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Hpocr^pbal IRevelations 
 One Gob, one jfolD, one Shepherd/ 
 /iDarie B» IHenelei^ 
 San -Rafael, dal., ^atcb l5t, 1914 
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 IVY ^ 
 To all of all races, nations, religions, philosophies and classes. 
 To each and all of God's children, my brothers, my sisters, in all 
 conditions, all stations, from lowest to highest, those following in 
 the ways of God, those in the lowest slums, I send you all greetings 
 and this message of hope, faith ?ind knowledge. 
 After my husband's .death two years ago, I sought vainly in 
 every religion and philosophy for relief and consolation. When 
 my dearly beloved sister followed sixty days later, I sought within 
 my own soul for truth, and I found it, as you also 
 can. I wrote this work under complete inspiration, not conscious 
 of one word, eager to feel it impressed, until given, when ready to 
 write. I was familiar with none of the truths given, I have never read 
 nor heard anything like them. They are all new to me, although 
 since a child, I have been deeply interested in religion and philosophy. 
 If I, impelled by the spirit within, (like others, from the remote 
 past to the present,) have given aught that savors of criticism, I beg 
 those who are not impressed as I to know that all are under God, 
 that that which comes through them, though diametrically opposed 
 to that which comes through me, is the best for them, as mine is 
 the best for me and those like unto me. To spiritualists who believe 
 in the Lord as ''Elder Brother" and evil spirits, I know you are all 
 seeking as I am, and if you are impressed differently, it is so decreed 
 under law, to the theosophist who believes in devitalized shells, and 
 space filled with abandoned evil bodies, the same. To the Christian 
 Scientist who believes in mortal mind creating evil, likewise, as well 
 as to the Christian who believes in hell-fire and damnation. 
 All I desire is the same consideration and courtesy extended me 
 that I extend to others. It takes courage for one woman to 
 oppose anyone's belief, much more when she opposes the belief of so 
 many. If it were not that I am impelled by a Divine Power, and 
 filled with love f^, desirous of helping all I can, I would not 
 give these truths, but possibly, set a fixed price, knowing that which 
 is given is rarely appreciated. As our dear Lord was crucified, 
 as many others, actuated by the highest motives, have been torn 
 limb from limb, as Mrs. Eddy was persecuted, even to this day 
 ridiculed by many who do not understand her, I feel that, of course 
I shall not' escape.* 'l&uf I^m^feady to bear all the shafts of ridicule, 
 the dagger thrusts of those who know no better, content to be mis- 
 judged in the highest and best cause of all. 
 To those who may misinterpret me, I say, I thank my Heavenly 
 Father that He is also theirs, and as they are mine and I am theirs, 
 I shall love them no less, and that if I am instrumental in bringing 
 comfort and peace to but one sufifering heart, I shall be satisfied, 
 but I know otherwise. I know this work will fill those like myself, 
 and there are many, with the "peace that passeth understanding," and 
 make them realize the Omnipotence of God, the immortality of life 
 and the nearness of the spirit spheres, these spheres not filled with 
 evil and misery, but love, good, and happiness for all. 
 I have never published any of my works, although requested to 
 by the Rev. B. F. Austin, editor of "Reason," to whom I sent 
 several in the first part of 1913. 
 This work proves the Omnipotence of God in all ways. It 
 not merely states He is Omnipotent, then denies His Omnipotence 
 by making the devil or mortal mind more potent. It explans the 
 origin of man and evil and reconciles the scientific fact of evolution 
 with the faith of the Christian. It shows how man evolves from 
 the animal and becomes not man, child of God, until endowed with 
 It explains the origin of evil as clearly as can be impressed 
 upon and transmitted through material brains at present stage of 
 development, the inheritance from the animal propensities and dis- 
 eases, the animal characteristics, developed through the instinct of 
 self-preservation. Even one of the greatest exponents of the spirit- 
 ual, Mrs. Eddy, feared "animal magnetism" whilst denying evolution. 
 It substantiates the truths of Christianity, Christian Science, and all 
 religions and philosophies, and explains that which has caused the 
 misconceptions. It recognizes all religions and all philosophies, 
 under God, of use to the gradually developing brain and intelligence. 
 When read with unprejudiced mind it will be seen it really con- 
 flicts with none, merely substantiates the true, whilst explaining 
 the undeveloped. 
 A large class are too advanced today to believe in an Omnipo- 
 tent Power, All-good, wh-o creates but to destroy, or makes the devil 
 (Father of lies) or mortal mind, (nothing) more powerful than 
 Himself. Also too advanced to believe in Nature, an unreasoning 
 force, possessing the reason of a Supreme Being. This work is 
 inspired mainly for those who cannot believe in evil in the spirit 
 spheres, who cannot accept that man was born in sin or that he 
 has fallen, and who cannot accept mortal mind, nothing, being re- 
 sponsible for the anything but illusory fact of material life. They 
 know there is no evil where love, righteousness and harmony dwell, 
 and they also know that material life' and consciousness is very 
 real. Whilst it comes mainly for the class who can apprehend it, 
 to enable them to instruct those on the lower planes of develo"p- 
 ment, it is to help all of God's children, of every race, religion and 
 class, knowing that each one, from the lowest to the highest, is a 
 child of God, all equal in His sight in the real Home. 
There was and e'er shall be on mortal plane of earth 
 The wonder, the mystery, attending ev'ry birth. 
 There was an»cer shall be with failing of the breath 
 The sweetest peace, and glory attending ev'ry death. 
 From mortal plane so low to spirit one so near, 
 From earth's mis'ry and woe to those we love most dear 
 Is but ceasing to dream jpwak'ning to the true 
 That the mortal^^ho seem are neither I nor you, 
 For we are spirits who live in spheres supernal, 
 The one, the only true life, the life eternal. 
 All over the earth, on different planes of advancement, spirits 
 on the mortal plane of consciousness, (mortals) are seeking in var- 
 ious ways that which they designate as truth. Many works, more 
 or less inspired, to suit the development of those for whom intend- 
 ed, have been and are being given, giving just so much truth as 
 they were or are fitted to receive. "Casting pearls before swine," 
 is not meant to convey the idea that God's children are like unto 
 swinei, but simply undeveloped, hence that which a child of the 
 kindergarten can grasp, is not fit for a girl or boy farther advanced, 
 anymore than their studies would be fit for a university graduate. 
 Their brains are not similarly developed. And as their brains are 
 not the same, among adults of tha different nations and races there 
 are many various planes of brain development, all more or less 
 being taught and advanced by those more correctly impressed. 
 Hence that which is comprehensible to one plane is unintelligible 
 to another. That which is fit for the East Indian thug or the Fiji 
 Islander is not fit for aborigines of higher types. Hence truth 
 from the lowest to the highest is truth to them solely according to 
 their plane of development. Even amongst scientists, men of great de- 
 velopment along material lines, although some are on the first 
 planes of spiritual unfoldment, their conceptions and theories vary in 
 a marked degree, even when truth is scientificially proven, by all 
 their available means. For this truth must ever be realized as 
 their most perfected mechanical instruments vary in degree of per- 
 fection and utility, so do their own material brains and senses. They 
 neither receive the same impressions from the material world objec- 
 tively, nor subjectively from the spiritual, and, as they all receive 
 more or less differently, their theories vary. Hence it can be seen 
 there are great differences between the theories proven (?) often 
 by science. Read in "Camille Flammarion's" "The Unknown," the 
 many proven scientific facts which have been entirely repudiated, and 
 reflect whether the facts of today, in the light of better developed 
 instruments, may not also be changed. 
 In the first place there are many great truths which can never 
 be proven materially. The imponderable forces are not susceptible 
 of scientific demonstration. Light, sound, heat, magnetism, electric- 
 ity, radium are imperfectly grasped. The law of gravitation and 
 other proven (?) laws, are proven according to their planes of de- 
 velopment and the perfection of their material and mechanical instru- 
 ments. The origin of life can never be proven on earth, yet lives 
 there a being who doubts he lives because he cannot prove the or- 
 igin of life. Can the scientist who knows naught of the origin of 
 anything, doubt everything that he cannot prove under law? If so 
 then mortals would be deprived of the greatest truths of all, and 
material science, on a par with Christian Science, ignore life because 
 they cannot prove it, as Christian Science denies it because all is 
 spirit. Neither can prove anything they claim, nor can any religion 
 or philosophy, save to the brains fitted to receive their conceptions 
 of truth. But because the material scientist cannot prove the origin 
 of life, it does not follow that it does not exist, and because Chris- 
 tian Science cannot prove that all is spirit does not follow that all is 
 not spirit when correctly interpreted. We know, on earth material life 
 exists solely through material senses and brains. Were every mor- 
 tal deprived of brains and senses they would know nothing of mate- 
 rial life. To them there would be no such thing. Hence the fact 
 whether material life really exists or whether it is but a plane of 
 consciousness cannot be proven either by material or Christian Sci- 
 ence, any more than I can prove materially the truths I am present- 
 ing for the first time. The only way in which truth can be proven, 
 is to know it with the absolute certainty of soul wisdom, whether 
 able to prove it materially or not. The one thus illumined knows 
 there are higher laws than the natural, that in truth natural laws 
 are variable and subject to Divine laws, that each and every expon- 
 ent of material wisdom must succumb to the higher laws and that 
 all their greatest works are, (under laws which they but dimly cog- 
 nize) liable to vanish beyond human ken, not out of existence, as 
 have many of their previous works, almost as great, and humanity 
 forced again to begin at the lowest plane. If mortality, in differ- 
 ent sections of the world has been wiped out, after attaining to 
 a certain plane, and the; few remaining forced to develop from the 
 lowest, it must appear to thoiee who have brains to comprehend that 
 they are not in this world to develop mentally nor morally. The truth 
 is while the earth is being formed it is subject to physical upheavals, 
 and while mortality is being trained it is subject to mental upheavals 
 under laws of the higher world, under which spirits are liberated when 
 ready to go, (whether or not they have developed mentally or mor- 
 ally or not), upon receiving the development which necessitates their 
 attachment to mortal bodies. When one considers the millions, since 
 man was first brought forth, who, so slow is evolution, could not ad- 
 vance either mentally or morally, the millions today among the unde- 
 veloped races who are on very low planes, and the millions of insane, 
 criminal, degenerates, moral perverts, etc., who also cannot advance, 
 It seems only a very undeveloped brain can see not that for the pur- 
 pose of mental nor moral development is miortality here, or these mil- 
 lions would not have been and be. subjected to useless lives of suffer- 
 ing. No form of life on earth but has a use. Nothing exists but for 
 some purpose. Why should these useless millions exist unless for 
 a purpose? These useless millions are no less the children of God 
 than those who, under law, receive and transmit through developed 
 brains the truths of their higher selves, the only real ones whether 
 proven scientifically or not. They are not here any more than are 
 the small number who develop mentally and morally for that pur- 
 pose, but to develop certain attributes, which when developed, liber- 
 ates them from the earth school. All spirits are pure, holy, 
 righteous. Those who develop truly on the mortal plane express 
 their real selves more perfectly, whether they be great thinkers or 
of the lowest class, not plane. There are many different classes 
 on one plane. The earnest seeker after truth ever seeks that which 
 appeals to him most. Those who believe in all good in the spiri: 
 spheres advance beyond those who believe in evil. Those who be- 
 lieve in human depravity cannot affiliate with those, who, on a higher 
 plane, know the truth. Those who believe in hells cannot agree 
 with those who do not. Those who are purely material are not 
 congenial with those who love the spiritual. Those who hate can- 
 not understand those who only love. In truth, those of the lower 
 cannot understand those on the higher planes, and judge them ac- 
 cording to their standards. Those who know there is but love, 
 beauty and harmony in the real life, express these truths more cor- 
 rectly, they recognize the limitations of those on the lower planes, 
 why they are so and love them. Those who are not sufficiently 
 advanced condemn, judge and criticize those who do not act as 
 they do, not so the more illumined, they but love, pity and never 
 arraign nor condemn those who do not believe as they do, knowing 
 they, in the real life, possibly, are equally as if not more, developed 
 than themselves. The truth, never to be proven by material science, 
 although proven to the comprehension of that scientist who seeks 
 within for light, is that we are all spirits, living in the real spirit 
 world, impressing material brains and bo^dies, the material world 
 within the interstices or spaces of the units of energy forming the 
 spiritual world, visible sol*^ly to spirits on the spiritual plane of con- 
 sciousness, and material bodies within the spaces of the real spirit 
 body, visible solely to spirits on the mortal plane of consciousness. 
 While the real spirit world and spirits are visible to those ever 
 in the spiritual consciousness, and sometimes to spirits while at- 
 tached to the material who go in trances, and when detached at 
 night by sleep, and by that cognized as death. 
 These truths will only be accepted by those who believe in an 
 Omnipotent God, Person as well as Principle, and who believe 
 in all good in the spirit spheres, who realize that the material is 
 as real and needed as the spiritual (while it endures foi 
 each spirit,) that we are subject to natural as well as Divine 
 law. Those who think it is difficult, with material brain, to 
 grasp the material within the spiritual, will realize it is more com- 
 prehensible than soul, an elusive essence impossible to locate within 
 the mortal body, being transformed miraculously into a spirit body 
 after death as is believed by many Christians, who, notwithstanding 
 they know geology proves that it takes millions of years to produce 
 a body fit for an animal, deem a body fit for a child of God of 
 less consequence, made in a moment, or those who believe in the 
 heaven body, (of peculiar form and construction, inferior to the 
 mortal) the real, expressing itself on lower planes, the devanchanic, 
 astral and physical. These are undeveloped conceptions, suited to 
 the mental respectivity of thousands of years ago. Only a few 
 were able to apprehetid the Lord correctly when He came, and thus 
 the truths, given with the Divine authority and perfect love of God 
 Omnipotent, were and are only apprehended by those who were 
 and are spiritually unfolded. 
Mrs. Eddy's beautiful conception of all being in reality spirit, 
 this the real spirit life, we all ideas, is not even grasped by all of 
 her fo41owers. She did not explain why she and all her followers 
 are subject to natural law and vanish from human ken, mate- 
 rial consciousness. She, like Plato, left a big gap to be filled. 
 Matter, a form of true spiritual substance, force, change, cannot be 
 ignored. If ideas alone are the real, they are real on the real plane 
 of consciousness, in the real world, and why the necessity of mat- 
 ter, force, change, unless for a- purpose, not explained or under- 
 stood by them. If all these incorrect impressions are seemingly 
 understood by brains who receive them, then there are many more 
 brains who can receive the, more reasonable, more logical as well 
 as spiritual conceptions now given for the first time, who know the 
 Lord Jesus Christ to have been animated and impressed solely by 
 God Omnipotent, the spirit world the real and true, the spirit body 
 the same, but the material equally as neceesary to develop not the 
 soul gifts, the inheritance of every child of God, but the spiritual 
 attributes impossible to be developed where all is love and har- 
 mony in the spirit spheres. If there are spiritualists who believe 
 in obsessions, evil earth-bound spirits, there are many who* do not, 
 who know their dear ones, even though they passed away more or 
 less undeveloped, are not retrograding but advancing, who with faith 
 in a Supreme, All-good Power, even though not cognized as Person, 
 know earth-bound spirits to torment and deceive would not be 
 permitted, and that they who give these impressions delude them- 
 selves and others. How undeveloped to imagine the spirit spheres 
 on no higher a plane, no superior a government than the earth, where 
 the undeveloped, the so-called criminal are not permitted under law, 
 to maltreat, torment nor deceive. Although not always prevented, 
 under law they are punished. But in God's realms of beauty, har- 
 mony and love, it is claimed He permits or rather the Supreme 
 Power permits these, earth-bound or evil spirits to influence weak 
 mediums and mortals to do horrible deeds. Alas, alas for the mor- 
 tals who attribute to the higher spheres, conditions not permitted 
 even on the solely undeveloped planes, the mortal. And alas for 
 the mortals who believe in worse places of torment, the hells and 
 evils portrayed by Emanuel Swedenborg, than upon the earth. The 
 time is ripe for these undeveloped conceptions to be eradicated, for 
 those who are fitted to receive to no longer adhere to the obsolete 
 dogmas and beliefs suited to the planes of thousands of years ago. 
 but utterly unsuited to the large class who have evolved and are 
 evolving out of them. 
 For the first time, on the mortal plane of consciousness, have 
 the truths given in this work, been impressed correctly. Although 
 many teachers, reformers, prophets, seers, poets and psychics novw 
 and then have received occasional gleams; not one has given, as this 
 is now being given, simply because but a limite-d number were pre- 
 pared to comprehend. 
 All that the greatest ones, (Emanuel Swedenborg, one of the 
 most reliable) gave was impressed on minds formed according to 
 and filled with the prevailing beliefs of their times, thereifore, as 
 neither they nor the people were prepared, these truths could nor 
 be given. The last instrument, a step in advance, to prepare the 
 people, was Mrs. Eddy, who was the first to give publicly, although . 
 glimpsed by a few of the inspired, before the truth of the unreality of 
 evil, disease and death to the spirit. This was so startling a revelation, 
 so entirely foreign to the beliefs and conceptions of the majority, 
 that it caused a mental revolution, almost unprecedented, among 
 those 'fitted to receive, and those who were not, who accepted it 
 literally to apply to the mortal, and could not understand. Those 
 who are prepared to accept this clearer exposition are on more de- 
 veloped planes and awaiting it. These are mainly among Christian 
 Scientists, Swedenborgians, spiritualists, and many belonging to the 
 different Churches and religions. 
 The truths given are, — first, God, Person as well as Prin- 
 ciple, a loving Father, entirely unlike the conceptions of earlier 
 periods. Not endowed with human characteristics, not like the 
 Supreme God or gods of any race, not even like the God 
 of the Christian religions. Not like the God of Emanuel Sweden- 
 borg, who made Him Creator of evil also. Not entirely like the 
 God of Mrs. Eddy, who is more or less ambiguous regarding His 
 Personality. But a God expressive solely of the soul gifts and •o^^mkmffl 
 spiritual attributes, \^ the God, of whom the Lord Jesus Chris^^ 
 taught, and cognized solely by those correctly impressed within and 
 without the churches, those only, of all races and nations, in har- 
 mony with the spirit spheres. * 
 cognized solely by those correctly impressed within and without 
 the churches, those only, of all races and natrons, in harmony with 
 the spirit spheres. 
 The God of all religions, the Christian included, is a Creator 
 of good and evil, evil in both the mortal and spiritual world, all 
 teach of human depravity, necessity for salvation, atonement, places 
 of punishment, hells, etc., with the sole exception of Mrs. Eddy. The 
 most correct conception regarding Personality is that given by Eman- 
 uel Swedenborg, Person as well as Principle, but he failed to reconcile 
 the two coatradictorv conceotioas. An Omniootent God- all Good, who 
creates all, and either creates or permits evil in the beings whom He 
 creates. Mrs. Eddy, a step in advance, cognizes an Omnipotent Power, 
 deprives our loving Father of the opprobrium of being connected 
 with evil, but, unable to account for evil, or rather, not impressed 
 correctly, made mortal mind, a "solecism" responsible, therefore, 
 implying, in verity, there is no such thing as material creation. Both 
 fail to reconcile the two contradictory conceptions and give the 
 truth that God is Omnipotent, Creator of all the good in the real 
 life, and the unevolved good of the mortal plane, deemed evil. In 
 truth, the loving Father of all His spirit children, who ever express 
 but the soul gifts in the real life, and who simply animate the mate- 
 rial bodies, as real while they last, for varying periods. Not one 
 of any of the different religions, or either the great seer or Mrs. 
 Eddy explain how the spiritual and material worlds evolve con- 
 jointly, under evolution, in reality formed by God's most advanced 
 Angels, the material within the spiritual, the spiritual, the real, to 
 last forever, the material to be resolved into primal elements, but 
 not destroyed. Not one explain how the spiritual man and his 
 material prototype evolve conjointly from the lowest organisms 
 op to man in both worlds, the soul within the spirit man, not the 
 mortal. This last cognized only by Mrs. Eddy, although here and 
 there expressed ambiguously by the ancient and modern inspired. 
 Not one explain why spirit man is subje^ct to the earth life, how his 
 spiritual body is formed, the necessity for obtaining perfect con- 
 trol of it in the real life, or how his mortal body, evolved from the 
 animal, has inherited the animal propensities and diseases which 
 are responsible, until eliminated, or conquered, for all the evil on 
 earth. Those who have been impressed with our loving Father 
 creating evil, or bringing forth evil souls, no matter how seemingly 
 wise and profound their conceptions, were not correctly impressed. 
 : Instead of our loving Father creating evil or evil souls, the 
 material universe, in conjunction with the spiritual, has ever existed 
 to give personality to all His children, and certain development to 
 but • a limited number, in comparison with the millions being 
 brought forth in other worlds. God's children like the Father, 
 have pure souls, with no evils to expiate nor outgrow, as all 
 religions claim. Mortal life is not an illusion, but as 
 real as the spiritual. Mortal mind does not create illu- 
 sory life, disease nor evil. Instead of mortal mind creating evil, 
 it becomes in harmony with the real, the spiritual mind, and under 
 spirit control, develops the conditions which obviate the necessity 
 for it. 
 The new revelations show the Father and His children, all 
 made in His Divine Image, living the real life in the real world. 
 Those attached to the mortal bodies, when detached by either sleep 
 or trance, live it until detached for good by that called death on 
 earth. In this sense, they agree with Christian Science that all is 
 in reality, spirit, but, a step in advance, explain the difference be- 
 tween the two worlds, the origin of evil, and the two planes of 
 consciousness. They show that while all are really spirits, earth 
 life and consciousness is real. They also give the location of the 
 spirit world, and truths concerning it not yet given excepting in 
ambiguous generalities. As the two planes of consciousness ara 
 entirely distinct, the two worlds composed of different forms of the 
 one, true living substance, it is impossible to prove, through mate- 
 rial science or reason, anything of a spiritual nature. There is but 
 one way, and that by seeking within one's own soul. Only 
 thus can these truths be proven without doubt, by the ones 
 who seek, and in this manner alone find the truth. But as 
 all the less correctly are ever impressed by those more correctly 
 impressed, truths are given to meet the requirements of those on 
 similar planes and to help those on the lower. The spirit cor- 
 rectly impressed, intuitively feels the truth, and, although the incor- 
 rectly impressed reject all of a spiritual nature, they will be helped 
 in a degree, to realize that God is their loving Father, and they each 
 and all His children, equal heirs with the most illumined to all the 
 glories of the real life. 
 God, our loving Father, the Father of all children, all spirits 
 born in both the spirit and material worlds conjointly, is not only- 
 God Omnipotent of all these worlds, but of all the all-potent. Celes- 
 tial Universes, like God Himself, without beginning, and without ' 
 end... The Celestial Universes are in the midst of vast, atmospheric 
 oceans, composed of the true spiritual substance out of which 
 the spiritual worlds and their earths are created. His children are 
 made in His Divine Image and Likeness, the Divine image and like- 
 ness of the most glorious Personality in Spirit spheres, feebly' re- 
 flected in the different personalities of mortal life. That deemed 
 Principle is the effluence from His Divine Person, through countless 
 vibrations, permeating all space, ever expressing His soul gifts. 
 Nature, on earth, is but His force in operation, His method of crea- 
 tion, under the supervision of Celestial Angels, familiar with the most 
 subtle secrets of the chemistry of life and all forces. The Celestial 
 Angels form, under that deemed evolution, the various worlds out 
 of the true living substance, the spiritual to exist forever, immune 
 to destruction, the material, after certain periods, to be resolved back 
 into the true substance, to be again formed into new earths. Hence 
 there are, ever under process of formation, both material and spirit- 
 ual worlds for the purpose of bringing forth God's children. 
 "God is no respecter of persons," but a loving Father, who 
 trains and develops His millions of children, in the ways designed 
 to advance them along the lines adjudged essential, therefore, the 
 manner of training of mortal varies as does that of the innumer- 
 able hosts who are not ordained for mortal life. 
 When spirits, animating material bodies, are correctly impress- 
 ed, they recognize the Omnipotent Power the one, great Force rul- 
 ing all, as God, the Father, Emanuel Swedenborg remarks in his 
 work, "Heaven and Hell" that only the highest, the most advanced 
 Angels, recognized Him as Divine Person. The truth, not given 
 entirely by this seer, is, that all in all the spirit spheres know Him 
 to be Person, as well as Principle, and know Him to be the sole one 
 who inspired Jesus Christ of this earth and many other Christs in 
 countless other material worlds. The Lord Jesus Christ was the 
 only mortal to whom He attached Himself upon this earth, and, thus 
 attached, Himself endured all the agony of the "man of sorrows." 
 There have been many great teachers before and since, but 
 there never will be but one Jesus Christ. Hence by all Christians 
 in the spirit world God is recognized as the Lord Jesus Christ 
 when they are first detached by death, ere the spirit memory of thp 
 real life returns, which, after a final severance from the mortal 
 takes from a half hour to several days. When God ordains a child 
 to end mortal life, the Angels in charge require more time to detach 
him than when they detach him for a limited time. Hence, that 
 portion of the brain, relative to the spirit life, is more or less mag- 
 netized, thus preventing the spirit from recalling it until in a condi- 
 tion to do so. Prior to its return, recalling solely the earth, Chris- 
 tians, if they see Him, recognize Him as the Lord Jesus. After, 
 they know Him to be their Father, God Omnipotent. 
 When some nations of the various races on earth, (after several 
 periods of progression and retrogression, among the many who had 
 been called prior to the most remote periods of antiquity, of which 
 humanity has record), had attained to a plane fitted to receive 
 the message which only God Himself could give with the authority 
 and consciousness of infinite Power and perfect Love, He selected 
 Mary, a virgin, to bring forth as perfect a Being as could be brought 
 forth on earth, one prepared to be in harmony with Him- 
 self, when attached to Him, so as to enable Him to impress Him 
 perfectly. When not attached to Him, He simply connected Himself 
 with the Lord by vibrations, and transmitted impressions. 
 Every spirit child, brought forth on mortal plane ,has a spirit 
 animating and impressing it, born with it in the spirit world, with 
 the exception of the Lord Jesus, who was never born in the spirit 
 and impressed solely by The Spirit, God Omnipotent. I and my 
 Father are one" was given by our Father Himself. The Material 
 Jesus attached to God, disintegrated, whilst ascending. 
 The Immaculate Conception is a verity, and but little more re- 
 markable, to those who have charge of all births, than the natural. 
 The meek and lowly Master expressed more perfectly the love 
 of the real life than any mortal before or since His advent, simply 
 because He was the sole one impressed Personally by The Spirit, 
 God Omnipotent. None, therefore, can, on this plane, equal Him 
 in the soul gifts, much less excel Him. The mortals who hope to 
 be animated personally by our Father, or who think "The Spirit" 
 inspires, teaches or heals through them, delude themselves and 
 others. They are simply impressed by His instruments, mainly, their 
 Celestial guides. He who is called the Christ is God Himself, and 
 He animates but one alone on each earth. This is the law of the 
 mortal plane. Great teachers, endowed with not more love and 
 wisdom than the Lord, not better instruments, but impressed to 
 meet the demands of many on more unfolded planes than when our 
 Lord came, will come and go until this world will be abandoned, but 
 never again God Personally animate' a mortal, although, often, He 
 receives and answers prayer, when in harmony with law. 
 The soul gifts, life, love, truth, power, strength, wisdom, mercy, 
 charity, purity, holiness, righteousness, are a part of that which con- 
 stitutes the soul, that which gives personality to a child of God. 
 A portion of the spiritual brain is connected through vibrations with 
 thei Divine Mind of the Father, from which one receives that which 
 gives consciousness as a distinct personality. This soul essence 
 is felt but never seen. Adjoining it another portion receives a 
 continual influx of the soul* gifts. Thus the soul is ever in harmony 
 with the soul gifts, and ever conscious of his Divine origin as child 
 of God. But without body or form he would have no vehicle of 
 expression on either the spiritual or mortal plane of consciousness, 
 hence a body, developed from the lowest to the highest, one fit to 
 be in harmony, is essential. Were the brain and body not in har- 
 mony, he, pure, holy soul, could not use it. It must be in tune for 
 him to express the soul gifts in the spirit world, and through the 
 expression of these soul gifts and the spiritual attributes acquired 
 by every life organism in his brain and body (and also mortal develop- 
 ment, if ordained for it,) he is enabled to advance and develop, under 
 his own control, his spiritual brain and mind, with as he advances, 
 a greater and greater expression of the soul gifts, which are a part 
 of his Divine inheritance. It can be seen without a brain and body 
 he could not express the soul gift, develop his spiritual instruments, 
 brain and senses, nor form spiritual mind. Through development 
 of the brain he impresses the soul gifts, which enable him to acquire 
 from spiritual impressions of the spirit life, gleaned by himself and 
 also from the wisdom taught by his guardian Angels, all the knowl- 
 edge of his own material and spiritual worlds, thence on and on. 
 forever developing brain and mind, more and more perfectly ex- 
 pressing the soul gifts. Thus it can be seen that the spirit in the 
 real life expresses the soul gifts and forms the real mind. When 
 attached to* a mortal body, he or his guardian Angels impress his 
 spiritual brain, which impress the shadow spirit form (the mate- 
 rial) with as much as it is fitted to receive while developing the 
 spiritual attributes. The spirit not ordained for mortal life has no 
 necessity for its life, as all his life organisms, that which keep in 
 activity and equilibrium his brain and body, are in unison and accord. 
 None af God's children are discriminated against, none are se- 
 lected to undergo the travails and trials of the mortal plane. All 
 under law, in turn, are connected with the bodies formed for them. 
 The body and brain under law, if ordained to continue development 
 on mortal plane, has a mortal body and brain essential for its 
development, therefore attachment to the mortal plane, or life as 
 it is cognized on earth, varies. Many are brought forth still born, 
 others at varying ages. All receive the development essential for 
 the real brain and body. The mentally unfit, the moral pervert, 
 the weakling, the fool, the born criminal, with poor instruments, 
 not being able to receive nor transmit impressions from neither the 
 material nor spiritual worlds, never develop mentally nor morally 
 on this plane, which were it ordainerd for this purpose would be an 
 act of injustice on the part of the Power, if Omnipotent, who wojuld 
 consign them to lives of useless suffering. The truth is they neither 
 receive nor transmit correctly on this plane, hence suflFer less men- 
 tally, and are oft, impervious to all but physical suffering. Therefore 
 their attributes are developed in this way, and they express but 
 slightly the soul gifts. All develop the attributes. All do not ex- 
 press the soul gifts. Were this plane to develop the soul gifts, 
 they would not be returned, in a condition utterly unable 
 to detvelop them, as is claimed by some who believe in reincar- 
 nation. The undeveloped conditions are for the purpose of develop- 
 ing these attributes, not for the purpose of expressing the soul gifts, 
 therefore essential. Their very existence, under a Supreme Reason- 
 ing Power, as is everywhere, evidenced, proves they are of use, or 
 they would not be. Therefore everything, according to the stage 
 of advancement, the plane of progression, the mental receptivity of 
 those on both planes in the spirit and material world, is, under law, 
 just as it should be, essential for the particular stage fof advance- 
 ment, just as natural and spiritual, not Divine law, vanes to suit each 
 stage of physical and mental formation. 
 The higher animals are impressed with, under law, in varying 
 degree, the soul gifts. Spirit man, endowed with soul, connected 
 with his Father, little by little impresses his mortal prototype, who, 
 by degrees, conquers the disease and propensities, and impresses the 
 continual progression of the real life. 
 There is but one true substance in existence, the spiritual, out 
 of which all spiritual and material worlds are formed. Matter dis- 
 appears from the visible to the invisible, nothing left but that which 
 is called electrons. The truth is, all is spirit. God Omniptent, 
 The Spirit, all His children individual spirits, all worlds spiritual. 
 Yea, even the mortal plane is but a phase of spirit consciousness 
 and matter of spiritual substance. Many on the mortal plane 
 of consciousness, with the exception of the correctly impressed, 
 cognize the spiritual within the material, instead of vice versa. 
 The true spiritual substance is composed of various forces and 
 organisms, kept in activity and perpetual motion by the one Divine 
 Force of God Omnipotent, This substance is transformed and 
 transmuted into the various kinds of substances required , for all 
 spiritual and material form? of life. Impossible as this may appear 
 to mortals it should appear no more so than the fact that material 
 science has proven that all material forms are formed of the same 
 elements, transformed, not by the insignificant power of man, but the 
 transcendent power of God, through His mighty instruments. Man, 
 upon the mortal plane, who cannot form one grain of sand, one drop 
 of water, should refrain from arrogating to himself any claim as 
 creator, even of sea-urchins, until he creates the substance out of 
 which these are brought forth. When he creates that of which the 
 great atmospheric ocean is formed, filled with life forces, the waters 
 of the vast oceans similarly populated, and the life impregnated soil 
 out of which he creates life, then and then only can he deem himself 
 creator of life. 
 The Angels, through various processes, form many different sub- 
 stances out of the one original, the substance immune to change 
 and destruction of the spirit worlds, the substance immune to 
 change and destruction of the spirit bodies of the spirit children of 
 God. Not the soul, which is of God, and comes directly from Him. 
 The substance, immune tO' change and destruction, of some forms of 
 life, and vegetation of the spirit worlds. The substance of many 
 forms, of life, flora and vegetation, subject to regeneration or change. 
 The substance, called matter out of which the material worlds are 
 formed to develop the various forms of life, from the lowest up to 
 man conjointly with similar spirit forms of the spirit world. No 
 form of life but has spirit in the real, true life. 
 This problem, up to the present, owing to lack of development 
 along certain lines, has not been correctly answered. Although var- 
 ious reasons have been given, only here and there have they ap- 
 proached the truth. The thinker, the inspired sometimes are very 
 close to the truth. Many are almost correctly impressed, with 
 developed instruments, fitted to apprehend the truths now being 
 given. Not until one frees oneself, more* or less, from the claims 
 o'f the material, not until one has a mind in harmony with the spirit 
 mind can the truth be given. This means when one has a brain 
 formed of life organisms which are more amenable to love, the most 
 potent law in existence, that the spirit can then transmit through 
 it the truth. It does not mean that the spirit, who gives it on earth 
 is superior, but simply that the spirit can express more perfectly the 
 love, which, when rightly understood frees one from the delusions of 
 earth life. 
 Mind, time, space, can never be understood by mortal mind, 
 mortal mind can never understand, material brain will never be able 
 to transmit these truths. To comprehend them it is essential to 
 have the real mind and spirit brain formed, not solely with that which 
 they receive from God, the soul gifts of life, truth, love, not solely 
 from the experiences gleaned from spirit and mortal life which 
 develop the spiritual attributes, industry, application, concentration, 
 patience, forbearance, endurance, courage, submission, etc., not sole- 
 ly a mind formed in one's own spirit and material world, but a mind 
 formed after advancing, through countless higher spheres, until -one 
 attains to the plane of an Arch-angel. 
 These spiritual attributes of industry, etc., cannot be developed 
 in spirit spheres where only peace, love and harmony prevail, hence 
 material consciousness is necessary to develop every life (spirit) or- 
 ganism which is to be formed in a body of a child of God. Nature, 
 the apparent method otf creation, God's force in operation, under the 
 law of evolution, shows with a retrogressive step here and there, 
 progression. From mineral to vegetable, from lower forms of life 
 to the highest, prior to man being brought forth, show progression. 
 The missing link can never be found, under the law of regenera- 
 tion, ever in operation, the highest animals were and arc 
 transformed, changed in minor respects, made in the Image of God, 
 our Father, and endowed with soul. It takes many different stages 
 and thousands of years to prepare the spiritual and material worlds. 
 It also takes thousands of years to develop life from the earliest 
 cells. Accompanying the physical is a mental evolution, which is 
 steadily advancing, but as it is God's plan to develop all life organ- 
 isms on earth until all are ready to become a part of a form of a 
child of God, necessarily there seems, among those races which have 
 developed later, retrogression. Spirit man, formed in the real life, 
 made in the Divine Image of God, devoid of material defects and 
 flaws of his mortal prototype never changes when endowed with soul 
 from his Father. The mental evolution of earth which vries 
 among all nations and races, according to the time from whence they 
 have evolved from the animal, is due to as much of the soul gifts as 
 their brains are fitted to receive, and as much 'as is necessary for 
 their earth experiences. As they are not on earth to advance men- 
 tally nor mortally, but to enable them to develop the spiritual attri- 
 butes of industry, patience, etc., the mental evolution is of the spirit, 
 and continues forever after the spirit is liberated fram his earth 
 Had man been created perfect, he could not have fallen. No 
 woman or snake could have tempted him. No one correctly im- 
 pressed believes this. Material science proves how lotng it takes 
 to evolve life up to the higher animals. If it takes nature or God 
 so long to develop a body fit for an animal on earth, it must take 
 time to develop a body fit for a child of God on earth. If it takes 
 time to develop a material body, it must take as long if not longer 
 to develop a body fit for a child of God in the real life, therefore 
 improbable that one with a fairy wand would be miraculously formed, 
 as many believe, upon dissolution of the material body. This 
 to one who reasons, even though not correctly impressed in other 
 ways, is proof that a special creatio,n could not be, as it is in oppo- 
 sition to all God's methods and laws. If God is Omniscient as is 
 claimed by this class. He must have foreseen that Adam must fall., 
 And if Omnipotent, why create him thus, to curse millions unborn? 
 Geology's revelations are more correct than the incorrectly im- 
 pressioned revelation and traditions of undeveloped mortals, hence 
 are accepted by those who have developed brains. It proves it 
 takes successive stages of formation and development to prepare the. 
 earth. All life upon the earth is spirit life. When spirit leaves the 
 different forms of life, it becomes seemingly to mortal sense, dead 
 clay. Were earth life, in reality a phase of spirit life', to develop 
 the spirit morally or mentally, it would not be necessary, as it is. 
 not for those spirits who inherit bodies who do not require any 
 mortal training, for all love, truth, wisdom, power, strength comes 
 from the soul gifts impressed upon the spirit,and all industry,patience, 
 endurance, courage, submission comes through the development of 
 the little life organisms in our bodies who have developed these 
 spiritual attributes in other forms on the mortal plane of conscious- 
 ness and who still continue receiving development, until we are, 
 liberated. God's child must be an epitome of all. He must have 
 recorded on his real spirit brain all experiences adjudged necessary 
 of all lower forms of life. His brain must be composed of o'rgan- 
 isms developed to the highest, in perfect harmony with him, ere he 
 can advance. The children, who, under law inherit such bodies do 
 not have to impress a mottal body as all their life organisms have 
 been developed. These are the ones who pass away, upon receiving 
 soul ere being born on earth and very early after; those called the. 
 still-born. Those who do not inherit developed ones have to, in the 
only way possible, since the body is under their rule, undergo an earth 
 life until they bring these life organisms into loving subjection, un- 
 til they develop to an essential degree, patience, industry, endurance, 
 submission, etc. The crazy, the criminal, the fool, the w^eakling, the 
 moral pervert develop that which is essential. The majority the 
 same, in other ways. Hence, it can be seen that the millions in 
 all stages of evolution, many who could and cannot understand nor 
 grasp anything of a spiritual nature, of the soul gifts, are not dis- 
 criminated against, and did not and do not have to return to a mate- 
 rial, animal plane to develop these spiritual qualities, but developed 
 and develop all that was and is necessary for them of the attributes 
 of industry, patience, endurance, courage, submission, some of which 
 can only be developed under material condition of suffering, travail 
 and hardships unknown in spirit spheres. 
 God's plan (from time immemorial, without beginning, without 
 end on mortal plane of consciousness) not cognized by us, is to 
 develop in all ways that which forms the body and brain of His 
 child, to make them fit instruments, to enable His child to advance 
 continually. The first essential is for him to obtain perfect control 
 of his body,, to have brain, not only receiving an influx of soul's 
 gifts, but formed of life organisms which have developed the essen- 
 tial attributes of patience, industry, endurance, courage and sub- 
 mission. As brain is a part of him, necessarily he expresses all 
 these qualities with the exception of the latter, which is essential 
 only for the life organisms to be in loving subservience to him. Thus 
 it can be seen that all life organisms are on the upward march until 
 ready to be formed in a child of God, their permanent abiding place, 
 the descendents of these, transmitted to their children. As it takes 
 millions of years to develop many, so low is evolution, it will take 
 countless centuries ere all life organisms on earth are developed. 
 Hence the soul gifts are impressed to advance comfort and solace 
 while the attributes are being developed, and as brains develop and 
 become better instruments, truth is more clearly impressed and ap- 
 prehended. Thus brains today are more developed that they were 
 when Guatama came, or when the Lord Jesus Christ gave His mess- 
 ages of peace and love. Guatama was not personally inspired, as 
 was the Lord Jesus Christ, solely by God Omnipotent, and although 
 a highly illumined mortal, owing to his period of development, not 
 as advanced as some of his followers today. As mortals are con- 
 tinually progressing it can be seen that which was needed in Gua- 
 tama's time was not needed when the Lord Jesus Christ came. The 
 most highly developed of Guatama's time were not as highly devel- 
 oped as the most highly developed when the Lord Jesus Christ 
 came. This does not apply to that which is cognized as material 
 unfoldment. The most highly developed of Swedenborg's time not 
 as highly developed as the most highly developed today. That 
 which was necessary then is not now. The material brains are more 
 developed, better instruments, hence all is transmitted more correct- 
 ly from the world of cause to the world of effect. The spirit free 
 from fear, ruled by love, needs not fear to compel him to do that 
 which, as child of God, in the real life, he does through love. He 
 expresses himself more correctly and needs no whip of even popu- 
lar opinion to make him do that which he loves to do. He is im- 
 pervious to fear, hence willing to sacrifice even mortal life, as did 
 the martyrs of old, not solely as they did for love of God, for many 
 of this plane do not even cognize God, but for love of even the 
 lowest form of life. Were all the noble, heroic deeds of mortality 
 recorded, as are their most unworthy, it would stagger those who 
 think there is retrogression. The noble, unselfish are known, often, 
 but to the one who does and to the one who receives. The one who 
 does lets not his right hand know that which his left does, and the 
 one who receives, through false pride, remains mute, hence count- 
 less self-sacrificing acts are unknown. The unworthy are not only 
 publicly disseminated through the press, but the worthy are so dis- 
 torted and garbled as to retain not a vestige of truth. 
 The Lord said, "I come not to bring the righteous, but sinners 
 to repentence." The righteous, even in His time, needed not fear 
 to be righteous. This class, more developed today, need the truths 
 told in parable and allegory, (for His time,) and His Divine mess- 
 ages to be interpreted more clearly, to be shown how they can select 
 the chaflf from the wheat, not only to have a blind faith, but taught 
 to know, with the absolute certainty of true soul knowledge, that all 
 He taught consistent with His character of perfect love is true, and 
 all that is not, not correctly apprehended nor interpreted by those 
 of His time, owing to their lack of development. He had not a 
 place to lay His head. He depended solely upon His God (im- 
 pressed solely by Him). He valued not the material. He gave all 
 and demanded naught in return. He founded no Church nor organ- 
 ization, built no costly temples. All was free to all God's children. 
 The publican, the sinner, the down-trodden, the oppressed, the beg- 
 gar in rags, the malefactor, the lowest and the highest, all were alike 
 to Him. He not only preached, but practised love in all ways. The 
 people at that time were not as wealthy and able to give as they are 
 today, yet He exacted but a bare sustenance for Himself and follow- 
 ers. His people then and up to the present day and for many cen- 
 turies to come will not reach the plane when to give all without 
 expectation of gratitude, will be practised with the love of the real 
 spirit life. Little by little, this life is becoming more correctly im- 
 pressed, and greater charity and love, notwithstanding it is claimed 
 otherwise, expressed. When the spirit impresses correctly on this 
 plane, he exacts naught in return for that which he receives from 
 God. H blessed with material wealth, he gives materially, if 
 blessed with spiritual, he gives spiritually, if blessed with both 
 spiritual and material, he gives of both. The correctly impressed 
 spirit receives no good that he does not desire to share with others. 
 Hence those who receive freely, give freely, exact naught in return 
 and expect not even gratitude. Those in future inspired to meet 
 the requirements of the most unfolded will be ruled solely by love 
 and give all they receive as it is given to them. 
 The most correctly impressed concede that the mortal world is 
 the world of effects, that all comes from the world of cause, the 
 real and true, the spiritual spheres. All systems of healing, Materia 
 Medica, as well as the various mental branches, have the same 
 origin, all evolving differently to suit the various planes among differ- 
 ent races and nations. The most highly developed know there is, 
 in reality, no evil, that it is, on mortal plane, but undeveloped good, 
 that the undeveloped planes, some among them criminal, physically 
 and mentally unfit are evolving under Divine law, and that God pro- 
 vides for all that which is necessary on the various planes. The 
 advanced of many nations know how to heal themselves, as will all 
 when developed. Until that time arrives Materia Medica and all 
 systems have their uses. 
 Those familiar with the intricate mechanism of the brain, called 
 the seat of sensation, know it is not the brain that feels but the 
 invisible, unlocated thinker, who governs the body when awake or 
 conscious on earth. When the brain is magnetized into sleep, drug- 
 ged by opiates or put into a comatose condition through disease, 
 shock or injury, the thinker, unable to use his instrument, cannot 
 govern the body nor express himself correctly. Every discoverer 
 of any truth or scientific fact, ever seeks within. He goes to no 
 outside authority. The truth or fact he discovers is impressed upon 
 his material brain by the invisible governing presence. He must 
 understand the knowledge impressed, and that which he gleans 
 objectively, ere he can prove it scientifically. Its truth depends 
 upon how correctly impressed. H correct it is never changed, if 
 not it must be in the light of more correct impressions. Hence 
 many scientific theories, not facts, are changed. One has but to 
 recall the mistakes made by the greatest scientists to realize how 
 absurd for one to state as a fact, even that which can be seemingly 
 proven by material science. When one considers that not one 
 knows, in reality, as is admitted by the really great scientists, aught 
 of the source or origin of any of the laws governing the earth, that 
 sound, light, heat, magnetism, electricity, radium are not clearly 
 understood, it appears they should seek outside a material science. A 
 material scientist can never solve nor answer these questions cor- 
 rectly unless he seeks within for the light. 
 Those who know of what the brain is formed, who know how it 
 changes constantly, who realize the meaning of consciousness, 
 hesitate to say black is not white, or to affirm anything pertaining 
 to mortal consciousness as a positive fact. The positive fact of 
 today, like a chameleon, may be changed into an entirely different 
 fact tomorrow, both equally true to different forms of mortal con- 
«ciousness, and yet neither really true. Truth is many sided to 
 mortals, and just as a scientific fact changes, so truth presents a 
 different ^uise to different planes of advancement. The mortal 
 plane does not appear alike to all the spirits who animate the mortal 
 bodies, any more than mortal bodies are formed similarly or have 
 fiimiliar organs. It will be known in time that the organs, the senses 
 vary in all to suit the especial experiences judged essential, as it is 
 now known that all brains and senses are not alike. When it is 
 granted that such is a fact, now know by the most enlightened, 
 why should anyone Judge those who are deficient, who are incapable 
 of advancing or acquiring knowledge? Were this plane for the, 
 purpose of perfecting character, or to acquire material moral train- 
 ing, wisdom and knowledge, a large percentage, would not be called 
 prior to birth and early in life. Why the necessity for detaching at 
 so early periods (ere possible to acquire anything,) to be reincar- 
 nated, or why the necessity of being brought forth at all? And as 
 all wisdom and knowledge have a spiritual source why return to 
 develop on a lower plane? 
 How can one judge those whose brain or senses are not develop- 
 ed enough to keep them from crime, so-called? When the organs 
 for the spirit are not in good condition, the spirit cannot impress 
 correctly unless, in isolated cases, like Helen Keller who had a brain 
 capable of being impressed, to demonstrate that, when permitted, 
 the spirit can express itself in other ways. Not only diseases but 
 propensities inherited from the animal progenitors, transmitted by 
 cells which divide and subdivide, prevent the spirit from expressing 
 himself properly. The advanced physician and surgeon, although 
 able to locate disease, cannot propensity nor predisposition. 
 Emanuel Swedenborg was deemed a crank* and lunatic by the 
 supenficial, but not by those who think. He claims spirits ever in 
 charge of the different organs of the bodies, regulate health, disease, 
 and cause death. It would daze mortality did they know the origin 
 and cause of disease, and that every infinitesimally small life organ- 
 ism is under the control of the spirit plane, and that all the skill and 
 learning, all the prayers and faith come from that plane, and only 
 those permitted to be healed by the different systems are healed. 
 Science has advanced so far as to admit that matter is resolved, 
 in its last analysis, into that which it calls electrons. Some have 
 got so far as to acknowledge that the true laws, behind all phenomena 
 of nature, exist but in the Mind and Will of the Author: "The Mas- 
 ter-Mind," as termed by Edgar Lucien Larkin. The phenomena, all 
 that is visible to mortal sense, the invariable sequence of these laws. 
 Materia medica, (not farther advanced but performing more 
 good than all the other systems combined, since the masses are not 
 developed enough to be impressed mentally), is still in the dark 
 regarding the origin of life and disease. When it casts aside methods 
 in vogue centuries ago, and combines the mental as many of its 
 most enlightened do, it will do even greater good. It will realize 
 that the power to heal is within all, and that if one seeks within, one 
 will be guided how to live in harmony with law and keep well, until 
 God calls. A very limited number, even among the mental branches 
 are correctly impressed, or keep in harmony with law to enable 
spirit to control, hence materia medica is very much needed. To 
 no other system is mortality so indebted. Although mistakes and 
 errors have been numberless, one has but to scan the past to see 
 how they have ameliorated all conditions, not only cleansed, and 
 purged bnt uplifted wherever their influence has extended. As 
 instruments under God they are as much needed as the most devel- 
 oped Christian Scientist, spiritual or mental healer, although not 
 grasped, possibly, by those who heal vn the name of the Lord, not 
 realizing all are instruments to do as He" wills, or He could not be 
 Omnipotent as they claim. 
 When materia medica and the various systems realize 
 that each has its special place and use, each adapted to 
 its own plane, they will, when divested of prejudice, governed by 
 love and charity, do more efficient work. The Christian Scientist 
 and the mental healer do not give matter its true place, as essential 
 to the mortal plane a-s the spiritual. Mortal plane and life are as 
 real to spirit while subject to it as is the spirit. Although all are 
 spirits, on mortal plane spirit must govern mortal body under 
 mortal law, and must obey mortal law and live in harmony with it 
 to keep alive or to effect a cure. No healer who opposes or ignores 
 natural law, in a natural world, can effect a permanent cure. Were 
 mortal life but an illusion, a reflection, then the healers must be the 
 same, and there would be no necessity for them. The greatest, 
 Mrs. Eddy succumbed to natural law, not the real Mrs. Eddy, but 
 her mortal form, which, in a mortal world was subject to mortal law\ 
 All are subject to natural law, all must drink, eat, sleep to exist as 
 reflections. No mortal body can be kept alive, well or cured per- 
 manently without tlie aid of material agencies. 
 Materia medica is striving by operation to remove diseased 
 tissue, by sanatation in various ways build healthful tissue, to increase 
 heal'h germs, the care-takers of the body and thus conquer disease 
 and eliminate propensity, then it leaves the real work to be done 
 by t'lat which they call nature, giving to nature the power of build- 
 ing nnd healing as well as disintegrating and destroying. If nature 
 has urisdiction over life and death, it must possess the wisdom of 
 an Omnipotent Being, whereas, in truth, it is but force in operation, 
 under God. And if Nature, in truth, God has power of life and 
 death, why not Omnipotent? If he controls the forces which create 
 and destroy, why not all the forces in operation in all stages from 
 birtl to death on earth? If He controls all forces in operation, He 
 mus' all forms of life from the lowest to the most illumined, (like 
 Mrs. Eddy, although not correctly impressd in all ways,) seeking 
 for that which can only come when God wills, from within, impress- 
 ed from the spirit plane, never the mortal. No material scientist 
 however advanced, can claim his impressions are superior. Edgar 
 Larl in, one of the greatest. Father Ricard, oft correctly impressed, 
 differ, and yet both give that which they cognize as truth. 
 Alany scientists claim they have given truth beyond doubt, but the 
 glar'ng mistakes of the past are no more glaring than those made 
 toda \^ by some who are so wedded to their own pet theory or belief, 
 whicii they prove scientifically, comprehensible alone to the scien- 
 tific minds developed on these lines, that they fail to perceive the 
truth in others. Take for instance, the stand many have taken 
 against Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir William Crookes, Professor Wallace. 
 William Stead, Professor Hyslop, Professor Hogdson, and even 
 against Edgar Larkin, because they are on a plane incomprehensible 
 to them. These also may disagree in minor points on the same 
 subject, not in harmony with their peculiar ideas, each deeming him- 
 self correct, whereas, he, who has the highest conception, is more 
 correctly impressed, he who, within his soul acknowledges the Mas- 
 ter Mind, the Creator, he who expresses the soul gifts more cor- 
 rectly, is nearer to the truth that the Source of all good, righteous- 
 ness and love is our Father, God Omnipotent, whether grasped as 
 Person or Principle. 
 Our earth, our material world, was evolved conjointly with our 
 spiritual world, not formed in seven days of mortal time, but, as 
 geology proves, through many successive changes, gradually develop- 
 ed as a birth-place for God's children. When ready life in the 
 inanimate became animate under material law, under the directivity 
 of God's administrative Angels, who supervise, direct and impress 
 all forms of life, from the lowest up to spirit man in the real lifej, 
 and his mortal prototype on earth. Thus evolution, the method of 
 creation, is true. Man evolved from the lowest forms for the pur- 
 pose of having impressed upon the brains of God's children the 
 necessary experiences (for each individual child) of all forms of life, 
 from the lowest up to the highest, spirit man, when the highest 
 animal was changed in the spirit world, through regeneration, as 
 well as on the mortal plane, and endowed with soul from the soul 
 of The Father. 
 The spirit body is not the soul, that part of the Divine Mind 
 which comes directly from God. The Soul of God Omnipotemt, 
 that which gives personality, the Divine from which His children 
 receive their souls, has ever existed as has the Celestial Kingdom. 
 Spirit becomes in a greater sense, child of God, never to change iri 
 the real life, made in God's Divine Image. Thus, the real Spirit 
 man is spirit body, mind and spiritual brain. The soul, that part 
 connected with God through vibrations which gives the conscious- 
 ness as God's child, and independent personality. The spirit de- 
 creed for mortal life, has also a material brain and body, mortal 
 mind, that which he forms on the mortal plane. 
 All life organisms in the spirit and on earth posses, in varying 
 degree feeling, consciousness and that deemed instinct, until as they 
 advance brain is formed under law, to meet the requirements of the 
 different animals. But the consciousness of the animal is entirely 
 different and distinct from the consciousness when born child of 
 God, in His Divine Image and Likneess. In this sense God's chil- 
 dren are of a special creation, formed of the life forces of their 
 progenitors on both planes, but, also, especially endowed with a con- 
 tinual influx, on spirit side in the real life, of soul gifts. The soul 
 gifts expressed by animals are impressed always by Angels in 
 charge, under law. Upon earth, sometimes the soul gifts are im- 
 pressed more perfectly on animals than upon man, but, while the soul 
 gifts are also impressed upon mortal man by his guardian Angels, 
 they come directly to his soul in the real body, the real 
 spirit brain wherein is located consciousenss, and which also gives 
 him consciousness upon the mortal plane, when that part of his 
 soiritual brain is masrnetized which deorives him of consciousness or 
communion with the real life. The difference between animals, our 
 lesser brethren, and ourselves, is they reflect soul, we are souL 
 Thcf mortal life and plane of consciousness is as real while it lasts 
 as the spirit. The spirit is not within the material, but vice-versa. 
 The material composed of that which is called matter, is, in truth, a 
 certain kind of spiritual substance transformed and transmuted to 
 permit it to occupy the spaces between the perpetually revolving 
 force called electrons on earth. Within the spaceis of these units 
 of force are formed the different worlds and bodies of spiritual and 
 material life, the material world within the spirit, the material world 
 abandoned after it has performed its mission, the material body un- 
 til detached by death, within the spiritual body. Thus, the mate- 
 trial brain is within the real, spiritual brain. As mind is connected 
 with brain, when we say brain we include mind. Upon the spirit 
 brain and mind are impressed the soul gifts, which under law, under 
 the Angels in charge are impressed when necessary upon the mate- 
 rial brain. The material brain and organs, instruments for the spirit 
 on earth, transmits and records all earth's experiences. 
 The spirit can only be conscious on one plane at a time, either 
 spirit or mortal, although often a spirit on earth appears to be con- 
 scious and is in a degree, of the two planes similtaneously. But as 
 the real body is more substantial than the material and immune to 
 change, (excepting in minor respects,) and destruction, it can, natural- 
 ly be only in one place at a time. When conscious or awake on earth, 
 it is not in the real life, as it is attached to the mortal body. When 
 its mortal body is asleep or entranced as sometimes happens, animat- 
 ed by another spirit, it is separated from the mortal and conscious 
 in its real home, excepting the intervals in which it sleeps also in 
 the mortal body, and mingles spiritual impressions with material 
 experiences, called dreams. Thus a spirit is regularly detached by 
 sleep, and sometimes by trance for the purpose of leading the real 
 life, and being instructed and developed as befits a child of God. 
 All those who are attached to the degraded, the illiterate, the 
 criminal, the mentally unbalanced, are in the real life, children of 
 God, endowed with soul gifts, although all evolve differently on both 
 planes, and do not possess the same aspirations and individual 
 characteristics, but all are equal in the Father's sight, and all express, 
 in varying degree, the soul gifts and spiritual attributes. 
 The spirit, when born on earth, formed in embryo in both 
 worlds, connected with the Father, has all its spiritual brain, save 
 that part wherein is located consciousness, magnetized into insensi- 
 bility and is cut off entirely from the spirit sphere, hence has no 
 recollection of the spirit world, and but the consciousness of being, 
 manifested in the fiest, feeble wail. A brain is formed by the Angels 
 in charge, under the laws of the two worlds, the real, expressing the 
 spiritual attributes, the material, the material, until the spirit who is 
 to govern himself more or less on the mortal plans, is left to 
 exercise free will, ever and always amenable to the laws of the mate- 
 rial plane. On the spirit, he forms, under his Celestial Angels, a 
 mind suited to a child of God. In the real home the spirit is in 
 harmony with law, a part of it, God's will the will of love, righteous- 
 ness, and truth his will. On earth, excepting the impressions from 
the spirit, he is entirely under material law, to acquire through pain 
 and suffering or otherwise, that which is necessary to advance in 
 the real life. Were mortal life to unfold the spiritual qualities of 
 the real life, there would be no necessity for it, as solely spiritual 
 qualities are expressed in spirit spheres. Were it to unfold mentally 
 why leave the Fountain Head and Source of all Wisdom to learn 
 from a lower plane, and obtain at second hand that which is im- 
 pressed from the higher. And why subject the millions of degen- 
 erates, imbeciles and mentally unsound who are powerless to advance 
 to useless lives? Although when the time is ripe these classes will 
 be developed, countless millions have become detached by death, 
 after varying periods of earth life, having remained at a standstill 
 or retrograded, benefitted no one, but have suffered and endured 
 that which was necessary to enable them to advance in the real life. 
 Those who are not ordained for mortal life, who pass on after 
 acquiring soul and personality, ere born on earth, are not detached 
 because they are on a higher plane, but because their parents on 
 earth must bring them forth conjointly, in the sole way God's chil- 
 dren are given personality. They are detached because their develop- 
 ment, or rather, development of the various life organisms of their 
 real spirit bodies and brains, does not call for mortal development. 
 As yet, but little light on this subject has been given. Material 
 science is on the eve of greater illumination. The most enlight- 
 ened know considerable of the anatomy of the physical body, but 
 few are impressed with the anatomy of the spirit body, and with the 
 great mission of every little, insignificant life organism inhabiting 
 their different worlds or bodies. All universes are mainly composed 
 of and filled with these tiny life organisms. In the aggregate they 
 form all worlds and bodies. Were it not for them there could not 
 be a body of any kind in existence, hence how remarkable their 
 mission, and show still undeveloped the mind that knows naught of 
 the origin of anything on earth. The material brain and body are 
 under a process of continual change. Within a specified time it 
 changes every life organism, hence the brain with all that it acquires 
 on earth, since it is constantly changing, could not retain or recol- 
 lect a single experience were it not that all are recorded upon the 
 spiritual brain which ever retains that which is necessary for its 
 development. The spiritual body and brain (evolved in the spirit 
 world where every organism expresses nothing but the soul gifts 
 and spiritual attributes), is formed of the highest type of these life 
 organisms. All develop until ready to inhabit their permanent 
 home, the body of the spirit child of God, wherein they advance 
 under his dominion. Some, in the different bodies about to be 
 transformed or regenerated, have not advanced and do not advance 
 simultaneously, hence are subjected to a different course of training. 
 Incredible as this may appear to spirit on earth, every little life 
 organism, in every form of life in both worlds, is under directivity. 
 Edgar Lucien Larkin ,"Within the Mind Maze" has given the clear- 
 est material exposition on these lines yet given. The spirit bodies 
 and their descendents, which require, since their life organisms ever 
 abide with them, a peculiar development, especially for them, are 
 subjected to mortal schooling, and other sysytems in vogue in various 
spirit worlds. Not drastic and severe as the mortal, but suited to 
 the different bodies. Every life organism, after it is born in the 
 body of child of God, is subject to his government. As all are 
 not completely under his dominion, he, in another life, on another 
 plane, under law, himself under directivity, must undergo conjointly, 
 with these life organisms, the only development which can bring 
 them under complete control. He, directed and impressed by his 
 Celestial tutors in the real life, until fitted to govern himself, also on 
 earth under their guidance, receiving spiritual impressions from 
 them or advanced spirits. Those, who, upon earth, appear to be con- 
 trolled by evil spirits, are really under the control of undeveloped 
 material brain, which diseased or malformed, is not a fit instrument 
 for the spirit to express himself clearly. The life organisms of the 
 real spirit bod3% ordained to exist forever as part of the real true 
 body, have no mortal organisms or aught to do with mortal life, the 
 life organisms of a mortal body occupy the spaces between the real 
 ones of real body and are under material law, they must be brought 
 into harmony with the spirit to enable him to control or guide them, 
 hence, for experience solely to be acquired in this way, little by 
 little develops this brain. When the material brain is developed, or 
 inhabited by a class of life organisms in harmony with the spirit, 
 the spirit controls and can keep the material body well and harmon- 
 ious, but as the body is constantly changing in a manner just 
 glimpsed by material science, the spirit finds it difficult to control for 
 any length of time, hence the sundering of the two planes when 
 God wills. Were all the life organisms in Mrs. Eddy's brain the 
 identical ones, or in the same condition as when she healed others 
 and kept herself harmonious and well, she might have been permitted 
 to continue in mortal life, but as her time of training was over, she 
 and both material brain and body were subject to God's law. The 
 materially proven scientific fact of the complete changing of the 
 mortal body within certain periods is conceded by those who are 
 familiar with material science. This one fact proves that the entire 
 control of the mortal body is not left solely to the individual spirit, 
 'no matter how advanced, but is under the charge of our loving 
 Father, God Omnipotent. 
 When man was first brought forth from the animal he was on 
 the same plane of development. Upon earth there was no wisdom, no 
 knowledge, no development of any kind. It was a big, wild wilder- 
 ness inhabited solely by animals. No knowledge, save that of the 
 animal could be acquired materially. There were no teachers more 
 illumined. They had to rely solely upon themselves, and seek within 
 for the impressions to advance them. He, who had a better formed 
 brain naturally became a leader, simply because he was correctly im- 
 pressed, and developed greater intelligence. As mortal mind had 
 not developed, it had to form first among these crude people. With- 
 out the illumination from within, mind would still be on the same 
 plane, and man no higher than the animal. Little by little by those 
 in charge, thought, reason, will, understanding was developed. Man, 
 impressed as child of God, began to express that which is called the 
 religious instinct, which, in truth, is a soul conscious of its Divine 
 origin, seeking to give expression, in the world in which it is con- 
 scious, of its worship of its Father, the most potent feeling in 
 existence. According to the development of the brain and sense 
 organs, man expressed more or less perfectly, among the first races 
 brought forth, this worship, but as all inherited more or less strongly, 
 the diseases, propensities and characteristics of one animal, the 
 spiritual impressions could not be grasped similarly, hence, the more 
 illumined began to preach and teach those not on the same plane. 
 Thus the races with various planes, or rather with different classes, 
 often, in the same families, began to develop along all lines, acquir- 
 ing from without the material, from within, the spiritual. 
 Through numberless forms, from idols up to gods and lords 
 many, to the One Supreme God, advancing among some, retrograd- 
 ing among others, the religious instinct, the worship of the Father 
 has evolved, or been impressed more perfectly upon better instru- 
 ments, all wisdom and knowledge the same. All that which we call 
 material knowledge, the sciences, arts, etc., are from the spirit. The 
 scientist and inventor express but that which they receive from 
 within, of the sciences and inventions of the spirit world, however 
 imperfectly expressed, the philosopher, the religeuse, the prophet 
 the religion and philosophy of the real life imperfectly expressed. 
 Those on the highest planes of material development, or rather 
 expression of wisdom of the spirit spheres, do not all receive similar 
 impression, owing to their different brains, hence, the difference 
 among their beliefs. But this truth is self evident, whether great 
 thinkers express the religious instinct or not, all in their lives and 
 acts express more strongly true worship than many who feebly re- 
 flect, in their lives and acts, the spiritual truths they seek to in- 
 culcate. Thus true religion is but an expression in acts, more than 
 in words, of the spirit's worship of the Father, whether His Omnipo- 
 tence or Personality is grasped on this plane or not. Those who 
have the brains, through which to interpret clearly, do the will of 
 righteousness and love. Those who have not the correct instru- 
 ments cannot. Those who have instruments, like the majority, 
 gradually develop, until, through the crucible of suffering and bitter 
 experiences, they learn to express more clearly the impressions 
 received from the real home. The majority comprise many grades 
 or planes of advancement, one sometimes advances from the lowest 
 to the highest plane with but apparently, the same brain formation 
 of many who remain at a stand-still or retrograde, because the little 
 life organisms, although similar in appearance, lack that which is 
 necessary for them to advance. Individual effort, will, thought, 
 reason cannot be developed with poor instruments, or rather ex- 
 pressed on this plane of consciousness. This difference in brain 
 formation is responsible for the various interpretations given to 
 religion, hence there are various religions, philosophies, cults, and 
 systems of healing especially adapted to the various planes. As "in 
 my Fathet's house there are many mansions'* for His children, there 
 are many religions, and various ways of soul expression for those 
 who are to develop, through individual effort and will, but neverthe- 
 less, the mansions are also for the ones who are not fitted to grasp 
 religion or philosophy, and unable to express soul but little on 
 mortal plane. 
 This is the one great truth which, for the first time, is being 
 impressed perfectly upon brains ready to receive. The unreality of 
 evil, disease and death to the spirit first given publicly by Mrs. Eddy 
 although glimpsed here and there by the inspired philosopher, 
 medium, teacher, poet or writer ages before, is now being impressed 
 upon many receptive brains. Mrs. Eddy attributed evil to mortal 
 mind, the others failed to explain why it is undeveloped good. 
 Evil in animal, resulting from the instinct of self-preservation 
 impressed by those in charge, for purpose of development, is not 
 deemed evil in animal. It is not evil for animals to commit every 
 crime. They know no better, they but follow instinct not knowing 
 what instinct is. All thinking mortals know man has evolved from 
 the animal, not a special creation, unless, in the sense of especial 
 species. Primitive man committed the same undeveloped acts, as do 
 the primitive races to-day and those on undeveloped planes, because 
 they but act their inherited natures, the natures not yet impressed 
 correctly by the spirit spheres, the nature of the animal. Man, thou- 
 sands of years ago, when first evolved, acted in all ways like unto 
 his progenitors. The descendants of man, so slow in evolution, still 
 display the propensities arid characteristics, as well as transmit dis- 
 ease, (some of which cause perversion of morals,) as did his early 
 progenitors. All those who inherit more strongly than others, (note 
 the difference in the same families, then deny directivity if you can), 
 inherit these propensities which cause crime in them, the same as 
 in the animal, and diseases which cause moral perversion. - Hence, 
 that which is claimed is crime and comes from a criminal spirit, 
 brought forth in the Divine Image by a pure, holy God, is, in truth, 
 but undeveloped conditions ordained for purpose of development to 
 the majority, not for all. Not to evolve good out of evil, but to 
 develop spirits, on earth, to fit them to advance in their real home, 
and as conditions change, and the spirit expresses more clearly, the 
 propensities are conquered, the diseases are healed, and thus that 
 termed evil ceases and good results. Those who attribute to the 
 pure, holy child of God evil still express the animal propensities, if 
 not the disease, although in the real world, they often are 
 highly developed. 
 Thus evil is but undeveloped good, crime the result of undevelop- 
 ed conditions on earth. The spirit child, like the Father, pure 
 and holy, does not have to develop, on an animal plane, spiritual 
 qualities, a part of his divine nature, and does not, more potent than 
 his Father, form an illusive mind and body, but develops a mortal 
 mind as he advances, which, after he passes on, is considerably 
 changed, and only that part which is essential, retained. 
 The religion of »the future will be based upon, not the various 
 impressions more or less clearly expressed, of numberless different 
 teachers, but the religion from their own souls, the religion of their 
 real home, the worship of the loving Father alone. 
 This :s the beginning of this religion, a universal religion for all 
 God's children, seek within, and ye shall find proof of thy God, thy 
 Comforter, and that all thy loved ones are safe in the real Home, 
 where thou ever art, although not conscious on earth. 
 There is not a mortal on earth who is not a psychic, not one not 
 impressed by spirits, were it not so all would be, as they become, 
 when they are detached permanently dead, inanimate matter. From 
 the time of birth until death all are impressed, more or less from 
 the spirit realms, and all are regularly vitalized nightly by the sole 
 power which keeps life in mortal form while their spirits are detach- 
 ed. Is there one mortal who can prolong life when God wills him 
 home? Could the founder of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy, the 
 most remarkable woman of her epoch? Not yet have spirits on 
 earth discovered the origin of anything, much less of life. Although 
 all are psychics, all are not similarly impressed, individual gifts, 
 traits, and characteristics of the spirit are impressed more or less 
 perfectly, according to the development deemed essential, conjoined 
 with the characteristics of the mortal. Although mortal, detached 
 from its spirit, is dead matter, until spirit is permanently detached 
 its countless life organs live and govern, or rather attend to the 
 preservation and maintenance of activity in the organs entrusted to 
 them. When they are detached, the body is dead. Thus it can be 
 seen that which Emanuel Swedenborg claimed is true. Every part 
 of the body is under the care of Angels, but not as he claimed, var- 
 ious angels in charge of the different organs, but two Celestial ones 
 in charge of one spirit in spirit and mortal body, under law. 
 Religion has evolved, impressed by degrees, from the spirit 
 spheres. The universal, religious instinct has developed as the brain 
 has become a better instrument to receive the truth. All the wis- 
 dom, knowledge, inventions, discoveries have been and are being 
 impressed upon brams fitted to receive, therefore, all are psychics. 
 He who seeks within for the, power to acquire objectively material 
 knowledge, whether he believes in spirit or not is a psychic. He 
 who seeks within, the scientist, writer, philosopher, poet for the im- 
 pressions, which many deem come from mortal mind, are psychics. 
 Not only those who are impressed with matters pertaining to the 
 spirit spheres, but all, whether conscious or not of the truth, are 
 psychics. That which is called spiritualism has evolved, (impres- 
 sions from the spirit commingled with the illusions and Qxperiences 
 of mortal mind,) from the lowest forms of witch-craft to modern 
 spiritualism, and the Christian spiritualist, who is found withm every 
 denomination of the Christian Religion, philosophy, cult in the world. 
 Every religion of any prominence is founded upon spiritualism, all 
 have had miraculous spiritual experience, the Christian especially. 
 Many unfamiliar with the source of spiritualism ascribe to the un- 
 developed mediums, who mingle correct impressions with material 
 beliefs, fraud. The truth is, the average me'dium gives the message, 
 as correctly as possible, through his or her material instrument, 
 although the undeveloped will often resort through love of lucre and 
 necessity to that which is anything but spiritual, as many of the same 
type do/jn every religion. The correctly impressed know the truth, 
 and, instead of condemning, pity these undeveloped ones. The Lord 
 Jesus Christ was the most perfect psychic on earth. Yet even He. 
 the most perfect, due to the low plane of advancement, gave only 
 that which they could receive, hence the fear of punishment and evi- 
 continued. For the many who believe in evil, this belief is essential, 
 they could not advance otherwise, their beliefs are rarely changed. 
 Those who are correctly impressed will welcome with joy these 
 truths, and feel encouraged to seek in the right way, the only way. 
 and that is within. 
 The first duty is to be true to self, to the spirit impress- 
 ing you with the truth when you put yourself in our Father's hand 
 and seek with the trust of a child, let no exponent of 
 any religion, philosophy or cult do your thinking or your seeking. 
 Think for self, ask for light, and, not content with asking, strive to 
 live up to your highest, eliminate thought of self, ally yourself with 
 those of all planeis, not solely with those of your own, only by min- 
 istering to and mingling with the lowest can you develop the highest. 
 Those who love all, see good in all, thy duty to help and elevate, not 
 criticise and lower, as the Master did, who had not a place to lay 
 His head, who gave all and received but a bare sustenance, do ye 
 as much as thy limitations will permit, and thy Father who reads all 
 hearts, from Whom no thought is hidden, will answer, and within 
 thine own souls, even here, ye will receive perfect proof of His 
 Omnipotence, impressed by His Celestial Angels, thy guardians, not 
 undeveloped spirits. Those who seek for material tests, dominated 
 by love of the material, receive but the material from the': medium's 
 mind and the material minds of others present, although sometimes 
 spirits give that which will help ameliorate conditions when per- 
 mitted. All evil spirits are simply perceived so by the undeveloped 
 mediums. Could they see with the true spirit sight, instead of with 
 the material consciousness, they would really see beautiful, glorious 
 spirits. The pure in heart see God and His Angels. The unde- 
 veloped, as pure in the real life, see instead, devils. 
 As all mortals are psychics, there are as many diflferent psychics 
 as there are grades of development. All mortals, impressed bj' 
 their Guardian Angels, or, with minds in harmony who themselves 
 impress their material brain, are necessarily psychics. Whether 
 impressed or otherwise, their spiritual brains impress their mate- 
 rial brains. The soul, the personality is connected with 
 the spiritual brain. That part alone, (unless in harmony with 
 the mortal, or rather the mortal in harmony with it,) is conscious 
 on earth. When it is not in harmony on earth, in this sense, and 
 solely has the consciousness of being, it is impressed by the Angels 
 in charge on the spirit plane in the real body, and it then impresses 
 its mortal brain and mind. Therefore, when one not in harmony 
 seeks within for light, his spiritual brain is impressed by his Guard- 
 ian Angels, and it in turn impresses its mortal brain. Hence it can 
 be seen that no one, unless detached from the body by trance or 
 sleep, (when his body is used by another, as occurs sometimes for 
 certain reasons,) is ever controlled or impressed by others, as 
 deemed by many spiritualists. The truth is the one desiring to give 
 the message, is permitted by the Angels in charge, to impress the 
 psychic in his real body (although not conscious on the spirit plane,) 
 who gives through the material brain, according to his development, 
 correctly or otherwise. This explains the many contradictions 
 given through the psychics, the personal material beliefs and 
 knowledge adulterated with the truth. 
 When a psychic has a material brain which has developed 
 through overcoming temptation and self purification, it then, 
 (although not conscious of the spirit world and life), is 
 connected directly with the Father, and receives a continual influx 
 of the soul gifts. He receives correctly higher truths, and, also, ac- 
 cording to the development of his material brain, independently, (not 
 impressed by its Guardian Angels,) gives these truths, although his 
 body and brain are still, until detached by death, under their charge. 
 Therefore, all instruments give truths, more or less, under 
 the charge of their Guardian Angels, until their brains are in har- 
 mony, after they independently give the truths received by them 
 directly from the Divine Mind of the Father. Those who give the 
 higher truths, (the soul gifts expressed in act and in word,) independ- 
 ently give that with which they are in harmony. Those who express 
 on earth the soul gifts in acts, but who are, for certain reasons, still 
 imbued with the belief in evil and punishmen't in the real life, give 
 independently only the higher truths with which they are in harmony. 
 Although Emanuel Swedenborg, in act expressed the soul gifts, 
 his material brain could not give some of the higher truths. He, 
 conscious of the truth of the real life, could not, through an unde- 
 veloped instrument, give it, hence some of his conceptions and im- 
pressions were not correct. Many great psychics, dominated by 
 love of the material, fail. Swedenborg had no love of the material, 
 even on earth he expressed the soul gifts more perfectly than any 
 great teacher, excepting our Lord, but his material brain and mind 
 could not give certain truths through lack of development. When 
 the mechanism of the material brain is understood, mortals will be 
 able to understand why, even in a trance, while all is presumed to 
 be under the complete control of the spirit controlling, truth can be 
 given only according to the development of the! material brain 
 through which it is given. The material brain and organs are the 
 sole instruments which connect the two planes of consciousness. 
 Whether one sees with spirit sight or otherwise, one must use the 
 material brain and organs to connect one with earth, or else the 
 wires are cut off and no message can be sent. 
 When the material brain, or the gray matter of the spinal cord 
 is defective, malformed, or out of order, through disease or other- 
 wise, correct messages cannot be transmitted to the spirit, and vice- 
 versa. When the brain is undeveloped or not in good working 
 condition, it naturally does not transmit correctly the messages it 
 receives. The more perfectly developed the material brain, the 
 more perfectly does it enable the spirit to transmit or express the 
 soul gifts, the most potent in existence. The sole difference be 
 tween spirits on earth is the difference in the development of the 
 instruments which connect them with the earth lifei He who has 
 the most perfect can send the most correct messages, and express the 
 truths of the real life more correctly. The truths of the real life 
 are love, righteousness, wisdom, mercy, strength, charity, sympathy, 
 compassion, not love of money, ostentation, greed, rapacity, animal- 
 ism, commercialism, selfishness, etc. A trite saying, "consider the 
 source from whence it comes" must ever be considered by the 
 seeker after truth. He who is free from love of the material, he 
 who values wealth not for himself, but for others, he who is ever 
 alert to the woes of others, who exemplifies in acts, more than 
 words the soul gifts, (expresses in life the truths he gives,) is 
 more liable to be correct, as he really is, than the one who materially 
 dominated, gives the material conceptions which he also expresses in 
 his life. 
 The Lord Jesus Christ, the Divinely inspired, alone exemplified 
 perfectly the soul gifts. The various interpretations, put upon His 
 life and messages of peace and love, have been deeply colored by 
 the material brains who interpreted Him, hence the apparent con- 
 tradictions of His statements. The correctly impressed reject all 
 that is not consistent with His Divine character, realizing that One 
 who taught "Forgive seventy times seven" could not condemn nor 
 arraign anyone. He, who pitied the thief on the cross and Mary 
 Magdalene in this world, could not, in the spirit, whether Son or 
 God Himself, refrain from pitying and saving, if Omnipotent, the 
 countless other sinners who never heard of him, and who are bom 
 incapable of advancing. He who is all love loves all. He who is all 
 charity has charity for all. He who is all compassion, compassion- 
 ates all. He who is Omnipotent, All-good, neither creates, thinks nor 
 speaks evil. Hence those, despite the teachings of the churches, who 
exemplify in life, the soul gifts, whether they ever heard of the Lord 
 Jesus or not, express more perfectly His Divine qualities than those 
 who do not interpret Him correctly and endow Him with their hu- 
 man characteristic of anger, lack of charity, as evidenced in the inter- 
 pretation they put upon His arraignment of the undeveloped money- 
 lenders and the doomed cities. 
 Those who do not accept His Divinity, and cannot reconcile 
 these human frailties in a Divine character, are no more correct than 
 those who accept Him as Divine and, alas, human too. Both are 
 in error. The spiritual and material can never coalesce, both are 
 entirely distinc.t in God and in spirit man, His real child. Mrs. 
 Eddy paved the way for the truth now given,, unadulterated by 
 human conceptions. She recognized God as Spirit, His children as 
 ideas, the unreality of death, disease and sin to the spirit but 
 ignored matter completely, did not give it its true place. Mortal 
 mind was ready to accept the truths, and (strange as it may appeal 
 to many, also in the joy at being released from the horrors of the 
 orthodox religions, which they could not accept,) accepted, not 
 without misgivings and doubts her conceptions of mortal mind and 
 life. But there is a large class among Christian Scientists who 
 do not accept these conceptions, as there is a large class among the 
 Christian religions who cannot accept human depravity, hell-fire, etc. 
 There are also many among other religions who cannot accept 
 reincarnation and transmigration, not yet entirely outgrown. There 
 are also many spiritualists who cannot accept the Lord Jesus as 
 "Elder Brother" and who do not believe in evil in the spirit spheres. 
 Also many Swedenborgians who cannot accept the great seer's 
 hells. All of these that I enumerate utterly reject Mrs. Eddy's con- 
 ceptions of mortal life, and will gladly welcome the truths now 
 given for the first time. That, although, in truth, we 
 are spirits, we animate and impress mortal bodies as real 
 while they last as our real spirits ones. That mortal mind does 
 not create disease, although discordant, inharmonious thought causes 
 the disease germs to gain control. That evil is the result of unde- 
 veloped conditions, in reality unevolved good. That mortal man 
 inherits the propensities and diseases of his animal progenitors. 
 When he develops conditions and brain through impressions re- 
 ceived through the spirit spheres, he conquers evil. That each one 
 born with the right kind of brain can conquer evil and make it cease 
 for himself individually. That there is no necessity for salvation. 
 That man never was brought forth perfect on earth, although pure 
 and holy in the real life. That he has not fallen, but is continually 
 advancing That those who do not advance here advance in the 
 real life, which they live when detached at night by sleep periodically 
 and forever when detached by that called death. That in truth man 
 is a child of God, heir to all the glories of the spirit world and 
 not as abject sinner. That when he develops on earth he brings 
 himself in harmony, and can then give spiritual truths, in the only 
 wav that he can on the material plane, through his material brain. 
 Mortality, or rather spirits in the mortal life, as they advance 
 and come into the truth of life and its real meaning, will explain 
 more clearly the early traditions, mythology, and undeveloped con- 
 ceptions of the earlier periods when the races, save here and there 
 an isolated individual or teacher, formed an object of worship or 
 God to suit their mental receptivity. The God for primitive man of 
 sticks, stones, idols was supplanted by a god of a higher order, and 
 so on until some of the various religions and philosophies evolved 
 one supreme God, interpreted in harmony with their plane of develop- 
 ment, hence endowed with human characteristics, until the coming 
 of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Sole Teacher, who, in His life express- 
 ed naught but the spiritual attributes. Great and inspired as the 
 teachers were prior to His coming, not one ever attained to the 
 Christ standard, not one throughout all his life lived the immaculate 
 life of the Lord, all were impressed to give only that which could be 
 received by the people. TTie majority of the peoples who were fitted 
 to receive the truths, or rather whose mentality could grasp, in a 
 degree, as much of the truth as was necessary for them, prior to the 
 Lord's coming, advanced and retrograded. The majority of the 
 people after the Lord's coming have advanced, not retrograded, 
 although seemingly so among some nations. Even although Chris- 
 tianity has not reached many countries, still the peoples had to be 
 on certain plane to necessitate the coming of the Christ. When 
 one looks back over the past of the majority of nations, one per- 
 ceives they have steadily advanced. Their conceptions of God and 
 the origin of life clearer, their spiritual insight broader, their soul 
 gifts developing. Horrible as is the present war, it has not, despite 
 reports, been attended with the malignity of earlier periods. War 
 is condemned to-day by a greater number than at any previous 
 period, and condemned simply because spirits on earth have better 
 formed material brains, more in harmony with the spirit spheres. 
 When the majority of spirits on earth will be develoed to express 
 more clearly the higher truths, war will cease for a time. When 
 war will have performed its mission, when capital punishment, penal 
 institutions, and asylums will not be needed, the majority will then 
 be more fitted to receive greater illumination. Hence, the truths 
 told in parable and allegory are being impressed more clearly upon 
 those more fitted to receive, and the masses more influenced by the 
 inspired. That which was suited to the peoples prior to the Lord, 
 and many centuries since His coming, has been given. Nothing 
 that the Lord gave can be added to, in a truly spiritual sense, or 
 taken from, but He gave only that which could be, in a degree, 
 grasped. The Power, God Omnipotent, who inspired Him person- 
 ally, through His instruments, is inspiring others to interpret more 
 clearly the earlier messages, so that all His children, of every 
religion and race who are ready to receive can, on the earth worship 
 Him in truth, within their own souls find the Comforter, and for 
 faith substitute actual knowledge. 
 Every child of God, born conjointly in the two worlds, every 
 child severed before birth, is educated in spirit world. No matter 
 of what race or of what class all are His children, all made in His 
 Divine Image, all pure, good and free from mortal defects. All 
 upon birth in the spirit world are entrusted to the care of two 
 Celestial Angels, and educated and trained until fitted to advance 
 independently. Those who are detached by death prior to attain- 
 ing to adult life, continue in the charge of their tutors, until they 
 attain to it. Those who pass away after, advance independently, 
 although ever under the supervision of the higher advanced. 
 Continual progression is the law of the spirit spheres. All must 
 first acquire all the knowledge^ of their own spirit world, similar to 
 many others on the same planes of development, thence the knowl- 
 edge of those on higher planes until ready for the Celestial King- 
 dom, thefice on and on until almost, but never equal to our Father, 
 who is Himself the Source and Fountain of all wisdom. 
 All spirit worlds are worlds of cause. All material worlds, worlds 
 of effects. Everything that is on earth good, beautiful, spiritual 
 is in the real life, more perfect, greater, grander, more beautiful. 
 Everything of an undeveloped, material nature unknown, unrecog- 
 nized, evil understood to be undeveloped conditions permitted to 
 strengthen the spirit's control of his real body and brain. When 
 the spirit is detached by that which we call death, he awakes in 
 his real home. If in an asylum, penitentiary or university, public 
 building, etc., he awakes in similar places perfect in beauty, com- 
 fort and appointments, with the exception that the jails, penitentiar- 
 ies, asylums and all places of punishment and reform on earth are 
 called sanitariums, where spirits stay until taken home by relatives. 
 All do not awaken to nor are on the same planes of advancement. 
 All are independently individual with different aspirations and 
 characteristics, but all express nothing but the soul gifts, and are 
 on the same plane socially, and mingle together as children of God, 
 recognizing each and all as brethren and sisters. As on earth the 
 bravest are often the tenderest, the most advanced are the most 
 loving. He who loves all forms of life more fervently, is further 
 advanced in true soul knowledge. Love is the most potent law 
 of all. Our Father is Love embodied. Love personified, the 
 highest expression of Love in all the universes. The Celestial 
 Angels, in varying degree, express His love, the more perfectly they 
 express it and the soul gifts, the greater their beauty and power, 
 the same with spirits in the spirit worlds. 
 Those, on earth, who think there is aught of an unloving nature 
 in the real life, where our Father abides, will, if ordained, on that 
 plane awaken to the truth that they j'udge by the development of 
 their material brains, which are kept in that condition to enable them 
 as teacher, parent, prophet or seer to exercise authority and influence 
 those who cannot be influenced in any other way. Some of the 
 greatest teachers on earth, highly advanced spirits like Emanuel 
 Swedenborg, were and are impressed to give that which was and is 
most needed, as the great seer did, a ray here and there recollected 
 on his return from his trances, intermingled with the prevailing be- 
 liefs of the period. Many have advanced so far since his epoch, 
 as to refuse to accept all pertaining to places of punishment, and 
 as many refuse to credit these places, they desire to abolish the 
 same on earth, not being impressed with the fact, that, although 
 there are a much lesser number, there are still many on earth who 
 are too undeveloped to influence but in this manner, and as it is 
 decreed under law, heart-rending as it is, it is necessary 6r it would 
 not be. All that will not interfere with the experiences required 
 is done to ameliorate unnecessary suffering. Under the law of 
 heredity, animal characteristics and propensities are transmitted from 
 generation to generation as well as diseases and predisposition to 
 disease, some mortals are born filled with the disease germs which 
 have been inherited originally from the animal, and cause that which 
 is called crime. In the spirit life they also inherit recorded upon 
 the brain, all that is necessary of the countless lower forms from 
 which their bodies have been evolved, but also soul and the soul- 
 gifts, personality as child of God, to whom all lower forms of life 
 are subserviant, ruled simply and solely by love. 
 There are but two real planes of consciousness, the spiritual and 
 material or mortal. The other states are either produced by the 
 Angels in charge, for purpose of development, or by drugs and dis- 
 eased or malformed brains. 
 The spirit has but one real body. Some, (few, in comparison 
 with the countless numbers living in detached spirit worlds, and the 
 Celestial Universes,) have mortal bodies for certain periods. The 
 soul, that which gives consciousness and personality is connected 
 indissolubly with its spirit body. The conception of the soul rein- 
 carnating in different bodies, or being within several at the same 
 time, was based upon, on earth, the incorrectly impressed truth, of 
 the reincarnation of the animal, in truth, the life organism trans- 
 mitted from body to body. 
 When conscious in the spirit, one is not conscious on earth. 
 The spirit who desires to be conscious on earth has to enter the 
 material consciousness, in a similar manner to that practiced by those 
 seeking to develop psychical gifts, on earth. A detached spirit can 
 only discern detached spirits unless he enters the material con- 
 sciousness. A mortal, or spirit still on earth can only discern 
 mortals, unless he enters the spiritual consciousness. A mortal, 
 often while concious on the mortal plane, sees and speaks with those 
 detached, when they are on the material plane of consciousness, 
 and he, more or less, on the spiritual, in this sense, there is a min- 
 gling of the consciousness of the two planes, responsible for the in- 
 correct impressions given by the medium, through instruments not 
 in harmony with the truths of the spirit. 
 Those who see horrible and terrifying spectacles or forms, seen 
 by many reputable and honest persons, either imagine, are victims 
 of hallucinations, produced by certain conditions, or have defective 
 brains or organs, which cause them to see, instead of the real forms, 
 the forms as they have known them on earth, or as their mortal 
 mind grasps them. Those who see aught of an unlovely or evil 
 nature should pray all the more faithfully with act, as well as word, 
 to develop better instruments, to help them to interpret more cor- 
 rectly the spiritual messages. They would see, instead of undevelop- 
 ed spirits. Angels seeking to impress them with the truths and 
 beauty of the spirit world, not reflecting, the sin and sorrow of their 
 mortal minds. 
 The states of consciousness of other planes, taught and produc- 
 ed thousands of years ago, and still by many, who are seeking divine 
 wisdom, are produced for various purposes to enable those seeking, 
 to experience that which is needful for them on the mortal plane. 
 They are no more real than the moving pictures of earth. Those 
 who advance in this way generally find God, whether sensed as The 
 Christ or not. Those who do not get that which is essential. 
The hallucinations of drugs and mental diseases, are, of course, 
 illusory. The consciousness in sleep is that felt after the spirit 
 returns and is attached to its body by the Angels in charge, when 
 the spiritual brain, not yet entirely magnetized impresses the mate- 
 rial brain with some of its real experiences which the material min- 
 gles with its own of mortal life, and thus produces dreams of all 
 kinds. Sometimes the spirit recalls, after he awakes, these experi- 
 ences, and thus some dreams are actual verities. In these dreams 
 advice, warnings are often given as well as in a magnetized state, 
 betwixt the two planes of consciousness, causing visions, in which 
 the mortal sees and actually communes with the detached, and sees 
 actual scenes, represented in manner similar to motion pictures on 
 earth. These visions are mainly responsible for the belief in other 
 states of consciousnes, independent of the spirit and mortal. 
 The. spirit, on mortal plane sometimes becomes detached by 
 trance, and, in its real body, visits other scenes, while its guardian 
 Angel or an advanced spirit attaches itself to the mortal body until it 
 returns. This is called, on earth, projecting the ego. The truth 
 is, while all this is done, the spirit or soul is ever within his own 
 body in the spirit world, which he never leaves, after attaining to 
 the personality as child of God, given upon earth as well as the 
 spirit. Hence are all the same personalities brought forth on earth. 
 Although we grow and advance to Celestial Angels, develop 
 and enlarge our minds, our bodies are ever the same, perfect and 
 flawless in form and feature, simply change in expressing greater 
 beauty and greater sweetness and divinity. After a spirit attains 
 to the perfection of adult life, immortal youth and beauty, the men 
 appear about twenty-five, according to mortale age, women about 
 twenty. Their appearance never changes, save in minor respects, 
 although their mortal bodies are decrepit, the real body is ever 
 young, symmetrical and beautiful 
 Man is composed of spiritual body and spiritual brain, con- 
 nected with a certain portion of the brain is the essence from the 
 Divine Mind, called soul, which gives personality. Material man 
 composed of brain and body, and the mind which he forms upon 
 earth. In reality, there is but one mind, the spiritual. Upon 
 certain portions of the spiritual brain are recorded all the experi- 
 ences of the countless progenitors adjudged to be essential. Other 
 parts devoted exclusively to that which connects mind with it, which 
 consists of all that which make the real man, the individual opin- 
 ions, feelings, characteristics which he, after attaining to control of 
 his body and brain as child of God, forms. Thus, he is connected 
 with Divine Mind, receives continual influx of the soul gifts and 
 ^brms his mind as an individual spirit. 
 When born in both worlds as child, with no mind as yet formed, 
 he (on spirit side, with brain expressive of but spiritual qualities, 
 and organs fitted in harmony with brain, association, training en- 
 vironment of the highest, receiving a continual influx of soul gifts), 
 speedily forms a mind suitable to a child of God, and acquires all 
 requisite for the lowest plane of spiritual development, superior to 
 the most enlightened on earth. Those ordained for the moral life, 
 form similarly on spirit side their mind, while learning or fitting 
 themselves on earth to advance along all lines. The soul of the 
 spirit child with unformed mind, is brought forth on both planes. 
 As mind develops in the real body, the spirit is conscious of all that 
 pertaining to earth, and shut off from him when on earth. All mind 
 is open to him, and he fully cognizes, with the correct spiritual view, 
 the earth life. The mind formed in both worlds is under continual 
 change, and after the spirit is detached, the mind formed in mate- 
 rial life is often speedily obliterated, as it is almost invaribly on a 
 lower plane than the mind of the spirit on the lowest spiritual plane. 
 That pertaining to memory is also in course of time modified. 
 Mind and brain are entirely distinct. Mind is connected with 
 the spiritual, not the material brain, in reality, as said before, mor- 
 tal mind does not exist. The spirit on earth, under natural law, 
 has a brain formed for him by those in charge, to enable him to 
 express his first individual ideas or feelings, this brain connected 
 with the organs which give him, not consciousness of being, fpr 
 that he has, but puts him in touch, and makes him conscious of 
 material life, and through which he receives all the impressions, 
 which enable him to gradually develop that which is deemed mortal 
 mind. If these instruments are malformed or defective, he can 
 only form his ideas and opinions from that which he receives. 
 Helen Keller was born with a brain formed to enable her to de- 
 velop it to prove the power of the spirit, when in harmony with its 
 real spheres, to do the seemingly impossible. But, had her brain 
 not been first formed, under law, of the right organisms, she could 
 not have so developed. 
Every spirit with the proper instrument, even on earth, forms 
 a mind in harmony with the highest. Many born in the slums, of 
 the most degraded parents, often develop, despite training, associa- 
 tion and environment, while their brothers and sisters, with differ- 
 ent brains or instruments, remain at a standstill or retrograde. While 
 education, training, association, environment do their alloted work, 
 they only bear fruit with those fitted to receive, according to their 
 plane of development, their plane under the law of heredity as sup- 
 posed, but, above that, the law of God. The life organisms of the 
 animal progenitor, the countless human ancestors of all planes of all 
 planes of development are transmitted under law, and although 
 every mortal has millions of almost every plane, he has selected ones 
 to transmit the characteristics to be developed, or to give him on 
 earth that which he, individually, must undergo as decreed. But 
 although this, with some, does away with free will and responsibil- 
 ity on earth, it does not with the majority, who are endowed with 
 the characteristics and brain fitted to enable them to independently 
 form their minds. For the various planes comprising the majority, 
 here and there, one is fitted to help many of these to reform and 
 bring their brains into such harmony as will enable them to govern 
 with the free will of the spirit world. 
 To recapitulate, in the beginning of life, as child of God, the 
 spirit child is formed of life organisms expressing spiritual character- 
 istics. T'hese organisms evolve, under law, especially for his 
 body, never to leave after they become denizens of their permanent ^ 
 abiding place. As some do not advance, and must be in harmony 
 with all, to enable the spirit to control, after being brought forth or 
 connected with his spirit body, he is subjected to the mortal plane 
 of consciousness. Prior to this, all the organs of his body have 
 been under the supervision of the Celestial Angels, and, in a degree, 
 under the dominion of his immediate ancestors, after, they are solely 
 under his government. The spiritual brain receives from the mate- 
 rial brain, within its spaces, all material experiences, and, incredible 
 as this may appear to finite mind, all the denizens of the spiritual 
 brain who have not advanced, receive through his connection, the 
 experiences necessary. As spirit is in control of both brains, or 
 rather as they are his instruments to connect him with both material 
 and spiritual life, he, in sole charge, nevertheless under law, of his 
 brain and body, connected indissolubly with them, is the one who 
 mainly feels all sensation, but not entirely, for each little denizen 
 has sensation and consciousness. Hence, the pure, sinless child 
 of God must seemingly sin and suffer on earth to bring in complete 
 subjection certain undeveloped life organisms of his real body. 
 Even under the almost perfect law of the spiritual realms, the 
 countless number of life organisms, multiplying and* subdividing, 
 cannot advance similarly. Upon the mortal plane on earth, the 
 same variations occur under variable law, hence all brains are 
 formed with the off-springs transmitting the same characteristics 
 which multiply and subdivide in the body or form in which it is 
 brought forth, the organisms in the brain selected under directivity, 
 adjudged essential for each case. 
 Upon earth, mortals, unconscious of thei( real life, with no recol- 
lection or knowledge of it, save that impressed by their Celestial 
 guides, advance if their material instruments are formed, under law, 
 to enable them to do so, if not, they are subjected to that which 
 is essential for them to gain control of the developed ones in the 
 real body. Those who do not advance are the fool, the weakling, 
 the moral pervert, those whose brains are so defective as not to be 
 cured on this plane, although very often, conditions are so changed 
 as to enable many of these to advance through violating law. It 
 can be clearly perceived that while all are subject to law, and all 
 suffer through violation of law, all do not learn through violating 
 Those endowed with good brains for their development, as they 
 are really pure, upright spirits, after they have violated law and 
 suffered through it, little by little impressed with spiritual truths, 
 and assisted by those on higher planes on earth, gradually gain con- 
 trol, more or less of a constantly changing material brain, and thus 
 express themselves more correctly. On earth, the majority violate 
 law, and learn through suffering to live in harmony with it. The 
 minority violate it, do not learn on earth, but learn in the real home.' 
 Thus, the spirit must first learn to control every organism in 
 his body ere he can advance on all lines as is imperative for a child 
 of God. 
 All healing of any and all systems is under Divine Guidance. 
 All like the various religions and philosophies suited to the different 
 planes of advancement. 
 As the majority are more or less undeveloped, necessarily, those 
 able to meet their needs and comprehension are most popular. 
 Materia medica is fulfilling its destiny, doing all the good it is de- 
 creed to do. Likewise every other system. Those deemed more 
 especially under Divine Guidance, by their followers, are simply on 
 a different plane. Many, not more in harmony with the spirit 
 spheres, than those who believe in the other systems, but undergoing 
 the experiences, called unfoldment on earth, necessary for them. 
 From the earliest periods animals as well as men have relied upon 
 the power within to heal disease, few knowing from whence it came 
 or aught about it until the Lord Jesus came and healed openly by 
 the power of God. Animals and primitive man were impressed by 
 those in charge of them. Although the Lord Jesus seemingly defied 
 natural law, He, inspired with the wisdom of God, healed with the 
 power of The Spirit. All lower forms of life were obedient. The 
 vast atmospheric oceans, the waters of the sea, every living body 
 filled with countless life organisms, are ever under dominion of the 
 spirit spheres. All forms were subservient to Him, who, adept 
 in truths of chemistry, transformed water into wine for mtaerial 
 needs. Those, who in a material world, rely solely upon the spirit- 
 ual are impressed with but a half truth. The Lord Jesus did not 
 ignore the material. He gave it its true place. While, undoubtedly, 
 the spirit, when its material brain is in harmony, can relieve and 
 heal disease, as its material body is under material law, it must, to 
 make the cure permanent, be nourished materially, and live in accord 
 with material law, otherwise, on this plane, not even the most 
 Divinely inspired could continue for any length of time unless en- 
 tranced and suspending animation. Although all systems heal, the 
 most enlightened exponents and practitioners of all succumb to 
 material law, when our Father wills them hom.e. All the m.ost 
 advanced of any systems can do is to keep, those ordained to be 
 kept in health, well and strong. The undeveloped, who live in har- 
 mony with material law, are often nTore healthful than the saintly 
 who rely ignorantly upon God, and know not how to help them- 
 selves. Those who develop material brain under the law of sug- 
 gestion, can learn to dominate it and the body, and heal themselves 
 mentally, morally, physically, by a simple statement made daily and 
 put into practice. Unless practiced and exemplified in daily life, the 
 suggestions avail naught or heal temporarily. Those upon the 
more developed planes, ever inspire and lead the lower, but it will 
 be many aeons ere the majority learn to "seek within." Each and 
 everyone who does diligently, with faith and love will be able to 
 demonstrate the Power and Glory of our Loving Father, God 
 This statement said daily and put into practice as much as possi- 
 ble will greatly aid in making the spirit realize, on the mortal plane, 
 the truths he knows in the real world, and therefore bring his mate- 
 rial brain so in harmony, as to enable it to express the qualities and 
 attributes of the spirit sphere perfectly upon earth. 
 "I am the child of God, I express through every life organism 
 in my spirit body love, charity, mercy, righteousness, health, wisdom, 
 strength. I ask with the love, as child of our loving Father, in the 
 name of the Christ who suffered for us on earth, all my organisms 
 in my mortal body to help me to express our Father's Divine soul 
 gifts of love, life, peace, charity, health, and wisdom, on ecirth.. I 
 express the love, the wisdom, the strength, the righteousness, the 
 power of my Father in all parts of my body. I am love, strength, 
 wisdom, power, righteousness, amen." 
 Spirits, upon earths, undergo the sole suffering in all creation. 
 Evil and suffering are unknown in spirit worlds. All mortal seers, 
 prophets, poets, philosophers, teachers, who, impressed for their 
 planes, have taught and preached of these places in God's realms of 
 love, beauty and happiness must now be interpreted more clearly. 
 They gave that which was necessary for the undeveloped mortal 
 brain, as we now give that which is necessary for the more highly 
 developed. Those, on earth, who express more perfectly the soul 
 gifts, would abolish all suffering if possible. Those who express 
 the least, regardless how seemingly chaste, coldly austere their 
 lives, would not, recognizing that fear keeps them, hence must 
 others, in paths of rectitude. Fear of punishment is essential 
 for those with undeveloped brains. Hence crime will prevail inde- 
 finitely, penitentaries, capital punishment and asylums for the classes, 
 who, on earth are not to advance. But as continual progression 
 is the law of the spirit and all progress in the spirit spheres, like- 
 wise upon earth there has been a steady, although a very gradual 
 progression among the majority. The races of prehistoric times 
 who advanced to high planes were not advanced as high as the peo- 
 ples of today, that is, the masses. When a nation or race in differ- 
 ent parts of the world were swept entirely out of existence, or but a 
 limited number left, those left and brought forth later, had to 
 commence anew, attain to a certain height, then exterminated. From 
 the records mortals have through geology's revelations, as well as 
 revelations more or less reliable, traditions and history, the masses 
 steadily advanced until certain planes attained to a height which 
 demanded the Christ. The masses today of the most undeveloped 
 races are born with better formed brains, although among all races 
 there is a large class who cannot advance on earth. For these 
 classes who (through defective organs, malformed brains, inherited 
 propensities, and certain disease which affect the mortal,) are im- 
 pervious to the suffering of others, those who do not suffer mentally, 
 physical suffering and confinement alone give them the experiences 
 and pain necessary for them to advance in the real life. There- 
 fore, there will be for indefinite periods, these places, although 
 among the most advanced less and less necessary, until but few will 
 be needed, and these of a reformatory nature. Reform, to reform 
 by the power of the spirit within the defective organ, malformed 
 brain, when so ordained on this plane. 
 This work is inspired mainly to bring peace and comfort to 
 all classes, whether they grasp or not, to ease them with the knowl- 
 edge that the sole perdition they will ever know is on the earth, to 
 comfort them, that "in my Father's home are many mansions, I go 
 to prepare one for you," was not intended only for one race or one 
 class, but for all of God's children. To the thief on the cross and 
Mary Magdalene not only, but to millions who have never even 
 heard of tne Lord Jesus Christ. It will be thought that this knowl- 
 edge of certain life and happiness in the real life might tempt some 
 to go Home instead of merely seeking within. Not so. it will 
 make all more eager to do the Father's will, and as none can be 
 detached unless by their guardian Angels, all go as decreed, under 
 law. Think ye, that ye who know not from whence ye came, who 
 have naught to do with thy coming, who know not whither or when 
 ye go, who have naught to do with thy going, have much more to 
 do with thy alloted lives. Doubt ye the infinite power and wisdom 
 evinced throughout all creation, think ye that Almighty Power who 
 even on this plane evolves good from evil, who through the loving 
 Lord said, "Come to Me, ye who are heavy laden, and I will give 
 thee rest," does not keep watch and ward over thee with His mighty 
 legions, your own beloved ones, in the real life. He and all thine 
 own of great Celestial Angels and lately emancipated dear ones are 
 ever with thee, not intangible shadows, awaiting rebirths, but in 
 bodies more substantial and glorious, similar to thine own, than 
 aught ye can conceive of, in a world, with cities, homes of splendor 
 and natural beauty, leading useful lives, divested of all that is de- 
 basing and material. Ye who dream of an earth Utopia, know thy 
 dreams come from the Utopia of thy real Home. Ye who dream 
 of cities of golden grandeur, there are many such, but their glaring 
 splendor tempered with green of varying shades. Ye who aspire 
 to be seraphims playing on harps, know there are countless hosts 
 who play on harps, who float from place to place, but above all live 
 lives of use and service. All ye who dream of heavenly joy and 
 beauty, know that joy and beauty, beyond all ye can imagine, await 
 thee. All ye who fear evil and punishment for self and others, fear 
 not. Thy Father as well as theirs, keeps guard and punishes no 
 one in the real life, could He change immutable law, the changeless 
 law of spirit realms, ye even on earth, would not have to suffer. 
 There are revelations yet to come, when ye are fitted to receive, 
 until then, know although thy Father is Omnipotent, His laws are 
 We will now give the truths of Christian Science. In the Pre- 
 face of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy says truly, "To-day, though 
 rejoicing in some progress, she still finds herself a willing disciple 
 waiting, for the Mind of Christ." 
 On page 15, "Prayer cannot change in Science, but it tends to 
 bring us in harmony with it." Brings material brain, not spirit, 
 pure and holy, into harmony. 
 On page 14, "Because the ego (the spirit) is apart from the 
 body." Apart from what body, if not real? 
 Page 15, "Without a fitness for holiness, we cannot receive holi- 
 ness." Who is fitted, not the holy spirit, but the material brain. 
 Page, 16, "A great sacrifice of material things must precede ad- 
 vanced spiritual understanding." Correctly impressed. 
 Page 18, "The atonement of Christ reunites God to man." What 
 man? Not the real and true. 
 Page 25, "The Divinity of Christ was made manifest in the 
 humanity of Christ." What humanity, if not the mortal. 
 Page 28, "The trials encountered by prophet, disciple and apostle 
 await in some form every pioneer of truth." 
 Page 30, "Born of a woman, Jesus, advent in the flesh partook 
 partly of Mary's earthly condition, although He was endowed with 
 the Divine Spirit without measure." Earthly condition means ma- 
 terial brain and body. Divine Spirit without measure means God. 
 *'Had His origin and birth been wholly apart from mortal usage, 
 Jesus would not have been appreciable to mortal mind as "the way." 
 Hence material brain and body in Jesus was as real to Him, as the 
 material brain and body of those He came to teach. 
 "In meekness and might He was found preaching the Gospel to 
 the poor. Pride and fear was unfit to bear the banner of truth." 
 Very true. 
 "He called no man Father save God." He, Himself, inspired 
 by God personally, and brought forth solely by God, could call no 
 man father. 
 "He attached no importance to dead ceremonies." 
 Page 33, "When the human element struggled with the Divine." 
 Page 34, "Their dear Master would rise again in the spiritual 
 Page 21, "The eternal Christ, His spiritual self-hood never suf- 
 fered." The eternal Christ, God, our Father. 
 "He taught that the material senses shut out truth and its heal- 
 ing power." Very true, material brain and senses must be brought 
 into harmony to heal. 
 Page 44, "Three days, after His burial. He walked with His 
 disciples." Although Jesus Christ was the only one Divinely con- 
ceived, with a material form, He is not the only one who was raised 
 from the dead. He Himself raised Lazarus. 
 Page 45, "The Master said plainly that physique was not spirit. 
 After His resurrection He proved to the physical senses that His 
 body was not changed, until He Himself ascended." The material 
 Jesus Christ disintregated, God Omnipotent, attached to Him in the 
 spirit, the real life, Himself underwent the agony of the crucifixion, 
 although Jesus Christ was simply connected with Him by vibrations 
 throughout almost all His life. 
 Page 51, "He was inspired by God, by Truth and Love, the 
 physical Jesus." 
 Page 61, "Is not the propagation of the human species a more 
 solemn charge than the cultivation of your gardens. NothiYig un- 
 worthy of perpetuity should be transmitted to your children." What 
 children? Mortal, of course. 
 "The formation of mortals must greatly improve to advance 
 mankind. The scientific morals of marriage is spiritual unity." 
 Spiritual unity means the union of the real spirits, the soul mates. 
 Page 62, "The Divine Mind will care for the human body even 
 as it clothes the lily." This does not mean a dream body. 
 Page 63, "In Science, man is the ofif-spring of spirit. The beau- 
 tiful, good and pure constitute his ancestry. His origin is not like 
 that of mortals, in brute instinct, nor he traced through material con- 
 ditions prior to intelligence. Spirit is his primitive and ultimate 
 source of being. God is his Father, etc." This is correctly im- 
 pressed. This is true. 
 Page 71, "Spiritual man (what difference whether we say spirit 
 or spiritual man) made in God's likeness, reflect God." Express 
 God is more correct. 
 "The supposition that corporeal (material) are spirits or that 
 there are good and evil spirits is a mistake." Correctly impressed. 
 Mortal and spirit distinct. 
 "Evil has no reality, but a belief, an illusion of material sense." 
 a half truth. Evil, result of undeveloped conditions, is, in reality, 
 undeveloped good. 
 Page 71, "Spiritualism will be found mainly erroneous, no proof 
 or power outside of human testimony." Not correctly impressed, 
 the sole testimony, the sole means of communication between the 
 mortal and spiritual plane are the spiritual and material brains, 
 instruments for the spirit. Mrs. Eddy could not have given any- 
 thing had her material brain been unfitted. 
 Page ll, "In Science individual good, derived from God, may 
 flow from the departed to mortals, but evil is neither communicable 
 nor scientific." Very true, correctly impressed. 
 Page IZ, "The belief that one man can control another man up- 
 sets the individuality and the source of man, for man is spiritual, 
 God controls man, and God is the only Spirit, any other control of 
 so-called spirit is a mortal belief, which ought to be known by its 
 fruit, repetition of evil." A contradiction to the former, not cor- 
 rectly impressed. If "good can flow from the departed" or be im- 
 pressed from the departed who are made in God's Likeness, His 
 children, not ideas, but spirits, why should it interfere with the 
individuality, and repeat evil when only good is communicable? 
 "The belief that mortal bodies return to dust to rise up as 
 spiritual bodies with material sensations and desires, is incorrect." 
 Very true, but the spiritual qualities and the soul gifts, impressed 
 upon the mortal, live as always in the real body, the spirit. 
 "Equally incorrect is the belief that spirit is confined in a finite, 
 material body, and that when it is freed from the material body it 
 retains the sensations of that body." True, the seat of sensation is 
 not in the material body. The spirit child alone feels all sensation 
 in that part of the spiritual brain wherein soul is connected with 
 the Divine Mind of his Father. 
 Page 71, "To be on communicable terms with spirit, persons 
 must be free from organic body and then return to a material con- 
 dition, after having left, it would be impossible. No communion 
 can exist between persons in such opposite dreams as the belief of 
 having died, and left the material body, and the belief of still living 
 in an organic, material body." Imperfectly impressed. All are 
 spirits, (those who believe in Science, those who believe in spiritual- 
 ism) impressing material bodies. When on the different planes of 
 consciousness in the different worlds, the material body and world 
 are as real, while it lasts as the spiritual, neither is a dream. 
 Page 75, "There is no bridge across the gulf that divides two 
 such opposite conditions." There is no necessity for a bridge. 
 Spirit in the real life is always with spirit. Spirit while conscious 
 on earth when he gets his material brain, mortal mind in harmony, 
 (the sole bridge) enters the spiritual consciousness and thus com- 
 munes with the "departed from whom good flows." The departed 
 can also reproduce material forms, but no evil ever flows from the 
 departed. This belief is due to the incorrect impressions of an un- 
 developed material brain. 
 Page 75, "When you can awaken yourself and others that all 
 must die, you can then exercise Jesus' Spiritual power to reproduce 
 the presence of those who have thought they died." This means 
 when you get your material instruments in harmony, you can see with 
 the spirit consciousness the beautiful, glorious spirits who have not 
 thought they died but who know they have ever been alive in the 
 real spirit life. When you do not get it in harmony and are only 
 partly in the spiritual consciousness, you see very imperfectly, and 
 they oft, apparently appear very material. 
 Page 76, "The sinless joy, the perfect harmony and immortality 
 of life manifesting Divine beauty and goodness, constitute the only 
 veritable, indestructible man whose being is spiritual." Correctly 
 impressed, the real and true man. 
 Page 78, **If the departed are 'in rapport' with mortality they 
 are not spiritual, but still must be mortal, sinning, suffering, dying," 
 Spirit does not die, does not suffer, does not sin in the real life, but 
 spirit attached to mortal does that which is sensed as sin, suffers 
 and the material body seemingly dies, the life organisms in the mate- 
 rial body are detached when the spirit abandons it permanently. 
 Page 80, "Mortal mind produce table tipping as certainly as 
 table setting." If there is no such thing as mortal mind, Mrs. Eddy 
 was not correctly impressed. Spirit, in mortal plane of conscious- 
ness, impressed from the spirit spheres, produces all the so-called 
 phenomena of spiritualism, more or less correctly, according to the 
 development of the psychic's instrument or brain. 
 Page 82, "Man in the Likeness of God cannot help being im- 
 mortal." Correct. 
 Page 82, "If spiritual life has been won by the departed, they 
 cannot return to material existence, because different states of con- 
 sciousness are involved and one person cannot exist in two states 
 at the same time. In sleep we do not communicate with the dreamer 
 by our side, because both of us are either unconscious or are wan- 
 dering in our dreams through different mazes of consciousness." 
 Correctly impressed but not explained. The departed, no such 
 thing in reality as they ever live in the real body, but those who are 
 detached by death of the mortal body cannot return or be born 
 again in a mortal body to impress it, but they can be attached to 
 other mortal bodies, when their spirits are absent, and impress them 
 as well as enter the material consciousness. 
 Page 91, "The fourth erroneous postulate is that matter is intelli- 
 gent and that man has a material body apart from himself." In- 
 correctly expressed and contrary to many preceding statements, 
 where she recognizes the physical, material and mortal, and gives 
 it 9- distinct place. Spirit man has a material body, a real one com- 
 posed of life organisms, each organism with a spirit organism in 
 the real life. This body when the Angels detach all the real, spirit 
 organisms from the material ones, returns to dust and dies accord- 
 ing to material sense, this body entirely distinct from the real spirit 
 Page 93, "Man is spiritual. He is not God's Spirit. If man 
 were spirit, then men would be spirits, gods, finite spirits would be 
 mortal." If God is Spirit, and man is made in His Image and Like- 
 ness, he must be spirit also or he is not made in His Image and 
 Page 91, "Jesus taught of one God, one Spirit, who makes man 
 in the Image and Likeness of His, Spirit, not of matter." Correct- 
 ly impressed, spirit man made like unto his Father. 
 Page 104, "When Christian Science and animal magnetism aro 
 comprehended, as they will be at no distant date, it will be seen why 
 this author has been so unjustly persecuted and belied by sheep in 
 wolves' clothing." Belied and misinterpreted by those who attempt- 
 ed to wrest her organization from her, as well as misapprehended by 
 the superficial of her followers who never can understand her as 
 they are on different planes. The New Revelations show that the 
 animal propensities and disease are responsible, under law, for that 
 which she deemed animal magnetism. They, until eliminated, are 
 responsible for all the undeveloped good called evil, on earth. 
 Page, 108, "My discovery that erring mortal mind, misnamed 
 mind, produced all the organisms and activity of the mortal body, 
 set my thoughts to work in new channels, and led up to my demon- 
 stration that Mind is all, (as matter is naught), the leading factor 
 in mind science." Contradictory, mortal mind nothing, mortal body 
 nothing, produce or create all the life organisms and life of the mor- 
 tal body. She decided that mind is all and matter naught as the 
leading factors in mind science. Mind is all, and matter, a part 
 of the all, is a product of Mind and Mind, (not mortal mind, nothing 
 as she terms it) creates all or rather all organisms are formed out 
 of the ever existing substance. 
 Page 10, "No analogy exists between the vague hypotheses of 
 agnosticism, pantheism, theosophy, spiritualism, and the demonstra- 
 ble truths of Christian Science." Incorrectly impressed. All are 
 different interpretations according to the different development of 
 their material instruments, all under law, and all demonstrating 
 truth according to their development. 
 Page 111. "After a lengthy examination of my discovery and 
 its demonstration healing the sick, this fact became evident to me, 
 tbat Mind governs the body, not partially, but wholly." This she 
 demonstrated more perfectly when Mind willed her to av^ken in 
 the real life. 
 Page 112, ""Any theory of Christian Science which departs from 
 what already have been stated and proved to be true, affords no 
 foundation upon which to establish a genuine school of this Science. 
 Also if any new school claims to be Christian Science and uses 
 another author's discoveries, without giving that author credit, such 
 a school is erroneous." Very true. Those who have not given 
 ly impressed. 
 Page 114, "Christian Science strongly emphasizes the fact that 
 God is not corporeal, but incorporeal, that is bodiless. Mortals 
 her credit for the truths, first given publicly by her, are not correct- 
 are corporeal, God is incorporeal. If the term as applied to God 
 means Infinite Personality, tben God is Infinite Person, in the sense 
 of infinite personality, not in the lower sense. God is One, not 
 an individual Man or Force, one of a series, but One alone and 
 without equal." Slightly ambiguous. Neither God nor His chil- 
 dren are bodiless, God, the Infinite Personality, His children spiritual 
 personalities, connected with His Infinite Person, by their souls, 
 which receive from Him the soul gifts, with which they form their 
 individual spiritual minds, that which gives them individuality. 
 Page 153, "The fact that pain cannot exist where there is no 
 mortal mind to feel it is a proof that this so-called mortal mind 
 makes its own pain, that is its own belief in pain." Very incorrect- 
 ly impressed. If there is no mortal mind to feel it, it cannot create 
 belief, since it is nothing. The material nerves transmit impulses, 
 impressions to the material brain, which is within the real spiritual 
 brain, wherein is located the consciousness of the spirit, who feels 
 the pain and all sensations, with the exception of the sensations of 
 the individual spirit organisms of the material body. 
 Page 153, "Mortal mind, not matter, contains and carries the 
 infection." Very incorrectly impressed. In the light of positive 
 material facts, and in the light of true spiritual knowledge incorrect 
 although mortal mind can cause disease germs to develop or trans- 
 forms the friendly germ into an enemy, (all bodies are filled with 
 countless germs), some children born filled with disease germs, pass 
 away before they develop mind, inheriting from parents who have 
 been healthful with healthful minds, germs under law, which 
 transmit certain diseases and propensities.) The truth is when the 
mortal mind or brain is in harmony, the individual spirit, who is in 
 harmony with the Divine Mind, dominates the material brain and 
 body and heals so-called sin and disease by impressing the truth. 
 Page 27, "That mother is not a Christian Scientist who says, 
 'You look sick, you look tired,' such a mother runs to her little one, 
 \vho thinks she has hurt her face, by falling on the carpet, 'Mama 
 knows you are hurt'." The more successful way, "Oh, never mind, 
 you only think you are hurt." That mother has no faith in God 
 her loving Father, when she trains not her child to live in harmony 
 with material law on a material plane. She might with as much 
 reason say to her child who had broken its neck, "You are not 
 dead," as to a sick child, "You are not ill," not knowing how ill the 
 material body, not the spirit, might be. The correctly impressed 
 give the material bodly and world its true place, and in a material 
 world, live in harmony with material law, as all Christian Scientists 
 do when they eat, sleep, perform all functions of the body, and in 
 fact, develop as many, if not more material needs than do many who 
 do not ignore matter. 
 Page 159, "If drugs are part of God's creation, they cannot be 
 piosons, why did not Jesus use them, etc." Jesus, impressed by 
 God, healed by the power of The Spirit. All life organisms, through 
 Him, became subservient to the personal spirit (material body 
 afflicted with disease) controling material brain and body, and ceased 
 preying upon and causing disease, similarly pure, healthful opti- 
 mistic thought produce a beneficial change in the body, and unholy, 
 pessimistic, unloving thought a correspondingly injurious. But 
 because this is done sometimes, there are other, equally as potent 
 reasons why those with pure, good minds also suffer through no 
 fault of their, some much higher in mind that those who practice 
 the mental branches superficially, but who keep in harmony with 
 natural law. Thus those with pure, good minds who do not live 
 properly, (in harmony with natural law,) suffer. 
 Page 175, "Damp atmosphere and freezing snow empurpled the 
 plump cheeks of our ancestors, but they never indulged in bronchial 
 tubes." In all extremely cold climates, (although all children, 
 brought forth under God's laws, pass away when called), it is known 
 that "the fittest survive." 
 Page 19, "Matter or body is but a false concept of mortal mind." 
 if true, then Jesus Christ was also a false concept. Why come to 
 dispel the illusions of something that did not exist? 
 Page 179, "Heredity is not a law." The sins of the father, 
 under law, are transmitted from generation to generation. The two 
 blood diseases carry off more innocent victims than Christiain Science 
 can ever heal. 
 We vAll quote no farther. We have shown that while Mrs. 
 Eddy was impressed with the truth of the real spirit spheres and 
 spirit life, with the unreality of disease, sin and death to the spirit, 
 with almost a correct impression regarding the Personality of God, 
 and with the power of The Spirit, the Divine Mind healing and also 
 impressing His instruments. His children to heal all diseases when 
 ordained or decreed, she was not impressed to give the truth regard- 
 ing mortal mind and body, which is as needed, as is the spiritual. 
Were they not necessary and God Omnipotent, they would be non- 
 existent as Mrs. Eddy claims. She does not explain how the spirit 
 and material universes have evolved, or whether forever in existence, 
 how the spirit body evolves in the real and true world, inheriting the 
 soul gifts and developing spiritual attributes, the material body in- 
 heriting the material characteristics of the animal, nor how in the 
 course of that deemed evolution, and according to their 
 development, all are on different planes, thus necessitating 
 different religions and systems of healing. That that which is for 
 those on the lower planes is not for those on higher 
 planes. That those who believe in the greater efficacy of drugs 
 still adhere to that which benefits them most. That the scientists 
 who live in harmony with natural law, who keep the "inside of the 
 cup" as well as the out, purged and cleansed, keep themselves well 
 and harmonious. That those v/ho rely solely on The Spirit, and 
 neglect to live in harmony with natural (His law also) heal undoubt- 
 edly, but their cures are never permanent unless they instruct their 
 patients to live in harmony with natural law. That by keeping the 
 body, the material instrument, in good condition, even the ungodly, 
 so-called, are more correctly impressed than those who rely solely 
 on the spiritual 
 Thus Christian Science when it realizes it must change these 
 conceptions, when its thinkers begin to see these inconsistences, 
 when they become enlightened enough, by their spirits, to boldly 
 proclaim the truth, and incorporate it in their teachings, will be- 
 come a much greater power for good. Mrs. Eddy was the first to 
 give publicly, though it was oft inspired before, the great truth of 
 the unreality of evil, disease and death to the spirit, to interpret her 
 loving Father correctly, to give the truth in many ways. Although 
 an instrument, (in a sense,) she deserves all the gratitude given 
 her, through making herself a fit instrument, so as to receive, some- 
 times directly, (as do all the inspired), from her own soul, connected 
 with the Divine Mind of her Father. These clearer elucidations 
 are necessary, not to belittle aught she has given, but to take the 
 earnest seeker after truth a step farther in advance. 
 Man, on earth, cut off from all connection with the spirit world, 
 excepting impressions from his Celestial Angels or tutors, is born 
 with a part of the brain formed for him, under directivity. He must 
 develop brain and mind, under law of both the spirit and material 
 worlds. Those with defective or malformed brains, the moral per- 
 vert, the imbecile, the insane and the criminal who never can be 
 cured or reformed, can neither develop brain nor mind to any extent 
 They receive their training in the spirit world when detached by 
 sleep, and essential experiences of earth when awake on the mortal 
 The brain of the majority are not all formed alike. All inherit, 
 in different degree, the animal propensities and the various diseases 
 in greater or less development. Although the material mind appar- 
 ently governs on earth, the truth is, while the spirit is more or less 
 amenable to the control of the material, he is ever under directivity 
 or control of the spiritual, in the sense that he ever and always 
 seeks within for light. This seeking within means seeking for the 
 impressions from the spirit spheres. But as it is God's will for 
 every spirit (who is not hampered by heredity) to develop brain so 
 as to make it a fit instrument for the soul gifts to be expressed on 
 earth, man under impressions from the spirit spheres, and, accord- 
 ing to education, training, association, environment of the mortal 
 life, forms his mortal mind and develops will, thought and reason. 
 This mortal thought, will and reason is as distinct from the spirit- 
 ual thought, will and reason as is the mortal mind from the spiritual. 
 The mortal mind, that which is formed from the material, is under 
 the dominion of spirit man who must bring this mind into harmony, 
 and make the will, thought and reasons of the mortal to accord with 
 the will, thought and reason of the spiritual, when possible. 
 When the spirit or man on earth, brings this mind into harmony, 
 after learning through violating law or otherwise, he then, accord- 
 ing to his development, expresses the will, thought and reason of 
 the spirit spheres. Thus it can be seen that the average man, on earth 
 forms his brain and mind under impression from the spirit and 
 from material conditions. These material conditions, under law, 
 under control of the Celestial Angels. Material conditions there- 
 fore are not formed to fit each individual case but develop under 
 the laws of the material world. Although, different mortals are 
 subjected to the same conditions, all develop in the manner in which 
 they, under law, form their characters or cultivate their minds. 
 Some advance from the lowest to the highest planes, some remain 
 at a standstill or retrograde. The majority advance slowly. The 
 natural query is — why do not those who are subjected to the same 
 material conditions advance similarly? The answer is obvious. 
 The difference in brain formation. Those who have brains fitted 
for it, develop will thought and reason when subjected to better 
 material conditions. The Angels in charge impress those, on 
 higher planes on earth, to change conditions, to develop these, who, 
 under the law of the material, are brought forth under adverse con- 
 ditions. Those deemed the best conditions, on earth, are often the 
 worst, hence conditions are ever under process of change. 
 Many are subjected to many changes to give them that which is 
 necessary for them. Many, although under directivity, form con- 
 ditions which are, when adjudged necessary for development, 
 changed. Although spirits are not on earth to develop morally or 
 mentally, they are to develop, through that which is called on earth 
 unfoldment, the life organisms of their real bodies, to enable them 
 to first learn to govern themselves, their own bodies, ere they can 
 advance. But as they, in the real life, are ever under the law of 
 progression, ever advancing, when their instruments on earth be- 
 come receptive, naturally they impress, as perfectly as they can, the 
 development of the spirit spheres, therefore, there is progression on 
 the mortal plane. 
 When mortal life is correctly understood, it will be known to be 
 but a phase of spiritual consciousness. Although mortal life for 
 the majority is a period of travail and suffering, the sufferings are 
 not caused by God Omnipotent nor by His Angels, but are the re- 
 sult, under the law of evolution, to develop the conditions which 
 form the material brain and body, the instruments for the spirits 
 decreed for mortal life. The life organisms composing mortal 
 bodies learn through violating law. They transmit their undevel- 
 oped characteristics. These characteristics cause that which is 
 deemed crime in man, although not in his animal progenitors. Had 
 man not descended from the animal and been created perfect, he 
 could not have created evil from good, or from the perfect have 
 created the imperfect. He could not have fallen. Instead of hav- 
 ing fallen, he has steadily advanced. Primitive man, evolved from 
 diseases, thus causing the various stages of development or planes. 
 There is no authentic record of humanity on earth having ever evol- 
 ved to a higher plane than the present. The traditions, the mythol- 
 ogy, the literature of the past prove conclusively this fact. From 
 the time the Aryan race spread over certain parts of Asia and Europe, 
 there has been a steady, although very slow, (here and there retro- 
 gression rmong some nations,) advance. 
 Teachers, reformers, prophets, seers were provided for the dif- 
 ferent nations, up to the coming of the Lord. After His coming, 
 excepting among those who misinterpreted His mission of love and 
 peace, (such as Spain who retrog;-aded after the Inquisition, and 
 others who advanced and retrograded, according to the interpreta- 
 tions they put upon His teachings,) there has been, among the mass- 
 es, a steady advance. Instead of true Christianity, (by no means 
 confined to those who ostensibly, follow the Christian religion,) be- 
 ing responsible for the deplorable acts caused by the false, it is 
 responsible for all of the good in the world at present. The true 
 Christ spirit,, when our Lord came, was not found in the church nor 
 with the Pharisees. It had been developed among those who were 
 prepared and these were not confined to any special class, there 
are many classes on one plane, hence from the lowly fishermen to 
 Paul, the eminent scholar, the true Christ spirit was impressed, as 
 it had been impressed on many, in the various religions before. 
 Althoug-h mortality is still undeveloped, neither Christian 
 martyrs nor innocent mediums, as witches, are burnt at the stake, 
 inquisitions are not tolerated. Capital punishment for stealing a 
 loaf of bread a century in England, has been abolished. Slavery, 
 among the most advanced, prohibited. The majority of the nations 
 lead cleaner lives mentally, morally, physically. That which was 
 permitted flagrantly in Queen Elizabeth's time, was not permitted 
 by Queen Victoria. Catherine de Medici today would be imprison- 
 ed in an asylum. Russia is advancing, France is cleaner than ever 
 morally, Scotland and Ireland likewise. Germany, on a high plane, 
 England higher than ever. All Europe, excepting here and there, 
 is on the upward march. No one can doubt that Asia is the same, 
 among the dominant races. Crimes done openly by the various 
 rulers are no longer tolerated. India, in some respects has retro- 
 graded, China and Japan advancing, although many, here and there, 
 are losing their ideals, they have replaced them with even higher, 
 while the masses, the majority are advancing, and eager for en- 
 lightment. In the New World, there has been not only a steady 
 but a rapid progression, in British America and United States. 
 Mexico, at the cost of many lives, is seeking (through travail and 
 war) to purge and cleanse. South America steadily advancing. 
 Although looseness of morals, greed and rapacity are seemingly 
 on the increase, they are not. They are confined mainly to the 
 classes called the highest and the lowest. Those who have mofe 
 wealth than development, and those who have neither, a limited 
 number in comparison with the great majority. The criminal class 
 is so small as not to justify being called a class, but an element. 
 Although here and there a place is dominated by these elements 
 for certain periods, their reign is or will not be permanent. They 
 are ordained to be developed or exterminated by either a mental 
 moral or physical upheaval as takes place in all places when read- 
 justment is essential. Therefore it can be seen while spirits, on 
 earth, or mortals are responsible for many conditions, these condi- 
 tions are changed when necessary. But no one on earth can violate 
 law without entailing suffering on himself and those connected with 
 him. The innocent suffer because, under law, their mortal life 
 necessitates it. 
 "The sins of the father," the propensities and the diseases do 
 their alloted part. A spirit through violating law on earth and 
 spirit impressions, develops his mind and often fits himself to be- 
 come an illumined instrument. No goal is attained, no material 
 instruments developed, fit to be used by the higher, but must be 
 developed through self-abnegation and living the spirit life as much 
 as possible on earth. The spirit life is not a life of sorrow and 
 travail, idleness and selfishness, although the life led by the spirit, 
 on earth, who fits himself to become an instrument, is often filled 
 with temptations which must be overcome ere he can form a mate-' 
 rial brain and mind receptive to the higher truths, otherwise he is 
 dominated by the material and unable to give them. 
 Naturally one cannot grasp why the pure, holy spirit sins while 
 attached to a mortal body on earth, and when detached by sleep 
 trance or death fails to understand sin. This question among the 
 many who believe in evil, while on earth, is answered with the 
 material reason and logic expressed with their material instruments. 
 Mortal man is not spirit man, the two bodies are entirely distinct, 
 made from different forms of the same substance, the spirit body 
 formed of the most developed life organisms, which govern and 
 hold in place the different organs, and, under the spirit, govern the 
 body. The material formed of life organisms which must develop 
 on this plane in this world, ere they are developed enough to ad- 
 vance in the spirit world to become part of the spirit body of a child 
 of God. Every life organism in his body, prior to the time he is 
 born child of God, has through its mortal life organisms, received 
 mortal training in other forms. Thus it can be seen how necessary 
 are the mortal worlds to train every life organism in both worlds 
 The spirit child, ordained for mortal life, not only receives mor- 
 tal training, but every organism in his spirit body receives, prior to 
 being formed in his body, mortal training. As has been said before, 
 the life organisms which have not advanced similarly with the 
 majority can only, after they are formed in a body of a child of 
 God, receive the necessary training through him being attached to 
 a mortal body and he, on the mortal plane undergo with them that 
 which is necessary to bring them in subjection. 
 Evolution from the lowest forms up to Arch-angel is necessary. A 
 child of God, in a sense, must be an epitome of all. He must 
 acquire all knowledge of all lower forms or rather all life organisms 
 in his body and brain must acquire the essential experiences and 
 knowledge to become fit instruments for a child of God. While 
 the life organisms, the spirit ones, are under the law of love and 
 develop the spiritual attributes, they acquire through their undevel- 
 oped mortal ones, certain experiences which are absolutely imper- 
 ative. If some do not acquire them, all must be subjected, through 
 the spirit himself, impressing another mortal form, within himself, 
 and thus attached himself, endure with the organisms which have 
 not been developed that which will develop them. There is no 
 other way to develop this kind. Therefore the material universe 
 has ever been, conjointly with the spiritual, not solely a birthplace, 
 but to develop also all organisms. From this imperfectly received 
 impression, has come the belief in reincarnation, whereas, after the 
 child has obtained consciousness as a child of God, with all, (in the 
 majority of cases,) organisms developed for his body so as to pre- 
 clude the necessity for other forms, made in the Divine Image of 
 his Father, he, like his Father, is never incarnate, but merely im- 
presses, (if he is ordained for the mortal life,) one body, to bring- the 
 few undeveloped life organisms of his real body into loving sub- 
 servience to him. Not until then can he have a body in perfect 
 harmony with his soul, the soul which he receives from his Father, 
 the indissoluble tie connecting him with God, which nothing can 
 deprive him of. 
 Many think their souls are the Soul of God, and that they will 
 in time become at one with Him. This is another incorrect im- 
 pression. His children's souls come from Him, that connection 
 gives them personality. The personal child for the first time con- 
 scious as child of God^ (although prior to this, his soul, has lived in 
 a part of correctly termed by Emerson, the Over-soul,) is endowed 
 with a spirit body and brain composed of the highest evolved life 
 organisms. The brain formed just enough to connect him with the 
 two (if ordained for the mortal) worlds, he to develop them and form 
 mind, that which gives him individuality. Thus he is born person 
 and becomes individual. Those who must be subjected to the 
 mortal life are shut off entirely from the spirit life, and from that 
 part of the brain which receives the soul gifts: They are born with 
 but little more consciousness than a life organism, not the con- 
 sciousness of a child of God. This is impressed by degrees by the 
 Angels in charge. Thus a little human child is more helpless than 
 the newly born of lower forms. He has just enough brain formed 
 to connect him through his organs with material life. The brain 
 and body formed under material law, is filled with life organisms in- 
 heriting the propensities and diseases of their countless progenitors. 
 As all are formed under law, even though certain organisms are 
 selected, they are selected under law, hence all who inherit those 
 which perpetuate the animal characteristics more strongly than 
 others, are not discriminated against . 
 Neither God nor the Celestial Angels are responsible for the 
 undeveloped acts of those who, through lack of development, com- 
 mit the horrors and atrocities of the mortal plane, the sole hells in 
 existence. These occur under law in all the material worlds until 
 all are developed, not solely the mortal life organisms of the mortals 
 children of God but all the life organisms in all the lower forms 
 of life. Thus one can realize that while mortals inherit, more or 
 less, these undeveloped organisms, there will be, according to the 
 development of these, that which is termed evil and crime. Many 
 of them in the majority on earth are now so advanced as to enable 
 the spirit to express himself more clearly. This simply means that 
 the spirit, when he receives impressions from the spirit world, en- 
 deavors with his spiritual brain to impress his material within it, 
 with the truths of the real life. Although he is not conscious in the 
 spirit world, his body and brain are there, and that part of his brain 
 which receives the soul gifts, is impressed by his guardian Angels, 
 which in turn reimpress the material brain, not the spirit who is 
 simply conscious on earth. Thus he is only conscious on earth 
 through his material brain, and receives, until he forms mind, spirit- 
 ual impressions from that brain. When he is connected with that 
 part of the brain, after he advances, which receives the soul gifts, 
he is conscious as child of Giod. This consciousness, as he advances, 
 makes him form a mind on earth, in a degree, in harmony with the 
 spirit mind which he forms when detached by sleep. When he is 
 connected with this part of his brain, he can impress his mate- 
 rial brain with as many of the soul gifts that it is in harmony with. 
 As he knows no more, (unless connected with this part of his spirit- 
 ual brain, of the spirit life, than an undeveloped life organism,) only 
 that which he gleans from his material experiences and that which 
 he receives, not directly until in harmony, but impressed on his 
 spiritual brain which impresses the material brain, it can be seen 
 that he must rely simply and solely on his material brain. 
 The question how does he develop his brain? The impressions 
 received from his material brain, when undeveloped, enable him to 
 form mind which he forms, according to the impressions made on 
 his material by his spiritual brain, and the impressions received 
 through the material organs, connecting him with material life. Thus 
 mind develops under law, and under material conditions which 
 are environment, association, education, training, etc. Little by little he 
 develops will, thought, reason, until his mind is sufficiently advanced 
 to enable him to, in a measure, control and develop brain independ- 
 ently. This usually occurs about the fourteenth year on earth. 
 Not until this age does a boy or girl form mind enough to develop 
 brain. The mind formed prior to this age is ever liable to change as 
 it is formed under incorrect impressions, hence the saying the 
 "child is father to the man" is not correct as can be proven through 
 numberless cases. Oft the most vicious children, through change 
 of environment, association and operations, are, in a sense, almost 
 regenerated. The most stupid often completely outgrow conditions 
 which have caused their failure. This does not mean the degen- 
 erate or mentally unfit. After this age mortals begin to form mind 
 more correctly, and thus develop and control brain independently. 
 Then they themselves develop their instruments and receive impress- 
 Mind, mortal mind does not exist, mind is connected with the 
 spirit brain. Hence, consciously or unconsciously, they receive im- 
 pressions from their spiritual mind, as well as impressions from the 
 material brain. Those who are guided by the spiritual impress- 
 ion, although they may suffer materially, are correctly impressed. 
 Those who are by the material, although material advantages may 
 result for awhile, are not. Hence all who decide after they exercise 
 will and reason, in favor of the material and are governed by the 
 material, permit the undeveloped material to govern them. Those 
 who with free will, not the free will of the spirit, choose the unde- 
 veloped material, are under law, and in charge of the Angels subject 
 to that which is necessary for them in the real life. When they 
 apparently select the material, they, like Emanuel Swedenborg, (when 
 he portrayed the hells through an imperfect instrument,) do not 
 transmit correctly. It is not because he, the spirit sins, but because 
 he cannot impress his material brain correctly, and attached to 
 mortal man, he commits with him the material crimes which he is 
judged by and suffers for on mortal plane. Under law, under that 
 which he receives from God and the Angels he should not commit 
 these acts, but the lack of development of his life organisms make 
 them dominate material brain and body. Although the material 
 brain and body is not the real man, when not developed, it acts more 
 or less like an independent being, and as every organism in the 
 brain possesses feeling and consciousness, each and every organism 
 suffers and feels, and in the aggregate oft prevent correct impress- 
 ions. So clocely correlated is a spirit with the life organisms of 
 his body that he suffers with and through them. 
 When the spirit is detached, or when brain is magnetized or 
 drugged, the spirit feels nothing. The spirit cannot express him- 
 self perfectly through a diseased, malformed, defective or drugged 
 brain, and although conscious with the consciousness which can- 
 nects him with mind, is utterly irresponsible for all acts comimitted 
 when not able to express himself properly, just as he is when hypn^o- 
 tized, drugged or intoxicated. There is no such thing as obsession 
 by evil Spirits. One could with as much reason say that every time 
 a man gets intoxicated or drugs himself he is obsessed by evil spirits. 
 The evil spirits are no more real than the snakes he sees of delirum 
 tremens. If God permitted the evil to control the weak in this 
 world how could they develop, obsessed from the spirit by dem-ons 
 and governed by animal characteristics on earth. This is a very 
 undeveloped belief, and entertained mainly by those who have not 
 correct spiritual illumination. God, to mitigate unnecessary suffer- 
 ing, impres5.es many who are in harmony with the spirit spheres to 
 instruct those with less developed brains, not necessarily the relig- 
 ious, but all who develop along all lines and who help to assuiago 
 misery, develop material conditions as well as impart spiritual truths. 
 Gradually the undeveloped life organisms are brought into har- 
 mony and the spirit impresses more correctly his mortal prototype, 
 v/ho, sometimes, before he is detached, brings brain into complete 
 harmony, but as it is continually changing, and, as mortal life is not 
 for this, but to develop the real ones in the real body, he is detach- 
 ed when they are developed. 
 When life organisms, on various planes of development, impress- 
 ed with, under law, the instinct of self-preservation, are formed in 
 a mortal form, they are in the same position to the form they inhabi: 
 as it is to the world it inhabits. They are subject to the real ruler, 
 the individual spirit, as the form is to God. The mortal form is 
 subject to natural law, they within it subject to natural law also. 
 They all are on different planes and have different duties. The most 
 evolved are in charge of the various organs, (as Edgar Lucien truly 
 portrays, "Within the Mind Maze,") the heart, the lungs, the liver, 
 the kidneys etc. Others are in convolutions of the brain, stomach, 
 blood ,etc. The most developed, like their forms in the outer world, 
 are in authority when they gain control. 
 As there are revolutions between the classes without, there are 
 also in their world within. The instinct of self-preservation is main- 
 ly responsible for disease and the animal propensities. The organ- 
 isms have to fight to preserve life. By the time they are formed in 
the animals of the higher order, they have developed propensities 
 and originated various diseases. Under law, the Angels develop 
 intelligence and form brain in certain species, and impress the more 
 or less, with spiritual qualities, through their little spirit organisms. 
 Upon all the higher forms up to man the spiritual qualities are im- 
 pressed. When man is born he is formed with countless organ- 
 isms, inheriting more or less strongly the animal characteristics. 
 The higher life organisms, to perform their work properly, must be 
 kept in harmony. If proper food is not given, too little or too 
 much, they for self preservation do that which is essential to pre- 
 serve life, hence all the developed ones combine to prevent the un- 
 developed who cause mutinies, or those who breed poisons, from 
 destroying, just as they all combine to conquer disease germs. 
 The harmonious little worker when properly fed generates heat, 
 builds up the body and keeps it warm. The arteries and veins filled 
 with these peaceful organisms, circulate throughout the body carry- 
 ing good cheer and sustenance to all. If the body gets cold, chilled 
 by lack of food or through other adverse material conditions, there 
 is no sustenance to carry and the veins and arteries become sluggish 
 and torpid. Hence they resort to other methods to produce heat 
 which is absolutely essential for life preservation, not only to them 
 but to the entire form. Thus proper food and good water, is 
 absolutely essential to enable the spirit to control. The lack of it 
 impedes circulation, depletes the vitality of all organisms and death 
 ensues. Just as lack of food and water chills and impedes circula- 
 tion, so does cold to all forms which have not become inured to it 
 and extreme cold to all life organisms whether accustomed to it or 
 not. When all organisms in the body are properly nourished, har- 
 mony prevailing, disease germs in subjection, mortals can, without 
 impeding circulation, or lowering vitality to any appreciable extent, 
 violate law, go without food, subject themselves to changes without 
 injurious results, but if the form is not in good condition and has 
 not bred resistance, they cause the defenders of the body to lose 
 strength, disease germs conquer, and the life organisms transmit to 
 the spirit the feelings sensed as illness. Whereas, were the develop- 
 ed caretakers properly vitalized and kept in harmony, they could 
 destroy the disease germs and prevent mutiny among many, who 
 are made destructive throtrgh lack of food and warmth. As the 
 brain, under law, is formed of selected organisms, also under law, 
 the Angels impress the brain to conquer the animal propensities and 
 disease, which for self-preservation have been essential for them, 
 but not for the child of God on mortal plane, when developed. So 
 strong and potent are these propensities that it takes millions of 
 years to eradicate them. Since man was first brought forth there 
 have been the spiritual, the good, striving to develop the animal, the 
 so-called evil, in reality the undeveloped life organisms. Therefore, 
 the spirit has nothing to do with the evil excepting to try to develop 
 the undeveloped and bring them in harmony. 
 From the beginning, when primitive man, more correctly im- 
 pressed, claimed the right to govern and sway others, there have 
 been two distinct classes, those who govern, those who are governed. 
 Naturally the former class, more correctly impressed, have been 
 more or less on a higher plane. When a man is fitted to lead, no 
 matter in what class or what plane, he forges ahead, though beset 
 by obstacles innumerable. Naturally, not spiritually, the arrogance 
 of power, called forth evil. There have been and are a large class, 
 who inheriting but the power, and naught else, of their superior sires, 
 have created dissension and strife through injustice and oppression 
 of the lower orders, which naturally have caused revolutions among 
 all, whose minds are receptive to the spirit impressed love of liberty, 
 fraternity and equality. Hence all revolutions of the people strug- 
 gling to express these spiritual attributes, no matter how imperfectly 
 impressed are ever attended with beneficial results, ever on the 
 ascending scale, even though seemingly backward for a time swings 
 the pendulum. After every revolution of this kind, unlike political 
 and intellectual movements, there is, invariably, a greater expression 
 of these spiritual qualities. 
 All have advanced, more or less, throughout all nations, grad- 
 ually developing through wars and blood-shed greater freedom and 
 liberty, only to be attained in this manner until they are correctly 
 impressed. Although the races have unquestionably advanced, the 
 majority among all are on the lower planes. There are many among 
 both the classes and masses who still express the animal character- 
 istics. The love of either liberty, fraternity or equality is not under- 
 stood by them. Many among the classes cannot express liberty 
 and equality. Many among the masses fraternity, brotherly love. 
 Hence, until these are developed by various methods of suffering 
 and purification, there will be revolutions, mental and physical up- 
 heavals. All among the classes and masses are God's children, each 
 one, in every walk and condition of life, doing that which alone gives 
 him the essential experiences, each one acting according to his de- 
 After every revolution, such as the present terrific struggle in 
 Europe, many of those who believe not in equality among the classes, 
 awaken in the real home of the spirit to the truths of perfect equality 
 and liberty. Many among the masses who believe not in fraternity, 
 who, notwithstanding they fight for equality, do not love the classes, 
 awaken to the truth all are brothers, and that there is no distinction 
 of caste between God's children, as there will be none on earth when 
 mortality is correctly impressed. Those among the classes who 
 still pride themselves upon their superiority, the divine rights of 
 kings, the rights of the privileged class, are still imbued with the 
 obsolete, (among the most enlightened of the advanced nations) 
ideas in vogue in ancient and prehistoric times, but outgrown now, 
 among those who will not permit even the empty forms, very 
 long, after this struggle is over, which instead of increasing the 
 rights of the classes, will tend to elevate the masses and free them 
 from the restrictions and distinctions intolerable to God's children, 
 impressed with the true sense of equality. 
 While those among the masses, who will not be impressed with 
 brotherly love, and would, if not checked, revert to the atrocities 
 permitted in earlier periods, will also largely be decimated. Thus 
 both classes, after this struggle is over, will realize more keenly than 
 before, (bound together by common suffering, death levels all dis- 
 tinctions, anguish and sorrow cleanse and purify) liberty, equality 
 and fraternity, and will be more willing than before to make con- 
 cessions. Among the classes are many who express more perfectly 
 love and equality than among the masses. Among the masses are 
 many who never can express either. But each class are gradually 
 developing a larger number who believe in both. Those who do 
 not gradually growing less, until finally, not in the near future, but 
 many centuries hence, liberty, equality and fraternity will triumph. 
 Until that time arrives, there will be revolutions upon revolutions 
 until all class distinctions are swept away, and God's children free 
 and equal, enjoy upon earth, in a degree, the liberty, equality and 
 fraternity of the real life. 
 With the exception of a few of the most enlightened countries, 
 there will be revolutions. These will institute reforms, such as 
 England has made, without blood-shed. England will cast aside 
 even the forms of monarchical rule. Germany the same. The 
 Uinted States, with riots and blood-shed in various states, will never 
 have a class war, but will make reforms which will prevent. Men 
 from the classes and masses will fraternally combine. Men of big 
 ideals, women with noble aspirations, will save their country. The 
 man or woman who, for love of liberty and humanity, helps to 
 ameliorate the conditions of the lower orders, who will cleanse and 
 uplift those who oppress them, will become leaders in the greatest 
 reform movement ever instituted on earth, which shall spread 
 throughout the world and help all nations . 
 Spiritualism has evolved, as the various nations and races have 
 advanced, from the lowest form of witch-craft, to modern and 
 Christian spiritualism among the most advanced races, although 
 witch-craft is more or less practiced among the undeveloped. As 
 man advanced and sought within, impelled by that deemed the 
 religious instinct, in truth by impressions from the spirit spheres, he 
 sought, as now, for something beyond that which he received within, 
 for material signs, symbols and emblems. Those more correctly 
 impressed expressed or gave through their material instruments, 
 their brains and minds,) according to their development. Many 
 were enabled to inspire others with faith in them, and their real or 
 apparent divinations. As their minds were formed according to the 
 prevailing beliefs of their time, all that they gave was deeply colored 
 with these beliefs and far from correct. 
 After witch-craft ceased to be practiced, and spiritualism develop- 
 ed a better class of instruments, it began, among most advanced na- 
 tions, to acquire a certain standing. Long before the Ayran race 
 left the Vale of Cashmere they had developed instruments, although 
 not on a high plane. The higher ones not equal to the undeveloped 
 ones of today, who are doubted and ridiculed by many who still 
 practice the incantations and rites of these less evolved ones. The 
 oracles of the Greeks, Egyptians and Romans, the highest of Brah- 
 minism and Buddhaism in Asia, even the Buddha, Guatama himself,. 
 was not as developed spiritually as some today, among his followers, 
 who are completely unknown. Although it is claimed that many, 
 within secret organizations and societies, possess wonderful wisdom, 
 the fact that that wisdom cannot bear the sight of day, and is not 
 given to the masses, as the Lord Jesus Christ gave, proves it to be, 
 more or less, as it really is, still colored with the incorrect impress- 
 ions of the earlier periods. Were it correctly impressed, were it 
 fit to bear the light of day, unafraid and unashamed, actuated by 
 desires to benefit all instead of a few, those who possess it, would 
 give it to all, whether all are fitted to receive or not. When one is 
 really inspired, whether a willing instrument or not, the Divine power 
 gradually conquers the unwilling instruments, and despite loss of all 
 the material world aflfords, one follows the promptings of the higher 
 spheres. Hence when a message is to be given, it is given. That 
 these secret societies give but to their members, that those who 
 come not out publicly refrain, is because they are receiving and 
 giving that which they are fitted to receive and give. When the 
 time is ripe for them, they will not be ashamed or afraid to hide 
 "their light under a bushel." 
 The most enlightened among the ancients openly consulted their 
 oracles. Every religion and many philosophies are mainly based 
 upon spiritual expressions and manifestations. Eliminate the spirit- 
ual, and religion ceases to be. Deprive the philosopher of the 
 light, no matter how imperfectly expressed, which he receives from 
 within, and he has naught to give. When the sincere followers of 
 the Lord gradually developed the higher qualities, His teachings 
 more clearly comprehended, conquered the pagan beliefs in Poly- 
 thesian and its crudities, until their many gods were superceded by 
 the One God of the Christians, imperfectly cognized by many be- 
 fore, and since. 
 Under the highest form of civilization (this world has known 
 up to the present, Athens and its subject cities,) although it develop- 
 ed philosophers and many kind, humane people, the masses were in 
 a deplorable condition, one man out of four was free. Athens fell 
 because, not on as high a plane as the United States, it had not 
 advanced sufficiently to conquer its most potent evils. Even the 
 greatest philosophers openly advocated slavery. The demoralizing 
 influence of Rome prior to the coming of our Lord is well known 
 It can be seen that the impressions received at that time and given 
 through their various adepts and oracles, could not be correct. The 
 pagan soil was hard to cultivate, and required constant care ere it 
 could develop a few straggling roots here and there. During the 
 first three centuries, countless Christian martyrs were sacrificed to 
 these undeveloped ones, whose greatest delight was the heartless 
 cruelty inflicted upon the brethren and sisters striving to make them 
 see more clearly. Not until, in the reign of Constantine, when 
 Telemachus, the monk, sacrificed life, in his efforts to suppress these 
 barbarities, was the imperial edict of Constantine enforced, putting 
 an end forever to these atrocities. Throughout the succeeding cen- 
 turies and the Dark Ages when the followers of Jesus Christ in 
 monasteries dotting every vale, crowning every eminence, preserved 
 the wisdom of the ancients, the arts, the sciences that had failed to 
 develop the pagan along true line, numberless pagans, under the 
 guise of Christianity, combined with the genuine Christian, the bea- 
 con light here and there, the more correctly illumined, and little by 
 little, spread the light which alone has brought the people of the 
 Ayran race to the highest state of development known on earth. 
 That bloodshed was and is permitted, is due to the fact, that the ma- 
 jority are still undeveloped, still pagan, even among the most advanc- 
 ed nations, not due to the true Christian but to the undeveioped 
 pagan still inheriting the pagan characteristics. 
 As the people demanded signs with the Lord Jesus, they kept on 
 demanding signs, which here and there were given, more or less 
 true, according to the character of the instrument. Many Saints 
 gave signs with healing, divinations, etc. Many sinners, (pure spirits 
 in the real life,) through material minds being in harmony, on certain 
 lines, also gave enough truth to inspire faith. Little by little, the 
 majority of the most advanced became better developed, and more 
 correctly impressed instruments were inspired to suit the various 
 planes of development. Teachers, prophets, seers, all mediums, all 
 psychics. The Roman Catholic, the Greek Catholic adhered, until 
 Protestantism evolved,) to the signs, the symbols, the healing, the 
 divinations, practiced among many of their ascetic monks, whose 
 simple, holy lives developed them spiritually. Although Protest- 
antism was formed to correct evils, in a sense, an evolution, its great- 
 er freedom and latitude abolished certain forms and ceremonies which 
 appeal ever to the genuinely devout on undeveloped planes, hence 
 the Catholic still is in the lead. As nations advanced under the 
 Christian religions, (with here and there a retrogressive step, pro- 
 duced by mental and physical upheavals for purpose of purification 
 and readjustment,) very slowly, they began to discriminate between 
 the false and true, as they deemed it, of the spiritual element in 
 religion. Many began to doubt even the truths taught by their 
 respective religions, and many all that was, deemed by them, to 
 come, not from a spiritual source, but from the falsities of those 
 claiming to be media for the soul's expressions. But still, many 
 more correctly impressed, on these lines, hungered for signs and 
 symbols, the natural craving of the spirit for communion with its 
 real home while on the mortal plane of consciousness. These heed- 
 ed every impression, every so-called super-natural experience, with 
 the result that among all classes, of all nations, many developed into 
 mediums who taught of another life, and demonstrated the truth of 
 communion with that life. In every country of the world, the, chil- 
 dren of God believe more or less in their spiritual origin, and seek 
 in divers ways, illumination. 
 Thus, while the Churches became less and less spiritual, in one 
 sense, although developing in other lines, many within and without 
 them, impelled by the spirit formed societies and organizations. 
 Although many still cling to the undeveloped impressions of the 
 earlier periods, or are unable to be impressed correctly, they are 
 ready to cast ofif these conditions and develop the truly spiritual, 
 instead of the material. It is this class, not the truly spiritual, 
 that has made the superficial condemn everything connected with 
 that called spiritualism. The superficial, among the different 
 religions. Christian Science and its branches, and the various cults 
 and philosophies, not impressed correctly, condemn all and ignore 
 the truths given in the only way truth has ever been impressed, 
 through the psychic, and, therefore, deny the source from whence 
 their teachers and philosophers have received or receive illumination. 
 The enlightened among the different religions and philosophies know 
 there is but one Source, one Fountain-head, and that though the 
 stream, due to its channel, is more or less muddy, the waters of life, 
 love and truth emanate solely from the spirit spheres, that that 
 which comes through the spiritualist is as true as that which comes 
 through their most advanced teacher or exponent, according to the 
 development of the mind or brain impressed. The psychic who can- 
 not grasp the Divinity of the Lord Jesus, cognize Him as the "Elder 
 Brother," the Christian who fails to recognize Him as God, cognize 
 Him as Son, the Christian Scientist, "the Sole Begotten Son." The 
 minds of those formed among those who believe in theosophy, or 
 those who prefer it to the Christian belief, receive and give accord- 
 ing to that which they are fitted to receive and give. 
 Mrs. Eddy says truly, page 72 Science and Health, "In science, 
 individual good, derived from God, All in All, may flow from the 
 departed to mortals, but evil is neither communicable or scientific," 
 On page 73 she says, "The belief that material bodies turn to dust 
hereafter to rise up as spiritual bodies is incorrect, equally incorrect 
 is the belief that spirit is in a material body from which it is freed 
 by death." The natural inference that spirit is in spirit body 
 always, and never in material body. On page 75, "When you can 
 awaken yourself and others out of the dream that all must die, you 
 can then exercise Jesus' spiritual power to reproduce the presence 
 of those who have thought they died, but not otherwise." These 
 alone prove the fact that Mrs. Eddy was not opposed to true spirit- 
 ualism, although conscious of the truth she had no faith in evil per- 
 taining to the spirit spheres. She recognized she herself was but 
 an instrument. Had she been correctly impressed, on all lines she 
 would have seen the inconsistency of claiming that all are spirits, 
 mortal life unreal, and deny spirits outside of Science, the privilege 
 of communing with the only real ones in existence. She would have 
 given mortal life its true place and recognized why many spiritual- 
 ists are still undeveloped. As God is not evil, and no spirit in the 
 real life knows aught of it, excepting as conditions permitted on 
 earth for purpose of development, no mind or brain on earth who 
 believes in evil can see or discern with the spirit sight, therefore 
 truly, while more or less in the material consciousness. All that 
 they receive, hear, see or feel is tinged with their material concep- 
 tions and beliefs. Thus one who sees a departed loved one, friend 
 or enemy, although seeing more or less with the spirit sight, as they 
 must to discern spirits at all, as they are partly in the material con- 
 sciousness, see them as they appeared on earth, not as they really 
 are, beautiful and glorious in the real life. Those who see the horri- 
 ble, that which they deem evil spirits, are more or less the victims 
 of delusions. As they advance and become free from material limi- 
 tations, and self ceases to be the paramount object in life, the 
 great "I am" of their individual worship, they will realize that true 
 spiritualism, the Christ spiritualism, is that part of every religion 
 and philosophy which develops the highest and the best. The pure 
 in heart, not solely in spirit spheres, but on earth, see but God and 
 His Angels. The undeveloped, as pure in the real life, through unde- 
 veloped material instruments, see but evil and devils. Many of the 
 greatest teachers and reformers are kept in this condition, although 
 truly spiritual in all ways, for purpose of influencing others, the class 
 who are not amenable to love. 
 The voice of God is not the **still, small voice" seemingly heard 
 within. Not that heard throughout nature, expressed in varying 
 melody, but the voice solely belonging to God, our loving Father, 
 A voice once heard, forgotten. It expresses perfect harmony, 
 perfect music, perfect love. Strangely complex, marvelously intri-» 
 cate and constructed as is the spirit, it is formed to be in perfect 
 harmony with the Father when brought in actual touch or closeness 
 of vibration with Him. The closer to the Source of all soul gifts, 
 the more potent the vibration, the greater the influx. 
 After the spirit is detached by death, or when one is first em- 
 braced by the Father, the whole being responds and vibrates in 
 unison with Him. If any lack of perfect expression of the soul 
 gifts still lingers, or aught material, it at once vanishes, never to 
 return, and the spirit child, vibrant with love, compassion, tender- 
 ness, mercy, charity for all less evolved forms of life, is born anew. 
 Not subjected to the "second death," excepting death to the last 
 vibration connecting him with the material, but more closely con- 
 nected with his Divine Father. 
 Although by many it is claimed that God's children are born 
 undeveloped, with evil souls, which must be purified on earth, sub- 
 jected to various lives, to acquire on earth the soul gifts, and thus 
 fit themselves to be absorbed, (according to Buddhaism,) the truth 
 is all His children receive all their spiritual development in their 
 real home, the spirit spheres, and never, in these spheres, cognize 
 evil as it is presumed to be on earth. They know it has no reality, 
 and that it cannot even, when cogni2ed rightly on earth, endure. 
 All spirits, on earth, who bring themselves or who are brought into 
 greater harmony with the spirit spheres, more correctly impressed 
 through more developed brains or instruments, cease doing that 
 which is deemed evil, and for them it ceases to exist, as it will for 
 all, in time, on earth. Therefore, even on earth the unreality of 
 evil is proven to be due to lack of development on that plane. 
 While mortals, or spirits on earth, are still under the laws of 
 the material, they cognize from the material view-point, and, as they 
 witness the terrible effects of undeveloped conditions, they attribute 
 them to the Omnipotent Maker, or endow his soul child almost the 
 same, with the power of making the conditions, from which they 
 after creating them, must evolve. A very hard problem to tax them- 
 selves with. From whence can a purely material soul in both 
 worlds, in the spirit and the material , obtain spiritual light if it is 
 created evil, or if it creates it, how obtain thei light to enable, it to 
 develop spiritual qualities, to advance? The wisdom, the love, the 
 soul gifts exist. They are impressed even on earth. If they were 
 expressed in perfect man and man has fallen, the germs or seeds 
 of evil must have been in man created by the same Power who made 
 him perfect, to give him, ostensibly, the power to create evil out of 
 good. Man therefore, was not created perfect or he could not have 
 V 74 
fallepi, or he was created by a Power which creates evil or the seeds 
 which develop it. A large class claim God is Omnipotent, and also 
 claim man creates evil independently. Either God is Omnipotent 
 or not. The soul gifts, according to this class, were expressed by 
 mortal man but he fell, according to others, the soul is evil and must 
 develop on earth. Both conceptions are but half truths. Man was 
 neither created perfect nor an evil soul to grow and develop, on a 
 lower plane, the soul gifts, which are only impressed from the 
 higher. How could a holy, pure God bring forth souls, made in His 
 Image and Likeness, and endow them, -unlike Himself, with evil, 
 which He, All-good, the Source of all soul gifts, does not recognize. 
 Even a very undeveloped material mind should deem this impossible. 
 Spirit brought forth conjointly, (on both the spirit and mortal 
 plane of consciousness, in the spirit with a real body, attached to a 
 material one, for the purpose of undergoing certain experiences 
 necessary for him to acquire perfect control of his spirit body,) is 
 not subjected to the mortal life to unfold mentally or morally, 
 although as the law of progression is universal in all spirit spheres, 
 when he develops his instrunuents connecting him with mortal life, 
 he naturally impresses that which enables him to progress on earth, 
 hence on earth, there is progression according to the various planes 
 of the different races. Those races who have a majority of better 
 developed ones, progress. Those who have not, progress very slow- 
 ly, hence, until all have good instruments, there will be progression 
 and retrogression, although with the majority, progression, as there 
 has been since man was first evolved from the animal, and inherited 
 the propensities and diseases, which until eliminated cause that deem- 
 ed crime or evil. 
 Primitive man, just evolved from the animal, more conscious of 
 his material than spiritual origin, not perfect, in a very undeveloped 
 condition, inherited the propensities, which, under law, prevented 
 him from getting correct spiritual impression, hence, little by little 
 formed mortal mind and a God in harmony with this mind accord- 
 ing to its development. Thus the different races developed the 
 religious instinct, and, as they advanced, formed clearer conceptions. 
 All traditions, mythology, religions, philosophies, from the dawn of 
 history, from the Rig Veda of the Ayrans, the Nine Classics of the 
 Chinese, the One, Supreme God of the iMests of Egypt, not of the 
 people, the Zend Avesta, the earliest gods of the less developed, 
 to the One God of the Hebrew race, show, (with the exception of 
 here and there, an apparent retrogression,) a clearer and broader 
 spiritual conception, until our Lord Jesus Christ came, and gave the 
 truth, although a little veiled in allegory and parable. 
 It is claimed by many because Buddhaism numbers more than 
 the Christian and Mohammedan religions combined, that it must be 
 the greatest, not cognizing that the most highly developed are still in 
 the minority, and, until the masses attain to the planes of the devel- 
 opment of the minority, the conceptions will not change materially, 
 although there are many advancing continually in all races and 
 religions. It is also claimed by some that Christianity is more or 
 less of a failure. Notwithstanding the many, on undeveloped planes, 
 who are numbered among the Christians, and who have been, under 
law, the instruments to change conditions necessary for develop- 
 ment, pure, true Christianity has developed the highest types of 
 mortals. Whether these mortals believe in Christianity or not, they 
 more or less, express the soul gifts, which come from the Christ 
 spirit. The highest type ever brought forth was the Lord Jesus 
 Christ, whether accepted as purely material, son of God, or inspired 
 personally by God. Guatama, the Buddha, the founder of Buddha- 
 ism lived a purely material life until his twenty-ninth year. Mo- 
 hammed also lived a material life. The Lord Jesus Christ alone, 
 with truth could say, "I and my Father are one," because He ex- 
 emplified on earth, in all ways, as much as is possible on a material 
 plane, the pure, holy life of our Father. God was not incarnate in 
 mortal form any more than His children are, He personally impress- 
 ed the Lord Jesus, who therefore, even on earth, was perfect and 
 flawless in the highest, truest sense, and, in every way, superior to 
 all before and since His advent. From the time He was endowed 
 with the Essence of God, immaculately conceived, inheriting only 
 the highest developed material life organisms from His mother, the 
 little Hebrew maiden, the Virgin Mary, He was as perfect as a mor- 
 tal being could be, connected only with the sole Spirit who ever im- 
 pressed Him, God Omnipotent, by vibrations throughout all periods 
 of life, excepting when God Himself personally attached Himself to 
 Him, and our Loving Father Himself endured all the agony and igno- 
 miny, in the most crucial periods of the Lord's short earth life. Let 
 those who can explain a natural conception deride an immaculate, 
 no more remarkable to those who have charge of all births, than the 
 Material science is striving to produce life immaculately, hence 
 why deny Omnipotent God, the Power to produce the same? The 
 races had advanced to a stage when He, the same as in countless 
 other earths was needed to show His children in real life, that none 
 were decreed to suffer more than He would voluntarily, as well as to 
 give them on earth, as much of the truth as they could receive, to 
 lighten their burdens, and enable them to advance, (if so ordained,) 
 or bear with fortitude or hope, if not, the transitory, in a sense, un- 
 real earth life. 
 The voice of God, supposed to be heard in the harsh tones of 
 His mortal children and in the harsher voices of nature, is complete- 
 ly unheard, unknown in mortal life. Spirits are never on earth, 
 spirit only animate, impress the mortal, spirits are conscious on 
 earth because the material brain and organs, within the real spiritual 
 ones, impresses the real, and the spirit, the I, the personality, the 
 thinker is conscious through these instruments of the mortal life 
 and plane when he is attached to a mortal body. When he is de- 
 tached by sleep, trance or death, he is freed from the mortal life and 
 plane and conscious of the real life in his own true spiritual body. 
 In this real life, solely when detached by death, when he undergoes 
 that presumed to be the second death, when he, embraced by his 
 Fathers, conquers in full the material, then, and then only, does he. 
 for the first time, in reality, hear the voice of his Father. As he, the 
 spirit child manifests, and is embodied, a minor god, so is his Father, 
 in a Supreme Form, the One, Supreme, Omnipotent God. 
 The spirit world, the material within it, until detached, neces- 
 sarily must be of similar topography, water and land identical, ex- 
 cepting a few minor differences in the spirit world. The mortal is 
 the duplicate, a very poor reflection of the real. All made by the 
 Angels called natural beauty, is indescribably more beautiful than 
 on earth. All made by the spirits, who have evolved, as on earth, 
 the spiritual attributes, and little by little been impressed by their 
 Celestial guides and instructors, with, as they advance, as much of 
 the Celestial wisdom as they can receive, as they are closer to the 
 Source of all wisdom, advance much more rapidly than on earth, 
 hence all their works, their development in the arts and sciences 
 is much more perfect than on earth, although by no means equal 
 to that of the Celestial Kingdom. Therefore their development is 
 far superior, and their cities, towns and villages, the attached ones 
 to the material ,are very much superior in all ways to the mortal. 
 London, Paris, New York, all the leading earth cities, in the 
 spirit, are extremely beautiful, and inhabited not only by the attach- 
 ed spirits, who have two detached guides to care for them until 
 detached, but there are several sections not occupied by the attached, 
 inhabited by the detached spirits who desire to live near the at- 
 tached ones until they are liberated. 
 The greatest, grandest and most beautiful of all are the cities 
 occupied solely by the detached, who have been detached for quite a 
 long while, and who generally have those most dear detached. 
 These are situated on the loftiest peaks, (on earth never to be occu- 
 pied by the attached,) and connected by countless bridges, some 
 cover hundreds of miles and are embellished and beautified by the 
 greatest artists. The art of coloring, (the harmonious blending of 
 colors not solely confined to landscape, horticulture, buildings, but 
 dress and appointments of the home,) is excelled only in the Celes- 
 tial kingdom among the Angels. The color of the sky and water, 
 continually changing, is one of the greatest pleasures of the newly 
 liberated. Ruskin was impressed with the truth when he said 
 Angels portray pjctures in the sky. The pictures in the spirit skies 
 are in truth, pictures of wonderfully blended and tinted hues. The 
 Celestial Kingdom and of various scenes of other spirit worlds, are 
 The waters of the spirit oceans, seas and rivers reflect the glory 
 of the sky, and afford a perfect panorama of irridescent beauty, all 
 hues changing constantly, into exquisite tints unknown to earth. 
 There is nothing on earth that is not in the spirit world more per- 
 fected. Solely that which is material is lacking. All that on earth 
 is good and beautiful is impressed from the real life. All that is 
 undeveloped, called evil, is absent in the real life. Sin, disease, 
 death are unknown, cognized as they really are, as evanscent as the 
 winds that blow. 
spirits are neither automatons nor colorless, insipid creatures 
 of the same pattern. They are as distinctively individual as on 
 earth, with the exception they express their real selves, not the 
 false, animal ones of earth. To the pure, even on earth, all are 
 pure. They cognize but the good. Here all are pure, all cognize 
 but the good "spirits are not phantoms, ghosts or little cupids 
 playing on harps, elusive essence, intangible, ethereal, but more sub- 
 stantial, more real in all ways," than mortals. Neither are they 
 "vitalized'^ shell, wandering through space, malignant demons, nor 
 uncanny bodies in the Heaven world, in reality, the spirit world, nor 
 are they evil spirits in hells or places of punishments. Mortals im- 
 pressed correctly would abolish hells on earth. It the real life, 
 much farther advanced, they smile at the peculiar idiosyncracies of 
 the mortal kindergarten. 
 After spirit memory returns, sometimes within half an hour 
 after death, they remember life in both worlds and know the 
 spirit is the real one. Activity in the real life, as on earth, is essen- 
 tial, therefore, all select vocations which are congenial, and exercise 
 as on earth, will and Judgment independently. All have perfect 
 physiques and enjoy perfect health, all exercise is delightful. Play- 
 ing on harps, chanting perpetual hymns, a life of inactivity and idle- 
 ness, originated with the undeveloped on earth, and today is held 
 by only the born diseased or propensity stricken. There is not an 
 amusement on earth, excepting those of a debasing nature, that is 
 not in vogue with spirits. Their opera houses and theatres, artists 
 by the hundreds, superior to the greatest earth stars, are number- 
 less in the centers of population. In many of the parks are great 
 coliseums and temples open to the sky, and at night moving pic- 
 tures in the open, made by illuminating jewels. In fact, the life is 
 a perfectly natural life on a greater, grander scale. 
 When mortals are more correctly impressed, they will laugh at 
 their silly, wierd conceptions. A seraphim playing on a harp to 
 our Father, who will not permit eulogy in the real life, would not 
 please Him as much as the man or woman on earth who leads a 
 life of use and love, in the service of others. A vitilized shell has 
 neither the use nor development of the lowest on earth, hence, as 
 even such a being would be wiped out of existence on the mortal 
 plane, it surely would not be tolerated here. Demons, evil spirits 
 haunting and affrighting His children, are unknown. Hells do not 
 exist. There are the attached spirits of countless, lower forms of 
 life, not yet developed, to be endowed with soul, who, although' 
 they are formed like their mortal ones, express but love. In all 
 the countless universes of the spirit, in all forms of life, naught but 
 love" is expressed. When love is impressed Upon mortal and he 
 expresses it in life, he then realizes the truth which frees him from 
 delusions and illusions of undeveloped conditions. No mortal who 
 believes in evil or sick souls is correctly impressed. The minds 
 who misinterpret the messages are sick, not the souls of spirits in 
 the real life where all is beauty, harmony and love. 
 When these mortals realize that all are under the dominion and 
 ruled solely by love, the most potent law in existence, that every 
 form of life from the lowest to the highest, the countless millions in 
water and in air, as well as the countless ones in t"heir own bodies, 
 they will realize that when they express this greatest of all laws, on 
 the mortal plane, all their delusions will vanish, never to return. 
 Tliey will then rule their bodies by the same law, not with command 
 or demand, but with tenderness and sympathy. Could mortal wit- 
 ness the countless forms of tiny beauty in the water of the spirit 
 ocean, buoj^ing up the spirit, who walks on it, forming in solid 
 phalanx to support him, could they see them divide and let him cub- 
 merge, obedient to the mandate of love, could they see them in the 
 atmosphere when he floats or flies, move with and support him, could 
 they realize what life really is, what forms all bodies, what per- 
 petual motion is, that their senses are fitted for but the material, 
 (some not as developed as some in the lower animals,) that in 
 each and all their brains and senses vary, they would know that 
 they know nothing. Hence truth appears to mortals many sided 
 and under various guises, due to the differences in their material 
 In the real life when the senses are more developed, and where 
 there are others that will not be developed on earth,, they are pro- 
 gressing and getting nearer to the truth. The closer they get, the 
 more and more they express the soul gifts, the more they become 
 in harmony with law, the law of love, until they work in unison with 
 it, and are able to perform the seemingly impossible to mortals, such 
 as when they will, (not otherwise, as it would interfere with com- 
 fort,) see with actual sight, all forces in operation, the countless life 
 organisms acting in harmony performing their mission. Thus, the 
 advanced spirit sees all forces in air, water and soil in active oper- 
 ation, when he wills. As his sight is developed so are all his other 
 senses. Flying or floating, and walking on water are as natural as 
 walking to the mortal. Thought transference, from mind to mind, 
 when at a distance, or when present, is sometimes practiced, although 
 spirits prefer speech. Thought transference is entirely distinct 
 from the power to read the mind when not open or receptive to 
 other minds. This is possessed only by the highest advanced and 
 only practised when essential. As delicacy, sensitiveness is spirit- 
 ual not natural, one would even less intrude upon the sacred privacy 
 of the mind than upon the privacy of one's private chamber or 
 oratory unless invited. Thus it can be seen while all receive mind 
 and soul from the Soul and Mind of the Father, this Divine mind 
 similar in all, more or less perfectly expressed, yet the individual 
 mind of the spirit, after he is freed from Celestial supervision, when 
 fitted to advance independently, is sacred to himself alone and dis- 
 tinct. This mind also makes the difference as marked, in spirits 
 in the real life, as on earth. They also possess the gift, when de- 
 veloped, of witnessing all they desire, when at a distance or in the 
 material consciousness, but only practiced under certain conditions. 
 Hence mortals are not always under surveillance as imagined by 
 many, although their guardian Angels read their mind and know 
 their every thought until detached, but are only seen by their own 
 loved ones or friends, who, permitted by the Angels in charge, enter 
 the material consciousness, when they desire. 
The government is similar to, although greatly superior to the 
 highest forms of Christian socialism dreamed of on earth. The 
 different countries of the various spirit v^orlds are under laws suit- 
 able to their planes of development. With spirits, who are just 
 brought forth from the animal, necessarily the laws are different 
 from those on the highest planes. There are numberless material 
 worlds being just brought forth as well as many about to go out of 
 existence. The spirit (attached to the material) just brought forth 
 have laws suited to their plane of advancement, with the difference 
 that the spirits more rapidly acquire from the Celestial Angels the 
 wisdom and knowledge which is so imperfectly impressed on the 
 mortal plane, and as they receive the soul gifts directly, they receive 
 from God the illumination to enable them to advance speedily, hence 
 are ever much farther advanced that the mortal planes even in their 
 earliest stages. Thus the lowest spiritual plane is ever the most 
 advanced at any stage of development. 
 Regeneration is the process, under law, with which the Celestial 
 Angels form and transform life bodies in the spirit and material 
 worlds. The lizard, the lobster and other forms, under this law 
 regenerate different members and organs on earth. The caterpillar 
 is transformed into a butterfly in form entirely unlike its former 
 one. Among others there are many forms which almost renew the 
 whole body, even some of the most important organs. Science can- 
 not explain how it is done. They see the result but fail to find the 
 cause. Even the correctly impressed in a way, such as Herbert 
 Spencer, Tyndal and Darwin, and the more correctly impressed 
 such as Edgar Lucien Larkin, who frankly admit the truth, know, 
 in reality, naught about the origin or cause of even a blade of grass. 
 The thought patterns of Edgar Larkin exist, but not "within the 
 mind maze" of realities as sensed upon earth, but within the mind of 
 the Celestial Angels who form them, as intangible, elusive, and bodi- 
 less as mind, Spirits are not "thought patterns," but children of God. 
 Mind can never be understood by mind on the mortal plane as 
 this scientist acknowledges. God Omnipotent is Himself Divine 
 Mind, and in body the highest expression of Mind in existence. 
 Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, solely through His Divine 
 Mind. He alone can understand what His Mind really is. A-> 
 mortals cannot locate mortal mind or spirits locate spiritual mind, 
 none in all the spirit realms can locate the Mind of God Omnipotent, 
 the Mind with which all are connected by numberless vibrations. 
 Although Mind functions and is expressed in lower forms, not until 
 a child is connected directly with his Father, from whom he receives 
 soul, personality, and the soul gifts, does he express Divine Mind 
 personally, nor does he come into conscious being as a child of God 
 God is Himself Life and all the soul gifts, therefore all life forces 
 have existed in the Celestial, spiritual and material universes for- 
 ever, but not all life organisms. These are formed under law, when 
 necessary, of the various substances required for the different worlds 
 and bodies. Thus while the atmosphere, water, soil and life bodies, 
 are filled with life organisms, they are not the life forces which 
 keep them in operation. These forces, in truth one force, sub- 
 divided into others come directly from our Father, or rather radiate 
 from Him throughout all space. There is no central force. Our 
 Father, through vibrations which connect with all is Omniscient 
 and Omnipresent, in this sense alone, although He goes from place 
 to place, and all His children see Him Personally, occasionally. 
 These forces put into operation Divine laws, changeless, per- 
 fect. Under these laws the three kingdoms, the Celestial, the 
 spiritual and the material are governed by the greatest administra- 
 tive Angels, who, also, form minor laws for the various worlds. The 
 material universe is as much a part of the spiritual universe as are 
the spirit worlds. Although material worlds cease to exist as worlds 
 (they return to the spiritual substance) the material universe or 
 kingdom is ever in existence and under Divine law. 
 The spiritual and material worlds have three distinct kingdoms, 
 the mineral, the vegetable, the animal. They evolve conjointly, 
 with the difference the spiritual worlds exist forever, the material 
 worlds for a time, therefore there are minor laws for each entirely 
 distinct. Natural law is not invariable nor changeless. Natural law 
 varies according to the development or evolution of the natural 
 worlds, as much as laws, made by man, change to suit the evolving 
 intelligence or mind. The sole changeless, perfect laws are the 
 Divine. The laws of the worlds in different stages of evolution vary. 
 The different stages of formation require entirely distinct laws. 
 And, just as the various formations of the worlds require different 
 laws, so the different stages of evolution of the life forms require 
 different laws. And as the different stages require different laws, 
 there are still, on earth, laws enforced with many forms that will be 
 regenerated as was man, as well as certain forms which regenerate 
 different members and organs of the body. 
 The life forms of the spirit animals are not subject to death. 
 They are regenerated or transformed, until the life organisms in 
 each body are ready to be formed in a child of God. After the first 
 animal parents are transformed and endowed with soul connected 
 with the Father directly, and thus become children of God, they 
 retain all their original life organisms in the real body in the spirit 
 world, and transmit to their children the descendents of their life 
 organisms, on the same plane, with the exception of those 
 children who have to be developed on the mortal plane, and so slow 
 is evolution that those who have to be developed on earth show no 
 marked change for many centuries, hence it takes many millions of 
 years for these life organisms, or rather the descendents of these to 
 be developed. Each spirit child has to bring all life organisms 
 in harmony before he can advance. Those born with the life organ- 
 isms in harmony, are simply brought forth, given personality on the 
 mortal plane. 
 There is no thought, nO' idea on earth, but has either a correct 
 or incorrect impression from the spirit as its source. Hence, the 
 transformation, regeneration of the animal body not correctly im- 
 pressed, is responsible for the belief in reincarnation, and the soul 
 or spirit miraculously, instantly endowed with a spirit body after 
 emerging from the material. Those who believe in reincar- 
 nation, and those who believe in a spiritual body being formed at 
 the moment the soul emerges from the material body, will be able 
 to grasp these, more easily comprehended, truths. Even in the 
 spirit, the real life, although, in a sense, time and space are cognized 
 differently, still it takes time to develop a spirit body fit for a child 
 of God. And, even though the Angels should have a body ready, as 
 all earth experiences must be registered upon the real brain, which 
 forms the real mind, the real brain and mind is not in God, but in 
 the spiritual body, and although connected with God the Father, is 
 independently individual. All lower forms until born or made chil- 
 dren of God, are transformed or regenerated. On the mortal plane, 
regeneration, more or less until man was evolved. Regeneration 
 still among many, although not yet known to science, as well as with 
 the beautiful butterfly from the ugly caterpillar, unlike it in all 
 ways, transformed in a manner unaccountable to mortal mind, sim- 
 ply its life organisms formed differently. How formed? By whom? 
 Scientists can explain in scientific terms comprehensible alone to 
 those on their own plane, but utterly unintelligible to the masses. 
 When they are correctly impressed and have the truth, they are im- 
 pressed to give it in simple language intelligible to all. 
 The mental regeneration of the mortal plan is not simply con- 
 fined to the religeuse who "finds the v/ay" through our loving Lord, 
 but is universal, with the exception of those who are ordained not 
 to advance on earth. The majority, under law, become better and 
 better instruments, the minority, those not to progress on this 
 plane, are on the upward march in the real life, as all are. To the 
 majority I now address myself, the majority who either make, in- 
 dependently exercising will, thought, reason, their lives respected 
 and honored or vice versa on earth. For. despite directivity and 
 law, you, yourselves, in a sense are responsible for your unnecessary 
 suffering. You have brains formed to advance and receive im- 
 pressions, that which you consider conscience is no more nor less 
 than the impressions interpreted in harmony with your brains, your 
 minds, which you yourselves develop or let remain at a standstill. 
 You are not degenerate, you are not mentally unsound, you have fit 
 instruments. You are helped in every waj^ conditions are being 
 changed constantly, teachers are provided to advance you, yet, 
 despite all that is done, some remain supinely indifferent to spiritual 
 impressions and mortal teachers. Although in the real life you 
 are holy, pure spirits, you do not put in effect on earth the impress- 
 ions you receive from the real life, but let your material brain 
 dominate you. You exercise the spiritual attributes when awakemed 
 on this plane, after violating law numberless times and entailing use- 
 less misery en yourselves. Therefore, your loving Father inspires 
 teachers to show you that you can prevent a good deal of suffering 
 when you yourselves enter the sacred privacy of your souls and 
 obtain light from the Divine Mind. Why not try now, here on 
 earth, to express your real selves properly? It is really easier to 
 do right than wrong if you will it. It is primitive and undeveloped 
 to speak of what is right and what is wrong, to say you but act ac- 
 cording to your plane, forgetting that while all act according to their 
 plane, that the acts, if not right, are never attended with suffering. 
 While you all act according to your plane, you all have the power, 
 if you exercise it, to advance to the highest, not of course the de- 
 generate, the insane, the weakening, the fool, the mentally unfit, but 
 you with good brains can exercise the God-given right of freedom 
 and will, exercised in your real spirit home. Let no false systems, 
 no impure environment prevent you, rise above them. You can do 
 it, all can if they try in the right way. Seek within and you will 
 find the strength to conquer, "heaven helps those who help them- 
 selves." No goal is ever attained on earth without self-sacrifice. 
 But carry it not to the other extreme, renunciation of all is not nec- 
 essary, God's children in the real life are happy, joyous, enjoy life 
to the utmost. It is not necessary to deny oneself all pleasure. Not 
 by going into the wilderness nor caves to receive illumination, apart 
 from all God's children, is the way to develop the highest, to be of 
 most service to thy brethren, but in the midst of them, shoulder to 
 shoulder, easing the burden, brightening the outlook, instilling by 
 example, more than precept, the greatest of all the soul gifts, love. 
 Although reprimand and denunciation, with a limited number 
 physically or mentally unfit, is more effective than love, love is the 
 most potent. Often the lowest and most degraded can be reached 
 in no other way. If ye are superior to thy brother or sister in the 
 slums, thank thy Father, and instead of pride, cultivate love, pity 
 instead of condemning. Draw not thy skirts aside, thy every act 
 is known, ye can hide naught from thy Angel guides. If ye have 
 greater wealth, higher rank or position, vaunt not thyself with 
 petty pride. It belittles thee, and helps to create class dissension 
 which ye must aU combine to prevent ere this feeling will cause, as in 
 days of old, revolution. If ye secretly indulge in vice of any kind 
 and quiet conscience with petty excuses, stop it at once, you are 
 not true to yourself. You cannot violate law on earth without en- 
 tailing suffering. 
 Anthropology does not explain the origin of man, nor that which 
 causes the difference between the various races. Although the great- 
 est scientists are very close to the truth regarding his origin, the 
 missing link is still unaccounted for. There is also doubt regard- 
 ing climate, etc., being responsible for the distinct types peculiar to 
 the different races. 
 Man, when he evolved from the animal, did not evolve from one 
 especial species, but from several on the same plane of development. 
 As there are different planes of development among men, there were 
 and are among animals also different planes. Neither, did man 
 evolve only in one section nor at the same time. When animals 
 in various sections of the world arrives! at the requisite stage of 
 development, they were changed in minor respects, under the law 
 of regeneration, and made to conform as much as possible, to the 
 spirit body within which they evolved. As the material animal and 
 man are composed of different life (spirit) organisms from the real 
 animal and man, it can be seen that, although the material is, seem- 
 ingly, within the interstices or spaces of the real body, the real 
 body must be of somewhat different formation, not exactly similar, 
 to enable another to evolve within it. The spirit form of the mate- 
 rial body is not the real spirit body, but the form of the life (spirit) 
 organisms of the material body alone, not an astral body as deemed 
 by theosophy, but a form to hold the life organisms of the^ material 
 body in place. These organisms are detached after the spirit child 
 abandons it for good by that called death, often they are not de- 
 tache'd for several days after the spirit child leaves the body, but 
 as this form is useless and devoid of soul to govern it, its organisms 
 are always detached and disconnected and it is not permitted to 
 wander through space, and fill God's realms of beauty with "devital- 
 ized shells," made of man's cast off evils, or as is claimed, tantalize 
 sorrowing hearts at seances, hungering to hear from the loved who 
 Have passed on. This conception originated ages ago, when brain 
 was undeveloped and not correctly impressed. An Omnipotent 
 God, All-good, such as our loving Father, even were it possible for 
 such beings to exist, would not permit His children, while on earth, 
 to be tormented unnecessarily any more than He would allow them 
 to suffer in the hells believed in by many. Thus it can be seen 
 that the material (in reality, spirit form of it) must conform to the 
 real spirit body in which it is brought forth among those who are 
 ordained tor the mortal life. The spirit, the real body is perfectly 
 beautiful, symetrical and harmonious, free from all flaws and de- 
 fects, the spirit, (material) within it, a form to hold the organisms 
 in place, more or less of a shell, the material as it appears to us 
 on earth. 
When animals in different sections of the spirit and material 
 worlds had arrived at the stage required, they were and are trans- 
 formed under law, in minor respects, as is proven by the gill slits, 
 large ears, and •other obsolete, in a senise, organs of the human body. 
 These were transformed and the animals made in the image and 
 likeness of our Father. Not in the likeness of a universe, a world, 
 or principle, but in the image of Person, the most Supreme in 
 existence, The Spirit, God Omnipotent, His children, individual 
 spirits, minor gods. These animals, endowed with soul, became 
 conscious, for the first time, as children of God, although their life 
 organisms had existed and been trained in countless lower forms 
 before. This does not mean that the life organisms trained for the 
 spirit child of God, live in each and every form in existence, it 
 simply means that they are all developed in various forms until 
 they are developed sufficiently to acquire all that is essential for 
 them. All men were not brought forth from the same species, and 
 although all were in similar forms they varied in minor details. 
 These minor differences, in the real spirit body, constitute the differ- 
 ent types of beauty, all perfect, and, on the mortal plane are respon- 
 sible for the distinct types. When mortal man was first brought 
 forth for many centuries he was covered with hair, had as sleek fur 
 as the horse, and was but little higher than his progenitors. So 
 slow is evolution it took thousands of years ere those first brought 
 forth began to shed the hair and clothe themselves with leaves and 
 skins. Some inherited peculiar formation of head and body, which 
 were modified in time and as they advanced and began to care more 
 for their bodies, not subject them to the sun, the skin became fairer 
 and whiter among those who did not develop the different color 
 pigments. Thus although all evolved from the animal, some in- 
 herited distinct types, which were gradually modified, others in- 
 herited and developed different pigments, which, according to the 
 time from which they had first evolved from the animal, climate and 
 other material agencies are responsible for the different races on 
 In the real life all are of different shades of white or cream. 
 All God's children love beauty and express it in all ways. Some of 
 the most beautiful spirits are attached to the ugliest and lowest of 
 mortal forms. When it is understood that mortal life is to develop 
 certain attributes, that matter devoid of life is nothing, that life is 
 spirit, that the ugly material is but for a day and the beautiful spirit 
 forever, it can be seen that the different races and forms that God's 
 children belong to and impress here, do not appear in the real life 
 as they do here. In spirit we know we are all God's children, all 
 of all races, and all of all classes sisters and brothers, children of 
 the Most High. Hence when this truth is impressed more clearly, 
 on earth, we know there is no real difference between the Anglo 
 Saxon and the Hottentot, that the religion and civilization of all, 
 suited to their planes of advancement, is but for a time, under God, 
 that He loves His undeveloped children as much as His developed, 
 that the low Hottentot, the malefactor is as dear as the most ad- 
 vanced of the most civilized nations, and the poor outcast Mary 
 Magdalene, His child, as much as her more illumined sister, but 
there are none better, nobler in the real life, although all are on 
 different planes of advancement. He alone is more advanced who 
 expresses the law of love most perfectly, and who, like His Father 
 loves more truly His Father's children. Hence when one feels the 
 truth that every little life organism on earth, even the poisonous, 
 are evolving (to become part of a body of a child of God,) on the 
 upward march, they will not feel like hurting in any way, that which 
 is really destined to be a part of their brethren and sisters, is of 
 their Father, and all a part of the perfect whole. 
 "Death's twin brother, Sleep," is the greatest blessing spirits 
 enjoy on the mortal plane of consciousness. The greatest think- 
 ers on earth know naught about it. This explanation, under in- 
 spiration, will only be understood by those ready to receive it. Sleep 
 is simply the detaching or severing from the mortal body the real 
 spirit body of the individual spirit while his material body is 
 vitalizea by those in charge, until he returns to it. The Angels 
 first magnetize the material brain more or less into unconscious- 
 ness ere the spirit can be detached, hence a spirit is never conscious 
 when he falls asleep. As the natural body is under the charge of 
 a Guardian Angel or one who is chosen by him to attend to it, it is 
 known when its needs must be attended to, and the spirit is attached 
 when necessary, for as we all are under directivity and under the 
 law of the Divine, everything pertaining to the mortal plane of 
 consciousness is known and supervised there. 
 When a material body is ill and very wakeful, the spirit is not 
 detached for he is undergoing that which is essential for him while 
 on earth, although he is detached during short intervals or rather 
 the short intervals he does not leave the body but is conscious on 
 the spirit plane. When he is attached to his material body, his 
 spiritual and material brain are magnetized into more or less un- 
 consciousness while the natural body is vitalized. In this state he 
 is sometimes in that deemed the "astral consciousness," and also 
 mingles the real experiences of earth and spirit life, with the often 
 ludicrous and impossible illusions cognized as dreams, although 
 sometimes recollects upon awakening, on the mortal plane, actual 
 experiences which are permitted, such as warnings, signs and sym- 
 bols of various kinds. As life maintenance or rather as spirit at- 
 tachment to the mortal depends largely upon sleep, it is absolutely 
 necessary for the spirit bodies, the real, and the shadow form of 
 the material, to be properly vitalized by that which keeps them in 
 good condition. The spirit must attend to his spirit body the 
 same as he attends to his material upon the earth, for he lives a 
 perfectly natural life. How undeveloped to imagine the real life 
 is retrogressive and that the real subsist on air and play on golden 
 The spirit is instructed by his tutors, sees his detached friends, 
 whether by sleep or death, goes on little journeys, and revitalizes 
 his body as the spirit shadow form is revitalized by his Celestial 
 Angel. Hence a sound, dreamless sleep is more beneficial than a 
 light, fitful one. Material bodies are often healed in sleep and the 
 wise physican allows nothing to interfere with it. Sleep is neces- 
 sary for all, without a certain amount the material body becomes 
 devitalized or a mental or physical wreck. Although a certain 
 amount is imperative for the material body, a few are vitalized with 
very little when not ordained to go, just as some live with but little 
 fresh air. But the correctly impressed get as much fresh air and 
 sleep as possible as they know that extreme changes will put the 
 life organisms in an inharmonious condition and thus create disease. 
 Extremely hot or cold organisms, a part of ourselves, our bodies, 
 become torpid and chilled, too weak to resist the encroachments of 
 those who await these conditions. Heat is absolutely essential to 
 maintain life on the mortal plane, hence those who live in extreme 
 cold live upon fat, bludder and keep their iglows or snow houses 
 Sleep is more necessary for the child, the aged, the weak and 
 debilitated than the adult or those in the prime of life. When a 
 spirit returns to his material body, all his spiritual brain connecting 
 him with the memory of the spirit life is magnetized and he be- 
 comes simply conscious on earth with mortal mind or in truth thai 
 part of the real mind pertaining to mortal life. Sometimes he re- 
 calls faint, elusive experiences upon awakening, which are rapidly 
 obliterated, impossible to recall, and oft, upon awakening suddenly 
 he is bewildered, unable to recall identify for several moments. 
 The fantastic, grotesque, impossible dreams are a commingling of 
 experiences recorded on both brains, not solely of his own individual, 
 personal life as child of God, but those registered on the brains 
 inherited from countless progenitors, not by any means his experi- 
 ences in previous lives, similar to when awake or conscious on 
 earth he recalls impressions recorded on the brain and receives im- 
 pressions from those in the real life whom his Guardian Angels 
 permit to impress him, all entirely distinct and apart from his own 
 individual experiences. 
 Hence so many when they become insane and lose control of 
 material brain which has recorded on it the experience of countless 
 ancestors, imagine they are different personalites and seemingly re- 
 call actual experiences, as do many psychics when apparently con- 
 trolled by spirits. Were they really in harmony with the spirit 
 spheres, in control of spirit mind, instead of being dominated by 
 material brain, unable to transmit correctly, they would know the 
 truth which they never can know when dominated by the material. 
 They would know ten thousand different beings could not be Queen 
 Mary, Queen Elizabeth, Lazarus, and the different imaginary beings 
 who have never had any existence of highly developed people who 
 imagine they have lived in pervious lives at the same time, that 
 the illusions and delusions of material brain when malformed, de- 
 fective, drugged, hypnotized, or magnetized by false beliefs, do not 
 transmit correctly the truths of the beautiful, holy, harmonious spirit 
 life. They would not take as gospel that which comes from un- 
 developed psychics any more than they would the delusions of those 
 whom they claim are obsessed by evil spirit. What a trying time 
 Queen Mary, Elizabeth and all the rest who obsess simultaneously 
 thousands of demented must have, how they must divide and sub- 
 divide themselves. The unfortunate within asylums are no more 
 deluded than the unfortunates without who cannot transmit correct- 
 ly, although all give that which they can and are by no means char- 
 latans or frauds. 
When the spirit life is known to be ruled solely by love, where 
 evil, naught of a material nature is cognized, where all is perfect 
 order, harmony and beauty, it will be realized that all that is not 
 in harmony with it cannot be true, and, is of this plane, only where 
 these conditions are permitted simply to develop qualities which 
 are impossible to develop there. How develop industry, concentra- 
 tion, submission, courage where there is naught to call them forth 
 and where a child of God himself needs them not although every 
 organism in his body, a part of him, needs them to yield him is lov- 
 ing subservience. Hence know the spirit is the real life. Sleep 
 but an awakening nightly in it to maintain life and activity in both 
 bodies. Death the awakening for good, when every life organism 
 in the real body is developed so as to preclude any return, as 
 deemed by those who believe in reincarnation, in another body to 
 the earth kindergarten. 
 As on the mortal plane there are different degrees or express- 
 ions of love, necessarily there are the same in the real life, from 
 whence all comes. Know ye are spirits now expressing the soul 
 gifts, developing spiritual attributes on another plane of conscious- 
 ness, on earth, where solely these attributes can be developed. Ye 
 are really spirits. Your real body in the spirit world, the real world. 
 You animate, impress the material bodies which connect you with 
 the material world and give you consciousness upon it. Your soul 
 gifts of love, power, wisdom, strength, compassion, righteousness 
 come to your soul in your real body from your Heavenly Father. 
 You impress your material brain with as much of these soul gifts 
 as it is developed to receive. As much as it is in harmony with 
 it receives and you express on earth, no more. Therefore the dif- 
 ference between the expression of these soul gifts on earth is due 
 solely to the difference of brain formation and development. The 
 mentally unfit, the drugged, the intoxicated, the defective, malformed 
 can neither receive nor transmit perfectly, hence do not express 
 correctly. When this is understood on earth, there will be more 
 pity and sympathy for the so-called evil, and undeveloped brains 
 will not attribute to the pure, holy child of God, who are simply 
 more undeveloped than they on this plane, that which comes not from 
 God, but is ordained under law and ever has been for purpose of 
 development on earth. 
 The greatest love in existence is that of our Father for His 
 children. The next is that of His children for Him. The third 
 IS the love of the spirit for the soul-mate. Akin to it and as great 
 is the love of the spirit mother for her child. The spirit mother 
 when attached to a mortal body can only express her love on earth 
 according to the fitness of her brain. This makes the difference 
 between m.others on earth. 
 The love of the correctly impressed mother of all races, all 
 religions, in all classes, is superior in expression to that of the one 
 who is not, regardless how superior in material wealth and posi- 
 tion. She values not material wealth, position nor standards. She 
 knows all these are but for day, while spiritual wealth acquired 
 through expressing the soul gifts, endures forever. With perfect 
 self-immolation, she realizes that to be true to herself and God, 
 she must train and discipline the child entrusted to her care and no 
 one else, as befits a child of God whether she sacrifices all comforts 
 pleasure and peace on earth to do her duty. She knows her duty 
 is to her children primarily, those which she brings into this world 
 of travail and suffering, and although she loves with the perfect love 
 of the soul-mate, she ignores even its claim, recognizing her para- 
 mount obligation to the helpless little one given especially to her. 
Hence, such a mother craves not for the allurements of the world, 
 values not its empty pleasures nor specious standards. She knows 
 she is selected by an Omnipotent Power to be a mother, nurse, pro- 
 tector, teacher, confidant, that no one is more fitted to develop her 
 child than she, herself, hence forsakes all for her child or children 
 until they are enabled to advance alone. 
 The mother who is not correctly impressed bringfs suffering upon 
 herself, home and children. Although all are under law, and cer- 
 tain experiences absolutely essential to develop certain attributes 
 which are ever developed ere mortal life is finished, many undergo 
 unnecessary trouble caused, not by the mentally unfit, but by the 
 very large class who will neither develop themselves nor the chil- 
 dren entrusted to them. These are impressed with the love, but 
 will not exercise nor express it on earth, yield to the claim of 
 the world, the flesh and not the devil, but love of individual e.ase 
 and pleasure. Unfortunately for the majority of children they have 
 parents belonging to this class, who, although impressed correctly 
 with the love, and taught by those on superior planes, reject all and 
 weakly yield to a mind and brain filled with the spurious opinions of 
 those whom thevy seek to emulate, or to a more pitiful class, the 
 women who are too inert and apathetic to develop either them- 
 selves or children and who are supinely content to let the children 
 go to Heaven or to jail, so long as they are out of their way and 
 permit them to attend to the superior claims of society, household 
 drudgery or gossip. This class are only too willing to develop 
 "independence and individuality" in a child, even though he with un- 
 formed mind, acquire this independence and individuality in the 
 slums or the gutter. This kind of a mother is on a par with the 
 one who thinks that by letting a child play in cess-pools and swamps 
 she can breed immunity to disease, or the mother, who with a weak 
 child, made so from repeated illness, can, by subjecting him to ex-' 
 treme changes, draughts, irregular meals and sleep, breed resistance 
 and keep him well. While the child is not taken until his time 
 comes, his intelligent mother subjects him to much unnecessary 
 suffering and inflicts trials on all connected with her. Would these 
 mothers, who really love their children in the real life and also on 
 <^his plane, seek within their own souls for light, even though not 
 willing to learn from others, humble themselves before their God, 
 and ask for Divine aid, they would learn that they themselves would 
 be given light to heal mentally, morally and physically the child 
 given to them. They would learn not precept but example is 
 essential. The child of a considerate mother, unless mentally or 
 physically unfit, copies his mother, the one with whom he is thrown 
 in closest contact. Like mother, like daughter on earth is also 
 like mother, like son, for the mother, the sole one in the majority 
 of homes, (the father is rarely at home,) who trains her child, 
 whether he is able to put in effect her teachings, will reap the pleas- 
 nre of having that child, even though he may be wiled away by the 
 lures of the world, return to her teachings, and in later life, if not 
 before, live up to them. 
 Mothers, mothers, recognize ere too late, your responsibilities 
 your power. Let nothing of a material nature call you from your 
greatest duty, that which should be your greatest pleasure. Noth- 
 ing should come before the greatest of all responsibilities. That 
 woman who acknowledges herself not competent to train child 
 and send him often away from home to the very evils she herself 
 should conquer, too late realizes her mistake and when she hears 
 that the boy she deemed others could control, is ejected in disgrace 
 from the school, college or university for the failings for which 
 she is responsible, bitter, unavailing tears flow. Wake up, mothers, 
 assert your rights, your God-given sovereignity over your children. 
 Seek within, go to your Father, pray with and for your child. If 
 ye train him not with reverence for God, he will not revere you and 
 he will treat you with the scorn and contempt ye deserve. Thy 
 help on earth is to pray ceaselessly and seek to live as ye would 
 have thy child live. Control thyself, if ye give way to anger, then 
 also will he. Be truthful, honest, have no depths, be open as the 
 day. Be pitiful, kind, patient with others, especially with him, and 
 Icve will conquer where naught else can. Many a prayer by an un- 
 selfish mother has been granted. Many a brand saved from the fire, 
 many an incompetent transformed into a useful member of society 
 and much unnecessary suffering averted. 
 Be ye therefore, mothers, the instruments to save thy best-be- 
 loved much useless misery, it rests largely with ye. 
 Ye are still undeveloped if ye acknowledge not the Source of 
 thy being, God Omnipotent. Until ye seek within for light, although 
 material wealth be thine, the real, the spiritual, remains hidden. 
 Let not the material senses, false interpreters of the true, blind ye. 
 See that ye dominate material brain and senses. Great is thy 
 power when rightly apprehended, ye, made in the Image and Like- 
 ness of thy Father, are in the real life, gods, each and everyone of 
 ye, no matter how abject and lowly -on earth. Ye impress and 
 see but the false, not the real temple of thy living Father. Although 
 on the mortal plane ye inherit the animal propensities, and originate 
 as well as perpetuate animal disease, know that all who live the 
 harmonious life of the spirit, can control and calm the turbulent 
 little life organisms, and render them subservient by treating them 
 as thy Father treats thee. He provides all for all. When ye 
 deprive thy brethren and sisters of that which He provides for all, 
 ye cause the little life spirits of thy material bodies, who thus ye 
 also treat with disregard and injustice, to breed poisons and befoul 
 ye. Know ye not for each impure thought, unjust act, there is on 
 earth a law of compensation for the material brain and body? And 
 know ye not that this material brain and body is, almost of itself 
 an independent being and that thy spirit, ye, are so intimately cor- 
 related with this material brain and body that ye, upon the mortal 
 plane of consciousness, suffer with and through it. Therefore, 
 teachers are sent to bring this material brain and body as much in 
 harmony with ye as is possible. 
 Oh, spirits, shut off from thine own to develop attributes on this 
 plane, deaf and blind are ye to the glories and beauties of thy real 
 Home and life. Know the time is ripe for many to be freed from 
 much that has kept them in darkness, the life forces are higher 
 developed, the material brain more receptive to the truth, can 
 see wherein the undeveloped failed to apprehend the Lord Jesus 
 correctly. Ye, in the light, know that the loving Father alone im- 
 pressed our Lord Jesus, alone suffered the agony and ignominy of 
 the Crucifixion. How could a human body even though inherit- 
 ing the purity and holiness of the human mother, the saintly Virgin 
 Mary live free from all animal characteristics, the life of God upon 
 this plane, unless impressed by God Himself? Came one before, 
 came one since His advent equal unto Him? Were not all others 
 of the world, worldly, throughout some portion, if not all, of their 
 lives? The great Guatama retired, to silence and solitude, after 
 leading a material life, the Lord Jesus never lived a material life, 
 nor sought He solitude to be tempted by Satan, but to receive more 
 potent vibrations from His Father, so apprehended when His Father 
 was not attached to Him. When attached to Him at the Trans- 
figuration, the Crucifixion and the Ascension and a few other times, 
 God Himself spoke directly to His children, although few, even then 
 recognized the truth. What meant He when He said, "Before 
 Abraham was, I am," "I am the Way the Truth and the Light, if 
 ye had known Me ye should have known the Father, and from 
 henceforth have ye known and seen Him." Oh, ye undeveloped, 
 not to feel the truth of these glorious words. "From henceforth 
 have ye known and seen him." Seen what, a world, a Principle, 
 a union of numberous personalities reflecting God? Nay, seen the 
 mortal form as much like unto The Spirit impressing it as was 
 possible upon the undeveloped earth. 
 Why spake St. John, "He came unto His own and His own re- 
 ceived Him not, but those who received Him, to them gave He the 
 power to become the sons of God." They understood Him not, 
 they received Him not, because they partook of the animal, as the 
 same who receive Him not today still partake of the animal and are 
 more or less pagan, undeveloped still. St. John meant not all were 
 not sons of God. He came to His own. They received Him not. 
 to those who received Him He gave the power to become, act as sons 
 of God on mortal plane, but all were sons of God. This is the cor- 
 rect interpretation. The majority of "His own" received Him not 
 because they were not ready, the few who were, were empowered to 
 act, as become sons of God on this plane, the earth. He did not 
 repudiate His own, a part of Himself. He said, **Have I been so 
 long with ye and hast thou not known me? He that hath seen Me 
 hath seen the Father, and how sayeth thou then, "Showeth us the 
 Father." Believeth thou not I am the Father, and the Father in 
 me? The words that I spoke unto you, I speak not of myself, but 
 the Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the work and I will pray 
 the Father (God within impressing Him) and He shall give you 
 another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever, even the 
 spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him 
 not, neither knoweth him. At that day ye shall know I am in the 
 Father, and ye in me and I in ye." He said "Even thy spirit, of 
 truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not." 
 This meant that the people had just arrived at a stage of advance- 
 ment when their own spirits were impressing them more or less cor- 
 rectly, and that in future a great many would be impressed more 
 clearly by the real, true spirit, whom the world can neither see nor 
 know. He cast not oflf His own. The few who apprehended Him 
 according to their development, mingled the true with the false, 
 hence their various interpretations, which later more adulterated, 
 passed from lip to lip until torn and mangled as was His human 
 body, they were transmitted and came down to this day interpreted 
 according to the light received. More of "His own" are able to re- 
 ceive Him than ever, "hence He is being interpreted more clearly. 
 The truth was "I shall give you another comforter when you are 
 ready to receive, even thy own spirit of truth." Meaning thy own 
 spirits will impress you with the truth, that I am the Father, ye, my 
 child, I therefore in ye, and ye spirit born of Me in Me. 
 "Not that any man hath seen the Father save he which is of 
 God, meaning the truth. No mortal ever hath or ever sees the 
Father in His real Form upon the mortal plane. But, ye spirits, 
 of each and every mortal form, know and see Him, as ye see each 
 other, in the real life. Ye know He is thy Father, God, ye His 
 children, minor gods. He embodied in Spirit Form, glorious, be- 
 yond compare, ye embodied in perfect form similar unto His, made 
 in His Divine Image and Likeness, and not in the image or likeness 
 of aught superior or inferior, but the likeness of thy Father, and 
 as on earth, ye imperfectly reflect shape, form, features expressions, 
 more or less commingled with the animal, in the real life, in thy 
 real forms, ye reflect in all the Beauty and Divinity of The Spirit, 
 God Omnipotent, thy Father. 
 That which has come down to us, "Holy Ghost" instead of the 
 "Holy Spirit" hath in the real life but little significance, knowing 
 that the Lord Jesus Christ ever alluded to the "Holy Spirit," His 
 Father, not the "Holy Ghost." The Living God, who lived then 
 the same as ever, today, yesterday and forever, the One Omnipotent 
 God. Though ye, still of the animal, under the law of the material, 
 cannot grasp it. thy Father is Omnipotent, the Living God of all 
 the living children. There are no ghosts as ye deem them. All 
 are beautiful, glorious, loving, living spirits. And all are only pure 
 and righteous. The Holy Ghost still apprehended by those of His 
 children who are developed to apprehend Him in this way, is thine 
 own loving Father. The Father, not of one race, one class, but 
 of all, none more loved, none superior, but all, under Him and 
 Divine law advancing and developing that which is essential for them. 
 Think ye who apprehend the truth on this plane are superior 
 to thy brethren and sisters in darkest Africa or those of the ice- 
 clogged North who have never heard of the Holy Ghost or who 
 dream not of a living God? Nay, thy brothers, thy sisters, though 
 black, yellow, copper be their pigments, or though they have none 
 and are white, they, not having made themselves, are not respon- 
 sible for either the color or texture of their skins any more than ye 
 are for the color of thy hair and eyes, or the brain which remains 
 at a standstill in those ordained not to advance, or the brain capable 
 of transmitting the melody, not of Mozart but of the spirit spheres, 
 or the genius of the divinely gifted and inspired. When ye realize 
 on earth, that on this plane .ye but express according to the instru- 
 ments entrusted to ye, although thine be the will to develop and at- 
 tune these instruments to a certain degree of perfection, yet if thine 
 instrument, when first formed for thee, be defective and of poor qual- 
 ity, ye can but attune it slightly. "Thus far, and no farther can ye 
 go." Therefore pity and sympathize those born not solely with 
 poor instruments, but all whether deeply colored or white, whether 
 of high or low degree, whether saints or sinners, recognizing all as 
 children of the Most High, equal in the real life, and although en 
 different planes of advancement, mingling together equally as chil- 
 dren of the same Father." 
 "Blessed are the merciful." Is it merciful to esteem thy brother 
 of lower status because he is born differently or is not so highly 
 developed? Ye who are more developed should only love and 
 compassionate those less so, else ye are not merciful and follow not 
 the Lord's teachings. "Forgive seventy times seven." Doth it 
 mean to forgive seventy times seven, or doth it mean to remaixi 
 obdurate, repay hate with hate, eye for a neye, tooth for a tooth? 
 Doth it mean that He who demanded His children rise to this stand- 
 ard could not Himself? That He who gave this injunction could 
 scourge money-lenders, curse cities, denounce anyone, even with 
 righteous wrath? Nay, solely with pity and love spake He. That 
 He the All-merciful, could not rise to the plane of many of today 
 who forgive seventy times seven, is not believed by those who know 
 the truth? Hence ye who do not apprehend Him correctly, seek 
 within for light and know only the good is true. 
Denounced He the thief on the cross who reviled Him? Scorned 
 He those who pierced Him with thorns, who nailed Him to the 
 Cross, who scourged and mangled His holy Body? Nay, even then 
 forgave He all. If He, in extreme mortal agony forgave, how 
 could He curse? He incapable of aught but love, as was evidenced 
 without doubt, in the greatest suffering possible He felt but pity 
 and love. Arraigned He those who were not ready to receive Him? 
 Nay, therefore those who did not understand then, as ye who do 
 not understand today, interpret according to the development of 
 your, not correctly attuned, instruments. When they are in tune 
 with the Infinite, they express but the love and harmony of the real 
 life, when poor and out of tune they produce discord and harmony. 
 Hence, "Judge not that ye be not judged," is meant solely for the 
 mortal plane. The Son of God cannot be judged, but his mortal 
 attachment is judged to be what it is, out of tune and unreliable. 
 Hence judge ye not those on a higher plane, but seek ye to bring 
 thy discordant instruments into harmony, always remembering that 
 but the good is true. Know ye are of God, know ye are not born 
 in sin, know ye are not victims of other's wrong-doing, know ye 
 are not undeveloped creatures evolving good out of evil, but pure, 
 holy spirits on this plane to develop certain qualities but for a little 
 while, and know that this little while, although it seems like 
 an eternity on earth, is but a moment in the real life. And when 
 it is over, ye rejoice that it has enabled ye to go forth conscious 
 in all ways of thy Divine heritage. Oh, mortals, can ye not con- 
 ceive of spheres where only good rules? Those who, in faint de- 
 gree, express the good of the real life, find no pleasure in the animal 
 pleasure of mortal life, they know that sin. or rather that called sin 
 is not necessary in the real life for pleasure, that even here the 
 greatest pleasure is ministering to the real good of others, and as 
 this class express imperfectly these soul gifts on earth, all express 
 them in greater degree in the real life. Does righteousness, purity, 
 goodness detract from enjoyment on earth? Think ye the condi- 
 tions of earth necessary to develop certain attributes are essential 
 in a higher, think ye where love rules, hate is known? That one 
 person who harbors hate or dislike to any creature can be in har- 
 mony with love? Think ye where purity abides, impurity exists? 
 To the pure, all things are pure, the pure see but Angels, where the 
 impure see devils. Only with mortal sense we see the impure. 
 Solely upon the material plane, do ye see the evils of the material 
 whether they appear as representations given by those who are in the 
 spirit, or whether but illusions of the undeveloped, materal brain. 
 When we develop our instruments, our material brains, our finite 
 mind, we cease to do the impure act, get into the true spiritual con- 
 sciousness, hence we see, instead of the devils and evils of mortal 
 plane, the Angels and good of the real life. Therefore when ye see 
 evils in others on this plane, or betwixt or between on t^he higher, 
 know that ye see falsely if ye see not good, for only the good is 
 true, and if ye judge not wisely, ye see not clearly. How dif- 
 ferent would be thy judgment, how loving thy criticism, could ye 
 see the real and true, the radiant, glorious beings instead of their 
 mortal bodies. Hence seek not for the devils, look for the Angels, 
 seek within, with faith, love, exemplify the soul gifts in acts and ye 
 shall find the truth which will free ye from thy delusions. 
 Thy spirit, the real you impressing your material brain and 
 body, now hath an instrument through which it can receive correct 
 messages from the real Home and can therefore comprehend and 
 express more clearly the soul gifts of love, power, strength, right- 
 eousness, charity, compassion, etc. Ye are free more or less from 
 thy animal inheritance and thy real one, the Divine, can help ye 
 to conquer and subdue, bring into harmony the undeveloped little 
 organisms in thy real body. But think not ye who express the 
 soul gifts more perfectly on earth are nearer to going Home than 
 those who do not. Nay, often the most developed on earth take 
 a long time to bring but a very few into perfect tune. These apper- 
 tain to the spirits to whom progression on earth is due, for with 
 correct instruments, brain and body almost in perfect harmony, they 
 transmit the wisdom, the learning, the arts and sciences of the real 
 life more correctly. The insane, the fool, the moral pervert, the 
 criminal born with malformed brain can neither transmit nor receive 
 correctly, hence only undergoes that which is essential and is oft 
 liberated before ye of the better brains. 
 Think ye, your Father, All-good, discriminates as ye, under law, 
 on earth? They are His children the same as ye in the real life, 
 beauteous, pure and righteous. Hence look not upon these with- 
 out pity. Could ye see with thy true sight ye would see the lovely, 
 loving spirit instead of the degraded, tormented one undergoing 
 that which must be or thy Father who is Omnipotent, would not 
 permit it. Think ye thy petty love, feeble reflection of His, can 
 equal His? Know not that Divine law is unchanageable and, undei 
 Divine Law, each receive the material brain and body necessary 
 for the spirit brain and body they are to help develop and that the 
 soul child, under law, in turn, is endowed with the real spirit brain 
 and body to be his? Hence none are discriminated against, all re- 
 ceive, under law, in turn the spirit brain and body to connect them 
 with the spirit world in which they form individual mind. If thy 
 brain and body is not in harmony to enable ye to control, there is 
 but one way for you to develop it, and that is to on earth, undergo 
 with the material body that which alone can bring the real one 
 into perfect harmony. Hence the mortal plane is not only a birth 
 place for all of God's children but to develop perfect instruments 
 for them. 
 As it is not our Father's purpose to cause unnecessary suffer- 
 ing, He sends teachers for every plane of advancement to all the 
 different races. In every material world when a certain number 
 arrive at a certain stage when they can apprehend our Father, He 
 puts Himself in direct touch with them by bringing forth a perfect 
 being, such as the Lord Jesus Christ. It must be known, despite 
 the unbelief of many, that the Lord Jesus was Divinely conceived, 
that Mary was a Virgin, pure and saintly when she bore Him. Ye 
 of little light, know that the immaculate is not more difficult 
 than a natural conception. When ye can, of thyselves, 
 alone, bring forth life, then deride this truth. What 
 know ye of the origin of life? Doubt ye ye live because ye cannot 
 create life? Doubt ye an immaculate conception simply because ye 
 cannot create it? Ye cannot create one more than the other? Then 
 doubt ye all the testimony of thy material senses which ye create 
 not. Each one seeth that which he is to see. Each one heareth 
 that which he is to hear, each one feeleth as he is to felel regarding 
 some things but not all. For when a spirit shuts out the darkness 
 and lets in the light, the truth is revealed to him and he knows all 
 things, as they are, and not as they seem. Our Father needed a 
 perfect instrument to connect Him to the material plane, not solely 
 to receive through vibrations and impressions to guide and control, 
 but one composed of the most highly developed life forces. Hence 
 the advent of the Lord Jesus Christ, the sole mortal being who. had 
 no individual spirit but who was impressed solely by God Omnipo- 
 tent. How blind, oh, mortals not to feel the truth that thy Father, 
 vrith the perfect parent love from which all parent love is derived, 
 alone suffered for ye on the Cross. To show ye in the real life that 
 soon as ye can apprehend Him on earth. He undergoes voluntarily 
 greater suffering than ye are decreed under law to undergo, also to 
 show those who are ready on earth that the real life is the spirit. 
 "In my Father's Home are many mansions, I go to prepare one for 
 you." Came not He for one especial race or class, but came He 
 for all. To the thief on the cross, asked not he, "Do ye believe?" 
 but said He, "This day ye shall be with me in Paradise," turned not 
 He away from the sinning, the suffering, the object, the lowly. "Go. 
 sin no more" to the woman caught in sin. To the leper, the blind, 
 the lame, the halt, the sorely afflicted, He ministered. He cast 
 not out evil spirits but brought the little inharmonious "spirit" or- 
 ganisms of the body into harmony. He made His children, with 
 the power given by Him, heal themselves. He raised the dead 
 under the same law. He turned water into wine, multiplied loaves 
 and fishes for material needs, knowing that spirit, or moral plane, 
 needs food for the material body. Had they not needed food, would 
 ye not need it now, there would be none provided, for all comes from 
 Him. When ye develop so ye will not need it, ye will cease to 
 live on the mortal and awaken in the real life. Only aveil betwixt 
 but that veil is hung by thy Father and can only be drawn when He 
 Oh, ye of little faith, thy Father hath only not every hair num- 
 bered, but every tear, every heart throb recorded. He is the Source 
 of thy being, ponder on that. If He be the Source, then are ye 
 from the waters of Life, Love and Truth, and think ye while ye use 
 a dark, muddy channel, also of Him, He will not purge and cleanse 
 it, does not the water slowly, and surely cleanse itself as it doth 
 flow? Think ye that the waters of life, within thy bodies, shall 
 not also be purged and cleansed? Therefore be patient with the 
 frailities and weaknesses of others, in truth, they know not what 
 they do, though high be their rank, great their earthly power, if 
they be not loving kind, they know not' vjhar 'itTiGy' dc/'tl?ey express 
 not their real selves. When they 'do, they express the soul gifts. 
 and manifest that which is true, know ye therefore only the true 
 is real and only the real can endure, the false, the unreal vanish 
 before the light of God like mist before the dawn and all becomes 
 clear. Have patience, above all, with those who never know what 
 they do, who never can receive truly from the real Home, who never 
 can receive truly from the material and who must, under law, appear 
 criminal, debased, degenerate. They are thine own, part of thy- 
 selves. Even though they be deaf to thy pleadings, blind to thy love, 
 impervious to the sufferings of others, bear evcjr in mind they know 
 not what they do. When our Lord was about to depart almost His 
 last words were, "Forgive them. Father, they know not what they 
 do." Know ye, were nof the mortal plane absolutely imperitive, so 
 great is thy Fathers love and sympathy, ye would not have to under- 
 go it. The majority of His children, those ^cver decreed for the 
 mortal life, simply recall the sufferings of their life organisms re- 
 gistered upon their spiritual brain, or rather felt by the little spirit 
 organisms which have really suffered upon mortal plane, and as 
 they are a part of them, they recall, as though they themselves had 
 undergone them, while those who undergo in mortal bodies, also 
 recall that which is needful, hence, oft in the midst of joy, they re- 
 call the dark, yet loved earth life. Hence ye of little light, know that 
 all is well with ye, that thy Father ever upholdeth and succoreth 
 thee. Thy comforter, not God, not the Celestial Angel guides, not 
 the Holy Ghost, but thine own spirit, ye, the real one now hath an 
 instrument which ye can guide and impress correctly. *'Even the 
 spirit of truth because it seeth him not," neither knoweth him." 
 When He said "him" He meant neither Himself nor trre Father, 
 He would not have called either Himself nor His Father him. The 
 material seeth not the real him, knoweth not the real him, only feels 
 him when he expresses the soul gifts, although oft through some lack 
 of development he cannot cognize his Divine origin nor his Heaven- 
 ly Father, Therefore seek ye within for thy comforter, and ye 
 will bring under the law of love, thy material instrument, into har- 
 mony, and on this plane, ye will receive absolute proof that ye are 
 God's child and heir to His glory and Divinity. 
 12 chapter, St. John, "Why do you not understand my words? 
 Even because ye cannot hear my words, he that is of God fears 
 God's words. Ye, therefore, hear them not because ye are not of 
 God." This meant that the real spirit, in charge of the material 
 brain and body, who had brain and body in harmony, a good instru- 
 ment, heard the words, therefore, he, "the son of God" heard them. 
 The spirit that did not have a material brain and body in harmony, 
 did not hear them, that is, he could not comprehend them through 
 his undeveloped brain, in this sense only was he not a son of God. 
 When ye ask why sufifer we here, why doth God so affiict us, think 
 ye that your poor, undeveloped material brain and body is child 
 of God? Nay, never doth one little life organism "of thine moral 
 body abide in the real you. The mortal vanishes as body forever, 
 the spirit ever is the same child of God. But ye must suffer with 
 and through thy mortal form. Think ye, were it not for thine 
 ultimate good ye would have to suffer? Think ye thy Omnipotent 
 God, All-good curses ye for the purpose of looking on your misery? 
 Or that He makes ye dream a bad dream, real as the mortal life 
 wherein ye suffer as much as though it were real? If He be Omnipo- 
 tent and it be that ye can think, from whence cometh the evil in 
 the dream if not from Him? If it be but an illusion, who created 
 thee with the power to make illusions ye are of Him, whether good 
 or bad, hence, the dream, the illusion must be also of Him. Be- 
 lieveth ye not God is Omnipotent, or believeth ye ye are more potent 
 than thy God, and that ye create either in real life or dreams the 
 evil? Or believe ye that the devil (we seeth him not on mortal 
 plane, where abideth he, if all in spirit be love and harmony,) the 
 Father of lies, worketh ye iniquity? If so be it ye believe in evil 
 dream or the devil, ye make thy Father, not Omnipotent, ye make 
 thyselves and the devil more potent. What great power is thine 
 that ye dream so vile a dream that God Himself as the Lord Jesus 
 Christ, nor Mrs. Eddy nor all great teachers can end it, that the power 
 of the devil, whom we know not in the real life, whom we see not 
 in the dream, should be even more powerful than all the love and 
 power of an Omnipotent God, and thy Omnipotent God, All-good, 
 Divine Principle, expressed in the millions of different beings or 
 ideas, who, regardless that they are pure, holy ideas, will persist in 
 continuing among those who still dream evil, even after they stop 
 dreaming evil and realize they are but good, as many claim. It 
 seemeth soon as they get into the light, if this is the real life, they 
 should continue in it, but this is not the real life. Wherefore the 
 ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, why taught He "In my Father's 
 House are many mansions, I go to prepare one for you," if here is 
the spirit world, why had He to go elsewhere to prepare mansions? 
 If here is the real world, why did not Mrs. Eddy stay in it? If 
 here is the real world where are the billions of beings who lived 
 here before? The Lord Jesus, and all teachers who have been in- 
 spired more or less know this is not the spirit life. Mrs. Eddy 
 was inspired to write, "In truth this is a world of spirits, and God 
 The Spirit." The Lord taught that the material senses shut out 
 the truth, but He did not deny that there are material senses which 
 are entirely distinct from the spiritual senses. Material eyes and 
 sight are not spiritual eyes and sight, hence the spirit on earth must 
 use as real eyes as when in the spirit. Hence it were folly to 
 deny reality to the material because it is but a vehicle of expression 
 for spirit on the mortal plane of consciousness, just as spiritual 
 brain and body is a vehicle of expression for spirit, soul, in the real 
 life. Or think ye, that the bodies in the real life, which is the true, 
 are formed of elusive essences of an intangible principle, or retro- 
 gressive form playing on harps? Sayeth not the Bible, Science 
 and Health and some of the inspired works of the most developed 
 nations "Like unto God in His Divine Image and Likeness." If 
 God's children or ideas are made like unto Him, in His Image and 
 Likeness, where is the Image and Likeness, if there is no Personal 
 God, in which they were made? Hence as God made ye all in His 
 Image, it must appear to ye, that whilst ye live on the mortal plane 
 ye are something besides principle in the real life, and that to ex- 
 press principle and the soul gifts you must have a body and brain 
 in the real life and as you have a brain and body in real life, you must 
 also have as real a body and brain in the mortal life through which 
 to express them. Therefore since the mortal body vanishes from 
 sight and it returns to dust, it is never again a vehicle of expression 
 for ye on earth, hence it can be clearly seen it is not real one where- 
 in you express, manifest and reflect principle and soul gifts, nor 
 can this be the real life or the Lord Jesus and every one else would 
 be visible at least to ye who have renounced the evils of the flesh 
 or wiped them out of existence. 
 The materialist unable to prove spiritual truths, denies the real 
 life and spirit, but the materialist should know, so be it he can think, 
 that he cannot prove the origin of anything. He knows naught of 
 the forces which keep the earth and mortality in activity and oper- 
 ation. Though he hath a brain of the highest on the material plane, 
 he showeth it is but on a certain plane when he can only accept 
 that which he can prove scientificially. He seeth not because he 
 cannot prove what sight is, he heareth not because he cannot prove 
 what hearing is, he tasteth not because he cannot prove what 
 taste is. He is not here because he cannot prove from whence 
 or how he came. Were only that true which can be proven true 
 to the material senses, how limited our knowledge. From whence 
 hath come all knowledge, all wisdom? Where obtained man per- 
 fection when he was created perfect? Or from whence gleaned 
 man knowledge if he came from the animal? If created perfect, he 
 must have brought the wisdom from the spirit spheres, if he came 
 from the animal, did he acquire or evolve it from the animal? He 
 was not created perfect nor from an especial species. He did not 
evolve life (which is everlasting) spontaneously, nor did he mate- 
 rially evolve knowledge. Even the materialist gives supremacy to 
 the mental, the mind. Mind antedates all, then where doth Mind 
 dwell? Not in the physical realms, although it functions in all 
 forms of life, yet it is distinct and apart. Although mind has evolved 
 on the mortal plane, can the materialist prove how it evolved or 
 from whence it came? Why deny the only reasonable, according 
 to developed mind, explanation, that Mind is not of this world, 
 and accept the concensus opinion of millions of beings although 
 possibly on not so high a plane materially realizing the material 
 is but transitory and imperfect, who care not to waste their time 
 on solving problems which cannot be solved scientifically) who in- 
 structed by the power within their own souls, know without doubt 
 the truth that this life is everlasting and immortal and that mind 
 comes from God Omnipotent. 
 All religion and philosophy is based upon the spiritual. The 
 greatest thinkers deny it not, all agree in a Supreme Guiding Power. 
 All more or less concede evolution although unable to locate "the 
 missing link." All know that mental evolution still continues, that 
 the brains of today are more developed than ever. That the great- 
 est of ancient and medieval thinkers are not on a par with the great 
 of today. That the brains of the majority are more receptive and 
 better developed than the brains were when more recently evolved 
 from the animal. Those who deny this are not familiar with the 
 advancement made in scientific and philosophic thought, the mar- 
 velous inventions and superior conditions in all departments of 
 life. When one notes how the undeveloped races, the aborigines 
 of various countries are advancing, one realizes, only the superficial 
 deny this truth. When one sees that they can no longer be called 
 uncivilized, and that many are developing along all lines, it is clearly 
 perceived that brains all over the world are more ready to receive 
 and transmit correctly than ever before. Hence truths that could 
 not be apprehended before are given now. Never before regardless 
 that many deem it indicative of superior wisdom to deny a Supreme 
 Power, and notwithstanding the terrific war at present, have all 
 races been on so high a plane of development, but this war 
 proves that they are still more or less of the animal, still pagan. 
 Hence ye who suffer here, will suffer until you conquer the animal. 
 Ye are here to develop qualities which ye cannot where all is love. 
 The material world and life is for this purpose, there ever has been 
 in existence a material universe for the purpose of developing God's 
 Ye, who cannot make or create anything excepting out of the 
 elements and substance already created, must be still on a low plane 
 if ye cannot understand that it takes time to make a body fit to be 
 ' in harmony with the Soul of God from whom all children receive 
 soul and consciousness. And as it is essential for all to possess 
 qualities and atrributes which can only be developed under the 
 severe conditions of mortal life, hence ye are here. All do not 
 and never can express the soul gifts, but all on this plane develop 
 the qualities which their real brain and bodies lack when they are 
 put in control of them. For instance, one may have a brain not 
developed to understand patience, therefore the spirit in charge may 
 have to pass many years on earth solely to acquire this quality, and 
 be advanced along all other lines, one who is of more benefit tr 
 material develop than one, who passes away in early life, all qual- 
 ities developed. Even the insane acquire patience, although the 
 insane are to develop other qualities such as endurance. Think ye 
 that the spirit in charge of an insane brain does not endure and is 
 not conscious of the violent,- irresponsible acts of its brain and 
 body? Think ye that the millions toiling daily do not develop 
 many qualities such as industry, application, courage, fortitude, sub- 
 mission, etc? Think ye that from the lowest to the highest all are 
 not, though it may not seem so to those who cannot think, subjected 
 to the very life necessary, (although they, with free will, cause much 
 unnecessary suffering), to develop the special quality lacking? The 
 development on earth is due to those who are a long time develop- 
 ing one or two attributes and who are good instruments to transmit 
 the law of universal progression of the real life. The great thinkers 
 generally lack but one or two, the majority lack submission. This 
 quality of submission is one that the life organisms of real spirit 
 brain must develop, not that the child of God is submissive to any- 
 one, but that his brain and body must be submissive to him. Can 
 ye not see that the brain and body of a child of God is apart of 
 him, and while his soul is pure and holy of God, still it is essential 
 that his brain and body must possess all these qualities to enable 
 him to express himself with them, otherwise he would not be in 
 harmony with them and they would be poor instruments, hence, when 
 he brings his brain and body in harmony with his soul, he is liber- 
 ated from the earth's school. 
 "But as tcmching- the resurrection of the dead, have ye not heard 
 that which was spoken unto ye by God saying-, *I am the God of 
 Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob",'^ God is 
 not the God of the dead but of the living. What means these 
 words? How little comprehended when given, how barely com- 
 prehended today, though in Synagogue, Church and Meeting-house 
 the devout gather, to list to the divers interpretation of their priests, 
 and teachers. Saw they, to whom these words were spoken, the 
 living God, or saw they His representative, the material Jesus? 
 Spake through Jesus the living God or spake the material Jesas? 
 The material Jesus, impressed by the living God, was but the Instru- 
 ment used by our Father, kept alive and active by the countless little 
 life (spirit) organisms of the spirit shadow form (material), con- 
 nected with God, who impressed this spirit shadow form through 
 vibrations and attached Himself to it during the most crucial per- 
 iods of the Lord's earth life, and these times spake Himself directly 
 to His children. He, the living God suffered, endured all, not the 
 physical Jesus, who had apart from Him, no consciousness' save 
 that of the life organisms of the spirit shadow form, apart from 
 spirit there is no sensation in matter. 
 God of the living means all life, all living forms. All life is 
 spirit, God The Spirit. When spirit abandons life in the material 
 form, death appears to mortal sense, hence when the Lord spake 
 these words He spake to the living children of God, living in their 
 real bodies in the real life, and impressing their mortal bodies in 
 the material one. If all living spirits should abandon at once all 
 material forms on earth, there would be no developed life on earth, 
 it would be inanimate as it was prior to life being developed. The 
 life of the material is the life of the spiritual on another plane of 
 consciousness, under that which is cognized as natural but is in .real- 
 ity, spiritual law. This does not mean, as is apprehended by some, 
 that the material and spiritual are identical. They are not. They 
 are distinct as are the two planes of consciousness. Though the 
 spirit shadow form of the material is necessary in the spirit world, 
 the material substance is necessary on earth as well, hence the 
 material world is substantial and as real as is the spiritual. The 
 life of both worlds is spiritual and identical^ the substance two 
 forms of the true spiritual substance, one cognized as matter. All 
 substance is life impregnated, though not developed. When the 
 spirit form abandons the material form, the material substance un- 
 dergoes not destruction but change. The spirit shadow form of 
 Jesus which held the material in place, was not detached and dis- 
associated from the material, (as is usual witli all God's children 
 within a short while after death,) until He, God attached to Him, 
 ascended. Jesus arose from the grave in His material body, in a 
 material body was seen by all, in a material body ascended, the 
 material disintregated, and the spirit shadow was detached and dis- 
 associated as He ascended. No Lord Jesus Christ is known in the 
 real life, although God is often recognized as such by Christian 
 spirits who see Him prior to their real spirit memory returning, 
 which takes sometimes two or three days. Many spirits recognized 
 Him when first detached as the Lord Jesus Christ, and before the 
 spirit memory, returned through undeveloped pyschics have alluded 
 to Him as not God but the Lord, hence the belief by many in Him 
 as the "Elder Brother" who exists still as the Lord Jesus Christ in 
 the real life. 
 Upon the physical plane He was material solely, impressed by 
 God alone. We live in the real life, our spirits impress our mate- 
 rial bodies. Only the Lord Jesus was ever, will ever be impressed 
 by God Personally. Hence no one before or since can ever attain 
 to His standard. 
 "But he that is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than 
 he," spake the Lord regarding John the Baptist. All in the spirit 
 spheres are higher than those upon the most highly developed mate- 
 rial plane. Upon varying planes, the lowest higher than the high- 
 est material. And as spirit planes vary in the spirit worlds, so they 
 vary in the Celestial Kingdoh, that meant by our Lord when He 
 spoke of Heaven, hence He, in truth, meant that the least in Heaven 
 was greater than John the Baptist. 
 "Which were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh nor 
 of the will of man but of God." The truth correctly given, sons 
 of God, not of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. "The 
 world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not, for the Father 
 judgeth no man, verily, verily, I say unto. you the hour is coming 
 and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God.** 
 He judged no one. The dead, who had never heard of Him on 
 earth, who had died ignorant of all spiritual knowledge," shall hear 
 the Voice of God, they that hath done good to the resurrection of 
 life, they that hath done evil to the resurrection of damnation." 
 Following this He said, "I seek not my own will but that of the 
 Father who sent Me." Immediately before that He said, "For the 
 Father judgeth no man." Therefore seeking to do the will of the 
 Father, He also judged no man, and did not say, "they that hath 
 done evil to the resurrection of damnation." Only the good is true. 
 All His acts and words corectly given speak of limitless love, pity, 
 forgiveness, compassion. To the woman caught in sin, He dammed 
 not, He said, "Go, sin no more." 
 "Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones, for I 
 say unto you that in Heaven their Angels always behold the Face 
 of my Father which is in Heaven. "What did He mean by this? 
 Simply that they, Angels in the real life, see the Face of their living 
 Father, A Supreme Person, not the face of anything else, but the 
 Face of their Father. These little ones belong to the same class 
 to whom He said, "Unto you is given to know the mysteries of the 
Kingdom of God, but to others in parables (the undeveloped class) 
 that seeing they may not see, and hearing they might not under- 
 stand." This is the class He alluded to when He said, "For John 
 the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and ye say 
 'He hath a devil'." The Son of man is come eating and drinking, "the 
 friend of publicans and sinners, but wisdom is justified of all her chil- 
 dren." It is not the will of our Father that any 'pf His children shall 
 suffer unnecessarily. The Lord Jesus came not to save our souls from 
 damnation, but to show us the light and the way, to give us strength 
 and courage to endure the severe conditions of earth life. But 
 especially came He for the class who were to be made the torch- 
 bearers to illuminate others. Few apprehended Him then. Few 
 apprehend Him now. Therefore spake He with pity and love, "Oh, 
 ye foolish and blind, ye cannot see. Seeing ye may not see, hear- 
 ing ye may not hear." Know ye not what this means, "Wisdom is 
 justified for her children?" Think ye how wise are they who read 
 and credit that He said "Whoever shall say 'Thou fool,' shall be in 
 danger of hell-fire,"and could in the next moment say,"Resist not evil" 
 that ye may be the children of your Father in Heaven, for He maketh 
 the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the 
 just and the unjust." The Lord surely could not have intended to 
 convey the idea that merely for saying "Thou fool," our perfect 
 Father who sendeth rain on the just and the unjust, is on a lower 
 plane and could commit more unjust reprehensible acts than the 
 least of His creatures, consign His own children to hell-fire for a 
 trifling weakness, not only exact "an eye for an eye, tooth for a 
 tooth," but a thousand times worse, consign the worm which dieth 
 not to endless torment. Yea, "wisdom is justified of her child-ren," 
 the wisdom that could believe this of He who taught "Forgive 
 seventy times seven" is but little more highly developed than the 
 wisdom of those who so incorrectly interpreted the Lord. Yea, 
 according to thy wisdom; to the development of thy material brains, 
 believe Ye. If ye are of a class who believe that the Lord was a 
 "gluttonous man and a wine bibber," because He ate and drank and a 
 sinner because He consorted with publicans and sinners," ye will 
 continue to be undeveloped until ye awaken in thy real Home. 
 Who are the righteous, who are the sinners, who are the sheep, 
 who are the lambs? His own. "Be not as the Pharisees are, they 
 delight to be seen of men. The Pharisees were also His own. All 
 then as now wejre and are the children of God, all doing that which 
 was essential for them, although many, who would not understand 
 as now, subjected themselves to needless suffering, despite the 
 teachers He sent and despite His teachings. Know ye the fool, the 
 crazy, the born criminal cannot change, hence, under law, do that 
 which is needful, and cause not themselves needless suffering. And 
 knowthe suffering caused those bound to this class also comes un- 
 der law. But know the suffering that comes to the class who be- 
 long not to this class, distinct from the suffering caused thus, is not 
 necessary. Suffering of the mind is greater than the physical. It 
 tormenteth more than that of the body. Hence those bound to 
 the unfit who cause them mental anguish, need this, while the unfit 
need the physical. Those bound not to the unfit, who are them- 
 selves and their off-spring more or less developed, cause the needless 
 suffering. This needless suffering our Lord and the teachers be- 
 fore and since have come to lighten with the light that never fails, 
 to those who aire ready, the light of the spirit spheres. The major- 
 ity need these teachers, not the born righteous and not the born 
 unfit. And though wars must be and physical and mental upheavals, 
 the light received from the real life abides with and comforts as 
 naught material can, all who undergo that which is essential, up- 
 held and upborne by the power of Love Divine. 
 "Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to 
 make one vessel unto honour and to another unto dishonour "And 
 it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, 
 Ye are not my people," they shall be called the children of the liv- 
 ing God Chapter 2, Romans. "According as it is written God hath 
 given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and 
 ears that they should not hear, until this day." 
 Chapter 3 Corinthians, "I have fed you with milk and not with 
 meat, for ye were not able to bear it, neither yet are ye." It is sown 
 in a natural, it is raised in a spiritual body. There is a natural and 
 there is a spiritual body." (two distinct bodies.) According to St. 
 John, God, the Potter, hath made some unto honour and some unto 
 dishonour, and according to St. Paul that in the very same place 
 where it was said "Ye are not my people," there shll they be called 
 also the children of the living God. "According to the new revelations 
 God hath created naught of a dishonorable nature. All evolve under 
 law, ever in existence, to develop, spiritual qualities. Each one, or- 
 dained for the mortal life, given the material body essential to 
 develop these qualities. They show that as it hath taken millions 
 of years to form a natural body fit for a child on earth, it takes an 
 equal time, up to man to develop the spiritual, as both evolve con- 
 jointly. God is Omnipotent and the Potter. Although all bodies, 
 spiritual and material under law, are brought into existence of and 
 from Him, the severe conditions necessary to develop these qualities 
 are imperative or they would not be. Could they be developed 
 without suffering to His children they would be. Hence, under 
 law, the brains and bodies of the real spirit forms are developed ere 
 the soul child is put in charge. The majority of these children are 
 not subjected to the mortal training, although every life organism 
 in their brains and bodies have developed on the mortal plane. Only 
 those, who, under the perfect law of the spirit spheres have not, in 
 turn, received body, not yet entirely developed, are subjected to the 
 mortal plane. Solely on the mortal plane can these qualities be 
 developed, hence mortal life. Those, who think, upon earth recog- 
 nize the necessity o^ having a mind in harmony, a body under con- 
 trol, and, if essential for the mortal plane, it is absolutely imperative 
 in the real life ere a child can advance. Also those who think know 
 we are not training the corruptible body, nor the pure, holy, spirit 
 child of God, thence why are we here Why at the mercy o^ a 
 Creator who created us good, and then cursed us, or a devil who 
 as. He is Omnipotent, lures and ensnares us, or a mortal mind, noth- 
 ing to torment us? God the Potter hath made us as we are, hence, 
 why curse us? God hath made the devil, why permit him to tempt 
us, if Omnipotent? God hath made the pure, holy spirit who dreams 
 the bad dream, and in this bad dream, the Father of lies, (the devil), 
 whom we cannot locate, makes the pure holy spirit form mortal mind, 
 which is nothing, and dreams material life also nothing. 
 Truth is truth, misconceptions are not due to sin or fault of 
 anyone, not due to "According as it is written God hath given them 
 (not solely the Hebrews but all others deemed blind) eyes that they 
 should not see and ears that they should not hear," but due to brains 
 not ready to receive, because they are not developed sufficiently to 
 receive correct spiritual impressions. All are under Divine law. 
 developing as is essential for each individual child. Not one hath 
 power over life nor death. Not one can prolong life one moment 
 unless God wills. Did not Mirs. Eddy, the Founder of Christian 
 Science, vainly seek to prolong her dream of mortal life? Did not 
 she, the most unfolded of all Scientists, succumb to the law of the 
 natural, subservient to the law of God? Can the greatest of any 
 religion or system of healing prolong life when ready to go? Nay, 
 though so it seemeth to many who depend upon self, physician or 
 healer, they little realize that only when God wills are they healed or 
 allowed to remain. God is Omnipotent. We who impress this hav^ 
 not faith, we have knowledge and we know. We know that the 
 prayer, "Father, Thy will be done," with perfect faith in that Father'j 
 love, hath more power than all the prayers which cometh from those 
 who pray for material benefits. When ye pray and ye affirm ye 
 are child of His, know that the affirmations only avail when thy 
 soul is in harmony with the Divine Mind. While ye ignore the 
 material with spiritual repetitions seek not to "pile" up the mate- 
 rial for self but to share with him that "asketh of thee, and from 
 him that would borrow, turn not ye away," remembering that thy 
 less developed brethren, who know naught of righteousness, know 
 even less how to provide food and shelter through righteousness, 
 and are "hungered" and clamor for bread. "If ye love those who 
 love ye," if ye mingle solely with those of thine own kind, if ye 
 keep aloof from those who think not as ye do, those who are beneath 
 ye socially, those who are not of thy race, religion or class, Oh, 
 bethink ye who are ye if not a child of God, who are they if not of 
 the same Father? The devil, mortal mind, and all is of Him for He 
 is Omnipotent. Thy Lord was but a Jewish carpenter, yet ye per- 
 secute His people. Who gave ye thy white skin, did ye make it? 
 Why are ye superior to thy black brother, because he is more recent- 
 ly evolved from the animal, and because he evolved a color pigment? 
 Prate ye not of the love of God until ye make all, irrespective of 
 race, class or color equal as much as is possible on this plane. Know 
 ye not that love rules on this plane even as in the real? Therefore 
 'tis well to affirm repeatedly until ye develop brain to put into act 
 the soul gifts, for if ye think but pure good thought, ere long ye 
 will cease to affirm and put the thought in operation. All in good 
 times, ye must creep ere ye walk, but now ye who have crept, are 
 ready to walk, therefore walk ye in the true light of God, recogniz- 
 ing all as brethren, all as sisters, all children of the one God. 
 I quote from St. Paul, he who sinned most grievously, he who 
 fell as low as one of his kind could, he who retrieved himself so 
 nobly. Think ye that all who do not retrieve themselves as he did, 
 because they continue to "sin ignorantly in unbelief," until they 
 pass on are not saved? Many whom he taught sinned, many now 
 sin as he did, "ignorantly and in unbelief" throughout all life until 
 they were and are tak^n home. Should they be discriminated 
 against because they are cut off, before (not so fortunate as St. Paul) 
 their period of unbelief is over? Why did not St. Paul find the 
 light ere he fell so low? Why was he and those like unto him 
 especially favored, why are the millions with defective, malformed 
 brains cursed? Why should the millions of the heathen races, the 
 millions of the Christian, the low, the degraded who never leave 
 the slums, who endure joyless lives of servitude and want, be con- 
 signed also to joyless lives where the redeemed, like St. Paul, live 
 the life everlasting in joy and peace, because thay were fortunate 
 enough to be brought into the light? Are all these millions to 
 blame if Omnipotent God, all good, or rather, if under law, they 
 have not the conditions which transformed Paul from a sinner into 
 a beacon of light, would it be right for them to be discriminated 
 against in the real life, because the conditions which bless some 
 seemingly, on mortal plane, curse them. Know ye, therefore, as St. 
 Paul sinned and was brought into the light on earth, so all ye in 
 the dark, plodding joylessly, toiling ceaselessly, sinning ignorantly, 
 as soon as ye are brought into the light, v(^hether by death on mor- 
 tal plane or through regeneration as St. Paul, ye cease .to sin as 
 did St. Paul, while ye who under the law of the mortal plane, never 
 are in the light, are fool and blind, because never can ye think, never 
 can ye see, remember thy Father loveth ye, and if there be but one 
 little ray of light within thy clouded brain, cherish it, ere long it 
 may develop as did that of St. Paul into an orb of great effulgence 
 to illuminate many. Therefore, take heart, look up, e'en now 
 many who tread the downward path as did St. Paul, have the same 
 light as did St. Paul, and mayhap, may e'en equal him in imparting 
 truth to those ready to receive and excel him in showing that all 
 are in the light in the real life, though great be their darkness on 
 earth. The light of Heaven is not for a favored few, not solely 
 for those whio fall and rise, but also for those who never can rise, the 
 blind and the fool. Did not St. Paul say, "I know and am per- 
 suaded by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself, but 
 to him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean." 
 Therefore St. Paul knew that all was pure, all holy, but he gave 
 meat and drink suited to those who received that which they needed. 
Though some sayings regarding women agree not with his love of 
 justice and charity, yet bethink women were then lightly regarded 
 by the majority. Although spake he the truth, the truth came not 
 down. The Lord Jesus they apprehended and received not, St. 
 Paul the same. They gave that which they could receive and far 
 more than the majority could understand then and today. How 
 comprehended many this, Chapter XII Corinthians, '"But the mani- 
 festation of the spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to 
 one is given by the spirit, the word of wisdom. To another the 
 word of knowledge by the same spirit. To another faith by the 
 same spirit. To another the gift of healing by the same spirit. To 
 another the working of miracles. To another prophesy. To another 
 discerning (seeing) of spirits, to another divers kind of tongues. 
 But all these worketh the one and the self same spirit, dividing to 
 every man severally as he wills *'Do ye Christians, interpret this 
 correctly? Do ye. Christian Scientist? Do ye who deem thy 
 religion or thy philosophy, or thy especial belief or theory the sole 
 true one? Do ye deny that the self same spirit does not impress 
 all of ye, all His instruments, of all races, classes and all conditions? 
 Do ye deny that the self same Spirit which impressed the| Gospels, 
 more or less correctly, all the teachers before the Lord is not the 
 self same Spirit which impresses through the individual instruments. 
 (His ideas, His children), according to their fitness to receive, ac- 
 cording to their brain development, all who are inspired to teach 
 of the Divine as well as all modern spiritualists who are ridiculed 
 by those who do not know they are even now spirits leading the 
 spirit life, one as much spiritualist as the other with the difference 
 that the spiritualist, though oft densely material, is not ashamed to 
 acknowledge the Source from which he receives. That he fails 
 to cognize God and does not apprehend the Lord Jesus Christ cor- 
 rectly is not due to the source but to the channel clogged with mate- 
 rial beliefs and material desires. Not all are apostles, not all are 
 prophets, not all are teachers, not all express the soul gifts on 
 mortal plane, but each and all are spirits pure, holy, impressing as 
 best they can their imperfect instruments, although the majority 
 see still "through a glass darkly." 
 "And now abideth hope, faith, charity, but the greatest of these 
 is charity. Follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts, but rather 
 that ye may prophesy. I would that ye all spake with tongues, 
 rather that ye all prophesied, for greater is he that prophesieth 
 than he that speaketh with tongues, except that he interpret, that 
 the church may receive edifying. Now, brethren, if I come unto 
 you speakmg tongues, what shall I profit ye, except I shall speak 
 to ye either by revelation, or by prophesy or by doctrine? 
 "The greatest of these is charity." Though St. Paul spoke with 
 the tongue of man he spoke also with the tongue of Angels. Though 
 'tis said he said, "Let your women keep silence in the churches," 
 he made not man responsible for woman's soul and thinking, he. 
 an apostle, an enlightened man never uttered this saying any more 
 than he uttered these words worthy of the lowest thought of his 
 epoch. He who said the "greatest of these is charity" could not 
 have had so little charity for the sex to which his mother belonged. 
even though as surfeited was Solomon, when as sinner he despised 
 them. "But if any man think that he behaveth himself unseemly 
 toward his virgin, if she passed the flower of her age and need so 
 require, let him do what he will he sinneth not, let them marry. 
 Nevertheless he that standeth steadfast in his heart, having no 
 necessity but having power over his own will, and hath so decreed 
 in his heart that he will keep his virgin, doeth well, so that he that 
 giveth her in marriage doeth well, but he that giveth her not in 
 marriage doeth better." These saying, an injustice upon ye, 
 women, which have helped keep ye under the thralldom of the 
 unspiritual and undeveloped, never were uttered by St. Paul. Now 
 that ye are emancipated, know the truth. Ye are on an equal 
 plane with thy soulmate in the real life. Know that St. Matthew, 
 Chapter 24 says, "Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the 
 one shall be taken, the other left, watch therefore, for ye know not 
 what hour your Lord doth come." Many women hath already 
 been heard in the councils, hath uncovered before men lifted up 
 their voices, and been listened to reverently, some believed to be 
 inspired as was St. Paul. Oh, ye blind, can ye not see, do ye not 
 know that e'en now thy Lord cometh to all who seek within to 
 receive direct from Him the individual message, not will He come 
 as before impressing a mortal form, but He cometh, now that ye 
 are ready in Spirit, He impresses thy soul which receive direct 
 from Him the soul gifts. The time is ripe, seek ye the. peace of 
 thy Lord, walk in the light, and in that light know there is not a 
 form, however low, but of God. 
 "Two women grinding at the mill," one selecting the chaflf from 
 the wheat, the other grinding out full measure, the chaflf with the 
 wheat, discarding none. "After the women (not men) watch there- 
 fore, ye know not what hour your Lord doth come." None cometh 
 as the Lord came, none inspired by God alone, but one who hath 
 suffered much shall arise, one of the seed of the woman, who is still 
 at the mill grinding through tears and sorrow the chafiF and the 
 wheat together. By his side standeth one who forsaketh the lures 
 and wiles of the flesh to walk unashamed in the light of God. These 
 twain bring together the goats and the sheep, the sinner and right- 
 eous, the rich and the poor, the fool and the wise, and maketh re- 
 joicing and righteousness where'er they go. Watch ye, therefore, 
 for our Lord cometh to ye who seek, ye maketh rejoicing, ye find 
 the peace that passeth understanding, and ye know the truth which 
 makes ye free, ye gird up your loins in the service of God, and care 
 not whether (as they persecuted the Lord,) ye are deemed of the 
 world, woildly or not. Ye know those that called the Lord "glut- 
 tonous and wine-bibber, a friend of publican and sinners," mayhap 
 revile thee more, but be ye unafraid, unashamed in the service of God. 
 Greet ye the publican and the sinner, bind up their wounds and bring 
 all classes together. Ye know he who was a "blasphemer, a per- 
 secutor," and far worse, became St. Paul, so harken ye e'en though 
 lowly and fallen ye be. "For the first shall be last, and last shall 
 be first," in doing good, and wiping out the illusions and delusions 
of mortal life. The illusions and delusions that ye are sinners, that 
 evil is thy heritage, damnation thy destiny, awake, while developing 
 the spilritual attributes, through the crucible of suffering, ye could 
 not express thy soul gifts, but now, now the time is ripe, ye, not 
 greater than thy Father, hath not ordained the path ye trod. Now 
 He maketh His sun to shine so ye can see, although hitherto when 
 His sun shone, ye could not. The dense cloud of thy brain stood 
 between thee and the light, but yet He maketh His sun shine on 
 thee while just and unjust. Today ye are unjust, tomorrow ye are 
 just. Today you blaspheme, tomorrow ye glorify God. Today ye 
 perescute and despoil, tomorrow ye benefit and uplift. Think ye, 
 ye do not grow? Do ye remain at a standstill? Nay, but the fool 
 and the blind. But ye oft grow in a night and in the dawning of a 
 new day see with clearer vision. Hence, take heart, though ye be 
 in jail, in penitentiary, though ye be in the slums, the mire, though 
 ye be penniless, thy God forsakes thee not. What though ye suffer 
 today, what though ye go hungry, what though shelterless, hath not 
 millions suffered even more? What though ye fall by the wayside, 
 what though ye be slain in war, thy Lord is with thee, thine own 
 ever nigh, ye cannot die, ye cannot be slain, ye can not be lost, ye 
 cannot hunger in truth, 'tis but for a day, and 'tis but seeming. Only 
 the true is real, and the truth is that ye live the life everlasting now 
 with thy Father and thine own though ye know it not on this plane. 
 Therefore, seek within, and find that which alone will give thee the 
 strength and courage to endure all of earth's tribulations, no matter 
 how severe. 
 These words, spoken, through the physical Jesus, by our loving 
 Father meant just what He said, "Though he were dead, yet shall 
 he live." So spake the God of the living, not of the dead. Jesus 
 lifted up His eyes and said, "Father, I think Thee, that thou hast 
 heard me, I know Thou hearest me always, but because of the peo- 
 ple who stand by, I said it that "they may believe that Thou hast 
 sent me." Yea, and because of "the people who stood by," this 
 proof absolute of the Sovereignity of God has come down not wholly 
 as stated. He said, "I am the Lord thy God I command thee, 
 Lazarus, to arise and come forth." The "people who stood by" 
 belong to tat class to whom He said, "Why do ye not understand 
 my speech, even because ye cannot hear my words." If ye are of 
 your father, the animal, (not the devil) the lusts of your father will 
 ye do. He was animal from the beginning and abode not in the 
 truth. He that is of God heareth God's words, ye therefore heai 
 them not because ye are not of God." These are the words given then. 
 They bear witness of the truth, inasmuch as they are substantiated 
 by geology, which proves that from low to high, imperfection to 
 perfection, with a lapse here and there, life is evolving upon the mor- 
 tal plane, as it is in the spiritual. Life is not the result of chemical 
 processes, but is of God, life everlasting. 
 Think ye that God, who is Omnipotent, who knows why His chil- 
 dren neither see nor hear, doth blame or revile those born not to 
 comprehend? Thus spake He, " Ye who are in the dark, cannot see, 
 ye, on earth lust after the evils of the evils of the animal, but in the 
 real life ye know and hear as do all my children." Ah, ye of the 
 animal then, ye of the animal still, know thy Father loveth one not 
 more than another, that ye of the animal, who cannot think on earth, 
 are really of the spirit, and as dearly loved as those who apprehended 
 then and those who apprehend Him today. Hence think not that 
 He discriminated or made the distinction between the goats and the 
 sheep, the chafiF and the wheat, the sinner and the Pharisee. He 
 recognized all as His children. Had He, He would not have sought 
 the publican, the sinner. These could not have been the ones He 
 meant when He said they would neither "hear nor see," but those 
 poor ones who never, on this plane, (many publicans and sinners 
 among them,) can see nor apprehend the truth, not due to fault of 
 theirs, but to law, that law which He came not to interfere with, 
 but to teach those who lived in harmony with law, to enable those 
 who did not, to be brought into harmony, if possible. Think ye 
 He could raise the dead, if dead according to mortal sense? H 
 dead, without soul, spirit, (if decaying the matter, as Mary said of 
Lazarus,) how came life back with Lazarus What transformed the 
 ill, foul body of the dead into the living mortal? To show the 
 power and glory of God to His children on the mortal plane, the 
 Celestial Angels, under His Divine law, disassociated the life organ- 
 isms of the spirit shadow form (the material) from Lazarus, the real 
 spirit who had departed. Thus the body, deprived of its life or- 
 ganisms, became to mortal sense, dead, inanimate. When Lazarus 
 was commanded to return, the Angels reformed the spirit shadow 
 form, then reattached Lazarus to it. God is Omnipotent, His An- 
 gels act under Him, His instruments, hence to show the glory of 
 God to those on this plane, who could not receive Him as well as 
 to give to Mary and Martha, He recalled Lazarus. Thus spake 
 He, "I am the Ressurection and the Life, he who believeth in Me 
 or not shall be saved." Not solelj^ He who believeth in Me, He 
 said, "And if any man hear my words and believe not, I judge him 
 not, for I come not to judge the world, but to save the world." He 
 could not have said the former and the latter also. Either one or 
 the other has been changed. That which is in harmony with the 
 Divine is true. He came to save the world from sorrow and travail, 
 to help those on the upward march, not to judge them. He 
 made salvation from misery on the mortal plane dependent upon 
 belief and faith for those who could receive Him. He meant not 
 salvation for soul which is of God, nor prolongation of life which 
 is life everlasting. He said, "I have not spoken of myself but of 
 the Father which sent me, He gave me a commandant what I shall 
 say and what I shall speak, and I know that His commandant is 
 life everlasting whatsoever I speak, therefore even as the Father 
 said unto me, so I speak," When Jesus spoke thus, He received 
 directly from the sole Spirit who impressed Him, these times called 
 He God the Father. W^hen God was attached to Him, God spoke 
 Himself through the physical Jesus, "Before Abraham was, I am, I 
 and my Father are One." "I know that His Commandant is life 
 everlasting." Not to be put in the grave, to stay until Gabriel 
 sounds his horn, not to become food for "worms that dieth not," 
 not to live for a petty day upon earth, to be consigned to oblivion 
 and above all, ah ye, not more merciful than thy Father, ye who 
 would not send e'en the most criminal to endless torment, not to 
 go where there is weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, not to 
 hell (grave), fire and damnation, but life everlasting, the life ye 
 ever lead when free from the mortal plane, the only true real life. 
 Hence He who spake once, I came not to judge," could not say, "I 
 come to judge." 
 Our Father has not been apprehended in truth, our loving Lord 
 not interpreted correctly because His children could neither 
 see nor hear, or but see "in a glass darkly." But now that His 
 children can see and hear, they who are not blind and would lead the 
 blind, must also be given sight to see clearly as much as they can, 
 and to know their Father as He is. Not until then shall ye know 
 the truth that shall free ye. "And other sheep which are not of 
 this fold, and they shall hear my voice and there shall be but one 
 fold, one Shepherd." All races, all nations impressed as they ad- 
 vance with the truth, hence this work is for all races and all classes. 
*^A.nd Thomas answered, My Lord, and my God." Even then there 
 were a few who apprehended Him correctly, although the majority 
 could not any more than the majority today, but there is a much 
 larger class today who can apprehend Him and are ready to receive 
 Him than there v/as then. This class realize all liveth the life 
 everlasting now, that though here for a transitory period on this 
 plane of consciousness, they are still spirits within the real home. 
 When they look upon their beloved dead, they know they are with 
 them though they see them not. Then deem it not strange that 
 thy memory is shut off daily, and that ye but mingle with them 
 when thy material body sleeps. For get ye not many things 
 throughout the day, which ye cannot recall with a brain ever at 
 thy command, then know thy real one is magnetized by thy Angel 
 guides for thy development, and as ye know naught about thyselves 
 in truth, or the world in which ye live, though great seemeth thy 
 wisdom, and ye can prove naught, seek within for the light which 
 will not fail, and ye thyselves will receive proof that thy God is 
 the God of the living and that all are His children. And those 
 of thy dear ones who have passed on believe not, thy are apart 
 from ye or thy Father. They are His own. "Ye judge after 
 the flesh, I judge no man." "And other sheep I have which are 
 not of this fold, them also I must bring and they shall hear my 
 voice, and there shall be but one fold and one Shepherd." not one 
 especial race, not one favored class, but all in one fold, under one 
 Shepherd, God Omnipotent. 
 "For it is not you who speak but the Spirit of your Father 
 which speaketh in you." Although God Omnipotent spoke directly 
 through the Lord Jesus Christ, the sole One who was attached to 
 Him, yet through instruments, those in harmony with His Divine 
 Mind, those inspired to give Divine truths, He also impressed them, 
 as now this instrument is being impressed. "For it is not ye who 
 speaketh but the Spirit of your Father" which directs and controls 
 all who give the higher truths. Oh, ye of little faith, said not He 
 "Not a sparrow falls to the ground unknown to Him." Therefore 
 believe ye. He knoweth. He directeth all that is of Him. Solely 
 by the fruits can you tell. If the fruit is good and wholesome, love 
 inspiring, then it is of God, and leaves a pleasant taste in the mouth 
 and peace in the soul. If it be of undeveloped good, it satisfieth 
 not — it is still unripe and leaveth m bitter taste. Hence judge ye 
 by the peace in your soul. If it comforts ye to know ye are of 
 God and not of the devil, to know that ye are good and not evil, to 
 know that thy real Home is Heaven and not hell, if it fills ye with 
 hope, faith, and love for all, then ye know it is good. If it fills ye 
 with doubt, fear, horror, bitterness of others, flee from it. 
 This work will appeal to the highest and best in every religion 
 and jhilosophy, these alone, possibly the only ones who will appre- 
 hend it. Nevertheless it is for all God's children, knowing that 
 the lowest is as the highest with thy Father, with whom there is 
 neither high nor low for all are of Him. 
 "Ask and it shall be given unto ye, seek and ye shall find, knock 
 and it shall be opened unto you." Ask and ye shall receive. Think 
 ye, even on earth, good gifts come without seeking. Even material 
 wealth comes not without effort. Though ye afBrm ever and ever 
 that all good is thine, yet it will not come without individual effort. 
 Herein comes that which ye call free will. Think ye that if ye 
 simply daily affirm all the soul gifts, that unless ye will to put 
 them into effect they will come to ye? Nay, far better ye do one 
 unselfish act than daily affirm that which is not true unless ye will 
 it so. Are ye wise, learned, pure, good, holy on the mortal plane, 
 shut off from the spirit, not conscious of the spirit, when ye do 
 that which is vain, silly, impure, unholy? Bethink ye, your words 
 are false unless your acts be true. Idle words avail not with those 
 who will not put them into act. Righteous acts come oft from 
 those who never speak a holy word, yet in their souls are ever 
 paens of holiness and purity. Righteous thinking maketh righteous 
 acting, but the righteous ever think righteously and those who do 
 not are impelled to do right more from example than precept. But 
 when ye act that which ye speak, when thy affirmations harmonize 
 with thine acts, then are ye indeed, e'en here living, in a degree, thy 
 real life. Then let thy light so shine that all can see it. Let it 
be seen of all men wherever ye go. Hide it not under a bushel. 
 Ye who are advancing from a lower to a higher plane, be not 
 ashamed of the "good gifts" ye receive from thy Father, for ye 
 may lose them. Thy Father readeth all hearts. Naught is hid- 
 den from Him. Those ye deem holy and wise upon earth, He 
 knows as they are; those ye deem vile and impure, He knows also 
 as they are, and oft the ones ye deem holy and wise are the vile 
 and impure on earth, and the vile, impure, holy and wise, for great 
 is not your wisdom, ye who but judge superficially and know but 
 the outward expression, know naught of the pure, holy spirit, striv- 
 ing vainly to express himself through a poor instrument, hence judge 
 not. Why criticize, why condemn ye anyone, no matter how low, 
 how fallen? Know ye not, that oft those who fall exercise more 
 spiritual efforts, even though without result, than those born with 
 instruments easy to be impressed. If ye have poor sight and can- 
 not see, and yet ye find thy way, although much more slowly than 
 one with good sight, think ye not that ye deserve more credit than 
 he who hath good sight? Some can not see at all and lose the way, 
 some cannot hear, some cannot walk, and herein lies a great truth, 
 many cannot think with the poor brains they have, which due to 
 material conditions Over which they have no control, cannot de- 
 velop mind, hence cannot express their real selves on earth. There- 
 fore when ye see a poor outcast, male or female, a vagrant, a drunk- 
 ard, or any evil-doers, think ye "He knows not what he does, forgive 
 him. Father," but yet, bethink ye, ye cannot let him loose, unthink- 
 ing being that he is, without a rudder to guide him, his spirit im- 
 possible to control his material form, hence the material form must 
 be cared for until that time the spirit can express himself on mortal 
 plane or in his real Home. But let your care be loving, kindly, for 
 he is your brother. Were it to be that he should be healed, then 
 rest easy, thy Father will heal him through His instruments. 
 Although thy Father is Omnipotent, there are laws on this plane 
 and in the higher. He interferes not with, for they are perfect. 
 Said He not, ''Think not I have come to destroy the law or the 
 prophets, I have not come to destroy but to fulfill." Therefore 
 many of the acts upon this plane except those which ye commit thy- 
 selves, in ignorance and unbelief, are necessary for ye, or they 
 would not be. Hence tear not thy souls with vain repinings, but 
 face the glory of a new-born day, with rejoicing in the freedom 
 from that which was never a part of the real you. 
 You are spirits, pure, holy spirits, seeking to express the 
 truths of thy real Home here, but if ye have sense to affirm these 
 truths ye also must cultivate will to demonstrate them in acts. If 
 ye hath not sense nor power, then ye must still be in darkness, 
 until the time is ripe for ye to think either here or in thy real Home. 
 But how much better to be in the light even here than in the dark- 
 ness. But take comfort, ye are all God's children, walking in the 
 true light of God in the real life, when detached by sleep, though 
 daily ye plod the weary earth by-way. Hath ye a poor, defective child 
 in some place of restraint or institution? Doth not your heart 
 yearn over him, would ye recall him home unless he were fit to come 
 home? Nay, he knoweth not why ye confine him, but ye know. 
He wouM not believe ye if ye told him that ye do it with love, nor 
 do many of ye credit that thy Father keeps ye here for a more nec- 
 essary purpose than thy confinement of thy child, and that thy love 
 for thy child is but a faint reflection of the love thy Father hath 
 for him, and that ye, and the natnral law which confines him in 
 that institution are but instruments under Him. Were ye not here 
 to get the training in the only way ye can get it, whether in places 
 of power, of high ranlc or in jail or asylum, ye would not be here 
 Every material body and brain is just the body and brain needed 
 for every individual spirit child, not discriminated against, but under 
 law, thy spirit brain and body is formed for ye, ere ye, the soul, arc 
 connected with it, thy instruments are prepared for ye to take con- 
 trol. If, under law, thy body and brain is not ready to yield ye 
 complete obedience, only upon the mortal plane, can ye bring it 
 under perfect control, hence ye have a material instrument fitted 
 for the development essential for ye and for no one else. Though 
 bitter sorrow and hear corroding anguish be thine, bear with forti- 
 tude, knowing that it lasts but a day in the great forever, and that 
 nightly, else ye could not bear it, ye are strengthened in the real 
 Home where ye know all. Though ye be fool, blind, criminal, in- 
 sane, though ye be righteous, saint, angel on earth, neither be cast 
 down with despair, nor uplifted with glory. Little hath ye to do 
 with it, say ye not thy Father is Omnipotent? Ye who know not 
 on earth from whence ye came, ye who know not whither ye go, 
 how much more know ye of the laws governing thy lives whilst here? 
 Though ye hath naught, seemingly, to be grateful for, though ye 
 hath ever an ailing body, a diseased mind, which all the systems of 
 healing fail to heal, think that from thy shapeless body, thy diseased 
 mind, a being emerges more transcendently beautiful than the glor- 
 ious butterfly from the ugly worm. Thy Father loves ye, ye are 
 one of His own. Ye are not ill, not diseased in the real life, ye are 
 superior to the highest on earth in intellect, and beauty of face and 
 form, although, as ,on earth there are diflFerent grades of soul ex- 
 pression. Oft, ye attached to the most lowly are more developed 
 than ye to the most advanced on earth, and all single together freely 
 as children of the one Father. Know ye are not, of sin, know ye 
 have not fallen, know ye, when ye cease doing sin on earth it hath 
 no reality to ye, and know it never hath reality in the real life, for 
 only the good is real. Hence all who tell ye ye are evil, bom in 
 sin, that the devil is your sire on earth, know it is not so. The 
 animal, not devil, is your earth sire, and ye but inherit his unde- 
 veloped characteristics to enable ye to develop spiritual qualities. 
 When ye develop these ye conquer the animal, and ye cease not 
 draming an evil dream but put an end to thy schooling on the mortal 
 plane which hath been for good purpose, or it would not have been 
 necessary and thy Lord Jesus Christ and all the teachers before 
 and since, would not have come if it were but a dream. 
 Look at the millions of worlds, upon a starry night visible to ye 
 and know that there must be many other places for God to train His 
 children than this world, no langer than an electron in comparison. 
 And think of the numberless children being brought forth in other 
 worlds, then think ye all material worlds are kindergartens where 
God's children do not need to acquire the rudimentary 
 knowledge (all knowledge is of the spirit) but simply con- 
 tinue the necessary development to perfect the real brain and 
 body. Then think of the countless universes of universities 
 through which the child of God continues, progressing indefinately. 
 As life dieth not, as naught can be wiped out of existence, as 
 all life is of the spirit, and there is, in truth, no death, ye live when 
 ye depart from mortal life, as ever in the real Home. Ye awaken, 
 through that sensed as death, for the last time, and ever recall the 
 earth, with its stern lessons, as a very necessary period of training 
 and, as ye ever have thine own with ye, ye do not even leave them 
 on earth, although ye pity and sympathize with all while attached 
 to their mortal forms and seek to help, as with this work, to lighten 
 their trials whilst on earth. Hence thy Father provides teachers 
 to cheer ye, to comfort ye, to enable ye to bear with fortitude, until 
 ye are ready to go Home; as well as to help ye to express the 
 truths of the real life more perfectly, the soul gifts, which are a 
 part of thy Divine heritage. 
 What think ye mean these words? Why do ye not heed them, 
 ye who profess to love God? Millions of your brothers and sisters 
 are "anhungered, naked and thirsty," not solely thirsty for the 
 water of love, life and truth, but hungry for bread, naked, destitute, 
 yet ye think, ye who that are well fed, well clothed, seeking the mate- 
 rial, calling it the spiritual, that ye follow the teachings of the Lord 
 Jesus Christ. Nay, "the fox had a hole," but He had no place to lay 
 His Head. He valued not the material. Ye who amass wealth for 
 selfish pleasures, not ye who make and share with all, ye are the 
 salt of the earth, but ye yvho uselessly squander on foibles and 
 follies, ye who build costly temples, ye "who toil not, neither do 
 ye spin," ye who deem thyself superior to those who toil to keep 
 ye in idleness, are ye living up to your highest, are ye developing 
 as a child of God should? Nay, remember, "Inasmuch as ye have 
 done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it 
 unto me." If thy Father, yea, thy Father impressing Christ, loved 
 nad cared for *'the least of these," why should not ye? they are 
 thine own, though ye know it not. "Seek ye first the Kingdom 
 of God, and all these things will be added unto ye." What means 
 this? That ye seek firstthe favor of thy God or the powerto live the 
 spiritual life on earth, the favor of thy God to give thee material 
 gifts for thyself alone or to share with others the kingdom of God 
 and righteousness? Was the Lord Jesus Christ righteous or are ye 
 righteous in a different sense? Did he turn away any who appealed 
 to him? Did he clothe Himself in purple and fine line? Did He teach 
 to think of self first, or to consider self equally with thy neighbor? If 
 ye find righteousness, ye find unselfishness, hence when all these 
 things are added, ye do not pile them up, but ye share them with 
 *'the least." Does righteousness mean to consider only a few 
 of His children. Or do ye who are righteous seek those who pile up 
 and waste on frivolities alone? Think ye thus ye find the spiritual? 
 Nay, when ye find righteousness, ye know God's child, even though 
 he be a slave of thy household, is of more value than all the worth- 
 less baubles and material treasures which allure thee more than love 
 of thy neighbor. Though ye be spirit, thy love of self comes from 
 the animal, therefore to be righteous, ye must not sacrifice right- 
 eousness, but heed the claims of the spirit when so many are hungry 
 and thirsty and naked. That so many sacrifice righteousness to 
 the claims of the animal, is due wars, revolutions famines, heart- 
 hungers and souls athirst. Because ye, not thy Father, are respon- 
sible for these, ye can prevent useless suffering:, zhhough ye cannot 
 keep life on mortal lane, many are decreed to go at certain times 
 in wars "which must be," but they only must be while ye manfest 
 the animal instinct of self preservation and preserve not only life 
 but all ye ca.n get hands on for self, hence ye precipitate the whole- 
 sale holacaust of thy brethren, otherwise they would go more 
 peacefully, not in wars that "must be" only until ye evolve to a higher 
 Did ye all now combine and sacrifice thy love of self for thy 
 less favored brethren, ye could avert much revolution and sufferings. 
 When ye love thy neig-hbor as thyself, his family, home, country, 
 nation, ye will not go to war. When ye conquer the brute instinct 
 there will be no war. One person, one nation, cannot war alone. 
 One is as undeveloped as the other. Hence ye who have the fate, 
 in a degree, of thine own nation within thine own hands, if ye truly 
 love peace, seek first the peace of thine own household, next the 
 peace of thy neigrhbors, then the peace of thy government. Peace 
 can only be expressed in justice to thine own and with thine own 
 first, not in ostentation while ye prate of peace, not living useless, 
 vapid lives of frivolity, not squanderingr on the unnecessary when so 
 many lack the necessary, otherwise thy words are as "sounding' 
 brass,'' and ye develop not peace but breed dissention, thine acts 
 still like unto the animal, who despoileth all to appease hunger. Ye 
 who demand extortionate prices for thy work, ye are equally as 
 g-uilty as thy brethren who think they must have luxury while others 
 starve. All ye seek righteousness, when ye ifind it ye will conquer 
 the animal and express the spiritual. Ye who are materially blessed, 
 who make selfish use of your material blessings are not,oft, on as high 
 a plane as is thy lowly servitor. The Lord Jesus ministered to the 
 lowest, yet some of ye deem thyselves high simply because ye are 
 waited upon by thy brethren. Oh, ye blind, know that even on earth, 
 "the least" are often first, and express mo^ perfectly the soul gifts 
 than those who are deemed superior. In truth it is harder on 
 mortal lane, for the rich to express soul gifts, tempted on all sides 
 as they be, yet many among them are more especially blessed with 
 true spiritual wealth than those of the lower orders. God's children, 
 each and all, the rich, the poor, love ye oneanother, help ye another, 
 ye in high places on earth, ye who rule, rule wisely, rule more by 
 example than precept. What avail empty, idle words if thy acts be- 
 speak more loudly? If ye love ostentation. If ye ape the style of 
 royalty, ye who ar^ of and ruled by the people, ye are on no higher 
 plane nor as high, (for they love their empty forms), as they who do 
 that which is right for them, but not for ye who that are simply the 
 servitors of the people and not the masters. And ye who from the 
 toil of thy brethren amass wealth, bethink ye, what of thy wealth 
 if all of thy brethren desert ye, or even if they do not deprive ye 
 of it cease to work for ye, where would ye be, what are ye without 
 thosewho amass thy wealth and wait on yePTake heed, hold out thy 
 hand, ere too late, to thy brethren, remember only a petty, feeble 
 reflection of the real you holds aloof, one not at all developed rightlyu 
 And ye women in high places, come from the very lowest, ye 
 whose progenitors were animals, whose forefathers were honest 
toilers, whose mothers in the olden times led lives of utility, not of 
 frivolity, hearken ye whilst there is time. Ye hold in thy idle, use- 
 less hands the fate, in a degree, of thy loved ones on earth, needless 
 suffering can ye prevent. But a little is required of you, be to all 
 as ye are to a few, gentle, kind and loving. Keep not the love and 
 the sympathy for the fortunate ones, they need thee not, but go, as 
 our Lord did, where want and hunger clamor for help, where the 
 lowly mother thirsts not solely for bread and drink but for the love 
 and sympathy of her own kind, where the aged beldame droops 
 with fatigue and sorrow, where the little child, denied the actual 
 necessities of life, ill-clad, hungry, cries for bread. Take them 
 to your heart, spend more of thy time and money with and on them, 
 less in empty pleasure and frivolity, setting a bad example to thy 
 less wealthy sisters who striving to climb to thy height, to ape thee, 
 fall by the wayside. This is some of the good ye can do, some of the 
 needless suffering prevent. Better put thy money in circulation in 
 feeding the hungry, and clothing the naked, than upon material 
 trash, remembering ever the injunction of thy Father. Sad indeed 
 is the destiny of many of thy brothers and sisters upon the mortal 
 plane, hence all ye can do to alleviate unnecessary suffering do. 
 Can ye foretell the future ,thy sheltered, well-fed child may also, 
 ere he is called home, be homeless, hungry. "With what measure 
 ye mete, shall be measured to ye again," not words of idle import, 
 but of grave warning. Take heed, ere ye too late bemoan an unkind 
 fate which ye could have helped prevent. Remember every kind 
 thought, every noble deed is never lost. While the material ever die, 
 the good, the noble live forever, only the good is true, and the good 
 endures forever, recorded on thy real spirit mind, a jewel to illumine 
 In thy real Home ye all are rich, all are provided for, none are 
 deficient in spiritual or that cognized as material wealth. Although 
 there are various grades of development, different planes of growth, 
 he who expresses the soul gifts more perfectly is the farthest 
 "For 1 testify unto every man who heareth the words of the 
 prophecy of this Book, if any man shall add into these things God 
 shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this Book." I 
 quote from the last chapter in the Bible, the most holy book ever 
 written, and alas, the most unholy, owing to the undeveloped brains 
 of the periods, filled with contradicitions to every holy utterance 
 Although the Bible is more or less inspired, the material conquer- 
 ed, as it will, until brains are developed and the spirit enabled to 
 impress correctly. In the light of the present would the above 
 quotation be accepted as Divine or from a Divine source? Would 
 a loving God curse a bad or good child with plagues for adding unto 
 His Book? If so this instrument, inspired more perfectly, will be 
 cursed by the material while revered by the spiritual, but, know, ye 
 who curse and misapprehend, ye can only curse upon the animal 
 iplane, your curses avail naught upon those of God. God is now, 
 through this instrument and others, seeking to make ye understand 
 the truth. Ye could not understand Him when He came through 
 the Lord. The revelations and the unspiritual interpretations put 
 upon all the genuinely inspired messages of the Apostles show con- 
 clusively the conceptions of the undeveloped, as those who believe 
 in and disseminate these unloving conceptions of a loving God, sho^y 
 they know naught of the God of Love, the law of love, the most 
 potent in existence, nor of the perpetual peace, harmony and love 
 of the spirit spheres. Think ye, our God of love and., we 
 spirits in the real life would have peace and harmony for our- 
 selves, if we know others would be cursed? Nay, we know not 
 one of God's children is cursed, that all are evolving from low to 
 high, not one retrograding. That were it possible he who would 
 curse anothe (as this holy (?) utterance would make our Father, the 
 most perfect Being living curse His child) and would not forgive 
 seventy times seven, would be bereft of companionship until he 
 would learn to love and pity. 
 Our Bible is full of contradictions. Every inspired message 
 contradicted by an animal one, one for the spiritual, one for the 
 animal. The spiritual influenced through love, the animal through 
 fear. This was neccesary for the undeveloped periods. Fear 
 alone can influence the majority still. But the more spiritual class 
 need the truth, hence the truth is being impressed and given. 
 The inspired "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes 
 and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, 
 neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are 
 passed away." The animal, "But the fearful and unbelieving, 
 (many more holy than those who believe in many ways) and mur- 
derers, (insane, incompetents, fools, weaklings, born criminals) and 
 sorcerers and idolaters (all who believe in other religions) and all 
 liars (they only knew and spoke the trtuh) shall have their part in 
 the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second 
 death." Could any curse be greater for the millions who never can 
 advance through ignorance, among races on so low a plane that they 
 can barely think at al^, whose idols are their highest conceptions of a 
 Supreme Being, for the millions who are born defective and criminal, 
 and for the millions, who today, do not know there is such a Being 
 as Christ, or even cognize a Supreme Power? Even among the 
 most highly developed races, there are millions who, mainly through 
 these unholy utterances, have repudiated all the holy of the Bible. 
 According to this all these children of God, the majority, must be 
 cursed, while the minority, the favored few, born righteous, or who 
 like St. Paul, were and are brought into the light through condi- 
 tions over which they had and have no control, stop sinning"ignorant- 
 ly in unbelief," hence alone, are heirs to God's realm. Is it a wonder 
 that those whose brains have not been developed along certain 
 lines, although advanced in material wisdom, should, feeling them- 
 selves better instruments for the expression of the soul gifts of love, 
 compassion, etc., entertain but scorn of a God and teachers inferior 
 to themselves? Wherefore many of the most highly developed of 
 the leading nations are, more or less, agnostic, not due to the holy, 
 inspired messages of the most holy work in existence, but the un- 
 holy, unspiritual interpolations of those who misapprehended these 
 beautiful truths. Were these highly developed gifted with spiritual 
 insight and enabled to make the distinction between the false and 
 the true, they would know ,as their own natures are partly false, the 
 animal, and partly true, the spiritual, so must every work of man 
 be, according to his development and according to his epoch, also 
 both true and false, animal and spiritual, hence they would give to 
 God, Good, that which is of God, and to the animal that which is 
 material. They would know that naught that is of the animal could 
 be of God, therefore not true. Were it true that God demanded animal 
 and human sacrifices, that He hates and curses, then God could be no 
 higher than the most undeveloped animal, for there are some ani- 
 mals who are more correctly impressed than mortals. And if so, 
 from whence come the spiritual qualities, the soul gifts they attri- 
 bute to Christ? How could a God of Love curse and punish even 
 the lowest of His creatures, hence, they of the animal interpret in- 
 correctly, they re^ject all because the animal part of them is still in 
 harmony with them. Were they not animals still, they would feel 
 the truth, but still inheriting the animal, they are not good instru- 
 ments for the spiritual, even though they express many of the soul 
 gifts more or less perfectly. Not solely those who commit the 
 cfimes of the mortal plane, but those who believe that these crimes 
 are of God, or who credit God with them, are undeveloped. No 
 matter how materially advanced, whether they believe in a Personal 
 God or not, whether in a Principle, no matter what their belief or 
 theory, all who are capable of thinking, know that there is a Su- 
 preme Power at the helm. No one doubts that this Power, regard- 
 less how cognized, rules the world. The undeveloped spiritually 
attribute all to nature. The developed spiritually cognize accord- 
 ing' to their brain development. The higher the plane of develop- 
 ment, the less animal the more spiritual the conception. Fro:n 
 idols to one God, from one God to a higher and higher conception 
 of the one God, the one God of the Christians little by little becom- 
 ing less animal, more spiritual, until Christian Science gave a clearer 
 conception of the love of God than any religion before. Although 
 not correct regarding His Personality, it apprehends Him, as in 
 truth He is Gbd of the living good. All spirits or rather, in Mrs. 
 Eddy's words, ideas, all good, beautiful and harmonious. Those 
 who do not understand this conception are still unprepared for it. 
 Many Christian Scientists are not ready for some of the clearer 
 interpretations now given. God is All-good, and but God of the 
 living. But His children are not dreaming an evil dream but de- 
 veloping certain attributes upon a very real plane of consciousness, 
 in a very real (while it lasts to them) world. In this world *they 
 must live in harmony with its laws, which, although, -subject to the 
 ^higher, must be obeyed, while spirit is conscious on it, or they cease 
 to be mortal and awake in the real life. When one gives up hu- 
 man life or vanishes from human ken, they are never again seen in 
 mortal form, or live the life of the mortal, although they often 
 impress other mortal bodies, and sometimes, very rarely, material- 
 ize bodies for fleeting moments, similar to their own and other 
 bodies. But as they are really spirit in real spirit bodies, they 
 merely abandon the mortal body and continue the real life in the 
 real world. Hence this explanation, not given by Mrs. Eddy, is 
 needed by many who claim that this mortal life and the mortal 
 plane of consciousness can be prolonged indefinitely. This is a 
 real life while it lasts for each individual spirit, but it is ever and 
 always ended when God wills. Had man power, then the greatest 
 of all systems of healing might prolong their lives, which has not 
 yet, and since the real life is the spirit, never can be done. 
 Life everlasting means life ever lasts, the consciousness of the 
 spirit is in a living body, the consciousness of the spirit impressing 
 a mortal body does not keep the mortal body alive, life is kept in 
 the mortal body by its little spirit life organisms. The spirit, the 
 soul child of God, while impressing the material, lives in his real 
 body. He merely impresses the mortal, but it is life everlasting in 
 his real body. This life forces in his body and brain have ever 
 lived under some form or other, while his soul, that which is the 
 personal spirit, has ever lived in the Oversoul of God Omnipotent. 
 Those who believe in nature, who cannot cognize a personal 
 God, are still (no matter how advanced in the material wisdom of 
 the world, which, in reality, is the wisdom of the spirit spheres in- 
 correctly impressed) on an undeveloped plane of spiritual illumina- 
 tion. With the presumed superior knowledge taught in some uni- 
 versities and colleges they deem it denotes superior intelligence to 
 deny a Supreme Personal Being, and yet they, in their superior per- 
 sonalities, do not deny personality to themselves. Did they rea- 
 son whether inductively or deductively, did they analize correctly, 
 they would know Mind must have media for expression, and as 
 they but dimly cognize, express Mind, they must admit that there 
must be a Being or beings, on a higher planes of mind expression 
 here. And if here why not else where since there is no limmit to 
 mind, and. if all these expressions, (media to express mind) are on 
 higher planes, why doubt there can be one Omnipotent from whom 
 all these expressions receive their mind. And if One, why cannot 
 that One also have a body for expression, why deny Himself that 
 which He gives to the lowest of His creatures? 
 The Master Mind cognized by the most advanced matrial scien- 
 tists. He who knoweth all things, He to whom naught is sealed. 
 He who is the Alpha and the Omega, so incorrectly cognized of 
 the Bible, the Unmoved Mover of Aristotle, the Supreme God of 
 the Brahmins, the Supreme Power of Socrates, Plato, all the great 
 thinkers, the God of Hebrews, the Divine Personal God of Sweden- 
 borg and of others too numerous to mention, is our Father, God 
 Omnipotent. That ye cannot cognize Him thus is due to lack of 
 development of a certain portion of brain, ye who cannot explain 
 the smallest marvel of your world, who know naught of the origin 
 of anything, not even about yourselves, who cannot make one grain 
 of sand, one drop of water, yet ye deny a Supreme Reasoning 
 Power, who hath created all the wonders and marvels ye see entire- 
 ly inexplicable to the greatest minds. 
 A Supreme Reasoning Power hath given ye brains to think as 
 ye advance, to develop higher and higher conceptions of good. 
 From low to high, imperfect to perfect, incompletion to 
 completion, is evidenced even in the natural world. What a won- 
 derful brain nature must have! How profoundly wise a blind, un- 
 reasoning force! Hence nature develops our brains to think, but 
 some are so slow, that even though trained in universities and col- 
 leges they cannot think. Those who think acknowledge that they 
 can prove nothing materially about the origin of anything. Those 
 who do not are an epitome of all the false wisdom and beliefs which 
 have come down from the undeveloped brains of antiquity, hence 
 the Supreme Power is cognized as nature, or worse, as a Gad 
 Creator of good and evil. Far more developed to credit all the 
 evils to a blind, impersonal force than to credit our Father with 
 the creation of all the evil in the world, which He must have regret- 
 ted after designating as good, or He would not consign it to 
 hell-fire. Why create if to destroy? Why call that good which is 
 evil. Hath anyone given a reasonable explanation consistent with 
 spiritual illumination? Why curse millions unborn? Why bless 
 with soul, then damn? If soul is pure, perfect, how could it fall? 
 If all must evolve good from evil, why create evil, why create 
 the imperfect, the criminal, the fool, the insane, and expect them 
 to become perfect and redeem themselves upon an animal plane? 
 Verily nature, an unreasoning force shows greater reason than the 
 various Gods of the different religions. How could the All-good 
 bring forth evil? Can a good tree bring forth evil fruit? How 
 could God, the good tree, bring forth evil fruit? As a tree cannot 
 bring forth but its own kind unless interfered with from an outside 
 influence, so God Omnipotent brought forth His children good like 
 unto Himself. If the devil Lucifer, the powers of darkness were 
 as great as He, as Zoroaster claimed, subbordinate, or not equal, 
one could understand the battle between the powers, of good and 
 evil in the world according to the Bible. But an Omnipotent 
 Power All-good could not create or bring forth creatures capable 
 of creating, transmitting, or even dreaming evil unless the evil 
 came from Himself, hence as good is in the ascendent, as Nature 
 or God prove progression, even on this plane, the thinker knows 
 mortality is steadily advancing, even though occasionally relapsing 
 or retrograding, that we are not evolving good out of evil, unless 
 in the sense that we are developing the spiritual qualities and conquer- 
 ing the animal, that the undevelopment is due to the animal inherit- 
 ance, the progression to the spiritual impressions, that the real 
 man is not his physical body, but that which comes from his soul, 
 his will, mind, hope, aspirations, love, etc. Were he only body, as 
 when first evolved, and had not developed brain or mind, he would 
 still be as all are when deprived of proper education, traming en- 
 vironment, brought up in a purely animal way, little higher than 
 the animal in expression, still that which you call evil in unde- 
 veloped man, but not in animal, His brain must be developed tto 
 make it a good instrument. If one with a good brain is entrusted 
 to an animal to rear him, he cannot develop it, hence the wild man 
 of the woods, here and now found who has been raised by animals, 
 are no more developed than the animals who cared for them. The 
 man is the instrument for the real child of God endowed with soul. 
 The animal not yet endowed with soul, but impressed with it, re- 
 flects it. Material man must be a good instrument, or the spirit 
 is powerless to express, hence it has taken countless centuries to 
 develop brain, to ifit it to become an instrument for the highest 
 truths. The man of today, though reared an animal, has a brain, (if a 
 good one, not defective) capable of being developed to greater extent, 
 than the man just evolved from the animal. For although all are 
 not simillarly developed, all brains are gradually becoming better 
 Aristotle had one of the greatest brains, yet he grasped this 
 planet as stationary, and God as the "Unmoved Mover." Who can 
 deny when even the chool child of today knows the truth that, 
 although the school child may not be, and few are on Aristotle's 
 plane, that yet brain development has advenced among the aver- 
 age, when the average can grasp that which the brain was not yet 
 developed to grasp in Aristotle's time? The mechanism of the 
 brain, the spiritual mind is even more marvelous than apprehended 
 on the mortal plane. The mind of the individual spirit or mortal 
 varies. The spirit who advances more on certain lines than others, 
 impresses his mortal brain with as much of his individual feelings 
 and aspirations as possible, when they develop their instruments 
 they impress more clearly, and gain more or less control. When 
 St. Paul, gained control he ceased "sinning ignorantly in unbelief" 
 likewise all when they bring them in harmony . 
 To become a fit instrument for the higher truths, simply means 
 that one, in the spirit life, who expresses the soul gifts a little more 
 clearly, endeavors to fit material mind to become in harmony. 
 When the spirit can, it then (filled with love for all,) express- 
 es these on the mortal plane, even if its instrument is 
not fitted to express material wisdom, owing to material conditions, 
 hence "out of the mouths of babes" emerge words to astound the 
 wise and learned. 
 But, ye mortals, should ever remember that the material and 
 spiritual are distinct, hence those who still adhere to the belief in 
 evil and good in spirit worlds, are not as good instruments for 
 spiritual truths as those who believe in but good. While those 
 who believe in nature, who cannot grasp it is under God, under the 
 Supreme Reasoning Power, a Force in operation, are, even though 
 they have the development of Aristotle, no farther advanced spiritual- 
 ly than he who believed in an Unmoved Mover. There is but one waj*" 
 to prove the truth, and that is to select that which is highest and pur- 
 est in all religions, weigh them carefully, note wherein they agree, 
 and then compare the lives of those who inspired them, whether 
 they expressed in act that which they taught or not, whether actu- 
 ated by material or spiritual reasons, whether dominated by love 
 of the material or spiritual. Whether like Buddha, they abjured 
 the material yet still believed in it in spirit spheres. Whether 
 they put in practice the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, the 
 sole One who lived a holy, spiritual life, and who, notwithstanding 
 interpolations and incorrect translations, did not teach of evil in 
 spirit spheres, who merely referred to the grave (hell). And when 
 thus seeking and studying religion, note the periods of growth in the 
 various inspired ones, how St. Paul, one of the greatest, evolved 
 from the lowest. Then, above all, seek within your soul for light, 
 which you will, and can only express on mortal plane, according to 
 how your brain is spiritually unfolded. 
 That which is cognized on earth as death, is, in reality, not the 
 awakening for the first time of spirit in its real home, but simply 
 the abandoning of the material body forever. The real life is the 
 spirit life, the real world, the spirit world, the real body, the spiric 
 body. Many spirits while attached to mortal bodies think that when 
 the mortal body dies, the soul leaves the body, and is transformed 
 immediately into a spirit body, Others that they are purely mate- 
 rial and perish with body. Others that the ego incarnate in differ- 
 ent bodies until fit to be absorbed with the Infinite. All religious 
 and philosophies more or less, teach of evil in the spirit spheres. 
 The Christian religions teach of huma n depravity, necessity for 
 atonement and salvation, purgatory, hell-fire. 
 Mrs. Eddy's conception, is the sole correct one, she alone gave 
 publicly the truth of the unreality of evil and sin in the real life. 
 She cognized correctly that all in reality is beautiful, harmonious, 
 spiritual, and, this, not grasped correctly by many of her followers, 
 and those who profess to understand Christian Science, that we are 
 now living the real life of the spirit, while dreaming the evil 
 mortal dream. She did not explain the difference between the two 
 planes of consciousness, nor how we lead the real life when detached 
 by sleep, every night, nor how we, in our real bodies in the real 
 life, are conscious in mortal bodies on the earth. We, the real 
 spirits, are never out of or away from the real life, only conscious 
 on the mortal plane of consciousness when we use the material 
 brain and body toconnect us with the material world. Whether 
 one on earth can understand this or not, it is a truth that the mortal 
 plane of consciousness and mortal world are as real to the spirits 
 while subject to it as the spiritual. Were it not so, and we not 
 under mortal law, all who are separated from us by death of the 
 material, would be still in the material with us. Death to the 
 material means not death to life, life can never die, but spirit, (life) 
 abandoning matter, which becomes that which it really is when de- 
 prived of spirit, lifeless clay to mortal sense. Thus when spirit 
 is detached or severed by those in charge of them on earth, who 
 are always with them until liberated by death, by disease, accidents, 
 mental upheavals, wars and revolutions, physical upheavals, cyclones, 
 hurricanes, floods, earth-quakes, etc., he simply awakens in the real 
 life, in full possession of all his spirit mind, (mortal a part of it) 
 and faculties, with the exception, for a short time, varying from a 
 half hour to two or three days, of a portion of his spirit brain which 
 is connected with that pertaining to memory of the spirit life, which 
 is magnetized by those in charge, to enable them to adjust that 
 which is essential, to be retained of mortal life. We are even more 
 wonderfully made than deemed by us on mortal plane. But when 
•we are freed froin t"he eartli lile, we are free forever and "have full 
 charge of our spirit brain and body. 
 After a spirit man attains to about twenty-five years old in 
 appearance, according to mortal sense, a woman about twenty, tlieir 
 appearance changes but little. TTiey ever retain the same, inde- 
 structible body of a child of God. Although they advance forever 
 and constantly change thqir mind, tliere appearance never, save in 
 minor respects, varies. There is no real body but the true spiritual, 
 the physical but for a certain p-eriod. That presumed to be the 
 astral, but a shadow form, to hold the spirit life organisms of the 
 material in place until detached and disassociated by that which is 
 presumed to be death. Th€ mental ,body, not a body, but that 
 which ever remains unlocated, spiritual mind entirely distinct from 
 the Divine Mind from which we receive the sduI gifts. Spiritual 
 mind, formed from both material and spiritual experiences is that 
 which gives individnality, hence the spirit who lives on the mortal 
 plane is th'e same who lives in the real life, and although he sins 
 and suffers while attached to mortal form, through being unable to 
 transmit correctly, and shut off from the real life, when his material 
 body sleeps, he is detached, and knows mortal life to be what it 
 really is, a limited period to develop certain attributes, and when he 
 awakes for the last time by death, he, in full possession of mind, 
 the spiritual and material, cognizes entirely from the real mind, and 
 knows the truth which frees him from the illusions and delusions of 
 mortal life. When embraced by the Father, brought in Personal 
 contact, he is freed from the last material claim, and undergoes 
 that which is alluded to as "the second death," in truth all that con- 
 nects him with the material. Although all the trtuhs, the loves, 
 are still the same as on earth. None of his feelings change, he ever 
 lives the real life in the real body, he is born, as on earth, in the 
 real body, with real parents, friends and associates. When he 
 selects a mate on earth, as he is amenable to material law and govern- 
 ed by the physical, he often selects unwisely, not correctly im- 
 pressed, although intuitively feeling the truth, seeks vainly for his 
 soul-mate. Often finds her on mortal plane, though not conscious 
 of it, and oft abandons the soul-mate for some one else. These 
 unions in the real life, where all are pure, are permitted for the sake 
 of the children, who are brought forth on the two planes of con- 
 sciousness in this way. Animalism is not known in the real life. 
 The love of the sonl-mate is immeasurably superior to aught con- 
 ceived on earth, two halves ordained to make one perfect whole. 
 Those, who, through mortal life are forced into uncongenial, uncon- 
 jngal relations for certain periods, have affection for each other, as 
 there is naught but love in the spirit spheres, but cognizant of the 
 truth in the real life, await with patience their time of probation, 
 when they can wed their own soul-mates. Those who imagine that 
 all love is a chaste, cold, universal, love, are not correctly impressed. 
 All loves, the different degrees and kinds, are impressed from 
 the real life. Those who love with the love of soul-mates on earth 
 love the same in the real life and never change. The mother love 
 is greater, but the same love. The love for relatives, especial 
 friends the same, only intensified. The universal love, love, 
tendefness and sympathy for all. Many who know not love on 
 earth awaken to such a plentitude when asleep or severed by death, 
 as to amply compensate for the lack while subjected to "life's fit- 
 ful dream." 
 "Ah, when the mists are rolled away and we know as we are 
 knowm/' we awaken in a beauteous home with our own, who are de- 
 tached to welcome us, we see the dear ones conscious on earth, not 
 yet detached in the real life, and have them with us regularly several 
 hours, freed from the mortal body, we discuss all the earth topics, 
 cognize with the true spirit sight, not with the material, we know 
 in truth, there is neither sin, disease nor death to the spirit ,that 
 the dreaded change, death, is but the most glorious awakening, that 
 the promise of the Lord Jesus Christ, "In my Father's Home are 
 many mansions, I go to prepare one for you," is fulfilled, our man- 
 sions are prepared and waiting for us and such visions of beauty 
 as eclipse our highest ideals. There are no such places as purga- 
 tory, hells and place of punishment, no limbo, no astral planes filled 
 with uncanny bodies, no demons, no evil spirits, the sole "earth- 
 bound," our beloved ones attached to mortal bodies. The earth- 
 bound are those who are attached to the material bodies, not any 
 liberated child of God. Would an earthly parent permit, if omni- 
 potent, his children to be tormented needlessly? How could then 
 our Heavenly Father, who is love personified, permit evil earth 
 bound spirits to torment us while here. Neither can we project a 
 material body, although spirits in the real life, form material bodies 
 out of material elements through material psychics, as similar as 
 possible to those they wish to represent and present. There are a 
 large class on earth, impressed incorrectly who never can believe in 
 God, and ascribe to nature the wisdom of a Supreme Being. The 
 higher the conception, the nearer the truth. He who ascribes to 
 an Omnipotent Being the highest and greatest is more liable to be 
 true, than he who endows Him with human characteristics, and he 
 who is so illumined as to know a blind, unreasoning force cannot be 
 the source of all the soul gifts, the Master Mind directing all, must 
 be. more correctly impressed than those who still in the dark, "see 
 darkly," not as highly developed as the prehistoric says of ante- 
 deluvian eras. Hence I, almost ready to make the change myself, 
 correctly impressed, not nearing the "Thither shore" but ready to 
 rend the veil, gladly welcoming the time when I shall be re-united 
 with those gone before, and not separated from the beiloved ones 
 here,) am impressed to comfort those who like myself have been and 
 will be bereft, as well as to explain that which, with the absolute 
 certainty of soul knowledge, I know to be true. This knowledge 
 frees you absolutely from fear of all kinds, fear of purgatory, hell, 
 damnation, evil spirits, earth-bound and death. Not only gives 
 you the "peace that passeth understanding," but gives you the 
 strength to bear with fortitude earthly conditions, and makes you 
 strive to express on earth the truths of the real Home, the greatest 
 of all, love, for not solely your own family, friends, nation, country, 
 but for all peoples and all countries, (all God's children) and all 
 forms of life. And, thus, here you will begin to express truly, and 
 not wait until death to find yourselves. 
 Ye now hath the truth which alone can free ye, 
 OF GOD. Ve Who believe that. all are not thy brethren ye are 
 not yet become on earth children of God, although ye are in the 
 real life fully equal unto he who believes. This is the great truth 
 which frees ye on the earth, that ye believe in equality, fraternity 
 and liberty for all, not for one race, not for one religion, not for 
 one class, but for all, knowing that all are thy brethren, thy sisters. 
 *'For one is your Master, even Christ, and ye are all brethren." 
 When the Lord spake these words, believe ye or not, the people 
 then were not more blessed with spiritual dispensation than today, 
 for here is one who gives ye the truth and soon cometh one, with 
 one by his side, not solely to give ye truth, but to show ye how to 
 live, whether ye believe or believe not, for so it is written. For 
 know ye the Lord came before, not in the glory of worldly pomp, 
 but came He from the most humble, to prove He was the Lord of 
 all, the friend of the publican, the sinner, equally with all. Never 
 cometh He that way again, but cometh He to each one individually 
 ready to receive, to each of such sendeth He the message of 
 peace and love, and giveth the promise that the millenium is 
 even now at hand upon the tortured earth, soon will cease the 
 clamor and heart-anguish of war, and lo, the Star of Peace appeareth 
 high above the horizon, bringing all children under one, universal 
 religion, which shall drive away all bitterness of enemy and foe, 
 when many shall call each other, brother, and know the truth. "For 
 there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show 
 great signs and wonders, insomuch that if it were possible they 
 shall deceive the very elect." Wherefore, if they shall say unto 
 you behold, he is in the desert, behold he is in the secret chambers, 
 believeth it not." Many hath come and given great signs and won- 
 ders, many hath come in the desert, many hath come with the powers 
 of state, all selecting the chaff from the wheat, "the goats from the 
 sheep," the righteous from the unrighteous, all making distinctions 
 not made by the loving Father, therefore not entirely correctly 
 impressed "for wheresoever the carcass is there the eagles will be 
 gathered together." The eagles, the dominant nations of Europe 
 now fighting over the carcass, are now gathered together. 
 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun 
 be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars 
 shall fall from Heaven and the Powers of the Heavens shall be 
 shaken." This means that the earth will be more or less in depths 
 of anguish for some time, the reaction of the terrible effects of the 
"And ffien shalf appear the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven, 
 and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn." The sign will be 
 given to each child, who, in the depths of anguish^ ackrtowledge an 
 Omnipotent Power. 
 Though the Lord cometh not in Person again, there shall come 
 many an one empowered of the Lord and there s-hall be one servant,, 
 one of the earth children prepared thro>ugh the crucible of suffering 
 and temptation overcome, who is chosen for a mighty work, aIso> 
 one by his side, also prepared through the sleep of a long night 
 Qpon the earth, with soul Just awakening, receiving the power to 
 ably assist to bring all together in universal peace and brotherhood. 
 Through the sleep of a long night on earth dreaming of rebirths, 
 not yet blessed with^the truth which alone can free, the truth that 
 all are the children of God, not one greater than another. Know 
 that he who thinks himself great or dreams of another being grear 
 cannot know the truth or even give it, for the truth that alone freesv 
 is the truth that the most advanced among the Angels is he whc 
 thinks himself feast and aspires but to be the servitor of the lowest. 
 Came not God ministering to publican and sinner? Came He 
 seeking the high and mighty? Nay, nor doth God reveal Himself 
 to, nor empower him who thinks himself great or mighty, or that he 
 hath lived ever before, as conscious child of God, although his life 
 forces and his soul as part of the soul of God hath lived before. 
 The Christ spirit is with those who know the truth, of every 
 race and religion, those who know the least are equally as loved as. 
 the greatest of earth. Hence, the twain making ready to come ere 
 they come forth must know the truth which alone can free them, 
 and realize that e'en as they preach equality, fraternity and liberty, 
 they must demonstrate it in act by not deeming self or anyone else 
 great save in humility, tenderness and love. In this sense the 
 spirit who shall lead, the spirit who shall stand by his side, when she 
 who gives these truths is with the Angels, and all the spirits on 
 earth, of high and low degree, who follow these teachings shall find 
 their God and know without doubt, the truth. 
 Think ye ye have it when ye seek teacher or healer to teach or 
 heal ye? Nay, not yet, but now the time is here for ye to know 
 ye need not teacher nor healer, these truths will free ye, they will 
 reach thy soul and make ye know that no teacher, no healer, no 
 one ever can heal ye in this world but thine own soul in tune with 
 the Infinite, in harmony with thy God, that the soul gifts which ye 
 receive direct from Him, His Divine Mind, give each one of ye the 
 power. Neither teacher nor healer, but ye, ye as great, as lowly 
 as thy teacher, as pure, as righteous, on equal plane in the real life, 
 when ye feel tlje truth and realize it, ye can free and heal thyselves 
 This is the truth which frees ye. Ye are children of God. Awake 
 proclaim thy birth-right. What though ye be humble, of low de- 
 gree, what though ye be ill and weary? What thou§^h ye be op- 
 pressed and persecuted? Know that thy Father is within call, 
 know that thy deliverer is with ye, but know also the truth that th}'' 
 will yet hinders thee. Thy Father, hath of a truth, given ye free 
 will, ye who do not belong to the mentally unfit, even though ye 
 are under law and directivity, hence will that ye heed the truth, . 
will that ye demonstrate it in life. Awake, thus speak ye. "I 
 am of God. I am His child. I am love, strength, wisdom, com- 
 passion, mercy, righteousness. I arti even now, in this world, ex- 
 pressing my Divine origin. I am not of the earth, or earthy. 1 
 am not my mortal brain and body. I am pure, holy spirit. I with 
 love control my mortal brain and body. I bring it into harmony. 
 I abuse it not. I govern it under natural law as well as spiritual. 
 I know it is spirit advancing as I am. I am well, strong prosperous, 
 all good. I am demonstrating in act that | am of my Father, that 
 I am in harmony with the Divine Mind of n^y Father, through 
 Whom and with Whom I express myself on earth." Therefore 
 wb^n ye pray, wheii ye act, though ye pray and apt on earth, and 
 ye must have material goods to do material good with, know that 
 naught is material but the animal propensities and diseases, that 
 only the sin resulting from the animal, or rather the undeveloped, 
 not material, for there is in truth, naught material but the spirit 
 organisms developing on earth the necessary qualities, these alone 
 that which we cognize on earth as material. For all the beauty 
 displayed in your material goods, all the glory of your works of 
 art, all thy achievements in science, philosophy, literature are all 
 Vnpressed from and of the spirit. Hence 'tis rio shame to love the 
 beauty and good of the earth. Thy Father provides them for ye. 
 Did He not desire ye should have them they should not be provided. 
 But ye undeveloped let the animal propensities dominate ye, and 
 ma^e ye accumulate, instead of sharing with all, thy good gifts. It 
 is undeveloped to let thy brother, thy sister starve while ye surfeit 
 thyselves. It is undeveloped to go clad in purple and fine linen 
 while they are naked. It is undeveloped to provide the costly and 
 the useless, to squander on foibles and gew-gaws while so many need. 
 Thy Lord impresses ye to hold out the hand of love and sym- 
 pathy to all, of all races, of all classes, even though many parade 
 the streets in idleness, and many use vain empty repetitions as the 
 heathen do. Not that ye who work and toil should despoil thy- 
 selves entirely to give to all the undeserving, but bethink ye, who are 
 thd undeserving? Those who sin "ignorantly in unbelief," are the 
 useless and incompetent. Therefore combine ye who are not, and 
 place this kind where they can be taught to be useful, or to remain 
 idle, if they are not able, in peace and content. 
 Therefore cometh these twain to show ye what to do, 
 to make the chafif, if not as wholesome as the kernel, do its part, to 
 make the goat, though he stumble or leap from rock to rock, of use 
 and service. To make the rich, tender, merciful, to influence them 
 to give work to the poor. To make all realize that all are of one 
 fold, and that there is but one Shepherd, He, thy loving Father, God 
 Omnipotent, who sendeth "the rain on the just and the unjust," 
 who sendeth messengers as in days of old, and who empowereth 
 His instruments to bring all together, all ye who are not still of 
 the animal. But, harken, ye of the undeveloped, of the animal still, 
 ye cannot as of old, crucify, but ye can revile and persecute, and if 
 so ye do, know that although in truth, ye are not evil as the world 
 doth judge thee, but are our own brethren and sisters, not yet ready. 
 Know that if ye are but to know the truth in the real life, not to 
with the Son of Man, not inspired personally as was Christ, but 
 know it here, it is the law of earth with "what measure ye mete, 
 shall be measured to ye again," but try to understand, try to feel 
 it here, ye are not born in sin, not evil, but of God. Therefore, try 
 to seek and find thy God. Assert thy Divine origin, and help 
 to bring the millenium and to rejoice with all thine own ,thy 
 brothers, thy sisters. 
 "Then shall be two in the field. The one shall be taken and 
 the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill, the one 
 shall be taken and the other left. Watch therefore, for ye know 
 not what hour your Lord doth come." St. Matthew, Chapter 24. 
 Thy Lord, the spirit of God, cometh to each and all, to each soul 
 prepared to receive Him now. 
 "Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour ye think not 
 the Son of Man cometh." The woman, grinding at the mill, 
 through sorrow and tears, the chaff and the wheat together, the 
 lamb and the goats, the good and the bad, the rich and poor, shall 
 be taken, the woman grinding at the mill who is left will come forth 
 the son of man, connected with vibrations as ye all are, but putting 
 into effect, into actual work the messages from His Father. He 
 this man cometh, nay, is here, to reach, those most prepared, to 
 bring them all ttogether under one fold, one Shepherd, God Omni- 
 potent, watch therefore. 
 But, if those who do not believe, shall say in their hearts, '*my 
 Lord delayeth His coming" and believe Him not, they shall not in 
 any way, persecute or revile, but the more developed and on a higher 
 plane will stand side by side with the twain who, with arms open- 
 ed wide, shall strive to gather all in. 
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