LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA GIFT OF MRS. EDWIN CORLE IN MEMORY OF MRS. HORACE ARMSTRONG i'i^lkhi LUCT AT THE FOUKTAIN. The /Bride of Lammermoor AND Keepsake Stories and Chronicle of Canongate By SIR WALTER SCOTT R. F. FENNO & COMPANY. PUB- LISHERS : 9 & II E. SIXTEENTH STREET : NEW YORK CITY : 1900 'i//^ iite<0)i>¥-i;h Evenins^ Post of October 10, 1840 (and afterward in the Lives of the Lindsays, p. 4.5Q), n letter dated Sejjtem- bersth, 1823, addressed by Sir J. Home Dalrymple Elphinslone, Bart., to the late Sir James Stewart Denham of Coltness. Bait , hnth des( endanfs of Lord President Stair, from which it appears that, according to the traditional creed of the Dalrymple family, the Bride's unhappy lover, Lord Ruther- viii INTRODUCTION TO THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. Another poet of the period, with a very different purpose, has left ."xn elegy, in which he darkly hints at and bemoans the fate of the ill-starred young person, whose very uncommon calamity Whitelaw, Dunlop, and Milne, thought a fitting subject for buf- foonery and ribaldry. This bard of milder mood was Andrew Symson, before the Revolution minister of Kirkinner, in Gallo- way, and, after his expulsion as an Episcopalian, following the humble occupation of a printer in Edinburgh. He furnished the family of Baldoon, with which he appears to have been intimate, with an elegy on the tragic event in their family. In this piece he treats the mournful occasion of the bride's death with mysterious solemnity. The verses bear this title — " On the unexpected death of the virtuous Lady Mrs. Janet Dalrymple, Lady Baldoon, younger," and afford us the precise dates of the catastrophe, which could not otherwise have been easily ascertained. " Nupta August 12. Domum Ducta August 24. Obiit September 12. Scpult. Sep- tember 30,1669." The form of the elegy is a dialogue betwixt a passenger and a domestic servant. The first, recollecting that he had passed that way lately, and seen all around enlivened by the appearance of mirth and festivity, is desirous to know what had changed so gay a scene into mourning. We preserve the reply of the servant as a specimen of Mr. Symson's verses, which are not of the first quality : — -Sir, 'tis truth you've told, We did enjoy great mirth ; but now, ah me ! Our joyful song's turn'd loan elegie. A virtuous lady, not long since a bride. Was to a hopeful plant by marriage tied. And brought home hither. We did all rejoice, Even for her sake. Rut presently our voice Was turn'd to mourning for that little time That she'd enjoyed : She waned in her prime, For Atropos, with her impartial knife. Soon cut her thread, and therewithal her life ; And for the time we may it well remember, It being in unfortunate September ; Where we must leave her till the resurrection, 'Tis then the Saints enjoy their full perfection.* Mr. Symson also poured forth his elegiac strains upon the fate of the widowed bridegroom, on which subject, after a long and querulous effusion, the poet arrives at the sound conclusion, that if Baldoon had walked on foot, which it seems was his general custom, he would have escaped perishing by a fall from horse- back. As the work in which it occurs is so scarce as almost to be ford, had found means to be secreted, in the nuptial chamber, and that the wound of the bridegroom. Sir David Dunbar of Baldoon, was inflicted by kutherford s hand.— J. G. LoCKiiART.] * This elegy is reprinted in the apj^endix to a topographical work by the same author, entitled A Large Description of Galloway, by Andrew Symson, Minister of Kirkinner (1684), 8vo ; W. and C. 'I'ait, I'.dinburgh, 1823. The reverend gentleman's elegies are bound up with the Tripatriarchicon (1705) ^ religious poem from the Biblicial History, by the same author. INTRODUCTION TO THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. ix unique, and as it gives us the most full account of one of the ac- tors in this tragic tale which we have rehearsed, we will, at the risk of being tedious, insert some short specimens of Mr. Sym- son's composition. It is entitled — " A funeral Elegie, occasioned by the sad and much lamented death of that worthily respected and very much accomplished gentleman, David Dunbar, younger of Baldoon, only son and ap- parent heir to the right woi'shipful Sir David Dunbar of baldoon, Knight Baronet. He departed this life on March 28, 1682, having received a bruise by a fall, as he was riding the day preceding betwixt Leith and Holy-Rood-Housc ; and was honorably interred in the Abbey church of Holy-Rood-House, on April 4, 1682." Men might, and very justly too, conclude Me guilty of the worst ingratitude. Should I be silent, or should I forbear At this sad accident to shed a tear ; A tear 1 said I ? ah ! that's a petit thing, A very lean, slight, slender offering. Too mean, I'm sure, for me, wherewith t'attend The unexpected funeral of my friend — A glass of briny tears charged up to th' brim Would be too few for me to shed for him. The poet proceeds to state his intimacy with the deceased, and the constancy of the young man's attendance on public worship, which was regular, and had such effect upon two or three others that were influenced by his example, So that my Muse 'gainst Priscian avers, He, only he, were my parishioners ; Yea, and my only hearers. He then describes the deceased in person and manners, from which it appears that more accomplishments were expected in the composition of a fine gentleman in ancient than modern times : — His body, though not very large or tall. Was sprightly, active, yea, and strong withal. His constitution was, if riglu I've guessed. Blood mixt with choler, said to be the best. In's gesture, converse, speech, discourse, attire, He practis'd that which wise men still admire. Commend, and recommend. What's that ? you'll say; 'Tis this : He ever choos'd the middle way 'Twixt both th' extremes. Almost in ev'ry thing He did the like, 'tis worth our noticing : Sparing, yet not a niggard ; liberal, And yet not lavish or a prodigal. As knowing when to spend and when to spare ; And that's a lesson which not many are Acquainted with. He bashful was, yet daring When he saw cause, and yet therein hut sparing ; Familiar, yet not common, for he knew To condes'-end, and keep his distance ton. He us'd, and that most commonly, to go On foot ; I wish that he had still done so. X INTRODUCTION TO THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. Th' affairs of court were unto him well known, And yet meanwhile he slighted not his own ; He knew full well how to behave at court, And yet but seldonie did thereto resort ; But lov'd the country life, choos'd to inure Himself to past'rage and agriculture: Proving, improving, ditching, trenching, draining, Viewing, reviewing, and by those means gaining : Planting, transplanting, levelling, erecting Walls, chambiirs, houses, terraces ; projecting Now this, now that device, this draught, that measure, That might advanc e his profit with his pleasure. Quick in his bargains, honest in commerce. Just in his dealings, being much averse From quirks of law, still ready to refer His cause t' an honest country arbiter. He was acquainted with cosmography, Arithmetic, and modern history ; With architecture and such arts as these, Which I may call specifick sciences Fit for a gentleman ; and surely he That knows them not, at least in some degree, May brook the title, but he wants the thing. Is but a shadow scarce worth noticing. He learned the French, be't spoken to his praise, In very little more than fourty days. Then conies the full burst of woe, in which, instead of saying much himself, the poet informs us what the ancients would have said on such an occasion : A heathen poet, at the news, no doubt, Would have exclaimed, and furiously cry'd out Against the fates, the destinies, and Starrs, What ! this the effect of planetarie warrs ! We might have seen him rage ;ind rave, yea worse, 'Tis very like we might have heard him curse The year, the month, the day, the hour, the place, The company, the wager, and the race ; Decry all recreations with the names Of Isthmian, Pythian, and C)lympic games ; Exclaim against them all, both old and new, Both the Nemajan and the Lethasan too: Adjudge all persons under highest pain Always to walk on foot, and then again, Order all horses to be hough'd, that we Might never more the like adventure see. Supposing our readers have had enough of Mr. Symson's verses, and finding nothing more in his poem worthy of transcription, we return to the tragic story. It is needless to point out to the intelligent reader that the witchcraft of the mother consisted only in the ascendency of a powerful mind over a weak and melancholy one, and that the harshness with which she exercised her superiority in a case of delicacy had driven her daughter first to despair, then to frenzy. Accordingly, the author has endeavored to explain the tragic tale on this principle. Whatever resemblance Lady Ashton may be INTRODUCTION TO THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. xi supposed to possess to the celebrated Dame Margaret Ross, the reader must not suppose that there was any idea of tracing the portrait of the first Lord Viscount Stair in the tricky and mean- spirited Sir Wilham Ashton. Lord Stair, whatever might be his moral qualities, was certainly one of the first statesmen and law- yers of his age. The imaginary castle of Wolf's Crag has been idestified by some lover of locality with that of Fast Castle. The author is not competent to judge of the resemblance betwixt the real and im- aginary scene, having never seen Fast Castle except from the sea. Butfortaliccs of this description are found occupying, like ospreys' nests, projecting rocks or promontories, in many parts of the east- ern coast of Scotland, and the position of Fast Castle seems cer- tainly to resemble that of Wolf's Crag as much as any other, while its vicinity to the mountain ridge of Lammermoor renders the assimilation a probable one. We have only to add, that the death of the unfortunate bride- groom, by a fall from horseback, has been in the novel trans- ferred to the no less unfortunate lover.* * [Note B. Illness of the Author, and dictation of the Novel.] PRELIMINARY. By catik and keel to win your bread, Wi' whigmaleeries for them wha need, Whilk is a gentle trade indeed To carry the gaberlunzieon. Old Song. Few have been in my secret while I was compiling these nar- ratives, nor is it probable that they will ever become public during the life of their author. Even were that event to happen, I am not ambitious of the honored distinction, digito monstrari. I confess that, were it safe to cherish such dreams at all, I should more enjoy the thought of remaining behind the curtain unseen, like the ingenious manager of Punch and his wife Joan, and enjoying the astonishment and conjectures of my audience. Then might I, perchance, hear the productions of the obscure Peter Pattieson praised by the judicious, and admired by the feeling, engrossing the young, and attracting even the old ; while the critic traced their fame up to some name of literary celebrity, and the question when and by whom these tales were written filled up the pause of conversation in a hundred circles and coteries. This I may never enjoy during my lifetime ; but further than this, I am cer- tain, my vanity should never induce me to aspire. I am too stubborn in habits and too little polished in manners to envy or aspire to the honors assigned to my literary contempo- raries. I could not think a whit more highly of myself were I even found worthy to "come in place as a lion" for a winter in the great metropolis. I could not rise, turn round, and show all my honors, from the shaggy mane to the tufted tail, roar you an 'twere any nightingale, and so lie down again like a well-behaved beast of show, and all at the cheap and easy rate of a cup of coffee, and a slice of bread and butter as thin as a wafer. And I could ill stomach the fulsome flattery with which the lady of the evening indulges her show monsters on such occasions, as she crams her parrots with sugar-plums, in order to make them talk before company. I cannot be tempted to " come aloft" for these marks of distinction, and, like imprisoned Samson, I would rather remain — if such must be the alternative — all my life in the mill house, grinding for my very bread, than be brought forth to make sport for the Philistine lords and ladies! This proceeds from no dislike, real or affected, to the aristocracy of these realms. But they have their nlace, and I have mine ; and, like the iron and earthen vessels in the old fable, we can scarce come into collision INTRODUCTION TO THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. xiii without my being the sufferer in every sense. It may be other- wise with the sheets which I am now writing. These may Idc opened and laid aside at pleasure ; by amusing themselves with the perusal, the great will excite no false hopes ; by neglecting or condemning them, they will inflict no pain ; and how seldom can they converse with those whose minds have toiled for their de- light, without doing either the one or the other. In the better and wiser tone of feeling, which Ovid only ex- presses in one line to retract in that which follows, I can addi^ess these quires — Parve, nee invideo, sine me, liber, ibis in urbem. Nor do I join the regret of the illustrious exile, that he himself could not in person accompany the volume which he sent forth to the mart of literature, pleasure, and luxury. Were there not a hundred similar instances on record, the fate of my poor friend and school-fellow, Dick Tinto, would be sufficient to warn me against seeking happiness in the celebrity which attaches itself to a successful cultivator of the fine arts. Dick Tinto, when he wrote himself artist, was wont to derive his origin from the ancient family of Tinto of that ilk, in Lanark- shire, and occasionally hinted that he had somewhat derogated from his gentle blood, in using the pencil for his principal means of support. But if Dick's pedigree was correct, some of his an- cestors must have suffered a more heavy declension, since the good man his father executed the necessary, and, I trust, the honest but certainly not very distinguished, employment of tailor in ordinary to the village of Langdirdum in the west. Under his humble roof was Richard born, and to his father's humble tr.-^de was Richard, greatly contrary to his inclination, early indentured. Old Mr. Tinto had, however, no reason to congratulate himself upon having compelled the youthful genius of his son to forsake its natural bent. He fared like the schoolboy who attempts to stop with his finger the spout of a water cistern, while the stream, exasperated at this compression, escapes by a thousand uncalcu- lated spirts, and wets him all over for his pains. Even so fared the senior Tinto, when his hopeful apprentice not only exhausted all the chalk in making sketches upon the shop-board, but even executed several caricatures of his father's best customers, who began loudly to murmur that it was too hard to have their per- sons deformed by the vestments of the father, and to be at the same time turned into ridicule by the pencil of the son. This led to discredit and loss of practice, until the old tailor, yielding to destiny and to the entreaties of his son, permitted him to attempt his fortune in a line for which he was better qualified. There was about this time, in the village of Langdirdum, a per- ipatetic brother of the brush, who exercised his vocation S2ib Jo7>c frigido, the object of admiration to all the boys of the village, but especially to Dick Tinto. The age had not yet adopted, amongst Other unworthy retrenchments, that illiberal measure of economy xiv INTR OD UCTIOX 7 V THE BKWE OF LA MMERMO OR. which, supplying by written characters the lack of symbolical rep- resentation, closes one open and easy accessible avenue of in- struction and emolument against the students of the fine arts. It was not yet permitted to write upon the plastered door-way of an alehouse or the suspended sign of an inn, "The Old Magpie," or " The Saracen's Head," substituting that cold description for the lively effigies of the plumed chatterer or the turban'd frown of the terrific soldan. That early and more simple age considered alike the necessities of all ranks, and depicted the symbols of good cheer so as to be obvious to all capacities ; well judging that a man who could not read a syllable might nevertheless love a pot of good ale as well as his better-educated neighbors, or even as the parson himself. Acting upon this liberal principle, publicans as yet hung forth the painted emblems of their calling, and sign- painters, if they seldom feasted, did not at least absolutely starve. To a worthy of this decayed profession, as we have already in- timated, Dick Tinto became an assistant ; and thus, as is not unusual among heaven-born geniuses in this department of the fine arts, began to paint before he had any notion of drawing. His talent for observing nature soon induced him to rectify the errors and soar above the instructions of his teacher. He particu- larly shone in painting horses, that being a favorite sign in the Scottish villages ; and, in tracing his progress, it is beautiful to ob- serve how, by degrees, he learned to shorten the backs and pro- long the legs of these noble animals, until they came to look less like crocodiles, and more like nags. Detraction, which always pursues merit with strides proportioned to its advancement, has indeed alleged that Dick once upon a time painted a horse with five legs, instead of four. I might have rested his defence upon the license allowed to that branch of his profession, which, as it permits all sorts of singular and irregular combinations, may be allowed to extend itself so far as to bestow a limb supernumerary on a favorite subject. But the cause of a deceased friend is sacred ; and I disdain to bottom it so superficially. I have visited the sign in question, which yet swings exalted in the village of Langdirdum ; and I am ready to depone upon oath, that what has been idly mis- taken or misrepresented as being the fifth leg of the horse is, in fact, the tail of that quadruped, and, considered with reference to the posture in which he is delineated, forms a circumstance in- troduced and managed with great and successful, though daring, art. The nag Ijcing represented in a rampant or rearing posture, the tail, which is prolonged till it touches the ground, appears to form a point (Vappui, and gives the firmness of a tripod to the figure, without which it would be difficult to conceive, placed as the feet are, how the courser could maintain his ground without tumljling backward. This bold conception has fortunately fallen into the custody of one by whom it is duly valued ; for, when Dick, in his more advanced state of proficiency, became dubious of the propriety of so daring a deviation from the established rules of art, and was desirous to execute a picture of the publican himself in exchange for this juvenile production, the courteous offer was de- INTRODUCTION TO THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. xv clined by his judicious employer, who had observed, it seems, that when his ale failed to do its duty in conciliating his guests, one glance at his sign was sure to put them in good humor. It would be foreign to my present purpose to trace the steps by which Dick Tinto improved his touch, and corrected, by the rules of art, the luxuriance of a fevered imagination. The scales fell from his eyes on viewing the sketches of a contemporary, the Scottish Teniers, as Wilkie has been deservedly styled. He threw down the brush, took up the crayons, and, amid hunger and toil and suspense and uncertainty, pursued the path of his profession under better auspices than those of his original master. Still the first rude emanations of his genius (like the nursery rhymes of Pope, could these be recovered) will be dear to the companions of Dick Tinto's youth. There is a tankard and gridiron painted over the door of an obscure change-house in the Back-wynd of Gander- cleugh — but I feel I must tear myself from the subject, or dwell on it too long. Amid his wants and struggles, Dick Tinto had recourse, like his brethren, to levying that tax upon the vanity of mankind which he could not extract from their taste and liberality— in a word, he painted portraits. It was in this more advanced state of profi- ciency, when Dick had soared above his original line of business, and highly disdained any allusion to it, that, after having been estranged for several years, we again met in the village of Gan- dercleugh, I holding my present situation, and Dick painting copies of the human face divine at a guinea a head. This was a small premium, yet, in the first burst of business, it more than sufficed for all Dick's moderate wants ; so that he occupied an apartment at the Wallace Inn, cracked his jest with impunity even upon mine host himself, and lived in respect and observance with the chambermaid, hostler, and waiter. Those halcyon days were too serene to last long. When his honor the Laird of Gandcrcleugh, with his wife and three daugh- ters, the minister, the gauger, mine esteemed patron Mr. Jedediah Cleishbotham, and some round dozen of the feuars and farmers, had been consigned to immortality by Tinto's brush, custom be- gan to slacken, and it was impossible to wring more than crowns and half crowns from the hard hands of the peasants whose ambi- tion led them to Dick's painting room. Still, though the horizon was overclouded, no storm for some time ensued. Mine host had Christian faith with a lodger who had been a good paymaster as long as he had the means. And from a portrait of our landlord himself, grouped with his wife and daughters, in the style of Rubens, which suddenly appeared in the best parlor, it was evident that Dick had found some mode of bar- tering art for the necessaries of life. Nothing, however, is more precarious than resources of this nature. It was observed that Dick became in his turn the whet- stone of mine host's wit, without venturing either at defence or retaliation; that his easel was transferred to a garret-room, in which there was scarce space for it to stand upright ; and that he xvi INTRODUCTION TO THE BRIDE OF lAMMERMOOR. no longer ventured to join the weekly club, of which he had been once the life and soul. In short, Dick Tinto's friends feared that he had acted like the animal called the sloth, which, having eaten up the last green leaf upon the tree where it had established itself, ends by tumbling down from the top, and dying of inanition. I ventured to hint this to Dick, recommended his transferring the exercise of his inestimable talent to some other sphere, and for- saking the common which he might be said to have eaten bare. " There is an obstacle to my change of residence," said my friend, grasping my hand with a look of solemnity. "A bill due to my landlord, I am afraid?" replied I, with heartfelt sympathy ; " if any part of my slender means can assist in this emergency " *' No, by the soul of Sir Joshua ! " answered the generous youth, " I will never involve a friend in the consequences of my own misfortune. There is a mode by which I can regain my lib- erty ; and to creep even through a common sewer is better than to remain in prison." I did not perfectly understand what my friend meant. The muse of painting appeared to have failed him, and what other goddess he could invoke in his distress was a mystery to me. We parted, however, without further explanation, and I did not again see him until three days after, when he summoned me to partake of xSxQfoy with which his landlord proposed to regale him ere his departure for Edinburgh. I found Dick in high spirits, whistling while he buckled the small knapsack which contained his colors, brushes, palettes, and clean shirt. That he parted on the best terms with mine host was obvious from the cold beef set forth in the low parlor, flanked by two mugs of admirable brown stout ; and I own my curiosity was excited concerning the means through which the face of my friend's affairs had been so suddenly improved. I did not suspect Dick of dealing with the devil, and by what earthly means he had extricated himself thus happily I was at a total loss to conjecture. He perceived my curiosity, and took me by the hand. "My friend," he said, "fain would I conceal, even from you, the degra- dation to which it has been necessary to submit in order to ac- complish an honorable retreat from Gandcrclcugh. But what avails attempting to conceal that which must needs betray itself even by its superior excellence ? All the village — all tlic parish — all the world — will soon discover to what poverty has reduced Richard Tinto." A sudden thought here struck me — I had observed that our landlord wore, on that memorable morning, a pair of bran new velveteens, instead of his ancient thicksets. " What," said I, drawing my right hand, with the forefinger and thumb pressed together, nimbly from my right haunch to my left shoulder, " you have condescended to resume the paternal arts to which you were first bred — long stitches, ha, Dick ? " He repelled this unlucky conjecture with a frown and a pshaw, indicative of indignant contempt, and, leading me into another INTRODUCTION TO THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. xvii room, showed me, resting against the wall, the majestic head of Sir VVillam Wallace, given as when severed from the trunk by the orders of the felon Edward. The painting was executed on boards of a substantial thickness, and the top decorated with irons, for suspending the honored effigy upon a sign-post. "There," he said, " my friend, stands the honor of Scotland, and my shame — yet not so — rather the shame of those who, in- stead of encouraging art in its proper sphere, reduce it to these unbecoming and unworthy extremities." I endeavored to smooth the ruffled feelings of my misused and indignant friend. I reminded him that he ought not, like the stag in the fable, to despise the quality which had extricated him from difficulties in which his talents as a portrait or landscape painter had been found unavailing. Above all, I praised the execution, as well as conception, of his painting, and reminded him that, far from feeling dishonored by so superb a specimen of his talents being exposed to the general view of the public, he ought rather to congratulate himself upon the augmentation of his celebrity to which its public exhibition must necessarily give rise. " You are right, my friend — you are right," replied poor Dick, his eye kindling with enthusiasm ; " why should I shun the name of an — an" — (he hesitated for a phrase) — " an out-of-door artist? Hogarth has introduced himself in that character in one of his best engravings — Domenichino, or somebody else, in ancient times— Morland in our own, have exercised their talents in this manner. And wherefore limit to the rich and higher classes alone the delight v.hich the exhibition of works of art is calculated to inspire into all classes ? Statues are placed in the open air ; why should Painting be more niggardly in displaying her master- pieces than her sister. Sculpture ? And yet, my friend, we must part suddenly : the carpenter is coming in an hour to put up the — the emblem ; and truly, with all my philosophy, and your con- solatory encouragement to boot, I would rather wish to leave Gandercleugh before that operation commences." We partook of our genial host's parting banquet, and I escorted Dick on his walk to Edinburgh. We parted about a mile from the village, just as we heard the distant cheer of the boys which ac- companied the mounting of the new symbol of the Wallace Head. Dick Tinto mended his pace to get out of hearing — so little had either early practice or recent philosophy reconciled him to the character of a sign-painter. " In Edinburgh, Dick's talents were discovered and appreci- ated, and he received dinners and hints from several distin- guished judges of the fine arts. But these gentlemen dispensed (their criticism more willingly than their cash, and Dick thought he /needed cash more than criticism. He therefore sought London, f the universal mart of talent, and where, as is usual in general marts of most descriptions, much more of each community is ex- posed to sale than can ever find purchasers. Dick, who, in seriops earnest, was supposed to have considi- xviii INTRODUCTIOX TO THE BRIDE OE LAMMERMOOR. crable natural talents for his profession, and whose vain and san- guine disposition never permitted him to doubt for a moment of ultimate success, threw himself headlong into the crowd which jostled and struggled for notice and preferment. He elbowed others, and was elbowed himself ; and finally, by dint of intre- pidity, fought his way into some notice, painted for the prize at the Institution, had pictures at the exhibition at Somerset House, and damned the hanging committee. But poor Dick was doomed to lose the field he fought so gallantly. In the fine arts, there is scarce an alternative betwixt distinguished success and absolute failure ; and as Dick's zeal and industry were unable to ensure the first, he fell into the distresses which, in his condition, were the natural consequences of the latter alternative. He was for a time patronized by one or two of those judicious persons who make a virtue of being singular, and of pitching their own opinions against those of the world in matters of taste and criticism. But they soon tired of poor Tinto, and laid him down as a load, upon the principle on which a spoiled child throws away its plaything. Mis- ery, I fear, took him up, and accompanied him to a premature grave, to which he was carried from an obscure lodging in Swallow Street, where he had been dunned by his landlady within doors, and watched by bailiffs without, until death came to his relief. A corner of the Morning Post noticed his death, generously adding that his manner displayed considerable genius, though his style was rather sketchy ; and referred to an advertisement which an- nounced that Mr. Varnish, a well-known printsellcr, had still on hand a very few drawings and paintings by Richard Tinto, Es- quire, which those of the nobility and gentry who wished to complete their collections of modern art were invited to visit without delay. So ended Dick Tinto ! a lamentable proof of the great truth, that in the fine arte mediocrity is not permitted, and that he who can- not ascend to the very tojj of the ladder will do well not to put his foot upon it at all. The memory of Tinto is dear to me, from the recollections of the many conversations which we have had together, most of them turning upon my present task. He was delighted with my prog- ress, and talked of an ornamented and illustrated edition, with heads, vignettes, and ctils de lampe, all to be designed by his own patriotic and friendly pencil. He prevailed upon an old sergeant of invalids to sit to him in the character of Bothwell, the life- guards-man of Charles the Second, and the bellman of Gander- cleugh in that of David Deans. But while he thus proposed to unite his own powers with mine for the illustration of these nar- ratives, he mixed many a dose of salutary criticism with the panegyrics which my composition was at times so fortunate as to call forth. *' Your characters," he said, " my dear Pattieson, make too much use of the gob box j they patter too much — (an elegant phraseology, which Dick had learned while painting the scenes of an itinerant company of players) — there is nothing in whole pages but mere chat and dialogue." INTRODUCTION TO THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. xix "The ancient philosopher," said I in reply, " was wont to say, ' Speak, that I may know thee ' ; and how is it possible for an au- thor to introduce \\\?, pcrsoncc dramatis to his readers in a more in- teresting and effectual manner than by the dialogue in which each is represented as supporting his own appropriate character ? " " It is a false conclusion," said Tinto ; " I hate it, Peter, as I hate an unfilled can. I will grant you, indeed, that speech is a faculty of some value in the intercourse of human affairs, and I will not even insist on the doctrine of that Pythagorean toper who was of opinion that, over a bottle, speaking spoiled conversation. But I will not allow that a professor of the fine arts had occasion to embody the idea of his scene in language, in order to impress upon the reader its reality and its effect. On the contrary, I will be judged by most of your readers, Peter, should these tales ever become public, whether you have not given us a page of talk for every single idea which two words might have communicated, while the posture, and manner, and incident, accurately drawn and brought out by appropriate coloring, would have preserved all that was worthy of preservation, and saved these everlasting said he's and said she's with which it has been your pleasure to encumber your pages." I replied, "That he confounded the operations of the pencil and the pen ; that the serene and silent art, as painting has been called by one of our first living poets, necessarily appealed to the eye, because it had not the organs for addressing the ear ; whereas poetry, or that species of composition which approached to it, lay under the necessity of doing absolutely the reverse, and ad- dressed itself to the ear, for the purpose of exciting that interest which it could not attain through the medium of the eye." Dick was not a whit staggered by my argument, which he con- tended was founded on misrepresentation. " Description," he said, " was to the author of a romance exactly what drawing and tinting were to a painter ; words were his colors, and, if properly employed, they could not fail to place the scene which he wished to conjure up as effectually before the mind's eye as the tablet or canvas presents it to the bodily organ. The same rules," he con- tended, " applied to both, and an exuberance of dialogue, in the former case, was a verbose and laborious mode of composition which went to confound the proper art of fictitious narrative with that of the drama, a widely different species of composition, of which dialogue was the very essence, because all, excepting the language to be made use of, was presented to the eye by tlie dresses and persons and actions of the performers upon the stage. But as nothing," said Dick, " can be more dull than a long narrative written upon the plan of a drama, so where you have approached most near to that species of composition, by in- dulging in prolonged scenes of mere conversation, the course of your story has become chill and constrained, and you have lost the power of arresting the attention and exciting the imagina- tion, in which upon other occasions you may be considered as hav- ing succeeded tolerably well." XX INTRODUCTION TO THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. I made my bow in requital of the compliment, which was prob' ably thrown in by way oi placebo, and expressed myself willing at least to make one trial of a more straightforward style of composi- tion, in which my actors should do more and say less than in my former attempts of this kind. Dick gave me a patronizing and ap- proving nod, and observed that, finding me so docile, he would communicate, for the benefit of my muse, a subject which he had studied with a view to his own art. " The story," he said, " was by tradition affirmed to be truth, although, as upward of a hundred years had passed away since the events took place, some doubt upon the accuracy of all the partic- ulars might be reasonably entertained." When Dick Tinto had thus spoken, he rummaged his portfolio for the sketch from which he proposed one day to execute a pict- ure of fourteen feet by eight. The sketch, which was cleverly executed, to use the appropriate phrase, represented an ancient hall, fitted up and furnished in what we now call the taste of Queen Elizabeth's age. The light, admitted from the upper part of the high casement, fell upon a female figure of exquisite beauty, who, in an attitude of speechless terror, appeared to watch the issue of a debate betwixt two other persons. The one was a young man, in the Vandyke dress common to the time of Charles 1., who, with an air of indignant pride, testified by the manner in which he raised his head and extended his arm, seemed to be urg- ing a claim of right, rather than of favor, to a lady whose age, and some resemblance in their features, pointed her out as the mother of the younger female, and who appeared to listen with a mixture of displeasure and impatience. Tinto produced his sketch with an air of mysterious triumph, and gazed on it as a fond parent looks upon a hopeful child, while he anticipates the future figure he is to make in the world, and the height to which he will raise the honor of his family. He held it at arm's length from me — he held it closer — he placed it upon the top of a chest of drawers ; closed the lower shutters of the case- ment, to adjust a downward and favorable light ; fell back to the due distance ; dragged me after him ; shaded his face with his hand, as if to exclude all but the favorable object, and ended by spoiling a child's copy-book, which he rolled up so as to serve for the darkened tube of an amateur. I fancy my expressions of enthu- siasm had not been in proportion to his own, for he presently exclaimed, with vehemence, " Mr. Pattieson, I used to think you had an eye in your head." I vindicated my claim to the usual allowance of visual organs. " Yet, on my honor," said Dick, " I would swear you had been born blind, since you have failed at the first glance to discover the subject and meaning of that sketch. I do not mean to praise my own performance, I leave these arts to others ; I am sensible of my deficiencies, conscious that my drawing and coloring may be improved by the time I intend to dedicate to the art. But the conception — the expression — the positions — these tell the story to every one who looks at the sketch ; and if I can finish the picture INTRODUCTION TO THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. xxl without diminution of the original conception, the name of Tinto shall no more be smothered by the mists of envy and intrigue." I replied, "That I admired the sketch exceedingly ; but that, to understand its full merit, I felt it absolutely necessary to be informed of the subject." " That is the very thing I complain of," answered Tinto ; " you have accustomed yourself so much to these creeping twilight de- tails of yours, that you are become incapable of receiving that instant and vivid Hash of conviction which darts on the mind from seeing the happy and expressive combinations of a single scene, and which gather from the position, attitude, and countenance of the moment not only the history of the past lives of the person- ages represented, and the nature of the business on which they are immediately engaged, but lifts even the veil of futurity, and affords a shrewd guess at their future fortunes." " In that case," replied I, " painting excels the Ape of the re- nowned Gines de Passamont, which only meddled with the past and the present ; nay, she excels that very Nature who affords her subjects ; for I protest to you, Dick, that were I permitted to peep into that Elizabeth chamber, and see the persons you have sketched conversing in flesh and blood, I should not be a jot nearer guessing the nature of their business than I am at this mo- ment while looking at your sketch. Only generally, from the languishing look of the young lady, and the care you have taken to present a very handsome leg on the part of the gentleman, I presume there is some reference to a love affair between them." " Do you really presume to form such a bold conjecture ? " said Tinto. " And the indignant earnestness with which you see the man urge his suit — the unresisting and passive despair of the younger female — the stern air of inflexible determination in the elder woman, whose looks express at once consciousness that she is acting wrong, and a firm determination to persist in the course she has adopted " " If her looks express all this, my dear Tinto," replied I, inter- rupting him, "your pencil rivals the dramatic art of Mr. Puff in the Critic, who crammed a whole complicated sentence into the expressive shake of Lord Burleigh's head." " My good friend, Peter," replied Tinto, " I observe you are perfectly incorrigible ; however, I have compassion on your dul- ness, and am unwilling you should be deprived of the pleasure of understanding my picture, and of gaining, at the same time, a subject for your own pen. You must know then, last summer, while I was taking sketches on the coast of East- Lothian and Ber- wickshire, I was seduced into the mountains of Lammermoor by the account I received of some remains of antiquity in that dis- trict. Those with which I was most struck were the ruins of an ancient castle in which that Elizabeth chamber, as you call it, once existed. I resided for two or three days at a farm-house in the neighborhood, where the aged goodwife was well acquainted with the history of the castle, and the events which had taken place in it. One of these was of a nature so interesting and sin- xxii INTRODUCTION TO THE BRIDE OE LAMMERMOOR. gular, that my attention was divided between my wish to draw the old ruins in landscape and to represent, in a history-piece, the singular events which have taken place in it. Here are my notes of the tale," said poor Dick, handing a parcel of loose scraps, partly scratched over with his pencil, partly with his pen, where outlines of caricatures, sketches of turrets, mills, old gables, and dovecots disputed the ground with his written memoranda. I proceeded, however, to decipher the substance of the manu- script as well as I could, and wove it into the following Tale, in which, following in part, though not entirely, my friend Tinto's ad- vice, I endeavored to render my narrative rather descriptive than dramatic. My favorite propensity, however, has at times over- come me, and my persons, like many others in this talking world, speak now and then a great deal more than they act. T90i\AVCRStll0dD-§nALDi ' CQRiDeTi-T?a«j3c-nis SR^LL-BC;Li0S5'F0I\ eve R.© 6 cY€)^sKx. CHAPTER FIRST. Well, lords, we have not got that which we have ; 'Tis not enough our foes are this time fled, Being opposites of such repairing nature. Second Part of Henry VI. In the gorge of a pass or mountain glen, ascending from the fertile plains of EastLothian, there stood in former times an extensive castle, of which only the ruins are now visible. Its ancient proprietors were a race of powerful and warlike barons, who bore the same name with the castle itself, which was Ravenswood. Their line extended to a remote period of anti- quity, and they had intermarried with the Douglases, Humes, Swiutons, Hays, and other families of power and distinction in the same countr)^ Their history was frequently involved in that of Scotland itself, in whose annals their feats are recorded. The castle of Ravenswood, occupying, and in some measure commanding, a pass betwixt Berwickshire, or the Merse, as the south-eastern province of Scotland is termed, and the Lothians, was of importance both in time of foreign war and domestic discord. It was frequently besieged with ardor, and defended with obstinacy, and, of course, its owners played a conspicuous part in story. But their house had its revolutions, like all sublunary things ; it became greatly declined from its splendor about the middle of the seventeenth century ; and toward the period of the Revolution, the last proprietor of Ravenswood Castle saw himself compelled to part with the ancient family seat, and to remove himself to a lonely and sea-beaten tower, J THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOK. which, situated on the bleak shores between Saint Abb's Head and the village of Eyemouth, looked out on the lonely and boisterous German Ocean. A black domain of wild pasture- land surrounded their new residence, and formed the remains of their property. Lord Ravenswood, the heir of this ruined family, was far from bending his mind to his new condition of life. In the civil war of i68g, he had espoused the sinking side, and although he had escaped without the forfeiture of life or land, his blood had been attainted, and his title abolished. He was now called Lord Ravenswood only in courtesy. This forfeited nobleman inherited the pride and turbulence, though not the fortune of his house, and, as he imputed the final declension of his family to a particular individual, he honored that person with his full portion of hatred. This was the very man who had now become, by purchase, proprietor of Ravenswood, and the domains of which the heir of the house now stood dispossessed. He was descended of a family much less ancient than that of Lord Ravenswood, and which had only risen to wealth and political importance during the great civil wars. He himself had been bred to the bar, and had held high offices in the state, maintaining through life the character of a skilful fisher in the troubled waters of a state divided by fac- tions, and governed by delegated authority ; and of one who contrived to amass considerable sums of money in a country wbere there was but little to be gathered, and who equally knew the value of wealth, and the various means of augment- ing it, and using it as an engine of increasing his power and influence. Thus qualified and gifted, he was a dangerous antagonist to the fierce and imprudent Ravenswood. Whether he had given him good cause for the enmity with which the Baron regarded him, was a point on which men spoke differently. Some said the quarrel arose merely from the vindictive spirit and envy of Lord Ravenswood, who could not patiently behold another, though by just and fair purchase, become the proprietor of the estate and castle of his forefathers. But the greater part of the public, prone to slander the wealthy in their absence, as to flatter them in their presence, held a less charitable opinion. They said, that the Lord Keeper (for to this height Sir William Ashton had ascended) had, previous to the final purchase of the estate of Ravenswood, been concerned in extensive pecu- niary transactions with the former proprietor ; and, rather inti- mating what was probable, than affirming anything positively, they asked whicii party was likely to have the advantage in THE BRTDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 3 Stating and enforcing the claims arising out of these compli- cated affairs, and more than hinted the advantages which the cool lawyer and able politician must necessarily possess over the hot, fiery, and imprudent character, whom he had involved in legal toils and pecuniary snares. The character of the times aggravated these suspicions, y^ ,i " In those days there was no king in Israel." Since the Aq.-\^^'' parture of James VI. to assume the richer and more powerful crown of England, there had existed in Scotland contending parties, formed among the aristocracy, by whom, as their in- trigues at the court of Saint James's chanced to prevail, the delegated powers of sovereignty were alternately swayed. The evils attending upon this system of government resembled those which afflict the tenants of an Irish estate, the property of an absentee. There was no supreme power, claiming and possessing a general interest with the community at large, to whom the oppressed might appeal from subordinate tyranny, either for justice or for mercy. Let a monarch be as indolent, as selfish, as much disposed to arbitrary power as he will, still, in a free country, his own interests are so clearly connected with those of the public at large, and the evil consequences to his own authority are so obvious and imminent when a different course is pursued, that common policy, as well as common feeling, point to the equal distribution of justice, and to the establishment of the throne in righteousness. Thus, even sovereigns, remarkable for usurpation and tyranny, have been found rigorous in the administration of justice among their subjects, in cases where their own power and passions were not compromised. It is very different when the powers of sovereignty are del- egated to the head of an aristocratic faction, rivaled and pressed closely in the race of ambition by an adverse leader. His brief and precarious enjoyment of power must be employed in rewarding his partisans, in extending his influence, in op- pressing and crushing his adversaries. Even Abon Hassan, the most disinterested of all viceroys, forgot not during his caliphate of one day, to send a douceur of one thousand pieces of gold to his own household ; and the Scottish viceregents, raised to power by the strength of their faction, fa.iled not to embrace the same means of rewarding them. The administration of justice, in particular, was infected by the most gross partiality. A case of importance scarcely oc- curred, in which there was not some ground for bias or par- tiality on the part of the judges, who were so little able to . withstand the temptation, that the adage, " Show me the man, I Ct^( ^ THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. and I will show you the law," became as prevalent as it wag scandalous. One corruption led the way to others still more gross and profligate. The judge who lent his sacred authority in one case to support a friend, and in another to crush an enemy, and whose decisions were founded on family connections or political relations, could not be supposed inaccessible to direct personal motives ; and the purse of the wealthy was too often believed to be thrown into the scale to weigh down the cause of the poor litigant. The subordinate officers of the law affected little scruple concerning bribery. Pieces of plate, and bags of money, were sent in presents to the king's counsel, to influence their conduct, and poured forth, says a contempo- rary writer, like billets of wood upon their floors, without even the decency of concealment. In such times, it was not over uncharitable to suppose, that the statesman, practised in courts of law, and a powerful mem- ber of a triumphant cabal, might find and use means of advan- tage over his less skilful and less favored adversary ; and if it had been supposed that Sir William Ashton's conscience had been too delicate to profit by these advantages, it was believed that his ambition and desire of extending his wealth and con- sequence, found as strong a stimulus in the exhortations of his lady, as the daring aim of Macbeth in the days of yore. Lady Ashton was of a family more distinguished than that of her lord, an advantage which she did not fail to use to the uttermost, in maintaining and extending her husband's influ- ence over otliers, and, unless she was greatly belied, her own over him. She had been beautiful, and was stately and majes- tic in her appearance. P^ndowed by nature with strong powers and violent passions, experience had taught her to employ the one, and to conceal, if not to moderate, the other. She was a severe and strict observer of the external forms,, at least, of devotion ; her hospitality was splendid even to ostentation ; her address and manners, agreeable to the pattern most valued in Scotland at the period, were grave, dignified, and severely regu- lated by the rules of etiquette. Her character had always been beyond the breath of slander. And yet, with all these qualities to excite respect, Lady Ashton was seldom mentioned in the terms of love or affection. Interest, — the interest of her family, if not her own, — seemed too obviously the motive of her ac tions ; and where this is the case, the sharp-judging and malig- nant public are not easily imposed upon by outward show. It was seen and ascertained, that, in her most graceful courtesies and compliments. Lady Ashton no more lost sight of her object, than the falcon in his airy wheel turns his quick eyes from his THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. ^ destined quarry ; and hence, something of doubt and suspicion qualified the feelings with which her equals received her atten- tions. With her inferiors these feelings were mingled with fear ; an impression useful to her purposes, so far as it enforced ready compliance with her requests, and implicit obedience to her commands, but detrimental, because it cannot exist with affec' tion or regard. Even her husband, it is said, upon whose fortunes her tal- ents and address had produced such emphatic influence, regarded her with respectful awe rather than confiding attach- ment ; and report said, there were times when he considered his grandeur as dearly purchased at the expense of domestic thraldom. Of this, however much might be suspected, but little could be accurately known ; Lady Ashton regarded the honor of her husband as her own, and was well aware how much that would suffer in the public eye should he appear a vassal to his wife. In all her arguments, his opinion was quoted as infallible ; his taste was appealed to, and his senti- ments received, with the air of deference which a dutiful wife might seem to owe to a husband of Sir William Ashton's rank and character. But there was something under all this which rung false and hollow ; and to those who watched this couple with close, and perhaps malicious scrutiny, it seemed evident, that, in the haughtiness of a firmer character, higher birth, and more decided views of aggrandizement, the lady looked with some contempt on the husband, and that he regarded her with jealous fear, rather than with love or admiration. Still, however, the leading and favorite interests of Sir William Ashton and his lady were the same, and they failed not to work in concert, although without cordiality, and to testify, in all exterior circumstances, that respect for each other, which they were aware was necessary to secure that of the public. Their union was crowned with several children, of whom three survived. One, the eldest son, was absent on his travels ; the second, a girl of seventeen, and the third, a boy about three years younger, resided with their parents in Edinburgh, during the sessions of the Scottish Parliament and Privy Council, at other times in the old Gothic castle of Ravens wood, to which the Lord Keeper had made large additions in the style of the seventeenth century. Allan Lord Ravenswood, the late proprietor of that ancient mansion and the large estate annexed to it, con- tinued for some time to wage ineffectual war with his suc- cessor concerning various points to which their former 6 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. transactions had given rise, and which were successivel]f determined in favor of the weahhy and powerful com- petitor, until death closed the litigation, by summoning Ravenswood to a higher bar. The thread of life, which had been long wasting, gave way during a fit of violent and impotent fury, with which he was assailed on receiving the news of the loss of a cause, founded, perhaps, rather in equity than in law, the last which he had maintained against his powerful antagonist. His son witnessed his dying agonies, and heard the curses which he breathed against his adversary, as if they had conveyed to hirn a legacy of vengeance. Other circumstances happened to exasperate a passion, which was, and had long been, a prevalent vice in the Scottish disposition. It was a November morning, and the cliffs which overlooked the ocean were hung with thick and heavy mist, when the portals of the ancient and half-ruinous tower, in which Lord Ravenswood had spent the last and troubled years of his life, opened, that his mortal remains might pass forward to an abode yet more dreary and lonely. The pomp of attendance, to which the deceased had, in his latter years, been a stranger, was revived as he was about to be consigned to the realms of forgetfulness. Banner after banner, with the various devices and coats at this ancient family and its connections, followed each other in mournful procession from under the low-browed archway of the courtyard. The principal gentry of the country attended in the deepest mourning, and tempered the pace of their long train of horses to the solemn march befitting the occasion. Trumpets, with banners of crape attached to them, sent forth their long and melancholy notes to regulate the movements of the procession. An immense train of inferior mourners and inenials closed the rear, which had not yet issued from the castle-gate, when the van had reached the chapel where the body was to be deposited. Contrary to the custom, and even to the law of the time, the body was met by a priest of the Scottish Episcopal communion, arrayed in his surplice, and prepared to read over the coffin ot the deceased the funeral service of the church. Such had been the desire of Lord Ravenswood in his last illness, and it was readily complied with by the Tory gentlemen, or cavaliers, as they affected to style themselves, in which faction most of his kinsmen were enrolled. The Presbyterian church-judicatory of the bounds, considering the ceremony as a bravading insult upon their authority, had applied to the Lord Keeper, as the , nearest privy councillor, for a warrant to prevent its being THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. ^^- -j carried into effect; so that, when the clergyman had opened his prayer-book, an officer of the law, supported by some armed men, commanded him to be silent. An insult, which fired the whole assembly with indignation, was particularly and instantly resented by the only son of the deceased, Edgar, popularly called the Master of Ravenswood, a youth of about twenty years of age. He clapped his hand on his sword, and bidding the official person to desist at his peril from further interruption, commanded the clergyman to proceed. The man attempted to enforce his commission, but as a hundred swords at once glittered in the air, he contented himself with protesting against the violence which had been offered to him in the execution of his duty, and stood aloof, a sullen and moody spectator of the ceremonial, muttering as one who should say, " You'll rue the day that clogs me with this answer." The scene was worthy of an artist's pencil. Under the very arch of the house of death, the clergyman, affrighted at the scene, and trembling for his own safety, hastily and unwillingly rehearsed the solemn service of the church, and spoke dust to dust, and ashes to ashes, over ruined pride and decayed pros- perity. Around stood the relations of the deceased, their coun- tenances more in anger than in sorrow, and the drawn swords which they brandished forming a violent contrast with their deep mourning habits. In the countenance of the young man alone, resentment seemed for the moment overpowered by the deep agony with which he beheld his nearest and almost his only friend, consigned to the tomb of his ancestry. A relative observed him turn deadly pale, when, all rites being now duly observed, it became the duty of the chief mourner to lower down into the charnel vault, where mouldering coffins showed their tattered velvet and decayed plating, the head of the corpse which was to be their partner in corruption. He stepped to the youth and offered his assistance, which, by a mute motion, Edgar Ravenswood rejected. Firmly and without a tear, he performed that last duty. The stone was laid on the sepulchre, the door of the aisle was locked, and the youth took possession of its massive key. As the crowd left the chapel, he paused on the steps which led to its Gothic chancel, " Gentlemen and friends," he said. " you have this day done no common duty to the body of your deceased kinsman. The rites of due observance, which, in other countries, are allowed as the due of the meanest Christian, would this day have been denied to the body of your relp'cive— not certainly sprung of the meanest house fn Scotland — had ii not been assured to him by your courage. Others bury their 8 THE B KID It OF LAMMERMOOR. dead in sorrow and tears, in silence and in reverence ; our funeral rites are marred by the intrusion of bailiffs and ruffians, and our grief — the grief due to our departed friend — is chased from our cheeks by the glow of just indignation. But it is well that I know from what quiver this arrow has come forth. It was only he that dug the grave who could have the mean cruelty to disturb the obsequies ; and Heaven do as much to me and more, if I requite not to this man and his house the ruin and disgrace he has brought on me and mine ! " A numerous part of the assembly applauded this speech, as the spirited expression of just resentment ; but the more cool and judicious regretted that it had been uttered. The fortunes of the heir of Ravenswood were too low to brave the further hostility which they imagined these open expressions of resent- ment must necessarily provoke. Their apprehensions, how- ever, proved groundless, at least in the immediate consequences of this affair. The mourners returned to the tower, there, according to a custom but recently abolished in Scotland, to carouse deep healths to the memory of the deceased, to make the house of sorrow ring with sounds of joviality and debauch, and to dimin- ish, by the expense of a large and profuse entertainment, the limited revenues of the heir of him whose funeral they thus strangely honored. It was the custom, however, and on the present occasion it was fully observed. The tables swam in wine, the populace feasted in the courtyard, the yeomen in the kitchen and buttery ; and two years' rent of Ravenswood's remaining property hardly defrayed the charge of the funeral revel. The wine did its office on all but the Master of Ravens- wood — a title which he still retained, though forfeiture had attached to that of his father. He, while passing around the cup which he himself did not taste, soon listened to a thousand exclamations against the Lord Keeper, and passionate protesta- tions of attachment to himself, and to the honor of his house. He listened with dark and sullen brow to ebullitions which he considered justly as equally evanescent with the crimson bubbles on the brink of the goblet, or at least with the vapors which its contents excited in the brains of the revelers around him. When the last flask was emptied, they took their leave, with deep protestations — to be forgotten on the morrow, if, indeed, those who made them should not think it necessary for their safety to make a more solemn retractation. Accepting their adieus with an air of contempt which he could scarce conceal, Ravenswood at length beheld his ruinous habitation cleared of his confluence of riotous guests, and re- THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. g turned to the deserted hall, which now appeared doubly lonely from the cessation of that clamor to which it had so lately echoed. But its space was peopled by phantoms, which the imagination of the young heir conjured up before him — the tar nished honor and degraded fortunes of his house, tlie destruc- tion of his own hopes, and the triumph of that family by whom they had been ruined. To a mind naturally of a gloomy cast, here was ample room for meditation, and the musings of young Ravenswood were deep and unwitnessed. The peasant, who shows the ruins of the tower, which still crown the beetling cliff and behold the war of the waves, though no more tenanted save by the sea-mew and cormorant, even yet affirms, that on this fatal night the Master of Ravenswood, by the bitter exclamations of his despair, evoked some evil fiend, under whose malignant influence the future tissue of incidents was woven. Alas ! what fiend can suggest more desperate counsels than those adopted under the guidance of our own violent and unresisted passions ? CHAPTER SECOND. Over Gods forbode, then said the King, That thou shouldst shoot at me. William Bell, Clim o' the Cleugh, etc. On the morning after the funeral, the legal officer, whose au- thority had been found insufficient to effect an interruption of the funeral solemnities of the late Lord Ravenswood, hastened to state before the Keeper the resistance which he had met with in the execution of his office. The statesman was seated in a spacious library, once a banqueting-room in the old Castle of Ravenswood, as was evi- dent from the armorial insignia still displayed on the carved roof, which was vaulted with Spanish chestnut, and on the stained glass of the casement, through which gleamed a dim yet rich light, on the long rows of shelves, bending under the weight of legal commentators and monkish historians, whose ponderous volumes formed the chief and most valued contents of a Scot- tish historian of the period. On the massive oaken table and reading-desk lay a confused mass of letters, petitions, and parchments ; to toil amongst which was the pleasure at once and the plague of Sir William Ashton's life. His appearance was grave and even noble, well becoming one who held a high to THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. office in the state ; and it was not, save after long and intimate conversation with him upon topics of pressing and personal in- terest, that a stranger could have discovered something vacil- lating and uncertain in his resolutions ; an infirmity of purpose, arising from a cautious and timid disposition, which, as he was conscious of its interna4 influence on his mind, he was, from pride as well as policy, most anxious to conceal from others. He listened with great apparent composure to an exagger- ated account of the tumult which had taken place at the fune ral, of the contempt thrown on his own authority, and that of the church and state ; nor did he seem moved even by the faithful report of the insulting and threatening language which had been uttered by young Ravenswood and others, and ob- viously directed against himself. He heard, also, what the man had been able to collect, in a very distorted and ag- gravated shape, of the toasts which had been drunk, and the menaces uttered, at the subsequent entertainment. In fine, he made careful notes of the particulars, and of the names of the persons by whom, in case of need, an accusation, founded upon these violent proceedings could be witnessed and made good, and dismissed his informer, secure that he was now master of the re maining fortune, and even of the personal liberty, of young Ravenswood. When the door had closed upon the officer of the law, the Lord Keeper remained for a moment in deep meditation ; then, starting from his seat, paced the apartment as one about to take a sudden and energetic resolution. " Young Ravens- wood," he muttered, " is now mine — he is my own — he has placed himself in my hand, and he shall bend or break. I have not forgot the determined and dogged obstinacy with which his father fought every point to the last, resisted every effort at compromise, embroiled me in lawsuits, and attempted to assail my character when he could not otherwise impugn my rights. This boy he has left behind him — this Fxlgar — this hot-headed, harebrained fool, has wrecked his vessel before she has cleared the harbor, I must see that he gains no advan- tage of some turning tide which may again float him off. These memoranda, properly stated to the Privy Council, cannot but be construed into an aggravated riot, in which the dignity both of the civil and ecclesiastical authorities stands committed A heavy fine might be imposed ; an order for committing him to Edinburgh or Blackness Castle seems not improper; even a charge of treason might be laid on many of these words and expressions, though God forbid I should prosecute the matter to that extent. No, I will not ; — I will not touch hi^ THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. x\ life even if it should be in my power ; — and yet, if he lives till n change of times, what follows ? — Restitution— perhaps re- venge. I know Athole promised his interest to old Ravens- •A'ood, and here is his son already bandying and making a faction by his own contemptible influence. What a ready tool he would be for the use of those who are watching the downfall .;f our administration ! " While these thoughts were agitating the mind of the wil/ -.^atesman, and while he was persuading himself that his own .nterest and safety, as well as those of his friends and party, depenxled on using the present advantage to the uttermost against young Ravenswood, the Lord Keeper sat down to his desk, and proceeded to draw up, for the information of the Privy Council, an account of the disorderly proceedings which, in contempt of his warrant, had taken place at the funeral of Lord Ravenswood. The names of most of the parties con- cerned, as well as the fact itself, would, he was well aware, sound odiously in the ears of his colleagues in administration, and most likely instigate them to make an example of young Ravenswood, at least, in tcrrorem. It was a point of delicacy, however, to select such expres- sions as might infer the young man's culpability, without seeming directly to urge it, which, on the part of Sir William Ashton, his father's ancient antagonist, could not but appear odious and invidious. While he was in the act of composition, laboring to find words which might indicate Edgar Ravens- wood to be the cause of the uproar, without specifically making such a charge, Sir William, in a pause of his task, chanced, in looking upward, to see the crest of the family (for whose heir he was whetting the arrows, and disposing the toils of the law), carved upon one of the corbeilles from which the , vaulted roof of the apartment sprung. It was a black bull's - * head, with the legend, \\ bide my time ;T and the occasion . upon which it was adopt~ed mingled itself singularly and im- " pressively with the subject of his present reflections. >^^>|J It was said by a constant tradition, that a Malisius de Riivenswood had in the thirteenth century, been deprived of his castle and lands by a powerful usurper, who for a while eiu joyed his spoils in quiet. At length, on the eve of a costly banquet, Ravenswood, who had watched his opportunity, in- troduced himself into the castle with a small band of faithful retainers. The serving of the expected feast was impatiently looked for by the guests, and clamorously demanded by the temporary master of the castle. Ravenswood, who had as* srr rd the disguise of a sewer upon the occasion, answered, in 12 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. Stem voice, " I bide my time ; " and at the same moraeui A bull's head, the ancient symbol of death, was placed upon the table. The explosion of the conspiracy took place upon the signal, and the usurper and his followers were put to death. Perhaps there was something in this still known and often re- peated story, which came immediately home to the breast and conscience of the Lord Keeper ; for, putting from him the par per on which he had begun his report, and carefully locking the memoranda which he had prepared into a cabinet which stood beside him, he proceeded to walk abroad, as if for the purpose of collecting his ideas, and reflecting further on the consequences of the step which he was about to take, ere yet they became inevitable. In passing through a large Gothic anteroom^ Sir William Ashton heard the sound of his daughter's lute. [ Music, when the performers are concealed, affects us with a pleasure mingled with surprise, and reminds us of the natural concert of birds among the leafy bowers.,,- The statesman, though little accus- tomed to give way to emotions of this natural and simple class, was still a man and a father. He stopped, therefore, and list- ened, while the silver tones of Lucy Ashton's voice mingled with the accompaniment in an ancient air, to which some one had adapted the following words : — " Look not thou on beauty's charming, — Sit thou still when kings are arming, — • Taste not when flie wine-cup glistens,— Speak not when the ])eople listens, — Stop thine ear against the singer, — From the red gold keeji thy finger, — Vacant heart, and hand, and eye, — Easy live and quiet die." The sounds ceased, and the Keeper entered his daughter's apartment. The words she had chosen seemed particularly adapted to her character; for Lucy Ashton's exquisitely beautiful, yet somewhat girlish features, were formed to express peace of mind, serenity and indifference to the tinsel of worldly pleasure. Her locks, which were of shadowy gold, divided on a brow of ex- quisite whiteness, like a gleam of broken and pallid sunshine upon a hill of snow. The expression of the countenance was in the last d^-pjree gentle, soft, timid, and feminine, and seemed rather to shrink from the most casual look of a stranger, than to court his admiration. Something there was of a Madonna cast, perhaps the result of delicate health, and of residence in g THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. '3 family where the dispositions of the inmates were fiercer, more active, and energetic, than her own. Yet her passiveness of disposition was by no means owing to an indifferent or unfeeling mind. Left to the impulse of hei own taste and feeling, Lucy Ashton was peculiarly accessible to those of a romantic cast. Her secret delight was in the old legendary tales of ardent devotion and unalterable affection, checkered as they so often are with strange adventures and supernatural horrors. This was her favored fairy realm, and here she erected her aerial palaces. But it was only in secret that she labored at this delusive, though delightful architecture. In her retired chamber, or in the woodland bower which she had chosen for her own, and called after her name, she was in fancy distributing the prizes at the tournament, or raining down influence from her eyes on the valiant combatants ; or she was wandering in the wilderness with Una, under escort of the gen- erous lion ; or she was identifying herself wiih the simple, yet noble-minded Miranda, in the isle of wonder and enchantment. But in her exterior relations to things of this world, Lucy willingly received the ruling impulse from those around her. The alternative was, in general, too indifferent to her to render resistance desirable, and she willingly found a motive for deci- sion in the opinion of her friends, which perhaps she might have sought for in vain in her own choice. Every reader must have observed ^^ some family of his acquaintance some individual of a temper soft and yielding, who, mixed with stronger and more ardent minds, is borne along by the will of others, with as little power uf opposition as the flower which is flung into a running stream. It usually happens that such a compliant and easy disposition, which resigns itself without murmur to the guidance of others, becomes the darling of those to whose inclinations its own seemed to be offered, in ungrudging and ready sacrifice. This was eminently the case with Lucy Ashton. Her politic, war)', and worldly father, felt for her an affection, the strength of which sometimes surprised him into an unusual emotion. Her elder brother, who trode the path of ambition with a haughtier step than his father, had also more of human affection. A soldier, and in a dissolute age, he preferred his sister Lucy even to pleasure, and to military preferment and distinction. Her younger brother, at an age when trifles chiefly occupied his mind, made her the confidant of all his pleasures and anxie- ties, his success in field-sports, and his quarrels with his tutor and instructors. To these details, however trivial, Lucy lent patient and not indifferent attention. They moved and inter- ested Henry, and that was enough to secure her ear. 14 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR, Her mother alone did not feel that distinguished and pre- dominating affection, with which the rest of the family cherished Lucy. She regarded what she termed her daughter's want of spirit, as a decided mark, that the more plebeian blood of her father predominated in Lucy's veins, and used to call her in derision her Lammermoor Shepherdess. To dislike so gentle and inoffensive a being was impossible ; but Lady Ashton pre- ferred her eldest son, on whom had descended a large portion o( her own ambitious and undaunted disposition, to a daughter whose softness of temper seemed allied to feebleness of mind. Her eldest son was the more partially beloved by his mother, because, contrary to the usual custom of Scottish families of distinction, he had been named after the head of the house. "My Sholto," she said, "will support the untarnished honor of his maternal house, and elevate and support that of his father. Poor Lucy is unfit for courts or crowded halls. Some country laird must be her husband, rich enough to supply her with every comfort, without an effort on her own part, so that she may have nothing to shed a tear for but the tender appre- hension lest he may break his neck in a fox-chase. It was not so, however, that our house was raised, nor is it so that it can be fortified and augmented. The Lord Keeper's dignity is yet new ; it must be borne as if we were used to its weight, worthy of it and prompt to assert and maintain it. Before ancient authorities men bend, from customary and hereditary deference ; in our presence, they will stand erect, unless they are compelled to prostrate themselves. A daughter fit for the sheep-fold or the cloister, is ill-qualified to exact respect where it is yielded with reluctance ; and since Heaven refused us a third boy, Lucy should have held a character fit to supply his place. The hour will be a happy one which disposes her hand in marriage to some one whose energy is greater than her own, or whose ar/i- bition is of as low an order." So meditated a mother, to whom the qualities of her children's hearts, as well as the prospect of their domestic happiness, seemed light in comparison to their rank and temporal greatness. But, like many a parent of hot and impatient character, she was mistaken in estimating the feelings of her daughter, who, under a semblance of extreme indifference, nourished the germ of those passions which sometimes spring up in one night, like the gourd of the prophet, and astonish the observer by their unexpected ardor and intensity. In fact, Lucy's sentiments seemed chill, because nothing had occurred to interest or awaken them. Her life had hitherto flowed on in a uniform and gentle tenor, and happy for her had not its present smoothness of current THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 15 I resembled that of the stream as it glides downward to the waterfall ! " So, Lucy," said her father, entering as her song was ended, " does your musical philosopher teach you to contemn the world before you know it? — that is surely something premature. Or did you but speak according to the fashion of fair maidens, who are always to hold the pleasures of life in contempt till they are pressed upon them by the address of some gentle knight ? " Lucy blushed, disclaimed any inference respecting her own choice being drawn from her selection of a song, and readily laid aside her instrument at her father's request that she would attend him in his walk. A large and well-wooded park, or rather chase, stretched along the hill behind the castle, which occupying, as we have noticed, a pass ascending from the plain, seemed built in its very gorge to defend the forest ground which arose behind it in shaggy majesty. Into this romantic region the father and daughter proceeded, arm in arm, by a noble avenue overarched by embowering elms, beneath which groups of the fallow-deer were seen to stray in distant perspective. As they paced slowly on admiring the different points of view, for which Sir William Ashton, notwithstanding the nature of his usual avocations, had considerable taste and feeling, they were overtaken by the forester, or park-keeper, who, intent on silvan sport, was pro ceeding with his cross-bow over his arm, and a hound led in leash by his boy, into the interior of the wood. " Going to shoot us a piece of venison, Norman ? " said his master, as he returned the woodman's salutation. " Saul, your honor, and that I am. Will it please you to see the sport ? " " O no," said his lordship, after looking at his daughter, whose color fled at the idea of seeing the deer shot, although., had her father expressed his wish that they should accompany Norman, it was probable she would not even have hinted her reluctance. The forester shrugged his shoulders. " It was a disheart enmg thing," he said, "when none of the gentles came down to see the sport. He hoped Captain Sholto would be soon hame, or he might shut up his shop entirely ; for Mr. Harry was kept sae close wi' his Latin nonsense, that, though his will was very gude to be in the wood from morning till night, there would be a hopeful lad lost, and no making a man of him. It was not so, he had heard, in Lord Ravenwood's time — when a buck was to be killed, man and mother's son ran to see ; and when the deer fell, the knife was always presented to the kniglit. and ,6 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. he never gave less than a dollar for the compliment. And there was Edgar Ravenswood — Master of Ravenswood that is now — • when he goes up to the wood — there hasna been a better hun- ter since Tristrem's time — when Sir Edgar bauds out,* down goes the deer, faith. But we hae lost a' sense of wood-craft on this side of the hill." There was much in this harangue highly displeasing to the Lord Keeper's feelings ; he could not help observing that his menial despised him almost avowedly for not posessing that taste for sport, which in those times was deemed the natural and indispensable attribute of a real gentleman. But the mas- ter of the game is, in all country houses, a man of great impor- tance, and entitled to use considerable freedom of speech. Sir William, therefore, only smiled and replied, he had something else to think upon to-day than killing deer ; meantime, taking out his purse, he gave the ranger a dollar for his encourage- ment. The fellow received it as the waiter of a fashionable hotel receives double his proper fee from the hands of a coun- try gentleman, — that is, with a smile, at which pleasure at the gift is mingled with contempt for the ignorance of the donor. " Your honor is the bad paymaster," he said, '' who pays before it is done. What would you do were I to miss the buck after you have paid me my wood-fee t " "I suppose," said the Keeper, smiling, "you would hardly guess what I mean were I to tell you of a condictio indcbiti 1 " " Not I, on my saul — I guess it is some law phrase — but sue a beggar, and — your honor knows what follows. — Well, but I will be just with you, and if bow and brach fail not, you shall have a piece of game two fingers fat on the brisket." As he was about to go off, his master again called him, and asked, as if by accident, whether the Master of Ravenswood was actually so brave a man and so good a shooter as the world spoke him ? " Brave ! brave enough, I warrant you," answered Norman ; " I was in the wood at Tyninghame, when there was a sort of gallants hunting with my lord : on my saul, there was a buck turned to bay made us all stand back ; a stout old Trojan of the first head, ten-tyned branches, and a brow as broad as e'er a bullock's. Egad, he dashed at the old lord, and there would have been inlake among the peerage, if the Master had not whipt roundly in, and hamstrung him with his cutlass. He was but sixteen then, bless his heart ! " " And is he as ready with the gun as with the couteau ? " said Sir William. *Hauds out. Holds out, i.e. presents his piece. THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. »7 " He'll strike this silver dollar out from beneath my finger and thumb at four score yards, and I'll hold it out for a gold merk ; what more would you have of eye, hand, lead, and gun- powder ? " " O, no more to be wished, certainly," said the Lord Keeper ; *' but we keep you from your sport, Norman. Good-morrow. good Norman." And humming his rustic roundelay, the yeoman went on his road, the sound of his rough voice gradually dying away as the distance betwixt them increased : — " The monk must arise when the matins ring, The abbot may sleep to their chime ; But the yeomen must start when the bugles sing, 'Tis time, my hearts, 'tis time. " There's bucks and raes on Bilhope braes, There's a herd on Shortwood Shaw ; But a lily-white doe in the garden goes, She's fairly worth them a'." "Has this fellow," said the Lord Keeper, when the yea man's song had died on the wind, " ever served the Ravens- wood people, that he seems so much interested in them ? I suppose you know, Lucy, for you make it a point of conscience to record the special history of every boor about the castle." "I am not quite so faithful a chronicler, my dear father; but I believe that Norman once served here while a boy, and before he went to Ledington, whence you hired him. But if you want to know anything of the former family. Old Alice is the best authority." " And what should I have to do with them, pray, Lucy," said her father, " or with their history or accomplishments .-" " " Nay, I do not know, sir ; only that you were asking ques- tions of Norman about young Ravenswood." " Pshaw, child !" — replied her father, yet immediately added^ " and who is old Alice ? I think you know all the old women in the country." " To be sure I do, or how could I help the old creatures •when they are in hard times ? And as to old Alice, she is the very empress of old women, and queen of gossips, so far as legendary lore is concerned. She is blind, poor old soul, but when she speaks to you, you would think she has some way ol looking into your very heart. I am sure I often cover my face, or turn it away, for it seems as if she saw one change color, though she has been blind these twenty years. She is worth visiting, were it bijt to say you have seen a blind and paralytio l8 THE BRIDE OF LAMMEKMOOR. old woman have so much acuteness of perception, and dignity of manners. I assure you she might be a countess from hei language and behavior. — Come, you must go to see Alice ; we are not a quarter of a mile from her cottage." '* All this, my dear," said the Lord Keeper, " is no answer to my question, who this woman is, and what is her connection with the former proprietor's family ? " " O, it was something of a nourice-ship, I believe ; and she remained here, because her two grandsons were engaged in your service. But it was against her will I fancy ; for the poor old creature is always regretting the change of time and of property." " I am much obliged to her," answered the Lord Keeper. ** She and her folk eat my bread, and drink my cup, and are lamenting all the while that they are not still under a family which never could do good, either to themselves or any one else ! " " Indeed," replied Lucy, " I am certain you do old Alice injustice. She has nothing mercenary about her, and would not accept a penny in charity, if it were to save her from being starved. She is only talkative, like all old folk, when you put them on stories of their youth ; and she speaks about the Ravenswood people, because she lived under them so many years. But I am sure she is grateful to you, sir, for your pro- tection, and that she would rather speak to you, than to any other person in the whole world beside. Do, sir, come and see old Alice," And, with the freedom of an indulged daughter, she drag- ged the Lord Keeper in Llie direction she desired. CHAPTER THIRD. Through tops of the high trees she did descry A little smoke, whose vapor, thin and light, Reeking aloft, uprolled to the sky, Which cheerful sign did send unto her sight, That in the same did wonne some living wight Spenser. Lucy acted as her father's guide, for he was too much ei> grossed with his political labors, or with society, to be per- fectly acquainted with his own extensive domains, and, more- over, was generally an inhabitant of the city of Edinburgh ; and she, on the other hand, had, with her mother, resided the THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 19 whole summer in Ravenswood, and partly from taste, partly from want of any other amusement, had, by her frequent ran> bles, learnt to know each lane, alley, dingle, or bushy dell, And every bosky bourne from side to side. We have said that the Lord Keeper was not indifferent to the beauties of nature ; and we add, in justice to him, that he felt them doubly, when pointed out by the beautiful, simple, and interesting girl, who, hanging on his arm with filial kind- ness, now called him to admire the size of some ancient oak, and now the unexpected turn, where the path, developing its maze from glen or dingle, suddenly reached an eminence com- manding an extensive view of the plains beneath them, and then gradually glided away from the prospect to lose itself among rocks and thickets, and guide to scenes of deeper seclu- sion. It was when pausing on one of those points of extensive and commanding view, that Lucy told her father they were close by the cottage of her blind prote'gee ; and on turning from the little hill, a path which led around it, worn by the daily steps of the infirm inmate, brought them in sight of the hut, which, embosomed in a deep and obscure dell, seemed to have been so situated purposely to bear a correspondence with the darkened state of its inhabitant. The cottage was situated immediately under a tall rock, which in some measure beetled over it, as if threatening to drop some detached fragment from its brow on the frail tenement beneath. The hut itself was constructed of turf and stones, and rudely roofed over with thatch, much of which was in a dilapidated condition. The thin blue smoke rose from it in a light column, and curled upward along the white face of the in- cumbent rock, giving the scene a tint of exquisite softness. In a small and rude garden, surrounded by straggling elder-bushes, which formed a sort of imperfect hedge, sat, near to the bee- hives, by the produce of which she lived, that " woman old," whom Lucy had brought her father hither to visit. Whatever there had been which was disastrous in her for* tune — whatever there was miserable in her dwelling, it was easy to judge, by the first glance, that neither years, poverty, mis- fortune, nor infirmity, had broken the spirit of this remarkable woman. She occupied a turf-seat placed under a weeping birch of unusual magnitude and age, as Judah is represented sitting un- der her palm-tree, with an air at once of majesty and of dejec- tion. Her figure was tall, commanding, and but little bent by io THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. the infirmities of old age. Her dress, though that of a peasant, was uncommonly clean, forming in that particular a strong contrast to most of her rank, and was disposed with an atten- tion to neatness and even to taste, equally unusual. But it was her expression of countenance which chiefly struck the spec- tator, and induced most persons to address her with a degree of deference and civility very inconsistent with the miserable state of her dwelling, and which, nevertheless, she received with that easy composure which showed she felt it to be her due. She had once been beautiful, but her beauty had been of a bold and masculine cast, such as does not survive the bloom of youth ; yet her features continued to express strong sense, deep reflection, and a character of sober piide, which, as we have already said of her dress, appeared to argue a conscious superiority to those of her own rank. It scarce seemed possible that a face, deprived of the advantage of sight, could have ex- pressed character so strongly ; but her eyes, which were almost totally closed, did not, by the display of their sightless orbs, mar the countenance to which they could add nothing. She seemed in a ruminating posture, soothed, perhaps, by the mur- murs of the busy tribe around her, to abstraction, though not to slumber. Lucy undid the latch of the little garden gate, and solicited the old woman's attention. " My father, Alice, is come to see you." " He is welcome. Miss Ashton, and so are you," said the old woman, turning and inclining her head toward her visitors. " This is a fine morning for your bee-hives, mother," said the Lord Keeper, who, struck with the outward appearance of Alice, was somewhat curious to know if her conversation would correspond with it. " I believe so, my lord," she replied ; " I feel the air breathe milder than of late." " You do not," resumed the statesman, " take charge of these bees yourself, mother } — How do you manage them } " — " By delegates, as kings do their subjects," resumed Alice , *^ and 1 am fortunate in a prime minister — Here, Babie." She whistled on a small silver call which hung around her neck, and which at that time was sometimes used to summon dom- estics, and Babie, a girl of fifteen, made her appearance from the hut, not altogether so cleanly arrayed as she would probably have been had Alice had the use of her eyes, but with a greater air of neatness than was upon the whole to have been ex- pected. " Babie," said her mistress, " offer some bread and honey THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 2I to the Lord Keeper and Miss Ashton — they will excuse your awkwardness if you use cleanliness and despatch." Babie performed her mistress's command with the grace which was naturally to have been expected, moving to and fro with ailobster-like gesture, her feet and legs tending one way, while her head, turned in a different direction, was fixed in wonder upon the laird, who was more frequently heard of than seen by his tenants and dependants. The bread and honey, however, deposited on a plantain leaf, was offered and ac- cepted in all due courtesy. The Lord Keeper, still retaining the place which he had occupied on the decayed trunk of a fallen tree, looked as if he wished to prolong the interview, but was at a loss how to introduce a suitable subject. " You have been long a resident on this property .'"' he said, after a pause. " It is now nearly sixty years since I first knew Ravens- wood," answered the old dame, whose conversation, though perfectly civil and respectful, seemed cautiously limited to the unavoidable and necessary task of replying to Sir William. " You are not, I should judge by your accent, of this coun- try originally ?" said the Lord Keeper, in continuation. " No ; I am by birth an Englishwoman." " Yet you seem attached to this country^ as if it were your own." " It is here," replied the blind woman," that I have drunk the cup of joy and of sorrow which Heaven destined for me. I was here the wife of an upright and affectionate husband for more than twenty years — I was here the mother of six ])ro- mising children — it was here that God deprived me of all these blessings — it was here they died, and yonder, by yon ruined chapel, they lie all buried — I had no country but theirs while they lived — I have none but theirs now they are no more." " But your house," said the Lord Keeper, looking at it, " is miserably ruinous ? " " Do, my dear father," said Lucy, eagerly, yet bashfully, catching at the hint, " give orders to make it better, — that is, if you think it proper." "It will last my time, my dear Miss Lucy," said the blind woman ; " I would not have my lord give himself the least trouble about it." "But," said Lucy, "you once had a much better house, and were rich, and now in your old age to live in this hovel ! " " It is as good as I deserve. Miss Lucy; if my heart has not broke with what I have suffered, and seen others suffer, it 22 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOO^. must have been strong enough, and the rest of this old frame has no right to call itself weaker." " You have probably witnessed many changes," said the Lord Keeper ; " but your experience must have taught you to ex- pect them." " It has taught me to endure them, my lord," was the reply " Yet you knew that they must needs arrive in the course cf years .-• " said the statesman. " Ay ; as I know that the stump, on or beside which you sit, once a tall and lofty tree, must needs one day fall by decay, or by the axe ; yet I hoped my eyes might not witness the down- fal of the tree which overshadowed my dwelling." " Do not suppose," said the Lord Keeper, " that you will lose any interest with me, for looking back with regret to the days when another family possessed my estates. You had reason, doubtless, to love them, and I respect your gratitude. I will order some repairs in your cottage, and I hope we shall live to be friends when we know each other better." " Those of ray age," returned the dame, " make no new friends. I thank you for your bounty — it is well intended, un- doubtedly; but I have all I want, and I cannot accept more at your lordship's hands." " Well, then," continued the Lord Keeper, " at least allow me to say, that I look upon you as a woman of sense and education beyond your appearance, and that I hope you will continue to reside on this property of mine rent-free for your life." " I hope I shall," said the old dame, composedly ; " I be- lieve that was made an article in the sale of Ravenswood to your lordship, though such a trifling circumstance may have escaped your recollection." " I remember — I recollect," said his lordship, somewhat confused. " I perceive you are too much attached to your old friends to accept any benefit from their successor." " Far from it, my lord ; I am grateful for the benefits which I decline, and I wish I could pay you for offering them better than what I am now about to say." The Lord Keeper looked at her in some surprise, but said not a word. " My Lord," she continued, in an impressive and solemn tone, " take care what you do ; you are on the brink of a precipice." " Indeed ? " said the Lord Keeper, his mind reverting to the political circumstances of the country. " Has anything come to your knowledge — any plot or conspiracy ? " " No, my lord ; those who traffic in such commodities do not call in to their councils the old, blind, and infirm. My warning is THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. js^ of another kind. You have driven matters hard with the house of Ravenswood. Believe a true tale — they are a fierce house, and there is danger in dealing with men when they become desperate." " Tush !" answered the Keeper ; " what has been between us has been the work of the law, not my doing ; and to the law they must look, if they would impugn my proceedings." " Ay, but they may think otherwise, and take the law into their own hands, when they fail of other means of redress." " What mean you ? " said the Lord Keeper. " Young Ravens- wood would not have recourse to personal violence ?" " God forbid I should say so ! I know nothing of the youth but what is honorable and open — honorable and open, said I ? — I should have added, free, generous, noble. But he is still a Ravenswood, and may bide his time. Remember the fate of Sir George Lockhart." * The Lord Keeper started as she called to his recollection a tragedy so deep and so recent. The old woman proceeded : " Chiesley, who did the deed, was a relative of Lord Ravens- wood. In the hall of Ravenswood, in my presence, and in that of others, he avowed publicly his determination to do the cruelty which he afterward committed. I could not keep silence, though to speak it ill became my station. ' You are devising a dreadful crime,' I said, ' for which you must reckon before the judgment-seat.' Never shall I forget his look, as he replied, ' 1 must reckon then for many things, and wil reckon for this also.' Therefore I may well say, beware of pressing a desperate man with the hand of authority. There is blood of Chiesley in the veins of Ravenswood, and one drop of it were enough to fire him in the circumstances in which he is placed— I say, beware of him." The old dame had, either intentionally or by accident, harped aright the fear of the Lord Keeper. The desperate and dark resource of private assassination, so familiar to a Scottish baron in former times, had even in the present age been too frequently resorted to under the pressure of unusual temptation, or where the mind of the actor was prepared for such a crime. Sir William Ashton was aware of this ; as also that young Ravens- wood had received injuries sufficient to prompt him to that sort of revenge, which becomes a frequent though fearful consequence of the partial administration of justice. He endeavored to dis- guise from Alice the nature of the apprehensions which he enter- tained ; but so ineffectually, that a person even of less penetration than nature had endowed her with must necessarily have been * Note C. Sir George Lockhart. «4 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. aware that the subject lay near his bosom. His voice was changed in its accent as he repHed to her, that the Master of Ravenswood was a man of honor ; and were it otherwise, that the fate of Chiesley of Dairy was a sufficient warning to any who should dare to assume the office of avenger of his own imaginary wrongs. And having hastily uttered these expressions, he rose and left the place without waiting for a reply. CHAPTER FOURTH. Is she a Capulet "i O dear account 1 my life is my foe's debt. Shakespeare. The Lord Keeper walked for nearly a quarter of a mile in profound silence. His daughter, naturally timid, and bred up in those ideas of filial awe and implicit obedience which were inculcated upon the youth of that period, did not venture to interrupt his meditations. " Why do you look so pale, Lucy 1 " said her father, turning suddenly round and breaking silence. Accordii g to the ideas of the time, which did not permit a young woman to offer her sentiments on any subject of import- ance unless especially required to do so, Lucy was bound to appear ignorant of the meaning of all that had passed betwixt Alice and her lather, and imputed the emotii- i he had observed to the fear of the wild cattle which grazed in that part of the extensive chase through which they were now walking Of these animals, the descendants of the savage herds which anciently roamed free in the Caledonian forests, it was formerly a point of state to preserve a few in the parks of the Scottish nobility. Specimens continued within the memory of man to be kept at least at three houses of distinction, namely, Hamilton, Drumlanrig, and Cumbernauld. They had degenerated from the ancient race in size and strength, if we are to judge from the accounts of old chronicles, and from the formidable remains fre- quently discovered in bogs and morasses when drained and laid open. The bull had iost the shaggy honors of his mane, and the race was small and light made, in color a dingy white, oi rather a pale yellow, with black horns and hoofs. They retained, however, in some measure, the ferocity of their ancestry, could not be domesticated on account of their antipathy to the human race, and were often dangerous if approached unguardedly, or wantonly disturbed. THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR, ?s I It was this last reason which has occasioned their being extirpated at the places we have mentioned, where probably they would otherwise have been retained as appropriate inhabit- ants of a Scottish woodland, and fit tenants for a baronial forest. A few if I mistake not, are still preserved at Chillingham Castle, in Northumberland, the seat of the Earl of Tankerville. It was to her finding herself in the vicinity of a group of three or four of these animals, that Lucy thought proper to impute those signs of fear which had arisen in her countenance for a different reason. For she had been familiarized with the appearance of the wild cattle, during her walks in the chase ; and it was not then, as it may be now, a necessary part of a young lady's demeanor to indulge in causeless tremors of the nerves. On the present occasion, however, she speedily found cause for real terror. Lucy had scarcely replied to her father in the words we have mentioned, and he was just about to rebuke her supposed timidity, when a bull, stimulated either by the scarlet color of Miss Ashton's mantle, or by one of those fits of capricious ferocity to which their dispositions are liable, detached himself suddenly from the group which was feeding at the upper extrem- ity of a grassy glade, that seemed to lose itself among the crossing and entangled boughs. The animal approached the intruders on his pasture ground, at first slowly, pawing the ground with his hoof, bellowing from time to time, and tearing up the sand with his horns, as if to lash himself up to rage and violence. The Lord Keeper, who observed the animal'o demeanor, was aware that he was about to become mischievou"^, and, draw- ing his daughter's arm under his own, began to walk fast along the avenue, in hopes to get out of his sight and his reach. This was the most injudicious course he could have adopted, for, encouraged by the appearance of flight, the bull began to pur- sue them at full speed. Assailed by a danger so imminent, firmer courage than that of the Lord Keeper might have given way. But paternal tenderness, "love strong as death," sus- tained him. He continued to support and drag onward his daughter, until, her fears altogether depriving her of the power of flight, she sunk down by his side ; and when he could no longer assist her to escape, he turned round and placed himself betwixt her and the raging animal, which advancing in full career, its brutal fury enhanced by the rapidity of the' pursuit, was now within a "ew yiirds of them. The Lord Keeper had no weapons ; his age and gravity disn«>«sed even with the usual a 6 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. appendage of a walking sword, — could such appendage have availed him anything. It seemed inevitable that the father or daughter, or both, should have fallen victims to the impending danger, when a shot from a neighboring thicket arrested the progress of the animal. He was so truly struck between the junction of the spine with the skull, that the wound, which in any other part of his body might scarce have impeded his career, proved Instantly fatal. Stumbling forward with a hideous bellow, the progressive force of his previous motion, rather than any opera- tion of his limbs, carried him up to within three yards of the astonished Lord Keeper, where he rolled on the ground, his limbs darkened wfth the black death-sweat, and quivering with the last convulsions of muscular motion. Lucy lay senseless on the ground, insensible of the wonder- ful deliverance which she had experienced. Her father was almost equally stupefied, so rapid and unexpected had been the transition from the horrid death which seemed inevitable, to perfect security. He gazed on the animal, terrible even in death, with a si>ecies of mute and confused astonishment, which did not permit him distinctly to understand what had taken place ; and so inaccurate was his consciousness of what had passed, he might have supposed the bull to have been arrested in its career by a thunderbolt, had he not observed among the branches of the thicket the figure of a man, with a short gun or musquetoon in his hand. This instantly recalled him to a sense of their situation- glance at his daughter reminded him of the necessity of procur- ing her assistance. He called to the man, whom he concluded to be one of his foresters, to give immediate attention to Miss Ashton, while he himself hastened to call assistance. The huntsman approached them accordingly, and the Lord Keeper .•;aw he was a stranger, but was too much agitated to make any turther remarks. In a few hurried words, he directed the shooter, as stronger and more active than himself, to carry the young lady to a neighboring fountain, while he went back to Alice's hut to procure more aid. The man to whose timely interference they had been so much indebted, did not seem inclined to leave his good work half finished. He raised Lucy from the ground in his arms, and conveying her through the glades of the forest by paths with which he seemed well acquainted, stopped not until he laid her in safety by the side of a plentiful and pellucid fountain, which had been once covered in, screened and decorated with ^c^.T4*ctural ornaments of a Gothic character. But now the THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 27 vault which had covered it being broken down and riven, and the Gothic font ruined and demolished, the stream burst forth from the recess of the earth in open day, and winded its way among the brolcen sculpture and moss-grown stones which lay in confusion around its source. Tradition, always busy, at least in Scotland, to grace with a legendary tale a spot in itself interesting, had ascribed a cause of peculiar veneration to this fountain. A beautiful young lady met one of the Lords of Ravenswood while hunting near this spot, and like a second Egeria, had captivated the af- fections of the feudal Numa. They met frequently afterwards, and always at sunset, the charms of the nymph's mind complet- ing the conquest which her beauty had begun, and the mystery of the intrigue adding zest to both. She always appeared and disappeared close by the fountain, with which, therefore her lover judged she had some inexplicable connection. She placed certain restrictions on their intercourse, which also savored of mystery. They met only once a week — Friday was the ap- pointed day — and she explained to the Lord of Ravenswood, that they were under the necessity of separating so soon as the bell of a chapel, belonging to a hermitage in the adjoining wood, now long ruinous, should toll the hour of vespers. In the course of his confession, the Baron of Ravenswood intrusted the hermit with the secret of his singular amour, and Father Zachary drew the necessary and obvious consequence, that his patron was enveloped in the toils of Satan, and in danger of destruction both to body and soul. He urged these perils to the Baron with all the force of monkish rhetoric, and described, in the most frightful colors, the real character and person of the apparently lovely Naiad, whom he hesitated not to denounce as a limb of the kingdom of darkness. The lover listened with obstinate incredulity ; and it was not until worn out by the ob- stinacy of the anchoret, that he consented to put the state and condition of his mistress to a certain trial, and for that purpose acquiesced in Zachary's proposal, that on their next interview the vespers' bell should be rung half-an-hour later than usual. The hermit nmintained, and bucklered his opinion bv quotations from Malleus Malcficanan, Sprengerus, JRemigius* and other learned demonologists, that the Evil One, thus seduced to remain behind the appointed hour, would assume her true shape, and having appeared to her terrified lover as a fiend of hell, would vanish from him in a flash of sulphurous lightning. Raymond of Ravenswood acquiesced in the experiment, not incurious ♦ [See the Author's Letters on Demonology.'i 28 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. concerning the issue, though confident it would disappoint the expectations of the hermit. At the appointed hour the lovers met, and their interview was protracted beyond that at which they usually parted, by the delay of the priest to ring his usual curfew. No change took place upon the nymph's outward form ; but as soon as the lengthening shadows made her aware that the usual hour of the vesperj' chime was past, she tore herself from her lover's arms with a shriek of despair, bid him adieu forever, and plunging into the fountain, disappeared from his eyes. The bubbles oc- casioned by her descent were crimsoned with blood as they arose, leaving the distracted Baron to infer that his ill-judged curiosity had occasioned the death of this interesting and mys- terious being. The remorse which he felt, as well as the rec- collection of her charms, proved the penance of his future life, which he lost in the battle of Flodden not many months after. But, in memory of his Naiad, he had previously ornamented the fountain in which she appeared to reside, and secured its waters from profanation or pollution, by the small vaulted building of which the fragments still remained scattered around it. From this period the house of Ravenswood was supposed to have dated its decay. Such was the generally received legend, which some, who would seem wiser than the vulgar, explained, as obscurely in- timating the fate of a beautiful maid of plebeian rank, the mis- tress of this Raymond, whom he slew in a fit of jealousy, and whose blood was mingled with the waters of the locked fountain, as it was commonly called. Others imagined that the tale had a more remote origin in the ancient heathen mythology. All how- ever agreed, that the spot was fatal to the Ravenswood family; and that to drink of the waters of the well, or even approach its brink, was as ominous to a descendant of that house, as for a Grahame to wear green, a Bruce to kill a spider, or a St. Clair ■to cross the Ord on a Monday. It was on this ominous spot that Lucy Ashton first drew breath after her long and almost deadly swoon. Beautiful and pale as the fabulous Naiad in the last agony of separation from her lover, she was seated so as to rest with her back against a part of the ruined wall, while her mantle, dripping with the water which her protector had used profusely to recall her senses, clung to her slender and beautifully proportioned form. The first moment of recollection brought to her mind the danger which had overpowered her senses — the next called to remembrance that of her father. She looked around — he was THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 29 nowhere to be seen — " My father — my father ! " was all that she could ejaculate. " Sir William is safe," answered the voice of a stranger — • " perfectly safe, and will be with you instantly." " Are you sure of that t '' exclaimed Lucy — " the bull was close by us — do not stop me — I must go to seek my father." And she arose with that purpose ; but her strength was so much exhausted, that, far from possessing the power to execute her purpose, she must have fallen against the stone on which she had leant, probably not without sustaining serious injury. The stranger was so near to her that, without actually suffer- ing her to fall, he could not avoid catching her in his arms, which, however, he did with a momentary reluctance, very un- usual when youth interposes to prevent beauty from danger. It seemed as if her weight, slight as it was, proved too heavy for her young and athletic assistant, for without feeling the temp- tation of detaining her in his arms ever for a single instant, he again placed her on the stone from which she had risen, and retreating a few steps, repeated hastily, " Sir William Ashton is perfectly safe, and will be here instantly. Do not make yourself anxious on his account — Fate has singularly preserved him. You, madam, are exhausted, and must not think of rising unt'l you have some assistance more suitable than mine." Lucy, whose senses were by this time more effectually collected, was naturally led to look at the stranger with at- tention. There was nothing in his appearance which should have rendered him unwilling to offer his arm to a young lady who required support, or which could have induced her to> (A-fe/'^A^ refuse his assistance • and she could not help thinking, even In /"'"'' that moment, that he seemed cold and reluctant to offer it. A shooting-dress of dark cloth intimated the rank of the wearer, though concealed in part by a large and loose cloak of a dark brown color. A Montero cap and a black feather drooped over the wearer's brow, and partly concealed his features, which, so far as seen, were dark, regular, and full of majestic, though somewhat sullen, expression. Some secret sorrow, or the brood- ing spirit of some moody passion, had quenched the light and in- genuous vivacity of youth in a countenance singularly fitted to display both, and it was not easy to gaze on the stranger with- out a secret impression either of pity or awe, or at least of doubt and curiosity allied to both. The impression which we have necessarily been long in de- scribing, Lucy felt in the glance of a moment, and had no soonei ppcountered the keen black eyes of the stranger, than her own 30 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. were bent on the ground with a mixture of bashful embarrass ment and fear. Yet there was a necessity to speak, at least she thought so, and in a fluttered accent she began to mention her wonderful escape, in which she was sure that the stranger must, under Heaven, have been her father's protector, and her own. He seemed to shrink from her expressions of gratitude, while he replied abruptly, " I leave you, madam," — the deep melody of his voice rendered powerful, but not harsh, by some- thing like a severity of tone — " I leave you to the protection of those to whom it is possible you may have this day been a guardian angel." Lucy was surprised at the ambiguity of his language, and with a feeling of artless and unaffected gratitude, began to deprecate the idea of having intended to give her deliverer any offence, as if such a thing had been possible. " I have been unfortunate," she said, " in endeavoring to express my thanks — I am sure it must be so, though I cannot recollect what I said — but would you but stay till my father — till the Lord Keeper comes — would you only permit him to pay you his thanks, and to inquire your name." " My name is unnecessar).'," answered the stranger ; " your father — I would rather say Sir William Ashton — will learn it soon enough, for all the pleasure it is likely to afford him." " You mistake him," said Lucy, earnestly ; "he will be grate- ful for my sake and for his own. You do not know my father, or you are deceiving me with a story of his safety, when he has already fallen a victim to the fury of that animal." When she had caught this idea, she started from the ground, and endeavored to press toward the avenue in which the acci- dent had taken place, while the stranger, though he seemed to hesitate between the desire to assist and the wish to leave her, was obliged, in common humanity, to oppose her both by en- treaty and action. " On the word of a gentleman, madam, I tell you the truth ; youT father is in perfect safety ; you will expose yourself to in- jury if you venture back where the herd of wild cattle grazed. — If you will go" — for, having once adopted the idea that hei father was still in danger, she pressed forward in spite of hira — " If 5'ou will go, accept my arm, though I am not perhaps the person who can with most propriety offer you support." But, without heeding this intimation, Lucy took him at his word. " O, if you be a man," she said, — " if you be a gentle- wian, assist nae to find my father I You shall not leave me — THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 3« you must go with me — he is dying perhaps while we are talking here ! " Then, without listening to excuse or apology, and holding fast by the stranger's arm, though unconscious of anything save the support which it gave, and without which she could not have moved, mixed with a vague feeling of preventing his escape from her, she was urging, and almost dragging him forward, when Sir William Ashton came up, followed by the female attendant of blind Alice, and by two wood-cutters, whom he had summoned from their occupation to his assistance. His joy at seeing his daughter safe, overcame the surprise with which he would at another time have beheld her hanging as familiarly on the arm of a stranger, as she might have done upon his own. " Lucy, my dear Lucy, are you safe ? — are you well ?" were the only words that broke from him as he embraced her in ecstasy. " I am well, sir, thank God ! and still more that I see you so ; — but this gentleman," she said, quitting his arm, and shrink- ing from him, " what must he think of me ? " and her eloquent blood, flushing over neck and brow, spoke how much she was ashamed of the freedom with which she had craved, and even compelled, his assistance. "This gentleman," said Sir William Ashton, " will, I trust, not regret the trouble we have given him, when I assure him of the gratitude of the Lord Keeper for the greatest service which one man ever rendered to another — for the life of my child — for my own life, which he has saved by his bravery and presence of mind. He will, I am sure, permit us to request" " Request nothing of me, my lord," said the stranger, in a stern and peremptory tone ; " I am the Master of Ravenswood." There was a dead pause of surprise, not unmixed with less pleasant feelings. The Master wrapt himself in his cloak, made a haughty inclination toward Lucy, muttering a few words of courtesy, as indistinctly heard as they seemed to be reluctantly uttered, and, turning from them, was immediately lost in the thicket. " The Master of Ravenswood ! " said the Lord Keeper, when he had recovered his momentary astonishment — " Hasten after him — stop him — beg him to speak to me for a single moment." The two foresters accordingly set off in pursuit of the stranger. They speedily reappeared, and in an embarrassed and awkward manner, said the gentleman would not return. The I^ord Keeper took one of the fellows aside, and questioned him more closely what the Master of Ravenswood had said. 32 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. " He just said he wadna come back," said the man, with the caution of a prudent Scotsman, who cared not to be the bearei of an unpleasant errand. " He said something more, sir," said the Lord Keeper, " and I insist on knowing what it was." " Why, then, my lord," said the man, looking down, 'he said — But it wad be nae pleasure to your lordship to hear it, for I dare say the Master meant nae ill." " That's none of your concern, sir ; I desire to hear the very words." " Weel, then," replied the man, " he said, Tell Sir William Ashton, that the next time he and I foregather, he will not be half sae blithe of our meeting as of our parting." " Very well, sir," said the Lord Keeper ; " I believe he alludes to a wager we have on our hawks — it is a matter of no con- sequence." He turned to his daughter, who was by this time so much recovered as to be able to walk home. But the effect which the various recollections, connected with a scene so terrific, made upon a mind which was susceptible in an extreme degree, was more permanent than the injury which her nerves had sustained. Visions of terror, both in sleep and in waking reveries, recalled to her the form of the furious animal, and the dreadful bellow with which he accompanied his career; and it was always the image of the Master of Ravenswood, with his native nobleness of countenance and form, that seemed to interpose betwixt her and assured death. It is, perhaps, at all times dangerous for a young person to suffer recollection to dwell repeatedly, and with too much complacency, on the same individual ; but in Lucy's situation it was almost unavoidable. She had never happened to see a young man of mien and fea- tures so romantic and so striking as young Ravenswood ; but had she seen a hundred his equals or his superiors in those particulars, no one else could have been linked to lier heart by the strong associations of remembered danger and escape, of gratitude, wonder, and curiosity. I say curiosity, for it is likely that the singularly restrained and unaccommodating manners of the Master of Ravenswood, so much at variance with the natural expression of his features and grace of his deportment, as they excited wonder by the contrast, had their effect in riveting hor attention to the recollection. She knew little of Ravenswood, or the disputes which had existed betwixt her father and his, and perhaps could in her gentleness of mind hardly have comprehended the angry and bitter passions which they had engendered. But she knew that he was come of noble TBE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 33 stem ; was poor, though descended from the noble and the wealthy ; and bhe felt that she could sympathize with the feel- ings of a proud mind, which urged him to recoil from the proffered gratitude of the new proprietors of his father's house and domains. Would he have equally shunned their acknowl- edgments and avoided their intimacy, had her father's request been urged more mildly, less abruptly, and softened with the grace which women so well know how to throw into their manner, when they mean to mediate betwixt the headlong passions of the ruder sex ? This was a perilous question to ask her own mind — perilous both in the idea and in its con- sequences. Lucy Ashton, in short, was involved in those mazes of the imagination which are most dangerous to the young and the sensitive. Time, it is true, absence, change of scene and new faces, might probably have destroyed the illusion in her instance as it has done in many others ; but her residence remained solitary, and her mind without those means of dissipating her pleasing visions. This solitude was chieily owing to the absence of Lady Ashton, who was at this time in Edinburgh, watching the progress of some state intrigue ; the Lord Keeper only received society out of policy or ostentation, and was by nature rather reserved and unsociable ; and thus no cavalier appeared to rival or to obscure the ideal picture of chivalrous excellence which Lucy had pictured to herself in the Master of Ravenswood. While Lucy indulged in these dreams, she made frequent visits to old blind Alice, hoping it would be easy to lead her to talk on the subject, which at present she had so imprudently admitted to occupy so large a portion of her thoughts. But Alice did not in this particular gratify her wishes and expecta- tions. She spoke readily, and with pathetic feeling, concerning the family in general, but seemed to observe an especial and cautious silence on the subject of the present representative. The little she said of him was not altogether so favorable as Lucy had anticipated. She hinted that he was of a stern and unforgiving character, more ready to resent than to pardon injuries ; and Lucy combined with great alarm the hints which she now dropped of these dangerous qualities, with Alice's advice to her father, so emphatically given, " to beware of Ravenswood." But that very Ravenswood, of whom such unjust suspicions had been entertained, had, almost immediately after they had been uttered, confuted them, by saving at once her father's life and her own. Had he nourished such black revenge as Alice's dark hints seemed to indicate, no deed of active guilt was 34 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. necessary to the full gratification of that evil passion. He needed but to have withheld for an instant his indispensable and effective assistance, and the object of his resentment must have perished, without any direct aggression on his part, by a death equally fearful and certain. She conceived, therefore, that some secret prejudice, or the suspicions incident to age and misfortune, had led Alice to form conclusions injurious to the character, and irreconcilable both with the generous conduct and noble features of the Master of Ravenswood. And in this belief Lucy reposed her hope, and went on weaving her enchanted web of fairy -tissue, as beautiful and transient as the film of the gossamer, when it is pearled with the morning dew and glim- mering to the sun. Her father, in the meanwhile, as well as the Master of Ravenswood, were making reflections, as frequent though more solid than those of Lucy, upon the singular event which had taken place. The Lord Keeper's first task, when he re- turned home, was to ascertain by medical advice that his daugh- ter had sustained no injury from the dangerous and alarming situation in which she had been placed. Satisfied on this topic, he proceeded to revise the memoranda which he had taken down from the mouth of the person employed to interrupt the funeral service of the late Lord Ravenswood. Bred to casuis- try, and well accustomed to practice the ambidexter ingenuity of the bar, it cost him little trouble to soften the features of the tumult which he had been at first so anxious to exaggerate. He preached to his colleagues of the Privy Council the necessity of using conciliatory measures with young men, whose blood and temper were hot, and their experience of life limited. He did not hesitate to attribute some censure to the conduct of the officer, as having been unnecessarily irritating. These were the contents of his public despatches. The letters which he wrote to those private friends into whose man- agement the matter was likely to fall, were of a yet more favor- able tenor. He represented that lenity in this case would be equally politic and popular, whereas, considering the high respect with which the rites of interment are regarded in Scotland, any severity exercised against the Master of Ravenswood for protecting those of his father from interruption, would be on all sides most unfavorably construed. And, finally, assuming the language of a generous and high-spirited man, he made it his particular request, that this affair should be passed over without severe notice. He alluded with delicacy to the predic- ament in which he himself stood with young Ravenswood, as having succeeded in the long train of litigation by which the THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 35 fortunes of that noble house had been so much reduced, and confessed it would be most peculiarly acceptable to his feelings could he find means in some sort to counterbalance the disad vantages which he occasioned the family, though only in the prosecution of his just and lawful rights. He therefore made it his particular and personal request that the matter should have no further consequences, and insinuated a desire that he himself should have the merit of having put a stop to it by his favorable report and intercession. It was particularly remark- able, that, contrary to his uniform practice, he made no special communication to Lady Ashton upon the subject of the tumult; and although he mentioned the alarm which Lucy had received from one of the wild cattle, yet he gave no detailed account of an incident so interesting and terrible. There was much surprise among Sir William Ashton's polit- ical friends and colleagues on receiving letters of a tenor so unexpected. On comparing notes together, one smiled, one put up his eyebrows, a third nodded acquiescence in the general wonder, and a fourth asked, if they were sure these were all the letters the Lord Keeper had written on the subject. " It runs strangely in my mind, my lords, that none of these advices contain the root of the matter." But no secret letters of a contrary nature had been received, although the questions seemed to imply the possibility of their existence. " Well," said an old gray-headed statesman, who had con- trived, by shifting and trimming, to maintain his post at the steerage through all the changes of course which the vessel had held for thirty years, " I thought Sir William would hae verified the auld Scottish saying, ^.As soon comes the lamb's skin to market as the auld tup's'. ^\ " We must please him after his own fashion," said another, *' thoughit be an unlooked-for one." " A wilful man maun hae his way," answered the old coun- sellor, " The Keeper will rue this before year and day are out," said a third ; " the Master of Ravenswood is the lad to wind him a pirn."* "Why, what would you do, my lords, with the poor young fellow ? " said a noble Marquis present ; " the Lord Keeper has got all his estates — he has not a cross to bless himself with. " On which the ancient Lord Turntippet replied, * Wind him a pirn (reel), proverbial for preparing a troublesome busfr nesi for some person. 36 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. * If he hfisna gear to fine, He has shins to pine — And that was our way before the Revolution — Luitur cum persona, qii hiere non potest cum cnimena* — Hegh, my lords, that's gude law Latin." " I can see no motive," replied the Marquis, " that any noble lord can have for urging this matter further ; let the Lord Keeper have the power to deal in it as he pleases." '' Agree, agree — remit to the Lord Keeper, with any other person for fashion's sake — Lord Hirplehooly, who is bed-ridden — one to be a quorum — Make your entry in the minutes, Mr. Clerk — and now, my lords, there is that young scattergood, the Laird of Bucklaw's fine to be disponed upon — I suppose it goes to my Lord Treasurer t " " Shame be in my meal-poke, then," exclaimed Lord Turn- tippet; " and your hand aye in the nook of it ! I had set that down for a by bit between meals for mysell." " To use one of your favorite saws, my lord," replied the Marquis, " you are like the miller's dog, that licks his lips before the bag is untied — the man is not fined yet." " But that costs but twa skarts of a pen," said Lord Turn- tippet ; "and surely there is nae noble lord that will presume to say, that I, who hae complied wi' a' compliances, taen all manner of tests, abjured all that was to be abjured, and sworn a' that was to be sworn, for these thirty years bypast, sticking fast by my duty to the state through good report and bad re- port, shouldna hae something now and then to synd my mouth wi' after sic drouthy wark ? Eh ? " " It would be very unreasonable indeed, my lord," replied the Marquis, "had we either thought that your lordship's drought was quenchdblc, or observed anything stick in your throat that required waehing down." And so we close the scene on the Privy Council of that period, * i, t. Let him pay with his person who cannot pay with his purse. THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 3^ CHAPTER FIFTH. For this are all these warriors come, To hear an idle tale ; And o'er our death-accustom'd arms Shall silly tears prevail ? Henry Mackenzie. On the evening of the day when the Lord Keeper and his daughter were saved from such imminent peril, two strangers were seated in the most private apartment of a small obscure inn, or rather ale-house, called the Tod's Den, about three or four miles from the Castle of Ravenswood, and as far from the ruinous tower of Wolf's Crag, betwixt which two places it was situated. One of these strangers was about forty years of age, tall, and thin in the flanks, with an aquiline nose, dark penetrating eyes, and a shrewd but sinister cast of countenance. The other was about fifteen years younger, short, stout, ruddy-faced, and red-haired, with an open, resolute, and cheerful eye, to which careless and fearless freedom, and inward daring, gave fire and expression, notwithstanding its light gray color. A stoup of wine (for in those days it was served out from the cask in pewter flagons) was placed on the table, and each had his quaigh or bicker* before him. But there was little appearance of conviviality. With folded arms, and looks of anxious expecta- tion, they eyed each other in silence, each wrapt in his own thoughts, and holding no communication with his neighbor. At length the younger broke silence by exclaiming, " What the foul fiend can detain the Master so long? he must have miscarried in his enterprise. — Why did you dissuade me from going with him ? " " One man is enough to right his own wrong," said the taller and older personage ; " we venture our lives for him in coming ihus far on such an errand." "You are but a craven after all, Craigengelt," answered the younger, "and that's what many folk have thought you before now." " But what none has dared to tell me," said Craigengelt, lay- * Drinking cups of different sizes, made out of staves hooped together. The q?w?^/4 was used chiefly for drinking wine or brandy: it might hold about a gill, and was often composed r^ r.^re wood, and curiously ornac tuented with silver. ,g THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. ing his hand on the hilt of his sword ; " and, but that I hold a hasty man no better than a fool, I would " — he paused for his companion's answer. *' Would you ? " said the other coolly ; " and why do you not, then ? " Craigengelt drew his cutlass an inch or two, and then re- turned it wiih violence into the scabbard — " Because there is a deeper stake to be played for, than the lives of twenty hare brain-ed gowks like you." " You are right there," said his companion, "for if it were not that these forfeitures, and that last fine that the old driveler Turntippet is gaping for, and which, I daresay, is laid on by this time, have fairly driven me out of house and home, I were a coxcomb and a cuckoo to boot, to trust your fair promises of get- ting me a commission in the Irish brigade, — what have I to do with the Irish brigade ? I am a plain Scotsman as my father was before me : and my grand-aunt. Lady Girnington, cannot live forever." " Ay, Bucklaw," observed Craigengelt, " but she may live for many a long day ; and for your father, he had land and living, kept himself close from wadsetters and money-lenders, paid each man his due, and lived on his own." " And whose fault is it that I have not done so too ? " said Bucklaw — " whose but the devil's and yours, and such like as you, that have led me to the far end of a fair estate .'' and now I shall be obliged, I suppose, to shelter and shift about like yourself — • live one week upon a line of secret intelligence from Saint Ger- mains — another upon report of a rising in the Highlands — get my breakfast and morning-draught of sack from old Jacobite ladies, and give them locks of my old wig for the Chevalier's hair — second my friend in his quarrel till he comes to the field, and then flinch from him lest so important a political agent should perish from the way. All this I must do for bread, be- • sides calling myself a Captain ! " "You think you are making a fine speech now," said Craig- engelt, " and showing much wit at my expense. Is starving or hanging better than the life 1 am obliged to lead, because the present fortunes of the king cannot sufficiently support his envoys ? " " Starving is honester, Craigengelt, and hanging is like to be the end on't — But what you mean to make of this poor fel- low Ravenswood I know not — he has no money left, anymore than I — his lands are all pawned and pledged, and the interest eats up the rents and is not satisfied, and what do you hope to make by meddling in his affairs ? " I THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. jg " Content yourself, Bucklaw ; I know my business," re- plied Craigengelt. " Besides that his name, and his father's services in 1689, will make such an acquisition sound well both at Versailles and Saint Germains — you will also please be informed, that the Master of Ravenswood is a very different kind of young fellow from you. He has parts and address, as well as courage and talents, and will present himself abroad like a young man of head as well as heart, who knows something more than the speed of a horse or the flight of a hawk. I have lost credit of late, by bringing over no one that had sense to know more than how to unharbor a stag, or take and reclaim an eyess. The Master has education, sense, and penetration." " And yet is not wise enough to escape the tricks of a kid- napper, Craigengelt ! " replied the younger man. " But don't be angry ; you know you will not fight, and so it is as well to leave your hilt in peace and quiet, and tell me in sober guise how you drew the Master into your confidence .'' " " By flattering his love of vengeance, Bucklaw," an- swered Craigengelt. " He has always distrusted me, but I watched my time, and struck while his temper was red-hot with the sense of insult and of wrong. He goes now to expostulate, as he says, and perhaps thinks, with Sir William Ashton. I say that if they meet, and the lawyer puts him to his defence, the Master will kill him ; for he had that sparkle in his eye which never deceives you when you would read a man's pur- pose. At any rate, he will give him such a bullying as will be construed into an assault on a privy-councillor ; so there will be a total breach betwixt him and government ; Scotland will be too hot for him, France will gain him, and we will all set sail together in the French brig L'Espoir, which is hovering for us off Eyemouth." " Content am I," said Bucklaw ; " Scotland has little left that I care about; and if carrying the Master with us will get us a better reception in France, why, so be it, a God's name. I doubt our own merits will procure us slender preferment ; and I trust he will send a ball through the Keeper's head before he joins us. One or two of these scoundrel statesmen should be shot once a-year, just to keep the others on their good behavior." *• That is very true," replied Craigengelt ; and it reminds me that I must go and see that our horses have been fed, and are in readiness ; for should such deed be done, it will be no time for grass to grow beneath their heels." He proceeded as far as the door, then turned back with a look of earnestness, and said to Bucklaw, " Whatever should come of this business, I s,m sure you will do me the justice to remember, that I said ♦o THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. nothing to the Master which could imply my accession to anj act of violence which he may take into his head to commit." " No, no, not a single word like accession," replied Buck- law ; " you know too well the risk belonging to these two terrible words, art and part." Then as if to himself, he recited the following lines : — " The dial spoke not, but it made shrewd signs, And pointed full upon the stroke of murder." " What is that you are talking to yourself } " said Craigen- gelt, turning back with some anxiety. '' Nothing — only two lines I have heard upon the stage," replied his companion. " Bucklavv," said Craigengelt, " I sometimes think you should have been a stage player yourself ; all is fancy and frolic with you." " I have often thought so myself," said Bucklaw. " I be- lieve it would be safer than acting with you in the Fatal Con- spiracy. But away, play your own part, and look after the horses like a groom as you are. A play-actor — a stage-player,' he repeated to himself; " that would have deserved a stab, but that Craigengelt's a coward — And yet I should like the pro- fession well enough — Stay — let me see — ay — I would come out in Alexander — " Thus from the grave I rise to save my love. Draw all your swords, and quick as lightning move ; When I rush on, sure none will dare to stay, 'Tis love commands, and glory leads the way.'" As with a voice of thunder, and his hand upon his sword, Bucklaw repeated the ranting couplets of poor Lee, Craigen- gelt re-entered with a face of alarm. *' We are undone, Bucklaw ! the Master's led horse has cast himself over his halter in the stable, and is dead lame — his hackney will be set up with the day's work, and now he has no fresh horse ; he will never get off." " Egad, there will be no moving with the speed of lightning this bout," said Bucklaw, dryly. " But stay, you can give him yours." " What ! and be taken myself ! I thank you for the pro- I^sal," said Craigengelt. " Why," replied Bucklaw, " if the Lord Keeper should have met with a mischance, which for my part I cannot suppose, foi the Master is not the lad to shoot an old and unarmed m«n — THE BTTDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 41 but if there should have been a fray at the Castle, you are neither art nor part in it, you know, so have nothing to fear." " True, true," answered the other, with embarrassment ; " but consider my commission from Saint Germains." " Which many men think is a commission of your own mak- ing, noble captain. Well, if you will not give him your horse, why, d — n it, he must have mine." "Yours .'' " said Craigengelt. " Ay, mine," repeated Bucklaw ; " it shall never be said that I agreed to back a gentleman in a little affair of honor, and neither helped him on with it nor off from it." " You will give him your horse .'' and have you considered the loss ? " " Loss ! why. Grey Gilbert cost me twenty Jacobuses, that's true ; but then his hackney is worth something, and his Black Moor is worth twice as much were he sound, and I know how to handle him. Take a fat sucking mastiff whelp, flay and bowel him, stuff the body full of black and grey snails, roast a reasonable time, and baste with oil of spikenard, saffron, cinnamon and honey, anoint the dripping, working it in" " Yes, Bucklaw, but in the meanwhile, before the sprain is cured, nay, before the whelp is roasted, you will be caught and hung. Depend on it, the chase will be hard after Ravenswood. I wish we had made our place of rendezvous nearer to the coast." " On my faith, then," said Bucklaw, " I had best go off just now, and leave my horse for him — Stay, stay, he comes, I hear a horse's feet. " Are you sure there is only one ? " said Craigengelt ; " I fear there is a chase ; I think I hear three or four galloping Xxy gether — I am sure I hear more horses than one." " Pooh, pooh, it is the wench of the house clattering to the well in her pattens. By my faith. Captain, you should give up both your captainship and your secret service, for you are as easily scared as a wild goose. But here comes the Maste; alone, and looking as gloomy as a night in November." The Master of Ravenswood entered the room accordingly, his cloak muffled around him, his arms folded, his looks stern, and at the same time dejected. He flung his cloak from him as he entered, threw himself upon a chair, and appeared sunk in a profound reverie. " What has happened .'' What have you done .-• " was hastily demanded by Craigengelt and Bucklaw in the same moment, *' NQthing," was the short and suUen answer. 4^ THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. " Nothing ? and left us, determined to call the old villain tO account for all the injur cs that you, we, and the country hav« received at his hand ? Have you seen him ? " " I have," replied the Master of Ravenswood. " Seen him ? and come away without settling scores which have been so long due ? " said Bucklaw ; " I would not have expected that at the hand of the Master of Ravenswood." " No matter what you expected," replied Ravenswood ; " it Is not to you, sir, that I shall be disposed to render any reason for my conduct." " Patience, Bucklaw," said Craigengelt, interrupting his companion, who seemed about to make an angry reply. " The Master has been interrupted in his purpose by some accident ; but he must excuse the anxious curiosity of friends, who are devoted to his cause like you and me." " Friends, Captain Craigengelt ! " retorted Ravenswood, haughtily; " I am ignorant what familiarity has passed betwixt us to entitle you to use that expression. I think our friendship amounts to this, that we agreed to leave Scotland together so soon as I should have visited the alienated mansion of my fathers, and had an interview with its present possessor — I wiU not call him proprietor." " Very true, Master," answered Bucklaw ; " and as we thought you had a mind to do something to put your neck in jeopardy, Craigie and I very courteously agreed to tarry fox you, although ours might run some risk in consequence. As to Craigie, indeed, it does not very much signify, he had gal- lows written on his brow in the hour of his birth ; but I should not like to discredit my parentage by coming to such an end in another man's cause." " Gentlomen," said the Master of Ravenswood, " I am sorry if I have occasioned you any inconvenience. But I must claim the right of judging what is best for my own afifairs, without rendering explanations to any one. I have altered my mind, and do not design to leave the country this season." " Not to leave the country, Master," exclaimed Craiger>- gelt. " Not to go over, after all the trouble and expense I have incurred — after all the risk of discovery, and the expense ol demurrage ! " "Sir," replied the Master of Ravenswood, " when I de- signed to leave this country in this haste, I made use of your obliging ofifer to procure me means of conveyance ; but I do not recollect that I pledged myself togoofif, if I found occasion to alter my rrind. For your trouble on my account, I am sorry, and I thank you \ your expense," he added, putting his hand THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. ^■^ fnto his pocket, " admits a more solid compensation — freight and demurrage are matters with wiiich 1 am unacquainted, Captain Craigengelt ; but take my purse, and pay yourself according to your own conscience," And accordingly he ten- dered a purse with some gold in it to the soi-disant captain. But here Bucklaw interposed in his turn. " Your fingers, Craigie, seem to itch for that same piece of green net-work," said he ; " but I make my vow to God, that if they offer to close upon it I will chop them off with my whinger. Since the Master has changed his mind, I suppose we need stay here no longer ; but in the first place I beg leave to tell him" — " Tell him anything you will," said Craigengelt, " if you will first allow me to state the inconveniences to which he will ex- pose himself by quitting our society, to remind him of the ob- stacles to his remaining here, and of the difficulties attending his proper introduction at Versailles and Saint Germains with- out the countenance of those who have established useful con- nections." " Besides forfeiting the friendship," said Bucklaw, " of at least one man of spirit and honor." " Gentlemen," said Ravenswood, " permit me once more to assure you that you have been pleased to attach to our tem- porary connection more importance than I ever meant that it should have. When I repair to foreign courts, I shall not need the introduction of an intriguing adventurer, nor is it necessary for me to set value on the friendship of a hot-headed bully," With these words, and without waiting for an answer, he left the apartment, remounted his horse, and was heard to ride off. " Mortbleu ! " said Captain Craigengelt, " my recruit is lost ! '' " Ay, Captain," said Bucklaw, " the salnion is off with hook and all. But I will after him, for I have had more of his in- solence than I can well digest." Craigengelt offered to accompany him, but Bucklaw replied, ' No, no, Captain ; keep you the cheek of the chimney-nook til! T come back ; it's good sleeping in a haill skin. Little kens the auid wife that sits by the fire. How cauld th« wind blaws in hurle-burle swire." And, singing as he went, he left the apartment. THE BRIDE OF LA MM ER MOOR, CHAPTER SIXTH. I Now, Billy Bewick, keep good heart, And of thy talking let me be ; But if thou art a man, as I am sure thou art, Come over the dike and fight with me. Old Ballad. The Master of Ravensvvood had mounted the ambling hack- ney which he before rode on finding the accident whith had hap- pened to his led horse, and, for the animal's ease was proceed- ing at a slow pace from the Tod's Den towards his old tower of Wolf's Crag, when he heard the galloping of a horse behind him, and looking back, perceived that he was pursued by young Bcuk- law, who had been delayed a fewminutes in the pursuit by the irre- sistible temptation of giving the hostler at the Tod's Den some recipe for treating the lame horse. This brief delay he had made up by hard galloping, and now overtook she Master where the road traversed a waste moor. "Halt, sir .'"cried Bucklaw; *' I am no political agent — no Captain Craigengelt, whose life is too important to be hazarded in defence of his honor. I am Frank Hayston of Bucklaw, and no man injures me by word, deed, sign, or look, but he must render me an account of it." " This is all very well, Mr. Hayston of Bucklaw," replied the Master of Ravenswood, in a tone the most calm and indif- ferent ; " but I have no quarrel with you, and desire to have none. Our roads homeward, as well as our roads through life, lie in different directions ; there is no occasion for us crossing each other." " Is there not "i " said Bucklaw, impetuously. " By Heaven I but I say that there is though — you call us intriguing adven turers." " Be correct in your recollection, Mr. Hayston ; it was to your companion only I applied that epithet, and you know him to be no better." And what then } He was my companion for the time, and no man shall insult my companion, right or wrong, while he is in my company." " Then Mr. Hayston," replied Ravenswood, with the same composure, " you should choose your society better, or you are like to have much work in your capacity of their champion. Go home sir, sleep, and have more reason in your wrath to- morrow." THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 45 •* Not so, Master, you have mistaken your man ; high airs and wise saws shall not carry it off thus. Besides, you termed me bully, and you shall retract the word before we part." " Faith, scarcely," said Ravenswood, "unless you show me better reason for thinking myself mistaken than you are now producing." " Then, Master," said Bucklaw, " though I should be sorry to offer it to a man of your quality, if you will not justify your incivility, or retract it, or name a place of meeting, you must here vmdergo the hard word and the hard blow." " Neither will be necessary," said Ravenswood : " I am satis- fied with what I have done to avoid an affair with you. If you are serious, this place will serve as well as another." " Dismount, then, and draw," said Bucklaw, setting him an example. " I always thought and said you were a pretty man 5 I should be sorry to report you otherwise." " You shall have no reason, sir," said Ravenswood, alighting and putting himself into a posture of defence. Their swords crossed, and the combat commenced with great spirit on the part of Bucklaw, who was well accustomed to affairs of the kind, and distinguished by address and dexterity at his weapon. In the present case, however, he did not use his skill to advantage ; for, having lost temper at the cool and contemptuous manner in which the Master of Ravenswood had long refused, and at length granted him satisfaction, and urged by his impatience, he adopted the part of an assailant with inconsiderate eagerness. The Master, with equal skill, and much greater composure, remained chiefly on the defensive, and even declined to avail himself of one or two advantages afforded him by the eagerness of his adversarj'. At length in a desperate lunge, which he followed with an attempt to close, Bucklaw's foot slipped, and he fell on the short grassy turf on which they were fighting. " Take your life, sir," said the Master of Ravenswood, " and mend it, if you can." " It would be but a cobbled piece of work, I fear," said Buck- law, rising slowly, and gathering up his sword, much less dis- concerted with the issue of the combat than could have been ex- pected from the impetuosity of his temper. "I thank you for my life, Master," he pursued. "There is my hand, I bear no ill will to vou, either for my bad luck or your better swordman ship." The Master looked steadily at him for an instant, then ex- tended his hand to him. — "Bucklaw," he said, "you are a gen- erous fellow, and I have done you wrong. I heartily ask youT pardon for the expression which offended you j it wa.s hastily 46 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. and incautiously uttered, and I am convinced it is totally mis- applied." " Are you indeed, Master ? " said Bucklaw, his face resuming at once its natural expression of light-hearted carelessness and audacity ; " that is more than I expected of you ; for, Master, men say you are not ready to retract your opinions and your language." "JSot when I have well considered them," said the Master. " Then you are a little wiser than I am, for I always give my friend satisfaction first and explanation afterward. If one of us falls, all accounts are settled ; if not, men are never so ready for peace as after war. — But what does that bawling brat of a boy want .'' " said Bucklaw. " I wish to Heaven he had come a few minutes sooner ! and yet it must have been ended some time and perhaps this way is as well as any other." As he spoke, the boy he mentioned came up, cudgeling an ass, on which he was mounted, to the top of its speed, and send- ing, like one of Ossian's heroes, his voice before him, — " Gentle- men, — gentlemen, save yourselves ! for the gudewife bade us tell ye there were folk in her house had taen Captain Craigen- gelt, and were seeking for Bucklaw, and that ye behoved to ride for it." " By my faith, and that's very true, my man," said Bucklaw,' " and there's a silver sixpence for your news, and 1 would give any man twice as much would tell me which way I should ride." " That will I, Bucklaw," said Ravenswood ; " ride home to Wolf's Crag with me. There are places in the old tower where you might lie hid were a thousand men to seek you." " But that will bring you into trouble yourself. Master ; and unless you be in the Jacobite scrape already, it is quite needless for me to drag you in." " Not a whit ; I have nothing to fear." " Then I will ride with you blithely, for, to say the truth, 1 do not know the rendezvous that Craigie was to guide us to this night ; and I am sure that, if he is taken, he will tell all the truth of me, and twenty lies of you, in order to save himself from the withie." They mounted, and rode off in company accordingly, striking off the ordinary road, and holding their way by wild moorish un- frequented paths, with which the gentlemen were well acquainted from the exercise of the chase, but through which others would have had much difficulty in tracing their course. They rode fox some time in silence, making such haste as the condition of Rav- enswood's horse permitted, until night having gradually closed around them, they discontinued their speed, both from the diffi- THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. ^y culty of discovering their path, and from the hope that they were beyond the reach of pursuit or observation. " And now that we have drawn bridle a bit," said Bucklaw, " I would fain ask you a question, Master." " Ask, and welcome," said Ravenswood, " but forgive my not answering it, unless I think proper." " Well, it is simply this," answered his late antagonist, — " What, in the name of old Sathan, could make you, who stand so highly on your reputation, think for a moment of drawing up ■with such a rogue as Craigengelt, and such a scapegrace as folk call Bucklaw ? " " Simply, because I was desperate, and sought desperate associates." " And what made you break off from us at the nearest ? " again demanded Bucklaw. " Because I had changed my mind," said the Master, " and renounced my enterprise, at least for the present. And now that I have answered your questions fairly and frankly, tell me what makes you associate with Craigengelt, so much beneath you both in birth and spirit ? " "In plain terms," answered Bucklaw, "because I am a fool, who have gambled away my land in these times. My grandaunt, Lady Girnington, has taen a new tack of life, I think, and I could only hope to get something by a change of government. Craigie was a sort of gambling acquaintance ; he saw my condition ; and, as the devil is always at one's elbow, told me fifty lies about his credentials from Versailles and his interest at Saint Germains, promised me a captain's commission at Paris, and I have been ass enough to put my thumb under his belt. I daresay by this time he has told a dozen pretty stories of me to the Government. And this is what I have got by wine, women, and dice, cocks, dogs, and horses." '""Yes, Bucklaw," said the Master, "you have indeed nour- ished in your bosom the snakes that are now stinging you." " That's home as well as true. Master," replied his companion; "but, by your leave, you have nursed in your bosom one great goodly snake that has swallowed all the rest, and is as sure to devour you as my half-dozen are to make a meal on all that's left of Bucklaw, which is but what lies between bonnet and boot-heel." " I must not," answered the Master of Ravenswood, " chal- lenge the freedom of speech in which I have set example. What, to speak without a metaphor, do you call this monstrous passion, which you charge me with fostering ? " " Revenge, my good sir, revenge ; which if it be as gentlemai> ^8 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. like a sin as wine and wassail with their et cceteras, is equatl} unchristian, and not so bloodless. It is better breaking a park- pale, to watch a doe or damsel, than to shoot an old man." " I deny the purpose," said the Master of Ravenswood. " On my soul, I had no such intention ; I meant but to confront the oppressor ere I left my native land, and upbraid him with his tyranny and its consequences. I would have stated my wrongs so that they would hav^e shaken his soul within him." " Yes," answered Bucklaw, " and he would have collared you, and cried help, and then you would have shaken the soul out of him, I suppose. Your very look and manner would have frightened the old man to death." " Consider the provocation," answered Ravenswood — " con- sider the ruin and death procured and caused by his hard- hearted cruelty — an ancient house destroyed, an aiTectionate father murdered ! Why, in our old Scottish days, he that sat quiet under such wrongs, would have been held neither fit to back a friend nor face a foe." " Well, Master, I am glad to see that the devil deals as cunningly with other folk as he deals with me ; for whenever I am about to commit any folly, he persuades me it is the most necessary, gallant, gentlemanlike thing on earth, and I am up to saddlegirths in the bog before I see that the ground is soft. And you, Master, might have turned out a murd a homicide, just out of pure respect for your father's memory." " There is more sense in your language, Bucklaw," replied the Master. " than might have been expected from j'our conduct. It is too true, our vices steal upon us in forms outwardly as fair as those of the demons whom the superstitious represent as intriguing with the human race, and are not discovered in their native hideousness until we have clasped them in our arms." " But we may throw them from us, though," said Bucklaw. " and that is what I shall think of doing one of those days, — • that is, when old Lady Girnington dies." " Did yovi ever hear the expression of the English divine ? " said Ravenswood — " ' Hell is paved with good intentions ' — as much as to say, they are more often formed than executed." "Well," replied Bucklaw, "but I will begin this blessed night, and have determined not to drink above one quart of wine, unless your claret be of extraordinary quality." " You will find little to tempt you at Wolf's Crag," said the Master. " I know not that I can promise you more than the shelter of my roof ; all, and more than all, our stock of wine and provisions was exhausted at the late occasion." "Long may it be ere provision is needed for the like pm THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. ^g {)OSe,** answered Bucklaw ; " but you should not drink up the ast flask at a dirge ; there is ill luck in that." "There is ill luck, I think, in whatever belongs to me," said Ravenswood. " But yonder is Wolf's Crag, and whatever it still contains is at your service." The roar of the sea had long announced their approach to the cliffs, and the summit of which, like the nest of some sea- eagle, the founder of the fortalice had perched his eyry The pale moon, which had hitherto been contending with flitting clouds, now shone out, and gave them a view of the solitary and naked tower, situated on a projecting cliff that beetled on the German Ocean. On three sides the rock was precipitous ; ^ T — on the fourth, which was that toward the land, it had been '^'^-'*-^-^ orginally fenced by an artificial ditch and drawbridge, but the latter was broken down and ruinous, and the former had been in part filled up, so as to allow passage for a horseman into the narrow courtyard, encircled on two sides with low offices and stables, partly ruinous, and closed on the landward front by a low embattled wall, while the remaining side of the quadrangle was occupied by the tower itself, which, tall and narrow, and built of a grayish stone, stood glimmering in the moonlight, like the sheeted spectre of some huge giant. A wilder or more disconsolate dwelling, it was perhaps difficult to conceive. The sombrous and heavy sound of the billows, successively dashing against the rocky beach at a profound distance beneath, was to the ear what the landscape was to the eye — a symbol of unvaried and monotonous melancholy, not unmingled with horror.* Although the night was not far advanced, there was no sign of living inhabitant about this forlorn abode, excepting that one, and only one, of the narrow and stancheled windows which appeared at irregular heights and distances in the walls of the building, showed a small glimmer of light. "There," said Ravenswood, "sits the only male domestic that remains to the house of Ravenswood, and it is well that he does remain there, since otherwise, ve had little hope to find either light or fire. But follow me cautiously ; the road is nar- row, and admits only one horse in front." In effect, the path led along a kind of isthmus, at the peninsular extremity of which the tower was situated, with that exclusive attention to strength and security, in preference to every circumstance of convenience, which dictated to the Scot- * [Wolf's Crag and Fast Castle.— See the Author's explanatioo in his Introduction to Chronicles of the Canon^te, vol, xix.l CO THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. tish barons the choice of tlieir situations, as well as their style of building. By adopting the cautious mode of approach recommended by the proprietor of this wild hold, they entered the courtyard in safety. But it was long ere the efforts of Ravenswood, though loudly exerted by knocking at the low-browed entrance, and repeated shouts to Caleb to open the gate and admit them, received any answer. " The old man must be departed," he began to say, " oi fallen into some fit ; for the noise I have made would have waked the seven sleepers " At length a timid and hesitating voice replied, — " Master — Master of Ravenswood, is it you } " " Yes. it is I, Caleb ; open the door quickly." " But is it you in very blood and body ? For I would sooner face fifty deevils as my master's ghaist, or even his wraith — • wherefore, aroint ye, if ye were ten times my master, unless ye come in bodily shape, lith and limb." " It is I, you old fool," answered Ravenswood, " in bodily shape, and alive, save that I am half-dead with cold." The light at the upper window disappeared, and glancing from loop-hole to loop-hole in slow succession, gave intimation that the bearer was in the act of descending, with great deliber- ation, a winding staircase occupying one of the turrets which graced the angles of the old tower. The tardiness of his descent extracted some exclamations of impatience from Ravenswood, and several oaths from his less patient and more mercurial companion. Caleb again paused ere he unbolted the door, and once more asked, if they were men of mould that demanded entrance at this time of night ? " Were I near you, you old fool," said Bucklaw, " I would give you sufficient proofs of mj> bodily condition." " Open the gate, Caleb," said his master, in a more soothing tone, partly from his regard to the ancient and faithful seneschal, partly perhaps because he thought that angry words would be thrown away, so long as Caleb had a stout iron-clenched oaken door betwixt his person and the speakers. At length Caleb, with a trembling hand, undid the bars, opened the heavy door, and stood before them, exhibiting his thin gray hairs, bald forehead, and sharp high features, illumi- nated by a quivering lamp which he held in one hand, while he shaded and protected its flame with the other. The timorous courteous glance which he threw around him — the effect of the partial light upon his white hair and illumined features, might have made a good painting ; but our travelers were too imp* THE BR IDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 51 rient for security against the rising storm, to permit them to indulge themselves in studying the picturesque. " Is it you, my dear master? is it you yourself, indeed ?" exclaimed the old domestic. " I am wae ye suld hae stude waiting at your ain gate ; but wha wad hae thought o' seeing ye sae sune, and a strange gentleman with a — (Here he exclaimed apart, as it ivere, and to some inmate of the tower, in a voice not meant to be heard by those in the court — Mysie — Mysie, woman ; stir for dear life, and get the fire mended ; take the auld three- legged stool, or ony thing that's readiest that will make a lowe). — I doubt we are but puirly provided, no expecting ye this some months, when doubtless ye wad hae been received con- form till your rank, as gude right is ; but natheless" " Natheless, Caleb," said the Master, " we must have our horses put up, and ourselves too, the best way we can. I hope you are not sorry to see me sooner than you expected ? " " Sorry, my lord ! — I am sure ye sail aye be my lord wi' honest folk, as your noble ancestors hae been these three hundred years, and never asked a whig's leave. Sorry to see the Lord of Ravenswood at ane o' his ain castles ! — (Then again apart to his unseen associate behind the screen — Mysie, kill the brood-hen without thinking twice on it ; let them care that come ahint.) — No to say it's our best dwelling," he added, turn- ing to Bucklaw ; " but just a strength for the Lord of Ravens- wood to flee until, — that is, not to flee, but to retreat until in troublous times, like the present, when it was ill convenient for him to live fruther in the country in ony of his better and mair principal manors ; but, for its antiquity, maist folk think that the outside of Wolf's Crag is worthy of a large perusal." " And you are determined we shall have time to make it," said Ravenswood, somewhat amused with the shifts the old man used to detain them without doors, until his confederate Mysie had made her preparations within. " O, never mind the outside of the house, my good friend," said Bucklaw ; " let's see the inside, and let our horses see the stable, that's all." " O yes, sir — ay, sir, — unquestionably, sir^-my lord and ony of his honorable companions" " But our horses, my old friend — our horses ; they will be dead-foundered by standing here in the cold after riding hard, and mine is too good to be spoiled ; therefore, once more, out horses," exclaimed Bucklaw. " True — ay — your horses — yes — I will call the grooms ; " and sturdily did Caleb roar till the old tower rang again, — "John — William — Saunders! — The lads are gane out, or sleep- 52 THE BR WE OF LAMMERMOOR. ing " he observed, after pausing for an answer, which he kne^f that he had no human chance of receiving. " A' gaes wrang ■when the Master's out by ; but I'll take care o' j'our cattle mysell." " I think you had better," said Ravenswood, " otherwise I see little chance of their being attended to at all," "Whisht, my lord, — whisht, for God's sake," said Caleb, in an imploring tone, and apart to his master ; "if ye dinna gard your ain credit, think on mine ; we'll hae hard eneugh wark to mak a decent night o't, wi' a' the lees I can tell." "Well, well, never mind," said his master; "go to the stable. There is hay and corn, I trust } " " Ou ay, plenty of hay and corn ; " this was uttered boldly and aloud, and, in a lower tone, " there was some half-fous o' aits, and some taits o' meadow-hay, left after the burial." " Very well," said Ravenswood, taking the lamp from his domestic's unwilling hand, " I will show the stranger up stairs myself," " I canna think o' that, my lord ; — if ye wad but have five minutes, or ten minutes, or at maist, a quarter of an hour's pa- tience, and look at the fine moonlight prospect of the Bass* and North Berwick Law till I sort the horses, I would marshal ye up, as reason is ye suld be marshaled, your lordship and your honorable visitor. And I hae lockit up the siller candlesticks, and the lamp is not fit" " It will do very well in the meantime," said Ravenswood, " and you will have no difficulty for want of light in the stables, for, if I recollect, half the roof is off." "Very true, my lord," replied the trusty adherent, and with ready wit instantly added, " and the lazy sclater loons have never come to put it on a' this while, your lordship." ■■' If I were disposed to jest at the calamities of my house," said Ravenswood, as he led the way up stairs, " poor old Caleb would furnish me with ample means. His passion consists in rej^resenting things about our miserable tnenage, not as they are, but as, in his opinion, they ought to be ; and, to say the truth, I have been often diverted with the poor wretch's expedients to supply what he thought was essential for the credit of the family, and his still more generous apologies for the want of those articles for which his ingenuity could discover no substitute. But though the tower is none of the largest, I shall have some trouble without him to find the apartment in which there is a fire." ♦ [A solitary rock off the coast of East Lotliian.] THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. ^l As he spoke thus, he opened the door of the hall. " Here, at least," he said, " there is neither hearth nor harbor." It was indeed a scene of desolation, A large vaulted room, the beams of which, combined like those of Westminster Hall, were rudely carved at the extremities, remained nearly in the situation in which it had been left after the entertainment at Allan Lord Ravenswood's funeral. Overturned pitchers, and blackjacks, and pewter stoups, and flagons, still encumbered the large oaken table ; glasses, those more perishable implements of conviviality, many of which had been voluntarily sacrificed by the guests in their enthusiastic pledges to favorite toasts, strewed the stone floor with their fragments. As for the ar- ticles of plate lent for the purpose by friends and kinsfolk, those had been carefully withdrawn so soon as the ostentatious dis- play of festivity, equally unnecessary and strangely timed, had been made and ended. Nothing, in short, remained that indi- cated wealth ; all the signs were those of recent wastefulness, and present desolation. The black cloth hangings, which, on the late mournful occasion, replaced the tattered moth-eaten tapestries, had been partly pulled down, and, dangling from the wall in irregular festoons, disclosed the rough stone-worK of the building, unsmoothed either by plaster or the chisel. The seats thrown down, or left in disorder, intimated the careless confusion which had concluded the mournful revel. " This room," said Ravenswood, holding up the lamp — " this room, Mr. Hayston, was riotous when it should have been sad ; it is a just retribution that it should now be sad when it ought to be cheerful." They left this disconsolate apartment, and went upstairs, where, after opening one or two doors in vain, Ravenswood led the way into a little matted anteroom, in which, to their great joy, they found a tolerable good fire, which Mysie, by some such expedient as Caleb had suggested, had supplied with a reason- able quantity of fuel. Glad at the heart to see more of comfort than the castle had yet seemed to offer, Bucklaw rubbed his hands heartily over the fire, and now listened with more compla- cency to the apologies wliich the Master of Ravenswood offered. " Comfort," he said, " I cannot provide for you, for I have it not for myself ; it is long since these walls have known it, if, indeed, they were ever acquainted with it. Shelter and safety, I think, I can promise you." " Excellent matters, Master," replied Bucklaw, " and with a mouthful of food and wine, positively all I can require to- night." " I fear," said the Master, " your supper will be a poor one ; 54 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. I hear the matter in discussion betwixt Caleb and Mysie, Poor Balderston is something deaf, amongst his other accom- plishments, so that much of what he means should be spoken aside is overheard by the whole audience, and especially by those from whom he is most anxious to conceal his private manoeuvres — Hark ! " They listened, and heard the old domestic's voice in conver sation with Mysie to the following effect. " Just mak the best o't, mak the best o't, woman ; it's easy to put a fair face on ony thing." " But the auld brood-hen ! — she'll be as teugh as bow-strings and bend leather ! " " Say ye made a mistake — say ye made a mistake, Mysie," replied the faithful seneschal, in a soothing and undertoned voice ; " tak it a' on yoursell ; never let the credit o' the house suffer." " But the brood-hen," remonstrated Mysie, — " ou, she's sitting some gate aneath the dais in the hall, and I am feared to gae in in the dark for the bogle ; and if I didna see the bogle, 1 could as ill see the hen, for it's pit mirk, and there's no an other light in the house, save that very blessed lamp whilk the Master has in his ain hand. And if I had the hen, she's to pu', and to draw, and to dress ; how can I do that, and them sitting by the only fire we have ? " " Weel, weel, Mysie," said the butler, " bide ye there a wee, and I'll try to get the lamp wiled away frae them." Accordingly, Caleb Balderston entered the apartment, little aware that so much of his bA'-play had been audible there. '' Well, Caleb, my old friend, is there any chance of supper ? " said the Master of Ravenswood. " Chance of supper, your lordship ? " said Caleb, with an emphasis of strong scorn at the implied doubt, — " How should there be ony question of that, and us in your lordship's house ? — Chance of supper, indeed ! — But ye'll no be for butcher meat i There's walth o' frt poultry, ready either for spit or brander — The fat capon, Mysie ! " he added, calling out as boldly as if such a thing had been in existence. " Quite unnecessary," said Bucklaw, who deemed himself bound in courtesy to relieve some part of the anxious butler's perplexity, " if you have anything cold, or a morsel of bread." " The best of bannocks ! " exclaimed Caleb, much relieved ; "and for cauld meat, a' that we hae is cauld enough, — howbeit maist of the cauld meat and pastry was gien to the puir folk after the ceremony of interment, as gude reason was ; nevep' theless" THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR, 55 " Come, Caleb," said the Master of Ravenswood, " I must cut ^is matter short. This is the young Laird of Bucklaw ; he is under hiding and therefore, you know" " He'll be nae nicer than your lordship's honor, I'se warrant," answered Caleb cheerfully, with a nod of intelligence ; "I am sorry that the gentleman is under distress, but 1 am blithe that he canna say muckle again our housekeeping, for I believe his ain pinches may match ours ; — no that we are pinched, thank God," he added, retracting the admission which he had made in his first burst of joy, " but nae doubt we are waur dSi than we hae been or suld be. And for eating — what signifies telling a lee ? there's just the hinder end of the mutton-ham that has been but three times on the table, and the nearer the bane the sweeter, as your honors weel ken ; and — there's the heel of the ewe milk kebbuck, wi' a bit of nice butter, and — and — that's a' that's to trust to." And with great alacrity he produced his slender stock of provisions, and placed them with much formality upon a small round table betwixt the two gentlemen, who were not deterred either by the homely quality or limited quantity of the repast from doing it full justice. Caleb in the mean- while waited on them with grave officiousness, as if anxious to make up, by his own respectful assiduity, for the want of all other attendance. But, alas ! how little on such occasions can form, however anxiously and scrupulously observed, supply the lack of substan- tial fare ! Bucklaw, who had eagerly eaten a considerable por- tion of the thrice-sacked mutton-ham, now began to demand ale. " I wadna just presume to recommend our ale," said Caleb ; "the maut was ill made, and there was awfu' thunner last week ; but siccan water as the Tower well has ye'll seldom see, Bucklaw, and that I'se engage for." " But if your ale is bad, you can let us have some wine," said Bucklaw, making a grimace at the mention of the pure element which Caleb so earnestly recommended. " Wine ! " answered Caleb unclauntedly, " enauih of wine ; it was but twa days syne — wae's me for the cause — there was as much wine drunk in this house as would have floated a pinnace. There never was lack of wine at Wolf's Crag." " Do fetch us some then," said his master, " instead of talk- ing about it. " And Caleb boldly departed. Every expended butt in the old cellar did he set a-tilt, and ghake with the desperate expectation of collecting enough of the grounds of claret to fill the large pewter measure which he carried in his hand. Alas ! each had been too devoutly drained ; and, with all the squeezing and manoeuvring which his craft as 5 6 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR, a butler suggested, he could only collect about half-a-quart that seemed presentable. Still, however, Caleb was too good a general to renounce the field without a stratagem to cover his retreat He undauntedly threw down an empty flagon, as if he had stumbled at the entrance of the apartment ; called upon Mysie to wipe up the wine that had never been spilt, and placing the other vessel on the table, hoped there was still enough left for their honors. There was indeed ; for even Eucklaw, a sworn friend to the grape, found no encouragement to renew his first attack on the vintage of Wolf's Crag, but contented himself, however reluctantly, with a draught of fair water. Arrange- ments w'cre now made for his repose ; and as the secret chamber was assigned for this purpose, it furnished Caleb with a first- rate and most plausible apology for all deficiencies of furniture, bedding, etc. "For wha," said he, "would have thought of the secret chaumer being needed ? it has not been used since the time of the Gowrie Conspiracy, and I durst never let a woman ken of the entrance to it., or your honor will allow that it wad not hae been a secret chaumer lane." CHAPTER SEVENTH. The hearth in hall was black and dead. No board was dight in bower within. Nor merry bowl, nor welcome bed ; " Here's sorry cheer," quoth the Heir of Linne. Old Ballad. ' The feelings of the prodigal Heir of Linne, as expressed in that excellent old song, when, after dissipating his whole fortune, It^ found himself the deserted inhabitant of " the lonely lodge," might perhaps have some resemblance to those of the Mastei of Ravenswood in his deserted mansion of Wolf's Crag. The Master, however, had this advantage over the spendthrift in the legend, that if he was in similar distress, he could not in.pute it to his own imprudence. His misery had been bequeathed to him by his father, and joined to his high blood, and to a title which the courteous might give, or the churlish withholi at their pleasure, it was the whole inheritance he had derived from his ancestry. Perhaps this melancholy, yet consolatory reflection crossed *he mind of the unfortunate young nobleman with a breathing THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 57 of comfort. Favorable to calm reflection, as well as to the Muses, the morning, while it dispelled the shades of night, had a composing and sedative effect upon the stormy passions by which the Master of Ravenswood had been agitated on the pre- ceding day. He now felt himself able to analyze the different feelings by which he was agitated, and much resolved to combat and to subdue them. The morning, which had arisen calm and bright, gave a pleasant effect even to the waste moorland view which was seen from the castle on looking to the landward, and the glorious ocean, crisped with a thousand rippling waves of silver, extended on the other side, in awful yet complacent majesty, to the verge of the horizon. With such scenes of calm sublimity the human heart sympathizes even in its most dis- turbed moods, and deeds of honor and virtue are inspired by their majestic influence. To seek out Bucklaw in the retreat which he had afforded him was the first occupation of the Master, after he had performed, with a scrutiny unusually severe, the important task of self- examination. " How now, Bucklaw ? " was his morning's salu- tation — " how like you the couch in which the exiled Earl of Angus once slept in security, when he was pursued by the full energy of a king's resentment .'' " " IJmph ! " returned the sleeper awakened ; " I have little to complain of where so great a man was quartered before me, only the mattress was of the hardest, the vault somewhat damp, the rats rather more mutinous than I would have expected from the state of Caleb's larder, and if there had been shutters to that grated window, or a curtain to the bed, I should think it, upon the whole, an improvement in your accommodations." " It is, to be sure, forlorn enough," said the Master, looking around the small vault ; " but if you will rise and leave it, Caleb will endeavor to find you a better breakfast than your supper of last night." " Pray, let it be no better," said Bucklaw, getting up, and endeavoring to dress himself as well as the obscurity of the place would permit — " let it, I say, be no better, if you mean me to persevere in my proposed reformation. The very recollec- tion of Caleb's beverage has done more to suppress my longing to open the day with a morning draught than twenty sermons would have done. And you, Master, have you been able to give battle valiantly to your bosom-snake ? You see I am in the way of smothering my vipers one by one." " I have commenced the battle, at least, Bucklaw, and I have had a fair vision of an angel who descended to my assistance," replied the Master. 58 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. " Woe's me ! " said his guest, " no vision can I expect, unless my aunt, Lady Girnington, should betake herself to the tomb •, and then it would be the substance of her heritage rather than the appearance of her phantom that I should consider as the support of my good resolutions. But this same breakfast, Master, — does the deer that is to make the pastry run yet on foot, as the ballad has it ? " " I will inquire into that matter," said his entertainer , and leaving the apartment, he went in search of Caleb, whom after some difficulty, he found in an obscure sort of dungeon, which had been in former times the buttery of the castle. Here the old man was employed busily in the doubtful task of burnishing a pewter flagon until it should take the hue and semblance of silver-plate. " I think it may do — I think it might pass, if they winna bring it ower muckle in the light o' the window!" were the ejaculations which he muttered from time to time, as if to encourage himself in his undertaking, when he was inter- rupted by the voice of his master. " Take this," said the Master of Ravenswood, " and get what is necessary for the family." And with these words he gave to the old butler the purse which had on the preceding evening so narrowly escaped the fangs of Craigengelt. The old man shook his silvery and thin locks, and looked with an expression of the most heartfelt anguish at his master as he weighed in his hand the slender treasure, and said in a sorrowful voice, " And is this a' that's left ? " "All that is left at present," said the Master, affecting more cheerfulness than perhaps he really felt, " is just the green purse and the wee pickle gowd, as the old song says ; but we shall do better one day, Caleb." " Before that day comes," said Caleb, " I doubt there will be an end of an auld sang, and an auld serving-man to boot. But it disna become me to speak that gate to your honor, and you looking sae pale. Tak back the purse, and keep it to be mak- ing a show before company ; for if your honor would just tak a bidding, and be whiles taking it out afore folk and putting it up again, there's naebody would refuse us trust, for a' that's come and gane y^t." " But, Caleb," said the Master, " I still intend to leave this country very soon, and I desire to do so with the reputation of an honest man, leaving no debt behind me, at least of my own contracting." " And gude right ye suld gang away as a true man, and so ye shall ; for auld Caleb can tak the wyte of whatever is taen on tor the house, and then it will be a' just ae man's burden ; and THE BRIDE OF LA MMERMOOR. 59 I will live just as weel in the tolbooth as out of it, and the credit of the family will be a' safe and sound." The Master endeavored in vain to make Caleb comprehend that the butler's incurring the responsibility of debts in his own person would rather add to than remove the objections which he had to their being contracted. He spoke to a premier, too busy in devising ways and means to puzzle himself with refuting the arguments offered against their justice or expediency. v , " There's Eppie Sma'trash will trust us for ale," said Caleb ^-'f^'^ to himself ; " she has lived a' her life under the family — and may- /"'J be wi' a soup brandy — I canna say for wine — she is but a lone - '7*'^ woman, and gets her claret by a runlet at a time — but I'll work a wee drap out o' her by fair means or foul. For doos, there's the doocot — there will be poultry amang the tenants, though L,//!^ Luckie Chirnside says she has paid the kain twice ower. We'll mak shift an it like your honor — we'll mak shift — keep your heart abune, for the house sail baud its credit as lang as auld Caleb is to the fore." The entertainment which the old man's exertions of various kinds enabled him to present to the young gentlemen for three or four days was certainly of no splendid description, but it may readily be believed it was set before no critical guests ; and even the distresses, excuses, evasions, and shifts of Caleb afforded amusement to the young men, and added a sort of interest to the scrambling and irregular style of their table. They had in deed occasion to seize on every circumstance that might serve to diversify or enliven time, which otherwise passed away so heavily. Bucklaw, shut out from his usual field-sports and joyous carouses by the necessity of remaining concealed within the walls of the castle, became a joyless and uninteresting companion. When the Master of Ravenwood would no longer fence or play at shovel-board — when he himself had polished to the extremity the coat of his palfrey, with brush, currycomb, and hair-cloth — when he had seen him eat his provender, and gently lie dcv/ji in his stall, he could hardly help envying the animal's apparent acquiescence in a life so monotonous. " The stupid brute," h(? said, " thinks neither of the race-ground nor the hunting-field, of his green paddock at Bucklaw, but enjoys himself as comfortably when haltered to the rack in this ruinous vault, as if he had been foaled in it ; and I, who have the freedom of a prisoner at large, to range through the dungeons of this wretched old tower, can hardly, betwixt whistling and sleeping, contrive to pass away the hour till dinner-time." And with this disconsolate reflection, he wended his way tQ 6o THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. the bartisan or battlements of the tower, to watch what objects might appear on the distant moor, or to pelt, with pebbles and pieces of lime, the sea-mews and cormorants which established themselves incautiously within the reach of an idle young man. Ravenswood, with a mind incalculably deeper and more power- ful than that of his companion, had his own anxious subjects of reflection, which wrought for him the same unhappiness that sheer ennui and want of occupation inflicted on his companion. The first sight of Lucy Ashton had been less impressive than her image proved to be upon reflection. As the depth and vio- lence of that revengeful passion by which he had been actuated in seeking an interview with the father, began to abate by de- grees, he looked back on his conduct toward the daughter as harsh and unworthy toward a female of rank and beauty. Her looks of grateful acknowledgment, her words of affectionate courtesy, had been repelled with something which approached to disdain ; and if the Master of Ravenswood had sustained wrongs at the hand of Sir William Ashton, his conscience told him they had been unhandsomely resented toward his daughter. ^^'hen his thoughts took this turn of self-reproach, the recollec- tion of Lucy Ashton's beautiful features, rendered yet more in- teresting by the circumstances in which their meeting had taken place, made an impression upon his mind at once soothing and painful. The sweetness of her voice, the delicacy of her ex- pressions, the vivid glow of her filial afl^ection, embittered his regret at having repulsed her gratitude with rudeness, while, at the same time, they placed before his imagination a picture of the most seducing sweetness. Even young Ravenswood's strength of moral feeling and rectitude of purpose at once increased the danger of cherishing these recollections, and the propensity to entertain them. Firmly resolved as he was to subdue, if possible, the predominating vice in his character, he admitted with willingness — nay, he sum- moned up in his imagination, the ideas by which it could be most powerfully counteracted ; and, while he did so, a sense of his own harsh conduct toward the daughter of his enemy natu- rally induced him, as if byway of recompense, to invest her with more of grace and beauty than perhaps she could actually claim. Had any one at this period told the Master of Ravenswood that he had so lately vowed vengeance agamst the whole lineage of him whom he considered, not unjustly, as author of his father's ruin and death, he might at first have repelled the charge as a foul calumny ; yet, upon serious self-examination he would have been compelled to admit, that it had, at one period, some foundation in truth, though, according to the present tone of THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 6t his sentiments, it was difficult to believe that this had really been the case. There already existed in his bosom two contradictory passions . — a Jesire to revenge the death of his faiher, strangely qualined^yv^feiM'< by ^miration of his enemy's daughter. Against the former Vj feeling he had struggled, until it seemed to him upon the wane ; a'.^ainst the latter he used no means of resistance, for he did not suspect its existence. That this was actually the case, was ciiietiy evinced by his resuming his resolution to leave Scotland. Yet, though such was his purpose, he remained day after day at Wolf's Crag, without taking measures for carrying it into execu- tion. It is true that he had written to one or two kinsmen, who resided in a distant quarter of Scotland, and particularly to the Marquis of A , intimating his purpose ; and when pressed upon the subject by Bucklaw, he was wont to allege the neces- sity of v/aiting for their reply, especially that of the Marquis, before taking so decisive a measure. The Marquis was rich and powerful ; and although he was suspected to entertain sentiments unfavorable to the govern- ment established at the Revolution, he had nevertheless address enough to head a party in the Scottish Privy Council, connected with the high church faction in England, and powerful enough to menace those to whom the Lord Keeper adhered, with a prob- able subversion of their power. The consulting with a per- sonage of such importance was a plausible excuse, which Ravenswood used to Bucklaw, and probably to himself, for continuing his residence at Wolf's Crag ; and it was rendered yet more so by a general report which began to be current, of a probable change of ministers and measures in the Scottish administration. These rumors, strongly asserted by some, and as resolutely denied by others, as their wishes or interest dic- tated, found their way even to the ruinous Tower of Wolf's Crag, chiefly through the medium of Caleb the butler, who, among his other excellences, was an ardent politician, and seldom made on excursion from the old fortress to the neighboring village of Wolf's Hope, without bringing back what tidings were current in the vicinity. But if Bucklaw could not offer any satisfactory objections to the delay of the Master in leaving Scotland, he did not the less suffer with impatience the state of inaction to which it confined him ; and it was only the ascendency which his new companion had acquired over him, that induced him to submit to a course of life so alien to his habits and inclinations. " You were wont to be thought a stirring active young fellow. Master," was his frequent remonstrance ; " yet here you seem 62 THE BRIDE OF LAMMJ-.RMOOR. determined to live on and on like a rat in a hole, with this trifling difference, that the wiser vermin chooses a hermitage where he can find food at least ; but as for us, Caleb's excuses become longer as his diet turns more spare, and I fear we shall realize the stories they tell of the sloth, — we have almost eat up the last green leaf on the plant, and have nothing left for it but to drop from the tree and break our necks." " Do not fear," said Ravenswood ; " there is a fate watche?. for us, and we too have a stake in the revolution that is rujv/ impending, and which already has alarmed many a bosom " What fate — what revolution ? " inquired his companion. " We have had one revolution too much already, I think." Ravenswood interrupted him by putting into his hands a letter. "Oh," answered Bucklav/, "my dream's out — I thought I heard Caleb this morning pressing some unfortunate fellow to a drink of cold water, and assuring him it was better for his stomach in the morning than ale or brandy." " It was my Lord of A 's courier," said Ravenswood, " who was doomed to experience his ostentatious hospitality, which I believe ended in sour beer and herrings — Read, and you will see the news he has brought us." " I will as fast as I can," said Bucklaw ; " but I am no great clerk, nor does his lordship seem to be the first of scribes." (The reader will peruse, in a few seconds, by the aid of our friend Ballantyne's* types, what took Bucklaw a good half-hour in perusal, though assisted by the Master of Ravenswood.) The tenor was as follows : — " Right Honorarle our Cousin, — Our hearty commenda- tions premised, these come to assure you of the interest which we take in your welfare, and in your purposes toward its augmentation. If we have been less active in showing forth our effective good-will toward you than, as a loving kinsman and blood-relative, we would willingly have desired, we request that you will impute it to lack of opportunity to show our good-liking, not to any coldness of our will. Touching your resolution to travel in foreign parts, as at this time we hold the same little advisable, in respect than your ill-willers may, according to the custom of such persons, impute motives for your journey, whereof, although we know and believe you to be as clear as ourselves, yet natheless their words may find credence in places where the belief in them may much prejudice you, and * Note D. The Ballantynes. THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 63 which we should see with more unwillingness and displeasure than with means of remedy. " Having thus, as beconieth our kindred, given you our poor mind on the subject of your journeying forth of Scotland, we would willingly add reasons of weight, which might materially advantage you and your father's house, thereby to determine yju to abide at Wolf's Crag, until this harvest season shall be passed over. But what sayeth the prov?ib, verbum sapienti, — Q^word is more to him that hath wisdom than a sermon to a '/^j Tool. } And albeit we have written this poor scroll with our own hand and are well assured of the fidelity of our messenger, as him that is many ways bounden to us, yet so it is, that sliddery ways crave wary walking, and that we may not peril upon paper matters which we would gladly impart to you by word of mouth. Wherefore, it was our purpose to have prayed you heartily to come to this barren Highland country to kill a stag, and to treat of the matters which we are now more painfully inditing to you anent. But commodity does not serve at pres- ent for such our meeting, which, therefore, shall be deferred until sic time as we may in all mirth rehearse those things whereof we now keep silence. Meantime, we pray you to think that we are, and will still be, your good kinsman and well- wisher, waiting but for times of whilk we do, as it were, enter- tain a twilight prospect, and appear and hope to be also your effectual well-doer. And in which hope we heartily write ourself, " Right Honorable, " Your loving cousin, " Given from our poor house of B , etc." Superscribed — " For the right honorable, and our honored kinsman, the Master of Ravenswood. These, with haste, haste, post haste — ride and run until these be delivered." " What think you of this epistle, Bucklaw ? " said the Master, when his companion had hammered out all the sense, and almost all the words of which it consisted. " Truly, that the Marquis's meaning is as great a riddle as his manuscript. He is really in much need of Wit's Interpreter, or the Complete Letter Writer, and were I you, I would send him a copy by the bearer. He writes you very kindly to remain wasting your time and your money in this vile, stupid, oppressed country, without so much as offering you the countenance and shelter of his house. In my opinion, he has some scheme in riew in which he supposes you can be useful, and he wishes to 6^ THE BRIDE OF LA MMERMOOR. keep you at hand, to make use of you when it ripens, reserving the power of turning you adrift, should his plot fail in the con- coction." " His plot ? — then you suppose it is a treasonable business," answered Ravenswood. " What else can it be ? " replied Bucklaw ; " the Marquis has been long suspected to have an eye to Saint Gerrnains." " He should not engage me rashly in such an adventure," said Ravenswood ; " when I recollect the times of the first and second Charles, and of the last James, truly, I see little reason, that, as a man or a patriot, I should draw my sword for their descendants." " Humph ! " replied Bucklaw ; " so you have set yourself down to mourn over the crop-eared dogs, whom honest Claver'se treated as they deserved .'' " " They first gave the dogs an ill name, and then hanged them," replied Ravenswood. " I hope to see the day when jus- tice shall be opened to Whig and Tory, and when these nick- names sliall only be used among coffee-house politicians, as slut and jade are among apple-women, as cant terms of idle spite and rancor." " That will not be in our days. Master — the iron has entered too deeply into our sides and our souls." "It will be, however, one day," replied the Master, "men will not always start at these nicknames as at a trumpet sound. As social life is better protected, its comforts will become too dear to be hazarded without some better reason than speculative politics." " It is fine talking," answered Bucklaw ; " but my heart is with the old song, — To see good corn upon the rigs, And a gallows built to hang the Whigs, And the rigiu restored where the right should be, O, that is the thing that would wanton me." " You may sing as loudly as you will, cantahit vacuus," — an- swered the Master ; " but I believe the Marquis is too wise, at least too wary, to join you in such a burden. I suspect he alludes to a revolution in the Scottish Privy Council, rather than :n the British kingdoms." ' Oh, confusion to your state tricks ! " exclaimed Bucklaw, " your cold calculating manoeuvres, which old gentlemen In wrought nightcaps and furred gowns execute like so many games at chess, and displace a treasurer or lord commissioner as they would take a rook or a pawn. Tennis for my sport, and battle ^p^ THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. £5 for my earnest ! My racket and my sword for my plaything and ^Bread-winner ! And you, Master, so deep and considerate as you would seem, you have that within you maizes the blood boil faster than suits your present humor of moralizing on political truths. You are one of those wise men who see everything with great composure till their blood is up, and then — woe to any who should put them in mind of their own prudential maxims ! " "Perhaps," said Ravenswood, "you read me more rightly than I can myself. But to think justly will certainly go some length in helping me to act so. But, hark ! I hear Caleb tolling the dinner-bell.'' " Which he always does with the more sonorous grace, in proportion to the meagreness of the cheer which he has pro- vided," said Bucklaw ; " as if that infernal clang and jangle, which will one day bring the belfry down the cliff, could convert a starved hen into a fat capon, and a blade-bone of mutton into a haunch of venison." " I wish we may be so well off as your worst conjectures surmise, Bucklaw, from the extreme solemnity and ceremony with which Caleb seems to place on the table that solitary covered dish." " Uncover, Caleb ! uncover, for Heaven's sake ! " said Buck- law ; " let us have what you can give us without preface — Why, it stands well enough, man," he continued, addressing impa- tiently the ancient butler, who, without reply, kept shifting the dish, until he had at length placed it with mathematical precision in the very midst of the table. " What have we got here, Caleb t " inquired the master in his turn. " Ahem ! sir, j'e suld have known before ; but his honor the Laird of Bucklaw is so impatient," answered Caleb, still holding the dish with one hand, and the cover with the other, with evident rehictance to disclose the contents. " But what is it, a God's name — not a pair of clean spurs, I hope, in the border fashion of old times ! " " Ahem ! ahem ! " reiterated Caleb, " your honor is pleased to be facetious — natheless, I might presume to say it was a convenient fashion used, as I have heard, in an honorable and thriving family. But touching your present dinner, I judged that this being Saint Magdalene's Eve, who was a worthy queen of Scotland in her day, your honors might judge it decorous, if not altogether to fast, yet only to sustain nature with some slight refection, as ane saulted herring or the like." And, uncovering the dish, he displayed four of the savory fishes which he mentioned, adding, in a subdued tone, " that 66 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR, they were no just common herring neither, being every atiC melters, and sauted with uncommon care by tiie housekeepei (poor Mysie) for his honor's especial use." " Out upon all apologies !" said the Master, " let us eat the herrings, since there is nothing better to be had — but I begin to think with you, Bucklaw, that we are consuming the last green leaf, and that, in spite of the Marquis's political machina- tions, we must positively shift camp for want of forage, without waiting the issue of them." CHAPTER EIGHTH. Ay, and when huntsmen wind the merry horn. And from its covert starts the fearful prey, Who, warm'd with youth's blood in his swelling veins, Would, like a lifeless clod, outstretched lie, Shut out from all the fair creation offers? liTHWALD, Scene I. Act L Light meals procure light slumbers ; and therefore it is not surprising, that, considering the fare which Caleb's conscience, or his necessity, assuming, as will sometimes happen, that disguise had assigned to the guests of Wolf's Crag, their slumbers should have been short. In the morning Bucklaw rushed into his host's apartment with a loud halloo, which might have awaked the dead. " Up ! up ! in the name of Heaven — the hunters are out, the only piece of sport I have seen this month ; and. you lie here. Master, on a bed that has little to recommend it, except that it may be something softer than the stone floor of your ancestor's vault." ' " I wish," said Ravenswood, raising his head peevishly, "you had forborne so early a jest, Mr. Hayston — it is really no pleas- ure to lose the very short repose which I had just begun to enjoy, after a night spent in thoughts upon fortune far harder than my couch, Bucklaw." " Pshaw, pshaw ! " replied his guest ; " get up — get up — the hounds are abroad — I have saddled the horses myself, for old Caleb was calling for grooms and lackeys, and would never have proceeded without two hours' apology for the absence of men who were a hundred miles off. — Get up. Master — I say, the hounds are out — get up, I say — the hunt is up." And off ran Bucklaw. THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 67 "And I say," said the Master, rising slowh^, " that nothing can concern me less. Whose hounds come so near to us ? " •' The Honorable Lord Bittlebrains', " answered Caleb, who had followed the impatient Laird of Bucklaw into his master's bedroom, "and truly I ken nae title they have to be yowling and howling within the freedoms and immunities of your lord ship's right of free forestry." " Nor L Caleb," replied Ravenswood, ''excepting that they have bought both the lands and the right of forestry, and may think themselves entitled to exercise the rights they have paid their money for." " It may be sae, my lord," replied Caleb ; " but it's no gen- tleman's deed of them to come here and exercise such like right, and your lordship living at your ain castle of Wolf's Crag. Lord Bittlebrains would do weel to remember what his folk have been." " And we what we now are," said the Master with suppressed bitterness of feeling. " But reach me my cloak, Caleb, and I will indulge Bucklaw with a sight of this chase. It is selfish to sacrifice my guest's pleasure to my own." " Sacrifice ! " echoed Caleb, in a tone which seemed to imply the total absurdity of his master making the least concession in deference to any one — " Sacrifice indeed ! — but I crave your honor's pardon — and whilk doublet is it your pleasure to wear? *' "Any one you will, Caleb — my wardrobe, I su^Dpose, is not very extensive." " Not extensive ! " echoed his assistant ; " when there is the gray and silver that your lordship bestowed on Hew Hilde- brand, your outrider — and the French velvet that went with my lord your father — (be gracious to him !) — my lord your father's auld wardrobe to the puir friends of the family — and the drap- deberry" " Which I gave to you, Caleb, and which, I suppose, is the only dress we have any chance to come at, except that I wore j^esterday — pray, hand me that, and say no more about it." " If your honor has a fancy, " replied Caleb, " and doubt- less it's a sad-colored suit, and you are in mourning — never- theless I have never tried on the drap-de-berry — ill wad it be- come me — and your honor having no change of claiths at this present — and it's weel brushed, and as there are leddies down yonder " — " Ladies ! " said Ravenswood ; " and what ladies, pray ? " "What do I ken, your lordship ? — looking down at them from the Warden's Tower, I could but see them glent by vH' 68 THE BRTDE OF LAMMERMOOR. their bridles ringing, and their feathers fluttering, like the court of Eltiand." " Well, well, Caleb," replied the Master, " help me on with my cloak, and hand me my sword-belt. — What clatter is that in the courtyard? " "Just Bucklaw bringing out the horses," said Caleb, after a glance through the window, " as if there werena men eneugh in the castle, or as if I couldna serve the turn of ony o' them that are out o' the gate." " Alas ! Caleb, we should want little, if your ability were equal to your will," replied his master. " And I hope your lordship disna want that muckle," said Caleb ; " for, considering a' things, I trust we support the credit of the family as weel as things will permit of — only Buck- law is aye sae frank and sae forward. — And there he has brought out your lordship's palfrey without the saddle being decored wi' the broidered sumpter-cloth ! and I could have brushed it in a minute." " It is all very well," said his master, escaping from him, and descending the narrow and steep winding staircase, which led to the courtyard." " It may be a' very weel," said Caleb, somewhat peevishly ; ** but if your lordship wad tarry a bit, I will tell you what will not be very weel." " And what is that ? " said Ravenswood, impatiently, but stopping at the same time. " Why, just that ye suld speer ony gentleman hame to din- ner ; for I canna mak anither fast on a feast day, as when I cam ower Bucklaw wi' Queen Margaret — and, to speak truth, if your lordship wad but please to cast yoursell in the way of dining wi' Lord Bittlebrains, I'se warrand I wad cast about brawly for the morn ; or if, stead o' that, ye wad but dine wi' them at the change-house, ye might mak your shift for the lawing ; ye might say ye had forgot your purse — or that the carline awed ye rent, and that ye wad allow it in the settle- ment." " Or any other lie that came uppermost, I suppose ? " said his master, " Good-bye, Caleb ; I commend your care for the honor of the family." And, throwing himself on his horse, he followed Bucklaw, who, at the manifest risk of his neck, had begun to gallop down the steep path which led from the tower, as soon as he saw Ravenswood have his foot in the stirrup. Caleb Balderstone looked anxiously after them, and shook his thin gray locks — " And I trust that they will come to no THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 69 evil — but they have reached the plain, and folk cannot say but that the horse are hearty and in spirits." Animated by the natural impetuosity and fire of his tem- per, young Bucklaw rushed on with the careless speed of a whirlwind. Ravenswood was scarce more moderate in his pace, for his was a mind unwillingly roused from contemplative inactivity ; but which, when once put into motion, acquired a spirit of forcible and violent progression. Neither was his eagerness proportioned in all cases to the motive of impulse, but might be compared to the speed of a stone, which rushes with like fury down the hill, whether it was first put in motion by the arm of a giant or the hand of a boy. He felt, therefore, in an ordinary degree, the headlong impulse of the chase, a pas- time so natural to youth of all ranks, that it seems rather to be an inherent passion in our animal nature, which levels all differ- ences of rank and education, than an acquired habit of rapid exercise. The repeated bursts of the French horn, which was then always used for the encouragement and direction of the hounds — the deep, though distant baying of the pack — the half-heard cries of the huntsmen — the half-seen forms which were dis- covered, now emerging from glens which crossed the moor, now sweeping over its surface, now picking their way where it was impeded by morasses ; and above all, the feeling of his own rapid motion, animated the Master of Ravenswood, at least for the moment, above the recollections of a more painfvil nature by which he was surrounded. The first thing which recalled him to those unpleasing circumstances, was feeling that his horse, notwithstanding all the advantages which he received from his rider's knowledge of the country, was unable to keep up with the chase. As he drew his bridle up with the bitter feeling, that his poverty excluded him from the favorite re- creation of his forefathers, and indeed, their sole employment when not engaged in military pursuits, he was accosted by a well-mounted stranger, who, unobserved, had kept near him during the earlier part of his career. " Your horse is blown," said the man, with a complaisance seldom used in a hunting-field, " Might I crave your honor to make use of mine ? " " Sir," said Ravenswood, more surprised than pleased at such a proposal, " I really do not know how I have merited such a favor at a stranger's hands." " Never ask a question about it, Master," said Bucklaw, who, ■with great unwillingness, had hitherto reined in his own gallant Steed, not to outride his host and entertainer. " Take the goods JO THE BRIDE l^E LAMMERMOOR. the gods provide you, as the great John Dryden says — or stay- here, my friend, lend me that' horse ; — I see you have been puzzled to rein him up this half-hour. I'll take the devil out of him for you. Now, Master, do you ride mine, which wili carry you like an eagle." And throwing the rein of his own horse to the Master ot Ravcnswood, he sprang upon that which the stranger resigned to him, and continued his career at full speed. " Was ever so thoughtless a being! " said the Master ; " an 1 you, my friend, how could you trust him with your horse ?" '■'■ The horse," said the man, " belongs to a person who will make your honor, or any of your honorable friends, most wel- come to him, flesh and fell." " And the owner's name is 1 " asked Ravenswood. *•' Your honor must excuse me, you will learn that from himself. — If you please to take your friend's horse, and leave me your galloway, I will meet you after the fall of the stag, for I hear they are blowing him at bay." " I believe, my friend, it will be the best way to recover your good horse for you," answered Ravenswood ; and mounting the nag of his friend Bucklaw he made all the haste in his power to the spot where the blast of the horn announced that the stag's career was nearly terminated. These jovial sounds were intermixed with the huntsman's, shouts of " Hyke a Talbot ! Hyke a Teviot ! now boys, now ! " and similar cheering halloos of the olden hunting-field, to which the impatient yelling of the hounds, now close on the object of their pursuit, gave a lively and unremitting chorus. The straggling riders began now to rally toward the scene of action, collecting from different points as to a common centre. Bucklaw kept the start which he had gotten, and arrived first at the spot, where the stag, incapable of sustaining a more prolonged flight, had turned upon the hounds, and, in the 'hunter's phrase, was at bay. With his stately head bent down, his sides white with foam, his eyes strained betwixt rage and terror, the hunted animal had now in his turn become an object Ol intimidation to his pursuers. The hunters came up one by one. and watched an opportunity to as sailhim with some ad- vantage, which, in such circumstances, can only be done with caution. The dogs stood aloof and bayed loudly, intimating at oi-»ce eagerness and fear, and each oi the sportsmen seemed to expect that his comrade would take upon him the perilous task of assaulting and disabling the animal. The ground, which was a hollow in the common or moor, afforded little advantage for approaching the stag unobserved ; and general was the THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 7> shout of triumph when Bucklaw, with the dexterity proper to an accompUshed cavalier of the day, sprang from his horse, and dashing suddenly and swiftly at the stag, brought him to the ground by a cut on the hind leg with his short hunting-sword. The pack, rushing in upon their disabled enemy, soon ended his painful struggles, and solemnized his fall with their clamor — the hunters, with their horns and voices, whooping and blow- ing a mart, or death-note, which resounded far over the billows of the adjacent ocean. The huntsman then withdrew the hounds from the throttled stag, and on his knee presented his knife to a fair female form, on a white palfrey, whose terror, or perhaps her compassion, had till then kept her at some distance. She wore a black silk riding-mask, which was then a common fashion, as well for pre serving the complexion from sun and rain, as from an idea of decorum, which did not permit a lady to appear barefaced while engaged in a boisterous sport, and attended by a promiscuous company. The richness of her dress, however, as well as the mettle and form of her palfrey, together with the silvan compli- ment paid to her by the huntsman, pointed her out to Bucklaw as the principal person in the field. It was not without a feeling of pity, approaching even to contempt, that this enthusiastic hunter observed her refuse the huntsman's knife, presented to her for the purpose of making the first incision in the stag's breast, and thereby discovering the quality of the venison. He felt more than half inclined to pay his compliments to her; but it had been Bucklaw's misfortune, that his habits of life had not rendered him familiarly acquainted with the higher and better classes of female society, so that, with all his natural audacity, he felt sheepish and bashful when it became necessary to ad- dress a lady of distinction. Taking unto himself heart of grace (to use his own phrase), he did at length summon up resolution enough to give the fair huntress good time of the day, and trust that her sport had an- swered her expectation. Her answer was very courteously and modestly expressed, and testified some gratitude to the gallant cavalier, whose exploit had terminated the chase so adroitly, when the hounds and huntsmen seemed somewhat at a stand. " Uds daggers and scabbard, madam," said Bucklaw, whom this observation brought at once upon his own ground, " there is no difficulty or merit in that matter at all, so that a fellow is not too much afraid of having a pair of antlers in his guts. I have hunted at force five hundred times, madam ; and I never yet saw the stag at bay, by land or water, but I durst have gone roundly in on him. It is all use and wont, madam ; and I'll tcli 73 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. you, madam, for all that, it must be done with good heed and caution ; and yoM will do well, madam, to have your hunting- sword both right sharp and double-edged, that you may strike either foie-handed or back-lianded, as you see reason, for a hurt with a buck's horn is a perilous and somewhat venomous matter. " I am afraid, sir," said the young lady, and her smile was scarce concealed by her vizard, " I shall have little use for such careful preparation." " But the gentleman says very right for all that, my lady," said an old huntsman, who had listened to Bucklaw's harangue with no small edification ; " and I have heard my father say, who was a forester at the Cabrach, that a wild boar's gaunch is more easily healed than a hurt from the deer's horn, for so says the old woodman's rhyme — If thou be hurt with horn of hart, it brings thee to thy bier ; But tusk of boar shall leeches heal — thereof have lesser fear." " An I might advise," continued Bucklaw, who was now in his element, and desirous of assuming the whole management, " as the hounds are surbated and weary, the head of the stag should be cabbaged in order to reward them ; and if I may pre- sume to speak, the huntsman, who is to break up the stag, ought to drink to your good ladyship's health a good lusty bicker of ale, or a tass of brandy ; for if he breaks him up without drink- ing, the venison will not keep well." This very agreeable prescription received, as will be readily believed, all acceptation from the huntsman, who, in requital, offered to Bucklaw the compliment of his knife, which the young lady had declined. This polite proffer was seconded by his mistress. " I believe, sir," she said, withdrawing herself from the circle, " that my father, for whose amusement Lord Bittlebrains' hounds have been out to-day, will readily surrender all care of these matters to a gentleman of your experience." Then, bending gracefully from her horse, she wished him good morning, and, attended by one or two domestics, who seemed immediately attached to her service, retired from the scene of action, to which Bucklaw, too much delighted with an opportunit}' of displaying his wood-craft to care about man or woman either, paid little attention ; but was soon stripped to his doublet, with tucked-up sleeves, and naked arms up to the elbows in blood and grease, slashing, cutting, hacking, and hewing with the precision of Sir Tristrem himself, and wrangling and disput' ing with all around him concerning nonibles, briskets, flankard* THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 73 and ravenbones, then usual terms of the art of hunting, or of butchery, whichever the reader chooses to call it, which are now probably antiquated. When Ravenswood, who followed a short space behind his friend, saw that the stag had fallen, his temporary ardor for the chase gave way to that feeling of reluctance which he en- dured at encountering in his fallen fortunes the gaze whether of equals or inferiors. He reined up his horse on the top of a gentle eminence, from which he observed the busy and gay scene beneath htm, and heard th'fe whoops of the huntsmen gaily mingled with the cry of the dogs, and the neighing and tramp- ling of the horses. But these jovial sounds fell sadly on the ear of the ruined nobleman. The chase, with all its train of ex- citations, has ever since feudal times been accounted the almost exclusive privilege of the aristocracy, and was anciently their chief employment in times of peace. The sense that he was excluded by his situation from enjoying the silvan sport, which his rank assigned to him as a special prerogative, and the feel- ing that new men were now exercising it over the downs, which had been jealously reserved by his ancestors for their own amusement, while he, the heir of the domain, was fain to hold himself at a distance from their party, awakened reflections cal- culated to depress deeply a mind like Ravenswood's, which was naturally contemplative and melancholy. His pride, however, soon shook off this feeling of dejection, and it gave way to im- patience upon finding that his volatile friend, Bucklaw, seemed in no hurry to return with his borrowed steed, which Ravens- wood, before leaving the field, wished to see restored to the obliging owner. As he was about to move toward the group of assembled huntsmen, he was joined by a horseman, who like himself had kept aloof during the fall of the deer. I'his personage seemed stricken in years. He wore a scarlet cloak, buttoning high up on his face, and his hat was unlooped and slouched, probably by way of defence against the weather. His horse, a strong and steady palfrey, was calculated for a rider who proposed to witness the sport of the day, rather than to share it. An attendant waited at some distance, and the whole equipment was that of an elderly gentleman of rank and fashion. He accosted I-lavenswood very politel}', but not with out some embarrassment. " You seem a gallant young gentleman, sir," he said, " and yet appear as indifferent to this brave sport as if you had my load of years on your shoulders." " I have followed the sport with more spirit on other occa- gions," replied the Master ; " at present, late events in my family 74 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. must be my apology — and besides," he added, " I was but itt differently mounted at the beginning of the sport." " I think," said the stranger, " one of my attendants had tha sense to accommodate your friend with a horse." " I was much indebted to his politeness and yours," replied Ravenswood. My friend is Mr. Hayston of Bucklaw, whom I daresay you wili be sure to find in the thick of the keenest sportsmen. He will return your servant's horse, and take my pony in exchange — and will add," he concluded, turning his horse's head from the stranger, " his best acknowledgments to mine for the accommodation." The Master of Ravenswood, having thus expressed himself, began to move homeward, with the manner of one who has taken leave of his company. But the stranger was not so to be shaken off. He turned his horse at the same time, and rode in the same direction so near to the Master, that, without outriding him, which the formal civility of the time, and the respect due to the stranger's age and recent civility would have rendered improper, he could not easily escape from his company. The stranger did not long remain silent. " This, then," he said, " is the ancient Castle of Wolf's Crag, often mentioned in the Scottish records," looking to the old tower, then darkening under the influence of a stormy cloud, that formed its background ; for at the distance of a short mile, the chase having been cir- cuitous, had brought the hunters nearly back to the point which they had attained, when Ravenswood and Bucklaw had set for- ward to join them. Ravenswood answered this observation with a cold and dis- tant assent. '• It was, as I have heard," continued the stranger, unabashed by his coldness, " one of the most early possessions of the honorable family of Ravenswood." " Their earliest possession," answered the Master, " and probably their latest," " I — I — I should hope not, sir," answered the stranger, clear- ing his voice with more than one cough, and making an effort to overcome a certain degree of hesitation, — " Scotland knows what she owes to this ancient family, and remembers their frequent and honorable achievements. I have little doubt, that, were it properly represenlcd to her majesty, that so ancient and noble a family were subjected to dilapidation — I mean to decay — means might be found ad re-adijicandum antiquam *' I will save you the trouble, sir, of discussing this point further," interrupted the Master, haughtily. " I am the h«if THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 75 of that unfortunate house — I am the Master of Ravenswood. And you, sir, who seem to be a gentleman of fashion and edu- cation, must be sensible, that the next mortification after being unhappy, is the being loaded with undesired commiseration." " I beg your pardon, sir," said the elder horseman — " I did not know — I am sensible I ought not to have mentioned — notli- ing could be further from my thoughts than to suppose" " There are no apologies necessary, sir," answered Ravens wood, *' for here, I suppose, our roads separate, and I assure you that we part in perfect equanimity on my side." As speaking these words, he directed his horse's head tow- ard a narrow causeway, the ancient approach to Wolf's Crag, of which it might be truly said, in the words of the Bard of Hope, that. Travelled by few was the grass-cover'd road, Where the hunter of deer and the warrior trode, To his hills that encircle the sea. But, ere he could disengage himself from his companion, the young lady we have already mentioned came up to join the stranger, followed by her servants. " Daughter," said the stranger to the masked damsel, " this is the Master of Ravenswood." It would have been natural that the gentleman should have replied to this introduction ; but there was something in the graceful form and retiring modesty of the female to whom he was thus presented, which not only prevented him from inquir- ing to whom, and by whom, the annunciation had been made, but which even for the time struck him absolutely mute. At this moment the cloud which had long lowered above the height on which Wolf's Crag is situated, and which now, as it advanced, spread itself in darker and denser folds both over land and sea, hiding the distant objects, and obscuring those which were nearer, turning the sea to a leaden complexion, and the heath to a darker brown, began now, by one or two distant peals, to an- nounce the thunders with which it was fraught ; while two flashes of lightning, following each other very closely, showed in the distance the gray turrets of Wolf's Crag, and, more nearly, the rolling billows of the ocean, crested suddenly with red and daz- zling light. The horse of the fair huntress showed symptoms of impa- tience and restiveneis, and it became impossible for Ravens- wood, as a man or a gentleman, to leave her abruptly to the care of an aged father or her menial attendants. He was, or believed himself, obliged in courtesy to take hold of her bridle^ tj6 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. and assist her in managing the unruly animal. While he was thus engaged, the old gentleman observed that the storm seemed to increase — that they were far from Lord Bittlebrains', whose guests they were for the present — and that he would be obliged to the Master of Ravenswood to point him the way to the nearest place of refuge from the storm. At the same time, he cast a wistful and embarrassed look toward the Tower of Wolf's Crag, which seemed to render it almost impossible for the owner to avoid offering an old man and a lady, in such an emergency, the temporary use of his house. Indeed, the condi- tion of the young huntress made this courtesy indispensable ; for, in the course of the services which he rendered, he could not but perceive that she trembled much, and was extremely agitated, from her apprehensions, doubtless, of the coming storm. I know not if the Master of Ravenswood shared her terrors, but he was not entirely free from something like a similar dis- order of nerves, as he observed, " The Tower of Wolf's Crag has nothing to offer be3-ond the shelter of its roof, but if that can be acceptable at such a moment" — he paused, as if the res: of the invitation stuck in his throat. But the old gentleman, his self-constituted companion, did not allow him to recede from the invitation, which he had rather suffered to be implied than directly expressed. "The storm," said the stranger, "must be an apology for waiving ceremony — his daughter's health was weak — she had suffered much from a recent alarm — he trusted their intrusion on the Master of Ravenswood's hospitality would not be alto- gether unpardonable in the circumstances of the case — his child's safety must be dearer to him than ceremony." There was no room to retreat. The Master of Ravenswood led the way, continuing to keep hold of the lady's bridle to pre- vent her horse from starting at some unexpected explosion of thunder. He was not so bewildered in his own hurried reflec- tions, but that he remarked, that the deadly paleness which had occupied her neck and temples, and such of her features as the riding-mask left exposed, gave phice to a deep and rosy suffusion ; and he felt with embarrassment that a flush was by tacit sympathy excited in his own cheeks. The stranger, wiih watchfulness which he disguised under apprehensions for the safety of his daughter, continued to observe the expression of the Master's countenance as they ascended the hill to Wolf's Crag. When they stood in front of that ancient fortress, Ravenswood's emotions were of a very complicated description; and as he led the way into the rude courtyard, and halloo'd to THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. yjt Caleb to give attendance, there was a tone of sternness, almost of fierceness, which seemed somewhat alien from the courtesies of one who is receiving honored guests. Caleb came ; and not the paleness of the fair stranger at the first approach of the thunder, nor the paleness of any othei person, in any other circumstances whatever, equaled that which overcame the thin cheeks of the disconsolate seneschal, when he beheld this accession of guests to the castle, and reflected that the dinner hour was fast approaching. " Is he daft ? '■■ he muttered to himself, — " is he clean daft a'thegither, to bring lords and leddies, and a host o' folk behint them, and twal-o'clock chappit ? " Then approaching the Master, he craved pardon for having permitted the rest of his people to go out to see the hunt, observing, that "they wad never think of his lordship coming back till mirk night, and that he dreaded they might play the truant." " Silence, Balderston ! " said Ravenswood, sternly ; " your folly is unseasonable. — Sir and madam," he said, turning to his guests, " this old man, and a yet older and more imbecile female domestic, form my whole retinue. Our means of refreshing you are more scanty than even so miserable a retinue, and a dwelling so dilapidated, might seem to promise you ; but, such as they may chance to be, you may command them." The elder stranger, struck with the ruined and even savaga appearance of the Tower, rendered still more disconsolate by the lowering and gloomy sky, and perhaps not altogether un. moved by the grave and determined voice in which their host addressed them, looked round him anxiously, as if he half re- pented the readiness with which he had accepted the offered hospitality. But there was now no opportunity of receding from the situation in which he had placed himself. As for Caleb, he was so utterly stunned by his master's public and unqualified acknowledgment of the nakedness of the land, that for two minutes he could only mutter within his heb- ilomadal beard, which had not felt the razor for six days, " He's daft — clean daft — red wud, and awa wi't ! But deil hae Caleb Balderston," said he, collecting his powers of invention and re source, "if the family shall lose credit, if he were as mad as the seven wise masters ! " he then boldly advanced, and in spite of his master's frowns and impatience, gravely asked, " if he should not serve up some slight refection for the young leddy, and a glass of tokay, or old sack — or " " Truce to this ill-timed foolery," said the Master, sternlyj j$ THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. •—"put the horses into the stable, and interrupt us no mora with your absurdities." " Your honor's pleasure is to be obeyed aboon a' things," said Caleb ; " nevertheless, as for the sack and tokay, which it is not your noble guests' pleasure to accept " But here the voice of Bucklaw, heard even above the clattering of hoofs and braying of horns with which it mingled, announced that he was scaling the pathway to the Tower at the head of the greater part of the gallant hunting train. " The deil be in me," said Caleb, taking heart in spite of this new invasion of Philistines, "if they shall beat me yet! The hellicat ne'er-do-weel ! — to bring such a crew here, that will expect to find brandy as plenty as ditch-water, and he kenning sae absolutely the case in whilk we stand for the present ! But I trow, could I get rid of thae gaping gowks of flunkies that hae won into the courtyard at the back of their betters, as mony a man gets preferment, I could make a' right yet." The measures which he took to execute this dauntless resolution the reader shall learn in the next chapter. CHAPTER NINTH. With throat unslaked, with black lips baked. Agape they heard him call ; Gramercy they for joy did grin, And all at once th:ir breath drew in. As they had been drinking all ! Coleridge's " Rime ok the Ancient Mariner." Hayston of Bucklaw was one of the thoughtless class who never hesitate between their friend and their jest. When it was announced that the principal persons of the chase had taken their route toward Wolf's Crag, the huntsmen, as a point of civility, offered to transfer the venison to that mansion ; a proffer which was readily accepted by Bucklaw, who thought much of the astonishment which their arrival in full body would occasion poor old Caleb Balderston, and very little of the dilemma to which he was about to expose his friend the Master, so ill cir- cumstanced to receive such a party. But in old Caleb he had to do with a crafty and alert antagonist, prompt at supplying, upon all emergencies, evasions and excuses suitable, as he thought, to the dignity of the family. THE BRTDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 79 "Praise be blest ! " said Caleb to himself, " ae leaf of the muckle gate has been swung to \vi' yestreen's wind, and I think I can manage to shut the ither." But he was desirous, like a prudent governor, at the same time to get rid, if possible, of the internal enemy, in which light he considered almost every one who ate and drank, ere he took measures to exclude those whom their jocund noise now pro- nounced to be near at hand. He waited, therefore, with impa- tience until his master had shown his two principal guests into the tower, and then commenced his operations. " I think," he said to the stranger menials, " that as they ar« bringing the stag's head to the castle in all honor, we, who are in-dwellers. should receive them at the gate." The unwary grooms had no sooner hurried out, in compliance with this, insidious hint, than, one folding-door of the ancient gate being already closed by the wind, as has been already inti- mated, honest Caleb lost no time in shutting the other with a clang, which resounded from donjon vault to battlement. Hav- ing thus secured the pass, he forthwith indulged the excluded huntsmen in brief parley, from a small projecting window, or shot-hole, through which, in former days, the warders were wont to reconnoitre those who presented themselves before the gates. He gave them to understand, in a short and pithy speech, that the gate of the castle was never on any account opened during meal-times — that his honor, the Master of Ravenswood, and some guests of quality, had just sat down to dinner — that there was excellent brandy at the hostler's wife's at Wolf's Hope down below — and he held out some obscure hint that the reckoning would be discharged by the Master ; but this was uttered in a very dubious and oracular strain, for, like Louis XIV., Caleb Balderston hesitated to carry finesse so far as direct falsehood, and was content to deceive, if possible, without directly lying. This annunciation was received with surprise by some, with laughter by others, and with dismay by the expelled lackeys, who endeavored to demonstrate that their right of re-admission, for the purpose of waiting upon their master and mistress, was at least indisputable. But Caleb was not in a humor to under- stand or admit any distinctiotis. He stuck to his original pro- position with that dogged, but convenient pertinacity, which is armed against all conviction, and deaf to all reasoning. Bucklaw now came from the rear of the party, and demanded admittance in a very angry tone. But the resolution of Caleb was immovable. *' If the king on the throne were at the gate," he declared. go THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. "his ten fingers should never open itcontrairto the established nse and wont of the family of Ravenswood, and his duty as their head-servant/' Bucklaw was now extremely incensed, and with more oaths and curses than we care to repeat, declared himself most un- worthily treated, and demanded peremptorily to speak with the Master of Ravenswood himself. But to this, also, Caleb turned a deaf ear, " He's as soon a-bleeze as a tap of tow the lad Bucklaw," he said; "but the deil of ony master's face he shall see till he has sleepit and waken'd on't. He'll ken himscU belter the morn's morning. It sets the like o' him to be bringing a crew of drunken hunters here, when he kens there is but little prep- aration to sloken his ain drought." And he disappeared from the window, leaving them all to digest their exclusion as they best might. But another person, of whose presence Caleb, in the anima- tion of the debate, was not aware, had listened in silence to its progress. This was the principal domestic of the stranger — a man of trust and consequence — the same who, in the hunting- field, had accommodated Bucklaw with the use of his horse. He was in the stable when Caleb had contrived the expulsion of his fellow-servants, and thus avoided sharing the same fate, from which his personal importance would certainly not have otherwise saved him. This personage perceived tlie manoeuvre of Caleb, easily appreciated the motive of his conduct, and knowing his master's intentions toward the family of Ravenswood, had no difiiculty as to the line of conduct he ought to adopt. He took the place of Caleb (unperceived by the latter) at the post of audience which he had just left, and announced to the assembled domes tics, " that it was his master's pleasure that Lord Bittlebrains' retinue and his own should go down to the adjacent change- house, and call for what refreshments they might have occasion for, and he should take care to discharge the lawing." The jolly troop of huntsmen retired from the inhospitable gate of Wolf's Crag, execrating, as they descended the steep pathway, the niggard and unworthy disposition of the proprie- tor, and damning, with more than silvan license, both the castle and its inhabitants. Bucklaw, with many qualities which would have made him a man of worth and judgment in more favor- able circumstances, had been so utterly neglected in point of education, that he was apt to think and feel according to the ideas of the companions of his pleasures. The praises which had recently been heaped upon himself he contrasted with the THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. gi general abuse now levelled against Ravenswood — he recalled to his mind the dull and monotonous days he had spent in the Tower of Wolf's Crag, compared with the joviality of his usual life — he felt, with great indignation, his exclusion from the castle, which he considered as a gross affront, and every mingled feeling led him to break off the union which he had formed with the Master of Ravenswood. On arriving at the change-house of the village of Wolf's Hope, he unexpectedly met with an old acquaintance just alighting from his horse. This was no other than the very respectable Captain Craigengelt, who immediately came up to him, and, without appearing to retain any recollection of the indifferent terms on which they had parted, shook him by the hand in the warmest manner possible. A warm grasp of the hand was what Bucklaw could never help returning with cor- diality, and no sooner had Craigengelt felt the pressure of his fingers than he knew the terms on which he stood with him. " Long life to you, Bucklaw ! " he exclaimed ; " there's life for honest folk in this bad world yet ! " The Jacobites at this period, with what propriety I know not, used, it must be noticed, the term of honest men as pe- culiarly descriptive of their own party. "Ay, and for others besides, it seems," answered Bucklaw ; " otherways, how came you to venture hither, noble Captain "i " " Who — I ? — 1 am as free as the wind at Martinmas, that pays neither land-rent nor annual ; all is explained — all settled with the honest old drivelers yonder of Auld Reekie — Pooh ! pooh ! they dared not keep me a week of days in durance. A certain person has better friends among them than you wot of, and can serve a friend when it is least likely." " Pshaw ! " answered Hayston, who perfectly knew and thoroughly despised the character of this man, " none of your c<^gg'"g gibberish — tell me truly, are you at liberty and in safety ? " " Free and safe as a whig bailie on the causeway of his own borough, or a canting Presbyterian minister in his own pulpit — and I came to tell you that you need not remain in hiding any longer." " Then I suppose you call yourself my friend, Captain Craigengelt .'' " said Bucklaw. " Friend ? " replied Craigengelt, "my cock of the pit ! why, I am the very Achates, man, as I have heard scholars say — hand and glove — bark and tree — thine to life and death ! " " I'll try that in a moment," answered Bucklaw. ** Thou art ncTcr without money, however thou comest by it. Lend 82 THE PRIDE OF LAMMERMOOK. me two pieces to wash the dust out of these honest fellow^ throats in the first place, and then" " Two pieces ? twenty are at thy service, my lad — and twenty to back them." " Ay — say you so ? " said Bucklaw, pausing, for his natural penetration led him to suspect some extraordinary motive lay couched under such an excess of generosity. '' Craigengelt, you are either an honest fellov/ in right good earnest, and I scarce know how to believe that — or you are cleverer than 1 took you for, and I scarce know how to believe that either." "Z'//// n'empechc pas Tautn^^ said Craigengelt, "touch and try — the gold is good as ever was weighed." He put a quantity of gold pieces into Bucklaw's hand, which he thrust into his pocket without either counting or look- ing at them, only observing, " that he was so circumstanced that he must enlist, though the devil offered the press-money ;" And then turning to the huntsmen, he called out, " Come along, my lads — all is at my cost." " Long life to Bucklaw ! " shouted the men of the chase. " And confusion to him that takes his share of the sport, and leaves the hunters as dry, as a drum-head," added another by way of corollary." " The house of Ravenswood was ance a gude and an honora- ble house in this land," said an old man, " but it's lost its credit this day, and the Master has shown himself no better than a greedy cullioii." And with this conclusion, which was unanimously agreed to by all who heard it, they rushed timmltuousiy into the house of entertainment, where they reveled till a late hour. The jovial temper of Bucklaw seldom permitted him to be nice in the choice of his associates ; and on the present occasion, when his joyous debau'.h received additional zest from the intervention of an unusual space of sobriety, and almost abstinence, he was as happy in leading the revels, as if his comrades had been sons of princes. Craigengelt had his own purposes, in fooling him up to the top of his bent ; and having some low humor, much impudence, and the power of singing a good song, understand- ing besides thoroughly the disposition of his regained associ- ate, he readily succeeded in involving him bumper-deep in the festivity of the meeting. A very different scene was in the meantime passing in the Tower of Wolf's Crag. When the Master of Ravenswood left the courtyard, too much busied with his own perplexed reflec- tions to pay attention to the manceuvre of Caleb, he ushered his guests into the great hall of the castle, THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 83 The indefatigable Balderston, who, from choice or habit, worked on from morning to night, had, by degrees, cleared this desolate apartment of the confused relics of the funeral banquet, and restored it to some order. But not all his skill and labor, in disposing to advantage the little furniture which remained, could remove the dark and disconsolate appearance of those ancient and disfurnished walls. The narrow windows, flanked by deep indentures into the wall, seemed formed rather to exclude than to admit the cheerful light ; and the heavy and gloomy appearance of the thunder-sky added still further to the obscurity. As Ravenswood, with the grace of a gallant of that period, but not without a certain stiffness and embarrassment of man- ner, handed the young lady to the upper end of the apartment, her father remained standing more near to the door, as if about to disengage himself from his hat and cloak. At this moment the clang of the portal was heard, a sound at which the stranger started, stepped hastily to the window, and looked with an air of alarm at Ravenswood, when he saw that the gate of the court was shut, and his domestics excluded. "You have nothing to fear, sir," said Ravenswood, gravely ; " this roof retains the means of giving protection, though not welcome. Methinks," he added, " it is time that I should know who they are that have thus highly honored my ruined dwelling." The young lady remained silent and motionless, and the father, to whom the question was more directly addressed, seemed in the situation of a performer who has ventured to take upon himself a part which he finds himself unable to present, and who comes to a pause when it is most to be ex- pected that he should speak. While he endeavored to cover his embarrassment with the exterior ceremonials of a well-bred demeanor, it was obvious, that, in making his bow, one foot shuffled forward, as if to advance — the other backward, as if with the purpose of escape — and as he undid the cape of his coat, and raised his beaver from his face, his fingers fumbled as if the one had been linked with rusted iron, or the other had weighed equal with a stone of lead. The darkness of the sky seemed to increase, as if to supply the want of those muf- flings which he laid aside with such evident reluctance. The impatience of Ravenswood increased also in proportion to the delay of the stranger, and he appeared to struggle under agi- tation, though probably from a very different cause. He labored to restrain his desire to speak, while the stranger, to all appearance, was at a loss for words to express what he felt 84 THE BR IDE OF LAMMERMOOR. it necessary to say. At length Ravenswood's impatience broko the bounds he had imposed upon it. "I perceive," he said, "that Sir William Ashton is unwilling to announce himself in the Castle of Wolf's Crag." " T had hoped it was unnecessary," said the Lord Keeper, relieved from his silence, as a spectre by the voice of the exorcist; "and I am obliged to you, Master of Ravenswood, for breaking the ice at once, where circumstances — unhappy circumstances, let me call them — rendered self-introduction peculiarly awkward." "And am I not then," said the Master of Ravenswood, gravely, " to consider the honor of this visit as purely acci- dental ? " " Let us distinguish a little," said the Keeper, assuming an appearance of ease which perhaps his heart was a stranger to ; " this is an honor which I have eagerly desired for some time, but which I might never have obtained, save for the accident of the storm. My daughter and I are alike grateful for this opportunity of thanking the brave man to whom she owes her life and I mine." The hatred which divided the great families in the feudal times had lost little of its bitterness, though it no longer ex- pressed itself in deeds of open violence. Not the feelings which Ravenswood had begun to entertain toward Lucy Ashton, not the hospitality due to his guests, were able entirely to subdue, though they warmly combated, the deep passions which arose within him, at beholding his father's foe standing in the hall of the family of which he had in a great measure accelerated the ruin. His look glanced from the father to the daughter with an irresolution, of which Sir William Ashton did not think it proper to await the conclusion. He had now disembarrassed himself of his riding dress, and walking up to his daughter, he undid the fastening of her mask. " Lucy, my love," he said, raising her and leading her toward Ravenswood, " lay aside your mask, and let us express our gratitude to the Master openly and barefaced." " If he will condescend to accept it," was all that Lucy uttered, but in a tone so sweetly modulated, and which seemed to im]Dly at once a feeling and a forgiving of the cold reception to which they were exposed, that, coming from a creature so in- nocent and so beautiful, her words cut Rav^enswood to the very heart for his harshness. He muttered something of surprise, something of confusion, and ending with a warm and eager ex- pression of his happiness at being able to afiford her shelter under his roof, he saluted her, as the ceremonial of the time THE BRIBE OF LAMMERMOOR. gj enjoined upon such occasions. Their cheeks had touched and were withdrawn from each other — Ravenswood had not quit- ted the hand which he had taken in kindly courtesy — a blush, which attached more consequence by far than was usual to such ceremony, still mantled on Lucy Ashton's beautiful cheek, when the apartment was suddenly illuminated by a flash of lightnings which seemed absolutely to swallow the darkness of the hall. Every object might have been for an instant seen distinctly. The slight and half-sinking form of Lucy Ashton, the well-pro- portioned and stately figure of Ravenswood, his dark features, and the fiery, yet irresolute expression of his eyes, — the old arms and scutcheons which hung on the walls of the apartment, were for an instant distinctly visible to the Keeper by a strong red brilliant glare of light. Its disappearance was almost instantly followed by a burst of thunder, for the storm-cloud was very near the castle ; and the peal was so sudden and dreadful, that the old tower rocked to its foundation, and every inmate concluded it was falling upon them. The soot, which had not been dis- turbed for centuries, showered down the huge tunneled chim- neys — lime and dust flew m clouds from the wall ; and, whether the lightning had actually struck the castle, or whether through the violent concussion of the air, several heavy stones were hurled from the mouldering battlements into the roaring sea beneath, it might seem as if the ancient founder of the castle were be- striding the thunderstorm, and proclaiming his displeasure at the reconciliation of his descendant with the enemy of his house. The consternation was general, and it required the efforts of both the Lord Keeper and Ravenswood to keep Lucy from fainting. Thus was the Master a second time engaged in tlie most delicate and dangerous of all tasks, that of affording sup- port to a beautiful and helpless being, who, as seen before in a similar situation, had already become a favorite of his imagi- nation, both when awake and when slumbering. If the Genius of the House really condemned a union betwixt the Master and his fair guest, the means by which he expressed his sentiments were as unhappily chosen as if he had been a mere mortal. The train of little attentions, absolutely necessary to soothe the young lady's mind, and aid her in composing her spirits necessarily threw the Master of Ravenswood into such an inter- course with her father, as was calculated, for the moment at least, to break down the barrier of feudal enmity which divided them. To express himself churlishly, or even coldly, toward an old man, whose daughter (and such a daughter) lay before them, overpowered with natural terror — and all this under his own roof — the thing was impossible ; and by the time that Lucy, 36 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. extending a hand to each, was able to thank them for their kindness, the Master felt that his sentiments of hostility to- ward the Lord Keeper were by no means those most pre- dominant in his bosom. The weather, her state of health, the absence of her attend ants, all prevented the possibility of Lucy Ashton renewing her journey to Bittlebrains House, which was full five miles distant; and the Master of Ravenswood could not but, in common courtesy, offer the shelter of his roof for the rest of the day and for the night. But a flush of less soft expression, a look much more habitual to his features, resumed predomi- nance when he mentioned how meanly he was provided for the entertainment of his guests. " Do not mention deficiences," said the Lord Keeper, eager to interrupt him and prevent his resuming an alarming topic ; " you are preparing to set out for the Continent, and your house is probably for the present unfurnished. All this we under- stand ; but if you mention inconvenience, you will oblige us to seek accommodations in the hamlet." As the Master of Ravenswood was about to reply, the door of the hall opened, and Caleb Balderston rushed in. CHAPTER TENTH. Let them have meat enough, woman — half a hen ; There be old rotten j^ilchards — put them off too ; 'Tis but a little new anointins; of th^m, And a strong onion, that confounds the savor. Love's Pilgrimage. The thunderbolt, which had stunned all who were within hearing of it, had only served to awaken the bold and inventive genius of the flower of Majors-Domo. Almost before the clatter had ceased, and while there was yet scarce an assurance whether the castle was standing or falling, Caleb exclaimed, " Heavens be praised ! — this comes to hand like the bowl of a pint-stoup." He then barred the kitchen door in the face of the Lord Keeper's servant, whom he perceived returning from the parly at the gate, and muttering, " How the deil camhe in ? — but deil may care — Mysie, what are ye sitting shaking and greeting in the chimney neuk for.? Come here— or stay where ye are, and skirl as loud as ye can — it's a' ye're gude for — ^^I THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. gy say, ye auld deevil, skirl — skirl — louder — louder, woman — gar the gentles hear ye in the ha' — I have heard ye as far off as the Bass for a less matter. And stay — down wi' that crockery" — • And with a sweeping blow, he threw down from a shelf some articles of pewter and earthenware. He exalted his voice amid the clatter, shouting and roaring in a manner which changed Mysie's hysterical terrors of the thunder into fears that her old fellow-servant was g:one distracted. " He has duns , ^ down a' the bits o' pigs too — the only thing we had left to baud "" « a soup milk — and he has spilt the hatted kitt that was for the 'aj^XA^ Master's dinner. Mercy save us, the auld man's gaen clean ^ |) j) and clear wud wi' the thunner !" " ' '' " Haud your tongue, ye b ! " said Caleb, in the im- petuous and overbearing triumph of successful invention, " a's provided now — dinner and a' thing — the thunner's done a' in a clap of a hand !" " Puir man, he's muck|e_astray," said Mysie, looking at him with a mixture of pity and alarm ; " I wish he may ever come hame to himsell again." " Here, ye auld doited deevil," said Caleb, still exulting in his extrication from a dilemma which had seemed insurmount- able ; " keep the strange man out of the kitchen — swear the thunner came down the chimney, and spoiled the best dinner ye ever dressed — beef — bacon — kid — lark — leveret — wild fowl venison, and what not. Lay it on thick, and never mind ex- penses. I'll awa up to the ha' — make a' the confusion ye can — but be sure ye keep out the strange servant." With these charges to his ally, Caleb posted up to the hall, but stopping to reconnoitre through an aperture, which time, for the convenience of many a domestic in succession, had made in the door, and perceiving the situation of Miss Ashton, he had prudence enough to make a pause, both to avoid adding to her alarm, and in order to secure attention to his account of the disastrous effects of the thunder. But when he perceived that the lady was recovered, and heard the conversation turn upon the accommodation and re- freshment which the castle afforded, he thought it time to burst 'nto the room in the manner announced in the last chapter. " Wull a wins ! — such a misfortune to befa' the House of Ravenswood, and I to live to see it ! " "What is the matter, Caleb ?" said his master, somewhat alarmed in his turn ; " has any part of the castle fallen .? " " Castle fa'en ? — na, but the sute's fa'en, and the thunner's come right down the kitchen-lum, and the things are a' lying here awa, there awa, like the Laird o' Hotchpotch's lands — and 88 THE DRTDE OF LAMMERAWOR. wi' brave guests of honor and quality to entertain " — a low bo\i here to Sir William Ashton and his daughter — " and naeihin left in the house fit to present for dinner — or for supper either for aught that I can see ! " " I verily believe you, Caleb," said Ravenswood, dryly, Balderston here turned to his master a half-upbraiding, half- imploring countenance, and edged toward him as he repeated, " It was nae great matter of preparation ; but just something added to your honor's ordinary course of fare — petty cover, as they say at the Louvre — three courses and the fruit." " Keep your intolerable nonsense to yourself, you old fool ! " said Ravenswood, mortified at his ofificiousness, yet not knowing how to contradict him, without the risk of giving rise to scenes yet more ridiculous, Caleb saw his advantage, and resolved to improve it. But first observing that the Lord Keeper's servant entered the apart- ment and spoke apart with his master, he took the same oppor- tunity to whisper a few words into Ravenswood's ear — " Haud your tongue, for Heaven's sake, sir — if it's my pleasure to hazard my soul in telling lees for the honor of the family, it's nae business o' yours — and if ye let me gang on quietly, I'se be moderate in my banquet ; but if ye contradict me, deil but I dress ye a dinner fit for a duke ! " Ravenswood, in fact, thought it would be best to let his officious butler run on, who proceeded to enumerate upon his fingers, — " Nomuckle provision — might hae served four persons of honor, — first course, capons in white broth — roast kid — bacon with reverence, — second course, roasted leveret — butter crabs — a veal florentine, — third course, black-cock — it's black enough now wi' the sute — plumdamas — a tart — a flam — and some nonsense sweet things, and comfits — and that's a'," he said, seeing the impatience of his master ; " that's just a' was o't — forby the apples and pears." Miss Ashton had by degrees gathered her spirits, so far as to pay some attention to what was going on ; and observing the restrained impatience of Ravenswood, contrasted with the peculiar determination of manner with which Caleb detailed hi.s imaginary banquet, the whole struck her as so ridiculous, that, despite every elTort to the contrary, she burst into a fit of un- controllable laughter, in which she was joined by her father, though with more moderation, and finally by the Master of Ravenswood himself, though conscious that the jest was at his own expense. Their mirth — for a scene which we read with little emotion often appears extremely ludicrous to the spectators —made the old vault ring again. They ceased — they renewed THE BRIDE OF LAMMORMOOR. ^q — they ceased — they renewed again their shouts of laughter ! Caleb, in the meantime, stood his ground with a grave, angry, and scornful dignity, which greatly enhanced the ridicule of the scene, and the mirth of the spectators. At length, when the voices, and nearly the strength of the laughers, were exhausted, he exclaimed, with very little cere- mony, " The deil's in the gentles ! they breakfast sae lordly, that the loss of the best dinrer ever cook pat fingers to, makes them as merry as if it were th^ best jeest in a' George Buchanan.* If there was a little in your honors' wames, as there is in Caleb Balderston's, less caickling wad serve ye on sic a gravaminous subject." Caleb's blunt expression of resentment again awakened the mirth of the company, which, by the way, he regarded not only as an aggression upon the dignity of the family, but a special contempt of the eloquence with which he himself had sum- med up the extent of their supposed losses ; — " a description of a dinner, " as he said afterward to Mysie, " that wad hae made a fu' man hungry, and them to sit there laughing at it ! " " But," said Miss Ashton, composing her countenance as well as she could, " are all these delicacies so totally destroyed, that no scrap can be collected ? " " Collected, my leddy ! what wad ye collect out of the sute and the ass ? Ye may gang down yoursell, and look into our kitchen — the cookmaid in the trembling exies — the gude vivers lying a' about — beef — capons and white broth — florentine and flams — bacon, wi' reverence, and a' the sweet confections and whim-whams ! ye'll see them a', my leddy — that is, " said he, correcting himself, " ye'll no see ony of them now, for the cook has soopit them up, as was weel her part ; but ye'll see the white broth where it was spilt. I pat my fingers in it, and it tastes as like sour-milk as ony thing else ; if that isna the effect of thunner, I kenna what is. — This gentleman here couldna but hear the clash of our haill dishes, china and silver thegither ? " The Lord Keeper's domestic, though a statesman's attend- ant, and of course trained to command his countenance upon all occasions, was somewhat discomposed by this appeal, to which he only answered by a bow. " I think, Mr. Butler," said the Lord Keeper, who began to be afraid lest the prolongation of this scene should at length displease Ravenswood, — " I think, that were you to retire with * [Referring probably to a popular chap-book, entitled " The witty and entertaining Exploits of George P.uchanan, who was commonly called the King's Fool ; the whole six parts complete," 17S1. This character was )ester to Charles I. and must not be mistaken for his learned namesake.] 90 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. my servant Lockhard — he has traveled, and is quite accustomed to accidents and contingencies of every kind, and I hope betwixt you, you may find out some mode of supply at this emergency." " His honor kens," — said Caleb, who, however hopeless of himself of accomplishing what was desirable, would, like the high-spirited elephant, rather have died in the effort than brooked the aid of a brother in commission. — " his honor kens weel I need nae counselor when the honor of the house is con- cerned." " I should be unjust if I denied it, Caleb," said his master ; " but your art lies chiefly in making apologies, upon which we can no more dine, than upon the bill of fare of our thunder- blasted dinner. Now, possibly, Mr. Lockhard's talent may consist in finding some substitute for that, which certainly is not, and has in all probability never been." " Your honor is pleased to be facetious," said Caleb, " but I am sure, that for the w^arst, for a walk as far as Wolf's Hope, I could dine forty men, — no that the folk there deserve your honor's custom. They hae been ill advised in the matter of the duty-eggs and butter, I winna deny that." " Do go consult together," said the Master ; " go down to the village, and do the best you can. We must not let our guests remain without refreshment, to save the honor of a ruined family. And here, Caleb — take my purse ; I believe that will prove your best ally." " Purse ? purse, indeed ? " quoth Caleb, indignantly flinging out of the room, — " what suld I do wi' your honor's purse, on your ain ground ? I trust we are no to pay for our ain ? " The servants left the hall ; and the door was no sooner shut, than the Lord Keeper began to apologize for the rudeness of his mirth ; and Lucy to hope she had given no pain or offence to the kind-hearted faithful old man. " Caleb and I must both learn, madam, to undergo with good humor, or at least with patience, the ridicule which every- where attaches itself to poverty." " You do yourself injustice. Master of Ravenswood, on my word of honor," answered his elder guest. " I believe I know more of your affairs than you do yourself, and I hope to show you that I am interested in them ; and that — in short, that your prospects are better than you apprehend. In the meantime, I can conceive nothing so respectable, as the spirit which rises above misfortune, and prefers honorable privations to debt or dependence." Whether from fear of offending the delicacy, or awakening THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 91 the pride of the Master, the Lord Keeper made these allusions with an appearance of fearful and hesitating reserve, and seemed to be afraid that he was intruding too far, in venturing to touch, however lightly, upon such a topic, even when the Master had led to it. In short, he appeared at once pushed on by his desire of appearing friendly, and held back by the fear of in- trusion. It was no wonder that the Master of Ravenswood, little acquainted as he then was with life, should have given this consummate courtier credit for more sincerity than was prob- ably to be found in a score of his cast. He answered, however, with reserve, that he was indebted to all who might think well of him ; and, apologizing to his guests, he left the hall, in order to make such arrangements for their entertainment at circum- stances admitted. Upon consulting with old Mysie, the accommodations for the night were easily completed, as indeed they admitted of little choice. The Master surrendered his apartment for the use of Miss Ashton, and Mysie (once a person of consequence), dressed in a black satin gown which had beloriged of yore to the Master's grandmother, and had figured in the court-balls of Henrietta Maria, went to attend her as lady's maid. He next inquired after Bucklaw, and understanding he was at the change-house with the huntsmen and some companions, he de- sired Caleb to call there, and acquaint him how he was circum- stanced at Wolf's Crag — to intimate to him that it would be most convenient if he could find a bed in the hamlet, as the elder guest must necessarily be quartered in the secret chamber, the only spare bedroom which could be made fit to receive him. The Master saw no hardship in passing the night by the hall-fire, wrapt in his campaign cloak ; and to Scottish domes- tics of the day, even of the highest rank, nay, to young men of family or fashion, on any pinch, clean straw, or a dry hay-loft, was always held good night-quarters. For the rest, Lockhard had his master's orders to bring some venison from the inn, and Caleb was to trust to his wits for the honor of his family. The Master, indeed, a second time held out his purse ; but, as it was in sight of the strange servant, the butler thought himself obliged to decline what his fingers itched to clutch. " Couldna he hae slippit it gently into my hand ? " said Caleb — " but his honor will never learn how to bear himsell in siccan cases." Mysie, in the meantime, according to a uniform custom in remote places in Scotland, offered the strangers the produce of her little dairy, " while better meat was getting ready." And, according to another custom, not yet wholly in desuetude, as 92 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. the storm was now drifting off to leeward, the Master carried the Keeper to the top of his highest tower to admire a wide and waste extent of view, and to " weary for his dinner." CHAPTER ELEVENTH. " Now dame," quoth he, " Je vous dis sans doute, Had I nought of a capon but the liver, And of your white bread nought but a shiver. And after that a roasted pigge's head (But I ne wold for me no Ijeast were dead), Then had I with you homely sufferaunce." Chaucer, Sumner's Tale. It was not without some secret misgivings that Caleb set ou'; upon his exploratory expedition. In fact, it was attended with a treble difficulty. He dared not tell his master the offence which he had that morning given to Bucklaw (just for the honor of the family) — he dared not acknowledge he had been too hasty in refusing the purse — and, thirdly, he was somewhat apprehensive of unpleasant consequences upon his meeting Hayston, under the impression of an affront, and probably by this time under the influence also of no small quantity of brandy, Caleb, to do him justice, was as bold as any lion where the honor of the family of Ravenswood was concerned ; but his was that considerate valor which does not delight in unneces- sary risks. This, however, was a secondary consideration the main point was to veil the indigence of the housekeeping at the castle, and to make good his vaunt of the cheer which his resources could procure, without Lockhard's assistance, and without supplies from his master. This was as prime a point of honor with him, as with the generous elephant with whom we have already compared him, who, being overtasked, brok. his skull through the desperate exertions which he made to discharge his duty, when he perceived they were bringing up another to his assistance. The village which they now approached had frequently afforded the distressed butler resources upon similar emergen- cies : but his relations with it had been of late much altered. It was a little hamlet which straggled along the side of a creek formed by the discharge of a small brook into the sea. and was hidden from the castle, to which it had been in formci THE BR WE OF LAMMERMOOR. ^ "juX^v, times an appendage, by the intervention of the shoulder of a hill forming a projecting headland. It was called Wolf's Hope, (/.<•, Wolf's Haven), and the few inhabitants gained a precarious subsistence by manning two or three fishing-boats in the her- ring season, and smuggling gin and brandy during the winter months. They paid a kind of hereditary respect to the T>ords of Ravenswood ; but, in the dithculties of the family, most of the inhabitants of Wolf's Hope had contrived to get feu-rights* to their little possessions, their huts, kail-yards, and rights of commonty, so that they were emancipated from the chains of feudal dependence, and free from the various exactions with which, under every possible pretext, or without any pretext at all, the Scottish landlords of the period, themselves in great poverty, were wont to harass their still poorer tenants at will. They might be, on the whole, termed independent, a circum- stance peculiarly galling to Caleb, who had been wont to exer- cise over them the same sweeping authority in levying con- tributions which was exercised in former times in England, when " the royal purveyors, sallying forth from under the Gothic portcullis to purchase provisions with power and prerogative instead of money, brought home the plunder of a hundred markets, and all that could be seized from a flying and hiding country and deposited their spoil in a hundred caverns. "f Caleb loved the memory and resented the downfall of tha'; authority, which municked, on a petty scale, the grand contri- butions exacted by the feudal sovereigns. And as he fondly flattered himself that the awful rule and right supremacy which assigned to the Barons of Ravenswood the first and most effec- tive interest .n all productions of nature within five miles of their castle, only slumbered, and was not departed forever, he used every now and then to give the recollection of the inhabitants a hule jog by some petty exaction. These were at first submitted to, with more or less readiness, by the inhabitants of the hamlet ; for they had been so long used to consider the wants of the IJaron and his family as having a title to be preferred to their ovvn that their actual independence did not convey to them an immediate sense of freedom. They resembled a man that has been long fettered, who, even at liberty, feels in imagination the grasp of the handcuffs still binding his wrists. But the ex- ercise of freedom is quickly followed with the natural conscious- ness of its immunities, as an enlarged prisoner, by the free use * That is, absolute rights of property for the payment of a sum annually. v-hich is usually a trifle in such cases as are alluded to in the text. tP.urke's Speech on Economical Reform. — Works, vol. iii p. 2sp. 94 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. of his limbs, soon dispels the cramped feeling they had acquired when bound. The inhabitants of Wolf's Hope began to grumble, to resist, and at length positively to refuse compliance with the exactions of Caleb Balderston, It was in vain he reminded them, that when the eleventh Lord Ravenswood, called the Skipper, from, his delight in naval matters, had encouraged the trade of their port by building the pier (a bulwark of stones rudely piled to- gether), which protected the fishing-boats from the weather, it ;had been matter of understanding, that he was to have the first [Stone of butter after the calving of every cow within the barony, |and the first egg, thence called the Monday's egg, laid by every ■ hen on every Monday in the year. The feuars heard and scratched their heads, coughed, sneezed, and being pressed for answer, rejoined with one voice, "They could not say;" — the universal refuge of a Scottish peasant, when pressed to admit a claim which his conscience owns, or perhaps his feelings, and his interest inclines him to deny. Caleb, however, furnished the notables of Wolf's Hope with a note of the requisition of butter and eggs, which he claimed as arrears of the aforesaid subsidy, or kindly aid, payable as above mentioned ; and having intimated that he would not be averse to compound the same for goods or money, if it was in- convenient to them to pay in kind, left them, as he hoped, to de- bate the mode of assessing themselves for that purpose. On the contrary, they met with a determined purpose of resisting the exaction, and were only undecided as to the mode of grounding their opposition, when the cooper, a very important person on a fishing station, and one of the Conscript Fathers of the vil- lage, observed, " That their hens had caickled mony a day for the Lords of Ravenswood, and it was time they suld caickle for those that gave them roosts and barley." A unanimous grin intimated the assent of the assembly. "And," continued the orator, " if it's your wull, I'll just tak a step as far as Dunse for Davie Dingwall the writer, that's come frae the North to settle amang us, and he'll pit this job to rights, I'se warrant him." A day was accordingly fixed for holding a grand palaver at Wolf's Hope on the subject of Caleb's requisitions, and he was invited to attend at the hamlet for that purpose. He went with open hands and empty stomach, trusting to fill the one on his master's account, and the other on his own score, at the expense of the feuars of Wolf's Hope. But, death to his hopes ! as he entered the eastern end of the straggling village, the awful form of Davie Dingwall, a sly, dry, hard- IujA^ 'I^QaXi THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. o-C- fisted shrewd country attorney, who had already acted against ,^ ■^ the family of Ravenswood, and was a principal agent of Sir ' "^ William Ashton, trotted in at the western extremity, bestriding a leathern portmanteau stuffed with the feu-charters of the hamlet, and hoping he had not kept Mr. Balderston waiting, " as he was instructed and fully empowered to pay or receive, compound or compensate, and, in fine, to age* as accords, respecting all mutual and unsettled claims whatsoever, belong- ing or competent to the Honorable Edgar Ravenswood, com- monly called the Master of Ravenswood " "The Right Honorable Edgar Lord Ravensjoood" said Caleb, with great emphasis ; for, though conscious he had little chance of advantage in the conflict to ensue, he was resolved not to sacrifice one jot of honor, " Lord Ravenswood, then," said the man of business : " we shall not quarrel with you about titles of courtesy — commonly called Lord Ravenswood, or Mas- ter of Ravenswood, heritable proprietor of the lands and barony of Wolf's Crag, on the one part, and to John Whitefish and others, feuars in the town of Wolf's Hope, within the barony aforesaid, on the other part." Caleb was conscious, from sad experience, that he would wage a very different strife wdth this mercenary champion, than with the individual feuars themselves, upon whose old recollec- tions, predilections, and habits of thinking, he might have wrought by a hundred indirect arguments, to which their deputy-representative was totally insensible. The issue of the debate proved the reality of his apprehensions. It was in vain he strained his eloquence and ingenuity, and collected into one mass all arguments arising from antique custom and hereditary respect, from good deeds done by the Lord of Ravenswood to the community of Wolf's Hope in former days, and from what might be expected from them in future. The writer stuck to the contents of his feu-charters — he could not see it — 'twas not in the bond. And when Caleb, determined to try what a little spirit would do, deprecated the consequences of Lord Ravens- wood's withdrawing his protection from the burgh, and even hinted at his using active measures of resentment, the man of law sneered in his face. " His clients," he said, " had determined to do the best they could for their own town, and he thought Lord Ravenswood, since he was a lord, might have enough to do to look after his own castle. As to any threats of stouthrief oppression, by rule of thumb, or via facfi, as the law termed it, he would have *i,e. To act as may be necessary and legal : a Scottish law phrase. 56 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. Mr. Balderston recollect, that new times were not as old times — that they lived in the south of the Forth, and far from the Highlands — that his clients thought they were able to protect themselves; but should they find themselves mistaken, the^^ would apply to ihe government for the protection of a corporal and four red-coats, who," said Mr. Dingwall, with a grin; " would be perfectly able to secure them against Lord Ravens- wood, and all that he or his followers could do by the strong hand." If Caleb could have concentrated all the lightnings of aris- tocracy in his eye, to have struck dead this contemner of allegi- ance and privilege, he would have launched them at his head, without respect to the consequences. As it was, he was com- pelled to turn his course backward to the castle ; and there he remained for full half-a-day invisible and inaccessible even to Mysie, sequestered in his own peculiar dungeon, where he sat burnishing a single pewter-plate, and whistling "Maggie Lauder" six hours without intermisson. ■*''.A The issue of this unfortunate requisition had shut against , , Caleb all resources which could be derived from Wolf's Hope and its purlieus, the El Dorado, or Peru, from which, in all former cases of exigence, he had been able to extract some assistance. He had, indeed, in a manner, vowed that the deil • should have him, if ever he put the print of his foot within its causeway again. He had hitherto kept his word ; and, strange to tell, this secession had, as he intended in some degree, the effect of a punishment upon the refractory feuars. Mr Balder- ston had been a person in their eyes connected with a superior order of beings, whose presence used to grace their little festiv- ities, whose advice they found useful on many occasions, and whose communications gave a sort of credit to their village. The place, they acknowledged, " didna look as it used to do, and should do, since Mr. Caleb keepit the castle sae closely — but, doubtless, touchingthe eggs and butter, it was a most un- reasonable demand, as Mr. Dingwall had justly made manifest." Thus stood matters betwixt the parties, when the old butler, though it was gall and wormwood to him, found himself obliged either to acknowledge before a strange man of quality, and, what was much worse, before that stranger's servant, the total inability of Wolf's Crag to produce a dinner, or he must trust to the compassion of the feuars of Wolf's Hope. It was a dreadful degradation, but necessity was equally imperious and lawless. With these feelings he entered the streets of the village. Willing to shake himself from his companion as soon as THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 97 possible, he directed Mr. Lockhard to Luckie Sma'trash's change-house, where a din, proceeding from the revels of Buck- law, Craigengelt, and their party, sounded half-way down the street, while the red glare from the window overpowered the gray twilight which was now settling down, and glimmered against a parcel of old tubs, kegs, and barrels, piled up in the cooper's yard, on the other side of the way. " If you, Mr. Lockhard," said the old butler to his compan- ion, "will be pleased to step to the change-house where that light comes from, and where, as I judge, they are now singing ' Cauld_Kail in Aberdeen,' ye may do your master's errand about the venison, and I will do mine about Bucklaw's bed, as I return frae getting the rest of the vivers. — It's no that the veni- son is actually needfu'," he added, detaining his colleague by the button, " to make up the dinner ; but, as a compliment to the hunters, ye ken — and, Mr. Lockhard — if they offer ye a drink o' yill, or a cup o' wine, or a glass o' brandy, ye'll be a wise man to take it, in case the thunner should hae soured ours at the castle — whilk isower muckle to be dreaded." He then permitted Lockhard to depart ; and with foot heavy as lead, and yet far lighter than his heart, stepped on through the unequal street of the straggling village, meditating on whom he ought to make his first attack. It was necessary he should find some one, with whom old acknowledged great- ness should weigh more than recent independence, and to whom his application might appear an act of high dignity, re- lenting at once and soothing. But he could not recollect an inhabitant of a mind so constructed. "Our kail is like to be cauld eneugh too," he reflected, as the chorus of " Cauld Kail in Aberdeen" again reached his ears. The minister — he had got his presentation from the late lord, but they had quarreled about teinds : — the brewster's wife — she had trusted long — and the bill was aye scored up — and unless the dignity of the family should actually require it, it would be a sin to distress a widow woman. None was so able — but, on the other hand, none was likely to be less willing, to stand his friend upon the present occasion, than Gibbie Girder, the man of tubs and barrels already mentioned, who had headed the insurrection in the matter of the egg and butter subsidy. — " But a' comes o' taking folk on the right side, I trow," quoth Caleb to himself ; " and I had ance the ill hap to say he was but a Johnny Newcome in our town, and the carle bore the family an ill will ever since. But he married a bonny young queen, Jean Lightbody, auld Lightbody's daughter, him that was in the steading of Loup- the Dyke, — and auld Lightbody was married himself to Marion, o8 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. that was about my lady in the family forty years syne — I hae had mony a day's daffing wi' Jean's mither, and they say she bides on wi' them — the carle has Jacobuses and Georgiuses baith, an ane could get at them — and sure I am, it's doing him an honor him or his never deserved at our hand, the ungra- cious sumph ; and if he loses by us a'thegither, he is e'en cheap o't, he can spare it brawly." Shaking off irresolution, therefore, and turning at once upon his heel, Caleb walked hastily back to the cooper's house, lifted the latch without ceremony, and in a moment found himself behind the hallan, or partition, from which position he could, himself unseen, reconnoitre the interior of the hut, or kitchen apartment, of the mansion. Reverse of the sad menage at the Castle of Wolf's Crag, a bickering fire roared up the cooper's chimney. His wife on the one side, in her pearlings and pudding sleeves, put the last finishing touch to her holiday's apparel while she contemplated a very handsome and good-humored face in a broken mirror, raised upon the bink (the shelves on which the plates are dis- posed) for her special accommodation. Her mother, old Luckie Loup-the-Dyke, " a canty carline," as was within twenty miles of her, according to the unanimous report of the cum?nc/'S, or gossips, sat by the fire in the full glory of a grogram gown, lammer beads, and a clean cockernony, whiffing a snug pipe of tobacco, and superintending the affairs of the kitchen. For — sight more interesting to the anxious heart and craving entrails of the desponding seneschal, than either buxom dame or canty cummer — there bubbled on the aforesaid bickering fire a huge pot, or rather cauldron, steaming with beef and brewis ; while before it revolved two spits, turned each by one of the cooper's apprentices, seated in the opposite corners of the chimney ; the one loaded with a quarter of mutton, while the other was graced with a fat goose and a beace of wild ducks. The sight and the scent of such a land of plenty almost wholly overcame the drooping spirits of Caleb. He turned, for a moment's space, to reconnoitre the ben, or parlor end of the house, and there saw a sight scarce less affecting to his feelings, — a large round table, covered for ten or twelve persons, decorcd (according to his own favorite term) with napcry as white as snow ; grand flagons of pewter, intermixed with one or two silver cups, con- taining, as was probable, something worthy the brilliancy of their outward appearance ; clean trenchers, cutty spoons, knives and forks, sharp, burnished, and prompt for action, which lay all displayed as for an especial festival. " The devil's in the pedling tub-coopering carle ! " mut* THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 99 tered Caleb, in all the envy of astonishment ; " it's a shame to see the like o' them gusting their gabs at sic a rate. But i{ some o' that gude cheer does not find its way to Wolf's Crag this night, my name is not Caleb Balderston." So resolving, he entered the apartment, and, in all courte- ous greeting, saluted both the mother and the daughter. Wolf's Crag was the court of the barony, Caleb prime minister at Wolf's Crag ; and it has ever been remarked, that though the masculine subject who pays the taxes sometimes growls at the courtiers by whom they are imposed, the said courtiers continue, nevertheless, welcome to the fair sex, to whom they furnish the newest small talk and the earliest fashions. Both the dames were, therefore, at once about Old Caleb's neck, setting up their throats together by way of welcome. " Ay, sirs, Mr. Balderston, and is this you ? — A sight of you is gude for sair een — sit down — sit down — the gudeman will be blithe to see you — ye nar saw him ?ae cadgy in your life ; but we are to christen our bit wean the night, as ye will hae heard, and doubtless ye will stay and see the ordinance. — We hae killed a wether, and ane o' our lads has been out wi' his gun at the moss — ye used to like wild-fowl." "Na — na — gudewife," said Caleb, "I just keekit in :o wish ye joy, and I wad be glad to hae spoken wi' the gudeman, but " moving, as if to go away. " The ne'er a fit ye's gang," said the elder dame, laughing, and holding him fast, with a freedom which belonged to their old acquaintance ; " wha kens what ill it may bring to the bairn, if ye owerlook it in that gate 1 " " But I'm in a preceese hurry, gudewife," said the butler, suffering himself to be dragged to a seat without much resist- ance ; " and as to eating " — for he observed the mistress of the dwelling bustling about to place a trencher for him — " as for eating — lack-a-day, we are just killed up yonder wi' eating frae morning to night — it's shamefu' epicurism ; but that's what we hae gotten frae the English pock-puddings." " Hout — never mind the English pock-puddings," said Luckie Lightbody ; " try our puddings, Mr. Balderston — there is black pudding and white-hass — try whilk ye like best." " Baith gude — baith excellent — canna be better-, but the very smell is eneugh for me that hae dined sae lately (the faithful wretch had fasted since day-break). But I wadna affront your housewifeskep, gudewife ; and, with your permis- sion, I'se e'en pit them in my napkin, and eat them to my sup- per at e'en, for I'm wearied of Mysie's pastry and nonsense — ye ken landward dainties aye pleased me best, Marion — and lOO THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. landward lasses too — (looking at the cooper's wife) — Ne'er a bit but she looks far better than when she married Gilbert, and then she was the bonniest lass in our parochine and the neest till't — But gawsie cow, goodly calf." The women smiled at the compliment each to herself, and they smiled again to each other as Caleb wrapt up the puddings in a towel which he had brought with him, as a dragoon car- ries his foraging bag to receive what may fall in his way. "And what news at the castle ? " quo' the gudewife. '■News.'' — the bravest news ye ever heard — the Lord Keeper's up yonder wi' his fair daughter, just ready to fling her at my lord's head, if he winna tak her out o' his arms ; and I'se warrant he'll stitch our auld lands of Ravenswood to her petticoat tail." " Eh ! sirs — ay ! — and will he hae her ? — and is she weel favored i" — and what's the color o' her hair ? — and does she wear a habit or a railly ? " were the questions which the females showered upon the butler. " Hout tout ! — it wad tak a man a day to answer a' your questions, and I hae hardly a minute. Where's thegudeman?" " Awa to fetch the minister," said Mrs. Girder, " precious Mr. Peter Bide-the-Bent, frae the Moss-head — the honest man has the rheumatism wi' lying in the hills in the persecution. " Ay ! — a whig and a mountain man — nae less ? " said Caleb, with a peevishness he could not suppress : '' I hae seen the day, Luckie, when worthy Mr. Cuffcushion and the service- book would hae served your turn (to the elder dame), or ony honest woman in like circumstances." " And that's true too," said Mrs. Lightbody, " but what can a body do i* — Jean maun baith sing her psalms and busk her cockernony the gate the gudeman likes, and nae ither gate; for he's maister and mair at hame, I can tell ye, Mr. Balder- ston." " Ay, ay, and does he guide the gear too ? " said Caleb, to whose projects masculine rule boded little good. " Ilka penny on't — but he'll dress her as dink as a daisy, as ye see — sae she has little reason to complain — where there's ane better aff there's ten waur." " Aweel, gudewife," said Caleb, crestfallen, but not beaten off, that wasna the way ye guided your gudeman ; but ilka land has its ain lauch. I maun be ganging — I just wanted to round in the gudeman's lug, that I heard them say up by yonder, that Peter Puncheon that was cooper to the Queen's stores at the Timmer Burse at Leith, is dead — sae I thought that maybe THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. loi a word frae my lord to the Lord Keeper might hae served - Gilbert; but since he's frae hame" JTj . " O, but ye maun stay his hame-coming," said the dame; " I aye tell'd the gudeman ye meant weel to him ; but he taks the tout at every bit lippening word." " Aweel, ril^stay the last minute I can." " And so," said the handsome young spouse of Mr. Girder, ,,j/#, " ye think this Miss Ashton is wee!-favored .'' — troth, and sae should she, to set up for our young lord, with a face, and a hand, and a seat on his horse, that might become a king's son, — d'ye ken that he aye glowers up at my window, Mr. Balderston, when he chances to ride thro' the town, sae I hae a right to ken what like he is, as weel as ony body. " I ken that brawl}'," said Caleb, " for I hae heard his lord- ship say, the cooper's wife had the blackest ee in the barony ; and I said, Weel may that be, my lord, for it was her mither's afore her, as I ken to my cost — Eh, Marion ? Ha, ha, ha ! — Ah ! these were merry days ! " " Hout awa, auld carle," said the old dame, " to speak sic daffin to young folk. — But, Jean — fie, woman, dinna ye hear the bairn greet ? I'se warrant it's that dreary weid* has come over't again." Up got mother and grandmother, and scoured away, jostling each other as they ran, into some remote corner of the tenement, where the young hero of the evening was deposited. When Caleb saw the coast fairly clear, he took an invigorating pinch of snuff, to sharpen and confirm his resolution. Cauld be my cast, thought he, if either Bide-the-Bent or Girder taste that broche of wild-fowl this evening ; and then addressing the eldest turnspit, a boy about eleven years old, and putting a penny into his hand, he said, " Here is twal pennies,! my man ; carry that ower to Mrs. Sma'trash, and bid her fill my mull wi' sneeshin, and I'll turn the broche for ye in the meantime — and she will gie ye a gingerbread snap for your pains." No sooner was the elder boy departed on this mission, than Caleb, looking the remaining turnspit gravely and steadily in the face, removed from the fire the spit bearing the wild-fowl of which he had undertaken the charge, clapped his hat on hig head, and fairly marched off with it. He stopped at the door of the change-house only to say, in a few brief words, that Mr. *Wied, a feverish cold ; a disorder incident to infants and to fiemales, is so called. t Monetae Scoticae, scilicet. fQ2 THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. Haystone of Bucklaw was not to expect a bed that evening in the castle. If this message was too briefly delivered by Caleb, it be- came absolute rudeness when conveyed through themedium of a suburb landlady ; and Eucklaw was, as a more calm and temperate man might have been, highly incensed. Captain Craigengelt proposed, with the unanimous applause of all pres- ent, that they should course the old fox (meaning Caleb) ere he got to cover,fand toss Jiiin Jji j._hliuiketi But Lockhard in- timated to his rhaster's servants, and those of Lord Bittlebrains, in a tone of authority, that the slightest impertinence to the Mas- ter of Ravenswood's domestic would give Sir William Ashton the highest offence. And having so said, in a manner sufficient to prevent any aggression on their part, he left the public-house, taking along with him two servants loaded with such provisions as he had been able to procure, and overtook Caleb just when he had cleared the village. CHAPTER TWELFTH. Should I take ought of you ? — 'tis true I begged now ; And, what is worse than that, I stole a kindness; And, what is worst of all, I lost my way in't. Wit Without Money. The face of the little bo}-, sole witness of Caleb's infringe- ment upon the laws at once of property and hospitality, would have made a good picture. He sat motionless, as if he had witnessed some of the spectral appearances which he had heard told of in a winter's evening ; and as he forgot his own dutv, and allowed his spit to stand still, he added to the misfortunes of the evening, by suffering the mutton to burn as black as coal. He was first recalled from his trance of astonishment by a hearty cuff, administered by Dame Lightbody, who ( in what- ever other respects she might conform her name) was a woman strong of person, and expert in the use of her hands, as some say her deceased husband had known to his cost. " What garr'd ye let the roast burn, )'e ill-cleckit gude-for- naught .'' " " I dinna ken," said the boy. "And Where's that ill-deedy gett, Giles ? " " I dinna ken," blubbered the astonished declarant. " And Where's Mr. Balderston i" — and abune a', and in the THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. 103 name of council and kirk-session, that I suld say sae, where's the broche wi' the wild-fowl ? " As Mrs. Girder here entered, and joined her mother's ex- clamations, screaming into one ear while the old lady deafened the other, they succeeded in so utterly confounding the unhappy urchin, that he could not for some time tell his story at all, and it was only when the elder boy returned, that the truth began to dawn on their minds. "Weel, sirs ! " said Mrs. Lightbody, " wha wadhae thought o' Caleb Balderston playing an auld acquaintance sic a pHskie ? " " O, weary on him ! " said the spouse of Mr. Girder ; "■ and what am I to say to the gudeman ? — he'll brain me, if there wasna anither woman in a' Wolf's Hope." " Hout~fout, silly quean," said the mother ; " na, na — it's come to muckle, but it's no come to that neither ; for an he brain you he maun brain me, and I have garr'd his betters stand back — hands aff is fair play — we maunna heed a bit flyting." The tramp of horses now announced the arrival of the cooper, with the minister. They had no sooner dismounted than they made for the kitchen fire, for the evening was cool after the thunderstorm, and the woods wet and dirty. The young gude- wife, strong in the charms of her Sunday gown and biggonets, threw herself in the way of receiving the first attack, while her mother, like the veteran division of the Roman legion, remained in the rear, ready to support her in case of necessity. Both hoped to protract the discovery of what had happened — the mother, by interposing her bustling person betwixt Mr, Girder and the fire, and the daughter by the extreme cordiality with which she received the minister and her husband, and the anxious fears which she expressed lest they should have "gotten cauld." "Cauld ?" quoth the husband surlily — for he was not of that class of lords and masters whose wives are viceroys over them — " we'll be cauld eneugh, I think, if ye dinna let us in to the fire." And so saying, he burst his way through both lines of de- fence ; and, as he had a careful eye over his property of every kind, he perceived at one glance the absence of the spit with its savory burden. " What the deil, woman " " Fie for shame ! " exclaimed both the women ; " and before Mr. Bide-the-bent ! " " I stand reproved," said the cooper ; " but " " The taking in our mouths the name of the great enemy of our souls," said Mr, Bide-the-Bent 104 THE BRIDE OF LA MM ER MOOR. *' I stand reproved," said the cooper. " Is an exposing oursells to his temptations," continued the reverend monitor, " and an inviting, or in some sort, a compel ling, of him to lay aside his other trafficking with unhappy per- sons, and wait upon those in whose speech his name is frequent." " Weel, weel, Mr. Bide-the-Bent, can a man do mair than stand reproved ? " said the cooper ; " but just let me ask the women what for they hae dished the wild-fowl before we came." " They arena dished, Gilbert," said his wife ; " but — but an accident" " What accident ?" said Girder, with flashing eyes — " Nae ill come ower them, I trust ? Uh .-' " ^^"^ His wife who stood much in awe of him, durst not reply; but her mother bustled up to her support, with arms jdisposed as if tTiey we're libout to be a-kimbo at the~hext reply,^^" Igied them to an acquaintance of mine, Gibbie Girder ; and' what about it now .? " Her excess of assurance struck Girder mute for an instant. " And_>'^ gied the wild-fowl, the best end of our christening din- ner, to a friend of yours, ye auld rudas ! And what might hk name be, I pray ye .'' " "Just worthy Mr. Caleb Balderston frae Wolf's Crag," answered Marion, prompt and prepared for battle. Girder's wrath foamed over all restraint. If there was a cir- cumstance which could have added to the resentment he felt, it was, that this extravagant donation had been made in favor of our friend Caleb, toward whom, for reasons to which the reader is no stranger, he nourished a decided resentment. He raised his riding-wand against the elder matron, but she stood firm, collected in herself, and undauntedly brandished the iron ladle with which she had just httn JIambing {Anglice, basting) the roast of mutton. Her weapon was certainly the better, and her arm not the weakest of the two ; so that Gilbert thought it safest to turn short off upon his wife, who had by this time hatched a sort of hysterical whine, which greatly moved the minister, who was in fact as simple and kind-hearted a creature as ever breathed. — " And you, ye thowless jaud, to sit still and see my substance disponed upon to an idle, drunken, reprobate, worm- eaten, serving man, just because he kittles the lugs o' a silly auld wife wi' useless clavers, and every twa words a lee ? — I'll gar you as gude" Here the minister interposed, both by voice and action w^hile Dame Lightbody threw herself in front of her daughtef and flourished her ladle. THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR. I OS " Am I no to chastise my ain wife ? " exclaimed the coojier, very indignantly. " Ye may chastise your ain wife if you like," answered Dame Lightbody ; " but ye shall never lay finger on my daughter, and that ye may found upon." " For shame, Mr. Girder ! " said the clergyman ; " this is what I little expected to have seen of you, that you suld give rein to your sinful passions against your nearest and your dear- est ; and this night too, when ye are called to the most solemn duty of a Christian parent — and a' for what .-' for a redundancy of creature-comforts, as worthless as they are unneedful." " Worthless ! " exclaimed the cooper ; " a better guse never walkit on stubble ; twa finer dentier wild-ducks never wat a feather." " Be it sae, neighbor," rejoined the minister ; " but see what superfluities are yet revolving before your fire. I have seen the day when ten of the bannocks which stand upon that board would have been an acceptable dainty to as many men, that were starving on hills and bogs, and in caves of the earth, for the Gospel's sake." " And that's what vexes me maist of a','' said the cooper, anxious to get some one to sympathize with his not altogether causeless anger ; " an the queen had gien it to ony sulfering sant, or to ony body ava but that reiving, lying, oppressing Tory villain, that rade in the wicked troop of militia when it was com- manded out against the sants at Bothwell Brigg by the auld tyrant Allan Ravenswood, that is gane to his place, I wad the less hae minded it. But to gie the principal part o' the feast to the like o' him ! " " Aweel, Gilbert/' said the minister, "and dinna ye see a high judgment in this? — The seed of the righteous are not seen begging their bread — think of the son of a powerful oppressor being brought to the pass of supporting his household from your fullness." " And, besides," said the wife, " it wasna for Lord Ravens- wood neither, an he wad hear but a body speak — it was to help to entertain the Lord Keeper, as they ca' him, that's up yonder at Wolf's Crag." " Sir William Ashton at Wolf's Crag ! " ejaculated the astonished man of hoops and staves. "And hand and glove wi' Lord Ravenswood," added Dame Lightbody. " Doited idiot ! — that auld clavering sneckdrawer wad gar ye trow the moon is made of green cheese. The Lord Keeper and Ravenswood I they are c