.:*?? mm: mmm /^- ^ y'- "^W V^ Wo regret to onnomice that Lord Aldanham, who had If been in failing health ioi some time, died yesterday morning at his residence, Aldenham-honse, near Elstree, at the age of 83. For many yeaia Lord Aldenliam was a TTell-knOTTn fl^ure in the City, and his loss will be felt as the removal of the head of a family which has long played a respected and honourable part in commercial life. Henry Backs Gibbs, flr^ Baron Aldenham, waa bom in 1819, and was the eldest son of George Henry Gibbs, of Aldenham, whose father, Antony Gibba, born in 1756, was the founder of the Arm of Messrs. Antony Gibbs and Sons, general merchants, of which the late Ix>rd Aldenham was senior partner. Mr. Gibbs was educated at Eagby and at Exeter College, Oxford. Although his later activities were mainly in the ways of commerce, his interest in scademio subjects was not concluded when he became a Master of Arts ; for his services to the " New English Dictionary," edited by Dr. James Murray, deserve to bo recorded. He had a taste for lexico- graphy, and took immense interest in the scheme of the Philological Society's Dictionary when it was launched La 1S54. In accordance with tlie plans then formed, he undertook the/ sub-editing of the letters C and K, and the I work which he did at these was most veJuable to Dr. lurray when he began the editing of the dictionary for the delegates of the Oxford University Press In 1330. Hel FLSsisted Dr. Murray very largely in settling the final form of the work, and has constantly continued his services to it. We understand that he read and annotated every column of proof from the beginning of the work down to a few weeks ago. Many of the srtioies on words connected with banking, currency, and commeroe are also due to him, one of the last in which ho gave his aid being " pound." Lord Aldenham was appointed one of the directors at the Bank of England as early as 1853. He was Governor In 1S75, and he o^ntlnued to hold his directorship until 1901. In 1S91 he was elected, on the death of Mr. T. C. Baring, a member of Parliament for the City, but he retired in the following year. He was High Shorifi of Hertfordshire in l-j84 and a justice of the peace for Hertfordshire and Middlesex. Lord Aldenham was h Trusteo of tho National Portrait Gallory and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. He was raised to the peerage in lfi38. Lord Aldenham, married !n 1845, Louisa, daughter of Mr. W. Adam^, who died In 1897. He is survived by five of his six SODS and by one daughter. Uis eldest son, the Hon. Alban G. H. Gibbs, who succeeds to the peerage, was member for the City from 1S92 until last year, whon his retirement enabled Mr. Balfour to find a scat. Ha married. In 187S, a daughter of Mr. A. J. B. Bereaford- Hope, MJ?., and of_ Lady Mildred Cecil, and has issue. Lord Aldenham's third son, the Hon. Vioary Gibbs, was M.P. for tho St. Albans D!\-ision of Hertfordshire between 1S92 and 1004 j and another son is vicar of THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 'fWfc ffilS>AlW^^AM . ^?S6U V^ /^ fi.V. />1 ^> Dorothea <;iBBS and of f)ie Early Years of Antony (;ibbs ami Sons. By JoHx Arthcr Gibbs. I.St. Latlierine Press. £3 5s. net.) In these days of " bootlegging " and the rapid acquisition of wealth by the practice of illegal coninieree in virtue of the interested connivance of corrupt officials in various parts of the world it is refreshing to find that aitri sacra fames vras not always potent enough, even at the end of the conuj)! eighteenth century, to undermine the commer- cial morality of a British tinn struggling against umiierited adversity. Mr. Gibbs'sj account of tlie foundation of the family fimi of Antony Gibbs and Sons bv his great -grand- 1 father shows that Antony Gibbs' broke with one of his partners and wittingly permitted the commerce of his Spanish house' to wither away rather than stoop to bribe Ctistoms oftieers to cheat the revenue — and this although it was represented to liim that all his competitoi-s practised the habit with complete immunity from tlie gi-eat smuggling base at (iibraltar, tliat they were in consequence able to under- sell him, and that the Spaniards, who openly honoiued their own contraband ista.'t, would ascribe his scruples to folly ratlier than virtue. Antony (Jibbs, wlio was accustomed to use the old-fashioned second person singular in writing to his wife, retained other old-fashioned vutues as well. He persisted m being honest. He lost his money but won a reputation for integrity, and for the quality of his chjtli, which extended not only througli •Spain but also over Spanish America, where t)ie real conmiercial future of his lirm lay. It is one of the romances of commerce how .Vntony (Jibbs started business in South -America- almost by aarte dynasty upon Spain. Still, it was upon the profits of the Siianish branch that Die early prosperity of the fiiin was built; and Mr. (Jibbs has an interesting story to tell of tlie acciilciits and episodes of a foreign merchants career in the S|)ain of Charles IV. He iM>ii, partly in the Ihinl, from 111.) great F.onl Nelson to Abrnliam Cil.lw, \nlon>'M cousin, uho was in business in -jicily. Kiom this wo gather that Nelson's •liicliy of Bronte, near Catania, given to him l.y King Ferilinaiid IV. in recognition of his crvices against the French, was worth Vl.HW) net (M-r annum to Ilio .Xilniiral. Ill a family history nnieh is of necessity of iiitere.endices on all manner of subjects, lists of family portraits and letters, of partners in the family firms, i and jiedigrees of relatives as a fitting | preliminary to a magnificent index, the whole I forming a juodel for the treatment of its ! subject. /^^. //. '^^' "C \^v. AUfnfjRin Hou|p, nr. EI|lrpp, Hprl^. \ ^OjvAv^^ W^j^a^ V-.<^y.JsJ^ rV_, VkT"^ c/^-r^^-^^rvK -i -. ^, N > \ I(! A CATALOdUE OP SOMK PRINTED BOOKS AND MANUSCIIIPTS AT ^t. gun.'itim'fi, lUgntl's |arli, AND ^Idntham gouHiJ, gijrtfi. COLLECTED BY HENRY HUCKS GIBBS ■ For hym was lefere haue at hese bedis hede A twenty bokis i-clad in blak or red Of Aristotle and his philosopbie pan robis ryclie or fedele or gay sautrie." Chaucer, Pruluijue to Canterlnry Talcs, 1.21)3. LONDON: 1888. PREFACE, I HAVE before me the interesting and careful!}'' elaborated Catalogues of the Libraries of my fi-iend, Mk. Lockkr-Lampson, and my late friend, Mr. Henry Huth ; and they make me have doubts of the wisdom of putting into type a record, itself so incomplete, of a collection so much inferior to theu's. But ever}- collection has an individuality of its own, and must correspond in some degree to the mind of the collector ; and those of my friends wJio do me the favour to accept this volume may perhaps like it the better for that. In distinguishing between the books that are contained in it, and the other contents of my Library, I have followed, but not uniformly, the plan adopted by Mr. Locker-Lampson in the First Part of his Catalogue. I have made the year 1700, genei-ally, the dividing line ; but I have included very many books of a later date, wdiich either from being privately printed, or being rare fi-om other causes, or else having some signal merit, may be especially interesting to the Book-lover. HENRY H. GIBBS. St. Dunstan's, Regent's Park, December 31, 1888. 81^7*^3 CATALOGUE. AcosTA. See Grimstone. ADAMS, J. Index Villaris. 1 vol. folio. London. 1680. Old red morocco extra, g. e. A — Nnnn 2 leaves each ; X T Z are omitted in 3rd alphabet, and the pagination is interrupted. ADDISON, Joseph. Criticism on Paradise Lost (1712). 1vol. 4to. London. 186!). Edited bi/ Edward Arber. Large paper. Half green morocco, t. c. g. JElian. See Stanley. A'KEMPIS, Thomas. De Imitatione Clu-isti. 8.1 x 5.5. Brown calf', b. t. sides, g. c. MS. of the IGth century, on 247 folios of paper, written by Francis Montfordie de Weert. for the use of Nicholas Bruynix, Priest, Dean of Christianity, concilii Tongrensis. It begins : " Incipit primus liber [' Joh. Gerson ' erased and ' f. Thome a Kempis' inserted in another hand] De imitatione christi," 1.">H1. The volume contains, by the same hand : 2. S. Bonaventure's Liber aureus de vita Christi, 1.530 ; 3. Libellus de vita et beneficiis J. C. l.'>U.'i ; 1. De modo preliandi contra octo vieia principalia ; 5. Tractatulus de arte moriendi, L'jOj ; and, (i. Carmen in laudem V. Marias. Canonici Regiilaris ordinis S. Aiigustini De Imitatione Christi Libri Quatuor. 1 vol. 3.2 x 2. Cologne. 1622. Vellum binding. A — S in eights. ^ De Imitatione Christi. 1 vol. 16mo. Paris. 1810. Of the Imitation of Christ. 1 vol. sm. 8vo. Ruled in red. Oxford. 1855. Brown calf b.t.r.e. De Imitatione Christi. 1 vol. 16mo. 5.6x3.6. Berlin. 1862. Li capital letters. Green morocco extra, g. e. B 2 AKEMPIS—ALLEN. A'KEMPIS, Thomas. De Imitatione Christi. Facsimile of his original MS. With Introduction by C. Ruelens. On vellum. 1 vol. 24ino. London. 1879. See Dibdin, Hake. ALBEjNIAELE. Portrait of Christopher Monk, Second Duke of Albemarle. Published 1814. Bound loith Tracts relating to General Monk. See Monk. Observations upon Military and Political Affairs. Written by the Most Honourable George Duke of Albemarle, ^-c. 1 vol. folio. London. 1671. Half calfm.e. ALBEETUS MAGNUS. Opus de Mysterio Misse, Domini fratris Alberti magni ; quondam Episcopi Ratisponensis Incipit feliciter. [Colophon.] Opus de misterio inisse Dili Alberti magni autoritate radians. In quo nichil traditur quod non scripturarum dignis testi- vionijs comprobatur. In ojiido impcriall Ulm per Johannem czeyner de Reutlinf/en summa cum diligentia impressum. Anno a Nativitate Domini MCCCCLXXIIL, Die xxix., Mensis Maij feliciter Jinit. 1 vol. folio. 11.5x7.8. Brown morocco extra, g.e. 135 folios. First book printed at TUm. A curious half leaf, foUo 88. ALCILIA. Philoparthen's Loving Folly (1595). 1 vol. 4to. Manchester. 1879. Privately printed for A. B. Grosart. Half morocco, t. e.g. ALDENHAM BOOK. MS. 1 vol. folio. Purple morocco, gilt. ALEMAN, Mateo. Vida y Hechos del Picaro Guzman de Alfarache. 1 vol. 8vo. Anttvei-p. 1681. Calf gilt. Title, &c. ; * 8 leaves ; A — Bbb in eights. ALEXANDER (King), The Alliterative Romance of. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1849. Roxhurghe Club. BandineTs copy. ALFRED (King). Translation of liede, and Collection of Anglo-Saxon Laws. 1 vol. folio. Cambridge. 1644. ALLEN [or Aleyn] Charles. The Battales of Crescey and Poictiers under the leading of King Edward the Third of that name, and his son Edward, Prince of Wales, named the Blacke. London. Printed by Thomas Parfoot for T. K. 1631. A— E 7 in eights. The Historic of that wise and fortunate Prince Henrie of that name the Seventli King of England. London. 1638. Portrait 1 leaf; A 2 leaves ; B — L 6 in eights. Both in 1 vol. 16mo. 5.8x3.8. Calf extra, r.e. ANACREONTOS—APPIAN. 3 ANACREONTOS MELE. 1 vol. 12ino. J'urma. 1791. In capitals. Old red morocco extra, (j.e. ANCIENT STATE AND CHIVALRY (Illustratlona of). 1 vol. 4to. London. 1840. Roxhurghe Club. UttersoJis copy. ANCRAM. Correspondence of the Earls of Ancram and Lotiiian. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1874. Roxhurijhe Club. Andaciitigen Frauenzimmeus Geistlicuks Sciiatz-Kast- LEIN. See Beeren. Andachtiger Herzen Betii-Ai,tak. Hce Sclimolk. ANGLESEA. Social Condition of the People of Anpflesea. c. 1(513. 1 vol. 8vo. London. 1860. Edited hy J. O. Halliwell. Privately printed. ANNALIA DUBRENSIA; or, Celebration of Captain Ro))ert Dover's Cotswold Games. 1 vol. 4to. Manchester. 1877. Privately printed for A. B. Grosart. Half morocco, t. e. g. Anne Boleyn (Queen). See Heath. ANSELME (Le Peue). Statuts et Catalogue des Chevaliers, Commandeurs et Officiers de I'Ordre dn Saint Esprit, avee leur Nonis, Qualites et Postcrite depuis 1' Institution jusqu'a present. 1 vol. folio. 14.7 X 10. 173.'5. Arms coloured. Old red morocco extra, y. t. m. e. 116 folios, besides blanks. ANSWERE FOR THE TYME (An) to the Examination put in print without the authour's name, pretending to mayntayue the apparcll prescribed against the declaration of the myuisters of London. 1 vol. 16mo. 1566. See " Examination." A — I in eights, K 1 — .">. APPIANI ALEXANDRINI ROMANARUM HISTORI- ARUM CELTIC A, Lybica vel Carthagiuiensis, Illyrica, Syriaca, Parthica, Mithridatica, Civilis, (|uiu(pie libris distineta. Lutetiic Ty})is Regiis Cura ac Diligentia Caroli Stephani MDLI. Cum Privi- legio Regis. Editio Princeps. 1 vol. folio. 12.2x8. A 8 leaves, B — K 4 in sixes. APPI AN. An Auncient Historie and Exquisite Chronicle of the Romanes Warres, both Civile and Foren. 1vol. 4to. London. 1578. Part I., A 2 leaves, 370 pages. Part II., Preface, 6 leaves, and 410 pages. All the famous Battels that have been fought in our age throughout the Worlde. I^ondon. (^Bynneman). c. 1578. A 2 leaves, and 340 pages. Both in 1 vol. 4to. 7.3x5.4. Red morocco extra, y.e. 4 APOCALYPSE— ARIOSTO. APOCALYPSE (The) of St. John the Divine, represented by Figures reproduced in Fac-simile. From a MS. in the Bodleian Library. On vellum. 1vol. 4to. London. 1886. Roxburghe Club. Another copy on paper. AQUINAS, Thomas. Opus Quartiscripti. [Colophon.] " Prcclaruva hoc opus rjuartiscrij)ti Thome de Aquino. Alma in urbe moqicatina • indite nac\oms germauice • quava del dementia taxa ulti inqenii luvaine ' donoqwe (jratuito ' ceteris tcrrur\va\ nac'ionibus prxferre illustrarcque dignata e^t' Artijiciosa quadaxa adinuenc'ioue imprimendi seu caracterizandi absque ulla calami exaracione sic effigiattim • et ad eusebiam dei industi'ie est consummatum • pcv petrum schoijflicr de gern- s^hem • Anno domini millesimoquadringcntesimosexagesimonono • Trede- cimu die Junii • Sit laus deo.'^ [Here follows the shield of Arms or Printer's Mark of Schoiffer.] 1 vol. folio. 14.7 x 10.3. 1469. Oil vellum. 2 1 i leaves. AKGOTE DE MOLINA. NoLleza del Andaluzia. Al Catolico Don Philipe. N. S. Rey de las Espauas de las dos Sicilias de Hieiiisalem de las Indias Orientales i Occidentales Arehiduque de Austria Duque de Borgofia de Bravante i de Milan Conde de Habspurg de Flandes i de Tirol Hijo de Carlos i Nieto de Philipe Padre de la Patria Piadoso Felice Augusto i Vencedor. Gonzalo Argote de Molina dedico i ofrecio esta Historia. Con Previlegio. En Sevilla por Fernando Diaz. Ano 1588. 1 vol. folio. 12.2x8. Mottled calf gilt. Initials and Coronet of Lord Longueville on the sides. Title and preliminary matter 30 leaves, A — S sss (1 alphabets), in fours. ARGUMENTS OF THE LORD KEEPER, the Two Chief Justices, and Mr. Baron Powell, when they gave Judgment For the Earl of Bath. A Pamphlet, folio. 12.5 x 8. Bound ivith others relating to General Monk. See Monk. ARIOSTO, M. LuDOVico. Orlando Furioso. 1 vol. 8vo. 8.3 X 5.8. In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de Fen-ari. 1547. Green morocco extra, g. t. g. e. A — Kk, -with *, **, and ***, in eights (2 leaves wanting at the end of ***). Orlando Furioso traduzido en Romance Castcllano por Don Jeronimodc Urrea. En Venecia al ciisena de la Salamandra. 1 vol. 8vo. 8.1x5.8. 1575. Vellum binding. A — Nn.in eights. The Orlando Furioso of Ludovico Ariosto in Italian and English. 2 vols. 4to. 10.3x8.2. I^ondon. 1755. Calf extra, m.e. A HIS TO TLE—A TKYNS. 5 ARISTOTLE'S RHETORIC; or, the True Orounds and Piiiiciplcs of" Oriitorv, sliowiiit;; the Ri<^lit Art of I'lcailiii^ and Spcak- inir ill full Assemblies and Courts of .1 iidicatiire, made English by the Translators of the Art of Thinking. 1 vol. sm. 8vo. 6.9x4.2. l^undon. 1G8G. Yi'lloiv calf extra, (/. e. A — T in oightB. ARMIN, RoHiciiT. Works (1605-9). 1 vol. 4to. Manchester. 1880. J'ricdfcli/ printed fur A. B. Grosurt. Half morocco, t.e.g. Armohial dr la Ville. See Paris. Arndt. See under Prayer-Books (p. 78, Paradisis). ARS ISIORIENDl. Tractatus dc Arte Moriendi. MS. on 11 leaves of paper, written 1505. In the same volume with Thomas d, Kempis, q. v. Arthur of Little Britain. See Bemers. ASCHAM, Roger. The Scholemaster (1570). Edited by Edward Arhcr. 1 vol. 4to. Large paper. London. 1870. Half green morocco, t.c.g. ASPLAND. The Golden Legend by Caxton. A facsimile of some chapters of a copij in the Manchester Free Library ; with an Introduction hy Alfred Aspland. 1 vol. folio. London. 1878. Holbein Society. ASSIIETON. The Journal of Nicholas Asshcton of Downham in the County of Lancaster, Esq. 1617. Edited by Raines. 1 vol. 4to. 1848. Chctham Society. ASHMORE, John. Certain Selected Odes of Horace Englished, and their arguments annexed. With Poems (antient and modern) of divers subjects translated. Whereunto are added, both in Latin and iMiglish, sundry new Epigrammes, Anagrams, Epitaphes. To this addition there is a separate title, &^-c., on page 29. 1 vol. 4to. 7x5.2. London. 1621. Sir William Tite's copy. First title, &c., i leaves ; C — in fours. ATKYNS, Richard. The Original and Growth of Printing : Collected out of History, and the Records of this Kingdome. Wherein is also Demonstrated That Printing appertaineth to the Prerogative Royal ; and is a Flower of the Crown of England. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1664. Portrait of Charles the Second. Purple morocco extra, g. e. (by Riviere.) Frontisinece and title 2 leaves ; B— E in fours. 6 A TKYNS—A YENB YTE. ATKYNS, Sir Robert. The ancient and present state of Gloiicestersliire. 1 vol. folio. 1712. Old calf. AUBREY, John. Miscellanies upon the following subjects: I. Day-Fatality. II. Local Fatality. III. Ostenta. IV. Omens. ... IX. Knockings. . . . The second edition, with large additions. 1 vol. 8vo. London. 1721. AUGUSTINUS (Scfus). De Ai-te Predicandi. 1 vol. folio. 1465. Dark green morocco extra, g. e, (by Lewis). 10.8 x 7.7. 22 leaves. Bought at Bright'' s sale. [In the prologue are these words : " Quapropter cum nullo alio modo sive id es])edicius fieri posse indicarem discrete viro Johanni Fust incole maguntinensi impreesorie artis modis omnibus persuasi quatenus ipse dignaretur onus et laborem multiplicandi himc libellum per viam impressionis esemplari meo pro oculis habito.] AUGUSTINUS. Liber beati Augustini ypponensis episcopi de Consensu evangelistarum partitus in quatuor libros incipit feliciter. [Colophon.] Liber Beati Augustini ypponensis Episcopi de Consensu eva?i pp. 5. Leonard Mascall's Country-Man's New Art of Planting and GraflBng. London. 1651. Title, 4:0., 6 leaves, pp. 70., and C. Samuel HartUb's Designe for Plentie By an Universal Planting of Fruit Trees. n.d. Title, &c., 4 leaves, pp.24. BLOME, Richard. Britannia. 1 vol. folio. 12.5x7.8. London. 1673, Calf gilt. BLOOMFIELD, Robert. The Farmer's Boy. 1 vol. 4to. I^ondon. 1800. With Autographs and other Illustrations. Mr. DunieVs copy. Green morocco extra, g. e. BLOSIUS, Louis F. A IVIirror for Monks. A translation printed in P.aris. 1676. 1 vol. 8vo. 7.7x5.3. London. 1871. Large paper. Privately reprinted by Sir J. D. Coleridge, and given by him to me. 20 BLOUNT—BONAPARTE. BLOUNT, Thomas. Glossographia : or, a Dictionary Inter- preting all such Hard Words of Whatsoever Language, now used in our refined English Tongue. 1 vol. 4to. 7.5 x 5.7. London. 1649. Title, &c., 8 leaves. A — TJu in eights. A World of Errors discovered in the new World of Words, or General English Dictionary ; and in Nomothetes, or the Inter- preter of Law Words and Terms In the Savoy. 1 vol. 11 leaves, folio. 1673. Very rare. Blunt. See Prayer-Books. 1866. BOCCACCIO, Giovanni. II Decamerone. 1 vol. 4to, 8.5 x 5.9. 1725. London. Facsimile of the Giunta Edition of 1527. II Decamerone. 5 vols. 8vo. 7.7 x 5. London. 1757. Calf extra, g. e. BOHN, Henry G. The Biography and Bibliography of Shakspeare. 1 vol. 8vo. London. 1863. Philohihlon Society. Dictionary of Poetical Quotations. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1867. Privately printed. BOKE OF NOBLESSE. Addressed to King Edward the Fourth on his Invasion of France in 1475. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1860. Roxburghe Club. Towneley\ copy. BOKENAM, OsBEEN. Lives of the Seynts ; translated. Black Letter. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1835. Roxburghe Club. Utterson's copy. BOLSWAERT, Boetius a. Den wech des eeuich Leuens. 1 vol. 8vo. Antwerp. 1622. Illustrations of the work of P. Antoiiitis Siicr/uet. See Zoes. Originals of the illustrations iti Williams's Baptistery. (•!•) 8 leaves, Title, &o. ; A — Mmm 6 in eights. BOLTON, Edmund. The Roman Histories of Lucius Junius Florus. 1 vol. 16mo. 5.5x3. London. 1618. Engraved Title, 1 leaf ; A, 8 leaves, Dedication & Address to Reader ; B — Z 3 in twelves. BONAPARTE, Prince L. L. Parabola de Seminatore ex Evangelio Mattha^i in LXXII. Europasas Linguas ac Dialectos versa, Impensis Luciani Ludovici Bonaparte. 1 vol. 8vo. London. 1857. With Supplement, 1873. Calf extra, g. e. The Song of Solomon, in 24 English Dialects. Privately printed at the expense of H.LH. Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte. sq. 1 6mo. 5.3 x 4.2. Crimson morocco extra, g. c. B ONAPAR TE—B ONDE. 2 1 BONAPARTE, Prince L, L, Dialectcs Anglais. 1873. Pamph, Miscell. 4to., ii. Reinarques surlaLanguc Basque. 1K77. Pamph. MisccU. vi. BONAVENTURK. Spcciiliiin Vihc Christi, uitJi tli<. Treatise De Corporc Cliristi. An Kvijlixh 3/S. on vclluiii. 12!) leaves. lO.J) X 7.2. Brown morocco extra, untiqui: b. t. on sides. I have supplied the table of Contents : 1 leaves between folios 57 and 58 ; B, between !)2 and ill) ; and leaf t l before the " Treatise," from the Sherard SIS. The three missing leaves after the table, and three at the end of the Treatise are made up from Caxton'u print in the Uritish Museum. The arifflos of the book are g-nawed away by rats. On p. .SO is written "Robert Dorrant uthis [owcth this] booke (^ucr syns the yere of our Lorde God mccccc & 5 & lly [!.").")."]. And it was gyuen me hy Harry fferynge of Bode in Su8B[ex]. God haue mercy on his sowle and orysten sowles." Another M.S. of this work (iVc Catalogue of Bragge's sale, 1870) of the 15th century has the following Colophon ; Istv lihur truiixlatiix fiiit de Latino in Amjlinim per Dominum NichnUtum Lore jirhircm Motiaxfcrii de Monte Grace, Ord : Carth : Speculum Vitie Christi. [Colophon.] The hjfe of our lorde Jesu Clin/st after Bonaiic7itnrc. Tmpri/nted at London in Flete Strete by mf JVi/nki/n de Wordc. The. ijcrc of our lorde god MDXXX and fi/iii/itslicd the viii daye of Februanj. 1 vol. sm. 4to. 7.4 X 5.4. Russia, extra, sj)r. e. Bought at Lord Hampton's sale, IXSl. A G leaves, B — Dd (>, in eights and fours alternately, except that N has 8 leaves. See IManning, Robt. Early English Text Society, 1875. Beati Bonaventnras doctoris seraphici ordinls fratrum minoruni in Meditaciones devotas vite Jhesu Xpi Saluatoris nostri prologus incipit f'eliciter. MS. on 84 leaves of paper. Written 1530. With Thomas A'Kempis, q.v. BOND. Pliny's Panegyrick on Trajan, translated. Ao Title. 1 vol. 8vo. 7.0 X 4.6. Old red morocco. Not in Lowndes. B — Kj in eights. BONDE, William. A denoute treatyse in Englysshe called the Pilgrymagc of perfeccyon : very profytable for all chrysten people to rede : and in especyall to all relygyous persons moche necessaiy. The auctour of this present treatyse hath added unto it the exposicyon of the Aue and the Crede, with dyuerse other thynges. [Colophon.] Thus endeth the seventh and lasts daye of the pilf/n/i)iai/e oj' j>erf'ccijo?i Lateli/ iwpri/nted agayn the secondc fynie bi/ me IVynkyn de If'orde with the exposicyon of the Aue Maria and the Crede added unto it and dyuerse other thyntjcs, §' amended in dyuerse places lohcre as fuute teas. {The first edition was by Pyuson, 1526.) 22 BONDE—BOSCOBEL. [Colophon to the Eosary.] TIlus endeth the Rosary of our Sauyour Jesu loith all the hole treatyse of the pilgrymaye of perfeccyon, the whiche hath hen of late diligently correcte, §• the exposicion of the Aue and the Crede added unto it, ivith dyuerse other thynyes. Tinprynted at London in Fletestrete, at the syyne of the Sonne, by me Wynhi/n de IVorde. Fynyshed and done in the yere of our lorde god M.CCCCC xxxi The xxiii daye of February. 1 vol. folio. 9.9 X 7. 308 leaves. Red morocco, g. e. [On the verso is Caxton's device. Richarde WTiytforde ' the olde wi'etche of Syon,' in his ' Dayly esercyse and experience of deathe " mentions " William Bonde a bacheler of deuinyte and one of his deuoute brethrene lately departed " as the author of this book]. BoNDE, CiMELGUS, See Charles I. Scutum Regale. BONHAM, (Dr.) The Chyrurgeon's Closet : or, an Antidotarie Chyrurgicall. A posthumous work compiled from his papei's by Edward Poeton. 1 vol. 12mo. 6.8^x5.1. London. 1630. Half calf. A — Zz in fours. Index a — d 3 in fours. BOORDE, Dtw. Andrew. A Compendyous Regyment, or a Dyetary of Helth, made in Mountpyllier, compyled by Andrew Boorde, of Physycke doctour, dedycated to the armypoteut Prynce and valyaunt Lorde Thomas Duke of Northfolcke. [Colophon.] Imprinted by me Robert IVyer, dwellynge in Seynt Martyns parrysshe besyde charynge Crosse, at the sygne of seynt John Evangelyste. For John Gowghe, Cum privilcgio regali ad imprimejiduin solum. 1st Edition. Very rare. 1 vol. 5.3 x 3.3. London. Date at end of Preface, 1542. Broum calf [I have also an Early English Text Society's Edition, Edited by Furnivall, 1880.] A — N in fours. BOOTHBY, Sir William. Sorrows, Sacred to the Memory of Penelope. 1 vol. folio. London. 1796. Extra Plates. Bought at the Hamilton Sale. BORDEAUX. Archives Muuicipales de Bordeaux. 3 vols. 4to. (Being the Livre des Bouillons, Livre des Privileges, and Registre de la Jurade, 1867, 1873, 1878.) Privately printed. Span, morocco, g.e. BOSSEWELL. Workes of Armorie deuyded into three bookcs, entituled, the Concordes of Armorie, the Armorie of Honor, and of Coates and Creastes, collected and gathered by John Bossewell, Gentleman. In (Edibus Richardi TotcUe. Anno Domiui 1572. 1 vol. 4to. 6.7 X 5.3, Calf extra, r. e. Title, &c., 4 leaves ; A — Hh in fours, except B — C in eights. The thirde boke entituled of Cotes and Creastes A — D in eights. BoscOBEL. See Charles II. (Blount). BOTTICELLI— BREVIAIRE. 23 BOTTICELLI. Zeichnungcn von Sandro Botticelli zu Dantes Gotfliclieu Koinoilie nach den Originalen irn K. Kupfcrsticli Kaljiiiet zu Berlin. Ilerausj^egcben von Dr. F. Lippinaiiii. Atlas folio. mit einer erklarende Beschreibung. folio. Jicrlin. 1887. BOYS, John. iEneas his Descent into Hell as it is inimitably described by the Prince of Poets in the sixth of his yEneis. 1 vol. 4to. 7.1x5.2. London. IGGl. A 1 leaves ; A — 6g 3 in fours. BRANDT, Sebastian. Stultifera Navis. Narragonica; per- fectionis nunquani Satis laudata Navis. 1 vol. 4to. Basic. 1497. First Latin Edition. Cuts htj Martin Sclionijauer. See also Barclay, and Geyler. 145 leaves, ^vith 3 of Index. BRATHWAITE, Richard. The English Gentleman and the Englisli Gentlewoman : Both in one vokuiie couched, and in one Modcll jjortrayed. 1 vol. folio. 11x7.4. London. 1641. Frontispiece (folded), Engraved and Printed Titles, Dedication and Epistle, 8 leaves; 15 — LlSiufoui'S. Title. lii — Nun 2 in fours. With a ''Table-Sheet" before the last leaf, and a separate Title to A Ladies Love-Lecture at leaf lii. A separate Title also to The Tiu-tles Triumph Presented in a Supplement. Aaa — Ggg 2 in fours. BRENDE, The Historic of Quintus Curtius, contejTiing the Actes of the grcate Alexander, translated out of Latin into Englishe by John Breude. In QCdibus Richardi Tottell. Anno Domini 1561. 1 vol. 4to. 7.2x5.1. London. Half calf gilt. Title and Preface A 4 leaves ; B — Be 5 in eights. BRETON, Nicholas. Wits Will or Wills Wit. 1 vol. 8vo. Londo7i. 1860. J. O. HalliwcW s Private Reprint of 1597. Half crimson calf. Fantasticks. 1626. Privately printed by J. O. Halliwell, together in'th the Wandering Jew, The Man in the Moone (1609), Stephens's Essays and Chai-acters (1615), and Lupton's London and the Country Carbonadoed (1632). BREVIAIRE DES COURTIS ANS. Em-ichi de Figures. Par le Sieur De la Serre, Historiographe de France, a Rouen. 1 vol. sm. 8vo. 6.4x3.8. 1578. Parchment. From the Flaxley Library. Frontispiece, Title, &c., 4 leaves ; A — Tz in eights. 24 BREVIARIUM— BRIGHT. BREVIARIUM ROMANUM. A MS. on Vellum of the 15th Centurj. 1 vol. 4to. 6.2 x 4.5. Capitals illuminated in Cama'ieu noire. Blue velvet. 7 leaves Calendar, and 263 leaves of text. A MS. of the loth Century on fine Vellum, enriched with beautiful borders and ornaments of Italian workmanship, besides three large Miniatures of the full size of the paije, representing the Creation, the Last Judgment, and the Ship of the Church, bearing our Crucified Lord on the Mast and Yard. 1 vol. 12mo. 6.2 x 4.2. 6 leaves Calendar, 413 of text, folio 230 and 280 blank. Tlie fly-leaf kas tlie inscription " Si ha per tradizione essere questo il Breviario del Beatissimo Pio Quinto. Ottenuto doppo la sua morte del Signor Cardinale Bolognetti e trasferito dagl' Heredi in Casa Fachina." On the next leaf is a set of verses by Pancratius, a Carmelite, dated 1(194, and beginning — " Fulvia nunc hasres gaudet Bologneta libello Quo sancta est usus psallere mente Pius," pluribus figuris decoratum. Glunta Edition. 1 vol. 4to. 9.1 X 6.7. Venice. 1508. Bruion morocco, b.t., r.e. Collation : f 8 leaves ; f f 4 leaves ; a — i in eights, K — y in twelves, Z 8 leaves ; aa — pp in twelves ; qq 8 leaves ; rr 6 leaves ; ss — xx in twelves ; yy 10 leaves ; aaa 8 leaves, bbb 7 leaves. In place of yy 11 and 12 are G leaves of emendations in red, Sign. 300 j— vj. ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum Pii v. Pont. Max. jussu editum et Clementis viii auctoritate recognitum. Antverpire ex Officina Plantinlana MDXIV. 1 vol. folio. 15.1x9.6. Old red morocco, richly g. t. sides g. e. 1,000 pages, with Commune Sanctorum and other Offices paged j— cxliij. BREVIARIUM GOTHICUM secundum regulam Beatissimi Isidori. folio. 14.4x9.4. Madrid. 1775. Calf,m.e. BREVIARIUM ABERDONENSE. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1854. Mlth the separately issued Preface. BREVIARY. The Roman Breviary reformed by order of the Holy (Ecumenical Council of Trent, published by order of Pope St. Pius v., and revised by Clement VIII. and Urban VIII., together with the Offices since granted. Translated out of Latin into English by John, Marquess of Bute, K. T. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh and London. 1879. BRIGHT, Henry A. Some Account of the Glenriddell MS, of Burns's Poems. 1 vol. 4to. 5.5x8.4. Liverpool. 1874. Privately printed. A Year in a Lancashire Garden. 1 vol. 8vo. Liverpool. 1875. Privatehj printed. BRITT ON— BRUTE. 2/5 inilTTON, .Toiix. History and DciHcriptioii of Cassiobury Park, Hcrtfonlshire. 1 vol. folio. 24x17. London. 1837. Prints cxccllcitlli/ coloured. Two portraits inserted. Lurf/e paper. Half puce morocco, t. e. (j. Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain. 2 vols. 4to. 10.7x8.5. Lo7idov. 1807-12. Russio citrtr, f/.e. Morocco joints, 1?R()ME, Alkxandeu. Horace Translated by several persons. 1 vol. 8vo. 6.4x4.2. London. 1671. Olive morocco extra, g.e. Title, &c., A — a IG leaves ; 11 — Cc in eights. BROOKE, Raltii. A Catalogue and Succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, Man[ueses . . . since the Norman Conquest. 1 vol. folio. 11.2x7.4. 1622. BROUGHTON, Hugh. Daniel his Chaldie Visions and His Ehrew: both Translated after the Original. 1 vol. 4to. 7x5. London. 1596. Bound with Napier's Discovery. Calf extra. Title and preliminary matter 12 leaves ; C — P in fours. BROWN. Works of the Learned Sir Thomas Brown, Doctor of Physick, Late of Norwich. 1 vol. folio. 12.3x7.7. London. 1686. Title, &c., Aa in fours ; B — Dddd in fours, 2 leaves Index. B[ROWNE], Henry. Tertullian's Apologie translated. 1 vol. 4to. 6.7x5.1. London. 1657. Primed for the use and benefit of Thomas Gibbs, Gent". a, b, c, in fours, and A 1 leaf. Title, &o., B — Cc in fours. BROWNE, William. The Whole Works. Now first collected. 2 vols. 4to. 8.6 X 5.7. London. 1868. Roxburghe Library. BRUNNE, RoBEET of. Handlynge Synne. With Waddington's Manuel des Pechiez. 1 vol. 4to. 10.2x7.9. London. ^862. Roxburghe Club. BRUNUS NOLANUS (Jordauus). De Umbris Idearum, and ArsMemoriiE. 1 vol. 8vo. 6.4x3.8. Paris. 1582. Calf gilt, y.e. Title, &;c., * four leaves, a, c, i, 6, u, in eights. Ars Memoriae A — K in eights. BRUTE CHRONICLE. MS. on paper of the 15th Century (99 leaves) containing a shortened form of the Chronicle (ending the 6th year of H.V.) with a Geographical introduction ; some verses (folio 76) on the Vanity of the World ; and a variety (folio 77) of the Vindicta Salvatoris. £ 26 BUCK— BYRNE. BUCK, George. Life and reign of Eichard the Third. 1 vol. 4to. 10.6x7. London. 1646. Crimson morocco extra, g.e. Portrait, Title and Dedication, 3 leaves, B— V3 in fours, but has 6 leaves, and there is no P. * 4 leaves of Index. BUGG, Francis. The Pilgrim's Progress from Quakerism to Christianity. 1 vol. 16mo. 6.4x5.2. London. 1700. Cambr. calf extra, r. e. BUNYAN, John. The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to come Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream. Wherein is discovered the Manner of his setting out, His Dangerous Journey ; and safe Arrival at the Desired Countrey. Facsimile on Vellum of the First Edition (1678). 6.2x3.9. Brown morocco extra, t.e. London. 1875. BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB. Privately printed Catalogues of the Exhibitions. BURNET (Bishop). History of his Own Time. 6 vols. 8vo. 9.8x6.1. Oxford. 1823. Large paper. Purple morocco extra, g.e. BuRNEY, Richard. Kig^Lolov Awpov. See Charles II. BURTON, Robert. Philosophaster. Comcedia. 1 vol. 4to. 9.8 x 7.7. Hertford. Roxhurghe Club. BUTLER, Charles. The Feminine Monarchie, or the Historie of Bees. 1 vol. 4to. 7.5x5.8. London. 1623. Limp vellum. A — Z 3 in fours. The feminin' Monarchi', or The Histori' of Bees. 1 vol. 4to. 7.1x5.4. Oxford. 1634. Gr. morocco extra, g.e. ^, 1[^, and B — Aa 2 in fours. The Principles of Musik in Singing and Setting, with the two-fold Use therof, Ecclesiasticall and Civill. 1 vol. 4to. 7.5 x 5.5. London, 1636. m mm j a t> • i % %^, and A — R m fours. BUTLER, Samuel. Hudibras. 1 vol. sm. Svo. London. 1689. Autograph of Catherina Boevey. BYRNE, Oliver. The first six Books of Euclid, with coloured diagrams and symbols. 1 vol. 4to. 9.4 x 7.4. London. 1847. Calf extra, g. e. CJESAR—CAPITOLS. 27 C. CiESAR, C. Julius. Dn Bcllo Gallico Commcntarii. 1 vol. folio. 12.3x8. Leyden. 1574. Calf. ^, llf , in foiiTB ; A — Pp in sixes ; Qq 8 leaves. De Bcllo Gallico Commentaril. 1 vol. 4to. 10x8.1. Rotterdam. 17;i7. Calf (jilt. See Goldingc and Tiptoft. CALLIMACIIUS. Ilymni E])igrammata et Fragmcnta cum notis intcgris H. Stephani, B. Vulcanii, Annaj Fabri, Th. Gra;vii, R. Bontloji. Lugduiii Batavonim. 1761. 4 vols. 8vo. 8.1x4.8. Thick paper. Ruled in red. Old red morocco extra, (j. e. CALVETE DE ESTRELLA. El Fclicisimo Viajo del muy Alto y muy I'odcroso Priiici])e Don Pheli])c Ilijo de Don Carlos Qiiinto Maximo, desde Espana a sus Tierras de ]iaja Alemana ; con la dcscripcion de Todos los Estados de Brabante y Flandes. Escrito en quatro libros por Juan Cristoval Calvete de Estrella. [Colophon.] A yloria de Dios nuestro Sehor, y de la gloriosa Virgen Maria su Madre, fenesce este libro Uaviado El felicissimo Viaje d^el muy alto y muy Poderoso Principe Don Phelippe, Hijo del Emperador Don Carlos Quinto Maximo, desde Espana a sus tierras de la haxa Alemana. Compuesto por Juan Christoual Calvete de Estrella, y ijnpresso en la muy leal Villa de Anvers en casa de Martin Nucio. Acahose a. veynte y cinco de Mayo. Ano de M.D.LII. 1 vol. folio. 11.1 x 7.6. Red Spanish morocco extra, r. e. * 8 leaves ; A — Nnn 4 in sixes. Camus. See Du Verger. CANCIONES PATRIOTICAS (Coleccion de) heclias en de- mostracion de la Lealtad Espafiola; en que se incluye el God Seivd DE Kin. 1 vol. 4to. Cadiz. 1809. Calf extra, m.e. CANSICK, Fred. Teague. Collection of curious and interesting Epitaphs in the Antieut Church and Burial Grounds of St. Pancras and other Churches, Middlesex. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1869. iMrye paper. Canterbury Churchwardens' Accounts. See Manners. CAPITOLS DES DRETS y altres coses del General des Principats de Cathaluuya y Cerdanya fets en Corts Generals del 28 CA RAF A— CA VE. Any 1481, fins en lo Any 1564, inclusive, y dels drets que per practica y altrament se paguen, &c., &c. 1 vol. 8vo. 8 x 5.7. Barcelona. 1635. Old red morocco, g. t. on sides, and g. e. ^ — 1[1[1f1[i in- eights. Title and preliminary matter : duplicate title and text, A — Z in eights, except H and M in fours. A new Title, &o., (J leaves ; A — R 4 in eights. CARAFA, Caklos Maria. Instruccion Christiana de Prin- cipes y Reyes. 1 vol. 4to. 8.2x5.7. Palermo. 1688. Red morocco, g.t. Curious binding. Title, &c., 10 leaves. Text, A— Coo in fours. Two leaves Index. CAREW, Richard. Tasso's Godfrey of Bulloigne (five cantos, 1594). 1 vol. 4to. Manchester. 1881. Privatehj printed for A. B. Grosart. Half morocco, t.e.g. CARTER, John. The Ancient Architecture of England. 2 parts in 1, folio. 21.2x13.6. London. 1795. Some Accoiuat of the Abbey Church of St, Alban. 1 vol. folio. 25.7x15.3. London. 1813. CASE OF THE HEIRS AT LAW TO GEORGE MONKE Late Duke of Albemarle. London. Printed and Sold by D. Bragg at the Sign of the Black Raven in Paternoster Row. 1709. A pamphlet of 15 pages, 10.7x3.8, with folding Pedigree. Many por- traits inserted. Bound with other Tracts relating to General Monk. See Monk. Castelvines y Monteses. See Cosens. Castilio. See Hobby. CATALOGUE OF ILLUMINATED MSS. exhibited by the Burlington Fine Arts Club. Privatrlg printed. 1874. Cato, M. See Rustica (Scriptores de Re). CATULLUS, C. Valerius — Albius Tibullus — Sextus Aurelius Propertius. Carmina Interpretatione et Notis illustravit Phlllippus Servius T. E. C. P. Jussu Christianissimi Regis in usiun Serenissimi Delphini. 2 vols. 4to. Paris. 1685. O. Fr. red morocco, g. e. CAVE, William. Lives of the Holy Apostles. 1 vol. folio. 12.5 x 7.9. London. 1684. Camhr. calf spr. e. Lives of tlie Fathers. 2 vols, in 1, folio. 13.6x8.5. London. 1716. CAXTON— CERVANTES. 2'.) CAXTON, William. Translation of tlio I'olychronicori of Ralph llifiden, (Mideil 1482. [Colophon to iJook viij.] Gotl /m- tlutnked of al his dcdcs Tliix translaciim is ended on a tkiirsdaye the cyfitenthe dayc of Aprijle the yere of our lorde a thousand thre hoiiderd and luij the rxxj yere of Kymj Edwarde the thyrde after the Contjuest of Knyhmde, the yere of my lordes aye Syr Thomas lord of be ride y tlifit iiiiide inc iiKilii- this friiiis/iirion J'yre and tliri/tlif. [Colophon to JSook viij.] . . . Ended the second day of Jayll the r.rij yere of the reyne of Kynye Edn-arde the fourth Sf of the Incaniarion of oiire lord a thousand four honderd foure score aiid twcyne. 1 vol. folio. 10.3 X 7.6. Sec Trevisa. Brown morocco extra y. e., h. t. on sides {l>y Bedford). Sheets A and 5.') siijiplied in fur-simile by IIarrin. Collation : — Prohcme .and Table A— C iv in eights ; j to ."i."> in eights, with a Hingle sheet between 28 and 2'.), one leaf of which is blank, 49 is in four ; a j, 1 j, and 1 iv arc blanks, the blanks missing. CAXTON, William. The Golden Lef,^end. [Colophon.] fy7iysshed at IVestmestre the twenty day of nouenihre the yere of our lord niccccLrxxiiJ liy me M'yUyam Ca.iton. 1 vol. folio. 1.3. .5 X 9. Westminster. 1483. Mr. Towneley's (and Air. Glendinniny^s) copy. Collation : — Ci leaves unsigned ; a — \ and (>■ in eights ; 9 has 6 leaves (9j unsigned) : A — U in eights ; X in G ; Y 2 leaves and a single leaf ; aa — ff, hh and ij in eights : gg and kk in sixes. Preliminary leaves, sheet a, bj — v, n viij, oj and ij, B viij and kk j, iv and v, are missing. Translation of Five Books of Ovid's IVrctamorphoses. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1819. Reprint for the Roxhuryhe Club. The Game of the Chesse. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1851. A facsimile impression by Vincent Fiyyins, with a Preface on Type-founding. The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers (1477), a facsimile reproduction. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1877. The Book of Curtesye. 1 vol. 8vo. London. 1868. Early Enylish Text Society. Half olive morocco, t.e.g. See Aspland. Blades. Ceremonial. See Mary. Cephalus axd Procris. See Edwards. CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel de. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. 4 vols, folio. 11.8x8.9. Madrid. Blue Spanish leather, orry Hill Collection. A rare Book on the Espousals of Charles, Prince of Wales, with tho Infanta. Eng-liHh and Latin Titles, 2 leaves. Dedication to K. James, 5 leaves. The Worlds Auspicious Vowes (Latin. EnKlish and Spanish verses), 6 leaves. Dedication to Count Gondomar, 4 leaves. B — N in fours. Declaration concerning Sports lawful for Sundays. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1633. 8 leaves. Portrait inserted. [Addingrton Sale (105) 1886.] A Large Declaration concerning the late Tumults in Scotland. (Drawn up by Dr. Balcancjucl.) [Colophon.] Imprinted by Robert Youiif/, His Majesties Printer for Scotland. Anno 1639. 1 vol. folio. 11 X 7.2. London. Portrait of the King. Brotcn calf. A — Ggg in fours, but Eo and Ilhh have 6 leaves each. Irenodia Cantabrigiensis Ob paciferum Serenissimi Regis Caroli e Scotia reditum Mensc Novembri 1641. 1. vol. 4to. 8.6 x 6.4. Cambridge. 1641. Limp vellum. ^, A — L 2 in fours. Naseby Fight. A Relation Of the Victory obtained by Sir Thomas Fairfax, Generall of the Parliaments Forces, over the Enemies Forces, uecr Harborough, on Saturday June, 14. 1645. Being a letter brought from the Army by the Scout, to the Right Worshipful! William Gibbs, Alderman, and Sheriile of the City of London. London. Printed by Richard Cotes. 1645. 1 vol. 4to., 5 pp. 7.5 X 5.6. Broion morocco extra, g. e. Eikon Basilike. The Portraicture of His Sacred Maiestie in His Solitudes and Sutferings MDC.XL.VIIL 1vol. 6.5x4. Old black morocco, g. e. 3 croivns and C R on sides. A i leaves. Portrait on 2 leaves. B — S in eights, a portrait of Charles, Prince of Wales, on the verso of Q 4. King Charles the Second's copy, belonging afterwards to Mr. Bcckford (Sale No. 1820) and the Duke of Albany. It has Mr. Lort's autograph and MS. notes. Eikon Basilike. Reprint of Edition of 1648. With an Introduction by E. J. L. Scott. 8vo. London. 1880. Eikon Basilike. 1 vol. 8vo. 7.6x4.9. London. 1649. Purple morocco, g. t. s., g. e. Title &c., A i leaves, B— S 4 in eights, \_See also Eikon.] 32 CHARLES I. CHARLES I. Tlie Royall Legacies of Charles, the First of that Name of Great Britaine, France, and Ireh^nd King- and ISIartyr. To His Persecutors and Murdei-ers. Being a Short Paraphrase on His Majesties most Christian and most Charitable Speech, delivered immediately before his Ti-anslation. Dedicated to His Majesties Loyall and disconsolate Subjectes. 1 vol. 4to. 7.4x5.4. 1649. Russia gilt, r. e. A 2 leaves, Title and Epistle. B — N in fours. Folding portrait of the King, as a frontispiece. Tragicum Theatiaim, Actorum et Casuum Tragicorum, Londini Publice celebratorum, quibiis Hiberniw Proregi, Episcopo Cantua- riensi, ac tandem Regi ipsi, Aliisqne vita adempta et ad Anglicanam Metamorphosiu via est aperta. 1 vol. 18mo. 5.4x3.5. Amsteloddiiii. 1649. Portraits of Strafford, Laud, Fairfax, Cromwell, Lord Holland, Charles I. & IL, and the Duke of Hamilton. A — V in eights. 2 leaves paged 85 inserted before p. So. Monumentum Remle : Or a Tombe Erected for that incom- parable and Glorious Monarch Charles the First King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, &c. In Select Elegies, Epitaphs, and Poems. Printed in the year 1649. 1 vol. 8vo. 6.5x4.1. Portrait of the King. Black calf extra, y.e. A — C in eights. Also three folded pieces, 1. An Epitaph with a print of The King on his tombe. 2. An Elegy (2 leaves). 3. A Faithful Subjects Sigh (Title and 3 leaves). The Royal Charter Granted unto Kings By God Himself, and collected out of his holy Word in both Testaments, by T. B., D'' in Divinitie. Whereimto is added by the same Author, a Short Treatise wherein Episcopacy is proved to be Jure Divino. London. Printed in the year \&^%. 1 vol. 8vo. 5.5x3.5. A — L in eights. Folding portrait of Charles II. as a Frontispiece. The Famous Ti-agedie of King Charles I. Basely Butchered, in which are included Tbe several Combinations and Machinations that brought that incomparable Prince to the Block. 1 vol. 7.4x5.3. 1649. Secretly printed. A — G 2 in fours. The blood}' Game at Cards. As it was jjlayed betwixt the King of Hearts and the rest of his Suite against the Residue of the packe of Cards. Wherein is discovered where faire play was plaied and when was fowle. . . Shuffled at London, Cut at Westminster, Dealt at Yorke, and Plaid in the open field. 4 leaves, 4to. 7.5x5.8. 71. J), or d. Vellani. binding. Jehoshaphat's going forth to battell. 1 vol. 4to. 4 leaves. 7.6 X 5.8. n. d. CHARLES I. :53 CHARLES I. Defence de la Religion Reformce, et ISO, H)48. Also a ]){'ii'e(;t Itehition of tlie SuHcrings and Di-ath of divers of tiie iS'obiiity and Gentry, who were iniiunianly Murlliri-"d for their Constant Loyalty to tlieir Sovereign Lord the King: Together with their several Dying Speeches: From the Year 1642 to 1658. Portrait by Gay thorn. 4th Edition. 1 vol. 16mo. 6.4 x .S.8. London. 1703. Calf,r.e. ^ce Fellowes. Preface, &c., A and 1) in eights. Text, 180 pages, B to N 2 in eights. Sec also Eikon. Long. Ludlow. Milton. Salmasius. Vindication. Wagstati'. CHARLES n. England's Glory; or, air Exact Catalogue of the Lords of his Ma''" most hou: Privy Council, with y' knights of the most noble order of S' George called the Garter, and the House of Peers. 1 vol. 16mo. 6.3x4. London. 1660. Portrait of Charles IL A 4 leaves. B — G 4 in eights. Character of His most Sacred Majesty K. Charles II. With a short Apologie before it, An Introduction to it And a Conclusion after it. Written i5y a Minister of the A\'ord. 1 vol. 16mo. 6.2 X 3.9. London. 1660. Portrait of the King by Hollar. Old red morocco, (/. e. Title, 2 leaves ; B— D 3 in eights. "EtKwv Ba(7tXK)'j. Or the True Pourtraiture of his Sacred Majestic Charls the 11. In Three Books. Beginning from his Birth 1630 unto this present year 1660. Wherein is interwoven a Compleat History of the High-born Dukes of York and Glocester. By R. F. Esq'', an Eye-witness. 1 vol. sm. 8vo. 6.5 x 4.2. London. Crown §• CR on sides. A — F in eights (last leaf blank) ; A — E in eights ; A — D 4 in eights (a sheet d coming between C and D). Stemma Sacrum. The Royal Progeny Delineated, and with some Notes explained, Showing His Sacred Majesties Royal and Lawful Descent to his Crown and Kingdoms, from all the Kings that ever reigned in this Nation. By Giles Fleming. London. Printed for Robert Gibbs at the Golden Ball in Chancery Lane. 1660. 1 vol. 12mo. 5.6x3.2. A — D in eights. Folding sheet of Pedigree after a 8. 36 CHARLES II.— CHAUCER. CHARLES II. The Mystery and Method of his Ma"" Happy Restauration laid open to public view. By John Price, D.D., one of the late Duke of Albemarle's Chaplains, and Privy to all the Secret Passages and Pai-ticularities of that Glorious Revolution. 1 vol. 12rao. 6.3x4. London. 1680. Calf gilt, r.e. A 2/8 ; a 2 leaves, Title and Dedication ; B — M 1 in eights. [Tho' Blount]. Boscobel ; or, The Complete History of the most Miraculous Preservation of King Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester, Sepf 3, 1651. To ichich is added, Claustrum Regale Reseratum, or the King's Concealment at Ti'ent. Published by Mrs. Anne Wyndham. The Fourth Edition, with a Supplement to the whole. 1 vol. 12mo. 6.2x3.7. London. 1725. Portrait of the King. Folding plates of the City of Worcester and Boscobel House. A — I in twelves. A Proclamation for the Captm-e of the King, paged (157), inserted before B 1. K£pS«TTov Auipov. King Charles the Second His most Sacred Majestie Presented to the Right Honourable Houses of Parliament, in their next Session, as the Strength Honour and Peace of the Nations, in the Jewells of His Crown, and Justice of his People. 1 vol. 4to. 7.1x5.7. London. 1660. Portrait of the King. Old black morocco extra, g. e. Royal Arms on the sides. A — T in fours. The Laws and Acts of the First Parliament of our most High and Dread Soveraign Charles the Second. By the Grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland. 1 vol. 11.1x7.4. Edinburgh. 1661. Portrait of the King by Chantry. Old black morocco, g. sides and e. A— P in fours. A true Account and Declaration of the Hori'id Conspiracie against the late King, His present Majesty, and the Government. 1vol. 8vo. 7.1x4.3. London. 1686. Calf gilt. A fine portrait of the King, published by R. Gibbs. is added, as also one of Charles I. by Taylor, and .another by Van der Gueht, one of James II. by Vertue, and others of the Earl of Sunderland and Josiah Keeling. A — in eights. See also Charles I. (Scutum Regale 1660, & A Memento 1662). CHAUCER. The Workes of Geffray Chaucer, newly printed, with dyuers workes whiche were never in print before : As in the table more playnly doth appere. Cum priuilegio. [Colophon.] Thus endeth the Workes of Geffray Chaucer. Printed at London by Thomas Godfray The yere of our lorde M.D.xxxii. Ciim jirivilegio a rege indulto. 11.5x8.3. Brown 7norocco extra, g.c. by Bedford. Letter press of Title facsimile. A — Vw in sixes ; but Qq has 10 leaves. CHA UCER— CUE VELERE. W 7 CHAUCER. The Workcs of Geffrey Chaucer. Newly Printed, with (liuers additions. Witii the Siej^e and Destruction of the worthy Citio of Thebes, comjjiled by John Lidgate, Moiike of Burie. [Coh)plion.] Imjir lilted hif iiir, Ilonry Bradsha, Citizen ^ Groeer. Anno lofil. 1 vol. folio. 12.5x8.6. Red morocco extra, (j.e. (J)ij Bedford). A — Vvv in sixcB, but Vv, Xx and Vw have eight leaves. There is no X, Y, nor Z. The Workcs of. Edited by Urry ; with additional plates inserted. 1 vol. folio. 14.8x9.8. Loiidon. 1721. Sprinkled calf extra, m. e. CHAUNCY, Hknky. The History of Hertfordshire. 1 vol. folio. London. 1700. A very large copy. 14.8x9.4. Yellow morocco extra, g. e. The History of Hertfordshire. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1826. Yellow calf extra, g.e. A Reprint of the Edition of 1700. CHEKE, Sin .Tonx. Joannis Cheki, Ang-li, de pronuntiatione Griecaj potissimuna Lingute disputationes cum Stephano Wintoniensi Episcopo, septem coutrariis epistolis comprehensaj, magna quailam et elegantia et eruditione refertte. 1 vol. 8vo. 6.3 x 3.8. BusilecB per Nicol. Episopium iuniorem. 1555. Very rare. Dr. GoodalCs (and Dr. IInivtrey\s) copy. Old black morocco, r. e. On the back is a Crown and L in double cypher. Apparently for Louis, King of France. A to L in eights. CHESS (The Buke of the). 1 vol.4to. Auchinleck. 1818. A Reprint. See also Beale and Caxton. CHESTER, Robert. Poems (1601—1611). 1 vol. 4to. Manchester. 1878. Privately printed for A. B. Grosart. Half morocco, t, e, g. CHESTER MYSTERIES. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1818. Roxburghe Club. Chester-Waters. See Waters. Chevaliers du Saint Esprit. See Anselme. Morin. CHEVELERE ASSIGNE. 1 vol. 4to. London. Edited by Utterton. 10 x 7.7. Roxburghe Club. Phelps's copy. The Romance of the. Edited by myself for the Early English Text Society. 1 vol. 8vo. London. 1868. Half olive morocco, t. e. g, 8.6 x 5.6. Photographs added. Another copy. Large paper. 4to. form. 11.3x8.6. Only two thus printed. Illustrated with drawings by Julia Pocock. Brown morocco extra, morocco joints, g. e. Letters arid other matter inserted. 38 CHOICE— CHUR CHYA RD. CHOICE, CHANCE, AND CHANGE, or Conceits In their Colour (1606). 1 vol. 4to. Manchester. 1881. Privately printed fur A. B. Grosart. Half morocco, t.e.g. CHORLE AND THE BIRDE (The). 1 vol. 4to. London. 1818. Roxliurffhe Club. Dibdiji^s copy. Christian Subject. See Rocket. CHRONICON NUREMBERGENSE. Reglstrum liuiiis operis llbri cronlcarum ciun figurls et ymaglnibus ab Initio mundi. On folio 266, at the end of Ultima «tas Mundl is a first Colophon, Completo in famosissirna Nurcmbcrgend urhc Operi de hysforijs etatum mundi, ac dexcripfione urbium felix imponitur Jinis. Collectum brevi tempore Auxilio doctoris Hartmantii jSchedel, qua fieri potuit diligentia Anno Xpi Millesimo quadrigevtesimo nonagesimo tercio, die quarto mensis Junij. Deo igitur optima sint laudes infinite. Then five unnumbered leaves, De Sarmacia Reglone Europe, 33 leaves as a supplement to the Sexta etas. On the verso of 299 and recto of the next imnumbered leaf, a map of Europe ; and on the verso the Colophon Adest nunc studiose lector finis libri. Hunc librum dominus Anthonius Koburger Nuremberge impressit, Adhibitis tamen viris mathematicis Pingendique arte peritissimis Michaele Wolgemut et Wilhelmo Pleridenmurff quarum solerti acuratissi maque animaduersione turn ciuitatum tum illustriutn virorum figure inserte sunt. Consum- matum autem duodecima rnensis Julij anno sahitis nostre 1495. 1 vol. folio. 18. 7i X 12.6. A very large copy. Brown morocco extra, antique b. t., morocco joints, g. e. Collation : — Title as above, 1 leaf. Table 19 leaves. Folios 1 to 299. The 3 leaves 258-60 and the two last leaves are blank. CHRONICON VILODUNENSE, sive de Vita et Miraculis Sancta3 Edlthfe, Regis Edgari Filia;, Carmen vetus Anglicum, e codlce unico Cottoniano in Museo Britannico Asservato, nimc demum in lucem editum cui'a Guilelml Heurici Black, sumptibus Ricardi Colt Hoare. 1 vol. folio. London. 1830. 17.1 x 10.5. Half red morocco, g. e. CHURCH OF ENGLAND MAN'S PRIVATE DEVO- TIONS. 1 vol. 12mo. 6.4x3.8. London. 1749. Purple morocco extra, richly g. t. sides, g. e. CnuKCHWARDEN's ACCOUNTS. See Canterbury. Manners. Woodbury. CHURCHYARD, Thomas. Translation of Three Books of Ovid de Tristlbus. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1819. Roxburghe Club. Markland' s copy. CHURTON— CCELIUS. 39 CHURTON, Wii,M.\M Rai.i-i[ (Remains of). 1 vol. 8vo. 7.5x4.8. Lundiin. ls;5(). I'liinitrlif iirintcd. Silk liindiiK/, (j.c. CICERO. See Dolman, Grimaldi, and Whytynton. CLARENDON. History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in Enn^land. 8 vols. 8vo. y..'5 x 5.8. Ojcford. 1826. Lart/e pdjifir. lied morocco extra, (j. e. CL. CL AUDI AN! OPERA Qujc extant Interpretatione et Amiotatioiiihus Illiisti-avit CJidielmus Pyrrho ; lussu Ciiristiaiiissimi Reij;ls, in usuin Serenissiini Delpliini. 1 vol. 4to. Paris. 1677. Calf spr. e. CLEAVELAND, E. A Genealogical History of the Noble and Illustrious Family of Courtenay. 1 vol. folio. 13.2 x 8.5. Exeter. 1735. C(imlirid. 5.1x3.4. Mounted in 4to. form, 13.2x10.7, and bound in hrovm morocco extra, leaves ; a, S leaves ; B — Aa4 in eights. EAGLE— EIKON. 53 E. EAGLE ANDTIIEKOBTN, THE. An Apologue. Translated from tlie Urifijiniil of ^Eso|), written Two Thousand Years Since, and now rendrcd in familiar Verse. By //. G. L. Mag. Together with TafFey's Triumph. . . By a Gentleman of Oxford. 1 vol. 8vo. 6.7x4.;5. London. 1709. EARLE, John. Microcosmographie (1628). 1 vol. 4to. Lauv/c paper. lA)ndon. 1871. Reprint; Edited hy Edward Arber. Half (jrcen morocco, t. c. (j, EDWARD VL, KING. His own Arguments against the Supremacy of the Pope. 1 vol. 16mo. 5.6x3.6. London. 1682. Literary Remains. Edited by Nichols. 2 vols. 4to. I^ondon. 1857. Roxhurghe Club. Lord Vernon s copy. The Funeralles of. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1877. Roxburghe Club. Tonmley^s copy. EDWARDS, Thomas. Ccphalus and Procris. Narcissus. Edited from the imique Co])y in the Cathedral Library, Peterborough, by W. E. Buckley. Roxburghe Club. EGER AND GRYME. Edited by Hales and Furnivall, from Bp. Percy's MS. 1 vol. 4to. 11.3x9.1. London. 1867. Large paper. EIKON ALETHINE. The Pourtraiture of Truth's Most Sacred Majesty truly suffering though not solely. Wherein the False colours are washed ott', wherewith the Painter-Steiner hath bedawbed Truth, the late King and the Parliament in his counterfeit Piece entituled Eikon basilike. Published to undeceive the World. 1 vol. 4to. 7x5.1. London. 1649. Vellum gilt. One of a set relating to Eikon Basilike. Frontispiece 1 leaf, a 3 leaves ; A — in fours. EIKON BASILIKE. See Charles I., Charles II., HoUings- worth, Long, Ludlow, ililton, Plain Dealer, Sahnasius, Vindication, Wagstatf, Walker. EIKON HE PISTE. Or, The faltliful Portraicture of a Loyall Subject, in Vindication of Eikon Basilike ... In answer to an insolent Book, Intituled Eikon Alethine. 1 vol. 4to. 6.9 x 5.4. 1649. Vellum gilt. One of a set relating to Eikon Basilike. A — N in fours. 54 ELIO T—EPIC TE T US. ELIOT, Sir John. Monarcliie of Man (1590-1632). 2 vols 4to. London. 1879. {A. B. Grosart.) Privately printed. Apologie for Socrates, &c. (1590-1632). 2 vols. 4to. London. 1881. {A. B. Grosart.) Privately printed. De Jure Maiestatis, or Political Treatise of Government (1628-1630), and The Letter Book (1625-1632). 2 vols. 4to. London. 1882. {A. B. Grosart.) Privately printed. ELIZABETHAN ENGLAND in Gentle and Simple Life (1595). 1 vol. 4to. Mancliester. 1881. Privately printed for A. B. Grosart. Half Morocco, t.e.g. ELLACOMBE, Henry Thomas. History and Antiquities of the Parish of Cljst S' George, alias Clyst Champernon in the County of Devon. 1 vol. 4to. 11x8.5. Exeter. 1865. Red morocco extra, g. e, The History of the Parish of Bitton In the Coimty of Gloucester. 2 Parts in 1 vol. 4to. Exeter. 1881-3. Privately printed. ELYOT. The Boke named the Goveraom- designed by Sir Thomas Elyot, Knyght. 1 vol. 16mo. 6.4x3.5. London. 1546. Berthelet. > A j — viij, Proheme and Table. A — Dd in eights. ELYOTE. The Image of Gouemaunce compiled of the actes and Sentences notable of the most noble emperour Alexander Severus late translated out of Greke Into Euglishe by Sir Thomas Elyote, Knyght, in the fauour of Nobilitee. 1 vol. 16mo. 5.3x3.5. London. 1549. Berthelet. A 3 — viij. Title and Preface ; B j — iij. Table. B iv — Aa iv in eights. ENGELAND Beroerd Onderde Regeering van Koning Jacobus de II, en hersteld door Willem en Maria Prius en Princesse van Orangie. 3 parts. Also the Opkomst, Geboorte, Leven en Dood van Maria Stuart Koninginne van Groot Britannien Vrankryk en Yrland. All in 1 vol. 4to. 7.8x6. Amsterdam. 1689. Curious Plates. Horace WalpoWs copy. ENGELANDS Gods-Dieust en Vryheid hcrstelld door sijn Hoogheid den Heere Prince van Oranjen. 2 vols, in l,4to. 7.8 x5.9. Amsterdam. 1689. Curious Plates. England's [Black] Tribunal, &c. See Charles I. Epictetus. See Walker. ERASMUS— EXPOSITION. 55 ERASMUS. Des. Erasmi Roterodami Collofjuia. 1 vol. 32ino. 4.8x2.8. Elzevir, Amsterdam. 1662. Vellum (jilt, r.e. See also Chaloner. Kennett. ESCOCE. La Vraie Cronique d'Escoce. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1847. Roxburghe Club. EsTiiEK, The Rook ok. See Ril)le3. EspaSa. See Salazar. EuTBOPius. See Haward. EXAMINATION. A briefe Examination for the tyme, of a ccrtaine declaration lately put in print in the name and defence of ccrtaine Ministers in London, refusyng to weare the apparel prescribed by the lawcs and orders of the Realme. Willi Letters between Rucer, Cranmer, Hoper, a Lasco and Peter Martir, with dates in October and November 1550. [Colophon.] Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richard Tugge, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie. Cum priuilegio Regies Maiestatis. 7.7 x 5.8. See Answere. The Examination, * — 7* 2 in fours. The Letters, A — D in fours. Exposition of Terms. See Laws, also Verborum Significatione. FALCONER— FITZGEOFFREV. 67 F. FALCONER, Wilmam. The Shipwreck. I vol. 8vo. 9.2 x 5.7. Eondon, 1804. Large paper. Orange murocco ixtrtt, (j.u. FANSHAWE, IIichakd. II Tastov Fido of Guarini. With otlier Poems. 1 vol. 4to. 7.9x6. London. 1648. Calf gilt, rn.e. FELLTHAM, OwKN. Resolves. 1 vol. folio. 11x7, London. 1601. Sjtr. calf extra, r.e. FERNE, John. The HIazon of Gentrle : Deuided into two parts. The first named The Glorie of Generositie, The second Lacyes Nobilitie. C'oniprelieiuliiiii- rinnim do rebus per Angliain et Scotiain gestis, atque in j)riinis de horrenda, sub Maria nuper Kcfjina, persecutione, narratio continetur. Auctorc Joanne Foxo Aiifjlo. [Colophon.] BasilecB per Nicolaum liriliiKjerum et Joannem Oporhmm Anno M.D.LIX Mense Auyusto. Martyrum Historia. . . . Pars Secunda. Quum aiitem in prima parte Martyres saltern Angliaj et Scotiic, a D. .Joanne Foxo Anglo snpcrloribns annis sint annotata;, liae deinum secunda nunc primuni res memorabiles Martyrum per Germaniam, Galliam, et Italium, a Joannis llusjsi tempore ad prajsentem 1563 annum gesta, copiosissime quam uspiam alibi continentur. Quarum catalogum statim post Priel'ationem Snbiecimus. Opus sane omnibus C'hrlstianis utilissimum, sunnnaqtie consolatione & doctrina refertum. Auctore Heinrico I'auta- leone Ordinario Physico in Academia JJasiiiensi. Basileic per Nicolaum Brylingerum Anno 1563. This second part is very rare. The two parts in one vol. folio. 12.2 x 7.7. Spr. calf gilt, spr.e. Pai-t I. Title &c., 7 leaves ; pp. 1—732. Part II. Title &o., 6 leaves ; pp. 1—361, with Errata and 4 leaves of Index. FOXE, John. The First Volume of the Ecclesiasticall history contaynyng the Actes and Monumentes of thynges passed in euery kynges tyme in this Realme, especially in the Churche of Englande principally to be noted, with a full discourse of such persecutions, horrible troubles, the suffei-yng of Martyrs, and other thynges incident, touchyng as wel the sayd Chur(!h of I']iigland as also Scotland, and all other foreine nations, from the jirimitiue tyme till the reigne of K. Henry viij. Newly recognised and inlarged by the Author John Foxe. At London Printed by John Daye, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate. {®° These Bookes are to be sold at hys shop onder the gate. 1570. Cum gratia et priuileglo Regine Maiestatis. The Second Volume of the Ecclesiasticall history, conteynyng the Actes and Monumentes of Martyrs, with a generall discourse of these latter persecutions, horrible troubles, and tumultes, styrred up by Romish Prelates in the Church, with diuers other thynges incident especially to this Realme of England and Scotland, as partly also to all other foreine nations apparteynyng, from the time of K. Henry the viij. to Queene Elizabeth our gratious Lady now reygnyng. 2 vols, folio. 13.9 X 9.4. Brown morocco extra, g. e. Bound by Riviere. This is tlic rare 2nd English Edition of " The Book of Martyrs," the first being in 1563, the same date as the second part of the Latin book above catalogued, from -svhiL-h it was translated. Vol. 1. Title. &c.. U leaves ; pp. 1 — 922, finishing "Here endeth the sixte booke, and the fii-st Tome." Then follow !) unpaged leaves, finishing with " Tlic end of thcjirst volume oftlw Booke of Martyrs." Vol. 2. pp. 923 — 2302, with 13 leaves of Index. Foxe, John. See Gospels. 60 FRANCE— FULLER. FRANCE. Catalogues des Chanceliers, pp. 1-49 ; Connestables, pp. 1-61; Grands Maistres, pp. 1-58; Admiraux (pp. 1-28) et Marechaux de France, pp. 1-75 ; et de Prevots de Paris, pp. 1-37. a Paris, Chez Charles fils de Claude ISIorel Imprinieur Ordinaire du Roy, rue S. Jacques a la Fontaine M.D.C. XXVIII. Avec Privilege du Roy. 1 vol. folio. 12.9 x 8.4. FRESHFIELD, Charles K. Selection of Ballads, translated chiefly from German Authors. 1 vol. 4to. 1873. Privately printed. FROISSART. Le premier [le second, le tiers, et le quart] volume de Messire Jehan froissart lequel traicte des choses dignes de memoii'e aduenues tant es pays de France, Angleterre, Flandres, Espagne, que Escoce et autres lieux clrconuoisins. Nouuellement oultre lesprecedentes impressions Imprime a Paris. On les vend en la Rue saint Jacques a lenseigne du Loup en la boutique de Poncet le preux deuant les Maturins. j\Iil v'^, xxx. Galliot Du Pre. [Colophon to Vol. IV.] Cyjinist le qiiart et dernier volume de messire Jehan froissart, snr les croniques de france danijleterre, escoce espair/ne, bi-etafjne etfiandres, et lieux voisins. Nouuellement imprime a Parris par Anthoine coutean imprimeur pour Poncet le preux libraire iure de luniueritie , demourant en la rue saincte Jacques a lenseigne du Loup deuant les maturins. Etfut aclieue dimprimer le deuxieme iour de Septemhre I^an mil cinq cens trente. On the same page is the Device of Poncet le Preux, which is also on the blank leaf at the end of Vols. I. & II. That of Jehan Petit is on the leaf at the end of Vol. III. 4 vols, folio, in 1. 12.5 x 8.2. Brown morocco extra, g. e. {by Bedford). See also Berners. Vol. I. Title and table. 5 leaves: pp. 1—208. Vol II. Title and table, i leaves ; pp. 1—213. Vol. III. Title and table, i leaves ; pp. 1—166. Vol. IV. Title and table, 2 leaves ; pp. 1 — 80. FUGITIVE TRACTS written in Verse: the Condition of Religious and Political Feeling in England, and the State of Society there during Two Centuries. (1493-1700.) JVith a Preface by Henry Huth. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1875. Privately printed, A Presentation Copy. FULLER, Thomas. The Holy [and the Profane] State. 1 vol. folio. Cambridge. Printed by R. D. for John Williams at the Signe of the Crowne in S' Paules Church-yard, 1642. Andronicus, or the Unfortunate Politician, shewing Sin ; stoutly punished. Right; surely rescued. 1 vol. 16mo. 6.6x3.6. London, 1646. Good Thoughts in Bad Times ; Together with Good Thoughts in Worse Times. 1 vol. 24mo. 5x2.9. London. 1680. A Triple Reconciler. Stating the Controversies, Whether Ministers have an Exclusive power of Communicants from the Sacrament. [Whether] Any person unordained may lawfully Preacli. [Whether] The Lords Prayer ought not to be used by all Christians. 1 vol. 16mo. 6.3x4.1. London. 1654. Purple morocco extra, g.e. FULLER. fil FULLEU, Thomas. The riiunli History of IJritain. From the Hirth of Jesus Clirist, uiitill the \C,ir M.D.C. X li V I I I . J^idoii- voured by Thomas Fuller. London, Printed lor Jolin Williams at the Siojno of the Crown in S' Paules Church-yard, Anno 1C55. 1 vol. folio. 13.2 X 8.8. Red morocco extra, g. e. (hi/ licilfunl). The History of the Holy Warre. 1 vol. folio. 11x7.3. Camhridije. I'l'inted by R. Daniel, for Thomas JJuek, and are to be sold by John Williams at the Sifrnc of the (Jreyhounde ['The Crane' in the l']np;ra\cd Title] in Pauls Churchyard 1(!4(). Ephemcris I'arliamentaria, Or a Faithfull llegister of the Transactions in Parliament, in the third and fourth years of the reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles: Containing The sevcrall Speeches, Cases and Arguments of Law transacteattus ordinary Physitionc of the Cityc of Dorte, and now luuilye translated out of Low-Duche into Euglishe by A. M. 1 vol. folio. 11x7.2. Dort. 1599. Calf extra, r. e. Fi'om the Savile Library. Autograph of Mrs. Mary Savile. Title, Epistles and Index, 22 leaves ; pp. 1 — 3'J3, and 1 unpaged. GALAUNT (Treatise of a) with the Maryage of the Fayre Pusell. 1 vol. sm. 4to. 5.6x4.2. London. 1860. Privateli/ printed by J. O. Ilalliwell from f-Fi/n/ti/n de Worde. Gallopes. See Pelerinage. GAMES most in Use in England, France and Spain: viz., Basset, Picquet, Primero, L'Ombre, Chess, Billiards, Grand Tricktrack, Verquere, &c. Some of which were never before Printed in Any Language. All regulated by the most Experienc'd Masters. AVith a Table to the Whole. 1 vol. 16mo. 6.5x4.2. London. Printed and Sold by J. Morphew. n.d. Spr. calf extra, r.e. GAMESTER. The Compleat Gamester, or Instructions how to play at Billiards, Trucks, Bowls and Chess, together with all manner of usual and most gentile Games either on Cards or Dice, &c. 1 vol. 16mo. 5.9x4.~7. London. 1680. (2nd Edition of Book of 1675.) Culf,b.t. 5th Edition of the same. 1 vol. 12mo. 6.4x3.8. London. 1725. Cambridge calf. See also Seymour. GANDER, Joseph. The Glorle of Her Sacred Majesty Queen Anne in the Royal Navy, and her Absolute Sovereignty as Empress of the Sea Asserted and Vindicated. Also a Treatise of Navigation and Commerce. 1 vol. 4to. 8.1x6.3. lAmdon. 1703. Old morocco, g. e. 64 GARDEN— GA UFRIDI. GAKDEN (or Gardyne), Alexander. A Garden of Grave and Godlie Flowers. Also, The Theatre of the Scottish Kiugs. Together with Miscellaneous Poems by John Lundie. 1 vol. 4to. Edinburgh. 1845. Abbotsford Club. Garden Plot. See Goldingham. GARDINER, B^ De vera obedientia. An oration made in Latine by the right Reiierende father in God Stephan bishop of Winchester now Lorde Chauncelour of Englande. With the Preface of Edmonde Bonner then Archideacon of Leicestre, and the Kinges Maiesties Embassadour in Denmarke, and now Bishop of London : touching true obedience, Printed at Hamburgh in Latine in oflicina Francisci Rhodi Mense Januario 1536. And now translated in to Englishe, and printed eftsones in Rome before y' castle of S. Angel, at the signe of S. Peter. In Nouembre Anno do M.D.L iij. 1 vol. 5.2 X 3.5. Brouni morocco extra, g. e. The Translator Bp John Bale fibaishes the book -mfb. these words. A faire tale, a good tale, God quyte you for yimr tale. Very ivell sayed, nell obeyed, at y' is sproken in ale. A — Hiv in eights. Gardiner. See Bale. GARLANDE. Johannis de Garlandia de Triumphis Ecclesiae Libri Octo. Edited by Thomas Wright. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1856. Roxburghe Club. GASCOIGNE. The Whole Woorkes of George Gascoigne Esquyre, Newlye compyled into one Volume, that is to say : His Flowers, Hearbes, Weedes, The Fruites of Warre, the Comedie called Supposes, the Tragedie of locasta, the Steele glasse, the Complaynt of Phylomene, the Storie of Ferdinando Jeronimi, and the pleasure at Kenelworth Castle. London. Imprinted by Abel Jeffes, dwelling in the Fore Streete Without Cripplegate, neere vmto Grubstreete. Black letter. Rare. This copy has the " Certaine notes of Instruction" after the "Princely Pleasures." 1 vol. 4to. 7.2 X 5.2. 1587. Old red morocco extra, g. t., g. e. Title and Preliminary. 17 leaves ; a — k in eig'hts : B. 4 leaves ; C — P in eights ; Q, 4 leaves ; S — Z in eights ; C 4 leaves. The Steele Glasse, S, 4 leaves, and V — Y in eights ; A — B, 8 leaves each. Princely Pleasures, A — C in eights. Certaine Notes, D, 4 leaves. The Steele Glas (1576) &c. Preceded by George Whetstones Remembrance of the wel imployed Life and Godly end of George Gascoigne Esq"^" (1577). Reprinted, and Edited by Edward Arber. 1 vol. 4to. Large paper. Half green morocco, t. e. g. GAUFRIDI ARTHURII Monemuthensis Archidiaconi, . . . de vita et Vaticiniis ISIerlini Calcdonii Carmen Heroicxun. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1830. Roxburghe Club. Ufarhland's copy. GAYTON— GIBBS. 65 GAYTON, Edmund. Pleasant Notes upon Don Quixote. 1 vol. folio. 11x7.1. Loiiilini. J'riiilril 1,1/ If'lin, 11,1 lliliil. 1654. Calf (jilt. GENEIilDKS. A Uoyal Ilistorie of the Excellent Knight Generidos, from AP Tolleinaelie's MS. 1 vol. 4to. llcrlfvrd. 1«G5. Preseitti-d htj ine to the Roxburyhc Club. (JENTLEMAX'.S CALLIX(;, The. 1 vol. sin. 8vo. fi.'i x .3.8. London, Printed for T. (iartliwait at the Little Norlh-doore of St. Pauls. lG(i(). Old ptiij,ir initrocco vxtrii, (j.e. GERARDE, .loiix. The Ilerhall, or (iencrall Ilistorie of Plantes. Gathered hy .lohn (Jei-arde of London, Master in Chirur- j?erie. Very much enlarf>'c(l and anienderl hy 'J'homas tlolmson. Citizen and Apothecary of London. 1 vol. folio. 13.6 x 9. iMndtm. 1633. GESTA. The Old En{j;lish Version of the Gcsta Romauorum. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1838. Roxburghe Chib. Duke of MarlborowjlCs copy. GEYLER, John. Navieula Sive Speculum Fatuorum. 1 vol. 4to. 8.2x6.1. Strdsburtjh. 1510. Sjirinkhul ciilf extra, \<'i-yi(>v. Sive Ritnale Gra!conim. Com])lectens Ritus et Ordines Divina; Liturgias, Officlonim, Sacra- mentorum, Consecrationum, Ik'nedicf ioiiuin, Funerum, Oi-ationuni, &c., cuilibet persona;, Statui, vel tempori congruos. .luxta Usum Orientalis Ecclesi;c. 1 vol. folio. 13.9 x 9.2. I'uris. 1C47. //•" Jjord lAinyueville s copi/. a, C' i, in fours ; 2 imsigned leaves, the last blank ; A — CCccco in fours ; DDdddd, and EEeeee, 2 leaves each. Goes, Damian. See Glaus. GOLDING. The XV. Books of P. Ouidius Naso ; entytuled Metamor])hosis translated out of Latin into Enn;lish meeter, a worke very pleasant and delectable. By Arthur Gelding, Gentleman. [Colophon.] Imprinted at London by Jl'iUi/inn Seres dwellin;/ at the west end of Paules church at the sir/ne of the ILedf/eho(/f/c. 1 vol. 4to. 7.6x5.2. London. 1567. Green calf extra, y.e. Titers cupji/. a — b. A, in fours, Title and Prefaces. Text. 2fi0 leaves. The Eyght bookes of Caius Julius Ca!sar conteyning hi.s martiall exjdoytes in the Realme of Gallia and the Countries bordering vjipon the same, translated oute of Latin into English by Arthur Goldinge G. Imprinted at London by JJ'ilhjam Seres. Anno 1565. 1 "vol. 16mo. 5.4x3.5. * S leaves, ** 4 leaves, Title and Preface. A — Nn 2 in eights. GOLDINGHAM, Hexrt. The Garden Plot, an Allegorical Poem. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1825. Roxbnrf/lie Club. Townleys copy. 68 GOOGE^GOULD. GOOGE, Barnabe. Eglogs, Epytaphes and Sonettes (1563). Reprint. Edited hj Edward Arher. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1871. Large paper. Half green morocco, t.e.g. GORGES, Sir Arthur. Lucaus Phar.salia. Containing the Ciuill Warres betweene Cajsar and Pompey. Translated into English Verse by Sir A. G., Ku'. 1vol. 9.3x5.8. London. 1614. Calf. A 5 leaves, B — Qq in sixes. GOSPELS. A MS. by a German Scribe, c. 1460, on 216 leaves of fine Vellum (9 blank), with 4 full-page Miniatures of the Evangelists, and 2 of the Nativity and Visitation. Also 5 large illuminated initials with borders. Size, 9 x 6.6. The Gospels of the Power Evangelistes translated in the olde Saxons tyme out of Latin into the vulgare toung of the Saxons, newly collected out of Auncient Monumentes of the sayd Saxons, and now published for Testimony of the same. [Edited by Joiin Foxe.] At London, Printed by John Daye dwelling ouer Aklersgate Street. 1571. 1 vol. 4to., 408 pp. 7.5x5.5. Brown morocco extra, g. e., b, t. Has the autographs of Ben Jonson (defaced in binding), Bishop White Kennet, and Mr. Herbert N. Evans. GOSSON, Stephen. The Schoole of Abuse (1579). And a Short Apologie for the Schoole of Abuse (1579). 1 vol. 4to. London. 1869. Edited by Edward Arber. Large paper. Half green morocco, t. c. g. GOTCH, J. Alfred. Account of the Buildings erected by Sir Thomas Gresham. 1 vol. folio. Northampton. 1883. GOULD, John. Birds of the Himalaya Mountains. 1 vol. folio. 21.4x14.5. I^ondon. 1831. Half morocco, g. e. Monograph of the Trogonida; or Family of Trogons. 1 vol. folio. 21.6x14.4. London. 1838. Green morocco extra, g.e., morocco joints. Monograph of the Macrojjodida;, or the Family of Kangaroos. 1 vol. folio. London. 1841. Half green morocco extra, g. e. Birds of Australia. 7 vols, folio. 21.6x14.4. London. 1848. Green morocco extra, g. e., morocco joints. Partridges of America. 1 vol. folio. 21.7 x 14.8. London. 1850. Green morocco extra, richlg tooled sides, c/. e. Monograph of the Toucans. 1 vol. folio. 21.6x14.8. L^ondon. 1854. Red morocco extra, richlg tooli'd sides, g.e. Bound, {with Lears Parrots). GOULD— GRIMSTON. m GOULD, JoTTN. Monogiiiph of the Humming-birds. 5 vols, folio. 21.7x14.7. London. 18G1. Red morocco extra, richly tooled sides, (j.t. Tlie JJirds of Great. Urltain. a vols, folio. 21.6 x 14.4. London. 187.'5. Broirn morocco cxtrii, (j.e.., morocco joints. (lOWER, .1. Ovid's Fcstivalls, or Romane calendar, Translated into English verse cquiniimerally, V>y .John Gower, Master of Arts, and sometimos of Jesus College in Cambridge. . . . Printed by Rogei- Daniel, Printer to the University of Cambridge, and are to be sold by M. S. junior in the little ()Id-l>aily in London 1640. 1 vol. l8mo. 5.6 x .■J.5. Ihoiun morocco extra, (j. e. ^ 4 leaves ; A — M 2 in eights. Vox Clamantis. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1850. Roxburghe Club. Pontoii's copy. Halades and other Poems. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1818. Roxburghe Club. Ponton^ copy. Confossio Amantis. Edited by R. Pauli. 3 vols. 8vo. T^ondon. 1857. GREENE, RoiJEUT. Coney-catcher's Cozenage. 1 vol. 8vo, London. 1859. Private reprint by Uulliwell. Life, and Comjilete Works in Prose and Verse. 15 vols. 4to. London. 1881-6. Privately printed for A. B. (Jrosart. Greene's Ghost. See R[owlands]. GREENWEY, Richard. Tacitus translated. 1 vol. folio, 550 pp. 10.8 X 7.5. London. 1640. Old red morocco gilt, g. e, GRESIIAM, James. The picture of Incest (1626). 1 vol. 4to. Manchester. 1876. Privately printed for A. B. Grosart. Half morocco, t. e. g. GRIFFIN, Bartiiolomeav. Poems (1596). 1 vol. 4to. Manchester. 1876. Privately printed for A. B. Grosart. Half morocco, t. e. //. GRIMALDE, Nicholas. Translation of Cicero's Book of Duties. 1 vol. 16mo.j 168 folios. 5.3x3.6. London. 1558. Red morocco extra, g. e. GRIMALDI, Stacey. Origines Genealogical, &c. 1 vol. 4to. 10.7x8.5. London. 1828. Half calf gilt, in. e. William the Fuurtlis copy. GRIMSTON, The Honourable Charlotte. The History of Gorhambury. Facsimile of a MS. privately printed r. 1826. Comerford Collection, 7 GRIM S TONE— G UILE VILLE. G[EIMSTONE], E[dward]. Josepli Acosta's Naturall and Morall Historic of the East and West Indies — translated. 1 vol. 4to. 6.9x5.2. London. 1C04. Bare. Ccilf e.itra, g.e. {hij Riviere). A, 4 leaves ; B— Pp in eights. The History of Polyhius the jVIegalopolitan. The first five liookes entire. With all the parcels of the subsequent Bookes unto the eighteenth according to the Greeke Griginall. . . Translated into English by Edward Grinieston, Sergeant at Amies. 1 vol. folio, 480 pp., and Tleaves of Index. 12.6 x 8.2. London. 1634. Narrative of his Captivity in the Bastille. 1 vol. 4to. Privatchj printed. Forms also a part of the volume of Miscellanies of the Philohiblon Society. Half (jreen morocco, (j. e. Gringoire, Pierre. See Hora;. GROVE, Matthew. Poems (1587). 1 vol. 4to. Manchester. 1878. Privately printed for A. B. Grosart. Half morocco, t. e. y. GROSART, A. B. Fly Leaves, or Additional Notes and Illustrations on the Occasional Issues of Unique or very i-are Books in xxxvii. vols, quarto. 1 vol. 4to. Manchester. 1883. Privately printed. Half morocco, t. e. y. GUICCIARDINI. History of the Low Countries. iSee Danett. GuiDlCKixs. See Walpole. GUILEVILLE. Pelerinage de la Vie Huniaine of Guillaume de Guileville, done into prose by an unknown Priest (tltouyht by some to be Jean Gallopes, who is hnoicn to have been the Tenderer of the last part — the Pelerinaye de lame) at the request of Jeanne de Laval, second wife of King Rene of Anjou. MS. on 254 folios of vellum, rvith 5 full-jxiye Miniatures, and 91 smaller ones. 10.5x7.5. Anyers. February, 1464. French red morocco, y. e. Bought at the Perkins sale. The Ancient Poem of Le Pelerinage de L'Homme Com])ared with Bunyan's Pilgrinrs Progress, from Notes by Nath' Ilill. 1 vol. 4to. I^ondon. 1858. Modern Prose Translation of the Pylgrymage of Man. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1859. Translation of The Pylgremage of the Sowle. Caxtou, 1483. Edited by Kath' habella Cust. ' 1 vol. 4to. London. 1859, The Pylgrymage of the Ijyf of the Manhode. From the French of Guillaume do ({uilcville. 1 vol. 4to. I^ondon. 1669. Roxburyhe Club. G UlLLIM—a ) BBYS. 71 (iUllvlilM, .loirv. Display ()(• Heraldry. 1 vol. lolio. 11.2 x 7. «. IaiikIvii. H)11. 1-1 Ivlitlon. Disjjlay of Heraldry. I vol. folio. I3.Gx8.7. A lanjc copi/. Fiiif iiiijirrssidiis iif the J'lirl nills. Siinif I'lirl I'liits u(l(li:il. GUII.l'IN, Kdw.viM). Skialetlieia (1598). 1 vol. 4to. 3Iun- clienti-r. 1878. Prirtiteli/ printed for A. li. Gni.siirt. J lalf morocco, t. ,: ,,. GuisCARD AND SiGiSMUND. See St. Ursula (Life of). GUYDO'S QITKSTIONS NKWLY COUHECTED [By George Haker]. Wliereiiiito is added the tliii-dc and foui-tli hooke of Galen, with a treatise for the helps of all the outwarde parts of mans bcxly. . . . Imprinted y Richard llakluyt Preacher, and Sometime Student of Christ-Church in Oxford. Imprinted at London hi/ Gcorc/c Bishop, Kaljih Nncheric, and Rohert Barker. Anno 1599. Bound in 3 vols, folio. 10.9x7.4. Bed morocco extra, (j. e. 1st Vol., 620 pp. : iiul Vol.. L'C.I pp. : '^rA Vol. (ICOU), 8fi8 pp. HALL, Bishop Joseph. The King's Prophecy (1603). 1 vol. 4to. London. 1882. Eoxhnrr/he Cluh. A Plaine and Familiar Explication (by way of Paraphrase) of iVli Tlie ILird Texts of tlie whole Divine Scripture of the Old and New Testament. Hy .los. Exon. 1 vol. folio. 11.1x7.3. London. 1 633. Spr. calf extra, r. e. Complete Poems. 1 vol. 4to. Mancliester. 1879. Privately printed for A. B. Gro.^art. Half morocco, t. e. (/. HALLIWELL, J. O. Catalogue of Chap-books, Garlands, and Popular Histories in his possession. 1 vol. 12mo. London. 1849. Privately printed. Half calf. Tiudus Coventriaj. A collection of Mysteries formerly represented at Coventry. 1 vol. 8vo. London. 1841. Shakespeare Society. Contributions to Early English Literature. 1 vol. 4to. London . 1849. Prii-atelij printed. Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial "Words. 2 vols. 4to. 11x8.5. lAtndon. 1850. Larije paper. Calf extra, y. e. 74 HALLIWELL. HALLIWELL, J. O. Cataloj^ue of Pi-oclamatioiis, Broadsides, Ballads, &c., presented to tlie Chetliam Library, Maucliester. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1851. Privately jirinted. Some Account of a Collection of Several Thousand Bills, Accounts, and Inventories. 1 vol. 4to. Brixton. 1852. Privdtvhj printed. Curiosities of Modern Shakespeare Criticism. 1853. Pamph. Miscall. I. A Brief Notice of tlie Mirrour of Government hy J . . R 1 vol. 24mo. London. 1854. Priviiteh/ printed. Bound trith the Mirrour of Gouvernment. See K[ocket]. Accoimt of his Theological MSS. 1 vol. 4to. Brixton. 1854. Privately printed. P)Ooks of Characters, illustrating the Habits and Manners of Englishmen from the Reign of James I. to the Restoration. See Wandering Jew. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1857. Privately printed. Evidences of Christianity. 1 vol. 8vo. Lojidon. 1859. Privately printed. Large and tliielt. paper. A small paper copy of the same. A Dictionary of Old English Plays existing either in Print or in Manuscript from the Earliest times to tlie close of the Seventeenth century ; including also notices of Latin Plays written by English Authors during the same period. 1 vol. 8vo. I^ondon. 1860. No. 9 of 25 copies ou thick paper. Calendar of Stratford Records. 1 vol. folio. L.ondon. 1863. Shakspearian Fac-similes. 1 vol. folio. 15.2 x 9. L^ondon. 1863. Half red morocco, t.e.y. Stratford upon Avon in the Times of the Shakespeares. 1 vol. folio. London. 1864. An Historical Account of the New Place, Stratford upon Avon. 1 vol. folio. L^ondon. 1864 A Handbook Index to the Works of Shakspeare. 1 vol. 8vo. London. 1866. ILilf liroivn morocco yilt, y. e. Shakspeariana. A List of Works illustrative of the Life and Writings of Shakespeare. 1 vol. 8vo. London. 1867. Catalogue of Engravings, &c., illustrative of the Life of Shakespeare. 1 vol. 4to. I^ondon. 1868. Privately printed. C'atalogue of the Shakespeare Library and Museum. 1 vol. 8vo. lAindon. 1868. Privately printed. JIAIJjni:LL—IIAIUlIS. 75 HAM.I \VI':LL, .1. O. A I'rauiiiciit (if lii< IllnMrations of tlif Life of Sliiikespeare. J'liiilcd fur I'l-cxriilx diili/. LiuiiUui. 1H74. Illustrations of "Tlic Lilt' of Shakespeare." 1 vol. folio. London. 1874. I'riiitrd for I'rcacnts oiili/. Catalogue of liis '• Wart'liouse " Lihran . I vol. Hvo. f.oiuloii. 1876. Pririitclij printi-d. A Brief Hand List of Selected Parcels in his Shakes] leare and Di-amatic C'olleelioiis. 1 vol. 8vo. London. 1870. I'ricdlrli/ prinlrd. A Catalogue of the Shakespeare Stiuly I'ooks in his Imme- diate Library. 1 vol. 8vo. London. 1876. Memoranda on Shakespeare. Vol. I. .\\V> \V(;11 that Ends Well, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Much Ado about Nothing, and Titus Andronicus. Vol. IL Love's Labour Lost, K. tJohn, and Romeo & Juliet. Vol. 111. IMidsummer Nigiit's Dream. Vol. IV. Tragedy of Hamlet. 8vo. Briykton. 1879. Shakespeare's Name. 8vo. 1879. New Lamjjs or Old. 1880. Pamph. .Miscell. Vol. 3. Outlines of the Life of Shakesjicare. 6th Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1886. Hajipole. Sec lioUc. HAIU'Orirr, L. W. The Hareourt Papers, Edited by Edward William Hareourt, of Stanton Hareourt and Nuneham C'ourtenay. 12 vols. s(|. 8vo. Oxford, ii.d. Onli/ 50 copies jmvateli/ I) rin ted fo r J^resen ts. HAKKINGTOX, James. Translation of the 3rd-6th P.ooks of the ^neid of Virgil. 1 vol. 12mo. 6.3x4.1. I^ondon. 1659. Ci/fc.rfrti. A — F 4 in eights. The Odes and Epodon of Horace. 1 vol. 18mo. 6.9x4.3. London. 1684. Bed calf. Frontispiece and Title. 2 leaves : B — I 2 in eights. Oceana and other Works. 1 vol. folio. 12.8 x 8.5. Dublin. 1737. Camhridge calf extra, r.e. HARRINGTON, Siii Joiix. Tract on the Succes.sion to the Crown. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1880. Boxhunjlie Club. HARRIS, Moses. The Aurelian, or Natural History of Rritish Insects, namely Moths and Ruttcrtlies. Together -with the Plants on which they feed. A faithful account of their res])ective Changes; their usual Haunts when in the winged State, and their Standard 76 HARRIS— HA WKWOOD. Names, as giveu and established by the worthy and ingenious Society of Aurelians. Drawn, engraved, and coloured, from the Natural Subjects themselves, by Moses Harris, Secretary to the Aurelian Society. 1 vol. folio. 18.2x11.1. Large ptiprr. London. 1766. Calf extra, m. e. HARRIS, Moses. Exposition of English Insects, Including the Several Classes of Neuroptera, Hynienoptera, & Diptera, or liees. Flies, and Libellula?. By Moses Harris. 1 vol. 4to. 11.6x9.2. London. 1782. HARVEY, Christopher. Complete Poems. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1874. Priviiteh/ printed for A. B. Grosart. Large paper. HARVEY, (jAiJKiEL. Works. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1884. Privately printed for A. B. Grosart. HASTED'S HISTORY OF KENT, corrected, enlarged and continued to the present time, from the MS. Collections of Thomas Streatfield and Lambert Blackwell Larking ; the Public Records, and other Sources. Edited by Henry H. Drake, vol. foUo. 17.5x11.5. London. 1886— HAVELOK THE DANE. A Romance of the 13th Century, Remarks by Singer added. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1828. Roxburghe Club. See Singer. HAWARD. Nicolas. A briefe Chronicle, where in are described shortlye the Originall and the successive estate of the Romaiue weale publique, the alteratyon and chaunge of Sondrye Offices in the same : the order and successyon of the Kinges, Consuls and Emperours tiierol, together with sondry gestes ik actes of manj famous Princes and valiaunt Captaines from the first foundatyon of the City of Rome, imto the M. C. and xix yeare there of consequently : ryght jdesant and ]irofitable to be red marked and folowed of ail men. Collected and gathered first by EuTKOPius, and Englished by Nicolas Haward, Studiente of Thauies In. Anno 1564. Fais ton deuoyr Selon ton pouuoyr. 1 vol. 16mo. .5.6x3.6. London. Calf gilt, morocco joints, g. e. A— B 3, Title and Epistle. C— S i in eig-hte. HAWKINS, Sir Thomas. Odes of Horace, The Best of Lyrick Poets, Containing much moraiitie and sweetnesse. Selected, translated, revised and enlarged witli many more by S. T. H. 1 vol. 5.6x3.1. London. 1638. Engraved Title, 1 leaf. A — 1 11 in twelves. HAWKWOOD. Tlie Honour of the Taylors, or the famous and renowned history of Sir .John Ilawkwood, Knt. Containing //. B.— HEN sir A fV. 77 His many larc ami Siii;i,iil;ir Ail\ iiil iiics, witty lixploits, liiroick Atchievements, and noble I'erCorinances. Jielatinpf to Love & Armti, In many Landfi. 1 vdl. 4to. 9.2x7. Loin/an. IfiH?. A II ill lipiirs ; laiil (l(jwn. II. I!. PoliticMl Hketfhes. 9 vols, folio, Nos. 1 to 917. lllii.strativc! Key to tlic Political Sketches of H. 1?., Nos. 1 to 800, 2 vols. Hvo. lAiiidun. IH41-1H44. HEARNE, TiK.MAs. i;eli(|uia. llerniana;. 2 vols. 8vo. 10.1x6..'}. Oxford. I7.j7. Lnri/r jkijici: ViiiuhiiiJiii'. calf, (j. <•. Si'c Ijcland. HEATH, Jamks. C'lironicie of the Late Intestine War in the Three Iviiif^doins of Enirland, Scotland, and Ireland. 1 vol. folio. n.3x7.4. London. 1G7G. HEATH, .Toiix Ukx.jamix. Some Acconnt of the Worshi))fvd (,'omj)any of (irocers of the City of London. 1 vol. 8vo. 9.9 x Co. London. 1854. J'rii-ntcli/ jirinfcd. Brown morocco extra, ERT, William. Gnlielmi Herberti, Eqiiitis Anrati, Croftiis; Sive De Hibernia Liber. 1 vol. 4to. London. 1887. Printed from a nianuscrijit at Powis Castle. Ro.rburf//ie Club. Herbert Papers. See Powis. HERD, JoHX. Historia qnatuor Regum Angliro. 1 vol. 4to. L^ondon. 1868. Rn.rbiirf/bc Club. Herodiax. See Smyth. HERODOTUS. Herodoti Halicarnassei Historiarum Libri IX. Musarum Nomiuibus inscripti. Ejusdem narratio de vita Honieri. Cum Valhx; interpret: Latina historiarum Herodoti ab Henr: Ste|)hano recognita. Item cum iconibus structurarum ab Herodoto descri])tarum. Ctesi^ qua^dam de reb: Pers: & Ind: Editio Secunda. Excudebat Henricus Stephanus 1592. 1 vol. folio. 13.2x8.2. Paris. Calf extra richly (f.t., (/.e. a — ) in fom-s. Title and Preliminaiy Matter. Text. pp. 1 — 732. iTr — ttt, Index. Hesiod. See Chapman. Heures. See Brunet. Soleil. Hora\ HEYLIN, Peter. Help to English Hi.^tory. 1 vol. 12mo. 5.9 X 3.2. London. 1671. Red morocco e.rtra, //. e. 1671. Life of Archbishop Laud. 1 vol. folio. 11.5x7.4. London. Historical atid ^Miscellaneous Tracts. 1 vol. folio. 12.6 x 7.6. I^ondon. 1682. Cuinhridije calf extra. HEYWOOD, Thomas. Hicrarchie of the Blessed Angclls. Their Names, Orders and Offices. The fall of Lucifer -with his Angells. London, printed by Adam Islij). 1635. 1 vol. folio. 11.2x 7.2. Old Calf Arms of Sir Kenelm Diyhy on the sides. Imprimatur, 1 leaf ; *[. (! leaves, Frontispiece, Engraved Title, Dedication, and Arguments. A — Ggg 3 in sixes. m.yiroon iioker. 79 HEYWOOD, Thomas. 'I'lic two most wortliy ami iiotiiblo Histories uliicli rciiKiiiic immniiiicd to Posterity: viz., I'lic Con- .sj)iriieie ofCiiteline uiidertiiken ayiiiiist tliriniicre en toda Castilla o d.()tra parte impressa la vendiere. Fne acahada passtidos XV dias del mrs tie JSIarqo en el ano dc nuestra rcparacivn MD. 1 vol. 10x7.2. Red. Spanish morocco extra, r. e. Registro de la presente obra f, ft- ^^ — ^ (• ?> A — R. Todos estos son quademos. excepto f, tt' que son tiiternos, y asimesmo los dos quademos postremos de la Q, R, que tambien son tritemos. [R has but 5 leaves.] HISTORICAL PAPERS. 1 vol. 4to. London. 184G. Roxhuryhe Club. HoARE. iS'ee Chronicon Vilodunease. HOBBY, Thomas. The " Conrticr " of Count B. CastiIio[ne] translated. 1 vol. 4to. 7.5x5.7. Ijondon. 1577. Brown morocco, h. t., y. e. (ILilloway). A — B in fours, Title and Preliminiuy Matter ; C — Y in eights. HoKEK. See Vowell. 80 HOLBEIN— HOLLAND. HOLBEIN. Imitation of Original Drawings By Hans Holbein in the Collection of His Majesty for tlie Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII. With Biographical Tracts. Published by John Chamberlaiue, Kee])er of the Kings Drawings and Medals. 1 vol. folio. 1.'5 x 10. Liiiuhm. 1812. lirou-n vwrovco extra, q. e. HOLIXSHED, Baphael. The Fir.-t and Secuud volumes of Chronicles comprising 1. The description and historic of England. 2. The description and historj- of Ireland. ,3. The description and histoi-y of Scotland: First collected and published by Ilaphaell Holinshed, AVilliam Harrison, and others. Kow newlie augmented and continued (with manifold matters of singular note and worthie memory) to the yeare 1586 by John Hooker alias Vowell Gent, and others. With conuenient tables at the end of these volumes. [Colophon.] Finished in Jauuarie 1587, niid the 1%. of the Qmenes Maiesties Heigiie, withe the full cviitiiiiKitioii of the funiier i/eares, iit the expenses of Jolui Hdrisan, Geor(je Bishnju R<{fe Nen'berie, Henrie Den- hnm, and Thoniiis JVoodcoche. At London Printed in Aldersi/nte street at the sitjne of the Starre. Ctim Pririle. Histoi'ie of Scotland (Title) ; C — Tt in sixes ; but Oo has 4 leaves, Qq and Rr, '> leaves, and Ss, 4 leaves. Tables ; A, li leaves. B. 8 leaves, a. (I leaves, and ^. 7 leaves. Vol. III. Engraved Titles and Dedication. .S leaves ; A 4 & 5 — Ooooooo 4 in sixes. Tables, C — G "i in sixes. No X, Y. or Z in anj' aljihabet. Mr Huth's copv has Er— Ss in sixes, the paging being (Qq 3 & 4) 421. 422, 42,S. 424 ; (Rr :! & 4) 433, 434! 43."). 43(1 ; (.Ss 4 ,>c a) 447. 44S, 44'.). 4.")(). In this copy Qq 3 is paged 421, 424 (no Qq 4) ; Er 3 is 438, 431 (no Rr 4) ; Ss 3 is 44.i, 4.50 (no Ss 4 i: ,">). But both copies are perfect. HOLLAND, Hexky. Herwologia Anglica. Hoc est Clarissi- morum et Doctissimorum aliqout Angloiinn qui Hnruerunt ab anno Christi jNID usque ad prajsentem annum MDCXX \'\\x Ethgies VitEB et elogia Dnobus Toniis Authore H. H. Anglo-Britanno Im- pensisCrispini Passcei Calcof/rnphi et Jausonii Bihlioj)olcR Arnheyniensis. Portraits. 2 vols, in 1, folio. 12.1x7.6. London. 1620. Bed morocco extra {Harley Pane). This copy has the rare 3 pp. of Post-pra^fatio. and rarer Preliminaiy Verses. Title and Dedication, 2 leaves. Prclatio and Pust-iirclatio. 7 pp. Verses, 1 pp. 1 lilauk page. Encomium operis. I've, •'> pp. I'ortrait of Henry Vlll. A — V in sixes. Nomina, kc, 1 p. HOLLAND— IIOMIiRE. 81 HOLLAND, PiilLEMOX. Tlic llomanc Ilistorie written liy T. Livius of" Padua. Also the Hrt'viarics of" Ij. Flonis: With a C'iiroiiologie to the wliole Historic: and tlic Topogi-aphic; ol" Koine in old time. 1 vol. folio. 12.8 x 8.6. London. IGUO. Sprinkled calf extra, r. e. Title, &o., A, .") leaves. B — Ffffff 5 in Bixes. The Historic of the World: Commonly called The Naturall Historic of C Plinius Sccundus translated into Enfjlish. 1 vol. folio. 12.5x8.6. London. 1635. S'prinh/cd ca/J' e.ttrii, r.e. Title, &o, 4 leaves ; ^, i loaves ; a & b, (i leaves each ; A, 8 leaves ; B — Hlih in sixes. Cyrupoedia, or the Institution and Life of Cyrus King of Persia, written in Greekc by Xono])liori. Translated into English l)y Philemon Holland, Doctor of Pliysick. A" Doni: 1632. 1 vol. f"olio. 10.9x7. Calf extra. Engraved and Printed Titles, and II. Holland's Dedication to tlie King-, 1 leaves ; ^^, 6 leaves ; A — Dd in fours. HoLLiNGWOKTH, RiciiARD. See Charles I. HOLME. The Academy of Armoury, or a Storehouse of Armoury and Blazon. Containing the several vai-iety of Created Beings, and how born in Coats of Arms both Foreign and Domestick with The Instruments used in all Trades and Sciences, Together with their Terms of Art, Also The Etymologies, Definitions, and Historical Observations on the same, Explicated and Explained according to our Modern Language. Very useful for all Gentlemen, Scholars, Divines, and all such as desire any Knowledge in Arts and Sciences. . . . By Randle Holme, of the City of Chester, Gentleman Sewer in Extraordinary to his late Majesty King Charles 2. And sometimes Deputy for the Kings of Arms. 1 vol. folio. 13.2 x 8.6. Chester. 1688. lied morocco extra, g. e. A fine copy, having the two rare Plates at I. between the preliminary verses and the Contents, and iii. p. 415. Engraved and Printed Titles, 2 leaves; Verses, 1 leaf. Plate of Alphabets, 1 leaf ; **, i leaves. B— P 2 in fours, (a), 1 leaf, (b), 3 leaves. Half Title, 1 leaf. A — P in fours. Q, ."i leaves (pp. 123, 12i, being in duplicate). R — Dd in fom-s. Ee, 5 leaves (an unpaged leaf between pp. 220, 221). Ff — Ppp in fours. Half Title, 1 leaf. A — Eee in foui-s. Fff,