- Cooper's History of South America, p. 3'i-, Cooper's History of Rome, p. 312. Cooper's Poetical Blossoms, p. 312. Coquet, Marriage of, (4260.). Cornaro on a Sober Life, p. iz],. Cornwall, "Warner's, p. 330. Correspondence, Juvenile, p. 315. Cottage, The Indian, (4226.), p. 316. Cottage Library, The, p. 330. Cotter's Saturday Night, (4199.). ■ Couckould, Contented, (44^18.), (5042.). Cousins, The Rival, (4339. )• Crested "Wren, Kendall's, pp. xv, 311. Cries, London, (4247.), (5445.), pp. 310, 319,334, 335- Cries ot York, (4079.), (5445.), p. 335 Crowthcr's Moral Tales, p. 328. Croxall's /Esop, p. 8, (4050.), (4159.), (4224.), (5394.), (.^17)^ (5422.), pp. 321, 11^. Crusoe, New Robinson, (4057.), (5431.), p. 309. Crusoe, Robinson, (4040.'), (4140.), (4i7i.)» (5445-)> PP- 317, 319. 333- Crusoe, Supplement to Robinson, (4043.). Cuckold's Cap Garland, (4288.). CuUercoats, Quakers' Burial Ground at, (4367.)- Cumberland Ballads, (4258.). Curious, Scraps for the, (4319.). Curry, Thomas, (5425.). Custom House Garland, (4306.). Dame, The Rational, p. 315. Dancer, Life of Daniel, (4194.). Daughter, The Grecian, (4121.). Davenport Family, History of, p. 311. Davis's English Grammar, p. 311. Davison's Halfpenny Books, (4262.). Davison's Natural Histories, (4263.). Davison's Wood Blocks, p. 238. Death of Abel, (4054.), (4084.), (5445.), PP- 317, 3-1- Delight, Good Child's, pp. 314, 318. Delight, Jacky Dandy's, p. 75. Demerara, Negro Sale at, (4334.). Dermody's Poems, (41 14.). Derwentwater, History of Earl of, (4337). Descriptive Catalogue, p. 240. Dialogue between Tyne Rivers, (4397.). Dialogues, Familiar, p. 315. Dialogues on Morality, p. 314. Dialogues in One Syllable, (5420.). Dialogues, School, p. 315. Dictionary of Love, p. 317. Dictionary, A Spelling, p. 307. Dictionary, New Spelling, p. 307. Disobedience, Tyranny and, p. 326. Divine Songs, (4112.), (4274.), (4281.), (5416.), (5445-) • Dodd's Beauties of History, p. xiv, (4104.). Dodsley in Miniature, (4132.), (5445.), p. 316. Dodsley's ..^sop, (4070.). Dodsley's Economy of Human Life, p. 25. ^5378.), (5400.). Dog, Wolkmar and his, (4192.). Doll, History of a, p. 308. Dorastus and Fawnia, p. 332. Douglas, (4122.). Dramatic Pieces by P. L, p. 3r5. Ducks and Peas, (4t95.). Index to Books cnid Pamphlef.s. 341 Durham County Rate Schedules, (4331.). Durham Declaration on Slavery, (5435.). Durham, Hutchinson's Address to Sub- scribers for History of, (5367.). Durham Representatives, (4361.), (4370.), (4482.), (5C'49-)- Duty, Filial, Recommended, p. 311. Duty of Woman, Whole, p. 316. Dyche's Spelling Book, p. 333. Earth, History of the, /'5408.). Easter Gift, (4197.), p. 318. Easter Offering, p. 318. Easy, New Reading Made, (4402.). Eclogue, A Town, p. 329. Economy of Life, p. 25, (5378.), p. 317. Edwin, History of Young, p. 311. Effusions, Chatelar's, p. 330. Elegant Poems, (4254.). Elegiac Pieces, (4133.). EUinor, p. 319. Ellis and Scott, Letters between, (4595). Elmina, (4108.), {+^6^.}, U45'-)' Emblems, Choice, (4239.), pp. 312, 320. Emilius and Sophia, p. 327. Emily, Conversations of, p. 315. Enchanted Castle, p. 8, (4136.), pp. 310, 317, 319- England, Characters of Kings of, (4078.), (4443-). f 50250, P- 312- England, Chronicles of Kings of, pp. 312, 318. England, Cooper's History of, p. 3 1 2. England, Geographical Description of, p. 312. England, History of, (4125.), (4152.), (4175.), (4202.), (4302-). (4444-), (4495.), (5385)> (5405-), (5414-), (5445.), pp. 312, 313. English Alphabet, (4262.). English Gramm:ir, Davis's, p. 311. English Hermit, The, p. 314. English Minstrel, (4117.). English Tutor, (4029.), (4047). (4221.). (4426.), (5017.). Entertaining Fables, (4243.). Entertaining Naturalist, Loudon's, (543 6.). Entertaining Story Teller, (5445.). p;ntertaining Traveller, The, p. 309. Kntertainnients, Holiday, p. 308. I'^ans's juxenile Tourist, p. xvii. Ewie's Garland, (4290.). E-Kcellent New Songs, (4299.)- Exhibition, Picture, p. 317- Fi.\hibition, Tom Thumb's, p. 309. Fables, p. 319. Fables, Entertaining, (4243.). Fables, Female, p. 316. Fables of Flowers, p. 312. Fables in Monosyllables, p. 315. Fables, Rowe's, p. xvii. Fabk's, Select, (4032.), (5445.). Fables, Mrs. Teachwell's, p. 315. Fables for Youth, pp. 308, 318. Fabliaux, Lc Grand's, (4279.). Fabulator, The Poetical, (4228.), (5445.), P- 319- Fabulist, Pleasing, p. 317. Fabulist, The Polite, (4132.). Fabulist, The Royal, p. 75. Fairing, The, (4166.), (5445.), pp. 307. 317- Fairy Spectator, The, p. 314. Fairy Tales, Mother Bunch's, (4265.). Faithful Contrast, The, pp. 312, 329. Falcon Inn, The, (4339.). Falconer's Shipwreck, (5423.). Falkirk's Jokes, (4295.). False Alarms, pp. xv, 309, 328. B'amiliar Dialogues, p. 315. Family, Anecdotes of a Little, p. 311. Family of Carlisle, History of, (4327.), (4477-). (4478.). Family, The Oairville, (4138.), p. 316. Family, History of Davenport, p. 311. Family, The Goodville, (4149.), p. 317. Family, The Happy, (41 10.), (413 1.), (5445-)> PP- 3i3> 316, 3i3- Family, Iri>h, p. xvii. Family at Smiledale, (4105.), p. 309. Farmer's Boy, Bloomfield's, p. xiv. Farmer's Son, The, p. 326. Farrer, Memoir of, (4389.), (4462.). Farrier, Clater's, (421 1.). Farrier, Lawson's, (5433.). Fashionable Songster, (41;';.). Fatal Stroke, The, (4339 )"." Father, Moral Instructions of a, (4030.), p. 8, (4044-) • Father's Advice, pp. 314, ^15. Fa her's Gift, The, p. 308.' Father's Legacy, Gregory's, (4162.), (5375-). Fathers, Lives of the, p. 308. Fautes, Jeu des, pp. 312, 323. P'awnia, Dorastus and, p. 332. Feeling, Man of, (4164.). Felicity, Rural, (4213.), p. 308. Feltham's Tour through Mann, (4099.). Female Fables, p. 316. Female Guardian, The, p. 315. ;42 The Bewick Collector. Fenning's Spelling Book, (4074.). Fenwick, Protest for, (4405.). Fenwyke, Gathering Ode of, (4385.). Figures in Rhymes, (4466.), (5040.). Filey, Cole's History of, (4366.). Filial Duty Recommended, p. 311. First Book, Child's, p. 318. First Book for Children, The, p. 310. First Principles of Religion, p. 313. Fisher's Grammar, (4134.), (4454.), (5O340- Fisher's New English Tutor, (4029.), (4047.), (4221.), (4+26.), (501 7-)- Fisher's Pleasing Instructor, (4103.). Fisher's Spring Day, (4187.), (4203.). Fisher's Winter Season, p. 331. Flights of a Lady Bird, p. 309. Floddon Field, Battle of, (4473.), (4474), (5045-)- Flood, Great, (4305.), (447i-)> P- 239- Floods, Great, (4260.). Florist, The, p. 311. Florist's Companion, (4075.). Flower Basket, The Poetical, p. 310. Flowers, Bloomfield's Wild, p. xiv. Flowers, Fables of, p. 312. Flowers of British Poetry, (5037.), (5403-)- Fly, Life of a, p. xvi, (4109.), P- 309. Folks, Little Stories for Little, p. 315. Food for the Mind, p. 317. Foote's Works, p. xyii. Footstep to Mrs. Trimmer, p. 315. Forest, Hermit of the, p. 308. Forsaken Infant, (411 1.), (4452.), (5032.). Fortunatus, History of, (4338.). Fortune Teller, The, p. 303. Foundation Stone, The, (4398.). Foundling, The, (4216.), pp. 308, 331. Fox again-t Fox, (4055.). Fox's Spelling Book, (4049.), (4277.), (443 5-) • France, Cooper's History of, p. 312. Francis, Charlotte and, p. in. Francis, Little, (4252.), p. 318. Friar Rush, (4220.). Friend, The Infant's, p. 310. Friend, The New Children's, p. 312. Friend, Rcay's Sportsman's, (4453.). Furnass's Sur\eyor, (4212.), (5407.). Gallery, The Scotish, p. 324. Galloping Guide, The, p. 333. Gamester's Garland, (4286.). Gammer Gurton's Garland, (4268.). Garhutt's Sunderland, (4313.). Garland of Bells, (4467.), (5041.). Garland, Bishoprick, (4483.), (5050.). Garland, Cuckold's Cap, (4288.). Garland, Custom House, (4306.). Garland, Ewie's, (4290.). Garland, Fortunate Miller's, (4287.). Garland, Gammer Gurton's, (4268.). Garland, The Jolly Huntsman's, (4375.). Garland, Jovial Gamester's, (4286.). Garland, Jovial Sailor's, (4284.). Garland, London Rake's, (4289.). Garland, Meg of Wapping's, (4292.). Garland, Midford, (4294.). Garland, Nelson's, (4293.). Garland, New,of Excellent Songs, (5418 ). Garland of Newcasde Songs, (4297.). Garland of New Songs, (4234.), (4282.), (4296.), (4298.), (4469.), (5043-)- Garland of Northumberland Heroes, (4465-). (5039-)- Garland, Poor Jack's, (4291.). Garland, Robin Hood's, (5445.), p. 316. Garland, True Lover's, (4285.). Garland, The Yorkshire, (4348.). Garlands, Anglers', (5441.). Garret's Woodcuts, (5364.). Garrick's Works, p. 324. Gateshead Charities, (4344.). Gaultier, Jeu des Fautes, p. 312. Gay's Fables, (4056.), (4069.), (4093.), (4188.), (4227.), (4383-). (£386.), (5402.), (5412-), (5427-)> (5445-). P- 316. Gay's Poems, (4095.). Ged, Memoirs of, (4259.) Gentlemen, Museum for Young, pp. 307, 311- Gentle Shepherd, Ramsay's, (4161.), (4218.), (4368.). Gent's York East Window, p. xxii. Geographical Description of England, p. 312. Geographical Description of the World, P- 313- Geography for Children, p. 3 t 2. Geography, Short Introduction to, p. 3 ic. Geoige Barnwell, (4123.). Giant Grumbo, p. 319. Giant Killer, Jack the, p. 1 1 1. Giants, Jack and the, (4087.). Gift, The Brother's, p. 308. Gift, The Easter, (4197.), p. 318. Gift, The Fathei's, p. 308. Gift, The Mother's, p. 318. Gift, New Year's, (4034.), p. 318. Gift, Tiie Parent's Best, (4241.), p. 319. Index to Bouhs (iiid Pcimplilet.s. 343 Gift, The Picture, p. 319. Gilt, Pity's, pp. XV, 312. Gift, The Sister's (4242.), pp, 308, 319. Gift, The Twelfth Day, p. 308. Gift, The Valentine, p. 318. Gil Bias, pp. 311, 328. Gilpin, History of John, (4^49.). Girl, The Hi-hland, (4312.). Gododin, The, (4321.). Golden, Alphabet, The, p. 319. Golden Plaything, The, p. 318. Golden Present, Lovechild's, p. 308. Golden Present, The, pp. 75, 318. Golden Toy, (5445.). Goldsmith and Parncll, (4082.), (4160.). Goldsmith, Irving's Life of, p. .xv. Goldsmith's History of England, (4175.^, (4302.), (5414.). Goldsmith's Natuial History, p. 335. Goldsmith's Poetical Works, (4076.), (5415-)- Goldsmith's Traveller, p. 329. Good Child's Delight, p. 314. Goodfellovv, Robin, p. 309. Goodnature, Triumph of, p. xv, (4106.), p. 310. G6odville Family, (4149.), p. 317. Goody Goosecap, p. 317. Goody Two-Shoes, (4146.), (5445.), pp. 111,307, 318, 319,321. Goosecap, Goodv, p. 317. Goose's Tales, Mother, pp. 307, 3 16, 317. Gradus ad Cantabrigiam, p. 328. Grammar, Davis's English, p. 311. Grammar, Fisher's, (4134.), (4454.), (5O340- Grandison, Life of Sir Charles, p. 311. Grave, Blair's, p. 25, (4153.), (4206.), (4233-). P- 329- Great Britain, Annals of, (4033.), (4427.). Great Flood, (4305.), (4471.). Great P'locds, (4260.). Great Many Little Boys, History of, p. 315- Great Newes from Newcastle, p. 240. Grecian Daughter, (4121.). Greece, Cooper's History of, 312. Greenwich Pensioner, (4362.). Gregory's Father's Legacy, (4162.), (5375-), P- 316. Grey's Epitome, (4033.), (4427.), (501 8.). Grumbo, Giant, p. 319. Guardian, The Female, p. 315. Guess Book, The, (4262.). Guide, The Galloping, p. 333. Guide, The Royal, p. 3 i o. Guildhall, Description of, p. 310. Gulliver, Adventures of, pp. 310, 317, HO- Gulliver's Instructive Lessons, pp. 310, 325- Gulliver's Museum, p. 310. Gurton's Garland, Gammer, (4268.). Habitable World Described, (4053.). Hadley's Persian Grammar, p. 320. Hails, Obituary of, (4390.). Halfpenny Books, Davison's, (4262.). Hamburgh, Memorial to, (4388.). Happy Family, (4110.), (41 31), (544 5.), PP- 3i3> 316, 333- Hargrove's Knaresborough, (4210.), (4437.). (5021.), (5372.), (5389.). Harp, Owcnson's Irish, p. xvii. Harrison's Picture Book, pp. 331, 332. Harrogate Guide, New, (5390.). Harrogate, Week at, p. xvii. Hardepool, Sharp's, (4303.), (4399.). Hastie's Reading Easy, (4428.), (5019.) Hay-cock, Little Boy found under, p. 308. Headstrong, Adventures of Master, pp. 309, 325- Helen Bertram, (4^ ^9.). Henry IIL, Life of,' (4260.). Henry IV. of France, Life of, p. 3 12. Herald, The York, (5398.;. Herbal, Thornton's, (4264.). Hermit, The, (5388.). Hermit, The English, p. 314. Hermit of the Forest, p. 308. Hermit of Warkworth, (4325.), (4345.), (4347-). (4374). (4381-). (4456.), (4457-)- Hermitage of Warkw'orth, (4367.). Herces, Garland of Northumberland, ^446 5.). Hewlett's Spelling Book, (43 co.). Hexham, Inscription at, (4403.). Hierogl)'phic Bible, (4045.), (4059.), (4083.), (4434.). Highland Girl, The, (4312.). Hindley's Persian Lyrics, p. 326. Historical Beauties, Pilkington's, pp. xv, 312. Historical Companion, Youth's, (4301.) Historical Library, Riley's, p. xvii. Histories of More Children than One, p. 314- Histories, Penny, (4339.). Histories, Short, p. 307. History, Dodd's Beauties of, p. xiv, (4104,). 344 The Bewick Collector. History of England, (4125.), (4152.), (4i75-)> (4-Oi-). (4302-). (4444-), (4495-)> (5385-). (5405-). (54H-). (5445 ).PP- 3i2> 313- History of a Great Many Little Boys, p. 315- Hive, The, (4080.), {■\-ii^-), (4446-) • Hobby Horse, The, p. 309. Hodgson on Stereotype Printing, (4259.) Hodgson's Woodcuts, (4408.). Hofland's Angler's Manual, (5437.). Holiday Entertainments, p. 308. Holiday Present, (4148.), pp. 309, 317. Holiday Spy, The, p. 308. Holidays, Midsummer, p. 315. HoUoway's Scenes of Youth, p. xiv. Honey-Jug, (4256.), p. 318. Honours of the Table, (5373.)' Hood's Garland, Robin, (5445.), p. 316. Hood, Robin, (4231.), (437I-). p. 319. Horse, Wilkinson on the, (431 1.)- House that Jack Built, (4179.), (4257.), (4262.), p. 319- Howard, Life of, (4058.)- Howard, Lord William's, Manuscript, (4393-)- Howdy and Upgetting, p. 240. Hudibras, p. xiv. Hull, History of, (5399-). Human Life, Circuit of, pp. 308, 320. Human Life, Dodsley's, (5378.). Humorous Pieces, (4129.), (4130.). Huntsman's Garland, (4375.). Hutchinson's Address, (5367.). Hutton's Mensuration, (4425.). Hymns, Mrs. Barbauld's, (4343.). Hymns and Moral Songs, p. 8, (4042.), p. 316. Idle, History of Jacky, p. 309. Important Pocket Book, p. 308. Indian Cottage, The, (4226.), p. 316. Infant, The Forsaken, (41 11.), (4452.), (503 2-)- Infant Lawyer, The, p. 314. Infant Tutor, The, p. 307. Infant's Friend, The, p. 310. Inn, The Falcon, (4339.). Inscription at Hexham, (4403.). Instruct, Battledore to, (4353.). Instruction, Mental, p.-3i6. Instructions, Moral, (4030.), p. 8, (4044.), (5445-)- Instructive Lessons, pp. 310, ^zc.. Instructive Miscellany, p. 318. Instructor, The Amusing, p. 312. Instructor, Pleasing, (4103.), (4450.), (5030-)- Insurance, Articles for, (4046.). Insurance Club, Loyal, (4433.). Intelligencer, The Leeds (5404.). Interment of Princess Charlotte, (4308.). Irish Family, p. xvii. Irish Harp, Owenson's, p. xvii. Irish Rebellion, History of, p. 330. Irving's Oliver Goldsmith, p. xv. Jack and the Giants, (4087.). Jack Built, House that, (4179.), (4257.), (4262.), p. 319. Jack the Giant Killer, p. 1 1 1. Jack, Little, (41 n.). (5445.). Jack's Garland, Poor, (4291.). Jackey, Master, p. 75. Jackson's History of Wood Engraving, (4376.), (4484-). (505I-)- Jacky Dandy's Delight, p. 75. Jacky Idle, History of, p. 309. Jemima Placid, pp. xvi, 313. Jester, The Youthful, p. 310. Jeu des Fautes, pp. 312, 323. Joe Thomson, Life of, p. 311. John Gilpin, (4349.). Jokes of John Falkirk, (4295.). Jolly Huntsman's Garland, (43 75-). Jolly, Journey of Joseph, p. 322. Jones, History of Tom, p. 31 1. Joseph Andrews, History of, p. 311. Journal Newspaper, Newcasde, (5371.). Journey of Joseph Jolly, p. 322. Jovial Gamester's Garland, (4286.). Jovial Sailor's Garland, (4284.). Jug, The Honey, p. 318. Junius, pp. xiv, 322, 323. Juvenile Biographer, The, p. 309. Juvenile Correspondence, p. 315- Juvenile Rambles, p. 309. Juvenile Scrap-Book, (4359-)- Juvenile Song Book, (4262.). Juvenile Tatler, The, p. 314. Juvenile Trials, pp. 307, 321. Juvenile Tourist, Evans's, p. xvii. Kay's New Preceptor, (4124.). Keeper's Travels, j). 312. Kendall's Crested Wren, p. 311. King and the Cobler, The, (5430.). King Pippin, History of Little, p. 309. King Skilful, History of, (4180.), p. 3'8. Kings of England, Characters ol, (4078.), (4443-). h'^-^-), P- 31-- Index to Books and Pamphlets. 345 Kings of England, Chronicles of, pp. 312, 318. Kitty, History of Miss, (4181.), p. 318. Knaresborough, Hargrove's, (4210.), ^ (4437-), (50ii.)> (5'37i-)> (5389.)- Knights and Burgesses of Durham, (4361.), (4370.)- (448 i-). (5049-) ■ Ladder to Learning, pp. 310, 333. Lady Bird, Flights of a, p. 309. Latimer's Local Records, (5440.). Lawson's Farrier, (5433.). Lawyer, The Infant, p. 314. Lay of Rcedwater Minstrel, (4217.). Learning, Ladder to, pp. 310, 333. Lectures for Sunday Evenings, p. 314. Lee Boo, History of Prince, pp. 312, 324. Leeds Intelligencer, (5404.). Leeds, Walk through, (4186.). Legacy, Gregory's Father's, (4162.), Legacy, Mother Shipton's, (4092.), p. 318. Le Grand's Fabliaux, (4279.). Lessons, Instructive, p. 325. Lessons, Lovechild's Parsing, p. 3 1 1 {twice). Lessons, Spiritual, p. 310. Lessons of Truth, (5445.), p. 316. Lessons for Youth, p. 322. Letter of Our Saviour, (4280.). Letter Writer, p. 316. Letter Writer, Nevvbery's, p. 312. Letters from a Mother, p. 314. Library, The Thomas Bell, (4407.). Library, Tlic Cottage, p. 330. Library, Lilliputian, p. 310. Library, Riley's Historical, p. xvii. Library Catalogue, Wrungham's, (4363.). Life, Circuit of Human, pp. 308, 320. Life, Economy of, p. 25, (5378.), p. 317. Life of a Fly, p. xvi, (4109.), p. 309. Lilliputian Library, p. 310. Lilliputian Magazine, The, p. 307. Lilliputian Masquerade, p. 318. Lilliputian Spectacle, p. 314. Lingard's Anglo-Saxon Church, (4219.). Literature, Charms of, (4165.). Literature, Repository of Select, (4204.). Little Child's Tutor, (4330.). Little Family, Anecdotes of a, p. 311. Little Francis, (4252.), p. 318. Little Jack, (41 11.), (5445.). Little Moralists, (4182.), p. 309. Little Personages, Memoirs of, p. 318. Little Pretty Pocket-Book, p. 3 1 1 . Liitle Robin Red-Breast, p. 31c. Litde Stories for Little Folks, p. 315. Little Tales for Little People, p. 309. Little Teacher, The, (4310.). Little Wanderers, p. 309. Live Stock, Treatise on, (4223.). Local Records, Latimer's, (5440.). Local Records, Sykes's, (5428.). London Cries, (4247.), (5445.), pp. 310, 319,334.335- London, Description of Tower of, p. 310. London Rake's Garland, (4289.). Looking Glass, The, pp. 318, 319. Looking Glass for the Mind, (4065.), (4098.), (4438-). (50ii-). P- 313. Lottery Book, New, (4026.), (5445.). Loudon's Entertaining Naturalist, (5436.). Love, Brand's Illicit, (5366.). Love, Dictionary of, p. 317. Love, Misfortunes of, p. xvii. Lovebook, Visits of Tommy, (4214.), p. 309- Lovechild's Golden Present, p. 308. Lovechild's Parsing Le-sons, p. 3 1 1 (twice). Lovechild's Reading Easy, (4142.), p. 3 16. Lovechild's Reading Lessons, p. 311. Loyal Club Insurance, (4433.). Lushington's Foundation Stone, (4398.). Mab, Queen, p. 317. Mack, Obituary of, (4392.). Magazine, The Lilliputian, p. 307. Magazine, Newcastle, (4048.). Magazine, Sporting, (4439.), (4440-). (444i-)> (5023-)- Mamma's Token, p. 331. Man, The Absent, (4193.). Man to Animals, Conduct of, (5374.). Man of Feeling, (4164.). Man, New Whole Duty of, (4071.). Man, Pope's Essay on, pp. 25, 328. Mann, Tour through, (4099.). Manuscript, Lord W. Howard's, (4393.). Markham's Spelling Book, (4373.). Marmontel's Tales, p. xiv. Marriage of Coquet, (4260.). Marshall's Poetry, (4229.). Marshman, Biography of, (4386.). Masquerade, Lilliputian, p. 318. Mass, Prayers before and after, (4173.). Masson's Spelling Book, p. 324. Master Charles, History of, (4181.), p. 3i8. Master Headstrong, pp. 309, 325. Master Jackcy, p. 75. Mation, The Village, p. 311. Mayor's Spelling Book, p. 329. 346 The Bewick Collector. Maxims, Lord Chesterfield's, p. 3iz. Maxims, Rochefaucault's, p. 317. May Day, p. 315. May Day, Bloomfield's, p. xiv. Meadows, Smith on Water, (4184.). Measure for Measure, (4174.). Meetings, The Three, (4339.)- Meg of Wapping's Garland, (4292.). Melancholy, p. 327. Mental Instruction, p. 316. Merry and Wise, Be, (4041.), pp. 307, 317. Merton, Sandford and, p. 317. Midford Garland, (4294.)- Midsummer Holidays, p. 315. Miller's Garland, (4287.). Mind, Food for the, p. 317. Mind, Looking Glass for the, (4065.), (4098.), (4438-). (50i2-). P- 313- Mines, Buddie on Coal, (4261.). Miniature, The Bible in, pp. 31 1, 319. Miniature, Dodsley in, (4132.), (5445.)> p. 316. Miniature, Wisdom in, p. 317. Minstrel, English, (41 17.). Minstrel, Lay of Reedwater, (4217.). Minstrel, The Northumbrian, (4232.). Minstrel, Scottish, (4118.), (41 19.), (4200.). Minstrel, The Tvne Side, (4341.), (4480.), (5047-)- Mirabile, Chronicon, (4314.). Mirror, The, (4039.), p. 317- Miscellaneous Poems, (5381.). Miscellany, British, (4205.), p.' 322. Miscellany, Children's, (4090.), (4436.). Miscellany, Instructive, p. 318. Miscellany, The Sunday, p. 311. Miscellany, The Vocal, (4449.), (5029.). Misfortunes of Love, p. xvii. Miss Kitty, (4181.), p. 318. Mitchell on Angling, (4475.), p. 239. Mitchell's Wood Engravings, (4322.), (5397.)- Modern Cook, The, p. 8. Monitor, Child's, (5401.). Monkeys, History of, (4262.). Monkwcarmouth, Garbutt's, (4313.). Monosyllables, Fables in, p. 314. Moore's Female Fables, p. 316. Moral Amusement, p. 312. Moral Instructions of a Father, (4030.), p. 8, (4044-). (5445-) • Moral and Instructive Tales, p. 314. Moral Philosophy, (5376.), (5377-)- Moral Sketches, i). 311. Moral Songs, Hymns and, p. 8, (4042.), (5445-). P- 316. Moral Tales, p. 25. Moral Tales, Crowther's, p. 328. Moralist, The, p. 329. Moralist, The Pleasing, (4145.), p. 317. Moralists, The Little, (4182.), p. 309. Morality, Blossoms of, (4126.), pp. 313, 3^7- Morality, Dialogues on, p. 314. Morning's Amusement, (5445.), p. 316, Mortals, Vanity of, (4067.). Mother Bunch's Fairy Tales, (4265.), p. 311- Mother Goose's Tales, pp. 31 1, 316, 317. Mother, Letters from a, p. 314. Mother Shipton's Legacy, (4092.), p. 318. Mother's Gift, The, p. 318. Mountain Piper, The, (4183.), p. 309. Mouse, Life and Perambulation of a, pp. xvi, 313, 332, 334. Muse, The Caledonian, (5424.). Museum, Gulliver's, p. 310. Museum for Young Gentlemen, pp. 307, 3"- Museum of Natural History, New, (4222.). Musical Budget, p. xvii. Mynshul's Prison, (4323.). Natural Histories, Davison's, (4263.). Natural History, Bigland's Letters on, p. 330. Natural History, Goldsmith's, p. 335. Natural History, Museum of, (4222.). Natural History Society, Northumber- land, (4369.). Naturalist, Loudon's Entertaining, (5436.). Naturali-^t's Cabinet, The, p. 329. Nature, Studies of, p. 324. Naval Chronologist, (4176.). Negro Sale at Demerara, (4334.). Nelson's Garland, (4293.). New Children's Friend, p. 312. New English Tutor, (4029.), (4047.), (4221.), (442''..), (501 7-)- New Lottery Book, (4026.). New Museum of Natural History, (4222.). New Preceptor, Kay's, (4124.). New Robinson Crusoe, (4057.), p. 309. New Royal Primer, p. 318. New Songs, Collection of, (4283.), (4470.), (5044.). New Songs, Garland of, (4234.), (4282.), (4296.), (4298.), (4469.), (5043.). Index to Books and PcanphleLs 347 New Son2;ster, The, (4448.), (5028.). New Testament, The, (4Z37.). New Testament Adaptal, p. 307. New Whole Duty of Man, (4071.). New Year's Gift, (4034.), (443^-). (foio.), p. 318. Newbery's Familar Letter Writer, p. 312. Newcastle, Account of, (4052.). Newcastle Chronicle Newspaper, (4163.). Newcastle, Great Newes from, p. 240. Newcastle, Inscriptions in St. Andrew's, P- 333- Newcastle, Inscriptions in St. Nichoks, P-334- Newcastle Journal Newspaper, (5371.). Newcastle Ma2;azine, (4048.). Newcastle in the Olden Time, (4411.). Newcastle, Picture of, (4458.), (5035.). Newcastle Remembrancer, Clark's, (542 1 ). Newcastle Reprints, (4259.), (4260.). Newcastle Society for Abolition of Slavery, Declaration of, (5426). Newcastle Society tor Abolition of Slavery, First Report of, (5429.). Newcastle Songs, Collection of Original, ^(4317-). (43 20-)- Newcastle Songs, Collection of Popular, (4.316.)- Newcastle Songs, Garland of, (4297.). Newcastle Songster, (4141.), (4307.). Newes from Newcastle, Great, p. 240. Newspaper Extracts, p. 240. Newtonian System of Philosophy, pp. 307, 312- Nicholas, St., Newcastle, Inscriptions in, P- 334- Nixon's Cheshire Prophecy, (4085.). Northern Bards, Rhymes of, (4253.), (4464), (5038.). Northumberland, Agriculture of, (4073.), (4089.). Northumberland Heroes, Garland of, (4465-)> (5039-)- Northumberland Legends, Service's, (43 7 :^.)- Northumberland, Natural Historv Societv, (4369.). Northumberland, Treasure Trove in, (4401.). Northumbrian Minstrel, The, (4232.). Northumbrian Society, Thompson's Ad- dress to, (4328.), (4329.). Norton's Story Book, Mrs., p. 313. Nurse, Tansillo's, pp. xvii, 326. Nursery Songs, p. 75. Nuts, Bag of, pp. 309, 325. Obituary Resolutions, (4382.). Occurrences, School, p. 3t4. Oeconomist, The, (4445,), (5026.). Offering, The Easter, p. 318. Oliver's Collection of Songs, (4201.). Oracles, The, (5391.), p. 309. Origin of Christianity, p. 314. Orphan, The, pp. 313, 332. Orphan, The Village, p. 322. Ostenvald's Bible, (4455.). Oviston's Library Catalogue, (4324.). Owcnson's Irish Harp, p. xvii. Oxford Sausage, (4035.). Painter's Budget, p. xvii. Painter's Picture Book, (5445.). Pamela, History of, pp. 311, 316, 321. Parent's Best Gift, (4241.), p. 319. Parnell, Goldsmith and, (4082.), (4160.). Parnell's Poems, p. 25. Parsing Lessons, Lovechild's, p. 311. Paternal Present, The, pp. xv, 312. Pathetic Pieces, (4127.), (4128.). Paths of Virtue, p. 312. Patriarchs, Testament of Twelve, p. 321. Patty Primrose, (5445.). Pauls Cathedral, Account of St., p. 310. Pearson's Book Catalogues, (5368.). Pearson's Sale Catalogue, (5443.), (5444.). Peas, Ducks and, (4195.). Peden, Life of, p. xvii. Peg-Top, Memoirs of a, p. xvi, (4150.), PP- 313. 317. 331- Penny, Adventures of a Silver, pp. 3 to, 325- Penny Histories, New, (4339.). Pensioner, Greenwich, (4362.). Persian Grammar, Hadley's, p. 320. Persian Lyrics, Hindley's, p. 326. Personages, Memoirs of Little, p. 318. Peter Painter's Picture Book, (5445.). Peter Wilkins, Adventures of, p. 310. Philip Quarll, (5388.), (5445-). PP- SH. 318. Philosophy, Moral, (f376.), (5377.). Philosophy, Newtonian System of, pp. 307, 312- Picture Alphabet, (4262.), p. 319. Picture Book, The, (4081.), (41 01.), (4447-). (5027-). (5445-)- Picture Book, Alnwick, (541 1.). Picture Exhibition, p. 317. Picture Gift, The, p. 319. Picture of Newcastle, (445S.). Picture Room, The, (4158.). 348 The Bewick Collector Pictures, Pretty Book of, (4037.), p. 8, (5442.), (5445-) ■ Pilgrim, Bunyan's, pp. 310, 311, 330. Pilgrim, Zion's, pp. xvii, 327. Pilkington's Historical Beauties, pp. xv, 312- Pin, History of a, 311. Pincushion, Adventures of a, pp. xvi, 313. Piper, The Mountain, (4183.), p. 309. Pippin, History of Little King, p. 309. Pity's Gift, pp. XV, 312. Pizarro, p. 326. Placid, Jemima, pp. xvi, 313. Play Book, Tom Thumb's, (4479-). (5046.), pp. 75, 318. Playlove, History of Tommy, p. 310. Plaything, The Golden, p. 318. Pleasant's Story Book, Mrs., (4154.), p. 317- Pleasing Fabulist, The, p. 317. Pleasing Instructor, (4103.), (4450.), (5030.). Pleasing Moralist, (4145.), p. 3x7. Plumb, The Sugar, p. 8," (4088.), (4155.). p. 310. Pocket Bible, The, p. 310. Pocket Book, Important, p. 308. Pocket Book, A Little Pretty, p. 307. Pocket Library, Riley's, p. xvii. Poems and Ballads, (5392.). Poems, Elegant, (4254.). Poems, Miscellaneous, (5381.). Poems, Prett)', pp. 307, 317. Poems on Various Subjects, p. 314. Poetical Blossoms, Cooper's, p. 312. Poetical Tabulator, The, (4228.), (5445.), P- 319- Poetical Flower Basket, p. 310. Poetry, Ancient Popular, (4064.). Poetry, Flowers of British, (5037.), (5403 •)• Polite Academy, p. 311. Pope's Essay on Man, pp. 25, 328. Portraits, Youthful, p. 312. Prayer, Exposition of Common, p. 308. Prayers before and after Mass, (4173.). Prayers, Children's Manual of, p. 317. Preceptor, Kay's New, (4124.). Present, The Birthday, p. 315. Present, The Golden, pp. 75, 318. Present, The Holiday, (4148.), pp. 315, 317- Present, I.ovechild's Golden, p. 308. Present, The Paternal, pp. xv, 312. Prettiest Book for Children, }). 8, (4136.), P- 3J7- Pretty Battledore, (4352.). Pretty Book of Pictures, (4037.), p. 8, (5442-) . (5445 •)■ Pretty Poems, pp. 307, 317. Prettyface, Primrose, (4156.), pp. 313, 31V. Primer, The British, (4189.). Primer, New Roval, p. 318. Primer, The Royal, p. 309. Primrose Bank, The, p. 318. Primrose, Patty, (5445.). Primrose Prettyface, (41 56.), pp. 313,317. Prince Lee Boo, History of, pp. 312, 324. Princess Charlotte, Interment of, (4308.). Princess of Wales, Anecdote of, (4191.). Printing, Hodgson on Stereotype, (4259.). Printing, Santander's Origin of, (4259.). Printing Types, Clark's, (4326.). Printing, Willett's Origin of, (42';9.), (4260.). Prison, Mynshul's, (4323.). Protest for Fenwick, (4405.). Pulman's Rustic Sketches, (4404.). Puzzlewell's Riddles, p. 311. Puzzling Cap, The, p. 309. Quadrupeds, History of, (44i3.)-(44i8.). Quadrupeds, Natural History of, (4209.), P- 334- Quakers' Burial Ground, (4367.). Quad), Philip, (5388.), (5445-)' PP- 3 14. 318. Queen Mab, p. 317. Radclyffe, Genealogy of, (4396.). Rake's Garland, London, (4289.). Rambles, Juvenile, p. 309. Ramsay's Gende Shepherd, (4161.), (4218.), (4368.), p. 240. Ramsay's Poems, (4275.). Rational Dame, The, p. 315. Rational Sports, p. 315. Reader, The Young, (4177.). Reading Easy, Hastie's, (4428.), (5019.). Reading Easy, Lovechild's, (4142.), p. 316. Reading Exercises, Blair's, (4230.). Reading Lessons, Lovechild's, p. 311. Reading Made Easy, New, {4402 ). Reading Made Easy, Real, (4043.). Real Reading Made Easy, (4043.). Reay's Sportsman's Friend, (4453.), (5033-)- Rebellion, History of Irish, p. 330. Records, Latimer's Local, (5440.). Records, Sykes's Local, (5428.). Index to Books cuid Pamphlets. 349 Recreations, Buchan's, (4a 7 6.). Recreations, Youthful, (4107.), p. 309. Red-Breast, Little Robin, p. 310. Red Riding Hood, (5445.). Reedwater Minstrel, Lay of, (4^17.). Religion, First Principles of, p. 313. Remembrancer, Clark'sNewcastle, (54Z I .). Repository, Caledonian Musical, (5413.). Repository of Select Literature, (4;04.). Reprints, Newcastle, (4Z59.), (4;6o.). Resolutions, Obituary, (438;.). Rhymes, Figures in, (4466.), (5040.). Rhymes of Northern Bards, (4253.), (4464.), ^(5038.). Richardson's Newcastle in the Olden Time, (441 1.). Richard Whittington, Sir, (4146.), pp. Ill, 319. Riddle Book, p. 319. Riddles, Puzzlewell's, p. 311. Ripon, History of, (4185.). Rival Cousins, The, (4339.)- Road, Stanzas on New, (4481 ), (5048.). Robin, Cock, (4271-). (5445-), PP- 75- 319- Robin Goodfellow, p. 309. Robin Hood, (4231.), (437i-)' p. 319. Robin Hood's Garland, (5445.), p. 316. Robin Red-Breast, Little, p. 310., Robinson Crusoe, (4040.), (4140.), (4171.). (5445-)> PP- 317, 319. 333- Robinson Crusoe, Supplement to, (4043.). Robinson Crusoe, The New, (4057.), (5431-). P- 309- Rochefoucault's Maxims, p. 317. Rome, Cooper's History of 312. Room, The Picture, (41 58.)- Rotchfords, The, p. 315. Rowe's Fables, p. xvii. Royal Alphabet, p. 308. Royal Battledore, (4355.)- Royal Fabulist, The, p. 75. Royal Guide, The, p. 310. Royal Primer, The, p. 309. Royal Primer, New, p. 318. Rural Felicity, (4213.), p. 308. Rural Tales, p. xiv. Rush, History of Friar, (4220.). Rustic Sketches, Pul man's, (4404.). Sailor's Garland, Jovial, (4284.). Saint Pierre, Beauties of, p. 324. Saint's Woodcuts, (4028.). Sale at Demerara, Negro, (4334). Sandford and Merton, p. 317. Santander's Origin of Printing, (4259.). Sausage, Oxford, (4035.). Saviour, Life of Our, p. 307. Saviour's Letter, Our, (4280.). Scarronides, (5395), (5406.). Scenes of Youth, HoUoway's, p. xiv. Schedules, Durham County, (4332.). School Companion, (4051.). School Dialogues, p. 315. School Occurrences, p. 314. School, The Village, p. 313. Scotish Ballads and Songs, (5380.). Scotish Gallery, The, p. 324. Scott and Ellis, Letters between, (4395-)- Scottish Minstrel, (4118.), (4119), (4200.). Scrap Book, The Juvenile, (4359.). Scraps, Choice, p. 311. Scraps for the Curious, (4319.). Scripture Illustrated, p. xiv. Seasons, Thomson's, (4094.), p. 316. Sedley, William, p. 314. Select Fables, (4032.), (5445.). Select Literature, Repository of, (4204). Selection of Stories, (4266.). Selima and Azor, (4273.). Selima, Constantio and, p. 312. Sentimental Pieces, (4127.), (4128.). Serious Address, p. 319. Sermons to Children, p. 313. Service's Northumberland Legends, (4372.)- Sharp's Book Sale Catalogue, (4394.). Sharp's Durham Representatives, (4361.), (4370.), (4482.). Sharp's Hartlepool, (4303.), (4399-). Shepherd, Ramsay's Gentle, (41 61.), (4218.), (4368.), p. 240. Shipton's Legacy, Mother, (4092.), p. 318- Shipwreck, Falconer's, (5423.). Shop, The Toy, p. 310. Short Conversations, p. 314. Short Histories, p. 307. Silver Penny, Adventures of a, pp. 31c 325- Silver Three-Pence, Adventures of a, pp. 310, 326, 332. Sinbad the Sailor, p. 309. Sister's Gift, The, (4242.), pp. 308, 319- Sketches, Moral, p. 311. Skilful, History of King, (4180.), p. 318. Slavery, Colonial, (5434.). Slavery, Durham Declaration on, (5435). Slaverj', Newcastle Society for the Aboli- tion of. Declaration on, (542^).). 350 The Be/rick Collector. Slavery, Newcastle Society for the Aboli- tion of, First Report of, (5429.). Sleeping Beauty, (4157.), p. 317. Smiledalc, Family at, (4105.), p. 309. Smith on Water Meadows, (4184.). Smith's Naturalist's Cabinet, p. 329. Sober Life, Cornaro on a, p. 323. Soldiers, Memoirs of Two Veteran, (4190.). Solitude, Zimmerman on, pp. xiv, 323, 324, 3^5- Son, The Farmer's, p. 326. Song Book, Juvenile, (4262.). Songs, Ancient, (4062.). Songs, etc., Ancient Ballads, (5379). Songs, Ballads and, Scotish, (5380.). Songs, Collection of Classical, (4315.). Songs, Collection of New, (4283.), (4470.), (5044-) • Songs, Collection of Original Newcastle, (4317.), (43 io-)- Songs, Collection of Popular, (5393.). Songs, Collection of Popular Newcastle, (4316.)- Songs, Divine, (41 12.), (4274.), (5416.), (5445 •)• Songs, New Garland of Excellent, (5418.). Songs, Excellent New, (4299.). Songs, Garland of New, (4234.), (4282.), (4296.), (4298.), (4469.), (5043.). Songs, Garland of Newcastle, (4297.). Songs, Hymns and Moral, p. 8, (4042.), (5445-). P- 316. Songs, Nursery, p. 75. Songs, Oliver's Collection of, (4201.). Songster, The Fashionable, (4135.). Songster, The New, (4448.), (5028.). Songster,TheNewcastle, (4i4i.),(4307.). Sophia, Emilius and, p. 327. Sorrows of Yamba, (4333.)- Sotheran's York Guide, (4100.). Sparrow, Memoirs of a, p. 312. Spectacle de la Nature, p. 314. Spectator, The Fairy, p. 314. Spelling Book, Bolton's Imperial, p. 314. Spelling Book, Dyche's, p. 333. Spelling Book, Fenning's, (4074.). Spelling Book, Fox's, (4049.), (4277.), (443 5) • Spelling Book, Hewlett's, (4300.). Spelling Book, Markham's, (4373.). Spelling Book, Masson's, p. 324. Spelling Book, Mavor's, p. 329. Spelling Book,Warden's, (42 ^j;.), (44^'!^.'), (5036.)- Spelling Dictionary, p. 307. Spelling Dictionary, New, p. 307. Spiritual Lessons, p. 310. Splinters, (4365.). Sporting Anecdotes. (4196.). Sporting IVIagazine, (4439.), (4440.), (4441.), (5023.). Sports, Rational, p. 315. Sportsman's Friend, (4453.), (5033.). Spring Day, Fisher's, (4187.), (4203.). Spy, The Holiday, p. 308. Stagg's Poems, p. 330. Stanzas on New Road, (4481.), (5048.). Steel's Naval Chroriologist, (4176.). Sterne's Sermons, p. 322. Stevens' Songs, (5383.) Stirling's Poems, (4342.). Stock, Treatise on Live, (4223.). Stone, The Foundation, (4398.). Stories, Little, for Little Folks, p. 315. Stories, Selection of, (4266.). Stories, Winlove's Entertaining, p. 325. Story Book, Mrs. Norton's, p. 313. Story Book, Mrs. Pleasant's, (4154.), p. 317- Story Teller, Youth's, (4036.), p. 8, (5445-) • St. Paul's Cathedral, Account of, p, 3 10. Stranger, The, p. 326. Streanshall Abbey, (4120.). Stroke, The Fatal, (4339.). Studies of Nature, p. 324. Subjects, Poems on Various, p. 314. Sugar Plumb, p. 8, (4088), (4155-), pp. 3io> 317- Sunday Evenings, Lectures for, p. 314. Sunday Miscellany, The, p. 311. Sunderland, Garbutt's, (4313.). Supplement to Robinson Crusoe, (4043.). Surveyor, Furnass's Practical, (4212.), (5407.). Sweden, Consett's Tour through, (4278.). Sykes's Local Records, (5428.). Sykes's Tracts, (4367.). Syllable, Dialogues in One, (5420.). System of Philosophy, Newtonian, pp. 307. 3I-- Table, Honours of the, (5373.)' Tagg's Poems, Tommy, (41 13.), (5445). I'- 317- Tales of Birds, (5445.). Talcs, Christmas, p. 9, (4267.), (5445.), PP- 313. 31^'- Tales, Crowther's Moral, p. 328. Tales, Little, for Little People, p. 309. Tales, Moral, pp. 25, Index to Buuks and Pamphlets. 35"^ Tales, Moral and Instructive, p. 314. Tales, Mother Goose's, pp. 311, 316, 3'7. Tales of Quadrupeds, (5445.), p. 316. Tales, Rural, p. xiv. Tales, Three Instructive, (4168.), p. 309. Tales for Youth, (4072.), (444; ), (5024.), p. 313- Tansillo's Nurse, pp. xvii, ii6. Tatler, The Juvenile, p. 314. Tatlers, The Village, (4170.), p. 309. Teacher, Little, (4310.). Teachwell's Fables, Mrs., p. 315. Tea-Table Miscellany, The Caledonian, (4^07.). Telemachus, Adventures of, pp. 308, 320. Telescope, Time's, (5432.). Teller, The Fortune, p. 509. Tell-truth's Beasts, p. 310. Tell-truth's Birds, p. 310. Testament, The New, (4237.). Testament Adapted, New, p. 307. Testament of Twelve Patriarchs, p. 321. Thomas Curry, (5425.). Thompson's Address, (4328.). Thompson's Collection of Anecdotes, (4309-) • Thomson, Life of Joe, p. 311. Thomson's Seasons, (4094.), p. 316. Thornton's Herbal, (4264.). Thornton's School Virgil, p. 333. Three Beggars, The, (4340.). Three Hundred Animals, (4240.). Three Instructive Tales, (4168.), p. 309. Three Meetings, The, (4339.). Three-Pence, Adventures of a Silver, pp. 310, 326, 332. Thumb, Tom, p. 319. Thumb's Bag of Nuts, p. 325. Thumb's Exhibition, Tom, p. 309. Thumb's Play Book, Tom, p. 75, (4479.), (5046.), p. 318. Ticklepitcher, Little Timothy, p. 314- Time's Telescope, (5432.). Timothy Ticklepitcher, Little, p. 314. Titmouse, History of Tommy, p. 309. Todd's Ballads of Archery, p. 334. Token, Mamma's, p. 331. Tom Bragwell, p. xvii. Tom Jones, History of, p. 311. Tom Thumb, p. 319. Tom Thumb's Exhibition, p. 309. Tom Thumb's Play Book, p. 75, (4'^79.), (5046.), p. 318. Tom Thumb's Toy, p. 319. Tommy Careless, (4215.), p. 308. Tommy Lovebook, Visits of, (4214.), p. 309- Tommy Playlove, History of, p. 310. Tommy Tagg's Poems, (41 13.), (5445.), P-3I7- Tommy Titmouse, History of, p. 309. Tommy Trip, (4412.), (4489.)-(4493.), (544-)> (5445-)- Tommy Trip, Pictures from, (40; 7.), p. 8, (5382.)- Tommy Trip's History of Beasts, p. 317. Tommy Trip's Historj' of Birds, (4139.), P- 317- Tommy Two-Shoes, (4248.), p. 319. Tour, Cole's Bibliographical, (4335-). Tourist, Evans's Juvenile, p. xvii. Tower of London, Description of, p. 3 1 o. Town Eclogue, A, p. 329. Toy Book Cuts, (4038.). Toy, Golden, (5445.). Toy Shop, The, p. 310. Toy, Tom Thumb's, p. 319. Toy, York, (4081.), (5445.). Traveller, The Entertaining, p. 309. Traveller, Goldsmith's, p. 329. Travels, Keeper's, p. 312. Treasure Trove in Northumberland, (4401.). Trials, Juvenile, pp. 307, 321. Trimmer, Footstep to Mrs., p. 315. Trimmer's Ladder to Learning, p. 333. Trio, Antiquarian, (4364.). Trip, Tommy, (4412.), (4489.)-(4493.), (544i-), (.-^445 ■)• Trip's History of Beasts, p. 317. Trip's History of Birds, (4139.), p. 317. Trip, Pictures from Tommy, (40^7.), p. 8, (5382.). (5445-)- Triumph of Goodnature, p. xv, (4106.), p. 310. True Lover's Garland, (4285.). Trusler's List of Books, (40^6.). Truth, Lessons of, (5445.), p. 316. Turner's Arts and Sciences, p. 323. Turpin, Life of, p. xvii. Tutor, The, p. 3 1 2. Tutor, The Infant, p. 307. Tutor, Little Child's, (4350.). Tutor, New English, (4029.), (4047-). (4221.), (44-6-), (50I7-)- Twelfth Day Gift, p. 308. Two Shoes,' Goody, (4146.), (5445.), pp. Ill, 307, 318, 319, 321. Two-Shoes, Tommy, (4248.), p. 319. Two Veteran Soldiers, (4190.). Tyne Rivers, Dialogue between, (4397.). 3S^- The Bewick Collector Tyne Side Minstrel, (4341.), (4480.), (5047-)- Tyranny and Disobedience, p. 316. Union Association Articles, (4046.). Universal Battledore, (4350.). Upgetting, Howdy and, p. 240. Valentine Gift, p. 318. Vanity of Mortals, (4067.). Verse, Visions in, p. 324. Veteran Soldiers, Memoirs of Two, (4190.). Vice in its Proper Shape, p. 310. Vice, Virtue and, pp. 309, 328. Village Matron, The, p. 311. Village Orphan, p. 322. Village School, The, p. 313. Village Tatlers, The (4170.), p. 309. Virgil, Thornton's School, p. 333. Virtue and Vice, pp. 309, 328. Virtue, The Paths of, p. 312. Visible World, p. 316. Visions in Verse, p. 324. Visits of Tommy Lovebook, (4214.), p. 309- Vocal Miscellany, (4449.), (5029.). Waes o' War, (5396.). Waggon Load of Amusement, (4272.). Wales, Anecdote of Princess of, (4191.). Walton's Angler, (5439.). Wanderers, The Little, p. 309. War, Waes o', (5396.). Warden's Spelling Book, (4235.), (4463.), (5036.). Warkworth, Hermit of, (4325.), (4345-), Warkworth, Hermitage of, (4367.). (4347.), (4374-). (4381-), (4456), (445 7-) • Warner's Cornwall, p. 330. Warrior, Zion's, p. 328. Water Meadows, Smith on, (4184.). Watts's Divine Songs, (41 12.), (4274.), (4281.), (5416.), (5445.). Wawn, Obituary of, (4377), (4379.). Wedding, The Collier's, (4476.)." Week at Harrogate, ]). xvii. Weightman's New Battledore, (4356.). Westminster Abbey, Description of, p. 310. Whitby, Young's Picture of, p. 335. White Cat, History of, p. 310. Whittington and his Cat, (4246.), pp. Ill, 319- Whole Duty of Woman, p. 316. Wild Flowers, Bloomfield's, p. xiv. Wilkins, Adventures of Peter, p. 310. Wilkinson on the Horse, (4311.). Willett's Origin of Printing, (4259.), (4260.). . William Sedley, p. 314. Wiltshire, Britton's, p. xiv. Winlove's Lectures, p. 310. Winlove's Stories, pp. 310, 325. Winter Season, Fisher's, p. 331. Winter's Amusement, p. 318. Wisdom in Miniature, p. 317. Wise, Be Merry and, (4041.), pp. 307, 317- Wolkmar and his Dog, (4127.), (4192.). Woman, Whole Duty of, p. 316. Wood, Babes in the, (4249.), pp. 318, 319- Wood Blocks, Davison's, p. 238. Wood Engraving, Jackson's History of, (4376.), (4484-). (S05I-)- Wood, Sleeping Beauty in the, (4157.), P- 317- Woodcuts, Angus's, (4097.). Woodcuts, Charnley's, (4406.), (4485.), p. 240. Woodcuts, Clark's, (4326.). Woodcuts, Garret's, (5364.). Woodcuts, Hodgson's, (4408.), (4488.). Woodcuts, Mitchell's, (4322.), (5397.). Woodcuts, Saint's, (4028.). Woodcuts from Tommy Trip, (<;445.). Woodcuts, Toy Book, (4038.). " World, Geographical Description of, p. 313- World, Habitable, Described, (4053.). World, Visible, p. 316. Wrangham's Antiquarian Trio, (4364.). Wrangham's Librarj' Catalogue, (4363.). Wren, The, p. 331. Wren, Kendall's Crested, p. xiv, 311. Yamba, Sorrows of, (4333-). Year's Gift, New, (4034.), (4432.). Yorick's Budget, (4225.). York, Cries of, (4079.), (5445.), p. 335 (ttrice) . York Guide, Sotheran's, (4100.). York Herald, (5398.). York Toy, (4081.), (5445.). Yorkshire Battledore, (4351.). Yorkshire Garland, (4348.). Young Edwin, History of, p. 311. Young Reader, The, (4177.), Young's Picture of Whitby, p. 335. Youth, Fables for, pp. 308, 318. Index to Books and Pampfdets iSi Voutli, Holloway's Scenes of, p. xiv. N'outh, Lessons for, p. 31a. Youth, Tales for, (4072.), (444;.). (5024.), p. .;'5- Youth's Historical Companion, (4301.). Youth's Story Teller, (4C36.), p. 8. (5445-) • Youthful Jester, The, p. 310. Youthful Portrait,-., i)p. x\, 312. Youthful Recreations, (4107.), p. 309. Zimmerman on Solitude, pp. xiv. 3 3-4, .^-5- Zimmerman's Aphorisms, p. 325. Zion's Pilgrim, p. xvii, 327. •^ Zion's Warrior, p. 328. J. E. TAYLOR AND CO., PRINTERS, I.ITTI.E QUEEN STREET, I.INCOI,^•'s INN FIELDS. ANNO UNCEMENT. Messrs. L. Reeve & Co. have the pleasure of an- noiaiciug that they have made arrangements to issue, by Subscription^ a series of Impressions of about Two Thousand IVood Blocks engraved for the most part by Thomas ajui John Bewick. Among them luill be found the engravings oj a large nmnber of the most celebrated ivorks illustrated by these Artists, and an unique assemblage of Cuts for Private Gentlemen, Public Societies, and Compa7iies, Amusements, Neivs- papers^ Shop Cards, Invoices, Bar Bills, and other mis- cellaneous purposes. The volumes referred to are in general rare and costly, zvhile of most of the miscella- neous engravings, very few impressions are knoivn to exist. An Introduction, including a Descriptive Catalogue of the Blocks, will be furnished by the Rev. T. Hugo, the possessor of the Collection. The Work, of zvhich a very limited mimber ivill be printed, will be executed in the best possible style, and will form a very handsome volume in Royal Quarto. L. Reeve & Co., 5, Henrietta St., Covent Garden. \ > 1/12- r^"^^,