< - w S N Jf ,*i#u -^ > ** ^i ^. y , lr- t R-; 5 ^ **Sr >>, r^'^ L.-TI n TV REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OE CALIFORNIA. ,1906. . ON FROM THE GREAT DEEPS OFF THE NORWEGIAN COAST. PARTLY FROM POSTHUMOUS MANUSCRIPTS OF THE LATE PROFESSOR Dr. MICHAEL SARS BY GEOEGE OSSIAN SAES, With 6 Copper plates. university-Program for the 1st half-year 1869. CKRISTIANIA. PRINTED BY BR0GO3H fc CHRISTIE . 1872. Contents, Preface V Introduction VII Polyzoa. 1. Rhabdopleura mirabilis 1 The Polyparium S The Polypide 4 The tentacular arms 6 The bucal shield '. 8 The contractile cord 10 The axial cord 11 Vital phenomena 12 Occurrence 12 Characteristics of genus and species '. 13 Development 14 Concluding remarks 15 2. Flustra abyssicola 19 Conchifera. 3. Yoldia obtusa 23 4. Pecchiolia abyssicola , 25 Cephalophora. 5. Dentaliuin agile 31 6. Triopa incisa 35 7. Gonieolis typica 37 Annelida. 8. Umbellisyllis fasciata 41 9. Paramphinome pulchella 45 . Anthozoa. 10. Mopsea borealis 50 11. Fungiacyathus fragilis 58 I* IV Spongise. 12. Trichostemma hemisphfericum 62 13. Cladorhiza abyssicola 65 14. Hyalonema longissimum 70 Explanation of the plates , 74 P r ef ac e. Under the above title I purpose, if I can obtain the necessary assistance, to make known little by little the most important discoveries which I have had opportunity to make during my deep-sea investigations in recent years; and I shall consider it my duty first to treat those animal forms which my Father has already partially examined and designated. The present university-program comprises some of these belonging to 6 different classes of animals, namely 2 Polyzoa, 2 Conchifera, 3 Cephalophores, 2 Annelids, 2 Corals and 3 Sponges. These animal forms had already been partially destined by my Father for more detailed notice in a university-program similar to that composed on the subject of the Rhizocrinus ; and application for the requisite assistance was already sent in to the academical college, when his unexpected death put a sudden end to the important investigations which he had commenced. It is therefore with deep gratitude that I here acknowledge the kindness of the col- lege, in confiding to me the elaboration and publishing of the intended program; and although I am well aware of my want of that thorough acquaintance with the invertebrate animals, and of that clear and precise method of treatment which always distinguished my Father's works, it is still a pleasure for me to have opportunity given for prosecuting to the best of my power those investigations, to which my Father devoted himself with so much zeal and perseverance, until the day of his death. Although, as above stated, the present program was intended to be published by my Father, still the necessary detailed investigations were scarcely more than commenced, for which reason also no manuscript had been compiled. I find however, among my late Father's papers, notes on most of the animal forms mentioned in the following lines, and with respect to some of them also more complete descriptions, which have been of great help to me in the elaboration of the present program. I have also always quoted as conscienciously as possible my Fathers's more coherent remarks, which certainly will have their important value. Where this has taken place, I have always expressly remarked it in the text. Finally I am bound to express my warmest thanks for the valuable information relative to the Mollusca, which has been communicated to me by the celebrated English Conchologist I. Gwyn Jeffreys Esq.; and for the remarkable kindness with which the equally highly celebrated Swedish VIII to appear a rich and in many respects peculiar deep sea Fauna, of which only a very incom- plete notion had previously existed. The number of new forms of animal life was therefore also very considerable; and some of these were of peculiar interest, as more or less evidently carrying us back to former telluric periods, especially the Fauna of the Cretaceous period. This was specially evident in the case of an animal which my Father has therefore made the subject of a separate and detailed treatise. I mean the little remarkable sea-lilly Rhizocrinus lofotensis belonging to the family of the Apiocrinidse, which has been considered as long ago extinct, but which flourished in the Oolitic period. The discovery excited great interest in the scientific world, and may be said to have given the impulse to the comprehensive investi- gations of the Atlantic depths, which have been instituted with great liberality by the English government in later years. By these grand English deep-sea expeditions, in connexion with the deep-soundings executed during the Swedish Spitzbergen expeditions in the Arctic Ocean, which have both extended even to the enormous depth of between 2000 and 3000 fathoms, it has now been further ascertained that the great depths of the Ocean do not form, as was formerly supposed barren tracts or deserts, but are peopled with a richly developed and pe- culiar animal world, which oh the whole shews a very clearly marked affinity to the Fauna of the Cretaceous period, and in a great measure may really be considered as consisting of descen- dents in direct line from the forms existing in that telluric period. This cannot indeed be always so evidently proved, as in the case of the above mentioned sea-lilly, but it is also in many other forms very distinctly expressed. We may therefore with Carpenter 1 presume that the Cretaceous formation is continued undisturbed at this present day in the depths of the Ocean; and we may therefore assume that just here, there has been little change during all the pe- riods of the earth ; and we may also expect to find just here, the descendents from the chalk period most unchanged; while the Fauna at smaller depths, and especially the shore-Fauna, would in a relatively short time, by reason of telluric and physical revolutions, be forced entirely to change its character. It is also very probable that many of the remarkable forms of animal life, from the great depths off our coast, more particularly described in the follow- ing lines, are just such ancient slightly altered forms, which thus -, apart from purely zoological considerations excite a very peculiar interest, as giving us important indications with respect to the historical, or rather the palseontological development of animal life. See Carpenter on this subject. Preliminary report of dredging operations in the seas to the North of the British islands, p. 192. o 1 y z o a. I, Rkabdopleura mirabilis, (M, Sars), n. sp. (PI. 1. & 2. fig. 124). Halilophus vii>-aliV*. M. Sars. ,,Fortsatte Bemserkninger om det clyriske Livs Udbredning i Havets Dybder" p. 12. In the year 1866 I drew up in the dredge, together with other deep-sea animals, from a depth of 120 fathoms at Skraaven in Lofoten, a small ,,Phytozoon" to which at first I paid no great attention, as I took it to be a colony ofHydroids; I took therefore only a few exem- plars, and put them in spirit with some other uncertain forms of animal life from the same depth. After my return 'home however, on examining more closely this supposed Hydroid colony, my Father found immediately that we had before us a very peculiar animal, which quite certainly could not be a Hydroid, but seemed rather to be related to the Polyzoa; although the shape and appearance of the single cells had undeniably a great resemblance to the former, especially to some Campanularides. As a satisfactory examination of the animal could not be made with the specimens brought home in spirit, my Father urged me, the next time I visited Lofoten to examine the animal in a living state as minutely as possible ; as hereby we should without doubt obtain interesting and instructive results. This I had an op- portunity of doing in the following year 1867; and I then examined, as minutely and consci- enciously as possible with the instruments at my disposal, the structure of this little and fragile animal, which I also found peculiar in the highest degree, and different from all that I had previously known. My Father was also greatly surprised on learning the result of my examination, and looking over the numerous drawings which I had made from the living ani- mal, It was clear enough that we had before us not only an entirely new genus and family, hut even the type for a still higher division; and we found no small difficulty in referring it to any known animal type. But as it appeared most nearly related to the Polyzoa, my Father classed it with these, and noted it in his catalogue of deep-sea animals, compiled in 1868, under the denomination of .,Halilophus mirabilis" (the generic name taken from a certain 1 resemblance of the tentacular arms to the so-called Lophophore of the freshwater Polyzoa). r Fhe next year appeared Allman's treatise .,on Rhabdopleura, a new form of Polyzoa from deep sea dredging in Shetland" 1 ; and my Father, as well as myself, at once recognised in the species therein described and delineated, Rh. Normanni, a form closely agreeing with the Halilophus mirabilis, but which evidently, from the form and attachment of the Polyzoarium, must belong- to a different species from ours. Allman's communications concerning the organisation of the animal shew indeed, as will appear from the sequel, many essential differences from what I have had occasion to observe in our northern form; so that if these communications were in reality* correct, there could scarcely be any doubt that both forms were also generically distinct. But the fact is that Allman has only had the opportunity of examining specimens preserved in spirit; and both my Father and myself know from experience how extremely difficult it is to obtain results with specimens in this state, and what imperfect and false notions may thus be formed of the animal's real structure. Taking this into consideration we may really be astonished that Allman has been able to see so much as he actually has seen, and that h-e has not misunderstood the animal's organisation in a greater degree than appears from his description and delineations. Allman has indeed seen in the Ehabdopleura a very aberrant form of Polyzoa, but is far from having apprehended that the form is ab- normal in so high a degree as it is proved to be, according to investigations which I have executed with the utmost care and minuteness. With respect to the method of examination, there is little or no use in dissecting so small and fragile an object as the animal of the Rhabdopleura, even if the finest imaginable instruments are employed. It is therefore necessary to study the animal entire as it is, or at most after separating the individual animals from their cells or tubes, which, as will be seen, may be done with the greatest ease in operating on the living colony. In order to get a better and sharper view of certain parts, I have found it very useful to effect a gentle com- pression of the animal between 2 glass plates, but so that the pressure can be moderated at will, increased or diminished. To this end I cemented a thin glass plate to the upper arm of my compressorium, by which means the desired result was obtained far better than by the use of the so-called aquatic boxes". Moreover most of the parts of the living animal may be easily examined without pressure, and without even taking the animal out of its cell. A colony, or part of one, can be placed under the microscope, and the most important parts will plainly be seen through the transparent walls of the cells, even if the animal has not stretched itself out of the aperture. Besides the outer chitine-like tube with its off-shoots or cells (Polyzoarium) there may be distinguished in the animal under consideration the following principal parts. 1. the Po- lypidc itself, which again shews 3 principal parts a) the body; b) the tentacular arms and <) the bucal shield; 2. the contractile cord: and 3 the n.rial cord. We shall treat each of these parts separately. Quarterly Journal of microscopical science. Vol. IX. 1869. p. 57-63. pi. 8. The Polyzoarium.- The Polyzoarium (co?rio3cium) in the Rhabdopleura mirabilis (see tig. 1. -2. & 3.) has the form of a thin, elastic flexible, chitine-like, transparent, most frequently quite colorless cylindrical hollow tube, consisting of a stem which creeps along the bottom of the sea, now and then attached to other bodies, irregularly winding, and only seldom, here aud there, forked, which at short intervals sends up perpendicular, free, undivided, more or less winding branches or continuations, of the same form calibre and nature as the stem, and all terminating with a circular aperture. A difference between the stem and the branches, strikes the eye imme- diately: the stem is always more or less thickly covered with extraneous particles (sand, mud, fragments of shells, Rhizopod-shells &c.) while the branches are always, with exception of the very lowest piece, quite free from such particles, and consequently quite transparent, appearing in their whole extent very distinctly and ornamentally ringed. The rings, which are only exterior, form close, equidistant, sharp, circular transverse folds, strongly prominent over the surface of the tube, causing the edges everywhere to appear crenulated (see fig. 3). If one can sepa- rate from the stem the very closely adhering extraneous particles, (which is connected with no small difficulty) it will be seen (fig. 9) that this outer formation of folds is also continued on the stem itself, although far less sharply marked aud also more irregular; the transverse folds being often divided fork-wise, or in other words, not forming completely separate rings. It will also be remarked (fig. 10) that the branches or free tubes are not at all sharply dis- tinguished from the stem, but that their interior cavity is prolonged immediately into, or continuously with, the cavity of the stem. This latter, the interior walls of which, like those of the tubes, are quite smooth, is divided at certain intervals, by tolerably thick transverse lamellae, or septa, into several successive cylindrical chambers, which do not communicate with each other, but each one of which is continued immediately in one of the perpendicular tubes proceeding upwards from the stem. Through the whole of the creeping stem, exten- ding along through all its chambers, runs a thin cylindrical chitinous cord (the axial cord) very remarkable from its dark nearly black color, of which more hereafter. This cord is never continued up through the free tubes, but may now & then, rarely, divide itself fork-wise, namely when the creeping stem divides itself in this manner. Every one of the perpendicular branches or fubes contains an animal, which is connected by a long cylindrical fleshy cord (the contractile .cord) near the bottom of the corresponding chamber in the stem, with the axial cord, which thus unites all the individuals of the colony with each other. The creeping stem in the Kh. .mirabilis may indeed attain a very considerable length; but it is very difficult to get the whole separated from the substances which adhere to it. One can usually therefore only get up small pieces of the colony, and seldom more connected portions. The largest connected piece of stem (fig. 1) which I succeeded in getting loose from its attachment, was about 40 millimetres long, and was at irregular distances 4 times bifur-. 1* cated; another piece was of about the same length, but only 3 times divided. These bran- ches, which proceed from the stem at a more or less acute angle, are also creeping and irregularly bent, and, like the main stem, produce cells, the number of which in all on these pieces of stem amounts to about 60. The stem is thus only seldom branched, and usually runs to great length without producing any branch. The cells or tubes, which proceed from the stem by lateral budding, are of very dif- ferent length, while their thickness is everywhere, and in all, about the same. The largest are 67 millimetres long and V 4 Y 5 mill, thick. They are, as stated, erect, yet seldom, or never perfectly straight, but always more or less bent in some part, or in the whole of their length : sometimes like an S, sometimes in several bends or turns like a drawn out screw, but most frequently irregularly bent, in rare instances so strongly curved that the curve is nearly circular. From the above description it will be seen that the Polyzoarium in the Rhabdopleura mirabilis is decidedly different from that of the Shetland Rh. Normanni. Firstly, the cree- ping stem of the latter, of which one surface everywhere adheres to old shells or other solid substances, is much more strongly branched (,,subalternately") and, like the cells, quite naked, without trace of attached extraneous particles. Then the cells themselves are not, as in our species, free in their whole length, but at the base for some distance, like the stem itself, fixed and creeping, for which reason also the free perpendicularly rising ringed part of the same is much shorter than in the Rh. mirabilis. Finally there appears some difference be- tween the two species with regard to the manner of the division of the stem into chambers. The Polyzoarium in the Rhabdopleura does not coincide with any other species of Polyzoa. The cells in their tubular form resemble most those of the Cyclostomata, but are horny or chitine-like (in the Cyclostomata they are chalky) and are distinguished by their surface, covered with prominent transverse folds or rings which are also foreign to the Po- lyzoa, but are found in many Hydrozoa such as certain Tubulariadae and Campanulariadse. The Polypide. The individual animals or Polypides seem at first glance to resemble the ordinary Po- lyzoa (see fig. 3). The body, which is only a -little over 1 millimetre long, is oblong, and appears to be occupied almost entirely by the digestive system; on closer examination, we find however (see pi. 2. fig. 15, 17, 18) that a thin glassy skin surrounds the digestive appa- ratus, which therefore is not, as in all other Polyzoa, freely suspended in the ,,Perigastric fluid", which latter, as will appear in the sequel, is entirely wanting in the Rhabdopleura. In all other Polyzoa without exception there is besides the so-called Ectocyst, corresponding with the Polyzoarium, also a so-called Endocyxt, which always represents a thin membrane lining the interior of the Ectocyst or cavity of the cell, and, from the aperture, recurved and attached round about to the Polypide under the base of the Lophophore. The interior cavity of the cells in the other Polyzoa is thus actually completely closed by the endocyst and the body of the Polypide; and the so-called perigastric fluid therein- contained, wherein, the intes- tinal canal of the animal is freely suspended, does not stand in any direct connexion with the surrounding medium. The retraction of the Polypide into the cell is effected only, by a folding (invagination) of the anterior elastic part of the endocyst, by which the so-called ten- tacular sheath is produced. The case is quite different with the Rhabdopleura. Here is no cnrfocyst at all (unless we should consider the glassy skin which closely surrounds the diges- tive apparatus, to be an endocyst), consequently also no perigastric fluid; and further the cavity of the cells stands in direct communication with the surrounding medium, without being closed at the aperture by a skin connecting it with the animal's body. The retraction and protrusion of the Polypide is therefore not effected as usual by in- and evagination, but in a totally different manner, of which more hereafter. Allman has indeed (1. c.) imagined that he has perceived a trace of a real endocyst of the same nature as that observed in the other Poly- zoa, but he has quite certainly deceived himself. The Polypide of the Rhabdopleura lies quite free in the cell, and is only attached to the colony by means of the contractile cord, neither by any endocyst nor special muscles, as appears clearly enough from the fact that when the contractile cord is severed, the Polypide can be taken entire and uninjured out of its tube with the greatest ease. From the anterior part of the body where the mouth is situated, yet, as will appear in the sequel, not as usual in a terminal position, but rather in a ventral situation behind the peculiar oval prominence (the bucal shield), the gullet or ossophagus, (fig. 5, 14 etc. e) rather short, but wide, and furnished with thick walls, proceeds right downward or backward to the stomach, from which it is separated by an also outwardly apparent constriction, and by a sort of internal valve (the cardiac valve). The Stomach (f.) which is simple without any armament of teeth or hard parts in its interior, and furnished with tolerably thin walls, is elongated, rounded cylindrically, slightly and somewhat irregularly curved, with ventral concavity, and in its anterior part, where it has its greatest breadth, only a little wider than the gullet and occupying about 2 /a of the cell's caliber (see fig. 14). In the anterior half it is of about uniform thickness, but diminishes towards the posterior end (Pylorus) very rapidly, and goes imperceptibly over, after turning a little to one side, into the intestine, suddenly curving itself upward and forward. The In- tcxti-nc (g) which is not by any constriction, nor yet by any interior valve (Pylorus-valve) dis- tinguished from the stomach, of which it forms the immediate continuation, is narrow, cylin- drical (its thickness scarcely V 3 of that of the stomach in the widest part) only slightly tapering towards the end (see fig. 17) and has a tolerably straight course forward, lying close to the dorsal side of the stomach and gullet, and terminates with a circular anal aperture, situated just behind the spot from which the tentacular arms proceed. Immediately behind the anal aperture, between the terminal part of the intestine and the dorsal wall of the gullet, which here forms a little concavity, there appeared a clear cellular body (fig. 15. r) in which several evident nuclei were visible. I cannot however pronounce any decided opinion as to the signification of this object; it can scarcely be a nervous ganglion; as it does not lie in the substance of the body itself, but only in the thin external skin which encloses the body. The stomach and the intestine usually shew in the living animal a bright opaque yellowish brown color, which color seems mainly to be derived from the contents. When the stomach and intestine are more empty, they shew a far paler yellowish white color. The walls of both shew plainly a fine cellular structure. It is evident that the digestive system in the Rhabdopleura differs, in many points which have not been remarked by Allman, from the normal system of the Polyzoa. In the latter the stomach usually consists, asjs well known, of 2 distinctly separate parts, one shorter cylindrical cardiac part, and a longer and wider pyloric part, which ends in a large rounded bottle-shaped Caecum (cul de sac). Therefore the intestine usually takes its origin, in these, high up, or about on a level with the transition of the cardiac part to the pyloric part; while in the Rhabdopleura, where no such division of the stomach occurs, the intestine proceeds from the posterior end of the stomach or fundus, as the immediate continuation of the same. The Tentacular Arms. The tentacular Corona, or Lophophore, situated in the Rhabdopleura on the anterior end of the body, is of a totally different appearance from that of the other marine Polyzoa, while on the other hand it appears at first sight to shew an unmistakable resemblance to that of most fresh-water Polyzoa (P. hippocrepia) and is also thus represented by Allman. However when it is more closely examined, it displays many essential differences; although by its strongly marked bilateral symmetry, it appears to be most nearly connected with the same, in respect of the semilunar or horse-shoe form peculiar to them. As in the said fresh-water Polyzoa, the lophophore or tentacular frame does not form a circular ring, but is drawn out into 2 lobes or arms, each of which bears a double row of tentacles. These lobes or arms (fig. 3. 4. 5. &c. d.) which also here proceed from the dorsal side, are however considerably longer and narrower, or more cylindrical than in any other of the known Polyzoa; and while in those freshwater Polyzoa they only form a part of the ten- tacular corona, they represent here the whole lophophore, as it is only on these arms that the tentacles have their place. The tentacles in the Rhabdopleura do not form, as in the other Polyzoa, a continuous series, but are interrupted, as well dorsally as ventrally, by an evident interval; in other words, trc /tare not one single tentacular crown, but 2 symmetrical tentacular arm*, which take their beginning on each side of the anterior part of the body, and extend out from the same dorsally and diverging to each side. If we examine these tenta- cular arms in the living animal we find that they are also in many respects different from the lophophore of the Hippocrepia. While the latter always retain unchanged their form and somewhat inclined direction, the tentacular arms in the Rhabdopleura are in a high degree flexible and variable in their direction relatively to the body of the polypide and to each other. As long as the polypide i:s withdrawn into the cell, they are always (see rig. 14), extended straight forward, and nearly parallel with each other, forming, together with the tentacles attached to them, a close fascicle extending in the same line with the body. As soon as the polypide reaches the aperture of the cell, they spread out from each other; but this takes place in various manners. Sometimes they are bent with the ends only a little out from each other, while otherwise they are nearly parallel (see fig. 3.); sometimes they spread themselves out so widely on each side, that they stand almost diametrically opposite (fig. 4); sometimes they bend themselves with the ends downwards (see fig. 3); sometimes and this is most usual, and always occurs when the animal is taken out of its tube (fig. 5), they are bent upwards and backwards, and that often so strongly that they describe a nearly semicircular curve, so that the extremities even touch the dorsal side of the polypide's body (fig. 5 & 15). This great mobility of the tentacular arms or lophophore (so different from what is observed in the other Polyzoa) which appears to be produced at will by the animal, sometimes in one manner and sometimes in another, must certainly, although it always takes place very slowly and with little energy, be brought about by means of auxiliary muscles or muscular tissue. I have however only succeeded in observing very faint traces of anything of the kind. When the animal is gently compressed between 2 glass plates one may observe on each side some very fine fibres (Fig. 15, 18, p) passing obliquely over the gullet, proceeding from the ventral side, where the body of the polypide forms on each side a small conical prominence (ibid, o.o.) which may perhaps be considered as the ventral corners of the lophophore, and losing themselves at the root of the tentacular arms. They appear to represent the retractile muscles of the tentacular arms, which produce their flexion upwards and backwards. It has not been possible for me to discover any distinct trace of any such thin membrane connecting the basis of the tentacles (the so-called calyx) as is found in the fresh-water Polyzoa. As regards the tentacles themselves, they are indeed (fig. 8) of the usual cylindrical form for Po- lyzoa, and are as usual furnished with cilia; but in the living animal they have a very different appearance from that of the tentacles in the ordinary Polyzoa. While in the latter they are always in the greater part of their length extended straight, forming a regular corona (see tab. 2. fig. 28. & 30. d.) which only slightly changes its form, the end of some one or other of the tentacles being only sometimes bent a little in one direction or another, the tentacles in the Rhabdopleura are always bent and curved in the most irregular manner in all directions (fig. 4. 5. 15. 18) so that there can be no question of any regular tentacular corona. The number of these tentacles, which as above mentioned, are attached in a double row along the anterior side of the tentacular arms, is somewhat various (about 40 on each arm); they are longest about in the middle, and are in this part about Y 3 of the length of the arm, and di- minish somewhat towards the base, but more towards the extremity, where they are often quite rudimentary. The tentacular arms themselves, each of which at the base on the dorsal side, is furnished with a little fascicle of unusually long cilia attached to a small tubercular prominence (fig. 15. 17. n) are of very considerable length, quite as long as the whole of the rest of the body; of narrow cylindrical form, thickest at the base and tapering regularly to the end, which is obtusely pointed. Anteriorly they are separated (see fig. 16) by a naked, somewhat concave part, (extending a little downwards) here contiguous to the basis of the remarkable oval shield (c) which, both by its enormous development, and peculiar function, below described, forms one of the most peculiar features of the Rhabdopleura. The Bucal Shield. Between the bases of the tentacular arms, and from a somewhat ventral point, pro- ceeds in an anterior direction, a large and very remarkable prominence (fig. 4. 5. &c. c) situ- ated longitudinally, which has the form of an oblong thick disk or shield, one surface of which (the dorsal surface) is in the middle grown together with the anterior end of the body, while the ventral surface is free and bordered by a rather thicker raised ridge, distinct from the adjacent parts. The form of this disk is, as above mentioned oval, or rather rounded pen- tagonal (see fig. 18. c) nearly half as long again as wide; the width about equal to that of the body at the beginning of the stomach. Its posterior border, which at once shews itself (see fig. 5) separated by a deep constriction from the part of the body lying behind it, is in the middle slightly incurved (fig. 18). The side borders are, a little in front of the middle, strongly, almost angularly bent, and then converge strongly towards the anterior freely projec- ting extremity, which is narrowed obtusely. The whole disk is everywhere, and especially distinctly on the edges, thickly covered with small vibratory cilia. Allmann, who also mentions this prominence, but without having gained a correct notion of its form and connexion with the other parts, says of it that one might take it for a large x and peculiarly developed Epi- stome, if its position on the ventral side of the mouth, and not, as in the fresh-water Polyzoa, between the mouth and the anus, did not oppose such a supposition. Allman supposes thus that the mouth in the Rhabdopleura, in analogy with the other Polyzoa, is terminal, and situ- ated above, or on the dorsal side of this prominence, between it and the anus. Such is how- ever not the case. The anterior extremity of the body above the prominence described is completely closed without any trace of aperture (see fig. 16). On the other hand I have by gently compressing the animal, been able distinctly to see (see fig. 15) that the bucal aper- ture (q) is situated just on the ventral or haemal side behind that prominence, and seems to have the form of a cross slit, which is bordered behind by an oval lobe (m.) furnished with vibratory cilia like a sort of underlip. By increased pressure the bucal shield could be moved more out from the base of the tentacular arms; and it appeared then everywhere very dis- tinctly constricted from the rest of the body, and in the middle of the dorsal surface, fixed to the body by a sort of short stalk, while the upper and the lower part were free. Further it was observed that on each side of the bucal shield there extended, from the base of the tentacular arms downwards, a strongly projecting nearly semilunar .border of thin skin (1) ciliated on its edges, so that between this and the bucal shield there is formed, on each side, a narrow half-tube or channel leading to the bucal aperture, and through which the nourish- ment is probably conveyed to the mouth by the abundantly ciliated tentacles. Since, as above stated, the said bucal shield is really situated between the mouth and the anus, I think we. may consider it as morphologically answering to the so-called Epistome in the fresh-water Polyzoa. Its enormous development in the present instance seems however to indicate that it must have a very peculiar and important function in the economy of this animal. My ob- servations on the living animal have also guided me to a decided opinion, to which, however strange it may appear, I have been forced again and again to return, and which I therefore must retain: namely that the animal uses this bucal shield (according to my observations), as a sort of erc<'i>i)i>/ means of ich'-li it can. drntc -itxrjf up to the aperture of its tube. Since, as above stated, both Endocyst and all muscles of protrusion are wanting, it is in rea- lity quite inexplicable how the Polypide, which is often found drawn back, not only to the bottom of the free cell, but even partially into the corresponding chamber of the creeping stem, (see fig. 10) should be able in any other manner to get forward again so far as to the aperture of the cell. It might perhaps be supposed that this could be effected by means of the elasticity of the contractile cord; but I have convinced myself that such is not the case, by cutting through the contractile cord at its base; the Polypide has continued undisturbed its slow protrusion, and has also at length really reached the opening of the cell without any remarkable change. The direct observations made on the uninjured animal have also con- firmed me in the view expressed above. It will be seen (see fig. 14) that during the slow protrusion of the Polypide (which often lasts for hours) the bucal shield is always in imme- diate contact with the wall of the tube, the whole of its ventral side being closely pressed up against the same; it retains this position unchanged as long as the protrusion lasts; and the protrusion does not stop until the whole length of the bucal shield is extended out- side of the aperture of the cell; then the Polypide is completely expanded. On examining more closely this bucal shield (see fig. 4) we observe in the middle of it an opaque part which seems to contain an interior glandular organ. Continuing the investigation, and slightly pressing the animal, we notice however (fig. 18) that this opaque appearance is not produced by any such internal organ, but by a peculiar and seemingly muscular structure of the sub- stance of the shield itself. It exhibits, seen from below, in the middle numerous small bub- bles situated rather far from each other, or somewhat irregularly formed small cells, which however when more closely examined (and this is particularly evident in those which lie nearer to the periphery of the disc) shew themselves to be .the external rounded extremities of small inwardly prolonged cylinders, which together appear to form a thick fascicle of incompletely differenced muscular fibres penetrating into the stalk of the bucal shield. The animal rs. with the aforesaid exception of the stomach and the intestine, which are opaque yellow, colorless and transparent. The tentacular arms, and the tentacles, as also the anterior part of the body before the stomach, are covered with numerous very small irre- gularly shaped intensely dark violet spots of coloring matter which also occur on the bucal shield, and expecially on its anterior freely projecting extremity, where they are very close together, forming a large roundish dark spot. In specimens in spirits all these parts are 10 dark reddish brown, which probably arises from the diffusion of the dark coloring matter produced by the spirit. The Contractile Cord. As above stated, the Polypide is without any sort of attachment to the cell, in which it lies quite free. But it is attached by means of a long and thin fleshy cord to the axial cord which runs through the creeping part of the Polyzoarium or stem. The attachment does not take place immediately at the bottom of the free cell, but at the bottom of the corre- sponding chamber of the creeping stem, close to the transversal septum which divides the chamber from the next preceding (fig. 10 & 11). This cord, issuing from the body of the Polypide (tig. 3. 5. 10 &c. h) is of very considerable length; as, when the Polypide is expan- ded, it extends not only through the whole length of the cell, but also through the corre- sponding chamber of the stem. The cord is however very thin, filiform, when fully extended 5 or 6 times less than the caliber of the cell, and 4 times thinner than the stomach. It is of cylindrical form, and lies quite free without being attached at any point to the wall of the cell; but it is nearer to the one side (the ventral) than to the other. Along all one (the dorsal) side it is covered with the same sort of small dark violet spots of coloring matter as the anterior part of the body, the tentacular arms &c., but is otherwise quite colorless and transparent, and is of a soft fieshy consistency. It shews on closer inspection (see fig. 7) in a part of its substance, an extremely fine fibrous structure of fine parallel longitudinal lines and less sharply marked transverse lines; but in the dorsal part these fibres are entirely wanting; and the structure of this part seems to be cellular, and its edge appears somewhat irregularly wavy. With regard to its attachment to the Polypide, this does not take place at the bottom of the stomach, but rather high up on the ventral side where it seems to go over into the thin skin which encloses the digestive apparatus. Its ventral fibrous part may still be traced (see fig. 15) to a considerable distance forward, in the form of a rather wide clear skin-border which gradually disappears in front of the Cardia. In this skin-border, the fine longitudinal fibres may still be distinctly observed diverging like radii; but I was not able to trace their course further. The posterior end, which as beforesaid is attached to the Axial cord at the bottom of the chamber in the stem which corresponds to the cell, is (fig. 6) somwhat enlarged; .and all through of a very distinctly marked cellular structure, without any evident fibre. In spirit specimens, the contractile cord shews itself often irregularly thickened in particular places, and is also thus represented in Allman's figures; but this appears to be only a result of the action of the spirit. In living exemplars I have always found it, whether fully extended or contracted, of a cylindrical form. When the Po- lypide, as is frequently the case, is very strongly retracted, not only to the bottom of the free cell, but also partly in the corresponding chamber of the stem, the contractile cord is always spirally convolved, so that the coils are closer or looser, accordingly as the retrac- tion is stronger or weaker (see fig. 10). Also when, after severing the contractile cord 11 at its base, we take the animal out of its cell (fig. 5), the cord always convolves itself in spiral coils. Allman has considered this contractile cord as corresponding with the socalled funi- culus in the ordinary Polyzoa ; although it is not as in these, attached to the end of the stomach (the terminal caecum), but on the ventral side of the Polypide's body (Allman has represented it erroneously as attached near the end, on the dorsal side). Moreover Allman indicates that this funiculus is accompanied by a long fascicle of muscular fibres attached to the chitinous cord (axial cord) at the point where the funiculus is joined to the same; and that at the point where the funiculus is joined to the animal's body, this muscular fascicle divides itself in 2 bands, of which one goes along the right side, and the other along the left side of the body, finally attaching themselves, each on its own side, to the Pharynx below the Lopho- phorus. These fibres form, according to Allman, the great retractor muscles of the Polypide. This representation, which in fact only depends on spirit specimens, does not, as may be seen, agree with what I have had occasion to observe in our northern species, in which the fascicle of muscles (if one really may venture to use this appellation here) is everywhere, as an integral part, intimately connected with the contractile cord, and is produced only by a peculiar modification of its tissue on the ventral side. Special retractor muscles cannot there- fore, any more than other muscles, be said to be distinguished in the Rhabdopleura. The Axial Cord (,.chitinous rod" Allman). Through all the creeping stem there extends, as already mentioned, a filiform cord very remarkable by its dark, nearly black color, and, unlike the contractile cord, to which it is about equal in thickness, only slightly flexible, and of a very hard chitine-like consis- tency. This cord (fig. 3. 9. 10. 11 &c. i) which we will call the axial cord, is freely extended in the hollow of the individual chambers into which the stem is divided, and only attached to the septa, which it perforates enlarging itself a little (fig. 11). In conformity with the rarely branched form of the stem, it is only now and then forked; and when this takes place, it is always at one of the septa. Otherwise it forms everywhere a cylindrical tube with very strong, almost horny walls, but always enclosing in its interior (see fig. 12) a soft cellular cord (s) of similar appearance to the contractile cord, and like it colorless and transparent with small dark violet spots of coloring matter, but scarcely "half so thick. This fine cellular marrow which extends through the whole length of the axial cord, seems entitled to be con- sidered as a sort of incompletely defined nervous trunk connecting all the individuals of the colony; as at each partition in the stem, it sends forth a branch which enters into the con- tractile cord of each respective individual animal; and the latter cord does also probably contain in its dorsal part the imperfectly developed elements of nerves. We may therefore herein observe the analogon of the so-called Colonial Nervous system (so strongly developed in the other marine Polyzoa) and specially in the marrow of the axial cord, the common main trunk of the whole colony. 12 Allman, wlio has drawn special attention to this peculiar chitinous axial cord, (which does not exist in any of the known Polyzoa), and has precisely derived from it his generic appellation, calls it a ,,Blastophore" being of opinion that it is destined to bear the so-called Statoblasts, which he represents as projecting from the posterior part of the contractile cord. I regret that I cannot, from my own experience, give any decided opinion as to the axial cord having likewise this destination, because I have not been able to observe the formation of these so-called Statoblasts. Vital Phenomena. The animal, unlike the other Polyzoa, is very slightly sensitive, and is not much af- fected by -having its tentacles or body touched. If the irritation is strong, it draws itself, but only very slowly, and usually only a little way, back into its tube. This very slow and slug- gish retraction, which may last a very long time before it ceases, contrasts strongly with the extraordinary, almost lightning-like, rapidity with which the retraction takes place in the other Polyzoa, and is evidently accounted for by the want of special retractor-muscles, and by the slightly developed contractile elements, not distinguishable as evident muscular fibres, in the contractile cord, the only instrument by which the retraction of the animal in the Ilhabdo- pleura is effected. The extension (protrusion) of the animal is yet far more tardy than the retraction ; the process is extremely slow and almost imperceptible; several hours may often elapse be- fore the animal progresses from the stem or bottom of the cell to the aperture of the latter. Neither do- we, as before remarked, find in the animal under consideration the slightest trace of any special muscles for such progression; since the Endocyst, and also the parietal and parieto-vaginal muscles connected with it are entirely wanting. The protrusion seems on the other hand, as already mentioned, to take place in a very peculiar, and in the highest degree remarkable manner, that is, solely by means of the enormously developed Epistome (Bucal shield) which the animal uses strange at this may sound, as a sort of creeping organ, like the foot, or creeping disc of the Gasteropods, to draw itself upwards little by little along the wall of the cell to the aperture. Occurrence. The Rhabdopleura mirabilis seems to be a genuine deep-sea product, which I have never found at a less depth than 100 fathoms; but it is probably to be found extensively at greater depths, where it appears to be more and more plentiful. I have hitherto only found it in Lofoten, where it is not uncommon, in soft clay bottom, at depths of 100 to 300 fathoms. As the Polyzoarium is both very small and entirely colorless, it is rather difficult to discover. Its presence is however easily detected by stirring the washed mud in a fine sieve with a feather or another instrument, when irregular fibres will be noticed therein. These fibres, covered with particles of mud, Rhizopod-shells and fragments of mussel-shells, will prove to 13 be the creeping stem, whereon by closer investigation there will be discovered the small transparent perpendicularly projecting cells. One seldom, however, succeeds in raising these colonies entire; they are most frequently broken into several pieces by the dredging operation itself, or in washing out the mud. Characteristics of Genus and Species. We may, according to the preceding ^description, characterise the Genus Rhabdopleura in the following manner. Gen. Rhabdopleura. Allman. Polyzoarium tubum form an s tenuem, flexibilem, cylindricum, chitinosum hyalinum ex stirpe compositum repente intus septis transversis in cameras plures discretas divisa quarum utraque in cellulam cylindricam plus minusve liberam et erectam stirpe vix angustiorem sub- tiliter annulatam vel plicis acutis circularibus dense ornatam, oriticio simplice circular! termi- natam exit. Stirps in tota longitudine chorda chitinosa, obscura, tenui, cylindrica, rigida, pulpa vero molli cellulosa impleta trajecta. Polypidcs nullo endocysto vel pallio parietibus cellularum connexi, sed modo funiculo en nt rartili, tenui et carnoso chordae stirpis chitinosaa affixi, corpore forma elongato-ovata, ex- tremitate anteriore paulo dilatata et in ramos divisa duos cylindricos et attenuates supra vergentes et a se divergentes, quibus series duplex tentaculorum flexuosorum affixa est. Se- ries tentaculorum minime continua sed et supra et infra intervallo distincto interrupta, quare nulla adest corona tentaculorum vel lophophorus proprie dictu sed modo duo rami tcntacut/fcr/ raldc flcxibiles. Inter bases horum ramorum iuferne adest prominentia magua carnosa scuti- formis ovalis vel subpentagonalis pedicello brevi et crasso affixa facie inferiore subplana ex- tremitate antica libere prominente attenuato-truncata, inferiore corpori incumbente medio leviter emarginato superficie ubique dense ciliata. ()riflcinm oris subventrale, transversum pone prominentiam scutiformem situm, postice lobo rotundato ciliato limitatum. (Esophagus breyis et spatiosus constrictione distincta a ventriculo sejunctus; ventriciilus simplex subteres, postice attenuatus et sine tine, ansam sub- itam formans in intestinum transiens; infest in urn antice porrectum tenue cylindricum lateri dorsali ventriculi et oesophagi incumbens, orificio anali circular! ad basin ramorum tentaculi- ferorum supine sito. Tractus intestinalis, vel corpus proprium polypidis, minime nudus, sed cuticula distincta, tenui, hyalina circumcirca arete circumdatus. Musculi adsunt nulli distincti, neque retractores, neque protractores. Retractio Poly- pidis solummodo funiculo contractili etfecta; protnisio singular! modo prominentia effici videtur scutiformi praeorali, at modum solese gasteropodum. Et retractio et protrusio polypidis seg- nissima. Spec. Rhabdopleura mirabilis. (M. Sars). Polyzoarium irregulariter flexuosum sed raro modo et parce ramosum, stirpe corporibus 14 alienis modo ex parte adhserente ubique particulis alienis vel quisquiliis dense obducta, cel- lulis vero nudis in tota longitudine liberis perpendiculariter ascendentibus, vario modo flexu- osis, valde elongatis (15ies iGics circiter longioribus quam latioribus) stirpe vix angustioribus. Habitat ad insulas Lofotenses in profunditate 100300 orgyarum fundo limoso, non infrequens. Development. I have unfortunately not been able to make any observations on the development of the living animal, in which I have also in vain sought for the organs of generation. It was only by critically passing in review the specimens which I had brought home one by one, that my Father at last succeeded in discovering in the creeping stem a couple of polypides in course of formation. Allman has however been more successful, and has even found in the specimen of the Rh. normanni examined by him, a whole series of developments, which is of great interest. I can therefore only add very little to Allman's communications on this subject. Both of the buds observed by me (fig. 20 x.y.) had their place in separate, every- where closed chambers of the creeping stem, without these chambers having as yet prolonged themselves into any cell, and like the developed polypides, appeared here attached to the axial cord near the bottom of the chambers at a short distance from the transversal septum. The youngest of the buds (fig. 20 x. fig. 21) corresponds approximately with the youngest stadium observed by Allman; as only 2 parts were to be distinguished, a short stalk and an enlarged terminal part, which had not however the form indicated by Allman of 2 compressed valvules, but of a wide scutiform slightly curved plate (see fig. 21). The stalk (h) which is strongly, almost globularly enlarged, is continued for some distance along the concave side of the scutiform plate mentioned; but this continuation, which is not visible from one (the ventral) side, is by an evident instriction separated from the proper stalk, and represents the groundwork of the Polypide's real body, whence as well the tentacular arms as the digestive system are afterwards developed. The other bud (fig. 20 y. fig. 22, 23 & 24) will about an- swer to the stadium delineated by Allman 1. c. fig. 6. The peculiar scutiform part (c) has also here the form of a wide evenly curved plate, which already has assumed a somewhat pentagonal form, and completely covers on one side the still only slightly developed real body, from which however there project in front 2 tentacular processes (d. d.) extending beyond the border of the shield, and slightly crenulated at the edges, representing the tentacular arms; the stalk (h), which represents the contractile cord, has lengthened itself considerably (see fig. 23.), and its anterior part (fig. 24. h) forms a strong enlargement, marked with evi- dent traces of the spots of dark violet coloring-matter peculiar to the adult animal. The real body was, as stated, still very slightly developed, and appeared only as a small rounded part projecting dorsally between that enlarged part of the stalk and the basis of the tenta- cular arms; on the ventral side, or that which turned towards the concave surface of the scutiform plate, it was in the middle, and to a small extent, united to the same by growth; 15 and behind this union there appeared already an evident incurvation or incision in the body of the Polypide as the first indication of the bucal orifice. That the large scutiform plate is the homologon of the bucal shield in the fully developed Polypide is sufficiently evident, both from its position relatively to the animal's body and from its shape. Allman has also recog- nised this; however when he assimilates this plate in the Rhabdopleura-buds with the mantle lobes of the Lamellibranchiata, the notion seems to me very hazardous and difficult to esta- blish. In any case, the early appearance and enormous development of this part in the buds of the Rhabdopleura, are extremely remarkable. Allman has guided especially by the mode of development in the Rhabdopleura come to the conclusion that the Polyzoa are not, as was formerly imagined, most nearly related to the Brachiopods, but to the Lamellibranchiata, and gives 1. c. some schematic figures, in order to represent more evidently the agreement of the Rhabdopleura-buds with a Lamellibranch. Allman however presupposes, as taken for granted, that the Rhabdopleura is furnished with an endocyst of the same nature as the other Polyzoa, which, as above stated, is not the case; as also his conception of the bucal shield seems to be inaccurate. As will be seen in the sequel, my Father has acquired a very different notion with regard to the relationship of the Polyzoa; for guided by the organisation of their lowest represen- tative, the Rhabdopleura, he has arrived at the surprising conclusion that the Polyzoa in all probability have taken their origin from the Coelenterates, namely the Hydrozoa. Like Allman, I sometimes found in the middle of the stem of the polyzoarium indi- vidual chambers which, without containing any bud in process of formation, were quite closed and not continued into any cell (see fig. 13). The interior wall of these chambers was always of very dark horn-brown color, and so little transparent that the axial cord, also here running in the middle, was but dimly discernible through the wall. This dark color was particularly intense at one of the ends, and appeared to proceed from the axial cord fixed in the middle of the septa, and here somewhat enlarged. Its exterior horny substance seemed to be directly continued into the adjacent chamber of the stem. Allman considers these closed chambers, wherein he has thought to perceive a stratum of large polygonal cells, of which however I have not been able to observe the slightest trace in any that I have examined, as Statoblasts, and thinks that they are formed by the posterior enlarged part of the contractile cord. This seems to me however to be far from probable, at least in reference to the closed chambers examined by me; for they looked far more like remains of old cells decayed, owing to the destruction of the Polypide, as is found to be the case with other Polyzoa in the oldest part of the polyzoarium. Concluding Remarks. It will be seen from the foregoing description that the Genus Rhabdopleura differs in nearly all essential points from the ordinary Polyzoa, far more than Allman seems to have conceived. If we compare what is here communicated with the chief points which have been 16 briefly enumerated by various authors, for instance Allman, Hyatt &c. others, as characteri- stics of the Polyzoa in general, and which therefore are considered as essential marks most intimately connected with the idea Polyzoa, the anomaly of this form becomes so striking, as finally even to justify a doubt as to whether it really can be referred to the class of Polyzoa. First and foremost stands the want of a so-called Endocyst or Mantle, which sharply distin- guishes this form from all other known Polyzoa, all of which possess such an appendage. This Mantle is so essential a component part of a Polyzoon that it is difficult to imagine one without it. One would rather imagine the Ectocyst wanting, as this plays a far less important part in the economy of the animal, generally remaining passive, and properly only serving as a protection for the soft animal. The Mantle is likewise a characteristic for the Tunicates and the Brachiopods, which two classes have also been united by M. Edwards with the class Polyzoa, under the common appellation of Molluscoidse (Hackels Himatega or Mantle-animals). Next, and as a consequence of the absence of a real Endocyst, the retraction and protrusion of the animal in the Rhabdopleura are effected in a manner totally different from that of the genuine Polyzoa: it moves up and down in its cell without being attached to the opening, not by imagination and ecntjination of the anterior part of the cell, and not l>y wend sets of special separate muscles. The following remarks on the affinity of Rhabdopleura are from my Father's manu- script notes: ,,The Rhabdopleura shews in many respects an unmistakable resemblance to certain Hydrozoa. Just as in these, the individual animals are not attached to the anterior part of the cells (in the Polyzoa the anterior involved part of the Endocyst is attached all round to the basis of the tentacular corona); the cells are therefore open, filled (not with the so-called perigastric liquid, but) with the sea-water entering from without; and the aperture of the cell is of a defined and invariable shape (while the cells of the Polyzoa are always closed by the attachment of the Endocyst to the basis of the tentacular Corona, and have therefore no proper opening; for what is called aperture is nothing more than the part of the cell through which the animal passes in and out)." ,,Moreover, the retraction of the animal, effected in the Rhabdopleura by means of tie roitfraelilc cord, at the end of which the animal is suspended, coincides essentially with that of theHydrozoa in which the part corresponding to that cord (,,the fieshy stalk or axis' : , .,the intestinal canal" (Loven), ,,the branched or unbranched Coenenchym, on which the individual animals are situated, and which is perforated by a canal-like continuation of the abdominal cavity of the individual animals") is indeed usually less free (often in many places attached to the wall of the cell) and possesses a less degree of contractility than in the Rhabdopleura. but yet in some genera, f. ex. Grammaria, also nearly approaches the Rhabdopleura in these respects. On the contrary, the Protrusion in the Rhabdopleura is effected in a peculiar man- ner, and different from that of either Polyzoa or Hydrozoa, namely by a sort of crecpinf/, executed by the preoral prominence (bucal shield) which appears to answer to the Epistome in the other Polyzoa, although in these it must have an entirely different function.'' 17 ,,0n the other hand, the highly developed digestive system, the presence of an anus, the juxtaposition of the mouth and anus, and finally the bilateral Lophophore, are all characters pe- culiar to the Polyzoa, and entirely foreign to the Hydrozoa, ,.It is clear that we have under observation in the Rhabdopleura, a form of animal life which stands as it were in the middle between the Hydrozoa and Polyzoa, or forms a tran- sition from one to the other; one of those ,,perplexing forms" which will not fit rightly any- where in the systems of zoologists. ,,When finally, and as the object of the whole investigation, we will give account of our conception of the Rhabdopleura, and decide on the class to which we will refer it, our opinion is that these questions, like so many others, can only be properly answered through the medium of the Darwinian theory. ,,The Rhabdopleura is undoubtedly, like many other animals which at present inhabit the greater depths of the sea, and with some of which we have in the latter times become acquainted, a ccnj old form, which in its organisation has still retained several features from the time when the animal type that we call Polyzoa first developed itself from a lower type. ,,The Polyzoa, which most authors agree in referring to the main type or trunk (phylon) of the Molluscs are usually supposed, among the other animal types, to shew the greatest affinity with the Vcrmes; and they are even considered by many zoologists as not being mol- luscs at all, but as genuine worms. Their affinity to worms has however not been demon- strated by any evidence, and distinct transition-forms between the two are not known. The Rhabdopleura shews now evidently that the Polyzoa are not most closely related to the worm- type, but to the type of the coelent crates, and especially to the class of Hydrosoa. The Po- lyzoa have already in the earliest primordial times (for fossil remains of them are found in the lowest Silurian formations) developed themselves from the Hydrozoa by transmutation. We have in the Rhabdopleura manifestly such a form of Polyzoa in course of development out of a form of Hydrozoa. The changes which must take place in order that a Hydrozoon can be transmuted into a Polyzoon consist in the following points. In stead of the simple abdo- minal cavity of the Hydrozoa, with a single aperture which functions as both mouth and anus, there is formed an intestinal canal with special walls, dividing itself into 3 sections: gullet, stomach and intestine, which last ascends alongside of the stomach and gullet, terminating with an exterior aperture or anus in the vicinity of the mouth. This formation is completed in the Rhabdopleura, but no more. The following phases of this development which consist in the formation of a wide sack-like contractile Endocyst or mantle, which in its anterior part is detached from the Ectocyst or cell, involved in itself (invagination) and attached round about the basis of the tentacular Corona, (formation of the tentacular sheath, vagina) whereby the animal that formerly was free in its cell now becomes attached to the anterior part of the cell, and the << Duplicated system of special retractor and protractor muscles, all these muta- tions have not yet taken place in the Rhabdopleura. This animal has thus remained statio- nary in the first stage of development from a Hydrozoon to a Polyzoon, but must nevertheless 3 18 be considered as belonging to the type (trunk) of the Polyzoa, since the accomplished de- velopment of its completely organised digestive system, which is so entirely foreign to the Hydrozoa, sufficiently stamps it as a Polyzoon. ,,Finally we remark that it may appear strange that the Rhabdopleura, which in all probability is of so ancient origin, should possess a similar, although modified, form of ten- tacular Corona (bilateral) to that which belongs to most fresh water Polyzoa (P. hippocrepia, Gervais, Phylactolaemata Allman) and which is usually considered as a more perfect formation than the circular (in P. infundibulata G). It is however possible, that the first is properly the original form, from which the latter has subsequently arisen. The fresh waters appear, as Hseckel lately has remarked, to contain the direct descendents of some of the eldest animal forms which, by reason of the less complicated accidents of the fresh waters, have often in the ,,struggle for life", only slightly altered their original more simple structure; as for instance: among the coelenterates, the Hydra; among the Rhizopods, the Actinrtylirya, Gromia an'd the shell-less Radiolari lately discovered by Focke; among the fish, the Ganoida &c. 2, Flustra abyssicola, M. Sars, nov. sp. (PL 2. fig. 2530). Of this remarkable deep-water species my Father had already elaborated a full de- scription, which I here quste as exactly as possible from his manuscript. The colony is similar to that of F. foliacea, forming an upright leaf-like stem, com- pressed from two sides (see fig. 26) (but less compressed or rather thicker than our other Norwegian species) sometimes undivided, but most frequently scantily branched (fig. 27) na- mely only once or twice bifurcate, with diverging branches all extended in the same, or nearly in the same plane, and gradually becoming much wider towards their extremity, which is truncated, straight, or but slightly curved. The undivided specimens are more linear, or of nearly the s'ame width everywhere, excepting in the top which gradually becomes wider. It is only loosely attached to extraneous bodies which lie at the bottom of the sea (small shells of conchiferae, Rhizopods, grains of sand &c.) by means of numerous very fine soft or membranous cylindrical hyaline root-fibres proceeding from the inferior extremity, and having their extreme points so attached. As it is rigid, not flexible, it is also brittle and easily broken, for which reason perfect specimens are difficult to obtain. The largest specimen found is 32 millimetres high; at the base 1V 2 millimetres wide; higher up 2 2V 2 , and at the end of the branches 5 millimetres wide. The thickness is everywhere the same, a little over Y 2 millimetre. Imperfect specimens were also found, the branches of which were 8 millimetres wide at the extremity. The cells, which form two parallel layers, attached back to back to each other (one on each of the two broad sides of the colony) are situated in straight longitudinal and oblique transverse rows, or in somewhat irregular quincunx (see fig. 25) as the regular arrangement is here and there interrupted by the intervening (interposite) avicularia, of which more here- after. At the inferior end of the stem there are a few (23) ; at the superior end, or at the extremity of the branches, there may be 8 16 cells in a transverse row. The narrow side- borders of the colony are formed (fig. 26) by two longitudinal rows of cells meeting at an obtuse angle, one row from each of the two broad sides or surfaces. The cells are of a membranous or parchment-like quality, of greyish brown color, and tolerably transparent, so that the glassy white animals are clearly seen through them (see fig. 28) about 1 millimetre long and l / 2 millimetre broad, that is larger than in our other Norwegian species. Their shape is elongated tongue-like, or similar to that of a bathing 3* 20 vessel; the superior or distal edge evenly rounded or curved; the proximal edge truncated, and both the side edges or partitions only slightly convex, often nearly straight, erect or prominent over the surface of the anterior side, which is flattened and smooth. These par- titions are calcareous, strongly marked, and shew themselves as narrow hands of nearly opaque white color. All formation of thorns or bristles is wanting on the cells. Close below their distal border lies the opening, in the form of a transversal half moon- or crescent-like fissure, the membranous lid of which sometimes appears raised, and in other cases closed. What is most remarkable in the present species is its avicularia: they are both in size and shape similar to the cells. On closer examination they appear (see fig. 25 a) to be about of the same width as the cells (sometimes, especially in the distal part, even a little wider) but always a good deal namely V 3 1 / 2 longer (or iy 3 iy 2 millimetre, long and V 2 millimetre wide) as their proximal part forms an acute angle, while they are otherwise exactly of the same shape as the cells. They are sparingly and pretty regularly or uniformly distributed over the whole colony; their number is therefore considerably (about 7 9 times) less than that of the cells. They appear always as a beginning to one of the two longitudinal rows, into which an elder row of cells resolves itself in its accrescence. The r>ik> occupies the whole of the anterior side of the avicularium, excepting the lately named lower part terminating in an acute angle, which is occupied by the reccpfacidum, or that part of the avicularium, or the special cell (if one prefers to call it so) which lies behind or below the articulation of the mandible, and encloses the muscular apparatus for the movement of the mandible. This articulation is formed by the distal extremity of the receptacle, a transversal straight line or border (one side of the triangle) whereon the basis of the mandible, which also forms a transversal straight line or border, is movably inserted. In dead colonies where the mandible has fallen off, there is found in the place where it had been attached, namely close above the articulation, an eliptical cavity in a longitudinal direction occupying nearly V 3 of the length of the avicularium, as also instead of the receptaculum there is a large triangular cavity corresponding to its outline. The anterior side of the receptacle is flattened, but the anterior side of the proper avicularium is evenly convex or vaulted, and projects therefore considerably over the surface of the colony formed by the cells. This convexity is caused only by the mandible, which when lowered, exactly and closely covers the proper avicularium or cell ; but when the mandible is raised, it shews itself to be entirely coincident with the cell, having the same size and shape, namely the anterior side flattened, the distal edge curved, the proximal truncated, and both the side-borders (partitions) projecting and calcareous like small white stripes. From what is already stated it will appear that the mandible in the F. abyssicola, is, like the cells, of an elongated tongue-shape, but with convex or vaulted exterior surface (the anterior side). Its opposite or interior surface is on the contrary strongly concave ; and consequently the mandible is somewhat thin, and resembles the bmvl of a spoon. 21 On closer examination the mandible appears (fig. 3D) to consist of a middle-part occu- pying the whole of its length, the proper mandible, and two side parts. The middle part is in the whole of its length slightly and evenly curved inwards; in its lower or basal part, thicker; and upwards, or towards the free end, gradually thinner being a strong or hard chitinous plate of narrow lancet-like shape pointed at the extremity, truncated at the basis and forming a transversal straight line, or properly a thickened stripe with which the mandible is movably inserted in the distal, likewise straight edge of the receptacle, and of which both the side- borders are slightly concave. These borders are of a horny-yellow color, and thickened or like fillets, particularly the basal border, while the side-borders become gradually thinner towards their superior part. Both the side-parts of the mandible are on the contrary extre- mely thin, membranous, somewhat soft and hyaline; they surround the sides of the middle part, and also its point like a broad brim, and their border is nearly straight or slightly convex, and at the extremity of the mandible where they join, evenly curved. After dessica- tioii the mandible retains its shape completely, its chitinous stripes retaining their horny- yellow color, and is distinguished from the nearly dull cells by its shining surface. The animal (the ,,Polypide" Allman) (fig. 28 b. fig. 30) is entirely colorless and trans- parent with slightly yellowish intestinal region; and the mouth is surrounded with a circle of 24 tentacles. On the slightest irritation, the animal withdraws itself as usual with the Polyzoa, rapidly, one might almost say quick as lightning, and with a jerk into its cell. The mandible of the avicularia is found extended in various positions: sometimes more or less obliquely upwards and outwards from the colony (see fig. 27. a. a.) sometimes straight out from it (fig. 26) and finally sometimes curved downwards or backwards (fig. 26. fig. 28 a.) The last position is the most usual-, when the animals of the colony are in a state of full undisturbed tranquility. In case of irritation the mandible is curved somewhat rapidly upward, and is laid close up to the cell of the avicularium which it then exactly covers (fig. 25. a.a.) The opening or extension of the mandible seems to take place still more rapidly and ener- getically than its closing. A loose colony, or one separated from its attachment, lying on the bottom of a vessel filled with sea water, was even observed to move a little way, or as it were to make a leap, by the combined effort of the mandibles of all the avicularia, as they, by rapidly and energetically opening themselves, and curving outward and downward, pressed against the bottom of the vessel. The present species, which occurs somewhat rarely in Lofoten at the depth of 120 fathoms (at Guldbrands0er) to 300 fathoms (at Skraaven) is distinguished, as has been shewn, from the hitherto known species ofFlustra, principally by its avicularia and especially by the great size and peculiar form of the mandible. The largest avicularia (and those most resembling the animals' cells) which are hitherto known, are found in the Flustra Barlei Busk (F. membranaceo-truncata Smitt). Where they are of Y 3 Va the size of the animals' cells, and in F. foliacea Linne, where they are nearly equal in size to the cells. Both these species have however a quadrangular receptacle, and 22 the mandible, which is of about the. same size as the receptacle, or about half the length of the avicularium is in the form of a crescent. The avicularia in the F. abyssicola are still larger than in any of these species, being Vs Va longer than the cells, to which they are also similar in form, excepting that their proximal end is pointed, and the receptacle thus triangular. Lastly the mandible is much larger than in those species, namely of the length and breadth of the cells and of an entirely pe- culiar form, not like a half moon but like a spoon. The only form resembling that here described which I have been able to find noticed by the authors with whom I am acquainted as having written on the subject of Polyzoa, is one described and delineated by Busk under the name of Eschara Platalea (Catalogue of the Polyzoa in the British Museum p. 90, tab. 105 fig. 1 3). It resembles a spoon with a short narrower handle, but is without any such thick- ened chitinous lancet-shaped middle-plate as is found in our Flustra abyssicola, representing the body of the proper mandible which has here, while the avicularium is still an organ co-ordinate with the cells of the colony already assumed a strongly elongated triangular form, and also in its whole length is somewhat curved. The question as to the proper significance of the avicularia seems, in the preseiit species more than in any other to find its solution. They shew themselves here most evi- dently homologous with the individual animals themselves (the cell and the Polypide therein contained) they are only modifications or reconstructions of the same, destined chiefly for the defence of the colony, and perhaps also in some degree for its support, by retaining the animals of which the more or less decomposed parts may serve as food for the individual members (the Polypides). The Flustra abyssicola is evidently one of the oldest now living forms of Polyzoa, which seems like the Rhabdopleura to be much spread in the great depths of the Ocean. The new species may be recognised by the following diagnosis. Flustra abyssicola. M. Sars. Colonia in stirpis formam frondosa fusco-cinerea, subpellucida, rigida, radicata, parce, ramosa, ramis truncatis. Zoooecia utramque paginam stirpis tegentia, elongato-linguiforma setis carentia. Avicularia longitudinem zoooeciorum superantia, eorumque formam referentia sed inferne acuminata, inde receptaculum triangulare; mandibula magnitudinem zoooeciorum aequans, cochleariformis, e parte media longitudinal! dura crassiore lanceolata (mandibula propria) marginibus fusco-luteis et utrinque parte lateral! membranacea tenuissima molli con- stans. Oooecia desunt. Animalia hyalina ore tentaculis 24 cincto. Habitat rarior ad insulas Lofoten profunditate 120 300 orgy arum. C o n c h. i f e i* a. 3. Yoldia obtusa, M, Sars, (PI. 3 fig. 1620). Yoldia abyssicola. M. Sars. ,,Christiania Vid.-Selskabs Forhandlinger" for 1858 p. 86. This very distinct species, first discovered by M r Conservator Keren in the Herl0fjord near Bergen at a depth of 300 fathoms, is also one of those peculiar animal forms which we certainly only know from the superior limit for their occurrence; while in all probability it exists very extensively in the greater depths of the Ocean. My father thought it expedient to change the previously used appellation abyssicola and to substitute the above, in order to avoid confusion with the very different arctic variety of the Yoldia pygmsea Minister, to which the same name abyssicola had been given by Torell. 1 The Shell (fig. 16, 17) which in the largest specimens has a length of 13 millimetres, is somewhat strongly compressed from the sides, very thin and fragile, and of a broad elip- tical form; its length is nearly* twice the height; and its thickness is considerably (nearly V 2 ) less than the height. The sides are very inequal ; as the umbones, which are small and slightly prominent, are situated far in front, at the limit of the anterior third part of the length of the shell. Anteriorly the shell is narrowly rounded, but posteriorly widened little by little, and at last almost abruptly truncated. The ventral border forms in its anterior part, together with the anterior border, a perfectly even curve; while further back it is more horizontal, going over, with a very strong and sudden curve, into the posterior border, which is nearly straight and perpendicular. The dorsal border is, in front of the umbones, somewhat in- clined downward, going evenly over into the anterior edges ; but behind the umbones it is quite straight and horizontal, forming with the posterior border a very strong nearly angular curve. The shell is externally quite smooth, with extremely fine concentric lines of growth, and covered with a strongly shining yellow green epidermis; internally it is of a dull white color. The cartilage-groove is small and indistinctly defined, longitudinal, narrow, and not, 1 "Chr. Vid.-Selskabs Forhandlinger" for 1868. p. 256. 24 as in the other species, spoon-shaped. But there^is a very strongly developed external ligament of horn-brown color, projecting from the umbones, and extending half way between them and the posterior extremity. The cardinal teeth are numerous, but somewhat various in number. They are however always most numerous in the posterior part, where their number may even amount to 27. In the anterior part there are usually about 14 teeth. In 6 specimens, the following pro- portions were observed. Dentes anteriores 14 posteriores 24 14 22 11 18 13 19 14 27 15 27 Of the muscular impressions (see fig. 18) the posterior is largest, and of an oval- triangular form, and, like the anterior, situated high up under the border of the hinge. The ptillinl impression has towards its posterior part a deep rounded sinus, which extends nearly to the middle of the length of the shell. Very small specimens (fig. 20) of 5 millimetres in length, have the ventral border somewhat less curved, and the posterior border more straightly truncated. In such small specimens, the shell is quite transparent, so that the animal may be distinctly seen through the shell. The. animal is highly remarkable by the proportions of the siphons, of which the anal (a) is quite unusually long, namely more than the whole length of the shell, and usually more or less curved or crooked downward at the extremity; while the branchial (b) is particularly short, and scarcely projecting beyond the posterior border of the shell. Between the two there is observed a long filiform appendage (c) nearly of the same length as the anal siphon, doubtless a pallial tentacle. The foot (d) is of the usual shape in this Genus, forming at the extremity a widened creeping-disc, wliich consists as it were of 2 lobes and is crenulated at the edges. Above this in the middle of the body, the crescent-formed transversally placed gills (e) may be seen, and above these again a semi-circular dark line (f), curved towards the umbones, which is the intestinal canal filled with excrement. The present species seems to be widely diffused in the great depths off our coast. It was, as has been already stated, first discovered in the Herl0fjord near Bergen by M r . Con- servator Koren. L have myself found it pretty often in the great deeps at Lofoten, in 200 400 fathoms ; also in the Hardangerfjord, where it goes down to 500 fathoms, and lastly during my recent stay at Aalesund, in the so-called Brei-sunds deep in 200 fathoms. It occurs every where, like the other species of this Genus, only on a bottom of soft clay or mud. The species may be known by the following diagnosis. 25 Yoldia oMusa. M. Bars. Testa teuuissima, alba, laevis, perparum convexa, elliptica. maxinie inequilatera, antic e anguste rotundata, postice altior et rotundato-truncata, epidermide luteo-virente, nitida, con- centrice teuui-striata. Margo dorsalis posticus fere rectus, ventralis paruin arcuatus. Um- bones parvi. Fovea ligament! minuta longitudinalis ; ligamentura vero externum magnum et prominens. Denticuli cardinales parvi, antice 11 15 postice 18 27. Animal siphonibus disjunctis, anali perlongo et angusto, branchiali brevissimo prse- ditum; teutaculis pallialibus singulis valde elongatis filiformibus in vicinia siphonum. Longit. testae majorum 13 Mm., altit. 8 Mm., crassit. (valvarum ambarum) 5 Mm. Habitat ad oras Norvegise pluribus locis in prof. 200 500 orgyar. Of the species hitherto known it resembles most the Lcda obesa Stimpson (Shells of New England, p. 10. tab. 2. fig. 1.), but is more than twice as large (L. obesa is only 6 millimetres long) and has the posterior side both longer and higher; and lastly the cardinal teeth (which in the L. obesa are according to Stimpson, dent. ant. 10, post. 12,) are more numerous, viz. dent. ant. 11 15, post. 18 27. 4, Pecchiolia abyssicola, (M, Sars), (PI. 3. fig. 2143.) Lyonsiella abyxsicola. M. Sars. Vid.-Selskabs Forhandliuger for 1868 p. 257. This remarkable deep-sea form was first discovered by me at Lofoten, at the consi- derable depth of 300 fathoms, and was noted by my father 1. c. as a new genus and species under the denomination Lyonsidla al(i*i<-<>la. It has been subsequently rediscovered during the expeditions of the Porcupine, at still greater depths in the Atlantic Ocean, and referred by Jeffreys, the first and most thorough conchologist of our time, to the genus Pecchiolia, Meneghini (Verticordia, Searles Wood) of which we .have hitherto known only one single living species from the tropical oceans, and some few fossils from the chalk formations. The animal of the Pecchiolia has hitherto been entirely unknown; so that we have only had the exterior characters (the shell) to guide us in determining its systematic place, of which also different authors have had very different conceptions. The discovery of a living form of this genus in our northern ocean is therefore of great interest to us; as its proper place in the system can thereby be ascertained with greater accuracy. In preparing the following description, I have had rather detailed notes of my Father to consult. 4 ///. xhtll has (see fig. 21) by its very inequilateral form, at first glance some resem- blance to the shell of the genus Crenella. Brown, but differs from it, as will hereafter appear, in many essential points. It is in the largest specimens 5 millimetres long. 4 millimetres high in the posterior part and 3 mill, in the anterior part, the thickness across both valves together 3 mill. It is however .often smaller 34 mill. long. The xhripr is rhomboidal or oval-trapezoidal, inflated, the posterior part somewhat compressed, the middle part extending from the umbones to the posterior ventral corner (or diagonally) strongly convex. The anterior extremity is narrowly rounded, much lower (by nearly half) than the posterior extremity which is vertically truncated and nearly straight, sometimes even slightly incurved in the middle and with rounded corners. The dorsal and ventral borders are like- wise nearly straight and parallel, or only slightly convex, and form a right angle with the posterior border, but with rounded corners. The umbones lie quite in front, so that the anterior extremity of the shell only advances a very little beyond them, and near to each other (sub- contigui); they are (see fig. 24) 'strongly projecting forwards and inwards and somewhat spi- rally involved.- There are no evident lunula. The right valve (fig. 25) is a very little larger than the left (tig. 26) especially in the posterior part, so that both its dorsal and ventral borders project a little beyond those of the left valve, and are curved a little outwards round the latter (see fig. 21 & 23). In other respects the valves close accurately without gaping at any point and tin- edges of the shell are everywhere smooth, not dentated. The shell is of tolerably thin and fragile consistency; whitish and somewhat trans- parent, the exterior surface having only a slight or dull polish; the interior surface brighter, with a weak mother-of-pearl-like iridescent lustre. Its outer surface, where there appears to be a very thin hyaline epidermis (covered with strongly agglutinated fine grains of sand) which how r ever cannot be detached from the shell, is, like that of the genus Lyonsia, radiately striped with fine raised smooth lines distant from each other and in number 1G 20 running from the umbones to the edge. The intervals between these radiating lines are extremely finely punctuated; and the points appear under the microscope (fig. 29. 30) to be somewhat projecting small cylindrical or truncated conical processes in radial rows, 68 rows in each interval. The lines of growth are extremely fine and close, parallel with the edge and difficult to perceive. The interior surface of the shell is smooth, and shews (see fig. 25 A: 20) 2 roundish or somewhat oval slight adductor-impressions, the anterior one very distinct and situated near the middle of the anterior edge; the posterior one, less evident and situated close under the posterior superior corner. The impression of the mantle-edge (the mantle-line) is simple without any sinus. The khnjc is without teeth; the ligament internal, situated in a somewhat oblique longitudinal groove near the dorsal edge of each valve, and containing, as in the Lyonsia, a small opaque-white free movable ossicle (fig. 26. 27. 28 a) which lies longitudinally under 2? the hinge, and is oblong (the length being about double the width) convex below, flat-concave above, truncated at both extremities, and here somewhat hollowed out. The animal (fig. 31) has both lobes of the mantle grown together, with exception of an aperture for the foot, and 2 siphonal apertures. The aperture for the foot is (see fig. 35) situated a little before the middle of the animal's length, and is elliptical (in the direction of the animal's axis) with continuous edge, occupying about V 3 of the animal's length. The siphonal apertures are circular, sub-sessile; the branchial (fig. 31 b) not at all prominent, the anal (a) only a little prominent like a short conical tube. The branchial siphonal aperture (fig. 36. 39 b) is large, and its edge surrounded by a circle of 12 propor- tionally lurge, couically tapering, or awl-shaped tentacles (ibid. t. t.). These tentacles are (see fig. 40) pinnate, or show on each side 45 short blunt lateral branches, which like the., whole outermost narrower or tapered part of the tentacles are covered with small prolonged awl-shaped soft papillae (fig. 41). The anal siphonal aperture (tig. 36, 39 a) is small, scarcely half as hirge as the bran- chial, and without tentacles; but the siphon itself is (see fig. 32) everywhere thickly covered with fine taper-pointed papillge, (fig. 34). Its aperture, as could be clearly seen in living specimens, is not perfectly round, but rather heart-shaped (fig. 33) the lower wall of the siphon being somewhat incurved in the middle. A row of 16 small papillge (Y 2 V 3 of the size of the branchial tentacles) which are simply conical, forms round both siphons or along the posterior edge of the mantle, an oval border elevated in the direction of the animal's height (fig. 36. 39 xx). The body (fig. 37. 39. 42) is roundish or trapezoidal, strongly inflated and of white color. The foot which is also white, proceeds (fig. 42 d) from, or a little before, the middle of the ventral side of the body; it is shaped, as it were, like a knee at the base, forming nearly a right angle with the body, and is otherwise extended forwards ; it is slender, cylindro- conical, slightly compressed at the sides and rounded at the extremity. It is, when contrac- ted, scarcely half as long as the animal, but has, when extended in the living state (fig. 31. d) a length nearly equal to that of the animal itself. On its ventral side near the basis, it has a slight medial longitudinal groove, whence proceeds a long, but very thin lyssus, (fig. 35 i.) consisting of extremely fine parallel tendinous, or strongly transparent and colorless threads. About the anterior half of the dorsal side of the animal is occupied by a glandular mass which fills the hollow of the umbones of the shell, (in the individual examined, the ovary) (fig. 37 o.o.) and consists of tolerably large globular hyaline cseca or capsules (fig. 38) attached to a very short and slender cylindrical stem, and each of which has a globular or oval yellowish white egg enclosed in, but far from filling its cavity. In the smaller eggs the globular nucleus was very evident: in the larger, it had disappeared. Under the ovary lies the reddish brown liver. The gills, of which there is apparently only one on each side of the body (fig. 42 e) are light-brown, elongated, and curved nearly in a cresent-like form: in the posterior free 4* 28 extremity, shortly pointed; and this extremity does not extend nearly so far as to the siphons. They are, along their dorsal edge, connected with the body, and by a longitudinal groove divided in 2 parts (fig. 43) of which the upper is only about half as wide as the lower; both consist of numerous transverse lamellae. The palpa were not to be recognised: they appear to be obsolete or rudimentary. This remarkable shell occurs, somewhat rarely, in Lofoten at the depth of 120300 fathoms on clay bottom; likewise in the Hardangerfjord, where it has also been found by Danielsen at a depth of even 500 fathoms. Moreover it has been found at still greater depths in many places in the Atlantic ocean during the British expeditions (with the Porcupine). The Genus may accordingly be characterised as follows. Gen. Pecchiolia. Meneghini. Testa inaequivalvis, valva dextra majore, valde iimequilatera, ovata, rhombica, seu tra- pezoidea, tenuis inflata undique clausa intus submargaritacea. Umbones prorsus antice siti, tumidi prominentes, incurvati, antrorsum involuti subspirales. Cardo edentulus; ligamentum internum in fissura linear! cujusque valvai sub umbones situm et ossiculum continens oblon- gum planulatum testaceum mobile. Impressiones musculorum adductorum parvse rotundatse seu subovales, anterior bene distincta prope marginem anteriorum sita; posterior subobsoleta margini dorsali approximata; linea pallialis integra sinu nullo. Epidermis tenuissima parum distincta. Animal crassum, pallio occluso apertura oblonga ventral! subanteriore pro pede emit- tendo exc.epta. Siphones separati subsessiles; branchialis non prominens, amplus, margine tentaculis cinctus sat magnis utrinque pinnulatis papillisque numerosis subulatis obsitis; analis prominens angustior subconicus, margine integro (absque tentaculis). Margo posterior pallii siphones ambos cingens serie papillarum conicarum ornatus. Pes subcylindricus seu subulatus longus ad basin bysso longo tenuissimo ornatus. Branchiae elongato-subsemilunares utrinque apparent singulse, sed sulco longitudinal! in duas partes transverse plicatas inferiorem supe- riore fere duplo latiorem divisse. Spec. Pecchiolia abyssicola, M. Sars. Testa parva, alba, translucida, parum nitida, arenula tecta, striis radiantibus tenuissimis distantibus; intersticiis radiatim punctatis, antice rotundata, postice truncata, angulis posteri- oribus rotundatis marginibus Isevibus, dorsali et ventrali sub-parallelis. Longit. 5 mill. ; altit 4 mill.; crassit. (valvarum ambarum) 3 mill. Habitat ad insulas Lofotenses in prof. 120300 orgyar. fundo argillaceo arenoso, nee non in sinu Hardangerfjord usque ad 500 orgyas. Ceterum in magno abysso Ocean! Atlan- tic! a clariss. Jeffreys inventa. According to obliging communication from Jeffreys, the genus Pccdiiolia was established by Prof. Meneghini in ,,Revue et Magazin de Zoologie (Guerin M^neville) 2e. serie. T. TV. 29 1852. p. 578 (a work which I have not had occasion to .see). The type of this genus is Cham a argentea Mariti (1797) = Chanta? arietina Brocchi (1814) a Miocene fossil. The Synonyms of this genus are: Hippagus Phil, (non Lea) and Verticordia Searles Wood (Trigonulina cl'Orh). If we compare the characteristics noted by the different authors (e. gr. the Brothers Adams, Chenu, Woodward) for the above-named genera, we shall find some apparently very essential discrepancies, which justify the assumption that not all the forms thereto referred really belong together. This applies especially to the hinge, and also to the proportion be- tween the two valves, which the anthorities mentioned represent as equal, while in our nor- thern form they are evidently unequal. Both these points are, as is well known, usually re- garded as having generic significance. Jeffreys has however communicated to me that he looks on the typical form P. Argentea Mariti, and also P. acuticostata (Hippagus) Philippi l as undoubtedly belonging to the same genus as the northern form here described. With respect to the latter of these two species, Philippi states indeed like the other authors, that the shell is sequivalve; and further he does not mention the peculiar movable ossicle lying between the hinge-borders of both valves; but both these points may easily have escaped his attention, as he only had occasion to examine 2 single (left) valves. In the outline of the shell, our species has no great resemblance with the P. acuticostata Phil., which is roun- dish or heart-shaped with strongly projecting ribs and dentated edges. But it is more like the Verticordia parisiensis Deshayes 2 from the chalk at Grignon, and V. leana Desh. from the chalk 'at Monchy 8 , which are both oval (longitudinally); but the first has thin, yet pro- jecting ribs, and therefore dentated edges; the latter on the contrary has no ribs, and there- fore smooth edges like our northern species, which is distinguished from both by its rhom- boidal shape, and by the posterior nearly straight side or edge being much higher than the anterior rounded side. The animal of the Pecchiolia is, as above stated, hitherto unknown; for which reason it has been referred to various families, only according to the presumed similarity of the shells. The Brothers Adams, like Chenu, refer it to the family of the Trigonidaj; Philippi, to the family Carcliidae; Woodward 4 , to the family Cyprinidae. With regard to the shell of our species, it presents two characteristics namely that its valves are unequal (the right larger than the left) and that its ligament contains a loose ossicle, which are foreign to the above-named families, but exist in the family Anatinidee (incl. Pandoridse) to which it therefore appears to be referable; although its shell does* not, as in these, gape at both ends, nor has any external ligament. As to the animal, it agrees with the Anatinidaa in having both lobes of the mantle united, with only one opening below and in front for the foot, and the foot as in some of the Anatiniclse (Lyonsia) furnished at its basis with abyssus; but its Siphons Fauna Molluscorum regni utriusque Sicilian 2. |>ag. 42. tab. XIV. fig. 19. 2 Chenu. Manuel de Conchyliologie 1862. Vol. 2. fig. 340. 3 Ibidem, fig. 842. 4 Manual of the Mollusca I860, p 304. 30 are sub-sessile, while in most of the Anatinidse they are long; and only the branchial siphon is surrounded by tentacles, but not the anal ; while the openings for both siphons in the Ana- tinidffi are fringed, or furnished with tentacles. These differences appear however to be of secondary importance; and on that account the animal may be referred to this family. On the contrary, it cannot be placed among the Trigonidse, Cyprinidse or Cardiidse, to which the several authors have referred this genus; as the animals of the said three families have the lobes of their mantles separate, and equal shells. Of our native genera the genus Pecchiolia seems to stand nearest to the genus Lyonsia, Turt., from which it differs in the following points : the shell is much shorter, not gaping, the right shell is larger than the left (the contrary is the case in the Lyonsia) the umbones lie quite in front near the anterior extremity of the shell, and are somewhat spirally involved. The animal has separate siphons (in the Lyonsia they are united nearly in their whole length) of which the anal is prominent, and the branchial sessile having its opening surrounded by pinnate tentacles covered with papillae (the tentacles of the Lyonsia are simple smooth threads) and the anal is without tentacles (which exist in the Lyonsia). The foot is slender cylindro-conical with blunt rounded end, (in the Lyonsia it is tongue-shaped and flat) and the aperture in the mantle through which it is extended, has an entire border (in the Lyonsia it is according to Forbes &Hanley fringed); the lip tentacles appear to be rudimen- tary or wanting (in the Lyonsia they are said to exist and to be triangular, slender and folded on the interior side). The circle of simple tentacles, on the border of the mantle, surrounding the siphons, seems also to be wanting in the Lyonsia. It may further be remarked in conclusion that the conchifer now under examination has with respect to its shell considerable resemblance with the genus Mytilimeria Conrad, which (for the animal seems to be unknown) is referred by Woodward to the Mytilidse, but byChenu (I. c. p. 39) certainly more correctly to the Anatinidse, with the following characters: ,,The shell roundish (subarrondie) more or less inflated, equivalve, fragile, covered with a thin ,,caduke epidermis. The umbones subspiral; the hinge without teeth, but formed only of ,,small linear excavations under the umbones to receive the ligament, which contains a small ,,bone (osselet). The muscular impressions small ; the mantle-impression with an obtuse sinus." M. Nuttalii Conrad, fig. 175. 31 Cephalophor'a. / 5, Dentalium agile. M. Sars. n. sp. (PI. III. %. 415.) Dentalium incertum. Philippi fauna Molluscorum regni utriusque Sicilian Vol. 2. p. 207 (non Deshayes). This species, living in the great depths of our seas, for the identification of which with the fossile Dentalium incertum Philippi (non Deshayes) found in the tertiary formation in Calabria, I am indebted to Jeffreys, is certainly very closely allied to I), abyssorum M. Sars; and is perlaps also, as Jeffreys thinks, properly to be considered as only a peculiar deep-sea variety of the same. However I note it here preliminarily as a distinct species, under the specific denomination assigned to it by my Father, since as will appear in the sequel, it shews not a few differences from the ordinary D. abyssorum. If it is really a variety of this latter, the variation is in any case so considerable as to affect the idea of species. To draw a sharp boundary line between what is to be understood by a strongly marked constant variety, and by a species, is moreover --at least from the stand-point of the Darwinian theory, no easy matter; for, according to this theory, the species have had their origin precisely in such va- rieties. It seems to me also that we might with nearly as good reason include in the same category the typical D. entalis L. which in nearly all respects, excepting the striation of the shell, coincides with the D. abyssorum, and consider all these 3 forms as originally belonging together, or in a comparatively new time developed into independent forms (species), in which case the deep-sea species here described would probably be best entitled to rank as the proper parent form. The shell (Fig. 4 6. tig. 10) which in the largest specimens attains the considerable length of 58 mill, is immediately distinguished from that of the I), abyssorum by its much more slender, and less curved shape. Sometimes -- and this is, contrarily to the rule, espe- cially the case in larger exemplars (see fig. 4), it is nearly quite straight with only an exces- sively slightly marked ventral curve. Where the curve is greater (see fig. 6), it is however quite uniform; while in the D. abyssorum the proper curve of the shell begins only towards the posterior extremity. Neither does the shell taper so strongly and suddenly towards the posterior end as in D. abyssorum, but always quite evenly from the anterior to the posterior extremity. The whole shell has therefore also a more regular cylindro-coriical shape than that of the other Dentalia. To facilitate comparison, the measurements of several specimens of all our 3 species of Dentalia are here given. Dattalium agile. M. Sars. Dentalium abyssorum. M. Sars. M length of shell. width at aperture. width in middle. width at apex. I 1 58 Mill. 4 Mill. 3 Mill. 1 Mill. 2 45 3 21 , I 3 40 3 2 i - 4 51 31 a* 2. f 5- 57 4 3 1 , 6 34{ - 3 o 1 1 49 r> 4 H - i 2 I 45 4 3- 1 1 3 46 4| 3* - 1 48 4J 3 1 / 5 24 3 21 3 - 6 53 5 _ 4 1 \ 1 42 5 4 11 2 35 H 3* - f 3 21 31 21 -?, 4 36 5 4 i| Dentaliiim entail*. Linne. The Shell is untransparent, or opaque, of white color, and usually quite smooth, with- out visible longitudinal stripes or ribs. It resembles therefore in this respect more the D. entalis, from which it is however at once distinguished, as well by its slender and elongated shape, as by its duller and less lustrous surface. We observe on it, as on that of the D. entalis, evident lines of growth, which are circular or somewhat oblique, parallel with the anterior edge, and which at certain- intervals are more distinctly marked, and sometimes even form thickened places on the shell, by which its outlines may often be rendered a little irre- gular. In the posterior third part, the shell assumes nearly always (see fig. 4. 6/10) a darker dirty-grey color; and on examining this part with the microscope, we perceive that the appear- ance is produced chiefly by peculiar ramified superficial marks, composed of numerous raised lines, anastomosing with each other in various manners, and forming, especially towards the anterior part, (fig. 9.), an extremely fine net. Nearer the apex (see fig. 7. & 8.) the lines become less fine and less close, taking more the form of branched tubes. It appears however that this is not, as I was at first inclined to presume, something originally belonging to the shell, but an extraneous body; because we find shells on which this peculiar reticulation is entirely wanting. I have in vain endeavored to discover the origin of this extraordinary ramified marking, which, as I have subsequently ascertained, is not only not restricted to this species, but has also been formerly mentioned by Jeffreys, as observed in very different mol- luscs (Littorina). Probably it is one of those (as yet little known) lower organisms, concerning 33 the relationship of which either to the sponges or to the Khizopodes, we have not yet arrived at any clear notion. The posterior end of the shell is extremely thin, and usually almost perfectly straight; as in our two other species of Dentalium, the apex is obliquely truncated (fig. 8) the posterior opening of the shell below forming a tolerably deep incision (see fig 7). Inside this opening one often sees the supplementary tube, which terminates in the same manner, but only projects a little beyond the extremity of the original shell. Sometimes -- although apparently more rarely the shell exhibits a more or less distinct longitudinal striation (see fig. 5); but this striation is always only slightly marked, and never forms such salient longitudinal ribs as in the D. abyssorum; moreover it is always confined tc the posterior part of the shell. ' In the smallest of the specimens found by me, the embryonic shell remained (fig. 14). It is nearly straight, smooth and tolerably lustrous, also finely cross-ringed, whereby the out- lines, especially towards the posterior part, appear finely crenulated. The apex is (see fig. 15) somewhat enlarged, and evenly convex, without stripes or rings, and terminates with 2 small collateral points, between which the small circular aperture is situated. The Annual is of the usual form for this genus. The foot (see fig. 10 &11) is, when fully extended, about 1 / i the length of the shell, slender, cylindrical and at the extremity as usual three-lobed. The middle lobe, which represents the proper extremity of the foot, is conically pointed, terminating in a fine point, and considerably longer than the side lobes. The latter are thin, membranous, closely folded longitudinally, and nearly surround the basis of the middle lobe like a frill. In front of the protrusible part of the mantle, which reaches beyond the aperture of the shell, there are to be observed numerous so-called captacula, curved and bent in all directions, with which the animal brings food to its mouth. The pos- terior spoon-shaped appendage to the body (fig. 12 & 13) is considerably longer and nar- rower than in the D. Abyssorum, somewhat inequilateral, and has on the ventral side a long and narrow incision. The animal is remarkably active in its movements, much more so than 1 have found to be the case with our 2 other species of Dentalium; and it is also precisely this which has given rise to the specific name. The manner in which it uses its foot, partly to bury itself in the mud, partly for locomotion in one direction or in another is really so energetical, that one would at first glance be inclined to believe the animal a Siphonodentalium rather than a Dentalium. As is the case with the former, a considerable time may pass, before one can see these movements; for the animal will frequently remain obstinately retracted in its shell, during which time however the anterior part of the mantle together, with a greater or smaller number of the filiform captacula, will usually be seen projecting beyond the aperture of the shell. By these latter, which certainly do not only serve as instruments of capture, but also act as real feeling organs, the animal appears, as it were, to survey the ground before extending its foot. This operation takes place very rapidly, just as with the Siphonodentalium. the foot being advanced suddenly beyond the aperture of the shell, with the side lobes lying 34 close against the middle lobe (see fig. 10); when the foot is fully extended the side lobes are turned energetically outwards and backwards, at the same time that the whole foot twists itself to one side or to the other, alter which it is again withdrawn into the shell with a rapid jerk. This is repeated at greater or smaller intervals; and each time the shell is moved a little forwards in one direction or in another. The protraction and the retraction take place so suddenly and unespectedly, that I had at first the greatest trouble in getting a correct idea of the form of the foot; and it was only by many repeated observations that I succeeded completely at last. This is very different from what we observe in our other 2 Bentalia, in which the movements of the foot are far slower, and the whole animal is much less sensitive. When first the foot of these species is extended, we can quietly and leisurely observe it from all sides ; nay I have often taken such a Dentalium up out of the water without the foot being retracted. I have found this peculiar deep-sea form not very rarely at the fishing-place Skraaven in Lofoten, but always only at the greatest depths, 200 300 fathoms, while the D. abyssorum is found up to 40 fathoms depth. Lately I have met with the same form again far more to the south, namely in the neighborhood of Aalesund, and also here only at the greatest depths which occur, namely in the so-called Breisunds-deep in 200 220 fathoms in muddy bottom. Our species may be characterised in the following manner: Dentalium agile. M. Sars. Testa teres, valde angusta, parum arcuata interdum fere recta; posteriora versus in tota longitudine sequaliter attenuata, albida sub-opaca parum nitida; posteriore parte ssepius obscurior, apice tenuissimo oblique truncato rimato et tubulo ornato supplementario parum prominente. Superficies testae plerumque laevis striis modo incrnmenti circularibus obducta, rarior in posteriore parte longitudinaliter striata, striis vero parum distinctis et vix costellarum instar prominentibus. Animal quam solito agilius. Pes cylindricus apice ut vulgo trilobate, lobo mediano conico-acuminato, lateralibus membranaceis et plicatis; et protractio et retractio ejusdem celerrima. Appendix scaphscformis corporis postice sat elongata insequilateralis incisura ventrali longa et angusta fissa. Longit. testse majorum 58 Mm. diametr. apertura 4 Mm. apicis 1 Mm. Habitat non infrequens ad insulas Lofotenses in profunditate 200300 orgyarum fundo argillaceo nee non prope urbem Aalesund prof. 200 org. Ceterum fossilis in tellure tertiaria Calabria3 inventa (D. incertum Philippi (non Deshayes). Philippi's short description of his Dentalium unrrtntH, which however according to Jeffreys is different from the form described by Deshayes under the same name, suits our northern Form precisely; and Jeffreys has also, according to his obliging communication, by comparing specimens of our form with the fossile form from Calabria, ascertained that the two agree perfectly. We have thus here again an interesting instance of the animals of earlier telluric periods having been able to continue their existence undisturbed in the great deeps of the Ocean up to our own time. 35 Triopa incisa, M, Sars, n. sp. (PI. III. fig. 1-3). Of this remarkable Xudibranch I have only observed some few specimens all taken from great depths at Lofoten. It varies in some respects so considerably from the 2 other known species of the genus, that it ought perhaps more properly to be considered as the type of a particular genus. However I note it here preliminarily under the denomination assigned to it by my Father; because, owing to the scarcity of specimens, I have not been able to institute an investigation in minute detail. The animal is only 7 Mm. in length, that is considerably less than our other two species, but yet appears to be full grown. The shape is rather short and plump, with a high convex dorsal side; seen from above (fig. 1.) oblong oval, in front obtusely rounded, both the side edges only a little curved, or nearly parallel, and the posterior extremity suddenly much narrower and conically pointed. The mantle is particularly large and wide, and in the upper part strongly convex, advancing far beyond the foot in front, as also it extends beyond the foot on each side to about l / 4 of its own breadth, in the form of a sharp and thin border (see fig. 3). At the commencement of the posterior third part of the length of the body the mantle terminates, shewing at this part a crescent-formed incision, or going out into 2 triangularly pointed lobes that project on each side of the conically tapered posterior part of the body. From the anterior extremity of the mantle there proceeds upwards in the middle (see fig. 1 & 2) a tolerably high longitudinal keel, which however is quite short, and soon becomes forked into 2 somewhat diverging branches which surround an oblong triangular area in the middle of the dorsal side. These diverging keels, which like the single keel are thin and vertical, are somewhat irregularly lobed, and were in one specimen resolved into several separate pro- cesses; somewhat behind the middle of the animal, each of them terminates in an obtusely conical lobe or process directed backwards and somewhat outwards. On each side of these diverging longitudinal keels, between them and the edge of the mantle, there is a longitudinal row of 4 G short cylindrical obtusely terminating processes. 4 similar but larger processes are situated further in front, namely 2 quite close together near to the anterior edge (one on each side of the single medial keel) and 2 further from each other somewhat larger near to the side edges of the mantle and by the exterior side of the dorsal tentacles. Finally there is, at the posterior extremity of the area in the middle of the back above-mentioned, a transverse row of 5 processes, of which the middle and the two extreme ones are very strongly elongated, smaller at the base, and somewhat enlarged at the extremity, or elongated- claviform, while the 2 others are very small and of the same shape as those in the lateral rows. All these 5 processes are directed obliquely backwards and upwards, and the mantle 36 is from here rather abruptly inclined downwards towards the posterior extremity (see fig. 2). Behind these follows, still along the middle of the conically tapered posterior part of the body, a longitudinal row of 5 6 irregular processes, of which the 2 anterior are longest, and which together form an irregularly incised longitudinal keel along that part. The foot (see fig. 3.)' is very slender, linear, tapering to a point at the posterior extremity, and scarcely more than half as wide as the mantle, but tolerably high, (see fig. 2). It terminates in front abruptly truncated at a considerable distance from the anterior edge of the mantle. There is no trace of any labial tentacles, nor of any evident velum; but the anterior part of the foot is as it were separated from the other part by a slight ventral sinus, and curves itself strongly upward towards the bucal aperture, which is concealed in the angle between this part and the mantle. The amis (cloaque) (fig. 1. b) is situated on the dorsal side immedia- tely behind the incavated part bordered by. the longitudinal keels, and is partially hidden by the long processes which project from the posterior edge of the same. The gills which closely surround the anus are particularly small and rudimentary; so that in the specimens examined it was not possible to determine their number or form. The dorsal tentacles (a. a) which are far distant from each other, and attached near the edge of the mantle, are short conical and transversely lamellated, and can be partially retracted in short sheaths. On the right side of the body in front, under the edge of the mantle, there was remarked a small porus (fig. 2. c) which is the genital aperture. The whole animal, together with its various processes, is of a uniform whitish color with slightly transparent yellowish-red intestines. The mantle is everywhere strengthened with chalk spiculse, which are especially conspicuous at the edge and in the dorsal longitudinal keels, and here usually exhibit a radiating arrangement. I have only met with this little peculiar deep-water nudibranch at Lofoten, namely at the fishing-place Guldbrands0erne in 120 fathoms, and at Skraaven in 200 fathoms; in both places on soft clay bottom. It was very slow in its movements, which only consist in a gentle scarcely perceptible gliding forwards, during which the body is scarcely curved, nor notably altered in shape. This species may be recognised by the following diagnosis: Triopa incisa. M. Sars. Corpus breve et obesum, supine valde arcuatum, supra visum subovatum, extremitate antica late rotundata, postica subito multo angustiore et conico-acuminata. Pallium magnum et convexum pede multo (duplo circiter) latius et eum antice longe superans marginibus ex- pansis et laminaribus, postice incisum vel in lobos duos triangulares utrinque prominentes desinens, parte postica 4ta corporis nuda et anguste conica. Crista adest in anteriore parte pallii longitudinalis, sat alta sed brevis, in ramos vero duos leviter divergentes se dividens spatium includentes medianum depressum forma elongato-triangulari postici serie transversa processuum elongato-claviformium 5 marginatum quorum medianus et lateralis longissimus. Series longitudinalis processuum similium sed breviorum utrinque inter cristas divergentes et 37 marginem pallii denique 4 anteriores, 2 ad marginem anticum sibi approximati et 2 alii ma- jores magis a se remoti raargini exteriori propiores ad basin tentaculorum adsunt. Series longitudinalis processuum irregularium pr&terea adest in dorso partis posticse corporis. Pes valde angustus sublinearis postice acuminatus. Tentacula dorsalia longe a se remota brevia et crassa laraellosa ex parte retractilia. Velum obsoletuni. Tentacula labialia nulla, Anus dorsalis pone medium situs, branchiis minimis et rudimentariis circumdatus. Color albidus; lougit. 7. Mm. Habitat rara ad insulas Lofotenses in prof. 120200 orgyarum, fundo argillaceo. This species is immediately distinguished from the 2 other species T. clavigera and T. lacer, by the peculiar and strong development of the mantle, as also by the few (4) processes on the anterior extremity, and the peculiar forked longitudinal carena, along the back. Gonieolis typica, M, Sars, (PL IV. fig. 1-11). Gonieolis typica M. Sars. n Beretning om en i Sommeren 1859 foretagen zoologisk Reise ved Kysten af Romsdals Amt," pag. 4. Also this very peculiar nudibranch, which already in 1860 was shortly noticed by my Father, seems to be a genuine deep-sea form which, as is well known, is something very unusual in this group of molluscs which comprises scarcely any other than littoral or sub- littoral forms. The following description is for the most part after the manuscript of my Father. The body resembles (see fig. 1. & 2.) a snail; it is oblong, about 12 Mm. long; in the anterior part 5 Mm. wide; towards the posterior part gradually narrower and quadrangular, as the back, which forms a distinct mantle with projecting tolerably thick side-borders, is nearly quite flat or only slightly convex, and the sides of the body are high (nearly as high as the body is wide) and somewhat hollowed. The mantle, which every where is narrower than the foot, is (see fig. 1) widest in the anterior part, where it takes its beginning im- mediately behind the dorsal tentacles, and becomes gradually narrower towards the pos- terior part which terminates in a point. The foot is tolerably thick, furrowed in front and with the anterior corners rounded; it is wider than usual in the Eolis, only a little narrower at the posterior end, and obtusely rounded, and both longer and wider than the mantle. The head is wide (as wide as the mantle) nearly quadrilateral, and bears on the posterior part, immediately in front of the anterior end of the mantle, the dorsal tentacles (a. a) in front of which it gradually (see fig. 2) inclines downward, and has here a wide straightly truncated velum (b) (which is wanting in the Eolis) from .the upper side-corners of which the labial tentacles (c. c) arise. 38 The dorsal tentacles (fig. 1. & 2. a. a) are nearly one third of the length of the body, and unusually thick (much thicker than in any Eolis known to me) at the base, and gradually tapered towards the obtusely rounded extremity, smooth, only a little wrinkled transversely by contraction, and without sheath. The labial tentacles (ibid. c. c) are 2 3 times shorter, and 3 4 times thinner than the former, and pointed. As in the Eolis all the tentacles are not retractile. The eye-spots were not perceived. Both the observed specimens had the head elongated in front in a long projecting conical proboscis (d) consisting of 2 sharply defined cylindrical divisions (the anterior thinner than the posterior), which it does not seem that the animal can draw in; for in the living animal it was always held extended during the creeping, which is a very slow and regular gliding progress. The falsely so-called gills (want- ing all the conditions for breathing) are short, elongated conical, pointed smooth papillae (fig. 3) of unequal size, which are situated somewhat irregularly along the projecting side- borders of the mantle, and also within the same in greater or less number scattered over the dorsal surface. A great number of these papillae had however fallen off in the specimens examined. The genital aperture is situated on the right side, about in the anterior third part of the length of the body, in the shape of a prominent roundish tubercle (e) from which a tolerably large conical somewhat twisted and pointed penis protrudes. Some distance be- hind the genital aperture, and in a line with it, or about in the middle of the length of the body and on the same side, the anus is situated at the top of a circular smaller tubercle (f). The 2 vertical lateral jaws, which extend in a longitudinal direction, are well deve- loped, and occupy the fleshy sides of the bucal mass. They are (fig. 5. & 6) thin chitinous plates of faint light horny-yellow (particularly in the anterior thicker part) transparent color and irregular crescent-like shape (or rather remarkably like the shell of a Lima) externally (fig. 5) somewhat convex particularly in the anterior part, and less so behind; internally (fig. 6) concave, and behind double as high as in front. Their upper and posterior very thin edge is curved; the lower and in front somewhat thicker edge is nearly straight, and the foremost edge truncated and strongly thickened, especially in the middle, where it terminates in a % broad, projecting forward three-cornered process, pointed at the end, of horny or yellow brown color, and resembling the ear-like process (auricula) of the cardinal edge of a Lima shell. Just under this three cornered process, and consequently at the anterior ventral extremity, is situated the apex of the jaw which is the most convex part of the jaw. To the apex is attached the yellow-brown ligament (,,fulchrum" Alder & Hancock) which is a peg-shaped pro- cess projecting downwards, and connecting both jaws. This peg-shaped process (ligament) has at its basis a roundish enlargement, and when cut through, shews short transversal close threads, that is, a ligamentary structure. When greatly magnified the jaw exhibits innumer- able fine concentric growth-lines running parallel with the curved edge, and crossed by still finer and closer lines running radially from the apex to the edge, forming a sort of threaded structure. The lowest straight edge of the jaw is without doubt the cutting edge, although it has here no teeth; for there is here no trace of ,,the strongly curved process which ex- w <&. 39 tends downward and forms the cutting edge" in the Eolis. The posterior and lower half of the cavity enclosed by the jaw (in the Eolis according to Alder & Hancock, tab. 7. fig. 6 more than two thirds) is filled up by the tonyuc (Fig. 4. a. fig. 7. & 8), which is a fleshy mass of nearly triangular or wedge-like form, being wide behind, and in front gradually nar- rower or compressed from the sides; so that it is here nearly double as high as wide, with obtusely rounded anterior extremity. Along the middle of the tongue there extends the narrow ribbon-like ravp-plate, (radula) consisting of about 20 transverse rows of teeth, which lie hid in the so-called sheath of the tongue. It takes its beginning above, near to the an- terior end of the tongue, where the largest teeth are found, and extends thence downward along the same and on the ventral side \ its teeth becoming gradually smaller, and backward to more than half the length of the tongue, where it goes over into the sheath of the tongue. There are (see fig. 9.) in each transversal row 3 teeth, of which the middle one is thick strong and broad not curved, but only a little hollowed at the base and conical, bent backward, with obtuse rounded extremity (see fig. 10. & 11) and of vitreous transparent extremely faint light yellowish color; at a short distance from, and in a straight line with this, stand (see fig. 9) 2 others, one on each side, nearly equally long but much thinner, straight triangular, pointed glassy and colorless. As well the middle, as the side teeth are smooth; only at the base of the former there may be observed on each side (fig. 11) a very small roundish node. In front of the tongue there is the secondary bucal cavity (fig. 4. b.) called ,,Bimundhule" by R. Bergh, which according to him is peculiar to the Eolides. The rasp-plate in the Gonieolis, corresponds by its narrowness- with the usual form in the Eolidinse, which family is by Alder & Hancock characterised by ,,a narrow tongue, usually only with a central plate". However it does not quite agree with any of the delineations of these authors. By the presence of side teeth, and by their form, it resembles the Eolis pellucida (Alder & Hancock Tab. 47. fig. 12) the central tooth of which yet differs by being denticulated on the edge; with respect to the smooth central tooth it resembles the Eolis alba (ibid. Tab. 47. fig. 14) which species has however no side teeth. The color of the animal is every where yellowish white, with yellow brown liver shi- ning through the skin along both sides of the back, and a more deeply lying oblong light minium red intestine .(probably the ovary) which is especially visible from the ventral side. Of this remarkable nudibranch 2 specimens were taken in the summer of 1859 at Christiansund in 5070 fathoms depth. A third specimen was found in the summer of 1869, in the Hardangerfjord at Mosterhavn at the depth of 100 fathoms. The present genus may be characterised in the following manner: Gen. Gonieolis. M. Sars. Corpus oblongum, quadrilaterum, subpalliatum, pallio pede angustiore absque spiculis. Caput latiusculum, tentaculis 4 simplicibus, conico-acuminatis, non retractilibus, quorum 2 The figure 7 is represented in an inverted position. / 40 maxima dorsalia et 2 multo minora labialia ad margines laterales veil lati antice truncati posita. Maxillae corneae in proboscide conica exserta valvulas Limae referentes, antice supeme auricula triangulari ornatae, processu infero uullo. Lingua subcuneiformis radula seriebus trans- versis dentium circiter 20 Isevium dente medio conico retroflexo utrinque lateral! recto acu- minato. Papillae dorsales simplices. conicae, breves, utrinque ad latera dorsi et ad marginem pallialem disperse. Pes ovato-elongatus, latiusculus, angulis anterioribus rotundatis, pallio major. Orificia generationis et ani ad latus dextrum. Goiiieolis-typica. M. Sars. Corpus triple circiter longius quam latius, altitudine maxima in parte antica sita lati- tudinem aequante, capite antice valde declivi. Tentacula dorsalia latitudinem corporis aequantia postice cornuum instar curvata minime lamellata; labialia tenuissima fere filiformia lateribus corporis appressa. Papillae dorsales minimae, inaequales, sparsa. Pes amplus postice conico- rotundatus. Color albido flavescens subpellucidus. Longit. 12 Mm. latit. max 5 Mm. Ha- bitat rarissima ad Christiansund prof. 5070 orgyarum, nee non in sinu Hardangerfjord prof. 100 orgyarum fundo argillaceo. The Genus Gonieolis belongs to the family Eolididae Alder & Hancock, but is not properly referable to any of the sub-families formed under this head. It cannot be classed with the Dendronotinae the tentacles of which are lamellated and retractile into sheaths; nor yet to the Melibaeinae, which have tentacle-sheaths and claviform dorsal papillae; neither can it be referred to the Hermaeinae and Proctonotinae, which have a dorsal anus. The sub-family with which it best agrees is that of the Eolidinae, where however there is not to be found any trace of the mantle, so distinctly marked in the Gonieolis, although not projecting much beyond the sides of the body, and without spiculae, which are found in the mantle of the family Dorididae. Among the Eolididae it has most resemblance with the proper genus Eolis Cuv. but differs by the presence of a mantle-border, which gives the body a square form, (while the Eolis has a round back), by its unusually large dorsal tentacles, as well as by the labial tentacles springing from the sides of a broad velum, points that are not to be observed in any other species of Eolis with which I am acquainted. It ought therefore certainly to be placed nearest to the Eolis, and the characters for the sub-family Eolidinae should be some- what modified in order to admit it. .Annelida. 8, Umbellisyllis fasciata, M, Sars, nov. gen. et sp. (Plate 4. fig. 12 18). I have seen some specimens of this beautiful Annelide from different parts of our coast, and from very different depths. Usually however it appears to have its proper dwel- ling place in the greater depths about 100 fathoms and downwards; and this is probably the reason why it has formerly quite escaped the attention of Naturalists notwithstanding its very remarkable and unusual coloring, which preserves itself tolerably well, even in specimens that have been kept a long time in spirit. In preparing the following description, and particularly the concluding remarks, I have been greatly aided by my Father's manuscript notes. The body attains a length of about 24 Mm., and a breadth over the middle (from foot- point to foot-point) of 3 Mm.; towards the anterior end it is somewhat tapered (see fig. 12) and towards the posterior end considerably so. Thus the body is not very long in proportion to its width. The back is convex (see fig. 16) with rather abruptly declining sides; but the ventral side is flat or rather concave along the middle, shewing a wide and shallow longi- tudinal ventral furrow. The number of the bristle-bearing segments varies according to the size: in the largest specimens it is as great as 65 while in smaller it is not more than 46. The segments are (see fig. 15) very short -- 5 6 times broader than long; the last (the anal segment) is (see fig. 17) very small, button-like and furnished with 2 conically pointed anal filaments, which are about as long as the 2 nearest segments taken together. The head (see fig. 13) which is somewhat sunk in the 1 s . 1 bristle-bearing segment, and slightly smaller than the same, is nearly square, with convex side-borders, broader than it is long, its upper surface convex; the anterior border strongly hollowed forming 2 very short triangular frontal lobes, standing out far from each other, and somewhat curved downwards, separated by a transverse furrow from the rest of the head; the posterior edge, which is straight, is hidden by a membrane (a), which will be mentioned subsequently, and which fre- quently covers also the posterior part of the head. The head bears 3 tenlac'lc* of about equal size, which are cylindrical, tolerably thick, very short (Y 4 Vs f the width of the head) and not articulated, with obtusely rounded ex- tremity. The 2 paired tentacles are situated on, or properly speaking quite close behind, the 42 transversal furrow which bounds the frontal lobes, at a considerable distance from each other; the third or single tentacle stands far behind them in the middle of the crown, not far from the posterior border of the head, so that its basis is not unfrequently covered by the above mentioned membrane. There are 2 pairs of eyes of round shape and bright brown red color, which are situated somewhat nearer to the side-borders of the head than to its medial line: the anterior eyes some distance behind the paired tentacles, the posterior eyes in a line with the single tentacle ; the latter are a little nearer to each other than the former, and are also nearly twice as large as the anterior, close in front of which may further be observed a pair of extremely small black points, that may perhaps be considered as a third pair of eyes as in several other Syllides. At the posterior extremity of the head, or just in the transversal furrow which sepa- rates it from the first segment, is situated a large soft thin leaf-like semilunar membrane (fig. 13. 14. a) which is placed horizontally or across the axis of the body, and with the central part of its concave border attached to the body, but otherwise freely projecting and more or less erect; its convex or free border lying usually beyond, and covering the posterior part of the head; both its rounded side-corners, or ends of the crescent, being likewise free. It is about twice as wide as high, about as wide as the head; its free border (and, as it appeared to me, also its surface) is thickly covered with short and fine, in a living state vibratory, cilia. The bucal segment, .which projects only a little beyond the head, shews on its anterior extremity (see fig. 14) the rather large round mouth, on the thick border of which there are observed 5 small raised round nodules or papillae; one ventral and 2 lateral on each side; close behind the upper pair of these papillae, there is situated on each side of the segment a tentacle, which in form and size completely resembles the tentacles of the head. The feet (the pedal nodes) which enclose one single thin needle pointed at the end, and a fascicle of very long and thin bristles, are situated far down on the body, so as nearly to go Hush with the flat ventral side (see fig. 14. & 16). They are nearly cylindrical, yet somewhat compressed from the front backwards, proportionally rather long (about V 4 of the width of the body), and have at the extremity, on the side of the rounded bristle-bearing node, a conical process projecting beyond the same; and below, close to 'the extremity of the foot, a similar one but somewhat longer, which properly seems to represent the ventral filament. The dorsal filament is not attached to the foot, but some distance above it on the side of the body. It is cylindrical, filiform, not articulated, longer than the feet, and even reaching to the end of their bristles, and its extremity is obtusely rounded. At the posterior end of the body (see fig. 17) the pedal nodes, as well as the dorsal filaments, diminish very rapidly and suddenly in length, so that in the extreme segments they are quite rudimentary. The pedal bristles (fig. 18) in each foot about 20 in number, project very far, and are composed, or consist of a very long straight shaft, on the obliquely truncated extremity of which is fixed a rather short linear, or knife-like terminal appendage. They belong therefore to the so- called thorny bristles (setae spinosae). 43 The color of the animal preserved in spirit is white, with greyish olive-green (some- times darker, nearly black) belts or bands across the back, usually (see fig. 15) one on every other segment, sometimes even (see fig. 12) on 2 consecutive segments, very seldom on 3. These colored belts are however interrupted in the medial line of the back, and do not more- over reach down to the feet; so that each of them properly consists of 2 transversal, elon- gated quadrangular or rectangular spots situated in one line. I found first a few small specimens of this peculiar Annelide in the summer of 1865 at the entrance to Flekkefjord, at a depth of 80 100 fathoms. Afterwards I found it again on several other points of our coast, although always rarely; namely at Lofoten in 150 300 fathoms; in the Hardangerfjord, where it goes up even to 40 fathoms; and finally not long ago at Christiansund and Aalesund in 100 150 fathoms. The new Genus and species may be characterised in the following manner: Gen. Umbellisyllis. M. Sars. Corpus vermiforme, hand longum, segmentis brevibus, cirris 2 analibus. Lobi capitis frontales minuti, late distincti; oculorum paria 2, anteriora minora, et ante hos puncti ocu- lares 2 minimi; tentacula 3 sequalia subcylindrica brevissima, non moniliformia: duo anteriora ad sulcum lobos frontales a capite separantem posita, tertium postice in medio vertice. Ten- tacula 2 oralia iisdem capitis simillima, in segmento buccali ad latera oris posita. Cirri tentaculares nulli. Pedes uniremes, setis compositis spinosis minuti; cirro dorsali elongate non moniliformi, a pede remoto, lateri corporis affixo ; cirro ventrali brevissimo ad apicem pedis sito. Margo occipitalis lamina munitus cutacea sub-semilunari, transversa, ciliata, mar- gine inferiore medio adnata ceteroquin libera et supra basin lobi cephalici prominente. Umbellisyllis fasciata. M. Sars, unica species. Corpus subcrassum, antice parum, postice magis angustatum, semicylindricum, dorso fornicato, ventre applanato, segmentis setigeris circiter 65 brevibus (5 6'? s latioribus quam longioribus). Caput subtetragonum, latius quam longius, lobis frontalibus triangularibus ; ten- taculis quartam ad quintain capitis latitudinis partem longitudine sequantibus; occulis fusco- rubris, anterioribus paulo distantioribus quam posterioribus ; lobo occipitali latitudinem capitis sequante. Pedes subcylindrici, quartam fere latitudinis corporis partem longitudine fequantes, cirro dorsali pede multo longiore. Cirri anales conico-accuminati, breves (segmentis 2 prox- imis junctis longitudine tequales). Color albidus fasciis dorsalibus transversis, medio inter- ruptis, cinereo-olivaceis in segmentis alternis aut in 2 (rarissime 3) subsequentibus. Longit. corporis 24 Mm. latit. maxim. 3 Mm. Habitat at oras Norvegise meridionales, occidentales et boreales in profunditate 40 300 orgyarum. Although the present Annelide in respect of its proportionally short body consisting of few segments, and the colored belts with which it is adorned, has a great resemblance to 6* 44 the Hesionides, it seems nevertheless to be properly referable to the family ef the Syllides, among the Genera of which it appears to stand nearest to the Exogone 0rsted, especially by reason of its wanting proper tentacular threads (cirri tentaculares) and by its simple not beaded dorsal filaments. It presents however sufficient variations both from this and from the other hitljerto known forms of this family, for the establishment of a new Genus which has received the name Umbellisyllis on account of the remarkable large ciliated membrane or screen situated at the posterior extremity of the head. The Umbellisyllis differs from the Exogone by the following peculiarities : 1) The frontal lobes are not (as in the Exogone and Sylline Grube, Spermosyllis Clap, and Sphserosyllis Clap.) confused into one lobe, but, although united with each other at the base, otherwise far apart from each other, as in the Syllis Sav. and many other genera of the Syl- lides. They are in our animal indeed very small ; nearly rudimentary, but yet distinctly to be recognised by their being separated by a transversal furrow from the head itself. 2) The 3 tentacles of the head are not ,,placed in a transverse line in the furrow which divides the frontal lobes from the head", which is according to Claparede the most important Character of the .genus Exogone. In the Umbellisyllis there are only 2 paired ten- tacles in or properly speaking close behind that furrow, but the third, (unpaired), is far be- hind on the head or on the crown, in the middle between the posterior eyes, as in certain species of Syllis (for inst. S. gracilis Grube) and in the Genus Spherosyllis Clap. 3) Of the 4 eyes, the 2 posterior are larger than the anterior, while the contrary is the case in the Exogone, and there are moreover immediately in front of the anterior eyes a pair of extremely small black ocular points, as in the Syllides, Microsyllis, Sphaerosyllis and Odontosyllis. 4) Underneath the head, or on the bucal segment, there are in the Umbellisyllis two more tentacles, one on each side of the entrance to the mouth, which in form and size are precisely similar to the tentacles of the head, and are hitherto only found in one single Syl- lide, namely Autolytus roseus Clap. (Glanures zootomiques parmi les Annelides pg. 106) although their position is here not more precisely indicated by Claparede, who nevertheless in the explanation of the delineations calls them ,,bucal tentacles." 5) A specially characteristic mark of the Umbellisyllis is the peculiar, nearly semi- lunar membrane or screen, situated at the posterior extremity of the head, to which screen there is only found something similar in one single genus of the Syllides, namely, in the analogous Sphserosyllis Clap., the 2 ciliated aliform appendages that appear in the same place. 0) The dorsal filaments are not as in the Exogone small or ,,rudimentary" (Claparede), but even a good deal longer than the tolerably long feet, and they are not situated on the feet, but some distance above them on the sides of the body. The ventral filament, which is quite small (in the Exogone Kefersteinii it is even wanting according to Claparede) is on the contrary situated close to the end of the foot. The pedal setse differ from those of the Exogone naidina, in which they arc according to 0rsted sickle-shaped (setse falcate) or 45 curved in their exterior part, and with a similarly curved very short terminal piece; their (shape is not indicated by Claparede in the E. Kefersteinii) by their shaft being straight, and the terminal piece also straight, proportionally longer than in the Exogone, linear or knife- shaped, or in other words, they are not sickle-shaped, but thorny (setae spinosse). 9. Paramphinome pulchella, M, Sars, nov. gen. et sp. (Plate IV. fig. 1935). Of the extensive group of Amphinomes, which in the tropical seas display so great riches of genera and species, only very few northern forms have hitherto been noticed, and these only such as belong to the family of the Euphrosynidse, namely 1 species of the genus Spinter Johnston and 3 species of the genus Euphrosyne Sav. The typical family Amphino- midse, was on th'e contrary considered to be exclusively confined to the tropical oceans, until my Father 1 in a few words announced the discovery of a species of the genus Eurythoe Kinberg (E. borealis M. Sars) a single specimen of which had been observed by him a long time ago at Manger in the neighborhood of Bergen. Unfortunately it was not possible to institute a scrutinising examination of this interesting species; as it has not since been found again, - and the original specimen was not preserved. Malmgren therefore 2 expresses his opinion of this species, that it probably does not belong to our fauna, but that the specimen observed must be- considered as having been accidentally carried by the Gulfstream, from, warmer seas to our west coast. The discovery of a new form belonging to the same family is now therefore of great interest; since this form can with full certainty be claimed for our Fauna, and even seems widely distributed along our coasts. It forms the type for a new genus, the affinity of which with the typical genus Amphinome is expressed in the name. The body, which in most specimens is only 9 Mm. long, is (see fig. 19) tolerably narrow nearly cylindrical, or only a little wider than high, with the ventral and dorsal sides evenly convex; tapering a little towards both ends although not considerably. The bristle-bearing segments, the number of which is somewhat variable, and in the largest specimens goes up to 33, are about twice as wide as long, and rather sharply divided from each other. The head-lobe is (see fig. 20 & 22) of roundish oval form, and -narrower than the l^ 1 segment, it is strongly convex in the upper part, especially behind, and it inclines evenly down- wards in front (see fig. 23). The frontal border is rounded, but in living specimens (see fig. 22) somewhat drawn out in the middle, or conically rounded. The posterior part ofthehead- 1 Christiania Vid. Selskabs Forhandlinger for 1861. 3 Annulata polychteta, pg. 2. 46 lobe is still more strongly drawn out, nearly tongue-shaped, and projects over the first seg- ment nearly to its posterior edge (see fig. 20 & 22). There is however no trace of any real caruncula. Eyes are also entirely wanting. The head is (see fig. 22) furnished with 5 rather short cylindrical, or filiform appen- dages, of a very similar form and nature; 2 pairs and 1 single. The last appendage repre- sents the tentacle, and is situated on the middle of the posterior tongue-shaped strongly convex part of the head-lobe. Its length is somewhat less that the width of the head. The anterior paired appendages represent the antennae, and proceed, rather near together, from the anterior border of the head-lobe; they correspond exactly, as well in form as in size with the tentacle. The 2". d pair, which represents the palpse, project on each side from the part where the head-lobe has its greatest width, or about the middle of its length, and are a little longer than the antennae and the tentacle. The 1 s . 1 bristle-bearing segment has a dorsal and a ventral filament of the same form as the appendages of the head; the ventral, also of the same length; the dorsal a little longer. On the following segments both these filaments become rudimentary (see fig. 31. 32, 33) only representing a short conical process; on the 3 last segments they become however (see fig. 21) again somewhat longer, although not nearly so long as on the first segment. The mouth, which forms a longitudinal slit, has (see fig. 24) its place under the head and 1 s .' segment, and is bounded by 4 fleshy lobes or lips, of which the posterior ones espe- cially are atrongly prominent (see fig. 23). In spirit specimens one often sees (see fig. 19 & 20) the short fleshy gullet or pro- boscis evaginated; its borders are irregularly lobed, but without any armament of teeth. The anus is (see fig. 21) terminal, and covered below by. a half-oval lobe. The gills are, unlike those of the other Amphinomes, only confined, to the anterior part of the body, while they are wanting on all the other part. Usually there are only 5 pairs (see fig. 19) which take their beginning on the 4'! 1 bristle-bearing segment, and are always arranged in pairs on this and the 4 following, one on each side of the back (see fig. 22 & 30). They are tolerably large, exceeding in length half the width of the body, and when extended backwards, partly lap over each other, nearly covering the dorsal side of those seg- ments on which they are situated. In form they are (see fig. 25 29) wide-fan-like, placed transversely, 2 4 times dichotomically divided, with the last branches very short and simply rounded at the end. Usually they increase in size from in front backward, becoming gra- dually more strongly divided; the difference between the 3 last being however smaller than between these and the anterior pairs. In the -more closely examined specimen, each of the 2 primary halves of the 1 s ! pair of gills (fig. 25) consisted of 3 terminal branches; only the interior branches produced by the secondary division having divided themselves fork-wise, while the other branch was still undivided. In the next pair of gills (fig. 26) both the se- condary branches were forked on the one side (the gill was thus here 3 times dichotomically divided) ; and on the other side there was an indication of a 4"; dichotomy, the interior secon- 47 dary branch being tripartite. In the 3 r . d pair of gills (fig. 27) the division was considerably more advanced. On the one side, the gill was 4 times completely dichotomically divided with 8 terminal branches; on the other side the exterior secondary branch was only bipartite; while the interior had 4 terminal branches, but was nevertheless not regularly dichotomic; only the exterior tertiary branch having divided itself, and that so as to leave the interior terminal branch simple as usual, while the exterior was forked, (the 5'. h dichotomy). A similar irregularity in the dichotomical division of the gill appeared also in the following pairs of gills (fig. 28 & 29); and it was observed here in both the primary halves of the gill. Hence it seems that the gills in the present species may indeed, on the whole, be said to be divided in dichotomic form; although the dichotomy is not everywhere strictly carried out. As above stated, 5 pairs of gills appears to be the normal number. Specimens are however not seldom found, especially younger ones, with only 4 pairs of gills (see fig. 22 & 23); and in some very large specimens, I have sometimes found 6 pairs. But in every case the gills take their beginning on the 4 1 ! 1 bristle-bearing segment; so that the first 3 segments, as also those, coming after the 9 1 ! 1 , are always without gills. The pedal nodes (see tig. 31) are double, or 2 on each side of the segments, very small and tolerably far from each other; the lower ones, about in the middle of the height of the segment; the superior, near to the dorsal side. The rudimentary cirri are situated at the end of the pedal bristles. The latter are very fine, and about half as long as the seg- ment is wide. On the upper pedal nodes they, diverge to all sides; on the inferior, they form a more regular fascicle. The origin of the gills is (see fig. 20 & 30) situated close behind the superior pedal nodes, and inside of the rudimentary dorsal cirrus. The pedal bristles (fig. 34) are on the superior nodes simple, but of 2 different- sorts. Some of them (b) are considerably thicker, and also shorter than the others, nearly thorn-like, the point becoming suddenly of a very tender structure, and completely hyaline ; when very strongly magnified, these bristles shew on one edge a slight indication of a peculiar armament of hooked backward-turned teeth, similar to that described byKinberg in various Amphiuomides from the tropical 'oceans. The other bristles on these pedal nodes (a) are more than double as long, and considerably thinner, terminating in an exceedingly fine point, near to which the bristle is on one side finely serrated. In the inferior pedal nodes, the bristles appear at first glance similar to those last mentioned. On closer examination however it is remarked, that most of them (c) exhibit at a short distance from the extremity a tolerably long, forward- turned, close-lying side tooth, whereby they properly become forked; the end of the bristle, from this side tooth, is very finely and closely serrated on one edge. Among the lower bristles attached to this pedal node, some few (d) are remarked which are considerably stronger, somewhat enlarged at the end, and here furnished with a short side tooth; the end of the bristle is here much thicker and shorter than on the former, a little curved outwards, and coarsely serrated on one edge. On the I 5 . 1 segment there are, besides the bristles described, on the upper pedal node i: - -: ' T~jw:l rm th* with Ut*ral tksJari? Kreir, a*4 whe the least *rergM* hricdef fbe t**tm, whkh the ffl it pereeire* that at Is \ndj. with a ft jppejn to he At f fotflL where I irst fiswi it MXW and On m the great deptfc? to 300 I kare aee et wtti it again n the Chriftiama fjord at YaD0 at depths from 100939 fift< M i aad latel? at Aafemd. IB the last aaned place it was net rare, dose to the tow* -30 feflMNM M soft mnddr bottom. The new Oemn and specks may he characterised in the foflowing manner: Gen. 3L Sars. Corpos rennifonne. modice elongatmL segmentis panels. Lobus cephalkus parms prodnetitt. tarantula vero nulla distmcta. Ocob nulli. Tentacnla capitis 5 brevia. cyKndrka forma et magnitndine snb-aequalia. unum mediannm in parte postica. -2 anteriora et 2 lateralia. Cirrus dorsalis et rentralis in lr segmento distinctL elongatt forma tentaeulis eepbalicin similefj. in eteris rndhnentariL Os fissnram longitndinalem labiis 4 camosis rir- formans: proboscis breris et crass a apice irregolariter lobato nnllis armato maxillis ;ios terminalis. Pedes biremes. remis mrahnis et longe sejunctis. snperiore *nb< rjiftgnris capillaribus. aliis multo brevioribus et robustioribus interp- lateral!. i^rurnque obsoleto bidentatLs. dente altero brevissimo. altero (apice) -ubtiliter dentato. nonnullis multo brevioribus et robustioribu? 49 prope apicem dilatatis et ut illis insequaliter bidentatis. Hamuli prscterea adsunt 2 validissimi chitinosi in remo dorsali segment! 1 setigeri. Branchiae sat magnse dichotomes, totum fere dorsum tegentes, in segmentis vero paucis corporis per paria obviae in segmentis et anteri- oribus et posterioribus omnino deficientes. Sp. Parainphinome Pulchella. M. Sars. Corpus fere cylindricum, parum latins quam altius, et antice et postice leviter attenu- atum, segmentis setigeris 2433. Lobus cephalicus segmento Ir angustior subovatus postice rotundato-productus. Branchiae in segmento setigero 4'? incipientes utrinque 46, ter-quater dichotomo-divisae ramulis terminalibus cylindricis. Color albidus.. Longit. maximorum 9 Mm. Habitat ad oras Norvegiae pluribus locis in prof. 20 300 orgyarum fundo limoso. The Genus Parainphinome is distinguished from all the other known Amphinomes by the gills, which are only confined to some few segments of the body, while in the other forms they usually appear on all. They are also proportionally much more strongly developed than in the other forms, nearly covering the whole dorsal side of the segments on which they are situated. The want of eyes, and of a distinctly marked caruncula distinguishes it also from the other known Amphinomes. With respect to the construction of the pedal bristles, the present form shews most resemblance to the genus Eurythoe Kinberg: although on the whole they are much finer than in this, as well as in the other Amphinomes. The short spiked bristles with backward-turned teeth or hooks, which are characteristic of the Amphi- nomides, also appear here, although much less developed than usual. On the other baud, the present genus distinguishes itself remarkably from all other Amphinomes, by the 2 peculiar and particularly strongly developed chitine-hooks, which are found attached to the dorsal pedal node of the 1 s . 1 segment, 7 Anthozoa. . 10, Mopsea borealis, M, Sars, n. sp. (PI. V. fig. 1-23). The group of coral animals which Ehrenberg 1 has established as a peculiar family under the name of Isidea, and which Milne Edwards 2 has taken in a somewhat narrower limi- tation, excluding the genus Corallium as a peculiar group, and considering the 3 other genera (Isis, Mopsea and Melithsea) as forming a sub-family (Isidinae) of his family Gorgonidse, com- prises only tropical forms, with the exception of one single species, namely Mopsea elongata (Isis) Esper, which is found in the Mediterranean. It was therefore highly surprising for me to find a form belonging to this group living near our coast, and even within the Arctic circle, namely at the fishing place Skraaven at Lofoten, where in the year 1866 I drew up in the dredge from the depth of 300 fathoms, a very young bnt quite entire specimen. The specimen, which is represented in fig. 6, was completely undivided, or only forming a single stem strongly sinuous at the base, on the exterior half of which the polyps were attached, while the lower part was sterile and widened at the end to a funnel-shaped 4-bladed root. My Father as well as myself thought at the time that we had before us a constantly simple or unbrahched form, which although distinctly stamped as an Isidin by its jointed axis and peculiar root, yet shewed a remarkable affinity to the Pennatulidae, and therefore seemed entitled to be considered as a type of a peculiar genus, which my Father named Isidella. But the next year I found some exemplars which shewed that the present form, like the other Isidinse, can be branched; although the branches here appear to be unusually few in number and never again divided. As our coral agrees otherwise in all essential points with the genus Mopsea established by Lamouroux, there can be no objection to refer it to that genus, which is thus represented in the tropical seas, in the Mediterranean and in the Arctic seas. It was also named by my Father, under the above appellation (Mopsea borealis) in his list of deep- sea animals inserted in the Christiania Videnskabs-Selskabs Forhandlinger for 1868. The largest tolerably entire specimen of mine (fig. 4) is 85 Mm. high. At the distance of about 20 Mm. from the root, there proceeds at an acute angle a branch, which was however 1 Corallenthieir drs vothen Mcores. pg. 130. - Histoirc naturelle des Coralliaire's, Vol. 1. pg. 192. 51 broken at the end; and at the distance of about 60 Mm. from the root, an other branch 25 Mm. long, nearly at a right angle. Both branches are about of the same thickness as the main stem. Another specimen of the same size, or even a little higher (fig. 3) was, like the first observed, entirely undivided with a tolerably straight stem. A third specimen (fig. 1) was considerably larger, namely 105 Mm. high, but yet incomplete; as the whole lower part was wanting. It had at a distance of 45 Mm. from the point, one single branch 35 Mm. long issuing nearly at a right angle. A fourth imperfect specimen (fig. 5) probably the exterior part of an equally large exemplar, had 2 nearly equally large branches issuing close together from the stem, but in different directions, one at a right angle, and the other at an acute angle, and besides these one very small branch near the end. This is the most extensive branching which I have observed. As will be seen from the above, the coral under consideration seems to be very slightly branched; the stem being either completely undivided, or only here and there exten- ding a short lateral branch, which appears never to divide itself again. Hereby the form is very decidedly distinguished from the other Isidse, which are always extensively, most fre- quently dichotomically, branched. As in the other forms belonging to this sub-family, the stem, as well as the branches, consists of a solid axis formed of alternate calcareous and horn-joints, and a soft and fleshy envelope (csenenchym), covering this axis, wherein the polyps reside. The lower half or third part of the stem seems however always to be sterile (see fig. 2. 3. 4. 6); and it is very diffi- cult to distinguish on this part any sort of envelope, which yet must certainly exist originally also here in the form of a thin membrane. The whole axis is very slender, cylindrical and everywhere (excepting at the root, and at the extremity which terminates in a narrow point) of nearly uniform thickness. In the above mentioned exemplar (85 Mm. high) the axis was at the basis scarcely 1 Mm. thick. In the upper part, the coral seemed certainly to be some- what thicker; but this is attributable solely to the exterior polyp-bearing evelope (csenenchym) which is here rather strongly developed, and in fresh exemplars is often double as thick as the axis. The joints of the axis are generally extremely elongated, but of somewhat unequal length, often strongly curved (see fig. 6. 12. 22 &c.) completely calcareous and connected with each other by very short horny articulations or knees. By means of these latter, the sub- stance, of which is somewhat elastic, the stem becomes flexible; for the calcareous joints are completely stiff and inflexible. The lower part of the stem resolves itself into several (35) irregularly curved and folded completely calcareous blades, which fasten themselves down be- tween, and partly grasp, the harder particles of clay or grains of sand which lie above the mud that covers the bottom of the sea, 'and thus, as it were like root-leaves, serve to attach the colony. The latter seems therefore, unlike most of the other corals, to be only slightly attached. Most frequently these root-leaves are so arranged (see fig. 3. 4. 6. 18) as to form together an inverted very short and wide funnel; the stem immediately below the first knee 7* expanding itself downwards on all- sides, and then dividing itself into a certain number (usu- ally 4) linear lobes directed obliquely downwards and outwards. These lobes, which are ex- ternally more or less convex, internally concave, very thin and leaf-like, may again divide themselves or send out irregular processes, and are frequently strongly enlarged at the extre- mity, becoming at the same time flatter (see fig. 20 & 21). Externally they are of the same nature as the calcareous joints of the axis, white and somewhat shining, and shew (in larger specimens) a distinct longitudinal striping (see fig. 18. 19. 20) while the interior surface (see fig. 21) is uneven and of a dull greyish color with irregular slightly marked somewhat curved transverse lines (the convexity of the curve downward) which are doubtless lines of growth. The whole root with all its lobes forms an entire connected body of completely calcareous consistency; and it happens not unfrequently that more or less perfect roots of dead exem- plars are found lying loose in the mud, together with numerous detached axis-joints. Some of these isolated root-pieces were very large, and shewed, in connexion with the frequently very thick axis-joints, that this coral certainly attains a considerable size, namely, (judging from these parts) at least the height of 1 foot. The largest root which I found (fig. 18. 19) has a diameter between the longest lobes of 57 Mm. but the exterior part of the lobes was certainly a good deal broken off. On the top, or in the middle of the upper side, it had a smooth joint-surface to which the first horn-joint of the axis had been attached; below this joint-surface it becomes wider on all sides, and then divides itself into 5 nearly equally de- veloped leaf-like branches inclining downwards and outwards, and in semi-circular arrangement, so that 2 of the branches were diametrically opposite to each other, and the other 3 radiating all on the same side at equal distances from each other and from the former. A single and apparently entire root-blade particularly strongly enlarged at the end, which was likewise found losse in the mud, and which I have delineated fig. 21. & 22, was 50 Mm. long. The form and the arrangement of these root-blades seem however to be subject to considerable variations generally, and to be dependent on the form and nature of the objects which are to serve for the attachment of the coral. They are therefore often found irregularly bent and twisted, and of unequal development, so that often some few of them are of unusual length, while others are stopped in their growth (see for instance fig. 22 & 23). As regards the joints of the stem, they are as stated usually very much elongated mostly 1020 times as long as they are thick, and of cylindrical form, but so that they are somewhat enlarged at both ends, whereby especially the shorter joints acquire a shape some- thing like that of an hour-glass (see fig. 13 & 16). In smaller specimens (fig. 3. 4. 6. 12) they are more evenly cylindrical, and apparently quite smooth and somewhat transparent, while in larger exemplars (fig. 13. 14. 16. 17) they are opaque white and distinctly striped in a longitudinal direction. This striping, which is formed by raised parallel ribs and inter- mediate furrows, is usually perfectly straight and regular; I have rarely found joints on which it appeared to run a little obliquely, as if the joint had been twisted to one of the sides (see fig. 17). The joint-surfaces are (see fig. 16. & 17) usually more or less salient in the 53 middle, and shew regular concentric lines indicating the different calcareous strata which have been deposited one outside of the other. As already stated, their length is rather un- equal; as in the same colony there are often inserted single much shorter joints between the longer ones (see fig. 4. 22 &c.). These shorter joints seem however to be restricted only to the sterile part of the stem, while the joints in the polyp-bearing part and in the' branches are more of one length. The horny joints or knees are everywhere of the same length, par- ticularly short, scarcely more than half as long as they are wide; in fresh specimens about of the same width as the calcareous joints, and like these striped longitudinally (see fig. 13). The proportion of length between the calcareous and the horny joints, is thus in the present species rather different from the other Isidinae; the calcareous joints being usually 15 20 times, and in younger stems (fig. 12), often 3040 times longer than the horny joints, while the difference in length between both in the other Isidinae is far less. On more closely exa- mining the mud drawn up in the dredge, there were found as above mentioned, besides root- pieces and root-blades, numerous loose calcareous joints, and less frequently more coherent pieces of stem (fig. 11. 12. 13. 14) of various thickness, and evidently belonging to colonies of very unequal size. One of these calcareous joints, which I have delineated of the natural size, fig. 16, was of quite unusual thickness, namely 5V 2 Mm. in the middle, but proportio- nally very short, namely only 10 Mm. and had undoubtedly belonged to the sterile part of the stem of an usually large specimen. Some few other joints, very short in proportion to their thickness, were also found; but most were of the elongated form characteristic of the species, for which reason I must consider such short joints, as those exceptionally inserted between the longer joints, in conformity with what may be seen in the 2 younger colonies delineated fig. 4 & 22. It will be seen that the thicker joints, derived consequently from larger colonies, are on the whole proportionally shorter than the joints of younger colonies, which will imme- diately strike the eye, on comparing the 3 pieces of stem all represented of the natural size in fig. 12. 13 & 14. I will further, for better illustration of the unequal proportion between thickness and length, add the measurements of a number of loose calcareous joints belonging to colonies of various sizes. .V thick. long. 1 V,Mm. 23 Mm. 2 Vs - 16 - 3 Vs - 17 - 4 V - 15 - 5 1 11 - 6 1 15 - 7 1 16 - 8 1V 4 - 14 - 9 IV, - 16 - 10 1% - 21 - JI3 thick. long. 11 2 Mm. 9 Mm. 12 2 10 - 13 2 13 - 14 2 15 - 15 2% - 4 - 16 3 6 - 17 3% - 22 - 18 3V, - 14 - 19 4 9 - 20 5V 2 - 10 - 54 In the 2 entire undivided specimens which I have delineated lig. 3 & 6, the propor- tions of the joints of the stem were tolerably uniform. The, first knee is (and this seems to be the rule for all specimens) situated close down to the funnel-shaped enlarged part of the root. After this comes a very long calcareous joint, then 2 shorter joints, of which the first is shortest; then again a long joint nearly of the same length as the first. The other joints (4 or 5 in number) seem to be all about of the same length. Also in the specimen deline- ated fig. 4 the proportion of the joints appears to have been originally similar, supposing that the small second joint, which follows on the first side-branch, has properly belonged to the next following. Likewise a similar proportion will be observed in the piece of stem de- lineated fig. 22, presuming that the small first joint originally formed part of the next follow- ing. Finally if we assume that in the 2 single specimens (fig. 3 & 6) the 2 -- - and in the branched specimen (fig. 4) the 3 jointjs following the first had originally formed a single joint, it will appear that the stem consists of a series of about equally long joints. It seems to me very probable that in reality, as the colony grows up, such a division of the calcareous joints may take place into several smaller joints connected with each other by horny knees, whereby the joints become gradually more numerous, and shorter in proportion to their thick- ness. In all cases I have usually found .that the joints in younger colonies .are not only relatively, but absolutely longer than in the older colonies. This is quite different from what, according to Steenstrup *, may be observed in the genus Isis, where on the contrary there occurs during the growth a fusion of joints originally separated, so as to form coherent cal- careous parts, particularly in the main stem, which on that account often seems to be to a great extent unjointed. In this coral such a fusion never seems to take place; the stem is always distinctly jointed right down to the root; and the joints seem just here to be shortest, as the division of the originally single joints seems just here preferably to take place. This division of the calcareous joints does not occur equally everywhere, but begins earlier in cer- tain places, which just seems to account for the frequently great difference in the length of the joints in one and the same colony. Probably therefore the calcareous joints in very large colonies, in which this division is further advanced, are on the whole proportionally of much less elongated form than in younger colonies, even if there may not be so small a difference between the calcareous and horny joints as in the other species of the same genus. As regards the branches, their axis is just like the main stem completely divided into calcareous joints connected with each other by horny knees, about of the same thickness as the joints of the main axis. They are as already stated, always single or unbranched, and usually take their origin from the horny joints (see fig. 11), a feature which is precisely fun- damental in the genus Mopsea, and whereby this genus is distinguished from the allied genus Isis, where the branches, on the contrary, take their origin from the calcareous joints them- selves. This rule is however not without exception. I have now and then found calcareous joints on which, a distinct side-process had formed itself (fig. 15) which seems to be the be- Om SUegten Isis oj; de under Isis hippuris Linn, sammenblandede Arter pg. 7. 55 ginning of a branch. On the piece of stem delineated fig. 22 there was such a side-process, issuing from the 2 n ? calcareous joint, already connected with a horny joint, and the latter again with another short calcareous joint, being thus clearly a branch; and on the polyp- bearing piece delineated fig. 5, it was properly only the lowest of the 2 large side-branches which issued directly from the horny joint, while the other took its origin from the next calcareous joint near the base. The so-called bark or the polyp-bearing fleshy envelope (csenenchym) begins (in the entire specimens examined) first to be visible about in the middle of the length of the stem, although really it encloses also the lower sterile part in the shape of an extremely thin mem- brane. It is whitish, or rather yellowish transparent, so that the axis is clearly seen through it, (see fig. '8) and full of vitreous spiculse. Its width is in the fresh state about twice the thickness of the axis, and sometimes even more. The polyps, which stand out from the stem usually obliquely upwards and outwards, are situated at some distance from each other, and apparently alternating on both sides of the stem; but on closer examination they are found to be placed round about the stem, and thus arranged spirally along the same. Between 2 horny joints there are usually found 5 10 polyps. These are of various sizes; as between those fully developed there are often found very small budding polyps. The 'largest are when extended (see fig. 8) about 3 times as long as the stem is thick (in the young specimens examined), or about 2 Mm. long; broadly cylindrical, about twice as long as they are broad; when contracted about half as long, and nearly globular or shortly cylindrical with rounded extremities. The mouth is surrounded by 8 tentacles, which are nearly as long as the body, conically elongated, or thickest at the base gradually tapering towards the extremity, and on each side furnished with a series of about 12 projecting conically pointed pinnules. The short and wide cylindrical gullet, or so- called stomachal canal, shines through the skin of the polyp with its orange-yellow color, and extends from the mouth about half way down the body, where the 8 septa or radial lamellae also shine distinctly through as radial diverging orange-yellow sinuous stripes. The spiculse in the polyp's body lie very closely packed together in the skin, and mostly in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the body. They often project with their points somewhat above the surface of the skin. Some of them, namely in the exterior part of the body, are as long as half the body and even longer, and project with their points over the skin at, or between the bases of the tentacles. Also on the exterior side of the tentacles and even of the pin- nules there are spiculse; but they are here particularly small; they are all (see fig. 9) of linear form, only somewhat tapering at the ends, and obtusely rounded (fig. 10), also every- where rough with small irregular projecting nodules. In the youngest colonies of only 20 Mm. height (fig. 7) there was only one single polyp developed; and this was situated at the point of the stem. In somewhat larger spe- cimens there were indications of one or two other polyps below it. The budding of the polyps seems thus to proceed from above downwards. The axis in these small specimens was par- 56 ticularly thin, almost as fine as a hair, with the calcareous joints extraordinarily long in pro- portion to the width, and the horny joints (3 or 4 in number) only slightly marked, but still when highly magnified easily recognisable, by their greater transparency and faint yellowish color. In the latter there could easily be distinguished a more opaque internal part, in the form of a denser cord connecting the 2 opposite projecting joint-surfaces of the calcareous joints with each other, and a more transparent outer part extending some way up along the base of the calcareous joints. In the- latter there could in some cases quite dearly be seen an internal canal running through the whole length of the joint. Outside the whole there was remarked an extremely thin exterior skin, the not yet polyp-bearing caenenchym (see fig. 70- Th e color is in fresh specimens pale orange-yellow, which is especially attributable to the polyps, and partly also to the casnenchym; but the axis is like the root, externally snow-white, with strongly contrasting dark brown horny joints or knees. I have only found this interesting coral in the great depths at Lofoten, namely at the fishing station Skraaven in 300 fathoms, and at the fishing station Risvser down to 400 fathoms, the greatest depth there occurring. It lives everywhere only on soft clay or muddy bottom, and seems never like most other corals, to attach itself to the naked rock. The species may be characterised in the following manner. * Mopsea borealis. M. Sars. Polyparium gracile. erectum, indivisum vel parce modo ramosum, ramis indivisis paucis et divaricatis, stirpe tenuissimo ubique fere latitudine eadem inque tota longitudine distincte articulata, articulis calcareis plerumque valde elongatis, subcylindricis, ad extremitates tamen plus minusve incrassatis, longitudinaliter striatis, nonnullis brevioribus in parte imprimis infe- riore interpositis, nodis corneis (geniculis) brevissimis illis 10 ies 20 ics brevioribus ; radice dila- tata, subinfundibuliformi, in ramos plures (3 5) foliaceos calcareos ssepe irregulariter flexuosos et apicem versus dilatatos et applanatos divisa. Cortex polypifera (speciminum juniorum) in parte modo dimidia superiore distincta, polypis sat magnis spiraliter apicem versus dispositis, tentaculis 8 sat longis pinniferis instructis. Spicula numerosa insequalia et in cute polyporum et in cortice polypiferse acumulata linearia, extremitatibus obtusis, tuberculis numerosis minutis scabra. Color polyporum et corticis polypiferse pallide fulvus; articula calcarea vero et foliola radicalia nivea, nodis corneis saturate fulvo-badiis. Longitude speciminis junioris completl 90 Mm. latitude stirpis vix 1 Mm.; sed ad magnitudinem longe majorem excrescere potest, Habitat ad insulas Lofotenses in profunditate 300400 orgyarum, fundo argillaceo. The present species stands very near to the Mopsea elongata (Isis) Esper 1 (Mopsea Mediterranea Kisso) also more particularly described by Philippi 2 , but does not appear to attain so considerable a size as that, which grows more than 2 feet high and 1 foot wide between the longest branches. Moreover our species is far from being so strongly branched 1 Pflanzenthierc Vol. 1. p. 47. Tab. 6. 2 Archiv fur Naturgeschichte 1842. 1. p. 38. 57 as the Mediterranean, but is often' quite undivided; and where branches are found, they are very few in number, simple (not again divided) and extended in different directions (not in the same plane). Finally the calcareous joints are in our species remarkable from their unusual length, while the horny joints are quite short. In the Mediterranean species the calcareous joints are, according to Philippi, at most 8 lines long, and the horny joints 2 lines long; thus the proportion of relative length is at most but as 4 to 1; while in our species it is usually as 1520, and in younger specimens often as 30 40 to 1. Further there seems to be some difference in the spicula. Philippi describes, besides the shorter ones, 8 very long lancet-shaped spicula, which in dried specimens extend far beyond the calyx in the form of 8 regular points (according to Risso's figure these points are even more than half as long as the polyp). Such unusually long projecting and regularly arranged spicula are not found in our species. Finally our species seems, by the elongated form of its calcareous joints, to resemble the species shortly noticed by Pourtales l Mopsea eburnea from Florida; but this is like the other Isidinee dichotomically branched, and differs besides in the calcareous joints not being thickened at the extremities, as is always the case with the larger joints in our northern species. The above described characteristic lobed form of the root has been hitherto, among the Isidinse only observed in the Mopsea elongata, in which it is described by Philippi in a very similar manner; although its lobes or branches are according to this naturalist exter- nally quite smooth, which as above mentioned, is not the case in our species ; the latter having them very distinctly marked with longitudinal stripes. I shall in conclusion remark that in all probability we have yet another species of Isidinse on our coasts. The learned Bishop Gunnerus of Throndhjem has, in ,,Det kongl. Xorske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter" Vol. 4. 1768 Tab. 4. Fig. 8. delineated a piece of a stem taken up from the sea off Sinolen, which he considers to have belonged to an Isis hippuris. But as this coral is an evident tropical form, only known from. East India, there can be no question of our having the same species in our seas. The peculiar form of the calcareous joints and their unusual shortness in comparison with the horny joints, seem also decidedly to oppose the notion that this piece should belong to the species here described, Mopsea borealis, and rather to shew that it belongs to some species of the real genus Isis. 1 Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative zoology at Harvard College. Cambridge No. 7. 1868. p. 132. 58 7 11, Eungiacyathus fragilis. M. Sars, nov. gen. ct sp. (PI. V. fig. 24-32). Of the free TurbJaolidsB, of which most species are fossile, and which in the present telluric period belong almost exclusively to the warmer seas, we have formerly known only one single northern form, namely the Ulocyathas uri-licnx described by my Father 1 and con- sidered after later investigations, to be identical with the fossile coral classed by Milne Ed- wards & Haine 2 under the denomination Flabellum laciniatum, which has been found byPhi- lippi in the tertiary formation of Calabria, It is therefore interesting to state the existence of another remarkable coral belonging to the same group, and living together with the former in the great depths off our coast. It forms the type for a proper genus, which was named by my Father Fungiacyathus on account of a very striking external similarity to the well known tropical genus Fungia belonging to another family. My largest specimen has a transverse diameter of 21 Mm. The polyparium or the calcareous skeleton (fig. 29. 30) has completely the appear- ance of a Fungia., its base forming (fig. 25. 27) a horizontal flat, nearly circular disc, to the upper side of which the radiating lamellae (septa) are attached, without being enclosed by the so-called wall leaf (characteristic for most other stone corals) which forms the outer boundary of the calyx (theca) and gives it its form. In our coral there can therefore be no question of any calyx properly speaking ; because the calyx is precisely dependent on a more or less perpendicular wall-leaf which is here entirely wanting, or strictly speaking exists in- deed, but by being extended in the same horizontal plane, loses its character, and only re- presents the base of the coral or a so-called foot-leaf. The coral is therefore below quite flat, while above it is rather strongly convex (see fig. 29) which however is only owing to the high salient septa proceeding from the foot-leaf, which from the border rise rather ab- ruptly, and then again become more gradually lower towards the centre, thus forming a wide and deep central cavity (fossa calicinalis) in the middle of the upper surface. These septa are very numerous, particularly thin and brittle, with the free border in its whole length some- what wavy, and rather regularly folded or corrugated transversely; so that the free edge seen from above (fig. 31) appears zigzagged. They all remain in their whole length separate from each other, without any anastomosis ; and have usually a tolerably straight direction converging from the border to the centre like radii of a circle. Only exceptionally some of them are somewhat irregularly sinuous in a part, or in the whole length of their course, and this stands usually in connexion' with an irregularity in the exterior border of the coral. As usual (! systems can be distinguished, and in each of these 6 8 orders of septa. The 6 primary septa (fig. 24. 29. 30. 1) are in most cases easily defined; although it often happens 1 Fauna littoralis Norvcgiae Vol. 2. pag. 73, Tab. 10, Fig. 1827. ! Annales des sciences naturdles, 3 e seric, T. 9, pag. 273. 59 that some of the secondary ones (ibid 2) are nearly as strongly developed. Both these or- ders of septa are (see fig. 32) particularly high and curved, nearly as high as they are long, and are continued (see fig. 30) diminishing rapidly in height to the centre, where their border becomes strongly folded, and as it were covered with small irregular lobes or fringes which are partly involved with each other, and form in the centre a corrugated part of thin calcareous leaves. The tertiary septa (fig. 24. 29. 3) are still tolerably high, although considerably lower than the primary and secondary, and do not extend to the centre; the quaternary and quinary are however very low, as also those of 6 th 7'. h & 8'. h order, which are only confined to the extreme marginal part. Moreover no little irregularity is observed in the arrangement and development of the single septa, so that the radial division of the calyx so strictly maintained in many other corals, is here in many ways disturbed. It will thus be easily observed that the number of septa in each system in the same coral is by no means always the same ; as likewise the apparent irregular development, not only of the smaller septa, but sometimes even of the primary and secondary, makes it rather difficult to define with perfect certainty the individual systems and orders of septa (see for ex. the specimen delineated in fig. 26). No real columella is to be found; although the central irregularly curled part, which, as above stated, is formed by the interior converging ends of the primary and secondary septa, may be regarded as a slight indication of a columella. Neither can there be found in our coral any trace of the interior circle of septa (pali) observable in many other corals. The border of the foot-leaf, from which the radiating lamellae (septa) take their origin, is not entire, but closely and irregularly incised or dentated, each of the pointed teeth cor- responding usually to one of the septa, so that the number and development of the latter can be tolerably well ascertained, from the number and proportions of the marginal points. The coral is not completely circular in its general form, but as it appears, rather broader in one half than in the other. In all the 3 specimens examined by me these wider and nar- rower halves were indicated by a distinct constriction in the middle, or by 2 irregular lateral incurvations of the border; and these had, with respect to the bucal aperture, a similar posi- tion in all. Whether this was a mere coincidence, or a more constant case, I cannot with certainty decide; as I have not had opportunity of examining any complete specimens excep- ting these 3. The foot leaf itself is, as has been stated, quite flat below (fig. 25. 27) without any trace of attachment. There is only observed in the middle a somewhat corroded part, from which the growth of the coral has taken its origin, but which was not appreciably salient. From this spot numerous fine raised stripes or ribs (costa?) radiate towarde the edge. The most distinct of these correspond to the primary and secondary septa situated above; between these again there are found numerous others which become finer and finer. An extremely fine concentric striation, indicating the successive growth of the coral, was also occasionally perceptible. 60 There was no trace of any external membrane (epitheca) covering this part to be seen in my specimens. The sott parts are entirely confined to the upper surface of the coral, where they cover as well the septa as the intervals between them. The animal is (see fig. 24. 26) single and actiniform like that of the Ulocyathus. The bucal disk, which is stretched over the central hollow part of the coral (fossa calicinalis) so that the interior part of the primary and secondary septa is completely concealed, and which moreover is evenly continued outwards between the septa, shews tolerably coarse radial fur- rows crossed by finer circular ones. The mouth forms an eliptical opening in the middle, larger or smaller according to its greater or less contraction. The lip is thickened and crenu- lated by numerous rounded lobes, which are limited by tolerably deep incisions. From these lobes there descend, to the very bottom of the stomachal canal, the linear convex bucal folds which are all nearly alike developed (none notably larger than the others). The tentacles which always proceed from that point where the septa lose themselves in the bucal membrane, are very small, about 50 in number, and forming 4 or 5 concentric rows or cycles. Those in the interior, which are usually 6 in number, corresponding to the 6 primary septa (see fig. 24) but which sometimes appear to be more (see fig. 26) some of the tentacles answering to the secondary septa coming into the same ring -- are the largest, although not nearly so large as in the Ulocyathus, and attached at a distance from the centre of about half the radius. In the following cycles they diminish rapidly in size; so that in the outer ring they appear only as small tubercles. In shape they are usually cylindro- conical, somewhat constricted at the base with obtusely rounded point, and everywhere covered with rather large roundish prominent nodules (see fig. 28) in which are accumulated a great many small urticary cells. The color of the animal is, as in the Ulocyathus, a beautiful vermillion, which color is more intense in the tentacles and particularly in the bucal folds. The coral itself, or the polyparium, is on the contrary snow-white. Of this interesting Turbinolide I have only found 4 specimens, all in the same locality, namely at the fishing station Skraaven in Lofoten at the depth of 300 fathoms on soft clay bottom, together with Ulocyathus arcticus, which occurs here in quite enormous quantities and of more considerable size than I have found it in any other place, namely with a trans- verse diameter of 35 Mm. or 1Y 3 ". This new Genus may be characterised in the following manner. Gen. Fungiacyathus. M. Sars. Polijparinm simplex, liberum, absque vestigio adhsesionis, discoideum vel lamina modo instructum basali horizontali plana subtus subtiliter radiatim costata, lamina vero murali (theca) nulla. Calyx subcircularis supra (septis altis) convexus margine crispo. Columella null a, pali nulli. Septa numerosa, systemata 6 et ordines 6 8 formantia, primaria et secun- daria valde elevata, arcuata, subtiliter transverse plicata, margine superiore subimdulato, usque 61 ad centrum producta, et hie irregulariter lobata et flexuqsa, omnia in tota lougitudine discreta tenuissima supra marginem. exteriorem calycis prominentia. Fossa calicinalis sat magna et sequaliter depressa. Animal simplex actiniiforme sanguineum, ore elliptico plicato, tentaculis parvis conico- cylindratis, verrucosis, apice obtuso, non retractilibus, 4 5 seriatis. Species unica Fungiacyathns i'ragilis. M. Sars. Calyx irregulariter circularis, parte dimidia altera latiore, diametro majorum 21 Mm. Habitat ad insulas Lofotenses in profunditate 300 orgyarum fundo argillaceo. Among the Turbinolidae hitherto known there are only 2 genera Discotrochus and Discocyathus M. Edw. & Haine both only known in a fossile state (from the tertiary period) which have the peculiar disc-shaped Fungia-like form of our coral. The Fungiacyathus is distinguished from both these genera by the absence of a columella, from the Discocyathus also by the absence of the inner circle of lamellae (pali) and is hereby evidently most nearly allied to the Ulocyatlni* arcticus a Turbinolide living on our coast, which however is suffici- ently distinguished by (inter alia) its short conical or wedge-formed crooked pointed base, and by the presence of a wall-leaf which is certainly not very much developed in height though yet distinct, while in the Fungiacyathus it is entirely wanting. Our coral belongs to that sub-group (of the two in the family of the Turbiuolidse) which M. Edw. & Haine call Turbinolinse, and which is distinguished from the other group designated as Cyathinse by the absence of pali. S p o n g i e. 12, Trichostemma hemisphiericum, M, Sars. nov. gen. et spec. (PI. VI. fig. 1 15). Of this sponge, so peculiar in its appearance, I have seen a number of specimens of various size; and all these shewed the same characteristic form, which must thus be consi- dered as perfectly constant for the present species. The largest specimens have a transverse diameter of nearly 2" and a height of 1". The form (see fig. 1 & 2) is more or less .high hemispherical, circular with the lower surface plane, or in the middle a little concave; the upper surface evenly ^convex; the circular edge rather sharp, and in its whole length closely bordered with a ring of numerous capillary radiate spicula which together form a corona round the sponge like a nimbus, and in width about V 5 V 7 of the sponge's transverse diameter. The plane or somewhat concave lower surface of the sponge is sunk in the mud, and the circular rim of radiating spicula contri- butes essentially to secure its position, by spreading out in the mud on all sides. Of the whole sponge there is thus only the upper convex surface which projects above the mud. From this upper surface arise a greater or less number of obtusely conical, fistular processes curved in various manners, each having at its extremity a circular aperture, the so-called out-flow aperture (osculum). These fistular oscula, of which the number may vary from a very few up to 20, are always confined only to the highest part of the convex surface; be- tween them and the circular rimmed border, there is always a tolerably wide field without any oscula (see fig. 2) which is naturally accounted for by the sponge being probably sunk in the mud considerably beyond the border-rim. The latter performs doubtless the same service as the root-fibres in other sponges ; that is, it serves to fix the sponge in the soft mud in which it is found. Only in a few specimens I have found that the lower concave surface had attached itself to "a small stone or to a larger shell, round which it had grown entirely; so that only a small part of the object was visible externally. The sponge must therefore properly be said to be free, not attached, but only by help of its border-rim lying, as it were, at anchor in the soft mud. The whole sponge is of rather firm consistency, and of a white grey color. The lower surface is quite smooth, the upper convex part is on the contrary somewhat uneven or cor- rugated with small roundish tolerably regular elevations and depressions. 63 The smallest specimen which I have found (fig. .3) had already the characteristic he- mispherical form. The upper convex surface had only one fistular osculum in the centre. The circular rim of spicula was already completely developed; and its width was equal to V 3 of the transverse diameter of the sponge. When the sponge is dried, the upper convex side sinks considerably ; so that it be- comes nearly Hat, which justifies the supposition that its interior is of a very loose texture. This is also easily ascertained by cleaving a fresh or spirit specimen along the middle. It then appears (see fig. 4) to enclose a rather large cavity filled with soft parenchym, wherein the interior support or skeleton formed of spicula is only very slightly developed. But on the other hand the dermal stratum is particularly thick, and of very firm consistency, owing in a great measure to the numerous siliceous spicula, with which it is filled. This cortical stratum is sharply distinguished from the interior parenchym, and has its greatest thickness in the middle of the lower side, where it occupies about Va f the height of the whole sponge, but be- comes gradually thinner towards the periphery; on the upper convex side, the cortical stratum is on the contrary everywhere of uniform thickness, and about half as thick as in the middle of the lower side. The inner cavity, filled with sarcode, has therefore a crescent-like section, as the thickened lower cortical stratum rises in the centre like a watch glass. In this interior sarcode-cavity may be distinguished many irregular cavities anastomosing with each other, and bounded by thin lamellae of parenchym, which are partly supported by spicula arranged in fascicles. These cavities shew on the whole a radial arrangement, and have their out-let above in a greater or less number of cylindrical tubes which pierce the cortical stratum, and open each at the end of one of the exterior fistular processes. The whole upper cortical stratum seems moreover to be perforated with particularly fine pores, through which the water is led into the interior of the sponge, to be afterwards emptied out through the fistular oscula. The spicula are of 4 different kinds, which yet have all the same general form, namely the simple needle-shape. In the interior parenchym of the sponge there are found spi- cula almost exclusively of one sort (fig. 11) long, straight and somewhat fusiform or tapering at both ends, but so that one end always forms a bulbous enlargement (fig. 13) while the other terminates in a fine elongated point (fig. 12). These spicula, which thus according to Bowerbank's terminology must be called ,,fusiformi-acuate" are of very different length (from 0.60 to 5.40 Mm.) and have an evident axial canal. They are connected in long ramified fascicles which radiate (see fig. 4) from a point lying in the centre of the periphery of the sponge, but nearer to the lower than to the upper surface, or near the most prominent part of the lower cortical stratum in the interior of the sponge. These fascicles of spicula sup- port the thin lamellae of the parenchym which divide the interior cavity, and thence penetrate into the upper cortical stratum to the greater part of its thickness, yet without reaching to the extreme dermal layer (see fig. 5). In the lower cortical stratum, these fascicles are still much closer, and radiate on all sides almost horizontally, penetrating not the thickness, but 64 the length of the stratum, even to the edge of the periphery, where they become gradually mixed with spicula of another sort (fig. 14) which are much thinner and longer (up to 8 Mm.) very elastic, bristle-like, not enlarged in the middle, but evenly tapered in their whole length, and terminating in an extremely fine elongated point. These bristle-like spicula form exclusively the wide border which gives to the sponge so peculiar an appearance, and radiate on all sides standing out horizontally from the circular rim. In the upper cortical stratum no trace is to be found of these bristle-like spicula. On the contrary it derives its firmness chiefly from spicula of another form, which are also found in the lower cortical stratum near the edge, and now and then also in the interior parenchym. These spicula, which are particularly closely packed round about the ends of the long fascicles of spicula that radiate from the inte- rior of the sponge, and have here usually a transversal position, or stand at right angles to the exterior surface and with their points turned outwards (see fig. 5) are very short (about 0.24 Mm. long) and pin-shaped (fig. 6 a) or furnished at one end with a globular enlargement or head (see also fig, 8) while the shaft itself is rather strongly enlarged in the middle, and at the other end sharply pointed (fusiformi-spinulate Bowerbank). In the exterior part of this cortical stratum, we find again spicula of a somewhat different form, although most cor- responding with those last named, from which they differ by the small development of the head, this being often scarcely perceptible, and by the capillary form of the shaft scarcely enlarged in the middle (fig. 6, c). These spicula, which are about of the same length as the pin-shaped ones, are (see fig. 5) extremely closely packed, and stand all side by side at right angles to the exterior surface which they penetrate with their extreme point. These closely packed exterior spicula form, as it were, a separate thin outer layer of the cortical stratum (a b) distinguished by a great degree of firmness, and by a lighter color than the other part. The size of the different sorts of spicula is moreover, as already remarked, rather various; and more casual deviations in the form may not seldom be observed; this is espe- cially the case with the pin-shaped spicula in the cortical stratum. The head is not always round in these, but often shews at the extremity a more or less prominent peg-shaped pro- cess (see fig. 10, a). In one case (fig. 10, b) this peg was quite unusually long and obliquely inclined to one side, whereby the head came to be situated at the end of the first 4 1 ! 1 part of the length of the spiculum. In another case (fig. 9) there appeared in the middle of the spiculum a few irregular enlargements or nodulous excrescences. Very seldom there were found, especially in the lower cortical stratum, single spicula of the same sort which were more than double as long (fig. 7). Otherwise the length of the pin-shaped spicula is tolerably constant, and only varies within very narrow limits (from 0.21. to 0.28 Mm.). Between these and the capillary spicula lying in the extreme dermal stratum there were also evident tran- sition-forms (tig. 6 b) in which the shaft although still extremely thin, shewed itself evidently enlarged in the middle. In some of these last the head was unusually wide, lancet-like or top-shaped (fig. 0, d). This peculiar sponge occurs not rarely at Lofoten (at the fishing-places Skraaven and 65 Guldbrandsoerne) in a depth of 120300 fathoms on soft clay bottom. I have not yet found it in any other place ; but it is probable that when the great depths off our coast shall have been more closely examined, this sponge will also be found in many other places. As regards the systematic place of this sponge, it is according to the nature of the spicula easy to see that it is a siliceous sponge ; likewise the arrangement of the spicula shews that it belongs to the 1 s .' group or sub-order established by Bowerbank characterised by ,,spiculo-radiate skeletons" ; it is further easy to see that it belongs to the group named by Oscar Smith Corticata and for which the well known genus Tethea is the type. But on the other hand it will not agree with any of the formerly established genera, from which it differs as well by its characteristic form, as by its peculiar attachment and fistular oscula. The genus may be characterised in the following manner. Gen. Trichostemma. M. Sars. Spongia silicea, simplex, libera, in limo demersa et hie fimbria spiculorum setifor- mium, flexibilium, radiantium sustentata, cortice crasso compacto circumdata, interiore multo minus compacto, parenchymatoso, lacunis numerosis irregularibus trajecto. Oscula numerosa tubifprmia in facie superiore libere prominentia. Sceletum ex spiculis acuformibus fasciculato- racliantibus compositum, aliis brevissimis capite globoso in cortice densissime accumulatis, aliis multo longioribus, fasciculos tenues parenchyma et corticem trajicientes formantibus. Spec. Trichostemma hemisphaericiim. M. Sars. Forma regulariter hemisplio?rica, facie inferiore plana vel paulo c-oncava, superiore sequaliter convexa, limbo distincto circular! spiculis setiformibus tenuissimis et longissimis ubique radiantibus fimbriam latam et elegantissimam formantibus ornato. Color albido-cinereus. Diametros speciminum majorum fimbria exclusa 43 Mm. altitudo 20 Mm. Habitat non infrequens ad insulas "Lofotenses in profunditate 120300 orgyarum, fundo argillaceo. 13, Cladorhiza abyssicola, M, Sars, nov. o-pn. ct spec. (PI. VI. fig. 16-34). This remarkable sponge living in the great depths at Lofoten, has also such a peculiar and characteristic exterior, that it is immediately known from all other sponges; and indeed one might, at a cursory glance, be tempted not to consider it to be a sponge at all, but rather some animal of the polyp kind, for instance a Sertularide. or a Polyzoon. 9 , 66 The sponge consists (see fig. 16 & 17) of a main stem, the lower end of which divides itself into numerous finely ramified roots, by which it is fixed in the ooze. From this main stem at a greater or less distance from the root, and at nearly right angles on different sides issue undivided lateral branches of the same nature as the stem, and like it, termi- nating in a somewhat enlarged obtusely rounded point. Everywhere, as well from the stem as from the side-branches, there issue again secondary continuations in the form of thin conical pointed and somewhat curved processes, all about of the same length, and usually arranged, with short intervals, circularly around the stem or side-branches. Towards the ex- treme end of the latter they become gradually shorter and more obtuse (see fig. 21) and at last they disappear entirely, so that it looks as if the enlarged end had been produced by a confusion of these processes with each other and with the branches. As regards the side- branches themselves they are of somewhat different length, and seem usually to be longest nearer to the base of the sponge, and to decrease successively in length towards the point of the stem. The branches as well as the main stem are very thin, of the same thickness, and mostly quite straight. But on the other hand the secondary processes are as already stated, always more or less strongly and evenly curved towards the point in one direction or in another, and strongly compressed laterally. The color is in fresh specimens yellowish transparent, more or less going over to reddish yellow; and the height of the largest specimens is about 60 Mm. Such is the exterior appearance of this peculiar sponge, which, as may be seen, is very different from anything previously known. Closer investigation shews that the whole sponge is supported, and receives its form by means of numerous very long siliceous spicula of the form called by Bowerbank fusiformi- acuate, which lie longitudinally close together, and are united with each other by a cementing substance in close and solid fascicles. These needle-shaped spicula form everywhere the more solid axis, round which the organic parts lie. In the main stem they form a continuous fascicle (see fig. 18) which at the basis gradually resolves itself into thinner and thinner fascicles (see fig. 23) continued through the branched roots into which the stem divides itself. At the base of these roots the spicula are still surrounded by an exterior organic stratum; but this soon disappears entirely; and the exterior ramifications are formed exclusively by the spicula themselves, the fascicles of which continue branching, becoming at the same time thinner and thinner, until the last ramifications only consist of 2 single rows, in which the spicula are arranged, not side by side but alternating, and so that the ends of the spicula in each row lap over each other, or wedge themselves in between the preceding ones in the same row and the corresponding ones in the second row (see fig. 24); each of these terminal ramifications ends, when in a perfect (uninjured) state, in one single spiculum. From the fascicle of spicula in the main stem, there issue in the side-branches similar fascicles, the innermost spicula of which are wedged with their extremities in between the spicula of the main stem. Also in the numerous tapered processes which are arranged cir- 67 culaily around the stem and the branches, thin fascicles of the same sort of spicula occur in the same manner; so that their basis frequently rests on several fascicles diverging towards the main axis (see fig. 18) while the process otherwise (tig. 19) only contains one single thin fascicle, which is continued centrally up to the very point. In the enlarged end of the bran- ches these central spicula are very irregularly arranged; although they appear usually to exhibit a radial arrangement; their points are seen protruding (fig. 21) on all sides through the outer skin. On examining more closely these central spicula, we find them, wherever they form the solid axis, of tolerably similar appearance and size (fig. 25), about 0.60 Mm. long, perfectly straight, thickest in the middle, and evenly tapering towards both extremities, of which one is simply rounded (fig. 28) and the other shortly pointed (fig. 27); in the interior there may be observed a distinct but extremely fine axial canal. Only in the extremities of the branches there are found, among the normal spicula, some few considerably shorter (scarcely half as long) which are not perceptibly enlarged in the middle, and the proximal extremity of which often shews an irregular curve towards one. of the sides, (fig. 26). The organic substance forms everywhere a tolerably thick stratum, which surrounds the spicular axis (see fig. 18) and in which there are found imbedded some few needle-shaped spicula apparently detached from the axis. Otherwise it makes a uniform parenchym, wherein absolutely no canals or cavities can be discerned. Outwardly this parenchym is covered with a more solid dermal layer, in which are found imbedded numerous spicula of a figure quite different from that of the central spicula above noticed. Three different sorts of them are to be distinguished, all belonging to the group named by Bowerbank ,,retentive spicula". The largest of these (fig. 29 & 30) the length of which scarcely exceeds 0.10 Mm. are simply two-hooked (bihamate) and are rather scantily distributed round the stem and the branches with their processes (see fig. 18), but more plentifully in the enlarged ends of the branches (see fig. 22). The second form of superficial spicula (fig. 33) which I have found only in the enlarged ends of the branches, but here in rather considerable number (see fig. 22), are like the former bihamate, but much thinner and smaller (only 0.04 Mm. long) and decidedly distin- guished by the incurved hooks not lying in the same plane but inclining to different sides, often so that they lie nearly opposite, giving to the spiculum the form of a more or less distinct S. They thus belong to what Bowerbank calls contort bihamate spicula. The 3 r . d and last form (fig. 20. 31. & 32) belongs to the inequi-anchorate spicula; and these are found in quite extraordinary numbers everywhere in the outer skin, particularly at the ends of the secondary processes, very closely packed together (see fig. 19). They are remarkably small (only 0.02 Mm. long) so that their exact figure cannot be represented, unless by appli- cation of the highest magnifying power. They appear (see fig. 32) to consist of a somewhat curved stem enlarged at both the bent ends, but much more at one end than at the other. Both ends seem (fig. 32 a) to terminate in 3 sharp hook-like, somewhat flattened, acutely pointed teeth; but at the one end these teeth are so small that they can only be discerned 9* 68 with the greatest difficulty, while at the other end they are very large and crooked inwards. Usually only 3 such teeth appear; but in some (fig. 32 b) it was evident that behind these there were still a couple of teeth; so that the teeth were on the whole 5 in number. Whether this applies to all or only to some, the position of which happened to be more favorable, I am not able with certainty to decide. By means of these innumerable microscopic ,,claws" which project everywhere from the surface of the sponge, all the more minute animals and the light floating particles which come into immediate contact with the sponge, become atta- ched to it, and thus probably fulfil an essential condition for its nourishment. The specimens which I got up in the dredge shewed also a very peculiar appearance; an infinity of small creatures adhering to it, especially various sorts of Calanus, small Amphipodes, and young Anuelides, which adhered so closely that I had the greatest difficulty in cleansing the sponge from all these extraneous bodies. These small animals came probably for the most part in contact with the sponge, by being taken up in the dredge together with it; but that a similar occurrence, even if on a smaller scale, would take place normally in the deep, I consider very probable. As there appears here no trace of any pores interior cavity or oscula, the ali- mentation must be supposed to be effected by a process different from that which takes place where these apparatus exist. If a small piece from the end of a branch is taken and treated with a weak solution of caustic potass to make it transparent, there will appear in it under the microscope (fig. 22) a peculiar structure of the parenchym, which is not found elsewhere. It will be observed that there are imbedded in this part numerous small globular bodies, with finely granular contents, occurring in greatest numbers near the surface, but which seem also to be found in the central part. It seems indubitable that we have here the place from which the repro- duction of the sponge proceeds. In one of the specimens obtained (fig. 16) there were ob- served in the branches themselves, and partly also in the main stem, imbedded here and there in the parenchym, between the interior spicular axis and the exterior skin, several globular bodies many times larger, easily discernible by the naked eye from their darker yellowish red color and greater opacity. These bodies, which under the microscope exhibited a cellular consistency (see tig. 34) are undoubtedly the fully developed eggs or gemmules. These had certainly not developed themselves in the place where they lay imbedded, but had in all pro- bability been generated at the extremities of the branches, and in the process of development at last become free or released from the cellular tissue wherein they had originated, and thence distributed themselves around in the soft parenchym of the sponge. I have only found this remarkable sponge in one single locality, namely at the fishing station Skraaven in Lofoten at the great depth of 300 fathoms on soft clay bottom. The specimens obtained are of very unequal size, but exhibit all the same characteristic shrub- like form. The largest and most perfect specimen, which is delineated fig. 17, had 14 bran- ches springing out from the stem at different heights; the lowest about half the length of the main stem, not reckoning the root; the others successively shorter. Close under the 69 place where the side-branches commenced, a little Area, pectunculoides was attached to the stem by its byssus (a). By its highly characteristic form, and peculiar attachment, this sponge differs from all other known forms. The arrangement of the central spicula in close axial fascicles, from which again radiate other smaller fascicles in the single processes, seems to shew that it must be more nearly referable to the 1 s .' of the groups of siliceous sponges, established by Bowerbank, 'and characterised by a spiculo-radiate skeleton. Of the gen'era belonging to this group, the genus Hijmcdesmioti is that, which in respect of the structure of the superficial retentive spicula, appears to approach it most closely; but the species of this genus are of a quite different form, namely consisting of thin crusts over extraneous bodies (shell &c.). It exhibits moreover some conformity in the structure of the spicula with the genus Des- mn, which belongs to quite another group, distinguished by a spiculo-fibrous skeleton. The form is however here entirely different; and the skeleton cannot either be properly called fibrous; unless the whole sponge, can be considered as one single ramified fibre. The genus may be characterised in the following manner. Gen. Cladorhiza. M. Sars. Spongia silicea ramosa, fasciculis clensis spiculorum acuformium axem solidam forman- tibus sustentata, radiculis numerosis arborescentibus ex spiculis ejusdem generis formatis in limo affixa, Parenchyma axem internam corticis instar circumdans spiculis superficialibus anchoratis et bihamatis ornatum. Oscula et pori nulla. Ova in apicibus dilatatis ramorum se evolventia. Spec. Cladorhiza abyssicola. M. Sars. Spongia ex stirpe composita tenui erecta ad basin in fibrillas radicales numerosas arborescentes se dividente, de cujus parte superiore exeunt undique radiantes rami laterales simplices, recti, latitudiue eadem ac stirps ipsa et apice tumefacto terminati. Stirps in tota fere longitudine et rami processibus numerosis subsequalibus attenuate conicis, subarcuatis, lateraliter compressis, fasciculis spiculorum centralium sustentatis circumcirca ornata. Paren- chyma axem spiculosam ubique (radiculis exc'eptis) investiens, simplex, sine lacunis intersti- tiisve, membrana vero ornatum externa distiucta spiculis numerosissimis minimis insequaliter anchoratis in processibus conicis imprimis dense accumulatis iustructa, inter qu obveniunt alia multo majora bihamata sparsa in apicibus ramorum tamen frequentiora et cum illis hie etiam spicula alia multo tenuiora bihamata sed hamulis in directiones diversas vergentibus insignia. Ova (vel gemmulse) magna spiculis omnino carentia in parenchymate ramorum et stirpis libere accunmlata. Color dilute pallide-fulvus. Altitude speciminum maximorum GO Mm., latitude stirpitis et ramorum 1 Mm., longitudo processuum secundarium 35 Mm. Habitat rara ad insulam Lofotensem Skraaven in profunditate 300 orgy arum funclo argillaceo. 70 14, Hyalonema longissimum, M, Sars. n. sp. (PI. VI. fig. 3545). Among the deep-sea sponges, which I have occasionally taken up in the dredge at Lofoten together with other marine animals, I had already during my first stay there (in 1864) noticed one form distinguished hy its peculiar appearance. I therefore kept very care- fully all the specimens I could obtain, in order to examine them afterwards. My Father thought at first that we had before us a very anomalous new genus, which he in his notices called preliminarily Chsetoropalium (Bristle-club). A short time afterwards Professor Loven's interesting and important treatise on the Hyalonema boreale came out, in which paper the author describes a very similar form, shewing its near relationship to the problematic ,,glas roop Spongia" (Hyalonema), long ago well known from the Japan Sea, and completely cor- recting the numerous misconceptions of the nature of this remarkable sponge. That the form from Lofoten belongs to the same genus as Loven's species, is sure enough; nay it stands / so near to it, that I have even been in great doubt as to the validity of our form as a distinct species; and the more so because its dissimilarity seemed chiefly referable to the exterior shape, which in sponges is known to be usually very variable in the several individuals. It seems however that in some cases, even the exterior form of sponges may exist with great constancy within certain limits; and to this category the genus Hyalonema seems precisely to belong, as well as the 2 sponges mentioned in the foregoing lines. I have had occasion to examine a great many specimens of the Lofoten Hyalonema, and have found in them all a remarkable agreement in this respect; and I have also had the opportunity, through the kindness of Professor Loven, of comparing them with other specimens, probably of the same species, from widely different localities, namely from the Atlantic Ocean, and from the sea near Greenland; and also in these have found the same differences from the H. boreale Loven as the Lofoten specimens exhibit. On the other hand there was among the Greenland Hya- lonema, a magnificent specimen which immediately shewed a very different habitus, and in this respect very closely corresponded with the specimens described by Loven as H. boreale which I have also had sent to me for comparison. As there does not therefore appear to be any evident transition between these 2 northern Hyalonemes, I cannot do otherwise than consider the form here noticed as a proper species, although very nearly allied to the H. boreale ; and I note it here under the specific name preliminarily applied to it by my Father. The length or the height of my largest specimens is 75 Mm. that is considerably greater than in those described by Loven as H. boreale. But the whole form (see fig. 35. & 36) is far more slender and delicate; and it is specially the very different proportion between the body or head of the sponge and the stem, that immediately strikes the eye and has also given rise to the specific appellation. While in the H. boreale, the proportion of length be- 71 tween the head and the stem is as 1 : 3, it is here as 1 :.6 or 8; in other words the stem is here proportionally double as long as in the H. boreale, and proportionally much thinner. Usually the stem exhibits a more or less strong but even curve on one side, and is everywhere cylindrical, increasing quite evenly in thickness towards the base which often forms a great enlargement (see tig. 46) at the place where the root-fibres begin to appear. This part of the stem sunk in the ooze, and which may fitly be called the root, is curved in va- rious ways; sometimes (see fig. 35) even in a right angle, but everywhere so thickly covered with the numerous sinuous root-fibres full of extraneous matter, that its shape is often not easily discernible. I have however always found that its extremity tapers again, and gradually resolves itself into terminal root-fibres. As to the root-fibres themselves, they are of very solid consistency, and so tough that they cannot be pulled asunder without difficulty. They are (fig. 41) rather transparent, of yellowish color, and apparently in their interior of a perfectly homogenous compact struc- ture. Usually they exhibit a cylindrical form, which is retained even under strong pressure; they are variously contorted and ramified, and are everywhere covered with extraneous matter of different sorts (Rhizopod-shells, siliceous spicula, grains of sand &c.) so adherent as not to be entirely removed without considerable trouble. The body or head of the sponge (fig. 37) is club-shaped, with the upper surface more or less flattened, yet most frequently so that such flattening is not at right angles with the axis but somewhat oblique, From the highest side rises a very remarkable conical process terminating in an opening, which is bounded by long projecting spicula and leads to the interior of the sponge. This fistular process, which represents the out-flow aperture (osculum) is usually situated on the edge of the head, so that its exterior side is flush with the side surface of the head. Such I have found to be the case in nearly all the numerous specimens from Lofoten which 1 have examined. Only in 1 specimen in which the head was unusually thin and elongated, and probably on account of an accidental mutilation rather irregularly shaped, the osculum was a little within the edge of the upper surface (here more directly truncated) but still far removed from the centre. In the H. boreale there is also (at least in one of the specimens examined byLoven) a single widely gaping out-flow aperture on the upper side of the head; but this aperture is firstly not fistular nor prominent, and next, it is situated nearly in the centre of the upper surface, which is also clearly the case in the specimen from Greenland before-mentioned, which I presume belongs to the same species. The whole head is moreover everywhere hirsute with rather long projecting fine spi- cula, which together form, in whatever position the sponge is viewed, a tolerably wide trans- parent border around the head. These spicula projecting from the exterior skin are also found in the H. boreale, but are proportionally shorter and less conspicuous. The color is greyish brown; in very small specimens much lighter or nearly yello- wish white. 72 As to the interior structure form and arrangement of the spicula, I can refer entirely to Professor LoveVs masterly treatise; as in these respects both species are very similar. I shall only notice a few points which possibly might indicate a specific difference. The spicula of the stem do not exhibit in any of my specimens an evident spiral arrangement, but only lie (see fig. 40) longitudinally sometimes rather irregularly, so that one has its point turned a little more to one side, and another more towards the other side. Their form and length are moreover (fig. 42. a) almost exactly as in the H. boreale. Only it seems to me that the medial enlargement in the present species is less sharply marked: often it is (see fig. 43) so slight that it cannot be discovered without attentively tracing the successive increase of the spiculum from both extremities. In some spicula there may be remarked (ibid) a very clearly defined interior outline, in some (a) situated nearer to the axial canal, in others (b) nearer to the exterior surface, and which appears to indicate 2 dif- ferent strata; in most of them however the substance of the spiculum exhibited everywhere complete homogeneity. In a longitudinal central section of the head, it appears (fig. 38) that the spicula of the stem do not as in the H. boreale run conically into the interior of the club, but spread themselves out fan-like in close diverging fascicles, whence again the secondary small fascicles which support the parenchym radiate to the sides and upwards. On making the longitudinal section through the fistular osculum, it will be seen that the latter forms a very large and wide cavity, which reaches deep into the body of the sponge and here communicates with other smaller cavities. The dermal part of the body of the sponge forms (see fig. 36) as it were a sort of cortical layer, which however is not sharply distinguished from the interior parenchym, and owes its solidity principally to the extremely numerous minute fusiform spi- cula (fig. 42, f) packed together without order, which are also characteristic of the skin of the stem (see fig. 40). From this dermal stratum proceed again (see fig. 39), at right angles with the exterior surface of the sponge, the numero.us fine terminally curved spicula (fig. 45) which produce, in the perfect specimens, the very conspicuous silky exterior down that sur- rounds the whole head. As to the exterior surface of the head, it appears under the microscope rather regu- larly punctated; and this is especially plain in younger specimens. Each of the points seems to be a fine pore leading into the substance of the sponge. In older specimens this fine porous structure is less evident, chiefly on account of the various extraneous particles always lodged between the projecting spicula, such as ooze, fine sand &c. which are not easily removed. I have only met with the present sponge in the great depths at Lofoten. It occurs there occasionally at the fishing-stations Skraaven and Guldbrandsoerne in 120300 fathoms water on soft clay bottom. It has however in all probability a far wider distribution, namely both in the great depths of the Atlantic Ocean and in the Arctic Ocean around Greenland, presuming that the specimens sent to me by Professor Loven for comparison should really turn out, on more 73 minute examination, to belong to this species. We may. characterise our species in the fol- lowing manner. Hyalonema longissirnuin. M. Sars. Forma gracillima et elongata, capite clavato, supine plerumque oblique truncato, osculo singulo, magno, tubiformi, longe porrecto, marginal! instructo, ubique pluma deusa spiculorum induto ; stirpe longissima et tenuissima, 6 ies 8 ics capite longiore, basin versus sen- sim latiore, radice plus minusve dilatata et curvata fibrillas numerosas flexuosas et arbores- centes emittente. Spicula stirpis vix spiraliter disposita in capitis interiore divergentia fasci- culum formantia magnum et latum, de quo fasciculi tenues spiculorum similium sed minoruin parenchyma capitis sustendentes radiant. Osculum cum cavo magno interno communicat. Color fusco-cinereus, Longitudo maximorum 75 Mm. Habitat non infrequens ad insulas Lofotenses in prof. 120 300 orgyar, radice in ar- gillo immersa. What therefore distinguishes our species from the. very nearly related H. boreale Lov. is: the far slighter and thinner form; the very unequal proportion between the head and the stem; the situation and shape of the out-flow aperture (osculum) the proportionally longer spicula projecting from the exterior skin, and the arrangement of the axial part penetrating into the interior of the head, which does not run conically, but spreads out fan-like into a wide and thick fascicle of spicula. The characteristic form for the Hyalonema: a club-shaped enlarged part, borne at the extremity of a long and thin stalk or stem, the other end of which is sunk in the ooze, and there attached by means of numerous root-fibres, is certainly something quite unusual in this class, but does not appear to be exclusively confined to the genus Hyalonema. On the journey which my Father and I undertook together in the summer 1869 to examine the Fauna of the Hardangerfjord, iny Father discovered in the ooze brought up by the dredge from a great depth (150 300 fathoms) a number of specimens of a minute sponge, which had a very similar habit to that of the H. longissimum already previously found by me at Lofoten, but in certain points exhibited a constant dissimilarity; for which reason also my Father noted it preliminarily as a new species of Hyalonema under the appellation H. parvum. The closer examination to which I have subsequently subjected this supposed Hyalonema has how- ever shown that it belongs to an entirely different generic type; the spicula being formed according to quite a different type; as also the interior structure of the head seems to be very different. The spicula in the head are proportionally of quite an enormous size, and mostly belong to the form of connecting spicula which are named by Bowerbank ,,furcated attenuato-patento-ternate"; among these are found in the exterior skin extremely small star- shaped siliceous deposits. The Spicula in the stem are not, as in the Hyalonema, fusiform with a medial enlargement, but simply needle-shaped. Explanation of the Plates, Plate I. Rhabdopleura mirabilis. Fig. 1. One of the largest connected pieces of a colony found, about 3 times magnified. &. & the creeping stem, from which the single cells arise. 2. Another, piece, of which the creeping stem is attached on 2 points to extraneous particles, forming between the two a freely hanging bridge. 3. A part of a living colony magnified about 16 times, a. a, the cells with their po- lypides in different states of protrusion; b. b, the creeping stem; c. c, the bucal shield; d. d, the tentacular arms; f. /j the stomach; g, the intestine; h. h, the con- tractile cord; i. i, the axial cord. 4. The extremity of a cell, with its animal protruding from the aperture, strongly mag- nified, a, the cell; c, the bucal shield; 'd.d, the tentacular arms, which here are strongly curved outwards and downwards. 5. The animal taken out of its cell, c, the bucal shield; d, the tentacular arms; e,. the oesophagus'; the stomach; g. the intestine; A, the spirally coiled contractile cord. 6. The lower end of the contractile cord, still more strongly magnified, shewing every- where its evidently cellular structure. 7. A piece of the contractile cord about in the middle of its length, very strongly magnified, shewing in the dorsal part a cellular structure, and in the ventral part a fibrous or muscular structure. 8. One of the tentacles also very strongly magnified. 9. A piece of the creeping stem, freed from the adherent extraneous particles, shewing the irregular arrangement of the circular rings, i. i, .the axial cord. 10. A longer piece of the creeping stem, likewise freed from the adherent particles, together with the basis of the cells with their polypides mostly strongly retracted, about 20 times magnified, shewing the single chambers into which the stem is di- vided, c. c, the bucal shield; f. f, the stomach; h. h, the contractile cord; i.i, the axial cord. 11. A small piece of this stem, together with the basis of a cell strongly magnified, shewing the attachment of the contractile cord, and one of the transversal septa. 75 I. 6, the creeping stem; a, basis of a cell; h. Jt, the contractile cord; i, the axial cord; k. k, one of the septa between 2 chambers of the stem. Fig. 12. The broken end of the axial cord (i) together with the cellular marrow (s) issuing from its cavity, still more strongly magnified. 13. A piece of the stem with 2 completely closed chambers (obliterated cells) i. i, the axial cord; k. k, the transversal septa. PL II. Fig. 1424. Rhabdopleura mirabilis (continued). Fig. 14. A piece of a cell with the animal in it, strongly magnified, c, the bucal shield; to 14. The number of the soft transverse bands covered with pedicellaria. 1 and arranged in the intervals between these calcareous ribs, is likewise very variable. Sometimes there is only one (see Tab. II, fig. 2) sometimes and 9* 68 this seems to be the most usual case 3 (fig. 1); more rarely the number is greater, up to 7; but in this case the transverse bands are usually interrupted in several places, and rudimentary (fig. 4). In like manner the spines attached along the calcareous ribs are very differently developed. Sometimes they are proportionally small, and in great numbers (fig. 4) sometimes the number is more limited, in which case they usually especially towards the sides attain a very considerable length (almost like the exterior furrow-spines). Also the disc itself is subject to several variations. Its form is seldom perfectly circular, but often broader on one side, and irregular in a greater or less degree. Its dorsal spines are likewise in different individuals more or less developed, sometimes higher and more closely packed, sometimes lower and more spread. Finally the form and size of the madreporic body is subject to divers variations, even in equally developed individuals. It is however always naked, and never, as in the other species endecacnemos, covered with spines. The color of the animal varies, as already stated, through a series of tints, from light orange to deep purple red. b. Accidental variations. (Monstrosities). Under this head I would class 2 cases which I have observed, and in which one of the arms in an otherwise normally and fully developed individual exhibited an appearance very different from what is usual. Both cases were evidently caused by accidental mutilation, and consequent regene- ration of the arm. In one instance the arm was very short, scarcely half as long as the others, but nevertheless in its basal section quite as much developed as the others, with swelling organs of generation, and well developed calcareous ribs and spines; while the ex- terior part of the arm was very slightly developed, and sharply distinguished from the rest of the arm, being in the form of a little thin lash-like appendage with rudimentary spines and water- feet. The arm had evidently been quite lately broken off at this place; and from the wounded surface, there had sprouted a nascent new arm to replace the lost part. I have also observed a perfectly similar instance in the Brisinga endecacnemos (see Tab. VII, %. 1 a). In the second case the arm was of the usual length, but highly remarkable for having the extremity bifurcate, or going out in 2 nearly equally long branches completely normally formed with all appertaining parts, and having at each end the terminal organ of sense (Tab. II, fig. 3). The ambulacral furrow running along the arm divided itself, at the issue of these two branches, precisely in the same manner as in a Pentacrinus or an An- tedon; and the ambulacral skeleton seemed likewise to have been similarly affected. That 69 an accidental mutilation of the arm had also in this case been the disturbing cause, is undoubted; but, instead of the single regeneration of the lost part, the reproduction has taken place in a double form; so that from the wounded surface there have sprouted forth 2 separate nascent arms, which have been further developed each for itself. Monstrosities analogous to these have already been observed in some exotic star-fishes, the Oreaster gigas and Astropecten aurantiacus. 70 VII: Distribution and occurrence, (Chorology). With regard to the distribution and occurrence of the present species, much valu- able information has been obtained by the great English expeditions, that may in connexion with my own observations, help us to form tolerably accurate notions on this subject. It appears to be everywhere a true deep-sea form, and, like most deep-sea animals, to have a very wide geographical distribution. a. Horisontal distribution. As already noticed, I have hitherto found the present species of Brisinga, on our coast, only on the fishing ground Skraaven in Lofoten in about 68 V 2 N. Lat. This point is at present its most northern limit; although I do not doubt that on further investigation it will be found in the arctic zone much further towards the pole. Its distribution in a southern direction extends at least to the coasts of Ireland, where it was taken during the expedition of the ., Porcupine" in the year 1869. Already in the previous year it had been found during the expedition of the ,,Lightning" in a much more northern locality, namely between Scotland and the Fseroe islands. Its distribution as at present known thus extends through no less than 15 of Latitude. The other species Br. endecacnemos seems to have a still greater distribution. It was found during the 2 nd expedition of the ,,Porcupine u off the coast of Portugal. Its most northern locality is Flor0 13 miles (91 miles Eng.) north of Bergen, where 2 years ago I took up a perfect specimen. According to this different di- stribution of both species, it appears that there is some ground for supposing the Brisinga coronata to be on the whole a more northern form than the Br. endecacnemos, which also seems to be confirmed by the physjcal conditions under which both species are found. 71 b. Vertical distribution. The specimens which I have examined of the present species of Brisinga were all taken from about the same depth, namely 250 300 fathoms. Nevertheless it goes, as has been proved, considerably further down into the deep. In the Fseroe channel it was taken form a depth of 500 fathoms ; and off the west coast of Ireland it was found at the depth of even 800 fathoms. In all probability 200 fathoms must be considered as its highest limit. Whether it goes even lower than 800 fathoms, is not yet certainly decided; but yet it seems to me very probable that it goes at least as deep as the other species Br. ende- cacnemos, which off the Portuguese coast has been taken in 1000 fathoms. The highest limit for this last species seems to be about the same as for Br. coronata, namely about 200 fathoms. c. External conditions of existence. Special occurrence. All my specimens of Brisinga coronata were taken at a considerable distance from the shelving bank of the coast, on an even and flat bottom covered with a more or less thick layer of clay or mud. It appears to have been taken under the same conditions during the atlantic expeditions; but the occurrence of the other species seems to be very dissimilar. It has been always found by Asbj0rnsen, as well as by myself, only nearer to the coast on the steep bank which rises from the deeps "outside, where the bottom is rocky or stony without any deposit of mud or sand. Whether this dissimilarity in occurrence between the two species is the same everywhere, I do not venture to say; as this is not sufficiently clear from the reports of the atlantic expeditions which we possess. But on our coast the conditions appear to be perfectly constant. The temperature in which the Br. coro- nata lives at Lofoten is, according to the investigations made by me in the summer of 1869, about -f- 4 C.; but it is necessary to remark that I had at the time only a very imperfect deep-sea thermometer at my disposal. It is thus very possible that the temperature may have been in reality somewhat lower, which would also agree with the statement of tempera- ture communicated in the report on the Lightning's" expedition. It occurred, according to this report, only in the cold area in the Faeroe channel, where the temperature, at the depth of 500 fathoms, was only a little above the freezing point.. Off the west coast of Ireland it seems however to have been taken by Jeffreys in a much higher bottom-temperature. It appears never- theless from other circumstances of the animal's occurrence here, that the Fauna exhibited on the whole a decidedly northern character. In Lofoten it was found together with Astropecten Andromeda and tenuispinus, Echinus norvegicus, Stichopus natans, an enormous number of Ulocyathus arcticus. various Molluscs, among which Admete viridula, Trophon barvicensis, 72 Dentalium agile and Nesera obesa were the most numerous, and with various Annelides and Crustacea. It occurred chiefly in a single confined area, at the distance of about 1 Nor- wegian mile from land, but here in quite unusual abundance. In one single haul I once got up in the dredge no less than 5 more or less perfect specimens. As often as I removed a little from that place, which could only be found with great trouble, by reason of its great distance from the shore, the specimens became immediately very scarce. Whether this particular spot on the bottom of the sea offered any specially favorable points for the thri- ving of the species, I have not been able to Ascertain. I should be more inclined to pre- sume that this congregation of individuals was only temporary, and mainly to be considered as connected with the propagation of the species taking place just at that time. 73 VIII. Remarks on Homology and Affinity, (Philosophy). A. General Homology. i. On the scientific significance of the genus Brisinga, considered from the stand-point of the Darwinian theory, When we now, after having gone through the natural history of this remarkable star-fish, finally review the most important features of its organisation, we shall certainly be forced to acknowledge that its structure is in reality by no means so entirely anomalous as its very peculiar external appearance might induce us to suppose, and as it has indeed been hitherto considered; for we can now, without any hesitation whatever, assign to it its systematic place in the order of the Asteriae or star-fishes, without being forced to regard it as a connecting link between the Asterise and the Ophiura. Nevertheless this star-fish exhibits in its structure some highly remarkable and significant peculiarities, which can not but lead us to several reflexions on the Asterides in general, and on their relation to other Echinoderms; and we shall hereby come quite naturally to the important question of the relation of the whole type of Echinoderms to other animal types. It is also now my opinion that this remarkable star-fish opens to us on many points a clearer view of the nature of the Echinoderms than we can hitherto have had. Still it is, here as everywhere, only by Darwin's reformed theory of descent, that these reflexions can bring us to more general, and therefore also in a scientific point of view more important conclusions. Without Dar- win's theory we should only see in the Brisinga an abnormally developed star-fish, which in a remarkable and inexplicable manner seems to depart from the conventional type of Echi- noderms (the radiary hemispherical form) thereby, as it were, forming one of the extreme points of possible modification within the limits of the type. In regarding the matter from the stand point of the Darwinian doctrine, our reflexions take quite a different direction and 10 74 a wider range; and we come also to a very different result with respect to the relation of the genus Brisinga to the other Echinoderms. With Darwin's doctrine in view, we can not imagine the type of Echinoderms as anything perfectly defined and given from the very first; but we must imagine this type, like the other higher animal types, as having been produced through successive divergent developments of lower animal forms. We have there- fore first and foremost to examine the relation in which the type of Echinoderms stands to the lower animal forms known to us, and seek to discover which of these may be con- sidered as the starting point for the series of developments observed in the Echinoderms. To settle this important point, it is first expedient to decide which of the now living Echi- noderm-forms may be presumed to have undergone the least change, and therefore may be considered as the oldest or the most original forms. For the solution of this question Palaeontology will naturally furnish the most important data. The first Echinoderms which occur, are those in which we may expect to find the phylogenetic origin of the type best illustrated. For a long time it has been supposed that the Crinoidse or stone-lillies were the oldest Echinoderms, and especially the so-called Cystidea which already appeared in great number in the palaeolithic time. It appears however on more recent examination, that the Asterides are of still much greater antiquity, for which reason we may also consider this group of Echinoderms as the eldest, from which all the other groups of Echinoderms have been developed. Of the now living Asterida3, those forms may be considered as the eldest or least changed, which in their habitus agree most with the first forms of remote antiquity. This is now precisely the case with the Brisinga, in a greater degree than with any of the other known star-fishes. Its habitual resemblance to the oldest known star-fish Protaster is unmistakable; and Asbj0rnsen has already drawn -attention to this important point. Several other circum- stances will now confirm us in the opinion that we have before us in the Brisinga a very ancient form, an isolated surviving representative of the Echinoderms of primitive times, which, confined to the great depths of the ocean, where the physical circumstances have been in all times somewhat similar, has managed in undisturbed peace to preserve the original structure, without requiring to keep pace with the remarkably extensive transfor- mation and diversity of development observed in the Echinoderms generally, and specially in the Asterides. Now the Asterides being, as already stated, considered as the oldest race of Echinoderms, from which the other types of Echinoderms have only been ramified in later' times, the genus Brisinga acquires a double importance, as the starting point for a correct appreciation of the nature of the Echinoderms and of their relation to other ani- mal types. 75 2. Of the fundamental form of the Echinoderms and of their morphological individuality as illustrated in the genus Brisinga. As is well known, Cuvier referred the Zoophytes and Echinoderms to one and the same animal type, the so-called radiates; and he has been also followed in this respect by the American naturalist (Agassiz) while here in Europe. We have generally adopted the views first developed by Leuckart, according to which both these groups are sharply distin- guished from each other as belonging to essentially different original types. It was the radiary primitive form presumed to be common to both groups, which Cuvier laid so much stress on; and the American naturalists have also held this characteristic to be of such pro- minent importance, that they still consider the Zoophytes and the Echinoderms, in spite of the many essential differences in their organisation, as belonging to one and the same ani- mal type. If however we follow the method of investigation above indicated, according to which we must take the Asterides, and among these especially the genus Brisinga, as the most original or least changed form of star-fish, for our type, and from this point of view institute our comparison between the Zoophytes and the Echinoderms, we shall find that in reality there is a very essential difference between the strictly radiary structure of the former and the so-called radiary structure in the star-fish, a difference which is of so vital importance that we cannot do otherwise than reopen the question which might seem to have been settled long ago, namely whether the Echinoderms, when all is considered, can be held to be real radiates in the same sense as the Zoophytes. If we now examine the so-called rays or arms in the proper star-fishes, from which again all the other Echinoderms may naturally be derived, we shall find at first that they exhibit a far greater self-sufficiency, a far more self-contained organisation than we ever can find in the Zoophytes, a fact which in the Brisinga is more prominently evident than in any of the other known Echinoderms. While in other Asterides there is always found a more or less strongly developed central section or disc, this is in the Brisinga so extraordinarily reduced, that the whole body may be said to consist of a certain number of arms connected at the base. If we further con- sider a ray or arm of a star-fish by itself, we shall find that besides exhibiting a perfect bilateral symmetry, it consists of a series of consecutive joints or sections (metamera), a division which is not only expressed in the ambulacral skeleton, but also in most of the other organic systems. If we as formerly, consider the arms of the star-fishes to be real corresponding parts (antimera) analogous to the antimera of Zoophytes, we come to the paradoxical result that an antimeron can be composed of metamera, which according to Hiickel l is the next highest order of individuality. On the other hand the matter is explained 1 Generelle Morphologic der Organismen. 10* 76 in a natural manner, if we regard the rays of the star-fishes not as real antimera, but as morphological individuals of the 5 th order, or persons. The whole star-fish may be thus properly regarded as a colony (cormus) a collection of articulated persons which have arranged themselves in a radiary form round a com- mon centre, and here formed for themselves a common ingestive aperture, in the same manner as the individuals of the Botryllus colonies arrange themselves radially, and form for themselves a common egestive aperture. But as in the case of other colonially orga- nised animals, we do not define the original form according to the form of the colony itself, but according to the structure of the constituent individual animals or persons, so we come, in the case of the star-fishes, to the result that the fundamental form of these animals is not the radiate form, but the bilateral symmetrical (eudipleural), and that the apparently radiate structure is of secondary origin produced by concrescence of a number of eudipleural per- sons arranged around a common centre. In this manner the last reason would fall away for the union (in itself so unnatural) of the Zoophytes and Echinoderms under one and the same animal type. We might as well consider the star-shaped Botryllus colonies among the Ascidise as radiate animals; which probably no one at present would think of doing. If we accept the above theory (first clearly formulated by Hackel) of the compound structure of the Echinoderms, as properly representing complexes of animals or cormi, it must be admitted that this cormus in the Brisinga is less centralised than in any other Echinoderms; the arms (in this case according to Hackel persons) as well by their con- siderable size and loose connexion with the insignificant disc, as by their possessing besides the other organic systems, also a perfect apparatus of generation with corresponding geni- tal apertures exhibiting an independence that is without parallel in any other Echinoderm. In examining a Brisinga it will therefore be much easier to recognise a real colony or complex of animals, than in examining most other Echinoderms, where the already far advanced centralisation of the cormus undeniably makes such recognition in many cases very difficult. The preponderance of the arms over the insignificant disc, is in the Brisinga so great, that the conception hitherto prevailing of the disc in star-fishes as representing the principal part of the body, of which the arms are only radiating expansions, must here be completely reversed; as we must necessarily consider the arms in the Brisinga as the principal parts, to which the disc only stands in the relation of a sort of appendage. It has also been previously stated, that I have been able to convince myself by direct experiments, that the single arms of the Brisinga, detached from the disc, continue to live and to exer- cise their ordinary vital functions, even long after the disc itself has ceased to live; and that there is likewise a very great probability for their being capable, under favorable cir- cumstances, of continuing their life, each for itself, and little by little reproducing the other parts belonging to a complete colony, the disc as well as the rest; I have even felt bound to state, as something which has the highest degree of probability for it, that such a sue- 77 cessive detachment of the arms takes place in the normal state as a voluntary act of the animal, conducive to non-sexual propagation (by divisio radialis). There is another feature in the species of Brisinga here noticed which is worthy of remark, as essentially supporting the theory above developed; and that is the contrast to the real radiates (Zoophytes), in the great inconstancy of the number of the rays (arms), which even makes it very difficult to decide what number shall be considered as normal or typical. A similar, although certainly not so extensive, inconstancy is found only in some few forms within the group of star-fishes, which we must consider as the oldest and most original Echinoderms. Thus the number of arms varies not a little in our two species of Solaster, as also in several exotic forms of the genus Asterias, Luidia, Ophidiaster. In most of the star-fishes however the number of arms has with the increasing contralisation of the cormus become fixed at the number which is typical for the Echinoderms, namely five. The same is the case with the Ophiurae, which stand next to the star-fishes, where in like man- ner the number five, with very few exceptions (some species of the genera Ophiacantha, Ophiactis acd Ophiothela with 6 arms) is completely constant; and in the 2 most divergent groups of Echinoderms, Echinoids and Holothurians, in which the centralisation of the body has attained its highest degree, not a single instance is to be found of deviation from the normal number of five ambulacra. It is also only in these groups that, collaterally with the complete concrescence of the single individuals (persons) originally composing the body, new and peculiar relationships appear, which seem still more to disguise the original polymerous composition. Thus we see in the so-called irregular Echinides (Spatangus) and in divers Holuthuriffi (Psolus), that there proceeds from the whole cormus, by means of one of the sides acting as a sort of creeping disc, (the ventral side) an apparently single bilaterally symmetrical individual; and in the footless Holothurise (Synapta) where proper ambulacrals are wanting, the last remnant of the complex character has disappeared, and the whole body seems even to return to the lowest (monaxonous) fundamental forms. If we consider one of these anomalous forms by itself, it will certainly be difficult to recognise in it any -real complex or cormus. But if we go through the whole series of Echinoderms, we shall soon see that there can be no question of any other than phenomena of secondary adaptation; and these abnormal relations can therefore by no means disprove the above noticed theory of the original composition of the body of the Echinoderms, as derived from the oldest and most original forms of star-fishes. 78 3. On the phylogenetic relationship of the Echinoderms to other animal types. If we accept the theory noticed in the preceding paragraph with respect to the compo- site individuality of the Echinoderms for which, as will be shewn, the examination of the Bri- singa seems to afford essential support, we shall quite naturally come to judge of the generic relationship of the Echinoderms to other animal types in a very different manner from here- tofore. We thus see in' the star-fishes the most original and least altered Echinoderms, which therefore must be selected as the starting point for our comparison with other animal types. Moreover it is not the whole body of the star-fish, but the single rays or arms which must here form the subject of our investigations; as these rays or arms do properly represent the original echinoderm individuals or persons. We have in the first place before us a comple- tely bilaterally symmetrical body, with a dorsal and a ventral side, right and left side, oral and aboral extremity, the interior organs of which shew the same strict symmetry. Next we shall find that these internal organs have a fixed regular and peculiar position relatively to each other: below, the central parts of the nervous system; then, the vascular system with the parts appertaining to it; then, the perivisceral cavity with the digestive system and organs of generation contained therein; and externally, the skin, consisting of 2 distinct layers, the interior muscular, and the exterior cellular. We find moreover that this body exhibits a series of consecutive similar sections or metamera, not only expressed in the skeleton but also in several of the interior organic systems: the muscular system, the nervous system, the vascular system. These are 'all things which we only find again in the great race of the articulata and particularly in the worms (Vermes). We are naturally led hereby to the conclusion that the nearest relations of the Echinoderms are not. as hitherto generally supposed, the Zoophytes, but the Vermes; and that this last ancient and extensively ramified trunk, in which we trace, as it were, the very first rough sketches of all the higher animal types (even including the vertebrata) must also be regarded as the trunk from which the Echinoderms, although apparently of a very different fundamental structure, have had their origin. This theory of the phylogenetic development of the Echi- noderms, which is likewise most sharply and most clearly represented by Hackel, acquires also an essential support from the Brisinga, the so-called rays or arms of which exhibit more evidently than in any other Echinoderm a worm-like appearance, and the great self- sufficiency of which is not only expressed in the exterior, but also in the interior organi- sation; for, as has been already observed, even the organs of generation, which else, at least in great part, are confined to the central section or disc, are here entirely separated from the same, and symmetrically imbedded in the cavity of the arms. The relationship of the Echinoderms to the Vermes has indeed long ago been recognised by some naturalists; 79 although certainly other views have partially prevailed. That some Holothuriae (Synapta) in their exterior habitus, have a striking resemblance to worms, is a well-known fact, and has given rise to the popular denomination ,,worm-cucumbers". We have likewise a peculiar class among the Vermes, the so-called trunk-worms (Gephyrea), the organisation of which exhibits several remarkable points of resemblance with the Holothuriaus, and therefore also has formerly been referred to the type of the Echinoderms. Since however, as above stated, we have in the HolothuriaB really the most divergently developed group of Echino- derms, it cannot actually be here that we should seek for the original ancestry of the Echi- noderms ; although it can not be denied that we may also here observe a remarkable retro- gression to the same type which may be assumed as basis for the oldest and most original Echinoderms, the star-fishes. In opposition to the theory above stated as to the phylogenetic relationship of the Echinoderms to the Articulata, the ambulacral or water-system has been adduced as presum- ably exclusively peculiar to the Echinoderms. It can certainly not be denied that this organic system affords, by its extremely peculiar and complicated development and functions, one of the most distinctive characteristics of the Echinoderms; but it is by no means on that account decided that nothing of the kind is to be found in other animal types. We have frequent instances of one and the same organic system developing itself in different groups of animals in a very different manner, and exercising quite dissimilar functions; so that the originally common fundamental form may be difficult to recognise. We have in the Vermes a very extensive organic system in the form of tortuous canals, opening partly externally partly in the cavity of the body, and appearing decidedly in certain cases to be water-ducts; while in other cases they have secretory functions. Where the body is evidently devided into segments, these vessels appear to be arranged symmetrically in each segment, and have therefore in the annelides been indifferently denominated segmental organs. It may be assumed that we have here the analogon of the ambulacral system in the Echinoderms; at least it appears to me that there cannot be adduced any decided proof to the contrary. There is another characteristic which seems to be foreign to the Vermes, and which is so prominent in the Echinoderms that even the whole type has derived its name therefrom, namely the cuticular skeleton more or less strongly developed by calcareous secretions, to which we may add that in the Astericles and Crinoides there is even another sort of interior skeleton which exhibits a so striking habitual ressemblance to the vertebral column in the Vertebrata that the single segments even bear the same name (vertebrae). In examining the real Vermes we certainly do not find anything analogous; but this characteristic is by no means foreign to the whole tribe of Articulata. In the Crustaceans we have frequent instances of the integuments, by absorbing lime, assuming quite as firm a consistency as in the Echinoderms; and by interior processes of this cuticular armor, there is also formed here (Decapods) a sort of interior skeleton, which serves partly for the insertion of the limbs with their muscles, and partly also as support for interior organic systems (the ner- 80 vous system). That the ambulacral skeleton in the Asterides, in spite of its habitual resem- blance, has no analogy whatever with the vertebral column in the Vertebrata, but properly belongs to the cuticular skeleton - - is satisfactorily ascertained, and is clearly evidenced (inter alia) by its development being perfectly conformable to that of the cuticular skeleton. We have not yet touched on a point which, just where there is a question of phylo- genetic relations, must occupy a very important place, and will often alone be able to give us the most certain and significant indication in this respect; I mean the history of deve- lopment. We shall find also in considering this important part of the natural history of the Echinoderms, an essential support for the theory above noticed; at the same time as many hitherto quite unintelligible points connected with the subject will, by help of this theory, find a natural explanation. As is well known, most Echinoderms go through a most remarkable and peculiar metamorphosis, which has first been made the subject of particular and minute research by the celebrated German naturalist Johannes Miiller. From the egg there proceeds a creature of most romantic appearance, furnished with various lobes and processes, swimming away by means of sinuous bands of cilia, and having no resemblance whatever to the respective Echinoderin, being a perfectly bilaterally symmetrical animal, which according to its whole structure would most naturally be referred to the group of Vermes, and which also exhibits a striking resemblance to the so-called larvae of certain Nemertina and Gephyrea. Only at a later period, there is laid, in a limited part of the interior of this worm-like animal, the foundation of the future echinoderm; and as the latter is developed, the original so-called larva-body shrivels up little by little or becomes resor- bed. There is much to forbid considering this peculiar process of development as a real metamorphosis. It is indeed usual for the whole larva-body to be resorbed, or as it were taken up in the formation of the Echinoderm; but we have still instances of this not being always the case. Thus the Bipinnaria-larva continues to swim about even after the young star-fish has detached itself; and it may even be imagined possible that such a larva can again give origin to a new star-fish. This instance alone is sufficient to distinguish very sharply the development of the Echinoderms from the ordinary development by metamor- phosis. We must on the contrary bring it under the great law of alternate generation, as a peculiar modification of the same, chiefly characterised by the cycle of generation being, as far as we yet know, only represented by 2 Bionta. It is this form of alternate gene- , ration which has been called by Hackel, Metagenesis successiva. We have consequently in the peculiar so-called Echinoderm-larva properly speaking not an incomplete stage of deve- lopment, but one of the 2 fully developed alternating generations, namely the non sexual generation. The apparently paradoxical and unintelligible fact that the 2 Bionta in the same cycle of generation are constructed in totally different fundamental forms, one in the racliary and the other in the bilaterally symmetrical (eudipleurous) form, can only find its natural explanation, if we consider the developed Echinoderm as an individual of a higher order, or a colony, the apparently corresponding parts or antimera of which represent the original 81 individuals (persons). Each of these is then, as it were, the individual which represents the sexual generation, constructed according to the bilaterally symmetrical fundamental form, and, as it were, most naturally referable to the class of Vermes. The so-called develop- ment of the Echinoderms in the body of the larva, must then be considered as a sort of budding of several worm-like individuals, which arrange themselves radially round a common centre, and, by concrescence of their oral extremities, form an individual of a higher order, a colony or a complex of animals. A rather analogous case has already long been known in the Salpse, in which similarly the 2 alternating generations represent morphological individuals of different orders ; the non-sexual generation always consisting of single indi- viduals (persons), which again, by budding, produce in their interior coherent complexes of individuals or colonies (the so-called Salpae-chains) representing the sexual generation. If we examine the manner in which an arm or ray is reproduced de novo in an otherwise developed star-fish, we shall similarly find cases which decidedly remind us of the Vermes. The various joints or metamera are formed, as already noticed above, successively from the base of the extreme first-formed joint, exactly in the same manner as the joints of a tape- worm-chain, or like the segments of a nascent annelide. We come thus, in considering the history of the development of the Echinoderms in general, to the same result to which the minute investigation of the organisation in a fully developed star-fish has already led us. The theory already set up by Duvernoy, afterwards developed in greater detail by Huxley, and recently finally elucidated by Hackel, as to the composite individuality of the Echino- derms and their phylogenetic connexion with the Vermes, which theory was formerly generally regarded as a wild fancy must in reality, on more minute examination, be recog- nised as having very much to support it; and so much the more, as we hereby obtain a quite unexpected explanation of some hitherto very obscure cases in the natural history of the Echinoderms. 4. On Ihe genealogical relation of the several groups of Echiuoderuis to each oilier. We have above considered the proper star-fishes as the oldest, or original Echino- derms, from which therefore all the other Echinoderms may be derived. We are led to assume this in advance, quite simply by the fact that the star-fishes are, so far as we know, of all the Echinoderms those which go furthest back in time, namely to the sub-silurian formation. This assumption is also in the best harmony with the above-noticed theory of the composite individuality and phylogenetic relations of the Echinoderms. If we consider 11 82 the Echinoderms as original cormi or complexes of vermicular individuals, it is clear that those forms must be the oldest or least changed, in which this cormus exhibits the least degree of centralisation, and in which therefore the component individuals (persons) evidently shew their original selfsufficiency as such. This is precisely the case with the star-fishes, the rays or arms of which give, each for itself, a complete image of the whole organisation. Among the star-fishes again, it is the genus Brisinga which in this respect most distin- guishes itself; for which reason we must thus consider this form as the oldest or most original of all the Echinoderms. To prevent misunderstanding, it must be expressly remar- ked that this refers chiefly to the general combination of the body, not to the organisation in its details. In this respect the Brisinga is in exact conformity, as has been shewn, with the star-fishes now living; and it cannot fairly be assumed that these have been able to preserve unchanged the self-same organisation of the ancient worm-like creatures from which the whole tribe of Echinoderms proceeds. In the genealogical development of the tribe of Echinoderms, which may be sup- posed to have progressed uninterruptedly in the immense periods during which the animals hereto belonging have existed upon the earth, there appears chiefly to be manifested a tendency towards greater and greater centralisation of the originally independent individuals composing the cormus. The Echinoderms in which this has been in the highest degree successtul are undoubtedly the Holothurians; and these must therefore be considered as the newest, most divergently developed and most altered Echinoderms; this conclusion is also corroborated by Paleontology; as we do not find any traces of these animals until the Jura period; while all the other groups of Echinoderms are referred to far earlier times. Between the 2 extreme points, the Asterise and Holothurise, there are a great number of in some cases widely divergent series of developments, all of which may however be naturally refer- red to the Asterise as the proper fundamental forms. In examining the various groups of Echinoderms, we shall find that the said tendency in the cormus, after this is centralised as an independent physiological individual, takes 2 courses, both leading to the same end, although in rather different manners; both are already partially indicated in the group of Asteroidea, but only come to their full manifestation, on the one side in the Echinoids and Holothurians, and on the other side in the Ophiurans and Crinoids. One course consists in more or less extensive concrescence of the individuals (the rays, antimera) originally connected only by their oral extremities, whereby the central connecting part or disc gains in circumference, as it were, at the expense of the arms, which at last seem entirely to disappear or to be absorbed in the disc. This change is manifested chiefly in the exterior, without, at least in the commencement, being accompanied by any corresponding alteration of the interior organisation. Only at a later period there occur other alterations, chiefly those connected with the digestive system, the main parts of which, originally belonging to each single individual (person), alter being thus brought mechanically nearer together, at last undergo a transformation more convenient for the ali- 83 mentation of the whole colony. Among the known star-fishes now living, we have numerous instances of such a centralisation manifested in the exterior. Between the forms provided with long arms and particularly small discs (Asterias, Pedicellaster &c.) and the short-armed star-fishes (Porania Pteraster) in which the arms are only insignificant processes of the power- fully developed disc, we have all possible transitions. At last the arms appear to be en- tirely wanting and only indicated by the pentagonal form of the disc (Goniaster) nay, in the genus Culcita even the angulosity of the disc is indistinct; and we have here before us a disc-like body in which only the 5 ambulacrals still indicate the original arms or per- sons. The further change next consists in an incipient diminution of the antiambulacral area, whereby the ambulacral area, originally confined to the ventral side, gains a constantly greater and greater extension over the surface of the body; until at last the antiambulacral area is still only visible as an insignificant space on the superior pole. In the periphery of this space, there lie, in the regular Echinoids, the 5 peculiar ocellary plates with their pig- mentary spots, exactly corresponding to the organs of sight situated in many star-fishes at the extremity of the arms, whence again it appears that we have in the ocellary plates* the counterpart of the extreme arm-joints of the star-fishes. In several Ecbinoids the body exhi- bits moreover a very evident pentagonal form as indication of the original 5 arms. In like manner we have among the Echinoids many forms in which the body is quite as disc-like as in the star-fishes. Between these flat Echinoids and the high hemispherical, including the pyramidal forms, we have all the transitions. If we imagine the high pyramidal form still further developed in the same direction, it is not difficult to derive the cylindrical form, which we find in the Holothurians. Here also the originally ventral (ambulacral I side occu- pies the whole surface of the body; and of the antiambulacral area every trace has dis- appeared. The peculiar development of the water-feet situated nearest to the mouth of the Holothurians into capturing arms, is, like the complicated dental apparatus of the Echinoids, of secondary origin; just as we can also see in the peculiar apparently bilateral symmetry of the irregular Echinoids and of certain Holothurians (Psolus) only formations determined by particular processes of adaptation. The other course of development, which likewise leads to considerable centralisation of the cormus, is not properly speaking accompanied by any extensive concrescence of the original individuals (arms, rays) while it is here essentially an internal transformation which from the first takes place, a dislocation of the internal organic systems, whereby their principal parts retract themselves, as it were, from their original place in the arms to the centre of the colony, or to the disc, which hereby becomes the most essential and most organised part; while the original individuals, the arms, are reduced to the rank of mere organs. The organic system first acted on is also in this case the digestive system, the most important really digesting sections of which in the star-fishes have still their original place in the cavities of the arms as the so-called radial caeca, but which, in the course of development here treated of, centralise themselves little by little in the cavity of the disc itself. This 11* 84 becomes possible by means of a peculiar development of the antiambulacral side of the disc which hereby, quite contrarily to what is the case in the other course of development, acquires a preponderance over the ambulacral side; a phenomenon especially manifested in the Crinoids, in which the so-called calix, with the articulated stem proceeding from the same, is attributable to such a development. In connexion with this centralisation of the digestive system, there stands also a centralisation of another organic system, namely the blood-system; as the cavities of the arms become at the same time narrower and narrower; so that the perivisceral blood-cavity is likewise, for the greater part, limited to the disc. We may already see evident signs of the centralisation referred to in real star-fishes, namely in the remarkable fossil form Protaster; but we do not see the full development of it until we come to the Ophiurans and Crinoids, in which the arms, by the above-mentioned reduction of 2 of the most important organic systems, have lost so much of their original indepen- dence, that they have become mere appendices of the disc, or simple organs. The greatest centralisation of the cormus attained in this manner, is probably exhibited in the Ophiurans and- in their relatives the Euryalae, in which one more important organic system has aban- doned its original place in the arms and centralised itself in the cavity of the disc, namely the generative organs. But in the Crinoids these organs are still quite separate from the disc; for which reason we must also consider these Echinoderms as less completely centra- lised than the Ophiurans, and therefore of more ancient origin, which is also in some degree indicated by the rather variable number of arms in the sea-lilies; and we are likewise led by Paleontological deductions to the same conclusion; as evident Ophiurans do not occur until long after the Crinoids; although the course of development which seems to tend towards the ophiurean type is found manifested at a very early period, namely in the ancient star- fish Protaster. The articulated stem peculiar to the Crinoids must be assumed to be a characteristic acquired at an early period in consequence of special conditions of existance, and continued in the younger stage even in the Antedon, which is free when fully deve- loped. The genus Antedon must therefore, in spite of its habitual resemblance to the Euryalse among the Ophiuridse, be considered as a further developed divergent branch of the genuine Crinoids. It is thus evident that in the first course of development, which we are able to trace through the groups of star-fishes, sea-urchins and sea-cucumbers, the centralisation of the body is chiefly manifested in a reduction of the arms brought about by concrescence. In the other course of development we have on the contrary an instance of even further develop- ment of the arms, without however any decentralisation of the cormus taking place. This further development of the arms may consist partly in an increased reproduction of joints or metamera, whereby the arms may often attain a really extraordinary length in proportion to the diameter of the disc (for instance in the genera Amphiura and Ophiopeltis belonging to the Ophiuridse) and it may. consist partly in a ramification of the arms, which may either be a more or less extensive dichotomic splitting, or a development of alternating lateral 85 branches (Pinnulse); of both these sorts of ramification we have instances in the Crinoids, and of an extremely extensive dichotomic splitting in the Euryalse. In these last the arms may be said to have attained a stronger development in this direction than in any other Echinoderm. Nevertheless such a Euryala with its widely ramified arms, the mass of which surpasses many times the mass of the disc, is far more centralised than even the most short-armed star-fishes. As regards the fossil groups Blastoidea and Cystidea these, are most nearly related, as divergent branches, to the Crinoids. The arms have here apparently undergone, by some peculiar processes of adaptation, a retrograde development. We may perhaps so far most properly consider them as degenerate Crinoids, just as the footless sea- cucumbers (Synapta) may be supposed to be degenerate Holothurians. The genealogical relationship of the various groups of Echinoderms to each other may henceforth, with special r,egard to the various modes of centralisation of the cormus, be graphically represented as follows: Centralisation by continued concrescence with reduction of the antiambulacral area. Centralisation without continued concrescence, with special development of the antiambu- lacral area. I (Pentacta) Holothurida (Eupoda). Centralisation without continued concrescense, with special development of the arms. Antedon. (Pentacrinus). (Palseechinns). Euryalae. (Amphiura). C r i n o i d a . (Articulata). (Archasterias?). E c h i n i d a . (Dermostichaj. (Asterias). O p h i u r i d a , (Ophiura). (Protaster). A s te r i d a. (Brisinga). Colony-forming Vermes. 5. Of the relation of the genus Brisinga lo the Asleroidea in general. After having made the above more general remarks on the organisation of the Echi- noderms and their relationship to other animal types, as exemplified in the genus Brisinga, 86 we return more specially to this genus to examine the relation in which it stands to the other known forms of the class Asteroidea. As is well known, the general view has hitherto been that the genus Brisinga formed the type of an entirely separate group or order of Asteroidea (Brisingastra Hackel) which as it were, formed the transition between the Asteridse and the Ophiuridae. And to this conclusion we may really be easily led by considering the animal's exterior habitus. But we shall now, after having become better acquainted with the organisation of this remarkable form, be forced to come to an entirely different result. Its relationship to the Ophiuridse is in reality very distant; while its conformity with the proper star-fishes (Asterida) in all essential characteristic points is so great, that in spite of its anomalous appearance, it must take its place in this order. In illustration of this I will here briefly point out the characteristics whereby it connects itself with the Asteridae and distinguishes itself from the Ophiuridse. 1) The considerable and variable number of arms in the Brisinga has only its parallel in certain Asteridae; while the number of arms in the Ophiuridse, in conformity with the advanced centralisation, has mostly already become permanent as the typical number for the Echinoderrns 5. 2) The ambulacral skeleton is in the Brisinga in its main features constructed exactly according to the same type as in the proper star-fishes and differs essentially from the ambulacral skeleton of the Ophiuridae. 3) Also the cuticular skeleton shews a much greater conformity with the Asteridse than with the Ophiuridae, and especially the connecting calcareous ribs over the basal sec- tion of the arms are entirely foreign to the Ophiuridse; while it is easy to recognise in them the analogon of the wide-meshed calcareous net found in the skin of many Asteridse. 4) Pedicellaries are never observed in Ophiuridse, while we find them in many Asteridse of a very similar structure to those of the Brisinga. 5) The structure of the madreporic body and its dorsal situation characterise the Bri- singa as a genuine Asteride. 6) Likewise the wide and deep ambulacral furrows, which are never found in the Ophiu- ridse, where, on the contrary, the ventral side of the arms is covered with peculiar cuticular plates (ventral plates). 7) The water-feet of the Brisinga correspond in their strong development, and in their whole structure, completely to those of the star-fishes ; and especially we do not know any Ophiuridse in which they terminate in a clearly developed sucker. 8) Neither do we find in the Ophiuridse any separate Ampullae for the water-feet; while these Ampullae are in the Brisinga developed precisely in the same manner as in the proper star-fishes., 9) The perivisceral cavity is in the Ophiuridae confined to the disc only; while the arms represent solid parts only containing a narrow canal for the reception of the radial 87 water-vessel and the radial nerve. In the Brisinga on the contrary, the perivisceral cavity extends, as in the Asteridae, through the whole length of the arms between the ambulacral skeleton and the dorsal skin, containing in its basal part various internal organs. 10) Radial continuations of the digestive system (radial cseca) are never found in the Ophiuridae; while in the Brisinga they are developed precisely in the same manner as in the Asteridae. 11) No special masticatory apparatus (teeth, dental papillae) are to be found in the Bri- singa any more than in other Asteridae. But on the other hand the furrow-spines situated on the interior contiguous adambulacral plates assume a particular develop- ment, just as in other star-fishes, forming the so-called oral spines. 12) The organ of secretion noticed in the Brisinga. with its issue on the dorsal side of the disc, is something which we find only in the proper star-fishes. 13) The so-called ,,heart", to which nothing corresponding has yet been noticed in the Ophiuraus, agrees, in its structure and in its relation to the other parts, entirely with the same organ in the Asteridae, as is the case also with the situation and structure of the stone canal. 14) As the organs of generation in the Brisinga are confined to the arms only, we do not of course find the genital fissures on the lower side of the disc which characterise the Ophiuridae. 15) The terminal organs of sense in the Brisinga find their most complete homologon in the Asteridaj; while nothing corresponding is found in the Ophiuridae. 16) The manner in which the Brisinga moves, is the same as in the Asteridae; that is to say, essentially by the play of the water- feet only; and not as in the Ophiuridae by the flexion of the arms. Considering all these important characteristics, the points of agreement with the Ophiuridae which the Brisinga exhibits, namely the little rounded disc plainly distinguished from the long thin arms, and the absence of cuticular pores and cuticular tentacles (respira- tory tubes), must go for nothing. In order still better to understand the great conformity of the genus Brisinga with- the proper star-fishes, we will once again briefly consider some of the most important organs in the Brisinga, and institute a detailed comparison with the same in other star-fishes. We will dwell chiefly on the solid calcareous parts which support the body and determine its form. a. Homology of the ambulacral skeleton. (Tab. V). We have previously divided the ambulacral skeleton of the Brisinga into 2 parts : the skeleton of the disc, and the skeleton of the arms; and this is so far correct, as the 88 skeleton of the disc in the Brisinga really forms a connected whole, a solid calcareous frame, to the exterior side of which the skeleton of the arms is attached. It has been however shewn that this frame is actually composed of the same elements as the ambu- lacral skeleton of the arms, namely of 2 sets of ambulacra! vertebrae, in a line with the series of vertebrae in the arms, and properly representing the interior continuation of these series. It has likewise been shewn that the exterior set of vertebrae in very young speci- mens, come out of their connexion with the oral ring, and thereby evidently connect them- selves immediately with the skeleton of the arm. Properly therefore there remains in the skeleton of the disc only a single set of vertebras, connected with each other by interposed calcareous plates, so as to form a connected ring which surrounds the oral aperture. If we now examine how the case stands in other star-fishes, we shall also find that the proper ambulacral skeleton of the disc forms here only the immediate continuation of the series of vertebrae of the arms. Only the interior set of vertebrae are in immediate contact, or form a closed calcareous ring round the oral aperture; while the other part of the series of vertebrae, reckoned as belonging to the disc, is only indirectly connected by the skin of the disc and by the calcareous plates imbedded in the same. Accordingly as the arms are longer or shorter, the number of vertebrae entering into the composition of the disc is extremely variable in the various star-fishes. In certain forms (Goniaster, Cul- cita) where the arms are only indicated by obtuse angles, the whole ambulacral skeleton may properly be said to be absorbed in the disc ; in the long-armed star-fishes, for instance Asterias, the part of the ambulacral skeleton belonging to the disc is, on the other hand, only insignificant; while the greater part belongs to the arms. Between these extreme points, we find again all possible transitions. It is now easy to see that the skeleton of the disc in the' Brisinga can by no means be compared with the whole skeleton of the disc in other star-fishes, but only with its innermost part (the interior or the 2 interior sets of vertebrae which immediately surround the mouth). The apparently very anomalous structure of the skeleton of the disc in the Brisinga, will then be found in complete conformity with what we know of other star-fishes; only with the difference that the interior vertebras are necessarily more firmly and intimately connected together, in order to support the enor- mously developed arms. In Tab. V, fig. 1 & 2 there is represented the oral ring of a 9-armed specimen of Brisinga coronata, with the basis of the skeleton of 3 of the arms in natural connection with the disc; and for the sake of comparison, there is also represented in fig. 7 & 8 a corresponding part of the ambulacral skeleton of a likewise 9-armed spe- cimen of Solaster endeca. We shall here recognise homologous parts everywhere. As in the Brisinga, so also in the Solaster and other star-fishes, the interior set of vertebras acquire a peculiar development; the vertebras connecting themselves with each other so as to form a sort of oral ring. The connexion takes place here also by means of peculiar connecting plates perfectly corresponding with the 2 sorts of interposed plates in the oral ring of the Brisinga. The wedge-plates especially are plainly developed, without however 89 connecting themselves immovably by suture with the adjacent vertebrae. To their exterior side are attached the radial septa, which in a fan-like arrangement divide the coeloma of the disc; and in these septa there are aften developed peculiar calcareous plates, the inner- most of which are articulated with the wedge-plate. In one of the radial septa which include the stone-canal and the so-called heart, this calcareous plate is double; and its homology with the first pair of dorsal marginal plates in the Brisinga seems thereby to be- come highly probable. The so-called parietal plates, which .in the Brisinga contribute essentially to form the interior wall of the oral ring, are also found again in the Solaster and other star-fishes. They are however here of much slighter development, and separated from each other by a considerable interval; on the interior side they form a horisontal fur- row for the circular ambulacral vessel, limited below by a projecting sharp edge, which completely corresponds to the circular rim projecting inwards on the oral ring in the Bri- singa. While in the Brisinga it goes uninterruptedly round the whole interior of the oral ring, in the Solaster and other star-fishes it is interrupted at each vertebra in two places, where the circular ambulacral vessel is only circumcluded by ligaments. In fig. 9 & 10, which represent corresponding p^arts of the ambulacral skeleton seen from above in the Bri- singa and Solaster, the corresponding calcareous plates are indicated by the same letters, in order that their complete resemblance may be more easily observed. If we -now turn the ambulacral skeleton, and view it from the ventral side (fig. 2 & 8), it will likewise be at once evident that in both forms there are everywhere found comple- tely homologous parts. The deep ambulacral furrows, at the bottom of which the median longitudinal furrow for the radiary water-vessels, and the holes placed in pairs for the water- feet are seen, are bounded in both on each side by a row of plates (adambulacral plates), which are connected with each other by elastic muscular bands, and to which the so-called furrow-spines are attached; the innermost of these plates being, in both, united immovably by suture with its neighbors into one continuous piece projecting under the oral ring. To this piece are attached the so-called oral spines directed in fan-like arrangement to- wards the mouth. That there are apparently in the Brisinga no oral angles to- be found, is a consequence of the slighter development of the piece, in connexion with the greater breadth and more solid composition of the oral ring. It will be evident from what has previously been written, that if we imagine the basis of the arms in the Brisinga connected to a certain extent above and below by skin, we shall have a tolerably normally developed star-fish; just as, if we imagine in a Solaster the incisions between the arms continued up to the last ambulacral vertebra but one, we shall obtain a form pretty nearly corresponding to the Brisinga. That the coeloma of the disc in the Brisinga is not continued beyond the oral ring or the innermost contiguous vertebra, and that the dorsal skin attaches itself im- mediately in the periphery of the oral ring, is again a natural consequence of the reduction of the skeleton of the disc. The interior organs enclosed in the cavity of the disc, the 12 90 stomach and the apparatus of secretion, are in consequence of this limited to a much smaller space than in other star-fishs, (comp. Tab. VI, fig. 36 & 37). b. Homology of the skeleton of the skin. The integuments in the Brisinga exhibit, as well with regard to consistency as to structure, the most complete resemblance to those of the proper star-fishes; and also the calcareous parts belonging to the skin may be referred to corresponding parts in other star- fishes. It has thus been previously shewn that the calcareous parts imbedded in the dorsal skin of the disc, as well as the very peculiar calcareous ribs in the dorsal skin of the arms, can very naturally be referred to the same category as the so-called calcareous net in the skin of other star-fishes. Also with regard to the so-called marginal plates, likewise be r longing to the skin, we have in the Brisinga something analogous in the small plates, arranged at the basis of the arms or in the angles of the arms, of which the innermost, connected with the wedge-plates, have, in fully developed specimens, entered into the com- position of the oral ring, while the 2 others on each side belong specially to the arms, as evidently developed dorsal marginal plates. Also along the whole of the rest of the arm, there may be noticed, as previously remarked, rudiments of similar dorsal marginal plates, which however in the basal part of the arm go in one with the transversal calcareous ribs, and represent the exterior somewhat enlarged ends of the same. On the other hand, no trace is to be found in the Brisinga of ventral marginal plates ; as also, owing to the com- plete absence of real interbrachial space, there can of course be none of the so-called intermediary ventral plates (interambulacral plates) imbedded in the ventral skin. c, Homology of the spines. We find in the Brisinga, as in other star-fishes, dorsal spines, lateral or marginal spines, and so-called furrow- spines; the latter are attached immediately to the ambulacral skeleton (to the ambulacral plates) while the others issue from the calcareous parts deve- loped in the skin. That the spines in the Brisinga are surrounded by wide cuticular sheaths, seems at first glance to be something quite special and peculiar for this genus. Nevertheless on more minute examination we shall find also in other star-fishes a similar, although slighter and less remarkable cuticular sheath round the spines. Even if this cuticular sheath can not in isolated cases be indicated; it is yet certain that it has originally existed, and has only at a later period been removed. As to the arrangement of the spines, this will naturally be regulated by the arrange- ment of the calcareous parts to which they are attached. The different situation of the dorsal spines on the disc and on the aims is quite naturally determined thereby. Of mar- f* o / UNIVERSI N^OALiFC. 91 ginal spines there are in the Brisinga only the dorsal; ventral marginal plates being, as previously noticed, entirely wanting. The dorsal marginal spines have however precisely the same arrangement along the sides of the arms as in other star-fishes. The furrow-spines have likewise, apart from their number, on the whole the same arrangement as in other star-fishes, those on each adambulacral plate forming a (certainly not quite regular) trans- verse row, and those on the innermost contiguous adambulacral plates assuming also in the Brisinga a peculiar form and direction as real oral spines. d. Homology of the pedicellaries. The pedicellaries in the Brisinga are of a very similar structure to those of several other star-fishes, for instance Asterias, Pedicellaster. On the other hand they differ by their comparatively insignificant size, their enormous number and their different arrangement. While those of the other star-fishes are more dispersed on the skin, or at most group themselves in some quantity around the base of the larger spines (Asterias) those of the Brisinga are present in enormous numbers on the cuticular sheaths of the spines them- selves; and those which are attached immediately on the dorsal skin of the arms are col- lected, likewise in enormous numbers, into plainly defined transverse stripes, which can even assume the form of semicylindrical transverse ridges (Br. coronata). As regards the general homology of the pedicellaries, their position on the cuticular sheaths of the spines shews clearly enough, that they cannot be, as Agassiz* has tried to demonstrate, originally homologous with the spines. These latter are developed from the interior cuticular layer (corium) while the pedicellaries are, as the development also shews, (see above p. 64) exclu- sively an epidermis-formation. It may indeed in a certain sense be said that the so-called pedicellaries of the Echinidae are homologous with the spines. But what we call pedicel- laries in the Echinidae are, it must be remembered, essentially different from what we call by that name in the star-fish. A pedicellary of the former is properly a compound organ including a spine, beneath the proper pedicellary, (the so-called stem of the pedicellary) ; such a pedicellary is in other words a real spine, on the cuticular sheath of which there is only developed one single terminal pedicellary; and it cannot therefore be compared with a single pedicellary of a star-fish, which never has any such actual stem as in the Echinidae. e. Homology of the interior organs. With regard to the other organic systems in the Brisinga: the water-system, with the exterior parts belonging thereto, (the water-feet, the madreporic body); the nervous system with its terminal apparatus of sensation; the digestive system; the blood-system ; the * Revision of the Echini, Part IV, pg. 668. 12* 92 secretive system; the complete resemblance of all these to the same in other star-fishes, has been previously sufficiently demonstrated; for which reason it is unnecessary here again to notice each one of them separately. But with respect to the generative organs, an obser- vation may yet not be out of place. In the arrangement of these organs, the Brisinga appears at first glance to be very remarkably distinguished from all other Asteridse; as the generative organs are in the Brisinga quite separated from the disc, and limited to the arms only; while in all other star-fishes they take their origin trom the disc itself, even if in some few forms they also extend more or less into the cavities of the arms. This apparently very anomalous case may yet be quite naturally attributed to the excessive reduction of the disc in the Brisinga, which only corresponds to the central part of the disc in other star-fishes; while the peripheral part of the disc in these, is in reality homologous with the basal part of the arms in the Brisinga. If we admit this, it will easily appear that the organs of generation (as described in the Brisinga coronata) really correspond,, not only in structure but also in position, to what is normal in star-fishes generally (comp. moreover the 2 sche- matic Figures 36 and 37 in Tab. VI). 6. Relation of the genus Brisinga to now living slar-fishes. Among the now living star-fishes, the genus Brisinga seems indeed to stand rather isolated, as well with regard to its exterior habitus as in respect of particular points of its interior organisation. There are however certain genera of star-fishes with which it seems to exhibit a closer affinity than with others. Among the better known native genera, there are chiefly 2 which we may take as instances of this, namely Asterias and Solaster. The former is, next to the Brisinga, that one of all our Asteridse in which the disc is the most reduced relatively to the arms; and it is probably also, next to the Brisinga, that one which we must regard as the oldest or least altered star-fish form, a conclusion which is comple- tely corroborated by paleontological indications. The Brisinga shews affinity to the genus Asterias in the form of its pedicellaries, partly also in the structure of the cuticular skele- ton, and finally in the more solid composition of the interior set of vertebras (the oral ring). The genus Asterias has however 4 rows of water-feet; while the Brisinga has only 2, in this respect resembling the genus Pedicellaster, which was established by my Father, and which in other respects is in close affinity with the genus Asterias. The Brisinga is how- ever distinguished both from the Pedicellaster and Asterias (at least from our native spe- cies) by its considerable number of arms or rays, in which respect again it agrees better 93 with the genus Solaster. Still neither of these genera exhibits a disc reduced in any thing like the same degree as that of theBrisinga; and even in those species of the genera Asterias (A. glacialis) and Pedicellaster which are furnished with a relatively very small disc, we shall yet find that a rather considerable number of vertebrae have entered into the formation of the disc; while the number of such vertebrae belonging to the disc in the Brisinga is properly speaking zero. It is this which properly determines the peculiar exterior habitus, so different from that of other known star-fishes, that distinguishes the genus Brisinga, and gives to it at first glance a certain habitual similarity to the Ophiurae. 7. Relation of the genus Brisinga to extinct star-fishes. Asbj0rnsen has already (1. c.) drawn attention to the habitual conformity of the genus Brisinga with the oldest known fossile star-fish Protaster. The small round ophiura-like disc, with the sharply defined arms issuing from it, in the Protaster, reminds us decidedly of the Brisinga; as also the skeleton of the arms, by its shape and composition of ambu- lacral and adambulacral plates only, exhibits in both forms considerable resemblance. We shall however find, on more minute examination, that the body even in this ancient form, is already considerably more centralised than in the Brisinga; a considerably greater number of vertebrae enters into the composition of the disc, notwithstanding its small dimensions. On the whole we shall find in the Protaster evident indications of the course of develop- ment diverging from the star-fish type and tending towards the Ophiurae. type, which is by no means the case in the Brisinga. Antecedently to this divergent development we must naturally presuppose a number of more indifferent stages, wherein the nature of the deve- lopment would not yet be clearly indicated, in other words, wherein the cormus would shew a slighter degree of centralisation; and these stages must certainly be supposed to have been in some degree more corresponding to the Brisinga. If we admit the theory above noticed as to the composite individuality of star-fishes, or their original value as colonies of worm- like persons, we have actually in the now living Brisinga a still more primitive form than even in the Protaster, wherein this colony has already attained to a considerable degree of centralisation, and in which the number of persons (arms) has become permanently the typical number for the Echinoderms, namely 5. The Brisinga may henceforward be assumed to exhibit a still greater conformity with the supposed ancestors of the genus Protaster 94 than with this genus itself. In any case we must consider the genus Brisinga, in respect of the general composition of the body, as the most primitive and therefore the oldest of all Echinoderms. 8. Comparison of the 2 species of Brisinga. The two hitherto known species of the genus Brisinga, Br. endecacnemos and Br. coronata, stand in close connexion, but exhibit nevertheless certain distinctive characteristics which make their specific distinction necessary. The latter of these species has already been exhaustively described in the foregoing pages. As regards the first species discovered, Br. endecacnemos, its general appearance and structure are pretty well known from Asbj0rn- sen's description and figures. It might possibly however not be without interest here to notice again this species, and to compare it with the Br. coronata. I have therefore added a plate (Tab. VII) in illustration; and will now briefly point out the characteristics wherein the two species differ from each other. In size, color and general habitus they are (see Tab. VII, fig. 1) nearly similar. But an important distinctive characteristic is the number of the arms or rays. While this num- ber is in the Br. coronata, as previously noticed, extremely variable, the number of rays in the Br. endecacnemos has already become completely permanent, and is constantly 11. In no single one of the numerous specimens which have been examined of this species, (and their number far exceeds that of the specimens taken of the other species), has there ever been noticed any deviation from this rule; for which reason also the specific denomination Ende- cacnemos is fully justified. The manner in which the arms are inserted on the disc is completely similar in both species. Still the interval between the bases of the arms is in the Br. endecacnemos still more restricted; so that the arms nearly touch each other at the base; while we always find in the Br. coronata an evident, even if only a small interval. The disc is, viewed from above (see fig. 1) in both species circular; seen from the side (fig. 2) it appears however in the Br. endecacnemos somewhat higher than in the other species, and has its exterior border more perpendicular. The disc-spines, (fig. 6) are nearly similar to those in the Brisinga coronata. They stand usually still more closely together; and the proper calcareous spine exhibits at the extremity only a few secondary spines. The shape of the madreporic body (see fig. 1, 2 & 4) is characteristic for the Br. endecacnemos. It is always remarkably prominent; so that when the disc is viewed in profile (fig. 2) it pro- 95 jects frequently like a more than semiglobular, or even like a nearly pyramidal tubercle. On closer inspection it will be found (see fig. 4) to consist as it were of 2 parts; only the exterior, more salient part having the meandric furrows; while the other part is covered with strong pointed spines, which also (in annular arrangements) encircle the more salient part. The secretory pore situated on the dorsal side of the disc (the so-called anal aper- ture) has the same somewhat excentric position as in the Br. coronata; and the disc exhi- bits at this point a slight elevation (see fig. 2). I have not succeeded in discovering any traces of pedicellaries on the dorsal side of the disc, where in the Br. coronata they are always plainly apparent. The spines attached to the underside of the disc seem also to be somewhat different from those of the Br. coronata, The furrow-spines on the lower side of the adambulacral plates (see fig. 2, 3 & 5) are remarkably large, usually 12 for each inter- radial space, of which 4 especially, on the interior adambulacral plate, are remarkably long and strong, and directed inwards towards the oral aperture, whereby they appear to have assumed the functions of the proper oral spines. These latter, 6 in number, are however here (see fig. 9) extremely small and quite covered by the other spines; so that they do not become apparent until the others are removed. The oral membrane resembles comple- tely that of the Br. coronata (see fig. 5) but is in most captured individuals difficult to per- ceive; as usually the folds of the stomach are evaginated a long way out of the mouth, and the oral aperture itself strongly enlarged (see fig. 3). The arms (see fig. 1) have about the same length in proportion to the diameter of the disc, and exhibit in their general form a great resemblance to those of the Br. coronata, but are immediately distinguished by the absence of the elevated spines in annular arrange- ment on the transversal ribs, which are so characteristic of the latter species. Likewise we do not usually find any trace of the soft transverse ridges covered with pedicellaries, which are so distinctly marked in the Br. coronata. Only in a few unusually large specimens (see fig. 1) I have found slight indications of such ridges between the interior calcareous ribs; while in the exterior part of the arm no such indications were apparent. With respect to the calcareous ribs, they have in the Br. endecacnemos a relatively far greater extension on the arms than in the Br. coronata, being apparent on all the interior half. Their num- ber is therefore also much greater, namely 3040, or about twice as great as in the Br. coronata. In their shape and arrangement they correspond otherwise perfectly to those of other species; and also in this they appear frequently variously sinuous and anastomosing with each other. If we now examine these calcareous ribs with sufficient magnifying power, we shall find on them, besides numerous pedicellaries, also a single row of extremely small spines (see fig. 13). These spines are (fig. 14) compressed, lancet-formed, and, as it appears, entirely without any cuticular sheath; neither do they appear to be movably articulated to the calcareous rib, like those of the Br. coronata in the same place, but merely to repre- sent simple processes of the same. The whole dorsal cuticle of the arms between the ribs will also be found covered with similar, although somewhat longer and thinner, small micro- 96 scopic spines quite in contrast to what is the case in the Br. coronata whereby the sur- face of the arms acquires a peculiar rough, or, as it were, finely chagrined quality (see fig. 11). In the interior, at the base of the arms, these spines stand most closely; further out on the arms they are arranged in larger irregular spaces, mostly in a transverse direction and with bare intervals. All these minute spines, of which there is no trace to be seen in the Br. coronata, rise (see fig. 12) from small thin circular perforated calcareous plates in the skin; and among these spiniferous plates there are besides a great number of still smaller disc- like plates, which are without spines, but from which spines are no doubt subsequently gradually developed. By these innumerable small cuticular plates in connexion with the numerous calcareous ribs, the cuticle of the arm in the Br. endecacnemos acquires, on the whole, a considerably firmer consistency than in the Br. coronata; a fact which stands in the closest connexion with the very different arrangement of certain internal parts (the organs, of generation) in the latter species, as will be further noticed in the sequel. With regard to the proper arm-spines, they are nearly like those of the Br. coronata. They are pro- portionally even somewhat longer than in this species, especially the so-called exterior furrow-spines. which are attached in the middle of the adambulacral plates (comp. fig. 11). The number of the interior furrow-spines is moreover also rather variable in different indi- viduals, and seems usually to increase with age. The marginal spines are in the basal part of the arm very small; but outwards they increase rapidly in length; so that in the middle of the arm they become 3 times as long as its transverse diameter. They are also movably articulated to the outer extremities of the calcareous ribs, which form very distinct plate- shaped enlargements furnished with an evident joint (see fig. 13); in the exterior part of the arm, where the calcareous ribs are wanting, they are attached to special small plates (dorsal marginal plates). At the point of the arm there is an organ of sense quite like that in the Br. coronata, and likewise arched over by a peculiar calcareous plate furnished with long marginal spines (see fig. 17). In quite young specimens the disc (see fig. 10) is very thin and transparent; and the exterior set of vertebrae come forward here in the same manner as in equally small specimens of Br. coronata. Of the dorsal spines, a great many have still the peculiar bristle-like form which is described in the young of the Br. coronata, and which in all- probability is a remnant from the embryonic or larva-state. On the other hand the madreporic body already shews completely the form and arrangements which are charac- teristic of the species. The arms are, in proportion to the diameter of the disc, conside- rably shorter than in adult specimens, evenly tapering from the very base, and as yet without any evident calcareous ribs. In the structure of the ambulacral skeleton there is certainly a great resemblance to the Br. coronata, nevertheless, on a more minute investigation, it will be easy to dis- cover, even here, several specific differences. The oral ring (fig. 7) is, in conformity with the greater height of the disc, of a 97 somewhat different shape from that of the Br. coronata, with a more sharply projecting dorsal ridge and more vertical exterior sides. The vertebrae of the exterior set are con- siderably shorter above and nearly disc-like; so that, when the oral ring is viewed from above, (fig. 7) they appear like an extremely narrow rim around the strongly developed interior set of vertebrae. As a consequence of this, the wedge-plates (see fig. 8) rise also more perpendicularly than in the other species. Their upper enlarged end is less tuber- cularly salient, and regularly formed; and the dorsal marginal plates attached to their lower extremities, stand so closely together that their exterior articulating surfaces nearly touch each other. The very narrow, scarcely perceptible, fissure between the parietal plates in the interior wall of the oral ring of the Br. coronata, is here (see fig. 7) widely gaping and spanned over with extended soft brownish ligaments. On closer comparison of the single calca- reous plates which compose the oral ring, with the corresponding plates in the Br. coronata, there will likewise be found several points of dissimilarity in shape, on which however it would not be expedient here to enter. The greatest difference appears to be in the interior adambulacral plates. They are here (see fig. 9) much narrower, and have a very conspi- cuous instriction in the vicinity of the adoral extremity, which is thus divided, as it were, by a furrow of demarcation, from the rest of the adambulacral plate. With regard to the ambulacral skeleton of the arms (fig. 15 & 16), the individual joints or vertebrae are on the whole shorter and broader than in the Br. coronata, especially the interior ones; and their dorsal ridge is more regularly semicylindrical; not, as in Br. coronata, distinctly enlarged at the extremities. Of the dorsal marginal plates there are always 3 distinctly developed, and rudiments of 1 or 2 others (see fig. 11, 15, 16). It is still more clearly to be seen here than in the Br. coronata, that the marginal plates further out on the arm are in reality represented by the enlarged extremities of the calcareous ribs (see fig. 11 & 13). As to the internal organisation, we must further notice a remarkable difference between the two species of Brisinga. This remark applies to the organs of generation. While in the Br. coronata they only form 2 widely ramified symmetrical organs situated in the basal part of each arm, each organ with its single issue, they represent in the Br. ende- cacnemos (fig. 18 & 21) a great number of separate glandulous bodies, which are arranged on each side of the medial line in a single row, extending to about half the length of the arm. Each of these bodies has its separate issue, opening nearer to the dorsal side of the arms in a fine pore. Therefore, instead of the 2 symmetrical apertures of generation in the Br. coronata, we find here for each arm a double row of numerous apertures, as has already been remarked by Asbj0rnsen. This wonderful arrangement of the generative apparatus, to which nothing corresponding is found in other star-fishes, is in so far of great interest, as we may see herein a characteristic of very ancient origin, an inheritance from the worm- like ancestors of the Brisinga, which has still been only partially preserved in the class of Crinoidse. The ovaries (see fig. 18, 19, 20) are very slightly ramified, and often appear like 13 98 perfectly simple.' oval, stemmed vesicles, in the interior of which the reddish yellow ova are shining. Only nearer to the base of the arm, they exhibit in large specimens some few short and broad lobes (fig. 20). The spermaries (fig. 21, 22) are more ramified, and look like small bunches of grapes, with considerably smaller rounded lobes of a whitish color. The color of the body is in both species of Brisinga tolerably uniform; but the red color of the dorsal side in the Br. endecacnemos, seems generally to be lighter or less in- tense than in the Br. coronata. The remarkable difference in the occurrence of both species has been previously noticed. On our coasts it appears to be quite constant. Br. endecacnemos was first discovered by Asbj0rnsen in the interior of the Har- dangerfjord, where its occurrence is not so very rare in one locality (Hesthammer). It is found here, as in every other place, only on a rocky bottom, on the steep incline from the. outside deep (400 fathoms) towards the shore. Subsequently it has also been met with in a few other places in the same fjord under similar circumstances. But on the other hand, it was not known among us as occurring elsewhere than in the Hardangerfjord, until I found it again some years ago at Flor0, 12 miles north of Bergen. The figures here given are taken from the fine specimen then obtained. According to reports of the Atlantic expedi- tions organised by the English government, it is found at least as far towards the south as the west coast of Portugal, where several specimens were taken, partly at very considerable depths, during the Porcupine's expedition under the guidance of Mr. Jeffreys. 9. On the systematic position of the genus Brisinga, with remarks on the classification of the star-fishes in general. We have previously mentioned that the genus Brisinga, according to its whole orga- nisation, is a genuine star-fish, and has nothing in common with the Ophiurse, which latter must be considered as a diverging branch from the group of the Asteridse, wherein the course of development has taken a very peculiar direction different from that of the star-fish now living. In the general composition of the body, 'and especially in the extremely slight cen- tralisation of the cormus, the Brisinga certainly occupies a rather indifferent position; and it may in this respect be considered as more nearly agreeing with the ancient primitive forms from which all the other echinoderms have sprung. But on the other hand, the organisation is otherwise completely developed in the manner characteristic of the star-fishes; for which 99 reason it must in a natural system be necessarily referred to them. Thus there only re- mains the task of assigning to it its systematic place in the order of the star-fishes. In the division of the star-fishes it has, as is well known, been usual according to Miiller & Troschel 1 to have regard chiefly to 2 characteristics, namely the arrangement of the water-feet in 2 or 4 rows, and the presence or absence of the anal aperture. To neither of these characteristics can there however in my opinion be attributed such a systematic importance, as that any natural division could be established on that basis. According to the first mentioned characteristic, the star-fishes generally are divided into 2 large groups or sub-orders: those with 4, and those with 2 rows of water-feet. To the former group there belong only a proportionally small number of forms; while the majority of known star-fishes belong to the latter group, or those with only 2 rows of water-feet. Also the genus Brisinga would, on account of its biserial water-feet, have to be classed in the last of these groups. The unnaturalness of this binary division of the star-fishes, will however on further consideration appear manifest. We have thus in the genus Asterias not only forms with 4, but also with more rows of water- feet; and of those star-fishes provided with 2 rows of water-feet, there are several which decidedly in all other respects approach extremely nearly to those with 4 rows. Thus the genus Pedicellaster, with 2 rows of water- feet, stands so particularly near to the genus Asterias with 4 rows, that in a natural system it must even be referred to the same family. The case is similar with the 2 genera Cribrella and Stichaster, which are undoubtedly nearly related to each other, but which have been formerly, on account of the before-mentioned difference in the arrangement of the water-feet, placed in quite diffe- rent sub-orders. Finally we have in the interesting form Pteraster multipes, discovered by my Father, an instance of considerable variation occurring in respect of the arrangement of the water-feet, even within the limits of one and the same generic type. This star- fish, which otherwise, as well according to its exterior habitus as according to its whole organisation, is a well defined genuine Pteraster, has for each ambulacrum 4 distinct rows of water-feet; while all other known species of this genus have only 2. According to the former method of division, this star-fish would therefore not only be separated generically from its near relatives Pt. militaris and Pt. pulvillus, but would have to be classed in a quite different sub-order, where it would stand together with forms with which it only exhibits a very distant affinity. It appears already, from this one instance, clearly enough, that the characteristic derived from the arrangement of the water-feet, must be entirely abandoned as systematic characteristic having the value formerly attributed to it. Neither does the other characteristic, the presence or absence of an anal aperture, appear to me to be applicable as a principle of division; and that chiefly because the aper- ture which has been called anal, is frequently, perhaps in most cases, not an anal aperture, but only, as in the Brisinga, a more secretory pore. This seems especially to be the case 1 System der Asteriden. 13* 100 in the star-fishes whose anal aperture is indicated as sub-central. But to ascribe to the presence or absense of this insignificant secretory pore, such a prominent importance as to make it the basis for the formation of larger groups, seems to me to be quite unreasonable. We are thereby forced to separate evidently related forms from each other. As an illustrative in- stance of this we may mention the 2 genera Archaster and Astropecten, which accor- ding to the earlier division belong to different groups of star-fishes: the former to those furnished with an anal aperture, and the latter to those without it. But these 2 genera are in reality so extraordinarily closely related, that even some species which now are usually referred to the genus Archaster (for instance A. Andromeda and A. Parelii) have been taken for genuine Astropectens, even up to the most recent times. Only after that the previously overlooked anal aperture (here undoubtedly a mere secretory pore) had been observed in these species, it has been found necessary, in regard to the formerly adopted method of. division, to transfer them not only to another genus, but even to an entirely different group of star-fishes. Another distinctive characteristic has indeed been indicated for the genus Archaster, namely the structure of the water-feet; but that it is not possible from this either, to get any trustworthy mark of recognition, has lately been demonstrated by Ltitken (I.e.). The 2 above-named species of the genus Archaster agree also in this respect completely with the species of the genus Astropecten. As has been shewn, the previous division of the star-fishes is scarcely tenable any longer, being based on characteristics of very doubtful systematic value. As principles of division in a new classification of the Asterides, the structure of the ambulacral skeleton, the structure of the cuticular skeleton, and the relation of the other calcareous particles, spines and pedicellaries belonging to the skin, will chiefly have to be considered. Especi- ally the pedicellaries seem in this respect to deserve our attention. They are entirely wan- ting in a great number of star-fishes; while in others (for instance the genus Hippaster) they exhibit a very peculiar structure and arrangement, totally different from what we have become acquainted with in the Brisinga. With respect to the structure of the pedicellaries, the Brisinga exhibits most resem- blance to the Asterias and Pedicellaster, which also agree with the Brisinga in some other points, and may therefore be considered as the nearest relatives of this genus among the star-fishes of the present day. Yet the genus Brisinga exhibits so many peculiarities, that it can scarcely be placed together with those two genera in one and the same family. The Brisinga must therefore in any case be considered as the type for a particular family among the Asterides. With respect to the place of this family in relation to the other families of the Asterides, if we are to follow a definite serial order consistent with the sup- posed phylogenetic development, it must be placed not at the end of the order of the Asterides, but at the very beginning, as representing the oldest and most primitive of all the Asterides. 101 10. Diagnoses of Family, Genus and Species. Familia: Brisingidae. Habitus externus Ophiuridarum, structura vero Asteridarum. Discus minimus ammlo sustentatus calcareo solido e vertebris modo adoralibus fir- miter inter se conjunctis composite. Corpus madreporiforme singulum tuberculiforme prope marginem disci dorsaliter situm. Brachia perlonga a disco bene definita, tessellis ambulacralibus et adambulacralibus distinctis marginalibus vero obsoletis, sulcis ventralibus profundis, tentaculis magnis disciferis. Cavitas intestinalis in brachia extensa ibiqve caeca radialia bene evoluta bifurcata et organa generations continens. Genus : B r i s i n g a , Asbj0rnsen. Discus orbicularis, sat depressus supine cute coriacea dense spinigera tectus, in- ferne nullis angulis oralibus prominentibus sed cuticula nuda valde contractili os circum- dante instructus. Porus secretorius subcentralis in cute dorsali perspicuus. Brachia nume- rosa semicylindrica, parte adorali in adultibus plus minusve subfusiformi apicem versus sensim attenuata, apice tenuissimo filiformi organo sensorio distincto terminato, ad basin utrinqve tessellis marginalibus duabus tribusve rudimentariis instructa, cute dorsali in parte basali costis calcareis transversis vario raodo flexuosis ad intervalla firmata spinis margi- nalibus longissimis et ut ambulacralibus vaginis cutaceis magnis obvelatis. Vertebra l raa brachiorum in adultibus annulo calcareo disci firmiter adnata; tessellse connectentes annuli inter qvamque vertebram 3, media dorsaliter tuberculi instar prominente. Pedicellarise numerosissimse forcipatse apice fortiter dentato et in vaginis spinarum accumulate et in superficie dorsali brachiorum per fascias transversas plus minusve per- spicuas distributee. Tentacula ambulacralia biserialia e sulcis ventralibus longe porrecta. Tentacula respiratioms riulla. Spec. 1: Brisinga endecacnemos, Asbj0rnsen. Brachia semper 11 costis calcareis numerosis (20-30) per dimidiam brachii longi- tudinem et ultra occurentibus spinulis perparvis microscopio modo visibilibus obsitis, cute dorsali inter easdem spinulis numerosis minimis aspera, fasciis pedicelligeris parum vel plane non perspicuis. 102 Corpus madreporiforme valde prominens, interdum fere conicum, ex parte spinulis ** rigidis armatum. Pedicellarise magnitudine inaeqvali nonnullis in vaginis spinarum ceteris plus duplo majoribus et structura multo fortiore. Organa generationis numerosa per dimidiam brachii longitudinem dispersa, seriem duplicem formantia, unoqvoqve poro externo discrete prope superficiem dorsalem instructo. Spec. 2: Brisinga coronata, G. 0. Sars. Brachia numero valde inconstantia (913), costis calcareis circiter 12 in parte modo basali tertia occurrentibus, spinis altis coronam conspicuam formantibus armatis, cute dor- sali inter costas nuda, fasciis vero pedicelligeris distinctissimis, semicylindricis, per totam brachii longitudinem usqye ad apicem conspicuis. Corpus madreporiforme parum elevatum nullis spinulis armatum. Pedicellarise omnes eadem magnitudine, minimse sed portentoso numero. Organa generationis cujusqve brachii solummodo duo valde ramosa in parte basali symetrice disposita poro externo utrinqve singulo a basi circiter diametro disci remoto. 103 Explanation of the Plates. Tab. I. Fig. 1. A very young 10-armed specimen of Brisinga coronata, seen from above, natural size; on the left there appears a recently regenerated arm. Fig. 2. The disc of the same specimen, with the base of 4 arms in their natural connexion, viewed from below, somewhat magnified. fig. 3. The same viewed from above: 6, the madreporic body. Fig. 4. The disc of a full grown 9-armed specimen viewed from above, very slightly magnified: a, the secretory pore; b, the madreporic body; c c, the radial spaces of the disc; d d, the interradial spaces, with the wedge-plate inserted in the angles of the arms; e, a recently regenerated arm. Fig. 5. The same viewed from below: c d e, as in the preceding figure; f, the oral aperture strongly contracted. Fig. 6. The same viewed from the side. The letters as in the 2 preceding figures. Fig. 7. A piece of the dorsal skin of the disc, with the secretory pore (a) more strongly magnified. Fig. 8. Perpendicular section of the dorsal skin of the disc, still more strongly magnified, shewing the 2 layers of the skin, the spines with their cuticular sheaths (b) and the pedicellaries (a). Fig. 9. A single disc-spine with the basal plate belonging to it, strongly magnified: a, the basal plate contained in the dorsal skin; 6, the spine itself; c, its cuticular sheath. Fig. 1011. Various forms of dorsal spines. Fig. 12. An arm of a full grown specimen, viewed from the side, natural size: a, the left genital aperture; &, the dorsal marginal plates at the base. Fig. 13. A piece of the same about in the middle of the length of the arm, viewed from the side, slightly magnified: 1, marginal spine; 2, 3, furrow-spines. Fig. 14. The same piece viewed from below. The water-feet are removed, with exception only of 2 pairs: 1, marginal spine; 2, 3, 4, furrow-spines; a, water-leet. Fig. 15. A marginal spine, magnified, and treated with a solution of potash, whereby the cuticular sheath has been rendered transparent. 104 Fig. 16. One of the exterior furrow- spines with its cuticular sheath. Fig. 17. The point of the calcareous spine itself, strongly magnified. Fig. 18, 19. Interior furrow-spines. Fig. 20, 21. 2 of the furrow-spines of the disc. Fig. 22. A water-foot magnified, shewing the numerous muscular fibres crossing each other. Tab. II. Fig. 1. A full grown 10-armed specimen of Br. coronata, viewed from above, natural size; only one of the arms drawn. Fig. 2. An other specimen with 12 arms, of which 2 are drawn; one recently regenerated and still without evident calcareous ribs. Fig. 3. The extremity of a monstrously developed bifurcated arm, viewed from above, natural size. Fig. 4. The basal part of an arm, with strongly projecting calcareous ribs, and unusually numerous and interrupted bands of pedicellaries, natural size. Fig. 5. The extremity of an arm viewed from the side, strongly magnified, shewing the dorsal bands of pedicellaries (a) the terminal organ of sense (c) and the peculiar plate (b) which shelters it. Fig. 6. The same seen from below: 6, c, as in the preceding figure. Fig. 7. The terminal organ of sense, still more strongly magnified, seen from the side: &, the 2 exterior rudimentary water-feet. Fig. 8. The disc of a full grown 11-armed specimen seen from above, slightly magnified. The dorsal skin is cut open round the periphery and turned back, in order to shew the subjacent interior organs: a, the madreporic body; 6, the dorsal skin turned back; c c, the basal trunks of the radial caeca (to the right a bifurcation of one these indicated); d, the peripheral part of the stomach; e, the upper vault of the stomach, with its radial folds; f, the apparatus of secretion; g, section of excretory duct for the same; h, the porus secretorius which perforates the dorsal skin. Fig. 9. A piece of the peripheral part of the stomach viewed from within, shewing the numerous sinuous longitudinal folds: a, tendinous fibres whereby this part is attached to the oral ring; &, the oral membrane. Fig. 10. The upper vault of the stomach viewed from the under or interior side, shewing the numerous papillae issuing from the same, and the terminal trunks of the radial caeca proceding from the periphery. 105 Fig. 11. The disc of another likewise ll-armed specimen seen from above, after that the dorsal skin and all the interior organs situated in the cavity of the disc have been removed, whereby the skeleton (the oral ring), with its tendinous lining membrane, is en- tirely exposed: a, the madreporic body, with the sheath preceding downwards from the same, in which the so-called ,,heart" is inclosed; 6, the oral membrane; c c, the fan-like extended tendinous fibres issuing from the upper border of the oral ring and attaching the peripheral part of the stomach; d d, glandulous corpuscules attached to the periphery of the circular ambulacral vessel; e, the oral aperture. Fig. 12. A piece of the oral ring with the tendinous membrane that lines the same, viewed from the interior sides a, the madreporic body; 6, the oral membrane; c, the tendi- nous sheath in which the ,,heart" is inclosed; d d, the glandulous corpuscules attached in the periphery of the circular ambulacral vessel; e, the stone canal. Fig. 13. Some of the granulous contents of the corpuscules (d), strongly magnified. Fig. 14. One of the glandulous corpuscules isolated. Tab. III. Fig. 1. Part of the disc from the side, magnified, shewing the articulating surfaces for an arm and the adjacent parts: a, section of the radial nerve with the blood-sinus above it; 6, section of the radial ambulacral vessel; c, ampullae for the exterior water-feet of the disc ; d, section of one of the radial caeca. Fig. 2. Part of the disc viewed from below. The spines and the water-feet are for the greater part removed, in order to show the arrangement of the nervous system: a a, the radial nerves; b 6, the circular commissure of the nerves (see also Tab. VI, fig. 1). Fig. 3. Transverse section of the basal part of an arm of a full grown female specimen: a, the water-feet; b, vertebra; c c, the ampullae for the water- feet, projecting into the cavity of the arm; d d, section of the 2 branches of the radial caeca; e e, section of the ovaries; f f, marginal spines. Fig. 4. The basal part of an arm of a full grown female viewed from above, a little magnified. The dorsal skin is cut along the middle and extended on each side, to expose the strongly ramified ovaries situated in the cavity of the arm. Along the middle, the skeleton of the arm's appears; and on each side of it, we see the ampullae for the water-feet arranged in pairs. Fig. 5. An ovary of more compact form, isolated and viewed from the interior side. Fig. 6. The same viewed from the exterior side: a, a piece of the skin of the arm, with the exterior genital aperture (b) situated in the same. Fig. 7. A branch of an ovary, with (terminal) ramified cylindrical caeca. 14 106 Fig. 8. Another branch, on which the terminal caeca only form small vesicular enlargements. Fig. 9. An ovary of a very young specimen, viewed from the exterior side, strongly magnified. fig. 10. The same viewed from the interior side. Fig. 11. A terminal ramification of an ovary drawn from a fresh living specimen. Inside of the half-transparent ovarial cuticle, there appear numerous egg-cells in different stages of development. Fig. 12-1*5. Egg-cells in different stages of development, with an evident germinal vesicle. Fig 16. A fully developed egg, in which the germinal vesicle is not visible; the yellowish red mass of yolk is surrounded by a thick pellucid chorion. Fig. 17. The basal part of an arm of a full grown male specimen, viewed from above. The dorsal skin is, as in fig. 4, cut along the middle and extended on the sides, in order to expose the strongly developed seminaries. Fig. 18. A seminary of a younger specimen, isolated, viewed from the interior side*. Fig. 19. The same, seen from the exterior side, a, the genital aperture. Fig. 20. A branch of the same seminary, isolated. Fig. 21. The extremity of a branch of a fully developed seminary, drawn- from a fresh living specimen. Fig. 22. Some of the developing cells of the spermatozoa, strongly magnified. fig. 23. A fascicle of fully developed spermatozoa. Fig. 24. 3 spermatozoa isolated, very strongly magnified. Fig. 25. An arm of a fully developed female specimen, viewed from the lower side. The skeleton of the arm, together with the parts in connexion, has been removed, in order to shew the organs lying above it in the cavity of the arm in their natural position: a a a, the radial caeca with their 2 branches; b &, the ovaries; c c, the 2 genital apertures situated symmetrically. Tab. IV. Fig. 1. The skeleton of the disc (the oral ring) of a fully developed 10-armed spe- cimen, seen from above, slightly magnified: a a, the ' radial spaces; & 6, the interradial spaces; c, oral spines. fig. 2. The same viewed from below. Fig. 3. The same viewed from the side. Fig. 4. A piece of the oral ring, more strongly magnified, seen from above. 107 Fig. 5. The same seen from below. Fig. 6. The same viewed from the exterior side. Fig. 7. The same viewed from the interior side. Fig. 8. The same viewed obliquely from above and from the interior side, the better to see the furrow for the circular ambulacral vessel, with one of the holes through which the ambulacral vessel passes. Fig. 9. A piece of the oral ring, from which the exterior set of vertebrae are removed. Fig. 10. Transverse section of the oral ring in the middle of a radial space. Fig. 11. Transverse section of the oral ring in the middle of an interradial space. The following indications serve for the last 8 figures: a l , interior ambulacral plates. a 2 , exterior ambulacral plates. ad l , interior adambulacral plates. ad 3 , exterior adambulacral plates. f, furrow for the radial ambulacral vessel. &, wedge-plates. I, interior cavity bounded by the wedge-plates and the parietal plates. m, parietal plates. o J , apertures for the interior water-feet of the disc. o 2 , apertures for the exterior water-feet of the disc. r, dorsal marginal plates. x, furrow for the circular ambulacral vessel. /, the circular rim, projecting from the interior wall of the oral ring, which below forms a boundary for the circular ambulacral vessel. Fig. 12. A wedge-plate isolated, viewed from the exterior side. Fig. 13. The same, viewed from the interior side. fig. 14. The same, viewed in profile. Fig. 15. The base of the skeleton of an arm, viewed from above, somewhat magni- fied: a a, the dorsal ridge formed by the interior part of the ambulacral plates; & &, the lateral parts of the ambulacral plates; ad, adambulacral plates; c, the 2 connate dorsal marginal plates at the base of the arm; r, rudimentary marginal plates for attachment of marginal spines; o, holes for the water-feet. Fig. 16. The same seen from below: f, the furrow for the ambulacral vessel; p l , marginal spines; p 2 , p 3 , furrow-spines; the other letters as in the preceding figure. Fig. 17. The same, viewed from the left side: a, ambulacral plates; ad, adambu- lacral plates; 6, the lateral parts of the ambulacral plates; r\ r z , the 2 connate dorsal marginal plates at the base. Fig. 18. Base of an ambulacral skeleton split along the middle and viewed from the surface of fracture: f, furrow for the ambulacral vessel. 14* Fig. 19. The aboral terminal surface of an arm-vertebra: a, ambulacral plates; &, adambulacral plates; n, the furrow for the ambulacral vessel. Fig. 20. The oral terminal surface of the first free arm-vertebra: c, dorsal mar- ginal plates; a, &, w, as in the preceding figure. Fig. 21. The extremity of the skeleton of the arm, strongly magnified, viewed from above: a, the terminal spine-covered calcareous plate. Fig. 22. The same viewed from below. Fig. 23. A complete pedicellary from the cuticular sheath of one of the oral spines, strongly magnified, viewed from the broader side. The exterior cuticular sheath has been, by means of a solution of potash, rendered transparent; so that the enclosed calcareous particles appear distinctly. Fig. 24. The same, viewed from the narrower side. Fig. 25. The calcareous skeleton of the same pedicellary, still more strongly magni- fied, viewed from the broader side: a&, the side pieces (a, the proper forceps or jaw; &, the lower perforated plate for insertion of the adductor-muscles); c, the middle piece (the articulation-plate). Fig. 26. The same viewed from the narrower side: m m, the adductor-muscles; a, &, c, as in the preceding figure. Fig. 27. The skeleton of a pedicellary from the cuticular sheath of one of the arm- spines, viewed from the broader side, with closed jaws. Fig. 28. Another with widely opened jaws. Fig. 29. The same viewed from above : for all 3 figures the indication a, &, c, as in figures 25 and 26. Fig. 30. The extremities of the closed jaws, viewed from above, to shew their toothed edges. Fig. 31. Some of the developing cells of the pedicellaries from the base of the cuticular sheath of an arm-spine. Fig. 32 - 37. Pedicellary-cells in 6 different stages of development, strongly magnified. Fig. 38. A litle young Brisinga coronata, viewed from above, natural size. Fig. 39. The same magnified, viewed from above. Fig. 40. A part of the same, still more strongly magnified, viewed from below: ad\ the 2 adambulacral plates meeting in the angle of the arms; m, the oral membrane; o, the oral aperture. Fig. 41. Skeleton of a pedicellary from the cuticular sheath of one of the oral spines in the Brisinga endecacnemos, for comparison with fig. 25. Fig. 42. Skeleton of one of the larger sort of pedicellaries from the cuticular sheath of one of the arm-spines of the same species, for comparison with fig. 27. 109 Tab. V. Fig. 1. skeleton of the disc (the oral ring), with the base of the skeleton of 3 arms in their natural connexion, of a 9-armed specimen of Brisinga coronata, viewed from above. Fig. 2. The same viewed from bolow. Fig. 3. A complete arm-vertebra seen from above. Fig. 4. The same viewed from the left side. Fig. 5. The same viewed from the aboral extremity. Fig. 6. The same viewed from below. The following indication will serve for the 4 last figures: a, interior part of the ambulacral plates. &, lateral parts of the ambulacral plates. ad, the adambulacral plates. Fig. 7. The part of the skeleton of a 9-armed specimen of Solaster endeca corresponding to fig. 1, viewed from above. Fig. 8. A part of the same viewed from below, for comparison with fig. 2. Fig. 9. An interradium with 2 half radii of the skeleton of Brisinga coronata repre- sented in fig. 1. Fig. 10. The corresponding part of the skeleton of the Solaster endeca represented in fig. 7. In both figures the letters indicate corresponding parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ambulacral plates in their order: ad, adambulacral plates. r, dorsal marginal plates. p p, parietal plates. w, wedge-plates. o, aperture for the passage of the radial ambulacral vessel. x, the border of the oral ring, which below limits the furrow for the circular ambu- lacral vessel. I, ligaments. Fig. 11. A part of the skeleton of the disc (the oral ring) with the base of 3 arms of the young Br. coronata represented in Tab. IV, fig. 38-40, viewed from above, strongly magnified: ad, the adambulacral plates of the disc; r, rudimentary dorsal marginal plates; iv, wedge-plate. Fig. 12. The same viewed from below: ad 2 , the second pair of adambulacral plates (here evidently belonging to the arms); s, embryonic furrow-spines; x, the circular rim which proceeds from the interior wall of the oral ring, and to which the oral membrane is attached. 110 Fig. 13. The oral ring of a young specimen of Br. coronata, magnified, viewed from above. Fig. 14. Part of the same, more strongly mangnified, seen from the exterior side: w, wedge-plate. Fig. 15. Part of the oral ring of the same specimen, with the base of an arm in natural connexion, viewed from above: w, wedge-plate; r, dorsal marginal plates; x, the circular rim preceding from the interior wall of the oral ring. Tab. V. Fig. 1. A part of the disc (a radial space) seen from below, strongly magnified. The water-feet and the spines are removed, in order to expose the central parts of the nervous system: a a, the circular nerve-commissure; 6, the radial nerve; c, insertion for the water-feet; #, a recently formed germ of an arm, on which the terminal organ of sense and the 2 rows of water-feet are already evidently traced. Fig. 2. The part of a radial nerve belonging to the disc, together with a part of the circular commissure, isolated and viewed from the upper (interior) side: a, the longi- tudinal septum which divides the radial blood-sinus. Fig. 3. The same vieved from the side: a, the septum. Fig. 4. A piece of a radial nerve from the basal part of an arm, shewing 2 of the enlargements that correspond to the water- feet, viewed from above: a, the septum. Fig. 5. Another piece with 3 enlargements viewed from below. Fig. 6. The dorsal skin of the disc, viewed from the inner side, with the interior parts attached, chiefly to shew the complicated arrangement of the ligaments by which the stomach and the radial caeca are fixed: a, the secretory apparatus; h, the so-called ,,heart"; s, the stone-canal. Fig. 7. The madreporic body viewed from above, magnified. Fig. 8. The ,,heart" isolated and viewed from the side. Fig. 9. A piece of the skin of the same, more strongly magnified, shewing the reticulated muscular fibres. Fig. 10. Cells in the skin of the ,,heart", very strongly magnified. Fig. 11. A recently formed germ of an arm, magnified, viewed from above: a, the terminal organ of sense. Fig. 12. The same viewed from below: a, the terminal organ of sense; 6, the enlargement of the radial nerve at the base of this organ; n, the radial nerve; w, rudi- ments of the water-feet. Fig. 13. Another germ of an arm, treated with a solution of potash to shew the interior skeleton (s) forming itself, seen from the right side: j, nascent furrow-spines; Ill pi, radiate calcareous bodies, forming the foundation 'for the terminal calcareous plate of the arm. Fig. 14. A somewhat further developed germ of an arm, viewed from below. This preparation had been lying in maceration for a long time in a solution of potash; so that all the organic parts are quite transparent, whereby the calcareous skeleton forming itself is made to appear very distinctly: a, nascent ambulacral -plates; ad, adambulacral plates; p, furrow- spines; p*, marginal spines with rudiments of pedicellaria?; p 2 , thin spines issuing from the terminal calcareous plate; 6, the terminal organ of sense. Fig. 15. The extremity of the same germ of the arm, viewed from above, to shew the formation of the cuticular skeleton: b, the terminal organ of sense; r, calcareous con- cretions in the dorsal skin forming the foundations for the transversal calcareous ribs; i, the growing terminal calcareous plate with its spines (p 1 ); p, marginal spines with nascent pedicellaries. Fig. 16. The basal part of the skeleton of a recently formed arm, magnified, viewed from above: a, ambulacral plates; ad, adambulacral plates; r r, the 2 interior dorsal mar- ginal plates (here distinctly separated) ; r ', rudimentary marginal plates further out on the arm; p, furrow-spines; p ', marginal spines. Fig. 17 23. Successive development of an ambulacral plate, strongly magnified. Fig. 24. A recently formed adambulacral plate. Fig. 25. One of the radially ramified calcareous concrements which form the foun- dation of the terminal calcareous plate, strongly magnified. Fig. 26 31. Successive development of an arm-spine. Fig. 32. One of the thin spines attached to the terminal calcareous plate, isolated. Fig. 32 (bis). A recently formed water-foot. Fig. 33. A piece of the embryonal cuticular skeleton of the dorsal skin of the disc, strongly magnified. Fig. 34. One of the echinulated spines attached to the same. Fig. 35. Schematic representation of the digestive system (the stomach with radial caeca) of a 10-armed specimen, viewed from above, natural size. Fig. 36. 'Section of the disc, and base of an arm of Brisinga coronata (schematic figure). The section goes to the left, through an interradial space; and to the right, through a radial space. The dotted line refers to the next figure. Fig 37. A similar section of Solaster endeca, The following corresponding indications will serve for both figures: ft, the furrow for the radial ambulacral vessel. g, genital organ. h, the ,,heart" with the stone canal. m, the madreporic body. m (bis), the oral aperture. 112 w, r, the oral ring. n, secretory apparatus. p, oral spines. r, radial caeca. st, stomach. Tab. VII. Brisinga endecacnemos. Fig. 1. A full grown specimen viewed from above, natural size. One of the arms is completely developed; another is broken off near the middle, and the point recently regenerated; a 3 rd is just newly formed. Fig. 2. The disc of the same specimen, somewhat magnified, viewed from the side. fig. 3. The same viewed from below. The folds of the stomach are strongly pro- truded; so that the oral membrane is not visible. Fig. 4. The madreporic body, with a piece of the dorsal skin, strongly magnified, viewed from above. Fig. 5. A piece of the disc of another specimen, viewed from below, to shew the oral membrane and the arrangement of the spines. Fig. 6. 3 of the dorsal disc-spines, with basal plates belonging to them imbedded in the skin. Fig. 7. The oral ring viewed from above, magnified. Fig. 8. A piece of the same, somewhat more strongly magnified, viewed from the exterior side. Fig. 9. The same viewed from below. The spines are removed, with exception of the rudimentary oral spines preceding from the extremity of the interior contiguous adambu- lacral plates. Fig. 10. The disc of a very young specimen, viewed from above. Fig. 11. The base of a dessicated arm, viewed from the left side, slightly magnified. Fig. 12. Calcareous bodies and small spines from the dorsal skin of the same, strongly magnified. Fig. 13. Extremity of one of the transversal calcareous ribs, with a marginal spine. Fig. 14. One of the small spines situated on the calcareous ribs, strongly magnified. Fig. 15. Base of the skeleton of the arm, viewed from above. Fig. 16. The same viewed from below. Fig. 17. The extremity of an arm, viewed from the left side and strongly magni- fied. The preparation is treated with a solution of potash; so that the interior skeleton is distinctly seen through the skin. Fig. 18. The basal half of an arm of a full grown female, viewed from above, natural size. The dorsal skin is cut open along the middle and turned back on the sides, to expose the numerous ovaries attached along both sides. Fig. 19. An ovary consisting only of a single csecum, isolated. Fig. 20. Another ovary, with incipient dichotomic division. Fig. 21. Base of an arm of a full grown male, viewed from above. The dorsal skin is, as in the preceding preparation, cut open along the middle; its left half is removed, while the right is spread out to expose the cluster-shaped seminaries. Fig. 22. A seminary isolated and more strongly magnified. 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