UC-NRLF ^B 257 STE PE 1145 ^ D22 1902 MAm mem II ,ii LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF i...pJL4, .ff. or /Et {^tatis) Of age; Aged. Agt. Agent. A/a. Alabama. A/as. Alaska. A. /H. Master of Arts. {Ante Meridiem) Before Noon. Amer. American. Amt Amount. Anon. Anonymous. Ans. Answer. Apr. April. Ariz. Arizona. Ark. Arkansas. Atfy. Attorney. Aug. August. Aye. Avenue. B. A. Bachelor of Arts. Ba/. Balance. Bb/. Barrel. B. C. Before Christ. B. L. Bachelor of Laws. Bus. or bush. Bushel. Ca/. Calendar, California. Capf. Captain. Cent. A hundred, or Centigrade. cf. {confer) Compare. Co. Company ; County. C. 0. D. Collect on delivery. Co/. Colonel ; Colorado. Con. {Contra) Against. Conn, or Ct Connecticut. Cr. Credit ; Creditor. Cts. or cts. Cents. Cwt or cwt. Hundredweight. D. D. C. District of Columbia. D. D. Doctor of Divinity. Dec. December. De/. Delaware. Dem. Democrat. Dept Department. Diet. Dictionary. D. L 0. Dead Letter Office. Do. or do. (ditto) The same. Doz. or doz. Dozen. 97 98 ADVANCED BATIONAL SPELLER. Dr. Debtor; Doctor; Dram. D. V. {Deo volente) God willing. Dwt. or dwt Pennyweight. E. East. Ed. Edition ; Editor. e.g. {Exempli gratia) For ex- ample. E. Lon. East Longitude. Eng. England; English. Esq. Esquire. etal. {Etalii) And others. Etc., etc. or &c. {Et cetera) And so forth. Ex. Example ; Exception ; Exo- dus. P. Fahr. Fahrenheit. Feb. February. F/a. Florida. Fr. France; French. Fur. or fur. Furlong. a. Ga. Georgia. G. A. R. Grand Army of the Re- public. Ger. German. Gov. Governor. Gr. Greek ; Grain. H. B. M. His or Her Britannic Majesty. H.I.H. His or Her Imperial Highness. Hist. History. Hhd. or hhd. Hogshead or hogs- head. H. M. His or Her Majesty. Hon. Honorable, H. R. House of Representatives. lb., ib., Ibid, or ibid. {Ibidem) In the same place. id. or Id. {Idem) The same. Id. Idaho. I.e. or i.e. {Id est) That is. ///. or Ills. Illinois. /. H. S. {Jesus Hominum Sal- vator) Jesus, the Saviour of Men. incog. Unknown. Ind. Indiana; Indian; India. Ind. T. or Ind. Ter, Indian Ter ritory. Inst. Instant. (The present month.) Int. or int. Interest. Id. Iowa. It. or Ital. Italic ; Italian. Jan. January. Jr. or jr. Junior. Kan. or Kans. Kansas. Ken. or Ky. Kentucky. L, I. or £. Pound sterling. Lat. Latin ; Latitude. /. c. Lower case. Leg. or Legis. Legislature ; Leg- islatui-es. ADVANCED RATIONAL SPELLER. 99 Lft D. or Litt. D, Doctor of Lit- erature. LL. D. Doctor of Laws. Long, or long. Longitude. Lou. or La. Louisiana. L. S. Place of the Seal. Lt. or Lieut. Lieutenant. M. M. Monsieur ; (Mille) Thousand ; Meridian, or Noon. M. A. Master of Arts. MaJ. Major. Mar. March. Mass. Massachusetts. M. C. Meinber of Congress. M. D. Doctor of Medicine. Md. Maryland. Mdse. Merchandise. Me. Maine. Messrs. Gentlemen; Sirs. Mich. Michigan, Minn. Minnesota. Miss. Mississippi. Mile. Mademoiselle. Mnte. Madame. Mo. Missouri. Mont. Montana. M. P. Member of Parliament. Mr. Master or Mister. Mrs. Mistress (missiz). MS. Manuscript. MSS. Manuscripts. Mt. Mount. N. N. Noon ; North. N. A. North America. N. B. {Nota bene) Note well. N. C. North Carolina. N. Dak. North Dakota. N. E. North-east ; New England. Neb. Nebraska. Nev. Nevada. N. H. New Hampshire. N. J. New Jersey. N. L. or N. Lat. North Latitude. N. Mex. New Mexico. No. or no. Number. Nov. November. N. Y. New York. N. S. Nova Scotia. N. W. North-west. o. 0. Ohio. Oct. October. 01(1. Oklahoma. Ore. or Oreg. Oregon. 0. S. Old Style. Oz. or oz. Ounce. p. Pa. or Penn. Pennsylvania. Ph. D. Doctor of Philosophy. Phil, or Phila. Philadelphia. Pk. or pk. Peck. P. M. Post Master ; {Post Meri- diem) Afternoon. P. 0. Post Office ; Province of Ontario. Pro tern, or pro tern, (pro tem- pore) For the time being. Prox. or prox. (Proximo) Of the next month. P S. Postscript. Pivt. or pwt. Pennyweight. 100 ADVANCED RATIONAL SFBLLBB, Q. Question ; Query. Q. £. D. {Quod erat demonstran- dum) Which was to be proved. Qt Quart or Quantity. /feed. Received. Rep. Representative ; Republi- can ; Reporter. Rev. Reverend. R. I. Rhode Island. XT. U It. or u It (Ultimo) Last; Of the last month. Un/y. University. u. s. {vt supra). As above. U. S. United States. U. S. A. United States America. U. S. N. United States Navy. U. S. S. United States Senate. U. S. ¥. United States Volun- teers. S. South ; Sign ; Signor. S. A. South America ; South Africa ; South Australia. S. C. South Carolina. Sc. or sc. {Scilicet) To wit. Scot. Scotland. S. Dak. South Dakota. S. E. South-east. Sec. Secretary ; Second. Sept. September. Serg. Sergeant. S. L. or S. Lat. South Latitude. Sp. Spain. St Saint ; Street ; Strait. Supt Superintendent. Surg. Surgeon. S. W. South-west. V. or V. Volume ; {Vide) or vs. {Versus) Against. Va. Virginia. Vid. or vid. {vide) See. y/z. or viz. Namely. W. West. Wash. Washington. Wis. Wisconsin. W. Lon. West Longitude. Wt or wt Weight. W. Va. West Virginia. Wyo. Wyoming. Xmas. Christmas. See; Tenn. Tennessee. Tex. Texas. Tr. or tr. Translator ; Transla- tion ; Transpose. Yd. or yd. Yard. zool. Zoology. OAY AND TO $'0 OVERDUE. T,D zl-lOOm'. l—r K^ I \^\^C^ U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD^3EDEE3^ Jr. 210068 dry/ IS3