*v Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/biblevstraditionOOellirich BIBLE VS. TRADITION: tH WHICH THE TRUE TEACHING OF THE BIBLE IS MANIFESTED, THE CORRnPTIONS OF THEOLOGIANS DETECTED, AND THE TRADITIONS OF MEN EXPOSED. BY AABON ELLIS. BBt> AND MUCH ENLARQED ;} BY THOMAS EITAD. SECOND EDITION. J3'ctD-Pork ; PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF BIBLE EXAMINER, No. 140 Fulton-street. 1853. ±^^i/:0 JOHN J. KEED, Printer, 16 Spruce-Stre«t, N. Y. P E E F A K Our TfTLE wodld seem to Indicate that we liave exposed ^every case where the " Traditions of men have made void the nvord of God.** But not so: this would require volumes. But hy attacking eiTor in its strongest hold, we do much to overturn ^ts whole foundation. And we Tenttire to affirm that he who «hall embrace the truths treated of m this book, will be desirous