GIFT OF WAR DEPARTMENT THE ADJUTANT GENERAL^/GTFICE A,' _ TELEGRAPH BATTALIOT SIGNAL CORPS TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT 3 U A *$ IT ' JULY, 1917 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 WAR DEPARTMENT THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE TELEGRAPH BATTALION SIGNAL CORPS TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT JULY, 1917 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 WAR DEPARTMENT, Document No. 617, Office of The Adjutant General. 5 WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, June 21, 1917. ,This manual is published for the information and government of the Army of the United States. [2573551 A. G. O.] BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: TASKER H. BLISS, Major General , Acting Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL : H. P. McCAIN, The Adjutant General. 3 369522 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Property accountability 7 Table 1. Organization of a telegraph battalion 9 Table 2 .- Quartermaster property 10 Table 3. Ordnance property 14 Table 4. Signal property 15 Table 5. Individual equipment 17 Table 6. General notes Assembled equipment and accessories 18 PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY. 1. There shall normally be but one accountable officer for Equip- ment C of each bureau of a telegraph battalion and such officer will account on a separate return for all articles listed in the following tables. He will be known as the battalion supply officer. 2. When different officers serve as supply officers of the different bureaus they will be designated as "battalion quartermaster/' ' 'battalion signal officer/' etc. Should local conditions make it desirable or necessary to have an accounting officer for any detach- ment serving separately from its parent organization, one may be designated for that purpose and the articles of Equipment C that pertain to such detachment will be transferred to the designated accountable officer of the detachment, but as soon as the condi- tions making this separate accountability necessary ceases, the account will be closed by transferring back to the unit supply officer of the parent organization of the accountability for the property which had been carried separately. 3. Companies or detachments will hold on memorandum receipt from the supply officer of the battalion articles of Equipment C prescribed in the following tables as provided in regulations and orders (see Quartermaster Regulations and Paragraph I, General Orders, No. 6, War Department, 1916). 4. Under normal peace conditions organizations will keep their Equipment C as prescribed complete and in serviceable condition. If ordered for field duty, this . full equipment will be taken to the mobilization and concentration points. If ordered on active field duty, where Equipment B and Equipment A not required for actual strength can not be taken, it will be disposed of. by the battalion supply officer as conditions require, by turning it in to a camp supply officer or depot, or by disposing of it as otherwise ordered. The same course will be followed at any time during active field service, should equipment become surplus. 5. The battalion supply officer will obtain replenishment of Equipment C by furnishing the post, camp, division, depot, or other proper supply officer in exchange for articles by either exchange of unserviceable articles worn out through fair wear and tear, or by exchange of a properly approved inventory and inspection report, survey report, statement of charges, certificate of expenditure, or other authorized method. 6. When, in compliance with competent orders, Equipment C has been reduced by any part of it being invoiced by the battalion 7 ' 8 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. supply officer to ai.other accountability, it will be replaced by the battalion supply officer certifying the facts on his requisition. If Equipment C has been increased in any way, above' that prescribed, the supplies, when no longer necessary, will be invoiced to some accountable officer at the first opportunity. 7. Replenishment of Equipment C will habitually be obtained through the battalion supply officer, but no entry of the transac- tion will be made in his account unless necessary. In emergencies an organization commander may obtain replenishment by any of the methods prescribed for the battalion supply officer, but when such action is taken he will promptly report the transaction to the bat- talion supply officer. 8. All garrison equipment and other Government property (includ- ing ammunition for target practice), except Equipment C will be held by organization commanders on memorandum receipt from the post or other supply officers. If ordered to field duty, all articles of the garrison equipment held on memorandum receipt by organi- zations will be turned over to the post supply officer, and none of it will be taken with the organization, except as ma} 7 be specially ordered by the next higher commander. 9. When a battalion is separated from a supply depot and the situation demands a reserve stock on hand, such reserve will be accounted for on the same return and in the same way as Equip- ment C, but so soon as the necessity for carrying this reserve stock ceases, the surplus will be invoiced to the proper accountable officer. The fact of having on hand a reserve will not be authority to issue on memorandum receipt to a company or other smaller organiza- tion any property in excess of its prescribed Equipment C. If articles not listed as part of Equipment C are necessary, they will likewise be carried on the same return, but as soon as a post, depot, or camp supply officer is designated, such property will be invoiced to him. 10. Returns for property for which the battalion supply officer is accountable will be made according to existing regulations and orders. TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. TABLE 1. Telegraph Battalion Signal Corps. Commissioned. Enlisted. Motor trans- portation. 1 o Combat sup- plied by Sig- nal Corps. Organization and fj S ^ duties. ^ M "3 . 0> 4 o E fcf 1 j 2S . 1 1 '2 a I 1 1 1 1 1 US I 4 I $ 1 (S 1 1 I CO f' O I 1 E 1 ! 1 i 2 "3 s I Headquarters 1 i i i 1 2 1 2 1 33 4 5 i 2 6 Supply detachment . 5 1 64 2 Two telegraph compa- nies 7 ? 4 6 4 14 34 4 ? ?4 300 9 26 26 206 Total 1 2 g g 4 15 23 34 4 9 100 97 209 3 28 26 2 01 Attached sanitary troops ~1 5 1 1 1 6 ORGANIZATION OF A TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Master signal electri- cian. Ser- geant, first class. Ser- geant. Corpo- ral. Cook. Horse- shoer. Pri- vate, first class. Pri- vate. Total. Company commander's de- tail: Ju aster signal electricians 2 2 First sergeant 1 j Supply sergeant 1 I Mess sergeant 1 I Mechanics 1 4 5 Clerk 1 1 Blacksmith 1 1 Cooks 2 2- Buglers 2 2 Driver, inspector's car 1 1 Motorcycle drivers, for platoon chiefs . . 2 2 Driver, truck 1 1 Total for company headquarters 2 1 3 2 1 g 20 Telegraph section: Chief of section 1' 1 Chief operator 1 1 Chief lineman . j ] Operators 1 2 3 g Linemen g 1 g Drivers of trucks 3 3 Messengers 2 2 Total for section 2 2 3 12 3 22 Total for 2 sections 4 4 6 24 6 44 Telephone section: Chief of section 1 1 Chief operator 1 1 Chief lineman 1 1 Switchboard operators 3 3 Linemen . 6 1 Drivers of trucks 3 3 Messengers 2 2 Total for section 1 2 3 9 3 1* Total for 2 sections 2 4 6 18 6 3lx Total for a company. . . | 7 11 17 2 1 48 12 100> 1 Battalion adjutant. 2 Acting sergeant major. 3 Orderlies and drivers. 4 Supply officer. 10664217 2 & Supply sergeant. 6 Clerks and drivers. 7 Each company organized into 4 sections: 2 telephone- and 2 telegraph sections. 10 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. TABLE 2. Quartermaster property. Remarks. & I 1 i ' i if i s 1.1 1 \ psl s |=l| sill - S 1111 1 d 1*fl * S Vl I 1l 1 Uni ? | ^'s^ o si li II Equipment- |IOiOOfOOiOOC* COOOrf^v --^ NNi-H iO O C^iOCOC5e< 1 ^^^ _ i: BQ 2 S O^OOC't^-iOiOC* COOO C^^H -iC ; ; fT": : : : 22 s -gg Attached sanitary troop. Equipment d 1 (N ^ -H ^ CO CC PJ -H ^HrH ^ ^ s ' ^^ ccc. |M .;. <~~ coo^ -H : : : : ; -; . . rt fO CO ^^ ^^ & CO CO Battalion head- quarters and sup- ply detail. Equipment- d -O^- 003C-H ^^<^ _ ^ <* r-l 0500 co Jco coos 2 rt C5 H :" : ** :* : : :^ 0:05 CO' JC 5 Equipment d SSa - gr ^ - 88 tf a S3 H cog 1 s " s i sr "riH j 8 - i=j-8| yg 88 ^S S3 i 1.1 j-fiMrl Hiiri Ui," J-;:I : ,Ui M i ittjj-lli J4||j i iy Hi ilSi! i M M M INN 1 .1 I i ts, first class, Signal Is, Medical Departrr Is, Signal Corps 1, Signal Corns... Si : i : i ': ': ': :g \i, si | 1 ST] Officers Enlisted men Aggregate... ' ""' "* **"* ^ ' ' ' 'c S " O fe & ! i fjsy-|||iifci |SI^-|||| |S !II 1 lli| sfis ', -*; J i fi 25 S JQ PQ PQP5O O QCOO TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. 11 1 >> 9- ! I 1 ! 1 5 S 5^ 8 H ^ 1 I if TfO OiOCOOiOiOiOiOOiOOOiOiO^O^OOi H CN?S ScocN?S?3?cNS?S?oN?5co?;i e<ic^c<e^ciesicccNoo<M fo<NC<i' - ^-, i5^< ocM^-n^-ioc^ii-i J-H ^ -H C^ C^ t^- CN O -COCO OO CO CO CO M CO C* CM O CO CD 00 . i 1 ^ *-H CN CN i * -coco <M CO CO CO CO CO co CO 00 CO CO <N _i ec .^HiNio o -O 0000 -05g :::::::::::::: U N : : : :S OCO OOCOOOOOOOt^OOQOO -<N 88 88S8888|||8S|8 . . . . .8 -8 -880 -Sco ' :' ' ' \* ~ oS ooooooooooooocc . '~ . C* ^H -^ ; ; ;:::::: : : ::::::::: :9 : : :3 : : 4 1 liiiili* ii^ii : : : ^ : : : :& :| *>> : : : d **-3-S ' ' i,d ' ' ' * ' ^^ : : . l. fl .s;-^5M a -P^li:- l!^-;-i^s-is-iiflii ii iKa "If! iitll a i jgii OOOOOOKi-^^ccSS^E-i^ -^ aoc/OQ(*i3WWPu l E-!>^ agD-rT-H-^t^'^'cJ ^cooi'2 1 ^ ^re II I 1& 11 li.l. 12 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. 6 I & f <>i 1 Remarks. a '3 I i 1 1 1 Issued as required, \ pint per day for every authorized oil-burning lantern of any type. Winter use. 1 See "Additional camp supplies." V F. S. R. 253 and 302 and additional camp / supplies. When ordered. i See "Additional camp supplies." 2 d i Total for the battalion. Equipment d g O^ioec^, 2 M 2 ss s ^^ ~ co^| o t2 | s p| ^ , | g : : |^ 8 , a < ec ic c ^ c3 11 S ^ - bed sanitary troop. g d PQ : : : :~ fFTl : ~ Battalion head- A t+ an quarters and sup- Auac ply detail. cr M a 1 W d CO CD . . . .^ < . "' * : : : : :::::::: s?a ga e^ : 8 PQ 2SS : (-- |- s - ~ je- - ^ 4 CO j ' ' rt ^ OJ -H iO CO CO i-H | ^^^ .05<NrH rHi-li-l 1 2 Equipment d e5 rt^e^*^^ 8 ^ co 8 ^ ' S 8 T-I ^ i-i ""* S PQ s ^ j - fl - -" ^ " s ' 3 4 -a : r*;:; 8 N 28 :S 82" : : i i i| ! STRENGTH continue Matches, boxes (10 days supply) : : : : : ! i i : itf : i ! i i i i i l : [j II ilMlil ii iiiifi :! ^g-g : : :g : j :g|, : : j r* .1 f i j ,iii '3 '3 d r > i .S "6 "o o * "S 2 s o P--2 J25 ZC C PH PH PH PH PH PH M W aDCCCCaQCO Telegraph battalion, Signal Stencil, plates, sets Sticks, size, shoe Stoves, tent Stovepipe, elbows Stovepipe joints TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. 13 "O -3 o I d ' -: -5 < Nj* 00 i-H t-l r-l ^H <O O N i-H i-H CO p o/-^ i-tco^-s "3 li 3 Sc fei^ f I i 5 U s s %* * -Wa^ ^ o.S er day ks, po out la ing w: For b For b 14 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. TABLE 3. Ordnance property. Articles. Enlisted strength. Remarks. 100 9 6 215 Com- pany. Bat- talion head- quar- ters and sssr At- tached sani- tary troops. Total for bat- talion. EQUIPMENT A. ARMS. (Class VII, sec. 2.) Magazines, pistol, extra 200 100 2,100 18 9 189 418 209 4,389 6 215 215 215 215 215 215 6 215 215 215 215 6 215 215 209 209 6 6 6 2 2 2 3 3 A stencil outfit consists of 1 chest; 1 stencil brush; 1 box of stencil paste; 1 set of let- ters, J inch, A to Z, character "&" and period; 1 set of fig- ures, J inch, to 9, inclusive; 4 end pieces, i inch; 1 set of letters, 1 inch, A to Z, char- acter "&" and period; 1 set of figures, 1 inch, to 9, in- clusive; 4 end pieces, 1 inch. Pistols, caliber .45 (Class VIII, sec. g.) Cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45 PERSONAL EQUIPMENT. ( Class IX, sec. 1.) Belt, web, Hospital Corps 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Cans, bacon 100 100 100 100 100 100 9 9 9 9 9 9 Cans, condiment Canteen, Model 1910 Canteen covers, dismounted, Model 1910 Cups, Model 1910 . Forks Hangers, double web, for canteen Haversacks, Model 1910 100 100 100 100 9 9 9 9 Knives Meat cans Pack carriers Pouches for diagnosis tags and instru- ments. Pouches for first-aid packet 100 100 100 100 9 9 9 9 Spoons (Class IX, sec. 2.) Pistol holsters caliber 45 (Class IX, sec. 3.) Pistol belts, without saber rings ( Class IX, sec. 5.) Ration bags. Cavalry 6 6 6 INTRENCHING TOOLS. (Class X, sec. S.) Hand axes, Infantry Hand ax carriers ORGANIZATION EQUIPMENT. (Class X, sec. 5.) Marking outfit, for stamping leather . . . Marking outfit for stamping metal Stencil outfit . 1 1 1 1 1 ( Class X, sec. 9.) Pistol cleaning kit. 1 1 EQUIPMENT B. ( Class X, sec. 1.) Arm lockers, automatic pistol, cali- ber .45. TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. 15 TABLE 4. Signal property. EQUIPMENT A. Telegraph company. Bat- talion head- quar- ters and supply detach- ment. Total for bat- talion. Remarks. Article. Com- pany head- quar- ters. Tele- graph sec- tions. Tele- phone sec- tions. Total or com- pany. Accessories; motortruck,sets Arresters lightning 1 3 4 4 3 20 4 13 48 16 6 4 16 4 46 164 8 2,000 2,000 70 100 26 96 32 12 8 32 8 92 334 16 4,000 4,000 152 200 2 472 11 120 15 3 3 21 2 32 16 15 800 4,500 2,000 46 248 15 8 4 27 1,000 3,100 1,800 4 16 8 24 2 4 60 4 30 40 28 60 108 96 4 4,100 12 6 6 16 8 4 8 24 For contents, see p. 19. Includes ground rod, cord, and connector. For contents, see p. 20. For contents, see p. 20. For contents, see p. 20. For contents, see p. 20. For contents, see p. 20. For contents, see p. 21. For contents, see p. 21. For contents, see'p. 21. 6 Bags, tool,' service, complete Bars, digging and tamping 1 4 1 15 12 2 1 4 1 8 64 2 Batteries, dry, reserve, No. 6. Batteries, dry, tungsten, type A. Belts, lineman, with safety strap. Blanks, telegraph, receiving Blanks, telegraph, sending. . Books, field message 12 6 2,000 2,000 28 15 25 6 25 12 Brackets, iron, for lance pole Buzzers, service, complete . . Candles, lantern 2 200 40 1 1 1 1 100 1 40 3 1 1 2* 1 12 1 6 1 136 5 40 7 1 1 10 1 16 8 7 400 2,000 1,000 22 124 7 4 2 13 500 1,550 900 2 8 4 12 1 2 30 2 14 20 13 30 48 48 2 2,050 6 Cans, gasoline, 1-gallon Carbide charges Cases, map 1 1 Chests, mechanic's tool. No. 1. Chests, mechanic's tool, No. 2. Chests, packing 2 2 Chests, repair parts, tele- phone. Clamps, splicing 7-inch 4 - 2 1 100 500 4 2 1 100 Climbers and straps Compasses, pocket 3 1 ""566" Cord, sash, No 6 feet Envelopes, field message Envelopes, message 1,000 1,000 6 Flash-lights 6 12 1 1 2 50 1 1 2 Fuses, arrester extra Glasses, field, type D or EE . Grips, Buffalo, with pulley. Heliographs, complete, with tripods. Hydrometers 3 1 2 1 3 150 450 100 1 3 100 325 350 1 Insulators, clamp Insulators, pigtail Insulators, pony, composi- tion. Jack straps Kits, flag, combination. .. Kits, flag, 4-foot 8 2 2 1 Kits, inspector's pocket Kits, repair, motor com- pany. Kits, soldering 3 2 12 Knives, electrician's . . . 6 2 2 Lanterns, acetylene Lanterns, candle 4 2 10 2 10 6 12 1 425 2 2 Marlin, pounds Motorcycles, with side car. . Nails, &-penny, pounds 5 2 5 12 10 2 '"l2 Pencils, lead 12 4 Pliers, 7-inch Plow Poles, lance . . 600 1 Reels, pay-out Rockets, parachute, red . . 6 6 Rockets, parachute, white. Rods, ground, type A, 5-foot. Shovels, long-handled. . . 3 1 1 1 8 4 2 4 12 Sounders, main-line . . 2 Spade, tile-ditching 1 1 Spectacles, smoked, with cases. 12 16 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. TABLE 4. Signal property Continued. EQUIPMENT A Continued. Article. Telegraph company. Bat- talion head- quar- ters and 53- ment. Total for bat- talion. Remarks. Com- pany head- quar- ters. Tele- graph sec- tions. Tele- phone sec- tions. Total for com- pany. Switchboard, telegraph, 2-line. Switchboard, telegraph, 8-line. Switchboard, telephone, camp. Tape friction pounds 1 2 1 2 17 17 6 42 2 1 13 5 17 1,000 4 2 4 34 34 12 84 5 3 26 10 35 2,000 88 68 Includes wristlet. 1 1 5 5 5 5 1 1 3 Tape, rubber, pounds Telegraph induction sets . . Telephones, camp 21 Typewriters field 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 Vehicles: Inspection car, 5-pas- senger, touring. Trucks, motor, special.. Vo 1 tammeters 3 ,1 6 500 21 3 1 1 Watches, wrist. . . 1 Wire: Copper, insulated, 64 mils, feet. Galvanized iron, 81 mils, miles. Twisted pair, copper clad, 45 mils, miles. 17 44 34 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. 17 TABLE 5. Individual equipment. SECTION A. (Service kit, clothing component, and equipment common to all enlisted men.) Article and class. Equipment A. Equip- ment B Field kit worn on person. Field kit carried on person. Surplus kit. Clothing: Belts, waist 1 1 Breeches, service 1 Chevrons, and other sleeve insignia, service (as per Uniform Regula- tions) Cord, ha* 1 1 1 1 Drawers, pair 1 1 G loves, woolen (winter use) Hat and cord, service Laces, shoe, extra, pair 1 Leggins, leather, pair 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shirt, flannel, olive-drab . . . 1 1 2 Shoes, marching, pair Stockings pair 1 Tags, identification . Tape, for identification tags yards Undershirts 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 Toilet articles: Comb . Soap, cake ... Toothbrush Towel, face Quartermaster property: Bars, mosquito single (1 for every 2 men only) Blankets, olive-drab 1 Slicker Tents, shelter, half (mounted) Tents, shelter, nins Tents, shelter, rope, guv Tents, shelter, pole Rations: Emergencv (as ordered) Reserve (see F. S. R ) 2 Medical property: First-aid packet 1 Ordnance property: Cans, bacon 1 1 1 1 Can, condiment Canteen, model 1910 Canteen cover, dismounted, model 1910. . . Cartridges, ball, pistol. . 21 Cups, model 1910 . Forks Haversacks, model 1910 Magazines, pistol, extra 2 Meat cans Pack carrier Pistol, caliber .45 1 1 1 1 Pistol belt, without saber ring . . Pistol holster.... Pouch, for first-aid packet Spoon. .. i SECTION B. (For master signal electricians and chiefs of sections.) In addition to section A: Glass, field, type D or EE . . Kits, inspector's pocket Watches, wrist SECTION C. (For first sergeant.) In addition to section A: Glasses, field type D or EE 1 Watches wrist 1 Other Signal Corps equipment will be carried by members of organization as directed by the organization commander. GENERAL NOTES. TABLE 6. Assembled equipment and accessories. QUARTERMASTER PROPERTY. Chest, commissary, with equipment: 2 blades, meat saw, 22-inch. 1 bolt, stove. 1 brace, carpenter's. 2 candlesticks, galvanized iron, spiked bottom and sides. 1 cleaver, 8-inch. 2 drills, twist. 2 faucets, wood, 8-inch. 1 funnel, quart. 1 hammer, claw and helve. 6 hooks, meat, for racks. 1 iron, soldering. / 1 knife, butcher, 8-inch. 1 knife, butcher, 10-inch. 1 measure, liquid, quart. 6 needles, packing. 1 opener, box. 3 openers, can. 3 pencils, lumber. 1 plier, combination. \ rosin, pound. 1 saw, hand, crosscut. 1 saw, meat, 22-inch. 1 scale, beam. 1 scale, spring balance. 1 scoop, large. 1 scoop, small. 1 scraper, box. 1 screw driver. 1 shears, tinner's. 8 sheets, steel, 12 by 12 inches. 1 solder, prepared, pound. 1 steel, butcher's. 1 scale beam. 1 tap, borer. Cooking utensils, march kit (see notes on page 10): 1 cake turner. 1 cleaver, meat. 1 flour sieve. 1 fork, meat, large. 1 knife, meat, large. 18 Cooking utensils, march kit Continued. 1 ladle, soup. 1 fire irons, sets. 4 kettles, camp. 4 pans, bake. 2 pans, dish. Desks, field, small: A fie'.d desk when packed must not exceed 35 pounds in weight. The contents include records, manuals, blanks, and stationery. The stationery for a single desk should not exceed the following, which is prescribed as an allowance for 30 days. This allow- ance applies also to each field desk not furnished by Quartermaster Corps. 1 bands, rubber, No. 18, gross. 4 blocks, memo, or scratch pad, for pencil. 2 books, duplicating, letter size. 200 envelopes, official. 1 eraser, rubber, ink and pencil. 1 eraser, rubber, typewriter. 1 eraser, steel. 1 fasteners, paper, box. 1 file, office, General Order. 1 file, office, Special Orders. 1 ink, black, tablets, can. 1 ink, red, tablets, can. 1 mucilage (or paste), bottle or tube. 6 paper, blotting, 4 by 9$ inches, sheets. 2 paper, blotting, 12 by 19 inches, sheets. 25 paper, carbon, letter size, sheets. 5 paper, letter, typewriter, quires. 4 pencils, indelible. 2 pencils, lead. 2 pencils, colored (blue and red). 4 penholders. 24 pens, steel. 1 pins, office, cone. 2 ribbons, typewriter, record. 1 ruler, office, 12-inch. 1 shears, office. TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. 19 Desks, field, small Continued. 1 tape, office, spool. 1 twine, wrapping, ball. 3 wax, sealing, ounces. Ranges, field, complete, No. 1: 1 field range (1 body, No. 41 and 1 boiling plate, No. 42). 1 Alamo attachment (2 pieces, 42a and 42b). 6 boilers, Nos. 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, and 54. 1 cleaver, 6-inch. 1 dipper, ^-gallon, No. 55. 1 dipper, quart, No. 56. 2 forks, small. 1 grinder, meat. 1 guard, tent, 6 inches. 3 knives, butcher, 8-inch. 2 pans, bake, No. 52. 1 pipe, smoke, elbow, No. 47. 4 pipes, smoke, joints, Nos. 43, 44, 45, and 46. 4 rests, pan, No. 57. 1 saw, meat, 15-inch blade. 1 skimmer, large. 2 spoons, large. 1 steel, butcher's, 10-inch. Ranges, field, complete, No. 2: 1 field range (1 body, No. 61, and 1 boiling plate, No. 62). 2 boilers, Nos. 50 and 51. 1 dipper, ^-gallon, No. 55. 2 forks, meat, small. 1 guard, tent. 2 knives, butcher, 8-inch. 2 pans, bake, No. 52. 1 pipe, smoke, elbow, No. 67. Ranges, field, complete, No. 2 Contd. 4 pipe, smoke, joints, Nos. 63, 64, 65, and 66. 2 rests, pan, No. 57. 1 saw, meat, 15-inch blade. 1 skimmer, small. 2 spoons, small. 1 steel, butcher's, 10-inch, Stencil plates, set: 2 full alphabets, Roman capitals (in- cluding usual mark for "&"). 2 series of numbers from to 9. 1 cake of marking paste in tin box. 1 sponge. 1 stencil brush. (1 set of numbers and letters is 1 inch high, the other i inch. These plates are issued in tin boxes with hinged lids.) Fuel allowance: Fuel is obtained as needed, which, on the march, will ordinarily be from day to day. It is not, therefore, prescribed as baggage. The amounts of fuel shown in the tables of allowances are based on requirements for average conditions. In certain instances the full allowances given will be in excess of actual requirements, in which case only such quantities as are actually required will be issued. Where conditions require the issue of allowances in excess of that shown, authority must be obtained from the de- partment commander or commanding general in the field. The prescription in the foregoing tables to the effect that the allowances of fuel for heating purposes will be fixed by the com- manding general (or division commander) contemplates that the organizations are integral parts of a division on the march or in camp. Under other circumstances, the allowances for heating purposes should be fixed by the commanding officer. Pistol-cleaning kit: 1 cleaning box with packing box. 10 cleaning rods. 10 throng brushes. ORDNANCE PROPERTY. Pistol-cleaning kit Continued. 10 screw drivers. 1 oil can. 1 grease pot. SIGNAL PROPERTY. Accessories, motor truck sets: 1 axe, with helve. 1 bucket, galvanized iron. 1 can cup grease, 2 pounds. 1 chains, antiskid set. 1 extinguisher, fire, with hanger. 1 pick, with handle. 3 ropes, lash, i inch, 75 feet long. Accessories, motor truck sets Contd. 1 spade. 1 sheet, wagon size, for truck. Bags, tool, service, complete: 1 bit, Irwin, auger, each of the fol- lowing sizes i-inch. f-inch. 20 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. Bags, tool, service, complete Contd. 1 bit, Irwin, auger, each of the fol- lowing sizes Continued. i-inch. f-inch. 1-inch. 1 brace, ratchet, 8-inch throw. 1 chisel, cold, -inch. 1 chisel, wood, -inch socket blade, iron, ring-topped handle. 1 hammer, claw, 16-ounce. 1 handle, with tools. 1 indicator, polarity. 1 knife, jack. 1 level, pocket, spirit, 3-inch. 1 plane, block, 6-inch. 1 pliers, pair, 6-inch, side cutting. 1 pliers, pair, 8-inch, side cutting. 1 rule, 4-foot, folding, boxwood, 8 parts. 1 saw, back, 10-inch. 1 screw driver, 6-inch. 1 screw driver, 10-inch. 1 solder, resin core, pound. 1 try-square, steel, 4-inch blade. 1 wrench, monkey, 6-inch. 1 wrench, socket, for telephone appa- ratus, 4-inch. Chests, repair parts for telephone: 5 beeswax, pounds. 100 carbon, pairs, protector, switch- board. 20 cells, dry, reserve, No. 6. 10 condensers, 2 M. F. 50 cords, for camp telephones. 25 cords, switchboard, 2 conductors without plugs, pairs. 6 cords, transmitter, switchboard 72 inch pin terminal. 6 cords, receivers, switchboard, 2 con- ductors, 72-inch. 10 cords, hand set, 3 conductors. 5 diaphragm, transmitter camp phone 2 ear caps, operator's, receiving. 10 emery cloth, 00 sheets. 2 hand sets, camp phone. 50 heat coils. 5 induction coils, camp phone. 50 mica, for distributing frame, 1 ampere. 4 mouthpieces, transmitter, switch- board. 5 paraffin, pounds. 4 plugs, switchboard, No. 47-A. Chests, repair parts for telephone Con. 1 receiver switchboard, S. H. 1 transmitter, switchboard, Western Electric. $ wire, fuse, ^ ampere, pounds. 1 wire, switchboard No. 22, pounds. Chests, tool, mechanic's, No. 1, complete: 2 blades, hack saw, 12-inch, dozen. 1 can, oil, bicycle or pocket type, 2 inches diameter, inch thick, curved spout, with screw cap. 1 chisel, cold, -inch, 6 inches long. 1 drill, hand. 1 drill, twist, set of 60, straight shank, Nos. 1 to 60. 4 files, 4-inch, round. 4 files, 4-inch, square. 6 files, 6-inch, round. 6 files, 8-inch, flat, bastard. 1 file cleaner. 1 frame, hack saw. 1 grinder, hand, 1 by 5 inches, car- borundum wheel. 1 hammer, riveting, 4-ounce, cast steel. 1 handle, file, malleable iron. 1 iron, soldering, |-pound. 1 iron, soldering, 1^-pound. 1 oilstone, mounted, 8-inch, soft. 1 pliers, diagonal, 6-inch. 1 pliers, long nose, 5t-inch. 1 pliers, side cutting, 6-inch. 2 punches, center, straight shank. 1 screw driver, machinist's, swivel head, 5-inch, -^-inch blade, -rg- inch handle. 1 screw driver, set. 1 screw plate, set. 1 shears, metal. 1 square, combination, 6-inch blade, without center head. 1 torch, gasoline. 1 vise, adjustable jaw, swivel base, 2-inch jaws, open 2 inches. Chests, tool, mechanic's, No. 2, com- plete: 1 bits, set of 14 thirteen to 1 inch by T V inch; 1 bit, expansive, | to 3 inches. 1 brace, 10-inch. 1 calipers, pair, 4-inch. 1 chisel, set of 5 If-inch, li-inch, 3-inch, f-inch, |-inch. 1 dividers, pair, 6-inch. TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. 21 Chests, tool, media ic's, No. 2, com- plete Continued. 1 drill, twist, bit, stock, set of 9 3 each of & inch, -& inch, and inch diameter. 1 file cleaner. 1 file holder. 1 files, set of 14 three 8-inch, half round, smooth; three 8-inch, half round, bastard; two 8-inch, flat, bastard; six 6-inch, saw files. 1 hammer, claw. 1 hammer, riveting, 8-ounce. 1 hatchet, half, with handle. 1 knife, draw, 8-inch, folding type. 1 nail puller. 1 oilstone, 5-inch, mounted. 1 plane, block, If-inch bit. 1 plane, jack, 2-inch bit. 1 rule. 1 saw, hand, 10-point, 26-inch. 1 saw, rip, 6-point, 28-inch. 1 saw, set. 1 screw driver, 5-inch. 1 screw driver, 7-inch. 1 screw plate, set. 1 square, 24-inch (short end cut to 14 inches). 1 tape, steel, 100-foot. 1 wrench, monkey, 6-inch. 1 wrench, monkey, 15-inch. 1 wrench, 14-inch. Kit, flag, combination, standard: 1 case, canvas, combination. 1 staff, 2-foot, flag (3 joints). 1 flag, 2-foot, red. 1 flag, 2-foot, white. 2 staffs, semaphore. 2 flags, semaphore. Kit, flag, 4-foot: 1 case, canvas, 4-foot. 1 staff, 4-foot, flag (3 joints). 1 flag, 4-foot, red. 1 flag, 4-foot, white. Kit, inspector's pocket: 1 case, leather. 1 file, 3-inch, half round, bastard. 1 knife, electrician's. 1 pliers, 5-inch, side cutting, nick- eled. \ rule, 2-foot. 1 scissors, electrician's. Best quality. Kit, inspector's pocket Continued. 1 screw driver. 1 tweezer. Kits, repair, motor company: 1 block and tackle, made of 1-inch manila rope 300 feet, No. 100 and No. 200 steel. 2 boxes bolts, stove, assorted, stand- ard quality. 1 calipers, adjustable, inside, 6-inch, Starrett's No. 275 or equal. 1 calipers, adjustable, outside, 6- inch, Starretts No. 274 or equal. 1 chisel, cold, octagon,' 1 by 8 inches. 1 chisel, cold, octagon, | by 7 inches. 1 chisel, cold, octagon, f by 5 inches. 1 chisel, cold, octagon, | by 6 1 inches. 1 chisel, cape, octagon, f-inch. 1 chisel, cape, octagon, -inch. 1 chisel, cape, round nose, J-inch. 3 clamps, mechanics, sizes 3, 4, 6, swivel head. 1 box compound, grinding, valve, coarse and fine, Clover Leaf. 12 sheets cloth, emery, assorted, NOB. 0, 1, 2, Diamond Edge. 3 drifts, brass, 1-8 inches, 1-10 inches, standard quality. 1 drill, breast, 2-speed, with adjust- able 3-jaw chuck for straight shank drill No. 555. 1 set drills, straight shank, Morse, -3^ to ^ inch, by thirty-seconds, or equal. 3 extractors, cotter pin, No. 237, Shapleigh Hardware Co. or equal. 1 gauge, thickness 0.004 to 0.025, - Starrett's No. 72. 1 gauge, thread, Starretts No. 476. 1 hammer, copper, 3 pounds. 1 hammer, ball pein, polished, 1- pound, with two extra handles with wedges, best quality. 1 hammer, ball pein, polished, 4- pound, with one extra handle with wedges, best quality. 1 hatchet, bread, bench, gun metal, 5-pound, with handle, No. DB3. 22 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION AND EQUIPMENT. Kits, repair, motor company Continued. 1 jack, 10-ton, double-acting, 13-inch raise, approximately, Barretts No. 2 or equal. 1 quart oil, neat's-foot. 1 lamp, trouble, 6-volt, 6 candle- power bulb, with 25 feet of wire with attachment clips for con- necting to storage battery. 1 punch, center, f| 1 punch, solid, flBest quality. 1 punch, solid, fj 1 box pins, cotter, assorted. 1 box pins, 3 by -fo by 1 inch. 1 box pins, rff by 1 inch. 1 box rivets and burs, copper, as- sorted, to J, No. CP10, in 1- pound boxes. 1 rule, steel, spring tempered, 6 by f inch, Starrett's or equal. 1 set reamers, taper, sizes, in hard- wood case, Nos. 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Standard. 1 set reamers, expansion, J to 1 inch, No. 128D, carbon steel, Standard. 1 screw driver, Perfect handle, 12- inch . 1 screw driver, offset, 6-inch. 1 set scraper bearings, 3 in each set, large, small, medium. 1 set scraper carbon, set No. 55, in box, Gibson Co. 1 screw driver, offset, 8-inch. Screws, cap, hexagon head, as fol- lows ( same thread as used by manu- facturers) : 5 each by \ inch. \ by \\ inches, \ by 2 inches. 5 each ^ by f inch, ^ by 1 inch, ^ by \\ inches, & by 2 inches. Kits, repair, motor company Continued. Screws, cap, hexagon head, as fol- lows Continued. 5 each f by f inch, f by l{ inches, f by 2 inches. 5 each ^ by | inch, & by 1 inches, -^ by 1 inches, -^ by If inches, & by 2-fa inches. 5 each \ by \ inch, \ by 2 inches, \ by 2 inches, by 3 inches. 5 each f by \\ inches, f by 2 inches, \ by 2 inches, f by 3 inches. 5 each by \\ inches, $ by 2 inches, 1 by 3 inches. 1 quart shellac. 1 box shim stock. 1 set taps and screw plates, spe- cial, for make of trucks in company. 1 valve lifter, Vicheks. 1 set wrenches, socket, Mossberg, No. 34, with drilling attachment to hold straight. 1 set wrenches, adjustable, Crescent, 4, 6, 8, 10, in tool roll, best quality. 5 wrenches, Stillson, 6, 8, 10, 14, 24, in tool roll. 1 box washers, lock, assorted. 1 spool, wire, copper, 1 each Nos. 16 and 20, \ pound. Kit, soldering: 1 blow torch, pint size. 1 soldering copper, -pound, with handle. 4 sheets of sandpaper, No. 1. 2 spools resin core solder, 5 pounds each. 1 oak containing case. 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