955 ta i \ \wV J\ £.j i \ J A JL CASE B UC-NRLF B 3 SMfi M4t. HINTS TO CQLL^CIOi<.H 'V.«iiAUUB(Juii>^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IN MEMORY OF CAROLINE CUSHING DUNIWAY '9^ CoA^ HINTS TO COLLECTORS OF THACKERAY'S WORKS. HINTS TO COLLECTORS OF ORIGINAL EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF WttLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY. BY CHARLES PLUMPTRE JOHNSON. " His writings form a system of social philosophy, and represent a special type of literary genius, with perfect completeness and individuality." — Hannay's Studies on Thackeray^ p. 4. LONDON: GEORGE REDWAY, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1885. Of this work only 500 small and 50 large paper copies will be printed. INTRODUCTION. np^HE value of books appears to depend chiefly upon three -'- things — namely, their intrinsic literary, or artistic, worth ; their scarcity ; and lastly, but, I think, chiefly, the fashion 'for the time being, among book collectors. It is one of the humiliating facts about book collecting that, in so many cases, the real worth of a book, which should surely be the first consideration, seems to have less influence on its market value than has either its rarity, or fashion. The explanation of this fact I take to be that so many people still collect the books that other people want, rather than those they want themselves. Would such prices be obtained for specimens of early block-printed or Black Letter books, for " Editiones Principes " of the Greek and Latin authors, for a " Psalmorum Codex," if only those who wanted to read the books in question wanted to have them ? It is no less than a crime for some ignorant " nouveau riche" to outbid a learned scholar for a valuable book, for which perhaps he has been looking for years, simply that it may be put into a glass case, and pointed out to an admiring, though envious, circle of sycophants, as having been " bought from such and " such a noted hbrary at such and such an exorbitant price." Would that the bookbuyer's first object were to acquire such books as he and his friends can read and understand ! This brings me to my subject, and to my object in writing and issuing these Hints to collectors of Thackeray's works. THACKERAY. It is needless for me to enlarge upon Thackeray's merits. They are likely to be, more or less fully, recognized by everyone who reads these pages, and I will merely state my opinion that the modern Englishman, of average intelligence and educa- tion, cannot do better than spend a little time and money in collecting the works of such a master of his native language, of so deep a thinker, of so sincere and noble a teacher as was William Makepeace Thackeray ! This being granted, it follows that all who can afford it should collect Thackeray's works, in their first editions. "Why?" I have heard people ask. The answer is, that as, to a cultured taste, a rough sketch by an artist is preferable to a reproduction, however elaborate and highly finished ; a " painter's etching " to a laborious line engraving ; a proof of an etching or engraving to a print, — anything, in fact, tinged with originality to anything lacking it ; so is the first edition of a work, in the form in which the author first issued it, preferable to the most elaborate and magnificent after-issue, while, of course, in the case of an illustrated book, the early impressions from a plate are better than the later impressions. I do not wish to undervalue later editions of any books, — certainly not those of Thackeray's books — which, to the satis- faction of all lovers of the author and his works, Messrs. Smith and Elder are constantly issuing to a public quite prepared, apparently, to absorb them. It is better to have ordinary editions than to have none at all, but it is best to have the original editions, and this will remain the opinion of all lovers of books, notwithstanding the issue even of the magnificent " Edition de Luxe." When I began to collect first editions of Thackeray's books, I looked about for a guide and found some information, but so scattered and ill-arranged, and so frequently inaccurate as to lead me wrong, at least as often as right. There is, it is true. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. Mr. Shepherd's " Bibliography " of Thackeray's writings, a most laborious piece of work, going as it does into his contributions to " Frazer's Magazine," " Punch," and other periodicals ; but this "Bibliography" does not, and does not profess to, enable the collector to make sure that a volume offered to him is complete in all its pages and plates and is of the genuine first issue. It is this task that I have set before myself, and trust I have fulfilled. My " modus operandi " has been to compare, with the greatest care, several copies of every work, to collate them, to note the smallest variations in title-pages or plates, and then to put the information thus gained in a compact and intelligible form. When I began my task, I thought I knew every first edition of Thackeray's books at sight ; I soon found I was mis- taken, and I believe that some of the information given in ,these pages will be new to most, if not all, collectors, the variations in title-pages, &c., being so numerous and so, apparently, purposeless. I have only dealt with such of Thackeray's writings as can be obtained in a separate form, or, at all events, without being accompanied by an immense mass of other matter. Acting on this principle I have included "The Snob," a small volume, but have excluded the numerous writings in the pages of " Frazer," " Punch," and other periodicals, judging that most people will prefer to have these in their first collected, or book, form, to encumbering their shelves with numberless huge volumes for the sake of detached papers. Those who seek information as to these and other periodical writings will find it in Mr. Shepherd's Bibliography. It will be observed that I have given in each case an exact copy of the title-page, a full collation of pages and illustrations, notes of differences in editions and other matters to be attended to by collectors, and lastly the market value of the book. I must explain that I have added this last information to give 8 THACKERAY. the collector some idea of the price he may expect to have to pay for a clean, unctit copy of the book. If he is satisfied with the same book in the ordinary bound, or half-bound, condition, with margins more or less clipped, he should get it at a price from twenty-five to fifty per cent. less. For copies in fine bindings he will have to pay even larger prices. A few general hints may be of use to young collectors. If you have a book with uncut edges, and are sending it to be bound, keep the margins intact and have only the top edges gilt. If you have a book issued in parts, or otherwise with an illustration on the cover, bind the cover in, and thus preserve the illustration. Do not necessarily refuse a rare book because it is soiled ; if perfect and not torn, a good binder (such as Zaehnsdorf, or Riviere), can clean it and make it into a good copy for a few shillings. Don't go to auction-rooms, and bid yourself, in the expectation of getting a bargain. You won't succeed. Dealers will be there who know the market value of Thackeray's books, and of other books too, better than you will ever know it, and will take care that if a book " goes cheap " it does not go to you. If you see that a book which you want badly and cannot get elsewhere, is to be sold at auction, ask your bookseller to buy it for you ; he will only charge you ten per cent, on the price, will take care it is perfect, and will not give more than its fair value, unless you insist on it. Go to a bookseller of position and ability. An ignorant bookseller is worse than a dishonest one, as the former will, in ignorance, buy and sell pseiido first editions that the latter, however dishonest, would not dare to deal in. Give your bookseller a list of your wants, and he will sell you genuine books at a fair profit. They will certainly be better worth the money you pay for them than your " bar- gains " in the auction-rooms. I have written these notes in the hope that, not only, intending collectors will find them useful, but that they may be of service HINTS TO COLLECTORS. to collectors of knowledge and experience, (by enabling them readily to test the genuineness and completeness of any book they come across), and even to the bookseller, who is constantly called upon to decide immediately whether he will buy a book or not, and will find it convenient to have these notes at hand so as to refresh his memory, already overburdened with the titles and dates of thousands of other volumes. If these purposes or any of them are served, and, above all, if this little volume tends, in however small a way, to spread a love for and appreciation of our great author's works, I shaU have been well repaid for the not inconsiderable care and pains I have taken over the preparation of these " Hints to Collectors of original Editions of the Works of Williana Makepeace Thackeray." ls( January^ \i ERRATA. P. 7, line 3, for Frazer's read Fraser's. P. 7, line 23, for Frazer read Fraser. P. 15, line 7, (ox Jive f till page plates xQdidi six full page plates. P. 15, line 10, iox seven full page plates read six full page plates. P. 22, line 15, iox page 140 read/^^^ 340. THE WORKS OF W. M. THACKERAY. (1829— 1867.) [Note. — Capital letters are used to indicate the most prominent words on the title-pages. No attempt has been made to re-produce the various types used.'\ I. Title. The Snob:/ A literary and scientific journal./ not/ " Conducted by Members of the University."/ " Tityre, tu patulse recubans sub tegmine fagi,/ Sylvestrem ? " \^irgil./ Cambridge :/ Published by W. H. Smith, Rose Crescent./ 1829. Collation, pp. ix-64. Notes. It is doubtful whether any numbers of " The Snob " were published without the words second, third, or fourth edition on the title-pages. The British Museum copy and all others I have seen have these words. I greatly doubt whether Thackeray wrote anything in " The Snob " except " Timbuc- too," which is signed " T." Price. Very difficult to give, as it so seldom occurs for sale. Probably £Z to ^10. 1 2 THACKERAY. II. Title. Flore et Zephyr/ Ballet Mythologique/ Dedie/ A/ {Jiere follows a sketch of a ballet girl,) par Thdophile Wagstaff./ London, Published March i^^ 1836 by J. Mitchell, Library, ^^y Old Bond St./ A Paris, chez Rittner & Goupil, Boulevard Montmartre :/ Printed by Graf & Soret. Collation. A series of nine plates, counting that referred to above on the wrapper, which forms the title-page. Notes. Drawn by Thackeray and signed by the pseudonym of " Theophile Wagstaff," and lithographed by Edward Morton. Each plate bears Thackeray's monogram, " W. T." Issued on India paper. The British Museum copy is un- coloured, but some copies are slightly tinted. Price. £Z to ^10, HINTS TO COLLECTORS. I3 III. Title, The/ CoMic/ AlmaNacIc,/ For 1 839 :/ An Ephe- meris in Jest and Earnest,/ containing/ " All things fitting for such a work."/ By Rigdum Funnidos, Gent./ Adorned with a Dozen of " Righte Merrie " Cuts,/ pertaining to the months, and/ an Hieroglyphic,/ by George Cruikshank./ London/ Imprinted for Charles Tilt, Bibliopolist,/ in Fleet Street, Collation, pp. 64, with covers, and twelve full-page plates by G. Cruikshank. Note^ Included here because it contains the complete story of " Stubbs's Calendar ; or, The Fatal Boots," by Thackeray — to which the illustrations apply. Price, lOJ. — i5i", 14 THACKERAY. IV. Title. The/ Comic/ Almanack,/ For 1840 :/ An Ephe- meris in Jest and Earnest,/ containing/ " All things fitting for such a work."/ By Rigdum Funnidos, Gent./ Adorned with a Dozen of " Righte Merrie " Cuts,/ pertaining to the months, and/ an Hieroglyphic,/ by George Cruikshank./ London/ Imprinted for Charles Tilt, Bibliopolist,/ in Fleet Street. Collation, pp. 64, with covers, and twelve full-page plates by G. Cruikshank. Note. Contains another complete story by Thackeray — " Barber Cox, and the Cutting of his Comb." Price. loj. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. V. Title. The/ Paris Sketch Book :/ By/ Mr. Titmarsh./ With numerous designs by the author, on/ copper and wood./ Vol. L/ (Vol. 11.)/ London :/ John Macrone, i, St. Martin's Place,/ Trafalgar Square./ 1840. Collation. Vol. L Three unnumbered pages, viz. contents of Vol. L ; a note as to previous publication of some of the papers ; and Dedication ; pp. 304, and five full-page plates by the author. Vol. n. One unnumbered page of contents of Vol. II. pp. 298, and seven full-page plates by the author. Notes. Thackeray's first " BOOK," and very interesting for this reason, also for its being so entirely his work, having been not only written, but illustrated, by him. It is curious to note that Macrone was the publisher of Thackeray's first book as he was of Charles Dickens's first book, " Sketches by Boz." Price. £^\.o £6. 1 6 THACKERAY. Vl. Title. An/ ESSAY on the Genius/ of/ George CruIk- SHANK./ with numerous illustrations of his works./ (From the Westminster Review, No. LXVI.) with additional Etchings./ Henry Hooper, 13 Pall Mall East./ mdcccxl./ Collation, pp. ii-59, and numerous full-page plates, of which there is a list. Notes. First printed in the " Westminster Review ;" and im- mediately published in book form with a title-page, list of illustrations, and one additional plate, and with the addition to the list of Cxeorge Cruikshank's works, of two books, raising the number to forty-six. Price. £1 los. to £2 ios> HINTS TO COLLECTORS. I 7 VI L Title. Comic/ Tales and Sketches./ Edited and illustrated/ by/ Mr. Michael Angelo Titmarsh,/ author of " The Paris Sketch Book," etc./ In two volumes./ Vol. I./ (Vol. 11.)/ London:/ Hugh Cunningham, St. Martin's Place,/ Trafalgar Square./ 1841. Collation, Vol. I. pp. vii-299, and six full-page plates by the author. Vol. II. One unnumbered page of contents, pp. 370, and six full-page plates, by the author. Notes. This book, like most of Thackeray's early works, did not sell well at first, but after he had made his name as the author of " Vanity Fair," the stock was looked up, and a new title-page printed, which refers to the writer as the author of ^' Vanity Fair," &c., and bears no date. Care must therefore be taken to see that the title corresponds exactly with that set out above. It is now one of the rarest and most sought-after of Thackeray's works. Price. £\o to ;^is. 1 8 THACKERAY. VIII. Title. The/ Second Funeral of Napoleon :/ in Three Letters/ to Miss Smith, of London./ And/THE Chronicle of the Drum./ By/ Mr. M. A. Titmarsh./ London :/ Hugh Cunningham, St. Martin's Place,/ Trafalgar Square./ 1841. Collation. One unnumbered page of contents, pp. 122, with wrapper, bearing an etching of Napoleon, and four full-page woodcuts. Notes. The plates are not referred to in the work, and were evidently added after it was written. This little work seems, from the newspaper notices of the period, to have been well received by the press, but we learn, from the prefatory note in No. 'j'^i of " The Cornhill " (where the pamphlet was reprinted " from the original MS.," but with numerous errors), that it was not a success. The British Museum copy is much cut down, but has the cover. This is a case where it is of importance to have the cover, as the illustration on it was certainly by Thackeray, and has not been reprinted. It is interesting to compare this sketch of Napoleon with that, also by Thackeray, at p. 43 of Vol. II. of the " Comic Tales and Sketches," published the same year, and very soon after this. Price. Difficult to fix, as it so seldom occurs for sale. ;i^8 to ^10. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. TQ IX. Title, The/ Irish Sketch Book./ By/ Mr. M. A. TiTMARSH./ With numerous engravings on wood,/ drawn by the author./ In two volumes./ Vol. 1/ (Vol. 11)/ London :/ Chapman and Hall, i86, Strand./ MDCCCXLill. Collation. Vol. I. pp. vi-311, with full-page frontispiece. Vol. II. pp. vi-327, and note on reverse of last page, with full- page frontispiece. Notes. Another of the books not only written, but illustrated, by the author. The first of Thackeray's works published by Messrs. Chapman and Hall. While these notes are passing through the press, I have seen a friend's copy of this book, with a reprinted title-page for Vol. II., evidently intended to transform a second, into a first, edition. Price. £z to ^4. 20 THACKERAY. X. Title. Mrs. Perkins's Ball/ By M. A. Titmarsh/ Chapman & Hall, i86 Strand. The cover reads as follows : — Mrs. Perkins's Ball/ by/ Mr. M. A. Titmarsh/ Mrs. Perkins/ At Home/ Friday evening 19 Deer./ Pocklington Square./ London :/ Chapman and Hall, 186 Strand./ mdcccxlvil/ Price 7 J. 6^. plain ; or \os. 6d. coloured. Collation. One unnumbered page, pp. 46, and twenty-two illustrations, counting the title-page. Notes. The title-pages of the first and subsequent editions are similar, but the cover states the edition to be second, third, or, as the case may be ; and, even when the cover is missing, the first edition can be distinguished by the absence of any letterpress under the first plate facing the title. In later editions the con- versation between the footmen appears under this plate. Price. Coloured, £z to £^. Uncoloured, £2. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 21 XL Title. Notes of a Journey/ From/ Cornhill to Grand Cairo,/ by way of/ Lisbon, Athens, Constantinople,/ and Jerusalem :/ Performed in the Steamers of the Peninsular and/ Oriental Company./ By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh,/ Author of "The Irish Sketch Book," &c./ London:/ Chapman and Hall, 1 86 Strand./ mdcccxlvi. Collation, pp. xiv-301, with coloured frontispiece. Notes. This book does not seem to have sold well, as it is often found without the frontispiece, which was coloured by hand, and was probably printed in less numbers than the letterpress. A second edition of smaller size, and with a new Preface, was far more successful, and is common enough. The frontispiece from it is often used to supply the missing frontispiece to the first edition. Price. £1 \os. to £2. 22 THACKERAY. XII. Title. Vanity Fair./ A novel without a Hero./ By/ William Makepeace Thackeray./ With illustrations on steel and wood by the author./ London :/ Bradbury and Evans, II, Bouverie Street./ 1848. Collation, pp. xvi and 624, and numerous illustrations by the author, of which there is a list. Notes. Issued in numbers dating from January, 1847, to July, 1848. The yellow wrapper bears an illustration, by the author, not used in the book, and should therefore be bound in. There are more mistakes (?) made as to first editions of this book than of any other by Thackeray. " Vanity Fair," at the head of Chapter I., should be in open, or rustic, type, or the book is not a first edition. In the earliest copies a woodcut of the Marquis of Steyne appears at page 336, which was afterwards suppressed, the type, from there to page 140, being moved up to fill the vacancy. " "'°' Price. £6 \.o £10. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 23 Xin. Title. "Our Street."/ By/ Mr. M. A. Titmarsh./ London :/ Chapman and Hall, 186 Strand./ MDCCCXLVlli. Collation, pp. 54, with sixteen full-page illustrations by the author, including the title-page. Notes. No list of plates was issued with the book, and the collector must count them to see that all are there. The illus- trated wrapper should be bound in. The illustration is not repeated. This book and Nos. xvi., xviii. and xx., were issued with plain and also with coloured illustrations. The coloured copies are rarer and more valuable. Price. Coloured, ;^i io.f. ; uncoloured, £1. 24 THACKERAY. XIV. Title. The/ BOOK OF Snobs./ By/ W. M. Thackeray,/ Author of "A Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo:" of " Jeames's Diary," in Punch : " Our Street :"/ " Vanity Fair," &c. &c./ London :/ Punch Office, 85, Fleet Street./ mdcccxlviii. Collation, pp. viii (which include advertisements before half- title) and pp. 180. Notes. The green wrapper, with an illustration on it, forms an important part of the book. The illustration on this wrapper has never been reprinted, in the " Edition de Luxe " or any other edition, nor did it appear in " Punch." Price. ^4 to ^5. HINTS TO COLLECTORS, 25 XV. Title. The History/ of/ Pendennis. His Fortunes and Misfortunes, His Friends and his Greatest Enemy./ By/ William Makepeace Thackeray./ With illustrations on steel and wood by the Author./ Vol. L/ (Vol. IL) London :/ Bradbury and Evans, 11, Bouverie Street./ 1849./ (Vol. IL 1850.) Collation. Vol. I. pp. viii-384. Vol. II. pp. xii-372. Numerous illustrations, of which there is a list. Notes. Issued in numbers with yellow wrappers, one of which should be bound in, as the illustration, when repeated inside, varies considerably from that on the wrapper. Price. £2 los. to ^3. 26 THACKERAY. XVI. Title. Doctor Birch/ and/ his Young Friends./ By/ Mr. M. a. TiTMARSH./ London :/ Chapman and Hall, i86, Strand./ 1849. Collation. One unnumbered page, with list of illustrations, and pp. 49, with sixteen illustrations, including that on the first title- page. Notes. Has now become very scarce ; issued with plain and coloured plates. Care should be taken to see that both the illustrated and plain title-pages are present. Price. ;^3 to £\ coloured ; £2 uncoloured. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 2"] XVIL Title. The History/ of/ Samuel Titmarsh/ and/ The Great Hoggarty Diamond./ By/ W. M. Thackeray,/ Author of " Pendennis," " Vanity Fair," &c. &c./ London :/ Bradbury and Evans,/ ii, Bouverie Street./ mdcccxlix. Collation, pp. xii-189, and ten illustrations, including the illustrated title-page. Notes. Increasingly scarce. Care should be taken to see that both title-pages are present. The cover should be preserved, as it has an illustration on it, not repeated in the book. There are also, at the end, some interesting press notices of " Vanity Fair" and of the early numbers of " Pendennis," which should be preserved. Price. £s to £3 10s. 28 THACKERAY. XVIII. Title. Rebecca/ and/ Rowena/ A/ Romance upon Romance/ By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh./ With illustrations by Richard Doyle./ London :/ Chapman and Hall, i86, Strand./ 1850. Collation, pp. viii-102, with eight illustrations. Notes, The cover bears another illustration, not repeated, and should be preserved. In some of the parts of " David Copper- field " an interesting advertisement of this book is to be found, giving, as a kind of second title, " A Story for Christmas (and indeed any other season), containing Perilous Adventures, Tremendous Battles, Tender Love-making, Profound Historical Knowledge, and a (tolerably) happy ending." This is dated I St December, 1849. Price. £2 los, coloured,;^! los. uncoloured. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 29 XIX. Title. Sketches/ after/ English Landscape Painters./ by/ L. Marvy./ With short Notices by W. M. Thackeray./ London :/ David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street./ (n. d.) Collatio7t. Title, preface, table of contents, and twenty pages, in all twenty-three unnumbered pages, with twenty plates. Notes, The plate used as a frontispiece gives the name of the artist, as " Sir A. Calcott " — the letterpress referring to the plate gives his name as " Sir A. W. Callcott." There was a later edition, issued by Messrs. Griffin and Co., which is commoner and inferior. Some copies were issued with the plates coloured. Price. £2 los. coloured, £1 los. uncoloured. 30 THACKERAY. XX. Title. The Kickleburys/ on the Rhine./ By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh./ London : Smith, Elder & Co., 65, Cornhill./ MDCCCL. Collation. One unnumbered page, with list of illustrations, pp. 87, and fifteen illustrations. Note. A second edition, dated MDCCCLI, was published with the addition of a preface, occupying pp. xv, " being an Essay on Thunder and Small Beer," written in answer to a review in " The Times." Price. £2 coloured, ^i los. uncoloured. Second edition, with the essay, about the same. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 3 1 XXL Title. The History/ of/ Henry Esmond, Esq./ A Colonel in the service of Her Majesty/ Q. Anne./ Written BY HIMSELF./ Servetur ad imum/ Qualis ab incepto processerit, et sibi constet./ In three volumes./ Volume the First./ (Volume the Second./ Volume the Third/). London :/ printed for Smith, Elder 6*» Company,/ over against St. Peter's Church in CornhilL/ 1852. Collation. Vol. I., pp. 344. Vol. II., pp. vi-319. Vol. III., pp. vi-324. Notes. A second edition was issued, and is much commoner. I fear that title-pages, in imitation of those to the first edition, have been printed to transform these later into first editions. Price. £l to £\. S2 THACKERAY. XXII. Tif/e. The/ English Humourists/ of the/ Eighteenth Century./ A Series of Lectures,/ delivered in England, Scotland, and the United States of/ America./ By/ W. M. Thackeray,/ Author of " Esmond," " Pendennis," " Vanity Fair" &c./ London :/ Smith, Elder, & Co. 65, Cornhill./ Bom- bay : Smith, Taylor, & Co./ 1853./ [T/ie author of this work reserves to himself the right of autho7'isingl a translation ofit,^ Collation. Two unnumbered pages of contents and of errata, and pp. 322. N'ote. The first edition has at the end an interesting collection of press notices of "Esmond," which should certainly be preserved. Price. £1. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. ^^ XXIIL Tz'/le. The Newcomes./ Memoirs of a most respect- able Family./ Edited by/ Arthur Pendennis, Esq./ With illustrations on steel and wood by Richard Doyle./ Vol. I./ (Vol. IL/) London :/ Bradbury and Evans, ii, Bouverie Street./ J854. (Vol. IL 1855.) Collation. Vol. L pp. viii-380 ; Vol. IL pp. viii-375. Numerous illustrations, of which 'there is a list. Note. Issued in numbers, in yellow wrappers, one of which should be preserved. Price. £2 to £2 los. THACKERAY. XXIV. Title. The/ Rose and the Ring ;/ or, the/ History of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo./ A Fireside Pantomime for Great and Small Children./ By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh,/ Author of " The Kickleburys on the Rhine," " Mrs. Perkins's Ball," &c. (Sec./ London :/ Smith, Elder, and Co., 65, Cornhill./ 1855. Collation, pp. iv-128, and eight full-page illustrations. Notes. No copies were issued coloured. The illustrations should be counted ; some are occasionally missing, and there is no list of them. Price. £3. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 35 XXV. Title. " Mr. Thackeray's Miscellaneous Writings." Under this title in 1855, 1856, and 1857, a selection from Thackeray's scattered writings, in periodicals and elsewhere, was issued. Some of these had already appeared in book form, and are consequently not worth having. Others were now issued in book form for the first time, and should certainly be obtained, and in the original yellow wrappers, if possible. The following list, distinguishing between those that are, and those that are not, worth having, will be found useful : — a. " Ballads." 1855. Collected for the first time from various sources. b. " The Snob-Papers." 1855. Originally published in "Punch," and re-issued in book form in 1848 (see No. XIV). c. "Major Gahagan." 1856. Included in " Comic Tales and Sketches," issued in 1841 (see No. VII.). d. "The Fatal Boots;" "Cox's Diary," 1856, issued in the Comic Almanacks for 1839 and 1840, and the former also in " Comic Tales and Sketches " (see Nos. III., IV., and VII.). e. "Yellow Plush Memoirs;" " Jeames's Diary," 1856. The former papers were included as " The Yellow Plush Papers" in "' Comic Tales and Sketches," but " Jeames's Diary " is reprinted from " Punch " for the first time. / " Sketches and Travels in London," 1856. The first re-issue of " Mr. Brown's Letters to his Nephew," &c., originally published in " Punch." g. " Novels by Eminent Hands," " Character Sketches," 1856. The first re-issue of " Punch's Prize Novelists," and 3 6 THACKERAY. of " The Character Sketches," which were contributed in 1840 and 1841, to " Heads of the People." 1i. " Memoirs of Barry Lyndon," 1856. The first re-issue of " Barry Lyndon," originally published in " Eraser's Maga- zine," in i8z,|4. /, "A Legend of the Rhine," "Rebecca and Rowena," 1856. The former contributed to George Cruikshank's " Table Book," published in 1845, now first re-issued ; the latter published separately in 1850 (see No. XVI I L). / "A Little Dinner at Timmins's;" "The Bedford Row Conspiracy," 1856. The fornier now first re-issued from " Punch ;" the latter published in " Comic Tales and " Sketches." /'. "The Fitzboodle Papers." "Men's Wives," 1857. Now first re-issued from " Eraser's Magazine." /. "A Shabby Genteel story," 1857. Now first re-issued from " Eraser's Magazine " with alterations and a note by Thackeray. ;;?. " The History of Samuel Titmarsh and The Great Hog- garty Diamond," 1857. Originally pubHshed in "Eraser's Magazine" in 1841, after re-issued in book form in 1848 (see No. XVH). Notes. All these, excepting those marked d, c^ d and ;;z, should be obtained. Care should be taken to see that each bears the date as above on the title-page. Subsequent editions were issued, some with later dates, and some without any dates. Price. Erom \os. to 7.0s. each. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. XXVL Title. The Virginians/ a Tale of the last Century./ By/ W. M. Thackeray,/ Author of " Esmond," " Vanity Fair/' " The Newcomes," &c. &c./ With illustrations on steel and wood by the Author./ Vol. L/ (Vol. 11./) London :/ Bradbury & Evans, II, Bouverie Street./ 1858. (Vol. IL 1859.) Collation, Vol. I. pp. viii-382 ; Vol. II, pp. viii-376, with numerous illustrations, of which a list is given. Note. Issued in numbers, in yellow wrappers, one of which should be preserved. Price. £1 los. to £2. 38 THACKERAY. XXVII. Title. LovEL THE Widower./ by/ W. M. Thacke- ray,/ with illustrations./ London :/ Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill./ MDCCCLXI./ \The I'ight of translatio7i is reserved.'] Collation. One unnumbered page of contents, pp. 258 and six full-page plates. Notes. It must be seen that the date on the title-page is as above. Subsequent editions bear later dates, but are not other- wise distinguishable from the first edition. Price. i$s. ^.o £1. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 39 XXVI IL Title. The Four Georges :/ Sketches of Manners, Morals, Court,/ and Town Life./ by/ W. M. Thackeray,/ Author of " Lectures on the English Humourists,"/ etc. etc./ with illustra- tions./ London :/ Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill./ MDCCCLXI./ \The right of translation is reserved.] Co/iation. pp. 226, and two full page illustrations. Notes. One of the most puzzHng of Thackeray's books. There are two separate title-pages, bearing the date of mdccclxi., and another, the only difference in which is that it is dated MDCCCLXii. The title-page set out above is that of the true first edition. The other of the same date, which is the one in the copy at the British Museum, omits the two lines beginning " Sketches of". I have looked at some ten or twelve copies, and have seen only one copy as above. Price. For ordinary copies, £\. 40 THACKERAY. XXIX. Title. The/ Adventures of Philip/ on his way- through the World ;/ Shewing/ who robbed him, who helped him, and who passed him by./ By/ W. M. THACKERAY,/ Author of " Esmond," "Vanity Fair," "Virginians," etc./ In three Volumes./ Vol. I./ (Vol. 11./ Vol. III./) London :/ Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Comhill,/ MDCCCLXII. Collatio7i. Vol. I. two unnumbered pages of dedication and contents, and pp. 329. Vol. II., one unnumbered page of contents, and pp. 304, Vol. III., one unnumbered page of contents, and pp. 301. Note. Issued in the "Comhill Magazine" with illustrations, which are omitted from this edition. Pi'ice. \^s.\.o £\. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 4 1 XXX. Title. Roundabout Papers./ Reprinted from " The Cornhill Magazine."/ With illustrations./by/W. M. Thackeray,/ Author of/ " Esmond," " The Four Georges," " Adventures of Philip," etc./ London :/ Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill./ MDCCCLXIII./ \The right of translation is reserved.'] Collation. One unnumbered page of contents and list of illustrations, and another unnumbered page with illustration of " A Lazy Idle Boy," and pp. 352. Four full-page illustra- tions, only two of which are mentioned in the list ; one facing page I, not numbered, and one facing page 40, numbered with the ordinary letterpress pages. Note. The subsequent editions are only distinguishable from the first edition by the date. Price. £\ to £\ 5^. 42 THACKERAY. XXXI. Title. Denis Duval./ By/ W. M. Thackeray,/ Author of " Vanity Fair," " The Adventures of Philip," etc./ London :/ Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill./ 1867./ Collation. One unnumbered page of contents, and pp. 275. Note. The author's last book, left incomplete at his death. Price. Price \os. to i^s. Note. — It will be observed that I have omitted all reference to the French play " L'Abbaye de Penmarc'h " par MM. Tourne- mine et Thackeray, because, though frequently sold to collectors of Thackeray's works as by William Makepeace Thackeray, he had, in fact, no part in its production. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 43 THACKERAYANA. 1864-1881. The following particulars of a few of the more interesting books relating to Thackeray and his works will be found useful to the collector. XXXn. Title. Thackeray/ The/ Humourist and The Man of Letters./ The Story of his Life,/ including/ a Selection from his characteristic speeches, now/ for the first time gathered together./ By Theodore Taylor, Esq.,/ Mefnbre de la Societe des gens de lettres.\ With Photograph from life by Ernest Edwards, B.A., and/ original illustrations./ {He^'e follows a woodcut of Thacke- ray )l London :/ John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly./ 1864. Collation, pp. vii-223, with frontispiece and three full-page illustrations. Notes. Other editions were shortly published without the plates. The first edition is scarce Pfice. 15J". to £\ 55-, 44 THACKERAY. XXXIII. Title. Thackerayana/ Notes and anecdotes/ Illustrated by nearly six hundred sketches/ by/ William Make- peace Thackeray/ depicting humorous Incidents in his School life, and favourite scenes and/ Characters in the Books of his every day reading/ London/ Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly/ 1875/ Collation, pp. xx-492. Notes. This edition was immediately suppressed because it contained copyright matter. It was re-issued with alterations, (increasing the number of pages to 494), and the addition of five coloured plates. The title-page of the re-issue is exactly similar to that set out above. The cloth cover, with a portrait of Thackeray, should be preserved. Price. 15-y. to ^i 5^-. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 45 XXXIV. Title. The/ Orphan of Pimlico/ and other Sketches, Fragments/ and Drawings/ by/ William ' Make- peace • Thackeray/ with some notes by/ Anne • Isabella • Thackeray/ London/ Smith, Elder, & Co., 15 Waterloo Place/ 1 876/ \All rights reserved]! Collation, pp. 195 including plates, all unnumbered. Notes. The earlier copies were issued in paper boards, which should be preserved in binding. The later issue is in blue cloth. Some twenty copies have been coloured, which are, of course, exceedingly scarce. Price. £1 IS. for ordinary copies. ^10 10s. for copies with two sets of illustrations, coloured and uncoloured. 46 THACKERAY. XXXV. Title. Etchings/ by the late/ William Makepeace Thackeray,/ while at Cambridge,/ Illustrative of/ University Life, etc., etc./ Now first published from the/ original plates./ 1878./ London, H. Sotheran & Co., Piccadilly. Collatio7i. One page of " List of Subjects," and eleven plates on eight pages. Notes. The cover should be preserved. Some copies have been coloured. Price. 5J-. uncoloured. lOJ-. coloured. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 47 XXXVL Title. Thackeray/ By/ Anthony TroUope/ London :/ Macmillan and Co./ 1879./ The right of Translation and Repro- duction is reserved.] Collation, pp. vi-210. Notes. In most copies, on the hack of the title-page, will be found " second " (" third," or other) " thousand." Collectors will prefer it without these words. Price. The original edition is now worth some \Qs. or i5j-. 48 THACKERAY. XXXVII. Title. Extracts/ from the Writings/ of/ W. M Thackeray/ Chiefly Philosophical and Reflective,/ " I should like to touch you sometimes with a reminiscence/ that shall waken your sympathy, and make you say, lo anchej Have so thought, felt, smiled, suffered"/ " Nor passed the words as idle phrases by ;/ Stranger ! I never writ a flatteiy// Nor sign'd the page that registered a lie"/ London/ Smith, Elder, & Co., 15 Waterloo Place/ 1881 Collation, pp. xiv-395, with, as a frontispiece, a portrait of Thackeray. N^ote. The portrait of Thackeray in his library is a good one, and the choice of passages is excellent. Price. 6s. CHISWICK PRESS : — C. WHITTINGHAM AND CO., TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANS. A SELECTION FROM MR. REDWAY'S PUBLICATIONS. Cosmo de' Medici : An Historical Tragedy. And other Poems. By Richard Hengist Horne, Author of "Orion." Fourth Edition. With Engraved Frontispiece. In crown 8vo, $s. "This tragedy is the work of a poet and not of a playwright. Many of the scenes abound in vigour and tragic intensity. If the structure of the drama challenges comparison with the masterpieces of the Elizabethan stage, it is at least not unworthy of the models which have inspired it." — Times. Dickensiana : A Bibliography of the Literature relating to Charles Dickens and his Writings. Compiled by Fred. G. KiTTON, Author of "Phiz," "John Leech." With Portrait, Crown 8vo. \^l7i preparation. The Anatomy of Tobacco : or Smoking Methodised, Divided, and Considered after a New Fashion. By Leolinus SiLURiENSis. Crown 8vo, parchment, 3J-. 6d. " A very clever and amusing parody of the metaphysical treatises once in fashion. Every smoker will be pleased with this volume." — Notes and Queries. " We have here a most excellent piece of fooling, evidently from a University pen .... contains some very clever burlesques of classical modes of writing, and a delicious parody of scholastic logic." — Literary World. " A delightful mock essay on the exoteric philosophy of the pipe and the pipe bowl .... reminding one alternately of ' Melan- choly ' Burton and Herr Teufelsdroch, and implying vast reading and out-of-the-way culture on the part of the author." — Bookseller. Tobacco Talk and Smokers' Gossip : An amusing miscellany of fact and anecdote relating to the "Great plant " in all its forms and uses, including a selection from nicotian literature. Demy iSmo, vanilla paper, \s. " One of the best books of gossip we have met for some time. .... It is literally crammed full from beginning to end of its 148 pages v/ith well-selected anecdotes, poems, and excerpts from to- bacco literature and history." — Graphic. Mr. Redwa^s Publications. Tamerlane and other Poems : By Edgar Allan Poe, first published at Boston in 1827, and now first republished from a unique copy of the original edition, with a preface bv Richard Herne Shepherd. Fcap. 8vo, parchment, 15^. Mr. Swinburne has generously praised " so beautiful and valuable a httle volume, full of interest for the admirers of Poe's singular and exquisite genius." Studies of Sensation and Event : Poems by Ebenezer Jones, edited, prefaced, and annotated by Richard Herne Shepherd, with memorial notices of the author by Sumner Jones and William James Linton. A new edition. With photographic portrait of the poet. Post Svo, cloth, 5^. " This remarkable poet affords nearly the most striking instance of neglected genius in our modern school of poetry. His poems are full of vivid disorderly power."— Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The Bibliography of Swinburne : A Bibliographical list arranged in chronological order of the published writings in verse and prose of Algernon Charles Swinburne (1857-1884). Crown Svo, wrapper, 6j-. ; large paper, \os. 6d. ''Among other entries will be found a remarkable novel, pub- lished in instalments and never issued in a separate form, and several productions in verse not generally known to be from Mr. Swinburne's pen." John Leech, Artist and Humourist : A Biographical sketch by Fred. G. Kitton. New edition, revised. Demy i8mo, vanilla paper, \s. " In the absence of a fuller biography we cordially welcome Mr. Kitton's interesting little sketch. "—A'^/t-x and Queries. An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank : By William Makepeace Thackeray, reprinted verbatim from the "Westminster Review." Edited with a prefatory note on Thackeray as an Artist and Art-Critic, by W. E. Church, with upwards of forty illustrations, including all the original woodcuts, and a new portrait of Cruikshank, etched by F. W. Pailthorpe. Demy Svo, wrapper, 3.^. 6d. ; large paper, 7^-. ed. "It was a pleasant and not untimely act to re-print this well- known delightful essay .... the artist could have found no other commentator so sympathetic and discriminating .... The new portrait of Cruikshank by F. W. Pailthorpe is a clear, firm etching."— 77?^^ ;-to/. The e Scope and Charm of Antiquarian Study : By John Batty, F.R.H.S. Demy Svo, vanilla paper, is. "A useful and entertaining guide to a beginner in historical researches."— A^<7/^j- atid Queries. Mr. Redway's Publications. Phiz (Hablot Knight Browne): A Memoir, including a selection from his correspondence, and notes on his principal works. By Fred. G. Kitton. With a portrait and numerous illustrations. Demy 8vo, wrapper, 3^-. dd. "Mr, Kitton is already known as an artist, many of his drawings having appeared in this journal for some years past, together with occasional articles. The monograph is extremely interesting .... Mr. Kitton has done his task in a sincere and simple fashion .... Some of the letters were written to Charles Dickens, and are now published for the first time." — Graphic. Confessions of an English Hachish Eater. Demy i8mo, vanilla paper, \s. • " There is a sort of bizarre attraction in this fantastic little book, with its weird, unhealthy imaginations." — Whitehall Review. " A weird little book .... The author seems to have been delighted with his dreams, and .... carefully explains how hachish may be made from the resin of the common hemp plant. " — Daily Chi'onicle. "The stories tgld by our author have a decidedly Oriental flavour, and we would not be surprised if some foolish individuals did endeavour to procure some of the drug, with a view to ex- perience the sensation described by the writer of this clever brochure^ — Edinburgh Cou?'ant. The Valley of Sorek : By Gertrude M. George. With a critical introduction by Richard Herne Shepherd, Crown 8vo, 2 vols., cloth, £1 \s. " There is in the book a high and pure moral and a distinct conception of character , . , . The drainatis personeB .... are in reality strongly individual, and surprise one with their incon- sistencies just as real human beings do ... . There is something powerful in the way in which the reader is made to feel both the reality and the untrustworthinessof his [the hero's] religious fervour, and the character of the atheist, Graham, is not less strongly and definitely conceived , . , , It is a work that shows imagination and moral insight, and we shall look with much anticipation for another from the same hand." — Contemporary RroircV. Hints to Collectors of Original Editions of the Works of Charles Dickens : By Charles Plumptre Johnson. \In preparation. * Mr. Redzvafs complete Catalogue of Publications, including Books on ArcJiceology and Occultism, will be sent post free 07t application. London : George Redway, York Street, Covent Garden. ^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. I6Maf^4 PC. 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