REVISED ORDINANCES OF POET WOETH, TEXAS. d873-1884. : IKH IJV HARRIS ^ WEAR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. I FORT WORTH, TEXAS. AND AI>OPTK]> UY THK 'IT ^ CIL SEPTEMBER, TTH, i A> the middle of block No. known as the Peak block, said alley to - 1 ^ run in a northerly and southerly direction, and from Weatherford to First street. SBC. 2. That the ordinance take eifect and be in force from B. A. O. 145 and after its passage. | 2 Approved April 13, 1878, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. II. An Ordinance creating the office of Assistant Assessor and Collector. JBe it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : B. A. SECTION 1. That the office of Assistant Assessor and Collec- 2** 2 tor of this city is hereby created and established. SEC. 2. That the Mayor have power to appoint some suitable O. 62 person to said office, said appointment to be confirmed by the City * 2 Council before it takes effect. B. A. SEC. 3. That the powers, duties, salaries and fees -of said O. 62 officer shall be the same as is now prescribed and authorized by law and by the charter of this city for the Tax Assessor and Collector. B. A. SEC. 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force g 4 2 from and after its passage. Approved August 11, 1874. ORDINANCE NO. III. An Ordinance defining and prohibiting Assaults and Batteries. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. The use of any unlawful violence upon the per- son of another, with intent to injure him, whatever be the means or B.A. the degree of violence used, is an assault and battery. Any *Q \^ attempt to commit a battery or any threatening gesture, showing in itself, or by words accompanying it, any immediate intention, coupled with the ability to commit a battery, is an assault. SEC. 2. When an injury is caused by violence to the person, the intent to injure is presumed, and it rests with the person inflict- ed' icg * n ^6 * n J ur y to snow ^e accident or innocent intention. The 2 injury intended may be either bodily pain, constraint, a sense of shame, or other disagreeable emotions of the mind. SEC. 3. An assault or assault and battery may be committed by the use of any part of the body of the person committing the ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 75 offense, as of the hand, foot, head, or by the use of any inanimate object, as a stick, knife or anything else capable of inflicting the slightest injury, or by the use of any animate object, as by throwing one person against another, or driving a horse or other animal Q. 158 against the person ; any means used by the person assaulting, as by 2 3 spitting in the face, or otherwise, which is capable of inflicting an injury, comes within the definition of an assault or assault and bat- tery, as the case may be ; and an assault or an assault and battery may be committed though the person injured thereby was not the person intended to be injured. SEC. 4. Violence used to the person does not amount to an assault or battery in the following cases : 1. In the exercise of the right of moderate restraint or correction given by law to the parent over the child, the guardian over the ward, the teacher over the scholar. 2. For the preservation of order in a meeting for religious, political or other lawful purpose. 3. For the preservation of the peace or to prevent the commission of offenses. 4. In preventing or interrupting an intrusion upon the lawful possession of property. B. A. 5. In making lawful arrests and detaining the party arrested in \ 4 obedience to the lawful order of a magistrate or court, and in over- coming resistance to such lawful order. 6. In self-defense or the defense of another against unlawful violence offered to his person or property, provided, that in all cases mentioned in this section, where violence is permitted to effect a lawful purpose, only that degree of violence must be used which is necessary to effect such purposes. SEC. 5. No verbal provocation justifies an assault and bat- B A tery, but insulting and abusive words may be given in evidence in O. 158 mitigation of the punishment affixed to the offense. SEC. 6. That any person who shall commit an assault or an assault and battery, as defined in this ordinance, shall, upon con- 0/20*7 viction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than five dollars, nor 2 l more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 7. The word battery is used in this ordinance in the B. A - 15 same sense as assault and battery. g 7 SEC. 8. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from T5 A and after its publication as required by law. 0/158 Approved May 29, 1878. i Section 6 approved September 4, 1879. id ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. IV. An Ordinance fixing the amount of the official bonds of certain officers elected by the vote of the people. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the City Marshal shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, enter into a bond with two or B. B more securities, to be approved by the City Council, in the penal o 3 02 sum of one thousand dollars, payable to the city of Fort Worth, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties in accordance with the charter and ordinances of the city. SEC. 2. That the City Assessor and Collector shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, enter into a bond with two or more securities, to be approved by the City Council, in the O* "^>*2 P ena l sum f twenty thousand dollars, payable to the city of Fort \ 2 Worth, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties in accord- ance with the charter and ordinances of the ci4y. SEC. 3. The City Treasurer shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, enter into a bond with two or more securi- B - B - ties, to be approved by the City Council, in the penal sum of fifty \ 3 thousand dollars, payable to the city of Fort Worth, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties in accordance with the char- ter and ordinances of the city. SEC. 4. The City Secretary shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, enter into bond with two or more good securities, to be approved by the City Council, in the penal sum of 0/302 two thousand dollars, payable to the city of Fort Worth, conditioned ^ 4 for the faithful discharge of his duties in accordance with the char- ter and ordinances of the city. SEC. 5. The City Attorney shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, enter into bond with two or more good B. B. securities, to be approved by the City Council, in the penal sum of - 3 2 five hundred dollars, payable to the city of Fort Worth, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties in accordance with the char- ter and ordinances of the city. SEC. 6. The City Engineer shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, enter into a bond with two or more good sureties, to be approved by the City Council, in the penal sum of ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 17 one thousand dollars, payable to the city of Fort Worth, conditioned Q" ^ for the faithful discharge of his duties in accordance with the char^ \ 6 ter and ordinances of the citj. SEC. 7. That it shall be the duty of the City Secretary to B. B. properly record all official bonds of city officers in the city record a^ 02 book of bonds, etc. SEC. 8. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force ** B - u. 302 from and after its passage. 8 Approved April 6, 1883. ORDINANCE NO. V. An Ordinance to provide for funding the indebtedness of the city incurred for the erection of a city hall. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : THAT WHEREAS, this city has incurred to J. Kane an indebt- edness amounting to two thousand ($2,000) dollars for material furnished and labor performed by said Kane in erecting a public city hall for said city, and Whereas, by an act of the Legislature of the State of Texas, passed March 15, 1875, entitled "An Act regulating the incor- poration of cities of one thousand inhabitants or over, and to repeal all other acts," etc., it is provided that the city council of every such city shall have power to pass all necessary ordinances to pro- vide for funding the whole or any part of the existing debt of the city, or of any future debt, by cancelling the evidences thereof, and issuing to the holders or creditors, notes, bonds or treasury war- rants, with or without coupons, bearing 1 interest at any annual rate not to exceed ten per cent., and Whereas, it is desired to fund said indebtedness for said city hall in bonds without coupons, payable and issuable as hereinafter set forth, therefore, SECTION 1. It is ordered that twenty bonds of the city of Fort Worth be issued and signed by the Mayor of said city, and that they be countersigned by the Secretary of said city in manner o. 104 and form as hereinafter directed, and that the seal of the city be ^ * affixed to each bond. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. SEC. 2. That said bonds be for the sum of one hundred B. A. ($100) dollars each, and that they be made payable to J. Kane, or 3 2 4 Bearer, at the city of Fort Worth, and that they each bear inter- est from date at the rate of ten per centum per annum, and that they each be dated May 1, 1877. B - A - SEC. 3. That ten of said bonds be made payable one year after \ 3 date, and that the remaining ten thereof be made pay able two years after date, and that they be numbered from one to twenty, inclusive. SEC. 4. That as soon after the passage of this ordinance as B. A. may be practicable, the Mayor shall cause said bonds to be engraved 2 4 4 or P r i nte d on gd, substantial paper or parchment,and shall cause a copy of this ordinance to be printed either on the face or back of said bonds as he may deem best. SEC. 5. That as soon as said bonds shall have been issued and signed as hereinbefore directed, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to forward the same to the Comptroller of the State, as Q- A> directed by the act of the Legislature hereinbefore referred to, for 5 registration and certification ; and the Mayor shall request said comptroller to state in his certificate that no other bonds of the city of Fort Worth have before been registered in his office. -SEC. 6. That the Mayor at the time he shall so forward said 0/104 bonds shall furnish the comptroller with a statement of the value of all taxable property, real and personal, in the city, as required by said act. SEC. 7. That when said bonds shall be returned from the Comptroller's oifice the Mayor shall deliver them to J. Kane, or to such other person holding and owning the evidence of indebtedness B. A. issued by the city for the erection of said city hall, as fast as said o I 7 4 Kane, or other person shall surrender and deliver up for cancella- tion an equal amount of said evidences of said indebtedness, and as soon as said evidences of indebtedness shall be delivered to said Mayor he shall report them to the City Council for cancellation. SEC. 8. That there be, and the same is hereby appropriated, out of the revenue of the city, emanating from whatever source, for the present fiscal year, the sum of eleven hundred dollars for the purpose of paying off the first installment of said bonds and O. 104 interest, and that the sum of twelve hundred dollars be and the \ 8 same is hereby appropriated out of the revenue of the next fiscal year, from whatever source derived, for the purpose of paying oft* ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ig the second installment of said bonds and interest ; and the City Treasurer is hereby directed to set apart said amounts out of the first moneys, coming to his hands in said years respectively for said purpose. SEC. 9. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from B - A - , , .. O. 104 and after its passage. g 9 Approved April 27, 1878. ORDINANCE NO. VI. An Ordinance authorizing the issuing of bonds for the purpose of establishing and completing a system of sewerage and street improvement in the city of Fort Worth, and to provide for the interest and create a sinking fund for the princi- pal of said bonds. WHEREAS, a system of sewerage and street improvement have become a public necessity in this city, and the Council of said city have ordered certain streets in said city to be repaired, macadam- ized and improved and have perfected a system of sewerage, and Whereas, it becomes necessary to create a debt and obtain the means for carrying out the plans for street improvement and sewer- age, and Whereas, by an official census ordered by the City Council, it has been ascertained that there are upwards of eleven thousand inhabitants in this city, and Whereas, all cities in the state of Texas may issue bonds equal to six per centum of the property subject to an advalorem tax, and there is upwards of three million two hundred thousand dollars of said property in this city subject to such tax as shown by the assessment roll thereof, therefore Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the Mayor and City Secretary be and are hereby authorized to have prepared, and when prepared, to execute, under the corporate seal of this city, for the purposes hereinbefore set B A forth, one hundred and ninety bonds of one thousand dollars each O. 293 payable to bearer at the financial agency of this city in the city * x ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. of New York, on the first day of November A. D. 1912, with interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum payable semi- annually on the first days of May and November in each year. The principal and interest of said bonds to be payable* in gold coin of the present weight and fineness as fixed by the laws of the United States now in force. Said bonds to be designated as sewer- age and street improvement bonds of the city of Fort Worth, and shall be numbered from one to one hundred and ninety inclusive, each bond to have sixty coupons signed by the City Secretary each coupon to represent one semi-annual installment of interest. SEC. 2. The said city hereby reserves the right to redeem at par the said bonds or any of them at any time after ten years from the date thereof, upon giving notice by advertisement in any two newspapers of general circulation in the city of New York for thirty consecutive days exclusive of the days upon which said papers are not published ; that, upon a day^ to be therein named, it B. A. w jH redeem at par, upon presentation at its financial agency in said \ 2 city, the bonds described in such advertisement. The said notice shall be signed by the City Treasurer and shall give the number, date and amount of each of the bonds so to be redeemed. The bonds authorized by this ordinance shall be redeemed in the order in which they are numbered, that is to say, the bond being num- bered one shall be first redeemed, and any bond so advertised for, and designated as aforesaid, and not being presented for redemp- tion as aforesaid upon the day named in said notice shall cease to bear interest from and after such day. SEC. 3. To provide for the payment of interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund for the redemption of the same and payment of principal thereof there is hereby levied and set apart and specially appropriated an annual advalorem tax on all property, real and personal and mixed, within the said city of Fort B. A. Worth, not exempt from taxation by the Constitution and laws of ; 293 the state, of and at the rate of five and three-eighths mills on the dollar valuation of said property, such tax to be collected annually until the principal and interest of said bonds are fully paid up and discharged ; and if at any time such tax shall be insufficient to yield, for the payment of said interest and for said sinking fund, the amount required for said purposes, it shall be the duty of said Council to set apart and appropriate such additional amount and ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. sum of the annual general revenue and from all other sources of revenue of said city, as may be necessary to supply such deficiency, until the principal and interest of said bonds is fully paid up and discharged. It shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to place all moneys collected and received from the advalorem tax and general revenue mentioned in the foregoing section to the credit of the interest and sinking fund of said bonds and shall divide said revenue between the said interest and sinking funds as follows : One and one-quarter mills to the sinking, and four and one-eight mills to the interest fund, and if at any time there shall be a sur- plus of the interest fund after provision is made for the payment of interest for the next six months thereafter, then this surplus shall be placed to the credit of the sinking fund. SEC. 4. The said Council shall cause the said sinking fund and all accretions thereof to be invested in the bonds hereby author- B. A. ized to be issued in bonds of the state of Texas or in bonds 'of the ^ 93 United States, as they may from time to time determine, upon the accumulation of each thousand dollars of said fund. SEC. 5. The said interest and said sinking fund are hereby B. A. made special funds for special purposes and shall be disbursable - 2 93 only for the purposes for which they are especially created. SEC. 6. That when said bonds are prepared and registered, as ^ provided by law, the Mayor of the city is hereby empowered, in fi A connection with the finance committee, to negotiate and sell the O. 293 bonds authorized to be issued by this ordinance for the best interest of the city. SEC. 7. That the Treasurer of said city shall, during the months of April and October of each year, not later than the twentieth of each of said months, transmit all money in said interest Q. 293 fund to the financial agents, as may be elected by said council as $ 7 provided in this ordinance, for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds in the city of New York, in such manner as the council shall direct. SEC. 8. There shall be no compensation paid to any officer of jj. A. the city for receiving and distributing the money realized from the - |93 sale of said bonds. SEC. 9. That this ordinance take effect from and after its B.A. O. 293 passage. g 10 Approved Nov. 10, 1882. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE VII. An Ordinance authorizing the issuing of bonds for the purpose of completing a system of sewerage and street improvement, and to provide for the interest and create a sinking fund for the principal of said bonds. WHEREAS, a system of screet improvements and sewerage has been begun in said city, and it being a public necessity that said work shall be prosecuted to its completion, and the Council of said city have ordered certain streets in said city to be repaired, mac- adamized and improved and have prepared a system of sewerage ; and whereas, it becomes necessary to create a debt and obtain the means for carrying out the plans for street improvements and sew- erage ; and whereas, by an official census ordered by the City Coun- cil, it has been ascertained that there are upwards of twenty-two thousand inhabitants in this city ; and whereas, all cities in the State of Texas accepting the general incorporation act, and having more than ten thousand inhabitants, may issue bonds equal to six (6) per centum of the property subject to ad valorem tax, and this city having accepted the provisions of the general incorporation act and there is upwards of five million three hundred thousand dollars of said property in this city subject to such tax as shown by the assessment rolls thereof and there having been only one hundred and ninety thousand dollars in bonds of said city isued ; therefore, Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the Mayor and City Secretary be and are hereby authorized to have prepared, and when prepared to execute, under the corporate seal of this city, for the purposes hereinbefore set forth, one hundred and thirty bonds of one thousand dollars each, B. B payable to bearer at the financial agency of this city in the city of - 345 New York, on the day of A. D. with interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first days of March and September of each year. The principal and interest of said bonds to be payable in gold coin of the present weight and fineness, as fixed by the laws of the United States, now in force ; said bonds to be denominated as sewerage and street improvement bonds of the city of Fort Worth, and shall be numbered from one ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP FORT WORTH. 23 to one hundred and thirty, inclusive, and marked " second series." Said bonds to have forty coupons signed by the City Secretary, each coupon to represent one semi-annual installment of interest. SEC. 2. To provide for the payment of interest on said bond, and to create a sinking fund for the redemption of the same and payment of principal thereof, there is hereby levied and set apart, and specially appropriated, an annual advalorem tax on all prop- erty real and personal and mixed, within the city of Fort Worth, not exempt from taxation by the laws of the State, of and at the rate of two and one-half mills on the dollar valuation of said prop- B> B erty; such tax to be collected annually until the principal and - 345 interest of said bonds are fully paid up and discharged ; and if at any time such tax shall be insufficient to yield for the payment of said interest and said sinking fund the amount required for said purposes, it shall then be the duty of said council to set apart and appropriate such additional amount and sum of the annual general revenue, and from all other sources of revenue of said city as may be necessary to supply such deficiency until the principal and inter- est of said bonds is fully paid up and discharged. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to place all moneys collected and received from the advalorem tax and gen- eral revenue mentioned in the foregoing section to the credit of the interest and sinking fund as follows : Two-ninths to the sinking o. 345 fund and seven ninths to the interest fund, after provision is made $ 3 for the payment of interest for the next six months thereafter, then this surplus shall be placed to the credit of the sinking fund. SEC. 4. The said Council shall cause the said sinking fund all accretions thereof to be invested in the bonds of the city of B> B> Fort Worth in bonds of the State of Texas or in bonds of the - 345 United States as they may from time to time determine upon the accumulation of each thousand dollars of said fund. SEC. 5. The said interest and sinking fund are hereby made special funds for special purposes, and shall be disbursable only for 0/345 the purposes for which they are respectively created. ^ 5 SEC. 6. That when said bonds are prepared and registered as provided by law, the Mayor of said city is hereby empowered, in B . B. connection with the finance committee, to negotiate and sell the - 345 bonds authorized to be issued by this ordinance for the best interest of the city. 24 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. SEC. 7. That the Treasurer of said city shall, during the months of February and August of each year, not later than the 20th of each said months, transmit all moneys in said interest fund O. 345 to tne financial agents, as may be selected by said Council, as pro- 3 7 vided in this ordinance, for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds in the city of New York, in such manner as the Council shall direct. B. g EC> g That this ordinance take effect from and after its _ O. g passage Approved August 12, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. VIII. An Ordinance providing for the pulling down of buildings and structures liable to fall down and injure persons or property, etc. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That whenever, in the opinion of the City Coun- cil, any building, fence, shed, awning or any erection of any kind, or any part thereof, is liable to fall down and endanger persons or property, the City Council shall order any owner or agent of the same, or any owner or occupant of the premises on which such building, shed, awning or other erection stands, or to which it is O. 205 attached, to take down and remove the same or any part thereof, 3 * within ten days after notice is served them by the City Marshal to remove the same as directed by order of the City Council. In the event the said owner, agent or occupant shall fail or refuse to remove the same after notice, as directed by order of the City Council, then the said City Council shall have the power to remove the same at the expense of the city, on account of the owner of the property or premises, and assess the expense on the land on which it stood or to which it was attached. SEC. 2. Be it further ordained by the City Council ot the city of Fort Worth, that the mode and manner of giving notice to B. A. the owner, agent or occupant of the same, or any owner, agent or a 2 5 occupant of the premises, on which such building, shed, awning or other erection stands, or to which it is attached, to take down and ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 25 remove the same, or any part thereof, shall be by entering an order of said council on its minutes directing the City Marshal to serve a certified copy of said order, and written notice, requiring said per _ son or persons to remove said building, shed, awningor other erec- tion within ten days from the time of serving said notice. SBC. 3. Be it further ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth that in the event said owner, agent or occupant of the premises on which said building, shed, awning or other erec- tion stands, or to which it is attached, shall fail or refuse to take down or remove the same or any part thereof, after due notice served on him, the City Council shall at its first regular meeting o. 205 proceed to assess the expenses of removing said building, shed, awn- ^ 3 ing or other erection so taken down by them, as provided under 1, of this ordinance, after giving five days notice in writing by the City Marshal to said owner, agents, or occupant of said premises to appear before the said City Council at its said regular meeting and contest the assessment of said expenses. SEC. 4. Be it further ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth, that in the event said owner, agent or oc- cupant of said premises shall fail or refuse for a period of thirty days to pay oft' and discharge said expenses assessed by said 0/205 Council then the city of Fort Worth may commence an action ^ 4 in any court having jurisdiction of the same, to recover said ex- penses so assessed by said Council. SEC. 5. Be it further ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth that in the event said owner's agent or oc- cupant of such building, shed, awning, fence or other erection shall fail or refuse to comply with the order of said City Council B.A. and written notice served on him by the City Marshal, as directed '^ ^ 5 in the second section of this ordinance, that said owner, agent or occupant shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con- viction, be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 6. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from B A and after its publication as required by law. '/6 >5 Approved August 20, 1879. ab ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. IX. An Ordinance prohibiting communications with prisoners while in the calaboose. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : B. A. SECTION 1. That it be declared unlawful for any person, O. 38 without the consent of the Marshal first obtained, to hold communi- cation with any prisoner or prisoners confined in the city calaboose. SEC. 2. Any person delivering to a prisoner or prisoners con- O. 38 fined in the city calaboose, liquors or any other article whatsoever, ^ 2 without the proper authority, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor. B A SEC. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of the O. 3 8 above ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than fifty dollars. B. A. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall be in force, and take effect from o 3 and after its publication, as required by law. Approved June 10, 1873. ORDINANCE NO. X. An Ordinance prohibiting the running at large of cattle, sheep, goats, horses and mules. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person to allow B. B. any cow, calf, steer, bull, bullock, heifer, sheep, goat, horse, mare, g 3 / 4 or mule, belonging to him or her, or under the control of said per- son, to run at large, on or upon the streets of said city. SEC. 2. The city shall appoint a suitable person to act as O ?i4 P oun d keeper, and shall furthermore establish a suitable place for i 2 the keeping of stock found upon the streets of said city. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the pound keeper to catch and take up all stock, such as are mentioned in 1, of this ordin- 0/314 ance, that are found upon the streets of said city, and place the ^ 3 same in said pound. Any officer or citizen shall have the right to ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 27 catch any animal mentioned above, found upon the streets of said city, and delived the same to the pound keeper. SEC. 4. Any person who may own any animal so caught up and placed in the pound, as stated above, shall have the right to ^. B. take out his or her said animal by applying to the pound keeper, 4 and paying the expenses and costs incurred up to the time such ani- mal is taken out. SEC. 5. For such animal so taken up and placed in said pound, the pound keeper shall be entitled to a fee of one dollar for each day that such animal remains in said pound, the owner O. 314 shall pay, for a horse, mare, or mule, jack or jennette, fifty cents, ^ $ and for each cow, bull, bullock, steer, heifer or calf, twenty-five ^- B - cents ; and for each sheep or goat, twenty-five cents ; and when the \ i pound keeper shall sell any animal in accordance with this ordi- nance, he shall be entitled to the further sum of one dollar for the expense and trouble incurred in working said sale. SEC. 6. If the owner of any animal so taken up and placed in said pound as mentioned in the predeeding sections, does not 0/314 either by himself or agents, apply for the same in ten days, then ^ 6 the pound keeper shall sell said animal to the highest bidder at the gate of said pound. SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the pound keeper, upon placing any animal in said pound, to immediately give notice in three pub- B. B. lie places in said city, one of which shall be at the city hall door, % 314 describing such animal, and stating that if the same is not called for in ten days it will be sold according to law. SEC. 8. The money so received by selling said animals shall be applied as follows : first, to the payment of the fees of the pound keeper, and costs incurred by keeping said animals in said pound. The balance, if any, shall be placed in the city treasury, and if the owner of such animal shall make suitable and sufficient proof within Q'\ six months after the sale of such stock, that the same at the time of \ 8 being placed in said pound, was the property of him or her, then the City Treasurer, upon the proper order shall pay to such owner the amount of money placed in the City Treasury arising from the sale of said stock. SEC. 9. Any person who shall allow any of the animals B B mentioned in 1 , of this ordinance under his or her control, to run O. 314 at large into and upon the streets of said city, shall be deemed * 9 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined in any sum not execeeding fifty dollars. B B SEC. 10. That this ordinance take effect from and after its - 3H publication. Passed Dec. 18, 1883. ORDINANCE NO. XI. An ordinance regulating the City Cemetery of the City of Fort Worth, and estab- lishing the office of Sexton. Be it ordained ly the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the tract of land donated by J. P. Smith to 0.238 tne C ^J of Fort Worth for the purpose of a cemetery be, and the * same is hereby set apart for the burial of the dead, and shall be known as the City Cemetery. SEC. 2. The City Engineer, whenever directed by the City Council shall survey the City Cemetery into avenues, streets, walks B A and lots, and shall prepare a map thereof, on which the lots shall be O. 2 3 8 represented and numbered, which map shall be kept in the City Secretary's office for public inspection at all times, and a copy thereof furnished to the City Sexton. SEC. 3. A portion of the City Cemetery shall be surveyed B. A. and set apart under the direction of the City Council for the g ^ 3 interment of strangers and inhabitants of the city not owners of lots. SEC. 4. The Mayor and Cemetery Committee shall set a B A value not less than five dollars, upon every Jot not set aside as pro- O. 238 vided by the foregoing section when surveyed, before the same shall be subject to sale, and may re-appraise all unsold lots from time to time, and no lot shall be sold for less than the appraised value. SEC. 5. Any person desiring to purchase any unsold lot shall pay the appraised value thereof to the City Treasurer, who shall give to such purchaser a receipt therefor, in which shall be stated the number of lot proposed to be purchased, and on presenta- tion of such certificate, the Mayor shall, at the expense of the purchaser, execute a deed for such lot to the purchaser, which may be in form as follows, to-wit : k 'The state of Texas, county of Tarrant, know all men by these presents, that the city of Fort ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 29 Worth in consideration of dollars to said city paid by , doth hereby give, grant, release and convey unto said , lot number , in block , in that plot of the city ceme- tery as shown on the map of said cemetery, to have and to hold the same with its appurtenances thereto belonging, to said , and his heirs forever, for the purpose of burying therein his or their Q ri'g dead, and for no other purpose or use whatever, and subject to such $ 5 general rules and regulations as the City Council may from time to time hereafter establish for the government of the City Cemetery, and the said city of Fort Worth hereby covenants with the said and his heirs, that the said City Cemetery shall be kept and preserved for the burial of the dead. In witness whereof the Mayor of said city has hereunto set his hand and caused the seal of said city to be affixed. This day of , 18 . i \ Countersigned, , < L. s. ; City Secretary. Mayor. SKC. t>. The City Treasurer shall keep a record in which shall be recorded the number of every lot and block hereafter con- veyed, with columns ruled in his record book for the name of the purchaser, the appraisal price sold for, and date of sale ; also a column for appraisal with date of appraisal. On thesaje of any lot he o. 238 shall cause a proper entry to be made ; he shall also keep a ceme- ^ tery account in which shall be entered all moneys received and expended on the account of the cemetery, the name of each pur- chaser, the date of purchase, the price paid, and shall report to the Council monthly, and at such other times as directed, the condi- tion of said fund, and the number of lots sold. SEC. 7. That the office of City Sexton is hereby created and established, and that there shall be annually appointed by the Council, a City Sexton, ,who shall have charge of the City Ceme- tery, and shall keep the grounds, walks and avenues in order and free from obstructions ; he shall enforce all ordinances of the City Council respecting the City Cemetery and report violations ^'A* to the proper officers for prosecution ; he shall prevent the burial \ i of any body in any lot sold to an individual without the written consent of the owner, and shall prevent the burial of any body o ' 23 ' 8 on any unsold lot except in that part set apart for the burial $ 7 of strangers and others not owners of lots; he shall keep in a well bound book, to be furnished by the city, a record in which jo ORDINANCES OF 7'HE CITY OF FORT WORTH. shall be recorded the name, and description if the name is un- known, age, sex, nationality, date and cause of death as near as the same can be ascertained of every person interred in the City Cemetery, and the number of the grave beginning at the northwest corner of the lot and block on which such person was buried, and shall at the end of each month make a written re- port to the City Council embracing the above particulars. SEC. 8. It shall be unlawful for any person to dig or cause to be dug any grave in said cemetery upon any lot not the property of such person, unless the same be upon some lot 0/23*8 in that portion of said cemetery set apart for the burial of strangers and others not owners of lots, or by the written con- sent of the owner of such lot, and any person violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the City Sexton to cause all bodies buried in any lot without authority to be removed to that portion set apart for the burial of strangers and persons riot owning B. A. lots ; and the person or persons causing such unlawful interment, 9^ 3 shall, in addition .to the penalties hereinbefore imposed, be liable to the city for all costs and expenses of such removal. SEC. 10. Any person who shall be found discharging fire- arms, unless a form of burial, hunting or tresspassing in any man- ner in the city cemetery, or other place of burial in this city, or who shall cause any disturbance or in any manner break the peace, or be guilty of any disorderly conduct, or shall turn any animals into said cemetery, or shall in any manner deface or remove any o! 2-8 tombstone or memorial erected to commemorate the dead, or disturb 3 I0 any tree or shrub planted in said cemetery, or injure or deface any B A erections for the preservation of said cemetery, or the graves therein, O. 66 or who shall disobey any lawful order or regulation of the City ^ 3 Sexton within said cemetery or place of burial, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars, provided, that any person acting under orders from the trustees of and in regard to the county cemetery are hereby excepted from the penalties and fines of this ordinance. " SEC. 11. Any person who shall go or remain upon the grounds of the city cemetery, or other place of burial in this city, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FO-RT WORTH. 3 i before sunrise in the morning or after sunset in the evening, without B. A. permission of the City Sexton or other person lawfully in charge of \ 2 ?i such cemetery, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 12. It shall be unlawful for any lewd woman or person of immoral character, or a person who is at the time intoxicated, to loiter or stroll upon the grounds enclosed in said cemetery ; and any such person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, o. 238 and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than ^ I2 ten nor more than fifty dollars. Provided, that this section shall not be so construed as to prohibit any person in an orderly manner visiting the grave of any deceased relative or friend by the most convenient route to said grave. SEC. 13. It shall be the duty of the City Sexton to dig, or cause to be dug, the grave of all interments in said cemetery, when requested so to do, and the City Sexton shall receive for his services, to be paid as other funeral expenses, the fees as follows, to wit : B. A. For digging graves, $3.00, for children often years of age and un- j*| der ; and others $5.00. For designating plat when he is not em- ployed to dig grave, fifty cents. For keeping the records, number- ing the graves, and placing the head-board, fifty cents. SEC. 14. All graves in the city cemetery shall be dug not ^ 2 A g less than five feet deep. \ r 4 SEC. 15. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication as required by law. O. 238 Approved July 7. 1880. * '* ORDINANCE NO. XII. An Ordinance amending section 4 of Ordinance No. n, entitled, "An Ordinance regulating the City Cemetery of the City of Fort Worth." Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That section four, of ordinance No. 11, entitled B. A. "An ordinance regulating the city cemetery of the city of Fort g 254 32 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. WortK," be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows : All lots in blocks three and four, shall be sold for not less than ten dollars each, and all lots in blocks five and six and eleven shall be sold for not less than twenty-five dollars. B. A. SEC. 2. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from 1 1 54 and after its passage. Passed June 21, 1881. ORDINANCE XIII. An Ordinance regulating the building of stacks and chimneys to mills and engines. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of any and all persons erect- ing mills or machinery of any kind, to be run by steam, to build or erect the smoke stack or chimney to their furnace, at least forty B. A. feet high from the level of the ground, and to cover the same with o 1 ^ 1 some good cap or spark arrester before he or they shall attempt to run their engine, and on failure to comply with the provisions of this section, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall be liable to a like fine for each and every day that he or they shall so run their engine. SEC. 2. That all persons who have erected mills and machinery before the passage of this ordinance, and are running the same with- out having their chimneys forty feet high and covered with some good cap or spark arrester, shall, when notified by the Marshal, upon an order of the Mayor, or resolution of the City Council, stop said B. A. m ill r machinery until their chimneys or stacks are raised to the - l j l height of forty feet, and until they shall cover the same with good caps or spark arresters, and for failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall be liable to a fine of not les than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall be liable to a like fine for each and every day that he, she or they shall run said mill or machinery after said notice without complying with the provisions of this ordi- nance. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. SEC. 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from B - A. ,.,,.. -111 0*171 and after its publication as required by law. 4 Approved Sept. 10, 1878. ORDINANCE NO. XIV. An ordinance regulating the use of Stoves and to prevent fires. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any owner or per- son having control of any building within the corporate limits of said city to have or use any pipe or flue in connection with any stove unless constructed as hereinafter provided, viz : In all build- ings where other than brick or stone flues are used, the pipe where passing through any ceiling or wood except the roof shall be en- closed by an outer pipe or air flue with an air chamber between the two of not less than two inches in diameter, which outer pipe shall extend not less than six inches below the ceiling, or from the wall and not less than one foot above the roof and where the pipe shall B - A. not pass through any wood other than the roof, the same shall be \ \ so constructed as to be not less than six inches at any point from the wood secured by sheet iron and shall extend not less than four feet above the roof; all pipes other than stone or brick shall be constructed of the best quality of sheet iron or galvanized iron with folded joints, and joints securely riveted together and braded. Pro- vided, that Avithin the fire limits of said city no pipe shall be used in connection with any stove except such as are constructed of brick or stone, and all brick or stone flues shall be laid in good mortar with the inside securely plastered, and the walls of which shall not be less than four inches thick, and all flues or pipes shall extend above the top of the roof. And any person who shall violate either or any of the provisions of this section shall, on conviction, be fined not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of every person using any stove with any character of flue other than such as provided in the forego- ing section, on notice from the Marshal, or any policeman, to remove B. A. the same, and on failure to comply with such notice, shall, on con- ^ \ 4 5 34 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. viction, be fined not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars. B. A. SEC - 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from 0.184. and after its publication. Approved Jan. 2, 1879. ORDINANCE NO. XV. An ordinance creating the office of Fire Warden, and regulating and determining the duties of the same, and regulating the construction of and repairing of Flues and Chimneys. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth ; B. A. SECTION 1. That the office of Fire Warden in and for the O. 200. c ^y O f Fort Worth be and the same is hereby created and established. SEC. 2. That it shall be the duty of said Fire Warden, and he shall have the right at all reasonable hours in the day time to enter all buildings now being built, and those hereafter to be (^'200 kuilt, and those now built, in the city of Fort Worth, and per- \ 2. ' sonally inspect all flues arid chimneys, and to condemn such as in his judgment are unsafe in regard to fires, and to give the owners or agents of the same notice to repair the same and to place the same in a safe condition. SEC. 3. That a notice in writing from said Fire Warden served by himself or any member of the police force upon the own- O. 200. ers or agents of property to repair and make safe a flue or chimney ^ 3 * condemned and pronounced unsafe by said Fire Warden shall be deemed sufficient notice. SEC. 4. That it shall be the duty of all owners or agents notified as required by this ordinance within five days after the service of said notice to repair and make secure to the approval of B. A. said Fire Warden all such flues and chimneys, and it shall be un- g^ ' lawful for any owner or agent to use or permit any flue or chimney to be used after the expiration of said five days notice until the same has been repaired and made secure to the approval of said Fire Warden. SEC. 5. That chimneys and flues shall in all cases, from and ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 35 after the passage of this ordinance, be built of stone or brick, and all B - A - brick flues shall be at least four inches thick and well plastered on \ 5. the inside, and no joist or studing shall rest or be in any manner supported on said chimneys or liues. SEC. 6. That no chimney or flue shall hereafter be hung or suspended from the ceiling nor from the side walls, nor rest on the floor of any frame building, but in all cases shall be built or sup- ported from the foundation or ground on stone, brick or wood, and shall have at least one foot of solid brick or rock and mortar before o. 200. the thimble or pipe shall be inserted, and said thimble or pipe shall ^ be inserted at least two feet six inches below the ceiling. Further B. B. that this ordinance is not to prevent the building of what is known ^, 4/ ' as double galvanized iron flues which are allowed to be built without the above restrictions, except that they shall be built so as to come six inches below the ceiling, and one foot above the roof doubled the balance to be built single if preferred. SEC. 7. That any person or persons violating any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor B A and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than o. 200. one dollar, nor more than ten dollars, and shall be liable to a like ^ 7 fine for each and every day that such violation may continue. SEC. 8. That no isolated or detached building fifty feet or B A more from any other building shall be subject to the provisions ; 2 - of this ordinance. SEC. 9. That this ordinance take effect and be in force B. A. from and after its passage, but the penal portion thereof from $ 2 a and after its publication as required by law. Approved July 16, 1879. ORDINANCE NO. XVI. An Ordinance regulating the storing of combustible matter within the city. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That it shall be required of every person selling or dealing in or having in his possession, or >n his premises, powder ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. B. A. or other combustible matter, to report the same, together with the i. " quantity or kinds thereof, and the houses in which the same is stored, to the City Secretary, for the guidance of the fire department. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to make a Hst O. 46. f ^ ne sa ^ houses and the combustible material stored therein, and 3 2 deliver the same to the Chief Engineer. SEC. 3. Any person failing or refusing to make a correct B - Ai report, as herein required^ shall be fined in any sum not more than \ 3. ' fifty dollars. SEC. 4. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from Q ' .^ and after its passage, but the penal part thereof after publication as \ 4- required by law. Approved Oct. 13, 1873. ORDINANCE NO. XVII. An Ordinance regulating the keeping and storing of powder and kerosene and other inflammable oils in the City of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or per- sons to store or keep or permit to be stored or kept on their prem- ises, or in any house or building under their control, in the city of Fort Worth, any powder over the quantity of twenty-five pounds, or any kerosene oil or other inflammable oil over the quantity of two Q'' hundred and fifty gallons ; provided the provisions of this ordinance \ i. shall not be construed as to apply to or prevent the storing or keep- ing of powder, kerosene or other inflammable oils in a fire proof powder or oil magazine ; provided further, that the provisions of this ordinance shall not be construed as to prevent any railroad or person from erecting safe and suitable buildings for the purpose of storing and distributing oil. SEC. 2. That any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than B. A. twenty-five dollars and not more than one hundred dollars, and shall I 2 ' be liable to a like fine for each and every day thereafter that such violation shall continue. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FQJtT WORTH. 37 SEC. 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force irom B - A - and after its puplication as required by law. \ 3. ' Approved Feb. 7, 1878. ORDINANCE NO. XVIII. An Ordinance regulating the operation and construction of cotton yards and for the prevention of fires. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or per- sons to keep or store any cotton in any yard, lot or other place B ^ nearer than twenty feet from any house or building where 'there is O. 241 any fire kept or used, without the consent of the owner of said house or building, unless the said cotton be securely enclosed and covered so as to protect it from flying sparks of fire. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to carry any lighted candle or lamp, torch, brand or other fire, lighted fi A smoking pipes or cigars, in, through or near any place in this city 0.241. where cotton, hay, straw, shavings or other combustible material is stored, unless said fire be securely enclosed and protected in a cov- ered vessel. SEC. 3. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions B. A. of the foregoing sections shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ^i- and on conviction shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and shall be in B A force from and after its publication as required by law. O. 241. Approved August 18, 1 V 80. ORDINANCE NO. XIX. An Ordinance regulating the proceedings of the Council. A Be it Ordained that the City Council of the City of Fort Worth. SECTION 1. That it shall be the duty of the Mayor to ap- point Standing Committees, each to consist of one Alderman from ORDINANCE^ OF THE CITY OP FORT WORTH. B - A - each ward, which Committees shall be as follows . \ i. ' First, Committee on Finance. Second, Committee on Claims. Third, Committee on Police. Fourth, Committee on Fire Department. Fifth. Committee on Streets, Alleys, and Sidewalks. Sixth, Committee on Printing. Seventh, Committee on Hospital and Paupers. Eighth, Committee on Public Printing. Ninth, Board of Health Tenth, Committee on Public Schools. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of said committees to make re- B. A. ports to the City Council such facts as may be deemed important, o ^ 4 ' and each committee shall promptly and thoroughly investigate and report in writing upon all matters referred to it by the Council. SEC. 3. The order of business at all regular sessions of the Council shall be as follows : First. Reading minutes of previous meeting, arid intervening special meetings and corrections thereof when necessary. Second. Reports of Standing Committees in their order. 0. 146. Third. Report of Special Committee. 'i 3- Fourth. Unfinished business. Fifth. Petitions. Sixth. Resolutions. Seventh. Miscellaneous business. SEC. 4. The following rules, until altered shall be observed in the deliberations of the City Council : Rule 1. No member shall speak more than twice on any question, nor shall any member speak more than once before each member so desiring shall have been heard. Rule 2. All votes of the Council upon the election or ap B. A. pointment of any officer appointed by the Council shall be by ayes : *4 6 ' and noes and be entered on the minutes of the Council when de- 6 4. manded by any member of the Council. Rule 3. All reports of committees shall be filed and presented by the Secretary. Rule 4. All ordinances after being presented and read shall lie over until the next regular meeting after that on which it is pre- sented before final action is taken thereon. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 39 Rule 5. On all points or questions of order not specially pro- vided for by law or ordinance, parliamentary usage shall be observed by members and required by the presiding officer. Rule 6. These rules, or either of them, may be suspended at any time by a vote of two-thirds of the Aldermen present. SEC. 5. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from B.A. and after the 6th day of May, A. D., 1878. - M Approved April 18, 1878. ORDINANCE NO. XX. An Ordinance fixing the time of holding the regular meetings of the City Council of the City of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth. SECTION 1. That the regular meetings of the City Council of B B the City of Fort Worth shall be held in the City Hall on the first O. 330- and third Tuesday of each and every month at two o'clock, p. m. SEC. 2. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from B. B. and after its passage. | 3 2 3 ' Passed June 20, 1884. ORDINANCE XXI, An ordinance describing the burial grounds and place of deposit of filth, garbage, offal, dead animals, and regulating the burial of the same. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth. SECTION 1. That the following described tract or parcel of land be and the same is hereby designated and appointed as the place of deposit and burial of filth, offal, garbage, dead animals and B. A. other things required by the ordinances of said city to be removed g* 3 from the city, to-wit : Beginning at a point on the west bank of the Trinity river, about two hundred yards above what is know as the brick yard crossing, thence north with the west bank of said 40 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. river, about two hundred and fifty yards to a blazed post oak tree, thence in a westernly direction with a line of blaze trees to the edge of the prairie, thence in a southerly direction about two hun- dred and fifty yards to a blazed tree, thence in an easternly direction with a line of blazed trees to the river and place of begin- ning. The same containing about five or six acres. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of all persons hauling off privy filth and substances of like offensive character, dead animals, fish or fowls, to bury or inter the same in said burial grounds in such B. A. a manner that it will not be offensive to persons passing over \ 2 . or near said grounds ; and any person or persons failing to com- ply with the requirements of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of such scavenger or persons engaged in cleaning privies to dig a ditch, one end to be kept open, not less than four feet deep and three feet wide in said grounds for the burial of all privy filth, etc., hauled off by him and to place on the ends of said ditch a board with the name of the party owning and depositing in said ditch plainly marked B A on said board, and that any person or persons failing to comply O. 234. with the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum of ten dollars, and that any person or persons who shall bury, place or deposit any privy filth or other offensive matter or nuisances ot any kind in any ditch not his own, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in B. A. f orce f rom anc l a fter its publication as required by law. gT" Approved May 20, 1880. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORNINANCE NO. XXII. An ordinance relating to the Removal of Carcasses. Be it ordained by the City Council of the Qity of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That .the owner or possessor of any animal which may die within the corporate limits of the city shall, B A within twenty-four hours after the death of said animal cause - 2a the carcass to be removed beyond the limits of the city or to the place of deposit of filth, etc. SEC. 2. Any persons failing to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and B. A. upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than two nor g 2 . more than ten dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 3. This ordinance shall take effect -and be in force B>A . from and after its publication as required by law. - 20 Approved April 10, 1873. ORDINANCE NO. XXIII. An Ordinance providing for the killing of horses mules and asses diseased with glanders or farcy and for the removal and confinement of all such animals where there are good reasons to believe that they are taking either of said diseases. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort . Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to seize and kill all animals of the horse or ass species, diseased with glanders or farcy in all cases where the owner or person in charge B A of said animal shall fail or refuse to immediately place and keep - *4 2 - said animal in secure confinement separate and apart from all other stock at least two hundred yards. SEC. 2. That in all cases where there is good reason to be- lieve that any animal of the horse or ass species are taking or liable B. A. to take, from contact, glanders or farcy, or have any disease liable g 2j to run into any of said diseases, it shall be the duty of the City Marshal, upon the refusal or failure of the owners, to have said ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. animal placed and kept in secure confinement separate and apart at least two hundred yards from all other stock at the expense of the owner of said animal, until said animal shall be thoroughly cured or declared to be diseased. SEC. 3. That for the purpose of determining whether any fi animal is diseased with farcy or glanders, or any disease liable to O. 242. run into either of said diseases, it shall be the duty of the City 3 * Marshal to employ a competent veterinarian to examine and con- demn said animal, at the expense of the city. SEC. 4. That it shall be the duty of every person or persons owning any yard, lot, stable or other building, in which animals diseased with farcy or glanders may have been fed or kept, to immediately thoroughly disinfect and cleanse said yard, lot, stable or building, whenever notified by the City Marshal so to do ; and B. A. that any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordi- \ 4 . nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined one hundred dollars and that each day that such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate offence. SEC. 5. That whereas a public necessity exists for the imme- B. A. diate enforcement of this ordinance, therefore that this ordinance 2 2 5 42 ' shall take effect and be in force on and after its passage, and with- out ten days publication. Approved Sept. 3, 1880. ORDINANCE NO. XXIV. An Ordinance levying a tax on the keeping or owning of dogs in the city,and pro- viding for the collection of the same, and regulating, restraining and prohibit- ing the running at large of dogs in this city. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. There is hereby levied upon each and every dog or bitch kept or owned within this city, an annual tax of two dollars B. A. and fifty cents, which tax is due and payable on the first day of ; 2 ( 83 ' August in each year, and it is hereby made the duty of every owner or keeper of any dog or bitch, to pay over to the Assessor and Col- lector the said tax, on or before the first day of August in each year and get a collar, and every person failing to comply with the pro- ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 43 visions of this section shall be fined in any sum not more than ten dollars. SEC. 2. Upon the payment of said tax the Assessor and Col- lector shall furnish the owners of said animals with a collar on B - A - which is stamped the words " tax paid " with the year for which the g 2? tax is paid, and while said collar is around the neck of said animal, said animal may run at large in the city except as hereinafter pre- scribed. SEC. 3. That when any bitch may become proud and in heat her owner or keeper shall confine said bitch in a suitable pen or building, and any owner or keeper of any bitch who shall fail to B . comply with the provisions of this section shall be fined in any sum 0.236 not less than ten dollars, and said bitch, while o running at large, may be taken and killed by the City Marshal or any policeman. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the police officers to capture and impound in a pen, to be provided by the City Council of said city, and called the " dog pound," any dog or bitch found running at large within the corporate limits of the city of Fort Worth with- out a collar as prescribed by section two of this ordinance, and it B. A. shall be the duty of the City Marshal to kill all dogs or bitches g 2 " remaining in the dog pound twenty-four hours after their respective capture and impounding, being unclaimed and unredeemed as here- inafter prescribed. SEC. 5. The owner or keeper of any dog or dogs, or bitches, captured and impounded under the provisions of this ordinance shall be permitted and allowed to redeem, reclaim and again receive possession of said dogs or bitches, upon payment to the City Mar- shal of the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for each dog, which said sum, so paid, shall by him, the said City Marshal, be paid over to the City Treasurer for the use and benefit of the city,as well as all other money received under the provisions of this ordinance; provided, there may be allowed to the City Marshal, out of the B A money received by him under the provisions of this section, a sum 0. 236. not to exceed two dollars per day, to be paid to the police officer, or to any person, to be employed by the City Marshal to capture and impound dogs ; provided further, that the city shall in no case be held responsible for any part of the wages to be paid to said party so employed by the City Marshal. SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal to see that 44 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. B- A - this ordinance is strictly enforced ; provided, that this ordinance g 6. shall not apply to dogs following countrymen in the city. SEC. 7. The Marshal and police officers, or any other person, B.A. shall have the right to shoot or kill any rabbid .dog, or any dog in g 2 ? 6 ' ^ e streets which shall manifest a disposition to bite. SEC. 8. That this ordinance shall lake effect and be in force B - A - from and after its publication, as required by law. V% 6 ' Approved July 7, 1880. ORDINANCE NO. XXV. An Ordinance relating to Dogs. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. Any person taking a collar from a dog upon which the tax has been paid, or placing the figures of the year as B. A. aforesaid upon the collar of a dog upon which the tax has not been g 3 paid, shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, be fined not less than twenty-five dollars. SEC. 2. This ordinance to be in force and take effect from O ^2 and after its publication as required by law. 2* 6 Approved April 29, 1874. ORDINANCE NO. XXVI. An Ordinance regulating the running at large of Dogs, and punnishing the Owners thereof, etc. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful hereafter for any person to allow and permit any dog or dogs belonging to them, or under their control, to run at large on the streets of said city, between the first day of June and the fifteenth day of October without having placed on the said dog's mouth a muzzle made of wire or other substance that will prevent said dog from biting. SEC. 2. If any dog shall be hereafter caught or be on the ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. streets of said city after the first day of June, and prior to the fif- teenth day of October, without having a muzzle over his mouth as stated in 1, of this ordinance, then it shall be the duty of the city Marshal or any policeman of said city to immediately take pos- of said dog, and immediately kill the same. SEC. 3. Any person violating 1, of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined in any sum not exceed- ing fifty dollars. SEC. 4. That this ordinance take effect from and after its publication according to law. Passed July 15, 1884. ORDINANCE XXVII. An Ordinance regulating Hotel Drummers. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That every porter, runner, or person soliciting patronage of any traveler or person for any hotel or public house within the City of Fort Worth, while engaged in soliciting patron- A - age, wear conspicuously on some part of his person a badge or % i plate, with the name of the hotel or house for which he is soliciting, painted or engraved thereon in legible characters, and any person violating the provisions of this section shall, on con- viction thereof, be fined five dollars. SEC. 2. Any person pursuing the calling of a porter or runner of any hotel oj 1 public Chouse, or other person soliciting patronage for such house, or the driver or manager of any carriage, omnibus or other vehicle, who shall speak in a loud or boisterous B A tone or manner, or who shall use any profane or obscene language, O. 159 or who shall touch any traveler or person or any article of baggage unless by permission of the possessor or owner thereof, or who shall harrass, disturb or importune any person shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 3. Any porter, hotel runner or other person who shall go upon the platform of any railroad company on the arrival of pas- B. A. senger trains, and when passengers are leaving the same, for the g 3 46 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY Of FOR T WORTH. purpose of soliciting the custom or patronage of any passenger for any hotel, public house, omnibus, carriage or other vehicle, or who shall make representations of any kind to induce passengers to go to any particular house or vehicle shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 4. That this ordinance take eifect and be in force from T A O.' ^9 and after its publication as required by law. 2 4 Approved May 29, 1878. ORDINANCE NO. XXVIII. An Ordinance regulating and restraining Street Drummers. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person engaged in soliciting custom for any person, firm or association engaged in the sale of goods, wares or merchandise of any kind to stop or detain B. A. any person upon the streets, sidewalks or public place, or in any 'o I I 61 manner to harrass, disturb or importune any person or to take hold of any person or any article belonging to or possessed by such per- son, and any person so offending shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than five nor more than twenty dollars. B A SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Marshal and policemen to O. 161 arrest with or without warrant any person violating the provisions of this ordinance. SEC. 3. That this ordinance take eifect and be in force from B A 0. 161 and after its publication as required by law. 2 3 Approved June 7, 1878. ORDINANCE NO. XXli. An Ordinance defining and regulating the powers and duties of the presiding offi- cers, judges and clerks of elections held in the city of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be the duty of the presiding officer ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 47 of elections of each of the wards in this city to appoint two judges and two clerks, who, together with the presiding officer, shall be managers of elections; provided, that if the presiding officer is unable, fails, refuses or neglects to act, it shall be the duty of the B A Mayor to appoint another, and in case no appointed presiding officer - I02 appear to open the polls, the qualified electors may appoint such officer, who shall perform the same duties and have like power and authority to act as a first appointee ; but in that case, the managers, in their returns, shall certify that the presiding officer failed to attend, or neglected to act, and that the person acting as such was duly chosen by the electors present. SEC. 2. The managers of elections shall be sworn to well and truly conduct the election without partiality and prejudice, and agreeable to law and according to the best of their skill and under- standing, which oach shall be administered by the Mayor or any justice of the peace. The presiding officers and judges thus qualified, fi shall have power to administer oaths necessary to the performance of O. 102 their official duties. When any person offering a vote shall be objected to by any one qualified to vote at such election, the man- agers shall examine him on oath touching the points objected to, and if he fail to establish his qualification to their satisfaction, his vote shall be rejected, and if he satisfy the managers that he is qualified to vote, he shall be allowed to cast his ballot and the clerk shall write opposite his name " sworn." SEC. 3. That it shall be the duty of the managers of elections, in each of the wards of the city, to open the polls at 8 o'clock a. m., and keep the same open until 6 o'clock p. m., with the privilege of a recess of one hour from 12 to 1 o'clock. Should the polls not be promptly opened by 8 o'clock a. m., the time thus lost shall be extended beyond the hour of 6 p. m., so as to secure the full period of nine hours for voting purposes ; that each of the clerks write and number the name of each voter at the time of voting, and one of the judges in every case at the time of receiving the ticket or ballot shall write on it the voter's number corresponding with the number on the clerk's list ; and no manager or other officer of election shall unfold or examine the vote received, nor shall they examine the endorse- ment on the ticket by comparing it with the clerks list of voters when the votes are counted out, nor shall they examine nor permit to be examined, by any other person, the tickets subsequent to their f ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. being received into the ballot box, except as provided by the laws of the state of Texas. That immediately after closing the polls the O 102 mana g ers f election shall proceed to count the votes in the presence 3 of two voters of their ward, of good repute, and shall continue such count, without interruption, until all the ballots voted at such elec- tion are counted ; provided, that no ticket not numbered as pro- vided in chis section shall be counted or noticed in counting the vote, nor shall either of two or more tickets folded together be counted, they shall make up, certify and sign the returns in dupli- cate, one of which shall be sealed up and retained by the presiding officer for future use as a reference, in case of a contested election ; the other copy shall be sealed up with the name of the presiding officer written across the seals and by the presiding officer, or in his absence or inability by one of the judges or clerks, delivered in open session to the City Council on the next day, or as soon thereafter as practicable. The officer so delivering the same shall make oath before the Mayor, or one of the Aldermen, that the returns by him delivered have not been altered or opened since being pigned and , sealed as aforesaid. SEC. 4. That each of the presiding officers, judges and clerks B- A - of elections, shall be paid by the City Council the sum of two dollars \ 4 per day while engaged in holding said election. SEC. 5. That any person violating the provisions of this ordi- O. 102 n ance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- 3 5 tion thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 6. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from B- A. an( j a ft er its passage ; but the penal portion thereof from and after \ 6 its publication as required by law. Approved March 22, 1877. ORDINANCE NO. XXX. An ordinance regulating the duties of City Engineer. Be it ordained by the City Council of the, City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. The City Engineer shall keep an office at the ORDINANCES OF THE CITY QF FORT WORTH. City Hall, and shall preserve in his office all maps, plats and sur- veys of the city, and all records and papers relating thereto, and B A all profiles and maps showing grades and lines of streets and alleys O 176 established by order of the Council, and all plans and specifications of all structures built by the city. SEC. 2. It shall be his duty when required by the City Council to ascertain the established monuments of the city, and from them when required so to do to locate, establish and survey B. A. all private property, streets or alleys of the city, and to give grades ' 2 of streets or alleys to persons desiring to build or construct side- walks or curbings. SEC. 3. It shall be his duty when directed by the City Coun- g. A. cil to superintend all work done by the City Council upon the 'o 176 streets, alleys and public grounds or sidewalks. SEC. 4. That whenever called upon by the owner, agent or lessee of any property within the corporate limits of the city to do so ; it shall be the duty of the City Engineer to survey the same, B. A. measuring from the nearest established monument of the city, and \ 4 shall give to such parties when required field notes and plots of such surveys. SEC. 5. He shall have for all services performed by order of the City Council, and for which no fees are provided, such compen- B. A. sation as the Council may from time to time allow, or may be agreed j * 7 upon by the Council and City Engineer. SEC. 6. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from B A and after its passage. O. 176 Approved October 4, 1878. ORDINANCE NO. XXXI. An ordinance defining the duties and autnority of City Engineer. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the City Engineer elect shall, before en- B A tering upon the duties of his office, qualify in the manner prescribed O. 294 by the charter of the city. 7 50 ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. SEC. 2. He shall be the custodian of all papers, petitions, contracts, maps of the city and additions thereto, plans and specifi- cations of public buildings and improvements and of such other o'^J4 m atters as may pertain to public impovements, receiving from his \ 2 predecessor and receipting therefor such papers as may have accrued and passing them in like manner to his successor in office. SEC. 3. He shall be ex-officio a member of all committees B. A. appointed to consider the opening of streets, alleys, or roads, or '^ other public improvements, the removal of obstructions to public travel, sewerage and drainage and shall receive due notice of their meeting. SEC. 4. He shall have the sole superintendence of all im- provements, shall at the request ef the Council furnish such plans, specifications and general professional information as may be neces- sary to assist the Council in its deliberations, shall have charge of 0/294 a ^ lettings and the making of contracts, subject, however, to the 2 4 approval of the council, shall report from time to time the progress of such improvements as may be in execution, and without his ap- proval no contractors shall receive pay for work done or alleged to be done. SEC. 5. The City Engineer shall, when required by the Coun- cil, and in accordance with the ordinances at such time made, furnish property owners having frontage on proposed street improvements, the grade and alignment of such improvements, and it shall be his B. A. duty to report to the City Council at the earliest meeting thereafter o 2 ^ 4 any wilful neglect or refusal to comply with instructions given in regard to the same. He shall furnish estimates of the value and costs of sidewalks, crossings, etc., and complete lists of the property- holders fronting thereon, showing their frontage and the amount to be assessed against them. SEC. 6. It shall be his duty, upon receiving notice of any obstructions to travel streets or alleys, or of any want of proper drainage thereof, to investigate the same promptly and report the Q' ^' most advantageous method of speedy relief to the Council, or pro- \ 6 per Committee, and in case such obstructions shall be caused by private parties, his notice to abate the same shall have the effect of an order of the Council. B. A. SBC. 7. All surveys necessary to be done in the interest of \ 7 the city shall be made under his charge. ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. SEC. 8. All private parties desiring surveys made of their premises shall receive at the hands of the City Engineer prompt B A attention, and those requesting it shall receive from him a certifi- O. 294 cate of such survey. The fees for such work done for private parties shall in no case exceed these set forth in ordinance No . SEC. 9. It shall be his duty to see that all buildings built in Fort Worth are erected in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance governing grades, fire limits, etc., and such other ordi- o." 294^ nances as may from time to time be enacted, and he shall issue ^ 9 building permits to all parties desiring to build within the corporate limits. SEC. 10. He shall keep books sjiowing the number and nature B. A. of permits, grade certificates, etc., issued, which shall be open to o 2 9* inspection during ordinary business hours. SEC. 11. He shall have charge of the sewerage and drainage, and all matters connected therewith, shall issue permits for the con- B. A. nection of house drains with the sewers, shall inspect such connec- \ M ' tions when made and ascertain that they are in accordance with the prescribed form, SEC. 12. In conjunction with the Mayor and the City Coun- cil, he shall have charge of the removing of garbage and night o . 294". soil, prepare the contracts and supervise the performance of the \ I2 - same. SEC. 13. He shall have the power to appoint an assistant whose authority, until evaded, shall be similar to his own, and B - A - official acts of the assistant shall be when certified to by the En- \ 13 gineer, of the same effect as his own. SEC. 14. The City Engineer shall either in person or by his o " 294 \ assistant be present at the regular meetings of the City Council. 8 '4 SEC.' 15. This ordinance shall take effect immediately at the B.A. O. 294. date of its passage. g 15. Approved Oct. 23, 1882. ORDINANCE NO. XXXII. An Ordinance to prohibit fast midnight driving and running horse races. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : 5 a ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. SECTION 1. Any person who shall ride or drive any horse, mule B A or other animal in, along or across any public square, street, alley or O. 221. public place in this city in a gait faster than an ordinary or moder- ate gait shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than two nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 2. Any person who shall ride or drive any horse, mule or other animal around any street corner lying on the public square or on or across any bridge or causeway within the city in a gait B. A. faster than an ordinary walk, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- g 2 . ' meaner, and on conviction shall be fined not less than two nor more than fifty dollars ; provided, that this section and 1, of this ordi- nance, shall not apply to the fire companies when going to a fire. SEC. 3. Any person who shall run or be in any way connected in running 'any horse race in, along or across any public square, 0^221 street or alley in this city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, ? 3- and on conviction shall be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars. 0. 221. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication as required by law. Passed Jan. 6, 1880. ORDINANCE NO. XXXIII. An Ordinance for the protection of the lives and property of the citizens on the public streets of the City of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or per- sons to leave standing upon the public square, or any public street or alley of the city of Fort Worth, any horse or horses, mule or mules, harnessed to any wagon, carriage, buggy or other vehicle, unless said horse or horses, mule or mules, shall be well and securely fastened to a post firmly set in the ground or sidewalk, or to a ring and staple securely and firmly placed in the sidewalk for that purpose, or to a cast iron weight, with ring attached, weighing not less than thirty pounds. SEC. 2. . It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. hitch or fasten any horse or horses mule or mules or any other ani- mal to any awning post, fence, lamp post or shade tree in the city of Fort Worth. SEC. 3. Any person or persons violating 1 and 2 of this ordinance, or either of them shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-fire dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall take effect on and after its pub- lication according to law. Passed Aug. 11, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. XXXIV. An ordinance establishing the Fees and Salaries of the Officers of the City of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION. 1. That in every case of a violation of the city ordi- nances of the city, or for a violation of any of the penal laws of the state, of which the Mayor or Recorder has jurisdiction,the defendant B. B. upon conviction shall pay costs according to the following rates to- *g 2 j" wit : The Mayor of said city shall be allowed an annual salary of six hundred dollars, and shall receive no other compensation. SEO. 2. The Marshal shall receive the following fees to-wit: For each arrest with or without warrant, $1.00. For each witness summonsed, 50 cents. For taking and approving bond, $1.00. For each commitment, 75 cents. For summonsing a jury, $1.00. For each case tried before the Recorder's court, a jury fee ' fi of 50 cents. O. 299 For executing a search warrant, $1.00 For levying execution, 70 cents. For returning execution, 40 cents. For all cases for carrying deadly weapons, the fee for making arrests shall be, $2.50. 54 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP FORT WORTH. And that in addition to the above fees the marshal shall be allowed an annual salary of ten dollars only. B. B. g EC< 3. TQ the Recorder of said city there shall be allowed i. a monthly salary of seventy -five dollars and no other compensation. B. B. SEC. 4. There shall be allowed in each case tried by a jury a 2 2 "' J ur y f ee to eac h person serving as a juror, to be taxed as cots and to be paid by the defendant only upon conviction, the sum of fifty cents. SEC. 5. To the policemen there shall be allowed a monthly salary of sixty dollars, and said policeman shall receive no other compensation whatever. SEC. 6. The City Attorney shall receive as a compensation for his services : 1st, For every conviction under the ordinances of said city, a fee of three dollars, except in cases of carrying con- cealed weapons, and, in said cases he shall be allowed a fee of five dollars, to be taxed as costs against the defendant. 2d, And for O. 299 writing ordinances, all bonds required by said city or its officers, ^ 5 defending said city in the county and district court of Tarrant county, in the supreme court and in the court of appeals, and in the federal courts in this state, and in defending the officers of said city and the aldermen of said city inany and all cases arising out of their official duties, and in performing all other duties required by the City Council he shall receive a salary of ten dollars per annum. SEC. 7. The City Secretary shall be clerk of the Mayor's court arid custodian of all the records, papers and documents of B.B. said court, and shall record the judgment and proceedings of said \\ court, and shall receive the following fees to be taxed as a part of the costs in each case tried and convicted before said court to-wit : For taxing costs including copy thereof to defendant, 10 cents. For docketing each cause, 10 cents. For recording judgment in each cause, 50 cents. For receiving fine and cost, and paying over same to proper officer, $1.30. As Secretary for the Council the City Secretary shall re- ceive an annual salary of ten dollars. SEC. 8. To the Aldermen, for attending each regular meet- 0/299 ing of the Council, $4.00. For attending each called meeting of the Council, $2.00. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. SEC. 9. That the fees of the City Engineer for making surveys for private individuals shall be as follows : per lineal mile necessary to arrive at ground to be surveyed starting from fixed point, $3.00. For survey of ordinary lot, $4. B B For survey of ordinary block not exceeding five acres, $5.00. ;|"' For surveying block exceeding five acres for each additiona acre, 25 cents. Establishing grade of lot, $2.50. Provided that maps and plots shall be furnished at prices mutually agreed upon, and, provided further, that the cost of the requisite chainmen shall be borne by the party desiring the sur- vey, and shall receive from the city a salary of one hundred dollars per month. SEC. 10. The City Treasurer shall receive as compensation for his services an annual salary of ten dollars and shall receive o. 299 no other compensation, fees or perquisites. 9 SEC. 11. The assessor and collector shall receive as a com- T3 -D. r>. pensation for his services as follows : For assessing the ad- 0. 299. valorem tax one and one-half per cent on the amount of taxes assessed by him. For collecting occupation or other taxes five per cent on all amounts collected by him. SEC. 12. In no case shall the city be liable for any costs allowed in this ordinance when not actually collected in money from o. 299. the defendant, nor shall the city pay any costs which may be worked 2 " out by the defendant on the streets or otherwise. SEC. 13. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force ** B - o. 299. from and after the first day of April A. D., 1883. \ 12. Passed Dec. 28, 1882. ORDINANCE NO. XXXV. An Ordinance prohibiting the leaving of wagons, and erection of sheds or structures of any kind on the Public Square, and the hitching of horses or other animals to the Court House fence. Be it ordained by the City Council of the Qity of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any vehicle, boxes, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. R A barrels, lumber, wood, or material of any kind, or any article for 0. 160. sale, to be or remain upon the Public Square for a longer time than twelve hours, and any person owning, possessing or having the con- trol of such article who shall permit the same to remain upon said square for a longer time than twelve hours shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than one nor more than twenty dollars. SEC. 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person to erect upon the Public Square of the City of Fort Worth any tent, shed, B - A- advertising boards, structures of any kind, and any person violating ^ 2 the provisions of this Section, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than five nor more than twenty dollars. SEC. 3. That it shall be unlawful for any person to hitch any horse or other animal to the fence enclosing the Court House, or to 0. 1 60. P ost an J notice, bills, or advertisements on the same in any manner, 3 3- and any person violating the provisions of this Section, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than one nor more than twenty dollars. SEC. 4. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from 0. 160 and after its publication as required by law. ? 4 ' Approved May 29, 1878. ORDINANCE NO. XXXVI. An Ordinance relating to the fire department, the election of officers thereof, and the appointment of a fire police, and defining the duties thereof. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : ARTICLE I. SECTION 1. The fire department of the city of Fort Worth shall consist of officers and members of all engine, hook and ladder O B - B * and hose companies now organized and admitted to the fire depart- Art. i, ^i.ment under the rules and regulations provided therefor. SEC. 2. The officers of the fire department shall consist of one Chief, one First Assistant Chief, one Second Assistant Chief, B. B. one Third Assistant Chief, to be elected annually by ballot, on the O. 340. gt Monday in May, to be chosen from the members of the fire Art. I 6 2. * *'' department, subject to confirmation by the City Council , and when ORDINANCES O7< THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ' 57 so elected and confirmed, shall hold their respective offices until their successors are duly elected and qualified. SEC. 3. When any vacancy shall occur by death, removal or otherwise the companies shall meet and select such persons as they desire to fill the unexpired term and report the name of the person so selected, to the Council for appointment, and if the City Council B B should refuse to appoint the person so selected, then they shall select 0. 340 some other person, and so continue until the person so selected is confirmed by the Council ; provided, that no person shall be elegible to the olfice of Chief or Assistant Chief unless he shall have been a member of the fire department at least one year next proceeding his election. SEC. 4. Each Company shall elect annually one foreman, one first assistant foreman, one second assistant foreman and such B - B - other officers as they may desire ; a certificate of which electionArt.' i 4. shall be furnished by the Secretary of the Company to the Mayor, that the officers so elected may be duly commissioned by him. ARTICLE II. SECTION 1. In case of fire or other assembling of the fire department the Chief shall assume control and be obeyed in all things pertaining thereto. In the absence of the Chief the highest Q. vjo in rank of the Assistant Chiefs present shall assume his authority Art. 2, i. and responsibility. The officers of the respective companies shall yield prompt and cheerful obedience to the orders of the officer in charge, and members of companies shall promptly obey the orders of their company officers. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Chief, or other officer act- ing as Chief, in command at fires, to establish a post of observation, B> B to be designated in day time by a red flag and at night by a red - 340. lantern, at which post he shall remain during the progress of the fire, and direct the operations of the department, except when his presence at some other portion of the field is temporarily indis- pensible. , ARTICLE III. FIRE POLICE. SEC. 1. The police committee shall appoint, subject to approval 8 5 B circumstances, under penalty of dismissal ; and if the apparatus of o. 340. several companies are proceeding on the same street to or from any Art - 4 3- fire, they shall do so in single file. SEC. 4. Any driver of a steam fire engine, hose cart, hook and ladder company, or any other apparatus belonging to the fire } , } , department, who may carelessly or willfully come into collision with O. 340. any other vehicle while going to or from a fire, shall be responsible for all damages that may occur. SEG. 5. Drivers shall see that their horses are at all times L. B. properly secured and attended to, arid any driver neglecting or ill- A ; ^ ' s treating his horses shall be dismissed. SEC. 6. All drivers of city teams, when the same are hitched to fire apparatus of any kind, going to or from fires, or alarms of bo ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. fires, or on parade, drill or other exercise or assemblage of the fire B- B - department, or any part of the some, shall be and considered and Art. 4, $ e.treated as a member of the fire department, subject to the rules, regulations and by-laws of the same, and shall at such time promptly obey th officers of said department. SEC. 7. Drivers shall be appointed by the fire committee, sub- ject to confirmation by the Council, upon the recommendation of their company. Drivers refusing to obey orders of their officers, or B> B for other misconduct, may be suspended by the Chief of the depart- O- 340 ment, who shall immediately report .the same to the committee on fire department ; and if said committee approve of the Chiefs action in the premises, said suspension shall be final and a new driver shall be appointed. In case of suspension of a driver by the Chief he may select a driver to act temporarily until the case is decided by the committee on fire department. SEC. 8. All drivers of city teams, when driving their teams, hitched to wagons on street works, shall be subject to the street and alley committee, and shall not be considered as firemen, but merely as employees of the city, and the chairman of the committee on O. 340. streets and alleys may dismiss any driver on duty under his commit- Art. 4, \ 8. tee at anv tj me? f or refusal to obey orders, or other misconduct, and if all of his committee concur with him, the dismissal shall be abso- lute, but if the committee disagree the case must be referred to the Council. In case of a dismissal of a driver by the street and alley committee, the chairman thereof shall immediately notify the chair- man of the committee on fire department to appoint a temporary driver. SEC. U. Drivers while on duty as firemen shall be considered O. 340. volunteers and receive no pay for their services. But for their ser- rt ' 4 * 9 ' vices on the street each driver shall receive the sum of fifty dollars per month. SEC. 10. In case of an alarm of fire when out on the streets? K 15. drivers shall instantly, without awaiting orders, unhitch their teams, A ^'?tj leave their wagons on the spot, when they hear the alarm, and hurry to their apparatus, and resume their work after the fire is extin- guished. SEC. 11. It shall be the duty of the Chief of the fire depart- ment, in addition to his duties in fire department, to inspect all flues, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 6r chimneys and fire-places in the city limits, notify property owners when the same are dangerous and order them to change the same so O. 340. that they will not be dangerous to adjoining property. rt * *** SEC. 12. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- B. B. flict with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. A 9' 3 1' x\rt. 4)X ^ SEC. 13. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its publication. Passed July 15, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. XXXVII. An Ordinance allowing the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department a salary and causing him to give bond, etc. Be it ordained by flie City Council of the City of Fort Worth : p B SECTION 1. That the Chief Engineer of the fire department of 0/331. said city be allowed a salary of seventy-five dollars per month for ^ * his services as such Chief. SEC. 2. The Chief of die said department shall be the custo- dian of all the property under the control of the department which belongs to the said city and for the safe handling, careful manage- B. B. rnent and protection of the hose carriage, hook and ladder truck, ;^ 3I engines and appurtenances belonging to each of the above, the horses, harness, etc., belonging to each. He shall be required to give a bond payable to the city of Fort Worth, in the sum of twenty- five hundred dollars, which said bond shall be conditioned as above, and approved by the Mayor of said city. SEC. 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from B. B. and after its passage. g J* 1 Passed July 2, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. XXXVIII. An Ordinance establishing the Fire Alarm Bell and regulating the ringing of the same, and prescribing the duties, etc., of the Fire Department. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the bell erected on the City Hall, and En- 62 ORDINANCES OI< THE CITY OP FORT WORTH. Q ' j ' gine-room be, and the sajne is hereby defined to be, the fire-alarm 2 i bell of the City of Fort Worth. SEC. 2. -That in case of fire it shall be lawful, and is hereby j, A made the duty of any and all persons to sound the fire-alarm by a *35 continuous and rapid ringing of the fire bell for ten minutes, and, $ 2& 0. 113 . $ i also, in case of riot, the Mayor may ring the fire bell to call out the citizens to quell the same. SEC. 3. That it shall be lawful, and it is hereby made the duty of the engineer of the engine company, or some other person by his permission, to give the following signals for meetings of the Fire Department and Fire Companies, viz : For a regular or call 0/135 meeting of the M. T. Johnson Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1., { - 3 two quick taps of the fire-alarm bell, with an interval of ten sec- onds ; for a regular or call meeting of the Psmther Engine Com- pany No. 2, three quick taps of the fire alarm bell, with an inter- val of ten seconds ; for a regular or call meeting ot the Fire De- partment, four quick taps with an interval of ten seconds. SEC. 4 That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to ring the fire bell except for the purposes provided in the first and B - A - second Sections of this ordinance, and that any person violating \ 4 ' the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 5. Each of the fire companies respectively may adopt such constitution, By-laws, and regulations for their government, subordinate to the ordinances of the city, as they may deem best calculated to accomplish the objects hereby contemplated, to adopt, H. A. fix and impose reasonable fines and penalties for nonattendance at - 96- meetings regular or special, for disobedience, want of discipline or any other offence against the law, rule or regulation of such com- pany, and each of said companies shall annually choose from among its own members such officers as they may require in accordance with their respective constitutions and in the same manner provided therein. SEC. 6. The different fire companies under the control and direction of their respective officers, shall, upon an alarm of fire, repair to the place of the fire with the engines and other fire ap- paratus under their care, and there work and manage under the ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 63 chief engineer and his assistants, and in case of their absence, place B A and work the engines and other apparatus in the most effectual 0. 96. manner until the fire shall be extinguished, and shall not remove therefrom but by permission of an engeneer if any should be pre- sent, and on such permission they shall return their engines and fire apparatus to their respective places of deposit. SEC. 7. The engineer in command, or in the absence of all engineers, the Mayor, or in the absence of the Mayor, two Alder- men, may direct the Hook and Ladder men to cut down and re- move any building or buildings, erection or erections, or fence or J*- A - fences, for the purpose of checking the progress of the fire, and the \ 8 engineer in command, with the advice and concurrence of the Mayor, or in the absence of the Mayor, two Aldermen shall have the power to blow up or cause to be blown up with powder or other- wise, any building or buildings or other erections during the pro- gress of the fire, for the purpose of extinguishing or checking the same. SEC. 8. The Chief Engineer and assistant engineers shall while on duty wear a leather hat or cap painted white with gilded B. A. front, and carry a bright metal speaking trumpet. On the front of 1 1 the leather cap of the Chief Engineer, also of those of the assist- ants, shall be painted the rank of office which they respectively hold. And this shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved Dec. 31, 1877. ORDINANCE NO. XXXIX. An Ordinance establishing Fire Limits, and regulating the character of Buildings to be placed therein. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth . SECTION 1. All that property, blocks and lots bounded on the north by Weatherford street and the public square, and on the west by Throckmorton street, and on the east by Rusk street, and on the south by Seventh street, including all blocks and lots on Main, Houston and cross streets between said boundaries, and that certain block on the west side of the public square, bounded on the f>4 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. B fi north by Belknap street, on the west by Throckmorton street, and on O. 318 the south by Weatherford street, and also the west half of that certain & block situated on the east side of the public square, bounded on the C?"-2o nort h ^7 Belknap street, the east by Calhoun street, south, by i. Weatherford street; also that certain property and blocks and lots situated between the following boundaries ; bounded on the south by the railroad donation, on the north by Fifthteenth street, on the west by Throckmorton street, and on the east by Cal- houn street ; all of the above lots and blocks embraced within the boundaries herein mentioned, shall and do hereby constitute the fire limits of the city of Fort Worth. SEC. 2. That any person or persons who shall build or place in or upon any blocks or lots within any of the boundaries B. B. described above to-wit : within the fire limits as laid out in 1, - 3 l8 of this ordinance, or be concerned in building or placing therein any building or structure of wood or combustible material or erect any wooden frame work to be covered with tin, sheet iron or any other material shall be fined in the sum of fifty dollars. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal to remove B. B. an y s^h structure as mentioned in 2, of this ordinance that \ 3 may hereafter be built within the fire limits of said city. SEC. 4. That all ordinances in conflict with this ordinance O "D O. 318 or appertaining to the fire limits be and the same are hereby $ 4 repealed. SEC. 5. That this ordinance take effect and be in force i>. i>. O. 318 from and after its publication, according to law. 1 s Passed February 5, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. XL. An Ordinance prohibiting the shooting off, firing or discharging of Fire-arms; the firing, exploding or setting off of Squibs, Firecrackers, Torpedoes, Roman Can- dles, Sky-rockets or other things containing powder or other explosive matter, or the throwing of any fire balls, or making of any bon-fires in the corporate limits of the City of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to shoot off, fire, or discharge any gun, pistol, revolver or any fire- ORDINANCES Of THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 65 arm of any description, or to fire, explode or set off any squib, firecracker, torpedo, roman candle, sky-rocket, or other thing con- B A taining powder or other explosive matter, or to throw any fire-ball O. 233 or make any bon-fire in the corporate limits of this city, and that ^ l any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than one dollar nor more than one hundred dollars. Provided that this shall not apply to any licensed shooting gallery nor to the shooting of dogs running at large in violation of the city ordinances. Approved May 20, 1880. ORDINANCE XLI. An Ordinance prohibiting the sale of Unwholesome Food or Drink. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That whoever shall sell or offer for sale within p \ this city any milk produced from any sick or diseased cow shall, for - ? 2 78 each offence, be fined in any sum not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 2. Whoever shall sell or offer to sell or keep or expose B for sale within said city any tainted, unhealthy or unwholesome 0. 278 meat or other substance for food shall be fined not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 3. Whoever shall sell, offer to sell or keep or expose for 3. A- sale within this city any impure or unhealthy ice shall, for each ^'o 2 ? 8 offence, be fined not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 4. Whoever shall sell, offer to sell, or keep or expose B A for sale within this city, any ice shipped or brought into this city O. 278. for the purpose of cooling and preserving beer or any other sub- stance, shall be fined not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 5. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication as required by law. 0^278. Passed June 13, 1882. 9 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. XL1I. An Ordinance regulating the sale of Corrupted and Unwholesome Substances, and prohibiting the sale of same. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. If any person shall, knowingly, sell the flesh of any animal dying otherwise than by slaughter, or slaughtered ** ** when diseased, or shall sell any kind of corrupted, diseased or un- l i wholesome substance, whether for food or drink, without making the same fully known to the purchaser, he shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 2. If any person shall sell -any milk which has been adulterated in any way by water or otherwise, or any liquid pre- B. B. tended to be milk which has been so compounded as to resemble \ 2 milk, but in fact made out of some other substances and not milk, shall be deemed guilty of 'a misdemeanor, and fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars. SEC. 3. If any person shall fraudulently adulterate for the purpose of sale any substance indicated for food or any liquid or 6/325. spiritous, vinous or malt liquids intended for drink with any other 3- substance injurious to health, he or she shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the City Physician at any time he may see proper to examine any and all meats sold in the city, and at any time examine milk which may be for sale, and the City Physician shall at any time requested by an officer or citizen make an examination of any meats and milk that may be taken to B. B. him for examination, and upon his failure to so examine said meats '-?^' and milk he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined in # 4- tt J any sum not exceeding fifty dollars. And any party or parties re- fusing to allow the City Physician at any time to examine meats and milk which he or they'have for sale, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined in any sum not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars. B- A - SEC. f>. This ordinance to take effect from and after its pub- <"> 32> v . % e lication. * ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP PORT WORTH. 67 ORDINANCE NO. XLIII. An Ordinance granting Right of Way to the Fourth Street, Union Depot and Lake Park Street Railway Company, to construct and operate a street railway in the City of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth . SECTION 1. That in consideration of the faithful performance of the conditions hereinafter set forth by the Fourth Street, Union Depot and Lake Park Street railway company, a corporation duly arid legally chartered under the laws of this State, the right of way be and is hereby granted to the street railway company to build, construct and operate in the City of Fort Worth a line of street Q' ?; railway, with the necessary switches, turn-outs and side tracks, \ * along and upon the following streets, to wit : from the western ter- minus of Fourth Street near the Weldon school-house along and upon said Fourth Street to Calhoun Street, thence south upon Cal- houn Street to Front Street, thence south-east on Front Street, as the said Street Railway Company may elect, to Henrietta Street, thence east on i Lenrietta Street to Missouri Avenue, thence south on Missouri Avenue to the corporate line of the City of Worth. SEC, 2. That the said right to construct and operate the B. B. said line of railway as aforesaid, is granted to the said Fourth ^] 29> Street. Union Depot and Lake Park Street Railway Company upon the following conditions : First, The said street railway company shall keep in good re- pair all street crossings along its line and shall so construct its track as not to obstruct tarvel on the streets used by it. Second. The said street railway company shall commence the work of construction at their beginning point or some other point of said line within thirty days from the granting of this right of way by the City Council, and the same shall be completed and equipped within four from said beginning to the Texas and Pacific re- servation, and completed to their terminus within six months, pro- vided, the right of way is granted and a street opened across the said reservation within twenty days from the passage of this ordi- nance. Third. All the track of said street railway north of the said 6S ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FOR 7^ WORTH. reservation shall be laid with the tram or Johnson rail, and the road-bed and eighteen inches on either side shall be paved with the Telford-Macadam, and all tracks south of the Texas and Pacific track, the ordinary T rail may be used, and the paving or road-bed and the eighteen inches on either side with gravel eight inches thick. Fourth. Good and substantial crossings shall be made on all cross streets not less than thirty feet wide and at a grade of one to ten. No sidings shall be constructed longer than one hundred and seventy -five feet and shall not cross any street. SEC. 3. Said street railway company shall at all times be sub- |; K ject to all police ordinances and regulations adopted by the City O. 329. Council under and by virtue of the authority vested in them by the * 3 laws of this State. B. B. SEC. 4. That this ordinance take effect arid be in force Irom * 3 2 9 and after its passage. Approved June 20, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. XLIV. An Ordinance giving certain parts of Prince street to the Fort Worth and Denver City Railway Company. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That so much of Prince street, or any other street having no name, as extends from Morgan street south through Adamson's addition to Luella avenue between blocks 144 and 145 J*'. ' of said City of Fort Worth be and the same is hereby vacated i. and the use of the same granted to the Fort Worth and Denver City Railway Company for depot and railroad purposes, o! 280. SEC. 2. This ordinance to take effect from and after its r passage. Passed June 13, 1882. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 69 ORDINANCE NO. XLV. An Ordinance granting certain privileges to the Fort Worth Street Railway Com- pany. (This repealed, except as to Main street, Aug. 19, 1884.) Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the Fort Worth Street Railway Company, a corporation duly organized and authorized by charter under the laws of Texas, certified to by the Secretary of State, under the great seal of the State of Texas, bearing date Jan. the 8th, 1874, be, and the said company is hereby fully authorized and empowered with the right to construct, equip, operate and maintain, own and control, in accordance with the conditions and terms in their said charter contained, one or more lines of street railway, together with all necessary switches, turnouts, sidings, stables, offices and depots, on either or all of the following named streets and their extensions in said city, to-wit . Belknap and Weatherford streets, running B. east and west ; Jennings avenue, Houston, Main and Rusk streets, $ 1. running north and south, and to such other streets or avenues in said city as may on application be designated by ordinance by the said City Council aforesaid ; provided, said company shall construct and operate at least one line of street railway on one of the above named streets running from the public square to the Texas Pacific Railway Depot, or vicinity thereof, within eighteen months from the date of this ordinance, or within six months from and after the com- pletion of the Texas Pacific Railway to the said city of Fort Worth ; and provided further, that said Fort Worth Street Railway Company shall fix a rate of passenger fare not to exceed ten cents per mile or less, and a freight tariff not to exceed fifty cents per one hun- dred pounds per mile or less. SEC. 2. That the City Council of the city of Fort Worth reserve the right to determine when the requirements of traffic necessitates any further track than the one selected and built by the B. A. company in pursuance of the right granted it the first instance, and g' 2 shall then notify the company of their judgment, and specify the street on which they deem the railway desirable, ,and if the company 70 ORDINANCES Ol< THE C77 ) Ufi FORT WORTH. shall not comply with said notice within twelve months, then the right to those streets shall be forfeited. SEC. 3. That on the filing by said Fort Worth Street Rail- way Company of a duly certified copy of their said charter and the O. 60 W1> i tten acceptance of said company of this ordinance with the Sec- 3- retary of said city, said company shall be authorized to act hereun- der without further ordinance or permit by the City Council. B A. SEC. 4. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from O.6o .' I 4 and alter its passage. Passed July 15, 1874. ORDINANCE NO. XLVL An Ordinance granting certain rights and privileges to the Fort Worth Street Rail- way Company. Be it ordained by the Citif Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the Fort Worth Street Railway Company be, and it is hereby authorized to construct, equip and operate a line of street railway over and along the following route : Beginning '' A at the center of the intersection of either Eleventh or Twelfth and < >. 262 ? i Main streets, on the railway constructed on said Main street, thence along the center of said Eleventh or Twelfth streets to the center of Jones street, to the railroad donation and to the Union Depot. SEC. 2. That said railway shall be constructed on such grades as the city or its authorities may fix or prescribe, and it shall be O 262 constructed in such manner as to not interfere with travel on said streets, and the said company shall keep the street between the rails of said railway and eighteen inches on each side, graded up to the grade of said street as established by the city or its authorities. SEC. 3. Said right of way privileges are granted upon the following conditions : 1st. That said corporation shall construct and have in opera- K. A. tion and in good running order all of said line within days A lamps shall be lighted and kept burning, but said company shall O. 287. not be required to light or keep said lamps burning during clear moonlight nights, said schedule or time to be made a part of this contract. SEC. 15. Any person or persons who shall wilfully or maliciously injure or destroy any portion of the works, fixtures or B A other property appertaining or pertaining to said gas works, or shall O. 287 wrongfully interfere with or open any lamps or waste any gas there- from, or shall hitch or tie any horse, horses or other animal to any lamp post shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten or more than one hundred dollars, and costs of prosecution. SEC. 16. Said City of Fort Worth shall make all ordinances^ appropriations, etc., necessary to secure the said Fort Worth Gas B> A. Light Company in the rights and privileges granted in this agree- - 2 *7- ment, so long as the same may be in force. That said gas pipes 8 a ORDINANCES Of THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. shall be laid at least two feet below the grade established by the city. SEC. 17. This ordinance shall be a contract by and between the City of Fort Worth and the Fort Worth Gas Light Company, B. A. i ts successors and assigns, and shall be binding upon both parties - J 8 7- thereto. Provided said company shall file with the City Clerk its acceptance of the same in writing within ten days after the passage of the same. Passed November 15, 1882. ORDINANCE NO. LIII. An Ordinance establishing the Grade of Throckmorton, Houston, Main and Rusk streets, in the City of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by tl\e City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the grade lines of Throckmorton, Houston, i and Rusk st follows, to-wit : T> A O.'78. Main and Rusk streets be and the same are hereby established as THROCKMORTON STREET. Commencing at the south line of Weatherford Street. Station 0, Elevation 112 9, 900 " 103 14, 500 " 101 30, 1,600 " 103 " 38, 800 101 40, 200 103-5 HOUSTON STREET. Commencing at the south line of Weatherford Street. Station 0, Elevation 113 9, 900 104 14, 500 99 " 19, 500 97 29, 1,000 100 34, 500 99 36, 200 " 99 " 40, 400 99 ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 83 MAIN STREET. Commencing at the south side of Weatherford Street. Station 0, Elevation 109 8, 900 " 108 19, 1,000 93 29, 1,000 98 34, 500 97 " 44, 1,000 102 RUSK STREET. Commencing at the south line of Weatherford Street. Station 0, Elevation 107 9, f>00 101 17, 800 8!) 18, 100 8!) 24, 600 93 39, 1,500 " 96 49, 1,000 98 SEC. 2. That any person who shall build or erect sidewalks on a street on which the grade has been established by the first sec- tion of this ordinance, or shall cause the same to be built- or erected of any material whatsoever, and shall fail to build or erect or cause the same to be built or erected in accordance with the grades as es- J**^ tablished by 1, of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- \ i.. demeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall be subject to a like fine for each and every day thereafter that said sidewalk shall be allowed to remain not in comformity to said grade. SEC. 3. This ordinance to be in force and take eifect from B - A - o. 70. and after its publication as required by law. g 3. Approved July 15, 1876. ORDINANCE NO. LIV. An Ordinance granting the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Company the right of way through the City of Fort Worth and the right to locate and maintain a depot and other buildings and structures therein. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the right of way, one hundred feet in width. S 4 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP FORT WORTH. through the city of Fort Worth be, and the same is hereby granted, B A of the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company on the line O. 266. of its railway, as the same is located through said city, with the right to construct, maintain and forever operate and use its said railway with tracks, turn-outs and switches, over and along all streets and alleys within said right of way. SEC. 2. That the right is hereby granted to said railway com- pany to locate, construct, maintain and forever use such buildings, structures, turn-tables, switches arid sidings, as it may deem neces- sary or convenient for the transaction of its business anywhere upon rP 66 ^ e roun d n their present right of way, situated between Nichols, '$2. ' Bluff, Belknap, Weatherford, Elm, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Pecan, Eighth, Ninth, Luella avenue, Twelfth, Thir- teenth, Fourteenth, Grove, Jones, Callahan, Fifteenth, Sixteenth^ and Eighteenth streets, also all streets occupied by them in Dag- gett's and Tucker's additions south of Texas & Pacific donation, run- ning east and west. SEC. 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from 15* A.. O. 266. and after its passage. 1 3< Passed March 7, 1882. ORDINANCE NO. LV. An Ordinance regulating street hacks and other vehicles carrying passengers in the city. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be the duty of all persons running carriages, hacks, coaches, buggies or other vehicles after dark in this O 88 c *ty' t have on said vehicles two good lights, in such position that \ ' they can be seen by other persons passing in the streets of said city. SEC. 2. That any person convicted of a violation of the fore- B going section of this ordinance shall be fined in any sum not less O. 88. than five nor more than fifty dollars for each night said vehicle is so ** run. SEC. 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force B. A. from and after its publication as required by law. Approved Nov. 30, 1876. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PORT WORTH. 85 ORDINANCE NO. LVI. An Ordinance regulating street hacks. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any persons owning B A or using a street carriage, hack or other vehicle for the purpose of O. 2 74- conveying passengers from one place to another in said city, to charge more than fifty cents for each passenger, including one trunk. SEC. 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons owning or using a street carriage, hack or other vehicle from one H- A - place to another in said city, to charge more than two dollars for $ 2. the first hour and one dollar and fifty cents for each and every sub- sequent hour. SEC. 3. The owner, driver or person running any street car- riage, hack or other vehicle, used for the transportation of persons for hire, shall keep on the inside of each street carriage, hack or o. 274. other vehicle, hung up in a conspicious and prominent manner, so as to be easily seen and read, a printed card of the tariff of rates fixed in this ordinance. SEC. 4. That any person who shall be found guilty of violat- ^. A. ing this ordinance, or any section of said ordinance, shall be deemed - 2 74- guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars. SEC. 5. Every person owning, keeping or using any licensed vehicle who shall refuse to transport any person when applied to, at H - A. the rates established by ordinances of the city, or who shall extort 3 6. ' or demand any greater sum for carrying any person than herein allowed, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offence. SEC. 6. Any person refusing to pay the fare established by ordinances of the city, after being carried to his or her destination, or place where they may wish to leave such licensed vehicle, if de- manded, without delay, by the owner or driver of such vehicle, shall 0/183. be deemed guilty of disorderly conduct, and on conviction, shall be fined not less than one nor more than ten dollars for each offence. SEC. 7. Any owner or driver of any licensed vehicle, who $6 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. B A shall, by any misrepresentation or device, induce another to employ O. 183. his vehicle, or who shall carry any passenger without his or her re- quest to any house of ill-feme or bad repute, or shall deceive any passenger in any manner, or shall, under any pretext, whatever, assault, threaten, insult or otherwise abuse any passenger, shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. B. A. SEC. 8. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from 5 g^ and after its publication. Approved Dec. 28, 1878. ORDINANCE NO. LVIL An Ordinance regulating Hawkers and other itinerant Venders, of Merchandise by out-cry. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SEC. 1. That it shall be unlawful for any hawker or other A - itinerant vender of merchandise to expose his goods, or cry the \ i same on or near any sidewalk in this city. SEC. 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person to sell at 0.31. public auction on any of the sidewalks of the city, any goods, 2 2 wares, merchandise, or household furniture. B SEC. 3. That it shall be unlawful for any hawker or other O. 31. vender of merchandise to obstruct the streets of this city by the f> ,, 1 J ' outcry or exposition of his goods. SEC. 4. That any person violating any of the provisions of Q* ^ this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than twen- 2 4- ty-five dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 5. That this ordinance shall take effect and shall be in O. 31. force from and after its publication as required by law. 2 5 ' Approved April 17, 1873. ORDINANCE NO. LVIII. An Ordinance relating to the Health of the City. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be the duty of the Board of Health ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. to make a personal inspection of the city, as often as once a week R during the months of June, July, August and September of each o.' 16. year, and at such other times as may be ordered by the City Coun- ^ 2 ' cil, for the purpose^of examining the sanitary condition of the city. SEC. 2. That under the direction of the City Council or the Board of Health, the Marshal shall by written notice require all B. A. nuisances calculated to affect the health of the city to be removed, ; l6 cleaned or abated by the occupant or owner of said premises. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the occupant or owner of any building or lot within the corporate limits of the city to use upon B - A - said premises as often as directed by said Board of Health, chloride \ 4 of lime or other disinfectant. SEC. 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force B. A. from and after its publication, as required by law. .' 6 l6 ' Approved April 10, 1873. ORDINANCE NO. LIX. An Ordinance requiring the Board of Health to cause certain persons to be vac- cinated and quarantined. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the City Physician shall upon the order or B demand of the Board of Health, vaccinate or cause to be vaccinated O. 267. any and all persons in said city who in the judgement of the Board of Health it may be necessary to vaccinate to prevent the spreading of small-pox. SEC. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Marshal of said city B. A. to arrest and cause to be vaccinated by the City Physician all per- '^ 7 ' sons who have been ordered to be vaccinated by the Board of Health. SEC. 3. That the Board of Health shall have the power and authority, and it is made their duty to send any person or persons B. A. to the pesthouse established by said city, who has or may have the '^' smallpox, and the said Board of Health shall have the power and authority to quarantine any person or persons who are suspected of being infected with smallpox. 88 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. SEC. 4. That it shall be the duty of the Board of Health to destroy any and all furniture, wearing apparel or property of any kind suspected of being tainted or infected with smallpox, or shall B. A. be likely to pass into such a state as to generate or propagate the O 26 7- said disease, and from time to time to do all acts and make all ] regulations which they shall deem expedient for the preservation of the health and the suppression of the spread of the smallpox in said city. B A SEC. 5. Whereas, there is an urgent necessity for the passing O. 267 of said ordinance, that said ordinance be in force and take effect from and after its passage. Approved March 13, 1882. ORDINANCE NO. LX. An Ordinance relating to houses of ill-fame and inmates thereof. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth . SECTION 1. Any person who shall keep and maintain in this B - A - city, a brothel, bawdy-house or house of ill-fame, or of assignation 'i shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 2. Any person, whether male or female, being an inmate O. ii. or resident ot any brothel, bawdy-house or. house of ill-fame, shall, 2 2 - upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. B A SEC. 3. The general reputation of any such house mentioned O. ii. in the foregoing sections, or of its inmates and residents, shall be 3 prima facie evidence of the character of such house and persons. SEC. 4. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from O* n". and after its publication as required by law. 2*' Approved April 9, 1873. ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OP PORT WORTH. 8g ORDINANCE NO. LXI. An Ordinance defining dance houses and punishing the keepers thereof. Be it ordained by the City Council of the Qity of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That any house or part thereof kept for lewd, loose or immodest women or women of ill-fame or bad repute to Q'' O assemble and dance, or at which such persons may live for that pur- i pose, or where such is permitted, shall be considered as a dance house within the meaning of this ordinance. SEC. 2. That any person who shall keep such a house as is B - A. described in the first section hereof, shall be fined in any sum not | 2 . less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from B ^. and after its publication as required by law. O. no. Approved May 31, 1877. ORDINANCE NO. LX1I. An Ordinance licensing dance houses. Be it ordained by the Qity Council of the. City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That every keeper of a dance house within the B. A. city of Fort Worth shall pay a license tax of one hundred dollars g 1 , 5 per quarter in advance for the privilege of keeping the same. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to keep a dance house within the city of Fort Worth unless he, she or they Q B - ^ shall obtain a permit or license in writing from the City Council ; \ 2 provided, however, that no permit or license shall be given for more than three months, and shall specify the time and place of holding the same. SEC. 3. No permit or license shall be sold or transferred and B. A. the City Council may at any time revoke any license or permit '^ s ' issued under this ordinance on repayment of any amount which may have been paid by the holder of said license or permit, after deduct- ing the amount due on the time expired. 12 go ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of any person or persons keeping B A a dance house within the City of Fort Worth to execute and file O. 165 w ith the City Council, a bond with two or more sureties to be ap- proved by them, payable to the City of Fort Worth in the sum of two hundred dollars, conditioned that the said dance house shall be conducted in an orderly manner. SEC. 5. Should any riot or disturbance of good order take B A. place at any such dance house, unless it shall be immediately sup- g 5. pressed, it shall be the duty of the officers of the city to cause the same to be closed forthwith. SEC. 6. This ordinance shall not repeal or effect ordinance No. O B 'i6s ^ except in cases where a permit or license has been issued under 2 6. the provisions of this ordinance. SEC. 7. Any person or persons who shall violate this ordi- B.A. nance or any section of this ordinance, shall, on conviction thereof, "a ^ 5 be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. B A SEC. 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from 0. 165 and after its publication according to law. Passed Aug. 13, 1878. ORDINANCE NO. LXIIL y, An Ordinance prohibiting disorderly houses and punishing prostitutes. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth: SEC. 1. A disorderly house is one kept for the purpose of O. 193. prostitution, or as a common resort for prostitutes and vagabonds. o _ SEC. 2. Any room or part of a building occupied by one or B. A. more persons, or appropriated by one or more persons, for either of 2^ the purposes above mentioned, is a disorderly house within the meaning of this ordinance. SEC. 3. Any person who shall keep a disorderly house as de- B - A - fined above, within the limits of this city, shall, upon conviction, be | 3 fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 4 Any person who shall be found an inmate of a dis- orderly house, as herein defined, for the purposes of prostitution^ ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OP PORT WORTH. gr shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than five B - A - dollars nor more than fifty dollars. | 4 SEC. 5. Any courtesan, prostitute or lewd woman who shall be found wandering, or promenading the streets, alleys, or public places, or visiting beer houses or places of public resort, in the night time, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars. The general reputation of any person mentioned in this O. 239. section of this ordinance, shall be prima facie evidence of the char- acter of such person, and it shall be the duty of the City Marshal and policemen to arrest, without process, any person found vjolat- ing the provisions of this section. SEC. "6. Any prostitute, courtesan or lewd woman who shall ply, or seek to ply. her avocation by word, sign or action, while upon the streets, alleys or public places of said city, or from the B.A. door or window of any house, or window of any room or house that '^^ may be seen from any street, alley or public place in said city, or from any private residence of said city, shall be fined upon convic- tion thereof, not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars. SEC. 7. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from B.A. and after its publication as required by law. ', ^ Approved May 21, 1870. ORDINANCE NO. LXIV. An Ordinance defining and punishing offences against Public Decency. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. Any person who shall within the corporate limits in any public place or in any place exposed to the public view, ap- pear in a state of nudity or in a dress or costume not appropriate to B. A. his or her sex, or in an indecent or lewd dress, or who shall make "| s , 7 ' an indecent exposure of his or her person, or be guilty of any lewd or indecent act or behavior, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. gz ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. SEC. 2. Any person|who shall within the corporate limits of B A the City of Fort Worth exhibit or perform, or shall assist in exhibit- O. 157. ing or performing any indecent, obscene or lewd play, exhibition or other representation shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. B. A. SEC. 3. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from g ^ 57 and after its publication as required by law. Approved May 22, 1878. ORDINANCE NO. LXV. An Ordinance to limit the Time in which Prosecutions shall be commenced. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : B. A. SECTION 1. That for all violations of any ordinance of the % 2 j 12 City of Fort Worth, an information or complaint may be made within one year from the commission of the offence and not after- wards. B - A - SEC. 2. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from O. 212 2. and after its passage. Passed Oct. 21, 1879. ORDINANCE NO. LXVI. An Ordinance establishing a market place for the selling, buying, trading and ex- hibiting horses, mules and other animals. JBe it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. The market place for the buying, selling, trading and exhibiting of horses, mules or other animals, shall hereafter be C? 2si u P on Belknap Street, between Main and Houston Streets, and upon 1 1 the east side of the Public Square, between Weatherford and Bel- knap Streets. SEC. 2. Whoever shall be found guilty of violating 1, of the ORDINANCES OF THE CITtf Of PORT WORTH. above ordinance, shall be fined not less than one dollar and not B - A - more than fifty dollars. '^ SEC. 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force B . A. from and after its publication according to law. - 2 5* Approved June 8, 1881. ORDINANCE NO. LXVIL An Ordinance regulating the Conduct and prescribing the Duties of the Marshal, Deputy Marshal, and Policemen of the City. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the Marshal of the city shall be ex-offi CIO B.A. Chief of Police, and may appoint one or more 'deputies, and shall 0. 125. in person or by deputy attend upon the Recorder's or Mayor's court while said court is in session, and shall promptly and faithfully ex- ecute all writs and process issued from said court. SEC. 2. It shall be and is hereby made the duty of the Mar- shal, Deputy Marshal, and policemen, to be active in quelling riots, disorder and disturbances of the peace within the limits of the city, and they shall take into custody all persons offending against the peace of the city, and authority is hereby given them to take suit- K- A - able and sufficient bail for the appearance before the Mayor or Re- \ 2 . corder's court of any person charged with an offence against the ordinances of the city. To prevent a breach of the peace, or to preserve quiet or good order, the Marshal shall have authority to close any theatre, bar room, ball room, drinking house or any other place or building of public resort, and for said purposes and for the purpose of arresting any offender, the Marshal, Deputy Marshal and policemen shall have power to make forcible entry into any house where entry is denied them. SEC. 3. It shall be and is hereby made the duty of the Mar- shal, Deputy Marshal and policemen of the city to return, arrest, fi A prosecute, and make complaint against, before the Mayor or Re- o. 125 corder, any and all persons violating any ordinance of the city within their view or knowledge. And when they shall be informed by any credible person that any offence against any of the ordi- ORDINANCES OF THE CITY Of FORT WORTH. nances of the city has been or* is about to be committed, they shall be active in preventing the same and bringing the offenders to trial. SEC. 4. If any Marshal, Deputy Marshal or policeman shall wilfully neglect to return, arrest or prosecute any person who has violated any of the ordinances of the city within his view or know- ledge, or shall wilfully and knowingly absent himself from any place where such violation of any ordinance is taking place, or is B. A. about to take place, for the purpose of avoiding seeing or having a \ \. knowledge of the same, or who after having been credibly informed that such violation of an ordinance is being committed or is about to be committed, shall fail or refuse to take steps to prevent the same and for the arrest of the offenders, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 5. If any Marshal, Deputy Marshal or policeman shall B. A. while on duty drink any intoxicating liquor in any bar-room or pub- \ 5 lie place he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars. SEC. 6. If any Marshal, Deputy Marshal or policeman shall Q* I2 l use any profane, indecent or offensive language while on duty, he 2 6 - shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than one nor more than ten dollars. SEC. 7. If any Marshal, Deputy Marshal or policeman shall B A S et d run k, or shall conduct himself in a riotous or disorderly man- O. 125. ner, or shall provoke a breach of the peace while on duty, he shall be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 8. The Marshal, Deputy Marshal or policemen are pro- hibited to frequent, while on duty, places of any kind where intoxi- B. A. eating liquors are sold unless for the purpose of preventing a breach g gf 5 * of the peace or to preserve quiet or good order, and for a violation of this section the fine shall be not less than five nor more than twenty. five dollars. SEC. 9. It shall be and is hereby made the duty of the Mar- shal, with the approval of the Mayor, to prescribe the hours for duty of each policeman of the city, and he shall file with the Sec- retary, who shall place the same on file among the records of the ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 95 city, a schedule, which said schedule shall contain the names of the R A respective policemen and the hours during which they are assigned O. 125. to duty, and it shall be his duty to report all changes that may be made in said schedule as soon as the same shall be made to said Sec- retary who shall enter said changes on said schedule. SEC. 10. That it shall be the duty of the Mayor or Recorder upon a conviction of any Marshal, Deputy Marshal or policeman for B. A. a violation of any section in this ordinance contained, to report the a* l f' same to the City Council for their action at the next regular meet- ing of said Council. SEC. 11. That this ordinance take eifect and be in force from o B 'j A ' and after its publication as required by law. | n. Approved Sept. 13, 1877. ORDINANCE NO. LXVIII. An Ordinance in regard to the duties of City Marshal and the collection of Fines. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the City Marshal shall attend all sittings of R A the Recorder's or Mayor's court and shall always assist the City O. 259 Attorney, when so required, in the discovery and preparation of tes- timony in all cases in which the city is interested. SEC. 2. The Marshal shall have no right to release any prisoner before conviction without bond, nor after conviction until such fine B. A. and costs as have been assessed shall be paid. The Marshal shall be g f. 59 subject to dismissal from office if he allows parties after conviction to go without satisfaction of judgment of the court as provided herein. SEC. 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from (J*Al and after its passage. I 3 Passed Dec. 6, 1881. 96 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. LXIX. An Ordinance relating to the resisting of Officers in discharge of Duty. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. Whoever in the city shall by forcible means resist, or by threats, menaces, or gestures, or other means hinder or delay B. A. the City Marshal or any policeman in making any arrest or serving g i. any process, or doing any other act required by him by the ordi- nances of this city, he or she shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and on conviction shall be fined any sum not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force T> A 6. 22. fr m an( l a f ter its publication as required by law. 2 2 - Approved April 10, 1873. ORDINANCE NO. LXX. An Ordinance relating to Misdemeanors. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the several acts and offences specified in B. A. this ordinance are hereby prohibited in this city, and any person J 4 ' found guilty of any or either of them shall be subject to the penal- ties provided for by one or either of them respectively. SEC. 2. For disturbing the quiet of the city or any lawful B- A - assembly of persons, or any church or religious meeting, or any | 2. ' house, family or neighborhood, or person or persons, for any assault, battery or affray, a sum of not less than three nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 3. For lighting a cigar or pipe, or match in any barn, O. 14. stable or cellar, or any building containing straw or any combusti- 2 5- ble material, a fine of not less than five dollars. SEC. 4. That any person who shall get drunk or be found in a state of intoxication in any public place in this city shall be ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 97 deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction before the R A Major's or Recorder's court, shall be fined in a sum of not more 0. 163. than one hundred dollars for each and every such oifence. A pub- & lie place within the meaning of this section is any public road, B - A - street, alley, public square, inn, tavern, store, grocery, work-shop, \\ i & 2. or any place to which people commonly resort for purposes of busi- ness, recreation or amusemont. SEC. 5. For unnecessarily obstructing any sidewalk or pas- sage, or any street or alley, or any walk or public ground in this city with any boxes, barrels, vehicles, horse or beast of any kind, lumber, wood or any material, or for placing dirt or rubbish therein, or riding or driving over or upon any sidewalks, or digging holes in the same, any sum not exceeding twenty dollars. Provided that B A any person erecting buildings may for the time occupy a reasonable O. 14. portion of the street in front of such building, and if any person shall continue any obstruction of any street, alley or sidewalk after he shall have been notified by the City Marshal to remove the same he shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars for every day he shall continue the obstruction. SEC. 6. For beating, injuring, or treating -any animal in an B. A. immoderate, cruel or unnecessary manner, a fine not exceeding fifty | &" dollars. SEC. 7. That every person who shall refuse to assist the B A Marsha) or any policeman to make an arrest or suppress any dis- / X 4- turbance when called upon so to do, shall be fined, upon conviction, not less than three nor more than ten dollars for each offence. SEC. 8. That this ordinance take effect and be in force trom B. A. and after its publication as required by law. g I2 .' ORDINANCE NO. LXXI. An Ordinance prohibiting the Obstruction of Street Railways. Be it ordained ly the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That any person who shall place obstructions of ^ any kind on the track or rails of any street railway shall be guilty 0/122. of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. any sum not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars. B. A. SEC. 2. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its 0. 122. . 122. publication as required by law. Approved Sept. 13. 1877. ORDINANCE LXXII. An Ordinance prohibiting the use of Rubber Slings or "Nigger Shooters" and the throwing of Stones or missiles of any kind in or across any street or in any pub- lic place or upon or against any building in the City of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or per- sons to use any rubber sling or "nigger shooter" within the limits B. A. of the City of Fort Worth, or to throw any stone or missile of any g i^* kind in or across any street, alley or public place, or upon or against any house or building in the City of Fort Worth, and that any per- son or persons violating either of the provisions f this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars. SEC. 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force B A O 250. fr m an d after its publication as required by law. I 2 Approved July 18, 1881. ORDINANCE NO. LXXUI. An Ordinance relating to mobs. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That if any two or more persons shall, in this B. A. city assemble together with an intent, or being together shall mutually 9* 2 5- agree to do any unlawful act with force or violence against the pro- perty of this city, or against the person or property of another, or against the peace, or to the terror of another, or shall make any move- ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OP PORT WORTH. mentor preparation therefore, and every person present at such meet- ing or assembly who shall directly or indirectly encourage by not en- deavoring to prevent, or otherwise, the commission or perpetration of such unlawful act, such person shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined not less than one nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 2. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect u. from and after its publication as required by law. ; Approved April 10, 1873. ORDINANCE NO. LXA1V. An Ordinance granting right of way to the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company over and upon the streets known as Arizona avenue, Daggett's ave- nue and Grove street in the City of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SETION 1. That the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company is hereby fully authorized and empowered with the right to equip, construct and forever operate and maintain, own and con- trol railway together with all necessary switches, turn-outs, sidings and depots on either or all of the following named streets and their ^ ' extensions in said city, to wit : On Daggett's avenue and extension 3 i. one block in length from Grove to Park street, on Grove street from the Texas and Pacific grounds to Arizona avenue on south line of Daggett's addition, on and over Arizona avenue to the south line of the city limits and on the streets connecting with said Arizona ave- nue within the limits of fifty feet from each side of the center of the tract. SEC. 2 This ordinance to take effect and be in force from and g. A. after its passage. ^ Passed Jan. 19, 1881. zoo ORDINANCES OF THE C2TY OP FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. LXXV. An Ordinance defaming and prohibiting certain nuisances and providing for the abatement of the same. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. All dead, decaying or putrid carcasses, flesh, fish, fowls or vegetables, all deposits of manure or other unwhole- some substances or flesh of any kind or description whatever, all filthy or offensive water or slops when thrown or conducted into or upon any street, alley, public ground or any enclosure so as to be unwholesome or offensive or liable to become unwholesome or offensive, all privies, slaughter-houses or slaughter-pens that are offensive trom use, all markets, cellars, stores or other buildings or places which are not kept clean and free from filthy or unwholesome substances, all deposits or substances that are offensive or liable to engender disease ; every trade, business or occupation injurious to the health or comfort of those who reside in the vicinity, any lots, O. 229 barrel or receptacle containing water or slops until it becomes stag- 8 * nant, offensive or unwholesome from any cause, any article or substances placed upon any street, sidewalk, alley, gutter, drain or public ground except such as are permitted by ordinances of the city so as to obstruct the same, the throwing of glass, tin, queeiis- w r are, crockery or other rubbish into or upon the streets, alleys, public thoroughfares, commons, drains or gutters, persons found asleep upon the sidewalk or on the street?, alleys or public thor- oughfares, any unwholesome food, liquor, or adulterated medicines, all cattle, horse or hog pens, stable or enclosure in which any cattle horse or hog may be kept or confined which from use have become offensive, the printing, pasting, sticking or placing of any advertise- ment, hand bill, placard of any printed, pictured or written matter upon any house, wall, building, fence or other property private or public without the permission of the owner or person in charge thereof, any nauseous, foul or putrid liquors or substances likely to be nauseous, foul, offensive or putrid, discharged, placed, thrown or conducted into or upon any street, alley, public ground or common, the wrongful casting, throwing or depositing of any filth, substance or thing into any public or private well or cistern, all gates or doors ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PORT WORTH. opening upon any public street or sidewalk upon which it opens unless such gates or door be so constructed or hung as to be self- closing, the keeping or leaving open of any cellar or trap-door or the grating of any vault in or upon any sidewalk, street, thorough- fare, or public passway, the making, keeping or permitting any uncovered opening or hole in or across any sidewalk or public pass- way, street or public thoroughfare, unless the same is with proper authority, and is sufficiently guarded and protected to insure the safety of all persons passing by, over or near the same ; the sweep- ing or depositing of paper, filth or rubbish of any kind from business houses or from private premises into the drains or gutters, or into or upon any sidewalk, street or alley or public thoroughfare, and failing to burn or remove the same, the burning of any hair, leather, rags, or substance of any kind in the city which may cause or pro- duce an offensive smell, smoke or odor to the annoyance of persons living in the vicinity or to persons passing the same, on any public thoroughfare in said city ; defecating or urinating upon the streets, alleys, or public grounds or in any place that may be seen from a private residence or by persons passing along the streets, alleys or public thoroughfares, be and the same are each and all hereby held and declared to be nuisances, and as such are liable to be abated, and the person or persons causing, creating or keeping the same, liable to punishment as hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. That any person or persons who shall cause, create, keep, permit or otherwise be guilty of a nuisance as defined in K> A the first section of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a O. 229. misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and that each day that said nuisance shall continue shall constitute a separate offence. SEC. 3. In all cases arising under this ordinance whenever it shall appear to the court trying said cause that the nuisance continues at the time of conviction, the court shall order and adjudge the removal, abatement or destruction of such nuisance ^ . A. employ any lewd women or women having the reputation of a pros- '|Y titute as a carrier of beer or other article sold in such place, or to permit any lewd woman of bad repute to act as a carrier of beer or ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. tt 3 as a bartender in such place, and any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 2. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from Q B * A - and after its publication as required by law. \ 2. Approved Sept. 17, 1879. ORDINANCE NO. LXXXIV. An Ordinance relating to the Public Peace. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That if any person shall, in this city, by violent, tumultuous, offensive or obstreperous conduct, or carriage,or by loud B A. or unusual noise, or by unseemly, profane, or offensive langauge, cal- - * 4 culated to provoke a breach of the peace, or by assaulting, striking or fighting each other, wilfully disturb the peace of the city or of others, he or she shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 2. That if any person shall, in this city, permit such ^ A conduct in or upon any house or premises owned or possessed by O. 24. him, or under his management or control, so that others in the vicinity are disturbed thereby, he or she shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 3. That any person violating either of the provisions of B. A. this ordinance shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more g'^ 4 * than fifty dollars upon conviction thereof. SEC. 4. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from! ^ A- and after its publication as required by law. \ 4. Approved April 10, 1873. ORDINANCE NO. LXXXV. An Ordinance defining and punishing Affrays and Disturbances of the Peace. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. If any two or more persons shall fight together 15 ORDINANCES Of THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. B. A. in a public place they shall be punished by fine not exceeding one \ i hundred dollars. SEC. 2. If any person shall go into any public place, or into or near any private house, or along any public street or highway near any private house, and shall use loud and vociferous, or ob- 0/206. scene, vulgar, or indecent language, or swear or curse, or expose his ^ 2 ' person, or rudely display any pistol or other deadly weapon in such public place, or upon such public street or highway, or near such private house, in a manner calculated to disturb the inhabitants thereof, he shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. SEC. 3. A public place, within the meaning of the two pre- B. A. ceding sections, is any public road, street or alley, inn, tavern, store, - * 6 ' grocery, workshop, or any place to which people resort for purposes of business, recreation or amusement. B. A. SEC. 4. That this ordinance take effect and b ' in force \ 6 ' from and after its publication as required by law. Passed Sept. 4, 1879. ORDINANCE NO. LXXXVI. An Ordinance prohibiting the ringing of Bells, blowing of Horns or Bugles, or other noisy practices or performances tending to annoy persons passing in the streets or sidewalks, or frighten horsey or teams. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or per- B. A. sons to ring any bell or blow any horn or bugle, or beat any drum O. 291. or to m ake a ny i ou d noise, or to be guilty of any practice, per- formance or amusement tending to annoy other persons passing in the streets or sidewalks, or tending to frighten horses or teams within this city. SEC. 2. That any person or persons violating the provisions B - A - of the first section of this ordinance shnll be deemed guilty of a O. 291 \ 2. misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 3. That nothing in the first section of this ordinance ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. u 5 shall be so construed as to prevent the mayor from granting permits for the playing of bands in parades or processions. Provided, that B - A - whenever any accident or damage to person or property is occa- \ 3. sioned by reason of the playing of any band, the parties engaged in such playing shall be held responsible and not the city. SEC. 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force B. A. from and after its publication as required by law. O 291. Passed Oct. 19, 1882. ORDINANCE NO. LXXXVII. An Ordinance establishing Quarantine Regulations. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. There shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council a quarantine physician, who -?"-4j shall be a regular graduate of some medical school, and at the time \ i. of his appointment engaged in the pursuit of his profession. SEC. 2. A point on the Texas and Pacific railroad, ten miles east of Fort Worth is hereby established as a quarantine station for 0/167. the City of Fort Worth, and the same shall be subject to the regu- 2 2 lations herein prescribed or that may be prescribed. SEC. 3. All passenger coaches, freight cars, mail or baggage cars, and all persons arriving at said station from any place or g. A. places beyond the limits of the county of Tarrant, shall immediately - *^ upon their arrival stop at the place assigned for quarantine, and shall there remain with their officers, employees or passengers dur- ing the time prescribed by the quarantine physician, not exceeding twenty days. SEC. 4. The quarantine physician shall forthwith upon the arrival of any train at said station cause such train and each car with freight and clothing to be disinfected and purified under such Q',^ rules as said physician may prescribe, and said physician may, if in \ 4- his discretion necessary to prevent spreading of any infectious dis- ease, cause all freight or clothing to be destroyed or securely stored. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the conductor or persons in n6 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY Of FORT WORTH. charge of any train on arriving at said station to make report to the quarantine physician of the place from whence such train and each coach thereof came, of each and every person onboard, and the B. A. place from which each person, baggage, freight, or package may O. 167. have C ome, and when required by the physician shall exhibit all tickets taken by him from those on board his train, or bills showing from what points any freight or baggage or package have been shipped, and no person, freight or baggage or package of any kind shall be allowed to leave such train or quarantine station without the written permission of the quarantine physician. SEC. 6. It shall be unlawful for any conductor or person in ** A * charge of any train to put off any passenger or person, baggage, \ 6. mail or package, or to unload or tranship any freight before his train shall have been examined by the quarantine physician. SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of every conductor or person in charge of a train to stop his train only at the place assigned for quarantine, to submit his train, cargo, freight, passengers and em- ployees to the examination of the quarantine physician, and to O. 167. furnish all necessary information to enable that officer to determine the right of quarantine, to remain with his train, freights or pas- sengers at quarantine during the time assigned by the quarantine physician, and to comply with the directions, regulations or orders given by the quarantine physician. B A SEC. 8. All expenses incident to the removal and care of per- 0. 167. sons, freights or baggage at said quarantine station, shall be paid by such persons or owners of such baggage or freight. SEC. 9. All persons are prohibited leaving any train or O. 167. coach upon arrival at said station without permission of the quaran- ^ 9 ' tine physician. SEC. 10. All persons coming from Memphis, New Orleans or B. A. other places infected with yellow fever or other infectious diseases 2 J /% since the first day of August, 1878 are prohibited coming into the City of Fort Worth without written permission of the quarantine physician. SEC. 11. The quarantine physician may appoint one or B. A. m <> r e assistants, who shall possess the same qualifications, and O. 167. w hile acting under his authority or directions shall have the same power and authority. SBC. 12. No driver of any kind of vehicle shall transport ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. or deliver any person, baggage, mail or freight brought from any 0/167 place or places infected with yellow fever or other infectious ^ I2 diseases. SEC. 13. It shall be the duty of all keepers of hotels, board- \\ f A ing houses, to report the arrival of all persons coming from places - l6 7 infected with yellow fever or contagious diseases who may apply for board or lodging, to the mayor. SEC. 14. Any person violating any or either of the pro- visions of this ordinance, shall on conviction thereof, be fined O. 167 riot less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, and in addition thereto be liable to fifteen days imprisonment. SEC. 15. That the provisions of this ordinance shall be in force, on proclamation to that effect, by the Mayor of the City of Fort Worth, without further publication than the notice con- B. A. tained in such proclamation, and the Board of Health are author- ^ \^' ized and empowered to pass such additional rules, not inconsistent with the laws of the state, as they may deem expedient, to pre- vent contagion, and for the government of quarantine stations. SEC. 16. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from Ke A and after its publication. - j| 7 - Approved Aug 21, 1878. ORDINANCE NO. LXXXVIII. An Ordinance regulating trials before the Mayor's Court and proceedings therein. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That in all cases of misdemeanors in violation of B. A. the ordinances of this city, the party accused shall be tried before ^ ,/ the Mayor's or Recorder's court. SEC. 2. That the proceedings in said court, when there is no H A specific provision in the act of incorporation, or by ordinance, in - * 6 - regard thereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas regulating proceedings in the justices' courts. SEC. 3. That when an application is made for a jury in the Mayor's Court, the Mayor ahall direct the Marshal to summon six nS ORDINANCES OF THE CITY Of FORT WORTH. disinterested qualified electors within the city to serve as a jury, B A unless the parties agree to a less number ; and any person so sum- O. 26. moned, who shall fail or refuse to attend, without showing good and sufficient cause for such failure or refusal, may be fined by the Mayor in any sum not exceeding twenty dollars, for the use of the city. SEC. 4. That either the prosecutor or defendant in all trials before the Mayor, may, without cause or reason assigned therefor, O. 26. challenge two of the jurors summoned as aforesaid, when it shall be ^ 4 ' the duty of the Marshal to summon additional jurors to fill the vacancy. SEC. 5. The Mayor shall have power to punish all persons guilty of a contempt of his court by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding twenty-four hours in the O. 26. calaboose of the city, or by both fine and imprisonment, and he may 5- commit such person until the fine imposed is paid ; provided, that no one shall be imprisoned for a greater time than ten days, and that all warrants of commitment for contempt, shall set forth speci- fically the facts constituting the contempt. SEC. 6 Any person arrested for a violation of an ordinance of this city may be admitted to bail by executing a bond payable to the City of Fort Worth, with good and sufficient security, GO be ap- proved by the Mayor or Marshal, in double the amount of the B -\ highest penalty provided by ordinance for the offence alleged, con- 3*6. * ditioned that he or she will appear upon a day and at an hour therein named, before the Mayor's Court, to answer for the offence of which he or she is accused and there to await his or her trial and to appear from time to time until the case is finally disposed of, and which said bond shall be returned to the Mayor and filed among the records of his office. SEC. 7. When a person has entered into a bond as mentioned in the preceeding section, and his or her name is called at the door of the court room, on the day and at the time designated in the O. 26 bond, or at any time during the day after said designated time, ^ whenever the case shall be reached on the docket, and he or she shall fail to appear, a forfeiture of said bond shall be taken. SEC. 8. Bail bonds shall be forfeited in like manner as the same arc forfeited in the District Court, except that the sciere focias shall be made returnable on the first Monday in the month follow- ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. rig ing the rendition of the judgment nisi and said judgment shall be Q' made final unless for cause shown as required by law in cases of \ 8 , forfeiture in the District Court. SEC. 9. That any person who may b adjudged to pay any fine and costs for a violation of any penal ordinance of this city, and who shall fail or refuse to pay the same, shall be committed to work on the streets or other public works of the city, and it shall be the duty of the Marshal to put such person to work on the streets or public works until such fine and costs are fully paid, sub- \\ m A. ject, however, to the provisions and restrictions contained in the - 26 act incorporating this city, and in case any person shall fail or refuse to work as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the Marshal to commit said person to the calaboose of the city, where he or she shall be fed on bread and water until he or she shall consent to work ; provided that every person so committed to work shall be re- quired to work only at such labor as his or her health will permit, and not to exceed eight hours each day. SEC. 10. In all cases where a defendant is acquitted, the in- formant or prosecutor may be adjudged to pay the costs if it appear Q. 26. to the Mayor that ' the prosecution was instituted vexatiously or 2 I0 - without probable cause ; provided the informant or prosecutor is not an officer of the city. Approved April 12, 1873. ORDINANCE NO. LXXXIX. An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to I'emit fines. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the Mayor shall have the right, in his dis- J*',^ cretion, to remit all or any portion of any fine or penalty imposed \ i- by him. SEC. 2. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from B. A. O. 152. and after its passage. \ 2. Passed April 18, 1878. 120 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. XC. An Ordinance establishing the office of Recorder in and for the City of Fort Worth . Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : B- A. SECTION 1. That the office of Recorder for the City of Fort g~i. Worth be and the same is hereby established. SEC. 2. The Recorder appointed by the City Council, shall, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, execute O 270. a b n cl payable to the City of Fort Worth, in the sum of five hun- I 2 - dred dollars, with security, to be approved by the Mayor, condi- tioned that he will faithfully perform all the duties of said office. SEC. 3. All ordinances regulating proceedings in the Mayor's Court shall apply to proceedings in the Recorder's Court when not in conflict with the laws of the State. SEC. 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved May 2, 1882. ORDINANCE NO. XCI. An Ordinance granting the Right of Way to the Rosedale Street Railway Company over and upon South Main Street in the City of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That in consideration of the stipulations and agreements, hereinafter contained, to be kept and performed by the Rosedale Street Railway Company, a corporation existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Texas, said Rosedale Street C B -S* R a il wa y Company is hereby granted the right of way over, along, \ i. and upon the streets hereinafter disignated, for the purpose of laying the track of a street railway and operating the same thereon. SEC. 2. Said street railway shall run over and upon the fol- B. B. lowing streets in the following manner, beginning at Front Street i 3 3. 3 on Main Street, and thence running southward on South Main Street to the city limits. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY Of FORT WORTH. 121 SEC. 3. Said corporation shall have the right to lay, erect, B construct and put down their track in the center of said street, to- 0. 323. gether with such a number of switches, spurs, turning tables and side tracks as may be necessary for the proper and advantageous conduct of the said Street Railway Line. SEC. 4. Said right of way and privileges are granted upon B. B. the following conditions, viz. : 2 3 4 23 ' First. That said corporation shall construct and have in oper- ation and in good running order all of said line within six months from the passage of this ordinance . Second. That said corporation shall keep in good repair all street crossings along the line of their track, and that the track of said railway shall be laid in such manner as not to obstruct travel. Third. That said corporation shall keep level with the grade , of the streets as adopted by the City Council, the space between their tracks, and for eighteen inches on each side thereof with simi- lar material to that with which the balance of the street over which it passes may be constructed, and shall have the top of their rails on a level with the surface of said streets. Fourth. That said corporation shall at all times be subject to the police ordinances and regulations now existing or which may 'be adopted by the City Council under and by virtue of their power and authority to pass ordinances for the regulation and government of streets and railways. SEC. 5. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed April 4, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. XCII. An Ordinance amendatory of an ordinance granting the Right of \Vay to the Rose- dale Street Kailway Company over and upon South Main Street in the City of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That an ordinance entitled An Ordinance grant- H. H. ing the Right of Way to the Rosedale Street Railway Company ^ ' 122 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. over and upon South Main Street in the City of Fort Worth, and approved on the day of 1884, be, and the same is hereby amended in so far that 2, of said ordinance shall be read as follows : Said railway shall run over and upon the following streets, in the following manner, beginning at the south end of South Main Street running thence along South Main Street to Anne Street, thence along Anne Street to Galveston Avenue, thence along Galveston Avenue to Broadway, thence along Broadway to Jennings Avenue, thence along Jennings Avenue to Throckmorton Street, thence along Throckmorton Street to Fourth Street, thence along Fourth Street to Houston Street, thence along Houston Street to Weatherford Street, thence along Weatherford Street to Pecan Street, thence along Pecan Street to Bluff Street, thence along Bluff Street to Elm Street, thence along Elm Street to Samuel Street, thence along Samuel Street to the terminus of said street. And that sub-section first of 4 of said ordinance shall read as follows ; That said corporation shall construct and shall have in good running order, all that portion of said line extending from the south end of Main Street to the Public Square, within six months from and after the passage of this ordinance, and the remaining portion of said line within one year from and after the passage of this ordi- nance. B. B. SEC. 2. Said corporation shall lay down, maintain, and build ;| 26 * from Fourth Street on Houston Street to Weatherford Street, a tram rail. SEC. 3. Said Company shall keep and maintain said track in !B. B. sa f e an( j proper condition so as not to obstruct travel, and shall leave | 3. ' all streets that said track may traverse in as good condition as said streets were before said tracks were put down on said streets. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from B B O.*326 and after its passage. $ 4- Passed May 8, 1884. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. t33 ORDINANCE XCIII. An Ordinance amendatory of an ordinance granting the right of way to the Rosedale Street Railway Company over and upon South Main Street in the City of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That an ordinance entitled An Ordinance grant- ing the right of way to the Rosedale Street Railway Company over and upon South Main street in the City of Fort Worth and ap- proved day of , 1884, be and the same is hereby amended in so far that said company shall be granted the right to construct their line of street railway over and upon Houston street, from Fourth street to Ninth street, thence along Ninth street and Hyde Park to Jenning's avenue, and that that portion of said ordi- g, p nance granting right of way over and upon Throckmorton street be - ? 332. and the same is hereby repealed, provided that all of said railway track shall be with tram or Johnson rail from Pecan street on Weatherford street to Houston street, and on Houston street from Weatherford street to Ninth street,the road bed and eighteen inches on either side of the rail shall be paved with Telford-McAdam, and good and substantial crossings shall be made on all cross streets not less than thirty feet wide, and at a grade of one to ten ; no side track shall be constructed longer than one hundred and seventy-five feet, and shall cross no street. SEC. 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from B. u and after its passage. ||^ 2 ' Passed June 20, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. XCIV. An Ordinance granting the right of way to the Rosedale Street Railway Company over and upon certain streets in the City of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That in consideration of the stipulations and 124 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP FORT WORTH. agreements hereinafter contained, to be kept and performed by the Rosedale Street Railway Company, a corporation existing under <; *^ and by virtue of the laws of the State of Texas, the said Rosedale \ i Street Railway Company is hereby granted the right of way over and upon the streets hereinafter designated for the purpose of con- structing a street railway and operating the same thereon. SEC. 2. That said street railway shall run over and upon the B B following streets and in the following manner, to-wit : Beginning - 333* a * Houston street, at the intersection of said street with Ninth street, thence running along Houston street to Fifteenth street, thence along Fifteenth street to the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway. SEC. 3. Said corporation shall have the right to lay, erect, B. B. construct and put down their track in the center of said streets, to- 333 g e ther with such a number of switches, spurs, turntables and side- tracks as may be necessary for the proper and advantageous conduct of said street railway. SEC. 4. Said right of way and privileges are granted upon B. B. the following conditions, to-wit : -- 333- First. That said corporation shall construct and have in opera- tion all that portion of said line extending from the intersection of Houston and Ninth streets to the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway within six months from and after the passage of this ordi- nance. Second. That said corporation shall keep in good repair all street crossings along the line of their track, and that the track of said railway shall be laid in such manner as not to obstruct travel. Third. That said corporation shall keep level with the grade, as adopted by the City Council, of the streets over which their rail passes, the space between their [tracks and for eighteen inches on each side thereof shall be paved with the Telford-McAdam and shall have the^top of their rails on a level with the surface of said streets. Fourth. That said corporation shall at all times be subject to the police ordinances and regulations now existing and which may be adopted by the City Counci) under and by virtue of their power and authority to pass ordinances for the regulation and government of street railways. O*" SEC. 5. That all of said railway track shall be laid with the $ 5 tram or Johnson rail from Ninth, on Houston, street to Fifteenth ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. street and on Fifteenth street to the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway. SEC. 6. That good and substantial crossings shall be made on O B \ 15 ; all cross streets not less than thirty feet wide and at a grade of one \ 6 J to ten. No side track shall be constructed longer than one hundred and seventy-five feet, and shall not cross any street. * SEC. 7. That the report of the committee on streets, alleys a ^ 3 and side-walks, filed June the 20th, 1884, be made a part of this 2 7 ' ordinance. SEC. 8. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after & B ; its passage. \ g J ' Passed June 20, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. XCV. An Ordinance relating to the gathering up and burning of combustible material near buildings. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That all persons owning or occupying houses within this city, either already built or in process of erection, are j>. A. hereby required to remove or take to a safe distance and burn, all O- 28 - shavings, rags, paper or other combustible matter in and around such house. SEC. 2. Any person failing to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, after notification by the City Marshal to remove or burn said combustible matter as above specified, shall, upon B. A conviction, be fined not less than one nor more than ten dollars, and . 2. shall be subject to a like fine for each and every day he permits said combustible matter to remain after notification as above specified. SEC. 8. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect 13. A. from and after its publication as required by law. ^ | Approved April 12, 1873. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY Of FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. XCVI. An Ordinance compelling persons to keep filth, rubbish, etc., from the streets, gut- ters ar.d sidewalks. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to allow any weeds, filth or any kind of rubbish to remain on the sidewalks, in B. A. the gutters and in the streets, to the center of the same, in front of g L the premises occupied by them, and any person who fails to comply with this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined in any sum not less than five nor more than twenty -five dollars. O B 327 ^ EC * ^* That this ordinance take eifect from and after it I 2. publication. Passed May 20, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. XCVII. An Ordinance relating to the closing of all Saloons, Drinking Houses, Bar-rooms, Beer Saloons, and all places or establishments where intoxicating or fermented liquors are sold on Sundays, and prescribing the hours of closing them. Be it orddined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any keeper of any drinking house, saloon, beer room or beer saloon and all places or B. A. establishments where intoxicating or fermented liquors are sold or C Y I 9 7 V kept within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Worth, to open such establishment, or permit the same to be opened on Sunday be- tween the hours of twelve o'clock Saturday night and twelve o'clock on Sunday night or to exhibit the same to public view. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for the keepers or proprietors of any establishment mentioned in the first section of this ordinance to allow any billiard playing and games of any kind within their estab- Q j A ' lishment or any disturbance of any kind, either of music, loud \ 2. talking, or any disturbance whatever on Sunday between the hours of twelve o'clock Saturday night and twelve o'clock Sunday night. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. fa? SEC. 3. Any person violating the first and second sections of B - A - this ordinance, upon conviction thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a $ l $ 7 misdemeanor, and fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars. SEC. 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force B. A. from and after its publication as required by law. 0. 197. Approved July 2, 1879. ORDINANCE NO. XCVIII. An Ordinance establishing the office of City Scavenger, and defining the duties of the same. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the office of City Scavenger be and the B - A - same is hereby established, which gaid office shall be filled by ap- 'f? pointment by the City Council. SEC. 2. The City Scavenger shall before entering upon the duties of his office, file in the office of the City Secretary a good B. A. and sufficient bond, subject to the approval of the Mayor, in the | 31 sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, payable to the City of Fort Worth, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of said office. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the City Scavenger to haul off all filth, garbage, dead animals, rubbish and offensive matter when so directed by the City Marshal, Deputy Marshal, police- man and members of the Board of Health from any street, alley, public ground or private premises, where the city under the 0/231. ordinance defining nuisance would be required to remove the same, and that the City Scavenger shall carry said matter to some place designated by the City Council for the depositing of said matter, and then so bury or inter the same that it shall not be offensive to persons passing the said burial grounds. It shall also be the duty of the City Scavenger to keep the privy of the calaboose in a clean condition. SEC. 4. That should the City Scavenger fail or neglect to perform any of the duties set forth in 3 of this ordinance ORDINANCES OF THE CJTY OF FORT WORTH. he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 5. The office of City Scavenger shall be filled and 0.281. the salary of the same fixed by resolution of the City Council 2 5- in whatever manner they may determine. B A SEC. 6. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its O. 231. publication as required by law. Approved April 26. 1880. ORDINANCE NO. XCIX. An Ordinance regulating and requiring a Lighten vehicles of Scavengers. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. If any person engaged in the business of haul- ing privy filth and substances of like offensive character, dead B. B. animals, fish or fowls, shall fail to keep and carry on his vehicle gif 4 in a conspicuous place a light at all hours during the nig*ht while engaged in said business and using said vehicle, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. T> -ry O 324. SEC. 2. This ordinance shall not be so construed as to re- 2 2 peal any other ordinance or part thereof defining the duties of Scavenger, and not in conflict with this ordinance. SEC. 3. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after r>. >. O. 324 its publication. 3 * Passed April 17, 1884, ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OP FORT WORTH. 18ft ORDINANCE NO. C. ife fc'tf ordained ly the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That the Mayor of said city be, and he is hereby authorized and required, as soon after the passage of this Ordi- Q 192* nance as practicable, to order an election in accordance with the 1. * laws of the State of Texas and submit to the vote of the pro- perty tax payers of said city the question, t; Whether a tax for Public School purposes shall be levied and collected from the inhabitants of said city." B. A. SEC. 2. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved May 8, 1879. ORDINANCE NO. CI. An Ordinance to establish and provide for the support and malntalnance of an efficient system of Graded City Free Schools in the city of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That a system of Municipal Public Free Schools B. A. consisting of Primary Schools in each ward, with a Grammar O.-37. and High School near the center of the cit} T , shall be established. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees, else- B A where provided for, to frame such rules and regulations in con- O.237. junction with the public school laws of the State as will be suit- 2 - able for carrying into operation the most, efficient system of Public Graded Schools, and the board shall have the whole under their direct control and supervision. SEC. 3. The superintendent, hereinafter provided for, shall permit no pupil under the grade of primary schools to be admit- ted into the Grammar and High Schools. He shall Deport from time to time to the Board of Trustees, as they may direct, and 130 OKD1EAKCE OF TEE CITY OF FORT WOJiTB. make an annual written report to the Board, at the close of the free school term, of the condition ot the public free schools throughout the city for the inspection ot the city council. B. A. SKC. 4. All children, within the ages of seven to eighteen *o* 2 g 7 ' years, shall be entitled to the benefit of the available free school fund. SEC. 5. Pupils of scholastic age, and from other counties, . may attend the city free schools upon payment of such tuition fees as may be agreed upon between the teacher and parents or guardian ot such children. Pupils of scholastic age residing out B A. * the c ^ v limits, attending the city free schools, shall be entitled O.237. to tuition free as long as the State fund will pay the tuition, g 13. p u pii s O f Grammar and High Schools desirous of studying any of the sciences not embraced in article the dead and mod- ern languages, music and ornamental branches, shall pay such tuition'as may be agreed upon between parents and guardians and teachers, but the Board of Trustees shall not enter into any contract, or permit any contract, whereby the interest of pupils may be subordinated to the interest of private pupils. SEC. 6. The Primary Ward Schools shall be graded to admit only pupils studying orthography, reading, writing, elementary 0*9^" -^ n ^ s ^ grammar, elementary geography, written arithmetic for 2 15] beginners and mental arithmetic. Pupils passing a satisfactory examination on the above branches shall attend the Grammar and High Schools. Approved July 7, 1880. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OP FORT WORTH. 131 ORDINANCE NO. GIL An Ordinance providing for the malntelnanse and regulation of the system of Public Free Schools In tlie city of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That all money which may come to the city B ^ treasury from the State school fund, or from any other source o*2Mi for school purposes, shall be and the same is hereby specially * set apart as a separate fund for the use and benefit of the public free schools of the city of Fort Worth. SEC, 2. The public free schools of the city of Fort Worth shall be a system ot graded schools comprising primary schools ^'244* and grammar schools and higher English studies if thought ex- g 2. pedient by the Municipal Board of Trustees. SEC. 3. The primary schools shall be divided into three B. A. grades, known as the first, second and third grades, and each Ho shall occupy a period of one scholastic year. SEC. 4. The grammar schools shall be divided into two B. A. grades, known as the fourth and fifth grades, and shall each O.244. occupy a period of one scholastic year. SEC. 5. Separate schools shall be established for the white B. A. and colored^children. 95 SEC. 6. The public schools of the city ot Fort Worth shall B. A. consist of a primary and grammar school in each ward. O.244. SEC. 7. Any pupil not of scholastic age, who will persue branches included in the instructions, maybe admitted upon the payment of one dollar and a half per month. Said sum to be B ^ paid to the treasurer in advance, who shall give his receipt for Q.244. the same and credit it to the school fund. Provided, that no 8. such pupil shall be received into any public free school to the detriment of the free school pupils. ORD1KAKCE OF TEE CITY OF FORT WORTB. SEC. 8. Any pupil who will persue branches beyond those O 9 44* ^ nc ^ u ^ e( ^ i the course of instruction may bo admitted upon the ^9. payment of such an amount as may be agreed upon between teacher and patron; one dollar and a half per month of said sum to be paid into the city treasury in advance and to go to the city school fund, the surplus to be paid to the teacher of the grade. SEC. 9. Scholastic pupils will be permitted to enter any ot 0*944* the ward schools of the city of their grade but will not be per- gTlo! niitted to change to another ward school for that scholastic year without the consent of the superintendent. SEC. 10. Scholastic pupils residing beyond the corporate 0*244 ^ m ^ s mav 5 according to the laws of the State of Texas, obtain a 11.' transfer from the county judge, and may attend any of the city ward schools for v such a length of time as their pro rata will pay for tuition in the same, after which they may attend upon the conditions prescribed in Section 7. O*244* ^ EC ' ^* P U P^ S Beyond the scholastic age, residing beyond 12! the corporate limits, may be admitted upon the conditions stated in Sections 7 and 8. 0*944* SEC.. 12. The superintendent shall see that no one is ad- 13. mitted in the schools except those qualified as above. SEC. 13. The public schools of the city of Fort Worth shall commence on the first Monday in September each year, and O 244* sna M continue forty weeks. Provided, that if the school fund is 14. not sufficient to continue the same for such length of time, then said schools shall continue as long as there may be funds to sus- tain the same. The scholastic year shall be divided into two terms of twenty weeks each. SEC. 14. The public schools of the city shall be closed on O 244* evei T Saturday and Sunday, Christmas week and New Year's 15. day, on National and State thanks giving days and on every national and State holiday- .p SEC. 15. The Board of Trustees shall elect, subject to the O.244! approval of the city council, a superintendent, who shall super- 17. vise all the public schools of the city of Fort Worth, who shall also act as principal of one of the ward schools and whose terms of office shall commence on the first of September arid continue for one year. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. fc SEC. 16. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees, in conjunction with the superintendent of the public free schools, ?* 9 ^* to examine applicants for appointments as teachers under such $* "j^* regulations as they themselves may establish, and they shall report the names of those selected as teachers to the city coun- cil for approval. SEC. 17. All pupils residing within the corporate limits of the city, within the scholastic age, shall be entitled .to tuit-ion B. A, free in the following branches, to-wit: Orthography, reading, ^fq' writing, English grammar, composition, geography, arithmetic and such other English branches as the Board of Trustees may direct. SEC. 18. That the Board of Trustees shall prescribe the B A grade of the public free schools and the text books to be used, (X244. and submit the same to the city council for approval. 20. SEC. 19. The superintendent shall devote himself exclu- sively to teaching and supervision. He shall visit all the schools every two weeks and as much oftener as his duties will permit, and shall pay particular attention to the classification and gra- ding of the pupils in the several schools and to the apportion- ment among the several classes of the prescribed studies. In 0*244* passing from school to school he shall endeavor to transfer im- g 2li provements and remedy defects. Ho shall carefully observe the teaching and discipline of the teachers employed in the public schools, and shall report to the Board of Trustees whenever he shall find any teacher deficient or incompetent in the discharge of his or her duties. The superintendent shall also hold a teach- ers institnte at least once a month, and as much ofteners as practicable. SEC. 20. The salaries of the superintendent and teachers of I>. A. public schools shall be fixed by the Board of Trustees, subject ^'^|* to approval by the city council. Provided, that for the teachers the same shall not exceed that fixed by the laws of the State SEC. 21. The teachers' salary roll shall be made out- every ^ ^ four weeks by the superintendent, and the account, alter fjp-* O.244. proval by the Board of Trustees, shall be paid by the city tre o- % 23, urer out of the school fund upon the draft ot the Board of Trustees, signed by the chairman and countersigned by the sec- retary of said school board. / 13* ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. SEC, 22. The Board of Trustees may discharge the super- intendent or any public free school teacher by resolution declaring v5* their* want of confidence in such superintendent or teacher, or 24.' whenever they may be satisfied that a necessity does not exist for the further employment of such teacher. SED. 23. That there shall be one teacher appointed by the B6ard of Trustees in each public school building who shall be principal of all the grades taught in said building and shall hold B. A:, said office for one year, and shall have charge and control of all O.244J the grades taught in said building, subject, however, to the in- struction of the superintendent. The said principal shall report to the superintendent the conduct and discipline of the teachers and pupils in said school, and said principal shall see that the instrnctions and regulations of the superintendent shall be con- formed to. But said principal shall receive no additional pay for.said service, SEC. 24. That this ordinance take effect and be ia force O.244. from and'after its passage. 26.- Approved December 14, 1880. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 135 ORDINANCE NO. GUI. An Ordinance to authorize the cm crvrrli of tl e ( Itj of Ten T\ (ill tc s\ iclrt a Tea or School Trustees and fixing their duties. Be it ordained ~by the City Council of the city of Fort" Worth': SECTION 1, That the City Council of the city of Fort Worth shall appoint six persons, of good moral character and qualified Q' 3( ^' voters ol such city, as a Board of Trustees to act for the ^Public -j i,' Free Schools of said city, of which board the mayor fehall be ex- officio chairman. SID. 2. Said Board of Trustees shall adopt such rules, reg- B. B. illations and by-laws for their own government as they may Q'^F* deem proper. Ssc. 3, Said Board of Trustees shall elect a superintendent jj t j^ of Public Free Schools, whose duties ar prescribed in Ordinance O.307. No. . Said election to take place any time v within two 8 ^ months prior to the first of September of each year,; and his or her term of office shall be for one year beginning with 'the first of September ol each year and continuing until his otf her succes- sor shall be qualified; and the election of said superintendent shall always, before he begins his duties, be subject to the ap- proval of the city council. SBC. 4. The teachers shall be selected by the Board of Trustees, subject, however, to the approval of the City Council, 0*307*. and their salaries shall be fixed by said trustees, subject to the 4. approval of the City Council. SEC. 5. That a necessity existing for this ordinance the J*' 3( ^ same shall take effect from and after its passage, g* 5^ * Passed July 21, 1883. 13*. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. CIV. Aa Ordinance prescribing the powers, duties and qualifications, etc., of tlie Board of Trust tees. JBe-it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: _ SEQTION 1, That the trustees appointed for the public O30& schools of the city shall serve without compensation, and shall 'i 2. hold office for the term of three years, or until their successors are qualified; and an appointment to fill a vacancy shall be for the unexpired term only. But the term of two of the trus- tees first appointed, under this and the foregoing ordinance, shall expire on the first Tuesday in April. A. D, 1884, and two on the first Tuesday in April of each succeeding year, and the term for which each shall hold his office shall be determined at the first regular meeting of said board by lot. SEC. 2. Before any trustee enters upon the discharge of the B. B, duties of his office he shall "swear that he will faithfully and im- ( l'^o 8 ' partially discharge the duties of such office, and that he, before his election to the office of trustee, was not pledged to vote for any particular person for superintendent of schools. 13. B. SEC. 3. The Public Free Schools pf this city shall be under O.308. the cdntvoland supervision of the 1 JBo.ird of Trustees, and said $ & board shall have power to control, manage and govern the same. 13. B. SEC. 4. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from O.408. and after its passage. Approved July 31, 1883: 7'.. .(i ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. \yj ORDINANCE NO. CV. An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance to provide lor the disbursement of tlie School Fund of the City of Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That the city treasurer shall place to the credit of the Board of School Trustees all school funds now in his hands or 53. j> t hereafter paid over to hitn,and that he shall pay out and disburse O.311. the same on the order of the Board of School Trustees, signed by $ lm the chairman and countersigned by the secretary of said school board. Provided, the said Board of Trustees shall draw no war- rant except on accounts as they become due. O*.31l! SEC, 2. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from 2. and after its passage. Passed October 2, 1883. ORDINANCE NO. CVI. An Ordinance authorizing the issuance of City Scrip and regulating the same. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth'. SECTION 1. That hereafter when an account shall be al- jj. A. lowed by the City Council said account shall be numbered, filed O, 37. and the date of the allowance endorsed thereon by the secretary, and entries of the same, together with the amount thereof, made in a book to be kept by the secretary for that purpose. SEC. 2. That in all scrip hereafter issued by the city secre- ** ^ tary, by order of the City Council, the said scrip shall state on g" i. ' the faee of the same for what purpose and to satisfy what claim ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. against the city the same is issued, and at what meeting of the council the said scrip was authorized to be issued. SEC. 3. That the secretary shall, on the request of the own- is. A. er of any account, issue warrants upon the city treasurer to the ( \' ?^' lull amount of such account, numbering said warrants in the order that they issue in sums of not less than One Dollar, unless the whole account be a less sum than one dollar. SEC. 4. That said warrants shall be signed by the mayor j, ^ and shall be countersigned by the secretary, and shall issue uu- -(). 37. der the corporate seal, and shall bo payable in the order in f 3- which they are numbered by the City Treasurer upon presenta- tion thereof, except as is provided in Section 5. SEC.' 5. That it shall be the duty of the treasurer of said city to pay off and discharge the city warrants first due, and when he has sufficient to pay off and discharge the number so first due, he shall post notice in three public places in said city r \' r^o* t that effect, and after ten days notice from such posting if said "g i/ number shall not be presented, then he shall in like manner publish the next number due, and continue in like manner until a payment be made of a seriatim number, and then shall go back and take up the first number which shall then recover its precedence. Provided, that this seccion shall not apply to the payment of officers' salaries out of the special fund for that purpose. li. A. SEC. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from ^ 37. and after its passage. % 5 - Approved May 27, 1873. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 189 ORDINANCE NO. CVII. An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Secretary to give notes of the city lor tne purpose of funding the floating debt incurred lor Improvements done on tae streets ana alleys prior to April 1st, A. D. 18S4. WHEREAS, Many parties have done work for the city of Fort Worth upon the streets and alleys ot said city prior to the 1st day of April. A. D. 1884, which said work was to be paid for in cash out of a fund created for that purpose, and which payments would have been made to said parties if it had -not been that money was borrowed from said fund for other purposes. There- fore, > Be it ordained fy/ the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. The mayor and city Treasurer of said city are hereby authorized and empowered to issue evidences of in- debtedness to said parties in writing; said instruments ot wri- ting shall be delivered to the parties who hold the claims above mentioned, and shall be made to read in substance as follows : On or by the 15th day of March. A. D. 1885, the City of Fort B B Worth promises to pay to or bearer the sum of dollars, 0.346! for work done on the streets and alleys ot the City of Fort Worth 1. with interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent, per annum from date thereof. Said city here reserves the right to, at any time, prior to the first day oi January, pay off said amount with in- terest accrued to the time of payment either in lawful currency of the United States or in bonds of the city of Fort Worth, at the option of said city. SEC. 2. That this ordinance take effect from and after its J*. B. passage. ,' 2 ' Passed August 11, 1884. 140 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WOXTB. ORDINANCE NO. CVIII. An Ordinance relating to the duties of the office of Secretary of the City of Fort Wojtn. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: B A. SECTION 1. That it shall be the duty of the secretary of said ol 54. c ^y that whenever any funds of the city shall come into his 1. hands, asan officer of said city, that he shall pay over to the treasurer thereof in kind received, O 54 ^ EC * ^* ^ at ^ s ordinance take effect and be in force from I 2. * ana * after its passage Passed May 12, 1874. ORDINANCE NO. CIX. An Ordinance creating tne office of City Assistant Secretary. Be it ordained ly the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: T> Q" 67 % SECTION 1. That the office of Assistant Secretary of this city 1. is hereby created and established. B. A. SEC. 2, That said office shall be filled by a majority vote of O. 67. all the aldermen. They selecting said assistant secretara from ^ ^ suitable persons, citizens of said city. SEC. 3. That the powers, duties, salary and fees of said as- B . sistant secretary shall be the same as is now prescribed and O* 67! authorized by law and by the charter of this city lor the office 3. of secretary. Provided, that said assistant secretary shall only receive salary, and fees during the absence of the secretary, or the office of secretary trom any cause vacant, and then in both cases in lieu of the secretary. Q- f SEC. 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force | 4. " from and after its passage. Approved January 20, 1875. OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 141 ORDINANCE NO. CX. An Ordinance to prevent the encumbering, filling up or Injuring In any manner of Drains or Sewers In the City of Fort Wortli. Be it Ordained by the City CouHcil of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or per- sons to encumber, fill up or injure in any manner any drain or o!203. sewer upon any street, alley or public thoroughfare in the city f 1, of Fort Worth with any substance or material whatever. SEC. 2. That any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and B - A - upon convistion thereof shall be fined in any sum not more than ' % ' fifty dollars. SEC. 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from Q 203* and after its publication as required by law, f 3. Approved August 6, 1879. OKDINANCE NO. CXI. An Ordinance to provide for sewerage and surveying of the City of Fort Wortli. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : WHEREAS, It is necessary to commence a system of internal improvements in the City of Fort Worth and inaugurate a sys- tem of sewerage and street improvements, etc., in order to police the city and protect the inhabitants, and for other purposes, and it, therefore, becomes necessary that proper measures be now taken by the City Council of Fort Worth to carry out such 142 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WOKTB. measures as may be deemed most advantageous and beneficial to said city. Therefore, Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth'. B. A. SECTION 1. That the mayor of the city of Fort Worth be O.275. and he is hereby authorized to have a typographical survey and 2 * map made of this city for the purpose of adopting a system of drainage and sewerage for the city. SEC. 2. That in order to provide for the necessary means, and to astertain the limit of expense that may be incurred in making such improvements, the mayor of the city of Fort Worth O 275^ * s nere ^y authorized to make the necessary arrangements and 2. appoint suitable persons for taking a complete census of all the inhabitants of this city. B. A. SEC. 3. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from and ^ 3 * after its passage. Passed June 8, 1882. ORDINANCE NO. CXII. An Ordinance relating to the protection of the Public Se wers and the making of connec- tions with the same. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: () 306 SECTION 1. It shall be a misdemeanor to do, or cause to be g i. * done any of the following acts except as herein provided, and any and all persons guilty thereof shall be fined not more than fifty dollars. Sub-Sec. 1. To uncover the public sewers for any purpose or B. B. make connections therewith or uncover the public connec- ?"^h*8 tions or branches thereof, unless and except by the consent L and under the supervision of the city engineer or his duly authorized agent, or agents, whose duty it shall be to in- sure fall compliance with this ordinance in relation to con- nections ; and failure of duty in this respect shall subject such engineer or agents to all the penalties of this ordinance. Sub-Sec. 2. To make, or cause to be made, any such connection, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 143 except as above provided, and by a competent and skillful mechanic or mechanics, acting as the agents and employes of individuals or firms who have been duly appointed by the city council after making a satisfactory bond ot $1500; such B bond being held as indemnity against damages to the public o 342. sewers which may result from the carelessness or incompe- 1. tency of such agents or employes, and as security for fines and costs which may be imposed for careless or wilful vio- lation of any of the requirements of this ordinance or for making connections with the sewers in any other manner as follow, etc. : A. Every pipe connecting the sewer, whether of cast iron or 5*9/2' earthenware, must be sound and impervious in all its parts, gub g" B. Caskets must be used in all cases. No other metal than cast 2. iron will be allowed, and joints in iron pipe must be of well caulked lead. 0. Cement pipes is not be used, but earthenware pipes of the best quality, jointed with fresh, strong cement mortar. D. No traps or any manner of obstruction to the free flow of air through the whole course of the drain and soil pipe to be allowed, and any bonded firm or individual who shall di- Q'Q^' rectly or indirectly place, make, or cause or allow to be g2. placed or made, any trap, contraction or other obstacle any- where in the course of such pipe, in addition to the penalty herein prescribed, shall forfeit his appointment and shall not be elligible to reappointment for one year, and any other person offending as above shall be subject to the pen- alties ot the ordinance, and shall in addition pay the costs of rectifying the wrong done. E. Every connection at a water closet, sink, basin or other ves- sel connected with the pipe, must be separated from it by a trap offering an obstacle to the passage of air equal to not less than three^eights of an inch debth of water. F. All details of plumbing work, such as water closets, sinks, etc., must be in accordance with the plans and descriptions in the office of the city engineer, such plans always bearing the approval of the City Council. Sub-Sec. 3. For the owner or occupant of any building, or any portion of any building, any portion of which is used for any 5" Jg purpose during any portion of the day, to fail to have at g." g 3. least one water closet connect with the public sewer fifteen 144 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. days after notification from the city engineer, by order of the City Council or Board of Health, and to fail to have such water closets suitably arranged for use as a urinal unless a separate urinal is provided. Q 0/5" Sub-Sec 4. For the owner or occupant of any building in which Sub fd is cooked or clothes are washed, to fail to have suitable 4. sinks, slop stone or hopper for the reception of waste water. Sub Sec. 5. To allow any surface water or rain water from the ground or roof of houses to enter any sewer, or drain* or vessel, or slop stone connected with any sewer or drain, or to S'gQg" admit of any drainage water from any cellar to a sewer, pro- g/j 5! vided, however, that drainage for cellars may be provided in accordance with the regulations, plans and descriptions in the city engineer's office, and subject also to the restric- tions of sub-section one of this ordinance. B. B. Sub-Sec. 6. To use, or cause to be used, any house drains for any other purposa or purposes than those specified in this ordinance. Sub-Sec. 7. To throw or deposit, or cause or permit to be thrown or deposited in any vessel or receptacle connected with a B B public sewer, any garbage, hair, ashes, fruit or vegetables, O.306 peelings or refused rags, cotton, cinders or any other matter S. |7. or thing whatsoever, except forces, urine, the necessary closet paper and liquid house slops, and it is hereby made the duty of all citizens to aid the police in bringing offenses against the ordinance to punishment, and also to prevent branches of the same. Sub-Sec. 8. To use, or allow to be used, any soil pipe or exten- sion of the sewer connection whatever use it may serve which does not extend atl least six inches above the Q 3( 2' eaves or parapet or dividing walls of the house or build- g.'g g! in ~ in which the same is constructed, and all ventila- ting pipes for sewer connections or water closets are hereby required to be extended at least six inches above the eaves^ parapet or dividing walls of every house or building in or near which there is a sewer connection. Sub Sec. 9. To use, or allow to be used, any bell-trap or any B. B. other trap, depending for its seal on an easily movable part. O.306. or to construct or use, or cause or allow to be constructed or used, any water closet which has an un ventilated space of more than one hundred cubic inches capacity between two ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 145 water seals, or which has such unventilated space of any ca- pacity in which any part of the uncleanliness moyes or the walls of which are not flushed at all points at each use of the closet. Sub-Sec. 10. To fail or refuse to connect all wash stands r T> T> slop stands in the house or yard with the sewer, or to allow any 0*306. slop, wash or waste water of any kind to flow over the pavement Sub or under the pavement, on or into the street. SEC. 2. That any person who shall, knowingly, omit or re" fuse to comply with, or who resists or wilfully violates any of the provisions ot this article, or any of the rules, orders or sanitary regulations or ordinances establishing or declared by the Board of Health in carrying out the provisions of this article or the o'.306 ' execution of any order or special regulation of the Board of g 2. Health, made for that purpose, is hereby declared to be guilty of a misdemeanor and on arrest and conviction, he or she shall be ime! for ea?h offense in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars. It is hereby provided that this ordinance shall apply to owners or occupants of property in blocks through which the sewer pipes pass. B B SEC. 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from Q.SOG! and after its publication as required by law. S. 3. Approved July 19, 1883. 146 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. OBDINANCE NO. CXIII. An Ordinance lor the protection or Shade and Ornamental Trees within the city. Be it ordained l)y tlie City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. No person shall cut, deface nor in any way in- jure any tree or sapling used for shade or ornamental purposes standing or growing in any of te streets or alleys or along the 7>, A. side- walks or within any of the public places belonging to or O. 19. within the city ot Fort worth ; nor shall any person hitch or $ ] ' cause to be hitched any horse, mule, ox or other animal to any such tree or sapling standing or growing as aforesaid or to any boxing which may be placed around said trees or saplings for their protection. Nor shall any person, not not being the owner or agent thereof, commit any of the offenses aforesaid upon such trees as may be standing upon any lot within the city. J>. A. SEC. 2. An person violating this ordinance, upon convic- * a' 9 ^ on thereof, shall be fined not exceeding ten dollars ; one-half thereof to go to the informer and the remainder to the city. ** A. J$ EC> 3. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from y 3 ' anu after its publication as required by law. Approved April 10, 1873. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 141 ORDINANCE NO. CXIY. An Ordinance regulating tlie setting out of Shade Trees, etc. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. All shade trees hereafter set out on the streets of Fort Worth shall be placed on the curbing of the sidewalks. B. B, and shall be twelve inches from the curbing so as to make all O.319. trees on any given straight street in a straight line; said trees & * shall be set out so as to be not nearer than three feet of each other. SEC. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of Sec- ^ tion one of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- o'.319, meaner, and fined in any sum not less than five nor more than 2, fifty dollars for each one set out. SEC. 3, That this ordinance take effect from and after its 5*J5l , ,. .. ' sidewalk shall be laid in gravel to a depth of not less than six g ' inches and shall be protected by a substantial curbing of stone or plank not less than two by eight inches in width and thick- ness well tied in and placed along the outer edge of the sidewalk. SEC, 6. The city council, by resolution, may at any time or- der the building of sidewalks on any square, street or alley of B. A. the city; such resolution shall prescribe the street or place along O.243. which the same shall be built and the material of which it is to $ 6 - be constructed, and may be in the following iorm: "Be it re- > ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WOJiTB. solved by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth, that the owners or occupants of all property fronting on the (north, south, east or west) side of -- street, from - (place ot begin- ning) to -- (place of ending), in said city be and the same are hereby ordered to construct a sidewalk of -- (kind of material) in front of said property, in conformity with the ordi- nance relative to sidewalks." SEC. 7. On the passage of an order for the building of any side- walk the city secretary shall cause notice thereof to be published for five days in the official newspaper of the city which shall be dated and signed by the secretary, and shall specify the day on or before which such sidewalk shall be constructed by the owner B. A. or occupant, and may be in the following form: " Notice is g" 7> ' hereby given that the City Council have ordered a sidewalk to be constructed as follows : U 0n etc., --- (giving the descrip- tion as contained in the resolution ordering the same). Now unless the same shall be constructed in the manner required by the ordinance relative to sidewalks on or before the - day of - next the same will be built by the city and the ex- penses assessed on the premises fronting thereon. SEC. 8. The city secretary shall likewise make out and cause to be served upon the owner or occupant ot such real es- tate, when known and can be found, a written or printed notice thereof, dated and signed by himself and in form substantially as follows : "Mr. - (name of party). Sir: You are here- by notified that the City Council of the city of Fort Worth has O 243* orc * erec * a s id ewa lk to be constructed of - (kind of material) g 8> * in front of lot No. - block No. - on - street, in the orig- inal town (or in any addition thereto, specifying what addition, it any. Now unless you shall construct the same to the satis- faction of the committee on streets, alleys and sidewalks, in the manner required by ordinance on or before the - day of - (day and month mentioned in the published notice), the same will be built by the city and the expenses assessed upon the premises." SEC. 9. The notice required by the preceeding section shall B. j^ f be served by delivering a copy thereof to such owner or occu- O.243. pant in person or by leaving the same at the residence or place 9 - of business of such owner or occupant ; such notice may be also served upon any known agent of the parties aforesaid. The person serving such notice shall endorse thereon his return ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 151 showing when, how and upon whom the same has been served, and return the same to the office of the city secretary, who shall file and preserve the same. SEC. 10. Should the owner or occupant of any real estate in front of which any sidewalk has been ordered to be built, fail or refuse to construct the same within the time mentioned in the notice aforesaid, or to the satisfaction of the committee on streets, alleys and sidewalks, it shall be the duty of said com- B . mittee to report the same to the city council ; said report shall 0.243! be in writing, and shall give a description of the lot or other 10. premises, also the name of the owner or occupant on whom no- lice has been served and the manner of service, or, if any owner be unknown, or cannot be found as the case may be. the said committee shall procure and file with such report a copy of the sidewalk notice published in the newspaper doing the city print- ing with an affidavit by the publisher of its due pcblication. SEC. 11. On receiving said report the city council may or- der the Committee on streets, alleys and sidewalks to construct the sidewalk mentioned therein, which order may be in the fol^ j$ A. lofiins form : k% Whereas, The owner of the following described O.243. real estate, to-wit: Lot number , block number , orig- 8 H- inal town (or any addition as the case may be), has failed, after due notice to construct a sidewalk thereon in pursuance of an order passed on - - day of - - (giving date of resolution or- dering the same.) It is, therefore, ordered that the committee on streets, alleys and sidewalks construct the same forthwith, in conformity with the original order, and report the expenses for assessment'" SEC. 12. An accurate account shall be kept by the commit- tee on streets, alleys and sidewalks of the cost of every sidewalk constructed by order of the city council, and they shall report the same in writing as soon as practicable in substance in the ^ . following form: "Your committee on streets, allevs and side- (X24s! walks beg leave to report that in compliance with an order of 12. the city council, passed on the day of (giving date of order), they have constructed a sidewalk on the premises herein after described at an expense set opposite thereto, to-wit : Lot number , block number, original town or $ ." To be signed by the chairman or other member of the commit- tee and addressed to the city council. SEC. 13. The city council shall, on receiving the report re- 152 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTFI. port required by the preceding section, by a resolution passed by a vote of two-thirds of all the members, assess the expenses on the real estate described therein; which resolution may be T5. A. substantially in the following form : Be it resolved by the City ( o <2 f!' Council of the City of Fort Worth, that the sums of money set opposite the following lot, to-wit: '-Lot number , block num- ber , original town or addition (as the case may be), , $ be and the same is hereby assessed thereon to defray the ex- penses of a sidewalk constructed by the city in pursuance of an order passed on the day of - , 18 SEC. 14. It shall be the duty of the city secretary, as soon as practicable, after the passage thereot, to furnish the assessor j> A and collector a certified copy of the resolution provided for in O.243. the preceeding section, signed by the mayor and attested by 8 ki. himself, with the seal of the corporation attached thereto; which certified copy, as aforesaid, shall be full and sufficient authority for the assessor and collector to receive and collect the assess- ment therein specified. SEC. 15. Upon receiving such certified copy of said resolu- tion as set forth above, it shall be the duty of the assessor and collector to cause to be published tor ten days in th official newspaper of the city a notice of such assessment as ordered by the city council and demanding payment of the same within. O243 thirty days after the date thereof; sad notice shall be dated and 15. signed by the assessor and collector, and may be in the follow- ing form: "Notice is hereby given that the sum of money set opposite to the following lot. to-wit: Lot number block number, original town (or addition as the case may be), $ , has been assessed thereon by the city council for the cost of a sidewalk constructed by the city and payment of said amount is hereby demanded within thirty days from the date hereof. SEC. 16. Should the owner of any real estate so assessed fail or refuse to pay the amount of such assessment, or any por. tion thereof within thirty days after the date of the first publi- B. A. catioe of the notice prescribed in the preceeding section, the as- O.2S. sessor and collector shall, by virtue ot his certified copy of the resolution of assessment, signed by the mayor and countersigned by the city secretary under the seal of the corporation as pro- vided in section fourteen of this ordinance, seize, levy upon and sell such delinquent premises or real estate, or O much thereof as may be necessary, whether belonging to residents or non-res- ORDINANCES OF TUB CITY OF FORT WORTH. US idents, for the payment of the assessment due thereon together with the costs of sale accruing ihereon. SEC. 17. The assessor and collector shall advertise such de- linquent premises or real estate for sale in the official newspa- per of the city for three successive weeks, giving in said adver- u. A. tisement such a description as is given to the same on the certi- O.243. lied copy of the resolution of assessment in his hands, giving the name of the owner, if known, and if unknown say "unknown," together with the time, place and terms of sale; said sale to be for cash to the highest bidder at public outcry at the courthouse door of this couaty, and shall be between the legal hours on the first Tuesday of the month. SEC. 18. The assessor and collector, in making sales for as- sessments due upon real estate for the construction of sidewalks shall sell at public outcry, at the time and place appointed so much of said real estate as may be necessary to pay the assess- ment and all costs accruing thereon, and shall offer said real B. A. estate to the bidder who will pay the assessment due and costs . ' of sale and execution of deed for the least amount of said real estate, who shall be deemed the highest bidder. Should a less amount of said real estate than the whole tract, or parcel levied upon, be sold for the assessment due and costs of sale and exe- cution of the deed, the assessor and collector shall, in making his deed to the purchaser, begin at some corner of said tract or lot, and designate the same in a square as near as practicable. SEC. 19. The assessor and collector shall execute to the pur- chaser upon the payment of the amount for which the real estate was sold, and costs, a deed for the real estate sold; giving in said deed such description of the land as is given on the certi- ~ ^ fied copy of the resolution of assessment in his hands and such o'.243. other description as may be necessary to the better identifica- 19. tion of the same ; which deed shall vest a good and absolute fee in said land in the purchaser if not redeemed in two years as hereinafter provided ; said deed shall state the cause of sale, the amount sold, the name of the person, firm, company or corpora- tion on whom the demand for such assessment for sid ~~ *' ^ made, provided the name is known, and it unknown, say ' ' un- known," and when such real estate has been sold he shall con- vey, subject to the right of redemption provided for in the fol- lowing section, all right and interest which the former owner had therein at the time the assessment was made. 154 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. SEC. 20. The owner of real estate sold for the payment of any assessment for the construction of sidewalks, or his heirs or assigns, or legal representatives may, within two years from the Tl. A. date of sale, redeem the estate sold by paving or tendering to ( g~ojj the purchaser, his heirs or legal representatives, or when the purchaser or his representative cannot be found, by depositing with the assessor and collector double the full amount of his bid ior said land and all costs of sale. SEC. 21. Should the assessor and collector fail to make sale of any real estate for want of a purchaser, he shall bid the same off to the city for the amount of the assessment due and costs accruing thereon, and execute and deliver to the city a deed to the same in the same manner as provided for to individuals for real estate sale. Said deed shall be recorded in the county clerk's office and shall vest a good and absolute title to the city in said land if not redeemed as herein provided. The owner of ,, . such real estate bid in by the assessor and collector may redeem (>.24:i! tne same at any time within two years from the date the asses- 21. sor and collector bid in said property by paying to the assessor and collector the full amount of money for which said pro- perty was bid in and costs, with interest thereon at the rate of t vrelve yer cent, per annum from the day of sale; and upon such payment being made by the owner or his agent, the asses- sor and collector shall procure from the city secretary and de- liver to such party a quit claim deed to such property, which deed shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the city sec- retary and delivered under seal of the city. SEC. 22. Whenever the assessor and collector shall have made sale of any real estate under this ordinance, it shall be his duty to make return of said sale to the city council, stating in O 243 s return the land sold, the name of the owner, if known, and $ 22. if unknown state the fact, the time of the sale, the amount for which said sale was made together with the name of the pur- chaser, which return shall be entered of record on the minutes of the proceedings of the city council. SEC. 23. The assessor and collector on final settlement of T A u 9 43 his accounts with the city council shitll be entitled to a credit g 2;>! for the amount of all assessments for the construction of side- walks due the city for which the lands or lots were bid off to the city; and in all cases where property is levied on and sold for ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. assessments for sidewalks, he shall receive the same compensa- tion as is allowed by law for making a levy and sale for taxes. SEC. 24. Nothing contained in this ordinance shall be con- strued to deprive the city of any right, power or authority which it may have to collect said assessments for the construction of ** sidewalks or the value of work and labor done and material g" 2L furnished in constructing sidewalks by instituting suit in the corporate name in any court having jurisdiction thereof. SEC. 25. No assessments for the construction of sidewalks as herein contemplated shall be deemed to be invalid in any B. A. case where the same shall be made in conformity with law. al- tr' though the same shall not be made in strict conformity with the proceedings and forms herein prescribed. SEC. 26. That in all cases when sidewalks have been built B. A. in conformity with any order of the city council, it shall be the ^~ 3 / duty of the city to build and construct crossings to meet and * connect the same. SEC. 27. Whenever any sidewalk shall become broken or otherwise out of repair, it shall be the duty of the committee on streets, alleys and sidewalks, the city marshal, or any member ol the police force to cause a written or printed notice, dated and signed by the mayor or any member of the committee on streets, alleys and sidewalks to be served upon the owner or his -g ^ known agent, or the occupant of the premises fronting thereon, O.243. requiring the same to be repaired within a reasonable time to be 2 ? mentioned therein ; which notice may be in lorm as follows : Mr. -(name of party), Sir: You are hereby notified to repair the sidewalk in front of lot number block number on the side of street, in the original town of Fort Worth (or in any addition thereto), in conformity with the ordinance relative to sidewalks of said city within hours or ( days) aftea service of this notice. SEC. 28. In all cases where any owner or agent or occupant cannot be found, or fails or reiuses to repair any sidewalk, in pursuance of notice as prescribed in section twenty-seven ot this ^ ^ ordinance, it shall be the duty of the committee on streets, al- O.243. leys and sidewalks, within a reasonable time after the expira- 28. tion of the time specified in said notice to repair the same and report the expenses thereot to the city council for assessment against the premises fronting thereon ; such report may be made in the same form, and the assessment tor the repairs made and 15S ORD1KAKCES OF TEE CITY OF FORT WORTB. collected in the same manner as provided in this ordinance in relation to the building of sidewalks. SEC. 29. The notices required by sections eight and twenty- B. A. seven of this ordinance may be served and returns thereof made H 29 ky the city marshal or any policeman or by any member of the committee on streets, alleys and sidewalks. SEC. 30. Any person being the owner, agent or occupant of any premises in front of which any sidewalk may be broken or otherwise out of repair, who shall fail or refuse to repair such O 243 s idewalk w ^hin the time required by the notice prescribed in 3(X section twenty-seven of this ordimance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemean, and on couviction shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars, and each day that such person shall fail or refuse shall be deemed a separate offense, SEC. 31. Any person who shall construct, aid or assist in the construction, or cause to be constructed any sidewalk con- B. A. trary to the grade established by the city council, where any O.243. grade has been so established or contrary to the provisions of 2 * this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. B . SEC. 32. That, whereas, a public necessity exists for the 0*243] immediate passage and enforcement of this ordinance; therefore, 32. that this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and af* ter it& passage. Approved October 13, 1880. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. "157 ORDINANCE NO. CXVII. An Ordinance prohoblting the obstruction of the Sidewalks and streets of said city, and the throwing uf dirt, straw and rubbish into or upon said streets. Be it ordained l)y the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any one to obstruct any B. A. sidewalk in this city by selling or offering for sale by auction or O.263. otherwise any goods wares or merchandise on such sidewalk. ^ SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any one to place any barrel 3 ^ or barrels, box or boxes, or wood or other substance on any side- O.263. .0 rt walk in this city so as to obstruct the passage along such side- * walk or any part thereof. SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons toob- j> ^ struct any sidewalk in front of any church, theatre or other pub- 0,283. lie place, or place of business, or in any other way obstruct the 3 - passage in or out of any such church, theatre or other public place. SEC. 4. Nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to prevent any merchant from occupying not to exceed one-half of any sidewalk in receiving or forwarding goods, wares or mer- chandise. Provided, they shall not occupy said sidewalk tor a longer space of time than twelve hours. Every merchant or 5'cJo* owner of a building fronting on any street shall be allowed not ^4. to exceed thirty-six inches on the inside of the walk for show windows or the display of goods, but nothing on the outer edge of said sidewalk, except as to butchers, and they shall be al- lowed twenty-four inches on the outer edge of said sidewalk. SEC. 5. Every day that any obstruction shall remain upon any sidewalk, in this city shall be considered a violation of the B. A. police regulations herein contained, and shall constitute a sepa- ^'^p* rate offense and be punished as such. SEC. 6. It shall be unlawlul for any person to place upon B. A. any sidewalk, street or alley or gutter of any street within said ^' 2 S 3 - city any straw, dirt, filth, ashes, chips, shells, paper. jrlHss or other rubbish or trash, and it shall be unlawful for anyone to ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTD. throw, place or sweep any paper, dirt, trash or rubbish from any store into the streets or gutters of said streets. n 9V ^ EC * ^' ^ s ^ a ^ ^e '^lawful f r an Y mechanic, laborer or *" g^ * builder to place or deposit upon the sidewalks of said city any lumber or material for building. O.263! ^ EC * ^ ^ shall be unlawful for any mechanic, laborer or g 9. " builder to stop tip the gutters of any street in said city. SEC. 9. Anyone violating any section of this ordinance B. A. shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction Q' IQ" thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars, B. A. SEC 10. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect O.263. from and after its publication as required by law. * 1L Passed December 20, 1881. OEDINANCE NO. CXVIII. ', An Ordinance regulating Slaughter Pens. Be it ordained ly the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That any person or persons who shall kill or slaughter any beef cattle, sheep or hogs for market within the B. A. corporate limits of this city otherwise than at the regular O* j- slaughter pens established by the city shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for each and every offense. B. A "^ EC * ^* f ^ 1 * 8 or ^^ nance to take effect and be in force from O. 10. and after ten days publication as required by las. 2 - Approyed April 9, 1873. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. CXIX. An Ordinance granting to M, B Loyd and C. H ntgby and th^fr assigns tue privilege to use for stairway purposes tnree reetof tiie nortu side of Second street, batmen Ho us- ton and Main streets, and adjoining tue lot on wnlch tue proposed National Bank Is being erected. Be it ordained by tlie City Council of the city of Fort Worth'. SECTION 1. That M. B. Loyd and C. H. Higby and their as- signs be and the same are hereby granted the privilege to use Q* ^ for stairway purposes three feet of the north side of Second g" i. ' street, between Houston and Main street, and adjoining the lot on which the proposed National Bank building is being erected. B . SEC. 2. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from Q\ 99] and after its passage. 2. Approved December 18, 1876. ORDINANCE NO. CXX. An Ordinance conceralng Books and Stationery for the different officers. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That the following named officers, viz : Mayor, Tax Assessor and Collector, Treasurer, City Attorney and Sec- jj. ^. retary be authorized to procure all books and stationery neces- O. 4. sary to the conduct of their respective offices, and that the same * *' be paid for out of any monies that may be in the city treasury upon the presentation of the accounts for the same by the re- spective officers with their affidavit attached as to the justness of ' the same r>\ 4.* SEC. 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force 2. from and after its passage. Approved April 5, 1873. 160 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. CXXI. To open and extend t IIP following streets, to-wlt: To open an3 extend Bluff street through Block 123 to Klin stiver, sixty feet wide. Also to open a street, sixty feet wld^, from the river bluff through Block 123 to Belknap street, so as to leave four blocks iu block 123. 200 feet square. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: T>. A. SECTION 1. That Bluff street be extended through block No. <> J l 323 (said extension being sixty feet wide) to Elm street. SEC. 2. That a street sixty feet wide wide from river bluff O (U ^ exten ded through block No. 123 to Belknap street so as to g 2. leave four blocks in Block 123 two hundred feet square. SEC. 3. That the mayor immediately appoint three disin- terested appraisers, whose duty it shall be to enter upon the preraises T and. together with the city engineer, after having been duly sworn to faithfully perform their duties as such appraisers, and with fidelity and impartiality to, to view and estimate the O 61 va ^ oe * a ^ P r P ei *ty within the limits of the streets so opened jj" 3 ' as aferesaid and estimate and ascertain all damages sustained by the citizens of the city as owners of property within said limits bv reason of the opening or extending of said streets, and faith- fully report the same to the city council at their regular meet- ing in September next, the same being the 8th day of the month. SEC. 4. That the publication of this ordinance in one of the 1!. A. city papers for four consecutive weeks shall be a sufficient no- o. 61. tice to all parties concerned, and final action will be had on the same at a regular meeting to be held on the 22d day of Septem- ber, A. D. 1881. Approve:! August, 14, 1S74. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 11 ORDINANCE NO. CXXII. An Ordinance to f>pen and exteni tlie following street, to-wlt : B'ufl street from Ho iston street turouglit Block 4, 224 feet. Said street to De sixty teat wide. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SS.CTION!. That Bluff street be extended through block .^ ^ No. 4 to Mrs. Gamble's east line, a distance of 224 feet from g i! Houston street. B A SEC. 2. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from o. 73. and after its passage. 2. Passed March 28, 1876. ORDINANCE NO. CXXIII. An Ordinance rear'Uatfne: the op>nlnr, establishing, wldsnlng, straightening, extending and laying off of streets and alleys. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That whenever it shall be deemed imperatively necessary to open, establish, widen, straighten, extend or lay off any street or alley within the corporate limits of the city of Fort **. A. Worth, the city council shall order the city engineer to make a g" i. ' correct survey and plat ot the street or alley to be opaned, established, widened, straightened, extended or laid off and of the lot or lots of land that it in xy be necessary to appropriate for that purpose, which survey and plot shall be kept on file in his office for public inspection. SEC. 2. That after an examination of the said survey and T A plot, should it appear necessary to take private property for O. RO. such purpose, the mayor shall appoint three disinterested citi- * * zens, who shall be free holders within the said city and shall 12 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. have been residents thoreof for at least one year next proceed- ing said appointment, whose duty it shall be to enter upon the said premises and appraise the property to be so appropriated and estimate the value thereof, which said valuation shall be returned under oath by the said commissioners to the council and filed in the office of the city secretary. SEC. 3. That should the council then consider that the pub- lic interest requires the payment ot said valuation and the ap- propriation of the said property, they shall cause notice in wri- ting to be issued by the city secretary and served by the city J- A, marshal, or his deputy, on the owner or owners of the said land ' 3 " that the said valuation will be presented to the council at its next regular meeting for action thereon, which notice shall be served not less than ten days before said council meeting. The said. notice shall be served by delivering a copy thereof to the owner or leaving it at his place of business or residence. If the owner be a non-resident the notice shall be published three weeks in a newspaper published in Fort Worth. Said notice shall state the time when the council will meet and contain a discription of the property. SEC. 4. That at said meeting the said valuation shall be ex- B ^ amined with any objections that may be made thereto by the O. 80. owner or owners of the property and the council may, if it sees 3 4 - proper, order another valuation by the commissioners or confirm the same.- SEC. 5. That when said valuation shall have been confirmed O. 80! the eounc il shall order the amount so found due the owner to be 5. paid to him in money, or deposited in the city treasury subject to his order. SEC. 6. That when the amount found due each owner has been paid him, or deposited in the treasury, as provided for in -n ^ the proceeding section, it shall be the duty ot the city marshal U. SO* to notify the owners of said properly to remove, within ten days, 6 - any obstructions tnat may be on the land so appropriated, and if not so removed tho city marshal shall proceed to remove the same,. SEC. 7. That any person aggrieved by the said valuation ^' jjj' shall have the right to appeal in the county court, provided, that 2 7. ' the city shall not be required to suspend work on said street or alley pending said appeal. SEC- 8,. That the expense of opening, establishing, widen- ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ing, straightening, extending and laying off said street or alley,, J*. A. surveying fhe same and plotting the said property shall be paid g ;' by the city. B ^ SEC. 9. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force O. 80. from and after its passage. 2 9- Approved August 11, 1876. OKDINANCE NO. CXXIY. An Ordinance validating and establishing- the survey of the city engineer antt the public square and tbe streets of the city of Fort Worth. Be it ordained l>y the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That the map and plot of the city of Fort "Worth returned to the council by I. C. Terry, city surveyor and engi- neer, upon the llth day ot November, 1873, together with the field notes thereof, be and it is hereby ratified, validated and 5* 4* declared to be the official map and plot .of this city ana the g i.* streets, alleys and public squares ot said city as therein laid out are hereby declared to be the proper and public streets, alleys and squares of this city, and the names of said streets as given upon said map and plot are hereby declared to be the proper and official names of said streets. SEC. 2. That the secretary endorse upon said map his cer- tificate, to which he shall affix the seal of the city to the effect B. A. that said map was, upon said llth day of November, 1873, pro- O. 49. duced to the city council of this city by Isaac C. Terry, city sur- * veyor and engineer, and by them ratified, validated and con- firmed and ordered to be recorded as the official map and plot of the city of Fort Worth. Approved November 11, 1873. 1M ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. CXXV. AD ordlrance validating and eptabllsblrg the Map and Plot of Daniel O'Flaherty and and public square, streets, alleys, blocks and lots ol the city of Fort Wortli. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Wortlc. SECTION 1. That the map and plot of the city of Fort Worth presented to the city council by Daniel O'Flaherty, a citizen of this city, upon the 26th day ol June, A. D. 1877, together with the field notes thereof, be and the same is hereby ratified, vali- dated and declared to be the oflicial map and plot of this city and the streets, alleys, blocks and lots and public square ot said city, as therein laid out, are hereby declared to be the proper Q"]^' and public streets, alleys and squares of this city; and the names g i. * of said streets and the numbers of said blocks and lots as given upon said map and plot are hereby declared to be the proper and official names of said streets and the number of said blocks and lots. Provided, that should any conflict occur between this map and plot of the city and the map and plot of the city here- tofore adopted on, to-wit: the llth day of November, A. D. 1873, that the map and plot heretofore adopted shall control. Sic. 2. That the secretary endorse upon said map his cer- tificate, to which he shall affix the seal of the city to the effect 121 ^ at sa ^ mai> was u P n sai( * Ifth day of July, 1877, produced to g' 2.' the city council of this city by Daniel O'Flaherty and by them ratified, validated and confirmed and endorsed to be recorded as the official map and plot of the city of Fort Worth. B. A. SEC. 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from 2 | an ^ after its passage. Approved September 13. 1877. ORDINANCES Of THE CITY OF FORT WORTjf. HS ORDINANCE NO. CXXVI. An ordinance to regulate work on streets and sidewalks within tbelty limits, and erec- tion and repairing of any buildings wltMn tlie fire limits, and to prohibit the Inter- ruption or breaking ol streets and sidewalk?. Be it ordained ly the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That all contracts for public improvements on the streets and sidewalks within the city limits shall be subject < JQQ" to the approval of the city engineer and the contractors shall g i. construct the same in accordance with and subject to his orders, SEC. 2. That all persons desirous of erecting or repairing B A any building of any material whatsoever, within the flre limits, o'.133*. shall, before commencing the same, first obtain from the city 2. engineer a permit therefor, SEC. 3. That any person desiring to remove or interrupt any jj. A. sidewalk or excavate any part of the public street shall so notify O.133. the city engineer and obtain from him a permit which shall dis- $ 3a tinetly state the time during which such obstruction will be al- lowed. SEC. 4. That any person violating any of the provisions of B. A. this of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, ^? 3 * and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. B ^ SEC. 5. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from O.133. and after its publication as required by law. $ 5. j Approved December 21, 1877. H6 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WOXTB. ORDINANCE NO. CXXVII. An Ordinance opening and establishing a street sixty feet wide, running from a point on the west Hue of the zs. G. Jennings survey and adjoining the norm west corner of block 39 to the east bank of the Clear Fork of Trinity river. Said street to be called Weatlienord Road. Be it ordained ly the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That a street sixty feet wide be opened and es- tablished from the west line of the S. G. Jennings survey to the east bank f the Clear Fork of Trinity River. The center line of said street to run as follows, to-wit: Beginning on the west line of the S. (*. Jennings surrey at a point thirty teet north of the northwest corner of block 39 ; thence due west one hundred B. A. and fifty feet, thence due south three hundred and sixty-two and O.139. one-half feet to the continuation ot the south line of said block 39, thence in a southerly direction with the meanderings of the bluff to the north line of the Texaa and Pacific railroad dona- tion, thence west with the north line of said railroad donation to the east bank of the Clear Fork of Trinity river, thence up the bank of said stream to the old VanZandt crossing of Clear Fork river. B. A. SEC. 2. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from ^1|9. an( j after its passage. Approved January 16, 1878, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. RT ORDINANCE NO. CXXVIII. An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance assessing and regulating the taxes ror grading, pav- ing and guttering and curbing on Main, Houston, Weatneriord and cross streets. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. Main street, Houston street, Weatberford street, and all the cross streets between Rush and Tlirockmorton streets inclusive, to fifteenth street, having been by contract with and by order ot the city council of said city, graded, paved and gut- tered arid curbed, and an estimate of the costs having been filed 0'.313. with the city secretary by the city engineer as well as the sizes 1. and ownerships of property fronting and being on said streets. Therefore, a tax of one third the estimated costs of the grading and paving of said streets in front of the property on said streets is hereby assessed against the property fronting and adjacent to said streets so graded and payed. ^ B SEC. 2. Said tax shall "be collected one-fifth annually, and O.313. shall be paid on or by the first day of March, of each year after 2. the levy of this tax. SEC. 3. The lists of the lots so placed on file in the ofiice of the city secretary, which said list embraces all the lots on Main, Q 31 ^' Houston and Weatherford, and cross streets between Throck- g 3. morton and Rusk streets, all of which front on and are adjacent to said work so constructed by the city council of the city of Fort Worth is hereby referred to and made a part of this ordi- nance. SEE. 4. It shall be the duty of the officer collecting the tax B. r. herein levied to notify the owner ot said property by postal card ' 3 * 3> of this levy and the amount of tax due on his or her property by reason of tnis levy, and where payable. SEC. 5. A tax of one-thirfl the cost of the work done in ***]' front of the property respectively is assessed against said prop- a 5 ' erty as follows as per list hereto ottached marked Exhibit A, and considered a part hereof. Passed November 22, 1883. 1*8; ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. CXXIX. An Ordinance for the Protection of payed streets. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be a misdemeanor to do or cause B. B. to be done any of the following acts, except as herein pioyided, -j?' and any and all persons guilty thereof, upon arrest and conric tion, shall be fined in any sum from five to twenty-five dollars. SEK. 2. That any plumber, or other person, desiring to cut 'B, Bl or open any street in the city of Fort Worth, which has been O.31'3, paved or graded, for the purpose of laying in gas, water or sewer 2 * pipe, or for any other purpose whatever, shall first obtain a per- mit from the city engineer to open the street. SEC. 3. That when any street has been cut or opened, as aforesaid, for the purpose of laying in gas, water or sewer pipes or ior other purposes, the party or parties doing the same shall puddle and ram the back filling so as to prevent the street set- O 313* fc ^ r - g at ^ e P^ ace cut i an( * stone or gravel pave:nents taken up 3, shall be restored with similar workmanship and material to that existing in the pavements before they were torn up ; all the work to be replaced to the satisfaction of the city engineer, whose duty it shall be to inspect the same after it is done, and to be completed and replaced within the time specified in the permit. SEC: 4. In all cases where the surface of the street is dis- B. B. tnrbed, whether paved or unpaved, the party or parties so cut- ( 1^ ting or opening the street shall place lights at night and main- tain suitable barracades to protect persons from danger, and leave the street in as good condition as before it was disturbed. 2' 31 ?\ SE@. 5. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from * ^ ' and after its paublication. Passed December 18, 1883, VKDINAXCES OF TUB CITY OF FORT WORTH. lf ORDINANCE NO. CXXX. An Orlioance eutltleJ \n Ordinance assessing and regniattner the tixei for ^ralta?, iit lerlntf gravdUci? and curnlug fc'ifteentli street, from it ink strewn to tiie a air, Colorado aud Sauui *'ee Kali way j?0 t< ordained by the City Council, of ike city of Fort Worth'. SECTION 1. Fifteenth street from Rusk street to the Gulf. Colorado and Santa Fe depot having been by contract with and by order of said city, graded, graeled and guttered and curbed, and an estimate of the cost having been filed with the city sec- B. T:. retary, bj r the engineer, as well as the sizes and ownerships of ^ j the property fronting and being on said streets. Therefore, a tax of one-third of the estimated cost of grading and graveling of said streets in front of property on said streets is hereby assessed against the property fronting and adjacent to said streets so graded and graveled. SEC. 2, Said tax shall be collected one-fifth annually, and B. B. shall be paid on or by the first day of March each year after the ** ' ^ levy of this tax. SEC. 3. The list of the lots so placed on file in the office of the city secretary, which said list embraces all the lots on Fif- B. B. teenth street from Rusk street to the Gulf, Colorado and Santa O.315. Fe railway depot, all of which front on or adjacent to said wrk so constructed by the citv councial of the city of Fort \Yorth is hereby referred to and made a part of this ordinance. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the officer collecting the tax ^ herein levied to notify the owners of said property by postal 45 Passed January 7, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. CXXXI. iv r. ( >.3%. I 1. I*. B. 0.335. 2. 15. E. 0.335, fc 3. An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance assessing and regulating the tax for gradlug, grav- eling, guttering and cur Ding on Twelfth street. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worih\\ SECTION 1. Twelfth street from Rusk street to the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe railway having been by contract with ftnd by order of the city council of said city, graded, graveled, guttered and curbed, and an estimate of the cost having been filed with the city secretary by the city engineer as well as the sizes and ownerships of the property fronting and being on said street. Therefore, a tax of onerthird the estimated cost of tLe grading and graveling of said street in front of the property on said street is hereby assessed against the property fronting and adjacent to said street so graded and graveled. SEC. 2. Said tax shall be collected one-fifth annually, and shall be paid on or by the first day of March of each year after the levy of this tax. SEC. 3. The list of the lots so placed on file in the office of the -city-- secretary-^, which said list embraces all the lots on twelfth street from. Rvsk street to the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe rail- way, all of which front on and are adjacent to said work so con- ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT. WORTH. 171 J structed by the city council of the city of Fort Worth is hereby referred to and made a part of this ordinance. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the officer collecting the tax B j, herein levied to notify the owners of said property by postal CXSHol card of this levy and the amount of tax due on his or her pro- - 4. perty by reason of this levy and when payable. SEC. 5. A tax of one third the cost of the work done in B. B, front of the property respectively is assessed against said pro- O.335, perty as follows, as per list hereto attached, marked Exhibit A, and considered a part hereof. Passed July 15, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. CXXXII. An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance assessing ard regulating the taxes for grading, graveling, guttering and curbing on Jones street. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. Jones street from the Texas and Pacific dona- tion to Fifteenth street, having been by contract with and by order of the cily council of said city graded, graveled, guttered and curbed, and an estimate ot the cost having been filed with the city secretary by the city engineer as well as the sizes and S'gJ!* ownerships of the property fronting and being on said street, g ]/ Therefore, a tax of one-third the estimated cost of grading and graveling of said street in front of the property on said street is hereby assessed against the property fronting and adjacent to said street so graded and graveled. SEC. 2. Said tax shall be collected one-fifth annually and B. B. shall be paid on or before the first day of March of each year ^' 3 | 6t after the levy of this tax. SEC. 3. The lists of lots so placed on file in the office of the city secretary, which said list embraces all the lots on Jones Q 33^ street from the Texas and Pacific donation to Fiteenth street, all g' 3. ' of which front on and are adjacent to said work so constructed 172 OKDIRASCES Vf THE C* TY OF fOJiT VTOXTJJ. by the city council of the city of Fort Worth is hereby referred to and made a part of this ordinance. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the officer collecting the tax B. B. herein levied to notify the owners of said property by postal .; ^ ' card of this levy and the amount of tax due on his or her pro- perty by reason of this levy and when payable. SEC. 5. A tax ot one-third the cost of the work done in front B. B. f * ne property respectively is assessed against said property as O.I 36. follows as per list hereto attached, marked Exhibit A. and con- * sidered a part hereof. Passed July 15, 18S4. ORDINANCE NO. CXXXIIL An OrdlEsnre eriltled An Oidlnance assessing and regulating the taxes for gradlnd and giavellLg iiie alley betuteu \VeaiherioidandFirstbtreet3. Be it ordained by tlie City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That the alley between Wcatherford and First streets having been by contract with and by order ot the city council of said city, graded and graveled and an estimate of the B. B. cos t having been filed with the city secretary by the city engi- O.337. neer as well as the sizes and ownerships ot the property fronting j " and being on said street. Therefore, a tax of one-third the esti- mated costs of the grading and graveling of said street in front of the property on said street is hereby assessed against the pro- perty fronting and adjacent to said street so graded and graveled. , SEC. 2. Said tax shall be collected one-fifth annually and O*337. shall be paid on or by the first day of March of each year after \ 2. the levy of this tax. SEC. 3- The list of the lots so placed on file in the office of the city secretary, which said list embraces all the lots on the ** t B - alley as aforesaid, all ol which front on are adjacent to said work a* 3 ' so constructed by the city council of the city of Fort Worth is hereby referred to and made a part of this ordinance. Stc. 4. It shall be the duty of the officer collecting the tax ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ITS herein levied to notify the owners of said property by postal B - ** card of this levy and the amount of tax due on his or her pro- a 4'" perty by reason ot this levy and when payable. Sic. 5. A tax of one-third the cost of the work done in B. EL front of the property respectively is assessed against said ,pro- '^- 337 - perty as follows as per list hereto attached marked Exhibit A, * ' and considered a part hereof. Passed July 15, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. CXXXIV, An Ordinance to enforce the observance of the sabbath. Be it ordained ly the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: * SEKTION 1. That any person who shall hereafter labor or ~ compel, force or oblige his employes, workmen or apprentices to o'.215l labor on Sunday in this city shall be deemed guilty of a misde- 1 1. meanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 2, The preceeding section shall not apply to household duties, works of necessity or charitv, nor to necessary work on farms or gardens in order to prevent the loss of any crop; nor to the running of railroad or street cars, wagon trains, common car- riers ; nor to the delivery of goods by, or the receiving or storing B. A. of said goods by the parties os their agents to whom said-goods H'V^' are delivered ; nor to stages carrying the United States mail or passengers, nor to persons traveling; nor to keepers of hotels, boarding houses and restaurants and their servants, nor to any person who conscientiously believes that the seventh -or any other day of the week ought to be observed as the Sabbath, and who actually refrains from business or labor on that day 'for such reason. SEC. 3. Any person who shall run or be engaged in running B. A. any horso race, or who shall permit or allow the use of any nine O.215. or ten-pin alley, or who shall be engaged in match shooting or & >* 174 OKDINAXCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WO.'tTB. any species of gaming for money or other consideration within the limits of this city on Sunday, shall be deemed quiity of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars. SEC, 4. Any merchant, grocer or dealer in wares or mer- chandise, or trader in any lawful business whatsoever who shall B. A. barter or sell on Sunday, shall be fined not less than twenty nor O.215. more t} ian fifty dollars. Provided, 'that this section shall not ap- ply to markets or dealers in provisions as to sales made by them before nine o'clock a. m. j> A SKC. 5. The preceeding section shall not apply to the sale O.215. of drugs and medicines on Sunday, nor to the sale of milk, ice 5. an( j newspapers. B. A. SEC. 6. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from ^~/' 5 an( ^ a ^ er *ts publication as required by law. Approved December 4, 1879. ORDINANCE NO. CXXXV. An Ordinance to regulate the pale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or medicated bit- ters, and to flx tlie rate tf occupation tax upon person4 engaged In tlie sale or tald liquors. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That hereafter there shall be levied upon and collected Irom any person, firm or association of persons, en- gaged or engaging in the business of selling spirituous, vinous or malt liquor or medicated bitters an annual tax upon every such occupation or separate establishment as follows, to-wit : For selling spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or medica- B. A. ted bitters in quantities less than one quart, $150.00 O.25?. F or selling such liquors or medicated bitters in quantities of one quart and less than five gallons, - 100.00 For selling such liquors or medicated bitters in quantities of five gallons or more, - * 150.00 For selling malt liquors exclusively, an annual tax of - 25.00 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 175 Provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed as to prevent wholesale liquor dealers or merchants who pay occupa- tion tax as such from selling unbroken packages containing less than five gallons without being required to pay an additional tax as quart dealers. _ SEC. 2. There being an emergency, this ordinance shall take o".252! effect and be in force from and after its passage. 2. Approved Sune 10,1881. ORDINANCE NO. CXXXVI. An Ordinance In regard to the levying of tbe occupation tax. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That there shall be and is hereby levied an annual occupation tax on and to be collected from eyery person, firm, company, corporation or association of persons pursuing any of the following named occupations in the city of Fort Worth an annual tax. except where herein otherwise provided on every such occupation or separate establishment as follows : From every merchant whose purchases amount to one hundred thou- sand dollars annually, $62.50; from every merchant whose pur- chases amount to fifty thousand dollars, $30; from every mer- chant whose annual purchases amount to twenty-five thousand dollars, $12.50, from every merchant whose annual purchases amount to fifteen thousand dollars, $10; from every merchant whose annual purchases amount to ten thousand dollars, $6; from every merchant whose annual purchases amount to five thousand dollars, $3; from every meachant whose annual pur- chases amount to two thousand dollars or less, $1.50. A merchant, within the meaning of this ordinance, is any person, firm or association of persons or corporation engaged in 17 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. buying and selling goods, wares and merchandise of any kind whatever. From every traveling person selling patent or other medi- cines, $87.50; and no traveling person shall stll until said tax is paid; provided, that this tax shall not apply to commercial trav- elers, drummers or salesmen making sales or soliciting trade for merchants engaged in selling drugs or medicines who shall be taxed as other drummers. From every fortune-teller, $87.50; from every clairvoyant or mesmerist, who plies his or her voca- tion for money, an annual tax of $50; from every person, firm or association of persons engaged in discounting and shaving paper or engaged in business as money brokers or bankers or in buying and selling bonds, state or county, warrants or other claims against the state, an annual tax of $4:0; from every opera- tor or owner of any dafiuerrian, photograph or other such like gallery, by whatever name called, an annual tax of $7; and from every person soliciting work for and daguerrian, photograph or other such like gallery or for persons engaged in the business of copying or enlarging pictures or photographs of any character, where such gallery is not situated in or such business is not 111 the county in which he solicits such work $3.50; from every auc- tioneer, an annual tax of $22.50; from every keeper of a toll bridge, an annual tax of $3.50; from every person, firm or asso- ciation of persons selling upon camn?ission t an annual tax of $3.50; from land agents there shall be levied and collected an collected an annual tax of $2.50; the term land agent shall be construed to mean ar.y person, firm or association of persons performing tor compensation any of the following services: Pur- chasing or selling ivjal estate for others; purchasing or selling land certificates for others. But this term, land agent, shall not be so construed as to levy any tax upon attorneys in addition to the one hereinafter levied. From every person practicing law, $2.50; provided, said person lives in said city of Fort. Worth- From every physician, surgeon, occulist or medical specialist of any kind, traveling from place to place in the practice of his pro- fession, an annual tax of $40, from every dentist an annual tax of $2.51), provided, he resides in said city of Fort Worth. From every other person, or firm or association of persons, pursuing the occupation of posting up advertising bills or notices, tacking up advertising cards or notices of tin, wood or other material, printing or lettering worls or pictures oa fences or other places ORDINANCES OF TUB CITY OF FORT WORTH. \\1 as a means of advertising, the sum of $4; provided, that this clause shall not be so constructed as to tax persons advertising their own business; from every person or firm keeping a shooting gallery at which a fee is paid or demanded, an annual tax of $16. For every billiard table, bagatelle, pigeon hole, devil among the tailors, or Jenny Lind table, or anything of the kind used for profit, an annual tax of $10; and any such table used in con- nection with any drinking saloon or other places of business where intoxicating liquors are sold or given away, or upon which any money or other thing of value is paid, shall be regarded as used for profit. For every person, firm or association of persons selling, or of- fering for sale illustrated Police News, Police Gazettes or other il- lustrated publications of like character,the sum of $500 annual tax. For every person or persons who shall sell pools on horse races $2 50 for each and everv day they may so sell said pools; for every nine or ten-pin alley, or any other alley used for profit, by what- ever name called, constructed or operated upon the principal of bouling alley and upon which balls are rolled, without regard to the number of pins used, or whether pins are used or not, or whether the balls are rolled by hand or with a cue, an annual tax of $500; any such alley used in connection with any drinking saloon or any drug store, where intoxicating liquors are sold or given away, or upon which any money or thing of value is paid, shall be regarded as used for profit; from all persons keeping or using for profit any Hobby Horse or Flying Jennie, or device of that character, with or without name, an annual tax of $16; from every foot peddler, $5; from every peddler with one horse or one yoke of oxen, $15; from every peddler with two horses or two yokes of oxen, $30. Provided, nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to include traveling vendors of tin or earthen ware. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be so con- strued as to include traveling vendors of literature exclusively religious in character, or traveling vendors of fruit trees exclu- sively. For every theatre or dramatic representation from which pay for admission is demanded or received, one dollar for each day they may periorin, or $25 per quarter. Provided that theat- rical or dramatic representations given by performers for instruc- tion only or entirely for charitable purposes, shall not be herein included. For every circus where equestrian or acrobatic feats and ITS ORDIXAITCJSS OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. performances are exhibited, for which pay for admission is re ceived or demanded for each performance thereof, $25, notwith- standing more than one performance may take place daily; for every exhibition where acrobatic feats are performed for profit, not connected with the circus, $5 for each performance, for every slight-of-hand performance or exhibition of legerdemain, $5, for every fight between men and bulls, or between dogs and bulls, or between bears and dogs, or between bulls and any other animals, $250 for each performance per year; for every cock pit, when kept for profit or upon which money or thing of value is bet or paid, $12.50, for every menagerie, wax-work or exhibition of any kind, where a separate fee for admission is demanded or received, $5 for every day on which fees for such admission are received. Provided, that exhibitions by associations, organized for promotion of art, science, charity or benevolence, shall be exempt from taxation. For every concert, where a tee for ad- mission is demanded or received, $1. Provided, that entertain, ments when given by the citizens for charitable purposes or for the support or aid of library or associations, are excepted. For every livery or feed stable, fifteen cents for each hack, buggy or other vihicle let for hire not connected with a livery stable, $1; Tor every wagon yard not connected with a livery or feed or sale stable, $2.50. For every life insurance company doing business in said city, $7 annual tax; lor every fire or marine or guarantee insur- ance company, an annual tax of $7. From every person, firm or association of persons dealing in lightning rods, an annual tax of $18; from every person or persons, firm or association of persons following the occupation of cotton broker, cotton factor and commission merchant, an an- nual tax of 17.50. Provided that a merchant who pays an oc- - cupation tax as herein prescribed, shall not be considered as a cotton buyer. From every person, firm or association of persons dealing in sewing machines, an annual tax of $7; from every person canvassing for the sale of sewing machines, an annual tax of 7. Provided, a merchant who pays an occupation taxas required by this section, shall not be required to pay this special tax for selling sewing machines. From each telephone company doing business in the city, $10; from each gas company manufacturing gas, an annual tax of 17.50. Provieed, that the fact that a tax is levied by this OF THE CITY OF FOET WORTH. ordinance upon Bagatelle, Pigeon Hole, Devil Among the Tail- ors, Jenny Lincl tables, or anything ot the kind used for profit and upon any nine or ten-pin alley or other alley used for profit^ shall not be construed to exempt from the punishment pre- scribed by law any person who may violate any of the provis- ions of chapter .three of the Penal Code. Provided, further, that this ordinance shall not be construed to prevent persons or firms of persons who pay an occupation tax for persuing the occupa- tion of a merchant in said city of Fort Worth from soliciting trade within the corporate limits of said city. SEC. 0. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its publication as required by law. Approved October 18, 1SS2, OltDlNAXCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WOXTB. ORDINANCE NO. CXXXVII. To provide for tne levy and collection -of an advalcrem and poll tax for the year A. p, 188 Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. There shall be collected an annual direct adva- lorem municipal tax of two-fifths of one per cent, of the cash value thereof estimated, in lawful currency of the United States, B. B. on real property situated in and on all moveable property owned H' 3 ^ 1 ' in this city on the first day of January, A. D. 1884, except so much thereof as may be exempted by the constitution aad laws of the State of Texas, which cRsh value shall be estimated in lawful currency of the United States. SEC, 2. There shall be levied and collected an annual direct special advalorem tax of one-half of one per cent, of the cash l> -p value thereof, in lawful currency of the United States, on all O.341. real property situated, and movable property owned in this city 2 on the first day of January, A. D. 1884, except so much thereof as may be exempted by the constitution and laws of the State of Texas; said tax being as a public building fund. SEC. 3. There shall be levied and collected an annual direct special advalorem tax of two-fifths ot one per cent of the cash value thereof in lawful currency of the United States, on all P^ j>^ real property situated, and all movable property owned, in this O.S41. city on the first day of January, A. D. 1884, except so much 2 3 - thereof as may be exempted by the constitution and laws of the State of Texas ; said special tax being lor the support and main- tainance of public Free schools in said city. SEC. 4. There shall be leyied and collected an annual direct special advalorem tax of two-fifths of one per cent, of the cash O 34] va ^ ue thereof in lawful currency of the United States on all real g 4. * property situated in and all movable property owned in this city on the first day of January, A. D. 1884, except so much thereof as may be exempted by the constitution and laws of the State of ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WCRTH. 181 Texas. Said special tax being for the purpose of paying the in- terest on the out standing bonded indeptedness to-wit: The one hundred and ninety thousand dollars in bonds of the city of Fort Worth, which said bonds were issued on the day of A. D. 1883, for street improvement and sewerage; also for the creat- ing of a sinking fund of two per cent, on said amount as pro- vided in Ordinance No. 293. SEC. 5. There shall be levied and collected from every mail person between the age of twenty one and sixty years of age, resident in this city on the first day of January, A, D. 1884, an '3^' annual poll tax of one dollar each. Provided, the following pei- 5..* sons are exempt from poll tax, to-wit: Insane, blind, deaf and dumb persons, and those who have only one hand or one foot. Sic. 6. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed August 5, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. CXXXVI1I. An Ordinance regulating job wagons and street backs, and establishing a license on tfee Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of fort Worth: SICTION 1. Hereafter there shall be collected an occupation B. B. tax of fifteen dollars per annum from each party who run a Job O.317, wagon or float, which said amounts shall be collected on each ^ job or express wagon or float so run by any person. SBC* 2. There shall be collected from each party or person B, B. who runs a carriage or street hack for hi re in said city, an annual *."^" occupation tax of thirty dollars for each carriage or hack so ran by said person. Sic. 3. It shall be the duty of the tax assessor and collector to give, without charge, to each party who pays an occupation B ~ tax on such job or express wagon a number for him to place on (X317.* his said wagon, and it shall be the duty of said assessor and col- 3. lector to keep a record of the numbers so made out and deliv- ered to the party paying said tax. Sic. 4. The assessor and collector shall also deliver, with* 1S2 OI1D1NAXCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WOJtTIJ. j, B out charge, to each party paying : a tax, as indicated in Section O.317. 2, a number to be placed on his said back or carriage, and like 4 record keep as is mentioned in Section 3. SEC. 5. Any and all persons running a hack, carriage or ex- press or job wagon in said city for hire without having on said O 317 v ^hi c l e tne nu-mber selected for him by the assessor and collec- g 5.' tor, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined in any sum. not exceeding twenty-five nor less that five dollars. SKC. 6. Any person violating section one or two of this or- dinance, or failing to pay the tax therein named, while engaged in the business therein indicated, is guilty of a misdemeanor, 0. and shall be fined in any sum cot exceeding the tax, which said amount shall be remitted upon the payment of the said tax and costs therein incurred. SEC. 7. That the tax above be collected semi-annually in advance. SEC. 8. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its puublication as require by law. Passed January 15, 1884. OKDINAXCE SO. CXXX1X. An Ordinance puttshlug tL-e keeper of varittj slices, theatres and tuch like places. Be it ordained by the City Council of .the city of * Fort Worth: SECTION I. That any person who shall keep a house where leud, indecent or immodtst theatrical representations or plays are exhibited, or theatrical representations or plays in which !* A. leud women or prostitutes, or women of ill fame or bad repute take part or aid. or where singing or dancing by characters is therein permitted, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in. any .sum not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. T>. A. SEC. 2. That any person who shall exercise control over O.lll. such a house, or who shall be in any wise concerned or interested 2- in the keeping of such house, or shall aid persons so offending, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. IS 3 shalled be regarded as the keeper thereof, within the meaning of this ordinance, and shall be punished as such. SEC. 3. Any person who shall rent a house, room or prem- j> A ises to another to be used for the purpose mentioned in the first o*.215. section of this ordinance, shall be considered as an aider in the & commission of the offense defined in this ordinance. SEC. 4. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its publication as required by law. Approved May 31, 1877. ORDINANCE NO. CXL. AT Ordinance prohibiting variety shows, theatres, concerts, or shows of any kind from t>elng given on Sunday. Be it ordained &?/ the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or per- B. A. sons to give, have or exhibit any variety show, theatre, concert, t l' 1 7 4 ' or show of any kind on Sunday within the corporate limits of this city. SEC. 2. That any person violating the provision of this ordi- B A nance, shall de declared guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- O.124. viction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than fifty nor - more than one hundred dollars, SEC. 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its publication as required by law. Approved September 13, 1877. 1S4 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. CXLI. An ordinance regulating the construction of theatres and public halls. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That all theatres or public halls in this city open or used for dramatic or other entertainments, shall be provided with one doorway of at least twelve feet in width, or with two doorwas of at least eight feet in width, each, SKC. 2. That all doors to such theatres or halls shall be so arranged as to open outward in all cases. SEC. 3 That all stairways leading to the doorway of any theatre or public hall in this city shall be the same width of the doorway, and shall be built firm and strong, capable of bearing i weight equal to thirty thousand pounds. All stairways shall be provided with good railings on all sides. SEC. 4. That all approaches to any stairway leading to anv theatre or public or public hall in this city shall be at least twelve feet in width and shall extend unobstructed from the foot of the stairway ta the street. SEE. 5. That it shall be the duty of the city marshal to no tify all owners or agents of any theatres or public hall in this city of the requirements of this ordinance, and to inspect all such doorways, stairways and approaches and report any refusal .or neglect of any owner or agent of such theatre or public hall to the city attorney. SEC. 6*. Any owner or aajent of any theatre or public hall, without complying with the requirements ot this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, and upon convition, shall be fined in any sum from fity to one hundred dollars tor each offense, and each entertainment or exhibition shall constitute an offense. SEC. 7. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its publication according to law. Passed December 20, 1879. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 185 ORDINANCE NO. CXLII. An Ordinance prohibiting certain conduct in tueitr33 ancl op3ra homes daring perform- ances. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That any person or persons who shall be guilty of wilful loud talking, laughing, hissing, whistling, cat calling, smoking, throwing paper or other missiles from one place to an- nother, or any other act or conduct tending to harrass, annoy or disturb any of the spectators, or actors or performers in any the- 5',J5" atre or opera house while any performance is going on, or while g ^ ' persons are assembled for the purpose of witnessing any per- formance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in some sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. B. B. SEC. 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force O.322. from and after its publication as require by law. Passed April 4, 1884. 186 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. CXLIII. An Ordinance regulating theatres and yariety shows wliere intoxicating liquors are sold or drank. Be it ordained by the City .Council of ike city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or per- sons to give, carry on or maintain in this city any theatre or va- riety show in any house or place where intoxicating liquors are sold or drank without first having obtained from the city council I>. A. a permit to give, carry on or maintain said theatre or variety a i show. Provided, that no permit shall be valid for more than three months, and any person or persons violating the provisions ot this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 2. That in no case shall the city council give the per mit required in the foregoing section until the party desiring the same shall file a written application therefor, accompanied with the receipt of the assessor and collector lor the sum of sixty-two dollars and fifty cents, the amount of city tax for theatres for three months, and the written consent of two-thirds of the citi- O..227". zens living within one block f the house or place where such g '2. theatre or show may be given, and shall file a bond, payable to the city of Fort Worth in the sum of two hundred and fifty dol- lars, conditioned that he or they will pay a salary of forty dol- lars per month to a policeman, to be appointed by the city council, whose duty it shall be to be and remain in and around *aid house or place where such theatre or shows are being given and preserve order, and arrest all offenders against the ordi- nances of the city and laws of the State. B. A. SEC. 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from ( ^- 2 J 7 - and after its publication as required by law. Approved April SJl, 1880. ORDINA NCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 187 ORDINANCE NO. CXLIV. An Ordinance regulating railway trains.* Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That any person or company who shall, in this city, run or cause to be run any locomotive, engine or car at a 0*95^ greater rate of speed than six miles an hour, shall be deemed 1. guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, be fined not less than one nor more than twenty-five dollars. SEC. 2. No person or railroad company shall obstruct any street, alley, sidewalk crossing or other thoroughfare of said city by leaving thereon any car or rolling stock for a longer time F>. A. than five minutes; or to stop, or cause to be stopped, any rail- ^?f* way engine or car across any street, alley, road, highway or other passway so as to obstruct or interfere with free passage thereon for a longer time than five minutes under a penalty of not less than one ndr more than twenty-five dollars. SEC. 3. Whoever, not being an employe or passenger on any c A railroad car, engine or tender shall jump on or oil, cling to or O.256! hang on to the same while in motion, shall, on conviction thereof, 3. be fined not less than one nor more than twenty-five dollars. SEC, 4. Any person or corporation who shall conduct, run or cause to be run, any railway locomotive or engine without ringing a bell attached thereto before starting, and all the time rj'.>A' such locomotive or engine shall b in motion, within the corpor- ^"4 ' ate limits of this city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more thsn twenty-five dollars. SEC, 5. All railroad companies whose tracks now or may hereafter enter or pass through the corporate limits of the city of Fort Worth, shall respectively construct, repair, keep and B. A. maintain good, safe and sufficient culverts, crossings and bridges, O.256. with good, safe and easy approaches taereto on all public alleys, ^ streets and highways where the respective tracks pass under, across or over any alley, street or highway within said city. 188 OHDINAXCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WOJiTlI. SEC. 6. Whenever any crossing, culvert or bridge shall be needed upon the line of any railroad within this city, or the same shall be deemed insufficient or unsafe, or shall need repair- ing, it shall be the duty of the street commissioners or the mayor B A to give to such company five days notice of the work to be done O.2r6 an( i the place where required, and any railroad company neg- 6- lecting or refusing to construct or repair any crossing, culvert or bridge after having received five days notice to do so, shall be fined not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication by law. Approved August 17, 1881. ORDINANCE NO. CXLV. An Ordinance granting tte rljjht of way to the Texas and Paclflj Eallway Company over and upon llie streets iheielii named. JSe it ordained l)y the City Council of the city of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That the Texas and Pacific Railway Company is hereby fully authorized and empowered with the right to con- struct, equip, operate, maintain, own and control a steam rail- way, together with all necessary switches, turnouts, sidings and B. A. depots on either or all of the following named streets and their O.248. extensions in said city of Fort Worth, to-wit.: Belknap, Weath- erford, Hayes, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Hampton. Eighth, Ninth,Tenth, Eleventh, Morgan, LuellaAvenue.Fourteenth, Elm, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Brewer, Seventeenth,Pecan,Nineteenth and Grove streets, and the streets connecting and intersecting there- with as long as said Texas and Pacific Eailway Company mav operate the said railway. B. A. SEC. 2. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from a ^ er ^s passage. Passed January 19, 1831. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. CXLVI. Ail Ordinance prohibiting the unlawful entering or intruding upon the premises of an- other person without his consent. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION I. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to enter or intrude upon the premises of another without his B A consent, and that any person or persons violating the provisions 0*232! of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and 1* upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not more than ten dollars. SEC. 2. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from B. A. and after its publication as required by law. **'^. r,. erected on the streets or sidewalks of the city of Fort Worth O.316. frhall be placed on the outside of the sidewalk and put within ^ *" the curb line. Sic. 3. No telegraph or telephone company shall hereafter B - TC- place any telegraph or telephone wire or any telegraph or tele- H' 3 ^' phone pole or poles in any other way than hereinafter mentioned on any street in the said city of Fort Worth. fc-EC. 4. No telegraph or telephone wire shall hereafter be B. B. placed nearer than twenty-five feet irom the sidewalk; that is, O.321. said wires shall be at least twenty-five feet in the clear above $ L the sidewalk on Main and Houston streets. 190 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WOXTD. B SEC. 5. No telegraph or telephone wire shall hereafter be O.321. placed at a height of less than twenty-two feet from the sidewalk 2 on Throckmorton and Busk streets. B. B SEC. 6. No telephone or telegraph wire shall be placed at a O.321, height less than twenty feet from the sidewalk on all streets not specially enumerated in this ordinance. B j> SEC. 7. All telegraph and telephone wire shall cross the O.316. said streets of the said city of Fort Worth at right angles, or 3 7 - as near to right angles as possible. SEC. 8. All telegraph or telephone poles which are on the O 316 s ^ ree t of said city of Fort Worth shall be placed in the same . manner as indicated in Section two of this ordinadce. j> g SEC. 9. All telegraph and telephone wire now in operation O.316. and across the streets, or on the streets of said city shall be placed y - as indicated in Sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 of this ordinance. SEC. 10. All telegraph and telephone poles not placed as re- O 3'>i" ( l l " re d by this ordinance (Sec. 2), and all telegraph and tele- g 4. phone wires which are not placed as indicated in Sections 4, 5 and 6 of this ordinance, are hereby declared a public nuisance. SEC. 11. That the managers and parties having control of any telegraph and telephone companies in said city who shall allow any poles or wires belonging to respective companies to B. B. remain or be placed in any other manner than as required by l 3 ? i ' this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than fiity dollars, each day being a separate offense. SEC. 12. No telegraph or telephone company shall here- after have the right to erect any telegraph or telephone pole or poles on any streetf or sidewalks of the city of Fort Worth with- O 316* out ^ av ^ n an agent or some person legally authorized to sign a 12. contract on behalf of said company, or guaranteeing to the said city of Fort Worth the right to use the top arm or top cross or center of every such pole so erected for municipal purposes, the use of the same to be free of charge to the said city of Fort Worth. B. B. SEC. 13. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from H"^}?' an( l after its publication as required by law. Sections 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and J2, passed Jan. 7, 1884. Sections 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 13 passed March 18, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP FORT WORTH. 191 ORDINANCE NO. CXLVIII. An Ordinance deflnl nor nuisances In the erection and maintaining of telephone and tele- ^rapu wir s and polls, and to punlali the violation thereof and provide lor tue abate- ment of such nuisance.. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That it shall not be lawful for any telegraph or telephone company to erect or maintain on Houston or Main streets, in the city of Fort Worth, more than one line of poles and wires, and it shall be unlawful for any telephone or tele graph company to erect or maintain more than three posts or poles on any one side of any one block on any one street of this 0*343' city unless by special permission from this council. That it shall 1. be unlawful for any telephone or telegraph company to allow any of their telephone or telegraph wires to be or remain within twenty-five feet of the surface of the sidewalk on Houston or Main streets. That it shall be unlawful for any agent, manager or superintendent of any telephone or any telegraph company to manage, use, control or superintend any telephone or tele- graph company wires or poles in this city erected or being con- trary to this ordinance. SEC. 2. That any person found guilty of violating this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance and punished B. B. by fine of not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dol- '- v .343. lars, and in addition thereto may be imprisoned in the city * ' prison for a period of not more than five days. SEC. 3. That any telephone wire or poles, any telegraph wire or poles erected or maintained contrary to Section 1, of this ordinance, shall be and is declared a nuisance, and the owner or agent or manager or superintendent or operator of any such 0*343' telephone wires or poles, or any agent, owner, manager, superin- 3. tendent or operator ot any such telegraph company wires or poles, shall, upon notice of the city marshal, within twenty-four hours after the receipt of any such notice, abate the said nuis- ance. SEC 4. If any person whose duty it is under Section 3 of 192 ORDiyAlCCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. this ordinance, to abate the said nuisance, shall fail or refuse to abate the same upon notice, then the city marshal of the city of ]5 B Fort Worth be and he is hereby instructed and authorized, after O*.343. he has given the notice required by this ordinance, and after the 1-4.- expiration of the time allowed such person to abate the said nuisance, to remove and abate the said nuisance either by cut- ting the poles or wires or both as to him shall seem best. O 343 SE ' 5 ' ^ iat ^ lis or( ^ nance ta ^ e e ff ect an( l be in force from g ' ' and after its publication as required by law. Approved August 8,1884. ORDINANCE NO. CXLIX. An Ordinance prohibiting washing, bathing or swimming, or wishing, bathing or swlm- horses or other animals lu cenain portions of the Trinity river or lu either branch of the same. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth : SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or per- sons to wash, bathe or swim their persons or articles of any kind, or to wash, bathe or swim horses or other animals in the Trinity riy^er within six hundred yards of the forks oi said river or in ^-A either branch of the same above said forks within the corporate g J limits of the city of Fort Worth. Provided, that it shall be law- ful for any person to wash buggies, carriages or other vehicles or to wash or bathe horses in the Trinity river at any place be- low where the water-works are now situated and where the pumps from the same enter said river, (SEC. 2. That any person or persons violating the provis- j> A ions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon () 230.. conviction. thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than five 3 2 - dollars nor more that than fifty dollars. B. A. SEC, 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from O.230. an a |ter its publication as required by law. Approved April 2& 1880. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 193 ORDINANCE NO. CL. An Ordinance to cJ< flue acd punish vagrancy. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth'. SECTION 1. That every vagrant in this city shall, upon con- Q^" viction, be' fined in any sum not exceeding; te.i dollars. g 1. SEC. 2. The following persons are vagrants within the mean- ing of the proceeding section : First An idle person who lives without any means of sap- port, and makes no exertions to obtain a livelihood by honest employment. Second Any person who strolls idly about the streets, hav- B. A. ing no local habitation, and no honest business or employment ^l" 2 .^' Third A person who strolls about to tell fortunes or to ex- hibit tricks not licensed by law. Fourth A common prostitute. Fifth A profession ill Gambler. Sixfh Any person who goes about to beg alms who is not afflicted or disabled by a physical malady or misfortune. Seventh A habitual drunkard who abandons, neglects or refuses to aid in the support ot his family. SEC. 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from 13. A. and after its publication as required by law. *g* 2 Jf ' Approved November 19, 1879. 184' ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ORDINANCE NO. CLI. An Ordinance relation to velilclea passing eacJi otber. Be It ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION I. In case of persons meeting each other in any highway, street or thoroughfare in this city, each psrsoi sa mast- ing shall turn off and go to the right side of the high-way, street ?>* $[' or thoroughfare so as to enable siuli vehicles to piss eieh. other g i. " without accident. Whoever shall violat3 this orlin inss-sli ill b^ deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, ail 0:1 conviction s'ullba fined not less than one nor more than ten dollars. B. A. SEC. 2. That this ordinance take effect an 1 ba in force fr j 11 *1 9** an( ^ a ^ er its publication as required by law. Approved A 10, 1873. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 195 ORDINANCE NO. CLII. An Ordinance dividing the city info wards and defining the same. Beit ordained by the City Council Hat the city of Fort Worth oe and the same is hereby divided into four Wards: SECTION 1. The First Ward shall embrace all the territory , -p north of a line running with Ninth street aud east of a line run- 0*301] ning with Main street in said corporation to the corporate limits I 2. of the same. SEC. 2. The Second Ward shall embrace all the territory within the corporate limits west of the west line of the First 5"om" Ward and north of Ninth street the north line of S. G. Jen- g _ " Dings' survey aud J. M. 0. Lynsh survey. SEC. 3. The Third Ward shall embrace all the territory B. B. within the corporate limits south of a line running with Ninth ^* 4. street and east of Main street. SEC. 4. The Fourth Ward shall enbrace all that territory in j j the corporate limits south and west of Ninth street of the north O.301. line of S. O. Jennings' survey, and the north line of the J. M. C. 2 ~ Lynch survey and west of the line of Main street. SEC. 5. That this ordinance be in effect from and after its B. B passage. Approved July 5, 1883. * ~* 195 OKD1SAKCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WO'tTr. ORDINANCE NO. CLIII. An Ordinance to prnvfde for a . c .vspm or Water Works for the eltj of Fort Worth f">r t lie flies, ba nil ary audotLer This contract, made and entered into this the 26th day of May, A. D. 1882, by and between the Fort Worth Water AVorks Company, a corporation of the city of Fort Worth in the county of Tarrant and State of Texas, party of the first part, and the city of Fort Worth, a body corporate ot ihe Bounty of Tarrant and State of Texas, parly of ;he second part, wit- nesselh: Whereas, the city council of the said city of Fort Worth deem it necessary to provide for a more efficient protec- tion of the property (>f tax payers of the said ciiy from fire, and also to secure to the citizens of said city a supply of water suit- able for domestic purposes and for the further benefit to the city of Fort Worth hereinafter mentioned. Therefore, Be it ordained ly ihe City Council of tlie city of Fort Wort/i: SECTION 1. That there is hereby given and granted to the "Fort .Worth Water Works Company" the right and privilege p p for twenty-five years from the date of the execution of this con- 0*273* tract of supplying the city of Fort *AVorth, and the citizens 3 1. therecf, with good T healthful and wholesome water for domestic use, and for the extinguishment ol fires and for manufacturing purposes. SEC. 2. The said company is hereby authorized to estab- lish, construct, maintain and operate said works in the said city of Fort Worth, to receive, take and store, conduct and distribute water through the city; to construct and extend acqueducts, B. F>. mains and pipes through all the streets, alleys, lanes and pablic H'^J*" grounds, across any streams or bridges in said city; to erect and maintain all engines, machinery and all necessary appliances for the proper conducting of said works, and for supplying said city and the inhabitants thereof with good, healthful and whole- some water fer domestic, manufacturing, fire and other purpose?. The said Foit AVoith Water Works Company shall have the OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH.] right to take np all pavements or sidewalks on streets, alleys, lanes, and public grounds, and make such excavations thereon as may be necessary to lay, repair and maintain acquediictsand pipes below the surface of the ground lor conveying and dis- tributing si*id water as aforesaid. Provided, said company shall, within a reasonable time and with all proper dispatch, replace, and repair all pavements and sidewalks and fill all such exca- vations and restore the streets in as good condition as they were before as nearly as practicable. SEC. 3. Said company shall be liable for all damages occa- jj A sioned by a failure to protect and guard persons and property (X27& from injury by reason of the removal of such pavements and 3. N sidewalks and the making of such excavations as aforesaid. SEC- 4. The said water works shall be constructed with not ., . less capacity than two million gallons in twenty four hours, and B. A. also to produce the fire streams hereinafter mentioned, and there j^?' shall be an auxiliary reserve high pressure pump of the same ^ capacity making an aggregate easy working capacity of four million gallons in twenty-four hours. SEC. 5. Said Fort Worth Water Works Company shall lay not less than nine miles of mains including hydrant connection as shown on the plat cf said city marked "Exhibit A," and which is hereby made a part of this contract lor the distribution of water within the corporate limits ot said city so located as best to secure the tire protection of the city and for the supply of water for domestic purposes. Said mains (o be located as the 0*073" city council may direct. All mains shall be of standard weight 5. and strength to insure the fire streams hereinafter mentioned, and tested so as to stand a pressure of three hundred j ounds to the square inch, and all mains shall be of such size as to procure an easo flow of water through the entire system of pipes, and such mains shall be from six to sixteen inches in their inner diameter. SEC. 6. The said Fort Worth Water Works Company shall r. A erect -eighty double nozzles fire hydrants of the most approved u.273. pattern upon the mains and pipes as provided for in this ordi- $ & nance; the said hydrants to be located by the city council before the said mains and pipes are first laid. SEC. 7. The said city of Fort Worth agree to pay said Fort j> A. Worth Water Works Company an annual rental of one hundred O.27S. dollars for each cf said hydrants for the purposes contemplated 1SS ORDIKASCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WO.VTII. in this contract, which said rental shall be payable semi annu- ally on the first days of June and December of each year in a warrant drawn on the city treasarer that is to say, at the end of each six months ot each year during the full time specified in this contract; the first payment, or a pro rata proportion thereof for each of said hydrants to become due and payable on the first day of June and December, as the case may be, after said hydrant is placed in position and ready for use; and for the purpose of providing for the payment cf all hydrant rental be- coming due under the provisions of this contract, the said city shall annually make an appropriation sufficient to pay the same out of the first monies not otherwise appropriated arising from the general revenues of the city. SEC. 8. For all extension of mains which the city may here- after order for fire purposes in addition to the mains contem- plated in the contract, the said company shall erect not less j> m than ten fire hydrants to the mile, for whieh the said city shall O.273. pay the rental of one hundred dollars each per year until the $ 8 whole number shall amount to one hundred hydrants, and for all further extensions ordered by the city council for fire pur- poses, the said Water Words Company shall erect not less than ten fire hydrants to the mile, for which the city shall pay an an- nual rental of fifty dollars for each hydrant payable as herein- beiore provided. SEC. 9. The said Fort Worth Water Works Company shall permit any owner or occupant of any building to erect stand pipes and connect the same with the mains hereby authorized to be laid, or any main hereafter laid by order of the city council of said city of Fort Worth under the provisions of this contract, and they shall have the use of water through such stand pipes and connections for the prevention and extinguishment of fires, A. free of charge, upon giving the said Fort Worth Water W 7 orks "9 " Company a written agreement that they will not use the water from said pipes and connections for any other purpose whatever. The said city of Fort Worth shall have the right to erect and connect fire hydrants to the mains at any time under the pro- visions of this contract at the expenses of said city* and use the same for the prevention and extinguishment of fires free of charge. Provided, always, thst the said city ot Fort Worth hall first pay a resntal on the first eighty hydrants contem- plated in this contract. The city of Fort Worth shall have ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 199 by the city after first paying a rental for at least tea hydrants for every mile of the first ten miles. The owner or occupant of any property may also connect stand pipes or hydrants with the mains upon the city paying the rental hereinbefore mentioned as soon as the works are completed. The said Fort Worth Water Works Company shall cause the fire streams, hereinafter men- tioned,, to be produced in the presence of the city council, or such committee as the council may appoint, which test shall take place within five days after the completion of said worlds, and at the first meeting of the council after the full and faithful performance of the test hereinafter specified the city council shall accept the works, and the date of such acceptance shall be the tine at which the city shall commence to pay the rental for the hydrants at that time located. SEC, 10. Said water works, when constructed, shall have the capacity of discharging eight fire streams through one-inch nozzles from any eight hydrants located upon pipes or mains not less than eight inches in their diameter, as shown on the plat B - A. submitted herewith, and four streams from hydrants located on *" 10 " pipes not less than six inches in diameter through fifty feet of two and one-half inch hose to a height of one hundred feet or maintain its equivalent in pressure at the nozzle of said hydrants so long as it may be necessary tor the extinguishment of any fires, SEC. 11. The said city shall have the right to use water free of charge from the hydrants for the purpose of flushing gutters and sewers whenever the council shall deem it necessary for the interest of the city on giving notice to the person in charge of the works; the city shall also have water free of charge for A the department buildings, city hall and offices occupied for eity o".27.V. purpose, for all public schools of the city, for six public watering l"l- places tor man and beast, and also for six fountains in parks and grounds owned by the city the, jets of which shall not exceed one-sixteenth inch orifice and to run not to exceed six hours a a day for eight months in a year; said public watering places and fountains to be erected by said Fort Worth Water Works Com- pany and kept in repair by said company at their own proper expense, and to be located at such points in the city as may be designated by the city council. SEC. 12. The rates and charges of said company to private fie same right to connect stand pipes to all mains ordered 200 ORDINANCES OF^THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. persons shall not exceed the following table of yearly water rates payable quarterly: Alcohol, per each barrel made, ten cants, ale cellar from $10 to $50; bakery, each oyen, $10 to $50; barber's shop, first chair, $8, each addition $3.53, bath, private, $4, bath, boarding house, $6; bath public, each tub $11; beer, each barrel brewed, five cents; beer house from $8 to $10; billiard saloon, each table, S3, boarding house, eabh room, $1 25. but no license less than $10; book binding, $10 to $75; brick work per M, eight cents; brick yard, meter rate; candle manufacturing, meter rate; candy manufacturing $10 to 75; church, $5 to $10; baptestry, $5 to $10; cigar manufacturing, per hand,- $1.50 no license less than $10; club room $20 to $100; coffee saloon $5 to $20; confec- tionery, $10 to $75; cow, $1.53; distillery, special rates, ; dram shop, $10 to $100; dyeing and scouring $15 to $100; iorge, each, $3; fountain for six months, running not more than four hours per day, $10 to $153; hall 5 to $50; hat manufacturing, $20 to $100; horse $1.50; hose for private sta- T>- ble, $5; hose for livery stable, $20 to $75; washing pavements per g"*l loot front 20 cents, street and sidewalks, 25 cents; hotel, per room, $1.50; ice cream saloon, $10 to $50; labratory, special or meter, ; laundry, special or meter, ; livery stable, pel- stall, $2 50; malting, per bushel, 1 cent; Office, $5 to $25; oyster saloon, $10 to $15; packing house, or meter, ; photograph gallery, $10 to $38; plastering, per square yard, f cent; recti- fying whisky, eer barrel, 3 cents; residence, by one famil3 r , one to four roams, $3; residence, by one family, five to six rooms, $10; residence.. one family, seven to eight rooms, $12; residence, one family, eight to ten rooms, $11; residence, one family, ten to twelve rooms, $16; over twelve rooms, each room, $1.50; restau- rant, $10 to $125; sale stable, psr stall, $2; school, free, it public; shop, 4>5 to $35; slaughter hous3. spacial or miter, - ; soap manufacturing, special or meter; soda manufacturing, spacial or meter; spirits gas, each barrel mide. 8 cents; public garden sprinkling, $20 to $103; starch factory, spaeial or mater, , steam boilers, special or meters; stock yards, special or meter; stone work, per perch, 4 cents; store, $5 to $10; tinning, par vat, $5; no license less than $25; tenement, per room, $1.25; tobacco factory per s. and hogshead, $2; unnai basin $3; urinal basin, public, $6 to $30; vault, residence. $5, ; vehicle, $2.50; vine- gar, each barrel manufactured, 5 cents; washing bottles, $5 to $33; ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH". 2H washing barrels, 5 cents; water clost, private, $5; water closet, public, $8. Any person or corporation shall have the right and privi- lege to purchase and have supplied to them water from said company for consumption at their residence or place of business at the meter rates herein prescribed ; the quantity to be ascer- tained by meters of accurate and approved pattern and action. It is further agreed by the Fort Worth Water Works Company, that when the population of said city shall reach fifteen thou- sand inhabitants, to be ascertained by the city council, then the rates or price for water for private purposes as above fixed shall be reduced twenty per cent. Bancroft LibmrV SEC. 13. The city of Fort Worth shall have the right, at its option, to acquire, by purchase, and become the sole owner of said works, including all grounds, machinery, mains, pipes, buildings, franchisies and property thereto appertaining at the expiration of five years or any time thereafter from the date of the acceptance of the works, upon giving one year's notice of such intention, upon paying therefor, to the owners thereof, the value of said property, to be ascertained by appraisal as follows, viz : The said city shall select one competent person and the owner of the water works another, and the two selected shall select a third, or in case they cannot agree upon duch third per- son, a third person shall be appointed by the district judge of B ^. Tarrant county, and the three men so determined upon shall ^ appraise the value ot said property, exclusive of franchise, at its then cash value, which appraisal shall be binding upon said Fort Worth Water Works Company as to the value thereof, but shall not be binding upon the city unless said appraisal shall be satis- fied by the city council and the city shall have the right to be- come the owner of said works and property at the appraised value when said appraisement shall have been satisfied by the city council. In case the said city shall not purchase and become the owner of said works and property, as aforesaid, at the expi- ration of twenty-five years, then all the rights, franchises and 2t granted to the said Fort Worth Wai r v ori Company si^.. be ^tended to said company lor er period of twenty-fiive years thereafter, subject to the right of said city to purchase, as aforesaid, and subject to all the duties, liabilities, obligations and penalties herein. Provided, however, if at the time of said purchase by the said city, said works and 20? ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. franchises shall be unencumbered by mortgage, otherwise the city shall assume and pay such liability as part of the appraised value, as aforesaid, made and ascertained. SEC. 14. It is hereby agreed by and between the said Fort Worth Water Works Company and the said cily of Fort Worth, that so much of the hydrant rental to be paid by the city of Fort Worth, under fie proTisions of this contract, as will fully pay all Uieintereston a'l outstanding bonds of the said Fort Worth Water Works Company snd all bonds that may hereafter be assessed by the said water works company shall be paid to the holder of said bonds through their trustee at the time specified in this contract for the payment of. such hydrant rental to the said Wi.ter Works Company, so long and until all such bonds are fully i"*27;V. l )a id nd cancelled and the balance of the hydrant rental due. if 'i 14. any from t he city,shall be paid to the said Water Woi ks Company. It being understood that the hydrant rental which the said city of Fort Worth agrees to pay to the said Fort Worth Water Works Company for fire protection, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the interest on said bonds, shall be set aside mid pa d to the trustee of said bonds and by him used exclu- sively and only for the payment ot interest upon said bonds when and so long as the same shall bscome due and payable ; but in no event shall the city of Fort Worth pay the said trus- tee a greater sum for such interest than the amount agreed to be paid to said Fort Worth Water Works Company. SEC 15. Said city of Fort Worth shall make all ordinances, appropriations, etc., necessary to secure the said Fort Worth Water Works Company in the rights and privileges granted in O*27-^ this agreement so long as the same may be in force that either g 15 or both the parties to this contract may be represented by agents* officers or assigns, or successors, who nay be legally authorized to represent them severally and jointly as authorized. SEC. 16. The works permitted to be constructed by this or- dinance, shall be constructed so as not to interfere with the P. jV. rights and property of others in said city, and any injury result- ( " 2 16* ing from such interference shall be paid for by said Fort Worth Water Works Company. Said water pipes shall be laid at least two feet below the grade established by the city. SEC. 17. If any person shall willfully or malicously injure or destroy any portion of the water fixtures or other property appertaining to the Fort Worth Water Works Company, or shall ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. %< wilfully interfere wither waste water from the fire hydrants, ex- cept for the purpose of extinguishing fires or for such other pur- ^ A poses as said hydrants, under this ordinance, may be used. Such o'27:V person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, I i: - shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 18. Said Fort Worth Water Works Company hereby agrees and binds itself during the continuance of the contract to furnish at all times good, healthful and wholesome water, and hereby agrees and binds itself to keep said fire hydrants and mains in good and efficient condition and service at all times 997^' except at instances of accident or other means bevond the con- $~ts. troi by the exercise of due dilligence and forethought. All mains supplying water to any fire hydrant shall be pot less than six inches in inner diameter, except as the city council may order. SEC. 19. The said Fort Worth Water Works Company agrees and blads itself to furnish at all times for all public and B - . private uses of said city and its inhabitant a full and sufficient ^il* supply cf good, healthful and wholesome water, well suited for domestic and manufacturing purposes. SEC. 20. Said fire hydrant shall be under the control and supervision of the chief of the fire department of said city, who shall have the right, upon giving notice to the company, to pro- vide for the opening and use of the hydrants for fire purposes 0*273." for the testing of any fire aparatus and for the purpose ot flush- 20. ing and cleaning gutters whenever the city council shall deem it necessary, and the chief of the fire department shall leave said hydrants in good condition. SEC. 21. The said Fort Worth Water Works Company agrees to commence erecting said water works in ninety days j> A from the passage and approval of this ordinance, and agrees to o".'27;i! complete said works by the first day of February, 1883, and a 21. failure to comply with this section of this ordinance shall render said ordinance and contract null and void. SEC. 22. It shall be unlawful for said Fort Worth Water Works Company to charge or tax any person for water naore ^ A. than the price fixed by the rate in Section 12 of this ordinance, O 273. and upon conviction thereof the said Fort Worth Water Works 2 Company shall be fined in any sum not less than five or more than fifty dollars. 20 1 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WVXTD. SEC. 23. This ordinance when adopted by the city council and approved by the mayor, and accepted within twenty days . by the said Fort Worth Water Works Company in writing, which O.273* said acceptance shall be attached hereto, and made a part here- 2 23 of, shall constitute the contract between the said city and the said Water Works Company. Approved May 27, 1882. Passed May 23, 1882. STATE OF TEXAS, TARRANT COUNTY. To the Maj or and pity Council of the city of Fort Wortn : GENTLEMEN As directed by the stockholders of the Fort Worth Water Works Company, 1 hereby accept the terms and conditions and agreements contained in the ordinance passed by your honorable body on 23d of May, A. D. 1882, for and on be- half ot the Fort Worth Water Works Csmpany, and as that the same be filed as by said ordinance provided. MORGAN JONES, President Fort Worth Water Works Company. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 20> ORDINANCE NO. CLIV. An Ordinance to provide for the acceptance of the Water Works by the city of Fort Worth, Texas. WHEREAS, The Fort Worth Water Works Company have constructed, and in accordance with their contract, completed the water works in accordance with the franchise heretofore granted to said company by the council of the city, being Ordi- nance 273, passed may 23, 1882, and said works haying been tested to the satisfaction of the city council of the city of Fort Worth. Therefore. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth'. SECTION 1. That the water works, as built and completed by the Fort Worth Water Works Company, be, and the same is hereby accepted by the city council of the city of Fort Worth, B. having been constructed in strict compliance with the franchise, and completed within the time specified in the original ordi- nance and the extension heretofore granted said company, and payment of hydrant rentals shall commence from this date. SEC. 5. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. OKDINANCE NO. CLV. An Ordinance Ir4tnictlng the mayor to pnrbhase One Hundred Thousand Dollars worth of the Fort Worth Water W orks Company stock. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That the mayor of said city be hereby author- ized and instructed to purchase one hundred thousand dollars 296 ORD1KASCES OF TEE CITY OF FORT WOXTff. stock of the Fort Worth Water Works Company that amount B- B. being one-half of the entire stock of said company from J. S. a" i/ Drake, at a price not exceeding thirty-two thousand five hun- dred dollars. SEC. 2. That the mayor be instructed to purchase the stock as stated in Section one of this ordinance, and make a contract with the said J. S. Drake to pay ior the same in city bonds. B. B. which said bonds shall be payable in twenty years, and bear in* O. , terest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, payable semi- annually, and, lurther, to contract with said Drake to deliver said bonds within sixty days irom the date hereof. SEC. 3. That this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed July 2, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. CLVI. An Ordinance in regard to carrying deadly weapons. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person to carry O*. 13." a b u t hi s person any pistol, Bowie knife or other deadly or un- 1. lawful weapon while within the corporate limits of this city. B. A. S KC * 2- Any person who shall be guilty of violating the O. 5?. provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined in a 2 * sum not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 3. That this ordinance to be in force and take effect irom and after its publication as required by law. Approved April 10, 1873, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 20T ORDINANCE NO. CLVII. An Orrtlnarcereerulatlng the carrying of weapons and prohibiting tlie carrying of the same concealed. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth'. SECTION 1. Any person carrying concealed on or about his person any pistol, dirk, dagger, slung shot, sword cane, spear, brass knuckles, Bowie knife, or any other kind of knife inanii- i'actured or sold for the purpose of offense or defense, unless h;iviiig or carrying the same on or about his person for the law- ^ A ful defense of the State as a rnalitiaman, in actual service, or as o".164. a peace officer or policeman, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, ! and on conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars. Provided, that this section shall not be so construed as to prohibit any per- son from keeping or bearing arms on his or her own premises, or at his or her own place of business; nor *o prohibit sheriffs or other revenue officer and other civil officer from keeping and bearing J*. A. arms while engaged in the discharge of their official duties nor " j to prohibit persons traveling in this State from keeping or car- rying arms with their baggage. Provided, further, that mem- bers of the legislature shall not be included under the term "civil officer, as used in this ordinance. SEC. 2. That thb ordinance take effect and be in" force from and after its publication as required by law. APPENDIX. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. 211 ORDINANCE NO. CLVIII. An Ordinance repealing 1 all of Ordinance No. 60, except so muc^ thereof as applies to Main street in the city of Fort Worth, Texas. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Port Worth: SECTION 1. That Ordinan No. 60, entitled "An Ordinance B ]} granting certain privileges to the Fort Worth Street Eailway QMS. Company," be, and the same is hereby repealed, except in so far as i- the said ordinance gave said Fort Worth Street Railway Com- pany the right to build, establish, equip and operate a line of railway and Main street. SEC. 2, That this ordinance take effect and be in force from 5'o5" and after its passage. a" 9. ' Filed August 19, 1884. Passed August 19, 1884. STUART HARRISON, City Secretary. Recorded September 6. 1884. STUART HARRISON. City Secretary. Vetoed by his honor. Mayor, August 21, 1884, and vote pas- sing same was reconsidered September 2. 1884, by the city coun- cil, and upon being placed before the council was adopted and passed September 2, 1884, notwithstanding the mayor's veto. STUART HARRISON, City Secretary. ORDINANCE NO. CLIX. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. , granting thp Rosedale street Railway Com- pany right-of-way over cerram strents iu ihe city or Fort Worth. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: SECTION 1 That the Rosedale Street Railway Company is bereby granted the right of-way to build, construct, maintain and operate a line of street railway over, along and through the -^ ^ middle of the following streets to wit : Beginning in the mid- 0.349*. die of Houston street, thence along Sixth street to Throck- 1- morton street, thence along - - Throckmorton street to Hyde Park, thence over Hyde Park to any point on samo, connecting with their line already built on Hyde Park. SEC. 2. That said company may also construct such switches and side-tracts along said line, and turnouts, as may be neces- sary. Provided said company may lay on said line the Johnson or tram rail ; but said track shall, in all other respects, conform to the conditions, plans and specifications mentioned and pre- 812 ORDJNAKCX& OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. scribed in the ordinances heretofore passed granting said com- pany the right-of-way over certain streets of said city. B B SEC. 3. This ordinance is not intended to, nor shall it in any O.349! manner, affect or repeal any rights or privileges heretofore 3. granted said company on Houston street. B. B. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in iorce O.349, from and after its passage. Filed September 2, 1884. Passed September 16, 1884. STUART HARRISON, City Sec'y. Recorded September 23, 1884. STUART HARRISON, Ci 4 y Sec'y. This ordinance not having been approved or disapproved within the three days, as prescribe by the Charter, takes effect the same as if approved. STUART HARRISON, City Sec'y. ORDINANCE NO. CLX. An Ordinance adopting tbe Revised Ordinances of tbe city or Fort Worth, Texas. Be it ordained l>y the City Council of the city of Fort Worth: O*350 SECTION 1. That these Revised Ordinances oi the city ot 1, Fort Worth shall be known and cited as the "Revised Ordi- nances of Fort Worth." B - B SEC. 2. That all ordinances in force when these Revised g" 2 . * Ordinances take effect, and which are not included herein, or which are not hereby expressly continued in force, are hereby repealed. B. B. SEC 3. That no ordinance relating to the city debt or to the O.350. city credit, or to taxation in the city of Fort Worth, shall be af- ected by the repealing clause hereof. B. B. SEC. 4. That the "Revised Ordinances" of the city of Fort O-350. Worth shall take effect and be in force at twelve o'clock noon on October 1, A. D. 1884. O 350 ^ EC * ^* r ^ na t * ms ordinance take effect and be iu force from g 5. and after its passage. Filed 'September 17, 1884. Passed September 17, 1884. Attest: STUART HARRISON, City Sec'j. Approved September 18, 1884. J. B. ASKEW, President pro tern, and acting Mayor. Recorded September 20,1884. STUART HARRISON. City Secretary. INDEX. PAGE. Alleys Opening of, through Peak's block 17 Assault and Battery- Definition of 14 to 15 What does not am't to - 15 Penalty for - - 15 Assessor and Collector 16 Assistant Assessor and Collector Establish- ing office of - 14 Duties of 14 Salary of - 14 Attorney, city Bond of - s 1C Duties of 54 Fees and Salary of - 54 Bail Officers ma}* take when 106 Forfeiture of - !18 to 119 Bonds, official Bonds of Assessor and Col- lector 16 Bond of Treasurer - 16 Bond of Marshal - 16 PAGE. Bond of Secretary - 16 Bond ot City AttV 16 Bond of Engineer - 16 Bonds, City Bonds to J. Kane IT Number,amount and conditions of 18 When payable and how paid - IS to 1!) Bonds for Sewerage, etc. 19 Number and amt's of 19 to ^2 Terms and condi- tions of - 20 to 22 Where ' and when payable 21 to 24 Funds lor paym't of 20-21-23 Buildings When may be pulled down 24 to 25 When may be blown up 63 Butcher May use side walk, how 157 Punishment of for killing, except at INDEX TO ORDINANCES OF TEE CITY OF FORT WORTH. slaughter pen Calaboose Talking to prisoners in Furnishing prisoners in, liquors, etc. Punishment for Special Fund for ex- penses of prisoners Privy of, kept by whom Carriages ( See Hacks Yehickles.) Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Horses and Mules Running at large prohibited Pound keeper for - May be redeemed when Sold, when and how and where Proceeds of sale, how disposed of Punishment for al- lowing to run at l~rge Punishment of per- sons for selling milk from diseased cows Cemetery Designa- tion of Engineer shall sur- vey Lots, how, by whom and for what sold - Strangers and par- ties not owning lots. where buried Sexton shall keep, and duties of Sexton Sexton shall keep re- PAGK. 158 26 26 26 75 127 PAGE. cord of deaths, etc., and report to council 30 Fees of Sexton 31 Conduct therein pro- hibited - 30 to 31 Punishment for vio- lation - 30 to 31 Chief Engineer Fire Department (See Fire Department) Chimneys (See Fire Warden,) (Fire Lim- its) Height of for Mills, etc. 32 26 Shall be repaired, 108 when, and penalty for refusal 32 How and of what built in fire limits 33-3435 27 How in the corpor- ate limits 33 Who shall inspect and when repaired 31 27 to 28 Combustible Matter- Dealers in shall re- port to City sec'y 35 36-37 Penalty for refusal 36 Amount of oil, pow- der etc., that may be kept 36 28 Penalty for violation 36 Cotton Yard Shall not 28 to 29 be near place of fire 37 Carrying fire, etc., into prohibited 37 29 Council City-Commit- tees appointed by 29 mayor 37 to 38 Duties ol committees 38 INDEX TO ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH. ill PAGE. Order of business of 38 Rales of proceedure in - 38 to 39 Time of meeting ot 39 Dead Animals De- posit for dead ani- mals, filth, etc.,place of - 39 to 40 How deposited 40 Penalty for deposit- ing in ditch of an- other 40 Owner of must re- move, and penalty for refusal 41 Diseased Animals Marshal may seize and kill when - 41 to 42 Must be removed by owner, when 41 Stables disinfected, when 42 Penalty for refusal 42 Disorderly Houses (See Theatres.) Dogs Must be kept up, when s - 44 to 45 Must be killed, when 44 to 45 May be impounded, when 43 Must be muzzled, when - 44 to 45 Penalty for violation of ordinance - - 44 to 45 Drummers Must wear badge, and penalty for violation 45 Stopping people on streets, penalty for 45 Penal for interfering PAGE. with passengers - 45 to 46 May be arrested, when 46 Drunkenness ( See Misdemeanors.) Election For city offi- cers, held when 47 Officers of and fees of 48 When,by whom held etc. 47 Returns of - - - 48 Officers of Fire De- partinent,electicn of 56 to 57 Engineer Bond of - 16 Duties of <. - 49 to 51 Is ex-officio members of street committee 50 Fees of 55 Shall issue permits, etc. 51 Maps of city, made by - 163 to 164 Fast Riding and Driv- ingPenalty for - 52 to 53 Penalty for running horse races 52 Penalty for leaving animals in streets un- hitched - - 53 Fees, Salaries, etc. Of Mayor - 53 Of Marshal - 53 to 54 Of Recorder 54 Of Jurors 54 Of Policemen 54 Ot