The Higher Ministries of Recent English Poetry By FRANK W. GUNSAULUS, D.D. The Higher Ministries of Recent English Poetry i2mo, Cloth, ^1.25 net The Transfiguration of Christ i2mo, Cloth, ^i.oo net Paths to the City of God and Other Sermons i2mo. Cloth, ^1.25 net Paths to Power ji/i edition, i2mo, Cloth, ^1.25 net The Higher Ministries Recent English Poetry FRJNK W. G UNSJUL US, D. £>., LL. D. "A neiv commandment,^^ said tie smiling Muse, " I gi-ve my darling son, Thou shalt not preachy " — Luther, Fox, Behmen, Sivedenborg, greiv pale. And, on the instant, rosier clouds upbore Hafiz and Shakespeare -with their shining choirs. — Emerson. I New York Chicago Toronto Fleming H. Revel I Company London and Edinburgh Copyright, 1907, by FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY New York: 158 Fifth Avenue Chicago: 80 Wabash Avenue Toronto: 25 Richmond Street, W. London: 21 Paternoster Square Edinburgh: 100 Princes Street f /, LIBRARY ■7^3 UNIVERPITi' OF CALIFORNIA r,^ SANTA BARBARA To the class of igoy Just graduated from the Chicago Theological Seminary before whose members these lectures were delivered, I now dedicate them with every prayer and hope which happy recollection and sincere love may inspire. Frank W. Gunsaulus. TJie Lecture Room for HomeleticSf May lo, igoi. CONTENTS I The Literary Phases of the Re- ligious Problem ... 9 II Matthew Arnold . . • .52 III Alfred Tennyson . • . .107 IV Robert Browning , . , .178 The letter herewith reproduced in facsimile marks one of the moments in Browning's spirit- ual history in which he realized the comfort and strength of a faith in the Life Immortal. The letter was generously given to the author of this book by his friend, Mr. A. C. Bartlett. /i , ft^tirUt<4^ ^^u*i^f %Jif\4^ ltruf^t-y2^4i