LOUISIANA ARKANSAS KENTUCKY MICHIGAN ILLINOIS IOWA MINNESOTA ORREGON PICTORIAL HISTORY \VIT1I NOTICES OF OTHER PORTIONS OF AMERICA NORTH AND SOUTH. BY S. G. GOODRICH, AUTHOB OP PKTEE PABLEY'S TALES, ETC., ETC. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. A NEW EDITION, WITH NUMEROUS IMPROVEMENTS. PHILADELPHIA : PUBLISHED BY E. H. BUTLER & CO. 1860. PREFACE TO THE IMPROVED EDITION. THIS work was originally published about fifteen years ago, since which time nearly 300,000 copies have been sold. The decided and continuous approbation indicated by these facts, has stimulated the author and publisher to bestow upon it a careful revision, with a view to meet the constantly-improving taste of the public in respect to edu- cational works. In the present edition, the original form of the work has been pre- served, but numerous additions b,ave been made, either for the purpose of perfecting certain portions and passages, or in order to bring down the train of events to the present time. A large number of illustrative notes have been appended to the pages, and at the end of the work will be found the Declaration of Independence, the Article* of Confed- eration, adopted during the ^Revolutionary period, and the Constitution of the United States, together with a full Index of proper names. While, therefore, the original design of this work, which was to make it primarily a book for schools interesting to the pupil and easy to be learned, yet leaving vivid and abiding impressions on the memory has been kept steadily in view, it is believed that, as now presented, it will prove to be a convenient and useful manual for the family, and the general reader. Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1S43, by S. G GOODRICH, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the District of Massachusetts. Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1S54, by S. G. GOODRICH, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. I Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by S. G. GOODRICH, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of Jfew York. E: G- CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. PAGE CHAPTER I. Early Settlement of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Progress of Navigation. 11 II. Sailors of Scandinavia. Vasco da Gama, Spectre of the Cape. Im- provement of Navigation. Columbus. Madoc 14 III. Discovery and Settlement of the Northmen in North America 14 IV. About Christopher Columbus. His plans for making discoveries. His cause espoused by the King and Queen of Spain 18 V. First Voyage of Columbus across thu Atlantic. His Discovery of America 21 VI. The other Voyages of Columbus 26 VII. Other Discoveries in America by the English, Portuguese, and French. 27 VIII. Various Discoveries in North America The Voyage of Verrazani. Discoveries of Cartier. Ponce de Leon. DeSoto. Sir Walter Raleigh. 28 IX The Native Inhabitants of the New World. Its Plants and Animals . 30 UNITED STATES. X. An English Colony sent out to Virginia. Settlement at Jamestown. 32 XI. Visit to Powhatan. Account of the Indians in this Quarter. Sad Condition of the Colony 36 XII. Captain John Smith. His remarkable Life and Adventures. He joins the Expedition to Virginia. Makes Treaties with the Indians, etc.. 37 XIII. Cap'ain Smith goes on an Exploring Voyage. lie is taken Prisoner, and carried before Powhatan 39 XIV. The Story of Pocuhontas. She saves Captain Smith's Life, and be- comes the Friend of the English. She is married to Rolfe 40 XV. Depressed State of the Colony. Arrival of Captain Newport and more Emigrants. The Gold Fever. Smith's Voyage of Discovery 43 XVI. Increase of the Colony. Smith's Administration of the Government. Failure of his Health. His Return to England 45 XVII. The Colony on the Verge of Ituin. Preparations to abandon James- town. Lord Delaware. His new and successful Government 47 XVIII. Progress of the Colony at Jamestown. Lord Delaware's Govern- ment Administration of Governor Dale 49 XIX. Discoveries of Henry Hudson. Settlement of New York by the Dutch. 51 XX. Various Settlements in New England. Captain Smiths Survey of the Coast 52 XXI. The Puritans the flrst Settlers of New England 55 XXII. The Puritans at Cape Cod 57 XXIII. Further Surveys of the Shore. Indians. The Landing at Plymouth. 59 XXIV. Settlement of Plymouth. Two men get lost in the Woods, and are greatly frightened by the Wolves 61 XXV. Severe Sufferings of the Plymouth Colonists 62 XXVI. Arrival of the Indian Samoset. Treaty with the Massachusetts and other Indian Tribes. ' . . . 04 XXV1L The Colony threatened by the Narraganset Indians. Drought and Scarcity. Governor Bradford journeys among the Indians 66 XXVIII. Progress of the Virginia Colony. Opechancanough's Plot and the Massacre of 1622. The Massacre of 1644. 68 XXIX. Settlement at Weymouth. Captain Standish chastises the Indians. Other Settlements. Incorporation of Massachusetts Bay Colony.. 70 XXX. Settlement of New Hampshire. Other Events in this State 72 XXXI. Government of the Colonies. Union of the Colonies of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay 73 XXXII. History of Maryland. Lord Baltimore's Visit to America. Leonard Calvert's Arrival. Settlement of Maryland. Ulayborne's Rebellion. 76 XXXIII. Various Settlements in Connecticut Opposition of the Dutch. A Singular Journey across the Wilderness 78 XXXIV. Rotcer Williams, lie is banished from Massachusetts, and settles in Rhode Island. The Rhode Island and Providence Plantations SO XXXV. War with the Pcquod Indians. The Battle at Mystic River. Burn- ing of the Indian Fort. Utter Defeat of the Prquods 82 XXXVI. Anecdotes of the Pequod War. The Indian Chiefs Uncas and Sassa- cus. The Beneficent Conduct of Roger Williams 84 641805 6 CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAG* XXXVIL Settlement of New Haven. Mr. Davenport and his Associates. Oiher Settlements in Connecticut. Earthquakes. 85 XXXVIIL Union of the New England Colonk-s 83 XXXIX. General Remarks on the Indians. The Tribes of New England. 91 XL. The Eight Families of Indians Algonqnins, Huron Iroquois, Dah- kotahs, Caiawbas, Cherokees. Uchoes, Choctaws, and N. itches. Their Character. Manners, Customs, etc 94 XLI. Evangelizing the Indians in New England. The Mayhews. Eliot. 9S X LI I. Witchcraft in New England 100 XLIII. History of New York from 1610 to ihe French and Indian "War 102 XLIV. History of New Jersey from its first settlement to the Revolution 105 XLV. History of Delaware. Design of Gustivus Adolphus. Settlement on Christiana Creek. Founding of the Swedish Colony. Its Conquest by the Dutch. Other events 106 XL VI. Settlement of the Carolinas 10T XL VII. History of New England continued. The War with King Philip 109 XLVIIL Continuation of the History of New England. Events of the War with Philip Ill XLIX. Various Events of the War. Death of Philip 112 L. Return to the History of Virginia. Bacon's Rebellion 114 LI. Religious Persecution in New England 116 LII. Hisiory of Pennsylvania. Penn. HU Settlement His Treaty IIS LIII. Affairs of New England. Governor Andros and the Charter Oak 121 LIV. The Revolu:ion in England. Governor Andros and his Associates transported 10 Eneland. Events of King William's War 122 LV. Story of Governor Fletcher and Captain Wadsworlh 124 LVI. Religion in the Colonies 126 LVII. Educa-ion in the Colonies. 128 LVIII. The War of Queen Anne. Capture of Port Royal Abortive Expe- dition against Canada. Indian Depredations 129 LIX. The War at the South. Unsuccessful Attempt against the Spanish Possessions in Florida. The Apalaehian Indians subdued. Arrival of the Palatinates. Indian Massacre 131 LX The Yamasee War. Great Indian League. Severe Conflict The Indians Defeated 133 LXI. American Pirates. Wreck of the Whidah. Captain Kidd. Other Pirates. 134 LXII. Settlement of Georgia. Arrival of General Oglethorpe. Attack upon St Auaustine. Attack and Repulse of the Spaniards 136 LXI II. George ll.'s War. Capture of Louisburg. Destruction of the French Fleet Peace of Aix-la-t hapelle. 1T48 138 LXIV. Progress of Agriculture and Manufactures in the Colonies 140 LXV. Sufferings of the Colonies. Expenses of Now York and New Eng- land in the War of 1744. Losses by Sea and Land. Prosperity at- tendant upon Peace 142 LXVL Discoveries in the West The Mississippi and its branches explored by Joliet and Marquette. Explorations of La Salle and Father Hennepin 144 LXVII. Settlements in the South and West; at Kaskaskiu, in Illinois; in Louisiana; in Florida; in Michigan; at Natchez, on the Mississip- pi : on the Mobile River, in Alabama. Troubles between the Ohio Company and the French Governor of Canada 147 LXVIII. George Washington begins his public career. His Education and his Character in youth. He is sent as a Messenger to the French on the Ohio. Anecdotes of the journey 149 LXIX. Washington and his band of Virginians march against the French. Battle at the Great Meadows 151 LXX. The Union of the English Colonies in 1754. Attacks upon the French Colonies. Franklin's eminent services. Braddock's Defeat 15ft LXXI. The French and Indian War. Plan of the Colonists for taking Crown Point. Montcalm's capture of the Fort at Oswego, etc. Lord Chatham, British Minister. Louisburg recaptured. Abercrombie's disastrous Attack on Fort Ticonderoga. Capture of Forts Frontenac and Du Quesne. Great Indian Treaty I'd LXXII. Campaign of 1759. Quebec Captured. Death of WoJjiran^Montcalm. 159 LXXIIL The French and Indian War concluded..- Tilcf'S't. Francis Indians chastised. The Cherokees defeated. ''Surrender of the French North American Colonies to the. British. Peace of 1763 161 LXXIV. Review of the preceding History. The Thirteen Colonies. The Ap- proaching Conflict of ~the Colonies with the Mother Country. The preceding portion of this History, Colonial ; the succeeding portion, National 163 CONTENTS. 7 VAGE PERIOD OF EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. LXXV. Taxation of the Colonies. The Sugar Act 165 LXXVI. The Stamp Act. Dr. Franklin in London. Patrick Henry's cele- brated Speech. A Consress of the Colonies. Ifi7 LXXYII. Newspapers, Societies, and Mobs 169 LXXVIII. Repeal of the Stamp Act ...110 LXXIX. George III. More Taxation. Petitions, Circulars, Remonstrances. The British Custom-IIousc Officers Mobbed in Boston 172 LXXX. British Troops in Boston. Great Excitement among the Colonists. Proposal of the British Parliament to send Americans to England for trial. Resolutions of North Carolina and Virginia 174 LXXXI. Repeal of obnoxious Duties. The Boston Massacre 1TG LXXXII. Continuation of Difficulties. The Regulators of North Carolina. Burning of the Gaspee. Committees of Correspondence 178 LXXXIII. The Tea thrown Overboard 179 LXXXI V. The first Congress meet at Philadelphia in 1774 181 LXXXV. The rising Spirit of Liberty. The Boston Boys. General Gage 182 PERIOD OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. LXXXVI. Preparations for War. The Massachusetts Provincial Congress. Similar Assemblies in other Colonies. Dr. Franklin removed from the office of Postmaster-General 183 LXXXVII. Battle of Lexington ' 185 LXXXVIII. Capture of Ticonderoga and Crown Point 18S LXXXIX. Vermont and Ethan Allen. 189 XC. Battle of Bunker's Hill 191 XCI. General Putnam 195 XCII. Second Continental Congress. Washington at the head of the Army. 197 XCIII Attack on Quebec. Death of Montgomery. Governor Dunmore's Operaiions in Virginia 190 XCIV. Anecdotes and Incidents of Arnold's Expedition to Quebec 201 XCV. The Hessian troops hired and sent to America. General Howe suc- ceeds General Gage. The British driven from Boston 203 XCVI. The British mediiaie an Atiack on New York and also on Charleston. Battle at Sullivan's Island 206 XCVII. Declaration of Independence 207 XCV1I1. The British Plan of Attack on New York. Battle of Long Island 210 XCIX. Battle of White Plains. Retreat of Washington 213 C. Battle at Trenton 215 CI. Battle near Princeton 217 CII. Attack on Danbury 219 CIII. Battle of the Brandywine 220 CIV. Capture of General Prescott, in Rhode Island 222 CV. Events in the North. Approach of Burgoyne. Murder of Miss McRea. Attack upon Fort Schuylcr 224 CVI. Progress of Burgoyne. Battle of Bcnnington. Battle of Stillwater.. 225 CVII. Capture of Burgoyne 229 CVIII. The War on the Ocean 230 CIX. Exploits of Paul Jones 232 CX. Battle of Germantown 234 CXI. The Confederation. The Stars and Stripes adopted. Treaty of Alli- ance with France. Treaty with the Cherokees. Valley Forge.. .. 236 CXII. Evacuation of Philadelphia and Battle of Monmouth 237 CX1I I. Life and Character of General Charles Lee 239 CXIV. Events in Rhode Island 1241 CXV. Trumbull, the Artist 213 CXVI. Massacre at Wyoming 245 CXVII. Events in Georgia 247 CXVIII. The British at Charleston 24S CXIX. Attack of the Americans on Savannah 250 CXX. Events in Connecticut. General Putnam 2">I CXXI. Anecdote of La Fayetie 253 CXXII. Continental Money 255 CXX II I. Capture of Stony Point and Paul us Hook 257 CXXI V. The Six Nations and other Indians 259 CXXV. Surrender of Charleston. Other disastrous Events in the South 261 CXXVI. Gates Commander of the Southern Army. Disastrous Battle near Camden. Various Events at the South and at the North. Arrival of the French Fleet and Army under Rochambeau 263 CXXVII. The Treason of Benedict Arnold 2C5 8 CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE CXXVIII. Capture of Major Andre 267 CXXIX. Execution of Hale and Palmer. Colonel Trnmbull in London 269 CXXX. Arnold Invades Virginia and New London 270 CXXXI. Events at the South 272 CXXXII. Naval Operations 274 CXXXIII. Surrender of Lord Cornwallis 2T6 CXXXIV. Treaty of Peace 279 CXXX V. Effects of the American Revolution 281 CXXXVI. Debts of the Revolution. Discontents of the People. Shay's Rebellion. 2S3 CXXXVII. Formation and Adoption of the Constitution of the United States. Washington elected President 2S5 WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION. CXXX VIII. Beginning of the New Government. "Washington's first Administration under the present Constitution. Proceedings of the first Congress. 283 CXXXIX. Rise of Parties. Wars with the Indians 290 CXL. Kentucky admitted to the Union 292 CXLI. Formation of various Societies in the United States 294 CXL1I. Washington's Second Election. The French Revolution. M. Genet's Operations. Jefferson's Resignation as Secretary of State 296 CXLIII. Difficulties with Great Britain 293 CXLIV. The Whiskey Insurrection 299 CXLV. Admission of Tennessee, the sixteenth state 801 CXL VI. Changes in his Cabinet. Education in the Country 302 JOHN ADAMS'S ADMINISTRATION. CXL VII. Prospects of a War with France 804 CXL VIII. The Public Health. Smallpox. Yellow Fever. Cholera 806 JEFFERSON'S ADMINISTRATION. CXLIXt Choice of Jefferson as President and Burr Vice-President, by Congress. 309 CL. The Settlement of Ohio 810 CLI. Cession of Indian Lands. Duel between Burr and Hamili on 311 CLII. War with Tripoli 812 CLIII. Burr's Conspiracy 315 CLIV. Troubles with Great Britain. Orders in Council. Berlin Decree 316 CLV. Attack on the Chesapeake 317 MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION. CLVI. Madison's Inauguration. Affair of the Little Belt. Steamboat Navi- gation. Ocean Steam Navigation 820 CLVII. Indian War. Battle of Tippecanoe 323 CLVIII. War with Great Britain declared 325 CLIX. General Hull's Surrender to the British at Detroit 326 CLX. Capture of the Gnemere and the Alert 327 CLXI. Attack on Queenstown 329 CLXII. More Naval Victories 831 CLXIII. Louisiana admitted to the Union. Mediation of Russia between the United States and Great Britain offered. Madison Re-elected. Various Events of 1812 and 1813 382 CLXIV. The Massacre at Frenchtown 334 CLXV. Capture of York, and Death of General Pike 835 CLXVI. Siege of Fort Meigs. General Harrison's Defence 337 CLXVII. The War on the Ocean 83S CLXVIII. Battle on Lake Erie 340 CLXIX. Battle at the Moravian Towns 841 CLXX. Process of the War in Canada 343 CLXXI. War with the Creek Indians 344 OLXXII. Russian Mediation offered. Measures for Prosecuting the War 840 CLXXI1I. The War on the Ocean S47 CLXXIV. Defeat of General Wilkinson. His Trial by Court-Martial 348 CLXXV. The War at the North-West. Battles of Chippewa and Bridirewater. Siege of Fort Erie ". 349 CLXXVI. City of Washington Captured and Burned 351 CLXXVII. Battle near Baltimore 353 CLXX VII I. The War on Lake Champlain and in the vicinity 354 LLXXIX. Convention at Hartford 356 LXXX. Battle of New Orleans 358 CLXXXI. Close of the War. The Dartmoor Massacre. The Peace of Ghent... 360 CLXXXII. Difficulties with Algiers 861 CLXXXIII. The second United States Bank. Indiana admitted into the Union.. . 263 CONTENTS. CHAPTER MONROE'S ADMINISTRATION. CLXXXIV. His Character and History. Daniel D. Tompkins, Yice-President. Mississippi admitted into the Union ._ 3G4 CLXXXV. War with the Seminoles. Illinois admitted into the Union. Com- mercial Treaty with Sweden Sfifi CLXXXVI. Treaties with Spain and Great Britain. Alabama admitted 867 CLXXXVII. The States of Maine and Missouri admitted into the Union. The Missouri Compromise. The Mormons . .... 368 CLXXXVIII. Territorial Organization of Florida. History of Florida. Apportion- ment of Representatives in Congress at various epoch* 3TO CLXXXIX. LaFayettein the United States 871 JOHN QUINCT ADAMS'S ADMINISTRATION. CXC. Difficulties with Georgia. Speculations and Bankruptcies of 1S25 3T4 CXCI. Death of Adams and Jefferson, etc 875 JACKSON'S ADMINISTRATION. CXCII. His Election. Van Buren Vice-President. Death of John Jay. Nul- lification in South Carolina. Clay's Compromise Act 377 CXCIII. His Northern Tour. Removal of the Deposits. His Second Term... 379 CXCIV. State of Arkansas. Indian Territory 381 CXCV. Mr. Rives's Treaty with France. The Florida or Seminole War 882 CXCVI. The great Fire in New York, December, 1S85. Decease of Eminent Men, Carroll of Carollton, Randolph of Roanoke, and John Marshall. 884 CXCVII. Michigan admitted into the Union 386 VAN BUREN'S ADMINISTRATION. CXCVIII. The Extra Session of Congress of September, 1 837. Commercial Dis- tress. Insurrection in Canada. The Uorder Difficulties in Maine.. 888 CXCIX. The Canadian Rebellion. The Border Difficulties in Maine 390 CC. The Smithsonian Institute. The Patent-Office and General Post- Office Burned. The Exploring Expedicion. The Sub-Treasury. .. 302 HARRISON'S ADMINISTRATION. CCI. The Democratic Party. The Whig Party. Tho "Harrison Cam- paign." Harrison and Tyler elected. Harrison's Death 395 TYLER'S ADMINISTRATION. CCII. Measures of the Extra Session. Rupture of Tyler with his Cabinet and his Party. The Webster-Ashburton Treaty 898 CCIII. The Tariff of 1842. The Dorr Rebellion. Fatal Explosion on the Potomac 400 CCIV. Celebration of the Completion of the Bunker Hill Monument. Iowa and Florida admitted into the Union. Annexation of Texas; its admission into the Union 402 FOLK'S ADMINISTRATION. CCV. Death of General Jackson. His Character 404 CCVI. The Mexican War. General Taylor's movements. Battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma 400 CCVII. Declaration of War against Mexico. Preparations. Capture of Mon- terey by General Taylor. Other places taken by the Americans. California conquered by Fremont and others 403 GCVIII. The Battle of Buena Vista. Capture of Vera Cruz. March on Mexico. Battle of Cerro Gordo. Victories of Contreras and Churubusco. The Armistice. Capture of Chapultepec. Entrance of the Amer- ican Army Into the City of Mexico. Treaty of Guadaloupe-Hidalgo. General Remarks on the Mexican War 409 CCIX. Stipulations of the Treaty of Guadaloupe-Hidalgo. The Oregon Boundary Dispute. Death of John O^ Adams. Wisconsin admitted. 413 TAYLOR'S ADMINISTRATION. CCX. His Election and Inauguration. The Wilmot Proviso and Martin Van Buren. The Department of the Interior. California 415 CCXI. The Compromise Measures, or Omnibus Bill. Henry Clay. Death of President Taylor. Death of John C Calhoun 418 FILLMORE'S ADMINISTRATION. CCXII. His Accession. Signing of the Omnibus Bills. Lopez and the Cuban Filibusters. The Cheap-Postage Laws. Laying the Corner-Stone of the Capitol Extension at Washington. Kossuth in America. ... 421 1* 10 CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAOK CCXIII. Death of Henry Clay. Of Daniel "Webster. Difficulty as to Northern Fisheries with Great Britain. Tripartite Treaty. Everett's Reply . 423 PIEECE'S ADMINISTRATION. CCXIV. His Inauguration. The Mosilla Valley Dispute. Captain Ringgold's Exploring Expedition. Surveys for a Pacific Railroad. The Arrest of Martin Koszta by the Austrians. Tne Japan Expedition. The Kansas-Nebraska Act, and Repeal of the Missouri Compromise. Seizure of the Black Warrior. The Ostend Conference. Mr. Soulo stopped at Calais by the French Authorities. The Crystal Palace. 426 CCXV. The Reciprocity Treaty with Canada. Walker's Invasion of Nicara- gua. British Enlistments in the United States. The American Expeditions in Search of Sir John Franklin. Finding of the British Ship Resolute, and her Presentation to the British Government by the United States 431 BUCHANAN'S ADMINISTRATION. CCXVI. Troubles in Kansas. Lecompton Constitution in Congress. Its Re- jection by the People of Kansas, and a New Constitution adopted. 435 CCXVII. Difficulty with the Mormons 438 CCXVIII. The Panic of 1S57. Purchase of Mount Vernon by the Mount Vernoa Ladies' Association. Deal h of Thomas II. Benton 440 CCXIX. Canals, Steam-Navigation, Railroads. The Submarine Telegraph.. . 442 CCXX. Minnesota admitted as H State. History of Oregon. Its admission into the Union. The San Juan Difficulty 444 THE INDIAN TERRITORY. CCXXI. Indians of North America, the "West Indies, and South America 446 CCXXII. General Views 450 NORTHERN PARTS OF NORTH AMERICA. BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA. CCXXIII. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Canada, etc 452 THE POLAR REGIONS. CCXXIV. The Esquimaux ; Greenland ; Russian America 454 THE "WEST INDIES. CCXXV. St. Salvador, Cuba, Hayti, Porto Rico, etc. 456 SOUTHERN PARTS OF NORTH AMERICA. CCXXVI. Mexico and Guatemala, or Central America 458 SOUTH AMERICA. CCXXVII. Discovery of South America by Columbus. Discovery of the Pacific by Balboa. Conquest of Peru 461 CCXXVIII. Bolivia. Chili. The Argentine Republic. Paraguay. Uruguay. Brazil. Guiana. Equador, New Granada, and Venezuela 465 CONCLUSION. CCXXIX. The Indian Race, or Aborigines of America. "Whence came they ?.. 467 DKPLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 469 ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION 471 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES 475 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION 4S1 INDEX... 483 PICTORIAL HISTORY OF AMERICA. CHAPTEE I. INTRODUCTION. Early settlement of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Progress of Navigation. (HE following pages are designed to comprise a History of the United States, with some account of other portions of America. History is a recital of what has happened respecting na- tions and countries ; and our History of America will be an account of the most interesting events that have occurred in this quarter of the globe. 2. All our readers know that the history of mankind begins with Question*. CHAP. I. VERPE 1. What is the object ol the following pages? What ia History ? What will this History of America bo ? 12 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Adam and Eve, about 6,000 years ago; and that their descendants spread over Asia first, then over Africa, and then over Europe. 3. At what time mankind began to settle in Europe we cannot precisely tell; we only know that about 1,856 years before Christ, that is, more than 3,700 years ago, a man by the name of In'-a-chus led a company of emigrants from Egypt into Greece. 4. These found that country inhabited by savages, who, no doubt, were the descendants of those who had wandered there from Asia. Inachus and his companions established themselves in Greece, and from that point of time Europe gradually became occupied by civilized people. 5. Thus the three quarters of the globe, Asia, Africa, and Europe, were settled; and as they all lay together in one continent, mankind gradually acquired a general, though still imperfect notion of their shape and extent. But America was separated from Asia by the Pacific Ocean, almost ten thousand miles across; and from Europe and Africa, by the Atlantic, about three thousand miles across. Of America, therefore, the people in ancient times knew nothing. 6. The ships in old times were small, ill-built, and feeble, com- pared with the ships of the present day. The people did not know the shape of the world ; the art of navigation was in its infancy, and even the mariner's compass, that mysterious but steadfast friend of the sailor, was not used by the Europeans till about the year 1250. The crossing of wide oceans was therefore a thing that could not be accomplished. Navigators seldom dared to stretch forth upon the boundless sea; they only ventured to creep carefully along the shores, always keeping the land in sight. 7. But the weakness of the ships, and the inexperience of navi- gators, were not the only hinderances to the progress of navigation. A multitude of imaginary dangers, brooding over the great waters, were conjured up to appall the sailors, and prevent their venturing forth upon them. 8. Among these horrors was that described by Pyth'-e-as, who, many centuries before, had coasted from Marseilles [mar-saih'] to the Shet'-land Isles, then a great and daring adventure. When he returned, he declared that his progress was stopped by an immense black clam or oyster, suspended in the air, and that any ship advancing toward it would be swallowed up in its gigantic shell f 2. "What of the history of mankind? What of the descendants of AHam and Eve? 8. What of the settlement of Europe ? 4. What did Inachus and his companions find in Greece? 5. Why did mankind early acquire a knowledge of Asia, Africa and Europe? Why did they not acquire a knowledge of America? 6. What of the ships of ancient times? 7. What other things hindered the progress of navigation ? 8. What of the story of Pytheas? TERRORS OF THE DEEP. 13 - THE HAND OF SATAN. 9. If such were the terrors of the Northern seas, still more awful dangers were supposed to beset those of the South. It was believed that a giant was stationed on the Ca-na'-ry Islands, who brandished a formidable club, and warned all vessels from proceeding to the westward of his island throne ; and those who should venture across the equator into the regions of the Sun, it was said would be changed into negroes for their rashness. 10. Even the maps and charts of that day pictured the unknown portions of the sea as filled with concealed and treacherous horrors, such as terrible monsters and hideous water unicorns, ready to ingulf the voyager. The At-lan'-tic was then called the Sea of Darkness, and one of these devices represented the bony and gnarled hand of Satan as rising from out the waves, ready to seize and destroy the mariner who should venture into those forbidden regions. 9. "What of the giant of the Canaries ? What of those who should venture to cross the equator? 10. What of the maps and charts of those days? What of sea monsters? What of the hand of Satan ? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER II. Sailors of Scandinavia. Vasco da Gama. Spectre of the Cape. Improvement of Navigation. Columbus. Madoc. 1. IN spite of all these difficulties, however, navigation steadily advanced. The daring sailors of Nor'-way, Swe'-den, and Den'-mark, then called Scan-di-na'-vi-a, ventured forth in ships scarcely larger than boats, and traversed the stormy waters of the North Atlantic, discover- ing Green'-land and Ice'-land. At a later period, several navigators coasted along the western shores of Africa ; and finally, in 1498, Vas'-co da Ga'-rna, a Port'-u-guese navigator, doubled the Cape of Good Hope, and proceeded by that route to Iii'-dia. THE SPECTUE OF TOE CAPE. 2. This was six years later than the great voy.-ige of Columbus across the Atlantic, of which I shall soon give an account; but such were the popular superstitions of that time, that the crew of Da Gama, as they passed Table Rock, situated near the Cape, believed that they saw in the troubled sky a huge spectre waving off their vessel, and CHAP. II. What of the sailors of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark? Vasco da Gama? 2. What of the spectre of the Cape ? IMPROVEMENT OF NAVIGATION. 15 threatening destruction to all who should dare to invade his dread dominions! 3. Nevertheless, as navigation improved, mankind grew more ad- venturous upon the sea ; and, by degrees, their knowledge of the world its seas and oceans, its shores and continents was so far in- creased, tli at the Old World, or the Eastern Hemisphere, was tolerably well understood. The idea had also occurred to many individuals, that the great oceans probably contained large masses of yet un- discovered land. 4. It seems to be the course of Providence to make a gradual de- velopment of the knowledge which is important to man ; and when any great revelation, or any great discovery, is needful, the means of effecting the desired object are provided. The time had at length ar- rived for dispelling the mystery which had hitherto brooded over the mighty seas ; and Chris'-to-pher Co-lum'-bus, the instrument of accom- plishing this great work, was born and trained for his career. 5. It was he who not only discovered America, but made it known to the people of the Eastern Continent. The discovery was so new, vast, and surprising, that the land he had found seemed like another world ; and accordingly it was called the New World. 6. But before we proceed to speak more particularly of Co-lum'-bus, we must say a few words respecting the accounts of the discovery of America previous to his time. The Welsh have a tradition of some celebrity, according to which, a chieftain of Wales, named Ma'-doc, made several distant voyages to the west, about the year 1170. 7. In one of these expeditions, they say that he discovered a fair and large country ; and, returning to Wales, took with him a number of his friends and relatives, and set forth to settle there. From this period there was never any thing heard of them. It has been thought that the "fair and large country 1 ' was America, and that these emi- grants went thither. But there is no good reason to believe this tradition. CHAPTER III. Discovery and Settlement of the Northmen in North America. 1. THE discovery of America by the seamen of Norway and Denmark, called North'-men, at an earlier period than this of which we have just 3. What was the result of the improvement of navigation ? What idea became com- mon? 4. What of the course of Providence? 5. What of Columbus? 6-7. What of the tradition in respect to Madoe ? HISTORY OF T11E UNITED STATES. THE NORTHMEN GOING TO AMERICA. spoken, rests on a surer foundation. These were by far the most ad- venturous navigators of Europe during the Middle Ages. Although their vessels were small and without decks, and they had no knowl- edge of the mariner's compass, they fearlessly traversed the North Atlantic, and as early as the year 860 had discovered Iceland, which was colonized by the Nor-we'-gi-ans in 874. 2. Greenland was discovered not long after, and was settled by two colonies, one from Denmark and one from Norway. Hence the inter- course between this place and the home country became common. According to well-authenticated accounts, in the year 1002, Lief, a Norwegian, with a number of men, set sail from Greenland and pro- ceeded to the south-west. 3. They soon came to land, and, continuing their voyage, discovered a country of grapes, which they named Vin'-land, or the Land of Wine. The party returned to Greenland, but soon after, Thor'-wald pursued the discovery in the same ship. Having landed on a beautiful shore, he fell in with savages, and was killed by them. His party escaped and returned to Greenland. CHAP. III. Who were the Northmen ? What of their vessels ? When did they discover Iceland? When and by whom was Iceland settled? 2. When was Greenland dis- covered and colonized? When did Lief sail on his voyage from Greenland T 3. What did Lief discover ? What of Thorwald ? What was his fate ? VOYAGES OF THE NORTHMEN. 17 4. Thor'-stein, the brother of Lief and Thorwakl, undismayed by the fate of his kinsman, fitted out another expedition from Iceland, comprising twenty-five persons. They reached Vin'-land, but en- countered great hardships ; and Thorstein died of the scurvy shortly after his return. 5. Another adventurer, named Thor'-finn, undertook an expedition on a much larger scale than any of the preceding. He fitted out three vessels, with upwards of a hundred emigrants, carrying cattle, furni- ture, tools, &c. They had a prosperous voyage, arid, on reaching Vin- land, found a large whale cast ashore, which afforded them ample subsistence for a time. They cut down trees and built themselves houses. A party of savages paid them a visit, who were affrighted beyond measure by the lowing of a bull they had brought with them. 6. The Northmen made presents to the savages, with which they were highly pleased. They appeared to be ignorant of edge-tools ; for one of them contrived to steal a battle-axe, with which he sportively struck one of his companions, as he had been accustomed to do with his rude tomahawk, but was astonished to find that he had given him a mortal wound. 7. Thor'-finn made many voyages to Vinland, and grew rich. His latter days were spent in Iceland, where he lived in great splendor. After some time, other expeditions were made to Vinland; but the adventurers became involved in bloody contentions. Bishop E'-ric is said to have visited the country in 1321. Soon after this date, the communication with Vinland, from some unknown cause, entirely ceased, and the country was forgotten. 8. This is the account furnished by the Sagas, or historical records of Iceland. There is no reason to doubt the general correctness of these narratives, but writers are not agreed as to the situation of Vinland. Some, who have very carefully investigated the whole his- tory, and compared it with the geographical features of the North American coast, decide that Vinland is identical with Mas-sa-chu'-setts and Rhode Island ; but the main colony of the Northmen was in Nar- ra-gan'-set Bay, and the prom'-on-tory where Thorwald was buried, is Point Al'-der-ton, at the entrance to Boston harbor. Nevertheless, there is much doubt on this subject. 4. What of Thorstein ? 5 What of Thorfinn ? What vessels did he fit out ? What of the whale ? The savages and the lowing of the bull ? 6. What of presents? The battle- axe ? 7. What of Thorfinn after leaving Vinland? Bishop Eric? What of the communi- cation with Yiuland? 8. What may be said of this account? 18 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. COLDMBUS IN HIS YOUTH. CHAPTER IY. About Christopher Columbus His plans for making dis- coveries His cause espoused by the King and Queen of Spain Departure of his fleet. \. WE must now turn our attention to the discovery of America, which resulted in its occupation and settlement by the Europeans. Several hundred years had passed since the expeditions of the North- men, and as their discoveries had not been made known to Europe, even the remembrance of them in their own country had faded away. 2. The person who was the means of making the great discovery alluded to was Christopher Columbus. He was a native of Gen'-o-a, in CHAP. IV. 1. What time had passed since the discovery of America by the Northmen? 2. W hat of Columbus? COLUMBUS. 19 Italy, aud was born A. D., 1435. He was chiefly employed, till he was fourteen years of age, with his father, in combing wool. He was exceedingly fond of books, but the circumstances of his father did not allow him to indulge his natural fondness for them. He was particu- larly pleased with books of voyages and travels, and early manifested a desire to see foreign countries. 3. At length he was allowed to go to sea. His first voyages were in the Med-i-ter-ra'-nean. Of these, history tells but little. We know that he was employed for a time in a war between the Venetians and the Mohammedans, and that in one instance, when the vessel to which he belonged had taken fire, he saved his life by swimming ashore. 4. But Columbus was too active and enterprising to be always con- fined to the narrow limits of the Mediterranean. He travelled to almost every part of the world which was then known ; and his prac- tical mind at length led him to contemplate a voyage to parts which had not yet been even thought of by most persons. 5. The mariners of the fifteenth century, as we have already shown, knew little of foreign countries. Their knowledge was chiefly con- fined to the coasts and islands of Europe. They had never ventured so far along the shores of Africa as to cross the equator. The trade with the East Indies was at that time carried on by land, and the West Indies were of course undiscovered. 6. The strong desire which was felt by commercial men to find out a path to the East Indies by water, led to much conversation on the subject ; and some persons began to think and speak of the probability of reaching that part of the world by sailing round the southern point of Africa. But Columbus had a plan which extended still further. 7. Having adopted the idea, from books of geography and astron- omy, that the earth was round, it very naturally occurred to him that there might be more land somewhere to counterpoise what was already known on one side of the globe ; and that it was at least quite pos- sible to find the East Indies by sailing westward. 8. But what was to be done ? He and his friends were poor, and it would require much money to fit out an expedition like that which the prosecution of his schemes would demand. He was therefore com- pelled to seek the patronage and pecuniary aid of others. 9. He first explained his views and stated his plans to the senate of his native country, Genoa then a flourishing commercial state but as he found no encouragement there, he applied to the king of Por'-tu- 3. What more of Columbus? 4. "What of the travels of Columbus? What did he begin to contemplate ? 5. What of the mariners of the fifteenth century ? 6. What was the desire of commercial men ? 7. What was the plan of Columbus ? 8. What difficul- ties were in the way of Columbus ? 9. What did Columbus do ? 20 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. gal and the king and queen of Spain. They heard him with patience, but believing him to be somewhat visionary, they were not disposed to afford him the necessary aid. Still he was not discouraged. 10. He had by this time drawn into his service his younger brother Bar-thol'-o-mew. The latter had even been sent to England to solicit aid from King Henry VII. ; but the vessel in which he went was taken by pirates, and nothing more was heard for some time, either of him or his undertaking. COLUMBUS PREPARING TO LEAVE PALOS. 11. In the mean time, the appeal to the king and queen of Spain had been renewed, and after the lapse of about eight years it was suc- cessful. Fer'-di-nand and Is-a-bel'-la agreed to furnish three small vessels and ninety men, and provisions for one year. Such an outfit, small as it may seem to us, was then deemed exceedingly liberal. Queen Isabella even parted with her jewels to aid in paying the ex- penses. 12. Preparations were made at the little port of Pa'-los, for the 10. What of the brother of Columbus ? 11. What of Ferdinand and Isabella? DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. 21 equipment of the vessels destined for the enterprise. Having been duly appointed high-admiral of all the seas he might discover, and also sol- emnly consecrated by the head of the Fran-cis'-can monastery at Palos, Columbus entered his ship and gave orders to spread the sails. 13. The names of the three vessels that thus set out for America, were the San'-ta Ma-ri'-a, the Pin'-ta, and the Ni'-na. The two latter were mere barks, but the Santa Maria, Columbus' own vessel, was of considerable size. In addition to the crew of ninety men, about thirty other persons went out with them as mere adventurers. CHAPTER V. First Voyage of Columbus across the Atlantic His Dis- covery of America. 1. COLTTMBTJS was now not far from fifty-five years of age. He had spent forty years at sea, and nearly twenty in planning this western voyage. The day of his setting sail must have been a proud one to him. How must his strong heart have beat high with emotion ! 2. The little fleet left the port of Palos, in Spain, on the morning of August 13th, 1492. Their course was south-westward till they reached the Canary Islands, after which they proceeded nearly west. They had a good deal of unfavorable weather, and were sixty days in reach- ing the "West Indies. 3. In order to understand the feelings of Columbus and his men during this long and eventful voyage, we must consider that their vessels were small and feeble compared with the ships of the present day; and we must remember also that they were entering upon an unknown sea, which, according to popular belief, was full f>f the most awful dangers. 4. As they proceeded on their unknown path, after leaving the Canaries, the aspect of nature seemed to change ; the sky, the stars, the color of the water appeared strange, and to the imagination of the sailors, ominous and fearful. Even the needle of the compass, hitherto pointing to the polar star, seemed affected with some sinister influ- ence, for it now tremblingly diverged to the north-west. 12. What of the preparations made ? 13. "What of the ships and men of Columbus ? CHAP. V. 1. What was the age of Columbus at the time of setting sail upon his voy- age? How long a time had he spent in planning his voyage? 2. When did the fleet sail ? What of their course ? 3. What was the popular belief as to the Atlantic ocean at thi? time ? 4. What of the sky, sea, and stars, ns Columbus advanced ? What of the compass ? 22 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. COLUMBUS APFItOACUIXG THE LAND. 5. These things greatly disturbed the navigators, but at length the air became more balmy, and aquatic plants, apparently detached from some shore, floated upon the sea: at the same time sweet odors filled the air, and birds were seen on the wing. 6. But now another strange thing appeared : the sea was so covered with vegetation as to impede the vessels. About the same time the trade-winds, which blow steadily in one direction for several months of the year, and which these adventurers had never heard of, began to bear them along, in a direction away from their home. 7. The sailors had several times been nearly in a state of mutiny, on account of their fears, but now their terrors and their disobedience were renewed. They believed that they had arrived at the very limits of the world, and that unless they speedily returned, they would never again see their native land. 8. Columbus was an old commander, and he resorted to various 5. What of plants, birds, etc.? 6. What of the trade-winds? T. What of the sailors? ATLANTIC OCEAN. MAP OF THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. NOTE. The whole length of the Atlantic, from Greenland to Cape Horn, is about 9.0;)0 miles; its greatest width is about 3,000 miles. 1 QUESTIONS. What countries bound the Ailaniic on the east? Ans. Africa and Europe. "What countries bound it on the west ? A Norih and South America. In what dircciion did the Northmen sail, in going from Greenland to America? In what direction did Columbus sail, in going from the Canary Islands 10 the West Indies ? In what direction is Palos, in Spain, from the Island of St. Salvador? Which way is Cape Verd from Spain? Which way is Hayii from Spain? Eio Janeiro from Washing- ton? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. COLUMBUS TAKING POSSESSION OF THE NEWLY DISCOVERED ISLAND. means to allay the terrors and the discontent of his crew. But now their anxiety and impatience had reached such a pitch that it was with great difficulty he restrained them from open rebellion. 9. Fortunately the signs of land, at no great distance, became so strong that hope revived among the sailors, and they went on their way. At length, on the llth of October, they faintly discovered land, and on the 12th they were alongside of a beautiful green island. 10. This proved to be what was called by the natives Gu-a-na-han'-i, one of the Ba-ha'-mas; but Columbus named it San Sal'-va-dor. It was several leagues in extent, and had inhabitants upon it. As Columbus landed, he knelt and kissed the new earth, at the same time thanking God, who had prospered their enterprise. His men, impatient and mutinous as they had been during the voyage, now crowded around him and begged his forgiveness. The scene must have been truly affecting. 11. The native inhabitants of the island, who have since been called Indians, were naked and copper-colored, with long black hair, and without beards. These gathered around the new comers in wonder, 8. What of Columbus? 9. What of the men durinc; the voyage? What happened Octo- ber 11. 1492? What on the 12th? 10. What -was the first land discovered in America? What did Columbus do on landing? What of his men? DISCOVERY OF CUBA. 25 PORTRAIT OF COLUMBUS. not knowing what to make of them. They looked at the ships with even greater amazement than at the men, regarding them as some gigantic species of animal ; and when cannon were discharged, they imagined them to be engines with eyes of fire and voices of thunder. 12. "When Columbus had spent a little time in examining the new island, he proceeded to make further discoveries. Cuba was dis- covered November 7th, and His-pa-ni-o'-la or St. Do-min'-go not long afterward. These, however, were all the lands which were discovered during the first voyage. As Columbus supposed these to be a part of the Indies, they afterward acquired the name of the "West Indies. Columbus set out on his return to Spain, January 14th, 1493. 13. On their passage homeward, the adventurers encountered terri- ble storms, in one of which they were near being lost. In the moment 11. "What of the natives of the newly-discovered island? '12. "What other discoveries, did Columbus make during this voyage? How did the West Indies get their name? When did Columbus set sail on his return? 26 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. of the greatest danger, Columbus had presence of mind enough to write on parchment a short account of his voyage, enclose it in ;i cake of wax, and commit it to the sea in a cask, in hopes that if all else should be lost, this might survive, and give information of his dis- coveries to the world. After seventy days, however, they arrived safe in Spain. CHAPTER VI. The other Voyages of Columbus. 1. WHEN Columbus arrived in Spain, the news of his wonderful dis- coveries rapidly spread far and wide over the country, and he was everywhere looked upon with respect and admiration. Ferdinand and Isabella, then at the city of Bar-ce-lo'-na, received him with the most distinguished tokens of regard. 2. He had brought various specimens of the productions of what was now called the Xew r World, and these were exhibited to the king and queen and to the court, who seemed to regard them with wonder and admiration. Xo honors were too great for Columbus, and a powerful fleet was placed at his command for another voyage. 3. This was made in the foil of 1493, during which Columbus dis- covered Ja-mai'-ca and a few other islands. But now unexpected difficulties occurred. Enemies thickened around him and retarded his progress. It was not till the summer of 1498 that he made his third voyage, during which he discovered the Continent of America, to which he had been the first to open a pathway. Even then, being charged with misconduct, he was carried home in chains. 4. Columbus was however liberated, and made a fourth voyage to America in 1502, with his brother Bartholomew and his son Fernando; but it was his last. The same enmity which had caused him to be sent home from his third voyage in fetters, still pursued him, and he at last became its victim. After languishing in obscurity and poverty for a time, he died at Val-la-dol'-id, in Spain, May 20th, 1506, in the seventy-first year of his age. 13. What of the voyage homeward ? CIIAP. VI. 1. How was Columbus received on his return to Spain? 2. What of the specimens of products of the New World? What of another fleet? 3. When was the second voyage of Columbus performed ? What did he discover during his second voyage ? His third voyage ? 4. What of his fourth voyage ? What more of Colum- bus? OTHER DISCOVERIES IN AMERICA. 27 AMEUICUS VESPUCIUS. 5. Thus had America been discovered and made known to the Europeans by Chris- topher Columbus. The new continent, on every just principle, should have been called Co- lumbia, after its discov- erer. But A-mer'-i-cus Ves-pu'-ci-us, a Flor-' en-tine, who visited the continent in 1499, and published a map of the coast, pretending at the same time to have made large discoveries, con- trived to have it called by his own name, which it has since retained. CIIAPTEK VII. Other Discoveries in America ty tJie English, Portuguese and French. 1. THE fame of what Columbus had done was soon spread through Europe, and adventurers flocked to the New World some for honor, some for enterprise, and others for gain. In general, however, the great object of pursuit was gold and other precious commodities, as will become more evident in the progress of our history. 2. John Cab'-ot, a Venetian merchant who had settled at Bristol, in England, sailed in May, 1497, under the patronage of Henry VII. of England, for the purpose of making discoveries in America, being accompanied by his son Sebastian, as well as two other sons. In the course of this voyage, in June, he discovered a portion of the coast of Labrador, and thus was the first discoverer of the continent of Amer- ica. He soon returned, but not long after his son Sebastian explored the coast from Labrador to Virginia, claiming the country in the name of the king of England. 5. What of the name of America? Americna Vespucius? CHAP. VII 1, What followed the discoveries of Columbus? What were the objects of the- early adventurers in America * 2. What of John Cabot? 28 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 3. In 1501, the king of Portugal sent out a fleet of discovery under the command of Gas'-par Cor-te-re'-al. He sailed along the shores of North America six or seven hundred miles ; but he appears to have thought more of money than any thing else ; and not finding gold, he seized on fifty of the native Indians, carried them home, and sold them as slaves. 4. Emboldened by his success, he made a second voyage, but did not live to return. The general belief is that he lost his life in at- tempting to secure another cargo of slaves, and that Labrador was the theatre of his crime and its punishment. This, however, is not quite certain. 5. The French, too, engaged in attempts to make discoveries. Their operations, however, were at first principally about the mouth of the St. Law'-rence, and the islands of New-found'-land and Cape Bre'-ton. By the year 1505 or 1506, they were quite familiar with this region, and Den'-ys of Hon'-fleur had drawn a map of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 6. As early as 1508, the French had become much engaged in the fisheries on the northeast coast of the present United States, and, as if to follow up the wicked example of the Portuguese, and involve the first settlers in cruel wars, had forcibly carried away to France some of the natives. They appear also to have meditated the establishment of colonies in the New World. CHAPTEK YIIL Various Discoveries in Noi^th America. The Voyage of Verrazani. Discoveries of Cartier. Ponce de Leon. Ferdinand de Soto. Sir Walter Raleigh. 1. OJTE of the most remarkable voyages of discovery was made in 1524. Fran'-cis I., king of France, sent out to America, Ver-ra-za'-ni, a Flor'-en-tine, who, with a single vessel, the Dolphin, after a long voyage of fifty days, in which he encountered a terrible storm, reached North Carolina; thence, sailing northward, he explored the coasts of New Jersey, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine, and Nova Scotia, and returned to France. He also paid some attention to the coasts of Florida, which, however, had been previously occupied by the Spaniards. 8, 4. What of the king of Portugal and Caspar Cortereal? 5, 6. What of the French? CHAP. VIII. 1. "What remarkable voyage took place in 1521? VARIOUS DISCOVERIES IN NORTH AMERICA. 29 2. In 1534, the same king sent James Car'-tier to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Newfoundland. In a second voyage, this navigator sailed up the St. Lawrence as far as Mon-tre-al', to which he gave its present name. He learned from the Indians something of northern New York and Vermont; and he claimed posses- sion of Canada in behalf of the French. 3. Though the French were early attracted to Florida, the Span- iards were before them. Ponce de Le'-on, a voy- ager with Colum- bus, having be- come disaffected toward hirn, pro- ceeded from Por- to Eico \ree'-co\ in March, 1512, to make discoveries by himself. He found a new region, on the 6th of April, to which he gave the name of Florida, on account of its florid or blooming appearance. 4. The king of Spain, in whose name Leon claimed the country, appointed him the governor of it, on condition of his establishing a colony there. In attempting to effect a settlement, he met with many remarkable adventures; finally his people were attacked by the Indians and driven away, and he was himself mortally wounded. 5. In 1520, two ships were fitted out at St. Do-min'-go, which pro- ceeded to the coast of South Carolina, andhaving decoyed some native Indians on board, suddenly set sail, and carried them to St. Domingo. It is not surprising, from this and similar outrages, that the savages of the continent, from one end of it to the other, became suspicious of white men. 6. In 1540, Ferdinand de So'-to made a tour through Florida, north- ward, to Georgia, and thence westward, across the Cher-o-kee' country and Alabama, to the country of the Chick-a-saws', where he spent the winter. In the spring of 1541, he discovered and crossed the Missis- DEATH OF PONCE DE LEON. 9.. TVh.it occurred in respect to Cartier in 15S4 ? Sebastian ? 3, 4. "What, of Florida and Ponce de Leon* 5. Capture of Indians? 6. What of Frrclinnnd de Soto? 30 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. sippi, and traveled in Arkansas and Missouri. He died in 1542, and his companions passed through Louisiana to Mexico. 7. The details of this expedition are full of interest. The Indians of these regions, at this period, were numerous, and their manners and customs pre- sent much that is curious. 8. We have already seen that s the English, through the Cab- SIR WALTER RALEIGH. cluimsmthenew continent. In 1584, Queen Eli- zabeth having made a grant to the celebrated and accomplish- ed Sir Walter Ra'-leigh, he sent hither two ships on a voyage of discovery. These entered Pamlico Sound, and explored the coast to the northward. The queen bestowed upon this region the title of Virginia. 9. Among the discoveries of minor importance, made toward the close of the sixteenth century, were those of Bar-thol'-o-mew Gos'-nold, an Englishman. In a voyage to Virginia, as the whole coast was then called, he discovered and named Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, and Elizabeth Island, belonging to Massachusetts; he attempted to form a settlement on the latter, but without success. CHAPTER IX. The Native Inhabitants of the New World. Peculiar Plants and Animals. 1. WHILE the various nations of Europe were thus making discov- eries along the eastern coast of North America, the Spaniards were 7. What of the southern Indians ? 8. What of Sir Walter Raleigh ? 9. What of Gosnold ? CHAP.' IX. 1. What of the enterprises of the Spaniards in the West Indies? NATIVE INHABITANTS. INDIANS LOOKING AT THB APPROACH OF COLUMBUS FLEET. extending their enterprise among the various West India Islands, as well as upon the continent around the Gulf of Mexico. 2. One striking fact was manifest, that all the native inhabitants of America were of one race ; they were also of a reddish skin, having black hair, black eyes, and a somewhat dark and brooding character. They received the name of Indians, as before intimated, and in the early histories of America were called the Red Men, in distinction from Europeans, who were called the Wliite Men. 3. These Indians were divided into many nations and tribes, and ppoke many different languages. In the northern parts of North America, they were divided into a multitude of savage bands, living by war and the chase. In the West India Islands they were in general a gentle race, living happily upon the natural fruits of the soil, though some tribes were fierce and wild, and even feasted on human flesh. 2. Describe the natives of America? What names were applied to them ? 8. What of the Indians in the northern parts of North America? In the West Indies? 32 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 4. In Mexico, there was a large and powerful nation, -which had made some advances in civilization, but was still in a barbarous state. About the year 1520, this was invaded and conquered by the Spaniards, under the celebrated Fer-nan'-do Cor'-tez. 5. In the north-western part of the continent of South America there was a great empire of native Indians, called Peru, which had also reached a certain pitch of civilization ; but about the year 1531 this was acquired and subjected to Spain by Pi-zar'-ro. 6. In other portions of South America, the natives, chiefly savages, were conquered by the Spaniards and Portuguese. 7. We must here mention another curious fact, which is, that the Europeans, on arriving in America, discovered many plants and animals which they had never seen before. They discovered Indian corn, potatoes, and tobacco; these were carried to Europe, and were then for the first time cultivated there. 8. They also discovered here many kinds of birds and beasts, such as did not exist in the Old World ; among them were turkeys, bisons, and lamas. They also found that America had no such animals as horses, cows, or sheep; ncr had they any domestic cats, dogs, hens, or chickens. These animals, now so common here, were first brought hither from Europe. CHAPTER X. An. English Colony sent out to Virginia. Settlement at Jamestown. 1. WE must now leave the general current of events in America, and turn our attention, particularly, to the settlement and progress of our own country, the United States. While the Spaniards, Portuguese, French, and other nations, were carving out the New World to suit themselves, we must consider the operations of the English in North America. 2. But, as our attention will first be directed to the southern section of our country, let us study the map at page 33. This presents us with a view of the Southern States, as they now appear. AVe here see 4. What of Cortcz? 5. What of Piznrro? 6. What happened in other parts <-f South America? 7. What new plants did the Europeans discover in America? 8. What now animals? What domestic animals did not exist in America when it was discovered? CHAP. X. 1, 2. Let the teacher put such questions as he deems necessary upon the map. ENGLISH COLONY SENT TO VIRGINIA. 33 divisions of states and locations of towns, which did not exist at the time at which our history commences. The mountains, rivers, shores, and waters were, however, the same. 89 87 85 83 81 79 77 75 MAP OF SOUTHERN STATES. 3. One hundred and fifteen years had passed away, after the dis- covery of America hy Columbus, and one hundred and ten after the 3. How long a time had elapsed after the discovery of America, before any permanent settlement was made in the present United States ? 2* 34 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. discovery of the continent by the Cabots, and no permanent settlement was yet made within the limits of what are now called the United States. BUILWNQ AT JAMESTOWN. 4. But a new era in the history of this western world was at hand. A company had been formed in England, under the patronage of king James I., whose object was to make settlements in America between the 34th and 38th degrees of north latitude, in what was then called South Virginia. For this purpose they obtained a royal grant or patent. 5. In May, 1607, a colony of one hundred and five persons, under the direction of this company, arrived off the coast of South Virginia. Their first intention had been to form a settlement on Koanoke [ro'-noke] island, lying on the coast of what is now called North Carolina; but, being driven further to the north by a violent storm, they discovered and entered the mouth of Ches'-a-peake Bay. 6. To the capes of this bay, in passing, they gave the names they now bear Cape Charles and Cape Henry in honor of the two sons of the king of England. To a point of land further within the mouth of the bay, and near where Hamp'-ton now stands, they gave the name of Point Comfort, on account of the comfortable anchorage they found there. 4. What company was formoel in the time of James I.? 5. What occurred in 1J07? 6. What of Capes Charles ami Henry ? Point Comfort? SETTLEMENT AT JAMESTOWN. 35 7. This first body of emigrants, unfortunately, did not consist of families of hardy, enterprising farmers, and other laborers and me- chanics. There were only twelve laborers and a few mechanics in the company "forty-eight gentlemen and four mechanics," as the his- torian informs us. All, moreover, were single men ; not an organized family being among them. 8. They were commanded by Captain Christopher Newport, an old and experienced navigator. After smoking the cal'-u-met, or pipe of peace, with the natives, on the spot where the town of Hampton now stands, they proceeded slowly tip a river, which, in honor of their king, they called James Rircr. 9. But although they began by smoking the pipe of peace, it ap- pears that some of the savage tribes, as they ascended the river, showed signs of hostility. They had doubtless heard of the treatment of their brethren at the Eoanoke River, twenty years before, as will appear in the history of North Carolina; or perhaps they remembered the kid- nappers of 1520. 10. At length the colonists came to a peninsula, some fifty miles up the river, on its northern side, which they selected as a suitable place on which to establish themselves. Here they landed, and commenced the building of houses. This place was called Jamestown. It was now about the middle of May. 11. The plan of government for the little colony had been prepared for the emigrants before they left England. One of their first efforts was to ratify, as it were, this constitution or form of government. The officers consisted of a council or board of seven persons, from whom they were to select a president, who was to act as chief magis- trate. 12. "\Ve must not omit to notice the method of forming this first United States government. The London Company had selected the council before the emigrants set out, but the names were carefully put up in a box and concealed till the party should arrive in Virginia; they were then to open it and organize themselves. A code of laws, which had also been prepared by the Company, was to be at the same time promulgated. 13. The names of the seven councillors were Bartholomew Gosnold, the navigator, John Smith, Edward Wingfield, Christopher Newport, John Rate! iff, John Martin, and George Kendall. They made choice of Mr. Wingfield for their president. 7. "Wh.it of the first body of emigrants? Of what class was it composed ? 8. "Who com- manded the expedition ? 9. What of the Indians? What of Jamestown? 11, 12. What of the government of the colony ? 1-1 "Who were the councillors? 36 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTEE XI. Visit to Powhatan. Account of the Indians in this Quarter. Sad Condition of the Colony. 1. WHILE a part of the colonists were busy in clearing the soil and building suitable huts and fortifications, Captain Newport, in company with Captain John Smith, ascended the James River to the Falls, and visited Pow-ha-tan', the chief of the Indians in those parts, at his principal seat, just below where Rich'-mond now stands. 2. The Indians in these regions were quite numerous, though the place where Powhatan lived had only twelve houses. These were, like the other dwellings of the savages, mere huts or tents made of sticks, bark, and leaves, and were called wigwams. 8. The visitors found Powhatan and his tribe to be in a very rude and savage state ; they lived chiefly by fishing and hunting, though they cultivated Indian corn and a few other articles. They were nearly naked, but sometimes wore the skins of wild beasts. They were often at war with other tribes ; their chief weapons in war and the chase were the bow and arrow and the tomahawk, the latter being a kind of small axe. 4. After a short stay, Captain Newport left the colony for England. No settlement was ever left in a more pitiable condition. To say nothing of the danger from savage foes, their provisions were poor and insufficient, the water was unwholesome, and the summer heat in- tolerable to those who had been accustomed to a cooler climate: many of them were ill, and those who were not so were discouraged. 5. In less than a fortnight after the departure of the fleet, hardly ten of them were able to stand ; and scarcely five were fit to guard the fort, or plant crops for future sustenance. The sickness increased, till, in some instances, three or four died in a night. Fifty of them, or about half the colony, perished before autumn came on. 6. To complete the catalogue of evils, they quarrelled among them- selves. They first excluded Captain Smith from the council, profess- edly on account of sedition, but really and truly from motives of envy. Next they deposed Mr. Wingfield, the president, and appointed Mr. Ratcliflf in his stead, who was no better, and thus things, for some time, went on. 7. They discovered, at last, that Captain Smith, whom they had so CHAP. XI. 1-3. What of Captain Newport and Captain Smith? 4. What was the state of the colony when Captain Newport departed with the fleet?- 5. What soon followed? 6. What added to the evils of the colon v? CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH. 3T much bated, was the best man among them, and their chief depend- ence. In truth, as it afterward proved, they could not do without him in peace or in war. Money, with him, was not, as with most men, and especially those of this colony, a main object: the good of his fellow- men seems to have been the higher motive in his breast. 8. Captain Smith became so identified with the history of the colony, and, indeed, with the history of our country and our race, that it may be well to give a more particular account of him his birth, education, and adventures in early life. CHAPTER XII. Captain John Smith. His remarkalle Life and Adven- tures. lie joins the Expedition to Virginia. Makes Treaties with the Indians, etc. 1. THIS most remarkable man of all the first settlers of Jamestown, was born in Lin- colnshire, Eng- land, in 15T9. He was put as an ap- prentice to a mer- chant, at the age of fifteen, but, dis- liking the busi- ness, he left his master, proceeded to Holland, enlist- ed for a time as a soldier ' aml at length found his way to Austria. CAPTAIN SMITH MAKING A TREATY WITH THE INDIANS. - 1 ' -H ere n C en- tered the Austrian army, then engaged in a war with the Turks. After many singular adventures, and not a few hazardous exploits in single combat hav- ing, in three several instances, cut off the heads of his antagonists 7. What of Captain Smith? S. Why is it proper to tell the story of Captain Smith in detail ? CHAI>. XII. 1. When and where was Captain John Smith born? What of his early life? 2. What happened to him in Austria? 38 HISTOUY OF THE UNITED STATES. he was at length wounded, taken prisoner, and, on his recovery, sold as a slave. 3. In this situation he behaved so well as speedily to win the con- fidence of his new mistress, who, with a view to restore to him his freedom, sent him to her brother, an officer at the Cri-rne'-a, in Russia. Here, contrary to her expectations, he was put to the severest drudgery, and his life made a burden. 4. Determined to escape from his new master, he at length found a convenient opportunity. lie was employed in threshing, about three miles from the house. Here his master visited him once a day. Watch- ing his opportunity, Smith dispatched him with the flail, hid his body in the straw, and, mounting his horse, fled to the woods. 5. After wandering several days, uncertain of his fate, he came to a guide-post. By means of the marks on this, he found his way. Thus he returned, through Russia, Poland, Germany, and France, to his native country; though on his way he passed through Spain, and visited the kingdom of Mo-roc'-co, in Africa, where he spent a short time. G. lie reached England just as companies were being formed for settling the new continent of America. As he had lost none of his courage or energy, he was admirably adapted to the hazardous un- dertaking, lie was immediately attached to the expedition under Captain Newport, and made, as we have seen, one of the members of the Virginia council. 1. Small bodies of men, when exposed to great danger, are, for the most part, united among themselves. But it was not so, as we have seen, with the Jamestown colony. There was no bond of union, even in the hour of danger. To restore harmony, then, was the first object to which Smith, who had now recovered his influence, directed his attention. 8. Peace and order, by his efforts, being at length restored, he found leisure to do something toward defending the colony from foes with- out. The Indians threatened them ; but he made treaties with them, and thus succeeded in quieting them for the present, as well as in re- moving the fears which had agitated the colony. 3. "What happened to him among the Turks? 4, 5. What of his escape ? 6. What of Smith respecting the American colony? 7. What was the state of the colon}- when Smith recovered his influence ? & "What did he do ? EXPLORATIONS OF SMITH. 39 CHAPTER XIII. Captain Smith goes on an Exploring Voyage. He is taken Prisoner, and carried before Powhatan. 1. As soon as the colony became secure, and was well supplied with provisions, Smith undertook a voyage of discovery. An opinion pre- vailed among the first voyagers to America, into which Smith had fallen among the rest, that it was only a little way across the country to the South Sea, then deemed the ocean path to every kind of wealth. They supposed that by ascending almost any river which came from the north-west, they could soon iind a passage by water thither. CAPTAIV SMITH ON* AX EXPLORING VOYAGE. 2. The Chick-a-hom'-i-ny River is a branch of the James, uniting with it a little above Jamestown. "With a small number of associates, Smith ascended it in a barge as far as it was beatable, and then, leaving the barge with a part of the men, who were to remain on board, ascended in a canoe still higher up the stream. CHAP. XIII. 1. What opinion hud Smith adopted? 2. What river did Smith ascend with an exploring party? 4:0 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 3. lie had no sooner left the bout, than the crew went ashore at the very spot where a brother of Powhutan, witli some Indians, lay in ainbnsh. They seized one of the men, and, after having compelled him to tell them which way their .commander had gone, they cruelly murdered him, and then went in pursuit of Smith and his party. 4. Having proceeded about twenty miles, they overtook and at- tacked them, killing the companions of Smith, and wounding him. They then surrounded and attempted to take him; but, though wounded, he defended himself until he had killed three of his assail- ants, when he sank deep in a marsh and was captured. 5. Smith knew the character of the Indians, and set about devising expedients to prolong his life. lie took from his pocket a compass, and amused his captors by showing them the vibrations of the needle. He thus excited their curiosity, and by various means arrested their immediate purpose of taking his life. G. He was, however, detained, and was obliged to exercise his inge- nuity to amuse the savages. He endeavored to give them some faint notions of the earth and the visible heavenly bodies ; he also wrote a note on a piece of paper and sent it to the colonists at Jamestown, thus showing that by this means he could communicate with his friends. '"' 7. Thus the savages came to the conclusion that their prisoner was a magician, and it might not be safe to destroy him ; therefore they at length concluded to conduct him to Powhatan. lie was bound for this purpose and brought before the king, whom he found seated on a wooden throne, with two girls, his daughters, at his side. After a consultation with his principal men, it was determined to put him to death, and they proceeded to make the preparations. CIIAPTEE XIV. The Story of Pocahontaa. She saws Captain Smith s Life, and Incomes the Friehd of the English. She is married to Rolfe. 1. Two large stones were brought in, and laid at the feet of the savage king, and Smith's head was placed on one of them, while the 8. "What occurred after Smith left the boat? 4. How was Smith pursued and taken? 5. "What did Smith do? 6. What particularly astonished the Indians? 7. "What did the savages believe Smith to be? "Why did they take him to Powhatan? "What did Powhatan determine to do ? CHAP. XIV. 1. What preparations were made for the death of Smith? STORY OF POCAHONTAS. 41 savages gathered around to witness the execution. At length the club of the destroyer was raised, and every one was waiting in silent sus- pense to see it fall 011 the victim. POCAHONTAS. 2. At this critical instant, Po-ca-hon'-tas, the eldest of the king's daughters, now scarcely twelve years of age, rushed forward with a shriek, and threw herself between the unhappy stranger and the exe- cutioner. Her hair was loose, and her eyes were wild and streaming with tears. She raised her hands to her father, and besought him, with all her power of eloquence, to spare his captive. 3. Powhatan, though little used to pity, could not resist her en- treaties and tears. He paused, and looked round upon his warriors, as if to gather their opinion of what was proper to be done. They too were touched with pity, though they were savages. At last he raised his daughter, and promised her to spare the prisoner's life. 4. lie was accordingly saved, and the very next day conducted by 2. What did Focahontas now do ? 8. "What of rowhatan and the savages ? was done with Smith? What treaty did ho make ? 4. What 4:2 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. a guard of twelve men to Jamestown. He had been a prisoner about seven weeks. Before his departure he made a treaty with the king, by which he was to send back two cannon and a grindstone, for which Powhatan was to let him have a large tract of country, and forever regard him as his son. 5. He reached Jamestown in safety, but not wishing to send guns to the savages, he determined to frighten them. However, he brought forward the two cannon and a grindstone, but they thought them too heavy to carry. He then discharged the cannon, loaded with stones, among the trees, which so terrified them that they were glad to return to Powhatan with a quantity of toys and trinkets in their stead. 6. Powhatan was greatly pleased with the presents, but Indian friendships are not always permanent. Some time afterward, his savage feelings became again excited against the English, and a plan was laid for cutting them all off at a blow, which, but for the inter- ference of Pocahontas, would probably have succeeded. The day and the hour were set, and Pocahontas was informed of both. Y. The very night before the deed was to be done, in the midst of a terrible storm, w r hich, with the thick darkness, kept the savages in their huts, Pocahontas proceeded to Jamestown, and revealed the plot. The colonists were, therefore, on their guard, and a part of them saved. This first Indian plot to massacre the English took place in 1609. 8. It docs not appear that the savages ever found out who revealed their plan, for Pocahontas remained at her father's house for some time afterward. In the meanwhile, with the aid of Captain Smith, peace was once more established between the two nations. 9. Pocahontas, having now become the warm friend of the English, came every few days to the fort at Jamestown, with her basket of corn for the garrison, which proved of great service to them. At length, however, she was stolen by a foraging party of the white people, and a large sum was demanded of her father for her ransom. 10. Powhatan was unwilling to comply with the terms proposed, and began to prepare for a war with the English ; and had it not been for an event as singular as it was unforeseen, a most fatal conflict would doubtless have arisen. A young Englishman, by the name of Rolfe, proposed to marry Pocahontas, and the proposal met the appro- bation of the king. 11. She accordingly professed the faith of the Christian religion, and was baptized from a font hewn from the trunk of a tree, in the little 5. "Why did not the Indians take the cannon? 6. What plot was soon laid? T. How did Pocahontas save the colony? 8, 9. What of the capture of Pocahontas? 10. How was war prevented ? 11. What of Pocahontas as a wife and mother? STATE OF THE COLONY. 43 rugged church at Jamestown. Soon after she was married. She be- came a faithful wife and an exemplary and pious mother. Some of the principal families in Virginia are descended from this union of a young planter with an Indian princess. 12. In 1616, Pocahontas went with her husband to England, but she was unhappy there. Captain Smith, who was in London at the time of her arrival, called to see her, but he was a little reserved in his manners toward her. This added to the intensity of her feelings, and she wept like a child. 13. Captain Smith inquired the cause of her grief. " Did I not save thy life," said she, "in America? When I was torn from the arms of my father, and conducted among thy friends, didst thou not promise to be a father to me ? Didst thou not say that if I went iuto thy country, thou wouldst be my father, and I should be thy daughter? Thou hast deceived me ; and behold me here, now, a stranger and an orphan!" 14. Captain Smith could not resist such eloquence. He introduced her to many families of respectability, and did all he could, while she remained in England, to make her happy ; he never, however, ventured to bring her before the king. She fell a victim to the united influence of grief and the climate, and died at the age of twenty-two, as she was about to re-embark for America. CHAPTER XY. Depressed State of the Colony. Arrival of Captain New- port and more Emigrants. The Gold Fever. Smith's Voyage of Discovery. 1. DURING the captivity of Captain Smith, he had been carried in triumph, by the Indians, from the Chickahoininy Kiver to their vil- lages on the Rap-pa han'-noc and Po-to'-mac, and thence through their other settlements to the Pamunkey river, and finally to the lower resi- dence of Powhatan, in what is now called Gloucester [glos'-ter] county. 2. "It is an ill wind that blows nobody good," says an old but current and just maxim ; and the captivity of Smith, though an evil 12. What of Pocahontas in the year 1G1G? 13,14. "What occurred between Pocahontas and Captain Smith in England? What was the fate of Pocahontas? CHAP. XV. 1, 2. What good arose from Smith's capture by the Indians? 44: HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. in itself, had its advantages. It gave him such a knowledge of the country, and of the character and condition of the native inhabitants, as proved to be of the highest importance afterward, both to him and the colony. 3. We have seen already that the number of the settlers at James- town had been much diminished before the massacre of the men who went out with Smith. Some had also died during his absence. From one hundred and tive, who came over, he found them reduced, on his return, to forty, and of these, a part were contriving to desert the colony. 4. Attempts had been made at desertion twice before. Captain Smith resolved to put a stop to this, even if it cost him his life; and he succeeded in accomplishing his object. But the state of things in Jamestown was exceedingly discouraging; the government was of no force whatever, and every thing would have gone to ruin but for his courage and determination. 5. At this critical period in the history of the colony, Captain New- port arrived from England, with one hundred and twenty emigrants. The news of this arrival in James River raised the drooping courage of the people, and diffused general joy. It is not improbable that the spot on the James River which is known by the name of u Newport's News," is the point from which his vessel was first discovered. 6. But the joy was of short duration. The new-comers, like too many of those who first emigrated, were chiefly u vagabond gentlemen" as the settlers called them and goldsmiths. The latter, no doubt, came over filled with the idea of obtaining gold. None of them, how- ever, expected to earn their living by hard work. All they thought or talked of was about digging, washing, refining, and carrying away the most precious of metals. 7. Even Martin, one of the council, and Captain Newport himself, became absorbed if, indeed, their brains were not actually turned in the idea of finding gold. Martin claimed, no doubt sincerely, that he had discovered a gold mine; and Newport, after loading his vessel with what proved in the end to be worthless yellow earth, be- lieved himself to be rich, and returned to England. 8. "Worn out with fruitless endeavors to direct the attention of his people to something more important than searching for gold, Captain Smith undertook to explore the inlets, rivers, and shores of Chesa- peake Bay. This he accomplished, in the course of two voyages, in an open boat, and Avith only fourteen men. 3. How were the colonists reduced? 4. "What of desertions? 5. What of Captain Newport? 6,7. What of gold? 8,0. What of Captain Smith's i-.'^.lorationsV INCREASE OF THE COLONY. 45 9. These voyages were undertaken and completed in about three months. He ascended the Potomac, above where Washington now stands, discovered and explored the Pa-tap'-sco, and, it is thought, entered the harbor of Baltimore. The whole distance travelled was estimated at about 3,000 miles. 10. But exploration was not all that Captain Smith accomplished. He journeyed into the interior, and made treaties of peace and friendship with many tribes of the natives. He also prepared and sent over to the London Company a map of the country, which is still in existence, and is very correct. This expedition, considering all the circumstances, is one of the most remarkable on record ; and displays not only skill and perseverance in Smith, but far-sighted and states- manlike wisdom. 1. IN three davs after his return from his CHAPTER XYL Increase (if the Colony. Smith's Administration of the Government. Failure of his Health. His Jieturn to England. second voyage up the Chesapeake Bay, Captain Smith not yet thirty years of age was made president of the Virginia council. It is worthy of remark that, of the seven nl em- bers of the coun- cil who came over about a year before, all but Smith and Ken- dall were now dead, or degrad- CAPTAIN SMITH PRESIDENT. ed, or devoted to the vain and unprofitable pursuit of gold. 10. What dirt Smith do beside exploring the country? CHAP. XVI. 1. What office was conferred upon Smith? How old was he? 46 HISTORY OF TUB UNITED STATES. 2. Not long after the appointment of Smith as president, Captain Newport came out from England with seventy more emigrants, two of whom were women. Of nearly 300 emigrants, who had now come over, these appear to have been the only women who had as yet ventured to join the colony. 3. From the complaints of Smith to the London Company, it ap- pears that the character of this third set of emigrants was no better than that of the former. "I entreat you," says he, "rather send but thirty carpenters, husbandmen, gardeners, fishermen, blacksmiths, masons, and diggers-up of tree-roots, well provided, than a thousand of such as we have." 4. Smith was indefatigable in his endeavors to establish among the colonists habits of order and industry. His maxim was, " He who will not work should not eat." And he had some success. Several of the ''gentlemen" colonists became wood-cutters. They were required to labor six hours a day for the common good ; the rest of the time they had to themselves. 5. At length, Jamestown began to have the appearance of a regular and comfortable abode. It is true that they had as yet scarcely fifty acres of soil under cultivation, and were obliged to get their food, in part, from the Indians and from England; yet they were now im- proving in their condition. They were also healthier, only seven having died during the year 1608. 6. Toward the close of this year a fleet of seve* vessels arrived, with about 300 emigrants. Nine vessels had set out, but two of them had been wrecked in the West Indies. But Smith could hardly rejoice at the arrival of "rakes and libertines," and people who were " packed off," as many of them were, " to escape worse destinies at home." 7. Something, however, must be done with them. One plan of his was to form new colonies. More than one hundred went up to the falls of the James River, and began a settlement; one hundred more settled upon the Nau'-se-mond. Both parties, however, offended the Indians, and were either destroyed or driven away. 8. A great misfortune now befel the colony of Jamestown. Captain Smith, being severely wounded by an accident, and almost worn out with his sufferings and the ingratitude of his employers, departed for England, leaving the government, for the time, to one Percy. 9. Captain Smith was, indeed, a most remarkable man, as the facts 2. What of Captain Newport? 8. "What complaints did Smith make to the London Company? 4. What endeavors did Smith make? 6. What of Jamestown? 6. What took place at the close of the year 1GOS? 7. "What of now colonies? S. What great mis- fortune befel the colony now ? FAMINE IN THE COLONY. 47 we have stated abundantly prove. Few men are so well calculated to be pioneers in settling a wilderness as he was. Few could have seen more clearly in what the true interest of a rising colony consisted ; and still fewer would have been equally energetic and disinterested. 10. Feelings deep and painful no doubt he had, for who has them not, in situations so trying as his? Yet the historian well remarks, " that he was the father of Virginia ; the true leader who first planted the Saxon race within the borders of the United States." We shall have occasion to mention him again, in the history of New England. He died in London, in 1631, aged fifty-two years. CHAPTER XVII. The Colony on the Yerge of Ruin. Preparations to aban- don Jamestown. Arrival of Lord Delaware. His new and successful Government. 1. THE departure of Captain Smith for England was like the last setting of the sun to the colony at Jamestown, at least for a time. No place ever went more rapid- ly on toward ruin. Order and indus- try disappeared, and the Indians not only became less friendly, but actually began to assume a hostile attitude, and to renew their out- LORD DELAWARE S ARRIVAL. rages. 2. Nor was this all. The indolence and bad conduct of the settlers brought on a famine in the colonv. Their want of food became so 9, 10. "What of Captain Smith's character? His (loath? What does the historian say of him? CnAp.XVIT. 1. What effects had the departure of Captain Smith? 2. What of famine? 48 HISTOKY OF THE UNITED STATES. distressing that they devoured the skins of horses, as well as the bodies of those persons who died or were .slain, whether of their own party or that of the Indians. To add to the distress, thirty of the settlers escaped, and became pirates. 3. In the short period of six months after Captain Smith's depart- ure, the number of the colonists was, in one way or another, reduced from five hundred to sixty. These, however, were so feeble and dis- couraged that they were wholly unfit to defend themselves against the Indians ; so that the colony was daily and hourly in actual danger of perishing. 4. In this dreadful condition, little short of despair, they resolved to return to England. But the decision was scarcely made when one of the vessels which had been shipwrecked in the West Indies six months before, and whose crew and passengers had wintered there, arrived in the river, and landed at Jamestown. 5. The wretched, despairing colonists were now urged to remain. They were, all together, about 200 in number. But no pleadings of Sir Thomas Gates, who was their presiding officer at the time, could prevail with them. Their plan was to sail for Newfoundland, and scatter themselves among the vessels engaged in fishing there, and thus find their way back to England. 6. They had four pinnaces remaining in the river, into which they entered, though almost without provisions, even for the voyage to Newfoundland. They had resolved strange to say on burning the town when they left it, and the energy of Gates, who, to the last mo- ment, endeavored to persuade them to remain, was barely sufficient to prevent it. 7. They actually set sail on their voyage. But jus.t as they reached the mouth of the river such was the ordination of Providence Lord Del'-a-ware, with provisions and more emigrants, arrived from Eng- land. This inspired them with a little courage ; and, as there was a favorable wind, the whole company bore up the river, and slept that night at the fort in Jamestown. 8. Lord Delaware began his wise administration next morning, with religious exercises, after which he caused his commission to be read ; upon which a consultation was held, and a new government organized, in accordance with the wishes of the London Company and their commissioners. 3. What took place in the space of six months? 4. What did the colonists resolve to do? What of a vessel from the West Indies? 5. "What of Sir Thomas Gates? 6. What of the fonr pinnaces? 7. What of Lord Delaware? S, 9. What of Lord Delaware's ad- ministration ? PROGRESS OF THE COLONY. 49 9. Much is said by historians in praise of the wisdom, firmness, and piety of Lord Delaware. It is recorded that the first business of each day was to assemble early in the morning in their " little church, which was kept trimmed with the wild flowers of the country," and there to invoke the presence and blessing of God, after which they repaired to their daily labors. CHAPTER XY1II. Progress of the Colony at Jamestown. Lord Delaware's Government. Administration of Governor Dale. 1. EVERY thing now wore a better appearance. Famine no longer stared the colonists in the face ; their health was improved consider- ably ; and the Indians were less troublesome than they had been. Under the administration of Lord Delaware, the people began to enjoy not only safety, but comfort. Their wretched cabins were even ex- changed for framed houses covered with boards. 2. Unfortunately for the colony, Lord Delaware's health failed, and he returned to England. He was succeeded, however, soon after his departure, by Sir Thomas Dale. This governor made an important change in the condition of the colony. Hitherto they had held their property and labored in common. Governor Dale assigned to each settler a lot of three acres to cultivate as his own. The quantity was afterward increased to fifty acres. 3. In September, 1611, six ships and 300 new emigrants arrived. There must have been also other arrivals during the year, for it is the concurrent testimony of historians that the population was at this time about YOO. Among other things which came were 112 cows, 20 goats, 200 swine, and a large stock of provisions. It must be remembered that none of these domestic animals were natives of America; a fact which we have already stated. 4. A new colony was formed this year, further up the river, and enclosed with a palisade; it was named llen-ri'-co (ree'-co\ in honor of Henry, the eldest son of king James, then on the throne of England. Another settlement, five miles from Henrico, was called New Ber- mu'-da. There was peace now with the Indians, and this peace was CHAP. XVIII. 1. What good consequences flowed from the administration of Lord Delaware? 2. What of Sir Thomas Dale? Division of property ? 8. What occurred in September, 1G11? What of domestic animals? New colonies? Peace? Eolfe and Pocahontas ? 3 50 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. prolonged by the marriage, in 1613, of Kolfe with Pocaliontas an event which has already been mentioned. 5. Tobacco, which, as we have stated, had been discovered by Co- lumbus in his first voyage, and had now come into use, was first intro- duced into Virginia in the year 1614. In 1615, the fields, the gardens, and even the streets and squares of Jamestown were planted with it, and its culture was found highly profitable. 6. It does not appear that more than two women came over till 1611, when twenty arrived. In 1620, when the number of the colo- nists was suddenly raised from six hundred to eighteen hundred and sixty, there was a reinforcement of ninety "respectable young women," according to the language of the historians. They were procured by the planters as wives, by paying from one hundred to one hundred and fifty pounds of tobacco each, to defray the expenses of their passage. 7. A number of unfortunate measures were adopted about this time. One was the sending over to the colony, as laborers, by order of king James, one hundred criminals; another, the introduction of the silk manufacture, for which the colony was not yet prepared. At this period twenty African slaves were purchased from the commander of a Dutch vessel these being the first introduced into the English set- tlements. 8. There were frequent and numerous changes in the officers of the government, especially that of the chief magistrate, near this period, and some changes, also, in the mode of administration. Still the colony was more flourishing in 1620 than at any former period. Within three years fifty patents of land had been granted, and three thousand five hundred new emigrants received. There were now in the com- monwealth eleven parishes and five ministers. 9. Such were the difficulties and dangers which beset the colony of Virginia, the earliest successful English settlement in North America. Such was the founding of the state of Virginia, now one of the most extensive and populous states of our federal Union. 5. Tobacco? 6. What of the arrival of women in 1620? 7. What mistakes -were com. nr.tted? 8. Changes in the government? Land patents ? 9. What of the first colony at the present day? SETTLEMENT OF NEW YORK. 51 CHAPTER XIX. Discoveries of Henry Hudson. Settlement of New York ~by the Dutch. 1. WHILE the colony of Virginia was thus advancing, another settlement, to the north, had been es- tablished. The isl- and tan. of Man-hat'- on which the city of New York was afterwards built, was first dis- covered by Cap- tain Henry Hud- son, in 1609. This person was the distinguished nav- igator who made discoveries to the northward of Can- ada and Labra- dor, and explored the large bay in that quarter which is called by his name to this day. 2. He was by birth an Englishman, but had been sent by the Dutch East India Company to try to find the East Indies by sailing in a north- westerly direction. Unable to proceed on account of the ice, he re- turned to Newfoundland, and coasted along the shores of the United States, discovering Manhattan Island, where New York now stands, and at the same time sailing up and giving name to what has since been called the North River, and more commonly Hudson's River. 3. As he was in the service of the Dutch* when he made these discoveries, the Dutch government claimed the country. The Eng- lish, however, set up an earlier claim to it, as being a part of North DUTCH TRADING WITH THE INDIANS. CHAP. XIX. 1. "What of Henry Hudson? 2. Hudson's birth ? Object of his voyage? His discovery of the Hudson Eiver, &c. ? 3. Why were his discoveries claimed for the benefit of the Dutch ? * The name Dutch is applied to the inhabitants of what is now called Holland, and which, in history, passes under the various names of Netherlands and Low Countries. An inhabitant of this country is called Deutscher, in his own language, whence we have the name Dutch. 52 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Virginia. They also maintained that, as Hudson was an English sub- ject, the countries he discovered were theirs. 4. But the Dutch were determined to hold the territory, if possible. They, therefore, in 1610, opened a trade with the natives at Manhat- tan Island, on the spot where the city of Nc\v York now stands, and erected a fort on or near the present site of Albany. To the country in general they gave the name of New Neth'-er-lands ; and to the station on Manhattan Island, when it afterwards came to be settled, that of New Am'-ster-dam. 5. In 1613, Captain Argale, of Virginia, who had sailed to the north to break up a settlement the French were forming on the Pe-nob'-scot River, stopped at New York on his return, and demanded the surrender of the island of Manhattan, and indeed of the whole country, to the British king. 6. But though the Dutch yielded their claim at this time, it was simply because they were unable to defend it ; the Dutch traders con- tinued to occupy it, and a new Dutch governor, in 1614, threw off the English yoke, and put the fort at New Amsterdam in a position of de- fence. The desire of the Dutch to hold the place is not surprising, for a very profitable trade with the Indians for furs of various kinds had been established; in 1624, the skins of beavers and other wild animals which they obtained were valued at over ten thousand dollars. 7. The Dutch continued to resist the claims of the English to the country till the year 1664, and, in the mean time, kept up a profitable trade with the natives. The progress of the settlement was, however, exceedingly slow as long as it remained in the hands of the Dutch, CHAPTER XX. Various Settlements in New England. Captain Smith's Survey of the Coast. 1. LEAVING for a brief space the Dutch settlements in what has since become the great state of New York, we turn our attention to New England. Nothing had been known as to the interior of this region till the year 1605. Captain Gosnold had, indeed, explored the coasts, and attempted a settlement on Elizabeth Island, in 1602, but with- out success. The country went by the general name of North Vir- 4. What did the Dutch do? 5. What occurred in 1613? 6. What took place in 1614? What of the far trade ? 7. What of the Dutch and the English claims? CHAP. XX. 1. What of New England? THE PLYMOUTH COMPANY. 53 CAPTAIN WEYMOUTH EXHIBITING INDIANS IN ENGLAND. ginia, South Virginia extending only so far north as to include the coun f ry near the mouth of Hud- son's Eiver. 2. About the year 1G05, Cap- tain "Wey '-moutl i, an Englishman, while searching for a north-west passage to the East Indies, dis- covered the Pe- nob'-scot River, in Maine, and car- ried home five of the native In- dians with him, to be educated. These Indians excited great curiosity in England ; and their accounts of the country led other navigators to the same coast. 3. There was a company formed in England about this time, called the Plymouth Company, whose object was to prosecute discoveries and make settlements along the coast of North Virginia, as the Lon- don Company were then about to do with regard to the coast of South Virginia. 4. In 1606, the Plymouth Company sent out two ships of discovery, under Captains Cha-long' and Prynne. The former took with him two of the five Indians brought over by Captain "Weymouth. But he did not reach America, for his vessel was taken by the Spaniards, and ho himself carried a prisoner to Spain. 5. Captain Prynne, more successful, surveyed the coasts of the coun- try very extensively, and carried with him to England such a glowing account of its excellent harbors, rivers, forests, and fisheries, that, in 1G07, one hundred adventurers, in two ships, went out to seek their fortune in America. Yet, so filled were the minds of Europeans with ideas of the mineral riches of America, that even in the depths of the green woods, these emigrants expected to find " mines of gold, and silver, and diamonds." 6. They first fell in with the island of Mon-he'-gan, on the coast of 2. Captain Weymouth? 3. The Plymouth Company? 4. What was done in 1606? 5. What of Captain Prynne? What occurred in ItiOT? 54 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Maine, but landed at the mouth of the Ken'-ne-bec Kiver, then called the Sa-ga-da-hoc'. They settled at Parker's Island, and built a fort on it, which was named Fort George. They brought with them two more of the five Indians taken away by Captain Weymouth; and this procured them a welcome from all the Indian tribes. 7. The Penobscot Indians were, at this time, the ruling tribe from Salem to No'-va Sco'-tia, then called A-ca'-di-a. Pleased with the new settlers, their chief acknowledged subjection to the English king, and sent his son to visit the colony, and opened a trade with them for furs. Happy had it proved if the friendly intercourse thus begun on our coast had been continued. 8. In December of this year, the ships returned to England ; forty- five of the adventurers remained behind. These, however, were soon discouraged. The winter was excessively severe, and, not having brought over a very liberal supply of provisions, they were reduced to the necessity of living upon fish and very lean game, and finally upon dogs' flesh. They returned to England with the next vessel, and gave up the colony. 9. A strange story used to be told of these settlers by one of the Indian tribes residing on the Kennebec; but it does not comport very well with other accounts of their pacific disposition. However, as it is quite possible the deed described may have been perpetrated by some white people, it may be well to relate it. If true, we cannot wonder at the subsequent hatred and revenge of the savages. 10. The English, it is said, employed the Indians, on a certain oc- casion, to draw one of their cannons into the fort, by taking hold, unitedly, of a long rope fastened to it. As soon as they were formed in a straight line, delighted with the sport, the cannon was discharged, and a great part of the Indians were killed or wounded. 11. In 1614, Captain John Smith, the South Virginia adventurer, sailed from England, with two ships, on a voyage of discovery, to the coasts of North Virginia. Arriving at Monhegan Island, in Maine, he built several boats, such as would better answer his purposes than larger vessels ; and, in one of these boats, with eight men, he traversed the whole coast from Penobscot to Cape Cod, and made many dis- coveries. 12. On his return to England, he prepared a map of the coast from Maine to Long Island Sound, most of which he had seen and ob- served during his journey. To many of the capes, points, islands, etc., 6. What of the settlement in Maine? 7. The Penobscot Indians? 8. What of the colony? 9, 10. What strange story is told by the Indians? 11. What of Captain Smith in 1614? 12. What did Smith do on his return? FIRST SETTLEMENT OF NEW ENGLAND. 55 of this region, he gave the names they now bear. The map was pre- sented to the king's son, afterward Charles I., who named the country, in general, NEW ENGLAND. 13. Captain Smith, on leaving the coast, had left one of his vessels to procure a cargo of fish for ^he Spanish market. But Hunt, the commander, decoyed on board twenty-seven Indians, whom he carried away and sold for slaves. This act, so well calculated to excite the enmity of the natives, no doubt, afterward caused the death of thou- sands of unoffending men, women, and children. CHAPTER XXI. The Puritans, the first Settlers of New England. 1. THE first permanent settlement in New England was made in 1620, by a company of men, women, and children, called Puritans. They were a pious and excellent people, but somewhat pe- culiar in their re- ligious opinions and habits. 2. The Puritans were desirous of what they deem- ed a purer wor- ship of God than MB. ROBINSON PREACHING IN HOLLAND that of the na- tional church of England, and on this account had separated themselves from that church, and thus became exposed to a religious persecution, which, in 1607, drove them, with their pastor, to Amsterdam, in Holland. 3. This pastor was the Kev. John Robinson. Under his pious care they remained a year in Amsterdam, whence they found it desirable to remove to Leyden [li'-deri]. The flames of persecution continuing to 13. What of Hunt, the commander of one of the vessels? CHAP. XXL 1. What of the Puritans? 2. "Why did some of them go to Amsterdam? 3. Their pastor? Where did they remove to? 56 HISTORY OF TIIE UNITED STATES. rage in England, they were joined by many of their countrymen, and the congregation became in a few years large and respectable. 4. Yet they never felt themselves at home in Holland. They were strangers and sojonrners there, and likely to remain so. Many were their reasons, some of them weighty .^for refusing to settle down per- manently among the Dutch. They were on the look-out, therefore, for a resting-place. 5. Just at this time, an asylum was opened to them in the wilds of America. In that untrodden country, as they deemed, they could be entirely free from persecution and tyranny. There they could read their bibles by their own firesides, undisturbed, and worship God as their own conscience told them was right. They could also transmit to their children and grandchildren the same privileges. 6. Having procured a vessel, the Speedwell, of sixty tons, they made preparations to depart for America. Before leaving Holland, however, they kept a day of fasting and prayer. They then went to Delft'-ha-ven, about twenty miles from Leyden, and thence to South- ampton, in England. Here they were joined by a company of their Puritan friends from London, in a vessel of one hundred and eighty tons, called the Mayflower. 7. Their little fleet being in readiness, they set out, August loth, for America; not, however, till they had spent a parting hour with their friends, whose faces they were to see no more, in religious services. A little way out of port, the Speedwell sprang a leak, and they were obliged to return for repairs. They sailed again, but again the vessel failed ; and she was at length condemned as unseaworthy. 8. One hundred and two of the Puritans now crowded themselves into one vessel, the Mayflower, and made a final embarkation. This was September 16, 1620. The weather, as might have been feared at this season, proved unfavorable, and they were more than two months in reaching the shores of Cape Cod. 9. It had been their intention to settle further south, near the Hud- son; and, with this view, they had procured a patent of the London Company. But winter was now nigh, Hudson's River far off, and per- ilous shoals and breakers lay between. They therefore gave up their original plan, and sought a landing-place near where they were. 10. On the 21st of November, sixty-six days after leaving South- ampton, they found themselves at anchor in Cape Cod harbor near the 4 Why did they not consider Holland a home? 5. What prospect opened to them? Why did they cherish the idea of going to America? 6. What of the departure of the pilgrims? 7. What of their progress? 8. What of the Mayflower? 9. What had been tin- 'IcM-ii of the pilgrims? What change of plan did they adopt? 10. What occurred on the 21st of November, 1620? THE PURITANS AT CAPE COD. 57 present town of Tru'-ro ; having lost, during their long and perilous passage, but one man. 11. Before landing, they formed, in the cabin of the Mayflower, a solemn compact for their future safety and government, which was signed by forty-one of the number the rest being women and children and John Carver was immediately chosen governor of the colony for one year. CHAPTER XXII. The Puritans at Cape Cod. 1. A GOVERX^EXT having been formed for their mutual well-being and preserva- tion, the emi- grants were now ready to land and explore the country. The prospect was not very inviting, es- 3''.' \ pecially at such a season,butitwas their only re- source ; and six- teen men were deputed for the purpose. 2. In their first attempts to go ashore,the water was so shallow that they were obliged to wade a considerable distance, and many of them took severe colds, which, in some instances, appeared to lay the foundation of what we usually term quick consumption. They found nothing, moreover, on shore but woods and sand-hills. They had gone out armed, but had not been molested. 3. The next day, November 22, was the Sabbath. On this day they rested, " according to the commandment" and their uniform custom. THE PUBITANS WADIXG ASHORE. 11. "What did they do beforo landing? CHAP. XXII. 1. What of going ashore? 2. What happened to the party? 8. What occurred November 22 and 23? 3* 58 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. On Monday, the men went on shore to refresh themselves and make further discoveries; the women went also, attended by a guard, to wash some of the clothing. 4. This same day, they also began to repair their shallop for the purpose of coasting, the Mayflower being too large and unwieldy for convenience. It was a slow task, however, for the carpenter did not complete the necessary repairs till sixteen or seventeen days had elapsed, and winter was now at hand. 5. On Wednesday, November 25, a party of sixteen men, commanded by Captain Miles Standish, and well armed, went out to make discov- eries. When about a mile from the sea they saw five Indians, who, at sight of their new visitors, immediately fled. The latter pursued them ten miles, but did not overtake them. They had gone so far, however, that they were obliged to kindle a fire and sleep in the woods. 6. The next day they found several heaps of sand, one of which was covered with mats, and an earthen pot lay at one end of it. On digging, they found a box and arrows, upon which they concluded it was an Indian grave, and accordingly replaced every thing as they had found it. 7. In another place they found a large kettle, and near it another pile of sand, in which, on a close examination, was found a basket con- taining three or four bushels of Indian corn. " This providential dis- covery," says Holmes, in his Annals, "gave them seed for a future harvest, and preserved the infant colony from famine." 8. One fact should be mentioned, which shows what sort of men these were. Though they took away the kettle and a part of the corn, it was with the firm intention to return the kettle if ever they found an owner, and pay for the corn ; and to their honor be it re- corded that they actually found the owners afterward, and liberally paid them. 9. In the course of the same day, they found more graves, and the ruins of an Indian hut or house ; and in one place a number of pali- sadoes, or stakes and posts, framed together like a wall. They also saw a trap set for deer, in which one of the party was caught, though without much injury. 10. After sleeping a second night in the woods, they returned to their companions, who received them with great joy. It was about this time that the first white New England child was born. His name was Per'-e-grine White, and he lived to be eighty -four years old. 4. What of the shallop f 5. What occurred on the 25th? 6. What did they find the next day? 7. What other things did they find? What of corn? 8. Did the Puritans pay for the kettle and corn they took? 9. What other things did the party find? 10, The return of the party ? The first child ? SURVEYS OF THE SHORE. 59 CHAPTEE XXIII. Further Surveys of the Shore. Meeting with Indians. The Landing at Plymouth. 1. IT was the 16th of December when the shallop was ready. Four of the principal men, with eight or ten seamen, immediately set out on a tour of discovery. Snow had already fall- en, and the weath- er was so severe that the spray of the sea, falling upon their coats, and freezing, made them look like coats of mail. They slept the first night on hoard the boat ; but the next morning the company divided, and a part traveled by land. 2. As they went on, they found an Indian burying-ground, sur- rounded by palisadoes, and many graves with stakes around them. But they saw no living person, nor any place suitable to be the habita- tion of living men. They met at night with their friends of the shallop, and the whole party slept on shore by a fire. 3. They rose at five next morning, but had scarcely finished their prayers, when the guard they had set cried out, "Indians! Indians!" and a shower of arrows fell among them, accompanied by such yells as they had never before heard. They were struck with surprise, but recovered in a moment ; and now the Indians were as much terrified by the report of their guns as the emigrants had been by the war- whoop. They thought the explosions were thunder and lightning, and fled. 4. The arrows were preserved as curiosities by the English, for they were the first they had seen. They were pointed with deer's horn and THE LANDING, CHAP. XXIII. 1. "What happened on the 16th of December? 2. What of Indian graves, etc.? 3. What of the arrival of Indians? 4. Indian arrows? 60 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. eagle's claws. Their assailants were of a tribe who remembered Hunt, the kidnapper of their people, and it was no wonder that they sought revenge for the past, or defence against future molestation. 5. The exploring party now went on board the shallop, which pur- sued its course along the northern shore of the Cape, toward what is now Plym'-outh. They sought for a convenient harbor, but none was to be found. At last the pilot, who had some knowledge of the coast, assured them that he knew of a good one far ahead, but which, with much exertion, might possibly be reached that night. 6. " They follow his guidance. After sailing some hours, a storm of snow and rain begins. The sea swells ; the rudder breaks ; and the shallop must now be steered with oars. The storm increases, and night is at hand. To reach the harbor before dark, as much sail as possible is borne ; the mast breaks into three pieces ; the sail falls overboard. But the tide is favorable. 7. "The pilot," says Bancroft, "in dismay, would have" run the ves- sel on shore in a cove full of breakers. ' About with her,' exclaimed a sailor, 'or we are cast away.' They get her about immediately; and, passing over the surf, they enter a fair sound, and shelter them- selves under the lee of a small rise of land. 8. " It is dark, and the rain beats furiously ; yet the men are so wet, and cold, and weak, that they slight the danger to be apprehended from the savages, and, after great difficulty, kindle a fire on shore. Morning, as it dawned, showed the place to be a small island within the entrance of the harbor." 9. The day winch had dawned was Saturday. They not only spent this in quiet rest, but also the following day. It is interesting to ob- serve the pious regard these Puritans had for the Sabbath. Though their friends on board the Mayflower were waiting in suspense, and every thing required the utmost haste, they would not proceed on Sun- day if they could help it. 10. When the Sabbath was over, and they had examined the coun- try, they determined to make it the place of their settlement. They were particularly pleased with its pleasant brooks and woods, and the excellent land. The soil of both the mainland and t\vo islands ad- jacent was covered with walnut, beech, pine, and sassafras trees; and numerous cornfields were also to be seen. It was December 21st when they made the landing ; and this is the day which should be kept as the anniversary of the interesting event. - 11. They proceeded to convey the intelligence of these things to 5-S "Whnt account docs Bancroft <=rive? 9. "What of Saturday, Sunday and Monday following? 10. Why did they return to settle in the place they had found? 11. What of the landing? SETTLEMENT AT PLYMOUTH. 61 their friends on board the ship, which forthwith came to the shore, at the point fixed upon. On the 30th of December, after landing and viewing the place again, they concluded to settle upon the mainland on the high ground, amid" the cornfields. CHAPTER XXIV. Settlement of Plymouth. Two men get lost in the Woods, and are greatly frightened l>y the Wolves. 1. THE next day after the Puritans landed, they began to cut timber for building, and in a few days to commence the erection of cottages, or, as we should say, log-houses. They continued at this work, when- ever the weather would admit, till about the first of March, by which time they had formed quite a village. 2. The colony consisted of nineteen families. Each family, for the sake of expedition, had built its own cottage ; but they all united in the erection of a storehouse, twenty feet square, for general use and convenience. They called the place Plymouth, after the town of the same name they had left behind them in their native country. 3. The first Sabbath after they landed was observed with unusual solemnity. Some kept it on board the Mayflower, and others in their new houses which being made, as has already been said, of logs, very soon afforded them a partial shelter. 4. On the 12th of January, 1621, three weeks after the arrival, two persons, named Goodman and Brown, walked into the woods to collect something for stopping the crevices between the logs of their houses. They lost their way, and were obliged to remain in the forest, although it snowed furiously and was very cold. 5. But this was not all. About midnight they heard a strange howling in the woods around them. At first it appeared to be a good way off, but it gradually came nearer. They imagined it to proceed from lions, and were excessively frightened. 6. In their alarm they sought a tree which they could ascend in a moment, should the danger become imminent. They then continued to walk round it, but were ready to leap upon it. It would have been a cold lodging-place in the middle of winter, and in a severe snow- CHAP. XXIV. 1. What did the Puritans do after landing? 2. How many families did the colony consist of ? What did they erect? Why did they call the place Plymouth? 3. What of the first Sabbath after their landing? 4-7. What happened to Goodman and 62 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. storm ; and though it might have saved them from the wolves which caused their fright, they would probably have frozen to death. 7. Fortunately, however, they did not perish, though the morning found them faint with hunger and cold, and Goodman's feet were so frozen that his friends were obliged to cut off his shoes. Their being compelled to walk round the tree all night, tedious and distressing as it had been to them, doubtless saved their lives. CHAPTER XXY. Severe Sufferings of the Plymouth Colonists. 1. THE winter of 1620-21, as we have already seen, was severe, even for the severe climate of New England. The beginning of March brought a south wind and warm wea- f ;< :;! ":; birds began to sing in the woods most merrily. The green grass also began to appear, hastened by the vernal sun and Avarm showers. 2. But the colonists did not all live to see the return of spring and summer. Their sufferings had been so great, especially after their ar- rival on the coast, that, as one historian testifies, about half of them were wasting away with consumptions and lung fevers. Beside this, their labor in erecting their cottages was very great. 3. Of the one hundred and one persons who landed, by the first of April all but forty-six were dead, including among them Mr. Carver, the governor, his wife, and a son. Such was the debility of the living that they had hardly been able to bury the dead. Nor had the healthy TVINTEfc AT PLYMOUTH. CHAP. XXY. 1. What of the winter? March? 2, 8. What of deaths and 8iifferings? SUFFERINGS OF THE PLYMOUTH COLONISTS. 63 been able, at all times, to take care of the sick ; for at one period there were only seven persons who called themselves well, in the whole colony. 4. Happy for them was it, that spring came on thus early and favor- ably, and with it returning health and vigor to the surviving. It is worthy of remark, that of those who withstood the sorrows and dan- gers of this terrible winter, the far greater part lived to an extreme old age. 5. But new distresses were in reserve for them. The provisions they had brought out from England, together with what they could raise and procure afterward, were but just sufficient to sustain them through the next winter, and until a second crop of corn could be ob- tained. Yet, in November, 1621, a ship, with thirty-five emigrants, arrived, wholly out of provisions, and dependent on the colonists. 6. This reduced them to half allowance for six months, and a part of the time to still greater extremities ; for it is said that for two months they went without bread. "I have seen men stagger," says Wins'- low, who was one of their number, u by reason of faintness for want of food." Sometimes they depended on fish ; at others they bought provisions, at enormous prices, of ships that came upon the coast. 7. Nor did their sufferings very soon terminate. As late as 1623, their provisions were at times so nearly exhausted that they knew not at night what they should eat the next morning. It is said that in one instance they had only a pint of corn in the whole settlement, which, on being divided, gave them but five kernels each. It appears, indeed, that for months together they had no corn or grain at all. 8. Milk, as yet, they had not, for neat cattle were not introduced among them till the fourth year of their settlement. When any of their old friends from England arrived to join them, a lobster or a piece of fish, with a cup of water, was often the best meal which the richest of them could furnish. 9. Yet, during all these trials, from hunger, fatigue, sickness, loss of friends, and many other sources, their confidence in God never once forsook them. Their sufferings even bound them together as by a closer tie, and while they loved one another better than before, their affectionate devotion and confidence in God seemed to increase in the same proportion. 4. Spring? 5, 6, What did they suffer during the year? 7. "What of the want of corn and bread? 8. What of milk ? What did they set before their friends? 9. How did the pilgrims bear their trials? What effect did these produce? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XXVI. Arrival of the Indian Samoset. Treaty with the Massa- chusetts and other Indian Tribes. 1. IN March, 1621, just before Governor Carver's death, an Indian chief, by the name of Sam'-o-set, ar- rived at the vil- lage. He had seen some of the English fisher- men at Penob- scot, and learned a little broken English, and his first words to those he met with on entering the town were, "Wel- come, English- men !" This dis- pelled their fears, and gave them courage to enter into conversation with him. 2. Samoset was naked, except a leathern belt about his waist, with a wide fringe. He was tall, straight, and strong ; his hair long behind and short before, and he had no beard. He had with him a bow and arrows the usual weapons of Avar used by his countrymen. 3. The settlers received him kindly, entertained him as well as they were able, and lodged him for the night. In the morning they gave him a horseman's coat, a knife, a bracelet, and a ring. Upon this he departed, promising to make them another visit in a few days. He was a kind of under-sachem or chief of the great tribe of the Wam- pa-no'-ags. 4. He came to them again, in a few flays, according to his promise, and brought five more Indians with him. They sang and danced be- fore the settlers in the most familiar and friendly way, and parted in an amicable manner. 5. Shortly afterward other Indians came to the village, and said GOVERNOR CARVER AND MASSASOIT MAKING A TREATY. CHAP. XXVI. 1. What of Snmoset? 2. His dress? 3. How was he received? What was his rank? 4. What of more Indians? A TREATY IS MADE WITH THE INDIANS. 65 that Mas-sa-so'-it, the great chief of all the tribes in the south-eastern part of Massachusetts, was near by. He soon made his appearance on the top of a hill, with sixty of his men. The Englishmen were at first afraid of such a body of savages ; for their whole number, men, women, and children, did not exceed fifty. G. Mr. Winslow was sent out to make a treaty with them. He car- ried Mas-sa-so'-it two knives, and a copper chain with a jewel in it; and to his brother, Qua-da-pi'-na, he gave a knife, a jewel for his ear, some biscuit and butter, and a pot of " strong water," or ardent spirits. Mr. Winslow satisfied the two chiefs, and invited them to the village. 7. They accepted the invitation, and, with twenty of their men, came to the town to see Governor Carver. To convince the villagers that they Avere friendly, they left their bows and arrows behind them on the hill. Mr. "Winslow, on the other hand, to assure the Indians that their companions should not be hurt by the guns, that is, the " thunder and lightning" of the villagers, staid with the party on the hill. 8. A great deal of parade was made by the governor in receiving them. His soldiers met them at the foot of the hill, and, with drums and trumpets sounding, conducted them to his house, where, after Governor Carver and Massasoit had kissed each other's hands, they sat down on a green rug which was spread for them. 9. The Indians, like all ignorant or savage people, were greatly de- lighted with these attentions. Food was set before them, and "strong water" was given to the king; of which, it is said, he drank so freely that it made him "sweat all the while." A treaty was made, which was kept faithfully for fifty years. 10. It was this same Massasoit who taught the English to cultivate maize, or Indian corn, the first of which was planted in the May following that is, in 1622. Through his influence, moreover, nine smaller chiefs, who had before been suspicious of the English partly, no doubt, because they had stolen their countrymen subscribed, as Massasoit had done, a treaty of peace. 11. The English had an opportunity, soon after this, of returning the favors of Massasoit and Samoset. The Nar-ra-gan'-sets, a powerful tribe of Rhode Island Indians, made war upon Massasoit. After there had been a good deal of hard fighting, the English interfered -in behalf of Massasoit, and the Xarragansets were glad to make peace. 12. It was not long after this time that the first duel was fought in 5. Massasoit? C. Mr. Winslow? 7. "What took place when the Indians came to the village? 8. What did Governor Carver do? 9. How were the Indians pleased? What of the treaty? 10. What more of Massasoit? 11. The Narragansets? 66 HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES. New England. It was between two servants, with sword and dagger. They were tried for their crime by the whole colony, and sentenced to be tied together, neck and heels, for twenty-four hours, without food or drink. A part of the punishment, however, was, in the end, re- mitted. CHAPTEK XXYIL The Colony threatened by the Narraganset Indians. Drought and Scarcity. Governor Bradford journeys among the Indians. \. GOVERNOK CAEVEK had died about the end of March, 1621, and Mr. Bradford, afterward the historian of the province, had succeeded him. Governor Bradford was much loved and revered for his public spirit, wisdom, and piety, and was continued in his office nearly the whole time till his death, about forty years in all. 2. The corn this year proved to be abundant and excellent. The summer grain was not so good. But the settlers found plenty of ducks and other wild-fowl, as well as fish, and these were of great service to them in the way of food. Still they sometimes suffered from scarcity. 3. About this time, Ca-non'-i-cus, sachem of the Narragansets, for- getting or disregarding the treaty he had made, sent to the Plymouth people a bundle of arrows tied up with a serpent's skin, which was the sign of war. Governor Bradford returned the skin, wrapped round some powder and ball. The Indians were so frightened that they dared not touch it. They sent it back again, and gave up the medi- tated hostilities. 4. The English, however, from this circumstance, took the hint, and began to fortify their settlement. It had, from the first, been laid out into streets and lots. They now surrounded the whole with a wall, called a stockade. Their guns were mounted on a kind of tower, built on the top of the town hill, with a flat roof the lower story serving them for a church. 5. As a further preparation to defend themselves, should there be an invasion, the men and boys of the settlement were divided into four 12. The first duel in New England ? CHAP. XXVII. 1. Governor Carver? Governor Bradford? 2. Corn and grain in 1621? 3. Canonicus? 4. Why did the colonists fortify their settlement? How did they do this? 5. What of Captain Miles Standish ? PROGRESS OF THE PLYMOUTH COLONY. 67 squadrons, which alternately kept guard night and day. Captain Miles Standish, a young man distinguished for his bravery, was made the commander-in-chief. 6. The harvest of 1622, owing to a drought, was scanty, and the colonists were obliged to buy food of the Indians. Governor Bradford travelled among them for this purpose, and Squan'-to, a friendly Indian, accompanied him. They procured twenty-eight hogsheads of corn, for which they paid in knives, blankets, beads, &c. Squanto sickened and died while on this tour. When dying, he asked Governor Brad- ford to pray that he "might go to the Englishman's heaven." 7. But Squanto, anxious as he was to " die the death of the righte- ous," was, in life, more artful and cunning than honest. Still, it is not to be denied that he employed his cunning in favor of the English. The Indians dreaded him as a sort of conjurer; and he took advantage of their fear to impose upon them, by relating to them great stories about the military skill and power of the English. 8. Up to the spring of 1623, the Plymouth colonists had labored in common. But some of them, as it had been at Jamestown, would in this way be idle. It was at length ordered that every family should work by itself, and should be furnished with land in proportion to its numbers. Under this system, the idlers soon disappeared. Even the women and children went to work in the fields. 9. The next year land was assigned to the people to be theirs forever. From this time forth there was no instance in the colony of a general scarcity of food. Indeed, before many summers had passed away, they had corn to sell to the Indians, in greater abundance than the latter had ever sold to them. 10. In the progress of the year 1624, new emigrants came over, and brought with them cattle, with a few swine, and some poultry ; also clothing and provisions. The colony now contained thirty-two houses, and one hundred and eighty inhabitants. The fields and gardens began to assume a pleasing and rather a cheerful appearance. Thus the Puritan colony of Plymouth was established. 6. The harvest of 1622? Governor Bradford? Squanto? 7. Character of Squanto? 8. How did they hold their property till 1623 ? What was the effect of this system ? 9. What effect did distribution have ? 10. What of cattle ? State of the colony in 1624? 68 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XXVIII. Progress of the Virginia Colony. Opechancanougli s Plot and the Massacre of 1622. The Massacre of 1644. 1. WE must now return to the colony of Virginia, of which Sir Thomas Wyatt \ had, in 1621, be- l \ come the gov- ernor. He pursued the same general course in regard to the savages which his prede- cessors had done a course by no means fortunate- Still, the country was beginning to be somewhat prosperous.There were already some eighty set- tlements, including a population of about three thousand persons. 2. 'After the marriage of Kolfe and Pocahontas, the Indians had lived at peace with the English for some time. But Powhatan, already a very old man, had survived his daughter but one year, and O-pe- chan'-can-ough, his brother, who indulged a mortal hatred of the English, had, in 1618, succeeded him. A plan was therefore laid, in 1622, to destroy them. 3. This plan required a good deal of contrivance on the part of the Indians, for the settlers were scattered along both sides of the James River, for nearly one hundred and fifty miles, and the Indians were also much scattered. It is thought that, in the more thickly-settled parts of the country, the Indian population did not average more than one to a square mile. 4. But Opechancanough took time enough for his plot, and perse- vered till he had brought all his people to unite with him in executing INDIANS PLOTTING THE MASSACRE. CHAP. XXVIII. 1. What of Sir Thomas Wyatt? State of the Virginia settlement in 1621? 2. What of Powhatan and Opechancanough ? What plot was laid? 3. Situation of the settlers? Of the Indians? Their population ? 4. Proceedings of Opechancanough? Secrecy of the Indians? MASSACRES IN THE VIRGINIA COLONY. 69 it. Though years may have elapsed from the time the plot began, the most entire secrecy was maintained among them to the very night be- fore they struck the blow. 5. Indeed, on the very morning of the day appointed for the execu- tion of the bloody deed some of the Indians were " in the houses and at the tables of those whose death they were plotting." " Sooner," said they, " shall the sky fall than peace be violated on our part." But their deceit in war was not so well understood two hundred years ago as now. 6. The night before the massacre took place, however, the plot was revealed by a converted Indian to a part of the English, so that the people of Jamestown, and a few of the adjacent settlements, were on their guard, and a large part of them were thereby saved. 7. The attack was made precisely at noon, April 1st, and was made upon all, without regard to age, character, or sex. The feeble and sickly no less than the healthy; the child at the breast as well as its mother ; the devoted missionary as well as the fraudulent dealer in trinkets and furs were victims alike. 8. It is not a little singular that the savages should have selected such an hour of the day, in preference to the darkness of the night, for their work of butchery, and still, that the blow should have been struck so suddenly. So unexpected was the attack, that many, it is said, fell beneath the tomahawk, unconscious of the cause of their death. 9. Thus, in one short but awful hour, three hundred and forty-seven persons, in a population of three or four thousand, were butchered, and a group of eighty settlements reduced to eight. The rest were so frightened that they dared not pursue their usual avocations. Even the public works, in most places, were abandoned. And to add to the general distress, famine and sickness followed the massacre, as well as a general war with the Indians. 10. The savages, however, were but poorly provided with fire-arms, and a dozen, or even half a dozen white men, well armed, were able to cope with a hundred of them. When Captain Smith was captured, as we have related, he was defending himself, single-handed, till he stuck fast in the mire, against from one to two hundred Indians. 11. Peace, it is true, was finally made ; but it was only a peace of 5. What of the savages on the day appointed for the massacre ? P "What took place the night before the massacre? 7. What of the attack? Who w: e the victims? 8. What was singular? What of the suddenness of the attack? 9. How many persons were killed? How were the settlements reduced? Fears of the settlers? 10. Comparative power of the whites and Indians? What of Smith, when capt..red? 11. State of feel- ing among the savages ? 70 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. compulsion, so far as the Indians were concerned. They gave up open war, because the colonists came over too fast, and were too strong for them. Bat they still meditated revenge, as is obvious from the fact that only twenty-two years 'elapsed before they attempted another massacre. 12. The 28th of April, 1644, was the time appointed for this second outrage, in which not only the settlers were aimed at, but their cattle and other property. The attack was sudden and unexpected, like the former. Providentially the savages took fright, from some unknown cause, and fled in the midst of their cruelties ; not, however, till they had slain three hundred persons, and destroyed much property. 13. This second massacre, as well as the first, was succeeded by sick- ness and suffering, and both of them by emigration of some of the colonists to New England, and the return of others to the mother country. Not long after, the aged chief, Opechancanough, died of a wound inflicted by a soldier, after he had fairly and honorably given himself up as a prisoner. CHAPTEE XXIX. Settlement at Weymouth. Captain Standish chastises the Indians. Other Settlements. Incorporation of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 1. WE must again return to the history of New England. A settle- ment was begun at Wey '-mouth, Massachusetts, in 1622, by Thomas "Weston, a merchant of London, and fifty or sixty more. The next year a plot was laid by the Indians to destroy it, which would no doubt have succeeded had not Massasoit. the friendly chief, who supposed himself to be about to die, revealed it. 2. As soon as the plot was known, it was decided to defeat it, if pos- sible, it being feared that if the conspirators were successful, they would carry their work of butchery into the rest of the settlements. Captain Stan'-dish, with eight men, was therefore sent out to destroy the leaders in the conspiracy, and put the rest in fear. 3. This w.-3 a singular expedition, and one which to us, at the pres- 12. "What of the .3cond massacre? 13. "What followed the massacres in Virginia? The death of Opechan. oiough ? CHAP. XXIX. 1. W at of "Weymouth, in New England? 2,3. "What did Captain Standish and eight soldic.3 do? NEW ENGLAND COLONIES. 71 ent day, seems almost incredible. What could nine men do in the way of chastising a whole tribe of Indians? Yet, Captain Standish and his men ventured boldly among them, slew the conspirators and several others who opposed them, and drove the rest into the swamps, where many, it is said, perished from disease. 4. A settlement was begun at Brain'-tree, in 1625, on a hill not far from the seat of the late President Adams, and was called, in honor of Mr. Wol'-las ton, the principal settler, Mount Wollaston. But the colonists consisted of fifty servants, arid they did not thrive. The follow- ing year a part of them were taken to Virginia. A settlement was begun, in 1624, at or near Gloucester, on Cape Ann. 5. The same individuals who settled Gloucester proceeded soon after to settle Salem, Charlestown, Dorchester, Watertown, Roxbury, and Boston. Among the number were several ministers of the gospel, and a Mr. John Enclicot, afterward Governor Endicot. 6. Salem, called by the Indians Na-um-ke'-ag, was begun in 1628, by Mr. Endicot and about one hundred emigrants. They were rein- forced the next year by three or four hundred other emigrants, who brought with them one hundred and forty head of cattle, and a few horses, sheep, and goats. Two hundred of the Salem settlers pro- ceeded, soon afterward, to Charlestown, and others to Dorchester and elsewhere. 7. These various settlements were incorporated, in 1629, under the name of "The Colony of Massachusetts Bay," and extended as far north as the present boundary of New Hampshire. A form of gov- ernment was projected by their friends in England, and Mathew Cradock appointed governor ; but he was succeeded, soon after, by John Endicot. 8. A circumstance took place in 1628, which deserves to be recorded and remembered. One Morton, a man greedy of gain, sold guns, pow- der, and shot to the Indians, and taught them how to use them. He was rebuked by Governor Endicot and others, but without effect. At last he was seized and sent to England, but not till he had done a work of mischief for which a long life could not atone. 4. What of a settlement at Bralntree ? 5. "What other towns were now settled ? C. Salem ? 1. "What of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay ? 8. "What of one Morton f HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XXX. ' Settlement of New Hampshire. Other Events in this State. 1. THE first permanent settlement in New Hampshire was made in the year 1623, on the Pis-ca-ta'-qua River, not far from the place where Portsmouth now stands. The first house built was called Mason Hall, in honor of John Mason, who, with Ferdinando Gor- ges, set on foot the enterprise, and af- terward procured a patent of the ter- ritory. It was soon after granted to Ma- son alone, and then first received the name of Xew Hampshire. 2. The place where they established themselves was called Little Harbor. It has often been mistaken for Portsmouth ; but this town was not settled till eight years afterward, and was two miles further np the river, at a place called Strawberry Bank. Some parts of the wall and chimney of Mason Hall remained standing about half a cen- tury ago. 3. Other places in New Hampshire were settled the same year, in- cluding Co-che'-co, afterward called Dover, and now noted for its ex- tensive manufactures. But the progress of the colony was slow. It was not separated from Massachusetts till 1C80, and as late as 1742 only contained six thousand persons liable to taxation. It suffered severely from the Indian wars. 4. The first legislative assembly was convened in Xew Hampshire, in 1680, and John Mason was the first governor. A constitution was FIRST SETTLEMENT IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. CHAP. XXX 1. When and where was the first permanent settlement made in New Hampshire? "What of the first house? What of John Mason? 2. Portsmouth? Remains of Mason Hall? 3. Other settlements in New Hsmpshire? Progress of the settlement? Separation from Massachusetts? Population in 1742? Indian wars? 4. First legislation in New Hampshire ? Constitution ? Earthquake ? NEW ENGLAND COLONIES. 73 formed for the state in 1683, and went into operation the next year. This year is remarkable for an earthquake, which shook even the granite mountains of New Hampshire itself. It was felt as far south as Pennsylvania. 5. There was an insurrection here in 1686, excited and led on by the insurrection in Massachusetts of the same period. On the twentieth of September, a body of two hundred men surrounded the court-house at Exeter, in which the general assembly were sitting, and held them prisoners for several hours. Other acts of violence were also com- mitted. There was, for a time, every appearance of a civil war. The insurrection was only quieted by calling out the militia. 6. New Hampshire has been in general a peaceable and quiet state ; it is distinguished for its excellent pastures, towering hills, and fine cattle. The AVhite Mountains lift their lofty peaks in this state, and they may be seen at sea at a vast distance. They are the highest mountains in New England. CHAPTER XXXI. Government of the Colonies. Union of the Colonies of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay. 1. THE agreement of the settlers at Plymouth, just before they landed, has been mention- ed, as well as the names of some of their early gover- nors. For four years, the gover- nor of the colony had no other coun- sel or assistance in his office than what was afford- ed by one individ- ual. In 1624, the number of assist- ants was increas- ed to five. T1IE LONDON BOAED OF OFFICERS. 5. Insurrection? 6. Characteristics of New Hampshire ? The White Mountains * CHAP. XXXI. 1. What assistance or counsel had the governor of the Plymouth colony the first four years? How was the. number increased in 1624 ? 4 74 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 2. The lands had at first belonged to the Plymouth Company, but, in 1627, the colony purchased them for eighteen hundred pounds, and received a patent for the same, with ample powers of government. Seven assistants, with the governor, constituted the government. This system was continued till 1G39, when deputies, or representatives of the people, began for the first time to have a voice in the government. 3. The main object of the first settlers of the colony of Massachusetts Bay, like that of the colonists at Plymouth, was to escape persecution, to which they were exposed in England, and to enjoy the high privilege of worshipping God according to the dictates of their own consciences. The settlers of both colonies were, for the most part, Puritans. 4. At first the affairs of government for the colony of Massachusetts Bay had been, to all intents and purposes, transacted by a board of offi- cers in London. But in August, 1629, the Company very wisely con- cluded to transfer the government from London to Massachusetts; and for this purpose proceeded to the choice of a new board of officers. 5. In virtue of this arrangement, John Winthrop was chosen gov- ernor, and Thomas Dudley deputy governor. They came over in June, 1630, with a fleet of eleven ships, and more than eight hundred emi- grants, at an expense of one hundred thousand dollars. Seven hundred more emigrants are said to have come over the same year. G. Governor "Winthrop and his associates brought with them a char- ter for the colony, which, among other things, empowered them to elect their own officers. They held their charter about sixty years, or till the union of the colonies of Massachusetts and Plymouth an event which took place in the year 1691. 7. Under the charter which has just been mentioned, the legislature of the colony consisted of a governor, deputy governor, and eighteen assistants, to be elected annually by the freemen, and to constitute, as it were, an upper house or senate ; and of the general body of the freemen themselves. They met four times a year, and oftener if found necessary. 8. The first legislative assembly, or General Court, as it was called, met at Boston, in October, 1630. Upward of one hundred persons were made freemen. At the General Court, in May, 1631, the number of freemen had increased to about one hundred and fifty. 2. What of the lands? The government of the .colony from 1627? 3. Object of the settlers of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay ? What were they, mostly ? 4. What of the government of Massachusetts Bay before 1629 ? What change then took place? 5. What of John Winthrop? What of emigrants in 1630? C. What of a charter? When were the colonies of Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth united? 7. What was the government of Massachusetts Ray under tho charter? 8. Wlu-n und where did the first general court meet ? Xiimber of frc-emm in 1631 ? CUSTOMS IN NEW ENGLAND. 75 9. The population did not increase at this period so rapidly as it had done a short time before. Only three hundred and forty persons came over in the space of two years. Emigrants were probably deterred by sickness ; for during the single winter of 1629 more than two hundred of the Massachusetts settlers died. Such was the terror in- spired by sickness and other causes, that about one hundred returned to England. 10. Nor was this all. The dwellings, and perhaps the clothing, of the settlers were insufficient for the climate. The winter of 1681 was one of unusual severity, even for New England, and some were actually frozen to death. Famine followed on disease. Not a few were com- pelled to live on shell-fish, groundnuts, and acorns. The governor himself, at one time, had " his last corn in the oven." 11. A day of fasting and prayer for the colony was appointed for February 6, 1632; but on the 5th a ship arrived from England, well laden with provisions. The day of fasting was changed to a day of thanksgiving the first of the kind ever kept in the present territory of the United States. 12. It is worthy of notice, as showing the rigid character of the people of New England, that the custom of drinking healths at ordi- nary meals, which prevailed at this time in England, and had found its way to America, was early abolished in the colonies ; Governor Win- throp setting the example of self-denial at his own table, and urging it among his people. 13. The first churches in Boston and Charlestown were founded in the summer of 1630, after a solemn fast. At the close of another fast, in August of the same year, a minister was installed. For two or three of the first years of the colony none but members of the church were allowed to vote in the General Court or Assembly. 9 What of the increase of the colony? Sickness in 1629? Return of settlers to Eng- land? 10. What of the winter of 1631? 11. Fasting? Arrival of a ship? The rtrst Thanksgiving? 12 Drinkinsr healths? 13. First churches ? Who were the voters (luring the first rears of the settlement 76 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XXXII. History of Maryland. Lord BaltirfiorJs Visit to Amer- ica. Leonard Calverfs Arrival. Settlement of Mary- land. Claybome's Rebellion. 1. THE settlement of Maryland had its origin in the exertions of Sir George Calvert, a Catholic, afterward called Lord Balti- more. He had been a secretary of state under King James I., and was made a lord on account of his services to the crown one of which services, it is said, consisted in bringing about a marriage between the king's son and a Spanish princess. 2. Lord Baltimore visited America in 1632, and having explored a tract of country lying on the Chesapeake Bay, belonging to what was then called South Virginia, he returned to England to procure a patent of it from the king. Before the patent was made out, he died, and it was given to his son Ce'-cil. 3. The province was named Maryland, by King Charles I., in the patent, in honor of his queen, Henrietta Maria, daughter of the king of France. A part of the province appears to have been included in the grant made some time afterward to William Penn, and to have given rise to much contention between the successors of Penn and Baltimore. 4. In March, 1634, Leon'-ard Calvert, the brother of Ce'-cil, with two hundred emigrants, most of them Roman Catholic gentlemen, with their servants, arrived at the mouth of the Potomac River, and leaving LORD BALTIMORE. CHAP. XXXII. 1. What of Lord Raltimore ? 2. What of his visit to America? His death ? 3. Name of Maryland ? What occasioned much contention ? 4. "What took place in 1634? HISTOKY OF MARYLAND. 77 the vessel, ascended in a pinnace as far as Piscataqua, an Indian vil- lage, nearly opposite Mount Vernon. 5. The sachem of Piscataqna gave Calvert full liberty to settle there if he chose ; but, not deeming it on the whole safe, he began a settle- ment lower down, on a branch of the Potomac, at the Indian town of Yo-a-co-mo'-co. The settlement was called St. Mary's. 6. To gain the good-will of the Indians, Calvert made them presents of clothes, axes, hoes, and knives. Their friendship was easily secured ; and their women, in return for the kindnesses of the English, taught them how to make corn-bread. This, perhaps, was the first knowledge which the settlers had of "hoe-cake" or " johnny -cakG." 7. The colony of Maryland met with few of the troubles which had been experienced by its sister colonies. The settlers arrived in time to cultivate the soil for that year, and the seasons for several of the suc- ceeding years were all favorable. They had the Virginians, moreover, for near neighbors, who furnished them with cattle and many other necessaries, and also protected them from the Indians. In addition to all this, they enjoyed good health. 8. In February, 1635, in less than one year from the date of the set- tlement, the freemen of the colony assembled to make the necessary laws. The charter which had been granted them was exceedingly liberal. They were allowed the full power of legislation, without the reserved privilege, on the part of the crown, to revoke or alter their acts. The government underwent some changes in 1639 ; and, in 1650, they had an upper and lower house in the legislature, like their neighbors. 9. Ten or twelve years of peace having passed away, a rebellion broke out in Maryland, headed by one Clay '-borne. Having formed a little colony before the arrival of Calvert, he refused to submit to his authority. Convicted, at length, of murder and other crimes, he fled from the province, but returned with a large mob, and broke up the government. Order, however, was in a little time restored, and things again went on prosperously. 5. What of the sachem of Piscataqua? "What of the settlements ? 6. What of Calvert and the Indians? Hoe-cake? 7. In what respects did the Maryland settlers have an advantage over the other colonists ? 8. What of the government of the colony ? 9. What of Claybornc? 78 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XXXIH. Various Settlements in Connecticut. Opposition of the Dutch. A Singular Journey across the Wilderness. 1. WE now come to the settlement of Connecticut. As early as 1621, an Indian sachem came from the valley of the Con- necticut ri- ver to Bos- ton and Plymouth, and urged the gov- ernors to make set- tlements there. The soil, he said, was exceeding- ly rich ; in addition to which, he offered them a yearly supply of corn, and eighty beaver-skins. He was treated with kindness, but no steps were immediately taken to form a settlement. 2. Some time afterward, Governor Winslow, of Plymouth, made a tour to the valley of the Connecticut, and came back so well pleased with the country, that preparations were soon made for establishing a trading-house there. But the Dutch of Manhattan, having heard of the plan, immediately proceeded to erect a fort in that quarter. This was in 1633. 3. The movements of the Dutch, however, did not intimidate the Plymouth people. Having got ready the frame of a house, they sailed for the Connecticut Eiver. When they came opposite the Dutch fort the spot where Hartford now stands the Dutch forbade their pro- ceeding any further, on penalty of being fired upon. They did not re- gard this, but proceeded up the river. PEOPLE GOING TO SETTLE IN CONNECTICUT. CHAP. XXXIII. 1. What of an Indian sachem in KW Dutch ? 3. W hat of the Dutch and Plymouth people * 1. Governor Winslow? The SETTLEMENT OF CONNECTICUT. 79 4. They landed on the west side of the stream, where Farmington River enters it, and laid the foundation of Windsor. The Dutch, with a band of seventy men, attempted to drive them away in 1634, but did not succeed. Thus was a colony planted in Connecticut. 5. Wethersfield and Hartford were settled in 1635, by a company of emigrants from Newton and Watertown, near Boston. It consisted of men, women, and children, to the number of sixty, with their cattle and horses. They left home on the 25th of October, and were a fort- night on the road, wading through rivers and swarnps, and traversing hills and mountains. 6. But they had begun the jonrney too late in the season. The win- ter came upon them in their new residence before they were prepared for it, and the snow fell very deep. They had sent their goods and provisions by water, but the vessel did not arrive, and was supposed to be cast away. Thus a famine was at once produced among them. 7. In this dreadful condition, they became quite discouraged, and some of them desperate. Fourteen of the number set out to return to Boston by the way they came. One was drowned in crossing the river, and the rest would have perished on the road, had they not been relieved by the Indians. A great many emigrants returned by water. 8. It is difficult to say which suffered most, those who went away or those who remained. The latter received a little of the promised aid from the Indians, but their fare was at times scanty consisting chiefly of acorns and grain. A part of their cattle subsisted by browsing on what they could find in the woods and meadows. 9. The Plymouth Company in England had, in 1631, given to Lords Say and Seal, and Lord Brook, a patent of the lands lying about the mouth of the Connecticut River. In 1635, a son of Governor Win- throp, of Massachusetts, with twenty men, built a fort there, which he called Saybrook, and became the governor of it. The Dutch tried to drive him away, but without effect. 10. In June, 1636, one hundred emigrants from Dorchester and Watertown, accompanied by two ministers of the gospel, Mr. Hooker and Mr. Stone, crossed the mountains, swamps, and rivers, to Connect- icut. They journeyed on foot, and drove a hundred and sixty head of cattle; subsisting chiefly during the journey on milk. They were a fortnight on the road. They settled at Hartford, which they called Newtovvn. 4. Where did the emigrants land ? What did the Dutch of Hartford attempt to do? 6. What of the settlement of Wethersfield and Hartford? 6. What evils beset the set- tlors? 7. What of the return of some of them? 8. Situation of those that remained? 9. What had taken place in 1631? What of a sou of Governor Winthrop? 10. What happened in 1636? 80 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 11. As they passed along, the woods resounded with their songs and hymns and prayers, and with the lowing of their kine. They had no guide but a compass, and Him who guarded the host of Israel in their travels from Egypt to Canaan. They had no pillows but heaps of stones. None saw them but here and there a group of wandering savages, and the Eye which sees and observes all secrets. CHAPTEE XXXIV. Roger Williams. lie is banished from Massachusetts , and settles in Rhode Island, The Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. 1. Ix February, 1651, a Puritan minister arrived in New England, by the name of Roger Williams. He was as yet scarcely thirty years of age. He was a man of some enlighten- ed views, but his temper was not properly disci- plined. He was however, an ar- dent friend of re- ligious liberty, and a foe to every form of legal in- tolerance. 2. He was, at first, pastor of a church in Salern. Here, having advanced the Opinion that a commonwealth is bound to protect all denominations of Christians, rather more boldly than was acceptable to the Massachusetts government, and having also announced some strange opinions with an overbearing spirit, he was tried for heresy and was sentenced to leave the province. ROQEE WIILIAMS BANISHED. 11. Describe the progress of the emigrants through the woods. CHAP. XXXIV. 1. What of Roger Williams? 2. Of what church was he at first a pastor? What opinions did he advance? What was the conseqm-nce of this conduct? SETTLEMENT OF RHODE ISLAND. 81 3. He first repaired to See'-konk, now in Rhode Island ; but having learned, soon after, that the place was within the jurisdiction of the Plymouth colony, he removed, June, 1630, to the place where Provi- dence now stands, and laid the foundation of a, colony, of which he was, at one and the same time, minister, instructor, and father. 4. But the lahors of Roger Williams were not by any means con- fined to his own countrymen. Though his manners had been harsh, he had a good heart. Like Eliot, he did much for the conversion and im- provement of the savages, lie even took pains, like him, to learn their language, that he might the better conciliate, instruct, improve, and elevate them ; and, at the same time, preserve his colony from destruc- tive and bloody wars. 5. Providence was within the territory of the Narraganset Indians, but Mr. Williams very soon obtained a deed of it ; not for himself or his friends, for though it was his own property as much as the clothes he wore, he gave away every foot of it. Nor did he love power more than property, for, instead of making himself the magistrate, the colonists had none till the year 1040. 6. The Providence settlement soon became the asylum of all who were persecuted in the other colonies on account of their religious opinions, especially the Baptists, to which sect Mr. Williams adhered. In 1039, a Baptist church was formed there; the first in the United States. Twelve years later, the General Court of Massachusetts, by their severe laws, drove a greater number to Rhode Island than ever before. V. Rhode Island, properly so called that is, the beautiful island which goes by this name was first settled in the spring of 1638, by William Coddington and seventeen others. In the following Novem- ber, Mr. Coddington was chosen governor. These last were the fol- lowers of one Anne Ilutchinson, a fanatic in religion, but in many re- spects a wise and virtuous woman. 8. Until 1040, the citizens of Providence had made their own rules and laws in a general convention. They now thought it best to adopt a more permanent form of government, and, in 1044, Roger Williams, with the aid of Governor Vane, of Massachusetts, procured a charter for the two settlements, under the name of the Rhode Island and Provi- dence Plantations. 3. Where did Williams first go? Where did he establish himself? 4. What of Wil- liams and the Indians? 5. Did Williams take a deed of his land? What did he do with his land? What of the government of the colony till 1640? 6. Of whom did the Provi- dence settlements become the asylum ? The Baptists ? What happened in 1039 ? What happened twelve years later? 7. What occurred in 1633? What of Anne Hutchinson? 8. What occurred in 16-14? 4* 82 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XXXV. War with the Pequod Indians. The Battle at Mystic River. Burning of the Indian Fort. Utter Defeat of the Pequods. 1. CONNECTICUT was first organized as a government separate from Ma ssachusetts and Plymouth, in 1636. Its inhab- itants held their first General Court or Assembly at Hartford, in the spring of that year. The first law they passed was, that arms and ammunition should not be sold to the Indians. 2. Enough, how- ever, had been done, long before, by unprincipled men, like Hunt and Morton, to excite that savage jealousy which, when once roused, makes little discrimination, but vents itself with nearly equal readiness on all who are white, without regard to age or sex. The period was at hand when the colonists of Connecticut were to feel the full force of savage vengeance. 3. The Pe'-quods, or Pequots, were a very formidable tribe, having at least seven hundred warriors. Their principal settlement was on a hill in Groton, near New London, in Connecticut, though they had forts elsewhere. They were the terror of many other tribes of Indians, and they soon became a serious annoyance to the Connecticut and Massachusetts settlers. 4. They had, in the first place, murdered some of the traders from Massachusetts, especially one Old'-ham, at Block Island, and Governor Endicot had been sent to treat with them, or bring them to submis- sion ; but he had accomplished very little, except to provoke them by burning their wigwam?. CHAP. XXXV. 1. When was Connecticut first organized ns a government separate from Massachusetts and Plymouth "} Where was the first General Assembly 1 What was the first law ? 2. What had been done by such men as Hunt and Morton ? 3. "What of the Pequods? 4. What had the Pequods done? BURNING OF THE FORT. WAR WITH THE PEQUODS. 83 5. In March, 1637, they became so bold as to attack the fort at Say- brook, and kill three of the soldiers. In April, they murdered several men and women at Wethersfield, carried away two girls into captivity, and destroyed twenty cows. The inhabitants could no longer con- sider themselves safe, by night or by day, in their houses or in their fields. 6. The General Assembly, which convened at Hartford, May 11, re- solved to make war upon them ; and ninety men about half the col- ony who were able to bear arms with Captain Mason at their head, accompanied by seventy friendly Mohegan Indians, and Rev. Mr. Stone as their chaplain, were sent out to attack the Pequods in their own country. 7. Sailing down the river, and thence to Narraganset Bay, they were joined at the latter place by two hundred Narraganset Indians, and, after landing and proceeding toward the Pequod country, by five hundred Ni-an'-ticks. The Pequods had two forts, one at Mystic, in the present town of Groton, and another further on. They resolved to attack the former. 8. They arrived at Mystic River, near the fort, late in the evening, and pitched their camp by two large rocks, now called Porter's rocks. About daybreak the next morning, they were ready to advance and attack the fort. The first signal of their arrival was the barking of a dog, upon which an Indian in the fort cried out, "O-wan'-ux! Owauux!" which meant Englishmen! Englishmen! 9. The battle soon began, and for a long time was severe. The fate of Connecticut, and perhaps of all New England, was to be determined by seventy-seven men.* Every soldier, therefore, fought for his own life and the lives of his countrymen. "With the Indians, too, every thing was at stake ; and their arrows descended among the English like a shower of hail. 10. At last, seeing his men begin to tire, Captain Mason cried out, "We must burn them!" and, seizing a firebrand from one of the wigwams, he applied it to the combustible material of which it was composed, and in a few minutes the whole fort was in flames. , The fire and sword together made terrible havoc; and soon victory decided in favor of the colonists. 11. But the contest was not yet over. Three hundred Pequods from 5. What happened in March, 1637? 6. What of the General Assembly? Of -whom did the force sent against the Pequods consist? 7. By what forces were they joined? What forts had the Pequods ? 8. What of the approach ol the white men to Fort Mystic? 9. What of the fight? 10. What of Captain Mason? * They set out with ninety, but thirteen had fallen off at Saybrook, or elsewhere ; and as for the friendly Indian allies, they dared not venture near the fort. 84 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. the other fort came now to the assistance of their brethren, but these too were gallantly repulsed, and the colonists retired leisurely to go on board their vessels at the Pequod harbor. When the battle ended, their vessels were not yet in sight, but they arrived soon afterward. 12. The colonists had but two men killed and sixteen wounded in the contest; while the Indians lost seventy wigwams, and, as it was thought, from five hundred to six hundred men. The blow was de- cisive. The Indians looked at the smoking ruins, stamped on the ground, tore their hair, and rushed on the colonists ; but to no purpose. 13. The battle was scarcely ended, when a body of two hundred troops from Massachusetts and Plymouth arrived. They renewed the war, burning wigwams, destroying cornfields, and killing the Indians, men, women, and children. The survivors were driven to a swamp, where they finally surrendered, except Sas'-sa-cus, their chief, and a few of his men, who fled to the Mo'-hawks, by whom Sassacus was afterward murdered. CHAPTER XXXYI. Anecdotes of the Pequod War. The Indian Chiefs Un- cas and Sassacus. The Beneficent Conduct of Roger Williams. 1. ONE of the early laws of New England was : " Some minister is to be sent forth to go along with the army, for their instruction and encouragement." Moreover, they sometimes began their wars by a season of fasting and prayer. We may smile at this strange attempt to intermingle religion and bloodshed ; but it exhibits the Puritan character. 2. The whole night before Captain Mason set out from Hartford to attack the Pequods was spent by Mr. Stone, at the request of the soldiers, in earnest prayer. Again : having arrived at Narraganset Bay on Saturday, instead of proceeding on their journey the next day, they kept it as the Sabbath, with the most scrupulous exactness. 3. War is terrible at best, but it is always agreeable to find its hor- rors in any degree mitigated. While the soldiers of Captain Mason were slaughtering the Indians at Fort Mystic by hundreds, and ac- tually piling the dead bodies in heaps, they spared the women. Many 1 1. "What more happened ? 12. Loss of the colonists ? Of the Indians 1 13. What of 200 Massachusetts troops ? What of Sassacus and the rest of the Pequods ? CHAP. XXXVI. 1. How did the Puritans mingle religion with war? 2. Whnt of the nisht before Captain Mason's departure for the Pequod war? What of the next Sunday? 9>. What of war? What of spr.rin; the women and children ? INCIDENTS OF THE PEQU01) WAR. 85 of the Indian warriors, observing this, cried out, "I squaw! I squaw!" But it did not save them. 4. The friendly Indians, under Un'-cas, sachem of the Mohegans and Mi-an-ton'-o-nioh, sachem of the Narragansets, were terribly afraid of the Pequods, and especially of Sassacus, their chief. When Captain Mason inquired of Miantonomoh why the Narragansets did not come forward and help him, he replied, u Sassacus is in the fort. Sassacus is all one God ; nobody can kill him." 5. The two hundred Pequods men, women, and children who sur- rendered to the colonists, were either enslaved by the English or in- corporated with the Mohegans or the Narragansets. There did not remain, according to the words of the historian, u a sannup or a squaw, a warrior or a child, of the Pequod name. A nation had disappeared in a day!" 6. Still, this war would have been more dreadful than it was, but for the benevolent and pious labors of Roger Williams. When the Pequods found they had provoked the colonists to make war upon them, they tried to enlist on their side the Mohegans and Narragansets. They hoped that by their united exertions they might be able entirely to sweep the colonists from the hunting-ground of their fathers. 7. There was no white man in New England that dared, at this critical time, to expose himself to Indian fury, but Roger Williams. Aware of the danger to the colonists, this good man, amid storm and wind, and at the most imminent hazard of his life, embarked in a canoe, and hastened to the wigwam of the Narraganset sachem, even while the Pequod ambassadors were there, still reeking with the blood of Oldham and others. 8. Here, for three days and nights, he ate and drank and slept in their midst, in danger of being shot, or having his throat cut, every moment. The Narragansets for some time wavered, but he at length succeeded in preventing them from entering into a league with the Pequods, and thus, probably, saved the colonies from extinction. CHAPTER XXXYIL Settlement of New Haven. Mr. Davenport and his Asso- ciates. Other /Settlements in Connecticut. Earthquakes. 1. THE Indian name of New Haven was Quin'-ni-pi-ack. The peo- ple of the Connecticut colony had become acquainted with it during 4. What of Sassacus and other Indians? 5. What of the 200 Indians captured? What of the Pequod nation? fi What rendered the Pequod war less dreadful ? 7, 8. What did Roger Williams do 86 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. the war with the Pequods. FIRST SETTLEMENT AT NEW HAVEN. About this time Rev. Mr. Davenport, and two merchants of London, by the name of Eaton and Hopkins, and a company of emi- grants, came over to America ; and Mr. Eaton and a few others went to Quinnipiack and built a hut, and re- mained there dur- ing the winter. 2. In the spring of 1638, Mr. Dav- enport and his whole company went there to reside permanently. At two different purchases, they bought of the Indians nearly the whole of what now constitutes the county of New Haven. For the first and smallest por- tion, they gave a dozen, each, of coats, hoes, hatchets, spoons, and por- ringers, two dozen knives, and four cases of French knives and scis- sors; and, for the largest, thirteen coats only. 3. Some may think that the Indians were defrauded by these purchases ; or, at least, that they would be likely to think themselves so after- ward. But such persons forget that these articles were worth more then than they now are ; and, beside that, the land was really worth no- thing to the Indians, nor, in their wild state, were they of much value to any one. Besides, the Indians retained the right to hunt on the land, and, if they pleased, to plant a certain portion. 4. On the first Sabbath which the colonists observed at New Haven, April 28, Mr. Davenport preached to the people under a large spread- ing oak. He was an excellent man, and, with his coadjutors, gave a character to New Haven that has never been wholly lost. The lay- ing of the city into squares, and the beautiful green, or common, are memorials of their efforts. 5. The three towns, Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, early in the year 1639, formed themselves into a distinct government, and CHAP. XXXVII. 1 What was the Indian name of the country where New Haven now stands? When did the people of Connecticut become acquainted with it? What of Mr. Davenport and others ? 2. What was done in 1C8S? 8. How does it appear that the Indians were not cheated by the whites? 4. What of Mr. Davenport? THE COLONY OF NEW HAVEN. 87 adopted a constitution, and John Haynes was elected their first gov- ernor. Their constitution has been much admired. It lasted, with little alteration, till 1818, or about one hundred and eighty years; and was in substance as follows: 6. The General Court, or legislative assembly, was to be held twice a year, viz., in spring and autumn ; but the officers of the government the governor, deputy governor, and five or six assistants with the representatives from the several towns, were to be elected on the first Monday of April annually. The settlement at Saybrook soon became united with that at Hartford. 7. Until the year 1665, New Haven was a colony by itself, separate from Hartford, under the name of the Colony of New Haven. A con- stitution was formed and adopted by the colony essentially like that of Connecticut, in the autumn of the same year, 1639; and Theophilus Eaton was chosen the first governor, and re-elected every year till his death, which happened about twenty years afterward. 8. The first inhabitants of New Haven, almost without exception, were men of learning and piety. They paid great attention both to education and religion. At first they had all their property in com- mon, as at Jamestown and Plymouth. Not a few of their first gov- ernors, moreover, as well as several other officers, refused to receive any salary or special compensation for their public services. 9. The Dutch, who still claimed the country, seemed inclined, from time to time, to molest the Connecticut colony, but no serious conflict ever took place between them. Their greatest trouble was with the Indians. With this exception, and a continual series of disasters at sea, their first years were quite prosperous. 10. The first great earthquake in New England, after its settlement, took place in June, 1638. The earth shook with such violence that in some places people could not stand without difficulty, and the furniture in the houses was thrown down. Similar shocks were felt in 1663, 1727, 1761, and 1783. 5. What of three towns ? Who was the first governor of the Connecticut colony ? What of the constitution adopted there? 6. What were the general provisions of this constitution? 7. What of the New Haven colony? 8. First settlers of Now Haven? What of property ? The governors? 9. The Dutch? 10. Earthquakes ? 88 HIS1OKY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XXXYIII. Union of the New England Colonies. 1. THE conduct of the New England settlers did not fail to keep up the spirit of per- secution in Eng- land on the part of those whose severe measures had driven them there. It was seen that the forms of the Eng- lish church dis- cipline were dis- regarded by the Puritans, and marriages were celebrated even DELEGATES SIGNING TUB AkTIULtS Ui' CO.NFEDliUATIOX. by the Civil mag- istrates. In spite of all this, however, good and loyal subjects of the king were con- tinually emigrating thither. 2. What could be done? In the first place, ships freighted with pas- sengers and bound for New England were forbidden to sail. In the next place, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and others, obtained power to legislate for the colonies; to revoke their charters if it should be thought necessary ; to regulate and govern their church, and to inflict punishment for refractory conduct. 3. Such power, lodged in the hands of an Episcopal bishop three thousand miles distant, greatly alarmed the colonies. In January, 1635, the ministers assembled at Boston, to consult with the civil offi- cers, and see what should be done. They were unanimous in the opin- ion that they ought not to submit to a general governor from abroad, should one be appointed, which they had great reason to expect. 4. Nor was this all. Poor as the colonies were, they raised six hundred pounds sterling among them, and applied it immediately to the erection of fortifications. But this only so much the more offended CHAP. XXXVIII. 1. Conduct of the Puritans in New England ? Consequences of this? 2. What was done in England? 8. What was done at Boston in 1635 ? 4. Wha; steps did the colonies take ? PERSECUTION IN ENGLAND. 89 MAP OF NEW ENGLAND. their enemies in England, and increased their disposition to restrain their liberties. 5. "Whole squadrons, ready to sail for America with passengers, were stopped. It is even said that Crom'-well and Hamp'-den, who after- ward became so conspicuous in the measures which led to the death of the king, Charles L, were on board of one of the vessels, and would QUESTIONS ON THE MAP. Direction of the following places from Boston : Cape Cod? New Haven? Augusta? Montpelier ? Hartford? Long Island? New York? Prov- idence? Quebec? In what direction do the following rivers run: the Connecticut? the Kennebec) tho Penobscot? the Hudson? etc. 90 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. have sailed for America had not the king himself prevented it. Little did he know what he was doing. 6. It was impossible, however, to check the tide of emigration, ex- cept for a short time. Persecution for religious opinions had awakened a spirit of emigration in Europe which had not been known before. One hundred and ninety-eight ships had already crossed the Atlantic to New England, carrying with them twenty thousand passengers ; and the plantations there had cost nearly a million of dollars. Y. It was just at this period of the colonial history, when they were in danger not only from foes at home but from enemies of their liberty abroad, that a union of the colonies, for mutual preservation and de- fence, began to be discussed. Nor did their victory over the Pequods, nor the temporary suspension of Dutch hostilities, lull them into se- curity. The measure was not only talked of, but at last executed. 8. The articles of confederation were signed May 29, 1643. The union which was formed took the name of " The United Colonies of New England." It embraced Massachusetts, Plymouth, Connecticut and New Haven, and should have included Rhode Island and Provi- dence plantations. This colony petitioned for admittance, but was re- fused, because it would not be merged in the colony of Plymouth. 9. This union continued forty years or more, and was of great service while it lasted. If it did not prevent that foreign interference which was threatened, it defended the colonies at least from the Indians and Dutch, and other enemies at home, both by leading them to feel more strongly the ties of sympathy and brotherhood, and by enabling them to make treaties on a more certain and permanent basis. 5. What of Cromwell and Hampden? 6 Emigration? Persecution? How many ships and passengers had come to America? How much had the plantations cost? 7 What of a union of the colonies ? 8. What of the articles of confederation? Why was Rhode Island excluded ? 9. What of this union ? MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE INDIANS. 91 CHAPTER XXXIX. General Remarks on the Indians. The Tribes of New England. Their Manners and Customs. 1. WE have already stated that the Indians of America, though divided into many tribes and na- tions, speaking dif- ferent languages, and having some difference of man- ners and customs, were all of one race. It is neces- sary to remark, however, that the people called Es- quimaux [es'-ki- mo\, living around the Arctic regions, were of a distinct race, being of the same family as the Lap'-land-ers and Sa-moi'-edes of Northern Europe and Asia. 2. With those people, however, the early settlers of the United States had no connection. With the numerous tribes which dwelt in the vast country from the Canadas to the Gulf of Mexico, on the contrary, they were in almost constant contact. The Whites, in fact, occupied the lands which these Indians had held as their patrimony, and the savages were not slow to perceive that their tribes rapidly wasted away before the progress of these strangers. 3. A natural jealousy, therefore, took possession of their minds, which was often inflamed by acts of aggression on the part of the Europeans. Thus wars ensued, which, in point of fact, constitute a large part of the history of the colonies. In order to understand the narratives belonging to this period, it is necessary to take a somewhat .closer view of the manners and customs of those people. INDIAN SOKCKRER AND SICK MAN. CHAP. XXXIX. 1. What of the Indians of America? The Esquimaux? 2. Whatof the Indians from the Canadas to the Gulf of Mexico? 3. Jealousy of the Indians? 92 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 4. The tribes in New England were, principally, the Pe-nob'-scotsin Maine ; the Paw-tuck'-ets between Maine and Salem ; the Massachusetts around the Massachusetts Bay; the Po-ka-no'-kets in south-eastern Massachusetts; the Narragansets about Rhode Island; and the Pe'- quods in the southern or south-eastern part of Connecticut. 5. There were indeed other tribes and divisions of tribes, such as the Mo-he' -gans, the Nipraucks, the Wam-pa-no'-ags, &c. ; but they were not numerous, and were generally tributary to the larger tribes. Nor were the larger tribes so numerous as some have hastily supposed. Judicious authors on the subject have estimated the whole number at only one hundred and fifty or two hundred thousand for the eastern, middle, and southern states. 6. The Indians had no houses, but lived chiefly in rude huts, or, as they were called, wigwams. These were built of sticks, leaves, bark, and sometimes of skins, in the shape of tents. They were usually ar- ranged in small clusters, or villages; one wigwam often serving for several families. Like the wandering Tartars, they often removed their villages. A village contained, usually, from fifty to two hundred inhabitants. 7. They knew little of agriculture, though in some places they raised corn and beans, and a few peas, melons, &c. The employments of the men were chiefly hunting, fishing, and war. Of arts and manufactures they barely knew enough to make their wigwams, weapons of war, hunting and fishing, articles of dress and ornaments, wampum, and a few domestic utensils and agricultural implements. 8. Their food was simple, coarse, plainly cooked, and, from their natural indolence, sometimes scanty. At times they subsisted chiefly on flesh raw, roasted, or boiled, accordingto convenience. At other times, when not too indolent to procure it, they subsisted on parched corn, hominy, or a mixture of corn and beans, which they called succotash. The females usually prepared the food and cultivated the vegetables. 9. Their dress, except in winter, consisted chiefly of a slight cover- ing about the waist, with ornaments for the face, wrists, or ankles. In winter they dressed in untanned skins and in furs. They were little aiFected by external beauty, even personal beauty, notwithstanding their fondness for ornament. In war, and on occasions of ceremony, they painted their faces with various bright colors, giving them a hideous appearance. For amusements, they danced around a fire, or sang songs, or recited stories of their victories. Though in general the Indians had a moody and melancholy look, they sometimes indulged in hearty mirth. 4. What of the tribes of Indians in New England? 5. Other tribes? & Indian dwellings? Villages? 7. Agriculture? Employments of the men? Arts and manufactures? 8. Food? Tho women ? j>. Dress ? Amusements ? MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE INDIANS. 93 10. Their hatchets, knives, and other implements, were chiefly shells or sharp stones ; more frequently the latter. The bow and arrow and tomahawk, as we have already stated, were their chief weapons of war. They pounded their corn in large stones, scooped or hollowed out. The ground served them instead of chairs, tables, and beds. Their thread for nets, etc., was made of the tendons of animals, and their fish-hooks of bones. For money, they used wampum, or beads made of the shells of clams strung together in chains, or fastened to belts. 11. The Indians had no books, or schools, or churches. They had, it is true, some ideas of good and evil spirits; their principal deity was called Manitou. They appear to have had a belief in a future existence beyond the grave ; but their notions on this subject were very crude and confused ; and their religion and religious worship, when they had any, exerted but little influence on their general conduct. 12. Polygamy was allowed among them ; and though they could hardly be said to be distinguished for licentiousness, there was not among them that tender and respectful regard for the female sex which is not only a principal element of human happiness, but one of the strongest bonds of society. Their government and customs of war will be seen in the progress of our history. 13. Diseases among the savages of America were fewer in number than in civilized society ; but they were sometimes very fatal, as in the case of the smallpox. Their medical treatment was simple, consisting, for the most part, of a little herb tea, and warm or cold bathing ; some- times, however, they resorted to powwows or sorcerers, who pretended to charm away diseases. 14. When an Indian died, the survivors dug a hole in the ground, and having wrapped the corpse in skins and mats, laid it therein. Whatever was deemed most useful to the individual while living, as his implements of war or hunting, were buried with him ; probably in the vague belief that they might be useful to him in a future state. Some corpses were buried sitting, with their faces to the east. 10. Utensils? Weapons of war? How did they pound their corn? What served them for chairs, tables, etc. ? Nets? Hooks? Money? 11. Books? Schools? Churches? Religious notions? 12. Polygamy? Respect for the fom::le sex? 13. Diseases? Medical treatment? Powwows? 14. Burial ceremonies? 94 1IISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. INDIAN TILLAGE. CHAPTER XL. The Eight Families of Indians Algonquins, Huron Iroquois, Dahkotahs, Catawbas, Cherokees, TJchees, Choctaws, and batches. Their Character, Manners, Customs, etc. 1. SUCH were the manners and customs of the New England Indians ; they were, howevet, only a small part of those which dwelt within the present limits of the United States. 2. These comprised nnmerous small bands, though historians class them in eight great families. First, there was the AL-GOX'-QTJTN FAMILY, occupying nearly the whole country from the Canadas to the Carolinas, and embracing nearly all the Indians with whom the early settlers came in contact, as well those of New England as the Mid- dle States and Virginia. 3. The second family was that of the HU'-RON IK'-O-QUOIS, their CHAP. XL. 1, 2. What of the bands or tribes among the Indians in the territory of the United States at the time of its settlement? Into how many great families are they di- vided by historians? What of the Algonquin family ? MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. 96 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. seat being around Lake .Erie and Lake Huron. The third family was that of the DAIF-KO'-TAHS, or Sioux [sioo], living mostly west of the Mississippi, where they still form a powerful tribe. 4. The fourth family was that of the CA-TAW'-BAS, liv- ing in the interior of Caro- lina. To the west of these lived the CIIEE-O-KEES', still a powerful tribe in the West, where they have become par- tially civilized. TheU-cnEEs', a small family whose history is little known, dwelt in the northern part of Georgia. 5. The CHOC'-TAWS, called the Mobilian Family, occu- pied the southern parts of the present United States, from the Mississippi to the Atlantic. It included many nations, and among them the CREEKS, whose history has largely figured in the an- nals of our country. 6. On the east bank of the Mississippi, near the site of the present city of NATCHEZ, lived the family of that name. They were a small tribe, but appear to have had some connection with the Mexicans, which had imparted to them some ideas of civilization not shown by the other natives we have mentioned. 7. Each of these great families had its own language, yet they all bore a general resemblance to each other. As we have stated, the minor tribes had also their peculiar dialects, yet all those belonging to one family could communicate with each other. Thus the sevenil tribes of New England could all communicate with each other, and also with the other branches of the Algonquin family, as the Del '-a-wares, the Mi'-a-mees, Ot'-ta-was, &c., living further to the west. 8. The manners and customs of these tribes were nearly the same as those we have described as belonging to the New England Indians. With them all, war and the chase, with fishing, were the chief occupa- INDIAN CHIE*'. 3. The Huron Iroquois ? TheDahkotahs? 4. The Catawbas? The Cherokees ? Tho Uchees? 5. The Choctaws? 6. Tho Natches? 7. Language of tho Indians? MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE INDIANS. 97 INDIAN YOUTHS SHOOTING AT A TAEGET. tions of the men : the women tilled the land and bore all burdens dur- ing journeys. Among some tribes they dressed skins for clothing and hut covers, and wove mats for beds from the bark of trees. 9. The love of display in dress was a characteristic of the men, even the warriors, who not only tattooed their faces, arms, necks, and shoulders, but decorated themselves with the heads of wild animals, the claws and feathers of birds, and the bones of fishes. 10. Among all the tribes the women were mere slaves, condemned to perform all the menial labor, and not only excluded from war and hunting, but even from the sports of leaping, dancing, target-shooting, ball-playing, and various games of chance, in which the men indulged with passionate delight. The highest indulgence of the female sex was to witness these sports on the part of their lords and masters. 11. At the time of the settlement of the English in this country, by far the greater part of the Indians lived east of the Mississippi ; now they are nearly all removed west of that river. Many of the tribes that flourished in the early days of the colonies, have entirely passed 8. Manners and customs ? 0. Love of display in dress ? 10. Condition of the women ? 1 1. Where did tho greate part of the early Indians dwell ? 98 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. away : all are reduced to comparative insignificance. Most have ex- changed the bow and arrow for the rifle, and wear blankets instead of skins. 12. When first known by the whites they had neither horses, cattle, dogs, sheep, nor domestic fowls : now they have horses, and are among the swiftest and most dexterous of riders. Nevertheless, they are gradually dwindling away, and before many years are past, the race will doubtless be entirely blotted out. 13. Such is a brief outline of the character and condition of the savages within the boundaries of the United States, at the early period of which we are speaking. We shall have occasion to fill up this picture by incidents and narratives, illustrative of their disposition, habits, and capacity. CHAPTER XLI. Evangelizing the Indians in New England. The May- hews. Eliot, the Indian Apostle. 1. WE now return to the history of New England. One of the more important as well as more interest- ing results of the union of the col- onies, of which we have given an account, was the civilization and improve- ment of the In- dians, whose manners and cus- toms, as we have seen, were alto- gether rude and savage. During the peace with them, between the Pequod war and the war with Philip, it pleased God to put it into the hearts of many to do them good. Among these bene- factors were several persons of the name of Mayhew, and John Eliot. ELIOT PREACIUNG. 12. What of horses, cattle, etc CHAP. XLI. 1. "What followed the union of the colonies? ELIOT, THE INDIAN APOSTLE. 99 2. One of the Mayhews had a church of one hundred communicants at Martha's Vineyard. His son, Experience Mayhevv, besides having the charge of five or six congregations of Indians, learned their lan- guage, and translated portions of the Bible into it. He also wrote the lives of thirty native Indian preachers, and eighty pious Indian men, women, and children. He spent sixty-three years of his life in the ministry, chiefly among the Indians. 3. But no man was so greatly distinguished for his labors of love among the Indians as John Eliot. He was born in England, in 1604. In early life he was an usher in a grammar-school, under the Rev. Thomas Hooker, the celebrated individual w r ho led sixty men, women, and children across the woods from Boston to Hartford, to settle Con- necticut. 4. Mr. Eliot came to Boston in 1631, and was settled as a minister in Roxbury the next year, where he remained about sixty years, that is, until his death. He had not been in Roxbury long before he began to take a deep interest in the Indians, whom he believed to be the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. 5. The first thing he did, in preparation for his work, was to learn their language. This occupied him several years. The translation of the Bible into the Indian language took up two years more. At the age of forty-two he found himself sufficiently acquainted with their language to converse with them and teach them both publicly and in private. G. Soon he was found in their wigwams, teaching them and their children to read, praying with them, telling them about God, preach- ing short and plain sermons to them, discouraging the use of strong drinks, as well as all their favorite vices, instructing them in farming and gardening, and endeavoring in every possible way to make them wiser and better. 7. Mr. Eliot not only told them what to do, but he actually set them to work, and sometimes worked with them. He furnished the men with spades, shovels, crow-bars, etc., and the women with spinning- wheels. He set lip schools and churches among them, and prepared ministers and schoolmasters. So faithful and numerous were his labors, that he obtained the name of the Indian Apostle. 8. The following anecdote will serve to show the nature of Mr. Eliot's influence. One Sabbath evening, on returning from church, a converted Indian found his fire gone out, and, in order to kindle it, he split a little dry wood with his hatchet. This was thought by many 2. The Mayhews ? 3. Eliot's early life ? 4. Where -was ho settled ? 5. Wh.it of his learn- ing the Indian language? Translating the Bible? 6, 7. How did Eliot proceed with the Indians? 8. Anecdoto of an Indian? 100 HISTORY OF THE UN'ITED STATES. of the Indians a breach of the Sabbath, and was, at their next meet- ing, taken up and discussed. 9. Mr. Eliot labored more particularly around Boston in Roxbury, Dorchester, Newton, Watertown, and Natick. He was especially em- ployed at a place called Nonantum, in the present town of Newton, and at Natick. But he also went abroad, and labored in the region about Lowell, Lancaster, Brookfield, Yarmouth, and elsewhere. He not only translated the Bible, but other books, into the Indian lan- guage. 10. In short, the good he did was incalculable. In 1660, there were ten towns near Boston in which the Indians were for the most part professedly pious, and were, till Philip's war, fast adopting the customs of civilization. Even in 1686, after Mr. Eliot's death, the number of "Praying Indians," as they were called, was estimated at five thou- sand; and, in 1696, thirty Indian churches existed. 11. Mr. Eliot was regarded, in his day, as somewhat eccentric. He discouraged personal ornaments and useless expenditures. He was op- posed to wigs, wine, and tobacco! He wished to have every thing so managed that it might accomplish the greatest good to mankind, and the greatest glory to God. CHAPTER XLIL Witchcraft in New England. 1. IT was during the long period of peace which has been alluded to in the foregoing chapters that the troubles arose in Massachusetts about witchcraft, of which so much has been said in history, and on account of which such heavy charges have been made against our forefathers. 2. The first case of the kind occurred in Springfield, in 1045. In June, 1648, the charge of witchcraft was brought against Margaret Jones, of Charlestown, and she was executed. Ann Hibbins, of Bos- ton, came next; she was executed in 1656. Here the subject rested for about thirty years, when it was again revived ; and there was one more execution in Boston. 3. Four years afterward, viz., in 1692, the supposed witchcraft broke out .in Salem and Danvers. Here the first subjects of it were children. The disorder, whatever its character may have been, spread to the 9. Where did Eliot chiefly bestow his efforts ? 10. "What effect did Eliot's efforts pro- duce? 11. Character of Eliot T CIIAP. XLII. 1. What of witchcraft? 2. What cases occurred prior to 1692? 3. What happened in 1692? WITCHCRAFT IN NEW ENGLAND. 101 neighboring country towns, particularly Andover, Ipswich, and Glouces- ter. At first it affected the lower classes only ; but at length it per- vaded all ranks and conditions. 4. Two daughters of a minister, in Salem, were strangely affected. Before this they had been quiet, happy children, but now they began to look wild, shriek, tell strange stories, sit barefoot among the ashes, or go abroad with their clothes and hair in great disorder, looking like insane people. Sometimes they were dumb ; at others they would complain of being pricked severely with pins. 5. The madness continuing to spread, the charge of witchcraft was at length brought against one poor minister himself. All sorts of strange stories were told about him. It was especially said that he had in- tercourse with the devil ; and the fact that he was an iincommonly athletic and strong man, may have favored this idea. He would not confess guilt, and was hanged. Those who confessed the crime of witchcraft, however, were not executed. 6. It was, indeed, a fearful time. Multitudes were suspected and accused, arid at one period no less than one hundred and fifty were in prison for witchcraft. What number were actually executed, while "the fever lasted," is not quite certain. It is generally said that two hundred were accused, one hundred and fifty imprisoned, twenty-eight condemned, nineteen hanged, and one pressed to death. Y. But the excitement at length passed away; and the more rapidly in proportion as the criminals were treated with clemency. Multitudes owned, at length, that they confessed their guilt to save their lives ! For a century past little has been said of witchcraft in the United States, and few believe in its existence. The events we have narrated are supposed to have been the result of delusion. 8. Nor was this disease, or delusion, much known in this country, even in its day, out of New England. One old woman was indeed ac- cused of the crime in Pennsylvania. Penn himself happened to be the judge, and gave the charge to the jury. They brought in a verdict that her friends should be bound for her to keep the peace, which put an end to witchcraft in that province. 9. Supposed cases of witchcraft had been common in Europe for centuries, and, about the time of the excitement in New England, thousands were executed in England and other countries there. 4. What of two daughters of a minister ? 5. What of tho mania? A poor minister? 6. What of the state of things during the excitement? How many were imprisoned? How many accused ? How many executed ? 7. What of the passing away of the excite- ment ? 8. What of the delusion elsewhere ? 9. In Europe ? lilSTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTEE XLIII. History of New York from 1640 to the French and Indian War. 1. WE Lave seen how the Dutch had effected settlements on the Hudson River, they having given the name of New Netherlands to the lands which they claimed, including not only the present territory of New York, but that of Connecticut, and also of New Jersey. Their title to Connecticut was soon terminated by the occupation of the New England settlers, but their claims to New Jersey continued till they were obliged to yield their whole settlements in this quarter to the English in 1664. 2. The country around the rising town of New Amsterdam, on the island of Manhattan, was peopled with numerous tribes of Indians, who were generally hostile, and who inflicted great injuries upon the colonists. The Dutch governors of New Netherlands had almost con- stant occupation in defending the settlements from these savages, though they also found time to attack and drive off European colonists who established themselves in different places upon the territories they claimed. 3. About the year 1640, the Indians of Long Island and New Jersey, enraged at being cheated by dishonest traders, and still further excited by rum, broke out into open war. They attacked the settlers on Staten Island, and threatened New Amsterdam itself. William Klieft was then governor of New Netherlands, and though he displayed the ut- most cruelty toward the Indians, he had little success in subduing them. 4. In 1643 ; however, he employed an Englishman named Underbill, who had been distinguished in the conflicts with the Indians of New England, to command a considerable body of men, who attacked and defeated the tribes of Long Island, and, crossing over to the mainland, inflicted the same chastisement on the tribes at Horseneck. Peace was consequently proposed and glady accepted by both parties. 5. Klieft, however, was exceedingly unpopular, and his recall was demanded by the colonists; he set out to return to Holland with a ship richly laden, but he never reached his destination. His vessel was wrecked on the coast of Wales, and the governor perished. CHAP. XLIII. 1. How was the Dutch title to Connecticut terminated? What of their claim to New Jersey? 2. What of the Indians? a What of the Indians in 1&10? 4 In 1&43? 5. What of Governor Klieft? GOVERNOR STUYVESANT. 103 6. The most celebrated of the Dutch governors was Peter Stuyvesant, who arrived in the colony in 1647. By judicious management, he con- ciliated the Indians, and thus converted dangerous foes into friends. He settled the dispute as to boundary which had continued for several years with the neighboring colony of Connecticut, and also, in 1655, subdued and took possession of the Swedish colony of New Sweden, consisting of several small settlements on the Delaware River, near its mouth. 7. In 1663, the Indians again became inflamed with hostility. They made a sudden attack on the settlement of Esopus, now Kingston, and sixty -five of the inhabitants were either killed or carried into captivity. A severe chastisement, however, speedily followed this act of bar- barity. A force dispatched from New Amsterdam pursued the savages to their villages, laying waste Jheir fields, killing numbers of their warriors, and releasing the captives they had taken. These vigorous measures resulted in peace May, 1664. 8. The province of New Netherlands, however, had still many diffi- culties to contend with. It had serious disputes as to territory with Lord Baltimore, the proprietor of Maryland, and the governor of Vir- ginia at the south, and with the colonies of Massachusetts and Con- necticut, the latter laying claim to the eastern part of Long Island. 9. In these adverse circumstances Governor Stuyvesant conducted with wisdom and ability : but events of a still more serious nature, and quite beyond his control, were now approaching. The government of the colony, under a company in Holland, was in the highest degree arbitrary, allowing the people no voice whatever in the management of affairs. In New England the colonists formed and conducted the government, subject only to certain general regulations from the mother country. 10. The Dutch colonists, observing these facts, became dissatisfied with their situation, and now, as rumors of an English invasion began to be circulated among them, they were actually prepared to welcome such an event. In 1664, at a time of peace between England and Hol- land, Charles II., king of England, proceeding upon claims which had been maintained from the beginning, granted to his brother, James, Duke of York, the whole territory from the mouth of the Connecticut to the shores of the Delaware River. 11. The Duke soon after caused a squadron to be fitted out, com- 6. What of Governor Stuyvesant? 7. "What occurred to the Indians in 1663? 8. What other difficulties attended the province of New Netherlands? 9. What of the govern- ment of tho colony at that period? How did the governmentofNew England differ from the Dutch of New Netherlands? 10. What ideas had the Dutch colenists derived from New England? What occurred in 1664? 104 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. manded by Colonel Nicholas, with instructions to take possession of the province. When this arrived before New Amsterdam, the place was without defence, and although Governor Stuyvesant endeavored to rouse the people to resistance, it was in vain, and consequently he was obliged to surrender it to the English. The government of England was from this time, October, 1664, acknowledged over the whole ter- ritory of New Netherlands, the capital receiving the name of New York, and Fort Orange that of Albany. 12. From this period the province of New Netherlands, henceforth called New York, remained in the hands of the English, except that in 1673, during a war between England and Holland, the latter captured the city of New York, but it was restored, on the return of peace, the next year. The government was carried on by a succession of gover- nors, who, for the most part, conducted in the most arbitrary manner. 13. The first governor, being appointed by the Duke of York, to whom the province belonged, was Colonel Nicholas. In 1674 the noted Sir Edmond Andros, afterward the tyrant of New England, be- came governor. During the several wars which took place between France and England from 1690 to 1763, the northern colonies, lying along the Canadian borders, were involved in the most serious calami- ties. The savages, to a great extent, took part with the enemy, and, to the inevitable miseries of war, added the barbarities of Indian strife. 14. In these conflicts, New York took a leading part, and suffered her share of the common burden, as will be hereafter noticed. The prov- ince, however, steadily advanced in numbers, wealth, and civilization. 15. There is one melancholy page in the later history of New York, which must not be omitted. In the year 1741, there being many negro slaves in the colony, a rumor became current that some of these had combined to burn the city of New York, and make one of their num- ber governor. 16. The subject was investigated by the magistrates, and, as there were plenty of witnesses, there were no less than thirty of these per- sons executed, some being burned at the stake. After the excitement of the public mind had passed away, it was generally believed that what has since been called in history the Negro Plot, had no real foun- dation, and that the whole proceeded from mere delusion. 11. What of the expedition sent under the command of Colonel Nicholas? 12. From what period did the government continue in the hands of the English ? 13. Who was the first governor under the Duke of York ? "Who succeeded Nicholas in 1674? What of the wars between the French and English between 1690 and 17(53? 14. What part did New York take in these wars? 15, 16. What of the Negro Plot? SETTLEMENT OF NEW JERSEY. 105 CHAPTEE XLIY. History of New Jersey from its first settlement to the devolution. 1. THE territory comprising the present state of New Jersey formed part of the Dutch province of New Netherlands. In 1623, a small fort, which bore the name of Nassau, was built on the eastern side of the Delaware, but was soon abandoned. About the same time a few families established themselves at Bergen, and also on the present site of Jersey City. 2. Soon after the province of New Netherlands came into the hands of the English, the territory of New Jersey, having been transferred to Lord Berkley and Sir George Carteret, by the Duke of York, was organized as a separate province, under its present name. A liberal government was adopted, and in 1655, Philip Carteret arrived, and became the first governor. 3. A small settlement had been made the year previous at Elizabeth- town by emigrants from Long Island ; here the new governor fixed his residence, and hence it became the seat of government. This set- tlement at Elizabeth town in 1664, is regarded as the first regular and permanent colonization of the state. 4. The new colony enjoyed many advantages denied to some other northern settlements : the climate was mild, and the government liber- al, while the Indians, having been humbled by the Dutch, gave little occasion of uneasiness. Under these circumstances, many emigrants from New England and New York, mingled with a few others of various nations, soon arrived, and thus for a series of years the colony advanced in prosperity. 5. At length, however, difficulties of various kinds arose. In 16T3, the Dutch, as we have already stated, recovered the province of New Netherlands, and with it the territory of New Jersey ; these, however, were restored the next year. In 1676, the province having passed to new proprietors, was divided into East Jersey and West Jersey. 6. In 1685, the Duke of York became king of England under the title of James II., and, utterly disregarding his former pledges, in 1688 CHAP. XLIV. 1. Of what did New Jersey form a part? What of Nassau? What settlements at Bergen and Jersey City ? 2. To whom did the Duke of Turk grant the territory of New Jersey ? Who became governor ? 3. What of Elizabethtown? 4. What advantages did the colony of New Jersey possess? What was the effect of these advan- tages? 5. What difficulties arose in New Jersey in 1673? What took place in 1676? 6. What of the Duke of York in 1685? 5* 10() HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. assumed the government of both the Jerseys, placing them under the control of Sir Edmond Andros, whom he had already made governor of New York and New England. 7. The revolution in England put an end to this state of things, but left New Jersey for a number of years in a very unsettled and dis- organized state. In 1702 the proprietors resigned their claims, to the crown of England, and it became a royal province, being united, how- ever, to New York. In this condition it continued till 1738, when it became a separate province, and so continued till the Revolution. CHAPTER XLV. History of Delaware. Design of Gustavus Adolphus. Settlement on Christiana Creek. Founding of the Swed- ish Colony. Its Conquest by the Dutch. Other events. 1. THE celebrated Gus-ta'-vus A-dol'-phus, king of Swe'-den, had formed the plan of establishing colonies in America, and as early as 1626, under his auspices, a trading company was formed, designed to promote this object. The king was, however, absorbed in the German war, and died on the field of Lut'-zen, in 1633, without having effected the scheme which he had at heart. 2. After his death, the project was taken up by his minister, and Peter Minuits, the first governor of New Netherlands, but who had been superseded by "Wou'-ter Van Twil'-ler, was employed to carry it into effect. In 1638, a small Swedish colony, under the direction of Minuits, arrived, and formed a settlement on Christiana Creek, near the present town of Wilmington, at the same time building a fort for defence. 3. Kieft, the governor of New Netherlands, considered this an en- croachment upon his territories, for the Dutch company claimed the whole country from Cape Cod to Cape Henlopen. He therefore sent a remonstrance to the Swedish settlers on Christiana Creek ; but, as this was unheeded, he caused Fort Nassau to be built on the eastern bank of the Delaware, as we have already stated, the same being de- signed as a check upon the Swedes. "What did James II. do in 168S ? 7. What effect had the revolution in England ? What occurred in 1702? In 1738? CHAP. XLV. 1. What of Gustavus Adolphus ? 2. When did the Swedish colony under Minuits arrive? Where did they make a settlement ? 3. What of Governor Kieft? SETTLEMENT OF THE CAROLINAS. 107 4. They however extended their settlements, until they claimed the territories from Cape Henlopen to the falls of the Delaware, near the present city of Trenton, in New Jersey ; this colony bearing the name of New Sweden. In 1631, Governor Stuy'-ves-ant, of New Netherlands, built Fort Casimir, where the present town of New Castle stands, within five miles of the Swedish settlement of Christiana. 5. Of this the Swedes obtained possession by stratagem. Greatly excited at the outrage, the home government ordered Stuyvesant to reduce the Swedes to submission. In 1655, he sailed with six hundred men from New Amsterdam, and speedily subdued the colony, as we have related in the history of New York. The inhabitants were kindly treated, but some of them removed to Maryland and Virginia ; the governor, Rising, was sent to Europe, and the colony was annexed to New Netherlands. 6. From this period the history of Delaware presents few topics of great interest. Its territory was included in the grant to William Penn, in 1681, and formed part of Pennsylvania till 1691, when it was allowed a separate deputy-governor. It was reunited to Pennsylvania in 1692, but in 1703 it was again separated, having its own legislation, though the same governor presided over both colonies. The ancient forms of the government were preserved through the revolutionary struggle. CHAPTER XLYI. Settlement of the Carolinas. 1. THE coast of Carolina was explored in 1563, and named after Charles IX., of France. The first attempt at a settlement, and indeed one of the first ever made within the present limits of the United States, was by Sir Walter Raleigh, in 1585, twenty-two years before Jamestown was settled, and thirty-five years before the landing at Plymouth. 2. The fleet which brought out the first colonists to Carolina, anchor- ed off the island of Wocokon, the southern point of the chain of islands and sand-bars which form Oc'-ra-coke inlet. From this island, the 4. How did the Swedes extend their settlements? What was the name of the colony? The extent of territory claimed by the Swedes ? "What fort was built by Governor Stuy- vesant in 1631 ? 5. What of the Swedes in respect to Fort Casimir ? What was done by Stii3-vesant? 6. What of Delaware and the grant to William Penn? What took place in 1691? In 1692? In 1792? How long was the ancient form of government preserved ? CHAP. XLVL 1. What of the coast of Carolina? First attempt at a settlement? 108 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. chief officer of the fleet went to the continent, and, during an absence of eight days, discovered several Indian towns. 3. He next sailed to the Roanoke River, where he landed with one hundred and seven persons, designed to form a colony. After remain- ing with them a short time, he left them under the care of a Mr. Lane, and returned to England. 4. The selection of a governor for the colonists could not have been more unfortunate. After remaining at the spot about a year, and ac- complishing nothing, except to manifest a high degree of selfishness and shake the faith of the natives in all white men, they were taken back to England by Sir Francis Drake, who touched there with a fleet. 5. No further attempts were made to settle the country till some time between the years 1040 and 1650, when a few planters from Vir- ginia, under the direction of Governor Berkley, of that province, began a colony in Al'-be-marle county, within the present limits of North Carolina. 6. In 1663, the whole country, from the 30th to the 36th degree of north latitude, and in the extravagant language of those times from the Atlantic to the South Sea, was conveyed by Charles II. to Lord Clarendon and his associates, with full power to settle and govern it. In 1665, a settlement was made near the mouth of the Clarendon or Cape Fear River, by emigrants from Bar-ba'-does ; and Sir James Yeo'-mans was appointed governor. 7. A settlement was made, in 1670, at Port Royal, in South Caro- lina, by Governor Sayle; and, in 1671, a few persons located them- selves at Old Charleston, as it was called, on Ashley River. In 1680, the latter spot was abandoned, and the foundation laid of the present city of Charleston, several miles nearer the sea. 8. Up to that year, 1671, all the various settlements which have here been mentioned went under the general name of Carolina. At this time, however, a division took place, and the northern and southern provinces began to be known by the distinctive names of North and South Carolina. 9. It was not far from this time that, during the administration of Governor Sayle, an attempt was made in South Carolina to reduce to practice the notions, respecting government, of John Locke, the cele- brated philosopher. But the plan was opposed with a degree of bit- terness which led to its speedy abandonment, and a return to the old form of government. 2. What of the fleet? 3. What of the landing of the colony? 4. The governor? Sir Francis Drake? 5. What of further attempts? 6. Lord Clarendon ? What settlement was made? 7. Port Royal? Charleston? 8. Name of the colony ? Division of North and South Carolina? 9. What of Locke ? WAN WITH KING PHILIP 109 CHAPTER XLVII. History of New England continued. The War with King Philip. 1. WE have elsewhere seen that Hassasoit, the sachem of the Wam- panoags, remain- ed a true friend of the English to the time of his death. He left two sons, whom, in his zeal to show his affec- tion for the Eng- lish, he had called Alexander and Philip. The -early death of Alexan- der left the king- dom to Philip. 2. This chief resided at Mount Hope, in the neighborhood of the present town of Bristol, R. I. Though at first friendly to the whites, he soon proved to be their most power- ful and deadly foe. No doubt he had reasons for his conduct which satisfied himself; for the English, in their dealings, were not always either prudent or just. Bancroft says he was "hurried into his re- bellion." 3. A conspiracy appears to have been got up among the Indians, about the year 1675, of which Philip was supposed to be the leader, to destroy the English, or at least to drive them out of the country. Sas-sa'-mon, a native Indian preacher, revealed the secret, and Philip murdered him ; he then, perhaps to cover his own crimes, rushed into a war. 4. The first attack which the Indians made, under Philip, was at Swan'-zey, in Plymouth colony, June 24, 1675. In the fear of war, a day of fasting and prayer had been appointed, and the people were going home from church, when the savages fell upon them and killed PHILIP EXCITING THE INDIANS TO WAR. CHAP. XLVII. 1. "What of Massasoit f 2. Philip? 3. The conspiracy? 4. The first attack of the Indians ? 110 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. eight or nine of their number. They had, however, begun to rob houses and kill cattle some time before. 5. Massachusetts, on hearing the news, immediately sent troops to aid Plymouth in opposing Philip. On the 29th of June, the united forces made an attack on the chief, and killed six of his men, and com- pelled him to flee to a swamp in the present town of Tiverton. Here for some time he was able to defend himself, and even to gain some advantages over his assailants. G. It was at length determined to surround the swamp and starve out the Indians, as the only method of conquering them ; but Philip, suspecting the design, found means to escape to the Nip'-mucks, a small tribe in Worcester county, and induce them to join him. The English sent ambassadors and troops to make a treaty with the Xipmucks, but these were ambushed, and eight of them killed and as many wounded. 7. Those of the colonists who escaped, fled to Brookfield. The Indians pursued them, and burnt the village, excepting only the house they occupied. To this also they laid siege, and for two days poured their musket-balls upon it, though to little purpose, except to destroy one man. 8. Unable to gain their point by force, the Indians attempted a stratagem. They dipped rags and other combustibles in brimstone, and, by means of these and other things, set fire to the house, guard- ing the doors at the same time, in order to destroy any who should attempt to escape. A sudden shower of rain, as if providentially designed for this purpose, extinguished the flames and saved its in- mates. 9. It was August 14; that very day, and, according to the histo- rians, at the critical moment when the Indians, seeing the fire extin- guished, were about to renew the attempt to burn it, a reinforcement of fifty men arrived. The Indians were dispersed, and some of them slain. 10. But this did not put an end to hostilities. In truth, the storm of war was now merely gathering. It was the season of harvest, and every hour of time and every sheaf of grain were needed to meet the wants of the coming winter. This period is thus described by the historian : 11. " The laborer in the field, the reapers as they went forth to har- vest, men as they went to mill, the shepherd-boy among the sheep, were shot down by skulking foes, whose approach was invisible. Who can tell the heavy hours of woman? The mother, if left alone in the 5. What of Massachusetts? What did the troops do? 6. Philip? 7, 8, 9. "What of the colonists who fled to Brookfleld ? 9. What happened August 14 ? 10. Did this end the war ? 11, 12. Describe the state of things ? BATTLE OF BLOODY BROOK. Ill house, feared the tomahawk for herself and children. On the sudden attack, the husband would fly with one child, the wife with another, and perhaps only one escape. 12. " The village cavalcade making its way to meeting, on Sundays, in files on horseback, the farmer holding the bridle in one hand and a child in the other, his wife seated on a pillion behind him it may be with a child in her lap as was the custom of those days, could not proceed safely bullets would come whizzing by them. The Indians hung upon the skirts of the English villages like the lightning upon the edge of the clouds." CHAPTEE XLYIII. Continuation of the History of New England. Events of the War with Philip. 1. PHILIP, with his warriors w r ell armed, and the Nipmucks, had also powerful assistance. He had drawn to his alliance most of the tribes throughout New England, and was now prosecuting the war with new vigor. During the summer and autumn, Iladley, Deerfield, North- ampton, and Springfield, in the west, and Dover, Exeter, Saco, Scar'- bor-ough, and Kittery, in the north and east, were made to feel the force of his vengeance. 2. The fate of Captain Lathrop was most melancholy. With eighty young men the flower of Essex county he was escorting some teams, with grain, from Deerfield to' Hadley. In passing through a thick wood, soon after leaving Deerfield, they stopped to pick a few grapes. Suddenly they were attacked by several hundred Indians, and seventy young men were slain, with twenty of the teamsters. 3. On hearing the noise of the guns, troops were sent from Deerfield to their assistance, who arrived in time to kill or wound one hundred and fifty of the Indians, and disperse the rest, with the loss of only two men. The battle-ground, long known by the name of Bloody Brook, was near the present village of Muddy Brook. 4. Another anecdote of this war is curious. Goffe, one of the judges who had doomed Charles I. to death, was in New England at this time, and one of his hiding-places was at Hadley. The Indians attacked that place in September. On their arrival, Goife, in a strange CHAP. XLVIII . 1. "What of Philip and his allies ? 2. Captain Lathrop and his party ? 3. What of the troops from Dcorfleld? 4. What of Gofte? 112 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. dress, suddenly placed himself at the head of the citizens, drove off the Indians, and disappeared. The wondering inhabitants believed, for some time, that an angel had been sent to their relief. 5. The Narraganset Indians, though they would not openly fight the English, were known to afford shelter to their enemies, and thus act against them indirectly. It was therefore resolved to wage war against them ; and the united colonies sent out a body of eighteen hundred men, with one hundred and fifty friendly Indians, to attack them in their quarters, amid the deep snows of December. 6. They found them in a great swamp in Kingston, Rhode Island. On a rising ground, in the swamp, was their fort. After a severe battle of three hours, the fort was taken and burnt. The Indians lost about one thousand of their number, including women and children, and five or six hundred wigwams. Only a few of them escaped. The English had about two hundred and thirty killed and wounded. V. The few remaining Indians were greatly distressed by this defeat. Without food or shelter, many perished ; and, of those who survived, the greater number were compelled to subsist on any thing they could find acorns, groundnuts, horse-flesh, etc. But they would not yield. " \Ye will fight," said Ca-non'-chet, their chief, "to the last man." 8. Relics of the Xarraganset fight, to which we have alluded, were to be seen within the memory of some persons now living. It is not long since that an Indian pipe and various Indian utensils were dug up on the battle-ground. Nor is it yet half a century since charred corn was found, having lain there about one hundred and thirty years. CHAPTER lux. Various JZvents of the War. Death of Philip. 1. WE have seen that the Indians were greatly reduced, yet they were not destroyed. Philip had at first fled to the far west, to induce the Mohawks to join him, but his countrymen of the various tribes in New England had been roused to the work of burning and murdering ; and, in the spring of 1G76, Philip returned and joined them. 2. The depredations of the savages, during the winter of 1675 and the spring of 1076, were almost innumerable. Among those who were murdered were Captains Wadsworth and Pierce, with fifty men each. The latter had also twenty friendly Indians, who were killed. 5,6. What of the Narragansets? 7. "What of the surviving Indians? 8. Relics? CHAP. XLIX. 1. What of the Indians? Philip? Depredations of the Indians in the winter of 1675 ? What towns were burned ? DEATH OF PHILIP. 113 Among the towns burnt, either partly or wholly, were Lancaster, Med- field, "Weymouth, Groton, Springfield, Sudbury, and Marlborough in Massachusetts, and Providence and Warwick in Rhode Island. 3. Philip, on his return from the west, attempted to hide himself near Mount Hope. Concealment, however, was impossible. All New England was in arms against him, as he was in arms against all New England. Even his own followers perhaps to make better terms for themselves with the English began to plot against him. 4. One cannot help pitying the poor man ; for, though a savage, he had a soul. He could, perhaps, have borne the mere destruction of his nation, but he met with a loss, soon after his return, which affected him more than any thing else, and severed the last ties which bound him to the land of his fathers. 5. The loss referred to was that of his wife and only son, then a mere boy, but the king, in prospect, of the ancient tribe of the Wam- panoags. The mother and the child were taken prisoners by the Eng- lish. The youth was transported to Bermuda, and sold as a slave. "My heart breaks," said the despairing chief, when he heard this; "now I am ready to die." 6. Nor did he long survive. His hiding-place in the swamp was soon found out, and Captain Church, with a body of troops, was sent against him. On his arrival at the swamp where Philip was concealed, he placed his men around it in such a way that he might be discovered should he try to escape. They then commenced firing. 7. The soldiers had scarcely begun the attack when Philip seized his gun and attempted to escape; but in doing so he ran toward an Eng- lish soldier and an Indian acting with his enemies. The Englishman snapped his gun, but it missed fire. The Indian then fired, and Philip received the contents of the gun in his heart. 8. The war continued for a time in the province of Maine, but at length it ceased. The chiefs came and submitted themselves to the English, and a permanent treaty was concluded. The war, however, had been a terrible one for feeble colonies to sustain. They lost at least six hundred men, six hundred dwelling-houses, and from twelve to twenty villages. The whole of New England scarcely contained, at the time, one hundred and twenty-five thousand white inhabitants, or twenty-five thousand fighting men. 3. What of rhilip after bis return from the west? 4. What feelinsrs are excited for Philip? 5. Wife nnl child of Philip? 6, 7. Death of Philip ? 8. The war? White population in New England nt this time ? 114: HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER L. Return to the. History of Virginia. Bacon's Rebellion. 1. BETWEEN the years 1624 and 1639 serious difficulties had arisen among the colonists in Virginia about their government. The king of England had taken away their charter, and was ruling them in his own way, and by means of such governors as he was pleased to ap- point. In one instance, so much dissatisfaction existed with regard to the royal governor, that the people sent him home to England. The king, however, sent him back. 2. In 1639, Governor Berkley was appointed in his stead, and the people were, once more, permitted to choose their representatives. Grateful for the privilege, they remained attached to the cause of the king, even after Cromwell had taken the reins of government. For this the parliament was offended, and Governor Berkley was removed; at the death of Cromwell, he was, however, restored to them. 3. But by this time, either he or the Virginians were somewhat changed. They grew dissatisfied with his conduct, and sent in peti- tions to the crown against him ; but these were disregarded. At length, in 1676, the year of king Philip's death, as just related, the difficulties which existed ripened into an open rebellion, 4. Nathaniel Bacon, a bold, enterprising, eloquent, but ambitious young man, a member of the governor's council, was at the head of the rebel party. The colony had just engaged in a war with the Sus- que-han'-nah Indians. Bacon demanded of the governor a commission in the army, but being refused, a contention ensued between them, which ended in Bacon's suspension from the council. 5. He was, however, soon afterward restored to his office, upon which he renewed his request for a commission ; but, being again re- fused, he collected a band of six hundred men, and marched at once to Jamestown. The General Assembly was in session, and, being un- armed, was forced to submit to his terms, and give him a commission. 6. But he was no sooner gone than the governor denounced him as a rebel ; upon which, instead of marching against the Susquehannah Indians, according to the intention of the commission, he returned in great wrath to Jamestown. The aged governor fled to the eastern shore, and, having collected a small force, recros.sed the bay to oppose him. CHAP. L. 1. What of the government of Virginia between 1624 and 1639 ? 2. "What occurred in 1639 ? 3. What happened in 1676 ? 4, 5, a What of Nathaniel Bacon ? BACON'S REBELLION. 115 7. The colony was thus involved in all the horrors of a civil war. The rebel party burnt Jamestown, many houses in the country were pillaged, and whole districts laid waste. The wives of some of the governor's party were even taken from their homes, and carried to the rebel camp. 8. But, in the midst of these calamities, Bacon suddenly sickened and died. His followers, left without a leader, and without a definite ob- ject in view, began to disperse. His generals surrendered, and were pardoned. And thus expired the flames of a war that had already cost the colony about half a million of dollars. 9. Governor Berkley now re-entered upon the duties of his office. But, though peace was restored, the progress of the colony had been retarded in various ways. Husbandry, in particular, had been greatly neglected, and the people were once more threatened with famine. About this time Governor Berkley returned to England, and soon after died. 10. The colony had other difficulties, in the years 1679 and 1680, in regard to raising a revenue ; and much dissatisfaction prevailed against Lord Culpepper, the successor of Berkley. The truth is, ideas of liberty and independence, which, a century later, resulted in open re- bellion to the mother country, were beginning to germinate, and already rendered the colonists impatient under the despotism of the royal gov- ernors sent to rule over them. 7. Civil war? 8. What of Bacon? Effect of his death? 9. Governor Berkley ? 10. What other difficulties arose in the colony? 116 HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES. A CHAPTER LI. .Religious Persecution in New England. 1. WE have seen that it was persecution on account of religious opinions which drove the Puri- tans to seek a home in the woods of New England ; but we have not yet shown, except in the case of Roger Williams, that they brought with them a mea- sure of the same intolerance from which they had attempted to fly. 2. The spirit of persecution appeared, in the greatest violence, in their proceedings against the Friends, or Quakers. These people were the followers of George Fox, who believed and taught that we must obey & Divine Light within as superior to all other guides, and that we must think lightly of external forms and ceremonies. He began to spread his doctrines in England in 1647. 3. In 1656, twelve of his followers appeared in Massachusetts. The General Court, believing their doctrine to be hostile to good order and pure religion, banished them from the colony, and passed laws to pre- vent the coming of any more. The penalty of bringing a Quaker into the province was one hundred pounds sterling, and the Quaker himself was to receive twenty lashes, and be sentenced to hard labor. 4. Still worse than even this afterward happened. In 1657 it was decreed that Quakers coming into the province should have their tongues bored with a hot iron, and be banished. In short, no sever- ities were deemed too great for a people so heretical. QUAKER ON TRIAL. CHAP. LI. 1. What can you say of the Puritans? 2. Whom did they persecute ? What of George Fox ? What w is done in 1647 ? 8. In 1656 ? What measures did the General Caurt adopt against the Quakers? 4, 5. What laws were passed in 1657? RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION. 117 5. Their books even were prohibited. Any person who spread or secreted such books was to be fined five pounds. For defending their doctrines in any way, there was a fine of two pounds for the first offence, four for the second, and confinement and banishment for the third. 6. The persecution against the Quakers continuing, the king wrote a letter to the governor of Massachusetts, requesting him to send them to England for trial. The governor and the court were so far moved to toleration by this letter, that twenty-eight Quakers, then in prison -some of them under sentence of death were released, and only banished from the province. 7. But, though the king was unwilling that the colonists should pro- ceed so violently against the Quakers, he suffered them to be fined be- cause they would not take oaths, and, for the third offence, to be banished. Similar persecutions also took place in Virginia, or those rather which were worse ; for laws were there made against every sect but the prevailing one the Episcopal or English church. 8. The truth is, that the" spirit of persecution has generally been in the world, and is not confined to age, country, or religion. Mr. Jeffer- son, in speaking of the persecution of the Quakers in Virginia, ob- serves, that if no execution took place there, as there did in New Eng- land, " it was not owing to the moderation of the church or spirit of the legislature." 9. There seems to be one exception to the general truth of the senti- ment that the spirit of persecution has always prevailed. The govern- ment of Rhode Island, having passed an act to outlaw Quakers and seize their estates, because they would not bear arms, the people were so opposed to it that the law could not be carried into effect. For this, however, the world is probably indebted to Roger Williams. 10. Even in Massachusetts the persecution was carried so far that the colony lost many friends by it even among its own people. A law, passed in 1677, for apprehending and punishing, by fine and correction, every person found at a Quaker's meeting, had this effect. As a con- sequence, we hear little more afterward of laws against the Quakers. 11. It may be true it no doubt is true that the heretics, as they were called, were sometimes in fault. Ann Ilutchinson certainly ut- tered some foolish things ; and the Quakers did that which it was not wise for them to do ; and so, perhaps, of the Baptists and Jesuits. This, however, did not justify violent persecutions against them. 6. What dM the king do? What was then done by the governor and court of Massa- chusetts? 7. "What persecution did the king allow ? 8. What can you say of persecution ? 9. What of the government of Rhode Island? 10,11. What was the consequence of the persecution of the Quukersin Massachusetts? What may he said of those called heretics? 118 11ISTOKY OF THE UNITED STATES. 12. But persecution began in this country even before 1656, the time of proceeding against the Quakers. John Wheelwright was ban- ished, in 1637, for preaching sedition and also Ann Hutchinson. The An-a-bap'-tists, or Baptists, were persecuted in 1644, though no prose- cution was actually brought against them till 1666. One of the charges against Roger Williams was, that he was a Baptist. 13. In 1647, moreover, an act was passed in Massachusetts against the Jesuits. Again, in 1700, the assembly of New York passed an act against " Jes'-u-its and Popish priests," which was followed by a similar law in Massachusetts the same year. These were, accordingly, com- pelled to leave these provinces. It required many years of experience and reflection, even in America, to make the people see the folly of persecution on account of religious opinions. CHAPTER LII. Ilistoi^y of Pennsylvania. William Pcnn. His Settle- ment. Treaty with the Indians. 1. As we are about to notice the settlement of Penn-syl-va'-ni-a, it may be well to cast the eye over a map of that state, and of the con- tiguous states of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, these together constituting what are called the Middle States, and to impress upon the mind their forms and relative position. 2. In March, 1681, William Penn received a grant of the territory of Pennsylvania, comprising twenty-six millions of acres, on account of a claim of his father on the British government for sixteen thou- sand pounds sterling or less than one third of a cent an acre. At first the grant interfered with prior grants to the founders of Maryland and Virginia, and caused long and angry contentions ; but they were finally adjusted. 3. The lands were offered for sale in lots of one thousand acres each, at about a penny an acre ; and many of the persecuted Quakers in England were induced to purchase. In the autumn of 1681, two ships, with passengers acting under the direction of Penn, arrived in the Delaware, and began a settlement just above the entrance of the Schuylkill [skool'-kill]. 12. Who were banished in 1637? Who were persecuted in 1644? What was disliked in Eoger Williams? 13 What act was passed in 1647 ? What in 1700? CHAP. LII. 1. Of what do the Middle, States 'consist? Let the teactitr ask itfmi questions hemay Uiink proper on Vie map at page 119. 2. What happened in 1681? AVhat caused contentions? 3. At what price were lots of land sold in Pennsylvania? What took place in the autumn of 168! ? SETTLEMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 119 81 80 _ TO MAP OF THE MIDDLE STATES. 4. Swedish settlements, along the western hank of the Delaware, had existed, at the arrival of the Quakers, for ahout fifty years, but they had been considered as belonging to Xew Jersey ; nor were they, in fact, very flourishing. Penn may, therefore, be justly considered as the founder and father of Pennsylvania. 5. With the emigrants who were to occupy his lands, Penn had transmitted full instructions how to proceed. They were early to lay 4. What of Swedish settlements? How may Penn be considered? 5. What instruc- tions did he give to the emigrants as to the building of a city ? 120 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. the foundation of a new city, but, instead of having it resemble the crowded cities of the old world, it was to be so planted with gardens around each house, as to form a "greene country towne." This was the origin of the beautiful squares and commons of Philadelphia. 6. He also wrote to the Indians, at the same time, assuring them of his disposition to treat them kindly as brethren, and to deal with them justly; entreating them, as they the whites and Indians were all children of the Great Spirit, to receive and treat his people in the same kind manner. 7. In October, 1682, Penn took leave of his family and came over to America himself. He was accompanied by a hundred emigrants ; or, according to some authorities, by many more. These were followed soon by others, so that the whole Quaker population of the province amounted to two thousand. Of the Swedes and Finns there were, at this time, about three thousand. 8. Penn had planned a form of government before he set out, but he found it necessary to modify it after his arrival. It provided for a governor, a council of three, and a house of delegates to be chosen by the freemen. Every person was to be a freeman who professed faith in Christ, and sustained a good moral character; and all who believed in one God were to worship according to the dictates of their con- sciences. 9. He had not been long in the country before he made an effort to bring together the Indians from various parts, to form a treaty of peace and friendship. They met at Philadelphia, and made the treaty at what is now called Ken'-sing-ton, under a large elm-tree. This treaty, unlike most Indian treaties, was never broken. "Not a drop of Quaker blood was ever shed by an Indian." 10. Penn was, for some time, the governor of the colony ; and, under his wise and -excellent management, both of the white people and the Indians, the colony was peaceful, prosperous, and happy, almost beyond example. It is true it had a fine climate and soil, in addition to its peaceable inhabitants. 11. But Penn did something more than merely to act as the executive officer of the colony. He was, at once, governor, magistrate, preacher, teacher, and laborer. He was, in truth, all things to all men, and ac- ceptable to all. He obeyed the golden rule of the Divine law, and taught every body else to obey it. 6. What did Penn write to the Indians? 7. What took place in 1(182? How large was the Quaker population ? What of Swedes and Finns? 8. What can you say of Penn'a form of government? 9. What of Penn's treaty with the Indians? Was the treaty ever broken? 10. What was the state of the colony under Penn's administration? 11. What numerous offices were filled by Penn ? What was the, rule of his conduct? TYRANNY IN NEW ENGLAND. 121 12. In 1684, lie returned to England, leaving the colony in the care of five commissioners. Here he was imprisoned several times for dis- loyalty, and the government of Pennsylvania, in one instance, was taken away from him. But it was afterward restored to him ; and, in 1699, he came once more to America. 13. Delaware, as we have seen, was at first included in the province of Pennsylvania. But about the time of which we are now speaking, it became a distinct colony, with its own government and officers. This was the result of a new charter by Penn, in which the rights and limits of Pennsylvania were distinctly defined. 14. For more than seventy years all things went on prosperously in Pennsylvania, especially in all its transactions with the Indians. It was not till the year 1754, when Penn and his pacific principles had begun to be forgotten, that the colony became involved in an Indian war. CHAPTER LHL Affairs of New England. Governor Andros and the Charter Oak. 1. ABOUT the year 1685, King James, of England, in a spirit of des- potism, took away the charters of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Plymouth, resolving to govern them in his own way. Joseph Dudley was, by his direction, made president of all the provinces except Plym- outh. He came over early in 1686. He was, however, succeeded the next December by Edmond Andros. 2. The short administration of Dudley had been comparatively tol- erable; but Andros was a complete tyrant. He glittered in scarlet and luce, but these had beneath them a little soul. He vainly sought to please his king and immortalize his own name, by retarding the pros- perity of the English settlements in America. 3. He was instructed to restrain the printing-press as much as he could. Printing had been introduced in 1639, and the Freeman's Oath, an almanac, and some other things, had been printed. The press had been jealously watched all this time by the government ; still it had been free. But Andros would not allow so much as an almanac to be printed without his consent. 12. "What happened to Penn in England? When did he. return to America? 13. What can you say of Delaware ? When was it separated from Pennsylvania ? 14. What hap- pened in 1754? CHAP. LIII. 1. What happened in 1685? Who succeeded Joseph Dudley as presi- dent? 2. What can you say of Eduiond Andros? 3. When was printing introduced? What had been printed at this time? 122 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 4. The schools of learning, hitherto so well attended to, he suffered to go to decay. The usual support was withheld from religious institu- tions. Obstacles were thrown in the way of freedom in civil elections. The customs of the country were made light of and ridiculed, and even personal liberty was endangered. 5. As Connecticut seemed disinclined to give up her charter, Andros attempted compulsion. While the General Assembly was in session at Hartford, in 1687, he went there, entered the hall, and demanded their charter. The governor objected to giving it up, and the discussion was intentionally continued till it was quite dark. 6. As evening came on, and the candles were lighted, the charter was brought in and laid on the table, as if it was about to be given np. At a concerted signal every light was extinguished, and a guard of men seized the charter, and, under cover of the darkness, carried it to the south part of the city, and hid it in the hollow of an oak, which after- ward went by the name of the Charter Oak.* 7. The candles were relighted, but nothing was to be found of the charter. Andros did not give up his purpose, however. He still in- sisted on holding the reins of the government, and the people sub- mitted to the haughty dictator. Though they retained the charter, Andros selected his councillors, and proceeded to manage the govern- ment of the colony in his own way. CHAPTEK LIV. The Revolution in England. Governor Andros and tiis Associates transported to England. Events of King William's War. 1. WHILE Andros was pursuing his course of tyranny over the col- onies, an unseen hand was preparing for their relief. "What is usually called the Revolution in England, had taken place in the latter part of the year 1688. King James had fled, and William, Prince of Orange, had succeeded him. This gave great joy throughout England and America. 2. In the moment of exultation, and in remembrance of past abuses, the people of Boston seized Governor Andros and fifty of his most 4. How were the colonies affected by Andros' administration? 5. What means did he take to deprive Connecticut of her charter? 6. Describe the secretion of the charter in the Oak? 7. Upon what did Andros still insist? CHAP. LIT. 1. What had been going on in the mean time in England ? 2. What effect had the Revolution in England on the colonies of America? * This celebrated tree continued to exist and to be regarded as on? of the most interest- ing historical mementos of the country, till the year 1356, when it fell to the earth. KING WILLIAM'S WAR. 123 active supporters, and sent them away to England, to answer for their misdeeds. * Connecticut and Rhode Island resumed their charters, and Massachusetts obtained a new one ; and thus they returned to the old order of things. 3. But, though relieved in one way by the Revolution, they were burdened by it in another. King James had fled to France, and stirred up the French to a war with England, in which the northern Ameri- can colonies were most deeply concerned ; and, on account of which they became in the end very great sufferers. 4. The governor of Canada, as a good and loyal subject of the king of France, not only prepared to annoy the English colonies, but also to employ the Indians as his allies. Still worse than all this, he not only set them to work, but encouraged them to plunder, burn, and put to death, without regarding age or sex. 5. It needed but little to excite the Indians to deeds of cruelty. Ac- cordingly, we find that, on the night of February 8, 1690, one division of the French Canadian and Indian army attacked Sehe-nec'-ta-dy, while the inhabitants were asleep, with the gates open, suspecting no danger, and completely depopulated the village. 6. The scene was one of the most terrible which can be imagined. In a very few minutes only after the attack, the whole village, or nearly the whole of it, was in a blaze. The unoffending citizens, sick or well, old or young, male or female, were dragged from their beds and mur- dered. Sixty were killed, thirty made prisoners, and the rest fled most of them naked through deep snow to Albany. Of those who fled, twenty -five lost their limbs merely by the cold. 7. Another party of the enemy fell upon the village of Salmon Falls, in New Hampshire, which, after killing thirty of its inhabitants, they burned. Fifty-four were carried into captivity, to suffer tortures more dreadful than death. And thus it was, in a greater or less de- gree, all along the northern frontier of the colonies. 8. The spirit of the colonists was roused by these atrocities, and they were determined on a stern resistance. A fleet of eight small vessels, with seven or eight hundred men, under the command of Sir William Phipps, was sent against Port Royal, in Nova Scotia, which surrendered with little or no resistance; and the invading army took possession of the whole coast from Port Royal to Maine. 9. Sir William Phipps was also to sail up the St. Law'-rence, with his fleet, while two thousand men from New York and New England 8 What of King James ? 4. What did the government of Canada do ? 5. What did the Indians do in 1690 ? 6. Describe the sufferings of the people. 7. What took place at Salmon Falls? 8. What roused the spirit of the colonists? What did Sir William Phipps do? 9. W hat other plans were formed ? 124 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. were to inarch by way of Lake Cham-plain', and join him before Que-bec'. The land forces arrived in October, but, owing to adverse winds and other causes, the fleet did not arrive, and the troops were obliged to return. 10. Instead, therefore, of ending the war by a heavy blow at Canada, it seems to have been but little more than begun. The Indians, on the northern and western frontier, became more and more troublesome, and the French more and more warlike. An attempt against them, by Major Schuy'-ler, in 1692, was little more successful than that of the preceding year. 11. At last the war became one of continual attack on our frontiers, and of feeble attempts of the colonies at defence. Thus matters went on about seven years, during which period the sufferings of our coun- trymen were severe, almost beyond description; and their condition seemed almost without hope. 12. Tired themselves of this sort of war, the French, in 1697, sent out a large fleet, to be aided by fifteen hundred men from Canada, with orders to burn Boston and New York, and ravage the country. The fleet arrived on the coast too late to meet the land army, and thus the colonies were saved. A treaty of peace between France and England was concluded in the month of December following. CHAPTER LV. Story of Governor Fletcher and Captain Wadsworth. 1. CUBING the progress of King "William's war, probably about the second year, Governor Fletcher, of New York, having assumed the right to command the Connecticut militia, and being desirous of em- ploying them on the Canadian frontier, sent orders to Hartford for that purpose. 2. Connecticut ami New Haven had been united long before this, and the General Assembly met alternately at Hartford and New Haven. It was now sitting at Hartford. They refused to obey the request of Governor Fletcher. At this refusal, the governor went to Hartford himself to compel them to obey. 3. At the time of his arrival a military company had assembled for exer- 10. "What of the Indians in the North and "West? What took place in 1690? 11. In what state were the colonies for seven years ? 12. What did the French do in 169T ? How were the colonies saved? CHAP. LV. 1. What of Governor Fletcher, of New York ? 2. What can yon say of the General Assembly of Connecticut ? What did the governor do ? GOV. FLETCHER AND THE DRUMMERS. 125 ciseandreview. When Governor Fletcher rode up, Captain Wadsworth, the senior officer of the company, was walking in front of his men, and giv- ing the word of command in the usual way, and ap- peared to take no notice of any one else. 4. The governor ordered his secre- tary to read aloud a paper, which he called his Commis- GOVERNOR FLETCHER AND CAPTAIN WADSWORTH. for ing the troops. "Beat the drums," said Captain Wadsworth, as soon as he perceived what was coming ; and forthwith there was such a rattling of half a dozen drums that nothing else could be heard. 5. "Silence!" said Governor Fletcher; "begin again with the com- mission." The secretary began again. "Music! music!" said Wads- worth. The drummers understood their duty, and thumped and pounded away at a terrible rate, bass drums as well as kettle-drums, to say nothing of the other instruments. 6. "Silence! silence!" cried the governor again. But no sooner was there a moment of silence, than Wadsworth, who was a very stout man, with keen eyes and fierce-looking whiskers, called out again to his musicians to drum, and, turning to Fletcher, said, "If I am inter- rupted again, I will make daylight shine through you." 7. Captain Wadsworth was interrupted no more by Governor Fletcher. The latter soon made the best of his way back to New York, where he had more authority than he was soon likely to obtain over the Connecticut militia. 3-fi. Describe the reception of the governor and secretary. 7. What did Governor Fletcher do after his failure with the inilitia f 126 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER LYI. Religion in the Colonies. 1. GOVERNOR FLETCHER was more successful in another direction than he had been at the east. The king, in!693,hav- ing taken the gov- ernment of Penn- sylvania into his own hand, Fletch- er was placed over that colony as well as that of New York. Here he met with no opposition. 2. Indeed, he was not without merit. For, to say nothing at present of what he did for the promotion of common education, he was at great pains to introduce public worship into the provinces he governed, especially New York. The Episcopal church was his favorite ; and he did much to introduce Episcopal ministers and build churches in the province. 3. Religion, as we have seen, had been introduced into most of the colonies from the very first. The colonies of New England, however, were greatly distinguished for their piety, and especially for a pious and learned ministry. As early as 1642, a number of ministers had been sent for to go to Virginia. Others were sent for in 1C98, to go to the West Indies. 4. The Dutch Reformed Church was introduced into New York with its first settlers. The Men'-non-ites came to Pennsylvania in 1692. The Tunk'-ers, or General Baptists, arrived in 1719. The Mo-ra'-vi-ans came over in 1741. Whitefield arrived in 1742, and, though he did A CHUECH IK EARLY TIMES, AND A PUUITAN PREACHER. CHAP. LVI. 1. "What had the king of England done inlC93? 2. What can you say In favor of Governor Fletcher? 8. "What of religion ? How were the colonies of New Enjland distinguished? What had been done in 1642? What in 169S? 4. Whatchurch was introduced into New York by the first settlers? When did the Mennonites come ta rennsylvania ? What of the Tunkers ? Moravians ? What of Whitefleld ? RELIGION IN THE COLONIES. 127 not found a sect, lie exerted much influence. The Shakers first reached America in 1774. 5. The progress and decline of infidelity will be mentioned in con- nection with the history of the country during the revolutionary war and subsequently to that period. It revived again soon after the close of the second war with England, which ended in 1815, but in other and often less odious forms. 6. The first Wes'-ley-an Methodist society in the United States was formed in New York, as late as 1766, by some Irish emigrants. They soon increased rapidly ; at present their number is very great. The Methodists are not generally Calvinists, though we sometimes hear of Calvinistic Methodists. 7. The Universalists made their appearance about the year 1760, though John Murray, their principal leader, did not arrive till 1770. They are more numerous in many parts of the Union. 8. The first church at Boston was built in the year 1632, by the two congregations of Boston and Charlestown, neither of the two being able to erect it alone. It had mud walls and a thatched roof, and stood on the south side of State-street. 9. In 1642, from thirty to forty churches had been erected,, and a greater number of ministers' houses built. The progress of these things was not so great immediately after this period. The long and tedious Indian wars made the people poor. In 1700 there were only about one hundred and twenty ministers in all New England. In 1760 they had increased to five hundred and thirty. 10. The Westminster Assembly of Divines, in 1642, sent an invita- tion to some of the ministers in the New England colonies to attend their meeting, but they did not comply. The next year an attempt was made by the Assembly of Divines to establish the Presbyterian government in New England, in place of the Congregational, but it did not succeed. 11. The Cambridge Platform, as it was called, was adopted by the churches in 1648. The Say brook Confession of Faith, sometimes called the Saybrook Platform, was adopted in Connecticut in 1708. These were some of the institutions of religion in the colonies, in early times. At a later date, sects of various denominations have spread over the country. The Eoman Catholic religion has been established, and is now one of the most numerous of our religious societies. The Shakers? 5. What of infidelity? 6. What was founded in 1T66? "What can you say of the Methodists ? 7. The Universalists? 8. When was the first church in Boston built? Describe it. 9. What hal been done in 1642? What was the increase of minis- ters from 1TOO to 1TGO ? 10. What was done by the Westminster Assembly ! What was adopted in 1643 ? What in 170S ? What of other sects ? The Eoman Catholic religion ? 128 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER LVIL Education in the Colonies. 1. ONE of the first acts passed by the Pennsylvania assembly, after Governor Fletcher came into office, was an act requiring all parents and guardians to have their children instructed in reading and writing, and taught some useful trade. 2. The subject of education had not been forgotten in the other colonies. As early as 1619, a college for Indian children had been con- templated in Virginia, to be located at Henrico; and, in 1621, measures were taken to connect with it a free school, and to extend its benefits to the children of the settlers. Ere long fifteen hundred pounds sterling, with large grants of land, had been appropriated to each purpose. 3. Harvard College at Cambridge, in Massachusetts, was founded in 1638, by Rev. John Harvard, a minister; and something had been done for the encouragement of instruction in reading and writing in the colony not excepting the Indian children. Catholic Maryland had even spread among the people books of devotion, and encouraged the formation of libraries. 4. The College of William and Mary, in Virginia, was founded in 1692. Maryland passed laws in favor of free schools in 1694 and in 1696. Yale College was founded in 1701, and the college at Princeton, in New Jersey, in 1738. A grammar-school was established in New York in 1702, and a free school in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1712. An Indian charity-school, founded at Lebanon, Connecticut, about the year 1760, was, in the year 1770, removed to Hanover, New Samp- shire ; and, by a large grant of land and a charter of incorporation, became in the end Dartmouth College. 5. In 1740, George Whitefield laid the foundation of an orphan house, a few miles from Savannah, in Georgia, and afterward finished it at great expense. It was designed to be an asylum for poor children, who were to be clothed and fed, and educated in religious knowledge, free of expense. The institution, however, did not flourish. 6. Something was early done in the colonies for libraries. A con- siderable library was given to the free school in Virginia, by Rev. CHAP. LVIL 1. What was one of the first acts of the Pennsylvania Assembly? 2 "What was done for the cause of education ? 3. When was Harvard College founded ? What of reading and writing ? Maryland? 4. What college was founded in 1692? What was done in 1694 andlC96? When was Talc College founded? Princeton College? What was established in 1702? In 1712? 5. What of an orphan asylum ? QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 129 Thomas Bangave. Subscription libraries were, however, first set on foot by Dr. Franklin, in the year 1731. 7. Since these early days, schools and colleges have been spread over the Union; school and village libraries are numerous, and some of them, in the larger cities, are very extensive. CHAPTER LYIII. The War of Queen Anne. Capture of Port Royal. Abortive Expedition against Canada. Indian Depre- dations. 1. WE must now return to the wars of the colonies. The winter before the close of King William's war in 1697, had been unusually severe. This, added to the expense and losses of a long and tedious conflict, produced a state of very great suffering. Every thing, for man or beast, was scarce and dear, and constantly becoming more so. 2. And yet only five years passed away, before another French and Indian war broke out, little less dreadful than the former. As Queen Anne was then on the throne of England, we may call it Queen Anne's war. It began in 1702, and continued till 1713, a period of eleven years ; though for the first four or five years it was chiefly con- fined to skirmishing on the one part, and to plundering, burning, cap- turing, and murdering on the other. 3. But, in 1707, another expedition was fitted out against Port Royal. It consisted of one thousand men, and they sailed from Nantucket. Little, however, was accomplished, except to exasperate the enemy, and increase the suffering on our frontiers. A land expedition against Canada, conducted by three thousand men, in 1708, also failed. 4. But the idea of reducing Port Royal was not yet abandoned by the colonists. After repeated applications to England for help, Colonel Nich'-ol-son was sent over with a fleet, who, with the aid of a few regiments of troops from New England, invaded and took it, and changed the name of the place to An-nap'-o-lis, in honor of Queen Anne, who was then on the throne. 5. Encouraged by this success, another attack was planned against 6. What was done for libraries? What was done in 1731 ? 7. What of schools and col- leges in modern times? Libraries? CHAP. LVIII. 1. What was the oause of the sufferings of the colonies after King Wil- liam's war in'l607? 2. Describe the war from 1T02 till 1713. 3. What was done by the expedition of 1707 ? Of 1708 ? 4 What was done by Colonel Nicholson ? 6* 130 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Canada. A fleet came over from England, but the ships were without provisions enough to last them a single month. The colonies supplied them with every necessary both provisions and men. Fifteen ships of war, forty transports, and six store-ships, with seven thousand men, soon sailed from Boston. 6. But this great armament, in proceeding up the Bay of the St. Lawrence, was misdirected by its pilots, and dispersed by storms. A part of the transports, with seventeen hundred of the men, were cast away, and one thousand were lost. A land force of four thousand men, from Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey, which was to cross the country by way of Lake George, and unite with them, hear- ing the disastrous news, returned home again. 7. This last failure was charged by England on the colonies, but the charge was unfounded. They had done their part, and indeed much more. They had not only furnished most of their own troops, at their own expense, but they had done a great deal toward sustaining the forces sent over by the mother country. 8. The French and the Indians, all this while, continued their depre- dations. Along the extended frontiers of Maine and New Hampshire, the attacks were so frequent and the murders so numerous, that one half the whole body of the militia were continually on duty. 9. The reader may be anxious to know what half the militia, at this early period, would amount to. Massachusetts, the most thickly-settled of the colonies, had a population, in 1710, of about eighty thousand. The population of all the colonies was estimated at two hundred and sixty thousand. From these data we may conjecture the number of the militia to have been about twelve thousand, but we have no exact statement of the .number. 5. What fleet sailed for Boston? 6. What became of this great armament? "Wha of the land force ? 7. What had been done by the colonies for England ? 8. What of the French and Indians? 9. What of the militia at thia early period? Population ? THE WAR AT THE SOUTH. 131 CHAPTER LIX. The War at the South. Unsuccessful Attempt against the Spanish Possessions in Florida. The Appalachian In- dians subdued. Arrival of the Palatinates. Indian Massacre. 1. THIS war of Queen Anne had been declared against Spain as well as France ; and the colonies of the south, from their nearness to the Spanish settlements in that region, had their full share of its expenses, dangers, and sufferings. They, too, had Indians on their borders, which fact, of itself, describes their condition. 2. An expedition had been fitted out in 1T02 by Governor Moore, of the South Carolina settlement, almost before hostilities had begun else- where, against Flor'-i-da. He had sailed, with twelve hundred colo- nists and Indians, to take St. Augustine [au-gus-teeri]. This place, if taken, it was supposed would give him the key of the province, and perhaps unlock to him treasures of gold and silver. . 3. But he found greater difficulty in taking St. Augustine than had been expected. The town was, indeed, soon conquered, but the fort held out for some time. For want of a proper understanding between the officers commanding the land and naval forces employed, he was at length obliged to raise the siege and return. 4. This, to the colony, was not only a failure, but worse, if possible, than mere failure. It involved the infant settlement in an immense debt, to get rid of which they resorted to a paper currency, as Massa- chusetts had already done in circumstances somewhat similar, and sub- jected themselves to all its evil consequences. 5. A more successful expedition was made, soon after, against the Ap-a-lach'-i-an Indians. They had become quite hostile and trouble- some, and Governor Moore, in order to chastise them, led his troops into the very heart of their country, burned their villages and towns, made six or eight hundred of them prisoners, and reduced the rest to submission. 6. In 1706, the tide of war, in this quarter, became turned, and the Spaniards and French invaded Carolina, with a view to annex it to Florida. Governor Johnson had succeeded Governor Moore, and was a more efficient warrior. By his prompt and energetic movements, the CHAP. LIX. 1. What can you say of the southern colonies? 2. What of Governor Moore? 3. What success had he in Florida? 4. What was the consequence of the fail- ure of his plans to the colony? 5. What can you say of the Apalachian Indians? 6. What took place in 170T ? What of Governor Johnson ? 132 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. assailants were defeated, and the Carolinas became able, in their turn, to attack their invaders, and to make some captures. 7. About the year 1710, a body of six hundred and fifty German emigrants settled on the Roanoke River, in North Carolina. They were called Pal'-at-in-ates. They had been stripped of their property by the ravages of war in Europe, and by the benevolence of their countrymen had found their way to America. Three thousand of the same class came to New York. 8. The settlers on the Roanoke were headed by one Baron Graf -fen- ried, a Swiss, who called the place where they settled New Berne, in honor of his native city. These colonists were among the best and most worthy citizens who had as yet made their appearance in the United States. 9. But the savages, whenever their vengeance is aroused, do not dis- criminate very nicely between good and bad citizens. They fell upon the poor Palatinates in their houses, and butchered one hundred and thirty-seven of them in a single night. The militia rallied, drove them back, and kept them in check till they could send for help to South Carolina. 10. Governor Cra'-ven, of the latter colony, soon dispatched, for their relief, a body of six hundred militia and three hundred and seventy friendly Indians, who, attacking the enemy with great energy, killed eight hundred, made one hundred prisoners, and pursued the rest to their own settlements, where, after destroying some six or seven hundred more of them, and burning their huts, they compelled them to make peace. 11. The colonies at the north were also relieved in March, 1713 ; but the relief came from a distant quarter. A peace was concluded between France and England. They were not, however, immediately delivered from the depredations of the Indians. These continued their barbari- ties two years longer, and many hundreds of valuable lives were sacrificed. 7. Who settled North Carolina about the year 1710? What were these settlers called? "What had happened to them? & What of the settlers on the Eoanoke? Wb.it was the character of these colonists ? 9. What did the savages do? 10. What of Governor Craven? 11. What took place in the year 1713? What of the Indians? THE YAMASEE WAR. 133 CHAPTER LX. The Yamasee War. Great Indian League. Severe Con- flict. The Indians Defeated. 1. THERE was at this time, at the southern point of the colony of South Carolina, a numerous and powerful tribe of Indians, called Yam-a-sees'. These Indians, becoming in some way excited against the colonists, devised a plot to destroy them. They had also drawn into their scheme all the other tribes of Indians, from Cape Fear to Florida. 2. On the 15th of April, 1715, about break of day, they came upon the village of Po-co-tal'-i-go and the plantations around, and murdered, in a very short time, above ninety persons. The news soon reached Port Royal, the nearest village of any considerable size, and a vessel happening to be in the harbor, the inhabitants all went on board, and sailed for Charleston. 3. The Indians came on, and, but for their timely escape, would, no doubt, have massacred the whole of them. A few families on scat- tered plantations, who had not time to get on board the vessel, were all either killed or captured. The tribes in the north, toward North Carolina, also commenced a work of destruction in that region. 4. So great was the danger that many began to fear for the safety of Charleston. The governor ordered out every man in the city and neighborhood who was able to bear arms, except the slaves, and even some of the most trusty of these were enrolled ; and the most vigor- ous efforts were made to defend the place, and successfully prosecute the war. 5. Meanwhile, the Indians on the northern frontier had gained some advantages over the colonists. Captain Barker, with a party of ninety horsemen, had been drawn into an ambush, and many of his men slain. Another party of seventy whites and forty negroes had surrendered, and been afterward murdered. 6. The alarm increasing, Governor Craven sent to Virginia for aid, and even to England. He put the whole country under martial law, and forbade any ships leaving the province. He also ordered bills of credit to be issued to pay the troops, already amounting to twelve hundred men. CHAP. LX. 1. What can you say of the Yamasees ? 2. What happened in the year 1715? What was done by the people of Port Koyal? 3. What did the Indians do? 4. What was done hy the governor of Charleston ? 5. Describe the troubles between tho Indians and the whites. 6. What was done now by Governor Craven ? 134 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 7. But he did not act merely upon the defensive. He inarched slowly and cautiously against the Yamasees. Arriving at a place on the banks of the Sal-ke-hatch'-ie, he attacked them in their camp. Here was fought, from behind trees and bushes, one of the most severe and bloody battles which had ever been waged in the provinces, and the issue was for a long time doubtful. 8. The Indians were several times repulsed ; but they seemed numer- ous as grasshoppers in the woods, and fresh bodies of them continually came on to the attack. At last the governor was victorious. He drove them from their camp, and pursued them across the Savannah River, and slew great numbers. The few who survived went to Florida, and joined the Spaniards. 9. What number of the colonial troops were killed in this bloody battle, history does not say. Four hundred were slain, in all, during the war. But the defeat of the savages was decisive. Several forts were, indeed, erected on the frontiers against them, but they did not return to molest the settlers any more. CHAPTEE LXI. American Pirates. Wreck of the "Whldah. Captain JLidd. Other Pirates. 1. IN the year 1717, a remarkable shipwreck took place on the shores of Cape Cod. The vessel in question was the "Whidah, a ship of twenty- three guns- and one hundred and thirty men, com- manded by Samu- el Bellamy. More than one hundred dead bodies of the men floated on shore. Six es- caped with their lives, but were WEKCK OF THE WHIDAH. afterward taken and executed. 7, 8. Describe the battle with the Yamasees. 9. What was the effect of these Indian wars? CHAP. LXI.- 1. What took place in the year 1717 in respect to the Whidah AMEKICAN PIRATES. 135 2. The Whidah was a pirate vessel which had long been trouble- some on the coast of New England. She had made many captures, and was greatly feared, and no one was sorry for her loss. But she was not the only piratical vessel on the coast. The Atlantic Ocean had been infested with sea-robbers for many years. 3. Among the more distinguished of these lawless plunderers of the ocean was William Kidd. The people of England, wishing to suppress piracy, about the year 1696 sent out Captain Kidd for this purpose. But he turned pirate himself, and after infesting the seas three years, he returned to the eastern e'nd of Long Island, and anchored in Gar'- den-er's Bay. 4. Here and in other places he was said to have buried great quan- tities of treasure, which he had stolen on the ocean. But how many of the stories concerning him are true, and how many fabulous, is un- certain. Only twenty thousand dollars of his hidden treasure were ever found. The most we know with certainty is, that there was such a pirate as Kidd, and that he was taken in Boston, in 1699, sent to England, tried, condemned, and in 1701 executed. 5. In 1VOO, the year that Kidd was sent to England, the coast of Carolina was greatly disturbed by pirates. In a quarrel among them- selves, nine were turned adrift in a longboat, and, on getting ashore, were taken, carried to Charleston, tried, and seven of them executed. 6. Still the pirates continued to be troublesome along the whole Atlantic border. In the West Indies their depredations had been checked by the English ; but off the coast of North Carolina they were still very numerous, and committed many acts of robbery. V. One of these vessels, with thirty men, was taken and carried into Charleston, and the crew tried and condemned. Another was taken, but the pirates were all slain, except two, before they would surrender. The survivors of both vessels were executed. One historian says the whole number put to death at this period was forty-two. 8. But the decisive blow against them was not struck till 1V23. This year the Greyhound man-of-war took a crew of twenty-five of these sea-robbers, and carried them into Rhode Island, where, upon trial, they were found guilty, and sentenced to be executed. Their execu- tion took place at Newport, July 19. 2. What injury had been done by the Whidah? 3, 4. Tell the story of Captain Kidd. When was he executed? 5. What happened in the year 1700? 6. Were the pirates troublesome after the destruction of the Whidah ? 1. What retribution fell upon the pirates? 8. "What took place in the year 1723? 13C HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER LXIL Settlement of Georgia. Arrival of General Oglethorpe. Attack upon St. Augustine. Attack and Repulse of the Spaniards. 1. IN 1732, the country between the Savannah and the Al-ta-ma-ha' rivers,was grant- ed by George II. to General O'-gle- thorpe and a com- pany of twenty- one others, as trustees for the establishment of a colony in Geor- gia, in America. The first colony which was sent over consisted of one hundred and fourteen men, women and chil- dren. They ar- rived at Charleston, South Carolina, in January, 1733. 2. The people of Charleston received them with great kindness, and did all they could to aid them in getting forward to their new resi- dence. The legislature voted them one hundred and four head of cat- tle, twenty -five hogs, and twenty barrels of rice. They also furnished them with a small body of troops to protect them while surveying the country and building habitations. 3. General Oglethorpe and his people sailed from Charleston in a few days after their arrival, to explore the country they intended to settle in, and landed near Yam'-a-craw Bluff, on the Savannah River. On this bluff General Oglethorpe marked out a town, and called it Savannah ; and, by the 9th of February, they were ready to erect buildings. JAMES OGLETHORFE. CHAP. LXIL 1. What happened in 1732? What did the first colony consist of? When did it arrive at Charleston ? 2. How was the colony received ? 8. On what bluff was Sa- vannah situated? SETTLEMENT OF GEORGIA. 137 4. For some time, however, the colony did not flourish. The trustees had ordered that all lands bought or held by the settlers should go back to the original owner, in case the settler had no male heirs. Nor were they allowed to import rum, or trade with the Indians, or make use of negroes. 5. Beneficial as a part of these prohibitions must undoubtedly have been, it is highly probable that the condition in regard to the descent of property did harm. The people remained poor, and seemed to lack enterprise. Other inducements were at last held out to settlers, and not without success. In the course of three years fourteen hundred planters joined the colony. 6. At length, the passion for conquest, or at least for power, began to spring up. In 1740, only eight years after the settlement of the colony, General Oglethorpe, as commander-in-chief of the forces of South Carolina and Georgia, at the head of two thousand m,en, marched to Florida, and, having taken a few small forts, besieged St. Augus- tine; but, after some time and much loss, he was obliged to raise the siege. 7. In 1742, the Spaniards, in their turn, invaded Georgia with thirty- two sail of vessels and three thousand men. They did not, however, accomplish their object. General Oglethorpe was too skilful for them. To rid himself of his invaders, he adopted a stratagem. 8. A French soldier from the Georgian army having deserted from them and gone to the Spaniards, General Oglethorpe feared he would inform them how weak his forces were, and thus encourage them to prosecute the war. To prevent this, he endeavored to make the Spaniards think the deserter was a spy. lie, therefore, wrote a letter to him as such, and bribed one of the captive Spaniards, whom he had in his camp, to carry it. 9. In this letter he had directed the deserter to tell the Spanish general that the Georgian forces were weak and feeble, and urge him on to an immediate attack. But, if unsuccessful in this, he wished him, if possible, to remain with the troops, where they were, three days longer, as he expected within that time six British ships of war, and two thousand troops from Carolina. 10. This letter, as was intended, fell into the hands of the Spanish general, and the deserter was put in irons. A council of war being called, when lo ! three ships appeared in sight. Believing them the British ships of war which were expected, they burned the fortress and fled in confusion, leaving behind them their cannon and stores. 4. What restrictions were placed upon the colony? 5. What was their condition -n three years ? 6. What was done in 1740? 7. What did the Spaniards do in 1742? How did General Oglethorpe treat them ? 8-10. Describe the stratagem adopted. 138 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. H. Such glaring deception in an officer and magistrate, even in time qf war, may startle the conscientious reader and so it ought. But he must remember that almost all kinds of iniquity are tolerated in war. People will do almost any thing to save [themselves or their country. Hence the obvious and certain tendency of war to immorality. CHAPTER LXIIL George II? s TFcrr. -Capture of Louisburg. Destruction of the French Fleet. Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle^ 1748. 1. BY the treaty of 1713, the French had given up Nova Scotia and Newfoundland [nu 1 -fund-land] to Great Britain. Finding by experi- ence the want of a fortress in this region, they had built Lou'-is-burg on the island of Cape Breton. They had been twenty-five years at work on it, and had made it so strong that it was regarded as a sort of Gib-ral'-tar. 2. Another war having broken out in 1744, between Great Britain and France and Spain, the New England colonies soon found that the French made use of this fortress as a hiding-place for the privateers which annoyed or took their fishing vessels; they were, therefore, anxious to get possession of it; and, in 1745, having privately ob- tained the sanction of the British ministry, they set themselves at work. 3. A naval force was first got ready for sea. Next, four thousand three hundred and sixty-six men were raised from the various colonies, and properly equipped. These forces, aided by Commodore Warren, a British officer from the West Indies, were soon before Lonisburg. The French were taken by surprise, but they made every preparation to resist which was in their power. 4. Louisburg was in two divisions the town and the batteries. Both, however, were well fortified. The colonists found no great diffi- culty in landing and taking possession of the batteries; but to get possession of the town was quite another affair. It was the last hope of the French, and was, therefore, resolutely defended. 5. But the assailants, having taken two months' provisions with them, were determined on a siege. They had captured the outposts, and, with them, many implements convenient in carrying on the CHAP. LXIIL 1. What had the French done by the treaty of 1713? What can you say of Louisburg? 2. What were the New England colonies anxious to do ? What did they do in 1745 ? 8. What forces attacked Lonisbnn:? 4. TTow was Louisburg divided ? Was the town well defended? 6. What was determined upon ? SIEGE OF LOUISBURG. 139 siege ; but there was yet a great work to do. " Rome was not built in a day ;" neither could Louisburg be taken in a day. 6. Between them and the town was a deep morass or swamp, which horses and oxen could not pass. There had, indeed, been a draw- bridge over it, but it was now destroyed. Over this morass it took them fourteen days and nights to transport their cannon. But their end was at length gained, and a fire was opened upon the town. 7. The siege lasted forty-nine days. Commodore Warren was of great service to the assailants. He not only bombarded the town, and did much in battering down the walls, but he captured one seventy- four-gun ship with all its men and stores. The town and island sur- rendered June 17th. 8. The capture of this important post was no sooner known in France than a heavy naval force was dispatched to America, to retake it and punish the colonies for their insolence. A fleet of forty ships of war, fifty-six transports, three thousand five hundred men, and forty thou- sand stand of arms, under the direction of the Duke d'An'-ville, an excellent officer, sailed early in the spring of 1716. 9. When the colonies heard of this armament, they were alarmed. They had made the attack on Louisbnrg without the public approbation of the mother country ; and, though they had gained their end, they had incurred the displeasure of the French, and would Britain now protect them from their vengeance ? 10. But a Power unseen had already interposed in their behalf. A violent storm had destroyed some of the vessels and injured others, and one had returned to France. Only two or three of the ships, and a few of the transports, ever reached Halifax; and the admiral and vice-admiral both died soon after their arrival. Though an attempt was still made to do something, violent storms prevented the remnant of the fleet from acting in concert. 11. This expedition being frustrated, nothing of importance was done except upon the Canadian frontiers, where the French and Indians were, of course, troublesome. But negotiations at last took place be- tween England and France ; a treaty of peace was made, and the colonies relieved from their anxiety. This was signed at Aix-la-Cha- pelle [ay-la-sha-pell'], in October, 1748. 6. What obstacles were there in the way of the besiegers? 7. Length of the siege? What of Commodore Warren ? 3. What did the French do when they heard of the cap- ture of Louisburg? 9. Why were the colonists alarmed ? 10. How were the French forces made harmless? 11. What was done on the Canadian frontiers? What treaty was made in 1 743? 140 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTEK LXIY. Progress of Agriculture and Manufactures in the Colonies. 1. THE colonies had been so much involved in the long French and Indian wars, that agriculture had been, as yet, but little attended to. The Jbrests were 1 indeed cleared, and a large amount of produce was raised, and not a little of it exported to the West Indies and England. Still, the more enlightened modes of husban- dry were almost as little known at this period among the English colonies as among the Dutch. 2. Nor had the arts and manufactures made much greater progress, and for similar reasons. But there was another difficulty with regard to manufactures. The regulations and prohibitions of the mother country continually came in their way. It was not Sir Edmund Andros alone that had sought to throw obstacles in their path. The parliament of England had done it continually. 3. In 1732, for example, they had passed an act prohibiting the ex- portation of American hats, as well as limiting the number of appren- tices taken by hat-makers. .Again, in 1750, an act was passed to check the progress of the iron and steel manufacture, under a penalty of two hundred pounds sterling. 4. Still, something had been done both in agriculture and manu- factures. The introduction of tobacco into Virginia had been effected, and the plant had been cultivated to a very great extent. Virginia, in 1758, is said to have exported seventy million pounds. Rye was first harvested in Massachusetts in 1633. CHAP. LXIV. 1. What of agriculture? 2. Arts and manufactures? How had the mother country interfered with them ? 8. What act was passed in 1732? What in 1750 ? 4. What can be said of tobacco ? "When was rye first gathered in Massachusetts ? AGKICULTURE AND MANUFACTURES. Ml 5. The cultivation of the grape, for the manufacture of wine, was introduced into Virginia in 1G22; into South Carolina in 1690; and into Illinois, by the French settlers, in 1769. This branch of industry, however, was little pursued till a recent period ; it has now become extensive in some of the Western states, and is somewhat attended to in the states of New York and Connecticut. 6. Silk-making was introduced into Virginia quite early. In 1669, the legislature passed an act for its encouragement. It was tried in South Carolina in 1703. In 1759, the manufacture of silk had be- come so common in Georgia, that ten thousand pounds of raw silk were received in a single year at Savannah ; and it brought half a dollar more a pound in London than any other silk. But this culture en- tirely ceased many years ago. The production and manufacture of silk were, however, prosecuted in the United States about twenty years since to some extent, but they are now nearly abandoned. V. Hemp and flax must have been introduced into Maryland early, for the legislature passed an act for their encouragement in 1671. Hemp was introduced, in 1701, into Massachusetts. Tea began to be culti- vated in Georgia in 1770, but it did not thrive very well. Rice was introduced into Carolina in 1695. The exports from South Carolina, in 1729, were two hundred and sixty-four thousand four hundred and eighty-eight barrels. Eice is now one of the leading crops of South Carolina and Georgia. 8. Cotton, the great staple of the southern Atlantic states,does not ap- pear to have been cultivated till after the war viz., in 1788. In 1791, it first began to be exported. The whole crop of the Southern states then amounted to a few thousand pounds ; now it exceeds three millions of bales, of five hundred pounds each, valued at a hundred and fifty millions of dollars. The Indigo plant was brought to South Carolina in 1743, by Miss Lucas, and its culture was prosecuted for a time. The Spanish potato was introduced into New England in 1764, but the Irish kind was cultivated there much earlier. 9. The introduction of the art of printing into the colonies has been mentioned. The Boston News Letter the first newspaper in North America was begun in 1704, by Bartholomew Green. During the next fifty years four more newspapers were established in New Eng- 5. When was the grape first introduced into Virginia ? Into South Carolina? Illinois? 6. When was the manufacture of silk introduced into Virginia? South Carolina? Georgia? 1. What of hemp? Flax? What of tea? Rice? What of the exports in 1729? 8. When was cotton first cultivated? What does the present crop of cotton amount to? When was indigo taken to South Carolina? What of potatoes? 9. What was the first newspaper printed in North America? When begun? What of other newspapers and books? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. land, four in the Middle States, and two at the South. Books, also, began to be published. 10. Little was it thought in 1704, that in 1754 there would be ten newspapers in the provinces. Still less was it thought, that, in 1850, nearly a century later, the number of newspapers and periodicals in the United States would be more than twenty-five hundred, and their annual circulation four hundred and fifty millions of copies. CHAPTER LXY. Sufferings of the Colonies. Expenses of New York and JVew England in the War of 1744. Losses ly Sea and Land, Prosperity attendant upon Peace. 1. IT is impossible for us, at the present day, to understand the full extent of the losses and sufferings of the colonies at this early period. For when we draw away a few thousand men from our present popu- lation, or a few thousand dollars from a national or state treasury, the loss is scarcely perceived ; but it was far otherwise one hundred and fifty or even one hundred years ago. 2. The expenses of New England and New York in the war of 1744, though it hardly lasted four years, were estimated at over one million of pounds sterling. Massachusetts herself is said to have expended four hundred thousand pounds, or two millions of dollars, in the ex- pedition against Louisburg. 3. Here, again, paper money was issued, which seemed to answer, as it usually does, a very good purpose for the time. But it did injury in the end. Two or three millions of it were hardly worth half a million of gold or silver at the first ; and, at last, twenty pounds in bank notes were only worth about one pound sterling in good money. 4. The emission of paper money, while it seemed to afford relief, and, in truth, did afford relief to particular individuals at the time, was a loss to the whole community. It divided the losses of the war, it is true, by compelling every man, whether soldier or laborer, who held the money at the time of its depreciation, to bear his share. 5. Losses had, moreover, been sustained by sea, as well as by land, 10. "What was not thought in 1704? Present number of periodicals in the United States ? Annual circulation of copies ? CHAP. LXV. 1 What difference is there in the state of things between the present time and one hundred years ago? 2. "What were the expenses of the wars of New Eng- land and New York? 3. What was the value of paper money? 4. How was the emis- sion of the money hurtful ? 5. How had losses been sustained ? What happened in 1641 and 1642 ? PEACE AND PROSPERITY. 143 through the odious practice of privateering. Massachusetts soon learned the art of trading, not only at home, but even with England and the West Indies. A trade was begun with the West Indies, as early as 1641, and in 1642 the colony had five ships already at sea. 6. Nor were the other colonies backward to engage in commercial enterprise. It is mentioned as a great drawback upon the prosperity of the New Haven colony during the first years of its existence, espe- cially about the year 1647, that the trade with the West Indies was unfortunate, and many vessels were lost at sea. 7. But we have other facts on this subject. In 1676, there were, in the whole of New England, thirty shipwrights. In 1680, Connecticut had twenty-four vessels engaged in trade with Boston and other places. In 1681, forty-nine trading vessels entered the single harbor -of Ports'-mouth. And, in 1731, Massachusetts alone had six hundred sloops and vessels, with five or six thousand men, engaged in the fisheries. 8. It is easy, then, to see that the losses, by means of privateers, during a war, to say nothing of the depredations of pirates, must be very great. But the loss of property, by sea and by land, was not all. Multitudes of the best of the citizens, of every age, especially in the prime of life, had fallen in the wars. 9. What the loss of men, women, and children actually was, during the long French and Indian wars, is not known. The loss of Massa- chusetts, including Maine and New Hampshire, between the years 1722 and 1749, when there was as little war as at any period of twenty- seven years after the settlement of the country, has been supposed to be fifty thousand. 10. No wonder the colonies were glad to enjoy, when it came, the blessing of peace. No wonder trade and commerce revived, agricul- ture flourished, and the arts and manufactures made progress. What a pity the peace between the nations could not have been permanent ! How strange that the early history of the United States, like that of almost every nation, should be tarnished by a series of wars and con- sequent sufferings! 6 What circumstance was prejudicial to the New Haven colony? T. What of com- merce from 1680 to 1731 ? 8 What losses were sustained during the war? 9 What of the reduction of population ? 10. What was not surprising ? What is the history of al- most every nation ? 144 HISTORY OF THE UNITED "STATES. CHAPTER LXVI. Discoveries in the West. The Mississippi and its branches explored by Jolict and Marquette. Explorations of La Salle and Father Ilennepin. 1. IT is time now to attend to the history of the Great West. The travels of Fer'- di-nand de So'-to have been men- tioned. He saw the and crossed great Mississippi; but the French, under Joliet and Marquette [mar- ket 1 ], two Cana- dians, first ex- plored it, togeth- ,, er with some of its principal branches, such as the Fox, AVis- con'-sin,Ar-kan'- sas, and Illinois. This was a little before the time of Philip's war. 2. A few years later, that is, in 1679, M. de La Salle, a French Canadian officer, equipped a small vessel at the lower end of Lake Erie, nearly opposite where Buffalo now stands, and, in company with Louis Hen'-ne-pin, a friar, and thirty-four other persons, explored the shores of several of the northern lakes, and, having built a small fort, wintered near the mouth of the Mau-mee' Eiver. 3. The next spring they set out again, and travelled among the Il-li- nois' Indians. Their travels, the year before, had given them much knowledge of the Indian character. They crossed the Avilderness to the Illinois River, a journey of four days, with their canoes and pro- visions upon their shoulders, and then descended it. 4. In passing along, down the river, they came to an Indian village of five hundred huts, but without inhabitants. Going on about one hundred miles further, they suddenly found themselves in the midst LA SAI.I.i: ON HIS EXPLORIJ.G i-XPLDITION. CHAP. LXVI. 1. Where did Ferdinand de Soto travel ? 2. What was done by La Salle in 1679 ? 8, f . Describe the journey of La s-nlle and his companions among the Indians. MAP OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. 115 of a host of Indian warriors, on both sides of the river, who offered them battle. The company made signs of peace, however, and soon quieted their fears. 5. The strangers conducted in such a manner that not only was the curiosity of the Indians awakened, but their friendship secured ; and MAP OF THE VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. NOTE. In looking at a map of the Western country, representing it as it now is, we see that the valley of the Mississippi and the region of the Great Lakes are occupied by several states and territories. This -whole region, comprising nearly three-fourths of the present territory of the United States, was almost entirely unsettled until about the period of the Revolutionary war. e teacher will here put such questions as he thinks proper. 7 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. our travellers concluded to remain among them for a time. Accord- ingly, they built a small fort and made it their residence. But the men grew weary of the place, and not only weary but mutinous against La Salle. They even attempted to excite the prejudices of the Indians against him. 6. La'Salle, indeed, found it easier to regain the confidence of the savages than that of his own men. They were still dissatisfied, and at length laid a plan to destroy him and some of his friends, by mixing poison with their food. The poisoned food, in fact, made them very ill, but they all recovered. 7. Early in the spring of 1G80, La Salle set out again on his journey down the river. On reaching its mouth, they sailed up the Mississippi almost to its source. The voyage occupied them many months. On the 8th of November he set out for home. 8. In returning, however, they passed through the country where they had seen the deserted Indian village. While in this region, they met with new troubles, on account of the hostility of the Ir'-o-quois tribe of Indians, and Father Ilennepin came near losing his life. They escaped, finally, without any injury. 9. In 1683, La Salle sailed down the Illinois River the second time, and also down the Mississippi. Here he encountered many dangers, and had many hairbreadth escapes, especially from the Natchez tribe of Indians. They reached the mouth of the river on the 7th of April. La Salle is supposed to have been the first white man who ever navi- gated the Mississippi for any considerable distance. 10. Standing together on the shore of the Gulf of Mexico, at the end of a voyage of two thousand miles, in small open boats, on an un- known stream, whose banks were lined with savages, the party united in thanking God for their preservation, and in singing a hymn together, after which they prepared for themselves a temporary shelter. 11. On the llth of April they set out on their return up the river, visiting the Indians as they passed along. They reached Michili- mackinac in the month of September, soon after which La Salle sailed for Quebec, and thence to France, to make a report of his discoveries to the king. 12. He returned once more to America, but not to the north. He undertook to explore the country about the mouth of the Mississippi, where, after many curious adventures and not a few discoveries, he was basely murdered, about the year 1686, by one of his companions. 5. What did the travellers conclude to do ? 6. What plan n-as formed against La Salle ': 7. "What was done in 10SO ? 8. What troubles did the party of La Salle encounter ? 0. "What took place in 16S3? What is said of La Salle ? 10. What did the travellers do on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico ? 11. When did they return home ? 12. What was the futeofLaSallo? SETTLEMENTS IN THE SOUTH AND WEST. 14:7 CHAPTER LXYIL Settlements in the South and West; at Kaskaskia, in Illi- nois y in Louisiana; in Florida', in Michigan; at Natchez, on the Mississippi ; on the Mobile River, in Alabama, Troubles between tJie Ohio Company and the French Governor of Canada. 1. FATHER HEXNEPIX resumed his travels in the West after La Salle's death, hut made no permanent set- tlements. La Salle and he had, how- ever, paved the way for other ex- plorers, and also for fur-traders, and ul- timately for emi- grants. The French claimed the coun- try on both sides of the Mississippi, and in fact all the way fr m th G lf f Mexico to Canada. 2. The first permanent settlement in the great Mississippi Valley, as it is now called, was at Kas-kas'-kia, in Illinois perhaps about 1688 or 1090; for the year is not exactly known. There were, indeed, military forts there as early as 1G87; and one also where St. Louis now stands. 3. The second known white settlement in the South-west the first in the Lou-is-i-an'-a country was made by DT-ber-ville, of Canada, in Ma}*, 1G99, with forty or fifty men, at the bay of Biloxi. It did not flourish, but led the way to better things. Pen-sa-co'-la, in Florida, was begun about the same time. De-troit', in Mich'-i-gan, was set- tled in June, 1701. A settlement was made on the Mobile River, in 1702, and at New Or'-leans in 1717. SETTLEMENT AT KASKASKZA. CHAP. LXVII. 1. What of Father Hcnnepin ? "What did the French claim ? 2 What settlement was nuule at Kaskaskia? What of St Louis? 3. What settlement was made by D'Ibervillu ? What settlement was made in 1701? In 1702? In 1717? 14:8 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 4. The settlements in the Mississippi Valley received a terrible check in the year 1729. The warlike tribe of Indians called the Natchez, having become excited against the French, seized their opportunity, and murdered all the settlers they could find. Of seven hundred or more, scarcely enough survived to carry the tidings to New Orleans. 5. But, instead of giving up the country, the French troops in New Orleans and the vicinity only meditated revenge. They pursued the Natchez, till they had driven them to their villages and forts, where they fell upon them and cut them to pieces. The few who survived were made slaves of, and the tribe perished. 6. From the preceding statement, it will be perceived that the great valley of the Mississippi was first explored and settled by the French. In fact, about the year 1730, they had a line of forts and settlements all the way from New Orleans to Quebec. They had even ascended the Ohio, and built a fort where Pittsburg now stands, which they called Fort du Quesne \jkane]. The English colonists to the east, along the Atlantic, were jealous of their movements, and their jealousy at length ripened into hostility, as we shall hereafter see. 7. A trading company, called the Ohio Company, was formed in the year 1749, consisting of English and Virginia merchants, whose ob- ject it was to trade with the Indians for furs. They had obtained a grant of six hundred thousand acres of land, near the river Ohio. This, in turn, raised the jealousy of the governor of Canada, and he ordered the traders to be seized. 8. He also opened a line of communication between Presque [presk] Isle, as it was then called, on Lake Erie, where the town of Erie now stands, and Fort du Quesne, at the head of the Ohio, and stationed troops and built fortifications along this line. His object, in short, was to break up the trade of the Ohio Company, and hold the country. 9. The Ohio Company complained of the French to Governor Din- wid'-die, of Virginia, who laid the subject before the General Assem- bly. They ordered a messenger to be sent to the French commander, to inquire into the cause of the measures he had pursued, and to ask that the forts might be evacuated and the troops removed. 4. "WTmt took place in 1729 ? 5. "What was done by the French troops? 6. "Who first discovered and settled the valley of the Mississippi? What possessions had the French in this quarter in 1T80? What fort had the French built where Pittsburg now stands? What effect had the French settlements on the English colonists ? 7 What trading com- pany was formed in the year 1749 ? 8. What was done by the governor of Canada? 9. What was done by the Ohio Company ? The General Assembly of Virginia ? GEOEGE WASHINGTON. 149 CHAPTER LXVIII. George Washington begins his public career. His Educa- tion and his Character in youth. He is sent as a Mes- senger to the French on the Ohio. Anecdotes of the journey. 1. THE messenger intrusted with this important errand was George Washington, then scarcely twenty -one years of age. He was a Virginian by birth, and had re- ceived no other education than that of the fam- ily and the com- mon school. His mind, as it ap- pears, had taken quite a mathe- matical turn, and he had early be- come a surveyor. 2. But he was most distinguished for his excellent moral character. In this respect few young men of his time stood higher. His passions were indeed strong, but he strove to govern and subdue them. At the age of nineteen he had been made an adjutant-general of some troops, raised for the defence of the country against the Indians, and held the rank of major; but he had never been called into service. 3. Such was the person selected by Governor Dinwiddie for an ex- pedition at once difficult and dangerous. Several young men, to whom the commission had been offered, refused it, for want of courage to en- gage in the undertaking. But Washington was born to save his country, and not solely to seek his own ease and comfort. 4. He set out on his journey from Williamsburg, the capital of Vir- ginia, October 31, 1753. He had with him an Indian interpreter, a French interpreter, a guide, and four other persons, two of whom were CHAP. LXVIII. 1. Give some account of Washington. 2. His character? 8. How did his conduct differ from that of several other young men ? 4. Whom did he take with him on his journey ? From what place did he start? WASHINGTON GU1.NU 150 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Indian traders; making, in all, a company of eight men, with their horses, tents, baggage, and provisions. 5. The distance from Williamsburg to the principal fort of the French was about five hundred and fifty miles. They were to pass high and rugged mountains and cross deep rivers. Half the distance, moreover, was through a pathless wilderness, where no traces of civilization had yet appeared, and where, perhaps, none but savages and wild beasts had ever trodden. 6. But danger did not move Washington where duty was concerned. He pursued his way, and delivered his letter to St. Pierre, the French commander, whom he found at a fort on French Creek, sixty-five miles north of Fort du Quesne. He obtained a reply from the French officer, and returned, having, however, secretly taken the dimensions of the French fort, and collected much useful information. 7. His mission did not prevent a war from breaking out, but it was at least satisfactory to him to know that he had done what he could. He received the thanks of the governor and council of Virginia for his services. 8. Some few anecdotes of this journey are worth relating. On their return homeward, Washington was shot at by a French Indian, but, though the savage was not fifteen paces off, according to Washington's own statement, and probably meant to kill him, not the slightest in- jury was done him. 9. Again, as they were obliged to -cross the rivers on raft^, and in such other ways as they could, and as it was winter, they sometimes narrowly escaped being drowned. In one instance they were wrecked on an island, and obliged to remain there all night; the cold, in the mean time, being so intense that the hands and feet of the guide were frozen. 10. In another instance, while descending a river in a canoe, perplexed by rocks, shallows, drifting trees and currents, they came to a place where the ice had lodged, which made it impassable by water. They were, consequently, obliged to land and carry their canoe across a neck of land for a quarter of a mile or more. 5. How far was he to travel? What country were they to cross? fi. How did Wash- ington perform his task? 7. What of his mission? &-10. Tell some anecdotes of the journey. BATTLE AT THE GREAT MEADOWS. 151 CHAPTER LXIX. Washington and his land of Virginians march agaiwM the French. Battle at the Great Meadows. 1. THK French continuing their aggressions, the British ministry en- couraged the colonies, especially Virgi nia, to arm themselves and resist them in the best way they could. This was in the beginning of the year 1754, two years before the British and French came to an open rupture, in what has usually been called the "French and Indian war." 2. Virginia raised a regiment of two or three companies, of whom Washington was made lieutenant-general. The case was thought an urgent one, and, as the chief officers in command did not arrive, nor any aid from the other colonies, though it had been promised, Wash- ington, with his little army, boldly entered the wilderness, and marched against the enemy. 3. On the 28th of May, at a place called the Red Stones, they came up with a party of French and Indians, whom they attacked and de- feated, killing ten or twelve, and taking twenty-two prisoners. From the prisoners, Washington learned that the French forces on the Ohio amounted to a thousand regular troops, beside Indians. Nothing daunt- ed, however, he continued his march. 4. At a place called the "Great Meadows," he halted and built a fort, calling it Fort Necessity. Here he waited a long time for troops from the other colonies; but none came, except a company of one hundred independents from South Carolina. The forces now amounted to four hundred men. 5. On the 3d of July, Washington received information that the whole body of French and Indians were marching to attack him. At eleven o'clock they arrived, and commenced their assault. They were met, however, with a bravery that could hardly have been expected from troops so inexperienced. 6. The battle lasted from eleven in the forenoon to eight in the evening. " Scarcely, since the days of Le-on'-i-das and his three hun- dred deathless Spartans," says Trumbull, in his "Indians Wars," " had the sun beheld its equal. With hideous whoops and yells, the enemy CHAP. LXIX. 1. What took place in the year 1754? How long was this before the French and Indian war ? 2. What was done by Virginia ? What was done by Washing- ton ? 3. What happened at Red Stones ? 4. What did Washington do at Great Meadows? 5. What happened on the 3d of July ? 6. Give Trumbull's description of the battle. 152 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. came on like a host of tigers. The woods and rocks and tall tree tops, as the Indians climbed into them to pour down their bullets into the fort, were in one continued blaze and crash of fire-arms." 7. Nor were the young Virginians idle. Animated by their chief, they plied their rifles with so much spirit that their little fort seemed volcano in full blast, roaring, and discharging its thick sheets of liquid ,eath. For full nine hours, salamander like, enveloped in smoke and flame, they sustained the shock, and laid two hundred of the enemy on the field. 8. Discouraged by such desperate resistance, Count de Vill'-iers, the French commander, sent in a flag of truce, extolling their gallantry, and offering to treat with them on the most honorable terms. They were to give up the fort, but the troops were to be permitted to march away with all the honors of war, carrying with them their stores and baggage. The terms were accepted, and, accordingly, they left the fort early the next morning. 9. Although the French commander had promised that the Virginia troops should not be molested, they had not retreated far, before a party of a hundred Indians came upon them, and robbed them of a part of their baggage. They soon arrived, however, without any fur- ther loss of life, at Williamsburg. 10. A vote of thanks was passed by the legislature to Colonel "Wash- ington and his brave companions, and a pistole granted to each of the soldiers; for, although baffled and defeated in their enterprise, they had conducted bravely. Of the three hundred Virginians engaged in the defence of the fort, only twelve had been killed. 7. "What of the young Virginians? 8. What of Count de Villiers? 9. What had the French commander promised ? What was done by a party of Indians? 10. What was granted to Washington and his men? What is a pistole ? Ans. A Spanish coin worth about three dollars and sixty cents. UNION OF THE ENGLISH COLONIES. 153 CHAPTEK LXX. The Union of the English Colonies in 1754. Attacks upon the French Colonies. Franklin's eminent services. Braddoctts Defeat. 1. THE French and Indians continuing their depredations on the frontiers of the colonies, the British ministry, without for- mally declaring war, en- couraged the colonists to de- fend themselves, and to unite for the purpose. They ac- cordingly sent delegates, who met at Albany, in 1754, and a plan of union was adopted, not very unlike the present federal constitution. 2. This plan, or system, was signed by the agents of Massachusetts, New Hamp- shire, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland, July 4th, the very day of Washington's retreat from Fort Necessity. The deputies from Connecticut alone refused to sign it, though some features of the plan were disliked by the colonial assemblies and the members of the councils. 3. Early in 1755, the colonies proceeded to attack the French at four different points Nova Scotia, Crown Point, Ni-ag'-a-ra, and Ohio River. The expedition against Nova Scotia, under Generals Monckton and Winslow, was completely successful ; the whole country was sub- dued, with the loss of only twenty men. 4. The expedition against Crown Point, on Lake Cham-plain', led by General Johnson of New York, though a failure as to its main object, was yet honorable to the officers and men who were employed in it. In a great battle fought near Whitehall, seven hundred of the French were killed, and three hundred wounded, while the whole loss of the colonies scarcely exceeded two hundred. CHAP. LXX. 1. What was done by the British ministry ? What plan was adopted by the colonies? 2. What agents agreed to this system? 3. What took place in 1756? 4. What of the expedition to Crown Point ? 7* BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 154: HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 6. It was at this battle that a nohle French officer, by the name of Dieskau, was wounded and taken prisoner. He was shot in the leg, and, being unable to retreat, was taken by an English soldier. Fear- ing for his safety, he was feeling for his watch to give it up to the soldier, when the latter, supposing him to be feeling for his pistol, in- flicted a deep wound in his hips. He was treated with great kindness, but died soon afterward. 6. The expedition against Niagara, with twenty -five hundred men, mider Governor Shirley, of Massachusetts, was begun too late in the year. The troops proceeded no further than Os-we'-go, on Lake On- ta'-ri-o, when the proposed attack was abandoned. No more attempts were made, in this quarter, till after the declaration of war, which took place June 9, of the next year. 7. In the operations against the French, on the Ohio, there was not only a want of success, but a signal failure, in the memorable defeat of General Braddock, whom the British had sent over in February, with two thousand men, to the aid of the colonies. He was an aged and experienced officer one who not only thought well of himself, but was thought well of by others. 8. No sooner had he arrived than the Virginian Assembly raised a body of eight hundred men to join him, and Washington agreed to serve as his aide-de-camp. The army marched without being molested till they were within seven miles of Fort du Quesne, now Pittsburg. 9. It was on this occasion that Franklin rendered his country a most important service. The troops being in want of a suitable number of wagons to transport their baggage, Franklin, who lived at Philadel- phia, persuaded the farmers of Pennsylvania to let them have both wagons and horses. In the end, the wagons and horses were lost, and Franklin was expected to pay for them. The damage was about one hundred thousand dollars. 10. Franklin would have paid the debt had he been able, but he was not. He had advanced considerable money already. The owners of the horses and wagons at last began to sue him. The government, however, at length interposed, as they ought, and paid the debt. 11. But to return to General Braddock. On the morning of July 9, when within a few miles of Pittsburg, a large party of French and Indians were discovered in ambush. Washington now informed Gen- eral Braddock what sort of an enemy he had to deal with an enemy who would fight chiefly from behind hedges and rocks and trees, where they could not be easily seen. 5. Tell the anecdote of the French officer. 6. What of the expedition against Niagara ? 7. What of General Braddock ? 8. How did Washington serve 9. Describe the service rendered by Franklin. 10. Who at last paid for the wagons and horses f 11. What did Washington tell General Braddock ? BRADDOCK'S DEFEAT. 155 12. General Braddock, who was sadly ignorant on the subject, in- stead of receiving the information with gratitude, was only angry, and said things had indeed come to a strange pass when a young Virginian should presume to teach a British general how to fight. He would not even grant the modest request of Washington to let him place himself at the head of the Virginian riflemen, and fight the savages in their own way. 13. "Washington hit his lips with anguish, for he knew too well what would be the result. The troops were soon assailed on all sides, not by an enemy whom they could see and meet in fair fight, but a foe which, to them, was invisible. Slain by hundreds, and unable to resist, they soon fell into confusion, and General Braddock himself was mor- tally wounded. 14. Washington, however, remained perfectly calm and self-pos- sessed. As soon as Braddock fell, he placed himself at the head of the Virginian Blues, as they were called, led them against the enemy, checked their fury, and enabled the shattered British army to retreat. Braddock lived long enough to see his folly and to applaud the bravery of the Virginians. But he died ; and Washington, to prevent the savages from discovering or disturbing his remains, buried him in the road, and ordered the wagons, on their retreat, to drive over his grave. 15. In this battle, the English and the colonists had seven hundred and seventy-seven men killed and wounded, while the enemy scarcely lost fifty. Washington had four bullets sent through his clothes, and two horses slain under him, and yet he escaped unhurt ! lie ngain received the thanks of his country, though not in a formal manner. 16. It was not long after this battle that, near Pittsburg, an Indian warrior is reported to have said that Washington was not born to be killed by a bullet ; for he had seventeen fair shots at him with his rifle, during the engagement, and yet, after all, he could not kill him. Such a sentiment, whether uttered by a savage or invented for the occasion, seems to have been almost prophetic. 12. How did Braddock receive Washington's advice? 13. What was the result of the battle? 14. What of Washington when Braddock fell? Where was Braddock buried? 15. What was the loss in this battle ? What happened to Washington ? 16. What did a' savage say of him? 156 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTEE LXXI. The French and Indian War. Plan of the Colonists for taking Crown Point. Montcalm's capture of the Fort at Oswego, etc. Lord Chatham, British Minister. Louisburg recaptured. Abercrombie } s disastrous Attack on Fort Ticonderoga. Capture of Forts Frontenac and du Quesne. Great Indian Treaty. 1. ALTHOUGH for about two years the French and English colonies had been at war, the two governments still maintain- ed the relations of peace at home. But in May, 1756, war was declared by Great Britain against France, in due form. Then began that celebrated conflict, called in our annals The French and Indian War. 2. In the full expectation of immediate aid from the mother country, the colonies laid a plan to take the French forts at Crown Point* and Niagara, and for this pur- pose raised seven thousand men, placing them under the command of General Winslow, of Massachusetts. 3. Governor Shirley had been, for some time past, the commander of the Massachusetts forces. But now the British ministry appointed the Earl of Loudon to this office, though, until his arrival, General Abercrombie was to have the command of the troops of Massachusetts. But General Abercrombie was an inefficient officer, and nothing decisive was done this year. CHAP. LXXI. 1 . "What were the relations of France and England at home, while the colonies were at war? When was war formally declared? 2. What expectations had the colonists? What forces were raised by them? Where was Crown Point? 3. What of Governor Shirley ? Lord Loudon? General Abercrombie? * Crown Point was on the western shore of Lake Champlain, and occupied a point of land projecting into the lake. It was ninety-five miles north-east of Albany. The site now presents a heap of ruins LORD CHATHAM. TUE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 157 4. In the mean time, the Canadian and Indian forces, amounting to eight thousand men, under General Mont-calm', had attacked and taken Oswego, the American key to Lake Ontario, with sixteen hundred of our troops, and a large quantity of cannon and military stores as signal a disaster to the colonies as could have befallen them. 5. Lord Loudon at length arrived in America, and great preparation was made in England and America for the campaign of the next year. In 1757", eleven ships of the line, fifty transports, and six thousand troops arrived, destined to act against Louisburg, which had again fallen into the hands of the French. But the attack was delayed till it was so well fortified that it was not thought advisable to besiege it. 6. General Montcalm, the French commander, in pursuing his suc- cesses, had, by this time, besieged and taken Fort William Henry,* on Lake George. Nor did he meet with much resistance, although Gen- eral "Webb, with four thousand men, lay at Fort Edward, only fifteen miles off, and evidently knew what was going on. 7. It was a condition, in the surrender of the troops at Fort William Henry, that their lives should be spared after the surrender ; and yet the Indians butchered great multitudes the French officers pretending they could not restrain them. Yet they had a regular force of at least seven thousand men ! 8. In 1V58, the celebrated Mr. Pitt, Lord Chatham, was placed at the head of the British ministry. This event infused a new spirit into all the affairs of the government, and what was done with regard to the prosecution of the war in America, was done promptly and effi- ciently. 9. He sent letters to all the American governors, requiring them to raise as many troops as they could, at the same time promising to send a large British force to their aid. The colonies complied with the re- quest, and Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire, alone, raised fifteen thousand men. They were to be ready for action in May. 10. The first movement was against Louisburg, in the months of June and July. This fortress, after a stout resistance, surrendered, and, with it, five thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven men. A considerable amount of cannon also was taken. The whole country, from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Nova Scotia, fell into the hands' of the English. 4. What had the Canadian and Indian forces done? 5. What of Lord Loudon? What took place in 1757? C. What of General Montcalm ? 7. What happened at Fort William Henry? 8. When was Pitt made prime minister? 9. What steps did he take ? 10. What was the first attack ? What fell into the hands of the English ? * Fort William Henry was situated at the southern point of Lake George, on the north- eastern border of the present state of New York. Fort Edward was on the cast side of the Hudson River, forty-five miles north of Albany. 158 HISTORY OF TIIE UNITED STATES. 11. An attack was next made on Ti-con-de-ro'-ga.* As Lord Lou- don had returned to England, the expedition was conducted by the inefficient Abercrombie. Though he had a force of seven thousand British and nine thousand colonists, and though the garrison consisted of but three thousand men, he was repulsed, with a loss, in killed and wounded, of nearly two thousand men. 12. The passage of General Abercrombie over Lake George, when going to Ticonderoga, is said to have been one of the most splendid and imposing scenes ever witnessed. The morning was bright and beautiful, the music fine ; the ensigns glittered in the sunbeams, and a fleet of one thousand and thirty-five boats, with sixteen thousand men, moved along in the most exact order. How different must have been their return ! 13. General Abercrombie, as if to atone for past remissness, now sent out three thousand men against Fort Fron'-te-nac, near the outlet of Lake Ontario, which in two days surrendered. An expedition was also fitted out against Fort du Quesne, but the French had evacu- ated it the evening before they arrived. It was at this period that it took the name of Pittsburg. 14. A treaty was made this year at Easton, sixty miles from Phila- delphia, by the English colonies, with the principal tribes of Indians between the Atlantic and the Rocky Mountains. No less than five hundred Indian representatives, including women and children, were present, in their national costume. 15. Among them were Mo' -hawks, O-nei'-das, On-on-da'-gas, Ca-yu'- gas, Sen'-e-cas, Tus-ca-ro'-ras, Nan'-ti-coques, Co'-nays, Tu'-te-loes, Chug'-nuts, Del'-a-wares, U'-na-mies, Min'-i-sinks, Mo-hi'-cans, and "Wap'-pin-gers. Such an assembly had not been seen before, since the days of Penn. 11. "Who attacked Ticonderoga and with what success? 12. Describe the passage over Lake George. 13. What did Abercrombie now do? 14. What treaty was made this year? 15. What tribes of Indians were present ? * Ticonderoga was situated at the outlet of Lake George. ATTACK UPON QUEBEC. 159 CHAPTER LXXH. Campaign of 1759. Quebec captured. Death of Wolfe and Montcalm. 1. THE campaign of 1759 was opened with an invasion of Canada. GeneralAmherst had succeeded General Aber- crombie as the commander of the colonial forces, and was a far more efficient officer. In July of this year, he led a part of his forces against Ti- conderoga and Grown Point, both of which were taken with- out much resist- ance. 2. Another division of the army went against Niagara. Here was some irregular fighting, during which a serious accident occurred. General Prideaux, the English commander, was killed by the bursting of a gun. lie was succeeded in the command by General Johnson, who in a few days gained possession of the post. 3. It now became the great object of the English and American forces to take Quebec. It was quite an ancient place as old, within one year, as Jamestown, and was strongly fortified. It was considered almost as difficult to be captured as Louisburg or Gibraltar. 4. Quebec is on the north-west side of the St. Lawrence, and is divided into the upper and lower town. The upper town consists of a high limestone rock, two hundred feet higher than the river ; but the lower town is a plain, almost level with the water. Where the upper town joins the river, is an abrupt precipice, the summit of which is DEATH OF WOLFK. CHAP. LXXII.1. What took place in 1759? What of General Ainherst? 2. What was done by another division of the army? What of General Prideaux? 8. What of Quebec? 4. Describe it. 100 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. called the Heights of Abraham ; around it, or near it, is the plain of Abraham. 5. General "Wolfe, a brave and experienced British officer, sailed from Louisburg, with eight thousand men, in the month of June, to meet General Amherst there, and attack Quebec. He landed on the island of Orleans, a little below the city. After many unsuccessful attempts to approach the city, which took up the time till September, he con- ceived the bold plan of ascending the Heights of Abraham. G. After waiting as long for General Amherst as the season would admit, he resolved to proceed alone. Leaving the island of Orleans, he first went up the river nine miles. The French, observing this, immediately detached a part of their forces at Quebec to oppose his landing in that direction. 7. But he did not intend to land there ; he had another object in view. He was about to attempt what no one before him had ever at- tempted, and what the French did not suspect. During the night of September 12, the troops, in flat-bottomed boats, with some difficulty, succeeded in landing at the foot of the heights, and an hour or two before daylight had begun to climb the precipice. 8. It was no light matter for eight thousand men to climb an almost perpendicular precipice of two hundred feet, and draw up after them all their artillery, baggage, etc. But they persevered, General Wolfe himself leading the way. At daybreak, the whole army had fairly scaled the heights, and were on the plains of Abraham. 9. Though surprised at their appearance, General Montcalm rallied the French troops, and made the best possible preparation for a stout defence. About the middle of the forenoon the two armies met. A hard-fought battle followed, often contested at the point of the bayonet, but the English were at last victorious. 10. The battle was not only severe, but exceedingly bloody. The English lost six hundred in killed and wounded, and the French many more beside a thousand prisoners. But the loss was most striking in valuable officers. The commanders of both armies were killed, as well as the second in command. Two other principal generals of the French army were also wounded. 11. General Wolfe, who had placed himself in the front of his army to encourage the troops, received a wound in his wrist, early in the action, but he wrapped his handkerchief around it, and continued at his post. Soon after, a ball pierced his groin, but he concealed the 5. What of General Wolfe? 6. What did he first attempt? 7. What end had he in view ? What was done on the night of September 12? 8. Describe the ascent 9. What of General Montcalm? Describe the battle. Who were victorious? 10. What was the loss on both sides? 11. What wounds did Wolfe receive? CAPTURE OF QUEBEC. 161 anguish, and fought on. At length, a shot pierced his breast, and he fell. 12. He did not expire, however, immediately, but lived long enough to know the issue of the battle. " They fly ! they fly !" said the men, at a little distance, as he leaned, in the agonies of death, on the shoulder of one of his lieutenants. " Who fly ?" said he, raising for an instant his drooping head. Being told it was the French, " Then," said he, "I die happy." 13. The death of Montcalm, the French commander, who was wound- ed in the battle, was not less striking. When told that his wound would be fatal in a short time, he replied, " Then I shall not live to see Quebec surrendered." He spent his last moments in writing a letter to the English commander, recommending the French prisoners to his care and attention. 14. The death of these generals has been the theme of frequent eulogy ; both possessed in a high degree the soldierly merit of courage and devotion to their cause. Wolfe was a young man scarcely thirty- three years of age, and much beloved. Montcalm was something over forty-five. They were not merely men of genius, and skilled in their profession ; they possessed the nobler qualities of truth, honor, and humanity. CHAPTER LXXIIL The French and Indian War concluded. The St. Fran- cis Indians chastised. The Cherokees defeated. Sur- render of the French. North American Colonies to the British. Peace of 1763. 1. IMPORTANT to the colonies as were the events described in the last chapter, they did not end the struggle. The French were still in possession of a powerful army and many strongly fortified posts. In- deed they were not yet reconciled to the loss of Quebec. 2. In April of the ensuing spring, the French approached Quebec with a view to retake it, when General Murray, who had been left in command of the garrison during the winter, marched out to meet them. A bloody battle was fought, about three miles from the city, in which the colonists were defeated with the loss of a thousand men. 12. Describe "Wolfe's death. 13. Describe the death of Montcalm. 14. What of the death of the two generals ? "What were the ages of these two great commanders ? Their char- acters ? CHAP. LXXIIL 1. What of the French? 2. "What of General Murray? To what city did the French lay siege ? 162 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 3. Though the loss of the French in. this battle was twice as great as that of the English, yet, with their superior numbers, they were still able to invest the city. Soon after the siege was begun, an Eng- lish squadron arrived in the river, which attacked and destroyed a French fleet of six frigates, and compelled the invading army to raise the siege. 4. The English and colonists now united all their strength to take Montreal. They had assembled at its gates a force of more than ten thousand men, and new troops were daily arriving, when the com- mander, believing resistance would be useless, surrendered the city. De-troit' and Michilimackinac \inih-il-e-mak '-in-ac\ now called Mack- inac or Mackinaw, and all the fortified posts of Canada, surrendered a few days afterward. 5. During the campaign of 1759, Major Rogers, with two hundred men, was sent against the St. Francis Indians. Their principal town was St. Francis, situated near the river St. Lawrence, about half way between Montreal and Quebec. Major Rogers succeeded in burning their town, killing two hundred of their people, and taking twenty women and children, most of whom he afterward set free. 6. These St. Francis Indians had been the most barbarous enemies with which New England had been obliged to contend. They had, in six years, killed and taken four hundred of the colonists, and hundreds of scalps were found hanging over the doors of their wigwams when Major Rogers entered the village. 7. But the victory over them, though complete, was dearly bought. "We marched nine days," says Major Rogers, "through wet, sunken ground, the water, for most of the way, being nearly a foot deep." In going and returning, and in the battle, he lost about a quarter of his men. 8. In 1760, there was much trouble with the Cherokee Indians at the south. A quarrel between them and the Virginians had long ex- isted, but the French traders, it was supposed, inflamed the minds of the Indians anew. A detachment of twelve hundred men was sent out against them, but nothing effectual was accomplished. 9. In 1761, a body of twenty-six hundred men, under Colonel Grant, met them in a great battle, in their own country, in which the Chero- kees were completely defeated. Their houses, magazines, and corn- fields were burned, and they were driven to the mountains. A few days afterward the chiefs came in, however, and signed a treaty of peace. 8. What was done by the English squadron ? 4. "Why did the commander surrender Montreal? What places afte.rward surrendered? 5. What did Major Rogers do? 6 What of the St. Francis Indian*? 7. What does Major Rogers say of the march? 8. What happened in 1700 ? 9. In 1761 ? KEVIEW. 163 10. Although Canada was conquered, arid the war ended in that quarter, peace was not fully concluded between Great Britain and France till the year 1703. In the year 1762, Great Britain and Spain were at war, and a force being about to be sent against Mar-tin-ique' in the West Indies, eleven battalions, consisting of four thousand men, under the command of General Monckton, were ordered for New York. 11. The French struggled hard, this year, to retake Newfoundland, but without success. This was their last effort. Peace was made be- tween the contending nations in 1763, by which all the possessions of the French to the northward of the United British Colonies were ceded to Great Britain, to which country they still belong. Louisiana was also ceded by the French to Spain about the same time. 12. Thus ended the long and bloody conflict, called the French and Indian War. Except the Revolutionary war, of which we shall soon give an account, it was by far the most important conflict in which the American colonists were ever engaged. It resulted in removing the French from this continent, and in transferring to the British a terri- tory equal in extent to the half of Europe. CHAPTER LXXIY. Review of the preceding History. The Thirteen Colonies. The approaching Conflict of the Colonies with the Mother Country. The preceding portion of this His- tory, Colonial^ the succeeding portion, National. 1. WE have now traced the history of the English colonies in North America from the first settlement in 1607 to the year 1763. At this latter date these colonies were thirteen in number, and contained about two millions and a half of inhabitants. Such had been the progress of these settlements in a hundred and fifty-six years. 2. In the Southern Division of the country, there were the colonies of VIRGINIA, settled in 1607; NORTH CAROLINA, settled about 1660; SOUTH CAROLINA, settled in 1670; and GEORGIA, settled in 1732. 3. In the Middle Division there were NEW YORK, settled in 1613; NEW JERSEY, settled in 1624; PENNSYLVANIA, settled in 1681 ; DELA- WARE, settled in 1627; and MARYLAND, settled in 1634. 10. When was peace concluded between France and England ? What of the year 1T62 ? 11. What of the French ? What was the consequence of the peace of 1763 ? . "What of Louisiana ? 12 What was the result of the French and Indian war? CHAP. LXXIV. 1. For what length of time have we now traced the history of the Eng- lish colonies? Population of the colonies In 1763? How many colonies were there? 2-4 Name the thirteen colonies and the date of settlement of each. 1G4 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 4. In the Northern Division there were MASSACHUSETTS, settled in 1020; CONNECTICUT, settled in 1633; KIIODE ISLAND, settled in 1636, and NEW HAMPSHIRE, settled in 1623. "What now constitutes the state of Maine, then belonged to Massachusetts ; and the territory of the present state of Vermont, containing only a few inhabitants at that time, was claimed both by New Hampshire and New York. 5. These were the colonies which took part in the French and Indian War, of which we have just given an account. Although the British government sent over ships, men, and money to aid in that war, yet on the colonies fell the heaviest share of the burden, and to them chiefly belongs, the merit of the great success that attended the con- flict. 6. In this war, the colonies, as we have seen, did not act separately as in the beginning ; they united as all belonging to one country, and thus laid the foundation of that union which bound them during the Kevolution, and which now binds them, as a republic of many states, forming one nation. 7. Hitherto, our history has been an account of the rise and pro- gress of separate colonies ; from this time forward, it is the history of a nation. We are now about to enter upon the events which caused a state of hostility between the colonies and the mother country, and which, resulting in a long and severe war, ended in a final separation between them. Hitherto we have spoken of the people of this coun- try as English; we must henceforth regard them as Americans. 4 What of Maine? Vermont? 5. What part did these thirteen colonies take in the French and Indian war ? To whom does the chief credit of the success of the war belong f 6. Describe the union of the colonies in this war. Of what did this union lay the foun- dation? 7 What has our preceding history been? "What will the subsequent part be? What have we called the people of this country hitherto ? What may we consider them hereafter ? TAXATION OF THE COLONIES. 105 CHAPTER LXXY. PEKIOD OF EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Taxation of the Colonies. The Sugar Act. 1. WE now corne to that period in our history when Great Britain entered upon a system of measures which caused the colonies to re- sist the government of the mother country, and finally to achieve their independence. This system consisted mainly in the laying of taxes upon sugar, stamps, tea, and various other articles imported into, or used in this country. 2. As will be hereafter seen, the chief ground of opposition to these measures was, that the colonies were not represented by any members of their own country, in the British government, and that it was alike unjust, dangerous, and contrary to the British constitution for any people to be taxed by the government in which they had no represen- tatives to watch over and vindicate their rights and interests. 3. As early as the year 1651, Great Britain had begun to pass laws to restrain and direct the colonial trade. Similar attempts were made in 1660; again in 1672, 1676, 1691, and 1692. In the year 1696, a pamphlet was published not indeed by the ministry, but by some person of distinction in which it was recommended to lay a tax on one of the colonies. 4. This pamphlet was answered by two others, which denied the power to tax colonies which were not represented in parliament, and which had never consented to such taxation. Indeed, the colonies had always felt aggrieved by the British restrictions upon their trade and commerce; and Massachusetts and New York had shown their dissatis- faction by public acts of their assemblies. 5. It is true that the British had incurred a heavy expense on ac- count of the colonies, but then the trade of the latter was of immense value to them. Still they seemed determined to impose taxes in some form. In 1764, it was distinctly stated in the English papers, that they were about to defray the expenses of quartering a body of troops among our countrymen, by requiring a duty on sugar, molasses, indigo, coffee, etc. CHAP. LXXV. 1. What period do we now como to in our history? What was the system of measures which induced the American colonies to resist the government of the mother country? What was the final result of their resistance to the British govern- ment ? 2. What was the chief ground of opposition on the part of the colonies to this system of taxation? 3. What passed between the years 1691 and 109G? 4. How was the pamphlet answered ? What of the colonies ? 5. What of British taxation ? What was done in 1761? 106 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 6. The Sugar Act, as it was called, was passed the 5th ot April of this year, 1764; and it was^at'tiie same time determined that ten thousand soldiers should be kepi in America. The British had a large standing army, and they must be quartered somewhere ; and why not, they doubtless thought, keep a part of them in America, where there was of late such a frequent demand for their services? 7. But the colonists complained loudly of both these measures, espe- cially as they had not given their assent to them. The Massachusetts agent in England had indeed partially assented to them, but the colo- nists had immediately protested against the concession, as admitting a principle which they had never intended to yield. It was all to no purpose, however ; the parliament were determined to make the ex- periment of taxation without representation. 8. How much the British were influenced, at this time, by a fear of the rising po\ver of the colonies, who had shown themselves able to overcome, almost single-handed, the whole host of French and Indians from Newfoundland to the Gulf of Mexico, cannot now be known. Certain it is, however, that they began to entertain hostile, or at least jealous feelings toward our country on this account. 9. On the other hand, the determination of the mother country to pay no regard to the complaints of the colonies, respecting taxation without representation, had laid the foundation of much ill-will, on the part of the colonies, toward her; and much was said and written on the subject by their ablest statesmen and writers, especially by James Otis, of Boston, and Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia. 10. The sugar act led to a great deal of smuggling, and finally to an almost entire extinction of the colonial trade with the French and Spanish "West Indies. The colonies, to retaliate, resolved not to pur- chase clothing of the English, but to use, as much as possible, their own manufactures. 11. This resolution was so generally adhered to, that the consump- tion of British merchandise was greatly diminished in the colonies, especially in the large and populous towns. In Boston, alone, having then about fifteen thousand inhabitants, it was lessened, in the year 1764, more than ten thousand pounds sterling in value, that is, about fifty thousand dollars. But this, instead of inducing the English to relax the severity of their measures, only induced them to persevere in their oppression. 6. What was determined upon ? 7 What of the colonists? What of Massachusetts? What were the Parliament determined to do ? S. What cannot bo known? What is certain ? 9. What of the determination of the mother country ? Who wrote on the sub- ject of taxation ? 10. What of the sugar act? Upon what did the colonies resolve? 11 What of the consumption of British merchandise ? What of the English ? THE STAMP ACT. CHAPTER LXXYI. The Stamp Act. Dr. Franklin in London. Patrick Henry's celebrated Speech. A. Congress of the Colonies. ' 1. IN 17G5, the British parliament passed what has always been known by the name of the Stamp Act. Ac- cording to this act, no colonial instruments in writing, such as deeds, bonds, and notes, were to be binding, or of any force whatever, un- less they were executed on stamped paper, for which a duty was to be paid to the crown of Great Britain. 2. As the re- sult of this act, a ream of stamped bail-bonds would come to one hundred pounds sterling, or nearly five hundred dollars, and a ream of stamped policies of insurance to one hundred and ninety pounds ; whereas, before this, the former cost only fifteen pounds, and the latter twenty. It was, however, only a tax of some eight or ten cents on each sheet, and was not, in itself, aside from the principle on which it was based, very op- pressive. 3. Though the act passed the House of Lords in Great Britain unani- mously, it met with opposition in the House of Commons. Colonel Bar'-re, in particular, spoke against it with great warmth and eloquence. And when the question was put, whether or not it should be passed, fifty members out of three hundred were against it. PATRICK HEXET. CHAP. LXXVL 1. What was done in 17G5? 2. What was the result of this act? 3. What of Colonel Barre f 168 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 4. It is also worthy of note that, while the act was thus under de- bate, Dr. Franklin, who was then in London, and much respected for his good sense, was sent for and consulted. He told them plainly the Americans would never submit to it. After the act passed, he wrote to a friend : " The sun of liberty is set. The Americans must now light the torches of industry and economy." 5. But the opposition the stamp act had met with in England was as nothing compared to the resistance it was destined to meet with in the colonies.* A general burst of indignation pervaded the country, and most of the legislative assemblies passed resolves, and some of them protests, against it. Nowhere, however, was more spirit manifested on the subject than in Virginia. 6. The assembly of this colony having met soon after the news of the stamp act arrived, a series of resolutions, strongly expressive of disapprobation, was introduced, which occasioned a warm debate and some very hard words. It was on this occasion that Patrick Henry, then quite a young man, by a bold remark of his, gave an impulse that was felt from one end of the continent to the other. 7. He had been asserting that the British king had acted the part of a tyrant. Then, alluding to the fate of other tyrants, he observed, " Caesar had his Brutus, Charles I. his Cromwell, and George III. " Here he paused ; upon which the cry of "Treason ! treason!" being raised in the house, he only added, "may profit by tlieir exam- ple! If that be treason, make the most of it." 8. A Congress of the colonies having been recommended by Massa- chusetts, one was accordingly convened in New York, in October. It consisted of three members from each of the colonies of Massachu- setts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, Delaware, Maryland, and South Carolina. They remonstrated against the stamp act, and drew up a declaration of their rights, de- claring taxation and representation to be inseparable. 9. But the public disapprobation was expressed in another way. The people had burned, or reshipped, or hid, the stamped paper already in the colonies, so that on the day in which the act went into opera- tion, little, if any, could be found. They would not even receive the Canadian gazettes, because they were on stamped paper. Such a course was indeed equivalent to the suspension of nearly all business, but it was resolutely persevered in. 4. Relate the anecdote of Franklin. 5. "What effect had the stamp act in the colonies? fi. What resolutions were passed ? What of Patrick Henry ? 7. Relate the anecdote of him. 8. What of a congress of the colonies? 9. How was disapprobation otherwise expressed ? * Massachusetts had passed a stamp act of her own, in 1 7.">9, which included even news- papers ; but she was not willing to be taxed by the British government. SOCIETIES AND MOBS. 169 CHAPTER LXXVII. Newspapers, Societies and Mobs. 1. NEWSPAPERS had as great an influence on the public mind, in pro- portion to their number, in 1765, as now, and perhaps even greater. These continued to be published, though on inferior paper. They were, as with one voice, clamorous against the stamp act, and severe in their denunciations of those who were friendly to it. 2. Societies in great numbers were formed during this year, of those who were determined to unite in resisting parliamentary oppression. They called themselves " Sons of Liberty." They were particularly numerous in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Toward the close of the year, these associations, in the several colonies, became united by a kind of national compact. 3. Societies of quite another kind were also formed. Dr. Franklin had advised the people to "light the lamps of industry and economy." These, therefore, embraced persons of all ages and of both sexes, who were more willing to do without luxuries, and live by their own in- dustry, than to depend on Great Britain. 4. Instead of wearing imported cloth, the more wealthy people were soon seen in dresses of their own manufacture ; and for fear there might not be wool enough for their purpose, the use of sheep for food was discouraged. The most fashionable people could now card, spin, and weave their own cloth, and deny themselves the use of all foreign luxuries. 5. Nor were these resolutions and changes in modes of living, con- fined to cities and towns, and to the more wealthy. Close economy became the order of the day. Multitudes of artisans and manufac- turers in England were left without employment, as the consequence of the diminished sale of their productions in the colonies ; and Great Britain everywhere began to feel the consequences of her folly. G. Meanwhile, mobs began to be got up in the colonies. In August, two images, called effigies, were found hanging on the branch of an old elm tree, near the southern limits of Boston. One represented a stamp officer. There was a great jack-boot also, out of which rose a horned head, which seemed to gaze around. Multitudes collected from all parts to witness the strange sight. CHAP. LXXVII. 1. What of newspapers in 1705? 2. Societies? 3. Other societies? 4. What was done by the more wealthy people? 5. Describe other changes in the modes of living. 6. Describe the effigies in Boston. 170 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 7. This, however, was but the beginning of mobs and mob law. About dark the same day, the effigies in Boston were taken down, placed on a bier, and carried about the city in solemn procession. The mob followed, shouting aloud, "Liberty and property forever, and no stamps!" 8. After passing through several of the principal streets, they halted at a building belonging to one Oliver, a stamp officer, which they sup- posed to be intended for a stamp office, and having demolished it, carried the wood through the streets, with a tremendous noise, to the dwelling of Mr. Oliver; where, having gone through the cere- mony of cutting off his head, in effigy, they finished by breaking his windows. 9. They then marched up Fort Hill, still following the two figures, jack-boots, horns, and all. Here they kindled a bonfire with them, returned to Oliver's house with clubs and staves, and destroyed his gardens, fences, and out-houses. Oliver fled. They then broke open his doors, and destroyed much of his furniture. The next day, Mr. Oliver gave notice that he would not serve as a stamp officer ; upon which the farce ended. 10. These riotous acts, or those which were similar, were repeated in Boston and elsewhere throughout New England, and even in New York, Maryland, and the Carolinas. At Newport and New York, the effigies of various political characters who were disliked were dragged about, hung, burned, etc. ; and, in a few instances, houses were plundered. CHAPTER LXXVIII. Repeal of the Stamp Act. 1. THE king and parliament of Great Britain finally saw their error, but they were too proud to retrace their steps by repealing the of- fensive law. However, something must be done to quiet the colonies; and this became, at the opening of the parliament in 1766, a leading object of inquiry. 2. Dr. Franklin was again consulted on the subject. He did not assume an air of triumph, and say, " I told you all this would happen." He knew too well the weakness and folly of human nature, even in members of parliament. He only repeated what he had before said, " That, though the Americans were a reasonable people, they would 7. What mon was done by the mob? 8, 9. Describe the procession. 10. "What took place in New Knsland and -elsewhere? CHAP. LXXVIII. 1. What of the king and parliament ? 2. What of Dr. Franklin? REPEAL OF THE STAMP ACT. 171 COLONEL BARRE. never submit to taxation of any kind without representation, unless compelled to do so by mere force of arms." 3. Fortunately for Great Britain, as well as America, there had been about this time a change in the admin- istration, and the repeal of the stamp act had be- come, at length, a subject of earnest and deep con- sideration. And though there was great and even obstinate opposition to its repeal, the measure was at length carried. 4. The repeal of the act was hailed with universal joy. The American merchants in London were among the first to tes- tify their gratitude. The ships lying in the river Thames displayed their colors. The houses of the city were lighted up, cannon fired, bonfires kindled, and messengers sent to spread the news, as fast as possible, in England and America. 5. But it was in America that the tidings were received with joy the most heartfelt and sincere. The general assemblies of Massachu- setts and Virginia went so far as to vote thanks to Mr. Pitt and the other members of parliament who had done so much to effect a repeal ; and in Virginia it was proposed to erect a statue to the king. Mr. Pitt, Colonel Barre, and Edmund Burke, who had favored our cause in parliament, received the thanks of the people, and Charles Grenville, who had op- posed it with great ability, ex- cited general feelings of indigna- EDMUND BURKE. ,. tion. 3. Was the stamp act repealed ? 4. How was the joy of the Americans f a London ex- pressed on account of the repeal? 5. What was done in America? 172 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. C. There was one drawback upon the general joy ; for, at the time of voting for the repeal of the stamp act, parliament also voted that they had a right to tax America whenever they should think it ex- pedient. This, of course, was an adherence to the general principle against which the colonists had been all along contending. 7. Well had it been, no doubt, for the mother country had she stopped here ; and though the right to tax America had been asserted, refrained from any other offensive or oppressive acts. But Providence had not designed so it would seem that the colonies should always remain the subjects of a monarch three thousand miles distant ; and the hour of separation was rapidly approaching. CHAPTEK LXXIX. George III. More Taxation. Petitions, Circulars, Re- monstrances. The British Custom-House Officers Mob- bed in Boston. 1. Ox the 29th of June, 1767, the king, George III.* signed another act, which involved the principle of taxation without representation, and as applied, in its worst features. It required a duty, to be paid by the colonists, on all paper, glass, paiaters' colors, and tea, which were imported into the country. 2. The people of America did not hesitate to pronounce this act as unjust as the sugar and stamp act had been. It was not that they were too poor to pay a small tax on such articles as these, but if the crown could tax them without their consent in one way, it could in another; and where was the matter to end? 3. The British, it is true, reasoned otherwise. Their finances, they said, were exhausted by a war for the support of the colonies, and which had cost them nearly four hundred millions of dollars. It was, therefore, not only right that the Americans should contribute toward paying its expenses, but extremely ungrateful for them to refuse. They had taxed themselves severely on cider, ale, beer, porter, tea, sugar, cof- fee, molasses, etc., and why could not the colonies pay something also ? 4. And as to taxation without representation, the British said that the colonies had taxed themselves, most heavily, and without being rep- resented in parliament. They were not represented when Massachu- 6. What was still to be lamented? CHAP. LXXIX. 1. What was done in 1TC7? What of George III. as to his reign, age, etc. ? 2. What of the people of America? 8, 4. What was urged by the British ? * George III. came to the throne of Great Brita n in 1760, and died in 1S20, aged eighty- two. For seven years before his death he was insane, and his son, afterward George IV., was regent. MORE TAXATION. 173 setts paid two millions of dollars for the support -of one French war, and furnished twenty thousand to thirty thousand troops ; why did they not complain then? This reasoning, however, did not satisfy the colonists. 5. But the tax on paper, glass, tea, etc., was not alone. A law was passed which obliged the several American legislatures to provide quarters for the British troops, and furnish them with fuel, lodging, candles, and other necessaries, at the expense of the colonies. This act was little less odious than the former. 6. New York, it is true, so far yielded as to make partial provision for the troops about to be quartered there. The assembly, at the re- quest of the governor, voted to furnish barracks, fire-wood, candles, and beds ; but not salt, vinegar, cider, and beer, as the law demanded. They, however, finally furnished the whole. 7. Still more than all this : an act passed the parliament, establish- ing a custom-house and board of commissioners in America. The duties were to commence November 20 ; and early in that month three of the commissioners arrived at Boston. The colonists, believing this board was created to enforce payment of the new duties, were more inflamed than ever. 8. Beside, the duties collected were to be applied in paying the salaries of governors, judges, and other officers ; and it was easy to see that if they were paid in this way, rather than by the general assembly, they would not be so likely to regard the interest of the people whom they served, and would be more apt to be the mere tools of the king and parliament. 9. The consequences were, resolves, petitions, and remonstrances from all parts of the country. In 1TOS, the legislature of Massachu- setts voted a humble petition to the king on the subject. This was followed by a circular letter to the representatives and burgesses of the other colonies, requesting them to unite in some suitable measures for obtaining a redress of their grievances. 10. This circular and the petition to the king, by Massachusetts, gave great offence to the British administration, and they demanded .of the colonies that they should retrace the steps they had taken, and crush in the bud the rising propensity among them to act in concert. To this end, they, in their turn, sent a circular to the colonies. But all to no purpose. 11. The merchants and traders of Boston now entered into a com- pact, by which they agreed not to import, for one year, any kind of 5. What other law was passed? 6 What of New York ? The assembly? T. What act was passed by Parliament? What effect was produced on the colonies? 8 What of the du- ties collected? 9. What was done in 1768? 10 What did the British parliament demand f 174 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. goods or merchandise from Great Britain, except a few articles winch they specified ; nor to purchase British articles of the same kind from other colonies or nations which had procured them from England. 12. But there was trouble springing up of another kind. The gov- ernment laws of trade had been hitherto greatly eluded, but the board of commissioners now determined they should be executed. A sloop, laden with wine, from Madeira [ma-dee' -ra], came into port. During the night, all the wine, except a few pipes, was unladen by government officers, and put into the public stores. The vessel was also seized, and put under a guard. 13. These acts roused the indignation of the Bostonians more than ever. A mob collected and proceeded to the houses of the collector and comptroller of customs, broke the windows, dragged the collector's boat through the streets, and finally burned it on the common ; and some of the custom-house officers narrowly escaped with their lives. CHAPTER LXXX. British Troops in Boston. Great Excitement among the Colonists. Proposal of the British Parliament to send Americans to England for trial. Resolutions of North Carolina and Virginia. 1. THE existing excitement was much heightened by the arrival in the harbor, a few days afterwards, of two regiments of British troops, sent to assist the governor and the other civil magis- trates of Boston, in preserving peace, and to aid. '/ the custom-house officers in per- forming their duty. "What ad- ded still more to BRITISH TROOPS ix BOSTON. the public indig- 11. "Wbiit did the merchants ami traders of Boston now do? 12. What other trouble was there ? "Wh:it of the sloop laden with wine ? 13. What was done by the mob in Boston ? CHAP. LXXX. 1. What of the British troops? INDIGNATION IN THE COLONIES. 175 nation was the fact that the troops marched through the city, to the common, with muskets charged and with fixed bayonets. 2. The selectmen of the town at first refused to give the soldiers any quarters, though they finally consented to admit one regiment of them into Faneuil Hall. The next day, as if in direct defiance of the public feeling, the governor opened the state-house to them, and they not only occupied it, but stationed a guard with two field-pieces in front of it. 3. This was new to the Bostonians. It was quite as much as they could bear to have a royal governor and foreign collectors of customs among them ; but to have the king's soldiers and cannon about the state-house, and fill the streets, even on Sunday, with the noise of drums and fifes, was more than their independent spirits could calmly endure. 4. It was not, however, till the beginning of the year 1769 that an universal indignation was roused throughout the colonies. The feeling of opposition had hitherto been somewhat local, but the spirit of re- sistance had now extended to every part of the country. 5. The British parliament, in. February, 1769, had requested the king to give orders to the governor of Massachusetts to take notice of such persons, in his province, as might be guilty of treason, and have them sent to England to be tried. These orders were, doubtless, to have been extended afterward to the governors of the other colonies. 6. No measure could have been adopted by the parent country, more likely to alienate the feelings of her American subjects than this. To be liable to be torn from their own land to be tried by a jury of strangers, was as repugnant to their feelings as it was to the spirit of the British constitution. 7. The house of burgesses of Virginia, and the general assembly of North Carolina, having met a few days after the arrival of this odious intelligence, passed a series of resolutions, which greatly offended their governors who, like the governor of Massachusetts, were royal favorites and they forthwith broke up their deliberations. But it was too late to silence the people, and especially the representatives of the people in general assembly. 8. Affairs proceeded no better in Massachusetts. When their legis- lature met, in May, they refused to transact business as long as the state-house was surrounded by an armed force. As the governor was unwilling to remove the troops, they adjourned to Cambridge, where, 2. "What of the selectmen? The governor? 3. "What was the effect of these move- ments upon the Bostonians? 4. What was the feeling in 1760? 5. What of the British parliament in February, 1769? 6. How were the Americans affected by this measure ? 1 What of Virginia and North Carolina? 8. Massachusetts? 176 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. after passing some resolutions which were offensive to the governor, they were dismissed by him, and sent home, as their southern brethren had been. CHAPTER LXXXL Repeal of obnoxious Duties. The Boston Massacre. 1. DUBIXG the session of the British parliament in the spring of 1770, an act was passed for repealing all the duties which caused so much complaint, except that on tea. This was continued, to show that they had not yielded the right to impose taxes, if they chose to exercise it. As might have been expected, however, the colonists were still dissatisfied. 2. The British troops remained in Boston, and seemed determined to remain there, notwithstanding the known disgust of the citizens at the idea of having a foreign force stationed among them. There was, it is true, for some time, no open quarrel, but the citizens and soldiers were continually insulting each other. 3. Things could not long remain thus. On the 2d of March, 1770, as a soldier was going by the shop of a rope-maker, he was attacked and severely beaten. He ran off, but soon returned with a number of his comrades, and attacked and beat some of the rope-makers. 4. The people were now excited to the highest pitch. Between seven and eight o'clock in the evening of March 5, a mob collected, armed with clubs, and proceeded toward King-street, now State-street, crying, " Let us drive out these rascals they have no business here drive them out! Drive out the rascals!" Meanwhile, there was a cry that the town had been set on fire. 5. The bells rang, and the throng became still greater, and more tumultuous. They rushed furiously to the custom-house, and seeing an English sentinel there, shouted, " Kill him ! kill him !" at the same time attacking him with pieces of ice and whatever they could find. The sentinel called for the rest of the guard, and a few of them came forward. 6. The guard now marched out with their guns loaded. They met a great crowd of people, led on by a gigantic negro, named Attacks. They brandished their clubs and pelted the soldiers with snowballs, abusing them with harsh words, shouting in their faces, and even challenging CHAP. LXXXL 1. What act -was passed In 1770? 2. What of the British troops? 3. What took place in March, 1770? 4. What of a mob on March 5? 5-8. Describe the fight between the people and the soldiers. THE BOSTON MASSACRE. 177 them to fire. They evea rushed close upon the very points of their bayonets. 7. The soldiers stood awhile like statues, the bells ringing and the mob pressing upon them. At last, Attucks, with twelve of his men, began to strike upon their muskets with clubs, and to cry out to the mob, " Don't be afraid they dare not fire the miserable cowards kill the rascals crush them underfoot!" 8. Attucks now lifted his arm against the captain of the guard, and seized hold of a bayonet. "They dare not fire!" shouted the mob again. At this instant the firing began. Attucks dropped dead im- mediately. The soldiers fired twice more, and two others were killed and others still wounded. The mob dispersed, but soon returned to carry off the bodies. 9. The whole town was now in an uproar. Thousands of men, women, and children rushed through the streets. The sound of drums, and cries of "To arms! to arms!" were heard from all quarters. The soldiers who had fired on the people were arrested, and the governor at last persuaded the mob to disperse and go quietly to their homes. 10. The next morning, the troops in the city were ordered off to Castle William, one of the city fortifications. On the 8th of March, the three slain citizens were buried. The shops were all closed during the ceremony, and the bells in Boston and the adjoining towns were all the while tolling. An immense procession followed to the church- yard. 11. The soldiers were soon afterward tried. Two of them were condemned and imprisoned, and six of them were acquitted. John Adams and Josiah Quincy, eminent lawyers, pleaded their cause. The mob would have torn them in pieces if they could have had their own way, for mobs are seldom just or reasonable. 12. There is no doubt that in most of these transactions the mob were in the wrong ; the source of the mischief lay, however, in the fact that the British government insisted upon keeping an army among a people outraged by a series of unjust and irritating laws. This con- duct showed that the king and parliament of Great Britain intended to compel the colonists to submission by force of arms, and not to govern them by fair and proper legislation. N 9. What was the state of the town ? "What of the governor? 10. "What was done the next day? Describe the funeral. 11. What of the soldiers? Who pleaded for them? 12. Were the mobs in these affairs right or wrong? "What was the real source of the diffi- culty? 8* 178 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER LXXXIL Continuation of Difficulties. The Regulators of North Carolina. Burning of the Gaspee. Appointment of Committees of Correspondence. 1. FOB a year or two, things went on somewhat better than before, though not by any means quietly. The merchants began again to buy English goods, except tea, which they would have nothing to do with. Associations were even formed in many parts of the country, the parties pledging themselves not to use it. 2. The revenue officers continued to be despised, and, as much as possible, treated with contempt. In the year 1771, one of them, in Boston, had undertaken to seize a vessel for some violation of the law, when he was taken by the mob, stripped naked, carted through the city, and tarred and feathered. 3. There was, the same year, an insurrection in North Carolina. A body of the inhabitants, to the number of fifteen hundred, under the name of Regulators, rose against law, order, and government, and against all lawyers and officers of government. Governor Tryon marched against them, killed three hundred, and took some prisoners. A number of them were tried for high treason and executed. 4. But one of the most startling events of this period took place at Rhode Island, in the year 1772. The Gaspee, a British armed schooner? had been lying for some time at Providence, to sustain the laws re- specting trade. The Rhode Island people, many of them, hated her, and only waited for a favorable opportunity for giving vent to their indignation. 5. Such an opportunity soon occurred. The Gaspee was accustomed to require the Providence vessels to take down their colors on their arrival, and to fire on them and chase them into port, if they refused. One day, as a packet was coming in with passengers, she refused to lower her colors ; upon which the Gaspee gave chase to her, and in the chase ran aground. 6. This was just what the packet desired, and she had, in fact, manoeuvred for this purpose. On arriving at the city, a plan was laid to destroy the schooner. A volunteer company of soldiers was soon enlisted under Captain "Wipple, and several boats, with armed men, prepared for the service. CHAP. LXXXIL 1. "What of the merchants in America? 2. What of the revenue omcers? 3. What of the Eegulators of North Carolina? 4, 5. Eelate what took place between the Gaspee and the packet 6. What plan was laid ? BURNING OF THE GASPEE. 179 7. About two o'clock, the next morning, the party found means to get on board the Gaspee. After sending the lieutenant, with his more valu- able effects, together with the crew, on shore, they burned the schooner, with all her stores. The ueutenant, in a conflict, while they were board- ing the Gaspee, was wounded, but no one was otherwise injured. 8. Great pains were taken by the officers of the British government to discover and punish these offenders against the royal authority. Among other measures, a reward of five hundred pounds sterling was offered. Commissioners were also appointed to hear and try the cause. No discovery, however, was made. 9. At a town-meeting in Boston, this year, a Committee was ap- pointed to lay before the several towns in the provinces, as well as before the world, the views of the people respecting their own rights in relation to the parent country. Virginia came into the measure in the year 1773, and recommended the plan to the other colonies. Com- mittees of Correspondence were appointed, which kept up an inter- change of opinions between the colonies, and laid the basis of their final union. CHAPTER LXXXIII. The Tea thrown Overboard. 1. A BILL was passed by the British parliament, in 1773, allowing the East India Company to ex- port their teas to America without the duties paid in England. As this would make tea actually cheaper in Ame- rica than inGreat Britain, it was thought that the colonies would willingly pay the small duty thus THROWING OVEE THE TEA. demanded of them, it being only three pence, or six cents a pound. 7. What success had the assailants? 8 "What was done by the British government? 9. What took place in Boston ? Virginia? What of Committees of Correspondence ? CHAP. LXXXIII. 1. What was done by the parliament in 1773? 180 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 2. Large ships were accordingly loaded with tea, and sent out to America. "When they arrived, however, not a man could be found to receive the tea, or have any thing to do with it. A few chests, which some individual had brought to Philadelphia, were let down very quietly into the sea by a band of persons who went slyly on board for that purpose. 3. The East India Company, confident of finding a market for their tea, reduced as it now was in its price, freighted several ships with it to the colonies, and appointed agents for its disposal. Some cargoes were sent to New York, some to Philadelphia, some to Charleston, South Carolina, and three to Boston. 4. The inhabitants of New York and Philadelphia sent the tea which came to them back to London. The people of Charleston unloaded theirs, and stored it in damp cellars, where it was soon spoiled. The Bostonians tried to send theirs back to London, but could not succeed. They would not, however, suffer it to be landed. 5. As a last resort, a town-meeting was summoned, and it was agreed to call on the governor and make a formal request to him that the ships might be sent off. But the governor paid no attention to the request. This produced a great uproar, and a man in the gallery, dressed like an Indian, shouted the cry of War ! upon which the meet- ing was instantly dissolved. G. The multitude then rushed toward the wharf where the tea ves- sels lay. Here were seventeen sea captains, carpenters, etc., dressed and painted like Indians. It was now night, and in the darkness they went on board the three vessels, and in less than two hours three hundred and forty chests were staved and emptied into the sea. "When this was done, the crowd dispersed quietly to their homes. 7. An account of these disturbances reached England early in 1774, but it only incensed the government so much the more against the colonies, and made them so much the more resolute in the determina- tion to punish them for their insolence. Boston was the first to feel their vengeance ; and, in order to destroy the trade of that town, they forbade the landing of any goods iu it; thus virtually placing it in a state of blockade. 8. This last act of parliament was called the Boston Port Bill. It took effect June 1st. Its passage was a most unpropitious event. Not only in Boston, but throughout the country, there was a general burst of indignation. Town-meetings were held and fasts appointed; and a 2. Give an account of the reception of the tea in America. 8. What of the East India Company ? 4. What was done with the tea by the different towns ? 5. What of a town- meeting in Boston ? 6. What was done by certain persons in dissuise? 7. What was done by the British government? 8. What of the Boston port bill? The League and Covenant MEETING OF THE FIRST CONGRESS. 181 x " 'League and Covenant" as it was called, not to trade any more with England, was signed by immense numbers of the citizens. 9. General Gage, who had, in the spring of the year, been appointed governor of Massachusetts, issued his proclamation against the league, declaring it to be treasonable ; but the Bostonians only said, in reply, that his proclamation was treason, and that all who refused to sign the league were enemies to their country. CHAPTER The first Congress meet at Philadelphia in 1774. 1. WHEN the legislature of Massachusetts met at Salem, in June of this year, 1774, a meeting of committees, or delegates, from the several colonies was proposed, and delegates on the part of Massachu- setts were selected. The other colonies fell in with the measure, and it was gradually adopted, and delegates appointed from New Hampshire to Georgia. 2. This meeting of delegates, or First General Congress of the colo- nies, was opened September 4, 1774, at Philadelphia. -Committees, or delegates, were present from eleven of the colonies. Those from North Carolina did not arrive till the 14th. They chose Peyton Eandolph president, and Charles Thompson secretary. They also determined that, in their proceedings, each colony should be entitled to one vote only. 3. The proceedings of this* Congress were distinguished for great boldness, decision, and determination. A Declaration of Rights was soon agreed upon. It was also resolved that no goods should be carried to Great Britain, nor any received from that country. They further agreed to send a Petition to the king, an Address to the British people, and a Memorial to the inhabitants of Canada. 4. The congress was in session eight weeks. Before it was dis- solved, another congress was proposed to be held at the same place on the 10th of the following May, "unless a redress of their grievances should be previously obtained ;" to which meeting, or congress, all the colonies were advised to appoint delegates as soon as possible. 9. What of Governor Gage? CHAP. LXXXIV. 1. What was done at Salem? What measure was adopted? 2. What was clone in September, 1774? From how many colonies were delegates present at this first General Congress ? 3. What can you say of the proceedings of this con- gress ? 4. How long was this congress in session ? What was proposed ? 182 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. . x 5. Concerning the proceedings of the first congress of the united colonies, which have been alluded to, we have the testimony of Mr. Pitt himself, the British minister, who had read their memorial, ad- dress, and petition, and who would not be apt to sp'eak too highly of their character. It is as follows : 6. " I must declare and avow that in all my reading and study and it has been my favorite study I have read Thucydides and have studied and admired the master states of the world that for solidity of reasoning, force of sagacity, and wisdom of conclusion, under such complication of circumstances, no nation or body of men can stand in preference to the General Congress at Philadelphia." CHAPTER LXXXV. The rising Spirit of Liberty. The Boston Boys. General Gage. 1. WHILE the king's troops remained in Boston, it was curious to watch the influence of their presence on the young. The boys of the city soon caught the spirit of opposition which burned in the bosoms of their fathers, as will appear in the following anecdote : 2. The boys of Boston were, in the winter, in the habit of building, for amusement, little hills of snow, and sliding them into the pond on the common. The English soldiers, merely to provoke them, beat down these snow hills. The boys rebuilt them. On returning to them after school, however, they found them beaten down again. 3. Several of the boys now waited uoon the British captain and in- formed him of the conduct of his soldiers. But the captain only made light of it ; the soldiers perceiving this, became more troublesome to the boys than they were before. 4. At last they called a meeting of the largest boys, and sent them to General Gage, the commander-in-chief. He asked why so many children had called upon him. " "We come, sir," said the tallest boy, "to demand satisfaction." "What!" said the general, "have your fathers been teaching yon rebellion, and sent you to exhibit it here ?" 6. "Xobody sent us, sir," answered the boy, while his cheek red- dened and his eye flashed. "We have never injured or insulted your troops ; but they have trodden down our snow hills, and broken the ice on our skating-ground. We complained, and they called us young 5, 6. What was Pitt's opinion of the first congress held at Philadelphia? CHAP. LXXXV. 1. Were the boys of Doston influenced by the feelings of their fathers? 2-6. Eelate the anecdote of the boys and the English soldiers. PREPARATIONS FOR WAR. 183 rebels, and told us to help ourselves if we could. We told the captain of this, and he laughed at us. Yesterday our works were destroyed the third time, and we will bear it no longer." 6. General Gage looked at them a moment in silent admiration, and then said to an officer at his side, " The very children here draw in a love of liberty with the air they breathe. You may go, my brave boys ; and be assured, if my troops trouble you again, they shall be punished." CHAPTER LXXXVI. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Preparations for War. The Massachusetts Provincial Congress. Sim- ilar Assemblies in other Colonies. Dr. Franklin re- moved from the office of Postmaster- General. 1. THAT period in our history which is called the American Revolu- tion, is generally regarded as beginning with the Battle of Lexington, in which, for the first time, the people openly met and resisted the British troops. This occurred in April, 1775, and the war thus begun was not finally termi- nated till the peace of Septem- ber, 1783. During this long period of more than eight years, the colonies were com- pelled to suffer all the trials and miseries inflicted by a bloody contest with Great Britain, the mother country, now become as vindictive as she was powerful. We shall find this portion of our his- "^ tory full of the most remark- able and interesting events. 2. The symptoms of rebel- lion became so apparent in the BRITISH GENERAL. CHAP. LXXXVI. 1. "What is generally regarded as the beginning of the American Rev- olution ? When did the battle of Lexington take place ? How long did the Revolutionary- war continue ? What shall we find the history of the Revolutionary war to be ? 184 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. progress of the year 1774, that Governor Gage began to fortify Bos- ton Neck, as the narrow portion of land which unites Boston with Eoxbury and the back country, was then called. This being done, he sent out troops, and seized upon the powder magazine at Charlestown. 3. These measures produced much excitement in Boston ; to add to which, some evil-minded person raised a report that the British vessels in the harbor had begun to fire upon the town. Such an uproar ex- isted, in and about Boston, that, in a few hours, from twenty to thirty thousand men were on their march to the city. Finding their mistake, however, they went home again. 4. But the public excitement was not confined to the immediate neighborhood of Boston. In Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the col- onists seized upon the fort, though garrisoned with British troops, and carried off every gun and every pound of powder. The people of New- port, Rhode Island, also took possession of forty pieces of cannon in the same way. 5. As Governor Gage had been unfriendly to the measures of the colonial assembly, it was determined by the colonists that the legisla- ture should meet in Concord. The meeting was resolved into a Pro- vincial Congress, and John Hancock was chosen its president. Here measures were taken for arming the whole province ; twelve thousand men were to be raised, and to hold themselves ready to march at a moment's warning. 6. A request was also forwarded by this assembly to Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, to urge their co-operation in the measures of the Massachusetts congress, and to increase the army of " minute men" that is, soldiers ready to march at a minute's notice to twenty thousand. A committee was also appointed to correspond with the inhabitants of Canada. 7. Another remarkable thing was done by the congress at Concord. A circular letter was addressed to the ministers of the gospel in the province, requesting their assistance in avoiding that " dreadful slavery," as they called it, with which the country was threatened. What effect this letter had does not appear ; but it is well known that both the ministers and lawyers of the states were, almost to a man, among the friends of liberty. 8. A Provincial Congress, which was held in Maryland, sustained, by its resolutions and measures, both the doings of the general congress at Philadelphia and those of the provincial congress at Concord. The 2 What did Governor Gage do in 1774 as to fortifications? 8. What excitement was raised in Boston? 4. What can yon say of the people in different places? 5. What was now resolved? What of a provincial Congress? 6. What request was made by the as- sembly? 7. What letter was circulated? What Is well known ? 8. What of the provin- cial congress held in Maryland? THE BATTLE OF LEXINGTON. 185 same spirit was manifested by the resolutions and acts of some of the other provinces, especially South Corolina. 9. It was at this juncture that Dr. Franklin was removed from the office of Postmaster-General of the British colonies of North America. The honest but decided course he had taken, both while residing in England and while at home in Philadelphia, in behalf of his country, had offended the British government, and they were determined that he should feel the effects of their displeasure. CHAPTER LXXXYIL PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Battle of Lexington. 1. LITTLE attention appears to have been paid by the British govern- ment to the actual state of thiQ gs to Boston and else- where. They thought the colon- ists wrong-headed and rebellious, and that they must be forced into obedi- ence. Mr. Pitt, in- deed, was wiser ; but his opinion was disregarded. They passed an act in February, 1775, de- BATTLE OP LEXINGTON. claring the Massa- chusetts people to be rebels, and another to raise more troops and seamen for compelling them to submission. 2. Meanwhile, the colonies were preparing for war. Among other munitions, they had a great amount of military stores in Boston, and wished to remove them to the country. To deceive the British guards, they carried out cannon and ball in carts covered with manure, powder in market-baskets, and cartridges in candle-boxes. 9. What of Dr. Franklin ? CHAP. LXXXVII. 1. What of the British government ? What was (lone in February. 1775? 2. What were the colonies now preparing to do? What military stores had thc-y? 186 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 3. Nor was Governor Gage wholly idle ; he made preparation, too. One day he sent his soldiers for some cannon he had heard of at Salem. As they were returning, the people had assembled and taken up a drawbridge, and would not let the soldiers pass ; and had it not been for the interposition of Mr. Bernard, a clergyman, a battle would probably have ensued. 4. Late in the evening of April 18, Governor Gage* sent ont eight hundred grenadiers and light infantry to destroy some military stores at Lex'-ing-tou and Con'-cord some twelve or fourteen miles north- west of Boston. But, in spite of the lateness of the hour and the secrecy of their movements, they were discovered, and a part ot the militia of the country were on the green near the meeting-house in Lexington, by two o'clock in the morning, ready to defend the stores, if necessary. 6. At five o'clock on the morning of the 19th, the British troops, with Major Pit-cairn' at their head, came marching into Lexington. "Disperse, you rebels!" said Major Pitcairn, with an oath, to the militia; "throw down your arms, and disperse!" The order was not obeyed. He then rode toward them, discharged his pistol, brandished his sword, and ordered his men to fire. They fired, and three or four persons fell dead. 6. The militia, upon this, began to disperse, but the firing did not cease. The british shouted and fired, while the Americans were re- treating ; and the latter stopped occasionally to return the fire. Sev- eral of the Americans were slain in their retreat, and several others wounded. The whole number of Americans killed was eight. 7. The British now proceeded to Concord. There they destroyed two large cannon, threw about five hundred pounds of ball into wells, and staved sixty barrels of flour. The Concord militia had at first assembled with hostile intentions ; but finding the British too strong for them, they had retired. They were soon reinforced, however, by Major Buttrick, and ordered on to the attack. The British fired on them as they advanced, and killed two men. 8. A severe battle ensued, in which the British were forced to re- treat with some loss. They now began to make the best of their way back to Boston, for the people were pouring in from all parts of the 8. What of Governor Gage ? What passed between the soldiers and the peoplo? 4. What did Governor Gage do in April ? Where are Lexington and Concord ? What of the militia? 5,6. Describe the meeting between Pitcairn and the militia How many Americans were killed? '7. What did the British now do ? What happened at Concord ? 3. Describe the battle and retreat of the British. * Gage arrived in Poston in May, 1T74, being both governor of Massachusetts, and Commander-in-chief of the British forces in North America He returned to England October, 1775, and the command of the army at Boston devolved upon General Ho.we BATTLE OF LEXINGTON. 187 country toward Lexington and Concord. There were farmers and mechanics, fathers and sons, side by side. 9. They came, it is true, with their own weapons many of them such as they had been accustomed to shoot squirrels and other animals with, and rather rusty, but they were trained to the use of them. These they employed as well as they could, from behind barns, houses, \sheds, stone walls, and trees ; and their shot did execution. *""TtT." When the British reached Lexington they met a reinforcement of nine hundred men from Boston. With this fresh aid, they were able to check the Americans for a short time, but not long. The road everywhere was beset by the patriots, and the British were falling, here and there, as they proceeded back to Charlestown, which they reached about sunset. 11. The results of this enterprise, though no pitched battle had been fought, were very distressing to botli parties, but especially to the British. They had sixty-five killed, one hundred and eighty wounded, and twenty-eight made prisoners. During the whole day, the Amer- icans had fifty killed, thirty-four wounded, and some four or five taken prisoners. 12. This series of skirmishes, called the Battle of Lexington, was the signal of war. The news of the event flew from town to town, and everywhere aroused a spirit of resistance. The forts, magazines, and arsenals, throughout the country, were instantly secured "by the colonists, that they might be ready for use should they become neces- sary. Twelve years of peace had not made them forget all the lessons they had learned in the art of war. Regular forces were soon raised, and money furnished for their support. 13. An army of twenty thousand men was collected in the neigh- borhood of Boston in a very short time. One considerable body of them came from Connecticut, under Colonel Putnam, an experienced and valuable officer. These forces encamped around Boston in a semi- circle, as if to shut up the town on every side but the water. 9. What arms had the colonists? 10. What of the British? 11. What was the loss to both pai ties? 12 What is the conflict called in history? What was now done by the colonists? 13. What army was collected ? Who caine from Connecticut? What of the American forces? 188 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER LXXXVIIL PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Cap- ture of Ticonderoga and Crown Point. 1. No sooner was it seen that a war with Great Britain was inevit- able, than the people of Con- necticut set on foot a plan for the capture of Crown Point and Ticonderoga, forts on the northern frontier which we have had frequent occasion to mention. The necessity of such a measure was so obvious that there was little difficulty in raising both men and money ; and this, too, with almost absolute secrecy. 2. Colonel Ethan Allen, a brave man, who had emigrated from Connecticut to the Green Mountains of Vermont a few years before, and was well 5 known there, was appointed as the conductor of the enter- |B^ prise. As soon as forty men were raised in Connecticut, they were sent off to Colonel Allen. 3. They met him at Castle- ton, where he had already collected two hundred and thirty men. Here they were unexpectedly joined by Benedict Arnold, who, some time afterward, made such a strange figure in American history. He had collected a company of volunteers in New Haven, and taken them on to Boston, where he had been commissioned to raise four hundred men in Vermont, or elsewhere, and proceed against Ticonderoga. 4. Without waiting to raise more troops, they proceeded with their little band of two hundred and seventy to Ticonderoga, Allen being first in command, and Arnold second. They reached Lake Champlaiu, ETHAX ALLEN. CHAP. LXXXVIIL 1. What was done by the people of Connecticut? 2. "What of Colonel Ethan Allen? 3. How many men were there at Castleton? What of Arnold? VERMONT AND ETHAN ALLEN. 189 opposite Ticonderoga, May 9. They found some difficulty in obtain- ing boats. At length they procured enough of these to carry eighty- three men,, who landed near the garrison, just at dawn of day, undis- covered. 5. After a short contention who should go in first, the two colonels agreed to enter at the same time, abreast of each other. A sentinel snapped his gun at them as they entered, and then retreated to alarm his sleeping comrades. The American troops having followed their officers, they formed themselves into a hollow square and gave three huzzas. 6. The garrison being now roused, a slight skirmish took place. The British commander was required to surrender the fort. " By what authority?" he asked. "I demand it," said Allen, "in the name of the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress." The garrison was immediately given up, and with it forty-nine prisoners, one hundred and twenty cannon, and many valuable stores. Thus Allen and his enterprising companions, acting by no orders but their own, became complete masters of Lake Champlain. 7. The fort at Crown Point was taken without difficulty, it being garrisoned by only thirteen men. A sloop of war and several pieces of cannon were also seized at the same time, together with a schooner fitted out for service on the lake. All this was accomplished too with- out the loss of a single mail. CHAPTER LXXXIX. PEKIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAK, CONTINUED. Ver- mont and Ethan Allen. 1. COLONEL ALLEN, though a brave man, was not always exemplary in his language. Like many other brave men, not only of the Ameri- can army, but of almost all armies, he had great defects of character. His declaration to the British officer, which we have just mentioned, savored strongly both of profanity and untruth. 2. He had emigrated to Vermont, or the Green Mountains, as it was then called, while quite young. This part of New England did not begin to be settled till 1731, and, even for a long time after was considered as a part of New Hampshire. A contest at length arose 4 How many men marched against Ticonderoga? What Like did they cross? How many men went to the garrison ? 5. How did the colonels enter? What did the troops do? 6. Describe the surrender of the garrison. 7. "What of Crown Point? "What were seized by the Americans? CHAP. LXXXIX. 1. What can you say of Colonel Allen? 2. "What of Vermont ? What contest arose between New Hampshire and New York? 190 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. about it between New Hampshire and New York, as we have already stated, which was adjusted by the king in a way which greatly dis- pleased the settlers. 3. The consequence was, that a quarrel took place between Vermont and New York, or, more properly, between Vermont and the crown, in which the Green Mountain Boys, headed by Colonel Allen, resisted the officers of justice, as well as the New York militia, who were calls one of particular interest? 208 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. V JOHN HANCOCK It was, "that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states ; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown; and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is and ought to be totally dissolved." 5. His speech, on introducing this resolution, was one of the most eloquent ever heard in the councils of America, and drew forth able remarks from others. On the llth of June, it was still further dis- cussed, and again on the 1st of July. . On the 2d of July, a committee was elected to draft a declaration according to the spirit of Mr. Lee's resolution. 6. This committee, consisting of Thomas Jefferson, of Virginia, John Adams, of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin, of Pennsylvania, Roger Sherman, of Connecticut, and Robert R. Livingston, of New York, re- ported a DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, which, on the 4th of July, was adopted, and ordered to be handsomely engrossed on parchment, in order to be signed. 4. What -was the first resolution passed by the body in relation to our National Inde- pendence? 5. What of Richard Henry Lee's speech? G. Who were the members of the committee to draft the Declaration ? DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. 209 7. By this instrument the thirteen American colonies declared them- selves Free and Independent, under the name of the Thirteen United States of America. It was signed on the 2d of August by all the mem- bers of the Congress then present, and, by some who had not been present, on the 4th of July. Their number was lifty-six. 8. To sign such CELEBRATION OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. an instrument as this, under such circumstances,re- quired no little firmness. It would surely be regard- ed by Great Bri- tain as treason, and might bring the parties to the most violent or ig- nominious death. Yet the hand- writing of the signers, as may be seen by the copies of the Declaration which are preserved, is firm, except in the case of Stephen Hopkins, an aged man, who had the palsy. 9. None of these signers of the Declaration of Independence are now living, though most of them reached a good old age. Four lived beyond the age of ninety ; fourteen exceeded eighty ; and twenty- three exceeded seventy. Their average age was about sixty-five. The average age of the delegates from New England was seventy-five. 10. This fact of their great age has been sometimes adduced as a proof of the Divine approbation and blessing on the cause they es- poused. To a truly philosophic mind, it proves that life is prolonged and health promoted by living for such purposes as develop all our powers, instead of remaining in the depths of ignorance, or pursuing a career of listlessness, or selfishness. 11. It, however, intimated one thing more. Since the mental activ- ity and energy which are awakened in a great political conflict are favorable to health and longevity, is it not highly probable that the 7. What was declared by the instrument drawn up by the committee? By whom was it signed? 8. What was required in the signing of this instrument? What is suid of the handwriting of the signers? 9. What call you say of these men? 10. What may be deduced from the fact of the long lives of the signers of the Declaration? 11. What reflection can you make on this subject ? 210 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. great moral revolutions, in the midst of which we live, by rousing the whole being the moral and religious, no less than the intellectual powers will be still more so? 12. The Declaration of Independence was received everywhere throughout the Union with tokens of approbation. Processions were formed, bells rang, cannon fired, and patriotic addresses made, accom- panied by all the usual demonstrations of public joy. Such was the spirit at least of the majority ; though it must be admitted there were those who viewed the whole matter in a very different light. The day on which this instrument was adopted by Congress, the 4th of July, 1776, has since been annually commemorated, and its anniversary has become the great holiday of our country. CHAPTER XCVIII. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. The British commence their plan of Attack on New York. Battle of Long Island. 1. THE British forces began to assemble about this time on Staten Island, near New York, in order to make preparation to attack the city. General Clinton, after the battle at Sullivan's Island, had gone there with his troops, and General Howe had arrived from Halifax early in July. Some of the refugee colonists of New York had also joined them two hundred in a single instance. 2. As it had early occurred to General Washington that the British would aim at New York, he had left Boston, where his presence was no longer absolutely necessary, and repaired to that GENERAL CLIXTOW. city, accompanied by General Lee; to which place the troops soon followed him. When collected together, in the city and its 12. How was the Declaration received throughout the Union? How has the anniver- sary of the parsing of the Declaration of Independence been since observed ? CHAP. XCVIII. 1. What did the Biitish now begin to do? Who joined them? 2. What had Washington done? What troops had he at New York? DEFENCE OF NEW YOKE. 211 PLAN OF THB BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND. vicinity, they were found to amount to seventeen thousand two hun- dred and twenty-four men, most of them, however, raw recruits. 3. About fifteen thousand of the American troops, under Generals Sullivan and Putnam, were stationed at Brooklyn, on Long Island. On the 22d of August, a part of the British an^iy, the whole amount- ing to near thirty thousand men, crossed over from Staten Island to Long Island, to make a descent upon the Americans. 3. What troops were sent to Brooklyn? What did the British now do? 212 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 4. On the 27th of August they began an attack, and a battle ensued, which lasted the whole day, and ceased only with the darkness of the night. The British had the advantage ; though it was obtained at the expense of from three to five hundred lives. 5. But the American loss was still greater. More than a thousand of their number were taken prisoners; and among the rest, General Sullivan and Lord Sterling. From one to two hundred were slain. About five thousand of the American troops were actively engaged, these being obliged to sustain the shock of fifteen thousand of the enemy. 6. One cause of the misfortunes of the Americans this day was, no doubt, the inexperience of the troops. Another was the want of suit- able officers. One of the generals was sick, and General Putnam, though as brave a man as there was in the army, had but recently arrived, and was unacquainted with the ground. 7. The British army encamped within half a mile of the American lines, and on the following day began to make preparations to renew the attack, confidently expecting that they should speedily be able to cut off the whole army. In this, however, they were disappointed; for, when they were ready for the attack, not an American was to be found on the island. 8. Under the personal care and inspection of Washington, who had crossed from New York, and joined the army the day before the battle, the American troops recrossed to the city on the morning of the 30th, just in time to save themselves. They had moved chiefly in the night and under cover of a fog. Indeed, the British were so near the last troops who embarked, that they distinctly heard their move- ments. 9. Upon the retreat of the American army from Long Island, "Wash- ington gave vent to his feelings in terms of strong exasperation and impatience, almost the only instance in which he was deserted by that calmness and equanimity which formed a prominent element of his character. He had been on horseback continually two or three days and nights, and had not closed his eyes in sleep for the whole time, and was, therefore, ill prepared to endure the mortification of so severe a defeat. 10. As it was expected that the British would forthwith attack Xew York, a council of war was called, in which it was at length determined to evacuate the city. After removing the military stores and baggage 4. Describe the battle on Lonsr Island. 5. What was the loss of the Americans? 6. What was the cause of the misfortunes of the Americans? 7. What was done by the British army ? 8. How had the Americans left New York ? 9. What can you say of Washington* 10. What did the council of war determine upon ? BATTLE OF WHITE PLAINS. 213 to Kingsbridge, fifteen miles north of the city, about nine thousand of the troops followed, and the remainder soon afterward. The British took possession of New York September 15. CHAPTER XCIX. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Battle of White Plains. Retreat of Washington. 1. AFTER leaving three thousand troops to garrison Fort Lee, Wash- ington had retreated from Ivingsbridge, and entrenched himself at White Plains, twenty-seven miles from New York. The British, after gaining some advantages in a skirmish at Harlem Heights, near the city, slowly pursued the retreating army, and overtook them at their encampment at White Plains. 2. Here, October 28, a considerable action took place, and several hundreds fell on both sides. It would not be easy, however, to say which party was victorious. Washington did not leave his position, and the British did not immediately advance. Finding, however, that the enemy had received a reinforcement soon after the battle, Wash- ington retreated five miles to North Castle. 3. Here he left seven thousand five hundred men under General Lee, and then crossed the Hudson with the rest of his troops, and sta- tioned himself in the neighborhood of Fort Lee, on the New Jersey shore. 4. On the 15th of November, the British went against Fort Wash- ington. A summons was sent to Colonel ilagaw, the commander, to surrender, on pain of being put to the sword. As he refused to com- ply, an attack was made the next morning with such fury that when a second summons was sent, the colonel felt constrained to capitulate. All his men, amounting now to about two thousand six hundred, were made prisoners. 5. The British army sustained a heavy loss in the conflict from eight hundred to one thousand men. But, being determined to follow up the victory, they soon proceeded, under Lord Corn-vval'-lis, to at- CHAP. XCIX. 1. "Where did "Wellington encamp? "What was done by the British? 2. What of the engagement at White Plains? To what place did Washington retreat? 3. Whore did he then station himself? Describe the capture of Fort Washington by the Critish. o. What was next done by the British ? Who commanded Fort Lee ? * Fort Lee was situated on the west side of the Hiu'son, in the town of Hackcnsnck, New Jersey, ten miles north of New York; Fort Washington was .situated on Manhattan Island, on the east side of the Hudson, eleven miles from New York, 'i hese two works commanded the river HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. PLAN OP THE BATTLE OF WHITE PLAINS. -' tack Fort Lee. This was commanded by General Greene. As the British forces were evidently too strong for him, he evacuated it before ho lost the opportunity. G. General Greene, whom we shall have frequent occasion to men- tion, was a humane man, as is evident from his unwillingness on this and other occasions to expose, to no good purpose, the lives of his men. He was the son of a Quaker preacher in Rhode Island, and manifested C. What was the character of General Greene ? His early history ? BATTLE AT TRENTON. 215 an early fondness for learning, though he had but few opportunities for study. 7. He had first signalized himself in the battle of Lexington, before which he had been engaged either in studying or in school-teaching. Law was the profession at which he aimed, and in which his natural inclination and great perseverance would have made him successful, had he not been called away in early life to share the fortunes of war. 8. The whole American army now retreated through New Jersey toward Philadelphia the British eagerly following them. The pursuit was so close that the hindmost forces of the Americans were some- times in sight of the bridges they had passed over and pulled down after them, when the British were building them up again. 9. This was a calamitous hour to the Americans. When the re- treat commenced, the American forces scarcely exceeded four thou- sand ; and when they crossed the Delaware, at Trenton, the number of effective men was reduced to three thousand. Even this force, poorly fed and sustained, was daily and hourly diminishing. 10. "Washington, however, in the midst of nil this discouragement, did not allow himself to be depressed. "While all else wore the ap- pearance of gloom even the countenances of the soldiers Washing- ton was serene and cheerful. Trusting to the justice of the cause he had espoused, and to Heaven, he persevered, in the midst of difficul- ties which would at least have shaken the constancy of many who have deserved the name of very brave men. 11. On the very day of Washington's retreat over the Delaware, the 8th of December, the British forces took possession of Ehode Island, and blocked up a squadron of American vessels there, with a number of privateers at Providence. The island was held by the king's forces two or three years. CHAPTER C. PEKIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Battle at Trenton. 1. PHILADELPHIA being now in imminent danger of becoming the seat of war, Congress, in December, 1776, adjourned to Baltimore ; not, however, till they had drawn up and adopted certain articles of Con- 1. "Where did he first signalize himself? "What was his intended profession ? 8. Whiit of the American army? Describe the pursuit of the British. 9. What was the situation of the Americans ? 10. How did Washington appear in these trying circumstances? 11. What did the British forces now do in Ehode Island? CHAP. C. 1. What did Congress now do? What articles did they draw up? 216 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. federation, in spirit not unlike the Federal Constitution adopted many years afterward. These they sent to the respective assemblies of each state for approbation. They also gave nearly absolute power to Gen- eral Washington to conduct the military affairs of the country. 2. After crossing the Delaware River into Pennsylvania, Washing- ton very fortunately received a reinforcement of about fifteen hundred men, beside a considerable body of militia; so that he had now with him an army of seven thousand. But, as the term of enlistment with a large proportion of his older troops would expire at the end of the year, Washington was anxious to effect something immediately. 3. The British army was yet at Trenton. Washington's plan was to rccross the Delaware and attack them in their quarters. It was late in the season, being December 25 ; and, to use a well-known phrase, " as cold as Christmas." Yet, neither Washington nor his troops were to be deterred by this. 4. At night, the army, in three divisions, attempted to cross the river in as many different places. It was not only cold, but dark and stormy. The river was crowded with broken ice, rushing together and sweeping down its rapid current. The division commanded by Washington in person was alone successful. This got safely over, and at eight in the morning they were before Trenton. 5. They first attacked a body of Iless'-ians, who, after a most de- termined resistance, at length surrendered. From nine hundred to one thousand of them were made prisoners, with some cannon. Five hundred cavalry alone made their escape. This brilliant achievement, at a moment of great despondency, roused the spirits of our army, and kindled anew the flagging hopes of the country. 6. As Washington did not think it prudent to hazard any thing more at present, he immediately returned to the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware with his prisoners. But having refreshed his troops and secured his prisoners, he crossed once more to Trenton, and took up his head-quarters there. 7. Their success at Trenton had infused new courage into the American troops, and Washington was determined to make the most of it. It was soon found that the British were concentrating their forces at Princeton and preparing for battle. On the 2d of January, 1777, they came on to Trenton. On their approach, Washington retired with his forces and posted himself on the opposite bank of a rivulet, from which he kept up a firing upon the enemy till night. 2. "What reinforcement did Washington receive? What was he anxious to do? 3. "What was Washington's plan ? 4. Describe the passage of the Delaware. 5. What body was first attacked ? What was the rosult of the attack? 6. What did Washington no-.v do ? 7 What was soon found? What took place January 2, 1TTT? "What did Wu.-\:n;rondo BATTLE NEAR PRINCETON. 217 8. At dark, the firing ceased on both sides. Cornwallis encamped with his troops near the village, expecting to receive a reinforcement early the next morning, when he should be well prepared to renew the attack. The fires kindled by the two armies were in full view of each other. 9. The situation of the Americans was exceedingly critical. The forces of Cornwallis, if they were concentrated at Trenton, as there was reason to expect, were greatly superior to those of Washington. If a battle should be hazarded in the morning it was with almost a certainty of being defeated. But the Delaware could not now be crossed with safety, on account of broken ice. 10. But there was another difficulty in the way of recrossing the river. It would leave New Jersey wholly to the enemy, depress the public mind, check the enlistment of recruits, of which the army stood iii great need, and leave open the door to an attack on Philadelphia. CHAPTER CI. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Battle near Princeton. 1. TiiE final determination was, to march by a circuitous route as quickly as possible, to Princeton, and, if possible, proceed to Bruns- wick, where Lord Cornwallis had stores. In order, however, to secure the baggage, Washington had it removed, as secretly as possible, to Burlington. 2. The army commenced its march at midnight. With a view to deceive the British, the fires were left unextinguished ; the guards even remained to keep them burning brightly, as well as to watch the bridge and fords of the rivulet till dav light, when they were to follow the army. The project succeeded to a charm, and a little after sunrise, next morning, Washington's army was seen approaching Princeton. 3. Here he met with some British regiments on the march, and one of the hottest battles ensued which was fought during the whole war. At first, the British, with fixed bayonets, compelled the Americans to retreat, with considerable loss, and, among the rest, that of General Mercer of Virginia. 8. What was the state of both armies at dark ? 9. What was the situation of the Americans ? 10. What good reasons were there for not crossing the Delaware ? CHAP. CI. 1. What was finally determined upon ? What did Washington do as to the baggage ? 2. What was done to deceive the British ? What of Washington's army ? 3. "What now ensued? Result to the Amer.cans? 10 218 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 4. Washington, with the main body of the army, now came on, and renewed the attack with great spirit. Contrary to his usual policy, and the policy of the war generally, he exposed himself, for a time, to the hottest fire of the enemy. At length, victory was declared in favor of the Americans. 5. But it was dearly bought. In addition to the brave General Mercer, two colonels from Pennsylvania, and several other valuable officers, were among the slain. The total loss of the Americans was not stated. It was only said that while the British lost one hundred killed and three hundred prisioners, the American loss was somewhat less. 6. Lord Cornwallis discovered, at daylight, that the Americans had escaped, upon which he followed on to Princeton. But he arrived a little too late to engage in the conflict, Washington having retired, in his usual prudent manner, toward Morristown. Here the army took up their quarters for the winter. 7. It was time for them to do so, for it was not only January, but the troops needed repose, as well as almost every thing else. During their late marches many of them had been without shoes, and their naked feet, in passing over the frozen ground, were so gashed as to mark every step with blood. Moreover, there was scarcely a tent in the whole army. 8. Though the main body of the army was stationed at Morristown, a small body of troops, under General Putnam, wintered at Princeton. These, with the volunteers and militia, completely overran Xew Jersey. One party surprised Elizabethtown, and took one hundred prisoners. Another took sixty refugees on British pay. Another, still, beside some prisoners, took forty wagons, one hundred horses, &c. General Putnam, alone, with his small army, captured, during the winter, about one thousand prisoners ! 9. There had been, for some time, a great want of arms and ammunition in the American army ; but, about this time, a twenty- four gun vessel arrived from France, with eleven thousand stands of arms and one thousand barrels of powder. At the same time, also, ten thousand stands of arms arrived in another quarter. 10. It is also worthy of record that the smallpox having appeared among the regular troops at Morristown, during the winter, Wash- ington had his soldiers nearly all inoculated. The disease was light, except in a very few instances ; not a day passing in which they could not, had they been called upon, have encountered the enemy. 4. What of Washington? 5. What officers did the Americans lose? What of the British loss? 6. What did Lord Cornwallis then do? Where did the American army encamp for the winter? 7. What had been the state of the troops? 8. What of tha troops under Putnam ? What success had they during the winter? 9. What arms and ammuniti n did the Americans now receive ? 10. What of the smallpox ? ATTACK ON DAN BURY. 219 CHAPTER GIL PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Attack on Danbury. 1. IN the spring of 1777, the British commander in New York amused himself by sending out detachments of troops to ravage the country. One of these was sent against some military stores at Peekskill, on the east side of the Hudson, about fifty miles above New York. On its approach, the Americans fired the storehouses and retired. 2. On the 2Gth of April, General Tryon, with a detachment of two thousand men, made an expedition to Connecticut for a similar pur- pose. He landed near Fairfield, and marched through the country, with the greatest possible speed, and almost without opposition, to Danbury. 3. The few militia who were at Danbury fled to a neighboring height, and waited for a reinforcement. The British, in the mean time, destroyed eighteen houses, eight hundred barrels of pork and beef, eight hundred barrels of flour, and two thousand bushels of grain. Seventeen hundred tents were also either destroyed or carried away. Nothing was spared but the houses of the tories. 4. On their return through Eidgefield, they found the road blocked up by General Arnold with five hundred men. They also soon found themselves attacked in the rear by Generals Wooster and Silliman, with a force of three hundred. A skirmish ensued, in which General Wooster was mortally wounded and his troops driven back. They then proceeded and were met by General Arnold. 5. A sharp conflict ensued. A whole platoon fired at Arnold, when he was not over thirty yards distant, but they only killed his horse. A soldier advanced toward him with his bayonet, but Arnold shot him dead with his pistol, and escaped. But two thousand regu- lar troops were too strong for eight hundred raw militia, and the latter were dispersed. 6. Arnold, however, returned to the attack next day at eleven o'clock, and opposed the British till five in the afternoon, when they reached their ships. Even here the Americans charged upon them, but were re- pulsed. The British now embarked for New York ; not, however, without the loss of nearly three hundred of their men. CHAP. CIL 1. What can you say of the conduct of the British in 1777? What of Peekskill ? 2. General Tryon ? 3. What destruction did the British make at Danbury ? 4. What occurred at Ridgefleld ? 5. What of General Arnold ? 6. What did Arnold "do tho next day ? Result of the conflict ? 220 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 7. Arnold behaved, on this occasion, with great bravery ; as, indeed, up to this hour, he always had done. On account of his good conduct, Congress presented him with a fine, nobly caparisoned war-horse. To the memory of General Wooster, they ordered a monument to be erected. This, however, was not executed, but in 1854, a suitable monument was completed, and consecrated at Danbury, by the citizens of the state. CHAPTEK Cin. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Battle, of the Srandywine. 1. DUEING the spring of this year, 1777, "Washington remained en- trenched among the hills of New Jersey the army daily and hourly gaining strength by new recruits. His forces at length amounted to fifteen thousand men, and the British were becoming afraid of him. In the latter part of the spring, his camp was at Middlebrook. 2. News was received about this time that General Burgoyne, with a large force, was approaching Ticonderoga, for Canada; and 7. What was Arnold's conduct on this occasion? What was done by Congress? CHAP. CIIL 1. What of the American forces during the spring of 1777? BATTLE OF THE BRANDYWINE. 221 there was room for suspicion that he aimed at New England. It was thought that the British were likely to pass up the Hudson to meet and join him, instead of making the long-threatened attack on Philadelphia. 3. All doubt was, however, dissipated by the arrival in the Chesa- peake,* in the month of July, of the British fleet from New York, with sixteen thousand men, under General Howe. By the 3d of September they were rapidly approaching Philadelphia. Washington, who had kept his eye on all their movements, was on the road to meet them. The two armies met at a place called Chad's Ford, on the river Brandy- wine, about twenty -five miles south-west from Philadelphia. 4. Here, on the llth of September, a severe battle took place, which lasted nearly all day. The Americans were at length defeated with very great loss. They then made the best of their way to Chester, where they arrived that night, and the next day they pro- ceeded to Philadelphia. 5. Among the wounded of the American army, were General "Woodford and the Marquis de La Fay-ette'. The latter had only just arrived from France; his commission in the army was dated July 31st. He fought for the Americans, except when absent on their account in France, till the end of the war ; and always without pay. The Count Pu-las'-ki,t who had arrived with La Fayette, also fought for our coun- try, for the first time, in this battle. 6. Washington was very much chagrined at this defeat. But neither the public mind nor Congress itself would have been satisfied, without at least an attempt to prevent the British from entering Philadelphia. Indeed, Congress advised him to hazard a second battle, and he was on the 16th of September, about to do so ; but an unexpected shower wet the powder in the cartridge-boxes of the troops, and he was obliged to give it up. 2. What news was received of General Burgoyno ? What was thought likely to bo done by tho British? 3. What general was at their head? Where did Washington meet him ? 4. What was the result of the battle ? 5. What officers were wounded ? What of Marquis La Fayette ? Count Pulaski ? Kosciusco? 6. What greatly chagrined Washington ? What of Congress ? * They went up the Chesapeake because they had heard that tho Delaware was ob- structed. t The cause of the Americans, struggling for their independence, brought to thtir a : d a number of Europeans who sympathized with them, and generously exerted themselves in their behalf. Among these was La Fayette, whose name is almost as dear and as familiar to the Americans as that of Washington. Another was Pulaski, a Polish nobleman, who had distinguished himself in his own country, and became a brigadier-general in our army. He fought bravely in several engagements, and finally fell in an assault on Savannah, in 1779. There is a monument erected to his memory in that place. Kosciusco, a Polish re- fugee, and one of tho noblest characters in history, also came over to Atnejica, and did good service in our oausn. 222 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 7. The British also gamed some other advantages about this time; among which may be mentioned the surprise and defeat of General Wayne. He had been sent with fifteen hundred men to harass the British army, and cut off straggling parties. The enemy, having found out his position, came suddenly upon him, and killed and wounded about three hundred of his men. 8. It was at length concluded to quit the city and neighborhood of Philadelphia, and repair to a strong position on the Schuylkill, twenty miles northward. The British, on the 26th of September, entered Philadelphia, and posted the main body of their forces at Germantown, seven miles to the north. CHAPTER CIV. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Capture of General Prescott, in Rhode Island. 1. AMONG the many daring exploits which took place during the war, one of the most remarkable was the capture of General Prescott. On the 10th of July, of this year, 1777, while the British, under this officer, had complete possession of the island of Rhode Island, and lay encamped on the western side of it, one Barton, a militia colonel, of "Warwick, having learned, from a deserter, their exact position, planned and executed an attack upon them as singular as it was successful. 2. He first collected together his regiment, and then asked which of them would hazard their lives in an expedition he was about to under- take. Such, he said, as were willing, might signify it by stepping two paces forward. As he was known to be worthy of their confidence, every man of them stepped forward. 3. Having made a selection of forty of the boldest and stoutest of them, and procured five whale-boats, they started off at nine o'clock in the evening. He directed them to sit perfectly still, like statues, and merely attend to and obey his orders. His own boat went for- ward, and to distinguish it, had a long pole extended from the fore part, with a handkerchief tied to it. 4. As they rowed by Prudence Island, they heard the English 7. What of General Wayne ? 8. What was at length concluded upon by the Americans ? Where did the British post themselves? CHAP. CIV. 1. Where were some British troops encamped in July, 1777? What did Colonel Barton undertake ? 2. How did he select men for his enterprise ? 3. How did they proceed in their expedition ? How was Barton's boat signalized ? CAPTURE OF GENERAL PRESCOTT. 223 guard cry, " All's well." A noise was heard on the mainland, like the trampling of horses, but, as it was very dark, nothing could be seen, and not a whisper was uttered. At length they landed, and set off for General Prescott's lodgings, about a mile from the shore. 5. In going along, they were obliged to pass a house occupied by a company of cavalry. " Who comes there ?" said the sentinel. They said nothing and moved on. " Who comes there ?" said the sentinel again. "Friends," said Barton. "Advance, then, and give the countersign," said the sentinel. " We have none," said Barton ; "but have you seen any deserters to-night?" 6. In an instant, the sentinel found himself seized, his musket wrested from him, and himself pinioned. " Say not a single word," said Barton, " on penalty of instant death." Terribly frightened, and unable to make any resistance, he yielded to the command, and they took him along with them. 7. They soon reached a house, burst the door, and rushed in. A British soldier, in his shirt, ran to awake and rouse the cavalry ; but the men would not believe a word he said, and only laughed at him. He confessed that the creature he had seen, who it happened was Colonel Barton, was dressed in white, which only increased the laugh, and so it ended. 8. "Is General Prescott here ?" said Barton, in a resolute tone, to the master of the house. "No, sir," said the poor fellow, frightened almost to death. Having secured him as a prisoner, they proceeded to search, but could not find Prescott. At this instant, Barton, from the head of the stairs, called to his men to fire the house at the four corners, as he would have General Prescott, either dead or alive. 9. Firebrands were already in motion, when somebody in the next room asked, " What is the matter ?" Barton burst opened the door, and found an elderly gentleman sitting up in bed. " Are you Gen- eral Prescott?" said he. "Yes, sir," was the reply. "You are my prisoner, then," said Barton, clapping him on the shoulder. He begged the favor of putting on his clothes, but they only wrapped a cloak about him, and a stout negro man carried him to the boats. 10. Major Barrington had leaped from the window while they were seizing General Prescott, but he too was taken and hurried away to the boats. They had scarcely rowed through the British fleet, when a discharge of cannon convinced them that they were discovered, and fifty boats were on the pursuit. 4. What did they hear among the British ? 5. Describe the meeting with the sentinel ? 6. What did Barton do with the sentinel 7. What did the British soldier do ? S. What means were taken to secure Prescott? 9. Describe the meeting between Barton and Trescott. 10. What other officer was taken ? 224: HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 11. But the pursuers were a little too late. Colonel Barton, with his prisoners, soon landed at AVarwick Point. "You have made a bold push, colonel," said General Prescott, as he stepped ashore. "Thank you," said Barton, with a bo\v, "ice have done as well 09 we couW 1 CHAPTER CY. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Events in the North. Appi^oach of Burgoyne. Murder of Miss McRea. Attack upon Fort Schuyler. 1. THE movements of Bur-goyne' at the north have been alluded to. He had arrived at Quebec in May of this year, 1777, and while the British troops in the Middle States had been advancing to Phila- delphia, he had begun his march by way of the river Sorel and Lakes Champlain and George, toward Albany, where he hoped to meet Colonel St. Leger, who was to come from Lake Ontario, by way of the Mo- hawk. 2. General Bnrgoyne was an ambitious, enterprising, and able officer. Fifteen years before, he had been engaged in the wars of Great Britain with the Portuguese and Spaniards, and, during the siege of Boston, he had been for a short time employed there. He set out from Canada with more than seven thousand men, beside a considerable body of artillery, and a thousand Canadian volunteers. 3. On the 20th of May, he proceeded up Lake Champlain, and landed near Crown Point, where he met some Indians, to whom he made a war speech and gave the hand of friendship. Accompanied by a considerable body of the Indians, he advanced to Crown Point and soon afterward to Ticonderoga. 4. This place was defended by three thousand men, under General St. Clair. At a counsel of war it was concluded to leave the fort at once ; but the British came up with the rear of their army, at Hub- bardton, as they were leaving it, and a battle ensued, in which two hundred Americans were killed, six hundred wounded, and two hun- dred taken prisoners. 5. The invading army reached Fort Edward, on the Hudson, July 11. "What did General Prescott say to Barton ? His reply? CHAP. CV. 1. What of General Burgoyne? 2. How had ht> formerly been engaged? 8. By whom was he joined at Crown Point? 4 How was Ticonderoga defended ? What was the loss of the Americans in the engagement at Hubbardton ? MURDER OF MISS Me REA. 225 30, having destroyed much American property on the road. Here they made a halt, while the troops, especially the Indian allies, rav- aged the country. It was at the time these soldiers were quartered here, that the famous murder of Miss McRea, a beautiful and accom- plished American lady, took place. 6. She was to have been married soon, to a young Englishman, and he had sent two Indians, whom he considered trustworthy, to guide her across the woods to the place where he was stationed. On their way, the Indians fell into a quarrel which should have the offered reward for transporting her, when, to end the dispute, one of them, killed her with his tomahawk. 7. General Schuyler, who had commanded Fort Edward previous to the arrival of Burgoyne, had with him a force of about four thousand four hundred men. On the approach of the enemy, he had annoyed them greatly by felling trees in the roads and destroying bridges ; but finding them too strong for him, he had abandoned the fort, and re- treated across the Hudson to Sar-a-to'-ga. 8. Colonel St. Leger, with an army of British regulars, New York tories and Indians, had by this time approached Fort Schuyler, at the head of the Mohawk Hi ver, where Rome now stands, and laid siege to it. A body of militia, on their way to act in its defence, was ambushed by the Indians, and four hundred of them killed, mortally wounded, or taken. 9. After much skirmishing, and some hotly-contested battles in the neighborhood of the fort, in which victory was alternately on the side of the British and the Americans, General Arnold, who had been sent to the relief of the fort, and who was not wanting in ingenuity, devised a stratagem for drawing off the Indians from St. Leger's army, which so weakened it that he was compelled to raise the siege. CHAPTER CVI. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Prog- ress of Burgoyne. Battle of Benninyton. Battle of Stillwatcr. 1. WHILE Burgoyne, with his army, was at Fort Edward, he learned that the Americans had a considerable amount of military stores and 5. What of the invading army ? Who was murdered while the British were at Fort Edward? 6. What was the cause of her murder? 7. Who had commanded Fort Edward? What did General Schuyler on the approach of the enemy? 8. What of Colonel St. Legor ? 9. What was done by General Arnold? 10* 226 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. provisions at Bennington. With a view to secure them, he sent out Colonel Baura, a brave German officer, with five hundred German troops and one hundred Indians. 2. According to a manuscript order of General Burgoyne's, the num- ber of these Germans was three times as great as has just been stated. But whether there were fifteen hundred or only five hundred, they were not only very clumsy, but very inefficient troops. Their hats and swords alone weighed nearly as much as the whole equipment of a common soldier ; and they could scarcely march under their weight. 3. When Colonel Baum, with his troops, was within seven miles of Bennington, he learned that the Americans were strongly entrenched, and were hourly expecting a reinforcement. He therefore halted, sent back information to Burgoyne, and waited for further orders. Burgoyne immediately sent five hundred more German troops to his assistance. 4. But before the arrival of these last, General Stark, with a body of New Hampshire and Massachusetts militia, had determined to attack Colonel Baum in his position. The battle began about three o'clock in the afternoon, August 16, when the Germans were defeated and dispersed, and Colonel Baum mortally wounded. 5. The pursuit of the Americans was checked, for the moment, by the arrival of the reinforcement which Burgoyne had sent; but the latter soon expended their ammunition, and were obliged to retreat with their companions, with a loss of six hundred in killed and pris- oners, beside one thousand stand of arms and nine hundred swords. 6. It is said that in order to animate his soldiers, who were unused to war, General Stark, before the opening of the battle, appealed thus to their sympathies : "My fellow-soldiers," said he, "we conquer to- day, or to-night Mary Stark is a widow." The appeal had effect; the soldiers fought as if in full view of their homes and firesides. 7. General Stark had been in the old French and Indian war, and was once taken prisoner by the Indians. He was also at Bunker Hill and Trenton. He was a brave man and good citizen, and was the last surviving general of the American Revolution. He died at Manchester, in Xew Hampshire, in 1822, aged ninety-four years. 8. After St. Leger abandoned the siege of Fort Schuyler, he re- turned to Montreal. Both he and Burgoyne had done their utmost to effect a junction of their troops at Albany, but had been hindered more CHAP. CVI. 1. Who did Bnrgoyno send to Bennington ? 2. What can you say of the German soldiers? 8. What occasioned Colonel Baum's delay? 4. Describe the ttack of Gener:-.! Stark. 6. What of the reinforcement? 6. How did Stark appeal to his soldiers before the battle? 7. Give some account of him. 8. What of St. Leger and Burgoyne ? BATTLE OF BENNINGTON. PLAX OF THE BATTLE OF BEXNINGTON. by the Americans than they expected. The condition of Burgoyne, moreover, was now becoming every day more and more critical. 9. On the 21st of August General Gates arrived at the American camp, Congress, on the 4th, having given to him the command of the northern army. General Arnold also joined them about the same time. Burgoyne, however, continued to advance, it being easier for him to get forward than backward. 9. What of Generals Gates and Arnold? 228 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. PLAN OP THE BATTLES OF STILLWATER AND SARATOGA. 10. The two armies met on the 19th of September near Still'-wa-ter, twenty -two miles north from Albany. Here a severe battle was fought for four hours, which was only checked by night and darkness. Both armies, however, had suffered so much that they did not choose to renew the battle next morning. They were in sight of each other till October 7, when a second battle was fought, in which Burgoyne was defeated. 10. Describe the battle at Stillwater. What of a second battle ? CAPTURE OF BURGOYNE. 229 CHAPTEE CVIL PERIOD OF TIIE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Capture, of Burtfoyne. 1. AFTER the second battle of Stillwater, Burgoyne, with his troops, retreated to Sar- atoga. His army was exceedingly crippled, having lost, in hoth en- gagements, from twelve to fifteen hundred men, and at least one valuable officer, General Frazer. The Americans too had suffered, but not so severe- ly; among others, SURRKNDBE OF BUBooTNE. General Arnold was wounded. 2. The British general had now abandoned his haughty designs of conquest, and thought only of escape. Perceiving his object, General Gates posted several strong detachments of his army in situations to cut off his retreat. 3. Burgoyne's first attempt was to reach Fort George, by way of Fort Edward. Finding his path unexpectedly obstructed, he caused his army to march by night ; still he found his retreat intercepted. About this time, moreover, the news came that Fort Edward had fallen into the hands of the Americans. 4. Every door of escape now seemed closed, and every hope fled. Incessant toil and sickness, with much severe fighting, had worn down his army to three thousand five hundred effective men, and even these were almost destitute of provisions ; while the American army was daily increasing in numbers and courage. It is said that Burgoyne had two thousand five hundred on the sick list. CHAP. CVII. 1. What was the loss sustained by the British and American forces? 2. How was Bnrgoyne's plan of escape disconcerted by General Gates? 3. What attempts did Burgoyne make at escape ? 4. State of his army ? 230 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 5. In these circumstances he called a council of war, at which it was decided to surrender the army to General Gates. The preliminaries were soon settled, and the whole army, amounting to five thousand seven hundred and fifty-two men, with five thousand stand of arms, was given up to the Americans on the 18th of October, 1777. 6. The capture of an entire army was, of course, a matter of much exultation with the American people, as it more than compensated for the reverses at and near Philadelphia. The thanks of Congress were voted to General Gates, and a gold medal was struck and presented to him by the president, in the name of the United States. 7. The surrender of Burgoyne was followed by the reduction of several British posts in the north. Mount Defiance and Mount Hope had even surrendered to General Lincoln as early as September 13, and Mount Independence and Ticonderoga gave up soon afterward. An armed sloop was also taken, and two hundred and ninety prisoners. 8. Although Sir Henry Clinton, with his troops, had not been able to proceed up the Hudson, to meet Burgoyne, yet he had done that which might have encouraged the latter, had it been in time. He had taken several forts on and near the Hudson River above Xe\v York, among which were Forts Clinton and Montgomery. CHAPTER CVIIL PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED, The War on ike Ocean. 1. BEFORE the war of the Revolution, the colonies had no navy ex- cept a few vessels fitted out to cruise for pirates or to transport troops. But as soon as the war was fairly begun, this subject engaged the at- tention of public men. 2. In October, 1775, Congress ordered one vessel of ten guns and another of fourteen to be equipped as national cruisers, and to be sent to the eastward on a cruise of three months, to intercept supplies de- signed for the royal troops. On the 30th of the same month, two more vessels, one of thirty-six and the other of twenty guns, were ordered. 3. In October, 1776, the Americans had five frigates of thirty-two guns, five vessels of twenty-eight guns, and three of twenty-four, in 6. Describe the surrender of Bnrgoyne. 6. What was the effect on the Americans? "What of General Gates? 7. What followed these events? 8. What had been done by Clinton? CIIAP. CVIII. 1. What of the American navy before the Revolution ? 2. What did Congress order in October, 1775? THE WAR OX THE OCEAN. 231 course of building, and several were ready for sea. One twenty-four, one twenty, two six- teens, three fourteens, one twelve, two tens, and two or three smaller vessels, were actually in the service. Congress, at this time, ordered three seventy-fours, five frigates, and two smaller vessels, to be built. 4. The Alfred, a twen- ty-four gun ship, was, as we have seen, the largest in service. Of FLAG OP THE UNITED STATES THE STARS AND STRIFES. tlllS V6SS61, Dudley Sal- tonstall was captain, and John Paul Jones first-lieutenant. The first ensign ever shown by a regular American man-of-war was hoisted on board the Alfred, by Lieutenant Jones, in December, 1775. 5. What this ensign was is not now known with certainty. It is said, however, to have been a device representing a pine-tree, with a rattlesnake coiled at its root, and about to strike, with the motto, ''Don't tread on me." The present national colors were not adopted by Congress till the year 1777. 6. The first regular cruisers ever got to sea under the new govern- ment, were the Hornet of ten guns, and the Wasp of eight. The first battle fought was off the Bermudas, April 6, 1776, between the Alfred and Cabot on the American side, and the British ship Glasgow, of twenty guns. The Americans fought well, but the enemy escaped them. Y. On the 17th of the same month, the Lexington, of sixteen guns, commanded by Captain Barry, fell in with the Edward, an armed ten- der of the ship Liverpool, and, after a close and spirited action of near an hour, captured her. The Lexington had four men killed and wounded, while the Edward was nearly cut to pieces. These battles gave the people great encouragement. 3 "What increase was there in 1776? 4. "What of the Alfred? Her commanders? "What of the first flag? 5. What was the device ? When was the present national fla^ adopted ? 6. What of the Hornet and Wasp ? "What was the first naval battle ? The result? 7 "What of the next engagement? 232 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER CIX. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINTTED. Exploits of Paul Jones. 1. JOHN PAUL JONES, or as he was commonly called, Paul Jones,* was transferred, in May, 1776, from the Alfred to the com- mand of the Providence, a vessel mounting twelve guns, and having on board seventy men. In this, he made six- teen prizes in little more than three weeks. He was also twice chased by British men- of-war, but escaped by strata- gem and superior sailing. 2. In 1777, while the Brit- ish were taking possession of Philadelphia, and Gates was spreading a net for Burgoyne, Paul Jones was in France, en- deavoring, through the influ- ence of the American commissioners, Franklin, Deane, and Lee, to get the command of a larger and better vessel than any the Americans had in the service. 3. Unwilling, however, to be long idle, he sailed on a cruise in April, 1778, in the Ranger, of eighteen guns. With this single little vessel he kept the whole coast of Scotland, and part of that of England, for some time in a state of alarm. He even made a descent, in one in- stance, upon Whitehaven, and surprised and took two forts with thirty pieces of cannon, and set fire to the shipping. 4. In the vicinity of Whitehaven, an act was committed by his men which Jones very much regretted, and did all he could afterward to atone for. The house of the Earl of Selkirk, in whose service Jones's father had been gardener, was robbed of its family plate. It was re- PAUL JONES. CHAP. CIX. 1. "Where was Paul Jones born ? When ? What ship did he now command ? What did he accomplish ? 2. What did he do in 1777? 3. What did he do in the Ranger? 4. Describe the attack upon Whitehaven. * Paul Jones was a native of Scotland, born in 1736 He early settled in America, and devoted himself with ardor to the 'cause of the country of his adoption. EXPLOITS OF PAUL JONES. 233 turned after a time to Lady Selkirk, with a letter of apology and re- gret. 5. In May, not long after the descent on Whitehaven, Jones was en- gaged with the British sloop-of-war Drake, a vessel equal in size and strength and the number of its men to the Eanger, which, after a smart action of about an hour, was captured. Soon after this event, he sailed for Brest, in France, carrying in with him, it is said, two hundred prisoners. 6. But the most remarkable exploit of Jones remains to be mention- ed. In the spring of 1779, with the aid of Dr. Franklin, who was then in France, he obtained the command of a little squadron of five vessels, of which the Bon Homme Richard, his own vessel of forty -two guns, was the largest. 7. With this little fleet, he set sail, June 19, and after a cruise of a few weeks returned. Two more small vessels were now added to his squadron, and he sailed again on the 14th of August. On the 23d of September, after a most desperate battle, he captured off Flamborough, on the north-east coast of England, the British ship of war Se-ra'-pis, of forty-four guns and a full complement of men. 8. The circumstances of this engagement were most extraordinary. The fight commenced at evening, and continued into the night. The two frigates coining in contact, Jones lashed them together, and for two hours the dreadful conflict was carried on in this situation. At last both ships took fire. In this awful state of things, the American frigate Alliance came up, and in the darkness discharged a broadside into the Richard. 9. Soon perceiving her mistake, she turned with fury upon the Serapis, which very soon surrendered. Of three hundred and fifty men on board the Richard, three hundred were either killed or wounded. The vessel was also so shattered that she soon sank, the Americans be- ing transferred to the captured vessel. 10. Another British frigate, the consort of the Serapis these two ships being engaged in convoying a fleet of merchant vessels returning from the Baltic surrendered to the Americans during the capture of the Serapis. With great difficulty Jones brought his shattered prizes into a port of Holland. 11. This victory was considered as one of the most remarkable feats of the revolutionary war. It raised the reputation of Jones as a naval commander to the highest pitch, both in Europe and America. The 5. What of the engagement with the Drake ? How many prisoners had Jones made ? 6. With how many vessels did he sail June 19? 7. What did he capture? 8, 9. Describe the capture of the Serapis. 10. What of her consort? 11. What was thought of this victory ? *23 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. king of France presented him with a gold sword. Congress also praised his zeal, prudence, and intrepidity, and voted him a gold medal. 12. But, though a bold and skilful commander, Jones never knew how to command himself, nor to submit to the command of others. He was irritable, impatient, and impetuous, and harsh in his mode of government. So true is it that they only know how to govern well, who have first learned to obey. 13. Jones continued in the war till near its close, and was -afterward in the service of the Empress of Russia. But he was not successful ; he finally became indigent, neglected, and diseased the consequence of his own want of moral and religious principles and good physical habits. He died at Paris in 1792. CHAPTER CX. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAK, CONTINUED. Battle of Germantown. 1. LET us now return to the events of the war in 1777 at and near Philadelphia. The British contented themselves with the quiet posses- sion of the city and the adjacent places, till some time in October, when a part of their troops were detached to assist General Howe and the fleet, in reducing some forts on the Delaware below the city the re- mainder continuing in Germantown. 2. Washington, who well knew that the eyes of the country were upon him, seized this opportunity for attacking them. His forces could not have amounted to more than ten thousand men, and many of them were poorly armed and equipped ; one thousand of them were actually barefooted, and not a few actually sick. Yet, under all these disadvantageous circumstances, it was thought necessary to hazard a battle. 3. At seven o'clock in the evening of October 3, the troops set out for Germantown. The distance was fourteen miles. They marched rapidly, in order, if possible, to take the enemy by surprise. The plan was well contrived and well executed, and the surprise of the British was complete. The attack was made between daybreak and sunrise on the morning of the 4th. 12. What can you say of Paul Jones as a man and commander? 13. What of Jones's subsequent life? When did he die ? CHAP. CX. 1. What were the British now doing? How were their troops occupied ? 2. What did Washington think it necessary to do ? 3. Describe the attack upon the British at Germanto^vn. BATTLE OF GERMANTOWN. 235 4. At first the British were repulsed at several points, and from one hundred to one hundred and twenty prisoners taken. But after the battle had lasted about three hours the ammunition of the Americans in part failed. Nor was this the worst. A thick fog came on, and it was so dark that they could hardly distinguish friend from foe, and while the British were retreating in disorder, the Americans also, by some means, took to flight, and were in the end completely routed. 5. Several amusing anecdotes are related of this bloody battle. One division of the army was commanded, it seems, by General Greene, whose aide-de-camp, Major Burnet, wore his hair in a cue. In the heat of the battle, this cue was shorn off by a musket-ball, which General Greene perceiving, said, "Don't be in haste, major; just dismount and get that long cue." The major dismounted and recovered the hair. 6. Not many minutes afterward, another shot came whizzing so close to General Greene, as to take from his head a large powdered curl. The British, at this moment, were hotly pursuing them. " Don't be in a hurry, general," said Major Burnet ; " dismount and get your curl." The general, however, did not venture to follow his advice. 7. After the battle, Washington resumed his former position, but in a few days removed to White Marsh, eleven miles north-west of Philadelphia. The British, on their part, left Germantown and retired to the city. Both armies appeared to have gained confidence by this engagement, notwithstanding the well known fact, that both were most severely injured. 8. A battle was fought, about this time, seven miles below Phila- delphia. The British had sent two thousand men, under Colonel Donop, to attack a small fort which the Americans had erected on the Jersey side of the Delaware, at Red Bank. They were obliged to retire from the attack, with the loss of their brave commander and four hundred men. 4. What was the result of the battle? 5, 6. Relate the anecdote of Generals Greene and Burnet 7. What was now done by both armies? What was the effect of the last en- gagement? 8. Describe the attack of the British upon the fort at Red Bank. 236 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER CXI. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. TJie Confederation. The Stars and Stripes adopted. Treaty of Alliance with France. Treaty with the Cherokees, American Army at Valley Forge. 1. DUEING the session of Congress for the year 1777, the Confedera- tion of the colonies, which had been attempted the year before, was again under dis- cussion, but it had not yet been ratified by the states. By one of the articles the name given to the confed- eracy was, " The United States of America." 2. One prominent article of the confederation fixed a line of distinction between the powers of the several states and Congress, in order to prevent collisions. To this end the articles were very specific, and they appear to have been, in many respects, adapted to the existing condition of the country. 3. This year, also, Congress adopted a national flag, as we have already stated. The resolution was in these words: "Resolved, that the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white ; that the union be thirteen stars, in a blue field, represent- ing a new constellation." 4. For nearly a year before the surrender of Burgoyne, three com- missioners from Congress, Dr. Franklin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee ^ had been urging France to acknowledge the independence of the United Colonies. When intelligence was received in Paris of that important event, the solicitations of the commissioners were renewed, and finally with success. 5. A treaty of alliance and commerce, between the two nations, was signed February 6, 1778. By the treaty, neither of the two CHAP. CXI. 1. What was done by Congress in 1777? 2. What was a prominent article of the confederation ? Describe the national flag. 4. What of Dr. Franklin and the commissioners Deane ami Lee ? SILAS DEANE. EVACUATION OF PHILADELPHIA. 237 powers was to make war or peace without the formal consent of the other. This alliance with France, with the previous and subsequent assistance of LaFayette, proved, in the end, of the highest importance to the United States. 6. A treaty of peace was also made during the year 1777, between the states of South Carolina and Georgia and the Cherokee Indians. This was another highly important measure to both parties. By this treaty the Cherokees ceded to South Carolina more than three mil- lion acres of their lands. 7. At the close of this eventful year, 1777, Washington and his army retired, for winter-quarters, to Valley Forge, a deep and rugged hollow, twenty miles north-west from Philadelphia. On the 18th of December they began to build huts. These were sixteen by fourteen feet, and were made to accommodate twelve men each. They were so numer- ous that when the encampment was completed, it had the appearance of a town, with streets and avenues. 8. Troops from each particular state had their quarters together, in this temporary village of log-huts, and here they suffered together, for it was a winter of the utmost severity ; thousands had no blankets, and were obliged to spend the nights in trying to get warm, rather than in sleeping. They also suffered greatly, at times, for want of food. CHAPTER CXIL PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Evacu- ation of Philadelphia and Battle of Monmouth. 1. THE British kept possession of Philadelphia this winter and the following spring ; and although Washington's camp was within three or four hours' march of the city, no attempt was made to molest him. .Foraging parties went up, it is true, and committed depredations, but they sometimes suffered severely for their temerity. 2. The British troops in the United States were now about thirty- three thousand, of whom nineteen thousand five hundred were at Philadelphia, ten thousand five hundred in New York, and three thousand in Rhode Island. The American army did not exceed fifteen thousand ; of whom more than eleven thousand were at Valley 5. What treaty of alliance was signed in 1TT8? 6. What other treaty was made in 1777? 7. Where did Washington's army winter? Describe the encampment. 8. De- scribe the sufferings of the troops ? CHAP. CXIL 1. What of the British in regard to Philadelphia? 2. Number of their troops? What of the American army? Upon what had Congress resolved? 238 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Forge. Congress had, indeed, resolved on raising forty thousand new troops; but the resolution had not yet been carried into effect. 3. About the first of May, Washington called a council of war, on the subject of attacking the British in Philadelphia. Such a measure was at length decided to be inexpedient. The wisdom of this decision was soon evident ; for it was found that they had not only greatly underrated the numbers of the British, but that these were about to leave the city of their own accord. 4. On the 18th of June, 1778, the British evacuated Philadelphia, and marched through New Jersey toward New York. On the 28th, when they had advanced as far as Mon'-mouth court-house*, sixty- four miles north from Philadelphia, they found themselves attacked by the American army, under the command of Generals Charles Lee, Greene, La Fayette, Wayne, and Washington himself. 5. In the beginning of the attack, the American army was thrown into confusion by the sudden, unexpected and unnecessary retreat of General Lee, from a post which had been assigned him. But, by the exertions of Washington and his able, coadjutors, order was again restored, and the battle vigorously sustained till dark, when it was re- solved by the Americans to suspend their operations till next morning. 6. They lay on their arms all night, in the field of battle. Even Washington slept in his cloak, under a tree, in the midst of his sol- diers, determined to renew the battle at the returning dawn of day. In the mean time, however, the British disappeared, and with so much silence, that their departure had not been suspected. 7. In this battle of Monmouth, both parties, as they had often done before, claimed the victory ; yet both were very great sufferers. The Americans had about seventy killed and one hundred and sixty wound- ed. The British lost, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, three hundred and fifty-eight. During this day, and on their previous march, one thousand more had also deserted them. 8. Among the slain of the British was Colonel Monckton, a most valuable officer, and one greatly beloved. It is said by the British historians, that, in the midst of the confusion and danger of the battle, the troops dug a grave for him with their bayonets, and "placed over him, with their hands, the earth they had first moistened with their tears." 8. Upon what did the council of war decide in regard to attacking Philadelphia ? 4. "When did the British leave Philadelphia? Where and by whom were they attacked on the 28th June? 5. How were the Americans thrown into confusion? 6. Describe the army at night "What of the British? 7. What was the loss on each side at the battle of Monmouth? 8. Describe the death and burial of Colonel Monckton. * Monmouth is now called Freehold, which consists of a small village, eighteen miles south-east from New Brunswick, New Jersey. GENERAL CHARLES LEE. 239 9. The day of the battle was excessively hot one of the hottest ever known in the month of June. Fifty-nine of the British soldiers, and several Americans, perished, without a, wound, from the com- hined effects of extreme heat and fatigue, and drinking too much cold water. 10. One anecdote deserves to be remembered here. In the begin- ning of the battle of Monmouth, as one Molly Pitcher was carrying water from a spring to her husband, who was employed in loading and firing a cannon, the husband, was suddenly killed before her eyes. An officer came along and ordered the vacant cannon to be put out of the way. To his great astonishment, however, Molly took her husband's post, and performed faithfully its duties ; and Congress, as a reward, gave her half-pay for life. 11. This is not the only instance of female patriotism which occurred during the war of the Revolution. Not long after the battle of Lex- ington, the females of Bristol county, Pennsylvania, resolved to raise and equip a whole regiment of soldiers at their own expense, and even to arm such as were unable to arm themselves. One of their number presented the colors their own hands had wrought, and made an eloquent address. CHAPTEE CXIII. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Life and Character of General Charles Lee. 1. GEXERAL LEE was very much blamed by Washington for his conduct in the battle of Monmouth, not only at the time, but after- ward. Indeed, he was tried by a court-martial, who found him guilty of disobeying orders, misbehaving before the enemy, and treating Washington, his commander-in-chief, with disrespect. His sentence was suspension from the army for one year. 2. General Lee was born in North Wales, and became an officer, as it is said, at the age of eleven years. lie served early in America, and was with General Abercrombie at his unsuccessful assault on Ticonderoga, where he was wounded. At a period still later than this he served under General Burgoyne, in Portugal. 3. When the quarrel began to arise between Great Britain and 9. From what cause did many soldiers die? 10. Tell the story of Molly Pitcher. 11 What was done by the women of Bristol county ? CHAP. CXIII. "What happened respecting General Charles Lee? 2, 3. Give some ac- count of him? 240 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. GENERAL LEE BEFORE THE COURT-MARTIAL. America, Lee was on the side of the colonies, and wrote in their favor. After this, he spent several years wander- ing over Europe, until about the year 1774, when, having killed an Italian officer in a duel, he was obliged to fly. Coming to New York, Congress made him at once a major- general. 4. In Decem- ber, 1776, while marching through 'New Jersey to join "Washington, as he lay carelessly at a considerable distance from the main body of the army, he was seized by the British, put on horseback, and carried to New York. He was kept a prisoner by the British, and sometimes very ill-treated, till the surrender of Burgoyne, when he was exchanged. 5. His suspension from the army for a year, for his misconduct at Monmouth, finished his career as a military man. He might indeed have again engaged in the war at the end of that time, had he been a true patriot, but such he seems not to have been. He wrote a pam- phlet, in which, besides defending his own conduct, he took it upon himself to abuse "Washington. 6. There is little doubt that Lee, who was proud, selfish and ambi- tious, envied Washington, and secretly sought to diminish his influ- ence, in order to elevate himself. Yet he was, for the most part, a good military officer, as well as a fine scholar, and few men in the army had more capacity than he. 7. His abuse of Washington led to a duel with Colonel Laurens, in which the latter received a wound. After this Lee retired to his estate in Virginia, where he lived alone, in a miserable hovel, without windows or plastering, amusing himself with his books and his dogs. He died at a public house in Philadelphia, in the year 1782. 4. What happened to him in 1776? 5. What did he do after his suspension from the army? fi. What is supposed to have actuated him in abusing Washington ? 7. What of a duel between Lee and Colonel Laurens? How did Lee end his days? EVENTS IN RHODE ISLAND. 241 GENKRAL STJLLIVAN. CHAPTER CXIV. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Events in RTiode Island. 1. Osr the first of July, 1778, the very day on which the British troops, in their retreat from Philadelphia, reached New York, Count d'Estaing, with a French fleet of twelve ships of the line, six frigates, and four thousand men, arrived off the coast of the United States, in the hope of attacking the British fleet in the Delaware River or Ches- apeake Bay. 2. But he was a little too late to engage them at the south, for they had just sailed for New York. By the advice of Washington, d'Estaing proceeded to the north, to assist in a plan which had been formed for expelling the British from Ehode Island. He arrived, with his fleet, at Newport, July 25th. 3. In the mean time, the American army, to the number of ten CHAP. CXIV. 1. What of Count d'Estaing? purpose ? 11 2. Where did he sail, and for what 242 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. thousand men, under Generals Sullivan and Greene, had been collected together at or near Providence. Here General Sullivan and Count d'Estaing laid a plan together to take Newport; but, just before they were ready for the onset, a British fleet appeared in sight, and d'Estaing sailed out to make an attack. 4. A violent storm came on, which scattered both fleets, and so crippled the French as to prevent an engagement. Meanwhile, General Sullivan, in expectation of the arrival of the French fleet, and unable to wait longer, crossed on the 9th of August to Ehofle Island, with nine thousand men, and on the 14th besieged Newport. 5. The French fleet at length made its appearance, but, instead of coming to the aid of General Sullivan, sailed to Boston, to refit. This was a .sad disappointment to the Americans, and General Sullivan found it expedient, on the 28th of August, to raise the siege, and retire to his first position, at the north end of the island. 6. The British troops, about six thousand strong, taking advantage of his retreat, went out against him the next day, and a long and severe battle ensued. The British, after having lost about two hundred and sixty men, retreated. The American loss was considerable, but not so great as that of the British. 7. The next day, a brisk cannonading was kept up on both sides, but there was no sharp conflict. At this juncture General Sullivan received a letter from Washington, informing him that a large body of British troops had just left New York, probably for the relief of Newport ; upon which it was determined to retreat from the island. 8. The retreat was conducted with great skill, and was accomplished during the night of the 30th of August. It was, undoubtedly, a lucky escape; for Sir Henry Clinton, with four thousand men, arrived next day, and a little longer stay on the island would probably have been fatal. General Sullivan's troops were chiefly raw recruits and militia, not yet inured to war. 9. The British troops from New York, not being wanted at Rhode Island, proceeded along the coast of Massachusetts to New Bedford and Martha's Vineyard. Their avowed object was to seize the Amer- ican privateers, which were known to be in the habit of resorting to New Bedford ; but they did not scruple to burn stores, houses, mills, barns, etc. At Fair Haven they received a repulse, and were glad to retreat. 8. Where was the American army assembled? 4. "What effect had the storm on the two fleets? What did General Sullivan do? 5. How did the French fleet disappoint the Americans? 6. What did the British troops then do? 7. What did General Sullivan hear from "Wash' ngton? What was determined? 8. "What of the retreat? Why was their escape a fortunate one? 9. IIow did the British troops now occupy themselves? What happened at Fair Haven? TRUMBULL, THE ARTIST. 243 CHAPTER CXY. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Trum- butt, the Artist. 1. ONE excellent young officer, who was very active in the American army, under General Sullivan, during this period of the war in Khode Island, deserves eomething more than a mere passing notice. The person referred to was Major John Trumbull, of Connecticut ; afterwards Colonel Trumbull, the celebrated painter. 2. Young Trumbull was first introduced to the army as an adjutant of militia, under Gen- eral Spencer, of Connecticut, a relation of Governor Trum- bull, his father. It was soon after the battle of Lexington. The regiment to which he be- longed being attached to Gen- eral Thomas's division of the army, was stationed at Roxbury. 3. Here they were sometimes annoyed by the fire of the enemy; this was especially the fact on the day of the battle of Bunker's Hill. Hearing the firing that day, General Spencer's regiment was drawn up in full view of the British troops, posted on the Neck; upon which the latter opened a fire on them. Most of the balls passed over their heads ; one of them, however, came so near a soldier standing by Trumbull, that, without being touched by it, he fell. 4. Trumbull thought the soldier was only frightened, and bade him get up ; but ho said he was not able, and that he should die. The soldiers took him to the surgeon, but there was no wound, nor the slightest bruise. And yet he died. The heart and large vessels near it were full of thick, dark blood. He was evidently killed by the force the wind, as it is called of the ball. COLONEL, TEUMBULL. CHAP. CXV. 1. "What of John Trumbull ? 2. How was ho first introduced into the army? Where was he stationed? 3. Describe the situation of the troops on the Neck. 4. What of the soldier and the cannon-ball? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 5. Soon after this, "Washington was desirous of obtaining a correct plan of the enemy's works about the Neck. As Major Trumbull was known to be apt at drawing, a brother of his in the army advised him to take this opportunity of introducing himself to the favorable notice of the American commander ; and he profited by the sugges- tion. 6. By creeping along under cover of the fences and high grass, he could approach so near as to sketch their works with a good deal of accuracy. A British deserter came into camp about this time, and gave Washington the desired information ; but Trnmbull's drawings were also consulted, and found to agree with the soldier's story. Major Trumbull was, soon after this, made Washington's second aide-de- camp. 7. On going to New York with Washington, soon after the British left Boston, he accepted the office of adjutant, with the rank of col- onel, to General Gates, at the north, and was with him till after the surrender of Burgoyne. His services in the army were greatly en- hanced by his skill in drawing, and were appreciated by the officers and the public. 8. After this he was a short time with Washington again, not long after his success at Trenton ; but was soon sent out with General Arnold to Ehode Island. He remained there till March, 1777, when he left the army, and returned to his father's, at Lebanon, Connecticut. Some time in the course of the year, he went to Boston, to perfect himself in the art of painting. 9. When the Americans began to plan an attack on Newport, Colonel Trumbull left Boston, and again entered the army as a volun- teer aide to General Sullivan. After the army had crossed over to the north end of Rhode Island, and was skirmishing with the enemy, he was employed more than once in the most dangerous services ; which, however, he performed with the greatest courage and faithfulness. 10. One day when the skirmishing had begun early in the morning, and Trumbull, in the discharge of his duty, was carrying an order to one of the officers, the wind blew off his hat. As he did not think it safe to dismount for the sake of a hat, he tied a white handkerchief round his head, and wore it all day. 11. " Being mounted," says he, " on a superb bay horse, in a summer dress of nankeen, with this headdress, never was aide-de-camp ex- posed more to danger than I was, during that entire day, from daylight 5. What did Washington wish to obtain ? C. \VhatdMTrnmbulldoforWashington? T. "What office did he hold under General Gates? 8. Where did ho next go ? When did he leave the anny? 9. When does he again appear upon the field 10. Tell the story of Trumbull when his hat blew off. 11. Give his account of his perils and his escape. MASSACRE AT WYOMING. 245 to dusk." Yet he escaped 1 without the slightest injury. " I thank thee," he adds, " O, thou Most High, for thou hast covered my head in the day of battle!" 12. This interesting young man left the army again immediately after General Sullivan's retreat, and returned home to Connecticut. One more anecdote concerning him will be hereafter given in connection with the account of the capture and execution of Major Andre. CHAPTER CXYL PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, COKTLNUED. ^Mas- sacre at Wyoming. 1. THE savages on the western frontier, during the year 1V78, were exceedingly troublesome. There was a beautiful settlement on the eastern branch of the Susquehannah Eiver, comprising four townships, each five miles square, and so thickly peopled that, according to some statements, it had already furnished one thousand men to the con- tinental army. 2. This district of "Wy'-o-ming* was settled by Connecticut people, who carried with them their industrious habits, and were very pros- perous and happy. They lived in the shade of their own forest-trees in summer ; and in winter, by their own bright and warm firesides. Their barns were filled with grain and corn, and their green pastures, by the river banks, were spotted with sheep. 3. Excited, as is supposed, by the tories, the Indians fixed an evil eye on these settlers ; but, to prevent suspicion, first sent messages of peace and friendship. Suspicion, however, was now raised, and the settlers applied to Washington for an armed force to protect them, but it was too late. Early in July, four hundred Indians, with more than twice that number of tories and half-blood Englishmen, came upon the settlement and destroyed it. 4. They were headed by Brandt, a cruel half-breed Indian, and John Butler, a tory. The officers only were dressed in British uniform ; the rest were all painted and dressed like the Indians. The colonists, in 12. Where did he go after General Sullivan's retreat? CHAP. CXVI. 1. What of the savages on the frontier ? 2. Describe the district of "Wyoming. 3. "What took place between the settlers and the Indians? 4. "Who headed the savages ? What had tile colonists done as a defence against danger? * The name of Wyoming -was given to a beautiful valley lying on both sides of the Snsquehannah, in what is now the county of Lucerne, Pennsylvania. The little village of Wyoming, on tho western side of the Susquehannab, is situated nearly opposite the present town of "Wilkcsbarre. 246 HISTOEY OF THE UNITED STATES. their apprehension of what might happen, had huilt a few small forts, and gathered their families and some of their effects into them. 5. The savages and savage-looking whites now appeared before one of the forts, which was commanded by a cousin of Butler, and de- manded its surrender. They persuaded its commander to come out to a spot agreed upon, in the woods, for the purpose, as they said, of making peace. He accordingly marched to the spot with four hun- dred men ; but not an Indian or a tory was to be found there. 6. They pressed on through the dark paths of the forest, but still no one was to be found. At last they saw themselves suddenly sur- rounded by the enemy. The savages were in every bush, and sprang out upon them with terrible yells. All but sixty of these four hundred men were murdered in the most cruel manner. 7. The enemy now went back to Kingston, the village, and, to strike the Americans in the forts with as much fear as possible, hurled over the gates to them the reeking scalps of their brothers, husbands, and fathers. The distressed people now inquired of Butler, the leader of the tories, what terms he would give them. He answered only " the hatchet." 8. They fought as long as they were able, but the enemy soon en- closed the fort with dry wood, and set it on fire. The unhappy people within men, women, and children all perished in the fearful blaze. The whole country was then ravaged, and all the inhabitants who could be found were scalped ; the houses, crops, and orchards were burned ; and even the tongues of the domestic animals were cut out, and the poor creatures left to perish. 9. This was one of those bloody deeds which the Indians are so apt to perpetrate, especially when led on by designing white men. The same company of Wyoming murderers committed other acts of violence than those above related. They were, however, at length invaded and humbled, and made willing to remain at peace. 10. After the treaty, which was at length made with them, the petty chiefs of the New York and Pennsylvania Indians occasionally came to the camp to see "Washington, whom they called their Great Father. Washington, in showing them his army, rode before them on his own fine gray war-horse, while they followed on miserable horses, without saddles and almost without bridles, and wore nothing but dirty blankets. 5. What did the savages now do? How were the Americans deceived ? 6. Describe the slaughter. 7. "What was then done in the village ? 8. What became of the inhabit- ants? 9. What of these bloody murderers? 10. What was Washington called by the chiefs ? THE WAR IN GEORGIA. 247 CHAPTER CXVII. PEKIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAI?, CONTINUED. Events in Georgia. 1. THEKE was little severe fighting this year, 1778, between the regular troops of the two great contending armies, except what has been mentioned. The only additional movements, worthy of notice, were the invasion of Georgia from two very different points Florida and New York. 2. During the summer, two parties of British regulars and American refugees made a sudden and rapid incursion from Florida into Georgia. One of the parties, advancing to a fort in Sunbury, twenty-eight miles south-west from Savannah, summoned it to surrender ; but, on receiv- ing from the commander the laconic answer, "Come and take it," they abandoned the enterprise. 3. The other party went toward Savannah, but after meeting with many attacks from the militia as they passed along, and hearing of the failure of the other party, they returned. In their return, they burned the church and nearly every house in the village of Medway, and carried off the slaves, cattle, and other property. 4. This was followed by an expedition from Georgia and South Carolina of two thousand men, chiefly militia, into Florida. They proceeded to a fort on the river St. Mary's, which they destroyed, and then, after some skirmishing, advanced toward St. Augustine. But a mortal sickness having attacked the troops and swept away one-fourth of them, the survivors returned. 5. The, second invasion of Georgia was undertaken much later in the season than the former. On the 27th of November, Colonel Camp- bell, with two thousand British troops, left New York, and in three weeks landed at the mouth of the Savannah Eiver. Near Savannah were six hundred regular American troops and a few militia. 6. The British, being about to make an attack, were shown by a negro a private path leading to the rear of the American forces, of ' which they availed themselves. The latter, finding the enemy both in their front and rear, attempted to fly, but were mostly taken or slain, and the fort and town of Savannah fell into British hands. V. The victory at Savannah was followed up as closely as possible by the British troops, and the fort at Sunbury soon surrendered to them and the Florida forces. The combined troops of New York and CHAP. CXVII. 1. What of the Invasion of Georgia? 2. Describe the incursions into Georgia. 3. What of the other party ? 4. What of the expedition into .Florida? 5. Do- scribe the second invasion of Georgia. 6. Who betrayed Savannah into the hands of the British? 248 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. St. Augustine now held, and for some time continued to hold, posses- sion of the state of Georgia. 8. Such of the Americans as had been taken prisoners during the war between Britain and the United States, and had not yet been ex- changed, were kept in prison-ships, in New York and elsewhere, and in jails in England. Those in prison-ships often suffered extremely, and many died of their sufferings and by disease. Great and just com- plaint, in regard to their treatment, was made both at home and abroad. 9. Just at the close of the year 1778, a meeting was held in London for the relief of the American prisoners confined in British jails, of which there were about one thousand. Subscriptions were opened, both in London and in the country. By January 10, 1779, the subscrip- tions amounted to three thousand eight hundred and fifteen pounds seventeen shillings and sixpence, or nearly nineteen thousand dollars. These proceedings, on the part of the people of the hostile country, are sufficient evidences of the inhumanity suffered by the American prisoners; while it may also be taken as evidence of the sensibility of the British people to these enormities. CHAPTER CXVILL PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. The British at Charleston. 1. NEAR the close of 1778, General Lincoln had been appointed to take command of the army at the south. He was an ex- cellent officer; and having been next in command to General Gates, in the movements against Burgoyne in the north, was there active, faithful and successful in all h is operations. 2. Very early in the year 1779, he proceeded to the post assigned him. As Georgia was i now overrun by the British troops, he took his stand on the northern side of the Sa- vannah River. Soon after his arrival, a detachment of fifteen 7. Who held possession of tho state of Georgia? 8. What of the American prisoners during the Revolutionary war? 9. What was done in London ? CHAP. CXYIII. I. What caa you say of Genural Lincoln? GENERAL LINCOLN. THE BRITISH AT CHARLESTON. 249 hundred North Carolina militia and sixty regular troops, under Gen- eral Ash, having crossed the river, were defeated by General Prevost with great loss. 3. But General Lincoln, nothing daunted, marched his army to- ward Augusta, the head-quarters of General Prevost. His whole forces now amounted to five thousand. General Prevost, with twenty- four hundred men, left Augusta about the same time for Charleston. As Lincoln supposed this to be a feint to draw him from his design, he continued his march. 4. When the British were about half way from Augusta to Charles- ton they halted two or three days, which gave time for putting the latter in a state of defence. All the houses in the suburbs were burnt, cannon were placed around the city at proper intervals, and a force of three thousand three hundred men were assembled for its defence. 5. The enemy reached the city and summoned it to surrender on the 12th of May. The inhabitants contrived to spend the day in parleying, before they gave an answer, that they might gain time. When, however, they were told that if they surrendered, it must be as prisoners of war, the negotiation terminated, and they prepared for an assault. 6. To their surprise, however, no attack was made, and the British, during the following night, withdrew their forces, and, crossing Ash- ley Ferry, encamped near the sea. General Lincoln soon arrived, and stationed his forces near Charleston, unwilling to risk a general battle if he could help it. Y. However, he was not disposed to be idle, and learning the weak state of a British fort at Stone Ferry, he advanced against it with twelve hundred men. The Americans had the advantage in the fight, though they thought it necessary to retreat soon afterward. General Prevost, about the same time, left the vicinity of Charleston, and his main army retreated to Savannah. 2. Where did he station himself ? "What battle was now fought? 8. What of General Lincoln's forces? What of Prevost? 4. What preparations were made at Charleston for defence ? 5. What of the inhabitants of Charleston ? 6. What did the British now do ? What of General Lincoln ? 7. What engagement was there at Stone Ferry? General Prevost? 11* 250 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER CXIX. PEKIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Attack of the Americans on /Savannah. 1. COUNT d'EsxAiNG, after his fleet had refitted in Boston, sailed for the West Indies, where he remained till the next summer. He arrived on the coast of Georgia so unexpectedly to the British, that, before they were ready to meet him, he had captured one man-of-war of fifty guns, and three frigates. 2. General Lincoln had long expected him, and when it was known that he had arrived, he marched with his regular troops and a con- siderable body of Carolina and Georgia militia to Savannah. Before he arrived, however, d'Estaing was there, and had summoned the place to surrender. 3. General Prevost, on receiving the summons, asked for a day to consider it, which was granted. In the mean time, however, receiv- ing a reinforcement of eight hundred men, his courage was so much increased that he determined to defend himself to the last. 4. On the morning of October 4, the American and French forces laid siege to the place, and, on the 9th, a direct assault was made, which was repulsed. The invaders rallied, and a desperate battle was kept up for some time, when the French and Americans were obliged to retire with a very heavy loss. Of the former, six hundred and thirty-seven were killed or wounded; of the latter, two hundred and forty-one. 6. Count Pulaski, the Polish nobleman, was wounded in the battle, and soon afterward died, as we have already stated. He was one of those who carried off Stanislaus, king of Poland, from his capital, and who, in consequence of this act, after the king made his escape, were proscribed as outlaws. 6. The attack on Savannah was doubtless ill-judged and premature. It was hastened on by d'Estaing. Had the siege been conducted more slowly it might have been successful. After the siege was raised, nearly all the American troops went to their homes, and d'Estaing re-embarked and sailed for Europe. CHAP. CXIX. 1. What of Count d'Estaing after refitting his fleet ? 2. What did Gen- eral Lincoln on the arrival of d'Estaing? 3. How was General Provost encouraged? 4. Describe the siege and assault. What was the French ami American loss ? 5. What can you say of Count Pulaski ? 6. "Was the attack on Savannah well timed ? What of the American and French troops ? EVENTS IN CONNECTICUT. 251 GENERAL PUTNAM. CHAPTER CXX. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAK, CONTINUED. Events in Connecticut. General Putnam. 1. THE northern department of the American army had chiefly wintered, 1778-1779, near the Hudson some on the New Jersey side, and some on the other. Two brigades were as high up as West Point. Three brigades were also quartered near Danbury, in Connecticut. 2. Thus arranged with regard to New York, they could not only watch the movements of the enemy, but keep up a communication with each other, and be able to act in concert, should it be necessary. General McDougall commanded in the Highlands, and General Putnam CHAP. CXX. 1. How was the northern American army stationed during the winter of 1778-1779? 2. What advantages were derived from this arrangement ? Who com- manded in the Highlands ? Who at Danbury ? HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES. at Danbury. The British forces in New York were commanded by General Clinton. 3. In the spring of 1779, a British force was sent to ravage the coasts of Virginia. They destroyed every thing in their way villages, shipping, and stores. They also seized on large quantities of tobacco. Being asked by the Virginians what sort of a war this was, their general replied, that "all rebels must be so treated." 4. Indeed, it seemed to be a leading object with the British, this year, to distress and impoverish the Americans as much as possible, in order, as they themselves said, "to render the colonies of as little use as possible to each other in their new connections." They plun- dered, consumed, and destroyed as much as they could, both at the north and at the south. 5. A month or two after the foregoing ravages were committed in Virginia, General Tryon was sent out to make similar ravages on the coast of Connecticut. In expectation of an attack, the militia of Fairfield were mustered and in arms. Tryon came to the spot, ordered them to surrender, and gave them an hour to consider his proposal ; but, in the mean time, laid most of the town in ashes. 6. At New Haven, all possible damage was done. The harbor was covered with feathers poured out from the beds. Desks, trunks, chests and closets were broken open ; the women were robbed of their buckles, rings, bonnets and aprons. East Haven was afterward burned, and Norwalk shared a similar fate. 7. Near Stamford, the British, with some fifteen hundred men, came suddenly upon General Putnam, who had no other means of defence than one hundred and fifty militia and two pieces of cannon. But with these alone, this brave officer was almost a match for them for some time. At last, however, he ordered his men to retreat to a neighboring swamp. 8. For himself, being hard pressed, he rode at full gallop down a steep rock. Nearly one hundred steps had been hewn in it, like a flight of stairs, for the people to ascend in going to church. The cavalry, who were pursuing him, stopped at the brink and discharged their pistols, but dared not follow him. He escaped with a bullet-hole through his hat. 9. This year, also, in July, a fleet of thirty-seven small vessels and fifteen hundred militia, under Generals Wadsworth and Lowell, was fitted out from Boston to drive the British from the Penobscot River, 3. What was done by the British in 1779? 4. What seemed to bo a leading object with them ? 5. What of General Tryon ? 6. What ravages were committed at New Haven? East Haven and Norwalk ? 7. What was done near Stamford? 8. Describe Putnam's escape. 9. What fleet was fitted out in Boston, and for what purpose? ANECDOTE OF LA FAYETTE. 253 in Maine, where they had collected and built a fort. This was at a place called Bagaduce, now Castine. The expedition, however, did not succeed. CHAPTER CXXI. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTION ART WAR, CONTINUED. Anec- dote of La Fayette. 1. AN anecdote of La Fayette, which belongs to this year, de- serves to be preserved in con- nection with the history of the United States. He had intended to make a visit to France to- ward the close of the year 1778, but had been detained several months by sickness. Again lie was detained a while longer at Boston, to wait for the frigate Alliance to be got ready, in which he was to sail. 2. The government of Massa- chusetts offered to complete the number of men which were ne- cessary to man the Alliance, by impressment a measure that LA. FAi ETTE. had been sometimes resorted to during the war; but La Fayette was too benevolent to permit this. At last, the crew was made up by other and more merciful means. 3. The Somerset, a British sixty-four-gun ship, had been wrecked on the coast of New England, and part of her men had found their way to Boston. Some of these men offered to go in the Alliance. There were volunteers also from among the prisoners. Added to these were a few French seamen. 4. "With this motley crew, English, French and American, and stran- gers in great part to each other and to the ship, La Fayette, in simple but unwise confidence, trusted himself, and the vessel sailed the llth of January. They had a tempestuous passage, but nothing happened worth relating till they were within two days' sail of the English coast. CHAP. CXXI. 1. What did La Fayetto intend in 1778? 2. What did the government offer to do ? Did La Fayette accept their offer ? 3. How were the men collected to man the Alliance? 4. Describe the departure of La Fayette. 254 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 5. Here a conspiracy was formed by the English part of the crew, amounting to seventy or eighty men, to kill the officers, seize the vessel, and take it into an English port. The British government had in fact passed a law, some time before this, to encourage acts of mu- tiny, by the offer of a reward to all such crews as would run away with American ships. 6. The intentions of the conspirators appear to have been of the most cruel nature. The work of death was to have been begun pre- cisely at four o'clock of the afternoon of February 2d. The signal to begin the work was the cry of " Sail ho!" which it was well known would bring the officers and passengers upon the qnarter-deck, where they could be seized in a body. V. The captain was to have been put into a boat, without food, water, oars or sails, heavily ironed, and turned loose upon the ocean. The gunner, carpenter and boatswain were to have been killed on the spot. The marine officer and surgeon were to have been hanged and quartered, and their bodies cast into the sea. 8. The sailing-master was to have been cut into morsels and thrown overboard. The lieutenants were to have had their choice, either to navigate the vessel to the nearest British port, or to walk overboard. The passengers were to have been confined and carried into England as prisoners of war. 9. Among the crew was an excellent young man, whom tlje muti- neers took, from his accent, to be an Irishman, but who had become, in fact, an American. They had proposed their plan to him, and he had learned their whole secret. About an hour before the massacre was to have taken place, he revealed the plot to La Fayette and the captain, who immediately took measures to prevent it. 10. The officers and passengers, as well as such other men as could be trusted, were informed of what was going on. A few minutes before four o'clock, the officers, passengers, and American seamen rushed on deck, with drawn swords and other weapons, and thirty or forty of the mutineers were seized and put in irons. The crime was confessed, the mutineers were secured, and the ship soon arrived at Brest, in France. It was proposed to punish them ; but the noble-minded La Fayette insisted on exchanging them as mere prisoners of war. 5. What of a conspiracy? What had the British government done? 6. Describe the plan of the conspirators. 7, 8. What was to have been done with the officers of the ship? What was to have been the fate of the passengers? 9. How was the infair-ous plot defeated? 10. What nuans were taken to disarm the mutineers? Where did the ship land ? What was done with the prisoners ? CONTINENTAL MONEY. 255 pvr.earer to -receive, SIX SBNN1SH MILTED DOLLARS, or ill* 'Value- thereof in o r SILVER accordmtf To ajtfsolntion of CON- GKESS pnttiMat Phi ~ CONTINENTAL MONET. CHAPTER CXXII. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Con- tinental Money. 1. THE year 1779 was less distinguished for splendid or brilliant achievements by either of the two great contending nations, than any year since the commencement of the war; and this, too, notwith- standing the alliance of the United States with France. One cause of this, among many others, was the troubles which now began to be experienced in respect to paper money. 2. The history of money, in connection with the United States, is quite curious. Going back to 1643, we find the'general court of Mas- sachusetts ordering that wampumpeog, or the Indian wampum, should pass current in the payment of debts, to the amount of forty shillings, except taxes ; the white wampumpeog at eight for a penny, the black at four. 3. The first mint for coining money in New England was erected in 1652. The money coined was shillings, sixpences and threepences. The law ordered that they should have Massachusetts and a tree on one side, and New England and the value of the coin on the other. This currency continued not only to be used but to be coined, for thirty years or more. CHAP. CXXII. 1. Why was the year 1779 less distinguished than many others had been? 2. What was used as money in 1643? 8. When was the first mint in New England established? What was the money coined? 256 HISTORY OF TUB UNITED STATES. 4. Bills of credit, or paper money, appear to have been issued by Carolina, in the year 1706. Soon after the emission, the value of the money fell one-third: one hundred and fifty pounds of Carolina cur- rency being worth only one hundred pounds in English coin. Happily, the emission was only eight thousand pounds. However, in 1712, the South Carolina legislature issued forty-eight thousand pounds, in these bills of credit, to defray the expenses of their Indian wars. 5. About the year 1691, during the progress of King William's war, Massachusetts issued bills of credit to pay the troops. Connecticut, New York and New Jersey followed in turn, in 1709, and issued their paper money, and for the same reason, viz., to pay the expenses of their Indian wars. The legislature of Georgia issued paper bills of credit to the amount pf seven thousand four hundred and ten pounds sterling, in 1760. There were also some other instances in the colonies of the same sort. 6. The first emission of bills of credit by Congress was in June, 1775. The amount was two millions of dollars. Eighteen months afterward, twenty millions of dollars more were issued ; and still later, a larger quantity ; in all, three hundred and seventy -five millions. The states also issued many millions. In 1780, at least two hundred millions of Continental money were in circulation. 7. The Confederation was indeed pledged to redeem these bills, and each colony its proportion of them, by the year 1779. Nevertheless, they began to lose their value in 1777, and by the year 1778, the period to which, in the progress of our history, we have now arrived, five or six dollars of it would pass for one dollar in specie. 8. But this was only the beginning of its depreciation. In 1779, twenty-seven or twenty-eight dollars of it were only worth one of hard money, and in 1780 it was fifty or sixty for one. By the middle of this year, the bills, almost ceased to circulate ; and when they did circulate, it was at less than a hundredth part of their nominal value, sometimes less than the five-hundredth. 9. Yet Congress had ordered that they should be a lawful tender for the payment of debts, at their full nominal value, and the soldiers were to be paid in them. Why should not a war be poorly sustained with such a miserable public currency? 10. How could men be raised to fight, even for their homes and firesides, when the money in which they were to be paid would not 4. When was paper money first issued ? What effect had this upon the value of money f What was done in 1712 ? 5 In 1691 ? In 1T09 ? In 1760 ? 6. What was done by Congress in June, 1775? What amount was issued? How much continental money was in circula- tion in 17SO. 7. What was the Confederation pledged to do? What happened in 1777? In 1778? 8. Describe the depreciation of these bills, 9. What had Congress ordered? CAPTURE OF STONY POINT. 257 support their families? Six months' pay of a soldier, in 1779, would not provide bread for his family for a month ; nor the pay of a colonel " purchase oats for his horse." 11. There were many causes which operated to produce this un- heard-of depreciation of a currency which the nation was bound to redeem. 1. Too much of it was issued. 2. The quantity was greatly increased by counterfeits and forgeries. 3. It was for the pecuniary advantage of public agents since they received a commission pro- portioned to the amount of their purchases for the army to pay high prices. 4. There was a doubt of the ability of the states to redeem these notes, as well as a distrust of the faith of the states, in respect to their redemption. 12. But whatever the causes may have been, and however promis- ing its first effects, no measure of Congress produced more mischief, in the end, by weakening and destroying public confidence, than this same Continental Money. It may be difficult, however, to say by what other means the war could have been sustained. CHAPTER CXXIII. PERIOD^ OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Cap- ture of Stony Point and Paulus Hook. 1. AMID the general paucity of events, there were two brilliant and somewhat decisive actions in the vicinity of New York during the year 1779. One of these was the capture of Stony Point, a strong military post on the west bank of the Hudson, forty miles north of New York, and guarded by about six hundred British troops. Anxious to regain this post, Washington deputed General "Wayne, with twelve hundred men, chiefly New Englanders, to make the attempt. 2. General Wayne set out on the 15th of July, and at evening halted a mile or two from the fort to make his arrangements. One hundred and fifty volunteers, guarded by twenty picked men, were to march in front of the rest. They we're ordered to proceed in perfect silence, with unloaded guns and fixed bayonets. 3. The attempt was perilous. One disorderly fellow persisted in a 10. Give some idea of the insufficiency of this money for support. 11. What were the causes of this depreciation of currency? 12. What of the measures of Congress concern- ing Continental money? CHAP. CXXIII. 1. Where is Stony Point? What did Washington do? 2. What of General Wayne ? How was the march of the troops arranged ? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. GENEUAL WAYNE. determination to load his gun, for which he was killed by his captain on the spot. The fort was defended by a deep swamp, covered with water. The troops marched through it, waist deep. The British opened upon them a tremendous fire of musketry and artillery ; still the Americans were not allowed to fire a gun. 4. But their success was complete. The fort was carried at the point of the bayonet, and its surviving defenders all taken. TRe Amer- icans lost about a hundred men in the onset, of whom seventeen were of the twenty picked guards who went in front of the rest. The British had sixty-eight killed the rest surrendering at discretion. 5. General Wayne was among the wounded of the Americans. As they were entering the fort, a musket-ball cut a gash in his forehead, lie fell, but rose upon one knee, and said, "Forward, my brave fellows, forward!" Then, in a low voice, he said to one of his aides, "Assist me; if I die, I will die in the fort!" But the wound proved less severe than was at first expected. 3. What happened as to one of tho soldiers? Describe the attack upon the. fort. 4. What was the success of the Americans ? Their loss What of tho British loss ? 5. De- scribe General Wayne's conduct when wounded. THE SIX NATIONS AND OTHER INDIANS. 259 6. General Wayne was a truly brave man. He was at this time about thirty -five years of age ; but, though young, he was old in war having been continually employed in the most active services of his country for four years. He had been in Canada, at Ticonderoga, at Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, and several other points of great hazard and danger. 7. For this brilliant attack on Stony Point, Congress gave thanks to AVashington, who contrived it, and a gold medal to Wayne, who exe- cuted it. But the army gained, with the fort, something beside mere honor. A large quantity of military stores, of which they stood in great, indeed absolute, need, fell into their hands. 8. This successful adventure was followed, in a few days, by another. Major Lee, with three hundred men, made a descent upon Paulus Hook, a British post on the New Jersey shore, opposite New York, which he completely surprised and carried, with but two men killed and three wounded. CHAPTEK CXXIY. PERIOD or THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. The Six Nations and other Indians. 1. THE history of events in the United States for the year 1779 would be incomplete without some further accounts of the war with the Indians. These, except in the vicinity of Wyoming, were exceedingly troublesome. 2. In April and May of this year, a small body of men from Fort Schuyler marched against the Onondaga Indians, and burnt their village, consisting of about fifty houses, with a large quantity of provisions, without the loss of a single man. They also took thirty-four prisoners. 3. Detached parties of men were also sent out against the Indians on the borders of South Carolina, and in the neighborhood of Pitts- burg, Pennsylvania. On the frontier of South Carolina, eight Indian towns were destroyed; and in the neighborhood of Pittsburg, a num- ber of Indian huts and about five hundred acres of corn. 6. Give some account of General Wayne. 7. What rewards did Congress give ? "What did the Americans take in the fort ? 8. What exploit was performed by Major Leo ? CHAP. CXXIV. 1. What of the Indians in the United States? 2. What attack was made upon the Onondaga Indians? 3. What other attacks were made upon the Indians ? 260 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 4. The "Six Nations,"* as they were called, had promised to be neutral in the war; hut, ex- cept the Oneidas, they he- came at length quite trouble- some plundering, burning, and murdering. They were instigated, no doubt, by the British agents. General Sul- livan, with apart of the Ame- rican army, was at length sent out against them. He arrived in their country in. August. 5. The Indians, aware of his approach, had fortified themselves after the English fashion. They defended them- selves most manfully against the attack of General Sullivan for more than two hours. They were, however, finally driven from the position, and their villages, gardens, corn BKD JACKET, A SENECA cHiKF. aD(1 fruits destroyed. 6. Still it was in the power of detached parties of the Indians to do much mischief. In July, 4. "What of the " Six Nations?" Let the pupil give an account of Five Nations from the foot-note. Who was sent against them ? 5. How did the Indians defend themselves ? * This powerful confederacy consisted originally of the Five. Nations, that is, the Seneca, Cayugu, Onandaga, Oneida-, and Mohawk tribes. These were the proper Iroquois, and are to be distinguished from the Huron-Iroquois. They all occupied hinds in Western New York, and the names of towns and counties, at the present day, indicate the region of their settlements. Their great council-fire was with the Onondagas, and their chief village was near the present town of Syracuse. At what time the confeder- ation was formed is not known, but it was in existence at the time the French became acquainted with them, in 1C09. The name of Iroquois was given by the French; the Algonquins called them Mingott. They were very warlike, and were almost constantly engaged in hostile excursions against other savages, as well in the East as the South and West. The Tuscaroras, having been defeated by the Carolinians in 1712, migrated to the North, and became a member of the confederacy, which from this time has borne the title of the Six Nations. They were generally the friends of the British during the revolutionary war. They were finally reduced to a state of submission and insignificance. They uuni- bered over forty thousand souls in 1715; but at present do not exceed three or four thou- sand Most of them are removed west of the Mississippi ; a few, partially civilized, being in or near their original sites in Western New York. Tho celebrated Red Jacket, who died in 1S30, was chief of 0110 of the tribes, the Senecas. SURRENDER OF CHARLESTON. 261 about the time of the Wyoming massacre, Brandt, the half-blood chief, with a body of Indians and tories, burnt ten houses and killed forty- four men at Minisink settlement, near the Hudson. The bones of those who fell there, after whitening in the sun forty-three years, were in 1823 collected and buried with much ceremony. CHAPTER CXXV. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Surren- der of Charleston. Other disastrous Events in the South. 1. THE greater part of the American army at the north had win- tered, 1779-'80, in Morristown, New Jersey. There were, however, strong detachments at West Point, and other posts about the Hudson, and a body of cavalry in Connecticut. Little was done on either side during the winter, which was one of unusual severity. In truth, the sufferings of the American army were so great that Washington at times thought of disbanding them. 2. The army for the campaign of 1780 was fixed by Congress at thirty -five thousand two hundred and eleven men ; of which each state was to furnish its proportion by the first day of April. But it was easier to furnish an army on paper than actually to procure the enlist- ments. Only ten thousand four hundred men could be actually mus- tered in April ; while the British force at New York was seventeen, thousand three hundred. 3. Nor was the condition of the American army in some other re- spects at all encouraging. Their wages were five months in arrears; their food was scanty, and sometimes bad ; they had no sugar, tea, wine, spirits, or medicine; and, worse than all, no prospect before them of any thing better. 4. Gloomy as these circumstances were, however, the spring was spent in preparation for war. In April, La Fayette returned from France, with the cheering intelligence that a large land and naval force might soon be expected from that country. They did not arrive, how- ever, till July ; and until their arrival the war at the north was con- fined to unimportant skirmishing. 6. What outrages wore committed by Brandt ? CHAP. CXXV. 1. Where were the greater part of the American army in the winter of 1779-17.>0? Where were strong detachments? What of suffering? 2. What of the army for the campaign of 1780 ? What men were actually raised ? What was the British force ? 8. What was the condition of the American army? 4. "What news was brought by La Fayette ? 262 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 5. But not so at the south. Sir Henry Clinton, with seven or eight thousand men, had landed at Savannah early this year, and sailed from that place to attack Charleston, which at the time was defended by the commander-in-chief of the army of the south, General Lincoln, and Governor Rutledge. He opened his batteries upon the city, April 2d. 6. The American forces amounted to about five thousand men ; and they had four hundred pieces of artillery. But the forces of the enemy were much superior, and the siege was carried on with great spirit. On the 12th of May, the Americans, finding the fortifications of the city mostly beaten down, and various neighboring points of importance surrendered to the British, while no hopes of relief were afforded them, capitulated, and gave up the place. In the defence near one hundred of their number had been slain, and one hundred and forty wounded. 7. On the 14th of April, while the siege of Charleston was going on, a body of American cavalry and militia were surprised by the British at Monk's Corner, thirty-two miles north from Charleston, and dis- persed. Fort Moultrie also, on Sullivan's Island, had surrendered on the 6th of May to the British naval forces. 8. Another misfortune befell the American army at the south on the 29th of May. Lord Cornwallis, who commanded a division of the British troops near the Santee River, detached a body of his men to a place in North Carolina, called the Waxhaws,* and completely cut off a corps of four hundred men, under Colonel Bufford ; only one hundred effecting their escape. 9. Nor were these all the misfortunes of the Americans in this quarter at this period. The important fort of Ninety-Six, in South Carolina, one hundred and fifty miles north-west from Charleston, fell into the hands of the enemy, while the country along the Savannah was ravaged. Many of the Americans in the south, considering the cause of the country as hopeless, joined the royal standard. 10. The southern American army being now greatly reduced, the British found it easy to post garrisons in various parts of Carolina, and to regard it as, in effect, conquered. Only four thousand men were deemed necessary to complete what they had begun, and with the rest of the army Sir Henry Clinton returned to New York. 11. Meanwhile, the state, though overrun, was very far from being conquered. A partisan war was long kept up, sometimes with much 5. "What was taking place at the south? 6. What were the forces of the two parties? What did the Americans conclude to do? 7. Where were a body of Americans surprised by the British? What of Fort Moultrie? 8. What was done by Lord Cornwallis? 9. What other misfortunes befell the Americans at the south ? 10. What did the British find it easy to accomplish? * This place, on the Waxhaw Creek, near its entrance into the Wateree or Catawba, was about one hundred and fifty miles north-west of Charleston. GENEKAL GATES. 263 spirit. Many gallant exploits were performed, and many triumphs ob- tained, by Generals Sumpter, Marion, and others ; so that the British could hardly fail to learn that to gain a few victories and to conquer a country, were very different things. CHAPTER CXXYI. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Gates Commander of the Southern Army. Disastrous Battle near Camden. Various Events at the South and at the North. Arrival of the French Fleet and Army under Rochambeau. \. ABOUT this period, General Lincoln was superseded in the com- mand tf the American army at the south by General Gates. The Baron de Ivalb, a brave German officer, was second in the command. Their troops amounted to one thousand regular soldiers and three thousand militia. 2. General Horatio Gates was an Englishman by birth, but had often served in the British army in America dur- ing the colonial wars. Some- where between the years 1763 and 1770 he removed to Amer- ica, and settled in Virginia. In 1775 he was made a briga- dier-general. He continued in the army chiefly at the north till the year 1780, when he was transferred to the south. 3. At the time of the cap- ture of Burgoyne, Gates was about fifty years of age. His success had rendered him extremely popular, while Washington, less 11. "What of Sumpter, Marion, etc.? CHAP. CXXVI. 1. What of the American army at the south ? Its commanders? 2. Give some account of General Gates. 3. What state of feeling was shown respecting Gates and Washington ? COUNT ROCHAMBEAU. 264 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. fortunate at this juncture, was rather unpopular. Efforts were made to remove Washington from the command of the army, and supply his place by Gates, but they were as unsuccessful as they were unreasonable. 4. General Gates marched with his troops from North Carolina toward Charleston. On the road, six or seven hundred Virginia militia joined him. When near Camden, in South Carolina, one hundred and ten miles north-west from Charleston, he was met by Lord Cornwallis and two thousand regular troops, who gave him battle. The Virginia militia and part of the others threw down their arms and fled at the beginning of the fight. The regular soldiers fought bravely, but were finally overpowered by numbers. 5. This battle occurred August 16th, and was exceedingly severe. Not only the battle-ground itself, but the fields, roads, and swamps, for many miles round, were covered, as it were, with the slain. Of the Americans, seven hundred and thirty-two were killed or captured ; the British loss in killed and wounded was also very heavy. Among the slain was the Baron de Kalb, to whose memory Congress ordered a monument to be erected. With the remnant of his forces Gates rapidly retreated into North Carolina. 6. Another defeat soon followed. General Sumpter, having taken a small fort, with about three hundred prisoners, and a large quantity of stores intended for the British army at Camden. was retreating with his booty up the Wateree River, when Colonel Tarleton, with a part of the British army, surprised him, rescued the prisoners, and killed, wounded, or dispersed his whole force. 7. But, after this long series of reverses, the tide of the southern war began to turn. Exasperated by the atrocities committed in North Carolina by a detachment of the British, and profligate Americans who had joined them, the militia armed themselves as best they could, and fell upon them fiercely at a place called King's Mountain.* They were defeated, with but little loss on the part of the Americans. No less than eight hundred of their best troops were taken prisoners, witli fifteen hundred stand of arms. Ferguson, the British commander, was killed. This battle took place October 7th, 1780. 8. The British were also defeated on the 12th of November, in a partial engagement at Broad River, and again, eight days afterward on Tiger River. The losses, however, in either of these two last engage- 4. What of the march of General Gates ? What battle was fonsrht near Camden ? 5. What was the loss on both sides ? What of Baron de Kalb ? 6. What of General Sumpter and Colonel Tarleton? 7. Where were the British defeated? S. Other defeats of the British? * Kind's Mountain is near the boundary between North and South Carolina, and in the present Gaston county, North Carolina, two hundred miles west by south of Raleigh. THE TREASON OF ARNOLD. 265 ments, were but trifling; nor were the advantages gained of very great consequence. 9. It has been seen, in another place, that little was done at the north during the early part of the year 1780. In June, about five thousand British soldiers, under General Knip-hau'-sen, plundered and bnrned several villages in New Jersey, and, in a few instances, committed the grossest acts of barbarity. 10. The arrival of the French fleet at Newport, July 10th, 1780, con- sisting of seven sail of the line, five frigates, five smaller vessels, and several transports under Admiral de Ternay, and about six thousand men under Count Rochambeau, a spirited officer, infused new courage into the whole country, and perhaps gave a new turn to the war. CHAPTER CXXYIL PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTION AKY WAR, CONTINUED. The Treason of -Benedict Arnold. 1. WE come now to some of the most painfully interesting events in the history of the American Revo- lutionary war. These are, the treason of General Arnold, and the consequent capture and execution of Major Andre, an excellent British officer, as a spy. 2. General Benedict Arnold was a native of Norwich, in Connecticut. His father was a man of doubtful in- tegrity, but he had a good mother. His education was merely such as the common schools of the place could give. While yet a lad, he was appren- ticed to a firm of druggists in Nor- ABNOLD. wicli ; but he ran away several times during his apprenticeship, beside be- ing, in other ways, a source of perpetual trouble to his friends. 3. Every thing pertaining to this early period of his life, indicated a want of conscientiousness cruelty, ill-temper, and recklessness with regard to the good or ill opinion of others. Robbing birds' nests, 9. Describe the pillage committed by tho British in New Jersey. 10. What fleet and forces arrived at Newport ? What effect had the arrival of these French forces at New- port? CHAP. CXX VII. 1. "Who was Major Andre f 2. Givo some account of Benedict Arnold. 8. Describe his youth. 12 266 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. maiming and mangling young birds to draw forth cries from the old ones, vexing children, and calling them hard names, and even heating them, were among the frequent, if not daily, pastimes of his youth. 4. He was also fond of daring, not to say dangerous, feats. For ex- ample, he sometimes took grain to a grist mill in the neighborhood^ and, while waiting for the meal, he would amuse himself and astonish his playmates by clinging to the arras of the large water-wheel, and passing with it beneath and above the water. 5. At the close of his apprenticeship, he commenced business as a druggist in Xew Haven. His enterprise and activity insured success fora time; but his speculations ended in bankruptcy. He returned, it is true, to his business; but he was never esteemed for honesty or solid integrity, either before or afterward. 6. "While an apprentice, he had once enlisted in the army ; but, dis- liking his duties, had deserted. When the news of the battle of Lex- ington arrived, Arnold, who had become a captain of what were called the Governor's Guard, took occasion to harangue the people, and call for volunteers. Sixty men joined him, and they set out for Cambridge. His subsequent movements have been alluded to in other chapters. 7. The autumn of 1780 found him in the command of West Point, on the Hudson. Here he secretly entered into an arrangement with Sir Henry Clinton, the British commander in New York, to give up the fort of West Point, with the men, arms, stores, etc., to the British. Such a result, had it not been for a timely discovery of the plot, would doubt- less have been effected. 8. What adds greatly to the wickedness of Arnold, in this matter, is the fact that he enjoyed the entire confidence of Washington, by whom he had always been well treated, and also that he had solicited the command of West Point with a special view to the commission of this act of treachery. Had he betrayed Washington and his country in a moment of angry excitement, the case would have beeii far dif- ferent. 4. "What were some of his feats? 5. How did he commence business? How was he esteemed? 6. What took place while he was enlisted as a soldier in the army? What did he do on hearing of the battle of Lexington? 7. What did he engage to do for the British as to West Point? 8. What added to the wickedness of Arnold ? CAPTURE OF MAJOR ANDRE. 267 CHAPTER C XX VIII. PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED. Cap- ture of Major Andre. 1. THE agent employed in Arnold's negotiations with Sir Henry Clinton was John A n d r 6, adj utant- general of the Brit- ish army. He was an accomplished young man, about twenty-nine years of age. To favor Ms communica- tions with Arnold, the Vulture, a Brit- ish sloop of war, had been previous- ly stationed in the Hudson, as near West Point as it could be without exciting suspicion- 2. On the night of September 21st, a boat was sent from the shore to bring Major Andre from on board the Vulture. When it returned, Arnold met him at the beach, outside of the forts of both armies. Their secret interview took place at Haverstraw, on the west side of the Hudson. To arrange all the details of the surrender of the fort re- quired considerable time, and the business was not finished till it was too near morning for Andre to return to the Vulture ; he was therefore obliged to conceal himself for the day, within the American lines. 3. During his absence, the Vulture had changed her position, and Andre, unable to get on board, was compelled to cross to the east side of the river and set out for New York by land. After exchanging his uniform for a plain dress, and receiving a passport from Arnold, under the name of John Anderson, he set out on horseback, and made the best of his way down the river. CHAP. CXXVIII. 1. What of Andre? What sloop was stationed in the Hudson to aid Andr6's operations? 2. What meeting took place on September 21st, 1780? 3. What was Andr6 compelled to do ? MAJOR AMdiK. 268 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 4. lie had the address, with the aid of his passport, to escape the suspicions of the guards and outposts of the army. But when lie came to Tarry town, a small village about thirty miles north of New York, on the east side of the river, he was met by three Xew York militia belonging to a scouting party, who, after examining his papers, allowed him to pass on. 5. One of them, however, suspecting from his appearance that all was not right, called him back. Andre asked them where they were from. " From down be- low," they replied. r s " ;" Y sM he. i hey then ar- rested him ; upon which he owned he was a British offi- cer, and endeavor- ed to bribe them to release him, by the offer of a purse of gold and his watch. 6. But they were not to be bribed, th U h thC . V W6r6 poor and needy. They conducted him to Col. Jameson, their commander, who, while he secured him, incautiously allowed him to drop a line to Arnold, who, on receiving the letter, went at once on board the Vulture, and thus escaped the punishment which would otherwise have been inflicted. 7. Washington, at this moment, was on his way from Connecticut, where he had been to confer with Count Rochambeau. lie arrived at West Point just in time to save it from being delivered up to the British, but not in time to secure Arnold. 8. Andre, in the mean time, was tried by a board of fourteen mili- tary officers, who, after hearing his confession for he was too noble a man to deny any part of the truth unanimously pronounced him a.7>y; and declared that, "agreeably to the laws and usages of na- tions, he should suffer death." 9. Though prepared to die, he still shrank from perishing on a gib- bet, and therefore entreated to be shot. Washington, moved by his appeals, presented his request to his officers ; but it was refused. He 4. Describe his journey on horseback. "What happened at Tarrytown? 5. What pa or the family, as they always had been before, were not only neglected, but in a great many instances absolutely overlooked and suffered to perish. The course of instruction in our colleges was sometimes sus- pended. Many a student became a soldier. 8. But the worst evil which befell the country was the introduction of irreligion. The Revolution opened the door to infidelity in two ways. First, by introducing, foreign fashions, habits, and modes of feeling, thinking, and acting a practical infidelity ; and secondly, by introducing from England and France, but especially the latter, an open opposition to Christianity. 9. The atheistical philosophy of God- win, Rousseau, Voltaire, and others, was spread in the United States during the Revolution with a fearful rapidity. But there were infidel writers in our own country. Ethan Allen's " Oracles of Reason" had already appeared. Thomas Paine's " Common Sense," written to aid the Revolution, with much truth had in- culcated some error, and paved the way for his other and more objectionable writ- ings. The effect of all these evil influ- THOMAS PAINE. ences was long felt in the country. 6. What is the usual effect of an army on society? 7 What of education riming the wur? 8. What was the worst evil that befell the, country? 9. What of atheistical phi- losophy ? What of infidel writers? DEBTS OF THE UNITED STATES 283 CHAPTER CXXXVI. Debts of the United States imposed by tJie Revolution. Discontents of the People. Shays' Rebellion. 1. THE war had involved the United States in a debt of forty mil- lions of dollars. Of this sum, eight millions were borrowed of foreign powers. The rules of the confederation of 1777 empowered Congress to carry on the war ; but they had no power to provide for its ex- penses. They could only recommend to the several states to raise money for that purpose. 2. Accordingly, on the 30th of May, 1781, Congress passed a reso- lution requesting the several states to furnish their proportion respect- ively of the eight millions of dollars of borrowed money. They also appointed a committee to determine what proportion of the money ought to be paid by each state. 3. It was proposed to the states that a duty of four per cent, on all foreign goods imported into the United States should be paid, and that the revenue arising therefrom should be applied to the payment of the national debt, both foreign and domestic. The latter was principally due to the officers and soldiers of the army. 4. All the states, except Ehode Island and New York, assented to this proposal. But as these two states had a large share of the public trade, their refusal to contribute to pay the public debt defeated the whole plan ; and the consequence was, that even the interest of the national debt remained unpaid. The government was exceedingly perplexed, and knew not in such a case what to do. 5. Certain measures of Great Britain added to the embarrassment. Instead of permitting a free trade with the colonies in the West In- dies, she shut her ports there against our vessels; and Congress, of course, had no power to compel her to open them. And what Congress could not do, the different states were not disposed to attempt, had they possessed the power. 6. Under these embarrassing circumstances, it was perfectly natural for those states which felt desirous of discharging their debts in an honorable manner, to make the utmost exertion to do their part. Massachusetts, in particular, resolved to bear her portion of the public burden, and proceeded to act accordingly. CHA.I-. CXXXVI. 1. "What debt did the United States owe? Could Congress provide for the expenses of the war? 2. What was done in 1781 ? 3. What was proposed to the states? 4. Which states objected to the proposal? What effect had their refusal? 5- What added to the perplexity of government? 6. How did the states feel ? 284 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 7. The country was not, however, in a perfectly settled state. There were some men in Massachusetts who, though they had been willing, in 1776, to go to war with Orea^, Britain rather than submit to taxa- tion without representation, were willing, in 1786, to go to war with the government rather than pay their share of the expenses which the contest with Great Britain had occasioned. 8. On the 22d of August, 1786, delegates from fifty towns in the county of Hampshire met at Ilatfield, and set on foot an opposition to the burdens, as they called them, which were lying on the people. The excitement soon spread to Worcester, Middlesex, Bristol, and Berkshire counties. Indeed, it did not stop in Massachusetts it ex- tended to New Hampshire. 9. In some parts of Massachusetts, tumultuous assemblies, under the specious names of conventions, were assembled, which obstructed the proceedings of courts and other bodies. Daniel Shays, who had been a captain in the revolutionary war, was considered as the head of the in- surgents hence the movement took the name "Shays' Insurrection." 10. In August, no less than fifteen hundred of these insurgents as- sembled in Northampton. They took possession of the court-house, and would not allow the courts to sit. In December, three hundred of them, under Shays himself, acted a similar farce in Springfield. In truth, the spirit of opposition to taxation was rife everywhere in the states, and seemed to be on the increase. 11. In December, 1786, or early in January, 1787, a body of four thousand men was raised to sustain the courts and suppress the insur- rection, and General Lincoln the same man who had so much dis- tinguished himself in the army of the United States was appointed to the chief command. The troops were raised for a service of only thirty days. 12. One of the first directions to the new army, was to go to Wor- cester, and defend the courts there. In this they succeeded. Another object was to defend the arsenal at Springfield. For this last purpose, twelve hundred men, under General Shepard, assembled at Springfield; and, on the 24th of January, Shays, with eleven hundred men, marched against them. 13. When the insurgents were within two hundred and fifty yards of the arsenal, word wa.s sent them not to come any nearer, for if they did they would be fired on. Disregarding this, they advanced one hundred yards further, upon which General Shepard ordered his 7. What new trouble now arose ? 8. What was done in 1786? How far did the opposi- tion extend? 9. What of tumultuous assemblies? Who headed the insurrection? 10. What was done in August? In December? 11, Who headed the men raised to suppress the insurrection ? 12. What did the army first attempt? What was another object? SHAYS' 11EBELLION. 285 men to fire, but tp direct the first shot over their heads. This only quickened their approach. The artillery was then levelled against them, and three of their number were killed and one wounded. 14. Shays endeavored to rally ,his men, but in vain. They retreat- ed first to Ludlow, and afterward to Pelham, where they again assem- bled. General Lincoln, hearing of this at Hadley, marched against them, in the midst of deep snow, and took one hundred and fifty of them prisoners, and dispersed the rest. 15. Conditional pardon was now offered by the legislature of Mas- sachusetts to all the rebels ; of which seven hundred and ninety availed themselves. Fourteen were tried and received sentence of death ; but were, one after another, finally pardoned. The rebellion was at length suppressed, and the peace of the commonwealth restored. CHAPTER CXXXVII. Formation and Adoption of the Constitution of the United States. Washington elected President. 1. WE have seen that a confederacy of the states was proposed, during the first years of the Rev- olutionary War, and signed by the thirteen states, in 1781. But expe- rience at length seemed to show that, how wisely soever it had been framed for a time of war, it was not adequate to all the wants of the country in a time of peace. 2. In January^ 1786, a proposal was made by the legislature of Virginia, for a con- 13. Describe the advance of the insurgents. Their reception. 14. What was the fate of Shays' men ? 15. What was the fate of the rebels ? CHAP. CXXXVII. 1. What can you say of tho confederacy signed in 1781 ? THE CONVENTION. 286 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. vention of commissioners from the several states, whose duty it should be to take into consideration the trade and commerce of the country, and either devise some plan for their regulation, or delegate to Con- gress the power to legislate upon it ; in other words, to revise the federal system. 3. Provision was made for holding such a convention in Annapolis in the following September ; but as there were delegates present at that time from only five of the states, the subject was deferred to the following May. In the mean time, new efforts were made to procure a general attendance at that meeting. 4. In May, 1787, commissioners from all the states but Ehode Island met at Philadelphia, and having chosen General Washington, who was one of the delegates from Virginia, their president, they proceeded to the important business assigned them. Their whole number was fifty- five. 5. The question which first engaged their attention was, whether to revise the old federal system, or form a new one. The object for which the convention had been originally appointed, was that of mere revision. And yet the defects of the old system were such that it was finally determined by the majority to form a new system. 6. The next thing was, to agree upon the principles which should form the basis of the new confederation. Here, in general, there was much harmony of opinion at first. But when they came to the prac- tical application of those principles, there was more of disagreement. One point, in particular, upon which they could not soon agree, was the formation of a national legislature. 7. It was a long time before all the members of the convention were willing to have the members of the House of Representatives be in proportion to the whole number of free citizens in the state and three- fifths of the others. And as to the Senate, there was still greater dif- ficulty. The small states wished to be on an equal footing with the larger ones; to which the latter we're, of course, strongly opposed. 8. When this last point had been agitated for a long time, and the convention seemed about to adjourn without accomplishing its object, Dr. Franklin, a member from Pennsylvania, then over eighty years of age, in a speech which abounded in good sense, and was not wanting in eloquence, proposed daily morning prayer. 9. This hint being well received, prayer was henceforth offered, every day, before proceeding to business. From this time, there was 2. Wh.it was to the be duty of the commissioners? 3. What of a convention at Annapo- lis? 4. What was done in May, 1T8T? How many commissioners were there ? 5. What first occupied them ? 6. What was the next consideration ? Upon what point did they disagree? 7. What difficulties arose in the states? 8. What was proposed hy Dr. Franklin? WASHINGTON ELECTED PRESIDENT. 287 more and more of harmony in their deliberations, till at length a con- stitution, was matured and signed by the members, and presented to Congress, who forthwith presented it to the several states, for them to consider and ratify. 10. It had been resolved by the convention, that state conventions should be called to discuss the merits of the new constitution, and to accept or reject it, as might seem to them best ; and that Congress should carry it into effect as soon as it should be signed or ratified by nine of the states. 11. For a time it was quite doubtful whether it would ever go into operation. At length, however, it was ratified by eleven of the states ; North Carolina and Ehode Island alone, of the thirteen, refusing to accept it. They finally consented to receive it the former in 1789, the latter in 1790. 12. All classes of people, whether federalists or not for by this name the friends of the federal government were called now turned their eyes toward Washington as their first president. On opening the votes for chief magistrate of the United States, at New York, March 3d, 1789, it was found that George Washington was unanimously elect- ed ; and that John Adams was chosen vice-president. 9. What contributed to produce harmony? "What was at length formed ? 10. What was resolved upon by the convention ? 11. By how many states was it ratified? What states finally received it? 12. On whom did all fix as president ? When were the votes taken? "Who was chosen president? Who vice president ? 288 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. WASHINGTON" AS PRESIDENT. CHAPTER cxxxvrn. Beginning of the New Government under the present Con- stitution. WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION, FROM; MARCH 4TH, 1789, TO MARCH 4, 1797. Proceedings of the first Congress. 1. WE have now reached the period when the present Constitution of the United States went into operation. Washington was the first president, and began his administration in 1789 ; from that time to this, a period of about sev.enty years, we have had fourteen presidents. Wash- ington was inducted into his new office April 30th, 1789, in the presence of the first Congress of the United States which convened under the new constitution. As soon as the ceremonies of the inauguration \vere over, he entered the Senate chamber and delivered his first speech. This speech, which has been much commended, was in nothing more CHAP. CXXXVIIL 1. Who was the first American president? When did Wash- ington's first administration begin? How long since the government began under tlio constitution? How many presidents since Washington ? Describe the inauguration of Washington. For what was his speech remarkable? How did the ceremony close? FIRST CONGRESS. 289 remarkable than its frequent reference to a Supreme Being as the Ruler of the universe, and Controller of human actions and human destiny, whether individual or national. Then, " suiting the action to the word," he and the members of both houses of Congress attend- ed divine service almost immediately afterward. 2. Never was the business of a legislative body more pressing or more important than that of the first Congress of the United States. Four prominent measures could not be delayed. There must be a revenue; the various departments of government must be arranged and filled ; a judiciary department and its officers were needed ; and the public credit was, if possible, to be maintained. 3. To create a revenue and pay the public debt, foreign and domes- tic, and support the present government, it was decided that duties should be laid on imported goods and merchandise, and on the tonnage of vessels. A Department of State, a Treasury Department and a War Department were created, and Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and Henry Knox placed at their heads respectively. 4. The power of removal from office, in the executive departments, occasioned a good deal of discussion; but it was at length decided that it should be left with the president alone. Congress adjourned Sep- tember 20th ; but not till they had requested the president to recom- mend to the people a day of public thanksgiving and prayer. 5. During the recess of Congress, President Washington made a tour through New England as far as Portsmouth, in Ne\v Hampshire, with a view to observe the character, habits, etc., of the people. He was received everywhere with those marks of attention which indi- cated an entire confidence in his administration. 6. The second session of the first Congress commenced January 8th, 1790. From the report of Mr. Hamilton, secretary of the treasury, it was found that the United States debt was fifty-four million dollars, for the payment of all which he recommended adequate provision. 7. No objection was felt in Congress, to paying the foreign debt which had been incurred, now amounting, including interest, to eleven million five hundred thousand dollars ; but the question of the full assumption, by Congress, of all the rest of the debts, including those contracted by the states, caused a long and anxious debate. 8. Congress, however, by a small majority, finally concluded to pay the whole debt. In order to do this, the money derived from the sale 2. What four measures were deemed necessary to bo taken? 8. What was decided upon? What departments were created, and who were placed at the head ? 4. What dis- cussion arose? When did Congress adjourn? 5. What j.mrney d d Washington take? 6. What debt had the United States incurred? 7. What caused a long debate? 8. Upon what did Congress conclude ? What sum did they decide to borrow ? 13 290 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. of western lands was to be applied, together with what remained of the revenue after paying the current expenses of the government. It was also decided to borrow, at five per cent, interest, two millions of dollars. 9. During the session, the state of Vermont, by consent of both houses of Congress, was received into the Union, which although it had aided actively in the Revolutionary War, had not joined the con- federation. The seat of general government was fixed for ten years at Philadelphia, after which that is, in the year 1800 it was to be re- moved to Washington. A tax was laid, after a long and angry debate, on domestic spirits. A National Bank was also established, with a capital of ten millions of dollars, and a charter was granted, to extend to May, 1811. CHAPTER CXXXIX. WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION CONTINUED. Rise of Par* ties. Wars with the Indians. 1. THE discussion of so many great and important subjects at the two sessions of the first Congress had already formed a line of de- marcation between the two great political parties, whose frequent subsequent conflicts for power have more than once shaken the very confederacy itself to its cen- tre. 2. But while these things were going on at Philadelphia, a war was preparing with the Indians of the north-west. By an ordi- nance of Congress, in 1787, a terri- torial government had been form- ed north-west of the river Ohio ; and, by another ordinance, power had been given to commissioners to treat with the Indians. In spite, however, of governments and treaties, an Indian war broke out in 1790. 9. When was Vermont received into the Union ? Where was the seat of government to be at first? When was it to be removed to Washington ? What tax was laid ? What of a bank ? CHAP. CXXXIX. 1. What distinction in parties grew out of the debates in Congress ? 2. What war was in preparation ? What had been ordered by Congress ? GENERAL ST. CLAIR. GENERAL ST. CLAIR. 291 3. On the 30th of September, General Harmar, with fourteen hun- dred and fifty men, three-fourths of whom were Pennsylvania and Kentucky militia, marched against the Indians at their villages, on the Sci-o'-to and Mi-a'-mi Rivers. The Indians, having set fire to their huts with their own hands, fled to the woods. 4. After burning and plundering and some skirmishing, for several days, a general and decisive battle was fought near the spot where Chillicothe now stands, in which the army of the United States was defeated, with the loss of nearly two hundred men. The loss of the Indians, however, was considerable. They had lost also, during the whole time, about three hundred huts and wigwams. 5. The success of the United States was greater this year, in making treaties with the Indians, than in fighting them. By the persevering exertions of General Knox, the secretary of war, a treaty was made with the Creek Indians, in which a large territory, hitherto claimed by that tribe, was ceded to Georgia. 6. After the failure of the expedition under General Harmar, Gen- eral St. Clair was appointed to the command of the north-western army, and additional troops were raised. He was also appointed gov- ernor of the North- Western Territory. He was instructed to carry on the war against the Indians, by destroying their villages about the Miami, and driving them wholly away from the Ohio country. 7. In the spring of 1791, he took the field with about fifteen hun- dred men. The Indians in that region had, as it wag supposed, about an equal number of warriors. Generals Wilkinson and Scott were sent out with eight hundred and fifty men, but did not effect much. Early in November, General St. Clair himself went against them with his whole force. 8. On the 4th of November, a great battle was fought on the Miami, in which the army of St. Clair was entirely defeated, with the loss of more than six hundred men nearly half his army. This was the most signally destructive battle which had been fought with the Indians since the memorable defeat of Braddock. 9. But, instead of relinquishing the war, on account of a few disas- ters, Congress, after a good deal of discussion and much opposition to the measure, passed a bill to raise several new regiments of troops, to be employed in the service, if necessary, three years. 10. During the year 1791, Washington made a tour of observation through the Southern states, as he had done through the Northern, 3. Who marched against the Indians ? 4. Where was n battle fought ? "What of the Indian loss ? 5. What was done by General Knox ? 6. What of General St Clair ? 7. What was done in 1791 ? 8. What of the battle on the Miami ? 9. What did Congress do in re- gard to the Indian war ? 292 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. two years before, and for similar purposes. The day, and in many instances the hour, of his appearance at each place, was fixed long before his arrival, from Avhich| except in a single instance, he never de- viated. He was received everywhere with demonstrations of great joy. CHAPTER CXL. WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Kentucky Admitted to tlie Union. 1. DURING the year 1792, Kentucky was admitted to the Union, as the fifteenth grand pillar of the Union Vermont -having made the fourteenth. It may be useful to trace the history of this state from the earliest known periods, as well as the character of the individual who began its settlement. 10. Describe Washington's tour in 1791. CHAP. CXL. 1. When was Kentucky made a state ? KENTUCKY ADMITTED TO THE UNION. 293 2. The Revolutionary War, though it retarded the progress of the settlements in the West, did not wholly prevent emigration thither. In 1773, no less than four hundred families passed down the Ohio River in six weeks, most of whom settled at or near Natchez. The same year three hundred families of Germans emigrated from Maine to the south-western parts of South Carolina. 3. But the most remarkable of all the attempts to people the western country at this period was made by Colonel Daniel Boone, of North Carolina. lie was a great hunter, and had rambled in the forests of the " Mighty West" several years before he ventured, in defiance of wild beasts and still wilder men, to take up his residence there. 4. He first left home, in company with six other adventurers, in 1769. Kentucky was found to be a fine place for hunting the buffalo. At length, he and a companion by the name of Stuart were taken prisoners by the Indians. They escaped from them and found their way back to their camp, but it had been plundered, and the rest of the company were dispersed. 5. Soon after this, his brother and another man joined him, so that the company was again increased to four. Stuart was soon after killed by the Indians, and the other man by wolves, so that Boone and his brother alone remained. They, however, built themselves a cottage with poles and bark, and wintered there. 6. In May, 1770, the brother of Boone returned to North Carolina, in order to procure a recruit of horses and ammunition, leaving him entirely alone, and, as he himself says, " without bread, salt, or sugar, or even a horse or a dog." This winter, in one of his rambles, he narrowly escaped the savages. But he was one of those men who, like Washington, seemed reserved for special purposes. 7. His brother returned to him late in July, and they spent the rest of the year there, and the following winter. During this time, beside hunting, they discovered and gave name to the principal rivers of the country. The whole region seemed to them a paradise, and in March, 1771, they returned home to bring their families there. 8. In September, 1773, they set out for Kentucky. Five other fam- ilies had been induced, by their representations, to join them. Forty men also joined them at Powell's Valley, on the road. Soon after this, they were attacked by the Indians, and six of the party slain, among whom was Boone's eldest son. Their cattle also were scattered. 9. They retreated forty miles to a settlement on Clinch River, where 2. Describe the emigration of the year 1773 ? 3. What of Daniel Boone ? 4, 5. Describe his adventures in 1709. 6. What took place in May, 1770? 7. "What happened after the return of his brother? What did he and his brother do in 1771 ? 8. What happened in September? What was done by the Indians? 294 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. they left their families. From this time forth, for nearly two years, Boone was employed in surveying the country and in building roads and forts. Among the rest, they built a fort at a place which they called Boonesborough. He removed his family to the fort in June, 1775, about the time of the battle at Lexington. 10. This is supposed to have been the first permanent settlement in that state at that time a part of Virginia though two others were made not far from the same time. The wife and daughter of Colonel Boone were, as he says, " the first white women that ever stood upon the banks of Kentucky River." 11. But this settlement was not effected without great peril. Several times did the Indians attack Boone's party during the journey from Clinch River to Boonesborough. Five of the company were killed, and as many wounded. Others were slain after their arrival. The daughter of Boone was even carried off by the savages, in 1776 ; but her father recovered her. 12. The whole life of this father of Kentucky is eventful and in- teresting ; we can only add here, that he remained in his favorite state, though often much exposed and once taken a prisoner, till 1798, when he removed, with a large train of relatives and friends, to Missouri, where he spent his days in hunting and trapping. He died in 1822, aged eighty-five years. CHAPTER CXLI. WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Formation of various Societies in the United States. 1. THE year 1792 is distinguished for the formation of the Massachu- setts Agricultural Society ; an association which, by itself and its auxiliaries, has, in the progress of half a century, done much for the advancement, in the United States, of that which constitutes the real wealth and happiness and greatness of a nation. 2. Up to this period, societies for the promotion of improvement, physical or moral, had been little known among us. But an interval of rest from war had led many at length to turn their thoughts to mechanics, manufactures, agriculture, education, morals, and religion. 9 How was Boone employed fur two years? To what place did he remove his family? 10. What was the first permanent settlement in Kentucky? What (if the wife and daughter of Boone ? II. How were the settlers annoyed by the Indians? 12. How long did Boone remain in Kentucky? Where did he then go? When did he die ? CHAP. CXLI. 1. For what is the year 1792 distinguished? 2. What had been done during the interval of rest from war? SOCIETIES IN THE UNITED STATES. 295 3. It is worthy of remark that the rearing of mulberry -trees and silk-worms had succeeded so far, in Connecticut, that the Eev. Jason Atwater, a minister in Branford, had a silk gown made for him this year, at his own home. This was the first clergyman's silk gown made in America. Silk stockings had been fabricated a little before, and also silk handkerchiefs. 4. One of the first and most curious societies ever formed in this country was the Boston Society for Encouraging Industry and Em- ploying the Poor. It was established about the year 1750, though it continued but a few years. A large and handsome brick building was erected in Boston, in connection with this society, for the linen manu- facture, the expense of which was paid by a tax on carriages and other articles of luxury. 5. Tins society held its first anniversary in 1753, when a public dis- course was delivered by Kev. Mr. Cooper. In the afternoon, about three hundred young female spinsters, decently dressed, appeared on the com- mon, at their spinning-wheels. The wheels were placed regularly in three rows, of one hundred each, and a female was seated at each wheel. 6. The weavers, also, of tlte city and its vicinity, appeared on the Common, neatly dressed in garments of their own weaving. One of them, with his loom, was carried on the shoulders of the people, at- tended by music ; the music of the shuttle continuing along with the rest. The crowd that attended to witness these novel but interesting spectacles was immense. 7. An association of tradesmen and manufacturers of the town of Boston was formed in 1785. The Boston Mechanics' Association was formed in 1795. The Delaware Society for Promoting American Manu- factures was instituted at Wilmington in 1817; and the Scotch loom came into Rhode Island the same year. The Maryland Economical Association was formed at Baltimore in 1819. 8. The American Bible Society was formed at New York in 1816. Delegates were present from thirty-two societies. It is, moreover, a curious fact, that, in view of the want of Bibles in the country, Con- gress, in 1777, had ordered twenty thousand Bibles to be imported. 9. But there had been societies for other purposes, in considerable numbers, formed long before the year 1792 the period at which we are now arrived. There was a society for propagating the gospel in New England, incorporated in 1649 for propagating the gospel among the Indians in New England and elsewhere, in 1661, and the Society for propagating Christian knowledge among the Indians, in 1762. = * __ . _ 3. What of the culture of silk in Connecticut? 4. "What society was formed in 1750? What building was erected? 5 What was done in 1753? Describe the scene on Boston Common. 6. Describe the meeting of the weavers. 7. What other associations were formed ? S. What of Bible societies ? 9. What societies were there prior to 1792 ? 296 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 10. In more modern times, associations or societies have become numerous in all parts of the United States, including those devoted to agriculture and other domestic arts ; to religion, to charities of many kinds, to literature, science, the fine arts, etc. These societies have been the means of promoting, in many ways, the peace, improvement, and happiness of the people. CHAPTER CXLII. WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. His Second Election. The French Revolution. M. Genet's Opera- tions. Jefferson's Resignation as Secretary of State. 1. SOON after the opening of Congress in 1792, an attempt was made to show that Hamilton, the secretary of the treasury, was a dangerous man, aiming at the destruction of the liberties and rights of his coun- try ; and hints to the same effect were even thrown out against Presi- dent "Washington himself. 2. But, notwithstanding all these insinuations, in March, 1793, Wash- ington was declared unanimously re-elected to the presidency, and Mr. Adams was again chosen vice-president. "Washington had at first de- cided not to be again a candidate for this high office, but had at length yielded his own wishes to those of the people. 3. A treaty was this year made with the Indians on the Wabash, and the promise of a conference, the next spring, was obtained of sev- eral of the other tribes. In the mean time, however, the business of enlisting soldiers for an exigency, which might, after all, require them, was perseveringly though slowly carried on, and the troops already in the service were kept in a proper state of discipline. 4. Early in 1793, news reached America of a Declaration of "War by Great Britain against France and Holland, and caused much excite- ment. From the nature of the relation which had subsisted between the United States and France during the late war, a majority of the people sympathized strongly with the French, and were as strongly opposed to Great Britain. 5. The question therefore arose, whether the government of the United States should espouse the cause of either party in the contest. This question was finally decided by "Washington and his council in 10. What of societies in more modern times ? CHAP. CXLII. 1. What attempts were made by some invidious persons about 1792? 2. When was Washington re-elected president? 3. What treaty was made this year, 1793? What was done in respect to soldiers? 4. What news in 1793? How were the Americans disposed ? ft. What question arose ? What was issued April 22d ? THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 297 the negative. Accordingly, on the 22d of April, President "Washington issued a proclamation enjoining entire neutrality on the part of the United States. 6. The Revolution in France, which resulted in the execution of the king, Louis XVI., and changed the government from a Monarchy to a Republic, had commenced about the year 1789. It seems to have been brought on, or at least hastened, by the Revolution in the United States. The new republic now recalled the French minister in the United States, who had been appointed under the king, and sent over M. Genet in his stead. 7. The principal object for which M. Genet was sent over was, to persuade the United States to aid France in the pending war. He landed at Charleston, South Carolina, and, being kindly received by the constituted authorities there, both on account of the dignity of his office and the gratitude which was felt toward the French nation, he boldly proceeded to the performance of various unauthorized, and in- deed wholly illegal, acts. 8. He did not hesitate to enlist men, and to arm and fit out privateers, to cruise and commit hostilities against nations with whom the United States were at peace. When any captures were made, he allowed the French consul at Charleston to hold courts of admiralty on them, and to try and condemn them, and authorize their sale. 9. All this was done, too, by M. Genet before the American gov- ernment had recognized him as a minister. He had presumed on a disposition to aid France without regard to consequences. Finding that the Americans disapproved of his conduct, he endeavored partly, no doubt, in self-defence to excite them to opposition against their own government. 10. When Congress met, in 1793, they approved of Washington's proclamation, as well as of all his conduct in relation to France. They also encouraged the president and his cabinet to urge the French gov- ernment to recall M. Genet, and appoint a successor. M. Genet was therefore recalled, and M. Fauchet appointed in his stead. 11. The last important event of the year 1793 was the resignation of Mr. Jefferson, secretary of state, and the appointment of Edmund Randolph, of 'Virginia, as his successor. Mr. Randolph had been for some time attorney -general of the United States, and had sustained the office with singular ability. 6. What of the French Revolution? What of the new republic? 7. Why was M. Genet sent to America? 8. What did he proceed to do? !). What did he do on the disapproval of the Americans ? 10. What was done by Congress in 1703 ? Who was sent as French minister to the United States in place of M. Genet? 11. Who succeeded Jef- ferson as secretary of state ? What of Mr. Randolph? 13* 298 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 12. It is necessary to state here that from the beginning of the new Constitution, some persons had been opposed to it. Among them was Mr. Jefferson, who afterward became the head of the Republican party, which espoused the cause of France, and expressed great hostility to Great Britain, during the period to which our history now refers. The supporters of the Constitution, or Federal government, among whom were Washington and Hamilton, were called Federalists. The conflicts between the two parties soon shook the country to its foun- dation. CHAPTER CXLI1I. WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Difficulties with Great Britain. 1. FEARS began to be entertained, in 1794, of another war with Great Britain. The govern- ment of that country had issued an order in January, 1793, for- bidding the exportation of corn to France, and authorizing the seizure of neutral vessels found carrying it there. As a conse- quence, many American vessels had been captured. 2. Additional instructions liad also been iven ' in the November following, to British shi p s f war and p rivateers > to take all such vessels as were carrying provisions or other supplies to France or her col- onies. Great Britain, moreover^ had failed to deliver up to the United States the Western posts, according to the provisions of the treaty of 1783. 3. In view of these difficulties between the two countries, and the uncertainty to what they might lead, Congress, in 1794, passed bills for laying an embargo upon ships in our ports for thirty days, for in- creasing the standing army, and for organizing the militia and erecting 12. What of Mr. Jefferson ? What of the two parties, Republicans and Federalists? CHAP. CXLIII. 1. "What order had government issued in 1793? 2. What was done in November? How had Great Britain failed to fulfil her treaty? 8. What bills were passed in 1794? To what office was Mr. Jay appointed? THE WHISKEY INSURRECTION. 299 fortifications. At the same time that these precautionary measures were taken, John Jay, of New York, who had been greatly distin- guished by his wisdom and patriotism during the Revolution, was ap- pointed an envoy extraordinary to the court of Great Britain. 4. Mr. Jay succeeded, during this and the following year, in making a treaty for the settlement of the difficulties between the two coun- tries. This, while it met the approbation of a majority of the people of the United States, only increased the complaints of those who were opposed to the existing administration, and widened the gulf which separated the two great political parties. 5. The conference which had been promised by the Indians of the north-west having failed, General Wayne, the successor of General St. Glair, was sent out against them in August, 1794, and succeeded in gaining a complete victory on the banks of the Miami, and in laying waste their whole country. 6. The Six Nations, and the other tribes of Indians in their region, who had been for some time meditating a great war against the people of the United States, were discouraged by the success of General "Wayne, and gave up their scheme, and hopes were now entertained of a permanent peace with them. CHAPTER CXLIY. WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. The Whiskey Insurrection. 1. CONGRESS, in 1797, had enacted laws imposing duties on spirits distilled within the United States, and upon stills. To these laws four or five counties in western Pennsylvania had from the first been strongly opposed, but it was not till 1794 that their hostility broke out in angry opposition. 2. In July of this year, about a hundred persons, armed with guns and other weapons, attacked the house of an inspector of the revenue, and wounded some of the occupants. They also seized the district marshal, and compelled him to agree not to persevere in the duties of his office. Both the inspector and the marshal found it necessary to leave the county for safety. 4. What did he succeed in doing? What of the two parties in respect to Jay's treaty ? 5. Where was General Wayne sent in 1794? How did he succeed? 6. What were the feelings of the Six Nations and other Indians? CHAP. CXLIV. 1. To what laws were some counties in Pennsylvania opposed ? 2. What outrages were committed in July, 1794? 300 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 3. These and other similar outrages called forth a proclamation, on the 7th of August, from President Washington, commanding the in- surgents to disperse, and warning all persons against aiding them in any way whatever, in their rebellious opposition. All officers and other citizens were also required to exert themselves to the utmost, to prevent and suppress such dangerous proceedings. 4. On the 25th of September, a second proclamation was issued, the object of which was to admonish the insurgents, and induce them, if possible, to desist from their opposition. At the same time, however, the president declared his fixed determination, in obedience to the duty assigned him by the Constitution, " to take care that the laws be faithfully executed," and to compel the refractory to obedience. 5. Meanwhile, the insurgents, nothing daunted, proceeded to almost every form of outrage. They first robbed the western mail. Xext, several thousands of them collected at Braddock's Field, on the Mo- nongahela. Still later, a convention of two hundred delegates, from the disaffected counties of Pennsylvania and Virginia, met at Parkin- son's Ferry, and by adjournment at other places. 6. Some were for returning to obedience; others adhered to their opposition. At length, Washington ordered out fifteen thousand militia, under Governor Lee, of Virginia, on the approach of whom the insurgents laid down their arms. Eighteen were tried for treason, but not convicted. Only three men were killed during the whole progress of the insurrection. 7. The only other historical events of the year 1795, worthy of note, were, the ratification, by the Senate of the United States, of Mr. Jay's treaty with Great Britain, after a violent opposition by the Republican party, in Congress and out of it, and the conclusion of treaties with the dey of Algiers, Spain, and the Miami Indians. By the treaty with Algiers a number of American citizens were liberated from a most painful bondage. 3. What orders were issued by Washington ? 4. Wh.it of a second proclamation ? 5. Describe the conduct of the insurgents. 6. How were they compelled to lay down their arms? 7. "What were some other historical events of the year 1795? ADMISSION OF TENNESSEE. 301 CHAPTER CXLV. WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Admission of Tennessee, the sixteenth State. 1. IN 1796, Ten-nes-see' was admitted into the Union. It had been made a territorial government in 1790, but the number of inhabitants which was necessary to entitle it to be received into the confederacy was not sufficient till six years afterward. 2. What is now the great state of Tennessee, with more than a mil- lion of inhabitants, was, till about sixty years ago, a part of North Carolina. The first settlement attempted to be made in the province was in 1754. At that time, about fifty families settled on Cumberland River, where Nashville now stands, but were broken up soon after by the Indians. 3. The first permanent white inhabitants of Tennessee went there in 1757. They built Fort Loudon, now in Blount county. They were at- tacked in 1760 by the savages, and two hundred men, women and children, were massacred. In 1767, the savages were humbled by Col- onel Grant, and a treaty made with them, which encouraged emigra- tion. 4. In 1765, settlements began on the Holston River, and gradually increased. Still the Indians were troublesome, but were often prompt- ly repulsed, especially by Colonel John Sevier, who was the Tennes- seean hero of those times. In June, 1776, Colonel Sevier, with the militia of Tennessee, and a few soldiers from Virginia, gained a de- cisive victory over the savages. 5. Where Nashville now stands was a wilderness till 1780. During that year, about forty families, under the direction of James Robert- son, crossed the mountains, and founded Nashville. From this time forward, though more or less harassed by the Indians, the progress of the state, in population and improvement, was rapid. 6. In 1785, the inhabitants of the province proposed to become a state by the name of Franklin ; but the scheme was at length aban- doned. In 1789, North Carolina gave up the territory, and in 1790 Congress recognized it as a separate province, and made provision for its government accordingly. CHAP. CXLV. 1. What of Tennessee? 2. What was its condition till about sixty years ago? What settlement was attempted ? 3. What of the first permanent white inhabitants of Tennessee ? What of the savages in 17i and 1761 ? 4. What was done in 17C.5? In J776? 5. In 1780? When was Nashville founded? 6. What was proposed in 1785? "When did Congress recognize Tennessee as a separate province? 302 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER CXLVI. WASHINGTON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Changes in his Cabinet. Education in the Country. 1. Two years before the close of "Washington's administration, there were some modifications of his cabinet. General Hamilton had resign- ed the office of secretary of the treasury, and had been succeeded by Oliver Wolcott, of Connecticut. General Knox had also been suc- ceeded, in the war department, by Timothy Pickering, of Massachu- setts. 2. No considerable change had taken place in the morals and relig- ion of the community, during the administration of Washington, not- withstanding his own manifestations of regard for good things. The country was still flooded with vice and infidelity. The writings of Paine and Godwin were circulated in great numbers sometimes gratuitously. 3. Trade and commerce, however, flourished during this period, beyond any former example. In 1797, the exports of the United States amounted to nearly fifty-seven millions of dollars, and the im- ports to seventy-five millions of dollars. Great progress was made in agriculture, and also in manufactures. The population of the Unit- ed States had risen to about five millions. 4. The national credit, moreover, had become established ; an ample revenue had been provided ; a considerable part of the national debt had been paid ; and such measures had been put in operation as bade fair to extinguish the debt in a reasonable time. Treaties had been made with most of the Indian tribes, and peace with most foreign nations. 5. A prodigious impulse had been given, during this period, to the cause of education. Among the literary institutions which had their origin during the short period of Washington's administration, were Williams, Union, Greenville and Bowdoin colleges, and the University of Vermont. The Historical Society of Massachusetts had its origin, also, during the same period. 6. It was in the year 1795 that the remarkable school fund of Con- necticut was formed. The Connecticut reserve lands now a part of CHAP. CXLVI. 1. What changes had been made in Washington's cabinet? 2. What of morals and religion during Washington's administration? 3. Describe the increase of trade and commerce. What other progress was made ? What ot the population of the United States? 4. In what other respects had the country improved? 5. What of educa- tion at this period ? Colleges ? WASHINGTON'S INFLUENCE. 303 north-western Ohio were sold for one million two hundred thousand dollars, and devoted to this purpose. The fund now amounts to over two millions of dollars. In 1796, an act for establishing schools through- out the state was passed in Pennsylvania. At the present time, nearly every state in the Union gives encouragement to common school edu- cation, and high-schools, academies and colleges, in the Union, are al- most beyond enumeration. 7. No man ever had such unbounded influence in the United States as Washington perhaps it is not too much to say, no man ever will have. Several other chief magistrates have indeed been extremely popular and influential, especially when they had been distinguished in military life. Yet even these had not the hearts of the whole na- tion at their disposal, like "Washington. 8. Had he been as ambitious as Napoleon, or even as Bolivar, or Francia, he might have been dictator for life, as well as they. Such a course was even proposed to him, in 1782, when it was believed that the country was not yet ready for any thing but a qualified monarchy ; but he turned from it with disdain. As the leader of a republic, in a time which " tried men's souls," no one ever exceeded him in judg- ment or patriotism. 6. What of the school fund of Connecticut? 7. What of schools, academies and colleges at the present time ? What can you say of Washington as chief magistrate ? 8. What station might ho have held? What was his character? 304 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. JOHN ADAMS. CHAPTER CXLVIL JOHN ADAMS'S ADMINISTRATION, FROM: MARCH 4m, 1797, TO MARCH 4TH, 1801. Prospects of a War with France. 1. THE time for electing a chief magistrate was again approaching, and Washington having signified his determination to retire to private life, it became necessary to bring into the field a new candidate. The most popular individual was John Adams, of Massachusetts, and, on opening and counting the votes, in February, 1797, he was found to be elected. Thomas Jefferson was at the same time chosen vice-president. 2. Although "Washington retired from the presidency, and Adams succeeded him, with the prospects of the country, on the whole, en- couraging, yet there was one drawback to the public felicity. This was the perplexing character of our relations, as a government, with France. 3. For a long time before this, France had been committing dep- CHAP. CXLVIL 1. Who became president in 1797 T Who vice-president? 2. What drawback was there to the public happiness? DIFFICULTIES WITH FRANCE. 305 reflations on our "West India commerce. In the hope of being able to adjust, in an amicable way, the existing difficulty, Washington, just before his retirement from office, had recalled Mr. Monroe, our min- ister at Paris, and appointed General Charles Cotesworth Pinckney in his stead. 4. The French republic refused to receive a new minister till after the "redress of grievances" of which they complained. On learning the fact, President Adarns, in June, 1797, convened Congress, and in his address or message, though lie spoke of preserving peace if possi- ble, yet, as a last resort, he alluded to war. 5. The result was, that three envoys extraordinary to France were appointed, to attempt a settlement of the existing difficulties. They were General Pinckney, Elbridge Gerry, and John Marshall. Their mission finally proved an entire failure ; and the spring of 1798 opened with every prospect of war. 6. Indeed, in a practical point of view, war was already begun. The treaty existing between the two countries had, in July, 1797, been declared by the United States as no longer binding on their part. The French cruisers were continually making depredations upon our com- merce, and every opportunity was taken to insult the United States government. 7. In these circumstances, the first step taken by Congress was to increase the regular army. Twelve regiments of infantry, one of artillery, and one of cavalry, were ordered to be added to the existing establishment ; and the president was authorized to appoint such offi- cers as might be necessary to render the army efficient. 8. For commander-in-chief, all eyes were once more turned toward Washington ; and notwithstanding his love of retirement and of do- mestic and agricultural life, he consented once more to comply with the wishes of his country. But, by the merciful appointment of Di- vine Providence, the danger of war suddenly disappeared. 9. The French government having expressed a willingness to settle the difficulties which existed, on reasonable terms, President Adams appointed Oliver Ellsworth, William B. Davies, and William Vans Mur- ray, envoys extraordinary to meet the commissioners of the French. They sailed for France in the summer of 1799. 10. On their arrival in France, they found a change in the govern- ment. All power was now in the hands of Napoleon, who had not 8. What had been done by France ? What new minister had "Washington sent to Paris ? 4. What did the French refuse to do? "What did Adams say in his message to Congress ? 5. What envoys were sent to France? 6. What of the treaty of 1797? What of the French cruisers? 7. What steps were taken to increase the regular army ? 8. Who was looked to ascornmander-in-chicf of the American army? 9. Who sailed for France in 17C9? 306 ' HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. been concerned in the transactions about which so much difficulty existed. A treaty of peace was made, Sept. 30th, 1800; and the army of the United States was, by direction of Congress, soon after dis- banded. 11. Before the treaty was made, however, the commander-in-chief of the newly-raised American army was no more ! General Washing- ton expired suddenly, at his seat at Mount Vernon, in Virginia, Decem- ber 14th, 1799, in the sixty-eighth year of his age; and left a whole nation to mourn his loss. CHAPTER CXLVHI. ADAMS'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. The Public Health. Smallpox. Yellow Fever. Cholera. 1. THE introduction of the kine-pox, or, as it was at that time called, the cow-pox or, in more fashionable language still, vaccination into the United States, in the year 1800, is an event which deserves to be remembered in our history. The individual to whom the country is indebted for this act of benevolence was Dr. BenjaminWaterhouse, of Cambridge, Massachusetts. 2. Smallpox was first known in Europe about the time of the dis- covery of America by Columbus ; and, as might have been expected on its introduction into a country, was exceedingly fatal. From Europe it was soon scattered among the inhabitants of the Western World, where it was also very fatal, especially among the Indians, owing, in part, no doubt, to their wretched mode of treating it. 3. As early in the settlement of Massachusetts as the year 1631, this terrible destroyer appeared among the natives at Saugus, and swept away whole towns and villages. The colonists assisted, it is said, in burying entire families of the Indians at once. In one of their wigwams a living infant was found at the breast of its deceased mother, every other Indian of the place being dead. 4. Again, in 1633 and 1634, the disease raged in the same fearful manner. Holmes, in his " American Annals," says, that "thirty of John Sagamore's people were buried by Mr. Maverick, of Wineseme, in one day." In 1692, it raged greatly in New Hampshire among the 10. What treaty was made by Napoleon? 11. When and where did Washington die? CHAP. CXLVIII. 1. When was the cow-pox first introduced into the United States, and by whom? 2. When was the smallpox first known in Europe? Where was it very fatal? 8. Describe its first appearance in Massachusetts? 4. When did it again rage? What does Holmes say in his Annals ? Where did it prevail in 1692 ? In 1700? THE PUBLIC HEALTH. 307 colonists, having been brought there in bags of cotton from the West Indies. Again, in 1700, it was fearfully prevalent in Charleston, South Carolina. 5. The first notice we find of its appearance among the white pop- ulation of Boston is in the year 1689. In 1702, it was still more prev- alent and fatal, and swept off more than three hundred of the inhab- itants. Again it made great havoc in Boston and some of the adja- cents towns, in 1721. Inoculation for the disease was now for the first time introduced. 6. The opposition which was manifested to the practice of inocula- tion is at this day hardly credible, were it not well attested. Many thought that if a person who had been inoculated should die, his phy- sician ought to be treated as a murderer. Dr. Cotton Mather, though not a little superstitious himself, labored in vain to remove the vulgar prejudices on this subject. 7. Dr. Zabdiel Boylston was the first physician whom Dr. Mather could persuade to stem the torrent of prejudice. He began by inoc- ulating his own family. The populace were so enraged, that his family were hardly safe in his house, and he was often insulted in the streets. And yet it was obvious that the inoculated disease was comparatively mild, and that but few died of it. 8. But the crowning discovery of all, as a preventive of this fearful disease, was that of vaccination, by Dr. Jenner, of England, late in the eighteenth century, and first made publicly known in 1796. Much praise should be accorded to Dr. Waterhouse for his successful efforts to introduce it in this country. 9. The yellow fever first prevailed within the present limits of the United States, at Philadelphia, about the year 1698, and swept off great numbers of the people. It had, however, previously appeared in the West Indies. In 1728, it was still more fatal in Charleston, South Carolina. The physicians knew not how to treat it. Again it raged in Charleston most fearfully in 1732. 10. In the year 1746, it prevailed among the Mohegan Indians, in Connecticut, and about one hundred of them died of it. In 1793, it was very fatal in Philadelphia, and again in 1797 and 1798. In the latter year it raged also in New York, and, for the first time, in Bos- ton. It prevailed in New Haven in 1794. It has since appeared at intervals in our large cities, and sometimes has caused great mortality. 11. The cholera, a new and destructive disease, after having raged 5. When did it first appear in Boston ? What of the further ravages of the smallpox * 6. What of the opposition to inoculation ? "What of Cotton Mather ? 7. What of Dr. Boylston ? How was he treated ? 8. What of Dr. Jenner ? 9, 10. What of the yellow fever ? Give some account of it. 308 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. greatly in the East, at length, in 1832, crossed to Canada, and ad- vanced, by way of Albany and New York, into the United States, where it became, for several years the principal epidemic disease. It was much^more suddenly fatal, as well as more severe, than common cholera morbus. 12. But the scourge of the United States, in every period of their history, especially for a century past, has been consumption. With the progress of civilization and refinement, this disease has increased, and is likely to continue to increase till the community can be gener- ally enlightened with regard to its numerous causes. 13. The public events of the year 1800, in addition to those which have been mentioned, were neither numerous nor important. Agree- ably to a resolution of Cogress, ten years before, the seat of govern- ment was this year transferred to Washington, in the District of Columbia.* A law was passed this year, establishing a national sys- tem of bankruptcy, but it was repealed three years afterward. 14. There were also some changes made in the western territories this year. A part of the North-Western territory was separated from the rest, to be called the Indiana Territory. The Mississippi Territory was also erected into a separate government. By the census taken this year the second taken under direction of the government the population of the United States was found to be five million three hundred and five thousand four hundred and eighty-two. 15. During the administration of Mr. Adams, agriculture, trade and commerce had continued to flourish, and religion had begun to revive. Infidelity, indeed, still stalked abroad, but had greatly altered its tone. The good influence of religion upon society had begun to be admitted, even by those who did not believe in its divine origin. 11. What of the cholera? 12. What can you say of consumption? 13. What of the public events in the year 1800? What of Washington ? The District of Columbia? What law was passed? 14. What changes were made in the territories this year? What of the population of the United States? 15. What of the administration of Mr. Adams? Infidelity ? * The District of Columbia was originally ten miles square ; the part that lies north of the Potomac was ceded to the general government by Maryland; the southern part by Virginia. This latter portion was re-ceded to Virginia in 1S46. JEFFERSON ELECTED PRESIDENT. 309 PRESIDENT JEFFERSON. CHAPTER CXLIX. JEFFERSON'S ADMINISTRATION, FROM MARCH 4TH, 1801, TO MARCH 4:TH, 1809. Choice of Jefferson as President and Burr as Vice- President, by Congress. 1. Ox the 4th of March, 1801, Mr. Adams's term of office, as pres- ident, having expired, and the measures of the Federal party, who had heen the chief supporters of Mr. Adams in the early part of his admin- istration, having become somewhat unpopular, Thomas Jefferson, the candidate of the Republican or Democratic party, had been elected in his stead; and Aaron Burr had been chosen vice-president. As there was no election by the people, the choice for the first time had devolv- ed upon Congress. The contest was long and severe. 2. The method of election, in such cases, was now first to be settled, and was fixed upon as follows. The representatives of each state were to be seated by themselves, and to ballot by themselves ; each state being CHAP. CXLIX. 1. When was Jefferson elected president? In what manner was he elected ? What of Aaron Burr ? 2. What Diode of proceeding was fixed upon ? 310 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. entitled to only one vote. The doors were to be closed against every person but the officers of the house, and, the balloting having once commenced, the house was not to adjourn till a choice was~effected. 3. In the present instance, the representatives of the states were obliged to ballot thirty-six times before they could effect a choice. At the first ballot, eight states had voted for Mr. Jefferson, six for Mr. Burr, and two were divided. Of course, neither candidate had a ma- jority of the votes. At the thirty-sixth ballot, Mr. Jefferson had the votes of ten states, Mr. Burr four, and there were two blanks. CHAPTER CL. JEFFERSON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTTNTTEP. The Settlement of Ohio. 1. IN 1802, the eastern part of the North-Western territory was ad- mitted to the Union as an independent state, by the name of Ohio. There were now seventeen states in the Union. At the time of its reception, Ohio contained seventy -two thousand inhabitants. 2. It was first permanently settled at Marietta, in the year 1788. This was a year famous in the history of western emigration, for no less than twenty thousand persons men, women and children passed the month of the Mus'-king-um River, during the season, on their jour- ney down the Ohio ! The party which stopped at Marietta consisted of forty-seven persons, tinder General Rufus Putnam. 3. Their first business was to build a stockade fort, of sufficient strength to resist the ordinary attacks of the savages. They killed the standing trees by cutting the bark, taking care, however, to hew down enough of them to admit of their planting fifty acres of corn. In the autumn, twenty more families joined them. Both of these companies were New England people. 4. The Indians, for many years, gave the settlers of Marietta but little trouble. Nor did the latter make war upon or molest the In- dians, except in one or two instances. Twice, some of the more thoughtless of the settlers fired upon the Indians, when they came too near them, by which means one Indian was killed and another wounded. 5. The earliest settlers of Cincinnati, about twenty in number, ar- 3. What of the ballot in the present case ? Describe the result of the balloting. CH\P. CL. 1. What of Ohio in 1802? How many states were there in the Union at that time? 2. For what was the year 178S remarkable? Describe the emigration. 8. What was their first business? 4 What of the Indians? The settlers? PRESIDENT JEFFERSON. 311 rived there in 1790. Twenty acres of corn were soon planted, and, for food, they shot clown game and caught fish. They ground their corn in handmills. Their garments were chiefly of their own manufacture. 6. It has been said that Ohio was first permanently settled in 1788. There was a settlement of Christian missionaries and converted Indi- ans, from Pennsylvania, formed on the Muskingum River about fifteen years earlier; but, after the lapse of a few years, they were gradually broken up, and the remnant were massacred some time after. 7. Until the year 1795, there was much difficulty in settling most parts of this state, on account of the Indian wars. But after the victory over the Indians by General Wayne during the administration of Wash- ington, the population increased very rapidly, and continued to increase till the present time, when it contains about two millions of inhabitants. CHAPTER CLI. JEFFERSON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Cession of In- dian Lands. Duel between BUTT and Hamilton. Jefferson's Second Election. 1. AT the first session of Congress after the election of Jefferson, the system of internal taxation, which had been introduced during Adams's ad- ministration, was repealed, as well as" several other laws which the new ad- ministration did not approve. Many pub- lic officers, who were strongly attached to the old order of things, were re- moved to make way for those who were of a different political character. 2. Louisiana was ceded by Spain to France, in 1802, and the United States bought it of France for fifteen millions of dollars, the next year. Governor Claiborne took possession of it in De- cember, 1803. By a treaty with the Indians at Fort Wayne, a large extent of Indian lands were also ceded to the HAMILTON. United States this year. Much of what 5. Describe the settlement of Cincinnati. 6. "What of the first settlement of Ohio? 7. What difficulty was there in settling thif state ? What is its population at the present time ? CHAP. CLI. 1. What was done by the first Congress after the election of Jefferson? 2. Give some history of Louisiana. 312 HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES. is now the state of Illinois was ceded to us by the Kaskaskies, in 1803. 3. In July, 1804, a duel was fought by Aaron Burr, vice-president of the United States, with Alexander Hamilton, late secretary of the treasury, and a distinguished officer of the Revolutionary war, in which the latter was killed at the first fire. The duel took place on the New Jersey shore, opposite New York. 4. The death of Hamilton produced a very deep sensation in the United States. He was unquestionably one of the ablest men known in the history of our country. But, in accepting the challenge of Burr, who sought his life, he was misled by a false notion of honor ; and, in an evil hour, consented to take a step which he was too proud to re- trace. Few men have been more lamented. 5. Jetferson was re-elected, and again took the oath of president of the United States, March 4th, 1805. George Clinton, of New York, was chosen vice-president. This office the latter held by re-election till death, which happened in April, 1812. 6. The following anecdote will show the character of Vice-President Clinton. At the close of the Revolutionary war, a British officer, in New York, for no crime worthy of notice, was about to be tarred and feathered. With a drawn sword in his hand, Clinton rushed in among the mob, and, at the hazard of his own life, rescued the officer. CHAPTER CLII. JEFFERSON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. War with, Tripoli. 1. DURING the year 1805 the first of President Jefferson's second term a war broke out between the United States and Trip'-o-li, which, more than almost any other historical event of that period, deserves a particular notice. 2. For many years the inhabitants of the northern states of Africa had been known as corsairs or pirates, and the United States, as well as other nations, had suffered greatly from their depredations. The Tripolitans, in particular, had been very troublesome. Many of our vessels had been boarded and plundered ; and the crews, in some in- stances, had been carried into a captivity worse, if possible, than death. 8. What duel was fought In 1804 ? Describe it. 4. What can you say of the death of Hamilton? 5. Who was re-elected president in 1805? Who was chosen vice-president? 6. Relate the anecdote of Clinton. CHAP. CLII. 1. "What war broke out in 1805? 2. What was the character of the northern states of Africa? The Tripolitans? WAR WITH TRIPOLI. 313 COMMODORE BAINBRIDGE. 3. To protect onr commerce, as well as to humble the pirates, an armed naval force, under Commodore Preble, had been sent out to the Medi- terranean as early as 1803. In the same year the Philadelphia frigate, under Captain Bainbridge, had joined him, but, in chasing a piratical vessel, had run aground and surrendered, and the captain and his crew had been re- duced to captivity. 4. After the surrender of the Phila- delphia, the Tripolitans got the vessel afloat, and moored her in the harbor. While lying there, Decatur, then only a lieutenant under Commodore Preble, formed a plan to destroy her, to which, as it required but twenty men and a single officer, the commodore, after some hesitation, consented. 5. To accomplish his purpose, Decatur sailed, under cover of the night, in a Tripolitan vessel he had captured, for the Philadelphia, taking with him an old pilot, who understood perfectly the Tripolitan language. On approaching the Philadelphia, they were hailed ; upon which the pilot answered that he had lost his cable and anchor, and wished to fasten his vessel to the frigate till morning. 6. The request was refused, but they were permitted to remain near the Philadelphia till the Tripolitans could send ashore to ask per- mission of the admiral. As soon as the boat had put off, Decatur and his men leaped on board, and in a few minutes cleared the deck of fifty Tripolitans. They then set the frigate on fire, and returned in the light of it to their squadron. 7. The plan was as successful as it was daring. Not a man was lost, and only one injured. This individual was wounded in defending Deca- tur. The latter, in a struggle with a Tripolitan, had been disarmed, and was about to have his head smitten oif with a sabre, when the seaman reached out his arm and received the blow, and thus saved him. 8. The destruction of the Philadelphia greatly enraged the Tripoli- tans ; and the Americans whom they held in captivity were treated with greater severity than before. The sufferings of Captain Bain- bridge and his crew, and their companions in bondage, were represent- 3. What of Commodore Preble? The Philadelphia? 4. What was Decatur's plan* 6, 6. Describe the execution of this design. 7. What of the man who was injured ? 8. What effect had this feat on the Tripolitans ? What of Captain Bainbridge and his men? 14 314 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. ed, at home, as great beyond endurance, and the public sentiment was in favor of continuing the war. 9. At this juncture, General Eaton, who had been consul of the United States up the Mediterranean, and was at Egypt on his return homeward, heard of the situation of his countrymen at Tripoli. He also fell in at this time with Hamet, the rightful heir to the throne of Tripoli. Jussuf, the third son of the reigning ba- shaw, to gain the throne, had just murdered his fa- ther and elder brother, and also sought to destroy Hamet, the only surviving heir in his way. lO.General Eaton was much interested in the story of ITamet, as well as affected by the sufferings of his enslaved countrymen. The beys of Egypt, too, wer* in favor of Hamet. A league was therefore made between Eaton and Hamet, by virtue of which Ilamet was to be restored to his throne, an<3 the American captives were to be released from their bondage. 11. Having procured a small number of Americans and a few soldiers from Egypt, General Eaton and Ilamet crossed the desert of Barca and took Derne, the capital of a large province of Tripoli. The cause of Ilamet had, by this time, become so popular, and their force so strong, that they were about to attack Tripoli ; upon which Jussuf was glad to make peace with the American consul, Mr. Lear. 12. This treaty, while it released the captive Americans, did not restore Ilamet to his throne. The latter visited the United States, in 1805, to solicit some remuneration for the services he had rendered General Eaton, and for the losses he had sustained by the premature treaty of peace, as he deemed it, made by Mr. Lear; but Congress did not see fit to grant his request. BURXIXO OP THB PHILADELPHIA. 9. What of General Eaton ? Who was Hamet? What had Jussuf just clone ? 10. Who were in favor of Hamet? What leasruc was made? 11. What did Hamet and Katon do ? "Why was Jussuf glad to make peace ? 12. What of Hamet afterward ? How did Congress treat Hamet's request ? BURR'S CONSPIRACY. 315 CHAPTER CLIII. JEFFERSON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Burr's Con- spiracy. 1. OXK of the most remarkable events of the year 1806 was the Conspiracy, as it is called, of the late Vice- President, Aaron Burr. After the death of General Hamilton, he had retired to a small island in the Ohio River, about two hundred miles below Pittsburg, since called Blennerhasset's Island. 2. Here he had set on foot a project for forming an independent empire west of the Alleghany Mountains, of which he was to be the chief or emperor. New Orleans was to be the capital. The government of the United States, ap- prised of his plan, arrested him, brought him to Richmond, in Virginia, and put him on trial for treason ; but he was re- leased for want of proof against him. 3. Burr found, moreover, that, beside the danger of being taken and convicted before he coud get his scheme fairly under way, the attachment of the Western States to the general government was stronger than he had before supposed, and that his cunning and intrigue would not avail him. 4. It had been Burr's purpose, in case of the failure of his main plan, to proceed, with such forces as he could raise, to Mexico, and establish an empire there. But this restless man died without accom- plishing the objects to which his ambition had prompted him; and all the kingdoms which his imagination had reared descended to the grave with him. 5. In point of talent, Burr was certainly a remarkable man. It was his unbounded ambition and unrestrained selfishness that ruined him. Had he aimed, like Washington, at the general good of his country, rather than his own aggrandizement, his memory might as well have been associated with the latter as with that of Benedict Arnold. CHAP. CLIII. 1. Where had Burr retired after the death of Hamilton ? 2. What was his plan? What of his trial? 3. What did he find? 4 What had been his purpose? What became of all his schemes? 5. What was his character? AAUON BURB. 316 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 6. It was about this period that President Jefferson directed Lewis and Clark to explore the Missouri River. With a company of forty- five men, they proceeded to its source, and then descended down the Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, and returned the same way traversing a distance of some six or eight thousand miles of wilderness in little more than two years and four months. The results of this expedition were a large accession of knowledge in respect to the geography and natural history of our country. The party returned in the year 1806. CHAPTER CLIY. JEFFERSON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Troubles with Great Britain. British Orders in Council. Napo- leon '* Berlin Decree. 1. Iff 1807, Great Britain and France being at war with each other, the controversy drew to one side or the other most of the European powers ; and there were not a few who would gladly have involved the United States in the quarrel. As yet, however, the government was determined, if possible, to remain neutral. 2. One serious difficulty, indeed, had arisen. Great Britain, having at her command a powerful navy, claimed the right of taking her own native-born subjects wherever she could find them. In pursuance of her purpose, many vessels belonging to the United States had been searched, and many individuals on board of them were seized and re- tained as British subjects. 3. As it was not always easy to distinguish American from British subjects, this custom of impressment gave great offence to the Amer- icans. Thousands of our seamen, it was said, were claimed by the British, and, in this way, forced into their service ; and, as if to con- tinue and aggravate, instead of trying to remove the grievance, Great Britain would not so much as attempt any measures of redress. 4. "Worse than even this difficulty took place ; for, by an Order in Council of the British government, issued May 16th, 1806, declaring all the ports and rivers, from the Elbe in Germany, to Brest in France, in a state of blockade, American vessels trading to any of these ports were liable to be seized and condemned. 5. This decree of Great Britain was followed, in November, by one 6. Describe the expedition of Lewis and Clark. When did they return ? CHAP. CLIV. 1. What of Great Britain and France in 1807? 2. What did Great Britain claim? 3. What of the Impressment of our seamen ? 4. What worse difficulty existed? TROUBLES WITH GREAT BRITAIN. 317 from Bonaparte, dated at Berlin, in Prussia, in which all the British islands were declared to be blockaded, and all intercourse with them was thus broken up. This decree stood directly opposed to the exist- ing treaty between France and the United States, and also to the laws and usages of nations. 6. Again, the British government, in January, 1807, issued another Order in Council, forbidding all the coasting trade- with France, on penalty of capture and condemnation. Nothing could have been better calculated than these proceedings to awaken every latent feeling of resentment in the Americans against the two nations, if not to involve them in the horrors of war itself. CHAPTEE CLY. JEFFERSON'S ADMINISTRATION CONTINUED. Attack on the Chesapeake. 1. SOME time in the beginning of the year 1807, five men had de- serted from the British frigate Me-lam'-pus, lying in Hampton Roads, and three of them had subsequently enlisted on board the United States frigate Chesapeake, then at Norfolk, preparing for sea. The British consul at Norfolk, on being acquainted with the facts, wrote to Commodore Barron, of the Chesapeake, requesting that the men might be returned. 2. This request being refused, the British consul applied to the sec- retary of the navy to surrender them. The secretary ordered an ex- amination of the facts, from which it appeared that the men were natives of America, of which two of them had official certificates. They were not, therefore, given up. 3. The Chesapeake had been ordered to cruise in the Mediterranean, and, on June 22d, she proceeded on her voyage thither. In going out of Hampton Roads, she passed the British frigates Bel-lo'-na and Me- lampus. As she was passing Cap 6 Henry, the Leopard, another Brit- ish frigate, of fifty guns, came up with her, and an officer was sent on board with a note. 4. This note enclosed a copy of an order from the British admiral, Berkley, requesting them to search for deserters on board all our ships 5. What decree was maile by Bonaparte ? 6. What other order was made by the British ? CHAP. CLV. 1. What took place in the year 1807 ? 2. What did the British consul at Norfolk do? What appeared to bo the case concerning the men onboard the Ches- apeake ? 3. Describe the going to sea of the Chesapeake. 4. What demand was made by the British admiral ? 318 HISTORY OF THE UXITED STATES. found out of the limits of the United States. At the same time a de- mand was made to be permitted to search the Chesapeake for the deserters from the Melampus. 5. Commodore Ban-on, in reply, said, that he did not know of any deserters on board ; that the recruiting officers for the Chesapeake had been particularly instructed not to receive any deserters from his Britannic majesty's ships, and that he was directed never to permit the crew of a ship under ^his command to be mustered by any officers but her own. G. Upon receiving this answer, the officer returned to the Leopard, when, she immediately commenced a heavy firing upon the Chesapeake. The latter, being unprepared for an action, could make no resistance ; but, after remaining under the fire of the Leopard about thirty minutes, and having three men killed and eighteen wounded the commodore among the rest she surrendered. 7. The British captain refused to accept the surrender of the Chesa- peake, but commenced a search, and finding the three men on board whom they claimed to have been deserters, together with a fourth, whom they also claimed on the same ground, they took them along with them. The Chesapeake, being much injured, returned to Norfolk. 8. On receiving information of this most shameful outrage, the pres- ident, by a proclamation, ordered all armed British vessels to leave the waters of the United States, and not to enter them more until satisfac- tion was given by the British government for the assault on the Chesa- peake. An armed force was also ordered out, sufficient for the defence of Norfolk, should it become necessary. 9. The United States government lost no time in forwarding instruc- tions to Mr. Monroe, our minister at London, to demand of the British government that satisfaction which the particular case of the Chesa- peake required, as well as security against further impressment of sea- men from American ships. 10. The British were ready to enter upon negotiations respecting the attack on the Chesapeake, but were unwilling to relinquish the right of search. The result was, that the discussion of the subject was delayed. In the mean time, Congress came together, when the capture of the Chesapeake was one of the first subjects which occupied their attention. 11. Several measures were adopted at this session; among which were preparations and appropriations for the support of a large land 5. "What was Commodore Barton's reply? 6. Describe the attack of the Leopard. 7. What did the British captain then do ? 8. What proclamation was issued by the president? 9. What was next done by the United States government? 10. What of the British? 11. What was done by Congress ? What seemed inevitable ? IMPENDING WAR. 319 and naval force. On the 22d of December, 1807, an embargo was laid on all vessels within the jurisdiction of the United States. Meanwhile, the difficulties with both the British and French governments were increasing, and a speedy Avar seemed inevitable. 12. At length, Mr. Kose, a special minister from the British govern- ment, arrived in the country, and negotiations were once more attempt- ed. But they did not succeed ; nor was the controversy which grew out of the attack on the Chesapeake finally settled till some time in the year 1811, as we shall hereafter have, occasion to state. 12. What of Mr. Eosc ? Who succeeded Jefferson as president? 320 HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES. ' PRESIDENT MADISOX. CHAPTER CLYI. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION, FROM MARCH 4-TH, 1809, TO MARCH 4, 1817. Madison's Inauguration. Affair of the Little Belt. Steamboat Navigation. Ocean Steam, Navigation. 1. Ox the 4th of March, 1809, James Madison, the candidate of the Republican or Democratic party, having been elected president, suc- ceeded Mr. Jefferson. George Clinton of New York, who had been vice-president since 1804, was now re-elected to that office. The pros- pects of the country, at this period, were gloomy indeed. The two great nations of England and France were still at war, and, in the progress of that war, by their orders and decrees and impressments and seizures, were breaking in upon all former treaties, especially those with the United States. CHAP. CLVL 1. When did Mr. Madison succeed Mr. Jefferson ? "What of George Clin- ton ? ' What was now the state of the country ? THE FIRST STEAMBOAT. 321 2. As strong encouragement Lad been given by Great Britain, in the year 1809, before Mr. Jefferson went out of office, of a readiness on her part to settle the existing differences between the two countries, the embargo had been repealed on the 1st of March. Finding, however, that there was still a disposition to delay, the embargo was, on the 10th of August, renewed. 3. Thus affairs proceeded for some time. Decrees and prohibitions and proclamations became quite the order of the day. Sometimes, in- deed, there was a gleam of hope. The probability that the United States could long remain neutral, in the existing state of things, was, however, every day and every hour diminishing. 4. On the 16th of May, 1811, the British sloop of war Little Belt, commanded by Captain Bingham, made an unprovoked attack upon the United States frigate President, commanded by Commodore Eodgers ; in the conflict which followed, the Little Belt had eleven men killed, and twenty-one wounded, and her rigging was much dam- aged, while the President had only a single man wounded. 5. On the 12th of November, the British envoy, Mr. Foster, ac- knowledged the attack on the Chesapeake to be unauthorized, and offered, in the name of the British government, to make reparation for the injury which had been sus- tained. The whole affair was therefore soon adjusted to the satisfaction of both parties. 6. The first successful steam- boat was put in operation on the Hudson in the year 1807, it being the acknowledged in- vention of Robert Fulton. An event so closely connected with the prosperity of the United States must not be excluded from their history. 7. An experiment had been made, with the steam-engine, on the Seine, near Paris, in 1803 ; but no vessel was set in motion by steam, in the United The two individuals to whom we ROBERT FULTON. States, till four years afterward. 2. What of the embargo ? 3. What was the order of the day ? 4. What was done by the Little Belt ? 5. How was the affair of the Chesapeake arranged ? 6. What of steamboats ? 7 What experiment had been made? "What of Fulton and Stevens 1 When did steam- boats appear in Great Britain? 14* 322 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. are indebted for the introduction of steamboats, were Fulton, the in- ventor, and Stevens, who aided by his funds and co-operation. They were not introduced into Great Britain till 1812 five years after their use in this country. 8. The first steamboat on the western waters was launched at Pitts- burg, in 1813. She was of four hundred tons' burden, and was called the Ve-su'-vi-us. She was built to run as a regular trader between the falls of the Ohio and New Orleans. A steamboat first ascended the Arkansas Eiver in 1820. 9. Such was the popularity and such the success of these boats, es- pecially in the western waters, that, in 1822, nine years after the build- ing of the Vesuvius, no less than eighty -nine steamboats were enrolled at the port of New Orleans, forming, in the aggregate, something more than eighteen thousand tons. The Arkansas River had even been as- cended by steamboats five hundred miles. 10. The first steam-ship sailed for Europe in May, 1819. In 1840, there were two regular lines of steam-packets plying between the United States and Europe ; one from Boston, and the other from New York. At first, ten or twelve miles an hour was thought to be suffi- ciently rapid ; now, the Atlantic is crossed in ten days. 11. The whole number of steamboats, in the different states of the Union, in 1840, was estimated at about eight hundred, with a capacity of one hundred and fifty-three thousand six hundred and sixty tons. Of these eight hundred boats, one hundred and thirty-seven were built in the year 1837. The number of steam-engines, of all kinds, in use, was estimated at about three thousand. 12. Since that period, the number of steamboats has greatly in- creased, and steam has been most successfully applied to the navigation of the ocean. At the present time a large part of the navigation of the world is carried on by vessels propelled by steam. 13. Steam has also been applied to ships of war, and now a large part of the national vessels, not only of the United States, but of England, France, Russia, and other countries, are propelled by steam power. 8. Describe the Vesuvius. What took place in 1S20 ? 9. What of steamboats in 1822 ? 10. When did the first steum-sliip sail to Europe ? 11. What of steam-packets in 1S40? How many steamboats were built in 1837? What of steam-engines? 12. What of ocean steam navigation ? 13. What of steamships of war ? BATTLE OF TIPPE CANOE. 323 BATTLE OP TIPPECANOE. CHAPTER CLYII. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Indian War. JBattle of Tippecanoe. 1. IN the year 1811, Congress assembled on the 5th of November. Not only the president's message, but all the proceedings, indicated the expectation of a rupture with Great Britain at no distant period ; for, though reparation had been made in the case of the Chesapeake, the Orders in Council remained in full force. 2. During this year, the Shaw-a-riese' and other Indians about the Wa'-bash River in the territory of Indiana, became troublesome. Gov- ernor Harrison, afterward president, with twelve hundred men, three hundred and fifty of whom were regular troops, proceeded from the neighborhood of Vincennes to Prophet's-town, as the residence of their chief was called, to demand satisfaction of the Indians. 3. The troops commenced their march September 26th, and nothing of importance occurred until their arrival on the line of the enemy's CHAP. CLVII. 1. What was expected in the year 1811? 2. What of the Indians? TVho went against them ? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. country. Here they built a fort, which, in honor of their commander, they called Fort Harrison. At this place they remained about a month, during which time the Indians very frequently came into the camp, and held councils with Governor Harrison, but would not accede to his terms. 4. Under the circumstances, it was resolved to attack them ; and, with this view, the troops left Fort Harrison, October 29th, and ar- rived at Prophet's-town November 6th. When they were within half a mile of the place, they formed in line of battle, upon which the Indians sent in a flag of truce, saying that if their lives might be spared till next morning, they would agree to the governor's terms. 5. This was a device of the savages to gain time, and put their ene- mies off their guard. It was but too successful; and, unsuspicious of danger, our troops encamped where they were. Many of them, strange as it may seem, slept as quietly all night as if they had been at home in the midst of their families. 6. A little before five o'clock, next morning, the savages came upon them with such fury that the sentinels could only fire a single gun before they were in the very midst of the camp. Some of the soldiers were prepared, but others had to struggle with them at their very tent doors. 7. The battle soon became severe, and the Indians, encouraged by the surprise into which they had thrown the troops at the first onset, pressed forward in great numbers. The result of the contest for a long time was doubtful. The bravery and skill of our troops, how- ever, prevailed, and the Indians began to give way ; shortly after this, they fled to a swamp, where they could not be followed. 8. The victory over them was dearly bought. Sixty of the United States troops were killed, and one hundred and twenty-eight wounded. Among the slain were several able and valuable officers. The loss of the savages was great, but the number could not be exactly ascertained. 9. The next day the troops set fire to Prophet's-town, and having destroyed every thing valuable they could find, returned to Yincennes, after a fatiguing campaign of about two months. The defeat of the Indians, however, was decisive. They gave the settlers in that vicinity no more trouble for some time. 3. "Where did the troops encamp ? 4. What was now done by the troops? What did the savages do ? 5. What of the deceptive device of the savages ? 6. Describe the attack. Result of the battle? 8. Wh.it was the loss of the Americans? 9. What was done the next day ? "What effect had the defeat of the Indium ? WAR WITH GREAT BRITAIN DECLARED. 325 CHAPTER CLYIIL MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. War with Great Britain declared. 1. THE difficulties with Great Britain were not removed. That government still insisted on the right of impressment, as it was called ; the blockade of her enemies' ports embarrassed and injured us; and though the French decrees of Berlin and Milan were repealed, the British had not as yet annulled their Orders in Council. 2. An embargo was laid, on the 3d of April, 1812, by the president, at the recommendation of Congress, to continue ninety days, on all vessels within the jurisdiction of the United States. This was the prelude to war with Great Britain, which was declared on the 18th of June fol- lowing. Thus began the SECOND WAK WITH GREAT BRITAIN, which continued till the peace of Ghent, December 24th, 1814. 3. The bill for the declaration of war did not pass, however, without opposition. Though generally supported by the Democratic party, it was condemned by some of its members, and was resisted by the other party, the Federalists, with great unanimity. Forty-nine, out of one hundred and twenty-eight of the representatives, entered their solemn protests, in which they denied the war to be either necessary or just. Indeed, it only passed the senate by a very small majority. 4. Xor was the measure very well received by the people after the bill passed. The editors of several newspapers in different parts of the country, were very decided in their expressions of disapprobation; so much so as to provoke the violence of the war party and cause mobs and riots. 5. The most remarkable of these mobs was at Baltimore. The rioters first tore down the printing-office of the paper which had of- fended them. The editor and others undertook to defend themselves with arms. The military force of the city was finally called out. The conflict was severe, and was continued for two or three nights; General Lingan was killed, and several were wounded. G. So poorly prepared was the country for war, and so difficult was it found to enlist soldiers, that a demand was made by the president on the governors of the states to furnish men from the militia of their CHAP. CLVIII. 1. What of the difficulties with Great Britain ? 2. What of an embargo laid in April, 1S12 ? When was war declared with Great Britain ? 3. How did the bill pass ? 4. What of the editors of papers? 5. Describe the mob at Baltimore. 6. Was the coun- try well prepared for war ? What demand was made by the President? What refusal followed ? 326 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. several states, to guard their own seaboard. But this Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island refused to do. 7. The grounds of this refusal were, that the militia, if sent under the call of the president, would be subject to the officers of the regular army, and might be marched into Canada, or to any other part of the country ; and this, it was contended, was not agreeable to the constitution. 8. This refusal produced a great sensation throughout the United States, but was fully justified by a large majority of the people of the several states which thus withheld their militia from the demand of the general government. It was severely condemned, however, by some other portions of the country, especially those of the Democratic party. CHAPTEK CLIX. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. General HuWs Surrender to the British at Detroit. 1. WE have seen that, as the war advanced, a part of the states refused to call out their militia at the request of the president. Connecticut, however, proceeded to raise troops for her own defence, and to organize and station them, at various points along the coast, in her own way. 2. It was also found difficult to enlist regular troops, and still more so to find suitable officers for them. The few already in the service, and such as could be readily enlisted, amounting to two thousand, were sent away to the north-west, and placed under General Hull, an aged man who had served in the war of the Revolution, and who was at this time governor of Michigan Territory. 3. General Hull, with his troops, was ordered to Detroit, to garrison/ the fort there, and protect the country from the incursions of the British^md Indians. He arrived early in July, 1812, and having put every thing in a posture of defence, he crossed the river Detroit Jul^ 12th, and made preparations to invade Upper Canada. 4. But, instead of invading Canada, or even attacking a single post, he remained there till the 7th of August, and then returned, with his army, in the night, to Detroit. After a few slight battles and a good deal of skirmishing, he surrendered his army, August 16th, with the fort of Detroit, and all the neighboring forts and garrisons, to the British, under General Brock. 7. What were the grounds of the refusal? 8. "What of the people? CHAP. CLIX. 1. What did Connecticut do ? 2. What was the state of the United States troops? 3. What was done by General Hull ? 4. Describe his surrender. CAPTURE OF THE GUERRIERE AND ALERT. 327 5. This unexpected surrender, at the very outset of the war, cast a gloom over the whole country. General Hull was everywhere re- garded, whether justly or unjustly, as either a coward or a traitor. Having been exchanged, soon afterward, for thirty British prisoners, he was subsequently tried by a court-martial and sentenced to death ; but, on account of his age, he was recommended to the mercy of the president, who finally pardoned him. 6. General Hull was tried for three things treason, cowardice, and unofficer-like conduct. On the first charge, the court-martial which tried him did not give an opinion; but he was found guilty on the other two. He was, most evidently, unfit to command an army, either by reason of age, or from other causes, and ought never to have been charged with so important a trust. BATTLE BETWEEN THE ESSEX AND ALERT. CHAPTER CLX. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Capture of the Guerriere and the Alert. 1. WHILE the war was commenced so unhappily on land, it was far otherwise on the sea. Though Lord Nelson and others, by their skill, had rendered Great Britain the mistress of the ocean, she was yet to 5. What \vas the consequence of General Hull's act? How was he regarded? 6. For what was he tried ? 328 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. be humbled by a power whose naval force she had been accustomed to despise from its apparent insignificance. 2. The United States, at the opening of the war of 1812, had three frigates of forty-four guns each, three of thirty-eight, five of from twenty-eight to thirty-six, and nine sloops, varying from twelve to eighteen guns. These twenty vessels constituted their whole naval armament; and even of these, one was on Lake Ontario, and two were unfit for sea. The British navy consisted of from eight hundred to one thousand ships ! 3. Commodore Rodgers, with his little fleet, the President, the Essex, and the Hornet, lay at New York when war was declared. Within an hour after he heard the news, he and the Hornet were under way. On the 23d of June, only five days after the war was declared, he fell in with and attacked the British frigate Bel-vi-de'-ra, of thirty-six guns, but she escaped. 4. This, however, was only a beginning. The Constitution, of forty- four guns, commanded by Captain Isaac Hull, sailed from the Chesa- peake Bay about the middle of July. She was soon chased by a Brit- ish fleet, and the chase continued, with some firing, for several days; but the Constitution succeeded in escaping. 6. Meanwhile the Essex, com- manded by Captain, afterward Commodore Porter, which was not ready for sea when Commo- dore Rodgers attacked the Belvi- dera, having made the necessary repairs, sailed, and, after having taken several prizes, on the 13th of August fell in with the Brit- ish sloop of war Alert, of twen- ty guns, which she took, after an action of only eight minutes. 6. This was the first armed vessel which was taken by the Americans during this war. It was not surprising that a frigate of thirty-two guns should van- quish a sloop of twenty ; and yet it was not expected by our sailors that a vessel of the size of CHAP. CLX. 1. "What of the British navy? 2. What vessels had the United States at the commencement of the war? What had the British? 3. What ships had Com- modore Rodgers ? What did he do on hearing the news of the war ? What of the Bel- videra? 4. Describe the chase of the Constitution. 5. Describe the capture of the Alert by Captain Porter. 6. What can you say of the two vessels ? COMMODORE PORTER. ATTACK ON QUEENSTOWN. 329 the Alert would make so feeble a resistance. The Essex was not in- jured, nor a man hurt; while the Alert was greatly crippled, and had three men wounded. 7. This naval battle was fonght three days before General Hull's surrender. Three days after the surrender, another event took place which was still more remarkable, both with respect to its character and the final results, than the former. It was the capture-of the Brit- ish frigate Guerriere. 8. On the 19th of August, the Constitution came up with this frigate, commanded by Captain Dacres, and carrying thirty-eight guns, about a thousand miles eastward of New England, and in two hours made her a complete wreck ; so much so, that it was thought best to destroy her. 9. The loss of the Constitution, in this contest, was seven killed and seven wounded ; while the Guerriere had fifteen killed and sixty-three wounded. The Constitution was so little injured as to be ready for another action the very next day. Yet the force of the American frigate was but little more than that of the enemy. 10. These brilliant events at sea had some effect in atoning for our loss on the land. Besides, they encouraged our navy. It had been thought, for some time, that nothing could vanquish the British force for force ; but it now began to be thought otherwise. CHAPTER CLXL MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Attack on Queenstown. 1. As early as the 1st of October, 1812, eight or ten thousand men, with military stores, were collected at various points along the Cana- dian line, chiefly, however, in three great divisions the North-western, the Eastern and the Northern armies. Measures had also been taken for arming vessels on the three lakes, Erie, Ontario and Champlain. 2. The north-western army was commanded by General Harrison, and was stationed in the neighborhood of Detroit. The central divi- sion was directed by General Stephen Van Rensse'-la-er, and stationed at Lewiston, just below Niagara Falls. The army of the north, under Major General Henry Dearborn, who was also commander-in-chief, was at Greenbush and Plattsburg. 7. What event of importance soon occurred ? 8. Describe the capture of the Gnerriere. 9. What was the loss sustained by the two frigates? 10. How did these events affect the United States navy ? CHAP. CLXI. 1. What was done October, 1813? 2. How were the three divisions of the anny commanded ? 330 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 3. On the 13th of October, early in the morning, a part of the army at Lewiston succeeded in crossing the Niagara River to Queenstown, and in taking possession of the battery on the heights. But they were not able to maintain their position, for they were only a few hundreds, and most of the men at Lewiston were militia, and refused to follow them as they had promised to do. 4. The cqrnmander of the Heights, General Van Rensselaer, was now in a most perilous situation. He had indeed already repelled one attack from six hundred British regulars, and killed General Brock, their commander. But General Sheafe, his successor, renewed the attack with an increased force, and the Americans were at length com- pelled to surrender. 5. Nothing could have been more unexpected than the refusal of the American militia to cross the Niagara. They had but just before been urgent for the battle, and now they utterly refused to embark. 6. General Brock was much lamented by the inhabitants of Canada, and a beautiful monument was erected to his memory, on the heights of Queenstown, where he fell. An attempt was made, a few years since, to destroy this monument ; and, though it was not quite suc- cessful, the monument was seriously injured. The villains were never discovered. 7. The attack on Queenstown was followed, in November, by a few bullying efforts, above the falls, on the part of General Smyth. He was the successor of General Van Rensselaer the latter having re- signed. He sent two detachments across, in the night, to Black Rock; but they accomplished very little. The troops soon went to winter- quarters, and Smyth, being hissed from the army, went home to Virginia. 8. Thus ended the war against Canada for that year. Never, per- haps, was less accomplished, under circumstances so favorable, than was done by the Americans, in this campaign of 1812. On the 26th of September, they had a force of thirteen thousand men on the fron- tier, more than six thousand of whom were regulars ; while the Brit- ish could scarcely muster three thousand troops on their whole line, from west to east. 3. What was done October 18th ? 4. What of the commander of the Heights 5. The militia? 6 What monument was erected to the memory of General Brock? What at- tempt was made? 7. What of General Smyth 8. What of the war against Canada for the year 131-2 NAVAL VICTORIES. 331 CHAPTER CLXIL MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. More Naval \ . ' . Victories. 1. THE success of the naval forces of the United States for this year, 1812, was, throughout, as brilliant as the conduct of the land forces was disgraceful. Where least was expected, and where there was least rea- son to expect any thing, there the most heroic bravery not to say the most unprecedented skill was manifested. 2. On the 18th of October, the United States sloop "Wasp, of eight- een guns, commanded by Captain Jones, came up with and captured the British sloop Frolic, Captain Wynyates, of nearly the same size and force, eight hundred miles eastward of Norfolk, in Virginia. The action lasted about three-quarters of an hour. 3. Both vessels were much injured in the engagement, but the Wasp suffered most in her rigging. She had only five men killed and five wounded. The fire of the Wasp evidently fell below the rigging of the Frolic; for the latter had at least seventy or eighty killed or wounded. Indeed, it was said that not twenty of her men escaped wholly unhurt. 4. The Frolic had scarcely submitted to the Wasp, when a British seventy-four gun ship hove in sight the Poictiers and immediately bore down upon them. As they were in no situation either to escape or make a defence, they were forthwith taken and carried into Ber muda. 5. One week later than this, viz., October 25th, a still more remark- able victory was obtained by our little navy. The United States, another forty -four gun ship, commanded by Commodore Decatur, who had distinguished himself so much at Tripoli, fell in with and cap- tured the British frigate Macedonian, Captain Garden, rated at thirty- eight guns, but really carrying forty-nine. 6. This action took place in the Atlantic Ocean, about seven hun- dred miles southward of the Azores. It lasted an hour and a half, and was very fatal to the crew of the Macedonian. Out of her comple- ment of three hundred men, she had more than a hundred killed and wounded, while the United States had but seven killed and five wounded. CHAP. CLXII. What was the success of the naval force of the United States for the year 1812 ? 2. Describe the engagement of the Wasp and the Frolic. 3. What was the loss on both sides ? 4. How were the Wasp and her prize captured? 5. What of Com- modore Decatur? 6. Describe the action between the United States and Macedonian? 332 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 7. One of those killed on board the Macedonian was the carpenter. As he was known to be in destitute circumstances, and to have left a family of helpless children with a worthless mother, his brave com- panions immediately held a contribution, and raised eight hundred dol- lars, to be put in safe hands, for the education of the unhappy orphans. 8. Sailors are apt to be generous. It is not always, however, that they make so wise an application of their charities as in this case. 9. Another victory was achieved by our brave tars before the year closed. Captain Hull had retired from the service, and had been suc- ceeded in the command of the Constitution by Commodore Bainbridge. On the 29th of December, while off the coast of Brazil, the British frigate Java, of forty-nine guns, came in sight, and a battle ensued. 10. The engagement was severe from the first. It had continued nearly two hours, and nearly two hundred men had been killed or wounded on board the Java, when she was compelled to strike her colors. She was so much injured that it was concluded, a few days afterward, to burn her. The loss of the Constitution was hardly one- sixth as great as that of the Java. 11. On board the Java, during the battle, was an American pris- oner, in confinement. Anxious to know the issue, he often asked a Chinese, who was stationed near him, how the battle was going on. " Oh, a glorious victory," was the reply always. Not satisfied with this, especially as he saw so many wounded men brought below, he asked which side was about to gain the victory. "Why," said the Chinese, " one or t'other." CHAPTER CLXIII. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Louisiana ad- mitted to the Union. Mediation of Russia between the United States and Great Britain offered. Madison re j elected. Various Events of '1812 and 1813. 1. SEVERAL other interesting events in our national history took place during the years 1812 and 1813. One of these was the admission, in the course of the former year, of Louisiana to the federal union. She was the eighteenth pillar of the great national fabric, and a most 7. What was done for the family of the carpenter on board the Macedonian ? 8. Char- racter of sailors f 9. Who succeeded Captain Hull? What of the Java? 10. Describe the engagement? What was the loss of the two ships? 11. What passed between the American prisoner and the Chinese? CHAP. CLXIII. 1. What of Louisiana? RE-ELECTION OF MADISON. 333 important one, as she holds the keys of entrance, through the mouth of the mighty river Mississippi, to the richest, if not the most extensive valley in the world. 2. The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions was also incorporated in 1812 ; and five missionaries were ordained at Salem to preach the gospel at Bom-bay', in Asia. They were the first foreign missionaries ever ordained here. Yet the same board, in 1842, thirty years later, sustained no less than one hundred and thirty-four of these foreign missionaries. 3. Very early in the year 1813, the Emperor of Eussia kindly offered to try to make peace between Great Britain and the United States ; and Albert Gallatin, James A. Bayard, and John Quincy Adams, were appointed as commissioners, and sent to Kussia to meet such commissioners as the British might appoint, and, if practicable, to make a treaty between the two countries. 4. The term for which Mr. Madison had been elected president ex- pired on the 4lan, like the commodore, was knocked down by the head of a seaman, and yet returned to his post and said nothing, though he did not im- mediately recover from the shock. 12. One venerable old sailor had his clothes actually stripped off by a splinter, without breaking or, so far as could be perceived, so much as injuring the skin. He tied his pocket handkerchief around him and went to work again, and continued at his post till the contest was over; though he died a fe~w months afterward, as it was thought, of some internal injury. 13. Another anecdote of the battle of Lake Champlain is commonly reported, and is doubtless true. Some hens, confined on board Com- modore McDonough's vessel at the commencement of the battle, got loose during the tumult, upon which a cock, which was among them, flew to an elevated part of the vessel, and crowed vigorously. Not a few of the seamen regarded this as foretelling victory, and were en- couraged by it to fight on, despite the danger. CHAPTER CLXXIX. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Convention at Hartford. 1. THE refusal of three of the New England states to order out their militia, to be subject to other officers than their own, at the opening of the war, has been mentioned. Demands were subsequently made by the governors of the several states respectively, on the militia, to repel the attacks of the enemy, especially at Saybrook, New London, Stonington, Castine, etc., and these were readily complied with. 2. But the opposition to the war in the New England states had been increasing rather than diminishing. In October, 1814, it was 10. How did Commodore McDonough narrowly escape death ? 11. What was agreed upon before the battle 1 What of a seaman knocked down ? 12. What can you say of an old sailor ? 13. Relate the anecdote of the cock. CHAP. CLXXIX. 1. What had been demanded by the governors ol some of the states? What was the result of these demands? CONVENTION AT HARTFORD. 357 proposed by the Massachusetts legislature to call a convention of dele- gates, from the several states of New England, to meet at some con- venient place, and inquire what ought to be done. 3. This convention met at Hartford, December 15th. It consisted of twenty -four delegates from Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, and a partial delegation from Vermont and New Hampshire. As a state, Vermont had refused to have any concern in the measure. 4. These delegates, consisting, for the most part, of aged men, of the highest consideration in the states to which they belonged, proceeded to canvass, with much freedom, the motives and measures which had led to the war, and to set forth the evils which th*. country was suffer- ing in consequence of its continuance. They remained in session about three weeks. 5. This convention was denounced by the friends of the administra- tion in the severest terms. It was said to be not only impolitic, as giving encouragement to the enemy, but absolutely traitorous to the general government. It was branded, in every possible way, with odium ; and the Hartford Convention is, to this day, with many, but a title of contempt or reprobation. There are others, however, who maintain that it was a patriotic and useful measure. This latter opin- ion, as the mists of passion fade away, appears to become more and more prevalent. 6. It is certain that, whatever may have been its general tendency, the convention broke up without adopting any treasonable resolutions, or attempting any dangerous movements. A few amendments of the Constitution of the United States were proposed, such as, it was thought, would thereafter prevent a recurrence of the evils under which the country then groaned. 7. These amendments of the Constitution were proposed, in the usual form and manner, to the states, but were rejected. Meanwhile, as we shall presently see, the war was brought to an end. Indeed, a treaty was actually signed at Ghent in December, 1814, before the convention at Hartford broke up, but the news had not reached this country. 2. What was proposed by the Massachusetts legislature in 1814? 3 Of what did the Hartford Convention consist ? 4 What was the character of the delegates? What did they proceed to do? 5. How was this convention considered? 0. AVhat was proposed by the convention? 7. Were these amendments accepted? What treaty was signed in December, 1814? 358 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER CLXXX. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Battle of New Orleans. 1. SEVERAL battles were fought by the two contending nations of Great Britain and America, after a treaty of peace was actually signed, but before the news had reached this country. The most important of these was at New Orleans, and occurred on the 8th of January, 1815. 2. A large British fleet had arrived on the coast, east of the Missis- sippi River, as early as December. This fleet had on board fifteen thousand troops, under the command of Sir Edward Packenham. Gen- CIIAP. CLXXX 1. When did the battle of New Orleans take place ? 2. What of the British fleet? What was the number of the British troops? Who commanded them ? Who commanded the United States troops ? BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS. 359 eral Jackson, who had so distinguished himself in the war with the Creek Indians, now had the command of the troops of the United States in this quarter. 3. As there was good reason to believe that the enemy were medi- tating a blow at New Orleans, General Jackson proceeded to fortify the place as fast and as strongly as the time and the circumstances would permit. Batteries, consisting mostly of bales of cotton, were extended from the river, eastward, in such a manner as to form a strong line of defence, fronted by a deep ditch. 4. The enemy came to the attack in solid columns, to the number of twelve thousand ; they were well-tried and thoroughly disciplined troops. The forces under General Jackson scarcely amounted to half their number, and were chiefly militia. A part of them, only, had seen fighting before. Yet nearly all were accustomed to the use of the rifle, and were the best marksmen in the country. 5. No opposition was made to the British till they came fairly within reach of the American batteries, when some twenty-five or thirty cannon at once began the work of death. The British, however, con- tinued to advance till they came within reach of the muskets and rifles, when their destruction became so great that their progress was slow. 6. From the nature of the ground, the British seemed obliged to ad- vance in solid columns ; but this made their destruction only so much the more dreadful. The cannon of the Americans were mowing down Avhole rows of them at every discharge. Unable to stand the shock, they at last began to fly. 7. But the officers rallied them again, and led them on as far as the very intrenchrnents of the Americans, where they found a ditch with five feet of water and a steep and slippery bank beyond it. At the moment of this desperate approach, the two principal British generals, Packenham and Gibbs, were killed, and their third, General Kean, was wounded. 8. Finding it impossible to scale the batteries of the Americans, and unable to stand the shower of death which was poured upon them, they retreated down the river. They did not embark immedi- ately on board their shipping, but they made no more attempts against New Orleans. 9. The results of this battle were as singular as they were dreadful. No less than seven hundred men, out of the five thousand who were near enough to the batteries to be actually engaged, slept the sleep of 8. What was done by General Jackson ? What were the American batteries composed of? 4. What forces were opposed to each other? 5. Describe the attack, fi. How were the Brittoh cut down ? 7. s. Describe the- attack after tne rally. "What British generals were killed? 9. What was the luss of tue Uritish iu this battle? 360 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. death, and fourteen hundred were wounded. Five hundred more were prisoners. Yet all this destruction was eft'ected with the loss on our part of only seven men killed and six wounded 1 CHAPTER CLXXXI. MADISON''* ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Closing Events of the War. The Dartmoor Massacre. The Peace of Ghent. 1. OUR little navy continued its operations, as well as the army on shore, ignorant, of course, of what had been done at Ghent. Many prizes were taken, and not a few severe battles fought after the com- mencement of the year 1815. Among the last mentioned were the following: 2. The British ship Levant, of eighteen guns, and the frigate Cyane, of thirty-four, were taken by the American frigate Constitution, while on a cruise, in the Mediterranean Sea, about the 20th of February. The battle lasted, with some intermission, three hours and a half, but was not very destructive. 3. Again, on the 23d of March, the Hornet, of the United States, commanded by Captain Biddle, fell in with and took the British brig Penguin, of eighteen guns. The battle lasted about twenty-two minutes, and was warmly contested the forces of the two vessels being nearly equal. 4. An event of an adverse nature occurred about the beginning of this year. The United States frigate President, commanded by Commodore Decatur, in attempting to put to sea from New York, was pursued by the Endymion, a frigate of forty guns, and a battle ensued, during which other vessels came to the aid of the Endymion, and the President was captured. 5. But the war was now over. The treaty signed at Ghent between the commissioners* of the United States and Great Britain December 14th, 1814, had been ratified by the United States on the 17th of Feb- ruary following. By certain provisions of the treaty, with regard to captures which should be made after it was ratified, the President was CHAP. CLXXXI. 1. What was done by onr navy after the commencement of the year 1S15? 2. What ships were taken by the Constitution? 3. Describe the engagement of March 23d. 4. Describe the capture of the United States frigate President. 5 What of the treaty signed at Ghent ? * These commissioners were : on the part of the United States, John Quincy Adams, James A. Bayard, Henry Clay, Jonathan Russell, and Albert Gallntin: on the part of Great Britain, Admiral Lord Gumbier, Henry Goulborn, and William Adams. DIFFICULTIES WITH ALGIERS. 361 a lawful prize to the British as much as if she had been taken earlier; and the Cyane and Levant also belonged to the United States. 6. The return of peace, in the United States, was hailed with great joy by both political parties. Much as people love war, they at length become tired of it ; even when it happens, as in the present instance, that they do not appear to have gained the ends for which they fight.* If the soldiers were not glad to exchange the sword for the plough- share, the nation at least were glad to have them do it. 7. One sad incident connected with the war, which was just now brought to a close, remains to be mentioned. It is the story of the massacre of American prisoners, which took place at Dartmoor, in Devonshire, England, April 6th, 1815. The war was, of course, over, and known to be over, at this time, but the prisoners had not all been exchanged. 8. These prisoners at Dartmoor were fired upon by the guard of the prison, by order of the agent. Seven of them were killed and sixty more or less wounded. The British did not defend the act ; it was an act of cruelty that could not be justified. On the contrary, much sympathy was expressed, even by the monarch on the throne, for the widows and families of the sufferers. 9. Peace was established in the manner we have mentioned, and it was this very year that the Massachusetts Peace Society was formed. This institution, by itself, its numerous auxiliaries and its periodicals, has done much, both in this country and in Europe, to sow the seeds of a far different spirit from that which has long prevailed even in the greater part of the Christian world. CHAPTER CLXXX1L MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Difficulties with Algiers. 1. THE difficulties between the United States and Algiers had pro- ceeded to such an extent, that, in 1812, the American consul was sud- denly ordered by the Dey to leave the capital. The immediate excuse 6. How was the return of peace received ? 7, 8. Describe the fate of the prisoners at Dartmoor. 9. When was the Massachusetts Peace Society formed ? Its influence ? * It is a curious fact, that upon the subjects for which the war had been professedly declared the encroachments upon American commerce and the impressment of Ameri- 16 362 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. for a command so unexpected and so singular was, that a cargo of naval and military stores which our government had sent them were not satisfactory. 2. Whether the stores were really such as the Dey pretended, or whether he only sought a pretext for commencing anew his system of piracy, is uncertain. One thing is, indeed, well known, which is, that depredations were immediately commenced, and that our vessels were not only plundered, but several of them captured and condemned, and their crews sold into slavery. 3. During the session of Congress which commenced in December, 1814, the president, in a message, suggested the importance of taking measures to prevent further piracy on our vessels from this quarter. The subject was agitated in Congress, and at length, in March, 1815, they declared war against the Dey. 4. Soon after this, an Ameri- can squadron, under the gallant Decatur, sailed for the Mediter- ranean, to make a descent upon the Algerines. On the 18th of June, they captured an Algerian frigate of forty -four guns and six hundred men, and a brig. The victorious squadron then sailed for Algiers, to humble the Dey, if possible, still further. 5. Such was the terror in- spired by the American arms, that it was not difficult to pro- cure a treaty, on our own terms. The Dey not only agreed to give up the property and men he had taken from us, and exempt us from tribute in time to come, but actually to pay six millions of dollars for previous damages. This treaty was signed June 30th of the same year. 6. Decatur then sailed for Tunis, and afterward for Tripoli, and ob- tained indemnity of the rulers of both, for past wrongs and security against future ones. CHAP. CLXXXII. 1. "What reason was given by the Dey of Algiers for sending away the American consul? 2. What depredations were committed? 3. What was done by Congress? When was war declared against the Dey ? 4. What was done by an American sqnadron ? 5. What did the Dey agree to do in the treaty ? When was this treaty signed ? 6. What did Decatur do as to Tunis and Tripoli ? SECOND UNITED STATES BANK. 363 CHAPTER CLXXXIIL MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. The second Unit- ed States Bank chartered. Indiana, admitted into the Union. 1. THE two principal events belonging to the history of the United States, for the year 1816, were the establishment of the second Bank of the United States, and the admission of In-di-an'-a into the Union, as the nineteenth state. 2. The bill for the incorporation of a bank passed April 10th. Its capital was thirty-five millions of dollars; of which seven millions were to be subscribed by the United States, and twenty-eight mil- lions by individuals. Its affairs were to be managed by twenty-five directors, five of whom were to be appointed by the president and senate, and twenty elected by the stockholders. The charter was limited to twenty years. 3. With regard to the early history of Indiana, little can be said, ex- cept that it had been, for a long time prior to its settlement, the resi- dence of various Indian tribes, and the theatre of Indian wars. It was here that the Shawanese resided, and that the bloody aft'air of Tip- pe-ca-noe' took place. 4. How early the first white settlement was made, which was fairly within the limits of Indiana, cannot now be determined. It was a part of the great territory claimed by the French and traversed by their traders. It is quite certain that Vin-cennes', if not some other posts, was settled at least one hundred and sixty years ago. 5. At the peace of 17G3, Indiana, with the rest of the great North- Western Territory, was given up by France to England. Still it was claimed by the Indians, but, by the various treaties made with them from time to time, extensive tracts were obtained for settlement. But the Indian title to many parts of the state was retained till the year 1812, and even longer. 6. It was erected into a territorial government in 1809. In Decem- ber, 1815, its inhabitants being found to amount to sixty thousand, a petition was sent to Congress to be made a separate state, which was granted, as we have already seen. The prosperity of Indiana has been almost unexampled ; its population now exceeds a million of inhabit- ants. CHAP. CLXXXIIL 1. What two events took place in the year 1816? 2. What were the conditions of the second United States Bank ? 3. What of the early history of In- diana? 4. What of the settlements there ? 5. What of Indiana at the peace of 1763? In 1822 ? 6. Relate its subsequent history ? Its population at the present time ? 364 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. PRESIDENT JAMES MONROE. CHAPTEE CLXXXIV. MONROE'S ADMINISTRATION, FBOM MARCH 4, 1817, TO MARCH ^TH, 1825. His Character and Histonj. Daniel D. Tompkins, Vice- President. Mississippi admitted intake Union. 1. THE year 1817 is noted in T;he history of the United States, as the commencement of the administration of James Monroe, of Vir- ginia, and also for the admission of Mississippi to be the twentieth pillar of the American Union. 2. Mr. Monroe was a very different man from Mr. Madison, his predecessor in office. The latter was a man of great learning, as well as of high talents as a statesman. He was a very active member of the Continental Congress, and it is to him we are indebted, more than any other man, for the adoption of the constitution under which we live. Yet Mr. Madison was no warrior. CHAP. CLXXXIV. 1. For what is the year 1817 distinguished ? 2. What was the character of Mr. Madison ? MONROE ELECTED PRESIDENT. 365 3. Mr. Monroe, on the contrary, though he entered upon his admin- istration in a time of peace and comparative prosperity, had been a soldier. He was engaged in the Revolutionary "War from the year 1776 to its close ; and, though he held no other commission than that of a captain of infantry, was in a number of severe battles, and at that of Trenton was wounded. lie was also a statesman as well as a warrior. 4. He came into office March 4th, 1817. Daniel D. Tompkins was at the same time inaugurated vice-president. Though the prosperity of the country was returning, yet it takes a long time for a nation to recover from a war, even in its commercial and financial concerns. Manufactures were broken down, agriculture was far from being as flourishing as it had been, and there was a great scarcity of money, especially of specie. 5. During the summer and autumn of this year, Mr. Monroe made a tour through the northern and eastern states, to observe the condi- tion of the fortifications along the sea-coast, as well as to make him- self acquainted with the state of the country in other respects. A similar tour was made, two years afterward, through the Southern and "Western states, and another still later along the shores of the Ches- apeake Bay. 6. In December 1817, the Territory of Mississippi was divided, the western portion, lying along the river, being admitted as a state into the Union. The eastern portion was erected into a territory, by the name of Alabama. 7. The early history of this country has been mentioned, in our brief account of the travels of Ferdinando de Soto and La Salle. It suffered greatly during the wars of the Natchez Indians. The Choc- taws for a long time retained and occupied the northern part of this state, and were in a good measure civilized. 8. There was also some trouble this year, 1817, respecting Amelia Island, which was a Spanish possession, and had become the resort of a set of outlaws. The United States, though at peace with Spain, at length determined to take possession of it. This was done by a naval force, sent out for the purpose, and without bloodshed. 8. That of Mr. Monroe ? 4. Who was chosen vice-president with Mr. Monroe ? What was the condition of the country at this time ? 5. What tour was made by Mr. Monroe, and for what purpose? 6. What can you say of Mississippi ? 7. What of its early history? How did it suffer? 8. What of Amelia Island ? 366 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER CLXXXY. MONROE'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. War with the Seminoles. Illinois admitted into the Union. Com- mercial Treaty with Sweden. 1. BETWEEN the United States and Florida, or rather partly within the limits of both, there was a tribe of Indians called Sem'-i-noles. The nation also included, at this time, many of the Creek Indians, who, dissatisfied with the treaty their brethren had made with the United States, in August, 1813, had fled to the Seminoles. 2. They also had among them another set of runaways, much worse than the vagabond Creeks. These were white traders from various nations, who, for the most part, dissatisfied with the slow, honest earnings of home, had come hither to gain money by trading with, and often by taking unfair advantage of the Indians. 3. The Seminoles becoming, by some means, excited to hostile feelings against their white neighbors, and being also urged on by the Creeks among them, began, about the close of the year 1817, to commit outrages, after the usual Indian fashion, upon the families on or near their borders. 4. Upon hearing of these outrages, the secretary of war ordered General Jackson and General Gaines, with eight hundred regular troops and one thousand militia, to proceed against them, and to call upon the governors of the several adjacent states for more men, if necessary. General Jackson, however, addressed a circular to the patriots, as he called them, of West Tennessee, one thousand of whom forthwith joined him. 5. The war was immediately and vigorously prosecuted, but in a way somewhat peculiar. St. Mark's, a Spanish post, was first seized, and afterward Pen-sa-co'-la, the capital of West Florida, also belonging to Spain. These places were taken because they favored, or were supposed to favor, the cause of the Indians. There was very little resistance on the part of the Spanish authorities. 6. The taking and occupying of these places, with some little skir- mishing elsewhere, occupied the time till late in the spring of 1818, when General Jackson announced that the Seminole war was closed, and returned to Nashville. He was much censured for the manner CHAP. CLXXXV. 1. What of the Seminoles? "Why had the Creeks joined them? 2. Whatof the white traders? 8. What did the Seminoles berfn to do in 1S17 ? 4. What was ordered by the secretary of war ? What did General Jackson do? 5. What of St. Mark's and Pensacola? 6. What was done by Jackson in ISIS? Why was he censured? ALABAMA ADMITTED AS A STATE. 367 of his proceeding in this war, notwithstanding his success. His appeal to the Tennesseans, and his seizing and occupying St. Mark's and Pen- sacola, were deemed exceedingly objectionable. His conduct was even brought to the notice of Congress, and by the senate partially con- demned. 7. Illinois was admitted to the Union in 1818. Its early history has been sufficiently given in connection with the travels of La Salle. It was a part of Indiana till 1809, when it became a separate territory, in which condition it remained till it was received into the con- federacy. 8. A treaty of peace, friendship, liberty of commerce, equalization of duties, etc., with Sweden, was concluded at- Stockholm, in May ot this year, by Mr. Kussel, the United States minister at the court of Sweden, and signed by the respective governments during the summer and autumn of the same year. CHAPTER CLXXXYI. MONKOE'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Treaties with Spain and Great Britain. Alabama admitted into the Union. 1. A TREATY of trade and commerce was made, early in the year 1819, between the United States and Great Britain ; in which, how- ever, nothing seems to have been said about the old question of im- pressment. A treaty with Spain was also made, settling the boundary between this country and Mexico. At the same time, the United States became bound to pay the Spanish government five million dollars, on account of injuries and losses which they had sustained from us. 2. On the 2d of March of this year, A-la-ba'-ma was admitted to the Union. This was the twenty-second member of the confederacy. Arkansas was made a territorial government the same year, but was not formed into a state till nearly twenty years afterward. 3. Alabama, with its deep, rich soil, and, in many places, healthful and happy climate, remained till after the Revolutionary "War a mere hunting-ground of the savages. From the peace of 1783 till 1802, 7. What of Illinois? When did it become a separate territory? 8. What treaty was concluded at Stockholm? CHAP. CLXXXVL 1. What treaties were made in the year 1819? "What did the United States become bound to pay? 2. Whqt can you say of Alabama and Arkansas? 8. How was Alabama occupied till after the Revolution ? What of the claims of Georgia f 368 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. the territory was claimed by Georgia ; and the lands were sold to set- tlers and speculators accordingly. 4. Among other sales was one of twenty -five millions of acres for five hundred thousand dollars ; and the money was received and put into the treasury. But, at a subsequent meeting of the legislature, the validity of the sale was called in question ; and finally, the records respecting it were ordered to be burnt and the money restored to the purchasers. 5. In the year 1802, the state of Georgia ceded all her western territory to the United States for twelve hundred and fifty thousand dollars. This and the act by which the records were destroyed oc- casioned lawsuits, which cost the parties great trouble and much money. In 1800, as we have seen elsewhere, the present state of Alabama became a part of the Mississippi Territory from which it was separated when Mississippi became a state. CHAPTER CLXXXVK MONROE'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. The States of Maine and Missouri admitted into the Union. The Missouri Compromise. The Mormons. 1. IN the year 1638 the same year in which New Haven was set- tled Ferdinando Gorges obtained a charter from the king, of all the lands from the borders of New Hampshire, on the south-west, to Sagadahoc, on Kennebec River, on the north-east, under the name of the Province of Maine. It remained a separate province till the year 1652, when it became a part of Massachusetts. 2. The history of the settlement of this province has been alluded to in connection with the history of the colony of Massachusetts. Various attempts were made during the latter part of the eighteenth century to form it into an independent state, but none of them succeeded. 3. The most important of these attempts was made in 1785. A con- vention then met for the purpose at Portland. The next year, the question of a separation from Massachusetts was submitted to the people in their town meetings, on which it appeared that a majority of the freemen were opposed to the measure. A similar attempt was made in 1802, and with similar results. 4. What took place respecting one of the sales? 5. What was done by Gcorg-'a in 1S02? What of Alabama in 1SOO ? CHAV. CLXXXVII. 1. What of the charter granted to Gorges, respecting the Province of Maine? When did Maine become a part of Massachusetts* 2. What attempts were made dnrins the latter part of the eighteenth century ? 3. What attciri>t wjg made in 1TS5? InlS02 ADMISSION OF MISSOURI. 369 4. In 1819, a large majority were found to be in favor of a sepa- ration. A convention was called, and a constitution prepared and adopted, and in 1820, Maine became the twenty-third pillar of the American Union. At present, this state has about six hundred thou- sand inhabitants, and is not only large and populous, but flourishing. 5. Toward the end of the year 1820, when Congress had come to- gether, the question was brought before them whether Missouri should be admitted to the Union. The discussion which followed involved another inquiry that of the extension of slavery and occupied much of the session. Provision was, however, at length made for its admission upon certain conditions;* and these having been complied with,Missouri, in August 1821, became the twenty -fourth member of our confederacy. 6. This state, together with all the territory then belonging to the United States west of the Mississippi River, was included in the pur- chase of Louisiana from the French, in the year 1803. Louisiana was afterward divided into the " Territory of Orleans," or Louisiana proper, and the Territory of Missouri. 7. In 1819, this latter territory was divided into Arkansas, in the south, and Missouri, in the north ; and it was about this time that the northern or Missouri division took the requisite steps to form a state constitution. Since its admission, in 1821, its progress, in population and improvement, has been exceedingly rapid. 8. This state has been little disturbed by civil or internal divisions, or by Indian wars. The most serious trouble arose from the appear- ance of a new sect there, in the year 1838, called Mormons, and from the attempts to curb their irregularities. 9. This singular people, believing themselves ill-treated, had assem- bled, to the number of seven hundred, under tneir leaders, in a remote part of the state, when a body of three thousand troops inarched against them, and captured them, with four thousand others. The whole sect was at length reduced to submission. After a time, they removed to Utah. Their later history will be given hereafter. 4. What was done in 1S19 ? "What of Maine at this time ? 5. "What discussion was had about Missouri in 1S20? When did Missouri become a state? What of the Missouri Compromise ? 6. What was included in the purchase of Louisiana ? Ilow was Louisiana afterward divided ? 7. How was Missouri divided ? What of it since 1821 ? 8. How has the state been disturbed ? 9. Describe the conduct of the Mormons, and what was done to them. * In this debate, the Northern members generally urged that in Missouri, slavery should be prohibited ; the Southern members took the ground that slavery should be tolerated. The discussion caused great excitement, as well in Congress as in the country at large. This state was finally admitted, permitting slavery, connected, however, with a general act prohibiting it in all new states, north of latitude 36.30 ; that being the northern limit of Arkansas, and the southern limit of Missouri. This act called the Missouri Compromise continued to be regarded by Congress, until the year 1S64, when it was repealed by what is called the Kansas- Nebraska- BUI, two territories of these names being thereby organized. 10* 370 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 10. In 1855 and 1856 great excitement took place in Missouri, in con- sequence of the agitation of the slavery question in the contiguous ter- ritory of Kansas. Many of the inhabitants, strongly in favor of the establishment of slavery in Kansas, passed into that territory, and used their influence to promote that object. For two years the whole United States was disturbed by the agitations which ensued. CHAPTER CLXXXVIIL MONROE'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Territorial Or- ganisation of Florida. History of Florida. Appor- tionment of Representatives in Congress at various epochs. 1. DuurNG the session of Congress which closed in the spring of 1832, a territorial government was established for Florida ; and Wil- liam Duvall, of Kentucky, was appointed by the president, with the concurrence of the Senate, to be the governor. 2. The unsuccessful attempt of Ponce de Leon to settle this country lias been mentioned in its place. The Spaniards made several transient settlements here at an early date, but the first permanent colony was established on the river May, in 1664. Even this came near being broken up by starvation the next year. The settlers had been at war with the natives had lost many of their number ; and those who were alive had been obliged to subsist on acorns and roots. 3. Spain held the possession of Florida from the time of its discovery till 1763, when it was ceded to Great Britain. In 1781, West Florida again fell into the hands of the Spanish ; and in a treaty made in 1783, both provinces were given up to Spain, in whose hands they remained, with the temporary interruption occasioned by the movements of General Jackson, till 1819. 4. In the progress of the year 1819, a transfer of the whole prov- ince was made, by treaty, to the United States. This treaty, after much delay, was ratified by Spain, and still more tardily by the United States. This act, on the part of the United States, took place in February, 1821 ; and possession was given in the following July. 5. This territory, at the census in 1840, contained fifty-four thou- sand four hundred and seventy-seven inhabitants, and March 3d, 1845, became a state. Tal-la-has'-see, the seat of government, contains 10. What agitation took place in Missouri in 1855 and 1S56? CHAP. CLXXXVIIL 1. What was done by Congress as to Florida in 1S23? 2. Who formerly attempted to settle the country? What of the first permanent settlement? 3. Into whose hands did Florida successively pass ? 4. What was done in 1319 ? What took place in 1821 ? LAFAYETTE IN AMERICA. 371 about two thousand inhabitants; and is, probably, the largest town in the state, except St. Au-gus-tine', which is about one-fourth larger. The latter place, having been founded by the Spaniards in 1565, is the oldest town in the United States. 6. Slight changes were made during the session of Congress for 1822-3, with regard to the representation of the several states in the House of Representatives. At first only one representative had been sent for every thirty thousand inhabitants ; the fractions, in each state, going for nothing. The constitution had not, indeed, limited the rep- resentation to this number, but had only said that no more than one representative should be sent for each thirty thousand people. 7. After the first census, it was fixed at one representative to every thirty-three thousand. The same apportionment continued under the second census, but at the third it was made one in thirty-five thousand. In 1822-3, it was fixed, for the next ten years, at forty thousand. The proportion, after the census of 1830, was one in forty-seven thousand seven hundred. The proportion from 1840 was one for seventy thou- sand six hundred and eighty. From 1852 it was fixed at one for ninety-three thousand three hundred and forty ; the whole number of representatives for the United States being two hundred and thirty-three. CHAPTER CLXXXIX. MONROE'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. La Fayette in the United States. 1. THE celebrated general, La Fayette, who had lived in France since the American Revolution, having received an invitation from Congress, to visit this country, arrived at New York, August 13th, 1824, and pro- ceeded to the residence of Vice-president Tompkins, on Staten Island. He was soon after escorted to New York by a splendid array of steam- boats, decorated by the flags of almost every nation in the world, and bearing thousands of citizens. 2. After remaining a few days in New York, he went to Boston, where he met with the same cordial and joyful reception. He soon after returned to New York, and visited Albany and the other towns on the Hudson, after which he proceeded to Virginia, but returned to Washington during the sitting of the next Congress. 5. What was the population of Florida in 1840? "What of Tallahassee ? St. Augustine? 6. What of the constitution as to representatives? 7. How was the representation ar- ranged after the first census? After the second census? In 1822-3? After the census of 1840? After the census of 1S50? CHAP. CLXXXIX. 1. What of General La Fayette? His reception in New York? 2. What places did he visit? 372 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. LAFATKTTE S TOUR, 3. The next spring, after having passed through the Southern and Western states, he again went to Boston. There, on the 17th of June two days after he arrived, he attended the fiftieth anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill ; at which time, beside many demonstrations of public joy, the corner-stone of a monument was laid. This was not finished, however, till 1842. 4. The excursions of La Fayette in this country occupied, in all, about a year. In this time, he visited every one of the twenty-four states. He was everywhere received as a father to the country, and his presence everywhere hailed with unmingled joy. The 7th of Sep- tember was the day fixed for his departure ; and the frigate Brandy- wine was appointed to convey him to his native country. 5. The parting scene was one of the most affecting which was ever witnessed in this country. He was to sail from "Washington. All business was suspended there on that day, and all the officers of gov- ernment, from the president downward, assembled to bid him farewell. He was attended to the vessel by the whole population of Washington. 6. In passing Mount Vernon, he landed to pay a farewell visit to the tomb of Washington, but immediately re-embarked, and, after a prosperous voyage, was soon once more in his native country. While here, Congress gave him two hundred thousand dollars and a town- 3. What took place at Boston on the 17th June, 1824? 4. What time did La Fayette's excursions occupy? How was he received? 5. Describe the parting scene as he left for France. 6. What tribute did he pay to the memory of Washington? What did Con. stress present him with? LA FAYETTE IN THE UNITED STATES. ship of land, as a partial compensation for his services during the Revolutionary struggle. V. Nothing could have been more gratifying to the people of the United States than this visit of the illustrious stranger,* whom, next to Washington, they delighted to honor. 7. How did the people of the United States esteem La Fayette? * The name of this great and good man was Marie Paul Koch Yoves Gilbert Hfotier, Marquis de la Fayette. He was born at Auvergne in 175T, and belonged to the court of Louis XVI At the age of twenty, having just been married to a young and beautiful lady, ho left his country and all the pleasures of a brilliant career, to engage in our national struggle for independence. That having been achieved, he returned to France. In the revolution which began with the destruction of tho Bastile in 1789, he played a distinguished part, being at one time commander of the National Guard, and possessing such power as almost to make him. arbiter of the fate of France. He afterward became an object of distrust, and, endeavoring to escape, was taken and imprisoned at Olmutz by the Austrians, for several years, being released in 1797. He took a leading part in placing Louis Philippe on the throne in 1880, and died in 1834. 374 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. CHAPTER OXC. JOHN QunsrcY ADAMS'S ADMINISTRATION, FROM MARCH 1825, TO MARCH 4xH, 1829. Difficulties with Georgia. Speculations and Bankruptcies of 1825. 1. In 1821, Mr. Monroe as president, and D. D. Tompkins as vice- president, had been re-elected, almost without opposition, and had duly entered upon their second terra of office. This having expired, they were succeeded, in 1825, hy John Q. Adams, of Massachusetts, as Pres- ident, and John 0. Calhoun, of South Carolina, as Vice-President. 2. The latter was elected by the people, but, in respect to Mr. Adams, there was no choice ; the election therefore devolved upon the House of Eepresentatives, as in the first election of Jefferson. During a state of great excitement, the choice of Mr. Adams was declared February 9th, 1825. 3. About the time Mr. Adams's administration began, a controversy CHAP. CXC. I. What of Monroe and Tompkins as to a second term of office? Who succeeded them? 2. What of the election of Adams and Calhoun? DEATH OF ADAMS AND JEFFERSON. 375 arose between Georgia and the national government, which continued for some time. It had relation to certain lands, within the state of Georgia, held by the Creek Indians, which Georgia claimed as belong- ing to herself. 4. This controversy grew out of an agreement between the general government and Georgia, in 1802. In 1825, the Creeks became ex- cited and a war seemed inevitable. 5. After a long negotiation at Washington, and much effort on the part of the president and both houses of Congress, the matter was finally settled without a resort to arms, but not to the entire satisfac- tion of Georgia. This state long retained unpleasant feelings against the president and his friends, though he seems rather entitled to praise for his conduct during the whole affair. 6. This year, 1825, was remarkable for a spirit of speculation, which prevailed in England and this country, especially in regard to cotton. The price of this article rose from twelve to thirty-two cents in the course of a few weeks. Many kinds of West India goods also advanced with similar rapidity. 7. The prices soon receded, and extensive bankruptcies were the im- mediate consequence. The fictitious wealth, which the high prices of goods had created, suddenly disappeared, and involved thousands and tens of thousands in distress, and not a few in utter pecuniary ruin. CHAPTER OXCI. J. Q. ADAMS'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Death of Adams and Jefferson, etc. 1. THE most remarkable events of the year 1826 were the death of the two ex-presidents, Adams and Jefferson, on the 4th of July, and within a very few hours of each other. They had long been ill ; but it was hardly to be expected that they would both terminate their ex- istence on this particular day. 2. Jefferson, like Washington, Madison, Monroe, and even Harrison, was a native of Virginia. He was born in the year 1743 ; and, of course, was eighty-three years old when he died. He was bred a 3,4. What controversy arose with Georgia ? When did the Creeks become excited? 5. How was the difficulty finally adjusted? 6. For what was the year 1825 remarkable? What articles rose in value? 7. What was the consequence of these speculations? CHAP CXOI. 1. When did Adams and Jefferson die ? 2. Where was the latter born ? At what age did he die ? What can you say of him ? 376 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. lawyer, and his life was one of great activity, though he was much less a warrior, or a civilian, than a statesman. 3. When the time came for preparing a Declaration of Independence, Jefferson was chairman of the committee of five appointed for this purpose. He drew the instrument with his own hand ; nor was it very materially altered by Congress. 4. Beside being a member of Congress for many years, he was also abroad as minister to France and Great Britain for a considerable period. After the close of his second term as president, he retired to his estate, called Monticello, in Virginia, where he spent the remainder of his days, chiefly employed in writing and in study. 6. Adams was a native of Quincy, near Boston, but was eight years older than Jefferson. He, too, was bred a lawyer, but, like Jefferson, did not long practise his profession. The war of the Revolution soon called him into such scenes of bustling activity as gave him little time for legal practice. 6. He was early a member of the colonial congresses, and among the first to resist the high-handed measures of Great Britain. He nominated Washington as the commander-in-chief of the American army. He was second on the committee, already alluded to, appointed to draft a Declaration of Independence ; and, like Jefferson, was one of the first to sign it. 7. In regard to his character, the best eulogium has been given by Jefferson. He always said that "the great pillar of support to the Declaration of Independence, and its ablest advocate and champion on the floor of the house, was John Adams;" and no man knew him better than Jefferson. 8. Though feeble from great age at the arrival ot the fiftieth anni- versary of Independence, he had expressed, like Jefferson, a strong desire to live to see that day, though he hardly expected it. But he knew enough, on the fourth, to know it had arrived; and said, "It is a great and glorious day." His last words were, " Jefferson survives." 9. Madison and Monroe lived several years longer. Monroe died in New York, July 4th, 1831, aged seventy-three; thus making the third president w r ho had died on the anniversary of our independence. Madison died June 28th, 1837, aged eighty-six years. 3. What great paper did lie draw np? 4. To what countries was Jefferson minister? How did he pass his time after he retired from the presidency? 5. To what profession was Adams br8d ? To what scenes was he. called from the bar? 6. How was ho early distinguished? 7. Give his character by Jefferson. 8. Describe the last day of his life, 9. What of Madison and Monroe ? PRESIDENT JACKSON. 377 PRESIDENT JACKSON. CIlAPTEli CXCII. JACKSOS'S ADMINISTRATION, FROM MARCH 4ra, 1829, TO MAKCH 4 r ni, 1837. His Election. Van Bur en Vice- President. Death of John Jay. Nullification in South Carolina. Clay's Compromise Act. 1. FEW events worthy of note occurred in the year 1827. During the session of Congress which commenced December 4th of that year, a bill was passed for the revision of the tariff of the United States; but it did not give universal satisfaction. Some thought it encouraged domestic manufactures, etc., too much; others, too little. 2. The year 1828 was distinguished for party strife in the election of a president. The two opposing candidates were Adams, the in- cumbent, and General Jackson. The result of the contest was the election of General Jackson by a large majority one hundred and CHAP. CXCII. 1. What bill passed in Congress in the year 1827? 2. Who were the candidates for the presidency in the year 1828? Who was elected ? What was the majority of votes for Jackson? How did Jackson's administration begin? 378 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. seventy -eight of the votes of the people being given for him, and only eighty-three for Adams. It was a majority which even the friends of General Jackson himself hardly expected. His administration was begun by the appointment of a new cabinet, and by the removal from office of a great number of individuals known to be unfriendly to his election. 3. Daring the year 1829, John Jay, of Bedford, New York, died, at the age of eighty-four. He was one of the presidents of the old Continental Congress ; and, without a doubtjjone of the greatest men of his day. He was a truly good as well as a great man. 4. Before the close of the Congress which assembled in December^ 1830, a rupture took place between the president and Calhoun, vice- president, which produced other animosities and divisions; and, on the 20th of April, 1831, the cabinet officers of the president all resigned. During the summer, however, a new cabinet was organized. 5. A treaty of peace and commerce was made, in the year 1830, be- tween the United States and the government of Turkey ; a commercial treaty was also concluded with Mexico. Just before President Jack- son came into office, General Harrison, afterward President Harrison, was made the United States minister-plenipotentiary to Colombia. 6. On the 10th of December, 1832, Jackson issued his celebrated proclamation against the Nullifiers of South Carolina. These politicians maintained that any one of the states might set aside, or nullify, any act of Congress which they deemed unconstitutional and oppressive. They called themselves the State Rights Party, inasmuch as they as- serted the rights of the states to be supreme. 7. These views had been entertained from the adoption of the con- stitution by a few individuals ; but, until the period of which we are now speaking, they had not produced any serious results. The chief occasion of the proceedings in South Carolina, already adverted to, was the existing tariff laws. Conventions of that state passed resolu- tions declaring them to be null and void ; and formidable preparations were made to resist their execution. 8. President Jackson's proclamation was aimed at these proceedings. Great anxiety and alarm prevailed in the country, and an apprehension was entertained that the union was soon to be severed by the open rebellion of the state of South Carolina. In this state of things, the 3. Wh.it can you say of John Jay? When did he die? 4. "What rupture took place in 1S30? What of the cabinet? 5. What treaties were made in 1S30. To what place had General Harrison been sent as minister? 6. What did Jackson do in 1S32 ? Who were the Nullifiers? What did they call themselves, and why? 7. By whom had these views been Ions entertained ? What was the occasion of the feelings existing in South Carolina ? What was done by conventions in that state ? S. What anxiety was felt ? What was the effect on parties ? PRESIDENT JACKSON. 379 divisions of political parties were momentarily forgotten, and even the opposers of the president rallied on the side of his proclamation. Few were found, except those of the state rights party of South Carolina, to sustain the movements of the nullifiers. 9. The difficulty was at length pacified by the Compromise Act, brought forward by Mr. Clay, in the Senate of the United States, and passed in 1833. This act provided for a gradual reduction of duties for the succeeding ten years, when they should sink to the general level of twenty per cent. 10. This compromise act went into operation, and continued till 1842, when it was superseded by a new tariff system, as will be here- after related. CHAPTER CXCIIL JACKSON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. His Northern Tour. Removal of the Deposits. His Second Term. 1. ON counting the votes for president and vice-president of the United States, in the early part of the year 1833, President Jackson was found to be re- elected by an overwhelming majority ; and Martin Van Bdren was cho- sen vice-pres- ident. 2. One of the early acts of JACKSON'S TOUR. the president, during his sec- ond administration, was to pay a visit, May 6th, in company with the members of his cabinet and others, to Fredericksburg, to witness the 9. How was the difficulty at length pacified ? provide ? * CHAP. CXCIII. 1. Who were elected .president and vice-president in 1833? was done May 6th, at Fredericksburg, in Virginia? For what did the compromise of 1S33 2. What 380 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. ceremony of laying a corner-stone of a monument to the mother of Washington. 3. While the steamboat which conveyed them was on the way from Washington to Alexandria, as the president and others were sitting at dinner, a dastardly assault was made by one Kandolph, late a lieuten- ant in the navy, on the president. The company, however, interfered, so that Randolph only inflicted a single blow in the face. 4. It may not be out of place to say here that the centennial birth- day of Washington had been celebrated with great pomp and rejoicing throughout the United States, on the 22d of February, 1832, or a little more than a year before the corner-stone was laid of a monument to his mother's memory. 5. On the 6th of June 1833, the president, with most of his cabinet, set out on a tour through the New England states. The objects of this tour were similar to those of his predecessors, AYashington and Monroe; and he was received everywhere with similar demonstra- tions of respect. 6. In the autumn of this year, the president came to the conclusion that the deposits of the public moneys, amounting to about ten millions of dollars, ought to be removed from the Bank of the United States, where they had been placed for twenty years, to the state banks. He deemed this change necessary, as he said, in order " to preserve the morals of the people, the freedom of the press, and the purity of the elective franchise." 7. This was the beginning of a contest in Congress, respecting the deposits, which continued a long time, and created much excitement throughout the country. The deposits were, however, at length re- moved. 8. These vast sums being placed in the local banks of the several states, caused an immense inflation of the currency, and a consequent expansion of trade and speculation, which laid the foundation of a dreadful state of panic and bankruptcy, a short time after, all over the United States. The bitter fruits were reaped under Van Bureu's ad- ministration. 3. What outrage was committed on board the steamboat? 4. When was Washington's hundredth birthday celebrated? 5. What tour was made by Jackson in 1S38? 6. What preat chance was determined upon by the president, and for what reason ? 7. What of the contest which was occasioned by the removal of the deposits? S. What were the consequences of the removal of the deposits? STATE OF ARKANSAS. 381 CHAPTER CXCIY. JACKSON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. State of Arkansas. Indian Territory. 1. ARKANSAS was admitted into the Union, as an independent state, in the year 1836. This state lies to the southward of Missouri, atid was originally, as we have elsewhere seen, a part of it. It has a fine cli- mate and prolific soil, and is proba- bly destined to be a very important ^ ^,_ _ member of the confederacy 2. 1 he earliest settlement of whites, within the present limits of this state, was made at the Indian village of Arkansas, on the river of that name, in the year 1685. The first in- habitants and the emigrants who joined them, for many years, were French. The progress of the colony was very slow. It is scarcely thirty years since the tide of emigration from the Atlantic states began to flow in that direction. 3. Little Rock, the early seat of government, and present capital, was laid out in 1820. The first steamboat ascended the Arkansas River that year. It was eight days in going from New Orleans to the vil- lage of Arkansas, which is scarcely one hundred miles above the mouth of the Arkansas River. 4. Arkansas formerly contained within its bosom the remnants of several once numerous and powerful tribes of Indians. By a treaty made between the United States and the Cherokees, in 1833, the lat- ter agreed to give up to the United States, for a sum equal to five mil- lions of dollars, or more, all their lands east of the Mississippi, and to EARLY SETTLEMENT IN ARKANSAS. CHAP. CXCIV. 1. When was Arkansas admitted Into the Union ? Where is it situa- ted ? 2. When was the earliest white settlement made there ? Who were the first inhab- itants ? 3. What of Little Rock ? What can you say of the first steamboat ? 4. What of Indian tribes in this state ? 382 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. retire to a region, to be guaranteed to them, in the present state of Arkansas. 5. Since this time, most of the Indian tribes, including, beside the Cherokees, the Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks, Seminoles, Senecas, and many others, have been removed to a tract between the states of Missouri and Arkansas on the east, and the Rocky Mountains on the west. This is called the Indian Territory, of which we shall hereaf- ter give a more particular account. CHAPTER CXCV. JACKSON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Mr. Rives ^s Treaty with France. The Florida or Seminole War. 1. IN 1834, owing to the energetic action of President Jackson, the French government, at the head of which was Louis Philippe, Charles X., driven from his throne by the insurrection of 1830, agreed to pay the sum of four mil- lions of dollars for injuries done to American commerce during the wars of Napoleon. The treaty for the ad- justment of these OSCBOLA. claims was negotiat- ed at Paris by Wil- liam C. Eives, of Virginia. 2. In 1835 commenced what is called the Florida War, a disastrous and harassing conflict with the Seminoles and Creeks, which continued till 1842, and cost our treasury forty millions of dollars. 3. The immediate occasion of this struggle was the attempt on the 5. What of the Indian Territory? CHAP. CXCV. 1. What of Mr. Bives's treaty with Prance ? 2. "When did the Florida war commence ? How long did it continue ? How much did it cost our government? THE SEMINOLE WAR. 383 part of our government to remove these tribes to the country west of the Mississippi. A treaty to this effect had been entered into by cer- tain agents of the Seminoles, but their chief, Mi-can'-o-py, and their leading warrior, Os-ce-o'-la, denied the binding force of this engage- ment. 4. To the natural desire expressed by the latter, that he might rest in the land of his fathers, and his children sleep by his side, was added a bitter feeling of indignation at having been seized and put in irons by General Thompson, the agent of the United States. Dissembling his real feelings, and pretending to consent to the treaty of removal, Osceola obtained his liberty ; but only to commence the bloody work of revenge and slaughter. 5. The American commanders in this quarter were soon made aware of these proceedings. General Clinch was at the time stationed in the interior of Florida, at Fort Drane, and being in want of supplies and deemed in imminent danger fvom the Indians, Major Dade, with one hundred and ten men and officers, was dispatched from Fort Brooke* to his relief. On the way, December 2Sth, Dade was sud- denly assailed by a large party of Seminoles, and he and all but one of his men were killed, or mortally wounded. 6. On the same day, General Thompson, while dining with a few friends, a short distance from Fort King, was suddenly fired upon by a party headed by Osceola, and fell pierced with fifteen bullets. Four Others, out of the party of nine, were also killed. The savages rushed in, scalped their victims, and fled, before they could be arrested by the garrison. On the 31st of December, General Clinch had a severe and bloody conflict with the Indians on the banks of the "With-la-coo'-chee, and in the succeeding February, General Gaines was attacked by them near the same place. 7. In May, 1836, several bands of Creeks joined the Seminoles, and the war raged with additional fury. In Georgia and Alabama steam- . boats were attacked, stage-coaches destroyed, towns burned, and many of the scattered inhabitants murdered. A strong force, joined by many friendly Indians, were, however, sent against them, and they submitted. During the summer of 1836, several thousands of them were transferred to the country west of the Mississippi. 3. What was the immediate occasion of this war? What of Micanopy? Of Osceola? 4. What particular feelings of hatred had Osceola? What of his dissimulation? 5. What of the American commanders in Florida? What of General Clinch? Of Major Dade? 6. What of General Thompson ? What of the battle of Withlacoochee ? 7. What of the Creek Indians ? * Fort Brooke is at the head of Tampa Bay, which lies on the western side of the peninsula of Florida. Fort Drane is seventy-five miles south-west of St. Augustine, and Fort King a few miles to the south-east of St. Augustine. 384: HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 8. The remaining history of the Florida war belongs to a subsequent administration ; but we may here briefly note its chief events. It is necessary to state, however, that in February, 1836, General Scott had been appointed to the command of the army in Florida, but was after- ward succeeded by General Jessup. 9. In October, 1837, Osceola presented himself with a flag of truce ; Jessup received him, and, disregarding the flag, seized him, and sent him to Fort Moultrie, near Charleston, where he died the following year. According to his education and condition, this savage chief was a patriot and a hero ; the more civilized race which triumphed over him, only gained their victory by adopting the treacherous policy of the savage. 10. Though they had lost their leader, the Seminoles continued the war. In 1838, Colonel Taylor, afterward a renowned general in the Mexican war, and still later president of the United States, pursued them to the Everglades, the tangled and almost inaccessible swamps of south-western Florida. A fierce and bloody engagement took place on the 25th of December, which led to a treaty in 1839. 11. The Seminoles did not, however, wholly desist from their dep- redations till 1842, when peace was finally established. Since that time, many of them have been removed to the Indian Territory. CHAPTER CXCVI. JACKSON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. The great Fire in New York, December, 1835. Decease of Eminent Men, Carroll of Carrollton, Randolph of Roanoke, and John Marshall. Black Hawk and other Indian Chiefs. 1. ABOUT the period of which we are writing a remarkable confla- gration occurred in the city of New York. It broke out on the night of the 16th of December, 1835. The weather at the time was ex- tremely severe, and the water of the hydrants was frozen ; the fire, therefore, raged till more than thirty acres, covered with dwellings and warehouses, were laid in ashes. More than five hundred buildings were destroyed, and property to the amount of eighteen millions of dollars consumed ! It is an evidence of the renovating vigor of this great city, that the district blackened with fire was in a brief period 8. What occurred in 1S36? 9. What of Osceola and General Jessup? Character of Osceola? 10. What of General Taylor? )1. What occurred in 1S42? CHAP. CXCVI. 1. What of the great fire in New York, December 16th, 1S35? DECEASE OF EMINENT MEN. 385 covered with buildings of far greater value and utility than those which had hefore existed. , 2. At this point we may notice the decease o? several men of great public distinction. Monroe had died on the 4th of July, 1838, as we have elsewhere stated. Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, in Maryland, the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence, died at the great age of ninety-six. 3. In May, 1833, John Randolph, of Roanoke district, in Virginia, a descendant of Pocahontas, died at the age of sixty. He had served in Congress for thirty years, and at some periods had exercised great in- fluence ; his eccentricity of personal appearance and conduct, his bitter sarcasm and venomous wit, together with occasional flashes of elo- quence, rendered him an object of mingled wonder, admiration and fear. In 1880, he was appointed minister to Russia by President Jackson. 4. In 1835, John Marshall, of Virginia, died at the age of eighty- five. He had been many years chief-justice of the United States, and enjoyed a degree of confidence and personal es- teem, on the part of the people of the United States, similar to that bestowed on "Washing- ton, Jay, and a few other men of the earlier periods of our history. 5. In the autumn of 1836, about thirty Indian chiefs and warriors, of the Sacs and Foxes, with others, were ta- ken on a visit through some of the principal cities of the United States, and at length arrived in Boston, where they were received with much cer- emony. They were exhibited at the State House and Faneuil Hall, and performed a war- dance on the Common. The celebrated chiefs Keokuck BLACK HAWK. and Black Hawk were among them. 2. What of Ex-president Monroe ? Carroll of Carrollton ? S. John Randolph ? 4. Judge Marshall? 5. AVhat happened in the full of 1880? Whit were the names of some of those Indians who came to Boston ? 17 386 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 6. The latter excited great interest on account of his fine personal appearance, and his well known achievements. He had been the leader of a portion of the Wmnebagoes and of the Sacs and Foxes, in a war which raged in Northern Illinois, in the year 1832. While other chiefs submitted, he obstinately maintained the fight, though he was finally defeated and captured. 7. He was kept as a prisoner; but after his tour to Boston, in which he had seen the power of the whites, of which before he had no con- ception, he was liberated, and, living peaceably for a time, he died in Iowa in 1838. CHAPTEE CXCVII. JACKSON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Michigan admit- ted into the Union. 1. ON the 25th of January, 1837, a bill, which had already passed the Senate of the United States, for the admission of Michigan to the Union as a state, passed the House of Representatives by a large majority ; and, on the 26th, received the sanction of the president. 2. Michigan had contained sixty thousand inhabitants, the usual number required of a new state as one of the qualifications for admis- sion, long before this time, but difficulties had presented them- selves which were not adjust- ed till now. The population, in 1837, was nearly two hundred thousand; in 1840, it was two hundred and twelve thousand two hundred and sixty-seven ; CATHOLIC PRIEST INSTRUCTING THB INDIANS. j n JgSO eight hundred and fifty-one thousand four hundred and seventy ! 6, 7. What of Black Hawk ? CHAP. CXCVII. 1. What bill passed the Senate of the United States in 1837? 2. Pop- ulation of Michigan at different periods ? MICHIGAN ADMITTED INTO THE UNION. 387 3. The Michigan Territory, when first discovered by the white peo- ple, was inhabited by a tribe of Indians called Hurons by the French, and Iroquois by the Indians themselves. Many of these were converted to Christianity by the assiduous labors of the Jesuit missionaries, as early as 1648. It was not, however, till 1670, that the French took possession of the territory, and built two forts, one at Detroit arid another at Michilimackinac ; nor was it really settled till thirty years after. 4. The progress of the settlements, under the French, was exceed- ingly slow. It was not till the year 1703, when, by the treaty between Great Britain and France, it was ceded to the former, that much was done in the way of civilization and improvement. Little, indeed, was actually accomplished till after the peace of 1783, when the territory was given up by Great Britain to the United States. 5. Until about the year 1800, this territory, for the purposes of gov- ernment, was considered a part of the great North-Western Territory. After Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois had been severally detached, the re- mainder, in 1805, became a distinct territory, of which President Jeffer- son made General Hull the first governor. 6. Michigan was still doomed to much suffering, especially from the war of 1812. For almost two years, nearly the whole territory was the theatre of conflict, and was necessarily exposed to the barbarity of the enemy and their Indian allies. The situation of the state, from its contiguity to the great lakes, is almost unrivalled, and Michigan thus promises to be one of the leading members of our confederacy. 3. How was it first peopled? Who converted many of the Indians? "When did the Freiich build two forts in Michigan ? When was Michigan really settled ? 4. When was it ceded to Great Britain? When was it given up to the United States? 5. Kelate its history after the year 1800. 6. How did Michigan suffer in the war of 1812 ? 388 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. PRESIDENT VAN BUREN CHAPTER CXCVIIL VAN BUREN'S ADMINISTRATION, BEGUN MARCH 4TH, 1837, AND ENDED MARCH 4, 184-1. The Extra Session of Congress of 'September, 1837. Com.mercial Distress of the Country. Insurrection in Canada. The Border Difficulties in Maine. 1. IN 1832 General Jackson, as we have already stated, had been a second time chosen to the presidency, Henry Clay, of Kentucky, he- ing his competitor. At the same time Martin Van Buren, of New- York, was elected vice-president. 2. On the 4th of March, 1837, the latter, having heen duly chosen, was inaugurated as the eighth president of the United States. As there was no choice of a vice-president by the people, the Senate CHAP. CXCVIIL 1. Who was re-elected president in 1832? Who was Jackson's com- petitor in 18H2? Who was chosen vice-president in 1832? 2. Who became president in 1837 ? Who became vice-president? How was Richard M. Johnson elected? PRESIDENT "AN BUREN. 389 proceeded according to the manner prescribed by the constitution, and elected Richard M. Johnson vice-president. 3. On the 15th of May, the president issued a proclamation requir- ing the Congress of the United States to meet on the first Monday of September, " on account of great and weighty matters claiming their consideration." 4. These had relation to the financial condition of the country. During the months of March and April, 1887, the most unprecedented embarrassments were experienced among the mercantile people of the United States, especially in the large cities and towns. Suspensions and failures in business became of every-day occurrence. In May, the number of heavy failures in ISTew York, to say nothing of smaller ones, had risen to two hundred and sixty. 5. In New Orleans, the difficulties were equally great. In two days, houses stopped payment there, the aggregate of whose debts was more than twen- BKj^^=iss=-. ty-seven million \ B==f-, dollars! In Bos- ton, the suffer- ing was severe^ but not so great as in many other places. FromNo- vember, 1836, to May, 1837, how- ever, there were there seventy- eight large fail- ures and ninety small ones, in all, one hundred and sixty-eight. In addition to these evils the national treasury was itself suddenly plunged into a state of bankruptcy. 8. What proclamation was issued in May, 1S3T? To what did this proclamation refer? 4. What distress was there in the United States in 1837? How many failures were there in New York ? 5. What of New Orleans ? What of Boston ? * The central office of the United States Bnnk, was at Philadelphia, and a fine marble building was devoted to its use. This bank, which ceased by limitation of its charter, in 183G, to be a national institution, was rechartered by the state of Pennsylvania as a state institution. Thus deprived of the main elements of its strength, and being imprudently managed, it was involved in the bankruptcy which, at the period we are speaking of, spread over the country. The building above alluded to, which is still one of the orna- ments of the city of Philadelphia, is now used for the Custom House of that city. UNITED STATES BANK AT PHILADELPHIA.* 390 HISTORY OF THE'UNITED STATES. 6. These distresses were, to a very great extent, charged upon the government and its measures; that is, to those of the existing as well as of the preceding administration. Especially was it attempted to trace the difficulties to the war which had been made by President Jackson upon the United States Bank, together with various other acts relating to the currency of the country. 7. About the middle of May, 1837, nearly all the banks, from Bos- ton to Baltimore, suspended specie payments; and their example was soon followed by the moneyed institutions throughout the country. The state of New York passed a law to make the suspension of specie payments, by its banks, valid for one year. 8. The extra session of Congress, which had been called in view of the state of the country, continued till the fourth Monday of Decem- ber. The people, who had generally attributed the existing evils to the action of government, looked to that source for a remedy. Con- gress, however, did little more than to adopt measures for replenishing the treasury of the United States. 9. The financial evils of the country continued rather to increase than diminish. A general panic continued, and as bank-notes were, to a great extent, withdrawn from circulation, and as the currency of the country was thus greatly diminished, commodities fell in due pro- portion. Under the influence of distrust, property of all kinds lost its value, and a general state of depression and paralysis continued till the year 1842. CHAPTER CXCIX. VAN BUREN'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. The Canadian Rebellion. The Border Difficulties in Maine. 1. A SPECIES of insurrection having, during the year 1837, broken out in Canada, and some of our restless and lawless citizens on the frontier having taken part in it, President Van Buren, on the 5th of January, 1838, issued a proclamation to such persons to return peace- ably to their homes, on penalty of being punished according to the existing laws of the United States. 2. On the 14th of the same month, a body of about five hundred American and Canadian troops, on Navy Island, near Niagara Falls, 6. To what causes was his distress attributed? 7. Wh.it happened in May 1837? S. What was done by Congress ut the extra session ? !>. What was the state of the country ut this time? CllAi>. CXCIX. 1. What of an insurrection in Canada, in 1537? THE CANADIAN REBELLION. 391 evacuated the island, surrendered the arms belonging to the United States and the cannon belonging to the state of New York, and dis- banded. They, however, took a hostile position, soon afterward, :tt Bois Blanc, near Detroit, and continued their warlike designs. 3. On the 1st of March following, about six hundred more of the "patriots" as they called themselves, under the command of Dr. Robert Nelson and Colonel Cote, surrendered to General Wool, of the United States arrny, near the Canada line, in Vermont ; and the border war seemed at length to be over. 4. But the troubles were not yet at an end. An attempt was made, November 13th, by about three hundred Canadians and inhabitants of the United States, to take Prescott, in Upper Canada. Between the 13th and 16th, one hundred and two of them were killed and sixty taken prisoners. On the IGth, one hundred more surrendered near Prescott. The rest fled to the woods. 5. President Van Buren now issued a second proclamation, the ob- ject of which was, to warn all who should persist in the scheme of invading Canada, that, to whatgver miseries or sufferings they might reduce themselves, or become reduced, the government of the United States would never interfere in their behalf; but they must be left to the consequences of their folly. This course appears to have had its due effect. 6. While the preceding difficulties were at their height, a long pending dispute as to the boundary between the state of Maine and the contiguous British province of New Brunswick, suddenly assumed a very threatening aspect, and actually led to preparations for armed hostilities between the two countries, 7. The militia of Maine and the forces of the province were called out, and an immediate collision was imminent. In this emergency, the president sent General Scott to the scene of disturbance, and ho was able, by his sagacity, prudence and good management, to adjust the dispute for the time. The boundary was finally settled by treaty at Washington, August 20th, 1842. 2. What was done in January, 1S3T? What further occurred on the 14th of the same month ? 3. What surrender was made to General Wool ? 4 What happened in Novem- ber 1 How many were killed ? How many surrendered ? 5. What proclamation did Van Buren now issue? fi. What of the difficulty as to the Maine boundary? T. What ol General Scott ? When was the question finally settled? 392 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER CO. YAN BUREN'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Tlie Smith- sonian Institute. The Patent-Office and General Post- Cffice Burned. The Exploring Expedition. The Sub- Treasury. 1. THE pecuniary difficulties of the country did not wholly prevent the diffusion of intelligence or the spread of a spirit for public improve- ment. Indeed, a zeal for literary and moral culture seems to have pervaded, unusually, all ranks and classes of the community. Several national measures, for literary and scientific improvement, were agi- tated. 2. On the 17th of December, 1835, the president of the United States communicated to Congress a report of the secretary of state re- lating to a bequest of one hundred thousand pounds sterling, or about five hundred thousand dollars, from 'James Smithson, of London, to the United States, for the purpose of founding at "Washington an estab- lishment to be called " The Smithsonian Institution, for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men." 8. This bequest created, at first quite a sensation in the United States, and a good deal of interest was manifested with regard to its proper application. The subject was permitted to rest till the year 1846, when an act was passed for establishing the Smithsonian Insti- tution, at Washington. It is devoted to scientific purposes, and an ample building has been erected for its use.* 4. A remarkable fire took place at Washington, December 15th, 1836, during which the patent-office and post-office were burned. Among the contents of the patent-office thus destroyed, were seven thousand models of patents, out of ten thousand which had been granted by Congress; one hundred and sixty-three large folio volumes of records; CILA.P. CC. 1. What of improvement in literature and morals? 2. What of the Smithsonian Inquest? 3. What of the Smithsonian Institution? 4. What lire was thera at Washington in 1886? What valuable thintrs were burned in the patent-office ? * The Smithsonian Institution is situated on the south side of Washington ; the build- ing is in that style of architecture called Rttnutnezqut. ; it has a fine appearance, and is one of the great attractions of the city. The grounds around it are extensive and beauti- ful. The beneficial influence of this important establishment is already felt; it has printed several scientific works of great value, and has extensive collections in nat- ural history, as well as general literature and science. The great liiirary room, which has alr< ady a large number of valuable works, is capable of containing one hundred thoa- san 1 volumes; the lecture-roo-n can seat twelve hundred persons: the rooms for the museum and chemical experiments are spacious and convenient. THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE. 393 twenty-six large portfolios, containing nine thousand valuable draw- ings, and ten thousand original descriptions of inventions. 5. It was a most severe calamity to the country, and calculated to damp, in no small degree, the rising spirit of public improvement. The misfortune was the more to be regretted, as it was believed to be the work of incendiaries. It is gratifying to know, however, that, through the activity of Mr. Ellsworth, the superintendent at the time, the loss by the fire was, in a great measure, repaired. 6. On the 18th of August, 1838, the Vincennes, a sloop of war, of twenty guns, the Peacock, of eighteen guns, the Porpoise, of ten guns, and three smaller vessels, departed on an Exploring Expedition, having on board a number of learned men, in the various departments of natural science. The fleet set sail from Hampton Roads, in Virginia. V. The squadron returned in June, 1842, after an absence of nearly four years, having circumnavigated the globe, and visited and actually surveyed many parts before unknown. It accomplished fully the ob- jects for which it was designed. The various vessels of the squadron sailed, during their absence, about four hundred thousand miles. Only eight of the men died of disease during the whole term of absence ! 8. Among other things, the squadron brought home a large and val- uable collection of live plants, bulbs, etc., collected in the islands of the Pacific, at the Cape of Good Hope, and elsewhere, which were placed in a garden at Washington. They brought a valuable collec- tion of prepared specimens of plants and animals, which are now de- posited in the Smithsonian Institution. 9. They also brought with them a chief of the Figi [fee'-gee] Islands, who, with others, had massacred and eaten the crew of a brig from Salem, Massachusetts. They also discovered, January 19th, 1840, what was supposed to be the shore of an antarctic continent.* Along this they coasted for seventeen hundred miles, from east to west. 10. The proceedings against the Bank of the United States,t with the removal of the public deposits, and the discussion which grew out of it, led to the introduction of a bill into Congress, called the 8ub- 5. "What was the effect of this misfortune ? 6. "What Exploring Expedition set out from Hampton Roads ? 7. What did it accomplish? How long was it absent? How many miles did the vessels sail? 8. What was brought home? 9. "What of a Figi chief? "What continent had they discovered? 10. "What can you say of the sub-treasury bill ? * This continent was situated about two thousand miles south of New Holland, or Australia; on the same day a part of the same coast was seen by Commodore d'Urville of a French exploring expedition. t The Bank of the United States was chartered in 1816, for twenty years. General Jackson vehemently opposed its recharter in ISIifl, and he was finally successful (see note page 3S9). The sub-treasury was designed to furnish depositories for the public moneys, as the United States and its branches had done, for twenty years, prior to the removal of the deposits by General Jackson. 17* HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Treasury or Independent Treasury bill ; which, during the session of 1839-40, underwent a thorough discussion. 11. The object of this bill was to provide for the collection, safe- keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public revenue of the United States, without any connection with, or dependence on banks. A part of the plan was to have the revenue, after a reasonable time, wholly paid in gold and silver of the United States currency. 12. This bill passed the Senate of the United States, on the 23d of January 1840, but did not pass the House of Representatives till the 30th of June following. It was so radical a change that it created a very strong sensation throughout the United States, and was repealed immediately after the accession of General Harrison to the presidency. It was, however, restored on the accession of Mr. Polk, in 1845, and has since been in operation. II. "What was the object of the sub-treasury ? 12. When did it pass the Senate ? When the House of Representatives ? Why did it create so much sensation ? What of the repeal and restoration of this law ? PRESIDENT HARRISON. 395 PRESIDENT HARRISON. CHAPTER CCI. HARRISON'S ADMINISTRATION, BEGUN MARCH 4, 1841. . The Democratic Party. The Whig Party. The "Har- rison Campaign." Hamson and Tyler elected. The Extra Session. Harrison's Death. 1. WE now approach a period of great political excitement in the United States. General Jackson had enjoyed an unexampled degree of popularity. The party which had held the name of Republican from the time of Jefferson down to the period of the war, had now assumed the name of Democracy. Jackson hecame its head, and such was the favor bestowed on him by his political friends, that for a time they assumed the name of the Jaclcson part y. CHAP. CCI. 1. What had General Jackson enjoyed? What of the Republican party T 396 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 2. Mr. Van Buren had been the avowed candidate of General Jack- son as his successor, and with the great weight of his influence, he was elected in the first instance that is in 1836 over his competitor, General Harrison. In acknowledgment of the services thus rendered, Mr. Van Buren declared it as his chief amhition to walk in the foot- steps of his Illustrious Predecessor. 3. Though the country, at the close of Jackson's administration, had appeared to be in a state of general prosperity, a tempest of bank- ruptcy and ruin, as we have seen, soon after suddenly overwhelmed the country, from one end to the other. 4. A very extensive impression prevailed that these disasters were the legitimate result of the system adopted by Jackson, and followed up by Van Buren. Even some of those who held that the Bank of the United States ought not to have been continued, and that some new financial system ought to have been adopted, believed that the mode in which the change had been effected, was rash, and was carried on more in a partisan than a patriotic spirit. 5. At all events, the country in 1840, when the election for a suc- cessor to Mr. Van Buren was approaching, was in a state of the most calamitous prostration. Thousands of our citizens Avere in a condi- tion of hopeless bankruptcy ; manufactures were ruined, property was without value, and labor without reward. 6. The Federal party had ceased to exist : the opponents of Jack- son and the system which emanated from his administration, had taken the name of the Whig party. Again nominating William Henry Har- rison, the wise and experienced governor of the North- Western Ter- ritory, a successful general in the late war with Great Britain, and now a farmer at North Bend, on the Ohio, for their candidate, the Whigs went into the political contest with numerous advantages. 7. The canvass for several months, prior to the day of election, created the most intense excitement throughout the United States. The business of the country being generally paralyzed, the people had time to bestow upon their political affairs. Every where long proces- sions with mottoed banners were seen marching to music, and every- where the debate of the pending questions was heard in the streets, in fields and barns, and in vacant factories, in the haunts of the citizen, the mechanic, the artisan, and the farmer. 8. The result was such as might have been expected. Harrison was 2. What of General Jackson as to Mr. Van Buren's candidacy for the presidency ? What did Mr. Van Buren^icknowledge ? 3. State of the country at the close of and after Jackson's administration? 4. What extensive impression prevailed ? What did some of those opposed to a United States Bank believe? 5. What was the actual state of the country in 1840 ? 6. What of the Federal party at this time ? The Whig party ? What of William Henry Harrison ? 1. Describe the canvass of 1840. DEATH OF HARRISON. 397 elected president by an immense majority, and John Tyler, of Vir- ginia was chosen vice-president. 9. A new cabinet was immediately organized, and, in view of the state of public sentiment and the condition of the country, an extra session of Congress was ordered ; but, in the rnidst of his career, Gen- eral Harrison was seized with sickness, and died in about one month after his inauguration ! 8. What of the result ? 9. What uf a new cabinet? 398 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. PRESIDENT TYLER. CHAPTER CCII. TYLER'S ADMINISTRATION, BEGUN APRIL 4'm, 1841, AND ENDED MARCH 4-ra, 1845. Measures of the Extra Session. Rupture of Tyler with his Cabinet and his Party. The Webster- Ashburton Treaty. 1. THE Constitution of the United States provides that, in case of the death of the chief magistrate, the vice-president shall be his suc- cessor. Mr. Tyler was, therefore, the constitutional successor of Presi- dent Harrison, and immediately entered upon the discharge of his duties. 2. The extra session of Congress called by General Harrison com- menced on the 31st day of May, 1841, and continued to the 13th day of September. Several important measure's were brought forward, and either adopted or defeated. The Sub-Treasury was repealed, and, CHAP. CCII. 1. What does the Constitution provide? Who succeeded Harrison? 2. What important acts were passed by the extra session called by Harrison? MEASURES OF THE EXTRA SESSION 399 DANIEL WEBSTER. after much discussion, a general Bankrupt Law was passed. Two several bills passed both houses of Congress, chartering a new bank of the United States, but they were vetoed by President Tyler. 3. This course, on the part of the chief magistrate, was regarded by the party who had elected him as a violation of his pledges ; and, con- sequently, a state of complete alienation grew up between him and those to whom he was indebted for his election. His entire cabinet, with one exception, that of Daniel Webster,* secretary of state, re- signed, and the president was generally denounced by his late sup- porters. 4. In the year 1842 several important events occurred. A treaty was negotiated at Washington between Mr. Webster, on the part of the United States, and Lord Ashburton, on the part of Great Britain, 3. What course, pursued by Tyler, alienated his political friends? "What of his cabi- net? 4. What of the treaty negotiated by Mr. Webster nnd Lord Ashburton? * Mr. Webster was very much blamed at this time by many of the Whig party for not leaving the cabinet with his associates ; but the important measures at that time in his hands, and which he afterward brought to completion, seemed to him to require his re- maining at his post; and this view has since been generally adopted by the public. 400 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. which was soon after ratified by the two countries. This treaty hap- pily adjusted the dispute in relation to the north-eastern boundary of the United States, which had existed for almost thirty years, and had nearly produced hostilities between the state of Maine and the prov- ince of New Brunswick, as we have already stated. 5. It also settled several other difficulties existing between the two countries, and dissipated the prospects of war, which had long been threatened. The negotiations were conducted with great frankness and fairness on the part of the two diplomatists, and offered a singular contrast to the artifice and trick which have generally marked national diplomacy. We may, at least, hope that an example so consonant to the enlightened age in which we live, shall become the guide of all future statesmen. CHAPTER CCIII. TYLER'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. The Tariff of 1842. The Dorr Rebellion. Fatal Explosion on the Potomac. 1. AT the close of the session of Congress, in 1842, a new tariff act was passed, after an elaborate discussion, designed to give encourage- ment to the various industrial pursuits of our own country, as well as to supply the treasury of the general government. This act was fol- lowed by a speedy revival of trade a restoration of commercial con- fidence, and a return of prosperity throughout the land.* 2. The year 1842 was signalized by an agitation in Rhode Island, headed by Thomas W. Dorr, a lawyer of that state. The design of this movement was to set aside the ancient charter of that state, which still continued to be its constitution, and this was to be done by spon- taneous and unauthorized acts of the people, and not according to legal forms. 3. The opposers of this movement, called the Charter party, were willing to adopt a new and more liberal constitution, but they main- tained that this should be done in a legal and authentic manner. Upon 5. What of other difficulties ? What may be said of the manner in which the negotia- tions were conducted ? CHAP. CCIII. 1. What of the new tariff of 1842 ? Its effect ? 2. Describe the rebellion of Dorr in Rhode Island. 3. What was desired by the Charter party ? * This tariff act was superseded by another in 1S46, sifter the election of Mr. Polk. This reduced the duties, and based them upon valuation, instead of being- specific, as in tho tariff of 1842 ; with some modifications, it is the tariff at present in existence (1S59). THE DORR REBELLION. 401 the mode of forming a new constitution, parties were formed, and a violent state of excitement followed. 4. The revolutionary party actually proceeded to the formation and adoption of a constitution, and elected Dorr as governor, with a legis- lature. These officers met at Providence, in 1843 passed various acts, adjourned. 5. Matters soon came to a crisis. The existing government caused several persons engaged in this movement, to be arrested, and Dorr resorted to arms. With a small hand of followers, he threatened to attack the arsenal at Providence, but being deserted by a part of his adherents, he fled ; on the borders of the state he collected a number of persons, most of them from the city of New York and the states adjacent to Rhode Island, and, proceeding to the village of Che-pach'-et, began to intrench himself there. 6. He had, it is supposed, about fifteen hundred men, but the gov- ernment of the state had now assembled a large force, and these began their march upon the insurgents. Perceiving the hopelessness of his enterprise, and now finding that a large majority of the people of the state were opposed to his proceedings, Dorr withdrew, and his men were speedily dispersed. 7. Subsequent to this, the friends of law and order in the state suc- ceeded in forming and establishing a new constitution, according to the prescribed forms, and this went quietly into full operation, by the sanction of a large majority of the people. Dorr was tried and im- prisoned, but afterward released. 8. In March, 1843, a tragical event occurred on board the United States steamship Princeton. She was returning from an excursion down the Potomac, under command of Commodore Stockton, hav- ing the president, with his secretaries and their families, and several members of Congress, on board. By the bursting of a gun, Mr. Upshur, secretary of state, and Mr. Gilmer, secretary of the navy, were killed, and seventeen other persons were wounded, some of them mortally. 4. The revolutionary party? 5. What was done by Dorr? "Where did he intrench himself? 6 What force had he? What did he finally do? 7. What constitution was formed ? What was done with Dorr ? 8. What of the steamship Pr nceton ? 402 HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER CCIY. TYLER'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Celebration of the Completion of the Bunker Hill Monument. Iowa and Florida admitted into the Union. Annexation of Texas ; its admission into the Union. 1. THE summer of 1843 was marked by one of the most imposing spectacles that has ever been witnessed in the United States. On the 17th of June, an immense concourse of people was as- sembled upon Bunker Hill, to celebrate the completion of the noble monument erected in commemoration of the battle that was fought there sixty -eight years before, and- which marks the very spot where the patriotic Warren fell. 2. In the presence of nearly thirty thou- sand spectators, among whom were the president of the United States and his cabinet, Mr. Webster pronounced one of the most impressive orations that ever fell from human lips. 3. In addition to the natural interest belonging to this ceremonial, it was remarked, as a grate- ful tribute to the high BUNKER BILL MONTMEXT. state of civilization which characterizes the people, that, though one hundred and fifty thousand strangers were that day in the city of BOS- CHAP. CCIV. 1. Describe the celebration at Boston of June ITth, 1843. 2. What of Dniel Webster? 3. What was remarked of the people of Boston ? TREATY WITH CHINA. 403 ton and the vicinity, not an instance of riot occurred, nor was a soli- tary individual sent to the watch-house during the ensuing night! 4. We may at least hope and helieve that, in spite of the various con- vulsions which have occurred for the last few years, the standard of mor- als, in our country, is higher than at any former period of our history. 5. On the 10th of January, 1845, an important treaty with China, negotiated by Caleb Gushing, of Massachusetts, with the Governor- General, Tsiyeng, on behalf of the Emperor Taou Kwang, was ratified by the Senate. By this treaty, the relations of our country with China were placed on a more favorable footing than ever before. 6. During this year, 1845, bills for the admission of two new states into the Union, Iowa and Florida, were passed by Congress. The first was rejected by the people of that territory ; the latter was accepted, and Florida, as already stated, became one of the United States. Iowa* was admitted the next year. 7. On the 1st of March, 1845, the president signed the bill for the annexation of Texasf to the Union. This measure had been some time in contemplation, and in 1844 had been attempted by a treaty on the part of President Tyler. Now the subject was presented in a dif- ferent form and consummated by Congress. Texas was soon after ad- mitted as a state. 4. What may we hope? 5. What of the new treaty with China? 6. What of Iowa? Florida? 7. The annexation of Texas? * Iowa derives its name from the Indians; it was included in the Louisiana purchase and was first settled at Dubuque by the Freneh in 16SG. It formed part of the Missouri territory from 1804 to 1S2I, when it was included iu the Michigan Territory, anil subse- quently in the Wisconsin Territory. t Tho vast territory of Texas was explored by Ponce do Leon and La Salle. It was claimed both by Spain and France, but fell under the dominion of the latter. It how- ever continued to be almost without population, except roving bands of Indians. After Mexico became independent, a grant which had been made to Moses Austin, a native of Connecticut, comprising a large tract in this province, was confirmed by the new govern- ment. This being transferred by Moses Austin, at his death, to his son Stephen, was afterward extended by a further grant. Emigration from the United States was en- couraged, and in 1880 nearly ten thousand Americans had settled in this territory. The prosperity of these inhabitants excited the jealousy of Mexico, and under the gov- ernment of Santa Anna, an unjust and oppressive policy was adopted. Remonstrance being found to be useless, the people of Texas declare;! their independence. In 1835, the revolution commenced by a battle at Gonzales, in which five hundred Tesans obtained a victory over one thousand Mexicans. Other engagements took place, the result of which was the dispersion of the Mexican army. Santa Anna now made a vigorous effort, and appearing in March with a force of eight thousand men, several bloody engagements followed. On the 21stof April, having a forca of fifteen hundred soldiers, he was met by General Samuel Houston, on the banks of the San Jacinto, with eight hundred Texans, and totally defeated. Santa Anna himself was captured the next day in the woods, and acknowledged the independence of Texas, though the Mexican Congress refused to ratify this act. Active hostilities were now aban- doned by Mexico, and the independence of Texas was acknowledged by the United States. France, Great Britain, and other European countries. It was in this state of things that Texas was annexed to the Uni ed States. 404 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. PRESIDENT POLK. CHAPTER CCV. FOLK'S ADMINISTRATION, FROM MARCH 4 r ra, 1845, TO MARCH 4TH, 1849. Death of General Jackson. His Character. 1. THE presidental election of the autumn of 1844 was keenly con- tested, and resulted in the choice of James K. Polk, of Tennessee, the democratic candidate for president, against Henry Clay, the whig can- didate. George M. Dallas, of Pennsylvania, was elected vice-president. Mr. Polk and Mr. Dallas were duly inaugurated March 4th, 1845. 2. On the 8th of June of this year General Jackson breathed his last, at his residence in Tennessee, called the Hermitage. He was a man of great energy of character, and during his presidency was the idol of his party. As he had warm friends, so he had bitter enemies; a fact which is easily comprehended when we consider the general re- sult of his administration. CHAP CCV. I. What of the election of the mitmnn of 1S44 ? Who were chosen presi- dent and vice-president? Who was the whis: candidate fur president? When were Polk un.' Dalliis inaugurated? 2. When did General Jackson die? What of his churuc- ter? What f i.:, IVic.nds ua.t cnt'uru*? DEATH OF GENERAL JACKSON. 405 3. lie was the chief instrument in overturning the great measures established by preceding administrations, and advocated by the Whig party. These embraced a United States Bank as the fiscal agent of the government; encouragement of Internal Improvements, such as public roads, railroads, etc., of general utility or necessity, by the general government; encouragement of our manufactures by & Pro- tective Tariff* on foreign imports, etc. In place of these, the measures advocated by the democracy, such as the Siib- Treasury^ a repudia- tion of internal improvements, except those of a commercial and universal nature; a tariff, favoring the doctrines of Free Trade,l etc., became parts of the policy of the government. 4. Such vast changes, effecting a sudden and complete revolution in financial affairs, public as well as private, naturally excited intense feeling. General Jackson was, however, warmly sustained by the great majority of his party, and these, for the time, constituted the majority of the people of the United States. 5. In deciding upon the acts as well as the character of a public man, who is vehemently praised by his friends, and as strongly con- demned by his enemies, during his lifetime, we are bound to exercise great care and soberness of judgment. Without pretending to decide upon General Jackson's administration for the time lias hardly come for this we may, however, express the general conviction that he was honest and patriotic in his intentions. 3. What measures was Jackson chiefly instrumental in overthrowing? What measures were substituted? 4. Why did such vast changes excite intense feeling? By whom was General Jackson sustained in his measures and policy? 5. When should we exercise great care and soberness of judgment? What general conviction may we express as to General Jackson's feelings and intentions? * The policy of the Whig party was denominated the American System, and was es- sentially protective in its character. t The sub-treasury was not suggested till Mr. Van Buren's time, nor was it established till Folk's administration ; but General Jackson laid the foundation for it in his success- ful opposition to the United States Bank. J Free trade is that system which favors a free commercial intercourse between na- tions ; that is, without duties on imports ; and is opposed to that system which has been followed for centuries by nearly all nations, in taxing the products of foreign countries, so as to give encouragement to the labor and industry of the home country. The Whigs advocated the imposing of duties on the manufactures of Europe, so high as in some de- gree to exclude them, thus protecting the labor and products of our own mechanics and artisans ; the Democrats advocated the reduction of these duties to the lowest scale, thus, as far as possible, leaving every body to buy where they could buy cheapest. Inasmuch as the main revenue of our government is derived from taxes on imports, the Democrats contended that these, which averaged twenty per cent., were sufficient protection. The views of parties were at length so far modified that incidental protection was deemed adequate by both ; the Whigs, however, contended that taxes should be specific, and be adjusted with direct reference to the encouragement of American manufactures The Democrats, generally, held opposite views. 406 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER CCVL POLK'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Tlie Mexican War. General Taylor's Movements. Battles of Palo Alto and Resaca, de la Palma. 1. WE now approach the Mexican war. Texas, as we have seen, had been annexed to the United States, though it was well known that Mexico, regarding it as a revolted province, earnestly remonstrat- ed against the measure. Indeed, among the prominent reasons urged in opposition to annexation was the attitude of Mexico, and the cer- tainty that it would draw us into a war with that republic.* 2. On the 4th of July, 1846, the legislature of Texas, by accepting the joint resolution of Congress making provision for this event, be- came a member of the Federal Union, as we have before stated. Pres- ident Polk, aware of the state of feeling in Mexico, ordered General Zach'-a-ry Taylor, in command of the troops in the south-west, to pro- ceed to Texas, and post himself as near to the Mexican border as he deemed prudent. At the same time an American squadron was dis- patched to the vicinity, in the Gulf of Mexico. 3. In November, General Taylor had taken his position at Cor'-pns Chris'-ti, a Texan settlement on a bay of the same name, with about four thousand men. On the 13th of January, 1846, the president ordered him to advance with his forces to the Ei'-o Gran'-de ; accord- ingly he proceeded, and in March stationed himself on the north bank of that river, within cannon-shot of the Mexican town of Mat-a-mo'-ras. Here he hastily erected a fortress, called Fort Brown. 4. The territory lying between the river Nue'-ces and the Rio Grande, about one hundred and twenty miles in width,t was claimed both by Texas and Mexico ; according to the latter, therefore, General Taylor had actually invaded her territory, and had thus committed an open CHAP. CCVI. 1. How did Mexico consider Texas ? How did she regard its annexation to the United States? 2. What of Texas on the 4th of July, 1S45? What had President Polk ordered General Taylor to do? Where was a squadron ordered to go? 3. What had General Taylor done in November? "Where was Corpus Christ!? What was Taylor ordered to do on the 18th of January, 1S46? What fort did Taylor erect? 4. What of the territory between the Nueces and the Kio Grande? What of General Ampudia? "What of a party of American dragoons? * At this time, Mexico was a republic, its government resembling that of the United States ; General Hen-era had been president, but his known desire for peace with the United States, rendered him unpopular, and General Paredes was elected in his stead. He was president of Mexico at the commencement of the war we are now describing, but was soon after succeeded by Santa Anna. t This now forms a part of the state of Texas. TIIE MEXICAN WAR. 407 act of war. On the 2Gth of April, the Mexican general, Am-pu'-di-a, gave notice to this effect to General Taylor, and on the same day a party of American dragoons, sixty-three in number, being on the north side of the Rio Grande, were attacked, and, after the loss of sixteen men killed and wounded, were forced to surrender. Their commander, Captain Thornton, only escaped. 5. The Mexican forces had now crossed the river above Matamoras, and were supposed to meditate an attack on Point Is'-a-bel,* where Taylor had established a depot of supplies for his army. On the 1st of May, this officer left a small number of troops at Fort Brown, and marched with his chief forces, twenty-three hundred men, to the de- fence of Point Isabel. Having garrisoned this place, he set out on his return. 6. On the 8th of May, about noon, he met the Mexican army, six thousand strong, drawn up in battle array, on the prairie near Pa'-lo Al'-to. The Americans at once advanced to the attack, and, after an action of five hours, in which their artillery was very effective, drove the enemy before them, and- encamped upon the field. The Mexican loss was about one hundred killed ; that of the Americans, four killed and forty wounded. Major Ringgold, of the artillery, an officer of great merit, was mortally wounded. 7. The next day, as the Americans advanced, they again met the enemy in a strong position near Re-sa'-ca de la Pal'-ma, three miles from Fort Brown. An action commenced, and was fiercely contested, the artillery on both sides being served with great vigor. At last the Mexicans gave way, and fled in confusion, General de la Ve-'ga having fallen into the hands of the Americans. They also abandoned their guns and a large quantity of ammunition to the victors. 8. The remaining Mexican soldiers sp.eedily crossed the Rio Grande, and the next day the Americans took up their position at Fort Brown. This little fort, in the absence of General Taylor, had gallantly sus- tained an almost uninterrupted attack of several days from the Mexican batteries of Matamoras. 5. What of Point Isabel? What of a Mexican force marching against Point Isabel? What did General Taylor do? 6. What of the battle of Palo Alto? 7. Describe the battle of Kesaca do la I'alma. 8. What of the Mexicans after the battle of Kesaca de la Pulnia? What of Fort Brown? * Point Isabel is situated on the Gulf of Mexico, twenty-one miles north-east of Matamoras, tl'c latter being situated on the south bank of the Rio Grande, about twenty miles from the Gulf by the windings of the river. 408 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER CCVII. FOLK'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Declaration of War against Mexico. Preparations. Capture of Monterey by General Taylor. Other places taken by the Amer- icans. California conquered by Fremont and others. 1. When the news of the capture of Captain Thornton's party was spread over the United States, it produced great excitement. The president addressed a message to Congress, then in session, declaring " that war with Mexico existed by her own act," and that body, May 1846, placed ten millions of dollars at the president's disposal, and authorized him to accept the services of fifty thousand volunteers.* 2. A great part of the summer of 1846 was spent in preparation for the war, it being resolved to invade Mexico at several points. In pur- suance of this plan, General Taylor, who had taken possession of Mat- amoras, abandoned by the enemy in May, inarched northward in the enemy's country in August, and on the 19th of September he appeared before Mon-te-rey',t capital of the Mexican state of New Le'-on. His army, after having garrisoned several places along his route, amounted to six thousand men. The attack began on the 21st, and, after a succes- sion of assaults, during the period of four days, the Mexicans capitu- lated, leaving the town in possession of the Americans. 3. In October, General Taylor terminated an armistice into which he had entered with the Mexican general, and again commenced of- fensive operations. Various towns and fortresses of the enemy now rapidly fell into oifr possession. Tn November, Sal-til'-lo, the capital of the state of Coahuilla \co-a-wee' -la\, was occupied by the division of CHAP. CCVII. 1. What effect had the news of the capture of Captain Thornton's party in the United States? What did the president do ? What did Congress do ? 2. What of the summer of 1S46? What was resolved upon? What of Matamoras? "What of Monterey ? * It will be observed that the government of the United States, now about to invade Mexico, adopted a totally different course from that pursued in the invasion of Canada in 1S12 In the latter case they required the states to supply a quota of the militia; in the former, they supplied troops by calling upon volunteers. The objections made to the call for the militia by tho New England states, during the war with Great Britain, appears therefore to have been deemed valid by the general government; the success which attended the call for volunteers seems to have shown that to be the true system to be followed in similar cases hereafter. t Monterey is a town environed with mountains and ravines, and contains fourteen thou- sand inhabitants; it is situated nearly west from Matamoras. on the Fernando liiver, which flows into the Eio Grande. There is another town by the name of Monterey, situated on the Pacific coast, about eighty miles south of San Francisco, in California. THE BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA. 409 General Worth ; in December, General Patterson took possession of Vic- toria, the capital of Ta-inau-li'-pas, and nearly at the same period, Com- modore Perry captured the fort of Tam-pi'-co. Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, with the whole territory of the state, had been sub- jugated by General llarney, after a march of one thousand miles through the wilderness. 4. Events of a startling character had taken place at still earlier dates along the Pacific coast. On the 4th of July, Captain Fremont, having repeatedly defeated superior Mexican forces with tlie small band under his command, declared California independent of Mexico. Other important places in this region had yielded to the American naval force, and in August, 1846, the whole of California was in the undisputed occupation of the Americans. CHAPTER CCVIII. FOLK'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. The Battle of Baena Vista. Capture of Vera Crus. March on Mex- ico. Battle of Cerro Gordo. Victories of Contreras and Churubusco. The Armistice. Capture of Chapul- tepec. Entrance of the American Army into the City of Mexico. Treaty of Guadaloupe-Ilidalyo. General Remarks on the Mexican War. 1. THE year 1847 opened with still more brilliant victories on the part of our armies. By the drawing off of a large part of General Taylor's troops for a meditated attack on Vera Cruz, he was left with a comparatively small force to meet the great body of the Mexican troops, now marching upon him, under command of the celebrated Santa Anna, who had again become president of Mexico. 2. Ascertaining the advance of this powerful army, twenty thousand strong, and consisting of the best of the Mexican soldiers, General Taylor took up his position at Bue'-na Vis'-ta, a valley a few miles from Saltilio. His whole troops numbered only four thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine, and here, on the 23d of February, he was vigorously attacked by the Mexicans. The battle was very severe, and continued 8. What of the operations of General Taylor and other Mexican towns? "What of Sa'.tillo? General Patterson? Commodore Perry? Santa Fe and New Mexico? 4. What of events on the Pacific coast? CIIAP. CCVIII. 1. What of General Taylor and Santa Anna early in the year 1847? 2. What of the battle of Bnena Vista? AVhrt was the number of the Mexican soldiers in this battle? Of the Americans? Loss of the Mexicans ? 18 410 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. nearly the whole day, when the Mexicans fled from the field in disorder, with a loss of nearly two thousand men. 3. Santa Anna speedily withdrew, and thus abandoned the region of the Rio Grande to the complete occupation of our troops. This left our forces at liberty to prosecute the grand enterprise of the campaign, the capture of the strong town of Vera Cruz, with its renowned castle of San Ju'-an d'Ul-lo'-a. On the 9th of March, 1847, General Scott landed near the city with an army of twelve thousand men, and on the 18th commenced an attack. 4. For four days and nights an almost incessant shower of shot and shells was poured upon the devoted town, while the batteries of the castle and the city replied with terrible energy. At last, as the Amer- icans were preparing for an assault, the governor of the city offered to surrender, and on the 26th the American flag floated triumphantly from the walls of the castle and the city. 5. General Scott now prepared to march upon the city of Mexico, the capital of the country, situated two hundred miles in the interior, and approached only through a series of rugged passes and mountain fastnesses, rendered still more formidable by several strong fortresses. On the 8th of April, the army commenced their march. At Cer'-ro Gor'-do,* Santa Anna had posted himself with fifteen thousand men. On the 18th, the Americans began the daring attack, and by midday every intrenchment of the enemy had been carried. 6. The loss of the Mexicans in this remarkable battle, beside one thousand killed and wounded, was three thousand prisoners, forty-three pieces of cannon, five thousand stand of arms, and all their munitions and materials of war. The loss of the Americans was four hundred and thirty-one in killed and wounded. 7. The next day our forces advanced, and, capturing fortress after fortress, came on the 18th of August, within ten miles of Mexico, a city of two hundred thousand inhabitants, and situated in one of the most beautiful valleys in the world.! On the 20th they attacked and 3. "What of General Scott and the town anil castle of Vera Cruz? 4. Describe the at- tack u|>n and capitulation of Vera Cruz? 5. "What did General Scott now prepare to do? Situation of the city of Mexico? "What occurred at Cerro Gordo? 6 Loss of the Mexicans in the battle of Cerro Gordo? 7. Population of the city of Mexico? Its situ- ation ? Describe the approach of the Americans to the city ? "What occurred on the 20th of August ? * Cerro Gordo is about forty-five miles north from Vera Cruz, the latter being on the Gulf of Mexico, two hundred miles south-easterly from Mexico. t Mexico is situated on the west side of Lake Tezcuco, and is encompassed by numer- ous marshes and ditches. It can only be approached by means of the Jong auseways connecting it with the surrounding country. Beyond the causeways, it was defended by the powerful fortifications of Chapnl tepee, Churubusco, Contreras, etc ; these, tosether, bving occupied by over thirty thousand Mexican troops : while General Scott's army ouly Cumbered about ten thousand. Sfe map <>fjfexico,p. 000.) PEACE WITH MEXICO. 411 carried the strong batteries of Con-tre'-ras, garrisoned by seven thou- sand men, in an impetuous assault, which lasted but seventeen minutes. 7. On the same day, an attack was made by the Americans on the fortified post of Chu-ru-bus'-co, four miles north-east of Contreras. Here nearly the entire Mexican army more than twenty thousand in number were posted; but they were defeated at every point, and obliged to seek a retreat in the city, or the still remaining fortress of Cha-puT- te-pec. 8. While preparations were being made on the 21st by General Scott, to level his batteries against the city, prior to summoning it to sur- render, he received propositions from the enemy, which terminated in an armistice. This ceased on the 7th of September; on the 8th the outer defence of Chapultepec was successfully stormed by General Worth, though he lost one-fourth of his men in the desperate struggle. 9. The castle of Chapultepec, situated on an abrupt and rocky eminence, one hundred and fifty feet above the surrounding country, presented a most formidable object of attack. On the 12th, however, the batteries were opened against it, and on the next day the citadel was carried by storm. The Mexicans still struggled along the great causeway leading to the city, as the Americans advanced, but before nightfall, a part of our army was within the gates of the city. Santa Anna and the officers of the government fled, and the next morning, at seven o'clock, the flag of the Americans floated from the national palace of Mexico. 10. This conquest of the capital was the great and final achievement of the war. The Mexican republic was in fact prostrate, her sea-coast and chief cities being in the occupation of our troops. On the 2d of Feb- ruary, 1848, terms of peace were agreed upon by the American commis- sioner and the Mexican government, this treaty* being ratified by the Mexican Congress on the 30th of May following, and by the United States soon after. President Polk proclaimed peace on the 4th of July, 1848. 11. In the preceding sketch, we have given only a mere outline of the war with Mexico. We have necessarily passed over many inter- esting events, and have not even named many of our soldiers who 7. What of the fortress of Churubnsco? S. What of an armistice on the 21st of August? When did this cease? What of the fort of Chapultepec? 9. Describe the castle of Chapultepec. What of its capture ? What of the struggle of the Mexicans as the Americans advanced upon Mexico, along the causeways? What of Santa Anna and the officers of the. Mexican army? What of the American flag? 10. What of this conquest of the capital of Mexico? Situation of the Mexican republic? What of peace? 11. What is said of the preceding sketch of the war with Mexico? What may be said as to other events ? What of General Taylor's operations in the region of the Rio Grande? * This is called the treaty of Guadeloupe- Hidalgo, from the name of the place where it was negotiated. 412 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. THE AMKK1CAX AKMV h.MLKi.XG TiiK CITlf Uf MEXICO. performed gallant and important services. General Taylor's successful operations in the region of the Rio Grande were duly honored by the people of the United States, by bestowing upon him the presidency. 12. General Scott's campaign, from the attack on Vera Cruz to the surrender of the city of Mexico, was far more, remarkable, and, in a military point of view, must be considered as one of the most brilliant of modern times. It is true the Mexicans are not to be ranked with the great nations of the earth ; with a population of seven or eight millions, they have little more than a million of the white race, the rest being half-civilized Indians and mestizos, that is, those of mixed blood. Their government is inefficient, and the people divided among them- selves. Their soldiers often fought bravely, but they were badly officered. 13. While, therefore, we may consider the conquest of so extensive and populous a country, in so short a time, and attended with such constant superiority even to the greater numbers of the enemy, ns highly gratifying evidence of the courage and capacity of our army, 1'2. What of General Scott's campaign ? What of Mexico as to iU population and gov- ernment!' The Mexican soldiers? BEGINNING OF FOLK'S ADMINISTRATION. 413 still we must not, in judging of our achievements, fail to consider the real weakness of the nation whom we vanquished. 14. One thing we may certainly dwell upon with satisfaction the admirable example, not only as a soldier, but as a man, set by our commander, General Scott, who seems, in the midst of war and the ordinary license of the camp, always to have preserved the virtue, kindness, and humanity belonging to a state of peace. These qualities secured to him the respect, confidence, and good-will even of the enemy he had conquered. 15. Among the generals who effectually aided General Scott in this remarkable campaign, we must not omit to mention the names of Generals Wool, Twiggs, Shields, Worth, Smith, and Quitman, who generally added to the high qualities of soldiers, the still more esti- mable characteristics of good men. CHAPTER CCIX. FOLK'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Stipulations of the Treaty of Guadaloupe-Hidalgo. The Oregon Boundary Dispute. Death of John Qaincy Adams. Wisconsin admitted into the Union. 1. The treaty of Gua-da-lonpe'-Hi-dal'-go stipulated that the disputed territory between the Nueces and the Rio Grande, should belong to the United States, and it now forms a part of Texas, as has been already stated ; that the United States should assume and pay the debts due from Mexico to American citizens, to the amount of three millions five hundred thousand dollars; and that, in consideration of the sum of fifteen millions of dollars to be paid by the United States to Mexico, the latter should relinquish to the former the whole of New Mexico and Upper California. 2. About the time the difficulties with Mexico began, a serious dis- pute arose with Great Britain, as to the boundary line between her possessions and ours, in the region of Oregon. Both countries, in fact, claimed the same territory. ' The difficulty, which for a time threat- ened to end in war, was happily adjusted by a treaty made at Wash- ington, in Juno 1846, adopting the parallel of 49 north, as the nor- thern boundary of the United States. 14. Example of General Scott? 15. What other of our generals may l>e commended ? CHAP. CCIX. 1. What were the stipulations of the treaty of Giuulaloupe-IIidalgo? 2. What of the difficulties with Great Britain .is to the Oregon boundary ? 414 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 3. On the 22d of February, 1848, John Quincy Adams, former pres- ident of the United States, died of paralysis, at Washington. Two days before, while in his seat in the House of Representatives, and attend- ing to his duties, the attack suddenly came. His last words were : " This is the last of earth ; I am content !" Nearly his whole life had been spent in the public service. If he had some faults, he possessed also great merits, and few of our public men are remembered with more respect by the people of the country. 4. In May, 1848, Wis-con'-sin was admitted into the Union, as a state. This was part of the territory ceded by France to Great Britain in the treaty of 1763 ; at the close of the Revolutionary War, it became part of the domain of the United States. It was organized as a territory in 1836, the portion forming the state of Iowa being detached in 1838. 8. What of John Quincy Adams? 4. What of Wisconsin? PRESIDENT TAYLOR. 415 PRESIDENT TATLOR. CHAPTER CCX. TAYLOR'S ADMINISTRATION, FROM MARCH 4TH, 1849, TO JULY 9 r ra, 1850. His Election and Inauguration. The Wil- mot Proviso and Martin Van Bur en. The Department of the Interior. California. 1. GENERAL ZACIIARY TAYLOR, of Mississippi, who had served the country so successfully in the Mexican War, being the "Whig candidate, was elected by a vote of one hundred and sixty-three out of two hundred and ninety, as the successor of Mr. Polk, in opposition to General Oass, the Democratic candidate. Millard Fillmore, of New York, was elect- ed vice-president. General Taylor was inaugurated March 5th, 1849, the 4th being Sunday. 2. In this election, General Oass did not receive the whole democratic CHAP. CCX. 1. Who was elected successor to Mr. Polk ? Who was the democratic candidate. 416 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. vote. In 1846, as it was foreseen that the war with Mexico would probably result in a large acquisition of territory, David "Wilmot, a dem- ocrat, of Pennsylvania, introduced into the House of Representatives a resolution, that slavery should not be admitted into any territory ac- quired by treaty. This obtained the title of the Wilmot proviso. It did not pass, but a party called Free-soilers adopted its principles, and nominated Martin Van Buren, the ex-president, as their candidate for the presidency. This party, however, soon ceased, its principles being, in the main, adopted by the present Republican party. 3. The several departments of our government at Washington had hitherto consisted of those of State, War, the Navy, and the Treasury, each one presided over by a secretary, appointed by the president. Dur- ing the preceding administration, a Department of the Interior had been organized, to relieve the secretary of the treasury of a part of his increasing and weighty cares, and General Taylor was now called upon to appoint the first presiding officer of this new bureau. 4. About this time events were occurring on the shores of the Pa- cific, which soon attracted the attention of the whole civilized world. Upper California, by the treaty with Mexico, had became a part of the territory of the United States. This remote region had been long in the possession of Spanish missionaries, who occupied themselves with the double service of extending the sway of the Spanish crown, and converting the Indians numerous in that region. 5. It thus remained under ecclesiastical administration, till the year 1833, Avhen the missionary establishments were converted by Mexico into civil institutions, \inder the control of the government. Despite the anarchy which existed in Mexican affairs, this region became set- tled by a considerable and thriving agricultural population. G. In 1846, when Fremont and his party declared this country in- dependent of Mexico, and belonging to the United States, and still later, when it was actually and finally ceded to us, its resources as a farming country attracted great attention. Already was a large stream of emigration directed thither, when in February 1848, it was announced that gold, in astonishing quantities, had been discovered on a branch of the Sa-cra-men'-to River. 7. The news spread over the world with the greatest rapidity, and in a few months, many thousands of adventurers, chiefly from the United States, but some also from England, France, Germany, as well as from 2. DM General Cass have the whole democratic vote? What of the Wilmot proviso? The Frec-soilers ? Martin Van Buren? 3. What had hitherto been the Departments of our government at Washington ? What new Department was now added? 4. What of Upper California ? What of the Spanish missions ? 5. What did Mexico do in 1S33 ? 6. What of the resources of California ? What happened in February, 1S48 ? CALIFORNIA. 417 THl GREAT FIRE AT SAN FRANCISCO, MAY 4TH, 1850. Mexico, and South America, rushed thither, with a greedy desire to secure a share of the newly discovered treasure. 8. The scenes which followed are not easily described. San Fran- cis'-co, originally called Yer'-la Bue'-na, and which in 1848 was a small village, rapidly grew up into a large city, and though several times des- olated hy fire,* as rapidly revived from its ashes, and now contains nearly one hundred thousand inhabitants. Other towns sprung up like magic. At the present time, 1859, the state is computed to have a population of six hundred thousand. The gold annually obtained from all the mines of California is estimated at from seventy to eighty mil- lions of dollars! 9. The people of California, suddenly gathered from many countries, were for a time without any formal or effective government. The ne- cessity of protection to life and property POOH became apparent, and ac- cordingly, in the autumn of 1849, a convention met and formed a con- stitution, which was speedily adopted by the people. 7. "What was the effect of the gold discovery in California ? 8. What <>f San Francisco ? Other towns in California? What is the value of the gold annually obtained from Califor- nia ? 9. What of California as to its government ? When was the state constitution formed ? * The great fire of May 4th, 1S50, at San Francisco, destroyed nearly the entire city, winch at that time consisted mostly of slight wooden tenements. The amount of prop- erty destroyed was estimated at four millions of dollars. Many of the edifices of San Francisco are now of brick and stone, and rival in splendor those of our Atlantic cities. 18* 418 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER CCXI. TAYLOR'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. The Compromise Measures, or Omnibus Bill. Henry Clay Death of President Taylor. Death of John C. Calhoun. 1. A PERIOD of great agitation was now at hand. California had petitioned for admission into the Union, and as her constitution pro- hibited slavery, many of the Southern politicians in Congress, made the most vigorous opposition to granting her request.* 2. Various other questions connected with this seemed to compli- CHAP. CCXI. 1. What of the petition of California for admission into the Union ? * By the Missouri Compromise that is, a compromise made in Congress at the time of the admission of Missouri it was stipulated that slavery should not exist north of latitude 36.30: implying, of course, that it might exist south of that line. As a portion of California was south of 36.30, it was contended by the southern statesmen, that the admission of California, with a constitution prohibiting slavery, would be a violation of the compromise. THE COMPROMISE BILL OF 1850. 419 cate and increase the difficulty ; in Congress a state of almost unexam- pled excitement, indeed, existed, and many persons were under the gloomy apprehension that the Union was speedily to be dissolved. In this state of things, Henry Clay, who had so often appeared in times of difficulty and danger, to assuage the storm, in connection with other eminent senators, introduced the " Compromise Measures of 1850," popularly called the Omnibus Bill. 3. This contained the following propositions : First, That, according to the agreement made on the adoption of Texas, five new states, formed of her territory, might be admitted, with or without slavery as the people should choose; Second, That California should become a free state, according to her constitution ; Third, That a territorial government should be established for New Mexico and U'-tah without any stipula- tion on the subject of slavery ; Fourth, That Texas should surrender 2. How was the difficulty increased ? What of Congress ? "What of Henry Clay at this time ? What bill did he introduce ? 3. AVhat propositions did the Omnibus Bill contain ? 420 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. all claims to New Mexico, on condition of ten millions of dollars to be paid by the government of the United States; Fifth, That a more effi- cient law for the recovery of fugitive slaves should be passed ; and, Sixth, That the slave-trade should be prohibited in the District of Columbia. 4. The number and variety of these several propositions, serve to show the extent of the difficulties to be overcome, and the different feelings and interests to be consulted. All these propositions, intro- duced as separate provisions, were finally adopted, but after a most ex- citing and protracted debate in Congress. The last of these bills passed September 18th, 1850. 5. But before this final result had been, obtained, President Taylor had breathed his last ; he died on the 9th of July, 1850, from over- exertion on the celebration of the 4th. lie had spent the greater part of his life in the camp, and as he had been a successful soldier, so he was also a good man, and a true patriot. President Polk, his pre- decessor in office, had led the way to the tomb, having died at kis residence in Nashville, June loth, 1849. 6. A few months previous to the death of President Taylor, John C- Calhoun, of South Carolina, who had filled with great distinction sev- eral high offices, had died at Washington that is, on the 31st of March, 1850. His last public services were rendered in seeking to effect the passage of the several bills of which we have just spoken. He was a man of great abilities, high integrity, and the utmost dignity as well as suavity of manners. He was for many years the acknowledged cham- pion of the Southern states, in respect to slavery, state rights, nullifi- cation, etc. 4. What do the number and variety of these propositions prove? ITow did these pass in Congress? When did the last pass ? 5. Wh.it of the death of President Taylor? His character ? Wha t of Ex-president Polk ? 6. What of Mr. Calhoun ? FILL MORES ADMINISTRATION. 421 PRESIDKNT FILLMORE. CHAPTER CCXII. FILLMORE'S ADMINISTRATION, FROM JULY lOra, 1850, TO MARCH 4ra, 1853. His Accession. Signing of the Omnibus Sills. Lopez and the Cuban Fillibusters. The Cheap-Postage Laws. Laying the Corner-Stone of the Capitol Extension at Washington. J^ossuth in America. 1. THE day after the death of President Taylor, Mr. Fillmore, vice- president, took the oath of office and entered upon the duties of the presidency. One of the first and most important duties which de- volved upon him was, to approve the several hills, which we have just described, relating to the admission of California, the organization of the territory of New Mexico, etc., and which, as we have said, received the general name of "The Compromise Measures 0/"1850.' CHIP. CCXII. 1. Who became president on the death of Taylor? What was one of the first and most important of Fillinore's duties? 422 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 2. It appears that many persons in this country, especially in the southern portion, were in favor of the annexation of the large and rich Spanish island of Cuba to the United States, though it is well known that Spain is wholly adverse to any such measure. So early as the commencement of Taylor's administration, some ad venturous spirits popularly called fillibusters, led by a Cuban exile named Lo'-pez, under- took to effect this object. Six hundred men landed, May 19th, 1850, on the north part of the island at Car'-de-nas, and captured that place. 3. Finding no countenance from the people of Cuba, however, they hastily re-embarked and escaped to Key West, in Florida. The fol- lowing year, Lopez, with four hundred and eighty men, left New Orleans, and again landed on the northern shores of Cuba; he was, however, attacked, defeated, and captured, and, with a number of his followers, was executed at Ha-van'-a. Ninety -five of the captives, who had been taken to Spain, were liberated by order of the queen, and ar- rived at New York March 13th, 1852. 4. In the early part of the year 1851, Congress made important changes in the post-office laws. By the new system, the postage on prepaid letters, to all parts of the United States, was reduced to three cents, the prepayment being made by affixing stamps provided by the government. The result has be.en an immense facility of intercourse throughout the United States. 5. On the 4th of July, 1851, the corner-stone of a vast extension of the Capitol, at Washington, was laid by the President of the United States, with appropriate ceremonies. On this occasion, Mr. Webster, the orator of the day, made the following extraordinary statement as to the progress of the United States since 1793 that is, in fifty-seven years : in 1793. in I85i. Number of the Btates belonging to the federal Union 15 31 Members of Congress 135 295 Population of the United States 8,9:9,323 23,267,499 Population of the city of New York 33,121 515,507 Revenue ' 5,720,624 43,774,848 Imports $31,000,000 $178,138,314 Exports $'26,l(i9,000 $151,898,720 Tonnage of our vessels 320,764 3,535,454 Extent of the territory of the United States in square miles. 805,461 3,314,365 Miles of railroad in operation none. 10,287 " " in construction none. 10,092 Lines of electric telegraph in miles none. 15,000 Number of post-offices 209 21,551 Colleges 19 121 2. What is the feeling of many persons in the United States as to the annexation of Cuba? What of flllibusters ? What of Lopez? 3 What did Lopez and his men do after cap- turing Cardenas? What of another expedition the next year? 4. What of changes in the post-office laws in 1S51 ? 5. What took place at Washington, July 4th, 1851 ? How many states in the Union in 1793? In 1851 ? The teacher will put such other questions he deem* proper, from the table. DEATH OF HENRY CLAY. 423 6. In December, 1851, Louis Kos'-suth, the ex-governor of Hungary, arrived iu New York, by way of England. His efforts in bebalf of the liberty and independence of his native country had excited gen- eral admiration, and he was everywhere received with enthusiasm by the people. He made numerous addresses to the assembled multitudes, his remarkable eloquence being listened to with delight. 7. Kossuth visited Washington, and was publicly received by Con- gress. As his avowed object was to promote the cause of Hungarian liberation from the tyranny of Austria, Chevalier Hulseman,* the am- bassador of the latter country, protested against this reception, and as his protest was not heeded, he left his post for a time, the duties of his office being confided to Mr. Belmont, of New York. CHAPTER CCXIII. FILLMOEE'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Death of Henry Clay. Of Daniel Webster. Difficulty as to the North- ern Fisheries with Great Britain. The Tripartite Treaty. Everett's Reply. 1. On the 29th of June, 1852, Henry Clay, then a member of the Seriate, died at Washington, being seventy-five years of age. He had been long in the public service, and had filled various high offices. ]?or thirty years he had taken a prominent part in the affairs of our national government, and few measures of importance had been adopted by Congress upon which he did not exercise a commanding influence. 2. Tall in his person, slender in form, and of light complexion; possessing a fine voice, a countenance of great animation, and a per- sonal action of remarkable ease and power of expression he was one of the most effective debaters the country has ever produced. He 6. "What of Kossuth ? 7 What of the Austrian ambassador? CHAP. CCXIII. 1. What of Henry Clay? 2. Personal appearance and character of Mr. Clay ? * In February, 1S48, Louis Philippe, king of the French, was driven from his throne by a revolution, which resulted in the establishment of a republic, in France. A sympathetic spirit of revolt against the despotisms of Europe, spread rapidly on all sides. Many of the kings and princes were forced to fly, or to grant liberal charters to their subjects. The Hungarians, who had long been subject to the emperor of Austria, made a gallant effort to throw off the yoke, and would doubtless have succeeded, had not Russia sent large armies to the aid of the Austrians, by means of which the Hungarians were finally de- feated. In this struggle Kossuth took a leading part. When the last of the Hungarian army capitulated, and all hope was gone, he fled into the adjacent territory of Turkey. He was kept as a prisoner for some time in that country, but was liberated in 1S51, and came to America as above related. 424: HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. was also ardent, dauntless, and full of hope, and, we may add, full of high ambition. He was twice a candidate for the* presidency, and twice defeated. Nevertheless, his death was mourned by an immense number of personal and attached friends, and indeed by a large portion of the people of the United States. 3. A few months later, that is, on the 24th of October, Daniel Web- ster departed this life, at his residence in Marshfield,. Massachusetts. He was a native of New Hampshire, and was seventy years of age. In person and mind, he presented a striking contrast to the great Kentucky orator. He was of a large, stout frame, and swarthy com- plexion ; his movements were slow and ponderous. In his appear- ance, indeed, there was something singularly grand and imposing. 4. His intellect was of similar largeness and power. In argument, he was almost invincible. The depth of his reasoning and the force of his logic, made him the acknowledged master of debate in the Sen- ate of the United States. His language was simple but chaste, and the speeches and documents he has left behind are not only among the finest models of composition, but they are a rich legacy of truth, knowledge, wisdom, and patriotism, to his countrymen. 5. In the summer of 1852, the public mind was disturbed by diffi- culties with Great Britain as to the fisheries along the Atlantic coast of her American colonies. It was alleged that our fishermen habit- ually violated the treaty of 1818, which stipulated that they should noj; cast their nets or lines, in the British bays, nearer than three miles from the shores. An armed naval force was sent by the British government to enforce these views, and our government, deeming them to be inadmissible, dispatched two war-steamers to the same stations. The dispute was very threatening for a time, but in October, 1853, concessions on both sides being made, the difficulty was happily adjusted. 6. In consequence of the expeditions of Lopez against Cuba, and the evident disposition on the part of many persons in the United States to obtain possession of that island, the idea became common in Europe that our government might actually seek to realize this object, and, by possessing Cuba, obtain command of the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico. As u means of preventing such an event, France and England sought to engage the United States in a mutual obligation called the "Tripar- tite Treaty" which should bind us, as well as the other parties, to resist and discountenance all attempts to disturb Spain in the possession of Cuba. 3. What of Daniel Webster? IIow did he compare with Mr. Cl.iy? What of his ap- pearance? 4. "What of his intellectual character? 5. What of difficulties with Great Britain as to the fisheries? 6. What of the Tripartite treaty? THE TRIP ART ATE TREATY. 425 7. On the 1st of December, 1852, Edward Everett, who had suc- ceeded Mr. Webster as secretary of state, by direction of the president, answered this proposition in a very able dispatch, in which lie declared that the position of Cuba rendered that island one of peculiar interest to this country ; and that, while we should not violate any of the laws of neutrality, wo should act in respect to it without dictation from European powers. He also added, significantly, that we should not see Cuba pass from the hands of Spain to any transatlantic govern- ment with indifference. 8. Mr. Everett also took occasion, in this dispatch, to vindicate our country from the constant charges heaped upon us in Europe, of an aggressive spirit, in the acquisition of territory. He appealed to his- tory against such accusations, and showed, with impressive eloquence, the great work that had been done, for the civilized world, by the American nation, in having, within two centuries, converted three millions of square miles of wilderness, into a habitation fit for thirty millions of people ! 7. What of Mr. Ev.rett's reply? 8. How did Mr. Everett vindicate our country? 426 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. PRESIDENT PIERCE. CHAPTER CCXIV. PIERCE'S ADMINISTRATION, FROM MARCH 4ra, 1853, TO MARCH 4TH, 1857. His Inauguration. The Mesilla Valley Dispute. Captain RinggolcCs Exploring Expe- dition. Surveys for a Pacific Railroad. The Arrest of Martin Koszta by the Austrians. The Japan Ex- pedition. The Nebraska- Kansas Act, and Repeal of the Missouri Compromise. The Seizure of the Black Warrior. The Ostend Conference. Mr. Soide stopped at Calais by the French Authorities. The Crystal Palace Exhibition. 1. IN the election of 1852, Franklin Pierce, of New Hampshire, the Democratic candidate, was elected president, over General Winfield CHAP. CCXIV. 1. Who was elected president to succeed Mr. Fillmore? When was President Pierce inaugurated ? Who was the Whig candidate opposed to President Pierce ? What of William K. King f EXPLORING EXPEDITION. 427 Scott, the Whig candidate. The inauguration took place March 4th, 1853. William R. King, of Alabama, was chosen as vice-president, but his health failed, and he never took the oath of office. He died at his residence in Alabama, April 18th, 1853. 2. Soon after Pierce's accession, a dispute arose with Mexico as to the boundary between New Mexico and the Mexican province of Chihuahua [che-wa' -wd\, the fertile valley of Me-sil'-la lying between them being claimed by both parties. Santa Anna, who was now pres- ident of the Mexican Republic, took armed possession of the territory in dispute, and the disagreement threatened to end in national hostili- ties. The difficulty, however, was settled by negotiation, and the Me- silla valley became the possession of the United States. 3. In 1853, a second Exploring Expedition sailed from New York, under command of Captain Ringgold, consisting of four armed vessels and a supply ship ; its objects being to examine that portion of the North Pacific likely soon to become the track of our commerce be- tween California and China and Japan, as well as the whaling grounds in the regions of Behr'-ings' Straits and the Sea of O-kotsk'. The expe- dition returned after an absence of about three years, having accom- plished the objects for which it was sent out. 4. As a general impression began to prevail that a railroad from the valley of the Mississippi to our Pacific territories was a matter de- manding the attention of the general government, four expeditions were dispatched under the authority of Congress, in the summer of 1853, for the purpose of surveying the several routes suitable for such a work. These surveys have been accomplished with great ability and success, and afford a vast amount of valuable knowledge in respect to the unsettled region between our Western states and the Pacific region. 5. In July, 1853, an event occurred in the harbor of Smyrna, in the Mediterranean, which served to insure respect to our navy, among foreign nations. Martin Kosz'-ta, a Hungarian, who had taken prelim- inary steps to be naturalized in the United States, being in Smyrna on business, was seized as a rebel and refugee by order of the Austrian consul-general, and taken on board an Austrian ship. Captain Ingra- ham, lying in port, with the United States sloop-of-war St. Louis, being appealed to, demanded the release of Koszta as an American citizen. 6. On the refusal of the Austrian authorities to comply with his re- quest, Captain Ingraham cleared his vessel for action, and threatened to fire upon the brig, if the prisoner was not speedily released. Thus 2. "Where is the Mesilla Valley ? "What dispute arose as to this valley ? How was the dispute settled? 8. What of a second exploring expedition? 4 What of surveys for a Pacific railroad ? 5. "What of Martin Koszta ? 428 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Xrfc.I>rriON TO JAPAN, IN THE BAY OF JEDUO. cautioned, the Austrians yielded; Koszta was placed in custody of tlie French consul to await the decision of the two governments of Austria and the United States. He was finally released, and returned to this coun- try. Austria remonstrated against the course adopted by Captain In- graham, but his conduct was applauded both in Europe and America. 7. In the summer of 1853, an expedition fitted out by our govern- ment to proceed to Japan, and form a commercial treaty with that empire, consisting of seven ships of war, and placed under the com- mand of Commodore Perry, brother of the hero of Lake Erie, arrived at its destination that is. in the bay of Jeddo. The commodore communi- cated his wishes through the' Japanese authorities to the emperor, and after some delay, a treaty was entered into with the government,by which several ports were opened to our commerce.* A new and important era was thus begun in the history of this remote but populous island-empire. 6. What did Captain Ingraham do after the Austrians refused to release Koszta? What was the result? 7. What of the expedition to Japan ? * The empire of Japan, embracing several islands on the western coasts of Asia, is sup- posed to contain a population of from twenty to thirty millions. In manners and cus- toms, those people resemble the Chinese; like the Chinese, they have generally excluded foreigners from their territory, though they have granted some exclusive privileses to the Dutch. Since this treaty made by Commodore Perry, some of the European nations have formed commercial treaties with that country. THE OS TEND CONFERENCE. 429 8. In January, 1854, the Senate Committee on Territories introduced what has since become famous as the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, making provision for erecting the vast regions of Nebraska and Kansas into territories, and containing a provision that the inhabitants should de- cide for themselves whether to admit the institution of slavery or not. This measure was understood to proceed from Senator Douglas of Illinois. 9. It proposed, in addition to its other provisions, a repeal of the Missouri Compromise, which had existed since 1820, and therefore caused a deep feeling of opposition, particularly at the North. The bill, however, was passed after an exciting debate, and became a law on the 31st of May. 10. In February of this year, 1854, the American steamship Black Warrior was seized in the harbor of Ha-van'-a, under the pretence that she had evaded or violated some revenue law, and both ship and cargo were declared confiscated. For a time this act was made the occasion of exciting a feeling in the United States in behalf of the acquisition of Cuba, even by force. 11. Under the iniluence of this, a conference of some of the American ministers in Europe, including Mr. Buchanan at London, Mr. Mason at Paris, and Mr. Soule at Madrid, with others, was held in October, 1854, at Ostend, in Belgium, and a circular, strongly recommending the ac- quisition of Cuba, was adopted. This measure attracted great atten- tion, and caused much remark throughout Europe. The difficulty of the Black Warrior was soon after satisfactorily adjusted by the Spanish government. 12. About this time October 24th Mr. Soule, being on his way from London to Paris, was stopped at Calais by order of the French government. Mr. Soule was a Frenchman by birth, and many years before had been exiled from France, though he had been permitted to return. He was now an object of suspicion to the jealous government of Louis Napoleon. He was finally permitted to pass through France on his way to Mad-rid', the seat of his mission, on condition that he should not remain in the country. 13. In July, 1853, an exhibition of the various products of industry and art, such as manufactures of all kinds, painting, sculpture, etc., was opened in the Crystal Palace at New York, with appropriate ceremonies, and in presence of an immense concourse of people. The 8. What act was introduced into the Senate in January, 1864? 9. What compromise did this bill destroy ? What was the immediate effect of its passage ? 10. What occurred as to the Black Warrior in February, 1S54? 11. "What conference took place at Ost< nd in October, 1854 ? 12. What of Mr. Soultl-'s being stopped at Calais ? 13. What of the Crys- tal Palace at New York ? 430 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. BURNING OF THE NEW YORK CRYSTAL PALACE. various articles were contributed from every part of the United States and almost every country in Europe. For several months this beautiful edifice was thronged with delighted spectators.* 14. After being used for several exhibitions, this building was to- tally destroyed by fire, October, 1858, it being at the time occupied for the Fair of the American Institute. * The idea of the Crystal Palace at New York was suggested by that in London, which was opened for the "World's Fair" in that metropolis in 1851. The London edifice was "built of iron and glass, and, after being used for the object of its erection, it was removed to Sydenham, near London, where it is used for a perpetual exhibition of curiosities, and is one of the real wonders of the world. The New York building was externally of iron and glass, and was one of the most beautiful structures ever erected. WALKER THE FILLIBUSTER- 431 CHAPTER CCXY. PIEEOE'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. The Reciprocity Treaty with Canada. Walker's Invasion of Nicaragua. British Enlistments in the United States. The Amer- ican Expeditions in Search of Sir John Franklin. Finding of the British Ship Resolute, and her Presen- tation to the British Government. 1. IN the summer of 1854, the disputed boundary lines between the. United States and Mexico were settled, and about the same time an agreement, called the Reciprocity Treaty, was made between Great Britain and the United States, by which the commerce between Canada and our country was made nearly free. 2. In the summer of 1855, William Walker, a citizen of the United States, who had become somewhat noted for an abortive attempt to acquire a portion of Mexico, invaded Ni-ca-ra'-gua* with a small band of adventurers from California. After many petty struggles and skir- mishes, he seemed to have obtained possession of the country, the in- habitants of which were in a disturbed state; but the people of Cos-ta Ri'-ca joined the Nicaraguans, and Walker was driven from the country. 3. He, however, collected a band of followers in the South, and elud- ing the authorities, embarked November llth, 1857, at Mobile. He landed at Pu-er'-ta Are'-nas, Nicaragua, with four hundred men, but on the 8th December they surrendered to Captain Paulding, of the United States steamer Wabash, and were taken to the United States. 4. In 1855, the Eastern war, which involved Russia on the one side, and Turkey, France, and Great Britain on the other, even somewhat disturbed the peaceful relations of the United States with the latter CHAP. CCXV. 1. What disputed boundary was settled in the summer of 1854? What of the Eeciprocity Treaty ? 2 What of Captain William Walker's invasion of Nicaragua ? 3. What of his second invasion? 4. What of the Eastern war? What did the agents of Great Britain attempt to do in the United States, in 1S65? * Nicaragua is one of the republics situated on the isthmus between North and South America, which formed the confederation of Guatemala or Central America This con- sisted of the following states: Coxta Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, San Salvador, and Guatemala. They are now independent republics, but are of small extent, and the population of all is only reckoned at two millions. Nicaragua has three hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants. Its situation, however, renders it important, as it lies in the pathway of the commerce between the Atlantic and Pacific 432 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. country. Great Britain was greatly in want of soldiers, and her pub- lic agents, covertly, enlisted soldiers within the limits of the United States, in violation of the existing neutrality laws. 5. It appeared that the British minister at Washington and some of the British consuls in our larger cities, had either openly or secretly favored these proceedings. As Great Britain declined recalling her minister, though invited to do so, he and the consuls were dismissed by our government. Some irritation followed in England, but the propriety of our course was obvious, and the cloud passed by. KANB'S SHIP IN THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 6. On the 13th September, 1855, Lieutenant Hartstene, who, with the Arctic and Return, had been dispatched in search of Dr. Kane and his companions, found them at the Isle of Dis'-co, in Greenland. They had abandoned their vessel, the Advance, in the ice, May 17th, and arrived at Upper Navick, where they had shipped for Denmark, for the purpose of returning home. Fortunately meeting with Lieutenant Hartstene, they were brought to New York, where they arrived October llth. 7. This second American expedition, dispatched from America for 5. What was done by our government in respect to the British minister und COUMIU ? 6. What of Lieutenant Hartstene ? What of Dr. Ka e and his companions? SEARCH FOB SIK JOHN FEANKLIN. 433 DR. KANK IN TIIK AKCTIC KKGIONS. the discovery of Sir John Franklin and his companions,* thus proved abortive, but the party discovered an open sea encircling the North Pole, thus adding a curious and surprising fact to our somewhat limited knowledge in respect to this gloomy and inhospitable portion 7 What of this second American expedition for the discovery of Sir John Franklin? What discovery was made by Captain McClure? * For nearly three hundred years, it has been a great object to determine whether there Is what is called a North-went Passage to the, Pacific^ that is, a passage for vessels through the Arctic seas from Baffin's Bay to Behring's Straits. "Within the last thirty years. Great Britain has dispatched numerous ships to settle this question, and from this source we have the important discoveries of Parry, Koss, and others. In May, 1845, Sir John Franklin, who had distinguished himself in explorations among the Arctic seas, with two ships, the Erebus and Terror, and one hundred and thirty-eight men, departed for a voy- age of discovery in those regions. They proceeded up Baffin's Bay, but for several years nothing was heard of them. The whole civilized world seemed interested in the fate of these adventurers. As the expeditions sent out from Great Britain had proved unsnc- cessful, Mr Henry Grinnell, of New York, equipped two vessels, the Advance and Ilescuc, at his own expense. They departed from New York in May, 1850. These having returned, October. 1S51, without success, another expedition was dispatched by Mr. Grin- nell, aided by the government, consisting of the brig Advance, under the command of Dr. E. K. Kane, of Philadelphia, the surgeon and naturalist of the first expedition. After his return, Dr Kane published an interesting account of his adventures. Unhappily his constitution had been undermined by the hardships he had encountered, and he died at Cuba, February 16th, 185T. His death caused a general mourning throughout the United States. The actual fate of Sir John Franklin and his men has recently been ascertained, as we have stated in our account of the Polar Regions. (See p 455.) 19 4:34: HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. of the globe. It may be added that, previous to this time October, 1853 Captain McClure, of the British ship Investigator, had proved that a continuous sea extends from Baffin's Bay to Behring's Straits. It is, however, of no practical use, as it is at all times encumbered with ice. , 8. Several expeditions had been dispatched from England, in search of Sir John Franklin. In one of them, the ship Kesolute was abandon- ed in the Arctic seas. On the 23d December, 1855, she was found floating iu the Atlantic, and brought safely into the harbor of New London by Captain Buddington. She was afterward purchased by our government, refitted, and sent, December, 1856, as a present to the British government, under command of Lieutenant Ilartstene. The present was very graciously accepted, and the lieutenant and his men received the most hearty and gratifying welcome. S. What of the ship Resolute? What of Lieutenant Hartsteno ? BUCHANAN'S ADMINISTRATION. 435 PRESIDENT BUCHANAN. CHAPTER CCXV1. BUCHANAN'S ADMINISTRATION, BEGINNING MARCH 4ra, 1857. The Troubles in Kansas. The Lecompton Constitu- tion in Congress. Its Rejection ~by the People of Kansas, and a New Constitution adopted. 1. IN the election for a successor to President Pierce, James Bu- chanan,* of Pennsylvania, the Democratic candidate, was chosen, and duly inaugurated March 4th, 1857. John C. Breckenridge, of Ken- tucky, was elected vice-president. CHAP. CCXVI. 1. Who were inaugurated president and vice-president March 4th, 1857? * In this election of November, 1856, there were three parties in the field. The first was that of the Democrats, whose convention had met at Cincinnati, and adopted a platform regarded as embracing the established creed of the party. The second was the Republican party, whose Tnain principle was opposition to the extension of slavery in the Territories Their candidate was John C. Fremont, a native of North Carolina, and conspicuous for his explorations and discoveries, and his public services in Califor 436 HISTOEY OF THE UNITED STATES. 2. One of the first and most important subjects that occupied the attention of the new administration was the state of things in Kan- sas. We have already noticed the excitement which existed in this territory ; hut it is necessary to go back, and give a more particular narrative of events connected with this subject. 3. The avowed doctrine of the Kansas-Nebraska act, passed in 1854, was that of "Popular Sovereignty" or the right of the people of a territory to decide for themselves whether to admit slavery or not, when they ask admission into the Union. In view of this, a movement was made at the North, and especially in Massachusetts, by private associations, to people the territory of Kansas with emigrants opposed to the establishment of slavery there ; a counteracting effort was made in the South to people the territory with inhabitants in favor of slavery.* 4. The result was such as might have been foreseen. A great mass of emigrants of opposite views and feelings, crowded into the territory, and were soon in a state of angry contention. Scenes of violence took place, and in 1855 and 1856 there was actual civil war, in which nia during the Mexican war. The electoral Totes of all the free states, excepting Tenn- sylvania, New Jersey, Indiana, Illinois, and California, wore east for Fremont. The third party was that of the American*, their leading principle being that "Americans shnJl govern America.'" Their candidate was Millard Filluiore ; they, however, carried only the state of Maryland * In order to understand the extent and bearing of the question of slavery in the United States, it is necessary to consider a few historical facts. The practice of holding human beings as slaves, appears to have existed from the earliest ages. It existed among the ancient .Tews, even before the time of Moses, and in the days of the patriarchs; it ex- _ isted among the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans; it exists at the present day all over Asia In point of fact, a great part of mankind, from the beginning of history down to the Middle Ages, were slaves. In ancient times, all prisoners of war were rednced to slavery, being generally dis- tributed as spoils among the officers and men of the conquering armies. When America was discovered, this practice was still in vogue, and there was no hesitation on the part of Europeans in making slaves of the Indiana whom they captured. Even in New Eng- land, in Virginia, and the other English colonies, Indians take'i in war were sold as slaves. The remnant of the Pi-quods in Connecticut, the Indians taken by Colonel W'aldron in New Hampshire, and the childien of Philip, the famous Rhode Island chief, were all en- slaved, and sold as property. The first negro slaves brought to the English colonies in America, twenty in number, were landed from a Dutch vessel at Jamestown about the year 1619. From this time African slaves were imported into most of the colonies, and they became more or less numerous in all. At the time of the Revolution, they existed in all the thirteen states 5 but about this period some of the Northern states abolished slavery, and this example was followed by them all. Slavery now exists ia the fifteen Southern and South-west- ern states. 2. Wh-it was one of the first and most important matters claiming Mr. Buchanan Vat- tention? 3. What was the avowed principle of the Kansas-Nebraska act? "What was done in the North to get anti-slavery settlers into Kansas ? AVhat was done at the South ? 4. "What were the consequences of this strife in Kansas ? THE LECOMPTON CONSTITUTION. 437 several lives were lost, property was destroyed, and settlements broken up.* After the presidential contest of the latter year, the excitement in some degree subsided ; but now a new difficulty arose. 5. A convention, assembled at Le-comp'-ton, September *Tth, 185V, for the purpose of preparing a state constitution, drafted such an in- strument, incorporating, however, various provisions establishing slavery as the fundamental law of Kansas. This was at variance with the views of the people, and at the election of January 4th, 1858, a majority of somewhat more than ten thousand votes was cast against it. Mr. Buchanan, however, urged, as a means of putting an end to agitation, that Kansas should be admitted under this constitution. 6. Congress refused to concur in this measure : a bill,t however, was introduced arid passed, authorizing the admission of Kansas upon cer- tain conditions. These were not acceptable to the people, and Kansas still remains a territory (January, 1860.) 5. What of the Leeotnpton Constitution ? What of Mr. Buchanan ? 6. What of Con- gress ? What of the people of Kansas ? * The inhabitants who suffered these losses cl.iim indemnity of the general government, estimating their amount at two millions of dollars. t This moasnre is called the "English Bill," from the name of the member of Congresa who proposed it, Mr English, of Indiana, 438 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. CHAPTER CCXYII. BUCHANAN'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Difficulty with the Mormons. 1. ANOTHER subject which early demanded the attention of Mr. Buchanan, was the condition of the Mormons* in Utah. This strange sect, whom we have already mentioned as causing some disturbance in Missouri, moved to the west in 1848, and established themselves iu CHAP. CCXVII. 1. What other subject demanded the early attention of Mr. Buchan- an? What of the Mormons? * The sect of Mormons -was founded in 1827, by an artful and unprincipled man by the name of Joe Smith, a native of Central New York. He pretended that he had received a special revelation "from Heaven, imparting to him the knowledge of a book which had lain for many centuries in a hill near the town of Palmyra. This he obtained, as he said, and found its leaves to bo of gold, and inscribed with mystic writings, giving an account of the ancient people of America,~with a now gospel for mankind. This he pretended to translate, and also, from time to time, he pretended to have divine revelations. From these sources the sect has derived Ihe Book of Mormon, which is their Bible. Smith found dupes and coadjutors, and from this infamous fraud has arisen, in the space of thirty years, the now numerous sect of Mormons. Joe Smith and his brother Hiram were shot while in prison at the Mormon settle- ment of Nauvoo, in Missouri, in 1S!5, and the sect were forced into the western wilder- ness. They took up their residence at Utah as above stated, Brigham Young becoming their leader. He is called the Lion of the Lo:-d by the Mormons, find it is said has sev- enty wives. Other Mormons have from five to twenty wives. DIFFICULTY WITH THE MORMONS. 439 the vicinity of the Great Salt Lake, amid the mountains which lie be- tween the Western states and the region of the Pacific. 2. Notwithstanding the absurdity of the religious pretences on which this sect is founded, and their gross and immoral practice of polygamy, they have rapidly increased in numbers, and active missionaries are found propagating the faith in nearly every country of Europe. The whole number of the community is said to exceed two hundred thou- sand. In Utah there is probably a population of one hundred thousand, almost exclusively Mormons. 3. Near the Great Salt Lake they have commenced a city on an extensive plan, with sumptuous public buildings, and they have also covered large tracts of their territory with well-cultivated farms- Being on the main route of travel from the Western states to Cali- fornia, they derive great profit from the emigrants. Their govern- ment is in the hands of a few persons, and a man by the name of Brigham Young is now (185 9) and for several years has been, their prophet, priest, and king. 4. In 1850 Utah was organized as a territory by the United States government, and Brigham Young was appointed governor by President Fillmore, and his appointment was subsequently renewed by President Pierce. In 1857, however, charges of violence toward the officers of the federal government in Utah were brought against the Mormons, and in June of this year, General Harney was appointed to the com- mand of a large body of troops who were to accompany Mr. Gumming, a new -governor appointed in Brigham Young's place by Mr. Buchanan, to the scene of his duties. 5. Subsequently the command of the forces was given to Colonel Johnston, who arrived at Fort Bridger, about one hundred miles from Salt Lake City, in September, 1857, and there went into winter-quar- ters. In December the leading Mormons were indicted for high treason by a United States court sitting at Camp Scott, the damages for the destruction of provision trains belonging to the United States ariny^ being laid at two millions of dollars. 6. These formidable movements on the part of the government were, however, destined to a speedy and pacific issue. A gentleman of Philadelphia, by the name of Kane, well acquainted with the Mormons, was privately dispatched to Salt Lake City, and through his representa- 2. What of the extension of the sect of Mormons ? 3. What city have the Mormons commenced ? What of their farms ? On what great route of travel are they ? What of their government? Who is their leader? 4. When was Utah organized as a territory ? Who did Fillmore appoint as governor? What charge was made against the Mormons in 1S5T? What force was ordered to march against the Mormons? 5. What did the United States forces under Colonel Johnston do? What was done in December? 6. What was done by Mr. Kane ? How did the war against the Mormons end ? 4:40 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. tionsthe whole difficulty was speedily adjusted. The gates of Salt Lake City were thrown open, and Governor Gumming and his train of offi- cers were invited to enter. The whole affair was terminated by the proclamation of the president granting a free pardon " to all for the seditions and treasons by them committed." BUCHANAN'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. The Panic of 1857. Purchase of Mount Vernon by the Mount Ver- non Ladies' Association. Death of Thomas II. Benton. \. IN the autumn of 1857, a sudden money panic overspread the country, and eventually extended in some degree to the principal com- mercial cities of Europe. On the 26th of September, the banks of Philadelphia suspended specie payments; in this they were followed by the New York banks, October 13th, and by the Boston banks on the 14th.* 2. Various causes were assigned for this extraordinary crisis, among which the immense investments of capital in western laud speculations, and the great depreciation of railroad stocks, were prominent. The storm seemed to fall with particular violence upon the West, while it was scarcely felt in the Southern states. The banks of New York re- sumed specie payments on the 12th of December, those of Boston on the 14th, and those of Philadelphia, in April, 1858. In other parts, there was a gradual recovery, but a general state of depression in business continued for nearly two years. 3. On the 6th of April, 1858, John A. "Washington, proprietor of Mount Vernon, the residence of Washington, signed a contract to sell that beautiful place to the "Mount Vernon Ladies' Association" for the sum of two hundred thousand dollars. Since that time, this associa- tion, by its patient and patriotic labors, have collected the requisite sum, and they are now, or speedily will be, proprietors of the Home and Grave of the "Father of his Country." This is to be held in per- petuity as a national monument, sacred to the memory of him who was "first in war, and first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen." 4. On the 10th of April, 1858, Thomas H. Benton died at Washing- CHAP. CCXVIIL 1. What of a panic in 1S5T? 2. What causes were assigned for this panic? What else can you say of the panic? 3. What can you say of Mount Vernou? * The Annual Statement of the New York Commercial Agency, January, 1S5S, assert- ed that from December Cth, 1856, to December 6th, 1S57, there occurred in the United States, 5,123 failures, involving liabilities to the enormous amount of $291,750,000. THOMAS H. BENTON. THOMAS IT. BENTON. ton, aged seventy -six years. He was a man of great industry and vast memory, and, having been nearly his whole life devoted to public affairs, was one of the ablest of the distinguished men of his time. He was a native of North Carolina, but settled early in Missouri ; and being chosen senator of the United States, upon the organization of that state in 1820, he continued to fill the office till 1851. 5. During this long period of about thirty years, he was an active member of the Senate, and, by his careful researches and great learn- ing, was in many respects, useful and influential. During the latter part of his life, he devoted himself to literary pursuits, and published two able and important works a View of Public Affairs during his thirty years' membership of the Senate, and an Abridgment of the Debates in Congress. The last sheet of this work was finished a short time before his death. 19* 4, 5. "What of Thomas II. Benton ? 44:2 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. LAYING THE ATLANTIC CABLE. CHAPTER CCXIX. BUCHANAN'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Public Im- provements. Canals, Steam-Navigation, Railroads. The Submarine Telegraph. 1. WE have already had occasion to mention the Electric Telegraph, certainly the most startling invention of modern times. Canals* had done much to facilitate the transportation of merchandise and agricul- tural products ; steamboats had made rivers the familiar pathways of commerce and travel ; railroads had given to man almost the speed of wings, as well for himself as his goods. 2. But a new instrument for the transmission of thought, swift as lightning itself, was now added to these wonderful gifts. Lines of Electric Telegraph* were rapidly spread over this country, as well as the countries of Europe ; hy means of these, individuals thousands of CHAP. CCXIX. 1. "What of canals T The Now York and Erie Canal ? What of steam- boats ? "What of railroads ? * Previous to the invention of railroads, canals were extensively nsed for the transport- ation of merchandise. Groat Britain and Holland were covered with a network of canals- The Erie Canal, in New York, extending from Albany to Lake Erie, and connecting the great lakes with the ocean by internal navigation, was finished in 1S25. It was the most important work of the kind on this continent, and perhaps in the world, and was carried through chiefly by the untiring and energetic exertions of Dewitt Clinton, an able and patriotic statesman of the state of New York. Many other canals were established in different parts of the United States about the same period. TIIE ATLANTIC CABLE. 443 miles apart, can hold communication, in the space of a few brief hours. In the course of a single day, a person can send a dozen messages from New York to Boston or Philadelphia, to a single correspondent, and get back an answer to each. In two or three hours, he can communicate with New Orleans and have his reply. 3. But now a new wonder was realized, the Submarine Telegraph. The electric wires were laid across broad rivers and even arms of the sea, and the subtle intelligence passed successfully through their depths! At last the idea of connecting Europe with America, by means of electric wires laid in the Atlantic, was suggested. Surveys of this ocean were made, and while its various irregularities were duly noted, the average depth was ascertained to be about two miles. 4. In the summer of 1857, an attempt was made to realize the object in view, under the auspices of a Company formed in this country and England, with the aid of vessels furnished by the governments of the United States and Great Britain. This proved unsuccessful; but a second attempt was more fortunate. The two vessels, the Niagara, an American war-steamer, and the Ag-a-mem'-non, a British war-stea- mer, meeting in mid-ocean, began paying out the electric cable on the 29th of July, 1858. 5. The latter vessel proceeded eastward, and entered Va-len'-tia Bay on the west coast of Ireland, August 5th, 1858, having successfully laid its portion of the cable. On the 5th of August, the Niagara en- tered Trinity Bay, in Newfoundland, having had similar good fortune. Thus the cable was actually laid, and on the 16th of August, a mes- sage from Queen Victoria was received through the wires, addressed to President Buchanan. Immediately after, various messages were ex- changed between the two continents. This amazing achievement was celebrated with great ceremony on the 1st of September, in New York, and also with more or less rejoicing in other cities of the United States. 2. What of the electric telegraph? Who was the inventor of it? 3. What of the submarine telegraph crossing rivers and arms of the sea? What of crossing the Atlantic? 4. What attempt was made in 1857? What was the success of this first attempt? What of the second attempt? What was done by the two vessels, Agamemnon and Niagara? 5. What of the Agamemnon ? The Niagara ? What was the result of laying the electric cable ? What celebration was had ? * We are indebted for the Electric Telegraph to the ingenious discoveries and inven- tions of Samuel F. B. Morse, of New York. The first message was sent over the wires from Washington to Baltimore in 1S44, and consisted of the following line: " What hatJi God wrought /" Soon after that is, in the spring of 1844 the news of the nomination of James K. Polk by the Democratic convention at Baltimore, was dispatched, this being the first public use of the telegraph. Lines of telegraph, measuring together twenty thou- sand miles in length, are established in this country. Great Britain, France, Germany, etc., etc., are netted with telegraphic lines. The English Channel, the Adriatic Sea, the Ked Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, and other abroad waters are also crossed by telegraphic wires. 4AA HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 6. The hopes that had been thus excited, have not, however, been realized, for, after a short time, the wires ceased to work, but the feasibility of communication across the Atlantic has been demon- strated, and means are now in active progress, which will no doubt very speedily accomplish the desired object. CHAPTEK CCXX. BUCHANAN'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED. Minnesota admitted as a State. Ilistwy of Oregon. Its admis- sion into the Union. The San Juan Difficulty. 1. Ox the llth of May, 1858, Minnesota was admitted as a state into the Union. It lies immediately north of Iowa, and extends to the Canadian boundary. On the north-east it touches Lake Superior; to the west it is bounded by the large tract inhabited only by Indians, called Dacotah. 2. This vast region comprises the head-waters of the Mississippi, the greatest river of the earth ; it abounds in rivers and lakes, teeming with fish ; its soil is prolific, and its forests are among the finest in the world. Its name is derived from Min-ni-so'-tah, the Indian title of St. Peter's River, and signifying turbid-water. 3. This territory belonged to the French by priority of discovery ; at a very early period it was traversed by their missionaries, traders, and soldiers. It came to Great Britain by the treaty of 1763, and to the United States by the treaty of 1783. It received a territorial gov- ernment in 1849, the capital being fixed at Saint Paul/ It lias still in its northern regions, considerable bands of Chippewa Indians. 4. During the Congressional session of 1858-9, Oregon was also ad- mitted as a state. It originally included the territory of Washington; these two comprised the extensive tract lying between the British possessions on the north, and California on the south ; the Rocky Mountains on the east, and the Pacific on the west. 5. The coasts of this region were discovered by the Spaniards in the sixteenth century, but in 1792, Captain Gray, of Boston, discovered and entered the Columbia River, and thus the United States acquired a right of sovereignty over the territory. This claim was strengthened by the fact that in 1804-5-6, Lewis and Clark, dispatched by ourgov- 6. What of the hopes thus excited ? CIIAPTKR CCXX. 1. When was Minnesota admitted as a state? 2, -3. History of Minne- sota. 4. When was Oregon admitted as a state ? What did it originally comprise ? MINNESOTA AND OREGON. 445 eminent, explored the country from the Missouri to the Columbia, and spent in that region a part of the winter of 1805-6. 6. The British, however, laid claim to the northern portion of the territory, and a threatening dispute consequently arose between the government of that country and our own. This was adjusted by a treaty in 1846, adopting the boundary line of 49 north latitude, as elsewhere stated. 7. Both the state of Oregon and the territory of Washington, con- tain many tribes of Indians ; in the former are the Flat' -heads, Pend Oreilles [pond-oray~\, Sj>o'-Tcanes and Sho'-shones : in the latter are the Nez Perces \na-pursa] Cay-u'-ses, Bon' -nocks, etc. These for the most part are mere savages, though the missionaries have exercised a civi- lizing influence upon a portion of them. The rivers of this region abound in fish, and in the spring and summer, the Indians, with their horses and dogs, feed and fatten upon them. 8. The furs of this region, those of the beaver, badger, bear, fisher- fox, lynx, martin, mink, muskrat, etc., have long been an impor- tant source of revenue. Trading posts were early established by Amer- ican fur companies in this quarter, that of As-to'-ri-a being founded in 1810, under the auspices of the late John Jacob Astor, of New York. The British fur companies also had establishments here ; these, with the American companies, both occupied the disputed boundary, until the treaty of 1846. 9. At the present time, though the fur trade is still important, agriculture is the chief object of pursuit. Cornwallis, on the left bank of the Wil-la-mette' River, one hundred and twenty miles from its mouth, is the political capital of Oregon, and 0-lym' -pi-a, at the head Pu'-get's sound, that of the territory of Washington. 10. The neighboring British settlements upon Van-cou'-vers Island; and in the vicinity of Fra'-ser's River, where gold mines have recently been discovered, are rapidly increasing, and already afford considerable sources of commerce with the American settlements we are describing. 11. While we are writing (November 1859), there is a dispute between the American and British governments as to the right of sovereignty over the large island of San Ju'-an, lying in the strait or river, which divides Vancouver's Island from the American territory. The Amer- ican commander, General Harney, lias taken possession of it, against which act the British governor, Douglass, has protested. General Scott has been dispatched by our government to the scene of the dispute. 5. What were the grounds of our claim to this region? 6. What did the British claim ? 7. What of the Indians in Oregon and Washington ? 8. What of furs in these regions? Fur companies ? 9. Capitals of Oregon and Washington f 10. What of the British terri- tories contiguous to Washington Territory ? 11. What of the island of San Juan ? M6 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER CCXXI. THE INDIAN TERRITORY. General View of the Indians of North America, the West Indies and South America. 1. IN the preceding history of the occupation and settlement of this country by the White Races, we have seen the gradual disap- pearance of the various Indian tribes which constituted its first inhab- itants. The greater part of them, the tribes which inhabited the regions bordering on the Atlantic, are utterly extinct. The Penobscots, Pautitckets, Pequods, Pokanokets, Narragansetts, Mohicans, Nip- mucks, so troublesome to the New England settlers, are gone, and the places which once knew them, shall know them no more forever. 2. Of the Six Nations of New York and Canada, once so powerful only a few vestiges remain. The tribes of Virginia have perished, and those great bands, which had the title of nations the Greeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws and Cherokee*, have left their original haunts, and are gradually losing their native characteristics, under the influence of civilization, in the plains and prairies of the Far West. 3. This region, called the Indian Territory, lying between Kansas on the north, and Texas on the south, is about four hundred miles long from north to south, and three hundred miles from east to west, and contains about one hundred and seventy thousand square miles. It was set apart by our government as the permanent residence of the Indian tribes transported from the more eastern settled states. The whole number of inhabitants is about one hundred and twenty thousand, the most numerous tribes being the Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Osages and Seminoles. 4. These, occupying various designated portions of the territory, are not allowed to interfere with each other's grounds or grants. They have each their own laws, and are regarded as distinct nations. The Choctaws with whom the Chickasaws have become mixed, have a written constitution and laws, with their executive and judicial officers, schools, churches and printing-offices. Agriculture is their chief em- ployment. 5. The Creeks and Cherokees have also made considerable advances 3. Situation of the Indian Territory? Its extent? For what purpose has it been set apart ? Names of the principal Indian tribes in the Indian Territory ? 4. What regnla. tions are imposed on the Indians in the Indian Territory ? What of the Choctaws ? THE INDIAN TERRITORY. 447 in civilization, especially the latter. The other transported tribes, as the Seminoles, Senecas, Shawanese, Oneidas, Quapaws, Twcaroras, Delawares and Kickapoos, are also improving, under the efforts of missionaries and schoolmasters. The native tribes, as the Omahas, Otoes, Missouris, Pancas, Pawnees, and others, are in a more savage state. Many of them still live chiefly by robbery and hunting. The pursuit of the buffalo is one of their leading occupations. 6. Beside these tribes confined to the Indian Territory, there are considerable bands of Blackfeet, Assiniboins, Chippewas, Sac* and Foxes, in our north-western wilds, which still in a great degree pre- serve their native habits, living by hunting, fishing and war upon each other. The Indians of Oregon and California, as well as the territories of Washington, Utah, and New Mexico, are also in a savage state, though the tribes are small and scattered. 7. The Comanches are a large tribe, occupying northern Texas and the vicinity. They have abundance of horses, and bear a considerable resemblance in their habits and manners to the roving Bedouins of the Eastern Continent. They are swift and skilful riders, hurl the spear with dexterity, and often make destructive attacks upon trav- ellers in the regions over which they roam. The Apaches are a power- ful tribe, resembling the Comanches, and occupying the central portion of Arizona. 8. Such has been the course of events as to the Indians within the boundaries of the United States. Probably their number is not one quarter what it was at the time of the discovery of this country. 9. In Mexico the Indians were conquered, but not driven out by their conquerors ; though somewhat reduced in numbers, they have remained, and have mingled, to a considerable extent, with the blood of their conquerors. For the most part they are ignorant, superstitious, and degraded, submitting slavishly to the domination of the white race. 10. In the West Indies, originally peopled with perhaps a million of inhabitants, they have become extinct. In most parts of South Amer- ica, their condition is nearly the same as in Mexico, though in the unsettled portions there are still numerous bands in a savage state. Probably the Indians of South America are one-half as numerous as at the time the country was discovered. 5. Of the Creeks and Cherokees? Other transported tribes? What of the native tribes? 6. What of tribes in the north-western wilds? What of tribes in Oregon, California etc.? T. What of the Comanches ? The Apaches? 8. What is the probable number of the Indians of the United States, compared with their original number? 9 What of the Indians of Mexico? 10. What of the Indians of the West Indies? Of South America? STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. 449 >f ' S o I a f = .?! : ' ; ; . ; a , o. g : C. ; i; -a ::' P 5 5 i s* ::::::: f ? i ::.' '- ^? |f S3f *q ^H 3 fcoi"' *. Cb li 3 OS ^,1113 1 Ifli > rtr?S l Ilf|rl|||HN|||i " ' _ .3 32 2 .:: ff: ggi3g: : B3; 1 3 H5" r^ rt- r+- . ^ . P " S-S- <5? - - - O.X 8 11 ^ 3g= g| 3 l^gg^ jot tt S SMJO < -."l - - m o a c? R 5" ?^ ffl ^ gg : : 5' ^q : ? a ^ : OJH g^ C Ob* > Me.v uniz - . *. jojr o^ " "is '^- J o'~. -a'co' . 'ii J j- J '-i*-*co is "ii x'lc e o'e COU'A os o ao c co <^ CTJ en yj OO 'J'' O O Cn 1C W ^ /si O 4 1 In C~. ~ O ^ O O C; 1 1 tc ; OO : O O> i i oo oooonT'Ci-^tp O i 'i J, O 'J> O U* O --J CilOCO OlCi^fO^rfx^-CS -' - '^- O '/ ~ :>J >^ ' -7 V O O> O - C 1 V to O ci - - --r i-i to c-. i- / r = i: -~ '- - - --. ; - 1 * ' 450 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CAPITOL OF THE UNITED STATES AT WASHINGTON. CHAPTER CCXXI1. General Views. 1. WE have now closed our brief view of the leading political inci- dents in the history of the United States. We began with the first settlement at Jamestown in 1607. We close with a tabular view, which exhibits the country now (1859), as embracing thirty-three states, a territory of over three millions of square miles, and nearly thirty millions of inhabitants. 2. "We have given a detail of the principal events which have at- tended this astonishing progress. We have sketched the early days, in which we have seen the fee'ble colonies striking root in a strange country, and after contending with hostile tribes of savage men, triumphing at last over the still more fatal obstacles of poverty, disease and climate. 3. We have seen the Thirteen United Colonies, with about three millions of inhabitants, throwing off their allegiance to Great Britain, CHAP. CCXXII. 1. What of the settlement at Jamestown ? IIow long from thnt time to this ? 2. What have we seen in the preceding history ? Tli teacher will here put uy Balboa. Conquest of Peru. 1. WE have already seen that Columbus discovered the mainland of South America in 1498. Other discoveries, in this quarter, soon followed. The coast was visited by Vespucius, in 1499, and, the same 7. What of Texas? What of the United States and Mexico? 8. "Where is Guate- mala? Who were the Quiches? 9. Who conquered them? Give the history of the country. What title did the republic of Guatemala adopt ? 10. What were the names of the states of Guatemala, or the republic of Central America? What is their present condition ? CHAP. CCXXVII. 1. When was the mainland of South America discovered by Co- lumbus ? What of Vespucius ? Of Pinzon ? 462 HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES. SCENE IN SOUTH AMERICA. year, the shores of Brazil were visited by Pinzon, a Spanish navi- gator. 2. In 1513, Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Pa-na-ma', and was thefirst European whose eyes rested upon the eastern borders of the Pacific Ocean, then called the South Sea. What a mighty discovery for this is the largest ocean on the globe, and occupies nearly one-fourth part of its surface! 3. It is not easy, at this day, for us to conceive of the state of ex- citement in which these European navigators came to America. They not only looked upon it as a New World, but as one abounding in won- ders. They had found here a strange people, and they had discovered amid the tropical regions a multitude of new and interesting produc- tions. 4. Flowers of the greatest beauty, spices of the rarest fragrance, valuable gums, rich fruits, birds of magnificent plumage, and all new to them, crowded upon their attention. Nature, indeed, seemed to have realized here the enchantments of the fairy tales ; yet, thus far, the avarice of the discoverers was not satisfied. Gold, silver, and precious stones were believed to abound in America, and the greedi- ness with which they were sought, carried the adventurers over sea and land, through flood and forest. 2. What of Balboa? 3. What of the excitement of the early navigators? 4. What interesting objects were found in America? CORTEZ AND PIZAERO. 463 MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA. 5. Like other illusions, which haunt the overheated imagination, the regions of gold seemed always to be near, yet never reached. The pursuit was still urged, but the object was never fully attained. 6. There were indeed two exceptions ; Cortez had found spoils of immense value in Mexico, but his success was to be surpassed by another adventurer. In 1515, Peru had been discovered, and Pizarro, an illiterate but daring Spanish soldier, soon, after determined upon its 5. What of the regions of gold? 6. What of Cortez? What of Pizarro? How many men did Pizarro take with him in 1531 for the conquest of Peru 4:64: HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. conquest. In 1531, he led thither a small baud of soldiers thisty horse and one hundred and fifty foot. 7. He found Peru to be an immense empire, united under a race of sovereigns, called In'-cas or Children of the Sun. The people were pacific, some living in large and handsome cities, and all subsisting chiefly by agriculture. They had a mild government, a gentle religion, and many useful arts. The reigning prince was A-ta-fiit-al'-pa. 8. Pi-zar'-ro invited him to a conference, but, when the unsuspecting monarch, with thousands of his attendants, came, the daring and per- fidious Spaniard rushed upon him and dragged him away from the midst of his nobles. At the same time, the artillery and muskets played upon the masses of the Indians, and cut them to pieces by thousands. It was one of the most brutal, bloody, and dastardly acts in all the sad tragedies of human warfare. 9. The captive Inca offered to fill the room in which he was con- fined with gold and silver, for his ransom. This was accepted bj- Pizarro, and it was affecting to see with what devotion the people, m all parts of the country, parted with their treasures to release then- captive chief. At length, a mass of gold and silver, to the value of two millions of dollars, was accumulated, and Atahualpa claimed his liberty. 10. But Pizarro had no idea of fulfilling his promise. The Inca was subjected to a mock trial, condemned, and executed, and the ruthless murderer proceeded to take possession of his empire. Having con- quered the country, and now being gorged with plunder, Pizarro founded the city of Li'-ma, and became governor of the country. 11. But his ill-gotten wealth and power were vain to their possessor. Hostility and strife sprung up among the band of robbers. Pizarro was slain by his associates, and the rest of the leaders fell, one after another, by violence. Let it be remembered that the most splendid and successful robbery on record was followed by the swiftest retribution ! 12. "We may pause here a moment to reflect upon the fate which at- tended the three greatest names connected with the early history of America. Columbus discovered a new world, but he was once car- ried home in chains, and at last died in poverty and neglect. Cortez conquered an empire, but the crown did not rest upon his brow. Pizarro also conquered an empire, and acquired gold beyond the dreams of avarice, but he, soon after, expired by the assassin's blade. 7. "What did Pizarro find Peru to be ? What of the sovereigns of Peru ? What of the peo- ple? Who was their king? S. Describe Pizarro's conduct. 9. What did Atahualpa promise to give Pizarro in order to be liberated? How was the Inca treated? 10. What town was founded by Pizarro ? II. "What became of hiin and his associates? 12. What was the fate of the three great men connected with the early history of Spanish America ? BOLIVIA, CHILI, ETC. 465 13. Time, with its solemn jury, has judged the actions of these three famous men. To Columbus a wreath of immortal fame is award- ed ; to the others, the malefactor's infamy. The way of the transgres- sor is indeed hard! 14. Peru continued for centuries to be a Spanish province, with Lima for its capital. To this city, the manners, customs, and refine- ments of Spain were transferred, and thence partially diffused to several portions of the province. The country became independent, threw off the yoke of Spain in 1821, and, after a protracted struggle, it became an independent republic. CHAPTER CCXXYIII. SOUTH AMERICA, CONTINUED. Bolivia. Chili. The Ar- gentine Republic. Paraguay. Uruguay. Brazil. Guiana. Equador, New Granada, and Venezuela. 1. BO-LIV'-I-A, now an independent state, and lying between Peru and Chili, was originally a part of Peru, and continued so until 1824. After a battle between the patriot army and the royalists, in which the latter were defeated, the people declared themselves independent. This occurred July, 1825. The celebrated Bolivar furnished them a scheme of a constitution, which was adopted, and the name of the Liberator was given to the republic. 2. CHIL'-I was discovered by Al-ma'-gro, one of the associates of Pi- zarro, in 1537. He penetrated into the country with a small force, and was at first well received by the natives ; but he was soon forced to re- turn. In 1540, another army was sent thither, under Val-di'-vi-a, who was fiercely opposed, especially by the A-rau-ca' -ni-am led by the re- nowned Cau-pol'-i-can. In a great battle, Valdivia was defeated, taken prisoner, and afterward executed. 3. The country, however, along the coast was conquered by the Spaniards, though the Araucanians, have ever continued to maintain their independence. Chili remained as one of the Spanish provinces till the movement for independence, in 1810, which resulted in the es- tablishment of a republican government, about the year 1817. 4. From Chili, southward, to Cape Horn, the country called Pa-ta- 13. What is the decision of time? 14. What of Peru? What of Lima? When did the country become independent? CHAP. OCXXVIII. 1. What of Bolivia? When did it become independent? What was done by Bolivar? 2. When and by whom was Chili discovered? Who went there in 1540? What became of Valdivia? 3. Ilave the Araucanians ever been conquered? What further of Chili t 20* 4:66 HISTORY OF TIIE UNITED STATES. go'-ni-a is for the most part cold, sterile, and desolate. There is no nation with fixed abodes or an established government, here. The country is occupied by various tribes of savages, among whom the Patagonians, famous for their large stature, are the most noted. Along the gloomy shores of Cape Horn, there is a race, of diminutive size and squalid aspect, who shiver amid the sleety tempests of these re- gions, living chiefly upon the productions of the sea. These bear the name of Fuegians. 5. The AK-GEX-TIXE' REPUBLIC, bounded on the west by Chili, and on the east by the Atlantic, Paraguay, and Brazil, formerly bore the title of Buenos Ayres. This,* too, was one of the early provinces of Spain, and continued subject to that country till 1811, when the people formed a government for themselves. From that period, a constant succession of convulsions has followed. At the present time, 1859, the country is divided into two governments, Buenos Ayres and the Argentine Confederation. G. PAK-A-GUAY', one of the finest regions on the face of the globe, was early occupied by the Spaniards, and became subject to their sway. The Jesuit missionaries took great pains to introduce civilization and Christianity among the Indians in this quarter, and, it is believed, with some success. They had schools, and introduced music among the youth, who became proficients in singing. The Jesuits, however, were expelled in 1767, and the Indians relapsed into the savage state. 7. When the provinces of Bu-e'-nos Ay'-res threw oft' the Spanish yoke in 1810, the people of Paraguay refused to acknowledge their author- ity, and established a government for themselves. About the year 1820, Dr. Francia assumed all the powers of government, and became dictator of the country. He continued to exercise unlimited sway till the year 1842, when he died. His government was harsh, but it secured that tranquillity which the independent states of South Amer- ica have not enjoyed. 8. For several years past, the government has been in the hands of Lo'-pez, who administers the government very much in the manner of Francia. An attack having been made upon the United States vessel, Water-witch, in this country, an expedition was sent thither in 1858, to demand satisfaction. This was rendered, and amicable relations between the two countries restored. 9. U-RU-GTJAY', formerly a part of Buenos Ayres, became independent in 1812, and is the smallest of the South American republics. 4. What of the country south of Chili ? Wh.it of the Patasronians ? "What of the Fue- gians? 5. Where is the Argentine Republic? What of this country? 6. What of Par- aguay? The Jesuits? When were they expelled ? 7. What of the people of Paraguay? What of Dr. Francia? His government ? Lopez? 8. What of Uruguay ? THE ABORIGINES. 467 9. BKA-ZH/, occupying nearly one-third part of the South American, continent, and a space nearly equal to the surface of Europe, fell to the lot of Portugal. It was settled about the year 1500, and rapidly advanced in population. It was ruled by provincial governors till 1806, when the king of Portugal fled thither to escape from the French, who had invaded his kingdom. lie returned in 1821, leaving his son Don Pedro, upon the throne. In 1823, Brazil became an independent empire. 10. GUI-A'-XA, lying on the north-eastern coast, is divided between the Dutch, French, and English. . Its early history is distinguished by the expedition of Sir Walter Kaleigh, who visited the country in 1595, in search of El Dorado. This was a kingdom, said to exist in the interior of South America, which surpassed all other countries in gold, silver, and precious stones. But this tale proved to be a fable, and the name of the imaginary kingdom is a modern byword, significant of idle and extravagant expectations of wealth. The history of Guiana presents little beside, either interesting or instructive. 11. To the north of Peru and Brazil are the three republics of E-QUA-DOR',' NEW GEE-NA'-DA and VEN-E-ZU-E'-LA. This whole coun- try belonged to Spain, and constituted several provinces. They partici- pated in the desire for independence which pervaded the other coun- tries in this quarter, and, consequently, threw off the Spanish yoke. 12. In the struggles which followed, the celebrated Simon Bolivar obtained great distinction ; the three republics were united under one government, with the title of Co-lom'-bia, in 1809, and Bol'-i-var, honored with the title of Liberator, was entrusted with the supreme authority. This connection has since been dissolved, the title of Colom- bia is erased from the maps, and the three republics that we have named now exist under three distinct organizations. CHAPTER CCXXIX. CONCLUSION. The Indian Race, or Aborigines of America. Whence came they f 1. WE have now completed our history of the Western World, since its discovery by Columbus. This lies within the compass of less than four centuries, and presents many topics for profound reflection. We 9. "What of Brazil? When was it settled' "What took place inlS06? Who is the reigning sovereign ? 10. How is Guiana divided? What of its early history? "What of El Dorado? 11. What countries lie north of Brazil ? What is their history ? 12. What of Simon Bolivar? What constituted Colombia? What change has taken place ? CIIAP. OCXXIX 1. How long has America been discovered ? 468 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. have already adverted to the fate of the three extraordinary men who figure in the foreground of the early history of the continent. 2. We may add here that Spain, the greedy spoiler, who obtained possession of nearly the whole of South America and the finest por- tions of North America, has not now an inch of territory upon either. When she discovered the New World, she was a great, powerful, and energetic nation, taking a lead in arts and arms. Glutted with con- quest and treasure, she became feeble and effeminate, and at last sunk into a state of indolence, ignorance, and imbecility. 3. In America, we have seen the race of Bed Men vanish or dimin- ish before the march of European population. In the West Indies, and parts of North and South America, the free Indian has given place to the African slave. There is, generally, a tendency to the annihilation of the aborigines of America, and the substitution of the white race in their stead. Not many centuries ^will pass before the American Indian will exist only in the pages of history. 4. The question then, as now, will be asked, " Whence cam# these people . ? " It will be easy to tell their fate, for it will be recorded to the everlasting shame of civilized man ; but their origin must continue to rest in doubt or obscurity. 5. The Indians of Mexico and Peru had reached an advanced state of civilization. Though essentially distinct, they had many things in common, and many things, also, which bore a strict analogy to the manners, customs, and opinions of the Eastern Continent. They placed a high value upon gold, silver, and pYecious stones; they employed these for ornaments, and wrought them into various forms. 6. The Mexicans had computations of time similar to our own. The Peruvians worshipped the sun, like the Egyptians and Persians. They both had styles of architecture resembling those of the East. They had sculptures, images, and hieroglyphics, reminding every beholder of the antiquities which lie scattered along the Nile. Whence these remark- able resemblances and coincidences? 7. We can only account for many things visible among the Indians of America, by supposing that, at some period, doubtless very remote, they had communication with the nations of the Eastern Continent. The geography of the country, as well as the credible traditions of the Mexicans, indeed, lead us to .believe that America was peopled, ages ago, by emigrants from Asia, by way of Behring's Straits. 2. What is the fact in regard to Spain ? 3. What of the Red Men f What is the ten- dency in regard to the aborigines? 4. What of their origin ? 5. What of the Indians of Me-ico and Peru 6, 7. How did they resemble the nations of the Eastern Continent? What conjectures can we form ? SUPPLEMENT. DECLAKATION OF INDEPENDENCE. A DECLARATION BY THE REPRESENTATIVES OP THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA, IN CONGRESS ASSEMBLED, ADOPTED JULY 4, 1776. WHEJT, in tho course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station, to which the laws of nature, and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Wo hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these, rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundations on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not bo changed for light and transient causes ; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing inva- riably the same object, evinces a desire to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their rizht, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present king of Great Britain, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. lie has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operations till his assent should be obtained ; and, when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. lie has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish tho right of representation in the Legislature a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and dis- tant from the repository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing, with manly firm- ness, hia invasions on the rights of the people. 470 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. lie has refused, fur a long time after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining, in the mean time, exposed to all the dangers of invasions from without, and convulsions within. He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose ob- structing the laws for the naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pa.*s others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands. He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers. He has made judges dependent on his will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of n<-\v offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, without the consent of our legislatures. He has offeted to render the military independent of, and superior to, the civil power. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our consti- tutions, and unacknowledged by our laws ; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation : For quartering larse bodies of armed troops among us; For protecting them, by a mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states ; For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world; For imposing taxes on us without our consent; For depriving us. in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury ; For transporting us beyond seas, to be tried for pretended offences ; For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring provinco. establish- ing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries, so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the sumo absolute rule into these colonies; For taking away onr charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering, funda- mentally, the forms of our governments; For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection, and wag- ing war against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned onr towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries, to complete the works of death, desolation, :md tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow-citizens, takrn captive on the hijrh seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. He has excited domestic insurrection among us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions. In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is" unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have we been wanting in our attentions to our British brethren. "We have warned them, from time to time, of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwar- rantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emi- gration and settlement here. "We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred, to disavow these usur- pations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They, too, have been deaf to me voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation,~and hold them as we hold the rest of mankind enemies in war in peace, friends. We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in general Con- gress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Jud^e of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be. free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain, is, and ought to be, totally dissolved, and that, as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION. 471 this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutu- ally pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. Signed by JOHN HANCOCK, of Massachusetts. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton. MASSACHUSETTS BAT. Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry. KHODE ISLAND, ETC. Stephen Hopkins, AVilliam Ellery. CONNECTICUT. Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntingdon, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott. NEW YOKE. William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris. NEW JERSEY. Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkirson, John Hart, Abraham Clark. PENNSYLVANIA. Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, Georse Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross. DELAWARE. Cicsar Rodney, George. Read Thomas M'Kean. MARYLAND. Samuel I liase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, O. Carroll, of Carrollton. VIRGINIA. George Wythc, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Jr. Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton. NORTH CAROLINA, William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penu. SOUTH CAROLINA. Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middletou. GEORGIA. Burton Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton. ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION And perpetual union, between the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. ARTICLE I. The style of this confederacy shall be, " THE UNITED STATES or AMERICA." ARTICLE II. Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, juris- diction, and right, which is not by this confederation, expressly delegated to the United States in congress assembled. ARTICLE III. The said states hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defence, the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretence whatever. ARTICLE IT. The better to secure and perpetuate mutual friendship and intercourse among the people of the different states in this Union, the free inhabitants of each of these states, paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives from justice excepted, shall be entitled to all privileges 472 ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION. and immunities of free citizens, in the several states; and the people of each state shall have free ingress and regress to and from any other state; and shall enjoy therein all the privileges of trade and commerce, subject to the same duties, impositions, and restric- tions, as the inhabitants thereof respectively; provided, that such restriction shall not extend so far as to prevent the removal of property imported into any state, to any other state of which the owner is an inhabitant; provided, also, that no imposition, duties, or restriction, shall be laid by any state, on the property of the United States, or either of them. If any person guilty of, or charged with, treason, felony, or other high misdemeanor, in any state, shall flee from justice, and be found in any of the United States, he shall, upon demand of the governor or executive power of the state from which he fled, be de- livered up, and removed to the state having jurisdiction of his offence. Full faith and credit shall be given in each of these states to the records, acts, and judi- cial proceedings, of the courts and magistrates of every other state. ARTICLE V. For the more convenient management of the general interests of the United States, delegates shall be annually appointed in such manner as the legislature of each state shall direct, to meet in congress on the first Monday in November, in every year, with a power reserved to each state to recall its delegates, or any of them, at any time within the year, and send others in their stead, for the remainder of the year. No state shaH be represented in Congress by less than two, nor by more than seven, members; and no person shall be capable of being a delegate for more than three years in any term of six years: nor shall any person, being a delegate, be capable of holding any office under the United States, for which he. or another for his benefit, receives any salary, fees, or emolument of any kind. Each state shall maintain its own delegates in a meeting of the states, and -while they act as members of the committee of the states. In determining questions in the United States, in congress assembled, each state shall have one vote. Freedom of speech and debate in congress shall not be impeached or questioned, in any court or place out of congress; and the members of congress shall be protected in their persons from arrests and imprisonment, during the time of their going to, and from, and attendance on, congress, except for treason, felony, or breach of the peace. ARTICLE VI. No state, without the consent of the United States in congress assembled, shall send any embassy to, or receive any embassy from, or enter into any conference, agreement, alliance, or treaty, with any king, prince, or state; nor shall any person, holding any office of profit, or trust, under the Lnited States, or any of them, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or fore'ign state; nor shall the United States in congress assembled, or any of them, grant any title of nobility. No two or more states shall enter into any treaty, confederation, or alliance whatever, between them, without the consent of the Lnited States in congress assembled, specify- ing accurately the purposes for which the same is to be entered into, and how long it shall continue. No state shall lay any imposts or duties, -which may interfere with any stipulations in treaties entered into, by the United States in congress assembled, with any king, prince, or state, in pursuance of any treaties, already proposed by congress to the courts of France and Spain. No vessels of war shall be kept np, in time of peace, by any state, except such number only, as shall be deemed necessary, by the United States in congress assembled, for the defence of such state, or its trade ; nor shall any body of forces be kept up by any state, in time of peace, except such number only, as in the judgment of the Lnited States in congress assembled, shall be deemed requisite to garrison the forts necessary for the defence of such state; but every state shall always keep up a well-regulated and disci- plined militia, sufficiently armed and accoutred; and shall provide and constantly have ready for nse, in public stores, a due number of field-pieces and tents, and a proper quan- tity of arms, ammunition, and camp equipage. No state shall engage in any war, without the consent of the United States in congress assembled, unless such state be actually invaded by enemies, or shall have received cer- tain advice of a resolution being formed by some nation of Indians to invade such state, and the danger is so imminent as not to admit of a delay till the United States in congress assembled can be consulted; nor shall any state grant commissions to any ship or vessels of war, nor letters of marque or reprisal, except it be after a declaration of war by the United States in congress assembled; and then only against the kingdom or state, and the subjects thereof, against which war has been so declared, and under such regulations as shall be established by the United States in congress assembled; unless such' state be AETICLES OF CONFEDERATION. 473 infested by pirates, in which vessels of war may be fitted out for that occasion, rind kept so long as the danger shall continue, or until the United States in congress assembled shall determine otherwise. ARTICLE VII. "When land forces are raised by any state for the common defence, all officers of, or under, the rank of colonel, shall be appointed by the legislature of each state respectively, by whom such forces shall be raised, or in such manner as such state shall direct ; and all vacancies shall be filled up by the state which first made the appointment. ARTICLE VIII. All charges of war, and all other expenses that shall be incurred for the common defence, or general welfare, and allowed by the United States in congress assembled, shall be defrayed out of a common treasury, which shall be supplied by the several states in proportion to the value of all land within each state, granted to. or surveyed for, any person, as such land and the buildingsand improvements thereon shall be estimated, according to such mode as the United States in congress assembled shall, from time to time, direct and appoint. The taxes for paying that proportion, shall bo laid and levied by the authority and direction of the legislatures of the several states, within the time agreed upon by the United States in congress assembled. ARTICLE IX. The United States in congress assembled, shall have the sole and exclusive right and power of determining on peace and war, except in the cases mentioned in the sixth article : of sending and receiving ambassadors : entering into treaties and alliances ; pro- vided that no treaty of commerce shall be made, whereby the legislative power of the respective states shall bo restrained from imposing such imposts and duties on foreigners as their own people are subjected to, or from prohibiting the exportation or importation of any species of goods or commodities whatever: of establishing rules for deciding, in all cases, what captures on land or water shall be legal; and in what manner prizes, taken by land or naval forces, in the service of the United States, shall be divided or appropri- ated: of granting letters of marque and reprisal, in times of peace: appointing courts for the trial of p racies and felonies committed on the high seas; and establishing courts for receiving and determining, finally, appeals in all cases of captures; provided, that no member of congress shall be appointed a judge of any of the said courts. The United States in congress assembled shall also be the last resort, on appeal, in all disputes and differences now subsisting, or that hereafter may arise, between two or more states, concerning boundary, jurisdiction, or any other cause whatever; which authority shall always be exercised in the manner following: whenever the legislative or executive authority, or lawful agent, of any state, in controversy with another, shall present a petition to congress, stating the matter in question, and praying lor a hearing, notice thereof shall be given, by order of congress, to the legislative or executive author- ity of the other state in controversy ; and a day assigned for the appearance of the parties by their lawful agents, who shall then be directed to appoint, by joint consent, commis- sioners or judges, to constitute a court for hearing and deteni lining the matter in question : but if they cannot ngree, congress shall name three persons, out of each of the United States; and from the list of such persons, each party shall alternately strike out one, the petitioners beginning, until the number shall be reduced to thirteen; and from that number, not less than seven, nor more than nine, names, as congress shall direct, shall, in the presence of congress, be drawn out, by lot ; and the persons whose names shall be so drawn, or any five of them, shall be commissioners or judges, to hear and finally determine the controversy, so always as a major part of the judges, who shall hear the cause, shall agree in the determination. And if either party shall neglect to attend at the day appointed, without showing reasons which congress shall judge sufficient, or being present shall refuse to strike, the congress shall proceed to nominate three persons out of each state; and the secretary of congress shall strike in behalf of such p:.rty absent or refusing; and the judgment and sentence of the court, to be appointed in the manner before prescribed, shall be final and conclusive. And if any of the parties shall refuse to submit to the authority of such court, or to appear, or defend their claim or cause, the court shall, nevertheless, proceed to pronounce sentence or judgment, which shall in liko manner be final and decisive; the judgment, or sentence, and other proceedings, being, in either case, transmitted to congress, and lodged among the acts of congress, for the security of the parties concerned : provided, that every commissioner, before he bits in judgment, shall take an oath, to be administered by one of the judges of the supreme or superior court of the state, where the cause shall be tried, "well and truly to hsar and determine the matter in question, according to the best of his judgment, without favor, affection, or hope of reward:" provided, also, that no state shall be deprived of territory for the benefit of the United States. All controversies concerning the private right of soil claimed under different grants of 474 AETICLES OF CONFEDER ATION. two or more states, -whose jurisdictions, as they may respect such lands and the states which passed such grants, are adjusted, the said grants, or either of them, being at the same time claimed to have originated antecedent to such settlement of jurisdiction, shall, on the petition of either party to the congress of the United States, be finally determined, as near as may be, in the same manner as is before prescribed for deciding disputes respecting territorial jurisdiction between different states. The United States in congress assembled shall also have the sole and exclusive right and power of regulating the alloy and value of coin struck by their own authority, or by that of the respective states : fixing the standard of weights and measures throughout the United States: regulating the trade and managing all affairs with the Indians, not mem- bers of any of the states; provided that the legislative right of any state within its own limits be not infringed or violated: establishing and regulating post-offices from one state to another, throughout all the United States, and exacting such postage on the papers passing through the same as may be requisite to defray the expenses of the said office : appointing all officers of the land forces in the service of the United States, excepting regimental officers: appointing all the officers of the naval forces, and commissioning all officers whatever in the service of the United States : making rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces, and directing their operations. The United States in congress assembled shall have authority to appoint a committee, to sit in the recess of congress, to be denominated A COMMITTKR OP THE STATES, and to con- sist of one delegate from each state; and to appoint such other committees and civil officers as may be necessary for managing the general affairs of the United States under their direction : to appoint one of their number to preside ; provided, that no person bo allowed to serve in the office of president more than one year in any term of three years. To ascertain the necessary sums of money to be raised for the service of the United States, and to appropriate and apply the same for defraying the public expenses: to borrow money, or emit bills on the credit of the United States, transmitting every half year to the respective states an account of the sums of money so borrowed or emitted: to build and equip a navy: to agree upon the number of land forces, and to make requisitions from each state for its quota, in proportion to the number of white Inhabitants in such state, which requisition shall be binding; and thereupon the legislature of each state shall appoint the regimental officers, raise the men, and clothe, arm, and equip them, in a soldierlike manner, at the expense of the United States; and the officers and men so clothed, armed, and equipped, shall march to the place appointed, and within the time agreed on, by the United States in congress assembled; but if the United States in con- gress assembled shall, on consideration of circumstances, judge proper that any state should not raise men, or should raise a smaller number than its quota, and that any other state should raise a greater number of men than its quota thereof such extra number shall be raised, officered, clothed, armed, and equipped, in the same manner as the quota of such state ; unless the legislature of such state shall judge that such extra number can- not be safely spared out of the same ; in which case they shall raise, officer, clothe, arm, and equip, as many of such extra number as they judge can be safely spared: and the officers and men so clothed, armed, and equipped, shall march to the place appointed, and within the time agreed on, by the Urited States in congress assembled. The United States in congress assembled shall never engage in a war; nor grant letters of marque and reprisal in time of peace ; nor enter into any treaties or alliances ; nor coin money; nor regulate the value thereof; nor ascertain the sums and expenses necessary for the defence and welfare of the United States, or any of them ; nor emit bills; nor borrow money on the credit of the United States; nor appropriate money; nor agree upon the number of vessels of war to be built or purchased, or the number of land or sea forces to be raised ; nor appoint a commander-in-chief of the army or navy ; unless nine states assent to the same; nor shall a question on any other point, except for adjourning from day to day, be determined, unless by the votes of a majority of the United States in congress assembled. The congress of the United States shall have power to adjourn to any time within the year, and to any place within the United States, so that no period of adjournment be for a longer duration than the space of six months; and shall publish the journal of their proceedings monthly, except such parts thereof relating to treaties, alliances, or military operations, as in their judgment require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the delegates of each state, on any question, shall be entered on the journal, when it is desired by any delegate ; and the delegates of a state, or any of them, at his or their request, shall be fur nished with a transcript of the said journal, except such parts as are above excepted, to lay before the legislatures of the several states. ARTICLE X. The committee of the states, or any nine of them, shall be authorized to execute, in the recess of congress, such of the powers of congress as the United States in congress assembled, by the consent of nine states, shall, from time to time, think expedient to vest them with; provided. that no power be delegated to the said committee, for the exercise of which, by the articles of confederation, the voice of nine states in the congress of the United States assembled is requisite. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 475 AETICLE XL Canada, acceding to this confederation, and joining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this Union. But no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine states. AETICLE XII. All bills of credit emitted, moneys borrowed, and debts contracted, by or under the authority of congress, before the assembling of the United States, in pursuance of the pres- ent confederation, shall be deemed and considered as a charge against the United States, for payment and satisfaction whereof, the said United States, and the public faith, are hereby solemnly pledged. AETICLE XIII. shall be perpetual. Nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them, unless such alteration be agreed to, in a congress of the United States, and be after- wards confirmed by the legislatures of every state. And whereas, it hath pleased the great Governor of the world to- incline the hearts of the legislatures we respectively represent in congress to approve of, and to authorize us to ratify, the said articles of confederation and perpetual union : KNOW YE, That we, the undersigned delegates, by virtue of the power and authority to us given for that purpose, do, by these presents, in the name, and in behalf, of our respective constituents, fully and entirely ratify and confirm each and every of the said articles of confederation and perpetual union, and all and singular the matters and things respectively represent; and that the union shall be perpetual. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands in congress. Done at Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, the ninth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred aud seventy-eight, and in the third year of the Independence of America. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. WE, the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION for the Lnited States of America. AETICLE I. SECTION 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Eepresentatives. SECTION 2. The House of Eepresentatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legis- lature. No person shall bo a representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty- five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen. Eepresentatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other per- sons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting i76 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten vears, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state, sh;-ll have at least one representa- tive; and until such enumeration shall be made, the state of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight. Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. The House, of Representatives shall choose their speaker and other officers; and shall have the sole power of impeachment. SECTION 8. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state, chosen by the legislature thereof, for six years ; and each senator shall have one vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one-third may bo chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen by resignation, or otherwise, during the recess of the legislature of any state, the executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. No person shall be a senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall noC^hen elected, be an inhabitant of that state for which he shall be cho B en. The vice-president of the United States shall be president of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a president pro tempore, in the absence of the vice-president, or when ho shall exercise the office of president of the United States. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments: when sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the president of the United States is tried, the chief-justice shall preside: and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any ortice of honor, trnet or profit under the United States: but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, tri.il, judgment, and punishment, according to law. SECTION 4. The times, places, and manner of holding elections for senators and repre- sentatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congre.-s may at any time, by law, make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choos- ing senators. The Congress shall assemble at least occe in every year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall, by law, appoint a different day. SECTION 5. Each house shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business ; but a smaller number may adjourn from -day to day, and may be author zed to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner', and under such penalties as each house may provide. Each house may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disor- derly behavior, arid, with the concurrence of two- thirds, expel a member. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish' the same, excepting such parts 'as may in their judgment require secrecy, and the yeas and nays of the members of either house on any question shall, at the desire of one-filth of those present, be entered on the journal. Neither house, during the session of Congress, shall without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. SECTION 6. The senators and representatives shall receive a compensation for their ser- vices, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall in all cases, except treason, felony, aad breach of the peace, be privileged from arreat during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same ; and for any speech or debate in either house, they shall not be questioned in any other place. No senator or representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have bee", ^cated, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased dui ing such time; and no person holding any office under the United States, shall be a member of either house during his continuance in office. SECTION 7. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives ; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 477 Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a law. be presented to the president of the United States ; if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such reconsideration, two- thirds of that house shall asree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, nnd if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both houses s!;all be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the peisons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the jour- nal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the president within ton days (Sunday cxcepted) alter it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their adjournment pre- vent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment) shall be pre- sented to the president of the United States; nnd before the same shall take effect, shall bo approved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be repnssed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill. SKCTION 8. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States ; To borrow money on the credit of the United States; To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, nnd with the Indian tribes; To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bank- ruptcies throughout the United States; To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures; To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States; To establish post-offices and post-roads ; To promote the progress of rcience and useful arts, by securing for limited times, to authors ami inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries; To constitute tribunals inferior to the supreme court; To define and pun'sh piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offences against the laws of nations; To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning cap- tures on land and water; To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall bo for a longer term than two years ; To provide and maintain a navy; To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insur- rections, and repel invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress. To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceed- ing ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Con- gress, become the scat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, lor the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings; and To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. SECTION 9. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now exist- ing shall think proper to adm.t, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. No bill of atta-nder or ex post facto law shall be passed. No capitation, or other d rect tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one state over those of another: nor shall vessels bound to, or from, one state, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. 478 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all pub- lic money shall be published from time to time. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding: any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state. SKCTION 10. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. No state shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any impost or duties on im- ports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws ; and the net produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any state on imports or ex- ports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnaire, keep troops, or ships-of-war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. ARTICLE II. SECTION 1. The executive power shall be vested in a president of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the vice-president, chosen for the same term, be elected, as follows: Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the state may be ent.tled in the Congress: but no senator or representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. [The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the president of the Senate. The president of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the president, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such majority and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for president; and if no person have a majority, then from the five highest on the list the said house shall in like manner choose the president. But in choosing the president, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two- thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the president, the person having the greatest number of votes of the electors shall be the vice-president. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the vice- president] The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of tiie United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president : neither shall any person be eligible to that office wbo shall not have attained to the age of thirty- five years, and been fourteen years resident within the United States. In case of the removal of the president from office, or of his death, resignation, or in- ability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the vice-president, and the Congress may by law provide for the ease of removal, death, resignation, or inability, both of the president and vice-president, declaring what officer shall then act as president, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a president shall be elected. The president shall, at stated times, receive for his services, a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States." SECTION 2. The president shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into" the actual service of the United States ; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 479 each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their re- spective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public minis- ters and consuls, judges of the supreme court, and all other officers of the United States, whoso appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law: but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the president alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of depart- ments. The president shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. SECTION 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge neces- sary and expedient; he may on extraordinary occasions, convene both houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjourn- ment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive am- bassadors and other public ministers ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully exe- cuted, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. SECTION 4. The president, vice-president, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. ARTICLE III. SECTION 1. The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme court, itnd in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, sliall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. SECTION 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party ; to controversies between two or more states; between a state and citizens of another state ; between citizens of different states; be- tween citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and bewveen a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens, or subjects. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be party, the supreme court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the supreme court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed ; but when not committed within any state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. SECTION 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the per- son attainted. ARTICLE IV. SECTION 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. SECTION 2. The citizens of each state shall bo entitled to nil privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states. A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another state, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime. No person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. 480 CONSTITUTION OF TUB UNITED STATES. SECTION 8. New states way be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new state shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other sta'e ; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state. SECTION 4. The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union, a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence. AETICLE V. The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall pro- pose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two- thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification niaybe proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thou- sand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the niiith section of the first article ; and that no state, without its consent, sliail be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. AETICLE VL AH debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Consti- tution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the confederation. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, any thing in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. The senators and representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. AETICLE VII. The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establish- ment of this Constitution bet ween the states so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present the seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty -seven, and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEOEGE WASHINGTON, President, and Depuiyfrotn Virginiu. NEW HAMPSHIRE. John Langdon, Nicholas Oilman. MASSACHUSETTS. Nathaniel Gorham, Eufus King. CONNECTICUT. "William Samuel Johnson, Eoger Sherman. !TEW YORK. Alexander Hamilton. / SEW JERSEY. William Livingston, . David Brearley, William Paterson, Jonathan Dayton. Attmt: PENNSYLVANIA. Benjamin Franklin, Th- unos Mifflin, Robert Morris, George Clymer, Thomas Fitzsimons, Jared Insersoll, James Wilson, Gouverneur Morris. DFLAWARE. George Eeed, Gunning Bedford, Jr., John Dickinson, Richard Bassett, Jacob Broom. MARYLAND. GE EGIA ' James M'Henry, William Few, Danie of St. Thos. Jenifer, Abraham Baldwin. Daniel Carroll. WILLIAM JACKSON, Secretary. VIRGINIA. John Blair, James Madison, Jr. NOKTH CAROLINA. William Bloiint, Eichard Dobbs Spaigii Hugh AVilliamson. SOUTH CABOLINA. John Entledge, Charles C. Pinckney, Charles Pincknev, Pierce Butler. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. 481 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION" OP THE UNITED STATES, RATIFIED ACCORDING TO THK PROVISIONS OF TIIE 1'IFTII ARTICLE OF TUB FOREGOING CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE THE FIRST. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress of grievances. ARTICLE THK SECOND. A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. ARTICLE THE TIIIUD. No soldier shall, in time of peace, bo quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to bo prescribed by law. ARTICLE THE FOURTH. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly descr.bing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ARTICLE THE FIFTH. No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise in- famous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war and public danger; nor shall any person bo subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor to be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. ARTICLE THE SIXTH. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein tlie crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained bylaw, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defence. ARTICLE THE SEVENTH. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-cxatnined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of common law. ARTICLE THE EIGHTH. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. ARTICLE THE NINTH. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not bo construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. ARTICLE THE TENTH. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Consti- tution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. ARTICLE THE ELEVENTH. The judicial power of the United States shall not be con- strued to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state. ARTICLE THE TWELFTH. The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for president and vice-president, one of whom, at least, shall not bo an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for us president, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as vice-president, and they shall malco distinct lists of all persons voted for as president, and of all persons voted for as vice-president, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and cer- tify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the president of the Senate ; the president of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted; the person having tho greatest number of votes for president, shall bo the president, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as president, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the president. But in choosing tho president, tho votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state caving one vote ; a 21 482 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And it' the House of Representatives shall not choose a president whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the vice-president shall act as president, as in the case of the death or oiher constitutional disability of the presi- dent. The person having the greatest number of votes as vice-president, shall be the vice-president, if such number be a majority of tho whole number of electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose tho vice-president; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two- thirds of the whole number of senators, and a majority of the whole number shall bo necessary to a choice. But no pers'on constitutionally ineligible to the office of president shall be eligible to that of vice-president of the United States. INDEX AND PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF PROPER NAMES OCCURRING IN THIS WORK. It is recommended that- the teacher exercise the pupils in this index as a spelling lesson. A. PAGE Ab'-er-crom-bie 156 Ab-o-rig'-i-nes, of America 468 A-ca'-dia 54 Ad'-ams, John. . 177, 287, 296, 304, 375 Ad'-ams, John Quin'-cy. . 333, 374, 414 Ad'-ams, Sam'-u-el 191 A-dol'-phus, Gus-ta'-vus 106 Af'-ri-ca 12 Aix-la-Cha-pelle' [ay-la-sha-pell']. 139 A-la-ba'-ma 367 A-lert', capture of. 328 Al-ex-an'-dri-a 353 Al-giers', war with 362 Al-gon'-quins 94 Al'-len. Ethan 188 A-mV-li-a Isl'-and 365 A-mer'-i-can party 436 Am'-herst, General 160 Am-pu'-di-a, General 407 An-a-huac' [an-a-wack'] 458 An'-dre [an'-dray], Major 267 An'-dros, Sir Ed'-mond 104, 121 An-nap'-o-lis 129 Ant-arc'-tic Continent 393 A-pa'-ches 447 Ap-a-lach'-i-an In'-di-ans 131 A-rau-ca'-ni-ans 465 Ar'-gale, Captain 52 Ar-gen-tine' Re-pub'-lic 466 Ar'-gus, capture of 339 Ar-kan'-sas 381 Arm'-strong, General 343 Ar'-nold, Ben'-e-dict, 200, 202, 219, 266, 271 Ash'-bur-ton, Lord 399 A'-si-a 12 As-sin'-i-bo-ins 447 As'-tor, John Ja'-cob 445 As-to'-ri-a, 445 At-lan'-tic O'-cean. 13 At'-tucks 176 Av'-on, capture of 348 B. PAGE Ba'-con, Na-than'-iel 114 Ba-ha'-mas 24, 456 Baiu'-bridge, Captain 313 Bal-bo'-a 462 Bal'-ti-more, Lord 76 Bal'-ti-more ri'-ot 325 Bar'-ca 314 Bar'-ney, Commodore 352 Bar'-re, Colonel 167 Bar'-ron, Commodore 317 Bar'-ry, Captain 275 Bar'-ton, Colonel 223 Baum, Colonel 226 Bay'-ard, J. A 333 Behr'-ing, Vi'-tus 455 Bel'-la-my, Sam'-u-el 134 Bel'-mont, Au'-gust 423 Ben'-ning-ton, battle of 226 Ben'-ton, Thom'-as H 440 Berk'-ley, Lord 105, 114 Ber'-lin de-cree' 317 Bid'-dle, Captain 360 Bi-lox'-i 147 Bing'-ham, Captain 321 Black'-feet 447 Black Hawk 385 Black "War'-ri-or 429 Bleu-ner-has'-set's Isl'-aud 315 Blood'-y Brook Ill Blythe, Captain 340 BoV-i-var, Si'-mon 465, 467 Bond, General 337 Boone, Colonel Dan'-iel 293 Bos'-ton Port Bill 180 Box'-er, capture of 340 Boyd, General 344 Brad'-dock, General 154 Brad'-ford, Governor 66 Brandt 245 Bran'-dy-wine, battle of. 221 Bra-zil' 467 Breck'-en-ridge 435 INDEX. PACK PAGB Bre'-ton, Cape 23 Ches'-a-peake, capture of 338 Brido-e'-wa-ter, battle of. 350 Chick-a-hom'-i-ny 39 Brit'-ish A-mer'-i-ca 452 Chil'-i 465 Brock, 326 Chip'-pe-wa, battle of 349 Brock', General 330 Choc'-taws 96 Brown, Colonel 190 Clai'-borne, Governor 311 Brown, General 349 Clay'-borne 77 Buc-ca-neers' 458 Clay, Hen'-ry. . 379, 388, 404, 419, 423 Bu-chau'-an 429, 435 Clinch, General 383 Bud'-ding-ton, Captain 433 Clin'-ton, De Witt 333 Bu-e'-nos Ay'-res [bwe'-nos ar'-iz] 466 Clin'-ton, General 206, 210 Bun'-ker Hill, battle of. 191 Clin'-ton, George 312, 320 Bun'-ker Hill Mon'-u-ment 402 Co-a-hui'-lla [co-a-wee'-la] 408 Bur-goyne', General 220, 224 Co-che'-co 72 Bur-goyne', capture of. 229 Cod, Cape 56 Burke, "Edmund 171 Cod'-ding-ton, Will'-iam 81 Burr, Aa'-ron 309, 312 Cof'-fee, General 344 Burr's Con-spir'-a-cy 315 Co-lom'-bi-a 467 Bur'-rows, Lieutenant 340 Co-lum'-bus, Chris'-to-pher . . . 18, 26 But'-ler, John 245 Co-man'-ches 447 Com'-pro-mise of 1850 419 Con'-cord, battle of 186 *" Con-fed'-er-a-tion, Ar'-ti-cles of. .. 279 Cab'-ot, John 27 Con'-gress, first general 181 Cab'-ot, Se-bas'-ti-an 27 Con-nec'-ti-cut 78 Cal'-houn, John C 374, 420 Con-sti-tu'-tion of the United States 285 Cal-i-for'-ni-a 416 Con-ti-nen'-tal Con'-gress 207 Cal'-vert, George 76 Con-ti-neu'-tal Mou'-ey 255 Cal'-vert, Leon'-ard 76 Con-tre'-ras 411 Cam'-bridge Plat'-form 127 Coop'-er, Rev. Mr 295 Cam'-den, battle of 264= Copp's Hill 193 Can'-a-da 453 Coru-wal'-lis, Lord 218, 276 Ca-na'-ry Isles 13, 21 Cor'-pus Chris'-ti 406 Ca-non'-chet 112 Cor-te-re'-al, Gas'-par 28 Ca-non'-i-cus 66 Cor'-tez, Fer-nan'-do 3^j, 458 Car'-den, Captain 331 Cos'-ta Ri'-ca [kos'-ta ree'-ka\ 461 Car'-i-bees 457 Cote, Colonel 391 Car-o-li'-na 107 Cot'-ton, history of 141 Car-o-li'-na, South 108 Cow'-pens, battle of 272 Car'-roll, Charles 385 Crad'-ock, Governor 71 Car'-te-ret, Sir George 105 Cra'-ven, Governor 132 Car'-tier 29 Craw'-ford. Minister 339 Car'-ver, Governor 57, 66 Creek In'-di-ans 96, 383 Cass, General 343, 415 Creek In'-di-ans, war with 345 Ca-taw'-bas 96 Cro'-ghan, Major 337 Cat Island 456 Crom'-well 89 Cau-pol'-i-can 465 Crown Point 153 Cen'-tral A-mer'-i-ca 458 Crys'-tal Pal'-ace 430 Cer'-ro Gor'-do 410 Cii'-ba 25, 456 Cha-long', Captain 53 Cul'-pep-per, Lord 115 Champe, Sergeant 269 Cum'-ming, Governor 440 Cha-pul'-te-pec 411 Cush'-ing, Ca'-leb 403 Charles 1 89 Cy-ane', capture of 360 Charles IX 107 Charles'-ton 108 D Charles'-ton, surrender of 262 Char'-ter Oak 122 Da'-cres, Captain 329 Chai'-ham, Lord 157 Bade, Major 383 Chaun'-cey, Commodore. 335, 343, 348 Dah-ko'-tahs 96 Che-raw', 'battle of 273 Dale, Sir Thom'-as 49 Cher-o-kee' In'-di-ans 96, 162 Dal'-las, George M 404 Ches'-a-peake, attack on 817 Dan'-bury, burning of 219 INDEX. 485 PAGE Dan'-vers 100 Dart'-moor mas'-sa-cre 361 Dart'-mouth Col'-lege 123 Dav'-eu-port, Rev. Mr 86 Da'-vies. W. E 305 Deane, Si'-las 236 Dcar'-born, General Hen'-ry. 329, 343 De-ca'-tur, Commodore 313, 362 De Grusse, Count 277 ' De Ha'-ven 455 De Kalb, Baron 263 Del'-a-ware 106 Del'-a-ware, Lord 48 Del'-a-wares 96 Delft'-ha-ven 56 Dem-o-crat'-ic party 395 Den'-mark 14 Den'-ys of Hon'-fleur 28 De-pos'-its, removal of. 380 Derne 314 D'Es-taing', Count 241, 275 De-troit' 147 D'l'-ber-ville 147 Di-es'-kau 154 Din-wid'-die. Governor 148 Dis'-trict of Co-lum'-bi-a 308 Dor'-ches-ter 79 Dor'-ches-ter Heights 204 Dorr, Thom'-as W. 400 Doug'-lass, Mr 437 Do'-ver , 72 Drake, Sir Fran'-cis 108 Drum'-mond, General 349 Dud'-ley, Thorn '-as 74 Dun'-more, Lord 201 Dutch 51 E. East' -era War 431 Eas'-ton 158 Ea'-ton, General 314 Ea'-ton, Mr 86 Ed '-ward, Fort 225 El'-i-ot, John 99 E-liz'-a-beth, quecii of England. . 30 E-liz'-a-beth-town 105 Ells'-worth, Hen'-ry L 393 Klls'-worth, Ol'-i-ver 305 Em-bar'-go 346 En'-di-cott, Governor 71 Eng'-lish Bill 437 Eug'-lish, Mr 437 E-per'-vier, capture of 347 E-qua-dor' 467 E'-rie 17 Es'-qui-maux [es'-ki-mo\ SI, 454 Es'-sex, capture of 347 Eu'-rope 12 Eu'-taw Springs, battle of 274 Ev'-er-ett, Ed'-ward 425 Ev'-er-glades 384 Ex-plor'-ing Ex-pe-di'-tion 393 F. Fan'-euil Hall 175 Fau'-chet, French minister 297 Fay-ette', General 221 Fed'-er-al party 298, 396 Fer'-di-nand 20 Fi'-gi [fee' -gee] Isl'-ands 393 Fil-li-bus'-ters 422 Fill'-more, Mil'-lard 415, 421 Flag of the United States 231 Fletch'-er, Governor 124 Flor'-i-da 29, 370, 403 Flor'-i-da War 382 Fort du Quesne [kane] 148 Fort McHen'-ry 353 Fort Meigs, siege of. 337 Fort Mimms 344 Fort Wash'-ing-ton 213 Fort Will'-iam Hen'-ry 157 Fos'-ter, Mr 321 Fox, George 116 Fran'-ci-a, Dr 466 Fran'-cis 1 28 Frank'-lin, Dr., 129', 154, 168, 170, 185, 286 Frank'-lin, Sir John 433, 455 Free-Soil'-ers 416 Fre-mont', John C 409, 435 French and In'-di-an War 156 French Creek 150 French Mills 344 French Rev-o-lu'-tion 297 French'-town, mas'-sa-cre at 334 Frol'-ic, capture of. 331 Ful'-ton, Rob'-ert 321 G. Gage, General 181, 182, 184 Gaines, General 351, 383 Gal'-la-tiu, Al'-bert 333 Gas-pee' 178 Gates, General 227, 230, 263, 272 Gates, Sir Thom'-as 48 Ge-net', French minister 297 Gen'-o-a 19 Geor'-gi-a 247, 368, 375 Geor'-gi-a, settlement of. 136 Ger'-man-town, battle of 234 Ger'-ry, El'-bridge 305, 333 Ghent," treaty of. 360 Gibbs, General 359 Gil'-mer, Mr 401 God'-win, Will'-iam 302 Gofle Ill Gor'-ges, Fer-di-nan'-do 72 Gos'-nold, Bar-thol'-o-me\v 30 Gos'-nold, Captain 52 Graf'-fen-ried, Baron 132 Gray, Captain 444 Great Mead'-ows 151 Green, Bar-thol'-o-mew 141 Greene, General 214, 235, 272 486 INDEX. Green'-land. . . ." 16, 454 Gr,een Moun'-tain Boys 190 Gren'-ville. Charles 171 Grin-nell', Hen'-ry 433 Gua-da-loupe'-Hi-dal'-go 411 Gu-a-na-ha'-ni 24 Gua-te-ma'-la 458, 461 Guer-ri-ere', capture of 329 Gui-a'-na 467 Guil'-ford Court-House, battle of. 276 Gus-ta'-vus Adol'-phus 106 Hale, Captain Na'-than 269 Ha'-met 314 Ham'-il-ton, Al-ex-an'-der, 289, 296, 302, 312 Hamp'-den 89 Han'-cock, John 207, 191 Har'-dy, Commodore 343 Har'-lem Heights 213 Har'-inar, General 291 Har'-ney, General 439, 445 Hariri-son, General, 323, 329, 334, 341, 378, 396 Hart'-ford 79 Hart'-ford Con-ven'-tion 357 Hart'-stene, Lieutenant 433 Har'-vard Col'-lege 123 Hay'-ti '. 45(3 Hen'-ne-pin 144 Hen-ri'-co [hen-ree'-co] 49 Hen'-ry, Pat'-rick 168 Hen'-ry VII 20 Her-re'-ra, General 406 Hess'-ians 203 Hib'-bins 100 His-pa-ni-o'-la 457 Hon-du'-ras 461 Hope, Mount 109 Howe, General 193, 210 Hud'-son, Hen'-ry 51 Hud'-son's Bay 453 Hud'-son's Bay Company 453 Hull, General 326 Hulse'-mau, Chev-a-lier' 423 Hu'-ron-Ir'-o-quois 94 Hu'-rons 387 llutch'-in-son, Ann 117 Il-li-nois' 367 Im-press'-ment 316 In'-a-chus 12 In-de-pend'-ence, Dec-la-ra'-tion of 203 lu-di-a'-na 363 In-di-a'-na Ter'-ri-to-ry 308 In'-di-an race 468 In'-di-ans 24 In'-di-ans, description of 92 In'-di-ans of the West 446 lu'-di-an Ter'-ri-to-ry 382, 446 In'-gra-ham, Captain 427 In-ter'-nal im-prove'-ments 405 I'-o-wa 403 Ir'-o-quois 387 Is-a-bel'-la 20 Is'-a-bel, Point 407 Iz'-ard, General 351 J. Jack'-son, General, 344, 359, 366, 377, 404 Jack'-son party 395 Ja-mai'-ca 26 Jame'-son, Colonel 268 James'-town 35 Ja-pan' Ex-pe-di'-tion 428 Ja'-va, capture of 332 Jay, John 299, 378 Jay's treaty 300 Jed'-do, Bay of 428 Jef'-fer-sou, Thom'-as, 289, 297, 309, 375 Jen'-ner, Dr 307 Jes'-sup, General 351, 384 John'-son, General 153 John'-son, Governor 131 John'-son, Kich'-ard M 389 John'-ston, Colonel 439 Jo'-li-et 144 Jones, Captain 331 Jones, Mar'-ga-ret 100 Jones, Paul 232 Jus'-suf. 414 K. Kane, Dr 432, 455 Kane, Mr 439 Kan'-sas 436 Kan'-sas-Ne-bras'-ka Bill 429 Kas-kas'-ki-a 147 Kean, General 359 Keitt, L. M / 433 Ken-tuck'-y 292 Ke'-o-kuck 385 Kidd, Will'-iam 135 King, Will'-iam E 427 King Will'-iam's War 122 Kings'-bridge 213 King's Moun'-tain, battle of 264 Klieft, Will'-iam 102 Knip-hau'-sen, General 265 Know'-Noth-ings 436 Knox, General 302 Knox, Hen'-ry 289 Kos-ci-us'-co 221 Kos'-suth, Lon'-is 423 Kosz'-ta, Mar'-tin 427 L. Lab-ra-dor' 27 La Fay-ettu', 237, 253, 261, 271, 276, 371 Lake Cham-plain', battle of 355 INDEX. 487 PJLGE PAGE Lake E'-rie, battle o 340 Mich-il-i-mack'-in-ac [mish-il-e- La Salle' 144 mak'-in-ac] 162 Lath'-rop, Captain Ill Mif'-fiin, General 281 Law'-rence, Captain 338 Mil'-ler, General 337 Lear, Consul 314 Min-ne-so'-ta 444 Lee, General Charles 239 Min'-u-its, Pe'-ter 106 Lee, Kich'-ard Hen'-ry 166 Mis-sis-sip'-pi 364 Le'-on, Ponce de 29 Mis-sis-sip'-pi Ter'-ri-to-ry 308 Lcop'-ard, frigate 317 Mis-sou'-ri 369 Le-vant', capture of. 360 Mis-sou'-ri Com'-pro-mise, Lew'-is and Clark 316 369, 418, 429 Lex'-ing-ton, battle of. 185 Mo-bi'-li-an In'-di-ans 96 Ley'-den [li'-den] 55 Mo'-hawks 84 Lief. 16 Mo-hc'-gans 85 Lin'-colu, General 248, 284 Monck'-ton 163 Lin'-gan, General 325 Monck'-ton, Colonel 238 Little Belt 321 Mon-he'-gan Isl'and 53 Locke 108 Mon'-mouth, battle of. 238 Long Isl'-and, battle of 211 Mon-roe', James 305, 318, 364, 376 Lo'-pez 466 Mont-calm', General 157, 161 Lo'-pez, General, 422 Mon-te-rey' 408 Lou -don. Lord 157 Mont-gom'-er-y, General 199 Lou'-is-burg 138, 157 Mon-tre-al'. . .". 29, 162, 190 Lou-is-i-an'-a 147, 311 Moore, Governor 131 Lou'-is Phi-lippe' 382 Mo-ra'-vi-an Towns, battle of. 342 Lun'-dy's Lane, battle of 350 Mor'-gan, General 272, 273 Mor'-mons 369, 438 M. Morse, S. F. B 443 Ma-ce-do'-ni-an, capture of 331 Mor'-ton 71 Mc-Clure', Captain 433 Hour-trie, Colonel 207 Mc-Don'-ough, Commodore 355 Mount Ver'-uou La'-dies' As-so-ci- Mc-Dou'-gall, General 251 a'-tion 440 Mc-Kea', Miss 225 Mud'-dy Brook Ill Ma-dei'-ra [ma-dee' -ra\ 174 Mur'-ray, General 161 Mad'-i-son, James 320, 333, 376 Mys'-tic Riv'-er 83 Ma'-doc 15 Maine 368 ** Man-hat'-tan Isl'-and 51 Na-po'-le-on Bo'-na-parte 305 Man'-i-tou 93 Nar-ra-gau'-set lu'-di-ans 65, 81 Ma-ri-et'-ta 310 Nash'-ville 301 Mar-quette' [mar-Let'} 144 Nas'-sau, Fort 106 Mar-seilles' [mar-sails'] 12 Natch'-es In'-dians 146 Mar'-shall, John 305, 385 Natch'-ez 96 Ma'-ry-laud 76 Ne'-gro plot 104 Ma'-son, Captain 83 Nel'-son, Rob'-ert 391 Ma'-son, John 72 New Am'-ster-dam 52, 102 Ma'-son, Minister 429 New Arch-an'-gel 455 Mas'-sa-crc, Bos'-ton 176 New Eng'-land 55 Mas'-sa-so-it 65 New-found'-land 28 Math'-er, Cot'-ton 307 New Gre-na'-da 467 Man-mee' Riv'-er 144 New Harnp'-shire 72 May'-flow-er 56 New Ha'-ven 85 May/-hew, Ex-pe'-ri-ence 99 New Jer'-sey 105 Me-lam'-pus, frigate 317 New Le'-on 408 Me-sil'-la Val'-ley 427 New Neth'-er-lands 52 Meth'-o-dists 127 New Or'-leans, battle of 359 Mex'-i-can War 406 Ncw'-port, Captain 44, 35 Mex'-i-co 32, 458 New Swe'-den 103, 107 Mi'-a-mies 96 New York 102 Mi-an-ton'-o-mah 85 Nich'-o-las, Colonel 104 Mi-can'-o-py 383 Nich'-ol-son, Commodore 275 Mich'-i-gau 386 Nip'-mucks 110 488 INDEX. PAGE Ni-ca-ra'-gua 461 No-nan'-tum ICO North'-men 15 North-West'-ern Ter'-ri-to-ry . . . 387 North-west passage 433 Nor'-way 14 No'-va Sco'-tia 452 Nu-e'-ces 406 Nul-li-fi-ca'-tion 378 0. O'-gle-thorpe 136 O'-Ha'-ra, General 278 O-hi'-o 310 Ol'-i-ver 170 Om'-ni-bus Bill 419 O-pe-chan'-ca-uough 68 Or'-ders in Coun'-cil, Brit'-ish 316 Or'-e-gon 413, 444 Os-ce-o'-la 383 Os-tend' Con'-fer-ence 429 O'-tis, James 166 Ot'-ta-wa 453 Ot'-ta-was 96 P. Pack'-en-ham. Sir E 358 Paine, Thom'-as 282, 302 Pal'-at-in-ates 132 Palm'-er 270 Pa'-lo Al'-to 407 Pa'-los 20 Pan'-ic of 1837 389 Pan'-ic of 1857 440 Par-a-guay' 466 Pa-re'-des, President 406 Par'-ker, Sir Pe'-ter 206 Par'-ry 455 Pa-ta-go'-ni-a 465 Paul'-ding, John 269 Paul'-us Hook, capture of 259 Pel'-i-can, capture of 339 Penn, Will'-iam 118 Penn-syl-va'-ni-a 118 Pen-sa-co'-la 147 Pe'-quod In'-di-ans 82 Per'-rv, Commodore 340 Phil-a-del'-phi-a 120 Phil'-ip, King 109, 113 Phipps, Sir Will'-iam 123 Pick'-er-ing, Tim'-o-thy 302 Pierce, Frank'-lin 426 Pike. General 335 Pinck'-ney, Charles C ..^ 305 Pit-cairn', Major 186 Pitch'-er, Mol'-ly 239 Pitt, Lord Chat '-ham 157 Pitts'-burg 148 Pi-zar'-ro 32, 463 PI vm'-outh 59 Po-ca-hon'-tas 41 Point Com'-fort .34 Polk, James K 404 Pop'-u-lar sov'-er-eign-ty 436 Por'-to Ri'-co [ree'-co] 457 Port Eoy '-al 103, 129 Pow-ha-tan' 36 Pre'-ble, Commodore 313 Pres'-cott, General 222 Pres'-i-dent, frigate, captured. ... 360 Presquc [presk\ Isle 148 Pre'-vost 354 Pri-deaux', General 159 Prince'-ton, battle of. 217 Proc'-tor, General S34, 341 Prov'-i-dence 81 Prynne, Captain 53 Pu'-las'-ki, Count 221, 250 Pu'-ri-tans 55 Put'-nam, General, 187, 194, 195, 218, 251 Put'-nam, Ru'-fus 310 Pyth'-e-as 12 Q. Qua'-ker 116 Quc-bec' 15'J, 453 Queen Anne's War 129 Quin'-cy, Jo-si'-ah 177 Quin'-ni-pi-ack 85 Quit'-man 413 RaMeigh, Sir Wal'-ter 30 Ram'-say, Dr 281 Ran'-dolph, Ed'-mund 297 Ran'-dolph, John 385 Ran'-dolph, Lieutenant 380 Ran'-dolph, Pey'-ton 181 Re-bell'-ion, Ca-na'-di-an S90 Re-bell'-ion, Dorr's 400 Re-ci-proc'-i-tv treaty 431 Red Bank, battle of 235 Red Stones 151 Reg'-u-la-tors 178 Rein Wleer, capture of 347 Re-pub'-li-can party 298, 395 Re-sa'-ca de la Pal'-ma 407 Rhode Isl'-and 81 Ri'-all, General 349 Ridge'-field 219 Ring'-gold, Captain 427 Ring'-gold, Major 407 Ri'-o Gran'-de 406 Rip'-ley, General 351 Rives, 'W. C 382 Roa'-noke [ro'-noke] 34 Rob'-ert-son, James 301 Rob'-in-son, Rev. John 55 Ro-cham-beau'. Count 265, 268 Rodg'-ers, Commodore 339 i; iir'-i-rs, Major 162 Rolfe 68 Rose, Mr 319 INDEX. 489 Ross, General 352 Eush, Ben'-ja-min 3-33 Eus'-sian A-mer'-i-ca 455 S. Sag-a-da-hoc' Eiv'-er 54 Sa"gas of IceMand 17 St. Clair, General 224, 291 St. Do-min'-go 25, 457 St. Leg'-er, Colonel 225 St. Pi-erre' \pi-ere'] 150 St. Sal'-va-dor 24, 456 Sa'-lem 100 Sal-til'-lo 408 Sam'-o-set 64 San Fran-cis'-co 417 San Ju'-an, Isl'-and of 445 San Sal'-va-dor 461 San'-ta An'-na 406, 410, 427 San'-ta Fe 400 Sas'-sa-cus 84 Sa-van'-nah 136, 250 Say'-brook 79 Say'-brook Plat'-form, 127 Sayle, Governor 108 Scan-di-na'-vi-a 14 Sche-nec'-ta-dy 123 Schuy'-ler, General 225 Schuy'-ler, Major 124 Scott, General 350, 391, 410, 426 Sem'-i-nole War 366 Se'-vi-er, Colonel John 301 Shan'-non, frigate 338 Shays, Rebell'-ion of. 284 Sheafe, General 330 Shel'-by, Governor 341 Shep'-ard, General 284 Shet'-land Isles 12 Shields, General 413 Shir'-ley, Governor 154, 156 Sil'-li-man, General 219 Sit'-ka 455 Six Nations 259, 299 Slav'-er-y 436 Small'-pox 306 Smith, Captain John 37, 54 Smith, General 413 Smith, Joe 438 Smith'-son, James 392 Smith-so'-ni-an In-sti-tu'-tion 392 Smyth, General 330 So'-to, Fer'-di-nand de 29 Sou'-le, Pi-erre' 429 South Car-o-li'-na 108 Speed'-well 56 Squau'-to 67 Stamp Act 167 Stan '-dish, Captain Miles 58, 70 Stark, General 226 State Rights party 378 Steam Nav-i-ga'-tion 322 Still'-wa-ter, battle of 228 21* PAGE Stock'-ton, Commodore 401 Stone, Rev. Mr 83 Ston'-ing-ton, bombardment of. . . 348 Ston'-y .Point, capture of 257 Strick'-er, General 3 53 Stuy '-ve-sant, Pe'-ter 1 03 Sub-treas'-u-ry 394, 405 Sug'-ar Act 166 Sul'-li-van, General 242 Swan'-zey 109 Swe'-den 14 T. Ta'-ble Eock 14 Tam-pi'-co [tam-pee'-ko] 409 Tar'-ifi; pro-tectMve 405 Tarle'-ton, Colonel 264, 272 Tax-a'-tion of the Col'-o-nies 165 Tay'-lor, General. . . 384, 406, 415, 420 Tea, tax on 179 Te-cum'-seh 342 Tel'-e-graph, e-lec'-tric 442 Ten-nes-see' 301 Te-nuch-tit'-lan 458 Ter'-nay, Admiral de 265 Tex'-as 403 Thomp'-son, Charles 181 Thomp'-son, General 383 Thor'-finn 17 Thorn'-ton, Captain 407 Thor'-wald 17 Ti-con-de-ro'-ga 158 Tip-pe-ca-noe', battle of. 324 Tomp'-kins, Dan'-iel D 365 To-ron'-to 336 Tor-tu'-ga 458 Tren'-ton, battle of 216 Tri-part'-ite treat '-y 424 Trip'-o-li 362 Trip'-o-li, war with 312 Trum'-bull, Colonel 243, 270 Tru'-ro 57 Try'-on, General 252 Tu'-nis 362 Twiggs, General 413 Ty'-ler, John 397, 398 U. U-chees' 96 U-nit'-ed States Bank, 363, 389, 393, 405 U-ni-ver'-sal-ists 127 Up'-shur, Mr 401 U-ru-guay' 466 U'-tah 438 V. Val'-ley Forge 237 Val-la-doT-id 26 Van Bu'-ren, Mar'-tin 379, 388 490 INDEX. PAGE Van-cou'-ver's Isl'-and 453 Van Rensse'-la-er, Governor Ste'- phen 329 Van Twil'-ler, Wou'-ter 106 Van Wart, I'-saac 269 Vane, Governor 81 Vans Mur'-ray, William 305 Vas'-co da Ga'-ma 14 Ve'-ga, General de la 407 Ve-las'-quez 456 Ven-e-zu-e'-la 467 Ve'-ra Cruz 410 Ver-mont' 189, 290 Ver-ra-za'-ni 28 Ves-pu'-ci-us, A-mer'-i-cus 27, 461 Viir-iers, Count de 152 Vin'-land 16 W. Wads'- worth, Captain 112, 124 Walk'-er, William .431 War'-ren, Commodore 138 War'-ren, General 194 War'-ring-ton, Commander 347 War with Great Brit'-ain, 1812. . . 325 ' Wash'-ing-ton, George, 149, 197, 210, 280, 287, 296, 306 Wash '-ing-ton city 308 Wash'-ing-ton city, capture of. . . 352 Wash'-ing-ton, John 440 Wash'-ing-ton Ter'-ri-to-ry 445 Wasp, capture of 331 Wa'-ter-town 79 Wa'-ter-house, Dr 306 Wayne, General 257, 299 Weath'-er-ford, In'-dian chief 345 Web'-ster, Dan'-iel 399, 422, 424 West, Ben'-ja-min 270 West In'-dies 456 Weath'-ers-field 79 Wey'-mouth 70 Wey'-mouth, Captain 53 Wheel'-wright, John 118 Whi'-dah, pirate ship 134 Whig party 396 Whis'-key In-sur-rec'-tion 299 White, Per'-e-grine 58 White Plains, battle of 213 Whit'-field, Eev. George 128 Wil'-kin-son 291 Wil'-kin-son, General 343, 348 Will'-iam and Ma'-ry's Col'-lege. 128 Will'-iams-burg 149 Will'-iams, Da'-vid 269 Will'-iams, Eog'-er 80 Wil'-mot, Da'-vid 416 Wil'-mot pro-vi'-so 416 Win'-ches-ter, General 334 Win'-der, General 352 Wing'-field, Pres'-i-dent 35 Wins'-low, General 156 Wins'-low, Mr 65 Win'-throp, John 74 Wip'-ple, Captain 178 Wis-con'-sin 414 Witch'-craft 100 Wol'-cott, Ol'-i-ver 302 Wolfe, General 160 Wol'-las-ton, Mount 71 Wood'-ford, General 221 Wool, General 391, 413 Woos'-ter, General 219 Worth, General 413 Wy '-att, Thom'-as 68 Wy'-o-ming, mas'-sa-cre of 245 Y. Yale Col'-lege 128 Yam-a-sees^ 134 Yel'-low fe'-ver 307 Yeo'-mans, Sir James 108 Yo-a-co-mo'-co 77 York, capture of 335 York, Duke of 103 York'-town, siege of 276 Young, Brig'-ham 439 Young, Captain 275 StIj00I anb PUBLISHED BY E. H. BUTLER & CO 137 South Fourth St., Philadelphia Goodrich's Pictorial History of the United States. 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