N BRI UTHORIT ^ rr^ F. ANSI LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORF^JiA RIVERSIDE IN BRIEF AUTHORITY BY THE SAME AUTHOR VICE VERSA ; or, A LESSON TO FATHERS. A FALLEN IDOL. THE PARIAH. THE GIANT'S ROBE. LYRE AND LANCET. THE BRASS BOTTLE. THETALKING HORSE and OTHER TALES. SALTED ALMONDS. VICE VERSA: A Farcical Fantastic Play. In Three Acts. LONDON : SMITH, ELDER & CO. 15 WATERLOO PLACE, S.W. IN BRIEF AUTHORITY BY F. ANSTEY AUTHOR OF "VICE VERSA," ETC. LONDON SMITH, ELDER 6^ CO., 15 WATERLOO PLACE 1915 [All rights reserved] K'fYXf Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson &r> Co. at the Ballantyne Press, Edinburgh Co AUTHOR'S NOTE It may be as well to mention here that the whole of this book was planned, and at least three-fom^ths of it actually written, in those happy daj^s, which now seem so pathetically distant, when we were still at "'^^TT^ peace — days when, to all but a very few, so hideous a calamity as a World-War seemed a danger that had passed for the present, and might never recur ; when even those few could hardly have foreseen that England would be so soon compelled to fight for her very existence against the most efficient and deadly foe it has ever been her lot to encounter. But, as the central idea of this story happens to be inseparably connected with certain characters and incidents of German origin, I have left them unal- tered — partly because it would have been difficult, if not impossible, to substitute any others, but mainly because I cannot bring myself to believe that the nursery friends of our youth could ever be regarded as enemies. F. ANSTEY. September 1915. CONTENTS CHAP. I. " The Skirts of Happy Chance " PAOE 1 II. Rushing to Conclusions . 19 III. Fine Feathers . 35 IV. Crowned Heads . 55 V. Dignity under Difficulties. . 72 VI. Cares of State . 90 VII. A Game they did not understand . 108 VIII. " A Steed that knows his Rider " . 126 IX. The Pleasures of the Table 142 X. The Blonde Beast .... . 161 XI. A Way Out 180 XII. Unwelcome Announcements . . 199 XIII. What the Pigeon said . 217 XIV. Bag and Baggage 232 XV. " Riven with Vain Endeavour " . 254 XVI. " A Cloud that's Dragonish " . . . 273 XVII. The Reward of Valour 293 XVIII. A Previous Engagement 315 XIX. Servants of the Queen . . . . ix 332 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY CHAP. PAGE XX. At the End of her Tether . . . 344 XXI. "Whose Lights are fled, whose Garlands dead" • 366 XXII. Squaring Accounts 392 Epilogue . 403 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY CHAPTER I " THE SKIRTS OF HAPPY CHANCE " On a certain afternoon in March Mrs. Sidney Stimpson (or rather Mrs. Sidney Wibberley- Stimpson, as a recent legacy from a distant relative had provided her with an excuse for styling herself) was sitting alone in her drawing-room at " Inglegarth," Gablehurst. ' ' Inglegarth ' ' was the name she had chosen for the house on coming to live there some years before. What it exactly meant she could not have explained, but it sounded distinguished and out of the common, with- out being reprehensibly eccentric. Hence the choice. Some one, she was aware, had just entered the carriage-drive, and after havmg rung, was now stand- ing under the white "Queen Anne " porch ; Mitchell, the rosy-cheeked and still half -trained parloiu'-maid, was audible in the act of " answering the door." It being neither a First nor a Third Friday, Mrs. Stimpson was not, strictly speaking, "at home" except to very intimate friends, though she made a point of being always presentable enough to see any afternoon caller. On this occasion she was engaged in no more absorbing occupation than the study of one of the less expensive Society journals, and, having A 2 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY already read all that was of real interest in its columns, she was inclined to welcome a distraction. "If you please, m'm," said Mitchell, entering, "there's a lady wishes to know if she could see you for a minute or two." " Did you ask her to state her business, Mitchell ? ... No ? Then you should have. Called for a subscription to something, I expect. Tell her I am particularly engaged. I suppose she didn't give any name ? " "Oh yes, m'm. She give her name — Lady 'Arriet Elmslie, it was." "Then why on earth didn't you say so before," cried the justly exasperated Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, "instead of leaving her ladyship on the door-mat all this time ? Really, Mitchell, you are too trying ! Go and show her in at once — and be careful to say ' my lady.' And bring up tea for two as soon as you can — the silver tea-pot, mind ! " It might have been inferred from her manner that she and Lady Harriet were on terms of closest friend- ship, but this was not exactly the case. Mrs. Stimpson had indeed known her for a considerable time, but only by sight, and she had long ceased to consider a visit from Lady Harriet as even a possible event. Now it had actually happened, and, providentially, on an afternoon when Mitchell's cap and apron could defy inspection. But if it was the first time that an Earl's daughter had crossed Mrs. Stimpson 's threshold, she was not at all the woman to allow the fact to deprive her of her self-possession. A title had no terror for her. Before her marriage, when she was Miss Selina Prinsley, she had acted as hostess for her father, the great financier and company C( THE SKIRTS OF HAPPY CHANCE" promoter, who had entertained lavishly up to the date of his third and final failure. Her circle then had included many who could boast of knighthoods, and even baronetcies ! And, though Lady Harriet was something of a personage at Gablehurst, and confined her acquaintance to her own particular set, there was nothing formidable or even imposing in her appearance. She was the widow of a Colonel Elmslie, and apparently left with only moderate means, judging from the almost poky house on the farther side of the Common, which she shared with an unmarried female cousin of about her own age. So, when she was shown in, looking quite ordinary, and even a little shy, Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson rose to receive her with perfect ease, being supported by the consciousness that she was by far the more hand- somely dressed of the two. In fact her greeting was so gracious as to be rather overpowering. "Interrupting me? Not in the very least, dear Lady Harriet ! Only too delighted, I'm sure ! . . . Now do take off your boa, and come nearer the fire. You'll find this quite a comfy chair, I think. Tea will be brought in presently. ... Oh, you really must, after trapesing all that way across the Common. I can't tell you how pleased I am to see you. I've so often wished to make your acquaintance, but I couldn't take the first step, could I ? So nice of you to break the ice ! " Lady Harriet submitted to these rather effusive attentions resignedly enough. She could hardly inter- rupt her hostess's flow of conversation without rude- ness, while she had already begun to suspect that IVIrs, Stimpson might form an entertaining study. 4 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY But her chief reason, after all, was that the prospect of tea had its attractions. Accordingly she attempted no further explanations of her visit just then, and was content to observe Mrs. Stimpson, while she rippled on complacently. She saw a matron who might be about fifty, with abundant pale auburn hair, piled up, and framing her face in a sort of half aureole. The eyes were small and hazel green ; the nose narrow and pointed, the wide, full-lipped mouth, which wore just then a lusciously ingratiating smile, showed white but pro- minent teeth. The complexion was of a uniform oat mealy tint, and, though Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson was neither tall nor slim, she seemed to have taken some pains to preserve a waist. " Most fortunate I happened to be at home," she was saying. "And if you had called on one of my regular days, I shouldn't have had the chance of a real talk with you. As it is, we shall be quite tete-a- tete. . . . Ah, here is tea — you must tell me if you like it weak, dear Lady Harriet, and I shall remember the next time you come. Yes, you find me all alone this afternoon. My eldest daughter, Edna, has gone to a lecture at her Mutual Improvement Society, on a German Philosopher called Nitchy, or some such name. She's so bookish and well-read, takes such an interest in all the latest movements — runs up to town for matinees of intellectual dramas — quite the modern type of girl. But not a blue-stocking — she's joined a Tango Class lately, and dances most beautifully, I'm told — just the figure for it. We got up a little Costume Ball here this winter — perhaps you may have heard of it ? — Ah, well, my Edna was generally admitted to be the belle of the evening. A perfect "THE SKIRTS OF HAPPY CHANCE" 5 Juliet, everybody said. I went as her mother — Lady Capulet, you Imow. I did think of going as Queen Elizabeth at one time. I've so often been told that if I ever went to a Fancy Dress Ball, I ought to go as her — or at all events as one of our English Queens, But, however, I didn't. Mr. Stimpson went as a Venetian Doge, but I do not consider myself that it was at all suitable to him." She did not say all this without a motive. She knew that a local Historical Pageant was being ar- ranged for the coming Summer, and that Lady Harriet was on the Committee. Also she had heard that, after rehearsals had begun, some of the principal performers had resigned their parts, and the Committee had some difficulty in finding substitutes. It had struck her as not at all unhkely that her visitor had called with a view to ascertaining whether the services of any of the Stimpson household would be available. If she had, it was, of course very gratifying. If she had merely come in a neighbourly way, there was no harm in directing her attention to the family qualifications for a Pageant performance. Her hearer, without betraying any sign of the mirth she inwardly felt, meekly agreed that JMrs. Stimpson was undoubtedly well fitted to impersonate a Queen, and that the costume of a Venetian Doge was rather a trying one, after which her hostess proceeded : "Perhaps you are right, dear Lady Harriet, but the worst of it was that my boy Clarence, who would have made such a handsome Romeo, insisted on going as a Pierrot ! Very likely you have seen Clarence ? ... Oh, you would certainly have noticed him if you had — ^always so well turned out. He's got quite a good post as Secretary to an Insurance Co., in the 6 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY City : they think so highly of him there — take his advice on everything — ^in fact, he practically is the Company ! And only twenty -two ! It's such a relief, because there was a time when it really seemed as if he'd never settle down to any regular work. Nothing would induce him to enter my husband's business — for I must tell you, Lady Harriet, we are in business. Sauces, pickles, condiments of every sort and descrip- tion — wholesale, you Ivuow, not retail, so I hope you aren't too dreadfully shocked ! " Lady Harriet remarked that she saw nothing to be shocked at — several of her relations and friends were in business of various kinds, which gave Mrs. Wibberley- Stimpson the opening she required. " Society has changed its views so much lately, has it not ? " she said. " Why, the youngest partner in Mr. Wibberley- Stimpson's firm is a younger son of the Earl of Fallow- fields — Ml'. Chervil Thistleton, and an Honourable, of course ! I daresay you are acquainted with him ? . . . Not ? Quite a charming young man — married a Miss Succory, a connection of the Restharrows, and such a sweet girl ! You may have met her ? . . . Oh, I thought — but I really hardly know her myself yet " (which was Mrs. Stimpson's method of disguising the fact that she had never met either of them in her life) . " When he came into the warehouse he was perfectly amazed at the immense variety in pickles and sauces — it was quite a revelation to him. Only he can't touch pickles of any kind, which is a pity, because it prevents him from taking the interest he might in the business. . . . Just one of these hot cakes, dear Lady Harriet — ^you're making such a wretched tea ! ... I should like you to see my youngest child, Ruby. She's gone out to tea with some little friends of hers, "THE SKIRTS OF HAPPY CHANCE" 7 but she may be back before you go. So much admired — such lovely colouring ! But just a little difficult to manage. Governess after governess have I had, and none of them could do anything wath her. My present one, however, she seems to have taken to. Miss Heritage, her name is — at least she was adopted as a baby by a rich widow of that name, and brought up in every luxury. But Mrs. Heritage died without making a will, and it seems she'd muddled away most of her money, and there were claims on what she left, so the poor girl had to turn out, and earn her own living. Such a sad little story, is it not ? I felt it was really a charity to engage her. I'm not sure that I can keep her much longer, though. She's far too good-looking for a governess, and there's always a danger with a marriageable young man in the house, but fortimately Clarence has too much sense and principle to marry out of his own rank. I do think that's siLcJi a mistake, don't you, dear Lady Harriet ? Look at the Duke of Mountravail's heir, the young Marquis of Muscombe — married only last month at a registry office to a girl who was in the chorus at the Vivacity ! I hear she comes of quite a respectable family, and all that," admitted JVIrs. Stimpson, who derived her information from her Society journals, " But still, can you woiider at the poor Duke and Duchess being upset by it ? I've no doubt you are constantly coming across similar instances in Smart Society." Lady Harriet disclaimed all acquaintanceship with Smart Society, which Mrs. Stimpson protested she could not believe. "I am sure you have the entree into any set. Lady Harriet, even the smartest ! Which reminds me. Have you heard anything more about 8 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY that mysterious disappearance of the Dowager Duchess of Gleneagle's diamonds during her journey from the North last week ? A tiara, and a dog-collar, I was told. Professional thieves, I suppose, but don't you think the Duchess's maid ? — Oh, really? I made sure you would be a friend of the Duchess's — but, of course, Society is so much larger than it used to be ! " " You are a far better authority than I can pretend to be about it," Lady Harriet owned smilingly ; " and really you've given me so much interesting infor- mation that I had nearly forgotten what I came to see you about. It's — well, I wanted to ask " "I think I can guess, Lady Harriet," put in Mrs. Stimpson, as her visitor paused for a second. "I've heard of your difficulties about getting players for the Pageant, and I'm sure I, and indeed all the family, would feel only too honoured." *' It's most kind of you," Lady Harriet interrupted, rising, " but — but that isn't why I've troubled you. It's only that I'm thinking of engaging Jane Saunders as house-parlourmaid, and she tells me she was in your service, so I called to ask about her character, don't you know." For a moment Mi's. Wibberley-Stimpson wished she had been less precipitate, but she soon recognised that no real harm had been done. " Saunders ? " she said, "yes, she left me last month. Do sit down again, dear Lady Harriet, and I'll give you all the information I possibly can. Well, when that girl first came, she had everything to learn. It was quite evident she'd never been in service before with gentlefolks. Actually brought in letters in her fingers, Lady Harriet, and knocked at sitting-room doors ! And no notion of cleaning silver, and I like to see mine come up to "THE SKIRTS OF HAPPY CHANCE" 9 table without a speck ! However, after being with me for a while, she improved, and I can conscientiously say that she became quite competent in time. That is, for a household like ours, you know, where things are done in quite an unpretentious style." *' I don't think we are at all pretentious people either," said Lady Harriet, rising once more. "And now, Mrs. Stimpson, you have told me all I wanted to know, so I must tear myself away." "Must you rmlly be going ? Well, Lady Harriet, I've so much enjoyed our little chat. There are so few persons in a semi-suburban neighbourhood like this, with whom one can have anything in common. So I shall hope to see more of you in future. And if," she added, after ringing for Mitchell, " I sJiould find I've forgotten anything I ought to have told you about Saunders, I can easily pop in some morning." Lady Harriet hastened to assure her that she must not think of giving herself this trouble — after which she took her leave. " Rather an amusing experience in its way," she was thinking. " Something to tell Joan when I get back. But oh ! what an appallmg woman ! She's settled one thing, though. It will be quite impossible to take Jane Saunders notv. A pity — because I rather liked the girl's looks ! " Meanwhile the happily unconscious Mrs. Stimpson had settled down in her chair again with the convic- tion that she had made a distinctly favourable impres- sion. She allowed her eyes to wander complacently round the room, which, with its big bay window looking on the semi-circular gravel sweep, and its glazed door by the fireplace leading through a small conservatory, gay with begonias, asters, and petunias 10 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY to the garden beyond, was not merely large, by Gablehurst standards, but undeniably pleasant. She regarded its various features — ^the white chimney- piece and over-mantel with Adam decorations in Cartonpierre, the silk fire-screen printed with Japanese photographs, the cottage-grand, on which stood a taU trumpet vase filled with branches of imitation peach blossom, the Stageres ("Louis Quinze style ") contain- ing china which could not be told from genuine Dresden at a distance, the gaily patterned chintz on the couches and chaii's, the water-colour sketches of Venice, and coloured terra-cotta plaques embossed on high relief with views of the Forum and St. Peter's at Rome on the walls, and numerous "nick-nacks' — an alabaster model of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, a wood carving of the Lion of Lucerne, and groups of bears from Berne — all of which were not only souvenirs of her wedding-journey, but witnesses to Continental travel and general culture. She could see nothing that was not in the most correct taste, as Lady Harriet must have observed for herself, together with the hammered copper gong, the oak chest, and the china bowl for cards in the hall. Strange that Saimders should have been the humble means of bringing about so unexpected a meeting, but Providence chose its own instruments, and now the seed was sown, Mrs. Stimpson felt she could rely on herself for the harvest. And so she took up the latest number of The Upper Circle, and read, to the accompaniment of alternate duologues and soliloquies by thrushes and blackbirds in the garden, until gradually she drifted into a blissful dream of being at a garden-party at Lady Harriet's and entreated, not merely by her "THE SKIRTS OF HAPPY CHANCE" 11 hostess, but Royalty itself, to accept the role of Queen at the County Pageant ! She was in the act of doing this gracefully, when the vision was abruptly ended by the entrance of her elder daughter. Edna was by no means bad-looking, in spite of her light eyelashes and eyebrows, and the fact that the pince-nez she wore compressed her small nose in an unbecoming ridge. Her eyes were larger than her mother's, though of the same colour, and her hair was of a deeper shade of auburn. Her costume was of a kind that may be described as the floppily artistic. "I never heard you come in, my dear," said her mother. " Did you enjoy your lecture ? " " Quite ; I took pages and pages of notes. Nietzsche's Gospel of the Superman is certainly most striking." " And what is his Gospel exactly ? " "Oh, well, he teaches that the ideal man ought to rise superior to conventional prejudices, and have the courage to do as he thinks right without deferring to ordinary ideas. To be strong in willing what he wants — all that sort of thing, you know." "Bear me!" said Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson dubiously. " But, if everybody acted like that, would it be quite — er — nice ? " " There's no fear of any of the men in Gablehurst being Supermen, at all events ! " said Edna. " They're all perfect slaves to convention ! But the lecturer explained the Nietzschean theories in such a way that he made us feel there was a great deal to be said for them. . . . No tea, thanks. I had mine at the Fletchers. It looks," she added, with a glance at the tea-cups, "as if you had been entertaining some one, Mother — who was it ? " 12 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY " Only Lady Harriet," replied Mrs. Stimpson, with elaborate carelessness. " What Lady Harriet ? " was the intentionally pro- voking query. " Really, Edna, one would think there were dozens of them ! The Lady Harriet : Lady Harriet Elmslie, of course." " Oh," said Edna. " And what did she want ? " "Well, she came to ask after Saunders' character, but she stayed to tea, and we really struck up quite an intimate friendship, discussing one thing and another. She's so quiet and unassuming, Edna — absolutely no hauteur. I'm sure you will like her. I told her about you all, and she seemed so interested. Quite between ourselves, I shouldn't be at all sur- prised if she got us invited to take part in the Pageant — she's on the Committee, you loiow." "If I ivas invited. Mother, I'm not at all sure I shouldn't refuse." "You must please yourself about that, my dear," said Mi's. Stimpson, who, perhaps, felt but little anxiety as to the result. " / shall certainly accept if the part is at all suitable." She might have said more, if Ruby had not suddenly burst into the room. Ruby was certainly the flower of the family — an extremely engaging young person of about ten, whose mischievous golden-brown eyes had long and curling lashes, and whose vivacious face was set off by a thick mane of deepest Titian red. "Oh, Mummy," she announced breathlesslyj "I've got invitations for nearly all my animals while we're away at Eastbourne ! Mucins Scsevola's the most popular — everybody asked him, but I think he'll feel most at home with Daisy Williams. Vivian and Ada "THE SKIRTS OF HAPPY CHANCE" 13 Porter will simply love to have Numa Pompilius, but nobody seems to want Tarquinius Superbus, so I shall turn him out in the garden, and he must catch worms for himself." "Dearest child," said her mother, "what are these new animals of yours with the extraordinary names ? " " They're the same old animals, Mums. I've re- christened them since I began Roman History with Mss Heritage. Mucius Scsevola's the Salamander, because they're indifferent to fire, like he was — though Miss Heritage says it wouldn't be kind to try with Mucius. Numa Pompihus is the Blind-worm — he used to be Kaa — and the Toad has changed from Nobbles to Tarquinius Superbus." *'I can't understand how you can keep such un- pleasant pets as reptiles," said Edna. "Because I like them," said Ruby simply. "And Bobby Wilhams has promised, as soon as it gets warmer, to come out on the Common with me and catch lizards. Won't it be lovely ? " " I hope you won't put one of them down anybody's neck, then, as you did to Tommy Fletcher." "That was Mucius," Ruby admitted cheerfully. " But I didn't mean him to go so far down. And he was very good — he didn't bite Tommy anywhere." "Little ladies don't play such tricks," said her Mother. "I hope Miss Heritage doesn't encourage your liking for these horrid creatures ? " " Oh, she doesn't mind, so long as I don't take them out of the aquarium, but she hates touching them herself." " Did she come in with you ? " her mother inquired, and was told that Miss Heritage had done so, and had 14 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY gone upstairs, whereupon Ruby was ordered to go and take off her things, and stay quietly in the school- room till it was time to come do^vn. "I don't Imow if you noticed it. Mother," Edna began, as soon as Ruby had consented to leave them, " but Miss Heritage had a letter by the afternoon post which seemed to upset her. I went rather out of my way to ask her if she had had bad news of any kind, but she did not think proper to take me into her confidence. Perhaps she might be more open with you." "My dear," said Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, with much dignity, " I take no interest whatever in Miss Heritage's private correspondence." " Nor I," declared Edna. " I only thought that if she is in any trouble — She's so secretive, you know, Mums. I've tried more than once to get her to teU me what cosmetic she uses for her hands — and she never will own to using any at all ! " " I'm sure, Edna, you've no reason to be ashamed of your hands." "Oh, they look all right just now," said Edna, examining them dispassionately. "But they will turn lobster colour at the most inconvenient times. Hers never do — and it does seem so unfair, consider- ing — " She broke off here, as Daphne Heritage entered. " Well, Miss Heritage ? " said IVIrs. Stimpson, as the girl hesitated on seeing Edna. " Did you wish to speak to me ? " " I did rather want your advice about something," said Daphne, who had a paper, and a small leather case in her hands ; "I thought I might find you alone. It doesn't matter — it will do quite well another time." "THE SKIRTS OF HAPPY CHANCE" 15 " Don't let me prevent you, Miss Heritage," said Edna. "If you don't wish to speak to Mother before me, I've no desire to remain. I was just gomg up to change in any case." She went out \nth a slightly hufify air, which was not entirely due to baffled curiosity, for she admired Daphne enough to resent being quietly kept at a dis- tance. "It's about this," explained Daphne, after Edna had made her exit — "a biU that has just been sent on to me." She gave the paper to Mrs. Stimpson as she spoke. " I don't know quite what to do about it." She looked very young and inexperienced as she stood there, a slim girlish figm'e with masses of burnished hair the colour of ripe corn, braided and coiled as closely as possible round her smaU head, but there was no trace of timidity or subservience in her manner. In the shght form, with the milk-white skin, dehcate profile and exquisite hands, there was a distinction that struck her employer as quite absurdly out of keeping with her position. " The only thing to do about a bill, my dear," said Mrs. Stimpson, " is to pay it. But nearly thirty pounds is a large sum for you to owe your milliner." "It's for things Mother — my adopted mother, you know — ordered for me. Stephanie was always told to send in the account to her. But this seems to have been overlooked, and the executors have sent it on to me. Only I can't pay it myself — unless you wouldn't mind advancing me the money out of my salary." " I couldn't possibly. You forget that it would represent over a year's salary, and it's by no means certain that you will be with me so long." 16 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY "I was afraid you wouldn't," said Daphne, with a little droop at the corners of her extremely pretty mouth. " So I brought this to show you." She held out the leather case. " It's the only jewellery I've got. It belonged to my father, I believe ; he and my real mother both died when I was a baby, you know — and I never meant to part with it. But now I'm afraid I must — ^that is, if you think any jeweller would give as much as thirty pounds for it." Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson opened the case, which was much more modern than the kind of badge or pendant it contained. This was a fanly large oval stone of a milky green, deeply engraved mth strangely formed letters interlaced in a cypher, and surrounded by a border of dark blue gems which IVIrs. Stimpson decided instantly must be Cabochon star sapphires of quite exceptional quality. The gold chain attached to it was antique and of fine and curious workmanship. She was convinced that the pendant must be worth considerably more than thirty pounds, though she was no doubt right in telling Daphne that no jeweUer would of?er so much for an ornament that was quite out of fashion. "Besides," she said, "I don't like the idea of any governess of mine going about offering jewellery for sale. Have Edna or Ruby seen you wearing this thing ? " she asked with apparent irre- levance. It appeared they had not ; Daphne had never worn it herself, and she had only remembered its existence that afternoon, and found it hidden away at the back of her wardrobe. " Well," said Mrs. Stimpson, "it is most unpleasant to me to see a young girl like you owing aU this money to her milliner." "THE SKIRTS OF HAPPY CHANCE" 17 " It isn't very pleasant for me," said Daphne rue- fully ; "but if you won't advance the money, and I can't or mustn't sell the pendant, I don't very well see how I can help it." "I'll tell you what I'll do," said Mrs. Stimpson. "I really oughtn't to — and under ordinary circumstances I couldn't afford it, but, as it happens, a great-uncle of mine left me a small legacy not long ago, and I haven't spent quite all of it yet. So I don't mind buying this for thirty pounds myself." " Will you reaUy ? " cried Daphne. " How angelic of you ! " " I think it is," said Mrs. Stimpson; "but I feel myself responsible for you, to some extent. So I'U write you a cheque for the thirty pounds, and you can send it off to this milliner person at once." She went to the writing-table and filled up the cheque. " There," she said, handing it to Daphne, "put it in an enve- lope and direct it at once — you'll find a stamp in that box, and it can go by the next post." " By the way, my dear," she added, as she was leaving the room, " I needn't tell you that I shall not breathe a word to a soul of our little transaction, and I should advise you, in your own interests, to keep it entirely to yourself." " I was quite wrong about Mrs. Stimpson," Daphne told herself reproachfully, after she had slipped the letter containing bill and cheque into the letter-box in the haU. " She can be kind sometimes, and I've been a little beast to see only the comic side of her 1 I daresay she won't even wear that pendant." But Mrs. Stimpson had every intention of wearing it that same evening. It is not often that one has the opportunity of doing a kindness and securing a B 18 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY real bargain at a single stroke ; and she knew enough about jewels to be fully aware that, if the ornament was a trifle old-fashioned, she had not done at all badly over her purchase. "It really suits me very weU," she thought, as, after putting the last touches to her evening demi- toilette, she fastened the pendant round her neck. " Even better than I expected. It was lucky Miss Heritage came to me. A jeweller would have been sure to cheat her, poor child ! " And she went down to the drawing-room feeling serenely satisfied with herself. CHAPTER II RUSHING TO CONCLUSIONS Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, as she sat in the drawing- room, where the curtains had been drawn and the lamps lighted, was occupied with a project which she was anxious to impart to her husband as soon as he returned. Some time before a dull rumble from the vaUey had informed her that his usual train was approaching Gablehurst station, and now she heard the chck of the front gate, the crunch of his well- known step on the gravel, and the opening of the hall door. "I want to speak to you for a moment, Sidney," she said, opening the drawing-room door. " Come in here before you go up to dress." (Mrs. Stimpson in- sisted on his dressing for dinner. It was customary in all really good society, and also it would prevent him from feeling awkward in evening clothes — which it never did.) "Very weU, my dear," he said, entering. "Any news with you ? " which was his invariable question. Mr. Stimpson was short and inclined to be stout. Wliat remained of his hair was auburn and separated in the middle by a wide parting ; he had close- cut whiskers of a lighter red, which met in his moustache, and if his eyes had been narrow, instead of round and filmy like a seal's, and his mouth had been firm, and not loose and shghtly open, he would not have 19 20 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY been at all a bad caricature of his Majesty King Henry the Eighth. " Nothing — except, but I'll tell you about that afterwards. Sit down, do, and don't fidget. . . . Well, I've been thinking, Sidney, that we really ought to ask the Chovril Thistletons to a quiet little dinner. Not to meet any of our usual set, of course ! We could have the dear Rector, who, if he is Low Church, is very well connected — and Lady Harriet Elmshe." Mr. Stimpson showed no enthusiasm at the sug- gestion. "Lady Elmslie, Selina ! " he cried. "But we don't know her ladyship ! " " I do wish you would learn to use titles correctly, Sidney ! Lady Harriet Elmslie — not Lady Elmslie ! And you shouldn't speak of her, except to servants, as ' her ladyship ' ; that's only done by inferiors." " Well, my love, whatever may be the correct way of speakmg of her, the fact remains that we haven't the honour of her acquaintance." " That's just where you're mistaken ! We have, or at least / have ; ' ' and she described how she had come to enjoy that privilege. "Well," he admitted at the conclusion, "she certainly seems to have made herself exceedingly affable, but it doesn't follow that she'd come and dine, even if we asked her." " She would if it was to meet the Thistletons." " Perhaps so, my love, but — er — we don't know that they would come." " Of course they would, if they knew we were expecting Lady Harriet. For goodness' sake, Sidney, don't swing your foot like that — you laiow I can't bear it. All you have to do is to find out from RUSHING TO CONCLUSIONS 21 Mr. Thistleton what evenings the week after next would be most convenient, and /'// undertake the rest ! " " I — I really couldn't do that, Selina. I'm a proud man, in my way, and I don't care about exposing myself unnecessarily to a rebuff." "Why should you be rebuffed? After all, he's only a junior partner ! " " True, my love, but that doesn't make him less stand-offish. He may be in the business, but he's not of it. I doubt myself whether even old Cramphorn would venture to invite him to dinner, and if ho did, I'd bet a tidy sum that the Honom-able ]\Ir. Chevril Tliistleton " " Mr. — not the Honourable Mr. Thistleton, Sidney," corrected his wife, who had studied all such minutice in a handbook written by a lady of miimpeachable authority. " The term is 7iever employed in ordinary conversation, or on visiting cards. But, if you won't show a proper spirit, I shall write myself to Mi"s. Thistleton and propose one or two dates." " It would be no good, my love," said Mr. Stimpson, brought to bay, "because, if you must Imow, I — er — did approach the subject with Thistleton — and — well, his manner was not sufficiently encouraging to induce me to try it again. Not so fond of being made to feel as if I was no better than one of our own clerks, I get quite enough of that from old Cramphorn ! " "You should assert yourself more, Sidney, if you want people to respect you." "I'm always asserting myself — but old Cramphorn never listens ! Just goes on his own waj\ Won't hear of any changes — what was good enough when the firm started a hundred years ago is good enough 22 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY for him — now I'm aU for new ideas myself — Progress and so forth ! " "That's what has kept us back," said Mrs. Wib- berley-Stimpson ; "we shoukl have been in a far better set here than we're ever likely to be now if you hadn't given yourself out as a violent Radical, when it's well known that all best Gablehurst people are Conservatives, and several who are not reaUy entitled to be anything of the kind. As it is, I sup- pose I must be content to pass my life in this suburban hole and mix with none but second-rate people. But I certainly cannot expect Lady Harriet to come here and meet them, so there's an end of it. If she imagines I've no desire to pursue her acquaintance, it can't be helped, that's all ! And now you had better go up and dress." The whole family were assembled by the time Mr. Stimpson reappeared — his wife was in her armchair by the standard lamp. Edna was at the writing- table revising her notes of the afternoon's lecture, and Clarence was seated close by, while Ruby was whispering earnestly to Daphne on one of the chintz couches, " All of you down before me, eh ? " said the head of the family after the usual salutations had been ex- changed, "But I went up long after everybody else. And not late after aU — I've taught myself to dress in well under ten minutes, you see ! " "Wish he'd taught himself not to wear a white tie with a dinner jacket ! " grumbled Clarence to Edna in an undertone. " Couldn't you tell him about it ? " she replied, " I could — but what'd be the good ? He'd only turn up next time in a taU-coat and a black bow ! " RUSHING TO CONCLUSIONS 23 said Clarence gloomily. "The poor old governor's one of the people who never learn ! " Clarence's own type was that for which the latest term is "knut." He was accepted both by his family, his intimates, and himself as an infallible guide on things in general. When consulted as to matters on which he happened to be entirely ignorant, and these were not a few — he had formed the habit of preserving a pregnant silence, as of one who could say a good deal on the subject if he were at liberty to speak. And this in itself denoted a certain degree of intelli- gence. In appearance he was well built, though only of average height. He had small green eyes like his mother's ; his light sandy hair had a natural ripple, and his pale face expressed nothing beyond an assured consciousness of his own superiority. And yet he was not without a certain sense of humour in matters which did not immediately concern himself, though, owing to particular circumstances, it was just then distinctly in abeyance. "What time do you get back from the City to- morrow afternoon, my boy ? " his father asked. " Not going up at all. Pater," said Clarence. " Told them I shouldn't." He was thinking that after dinner would be quite time enough to break the news that, on receiving a severe wiggmg for general slack- ness, he had lost his temper, and offered to resign his post — ^an offer that had been accepted with discon- certing alacrity. "Ah, Sidney," said Mrs. Wibberley - Stimpson, " Clarence knows how to assert himself, you see ! " "I merely asked," Mr. Stimpson explained, "be- cause I'm taking a Saturday off myself, and I thought 24 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY we could have a round or two of golf together, eh, my boy ? " "I don't mind going round with you before lunch," said Clarence. "Engaged for the afternoon; but, if you'll take my advice, Governor, you'd better practise a bit longer with the Pro before you attempt to 'play. No good trying to run till you can walk, don't you know, what ? " (He had learnt to terminate his sen- tences with "what " as a kind of smart shibboleth.) " Hullo, Mater ! " he broke off suddenly, as he noticed the pendant on her ample bosom, "where did you get that thing ? Out of a cracker ? " " Certainly not, Clarence ; I am not in the habit of wearing cheap jewellery. And this cost a considerable sum, though I daresay it is worth what I paid for it." ' ' Did you go much of a mucker for it. Mater ? ' ' " If I did, Clarence, I was well able to do so, thanks to dear old Uncle Wibberley's legacy." "I must say. Mother," said Edna, "it's far the most artistic thing I've ever Imown you buy." " It isn't everybody's taste," remarked Mr. Stimpson, " but I should say myself that it wasn't a bad invest- ment. Where did you come across it, my love ? " " My dear Sidney," replied Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson with much majesty, "as I purchased it with my own money, where I came across it, and what I paid for it are surely matters that only concern myself." Daphne, who could hardly avoid hearing this con- versation, was impressed by the tact and delicacy it displayed. It never occurred to her that Mrs. Wibberley- Stimpson 's reticence might be inspired by other motives than a generous desire to spare her feelings. "She really is quite a decent sort!" she told herself. RUSHING TO CONCLUSIONS 25 Clarence had not been unobservant of her — mdeed it would not be too much to say that he had been acutely conscious all the time of Miss Heritage's pres- ence. Ever since she had become a member of the house- hold he had alternated between the desire to impress her and the dread of becoming entangled in the toils of an artful little enchantress. It was true that since her arrival in the family she had made no effort what- ever to enchant him ; indeed, she had treated him with easy indifference — but this, his experience of her sex and the world told him, was probably assumed. She could hardly help knowing that he was something of a "catch " from her point of view, and scheming to ensnare him. Perhaps Clarence, with his now dubious prospects, felt himself rather less of a catch than usual ; perhaps it occurred to him that being moderately ensnared would be pleasantly exciting, since he would always know when to stop. At all events, he lounged grace- fully toward the sofa, on which she and Ruby were sitting: "I say, IVIiss Heritage," he began, "you mustn't let my Kiddie sister bore you like this. She's been whispering away in your ear for the last ten minutes." Daphne denied that she was being bored. " Of course she isn't ! " said Ruby ; " I M'as finishing the story I began telling her when we were walking home. We'd got to where Daphne first meets the Fairy Prince." " Then it's all about Miss Heritage, is it ? " " I call the heroine ' Daphne ' in my story, after her — but, of course, she isn't Miss Heritage really." " You don't seem to think it very likely that Miss 26 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY Heritage will ever come across a Fairy Prince, eh i " commented Clarence, and wondered the next moment whether he mightn't have said something to commit himself. "I hope not," said Ruby, slipping her hand affec- tionately through Daphne's arm, "because then she'd leave me, and I should never see her again ! " "I shouldn't worry about it just yet, darling," said Daphne, smiling. " Fairy Princes are only to be found in their own country — and it's a long way from here to Fairyland." Clarence was noticing, not for the first time, that her full face was shaped Uke a shield, also that two fas- cinating little creases came in it when she smiled, and her pretty grey eyes had a soft sparkle in them. " I must be jolly careful," he told himself. " I should prefer. Miss Heritage," said Mrs. Wib- berley-Stimpson, who had overheard the last sentence, "that Ruby was not encouraged to fill her head with Fairy tales. I don't think them good for her." "Oh, come, Mater ! " protested Clarence, unable to resist the role of Champion. " Where on earth is the harm of them." "Surely, Clarence," Edna put in instructively, " there is this harm — they give such an utterly false impression of what life really is! That's why I've never been able to take any interest in them." "More likely," said Clarence, "because you've got no imagination." "If I hadn't," retorted Edna, "I should hardly have got through the Poetry I have. Most of Browning and Alfred Austin, and all Ella Wlieeler Wilcox ! It's only the lowest degree of imagination that invents things that couldn't possibly have happened ! " RUSHING TO CONCLUSIONS 27 " They may have left off, Echia, but they happened once,,'" declared Ruby. " I know there used to be Fau-y- land somewhere, with Kings and Queens and Fairy Godmothers and enchanted castles and magicians and Ogres and Dragons and things in it. And IVIiss Heritage beheves it, too — don't you, Miss Heritage, dear ? " "I'm much mistaken in Miss Heritage, my dear," said Mr. Stimpson gallantly," if her head isn't too well screwed on (if she'll allow me to say so) to believe in any such stuff. All very well for the Nursery, you know, but not to be taken seriously, or . . . why, what's that ? Most extraordinary noise ! Seems to come from outside, overhead." They could all hear a strange kind of flapping whirr in the air, it grew nearer and louder and then suddenly ceased. "Aeroplane," pronounced Clarence, drawing the window curtains and looking out. "Miles away by now, though. Terrific pace they travel at. Too dark to see anything." He returned to the hearthrug, and the moment afterwards, the silence outside was broken by a shrill, clear call which seemed to come from silver trumpets. "Very odd," said IVIr. Stimpson, "some one seems to be playing trumpets on the gravel-sweep ! " " If it's one of those travelling German bands," said his wife, "you'd better send them away at once, Sidney." But, whoever they were, they had already entered the hall, for almost immediately the drawing-room door was thro^\Ti open and two persons wearing tabards and gaily plumed hats entered and sounded another blast. 28 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY " Ton my word, you know," gasped Mr. Stimpson, " this is really " The heralds stepped back as a third person entered. He was wearing a rich suit of some long-departed period, and, with his fiu-rowed face and deep-set eyes, he rather resembled an elderly mastiff, though he did not convey the same impression of profound wisdom. He gazed round the room as though he himself were as bewildered as its other occupants, who were speech- less with amazement. Then his eye fell on Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, and he hesitated no longer, but, advancing towards her chair, sank with some diffi- culty on one knee, seized her hand, and kissed it with every sign of deep respect. " Heaven be praised ! " he cried in a voice that fal- tered with emotion, ' ' I have at last found the Queen we have so long sought in vain ! " He spoke with some sort of foreign accent, but they all understood him perfectly. As he knelt they heard a loud crack which seemed to come from between his shoulders. "Braces given way," whispered Clarence to Edna ; " silly old ass to go kneeling in 'em ! " "Really, sir," said Mr. Stimpson, "this is most extraordinary behaviour." " You don't understand, Sidney," said Mrs. Wib- berley-Stimpson, who had recovered from her first alarm and was now in a gratified flutter ; " remember what I told you about Lady Harriet and the Pageant ! Pray, get up, sir," she added to the stranger, " I haven't the advantage of knowing your name." " I am the Court Chamberlain," he said, " and my name is Treuherz von Eisenbanden." It was unlmown to Mrs. Stimpson, but she con- cluded that he was some Anglo-German commercial RUSfflNG TO CONCLUSIONS 29 magnate, who would naturally be invited to join the Committee for any such patriotic purpose as a Pageant. As to the excessive ceremony of his manner, that was either the proper form for the occasion, or, what was more likely, IMr, Troitz, or whatever his name was, having come fresh from a dress rehearsal, could not divest himself as yet of his assumed character. The important pomt was that her interview with Lady Harriet had borne fruit already, and in the shape of a pressing invitation to play the distmguished part of " Queen ! " The advantages thus offered for obtain- ing a social footing amongst county people made it easy to overlook any trifling eccentricities where the intention was so obviously serious. " Well, IVIr. Troitz," she said graciously, "since the Committee have been kind enough to ask me, I shall be very pleased to be your Queen." " And if I may say so. Sir," said her husband, " there are few ladies in the vicinity who would prove more competent. In fact " " Tliat will do, Sidney," said his wife; "if Lady Harriet and the Committee did not consider me com- petent to be the Queen they would not have asked me." And IVIr. Stimpson said no more. " Pardon," ]\'Ir. Treuhertz said, looking at him with solemn surprise, " but — who is this ? " " This is my husband, ]\Ir. Troitz — let me introduce him." " Your husband. Then, he will be the King ! " "The King?" cried Mi\ Stimpson, "why, really, I'm not sure that would be altogether in my line." " Nonsense, Sidney. Of course you will be the King if they want you ! And this is my son, Clarence, Mr. Troitz. My daughters, Edna and Ruby." 30 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY (( A Crown Prince ! " cried Treuherz, and bent low to each in turn. "And two — no, I mistake — three Princesses ! Ah, it is too much for me altogether ! " It was almost too much for Ruby, who giggled help- lessly, while even Daphne had to bite her lip rather hard for a moment. " The other young lady," corrected Mrs. Wibberley- Stimpson, " is merely my daughter Ruby's governess — Miss Heritage. But if you like to find a place for her as one of my ladies of honour or something, I have no objection to her accepting a part," she added, reflecting that Miss Heritage's manners and appearance would add to the family importance, while it would be a com- fort to have an attendant who could not give herself such airs as might a girl belonging to a county family. " Naturally," said Treuherz, inclining himself again. " Any member of your Majesty's household you de.sire to bring." " Very well ; I suppose. Miss Heritage, you have no objection ? Then you wiU accompany us, please. And now, Mr. Troitz, about when shall we be M^anted ? " " When ? " he replied. " But now ! At once. Al- ready I have the car waiting ! " "Now?" exclaimed Clarence; "rum time to re- hearse — what ? " "Who said anything about rehearsing, Clarence ? " said his mother impatiently. " It's necessary for them to see us and talk over the arrangements. It's not likely to take long." " But it'll do later, my love," put in Mr. Stimpson, who did not like the idea of turning out without his dinner. " Fact is, Mr. Troitz, we were just about to sit down to dinner. Why not keep the car waiting a bit and join us ? No ceremony, you know — just as you are ! " RUSHING TO CONCLUSIONS 31 ti Sire, I regret that it is impossible," he said. " I have undertaken to convey you with all possible speed. If we delay I cannot answer for what may happen." "You hear what Mr. Troitz says, Sichiey," said Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, alarmed at the idea of an- other being chosen in her absence. " What does it matter if we do dme a little late ? Children, we must go and put on our things at once — ^your warmest cloaks, muid — we're sure to find it cold motoring. Sidney and Clarence, you had better get your coats on — we shall be down directly." Mr. Treuherz and the heralds stood at attention in the hall. While Clarence and his father struggled into their great-coats, neither of them in a very good temper, Mr. Stimpson being annoyed at postponmg his dinner for what he called "tomfoolery," and Clarence secretly sulky because his parent could not be induced to see the propriety of going up to change his tie. "I haven't yet made out. Mother," said Edna, as they came downstairs, "exactly where we're going to — or what we're expected to do when we get there." " It will either be The Hermitage — Lady Harriet's, you Imow — or Mr. Troitz's country house, wherever that is. And, of course, the Committee require to know what times will suit us for rehearsing." " I wish you'd settle it all without me," complained Edna. "I'd much rather stay at home, and run over my lecture notes. . . . Well, if I must come, I shall bring my note-book with me in case I'm bored." And she ran into the drawing-room, and came back with the notebook, rather as an emblem of her own intellectual superiority than with any intention of referring to it. However, as will be found later, the 32 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY manuscript proved to be of some service in the future. Daphne and Ruby were the last to join the party in the hall, Ruby wildly excited at the unexpected jaunt and the prospects of not going to bed till ever so late, and Daphne, though a little doubtful whether ]Mrs, Stimpson was quite justified in bringing her, inclined to welcome almost any change from the evening routine of " Inglegarth." And then, after Mrs. Stimpson had given some hurried instructions to the hopelessly mystified Mitchell, the whole family issued out of the Queen Anne porch, and were con- ducted by Treuherz, who, to their intense confusion, insisted on walldng backwards to the car, while the heralds performed another flourish on their silver trumpets. It was pitch-dark when they had got to the asphalt pavement outside their gates, but they could just make out the contours of the car in the light that streamed across the hedge to the stamed glass front-door. "Jolly queer-looking car," said Clarence. It was certainly unusually large, and seemed to have some- what fantastic lines and decorations. " Oh, never mind about the car ! " cried Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, who was inside it already, a vague, bundled-up shape in the gloom. " It's part of the Pageant, of com-se ! Get in, Clarence, get in ! We're late as it is ! and if there's a thing I detest, it's keeping people waiting !" "All right, Mater!" said Clarence, clambering in. "I can't make out what the dickens they've done with the bonnet — but we seem to be moving, what ? " Slowly the car had begun to glide along the road. Mr. Treuherz was seated in front, probably at the RUSHING TO CONCLUSIONS 33 steering-wheel, though none was visible. The heralds sat in the rear, and the car was of such a size that there was abundant room for the family in the centre. Some yards ahead they heard a curious dry rustle and clatter, and could distinguish a confused grey mass of forms that seemed to be clearing the way for them, though whether they were human beings it was not possible to tell till they passed a lighted street-lamp. *' Why, goodness gracious ! " exclaimed Mrs. Wib- berley-Stimpson, " they look like — like ostriches ! " She was mistaken here, because they were merely storks, but, before she could identify them more correctly, they all suddenly rose in the air with a whirr like that of a hundred spinning looms — and the car rose with them. " Stop ! " screamed Mrs. Wibborley - Stimpson, " Sidney, tell Mr. Troitz to stop ! I insist on knowing where we are being taken to ! " Treuherz glanced over his shoulder. " Where should I conduct your Majesties," he said, " but to your own Kingdom of Marchenland ? " Mi"s. Stimpson and her husband would no doubt have protested, demanded explanations, insisted upon being put down at once, had they been able ; but, whether it was that the car had some peculiarly soporific tendency, or whether it was merely the sudden swift rush through the upper air, a torpor had already fallen on the whole Stimpson family. It was even questionable if they remained long enough awake to hear their destination. Daphne, for some reason, did not fall asleep till later. She lay back in her luxuriously cushioned seat, watching the birds as they flew, spread out in a wide c 34 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY fan against the dusky blue evening sky. Gablehurst with its scattered Ughts, artistic viUa-residences, and prosaic railway station-its vaUey and common and wooded hills, were far below and soon left behmd at an ever increasing distance. But she did not feel in the least afraid. It was odd, but, after the first surprise, she had lost aU sense of strangeness m a situation so foreign to all her previous experience. " So we're being taken to Marchenland," she was thinking ' ' That's the same as Fairyland, practically. At least it's where aU the things they call Fairy stories reaUy happened, s^nd—why I can't imagine-but Mr and Mrs. Stimpson have been chosen King and Queen ! And the poor dear things have no idea of it yet ! Oh, I wonder " (and here, no doubt, the little creases came into her cheeks again, for she laughed softly to herself), "I wonder what they'll say or do when they find out ! " And while Daphne was stiU wonder- ing, her eyeUds closed gently, and she, too, was sleeping soundly. CHAPTER III FINE FEATHERS Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson was the first of her party to recover consciousness. When she did, she was greatly surprised to find that it was broad daylight, and that she was lying on a grassy slope, behind which was a forest of huge pines. Close beside her were the recumbent forms of her husband and family, which led her to the natural conclusion that the car must have met with an accident. ^ " Sidney ! " she cried, shaking him by the shoulder. "Speak to me! You're— you're not seriously hurt, are you ? " "Eh, what?" he replied sleepily, and evidently imagining that he was comfortably in bed at home ; "all right, my dear, all right ! I'll get up and bring in the tea-tray presently. Lots of time Why, hullo ! " he exclaimed, after being shaken once more' as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. " How do we all come to be here ? " The others were awake by this time. "And now we're here," put in Clarence, "where are we eh Mater ? " ' " It is no use asking me, Clarence. I know no more than you do. The last thing I remember was our all getting into the car to go and see the Pageant Com- mittee. I've a vague recollection of ostriches— but no, I must have been dreaming them. However the 85 36 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY car seems to have upset somehow, only I don't see it about anywhere." " No," said Mr. Stimpson, " or old Thingumagig, or those fellows with the trumpets either." " Dumped us down here, and gone off with the car," said Clarence. " Looks as if we'd been the victims of a practical joke, what ? " "They would never dare to do that!" said his Mother. " I expect they have missed their way in the dark. Very careless of them. I don't Imow what Lady Harriet and the Committee will think of me. They'll probably ask somebody else to take the part of Queen before we can get there — for I'm sure we must be a good hundred miles away from Gablehurst ! " " The Baron said that he was taking us to Marchen- land, Mrs. Stimpson," said Daphne ; "and I'm almost sure that that is where we really are." "And where may Marchenland be ? " inquired Mrs. Stimpson sharply. "I never heard of it myself." "Well," said Daphne, "it's another name for — for Fairyland, you know." " Fairyland indeed ! " replied Mrs. Wibberley- Stimpson with some irritation. "You will find it difficult to persuade me to believe that I am in Fairyland, Miss Heritage ! To begin with, there is no such place, and if there was, perhaps you will kindly tell me how we could possibly have got to it ? " " Through the air," explained Daphne patiently. "That car was drawn by storks,y ou see — not ostriches." " When you have quite woke up, Miss Heritage," said Mrs. Stimpson, "you will realise what nonsense you are talking." " Whatever this place is," said Clarence, " it don't look English, somehow, to me. I mean to say — that FINE FEATHERS 37 town over there — what ? " He pointed across the wide plain to a cluster of towers, spires, gables, and pinnacles which glittered and gleamed faintly through the shimmering morning haze. " It certainly has rather a Continental appearance," observed his father. "If it has," said Mrs, Wibberley-Stimpson, "it is only some buildings or scenery or something they have run up for the Pageant. So we haven't been taken in the wrong direction after all." " /believe, Mummy," chirped Ruby, " Miss Heritage is right, and this is Fairyland." " Don't be so ridiculous, child ! You'll believe next that we came here in a car drawn by flying storks, I suppose ! " " D'you know, Mater," said Clarence, "I'm not so sure we mayn't have. What I mean is — there's some sort of flying machine coming along now. I grant you it isn't drawn by storks, but they're birds any- how, and there seems to bo some one in the car too." "Nothing of the kind ! " declared Mrs. Wibberley- Stimpson obstinately. "At least one may fancy one sees anything with the sun in our eyes as it is. Well, upon my word ! " she added, still incredulously, as an iridescent shell-shaped chariot attached to a team of snow-white doves volplaned down from a dizzy height to a spot only a few yards away, "I really could not have — who, and what can this old person be?" The occupant of the chariot had already got out of it, and was slowly coming towards them, supporting herself on a black crutch-handled staff. As she drew nearer they could see that she was a woman of great age. She wore a large ruff, a laced stomacher, wide 38 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY quilted petticoats, and a pointed hat with a broad brim. Her expression was severe, but not unkindly, while she evidently considered herself a personage of some importance. " She looks exactly like the Fairy Godmother in the pictures," whispered Ruby. " Whoever she may be," said her Mother, scrambling to her feet with more haste than dignity, "I suppose I shall have to go and speak to her, as I presume I am the person she has come to meet." However, it was Daphne who was addressed by the new-comer. '* The Court Chamberlain, Baron Treuherz von Eisenbanden, has brought me the glad tidings of your arrival, my child," she said in a high cracked voice, " and, as the high official Court Godmother to the Royal Family, I felt that I should be the first to bid you welcome." This was more than Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson could be expected to stand without a protest. " Pardon me," she said, throwing back her cloak as though she were in need of air, "pardon me. Madam, but I think you are mistaking my daughter's governess for me. I am Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson ! " The old lady turned sharply, and as her eyes fell on the matron's indignant face and heaving bosom, she instantly became deferential and almost apolo- getic. "You must forgive me, my dear," she said, "for not recognising you before. But at my age — I may tell you I am nearing the end of my second century — one is apt to forget the flight of Time. Or it may be that Time in your world flies more quickly than in ours. I did not stay to hear more from the Baron than that he had succeeded in finding FINE FEATHERS 39 our Queen, and, to be quite plain with you, I was unprepared to find you so matuie." Then, thought Mrs, Wibberley-Stimpson confusedly, she had been brought here for the Pageant after all. But what very odd people seemed to be getting it up ! "Baron — whatever his name is, appeared to be quite satisfied that I was suited to the part," she said coldly. "Of course, if yourequire some one younger " " There can be no manner of doubt, my dear, that you are the Queen we have been seeking, so the mere fact that you are rather older than some of us ex- pected is of no importance whatever." "Thank you," said Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson. "I do not consider myself more than middle-aged, and have generally been taken for younger than I am, Mrs. , I haven't the pleasure of knowing your name." " Here they call me the Fairy Vogelflug ; in the neighbouring Kingdom of Clairdelune my name is Voldoiseau. I have officiated as Court Godmother to the reigning Royal families in both countries for many generations." "I thought you were a Fairy Godmother!" cried Ruby ; "and I'm sure you're a good Fairy, and can do all sorts of wonderful things." " I used to, my child, in my younger days, but my powers are not what they were, and I seldom exercise then now, because it exhausts me too severely to do so. Once there were several of us Court Godmothers, but I am the only one left, and my health is so poor that I can do little for my God-children but give them moral teaching and mse counsel. However, such good offices as I can still render shall be entirely at your service." 40 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY *' You are very kind," said Mrs, Wibberley-Stimpson, resenting the other's air of patronage, "but all my children are already provided with God-parents. As you tell me you are a Fairy," she continued, " I sup- pose I must accept your word for it — but it will take a great deal more than that to make me believe that we are in Fairyland." " I thought," said the Fairy, " you already knew that the name of this country is Marchenland." It should be said here once for all that the Wibberley- Stimpsons found no difficulty in understanding, or making themselves perfectly inteUigible to any Mar- chenlanders, although they always had a curious feeUng that they were conversing in a foreign lan- guage. "Whatever the country is called," said Mrs. Wib- berley-Stimpson aggressively, " I should like some explanation of that Baron Troitz's conduct in en- trapping us into coming here. I was distinctly given to understand that I had been chosen to be the Queen at our local Pageant, and that we were being taken to talk over the arrangements with the Committee. Now he has gone off in the most ungentlemanly way, and left us stranded and helpless here ! " " You must have misunderstood the good Baron," said the Fairy Vogelflug ; " and he is far too loyal to desert you. He has merely hastened on to Eswar- emmal, the city whose walls and towers you see yonder, to prepare for your reception. As you probably laiow, he has devoted himself with the most untirmg zeal to his mission of seeking you out and restormg you to your inheritance." " He never said a word about that to me — not a word. If I am really entitled to any property in this FINE FEATHERS 41 country, I should be glad to know where it is situated, and what is its exact value." "Then," said the Fairy, "I may inform you that you are entitled, as the daughter of your late Father — our long-lost and much-lamented Prince Chrysopras — to no less a possession than the Crown of Miirchenland." " You — you don't say so ! " gasped Mrs. Wibberley- Stimpson. " The Crown of — Sidney, did you hear thatr " It's some mistake, my dear," he said. " Must be ! . . . My wife's father. Ma'am, though in some re- spects — a — a remarkable character, was never a Prince — at least that Fve heard of." "It doesn't at all follow, Sidney," said his wife in a nettled tone, " that anything you don't happen to have heard of is not a fact. There always was a mystery about poor dear Papa's origin. He was most reticent about it — even with me. And I know it was rumoured that Prinsley was not his real name. So it would not surprise me in the least if Mrs. Fogle- plug turned out to be right, though I cannot say till she gives us further particulars." " I will do so most willingly," said the Fairy. " But as it will take me some time to relate them, I should strongly advise you all to sit down." They seated themselves round her in a semicircle, and presently she began : " You must know," she said, " that our mighty and gracious Sovereign, the late King Smaragd, was twice wedded. By his first wife he had an only son. Prince Chrysopras, a gallant and goodly prince, beloved not only by his father, but by the whole nation. Well, after mourning his first wife for a longer period than is customary, King Smaragd took to himself another, 42 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY who was much younger than himself, besides being marvellously beautiful." " And of course she hated the poor Prince," said Ruby, " Stepmothers always do in the stories." " I have not said she hated him," said the Court Godmother, who did not like her points to be anti- cipated. " On the contrary, she treated him with every mark of affection, and was constantly bestowing on him gifts of the costliest description. One day she presented him with a wondrous mechanical horse, fiercer and more mettlesome than even the steeds that are bom in Marchenland." "Motor-bike, what," suggested Clarence sapiently. " A mechanical horse is what I said," repeated the Fairy, " resembling others in shape and beauty, but made of metal. Prince Chrysopras, being a skilful and fearless horseman " " Indeed he was ! " put in Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson. " He used to ride regularly in the Row, almost to the last. On ' Joggles,' such a dear brown fat cob. He was one of what I believe was known as ' The Liver Brigade "... a fact which for some reason I can't pretend to fathom seems to be causing you amusement, Miss Heritage," Daphne, whose sense of humour was occasionally an inconvenience to her, had certainly found the notion of a Fairy Prince in the Liver Brigade a little too much for her gravity. However, she attributed her lapse to the name of the horse, " It was the name they gave it at the Livery Stables," said Mrs, Wibberley-Stimpson. " And I really cannot see myself — but we are interrupting this good lady here." "You are, ' ' said the Fairy. ' ' I was about to say that FINE FEATHERS 43 Prince Chrysopras was greatly delighted by his Royal Stepmother's gift, and at once leapt on the back of the strange steed," "What I call asking for trouble," commented Clarence. " I Imow what happened ! " Ruby struck in eagerly. " It flew right up into the air with him, and poor Grandpapa fell off." "If he had, none of you would be here at the moment," said the Fairy. " Don't be in such a hurry, my child. He was much too good a rider to fall off. But the horse flew up and up with him till both could no longer be seen. The remains of the steed were found long afterwards on a mountain top. But nothing more was ever seen of the Prince, who was supposed to have perished in one of our lakes." "Then he must have fallen off after all," insisted Ruby. " No, no, Ruby," said her mother, with a sense that, where the credit of her family was concerned, nothing was too improbable for behef ; "the horse flew with him to England, or somewhere in Europe — or else he couldn't have met your dear grandmother, whom none of you ever saw, for she died long before you were born. And I expect that, after he got off, the horse flew back again, and was just able to get to Marchen- land before the machinery broke down. And dear Papa very naturally would not care for people to know that he had got there by such peculiar means, which accounts for my never having heard of it before." " Exactly," said the Fany Vogelflug ; "but King Smaragd only knew that his son was lost to him, and when he discovered that the horse was enchanted, 44 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY and that his Queen had bribed the Hereditary Grand Magician to construct it, his anger knew no bounds." "Enough to annoy anybody," said Mr. Wibberley- Stimpson. " I should certainly " " He ordered," the Fairy went on, without appear- ing to feel any interest in what Mr. Stimpson would have done in similar circumstances, ' ' both the Queen and the Grand Magician to be enclosed in a barrel, the inside of which had been set with sharp nails, and rolled down into the lake from the top of the mountain." "I should say myself," remarked Mr. Stimpson, "that that was going a little too far. But he cer- tamly had great provocation." " He also commanded that all wizards and en- chanters should renounce their practices for ever, and adopt some other calling, or be banished from the Country." " There," said Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson approvingly, " I think he was so right. I would never encourage any of those clairvoyant people myself. And did he marry a third wife at all ? " " Not if he was wise ! " said Clarence. "No, although it grieved him sorely that he had no heir to succeed him. But towards the end of his days, he dreamed repeatedly that his son was yet living. He beheld him in these visions a wanderer in some far-off land, earning his bread as a musician, for in Music he had rare skill." " I fancy he must have given it up when he took to Finance," said Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, " though he kept his taste for it. I well remember his buying a beautiful orchestrion which used to be in the Picture Gallery." " Well," pursued the Fairy, " in further dreams it FINE FEATHERS 45 was revealed to the King that his son was married to one, who, though not of his own race or rank, was both gently born and very fair to see." " Pollentine was the maiden name of your Grand- mother on my side, my dears," explained Mrs. Stimpson to her family. *' She must have been good-looking as a girl, judging by a daguerrotype I had of her. Her father was a highly distinguished Auctioneer and Estate Agent in East Croydon, as I daresay was also revealed in the King's dream." " Of that I can say nothing," replied the Court Godmother ; " but I know that further visions showed him his son as a widower with an only daughter, and later still that he was no longer living. And so much was the King impressed that he caused a search to be made for this grand-daughter of his in every country that is known to us. Even when he lay on his death-bed he did not give up hope that she would be found, and so he left his Kingdom in charge of his trusted favourite Marshal Federhelm as Regent, with strict injunctions to continue seeking for the missing Queen." "And how," inquired Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, " did the Marshal manage to find me out ? " " It was not he. He soon convinced himself that all further endeavours were useless. No, it is to the devo- tion of our worthy Court Chamberlain, the Baron Treu- herz von Eisenbanden, that your discovery is owing. He had grieved so deeply to see Marchenland without a Sovereign that, after the example of ' Faithful John,' the founder of his family, he had placed iron hoops round his chest to keep his heart from breaking." " We heard 'em go," said Clarence ; " thought it was only his braces." 46 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY " At length," continued the Fairy, " the Baron went in secret to Xiiriel, the Astrologer Royal, and induced him to consult the stars. Which Xuriel did, and by much study and intricate calculation he succeeded in ascertaining the exact spot in the other world where the Queen would be discovered, and even the means by which she might be recognised." "Ah," said Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, "I shall begin to believe in Astronomy after this. But even now I don't quite understand how Baron Troitz got to ' Inglegarth.' " " That was by my assistance. I placed my travel- ling car at his service, with the wise storks that fly straight to any place to which they are directed, even though they may never have heard of it before. Happily for Marchenland, Xuriel's calculations have proved correct, except that he did not foresee that the Baron would bring back two Sovereigns instead of one." " What — is the Gov 'nor going to be King ?" in- quired Clarence. " My hat ! " "That would be ridiculous, Clarence," said his mother, "when your Father hasn't a drop of Royal blood in his veins ! He can't even rank as Prince Consort ! " " Not so, my dear, not so," corrected the Fairy, "by the custom of Marchenland, anyone who weds the Sovereign shares the throne, and your husband will be as truly the King of this Country as you will be its Queen." " Oh, is that the rule ? " said Mi's. Wibberley- Stimpson, not best pleased. "Well, Sidney, I trust you will show yourself equal to your position, that is aU." FINE FEATHERS 47 " I trust so, my love," he replied uneasily. " It — it's come on me at rather short notice. However ! " " If Daddy and Mums are King and Queen," asked Ruby, " will Edna and me be Princesses ? " " Undoubtedly you will," said the Court Grod- mother. " Then Clarence will be a Prince. So you see. Miss Heritage, dear, you have met a Prince after all ! " " Shut up. Kiddie ! " said the new Crown Prince in some confusion. " And what will Miss Heritage be, Mummy ? " "Miss Heritage will be what she was before, my dear — your governess." " But I shan't want one any more — we're in Fairy- land now — and Fairy Princesses haven't got to do lessons. Oh, Mums, couldn't you make Miss Heritage a Princess too ? Do ! " " Why not ? " said the Fairy, glancing at Daphne, whose colour had risen slightly. "Anybody might very well take her to be one as it is." " Miss Heritage," said Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, "has, I am siu:e, too much good sense to expect a title of any kind. She will contuiue to be my daughter's instructress, and I may possibly find a place for her as Mistress of the Robes or something ; but it's much too early to say anything definite at — Really, Edna," she broke off suddenly, " how you can sit there calmly reading as if nothing had happened ! " " I was merely running through my lectiu-e-notes again. Mother," said Edna. "If I am a Princess," she added, for the benefit of the Court Godmother, " that is no reason why I shouldn't go on cultivating my mind." " Now you're a Princess, my dear," replied her 48 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY mother, "it doesn't signify to anybody whether your mind is cultivated or not." " It signifies a great deal to me, mother," said Edna, and resumed the study of her notes with an air of conscious merit, " I must say one thing, Mrs. Fogleplug," Mi's. Wibberley-Stimpson proceeded ; "it would have been more considerate if I had been given proper notice, and a reasonable time to prepare for such a complete change as this. I do feel thaty She did ; it was a great deprivation to her to have lost the opportunity of mentionmg casually to her Gablehurst friends — and Lady Harriet especially — that she would shortly be leaving them to occupy a throne. " Precisely my own feeling," said IVIr. Stimpson, thinkmg regretfully how the news would have made that confounded fellow Thistleton sit up, and of the sensation it might have produced in the train to the City. " It is, to say the least of it, unfortunate that I had no time to communicate with the other members of my firm." " And there's Clarence, too ! " said his fond mother. " His Company will be quite helpless without him ! " " They may be in a bit of a hole at first," he ad- mitted, thanldul now that he had said nothing about his resignation, or the readiness with which it had been accepted, " Still, no fellow is indispensable. What?" The Fairy explained that haste had been unavoid- able, as it might have been injurious to the storks if they had remained longer in a climate to which they were unaccustomed. " But why send storks to fetch us at all ? " demanded Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, " Why not some more FINE FEATHERS 49 modern conveyance ? . . . There they are again with the car — coming back for us, I expect. . . . Yes, I can make out Baron Troitz and the trumpeters — and there seems to be a gentleman in armour with them." " The Regent, Marshal Federhelm," said the Fairy. " He is coming to offer his congratulations." " Is he ? " cried Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, scramblmg to her feet again in some dismay. "A Regent ! I — I wish I laiew the proper way of addressing him ! " The storks by this time had brought the car to ground, and were now standing about on one leg with folded wings and an air of detachment. The Marshal alighted and advanced slowly towards the Stimpsons while the heralds sounded their trumpets. He made a formidable and warrior-like figure in his golden half -armour of a kind unknown to antiquarians, and great jack-boots of gilded leather. He was tall, and the towering mass of waving feathers that crowned his helmet made him look taller still. His vizor was raised, showing a swarthy, hook-nosed face, with quick, restless eyes like a lizard's, a fierce moustache, and a bristling beard that spread out in a stiff black fan. " You had better speak to him, Sidney," whispered ' his wife, overcome by sudden panic ; " I really can't." " Er — " began Mr. Stimpson nervously, " I believe I have the pleasure of addressing the Regent. We — we're the new King and Queen, you know, and these are the other members of the family." The Marshal seemed a little taken aback at first, but he promptly recovered himself, and bending so low that his feathers brushed Mi"s. Wibberley-Stimpson 'a nose, he placed in her hand a small velvet-covered baton studded with gold stars. D 50 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY " Oh thank you very much, I'm sure," she said. " It's quite charming. Has it got an address or any- thmg inside it ? " ,r • i. » i, "The symbol of my authority, your Majesty, he said, with soldierly curtness. " I have long desired to surrender it to hands more worthy to govern than mine." Very handsome of you to say so," replied Mr. Stimpson ; " but I daresay you aren't altogether sorry to get out of it, eh ? " •, . i " It is too lofty a position, Su:e, for a rough, simple warrior like myself," he said. " Nothing but a sense of duty to my country would have made me accept the Regency at all." ^ ^^ " I am sure," said Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, we shall find you have carried on the Kingdom for us as satisfactorily as possible." , " The people appeared to think so, your Majesty. But I am forgetting the chief purpose I am here for. I have the honour to announce that the procession will shortly be on its way to escort your Majesties to your Coronation, which is to take place this mormng in the great church of Eswareinmal." ^' Coromtion ! " Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson almost screamed. "Before we have so much as had our breakfast ! And in these thmgs we are wearmg now ! I never heard of anythmg so preposterous ! " " I don't care much myself," said Mr. Stimpson, " about being crowned on an empty— without havmg had something to eat— if it's only an egg." " If they're gomg to crown the Guv'nor m a dmner- jacket and white tie," Garence muttered to^ Edna, " we shall never hear the last of it, that's all ! ' •• There is nothing to make a fuss about, my dear, FINE FEATHERS 51 said the Court Godmother to Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, as though she were addressing a fro ward child ; " look behind you, and you will see that everything you may require is ahready provided." They looked and saw two velvet Marquees, one striped in broad bands of apple-green and mazarine blue, the other in pale rose and cream, which a party of attendants had just finished putting up. "In those pavilions," continued the Fairy, "you will find not only food prepared for you, but robes such as are fitting for a Coronation. You will have plenty of time both to eat and change your dress before the procession can possibly arrive." " She's not hkely to have got our measurements right," grumbled Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson to her eldest daughter, as they moved towards the rose-and- cream Pavilion. " I should have much preferred to be fitted by a Court dressmaker. Such a mistake to rush things like this ! I rather like that Marshal, Edna ; there's something very gentlemanly and straight- forward about him, though I can't see why he shouldn't wear a proper uniform instead of that absurd armour." " Shan't be sorry to get some breakfast, my boy," Mr. Stimpson remarked, as he and Clarence were making for the other marquee ; " I feel a bit peckish after being so long in the night air." " I should like a tub first, Guv'nor." " I'm afraid," said Mr. Stimpson, " that's expecting too much in these parts." However, on entering, they discovered, in addition to the dehcacies and gorgeous costumes laid out for them, two great crystal baths filled with steaming water which exhaled a subtle but delicious perfume. " Doing us proud, eh, Guv'nor ? " was Clarence's 52 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY comment on the general luxiiriousness ; and his father admitted that " everything seemed to have been done regardless of expense." While the male and female members of the Royal Party were enjoying the privacy of their respective tents, the Marshal outside was expressing his senti- ments to the Court Chamberlain with much vigour and freedom. " Well, Baron," he began, " this is a great service you have done Marchenland, and I hope you are feeling proud of yourself ! " *' Oh, as for that. Marshal," modestly replied the in- genuous Baron, " I have done no more than my duty." '" The devil take you and your duty," growled the Marshal. " Why, in the name of all the fiends, couldn't you have left things as they were ? " " But, Marshal," the Baron protested, " when our learned Astrologer Royal discovered the whereabouts of our lawful Queen, jou were loudest in approval of my expedition ! " " How could I oppose, after you had been gabbling and cackling about it to the whole Court, and it had even reached the ears of the people ? Besides, I was given to understand that this daughter of Chrysopras's was a mere girl. If she had been — But what have you brought us ? — a middle-aged matron with a hus- band and family ! " " I own it was not what I had expected," said the Baron ; " but since it was so, what could I do but bring them all ? " " Do ? Left them where they were, of course — come back and said that that little fool of a Xuriel had made a miscalculation, as he generally docs ! " I should have been a traitor had I thus denied (( FINE FEATHERS 53 my Queen. For, as you have seen, she bears on her breast the very jewel of her father the Prince, even as the stars foretold." " Undoubtedly she is his daughter," the Marshal admitted reluctantly. It never occurred to him for a moment — ^nor would it occur to any of his country- men — that the pendant was anything but absolutely conclusive proof of Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson's right to the throne. Marchenland notions of what con- stitutes legal evidence have always been and remain elementary. " But it's pretty plain," he went on, " that the young fool must have made a most unworthy marriage to have begotten one so utterly lacking in all queenliness and dignity." " She will soon acquire both," the Court Chamber- lain affirmed stoutly, " as she becomes more accus- tomed to her position." " She may," declared the Marshal, " when a frog grows feathers. And this consort of hers ! Is he a, fit Monarch for Marchenland ? Even you, Baron, can hardly say that for him ! I may not have been beloved as Regent, but at least I have made my authority respected. But what do such a couple as this know about ruHng a country ? They'll make a hopeless hash of it ! " " Without guidance, perhaps," the Baron admitted ; " but they will have the inestimable advantage, Marshal, of our experience and advice," " Ha ! " said the Marshal. " So they will— so they will ! I was forgetting that ! " " No doubt they will submit to our guidance," went on the Baron, '* and thus we shall be able to save them from any dangerous indiscretions." 54 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY " Just so," agreed the Marshal, with the flicker of a smile. The Court Chamberlain, at all events, spoke in all sincerity. His hereditary instinct alone would have been enough to ensure his loyalty to his new Sove- reigns, whatever he might think of them in private. And they were his own " finds," which gave them an added value in his estimation, as will easily be under- stood by any collector of curiosities. CHAPTER IV CROWNED HEADS " Ton my word, my love," Mr. Stimpson exclaimed, as his wife came out of her pavilion in her Corona- tion Robes and chain, attended by the Com-t God- mother, " I should hardly have known you ! You look majestic ! — abso-lute-ly majestic ! " " I wish I could say the same of you, Sidney," she replied ; " but, as I have told you more than once, legs like yours never ought to be seen except in trousers. . . . Considering my own and my daughter's robes are ready-made, Mrs. Fogleplug, they might be worse. As for Miss Heritage's — well, I should have thought myself that something simpler would have been more appropriate." Daphne was naturally much less sumptuously dressed than the Members of the Royal family, but still, in her quaint double-peaked head-dress, fantasti- cally slashed bodice, and long hanging sleeves, with her bright hau% too, waving loosely over her temples, its rich masses confined at the back by a network of pearls, she was dainty and bewitching enough to attract more than her due share of attention — Clar- ence's she attracted at once, while he was sustained by an agreeable conviction that his be-jewelled doublet, silken hose, white plumed velvet hat, and azure mantle set off his figure to unusual advantage. " Tophole, Miss Heritage ! " he said, strolling up 55 56 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY with graceful languor. "I'm not joking — you really are, you laiow ! Wish my kit suited me half as well ! Can't help feeling a most awful ass in it, what ? " " Really ? " she said carelessly. " How unpleasant for you ! But perhaps if you left off thinking about it ! " " Oh, I don't say it's so bad as all that ! " " I didn't suppose it ivas, quite." Now this was not by any means the sort of de- ferential tribute he had counted upon, and he was a little ruffled by her failure to respond. " Didn't you," he replied distantly, if somewhat lamely. " You'll excuse me mentioning it. Miss Heritage, as it's only in your own interests, but I believe it's considered the proper thing when you're addressed by — by Royalty, don't you know, to throw in a ' Your Royal Highness ' occasionally. Of course. Court Etiquette and that may be all tosh, but I didn't make it, and all I mean to say is — it won't do to let it slide." " Your Royal Highness will not have to rebuke me a second time," said Daphne, sinking to the ground in a curtsey which it is to be feared was wilfully exag- gerated. " I'm afraid, sir," she added, as the two little creases in her cheeks made themselves visible, " that wasn't as low as it ought to have been, but your Royal Highness must make allowances for my want of experience." " Oh, you'll soon get into it," he said, " with practice." " And I shall have plenty of that, your Royal Highness." Was she trying to pull his leg ? he thought, as he moved away, and decided that she was most unlikely CROWNED HEADS 57 to venture on such presumption. No, it had been necessary to remind her of the deference due to him, and she would not forget the lesson in future. Perhaps ho might unbend occasionally in private, but, on second thoughts, that would be more dangerous than ever now. Ruby had seized Daphne and was embracing her in a burst of violent affection. " Oh, Miss Heritage, darling," she cried, "you do look such a duck in that dress — doesn't she. Mummy ? " " I see no resemblance, my dear," said her mother coldly, " between Miss Heritage and any description of poultry. And, as the procession will be here in another minute, you had better take your place quietly by me. . . . Really, Ruby," she added in an undertone, as the child obeyed, " you must remember you':.'e a Princess now. It isn't at all proper for you to be seen pawing your governess about in public," " I wasn't pawing her about. Mums ! " protested Ruby ; " only hugging her. And if I mayn't do that, I don't want to be a Princess at all ! " By this time the procession had arrived. It was headed by a band of knights in resplendent but rather extravagant armour, carrying lances with streaming pennons. After them rode the Courtiers on gaily caparisoned steeds, followed by a bevy of Maids of Honour on cream-coloured palfreys. A company of soldiers came next, some of whom bore heavy match- locks of an ancient period, and the rest pikes and halberds. However, they marched with as proud and confident a step as though their weapons were of the very latest pattern — ^which very likely they thought they were. Folio wmg them was a State Coach, a huge, cumbrous vehicle with unglazed windows ; it 58 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY seemed to be of pure gold, and was drawn by six- teen milk-white horses in blue trappings. After the procession had halted, the Court Chamber- lain formally presented the members of the Royal Household, whose mere titles sounded impressively on the ear of their new Mistress. There were Prince Tapfer von Schneiderleinheimer and Prince Hans- meinigel ; Baron Miillerbiirschen, Baron von Bohnen- ranken, and Count von Daumerlingstamm ; Princess Rapunzelhauser, Princess Goldernenfingerleinigen, and Princess Flachspinnenlosburg ; Baroness Belohnte von Haulemannerschen, Baroness Kluge Bauerngrosstoch- terheimer, and Countess Gansehirten am Brunnen, and many others scarcely less distinguished. Never before had Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson been in such aristocratic company, and for the moment she entirely forgot how immeasurably she was now their social superior. She had held her own triumphantly with Lady Harriet, but that was different. There was only one of her — ^and that one a quite ordinary and insignificant personahty compared with these im- posingly splendid lords and ladies-in-waiting. Mrs. Stimpson intended to be graciously cordial, but somehow her mamier was dangerously near being obsequious. " Most honoured, I'm sure. Prince ! " she found herself repeating, as she ducked instuictively. " So very kind of you to come, Baron ! . . . It's more than delightful to meet you, dear Princess — ^I didn't quite catch your name ! . . . Such a privilege to make your acquaintance, Countess ! " She hoped they would take this as condescension on her part, and they were undeniably surprised by their Sovereign's excessive affability. "Well," said Mr. Stimpson, as these amenities CROWNED HEADS 59 became exhausted and he perceived that no one was taking any notice of him, " what about making a start, hey, Mr. Marshal ? " " If your Majesties and the Princess will deign to enter the coach, we can set forth at once," was the reply. " Get in, children, get in ! " cried Mrs. Wibberley- Stimpson. " You and Ruby, Edna, must sit with your backs to the horses, and there will be plenty of room for Clarence between you." " With all respect, Sir," said the Marshal, as Clarence was preparing to got in. " It is the custom on such an occasion as this for the Crown Prince to ride on the right of the Coach. I have arranged that a horse shall be at your Royal Highness's service," " Thanks awfully," said Clarence, as he glanced at a spirited chestnut mare which two squires were en- deavouring with some difficulty to soothe, " but — er — I think I'd rather drive." He was reflecting, as he took his seat in the coach, that he would really have to take a few riding lessons shortly, in private. " Isn't Miss Heritage coming with us, Mummy ? " called Ruby from the window. " In the State Coach, my dear ! Of course not ! " " But why not, Mater ? " protested Clarence. " There's lots of room." " Because I could not think of allowmg it, Clarence. Perhaps Mrs. Fogleplug wiU be kind enough to give her a lift in — ^in her own conveyance." " Unfortunately," rephed the Court Godmother, " my car will not hold more than one person." " WeU, Miss Heritage must find her way to the Palace, then ! There's no necessity for her to be present at the Coronation." " Surely, my dear," said the Fairy, " you would 60 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY not deprive her of such a privilege ! I will have another saddle placed on that mare so that this fair maid of yours may ride with your other ladies in waiting." " Of coiu-se, IMrs. Fogleplug, if you're hent on Miss Heritage making a public exhibition of herself," said Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, " I have nothing to say. I don't suppose she has ever been on a horse in her life ! " " Oh, but I have. Ma'am ! " Daphne pleaded eagerly. " I've ridden ever since I was a child. And I'd love to ride that mare, if I may ! " " Oh, very well, Miss Heritage, ve-ry well. But remember, if you break your neck, / shall not accept any responsibility," which Daphne took as a per- mission. As soon as Mr. and Mrs. Wibberley-Stimp- son had taken their seats, the sixteen mill?:-white horses began to pull and strain till eventually the great coach was on the way. " Mummy," cried Ruby a little later, " I can see Miss Heritage ! She's riding close behmd. And oh, she does look so sweet on horseback ! " "Put your head in, — do, child!" said her mother sharply. " Whatever will the people think if they see a Prmcess hanging half out of the window like that ! " Ruby sat down rather sullenly. Clarence would have liked to put his own head out if it had been consistent with his dignity as a Prince. As it was, he could only hope that Daphne would come to no harm. " Really ! " continued Mrs. Wibberley-Stimp- son, " what with one's governess riding behind one's coach, and those two ridiculous bkd-cars probably flappmg overhead, this is quite unlike any Coronation Procession I ever heard of ! " CROWNED HEADS 61 " More like a bally Circus," remarked Clarence. " Only wants a couple of clowns with bladders on horseback and a performing elephant." " / consider," said his mother, " that a State procession should have more solemnity about it. . . . How horribly this coach jolts ! It can't have any springs ! . . . There you are again, Edna, buried hi that note-book ! you might show a little interest in what is gomg on ! " " I'm sorry, mother, but it all seems to mean so little to me." " Then all I can say is — good gracious, what a lurch ! I quite thought we were over ! — all / can say is that it's unnatural to be so abstracted as you are. We're getting close to Eswar — whatever they call it. If you look round you wiU see the walls and towers." Edna adapted her pince-nez and turned perfunc- torily for a moment. " Quite quaint ! " she said, and resumed her reading. " Picturesque, / should call it," corrected her mother. " Sidney, doesn't it put you in mmd of dear lovely Lucerne ? " " Very much so, my love," he repUed, " or — er — Venice " (neither of which cities, as a matter of fact, did Eswareinmal resemble in the least). " Hullo ! what are we stopping for now, eh ? " It seemed they had arrived at the principal gates of the Capital, where the Burgomaster and other civic dignitaries were assembled to welcome and to do them homage, which they did with every sign of respect and loyalty. As Mi's. Wibberley-Stimpson felt unequal to the efforts of respondmg, that duty de- volved on her husband, who presented himself at the 62 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY window of the coach, and made what the reporters, had any been present, would no doubt have described as " a few gracious and appropriate remarks." " You needn't have said that about ' doing our best to give satisfaction,' Sidney ! " complained his wife after the coach had thundered over the drawbridge, and was lumbering under the massive archway into a narrow and crowded street, " for all the world as if we had been a butler and housekeeper applying for a situation ! " " It was a little unfortunate, perhaps, my dear," he admitted ; " but it is so difficult to know what to say when one has to speak impromptu." " It ought to be easy enough to know what not to say," she retorted. " Dear me, what hosts of people ! " she went on, as her irritation merged into complacency. " And hoiv pleased they all seem to see us ! But no doubt, after a bachelor Regent, a whole Royal family — ^I love to see their happy smiling faces ! " " Grinning mugs would be nearer the mark, Mater," said Clarence ; " never saw such a chuckle-headed lot of bumpkins in my life ! " "I will thank you to remember, Clarence," she replied, " that they are my loyal subjects, and will be yours at some time to come." " I can wait for 'em," he said ; " and if they're so jolly loyal, why ain't they cheering more ? " Slowly the golden coach progressed through wind- ing streets of gabled or step-roofed houses with toppling overhangmg stories, then along one side of a great square, packed with people in costume, the women recaUing to Mrs. Stimpson's mind, quite inappro- priately, the waitresses at the Rigi Kulm hotel on a Sunday. Then, through more narrow streets, to a CROWNED HEADS 63 smaller square, where it stopped at some steps leading to the huge West portal of a magnificent buttressed Church. "All change here — for the Coronation!" said Clarence, "I'd better nip out first, eh. Mater ? " " Your father and I get out first, naturally, Clarence," said Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson, and descended majesti- cally, Mr. Stimpson following with somewhat less effect owing to an attack of cramp in his left leg. Four small pages stepped forward in pairs to carry Mr. and Mi's. Stimpson's trains, which they found a distinct convenience, and, hand in hand, they passed through the great, elaborately niched and statued doorway into the nave. The interior was thronged by all the notables of Marchenland, including the venerable President of the Council and his Councillors. Above, the light struck in shafts through the painted windows of the clerestory, tinging the haze of incense fumes with faint colours. On the high altar twinkled innumerable tapers. " Romayi ! as I suspected ! " whispered Mrs. Wibberley-Stimpson on seeing them, and sniffing the scented atmosphere. (She had attended St. John's at Gablehurst, because the vicar, although Evangelical, was well-known to be of good family.) Under a crimson canopy in the choir were two golden chairs which they understood they were expected to sit upon, and occupied accordmgly. A mitred and coped ecclesiastic, who appeared to be some kind of Bishop, then shepherded them benevolently through a series of mystic rites that, besides being hopelessly unintelligible, seemed unreasonably protracted. How- ever, they reached the climax at last, and amidst the tumultuous acclamations of the spectators the pre- viously anointed heads of King Sidney and Queen 64 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY Selina, as they must henceforth be described, received their respective crowns. " Ha, weU," remarked Kmg Sidney, when he and the rest of the Royal family were once more in the coach, and on their way towards the palace that was to be their future home, " we got through it most successfully on the whole. Perhaps the Bishop was a little too lavish with the anointing part of the cere- mony. Still, taken altogether, it was — ^ah — ^a very solemnising affair." " It would have been more so, Sidney," said the Queen, " if you hadn't kept on dropping your sceptre and tripping over your train. I don't wonder the Bishop got flustered. But I do wish we could have had it properly done by the dear Archbishop of Canterbury ! " " Bit out of his diocese, Miirchenland, what ? " said the Crown Prince. " I'm aware of that, Clarence ; and, of course, we're legally crowned, whoever did it. . . . Sidney, it's only just struck me, but I'm sure we ought to be bowing. Bow, children, all of you — ^take the time from me. Sidney, why aren't you bowing ? " " I can't, my love. It's difficult enough to keep my crown on as it is ! " " You can hold it on with one hand, can't you ? You simply must bow if you don't want to be un- popular ! So must you, children. Keep on with it ! " " Give us a rest, Mater," said Prmce Clarence, after they had been nodding like Chinese mandarins for some minutes. " My neck's beginning to wilt already ! " Queen Solina herself was not sorry to stop. " It's certainly very fatiguing at first," she admitted ; " we must practise it together in private. . . . Was that CROWNED HEADS 65 old Mrs. Fogleplug's dove-chariot that passed us just now ? I'm afraid I shall have to put her in her place. She's rather inclined to forget herself — ^not only addressed me as ' my dear,' but actually attempted to kiss me after the Ck)ronation ! " " So she did me ! " said the Princess Royal, " but I hope I showed that I thought she was taking a Uberty." " She's a very worthy, well-meaning old creature, no doubt," remarked the Queen ; " still, a Fairy God- mother in these days is really rather — ^I shall have to get her to retire — on a pension." " She'll stick on," said Prince Clarence, " you see if she don't. Means to boss the whole show." " I shall soon let her see that I intend to be mistress in my own Kingdom," said the Queen. " I could msh, I must say, that it was just a httle more up to date ! Everything so dreadfully behind the times ! I haven't seen a shop yet with a plate-glass front, and not a single pillar-box ! " " Poor sort of place for Suffragettes, what ? " observed Clarence. " Frivolity apart, Clarence," remarked the Queen, " I can see already that there is much to be done here before the country can be called really civilised. We must set ourselves to raise the standard by introducing modern ideas — enhghten people's minds, and all the rest of it. And you must do your share, Sidney, as I shall do mine." " Certainly," said the King ; " I'm agreeable. All for progress myself. Always have been. ... I fancy that must be our Palace up there. A truly palatial residence — replete, I've no doubt, with every con- venience we can require." The State Coach, after making a leisurely circuit of 66 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY the two sides of the principal square, was now begin- ning the ascent of the steep zigzag road to the Palace, which stood on the terraced height of the plateau that commanded the city. The party in the coach caught glimpses of its massive but ornate towers with fantastic spires and turrets, and its great arched and columned wings of rose-tinted marble. As it was rather larger than Windsor Castle, King Sidney's commendation was fairly justified. But Queen Selina's mind was occupied in computing the probable number of rooms, and the maids that would be required to "do " them, while she wondered aloud whether they could possibly afford to keep such a place up. " Depend upon it, my dear," said the King, " the — ah — State wiU provide an ample allowance for all our expenses. I must go into that as soon as an oppor- tunity occurs, and find out exactly what our income wiU be." Little more was said after this, as the great coach creaked and groaned slowly up the winding road, and then rolled through the golden gates into the court- yard of the Palace. On the steps of the chief entrance were Marshal Federhelm, Baron von Eisenbanden, and the Court Godmother, who, with the rest of the Royal household, had hastened on ahead to receive them. The Marshal ushered them into the Hall of Entrance, which was immense and cool. There they found the ladies and gentlemen-in-waiting draAvn up in curtseying and bowing ranks. The colours of their gay costumes would have been dazzling, had they not been some- what toned down by the subdued light from the windows, which were paned with transparent agate CROWNED HEADS 67 set in tracery of a flamboyant type. At the back rose a colossal staircase of jasper. On either side were lofty doors leading to vestibules, corridors, and re- ception halls. Judged by Gablehurst standards, the general effect of the interior was hardly ' home-y ' or cosy enough to be perfectly satisfactory, as Queen Selina seemed to feel, for tho only comment she made was : " No china punch-bowl for visiting-cards, I see ! " " I say," the Crown Prince inquired of the Marshal, " who's the small sportsman in the extinguisher hat ? " he referred to an unassuming little man with long, lint- coloured hair and pale, prominent eyes, whose shiftiness was only partly concealed by large horn spectacles. He wore black and crimson robes embroidered in gold with Zodiacal signs. " Looks like the Editor of Old Moore's Almanack." " That, Sir," replied the Marshal, " is the learned Xuriel, our Astrologer Royal. Will your Majesties permit me to present him ? " And, the Royal assent being given, he went across to fetch the sage. " Xuriel, my friend," he said in his ear, with a slightly ironical intonation, " the august Sovereigns who owe their discovery to your learning and research are naturally anxious to express their acknowledge- ments. So come along and be presented, and perhaps you will produce a better impression if you can manage to look a little less like a hare with the ear-ache." It was not, however, the prospect of being presented to Royalty that was disturbing the Astrologer Royal, but an mipleasant suspicion that the ex-Regent was, for some reason or other, a little annoyed with him. " Your Majesties will be interested to hear," ex- plained the Marshal, after making the presentation, 68 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY " that Master Xuriel was at one time noted for his skill as a magician." " My studies in Magic were never carried very far, your Majesties," protested the Astrologer, wriggling uncomfortably. " I — ^I did very little at it. And, even before it was decreed that all enchanters and sorcerers should either leave the Kingdom or take up some other profession, I had discovered that astrology was my true vocation." " And you were right," said the Marshal heartily, " as results have shown. And doubtless there is no truth in the rumour that you still retain some pro- ficiency in the Black Art." " Absolutely none, your Majesties ! " the Astrologer Royal declared. " What small skill I ever possessed, I have already forgotten ; all my magic spells have long since been discarded." " So I should hope," said Queen Selina severely. " Mr. Wibber — I mean, his Majesty and I are, of course, no believers in Magic, but we are determined not to allow any superstitions practices here in future — ^are we not, Sidney ? " " Certainly, my dear, certainly. Most undesirable. Of course, we don't object to ordinary conjuring — anything harmless of that sort. But take my advice. Sir, and stick to Astrology for the future — much more gentlemanly pursuit ! " The Astrologer Royal promised to observe this recommendation, and just then the Court Chamberlain announced that a meal had been prepared for the Royal Family in the King's Parlour, to which he offered to conduct them at once. And, as the lengthy business of the Coronation had given them all excellent appetites, they readily welcomed the proposal. CROWNED HEADS 69 Princess Ruby, catching sight of Daphne in one of the groups, had begged that she might be included, which the Queen reluctantly granted as an exceptional indulgence. Daphne would gladly have excused herself had that been possible ; she was becoming painfully conscious of finding Mi's. Wibberlcy-Stimpson as a Queen irresis- tibly ludicrous. Once already that morning she had only just escaped detection, and she was horribly afraid now that something might happen which would lead her to betray herself by miseemly laughter. She could only pray inwardly that it would not, as she followed with Ruby to the King's Parlour. This was a lofty hall with windows opening on to the terrace ; the walls were composed of great slabs of malachite, and twisted columns of the same supported a ceilmg of elaborately carved pink jade. At one end was a dais, where a table was spread with what King Sidney referred to somewhat disappointedly as "a cold snack," though he did it ample justice never- theless. The Marshal sat on his right hand ; at his back stood the Court Chamberlain, while chubby-faced little pages served cakes of bread on bended Icnee, and filled the golden goblets with Marchenland's choicest wines, which the King considered " a trifle on the sour side." The Royal Household looked on from a distance — to the exquisite discomfort of the Queen. " I really can't enjoy my food, Sidney," she com- plamed in an undertone, " with every mouthful I take watched by all those members of the nobility ! " Suddenly she coloured with annoyance as she found she was being addressed in a gruff, strangled voice from a quarter it was difficult at first to locate. " Mr. 70 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY Troitz," she demanded, " who is that ill-mannered person who seems to be trying to talk to Me with his mouth fuU ? " " The voice, yoiu: Majesty," he replied in the most matter-of-fact tone, " appears to proceed from the boar's head." " How dare you try to impose on me by such a story ? It's that wretched Uttle astrologer man. Ventriloquism and Conjuring always go together, and I'll be bound he's underneath the table now ! . . . Well," she said, after she had satisfied herself by looldng, " if he's not there, he's somewhere in the room ! " The Court Chamberlain assured her that the As- trologer Royal was not only absent, but incapable of such a Hberty ; it really was the boar's head that had spoken, as animals in Marchenland would on rare occasions — even after suffering decapitation. " There was Falada, Mummy," cried Ruby eagerly. " Don't you remember ? The horse that talked poetry after its head had been cut off and naUed over the arch ! Miss Heritage can tell you all about it." But Miss Heritage could not — ^she was far too deeply engaged in wTestling with an inward demon of unholy mirth that threatened at any moment to gain the mastery. The head began again. But whatever felicitations, predictions, or warning it was strivmg to utter were rendered practically inarticulate by a large lemon that had been unfeelingly inserted between its jaws. " Have the boar's head removed at once, Mr. Troitz," ordered Queen Selma. " I cannot and will not have it interrupting the conversation like this. It couldn't happen at all in any civilised country. Why, CROWNED HEADS 71 we shall have the cold tongue beginning next, I suppose ! . . ." It was here that poor Daphne's demon got the upper hand. "You seem slightly hysterical, Miss Heritage," remarked the Queen. " Horse-exercise evidently has a very bad effect on your nerves, and I must forbid you to ride in future." Thus was Daphne punished for her breach of eti- quette. But Queen Selina had no suspicion, even then, of its real extent. She was incapable of con- ceiving that she could possibly seem ridiculous to one so infinitely her inferior. CHAPTER V DIGNITY UNDER DIFFICULTIES The luncheon, after the removal of the too loquacious boar's head, proceeded, to Daphne's intense relief, without any further incident, and at its conclusion Queen Selina suggested a move to the terrace. One side of it faced the City far below ; another the slope of the road leadmg immediately to the Courtyard, while from the third side steps descended by lower terraces to the Palace Gardens, which were apparently bound- less. Beyond them, however, was a neglected region of groves and thickets, a sort of Wilderness, which stretched from the Garden boundaries to the edge of a plateau below which lay a wild valley, with a chain of wilder peaks and crags forming the horizon. But none of the Court had ever cared to explore the Wilderness, if they were even aware of its existence, so no more need be said of it at present. The Royal Family leaned upon the parapet of the terrace, whence they had a bird's-eye view of the big square immediately below, and the picturesquely irregular buildings, above whose gabled red roofs grim watch-towers and quaint spires or cupolas rose here and there. Down in the square swarms of tiny figures were clustering round the public fountains, which spouted jets that, as they flashed in the afternoon sun, were seen to be of a purple hue. " Must be wine," remarked the Crown Prince. " If 72 DIGNITY UNDER DIFFICULTIES 73 it's the same tap we had at lunch, the poor devils have my sympathy ! " " I think, Sidney," said the Queen, " that we ought all to go for a drive presently — just round the principal streets. I'm sure the — a — 'populace would appreciate it." " If you think it's expected of us, my love," he said. " Otherwise — well, I should have rather Hked to see a little more of the Palace ; we don't even know where our own bedrooms are to be yet." " The Guv'nor's right there. Mater ! " said Prince Clarence. " We'd better get settled down before we do anything else." " Perhaps we had," Queen Selina allowed. " I'll get that good old Mrs. Fogleplug to take us round the house." And after sending for the Court Godmother, she started, accompanied by the family and several of her ladies-in-waiting, on a tear of inspection. Possibly the suites of halls, each more magnificent than the last, the endless galleries and corridors, the walls decorated with sumptuous but bizarre hangings, the floors inlaid with marble and precious stones which were probably priceless and certainly slippery — possibly all these contributed towards the upsetting of Queen Selina's equanimity, but her manner was deplor- ably lacking in dignity and repose. She treated her ladies, for instance, with a politeness that came nearer subservience than ever. It was : '* Pray go first, dear Princess Rapunzelhauser ! After you. Baroness ! . . . Please, Countess, I really couldn't think of preceding you ! " at every doorway, till Daphne, as she noted the elevated eyebrows and covert smiles of the others, felt too much shame for her Sovereign for any thought of amusement. 74 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY However, the Queen showed more self-assertion in her treatment of the Com-t Godmother, which was characterised by some hauteur. " And now, I suppose, Mrs. Fogleplug, we have seen all the Reception Rooms. We shall prob- ably have to entertain on rather a large scale, but they appear to be fairly suitable. What I have not yet seen is a room where I could receive ordinary callers. I have always made a practice since I was first married of being ' at Home ' on the first and third Fridays, and though circumstances have altered, I intend to continue it." The Fairy, though she was rather at a loss to under- stand either the reason or the necessity for this, said that there was a chamber called " The Queen's Bower " which would probably meet Her Majesty's require- ments, and led the way to it accordingly. It was about sixty feet square, with a high vaulted roof of lapis-lazuH set with large diamond stars ; the walls were decorated with huge frescoes representing legends, many of which Princess Ruby recognised as familiar. " This will do, Mrs. Fogleplug," pronounced the Queen. " At least it can be made to do, with a Uttle re-arrangement. As it is, there are none of the ordinary refinements, such as art-cushions, cake-and- bread-and-butter stand, occasional tables, and little silver knick-knacks, which a lady's boudoir of any pretensions to elegance should have. Just the trifles that express the owner, and — er — constitute Home. I must have all these provided before I can use this as a sanctum. I should certainly have expected a Palace like this to be furnished with more regard to comfort ! " " I should have expected a billiard-room or two," DIGNITY UNDER DIFFICULTIES 75 said Prince Clarence ; " but these Courtier chaps tell me they don't even know what biUiards are ! Pretty sort of Palace this ! " " I think it's a perfectly lovely Palace ! " Princess Ruby declared. " It hasn't got a single piano in it anywhere ! I Imow, because I've asked." " I'm sorry to hear it, my dear," said her Mother, " because I particularly wished IMiss Heritage to get you on with your music ; and, if that is impossible, I shaU have to consider whether I can keep her at all." " Oh, Mummy, you won't send her away ? When you know I've never been good with anybody before, and never shall be, either ! " Queen Selina was quite alive to the advantages of retaining Daphne's services. " WeU, Ruby," she said, " I shaU allow Miss Heri- tage to stay on, as your companion " (she had already seen her way to proposing a reduction of salary), " and she can make herself generally useful to me as well." Ruby went dancing back to Daphne. " You're not to be my governess any more. Miss Heritage, dear," she announced, " because I shan't require one now. But I've got Mummy to let you stay on as com- panion. Aren't you glad ? " Daphne answered that she was — and she would certainly have been sorry to leave Marchenland quite so soon. " And now teU me, Mr. Chamberlain — Paron Troitz, I mean," the Queen was saying. " What time do you dine here ? " " Wlienever your Majesties please," was the reply. " All the same to us," said the King affably. " No wish to put you out at aU." 76 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY " Then with your permission, Sire, the Banquet will be served an hour hence in the Banquetmg Hall." "A banquet ! " cried the Queen. "I would rather we dined quietly, without any fuss, on our first night here." " It is the night of your Majesties' Coronation," the Court Chamberlain reminded her. " The Court would be deeply disappointed if so auspicious an event were not celebrated in a befitting manner." "Oh," said the Queen. "Then it will be fuU dress, I suppose — with crowns ? " " I hope — not crowns" put in King Sidney, who had taken the earliest opportunity of leaving his own in a corner. " A crown is such an uncomfortable thing to eat in. At least mine is." The Court Chamberlam gave it as his decision that crowns should certainly be worn — at least through the earlier courses of the meal. " All you've got to do, Guv'nor," said Clarence, " is to keep yours from splashing into the soup. A bit of elastic round your chin would do that all right." " And I presume," said the Queen, " we shall wear these robes we have on ? ... Oh, we shall find a change of costume upstairs ? Then, as there is not too much time for dressing, I should like to see my room at once, Mrs. Fogleplug." " Sidney," she panted a little later as, escorted by the Marsha] and Baron, and followed by the Court Godmother and the ladies and lords-in- waiting, they were making the ascent of the grand staircase, " one of the first thmgs we must do here is to put in a lift. I really can't be expected to climb all these stairs several times a day ! " DIGNITY UNDER DIFFICULTIES 77 " They do take it out of one, my dear," he admitted. " And a lift would certainly be a great improvement," At the head of the staircase was a long tapestry- hung gallery in which were the doors opening into the suites of rooms prepared for Royalty. Queen Selina, on reaching hers, could not bring herself to allow her ladies of the Bedchamber to assist at her toilet. " So very kmd of you, Princess, and you, too, my dear Baroness," she protested, " but I couldn't think of troubling you — ^I couldn't indeed ! I should feel quite ashamed to let you ! I can manage per- fectly well by myself — that is. Miss Heritage will come in after she has attended to Princess Ruby, and do all I require, and then she can go on and help you, Edna." " Thank you. Mother," said Edna, " but I should prefer having some one who is more accustomed to dressing hair." After putting Ruby into a robe of golden tissue and silken stockings and satin shoes, which, being quite as splendid as those she had just laid aside, afforded the child intense satisfaction, Daphne went to Queen Selina's Tiring Chamber — a spacious apart- ment with hangings of strange colours embroidered with Royal emblems. It was separated by a curtamed arch, through which a glimpse could be caught of the Royal Bedchamber, with the colossal and gorgeously canopied State bed. She found the Queen still in an early stage of her toilette and in a highlv fractious state of mind. " I expected you to be here before this, Miss Heri- tage," she said. " I've been waiting aU this time for you to fasten me up the back, which I couldn't possibly ask any of my Court ladies to do. . . . I'm sure / don't kiiow what goes on next ! ... Oh, do you think 78 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY the — er — stomacher before the ru£E ? . . . Very well. ... It's impossible to judge the effect in such a wretched light " (the chamber, it should be said, was illuminated by a number of perfumed flam- beaux stuck in elaborately wrought silver sconces). " Even at ' Inglegarth ' I had a pair of electric lights over my dressing-table ! And how on earth any Queen can be expected to dress at a shabby tarnished old cheval-glass like this is more than I can con- ceive ! " Upon which a thin but silvery voice immediately responded : " As dimly can I understand How you are Queen of Miirchenland ! " " Upon my word. Miss Heritage ! " exclaimed Queen Selina, with an angry flush on her Oc.tmeal-hued cheeks, "lam surprised at such impertinence — ^from you ! " "It — ^it wasn't me, Ma'am," said Daphne, with an heroic effort to keep her countenance. "As it was certainly not myself, and you are the only other person in the room. Miss Heritage, your denial is impudent as well as useless ! " Daphne could only point speechlessly to the mirror. " Really, Miss Heritage ! This goes beyond all — what next ! " " Reflected here there should have been A younger and far fairer Queen." contmued the voice in a doggerel as devoid of polish as the mirror itself. " It does appear to come from — ^but whoever heard of a looking-glass talking ? " said the mystified Queen. " Little Snow-white 's Stepmother had a mirror that DIGNITY UNDER DIFFICULTIES 79 answered her, Ma'am," said Daphne, " and she was a queen in Marchenland, I believe. Perhaps this is the very one ! " It would, no doubt, have proceeded to make some even more unflattering comments if Daphne had not, with much presence of mind, turned its face to the wall. How she knew that this would silence it she could not have said herself. But it certainly did. '* I have no reason for beheving that any such person as Little Snow-white ever existed," said Queen Selina ; "but whoever that glass belonged to, I will not have it here. I would have it smashed, if it wasn't unlucky. But it must be removed to the attics before I come up here to undress. Really, I never knew such a country as this is ! Boar's heads trying to speak at luncheon, and mirrors making personal remarks, and everything so strange and unnatural ! But you take it all as a matter of course. Miss Heritage ; nothing seems to surprise you.'" " I think. Ma'am," said Daphne, " because I've always known that, if I ever did get to Marchenland, it would be very much like this." " Considering that you had no better means of knowmg what it would be like than I had myself," replied the Queen, " I can only ascribe that to affec- tation. . . . Surely there must be more of the Cro\\Ti jewellery than I have been given as yet ? . . . Yes, there may be something in that chest. . . . G^oner for the future." " We owe him more than that. Sidney." said the Quci-n ; " we ought at hast to ask him over to lunch." " Yes. wc might do that," agreed Edna ; " not that he's likely to accept." " He cannot refuse a Royal command, my love," said her mother. The Count did not refuse. On the appointed day Clarence and his sisters saw from one of the windows a dilapidated sable coach drawn by eight very ancient coal-black horses turn into the Court-yard. " Only wants a few undertaker's men in weepers to be a really classy funeral ! " was the Cro^^^l Prince's tribute to this equipage. " ' Come to bun,- Ca?sar, not to praise him,' as Hamlet or some other Shakespearian Johnny says, what ? " When the yoimg Count von Paibenfresser was ushered THE TLEASURES OF THE TABLE 157 into the Royal presence his entrance made a slight sensation. Nobody had been prepared for the fact that he was much nearer seven than six feet in height. Otherwise there was nothmg alarming about him ; he wore his flaxen hair rather long and arranged over the centre of his head in a sort of roll ; his chuia-blue eyes (which Ruby said afterwards was " plain all romid, like a fish's eyes ") were singularly candid ; he had a clear, fresh complexion, full red hps, and magnificent teeth. He wore a rich suit of sable as deep as his coach. " Magog m mourning," Clarence christened him in an midertone. It was curious that he should have inspiicd Da})hne at first sight with a vague repulsion, and that Ruby should have felt a similar antipathy, though, with her, it took the form of a violent fit of the giggles — but so it was. Daphne was thankful that she was able to remam at a distance from him, as she was not Imiching at the Royal Table. He was shy at first, as most persons would be if the first meal they had ever eaten away from their owti home had to be consumed in the presence of Royalty, but he had been evidently tramed to observe the ordinary table etiquette, and as ho became more at ease he talked fluently enough, though at times with a naivete that was almost chfldhke, and increased Clar- ence's resolve to pull his leg whenever he saw an opportmiity. " Your Majesties must pardon my asking the ques- tion," he said, in his thin, pipmg voice, as he helped himself to a cutlet, " but is this what is called meat ? " " So we're given to understand by the butcher, Count," repUed Clarence. "Why do you want to know ? " 158 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY *' Because," he replied, " I've often heard of meat, but this is the first time I've ever seen it. Do you know," he went on presently, ** I like meat. I shall have some more." " I should, if I were you," advised Clarence ; "it may make you grow ! " which reduced Ruby to silent convulsions. " Do you really think it will ? " inquired the Count, either not noticing, or tactfully disregarding. Princess Ruby's lapse from good manners. " It might. My poor dear Father and Mother were both great meat- eaters, I believe, before they took to vegetarianism, which was quite late in life. I cannot remember seeing them, but I've always understood that they were much taller than I am." *' You don't say so," returned Clarence. " Must have been most interesting people to meet." " Tliey were, your Royal Highness. Though, un- fortunately, I cannot speak of my ovm. knowledge. As yoiu" Majesties may be aware, during the short time they were spared to me I was too young to appreciate their society." " Well, weU, Count," said Queen Selina, perceiving that this was delicate ground, " it's all very sad, but you must try not to think about it now. The Marshal tells me you give a great deal of your time to growing vegetables. How do tomatoes do with you ? " " I don't pay any attention to tomatoes, your Majesty," he replied, vAth a blush that few tomatoes could have outdone. " My efforts have been chiefly directed to pumpkins. I have reared some particu- larly fine ones. I am very fond of pumpkins." *' Jolly Httle things, ain't they ? " put in Clarence. " So playful ! " THE PLEASURES OF THE TABLE 159 " Are they ? " said the Count with perfect sim- plicity. " I did not know that. But then I have never attempted to play with my pumpkins." " Haven't you ? " said Clarence. " Well, you get 'em to play kiss-in-the-ring with you, and you'll find out how frisky they can be ! " " I do not know anything about kissing," he con- fessed, " except that it is very -v^Tong." " Not pumpkins," said the Crown Prince. " There's no harm in that ! Ask the bishop ! " " I say, old girl," he remarked to Princess Edna, after their visitor had taken his departure, " what on earth induced the Mater to teU that lanky overgrown lout we should be pleased to see him any time he cared to drop in ? We shall have the beggar running in and out here like a baUy rabbit, you see if we don't ! " " Not if you intend to go on insulting him, Clarence, as you did to-day at lunch," replied Edna coldly. " Why, I was only raggmg him. Who could help ragging such a champion mug as that ? " " There is more — far more — in him than you are capable of seeing, Clarence. And, even from a physi- cal point of view, he is immeasurably your superior." " I admit I shouldn't have a look in with him if we were both candidates for a Freak Show," he con- ceded. " On the other hand, no one can say I'm gone at the knees." " It's a pity, Clarence, that you're so narrow as you are ! " she said. " D'you mean round the chest or calves ? " he asked. " Because I'm quite up to the average measure- ments." " I meant, so insular in your prejudices. You were 160 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY almost rude to the poor Count. When he was our guest, too ! " " I expect," he said, " that if he's ever our guest again, I shall be a bit more insular, I can't stick the beggar, somehow ! " CHAPTER X THE BLONDE BEAST The Count was not slow to take advantage of his permis de circuler ; his coal-black horses and coach were soon a familiar spectacle in the streets of Eswareinmal, Avhere he had discovered the delights of promiscuous shopping. He ordered a self-supplying dinner-table of the best quality — to be paid for by monthly instalments — from the Astrologer Royal, with whom he struck up a sort of friendship. Nor did he neglect to avail himself of his general invitation to the Palace, where he dropped in so frequently as almost to justify Clarence's prediction. Queen Selina gave him occasional hints that she had not expected him quite so often, but hints were thrown away on the Count's ingenuous nature — he seemed to take it for granted that he was always welcome. Princess Edna certainly never discouraged his visits. She had been struck from the first by his great stature and powerful physique, which were just what she imagined that Nietzsche's ideal Superman would possess. It has already been mentioned that she had been attending lectures on the Nietzschean philosophy. Those were the days — not so very long ago, though they seem remote enough now — when a certain class of high-browed and serious persons accepted works of modern German philosophers as containing a new 161 L 162 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY gospel which none who desired intellectual freedom, enlightenment, and efficiency could afford to neglect. The theories of " the Will to Power " and of Might being equivalent to Right are already hopelessly discredited in this country by recent exhibitions of the way in which they work out in practice. But it was not so then, and Edna, who liked to feel that she was one of the elect and in the advance guard of Culture, readily imbibed as much of the Nietzschean doctrine as could be boiled down for her in a single lecture. She would not, of course, have thought of regulating her own actions on such principles, any more than, in all probability, did their author himself. But she was very anxious to see some one else do so, and the young Count seemed to have been formed by Nature for Neitzsche's typical " Blond Beast," if he only chose to divulge his possibilities. Unfortunately, he did not seem even to suspect them ; he remained quite oppressively mild and amiable. She very nearly gave him up in despair once when he timidly pre- sented her with a pair of mittens which he had knitted for her himself. However, a day came when she saw him under a less discouraging aspect. They were at lunch, to which he had invited himself as usual, and Ruby had asked her brother how it was that in all his hunting expeditions he had never managed to slay a dragon. " Never saw one to slay, Kiddie," he replied. " They seem scarce about here." The Court Chamberlain, from behind the King's chair, took it upon himself to explam that there were no longer any dragons in existence, the few that re- mained havmg been exterminated by the late King's orders. THE BLONDE BEAST 163 " Oh ! " exclaimed Ruby, " I did so want to see a dragon ! And now I never shall ! " " If you wish it, little Princess," said Count von Rubenfresser kindly, " you shall see mine." " Yours I " cried Ruby, quite forgetting her dislike for him in her excitement. " Have you really got a dragon — a real live one ? " "A real Uve one — and almost full-grown," he re- phed. " My poor dear Father had a pair, but they were kiUed. Mine is the last of the breed. I dis- covered it myself when I was a child in a cave close to the castle. At that time it was only an egg." " Hatch it yourself ? " inquired Clarence. " Only partially," said the young Count ; " the sun did the rest." (It was perhaps as well for Daphne that she was not at the table just then.) " I begged that its life might be spared, and it was. So Tiitzi and I have grown up together." " Tootsie ! " remarked Clarence sotto voce, " what a dashed siUy-ass name for a dragon ! " " And wiU you show us him ? " asked Ruby eagerly. " Mummy, couldn't we go to the Count's castle and see his dragon ? This afternoon ? " " I should rather Hke to see it myself," said her Father. " No idea there were such things. What do you say to our driving back with the Count and having a look at it, eh, my love ? " " I think, Sidney," replied the Queen, " we certainly ought to do so." So, to Ruby's delight, the State coach was ordered to take the Royal Family to Drachenstolz, and the party set out shortly after lunch. Clarence accom- panied them on horseback, while the Count followed in his sombre vehicle. Daphne was left behind, and 164 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY the Court, although invited to join the party, begged with singular unanimity that they might be ex- cused. On arriving at the Castle the visitors were first taken over the ulterior, which was ill-lighted and rather de- pressing, after which the Count led them through a spacious courtyard to the kitchen-garden, where the Queen deigned to compliment him on the huge size of the vegetable marrows and pumpkins that were ripen- ing in the sun. " If there should be a Harvest Festival at the Church, Count," she said graciously, "I'm sure some of those would come in very nicely for it ! " They then passed over a rough tract of ground towards a rocky cliff that formed part of the Castle boundary. In this cliff was a deep cavern, on one side of which was a stout staple with a chain attached, only a portion of which was visible. Here their young host stopped and gave a low whistle. Instantly there was a rattle of the chain, and the next moment all but the Count and Ruby hastily retreated as a great horny head with distended nostrils r,nd lidless eyes was pro- truded from the opening. " Don't be alarmed ! " said the Count, calmly unfastening the chain and leading the creature out into the open. " Tiitzi is perfectly tame, as you can see." "It may or may not have been full-grown, but it was large enough at all events to be a fairly fearful wild- fowl, with its huge leathery wings, crested spine, for- midable talons, and restless tail. The colour of its scales was extraordinarily rich, ranging from deepest purple and azure through vivid green to orange and pale yellow, and fully justified King Sidney in remark- THE BLONDE BEAST 165 ing — from a safe distance — that " it appeared to be in very good condition." But there was no doubt about its tameness. It suffered Ruby, who showed no fear of it whatever, to stroke it on its plated beak, and even to scratch ifc behind its bristly ears, with every sign of satisfac- tion. " Ruby ! " shrieked the horrified Queen, "come away at once ! I'm sure it isn't safe to tease that dreadful thing ! " " I'm not teasing him, Mummy," replied Ruby, whose eccentric penchant for reptiles was now being gratified beyond her wildest dreams. " He loves being tickled. Can't you hear him purring ? " As the noise the brute was making would have drowned that of the most powerful dynamo, the ques- tion was almost unnecessary. Count Ruprecht next made his dragon exhibit the few accomplishments it had learnt, which were of the simplest, consisting in sitting up, rolling over and shamming death, and reviving to utter three terrific snorts, supposed to be loyal cheers, all at the proper word of command. He concluded by mounting its back and riding it several times round the enclosure, after which he lay between its forepaws, while it licked his face with its huge flickering forked tongue. " Capital ! " cried Clarence, apparently unim- pressed, though he did not venture very near the beast. " You've only to teach it to jump through a hoop, and you'd make quite a decent Music-hall ' turn ' together. What do you feed it on, eh ? Sop — or canary-seed ? " To which the CouLtit did not vouchsafe any reply. I've been most interested, I'm sure, my dear (( 166 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY Count," said the Queen, after he had chained it up again. " And it's quite a thing to have seen — once. But we really can't allow you to go on keeping such a creature as that — can we, Sidney ? " " Certainly not, my love," said the King. *' It's against the law, you know. Count, against the law." " Is it, your Majesty ? " said the Count. " I— I had no idea of that — no one ever told me so ! " " Well, it is, you know. You must put an end to it — have it destroyed. Painlessly, if you like, but — well, you've got to get rid of it somehow." " In your own interest, Count," urged the Queen. " Just think how unpopular you would be with your neighbours if it broke loose ! " " I should not like to be unpopular," he said. " And if your Majesties insist on slaying the only living creature that loves me ! " " What ? " put in Clarence unfeelingly, " don't the hearse — I mean the carriage-horses love you ? " But again the Count took no notice of the ques- tion. " It's too bad of you. Father ! " cried Edna in- dignantly ; " yes, and you too, Mother ! To come here at Count Ruprecht's invitation, to see his dragon and then tell him to destroy it ! I think it perfectly dis- graceful of you, and you will get a very bad name in the country when people hear of it. When you happen to be Sovereigns you might at least behave as such ! " " Well, weU, my dear," said her Mother, who had not considered the question from this side before, " we merely threw it out as a suggestion — nothing more. And if the Count wiU undertake to keep his dragon THE BLONDE BEAST 167 under proper control, that is all we shall require of him." The Count willingly gave this undertaking, and the visit ended without any loss of cordiality on either side. " We've seen the dragon, Miss Heritage ! " Ruby announced with sparkling eyes on her return. " And he is such a darling ! Do you know, I don't think the Count can be quite so horrid after all, or Tiitzi wouldn't be fond of him. Only fancy. Mums and Daddy wanted the Count to have him killed ! But Edna made them say he needn't. Aren't you glad ? . . . Oh, I forgot — you never really loved my newts. But you would Tiitzi — ^he's quite dry, you know — not the least bit clammy. ... Do you think there's time before dinner for me to run down and play with the Gnomes ? " " My dearest ! " cried Daphne, " surely your Mother doesn't approve of your doing that ? " " She wouldn't mind if she knew. They're yellow — but quite nice. Much better fun than those fat little muffs of pages, who are too afraid of spoiling their clothes to play at anythmg rough. You don't mmd my having a game of ' I spy ' with the Gnomes — just till it's time to dress for dinner — do you, Miss Heritage ? " " Well, darling," said Daphne, " I'm not allowed any authority over you now, you know. But I'm quite sure that if her Majesty ever hears of your running about with Yellow Gnomes, she wiU blame me for it, and probably send me away." " Oh, then I won't any more. Only it will be rather duU without them. I almost wish sometimes I had lessons to do. But there's nothing for me to learn. I can understand everything everybody says, 168 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY and they understand me. And there aren't any pianos, and History and Geography are no earthly good here, and I know more Arithmetic as it is than I shall ever want now I'm a Pruicess. Princess Flachspinnenlos promised to show me how to work a spinning-wheel some day, but she's not very good at it herself, and anyhow, I'm sure it will be frightfully boring. Still, I'd rather give up the Gnomes than lose you, Miss Heritage, dearest ! '' She spoke with feeling, for it meant abandoning a cherished scheme of hers for inciting them to steal up during dinner and pinch the pages' legs. Daphne was sorry for the poor little tomboy Princess, of whom she had grown to be really fond. There was little she could do for her, however, beyond being with her as often as she could ; and the Queen had shown a tendency of late to discourage even this. Edna looked forward with interest to the Count's next visit ; his performances with the dragon had impressed her greatly in his favour, and she had begun to think that he might have the makings of a Superman in him after all. It might be time to begin his education, and she prepared herself for the task by running through her lecture notes on Nietzsche once more. When he called he was shown by her command to the chamber which served as her boudoir, where, rather to the scandal of some of the Court ladies, she received him in private. He looked taller than ever as he sat doubled up on a low seat. " I came to thank you, Pruicess," he began, " for persuading your exalted parents to spare my poor dear Tiitzi. Of course I don't want to break the law, but he is chained up, and besides, he is such THE BLONDE BEAST 1G9 a good dragon that I'm sure nobody could object to my keeping him." " Why are you so anxious not to break the law ? " " Because it's wrong to break laws." " And do you never do anything wrong ? " " Never. My tutors taught me that people who do wrong are always punished for it. I shouldn't like to be punished at all." " Still, you must have wanted to do bad things now and then." " Now and then I have," he confessed. " Especially lately. But I never do them, You see, bad people are never really liked." " Do you know, Count, what the great German philosopher Nietzsche would call such goodness as yours ? He would say it was ' slave-morality.' You only do what other people tell you is right because you're afraid of what they would think of you if you didn't. You have courage enough to master Tiitzi, but you daren't defy what Nietzsche so finely terms ' the Great Dragon of the Law,' which says : ' Thou Shalt '— ' Thou shalt not.' " " What ? " he said in surprise. " Is there another dragon besides Tiitzi ? And one that can talk, too ! I never heard of him ! " " Nietzsche was speaking metaphorically, of course," said Edna impatiently. " He meant the human laws and customs and prejudices which a true Superman should soar above. I think you ought to be more of a Superman." " Ought I ? " he said, open-mouthed. " What sort of things does a — one of those gentlemen — do ? " *' Well," said Edna, after refreshing her memory by her notes, " you should begin by ' hating and 170 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY despising the ideals of the average man ' ! You should create your own Truth — your own Morahty. Obey only your primordial instincts — the Will to Power." " I wonder if I could do all that." " Of course you can, if you are strong enough — and I believe you are." " And what else ought I to do, Princess ? " " Well, let me see — oh, yes, you should ' act towards slave or stranger exactly as you think fit.' You should be ' an intrepid experimentalist, ceaselessly looking for new forms of existence.' You must ' be able to bear the sight of others' pain, remembering that you cannot attain the height of greatness " I've grown taller lately," he interjected, " a great deal taller ; haven't you noticed it ? " " ' Attain the height of greatness,' " resumed Edna severely, " if you do not feel within yourseK both the will and the power to inflict great suffering ! And through it all you must exhibit the joyous innocence of a child that is amusing itself.' Do you under- stand ? " " I think I do. It means I must do whatever I feel inclined, without minding what people say. Shall you be pleased mth me, Princess, if I do that ? " " I shaU at least respect you more than I can do while you form your conduct entirely on Sunday School standards." "Then I'll try," he said. "Yes, I will certainly try. Do you know, I thitik I shall rather like being what your great teacher with a name like a sneeze calls a Superman." " Then make yourself one," she said, " for I am quite sure that you have the power." THE BLONDE BEAST 171 Probably she did not know herself exactly what she wanted him to be ; it did not mean much more than the admii-ation for the prehistoric male brute to which the more advanced type of young woman seems peculiarly prone. But when he left she felt that she had made a most promising convert, and had every reason to be satisfied with the success of her after- noon. As much could not be said with regard to her Mother, who remonstrated with her after the Count's departure as strongly as she dared. "I shouldn't see him alone like that, again, my love," she said anxiously. " It might put ideas into people's heads. Indeed I'm not sure that, as it is, some of the Court don't think there must be some- thing between you." " It's perfectly indifferent to me what they think, Mother," was the lofty reply. " As a matter of fact, there is nothing whatever between us. I am merely doing what I can to make him a httle more civil- ised." " There would be no objection to that, my dear. Only it does look so very like encouraging him, you know. And it's so necessary to be careful just now. I'm afraid the People think we are making far too much of that young man. I noticed they looked very black that day we drove over to Drachenstolz. I really think it would be better if the next time he calls you would be ' not at home ' to him." "My dear Mother," returned Edna, "I am old enough to have the right to choose my own friends, and I shaU certainly decline to drop them just because the Court chooses to make my friendships a subject for foolish gossip." 172 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY Queen Selina did not venture to pursue the con- versation any farther, but she was more relieved than she would once have thought possible when she heard that the Court Godmother had returned from Clairde- lune. According to strict etiquette, it was for the Fairy to attend her Mistress and report herself, but the Queen waived all ceremony by paying the first visit. She went at once, and unattended, to the apartments in one of the towers that had been assigned to the Court Godmother, who, without seeming at all overwhelmed by such condescension, received her with more be- nignity than usual. " Thank you, my dear," she said, in answer to the Queen's inciuiries, " I am tolerably \vell, and feel no ill effects from my journey. And I think," she added complacently, " you will agree that I have spent my time at Clairdelune not altogether unprofitably. But you shall hear all about it presently. Tell me how things have been going on here while I have been away. As satisfactorily, I trust, as possible ? " "Oh, quite — quite — that is, I've been just a little worried lately about that young Count Rubenfresser. He has taken to coming here oftener than I think quite desirable." " Coming here ? " repeated the Fairy, with sur- prise. " Why, I thought he was never allowed out- side his Castle ! " " Not till lately. My poor dear Grandfather seems to have been very severe both on him and his parents. But the Marshal spoke so highly of the poor young man, and recommended so strongly that he should be given his freedom, that his Majesty and I decided to do it." "Oh," said the Fairy. " WeU, of course, if the THE BLONDE BEAST 173 Marshal thinks it safe ! " She suspected the ex- Regent of cherishing some resentment agamst her still for the part she had taken in bringing back the Sovereigns to supersede him, and she had no wish to run counter to him again. So, whatever she might think of the wisdom of his advice, she was far too prudent an old person to express her doubts. " But I gather," she went on, " that you don't approve of the young Count yourself, my dear ? " " Oh, he seems gentlemanly enough — though rather taller than the average. The only reason that I disapprove of him is that I'm afraid he comes here so often on Edna's account." "You don't mean," said the Court Godmother, in some alarm, " that she shows any ? " "Oh, dear me, no ! Not the slightest ! She thinks he requires civilising, and is trying to do it for him, that's all. But I can't get her to see that the notice she takes of him is liable to be misunder- stood. Not only by him — but by everybody, you know." " Oh well, my dear, if it's no worse than that, you needn't trouble yourself about it. And now for my news. You've heard me speak of Prince Mirlifior of Clatrdelune, King Tournesol's only son ? " Queen Selina had heard her speak of him so often that she instinctively prepared herself for half an hour of ennui. " A charming young man. I don't say ho hasn't his faults, but I shall make it my business to cure him of them all in time. I was one of the three God- mothers at his christening — the other two have gone years ago — I forget what their gifts were — Courage and Good-looks, I think. I gave him what I still 174 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY consider a most useful present for any infant prince — a complete set of the highest ideals." " How nice ! " murmured Queen Selina absently, for her attention was beginning to wander already. " Most neat and appropriate, I'm sure." " They would have been," said the old Fairy, " if he'd made use of them sensibly, as I intended. But that is just what he hasn't done. For instance, al- though he's been of an age to marry these three years, he's refused to look at every eligible Princess that has been suggested to him because, if you please, she doesn't happen to come up to his ideal of beauty ! " " Dear me," said the Queen, concealing a yawn, " you don't say so, Court Godmother ! " " My dear," said the Fairy irritably, " it's non- sense to teU me I don't say what I've just said ! And, as I was about to teU you, his conduct caused the greatest disappointment and annoyance to his father, who is naturally anxious that his line should not die out. So he begged me to use my influence. WeU, I saw, of com^se, that the only way was to appeal to another of the ideals I had given him — his ideal of Duty. I put it to him that he owed it not only to his father, but his country, to choose a bride without any further shilly-shaUying." " And what did he say ? " asked the Queen, with more interest, as she had begun to see what was coming. " Don't be in such a hurry," said the Fairy ; "I haven't finished what / said yet. I told him that personal beauty was of very little consequence in a bride, and that M'hat he needed was a sensible girl who would be clever enough to keep him from having too high an opinion of himself — which, I may say, THE BLONDE BEAST 175 has always been one of his failings. I added that your Edna was just the very person for him." " How kind of you to put in a word for her ! " said Queen Selina. " And — was it any good ? " " So much so that, to his father's great joy, he recognised that it was his imperative duty to seek the hand of such a paragon of wisdom and learning. And I am empowered by him to prepare you for his arrival in the course of a day or two, in the character of the Princess Royal's suitor. So you see," she concluded, " I haven't been at Clairdelune all this time for nothing." " Indeed you have not, dear Court Godmother ; and I'm most grateful, I'm sure, for all the trouble you must have taken. Fancy our Edna the Queen of Clairdelune some day ! Not that she isn't fitted for any position. How pleased she will be when she hears of this, dear thing ! So will his Majesty — and Clarence too ! He and dear Prince MirUfior will be able to go out hunting together. For — I forgot to tell you — since you have deserted us, Clarence has learnt to ride most beautifully ! " " Has he indeed ? " said the Fany. " Then I was right after all. I thought it just possible that, if you could persuade him to wear that jewel " " Do you mean that pendant of mine ? He does wear it, but that has nothing whatever to do with his riding. He'd taught himself to ride long before I gave it to him. He was only pretending he couldn't, as a joke." " He may say so, my dear — but, all the same, if it hadn't been for that jewel " " ReaUy, Court Godmother," said Queen Selina, who naturally resented anything that detracted from 176 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY her son's credit, " it astonishes me to find anyone so — so clear-headed as you are in most things still clinging to these superstitious ideas. As if the mere fact of wearing a piece of jewellery could suddenly make any- one into a good rider ! " " It depends upon what the piece of jewellery is," said the Fairy. Queen Selina saw her way to an absolutely crushing rejoinder. " Well, this particular piece of jewellery," she said, " happens to be a paltry ornament which I bought from Miss Heritage before I ever heard of Marchenland." Her shot had certainly told. " What ? " faltered the Court Godmother, obviously out of countenance. " Did I understand you to say you bought that jewel — and from the Lady Daphne ? " " I prefer to call her Miss Heritage — the other is merely a courtesy title. Yes, I did buy it from her. She was in difficulties at the time, and I gave her thirty pounds for it, which was a good deal more than any- body else would have done." " And — and — have you told this to any other per- son — the — the Marshal, for instance ? " " My dear Court Godmother, I am not in the habit of proclaiming my acts of charity — for it was an act of charity ! " " An act of charity," said the Fairy drily, " which I should strongly advise you to keep to yourself." " I intend to," replied the Queen, as she rose with much dignity, though her face was redder than usual. " I should never have mentioned it at all, even to you, Court Godmother, if I hadn't felt it necessary. Of course, in my present position, I should never dream of buying jewellery from one of my own ladies-in-waiting. THE BLONDE BEAST 177 But it was different then. I hadn't come into my Kingdom, and Miss Heritage was only my governess ; and anyway, it was a perfectly fair bargain, so my conscience is absolutely clear. Still," she added, turning on the threshold, " perhaps you will admit 7iow that you were just a little mistaken in attaching any importance to wearing that pendant ? " " Yes," said the Fairy, completely crestfallen and subdued, "I made a mistake— a great mistake— I admit that." " I thought you would ! " returned the Queen triumphantly. " And now I must go to dear Edna and tell her the news about Prince MirHfior." She had no suspicion of the state of mind in which, by her unconscious revelation, she was leaving the unhappy Court Godmother, who was so stunned that it was some time before she could think out the situa- tion at all clearly. The present Sovereigns of Marchenland, it seemed, were nothing but impostors ! Innocent impostors, no doubt — but that did not lessen her own responsi- bility for helpmg to place them on the throne. If she made the truth known, would the people — worse still, would the ex-Regent — believe that she and the Baron and the Astrologer Royal had not been deceiving them from the first ? She recognised now that they had been too ready to accept the wearer of Prmce Chryso- pras's jewelled badge as the sought-for Queen without some further inquu-y- and yet who in all Marchenland would have dreamed of making any ? How could any- one have supposed that Queen Selina had merely become the possessor of the jewel by purchasing it from that little Lady Daphne ? It seemed to follow that Lady Daphne must be the true Queen. The M 178 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY Fairy remembered now that she had taken her to be so at their first meeting. If only she had thought then of asking a question or two, the mistake might have been discovered before matters had gone too far — but, in her unfortunate anxiety to see a legitimate sovereign ruling Marchenland once more she had taken everything for granted. How could she put it right now without appearing either a traitress to the King- dom, or at least a foolish old Fairy who ought to have laiown her own business better ? That was a bitter reflection for an autocratic dame who had long been accustomed to consider that age and experience had endowed her with a wisdom which was absolutely infallible. There was just one faint hope to which she clung. She had been mistaken once — why should she not be mistaken again ? Lady Daphne might herself have bought the pendant from some third person. In that case she would have no better claim to the throne than Queen Selina, and matters could be left as they were — which would relieve the Fairy of the unpleasant necessity of having to admit that she was liable to error. She could not rest till she knew more, and so, as soon as she felt equal to any action, she took her crutch- handled staff, hobbled down the winding steps, and then up more stairs and along a succession of corridors, until she reached the door of the chamber she had been told was Daphne's. " I shall know very soon now ! " she told herself, " And, after all, there's nothing to be uneasy about. Whoever this girl may be, it's most unUkely that she will turn out to be any relation of poor Chry- sopras'." THE BLONDE BEAST 179 But, in spite of these reassurances, it was a very tremulous hand that rapped at the door, and the Court Godmother's heart sank as she heard a clear sweet voice inviting her to enter. It would have been such a reUef, just then, to find that Daphne was not in her room. CHAPTER XI A WAY OUT Daphne was rather surprised to see the Court God- mother enter, for she had not honoured her by any special notice since her first arrival. But she was pleased, and touched as well, by a visit which she knew must have cost the old Fairy considerable effort. *' I thought I'd come up and see how you were get- ting on, my dear," began the latter, after sinking into the chak Daphne had brought forward for her, and recovering her breath. " I hope you are happy here — and — and well treated ? " " Quite, thanks, Court Godmother," said Daphne. " But you shouldn't sit moping here by yourself like this." " Her Majesty doesn't like me to come down until she sends for me," explained Daphne; "and she hasn't to-day. But I haven't been mopmg, Court God- mother ; I've been listening to the swallows. They're discussing their plans for the winter, and they can't make up their minds where to go, poor darlings ! " " That's only what you fancy they're talking about," said the Fairy sharply ; for the gift of understanding bird-language is comparatively rare, and only possessed by those who have a strain of Fairy blood in their descent. " You can't possibly know ! " " I didn't till I came here, and then I suddenly found I could. Princess Ruby declares I make it all up — 180 A WAY OUT 181 but I don't. I can even understand what some of the animals have to say, and its rather fun sometimes. The other mornmg in the Gardens I heard a tortoise telling a squirrel " " I daresay, I daresay," interrupted the Court Godmother, who had not come there to hear the small talk of any tortoise ; "I find their con- versation wearisome myself — and so will you when you've been here a little longer. And so you're comfortable here, are you ? " she went on, looking round the chamber, which had walls of mothor-o'- pearl with hangings of delicate shimmering blue-green at the window and round the small ivory four-post bed. " Well, this room looks very cool and pleasant. And you've pretty dresses to wear, it seems. I like that one you have on — most bccommg, though it wants an ornament of some kind to set it off. But perhaps you don't care for jewellery ? " " I do," said Daphne, " very much. But I haven't any now, you sec." " But you had once, hadn't you ? I seem to re- collect the Queen telling me she bought something — a pendant, I fancy she said — from you before you came to Marchenland. Or was it somebody else ? " " No, it M'as me," said Daphne. " It was very decent of her, because I was in rather a hole jast then — with a debt I couldn't possibly have paid otherwise — and the pendant was no use to me, you see — not a thing I could ever have worn." " So you wasted your money in buying an ornament which was unsuited to you, eh ? " " I didn't buy it, Court Godmother," said Daphne, and proceeded to explam — much as she had done at " Inglegarth " — how it came into her possession. The 182 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY Fairy questioned her about her father, but she had little information to give. Even his name was \m- certam, as it seemed he had only moved into his last rooms shortly before his death. All his landlady could say was that it was something foreign which she could not pronounce. But she had gathered from certain things he had let fall that he had led a wander- ing life as a musician, and had at one period been a ridmg-master. She beUeved that, in the latter capa- city, he had met his young wife, Daphne's mother, and that it had been a runaway marriage. She died soon after giving birth to Daphne, and left him so broken-hearted that he did not care to make any fight against illness when it came to him, but rather welcomed a death that meant re-union, " But all I really know," concluded Daphne, " is that that pendant belonged to him, and that my adopted Mother took care of it for me tjill I was grown up. And I think he would not have minded my sellmg it when I wanted the money so badly." " WeU, whether he would have minded or not," said the Fairy, " you did sell it — and a sorry bargain you made of it, too ! I'll be bound, now, that you've told the whole Court about it long ago ! " " I have told no one. Court Godmother," said Daphne. " Why should I tell them about my own private affairs ? I shouldn't have said anything to you, if you hadn't heard of it already from her Majesty." " You were wise to hold your tongue," remarked the Fairy, greatly reheved. " For I may tell you that, if the Court once heard that the Queen bought that jewel from you, it would prejudice them very seriously against her. And I am sure you would not wish that." A WAY OUT 183 " Of course I shouldn't wish it," said Daphne, a little haughtily. " Though how I could prejudice her Majesty by telling anybody of an instance of her kindness to me, I really don't know. She's scarcely worn the pendant herself, and now she's given it to Prince Clarence. But nobody knows that it was once mine, and you can be quite sure that nobody ever will, from me." " In a Court like this, my child," said the Fairy, almost apologetically, " one cannot be too careful. But I can see you are to be trusted." And, after some conversation on less dangerous subjects, she retired. Her worst fears had been confirmed ; she could no longer doubt that Daphne was Prmce Chrysopras's daughter. She wondered now how she could ever have doubted it. But this constituted her Daphne's official Godmother. As such, was it not her duty to see that she had her rights ? If she did her duty to her godchild it might entail very unpleasant consequences to herself — consequences from which she felt herself shrinking as much as ever. IVIight they not be avoided ? Daphne evidently had no suspicion of her claims. And, as the Faiiy re- minded herself, " What the eye does not miss the heart will not grieve for." The child was quite happy and contented as she was. If the Marshal still had any ambition to resume his power, he would have no scruples about removing any rival. " I should only be exposing her to danger," thought the Court Godmother. And there were the poor King and Queen to be considered, and the Baron and the Astrologer Royal, who would all go down in the general d^bdcle if the truth were allowed to come out. 184 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY She was bound to think of them. So far as she could see, the only result of disclosure would be to establish the Marshal as Monarch — and they had had quite enough of him as Regent. So, as it is seldom difficult to discover insuperable objections to any course that one has strong personal reasons for avoiding, the Fairy easily persuaded herself that she owed it to others to remain silent. The secret was safe enough. Both Queen Selina and Daphne could be depended on not to betray it now. It was better for everybody concerned — par- ticularly the Court Godmother — that it should remain unknown for ever. Still, her conscience smote her a Uttle with regard to Daphne. She was so well fitted to be a Queen — it seemed hard that she should forfeit the cro^\^l that was rightfully hers. " But that's entirely her own fault ! " the Fairy told herself. " Xuriel read the stars quite correctly. He foretold not only the very spot where she would be discovered, but the sign by which she was to be recognised. If she chose to part with the jewel to another, she must take the consequences, /'m not responsible ! " And yet, after all. Daphne was her god-daughter, if she could not be openly acknowledged as such. Something must be done to make up to the poor child for aU she had lost. And here the Faiiy had a positively brilliant idea — why not marry her to Mirhfior ? But almost immediately she remembered with dismay that she had been making a very different matrimonial arrangement for him. That, however, was before she knew what she knew now. The case was entirely altered — she could not possibly allow him to commit himself to an alliance with a daughter of these usurpers. A WAY OUT 185 That must be prevented at all hazards, and fortunately he had taken no irretrievable step as yet. " Unless I'm much mistaken," she thought, " he will forget all about Princess Edna if he once sees Lady Daphne. She ought to be lovely enough to satisfy even his ideal. But if he doesn't see her soon, it maybe too late to save him." Like most Fairy Godmothers, she possessed the power of impressing any jrroUge of hers who was not more than a couple of hundred leagues away with a perfectly distinct vision of anybody or anything she chose. She had made not a few matches by this means in her best days, and some of them had not turned out at all badly. But it was a long time smce she had last exercised any of her occult faculties. To do so demanded a concentration of will-power and psychic force which told on her more and more severely as she advanced in years, and she had resolved to abstain from any practices that might shorten the life to M'hich she had every intention of clingmg as long as possible. " But I must risk it — just for this once," she decided. " Yes, I'll make him dream of her this very night." Meanwhile Queen Selina had informed her daughter of the brilliant future that awaited her, and was not a little annoyed at Edna's failure to express the least enthusiasm. " I wash Godmother wouldn't meddle like this in my affairs," she said. " I suppose I shall have to see this Prmce MirUflor now if he comes ; but it is not at all likely that he will have any of the qualities that appeal to me." " My love ! " remonstrated Queen Selina. " He will be the King of Clairdelune some dav ! " 186 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY " He may be, Mother," returned Edna. " But that is a consideration which I shall not allow to afEect me in the sUghtest." " Of course not, my dear," said her Mother, feeling that Edna could be safely trusted to look after her own interests. " You are free to decide exactly as you please. I shall put no pressure on you what- ever." " My dear Mother," returned Edna, " you would gain nothing by it if you did." That night the Court Godmother retired early, and spent a long and strenuous vigil in callmg up a vivid recollection of Daphne as she had seen her that after- noon, and imprmtmg the vision on her godson's sleepmg bram. She was unwell in consequence all the next day, but she was easier in her mind after having prevented any untoward effects her counsels might have had upon Mirhflor. It was rather a strain upon her to face the Royal Family again, but she forced herself, for her own sake, to treat them with as much outward respect as before. She had begun to think that the worst was over when an envoy suddenly arrived in hot haste from Clairdelune bearing a formal proposal from Prince Mirlifior for Princess Edna's hand, and the informa- tion that he was following shortly to plead his suit in person. He had also entrusted the messenger with a short despatch to his Godmother, which she read with impotent fury. It was a somewhat involved and incoherent letter, expressing his thanks for the vision, for which he could not doubt he was mdebted to her, but intimating that she had convinced him so forcibly that Princess Edna possessed qualities infinitely more A WAY OUT 187 precious than the most exquisite beauty, that his determination to win her had already been irrevocably fixed. " Prefers her to Lady Daphne, does he ? " she said to herself, as she realised that she would be forced to speak out now if he was to be saved from such an alhance. " Then he must marry her, that's all ! I can't and won't turn all Marchenland topsy-turvy on his account ! I've done all I could for him, and I shall leave him to go his own way. I'll go up to bed before he arrives, and I expect it will be a long time before I'm able to come down, for I feel sure 1 am going to be iU — and little wonder ! " Queen SeHna was so elated by the Prince's message that she ordered it to be publicly announced at once. The Court, whom she informed herself, expressed the greatest delight, and, as for the old Court Chamber- lain von Eisenbanden, he was almost lyrical in his jubilation. " This is indeed a glorious day. Madam ! " he cried. " It has long been my dream to see the reigning houses of Marchenland and Clairdelune united, but of late I had begun to despair that it would ever be accom- plished ! And from all I have heard of Prmce Mirli- flor, her Royal Highness is almost as much to be felici- tated as he ! " " Thank you, Baron," repHed the Queen. " We are all most pleased about it. Though I shall be very lonely without her. You see," she added, raising her voice for the benefit of such of her ladies-in-waiting as happened to be within hearing, " there is no one else here who is any companion for me. I can't make intimate friends of any of my ladies, as I could of the dear old Duchess of Gleneagles, for mstance, or even 188 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY the Marchioness of Muscombe. Ah, my dear Baron, our English aristocracy ! You've nothing to approach them in a country like this — nothing ! " " I can well understand," he said, " that your Majesty must feel the loss of such society." " I miss it, Baron," Queen Selina confessed, without untruthfulness, seeing that she always liad missed it. "It is only natural that I should. The Duchess is such a sweet woman — a true grande dame ! And the Marchioness, though only a peeress by marriage, such a clever, talented creature ! They would both have so rejoiced to hear of our dear Edna's engagement — she was such a favourite of theirs, you know ! I remember the Duchess always prophesied that she would make a brilliant marriage." These particulars were thrown in mainly for the edification of the Court, but Queen Selina had almost brought herself to believe them, and, in any case, none of her own family was at hand just then, so she was safe from contradiction. The announcement of Prince Mirliflor's proposal had no sooner reached Count Rubenfresser's ears than he drove over to the Palace, to ascertain from Edna herself whether the report had any truth in it. He succeeded in obtaining a private interview, and at once put his question. "It is only true so far as that the Prince has proposed to me by letter," Edna informed him. " Whether I shall accept him when he appears will depend entirely upon circumstances." " You won't accept him. Princess," said the Count, drawing himself up to his full height, which was now well over seven feet. " Or, if you do, he will never wed vou. / shall see to that ! " A WAY OUT 189 " Really, Count ! " protested Princess Edna, feeling secretly rather pleased. " I don't quite see what it has to do with you.'" " Don't you ? " he replied. " I migJit want to marry you myself. I've been thinking of it lately." " Have you 1 " said Edna, not so pleased. " That is very good of you. But has it never occurred to you that / might have a voice in the matter ? " " You would have to belong to me, if I wanted you badly enough," he said calmly. " And you're not sure yet if you do want me badly enough, but, in the meantime, you would prevent anyone else from marrying me if you could — is that it ? " " That's exactly it ! " he said, gratified at being so thoroughly understood. " Well, can't you see how selfish that is of you ? " "It's splendid being selfish," he said, " and not really so difficult after all — when you try.'' " And how do you suppose you could prevent mc from marrying Prince Mirhflor if I thought proper to accept him ? " "Oh, that would be easy. I should only have to unchain Tiitzi, and send him to kill the Prince for me. Tiitzi's so intelligent and obedient that he'll do every- thing I tell him." " I think you forget, Count, that it's against the law to let that dragon loose." " I know," he said ; " but I've no respect for human laws any more. I'm not going to obey anything in future, except my own instincts." " I'm sure you don't mean that. And if you really sent that dragon to kill anybody — especially anyone who had done nothing to offend you — it would be very wicked indeed." 190 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY " Other people might think so," he said. " I shouldn't myself — and that's all that reaUy matters, I'm going to make my own morahty for the future. I want to be a Superman, like that learned man you told me about with the odd name. Aren't you glad I'm taking your advice ? " " Of course I am pleased," said Edna, " that you should be more independent and unconventional and assert yourself — which is all that Nietzsche reaUy meant. You mustn't carry it too far, you know." " But you said I couldn't be really great unless I felt the will and the power to inflict great suffering," he said ; " and that's just what I do feel." " Yes, but you can feel the wiU and the power without actually inflicting suffering," said Edna instructively. " Nietzsche never intended that. And if you set that horrid dragon of yours at the Prince, you would inflict very great suffering indeed." " I shouldn't mind tlmt'' he said. " Perhaps not — but Father and Mother would. And you would be imprisoned again, and lose your dragon as well. But I don't suppose for a moment you are serious. It would be too absirrd of you to threaten violence to a Prince before I've ever seen him or made up my mind to accept him — which most likely I shall not do," " That is true," he said, rather as if he were glad of an excuse for not taking any immediate action, " Yes, I wiU wait till I hear whether he is betrothed to you or not. But if I find he is, I shall have to clear him out of my path somehow or other." He left Edna with the consciousness that she had been more than usually interested. The Count was certainly developing. She liked his new air of self- A WAY OUT 191 confident domination. It would be rather thrilling, she thought, to be wooed in this masterful way. But he had taken some pains to let her see that he was not sure yet whether she was worth the trouble of wooing ! That was insulting, of course, but he might alter his opinion in time — and then she would know how to avenge herself. She wondered if Prince Mirliflor would be ardent and domineering enough to carry her by storm, and caught herself hoping he might be. But when, shortly afterwards, she heard that he was just entering the Courtyard of the Palace with his suite, she was seized by a sudden panic. " You go down and speak to him. Mother," she implored the Queen. " I — I can't see him just yet. And make him understand that I must get to know him better before I can give him a definite answer." Queen Selina bustled down to the State Reception Hall, where she arrived in a highly flurried condition, just after the Prince and his briUiant retinue had been ushered in. " My dear Prince ! " she began. " This is really too kind ! So delighted by your proposal — we all are — dear Edna especially. We feel it such a compliment. My husband — ^his Majesty, I mean — will be in directly, but Edna has asked me to make her apologies for not coming down for a few minutes. The poor child — naturally — is feeling a little shy and overcome." " Madam," said the Prince, whose comely face and gallant bearing had already won him the sympathies of those of the Court who were present, and particu- larly the Court Chamberlain's, " I'count each minute a month until I have the happiness of looking upon the enchanting face that has haunted me constantly from I the moment I beheld it in a vision." 192 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY " In a vision ? " cried the Queen. '* How very odd ! But how did you know, Prince, it was our Edna ? " " I will attempt to describe my vision. Madam," he replied, " and, though my poor words cannot hope to do it justice, they will at least convince you that it was indeed the Princess whom I was permitted to see." He described her as well as he could, though with a growmg bewilderment that the lady of his dream should have a Mother who so little resembled her. Queen Selina listened to his rhapsody with mis- givings. With every allowance for the fervour of a lover who was also a Fairy Prince, even maternal partiality could not blind her to the fact that his description would be far less incorrect as appUed to that Heritage girl than to the Princess Edna. " It certainly suggests dear Edna, Prince," she re- marked, with a mental note that Daphne must be kept out of his way. " Except, perhaps in one or two respects ; but then you can't expect to see people in dreams looking exactly like themselves, can you ? I'll run up and bring her down to you — and, if a Mother may say so, I do7iH think you'll be very disappointed." But it was to Daphne's chamber that she went first. " Oh, Miss Heritage," she began, quite pleasantly, *' I'm going to ask you to do something for me. I don't at all like the effect of those jewels they've sewn on to the front of my satin-brocade. I'm sure they would look much better on my cloth -of -gold skirt. Would you mmd getting both skirts from my ward- robe and just making the necessary alterations for me ? You had better set to work at once, as I may be requir- ing the cloth-of-gold very shortly. And as time is pressing, I will tell them to bring all your meals up A WAY OUT 193 here till the work is done. It's so important that I can't trust any of the regular ladies-in-waiting with it." " That disposes of her for at least a week," she re- flected, as she went on to Prmcess Edna's apartments. " And everything ought to be settled long before that ! " When, a little later, she smiUngly re-entered the Reception Hall with one arm affectionately placed round her reluctant daughter's waist, it cannot be denied that the Prince was very much disappointed indeed. The vision had not prepared him for Edna's pince-nez, among other matters, and altogether he felt that his Godmother had exaggerated the Prmcess 's personal attractions to a most unscrupulous degree. But this he had sufficient self-command to conceal. In fact, he rather overdid it, though it was only to himself that his courtly greeting sounded fulsome and insmcere. But if Edna detected no extravagance in his homage, she was none the more pleased Mdth it. It made her feel awkward and self-conscious. She set him down in her own mind as " too finicking," while his good looks did not happen to be of a type that appealed to her. Still, they got through the first interview fairly well, though both were relieved when a message came from the Court Godmother that she was feeling too indis- posed to leave her apartments, but would be glad to see him as soon as he was at Hberty. He had himself conducted to her at once, and was not a little ag- grieved, as well as surprised, by the asperity of his reception. " Well," she said peevishly ; "so you've seen your N 194 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY Princess, have you ? And now I suppose it is all settled between you ? " " Not yet," he said stiffly. " I believe she is reserving her answer till we are better acquainted." " But you don't expect it will be unfavourable, do you ? " " Do you, Godmother ? I can't think you would have urged me to present myself here to be publicly humihated." " Oh, there's no doubt she vaW accept you," she said, with a sharp twinge. " You need have no apprehensions on that score. And, as you no longer consider beauty indispensable, I daresay she will be as satisfactory a helpmate as you could wish." " I daresay," he agreed dully ; and then his pent-up grievance suddenly broke out in spite of him. " With all respect to you. Godmother Voldoiseau," he said, " I don't consider you've treated me fairly over this ! You persuaded me that it was my duty to marry at once, and that there were better and more permanent quaUties than beauty. I'm not complaining of that — I am quite ready to believe that the Princess Edna is as learned and admirable a lady as you gave me to understand, while she is not without good looks of a kind. But why send me a vision representing her as a miracle of loveHiiess ? That is a deception which I can't understand, and I confess I find hard to forgive ! " How could she have foreseen that he would be foolish enough to imagine that the vision represented Edna ? But the worst of it was that the Fairy could not explaiti her real intention just then without landing herself in fresh difficulties. So she sought refuge in prevarication. " / send you a vision ! " she said. " I don't know A WAY OUT 195 what you're talking about, Mirliflor, A vision, indeed ! " " Didn't it come from you ? " he asked lamely. " I — I made sure it must have." " You had no business to make sure of anythmg of the kind. And if you choose to dream that your future bride is more beautiful than she happens to be, I don't see why you should put the blame on me ! But the truth is you're longing for some excuse for getting out of this marriage. Come, MirUflor, you know you are — and you had better say so frankly." " It is not so, Godmother," he rephed ; " I'm quite prepared to obey your wishes. After all, since I must marry, I am not likely to find a more advantageous match than this. Besides, I couldn't possibly back out of it now — even if I desired." " And what," asked the Fairy, " if you actually meet the Princess of your dreams ? " She was ignorant of the Queen's manoeuvre, and so thought he could not well fail to come across Daphne that very evening. " That is so likely ! " he said bitterly. " A mere creation of my own mmd — an ideal that I ought to have known would never be reaUsed ! No, God- mother, since there is no hope of that, it matters little to me whom I marry ! " " Listen to me, IVIirHfior," said the Fairy impatiently. " I — I'm not so bent on this alliance as I was. Never mind why — but I'm not. And — and — if you would rather withdraw, it's not too late. / see nothing to prevent you," " Nothing to prevent me ! " rephed MirHflor in- dignantly. " There is my honour ! What Prince with any sense of honour at all could propose to a Princess and then inform her that he finds, after a 196 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY personal interview, that he has changed his intentions ? You of all people, Godmother Voldoiseau, should know that we cannot do these things ! " " Those ideals again ! " said the exasperated Fairy. " You'll drive me out of all patience directly ! But there — I've said all I could, and if you will be pig- headed, you must. And now I'll ask you to go away, as I'm really not well enough to bear any more con- versation." He had not been gone more than ten minutes when there was another knock at her door, and this time it was Princess Edna herself who entered. " So it's you, is it ? " snapped the Court Godmother, with none of her customary urbanity. And then, recollecting the necessity of keeping up appearances, threw in a belated " my dear." " Well, I hear you are taking time before you put IVIirlifior out of suspense, but I presume you've already decided to accept him ? " " That's what I came to consult you about. Court Godmother," replied Edna. " I don't feel that I — he is at all a person I could ever be happy \^dth. He is not on the same intellectual plane mth me — we should have nothing whatever in common. He seems to have none of the qualities that would make me respect and look up to a man." Relieved though she was, the Fairy still resented any disparagement of her favourite godson from such a quarter. "Hoity-toity!" she exclaimed — an expression which, if it ever was popular, is no longer used by anyone but Fairy Godmothers — and even the Fairy only indulged in it under extreme provocation. " Let me tell you that Mirliflor is not generally regarded as ineligible. But, no doubt, my dear," ahe added A A WAY OUT 197 acidly, " you have every right to be fastidious." She was greatly tempted to let her know that Mirliflor would be anything but broken-hearted by a refusal, but prudence w^arned her that she had better not. " And may I ask what you propose to say to him ? " " Oh," said Edna, " I suppose I shall have to tell him to-night that I find I don't like him enough to marry him." " And give everybody to understand that he is personally displeasing to you ! Indeed you will not ! " said the old Fairy imperiously. " Other persons' feelings have to be considered as well as your own. Mine, for one. IMirHflor would never forgive me for exposing him to such humihation. Nor would his father, King Tournesol, for that matter, and I can't afford to quarrel with either of them. You can't get rid of an unwelcome suitor like that — at all events, not in Marchenland ! " " Can't I ? " said Edna. " Then how am I to get rid of him ? " " A Princess of high breeding," replied the Fairy, *' finds some means of tempering her refusal so as to avoid wounding her suitor's pride ; and I may tell you Mirhflor has more than his share of that. The usual method here is to accept him, on condition that he succeeds in answering some question so difficult that it is no disgrace if he fails to answer it." " Do you mean something in the nature of a riddle?" asked Edna. " Well, a riddle will do. Yes, there are precedents for that. A riddle would be quite in accordance with Court etiquette. Ask him a riddle if you like." " I'm afraid I am not very familiar with riddles," said Edna. " I have never found them particularly 198 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY amusing myself. But I must try and remember one. It needn't be so very difficult, because he doesn't seem to me clever enough to guess any riddle." " Quite clever enough not to try ! " was on the tip of the Fairy's tongue, though she did not say it. " I've no doubt, my dear," she replied, " that any riddle you may ask Mirliflor wiU be quite beyond his power to answer." " Thank you very much for your advice, Court Godmother," said Edna. " I daresay I shall be able to remember a riddle of some sort by this evening." The Fairy felt that she had extricated herself from her dUemma with considerable tact and ingenuity. Not only had she delivered her godson from the shght of being summarily rejected by this upstart girl, but she had saved herself from all necessity to make any compromising disclosures. " Yes," she told herself complacently, " I've really got myself and Mirliflor out of it very neatly indeed. I mayn't be quite as quick-witted as I was in my prime — ^but I'm not in my dotage just yet ! " CHAPTER XII UNWELCOME ANNOUNCEMENTS Princess Edna took the earliest opportunity of acting on the Fairy Vogelflug's suggestion. At the conclusion of the banquet that evening, she requested King Sidney to order the silver trumpets to be flour- ished, and when this had been done and an expectant hush feU upon the assembly, she rose. After regarding the Prince, who sat on her right, with a graciousness which, enhanced as it was by her pince-nez, struck terror into his very soul, she began in a high, clear tone : " You all know, I think," she said, " that his Royal Highness Prince Mirliflor of Clairdelune has done me the great honour of asking me to be his wife, and that I have promised him my answer this evening. That answer I am now about to give. Prince Mirliflor, you have impressed me so favourably that, although I had previously no thought of marrying, I have de- cided to accept you," At this the whole Court broke out in frantic and rapturous applause, for they had been most anxious for the Prince to succeed in his project — if only for the reason that it would entail the removal of Princess " Four-eyes " to Clairdelune. The King exclaimed, " Quite right ! Sensible girl ! " and Queen Selina assured the Prmce that he had won a treasure. Clarence, who had taken a liking to his new brother-in-law, which was not entirely recipro- 199 200 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY cated, rose and clapped him heartily on the back, while the old Court Chamberlain could scarcely con- tain his pride and joy. Edna held up her hand for silence. " Wait, please ! " she said ; " I haven't finished. I said I would accept you, Prince Mirliflor, and so I will — on condition that you are able to give the correct answer to a question I am about to ask you." There was a murmur of disappointment at this, though it was generally recognised that the Princess's action was quite en regie. The Prince, feeling that it was at least a reprieve, begged her to put the question without keeping him in any further suspense. " My question is this," said Edna : " Why did the sausage roll ? " " Hang it all, Edna ! " cried Clarence, " you're not going to chuck him unless he can guess a rotten riddle like that ! " " Of course not ! " said her anxious Mother. " Don't be alarmed, dear Prince Mirliflor. She doesn't mean it seriously. It — it's a little joke, that's all ! " "It's not a joke. Mother," said Edna; "I'm per- fectly serious. I am sure Prince Mirliflor is so clever that he will have no difficulty in guessing the riddle. If he can't — well, I shall be very sorry, but — I shall not be able to marry him." " Alas, Princess ! " said Mirliflor, " but it passes my poor wit to discover why the sausage rolled." "Will your Majesties pardon me," struck in the Court Chamberlain, " if I humbly offer a suggestion. Such a problem as her Royal Highness has propounded cannot be solved in a moment. It is only just to his Royal Highness Prince Mirliflor that he should be given a night to reflect before delivering his answer." UNWELCOME ANNOUNCEMENTS 201 " Certainly," said the King ; " you must see that yourself, Edna. Give him a chance — every chance ! " " I have no objection, Father," said Edna. " The Prince shall have till to-morrow morning to thmk it over — but I can give him no longer." "It's an infernal shame, MirUflor ! " said Clarence. " I haven't an idea why the bally sausage rolled, or I'd tell you, dear old chap ! " " I am sure you would, my dear Prince Clarence ! " Mirliflor assured him ; " but, believe me, I am none the less grateful to you." Queen Selina did all she could think of to persuade her daughter to alter her decision, and, when this failed, to extract the answer to the momentous conun- drum, which Edna knew her mother too well to confide to her, so that at length she was obliged to take up her bedroom taper and retreat, with a Parthian pre- diction that such folly would be bitterly repented in the future. Edna's next visitor was the Court Godmother, on whose entrance she at once mformed her waiting- women that she would not require their further ser- vices that night. " Well, Godmother," she began, as soon as they were alone together, " I did as you advised, you see. And — you don't think Prince Mirliflor can possibly find out the answer, do you ? " " My good girl," said the Fairy, " I'd defy the Astro- loger Royal himself to find it out, if he consulted all the stars and all his mystic books into the bargain ! How the dickens did you come to invent such a riddle as that ? " " I didn't invent it," said Edna ; " I heard it a long time ago — at the Theatre — in some silly play. I've 202 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY forgotten what the play was about — but I remembered the riddle." " Ai'e you sure you remember the answer ? I have heard of sausages talkiiig occasionally, and I daresay they can roll, but I fail to see what intelligible reason any sausage could give for doing it," " It's a catch," explained Edna. " It's like this. Why did the sausage roll ? Because it saw the jam- turnover. Now do you see ? " " I can't say I do, my dear. It seems senseless to me. But that's all the better — the more idiotic it is, the less chance of its being guessed. Yes, on the whole, I don't think you could have thought of a better one." Shortly afterwards Prince Mirliflor, just as he was about to extinguish the flambeaux and turn into bed, was startled to see his door opening by some mysterious means. He was more startled still when the figure of the old Court Chamberlain suddenly materialised in the centre of the room. " Your Royal Highness will forgive my intrusion," said the Baron, " when I explain the object of this visit. My reason for suggesting that the Princess should grant you a night to answer her question was that I felt convinced that she would be unable to re- frain from telhng it to some person — ^her mother, most probably. So I resolved by means of this " (and here he exhibited a small skull-cap of purple silk) " to pene- trate unseen to the Princess's apartments and overhear her conversation. To my disappointment, she would reveal nothing to Her Majesty, but by-and-by the Com't Godmother paid the Princess a visit, in the course of which I, remaining, of course, invisible, succeeded in learning the secret on which your Royal Highness's UNWELCOME ANNOUNCEMENTS 203 happiness and the hopes of all Marchenland depend. The answer, it seems — though I must admit I can make little of it myself — is " " Stop, Baron ! " mterrupted Prince ^lirliflor, " I refuse — do you hear ? — I refuse to take advantage of any information obtained in such a disreputable manner — I insist on your leavmg this room at once without another word ! " " But, sire, hear me ! This is not a case for being over-scrupulous. In love, as in war, all is fair. And the answer is — ' Because ' " " Will 3''ou get out ? " cried the Prince, stopping both his ears. " I won't hear you. I can't, as you can see. And if you don't clear out at once, I'll strike this gong for the guard ! " The Baron, seeing that he could do no more, hastily put on his cap again and disappeared. " What a pity," he thought, " that such a fine young Prince should be so priggish when his own interests are concerned ! " But although IVIirliflor's code of honour was un- doubtedly high, it is quite possible that he might not have stopped his ears quite so hermetically if Princess Edna had only borne a closer resemblance to his vision of her. As it was, even if the Baron had forced him to hear the answer, it would have made no difference, since he had not the least intention of profiting by it, and so he slept soundly, with no apprehensions concerning what the morrow might bring him. Shortly after breakfast the next day the Court filled the body of the HaU of Audience, on the dais of which the King and Queen presently appeared and took their thrones, Prince IVIii'liflor and the members 204 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY of the Royal Family being accommodated with lower seats on the same platform. " Now, Prince Mirliflor," remarked Edna sweetly, " you have been given a night to consider the answer to my question. I hope you have found it ? " The Prince was about to confess his utter inabihty to do so, when, to his extreme annoyance, he found that the Baron, who had stationed himself behind his chair, was whispering discreetly into his ear. " Will you be kind enough to leave me alone. Baron ? " he said m a savage undertone. " I've told you already that I don't desire any interference in my affairs. ObUge me by holding your tongue ! " " Certainly, your Royal Highness," said the Baron obsequiously, " your wishes shall be obeyed. . . . His Royal Highness, Madam," he said aloud, " begs me to make his excuses. He feels too much agitated to speak for himself, but instructs me to say that he believes the reason why the sausage rolled was because it had seen the jam pasty. And," he added confidently, "your Royal Highness will, I am sure, be gracious enough to admit that Prince Mirliflor has answered her question with absolute correctness." Iklirliflor's attempts to deny that he had offered any solution whatever were unheard in the tumult of acclamation which followed the Court Chamberlain's announcement. " He hasn't given the correct answer ! " declared Edna, as soon as silence could be obtained. " He ought to have said ' the jam turnover ' — not the ' jam fasty ' / " " Oh, come, my dear ! " said her father. " That's splitting haii-s, you know. He was near enough. What's the difference ? " UNWELCOME ANNOUNCEMENTS 205 " None that 1 can see," pronounced the Queen. " Both are pastry, and both contain jam. Yes, Prince Mirhfior, you have won the dear child, as I'm sure you richly deserved to ! " " How can you say that, Mother ? " cried Edna, scarlet with vexation. " When his answer utterly missed the point ? And, anyhow, it was given by proxy, so it doesn't count ! " " H'm— ha ! " said King Sydney, " that's rather a ticklish question ! What do you think, my love ? " and he consulted the Queen in undertones for a minute or two. " Well," he announced presently, " her Majesty and myself both consider that the Prince's answer should be adjudged correct, and that its having been given by proxy is — ah — no disqualification what- ever. Still, to avoid all appearance of favouritism, we propose to refer the case to the final decision of our Council." " I say ! " protested Clarence in a horrified whisper, " you're never going to leave it to those old pumps ? " " It's quite safe, my boy," said the King. " They won't give it against him ! " So, after the Councillors had filed out to deliberate, Clarence devoted himself to keepuig up Mirliflor's spu-its, though the latter could not be induced to see that he had no cause for uneasiness. But King Sidney had not been mistaken m his prediction ; after a short absence the Councillors filed in agaui and reported that they were unanimously of opinion that Prince MirHflor had succeeded. "There, my dear," said the King to the Prmcess Royal, as soon as the shouts of joy had quieted down, " you've got the Council's decision. Give the Prince your hand, and let's have no more bother about it." 206 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY ** I won't ! " declared Edna, losing all self-control in her rage and disappointment. " He hasn't won me fairly. I've been tricked into this, and it's aU the Court Godmother's doing ! " No accusation could well be more unjust, but it was difficult for the Fairy to disprove it without declaring that she had done her utmost to hinder the match — and this would have been impolitic just then. "My doing, forsooth ! " she repeated. " If you really believe that, you were never more mistaken in your life ! " " Oh no, I'm not mistaken ! " said Edna. " It was you who suggested my asking the riddle — and you were the only person I told the answer. If you did not tell him, I should like to know who did ! " " May I remind you, Princess," said Mirliflor, " that the answer was not made by me ? " " You let the Baron answer for you, which is just as bad ! " retorted Edna. " And I absolutely refuse to be trapped and cheated into marrying anybody ! " " My conscience at least is clear," he said. " But I am to understand that you decline to marry me, Princess — is that so ? " " Certainly I do. Nothing would induce me to accept you after this ! I don't care what Father and Mother or the Council or anyone says ! When. — ^if — I marry I intend to choose for myself. And you are about the last person, Prince Mirliflor, I should ever dream of choosing ! " "I am desolated to hear it, Princess," he replied, with admirable patience and resignation. " But since I have the misfortune to be so obnoxious to you, the only service I can render you now is to relieve you of my presence as soon as possible." UNWELCOME ANNOUNCEMENTS 207 Queen Selina implored him to stay to lunch, and even held out hopes that Edna might relent in time — but all her entreaties were in vain. To her infinite chagrin and the general lamentation, he insisted on leaving the Palace within an hour. He said no fare- well to his Godmother, who for her part was glad to escape a private interview with him, but he took his leave of his host and hostess with all due outward courtesy, though inwardly fuming with rage and im- patience to quit a place where he considered he had been so wantonly insulted. Count von Rubenfresser must have got wind from some quarter of the Prince's discomfiture, for on the very next day he turned up at the Palace about lunch time, according to his previous habit, and Queen Selina, though far from delighted at his appearance, could hardly avoid inviting him to remain. His manner at table was considerably more assured, and his appetite, if anything, heartier than usual, but even so he seemed, to all but Princess Edna, an indifferent substitute for the Prince whose departure they were still mourning. Edna, however, seemed to make a point of treating him with marked favour, so much so that, when lunch was over and the Royal Family had removed to the Terrace, it was rather with disgust than sm'prise that they discovered that the Princess Royal and the Count had stolen of! together to a secluded part of the gardens. Whether amour propre had incited her to make a special effort to overcome his hesitation, or absence and jealousy had quickened his somewhat lagging ardour, none could say with any certainty, but when they eventually re-appeared, Queen Selina observed 208 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY with positive horror that they were walking hand-in- hand. " It's quite all right, Mother," said Edna, as they came within speaking distance ; " Ruprecht and I are engaged." " Engaged ! " spluttered King Sidney. " You've got to get your Mother's consent for that, you know. And we couldn't hear of it. Not for a moment ! Eh, my love ? " " Of course not ! " said the Queen. " Entirely out of the question ! " " We expected this," remarked Edna calmly. " But no amount of opposition will make the sUghtest dif- ference to ws — will it, Ruprecht ? " " Not the slightest," he replied. " At least — to ME." " But think, my dear, only think ! " the distressed Queen entreated Edna. " After you've just made us all so unpopular by refusing a Prince, you simply can't go and engage yourself to some one whose position is so far beneath your own ! " " Ruprecht is above me in every sense," said Edna ; " and because I'm a Princess by no wish of mine is no reason why I should sacrifice myself for reasons of state. I utterly and entirely deny that any parents, no matter what their position in life, have the right nowadays to dictate to their children whom they should marry or not marry. Of course, I would rather you were sensible enough to recognise our engagement, but if you aren't, I shaU simply marry Ruprecht just the same." Queen Selina reflected. If she refused consent, it would only end in a still worse situation. And, after all, she would have been proud enough in her Gable- UNWELCOME ANNOUNCEMENTS 209 hurst days to be able to announce her daughter's engagement to a real Count with a fine and ancient castle. "Well," she said, "if it's understood that there must be no thought of marriage for at least a year " "Oh, Ruprecht will wait a year for me — won't you, Ruprecht ? But the engagement must be proclaimed at once — we insist on that. And now you may kiss Mother, Ruprecht, and tell her that you already look on yourself as her son," The Count stooped to give his prospective Mother- in-law an amateurish embrace, while Ruby fled, fearing that her own turn would come next. " Good Lord, Edna ! " said Clarence, drawing her aside, " have you gone dotty or what ? To go and chuck a real good sort like Mirliflor, and then take this overgrown bounder — it beats me what you can see in the beggar ! " "I see a man, Clarence, whom I feel I can really look up to." " You'll have the devil of a way to look up, if he goes on growing much longer. He's shot up lately like a bally beanstalk ! " " You are jealous because he makes you feel so small. I glory in his being so big. He is just my idea of a superman ! " " Strike out ' man ' and substitute * swine ' ! " said Clarence, " and I'm with you ! " " There's no need to descend to vulgarity, Clarence. And it seems a pity you should be so prejudiced against him when he is only anxious to prove the affection he feels for you ! " "Oh, is he ? Well, if he comes pawmg me about, he'll find out what 7ny sentiments are ! " o 210 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY (( I should advise you to be civil to him — for your own sake," said Edna coldly, " because he's rather a powerful person." Queen Selina had no option but to inform the Court of the engagement without delay, and the general consternation it caused could only find ex- pression in chilling silence. To the Court Godmother she tried to present the matter as favom-ably as possible. " I don't pretend," she said, " that it is quite all we could desire from a mere worldly point of view. But in a case of true love on both sides such as this, his Majesty and I both feel that it would not be right to interfere. And you know what dear Edna can be when she's once set her mmd on anythmg. Besides," she concluded, " we've insisted on their being engaged for a year — a good deal may happen before then." " It may," agreed the Fairy ; "and I shall be very much surprised if it doesn't. But, so far as I am concerned. Princess Edna may bestow her hand as she pleases. I shall never go out of my way to find her a suitor again, I can assure you ! " It had already occurred to her that the Royal Family might very shortly fuid Marchenland too hot to hold them, which would relieve her of all responsibiUty for them. So she saw no reason for interfering with any of their proceedings. Ruby rushed excitedly up to Daphne's chamber, where she had been hurting her pretty fingers by laboriously unpicking the innumerable jewels from one of the Queen's robes and sewing them on to an- other. " Oh, Miss Heritage, dear," she began, " it's such ages since I've seen you, and I've such lots to tell you about. Just fancy ! Edna's engaged ! . . . No, UNWELCOME ANNOUNCEMENTS 211 not Prince Mirliflor ! She sent him away the day before yesterday. I can't think why — when he was so perfectly ripping. It's Count Rubenfresser." "Oh, Ruby ! " cried Daphne in dismay. " Not to him ! How can she ? " *' I don't know — but she is. Mums doesn't like it, of course, but she's had to give in, and they'll be married in a year. Isn't it awful ? There's only one advantage about it that / can see — Tiitzi will be one of the family now. . . . Oh, and you needn't go on sewing any more. Mummy said after lunch that she'd forgot- ten to tell you she won't want the skirt altered after all, and that you might come down again as usual now." So Daphne made her reappearance that evening, and was welcomed by the Court with as much effusion as if they had not seen her for weeks. The Count was there, his towermg form more splendidly apparelled, as became his new role of an accepted suitor, and she soon learnt that she was by no means alone in loathmg the thought of the engagement. Princess Edna was in such high good humour that she not only deigned to single out Daphne by her notice, but actually offered to present her to her fiance — an honour from which Daphne had the courage to beg that she might be excused. " I see how it is. Miss Heritage," said Edna, with a frown. " You can't understand my rejecting a Prince and preferring some one of so far inferior a rank. I really should not have thought you would be quite so snobbish as that ! " " It isn't that, Princess Edna," said Daphne desperately. " It's because — I'm sure — I can't ex- plain why, but I am sure he's bad — really bad ! " " If you mean by that — ^that he is not a pattern of 212 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY virtue like Prince Mirliflor," said Edna, "he is none the worse for it, in my eyes ! " " I meant more — much more than that. But I ought not to have said anything." "Oh, pray go on. In fact, I insist on it." " Well, then, Princess Edna," said Daphne un- dauntedly, " not only I, but almost everybody at Court, think that a marriage with Count von Ruben- fresser would be a horrible mistake." " So you have joined the league against him, have you, Miss Heritage ? " said Edna. " But, of course, you would condemn anyone who failed to conform to your prim, governessy little notions of right and wrong. I might have Imown as much ! I am only sorry I should have gone out of my way to offer you a privilege you are so incapable of appreciating. You may now retire." Daphne retreated accordmgly. She knew very well that she would have been wiser in her own interests to hold her tongue, and she had certainly done no good by speaking. But for no earthly inducement would she have allowed herself to be presented to that detestable Count. She had been almost forced to speak plainly, if only in the faint hope of opening Edna's eyes to a sense of what she was doing. And though she had failed, she did not in the least regret having spoken. If the other ladies-in-waiting had known of her protest she would have been more idolised by them than ever, but a lingering sense of loyalty kept her from saying anything that might increase their disaffection for " Princess Four-Eyes." Perhaps the person in the Royal Household who felt the engagement most acutely was the old Court Chamberlain. Queen Selina, returning from a drive UN\VELCOME ANNOUNCEMENTS 213 the next day, discovered him weeping, or rather absolutely blubbering, m a darker corner of one of the passages. " I can't help it, your Majesty," he said, almost inarticulate with emotion. " That the Princess should have scorned such a consort as Prince Mirliflor for one whose parentage — it's too much to bear ! I think my old heart would break if I had not once more put a hoop around it. If your Majesty only knew how your subjects detest such an alliance as this ! " " I don't see what it has to do with them, Baron," said the Queen. " But they have certainly been less respectful lately. I'm afraid we shall have to take a sack of gold out again on our next drive. I was most alarmed this afternoon by a rude person throwing something into the coach which I quite thought at first was a bomb. However, it turned out to be only a particularly fine turnip, though it very narrowly missed his Majesty's nose. Of course, as the Marshal assures us, it may have been intended merely as a humble sort of offering, but I should like to feel surer about it than I do. And — strictly between ourselves, Baron — I should be only too thankful if this engage- ment was broken off. But what can I c?o ? The Princess won't listen to me ! " " Perchance," said the Baron, " she would allow herself to be influenced by the noble ladies whom your Majesty spoke of." " The Duchess of Gleneagles and the Marchioness of Muscombe ? Ah, my dear Baron, she might, if they were only here ! I laiow they would do their best to persuade her. But what is the use of thmking of that, when they are both so far away ? " " And doubtless your Majesty is m ignorance of their very whereabouts." 214 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY "Oh, they would be in London just now," said the Queen, not displeased to exhibit her knowledge. ** The dear Duchess travelled down from the North sometime ago to her town residence in Stratford Place — had her tiara stolen on the journey, Baron — and came to tell me about it at once, poor soul ! And — yes, the Muscombes must be back in that cosy little flat of theirs in Mount Street by this time. They always spend Easter in London, you know." " In London ! " sighed the Baron. " That is truly a far cry from our Marchenland ! But your Majesty can see that, in my present spirits, I should make but a sorry figure at Court. Have I your leave to absent myself for a brief period ! " " By all means — as long as you like," said the Queen, who rightly considered that a Court Chamberlain in constant floods of tears would do little to relieve the prevailing depression. And so the Baron did not appear that evening, which might have excited some remark if anyone had happened to notice his absence. On the following morning Queen Selina paid a sur- prise visit to the Tapestry Chamber, where her ladies were more or less busy in embroidering " chair-backs " (she was too much in the movement not to know that the term " antimacassars " was a solecism). It was an industry she had lately invented for them, and they held it in healthy abhorrence. She had not had at all a good night, and was con- sequently inclined to be aggressive. " Good morning, girls," she began, " I fancy I heard, just before I came in, one of you mentioning a person of the name of ' Old Mother Schwellenposch.' The speaker, if I'm not mistaken, was Baroness Bauerngrosstochter- heimer." UNWELCOME ANNOUNCEMENTS 215 " It was, yoiir Majesty," admitted the Baroness, rising and curtseying. " And who, may I ask, is this Mother — ^whatever- her-name is ? Some vulgar acquaintance of yours, I presume ? " " If your Majesty is so pleased to describe her, it is not for me to protest," was the Baroness's demure reply, followed by suppressed but quite audible giggles from her companions. " Why you should all snigger in that excessively un- ladylike way is best known to yourselves," said Queen Selina. " But I can make allowances for you, con- sidering who your ancestresses were ! It's true I had hoped when I first came here that, if I could not ex- pect quite the sort of society I had been accustomed to, I should at least have people about me of ordinary refinement ! As it is, I often wonder what my dear friends the Duchess of Gleneagles and the Marchioness of Muscombe would say if they knew the class of persons I have to associate with. I can fancy how they would pity me. When one has enjoyed the privilege of intimacy with really great ladies like them, one is all the more apt to notice the difference. . . . Is that you, Baron ? Returned so soon ? But you shouldn't come bursting in like this without asking for an audience. That is quite against my rules ! " " Your Majesty will, I feel sure, pardon the in- trusion when you hear my tidings," said the Baron. " I have the honour to inform your Majesty that your high-born friends, the Grand Duchess of Glen- eagles and the Margravine of Muscombe, are now in the Palace ! " " The— the Duchess ? And the Marchioness ? " cried the Queen. " Nonsense, Baron ! It must be 216 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY some silly mistake of yours. How could they possibly get here ? " " In the stork-car, your Majesty," he explained. " I brought them myself. As they are still sunk in sleep, I have had them laid on couches in one of the vestibules, and instructed the Lady Daphne to remain in attendance." " Good gracious ! " said Queen Selina faintly. She was painfully conscious that her face must be expressing dismay rather than dehght, and that her ladies-in- waiting had not failed to notice it. " What a — what a delightful surprise ! And Lady Daphne with them, did you say ? I — I'll go to them at once ! " If the poor Court Chamberlain had expected any gratitude from his Sovereign when they got outside, he received none. She did not speak to him at all — possibly because she could not trust herself, and she hurried towards the great Entrance Hall at a pace which left him hopelessly in the rear. As she went she vainly endeavoured to think of any possible excuse or apology that she could offer her distinguished visitors, but her chief anxiety was that she might not arrive until after they had awaked, and Miss Heritage had anticipated her explanations. CHAPTER XIII WHAT THE PIGEON SAID Daphne was passing through the upper gallery, on her way to join the other ladies-in-waiting in the Tapestry Chamber, when she heard a commotion in the great hall below, and, looking down over the balustrade, was astonished to see two inanimate female forms being carried by attendants into the vestibule. Baron von Eisenbanden, who was directing them, caught sight of her and beckoned. On descending the jasper staircase, she found him beaming with satisfaction, surrounded by a host of courtiers, guards, and pages. " All will be well now, my Lady Daphne," he whis- pered confidentially. " I have brought hither two noble dames to persuade the Princess to renounce this ill- omened alliance — the Grand Duchess of Gleneagle and Margravine of Muscombe, her Majesty's dearest and most intimate friends. She will surely be overjoyed when I announce their arrival." Somehow Daphne could not share his certainty. Queen SeUna had been careful not to dwell too much, in her presence, on these aristocratic acquaintances, and they certamly had not visited " Inglegarth " while she had been an inmate of the household. " If I were you. Baron," she said diplomatically, " I should send away all these people before I told her Majesty. I am sure she would rather welcome her friends in private." 217 218 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY He accepted the suggestion, cleared the hall, aiid bustled away, after committing the still unconscious visitors to Daphne's care. She found them laid side by side on couches in the vestibule, which was a lofty chamber, panelled in ivory and ebony, with inset opals of enormous size and a ceiling of dull silver. The Duchess was a short, spare, grey-haired and rather homely-looking woman in a black demi-toilette with priceless old lace. Lady Mus- combe was about twenty-six, tall, with a beautiful figure and a pale, piquant face ; she wore a rose charmeuse gown that scmtillated with paillettes ; her luxuriant, but just then slightly dishevelled, chestnut hair was confined in a sparkling band, from which drooped a crushed pink plume. As they seemed on the point of awaking, Daphne, thinking that they would probably prefer to do so un- observed, discreetly left them to themselves. Lady Muscombe was the first to recover. She sat up, stretched her white and shapely arms, and yawned widely, revealing her perfect teeth, as she regarded the Duchess with sleepy brown eyes. " I suppose you are the Duchess of Gleneagles ? " she said. " And, if you don't mind, I should rather like to know why you've brought me here — wherever it is. " I ? " said the Duchess. '' I've had nothing to do with bringing you. Don't even know who you are — though you seem to have got hold of my name." " Why, I married Muscombe — the Marquis, don't you know. I dare say you know before that I was Verity Stilton of the Vivacity. I was working my way up to quite important parts. You may have seen me in some of them ? jj WHAT THE PIGEON SAID 210 " I have not had that advantage. I seldom visit a theatre, and when I do " " You like to go and see something stuffy ? / know. And I expect you've got quite a wrong idea of Musical Comedy. Most of us in the Chorus at the Vivacity were ladies by birth. And we didn't mix with the others, off the stage. We were most particu- lar, too. I assure you I never went to sup alone with Nibbles — I call Muscombe ' Nibbles,' you know — he's so exactly like a white mouse — I never supped with him alone till after we were regularly engaged." " That is most interesting," said the Duchess, " and entirely to your credit, but it doesn't explain how we came to be here together." " All I can say is that a queerly dressed old freak suddenly burst into my flat, just as I was going to dine at the Carlton, and told me you were waiting outside in a car to take me on a visit to the Queen." " And did not that strike you as slightly improb- able ? " "Oh, for anything / knew, you might be another of Nibbles 's aunts. I haven't nearly worked through all his relations yet. But I said at once that I couldn't throw over my Carlton party to oblige any Duchess on earth. And then the old creature put on a cap and vanished. And the next thing I knew was that a cloak was thrown over my head and I was being lifted up and bundled out kicking — and that's all I remember. I don't know what they thought of me in Momit Street, or why nobody interfered." " Much the same thing happened to me," said the Duchess. " Only I was told that the Queen wished to see me at once on an urgent matter. Of course, as the messenger's appearance did not inspire me with con- 220 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY fidence, I insisted on seeing his credentials. And then he disappeared, and I found myself caiiglit up and carried off. I suppose none of my people were in the haU, or else they were too afraid to come to my rescue. And Stratford Place is very quiet, so my smothered cries attracted no attention. Besides, I fancy I must have been chloroformed." " I expect we both were. Nibbles would be furious if he knew — luckily he doesn't. We had a tiff, and he went off to Monte, all on his little lone. But I wish I had any idea where we are." " I have certainly no recollection of ever having been in such a place as this before in my life," said the Duchess. Daphne returned in time to offer what explanations she could. " I know it must seem a little strange at first," she said, coming forward, " but this is the Palace of the Queen of Marchenland." "Marchenland ? " repeated the Duchess. "And where may that be ? " Never heard of such a country ! " " Well," said Daphne, "it's a long way from every- where, and it's the place where most of the stories one used to think were only Fairy Tales really hap- pened." " I never expected to find myself in Fairyland," the Duchess remarked. " Tell me — are you the Queen of this country 1 You look as if you might be." "Oh no," replied Daphne, with a little laugh. " I'm only one of her ladies-in-waiting. She hasn't long been Queen. We were all carried here from Eng- land in a big car drawn by flying storks — the one that brought you, I expect. I don't know, of course," WHAT THE PIGEON SAID 221 she added dubiously, " but you may have met Queen Selina when she Lived at Gablehurst — her former name was Mrs, Wibberley-Stimpson." " Wibberley-Stimpson ? " repeated the Duchess thoughtfully. " No, I can't say I remember anyone of that name." " Nor I," said Lady Muscombe languidly. " Don't know any one at Gablehurst." " But if she is half as charming as you, my dear," added the Duchess graciously, " it will give me much pleasure to make her acquamtance, though I am curious to know why she seems to have taken so much trouble to cultivate mine." At this moment Queen Selina herself arrived, very much out of breath. " Your Grace ! " she began, " My lady Marchioness ! " "Ah, here is the housekeeper ! " said the Duchess, before Daphne could enlighten her. " Can you tell us, my good woman, w^hen and where her Majesty will receive us ? " " I — I am her Majesty ! " said Queen Selina, wishing she had devoted more pains to her morning toilet. " Oh, to be sure," said the Duchess. " You must forgive my blunder, Ma'am, but my sight is not what it was." "It is of no consequence, my dear Duchess — ^pray don't mention it. Miss Heritage, I find I shall require that skirt after aU, You wiU be good enough to see to it at once, and not come do-mi till it is finished," said the Queen sharply, feeling it more imperative than ever to prevent any account of this meeting from being communicated to the Court. . . . "No, Baron, I shall not require you,'" she went on, as he appeared at the entrance. " You have done quite 222 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY enough." And Daphne and the Baron withdrew accordingly. " I'm so distressed, your Grace, by this unfortunate — er — contretemps," said Queen Selina, as soon as she had her guests to herself. "I really hardly know how to apologise. I'm afraid my old Court Chamber- lam has taken a most unpardonable liberty." "Well, Ma'am," said the Duchess, "there's no doubt he kidnapped both myself and this lady here. On false pretences, too ! I don't know yet whether he was acting on your instructions ? " " Most decidedly not ! Indeed I should never have ventured. The fact is, he must have confused you with two other ladies of title who are great friends of mine. I expect he heard me mention them, and — it was most stupid and careless of him, I know — but he must have concluded I wanted to see them, and brought you by mistake." " I see," said the Duchess ; " though I don't under- stand how he came to know our names and addresses, as he must have done to find us." " Oh," said Queen Selina, with much presence of mind, " you're both of you pubhc characters, you know. He's such an old blunderer, he probably couldn't find the right people, and thought you would do as well." " I can only say," replied the Duchess, " that that impression of his has put me to a great deal of per- sonal inconvenience." " I was carried off without a chance of ringing them up at the Carlton, where I ought to have dined last night ! " complained Lady Muscombe. " If your Majesty will get a new Chamberlain — one who isn't an absolute idiot," said the Duchess severely, WHAT THE PIGEON SAID 223 " your house-party would be in less danger of being recruited in this irregular manner." " But I assure you I'm dehghted to see your Grace, and you too, of course, Lady Muscombe ! I hope, now you are here, you will stay as long as ever you can. Such a pleasure always to his Majesty and myself to welcome any of our own country-women ! And now I will take you up to your rooms, and you will no doubt be glad of a Uttle rest before you come down to lunch and meet the family." " I cannot possibly appear at lunch in this dress," said the Duchess ; " but I shall be glad if you will send me up some food, and then I must really start for home." " So must I," declared Lady Muscombe ; " there'll be a fuss if I'm not back soon — and I simply couIdnH stay in any house without a single trunk, or a maid either ! It isn't giving me a fair chance ! " " I'm afraid the storks won't be fit for such a long return journey just yet," said their hostess ; " and it would be a pity to leave without seeing somethmg of Marchenland, so I hope you will remain for at least a night, as a favour to me. I see no one of any real distinction tww ! And as for clothes, I can lend you all you require. You wiU excuse their being out of the fashion — we don't get the latest Paris models here." " You're very kind," said the Duchess. " Then I wiU accept your hospitalitj^ for the present." " So wall I — er — your Majesty, thanks," said Lady Muscombe. " It will be something to tell Muscombe — when we're on speaking terms again." " So very nice and friendly of you both ! " said Queen Selina as she escorted them across the hall to the foot of the immense staircase. " I must apologise 224 IN BRIEF AUTHORITY for asking you to come up all these steps, but there's no such thing as a lift here. The Astrologer Royal offered to try and procure us a flying carpet — ^but, of course, I wouldn't hear of that." " Well," said the Duchess, as she toiled up, " this is certainly a wonderful Palace you live in — I have never seen one so splendid in my life ! " " Ah, my dear Duchess, it's much too large to be really comfortable, and all the arrangements, too, so unlike our English ways ! I'm afraid I shall never get things done here according to my ideas. . . . This is your room, dear Duchess, and yours is next, Marchioness. I will send some of my waiting-women to you with everything necessary. You will find us assembled in the Throne Room before lunch. . . . Oh, and there's just one thing. My Court have got an impression — I'm sure I don't know why — that we're quite old friends. If you wouldn't mind — er — address- ing me as ' Selina ' now and then. . . . Not at all, I assure you, I should consider it a compliment — from you. . . . Then I shall hope to see you later on in the Throne Room. . . . It's in the left wing, down the great corridor ; you can't miss it because of the trumpeters at the doors." After an interval the two visitors made their appear- ance in the Throne Room, arrayed in magnificent but rather fantastic robes of velvet and brocade with long hanging sleeves lined with ermine — a costume which suited Lady Muscombe better than the Duchess. Queen SeUna advanced to welcome them effusively. " So you've found your way here ! " she said. " How very well you both look in those dresses ! Most becoming, I assure you. By the bye, my dear Duchess, did you ever recover that tiara you lost in the train ? " WHAT THE PIGEON SAID 225 " I never did lose it," replied the Duchess, " I believe some story got into the papers, but it was a down- right He." " So glad ! I must tell you that I don't as a rule wear my crown at lunch, but I thought, to-day being a gala occasion — " "Quite right!" said the Duchess. "And quite regal ! " " I could lend both of you tiaras, if it would make you feel more at your ease." " I feel perfectly at ease as I am, thank you," rephed the Duchess shortly. " Nibbles gave me one of the family fenders," said the Marchioness, " but I never wear it — it gives me such a headache." " Ah, dear Lady Muscombe, I can sympathise with you — but I have to put up mth my headaches. I want you to come and shake hands with my husband — His Majesty, you know." "Charmed," said the Duchess. "Is that His Majesty with the — er — auburn whiskers and mous- tache ? I thought it must be. . . . How d'you do, sir?" " Thank you, your Grace, I'm very tolerably well," said King Sidney, who was not entirely at his ease in welcoming such distinguished guests — especially as he was far from clear as to how and why they came to be there. " Glad you found time to — er — look us up. Hardly had time to settle down here ourselves yet — so you must take us as you find us." " I never expected to find you all so magnificent, I can assure you," replied the Duchess. "Oh, weU," he said, " my wife likes living in style P 226 IN HKTEF AITHOHITY And of couFHO when you are Koyultiw, ho to you've got to do the thing wtll." "That is my oldest daugliter. Kdna. Duchewj, the Princess Royal . . . yes, over there, with the eye- glasses. Kdna, Miy love, come and tell lier tiraoe how dcUghted you are to bcc her, and Lady MuMomb© too." " How do you do, my myself. Only, it does seem to me, Godmother, that if you're really anxious that I should succeed, you might make it easier for me than this ! " " No doubt," she said. " But if it was easy there would be no merit in success. I am putting her to the test, remember, as well as you, and until I see how you both come through it. I cannot be certain that you arc really fitted for one another." iSlie had, as a matter of fact, quite made up her mind that they should marry, but she could not resist such an opening for one of the practiwil moral lessons which, as a Fairy Grodmother of the fine old didactic type, she had often brought to an effectively instructive dAnoupient. But if she was enjojnng herself over the probation, it is more than can be said for the unhappy Mirliflor. It is true that, owing to the Court Godmother's pro- tection, he was treated by the Head Gardener with some indulgence, but, nevertheless, he had to work much harder and longer than he liked. Sometimes, however, he was sent to the outlying part of the gardens, where he was under no supervision, and then it was easy to slip away to the postern gate, which his key enabled him to enter, and he was not long in discovering the pavilion which sheltered his divinity. He wore a big apron and carried a pair of garden shears with which he lopped and trimmed a shrub now and then by way of accounting for his intrusion, and some- times he was rewarded by a glimpse of her. But that was all, for, with a diffidence he had never known before, he did not venture near enough to speak. The fact was that he was morbidly self-conscious about his altered appearance. If the Fairy had only "RIVEN WITH VAIN ENDEAVOUR" 261 let him retain his own form, he thought, he would not have hesitated a moment, but her disdain was more than he could bring himseK to face, and so he watched from afar, and when she wandered out would follow at a distance, keeping her in view, while remaining miseen himself. It was, as he felt, not precisely the way to conduct a courtship, and he despised himself for his want of courage. But he always hoped that something might happen to bring them together, though it seemed less and less likely that anything would. Daphne, meanwhile, was growing resigned to her exclusion from the Palace, which she chiefly regretted because she could see nothing of Ruby, the one member of the Royal Family for whom she could feel any real affection. She expected to hear at any moment that the car was ready to take her back to England, where she would have to find employment if she could. The Queen had certainly furnished her with a character; "Miss Heritage," the reference stated, " has been for some months in the service of Her Majesty Queen Selina of Marchenland as Governess- companion to Her Majesty's younger daughter. Princess Ruby. Her Majesty could not conscientiously recom- mend IVIiss Heritage as a teacher for advanced pupils, but has no doubt that she would be fairly competent to undertake a situation as Nursery Governess." That was all — and Daphne did not think it would do much for her. And besides, people might want to know who the Queen of Marchenland was — which would be awkward to explain. But perhaps the Court Godmother would see that she was not sent home without funds enough to support her till she could 202 IN BRIEF AlHTIORITY get an ongagemont. She would be rather sorry to leave Marchenland, which, queer country as it was in some ways, she had come to look upon her homo. However, she did not worry much about the future, being content to enjoy her present restful life as long as she might. She was comfortable enough in the Pavilion, where she was well looked after by an elderly taciturn attendant, one of the Court Godmother's own waiting- women. The old Fairy herself came from time to time to inquire after Daphne's health and bring her news of the Court, and her visits were welcome. When alone Daphne spent much of her time over the ancient Chronicles, which the Fairy had provided for her, and which she found strangely fascinating. Or when she was disinclined to read or embroider, she would explore the grounds about the Pavilion, which were wild and neglected enough to impart a sense of adven- ture to her wanderings. Often, as she walked and worked or read, her thoughts w^ould drift into dreams — the dreams that come to most girls — of a Prince Charming who would discover her in her retreat, and be her champion and deliverer. In a country like this, such a dream was less unlikely to come true than elsewhere, and yet she always ended by laughing at herself for indulging it. The Prince (for of course he must be a Prince!) would have to make haste if he was to find her still in Marchenland. But even if he came in time, she thought, it would be useless — his arrival would be reported at once to the Queen. For she had lately become aware that she was being watched by someone who was obviously not the gardener he "RIVEN WITH VAIN ENDEAVOUR" 263 tried to appear, and whom she had more than once detected in the act of following her in secret. He must be either a spy, or a guard with orders to prevent her escape — as if she were likely to attempt it when there was no place to which she could escape ! She had made no complaint to the Court Godmother, being un willing to trouble the old Fairy with a matter of so little importance. But she took her revenge on the spy by making his task as difficult as she could. If she detected him in time lying in wait in the bushes by the front of the Pavilion, she would sUp out at the back, and reach her favourite haunts by a roundabout path screened by yew hedges, while he imagined her to be still indoors. He was really such an unsuspicious spy that there was hardly any fun in baffling him. She had done so with the usual success one hot afternoon, and was making for a tree under which she often sat. It had great glossy leaves, and gorgeous flowers with a dehcate but pene- trating scent, and the thought of the coolness beneath its spreading branches was particularly attractive just then. After looking round and satisfying herself that she had not been pursued, she sat down and opened the book she had brought— a chronicle of the lives of the Sovereigns of Marchenland. She had read most of it already, and instead of reading any more, she found herself thinking of the contrast be- tween their earlier Kings and Queens and the present occupiers of the throne. The former Sovereigns had had their failings ; some of them had been arbitrary and wrong-headed, one or two cruel and tyrannical. But none had ever been vulgar or ridiculous. She could understand poor ]VIr. Wibberley-Stimpson's being so hopelessly out of his element— but it seemed L>(}4 IN BRIEF AUTHOHITV Htrango thftt Queen Seliiia, who wa« the daughter of a Mtirchenluud Prince, hIiouUI not have inhenteeocket of his leather apron thostj big garden-shears which she had noticed him plying with such marked incompetence, and it occurred to her suddenly that they might be of some real service now. She ran up and, watching her opportunity, succeeded in whipping them out. Then she stepped behind the serpent, and forced the blades together just below the part of its neck that was in her champion's grasp. There was a highly unpleasant scrunch and jar as they closed, but she pressed with all her strength, until the reptile's spine was cut through and its body uncoiled itself from the young man and went writhing and rolling blindly through the grass. Daphne dropped the shears and got out of its way in sudden panic. "It's not dead ! I'm sure it isn't ! " she cried to the stranger, whom she had somehow ceased to think of as a spy. *' It is harmless enough now. fair lady," he said as he tossed its crested head into the undergrowth, " thanks to your courage." " I never killed anjiihing before," she said. " I hated doing it, and — it seems such a silly way to kiU a snake ! " " It succeeded," he said, wondering how those small slim hands could have had the strength. " I could "RIVEN WITH VAIN ENDEAVOUR" 267 not have held it much longer. You have saved my life." " I couldn't have," she said, " if you hadn't saved mine first. I know now that you have only been watching and following me about as you have to see that I didn't get into any danger ? " " So you were aware that I watched you ? " he said. Daphne laughed. " How could I help behag ? " she replied. " And of course I guessed at once that you weren't a real gardener." " What makes you suppose that ? " he said. " Well," she said, laughing again, " I happen to have seen you at work, you know." " I may have little skill," he said, " nevertheless, I have obtained employment here as a gardener." " I mustn't ask you questions," she said, " but I'm quite sure that, before you came here, you were in a very different position from any labourer's." She had noticed a refinement in his speech and manner, and also the shapeliness of his hands, which the Fairy had been considerate or forgetful enough to leave unaltered. But Daphne's words gave him a sudden hope. Had she detected that he was a Prince ? If so, he was released from his promise of silence ! " All I may tell you," he said, " is that there were reasons which obUged me to leave my own country and five here where I am unknown. But I think you have guessed more than that already ! " " I will tell you what I think," she said. "I be- lieve you are really a student, and, whatever you had to leave your country for, it was nothing you've any cause to be ashamed of. I expect you were accused of plotting against your Government — ^and I don't 208 IN RRTEF AlTrilORITV care if you ditl, Ix'caumi you wouldn't have if they'd governed proix-rly. Anyway, you eHc«jx-d, and thou<,'ht you'd Ix' safe if you could get a post in the Koyal (iardenn. There ! it in only a guess, of eourse, and you lu^edn't t