-NRLF 573 MMRARY OF THi: UNIVERSITY OF. CALIFORNIA. / Deceived ^ /^^^^ , ,. i8c)b. Accessions No. ^oS^/^ Clans No. " CATALOGUE "M "-1894-95. Radiators pot* Steam and HIiSO Heating Specialties. MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY BY . GRIPPING IRON CO,, 'VE" 15 DEY STREET. ti^i^ CHICAGO, ILL. BOSTON, MASS. PHILADELPHIA, PA. 34 Dearborn Street. 177-179 Fort Hill Square. 18 South 7th Street. WORKS : JERSEY CITY, N. J. ORRIOERS. THOS. H. WILLIAMS, President. SAM'L R, HABLOW, Vice-President. SAM'L D. TOMPKINS, Treasurer. J. L. OGKDEN, Secretary. JOHN N. MATLOCK, M. E., Supt. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1894, by the A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. N. B. The entire contents of this work (title, table, engravings and text), are the property of the A. A. Griffing Iron Co., and are intended to be pro- tected by this Copyright. PRESS OF THE HEATING ENGINEER PUBLISHING CO., New York. ANN00NGEMENT. I p r e s e n ting this"M"Edi- , tion Pocket [Catalogue "for 1894-95 w e respect- fully call at- tention to the unequal- ed variety of goods manu- f actur ed . They result from an ex- perience o f nearly quarter a century in the business, and repre- ' sent the pro- duct of the best E n g i - neers. The styles are modern, the goods mechanically perfect, the castings smooth and strong, and the assortment of styles great. To achieve that degree of perfection which has secured for ' ' Bundy Radiators " the reputation of being the best in the world, and which has also secured for them a constantly increasing demand, both at home and abroad, it has been necessary to pass through the era of ex- pensive tests and experiments, but with the successful solving, from time to time, of each problem as it was presented, came a de- sire for even greater achievements in the production of a peerless line of Radiators and heating supplies ; and the unbroken chain of successes already achieved, coupled with the fact that our plants have been extensively enlarged and re-equipped with special pat- ented machinery of our own designing, warrants us in claiming to III furnish a product surpassing all others in point of efficiency, dura- bility, and genteel appearance. We emphatically claim that all Bundy goods are made in a con- scientious manner as regards interior construction, which only continued use will show. The nipple used in Bundy Sectional Radiators is stronger than that used in any other Sectional Radiator made. The important part performed by the nipple is all-apparent to the practical man. The Bundy Radiator is a plain surface Radiator. While it is true that we make Radiators of the extended surface type in fact, make Radiators of every type known to modern science our pref- erence has always been for plain surface Radiators. The result of 40 tests made by Dr. Chas. E. Emery, late Engineer for the New York Steam Co., showing extended surface forty (40) per cent inferior to plain surface as Radiators of heat, is practically substantiated by late tests made by Stevens Institute of Tech- nology , showing that i square foot of plain surface Radiator was equal in efficiency to 1.49 square feet of extended surface radiation. The Bundy Radiators have large openings between radiating surfaces which are so pitched as to deflect horizontally the heat units. The internal areas of the sections and connections being large and devoid of obstructing diaphragms insure perfect circula- tion throughout, while the joints are absolutely tight and perma- nent. We keep on hand immense stocks of Bundy Radiators and Sup- plies, and can assure our patrons of prompt and satisfactory service. In point of shipping facilities, not even the great me- tropolis is so favorably located as is Jersey City. Its water front- age on the Hudson River and New York Bay gives ready com- munication with every seaport of the commercial world, and, with all principal Railroads terminating within its borders, it is linked with every city in the country. As a result, lower freight rates and more prompt deliveries are often secured from Jersey City than from any other point in the United States. We shall ever aim to show our keen appreciation of the patron- age bestowed upon us by that careful and conscientious execution of all orders that begets confidence and esteem. A. A. GRIPPING IRON CO. IV ADVANTAGES IN BRIEF OF THE BUNDY STANDARD RADIATOR. i st. A roomy base with large air passages through it, also a neat cast-iron fret work top. 2d. Loops screw separately into the base, having but one joint each, therefore no possible chance for leverage expansion and contraction. 3d. Made in a greater variety 'of widths, lengths and heights, being furnished in one, two, three and four rows of loops wide, three to twenty-six loops long, varying by single loops, and from ten to forty-five inches high, varying by single inches. THE BUNDY STANDARD AND SECTIONAL RADIATORS. 4th. More of them are in use, which is, perhaps, the best possi- ble evidence of their superiority and popularity. The word " Bundy " as applied to Radiators has grown to be synonymous with success. Over 60,000 of the largest and best buildings in the country are heated with Bundy Radiators, aggregating a total output of over FIFTY MILLION SQUARE FEET of surface. 5th. More space between the loops and between the sections, through which the air circulates more freely than in any other Radiator, and this gives greater efficiency. The Bundy Sectional Radiators are concave (parabolic). 6th. All parts of the Bundy Radiators are duplicates, and so those broken by accident can readily be replaced with new ones without its being necessary to return the Radiator to the factory for repairs. 7th. It is a notable fact that all Bundy Radiators have a base, for each Bundy section has a large space at the bottom which per- forms the functions of the Bundy Standard Radiator base, and is therefore properly called a Sectional Base Radiator. 8th. Bundy Sectional Radiators are put together with heavy and long nipples, and as it is the nipple that first gives out in a sectional radiator, the importance of this advantage is at once ap- parent in making the Bundy Sectional Radiator especially strong at the nipple, where other Radiators give out and leak. gth. Absolutely positive, uniform and noiseless circulation is but the natural result of combining the above advantages. They circulate noiselessly because they drain perfectly, allowing no water to remain in the bottom of the Radiators. loth. Nor least among the many advantages of the Bundy Radiator should be rated their exceptionally neat and attractive design. The large and ever increasing demand for our Radiators has encouraged us in bringing out only Radiator designs by the leading Masters ; for example, our Bundy Elite Radiator is pure Arabesque in its design, and is a good conception of Moorish archi- tecture. Our Bundy Renaissance and Hot Closet Dining Room Radiators are of the Byzantine design and are the finest appearing Radiators to be found anywhere in the world. A. A. GBIFEING IRON CO. v feam and ^ot Q9ater \?s. f%nace {teat. is a conceded fact that buildings cannot be properly heated by hot air furnaces unless they are entirely surrounded by other buildings, or protected from cold winds in some way or other. Even when a building is properly heated by a furnace the quality of air is not that which is most desirable to sustain human life ; first, because it is devitalized with metal heated from 1200 to 1500 degrees Fahr., which robs it of all its ex- hilarating and tonic properties; secondly, because it is always charged with dust ; and, thirdly, it has been rendered impure by carbonic oxide, which is generated in a furnace whenever there is an insufficient amount of oxygen introduced into it to produce per- fect combustion ; said carbonic oxide passing through all heated cast iron almost as readily as atmospheric air passes through any textile fabric. Summarizing these various objections to furnace-heated air, we find it under its best conditions devitalizing. Metal heated above even 250 degrees begins to devitalize atmosphere brought in con- tact with it; what, then, must be its effect upon air when heated to a temperature of from 1200 to 1500 degrees? We find it frequently charged with dust and fine ashes, and very often poisoned by car- bonic oxide, to say nothing of the aptitude of all furnace-heated houses to be extremely cold at the point of greatest exposure, on account of the extreme buoyancy of heated air which is overcome by the pressure of cold air of greater density. Heating by Hot Water or low pressure Steam has none of the disadvantages mentioned in regard to the furnace-heated houses. The metal of the Radiators and boilers is never heated by the use of steam to a detrimental degree namely, 250 degrees unless from 40 to 45 pounds' pressure per square inch is resorted to, which is both unusual and unnecessary in the heating apparatus of the present day. In hot water heating by the open tank system the pressure is exceedingly small not more than one pound to every 28. 96 inches of vertical water column and the temperature of the Radiators throughout the house is seldom greater than 175 degrees Fahr., a temperature 75 degrees below the point where devitalization com- mences ; which point it is impossible to reach in Hot Water Heat- ing. It has been sometimes argued that houses heated by Direct Radiation are not properly ventilated. This is the case sometimes but arises from a neglect of the occupants of the building rather, than from a radical defect in the system. It is well (and we always recommend it) to use a certain amount of Indirect Radiation with every system of Steam or Hot Water Heating, as Indirect Radia- tors are so placed in connection with flues, ducts and registers, connected directly with the outer air, as to draw into a house a suf- ficient quantity of fresh out-door air for ventilation. VI HEATING BY STEAM AND HOT WATER DIRECT AND INDIRECT RADIATION. The amount of Steam or Hot Water Direct or Indirect Radiation re- quired to heat a given space depends on the following conditions, viz : Whether building is protected or isolated ; structure, whether brick, stone or wood ; if wood, whether sheathed and papered; if brick or stone, whether walls are solid or hollow ; points of compass, direction taken by prevailing winds ; relative location of rooms to one another ; whether room has bay window or not, or has maximum or minimum of glass surface, etc., etc. Without this information it is impracticable to correctly estimate the amount of Radiating Surface required, and even with it an engineer on the premises is better able to judge of the requirements of the case. We are perfectly willing and glad to make suggestions on this subject or answer any questions that may be asked us, but wish what we say to be taken more in the light of suggestions given for the benefit of our friends and customers, for the reason that we are manufacturers and not erecters of heating appa- ratus. We are frequently asked for the names of good books treating on the subject of steam and hot water heating, and in reply we can recommend the following : Steam Heating for Buildings, or Hints to Steam Fitters. By William J. Baldwin. 282 pages. Price, $2.50. Hot Water Heating and Fitting. By William J. Baldwin. 400 pages. Price, $4.00. Heat for Warming and Ventilation of Buildings. By John H. Mills. Two volumes, 600 pages. Price, $10.00. Essays on House Heating. Price, $2.50. To accommodate those wishing any of the above books, we will forward any or all of them, postage or expressage paid, upon receipt of the pub- lisher's price as above given. SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THE ADJUSTMENT OF STEAM RADIATION. While it is impracticable to adopt any fixed rule for computing the amount of Radiating Surface necessary to heat a given space, still the fol- lowing may serve as somewhat of a guide, but please to bear in mind that the figures given are based on New York City climate. For an Isolated Residence. To ascertain the amount of direct radiation required to heat a north or west room, divide the cubical contents expressed in feet by 60 ; south or east room by 70 ; sleeping room by 80. For indirect radiation, for the ist floor divide by 35 ; 2d floor by 40 ; 3d floor by 50. For a Residence in a Row. For direct radiation for a north or west room, bay window room, hall, bath and living room, divide by 70; sleeping room by 80. For indirect radiation, ist floor divide by 40 ; 2d and sd floors by 50. For a Business Block. For direct radiation for a north or west room, divide by 75, and an inside room or hall by 100. For indirect radiation, ist floor, divide by 40 ; 2d floor and above by 50. For a Church or other Public Building. For direct radiation, divide by 100 ; and for indirect radiation by 50. A good arrangement for heating such buildings is an equal amount of both Direct and Indirect Radiation, or two-thirds Direct and one-third Indirect. SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THE ADJUSTMENT OF HOT WATER RADIATION. For direct radiation for a north or west room, bay window bath or living room, divide by 35 ; for sleeping rooms on ad 3d floor by ^o. For indirect radiation divide by 20 or 25. VII SPECIAL dong. WHEN goods are delivered in good order on cars or stem ship docks in Jersey City or New York, our responsibility ceases. It is impossible for us to remember the special tapping, &c., wanted by each customer, so please give full information with each order. We will not be held responsible for mistakes occurring where full instructions do not accompany each order. All Regular Bundy Standard Steam Radiators are tapped i" X%"> Right Hand; Hot Water, iX"Xi^", Right Hand, but other sized tapping may be had if wanted, arid usually without extra cost. For list of tappings of Bundy Sectional Radiators see a subsequent page in this catalogue. All claims for corrections must be made within 10 days after re- ceipt of goods. New quotations supercede all former prices quoted, and, unless otherwise specified, are made subject to change without notice, and with the understanding that upon request perfect parts will be furnished in place of any that may prove defective through fault of ours, and that to be the limit of our liability. We will not be responsible for labor or collateral damages. TERMS : Cash 30 days net ; i per cent, cash discount for payment in 10 days, unless otherwise agreed upon. Boxing and carting, when required, charged for at cost. Unless instructions regarding the insurance of a shipment ac- company the order it is understood that the purchaser desires us to use our own discretion about insuring the shipment or not, but if insured it is understood that the premium is to be charged to and paid by the purchaser. Permission must be received before any goods may be returned. As all parts of Bundy Radiators are interchangeable and dupli- cates, it is an easy matter to substitute new loops, a base or top for those received. In order to avoid delays often caused by letters being addressed to employees, please address all correspondence in relation to ship- ments and remittances direct to . . A. A. GRIPPING IRON CO., . . NEW YORK, 15 Dey St. CHICAGO. BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA. Works : JERSEY CITY, N. J. VIII BUNDY 'RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. TELEGRAPH AND CABLE CODE. 1 1 M 1TH a view of reducing the expense of telegraphing, and UU facilitating the transaction of business between us, we have had a Western Union Telegraph wire run into onr office and in charge of an expert operator, and have compiled the following very complete Cipher Code. We request all parties tele- graphing us to use the Western Union Telegraph wire where pos- sible, thereby saving much time and insuring the prompt delivery of the message over our wire. It will be found that a variety of questions and answers can be sent by means of this cipher, and a very little practice will demonstrate its great convenience. All our offices are supplied with the Anglo= American Telegraph Code, which may also be used by parties in telegraphing or cabling us. Please observe the following in writing a Cipher message. FIRST: Begin every Cipher word with a Capital letter. SECOND: Whenever a blank occurs in a sentence, the word or words supplying such blank must follow the Cipher word of the sentence. SAMPLE MESSAGE. IN PLAIN LANGUAGE, 38 WORDS. Ship via Star Union Line two three by twelve, four two by twenty, ten one by eighteen, all extended surface forty-two inches high, tapped one and one-quarter by one inch left hand iron tops, opposite ends. IN CIPHER, 13 WORDS. Hyena two Cattle, four Cargo, ten Calico, all Crumble Dotage Frantic Cupola Future. TELEGRAPH ADDRESS : GRIPPING IRON CO., JERSEY CITY. CABLE ADDRESS : BUNDY, JERSEY CITY. 10 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW.. YORK. TELEGRAPH CODE. Elite Steam Radiator Aaronic Elite Hot Water Radiator. . Aaronical Columbia Steam Radiator Abaca Columbia Hot Water Radiator. Abacist Flower City Steam Radiator. Abdication Flower City Hot Water Radiator. Abdicative Rochester Steam Radiator Abduce Defiance Steam Radiator.. .Abducent Defiance Hot Water Radiator.. Abduct Defiance Bay Window Steam Radiator Abduction Defiance Bay Window Hot Water Radiator. Abductor Pyro Steam Radiator Abearance Pyro Hot Water Radiator.. Abberation Pyro Wall Steam Radiator. . .Abettor Pyro Wall Hot Water Radiator. Abhorrence Renaissance Steam Radiator with Pillars Abhorrent Renaissance Steam Radiator without Pillars Abhorrer Renaissance Hot Water Radiator with Pillars Abhorrible Renaissance Hot Water Radiator without Pillars Abhorring Climax Steam indirect Radiator. Abider Climax Hot Water Indirect Radi- ator , Abidingly Perfect Steam Indirect Radiator, Abigail Duplex Partition Base Radiator. Abject Bundy N. P. R. B. Jenkins disc Union Radiator Valve.. Abjection Bundy N. P. R. B. Metal disc Union Radiator Valve. . Abjectly Bundy N. P. R. B. Jenkins disc Radiator Valve (no Union). Abjectness Bundy N. P. R. B. Metal disc Radiator Valve (no Union). Abjudicate Baker N. P. Automatic Air Valve with drip connection Abjure Baker N. P. Automatic Air Valve without drip connection. . Abjurer Bundy Plain Floor Plate. ...Ablation Bundy Plain Ceiling Plate. ..Ablative Bundy N. P. Floor Plate Ablaze Bundy N. P. Ceiling Plate Able Bundy Positive Pet Cock Abler Paterson Wood Handle Pet Cock. Ablest Paterson Metal Handle Pet Cock. Ablocate Bundy Bronze Ablocation Bundy Star Bronze Abloom Bundy Bronzing Liquid Abluent Bundy Enamel Ablution Marble Top Ably Bundy Base Only Abnegate Bundy Top Only Abnegation Bundy Binder Only Abnegator Bundy Top and Binder Abnet Princess Steam Radiator.. .Abnodate Princess Hot Water Radiator. Abnodation Empire Steam Radiator... Abnormity Empire Hot Water Radiator. Abnormous Triumph Steam Radiator ...... Abode Triumph Hot Water Raditor. Abodement Climax Vertical Steam Direct Radiator ......... ......... Abolete Newport Steam Indirect Radiator. Aboma Newport HotWater Indirect Radi- ator ................... Abomasum Perfect Steam Indirect Radiator 29" long ____ .................. Abollo Perfect Steam Indirect Radiator 23" long ................ Abomasus Perfect Steam Indirect Radiator 19" long ................ Abominally Bnndy Pin Steam Indirect Radi- ator Nipple connected ...... Aboon Bundy Pin Hot Water Indirect Radiator Nipple connected. Aborigines Bundy Pin Steam Indirect Radi- ator Gasket connected. Aborsement Bundy Pin Hot Water Indirect Radiator Gasket connected. Aborsive We will quote you on^ ....... Radiators, stand- | ard height, a special J> Abstinent price of.. cents per foot | f. o. b. Jersey City. J With an equal to the allowance] carload! A hi-r Abstr rate of freight on Radi- f ators to your city. With an allowance ) equal to the freight on V Abstringe Radiators to your city. ) Can ship immediately 1 if order is regular as to tapping, etc., otherwise a day or two may be J- Abuser necessary to prepare goods, but can ship | promptly. J Not having had pre-1 vious dealings with' you, kindly send refer- | ences, or will you pay } Abutment cash on this order, for which we will allow an | extra... per cent. J .......... has written us ) for prices. Go and see V Abuttal him [or them] at once. ) . ....... has telegraphed 1 us for prices. Go and ', Ahuttpr see him [or them] at f Abu once. J BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. TELEGRAPH CODE. NUMBER OK QUANTITY. Abaft 21 Accordant.. 84 Affable.... Allot . . 2800 Appear Abandon .... 22 Accordion.. 85 Affair 335 340 Allow 2900' Appearance. 9200 Abandoned.. 23 Accost 86 Affecting.. ^45 Alloy 3000' Appease .... 9300 Abatement.. 24 Account. . . . 87 Affidavit.. 350 Allude.... 3100' Appellant... 9400 Abbey 25 Accroach... 88 Affinity.... 355 Allure 3200' Append 9500 Abbot Abbreviate.. Abdicate 26 27 28 Accrue Accurate. . . Accuse 89 90 9 1 Affix 360' Allusion .. 3300 Appendage. 365] Almanac.. 34oo'Appendant . 370' Almond.. . 3500 Appendix. .. 9600 9700 9800 Affixing... Afflict Abdomen ... Abdominal.. 29 30 Accusing .. Accustom.. 92 93 Affliction.. Affluent... 375 Aloft 3600 38o'Alphabet.. 3700 Appertain . . Appetite . . . 9900 10000 Abeyance... 31 Achieve. . . . Afford... 385 'Altar .. 3800 Appetition. . IIOOO Abhor 32 Achieving.. 95! Affording. 390 Alternate.. 3900 Appetitive. . 12000 Abide 33 Aconite .... 96 Affray. ... 395 Alum . 4000 Appetize. . . . 13000 Abiding 34 Acorns 97 Affright... 400 Aluminate 4100 Appetizing.. 14000 Ability 35 Acquaint... 98 Affront 405 (Amalgam. 4200 Appetizer... 15000 Abnormal. . . 36 Acquire. ... 99 Afire 410! Amass 4300 Appian 16000 Aboard 37 Acquit IOO Afraid 4*5 Amateur. . 4400 Applauding. 17000 Abodance... P Acrid Africa .... 420 Amative . . 4500 Applauder.. 18000 Aboding 39 Acrimony.. no Afterclap.. 425 Amazement 4600 Appianna... 19000 Abolish 40 Action "5 Afternoon. 430 Amazon... 4700 Applaud 2OOOO Abolisher.. . 4 1 Actively . . . I2O Afterward 435 Amber 4800 Appliable... 21000 Abolition . . . 42 Actor I2 5 Against.... 440 Amend 4900 Applicably. . 22000 Abominable, 43 Actual 130 Agency 445 American. 5000 Applicancy . 23OOO Abominate.. 44 Actuary. . . . Aggressor 45 Amuck 5100 Applicance.. 24000 Aboriginal.. 45 Actuate 140 Aggrieve.. 475 Amulet 5200 Applause 25OOO Abrasion.... 46 Acute Aghast .. 500 Analyst... 5300 Applicate... 26000 Abrupt 47 Acutely 150 Agile 5 2 5 Anchor 5400 Applier 27OOO Abruptly.... 48 Acuteness.. 155 Agility.... 550 Andiron... 5500 Appliment.. 28000 Abcess 49 Adage 160 Agitate. ... 575 Anecdote . 5600 Applique 29OOO Abscond Adament... 165 Agitating. 600 Animate . . 5700 Apple 3OOOO Absence 51 Adapt 170 Agitative.. 625 Annoit 5800 Applum 3IOOO Absent 52 Adapting... Z 75 Agitator . . 650 Antidate.. 5900 Applumb.... 32OOO Absentee. . .. 53 Addict 180 Agonize. . . Anthem. . . 6000 Applumbo. . 33OOO Absenter. .. . 54 Addition.. . 185 Agonizing 700 Antic 6100 Applumbie.. 34000 Absolute 55 Address. .. 190 Agony .... 725 Antipathy. 6200 Applejack .. 35000 Absolutely.. 50 Adhere 195 Agree . . . 750 Antiphone 6300 Appointer... 36000 Absorb Adherent . . Agreeable Antiphonv 6400 Apporter. Absorbing.. 58 Adhesion .. 205 Agreeing.. 775 800 Antipode.. 6500 Apportion . . 38000 Absorbent... 59 Adhesive. .. 2IO Aidance. .. 825 Antipope. . 6600 Appose 39000 Abstain 6c Adjacent... 215 Aidless 850 Antiquary 6700 Apple John .. 40000 Abstainer.. . 61 Adjective.. 22O Aimless. . . 875 Antiquate. 6800 Apposer,. .. 4IOOO Abstaining.. 6a Adjoin 225 Aimlessly. 900 Antique . . . 6900 Apposite 42000 Abstinence.. "63 Adjure 2 3 Airgun 925 Antiquity. 7000 Appositely.. 43000 Abstract.. . . . "4 Adjust 235 Airhole.. . 950 Antiseptic 7100 Apposition.. 44000 Absurd 65 Admirable. 240 Airtight. . . 975 Anthler. . . 7200 Applepie 45000 Absurdity . . 66 Admiral 245 Alabaster. 1000 Anvil 7300 Appositive.. 46000 Absurdly.... 67 Admire 250 Alack I IOO Anxiety... 7400 Appraisal... 47000 Abundance.. 68 Admiring.. 255 Alacrity. .. 1 200 Anxious... 7500 Appraiser. .. 48000 Abundant... 69 Admit 260 Alarmbell. 1300 Aorta 7600 Appreciant.. 49000 Abuse 70 Admitted... 265 Alarmed. . 1400 Apartment 7700 Appletree... 50000 Abused .. .. Admitting.. 270 Alarming.. 1500 Apathy 7800 Appliance. .. 55000 Abusing 72 Admonish.. 275 Albatross . 1600 Aperture.. 7900 Applicable.. 6OOOO Abusive 73 Adopted ... 280 Albeit 1700 Apex 8000 Applicant.. . 65000 Abyss Adore 285 Albin 1800 Aphelion.. 8100 Aoolv 7OOOO Academic... 75 Adoring.. .. 290 Albion .... 1900 Apollo 8200 Appoint..... 75000 Academy .. . 76 Adroit 295 Album 2OOO Apologize. 8300 Appointee . . 80000 Accelerate.. 77 Adroitly . . . 300 Albumen.. 2100 Apology . . 8400 Appraise 85000 Accession. . . 78 Adult 35 Alchemist. Apostle.. 8500 Appreciate. . 9OOOO Accent / Advent 3IO Alcohol.. . . Apparatus 8600 Apprehend.. 95OOO Accident 79 80 Adventure. 315 Alderman. 2400 Apparel... 8700 Apprentice. lOOOOO Acclaim 81 Advert 320 Alert 25OO Apparent . 8800 Apprentle... 150000 Acclimate. .. 82 Advertise.. 325 Alien 2600 Apparition 8900 Apprentled. 200000 Accord 83 Advocate . . 330 Alignment 27CO Appeal 9000 Apprentler. 25OOOO A. A. GRIPPING IRON CO., NEW YORtf. STYLES OF RADIATORS. No. of Sections Columbia Pyro Pyro Wall Princess Newport i Apprise Apse Aqueduct Arachnoid Arboreal 2 Apprizal Apsidal Aqueity Aragonese Arbored 3 Apprizing Apsis Aqueous Aragonite Arboreous 4 Apprizer Apsides Aquiferous Araignee Arboret 5 Approach Apt Aquiform Arraign Arborical 6 Approacher Aptable Aquila Araise Arbonst 7 Approaching Aptate Aquiline Aramatic Arborized 8 Approbate Aptera Aquilon Aramean Arborous 9 Apprompt Apterans Aquitaman Arameanism Arbuscle 10 Approof Apteral Aquose Araneidans Arbuscular ii Appropre Apternal Aquosity Araneides Arbustive 12 Appropra Apteran Ara Araneiform Arbustum 13 Approval Apterous Arab Araneous Arbute 14 Approvance Apteryx Arabesque Arango Arbutus '5 Approve Aptitude Arabian Aration Arbutean 16 Approver Aptly Arabic Aratory Arcycle i? Appui Aptness Arabical Arbalist Arcade 18 Appulse Aptote Arabically Arbalister Arcaded J 9 Appulsion Apyretic Arabine Arbiter Arcadian 20 Appulsive Apyrexy Arabism Arbitrable Arcadie 21 Apricate Apyrous Arabest Arbitrary Arcane 22 Apricity Aqua Arable Arbitrate Arcanum 23 Apricot Aquarian Aracanese Arbitration Arcboutant 24 April Aquarium Arace Arbitrator Arch 25 A priori Aquarius Araceous Arbitress Archaical 26 Apron Aquatic Araches Arblast Archaism 27 Aproned Aquatical Arachiz Arbor Arched 28 Aproner Aquatile Arachys Arborary Archelogy 29 Aproning Aquatint Arachyz Arborator Archer 30 Apropos Aquatinta Arachnida Arbory Archery No. of Sections Elite Triumph Climax Perfect Sections .... Radiators i Baby Bead Blackbird Boy 50 Bracelet 2 Bachelor Beam Blackmail Boylike 75 Bradawl 3 Backbiter Beauty Blamable Boyhood 100 Brazen 4 Backboard Beautiful Blameful Boyish 200 Breakfast 5 Background Becalm Blanket Boyishly 300 Brewery 6 Backward Become Bleak Boyishness 400 Bricklayer 7 Bagpipe Bedding: Blend Boysplay 500 Brickwork 8 Balance Bedeck Bliss Brace 600 Brightly 9 Balcony Bedmaker Blockade Bracer 700 Brimstone 10 Baldpate Bedtime Blockhouse Bracing 800 Buckskin ii Bale Bedwork Blockhead Bracket 900 Buckhorn 12 Ballast Befall Bloodshed Bracketing 1000 Bulletin I 3 Ballot Befool Bloom Brackish iioo Bullock *4 Bandage Befriend Blossom Brad 1200 Bullseye 15 Bandana Beguile Bluebell Brag 1300 Bulrush 16 Bandbox Behave Bluebook Bragged 1400 Bulwark *7 Banner Behead Board Bragging 1500 Bumblebee 18 Banquet Behavior Boarding Braggart 1600 Bundle 19 Baptism Bellows Boastful Bragless 1700 Bungler 20 Barefoot Beloved Boatman Braid 1800 Bunion 21 Bargain Bereave Bobtail Braiding 1900 Bunting 22 Barley Bestow Boldface Brain 2000 Burden 23 Barleycorn Betray Bombard Brained 3000 Burdensome 24 Baronet Betide Bookful Brainless 4000 Bureau 25 Barrack Betroth Bootjack Brake 5000 Burgler 26 Barrier Betwixt Bouquet Brakeman 6000 Burlesque 2 7 Barrister Bewail Botany Bramble 7000 Bushel 28' Basement Beware Bonedust Brambling 8000 Butterfly 29 bayonet Bewilder Boundless Bran 9000 Bylaw 30 Baytree Bewitch Boxwood Branch loooo Byword BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 13 STYLES OF RADIATORS. One Row. Two Row. Three Row. Four Row. Five and Six Row. Cabbage i X 3 Camera 2X3 Carving.... 3X 3 Cavern 4X 3 ^ider -5X3 Cabin i X 4 Campaign. .2X4 Cascade.... 3X 4 Cavity 4X4 Cinnamon. 5X4 Cable j \/ c Camphor 2 x 5 Casino. . . . 3 X c Cedar 4X5 Citizen 5X5 Caboose ....i <*> D X 6 Canary '.2 X 6 Casket 3 X 6 Century 4X 6 Civil .5X6 Cackle i XM Candle 2X7 Castor . . . 3 X 7 Chaining. . . .4X7 Clatter c X 7 Cactus .1 7 X 8 Canker 2X8 Castle 3 X 8 Charity .4X8 Clergy .... .5X8 Cadaver....i X 9 Cannibal . . .2X9 Catacomb 3X 9 Chattel. ... 4X 9 Clinch 5 X 9 Cadence. ...i X 10 Canopy. 2 X 10 Cataract. . 3X 10 Checkmate. .4 X 10 Clinker.... ..5 X 10 Cadet i X ii Canvas.... 2 X II Catnip . . . 3-X ii Cheeky... . . 4 X 12 Cloak ..6X 3 Cage... ...i X 12 Capital .2 X 12 Cattle 3X 12 Cherry 4 X 14 Cloud ..6X 4 Calamity.. . .1 X 13 Capstan . . 2 X 13 Caucus 3X 13 Chief .4X15 Clover ..6X 5 Calcium i X 14 ( aravan . . .2 X 14 Cavalry . . ..3 x 15 Child .4 X 18 Cobbler... ..6 X 6 Caldron i X 15 Carboy . . 2 X 15 Chimney... .4 X 20 Cockney... ..6X 7 Calendar...i X 16 Carcass. . . .2 X 16 Chinese.... .4 X 22 Codicil ..6 X 8 Calico i X 18 Cardinal.. .2 X l8 Church .... .4 X 24 Coffin ..6 X 9 Callous.. ..i X 20 Cargo .2 X 20 Collusion. . ..6 X 10 Calmness... i X 22 Carpet.... .2 X 22 Calomel i X 24 Carriage . .2 X 24 Camel ....i X 26 Cartoon . . .2 X 26 Circulars. Corners and Columns. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Combustion. 10 Circular Compose. . . . 10 Corner Cottage. .Dining Room Crumble Extended Comedian. ..15 Circular Concert 15 Corner Hot Closet. Surface. Comfort . ...20 Circular Confiscate . .20 Corner Courtship. .Window. Crystal. .Enlarged Sur- Comical 26 Circular Confit 25 Corner Courage .... Horizontal face. Companion.. 34 Circular Comparison. 50 Circular Compass . . 72 Circular Complexion 142 Circular Confitent ... 28 Corner Conquest.. 26 Column Convulsion 34 Column Cordage ... 50 Column Cordate 58 Column Indirect. Crape.. Angle Indirect. Cravat .Angle Pin In- direct. Cribbage.... Golds Pin Culprit.. Hot Water. Cupid.. Marble Binder. Cupola.. Iron Tops Curate.. Brass Screen. Curfew.. Bronzed. Cordated..i42 Column Indirect. Current. .Renaissance Cricket.... Direct Indi- with Pillars. rect. Cushion . . . Renaissance Crush.. Box Base. without Pillars. Crumb... Baker Air Valve. 18 Loop Ring Column Cushipnet 22 Loop Ring Column Cushiony 28 Loop Ring Column Cusk 32 Loop Ring Colnmn Cuskin Elite Corner Steam Radiator Cusp Elite Corner Hot Water Radiator. .Cuspated Elite Curved Steam Radiator Cusped Elite Curved Hot Water Radiator Cuspidal Elite Direct- indirecc Radiator Cuspidate Columbia Corner Steam Radiator.Cuspidated Columbia Corner HotWater Radiator.Cuspis Columbia Curved Steam Radiator. ..Custard Columbia Curved Hot Water Radiator. Custode Columbia Direct-Indirect Radiator Custodial Princess Corner Steam Radiator. .Custodian Princess Corner Hot Water Radiator. Custodier Princess Curved Steam Radiator Custody Princess Curved Hot Water Radiator. Custom Princess Direct-Indirect Radiator. Customable Pyro Corner Steam Radiator Customably Pyro Corner Hot Water Radiator. Customary Pyro Curved Steam Radiator Customer Pyro Curved Hot Water Radiator Gustos Pyro Direct-Indirect Radiator Custrel Defiance Corner Steam Radiator Cutch Defiance Corner Hot Water Radiator. Cutchery Defiance Curved Steam Radiator Cute Defiance Curved Hot Water Radiator. Cuteness Defiance Bay Window Steam Radiator. Cuticle Defiance Bay Window Hot Water Radi- ator ....Cuticlar Elite Steam Radiator with Crescent Dam- per Cutis Elite Hot Water Radiator with Crescent Damper Cutlass Elite Steam Radiator with Duplex Cres- cent Damper Cutler Elite Hot Water Radiator with Duplex Crescent Damper Cutlery Bundy Standard Steam Radiator with Crescent Damper Cutlet Bundy Standard Hot Water Radiator with Crescent Damper Cutling Bundy Standard Steam Radiator with Duplex Crescent Damper Cutter Bundy Standard Hot Water Radiator with Duplex Crescent Damper.. .Cutting Bundy Standard Steam Radiator with Duplex Base Cuttle Bundy Standard Hot Water Radiator with Duplex Base Cuttoe Bundy Standard Steam Radiator with Semi-Duplex Base Cutty Bundy Standard Hot Water Radiator with Semi-Duplex Base ... . Cutwal .Elite Semi-Duplex Steam Radiator.. Cuvette Columbia Semi-Duplex Steam Radiator. Cuz Princess Semi-Duplex Steam Radiator. Cyanati Pyro Semi-Duplex Steam Radiator. Cyanean Pyro-Wall Semi-Duplex Steam Radiator. Cyanic Defiance Semi-Duplex Steam Radiator. Cyanide Triumph Semi-Duplex Steam Radiator. Cyanite Climax Vertical Semi-Duplex Steam Radiator Cyanogen 14 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Height from Floor to Top. Dagger Daisy 10" 11" Deafen Debate 21" 22" Destroy Dexter 32" -33" 12" Declare 23" Digest 34" S 13" 24" Dirk 35" P 14" Default . . . 25" Dish 36" D k 15" Defend 26" Dock 37" Darling 16" 27" Dog 38" Date 17" Demolish 28" Dolphin 39" Daylight 18" Dental 29" Domain 40" 19" Depart 30" Dotage 42" Deacon 20" Deprive 31" Dovetail 45" Tapping. RIGHT HAND. RIGHT HAND LEFT HAND. LEFT HAND. Egotist . . 2f 'x 3f ' Empire.... lj"x X" Fable.... . &"x % Forgery.. .l)4"x %" Elastic... /^"x X" Empty.... IV'xl" Faculty.. .. %"*. >" Frantic lj^"xl" Elder.... .1" x % Engine l%"xlM" Fairy.... .1" x X" Furnace... IV'xl^" Elegant. . .1" Engrave... IK" Fashion . .1" Furniture. 1%" Elope .1" xl ' Engross ...lX"xl" Fetlock. . .1" xl" Furrow l^"xl" Embark . . w Enigma .. .2" Flower. . 1M" Furtive.... 2" Fury Same End. Futile Feed in Top. Future Opposite End. Futurity Feed in Base. Referring to Fig- Your Illustrated Catalogue. 1 Gabble lO^Genius 16 Glanders 25 Golden 36 Grunt 2 Gainful 11 Genteel 17 Glendale 26 Gospel 37 Guano 3 Gaiter ll^Geology 18 Glimmer 27 Governess 38 Guardian 4 Gallows 12 Ghost 19 Glisten 28 Graceful 39 Guidance 5 Galvanic 12>Gigantic lO^Globular 29 Graduate 40 Guild 6 Gambler 12^Gimcrack 19%Glomerate 30 Graphic 41 Guillotine 7 Gamester 13 Gipsy 20 Glorify 31 Gratuity 42 Guinea 8 Garbage 13}Girdle 21 Glossary 32 Gravel 43 Guitar 9 Garlic 14 Girlhood 22 Glutton 33 Group 44 Gullet 10 Gaudy liXGizzard 23 Glycerine 34 Grudge 45 Guilty. lO^Gelatine 15 Gladsome 24 Goblet 35 Grumble 46 Gulph. Orders and Shipments. Habit Answer how soon can ship Hackney. . .Can ship at once if tapping is 1" x%R.H. Haddock. ..Ship immediately. Haggard. . .Send shipping directions. Halibut Will send directions by mail. Hallow Have you shipped our order of. . f Halter Your order was shipped Hamlet Your order will be shipped Hammer. . . Add to our order of Hammock. If you have not shipped order of hold for further advices. Handcuff. . . Advices in regard to order too late, it was shipped Handsome. .When will Order No. . be shipped Hangman . . If you have shipped our order of please send tracer as we need it badly. Hanker Omit from our order of Happy Omit from our order No Hatchet.. ..Substitute on our order of in place of Hatchway .Add to our order No Hateful .... Duplicate order No Can Ship order in Bays from Receipt. 1 Hatred 2 Haughty 3 Haunted 4 Havock 5 Hawk 6 Hawthorn 7 Hazard 8 Hazel 9 Headless 10 Headway 11 Headlong 12 Heap 13 Hearse 14 Heathen 15 Hebrew 16 Hellish 17 Hemlock 18 Herald 19 Heresy 20 Hero 21 Herring BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 15 SHIPPING LINE. SHIP VIA Hexagon Anchor Line. Hideous A. T. & S. Fe R. R. Higgle Antwerp. Highland Boat Highway Bait. & O. R. R, Hilarity Blue Line. Hillock Bristol. Hinder. Bordeaux. Hint Continental Line. Hireling Ches. & Ohio R. R. Hissing Chi. & N. W. R. R. History Chi. Bur. & Quincy R. R. Hive Chi. Mil. & St. Paul R. R. Hoard Clyde Line. Hobart Charleston Steamer. Hobby Chi. R. I. & Pac. R. R. Hobble Canada Southern. Hobson Del., Lack. & Western. Hock Empire Line. Hoggish Erie Desp. Holiday Erie R. R. Holiness Fxpress. Holland Fast Freight. Homage. . First Steamer. Homeless Globe Line. Homesick Gt. West. Desp. Homicide Glasgow. SHIP VIA Honest Hoosaac Tunnel. Hoodwink Hull Hopeful Havre Hopper Hamburg. Hornet. Kenawha Desp Horizon Lackawanna Line. Horrid Lehigh Valley R. R. Hospital Liverpool. Hothouse London. Hound Metropolitan Line. Hose Mer. Desp. Howling Mallory Line. Huckster Morgan Line. Humanity N. Y. C. & H. R. R. Humble.. N. Y., N. H.& H. R. R. Humbug Norwich Line. Humorist N. Y.,S.&West'n. R.R. Hungry N. J. C. R. R. Huntsman Old Dominion Line. Hurdle Penna. R. R. Husband Phila. & Reading R.R. Husky Red Line. Hyena Star Union Line. Hypocrite Traders 1 Desp. Hyphen Texas Steamer. Hysterics Union Pacific. Hyson. West Shore R. R. PRICES AND QUOTATIONS. Ideal Quote lowest price on Idiot Quote lowest price f . p. b on . ... Ignoble.. This price for immediate acceptance. Illegal . . . Our offer of withdrawn. Illusion.. Carload lots. Imbecile. All prices withdrawn as previously quoted. Imbibe Less than car load lots. Imitate With freight allowance to Immerge . . . . W ith freight allowance Immodest.. .If writes for prices quote.... Immoral What price shall we quote Immortal Less C. L. freight allowance to your city. QUOTE LOWEST PRICE ON LOOPS. ioo Impact 200 impartial 300 Impatient 400 Impeach 500 Imperial 600 Implicate 700 Incline 800 Income 900 Incubate 1,000 indelible 1,200 Indicate 1,500 Indulge i, 800 Infamy 2,000 Infidel 2,500 Inflate 3,000 Inhabit 3,500 Inhale 4,000 Insane 4,500 Insect 5,000 Irritate 6,000 Italic 8,000 Item 10,000 Ivory 15,000 Ivy 20,000 Ixolyte WILL QUOTE i F. 0. B abber 25 ackal 25 a ackdaw ..25 acket 25 acobite...25 scountper. cent. Eq ^ v t a ~ Net. 25 -75 ad 2^ .26875 .73125 2^ and 2^ .2870 .7130 2^ and 5 .3053 .6947 2^ and 7^ .3236 .6764 2^ and 10 .3419 .6581 id 5 .2875 -7*25 5 and 2^ .3053 -6947 5 and 5 -3231 .6769 5 and 1 Yz .3409 -6591 5 and 10 -35875 .64125 id iY z .30625 .69375 7^ and -2.% -3236 .6764 lYi and 5 .3409 .6591 -jYz and 7 ^ .3583 .6417 7^ and 10 .3756 .6244 nd 10 .3250 .6750 10 and zYz .3419 .6581 WILL QUOTE Discount per. cen F.O. B Jockey .... 25 10 and 5 Joiner ....25 10 and 7^ Joke ... 25 10 and 10 Journal.. ..27^ jovial 27^ 2^ and 2> Joy 27^ 2^ and 5 Jubilent...27^ 2^ and 7 ^ Judgment. 27^ 2^ and 10 Tug . . oT 1 /^ and c / Equiva- *j.. tent. 2 ef ' 35875 .64125 2 .3756 .6244 .3925 .6075 .275 .725 .2931 .7069 .3108 .6892 .3285 .6715 .3461 .6539 .3638 .6362 .31125 .68875 < .3285 .6715 3457 -6543 ' 2 .3629 .6371 .3801 .6199 .3294 .6706 i .3461 .6539 .3629 .6371 -3797 -6203 anitor 25 ai apan 25 asper 25 aundice...25 ealous 25 elly 25 ai . uice ... umble . ] ump... . unction " unior.. 1 uniper. . urist... ] ustice . -- 2 7K 5 and 2^ - 2 7K 5 and 5 . 27^ 5 and 7 1 / -..27^ 5 and 10 ...27^ and lYz ...27^ 1% and 2 > ...27^ 7^ and 5 eopard 25 erk 25 esuit 25 ewell 25 ig 25 a ingle 25 16 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. PRICES AND QUOTATIONS-Continued. WILL QUOTE F. O. B. Justify Juvenile. Kangaroo Keel Keeper Keg Kennel Kettle.. Keyhole Keystone. . . Kick Kidnap Kidney Kindle... Kindness King Kiss Kit Kitchen Kite Knapsack... Knave Knee Knell Knife . Knock Label Lackey. . Ladder Ladle Lag Lake Lamb Lament Lampblack. Lancet Landing. . .. Landmark. . Lane Language. . Lantern Lap Larboard. . . Larder Larkspur.. . Lash Latch Lateral... .. Latin Latitude... . Lattice Laudanum. Launch Laundry .. Laurel .... Lavatory. . . Lawful Lawless Laxative . . . Layman. ... Leader League Leakage Leap. Discount per cent. Eq ^ n t a ' \ and 7^4 and 10 .-.2 7 I /2 2K 5 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 3 30 30 3 30 3 30 30 .30 30 30 3 30 30 3 2 1 / 32 J and and 3964 3475 3638 .3801 39 6 5 41275 .30 2^ .3175 zYz and 2^ .3346 2^ and 5 2 l / 2 and 1 2^ and 10 and and and and 10 and and z and 5 and -jz and 10 and -jYz and 2% 7% and 5 lYz and 7*4 " ; and 10 and zYz and 5 and lYz and 10 and . 3 2 1 4 and 5 5 5 5 and 5 - 1% and 2^- and 2% and i 3*% 32^2 and zY. and 5 and 7 Y and 10 7 y 2 and 2^ 7 Yz and 5 7*4 and 7 Y 7 Y 2 and 10 ; and 10 \ 10 and 2^ 10 and 5 10 and 7^ \ 10 and 10 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 -35 35 35 35 35 35 35* and and and and and and and - and 2^ and 5 and 7 and 10 35i6 3687 38575 335 35i6 .36825 3849 .4015 3525 .3687 3849 .4009 .41725 37 38575 .4016 41725 433 325 34i9 3583 3748 .3912 .4077 .35875 .3748 .3908 .4068 .4229 .3756 .3912 .4068 .4226 .4381 3925 .4077 .4229 .4381 45325 j and 2^ 2% and 5 2^ and 7^ " j and 10 3979 .4138 .4296 3825 3979 '.4288 44425 39875 .4138 .4288 4438 4589 .6036 6525 .6362 .6199 .6035 58725 .70 .6825 .6654 .6484 6313 .61425 665 .6484 63175 .6151 5985 6475 63^3 6151 599i 58275 63 .61425 5984 58275 .567 675 6581 .6417 .6252 .6088 5923 64125 .6252 .6092 593 2 577i .6244 .6088 593 2 5775 .5619 6075 5923 5771 .5619 54675 '^ 63375 6i79 .6021 .5862 574 6175 .6021 .5866 5712 55575 .6, 125 5562 54" WILL QUOTE F. O B Learned Lease Leather Leaven Lecture Legacy Legal Legation Legion Legislate . . Leisure Lemon Leprosy Lethargy. ... Lettuce Levity Lewdness . . . Lexicon Libel Liberal Library Lifeless Ligament.... Lightning... . Limber Limpid Languish Lion Liquor Litany Litigate , Litter Lively Livery Lizard Loadstone.. Lobby Lobster Locker Locust , Lofty Logic Longitude.. Lordship... . Lottery. .... Lovely Lowland .. Loyal Lubber Lumbago. . . Lunacy Lurid Lutheran . . . Luxury. ... Mackerel . . . Madcap Madhouse. . Magazine... Magenta.... Magic. Magnetic... Magnolia .. Mandrake.. Mankind . . . Discount per cent. (5 and i and 2^ 10 and 5 10 and 7 Y. 10 and 10 37^ and 37 1 A 37 1 A 37% 37 1 A 37 Yz and > and 2^2 ; and 5 I and 7 K > and 10 37^ 37^ and 37^ 37^ 37/^ 37*/2 -. 7 Ya and and 5 and 2^ 5 and 5 5 and 7^ 5 and 10 7^ and 2 l /z 7 l / 2 and 5 7 % and 7 Yz 7 y 2 and 10 and 2^ and 5 and 7% and 10 2 i/2 2^2 and 2 1 /2 2^ and 5 2^ and 7*4 zYz and 10 5 5 3 S % lYz and 2 7% and 5 7 Yz and 7 7*4 and 10 and zYz and 5 and 7*4 and 10 37^ 37 l /s 4 40 40 40 ,40 4 40 and 4 o ,40 .40 . 40 and .40 ,40 40 .40 .40 and .40 .40 40 40 1 .42^4 and -zYz 4^Yz 2 ^ and 2* 42% 2^ and 5 42^4 2^ and 7* 42^ 2^4 and 10 42^ and 5 42^ 5 -42^ 4 2 ^ . ~.i 5 42^ and 7 42^2 7 10 and and and and 1 and 2 5 and 5 5 and 7 and 10 and and 2 and 5 and 7 and 10 415 .4296 , .44425 , .4589 . 4735 375 - .3906 . .4059 . .4211 . 4363 .4516 .40625 .4211 , 43!9 ^656 .4219 4363 4508 4652 . 4797 4375 .4516 .4656 4797 49375 .40 .415 , .4296 , .44425 . 4589 4735 43 .44425 . .4585 47-75 .487 . 445 4589 47275 .4866 5005 .46 4735 487 5005 514 425 .4294 4534 .4674 .4814 4954 45375 4674 .4811 4947 .5084 .4681 .4814 4947 .508 5213 4825 BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 17 'PRICES AND QUOTATIONS-Continued. ^count per cent. - Net Maple Marine.... Market Mastiff.... Matron Meadow . .. Mechanic.. Melody . .. Membrane. Memorial. . Methodist.. Midwife . .. Migrate.... Milestone.. Military..., Milk....... Mineral.. . . Minister... Mischief... Miracle .... Misplace... Mistress .. Mock Monitor Monkey Monument. Moonshine. . Morbid Mortgage... Mountain .. Mouse Muddy (Mule Multitude... Museum... Musket Muslin Mustard.. . Mutiny Mutton ... . Myrtle Mystic Slapkin STation Nativity.... Mature Vavigate . Needle ^eck sfephew slest slimble tipple ..42% ..42% ..427*2 ..42 1 /2 45 ..45 and 45 45 45 45 ..45 and 45 45 45 45 .45 and 45 45 .45 and 45 45 45 ?7K 47% and 47% 47% 47% 47% ,4772 and 47% 47% 47% .47% and 10 and 2% 10 and 5 10 and 7 % 10 and 10 2% and 2% 2/2 and 5 2% and 10 5 5 and 2% 5 and 5 5 and 7 % 5 and 10 7% and 2% 7% and 10 and 27^ o and 5 and 7 % and 10 272 and 2> 2% and 5 2% and -]Yz 2% and 10 5 5 and 2% 5 and 5 5 and 7 % 5 and 10 47% .47% .47% and 47% 47% 47% 47% 7% and j l / 2 7% and 10 and 2% and 5 and >jy 2 and 10 and formal Nosegay.... Nostril Notary Nourish Numeral Nuptial Nursery . Jutmeg 'akum.. . . 50 50 .50 50 and 50 50 50 2% and 2% 2% and 5 2% and -jY 2 2% and 10 5 5 and 2% 5 and 5 5 and 7 % 7% and 2 7% and 5 fc and 7 10 and 4954 .5084 5213 53425 45 46375 4772 .4906 504 5174 4775 .4906 .5036 5i6 7 52975 504 5294 .5421 505 5174 52975 .5421 5545 475 .4881 .5009 5i37 5265 5393 .50125 5137 ,5262 ,5386 .5046 4787 46575 55 53625 .5228 5094 496 .4826 5225 594 ,4964 4833 47025 4 7 o6 4579 495 .4826 47025 4579 4455 525 5ii9 .4991 4863 4735 .4863 4738 .4614 5265 .4 7 35 5387 -46 3 .5508 .4492 .5629 . 437 i 5275 .4725 5393 -46o 7 .5511 .4489 .5629 .4 37 i 57475 -42525 50 .50 5247 -4753 .5369 .4631 .5491 .4509 .56125 .4 3 8 7 5 525 -475 5369 .4631 54875 -45125 .5606 .4394 . 5 49 .4509 .5606 .4394 .5722 .4278 ;g375 41625 .56125 .'43875 U TE . >count per cent. E ^~ - 11 ..... 50 and Outcast 52 i7, Ovation 52 i^ ; and 10 .5939 | 40 6i % and 2% . 57 i6 4884 4275 .4168 Palmetto* ::::55 an d 2 % ;|| I2S ; r>Z_" 55 2% and 2% .5 7 22 . 2% and 5 .5832 . 55 55 and Parchment. . and z ana .6254 , 374 6 595 .405 .6051 .3949 c n ..:. 5 Patrimony... 55 10 and 10 .6355 Pavement... 5 Pectoral ..... 57 i Pedagogue.. 57 K Pedestrian... 57 i/ 2 Pedigree. :.. 57 i/ 2 and dulum. Penetrate.. Pension 57/i 577/2 57/2 . 57^2 . 57*4 and 10 2H and 5 5 and 5 and 5 and 7 1 /* 7% and 7% and 7% and 7% and : . 10 and and .6265 .6366 .6069 .6167 .6265 .6364 .6462 . 6 i 75 .627? ; 6 6 3735 363! '39^ .3833 .3735 .3636 .3538 18 A. A. GR1FFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. PRICES AND QTJOTATIONS-Continued. WILL QUOTE F. O. B Pentagon . . . Penurious. . . Pepper Percolate . .. Perdition.. .. Perennial ... Perforate.. . . Perfume ... Perjury Perpetual.... Persecute . .. Persian Personate. .. Perspire Pervade Perusal. . . . Pestilence.. Petition Petrify Petticoat.... Petulant Pewter Phantom ... Pharmacy... Physical Piano Plaster Picket Piety Pigeon Pigmy Pilfer Pilgrim Pillow Pilot Pimple Pipkin Piracy Pistol Pitcher Piteous.. .. Pivot Plague Plaintive Planet Plantation. . . Planter.. .. Platoon Playful Pleasant Plebian Plentiful ... Pliable .... Ploughman . Pluck Plump Plunder Poacher Pocket Pointer Poison Poker Polecat Policy Discount per cent. 'va- Net 25 .6485 65775 .667 64 ,649 .658 ,667 ,676 .625 6344 .6435 ,6527 .6618 6709 .64375 ,6527 .6616 .6705 6794 6531 .661 .6705 .6791 WILL QUOTE F. O. B Polish Pollute Polygamy... Polygon Pomatum ... Fommel Ponder Pontoon i Poplin i Popular i Porcupine... Porpoise < Portico i Positive i Postage i Potash i Potato Pothook .... i Poultry < Poverty i Powder. . . . < Powerful....! Practical ; Prattle Preacher Precinct Precious ' Precipice.. . . Preclude . . . .; Predestine. .. : Prediction... : Predispose..; Preface Pregnant. Prejudice....' Prelate ; Premium....' Prepare Presbyter...; Prescribe . ..; Preserve . . : President. ... Pretend Pretext Pretty : Prevail .... ; Prevalent....' Prevent Priest Primage ; Primitive.. .. Primrose Princess Principle....' Printer Prismatic ... Prisoner Privacy Privilege ... Probation.... Problem.. Procession . . Proclaim Prodigal. .. Discount per cent. : -$ 10 and 10 2^*2 and 2^2 zMj and 5 2^2 and 7^2 2^2 and 10 3 5 5 and 2^ 5 and 5 5 and 7^ 5 and 10 7^ and 2^ | -i jYz and 5 7^ and 714 V - 7^2 and 10 ^ and o 3 o and 2^ 3 o and 5 3 o and 7^ 1 o and 10 and 2^ and 2^ and 5 and 7 ^ and 10 and , and 7 and 10 2 and 2^ 2 and 5 2 and 7 ^ 2 and 10 and 2^ and 5 and 7^2 and 10 i 2 and 2^ 2 and 5 2 and 7^ 2 and 10 and 2^ and 5 and 7^ and 10 BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 19 PRICES AND aTJOTATIONS-Continued. WILL QUOTE Discount per cent. Equiva- Net lent. WILL QUOTE Discount per cent. E< ?? a ~ F o B . . . r lent. Net .225 .2194 .2139 .2084 .2029 .1974 .21375 .2084 2031 .1977 .1924 .2081 .2029 .1977 1925 1873 .2025 .1974 .1924 1873 .18225 Produce. .. Profane . . . Professor. . Profile... . .75 and 75 75 2 l / z and -2^/2 2 l /2 and 5 2% and 7%. -2%. and 10 5 and -2%. 5 and 5 5 and 7 ^ 5 and 10 7% and 2%. 7 l /2 and 5 7 1 A and 7% 7 l / 2 and 10 o o and -2^/2 o and 5 o and 10 75 75625 .76234 .7684 7745 .7806 .7625 .7684 7744 .7803 78625 76875 7745 .7803 .7861 .7919 775 .7806 78625 .7919 7975 25 24375 .23766 .2316 -2255 .2194 2375 .2316 .2256 .2197 21375 23125 2255 .2197 .2139 .2081 225 .2194 21375 .2081 2025 Pudding.. . Pugilist.... Pullet Pulpy Pulsation. . Pulverize . Punctual. . Pupil Puppy Purgative. Purify .... Purple 77^ .77^ and 77^ .-77 .77 1 /! and .11% 11% -77% 77% 77% and *% 5 5 5 5 7 7% 7 l /2 7% IO 10 10 IO IO and -2^/2 and 5 and 7 l /2 and 10 and -2%. and 5 and 7^/2 and 10 and -2 l /2 and 5 add 7 l /2 and 10 and 2% and 5 and 7^/2 and 10 775 .7806 .7861 .7916 .7971 .8026 .78625 .7916 .7969 .8023 .8076 .7919 .7971 .8023 .8075 .8127 7975 .8026 .8076 .8127 .8i775 Prohibit. . Prolong . . . Promotion Pronoun. . . Prophet . . . Proposal . . Prosecute.. Prospect. . Prostrate . Protestant. Proud -75 ..75 and 75 75 75 ..75 and 75 75 -75 Purport Purser ;$ Push.... . 77^ 77^2 and Proverb . . Province . . Provoke. . . Prudent.... Puberty Publican... '.'.75 and 75 75 75 75 Pustule.... Putrid Putty 77^ Pu/zle.... Pylorus. . . Pyramid... 77 % 11%. "11%. LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS. YOUR LETTER OF HAVE YOU RECEIVED YOUR TELEGRAM LETTER OF RECEIVED. TELEGRAM OF OF RECEIVED ist Rabbit Sack Tallow Vaccination 2 d Radical Saddle Tangle Vagrant 3d Radish Safety Target Valley 4 th Rainbow Sailor Telescope Vandal 5 th Rake Salad Tempest Vapor 6th Rambler Sally Terrace Varnish 7th Rapture Saloon Testament Venison 8th Rascal Salvage Thirsty Venus gth Ratify Sample Tiger Veranda icth Ravage Sandal Tobacco Verbena nth Raven Sanity Toilet Vermin i2th Razor Sapling Tolerate Version 1 3th Reality Sardine Topaz Vertebra i4th Reaper Satin Torch Vestment 1 5th Reason Satisfy Torpedo Vestibule i6th Rebel Saucer Traffic Vestry 1 7th 1 8th Reception Recline Savage Sawdust Tranquil Transpire Veteran Vexation igth Record Scabby Treasurer Vibrate 2oth Recruit Sculptor Triangle Vicar 2iSt Rector Segment Trombone Victory 22d Redress Selfish Tropical Vindicate 2 3 d Refine Senator Trump Vigilant 2 4 th Reflect Sentry Tumbler Village 25th Rigid Serenade Turkey Vinegar 2 6th Rifle Serpent Turnip Violate 2 7 th Ripple Shabby Tutor Virgin 28th Roach Shadow Twine Virtue 2 9 th Robber Shaving Twinkle Visit 3 oth Rocket Signal Twist Volcano 3iSt Rosin Slipper Tyrant Vulcan Walnut Have written. Washing. . . .We can read your telegram, but do not understand it. Watchman.. Answer by telegraph at once. Wedlock . . Telegraph to me (or us) at Welcome. ..Will answer to-morrow morning. Welfare . , .,. You have not answered our letter of Whalebone.. You have not answered our tele- gram of Whisky Last letter from you was dated. Wicked Will write the parties and advise you later. Windpipe Do not write them until you hear from us Wisdom... .Will telegraph yon. Witness Your letter was not received until 20 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Standard Radiator >\jes ar\d Prices. STEAM. HOT WATER. WIDTH OF BASKS. Forty-Two Inches High. Forty- Five Inches High. One Row, 5% inches. STANDARD LOOP. ENLARGED LOOP. TANDARD LOOP. ENLARGRDLOOP. Two " 9% " Three " 13> ' bo S3 o d bo q 0.0 bo a g.8 . s o-o Four " 17K ' 5 H^ ft '-H . JH^S O* 53 . H!^ o ej aj C 0>H *| S'SH ci B ^H ^ B <^H W,2 2|| o b},^ EC =3 r?^ ^!W |K Size of Length of o 3 o| 3^1 o| ill Otf 2g| Radiator. Radiator. f 5^5 I PI" ! r M iX 3 12" 10*4 $7 35 I2 M $8 61 12 $10 20 14^ $11 76 iX 4 15^; 14 9 80 17 ii 48 16 13 60 19 15 68 iX 5 1 8^" 17^ 12 25 21*4 14 35 20 17 oo 2 3 M 19 60 iX 6 2lM" 21 14 70 25% 17 21 2 4 2O 40 28% 23 52 iX 7 25%" 24^ 17 15 29% 20 08 28 23 80 3374 27 43 iX 8 28%" 28 19 60 34 22 95 3 2 27 20 38 3i 35 iX 9 3'/^" 31^ 22 05 38 4 25 82 36 30 60 4 2 M 35 28 1X10 34%" 35 24 50 42% 28 69 4 34 oo 47% 39 19 iX" 38" 38^ 26 95 46M 3 1 56 44 37 40 52% 43 12 1X12 41/4" 4 2 29 40 51 34 43 48 40 80 57 47 03 1X13 44%" 45% 3i 85 5S& 37 30 5 2 44 20 6iy4 So 95 1X14 47%" 49 34 30 59% 40 16 5 6 47 60 66% 54 87 1X15 51" 52^ 36 75 43 3 60 51 oo 7 T J4 58 79 1X16 54" 56 39 20 68 45 90 64 54 40 76 62 70 1X18 60% " 63 44 10 76% 5 1 64 72 61 20 85% 70 54 1X20 66%; 70 49 oo 85 57 38 80 68 oo 95 78 38 1X22 73/4" 77 53 90 93^ 63 12 1X24 79%" 84 58 80 IO2 68 85 1X26 86%" 63 70 IIO % 74 59 2X 3 12" 21 14 70 25% 17 21 2 4 20 40 28% 23 5 2 2X 4 i5/4" 28 19 60 34 22 95 3 2 27 20 38 3i 36 2X 5 1 8%" 35 24 50 42^ 28 69 40 34 oo 47% 39 20 2X 6 21/4" 42 29 40 34 43 48 40 80 57 47 4 2X 7 24%" 49 34 30 59% 40 16 56 47 60 66% 54 86 2X 8 28%" 56 39 20 68 45 90 64 54 40 76 62 70 2X 9 3 x /4" 63 44 10 76% 5 1 64 72 61 20 85% 70 56 2X10 34%" 70 49 oo 85 57 38 80 68 oo 95 78 38 2X11 38" a 77 53 90 93% 63 12 88 74 80 104% 86 24 2X12 4 I /4" 84 58 80 IO2 68 85 96 81 60 "4., f 94 06 2X13 44%; 9 l 63 70 Iiol/jg 74 59 104 88 40 123% 01 90 2X14 98 68 60 119 80 33 112 95 2 o 133 09 74 2X15 50%" I0 5 73 50 86 07 12O 102 00 T7 58 2X16 54%" 112 78 40 136 3 91 80 128 108 80 152 25 40 2X18 60% " 126 88 20 153 103 28 144 122 40 171 41 08 2X20 66%" 140 98 oo 170 "4 75 1 60 136 oo 190 56 76 2X22 73$; 154 107 80 l8 7 126 23 2X24 79%" 168 117 60 20 4 137 70 2X26 86U" 182 127 40 221 149 18 3X 3 12*4" S 1 /^ 22 05 38/4 25 82 36 34 20 42% 39 54 3X 4 I 5/^" 42 29 40 5* 34 43 48 45 60 52 73 3X 5 18%" 52^ 36 75 63/4 43 03 60 57 oo 7 x /4 65 9 1 3 X 6 22" 63 44 10 7% 5 1 64 7 2 68 40 8s% 79 9 3X 7 25%" 73^ 5i 45 89^4 60 25 8 4 79 80 99M 92 27 3X 8 28%" 84 58 80 1 02 68 85 96 91 20 114 105 45 3X 9 S 1 ^" 94^ 66 15 IT 4/ 77 46 108 IO2 60 128^ 118 63 3X o 34^4" ^05 73 50 127% 86 07 1 20 114 oo 142^ 131 81 3X11 39" 80 85 140^4 94 38 132 125 40 156% 144 99 3X12 42 126 88 20 153 103 28 144 136 80 171 158 18 3X13 45%" 136% 95 55 165% in 88 156 148 20 185*4 171 36 3X15 5 T 'M" i57% no 25 191*1 129 10 1 80 171 oo 2I3M 197 72 4X 4 16%" 56 39 20 68 45 9 4X 5 J 9%" 70 49 oo 85 57 38 4 X 6 22%" 84 58 80 IO2 68 85 4X 7 26%" 98 68 60 I IQ 80 33 4 X 8 29*4" 112 78 40 91 80 4X 9 3 2 " 126 88 20 153 103 28 4X10 35%; 140 98 oo 170 H4 75 4X12 168 117 60 204 137 70 4X14 48%" I9 6 137 20 2 3 8 1 60 65 4X18 60^2" 252 176 40 306 206 55 4X20 67^4" 280 196 oo 340 229 50 4X22 73g; 308 215 60 374 252 45 4X24 79% 336 235 2 408 275 40 BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 21 BUNDY STANDARD RADIATOR, One Row. Made for Steam and Hot Water. For sizes and prices see pages 20, 22, 24 and 26. For tappings see pages 36 and 38. A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Standard l^adiafor i^6S and Prices. WIDTH OF BASES. STEAM. Tnirty-Six Inches High. HOT WATKR. Thirty-Nine Inches High. One Row, 5> inches. Two " 9m " Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. Three" 13K " bo P.O bo P.O bfl fn to P.O Four " 11% " g H^ ^ s - 1 ^ H**" 1 ^ B . <2' t "' a fl"*H o> H^H a B^H gg "gluM Size of Radiator. Hength of Radiator. eet of H Surfa< 2 i i ci,Q *** t* E tc i. Three " 13> " o" JH a <2 a o*2 Four " 17>t ' 33 . ^S o* '-3 . ^"d O i H^3 Q 1 i H-o " ! Hi ll fl&H pbj>o> IP 51 ii| ll 1 Size of Length of Radiator. Radiator. i n* I s* f r iX 3 12" 7/^3 $6 38 9 $7 43 9 $9 oo i^2 $10 24 iX 4 I 5/4" 10 8 50 12 9 90 12 12 OO 14 13 65 1 8^|" 12^ 10 63 15 12 38 15 15 oo 17 06 iX 6 2I M" 15 12 75 18 14 85 18 18 oo 21 20 48 i X 7 25%" 20 14 88 17 oo 21 17 33 19 80 21 21 00 24^3 2 3 8 9 iX 9 3i}J" 19 13 24 27 22 28 27 27 oo 30 7 1 1X10 34^2" 2 5 21 25 30 24 75 30 30 oo 35 t . 34 *3 iXn 38" 27^ 2 3 38 33 27 23 33 33 oo 38^ 37 54 IXI2 3 25 5 36 29 70 36 36 oo 42 40 95 1X13 44%" 32^ 27 63 39 32 18 39 39 oo 45^ 44 36 1X14 47%" 35 29 75 42 34 65 42 42 oo 49, . 47 78 1X15 37^ 3i 88 45 37 J 3 45 45 oo 52^ 5i 19 1X16 54 5 40 34 oo 48 39 60 48 48 oo 56 54 60 1X18 45 38 25 54 44 55 54 54 oo 63 61 43 1X20 66%; 5 42 5 60 49 50 60 60 oo 70 68 25 1X22 55 46 75^ 66 54 45 1X24 79%" 60 51 oo 72 59 40 1X26 2X 3 86^" 65 55 25 78 64 35 21 20 48 2X 4 2X 5 20 25 17 oo 21 25 24 3 19 80 24 75 3 30 oo 28 35 27 30 34 12 2X 6 21%* 30 2 5 5 36 29 70 36 oo 42 40 96 2X 7 2 4%" 35 2 9 75 42 34 65 4 2 42 oo 49 47 78 2X 8 28%" 40 34 oo 48 39 60 48 48 oo 56 54 60 2X 9 S 1 /^" 45 38 25 54 44 55 54 54 oo 63 61 42 2X10 34%" 50 42 50 60 49 50 60 60 oo 70 68 26 2X11 38" m 55 46 75 66 54 45 66 66 oo 77 75o8 2X12 60 51 oo 72 59 40 72 72 oo 84 81 90 2X13 44%" 65 55 25 78 64 35 78 78 oo 91 88 72 2X14 47%; 70 59 5 84 69 30 84 84 oo 98 95 56 2X15 5%" 75 63 75 90 74 25 9 90 oo 102 38 2X16 54%" 80 68 oo 96 79 20 96 96 oo 112 109 20 2X18 6o%" 90 76 50 108 89 10 108 108 oo 126 132 86 2X20 66%* IOO 85 oo 120 99 oo 1 20 120 00 140 136 50 2X22 73/4" no 93 5 I 3 2 108 90 2X24 79%" 1 20 IO2 OO 144 118 80 2X26 86^" 130 no 50 156 128 70 3X 3 I2 M" 22^ *g 12 27 22 28 27 29 70 31^ 3386 3X 4 I 5/^" 3 25 5 36 29 70 36 39 60 42 45 I 5 3X 5 18^" 37^ 3i 87 45 37 T 3 45 49 50 52^ 56 44 3X 6 22" 4 V 38 25 54 44 55 54 59 4 6 3 67 73 3X 7 25%" 44 62 6 3 5i98 63 69 30 73^ 79 OI 3X 8 28%" oo 2 51 oo 72 59 40 7 2 79 20 84 90 30 3X 9 31^" 67^ 57 37 81 6683 81 89 10 94^ 101 59 3X10 34/4" 75 63 75 90 74 2 5 90 99 oo 105 112 88 3X11 39" 82^ 70 12 99 81 68 99 1 08 90 "57 124 16 3X12 42" 9 7 6 50 108 89 10 108 118 80 126 135 45 3X13 45%" I??* 82 87 117 96 53 117 128 70 i 3 6^ 146 74 3X15 51%" 95 62 135 in 38 135 148 50 157^ 169 31 4X 4 I 6%" 40 34 oo 48 39 60 4X 5 I 9%" 50 42 50 60 49 50 4X 6 22%" 60 51 oo 72 59 40 4X 7 2 6%" 70 59 So 84 69 30 4 X 8 29^4" "80 6800 96 79 20 4X 9 32" 9 76 50 108 89 10 4X10 35%" IOO 85 oo 1 20 99 oo 4X12 42^" 1 20 IO2 OO 144 1x8 80 4X14 48%" 40 119 oo 168 138 60 4X18 60 J^" 80 IJ3 oo 216 178 20 4X20 67/4" 200 70 oo 240 198 oo 4<22 73/4$" 22O 187 oo 264 217 80 4X24 79%" 240 204 oo 288 237 60 BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 25 BUNDY STANDARD RADIATOR, Three Row. Made for Steam and Hot Water. Made for Direct-Indirect (Box Base) see pages 40, 41, 42 and 43. Made for Duplex and Semi-Duplex Base see pages 44, 45 and 46. For sizes and prices see pages 20, 22, 24 and 26. For tappings see pages 37 and 38. A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Standard Radiator i^es and Prices. STEAM. HOT WATER. WIDTH OF BASES. Twenty-Four Inches High. Twenty-Seven Inches High. One Row, 5> inches. Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. Two " 9^ '* Three " 13)1 " be 0.^ to e.fe be ft o & O.Q Four " 17K " 1 all i cil "5 fl^l Is fl^l H 2 te| S ^J! Size of Length of 11 *! os 3l i op 00 A$% 5l Radiator. Radiator. 1 ** *S3 1 s ^^ ' g?s "S JT ^7% g ^0 > & t ^ iX 3 12" 6 g $6 oo 7 $6 83 : 7% $8 63 8^ $9 57 i X 4 i X 5 lift' 10 10 OO 9/3 ii 38 12% 14 38 M* 12 75 15 94 iX 6 2I%" 12 12 OO 14 13 65 15 17 25 17 19 13 i X 7 2 5 %" 14 14 oo j6% 15 93 17% 20 13 19! 22 32 iX 8 28^" 16 16 oo 1 8% 18 20 ! 20 23 oo 22 % 2 5 51 iX 9 3 T /^" 18 18 oo 21 20 4 8 22^ 25 88 2 5/^j 28 69 1X10 34%" 20 20 oo 2 3% 22 75 i; 25 28 75 28% 31 88 iXn 3 ?i " 22 22 00 2 5% 25 03 27*4 3163 3 J B 35 07 lXl2 24 24 oo 28 27 3 30 34 5 34 38 25 1X13 44%" 26 26 oo 3% 29 58 32% 37 38 36! 41 44 1X14 47%" 28 28 oo 32% 35 40 25 39% 44 63 1X15 3 30 oo 35 34 13 ! 37% 43 13 4 2 //2 47 82 1X16 54" 3 2 32 oo 37% 36 40 4 46 oo 45/3 51 oo 1X18 36 36 oo 42 40 95 45 5i 75 51 57 38 1X20 66%" 40 40 oo 46% 45 5 50 57 5 56% 63 75 1X22 73^" 44 44 oo 5 J % 50 05 i! 1X24 79%" 48 48 oo 56 54 60 j 1X26 86%" 5 2 52 oo 60% 59 i5 2X 3 12" 12 12 00 14 13 65 | 15 17 26 17 19 14 2 X 4 1 5%" 16 16 oo 1 8% l8 20 20 23 oo 22% 2 5 50 2X 5 18%" 20 20 oo 23% 22 75 ' 25 28 76 28% 31 88 2 X 6 2I%" 24 24 oo 28 27 3 30 34 5 3 V 38 26 2 X 7 24%" 28 28 oo 32% 3i 85 35 40 26 44 64 2 X 8 28%" 3 2 32 oo 37% 36 40 40 46 oo 45% 51 02 2X 9 3lV4" 36 36 oo 42 40 95 ! 45 5i 76 51 57 38 2X10 34%" 4 40 oo 46% 45 5 50 57 50 56% 63 76 2X11 3 s ; . 44 44 oo 5 r % 50 05 55 63 26 62% 70 14 2X12 48 48 oo 56^ 54 60 60 69 oo 68 76 50 2X13 44%" 5 2 52 oo 59 15 65 74 76 73% 82 88 2X14 47%" 56 56 oo 65% 63 70 7 80 50 79% 89 26 2X15 5%" 60 60 oo 70 68 25 75 86 26 85 95 64 2X16 54%" 64 64 oo 74% 72 81 80 92 oo 90% 102 00 2X18 7 2 72 oo 84 81 90 9 103 50 102 114 76 2X20 66%" 80 80 oo 93% 91 oo TOO 115 oo "3% 127 50 2X22 73/4" ( 88 88 oo 100 10 2X24 96 96 oo 12 109 20 2X26 86^4" 104 104 oo 21% 118 30 3 X 3 I2^|" 18 18 oo 21 20 48 22^4 28 13 25% 31 2 4 sX 4 X 5%" 24 24 oo 28 27 3 30 37 5 34 41 65 3X 5 1 8^3" 30 30 oo 35 34 13 37^ 46 88 42% 52 06 3 X 6 22" 36 36 oo 40 95 45 56 25 5* 62 48 3 X 7 25%" 42 42 oo 49 4778 52^ 65 63 59% 72 89 3 X 8 28%'; 48 48 oo 56 54 60 60 75 oo 68 83 30 3X 9 S 1 /^" 54 54 o 6 3 61 43 6j l /z 84 38 76% 93 7 1 3X10 34^4" 60 60 oo 70 68 25 75 93 75 *5.. 104 13 3X11 39" 66 66 oo 77 75o8 82% 103 13 93% H4 54 3X12 42" 7 2 72 oo 84 8 1 90 90 112 50 102 124 95 3X13 3X15 45%I 78 90 78 oo 90 oo i5 8873 102 38 97% H2% 121 88 140 63 127% 135 36 156 19 4 X 4 I 6%" 32 32 oo 37% 3 6 40 4X 5 I 9%" 40 40 oo 45 50 4 X 6 22%." 48 48 oo 56 54 60 4X 7 26^" 56 56 oo 65% 63 70 4 X 8 29^4" 64 64 o 74% 72 80 4X 9 32" 72 72 oo 84 81 90 4X10 35%" 80 80 oo 93% 91 oo 4X12 4 2 %" 96 96 oo 112 log 20 4X14 48%; 112 112 OO 130% 127 40 4X18 144 144 oo 168 163 80 4X20 67^." 160 160 oo 186% 182 oo 4X22 73^4" I7 6 176 oo 205% 200 20 4X24 79%" 192 192 oo 224 218 40 BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 27 BUNDY STANDARD RADIATOR, Four Row. Made for Steam only. Made for Direct-Indirect (Box Base) see pages 40, 41, 42 and 43. Made for Duplex and Semi-Duplex Base see pages 44, 45 and 46. For sizes and prices see pages 20, 22, 24 and 26. For sizes of tappings see pages 37 and 38. 28 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Standard Circular l^adtafor i^es and Prices. List of Radia- tors built on the following size Bases. STEAM. Forty-Two Inches High. HOT WATER. Forty-Fire Inches High. Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. c : E: ; i* ri Outside Diameter of Base. I ii 4 f With Iron Top 01 arranged for Marble Top I ij j With Iron Top 01 arranged for Marble Top Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top o] arranged or Marble Top Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top 01 arranged for Marble Top IO 15 20 26 34 50 72 I7fc" 18^" 21^" 22^" 26^" 3ig' 36" 52^ 70 9i 119 175 252 $26 25 39 38 52 50 68 25 89 25 J 3i 25 189 oo 42^ 63^ 85 o# I44M 212^ 306 $30 82 46 22 61 63 80 12 104 77 154 07 221 85 40 60 80 104 136 200 $38 oo 57 oo 76 oo 98 80 129 20 190 oo M% 7i# 95 I2 3 K i6ifc 237^ $43 94 65 9 1 87 88 114 24 149 39 219 69 List of Radiators built on the follow- ing size Bases. Thirty-Six Inches High. Thirty-Nine Inches High. 10 i5 20 26 34 50 72 I7X" 18??" aig* 22^" 26^" 36* 30 CO" 78 102 ISO 216 $24 oo 36 oo 48 oo 62 40 81 60 120 00 172 80 52M 70 91 II 9 175 252 $27 13 40 69 54 2 5 70 53 92 23 135 63 195 30 52^ 70 9i 119 J 75 $35 oo 52 50 70 oo 91 oo 119 oo 175 00 40 60 80 104 136 200 $39 oo 58 50 78 oo ioi 40 132 60 195 00 List of Radiators built on the follow- ing size Bases. *Forty-Eight Inches High. 142 57^" 497 t $422 45 603^ t $497 89 List of Radiators built on the follow- ing size Bases. Forty-Two Inches High. 142 57K" 426 t $383 40 497 t $434 88 *Extra height of 142 Loop Radiator caused by the use of special high legs. tPrice includes hinder only for marhle top. If wanted with cast iron fret- work top add $60.00 to list prices. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIATIES. 29 BUNDY STANDARD CIRCULAR RADIATOR. Made for Steam and Hot Water. Made for Direct-Indirect (Box Base) see pages 40, 41, 42 and 43. Made for Duplex and Semi-Duplex Base seepages 44, 45 and 46. For sizes and prices see page 28. For tappings see pages 37 and 38. A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. BUNDY STANDARD CIRCULAR RADIATOR 142 LOOPS. Made for Steam only. Made for Direct-Indirect (Box Base) see pages 40, 41, 42 and 43. Made for Duplex and Semi-Duplex Base see pages 44, 45 and 46. For sizes and prices see page 28. For tappings see page 38. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 31 BUNDY STANDARD RADIATOR. Showing variety of heights made. The loops fit in any size of base and all are interchangeable. For heights of Hot Water Radiators, add 3 inches to above for Upper Circulating Chamber. Same loop used for either Steam or Hot Water, but for Hot Water an Upper Circulation Chamber is used which is connected with the loops by right hand taper nipples. A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Standard Column l^adiator. List of Radiators built on the following Size Bases. STEAM. Forty-Two Inches High. HOT WATER. Forty- Five Inches High. Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. Number of Loops. Outside Diam- eter of Base. Inside Diameter of Base. Feet of Heating Surface. SH ^"O O gH !! Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. bo q s eS m o> 3 f With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. to 3> 26 34 50 26" 30" 36" 4i" 9" 17" 24" 9i 175 203 $72 80 95 20 140 oo 162 40 14414 21214 in 99 164 69 191 04 104 2OO $124 8c 240 oc 123*4 237^4 $I 45 12 279 06 List of Radiators built on the following Size Bases. Thirty-Six Inches High. Thirty-Nine Inches High. 26 34 50 58 26" 36; 9" 17" 24" 78 102 150 174 $66 30 86 70 127 50 147 90 91 119 175 2O3 $75 08 98 18 144 38 167 48 -75 $"3 75 218 75 104 2OO $127 40 245 oo List of Radiators built on the following Size Base. * Forty -Eight Inches High. 142 57^" 1 8" 497 ^y a t$497 89 List of Radiators built on the following Size Base. * Forty-Two Inches High. 142 57^4" 18" 426 +$383 40 497 t$434 88 * Extra height of 142 loop Radiator caused by the use of special high legs. t Price includes binder only for marble top. If wanted with cast iron fret- worktop add $60.00 to list prices. Standard R>in<| Column Radiator. List of Radiators built on the fol- lowing size Bases. STEAM. Forty-Two Inches High. Standard^Loop . Enlarged Loop. Number of Loops. 1 3 3 O Inside Diameter of Base. Feet of Heating Surface. p.*" 1 L 01 'o a With Iron Top or arranged for Marble 'lop. 18 22 28 32 26" 3 ^- 36 4 1 " 12" 1 6" 2214" 2814" 77 98 112 $59 85 73 15 93 10 106 40 7614 93/2 JI 136 $70 77 86 49 no 08 125 80 List of Radiators built on the fol- lowing size Bases. Thirty-Six Inches High. 18 22 28 3 2 26" 36 12" 16" 2814" 61 84."' 96 $54oo 66 oo 84 oo 96 oo 63 P 112 $61 43 75 08 95 55 109 20 BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. BUNDY STANDARD COLUMN RADIATOR. Made for Steam and Hot Water. Made for Direct-Indirect (Box Base) see pages 40, 41, 42 and 43. Made for Duplex and Semi-Duplex Base see pages 44, 45 and 46. For sizes and prices see page 32. For tappings see page 38, 34 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. gfandafd (Jorne? l^adiafor. List of Radiators built on the following STEAM. Forty -Two Inches High. HOT WATER. Forty-Five Inches High. size Bases. Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. | 1 .& i o 5 B ft o to P.Q g S3 II r KM dumber o ops in Fr Row. OJ g OS f|| ||| vi O 3 -w 02 ol^ 2 3 1-1 ej^a t of Heat Surface. 1 S ^OQ III a 1 '^S S 1 w ^o 8 "S* IO 15" 5 35, $2625 42^4 130 82 40 $38 oo 47^ $43 94 15 J 7/4 6 52^3 39 38 63^ 46 22 60 57 oo 7N 65 91 20 25 MS' 7 9 7 87^ 52 50 74 38 85 106^ 61 63 87 66 80 76 oo 95 87 88 28 22^4 9 98 83 30 119 98 18 List of Radiators built on the following size Basee. Thirty-Six Inches High. Thirty-Nine Inches High. 10 15" 5 30 $24 oo 35 $27 13 35 $35 oo 40 $39 oo 15 I 7/4" 6 45 36 oo 40 69 5 2 /l2 52 50 60 58 50 20 1 9^" 7 60 48 o 70 54 25 70 70 oo 80 25 22^" 9 75 67 50 87^2 76 57 , 1 28 22^" 9 84 7=; 60 98 The price of Bundy Corner Steam Radiators less than 36" high is the same as the 36" height. No allowance made for the use of shorter loops. The price of Bundy Corner Hot Water Radiators less than 39" high is the same as the 39"" height. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 35 BUNDY STANDARD CORNER RADIATOR. Made for Steam and Hot Water. Made for Direct-Indirect (Box Base) see pages 40, 41, 42 and 43. For sizes and prices see page 34. For tappings see page 38. 36 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. V V BUNDY STANDARD RADIATOR ONE Row. When one row Bundy Radiators are tapped for feed and return at the same end, the boses project, making the Radiator 6% inches wide at that end, instead of 5^ inches, and the distance from side to center of tapping is ij inch, BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 37 38 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. foist of Si^es and Dimensions, ^appin^s and Measure- ments of Bundy Standard Radiators. SIZE OF TAPPINGS AND HEIGHT FROM CENTER TO FLOOR. STEAM. Regular Tapping I'xX" R. H. opposite ends, but any size tapping may be had up to 2", right or left hand, opposite or same end, or one end only for one pipe work, excepting \y z " tapping is largest size that can be furnished in Renaissance Radiators. HOT WATER. Regular Tapping i^"xi}* R. H. opposite ends, but any size tapping may be had up to 2", right or left hand, opposite or same end, or in upper circulating chamber, excepting i%" tapping is largest size that can be furnished in upper circulating chamber or in base of Renaissance Radiators. CENTER OF TAPPING is distant from floor as follows : Regular Height Legs 3%* Regular High Legs 4^" Extra High Legs 5" to 7" Renaissance Radiators 4^" Semi-Renaissance Radiators 3^" Dining Room Hot Closet Radiators 4 l / 2 " Direct-Indirect (Box Base) Bundy 4^* Duplex Base Bundy Radiators 5" Semi-Duplex Base Radiators . $/*' 25 and 28 Loop Corner Radiators 4^" 72 Loop Circular Radiators 4^" 142 " " and Column 7" CENTERS OF TAPPINGS are distance from each other when tapped same end or side, One, Two and Three Row Bundy 3^* Four Row Bundy 9 " Corner, Circular and Column 3%* " from side to center 2" SQUARE FEET OF HEATING SURFACE PER LOOP, STEAM AND HOT WATER. STYLE OF LOOP. STEAM. HOT WATER. Standard 42" 36" 3" 24" 45" 39* 33" 27" ig 4^ 4^ 1% 3 1 A * 1 A 3 3 2 2% 2^ b 4% 3 1 A 4 4 1% 3% 25* *i *J Enlarged Extended Surface BUNDY, RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. s foist of >ijes and Dimensions, fpappin^s and Measure- ments of Band^ Standard Radiators. r o o 1 P C CD" 3 P en co j i o t- 1 o o BUNDY CIRCULAR RADIATOE *^ 1 o < 3 ' g ^ -h 3* /> D -r> RADIATORS. STEAN *3Xio is si t Four Ro^ "RTTMF4V T^TTTSrAT;ANnR STAN One Row Two Row *Three Row tFour Row Widths of Radiator BUNDY STANDARD, ENL^> j Cfl 1 ' 3 ^ CD cn 5C s co ^^^ D i 1 w a 3 P g > Ca W g K) (0 C 3 g K o > p^ p. 2 ^ !-, 3 . . ri ^1 OJ O Ol CD K to oVj & v, * * S' i t^ c ^s.Sxo^ cr "$* ^ P> ^ s * ffi a & D w t. fc^ > H m o ^toto c* n i S o H OHM 3 M pd 8 tf $$& * P 1 3g CD 2 ^ i. 4 4>- ^ n" O OO 00 GO Cn O w > GO S C 8 V e^> W OJ ^ - N^ Cn ^ N ss a I b> ^ Sf, S* o ^S^S: j P S g" to 3 CO w cn 8 P \ P BO O u oB O 00 00 00 OC o 1 <1 ^ p E V d 2 D rt> p, O0> IT. o a. S> PC O ^ cr ^ c 2 E CD ? 2 OP OJ OJ OJ VO 0000 I P o J! o o *' 3 W !-* cc 3 CD ?d 2. ft I'll 5 CD cn J en o J M.g r y j c . 1 p cn CD s, S rr " III 5 W CO P' o M.P p ->. o p" c g c ^ tf 5' o 2. O o s 1 ^ 0^0?? -k P ?b O >-j cn H CD p 1 en fD > E CD rn - s * B j.^" Oi c > (j M K M tO w ^ ' s y_ Ov cn^ > ^ 3 1 < I p t i I II oo H i o ON O to CO o H ii h *> ON K M o a as i' cn * > d ? 1 o H K> OJ to M C i C 1 OJ H OJ OJ OJ K P O > $ ^ to ^ > KN ^ +* > VI VI ^J K) 3 I p ox Cn "^ fcj 0^ ^^ p CD >-) 1 '%' r "* 00 M OJ P j 1 K) t a r ^s M CD 40 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. BUNDY STANDARD DIRECT-INDIRECT (Box BASE) RADIATOR. Closed down to the floor all the way around. Fresh air is admitted through hole in floor underneath Radiator. BUNDY STANDARD DIRECT-INDIRECT (Box BASE) RADIATOR. With opening for fresh air inlet in back panel. The front of the Radiator looks like cut at top of this page. All Bundy Steam and Hot Water Radiators are furnished with Box Base with opening in back for fresh air supply, usually 8" wide by 4" high, or closed all around to be supplied with fresh air through hole in floor un- derneath. LIST PRICES PER LOOP TO BE ADDED TO LIST PRICES OF REGULAR BUNDY RADIATORS. Rectangular Radiators, 25 cents per Loop extra. Circular, Column and Corner Radiators, 50 cents per Loop extra. Furnished only with high leg Radiators, with center of tapping 4^" from floor. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 41 ,, BUNDY STANDARD DIRECT-INDIRECT (Box BASE) RADIATOR. Showing fresh air supply when opening is in back of base. A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. BUNDY CRESCENT DAMPER. BUNDY DUPLEX CRESCENT DAMPER. The Bundy Crescent Damper, which is for use with Direct- Indirect (Box Base) Radiators, is operated by a rod and nickel knob in the front, the Duplex Crescent Damper by a nickel knob placed on the front panel, the two dampers being connected by a rod. Opening one Damper closes the other. Recommended for use by leading engineers and architects wherever Direct- In direct heating is adopted. Can be used with the Bundy Duplex and Bundy Semi- Duplex Base Radiators. For long Radiators two or more Dampers may be used to excellent advantage. Size of Dampers, 3%" high by 10" long. Parties desiring the single Damper in the rear panel will please specify "Bundy Crescent Damper /" the two Dampers, "Bundy Duplex Crescent Damper" LIST PRICES. Bundy Crescent Damper, Bundy Duplex Crescent Damper, $3.00 per Radiator extra. 5.00 per Radiator extra. Above prices are for dampers only and do not include the box- base panels, which are extra and are charged for as per prices on page 40 of this book. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 43 BUNDY STANDARD DIRECT-INDIRECT (Box BASE) RADIATOR WITH DUPLEX BASE AND DUPLEX CRESCENT DAMPERS. In the cut the front row of loops is made ice-like in appearance, to show the large opening through the base between the rows of loops for the fresh air to pass through. The arrow heads illus- trate the air circulation. There is a damper (not shown in cut) in the rear panel, the same as shown in the front, so connected that when one is open the other is closed. In this way the volume of fresh air admitted is controlled at will, to meet the requirements of each case under the varying conditions that may exist. The dampers may stand fully open or closed, or each one may be only partially opened, when the Radiator performs the dual function of acting as a Direct-Indirect Radiator, combining heating and ventilating in the most economical and effective manner possible, and also as a Direct Radiator. The Duplex Base feature, which is more fully described on another page of this book, enables one to use the whole or only a portion of the Radiator at will, thereby preventing over-heating of apartments, and saving much fuel. A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. FRONT VIEW. END VIEW. FRONT AND END VIEWS OF BUNDY STANDARD DUPLEX BASE RADIATOR. Bundy Duplex Base Radiator is furnished with two, three and four rows of loops, so constructed that only one or more rows of loops may be used at a time, thereby securing just the amount of heat required. During fully 75 per cent, of the heating season less than the full heating capacity of a Radiator of sufficient size to give ample heat during the remaining 25 per cent, of the time is re- quired, hence out of 200 days in a year when artificial heat is nec- essary the Bundy Duplex Base Radiator will make available the following advantages 150 days: First. Save a large per cent, of the fuel consumed, about 25 per cent. Second. Prevent over-heating of rooms in mild and moderately cold weather, a condition of affairs not only unpleasant, but posi- tively hurtful as well, giving rise to headaches, vertigo, and kin- dred complaints. Third. Insure a uniform heat, and the proper quantity, which may be quickly increased or diminished by opening or closing the valves. Fourth. Reduce the wear on the valves by rendering it unnec- essary to open and close them at frequent intervals in the vain at- tempt to secure and maintain the requisite amount of heat with the ordinary style of Radiator. Fifth. Make available with steam the advantages of hot water heating, without incurring its increased cost ; for, while more valves are required with the Duplex Base, they are of smaller size, usually %", and their increased cost, if any, is slight, wholly dispropor- tionate with the advantages obtained. Sixth. Save the extra expense often times of using more than one Radiator in a room, with its incident loss of floor space, for it makes available three sizes of Radiators in one two, three or four row Radiator. Possibilities with the Bundy Duplex Base Radiators. In Mild Weather use only the rear row of loops in the Radiator. In Fairly Cold Weather use only the front row. In Extremely Cold Weather use both rows of loops. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 45 BUNDY STANDARD DUPLEX BASE RADIATOR. LIST PRICES TO BE ADDED TO PRICES OF REGULAR BUNDY REDIATORS. Style of Radiator. Steam. Hot Water. Header. Two Row of Loops Three Row of Loops Four Row of Loops $4 oo 8 oo 12 OO $8 oo 16 oo Not Made. $2 00 2 50 3 o Regular Steam Tapping Supply Header i%" underneath. Return Header i" underneath, with all tappings on top of headers and Radiator $" R. H. Regular Hot Water Tapping, both headers i%" underneath, with all tappings on top of headers and Radiator i" R. H, 46 A. A. GRIPPING IRON CO., NEW YORK. BUNDY STANDARD SEMI-DUPLEX BASE RADIATOR. The Bundy Semi-Duplex Base Radiator makes it possible to control the heat and secure the requisite amount with the one-pipe system of steam heating, hence, in effect, it is like the Duplex Base Radiator, illustrated and described on a preceding page. Only one Radiator valve to each Radiator, and two or more air vents are required, one of which should be automatic and the other positive in their operation. As applied to the two, three or four row Bundy Standard Radiator, the end loop in each row of loops is tapped for air vent, into one of which an automatic air valve should be placed, and into the other a positive pet cock, the effect being that when steam enters the Radiator it fills only the row of loops having the automatic air valve, through which the air escapes. If more heat is required the air from some of the other loops may be allowed to escape by opening the pet cock until the required number of loops are heated. As applied to the One Row Bundy or any Bundy Sectional Radiator, the end loop or section is tapped for positive pet cock and a central loop or section tapped for auto- matic air valve, if desired, in the rear from which a small pipe may extend to the end of the Radiator and there be equipped with an automatic air valve, which is always necessary to use in connection with tho central tapping. This brings the positive and automatic air valves close together. LIST PRICES TO BE ADDED TO PRICES OF REGULAR BUNDY RADIATORS. Style of Radiator. Per Radiator Extra. One and Two Row Bundy Standard Three and Four Row Bundy Standard. . Sectional Bundy Radiators $3 o 6 oo BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 47 FULL SIZE SECTION BUNDY RADIATOR BASE. Please compare this with the openings, if any at all are found, in any other Radiator made with a base. Without an opening as large as the cut shows the inside surface of the Radiator will lack in efficiency, taking the Bundy as a standard, in the proportion in which it falls short, while Radiators without any air openings at all in the base are practically valueless as far as the inside surface is concerned. This represents a very important advantage found only in the Bundy Radiator. . A. VJU.JP jr jr 1KUJN (JU., JSLEW YORK. Renaissance gfeam Direct Radiator, (Jornef Pillars, foist Prices. FORTY-THREE INCHES HIGH, STEAM. FIGS. 64, 65 AND 66. List of Radiators built on the fol- STANDARD. ENLARGED. lowing size Bases. Width of Base, One Row 7X inches, Two Row, 11% inches, Three Row, 15> inches. Each Loop represents 3% Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICK. Each Loop represents 4M Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICE. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length of Radiator. Feet of Heating Sui'face. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. X 5 5 #' 1 7^4 $ 36 50 2lJ4 $ 39 oo X 7 7 28^" 24^ 43 50 29% 47 oo X g 9 34^j" 3*H 50 75 38^4 55 o X ii ii 4 1 " 38}Z 57 75 46% 63 oo X 13 J 3 47%" 45^ 65 oo 55^ 71 oo X 15 15 54" 52^ 72 oo 63% 78 oo X 5 10 35 58 oo 4 2 ^ 62 75 X 7 14 27%" 49 72 oo 59 B 78 75 X 9 18 34*4" 6 3 86 25 94 75 X ii 22 4i" 77 100 25 93^ no 50 X 13 26 9i 114 25 126 50 X 15 30 53%" 105 x 128 25 12 7^ 142 50 3X5 15 2I /^" 52^3 79 oo 63% 86 oo 3X7 21 28^' 73^ zoo 50 89 K no 50 3 X 9 27 34^" 94MJ 120 75 r,4 J 34 So 3 X ii 33 42" " H3 25 i 4 oM 159 00 3 X 13 39 48 & 136^ 164 50 i6 5 M 183 oo ^ x is 4S S4& 1=57^ 1 86 oo 191*4 207 50 THIRTY-SEVEN INCHES HIGH, STEAM. FIGS. 64, 65 AND 66. List of Radiators built on the fol- STANDARD. ENLARGED. lowing size Bases. Width of Base, One Row iy, inches, Two Row, 11%: inches, Three Each Loop represents 3 Feet of Heating Surface. Each Loop represents VA Feet of Heating Row, 15) inches. LIST PRICK. Surface. LIST PRICK. "T Radiator. Number of Loops. Length of Radiator. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. X 5 5 21^" i5 $ 34 So 17^4

i3 6 3 5 X 15 15 54" 45 66 25 52^ 70 50 X 5 10 2I rs 30 54 25 35 57 oo X 7 14 27%" 42 66 75 49 70 75 X 9 18 34J4" 54 79 50 63 84 50 X ii 22 4I 3 66 92 oo 77 98 oo X 13 26 78 104 50 9 1 "i 75 X 15 30 53%" 90 117 oo J o5 125 50 3 X 5 15 21 /^" 45 73 25 52^4 77 50 3 X 7 21 28^' 6 3 92 50 73^ 98 50 3 X 9 2 7 34^" 81 in 50 94^ 119 25 3 X ii 33 42" 99 130 75 "5^2 140 25 3 X 13 39 48^' 117 149 ', 5 161 oo 3 X 15 45 54%" 135 169 oo IC ^7^ 182 oo All Regular Steam Goods Tapped i"x%" Right Hand, same or opposite ends, or one end only for One Pipe Work. Center of Tapping about 4^' f rQrn. floor on account of high legs. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 49 BUNDY RENAISSANCE RADIATOR ONE Row. STEAM, FIG. 64. HOT WATER, FIG. 70. TRADE RENAISSANCE MARK. Made in 6 different lengths (from 21^" to 54"); 8 different heights (Steam, 43", 37", 31" and 25"; Hot Water, 46", 40", 34" and 28"); two distinct styles of loops (Standard and Enlarged), and all with a uniform width of base of 7^". MADE FOR BOTH STEAM AND HOT WATER. Bundy Radiators with Renaissance Loops have same amount of urface as with plain loops. The center of tapping is about 4^" from floor on account of high legs. LIST OF DIFFERENT SIZES, GIVING LENGTHS IN INCHES. Sizes, 1x5 7 9 ii 13 15 Lengths, 21^ 281^ 34^ 41 47% 54 50 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Renaissance feam Direct Radiator, Pillars, foist Prices. THIRTY-ONE INCHES HIGH, STEAM. Figs. 64, 65 AND 66. orner List of Radiators Built on the fol- STANDARD. ENLARGED. lowing size Bases. Width of Base, One How, 7K inches, Two Row, 11%: inches. Three Row, 15> inches. Each Loop represents 2% Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICE. Each Loop represents 3 Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICE. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length Radiator Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surfa . With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top X 5 5 aiH' xaH $ 34 oo 15 $ 35 75 X 7 7 28^" 17* 40 oo 21 42 50 X Q 9 34 1 /2" 22Va 46 oo 27 49 2 5 X ii ii 4 1 " 7% 52 25 33 56 oo X 13 13 47%" 3K 58 25 39 62 75 X 15 IS 54" 37 x /2 64 25 45 69 50 X 5 10 2I 1 / 2 ' 25 53 oo 3 S^ 50 X 7 14 27%" 35 65 oo 42 70 oo X 9 18 34*' 45 77 oo 54 83 50 X ii 22 4 1 " 55 89 25 66 9 75 X 13 26 47%" 65 TOI 25 78 no 25 X 15 30 53%" 75 113 25 90 123 75 3 X 5 15 *xK' 37 l /2 7i 5 45 7 6 75 3 X 7 21 28%" 5H 89 75 63 97 25 3 X 9 27 34 1 /2" 67^2 108 25 81 H7 75 3 X ii 33 42" 82 v. 126 50 99 138 oo 3 X 13 39 48 1 /8* 97* 145 oo "7 *58 50 3 X is 45 54%" 112^ 163 25 i35 179 oo TWENTY-FIVE INCHES HIGH, STEAM. FIGS. 64, 65 AND 66. List of Radiators Built on the STANDARD. ENLARGED. following size Bases. Width of Base, One Row, 7^ inches, Two Row, 11<3 inches, Three Row, 15> inches. Each Loop represents 2 Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICE. F.ach Loop represents 2% Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICE. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length of Radiator Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top X 5 5 axtf 10 $ 33 25 11% $ 34 75 X 7 7 *8 J 4 39 oo *&i 41 00 X 9 9 34* 18 45 oo 21 47 50 X ii n 4i" 22 So 75 25% 53 75 X 13 13 47% 26 56 50 30^ 60 25 X 15 15 54" 30 62 25 35 66 50 X 5 10 2lH 20 5i 75 2 3 M 54 50 X 7 H 27% 28 63 25 32% 67 25 X 9 18 34*4 36 74 75 42 79 75 X n 22 4 1 " 44 86 50 51^ 92 50 X 13 26 47% 52 98 oo 60% 105 oo X 15 30 53% 60 109 50 7 H7 75 3 X 5 15 2I 1 / 2 30 69 50 35 73 75 3X7 21 28% 42 87 25 49 93 oo 3 X 9 27 34 1 /2 54 104 75 6 3 112 25 3 X ii 33 - 42" 66 122 50 77 I3 1 50 3 X 13 39 48* 78 140 oo 91 150 75 T X is 4"? H* 9 157 75 105 170 oo All Regular Steam Goods Tapped i"x %' "Right Hand," same or opposite ends or one end only for One Pipe Work. Center of Tapping about 4%" from floor on account of high legs. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 51 BUNDY RENAISSANCE RADIATOR WITH CORNER PILLARS. STEAM, FIG. 65, HOT WATER, FIG. 71. Made in 6 different lengths (from 21 J" to $3%") ; 8 different heights (Steam, 43", 37", 31" and 25" ; Hot Water, 46", 40", 34" and 28") ; two distinct styles of loops (Standard and Enlarged), and all with a uniform width of base of MADE FOR BOTH STEAM AND HOT WATER. Bundy Radiators with Renaissance Loops have same amount of surface as plain loops. The center of tapping is about 4j^" from floor on account of high legs. LIST OF DIFFERENT SIZES, GIVING LENGTHS IN INCHES. Sizes, 2x5 7 9 ii 13 15 Lengths, 21^ 27^8 34X 41 47% 53^ 52 A. A. GRIPPING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Renaissance -pfot Water Direct Radiator, \A)itl? Corner pillars. bist Prices. FORTY-SIX INCHES HIGH, HOT WATER. FIGS. 7 o, 71 AND 7 i l / 2 . List of Radiators built on the STANDARD. ENLARGED. following size Bases. Width of Bane, One Row, 7> inches, Two Row, ll% inches, Three Row, 15^ inches. Each Loop represents 4 Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICK. Each Loop represents 4% Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICK. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length Radiator. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. X 5 5 2lYz" 20 $ 4i 75 23% $ 44 50 X 7 7 28H " 28 51 oo 33*4 54 75 X 9 9 34H" 36 60 oo 42% 65 oo X ii ii 4i" 44 69 25 52* 75 25 x 13 13 47%* 52 78 25 61% 85 So X 15 15 54" 60 87 50 7*fc 95 75 X 5 10 siH" 40 68 50 47 1 / 2 74 o X 7 H 27%" 56 86 75 66i/ 2 94 oo X 9 18 34%" 72 105 oo 8stf IJ 4 75 X ii 22 4i" 88 123 25 104 14 J 35 25 v I3 26 47%" 104 141 50 I23 1 /* 155 50 x 15 5 53%" 120 159 75 142 Vz 176 oo 3 X 5 *3 aiH" 60 117 oo 7^4 126 oo 3 X 7 21 28%" 8 4 139 75 99% *52 25 3X9 27 34 1 / 2 " 108 162 50 128% 178 75 3 X ii 33 42" 132 185 50 156% 205 oo 3 X 13 39 4H" 156 208 25 18514 231 5 3 X 15 4^ SM: 1 1 80 231 oo 213*4 258 oo FORTY INCHES HIGH, HOT WATER. FIGS. 70, 71 AND List of Radiators built on the STANDARD. ENLARGED. following Size Bases. Width of Base, One Row, 7^ inches, Two Row, \\% inches, Three Row 15> inches. Each Loop represents 3} Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICK. Each Loop represents 4 Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICK. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length of Radiator Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. X 5 5 a*H" 17*4 $ 39 75 20 $ 41 50 X 7 7 28 1/ 8 " 2 4 L /2 48 25 28 50 75 X 9 9 34H" 31 H 56 50 36 59 75 X ii ii 41" 38H 65 oo 44 69 oo X 13 !3 47%' 45* 73 25 S 2 78 oo X 15 J 5 54" 5H 81 75 60 87 25 X 5 10 2I 1 / 2 " 35 64 75 40 68 25 X 7 H 2 7 %" 49 81 50 56 86 50 X 9 18 34 1 /4" 6 3 98 25 72 104 50 X ii 22 4 1 " 77 115 oo 88 122 75 X 13 26 47%" 9i I3 1 75 104 140 75 X 15 30 53%" 105 148 50 1 20 150 oo 3 X 5 15 21^2* 5 2l /i 112 50 60 118 50 3 X 7 21 28%" 73 l /z 133 50 84 142 oo 3 X 9 2 7 34 1 /2" 94 x /2 T 54 5 108 165 25 3 X ii 33 42" sH 175 50 132 188 75 3 X 13 39 48 Ys" x 3 6H 196 50 156 212 00 3 X 15 45 54%" 157^2 217 50 1 80 235 50 All Regular Hot Water Goods Tapped i%* x 1%"" "Right Hand," same or opposite ends or in Upper Circulating Chamber. Center of Tapping about 4^" from floor on account of high legs. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 53 BUNDY RENAISSANCE RADIATOR THREE Row. STEAM, FIG. 66. HOT WATER, FIG. Made in six different lengths (21*4" to 54%"); 8 different heights (Steam, 43", 37", 31" and 25"; Hot Water, 46", 40", 34" and 28"); two distinct styles of loops (Standard and Enlarged), and all with a uniform width of base of is/4"- MADE FOR BOTH STEAM AND HOT WATER. Bundy Radiators with Renaissance Loops have same amount of heating surface as plain loops. The center of tapping is about 4)4" from floor on account of high legs. LIST OF DIFFERENT SIZES, GIVING LENGTHS IN INCHES. Sizes, Lengths, 3x5 42 54 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Buncty Renaissance j4ot 09ater Direct Radiafor, (orner pillars, bist Prices. THIRTY-FOUR INCHES HIGH, HOT WATER. FIGS. 70, 71 AND 7 i List of Radiators Built on the following Size Bases. Width of Base, Cne Row, iy z inches, Two Row 11% inches, Three Row, 15X inches. STANDARD. ENLARGED. Each Loop represents 3 Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICE. Each Loop represents 3% Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICE. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length of Radiator. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble lop. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. X 5 5 2I 1 /i" 15 $ 38 25 i 7 H $ 40 25 X 7 7 28%" 21 46 oo 24/2 49 oo X 9 9 34/2" 27 54 oo 3xH 11 5 X ii ii 41" 33 61 75 38/2 66 25 X 13 13 47%' 39 69 75 45* 74 75 X 15 15 54" 45 77 50 52^ 83 So X 5 10 2I 1 / 2 " 30 61 75 35 65 75 X 7 14 2 7 %" 42 77 2 5 49 83 oo X 9 18 34*4" 54 92 75 63 loo 25 X ii 22 4i" 66 108 50 77 117 25 X 13 26 47%* 78 124 oo 9i 134 50 X 15 3 53%" 90 139 So I05 ,/ I5 1 75 3X5 15 2I 1 / 2 * 45 109 50 52/2 115 oo 3X7 21 28%" 63 129 25 73/2 137 25 3X9 27 34/2" 81 149 oo 94/2 159 25 3 X ix 33 42" 99 169 oo 115/2 181 25 3 X 13 39 48 1 / 8 " 117 188 75 i 3 6/ 2 203 25 . a X is __4S 5g *35 208 50 157/2 , 22 5 5 TWENTY-EIGHT INCHES HIGH, HOT WATER. FIGS. 70, 71 AND List of Radiators built on the STANDARD. ENLARGED. following Size Bases. Width of Base, One Row, iy z inches. Two Row, 11^ inches, Each Loop represents 2> Feet of Heating Surface. Each Loop represents 2 5-6 Feet of Heating Surface. Three Row, 15} inches. LIST PRICK. LIST PRICE. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length Radiator. Keet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. X 5 5 2I 1 /2" 12 1 /2 $ 37 75 141 $ 39 2 5 X 7 7 28%' 17 l /2 45 25 igjj 47 50 X 9 9 34/2" 22 : /z 52 75 25/2 55 75 X ii ii 27/2 60 50 3i| 63 75 X 13 13 47%" 32}4 68 oo 72 oo X 15 15 54 "i 37/2 75 So 42/2 80 25 X 5 10 25 60 50 28^ 63 50 X 7 14 27%" 35 75 So 39% 79 75 X 9 18 34H" 45 90 50 96 oo X ii 22 55 105 75 62% 112 50 X 13 26 47% 120 75 73% 128 75 X 15 3 53%" 75 135 75 85 145 oo 3 X 5 IS 2lH" 37/2 106 75 42/2 III 00 3 X 7 21 28%' 52/2 125 50 59/2 135 50 3 X 9 27 34/2" 67/2 144 25 76/2 IS 1 75 3 X ii 33 42" 82^/2 163 oo 93/2 172 25 3 X 13 39 48/8' 97/2 181 75 IIO*/2 192 50 3 X 15 45 54%" H2/2 200 50 I27 1 /; 213 oo All Regular Hot Water Goods Tapped i^'Xi^" " Right Hand," same or opposite ends or in Upper Circulating Chamber. Center of Tapping 4^" from floor on account of high legs. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 55 BUNDY RENAISSANCE RADIATOR ONE Row. WITHOUT CORNER PILLARS. STEAM, FIG. 67. HOT WATER, FIG. 72. TRADE RENAISSANCE MARK. Made in 6 different lengths (21^" to 54"); 8 different heights (Steam, 43", 37", 31" and 25" ; Hot Water. 46", 40", 34" and 28"); two distinct styles of loops (Standard and Enlarged), and all with a uniform width of base of 7^". MADE FOR BOTH STEAM AND HOT WATER. Bundy Radiators with Renaissance Loops have same amount of heating surface as plain loops. The center of tapping is about 4*^" from floor on account of high legs. LIST OF DIFFERENT SIZES, GIVING LENGTHS IN INCHES. Sizes, 1x5 7 9 ii 13 15 Lengths, 2itf 28^ 34K 41 47M 54 A. A. GRIFFING IRON. CO., NEW YORK RJeriaissanee team Direct l^adiatof, Corner pillars, foist Prices. FORTY-THREE INCHES HIGH, STEAM. FIGS. 67, 68 AND 69. List of Radiators built on the STANDARD. ENLARGED. Width of Base, One Row, ?W inches, Two Row, 11% inches, Three Each Loop represents 3> feet of Heating Surface. Each Loop represents % feet of Heating Surface. Row, 15> inches. LIST PRICE. LIST PRICE. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length of Radiator. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. X 5 5 2lU' 17& $29 oo 21*4 $31 50 X 7 7 28^" 24 i/ 36 oo 2 9% 39 50 X 9 9 34/4" 43 25 38/4 47 50 X ii X 13 ii 13 47%" 45 L^ 50 25 57 5 55 1 A 55 50 63 50 X 15 15 54" 64 50 63% 70 50 X 5 10 35 So 50 42J4 55 25 X 7 14 27%" 49 64 50 59^4 7i 25 X 9 18 34^4" 78 75 87 25 X ii 22 77 9 2 75 93^4 103 oo X 13 26 47%" 106 75 119 oo X 15 30 53 ^I 105 120 75 127*4 135 00 3 X 5 15 7 1 50 78 50 3 X 7 21 28%" 73 y 93 oo 89j| 103 oo 3 X 9 27 34^" "3 25 114% 127 oo 3 X ii 33 42" II 5/4 135 75 i4o)| 151 50 3 X 13 39 48^" 136^3 157 oo 165% 175 30 3 X 15 45 54%" 157/4 178 50 iQiJI 200 00 THIRTY-SEVEN INCHES HIGH, STEAM. FIGS. 67, 68 AND 69. List of Radiators built on the STANDARD. ENLARGED. Width of Base, One Row, 7^'inches, Two Row, 11% inches, Three Each Loop represents 3 feet of Heating Surface. Each Loop represents 3> feet of Heating Surface. Row, 15X inches. LIST PRICE. LIST PriCE. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length of Radiator. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. X 5 5 21^" 15 $27 oo 17^ $28 50 X 7 7 28^" 21 33 25 24^ 35 50 X 9 9 s4J' 27 39 75 3*J 42 25 X ii ii 41" 33 46 oo 38^ 49 25 X 13 13 47%" 39 52 So 45^ 56 oo X 15 15 54" 45 58 75 63 oo X 5 10 21^2" 30 46 75 35 49 50 X 7 14 27%" 42 59 2 5 49 63 25 X 9 18 34*4" 54 72 oo 63 77 oo X ii 22 4 1 66 84 50 77 90 50 X 13 26 47%" 78 97 oo 9i 104 25 X 15 30 53%" 90 109 50 105 118 oo 3X5 15 2I z* 45 65 75 52^ 70 oo 3 X 7 21 28%" 6 3 85 oo 73^ 91 oo 3X9 27 - 34^4" 81 104 oo 94^4 i" 75 3 X ii 33 42" 99 123 25 "5>2 132 75 3 X 13 39 48^" 117 142 25 136^ 153 50 3 X 15 45 54% 135 161 50 157^ 174 50 All regular Steam Goods tapped i"XM" " Right Hand," same or opposite ends, or one end only for One Pipe Work. Center of Tapping about 4^" from floor on account of high legs. BtTNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. BUNDY RENAISSANCE RADIATOR Two Row. WITHOUT CORNER PILLARS. STEAM, FIG. 68. HOT WATER, FIG. 73. Made in 6 different lengths (from 21 ^" to 53^") ; 8 different heights (Steam, 43", 37", 31" and 25"; Hot Water, 46", 40", 34" and 28"); two distinct styles of loops (Standard and Enlarged), and all with a uniform width of base of MADE FOR BOTH STEAM AND HOT WATER. Bundy Radiators with Renaissance Loops have same amount of surface as plain loops. The center of tapping is about 4^" from floor on account of high legs. LIST OF DIFFERENT SIZES, GIVING LENGTHS IN INCHES. Sizes, 2x5 7 9 n 13 15 Lengths, 2iK 27^ 34^ 41 47M S3% 58 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Renaissance Steam Direct Radiator, pillafs. foist Prices. THIRTY-ONE INCHES HIGH, STEAM. FIGS. 67, 68 and 69. ^ist of Radiators Built on the STANDARD. ENLARGED. idth of Base, One Row, 7K nches, Two Row, 11&" inches, Three Row, 15M inches. Each Loop represents 2% Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICK. Each Loop represents 3 Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICE. Shape of adiator. Number of Loops. Length of Radiator. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. X 5 5 2I /^' 12}^ $26 50 i5 $28 25 X 7 7 28^" 17^ 32 50 21 35 oo X 9 9 34^" 22^ 38 50 27 4i 75 X ii ii 4i" 27^ 44 75 33 48 50 X 13 J 3 47%" S 2 ^ 50 75 39 55 25 X 15 15 54" 37^ 56 75 45 62 oo X 5 IO 2I 1 / 2 " 25 45 50 30 49 oo X 7 14 27%" 35 57 50 42 62 50 X 9 18 34^4" 45 69 50 54 76 oo X ii 22 4 1 " 55 81 75 66 89 25 X 13 26 47%" 65 93 75 78 102 75 X 15 3 53%" 75 I0 5 75 90 116 25 3 X 5 15 2lV$" 37*2 64 oo 45 69 25 3X 7 21 28%" 52^ 82 25 63 89 75 3 X 9 2 7 34^" 67^ 100 75 81 no 25 3 X ii 33 42" 82^ 119 oo 99 130 50 3 X 13 39 4W 97^4 137 50 117 151 oo 3 X 15 45 54M" 1X2^ 155 75 135 171 50 TWENTY-FIVE INCHES HIGH, STEAM. FIGS. 67, 68 and 69. List of Radiators built on the STANDARD. ENLARGED. Width of Base, One Row, 7% inches, Two Row, 11% inches, Three Row. 15)4 inches. Each Loop represents 2 Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICE. Each Loop represents 2X Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICE. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length of Radiator. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. i X 5 5 21/4" IO $25 75 11% $27 25 i X 7 7 28^" 14 3i 50 z4i 33 5o i X 9 9 34^3" 18 37 5 21 40 oo i X ii ii 4* 22 43 25 25% 46 25 i X 13 13 47%" 26 49 oo 30^ 52 75 i X 15 15 54" 30 54 75 35 59 oo 2 X 5 IO 2X ZB 2O 44 25 *3 l /S 47 o 2X 7 14 27%" 28 55 75 3 2 7S 59 75 2X9 18 34^4" 36 67 25 42 72 25 2 X II 22 4i" 44 79 oo SiX 85 oo 2 X 13 26 47%" 52 90 50 60% 97 50 2 X IS 30 53%" 60 I O2 OO 70 no 25 3 X 5 15 21^" 30 62 oo 35 66 25 3X7 21 28%" 42 79 75 49 85 50 3X9 27 34H" 54 97 25 63 104 75 3 X ii 33 42" 66 115 oo 77 124 oo 3 X 13 39 -48^" 78 132 50 9 1 143 2 5 3 X 15 45 54%" 90 15 25 i5 162 50 All Regular Steam Goods Tapped i" X M" " Right Hand," same or oppo- site ends or one end only for One Pipe Work. Center of Tapping about 4^* from floor on account of high legs. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 59 BUNDY RENAISSANCE RADIATOR THREE ROW- WITHOUT CORNER PILLARS. STEAM, FIG. 69. HOT WATER, FIG. 73^. Made in 6 different lengths (from 21^" to $4%") ; 8 different heights (Steam, 43", 37", 31" and 25"; Hot Water, 46", 40", 34" and 28"); two distinct styles of loops (Standard and Enlarged), and all with a uniform width of base of 1 5 ^ ". MADE FOR BOTH STEAM AND HOT WATER. Bundy Radiators with Renaissance Loops have same amount of surface as plain loops. The center of tapping is about 4^" from floor on account of high legs. LIST OF DIFFERENT SIZES, GIVING LENGTHS IN INCHES. Sizes, 3x5 7 9 ii 13 15 Lengths, 21^ 28% 34% 42 48^ S4% 60 A. A. GRIFFINO IRON CO., NEW YORK. Renaissance ftat 09afr Direct l^adiafor, ouf Corner Pillars, feist Prices. FORTY-SIX INCHES HIGH, HOT WATER. FIGS. 72, 73 AND 737 . List of Radiators built on the fol- STANDARD. ENLARGED. Width of Base, One Row, ?k Inches, Two Row, 11%" inches, Three Each Loop represents 4 Feet of Heating Surface. Each Loop represents 4 Feet of Heating Surface. Row, 15)4 inches. LIST PRICE. LIST PRICE. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length Radiator. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. X 5 5 axU- 20 $34 25 23% $37 oo X 7 7 a8j|; 28 43 So 33^ 47 25 X 9 9 34713" 36 52 50 42% 57 50 X ii ii 4i" 44 61 75 5274 67 75 X 13 13 47%" 52 70 75 61% 78 oo X 15 IS 54" 60 80 oo 71^ 88 25 X 5 10 2I 7s" 40 61 oo 4772 66 50 X 7 14 27%" 56 79 25 66^3 86 50 X 9 18 347^" 72 97 50 857! 107 25 X ii 22 4i" 88 "5 75 104^2 127 75 X 13 26 47%" 104 134 CO 1237! 148 oo X 15 3 53%" 120 152 25 142^*3 168 50 3 X 5 IS 2172 60 109 50 7i^4 118 50 3 X 7 21 28%" 8 4 J 3 2 25 99% 144 75 3 X 9 27 34/3 108 155 oo 128/4 171 25 3 X ii 33 42" 132 178 oo 156% 197 50 3 X 13 39 48jf 156 200 75 185^ 224 oo 3 X 15 45 54%" 180 223 50 213% 250 50 FORTY INCHES HIGH, HOT WATER. FIGS. 72, 73 AND List of Radiators built on the fol- STANDARD. ENLARGED. Width of Base, One Row, 1% inches, Two Row, 11% inches, Three Each Loop Rpresents 3% Feet of Heating Surface. Each Loop represents 4 Feet of Heating Surface. Row, 15K inches. LIST PRICE. LIST PRICE. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length of Radiator. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. X 5 5 2l7lj" 1773" $32 25 20 $34 oo X 7 7 28^" 2472 40 75 28 43 25 X 9 9 347lj" 3I L^ 49 oo 36 52 25 X ii ii 4 1 " 57 50 44 61 50 X 13 13 47%" 457t 65 75 52 70 50 X 15 15 54" 527S 74 25 60 79 75 X 5 10 2173" 35 57 25 40 60 75 X 7 14 27%" I 9 74 oo 56 79 oo X 9 18 34 1 A" 63 90 75 72 97 oo X ii 22 4i" 77 107 50 88 US 25 X 13 26 47%" 9i 124 25 104 133 25 X 15 30 53%" 105 141 oo 1 20 142 50 3X5 15 21712" 527^ 105 oo 60 III 00 3X7 21 28%" 737^ 126 oo 84 134 50 3X9 27 347^" 947^ 147 oo 108 157 75 3 X ii 33 4 2 " "57^ 168 oo 132 181 25 3 X 13 39 4876" 1367(3 189 oo 156 204 50 3 X 15 45 54M" 1577^ 2IO OO 180 228 oo All Regular Hot Water Goods Tapped $ X IT!" "Right Hand," same or opposite ends or in upper circulating chamber. Center of Tapping about 4^4" from floor on account of high legs. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 61 Bundy Renaissance {tot Water Direct Radiator, (Jorner pillars, foist Prices. THIRTY-FOUR INCHES HIGH, HOT WATER. FIGS. 72, 73 and 73^. List bf Radiators built on the STANDARD. ENLARGED. following size Bases. Width of Base, One Row, 7^ inches, Two Row, 11% inches, Each Loop represents 3 Feet of Heating Surface. Each Loop represents 3% Feet of Heating Surface. Three Row, 15> inches. LIST PRICE. LIST PRICH. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length of Radiator. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. X 5 5 21^" 15 $3 75 i7^ $32 75 X 7 7 28^" 21 38 50 2 4/^J 4i 50 X 9 9 34*' 27 46 50 31^ 50 oo X ii ii 33 54 25 38^ 58 75 X 13 13 4 47%" 39 62 25 45^ 67 25 X 15 15 54" 45 70 oo 52^ 76 oo X 5 10 30 54 25 35 58 25 X 7 14 27%; 42 69 75 49 75 So X 9 18 54 85 25 92 75 X ii 22 41" 66 IOI OO 77 109 75 X 13 26 47%" 78 116 50 9 1 127 oo X 15 3 53 L/" 90 132 oo 105 144 25 3 X 5 15 45 IO2 OO 5 2 72 107 50 3 X 7 21 28%" 63 121 75 73^2 129 75 3 X 9 27 34^" 81 141 50 9472 151 75 3 X ii 33 42" 99 161 50 115^ 173 75 3X 13 39 48^" 117 181 25 136^3 195 75 3 X 15 45 54%" 135 201 00 157^ 218 oo TWENTY-EIGHT INCHES HIGH, HOT WATER. FIGS, 72, 73 and List of Radiators built on the STANDARD. ENLARGED. following size Bases. Width of Base, One Row, 7K inches, Two Row, 11 inches, Each Loop represents Z% Feet of Heating Surface. Each Loop represents 2 5-6 Feet of Heating Surface. Three Row, 15> inches. LIST PRICK. LIST PRICE. Shape of Radiator. Number of Loops. Length ot Radiator. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. X 5 5 21/^2" 12^ $30 25 i4| $3i 75 X 7 7 28*4" *7jl 37 75 I9f 40 oo X 9 9 34^" 22^ 45 25 25^ 48 25 X ii ii 4 1 " 27^ 53 y\ 56 25 X 13 13 47%" 32^ 60 50 3 6 I 64 50 X 15 15 54" 37^ 68 oo 4 2 J4 72 75 X 5 10 2173" 25 53 o 28^ 56 oo X 7 14 27%" 35 68 oo 39% 72 25 X 9 18 34^4" 45 83 oo 5i 88 50 X ii 22 4i" 55 98 25 62^ 105 oo X 13 26 47%" 65 H3 25 73% 121 25 X 15 3 53%" 75 128 25 85 137 50 3X5 15 21^" 37^4 99 25 4 2 >t 103 50 3X7 21 28%" 52^3 118 oo 59^ 128 oo 3X9 27 34^" 6 7 ^ 136 75 76^ 144 25 3 X ii 33 42" 82^ 155 5 93/2 164 75 3 X 13 39 48^" 97^ 174 25 110^2 185 oo 3 X 15 45 54%" II2>t 193 00 127^ 205 50 All Regular Hot Water Goods Tapped i^" X i}4" " Right Hand, opposite ends or in Upper Circulating Chamber. Center of Ta] from floor on account of high legs. 62 A. A. GR1FFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Standard (-mi- Renaissance Radiator and Prices. WIDTH OF BASKS. One Row, 5% inches Two " 9% " Three" 13% STEAM. Forty-Two Inches High. HOT WATER. Forty-Five Inches High. Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. bo a *" bo ^0 be afe be fto Four ' 11% " g Cw ^ _g && ft ts H*" 1 ft 3 5"- 1 a Sg fl|5 !fj M T3 d H a KH S ^H g a o a<^ 0^3 obfc pbfij) Size Length l A Agf *E 3 is! *H of of S 3 ! 02 {J2 *** ^ eS Jtadiator Radiator 1 gg s O g IMP 1 ?s ll* lX 12" 10^ $8 85 12% $10 II 12 $11 70 14^4 $i 3 26 iX 4 ISM; 14 ii 80 17 13 48 16 15 60 19 17 68 1 X 5 J 4 75 16 85 20 19 50 23% 22 10 iX 6 1X7 21 '/" 21 2A^> 17 70 2 5^i 2O 21 20 eg 24 23 40 28^ 26 52 J. /\ / iX 8 25/0 2 8%" ^4/y 28 23 60 34 5 J 26 95 32 31 20 38 35 35 iX 9 3 T %" 3'/^ 26 55 38M 30 32 36 35 10 42% 39 78 1X10 34^" 35, . 29 So 33 69 40 39 oo 47Y2 44 i9 1X11 38" n 38^ 32 45 401 37 06 44 42 90 52^ 48 62 lXl2 42 35 40 51 40 43 48 46 80 57 53 03 1X13 44%" 45% 38 35 43 80 52 50 70 61% 57 45 1X14 47%" 49 , 4i 30 47 16 56 54 60 66J4 61 87 1X15 51" 52% 44 25 So 53 60 58 50 7 J /4 66 29 1X16 54 5 " 56 47 20 53 90 64 62 40 76 70 70 1X18 53 10 76% 60 64 72 70 20 8 5 ^ 79 54 1X20 66%" 70 59 oo 85 67 38 80 78 oo 95 88 3? 1X22 73/4" 77 64 90 93% 74 12 1X24 79%" 84 70 80 IO2 80 85 1X26 86%" 76 70 noj^ 87 59 2X 3 12" 21 17 70 2 5% 2O 21 24 23 40 28^ 26 52 2X 4 15!^" 28 23 60 34 26 95 3 2 31 20 3* 35 36 2X 5 18^" 35 29 50 42% 33 69 40 39 oo 47^ 44 20 2X 6 2I%" 42 35 40 51 40 43 48 46 80 57 53 04 2X 7 2 4%" 49 4 1 30 59% 47 16 56 54 60 66^ 61 86 2X 8 28%" 56 47 20 68 53 9 64 62 40 76 70 70 2X 9 3i^4" 63 53 10 76% 60 64 72 70 20 85% 79 56 2X10 34%" 70 59 oo 85 67 38 80 78 oo 95 88 38 2X11 38" 77 64 90 93% 74 12 88 85 80 104% 97 24 2X12 2X13 4I |/'' 84 70 80 1 02 80 85 87 59 96 93 60 114 106 06 2X14 2X15 44/8 it 9 T i 98 70 70 82 60 88 50 119 94 33 112 109 20 ' 33 H 123 74 1^2 i?8 2X16 54%" 112 94 40 136 107 80 .128 124 80 152 x 6^ D I 4 I 40 2X18 60% " 126 1 06 20 J 53 121 28 144 140 40 171 159 08 2X20 66%" I 4 118 oo 170 134 75 160 156 oo 190 176 76 2X22 2X24 73/4" J 54 168 129 80 141 60 187 204 148 23 161 70 2X26 86J4" 182 i53 40 221 175 18 3X 3 12^4" 34* 26 55 38/4 3 3 2 36 38 70 42% 44 4 3X 4 T 5%" 42 35 40 5 1 40 43 48 51 60 57 58 73 3X 5 J 8/^" 52% 44 25 50 53 60 64 50 73 4i 3 X 6 22" 63 53 10 76% 60 64 72 77 40 85^ 88 09 3X 7 25%" 73% 61 95 89^4 70 75 84 90 30 99% 102 77 3X 8 28%" 84 70 80 IO2 80 85 96 103 20 114 "7 45 3X 9 31^2" 94% 79 65 114% 90 96 108 116 10 128*4 132 13 3X10 34^4" 88 50 127% loi 07 120 129 oo 142^ 146 81 3X11 39" 11 5/^2 97 35 i o 88 132 141 90 161 49 3X12 42 126 106 20 153 121 28 144 154 80 171 176 18 3X13 45%" 36^ 115 05 I6 5 % 131 38 156 167 70 185^ 190 86 3X15 51%" 57^ IS 2 75 igiJ4 151 60 180 i93 50 213% 220 22 4X 4 16%" 56 47 20 68 53 9 4X 5 19%" 7o 59 oo 85 67 38 4X 6 22%" 84- 70 80 102 80 85 4X 7 26%" 98 82 60 19 94 33 4 X 8 2 9^4" 12 94 40 36 107 80 4X 9 32" 26 106 20 53 121 28 4X10 35%" 4 118 oo 70 134 75 4X12 4 2 %" 68 141 60 04 161 70 4X14 48%" 96 165 20 38 188 65 4X18 60^" 52 212 40 06 242 55 4X20 67^4" 80 236 oo 40 269 50 4X22 73%" 08 259 60 74 296 45 4X24 799B" 36 283 20 08 323 4 BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 63 BUNDY SEMI-RENAISSANCE RADIATOR Two Row. Made in all the different lengths, widths, diameters and radii of Bundy Direct and Direct-Indirect Plain Rectangular, Circular, Column and Corner Radiators ; 8 different heights (Steam, 42", 36", 30" and 24" ; Hot Water, 45", 39", 33", and 27"); two distinct styles of loops (Standard and Enlarged), at the uniform increased cost over plain loop Radiators of 50 cents per loop list extra to be added to the list price of plain loop Bundy Radiators. BUNDY STANDARD SEMI-RENAISSANCE RING COLUMN RADIATOR. N fc J Outside Diameter of Base. Inside Diameter of Base. STEAM. Forty-Two Inches Hi ph. Standard Loop Enlarged Loop Feet of Heating Surface. W ith Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. Feet of Heating Surface. With Iron Top or arranged for Marble Top. 18 22 28 32 26" 3 2" 36 4i" 12" 16" 28^" 63 77 98 112 $68 85 84 i5 107 10 122 40 76^ 93^ 119 136 $79 77 97 49 124 08 141 80 List of Radiators built on the following size Bases. STEAM. Thirty-Six Inches High. 18 22 28 32 26" 3" 36" 4i" 12" 16" 22^" 28^" 84 06 $63 oo 77 oo 98 oo 112 00 63 77 98 112 $70 43 8608 i9 55 125 20 MADE FOR BOTH STEAM AND HOT WATER. All Regular Steam Goods Tapped i"x%" Right Hand, same or opposite ends or one end only for One Pipe Work. All Regular Hot Water Goods Tapped i^'xi^" Right Hand, same or opposite ends or in Upper Circulat- ing Chamber. 64 A. A. GRIPPING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Standard I>emi~ Renaissance l^adiafor Si and WIDTH OF BASKS. STEAM. Thirty-Six Inchep High. HOT WATER. Thirty-Nine Inches High. One Row 5K inches. Two " 9% " Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. Three " 13^ " & H ' be ftO bo fto be fto Four " 17>| EH**" ft 1 ' {H"" ^ 3 2 II a v*"* Sis ill Sf fl 3JH 8 ||| Size of Radiator Length of Radiator. IS P 1 Ijjjj IP P IP fa ^ Q *" o EJ O 'o iX 3 12" 9 $8 25 I0 ^ $9 12 10^ $10 95 12 $12 OO iX 4 J 5/4" 12 II 00 *4 12 15 14 14 60 16 16 oo i X 5 1 8^" 15 13 75 17^ 15 19 I 7/S 18 25 20 20 oo iX 6 sxjn* 18 16 50 21 18 23 21 21 90 24 24 oo iX 7 25%" 21 19 25 24^ 21 2 7 24^ 25 55 28 28 oo iX 8 28^" 24 22 OO 28 24 30 28 29 20 32 32 oo iX 9 S 1 /^" 27 24 75 S 1 /^ 27 34 31^ 32 85 36 36 oo 1X10 4/^" 3 27 50 35 30 38 35 36 50 40 40 oo iXn 38" 33 30 25 38^ 33 42 38^ 40 15 44 44 oo 1X12 4 I /4" 36 33 oo 42 36 45 42 43 80 48 48 oo 1X13 44%" 39 35 75 45^ 39 49 45^ 47 45 52 52 oo 1X14 47%" 4 2 38 50 49 42 53 . 49, 51 10 56 56 oo 1X15 45 4i 25 52^ 45 57 52^ 54 75 60 60 oo 1X16 54 5 48 44 oo 56 48 60 56 58 40 64 64 oo 1X18 54 49 5 63 54 68 63 65 70 72 72 oo 1X20 66%" 60 55 oo 70 60 75 70 73 oo 80 80 oo 1X22 73/4" 4 66 60 50 77 6683 1X24 79%" 72 66 oo 84 72 90 1X26 68^" 78 7 1 50 9 1 78 98 2X 3 12" 18 16 50 21 18 23 21 21 go 24 24 oo 2X 4 J 5/4" 24 22 00 28 24 30 28 29 20 32 32 oo 2X 5 18^" 30 27 5 35 30 38 35 36 50 40 40 oo 2X 6 2I%" 36 33 oo 42 36 45 42 43 80 48 48 oo 2 X 7 24%" 4 2 38 5 49 42 53 49 51 10 56 56 oo 2X 8 28%" 48 44 oo 56 48 60 56 58 40 64 64 oo 2X 9 3iM* 54 49 50 63 54 68 63 65 70 72 72 oo 2X10 34%" 60 55 oo 70 60 75 70 73 oo 80 80 oo 2X11 38" ^ 66 60 50 77 66 83 77 80 30 88 88 oo 2X12 72 66 oo 84 72 90 84 87 60 96 96 oo 2X13 44%" 78 7 1 50 9 1 78 98 91 94 9 104 104 oo 2X14 47%" 84 77 oo 98 85 05 98 IO2 2O 112 112 00 2X15 50%" 9 82 50 105 9i 13 105 109 50 1 2O I2O OO 2X16 54/^i" 96 88 oo 112 97 20 112 116 80 128 128 oo 2X18 60% " 108 99 oo 126 I0 9 35 126 131 40 144 144 oo 2X20 66%" 120 no oo 140 121 50 140 146 oo 1 60 1 60 oo 2X22 73/4" 132 121 00 154 133 65 2X24 79%" 144 132 oo 168 145 80 2X26 86^4" 156 143 oo 182 *57 95 3X 3 12^." 27 2 4 75 31^ 2 7 34 31^ 36 oo 36 39 60 3X 4 X 5/^" 36 33 oo 4 2 36 45 42 48 00 4 8 52 80 3X 5 18^" 45 4i 25 52^ 45 57 52^ 60 oo 60 66 oo 3 X 6 22" 54 49 50 63 54 68 63 72 oo 72 79 20 3X 7 25%' 63 57 75 73^ 6 3 79 73/12 84 oo 8 4 92 40 3X 8 38%" 7 2 66 oo 84 72 90 84 96 oo 9 6 105 60 3X 9 3W 81 74 25 94^ 82 02 94^ 1 08 00 108 118 80 3X10 34/4" 9 82 50 I0 5 9i 13 05 1 2O OO 1 20 132 oo 3X11 39" 99 9 75 11 5/^2 loo 24 X 57a 132 oo 132 145 20 3X12 42" 108 99 oo 126 loq 35 26 144 oo 144 158 40 3X13 45%" 117 107 25 136^ 118 47 36}4 156 oo 156 ]I 7 I 60 3X15 5 J M" 135 123 75 157^ 136 70 57^ 1 80 oo 1 80 198 oo 4X 4 16^" 48 44 oo 56 48 60 4X 5 J 9%" 60 55 oo 7 60 75 4X 6 22%" 72 66 oo 84 72 90 4X 7 26^" 84 77 oo 98 85 05 4X 8 29^4" 96 88 oo 112 97 20 4X 9 32" 108 99 oo 126 109 35 4X10 35%" 1 20 no oo 140 121 50 4X12 4*Y*" 144 132 oo 168 145 80 4X14 48%" 168 154 oo 196 170 10 4X18 6/^" 216 198 oo 252 218 70 4X20 6*714" 240 22O OO 280 243 oo 4X22 73^2" .264 242 oo 308 267 30 4X24 79%" 288 264 oo 336 291 60 BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 65 Standard Semi- Renaissance l^adiafor and Prices. WIDTH OF BASES. STEAM. Thirty Inches High. HOT WATER. Thirty-Three Inches High. One Row, b% inches. Two Row, 9% *' Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. Three Row, 13> " bo ftS B ftO bo bo P *^ 1 S ^S c & "" ta 1 iX 3 12" 7^4 $7 88 9 $893 9 !$io 50 10^ $n 74 iX 4 15^4; 10 10 50 12 II 90 12 I 4 OO 14 15 65 i X 5 1 8/^" 12^ 13 13 15 i 4 88 15 17 50 I 7/^ 19 56 iX 6 2I^i" 15 T 5 75 18 17 85 18 21 OO 21 23 48 iX 7 25%" 18 38 21 20 83 21 24 50 24^ 27 39 iX 8 28%" 2O 21 OO 24 23 80 24 28 oo 28 3 1 30 iX 9 S 1 /^" 22 y 2 2 3 63 27 26 7 8 27 31 50 31^ 35 21 1X10 34^" 25 26 25 30 29 75 30 35 oo 35 39 13 iXn 1X12 3 V 27^ 30 28 88 3i 50 P 32 73 35 70 33 36 38 50 42 oo 38^ 42 43 04 4 6 95 1X13 44%" 32^ 3 4 13 39 38 68 39 45 50 45^ 50 86 1X14 47%" 35 36 75 4 2 4i 65 42 49 oo 49 54 78 1X15 37^ 39 38 45 44 63 47 60 45 48 52 50 56 oo 52^ 56 58 69 62 60 1X18 6o%" 4 5 47 25 54 53 55 54 63 oo 63 70 43 1X20 66%" 50 52 50 60 59 5 60 70 oo 70 78 25 1X22 73H" 55 57 75 66 65 45 1X24 79%" 60 63 oo 72 71 4 o 1X26 86%" 65 68 25 78 77 35 2X 3 12" 15 15 75 18 17 85 18 21 OO 21 23 48 2X 4 I5 ^C 20 21 OO 24 23 80 24 28 oo 28 3i 30 2X 5 18^3" 25 26 25 30 29 75 30 35 oo 35 39 12 V f. 2 A 2I%" 30 31 50 36 35 70 36 42 oo 42 46 96 2X 7 2 4 %" 35 36 75 42 4 1 65 42 49 oo 49 54 78 2X 8 28%" 4 o 4 2 OO 48 47 60 48 56 oo 56 62 60 2X 9 3 T J4" 45 47 25 54 53 55 54 63 oo 70 42 2X10 3 4 %" 50 52 50 60 59 50 60 70 oo 70 78 26 2X11 I 5 57 75 66 65 45 66 77 oo 77 86 08 2X12 4 T /4" 60 63 oo 72 71 4 o 72 84 oo 84 93 9 2X13 44 t/ 65 68 25 78 77 35 78 91 oo 101 72 2X14 70 73 50 84 83 30 84 98 oo 98 109 56 2X15 50%" 75 78 75 90 89 25 90 105 oo 105 117 38 2X16 54%" 80 8 4 oo 96 95 20 96 112 00 112 125 20 2X18 60% " 90 94 So 108 107 10 108 126 oo 126 150 86 2X20 66%" IOO 105 oo 120 119 oo I2O 140 oo 140 156 50 2X22 73/4" no "5 50 I 3 2 130 90 2X24 79%" 1 20 126 oo I 44 I 4 2 80 2X26 86^4" 130 136 50 156 154 70 3X 3 vSt 22^ 23 62 2 7 26 7 8 27 34 20 3 x /^2 38 36 3X 4 J 5/^" 3 31 50 36 35 70 36 45 60 42 3X 5 i8j4" 37% 39 37 45 44 63 4 5 S7 oo 52^ 63 94 3X 6 3X 7 22" 25%" fo 47 25 55 12 54 63 53 55 62 4 8 54 68 40 79 80 63 73^ 76 73 89 5i 3X 8 28%" 60 63 oo 72 71 4 o 7 2 91 20 84 102 30 3X 9 3*79' 67% 70 87 81 80 33 81 IO2 60 94^ 115 09 3X10 34^4" 75 78 75 90 89 25 90 114 oo 105 127 88 3X11 39" 82^ 86 62 99 98 18 99 125 40 115!^ 140 66 3X12 3 V TO 42" n 90 94 50 108 107 10 108 136 80 126 153 45 3'^ *3 3X15 45/8 5174: xiajl 118 12 135 133 88 135 171 oo 157^ 191 81 4X 4 16%" 40 4 2 00 48 47 60 4X 5 19%" 50 5 2 50 60 59 50 4X 6 22%" 60 63 oo 72 71 4 o 4 X 7 26%" 70 73 50 8 4 83 30 4X 8 29^4" 80 8 4 oo 96 95 20 ^ ^* 4X 9 32" 90 94 50 108 107 10 ^^ 4X10 35%" IOO 105 oo I2O 119 oo 4X12 4 2^" 120 126 oo I 44 I 4 2 80 A /L^^^*' 4X14 4 8%" I 4 147 oo 168 166 60 j^r < v'T 4X18 60^3" 1 80 189 oo 216 2I 4 20 S/j/2 i *O^ 4X20 67^4* 200 2IO OO 2 4 238 oo H ' d* -A^ 4X22 73/^" 2 2O 231 oo 264. 261 80 , ; ;| ' / ^f^' 4X24 79%" 2 4 252 oo 288 285 60 fl " ^ A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Standard Semi-f^naissance f^adiafor and Prices. STEAM. HOT WATER. WIDTH OF BASKS. Twenty-four Inches High. Twenty-Seven Inches High. One Row 5X inches Two " 9'Y " Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop. Standard Loop. Enlarged Loop Three " 13} " 5 fl ft o 8 0.0 bo p O.O Q g-S . Four " Yl l A " fst * ? ;i " oi ^% 8g 0> $ glfH || l 2 -le Size of Length of w s !l lla "-i sSXJ 33 ffi ej *1 -M M }| 3BS SI $ ^02 dElj P ^ sSl Radiator Radiator. 0) ga 0) g-a I *t* f ti* 63 'o ^0 m ^0 g ^0 iX 3 12" 6 $7 50 7 $833 7% $10 13 8% $11 07 iX 4 I5 ^C 8 10 00 9% II IO IO J 3 50 11% 14 75 iX 5 10 12 50 11% 13 88 12% 16 88 4 18 44 iX 6 2I%" 12 15 oo 14 16 65 15 20 25 17 22 13 iX 7 25%" *4 J 7 5 1 6% !9 43 17% 23 63 i 9 i 25 82 iX 8 28%" 16 20 00 1 8% 22 20 20 27 oo 22% 2 9 5 1 iX 9 S 1 ^" 18 22 50 21 2 4 9 8 22% 30 38 25J4 33 i9 1X10 34^6" 20 25 oo 23% 27 75 25 33 75 28% 36 88 iXn 38" 22 27 5 257B 3 53 27% 37 i3 34 40 57 lXl2 4iH" 24 30 oo 28 33 30 30 40 50 34 44 25 1X13 44%" 26 32 50 3% 36 08 32% 43 88 36| 47 94 1X14 47%" 28 35 oo 3 2 %} 38 85 35 47 25 39% 5i 63 1X15 51" 30 37 50 35 i 4i 63 37% 50 63 42% 55 32 1X16 54" 32 40 oo 37% 44 40 40 54 oo 45% 59 oo 1X18 36 45 oo 42 49 95 45 60 75 5i 66 38 1X20 66%" 40 50 oo 46% 55 50 5 67 50 56% 73 75 1X22 73*4" 44 55 oo 5 X % 61 05 1X24 79%" 48 60 oo 56 66 60 1X26 86%" 52 65 oo 60% 72 15 2X 3 12" 12 15 oo 14 16 65 *5 20 26 J 7 22 14 2 X 4 i sM" 16 20 00 1 8% 22 20 20 27 oo 22% 29 50 2X 5 1 8%" 20 25 oo 2 3% 27 75 25 33 76 28% 36 88 2X 6 2I%" 24 30 oo 28 33 30 30 40 50 34 44 26 2X 7 24%" 28 35 oo 3 2 % 38 85 35 47 26 39% 5 1 64 2X 8 28%" 32 40 oo 37% 44 4 4 54 oo 45% 59 02 2X 9 3 J M:" 36 45 oo 4 2 49 95 45 60 76 5? 66 38 2X10 34%" 40 50 oo 46% 55 50 50 67 50 56% 73 76 2X11 38" 44 55 oo 5 J % 61 05 55 74 26 62% 81 14 2X12 4 iU" 48 60 oo 56 o 66 60 60 81 oo 68 88 50 2X13 44%^ 52 65 oo 72 15 65 87 76 73% 95 88 2X14 56 70 oo 65% 77 70 70 94 50 79% 03 26 2X15 5%" 60 75 oo 70 83 25 75 101 26 85 10 64 2X16 54%" 64 80 oo 74% 88 81 80 108 oo 90% 18 oo 2X18 60% " 72 90 oo 84 99 90 90 121 50 102 32 76 2X20 66%" 80 IOO OO 93% III OO IOO 135 00 "3% 47 So 2X22 73/4 [ 88 110 00 102% 122 IO 2X24 96 I2O OO 112 133 20 2X26 86^4" 104 130 oo 121% T 44 3 3X 3 I2 *4" 18 22 50 21 24 98 22% 32 6 3 25% 35 74 3 X 4 I 5/^" 24 30 oo 28 33 30 30 43 50 34 47 65 3X 5 1 8J^" 30 37 50 35 4i 63 37% 54 38 42% 59 56 3X 6 22" 36 45 oo 42 49 95 45 65 25 5i 71 48 3X 7 25%" 42 52 50 49 58 28 52% 76 13 59% 83 39 3X 8 28%" 48 60 oo 56 66 60 60 87 oo 68 95 3 3X 9 S 1 ^" 54 67 50 6 3 74 93 67% 97 88 76% IO7 21 3X10 34>4" 60 75 oo 70 83 25 75 108 75 85 119 I 3 3X11 39" 66 82 50 77 9i 58 82% 119 63 93% I 3 I 4 3X12 42" 72 90 oo 84 99 90 90 130 50 IO2 142 95 3X13 45%" 78 97 50 9i 108 23 97% 141 38 110% 154 86 3X15 S 1 ^" 90 112 50 'OS 124 88 112^ 163 13 127^ 178 69 4 X 4 16%" 3 2 40 oo 37% 44 40 4X 5 I 9%" 40 50 oo 46-3 55 50 4 X 6 22%" - 48 60 oo 66 60 4X 7 26%" 56 70 oo 65% 77 70 4 X 8 29^4" 64 80 oo 7473 88 80 4X 9 32" 72 90 oo 84 99 90 4X10 35%" 80 IOO OO 93% III 00 4X12 42%" 96 1 2O OO 12 I 3 3 20 4X14 48%" 112 140 oo 30% 155 40 4X18 60% " 144 180 oo 68 199 80 4X20 67*4" 160 2OO OO 86% 222 00 4X22 73*6" 176 220 00 05% 244 20 4X24 79%" 192 240 oo 24 266 40 BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 67 Standard Semi-J^enaissarice Circular f^idiator and prices. List of Radiators STEAM. Forty -Two Inches High. HOT WATER. Forty- Five Inches High. size Bases. Standard Loop Enlarged Loop Standard Loop Enlarged Loop C? ao be q v8 bo g. o . be a v2 . 9 t S *" tf *& o 1-1 S o g 2 's pq Si IIS !l ||f I| ila ffjj ill fc ^ O.C8 5 0) fp O 3 43 02 4) || % Hl| - aS| 1 I ^ 1 ^0 ^0 IO I7M" 35 $3 r 25 42^ $35 82 4 $43 oo 47^ $48 94 15 1 8^" 46 88 6 3 % 53 72 60 64 50 7 J /4 73 4i 20 21^" 70 ~ 62 50 85 7i 63 80 86 oo 95 97 88 26 22 /^" 9 1 81 25 93 I2 104 in 80 123^ 127 24 34 26^" 119 106 25 144^ 121 77 136 146 20 166 39 50 31^" 156 25 212^ 179 07 200 215 oo 237^1 244 69 72 36" 252 225 oo 3O6 257 85 List of Radiators built on the STEAM. HOT WATER. following size Bases. Thirty-Six Inches High. Thirty-Nine Inches High. 10 1 7 1 A" 30 $29 oo 35 $32 13 35 $40 oo 40 $44 oo 15 1 8^" 45 43 50 5^2 48 19 52^ 60 oo 60 66 oo 20 2I /^ 60 58 oo 70 64 25 70 80 oo 80 88 oo 26 22^" 78 75 40 9i 83 53 91 104 oo 104 114 40 34 26^3" IO2 98 60 119 109 23 119 136 oo 136 149 60 50 31^" 150 145 oo i75 160 63 175 2OO OO 200 220 00 72 36" 216 208 80 252 231 30 Standard emi~I^naissance ^orn^r Radiator SIZES AND PRICES. |of K ^ 1 -S 1*1 o Number of Loops in Front Row. STEAM. Forty-Two Inches High. HOT WATER. Forty-Five Inches High. Standard Loop Enlarged Loop Standard Loop Enlarged Loop IO 15 20 25 28 15" 17^4; 22V|" 22^" i 7 9 9 35 52^ 7 87^ 98 $3 r 25 46 88 62 50 86 88 97 3 42^ 6 3 % 85 106^ 119 $35 82 53 72 71 63 100 16 112 18 40 60 80 $43 oo 64 50 86 oo 47^ l^A 95 $48 94 73 4i 97 88 List of Radiators built on the following size Bases. STEAM. Thirty-Six Inches High. HOT WATER. Thirty-Nine Inches High. IO 15 20 25 28 17*4; 22^4" 22^" 5 6 7 9 9 3 g 75 84 $29 oo 43 5 58 oo 80 oo 89 60 &t 70 87^ 98 $32 13 48 19 64 25 89 07 99 75 %t 70 $40 oo 60 oo 80 oo 40 60 80 $44 oo 66 oo 88 oo Standard emi-l^enaissance Column Radiator SIZES AND PRICES. Number of Loops Outside Diameter of Base. Inside Diameter of Base. STEAM. Forty-Two Inches High. HOT WATER. Forty -Five Inches High. Standard Loop Enlarged Loop Standard Loop Enlarged Loop 26 34 5 58 26" 3: 36 41" I2&" 17" 24" 9 1 119 *75 203 $85 80 112 2O 165 oo 191 40^ 1 10^3 144^ 212^ 246^ $98 64 128 99 189 69 220 04 104 200 $137 80 265 oo 123^2 237^2 $I 5 8 12 304 06 List of Radiators built on the following size Bases. STEAM. Thirty-Six Inches High. HOT WATER. Thirty-Nine Inches High. 26 34 26" 3" 12%" 78 102 $79 30 103 70 9! 119 $88 08 115 18 T*0 OR 9i $126 75 104 $I 4 4 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Dining l^oom ftof Closet feam Radiator foist Prices. FORTY-EIGHT INCHES HIGH. STEAM, FIG. 10. STYLE A. WITH THE FOLLOWING STYLES OF LOOPS; STANDARD. ENLARGED. EXTENDED SURFACE. Feet of Heating Surface. List Price. Feet) of Heating Surface. List Price. Feet of Heating Surface. List Price. I 9 61 ^ 65 67 69 7i 73 75 $ 99 oo 01 00 03 oo 05 oo 07 oo 09 oo II OO 13 oo 15 oo 7 7* &< 80 82^ 85 87^ 90 $ 106 oo 108 25 no 50 112 75 115 oo 117 25 119 50 121 75 124 oo 70 7$i 77T* 80 82^ 85 87^ 9 $ 04 oo 06 25 08 50 J o 75 13 oo 15 25 17 5o iQ 75 22 OO FORTY-TWO INCHES HIGH. STEAM, FIG. 10. 44 $94 oo S 1 ^ $100 oo S 1 /^ $98 50 46 96 oo 53% IO2 OO 53% 01 00 48 98 oo 56 104 5 56 03 oo 30 01 oo 58^$ 107 oo 58^ 05 25 52 02 oo 60% 109 oo 60% 07 50 54 04 oo 63 III OO 63 9 75 56 06 oo 6 5^3 113 50 65^ 12 00 58 08 oo 67% 116 oo 67% J 4 75 60 IO OO 70 118 25 70 16 50 THIRTY-SIX INCHES HIGH. STEAM, FIG. 10 33 $91 oo 3% $97 25 38^ $96 oo 36 93 oo 95 oo 96 75 & 99 So 01 50 03 50 TM 98 oo 00 00 02 25 39 98 50 loo 50 47^ 05 75 08 oo 45^ 04 25 06 50 4 K 45 102 00 104 oo 106 oo 49 10 25 12 50 14 50 49 08 50 10 50 12 50 All Regular Steam Goods Tapped i"x%" "Right Hand," BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. BUNDY DINING ROOM HOT CLOSET RADIATOR. STYLE A. STEAM, FIG. 10. HOT WATER, FIG. 49. Made in a great variety of sizes, using always a 3x10 Bundy Radiator, which is 34^" l n g an d 13%" wide. Dimensions of all Hot Closets are: Length, 35% width, 14" and height, 18". Fur- nished for Steam, 48", 42" and 36" high, with from 33 to 90 feet of heating surface; for Hot Water, 53", 47" and 41" high, with from 52 to 105 feet of heating surface. The different amounts of heating surface are secured by omitting i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 in- terior loops in the middle row, which can easily be replaced if, for any purpose, more heat is desired. MADE FOR BOTH STEAM AND HOT WATER. Center ot Tapping is about 4*4 inches from floor on account of high legs. 70 A. A. GRIPPING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Dinir\| KJoom ftef Closet feam Radiator foist prices. FORTY-EIGHT INCHES HIGH. STEAM, FIG. 10^, STYLE B. WITH THE FOLLOWING STYLES OF LOOPS STANDARD. ENLARGED. Feet of Heating Surface. List Price. Feet of Heating Surface. List Price. 59 $ 06 50 70 $113 50 61 08 50 72^ i J 5 75 6 3 10 50 75 118 oo 65 12 50 llV* 20 25 67 I 4 5 80 22 50 69 16 50 s 2 y 2 24 75 7i 18 50 85 27 oo 73 20 50 87^ 29 25 75 22 50 90 3 1 50 FORTY-TWO INCHES HIGH. STEAM, FIG. ioV4 STYLE B. 44 $101 50 5^ $ 07 50 46 03 50 53% 09 50 48 05 50 56 12 OO 50 08 50 14 50 52 09 50 60% 16 50 54 ii 50 6 3 18 50 56 13 50 65^4 21 00 58 15 50 67% 23 50 60 17 50 70 25 75 THIRTY-SIX INCHES HIGH. STEAM, FIG. 10^, STYLE B. 33 $98 5o 38/2 $104 75 34^ loo 50 40^ 107 oo . 36 IO2 50 42 109 oo 37^ 104 25 43M III OO 39 106 oo 45^ 13 25 40^ 108 oo 47^4 15 50 4 2 109 50 49 17 75 43^ in 50 20 oo 45 113 50 52^ 22 OO All Regular Steam Goods Tapped i"X'M" "Right Hand." BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 71 BUNDY DINING ROOM HOT CLOSET RADIATOR. CROSS SECTION. This cut shows the liberal size of the Bundy Hot Closet, and its projection back, whereby the largest platter or dish can be accom- modated in it. The Hot Closet sets over the entire Radiator and the degree of heat attained in it is higher than that in any other Hot Closet Radiator made. In fact, this is the only Hot Closet Radiator that will produce and preserve drinking temperature of tea which is about 140. In winter this Radiator serves as a dish and food warmer, and in summer as a convenient place for bread, cakes, etc., or anything that is desirable to preserve in a moist condition. MADE FOR BOTH STEAM AND HOT WATER. Center of Tapping is about 4*^" inches from floor on a< high legs. ^"^V A//; 72 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Dining %D0m {iot Closet Prices. f^diafor fenst FORTY-EIGHT INCHES HIGH. STEAM, FIG. 10%, STYLE C. WITH THE FOLLOWING STYLES OF LOOPS. STANDARD. ENLARGED. EXTENDED SURFACE. Feet Feet Feet of Heating Surface. List Price. of Heating Surface. List Price. of Heating Surface. List Price. 59 $136 oo 70 $143 oo 70 $141 oo 61 138 oo 7 2 /^ 145 25 7 2 Hj 143 25 63 140 oo 75 J 47 5 75 145 50 65 142 oo 77/^ 149 75 77/^ 147 75 67 144 oo 80 152 oo 80 150 oo 69 146 oo 82^ 154 25 82^ 152 25 148 oo 85 T 56 50 85 154 50 73 150 oo 87^ 158 75 8 7 ^ 156 75 75 152 oo 90 161 oo 90 159 oo FORTY-TWO INCHES HIGH. STEAM, FIG. io%, STYLE C. 44 $131 oo S 1 ^ $137 oo 51^ $135 5 46 133 oo 53% 139 oo 53% 138 oo 48 135 00 56 141 50 56 140 oo 5 138 oo 58^ 144 oo 58^ 142 25 52 139 oo 60% 146 oo 60% 144 5 54 141 oo 63 148 oo 63 146 75 56 143 oo 65^6 150 50 65^3 149 oo 58 145 oo >7% 153 oo 67% 151 75 60 147 oo 70 155 25 70 153 So THIRTY-SIX INCHES HIGH. STEAM, FIG. ioM> STYLE C. 33 $128 oo 38^ $134 25 38^ $133 oo 34^ 130 oo 40^ 136 50 40^ 135 oo 36 132 oo 42 138 50 42 137 oo 37^ 133 75 43% 140 50 43^ 139 25 39 135 50 45^ 142 75 45^ 141 25 40^ 137 50 47^4 145 oo 47^4 143 50 4 2 139 oo 49 147 25 49 , 145 5 43^ 141 oo 50% 149 50 5M 147 50 45 143 oo 52^ 151 So 52^ 149 5 All Regular Steam Goods Tapped i"X-M" "Right Hand." BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 73 BUNDY DINING ROOM HOT CLOSET RADIATOR. STYLE B. STEAM, FIG. 10^. HOT WATER, FIG. 50. This Radiator has ornamental loops and base, the ornamental base being separate from the Radiator and removable at will. Made in a great variety of sizes, using always a 3x10 Bundy Radiator, which is 34^" long and 13^" wide. Dimensions of all Hot Closets are : Length, 35", width, 14", and height, 18". Fur- nished for Steam, 48," 42" and 36" high, with from 33 to 90 feet of heating surface; for Hot Water, 53," 47" and 41" high, with from 52 to 105 feet of heating surface. The different amounts of heating surface are secured by omitting i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 interior loops in the middle row, which can easily be replaced if, for any purpose, more heat is desired. Made for both Steam and Hot Water. Center of Tapping is about 4)^ inches from floor on account of high legs. A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Dining I^oom ^ot Closet jtof 09ater Radiator foist prices. FIFTY-THREE INCHES HIGH. HOT WATER, FIG. 49. STYLE A. WITH THE FOLLOWING STYLES OF LOOPS. STANDARD. ENLARGED. EXTENDED SURFACE. Feet of Heating Surface. List Trice. Feet of Heatmg Surface. List Price. Feet of Htating Surface. List Price. * ?M 80 82^ 85 8 7 ^ QO $137 5 140 oo 142 50 145 oo 147 50 150 oo 152 50 155 oo 157 50 81 84 87 QO 93 96 99 102 105 $144 oo 147 oo 150 oo 153 00 156 oo 159 oo 162 oo 165 oo 1 68 oo 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 102 105 $141 oo 144 oo 147 oo 150 oo 153 oo 156 oo 159 oo 162 oo 165 oo FORTY-SEVEN INCHES HIGH. HOT WATER, FIG. 49. 63 $135 25 73^ $142 oo 73^4 $i39 75 64^ 137 oo 7473 143 75 7473 141 50 66 138 50 76 H5 75 76 i43 5o 67^ 140 25 77^ 147 75 77/8 145 50 69 142 oo 78% 149 75 78% '47 50 70^ 143 50 80 I5i 75 80 H9 50 72 145 oo 8iU 153 So 81^ 151 25 73^ 146 75 82% 155 50 82% 153 25 75 148 50 84 157 50 84 155 25 FORTY-ONE INCHES HIGH. HOT WATER, FIG. 49. 52 $132 25 59^1 $i39 25 59^4 $137 25 53 134 oo 60% 141 oo 60% 139 oo 54 135 50 62 143 oo 62 141 oo 55 137 25 63^ 145 oo 63^ 143 oo 56 57 139 oo 140 50 & 147 oo 149 oo 66 145 oo 147 oo 58 142 oo 67^ 150 75 67^ H8 75 59 143 75 68% 152 75 68% 150 75 6o 145 50 70 154 75 70 152 75 All Regular Hot Water Goods Tapped "Right Hand." BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. BUNDY DINING ROOM HOT CLOSET RADIATOR. STYLE C. STEAM, FIG. 10^. HOT WATER, FIG. 51. This Radiator has the Bundy Ornamental Base and a hand- some Brass Screen, which may be either Antique Brass (Blackened Gold), Polished Brass (Bright Gold), Oxidized Silver (Blackened Silver) or Bright Nickel. Made in a great variety of sizes, using always a 3x10 Bundy Radiator, which is 34^" long and 13^" wide. Dimensions of all Hot Closets are: Length, 35", width, 14", and height, 18". Fur- nished for Steam, 48", 42" and 36" high, with from 33 to 90 feet of heating surface; for Hot Water, 53", 47" and 41" high with from 52 to 105 feet of heating surface. The different amounts of heating surface are secured by omitting i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 interior loops in the middle row, which can easily be re- placed if, for any purpose, more heat is desired. MADE FOR BOTH STEAM AND HOT WATER Center of Tapping about 4^ inches from floor on account of high legs. 76 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO , NEW YORK. Bund\; Dtnin| I^oom ftat bist Prices. 09afer Radiator FIFTY-THREE INCHES HIGH. HOT WATER, FIG. 50, STYLE B. WITH THE FOLLOWING STYLES OF LOOPS. STANDARD. ENLARGED. Feet of Heating Surface. List Price. Feet of Heating Surface. List Price. 70 $145 oo 81 $151 50 7*H 147 50 84 154 50 75 150 oo 87 i57 So 77^ 152 50 90 1 60 50 80 155 93 163 50 82^ 157 50 96 1 66 50 85 , 160 oo 99 169 50 87^3 162 50 102 172 50 90 165 oo 105 175 So FORTY-SEVEN INCHES HIGH. HOT WATER, FIG. 50, STYLE B. 63 $142 75 73^ $149 50 64^ 144 50 74% 151 25 66 146 oo 76 153 25 6 7 y 2 M7 75 77JH* 155 25 60 149 50 157 25 70^ 151 oo 80 159 25 72 i5 2 So 8i^j 161 oo 73^ 154 25 82% 163 oo 75 156 oo 84 165 oo FORTY-ONE INCHES HIGH. HOT WATER, FIG. 50, STYLE B. 52 $139 75 59/^ $M 6 75 53 141 50 148 50 54 143 oo 62 8 150 50 55 144 75 63^ IS 2 50 56 146 50 64% 154 50 57 148 oo 66 156 50 58 149 So 67^ 158 25 59 151 25 68% 160 25 60 153 70 162 25 All Regular Hot Water Goods Tapped iJ4"XiJ4" "Right Hand.' 1 BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 77 Buncty Dinin| I^oom ftat (Hose* ftet Water Radiator kist Prices. For Cuts and Description see preceding pages. FIFTY-THREE INCHES HIGH. HOT WATER, FIG. 51, STYLE C. WITH THE FOLLOWING STYLES OF LOOPS. STANDARD. ENLARGED. EXTENDED SURFACE. Feet Feet Feet of Heating Surface. List Price. of Heating Surface. List Price. of Heating Surface. List Price. 7 $174 50 81 $181 oo 81 $178 oo 72^2 177 oo 84 184 oo 84 181 oo 75,. 179 So 87 187 oo 87 184 oo 77^ 182 oo 90 190 oo 90 187 oo 80 184 50 93 193 oo 93 190 oo 82^ 187 oo 96 196 oo 96 193 oo 85 189 50 99 199 oo 99 196 oo 8?^ 192 oo 102 2O2 OO 102 199 oo 90 iQ4 50 105 205 oo I5 2O2 OO FORTY-SEVEN INCHES HIGH. HOT WATER, FIG. 51, STYLE C. 63 $172 25 73^i $179 oo 73% $176 75 64^ 174 oo 74% 180 75 74% 178 50 66 175 50 76 182 75 76 1 80 50 67^ 177 25 77>3 184 75 182 50 69 . 179 oo 78% 186 75 78% 184 50 7oH 1 80 50 80 188 75 80 186 50 72 182 oo 81% 190 50 81% 188 25 73^ 183 75 82% 192 50 82% 190 25 75 1 86 50 84 194 50 84 192 25 FORTY-ONE INCHES HIGH. HOT WATER, FIG. 51, STYLE C. 52 $169 25 59% $176 25 59% $174 25 53 171 oo 178 oo 60% 176 oo 54 172 50 62 8 180 oo 62 178 oo II 174 25 176 oo 64% 182 oo 184 oo 63% 64% 180 oo 182 oo 57 177 50 66 186 oo 66 184 oo 58 179 oo 67% 187 75 67% 185 75 e 180 75 182 50 70 189 75 191 75 70 187 75 189 75 All Regular Hot Water Goods Tapped i " "Right Hand.'" 78 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. foist Price of Parfs of Bund^ Standard team and {iot (/9at<-r I^adiafors. RADIATOR. BASE. FRET WORK TOP ONLY. BINDER FOR TOP ONLY. TOP AND BINDER COM PLETE. WATER ARCH. iX 3 $2 10 $ 45 $ 45 $ 90 $i 80 iX 4 2 80 60 60 i 20 2 4 iX 5 3 50 75 75 1 5 3 oo iX 6 4 20 90 90 i 80 3 60 iX 7 4 9 05 05 2 10 4 20 iX 8 5 60 20 20 2 4 4 80 iX 9 6 3 35 35 2 70 5 40 1X10 7 50 50 3 00 6 oo iXn 7 70 65 65 3 30 6 60 1X12 8 4 80 80 3 60 7 20 1X13 9 10 95 95 3 90 7 80 1X14 9 80 10 10 4 20 8 40 1X15 10 5 25 25 4 50 9 oo 1X16 I 20 40 40 4 80 9 60 1X18 2 60 70 70 5 40 10 80 1X20 4 oo 3 oo 3 6 oo 12 OO 1X22 5 4 3 30 3 30 6 60 1X24 6 80 3 60 360 7 20 1X26 8 20 3 QO 3 90 7 80 2X 3 4 20 90 90 i 80 3 60 zX 4 560 I 20 I 20 2 40 4 80 2X 5 7 oo I 50 I 50 3 oo 6 oo 2X 6 8 40 I 80 I 80 3 60 7 20 2X 7 980 2 10 2 IO 4 20 8 40 2X 8 ! 20 2 40 2 40 4 80 9 60 2X g 2 60 2 70 2 70 5 40 10 80 2X10 4 oo 3 3 00 12 00 2X11 5 40 3 3 3 30 6 60 13 20 2X12 6 80 3 60 360 7 20 14 40 2X13 8 20 3 QO 3 90 7 80 15 60 2X14 g 60 4 20 4 20 8 40 16 80 2X15 I OO 4 5 4 50 9 oo 18 oo 2X16 2 40 4 80 4 80 9 60 19 20 2X18 5 20 5 40 5 4 10,80 21 60 2X20 8 oo 6 oo 6 oo 12 00 24 oo 2X22 30 80 6 60 6 60 13 2O 2X24 33 60 7 20 7 20 14 40 2X26 36 40 7.80 7 80 15 DO 3X 3 6" 30 1 35 1 35 2 7 5 40 3X 4 8 40 i 80 i 80 3 60 7 20 3X r 10*50 2 25 2 25 4 50 9 oo 3X 6 I2"i.6o 2 70 2 70 5 40 10 80 3X 7 14 70 3 15 3 15 6 30 12 60 3X 8 16 80 3 60 360 7 20 14 40 3X 9 18 90 4 05 4 05 8 10 16 20 3X10 21 OO 4 50 4 So 9 oo 18 oo 3X11 23 10 4 95 4 95 9 9 19 80 3X12 25 2O 5 40 5 40 10 80 21 60 3X13 27 3 5 85 5 85 ii 70 23 40 3X15 3i So 6 75 675 13 50 27 oo 4X 4 II 20 2 40 2 40 4 80 4X 5 14 oo 3 3 o 6 oo 4 X 6 16 80 3 6o 3 6o 7 20 4X 7 19 60 4 20 4 20 8 40 4 X 8 22 40 - 4 80 4 80 9 60 4 X 9 25 2O 5 40 5 4 10 80 4X10 28 oo 6 oo 6 oo 12 OO 4X12 33 60 7 20 7 20 14 40 4X14 39 20 8 40 8 40 16 80 4X18 50 40 10 80 10 80 21 60 4X20 56 oo 12 OO 12 OO 24 oo 4X22 61 60 13 2O 13 2O 26 40 4X24 67 20 14 40 14 40 28 80 BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 79 foist Price f Parts of Sund^ Standard Steam a C/9at?r Radiators. Radiator. Base. Fret Work Top Only. Binder for Top Only. Top and Binder Complete. Water Arch. 10 Circular. $7 50 $i 75 $i 75 $3 So $7 oo 15 ii 25 2 63 2 63 5 25 io 50 20 15 oo 3 50 3 50 7 oo 14 oo 26 19 5 4 55 4 55 9 10 18 20 34 25 So 5 95 5 95 ii 90 23 80 5 37 So 8 75 8 75 17 5 35 oo 72 54 oo 12 60 12 60 25 20 19 So 26 Column. 20 80 5 20 5 20 io 40 34 27 20 6 80 6 80 13 60 50 40 oo IO OO IO OO 20 00 58 46 40 II 60 II 60 23 2O 37 50 10 Corner. 7 50 i 75 i 75 3 50 7 oo 15 ii 25 2 63 2 63 5 25 io 50 20 15 oo 3 So 3 So 7 oo 14 oo 25 18 75 4 38 4 38 8 75 28 21 OO 4 90 4 9 9 80 LOOPS ONLY, STEAM. For Rectangular, Circular, Corner and Column Radiators. * Height of Radiator. Standard. Enlarged. Extended Surface. 4 ^ 36* 30" 24" $2 30 2 10 2 00 I 8 5 $2 75 2 4 2 35 2 IS $2 65 2 3 2 25 2 10 LOOPS ONLY, HOT WATER. 45 $3 25 $3 75 $3 65 39* 3 oo 3 35 3 25 33" 2 85 3 25 3 20 27 2 70 3 05 3 oo * This refers to height of Radiator the loops build up with the regular height of legs, for example, a loop 24^* long would build 30' high, with base and top, and therefore is listed as 30* high. The price applies to all intervening heights of loops, i. e., a steam loop that builds 40" high is listed the same as the 42" height. Hot Closet complete, Steam or Hot Water (closet only), $50.00. A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. 61ite team ar\d -flof Water Radiator. Points of advantage : EXTRA HEAVY AND LONG NIPPLES. It requires little argument to convince any one that the point where the greatest wear comes in a sectional radiator is at the nipple ; hence that is where the radiator will first give out. Wrought iron, which is the usual material used in the nipples, rusts more quickly than cast iron, and so the nipples require to be heavier and stronger, and those used in the Bundy Elite Radiator are of that pattern. Nipples of malleable iron are often used by manufacturers to cheapen the cost of production, but such goods should be studiously avoided, while Radiators having nipples with no threads, being what are commonly called " slip nipples," and are necessarily very thin and weak, should never be used. The nipples used in the Bundy Elite Radiator are the strongest and best in the world, and are guaranteed to last longer and give better satisfaction than any other. Note the following comparison : Heavy Light Light Bundy Threaded Threadless Nipple. Nipple. Nipple. Length i%' %' 13-16" Thickness J4* 5-32" 34" Weight iooz. 3 oz. 2^ oz Total length of thread 70" 31" None. Pressure under which nipple crushes. . 930 Ibs. 220 Ibs. 176 Ibs. THREE-BARREL CONSTRUCTION. By referring to the cut of the Elite Radiator it will be noticed that it has three barrels, and this insures more easy, uniform and positive circulation of either steam or hot water. Such a Radiator cannot air bind or water pocket. The circulation is always in a forward direction, up th a central and down the two outside barrels. Each section has an individual circulation and one section will circulate alone, in fact is often used in heating a bath room or other small apartment. PARABOLIC CURVE. The outside barrels of the Elite Radiator are made parabolic (incurving), which is the best form for resisting internal pressure and this makes avail- able larger air passages between the sections. This form of surface also makes a good deflector of the heat, throwing the warmth laterally into the room instead of allowing it to pass upward to the ceiling. It will be noticed that the heat at the middle and top of a room heated with the Elite Radiator is about the same, while where most other radiators are used the heat at the top of the room is much greater than at the middle, causing a great waste of heat. ARABESQUE DESIGN. The design of the Elite Radiator is neat and appropriate and is one that the eye will never tire of. It is capable of the highest possible decoration and looks well in any room, no matter for what it is used or its style of architecture. TESTED TO 100 POUNDS PRESSURE. The Bundy Elite Radiator is tested to TOO Ibs. pressure to the square inch, not 25 or 40 Ibs., as is the case with most other Radiators ; hence a leak is seldom heard of where the Elite Radiator is used. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. BUNDY ELITE RADIATORS. This cut illustrates at a glance the variety of heights in which the Bundy Elite Radiator is made, also the different styles of tapping, same end, opposite ends, or may be tapped in top con- nection for Hot Water heating. TEADE ELITE MARK. 82 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Glife feam and Direct and Direct-Indirect Radiator. Size and dimensions of Elite Radiators without detachable bushings or legs. H 15 16 17 18 '9 20 21 22 23 24 25 OPENINGS. Steam. i Pipe. 2 Pipe. 1x^4 I&xi Hot Water. V high 38" high \% sq.ft. 5 K sq.ft. aer Sec. per Sec. IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI SQ. FT. OF HEATING SURFACE. 20 26% 33% 40 46% 60 66% 80 86% 93% 100 106% ML 4* sq.ft. per Sec. II 22 33 44 49^ 55 60^ 66 120 126% 133% 140 146% 153% 1 60 166% 77 82^ 88 99 104^ no 121 126*6 132 i37 igh 24" ft. 3 M " high sq.ft. per Sec. 4^ 9% 14 23% 28 32% 37% 42 46% 56 3 60% 70 74% 79 1 A 84 88% 93% 98 102% 107% 112 116 3% 15 22)| 30 33% 37^ 45 48% 56^ 60 63% 67 K 75 82^ 86% 90 93% o" high Hsq.fi. per Sec. l ii 24% 27% 30 \ 33 35% 38% 44 46% 49^ 52iX 55 57% 60 \i 66 4 _68%_ * The Radiators are 2* shorter than heretofore on account of dispensing with the detachable bushings and legs, which, however, we will endeavor to furnish if particulariy desired, but please to bear in mind that the de- tachable bushings add about 2" to the above lengths, and that they have to be furnished when the detachable legs are wanted. Width of legs 8^"; sections S%*. Center of tapping distant from floor, if tapped opposite ends, %' 4%' ; i" 4 %" ; ^ 4 1 ^"- i%" 5 " 2" 5". If tapped same end the distance is about 4%" for all size tappings. Radiators will be tapped Right Hand in accordance with above list unless otherwise ordered. By the use of legs i* and 2" higher and lower the Bundy Elite Radiator may be had in the following heights : 18", 19", 20", 21", 22", 23", 24", 25", 26% 28', 2 9% 3" 3i% 3 2 "> 34*) 35% 3 6 "> 37% 3 8 " 43% 44% 45% 46" and 47" high, but unless particularly ordered detachable legs will not be furnished, the legs being cast on solid. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 83 BUNDY ELITE RADIATOR. TRADE ELITE MARK. 84 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. BUNDY ELITE CARPET LEG. The Bundy Elite Carpet Leg adds greatly to the convenience of cleaning out under the radiator, and does away with lifting the radiator to slip the carpet under the legs, or else cutting the carpet to fit around them. The legs are detachable and inter- changeable, and can be quickly set to p laCG Under ^ Bund y EHte section - Tt Radiator, showing the three- is of neat appearance, and so constructed pipe construction and feed that the Radiator will stand alone, even and return tapping at same when not connected. The cost is but a trifle, and a set-screw goes with each leg to hold it in place under the section. The radiator is shipped separate from the legs, making it a compact piece of furniture. The legs are carefully boxed, and so reach their destination in safety. When the Bundy Elite Carpet Leg is used add 2 inches to the length of Radiators, as given elsewhere in this catalogue, on, account of detachable Bushings. Price, $1.00 per pair. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 85 BUNDY ELITE RADIATOR WITH CAST IRON&TOP. TRADE ELITE MARK. A. A. GRIPFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. BUNDY ELITE DIRECT-INDIRECT RADIATOR. Special advantages: ist No more surface is charged for than in the regular Elite Radiator, not one-half foot per section extra, as is the case with most other Sectional Direct-Indirect Radiators. 2 d All the Direct-Indirect panels are screwed together, and so can be removed at will to clean out underneath the Radiator, or for any other pur- pose ; this advantage is possessed by no other Sectional Direct-Indirect Radiator. 3d The Elite sections are parabolic (incurving), and the Direct -Indirect panels convex (outcurving), which gives the largest possible available opening for fresh air passage. There is 9^ square inches of space between each Elite section, the opening as compared with other Radiators being as 2 is to 9^ in favor^of the Elite. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 87 Showing the various heights of Elite Legs that may be making the Radiator i" or 2" higher or low* than standard height. furni A. A. GRIPPING IRON CO., NEW YORK. BUNDY ELITE CORNER RADIATOR. Made for both Steam and Hot Water. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. This cut illustrates at a glance the various heights in which the Bundy Columbia Radiator is made, also the different styles of tappings same end, opposite ends, or in top connection for Hot Water heating. 90 A. A. GRIPPING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Columbia feam ar\d ftot 09atef Radiator". LIST OF SIZES AND DIMENSIONS, 25 2665 70 72^ 28 29 3075 32 15 922^ 10 25 27^ 12 30 32^ M35 15 1640 1845 '9 20 50 *3 57>2 24 60 62^ 80 OPENINGS. STEAM. Pipe 2 Pipe. HOT WATER. 45'ni>rh 5 sq.ft. < perSec.' IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI SQUARE FT. OF HEATING SURFACE. 38" high 32" high < 4 sq. ft.|3Msq.ft 'Je 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 no 115 120 125 130 140 145 150 155 1 60 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 4 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 108 112 116 1 20 124 128 10 20 26% 30 * 36% 40 43% 46% 50 53% 56% 60 66^.' 70 73 ._ 76% 86% 90 93% 96% 100 103% 106% 26" high: w 2%sq.ft l 2^sq.ft per Sec. per Sec. 2% 5% 8 io% 16 ^ 18% 21 % 24 26% 29% 32 34% 37% 40 42% 45% 48 50% 53% 55 64 66% 69% 72 74% 77^ 80 82% 85% 2 sq.ft. perSec. 4% 7 14 16% 1 8% 21 23% 25% 28 30% 32% 35 37% 39% 42 44% 46% 49 53% 56 58% 60% 63 65% 67% 70 72% 74% 2 4 6 8 10 12 *4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 Each Section is 8 inches wide. Width of Legs, 9 inches. Ra- diators will be tapped right hand in accordance with the above list, unless otherwise ordered. Radiators may be tapped for steam with feed and return at same end. Height from floor to centre of tapping varies according to th- size, and is as follows : %" 3,%"; i" 4"! i^4" 4^s"; I K" 4M"l 2-4K". If tapped [same end the distance ^ 95 99% I09K 114 irS% 3% 22 25% 29^ 36% 40% 44 47% 55 66 69% 73J-3 77 So% 84% 88 Right hand tappings in accordance with the above list will be furnished unless otherwise specified. Each Section is Sfg inches wide. Width of legs 9^ inches. Heights from floor to center of tappings vary, according to their size, as they are tapped excentric to insure perfect drainage, and are as follows: %" 3% inches; i" 3^ inches; i)^" 4 inches; i^" 4^ incites; 2" ^TS inches, BUNDY RADIATORS ANDoHEATING SPECIALTIES. 101 BUNDY PRINCESS RADIATOR. TRADE PRINCESS MARK, 102 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Buncty Defiance feam and -plot Water Direct Radiator. This Radiator exactly meets the requirements of the Bay Window, where parties desire one that will fit the angles under the window, occupy a minimum of space and throw the heat against the point of greatest exposure, the glass surface in the bay window. This Radiator can be had to fit a circular as well as an angular bay window, and when surmounted with one of our Marble Tops it presents an appearance of fitness of things that is very desirable. Some bay window rooms absolutely cannot be comfortably warmed without putting the Radiator in the bay window. In ordering this Radiator, parties should send a drawing showing the shape of the space the Radiator is to go in, and be particular about giving correct information, so that there will be no mistake. For price add $1.50 per section to list prices found on following page. Tapping same as regular Defiance Radiators. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 103 BUNDY DEFIANCE RADIATOR. MADE FOR STEAM AND HOT WATER. TRADE DEFIANCE MARK. different lengths (from 4 " to 100'), 21 different heights (from 13^" wo distinct sizes of sections (8" deep X 13" high and n" deep X usive of les. Made in 25 to 23^"). Tw 18" high exclusive of legs) STEAM. Size of Sections without legs. * Height of Radiators in Inches. Feet of Ht'g S'fce List Price per. Sec. List Price 1 per Foot. * Height of Radiators in in hes. Feet of Ht'g b'f ce List Price per Sec. List Price per Foot. .x*4 20, 20^, 21, 1 21^, 22, 22^ f 7 $6.30 $0.90 20, 20j|, 21, ( 21^,22, 22^ 1 7 $6.83 $0.97^ I 23 and 23^- J 23 and 23%. J -I 1 13^, 14, I4K1 15, 15^, 16, I 16^, 17,17^ [ 4 $4.20 $1.05 IS, i5^, 16, 1 16^,17,17^ 1 4 $4.60 $1.15 I 18 and 18^. J i8and iS^.J TAPPING. Any size, Right or Left Hand, opposite or same ends, or one end only for One Pipe Work and al- ways eccentric. ^ Regular Tapping, I'X^" R. H. HOT WATER. Any size, Right or Left Hand, same or opposite ends or in Upper Circulating Connection, on same or opposite ends,and always eccen- tric. Regular Tapping, iJ4*XiJ4" Difference in heights caused by using legs of varying heights To compute lengths of Radiators multiply the number of sections by 4* and add 2" for two bushings and the result will be length in inches. In other words, the sections are exactly 4" thick, but when built into Radiators a ushing is screwed into both ends, which increases the length of the adiator 2". 104 A. A. GRIFFING IRON. CO., NEW YORK. BUNDY CLIMAX VERTICAL DIRECT RADIATOR. THIRTY-NINE INCHES HIGH, STEAM. Each section represents 13 Square Feet of Heating Surface. LIST OF SIZES AND DIMENSIONS. No of I Sections, ) 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 ii 12 J 3 !4 15 Ft.ofH't'g 1 Surface, f 26 39 52 6~r 78 9i 104 117 130 143 156 169 182 195 Lengths I in inches, fj g l A i3/ 2 17% aifc 25^ 29^ s;M 37^ 4i% 45 1 A 49^ 53% 57^ 61% Regular tapping 2"xi^" R. H. opposite ends, which will be furnished unless otherwise ordered, but other size tappings may be had up to 2^" if wanted. Sections will be furnished loose with the necessary nipples to build into stacks or built up ready for connecting to steam pipes and, unless otherwise ordered, will always be sent built up. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 105 erfect C/9indo\AJ Direct team Radiator. The Bundy Perfect Window Direct Steam Radiator is made from sections 36, 29, 23 and 19 inches long, and are supplied with detachable legs i or 2 inches high. When no height of leg is mentioned in orders the i-inch leg will be furnished. To get the total height of Radiator add to the length of section the height of leg used. The amount of surface in the Bundy Perfect ^Vindow Direct Radiator is the same as in the Bundy Perfect Indirect Radiator, but please to bear in mind that the height of Radiator is i or 2 inches more than there given for length of sections on account of the legs. The Bundy Perfect Window Radiator is specially desirable for use where the greatest amount of surface is wanted in the smallest possible space. They are usually placed in recesses under win- dows and set back of brass or cast iron screens. For heating factories, warehouses, etc., the screens are some- times omitted. LIST OF SIZES AND DIMENSIONS OF BUNDY PERFECT WINDOW DIRECT RADIATORS. NUMBER LENGTH Two PIPE OPENINGS SQ. FEET OF HEATING SURFACE. OF SECTIONS OF STACK SUPPLY AND RETURN. 37 in. long 15 sq. ft. per Sec. 30 in. long 12^ sq. ft. per Sec. 24 in. long 10 sq. ft. per Sec. 20 in. long 8 sq. ft. per Sec. I 572" 174X1 15 I2 72 IO 8 2 9 i " I 74 X I 30 25 20 16 3 I "/^ X I 45 37/2 30 24 4 1 6" i/oX 1 /^ 60 50 40 32 5 I 972 / ' ll|Xl74 75 62^ 50 40 6 23" iJ^XlJ^ 90 75 60 48 7 2672"' 172X174 105 8772 70 56 8 30" 172X174 120 IOO 80 64 9 3372" T I/ X T I/ 135 H2K 90 72 10 37" I 73X174 150 125 IOO 80 ii 4072" 173X17^ I6 5 13772^ no 88 12 44" iJXi& 1 80 150 I2O 96 13 47^" 195 162^ 130 104 14 51" I 72Xl/4^ 2IO 175 140 112 15 5472"' I 72X 174 225 J ^772 150 120 16 58" iKXl^ 240 200 1 60 128 Depth of Radiator or section, gY 2 inches. Radiators will be furnished tapped in accordance with above list unless otherwise specified. Length of stack refers to total length found by multiplying the one section (3^") by the number of sections in the stack, plus ^ eccentric tapped bushings used, one in each end of the Radiator-/X SlF 106 A. A. GRIPPING IRON CO., NEW YORK. es of thje Bandy Climax Indirect I^adiafor. ist. POSITIVE CIRCULATION. The Bundy Climax Indirect Radiator is made on the principal of a box coil and cannot help but circulate posi- tively and uniformly, as the steam or water after entering one opening can- not pass out the other without traveling the full length of each section twice. 2 d. SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION. A11 joints are made with heavy screw threaded nipples, and unlike most other Indirect Radiators the Bundy C imax may be had already built up into stacks instead of being furnished in component parts, to be put together by the steam fitter. All sections are tested at 100 Ibs. pressure to the square inch twice, once before the building operation and once after. 3 d. GREATER EFFICIENCY. The sections are elliptical in form in- stead of circular, thereby giving more surface and larger interior openings. The two barrels of each section slant towards the return opening, allowing the water to pass out on gravity action. 4 th. ALL SECTIONS ARE DUPLICATES. Any section may be used as an intermediate or end section. It has more plain and less extended sur- face than most Indirect Radiators ; hence greater efficiency of from 15 to 40 per cent. Architects and owners desiring this Radiator will please specify the " BUNDY CLIMAX INDIRECT RADIATOR." DATA FOR BUNDY CLIMAX HOT WATER OR STEAM INDIRECT RADIATOR. Sections in Stack. Feet of Heating Surface. OPENINGS. Steam. Hot Water. * Length of Stack. Height of Stack. t Width of Stack. Number I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 Sq. Feet 13 26 39 52 65 78 9 1 104 117 130 143 156 169 182. 195 Inches. Inches. Inches. 9 12 16 23 3Q X 33^ 37 40^ 44 47^ Inches. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II t Inches. 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 Radiators will be tapped Right Hand in accordance with above list, unless otherwise ordered. * Length of stack refers to the total length found by multiplying the width of one section (3%") by the number of sections in the stack, plus 2" for two eccentric tapped bushings, used one at each end of the stack. These figures may vary a trifle owing to the fact that some fitters will draw the sections closer together than others in building them up, but the above is a fair average. t Width of stack refers to the length of the sections. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 107 TRADE CLIMAX MARK. 108 A. A. ORIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. imax ffot 09ater and Steam Indirect Radiator. FIG. 27 A. FIG. 27 B. FIG. 27 C. FIG. 27 D. The above cuts show where the air valve should be placed on the Bundy Climax Indirect Radiator. They all represent end views of stacks, and the supply and the return pipes and air valves are easily distinguished. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 109 BUNDY CLIMAX HOT WATER AND STEAM INDIRECT RADIATOR. This shows the arrangement of the Bundy Climax Indirect Radiator with cold air inlet and hot air outlet. An excellent Radiator fan both Hot Water and Steam is the Climax, in fact, for Hot Water heating it leads all others, and can be used in a com- bination apparatus with botfr Steam and Hot Water with perfect satisfaction. 110 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. fe o C/2 C* O EH O w rt t I Q c/3 H o w fa P4 H PL. ^ Q ti* IM 5 . 5 < 0) ,0 "" 05 OS O I S3 I bo & o VI bO 1 CD I '2 ,d bO *S S w '>> S I .1' ?. i' bO g '^ I o bo a S N T3 LIST OF SIZES AND DIMENSIONS OF BUNDY PERFECT INDIRECT RADIATOR Number of Sections Length of Stack. Two Pipe Openings Supply and Return. SQ. FEET OF HEATING SURFACE. ;6 in. long 15 sq. ft. per Sec. 29 in. long 12^ sq. ft- p*>r Sec. 23 in. long 10 sq. ft. per Sec. 19 in long 8 sq. ft. per Sec. i 5^" /4Xi ^ 15 12^ IO 8 2 9" MXi 3 25 20 16 3 3xx 45 37^ 30 24 4 16" ! V^Xi^4 60 50 40 32 5 19^" J^Xi^4 75 62^ 5 40 6 23" V^XiJ4 90 75 60 48 7 26^" i^Xi^4 87^ 70 56 8 3" 1^X1^4 120 100 80 64 9 33^" ^>Xi}4 135 9 72 10 37" /^Xi^4 1^0 i5 ' IOO 80 ii 4/^" /^Xi^4 I6 5 i37^ no 88 12 1 80 120 96 T 3 47^" ^Xi^ 195 16214 I 3 104 I 4 51" ^XiM 2IO T 75 140 112 15 54^" 1^X1^4 225 187^ ISO 120 16 58" ^XiM 240 200 160 128 BUNDY RADIATORS: AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. in w a 3 o *5 ^ M ^ ^ W o o a > HI c TRADE PERFECT MARK. 112 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. BUNDY PERFECT INDIRECT, 29 INCHES LONG. 12^ square feet per section. PERFECT INDIRECT, 23 INCHES LONG. 10 square feet per section. PERFECT INDIRECT, 19 INCHES LONG. 8 square feet per section. The Bundy Perfect Indirect Radiator is the only sectional Indirect Radiator made in a variety of lengths. The two lobes or barrels are elliptical and not circular in form, giving more space for easy circulation. The fins are set staggered so that the air in passing is sure to be thoroughly heated. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES 113 O Has 10 square feet per Section. Made for Steam and Hot Water. ^^\ TRADE BUNDY MARK 114 A. A. GRIPPING IRON CO., NEW YORK. pin team or jiot C/9ater Indirect Radiator. Appreciating the advantages an end-connected Indirect Radiator has over one that is centre-connected, we confidently claim that the Bundy " Pin " Indirect Radiator is from fifteen to twenty-five per cent, more effi- cient than any other Radiator of this class. The connection being at the end is out of the way of the air circulation, and does not impede it in pass- ing through the Radiator, as is the case where it is in the centre. At the same time the connections are all where they can be easily gotten at. The Bundy "Climax" and Bundy "Perfect" Indirect Radiators are also end- connected. The friction of the air coming in contact with a centre-connec- tion not only is very great, on account of the air current being divided, but also the centre connection greatly reduces the size of the available space for the air to pass through. It is also a noticable fact that the connections in the Bundy "Pin " Indi- rect Radiators are below the general level of the stack and so all the water in the Radiator will pass out on gravity action, which advantage is further augmented by the fact that the openings between the sections are of large size. All these features insure positive and noiseless circulation, the absence of water hammer and of air pockets. This is the only Pin Indirect Radiator made that is put together with screw-thread connection, and the advantage of such construction in point of durability, freedom from leaks, and consequent expense for repairs is too well known to require any comment here. Parties desiring this Radiator will please specify or call for u Bundy Pin Indirect Radiator" stating whether nipple or gasket connection is wanted. Number of Pins on each Radiator, . . . . . 1238 Pins. Total length of Radiator, 36 inches long. Total height of Radiator at connected end- Nipple connected Radiator, g^ inches high . Gasket connected Radiator, n^ inches high. Total height of either Radiator at opposite end, . . 7^ inches high. Total thickness of Radiators, 2% inches thick. Space between Radiators after they are placed in position, V to % inches. Number of square feet of surface, per section, . . . 10 square feet. SIZE OF TAPPINGS. STEAM. HOT WATER. Less than four sections . . . . iJ4 x i inch. iJ4 x i^ inch. Four sections and larger, . . . i^ x i*4 inch. i^ x i^ inch. Radiators will be tapped Right Hand ^accordance with above list unless otherwise ordere d. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 115 Has 10 square feet per Section. MADE FOR STEAM AND HOT WATER. TRADE BUNDY MARK, 116 A. A. GRIPPING IRON CO., NEW YORK. BUNDY NEWPORT INDIRECT .RADIATOR LSTACK. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. Greater depth of stack, doing away oftentimes with the necessity of setting two stacks in a bank one above the other, which is rather an expensive setting. Peculiarly well adapted for Hot Water heating on account of its great depth, although equally". efficient for steam. The air in passing is heated to a higher temperature on account of its longer contact with the heated surface by virtue of its greater depth. Has two horizontal air passages between the central and upper and lower barrels, which insures better air distribution and greater uniformity ot heat, and consequently greater economy of fuel. Manufactured under Patents dated Jan. 31, 1894, Feb. 12, 1889, and Sept. 18, 1877. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 117 ?* ill &f I *d *+ 2?sf 2-r* * <* *- I?Si?izi ^.Sgss-SS-gg. !&f^It! ! ?f*!iill5l H^f^> ^gi 2 3g3'Si "' SffgRirt^fj ^S|2.S' P 'S- lislllfKlflS SB- D-< f5*iS8- ^ ^ LIST OF SIZES AND DIMENSIONS. Sections in Stack. Square Feet of Heating Surface. Length of Stack. Height of Stack. Width of Stack. NUMBER. SQUARE FEET. INCHES. INCHES. INCHES. I 20 3 1 A 16 37 2 40 7 16 37 3 60 ioj^ 16 37 4 80 14 16 37 5 IOO I7K 16 37 6 120 21 16 37 7 140 24^ 16 37 8 1 60 28 16 37 9 1 80 3iK 16 37 10 200 35 16 37 ii 22O 33K 16 37 12 240 42 16 37 TRADE NEWPORT MARK. 118 A. A. GR1FFING IKON CO., NEW YORK. Lengths of Direct Radiators and Indirect Stacks in Sections and Inches. o O >n mwcNHN v5 m f moo oo oo t^ * Detachable Bushings increase the lengths given above of Elite Radiators 2" but are only furnished with Elite legs i" or 2" higher or lower than standard or with standard height legs when so ordered, otherwise not. t Columbia Radiators for Hot Water are i* longer than above list on account of the detachable bushing used in one ena. $ Princess, Climax Vertical and Perfect Window Direct and Perfect Indirect are not made for Hot Water, only for Steam. Bundy Pin Stacks, Nippled or Gasket, are i^" longer than above when supplied with detachable bushings. SQUARE FEET OF HEATING SURFACE PER SECTION, SHOWING VARIETY OF HEIGHTS OR LENGTHS MADE. Heights of- Direct Radiators and Square Feet of Heating Surface per Section. *~ ifr d CD t) OJ CD o (-1 bJO g CD W "CD & i 0" 1 cc CC G O oo C cs 1 lr iidiid^o in m O o T 1 be furnished when ordered. :ing total width 3", furnished when ordered. yy half inches are made, but 4" high legs are furnishsd unless otherwise ordered. 2" r^"V csT nToooo'Voo V SJPJP Vo . n H Ot . 1 ' 1 "p V X^Vo \H^ \NVO~MNN 10 ^ r> M M H in TI-VO ** t>- t^vo vo oo o H covo vo ^inoo oo oo -* * ^- ^-vo "i-vo vo vo m in >n TJ- T* 5 Np^iol af XCTsN NNXNx^lNdl hJS^H "Vl MSwX M M * M in^ ^oo oo *t^ H K 1-1 oo oo ^coin roininmin inmmn- 2 O^CN o <* *4- ^- m t>> t>. t^ in m 2 M = ^"f^lvovo^ H^? 00 N "*" H ^ "* ft^^ft ftfeffr a tx"^! irTff, Ti-O0 OO t^ ro fj ro * ^ NCNcoowmromro fifsCTN 00 JSmSSR?, !),^5 " s ^| R foc|f ': ' ' : * ^fffll^*!? S>^f Lengths 1/5 ^Illssll fl** : ! j : - W O VO M O OO 00 t-^VO VO VO M M : : : : * Elite Legs i" and 2" higher or lower wil t Pyro Wall Legs cut off in the rear, mal ^ Defiance Legs Yz" to 5^" high varying 1: ^*" ^l^vSf ff32 Elite Columbia Pyro Pyro Wall Princess Defiance, 8"xi3* " n"xi8" Perfect Window Climax Vertical Indirect. Perfect Climax Bundy Pin Nipple " " Gasket Gold's Pin. . - -o^l^S^o. o,,^ Name of Radiator. Direct. - VsNi-lltOXNHl N^VXN XJ^^^ ro^w in~t-t Mvovomm minwcN o .a ; I i i i ll* o- r-; ^ : j eu^ : l|l-pr s 3 s ^5|l5l s d ^CDO So 1 " 1 ^ ^ ol o2S S ^^'H *- 4n O O .*"* - ^Tn S*^ HO^^PL!^ uai iSfc-S.^ in Inches Sections. oo oo O rooo oo w o H Height of Stacks. (A CD o- - - - ^Os H Ol H C % * % j? SoO^OO-^M BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 119 foisf of i^s and Dimensions, (pappus and Measure- ments of Bundy Sectional l^adiafors. CENTER OF TAPPING DISTANT FROM FLOOR IN INCHES. IF TAPPED Elite opposite ends Elite same end Columbia opposite ends. Columbia same end Pyro Pyro Wall Princess *Defiance Climax Vertical tPerfect Window 5% 4% 3M 5 i 4* 4* 3% sH 5* sH * Distances given for Defiance are based on the use of 4" high detachable legs, which will be furnished unless otherwise ordered, but legs i" to 5%" high varying by half inches, may be had if wanted. t Distances given for Perfect Window are based on the use of i" high legs, which will be furnished unless otherwise ordered, but 2" high legs may be had if wanted. Centers of tappings when tapped same end are distant from each other in Elite and Columbia Radiators, 4". SIZE OF TAPPINGS. ELITE, PYRO, PYRO WALL, PRINCESS AND LARGER DEFIANCE. One Pipe Openings. Steam. Less than 5 sections i inch. From 5 to 12 sections iJ4 ' From 12 to 19 sections i^ " 19 sections and larger 2 " Excepting Pyro Wall. Two Pipe Openings. Steam. Hot Water. Less than 8 sections i X i^inch. i xx inch. From 8 to 15 sections iJiXt " i%xi)4 * 15 sections and larger iJ4 XI /4 " i^xi^ " COLUMBIA AND SMALLER DEFIANCE. One Pipe Openings. Steam. Less than 6 sections i inch. From 6 to 16 sections i^4 " From 16 to 26 sections iJ4 " 26 sections and larger 2 Two Pipe Openings. Steam. Hot Water. Less than ii sections i x % inch. i xi inch From ii to 21 sections i/xi " J/ixi^ " 21 sections and larger i%xi% " i3?XzH " CLIMAX AND BUNDY PIN. Steam. Hot Water. Less than 4 sections i&xi inch. xMx ij^ inch. 4 sections and larger 1^X114 ' i^xiil " PERFECT, GOLD'S PIN INDIRECT AND PERFECT WINDOW DIRECT. Steam. Less than 4 sections i^xi inch. 4 sections and larger i%Xi}4 u Right hand Tappings in accordance with above list will be furnished unless otherwise specified. 120 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. BUNDY HORIZONTAL STEAM INDIRECT RADIATOR. FOR STANDARD OR ENLARGED LOOPS. STANDARD. ENLARGED. LIST OF HORIZONTAL INDIRECT RADIATORS. Each Loop Repre- Each Loop Repre- NOTE. We make the following sizes, but if more or less surface is wanted in each Stack, they can be made any size required. The length can be varied by substituting longer or shorter loops. sents 3 Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICK. Per Foot, 67%c. Per Loop, $2.03. sents 3> Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICK, Per Foot, 65c. Per Loop, $2.28. Shape No. Depth Width Length Feet of Feet of of of of of of Heating Price. Heating Price. Radiators. Loops. Radiators. Radiators. Radiators. Surface. Surface. 3X 3 Q io%" I0%" 33" 27 $18 23 3^2 $20 48 3X 4 12 io6" 13%" 33" 36 24 3 42 27 30 4X 3 12 I 4/4" IO%" 33" 36 2 4 30 42 2 7 3 4X 4 16 X 4$I" 13%; 33" 48 32 4 56 36 40 4X 5 20 I4 HI I 77" 33" 60 40 50 70 45 5 4 X 6 24 14/4" 20^" 33" 7 2 48 60 84 54 60 4X 7 4X 8 28 3 2 HC 14*4. 26%" 33" 33" 84 96 56 70 64 80 98 112 63 70 72 80 4X 9 36 14*4" 30" 33 I 108 72 QO 126 81 90 4X10 40 14*4' 33/-" 33 120 81 oo I 4 91 oo 5X 3 15 17%; IO%" 33 45 30 38 52^ 34 13 5X 4 20 X 3%" 33 B 60 40 50 70 45 50 5X 5 25 17%" wj" 33 75 5 63 8 7 H 56 88 5X 6 3 17%" 20% " 33" 90 60 75 I05 i/ 68 25 5X 7 35 17%" 2 3/4" 33 105 70 88 122^ 79 63 5X 8 40 17%" 26%" 33,, 1 20 81 oo ! 4 91 oo 5X 9 45 i 7 M" 30" 33 135 9i J 3 157^2 IO2 38 5X10 50 17%" 33^" 33,, 150 101 25 T 75 "3 75 6X 3 18 21*4" 10%; 33 54 36 45 63 40 95 6X 4 24 2x12* J 3%" 33" 72 48 60 84 54 60 6X 5 30 4i" !7^" 33" 90 60 75 J 05 68 25 6X 6 36 21*4" 20% " 33" 108 72 90 126 81 90 6X 7 42 21*4" 23^" 33" 126 85 05 J 47 95 55 6X 8 48 21*4" 26%" 33" 144 97 20 1 68 109 20 6X 9 54 21*4" 3" 33" 162 i9 35 189 122 85 6X10 60 21*4" 33^" 33" 1 80 121 50 2IO 136 50 All Regular Goods Tapped i"X%" " Right Hand." BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 121 BUNDY HORIZONTAL EXTENDED SURFACE STEAM INDIRECT RADIATOR. FOR EXTENDED SURFACE LOOPS. LIST OF HORIZONTAL INDIRECT RADIATORS. NOTE. We make the following sizes, but if more or less surface is re- quired on each stack, they can t)e made any size required. The length can be varied by substituting longer or shorter loops. Each Loop represents 3% Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICE. Per Foot, 6oc. Per Loop, $2.25. Shape of Radiators. Number of Loops. Depth of Radiators. Width of Radiators. Length of Radiators. Feet of Heating- Surface. Price. 3X 3 9 10%; 10%;; 33" 33M $20 25 3X 4 12 IO%" 13%" 3a" 45 27 oo 4X 3 12 14*4" IO%" 33" 45 27 oo 4X 4 16 14*4; 13%" 33" 60 36 oo 4X 5 20 T 4*4" I 7*^" 33" 75 45 oo 4X 6 24 H*4" 20% " 33" 90 54 oo 4X 7 28 I 4*4" 2 3*l3" 33" 105 63 oo 4X 8 32 I 4*4" 2 94" 33" I2O 72 oo 4X 9 36 r 4*4" 30" 33" 135 81 oo 4X10 4 14*4" 33*T 33" I 5 90 oo 5X 3 15 J 7M" I0%" 33" 56*4 33 75 5X 4 5X 5 2O 25 *& jSf- 33" 33 % 45 oo 56 25 5X 6 3 ij9Ji' 2O%" 33" II2*| 67 50 5X 7 35 *794" 2 3*lij" 33" 131*4 78 75 5X 8 40 I 794" 2694" 33" 150 90 oo 5X 9 45 17%" 30" 33 n " i6894 101 25 5X10 50 1794* 33*4; 33" 187*^ 112 50 6X 3 18 2l94" IO%" 33" 67*12 40 50 6X 4. 24 aig; I 3%" 33" 90 54 oo 6X 5 3 2 94" 17*^" 33" II2 ^ 67 50 6X 6 36 2 94" 2O%* 33" J 35 81 oo 6X 7 42 2 94" 23^" 33" T 57*^ 94 50 6X 8 48 2 94" 2694" 33" 180 108 oo 6X 9 54 2 94" 30" 33" 202^ 121 50 6X10 60 2 94" 33*^" 33" 225 T 35 122 A. A. G BIFFING IKON CO., NEW YORK. BUNDY ANGLE STANDARD STEAM INDIRECT RADIATOR. FOR STANDARD OR ENLARGED LOOPS. LIST OF HORIZONTAL INDIRECT RADIATORS. STANDARD. ENLARGED. Each Loop Repre- Each Loop Repre- NOTE. We make the following sizes, but if more or less surface is required in each stack they can be made any size. The length can be varied by using- longer or shorter loops. sents 3 Feet of Heating Surface . LIST PRICK. Per Foot, 70c. Per Loop, $2.10 sents 3% Feet of Heating Surface. LIST PRICK. Per Foot, 67>^c. Per Loop, $2.36. Shape of Radiators. No. of Loops. Depth of Radiator. Width of Radiator. Length Radiator. Feet of Heating Surface Price. Feet of Heating Surface. Price. 3 X 3 9 11%" IO%" 33" 27 $18 90 3'K $21 26 3X4 12 n%" T 3%" 33" 36 25 20 42 28 35 4X4 16 *5%" *3% H 33" 48 33 60 56 37 80 4 X 5 20 T-5%" I7/-6" 33" 60 42 oo 70 47 25 4X6 24 *5%" 2O%" 33" 72 5 40 84 56 70 4 X 7 28 *5%" 23^4" 33" 84 58 80 98 66 15 4X8 3,2. 1 598* 26%" 33" 96 67 20 112 75 60 4X9 36 15%" SO" 33" 108 75 6 126 85 05 4 Xio 4 15%" 33^6" 33" 120 84 oo 140 94 50 5 X 3 15 I 9^4" IO%" 33" 45 3i 50 52^ 35 44 5 X 4 20 *9tt 13%" 33" 60 42 oo 7 47 25 5 X 5 25 ^A" J 7/^" 33" 75 52 50 8 7 ^ 59 06 5 X 6 3 19*4" 20% " 33" 90 63 oo 105 70 88 5 X 7 35 19^" 23^" 33" 105 73 50 122>t 82 69 5 X 8 40 x 55 80 4 X 7 28 I 5%" 2 3^" 33" 105 65 10 4 X 8 32 I 5%" 26%" 33" 120 74 40 4X9 36 i5%" 3 1 33" X 35 83 70 4 X 10 40 I 5%" 3378 33" J 5o 93 oo 5 X 3 15 !9i4" I0%" 33" 56^ 3488 5 X 4 20 19^4" I 3%" 33" 75 o 46 5 5 X 5 25 I 9/4" 17^" 33" 93% 58 13 5 X 6 30 19^4* 20%" 33" "42 69 75 5 X 7 35 *9jf" 2 3^" 33" 13^ 81 38 5 X 8 40 19^1 26%" 33" T 5o 93 oo 5X9 45 I 9/4" 3" 33" 168% 104 63 5 X 10 50 19^4" 33^" 33" 187^ 116 25 6X3 18 23" I0 2f" 33" 67^ 4i 85 6X4 24 23" I 3%" 33" 90 55 80 6 X 5 3 23" J 7^" 33" 112^ 6 9 75 6X6 36 23" 20%* 33" 135 83 70 All Regular Goods Tapped i"X%" "Right Hand." 124 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. TRADE BUNDY MARK. The Bundy Special Valve is with- out exception the heaviest and best valve in the market. BUNDY -SPECIAL" VALVE WITH UNION. BUNDY "SPECIAL" BRASS ANGLE AND GLOBE VALVES WITH WOOD WHEEL OR TEE HANDLE, SQUARE FOR KEY OR LOCK SHIELD, PRICE LIST. U .V rM T M / i 35 i 60 2 25 3 25 4 5 7 oo " Plated Trimmings. . . "Rough Body Plated all over | e 1 165 195 2 IS 2 653 70 2 8 54 00 4 80 500 5 So 775 8 50 Finished Body, Finished Trimmings ** " Plated all over c => 2 15 2 5 3, 4 45 6 oo 9 25 Rough Body, Finished Trimmings 3 d 2 OO 2 SO 3 204 50 6 25 10 50 " Plated Trimmings. .. *Rough Body Plated all over ... ^ 2 25 2 50 2 70 ? 85 3 50 3 65 iii 6 50 6 75 11 00 Finished Body, Finished Trimmings . 2 SO 3 oo 3 755 25 7 25 ii 75 " " Plated all over . .. J c 2 8 5 3 10 4 005 40 7 75 12 25 *The valve described above in bold face type is most extensively carried in stock and is generally ordered. 126 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. TRADE BUNDY MARK. BUNDY "STANDARD" VALVE WITH UNION. BUNDY "STANDARD" BRASS ANGLE AND GLOBE VALVES WITH WOOD WHEEL OR TEE HANDLE, SQUARE FOR KEY OR LOCK SHIELD, PRICE LIST. Sizes in inches . . . H H i iM *K 2 Rough Body, Finished Trimmings.. u Plated Trimmings.... *Rough Body, Plated all over |< |i Jenkins Disc Metal Disc 2 05 2 20 240 2 55 2 QO 2 75 3 320 3 20 3 25 2 45 2 60 285 3 oo 34 3 So 3i6 4 oo 4 25 3 25 iii 3 85 4 30 4 30 175 4 80 5 25 4 50 4 go 505 5 25 5 80 5 85 6 25 640 6 4 o 7 oo 6 5 6 65 710 7 50 8 10 7 75 8 oo 8 10 8 75 9 25 IO OO TO 25 10 85 ii 50 12 35 12 60 12 85 13 id 13 85 14 35 Finished " Finished Trimmings.. " Plated all over Rough Body, Finished Trimmings. . " Plated Trimmings.... *Rough Body, Plated 'all over Finished" Finished Trimmings.. " Plated all over... ... *The Valve described above in bold face type is most exten- sively carried in stock and is generally^ordered BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 127 Our line of Radiator Valves cpn- sist of the "Bundy Special " Valve, which is without exception the heaviest and best valve made in the world. The metal is distributed ju- diciously among the various parts, making it handsome in appearance and highly satisfactory for use. Next in quality is our " Bnndy Standard" Valve, which, although a little lighter than the Bundy Special Valve, is still considerable heavier than the majority of valves sold. It is supplied with our special non-frictional stuffing box washer, to prevent the rotating of the stuff- ing box when the valve is being opened, which is one of the most fertile causes for dissatisfaction in connection with the use of valves. BUNDY "STANDARD" VALVE WITHOUT UNION. BUNDY "STANDARD" BRASS ANGLE AND GLOBE VALVES WITH WOOD WHEEL OR TEE HANDLE, SQUARE FOR KEY OR LOCK SHIELD, PRICE LIST. Sizes in inches X i 35 ifi i 8 5 2^5 2 OO 2 2.S 250 2 50 2 8 5 H i 60 \i 2 15 2JO 2 50 ii 3 oo 3JO I 2 25 ii 2 85 3 25 3 20 3 5 365 3 75 4 oo i# ifc 2 Rough Body, Finished Trimmings. " Plated Trimmings... *Rough Body, Plated all over Without Union. Jenkins Disc. Metal Disc. 3 25 Ho 4 oo 4 45 4 50 4 80 500 5 50 6 oo 7 oo ? 8 50 9 25 10 50 10 7 5 1100 ii 75 12 25 Finished Body, Finished Trimmings " Plated all over Rough Body, Finished Trimmings. *' Plated Trimmings... *Rough Body Plated all over 4 50 IB 5 25 5 40 625 o s 675 7 25 7 75 Finished Body,Finished Trimmings " Plated all over * We endeavor to keep a fair stock of all styles of valves on hand constant- ly, but, like all valve manufacturers, we have a larger stock of " Rough Body, Plated all over" Valves than any other, in fact, always have a large stock of them available with which to fill all orders promptly. 128 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. TRADE BUNDY MARK. BUNDY "A" VALVE WITH UNION. We also furnish the " Bundy A" Valve, which is a good all around valve. It is made only with Jenkins Disc, none being fur- nished with metal disc. For a low priced valve of good quality it cannot be excelled. BUNDY "A" BRASS ANGLE VALVES WITH WOOD WHEEL OR TEE HANDLE, SQUARE FOR KEY OR LOCK SHIELD, PRICE LIST. SIZES IN INCHES. tt K i * >M 2 Rough Body, Finished Trimmings. . u Plated Trimmings... *Rough Body Plated all over 11 i ^ 75 3 oo 3 20 3 5o 3 16 4 3 4 5 5 85 6 25 6 40 7 75 8 oo 8 10 12 60 12 85 13 10 Finished Body, Finished Trimmings " u Plated all over ! * ! 1 3 20 3 25 4 oo 4 25 4 80 5 2C 6 40 7 oo 8 75 9 25 13 85 14 35 J ^ -2J *We endeavor to keep a fair stock of all styles of valves on hand constantly, but like all valve manufacturers we have a larger stock of " Rough Body Nickel plated all over" valves than any other and parties will insure prompt shipment by ordering valves of that description. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 129 TRADE BUNDY MARK. The Bundy "A" valve is made only with Jenkins genuine disc; not furnished with metal disc. BUNDY "A" VALVE WITHOUT UNION. BUNDY "A" BRASS ANGLE VALVES WITH WOOD WHEEL OR TEE HANDLE, SQUARE FOR KEY OR LOCK SHIELD, PRICE LIST. 9/ i Tl/ ij* 2 Rough Body, Finished Trimmings. . " Plated Trimmings . . *Rough Body Plated all over 1! ii 2 OO 250 2 50 2 70 ? 85 3 20 3 50 3 65 4 50 iii 6 25 els 10 50 it ia Finished Body, Finished Trimmings " Plated all over )| (c 1 2 50 2 8 5 3 10 3 75 4 oo 5 25 5 40 7 25 7 75 ii 75 12 25 *The valves described in bold face type are continually kept in stock and can be shipped promptly on receipt of order. 130 A. A. GRIPFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. TRADE BUNDY MARK. PATENTED July 31, 1894. BUNDY BONNETLESS HOT WATER VALVE WITH UNION. The large and ever increasing demand for the Bundy Bonnet- less Quick Opening Hot Water Valves encourages us in making a material reduction in the list prices, as the following will show. These new list prices go into effect May i, 1894, and all discounts quoted on these valves prior to above date are hereby withdrawn and new quotations will be cheerfully made on application. BUNDY " BONNETLESS" BRASS HOT WATER QUICK OPENING VALVES WITH WOOD WHEEL OR TEE HANDLE, SQUARE FOR KEY OR LOCK SHIELD, PRICE LIST. SIZES IN INCHES. % i M iM 2 Rough Body, Finished Trimmings f 2 45 2 95 3 25 3 65 505 6 =50 7 10 10 00 10 85 Finished Body Plated all over i*3 3 4 4 3 5 80 8 10 12 35 BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 131 TRADE BUNDY MARK. PATENTED July 31, 1894. BUNDY BONNETLESS HOT WATER VALVE WITHOUT UNION. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. i st. Have fewer parts and joints. 2d. Less apt to get out of order. 3d. It is quick opening and closing, one-quarter of a turn being all that is required to fully open or close it. 4th. An arrow head shows whether the valve is open or closed, and the valve may be left partially open without danger of the circulation of the water moving the disc as is the case with many other Quick Opening Hot Water Valves. 5th. Is cheap and durable, easy to repair, all parts are dupli- cates, and is the only Bonnetless Valve sold on the market. BUNDY "BONNETLESS " BRASS HOT WATER QUICK OPENING VALVES WITH WOOD WHEEL OR TEE HANDLE, SQUARE FOR KEY OR LOCK SHIELD, PRICE LIST. Sizes in Inches.. Rough Body, Finished Trimmings.. Rough Body, Plated all over Finished and Plated all over . . i 60 1 95 2 50 2 25 265 3 25 132 A. A. GRIPPING IRON CO., NEW YORK. TRADE BUNDY MARK. BUNDY STANDARD UNION ELL. The Bundy Union Ells are specially designed for use in con- necting Hot Water Radiators to the return pipe. They are a great convenience, much less time being required to make the connections than if the ordinary nipple and ell is used. Then, again, they are more ornamental and more in keeping with the valve finish at the other end, and also the Radiator can at any time be easily disconnected and then connected up again. BUNDY UNION ELL. The Bundy "A" Union Ell is a trifle lighter in weight than the Bundy "Standard." It is extensively used, especially in low buildings, having say two or three stories, where the pressure of water is not great. BUNDY "STANDARD" AND "A" BRASS UNION ELL PRICE LIST. SIZES IN INCHES. % I IM I 2 Rough Body, Finished Trimmings . . . Rough Body Plated all over i 75 2 00 2 25 2 50 2 95 3 20 3 70 4 00 6 OO 7 00 Finished Body, Finished Trimmings, Finished Body, Plated all over 2 20 2 AtL 2 75 T. QO 3 60 1. QO 4 60 4 QO 7 5o 8 <;o BUND Yf RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. For indicating: the height of water in the Expansion Tank of a Hot Water System. BUNDY ALTITUDE GAUGE. This Gauge is a very useful appliance, which is placed at the heater in the cellar or in any other part of the house, and will at all times indicate the ex- act level of the water in the Expansion Tank, without the necessity of travel- ing 1 to the top of the house to look at the gauge glass. Its desirability there- fore is very apparent. It is graduated in feet, and the position of the large white pointer gives the exact indication of the height of the water in the system. ( After the Gauge is attached, the Expansion Tank is filled to the desired level ; the small red tell-tale hand is then set to the indication of the large white pointer. When the large white pointer falls below the red tell-tale hand, it shows just how much the water has fallen below the desired level, and that refilling is necessary. This Gauge is ACCURATE, WELL MADE and DURABLE, with removable ring. Its new Black Dial with white figures and graduations greatly facili- tates reading, and will not tarnish. List Prices. Balck Dial Altitude Gauge, Iron Case and Removable Brass Ring, 5 inch Dial $7.00 each. Each Gauge packed separately in a neat wooden box. 134 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. BUND! POSITIVE SAFETY PET COCK CANNOT BE OPERATED WITHOUT THE KEY. No Children can Tamper with it. NO MORE SPOILED CARPETS. NO MORE SOILED CEILINGS. NO MORE DAMAGED FURNITURE. KEY. BUNDY PET COCK. TWO NICKEL-PLATED KEYS ARE FURNISHED WITH EACH DOZEN. BUNDY WOOD WHEEL HAiNDLE PET COCK. Bundy Positive Pet Cock Price List. Wood Wheel or Key Handle, Plain 40 cents. Wood Wheel or Key Handle, Nickel-Plated 50 " Nickel Plated Keys, each 15 " BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 135 Bundy Hot Water Expansion - - Tank. The Bundy Hot Water Expansion Tank is made of the best quality of double thick re- qjv fined steel, galvanized with the best of fc metal, with all spuds for openings carefully ^w brazed on and caulked, making them in many respects superior to all others, and especially those having spuds riveted on. All Bundy Tanks are thoroughly tested to a high pressure before being shipped, and are supplied with all necessary open- ings for pipe connections and water guage. Unless otherwise ordered, these Tanks will be furnished tapped i inch at top and bottom ; % inch on the side near top and bottom for water gauge, and i inch on side for water supply. BUNDY EXPANSION TANK. Bundy Expansion Tank Price List. >izes Dimen- sions in inches. Capacity in Gallons. Length of Gauge required. Sq. feet of Radiation it will carry. Price of Tank without Gauge. Price of Tank with Gauge. io.y 2 12 X 20 10 gals. 12 inch. 200 or less $18 oo $22 00 i 12 X 24 12 14 200 to 300 19 25 23 75 2 12 X 30 15 J 4 300 to 400 20 50 25 oo 3 12 X 36 18 18 400 to 500 21 75 26 75 4 14 x 30 20 14 500 to 600 28 oo 32 50 5 I 4 X 36 24 18 600 to 700 29 25 34 25 6 16 x 30 26 14 700 to 800 3i So 36 oo 7 16 x 36 32 18 8oO tO IOOO 33 75 38 75 8 16 x 48 42 24 1000 to 1500 37 oo 42 50 Filling Attachment, $5.00 extra. Wrench for Building Climax and Perfect Indirect Radiators into stacks. List Price $2.50. BUNDY LOOP WRENCH. This cut shows the Bundy Loop Wrench, used in connect- ing the Bundy Loops and Base. It is made of the best steel, will fit any style or height of Loop, and the hole in the top of the Wrench is made to take % inch bar iron. Users ot the Bundy Radiator will find this a very handy tool to have and every Steam Fitter should in- clude one in his kit. LIST PRICE, $3.0O. 136 A., A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. No. A. TRADE BU N DY MARK. ONCE USED, ALWAYS WANTED Architects can Confidently Specify Them. Values. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. Durable. Low in Price. Small in Size. Handsome in Finish. Simple in Construction. Automatic. Sensitive. Improved. <> SATISFACTORY WORKING GUARANTEED. No. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 137 ^Automatic <^Air Vahte. ALL JOINTS SCREW THREADED No. C. SHANK EXTENDS INTO THE CENTER OF RADIATOR, PREVENTING THE ESCAPE OF THE WATER WHICH TRAVELS UP THE SIDES OF THE LOOP OR SECTION. BUNDY AUTOMATIC AIR VALVE WITH EVAPORATION CUP. Bundy Improved Automatic Air Valve Price List. No. A, without Drip Pipe Connection, . . , $1.00 No. B, with Drip Pipe Connection, . . . . 1.25 No. C, with Evaporation Cup, . ... 1.60 Evaporation Cup, . . . . . . . 40 138 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. BaKer Automatic Register Faces, for use with Direct-Indirect (Box Base) Radiators, to be placed in air duct where the fresh air supply is taken from without, made in two sizes, and of ornamental design, Smaller size, n^" long ; 5" high ; 2*4" deep, $1.50 each Larger size, 17^4" long ; 5" high ; 2^" deep, $2.00 each. REGISTER FACE.FOR^FRESH AIR DUCT OF DIRECT-INDIRECT RADIATOR. 140 A. A. GRlFFItfG IRON CO., NEW YORK. (aiar\t pipe ^an|er. LOCK HINGE BALL BEARING. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. i st. SIMPLICITY. Has fewer parts, none of which are in- tricate or complex. 2d. DURABILITY. Is made stronger and heavier than any other pipe hanger made. All parts are equally strong and there is no bolt about it to give out. 3d. ADJUSTABILITY. May be raised or lowered with ease on account of the differential lag-screw, which has coarse wood- screw threads at one end and standard pipe threads at the other. The lag-screw is easily lengthened with a piece of pipe and a coupling. 4th. MORE CONVENIENT. The hexagon nut fits the socket in the stirrup, when the Hanger may be used, gimlet fashion, in screwing lag-screw into a wooden beam, or in unscrewing hexagon nut from lag- screw after it is firmly imbedded in the wooden beam or affixed to an iron beam, after which the stirrup or pear-shaped Hanger proper, of its own weight, carries the nut out of the socket into the wider space above, where ample room is afforded for free and unimpeded swinging of the Hanger in any direction ; particu- larly so, as the top of the hexagon nut and the under side of the stirrup with which it comes in contact is oval or dome-shaped, there- by securing the many advantages of the ball-bearing connection. 5th. LOCK HINGE. The swinging part of the stirrup, that which opens to admit the pipe, is locked while at its highest or lowest point of elevation and depression, but can be removed while at an intermediate point. When at its lowest point it affords a substantial hollow bracket upon which, if desired, the pipe to be suspended may find a place of temporary rest a little to one side of its final or normal position. When the stirrup is closed the nut locks it at the top and at the same time draws the movable part up against an incline plane around the screw-bolt, which makes it rigid and tight, preventing any rattling noises from the vibra- tion of the building or steam pipes, and causes both sides of the stirrup to sustain equally the weight upon them. 6th. IRON BEAM CLAMP ADJUSTABLE to fit tightly any size of beam by having the horizontal part of sufficient length to engage the largest size beam, and threaded far enough back so that it can also be screwed up tightly against a smaller size beam. Particular attention is called to the fact that when attached to an iron beam the weight or strain comes in a vertical line and is dis- tributed equally on all parts. There is no small bolt used in hold- ing the grappling parts attached to the iron beams, which is a weak construction and likely to break, and which fits loosely and so is liable to displacement. 7th. EXTENDING FACILITIES. The threads at the lower end of the lag-screw are standard pipe threads so that the lag- screw may be conveniently lengthened by the use of ordinary steam pipe and a coupling, which are always available on a job where hangers are used. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 141 Buncty (Siarit Pipe ffongef. LOCK HINGE BALL BEARING. NO. I CLOSED, FOR WOODEN BEAMS. NO. I OPEN AND IN PARTS. NO. 2 CLOSED, FOR IRON BEAMS. THE BUNDY GIANT PIPE HANGER Is the only one that allows for expansion and contraction in all directions to the right or left, backward and forward, as well as diagonally. A line of these hangers may be set to place, securing the proper fall for good drainage of the pipe, by using a length of small pipe and spirit level, after which the pipe of proper size may be placed in the hanger, the stirrup of which is left open for its admittance. The lag-screw may be extended to any length by means of iron pipe and a coupling, of sizes as follows. For For " and i" Hangers, g to 3" u For 3^* and 4" Hangers For 5" and larger, Sizes ) in inches. j PRICE LIST. 4567 No. i, . .65 .85 .95 L No. 2, .55 .55 .58 .58 .60 .62 .65 .70 .75 .77 .85 .95 1.05 1.25 1.35 142 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. and team Manufactured under the Littlefield Patents, Sept. 29, 1891 ; Feb. 7, 1893, and Jan. 30, 1894; also Patented in Great Britain, Dec. 6, 1892, No. 22,395; Germany, Dec. 6, 1892, No. 75,413; Belgium, Dec. 6, 1892, No. 102,569. They are for returning waters of condensation to boiler against any pressure of steam, or discharging into tank or into the atmosphere. TRADE BUNDY MARK. BUNDY RETURN TRAP. BUNDY TANK TRAP. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. The Bundy Steam Traps are simple in construction ; durable ; easily cared for ; positive in operation ; economical in point of saving steam ; quick in action ; all parts are exterior and can be easily gotten at ; no floats used ; nor buckets, nor interior mech- anism. Only steam trap made with all parts exterior and acces- sible ; cannot get out of order if reasonable care is exercised in their use ; easily adjustable to varying conditions and quickly con- nected up in place. The Return Trap operates against any press- ure in the boiler, and the Tank Trap will lift water two feet for every pound of steam pressure used ; all necessary packing can be done without taking the Trap apart ; has no flanged connections or bolted parts ; all joints are screw-thread connections, which are unqualifiedly superior to ail others ; each Trap is thoroughly tested to 300 pounds pressure before being shipped. Correspondence solicited and a trial of these unequaled Bundy Steam Traps requested. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 143 l^etufn and MADE UNDER LITTLEFIELD'S PATENTS. TRADE BUNDY MARK. g/f AWARDED AT THE "EIGHTEENTH EXHIBITION Highest Award of Merit given the Littlefielcl Patent Traps at the Eighteenth Exhibition, 1892, at the Massachu- setts Charitable Mechanic Association. BUNDY RETURN TRAP PRICE LIST. Sizes, Capacities, Dimensions, Weight, etc. Capacity PTIPP lin. ft. 1-in. pipe. J 6,000 $100 oo 10,000 150 oo 2O,OOO 2OO OO 40,000 300 oo Above prices are for Traps only and do not include Check Valves or Receiver. No. Floor Space in Inches. Weic-ht Crated. Water Inlet. Water Outlet. Steam Inlet. IOI. 17X31 160 i in. i in. i in. IO2. 19X34 220 i /4 " */4 *' i/^ *' I0 3 . 104. 19X37 22X44 280 460 2 " 2 " 1% BUNDY TANK TRAP PRICE LIST. Sizes, Capacities, Dimensions, Weight, etc. rc- Floor Space Weig-ht Water Water JNO - in Inches. Crated. Inlet. Outlet. Drainage Capacity Pn>p lin. ft, 1-in. pipe. 51. 13X23 94 % in. % in. 3,500 $25 oo 52. 14X25 118 }& " % " 7>5o 35 oo 53- 17X31 i55 M * M " 15,000 55 oo 54. 17X33 200 i i ' 25,000 85 oo TNo. i. $12 oo BUNDY TRAP RECEIVERS PRICE LIST, . J ** 2. 14 OO 1 " 3. 16 oo [ " 4. 18 oo Every Bundy Trap is tested to a pressure of 300 pounds before leaving the factory. Will send Trap to responsible parties on 30 days' trial. If our claims are not fulfilled Trap may be returned at our expense. We invite correspondence and shall be pleased to furnish additional in- formation on this subject to any one who may be interested. 144 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. l^turn and fpanft {praps. During the past few years many styles of Steam Traps have been placed upon the market ; for every one of which some special feature has been claimed as an improvement. It has, however, seemed impossible heretofore to do away with the bucket or float, and the consequent interior mechan- ism ; hence, in spite of the most simple construction, the objectionable feat- ure in such devices has still remained. As a natural result, steam users, after repeated trials of different inven- tions in this line, have come to regard all traps with suspicion. Therefore, in offering the " Bundy " to the trade, we did so fully aware of the prejudice that must be overcome in introducing them and proving their merits, but after years of use and no failures at all, people have come to regard the Bundy Trap as the only truly reliable trap in the world, and the thousands of them in use attest more strongly than can anything else to their great superiority. We give below a few of the many thousands of testimonial letters received from users of the Littlefield Patent Traps, now known as the BUNDY. WORCESTER, MASS., June i4th, 1894. A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., JERSEY CITY, N. J. Dear Sir : I have to report concerning the Littlefield Trap, which we have had in operation during the latter part of last winter. Thus far it has WORKED PERFECTLY, GIVING ENTIRE SATISFACTION. It works quicker, with less steam, and in every way better than any Trap we have ever used. Yours truly, M. P. HIGGINS, Superintendent of the Washburn Shops. P. S. Quite likely another season we might be able to say more. The Littlefield Patent Trap I think is the best I have ever used, and have used about all of them. We have three of the Traps in use, but have found no outs about them so far, and the good points are just what the makers claim for them in their circulars. E. G. CHILDS, Lowell, Mass. Asst. Supt. Massachusetts Cotton Mills. We are using two of the Littlefield Patent Return Traps, one their No. 2 size and one No. 4. They return the condensation to our boilers through from 50,000 or more feet of i-inch pipe, and give us no trouble whatever. They take care of all the cold water in the morning without haying to draw it off as we had formerly to do with other traps. We have nothing but good words for this trap. East Pepperell, Mass. CHAMPION CARD AND PAPER CO. We are using the Littlefield Patent Trap and like it very much. It was put in on trial and we liked it so much and so well that we paid for it, and have never regretted that we put it in. Jefferson, Mass. JEFFERSON MANUFACTURING CO. f Your letter enquiring about the Littlefield Patent Steam Trap is re- ceived, and we gladly give it our highest endorsement. We are using one in place of six (6) large traps of another make that simply returned the water to a hot water tank, that under practically boiler pressure elevates the water some ten (10) feet, and another one that returns water from dry- ing: coils on which there are not over two or three pounds pressure. The Trap works very satisfactorily indeed. We shall order another within a few days. ARTHUR H. LOWE, Fitchburg, Mass. Treasurer Parkhill Manufacturing- Co. We are^highly pleased with the Littlefield Patent Trap. It is giving us perfect satisfaction. As yet we have found no defects, and its good points can readily be appreciated at sight simplicity and best results. Fitchburg, Mass. PUTNAM MACHINE CO. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 145 iiy BUNDY RETURN STEAM TRAP CONNECTED ON BOILER. The waters of condensation Toy their own weight furnish the valve opera- ting power, for when the water in the pear-shaped bowl over-balances the weight of the ball, it settles down into the frame, thereby opening the dis- charge valve. The live steam connection from top of boiler or dome to trap then equalizes the pressure on both trap and boiler, when the water, of its. own weight. discharges into the boiler. 146 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. I^efurn at\d fpanft team (praps. MADE UNDER THE LITTLEFIELD PATENTS. We have a great many more testimonial letters which will cheerfully be sent to parties on application. Will say in reply to your enquiry concerning the Littlefield Patent Trap, that I have one running and it works perfectly satisfactory. Cannot see any outs about it. I consider it very good. GEO. V. BEAN, Lewiston, Me. Agent Androscoggin Mills. We have several of the Littlefield Patent Traps in use and they have given very good satisfaction. In fact we do not know of any other that we con- sider as good. Sanford, Me. SANFORD MILLS. We have been using two of the Littlefield Patent Traps. We are using them as Tank Traps, and I think they are doing a very large amount of work, more than the size of Trap would warrant. They need some atten- tion, but I do not know that they need any more than any of the steam traps in use. On the whole I think they are as good as any Trap that I have had come under my notice. JOHN E WARREN, Cumberland Mills, Me. Agent S. D. Warren & Co. Gentlemen : In reply to yours of tho i4th, would say that we put in the first Littlefield Patent Trap in January, 1893, for a Clothes Drying Machine, and the second to drain the Receiver of a large Compound Engine in De- cember, 1893. Up to date we have had no trouble with either trap, and they work to our entire satisfaction. Yours truly, GEO. W. WEEKS, Clinton, Mass., March 15, 1894. Agent Lancaster Mills. We are using four of the Littlefield Patent Traps. They do good work, lave never ~ ever had an Have never given us any trouble. We consider them the best of any we and we have tried a number of them. C. B. BIGELOW, Clinton, Mass. Agent Bigelow Carpet Co. In reply to your enquiry of the i4th inst., regarding the Littlefield Patent Trap, will say that I have used two for two winters and they are the best I have ever used. No expense whatever in repairing them since they were put in. I don't know of any outs particularly about them and my experi- ence so far has all been in their favor. To work first rate, as I think mine do, they want to be set a little below the level of the return, and above the water line of the boiler. With these conditions I think they are the best thing out. J. W. CUMNOCK, Chicopee, Mass. Agent D wight Manufacturing Co We have had a Littlefield Patent Trap in use for several months and find it a serviceable machine, and all right if intelligently managed. CHAS. H. MANNING. Manchester, N. H. Supt. Amoskeag Manufacturing Co. The following are a few of the well known manufacturers and others who, are using the u Littlefield " Patent Traps. Lancaster Mills, Clinton, Mass.; Bigelow Carpet Co., Clinton, Mass.; Dwight Manufacturing Co., Chicopee, Mass.; Amoskeag Mills, Manchester, N. H . ; Assabet Manufacturing Co., Maynard, Mass . ; Nashua Card & Glazed Paper Co., Nashua, N. H. ; Massachusetts Cotton Mills, Lowell, Mass.; Columbian Mills, Greenville, N. H.; Champion Card & Paper Co., East Pepperell, Mass.; American Shearer Co., Nashua, N. H.; Jefferson Manu- facturing Co., Jefferson, Mass.; Fairchild Paper Co., East Pepperell, Mass.: Falulah Paper Co., Fitchburg, Mass. ; Adjustable Saw Table Co , Fitchburg, Mass.; Parkhill Manufacturing Co., Fitchburg, Mass.; Putnam Machine Co., Fitchburg, Mass.; Faulkner & Colony Mfg. Co., Keene, N. H.; Androscog- gin Mills, Lewiston, Me ; The Carman, Thompson Co., Lewiston, Me.; D. . Mowry & Son, Holliston, Mass. ; Sanford Mills, Sanford, Maine ; Cumber- land Mills, Westbrook, Me ; P. C. Cheney Co., EastTilton, N. H.; Spalding Brothers Co., Townsend Harbor, Mass.; Lowell Steam Boiler Works, Low- ell, Mass.; G. M. Parks, Steam Fitter, Fitchburg, Mass.; Russell Paper Co., Lawrence, Mass., School of Technology, Worcester, Mass.; Croker, Bur- bank & Co , Fitchburg, Mass.; Pepperell Card and Paper Co., Pepperell, Mass.; Albion Paper Co., Hoi yoke, Mass.; R. C. Pingree & Co., Lewiston, Maine ; Forest Paper Co., Yai mouth, Maine. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 147 SHOWING CARPET CUT WITHOUT MUTILATION FOR BUNDY FLOOR PLATE. BUNDY FLOOR PLATE. BUNDY CEILING PLATE. The Bundy Floor and Ceiling Plates are specially designed for conven- ient and economical use in point of saving of carpet and ample protection of wood work. The above cuts represent the Bundy Floor and Ceiling Plates, and also the opening in the floor with carpet cut and points turned back to fit in the concave portion of the Floor Plate. If it should become desirable to change the location of the Radiator, the four points of the car- pet will close together, and if sewed from the underside the cut will not be discernable, except under the closest possible scrutiny. The Bundy Floor Plate has a slotted sleeve (see A in above cut) so that it can be broken and set to place in halves after the pipes have been run. In such a case the fracture is irregular and the parts fit so closely together that it is not discernible, except upon the most careful examination. The Bundy Ceiling Plate is of ornamental pattern and is supplied with a set screw, engaging the pipe and holding the plate in position. The above plates are made in strict accordance with the building laws of the City of New York, and are endorsed by the Insurance Underwriters as being sufficiently heavy and having a sleeve sufficiently long to perfectly protect the surrounding wood work. BUNDY CAST IRON FLOOR AND CEILING PLATE PRICE LIST. SIZES IN INCHES. % i ifc ifc 2 2/ 2 3 3 1 A 4 4 l /2 5 6 Floor Plates, Plain . ii .14 .16 .20 25 3S .40 5 .6s 75 .80 I.OO " Nickel Pl'd .29 3 2 34 -38 43 .00 .65 .80 I.OO 1-15 1.25 1.50 Ceiling Plates, Plain " Nickel Pl'd .20 .40 .25 45 .29 49 32 52 .40 .60 5 75 75 I.OO I.OO 1.30 X 'S i. 60 148 A. A. GRIPFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. One of the many advan- tages Bundy Radiators have over all others is their artist- ic design and convenient form, being capable of all styles of handsome decora- tion, so that the radiator may be finished in perfect har- mony with the room in which it is placed. A few pleasing combinations are the follow- ing : BODY. Silver Copper Green Copper with DESIGN. Copper. Gold. Gold. Silver. Bundy Screw Top Full Opening Bronze Can. sPEcmn FIRST Will not change color under heat. SECOND Does not deteriorate the efficiency of the surface. THIRD Is finer and so covers more surface than any other. FOURTH Is put up in special screw top cans and so none is wasted as is the case when done up in paper. FIFTH Is cheaper than any other good Bronze, and more brilliant, and packages contain full weight, not 10 per cent, short as is generally the case with other Bronzes. SHADES OF BUNDY BRONZE. GOLD, SILVER, COPPER, GREEN, FLESH, FIRE, AND ANY OTHEKS WANTED. .... LIST PRICES BUNDY STAR GOLD BRONZE, $1.50 per Ib. " BROJMZE (other than Gold) 2.00 " STANDARD, EXTRA FINE BRONZE 2.50 " Special discounts on 500 Ib. lots taken in original packages shipped direct from our factory in Germany to any Bonded Warehouse in the United States. Manufactured expressly for and imported by us. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 149 ir\| biquid. The Bundy Bronzing Liquid is specially prepared from ingre- dients of the highest quality and while it can be used wi-th any bronze powder, past experience has shown that the very best re- sults are obtained when used with the Bundy Bronze Powder. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. FIRST Is pure and clear, con- taining no adulterations which most manufacturers use to lessen the cost. SECOND Does not make the Bronze Powder with which it is BUNDY BRONZING LIQUID CAN. mixed change color. THIRD Is as free from odor as it is possible to make it. When heat is ap- plied it does not emit that stifling odor common with cheap Bronzing Liquid. FOURTH A good Bronzing Liquid is as essential to best results as a good Bronze Powder. When a cheap article is used the process of decoration has to be often repeated, making the cost actually greater than if the Bundy Bronzing Liquid had been used in the first place, and then the Radiators would have presented a neat appearance in the meantime. FIFTH The Bundy Bronzing Liquid is the best, cheapest and most enduring, and spreads over more surface than any other. The best Bronze Powder made may look as bad as the poorest if used with a cheap, inferior Bronzing Liquid, and as a gallon of the liquid is enough to mix from four ta six pounds of Bronze, the slight difference in the cost as compared with a poor article adds but little to the price per pound of the Bronze, not enough to be worth mentioning. Put up in Gallon, Half-Gallon and Quarter=Gallon Cans. LIST PRICE &3.OO PER GALLON. When furnished in half-gallon or quarter-gallon cans add 10 cents for each can to above list price. MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY BY US. 150 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Enamels or Wj confidently claim for our Specially Prepared Bundy Enamels, or Japans as some call them, qualities of durability and handsome appearance, found by experience not possessed by any others. Knowing so well the requirements of such goods we have inces- santly striven to secure the standard of excellence which w r e have now attained, and parties desiring fine finishes for their radiators and pipes, for it is equally well adapted for application on wrought as cast iron surfaces, will do well to specify and use the Bundy Enamels. Unlike other enamels or japans, which retard the heating ef- ficiency of the surface to which they are applied, the Bundy Enamels have no effect on the surfaces unless it be to increase their radiating power. This is an important matter, for a finish that reduces the heating power 10 to 25 per cent, would be dear at any cost. The Bundy Enamels can be used with excellent effect in con- nection with bronze powder, that is, decorate the body of the radiator with enamel, touching up the design in bronze. The Bundy Blue Enamel and Bundy Pale Gold Bronze make a beauti- ful combination, also Terra Cotta and Silver, and Chocolate and Rich Gold, and many others. The enamel comes mixed ready for application, and the quan- tity required, although depending largely on the skill of the party applying same, is about i gallon to 150 square feet of surface, which is a safe basis on which to figure. The Bundy Enamels are put up in one-gallon, half-gallon and quarter-gallon cans, and as they do not deteriorate by standing, it is well for all steam and hot water fitters to keep a supply of same continually on hand. List Price for Flat or Dull Finish Enamels, . $3.00 per gallon. List Price for Gloss Finish Enamel, . . .3.00 " When furnished in half -gallon or quarter-gallon cans add 10 cents for each can to list price, BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. Bund^ Gnamelsor ^aparis. SPECIALLY PREPARED WITH OR WITHOUT GLOSS. Owing to the growing demand for a Radiator finish that will not only stand the heat but make available the various colors in which ordinary paints are furnished, we have brought out the specially prepared BUNDY ENAMELS which are furnished in the following colors : SAGE, BLUE, GLOSS MAROON, FLESH, SLATE, TERRA COTTA, FAWN, BLACK, DULL MAROON, WHITE, CHOCOLATE, BRONZE GREEN. . . . SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. First Do not impair the heating efficiency. Second Are practically odorless do not emit the stifling odor com- mon with most other enamels. Third Are pure and ground finer than any other, and so cover more surface. Fourth Are sold at a low price. Some may cost a few cents less, but are dear at any price not giving satisfaction. Fifth Put up in gallon, half-gallon and quarter-gallon tin packages, and instructions how to apply go with each package, although no skill is required in their application, and a child can do it. List Price for Flat or Dull Finish Enamels, . $3.00 per gallon. List Price for Gloss Finish Enamel, . . . 3.00 " When furnished in half-gallon or quarter gallon cans add 10 cents for each can to list price. 152 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. in^, 6nam^lin| and Paintii\| &ur\dy Radiators With our superior facilities we are in a position to decorate Ra- diators more cheaply before sending them out than parties can do so after they have been set to place, especially when only a few are wanted, when it would hardly pay to buy the necessary ma- terials with which to do the work. SHADES OF BUNDY BRONZE. *Pale Gold, Rich Gold, Gold Color, Green, *Copper, Flesh, Crimson, Green Gold, *Silver, Fire, Lemon, Orange. SHADES OF BUNDY ENAMEL. *Maroon, Sage, White, Bronze Green, *Blue, Fawn, Black, Terra Cotta, *Flesh, Chocolate, Slate, Gloss Maroon. *Usually used, either alone or in combination with others. LIST PRICE FOR BRONZING OR ENAMELING BUNDY RADIATORS IN ONE COLOR. Bundy Standard, Enlarged and Extended Surf ace, $0.30 per . Loop Bun dy Renaissance, with and without Pillars, .50 " Bundy Elite, Columbia and Triumph, - - . 60 ' ' Section Bundy Pyro, Pyro Wall and Princess, - - .75 " " Bundy Defiance and Defiance Bay Window, - .40 * For each additional color add 50 per cent, to above list. Wrapping in paper and boxing charged for extra at cost. The cover of all Bundy Radiator catalogues, printed in gold, are printed with our Bundy Star Gold Bronze BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 153 Electroplating Buncty Radiators. We are prepared to furnish Bundy Radiators electroplated in a full variety of colors, and while this style of finish costs somewhat more than bronzing or enameling, it should be borne in mind that it is more enduring, the Radiators not requiring redecorating as is necessary with other styles of finish. Electroplating brings out the design of an ornamental Radiator in a more striking manner than any other kind of finish, and may be had in perfect harmony with the general decorations of the room in which the Radiator is to be placed. Most any color may be had and parties desiring a particular shade should accompany their order with a sample, and while it may be impossible to match precisely the sample, we can come pretty near it ; however, after exercising every care possi- ble, we will in no case hold ourselves responsible for not securing the exact color. COLORS FURNISHED IN BRIGHT AND OXYDIZED FINISH : BRASS, SILVER, NICKEL, BRONZE, COPPER, ORNATE BRONZE. LIST PRICES ON ELECTROPLATING BUNDY RADIATORS, ANY HEIGHT, IN BRASS, BRONZE, NICKEL and COPPER. Bundy Plain Radiators, Steam or Hot Water, $5.00 per loop, Bundy Renaissance Radiators, Steam or Hot Water, $5.00 per loop. Bundy Elite, Columbia, Pyro and Pyro Wall, Steam, and Hot Water, $4.60 per section. Bundy Dining Room Radiator and Hot Closet com- plete, $150.00 each. FOR ELECTROPLATING IN NICKEL-SILVER ADD 30 PER CENT. TO ABOVE PRICES. 154 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. of Mercury Batl? The Bundy Hydro-ThermoTeter is used to record the temperature o the water in a hot water heating apparatus, and unlike all others, is sup- plied with a mercury bath in which the glass bulb is suspended. This insures absolute accuracy of record, /^ providing the Hydro-Thermometer 7AX - is placed where the bulb, which con- tains the mercury, is wholly im- mersed in the circulating hot water. Around the glass mercury bulb is a fine wire net to catch the glass in case of breakage, which, however, is not likely to occur. In case of such an accident, a new top is easily and quickly put in without interfering at all with the working of the heating apparatus, as the socket part need not be removed. If the mercury in the socket is spilled, be sure and re- place it, as accuracy of record can- not be secured without it. To make the Thermometer face in a different direction simply loosen the screw in the socket and turn the top around as may be necessary, then tighten the screw again. Sockets may be placed at various points in a heating apparatus so that with a single top the temperature may be ascertained at different lo- calities. All metal parts are heavily plated to prevent rusting and to make a handsome appearance. The figures on the scale plate are large and easily read even at a distance, while the glass tube is of the magnifying type so that the record is easily discernible at a distance. A USEFUL COMBINATION. Great satisfaction and economy may be derived by placing an ordinary air thermometer out doors near a win- dow where the changes in the temperature may be easily observed from within, then run the fire so as to make cor- responding changes in the temperature of the water in the heating apparatus. The Bundy Hydro-Thermometer registers from 60 de- grees to 280 degrees, being a longer range than is usually furnished . Dimensions. Length of Face Width of Face ...... Length of Top part Length of Socket Length below Threads Total Length FIG. H. I inches. List Prices. Straight Bundy Hydro-Thermometer $5.00 each. Angle 7.50 " Top only for Bundy Straight Hydro-Thermometer 4.00 " Top only for Bundy Angle Hydro-Thermometer 6.50 " Base or Socket only for Bundy Hydro-Thermometer 2.00 " BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 155 Bund^ Separable Mercur^ Batl?^l?ermo~team A Steam Pressure Indicator combining Ab- solute Accuracy with Unfailing Reliability. Thermometer and Steam Combined. J270J-30 The Scale from to 30 indicates Pres- sure in Ibs. The Scale from 150 to 270 indicates Temperature in degrees. Far Superior to any Spring Gauge in Accuracy, Sensitive- ness and Durability. ^tMMBH^BIHBHM^ Will indicate pressures to the fractional part of one (1) pound. Will cost less for repairs, have longer life, and give better satisfaction than any other indicator heretofore used. Of especial interest to fitters and manufacturers of steam heating appa- ratus, who should look into this matter and test the merits of this instru- ment. The Spring Gauge will not indicate the very low pressures, i or 2 Ibs., as usually carried on low pressure systems, and hence, in most instances, be- comes in a measure practically useless for the purpose for which it is intended. It also very soon becomes unreliable, and so apparent is this that several of the prominent Heater Manufacturers have adapted in its stead THE BUNDY THERflO=STEAri GAUGE, which indicates, with abso- lute accuracy, the fractional parts of a pound pressure and instantly responds to the slightest variations, and will remain unchangeable after years of use and service, and, if broken, can be repaired at small expense, in the manner as our Bundy Separable Hydro-Thermometer. We solicit a comparative test to demonstrate the practical application of our Bundy Thermo-Steam Gauge for Steam Heating, and will send samples to any responsible house for that purpose. LIST PRICES. Straight Bundy Thermo-Steam Gauge, .... Angle Top only for Bundy Straight Thermo-Steam Gauge, . Top only for Bundy Angle Thermo-Steam Gauge, . Base or Socket only for Bundy Thermo-Steam Gauge, . 156 A. A. GRIFFItfa IRON CO., NEW YORK!. Mafble ^ops and Siases. In describing these Marble Tops we find it difficult to give a correct idea of them. As marble varies in color we cannot guarantee them to always be exactly like our description, but we come pretty close to it. Please to bear in mind that all marble will not stand heat. We guarantee ours, as well as perfect fits every time, which is strong argument why you should order from us. Tennessee (D) Brownish Red. In the Cumberland Mountains is found the Tennessee Marble. We secure our supply from the well-known Hawkin's Quarry, noted because its Marble has fast colors, unbleachable in the sun- light. Its predominant color is red* handsomely flecked with spots and veins of crystalized white, which, blending with the red, takes on a sort of brownish hue. Mexican Onyx (F) Pearl White. This beautiful Marble is purely of a vol- canic formation, originating in a violent eruption of the Volcano Popocate- petl, after which the golden quartz, which had been reduced to a white heat, solidified, becoming a semi-transparent mass of rare beauty. Of all the different Onyx that from the Tecali Quarry, situated 35 miles from the City of Mexico, is conceded by connoisseurs to be the best, and it certainly is the most richly endowed with natural beauty. The striking ice-like ap- pearance of our Onyx shows the different lines of scintillating colors, which under varying circumstances give forth all the prismatic colors of the rain- bow. No marble is better adapted than Onyx to surmount a Bundy Radi- ator in a Parlor, Drawing or Reception room of Renaissance, Oriental, Ara- besque or Moorish style of furnishing. Belgium Black (P) Black. This Marble is found in the Garrone Quarries, in the southern part of Belgium. It has a rich velvety black color, which gives it the appearance of elegance and is a good Marble for either Radi- ator tops or bases, esp cially the latter. Its rich color is no doubt largely due to the high polish which it takes. Numedian (B) Rose. This is probably one of the oldest Marbles known, as history shows that as far back as B C 77 the ancient Romans raised a 20 foot column of Numedian to the memory of Caesar in the Forum. The Marble has a rich and delicate rose color, made more beautiful, if possible, with resplendent veins of yellow and chance spots and veins of black lined with a rose tint of lighter hue. Sienna (T) Gold. All the Golden sunshine of sunny Italy seems to have en- tered this beautiful Sienna Marble. The predominant color is gold with delicate veins of pearl and purple running through it, and even the yellow gold color has different shades to assist the general harmony. This is one of the handsomest Marbles known, and looks well wherever used, especially in a light sunny room. St. Beaume (U) Gold and Dove. This Marble is taken from the renowned Tortosa Quarry in the Pyrenees of France. It is richly endowed with gold and dove colors well mixed, with occasional spots of pink and crystalized white, and light scarcely noticeable, veins of purple. A Bundy Radiator setting upon a Belgium Black Base and surmounted with one of these Tops is well suited for any of the handsomer rooms in our modern houses Vermont (A) Milk White. A rare specimen of milk white marble inter- spersed with fine, barely distinguishable, grayish veins and spots. Italian (B) Btue White. This marble is found in Italy in the well-known Carrara Quarries of sculptural fame. Knoxvill** (C) Pink. A rare specimen of pink colored Marble, thoroughly mixed with fine spots of white crossed with chance veins of the same color or gray or even both. Glens Falls (K)Jet Black. An excellent Marble, both for Radiator Tops and Bases, especially the latter, where its dark color gives an appearance of special elegance. Ophite (G) Green and White. A serpentine Marble with its predominant color dark green. Italian Dove (H) Light Blue. An excellent Marble for a blue room. Royal Ke (I) Brownish Red. Also called Rouge Royal, has the colors red^ brown, drab and white, but the prevailing color is a brownish red. Aurania Griotte (J) Dark Drab. Eschaleon (K) Light Yellow. St. nne ( ) Dark Drab and White. Napoleon (M) Dark Fawn. Joinville (N) Gray Loraine (O) Light Fawn. Griotte (O) Blood-red. Alps Green (S) Dark Green. Formosa (V) Dark Purple. Lavanto (H) Sage Green. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. Marble (pops and Bases. M " *&$,.?%: "" th Radiator. s Italian (B). Knoxville (C). 'lennessee (U). Black Glen Falls (E). g M h fi a go I Ophite (G). Italian Dove (H).| OS'S***' OC* ^S'c-B'o^ o|coSJ i X 3 ) .90 li.os Ii.55 li.75 $4.00 >2.2O 2-45 $3-75 $4-25 iX 4 1.05 1.25 1-75 2.05 4.60 2-55 2.80 4-25 4-75 iX 5 1.20 1.40 2.05 2.30 5-20 2.90 3-20 4-75 5-50 i X 6 1-35 i. 60 2.30 2.65 6.00 3- 2 5 3-6o 5-50 6.25 i X 7 i-5 i. 80 2.50 2.90 6. 20 3-4 3-75 5-75 6.50 i X 8 i. 80 2.10 3.10 3 50 7-50 4- I 5 4.60 7-25 8.50 iX 9 i.95 2.30 3.25 3-85 8.20 4-70 5-20 7-75 9-25 i X 10 2.IO 2.50 3-50 4.20 8.80 5-00 5-50 8.50 IO.OO i X ii 2.35 2-75 3-80 4-55 9.40 5-50 6.05 9.00 11.00 I X 12 2-55 3-oo 4-15 5.00 IO.OO 6.00 6.60 IO.OO "75 i X 13 2.70 3- J 5 4-50 5.60 12.00 6.80 7 So 10.75 13-5 i X 14 2.8 5 3-35 4.80 6.15 I3.OO 7.40 8.15 11.50 14-75 i X 15 2-95 3-45 5.00 6.30 I3'50 7.70 8.50 11.75 15-25 i X 16 3 .10 3.60 5-45 6.60 I4.OO 8.00 8.80 13.00 15-75 i X 18 3-40 3-95 5-95 7.20 15.40 8.70 9.60 14.25 17-25 I X 20 4.00 4-65 6.50 8.00 Special price. 0.50 0.45 15.75 19.00 i X 22 4.40 5.10 7.00 8.80 " 1.40 1-45 17.00 20.75 i X2 4 4.90 5-7 7 90 9.80 " 1.85 3.05 19.00 23-75 i X 26 5.00 6.00 8.05 10.25 u 2.00 3-20 19.50 24.00 2X 3 1-35 i. 60 2.40 3.00 6.00 3-50 3.85 5-75 7.00 2X4 1.50 J -75 2.65 3-25 6.80 4.00 4-4 6.25 7-75 2X 5 1-95 2.30 3- I 5 3-85 8.00 4.70 5.20 7.50 9-25 *X 6 2.15 2-55 3.6o 4.40 9.00 5- 10 5.60 8.50 10.50 2X7 2.40 2.80 3-95 4.85 IO.OO 5.8o 6.40 9-5 11.50 2X8 2.80 3-25 4.50 5-45 12. OO 6.50 7- I 5 10-75 13.00 2X9 3.00 3-45 4-85 5-95 12.75 7.10 7.80 11.50 14-25 2 X 10 3-30 3-8 5 5.25 6.50 I3-50 7.9 8.70 12-75 15-75 2 X II 3-55 4-15 5-7 6.95 14.50 8.40 9.25 13.75 i6.75 2X 12 3-85 4-50 6.15 7-55 16.00 9.00 9.90 114.75 18.25 2X 13 4-5 4-75 6.60 8.05 17.00 9.80 10.80 15-75 19.50 2X 14 4-35 5.10 7.00 8.60 i8.75 0.40 H.45 17.00 20.75 2 X 15 4-65 5-45 7-55 Q. 10 22.00 1. 00 12. IO 18.25 22.00 2 X 16 4.90 5-7 7.90 9.65 26.OO ii.7 12.90 19.00 23.25 2 X 18 5-55 6-50 $.95 10.95 Special price. i3. 2 5 I 4 .60 21.50 26.50 2 X 20 6.00 7.00 9-75 11.90 u 14.40 15.85 23.50 28.75 2 X 22 6.60 7.70 10.50 12.95 15.70 17.30 25-50 3I-25 2 X 24 7-55 8.25 11.40 14.00 I 7 .0 18.70 27.50 34-oo 2 X 2 6 7.80 9.10 13 X 5 16.20 u 19.70 21.70 3i.75 39-25 3X 3 i. 80 2.10 3.00 3 60 8.00 4.25 4-7 7-25 8.50 3X 4 2.10 2-45 3-45 4.15 9.00 5.0 5.50 8.25 10.00 3X 5 2.40 2.80 3-85 4-75 II. OO 5-75 6.35 9- 2 5 11.50 3X6 2.85 3-35 4-75 5-7 14.00 6.80 7.50 11.50 13-75 "> s/ f 3-15 3-70 5' 10 6.30 16.00 7-7 8.50 12.25 15-25 3X 8 3-45 4-05 5.00 7 oo 18.00 8.50 9-35 I3-50 17.00 3X 9 3-9 4-55 6.30 7.7 20.00 9.25 10.20 15.25 18.50 3X 10 4.20 4 9 6.85 8.3 22.00 IO.OO 11.00 16.50 20.00 3 X ii 4.60 5-35 7-35 q.io 24.00 11.00 12.10 17-75 22.OO 3 X 12 5.10 5-95 8-35 IO.IO 26.00 t2.2 13.50 20.00 24.50 3X13 5-55 6.50 9.10 II. I 28.00 13 5 14.85 22.00 27.OO 3X 15 6.00 7.00 9-75 ii. 8 Special price 14.2 15.7 23.50 28.50 4X 4 2.65 3.10 4.40 5-5 12. OO 6.50 7.15 10.50 I3.OO 4X 5 3.10 3.60 5.00 6.0 I4.OO 7. 2 8.oc 12. OO 14.50 4X6 4X8 3.60 4.15 5.60 7.00 16.00 20.00 8.50 10 6 9-35 ii .75 I3-50 I7.OO 21.25 4X ic 4.90 5-75 7.90 9-7 24.00 ii '.6 T-z'.sl 19.00 23-25 4X 14 7-5 8.25 I i-55 14.00 34.00 17.00 18.70 28.00 34.00 4 >< 18 8.10 9-45 13- 15 !5-9 Special price 19.2 21. 2C 31-75 38.50 4X 20 9.00 10.50 14-35 17.9 " 21.2 23. 4 C 34-75 42.50 4 X 22 10. 80 12. 6c *7 5^ 22.7 u 2 7 .6 30.4- 42-50 55-25 4X24 12. OO 14. oc 19.25 24.5 " 29.7 32.7! 46.75 59-50 loCir. 2.65 3. ic 4.2C 5.2 12.00 6.7 7-4 c 10.00 12-75 15 u 3-25 3-8c 5-ic 6-3 14.00 7-7 8.5 C 12.25 15-25 20 " 3-75 4-4C 6.oc 7-4 17.00 9-oc 9-9 c 14.50 18.00 26 " 4 .6c 5-35 7>5f 9.1 22.00 II. OC 12. 1C 18.25 22.00 34 " 6.25 7-3 c 10.1 = 12. 1 28.00 14.7 l6.2C 24-50 29.25 5o ' 8.25 9-6f 13 -4c l6. 4 40.00 20. OC 22. OC 32.50 40.00 72 " 10. 2C ii. 9c 16.6* 21 .OC OO.OO 25-5 28.0J 40.25 5I.OO 26 Col. 5-3 = 6.2< 8.& 10.5 24.00 I2. 7 14-0! 20.75 25.50 34 " 7-5C 8. 7 ; 12.2 14.9 36.00 18. oc 19. 8c 9-75 36.00 loCor i.8c 2. 1C 1 6. 6^ 3.oc 2O. I 3 .6c 5O.OO 8.00 24.4 4.2 26. 8_ 4-7< 40.25 7.00 48.75 8.50 15 " 2.2 = 2.6, 3-5< 4-4 IO.OO 5-2 5.8c 8.50 10.50 20 3-<* 3-5< 4-9C 6.oc 14.00 7.2 8.oc n-75 14.50 CUTTING HOLE in Column Radiator Tops $1.00 net will be charg-ed extra. MARBLE TOPS, 1 INCH THICK, add to above prices 15 per cent.; 1% inch thick, MARBLE BASES. % INCH THICK (excepting Onyx), add for 1 row, 85 per cent, cent.; 3 row, 20 per cent. : i row, Circular, Corner and Column, 15 per cent. 85 per cent. ; 2 row, 25 per 158 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. Glife and Columbia Marble BUNDY ELITE MARBLE TOP SUPPORT. The accompanying cut represents the cast iron extension piece, two of which when placed on the Bundy Elite Radiator affords a rest for the mar- ble top. Can be put on and removed at will. Unless the Radiator is very long two of these extension pieces are sufficient, but in the case of very long radiators it is well to use three, one in the centre. By using the above extension pieces, marble tops can be placed on any Elite Radiator at any time, and we give below list prices on some varieties, although as full a variety as is given on a preceding page can be furnished. These prices are subject to same conditions as to thickness, style of edge, etc., set forth on a previous page. LIST PRICES 75 CENTS PER PAIR. LIST PRICE OF ELITE AND COLUMBIA MARBLE TOPS. Radiator. Vermont. T*** " Daisy " patten jiVet 09orR (pop. Much can be said in praise of the Bundy Daisy Top. It is strong and there is not much danger of its breaking. So many Radiators have light tops which break the first time anything is set on them, that a good top like that furnished with all Bundy Radiators is appreciated. The number of daisies in the top corre- spond with the number of loops in the Radia- tors, and so the exact size can be ascertained, even when the Radiator is closely packed in among others. The fret work part of the top can be re- moved and a marble top set on the binder quickly at any time. Bandy team and ffot Water Standard boop. FULL SIZE CROSS SECTION OF BUNDY RADIATOR LOOP. A lineal length of. 12 inches of the Bundy Standard Loop represents one square foot of heating surface. The Bundy Enlarged and Extended Sur- face Loop has 20 per cent more surface. 176 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW ^ORK. eam and ffot Wafer Direct I^adiafof. TRADE TRIUMPH MARK. LIST OF SIZES AND DIMENSIONS. Number of Sections. Length in Inches. OPENINGS. SQUARE FEET OF HEATING SURFACE. Steam. Hot Water. 36" high. 5 x /2 square ft. per Section. One Pipe. Two Pipes i 5 x M i X i 5 y 2 2 8 X % i X i ii 3 ii x % i X i 1 6^ 4 14 x % i X i 22 5 17 x4 x % i X i 27^ 6 20 M x % i X i 7 2 3 ^4 x M i X i 38^ 8 26 x4 x4 X jlX v/ jl/ 9 29 M x4 x 1^4 x 1^4. 49^ 10 32 x4 J4 x i% x 1^4 55 ii 35 |a /4 X ix4. X i^2 6oJ^ 12 38 ^ x4 X iM x 1/4 66 13 4 1 /^ x4 x iM x i^ 7 I x^ 14 44 x*2 x4 x iM x 1^4 77 15 47 y& X ^4 I^ X Ix"^ 82^ 16 50 ^ /^ x J4 I x y ^ X I^ 88 17 53 /^ x /4 x /^ X ij^ 93^ 18 H /^ x /4 i^ x i^ 99 ig 59 /^ x ^4 i^ x i^ 104^ 2O 62 ^ x ^4 x x^ X ij^ no 21 65 ^ x M J x^ X I^ 11 5x^ 22 68 V^ x ^4 !x^ X I/^ 121 23 7 1 el / X, 1 / T x4 X 1^ 126^ 24 74 ij^ X i^ 132 25 77 ... i^ X i^ Width of legs, 8^"; sections, 8". Center of Tapping distant from floor about as follows, if tapped %" 4^" ; i" 4^" ; i%" 4^" ; 1 1^" 5" ; 2" 5". The distance varies on account of using detach- able bushings, which are tapped eccentric. This radiator is furnished with detachable legs which are fastened to the sections with machine screws. Radiators will be tapped Right Hand in accordance with above list unless otherwise ordered. By the use of legs i" or 2" higher and lower, the Bun dy Triumph Radiator may be had in the following heights : 34", 35", 36", 37" .and 38", but unless otherwise specified on orders, Radiators will be furnished with legs to build 36" high, and with ornamental cast iron fret work top. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 177 BUNDY TRIUMPH RADIATOR. BUNDY TRIUMPH RADIATOR, WITHOUT TOP. For list of sizes, see opposite page. 178 A. A. GRIFFINQ, IRON CO., NEW YORK. 's Patent ImproOed Double Disft By the peculiar construction of the pat- ent cylindrical wedge and the full cir- cular bearing upon the back of the disk or gate, the wear is taken from the face and seat, thus ensuring a perfect seating and the impossibility of the disks spring- ing, bending or getting out of shape. The disks are raised by their lugs com- ing in contact with corresponding shoul- ders on the wedge. All stem threads are cut square. All parts are interchange- able, and can be supplied upon short notice. A first-class valve throughout. Superior in workmanship and quality of metal. THE BEST IN THE WORLD ! PATENTED MAY 2sth, 1880. BEST STEAM METAL, ALL BRASS. 14 M i iJ4 T U 2 "8 .2 *-' d ^ o> .22 ^ S .5 of H * S O 1 1 1 S) ^ 8 g S f;B,5 55 o rt Cfl fa S S & S 2 $10 OO 12 OO 6M 12 23 6 18 32 7 3 15 oo 7^ 3 7% 38 8 18 oo 7^ 36 8^ 50 8/^ 4 20 oo 9 52 8M 60 9 23 oo 58 8% 78 5 25 oo 9% 70 9% QO 10 6 30 oo io M IO 5 i *35 ii 7 40 oo ii 145 I M 165 13 8 50 oo 12^ 200 2^4 218 14 9 57 13 276 3 Q/ 320 r 4'M o 65 oo I 3/4 300 3% 360 16 2 qo oo 4% 475 19 4 7% 745 21 6 9/^2 IIOO 23 8 20 5 co 25 20 25 IQ^O 27 180 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 181 Cd si *s & 5 ^p CD K< C O i*N Cd ,_, So 182 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. O o H o o a g o Cfl H Q o w BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 183 HOTEL NEW NETHERLAND, NEW YORK CITY. W. H. HUME, Architect. GILLIS & GOEGHEGAN, Heating Contractors. HEATED WITH BUNDY RADIATORS. 184 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. EDISON BUILDING, NEW YORK CITY. BAKER, SMITH & CO., Heating Contractors. HEATED WITH BUNDY RADIATORS. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 185 HOTEL KENMORE, ALBANY, N. Y. FULLER & WHEELER, ROBBINS, GAMWELL & CO., Architects. Heating- Contractors. JERSEY CITY CLUB, JERSEY CITY, N. J. F. P. DINKLEBERG, BAKER, SMITH & CO, Architect. Heating Contractors. HEATED WITH BUNDY RADIATORS. 186 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. m i; IP : r : : **:p \m m i lm & \m mi iPP" !P: itPP : i :; |?i j*.f. ;P i . r ;r m- .mm Iff: !PP- IP! m m im i : fP iPi Pfiriiir liE^iii^iir i IF; |j I P 1; P . ?W f |: ;S- :t* WESTINGHOUSE BUILDING, PITTSBURG, PA. ANDREW PEEBLES, Architect. TOMPKINS & ULLRICH, Heating Contractors. HEATED WITH BUNDY RADIATORS. BUNDY RADIATORS AND HEATING SPECIALTIES. 187 McKIM, MEAD & WHITE, Architects. HOTEL IMPERIAL, NEW YORK CITY. GILLIS & GOEGHEGAN, Heating Contractors. HEATED WITH BUNDY RADIATORS. 188 A. A. GRIFFING IRON CO., NEW YORK. UNION STOCK EXCHANGE, NEW YORK CITY. GEORGE B. POST, BAKER, SMITH & CO., Architects. Heating Contractors. HEATED WITH BUNDY RADIATORS. And now a Few Words Regarding the Following Pages. WE are frequently requested by parties who are corresponding with us relative to the most approved methods of Heating and Ventilation to give them the names of reliable houses manufacturing goods required in new buildings, such as Elevators, Gas Fix- tures, Blinds, Roofing Tin, etc., and so have concluded to devote these few remaining pages to illustrating and describing such goods as will likely interest our readers, and if parties will write the various concerns mentioned they will secure a vast amount of valuable information. The sending of a postal card to each one will be suffi- cient. In writing, kindly always mention " Bundy Radiator Catalogue." A. A. GRIPPING IRON CO. Fine Catalogue Illustrations. Speei/r\ei} proofs ii> apy lipe of sept 09 application When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. The Imperial Portable $ Boiler Will keep your house Warm Night and Day. Is No Back Number. It Leads Them All. The Most Perfect Worker. The Best Looker. And it Radiates No Heat in Basement. Is a Steel Boiler with Cast Iron Fire Box. Also Double Return Flue, which is All Vertical and Self Cleaning. Has More Direct Fire Surface than any other Boiler made and No Packed Joints. 3STO FOR Plans and Specifications. MANUFACTURED BY GAYLORD & EITAPENC, ,- :o BINGHAMTON, N. Y. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 190 THE AtiBfclRN AND MOT WtfER ?!& BOILER FOR 120W PRESSURE HEATING. \ Economical in fuel. Durable. Easily Erected. Prices Low. Magazines made by water ring. Cannot burn out or make gas. Boilers fully up to rating. For Catalogue and Discount apply to IE\ NEW YORK: 15 Dey Street. CHICAGO: 34 Dearborn Street. BOSTON : 177-179 Fort Hill Square. PHILADELPHIA: 18 South Seventh Street. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 191 HARTMAN'S , SLIDING WINDOW BLINDS. A pleasing substitute for the old style of hinged blinds ; more convenient and more durable, com- bined with elegance and comfort ; slide up and down like sashes ; easily moved and stay where placed. Artistic styles and finishes made to order, with slat and panel work of beautiful desings; frames light and strong ; can be removed and replaced in a moment without the use of tools; require no special frame, as they can be at- tached with equal facility to any window, old or new. IN one such can be obtained elsewhere. The most popular blind in the market ; tens of thousands are in use. HARTMAN'S^ NEW AND IMPROVED FLY SCREENS, Which permit the flies to pass out and not retnrn ; a feature much appreciated by the ladies. SEND 6 CENT STAMP FOR THEIR NEW 100 PAGE ILLUS- TRATED CATALOGUE. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. ADDRESS: HARTMAN SLIDING BLIND Co., CRESTLINE, OHIO, U. S. A. No. 33 Lincoln Avenue. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 192 TORRID" HEATER, FOR STEM OR HOT WATER. "THE. Is Practical in Design. It is_Safe, being Tested to 200 Pounds. iTis Easy to Manage and Keep Clean. ifTs Durable. It is Sectional and Easily Handled. ) It has no Packed Joints. It is Self-Feed or Surface-Burning. i It has the " Torrid " Rocking and Dumping Grate. ) It is Low in Price. Manufactured by Send for Catalogue. When ivriting Advertisers, please mention Bnndy Radiator 193 Hackettstown, N. J. f y u bi IT/ JACOB R1NGLE& SON, 83-85 NEWARK AVE., JERSEY CITY, N. J. TELEPHONE 463. MANUFACTURERS OF T Architectural Sheet Metal Work, * Sheet Metal Building Fronts, * Galvanized Iron Cornices, T Metal Skylights, T Corrugated Iron Siding and Roofing, T Metal Ceilings. AGENTS FOR v The Celebrated Brownville, Maine, T Roofing Slate. ALSO, T Metal, Slate, Tile, and Gravel Roofing. ESTIMATES FURNISHED FOR WORK IN ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY. * * SEND FOR CATALOGUE. * * When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 194 TheScollayHotWaterBoilers For Warming Dwellings, Stores, Offices, Churches, Etc., Etc. THE SCOLLAY BOILER, C SERIES. The C Series 1f are specially adapted for house warming. They have direct and revertible flue. All inner parts'are easy of access for cleaning. Also the " SCOLLAY " IMPROVED SECTIONAL BOILER for warming large buildings of every description, and the celebrated patent " PORTABLE BOILER" for greenhouses, poultry houses, gas holders, swimming tanks, baths, baptisteries, laundries, etc., etc. Illustrated catalogue and price-list mailed free on application. JOH N]A. SCOLLAY, 74 & 76 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 168 Bradley HubtardMfe Co, DESIGNERS AND MAKERS OF High Class Goods, GAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT, OR OIL FIXTURES. New Designs. Fine Finishes. FIRE-PLACE FURNITURE, Fenders, Andirons, Fire Sets, Etc. THE CELEBRATED B.&H. Lamps. Best in Every Particular. ART METAL GOODS, New and Attractive Finishes. You are invited to inspect our Productions at our Salesrooms. NEW YORK: BOSTON: CHICAGO: PHILADELPHIA: 26 Park Place. 160 Congress St. 204 Masonic Temple. 710 Betz Building. Factories and Offices: MEKIDEN, CONN. WE WILL BE GLAD TO SEND YOU OUR LITTLE BOOK. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 196 The McLellan Sectional Safety Steam Boiler PATENTED NOV. 1. 1892. In sizes from 10 horse- power to 100 horse- power, and to carry steam from 10 pounds to 150 pounds with safety. For Heating Buildings of all kinds by Steam. Also for Running Engines. Has Shaking and Dumping Grate, burns No. 2 Chestnut Coal and all other kinds of fuel. BOILER COMPLETE, WITH CASING CUT AWAY. LITTLE WONDER SECTIONAL HOT WATER HEATER. THE BEST HEATER ON EARTH. Heating Power in square feet of direct radiator, from 300 feet to 5000 feet. Send for descriptive circulars. Will sell State.Rights or take a partner wfth means to in- crease the business. ADDRESS : C.T.McLELLAN PATENTEE AND BUILDER, P"/X^~T~>ISJ P 5 /X LITTLE WONDER SECTIONAL HOT WATER HEATER. C ^ F When ivritiiig Advertisers, please mention B'tndy Radiator Catalogue. 197 . ]VL , N. Y., MANUFACTURER OF Plumbers' Supplies. cy's COPPER BATH TUBS A SPECIALTY. COPPER RANGE BOILERS, COPPER SINKS, COPPER BALLS. PLUMBERS' CABINET WORK. Water Closet Tanks, Seats, Tank Boards, &c. Flush and Supply Pipes. PLUMBERS' BRASS WORK. Bath Traps, Bath Plugs, Bath Wastes, Bath Cocks, Lavatory Traps, Brackets, Waste Supply Pipes, Brass Ferules, Trap Screw Ferules, Valves, Ball Cocks, Floor Plates, Boiler Couplings, &c. LEAD DRUM TRAPS, Made from Drawn Lead. OFFICE : 92 Walker St., neat* Centre, SEND FOR CATALOGUE. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 198 Standard Agents Wanted Hot Water or Steam, Boilers LU (0 z 111 Q. X 111 LU -J z h i h Ul X (0 111 o z o D > 0) D C o 73 Z D m 73 Rapid Circulation, Unobstructed Water Ways, Sheet Fire Surfaces, Down Draft Exit, Economical. GIBLIN & CO., This Boiler Sells Itself. UT/CA, N. y., U. S. A, When writing Advertisers, please mention Bimdy Radiator Catalogue. A Good Tn Roof. How TO SECURE IT. Use the Genuine Taylor "Old Style " Brand of Extra-Heavy Coated Roofiing Tin WHAT is IT ? The Genuine Taylor "Old Style" is the same kind of Roofing Tin that was first made in Philadelphia in 1830, and then handled by N. & G. TAYLOR Co. This tin covers many of the oldest buildings in Philadelphia and elsewhere, and these tin roofs are just as good to-day as when first put on, over 60 years ago. The wear is the true test of value. Beware of "imitations" sold under similar sounding names; none is the genuine unless each sheet is stamped with the thickness, trade-mark and brand, and the name of N. & Q. Taylor Co., guarantors. SAMPLES SENT ON APPLICATION. None Genuine without this stamp on each sheet. N. & Q. Taylor Co., Manufacturers, Philadelphia. ESTABLISHED 1810. 8sth YEAR. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 200 THE D ACK Hot Water Circulating Boiler IS THE LATEST AND BEST. It has return flues, compelling the heat to travel three times the entire length of boiler before entering chimney, thus insuring economy in fuel. Write for Catalogue and Prices. The Hayes Pump I Planter Co. 10 Ash St., QALVA, ILL. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 201 Improved Heater Receiver and Purifier The engraving shows an Improved Heater, designed with especial reference to the wants of Architects and .... Engineers in large heating systems .... Sfe .'-.,:: x It utilizes the exhaust for heating and receives the returns from the heating system and is automatic in the control of the cold water and of the returns. This Heater is furnished with a large amount of heating surface for heating the water and for depositing the scale producing salts, and also a large water space for the heated water and returns. An oil extractor is arranged to remove the oil from the steam before it enters the Heater. The inlet and outlet of the Heater are so placed that there is no danger of water entering the cylinder even if it were not automatically controlled, but the water to and from the Heater is auto- matically controlled. When the head is removed, access can be had to every part for removing the shelves and cleaning the Heater. The heads and shell are made to resist back pressure in heating systems. -THE- Stilwell-Bierce & Smith=VaiIe Co. DAYTON, OHIO. When writing Aloertissrs, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 202 McNAB & HARLIN MFG. CO., Manufacturers of COCKS, PLUMBERS' BRASS WORK, Globe Valves, Gauge Cocks, Steam Whistles, Water Gauges, WROUGHT IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS, . . . AND . . . Plumbers' and Gas Fitters' Tools. No. 56 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. Factory: PATBRSON, N. J. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 203 In suit against infringement the Keystone Union Patent has been fully sustained June 5th, J894, by U. S. Circuit Court. PATENTED AUGUST 2d, 1887. MANUFACTURERS OF THE KEYSTOIE SOFT METAL The KEYSTONE UNION is packed in the head piece with a concave soft metal washer made of Keystone Metal, which is forced by heavy pressure into an undercut groove ; this head piece, coming in contact with the opposing convex tail piece, forms a Ball-Joint. The following are the principal advantages over other unions on the market: Can be made tight without a perfect alignment of the piping. Can be screwed and unscrewed indefinitely without injury. Requires but little pressure to make a tight joint. The construction of the seat insures a tight joint. KEYSTONE UNIONS are furnished with COMPOSITION PACKING for HIGH STEAM PRESSURES. Have been adopted by a large number of Locomotive Builders and Railroads as their Standard Union. They are well adapted for use on Marine Boilers and Engines, Steamboat Work, Gas Engines, Radiators, Steam Heating, Chemical Works, Salt Mines, Ice Machines, or any place difficult of access for repairs, as they do not require the replacing of washers and take the place of long screws, particularly for hot water connections. REQUIRE NO WASHER. STANLEY G. FLAGG & CO., NORTH 19tli STREET, PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE AND HAMILTON STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Manufacturers of Malleable Iron and Cast Iron Fittings, Etc., for Con= nections of Wrought Iron Pipe. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 204 HP HE subscription price of "Shoppell's Modern Houses" has pre- 1 viously been $4.00 a year. We now propose to give the same number of new designs (35, costing from $600 to $12,000) in each number at a reduced price. Our object is to double the circulation. Designs for Mantels, Staircases, Remodeling Old Stairs, Interior Views, Article on House Painting, Hot Houses, Bill of Materials, and numerous kindred subjects. One year's subscription (No. 42, No. 43 and No. 44 NOW READY ; No. 45, Jan. ist, 1895) $4.00 Handsome " Color Sheet," showing colored designs 50 Your choice of any one book from list below i.oo Regular price $5- 50 All the above sent post-paid to any one address for $2.00. Or, all the above and full set (19 to 33 inclusive), as described in list below, $10.00. Any seven books from list, and "Color Sheet," $5.00. Any four for $3.00. Single book, $1.00. BUILDING DESIGNS-CLASSIFIED AS TO COST. book contains 72 pages, fine heavy paper; size of each C/ page 11x15 inches. Large views, floor plans, cost, all dimen- sions and full descriptions of each design are given. Price of materials and labor on which estimates are based, are given. In addition to the 25 classified designs, each book contains 14 designs of various costs, making 39 designs in each book No. 19 contains 25 designs 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2? 28 2 9 30 31 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 $600 Cottages," Price, $1.00 1,000 Cottages," I.OO 1,500 Cottages," I.OO 2,000 Cottages," I.OO 2,500 Houses, .00 3,000 Houses, .00 3,3oo Houses, ' .00 3,5oo Houses, ' .00 4,000 Houses, .00 4,5oo Houses, .00 5,000 Houses, ' .00 6,000 Houses, ' .00 7,5oo Houses, ' .00 No. 32 contains 20 Double Cottages and 20 Stables, Price, $1,00 No. 33 contains 25 Designs " $10,000 (and over) Houses," . . . i.oo Address The Co-operative Building Plan Ass'n, 108 Fulton St., New York. Box 2702. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 205 fl/iQNESi/1 SECTION/. They are applied as a covering to steam pipes, etc., etc. They are the best fire-proof non- conductors of heat in use, hence they keep in the most heat and save the most coal, and are per- manently durable. They are sightly and easily applied. They are far and away the best and the most serviceable to the coal user and the most creditable to the contractor. WH> ALSO SECTIONflL COVERINQS. These are fire-proof non-conductors of somewhat lower value and of much lower price. Designed for heat-pipe work and other low-tem- perature service. PRICES FURNISHED AND INQUIRIES RESPONDED TO WITH PLEASURE BY ROBERT A. KEflSBEY, BUFFALO: a, 54 WdRREN STREET, 1 1 9 Franklin Street. * NEW YORK. General Dealer in Best Quality of Hair, Felt and Asbestos Goods. When writing Advertisers, please mention. Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 306 Goodbodv's- Patent Fastening Envelopes For Mailing . . . Catalogues, Samples, &c. Fastehed by simply inserting tongue through both slots. . . . MANUFACTURED BY ... WM GOOD BODY 55 SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE WWIfl. \J\J\JUQ\JU\) NEW YORK. HlfrHEST AWARD RECEIVED AT THE- WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION PARKPLACE ,21*23 BARCLAY SL * . ' When ^writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy' Radiator Catalogue. THIS CATALOGUE WAS PRINTED BY A. V. HAIGHT AT THE EAGLE PRINTING HOUSE 12 LIBERTY ST. POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue, 208 CHAMPION Card and Paper Go C. M. GAGE, Prest. P. A. HAMMOND, Treas. MANUFACTURERS OF Card Board aqd Cbtt-Umd Boards ENAMELLED BOOK AND LITHO- GRAPH PAPERS A SPECIALTY. EAST RERREREL.L., MASS. CH/IRLES QRflSKE, ESTABLISHED 1851. 45 & 47 ROSE STREET, Fac-Similes of Engravings and Type. Special Attention given to Fine Work. . Engravers' Metal Plates Furnished. J^ IM P VY7 ^T f\H\4T Blocking on Wood and Solid Bodies. -^' IlCW lUfAlA* Originals Carefully Handled. ^^ Embossing and Bookbinding Plates. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 209 HIGH GRADE RuBBERGooos Hose, Belting, Packing, Yalves,Mats, Matting, Step Threads, Tubing, Fire Hose Specialties. JLINEN HOSE, COTTON HOSE. . . . MANUFACTURED BY ... N. J. Car Spring and Rubber Co,, MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS, Cor. Wayne and Brunswick Sts., Jersey City, N. J. BRANCH OFFICE, No. 10 Barclay Street, New York. It will pay you to write for Prices and Samples Ask for Catalogue W. We Manufacture Office Furniture, Bank Fixtures, ^ Railings TO ORD E R. We carry in stock, of our own make, a full line of Roll Top Desks, Office Chairs, Cashier's Desks, Filing Cabinets, Pigeon Hole Cases, and other Office Furniture. Write for Catalogue and Estimates, The Globe Company, 42 Beaver St., New York. Cincinnati, Ohio, 2d and John Sts. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 210 SIMPLE POSITIVE THOROUGH IN PHILOSOPHY. IN OPERATION. IN MECHANISM. ^|. npij ^^ jfa "Novelty Circulator/' No Leaky Joints. Sectional View, showing how sections are joined together. Model Heating Company, PHILADELPHIA, American and Dauphin Streets. CHICAGO, NEW YORK, 41 State Street. BOSTON 305 Pear ' Street. Boston Furnace Co., Selling Agents, 175 Hanover Street. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 211 A ceiling that will not crack May be had in any building old or new by the use of the celebrated Roebling Standard Fire- proof Wire Lathing. Plaster properly applied to it obtains a per- fect key, and is held so tenaciously that a bowed, sagged, or cracked ceiling is impossible. It affords the one surface to which the fresco painter may apply his genius without fearing the destruction of his work by damp-and-dry or cli- matic conditions or the other causes that play havoc with a wall or ceiling. Aside from its value in preserving intact the beauty of a ceiling or wall it forms a practically impassable barrier to fire. For the reason stated, it is held in such esteem by the great insurance companies and underwriters that they write policies at a rate from 5 to 15 per cent, lower on buildings where it is used than would ordinarily obtain. (See " Stand- ard Universal Schedule for Rating Mercantile Risks.") We invite correspondence. Samples, with our booklet, "Who Has Used It ? " accounts of fire-tests, etc., furnished on re- quest. JOHN A. ROEBLING'S SONS Co., 117-119 Liberty St., New York. 171-173 Lake St., Chicago. 25-27 Fremont St., San Francisco Or, New Jersey Wire Cloth Co., Trenton, N. J. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 212 " For ihe Heating Season of 1894-5." The "GLOBE" PORTABLE Steam ^ Hot Water Boilers Made of Sleel Boiler-Plate Are noted for DURABILITY, EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY in Fuel. EASILY MANAGED, FAIR in Price. Satisfy both contractor and user. The H.A.R.D. SECTIONAL Cast=Iron Boilers For Steam and Hot Water Heating, Were designed by H. A. R. DIETRICH, a practical Heating Engineer and Steam and Hot Water Fitter. These boilers have absolutely clean fire surfaces; are perfectly balanced; drum and nipple connections. The proportion of grate surface to fire surface, and of fire surface to radiating surface, is on a safe and conservative basis, and need no other comment than that there is ample of each, and that they are harmonious. FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS Globe Steam Heater Co. WORKS AND MAIN OFFICE : NORTH When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 213 Andrews-Deraarest Seating Co. 108 East 16th Street, New York. LTWO DOORS EAST OF UNION SQUARE.] MANUFACTURERS OF Opera and Assembly Chairs, Church Pews, Church Furniture, Lodge Furniture, Portable Settees for Halls and Sunday Schools, Tablet Chairs for Lecture Rooms of Educational Institutes, Polo Chairs for Grand Stands of Athletic Clubs, &c. Special Seating for Operating Rooms of Hospitals and Medical Institutes. WE ISSUE A SEPARATE CATALOGUE FOR EACH CLASS OF SEATING. Our Mechanical Department can solve any problem in the way of seating 1 rooms, and our Factory is amply equipped and organized to nil orders of any size IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR NEW CATALOGUE OF INTERIORS, SEND FOR IT. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 214 Economy Thousands in Use. Combination Send for Catalogue. Heaters ARE THE ORIGINAL AND BEST. IV! A D Low Down Steam and. Air Combination. I IN SIX: RATTEIRINS. We also make Several Patterns of Steam and Water Heaters. J. F. PEASE FURNACE Co., Main Office and Works: SYRACUSE, N. Y. 228 Franklin Street, Boston. 86 Lake Street, Chicago. Harrisburg, Pa. Toronto, Ont. FRANKLIN & BURNHAM, 284 Pearl Street, New York. In writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 215 NEW ENGLAND WOOD-PRESERVING SHINGLE STAINS ARE THE ACME OF DURABILITY, Soften with age and produce Soft Velvety Effects. - Warranted not - - to Wash Off or Blacken, - - The SILVER GRAYS and MOSS GREENS deserve SPECIAL OBSERVATION, as they are Unsurpassed for Beau- tiful Shades. MANUFACTURED BY EUREKA STAIN COMPANY, 417 Chamber of Commerce, CHICAGO. SAMPLES ON WOOD SENT ON APPLICATION. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 216 Richmond Heaters. STEAM AND HOT WATER. HEATING OF A SPECIALTY. TEH YEARS' RECORD. The Largest Line. The Greatest Range of Capacities. The Richmond Stove Co A L W 5 BOSTON AGENTS : Isaac Coffin & Co., 52 Sudbury St. NEW YORK AGENTS: Higgins & Company, Albert A. Cryer & Co. No. 379 LEXINGTON AVENUE. No. 85 CENTRE STREET. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 217 LAUTZ & CO. IMPORT AND FINISH Mexican Onyx OF ALL GRADES AND FOR ALL PURPOSES. Ecclesiastical, Rich Sanitary and Mosaic Work A SPECIALTY. Interior Decorations, Bar Rails, Columns of any size, Pedestals, Tables, Mantels and Hearths, Onyx Tile, Plain and Fancy Turnings. Stock patterns for Mosaic Floors, Mantel Facings and Hearths. Special designs made to order. . . . ALSO, WHOLESALERS OF ... ONYX BLOCKS AND SLABS. Estimates given for Wainscoting, and otherwise fitting buildings with Marble. Approximate costs cheerfully furnished to Architects from sketches. ..... OFFICE: 86 1 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 218 For Hot-Air House Warming, . -"OR"- * Combination Hot Air and Hot Water NOTHING EXCEEDS "Tie Paragon Furnace," SIX DISTINCT POINTS OF SUPERIORITY, 6-POINTS-6 1. FEWEST JOINTS. This means freedom from gas and dust. 2. EQUALIZED DRAFT. This means perfect combustion and consequent fuel-saving. 3. LARGEST RADIATING SURFACE. This means plenty of PURE WARM AIR, NOT PARCHED AIR. 4. ABSOLUTELY SELF-CLEANING. This means that a man does not have to be paid, every Spring, to clean furnace flues. 5. BALL-BEARING GRATE. This means that A CHILD CAN MANAGE IT. 6. PERFECT ADAPTABILITY. This means that it works equally- well with hard coal, coke, or soft coal. WE PRINT A BOOK Called ' HINTS ABOUT HEATING," that tells a great deal'that is inter- esting about house warming. It may promote your personal interests and increase your home comfort to know what it will tell you We hope so, at least. We mail it free to any architect, steam fitter, dealer, builder, or house owner, who will write for it. ADDRESS ISAAC R. SHEPPARD & Co. Manufacturers of "THE PARAGON FURNACE," 1801 N. Fourth St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 219 MT. PENN STOVE WORKS, READING, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A. Manufacturers of the largest assortment of Modern Portable COOKING RANGES in the United States. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. PMILAD eivFHI A. STORE: Nos. 111 and 113 North Second Street, Philadelphia. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 220 P. B, ROOFING NO TAB. NO ODOB. STBONG AND DUBABLE. A. A. GRIPPING IRON Co. JERSEY CITY, N. J., May 23d, 1892. The Standard Paint Co., 2 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Gentlemen: You ask us what we think of your P. & B. Roofing, and in reply we would say that at first we were very skeptical about it, and very cautiously commenced using it by ordering a small quantity for our cupola top house, which is, perhaps, the most severe place in which it could be used. We were so well pleased with it there that we have ordered more of it from time to time until now we have five (5) acres of roof covered with it. We not only use it ourselves but take a great deal of pleasure in recommending it to every one who desires to be put on track of a good thing. Yours truly, THOS. H. WILLIAMS, President. The Standard Paint Co., 2 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Sole Manufacturers P. & B. Products. if your stationer does not furnish you with Underwood's Standard TYPEWRITER & DUPLICATING SUPPLIES . . . AND . . . Underwood's Inks Write to us for Prices and Samples. John Underwood & Co., 30 Vesey Street, New York City. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 221 The Largest Elevator Works in the World are owned and operated by OTIS BROTHERS* CO. The business has been estab- lished 38 years The OTIS ELEVATORS are the Leading Machines in their line - GENERAL OFFICES: 38 Park Row, New York. An Effective JWethod KEEP THE COLD OUT AND YOU CAN KEEP YOUR HOUSE WARM AT A NOMINAL FIGURE. Have your windows counter-balanced with our Steel Frame Sash Balance. They require no box frames, thus preventing any cold drafts from entering. Cost less than cumbersome cast-iron weights and cord. Warranted 15 years. WRITE US FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICES. Pullman Sash Balance Company, ROCHESTER, N.Y., U.S.A. When writing Advertisers, please mention Bundy Radiator Catalogue. 222 OF " A " Bundy Valve .................. . ...................... ............. 128, 129 Adjustment of Steam and Hot Water Radiation ........................... 7 Advantages of the Bundy Radiators .......................................... 5 Air Valves ............................................. .................. 136-138 Altitude Gauge ................. . ............................................. 133 Angle Indirect Radiator ........................................... ...... 122, 123 Announcement ................................................................ 3, 4 Baker Automatic Air Valve ................................... . ............ 138 Base of Bundy Radiator ...................................................... 47 Bay Window Defiance Radiator ............................................ .102 Brass Screen ............................................................. 166^169 Bronze Powder ................................................................ 148 Bronzing Liquid .............................................................. 149 Bundy Automatic Air Valve ............................................ 136, 137 Bundy Bonnetless Hot Water Valve .................................... 130, 131 Bundy Comfort Foot Rest ................................................ 159-161 Bundy Pin Indirect Radiator ............................................. 113-115 Bundy Sectional Radiators ............................................... 80-119 Bundy Standard Radiators ................................................. 20-79 Bundy Standard Radiator Parts .................................. . ....... 78, 79 Bundy Steam Trap ....................................................... 142-146 Carpet Leg for Elite Radiator ........................ . ....................... 84 Ceiling and Floor Plates ..................................................... 147 Circular Radiator ........................................................... 28-30 Climax Indirect Radiator ......................... ..................... 106-109 Climax Vertical Direct Radiator ............................................ 104 Code ........................................................................... 9-19 Columbia Radiator ......................................................... 89-95 Column Radiator ............................... . . . .......................... 32, 33 Comfort Foot Rest ........................................................ 159-161 Corner Columbia Radiator ............................................... 94> 95 Corner Elite Radiator ......................... ........................ 88, 95 Corner Radiator ............................................................ 34 35 Crescent Damper . , . , , ...................................................... 42, 43 Decorating Radiators ................................ .................. 148-153 Defiance Radiator .............................................. . ........ 102, 103 Direct-Indirect Bundy Standard Radiator ......... ----- .................. 40-43 Direct-Indirect Elite Radiator ............................................ 86 Duplex Base Radiator ................................ ...................... 43~45 Duplex Powers Regulator ................................................ 162-165 Electroplated Radiators ................... .................................. 153 Elite Marble Top Support .................... ................. . ........... 158 Elite Radiator ........................................................ 80-88, 95 Enamel and Japan ....................................................... 150, 151 Expansion Tank .......... ....................... , ........................... 135 Floor and Ceiling Plates ....... * ........................................... 147 Flue Radiator, Princess ................... ................. . ......... 100, 101 Foot Rest ...... .......................... .............................. 159-161 Giant Pipe Hanger ....................................................... 140, 141 Horizontal Indirect Radiator ____ ................. .................... 120, 121 Hot Closet Dining Room Radiator ...... . .................. ............... 69-77 Hydro-Thermometer ........................................................ 154 Littlefield Steam Trap .................................................... 142-146 Major Expansion Joint ................................................ i73> i74 Marble Tops and Bases ................. , ............................... 156-158 Newport Indirect Radiator ............................................ 116-117 Perfect Indirect Radiator. .............................................. 110-112 Perfect Window Direct Radiator .................. ......................... 105 Pin Indirect Radiator .................................................... 113-115 Pipe Hanger ............................................ .................. 140, 141 Positive Pet Cock ............................................... ........... 134 Powers Duplex Regulator .......................................... . . 162-165 Princess Radiator ...................................................... 100, 101 Pyro Radiator ............................................................ 96, Q7 Pyro Wall Radiator ....................................................... 98, 99 8uick Opening Hot Water Valve ................ ........................ i3> J 3 r egisters ............................................................ 139, 170-172 Renaissance Radiator ................................................ ..... 48-62 223 Safety Positive Pet Cock . Screens of Brass 166-169 Sectional Radiator Parts, Price List , I39 Sectional Radiator, sizes, dimensions, &c 118, 119 Semi-Duplex Radiator... 4 6 Semi-Renaissance Radiator. . . 6^-67 Special Notice '.'.".'.'. .f.. 8 " Special " Radiator Valve 124, 125 Stairway Radiator ' 3I " Standard " Radiator Valve 126, 127 Steam and Hot Water vs . Furnace . , .*.". 6 Steam Trap, Bundy 142-146 Suggestions about Steam and Hot Water 7 Tank, Expansion , . . i 3 ^ Tapping Bundy Standard Radiator '. . . . .36-38 Thermo Steam Gauge .. T ^ Union Ells ' I3 2 valves ; 24 -i 3 i Wrenches I35 ADVERTISEMENTS. Andrews-Demarest Seating Co 214 Bradley & Hubbard Manufacturing Co i 9 6 Co-Operative Building Plan Association 205 Champion Card and Paper Co 209 Craske, Charles 200 Drake, W. H .' . . Ig3 Eureka Stain Co 216 Field & Beattie 180 Flagg, Stanley G. & Co 204 Goodbod y, Wm 207 Globe Co., The 210 Giblin & Co inn Globe Steam Heater Co 213 Gaylord & Eitapenc i go Hayes Pump & Planter Co., The 201 Haight, A. V 208 Hartman Sliding Blind Co ig 2 Keasbey, Robert A 206 Lautz & Co 218 Mugf ord, A 208 Mt. Penn Stove Works 220 McLellan, C. T . . i Q7 McNab & Harlin Mf ng. Co 203 Model Heating Co 21 1 New Jersey Wire Cloth Co 212 Niagara Marble Works 218 New Jersey Car Spring & Rubber Co 210 Otis Bros. & Co 222 Pease Furnace Co., J. F 215 Pullman Sash Balance Co 222 Richmond Stove Co., The 217 Ringle & Son, Jacob 194 Rpebling's Sons Co., John A 212 Ringler Co., F. A 207 Stilwell-Bierce & Smith-Vaile Co., The 202 Scollay, John A 195 Sheppard & Co., Isaac A 219 Standard Paint Co , The 221 Taylor Co., N. & G 200 Underwood & Co., J 221 Wilson, R. M 198 Wright, F. W , 191 224 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Due two weeks after date. 28 If YB 51957 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ..O X J J( A.