EXCHANGE ^-Jj Z\)C Tantveratti? ot Ci^ica^o ^'^CHA»:(33 nrr lu DNCERNING COMPACT KURSCHAK FIELDS A DISSERTATI(3N QUITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE OGDEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS BY VISHNU DATTATREYA GOKHALE Private Edition, Distributed By The University of Chicago Libraries Chicago, Illinois Reprinted from The American Journal of Mathematics Vol. XLIV, No. 4, October, 1922 ^be inmveretti? of (tbtcaoo CONCERNING COMPACT KURSCHAK FIELDS A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE OGDEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS VISHNU DATTATREYA GOKHALE Private Edition, Distributed By The University of Chicago Libraries Chicago, Illinois Reprinted from American Journal of Mathematics Vol. XLIV, No. 4, October, 1922. a^ \^ Or u €^f' ^^ .T»»* CONCERNING COMPACT KURSCHAK FIELDS. By Vishnu Dattatreya Gokhale. CONTENTS. I. Introduction 298 1. Definition of a field, characteristic 298, 299 2. Algebraic closure, algebraic extensions 299 3. Definition of a KiirscMk field 300 4. Perfection, Kiirschdk's results 300 II. Compactness and Algebraic Extensions 302 1, 2. Compactness, compactness and perfection 302 3. Compactness and algebraic closure 303 4. 5. Hensel-Klirschdk fields, Ostrowski's results, applications 304, 306 6. Compactness and adjunction of algebraic elements 306 III. The Hensel-Kurschak Field 3cs 308 1, 2. The Hensel-Kiirschdk field X3 308, 310 3, 4. Perfection and compactness of Xg 310, 311 5. Subfield $R(g, x) of X^ 312 6. Adjunction of elements algebraic with respect to g 313 IV. The Properties p, A, P, cpt 314 1-5. Complete existential theory of these four properties 314 Abstract. — A Kiirschdk field is afield with a modulus ("bewertete Korper), in the sense defined by Kiirschak in his memoir, "Ueber Limesbildung und die allgemeine Korper- theorie" (Crelle, vol. 142, 1913). This modulus plays, in the general field, eesentially the same role as the absolute value in the fields of classical analysis, viz., real number system, complex number system, etc. Kiirschak proves that every Kiirschak field determines (in the sense of isomorphism) a definite algebraically closed and perfect Kiirschdk super- field, the smallest such superfield, being (in the sense of isomorphism) a subfield of every such superfield. This definite superfield is the {smallest) algebraically closed and perfect extension of the original Kiirschak field. In the present paper the author sets up the notion compactness. This notion is analogous to M. Frechet's compactness and to the J-compactness in E. H. Moore's General' Analysis. It is a generalization of the following property in the point set theory: Every infinite set of points in a bounded domain has at least one condensation point. He then studies the properties of algebraically closed and compact fields, and compactness under the adjunction of algebraic elements. Using Ostrowski's results he proves the theorem that the smallest algebraically closed extension of a compact field is compact if, and only if, it can be obtained by adjoining a single algebraic element. The last part of the paper develops a complete existential theory of the four properties: (1) of characteristic other than zero, (2) algebraic closure, (3) perfection, and (4) compactness. Out of the 2* = 16 possibilities 11 are shown to be existent and the remaining 5 non-existent. 297 529:^95 298 GoKHALE : * Vdhderning Compact Kiirschdk Fields. I. Introduction. 1.1. Field.— Following Moore,* H. Weber,t and Steinitz4 a field is defined in the following manner: § D "[ 1 Jt ^ Cpto5P.\ where ^ = [[p] is a general class of elements p{pi, P2, etc.); +, X are single-valued functions, + (pi, P2) is a definite element p denoted by Pi + Pi, etc. ; and the properties numbered 1-7 are : (Pi, P2, Pz) (1) Pi + (P2 + Ps) = {pi + P2) + Ps ' (2) Pl + P2 = P2+ Pi (3) IP1P2)P3 = PliP2Pz) (4) P1P2 = P2P1 (5) pi(p2 + Pz) = P1P2 + PiPz Here (pi, p2, Ps) indicates that the equations (1-5) hold for every choice of the elements pi p2 pz of the class '^. (6) Pi-P2') '3l p^pi + p= P2 Here the meaning of the logical signs * ) ', 3,1, and ' will be clear from the following reading of the property: — For every pi and p2, there exists uniquely an element p such that pi + p •= P2. Hence, (60) 3 1 2^" : 9 : p : ) '. p -\- z = p-pz = z. Here the notation 2^' reads "z belongs to the class *>|3." This unique element z is called the zero eleTnent of the field. (7) 3 p 7^ 2 : pi 7^ Z-P2 • ) • 3l p ? pip = P2, to be read " There exsists an element p different from the element z (of 60), and for every such element pi and every element p2 there exists uniquely an element p such that pip = P2." *E. H. Moore, "A Doubly Infinite System of Simple Groups" (Chicago Congress, 1893, pp. 208-242), p. 210. This paper will be referred to as M. t H. Weber, "Die allgemeinen Grundlagen der Galoischen Gleichungstheorie " (Mathe- matische Annalen, 43, 1893, pp. 521-549), p. 526; also "Algebra" (II edition, 1898), Vol. I, p. 492. t Steinitz, " Algebraische Theorie der Korper" (Crelle, 137, 1910, pp. 167-309), p. 172. This paper wUl be referred to as S. § For postulational definitions of a field see : L. E. Dickson, "Definitions of a Group and a Field by Independent Postulates" {Trans. A. M. S., Vol. 6, 1905, pp. 198-204), p. 202. E. V. Huntington, "Note on the Definitions of Abstract Groups and Fields by Sets of Independent Postulates" {Trans. A. M. S., Vol. 6, pp. 181-197), pp. 186, 191. This paper also contains a bibliography. Gokhale: Concerning Compact Kiirschdk Fields. 299 This property can be easily seen to be equivalent to the following: (7') 3 p^ z : 3u^' ^\j>') ' pu= p :p ^ z') -3 p' epp' = u]. Also, we have (7o) 3l u^' ^ p ' ) ' pu ='p': pi 9^ Z'pipx = z : ) : Pi = z. This element u is called the unit element of the field, and the element (which can be easily seen to be unique) p' associated with p in the second part of 7' is called the reciprocal of p. Hereafter we denote the elements p of the class ''P of a field not by p but by / (/i, /2, etc.). 1.11. Characteristic. — A field of characteristic p, in notation %^ is defi ned in the following manner: * D 1.2 %^ \ = \ % ' ^ ' 3 n ^ nu = z- p = the smallest such n. By using the properties of the field it can be proved that in this case, (1) p is a prime. (2) / 5^ z : ) : n/ = z • ~ ' n = a multiple of p. On the other hand, for every positive integer m and a prime p, there existsf one and only one finite field, the so-called Galois field [_p^~\, with char- acteristic p. Fields without any such characteristic are said to be of characteristic zero, in notation %^. Henceforth in the notation f^^ we shall understand p to be an indefinite prime number. Thus every field is of the type '^^ or %'p. 1.2. Algebraic closure, algebraic extensions. — An algebraically closed field 5, in notation f^"*, is thus defined: | Z) 1 3 ^^'' ^ • '^ : 3 : n-{hh, • • -,fn) : ) : 3 f ^ Up + /i/""^ +...+/, = ^. An element j algebraic with respect to i^, in notation j^^ * is defined as: § 2)1.4 j^^'^':^ ■:{],%) :5:3 = -^n-(/i, - - - , fn) ' ^ ' This unique integer n is called the order of j. Here x is an indeterminate, and j belongs to a field %' containing % as a subfield, in notation, %' d %. Steinitz has shown] | how to extend a field by the adjunction of an * S, p. 181. Cf. also: J. Konig: — Einleitung in die allgemeine Theorie der algebraischen Grossen (Leipzig, 1913), p. 408. Konig uses the terms "orthoid" and" pseudoorthoid" for fields of characteristic zero and p respectively. tM, p. 211. X S, p. 260. § S, p. 183. II S. p. 197. 300 GoKHALE : Concerning Compact Kiirschdk Fields. algebraic element j. This extension of a field ^, in notation ^(j), is the extension in the sense that it is the smallest and unique (in the sense of isomorphism). He also shows how to get the extension which reduces completely a given polynomial

1.6 9i^(l5;|| ||on5to.:-*'-°.^ where i5 denotes a field, 51"^®*^-° the class of all real non-negative numbers, and the properties 1-4 of the single-valued function 1 1 1 1 (which will here- after be called the modulus), are: — (1) /=z-~- 11/11 = (2) IIMll = |l/illll/.|| .-. \\«\\ = l\,f f. (4) 3/:,:||/||^0-|l/||^l • Hereafter we designate the elements of 9t not by / but by k{ki, k^, etc.). 1.4. Limit, Perfect Extension. — A limit k oi a sequence ki, k^, ••• in notation {kn}, is thus defined: Tj D 1.7 Lkn=k\=\{k, [kn]) ^L\\k-kn\\ = 0. * S, p. 287. t S, p. 180. I S, p. 199. § S, p. 198. II J. Ktirschdk, "Uber Limesbildung und allgemeine Korpertheorie" {Crelle, 142, 1913, pp. 211-233), p. 211. This paper will be referred to as K. UK, p. 222. GoKHALE : Concerning Compact Kiirschak Fields. 301 As an immediate consequence of the definition, Thm 1.2 Lkn= k-LK= k' :) : k = k' - \\k\\ = \\k'\\ = L\\kn\\. n n n The usual properties of limits, for instance: if a sequence has a limit, every subsequence has the same limit and conversely; the sum of limits equals the limit of the sum; etc., follow in the usual manner. A Cauchy sequence {kn}, or {kn} satisfying the Cauchy condition: in notation {kn}"-" : is: D 1.8 {kn}'-'\= i {kn] :^\e :) :3ne-^-n>ne.) .\\kn- knA\ (x) mz • ) ' n^, > nm,- 2.2. Compactness and Perfection. — We now prove that: Thm 2.1 . W^'-)'diE- * In his theses, "Uber einige Fragen der allgemeinen Korpertheorie" {Crelle, 143, 1913, pp. 255-284). p. 284, A. Ostrowski finds under what conditions this step is necessary. He also shows (p. 260) that the algebraically closed extension of Hensel's p-adic numbers is not perfect. This paper will be referred to as Oi. tK, p. 251. t M. Frechet, "Sur quelques points du calcul fonctionnel" {Rendiconti del Circ. Math, d. Palermo, 22, 1906), p. 6. §E. H. Moore, "Lectures on Matrices in General Analysis" (University of Chicago, 1919-1920). Gokhale: Concerning Compact Kilrschdk Fields. 303 Proof: Consider a Cauchy sequence {kon}. Since it is a Cauchy se- quence, e :) :3nc^n> ne') ' \\ hn — hn, || < e. Therefore for such ann, \\ kon \ \ Hes between | 1 1 kon^ 1 1 — ^ I and \ \ kon, 1 1 + «• Hence B 1 1 fcon ! | < °o • Therefore by compactness we have a subsequence « having a Hmit in 9?o- Hence the original sequence has the same limit in dlo. Hence the theorem. Note: The converse of this theorem, however, is not true. See Thm 2.3 below. Compare also theorems 3.3 and 3.4 in the next section. 2.3. Compactness and Algebraic Closure. — Thm 2.2 di^'-'^'-a^O :) : 3k^ \\ k \\ = a. Proof: The theorem is obvious when a = or 1, the corresponding k being z and u respectively. When a is neither the proof is as follows : By D 1.6 property 4, there exists an element whose modulus is neither nor 1 , Let this element be denoted by ko and let its modulus be ^. By the theory of the real number system 3 {r„} ^ jL ^'■" = a, where n {r„} is a sequence of ordinary rationals r. Hence by 9^"*, 3 {k'o''}-B\\k^''\\ \\h,\\ :) :|Ui + A2|| = || Ai ||. A modulus which does not obey this stronger property 3' is called Archimedian: in notation: jj ||^''^ A. Ostrowski has investigated real-valued solutions of the functional equations : (p{xy) = (p{x)(piy) (^ ^yatlonal . Here the two parentheses go together. From theorem 2.12 we have nm2.14 ^^-^•^■^••)-9l«p*. " We shall now prove an important theorem to be used in the sequel: viz., compactness is not extensionally attainable* To be more precise, Thm 2.15 9fi-oi>t.p • ) • - 3 9fi'^^.cvt^ Proof: Since the field is perfect every Cauchy sequence has a limit element in the field. Want of compactness, therefore, is due to the fact that there exists an infinite sequence which has no Cauchy subsequence. Now every extension preserves the moduli; this fact will therefore persist in every extension. Hence no extension will make the field compact. We show in section 4 theorem 4.10o that ^~pf)', where ® is the Hensel field of p-adic numbers. Since in this case compactness is not extensionally attainable (in virtue of theorem 2.15), we have, using theorems 2.9 and 2.4, Thm 2.16 di^- "^P* : ~ : 91 ~ glcompiex^ 2.6. Compactness and Adjimction of Algebraic Elements. — An algebraic element of the first kind: in notation algi : is thus defined : f p 24 •^''''' :^ ^ I U,m-' :f'' : 0) as the elements of i^ obtained by the sequen- tial solutions f or 5 = 1, 2, • • •, of the equations: X; 0). Note 1: If we denote symbolically hi by a:', the elements of the field BEj can be symbolically expressed as infinite series J^ifiX\ where /i = (p(i) (i). Addition and multiplication can then be regarded as the corresponding formal operations on the infinite series. We shall, therefore, hereafter take these infinite series as the elements of 3tj and operate with them since this procedure is formally more convenient. We shall sometimes denote the range of summation of the index i as from i' to oo, i; being the integer defined in footnote 3.1. Note 2: We now identify (in the sense of isomorphism) this field with the field ^(a;) of Steinitz, where x is transcendental* with respect to in- putting the various powers of x in one field into correspondence with the same powers of x in the other, and the elements of ^ with the same elements of % in the other, we see that ^5 d ^^ [a;], where ^^[a:] is the integral domain obtained by adjoining the transcendental x. Since the field ^(a^) is obtained from this integral domain by the process of building up of quotients, f we see that 365 3 %(.x). On the other hand it is obvious that 3Cj c ^(x). Hence the result required. • * S, p. 184. t S, p. 178. 310 Gokhale: Concerning Compact Kilrschak Fields. We shall therefore now speak of this process of forming 365 from f^ as the adjunction of a transcendental element x to the field %. 3.2. The Hensel-Kiirschak Field ^Cj..— Let ^ be a real number < ^ < 1. We now define the modulus for the field H-^: 2)3.5 Ih-'HNO; no) for otherwise if e < X 1 1 ^^ 1 1 which exists, and a = jL 1 1 A„ 1 1 — e, n > Tie : ) : 3(wi, ng) ^ || hn, \\ 7^ \\ K^ \\')'\\ h^ - h„, \\ = 9ri\\hn,\\,\\hn,\\)>a Gokhale: Concerning Compact Kiirschdk Fields. 311 where n^ is the Ue for the original Cauchy sequence, and this is impossible. With this V and A„ = IIi""/n, i x' (n), we have 3no:^ :n> no') ' fn, i = /no. i (1) for otherwise n \) :3 (ni, n^) > n^\\ hn^ — hn^ \ \ ^ ^""^ which is not true as {hn} is a Cauchy sequence. Similarly, i :) : 3no, i :^ : n > no, i' ) ' fn, ^i = fn,, ^ v+i- (2) If we now define h = J^i'"fiX\ where fi ^ /„„_ ._^, i {i ^ v) in (1) and (2), we see that i :) : \\ h — h„^^ < !l = ^"'^^ and so h = Lhn. n 3.4. Conditions for Compactness of 36,ij. — Though every X as we have seen is perfect, it is not necessarily compact. The necessary and sufficient conditions for compactness are given by the following theorem: Thm 3.4 If • ~ • %'">' • ~ • 5«"'t^ Proof: Since/ ?^2')*||/|| = 1, Lfn = h' ) ' h^; therefore if we have a Cauchy sequence of elements of % its limit element, when it exists, must be an element of %. Take now an infinite sequence of elements of ^. 1 is an upper bound of the modulus; therefore by 3^1"* this sequence has a Cauchy subsequence with a limit element. This limit element by the above is in 5. Hence, It is also obvious that g*^""^ • ) • ^<=pt^ f^j, jj^ ^j^jg (,^gg every infinite sequence of elements of ^ must have at least one of its elements repeated an infinite number of times. Next suppose g'"*; consider {hn} ^ B \\ hn\\ < ^ , say < ^'. Let n hn^ Y,fn, i^:' (n). Then jn, i= z {n, i < t). Since every sequence in % has 1 as an upper bound of the modulus, and hence by S*'^* has a Cauchy subsequence with a limit element the sequence {/„, <} has a Cauchy sub- sequence with a limit element. Take the corresponding subsequence of {hn}. If the coefficients in this sequence be denoted by letters with the upper subscript 1, we have a sequence whose terms begin with a power not less than t and the coefficients of x* form a Cauchy sequence. Also since every non-zero element of ^ has the modulus 1, after a finite number of terms, the terms in this coefficient sequence are identical. The coefficient sequence {fn^t+i} has similarly a Cauchy subsequence. Take the corre- sponding subsequence oi {hn}. If we continue in this manner, and denote the successive distinct subsequences of {hn} obtained in this manner by lei, lei, '--Ah^'}, --^wehave {hn} z> {h'i^ D {e-^^M (r>0) (1) 312 Gokhale: Concerning Compact Kilrschdk Fields. and r> 0:) :3nr:^:m> r-n> nr-i 0)^i> s-)'fi= U^t, the smallest such t is called the period. All polynomials are obviously periodic, the period being 1 and the repeated element 2. The product of two periodic elements is easily seen to be periodic. Thus it is sufficient to prove that the reciprocal of a poly- nomial ^ irreducible in i^ is a periodic element. In case % is of the type "iP^, that is, the absolute algebraic field * charac- teristic p, ip is of the first degree in x. In case (p = fx, f being a non-zero element of ^, the reciprocal of (p is fx~'^, where / is the reciprocal of /, and is, therefore, obviously periodic. In case (p = fx -\- fi where none of /, /i are zero, its reciprocal Is /J/(l -\-f2x), where /J is the reciprocal of/i and/ = /]/2. But 1/(1 + f2x) equals: l-f2X+f2X'- ••• + (- iyf2X'-^ ••• and since /2 is algebraic with respect to the field [0, 1, 2, • • - , p — l"] there exists t a positive integer n such that/^ = 1. Hence the series is periodic. In case % is finite, ^ is a Galois Field J [_p^']. If the polynomial

S) are extensions of ^(/S). If we now identify the element x and its moduli iti the two fields, we see that both 36j ( ) of these properties whether there exists or does not exist a Kiirschak field having the particular combination of the properties. These propositions are tabulated below: Thm 4.1-4.16: Cases. P- A. .P. cpt. Consistent. 2'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 3 4. 5 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ++++++++ 1 1 1 1 ++++ 1 1 1 1 ++ + + ++ 1 1 ++ 1 1 ++ 1 1 ++ 1 1 1 + I + I + I + I + I + I + I + f + 1 + 1 6 + 7 8... + 9 + 10 + 11 12 + 13 + 14 + - 15 16 + Note: The + and — entries in the last column denote the existence and' non-existence respectively of a Kiirschak field with the character denoted by the entries under the first four columns. Also in looking the entries under p, it is necessary to remember that the entries in the final column do not depend upon any special choice of the * S, p. 186. t E. H. Moore. Press, p. 82. ' Introduction to a Form of General Analysis," 1910, Yale University Gokhale: Concerning Compact Kiirschdk Fields. 315 prime p. Thus the entries with + sign under p we interpret as p * ) ' *3 ^^•^^', and those with - sign as =^3 ^i"-"*"'. 4.2. Proofs: (a) 3, 7, 11, and 15 follow from theorem 2.1, viz., ^''p* * ) * 9?^. (6) 1 follows from theorem 2.4, viz., 9=^^'°^* ' ) ' ^°. (c) The following number systems in analysis with the absolute value as modulus prove 9, 12, 13, and 16 respectively: (9) complex numbers, (12) algebraic numbers, (13) real numbers, (16) rational numbers. (d) To prove 2 : consider (X,^^)(Apy, this has the properties p, A, P. By theorem 3.4, 36^p is P and — cpi. Using 2.15 we see that (X>^)(4p) is — cpt (e) To prove 5: consider 36 [pj. This field is ~A, for the equation y^ — X = has no solution. However by 3.4 it is cpt. ( / ) We get 6, an example being 2i^p. The proof is similar to the above. (g) Similarly 36r where R = |^all ordinary rationals] gives us 14. 4.3. Proof of 10: We proceed to prove that: Thm 4.IO0 ©up^ where 1. Take an infinite sequence of positive distinct ordinary rationals {tn] so that they all lie between two positive rationals r, r' . Let rn = Inffnn, where In, fUn are positive and relatively prime. Consider the sequence {hn} where hy - Afn = (n). Then || hn \\ = a^» (n) .'. {hn}^'''^'\ This sequence an upper bound of whose modulus is gr(a^, a^'), cannot have any Cauchy subsequence. For otherwise, e :) :3 ne ^{nu ni) > ne ' ) ' \\ K, — K^W < e, but we have ni + n2 : ) : II K, \\ + || K, || : ) : || hn, - hn, \\ = gr{\\ hn, \\, \\ hn, ||) > and taking e < a"", we get a contradiction. . Hence the theorem. 4.4. Proof of 4: Consider OC[p])a; 36[p] is perfect by 3.3. If we now prove that algebraic closure is in this case obtained by the adjunction of an infinite number of elements, then, by 2.21 (3iip{)'2^ and hence by 2.1 316 Gokbale: Concerning Compact Kiirschdk Fields. — cpt. Now (X[p])a contains 3t.^ which by theorem 3.8 can be regarded as obtained from X[p] by adjoining algebraic elements to [p]. The number of these is, however, infinite ; otherwise ^^ would have only a finite number of elements. Thus {2cip])a is infinite with respect to 96[pj and so the theorem is proved. 4.5. Proof of 8: Ostrowski in his theses* has proved the following theorem : Thm 4.8o di'' ' »S«'«' ^= '"""^^ • ) ' ^(S) -^. We use this theorem to prove 4.8. Consider 36[p], p > 2; let r be any one of the integers: 2, 3, • • •, p — 1. From Steinitz's paper, f we have ^prlme. > p • \ . (yq A^ ~\ Irreducible In [p]. Ist kind Consider a sequence of primes, {g„} such that (1) qi>P (2) Qn > p^i^^^s - «"-! and the corresponding infinite system of irreducible polynomials S^ (y^n-^r\n). Consider now j6[p]( the highest order in \jpJi{Sn,)- Thus 5 is a progressive J system. We have further 'X,[p]{S)~^, since the polynomial y"^ -{- x for instance has' still no root. Thus X,,] (5)^-^-^-"^*. * Oi, p. 280. 1 8, p. 231. tS, p. 271. VITA. I, Vishnu Dattatreya Gokhale, was born in Poona City, India, on the twenty-fourth of February, 1892. I got my secondary and high school education at the Nutan Marathi Vidyalaya, Poona City. I entered Fergusson College, Poona City, in 1907, and did all my undergraduate and part of my graduate work there. My instructors in mathematics were Prin. R. P. Paranjpye and Professor V. B. Naik. I got the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1911, and Master of Arts 1913, at the University of Bombay. During 1914-1917 I worked as Professor of Mathematics at the Fergusson College, Poona City. I came to the United States in December, 1917. During 1918-19 I took courses at the University of California under Professor Cajori, and Drs. McDonald, Buck, Sperry and Bernstein. I joined the University of Chicago in autumn, 1919, and during nine quarters took courses in mathe- matics under Professors Moore, Bliss, Dickson and Wilczynski, the major part of my work being under Professor Moore. This paper was written under the direction of Professor Moore and I wish to express my appreciation of his constant encouragement and in- valuable criticism while engaged in the investigation. I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to all the men under whom I have done my graduate work, I must mention Professors Paranjpye and Naik, who created in me an interest in mathematics, and Dr. Sperry, who advised and inspired me to go to Chicago. I cannot adequately express what I owe to Professor Moore. While attending his lectures, and still more in personal interviews, I enjoyed some of the best moments in my life and it is he, more than any one else, who initiated me into the poetry of mathematics and made me realize so vividly that mathematics is an art. 52n;?9- UNIVERSITY OF CAIIFORNU UBRARY