HIRTIETH CONTINENTAL CONGRESS California egional acility JS\(MiH)rial ( W<' is hi no ton, 1921 Hall UCSB LIBRARY "Programme THIRTIETH CONTINENTAL CONGRESS NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION MONDAY, APRIL EIGHTEENTH THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL TWENTY-THIRD NINETEEN TWENTY- ONE MEMORIAL CONTINENTAL HALL WASHINGTON, D. C. The Flag Salute I pledge allegiance to my Flag, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The American's Creed I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed ; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sov- ereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; estab- lished upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it ; to support its Constitution ; to obey its laws ; to respect its flag and to defend it against all enemies. Authorized Version. General Information 1. Article XIII, of the By-Laws of the National Society, viz. that the insignia "shall be worn only on the left breast," must be complied with. 2. Roll call will be answered by State Regents for their delega- tions. 3. All motions must be made in writing, signed by the mover and by one or more persons seconding the motion. 4. The mover is requested to rise, announce her name and State, and send her written motion to the Recording Secretary General. 5. Robert's Rules of Order Revised is the accepted authority on parliamentary law. 6. Reports of Standing and Special Committees will have a definite time limit, which will be rigidly adhered to. 7. There will be elected the Registrar General to fill unexpired term; eight Vice-Presidents General, one of whom is to fill unexpired term. 8. Reports and material for the Proceedings and Minutes of the Congress must be typewritten in shape for the printer before they are handed in, and all such material must be sent to the table of the Recording Secretary General before the close of Congress. 9. State Regents will be given five minutes in which to pre- sent to Congress the most important work of the State for the year, and they are requested to hand at the same time to the Recording Secretary General a concise and complete typewritten report of their State work for the Proceedings. 10. Public presentation of personal gifts, other than gifts to the National Society, will not be permitted during any session of Con- gress. 11. All State delegations can hold meetings if they desire to do so, but, in order to comply with the Constitution and By-Laws, those States which do not have State Conferences must hold a meeting in Washington to elect their State Regent and State Vice-Regent. 12. Notices will be read at the close of each session. Programme , <^April 1 8, I $21 fO.JO o clock a.m. Bugle Call: MR. ARTHUR S. WITCOMB United States Marine Band Entrance of Pages escorting the President General and National Officers. Thirtieth Continental Congress called to order by the President General: MRS. GEORGE MAYNARD MINOR Scripture and Prayer: MRS. SELDEN P. SPENCER The Chaplain General Salute to the Flag: Miss ANNIE WALLACE The American's Creed: MR. WILLIAM TYLER PAGE Music: "America, the Beautiful" THE AUDIENCE (To tune of "Oh, Mother, dear Jerusalem") Greetings and Address to the Congress: MRS. GEORGE MAYNARD MINOR, The President General Music: Connecticut State Song: The audience will join in the chorus Greetings from Honorary President General: MRS. GEORGE THAQ*IER GUERNS ,,- dd TT RS. HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON Report of Committee on Credentials: MRS. LIVINGSTON L. HUNTER, Chairman Roll Call: Report of Committee on Programme: MRS. DELOS A. BLODGETT, Chairman Report on Standing Rules. MRS. HENRY B. JOY, Chairman, Resolutions Committee Recess for luncheon, 12.30 o'clock p.m. 5 , 2 o'clock, p.m. Bugle Call. Entrance of Pages. Announcement of Resolutions Committee. Reports of the National Officers: The President General MRS. GEORGE MAYNARD MINOR The Chaplain General MRS. SELDEN P. SPENCER The Recording Secretary General MRS. JOHN FRANCIS YAWGER The Corresponding Secretary General MRS. A. MARSHALL ELLIOTT The Organizing Secretary General MRS. G. WALLACE W. HANGER The Registrar General Miss EMMA T. STRIDER The Treasurer General MRS. LIVINGSTON L. HUNTER followed by Report of Finance Committee MRS. GEORGE W. WHITE, Chairman Report of Auditing Committee Miss JENN WINSLOW COLTRANE, Chairman The Historian General (Incorporating Report of Committee on Historical Research and Preserva- tion of Records.) Miss JENN WINSLOW COLTRANE The Reporter General to the Smithsonian Institution. Miss LILLIAN M. WILSON The Librarian General (Incorporating Report of Committee on Memorial Continental Hall Li- brary.) MRS. FRANK DEXTER ELLISON The Curator General (Incorporating Report of Committee on Revolutionary Relics for Memorial Continental Hall.) MRS. GEORGE W. WHITE 6 ^ 8.30 o'clock p.m. From 8.00 to 8.30 the Marine Band will play the following selections : Overture: "Mignon" Thomas March: "Thomas Jefferson" Santelmann Intermezzo: "Spring Blossoms" Hersom Selection: "Apple Blossoms" Kreisler Bugle Call. Entrance of Pages escorting the President General. "My Own United States" The Marine Band Edward WILLIAM H. SANTELMANN, Leader Invocation: REV. WALLACE RADCLIFFE, D.D. Music: Giunse alfin (Nozze di Figaro) Mozart Aria (Flauto Magico) Mozart Aria, della Follia (Lucia) Donizetti MRS. TRYPHOSA BATES-BATCH ELLER Flute obligato by Mr. Henry Yeager Accompanist Anton Gloetzner Address: SIR AUCKLAND C. GEDDES, Ambassador from England Music: T JEAN J - LABAT Address: MR. J. J. JUSSERAND, Ambassador from France "Star Spangled Banner" THE MARINE BAND J ^/MjtfCCfrvMl^A Benediction : REV. WALLACE RADCLIFFE, D.D. "National Emblem" Bay ley THE MARINE BAND Tuesday ', ^April IO o clock a-m. Bugle Call. Entrance of Pages. Congress called to order: THE PRESIDENT GENERAL Invocation: REV. JAMES E. FREEMAN, D.D. Reading of the Minutes: THE RECORDING SECRETARY GENERAL Report of Resolutions Committee: MRS. HENRY B. JOY, Chairman Reports of Committees: Pilgrim Memorial Fountain and Painting for War Museum in France : THE PRESIDENT GENERAL, Chairman Preservation of Historic Spots: MRS. JAMES T. MORRIS, Chairman National Old Trails Road: MRS. WILLIAM H. TALBOTT, Chairman Correct Use of the Flag: Miss ANNIE WALLACE, Chairman Liquidation and Endowment Fund: MRS. WILLIARD T. BLOCK, Chairman Philippine Scholarship Endowment Fund: MRS. CAROLINE E. McW. HOLT, Chairman Reciprocity : MRS. WILFORD G. CHAPMAN, Chairman Insignia: MRS. WILLIAM C. BOYLE, Chairman Real Daughters: MRS. J. MORGAN SMITH, Chairman Recess for luncheon, 12:30 o'clock p.m. Tuesday ^Afternoon There will be no session of Congress Tuesday afternoon, the time being reserved for the meetings of State delegations and National Committees. Tuesday Cvening, T{eception 8.30 The President General and National Officers will receive the mem- bers of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revo- lution, in Memorial Continental Hall. YVlU TV- Orchestra: MEYER DAVIS, Leader / In honor of the Pages of the Congress a Reception and Dance has been arranged by the Abigail Hartman Rice Chapter, of the District of Columbia, to be held at Rauscher's. Hours from 8.30 to 12.00 o'clock. Wednesday ) ^4pril 20 -, 1921 IO o clock a.m. Bugle Call. Entrance of Pages. Congress called to order: THE PRESIDENT GENERAL Scripture and Prayer: THE CHAPLAIN GENERAL Reading of the Minutes THE RECORDING SECRETARY GENERAL Report of Resolutions Committee: MRS. HENRY B. JOY, Chairman Reports of Committees continued: Report of the Editor of the Magazine Miss NATALIE SUMNER LINCOLN Magazine: MRS. CHARLES H. BISSELL, Chairman Conservation and Thrift: MRS. CASSIUS C. COTTLE, Chairman Patriotic Lectures and Lantern Slides MRS. BERTHA M. ROBBINS, Chairman Legislation in U. S. Congress: MRS. ALICE BRADFORD WILES, Chairman International Relations: MRS. PHILIP NORTH MOORE, Chairman Transportation: MRS. A. J. BROSSEAU, Chairman Recess for luncheon 12.30 o'clock p.m. 10 Wednesday, 2 o'clock p.m. Bugle Call. Entrance of Pages. Reports of Committees continued: Patriotic Education and Americanization MRS. EDWARD LANSING HARRIS, Chairman incorporating reports of Vice Chairmen in charge of Schools and Colleges Manual for Immigrants Girl Home-makers Children and Sons of the Republic Americanization Tamassee D. A. R. School: MRS. FRED H. H. CALHOUN International College: MR. C. S. McGowN Berry Schools: Miss MARTHA BERRY Maryville College: Miss CLEMMIE HENRY Reports of State Regents with State gifts from: New Jersey, Minnesota, Kansas, North Carolina, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Oregon, Alabama, Connecticut. 11 Wednesday, 8 d clock p.m. Bugle Call. Entrance of Pages, escorting the President General. Invocation: REV. H. F. RANDOLPH, D.D. Reports of State Regents with State gifts from: Hawaii, Okla- homa, Orient, Texas, Colorado. Address: MRS. MARY W. ROE Songs : (a) Invocation to the Sun-God (harmonized and translated Zuni song) Troyer (b) Lovers Proposal (Zuni tune) Troyer (c) By the Waters of Minnetonka (Cheyenne melody) Lieurance (d) O Golden Sun Freebey (e) From the Land of the Sky-Blue Water (Omaha) Cadman (f ) (Aria) Canoe Song Cadman (From the Opera Shanewis) Indian Prima Donna, PRINCESS TSIANINA Address: Miss ALICE M. ROBERTSON Address: COL. F. W. GALBRAITH, JR. "Ave Maria" Gounod "The Prayer," La Tosca Puccini Miss EUGENIE E. GOLDSMITH 12 Thursday, zApril 21, IQ2I IO o clock, a.m. Bugle Call. Entrance of Pages. Congress called to order: THE PRESIDENT GENERAL Scripture and Prayer: THE CHAPLAIN GENERAL Reading of the Minutes: THE RECORDING SECRETARY GENERAL Children of the American Revolution : MRS. FRANK W. MONDELL, President General, National Society, Children of the American Revolution Report of Resolutions Committee: MRS. HENRY B. JOY, Chairman Reports of State Regents with State gifts from: Tennessee, Nebraska, North Dakota, Massachusetts, California. Amendments : Recess for luncheon, 12.30 o'clock p.m. 13 Thursday, 2 o'clock p>m. Bugle Call. Entrance of Pages. Reports of State Regents with State gifts from: Ohio, Utah, New York. Reports of Committees continued: Office Building: MRS. GEORGE THACHER GUERNSEY, Chairman Virginia, Cuba, Missouri, West Virginia, Kentucky, Florida, Arizona, Indiana, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Washington, Arkansas. Reception by the President and Mrs. Harding at the White House, at 3.30 o'clock p.m. 14 Thursday, 8 o clock p.m. Bugle Call. Entrance of Pages, escorting the President General. Invocation: MONSIGNOR THOMAS S. LEE Music: Reports of State Regents with State gifts from: South Dakota, Wyoming, Maryland, New Hampshire, Idaho. Greetings: DR. L. S. ROWE, Director General, Pan American Union. Selection: Miss MINNA NIEMANN Address : "Is America Anglo-Saxon ?" DR. CHARLES A. EATON Music: Nominations : Registrar General to fill unexpired term; Eight Vice-Presidents General, one of whom is to fill unex- pired term. Confirmation of newly elected State Regents and State Vice Regents. 15 Friday, zApril 22, IO o clock a.m. Bugle Call. Entrance of Pages. Congress called to order: THE PRESIDENT GENERAL Invocation : REV. CHARLES WOOD, D.D. Report of Credential Committee: MRS. LIVINGSTON L. HUNTER, Chairman Voting for National Officers: Reading of the Minutes: THE RECORDING SECRETARY GENERAL Report of Resolutions Committee: MRS. HENRY B. JOY, Chairman New Business. Recess for luncheon 12.30 o'clock p.m. 16 Friday, 2 o'clock p.m. Bugle Call. Entrance of Pages. Reports of State Regents with State gifts from: Vermont, Montana, New Mexico, Mississippi, South Carolina, District of Columbia, Delaware, Maine, Rhode Island. New Business. Report of the Tellers: MRS. CHARLES H. BISSELL, Chairman 17 Friday, 8.1$ o clock p.m. Bugle Call. Historic Evening Living Pictures of Representative Historic Women; in charge of The Historian General, Miss JENN WINSLOW COLTRANE Music: Prince Michael Gagarine, Basso Mrs. Noble Newport Potts, Soprano Mrs. Melville D. Lindsay, Mezzo-Soprano Mrs. Francis M. Shore, Contralto Mr. Frederick W. Sheick, Tenor Mr. Edward Stitt, Violin 18 Saturday^ IO tf clock a.m. Bugle Call. Entrance of Pages. Congress called to order: THE PRESIDENT GENERAL Invocation: BISHOP WILLIAM F. McDowELL Reading of the Minutes: THE RECORDING SECRETARY GENERAL Report of Resolutions Committee: MRS. HENRY B. JOY, Chairman New Business. Recess for luncheon, 12.30 o'clock p.m. 19 Saturday, 2 o clock p.m. Bugle Call. Entrance of Pages. Report of Resolutions Committee: MRS. HENRY B. JOY, Chairman Unfinished Business. Installation of New Officers. 20 National Board of Management 1920-192 i President General MRS. GEORGE MAYNARD MINOR Vice-Presidents General (Term of office expires 1921) MRS. WILLIAM N. REYNOLDS MRS. ANDREW FULLER Fox MRS. FRANK B. HALL Miss STELLA PICKETT HARDY MRS. CHARLES H. AULL MRS. BENJAMIN LADD PURCELL MRS. WILLIAM A. GUTHRIE (Term of office expires 1922) MRS. WILLIAM H. WAIT MRS. WILLIAM D. SHERRERD MRS. ISAAC LEE PATTERSON MRS. JAMES LOWRY SMITH MRS. FRANK W. BAHNSEN Miss LOUISE H. COBURN (Term of office expires 1923) MRS. CASSIUS C. COTTLE MRS. CHARLES S. WHITMAN MRS. EDWARD LANSING HARRIS MRS. HENRY MCCLEARY MRS. JAMES T. MORRIS MRS. ANTHONY WAYNE COOK MRS. EDWARD P. SCHOENTGEN Chaplain General MRS. SELDEN P. SPENCER Recording Secretary General Corresponding Secretary General MRS. JOHN FRANCIS YAWGER MRS. A. MARSHALL ELLIOTT Organizing Secretary General Registrar General MRS. G. WALLACE W. HANGER Miss EMMA T. STRIDER Treasurer General Historian General MRS. LIVINGSTON L. HUNTER Miss JENN WINSLOW COLTRANE Reporter General to the Smithsonian Institution Miss LILLIAN M. WILSON Librarian General Curator General MRS. FRANK D. ELLISON MRS. GEORGE W. WHITE 21 Honorary Officers Elected for Life Honorary Presidents General MRS. JOHN W. FOSTER MRS. MATTHEW T. SCOTT MRS. DANIEL MANNING MRS. WILLIAM CUMMING STORY MRS. GEORGE THACHER GUERNSEY Honorary President Presiding MRS. MARY V. E. CABELL Honorary Chaplain General MRS. MARY S. LOCKWOOD Honorary Vice-Presidents General MRS. A. HOWARD CLARK, 1895 MRS. J. MORGAN SMITH, 1911 MRS. MILDRED S. MATHES, 1899 MRS. THEODORE C. BATES, 1913 MRS. MARY S. LOCKWOOD, 1905 MRS. F. GAYLORD PUTNAM, 1913 MRS. WILLIAM LINDSAY, 1906 MRS. WALLACE DELAFIELD, 1914 MRS. HELEN M. BOYNTON, 1906 MRS. DRAYTON W. BUSHNELL, 1914 MRS. SARA T. KINNEY 1910 MRS. JOHN NEWMAN CAREY, 1916 MRS. GEORGE M. STERNBERG, 1917 22 State Regents and State Vice Regents IQ2O-I02 I ' s\ s~\ t3-$ Y&. ALABAMA MRS. ROBERT H. PEARSON MRS. GREGORY L. SMITH ARIZONA MRS. HOVAL A. SMITH MRS. GEORGE W. VICKERS ARKANSAS MRS. CLARENCE E. WOODWARD MRS. ALEXANDER M. BARROW CALIFORNIA MRS. OSWALD H. HARSHBARGER MRS. LYMAN B. STOOKEY COLORADO MRS. WILLIAM H. R. STOTE MRS. HERBERT HAYDEN r- DUEL CONNECTICUT MRS. JOHN LAIDLAW MRS. CHARLES H. BISSELL DELAWARE MRS. S. M. COUNCIL MRS. JOHN W. CLIFTON DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MRS. FRANCIS A. ST. CLAIR ^ MRS. WILLIAM B. HARDY L / FLORIDA MRS. EVEREST G. SEWELL MRS. J. A. CRAIG GEORGIA MRS. MAX E. LAND MRS. WILLIAM C. VEREEN HAWAII MRS. HERMAN HUGO IDAHO MRS. ROBERT C. HUDELSON MRS. KENNEDY PACKARD ILLINOIS MRS. H. EUGENE CHUBBUCK MRS. FRANK O. LOWD EN- INDIANA MRS. FRANK FELTER \ i . MRS. OTTO ROTT IOWA MRS. FREDERICK ERNEST FRISBEE Miss AMY E. GILBERT KANSAS Miss CATHERINE CAMPBELL MRS. WILLIAM H. SIMONTON KENTUCKY MRS. J. M. ARNOLD MRS. GEORGE BAKER LOUISIANA MRS. JOSEPH KERR WALKER MRS. GRAHAM SURGHNOR MAINE MRS. LUCY WOODHULL HAZLETT Miss MAUDE E. MERRICK MARYLAND MRS. ADAM DENMEAD MRS. REX CORBIN MAUPIN MASSACHUSETTS MRS. FRANKLIN P. SHUMWAY MRS. GEORGE MINOT BAKER MICHIGAN Miss ALICE LOUISE MCDUFFEE MRS. L. VICTOR SEYDEL MINNESOTA MRS. MARSHALL H. COOLIDGE MRS. A. E. WALKER MISSISSIPPI MRS. JAMES HARPER WYNN MRS. CHARLTON HENRY ALEXANDER 23 3.* MISSOURI MRS. JOHN TRIGG Moss MRS. GEORGE EDWARD GEORGE MONTANA MRS. ALVIN L. ANDERSON MRS. E. BROOX MARTIN NEBRASKA MRS. F. I. RINGER MRS. C. S. SPENCER NEW HAMPSHIRE MRS. CHARLES W. BARRETT MRS. LORIN WEBSTER NEW JERSEY MRS. HENRY D. FITTS MRS. CHARLES R. BANKS NEW MEXICO MRS. J. F. HINKLE MRS. R. P. BARNES NEW YORK MRS. CHARLES WHITE NASH MRS. CHARLES M. BULL / J NORTH CAROLINA MRS. W. O. SPENCER MRS. WM. PARKER MERCER NORTH DAKOTA MRS. GEORGE MORLEY YOUNG MRS. J. M. MARTIN OHIO MRS. WILLIAM MAGEE WILSON MRS. JAMES HENRY ALLEN OKLAHOMA Miss SARAH A. CRUMLEY MRS. HARRY C. ASHBY OREGON MRS. JOHN KEATING MRS. WILLARD L. MARKS PENNSYLVANIA MRS. EDWIN ERLE SPARKS MRS. JOHN B. HERON I I /cr& RHODE ISLAND MRS. SAMUEL H. DAVIS MRS. FREDERICK MORSE SOUTH CAROLINA MRS. E. WALKER DUVALL ^ MRS. JOHN TRIMMIER SLOAN SOUTH DAKOTA MRS. FRANCIS W. WARRING MRS. M. R. HOPKINS TENNESSEE Miss MARY B. TEMPLE MRS. L. M. SHORT TEXAS MRS. I. B. MCFARLAND MRS. A. D. POTTS UTAH MRS. GEORGE H. DERN MRS. M. K. PARSONS VERMONT MRS. JOHN H. STEWART Miss JFNNIE A. VALENTINE VIRGINIA MRS. KATE WALLER BARRETT MRS. JAMES REESE SCHICK WASHINGTON MRS. GEORGE H. GOBLE MRS. WILLIAM A. JOHNSON WEST VIRGINIA MRS. CLARK W. HEAVNER MRS. ROBERT J. REED WISCONSIN MRS. RUDOLPH B. HARTMAN Miss HELEN DORSET WYOMING MRS. BRYANT BUTLER BROOKS MRS. MAURICE GROSHON ORIENT MRS. CHARLES SUMNER LOBIKGIER MRS. TRUMAN SLAYTON HOLT 7 24 Credential Committee Mrs. Livingston L. Hunter, Chairman Mrs. Henry B. Joy, Pice-Chairman Mrs. William B. Adkins Mrs. Robert J. Johnston Mrs. Charles H. Armstrong Miss Harriet I. Lake Mrs. Richard E. Claughton Mrs. Joseph Marsh Miss Emma L. Crowell Mrs. James C. Peabody Mrs. Margaret G. DeWolf Mrs. E. Sydney Prichard Mrs. Clayton E. Emig Miss Sue M. Young Mrs. Julius H. Estey Chairman of Tellers MRS. CHARLES H. BISSELL Programme Committee Mrs. George Maynard Minor Mrs. Delos A. Blodgett, Chairman Mrs. John L. Buel 25 House Committee Miss Katharine A. Nettleton, Chairman Mrs. Louis T. McFadden, Vice Chairman Mrs. Charles H. Bissell, in Charge of Invitations and Boxes Mrs. Richard E. Claughton, in Charge of Badges Miss May P. Duncanson, in Charge of Seating Mrs. Sol. Lansburgh, in Charge of Committee Rooms Miss Florence S. Marcy Crofut, in Charge of First Floor Doors Inside Mrs. Charles H. LeFevre, Assistant, First Floor Doors Inside Mrs. Howard H. McCall, General Charge of Galleries Miss Mary V. Petty, in Charge of Bulletin Board Miss Aline Solomons, in Charge of Decorations Mrs. Fred Volland, in Charge of Tellers' Lunches Miss Mary C. Oursler, in Charge of Card Index Register Mrs. Frederick H. Strong, in Charge of Front Doors Mrs. John M. Beavers, in Charge of Literature Mrs. Louis A. Abbot Mrs. Mrs. Charles C. Abbott Mrs. Mrs. Jessie B. Acker Mrs. Mrs. Clyde B. Aitchison Miss Miss Maria Bailey Mrs. Mrs. Charles R. Banks Mrs. Mrs. Amherst W. Barber Mrs. Mrs. William P. Barber Mrs. Mrs. R. J. Barker Mrs. Mrs. Newcomb C. Barney Miss Mrs. Mary C. Beach Mrs. Mrs. Clifford Berryman Miss Miss Helen Bevan Mrs. Mrs. Robert A. Bitgood Mrs. Mrs. Mary St. Clair Blackburn Mrs. Mrs. Thomas E. Blackshear Mrs. Mrs. Julius W. Blakeley Miss Mrs. Lillis Barlow Bowes Mrs. Mrs. Austin C. Brant Mrs. Mrs. P. A. Brawner Mrs. Mrs. William F. Brooks Mrs. Mrs. Alfred J. Brosseau Mrs. Mrs. John M. Bryan Mrs. Miss Imilda L. Buckingham Miss Mrs. John Laidlaw Buel Mrs. Mrs. Ella M. Bull Mrs. Mrs. E. L. Bullard Mrs. Mrs. Roland Buchard Mrs. Miss Ema W. Burt Mrs. Mrs. Andrew S. Caldwell Mrs. Mrs. Fred H. H. Calhoun Mrs. Miss Amelia D. Campbell Mrs. Mrs. Lewis D. Carman Mrs. Mrs. Silas Casey Mrs. Mrs. A. Y. Casanova Mrs. Mrs. Abijah Catlin Mrs. 26 George E. Chadsey Grant F. Chase H. C. Church Alice Coe Frank A. Corbin J. A. Craig Bertha W. Crane Frank E. Cunningham F. H. Cunningham Cora Curry Clarence E. Curtis Gertrude Davis Leo Davis L. W. De Cast Robert Dellett Clarence S. Dexter Helen M. Drake Clayton E. Emig Minnie M. Ewell Edward Ferguson J. W. Finney Parks Fisher Charles Fitzpatrick Mary Stella Fleisher Azel Ford Irving Frickey Earl B. Fuller Frank Fuller Benjamin S. Gantz Sally Grant Gates George E. George F. J. Goensch Harry K. Gorsuch Charles C. Goss C. P. Grandfield Merle D. Graves House Committee Continued Mrs. William H. Griffin Mrs. Mrs. Harry C. Grove Mrs. Miss Sarah Hannay Mrs. Mrs. William M. Hannay Mrs. Mrs. William B. Hardy Mrs. Mrs. Henry L. Harrison Mrs. Miss Mary Hazen Miss Mrs. J. Miller Henson Miss Mrs. John B. Heron Mrs. Mrs. Robert G. Hogan Mrs. Mrs. Benjamin Hoi man Mrs. Mrs. H. D. Hoover Mrs. Mrs. William F. Hopson Mrs. Mrs. Eleanor W. Howard Mrs. Mrs. John T. Huddle Mrs. Miss May Husted Mrs. Mrs. Robert Imboden Mrs. Mrs. William S. Ingraham Mrs. Mrs. William A. Jack Mrs. Mrs. D. C. Jackson Mrs. Mrs. Sidney R. Jacobs Miss Miss Ada H. Johnson Mrs. Mrs. Walter C. Johnson Mrs. Mrs. Albert S. Jones Miss Mrs. M. Clyde Kelly Mrs. Miss Nannie Kensert Miss Mrs. C. M. Knight Mrs. Mrs. Ella S. Knight Mrs. Mrs. Jean Labat Mrs. Mrs. H. F. Lewis Mrs. Miss Jennie Loomis Mrs. Mrs. Drury C. Ludlow Mrs. Mrs. James B. McDonald Mrs. Mrs. Justin McGrath Mrs. Mrs. Robert J. McKenzie Mrs. Mrs. Mary Lyman Mackey Mrs. Mrs. F. W. Marteson Mrs. Mrs. W. R. Meech Mrs. Mrs. W. N. Merriam Mrs. Mrs. Bertha W. Meystre Mrs. Miss C. B. Milligan Mrs. Mrs. John M. Morgan Mrs. Miss Jennie G. Moseley Mrs. Mrs. Frederick R. Mosher Mrs. Mrs. Charles W. Murdock Mrs. Mrs. J. Hughes Murphy Mrs. Mrs. Stephen J. Murphy Mrs. Mrs. Ellen S. Mussey Miss Mrs. Mary K. Nalle Mrs. Mrs. Charles Newhard Mrs. Mrs. S. R. Norman Miss Miss Lillian Norton Mrs. 27 Rufus King Noyes Zell W. Oatley Harry C. Oberholser H. B. Patten Samuel Patterson James C. Peabody Gary Peachy C. E. Polkinhorn Samuel Polkinhorn C. B. Pritchett Woodbury Pulsifer C. A. Queck-Berner Frank Ray Robert T. Reineman John B. Richards Charles S. Richardson Charles W. Richardson W. W. Richardson Frank E. Roberts Lillian H. Roome Nellie Ross B. F. Saul Albert O. Seaman Jennie H. Seymour H. D. Shackelford Adelaide Shealey Clement Sheriff Philip Sheriff Charles Silliman Charles H. Slack J. H. Small H. A. Smith McClain Smith Frank Staples G. T. Stormont Orrin B. Stout Robert Strobridge Gurney Strong Mary T. Summers Conrad Syme Ferdinand Tannenbaum Charles L. Taylor E. H. Thompson F. H. Towner Horace M. Towner Annie C. Tuohy Willis Van Devanter Annie Wallace Henry J. Walther William H. Wanamaker Mary Webb R. W. Webb House Committee Continued Mrs. Isaac Weil Mrs. J. W. Wilson Miss Mary Whittlesey Mrs. Antoinette Wood Mrs. Agnes Wickersham Mrs. John R. Woodhull Mrs. William B. Williams Mrs. Richard J. Yearwood Miss Jane Young Information Committee Mrs. Frederick T. F. Johnson, Chairman Miss Josephine Prather, Vice-Chairma n Mrs. Edgar Allan Miss Laura C. O'Hare Mrs. James C. Cantrill Mrs. William E. Schneider Mrs. Samuel F. Dibble Mrs. Charles R. Seal Mrs. Richard DuBois Mrs. J. Edgar Smith Miss Eleanor B. Garde Mrs. R. M. Sutphen Miss E. Josselyn Giffin Miss Alice E. Whitaker Mrs. Amy F. Hammond Mrs. Robert K. Williams Miss Bell Wills Reception Committee Mrs. William C. Boyle, Cliairman Mrs. Robert G. Hogan, Pice-Chairman Mrs. John C. Ames Mrs. C. F. R. Jenne Mrs. Charles H. Aull Mrs. Sara T. Kinney Mrs. Simon Baruch Mrs. Alvin V. Lane Mrs. Theodore C. Bates Mrs. Robert Lansing Mrs. Williard T. Block Mrs. Mary S. Lockwood Mrs. Delos A. Blodgett Mrs. John A. Logan Mrs. James P. Brayton Mrs. James F. Maupin Mrs. G. M. Brumbaugh Mrs. Frank W. Mondell Mrs. Albert S. Burleson Mrs. Edmund P. Moody Mrs. William Butterworth Mrs. Philip N. Moore Mrs. James H. Campbell Miss Elisabeth F. Pierce Mrs. John N. Carey Mrs. Joseph E. Ransdell Mrs. Thomas S. Crago Mrs. Matthew T. Scott Mrs. Josephus Daniels Mrs. J. H. Smithwick Mrs. William F. Dennis Mrs. Francis A. St. Clair Mrs. Duncan U. Fletcher Mrs. George M. Sternberg Mrs. Sheppard W. Foster Mrs. Joseph E. Thropp Mrs. Rhett Goode Mrs. Horace M. Towner Mrs. James B. Grant Mrs. Mary Logan Tucker Mrs. George Thacher Guernsey Mrs. Alice Bradford Wiles 28 Transportation Mrs. A. J. Brosseau, Chairman Mrs. Gilmer Meriwether, Vice-Chairman Hospitality Committee for Tea Room Reception Mrs. William H. Talbott, Chairman Mrs. Edmund P. Moody, Vice Chairman Miss Catherine B. Barlow Mrs. Henry L. Mann Miss Emma L. Crowell Mrs. Woodbury Pulsifer Mrs. George C. Hall Miss Alethea Serpell Mrs. Howard L. Hodgkins Mrs. John Van Landingham Mrs. George A. Lawrence Refreshment Mrs. L. B. Swormstedt, Chairman Mrs. Lewis D. Carman Mrs. Thaddeus M. Jones Mrs. Frank E. Cunningham Mrs. George P. Merrill Mrs. John Paul Earnest Mrs. Henry B. Polkinhorn Mrs. Luke S. Fristoe Mrs. J. Edgar Smith Mrs. C. P. Grandfield Mrs. Fred Volland Press Committee Miss Natalie Sumner Lincoln, Chairman Mrs. Hobart Brooks Mrs. Nelson M. Shepard Mrs. Theodore J. Pickett Miss Margaret Wade Miss Elizabeth Poe Mrs. V. P. Wilson Page Committee Mrs. Willoughby S. Chesley, Chairman Mrs. Harry B. Gauss, Vice-Chairman Miss Ethel May Johnson Mrs. Jean Labat 29 Pages President General's Personal Page Miss Dorothy Hunter (Assistant to President General's Personal Page) Miss Helen Snedeker To Recording Secretary General Miss Dorothy DeGroff Jenkins To Corresponding Secretary General Mrs. George M. Scott To Organizing Secretary General Miss Dorothy Mondell To Treasurer General Mrs. W. F. Clinger Platform Pages Mrs. Ernest Barrie Miss Virginia Harshbarger Miss Bertha Perry Miss Frances L. Seydel Miss Ethel Cotton Sparks Miss Marie Talbott Floor Pages Miss Jean Keller Anderson Miss Carolyn Baldwin Miss Ruth C. Beardsley Mrs. William A. Becker Miss Elizabeth J. Begole Miss Sara A. Bowes Miss Ettinette Broadus Mrs. Henry L. Brown Miss Ruth Burgert Miss Adelaide P. Caldwell Miss Virginia Stiles Caldwell Miss Louise Carman Miss Margaret J. S. Carr Miss Jessie Carter Miss Nell M. Carter Miss Mary Frances Caswell Miss Margaret R. Church Miss Elise T. Clark Miss Margaret B. Conway Mrs. C. C. Corbett Miss Elizabeth L. Crocker Miss Dorothy Dart Miss Eva Arrington Dupuy Miss Janie M. Eatman Mrs. Harold C. Field Miss Louise Finney Miss Edith S. Floyd Miss Lucy Lees Ford Miss Mary Frances Fox Mrs. J. P. Fourqurean Miss Florence D. Fuller Mrs. William Gibbon Miss Margaret Goll Miss Mary Terry Goodwin Miss Dorothy A. Grannis Miss Blanche L. Green Miss Frances Gurr Miss Elizabeth Hale Mrs. H. T. Hampe Miss Verie Harris. Mrs. H. B. Helmstetter Miss Dene Marie Herriff Miss Helen M. Hevenor Miss Rosa B. Hill Miss Jean McL. Howat Miss Julia Irwin Miss Dorothy D. Jones Miss Eleanor Webster Jones 30 Floor Pages Continued Miss Frances Jones Miss Miss Katherine Junkin Miss Miss Mabel A. Kebler Miss Miss Elizabeth Kilgore Miss Miss Hazel Kirk Mrs. Miss Willa Kirkwood Mrs. Miss Katherine Koones Miss Miss Melinda Landis Miss Miss Ruth C. Lovejoy Miss Miss Gladys W. Lowry Miss Mrs. S. F. McCartney Miss Miss Charlie Louise McClure Miss Mrs. Helen McGregor Miss Miss Mary M. MacGregor Miss Miss Mary P. Maltby Miss Miss Helen Marshall Miss Mrs. Malcolm Matheson Miss Miss Verlinda Maupin Miss Miss Edna McE. Meyers Miss Miss Lucile R. Moore Miss Miss Maggie Totten Mullin Miss Mrs. John Hyatt Naylor Miss Miss Ruth Norton Miss Miss Emma L. Oberly Miss Miss Nathalie O. Osgood Miss Miss Mary L. Pardee Miss Miss Bernice J. Parker Miss Mrs. George H. Parker Miss Mrs. George I. Parker Miss Miss Virginia Parker Miss Miss Helen Le Val Parsons Mrs. Miss Jeannette Perkins Miss Miss Ethel Pfaffman Miss Miss Hazel W. Phillips Miss Miss Leonora E. Phipard Miss Miss Mary Stuart Poe Miss Miss Virginia Price Mrs. Miss Helen R. Robinson Margaret Robinson Mildred D. Rogers Grace H. Roper Nannie L. Ross Charles F. Ryan Bernice W. Scott Mary Hord Scudder Charlotte Marie Seibel Anna Sears Selden Beatrice A. Sheldon Katherine Shields Gladys Sinclair Edith S. Springer Alice Grant Stevens Dorothy H. Stiles Hazel A. Strawn Helen Tavenner Eunice M. Taylor Serena F. Taylor Gladys Colton Tebbs Mary Suesylla Thomas Katharine Thompson Dorothy E. Tillinghast Naomi Trotter Hazel A. Udell Hallie Van Horn Katharine Waits Mary Bates Walker Elsie M. Westgate Mary L. Weston Brooke G. White, Jr. Elizabeth Wilborn Ethel Cressy Williams Fred Lee Woodson Harriet E. Woolley Dorothy C. Wyman V. R. Younsr 31 Advisory Board Mr. George W. White, Chairman Hon. John Barrett Mr. Charles C. Glover Mr. Arthur T. Brice Rt. Rev. Alfred C. Harding Mr. Woodbury Blair Bishop John Hamilton Mr. Walter C. Clephane Dr. Wallace Radcliffe Mr. John Paul Earnest MRS. WILLIAM ANDERSON Parliamentarian MRS. JAMES M. WILLEY Official Reader Miss MINNA NIEMANN Accompanist MRS. CORA MILLWARD ARMSTRONG Congressional Stenographer MRS. RACHEL BRILL EZEKIEL Official Stenographer Miss FLORA P. FERNALD Secretary to President General MR. ARTHUR S. WITCOMB Cornet 1st 32 G F E D C B A South Carolina Maryland Idaho Mississippi Maryland Arkansas South Dakota Maryland Missouri Indiana Missouri Indiana Missouri Indiana NORTH GALLERY Tennessee Florida E Washington Wyoming Tennessee Colorado D Virginia Texas Colorado C Virginia Texas Colorado B Virginia Alabama Hawaii Oklahoma A Orient N. Dakota Nebraska Cuba cS r- rt 3 "H _, r i 1 r i r i i i > t > *~~i P "o ca cS rt rt rt rt B rt rt C rt a r rt r X Q 14 >4- t rt ) O . C * X * rt U rt U i O i i HH 1 1' G 1 o CM S > 'C en 'u en o 'u en tJ PJ fx U C C O fc a o C Q Q U. M J JOQWfcOE~WJSZOa0>fcWHS> ^ < CQ O Q a fe O h O BQ tn f- C co , rt - *p, -c ID W tn en en tn rt rt & . 'en O U c U U Q I) u tu u C tn C rt [o _n C .s C O C i I tc O CU o ct O Kentuc Kentuc Kentuc C O u en >. _"y en o en 'u en 'o U 'rt en rt en en rt en rt in rt en rt en en ^rt en en J3 c ^c " O C V a o a BIU18.JIA. Buozuy nxnos V 3 O a a J. E. CALDWELL ? CO. 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