BM 295 S73a 1906 THE 1 IBRARY [HE UNIVERSITY OF CAL IFORNIA LOS ANGELES Approved by the Elders on and to take effect from the llth February, 1906. ASCAMOT: LAWS AND REGULATIONS THE CONGREGATION anish and LONDON, REVISED AND AMENDED. 56661906. LONDON: PRINTED BY WERTHEIMER, LEA AND CO., 46 AND 47, LONDON WALL, AND CLIFTON HOUSE, WORSHIP 8WIKKT, E.C INDEX. Beth Din Law. Page. Persons to comprise ... ... ... 68 *24 Dereliction of Duty 69 25 Beth Haim, Finta of 37 12 Beth Holim Election of Treasurer and Parnassim 27.29 and 31 8,9and 10 Mahamad and Board of Guardians may recommend inmates ... ... 126 46 Grant by Elders 126 46 Births, Register of 115 41 Burials Register of 116 41 of Strangers 37 12 Disqualification for ... ... ... 40 13 Burial Grounds Election of Keepers 76 28 Duties of Keepers 81 30 Canonicals 83 31 Collections in Synagogues ... ... ... 86-88 32 Corpses not to be taken into Synagogue ... 110 39 Deputies, Board of 117 41-43 Elections, Parnassim of Institutions vacancies 32 10 Elders Resolutions of ... ... ... ... 46 15 Term of appointment of ... ... 47 15 Co-option of Yehidim as ... ... 48 16 Resignation of 49 17 President of 50 17 Vice-President of 50 17 Meetings of 51-55 18 and 19 Special Meetings of ... ... ... 56 111 Voting at Meetings of ... ... ... 57 19 Disqualification of 58 20 Finta and Fintadores 2-11 1-4 Finta and Offerings, List to be circulated anntially 85 32 Funerals Arrangements for 101 36 Service at 105 38 Gabay, Duties of 43 14 Glossary 63-66 *V INDEX. Law. Page. Graves Reserved 38 12 Foundation 39 13 Order of Burial in ... ... ... 102 36 Measurements of ... ... ... 104 37 Guardians, Board of ... ... ... ... 122-125 45 and 46 Haham Election of 65 23 Duties of 66 and 67 23 and 24 When to be called to Sepher 67 24 Dereliction of Duty 69 25 Hashcabot 106-108 38 Hatan Torah Election of 64 22 Privileges of ... ... 64 22 Vacancy of 64 22 Hatan Beresheet Election of ... ... ... ... 64 22 Privileges of 64 22 Vacancy of ... 64 22 Hazanim Election of 70 25 Duties of 71 and 72 26 and 27 Dereliction of Duty 73 27 Assistance to 74 28 Candidates for office in other Sephardi Congregations 75 28 Hebra Election of Parnassim Election of Hazanim of Duties of Hazanim of ... Meetings of Heshaim Election of Treasurer and Parnas 27, 29 and 30 8 and 9 Presidency in Synagogue 30 10 Regulations of ... 90-99 33-36 Invested Funds of ... 91 3 Holy Land, Donations for ... 121 44 Kadeesh, Mitsva of Ill 39 Levantadores Admission of ... ... ... ... gl Mitsva of Levantar 61 Disqualification of 61 INDEX. V Law. Page Lights in Synagogues for deceased persons ... 109 39 Mahamad Election of < 16-25 6-8 Presidency in ... 26 8 Meetings of 41 13 Distribution of Charities by 42 14 Duties of 44 and 45 14 and 15 Mahane Rephael Regulations of 90-99 33-36 Invested Funds of 91 33 Marriages Solemnization of (in London) ... 112 39 do. (in Country) ... 113 40 Register of 114 40 Medical Officer- Election of 76 28 Duties of 80 30 Mitsvot, Distribution of 60 20 Offerings 85 31 Prayer for a Sick Person 63 22 Presidency in Synagogues 59 20 Properties of Synagogue Trustees of Real 118 43 Trustees of Funded 120 44 Repairs Fund 119 44 Rogativa... 63 22 Salaried Officers Not to interfere in any Election ... 82 31 Subject to orders of Elders and Mahamad 84 31 Seats in Synagogue Distribution of 89 32 Register of 89 33 Rerersionof 89 33 Secretary Election of 76 28 Duties of 77 29 Seganim 62 22 Superintendents of Synagogues Election of 76 28 Duties of 79 30 Synagogues, Erection of 1 I Terra Santa, Election of Parnas of 28-30 9 Tombstones, Dimensions of 103 37 Vi INDEX. Law. Page. Trustees Of Real Properties 118 43 Of Funded Properties 120 44 Trusts Abecasis, Aaron and Esther 47 Almshouses Fund ... ... ... 47 Assif at Haberim, Yeshiba of 48 A vila, Hannah de ... ... ... 49 Barrow, Joseph ... ... 49 Benhacok, Esther ... ... ... 49 Card osso, Jacob de David ... ... 50 Delmare, Jacob ... ... ... ... 50 Esteves, Haim and Rachel ...... 50 Guedalla, Judah ... ... 51 James. David ... ... 51 Kursheedt ... ... 52 Lamego, Moses ... ... ... ... 52 Lara, Moses ... ... ... ... 52-54 Lindo, David Abarbanel ...... 5t Mahane Rephael, Yeshiba of ...... 55 Marques, Abraham Rodrigues ... 55 Mocatta, Abraham and Grace ... 55 Montefiore, Sir Moses ... ... ... 56-58 Montefiore, Arthur Sebag ...... 58 Nunes, Isaac Rodrigues ...... 58 Pacifico Almshouse ... ... ... 59 Pereira Elias Lopes ... ... ... 60 Rebello, David Alves 60 Rodrigues, Welcome 60 Tipheret Bahurim, Society of .. 61 Villareal Girls' School, instituted by Isaac da Costa, Villareal 61 Zachariah,Leah ... ... ... ... 62 Yehidim Admission of 33 10 Meetings of ... ... 12-15 4 and 5 Disqualification of 34 and 36 11 Ex-officio 35 11 Re-admission of 36 11 Co-option as Elders 48 16 PREFACE. THE following revision of the Ascamot is the work of a Conjoint Committee of Elders and Yehidim appointed under Resolutions passed by those bodies in the years 1901, 1902 and 1905, to the following effect : ELDERS : 3RD FEBRUARY, 1901. That the following Resolution passed by the Yehidim on the 17th April, 1900, be adopted in principle : Whereas it is desirable that the Yehidim of this Congregation should be acquainted with its Laws and Regulations, and inasmuch as the last edition of the Ascamot dates so far back as 1872, since when many important changes and alterations have been enacted RESOLVED that the Elders be respectfully re- quested to take the necessary measures for the purpose of framing a new Book of Ascamot up to date, supplying the Yehidim with the same at a price to be fixed by the Mahamad. That a Special Committee, consisting of five Elders, be appointed to revise, in such manner as they may deem expedient, the present Book of Ascamot, such revised Book, when completed, to be submitted to the Elders for their approval. The five Elders appointed were : Mr. Joseph de Castro, Mr. Isaac Genese, Mr. Joshua M. Levy, Mr. Eustace A. Lindo and Mr. Edmund Sebag-Montefiore. A PREFACE. YEHIDIM : 17TH MARCH, 1901. That a Committee of five Elders having already been appointed to revise, in such manner as they might deem expedient, the present Book of Ascamot, such revised Book, when completed, to be submitted to the Elders for their approval, It was RESOLVED that three Yehidim be appointed to confer with the Elders' Committee, when occasion may require, in reference to the intended Revision of the Ascamot. The three Yehidim selected were : The late Mr. David Benoliel, Mr. Abraham Lindo Henry and Mr. Eleazar S. Pool. ELDERS : 9TH FEBRUARY, 1902. That the Yehidim at their meeting held on the 17th March, 1901, having appointed three members to serve on the Committee for the Revision of the Ascamot appointed by the Elders on the 3rd of February, 1901, and such revision having been approved in principle by them, It was RESOLVED that such appointment be approved by the Elders, so that a Joint Committee might be constituted. That the Report on the Revised Book of Ascamot when completed, be submitted to the Elders. ELDERS : 23RD MARCH, 1905. Resolved that when the proposed Revised Ascamot be completed, the revision of the phraseology should be entrusted to a Special Committee, consisting of Mr. Joseph de Castro, Mr. Gabriel Lindo and Dr. J. D. Israel, the work of such Committee to be finally submitted to the Elders. PREFACE. ix It is of interest to record that so far as can be ascertained the first printed volume of the Ascamot bears the date of 1785, and is in the Portuguese language. By a resolution of the Elders, it was translated into English in the year 1819 by three gentlemen selected from their body. In 1831 the Ascamot appear to have been revised and corrected, and again in the year 1850. This volume seems to have served until 1872, since which date there has been no complete revision. The former style of introducing the various Laws under special headings and with preambles has been varied, and marginal headings have been added to the Ascamot, which now follow without interruption and are numbered consecutively. It will be noted, however, that Laws Nos. 1 to 15 are those enacted by the Yehidim. In the opinion of the Committee, the ancient character of the Congregation and its Institutions should, as far as possible, be preserved, and although it was deemed advisable, in compiling the present Book of Ascamot, only to set out the Laws of the Congregation, it was decided that the preambles should in many instances be em- bodied here as matters of historic interest. The establishment of our Congregation dates from the year 1656. From the first, the preservation of the unity of our Body was considered of supreme importance, and, consequently, the erection of other Places of Worship in London following the Sephardi Minhag was strictly interdicted, unless otherwise decided by a Resolution of A 2 X PREFACE. two-thh^ ol i'-o votes of the Yehidim in meeting assembled, and it was not allowed to hold service with minyan at private houses without the permission of the Mahamad. Until the year 1853 the only Synagogue of the Congregation was the existing one in Bevis Marks; then a branch Synagogue was opened in Wigmore Street, W. This was closed in 1861 and another opened in Bryanston Street, Hyde Park, in the same year ; this was again closed in 1896, and the present West End Branch Synagogue opened in Lauderdale Road, Maida Vale. The Finta, or Assessment, was first instituted at a meeting of the heads of families in the year 1707, when the maximum amount was fixed at 600 per annum, this sum being increased in subsequent years to meet the exigencies of the Congregation, and the maximum that can now be levied was raised in 1893 to 2,500. The Executive Administration of the Congregation was to be carried out by a Mahamad, to be composed of men of capacity and respectability, and to consist of four Parnassim and a Gabay. With regard to the admission of Yehidim, it was directed that great care and consideration should be exercised in their selection, in order to safeguard the dignity and good name of the Community. The Beth Hamedrash of the Congregation, under the title of Heshaim, was established in the year 1664, and, in the year 1734, Benjamin Mendes da Costa, to perpetuate the memory of his only son, founded and PREFACE. xi endowed, with a similar object, the Yeshibah of Mahane Rephael, which, since that year, has been incorporated with Heshaim under the title of Heshaim and Mahane Rephael. Due regard has always been shown to the mode of burial, it having been laid down from the first that death makes no distinction, and, therefore, there was to be no difference made between deceased persons either in respect of graves or in the memorial honours in Synagogue, and this laudable sentiment is preserved to the present day. Long before it became compulsory to register Births, Marriages and Deaths in this country it was enacted that authentic Registers should be kept of these events in the Congregation. These records are in our archives, and the same system is still carried on. Particulars of the several Trusts connected with the Synagogue, which have been accepted, are appended hereto, together with the names of the donors and the objects for which the funds are to be applied. February, 5666-1906. ASCAMOT ENACTED BY THE YEHIDIM. 1. No Synagogue intended to become an integral Erection of part of the Congregation shall be erected without yn& ^ oga6 the approval and consent of two-thirds of the Yehidim present at a meeting called for the purpose. 2. The maximum amount of Finta to be raised Fiataand for the necessities of the Congregation shall only be altered by the Yehidim at a duly convened meeting. Notice of such intended alteration shall be given in the summons convening the meeting.* 3. The Elders of the Congregation shall, at their Annual Meeting every three years, fix the amount to be raised as Finta for each of the ensuing three years, and the sum shall be assessed by a complete Mahamad (made up, if necessary, in the manner stipulated in Law 41), together with ten Fintadores to be elected by * The maximum amount is now 2,500 per annum, as per resolution of the Yehidim dated 17th December, 1893. Finta and ballot by the Yehidim from amongst their number, at a meeting duly summoned for that purpose in the month of Shebat. The sum fixed by the Elders to be assessed for Finta shall be deemed correct if made within 1 per cent, of such amount, more or less. 4. The Mahamad and Fintadores shall meet in three classes of five each, the Mahamad being one class, in order that each shall make out a list of assessment, and the Finta of each Yahid and Yehida shall be an amount equal to one-third of the aggregate of the three respective assess- ments under such lists. No Finta shall exceed Forty Pounds, or be less than Two Pounds per annum. 5. Fourteen days prior to the meeting for election of Fintadores, a circular letter shall be addressed to the Yehidim giving the names of the ten Yehidim nominated with their consent as Fintadores by the Mahamad, and it shall be open to the Yehidim to make other nominations. These nominations shall be made to the Secretary in writing, accompanied by the written consent of the nominees, at least seven days before the date of the meeting for election, and if no other nominations be made but those of the Mahamad, their nominees shall be the Fintadores and no meeting of the Yehidim shall be necessary for their election. In the circular letter inviting nominations, Finta and . ,. . , Fmtadores. there shall be inserted the Ascama indicating the prohibited degrees of relationship of those acting as Fintadores. 6. A Fintador shall not permit favour, affection or antipathy to influence him, but he shall act to the best of his judgment for the benefit of the Synagogue. 7. The new Finta list shall be completed before the 1st of Adar, and in a leap year before the 1st of Veadar, and the said Finta shall become due in two half-yearly instalments on the Day of Pureem, and on the 1st of Elul together with the offerings made during the previous six months. 8. The Mahamad shall fill up any vacancy that may occur in the Fintadores after election, and in so doing shall have regard to the restrictions respecting relationship. 9. The following shall not serve together as Fintadores : Fathers with sons, sons-in-law or step-sons; grandfathers with grandsons; brothers; brothers-in-law ; or uncles with nephews whether by blood or affinity ; but in the relationship by affinity these restrictions shall apply only in case the wife through whom such relationship exists be living. 10. On the admission of any new Yahid or Yehida the Mahamad shall at their next meeting Finta and assess such Yahid or Yehida, and the assessment shall serve until the next succeeding periodical assessment is made. 11. If any person represent to the Mahamad that in consequence of alteration in his circum- stances he cannot pay the whole Finta imposed on him, the Mahamad may reduce it to such amount as they shall consider just. Should any Yahid or Yehida object to his or her assessment of Finta, and give notice thereof in writing to the Mahamad for the time being within three months after the Day of Pureem following the new assessment, he or she shall have the right to appeal against such assessment, and to appear either personally or by deputy and offer his or her reasons for such objection. Such appeal shall be heard by the Mahamad for the time being, together with the heads or some other representative of each of the other two classes of Fintadores, and their decision shall be final. All other letters of complaint against the amount of a Finta, received bv the Mahamad after an ' */ assessment shall have been made, shall be laid before the three classes of Fintadores at the next assessment. 12. The Yehidim shall be convened to their annual meeting in the month of Adar, and in the month of Veadar in a leap year ; and other ordinary meetings of the Yehidim shall be con- vened if and when required. Meetings of Yehidim. 13. General meetings of the Yehidim shall be Meetings of convened either by a resolution of the Elders, by the Mahamad, or by a requisition from fifteen Yehidim addressed to the Mahamad (who shall within fifteen days from its receipt convene the meeting). Such requisition shall state the object of the meeting, and no signature of a Yahid to a requisition shall be effective if he be indebted to the Synagogue for Finta and offerings for two years or upwards. 14. At all meetings of Yehidim ten shall form a quorum. 15. No Yahid shall be allowed to vote at any meeting of the Yehidim if he be indebted to the Synagogue for Finta and offerings for two years or upwards. A list of the Yehidim so disqualified shall be placed before the Chairman at each meeting in order that he may enforce this regulation. ASCAMOT ENACTED BY THE ELDERS. 16. The Mahamad shall be composed of Election of four Parnassim and a Gabay, and their election a a shall be vested in the Yehidim of the Con- gregation, ^o person shall be elected Parnas Election of or Gabay without having been a Yahid for at Mahamad. j eagt ^ wo y eargj anc | being above the age of thirty years for Parnas (except he has already been elected to the office of Gabay), and twenty- five years for Gabay, nor shall he be eligible if he be indebted for more than two half- years' Finta and offerings, and unless his Finta and offerings to the Synagogue shall have amounted to at least Six Pounds per annum for each of the two years prior to his nomination. Such offerings shall include contributions to Beth Haim and Nedabot. 17. No Yahid shall be allowed to vote at such elections if indebted to the Sedaca for more than two years' Finta and offerings at the time that the said elections take place, and no salaried officer of the Congregation shall be allowed to vote or be eligible for nomination as a candidate. 18. Two Parnassim shall be elected in the month of Adar, or Veadar in a leap year, whose period of office shall commence on Shabbat Hagadol, and two other Parnassim and a Gabay in the months of Tamuz or Ab, w r hose period of office shall commence on Rosh Hashana, and meetings of the Yehidim shall be convened at the appointed periods to proceed to these elections. 19. Notices shall be issued to the Yehidim inviting nominations and giving the names of the Mahamad's nominees, and at any time not later Election of than fourteen days before the meeting it shall be open to any Yahid to nominate in writing any other duly qualified Yahid. 20. No further nominations shall be received at any meeting for election, and if no other nominations be made but those of the Mahamad, their nominees shall be the Parnassim and Gabay for the ensuing year, and no meeting of the Yehidim shall be necessary for the purpose of their election. 21. No nominations shall be made without the written consent of the nominees, and a list of the nominations shall be inserted in the summons convening the meeting for election, and at least seven days' notice shall be given of such meetings. 22. Should the number of nominations exceed the vacancies that have to be filled, a ballot shall be taken at the meeting, and those having the largest number of votes shall be declared elected ; and, in case of equal votes, the senior in membership, and, if of equal membership, the senior in age of those having such equal votes, shall be declared elected. 23. The following shall not serve together as Mahamad : Fathers with sons, sons-in-law or step-sons ; grandfathers with grandsons ; brothers; brothers-in-law ; or uncles with nephews, whether 8 Election of Mahamad. Presidency in the Mahamad. Elections of Treasurers and Par- nassim of Heshaim, Hebra, Beth Holim and Terra Santa. by blood or affinity ; but in the relationship by affinity these restrictions shall apply only in case the wife through whom such relationship exists be living. 24. In the event of a vacancy, either in the office of Parnas or Gabay, by reason of resignation or any other cause, a meeting of the Yehidim to fill up such vacancy shall be convened by the Mahamad, the election to be held in the same manner and on the same conditions as hereinbefore provided for the half-yearly elections. 25. The result of the elections shall be pro- claimed in the Synagogues on Shabbat Hagadol and on the Sabbath preceding Rosh Hashana, or on the first Sabbath after any other election, and the senior in membership as a Yahid of the two Parnassim elected shall be first proclaimed. 26. Each of the Parnassim shall preside three months, viz., from Shabbat Hagadol until Rosh Hodesh Tamuz, from that day to Rosh Hashana, from that day to Rosh Hodesh Tebet, and from that day to Shabbat Hagadol, beginning with the senior in membership as a Yahid of those elected in the antecedent six months. 27. Annually before the Sabbath preceding Rosh Hashana, there shall be an election of two Parnassim of Hebra of G-uemilut Hassadim, a Treasurer and Parnas of Beth Holim ; andannually before Shabbat Hagadol there shall be an election Elections of of another Parnas of Beth Holim ; and annually, before the Sabbath preceding Shebuot, there shall be an election of a Treasurer and a Parnas of 5 e ?u a ii Beth Holira Heshaim. The elections shall be bv the respective and Terra */ Governors of the above Institutions, and shall be subject to the approval of the Mahamad. 28. Annually before the Sabbath preceding Shebuot there shall be an election by the Mahamad of a Parnas of Terra Santa. 29. For the Treasurer of Heshaim and first Parnas of Hebra Elders shall be elected, and for the second Parnas of Hebra, Parnas of Heshaim and Parnas of Terra Santa, any of the Yehidim may be elected, and if the persons elected as Treasurer, or Parnas of Heshaim, or as Parnassim of Hebra, be not life governors of or subscribers to the respective societies, they shall be considered as subscribers during their year of office. The result of the election of Parnassim of Hebra and of the Treasurer and Parnas of Beth Holim, shall be proclaimed in the Synagogues on the Sabbath preceding Kosh Hashana, and the first Parnas of Hebra shall take precedence from that date till Shabbat Hagadol, and the second from Shabbat Hagadol till the Sabbath preceding Rosh Hashana. 30. The result of the election of Treasurer and Parnas of Heshaim and of Parnas of Terra Santa, shall be proclaimed in the Synagogues on the 10 Elections of Sabbath preceding Shebuot, on the first day of and Par- which festival the Treasurer of Heshaim, or, in Heshaim h* 8 absence, the Parnas of the said Society, shall Beth^oiim P res ide and distribute the Mitsvot. and Terra 31. The result of the election of the second Santa. Parnas of Beth Holim shall be proclaimed in the Synao-oo-ues on Shabbat Ha^adol. J o O ~ 32. In the event of any person elected to any of the above-mentioned offices refusing to serve, a new election or elections shall take place in the manner before prescribed, and the names of the person or persons so elected shall be proclaimed in the Synagogues on the following Sabbath. Admission of 33. All persons of the Jewish Faith above the age of twenty- one shall be eligible for admission as Yehidim and Yehidot of the Con- gregation. Any such person desirous of being elected shall sign a form (upon the back of which Laws 3, 4, 11, 37, 85 and 86 shall be stated at length) undertaking if elected to abide by all the Ascamot then in force or to be thereafter enacted. The Elders only shall have power to elect the Yehidim or Yehidot, and the names and addresses of all persons to be proposed for admission as Yehidim or Yehidot at any meeting of Elders shall be set out in the notice convening such meeting. No person proposed for admission as a Yahid or Yehida shall be elected unless he or she shall have two-thirds of the votes in his or her favour. 11 Upon election every Yahid and Yehida shall be furnished with a printed copy of the Ascamot. 34. Should any Yahid or Yehida be placed on Disquaiifica- the charitable list of Sedaca he or she shall imme- diately cease to be a Yahid or Yehida. If any Yahid or Yehida shall be indebted for three years' Finta and offerings, notice of the same shall be sent to him or her, and if at the end of three months from the date of such notice he or she shall fail to pay the amount of such debt the Elders may by resolution remove his or her name from the list of Yehidim and Yehidot. 35. The Haham, Hazanim, Secretary and Ex-offitio Assistant Secretary, shall be ex-officio Yehidim Yehldim - of the Congregation, and exempted from the payment of Finta. 36. Any Yahid, beins; an Elder, who shall have Re-admis- " A been withdrawn from the list either through having ceased to reside in London, or through being in arrear. may, on being re-admitted as a Yahid, be also re-elected an Elder by a vote of the Yehidim. Should any Yahid or Yehida have departed from the tenets of our holy religion by publicly professing another faith, he or she shall be excluded from the said list, provided that the Elders shall by resolution declare that they find he or she has so acted. If any Yahid be convicted of any criminal B offence, he shall not be eligible to hold any honorary office in the Congregation. Finta of 37. Every Yahid shall on admission pay a sum equal to a half of the amount of his Finta as a contribution towards the expenses of Beth Haim, and also a burial rate of Five Pounds to serve as a payment for the graves of himself, his wife, and children. Children of a parent who has paid the rate shall be exempt from the rate, but not from the contribution. The Mahamad may wholly forego the rate in the case of any one who is in their opinion unable to pay it ; but shall not in any case accept a payment of less than Five Pounds. Any one refusing to pay the rate without giving an explanation satisfactory to the Mahamad shall not have a seat allotted to him in the Synagogue. In the event of the repre- sentatives of any deceased member of the Sephardi Community who has not paid the above rate desiring that the burial of the deceased shall take place in the burial ground of the Congregation, the Mahamad may sanction such burial on payment of such sum (not exceeding One Hundred Pounds) as they shall think fit. Reserved 38. Any Yahid or Congregator may buy ground for one or more adjacent graves to be reserved in our burial grounds, for himself or for others belonging to a Sephardi Congregation, upon payment for each space of a minimum of Five Pounds, at the discretion of the Mahamad, 13 and if within thirty days from such purchase he Reserved cede his right to any of the said reserved graves, there shall be returned to him half of the amount paid for the grave or graves so ceded, and they shall be utilised in the ordinary course. 39. Any Yahid or Congregator may have a Foundation brick foundation to any grave or reserve a grave intended to have a brick foundation upon pay- ment of the further sum of Two Pounds Ten Shillings for each such grave for the extra ground required. 40. Notwithstanding the payments mentioned Burial dis- in Law 37 or the purchase of a reserved grave, <* ualification no Yahid, Yehida or Congregator who has ceased to be such shall be entitled to burial in the burial ground of the Congregation. But the Mahamad may permit the burial of such person pursuant to any arrangement they may make with his or her representatives. 41. It shall be the duty of the presiding Meetings of Pumas, by a written summons to be signed by the Secretary, to convene the other members of the Mahamad to meet at all times prescribed by the Ascamot, and at all other times when deemed necessary. And when it shall be requisite to call a meeting of the Mahamad, and the presiding Parnas shall fail to do so, through absence or other cause, the next in rotation, or any other member of the Mahamad, shall have authority to convene it. Notices for meetings shall be B2 14 Meetings of Mahamad. Distribution of Charities. Duties of Gabay. Duties of Mahamad. sent to all members of the Mahamad at least one day before the meeting. All questions arising at any meeting of the Mahamad shall be decided by a majority of votes, and in the case of equality the presiding Parnas shall have a second or casting vote, Three persons shall form a quorum for a meeting. Whenever the Mahamad consists of less than five they shall have power to call in to complete the required number any Elders who, having regard to Law 23, would be competent to serve in Mahamad. 42. The Mahamad shall distribute, or may delegate to the Congregational Board of Guardians, the distribution of the charities which are, or shall in future be, subject to their administration, such distribution to be in accord- ance with the will and direction of the testators or donors. 43. The Gabay of the Congregation shall receive and pay all moneys, but may, with the consent of the Mahamad, delegate this duty to the Secretary of the Synagogue. 44. The Mahamad shall have under their management and control the Synagogues, the burial grounds, and all buildings belonging to the Congregation. They shall also distribute the tenements in the almshouses ; regulate and see to the proper discharge of the duties of the officers of the Congregation ; keep sufficiently 15 insured against fire the Synagogues, with their Duties of appurtenances, and all the buildings belonging to the Congregation ; and distribute the seats in the Synagogues according to the laws relating thereto. 45. The Mahamad shall convene the Elders to their Annual Session in the month of January in */ each year. Meetings of Elders may also be convened whenever deemed necessary by the Mahamad. Elders shall receive at least three days' notice of any meeting, except on any urgent matter, when, with the consent of the President or Vice- President of the Elders, a meeting may be called at a shorter notice. 46. The Mahamad shall put into force all the Resolutions Ascamot and resolutions of the Elders duly passed at their meetings, as well as those of the Yehidim relating to matters within their province. 47. Elders elected prior to the 29th January, Eiders: 1893, shall remain Elders for life, and any Yahid appointment, elected subsequently to that date to serve the office of Parnas or Gabay or one of the repre- sentatives of the Congregation at the London Committee of Deputies of the British Jews (hereafter referred to as Deputy), shall be an Elder of the Congregation during a period of three years from the date of his election (so long as he shall be a Yahid, or if a Deputy, during the time he shall hold that appointment). At the end of such term of three years, and every subse- quent three years, he shall be subject to re-election 16 Eiders : as an Elder by a majority of the votes of the Yehidim assembled at a meeting convened for the purpose, but notwithstanding the expiration of such term of three years he shall continue an / Elder until the next Annual Meeting of the Yehidim, when his name shall be submitted for re-election. Co-option of 48. The Elders may from time to time co-opt as a s Elders, for a term of not less than one or more than three years, Yehidim who have not served the office of Parnas or Gabay. Provided always i (1) that the Finta and offerings (including con- tributions to Beth Haim and Nedabot) of any Yahid so co-opted (hereinafter called co-opted Elder) paid in the preceding year shall have amounted to not less than Five Pounds ; (2) that no Yahid shall be co-opted without his written consent being previously obtained by his pro- poser ; and (3) that the number of co-opted Elders shall at no time exceed three. A co-opted Elder may at, or at any time after, the expiration of the term for which he is co-opted, be again co-opted from time to time. If a co-opted Elder be elected a Parnas or Gabay he shall ipso facto cease to be a co-opted Elder, and in the event of a vacancy occurring thereby or from any other cause the Elders may (but shall not be bound to) co-opt another Yahid. Save as aforesaid, a co-opted Elder shall have all the rights of, and be subject to the same disqualifications as, an Elder. 17 49. The resignation of a life or co-opted Co-option of Elder shall be dealt with by the Elders, and the Eiders, resignation of an Elder elected for a term of three years shall be dealt with by the Yehidim. 50. Every third year there shall be an election President of two Elders to act as President and Vice- President" of President of the Elders. The election shall take Elders ' place at the first meeting of the Annual Session, and shall be made separately after nomination and by ballot, and the two Elders having respectively the largest number of votes shall be declared duly elected. The President shall preside over the meetings of Elders, and in his absence the duty shall devolve on the Vice-Presi- dent. The said President or Vice- President shall be referred to on all disputed points respecting the order of the proceedings, and his decision on such points shall be final. The President for the time being shall declare the votes on every question, and shall only vote in case of an equality of votes. Whenever at any meeting the said President and Vice-President are absent, the first business entered upon shall be the election of an. Elder to preside over that meeting. In case of a vacancy in the office of President or Vice- President, by resignation or otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled up at the first subsequent meeting, and the Elder so elected shall continue in office during the remainder of the said term of three years. 18 President Neitherthe President nor Vice- President during President of his tenure of office shall be a member of the Eldeps< Mahamad. Meetings of 51. Every Elder shall be summoned to all meet- ings of Elders. No Elder shall vote at any meeting or be competent to sign a requisition for a meeting if he be indebted to the Synagogue for two years' Finta and offerings, A list of the Elders so disqualified shall be placed before the Chair- man at each meeting, in order that he may enforce this regulation. At every meeting of the Elders the business which the Mahamad may have to submit shall take precedence of all other business, and their propositions shall not require second- ing, but in all other instances no propositions shall be debated upon nor put to the vote until seconded. An amendment shall be put first to the vote, and a motion for adjournment shall at all times have priority over any other question. 52. No person shall speak in a debate upon any question more than once, except the mover, who shall have the right of reply. 53. Any five or more Elders may require a meeting for the purpose of confirming or rescind- ing any resolution or resolutions passed at a previous meeting, and the Mahamad shall convene such meeting accordingly upon receipt of a requisition to that effect, signed by five or more Elders, and delivered to the Secretary within seven days of the date of the meeting whereat such resolution or resolutions were passed. 19 54. The notice for all meetings of Elders Meetings of shall state the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is convened. The quorum for all meetings of Elders shall be ten, except for meet- ings for confirmation, when the quorum shall be seven. 55. At the first meeting of the Annual Session the accounts of the Congregation for the pre- ceding year shall be presented, the sum to be expended during the current year estimated, and the election of Yehidim and Yehidot pro- ceeded with, and such other business transacted as may arise. The Elders shall during the Session, as and when required, elect Represen- tatives on the Board of Shechita, the Council of Jews' College, Hetidon Burial Ground Conjoint Committee, Religious Education Board, and Con- joint Flour Committee. 56. Upon the written requisition of five or more Special Elders, stating therein the subject or subjects Eiders? 8 to be considered, the Mahamad shall within fourteen days from the receipt of such requisition convene a special meeting. 57. Subject to Law 120, all questions sub- voting at mitted to the Elders shall be decided by a majority of votes. But no proposal for pecuniary relief, or any grant or donation, or grant or increase of salary or pension, shall, unless in- troduced and recommended by the Mahamad, be 20 Voting at deemed to be carried except two-thirds of the Eider"? 8 Elders present vote in its favour. Disquaiifica- 58. Any Elder who shall be convicted of any Eider!* & " criminal offence shall immediately cease to be an Elder. Presidency 59. The following shall be the order of Pre- Synagogues. sidency in the Synagogues : The President and the other members of the Mahamad in rotation, the Treasurer and Parnas of Heshaim, Parnassim of Hebra, the Treasurer of Beth Holim, the Parnassim of Beth Holim,the Parnas of Terra Santa, the Elders of the Congregation according to seniority of membership, the Yehidim of the Congregation (other than the salaried officers) according to seniority of membership. Distribution 60. The presiding Parnas shall distribute all of Mitsvot. t ] ie Mitsvot as he may think fit, and such Mitsvot, including " Bells and Band," shall be announced by the Hazan. No Mitsva shall be given to any one under the age of thirteen, except the Haphtanih, Hashem Melech, Kadeesh, and " Bells and Band " ; and if the three former Mitsvot, and that of reading the Zemirot, shall have been announced by the Hazan, no one else shall have them except in the absence of the persons to whom thev have been o-iven. On no occasion v ~ shall it be permitted to call to Sepher more than two persons in addition to the usual number, except on Sim hat Torah and Shabbat Beresheet. 21 61. The Mitsvaof Levantar shall only be given Mitsva of to a member of the Society of Levantadores, and only Yehidim shall be eligible as members of that Society. A Yahid shall, before being admitted as a member of that Society, satisfy at least %/ t */ three of the existing members that he is able to raise the Sepher in the accustomed manner, and produce to the Elders a certificate in writing from the examining members to that effect. Levantadores shall hold office for three years, and shall be elected by the Elders, who shall have the power of removing any member of the Society, but the said power of removal shall only be exercised after a resolution to that effect has been passed by two-thirds of the Elders present at a meeting, and notice of the resolution has been given in the summons convening the meeting. The Levantadores shall be subject to re- election by the Elders every three years, their names being submitted for the purpose at the first meeting of the Annual Session. Any Levantador who shall not for one year attend at least one Service in any Synagogue of the Congregation shall cease to be a Levantador, unless the Mahamad are satisfied with the reason of his absence. The number of the Levanta- dores shall at no time exceed twelve, and all the Levantadores shall be eligible to act in any of the Synagogues of the Congregation. 22 Scganim. 62. The Mitsva of acting as Segan during the Services of Rosh Hashana and Kippur, like all other Mitsvot in Synagogue, shall be given at the discretion of the presiding Parnas. Rogativa. 63. A Rogativa shall be recited only with the consent of the presiding Parnas. HatanTorah 64. The Mahamad shall elect annually, before Beresheet. -the Sabbath preceding Rosh Hashana, two Yehidim to serve in each of our Svnaorosrues as J ~ O Hatan Torah and Hatan Beresheet, the senior in age being Hatan Torah. Each of the said Hatanim, on the days of Simhat Torah and Shabbat Beresheet respectively, may give to the presiding Parnas a list of the persons to whom he desires the Mitsvot to be presented, arid on each of these days nine persons may be called to the Sepher in addition to the Hatanim and the Maphtir, and the presiding Parnas and the next in rotation shall accompany the said Hatanim into the Svna^osrue and be / o ~ seated by the side of them during the Services. In the case of the non-acceptance of, or subsequent vacancy in, the offices or either of them, such office or offices shall be filled by any person or persons willing to serve who shall be approved by the Mahamad, and should no one be so willing, then by any member of the Mahamad. Election of 65. Whenever the office of Haham shall be vacant the Mahamad shall call a meeting of 23 Elders within three months of such vacancy Election of occurring, to determine the duties and the emolu- ments which shall affect the next holder of the office. The selection of candidates for the office shall be made by the Elders and the election by the Yehidim, for which purpose a meeting shall be summoned at least eight days previously, and the summons shall state the purpose of the meeting ; and should there be more than one candidate, each shall be balloted for in turn, and the name of the one who shall have the majority of votes shall be again put up, and he shall be elected only if two-thirds of the votes or more are in his favour. Should the candidate not receive the requisite number of votes, no further election shall be held except by a fresh resolution of the Elders, passed at a meeting which shall not be con- vened until the expiration of three months. The name of the gentleman elected as Haham shall be proclaimed in the Synagogues of the Congregation. 66. The Haham shall be the head of the Beth Duties of Ho Vi o in Din and Medrash, and shall declare the Din when required by any of the Yehidim or Congregators, and decide any disputes amongst them requiring to be determined according to Din. He shall preach in the Synagogues as required by the Mahamad, and attend therein and at the Medrash. It shall be his duty, with the authority of the 24 Duties of Mahamad, to perform the Marriage Ceremony for all members of the Congregation when required so to do by the bridegroom, but it shall be optional for the bridegroom to select any one of the Hazanim of the Congregation to perform the ceremony. 67. The Haham shall not intercede in favour of or oppose any candidate for an office in the Congregation, or applicant for monetary assistance. Haham The Haham shall be entitled to be called to the J3d to* Sepher on the following days :- Sepher. Shabbat Beshallahh (Shirah). ,, Yitro (Commandments). ,, Vaethhannan (do). Teshubah. Hanucali. Hagadol. Shabbat on which Rosh Hodesli falls. 7th day Pesahh. 1st day Shebuoth. Kippur (Shahrit). Shemini Hag Gna-tse-ret. WEEK DAYS. Rosh Hodesh ; each Ta-gua-neet ; Pureem. Beth Din. 68. The Elders may appoint two qualified persons to compose the Beth Din jointly with the Haham, or three persons should the office of Haham be vacant, any one of whom may declare the Din. Should a question arise which, accord- ing to Din, requires to be decided by more than three, the Beth Din shall have power to call in others, whom they may think proper for the 25 purpose, and no other person shall have authority Beth Din. to give Din. 69. Should any dereliction of duty on the part of the Haham, or any member of the Beth Din, come to the knowledge of the Mahamad, they shall, if in their opinion any action be necessary, forthwith convene a special meeting of the Elders to deal with the matter. 70. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the office Election of of Hazan the Mahamad shall call a meeting of the Elders as early as possible, to consider the necessity of electing another, and if it be resolved to proceed to an election, the Mahamad shall give public notice inviting applications for the office within a reasonable time, to be fixed by them, and every one offering himself shall be admitted with the sanction of the Mahamad to submit himself for probation unless the Haham. or, in his absence, the gentlemen of the Beth Dm, shall declare in writing that, according to Din Torah, he is not eligible for the office. The said probation shall consist of each candidate reading the Services in each of the Synagogues as Hazan for one whole week, in order that all the Yehidim may have the oppor- tunity of hearing and judging of his capacity and voice, and the Mahamad shall determine by lot the order of probation, with power to alter the rotation in cases of urgency. When all the 26 Election of candidates have gone through their probation, the Mahamad shall appoint a day for election, which election shall be made by the Yehidim and Yehidot in the Vestry Room, within one month after conclusion of the probations, in the presence of the Mahamad, and the voting shall be by placing the names of the candidates voted for on a folded paper, and delivering it to the presiding Parnas, who shall deposit it unopened in a box. All the Yehidim and Yehidot qualified by Ascama shall have the right to vote, but no proxies shall be allowed. At the expiration of one hour from the commencement of the voting, the votes shall be counted by at least two members of the Mahamad, and the candidate having the majority shall be declared elected. In the case of an equality of votes a fresh ballot shall be taken at a subsequent date between the candidates having such equal number of votes. Sazanim f 71. It shall be the duty of the Hazanim to attend Synagogue at the commencement of all Services, and to officiate in turn weekly, and alternately on the days of festivals. They shall also attend on special occasions when required. Whenever any one of them shall be unable to attend to his duties, the other or others shall officiate in his stead, and they shall attend in rotation at all weddings, or as provided by the Ascama, but it shall be optional for a bridegroom 27 to select any one of the Hazanim to perform the Duties of J _ Hazanim. ceremony. They shall write and copy the Ketu- bot in turn, and they shall when requested officiate on occasions of Bereet and marriages, and at funerals in the event of the Hazanim of Hebra being prevented from so doing. 72. On all occasions when there is more than one Hazan in Synagogue, the Hazan who is not officiating shall proceed to the Ark to supervise the taking out and replacing of the Scrolls of the Law. A Hazan shall not, without leave of the gentleman presiding, commence prayers or give any Mitsva or give a title to any person that shall not have been determined upon by the Mahamad in company with the Haham, or one of the gentle- men of the Beth Din, or make any Hashcaba except as provided by Law 106, and the Hazanim shall conform to all resolutions of the Elders and instructions of the Mahamad. 73. If a Hazan neglect any part of his duties the Mahamad may suspend him for a period of not more than one month, in which case they shall con- vene a meeting of Elders to consider the matter. The Elders may suspend a Hazan and withhold the emoluments attached to his office for a period not exceeding six months, but no more serious action shall be taken except by the Yehidim at a meeting specially convened to consider the matter. 28 Assistance to the Hazanim. Candidates for office of Hazan in other Sephardi Congrega- tions. Election of various Salaried Officers. 74. In case of necessity the Mahamad may appoint any person they may think proper to assist the Hazanim, or to officiate in their stead. The Mahamad may from time to time invite preachers of recognised Orthodox Congregations to preach in our Synagogues, the consent of the Haham being first obtained. 75. Upon application from any Sephardi Con- gregation, the Mahamad may give permission to any candidate for the office of Hazan in that Congregation to read the Services in either of our Synagogues for one week on probation, and any duly elected Hazan of a Sephardi Con- gregation may be permitted to read the Services in our Synagogues at such times as the Mahamad in their discretion may allow. 76. If there shall be a vacancy in any of the following offices the Secretary, the Hazanim of Hebra, the Superintendents of the Synagogues, the Medical Officer for the Poor, and the Keepers of the Burial Grounds, the Mahamad shall notify the same to the Elders at a meeting which shall be convened for the purpose and be held within three months of such vacancy occurring, and the Elders shall decide whether a new election shall be proceeded with, and on what terms and conditions the vacant office shall be offered. The election of the before- mentioned officers, with the exception of the Secretary, the Hazanim 29 of Hebra, and the Medical Officer for the Poor, Election of shall be vested in the Mahamad, and in the safaried event of a vacancy, or of any of these officers Officers - being incapacitated from attending to his duties, either by illness, suspension, or any other cause, the Mahamad may appoint another person to act in his stead. 77. The Secretary of the Congregation shall Duties of be elected by the Elders, and it shall be his duty to attend all meetings of the Elders, of the Mahamad, of the Yehidim, and of all committees which may be appointed, and to issue notices for these meetings, to take minutes of the proceed- ings, and to attend Synagogue, as far as possible, at all times of prayer. He shall also attend at weddings. He shall keep the books of accounts of the revenue and expenditure of the Synagogue, and of the trusts under its administration. He shall make out and render half-yearly the accounts of each person's indebtedness to the Synagogue. He shall, if required, receive all moneys due to the Synagogue, and shall pay all moneys ordered by the Elders or by the Mahamad, keeping an account of such receipts and payments. He shall also attend in the Vestry Room daily, and shall perform all other duties required of him by the Mahamad. 78. The Hazanim of Hebra shall be elected by Duties of the Elders. One of them shall be present at the lebS! f c 2 30 Duties of Hazanim of Hebra. Duties of Superintend ents of Synagogues. Duties of Medical Officer. Duties of Keepers of Burial Grounds. house at the time of the funeral, and shall accom- pany to the grave every deceased person who shall be buried in either of our burial grounds, and shall officiate on such occasions, but no Kazan of Hebra shall take part in the funeral of any person whose burial is not permitted in the regular row. He shall, if required, read the prayers at the house of mourning, both morning and evening, during the seven days of Abel. 79. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of each Synagogue to open and close the same, before and after public prayer, and to attend all Services. He shall be responsible for the cleanli- ness of the Synagogue and its surroundings. One of them shall be in attendance at meetings of the Elders, Mahamad, committees, and of the Board of Guardians. They shall, if required, be present at all weddings that may take place in the Congregation in London or in the country. 80. The Medical Officer of the Congregation shall be elected by the Elders. He shall visit the sick poor and the salaried officers of the Con-* gregation, prescribe for them, and give such professional assistance at the houses of the said officers and poor as may be required, and generally shall comply with the orders of the Mahamad. 81. The Keepers of the Burial Grounds shall be responsible for the care of the grounds, and it shall be their duty to be in attendance at all 31 funerals, to keep an accurate register of all Duties of burials, to see that the tombs do not exceed the measurements prescribed by Law 103, and Grounds * to prevent the fixing of any stones not in con- formity with the said Law. They shall like- wise see that the graves are dug in rows in the usual manner, and do not exceed the limits prescribed by Law 104. The Keepers of the Burial Grounds shall not accompany persons who visit graves, unless so requested. 82. No salaried officer shall attempt to influence salaried any election to an office (honorary or otherwise) p in the Congregation. e"eSi. 83. Officers of the Congregation attending canonicals. any public service shall appear in canonicals, or other official attire. 84. All the officers of the Congregation, Officers enumerated in Law 76, shall be subject to the orders of resolutions of the Elders and the orders of the SJhamad! 1 Mahamad. In the event of non-compliance with such resolutions or orders, or in case of any neglect of duty, the Mahamad shall have power to suspend the offending officer for a period not exceeding three months, and shall bring the matter to the notice of the Elders. 85. A circular letter inviting offerings to the Offerings. Synagogue shall be addressed by the Mahamad to each Yahid and Yehida, shortly before the New Year, Passover, and Pentecost Holydays, and on 32 offerings. the Sabbath preceding the three Festivals all Yehidim shall be charged with the Nedabot of " Shalosh Pegnamim." List of Finta The Statement of Accounts of the Synagogue to U }>e ffei>mgS shall be forwarded annually to the members of the annually^ Congregation, and it shall be accompanied by a Yehidim. printed list of the Yehidim and Yehidot, showing in each case the assessment of Finta, the offerings made and total receipts for account of Finta and offerings during the preceding twelve months. Collections in 86. On Pureem mornings the presiding Parnas, Synagogues. n . -in and the two next in rotation, shall go round the Synagogue, each with a plate, the first to collect the half-shekel (valued at Is. 6d.), the second for Pureem money, and the third for the general funds of the Congregation. The last two are voluntary, but the first is compulsory, and shall be charged to the account of every Yahid who is not present in the Synagogue. 87. On the fasts of Guedaliah, Tebet, Esther, Tamuz, and Ab, the Secretary shall go round at Minha with a plate, to collect for the funds of the Congregation. 88. There shall also be in the Synagogues, upstairs and downstairs, boxes for donations, which shall be opened at least once annually, and the amount found in them shall be paid into the funds of the Congregation. 89. The seats in our Synagogues shall be 33 granted by a complete Mahamad to the Yehidiin, Distribution Yehidot and Congregators, and to such other synagogues, persons as may desire to become seatholders. Register books shall be kept by the Secretary, Register of wherein shall be entered the names of the persons to whom seats are allotted, and to each such person a card shall be furnished, signed by the Secretary, specifying the number of his or her seat, and declaring it to be held subject to the Ascaniot. In the event of the holder of any seat quitting the Kingdom, contravening any of the Ascamot, or dying, his or her seat shall revert to the Mahamad and may be re-allotted by them. 90. The united Yeshibot of Heshaim and Heshaim Mahane Rephael shall continue under the super- Raphael!* 11 vision of the Elders of the Congregation, as agreed with Heshaim in 5590 1830. 91. The present funds, which consist of 5,854. 13s. 6d. India 3J per cent. Stock, and 34 annuity Class B of the Scinde, Punjaub and Delhi Railway belonging to Heshaim, and 2,678. 14s. 3d. Natal 3 per cent. Inscribed Stock belonging to Mahane Rephael, shall continue vested in the names of four Trustees, to be appointed by the Elders. The Scinde Stock is an available fund, and the India 3| per cent. Stock, 5,854. 13s. 6d., is a permanent fund, the interest alone being applicable for the purposes of the institution. 34 Heshaim All payments for Life Governorships and legacies Rephaei. shall be added to such fund. 92. The United Yeshibot shall be supported by the interest on their funded properties, by the subscriptions of members, which is fixed at 12s. per annum for gentlemen and 6s. per annum for ladies, and by grants, if necessary, from the funds of the Congregation. A payment of 5. 5s. by gentlemen, and 3. 3s. by ladies, shall constitute them Life Governors. 93. The government of the United Yeshibot shall be vested in a Committee of Management, (consisting of the Treasurer and Parnas of Heshaim and nine Inspectors), jointly with the Mahamad. The Inspectors shall be elected by the Elders every two years from among the Yehidim of the Congregation, and if not already members of the institution they shall be considered as such during their tenure of office. The Committee of Management shall meet, if necessary, half- yearly, in the months of Heshvan and Ivar, for the election of students and for general purposes, and at the meeting in lyar the Treasurer shall present the accounts of the institution for the preceding year. Three members shall form a quorum at such meetings. 94. The number of students to be admitted into the Medrash shall not be less than six, pro- 35 vided a sufficient number of fit and proper persons, Heshaim *, r and MahanS haying a knowledge of the English language, Rephaei. is obtainable. The pay of such students shall be regulated according to their proficiency and usefulness, but shall not in any case exceed 4 per month, to include attendance and discharge of duties at both Yeshibot. 95. The Medrash shall be open for collective study at least once in each week, and a register shall be kept, in which each student shall sign his name at every attendance, and which shall be countersigned by the head of the Medrash. 96. The Committee shall have power to suspend any student for neglect of duty or other reasonable cause, and shall report the same at the first general meeting. 97. In accordance with resolutions adopted by the Governors of Heshaim in 5603 1843, and sanctioned by the Elders, scholarships may be granted by the United Yeshibot for the advance- ment of such boys from our schools as may exhibit talent, so that by a suitable secular and religious education they may be qualified to fill clerical offices in the Consrreffation. o o 98. The Committee shall appoint a Secretary, whose duties shall be to keep the accounts, make out and render the bills for subscriptions annually . in the month of Elul, receive and pay, by direc- 36 Heshaim and Mahane Rephael. Meetings of Hebra. Arrange- ments for Funerals. Graves. tion of the Treasurer, the salaries of the students, and all other expenses of the institution, to issue notices for, and attend all meetings, and keep the usual minutes. 99. At no time shall the congregational funds be made liable for any part of the expenses of these United Yeshibot, beyond what the Elders may grant towards their support. 100. The Parnassiin of Hebra shall call meet- ings of the members of that society half-yearly, if necessary, to legislate on its affairs, and the Mahamad shall be summoned to and may vote at the said meetings. 101. The control of all arrangements connected with funerals shall be vested in the Parnassim of Hebra, after the sanction for burial has been given by the Mahamad. 102. All deceased adults being Yehidim,Yehidot, or Congregators shall be interred in one of our burial grounds, in graves following each other in the order of burial, excepting in the case of (1) Reserved graves ; (2) A Haham or Kazan who may, in ac- cordance with custom, be buried at the commencement of a row ; and (3) Those who, according to the Ascamot, shall have incurred the penalty of not being buried in the regular row. 37 There shall be a separate row for children Graves, between the rows of adults. 103. There shall be equality in the measure- Tombstones, ments of the tombs to be placed on the graves. Those for adults shall not exceed 6^ feet in length, 3 feet in breadth, and ]^ feet in height, including the thickness of the stone, except it be to cover two graves, when they must be in like proportions. Those for children must not exceed 3| feet in length, 1^ feet in breadth, and 1J feet in height, including the thickness of the stone ; and should in any case these limits be exceeded, the stone shall be forthwith reduced to such limits. 104. The following spaces shall be allowed for each grave : HENDON BURIAL GROUND. Adults' Graves. 2^ feet in breadth, Measure- 3| feet if with a foundation, 5 feet in depth, ij Gift made in 1884 by the Misses Grace Eloise and Serena Kursheedt. The income is applicable to keeping in proper repair and order the graves of Mr. Gershom Kursheedt, Mrs. Grace Kursheedt, Mr. Judah Guedalla and Mrs. Esther de Judah Guedalla. The Fund consists of 207. 15s. 2d. Metro- politan Consolidated 3 per Cent. Stock. This Trust is administered bv the Mahamad. Crwst. Created by Deed of Gift dated 12th November, 17 06. The income is applicable as to four-fifths to the Orphan Society and one-fifth to the Gates of Hope Schoo). The Fund consists of 5,152. 5s. 4d. British Columbia 3 per Cent. Inscribed Stock, 1941. This Trust is administered bv the Committees / of the Orphan Society and of the Gates of Hope School. Jura's Crusts. I. Created by Deed of Trust bearing date 13th December, 1827. Of the annual income the sum of 550 is specifically appropriated as follows : 53 (a) Two scholarships of 75 each 150 (b) Marriage portion ... ... 100 (c) Allowances of 5 each to ten lying-in women ... ... 50 (d) Clothing for twenty girls at a cost of 2 each ... ... 40 (e) Supplying medicines to the Con- gregational poor ... ... 70 (f) Supplying linen shrouds for the poor, and for the general objects of the Hebra (Burial Society) ... ... ... 70 (g) Maintenance of four aged per- sons in the Beth Holim Hospital 70 550 The balance of the income is at the disposal of the Mahamad for the benefit of aged and decrepit persons and deserted children. All recipients under this Trust must be Spanish and Portuguese Jews by parentage on both sides. The Funds consist of : 19,223 12 9 Metropolitan Consolidated 3 per Cent. Stock. 19,047 18 7 India 3| per Cent. Stock. The specific bequests under* 1 this Trust are administered by the Trustees jointly with the 54 Mahamad. The balance is administered by the Mahamad. II. LOAN FUND. Created by the before- mentioned Deed. The income is applicable to granting loans in manner stipulated by the Deed. The Fund, with accumulations from income, consists of 1,200 Cardiff 3 per Cent.Redeemable Stock. This Trust is administered by the Trustees jointly with the Mahamad. ib cbarbuntl tinWs Crust Created by Deeds bearing date the 6th May 1850, and the 4th February, 1851. The income is distributable annually among the poor of the Congregation on the 6th Adar and the 26th Heshvan, the anniversaries respectively of the deaths of David Abarbanel Lindo and of Sarah his wife. The Fund consists of 881. 4s. 5d. Huddersfield 3 per Cent. Redeemable Stock. Administration delegated to the Board of Guardians. 55 of HJafraiu flcpjrael. Founded by Benjamin Mendes da Costa in 1734, to perpetuate the memory of his only son, and subsequently amalgamated with Heshaim. The income is applicable to the general purposes of the combined Yeshibot of Heshaim and Mahane Rephael. The Fund consists of 2,678. 14s. 3d. Natal 3 per Cent. Consolidated Stock, 1929-1949. This Trust is administered by the Society of Heshaim. gibrabant ilotrrujues Marques' (Trust. Created by the will of the late Abraham Rodrigues Marques, who died in 1675, and has for its object the provision from time to time out of the income of the Fund of dowers of 50 each to female orphans of the Congregation on their marriage. The dowers are granted by the Mahamad. The Fund consists of 2,295. 8s. 2J per Cent. Consolidated Stock, standing to the credit of the suit Attorney-General v. Henriques. Abraham anfc rtlnir Created under the will of Arthur Sehag Monte- fiore, who died in 1895. The income is applicable to planting flowers in and beautifying the Rams- gate Burial Ground in which he is interred. The Fund consists of 172. 8s. 4d. London County Council 3 per Cent. Consolidated Stock. This Trust is administered by the Mahamad. Isaac |10brigius ftuius' (Trust. Created by the will of Isaac Rodrigues Nunes, who died in 1793. The annual income is appli- cable as follows : () 10s. each to the Society of 59 Heshaim, Hebra, Beth Holim, Gates of Hope School and Terra Santa ; (b) 2. 10s. to the general funds of the Synagogue, and (c) the balance distributed immediately before Kippur amongst the Congregational poor. The Fund consists of 671. 19s. lOd. Natal 3 per Cent. Consolidated Stock, 1929-1949. This Trust is administered by the Mahamad and the distribution of the money to the poor is dele- gated to the Board of Guardians. Cntst. Created by Deed of Gift by Dr. Emanuel Pacifico, who died in 1851, for the purchase of a freehold site and erection of almshouses thereon. The almshouses were situated at London Fields, Hackney, and with the approval of the Charity Commissioners the site was sold in 1900 and the net proceeds of sale were invested in the names of the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds. The income is applicable towards the upkeep of the Congregational Almshouses in Devonshire Street, Mile End. The Fund consists of 744. 19s. 3d. Local Loans 3 per Cent. Stock. This Trust is administered by the Mahamad. E 60 Crust. Created under the will of Elias Lopes Pereira, who died in 1809. The income is partly dis- tributable in money and partly in the purchase of shirts and collars to be given to the poor immediately before Bosh Hashana. The Fund consists of 179. 16s. 6d. Hudders- field 3 per Cent. Redeemable Stock. Administration delegated to the Board of Guardians. Crust Created under the will of David Alves Rebello, who died in 1796. The income is applicable to the purchase of boots, shirts, stockings, etc., to be distributed annually about the 1st November. The Fund consists of 499. 12s. 5d. Hudders- field 3 per Cent. Redeemable Stock. Administration delegated to the Board of Guardians. |{0bria,itts' Crust, Created under the will of Mrs. Welcome Rodrigues, who died in 1887. The income is applicable to the keeping in good repair the tombstones over the graves of her parents, her first husband Jacob Cohen and herself, and 61 subject thereto for the charitable purposes of the Synagogue. The Fund consists of 97. 18s. 4d. India 3J per Cent. Stock. This Trust is administered by the Mahamad. of Cipjjmt ajntrim. The Society is known by this title, but its origin cannot be ascertained. Its income is paid over annually to the Gates of Hope School. The Fund consists of 61. 8s. lOd. London County Council 3 per Cent. Consolidated Stock. This Trust is administered by the Mahamad. (girls' j&eljool instituted 05 Jfsaat oa Costa illanal Founded by Isaac da Costa Villareal, who died in 1730, for the instruction and clothing of twenty girls, daughters of poor members of the Congregation. The Fund consists of 2,429. 4s. lOd. India 3 1 per Cent. Stock. The School is, together with the National and Infant School, managed by a Ladies' Committee^ and the appointment of the teacher of the Villareal School is vested in the Mahamad and heirs of the founder. s Crwst. Created under the will of Mrs. Leah Zachariah, who died in 1861. The annual income is applic- able to the distribution immediately before Passover of sums of 15s. each to poor families belonging to the Congregation. The Fund consists of 88.3. 16s. 7d. Cardiff 3 per Cent. Redeemable Stock. Administration delegated to the Board of Guardians. GLOSSARY. AB ABEL ADAR ... ASCAMA ASCAMOT BEREET BETH DIN BETH HAIM ... BETH HAMEDRASH .. BETH HOLIM ... COMPLETE MAHAMAD DIN DIN TORAII ELDERS .ELUL FINTA , FlNTADOR FlNTADORES ... GABAY ... GUEDALIAH, FAST OF HAH AM HAPHTARAH HASHCABA HASHCABOT Fifth Hebrew month (approximately in July). Mourning. Twelfth Hebrew month (approxi- mately in March). Law of the Congregation. Plural of Ascama. Circumcision. Jewish Ecclesiastical Court. Burial-ground. Same as Medrash. Hospital, founded in 1747. The five members of the Mahamad, or one or more Elders called in to complete that number. Jewish Ecclesiastical Law. Yehidim who have served the office of Parnas or Gabay. Sixth Hebrew month (approximately in August). Assessment for Congregational pur- poses. Assessor of Finta. Plural of Fintador. Treasurer. The day following Jewish New Year. Ecclesiastical Chief of the Congre- gation. Portion of the Prophets. Prayer for deceased persons. Plural of Hashcaba. 64 GLOSSARY. HASHEM MELECH HATAN TORAH HATAN BERESHEET HAZAN* HAZANIH HEBRA OF GUEMILUT HASSADIM . HESHAIM HESHVAN HONEN DALIM IYAR , KAAL ... KADDEESH KADDEESH TITTKABAL KETUBOT KIPPUR LEVANTADOR ... LEV ANT ADORES LEVANTAR Verse in Morning Service proclaim- ing God's sovereignty. Persons selected to read the con- cluding and opening sections of the Pentateuch. Plural of Hatan Torah and Hatan Beresheet. Reader of the Congregation. Plural of Kazan. Title of the Burial Society of the Congregation, founded in the year 1665. Title of the Theological College of the Congregation, founded in the year 1664. Eighth Hebrew month (approxi- mately in October). Title of the Congregational Society for granting Marriage Dowers, and other purposes, founded in the year 1724. Second Hebrew month (approxi- mately in May). Congregation. Prayer said by Mourners. Prayer read in Daily Services. Hebrew Marriage Contracts. Day of Atonement. Member of the Society entrusted with duty of raising the Scroll of the Law. Plural of Levantador. To raise the Scroll of the Law. GLOSSARY. 65 MAHAMAD MAHASIM Toimi MAPHTIR MEDBASH MEGUILLA MEHIL SEDACA MIXHA Mix VAN MlSHEBERACH... MlTSVA MlTSVOT MUSAPH NEDABOT PARXAS PARNASSIM PDREEM ROGATIVA ROSH HASH ANA ROSH HODESH ... ROSH HODESH TAMUZ ROSH HODESH TEBET Wardens and Treasurer of the Congregation. Title of Congregational Loan, Apprenticing and Emigration Society, founded in the year 1749. Additional portion in the reading of the Law. Theological College of the Con- gregation. Book of Esther. Title of Congregational Dower Society, founded in the year 1736. Afternoon Service. The requisite number to form a Jewish Congregation, viz. : 10 males above the age of 13. Prayer invoking a blessing on individuals named therein. Used here in the sense of a Synagogue honour during Divine Service. Plural for Mitsva. Additional to Morning Service. Offerings. Warden. Plural of Parnas. Feast of Esther. Special prayer for a sick person. Jewish New Year. New Moon. New Moon of the fourth Hebrew month (approximately in June). New Moon of the tenth Hebrew month (approximately in Dec- ember). 66 GLOSSARY. SEDACA SEGANIM SEPHARDI SEPHEB SHABBAT BERESHEET SHALOSH PEGNAMIM... SHEBAT SHEBUOT SlMHAT TORAH TAMUZ TEBET... TERRA SANTA TISHRI ... VEADAR YAHID YEHIDA YEHIDIM YEHIDOT YESHIBA YESHIBOT The Funds of the Congregation. Persons chosen to stand next to the Reader on the Reading Desk on special occaisons. Following the Ritual of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews. Scroll of the Law. Sabbath on which the Book of Genesis is commenced. The three Festivals of Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles (Cp. Deut. xvi. 16). Eleventh Hebrew month (approxi- mately in January). Feast of Pentecost. Concluding day of the Tabernacle Holidays. Fourth Hebrew month (approxi- mately in June. Tenth Hebrew month (approxi- mately in December). Holy Land. Seventh Hebrew month (approxi- mately in September). Additional month in Hebrew Leap Year (approximately in March). Assessed Male Member of the Congregation. Assessed Female Member of the Congregation. Plural of Yahid. Plural of Yehida. Jewish Theological College. Plural of Yeshiba. ZEMIROT ... Introductory Morning Service. 000 880 487 4