^^ B Santa Barbara ^-J ° JO AJiViian 3H1 o. 2 sr--T'^ » o AJ.lSa3MNn 3H1 •» THE UNIVERSITY o ii£ S==B SANTA SARBaRA THE IIBRARY OF a CP — ES- n viNiiojnvD io o wavaava vinvs o 9 5f> o AllSaSAINO 3Hi o V!JV88V8 VXNVS o a 5f\ o AilSajAINfl 3H1 THE LIBRARY OF o C© ^S o VINSOJIIVD JO o THE UNIVERSITY o O < o SANTA BARBARA " VHVailVB VINVS o a SS o AllS»3AINn 3Hi o O OF CAIIFORNIA o W 3-t ii JO Aiiviian 3Hi THE UNIVERSITY o ° SANTA BARBARA o THE UNIVERSITY o o OF CAIIFORNIA o ^ ^ p 3 o vavauva vinvs o 9 I 3^ o AllSaSAINn 3H1 o < z o < o OF CALIFORNIA U eQ 3^ o THE UNIVERSITY o < I o 5ANIA BARBARA ° \ vavsMva vinvs o 5 o UIS>l3AINn 3Hi e VDVSKVfl VINVS o / < Z o < o o AilSK3AINn 3H1 O \ iW i MTi ' i Oi tWIWWM^cq [nr iiiiMroMiiiii . COLLECTIONS NEIY JEESET r HISTOEICAL SOCIETY. VOLUME VI. NEWARK, K J. PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY 1864. OFFICERS OF THE NEAV JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ELECTED 1SG4. JOSEPH C. HORNBLOWER, LL. D., President. Hon. JAMES PARKER, 1st Vice Pkesident. Hon. RICHARD S. FIELD, 2d Vice President. Hon. HENRY W. GREEN, 3d Vice President. WILLIAM A. WHITEHEAD, Corresponding Secretary. DAVID A. HAYES, Recording Secretary. SAMUEL H. CONGAR, Librarian. SOLOMON ALOFSEN, Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. SAMUEL H. PENNINGTON, M.D., Rev. HENRY BEERS SHERMAN, Hon. CHARLES S. OLDEN, Rev. RAVAUD K. RODGERS, D. D., N. NORRIS HALSTED, Esq., Rev. SAMUEL M. HAMMILL, LYNDON A. SMITH, M. D. COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS. RICHARD S. FIELD, WILLIAIVI A. WHITEHEAD, HENRY W. GREEN, SAMUEL H. PENNINGTON. Rev. JOHN HALL. ^5 te e^ \A MAP of the Town of NEW-ARRin the State of NEW-JERSEY Published iu latVS RECORDS TOWN OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY, FROM ITS SETTLEMENT IN 1G6G, TO ITS INCORPOEATION AS A CITY IN 1836. NEWARK, N. J. : PRINTED FOR TUE NEW JERSEY UISTORICAL SOCIETY, AT TUE DAILY ADVERTISER OFFICE. 186-i. bAWAA 13/ F INTRODUCTION. Early in the month of May, 1666, a few small vessels entered the Passaic Eiver and steered their course towards the uplands that loomed in the distance towards the west. The low meadows, through which the river winds its way to its confluence with the Ilackensack, must have possessed then, as now, little that was picturesque or attractive, although those on board the vessels referred to may have estimated the "plains of good Hay of 50 acres of Ground, with hardly one tree to be seen upon the whole Spot — and several Places so," as highly as did the early settlers elsewhere in New Jersey, who pointedly alluded to them as among the natural objects that wooed them hither. But the higher land beyond, to which the voyagers were destined, then lying in all its orig- inal beauty, varied with hill and dale, plain and forest, must have presented so many unmistakable advantages for the loca- tion of a town, that it is not remarkable they should have looked towards it with bright anticipations ; although we cannot reasonably suppose that the most sanguine among them, when their thoughts rested upon the probabilities of the future, ever fancied results so great as have flowed from the settlement they were about to make — for these vessels bore to New Jersey the pioneers of those who founded Newark. Since then, while Time has been unrolling his eventful scroll of nearly two hundred years, the successors of the first- comers have diligently labored to cover the site selected for their " town upon the Passaic River " with all the utilitarian adjuncts and appliances wliich the world's progress has ren- VI INTRODUCTION. derecl essential to the comfort and happiness, physically and mentally, of a population of 80,000 souls. Success has crowned their labors, and the New Jersey Historical Society present in this volume, the official record of the public meas- ures by which the first adventurous spirits and those who came after them, secured good order, peace and prosperity from the settlement of the town until its incorporation as a City in 1836 ; confident that the duty thus performed cannot but prove serviceable to the people of the State through all time. In the month of August, 1665, Philip Carteret — the commissioned governor of his brother Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkley, the first proprietors of New Jersey under the grant from the Duke of York^ — arrived in the Province on board the " Ship Philip," bringing with him " about thirty people," who, with four families who had arrived a short time j)reviously, formed the nucleus of the settlement at Elizabethtown. Immediately after his arrival, the governor despatched messengers into New England to publish "the Con- cessions," so called, of the Lords Proprietors — being the terms upon which settlers would be admitted — and to invite emi- grants to the rich and virgin soil of New Jersey. The prppositions of the governor appear to have received immediate attention from the people of Milford, Connecticut, and Egbert Treat, a prominent man among them, and sub ■ sequently governor of that province, was delegated, in conjunc- tion with others from adjoining plantations, to visit New Jersey and examine into its actual and prospective advantages. Their first intention was to settle on the Delaware river, near the present site of Burlington, but not being favorably impressed with that location they returned to Elizabethtown, and were induced by Gov. Carteret to select lands lying nortli of that place. Some negotiations had already taken place with the aboriginal owners looking to the acquisition of the tract, and INTRODUCTION. VI 1 the governor furnished Mr. Treat with a letter to their chiefs, requesting them to perfect the sale directly to him. These arrangements must have been made in the autumn of 1665, but no interview with the Indians seems to have taken place at that time. The following Spring, as we have seen, the vessels bearing the first company of settlers, arrived in the Passaic. "But,'' said Mr. Treat, twenty-three years thereafter, " no sooner was the company present got on the Place and landed some of their goods, than I with some others was by some of tlie Ilackensack Indians warned off' the Ground, and [they] seemed troubled and angry that we landed any of our goods there, tho' first we told them we had the governor's order ; but they replied the land was theirs, and it was unpur- chased ; and therefore we put our Goods on board the vessels again and acquainted the Governor with the matter."* This conference with the governor, and subsequent negotiations with the Indians, led to the purchase and quiet possession of the lands ; although in after years a disinclination on the part of many of the settlers to obtain from the Proprietors the confirmation of their titles by Patents for the property, was the occasion of many disorderly acts and harrassing legal proceedings. It was while these preliminary measures were being taken that the meeting was held, either on board of one of their vessels, or on the land "near to Elizabethtown," on 21st May^ 1666, the result of which may be seen in the opening docu- ment of the records, providing for the common occupancy of the new tract by the people from Milford, Guilford and Brand- ford, should the latter so determine before the ensuing Novem- ber. It is thought that the first party consisted of about thirty fimilies, but it is probable that only a few remained on the ground the first summer. On the 30th October of the same year, 1666, the inhabitants * EliKabethtown Bill in C'haucery, ]). IIS. VIU INTRODUCTION". of Brandforcl, previous to embarking, formally acceded to the propositions for a common interest in tlie new " Town upon Passaic River," and those already on the ground subsequently joined in committing themselves to the "Fundamental agree- ments," which are on the second and subsequent pages of the book. As yet the name of the new settlement does not appear in any of the documents, but it seems from " Scot's Model of the Government of East Jersey" (p. 274) that it was probably at first known as " J/^^orf?;" but on the arrival of the people of Brandford, bringing with them their Church organization, such pre-eminence in the councils of the new settlement was secured, that the name of Milford was dropped and that of Newark conferred upon the town, in honor of the Rev. Abraham Pier- son, their pastor, who had officiated, or been ordained, at New- ark, in England. To Robert Treat, the first Recorder or Town Clerk, we are probably indebted for the preservation of the documents re- lating to the settlement from its commencement until 1672, when he returned to Connecticut; and the Treasurer, as ordered by the Town in 1669, provided a Book, which is still extant, in which Mr. Treat commenced the " Record of Lands." The irregularity observable in entering the proceed- ings of several Town Meetings in the Town Book is probably attributable to the inadvertence of Mr. Treat's successor on copying his papers. In 1775, Joseph Hedden, Jun'r, agreed witb the Town to purchase a Bound Book in folio, and to " transcribe the old Town Book into the new one," in a legible fair hand. This volume contains the Minutes of Town Meetings in Newark from 1667 to 1775, as found in that book, with the exception of the Meetings from April 12th, 1714, to March 8th, 1714-15, which are omitted in that transcript. These are from the original record made by John Cooper, Town Clerk, of which INTRODUCTION. ix a few leaves relating to the following year are lost. The Town Patent of 1713, and also the Survey given in the Appendix, are printed as recorded by him. From 1775 to 1832 we have the books as written up by the several Town Clerks, and it has been thought proper to follow the originals as nearly as possible in orthography, abbrevia- tions, capitals, and punctuation, except in the transcript from the old book, in which some additional jiointing seemed neces- sary. In a few instances, an explanatory word or name has been introduced in brackets. The first part of the transcript, or about six pages of this volume, was printed in November, 183-1, in the Newark Daily Advertiser, at which time the first leaf containing the names of the signers of the fundamental agreement was mislaid. In the substituted one, the name of Zachariah Burwell is omitted. It is now restored to its place as then printed, and as the Indian and the English Proprie- tors' Deeds, given in the Appendix, have been carefully com- pared with the record in the office of the Secretary of State, it is believed they are as near correct as they can be made, as the depositories of the originals, if they are yet in existence, are unknown. This brief introduction to the contents of the volume is all that has been deemed necessary. It would have been rendered of more interest to the general reader, and more useful in some respects, had it been accompanied by notes and exjDlana- tions, but it was thought more consistent with the objects of the Society, to place the Eecords in the hands of the people of the State in their original form, leaving to individual enquirers the developement of obscure events or contemporaneous mat- ter. The Genealogical and local information it contains must render the volume exceedingly acceptable, not only to all in any way connected now with the city to whose history it par- ticularly refers, but also to the inhabitants of a large portion of the State of which Newark is the centre, whose population X INTEODUCTIOlSr. and business relations, whose customs and manners, as well as their political and religious opinions, have been in a great degree drawn from it, or been framed in accordance with the influences it may have exerted in the past. The labor and responsibility of superintending the passage of the work through the press devolved upon Mr. William A. Whitehead, the Society's Corresponding Secretary, and Mr. Samuel H. Congar, its Librarian. The Table of Officers in the Appendix, and the Index to the Contents were con- tributed by the former, and to the latter was deputed the diffi- cult task of reading the proof sheets. It is due to Mr. Congar to say that by no other person could the duty have been so faithfully and intelligently performed, his intimate acquaint- ance with names, localities and circumstances connected with the town and its history, enabling him to solve doubts and correct errors, where another person would have been entirely at fault. The Map appended to the volume shows the extent of the town at two periods, being lithographed from a photographi- cally reduced copy of one published in 1806, from surveys made by C. Basham, then princij^al of the Newark Academy, with additional lines, showing the first home-lots of the settlers. RECORDS OF NEWARK. 1666. IMPRIMIS, In the Province of New Jersey, near to Elizabeth Town, and the Town Plotts on Passaic River, made choice of by friends from Milford and other neighboring plantations, there- abouts from New England, on the tAventy first day of May, one thousand six hundred and sixty six, the above mentioned per- sons had a meeting, together with the agents sent from Guilford and Brandford to ask on behalf of their undertakers and selves with reference to a township or allottraents, together with friends from Milford ; at this meeting it was agreed upon mutually that the aforesaid persons fi'om Milford, Guilford, and Brandford, to- gether with their associates, being now accepted of, do make one township, provided they send word so to be any time between this and the last of October next ensuing, and according to fun- damentals mutiially agreed upon, do desire to be of one heart and consent, through Gods olessing with one hand they may endeavor the carrying on of spiritual concernments as also civil and town affairs according to God and a Godly government ; there to be settled by them and their associates. Tliey then mutually chose eleven empowered for a committee, viz : Capt. Robert Treatt, Lieut. Samuel Swain, Mr. Samuel Kitchell, Michal Tompkins, Mr. Morris, Sergt. Richard Beckly, Richard Harrison, Thomas Blatchly, Edward Riggs, Stephen Freeman, and Thomas Johnson for the speedier and better expedition of things then emergent to be done ; then also six or more, at the least five of the committee who might remain or be in the place, were mutu- ally chosen and appointed to order and settle the concernments and people of the place, till another committee be chosen and settled ; all of the eleven above said, do in the name and behalf of the inhabitants there being, or to come, do mutually covenant 2 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1666. and agree, that the agents from Guilford and Branford do take up and hold till June in the year one thousand six hundred and sixty seven, and fully to dispose of, provided it be possessed, built upon, and settled according to order, for their associates, for themselves, theirs and such as they shall send, provided that these last bring due testimonials to the committee there for the town, and they approve of them lots, allottments in every divis- ion equally privileged as far as may be with the rest of the planters then being or to be ; as also the aforesaid agents, and their asso- ciates shall be respectively equalized in all privileges Avhatsoever ; the town or limits thereof according to their fundamentals agreed upon with the place may at any time afford or be capable for a mutual benefit. To the true intention and performance hereof, we whose names are underwritten, do subscribe or sign in the behalf of the persons above mentioned in the year one thousand six hundred and sixty six, the twenty fourth of May. Signed Copy enrolled per me ) ROBERT TREATT, Robert Tkeatt, Recorder. \ SAMUEL SWAIN. October 30th, 1666. At a meeting Touching the Intended design of many of the inhabitants of Branford, the following was subscribed : 1st. That none shall be admitted freemen or free Burgesses within our Town upon Passaick River in the Province Kxod. 1*^31. of New Jersey, but such Planters as are members of Deut. iT-15. some or other of the Congregational Churches nor shall any but such be chosen to Magistracy or to Carry on any part of Civil Judicature, or as deputies or assistants, to have power to Vote In establishing Laws, and making jerem. 3C-21. qj. Repealing them or to any Chief Military Trust or Office. Nor shall any But such Church Members have any Vote in any such elections ; The' all others admitted to Be y)lanters have Right to their proper Inheritance, and do and shall enjoy all other Civil Liberties and Privileges, Accord- ing to all Laws, Orders, Grants •vrhich are, or hereafter shall be made for this Town. 2nd. We shall with Care and Diligence provide for the main- tenance of the purity of Religion professed in the Congregational Churches. Whereunto subscribed the Inhabitants from Branford. Jasper Crane Ebenezer Carafield AbraPeirson John Ward, Senior Saml Swaine Ed. Ball Laurance Ward John Harrison Thomas Blacthly John Crane 1666.] Records of Newark. Samuel Plum Josiah Ward Samuel Rose Tliomas Peirson John Warde John Catling Uicliard Harrison Thomas Huntington Delivered Crane Aaron Blacthly Richard Laui-ance John Johnson Thomas L Lyon And upon the Reception of their Letters and Subscriptions, the present Inhabitants in November following declared their con- sents and readiness to do likewise ; and at a meeting the twenty fourth of the next June following in 1667, they also subscribed with their own Hands unto the two fundaniental agreements Expressed on the other side their names, as follows : Robert Treatt -u, - ^\ • ^ Robert Daolesh /^i 1- 1 13 rrancis Jb Lmle tt *n Obadiah bruen ,„„i; Hauus. Albers Matthew Caratield Daniel Tichenor Thom. Morris Samuel Kitchell John Bauldwin, Sen. Hugh Roberts John Bauldwin, Junr. Eph'm Pennington Jeremiah Pecke Michael Tompkins Stephen Freeman Henry Lyon John Browne John Rogers Stephen Davis Edward Rigs Robert Kitchell hi! J X B Brooks mark bli Robert v Lymens Jona. Tomkins Geo. Day Thomas Johnson John Curtis Ephram Burwell his Robert R Denison Nathaniel Wheeler Zachariah Burwell William Camjie Joseph Walters Martin Tichenor John Browne, Jr Jona. Seargeant Azariah Crane Samuel Lyon Joseph Riggs Stephen Bond Fiiudanientftl Agieomeiit. Item, it is fully agreed upon that every Man that comes to be admitted an Inhabitant with us, shall first produce and bring a certificate from the Chief of the Place from whence he comes unless the Town be upon their Knowledge satisfied in and about the Good Carriage and Behaviour of them otherwise : then it is agreed upon by a full Vote of the Town assembled, that all and every Man that comes to be received . . an Inhabitant in our Town on Passaick River, shall first subscribe his Name and declare his assent with the rest of the Town, to all and every one of our fundamental agreements on the other side recorded and here following agreed upon, viz : That it is fully and unanimously agreed upon, as a Condition upon the which every one doth reckon and hold his Lands and accommodations in the Town, viz : that they will from Time to Time pay or cause to be paid yearly in their full ■i Records of newark. ' [1666. Proportions equally, to the Maintainance & allowance agreed upon for the upholding of the settled Ministry and preaching of the word in our Town, and that was agreed upon before any Division of Land was laid out except Home Lotts — and Eighty Pounds per the year was agreed on and allowed for the present Minister. Item, it is agreed upon, that in case any shall corae into us or arise up amongst us that shall willingly or wilfully disturb us in our Peace and Settlements, and especially that would subvert us from the true Religion and worship of God, and cannot or will not keep their opinions to themselves or be reclaimed after due Time and means of Conviction and reclaiming hath been used ; it is unanimously agreed upon and Consented unto as a fundamental Agreement and Order, that all and Persons so ill disposed and affected shall after Notice giren them from the Town quietly depart the Place Seasonably, the Town allowing them valuable Considerations for their Lands or Houses as Indifferent Men shall price them, or else leave them to make the best of them to any Man the Town shall approve of Item, it was ordered and agreed upon, in Case of changes of Lands or any kind of obligation whatsoever by Gift, Sale, Ex- change or otherwise that any new Inhabitant shall arrive or come into Town to inhabit with us ; it is agreed and ordered that he or they trom Time to Time shall in all Respects subscribe and enter into the same engagements as his Predecessors or the rest of the iown have done, before he or they can or shall be accounted Legal Inhabitants in our Town, or have Title to their Lands or Possession therein. Item, it is solemnly consented unto and agreed by all the Plan- ters & Inhabitants of the Town of Newark from their Submit to law get^tiing together at first, and again publickly renewed amongst t O 1 */ i.ursHive'f. as their joint Covenant one with another, that they will from Time to Time all submit one to another to be lead, ruled and governed by such Magistrates and Rulers in the Town, as shall be annually chosen by the Friends from among themselves, with such orders and Law whilst tireVro'vincJ" they arc settled here by tliemselves as they had in the Place from whence they came, under such Penalties as the Magistrates upon the Nature ot the offence shall determine. Item, the present Inhabitants of the Place for their better security & Neighbourhood, desired Liberty to set down and take up their Lotts in a Quarter together, which Motion of theirs was consented unto ; and after the Line was run in the Center or Middle Street of the Town by the Surveyor General, and the several Ranges of Lotts agreed upon, and the Middle Highways both in the Length and Breadth of the Town to be Eight Rods wide and the Highwayn. Rcst four, with a full Power and Liberty to aj^point and agree upon and set out High ways in the most conveni- 1667.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 5 ent Places necessary for the publick uses and Benefits of ^8«ttge8. tlie Town, with the like Liberty for Passages for Drains, Gripes, or Water Courses where they were needful ; yea though it sliould fall out to be across or within any Mans Lands or Meadows Avhat and wheresoever for the present untill the Town shall see Cause to rej^ealthis order : the Intent whereof was not but that every Particular Person or Persons should huve full satisfaction otherwise for every such High way or Water Pas sage that shall be taken from him ; which was consented unto by the Inhabitants then present that had full Power to order mat- ters for the Good of the Town. Item, it was by a full consent agreed upon, that the Neighbour- hood of Milford and New Haven should take up their H„me r.„.u Home Lotts and Quartei-s in that Part of the Town where now they are, and the Neighbours from Bran- ford and Guilford then present, in Places where now they are ; and the Neighbours from Milford and New Haven freely gave way that Captain Robert Treat should chuse his Lotts, and they agreed amongst themselves to go over and fix the Lotts, which was before by the whole Cotnmittee agreed upon to be Six acres, according to their Pattent [pattern] of the Surveyors Line, for the General . . the Town : only Captain Robert Treat was allowed ^l«n«. to have Eight Acres to his Home Lott ; which being done, they belonging to Milford Quarter cast Lotts for tlie Places where they should have their Home Lotts to settle upon ; and after the Lotts prepared, and how they should begin and Succeed, the matter was solemnly submitted to the Lord for his Guidance : and the first Lott next the Captain's fell to , . . Gregory, upon Considerations that he come with his Family to build, and inhabit the same about two Years, which was the Condition of his Entertainment with us in oitr Town ; the Second Lott to the Wife of Robert Denison, the Third to Thomas Johnson, the fourth to George Day, the Fifth to Nath Wheeler, the Sixth to Edward Rigs, the Seventh to John Plum noAv William Camps, the Eighth to Stephen Freeman, the Ninth to John Curtis, the Tenth to Senior Baldwin, the Eleventh to Mr. Jeremiah Peck, the Twelfth to John Bauldwin Junr, The Thirteenth to Michael Tompkins. — Item, Jonathan Tompkins had the Grant of his Lott, next beyond his Father's ; and Martin Tichenor had the Grant of his Lott, next beyond that was John Plum's. — Item, it was agreed that those of Brandford tliat Avere present, should agree upon their own places and Way of dividing their Home Lotts, provided they took them to- gether. Item, it is fully consented unto and agreed upon, that the Range of Home Lotts butting and rearing upon the Wet Swamp, called the Cedar Swamp, betAveen the Neck and the Town ; that 6 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1667 all aud every of those Home Lotts butting upon the fMsiLce Neck or Common Line, that they shall make and main- Rears""" tain ft'om Time to Time, at their own proper Charge, the whole fence or Fences at the Rears of their Lotts, and not Expect any Easment, from the Neck Lands being but a Common Burden with all Home Lotts, and the condition upon which those Lotts were given out. — Item, it is agreed that all Home Lotts lying in a Quarter together, shall bear equal Burden in fencing, both inside and outside Lotts, and Lines Poncing. thereof, provided they be of like Quantity, and the whole Quarter have not universally and voluntarily agreed otherwise. Item — it is ordered, that any Man that takes up dweiiin|?wo Allotment and Accommodations of Lands in our Town IXrfLanrts. upon Passaic River, he or they shall come with the greatest Part of their family to Build upon the Same, and possess it for the sj^ace of Two Years at Least, before they shall have any Liberty or Power to dispose or Sell his Accommo- dations ; and then he or they Shall first Make a Tender of his Sale to the Town in General, and upon Their Refusal he may Sell it to any whom the Town shall Approve of; and that all such sales or Alienations Whatsoever, either to Non residents or such as the Town Allow not of, all such Sales shall be Void and not accounted Legal, and the same to Retui-n into the Town's Hands, they Paying the owner or possessor of it Valuable Considerations as Indifferent Men shall apprize it at ; provided that this Order Reach Not to Widows, or the Relict of Persons, or Inheritance to Heirs remote upon the Deceasing of their friends and relation by the Over Ruling providence of God ; provided that in all such Sales the Town may have the Tender of it. Note — the Intent of this Order is Not to Hinder Sale of a Small parcell, Before that Time. Item — the Town agreed, that any Man that would woiTe«. take Pains to kill Wolves, he or they for their Encour- agement should have 1 5s. for every grown Wolf that they kill, and this to be paid by the Town Treasury. Item — Thomas Richards had granted him, that his Ridmrds. Lott by the Landing place should be made up Six Acres, if it may be there had without Prejudice to the Town. Item — it was agreed upon, that Michael Tompkins Tompkins. should liavc an Acre of Land in his Division of Land, upon the Consideration of the Remoteness . . . and Amends for his Home Lott. Item — it is ordered and agreed, that according to the Fencing. Town's Order for the present about fencing, that Every Man shall set up and make a sufficient Fence in the 1667.J RECORDS OF NEWARK. 7 Common Line, both at the Rears of the Lotts and elsewhere, between this and the last of March 1667-1668, and maintain the same untill it shall be otherwise disposed of; and is to be set up by the Time, under the Penalty of Two Shillings and Six Pence, for every Rod that is Defective by the Day, and Twelve Pence by the Rod Every Day after till it be sufficiently made ; besides all Damages that it may be liable to be charged with ; which for the present the Town, by way of Order, sees cause to declare, that where the Fence is insufficient and apparently defective, all Damages shall lye upon the defective Fence or Fences, unless the Cattle be Known or can be proved to be unruly, and then the Damage is to lye on the Cattle. Item — the Town agreed, that the Way and Rule of propor- tioning Men's Fence or Fences, should be according to their Lands. Item — the Town agreed that a rate should be made, for Pay- ment of every Man's Share of the Purchase, and that they would referr the Matter to Seven Men, that should have full Power to hear, examine, and judge of every Man's Estate and Persons, as their Rule, by which they Avill proceed in Time Convenient to pay for their Lands bought of the Natives, with the necessary Charges of selling the Place, and Mr. Peirson's Transport, and the Divi-sions and Subdivi-sions of all their Lands and Meadows belonging to the same — And the Men so Chosen were Mr. Robert Treatt, Deacon Ward, Samuel Swaine, Mr. Camlield, Michael Tom})kins, Richard Laurance, and Joseph Walters, any five of whom shall have full Power to act herein ; and for their Direction herein, the Town saw cause to allow and pass upon every Head of a Family, or that takes up Allotment in the Town, to be valued at £50, and for every Child or Servant in the Family besides. Ten Pounds by the Head, which shall be allowed as good Estate ; and for all other kinds of Goods and Estates, Real and visible, that Men intend, God willing, to transport on the Place, the Town wholly referrs themselves and the sole Determination into their Hands, according to whose Judgment it shall stand — Which being done, the Town saw Cause that One Third Part of every Man's Estate in generall thorough the whole Town should be deducted, and according to the Remainder both the Charges and Divisions of Land should be proportionated and borne, for this year. (Note here — the first common Gate next the Great Gates Ri\'er, is disposed of to make and maintain as their lit."'""" Division of Fences, to Aaron Blacthly and John Harri- son ; the Second to Mr. Bruen in like Manner, and the Third Gate in like manner to John . . . ., John Bauldwin, Junior for then* Fence, and the first Division of Fences.) And the Same, with a Sure List of Every Man's Estate ap- 8 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1667. proved by the Sale Men, are Her tions — as FoUoweth : John Browne Mr. Matthew Camfleld... Stephen Davies Nathaniel Wheeler Thomas Luddingtou Thomas Richards Thomas Lyon William Camp Robert Denison Thomas Johnson Martin Tichenor John Catlius John Bostick John Ward, Juu Deliverance Crane 100 John (Xirtis John Baldwin, Sen Joseph Walters Micah Tompkins Jonathan Tompkins Ephraim Pennington John Crane Edward Ball Ser. Richard Harrison Edward Rig^s Zachariah Bnrwell Ephraim Bnrwell George Day John Brooks John Harrison John Rogers Mr. Jeremiah Peck Mr. Robert Kitchell Mr. Samuel e set down with their Deduc- 308 205 500 333 289 192 186 124 122 81 110 73 570 380 220 134 300 200 420 280 169 113 315 205 160 120 250 167 150 IS 190 127 137 91 180 120 260 173 166 111 150 104 250 167 160 104 400 267 320 213 160 104 150 100 120 80 SO 53 120 80 350 233 200 134 750 500 RMiard Laurauce John Ward added John Baldwin, Junr Hauns Albers Samuel Camfleld Samuel Rose Mr. Obadiah Bruen , Mr. Morrish Robert Datelesh Aaron Blatcnly Stephen Freeman Thomas Staples Lieut. Samuel Swain Laurance Ward Francis Linle Mr. Jasper Crane Mr. Abraham Peirson, Sen . . . Hugh Roberts Josiah Ward Thomas Peirson Mr. Robert Treatt Robert Limon Samnel Plum Thomas Huntington Stephen Bond Benjamin Baldwin Alexander Munrow John Browne, Junr Mr. Abraham Pierson, Junr. . Daniel Dod Jonathan Sargant Samuel Lyon. '. 273 360 50 145 100 174 250 200 3S5 167 ISO 440 150 550 370 210 570 644 446 210 200 660 285 500 350 140 120 100 250 380 150 150 182 240 60 97 67 116 167 13:3 257 111 120 293 100 .367 247 140 380 429 297 140 133 440 190 338 233 94 80 67 150 250 100 100 150 Item — it was again Declared and Agreed upon, that all Lands should Be disposed of with the Consent of all the freeholders of the Town, or the Major part of them that were the purchasers there — Ilntill it Be orderly Agreed upon Otherwise. Item — it was by the General Vote and Consent of the Town agreed, that they would lay out and Divide the Land in Our Town by Persons, Estates, and other Condign Qualifications, if any such should appear in any. With The Before Mentioned Allow- ance to every Child and Head of a Family. And Concerning the Divisions of their upland in the Neck, the Town Agreed to divide or Lay a Division of three Acres of Sized Land to Every Hun- dred Pound Estate ; which after the High ways Agreed upon, Viz, One by the Great River Side and along by the Meadow at Beef Point ; and another highway in the Middle of the Little Neck ; and another Highway Between The two furthermost Share of Lots in the Little Neck, and from thence to Whelers Point ; and So Another down between the Middle Share of Lots down the Great Neck ; and another to the Great Swamp ; and the Land fixed, the Towni by their most General Vote agreed to divide it by Lot, and To begin at Mr. Bruen's Home Lot in the River Spot ; only Mr. Robert Treatt had his division Granted to him according to his desire. Unanimously, to Lye in the 1667-8.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 9 first spot of Lots Next the River, Adjoining to the Little Cove of Meadow, which he Motion'd To the Town tliat he Might have all that Lay on this Side the Creek, Against his Land Near Home, which was Granted fully unto Him. Town Meeting the 6th oi February 1667— after due prepa- ration and Solemnization for it, the Town Agreed to draw their Lots, which fell with their Numbers & places as Follows. Mr. Obadiali Bruen . . . . John Rogers Mr. Robert Kitcliel . . . . Mr. Jer. Peck Stephen Freeman John Curtes John Baldwin, Sen . . . . Benjamin Fen John Baldwin, Jnn . . . . Benjamin Baldwin Martin Tichenor William Camp Edward Riggs Nathaniel Wheeler. . . . Thomas Johnson Robert Denison Mr. Abraham Peirson . . Laurance Ward John Catling Mr. Samuel Kitchel. . . . Josiah Ward Sergt. John Ward Mr. Morrish Edward Ball Sergt. Rich'd Harrison. Lieut. Samuel Swaine. . John Browne, Sen'r. . . . Stephen Bond 21 9 12 16 39 58 6 29 8 47 20 34 18 26 17 56 42 52 15 3 28 31 37 45 55 54 9,2 Thomas Luddington. . Eleazer Rogers John Bostick John Gregory Henry Lyon Joseph Walters Robert Dalgllsh Francis Linle Mr. Jasper Crane ]\rr. Lcet Mr. Matliew Canfeild . Thomas Peirson Saml. Plum Elders Lot John Ward, Turner . . . Richd. Lawrance Hauns All)ers Deliverance Crane . . . . Samuel Ross Thomas Huntington . . John Crane Rockwell Stephen Davis Aaron Blacthly John Harrison Thomas Richards . . . . Seamans Lot Taylors Lot 60 23 19 41 1 7 43 44 49 48 59 10 30 4 51 25 24 40 46 32 62 27 53 11 14 13 36 57 Thomas Harrison, Mr. Webster, Goodman Cole, and Joseph Horton having deserted their Lots Before the Recording of them, so they were not Entered in this Table. Note Here— that Micah Tompkins, Jonathan Tompkins, Ephram Penington, Zachariah Burwell, Ephraim Burwell, John Brooks and George Day desired and had Liberty to Take up their first Division of upland, if it be there to be had, in the Little Neck by Goodman Tompkins ; and Hugh Roberts his division at the Rear of his Home Lot ; and Mr. Person and Mr. Camfield a part of their Divisions in the Neck on this side Goodman Rob- erts ; Viz, Mr. Person for One Hundred, and Mr. Camfeild for Two Hundred pound. 10 EECOEDS OF NEWARK. [1668. These may Certify and Declare, that we Whose Names are hereunto Subscribed, being Chosen and Commissionated with full power from Elizabeth Town, and Newark plantation upon Passa- ick RiA-er, to agree upon and fully Issue the Divident Line and Bounds Between the forenamed Elizabeth Town and Newark Town, which is as followeth, Viz ; That it is Consented unto that the Center, or place agreed upon by the said Agents of the Towns for to Begin the Dividing bounds, is from of the Top of a Little round hill, named divident hill ; and from Thence to run upon a North West Line, Into the Country. And for the Rati- fication of our Agreements, the Said Agents of Elizabeth Town have marked an Oak Tree with an E, Next them ; And the Said Agents of Newark Town have marked the same Tree with N, on that side Next them and Their Town ; and to the said Agreem.ent we have this Twentieth day of May in the year 1668, set to our hands Enterchangably. Truly Copied out of the Original agre- meut by Me — Robt. Treatt ^ o ^ • O o Xfl ■> be < Jasper Crane Robt Treatt Mathew Camfeild Saml. Swain Richd. Harrison Thos. Jonson Elizabeth Town -! Agents, r John Ogden 1 Luke Watson Robt. Bond Jeffery Joanes Town Meeting, 10 Sept. '68. — The Town freely Consented, by their Jointly Voteing to Give freely to Mr. Parson, the Charges off diging and Finishing his well Hitherto ; with the Rest of his Transportation Charges. Item — the Town Consented to pay Mr. Parson Eighty pounds for the first Year, Which is to Be Laid out in Building his House at Moderate prises for their Labour; Avhich Year began the first of Oct'br. Last in the Year 1667, and To the Last of October 1668, and so to Stand from Year to Year. And it is Further agreed unanimously, that Mr, Provision Parsou shall have allowed Eighty pounds by the Year, the Ministry. for hls Carrying on of the Work of the Ministry, which is to Be paid Yearly at Two Several Times, Viz: at October and Mai-ch, in all several kinds of paym'ts to Be made at price Current; and they do agree to pay Him Yearly, a pound of Butter for every milk's Coav in the Town, in part of his pay. Item — it is Agreed that Mr. Parson shall be Free From all Cora'on Rates, during the Time of his Carrying on the Work of the Ministry in this Place. (Note — his heirs) and Lands After 1668.J RECORDS OF NEWARK. 11 him, The Lords Half Penny, and the Charges of Ways and Drainings in the Meadows, is exempted in this Vote. Item — it is ordered and Agreed to Build a Meeting House as soon as May be ; of Four or Six and Twenty Foot wide, and thirty four Foot Long, and Ten Foot Between Joints : which for the Better Carrying it an end, tlie Town hatli made Choice of Five Men, Viz: Deacon Ward, Sarg. Harrison and his Son John, Sarg. Obdh. [Edw'd] Rigs, and Michael Thompkins, Into whose hands the Town Hath referred Full power for the Managing of the Building; and declared Themselves by their Joint Vote, to Be Willing to Lend their Best help as they shall be Call'd for, upon any Seasonable Warning, Accoi'ding to Proportions; and no Man If Call'd out But must Worke Two days Value, . . . he Satisfies Them with his or Their Grounds otherwise. And For the Better Regulating the Same, the Town Hath Agreed to Leviee a Rate of Thirty Pounds for the Cai-ying on of the same ; which Meeting House is 26 Feet Avide and a Lenter to It, and Thirty Six Feet Long, and 13 foot Between Joints. Item — the Town Agreed That Thomas Johnson shall have Eight shillings, for his Son's beating the drum this Year, and Repairing tlie remainder of the Year ; And in Case his Sou's shall Be Appointed to Beat it any time Morning and Evening, after This Time ; they shall be allowed after the rate of Five Shillings the Month. It was agreed that Henry Lyon, Sargaent John Ward, and Juo. Brown shall have the sole Power to hear every man's reason of his or Their Absence, Late Coming, or disorderly departing or Avithdrawing, fi'om any of our Town Meetings, having Legall Warning thereto ; and Thereupon to Acquit them, or Return the names of them that they release not, but are by the order Signed unto the Constable or such other Officer as the Town shall ap- point to receive them, for the use of said Town. Item — the Town hath sold to Henry Lyon that Home Lyons Lott that was Formerly John Gregory's by exchange, JiTe Town."' t^at Lycth next his own. Consisting of Seven Acres, for Ten Pounds; Seven Pounds whereof he is to pay by discharging the Town of their Country Rate, and three pound he is to procure shingle Nails for as soon as he can, or to do his True Endeavour to get them. Item — the Town Agreed for the present that Mr. Mr. Pearson's rate and the Town rate, should be made ac- Rate!"" * cording to the Estates Men Gave in for their Lands ; and that a Rate of £80 should be made for the Minister Forthwith, for the Year past, by Deacon Ward and Mr. Town Rate. Sam'l Kltchcl ; And for the Town, a Rate of One Hun- dred and Sixty Pounds they are to prepare as soon as they Can ; and for every Home Lott that is Granted to the Young Men, 12 KECORDS OF NEWARK. [1668 they are to pay to the Town Rate Twelve Shillings, and for any Stock of Cattle, they are to pay to the Town rate for theui be- sides ; and to the Minister's Rate, the Men appointed to make it are to speak with the Young Men in our Town that are for Themselves, and to See what they Avill Voluntarily pay to the Minister. Item — the Town hath made choice of Thomas Johnson to Col- lect and Gather up the Town Rate : the One Half of it Collector. tliat Is to Bc })aid between this and the first of Janua- r}^ next, and the other Half Between this and the Last of March Next, in any Current pay that will pass and is Accepted Between Man and Man ujion the place : and the Town Tieasuiei. hath niadc choice of Henry Lyon to Be their Town Ti-easurer for the Year Insueing, or until the first of Next January Come Twelve Months. Item — the Town hath Granted to Seth Thompkins, kinf''Exdla.'i'se^ Liberty to Lay downe his Own Home Lott, and take up that Av^hich was Formerly Granted to Benjamin Baldwin. Item — the Town hath Chosen Deacon Laurance Ward and Mr. Samuel Kitchell to Take and Keep, and account Ac-count!, of Avhat the Charges of Our Land Comes to by the hun- Lands. (Ired, or the acre ; and Likewise, Avhat the Charges is about the Building of the Meeting House; and to bring it to the Town, that it mav be entered on the Records of sd Town. Item — the Town hath voted and agreed, that the nio'n'.fyfnonsiit chai'gcs about thc purchasing of our Lands of the In- Town Rales.' dlaus, sctliug the Place, with Mr. Pearson's Transporta- tion, shall be all Brought to the rest of our Town Charges and made uj), and ... by the Town Treasurer with other disbursments of our Town. Item — the Town hath made Choice of Sarjeant Surveyors. Ward, aud John Curtes, for to be their Surveyors of their Highways, for the Year Insueing or until New be Chosen ; And full power is put into their hands to Call forth Men to work, when and Where, they in their best discretion shall Think most Needful. Item — the Town hath Bargained with Deacon ^rnnZT Ward, Sarj Richard Harrison, and Sarj. Edwd Rigs, House!'" lor the sum of seventeen Pounds to Build the Same Meeting House, according to the Dementions agreed upon, with a Lenter to it all the Length Avhich Avill make it Thirty Six foot Scpiare, with the doors, and Windows, and Flue Boards at the Gable ends ; only the Town is to Hew and Bring all the rest of the Timber upon the place, Avhich is Agreed upon to be done as soon as they Conveniently Can : With whom the Town 1668-9.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 13 Contidecl in to have it well done, and Some Abatement in the Ijrice if they can attbrd It. Town Meeting, Jan. 1G68, Mr. Crane and Mr. Treatt are Chosen Magistrates for the Year Insueing, for our Town of Newark. Item — Mr, Crane and Mr. Treatt are Chosen depu- cimseiu ties or Burgesses for the General Assembly, for the Year Insueing ; and Lieut. Sam'l SAvain is Chosen a Third man, in Case of either the other Failing. Item — Lieut. Sam'l Swain and Mr. Camfield are Chosen de^tu- ties, to assist the INlagistrates in the Town Courts. Item — Henry Lyon is Chosen Treasurer for the Year Insuing, as above said. Item — the Town hath Chosen the sd Henry Lyon, to "'cirsei.."^'''" keep an Ordinary for the Entertainment of Travellers and Strangers, and desired him to prepare for it as soon as he Can. Item — the Town hath Chosen Thomas Johnson, to consuhiu. Beare the Office of a Constable in our Town, for the Year Insuing. Recorder Itcui — Mr. Robcrt Treatt is Chosen Recorder or chosen, hi8 Town Clark in our Town, for this Year Insueing ; and he is to have Forty Shillings for his Salary. Item — Stephen Bond is Chosen Common Brander in lou^nder.^"""' our Towu for all Horses, according to our Law for Branding Settled in our Province ; and also to keep the Records of the Same for this Year Insuing. Item — John Ward is Chosen the Common Brander, Pounding ot jjjj^i Recorder, of all Neat Cattle in our Town, for this Year Insueing, according to our Country Law. Item — The Town agreed with Henry Lyon, to Make a Suffi- cient pound for four Shillings the Rod, unless any will within a Week undertake it of him for Less Money by the Rod ; and it is to be Made with Six Good Rails, Six foot High, the Rails Not above Ten foot Long, and the up2)er Rails to be all Pin'd Togeth- er : and for the Bigness of it, it's to be four Lengths in a Side for Two Sides, and Three Lengths and a Gateway of Six foot Long, for Each of the other Two Sides ; and the Gate is to Be well Hanged with Iron Hooks and Hinges Below, at the Town Charge : which Pound is to be Set up at the First Opportunity that the Weather will permit ; and for the place Avhere it Shall be Set up that is most Convenient by the Frog pond side, is to be as Serj. Rigs, Thomas Johnson, with Henry Lyon shall Judge Best ; and the said Edw'd Rigs and Thomas Johnson are to See that it be Sufficiently done. Michael Tompkins and Serj, Ed'd Rigs are Chosen, rlncer "' to be Viewers of Fences in Our Town for this Year Insueincr. 14 EECORDS OF NEWARK. [1668-9. Warners of Nathaniel Wheeler and Aaron Blatchley are Chosen, Me'etjal" to Warn the Town Meetings for this Year, as oft as occasion shall Require them Thereto : and it is order'd that every man shall provide a Good Ladder, between this and the First of March next Insueing the date, under the Penalty of Five Shillings, and so maintain the same under the Penalty of Is. by the Month. Item — the Town hath Chosen Mr. Camfield and Committee Thomas Johuson to be a Committee Adjoined to the for Accounts. Trcasurcr, to heare and determine what and how Much shall pass, upon account of Mens demands for this Year past ; and its agreed that all accounts before that hath not been allowed allready, shall not be admitted to account from hence Forth. Item — The Town hath Agreed, that there Shall be Courts. Two Courts in our Town Yearly, to hear and try all Causes and actions that shall be Necessary and desired within our Compass and according to Our Articles ; and that the same shall pass by the Verdict of a Jury of Six men : And one of the Times is to be the Last Fourth day of the week. Common- ly Called Wednesday, in the Month of February ; and the other, is the Second Wednesday of the Next Following Month of September, Court [Town Meeting] the 5th March, 1668-9, of all the Freeholders of Newark : John Brown Junior, was by a full vote of the Town admitted and received a planter, and hath the Grant of an Accommoda- tions, Both of uplands and Meadows, According to his Estate that he does Give in, and is truly possessed of; he paying his proportion of the Charges Laid out for it, and do Seasonably Come to jjossess The Same Some Time this Spring. Eleazer Rogers also, hath his Former Accommodation Con- fer'd and Renewed upon him ; provided that he do defray all the Charges and Come upon the place to Inhabit, some Time Between this and the Last of May Next ; and Transplant his Family Hither, as soon as he Can be prepared and accompUsh the same. Item, The Court fully Agreed, that the Young Mens YonnK Lotts should pay, for each one of them Twelve Shil- Ra"ca. " " lings, for their Rate this Year to the Towne and for the Ministry. The motion of Jonathan Sargant and Danl Dod, to have an Acre or two of Land a piece of them Exchanged or Given them to Build on, at the end of the Town near Hauns's, or the Milner's [Millers] Lott, was left to Consideration : and Serg't Ward and Stephen Davis are Chosen by the Town, to Take a View of the Land and Make a True Report of the Nature, Quality, and how 1668-9.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 15 much may be spared without prejudice to the Highways or Mil- ners Lott, if any be found there npon sucli an Account. Meetixg adjourned to the 9th of March 6S-G9. Mr. Obadiah Bruen's Motion in the Behalf of his Son B?uen. Jno. Bruen, was taken into Consideration and Granted, that he shoukl have Six Acres of Upland, Somewhere in the Neck adjoining to his Fathers second division ; he Takmg of his share of Fence, and paying in to The Treasury Sixteen Shillings, for all Charges past To This clay. Item, The Town for the Better Satisfaction of them- Inriizeais sclvcs lu Gcueral, about the sizeing and Equalizing of Meadow. Mcus first divisiou of Meadow already Laid out, with the due care of Making Drains, and Highways into their Meadows ; they have again renewed the Choice of Four of the Former Committee, viz : Lieut. Saml. Swain, Mr. Samuel Kitchel, Serj Edw'd Rigs, and Thomas Johnson, and Added Four more to Them, viz : Serj. Rich'd Harrison, Henry Lyon, John Catling, and Mr, Robt. Treatt as their Co'mitte : fully Impowered by them To finish and perfect the first division of Meadow, in the most Just and Equal way they Can in their Best Skill and ability attain unto, as may Tend to the most hopefull Satisfaction of all it may be, and to Relieve and Supply any that want Meadow for their Inheritance ; and To do their Indeavour to Supply any with Grass for the present, that Have their proportion of Good Meadow, and for the want of drains, or highways. Cannot for the present Come at it ; and also, to Take a Thorough and Effectual View of the several places in the s"* MeadoAV, where and how many drains, with the Length of them Needful ; and also To View and Survey all the Boggy Fresh Meadow that are in Com- mon, Undivided, adjoining to our Meadows. Item, they have full power to set out the Highways Laid out a Cross any Mans Meadows, and any Four of the Com'itte have full Power to Act herein, to the Alienating and disposing of any Meadow Lott Lying Vacant ; Except the Elders Lott, Seamans and Boatmans Lott, Mr. Websters, Goodman Cole, and The Taylors Lott. Item — The Town Agreed and Order'd, that every jCks. Man shall se that Their be sufficient Stakes and Land Marks, both to Their upland and Meadow Lotts for the present ; and that every man that hath a division or divisions of Either Meadow or upland, shall be Injoined by Virtue thereof, within One Year after the date hereof, on perfecting their Lotts to set up and Maintain, under the Penalty of Five Shillings for every default, Two, or More if their needs, Sufficient stone Land 16 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1668-9. Marks, to every Parcell of upland and meadow that lie or they stand possessed of; with the Two Letters of Men's Names Le- galy Engraven thereon, about a foot Above the Ground — To be set at eacli End of Their Lotts. Item — The Town hath Chosen and deputed Nath'l tiie™vomi8. Wheeler and John Curtis, to Take the Care of Burning the Meadows and upland for this Year, and to take pay for it out of the Town Treasury. Item — Liberty was Granted to Deacon Ward, to Lay Kxd^ange. dowue hls owu division of Land in the Neck, and to take up that was Formerly Given to John Wilford. Deciani. Itcm — DeUvcr'd Crane hath Granted to him, an Acre of Land Lying on the Hill, adjoining his Home Lott. Jonathan Sergant and Dan' Dod, have Each of them serRantand Grautcd au Acrc and Half of Land to Build upon, near D. Doj,is Hauns Albers Lott, where Serj. John Ward and Stejjhen Davis shall appoint ; who are irapowered by the Town to set out the same. Item — Hauns Albers hath Granted him, a Little knoll Hai.ns. of Land against the middle of his Lott to Build upon, about a rod wide to a Black Oak and so to run of to Nothing, the Corner of his Lott. Item — Tlie Town saw Cause, for the Incouragement Motion of any amongst them that would Build and Maintain a Mil" " Good Mill, for the supply of the Town with Good Grinding, To oifer and Tender freely the Timber Pre- pared for that use, Twenty Pounds Current Pay, and the Accom- modations Formerly Granted Belonging to the Mill, viz : 18 Acres of upland and 6 of meadow, with the only Liberty and privilege of Building a Mill on y' Brook ; which Motion was Left to the Consideration of the Town Betwixt this and the 12th of this M" Current at Even, and the Meeting is adjourned to that Time : And in Case any desire sooner or in the mean Time, to have any further Treaty or Discourse, about his or their Under taking of the Mill, they may repair to Mr. Treat, Deacon Ward, and Lieutenant Swain, to prepare any Agreement between the Town and them. Town Meeting, ]2th March, 1668-69. None appearing to accept of the Town's Motion and En- couragement to build and maintain the Mill, they agreed to set upon it in a general way, and moving to Lieut. Swain about the matter, he made some ^propositions to the Town, {iie^Miil!""" and at Length the Town agreed with him for 20s. by the week or Avorking days, and three Pounds over for his skill, unless he shall see cause to abate it, which if he shall see Cause to do the Town will take it thankfully ; for the which 1GG9.J RECORDS OF NEWARK. 17 lie engaged to improve his Time and skill, for the best Advantage and carrying on to an End the whole Work, Avith all that shall be implied by him, so far as belongeth to his Art and Trade of a ^lillwriglit ; as also to give his best advice about the Dam, or levelling the Ground, as the Town shall need hhn, and this to be done as soon as conveniently he can : and the Town promiseth to help him with Work in part of liis pay as he needs it, so many Days Work as he M'orks at the Mill ; common Labourers at two shillings by the Day, and Carpenters at 2s. Gd. the Day. And for the carrying on of the rest of the Work about the Mill, for making the Dam, with other Necessaries, the Town hath made Choice of a Committee, to be with Lieut. Swain improved for the carrying on of the Work, viz : Mr. Robert Treat, Henry Lyon, John Brown, Stephen Davis, who are to appoint and over- see the Work, and that as near as they can in an eqixal and ])ro- portionate Way, and to keep a clear and distinct account of every mans work and Layings out about the Work. And the Town hath chose Thomas Pierson and George Day, to call men forth to Labour as tlie Committee sliall agree upon ; and the Town hath agreed with Zachariah Burwell and John Baldwin, to saw about half tlie Timber that's to be cut, and for the .... Boards they are to have Gs p the Hundred foot, and for the Two inche Plank they are to have Gd more in the Hiindred. Item, the Town agreed to send some men forth upon the Discovery, to see if they can find any sutable Stones for Milstones. Town Meeting, the 30th March, 1GG8-69. At which meeting it w\as agreed, that the matter of ""Jlr."" Capt. Bollens Demands in his Letter, should l)e wholly refferred and left with Mr. Camfield, Lieut. Swain, Henry Lyon, and Thomas Johnson, to act and do in it as they shall see cause. Item, the Town Agreed M'ith Thomas Luddington HmiH,'.'" and Thonias Johnson, to raise the Meeting House for sTimiinr' five Pounds ; the Town having shewed their willingness to be helpfull upon moderate Terms, and to lend them Things as they needed that was within their Compass, to carry it on : and for the Place where it should stand, it was agreed to be set up in the Place where it now lies, and to stand near fronting on a square with the Street; which for the verry Place and more direct manner of standing, it was left to the advice of Mr. Pier- son, Deacon Ward, and Mr. Treat. Item, the Motion of John Rockwell was fully con* J"i'i> sented unto, that upon Consideration that he doth this HdniutHu.c very Sprmg Season, come and Settle here m our iown and maintain this or such like sufficient Boat for the use of tlie Town, or particular Persons in the Town on ... . 3 18 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1669. Considerations for liis Boat and Time in going with her as he or they .... agree, so long as the Lord sliall enable him thereto. The Town hath declared their renewed Acceptance and Admittance of him into our Town, with the Gift of his former accommodations to him, npon the Conditions afore said ; as also that they will forbear him for some Time, the present Rate of his Purchase money. Town Meeting, the llth A^n-il, 1C69, Avhen they agreed to provide Nails, for the closing the Meeting House, in a voluntary Way, to see what every man would do in a voluntarily ; and they chose Brother Toraiikins and Good'n Johnson to ... . and know, what the Rest of the Town would ingage upon such Accounts, for such an End ; and they are all to be paid out of the Town Treasury — all which Nails are to be paid into Broth. John Brownes, as soon as they can. Item, the Town agreed, that the common fence that Fcnres.^"' li<^s down should be mended up speedily, and that the Third Day the next week, the Viewers of the Common Fences should go forth, and view the Fence : and then every man that is found defective is hable to pay his Penalty, and they are to give every man Notice of his or their defective Fences, and re- turn their Names to the Next Town Meeting. Item — they agreed that all Cattle whatsoever that lye in the Neck, should be fetched out between this and the Icaule. fourth Day ot the next week, by the owners of them : and tliat all Cattle of Avhat Sort or Kind soever, tliat shall after that Day be found in any Part of the Neck or Necks, with- in the common Fence, Avithout a sufficient Keeper, they shall be liable to pay Poundage and Damage ; with such Penalty for their leaving the Cattle in the said Neck, according to Order, if any shall prosecute against them for the same. Item — the Town agreed with John Catling, to hang out and sufficiently fasten some Poles or Young Trees in the River, at the end of or adjoining to our common Fence, and to turn them out and up the River about a Rod or two, and some what back again, after the manner of a Pound, to prevent Hogs swiming round the Fence into the Neck ; and upon his so doing that they stand for this summer, he is to be allowed Ten fShillings out of the Treasury for his Pains. Town MeetinCx the twenty fourth of Jlay 1CG9— The Matter begun the last JMeeting, about a voluntary Collection of Nails for the closing the ]Meeting House was again propounded, and issued as on the Day Book the Particulars thereof may apjiear — and it was agreed that tliey should be paid for them, out of the Town Treasury. the Necks 1669.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 19 Item, it was agreed that Mr. Samuel Kitchell should LeiTcr* send, and answer to the Widow Doud of Guilford, about her demands of titty Shillings t'vo\n the Town. •r.iwnsn.eu. Iteui, tiio Towu agreccl unto and chose live Towns- men, for the Remainder of this Year, or untill the first of January next ensuing. iVnd tlie Men chose were Mr, Cam- tield, SarJ. John Ward, Sarj. Richard Harrison, Sarj. Edward Riggs, and Robert Denison, Avho are impowered and bctrustcd with the Care of finishing of the Meeting House, all the Matters about the common fence or fences in the General Line, ordering or setting out of High ways in the fields or elsewhere expedient, and about the Hearding of Cows, or diiving out of the dry Cat- tle in the Tou'u — and what they shall agree U2)0n herein, the Town will Act accordingly. Item, The Town agreed, that Their shou'd be aHigh- Hijrii Way way of two rods wide at Least, Quite a Cross the Great Seek."" '" Neck from Meadow to Meadow, in the most Convenient place the Town Men shall Agree upon ; and what land tliey make use of for that End which Belongeth to particular men, they are to be allowed for it Again so Much Land else where, as the Town or Town Men and they shall agree upon. Item — Robert Denison is Chosen pound keeper, and he is to have a penny by the Head for Turning the key, or Reception of any Cattle Trespasing, into The said Pound. Item — The Town Ordered and Agreed, that for all «Ke'r,>'i'"''" unruly Cattle, or Horses, Oxen, and Cows that are turn- cZnl. t;d in or voluntarily Left in the Neck, or Com'on Field,- they shall pay Five Shillings by the head Poundage ; lialfe to the pounder and half to tlie Town, besides all damages that they shall do to any Man in his Corn, Grass or Hay, or Otherwise : and for all Cattle that are not unruly, Horses, Oxen, or Cows, Four Pence by the Head Poundage, Besides any damage. Item, its Ordered, that for all Hogs that shall be Ho?««n,i j)ounded out of the Com'on Fields, shall pay six pence poimdage. the Head Poundage, Besides Damages; and Calves four Pence, and Sheep at a penny the Head. A.ariai, Bush Iteui— tlic Town agreed that Azariah Bush [Beech] should be admitted a Planter, as others have been, and to be accommodated according to his Estate, ujton Condition of his maintaining a good sufficient Boat or bigger Vessel, for the Use and Commodity of the Town as they may need, and can agree with him for the Use thereof And he is granted to have three Acres, or four, for a Home Lott, it the Place will afford it, by the Side of the Miller's Lott. John Rogers had Liberty granted him, to lay his chfnge. own Lott in the Meadow, and to take up that Avhich was granted to his Son Eleazer Rogers. 20 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1669. Item — William Camp hath Liberty given him, to Change. Lay down his Upland Lott in the Great Neck, and to take it up in the Point of Goodman Roberts Neck, near Sarj. Riggs his Wolfe Pit, if it be there to be had. ToAVN Meeting, 10th pJiuu^ 1669 — It is ordered and Town agreed upon, that the High Way through the Great ionijime. Swamp shall be mended, and that those that have given in their Names to Avork at it shall Avork a Day for a £100. Item, it is fm-ther agreed on, that every one shall speedily, either in the said Swamp, or in Ditching the Meadow into the Creek at Maple Island, and on the farther side of the Great Swamp where the Surveyor and those . . . wi^k^^"^ begin shall agree upon, shall Work a Day for £200 ; Ditchir.li.'°' =*'"^^ that for every two Rod of Ditching that any Man doth according to Order, viz : 2 foot broad and so much in Depth, and near a foot Wide in the Bottom, he shall be allowed a Days Work, and so in Proportion for half Days or other Quantities, as Men's Estates given in amounts imto : and they are to begin this Work at two Places, and carry it so on successively as they shall be warned, or called forth by the Sur- veyor, or he that is to give No.tice ; and over Night for the next Day, is looked upon sufficient time of Notice. And in Case any ]V[an or Men shall refuse to go when warned, Avithout satisfying Reasons to the Surveyor, he or they shall have full PoAver to hire others in their room, though it be for double or treeble Wages, "if they cannot obtain it other Avise ; which shall be paid by he, or they, that are the Refusants to Avork Avhen called. And Sarj. Ed. Rigs is to begin the AVOrk at INIaple Island Creek, and Sarj. Rich. Harrison at the other Place. The one part of the ToAvn Avhere the said Sarj. Rigs dwells, is to take it by Succession, or . , .... to the Captains, and from him to Good. Free- mans and so to Good. Tomj^kms, and so round to the other Side of the Street, Avhere Good. Brown and every Man is to Avarn his next Neighbor, passing by them that have done their Share at the Swamp ; and so in like manner for those or that part of the Town Avhere Sarj. Harrison dwells, from his House round, according to order. And the High Way across the town, from the Capt. to Mr. Crane's is that way Avhere it's agreed for parting. And it's further agreed, that every one shall inform himself from the Rate, or any other perfect list of their Estates, AAdiat their share of Avork or Ditching comes to : and every one that ditches is to set up a stake, marked Avith the two first letters of his Name legally set on, at the End of his Work or Ditch, so that the Surveyor nuxy view Avhether every Man hath done his Share, ac- cording to Order or no ; Avho are to keej) a true account of the 1669.] BECOKDS OF NEWARK. 21 Work that every one hath dune, that every Thing may be reduced to a Rate and Rule of Proportion, in Time convenient wlicn it bhall be thought meet. Item — The Men appointed for the Sizmg or Resiirveying of the Meadow of such as compLains of the badness ot their Meadows. Mcadow, or for Grass for their present supply, gave l>ublic Notice ; that those that desired Consideration from them in the Premises that Avould make tlieir case kno\\n to them, and attend as they need upon the next Second Day come Seven night, ■wliicli is the Time appointed ]>y them to set upon that Work : or else, if they attend not, or be not supi)lied, it will be their own Default. Towjv Meetixg 23rd June lOG!). — It Mas agreed, that in Case any Man shall desire to take his Amends for the lirst Division of Meadow, out of the boggy ]\Ieadow against the front ol his own Meadow ; the Men deputed for the perfecting the Siz- Men that desire urc of thc Mcadow, (to wit) : the Division ; they have K,""" foil Power to lay out to them Mhat they Judge meet of it — they sitting down and resting satisfied in Avhat they do. Item, the Town by their Vote declared their willingness to re- ceive Eleazer Rogers, and John Bostick ; and to possess their accommodation with them in the Town ; in case they do come to the actual Possession of them and so remain according to Order ; at any time between this and the first of October next — 1)ut not afterwards. Item — it was consented and agreed, that if Need did require and no other way did appear more Likely, that Then vacau"rLotis thc Sizcrs of Meadow shou'd have full Power, to dis- pose of all, or any of the Vacant Lotts of ^leadow to tliose that are in want, Either of their division of Meadow, or Amens to that they have ; except That which was Mr. Leet's, Mr. Webster's and that set apart for an Elder, Item — allowance Avas made that John Brown Jun'r., should without deduction be accommodated, after the Propor- jnoBi.nvn tlou of au Hundrcd and Fifty Pound Estate. Item, Azariah Beech hath Given His Estate, to Ila\'e accom- odations for a Hundred Pound Estate. Towx .Meetixg, 28tli July 1GC9 — the Town made Choice of Mr. Crane and Mr. Treat, to take the first opportimity to Goe over to York, to advise Avitli Col Lovelace Concerning our Stand- ing, Whether Ave are designed to be Part of the Duke's Colony, or Not; and about the Neck, and Liberty of purchasing Lands up the River, that the ToAvn Wou'd Petition for. Item — the ToAvn by their unanimous Vote, declared tlicir Free- 22 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1669. ness to desire and call upon Mr. Abraham Pierson Jii- pLton^plu-Bd iiioi" to be helpful to his Father, in the exercising his Faih'r''" Gifts in the Ministry for the space of a Year; and for his Encouragement they are Avilling to allow him Thirty Pounds, for this Year. Item — the Town declared their Confirmation of Avhat the sizers of the Meadow had done, in laying out of the Bogs ; and saw not cause to alter it. Town Meeting the Third of December 1669 — The Town assem- bled, agreed that the Letter prepared should be coppyed out, and sent to Col. Nicholls in the Town's Behalf— and signed by Mr. Treat in the Name of the Town. 3Ir. Jasper Crane hath confirmed and granted to him, all the Land in his Home Lott that is within Fence, to him M, Crane's tind his Hclrs forcvcr, viz : his own 8 acres and two Exch'au'se acrcs that he took in of Mr. Leet's Lott, and the addi- tion to the Front, of the same Measure that it was laid out by at the First. Item — Mr, Crane hath granted him, full Liberty to lay down to the Town his LTpland Lott in the Neck, and to take it n. Cranes ^^^ partly wlicrc late Deacon Ward hath laid dowji, and to be made up of that was formerly laid out for John Gregory, if he had come to our Town. Item, Delivered Crane Avas Avilling to take up his Upland Lott of Gregory's, next his Father. Item — Liberty is granted to Stephen Freeman, to remove his Lott nearer homeward out of Gregory's, so much of it GnmT""' as is left; provided he lays down of his own to the Town lands, so much as he takes uji. Item — Henry Lyon had confirmed again, all the Land that was formerly laid to Greg. . . . Lott, and that he hath now within Fence. Item — The whole Meeting jointly agreed, that there should be a Record made in our Town by Mr. Robert Treat, of Record of Lan.is •'^H tlic Lauds laid out in our Town, ot what sort soever ; beginning first with the Home Letts, as soon as may be. And the Treasurer is forthwith ordered to do his best En- deavor, to procure a Book for the Records of the Lands. Item — it is agreed upon, that Air. Pierson's Rate for the Year past, sliall be levied and raised as in ]\[anner follow- WH.vorrRijn^- iiig — for every Male Person, not freed or disabled to a Minister siiiglc Ratc Is. 4d, by the Head, that is 16 years and upwards ; for every Acre of Land lying in the Home Lotts under Fence, 3d. by the Acre ; and for all other upland and Meadow, lotted out and enclosed, Id. by the Acre ; And for all Horses and Mares of tliree Years old and upward, 3d. by the Head ; and so for all two Year old Horses and Mares 2d. by the Head ; and for all Yearling Horses Id.; And for all Oxen of five Years old and upward at 6d. the Head ; and for all four Year old 1669-70.] RECORDS OF ne\yark:. 2S Steers at od. the Head ; ami for all Three Year old Steers and Heffiers at 3d. the Head ; and Two Year olds at 2d. the Head ; and Yearlings at Id.; and for all Cows of four Year old and u])- ward at .iMTby the Head ; and for all Swine of a Year old and upward at Id; and fur all vai-ant or deserted Lotts or Lands . . . appropriated to the owners dwell in another Town, they shall pay to Mr. Pierson's Rate one Third as nnieh as they did for the purchase, hy their Lands one third .... Item — The Court ordered and desired Mr. Kohert i!«°«eu!II'" Trent, to Avrite to j\[r. Ogden and Mr. Bond about our lilmnd".'' Bounds, and sip;nify to them that it is the Town's Mind fully, to have no Farm settled near our Line or Bounds, if their Town Mill do liic like — whereto our Town consented unto long Since. "^ Towx Meetixu, the first of Jamiary^ 1GG9. — ]Mr. fho^'en™"" Jasper Crane, Mr. Robert Treat, and jNIr. ]\[atthew Camfield, are chosen Magistrates for our Town, for the ensuing Year. Item — the said !Mr. Crane and Mr. Treat are chosen Deputies for the General Assemlily, if there shall be any; and Lieut. Sam'l Swain is chosen Deputy, to assist the Magis- trates in our Town Courts. Item, Mr. Robert Treat is chosen Recorder in our "hosel,! Town, for the Year ensuing, and the Salary is the same as it was last Year. Item — Thomas Johnson is again chosen Constable in our Town, for the Year ensuing. Item, Henry Lyon is also chosen Ti'easurer for the Year ensuing. Item — Sarjeant John Ward, Sarj. Richard Harrison, Lieut. Swain, and Stephen Davis, are chosen Surveyors of the High AVays for a Year. William Camp and Nathaniel Wheeler are chosen, for to view the fences in our Town, for the Year ensuing. Item — Josiah Ward and George Day are chosen, to warn the Town Meetings appointed by any of our Magistrates in our Town, for the Year ensuing. Thomas Johnson or one of his Sons for him, is chosen to be Poundei- of ^any Cattle trespassing, according to Order, any where within our common Fence, ibr the Year ensuing. John Bruen hath given and granted to liim upon his 0™',".' Father's Motion, the five acres of L^'pland next Mr. Bruen's Lott that was formerly laid out as Part of Mr. Leet's Lott, and the other are })romised to him ; he is to take it up with his Father Bruen's next Division of upland. Thomas Johnson hath given and granted to him by 1onTrJ,mT' tbe Coui't, for one of his Sons, the Lott and whole ac- ..r B..s.iert Denison 38 Mr. Al)r'm Pierson 51 Mr. Robert Treat 5 Ijawrence AVard 53 John C'atling 07 Josiah Ward 39 Sarj. John Ward 03 ]\rr. JNIorrish 08 Edward Ball 9 Sarj. Rich'd Harrison 47 Lieut. Sam'l Swain 30 John Brown 11 Stejjhen Bond 05 Deliverance Crane 37 John Curtis 34 John Baldwin, Sen'r 54 Thomas Staples 50 John Baldwin 14 Micah Tompkins 57 Jonathan Tompkins 40 Samuel Rose 49 Thomas Huntington 33 Mill Lot 35 Roljcrt Limon 30 Boatman 1 John Crane 00 Zachariah Burwell 39 Ei^hraim Burwell 38 Thomas Luddington 31 John Brook 13 Hugh Roberts 3. Eleazer Rogers 30 John Bostick 31 Henry Lyon 41 Joseph Walter 3 . Sam'l Camlield 53 Robert Daglesh 58 Francis Linle 37 Mr. AVebster 10 Mr. Jasper, Crane 48 Mr. Leete 01 Matthew Camfield Stephen Davis 3 Aaron Blatchly 33 John Harrison 34 Thomas Richards 18 Taylor's Lott 17 Seaman's Lott 13 1668.J RECORDS OF NEWARK. 25 Note, tliere are some deserted Lotts that are given to others for Amends, are omitted here. Robert Dalghesli, liatli bought of the Town a little Daigi.esi, Land in the Front of his Lott, for £1 — provided it hinder not the eoming at the Brook, watering of Cat- c.Mitioi.i tie, or High Avays, And likewise a little Slip in the Front of Samuel Canifield's was given to him, for that which was wanting to his Lott. Mr. Robert Treat hath given hiiu, ihu Meadow on this side of the Creek in tlie Cove, next Home, all along against his own Land. Item — Lieut. Samuel Swain hath given him, in Lieu swain-8 of the Slip he parted with of his Home Lott, to Take up four Acres of his Division of Meadow if it be there to be had for him, in the further side of the Creek in the first Cove of Meadow commonly called by the Name of the Captain's Cove ; according to his own Motion and Desire. Item — the Town gave Mr. Abraham Pierson four pastme'."""' Acrcs of thc Cove of Meadow beyond Martin Tiche- nors, with so much Upland on this Side of it as can lie spared for the High Ways, to be joined to his own Upland on the other side against it, for a Pasture according to his Desire. Town Meeting, J/ay the 7th, 166S. It was then Rivw Boun.i agreed that the Great River and the Bound Creek, shall be accounted in all Respects for a sufficient Fence ; and any Hogs or Cattle that takes to swim over it, are liable to be proceeded against as Trespassers. Item — Samuel Rose engaged to make and maintain a sufficient Cart Way over the Dirty Place near Hainis and by his own Lott, upon the Town's Grant to him to exchange a Little Part of his Lott ; which was consented unto. Item — the Town agreed, that the Common Fence shoiild be proportioned according to Men's Estates and Lands within the same, which was committed to Mr. Samuel Kitchel and Lawrence Ward to be justly shared out — and then the Town agreed to divide the Common Fence by Lott ; only that which was casual by Reason of Tide or Floods was to be made and maintained by the Town, and the Lotts are as followeth. The Common Lifts lye two for one. 4 26 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1669-70. Rods Kect 5 !l U H 3 7 •> •> s ■2 1;> ■i 14 M (1 o •) i 14 ■) i; la 4 n 1(1 5 10 10 5 14 5 :i 14 1) 13 C) 4 ■) s (i :i John Kogers 1 . Both. Mr. Kitchels -J. Mr. Jeremiah Peck 42.4.5 Stephen Freeman 38.3!) Thomas Staples 9. Jo. Baldwin, Jun'r 13. Micah Thomplcins 50. Ephraim Pennington 2.5. Martin Tichenorr T, William Camp 12. Jonathan Tompkinii 4. Ell ward Riggs 4!). Nath. Wheeler 32. Geor-c Day 48. Thomas Johnson 43, Robert Denison ;i5, Mr. Abraham Pierson 10 Mr. Robert Treat 14.15 Law renee Ward 11. John Catling 3(;.3' Josiali Ward 22.23 Sarj . John Ward 49.50 Mr. Morrish 4().4' Edward Ball 3!l.40 Sarj. Eich'd Harrison 24.25 Lieiit. Samuel Swain 30.31 John Brown, Sen'r IS.iH Stephen Bond 21.'i2 Zachariah Burwell 17.18 Ephraim Burwell 20.21 Thorn. Luddington 11. John Brooks 41.43 Hugh Roberts 16.17 JohnBostick 3. Henry Lyon 29.30 Joseph Waters 31.32 Matthew Camfield & Son 5. Robert Dalglesh 46.47 Francis Linle 37.38 Thomas Pierson 45.46 Jasper Crane 18.19 Samuel Plum 12. John Ward, Turner 26 Richard Lawrence 27 Hauns Albers 34.35 Deliver Crane 8. Robert Limou 44. Sam Rose 19.20 John Crane 33.S . Stephen Davis 28.29 Thomas Richards 23.24 Mill Lott 39.40 28 Note licre, tlie Common fence is lotted in two Divisions, and tlie Fences are most the Town iu>t ti) be given away . At a General Meeting of the Toavn upon the Twenty Fifth and Twenty Sixth of January^ 1C69. Its agreed, that Mr. Crane and Captain liobert Treat should be the Moderators at our Town Meetings, for the Year ensuing. Item, it's by a full consent of all agreed upon, that none of the Common Lands lying within our Town, or High Ways, so far as our Articles will allow otj shall at any Time be given or disposed of to any Man's Pro- priety, witliout the Consent of every Freeholder or received In- habitant of the Town ; as the Land about the Frog Pond or Training Place ; the Land before William Camp's toward the End, in the Front of those Lotts ; as also that at the Rear of them ; together Avitli that which lyeth in the Middle Street toAvards the Landing Place ; and that Avhich lyes against Aaron Blatchley's and John Ward's ; and Robert Dalglesh's ; which is to be and remain as Town Commons. Item — Ml-. Abraham Pierson hath the Grant of that Pi'oiBmi'BLou Home Lott that Avas formerly Mr. Lcet's, upon Condi- tion that he pay for the Purchase Twenty four Shillings, and for the Fence belonging to it as Sarj. John Ward, and John BroAvn Sen'r, that are chosen mutually to be Prisers of it accord- ing to the State they find it in : and in Case Mr. Abraham Pierson settles not in the Town but shall remove elscAvherc, lie is to resign it up to them again ; they paying him or his Assigns for all his 1669-70.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 27 Charges expended upon it, as Inditterent Men shall value or ap- prise the same, wlicn lie leaves it. Item, it was agreed that the Articles should be Articles. copied out, at a Town Charge. Item — the Meeting in general all agreed to have a upunrt'oPfi Division of Land, viz : Upland to be laid out as soon Acres to the j^j, ^^^j^ j^p^ ^j.' gj^ Acrcs to cvcrj Hundred Pound Estate. And they chose five Men whom they impow- ered, and would confide in their Faithfullness and Discretion, to make as just a Sizure and measuring out of the said Division as they can ; and wholly to order the Manner of the Lying of the Several Ranges and Shots of Lotts in each Place respectively, Avith all necessary High Ways, and Passages for Carts and Cat- tle, commodiously as the Places will aftbrd and do call for, every where. And this Division is to be partly in tlie Neck to begin there, and to accommodate so many as there will be place "'m fouud Laiid suitablo and com'odious for them. And by'i'he'Loi'i. those that by the Allotment are put by their Desires of having their Divisions of Lands there, they are to . . supplied and fall in their Places upon tlie Hills, with otliers of their Neighbours. And for the order of the Lotts and Places Avliere Men are to liave their Land in the Neck to lie, was agreed on as foUoweth. After the vacant Lotts of the first Division are taken up and orderly disposed oft", the first Lott next is to begin next Home in tliat Range of Lotts that lies next Beef Point Meadow, and so to run downward ; and the next Tier of Lotts, begining at tlie End of the other next the Pond ward, to be second ; and so onward successively till nil be laid out on this side the great Swamp. And then that which is on the other side, begining at the End next the River first, and to si7.ei., ci.nsen end with that Part next Wheeler's Point. And for Power. ""• ' the Land at Wheeler's Point or near adjacent, it's left at the Sizers Discretion where to lay out any there or no. And the Names of the Sizers are Mr. Robert Treat, Mr. Samuel Kitchell, Henry Lyon, Thomas Johnson, and Sarj. John Ward ; and any three of them agreeing, have Power to issue any Matter under Hand about the same. And for the Rest of the Land to make up the Division, it's to lie partly within the Common Fence and the lands on this Side of the Two Mile Brook next the Town, if that Avill reach it, begin- ning at the River, and so to come South-westward ; and in like Manner it's agreed to begin M'ith Limon's Lott, and so along with that Range of Houses next the River, and so one after another as they lye quite across the Town iintill they come to Hugh Roberts, for all such as are not supplied with Land or their whole Division in the Neck, or within the Fence by the Two Mile Brook ; for which Land it was agreed it should be decided 28 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1669-70. who slioulcl have it by the Lott — and tliat the order of the Lotts were first to begin next Hugli Roberts, and so onward toward the Two Mile Brook ; for Avhicli Lands, Ten Persons desiring it — Ten Lotts were drawn — Imin-iinis, Zachariah Burwell had the Tentli Lott, John Brown Senr. the 1st, John Brown Jnnr. the 4th, WilUani Camp the 5th, Thomas Johnson the 3d, Ephraim Burwell the 9th, George Day the 8th, Henry Lyon the 6th, Widow Elizabeth Riggs the Vth, and Nathaniel Wheeler the 2d, And concerning 31 Lotts drawn for Lands in the great neck, either in Part or in whole of their Divisions, to lye there, the Lotts fell as foUoweth. The Int. of Imprimis, Aaron Blatchly, for his whole Divison 4 them ihathav^ Stephen Davis, for his 4 acres 17 umi. i„ the g.^j^^,j_ pj^^j^^^ ^^^j. ^ ^^^j.^ ^^ j^jg Division 29 Ricliard Lawrence, for half his 20 John Rogers, for half his 23 John Harrison, for his Division 21 Thomas Richards, for his Division 18 Obadiah Bruen, for half liis 9 Sarj. John Ward, for half his 2 John Ward, Turner, for half his 7 De. Crane, for half his 5 Thomas Huntington, for half his 14 Alexander Munrow, for his Division 1 Josiah Ward's, whole Division 28 Mr. Sam'l Kitchell, for half his 15 John Catling, for half his 25 Mr. Rol^ert Kitchell, for half his 26 Edward Ball, for half his Division 30 Sarj. Richard Harrison, for his half 13 Widow Ward, for her half 10 Lieut. Sam'l. Swain, for his half 31 Jasper Crane, for his half 27 Francis Linle, for his half 8 Rob't. Dalglish, for his Division 19 Rol^t. Treat, for his half 24 Stephen Freeman, for his half 16 John Curtis, for his Division 6 Abr'm. Pierson, for his Thirds 3 John Brown for his half 22 John Baldwin Jun'i- 12 Ephraim Pennington 11 Hans Alberts had liberty granted to him, with his Hhiis Aihort. fii'st Division, to take np both his Divisions together in the Lott by it that is vacant, that was formerly Eleazer liogcrs's. Item — Jonathan Sargeant had the Grant or Liberty, to change .lonatii,,!. ^'^^ Home Lott, for that which was formerly granted to oTair*"" Rockwell the Boatman, lying next beyond John Crane, 1669-70.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 29 Item — Accommodations was Granted to liim, according to his Estate tliat he shall ^[ake Appear to any three of the Sizars, if he will Abide in the Town and follow his Trade ; Provided he pay his Shear to the purchase for what he hath, as others Have Done. ToAVN Meeting, the 3d February^ 16G9, the Governors Writing was read, and After some debate i;pon it they by their Governors' ""^ Votcs agreed as Follows : After all due Sallutations to wiitiiiK. \yQ presented by the Constable to Our WorshipfuU Governor, Ave, the Inhabitants or freeholders of the Town of New Ark, do by him make Return to the said Gover- nors Writing, as foUoweth, Viz : That they do Hold and Possess their Lands and Rights in the said Town, Jjoth By Civil and Divine Right, as by their Legall purchase and Articles doth and May Shew. And as for the payment of the Half Penny per Acre for all our Allotted Lands, According to our Articles and Interpretations of them, You assuring them to xis, We are ready when the Time Comes, to perform our Duty to the Lords or their Assigns. Item — the Court Agreed that all that are excluded from Hav- ing their divisions of Land or part of them, in the Great Neck, or Avithin the Common fence, or elsewhere — In Case that the Place where their Lotts shall fall to Be, the Sizars doe Not Judge the one half of every Mans Lott to be Good Land, then they shall have Liberty to take up the Half of their Division in some other place, where such Land is to be had, Provided it Be Not in such places as shall be Eminently prejudicial! to the Town : but the other Half is to Be Laid out in its Course, as it fall's By The Houses Successively. Item — the Court agreed to have the remainder of the Meadow, Both of Boggs and Salt Marsh, So much of it as may Be useful to the Town, for to be Divided or Laid out : and that part of it Above and Beneath Maple Island, toward the Mouth of the Bound Creek, is referred to John Brown Junr., George Day, and William Camp, to Be done by the first opportunity ; and for the Next part of the Boggs and other Meadows not already Allotted out, Towards Wheelers Point and that Avay Toward the Bay, is Com- mitted to Ephraim Pennington, John Catling, and Aaron Blacth- ly ; and from the uppermost Great Pond, for all the Meadow Un- divided, upward the Bay and River, that is Worth Laying out is to be Survayed by John Curtis, Stephen Davis and Sam'l Rose, who are Chosen and Impowred respecting to Dispart the Same and to make as full and Exact Return to the Town, Both of the Quality and Quantity thereof as they Can. John Crane had Liberty from the Court, to lay down ixeha^,gr'' his own Division of Meadow all but 2 Acres that was 30 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1669-70. Given him for Aiuens : and In Lieu theveof to Take up that parcell that was formerly allotted to and Laid down by Wm. Camp, provided that for So Much as is 3Iore than his propor- tion, He will set it of on his Second Division. Item — Dan'l Dod had Given him that Acre and Half Dani Do.i. of uplaud abovc Haiins Albers' Lott, that Jonathan Sergaut Laid DoAvn, he paying for it. Item — Liberty was Granted him to Bring in his Estate, and to have some Meadow in his Second Division accordingly, But Not in the first. Item — Rob't Denison had the Liberty Granted, to DeniLm. Take up that jjiece or Parcell of Land in the Little Neck that Edw'd Riggs, Deac'd, Laid Down to the Town, upon Account of his Second Division, so far as it will reach Therein. Item — Martin Tichenor had Liberty Granted him, to Tit'ilenoi. Lay Down His first division of upland in the Neck, and to Take it up in the Little Neck as it's their Sized, at the Rear of Dan'l Dod's Home Lott, Item, the Court saw Cause to order and agree, that no p'ipeSNiv^"! Timber shall be Sold or made use of for pipe Staves or Heading but what shall be for the use of the Town, iinder the Penalty of Loosing all their Labour for any Timber so Sold in the Town after this day, Within four Miles of the Town any where. Item — Mr. Abr'm Pierson hatli tlie Grant for ac- p\eifo'iK "' comodations of X'250, without any deduction ; to be Laid out to his Home Lott, as a planter in the Town. Item — the Town hath made Choice of Stephen wmVir D.avis and Nath. Wheeler, to take the Care of Burn- ing the Woods and Common Meadows Belonging to the Town Needfull of Fireing. Town Meeting, 24th March., 1G69, it was by their Joint Vote agreed, that Henry Lyon and Ths. Johnson should Take and receive eveiy Mans Just Share and Proportion of Wheat for his Land ; the Summer Wheat at 4s. pr Bus'l and Winter Wheat at OS. according to the order and Time perfixed to them to Bring it to Johnson's House Before the day be over, or else if they fail they are to Double the Quantity : which Corn the said Lyon & Johnson is to MorroAV to Carry to Elizabeth Town, and Make a Tender Thereof to the Gouvernor upon the account of the Lords Proprietors rent for the Land we make use of, according to Articles 25th March IGTO. Town MKExmrr, the 24th Aug. IGvO, the motion of setting upon the ]>uilding of a Mill in our Town of Newark : the Town at length Made a full agreement with Mr. Robt. Treat and Serj't 1670.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 31 Kich'd Ilanison, aljout the Building- mul Maintaining of a Suf- ticicnt Corn Mill, to be set npon the Little Brook Called the Mill Brook, Avith suitable Necessary's, and Making the Damns, and all other Provisions Needfull for and Belonging to the sd Mill, and furnishing the same Avith a (xood Miller, and to keep it in Good repair; to Grind all the Town Grist's into Good IMeal, Giveing Such due Attendance thereto as the Town being the one Party and the owners of sd Mill the other Party shall from Time to Time and at all Times Agree upon, for the Twelfth Part of Indian Corn and the Sixteenth of all other Grain. And for their Encouragement to set upon the "Work with as Speed as they Can, and upon their Efecting and Maintaining thereof, the sd Town doth promise and agree to and Avith the sd Treat and Har- rison, that they shall have the sole privilege of the sd Brook, Not prejudicing Connnon HigliAvays; Avith all the Town Grist's Ironi Time to Time, all Stones Capable of Millstones in the ToAvn's utmost Limits and Bounds, Avith all the Timber that Avas prepared for it by Jos. Horton, Avith 2 days Avork of every Man and Woman that Holds an AUottment in the Town ; Avith all the Lands former- ly Granted to Jos. Horton, Entailed to the Mill in all respects as their OAvn Lands During the Time and Term of their Having and Upholdhig the sd Mill ; they being Not to be Alienated or dis- ])osed from the Mill Avithout the Consent of the ToAvn ; and also Thirty Pounds to be Paid to the sd Crane & Harrison, their Heirs or Assigns at or Before the 1st of March Next, in Good Wheat, Pork, Beef, or one Fourth in Good Indian Corn, at such Prices as may be Like to procure Iron, Millstones, or the Work mens Wages, viz : Winter AVheat at 5s. pr Bus'l, Summer do. at 4s. 5d., Pork 3d pr lb, Beef a 2d, and Indian Corn a 2s. 6d. Bus'l : and upon these Conditions the said ToAvn Avith their Two Inhabitants aforesaid, have Mutually Bargained and agreed for the Carrying on this AVork. Town Meeting, 5th Dec'r^ 1G70, it was Agreed, that Stephen Bond should have the remainder of p's of Land that is Near or Adjoining to his own, Avhich Ilauns Albers Leaves of his Piece, that he hath by Exchange Avith the ToAvn, in the Neck ; for and Consideration of his Home Lott, to Make it as Good as his Neighbours. Item — it Avas Voted, that the Present Sizars of the mm,'' John" Second Division of Land should Take a "VicAv of Kobt. p™k"'«m!' Denison's first Division of upland in the Neck, and of r>avis?" Mr. Peck's, John BroAvn's, and Stephen Davis pro- pounded, and it Appeared his Case Avas one and the Same ; and they are to Give such AUoAvance and Amendment to any of them in Their Divisions as they find to be Just andEqnal, Jonathan Sergant for his Encouragment to settle in salglut." the ToAvn, folloAV his Trade, and to help Mend his 32 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1670. Home Lott, they (jJave Him that piece of Meadow that Lies at Beef Point, whicli was formerly Granted to John Rockwell the Boat Man. Item — it was declared, that John Brown, Sen'r, was to Have But Half his Division of Land in the Neck on this Side the Two Mile Brook, and Henry Lyon one third ; But the Rest Stood for their Whole Shares of their Division Their. Item — it Avas Agreed at our Meeting, to raise the uifii'iiiistiy. Ministers IMantainence for the Year past in the same Avay that they did the Last Year, and it's their desire they would Accept the same Allowance as Avas then Agreed uj^on, and Goe on this Year also : and for the More S])eedy Eftectiug of the rate Granted for the Aforesaid Ends, they Agreed that every Man should Bring a List of his Estate, Between this day Sen'- night at farthest, to the Deacon's, as they Avere Ordered formerly ; and Mr. Sani'l Kitchell and Mr. Obadiah Bruen are Appointed to Join Avith Them, and to be Helpfull therein for to Make the Rate. ToAVN Meeting, 12th Decni'r^ 1670, it Avas Agreed, jii'o!'Biu"i- that the Land that is Left unlaid out, shall Be Laid out B,wn?j'r, to them to Avhonic it falls By Lott ; and the first Lott ^u'n, j>m'!'.' ftjll to John Baldwin, Sen'r, to have His Avhole Second Division of Upland, and One Acre for his staying on the 2>lace the first Summer ; Second Lott fell to John BroAvn on this Side the Great SAvamp ; and the Third Lott fell to Mr. Abr'm Pierson, for his first division. Item — Micali Thorapkens had the Grant of a Little piece of Land, on the Account of his Second division of Land, at his Point. Item — it Avas agreed by Vote, that Mr. Robt. Treat ^mti^ shou'd Record and Enter Both the First and Second of Land, into the Book of records. Item— it Avas Agreed that Serj't John Ward should x5o'aare3r'"' be AlloAved to Have Fifty Pounds to his Estate added, and to Take np Land for it ; and that piece of Land in the Neck of the Boatmans, is to Goe on upon the Account Avhich Avas Before Given Him. Town Meeting, 29th i>ec'r, 1670, Mr. Jasper Crane Had Given Him, a Little piece of Land Adjacent to his Home Lott, upon the Acc't of His Second Division of Land. Item — Liberty Avas Granted to any that Avill Now Goeins.,ut Eutcr tlicir Minds, to Goe out of the Range and turn House row j-^^. j^jtij^^i- ^ ^^,1% or thc Avliolc of Their Second division M.e w,!"i«. of Land, according as it falls l)y the Order of House rowe. They have all Liberty for Either the Part or the Whole, Besides the one Half of their Division yt by Lott 1670-71.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 3o were Excluded out of tlie Neck, wliicli Abides the same as in tlie Former Grant. Item — tlie Town at this Meeting Took the Matter of Land at Laying out the Land at Wheelers Point into further poi'nr" Consideration, and Gave their full Consent that these Six Men Annexed, shall have it in Equal Parts unless they shall Agree otherwise ; and the Men Are Mr. Abr'm Pier- son, Henry Lyon, Mr. Camfield, Serj't Harrison, Stephen Free- man, Widow Riggs, And Those that Entered their Names, to take up the remainder or a part of their division of Lands as they do Make an Entry of, in some other place Avliere they shall pitch upon, according as it shall be Sized ; and in Case they agree Not upon their places, it's Agreed that they issue it by Lott. Imprimis, Mr. Crane, Jos. Walters, Henry Lyon, Francis Linle, Mr. Robt. Treat a part. Item — Francis Linle had Granted him, the Little lini^. Corner of Land for his Yard on the side the Brook Next his Lott, by Estimation About Twelve Rod of Ground ; Provided he makes the High Way and Passage for Cattle as Good as it was in the other j^lace. Item — Henry Lyon hath the Grant of tliat piece of n.>.. Lyon. Land at the Rear of Gregories Lott (that was), to range even with the Rear of his other Lott, Next Lin- le's Lott, upon the Acc't of his Division, so far as the rear of Frank Linle's Line unless the Sizars see Good Cause to the Con- trary ; but he is not to Come over or Worse the Highways. Item — Lieut. Sam'l Swain hath the Grant of a Little swa.'n.^'""'' Corner of Island, that lies within his Meadow or the most of it, at the Hither Corner to Make it Straight from one Corner to the other. Item — Jno. Baldwin, Jun'r, had Granted him, a ?;;?;"" little Slip of Land at the front of his Home Lott, in Lieu of Fifty Pole of Ground that He Avanted of his Second Division in his piece in the Neck ; and it's to range with Deacon Tompkins his Front at one End, and Come of to Nothing at the other End. Item — Wm. Camp hath the Grant of a Little piece ' of Land, about Twelve Pole, that lies at the Front of his Home Lott at the Hither Corner, for a Yard ; upon Condi- tions his Two Neighbours Give their Consent, and he does not Hurt the Highway. Town Mketing, 2nd Jcoi'ij, 1070, the renewall of SMinnit, our Solemn Agreement to submit to Law and Authori- ty among our Selves, Till it Be settled in the Province, its record fol. 3rd. Mr. Jasper Crane is chosen Magistrate in our Town 34 RECORDS OF NEWARK. fl670-71. ci^sen^. for the Year Insuing. Mr. Camfield and Lieut. Swain are Chosen Deputies, to assist the Magistrate in our Town for the Year Insuing. Mr. Crane and Mr. Treat are Chosen deputies for the Generall Assembly, and Lieut. Swain is the Third Man. Item — Henry Lyon is Chosen Treasurer Again this Year, Mr. Treat, Secretary, and Thos. Johnson, Constable, andRobt. Deni- son and Jno. Catling are Chosen Haywards for the Town. Jno. Crane and Sam'l Rose are Cliosen Viewers of the Fences. Ths. Richards and the Widow Riggs Her Son, arc Chosen To Warn the Town Meetings, eacli of them his Part as they did the Last Year. Serj't Ward and Wm. Camp are Chosen Surveyors for the Ways of Meadows and Upland, Towards Maple Island and the Two Mile Brook ; and Deacon Lawrence and Step'n Davis the Highways towards Beef Point and that way ; Mr. Kitchell and Josiah Ward for the Highways Down Middle of the Neck, Towards the Great Swaraj) and that Way, Item — the Town Choose Jos. Johnson for Drummer as before, upon Condition that lie Beats the first Drum at Least up as far as the Saw Pitt, or the Corner of Serj't Hai'rison's Lott. Item — the Town Choose Thomas Johnson to keep ci'iosin'J J^ii Ordinary in the Town for the Entertainment of Strangers ; and Prohibited all others from Selling any Strong Liquors by Retail mider a Gallon, unless in Case of Neces- sity, and that by Licence from the Magistrate. Item — the Town Agreed to Allow Mr. Leete, to- Mr. Leete. wards lus Disbursmcuts on his place the Sum of Three Pounds, besides what his fence shall Be Apprised At. Highways'". Item — it was Agreed upon, that the Charge of the Highways and the Surveying the Land shall be Levied by a Rate, According to Lands only. Item — the Town Aureed with Thos. Johnson About Meeti "rionr his Floaring Half the Meeting House for Four Pounds, of Good Chesnut or Oak, of 2 Inches and a Half Plank, and they are to find and do all, to Edge and Lay down the floar on Seven Good Sleepers ; and in like Manner they Have Bargain'd with Jno. Brown, Mr. Burwell, Jno. Baldwin, and Jos. Riggs to do the other Half. Town Meeting, 20th 3Iarch, 1670. Mr. Abr'm Mr. Poiison. Pcirsou liatli the Liberty Granted Him, to Take up the Remainder of His First division of Land, in the Jjittle Neck that Jonathan Sergant Laid down Lying on the other side of the Highway, Against His Pasture, According as the Sizars shall Determine. Item — it was Agreed that Henry Lyon and Thos. Johnson shall Goe to our Governor, in Behalf of the Town make a Tender 1670-71. J RECORDS OF NEWARK. 35 to Him in Good Wheat fur the Payment of tlieir Half Fenny pr Acre to Him for tlie Lords Proprietors, in Like Manner as they did the Last Year at the Day Appointed ; in Case that he will Accept of tlie Same, That then they are fnlly Impowcred to Give Notice by the AVarners of the Town, for every Huif I'unny. onc to Bring in his Proportion of Corn to the Consta- ble's Honse, the Morning of the day appointed, by 7 or 8 O'Clk, that they may send it to their Governor, and take a Discharge of Him for the same ; and they are at Least to Bring as Much as they did the Last Year, and More if they see Cause. Item— its Agreed that the fence in the Common Line shall be again Proportioned and Laid out a New to every in his Just Share, According to the Number of his Acres within Pividins the same ; Beginning at or near the First Common t^uc".""' Gate Next the Fence, and so to run on Successively According to the Order of Men's Lotts in their First division of fence, nntill they Come to the fence at Bound Ci'eek, and thence to Come to the side of Seaman's Lott, Kuning up by the side thereof nntill they Come to the River at or Near the IMiddle Landing Place : and for the Whole Enter Thereof, to be Order'd, Appris'd, and set out to Each Man his Just Proportion, it's Wholly Left to tlie Judgment of Robert Denison, Mr. Stephen Davis, Jno. Catling, Jno. Curtis, and Jno. Brown Junior, to regu- late, Value and Lay out every Man his Just Proportion of fence. And every Man hath Engaged to set down, According to Their Determination. Item — its Agreed that a rate of £30 shall be made Mill Rate. for thc Mill Forthwith; to be raised According to Estates and Lands, in like Manner as the Rate for Mr. Abr'ni Peirson the Last Year. At a Town Meeting, 20th leh')/, 1670, it Avas Agreed by Vote, tliat Thos. Johnson and Natli'l Wheeler shall Give Notice when to Burn About the Fences, by the Beating of a Drum Early in the Morning, from His House as far as Serj't Jno. Wards. Item — that Henry Lyon and Thos. Johnson shall in comn.isBions. tlic Towu's Namc, recpiest the Governor to Confirm Mr. Jasper Crane and ]\[r. Robt. Treat Magistrates or Jus- tices of the Peace, Which Were Again Chosen the 2nd Jan'y, 1670. Item — that Jno. Brown, Jun'r, shall Have first Divis- Mea>io"™''"'" ion of Meadow, or as Much of it as the Place Avill Afford as it shall Be Sized, Lying on Both sides of the 2 Mile Brook. Item — that the Middle of the Town shall have the S'Sinv. Bogs or Boggie Meadow, to divide among Themselves Avithout Charge to the ToAvn, from the Widow Ward's Meadow to Jno. Curtes's Creek MeadoAV. 36 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1670-71. Item — those whose Names are under Written, Sliall Have Liberty to Take up their divisions of Bogs, from Hugh Roberts stakes to the Widow Wards Meadow ; and Agree among them- selves to Lay them out, and Make their Highways without any Charo-e to the Town. Hugh Roberts, Jno. Brown, Jun'r, Wm. Camp, Widow Rigs, Nath'l Wlieeler, Epbraim Pennington, Robt. Dalglish, George Day, Ths. Johnson, Zachariah Burwell, Ephraim Burwell, Thomas Staples, Eliafaph Preston, Stephen Bond, Robt. Deuison, Mr. Canlleld, Deacon Thompkens, Jonathan Thompkens, Abr'm Peirsou, Sen'r. Item — Those Whose Names are Here under Written, shall Have Liberty to take their division of Bogs, Each one Against His Lott the Breadth of his Lott, and Agree Among Themselves, without any Charge of their Highways or to Lay them out to the Town. Beginning at Joseph Walters and Ending at John Cur tes's Lott, and the Names are as followeth — JoseiDli Walters, Edw'd Ball, Josiali Ward, Stephen Freeman, Wid. Ward, John Harrison, John Ward, Turner, Serj't John Ward, John Brown, Sen'r, John Catling, John Brooks, John Baldwin, Jun'r, Benj'm Baldwin, Thos. Huntington, Mr. Peck, Mr. Morris, Martin Tichenor, Thos. Richards, John Rogers, Thos. Johnson, Rich'd Harrison, John Crane. find It. Town Meeting, 21st Felfy^ ICZO, it was Agreed, That Jonathan Sargent shall have Liberty to Take up his first division of Land, in the Neck, Where he Can Item — that the fence Next the River, shall Be made fhTRiver. "pon the Top of the hill Till it Comes Near the Land- ing Place ; and then down to the River in the most Convenient Place, as far hito the River as Low Water Mark. Item — that Mr. Abr'm Peirson shall Have his first division of Meadow, in that which was Mr. Webster's Lott. Item — Mr. Abr'm Peirson, Sen'r, Hath the Grant, to have his Second division of Meadow at the rear of his own Lott, the East Side of the Creek. Item — that a Division of Salt Meadow shall be Laid out, three Acres to a Hundred Pound. Item — that the Layers out of this Meadow shall begin at the Bound Creek for their Front, and flank upon the rear of Mr. Kitchell, Jno. Catling, and Mr. Morris's Lotts, and end Avhere the Small Hay Cocks Where When the Viewers Viewed ; and so to 1670-71.] RECOKDS OF NEWARK. 37 return by Maple Island Creek Till they Come at Mr. Cantields Lott ; and so over the Creek at Mr. Canfields Lott ; and so Goe down the Creek Till they Come round to Mr. Person's Lott ; and so Take^ in Mr. Leete's *Lott with a Little which Lyeth by it ; and So over the Creek Betwixt the Creek and the Pond, till the Pond Conies to the Creek or the Creek to It ; and so by Sam'l Rose's Lott, and By the rear of the Lotts ; and so round by the Bay to the other Creek. And this Second division of Meadow is to be Be Ordered according to Mens Lotts, or the place where they shall Lye. The order, Number, and Places of Mens Lotts, for the Second division of Salt Meadow, are as foUoweth — Jasper Crane 49i llobt. Treat 42| Obadiali Brueu 37 Jno. Rogers 50 Roht. Kitchel 57 Stcplieu Freeman G6 .Tno. Curtice 41 Mr. Peck 34 John Baldwin, Sen'r 47 Thos. Staples 65 Jno. Baldwin, Jun'r 40 ]\Iicali Tompkins 7| Jonathan Tompkins 44 Ephraim Pennington 2C Martin Tichenor 13 Wm. Camp 9 Widow Rigs 12 Natlil AVlieeler 58 George Day 21 Thos. Johnson 54 Robt. Denison 33 Widow Ward 27 Jno. Catling 51 Sam'l Kitchell 39 Josiali Ward 6 Jno. Ward 46 Mr. Morris 5 Edw'd Ball Thos Richards 31 Benj'm Baldwin 32 Thos. Huntington 14 Sam'l Rose 24 Jno. BroAvn, Sen'r 26 Rich'd Harrison 45 Sam'l Swain 48 Jno. Brown, Sen'r 16 Stephen Bond 11 Zachar. Burwell 15 Ephraim Burwell 63 Thos. Luddington 25 .Jno. Brooks 23 Hugh Roberts 5 Henry Lyon 35 Joseph Walters 28 Fran. Linle 18 Robert Dalglish 43 Mr. Camfield 55 Sam'l Camfield 22 Thos. Person 62 Jno. Ward, Jun'r 64 Alex'r Munrow 19 Rich'd Lawrence 4 Hauns Albers 10 Delivcrence Crane 36 Robt. Lynion 29 John Crane 3 Sam'l Plum 38 Stephen Davis 52 Aaron Blatchly 59 Jno. Harrison 17 Jonathan Sergant 2 Al)'m Pierson, Jun'r 60 Eliataph Preston Dan'l Dod 5 John Bostick 3 Item — it was Agreed, that any Man may have Lib- erty to Change His Meadow Lott with his Neighbour, Before it Be Laid out ; Provided they Exchange not Above c£30 in Estate, one More than the other. Change Lottc of Med'w. 38 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1671. Item — its Agreed that Serj't Jno. Ward, Henry Lyon, Ths. Johnson, Stephen Davis, Jno. Catling, Jno. Cartes, Jno. Brown, Jun'r and Wm. Camp, are Chosen to Lay out this Second divis- ion ot Salt Meadows. Any Two of these, with one of the Old Ones shall have Power to act. Town Meeting, 2d April, 1671, the return of the Men Ap- pointed for the Laying ont of the Fence in the Common Line, was Published and declared to the Meeting ; and notwithstand- ing some Difficulties and Intricacies Alledged, tliey saw Cause to pass a full Vote, ordering every ]Man to make up liis share of Fence, According as it is Given In and Awarded by the Men for- merly Chosen and Recorded for that Work ; only Stephen Free- man was Promist Full Consideration Afterwards, if he woiild do up his in the 2 Mile Brook, of Abat'mt ; and Agreed that it should be done by the 10th April Next, under the Penalty of 4d. the Rod for every Days Defect, in Not Sufficiently Making, or Maintaining the Same Afterwards, and All the damages that may Come Thereby. Town Meeting, 23rd May, 1671, it was fully agreed and Order'd, that Twenty Four Hours Time of Notice to the Warn- ers or freeholders in Our Town, to Them or the People wiming of Houses Where they dwell, shall be accounted upon any Ordinary Occasion of a Town Meeting Legal Warning ; not with standing, they do Leave as formerly, full Power in the Magistrates to Call a Town Meeting at Meelhil's- any Shorter Time of Warning, upon Extraodinary Busi- ness when the Case Requires it and Cannot admit of a further Delay Tlierein. Item, at a Meeting of About 40 freeholders being Legally Warn- ed, it was by their Vote fully Ordered and Agreed, that from Henceforth or Untill further Order, any Twenty of the freeholders, the Clerk and one the Magistrates being Present ; Provided the said Twenty having Legall Notice Given them ; which said Twenty Freeholders of our Town shall have full power, to Order, Act and doe, or Cause to be done, all or any business belonging to the Whole Town or any particular Therein, as fully and Legally as if they were all Present, Might, or Could doe : excepting the admission of Inhabitants, and the Alteration of our Fundamental Agreement ; Whereupon Ave all Came Hither and have subscribed unto and all shall ]3e obliged to Submit to what shall Be in such Avise Agreed upon. Item — its Agreed upon, that the 5th June Next shall Be forth- Avith Published, for every Soldier that day to appear at Training. tlic bcat of tlic drum, to shcAV his Arms and Ammuni- tion, and to spend that day in the Exercising their 1671.] RECORDS OF NEWAtlk. 39 Anns, as they shall Agree among Themselves ; nuclei' the Penal- ty of 2s. Gd. for Absence, and all former Penalty's Agreed ujjon for being defective in their Arms — and they so met shall have full ])ower to Appoint an other day of Meet- A>n'«'on ing — iind to order the Matter of the Hciuadrons for the i.ath.'^'''" Carrying of Arms to Meeting, and Warding on the Lords days During the Time of Publick ex(!rcise ; which is the Town's mind and order, that it should be Strikly Observ'd and Attended. Item — it's ageeed, that every Man that's Land in HiXwals'/ •'^iiy fields Butting on any Highway, wherein he Hath Laid or Cause to be fell or Laid any Wood or Trees, he or they shall remove the same again, between this and the Sixteenth of June Next, and C'lear the said way or ways, under the penalty of Is. for every Days Neglect after the Day afore- said ; and under the same Penalty, to keep C'lear the Vm^""^ One Half of the Highways that Butts upon his Land, And also it's ordered, that every Man shall Clear away the wind falls and wood, that lie found in the one Half of the Highway next his Land, and so keep it Clear; under the same penalty for Neglect, upon Complaint: and for his Clearing the under falls, he shall be paid for his Pains out of the Treasury, Item — it's Agreed that the 2nd day of the week and the Gth day of the same week and the Next Days if the Town Need, and the Work Cannot be well done on those days that uays.""" ^I'O a])pointed and agreed upon by The Town Meeting and the Owners of the Mill to be their Grinding days, upon which days the Miller is to attend his Grinding, and the Town are to bring their Grists, and the Miller Promiseth to do his as for Himself secure the same untill it Be en- closed, and under Lock and Key. Richard is admitted a freeholder, upon Condition of his setting his Name to our Agreements, and Hath tlie F,eei,„i,i,.r. Privilcdgc of Commonage for Fifty Pound Estate, without Deduction ; and He Hath Promised to set About Learning to read — Which was an Encouragement imto Them Herein. Ths. Huntington hath Granted to him and them, their Shares of the Highway formerly taken out of their Lotts which Hath Been laid down Again ; and the remainder undisposed of the Land Lying At his and their Pears of their Home Lotts, which was formerly Appointed to Them in lieu of the Land Taken out of their Lotts for the said Highway, is Confirmed upon them. Aaron Blacthly, Promising to uphold his Common Fence with- out Charge to the Town, untill they Can Dispose of the Land and fence without Loss in the Neck ; they Granted Kxchangc. him liberty to Lay down some Part of his said division 40 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1671. of Land, viz : that t*art lying by Mr. Crane's Flank ; and to Take up so mucli Sized Land for it in the Woods, as upon a Due View of Sizure it Being not prejudicial! to the Town ; which so Appearing, they are willing to Accommodate him With. Ephraim Burwell, with his Neighbours having their Lands Lying Together, desiring liberty to have a Highway Exchanged or removed, that leads to their lands in the Little Neck E'lXZnged. by Deacon Tompkens's, from the outside of his Lott one Avay that Now is, to Almost the out side of liis Own Lott, on the other side of his Lott ; and he Avou'd Be Con- tent to take uj) some Amens for his Land and Charges in Sub duing it, at the End of his own land ; as also the Remainder of His Aniens due to him for his Home Lott, which was Granted to him for Amens, if it be there to Be had : and free and full Liber- ty Avas Granted Them to j^lace the Highways anew for their Best Convenience Among Themselves, as they shall Agree, they Not annoying any other Mans Land by their alterations : and Like- wise liberty was Granted to all them that have their lands on that side of the Highway, to have their Lotts run to the fo^'hc Swamp Swauip for their Preservation of the Corn by Fencing or otherwise ; the additions of Land Being Inconsid- erable as it's presented to the Town which is Given to them, and they have sustained Great loss for want of such Liberty of Fenc- ing, as they say — which moved the Town to Comply with Them. Town Meeting, 29th ^Se^yfr, 1671. Mr. Jasper Crane and Robt. Treat are Again Chosen Deputies in our Town, for the Service of the Assembly in 3d Oct'r Insuing the date, According to the Governors Warrant. Item — free Liberty Avas by a full Vote Given to any Amongst us, of Freeholders of our Town, to enter on Treaty of Sale, and to Buy the Neck of Capt. Wm, Sandford, or his Uncle, or Both if they Could Agree for it, and pay Avhat they shall engage ; and the sd Town Avou'd expect Nothing of them. But to pay their Shares to the Minister in Ncav ark, unless they Avould freely of Themselves Give and Grant some further Priviledgo to Ai«>"^t_B»5- The ToAvn, Avhere to they May Not be Comjielled. Neck. And it's Agreed that None shall be exempted from libei-ty of Purchasing, that doe Now Desire It ; and that he shall have and Enjoy his Share and Proportion of AAdiat lie Purcliaseth, according to his adventures and Monies Expended About the same : and there ]>rcsently appeared so many Volun- teers, as to make Tender to Capt. Sandford or such as had the Right of Dispose, the sum of Eight Hundred Pounds In Cattle and Provision, pay hear, Avith some Pipe Staves, within Four Year Next Insueing : and they refered the Matter to Mr. Pier- son, Sen'r, to draw up the Letter, Avith the Names and Shares 1671.] RECOllDS OF NEWARK. 41 that they Propounded to Expend for the Procuring of the same ; and to keep a Copy of Mens Names and Shares Adventuring, and what is Committed to the sd Sandford under their hands, for the Buying the sd Neck Aforesaid. Town jMeetixg, 14th iVbi''r, 1G71, which Meeting adjourned to the 26th Inst, to hnish what they Cou'd Not due this day ; and Concerning rates it was agreed that all rates that shall be levied this Present Year, (Except the Lord rent and Surveying of Land,) should be made and Levied by Persons Valued Kales. at Is. 4d. pr Head, by Lands the Home Lotts rateable at three lialf Pence pr Acre, and for the First division of Upland and Meadow to Goe at Id pr xA.cre, and for the Second of land Not to be rated this Year ; also Cattle to be rated as they Avere last Year: and Concerning the Lords rent and Surveying of Land, the Charges thereof to be levied by Lands only, which rates was Ordered as follows, viz : a Rate of £50 was Granted to be Levied forthwith, to answer the Occasions of the Town . . . . and where to any unto Avhom they are Indebted. Item, a rate of £'20 was ordered to be made, to pay the Charges of Survey- ing Lands; Avhicli Monies are to be paid into the Treasurer's Hand. Item, its agreed, that a List of every Mans Estate Shall be Brought in to the men apointed, Between this and the 2nd Decem'r Next, and Every one that dwells in the North End of the Town to Serj't Jno. Ward, and those of the South End to Thos> Johnson, under the Penalty of 6d., to be charged to the rates of any that are defective, having Had Notice of Rate.. this order ; which 6d. Shall be Taken out of the Rates of Those Men that are put upon The Trouble to Get it : and the Men Appointed to make the rates are, Mr. Obadiah Bruen, Serj't Jno. Ward, Thos. Johnson, Jno. Curtes, and Jno. Brown, Jun'r, who are desired to attend the Avork and Issue It as soon as they Can : the Prizes of Corn, and flesh, ave the same as it's Expressed in the Country Laws. Item, the Motion of Mr. Abr'm Pierson's to the Pu'r-"' Town, that he might have his first division of upland *""• According to the Proportion of his Estate, laid out in the Hither side Next the Lott reserv'd for the Elders Lott in the Neck ; which was Granted him on Condition that he settles and Abides with us a Considerable Time, Carrying on the work of the Ministry : which if he should not do, but in a few years ]-enx)ve away, then he is to leave the land to the ,;,„„„ „f Town for the end Afs'd ; he Shall be paid for Layings HMilis^^io out About it, if the Improvements of the land hath a Year Mo... j^q^ ^j^j^g j^ bcforc. Itcui, ou thc sauic Conditions afs'd, they are willing to and agree to add Ten Pounds 6 42 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1671-72. Yearly More for his Maintenance, for the Time to Come — he shall Also be free from all Rates, Except the Charge of Purchasing and Setling tlie Place, as otliers have done. Item, tlie Town again Clioose Robt. Treat to Record all their Lands and Meadows which are Laid out in our Town, for Landl*'"''* ° 2d. a parcell ; and every Man is to bring in his parcells of Land to him — with The Number of Acres ; and if any Allowance for Sizure they was to make It known how much, and how its Bounded on Each side Thereof: and this they Agreed to do, as soon as they could. Town Meeting, 1st Jaii'y^ 1671 — Mr. J. Crane and Mr. Robt. Treatt, are again Chosen to the place of Magistrates for the Year Insewing. Item — they are Chosen Deputies for the General Assembly, for the Year, and Sam'l Swain is Chose the Third Man. FenTeg." "' Mr. Trcat is chosen Secretary for Next Year. Henry Lyon, Treasurer. Ths. Johnson, Constable. Jno. Har- rison and Wm. Camp are to Warn the Town Meetings in their Y)art of the Town ; the old Surveyors to Stand Again. Wm. Camp and Jabez Rogers, Hay wards for this Year ; George Day and Zachariah Burwell Viewers of Fences, Avho are to Attend it once a Month : they are to Mark the defective Places penaitys aud Glvc tlic Owncrs Notice Thereof, and allow them t""e Fences. ] G Hours to auicnd it ; and then they are again to view it, and for every defect after, He or they shall pay to the Viewers Is. a Day for every day it lies defective. Besides all damages in the Mean Time ; and in Case the owners of The De- fective Fences will not pay their penalties, the said Viewers shall have full PoAver, by Warrant to Distraint. Serj't Rich'd Harrison and Stephen Davis are Chosen, to range the Middle Highway in the Neck, Ag't Francis Linle's and Jno. Catlings Lott. Item, Mr. Pierson hath the Consent of the Town Given Him, to Buy the House, and any Part of the Lott that Belongs to Widow Elizabeth Ward. The Rates made for the Town were read and Published, and its agreed that every Man should pay in his ])roportion to the Treasurer, between this and the 10th Feb'y Next, or else the Constable l)y order Must destrain for it. Item, it's Order'd, that No Goats at any Time of the Year shall be kejit any where in the Neck, or Common Fence. Item, Wm. Camp hath Granted him, upon Acc't of That Acre of Land, that the Townsmen in the Time that ^i^^t% Home Lott he now dwells on was Vacant in a Com mon, disposed of to Edw'd Riggs, Deac'd, a Point of LTp Land Beyond Martin Tichenor's Land Towards the Point, on 1671-72.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 43 tlie left Hand of the Higlnvay as they Goe to Maple Island — deemed About -3 Acres. Item, it was declar'd by Many, that in Case those (\-iom8. that Would have their riglrt in the Colours to Them- selves, they should have It, rather than to make any Trouble About It. Town ]Meetixg 22d Jaii'y^ IGVl. Mr, Treat and Lieut. Swain are deputed, to Take the first oportunity to Advise with Mr. Ogden, or any other they see Cause, what may be the Safest and Best Course to be taken for the Town, about our Lands and Set- tlements here. Item — it's ordered and Agreed, that every Man Shall bring in his or their Half Bush'l. to Henry Lyon and Joseph Meas^i^e"! Waters to have them Tryed, and sealed when made fit with Mr, Crane's ; which for the ])resent is the Stand- ard — they shall have 2d. pr. piece for Sealing with the small Town Brand, or |^ . Town ]\[EETixa, 4th March, 1671, it's Order'd for ^L%Z^''''"' the Church to Call Mr. Abr'm Pierson, Jun'r, to be Joined with his Father in Time Convenient for the orderly efecting It ; and they have Agreed upon his Taking Office he shall have and enjoy lus Accommodations Granted him, upon the same Tenor and Terms that other Men In our Town Generally hold the Same, Item, its agreed, that after the lOtli Inst, March, loih March. every Man shall secure his Wood, Timber, Corne, and Hay, which is Abroad, or Beare the loss of them with his fences also. Item, its Order'd that Mr. Crane, Good'n Davis, and woo"d'".° Nath'l Wheeler, shall Take Care for to Burn the Woods this present Year, Town Meeting, 22 March, 1671-2, John Brown, Jun'r, is Chosen Recorder for the Town, and to have in Custody all the Town's Writings After Mr. Treats leaving the Town, 'Till Jan'y, 1772. Widow Denison liath Granted to lier, 1 Acre of laud and Meadow Adjoining her other land and Meadow^ — for her stay- ing on the place so Long when the Town was first settled. Wm. Camp liad Granted to him, of his piece of Land in the Point Lately Given liim of Four Acres and Half, he shall have 2 Acres of it free from all Charges, in lieu of wliat was wanting in his Home Lott ; the rest on account of his Division. Martin Tichenor hath \\ Acre of Land Granted Him, Adjoin- ing his own division in the point, partly for the accommodations 44 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1672. of the highway that he made of his Land, and for his Staying so much on his place when the Town was first Settled. Jonathan Tompkens hath Granted him, a piece of land Lying Lefore the front of his Home Lott, on Consideration of his Home Lotts Being so poor and Scanty. John Curtis Also hath a Grant of an Acre of Land, for His Staying on the place at the first settling Thereof Item, Sara'l Plum and Stephen Davis are Added to chOTtn.^ the rest, to Finish the Laying out of Lands in that Division Already Begun. Town Meeting, 10th April, 1672, Francis Linly is Chosen to Sweep the Meeting House this year, for doing which he is to Have 20s. Item, it's order'd that No Cows, Calves, Goats, or Sheep, shall Be kept within the Com'on fence, nnder the penalty of 6d. pr. head ; Working Oxen and Horses hath Liberty, with a sufficient keeper. Order'd, that the Treasurer shall pay Mrs. Kitchel 27s. upon Mr. Leet's Acc't — she Giveing a Rec't for the same. Town Meeting, 13th 3Imj, 1672. Jno. Cathn and Edw'd Ball have undertaken to Make the Common fence by Thos. Richards's, to keep out all Cattle and Sheep this Year, for 12s, Mr. Crane and Lieut. Swain that were Chosen representatives for the Town, are desir'd by the Town to Consult with the rest of the representatives of the Country, to order Matters for the safety of the Country. Jno. Curtes and Jno. Brown, Jun'r, are to have 4s, ap's, for Making the rates the Year Past. Stephen Freeman is Chosen in Thos. Johnson's room, to lay out the Second Division of Meadow, Till Thos. Johnson is fit to Goe. It's order'd, that those which want of their first division of Meadow, shall have it made up in their Second. Henry Lyon hath the Grant, to lay down his first Lyon^s divlslou of Mcadow, only that as was for his amends ; Graut. ^^^ ^Q Take up as much as his amends wants of his first division where he Can find It, when the Second division is Lay'd out. The Tailor's Lott is to be Lay'd out by a Hundred and fifty Pound Estate. Dan'l Dod is to have his Meadow Lay'd out, by a £100 Estate. Martin Tichenor and Thos. Ludinton hath Each allow'd them, 1^ Acre in their Second division, for Staying on their 2)lace the first Summer. Town Meeting, 17th Jime, 1672. Mr. Crane, Mr. Canfield, 1C72.] PvECORDS OP NEWARK. 4§ and Lieut. Swaiu, arc Chosen Magistrates for tlic Year Insueing. Thos. Johnson, Constable. Item — there is to be a Quarterly Court held in this ijuajieriy Towu, Beginning the First Tuesday in September Next. Item — Mr. Crane is Chosen President of said Court. Jno. Browne, Jun'r, is Chosen Recorder of said Court. Item — the Court is to have for Every Action Is. 6cl. Recorder, entering for do. - 6(1. iw Constable, for Serving every Warrant - - 6(1. Serving an Attachment ... - 8d. Jury Men . ^ - - - 6d Every Action. Serj't Ward, Sam'l Kitchel, Henry Lyon, and Thos. Johnson, are Chosen to end the Difterence Betwixt Deocon Lawrence and Robt. Dalglish, About their Second Division. Sam'l Plum and Aaron Blachly are Chosen, to Goe over to Mr. Sandfords about Swine, the Town to Pay Them. There was a full vote Past Aug. 10th, 1672, tliat is Not Here Recorded— But is Recorded Folio 36.— [Ordered obliterated, Feb. 25, 1675-6.] Town Meetimg, 14th JSTov')', 1672, it was Agreed to have a Rate made, for Defraying the Ministry, and other Publick Charge. It's Agreed that all lands shall be a Like Rated Now Ai'IkJ'rt'ed. and Hereafter, upon Condition there be no more dis- turbance in Town about the way of Rateing ; Lands at Id pr Acre, Cattle of all kinds as formerly. Item, all Swine and Cattle that are Rateable which are now a Live, or hath been killed since August, shall Be Rated. Item, it's Agreed that every Man shall Bring in a List of their Estates, to Jno. Curtis, and Jno. Brown Jun'r, Next day Everyiian after thls Mcetlug ; and if it's known they Leave out hiA'ut^ '" any of their Estates, they shall forfeit 5s. in the pound ; and if any Do not Bring in their Estates Timely, the said John's shall have Is. for every one they Fetch. Jno. Curtes and Jno. Browne are to have 5s. each, for Making the rates this Year. Sam'l Lyon is admitted a Planter in our Town, and s,m'iL5oi,. j^^^i^ ^1^^, Taylor's Allotment Granted him. Town Meeting, 28 JSTov^r, 1672, it was agreed, that the former order that Twenty men should carry on Town Business shall now * be repealed ; and if any Man doth not Come Timely Order About (After 24 Hours Warning) he shall be lined 6d, Half a T,.nvu.M«t- (lay's Absence 15d, and Whole day's Absence 2s 6d, Except he Give a Sufficient Reason of his Absence ; if 46 RECOEDS OF NEWARK. [1672-73. any Goe away Before tlie Meeting Brake up, without leave, 2s : these fine shall be carried into Treasurer and Pay'd as a Due Debt. If tlie Defect be in the Warner's, they Shall jjay these fines. Towisr Meeting, 9th BeCr^ 1672. Mr. Treat, Deacon Tomp- kins, Serj't Ward, and Henry Lyon, are Desired to return an answer to Mr. Peck's Letter, Either in Writing or By Word of Mouth. Item, Mr. Kitchel and Jno. Brown, Jun'r, is to Dictate the Acc'ts of the Town. Item, the Town agreed to have a Rate of £20 made, for the Town. Its agreed, that the fence upon the Hill, by the River, shall Be Removed to Stephen Freeman's Corner, and so to the Brow of the Hill at the Towns Charge : the owners of the Fence is to Maintain it there, and Thos. Huntington is to Make the fence from the Hill to Low Water Mark, to secure the Neck ; and he is to have No other fence In the Common fence, and for Main- taining that fence. He Hath Granted to Him that Marsh under the Hill. Stephen Davis and Jos. Walters are Chosen, to look after Clearing of our Highways within the Common Fence, as in folio 26 [39] : and every Man is to have that as Lieth by his Land Cleared by the 12th of this Month ; and they Two are to seta Prise upon the Windfalls ; and if it be not done by the Time appointed they are To Hire Men to do It, and those that shou'd have done it shall })ay them for it. Item, Mr. Kitchel and Josiah Ward are Impowred, to Call out Men to Work at the Highways. Magistrate TowN Meeting, 1 st Jatxhi . 1672 — Mr. Jaspei Crane antschosei.. IS Magistrate for the Year Insewmg. Mr. Bond and Mr. Canfield, is Chosen Assistants. Lieut. Swain is Chosen the Third Man. Item, Mr. C'rane and Mr. Bond are chosen Deputies for the General Assembly, for the Year ensuing, and Lieut. Swain the Tiiird Man. Constable ThoHias Joluisou is chosen Constable, for the Year cho.eu. ensuing. Henry Lyon is chosen Treasurer, for the Year ensuing. Item, John Brown, Jun'r, is chosen Recorder, for the Year ensuing. ^ Item, Stephen Davis and Martin Tichenor are chosen. Town Meetiugs. ^ ings, for the Year ensuing. 1672-73.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 47 Item, John Brown, Sen'r, and Stephen Davis, are chosen fence viewers for the Year ensuing. Item, Josepli Walters liatli Lib- erty to make a Bridge over Maple Island Creek, piovided he wrong not his Neighbours by it. Town Meetinc;, the 31st of January, 1672. It was agreed and voted, tliat the Hate for the half penny an Acre, pemiy"Ce. sliall bc brouglit into the Constable's House by tlie Third day of February next ; and in Case it be not brought in by or on that Day, the Constable shall have Liberty to distrain for it ; and those that are the occasion of it shall bear all the Charges about it. Item, it is voted, that Mr. Peck shall have his Rates Lind"'i'y that are behind upon the Town's Account, given him KaT«'"iveu"''" Item, Francis Lindly hath his Rate that is behind on the Town's account, given him Mr. Peck Francis L have their Town Rates them. Town Meeting, February 15th, 1672. Stephen Freeman and Stephen Davis are chosen, to measure the fence ujjon the Hill by Thomas Richards's, and after the Convenientest Place from Stephen Freeman's Corner to the Hill ; also Sarj't Ward and Henry Lyon are joined with them, and they were to bring the Report of it to the Town ; and they were also appointed to settle the Places for the Gates — which accordingly they did. Item, it was agreed by Vote, that those that set up Jemownrih'e tliclr Fcucc lu tlic Swauip shall have Six Pence for Fence. cach Rod ; and those that set it upon Dry Ground, should have five Pence for each Rod. Item, it is agreed by Vote, that every Man shall have at both Ends of his Fence one Stake, Avith the Tavo first Letters of his Name upon them, by the Twelfth Day of this Instant February, upon the Penalty of Two Shillings for every such Defect; the one half thereof the View- ers are to have, and the other half is to be carried in to the Treasurer. Town Meeting, February 28th, 1672. Sarj't Ward Woods'.'^ J^n<^l Stephen Davis for their end of the Town — Lieut. Swain and Stephen Freeman for the Middle of the Town — Henry Lyon and Thomas Johnson for their End of the Town, are chosen to appoint a fit Season to burn the Woods. Also it is agreed, that every Male from Sixty Years to Sixteen, shall go out one Day to burn Woods Also it is agreed, that whosoever doth not attend that day (wliich is to be in May) if they do not go before, he or they shall forfeit his or their Day's work upon the Proof thereof, and pay it to the Treasurer. PeHaltv .if not Stak- ing the Fence. 48 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1673. Item, if any Man shall 'set tire on the Meadow be- Lu^7 'Z fore the Tenth of March, by Gunning or any other Me^,rtow8o„ y^rays, hc shall be tined Ten Shillings ; Half to the In- former and Half to the Town. Item, Mr. Crane hath Granted to him upon his Request, that Piece of Meadow containing about 3 or 4 acres, be- Gmn't."'"^'' tween his first division of Meadow and the Pond, which was laid for a Highway — and he doth promise to drain it, and to let the Highway go through his Meadow any where as they can. Item, the Town hath left the Matter in Controversy Highwlfjl!'' about the Highway at the front of Goodman Johnson's Lott in the Range, to the Judgment of the Men that are appointed to lay out Land ; to lay out that, in the conve- nientest place for the Good of the Town. Item, Mr. Crane, having Liquors for Six Shillings a Mr^ craue'8 Gallou, aud Ouc Shilling and Six Pence a Quart, they paying Wheat for it, hath Liberty to sell Liquors in the Town, till the Country Order alter it. Item, John Harrison and Edward Ball hath all their Bon"s Ke[«l8e. Fiuc about the Resque released, only they are to pay the Court Charges. Town Meeting, A2)7'il the 18th, 1673. Mr. Swain and Good- man Freeman have i:)romised to find Iron for the Stakes. Item, it is agreed, that the Dry Cattle shall be kept beyond the Mountain this . . . and every one that hath dry Cattle shall put them to that Herd. Town Meeting, J/ay the 26th, leVS. It was agreed upon, that the Young Men which have Home Lotts in the The Young Towu, shall have Liberty to take np Land in this Men's (rrant ... . "^ -^ if Lands. Division that is now to be laid out, according to an Hundred Pounds Estate ; provided they pay to the Purchase as other Planters have Done, according to their Pro- portions. Item, that tlie Young Men shall have Liberty to take half their Division, next after those as have their Second Division (in Part or in whole) yet to lay out. Item, it is agreed, that the Highest Estate in our Hnwmur-i, Town is to patten but one Hundred Acres, within that be patented. Couipass as Is already purchased; and so everyone accordingly, proportionable to his Estate. And if any desire, he may have his Lott in two Parts. 1673.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 49 Tlio Mixner nf tnkliit; this Divirtiou or Luiiil. Item, it is agreed that wc should all draw a Lott, and that the iirst Lott shall chuse, and so to proceed successively according to the Number of their Lotts ; and those as Avill hav(! half or Part of their Proportion but in one Place, they shall stay for the other Part till all the Lotts arc out, and then to l)egin again and proceed as formerly. Item, it is agreed that the Want of a Lott, or if any JMistake liap])en about drawing of the Lotts any way, that it shall not breed any Confusion nor alter any Thing. Item — after due Preparation and Solemnization for it, the Town agreed to draw their Lotts, Avhich fell with their Numbers and Places as followeth — Jasper Crane 101 Abraham Pierson, Sen'r 46 Matthew Candtield 18 Robert Bond 43 Lieut. Saml Swain 55 Obadiali Bruen 57 Jabez Rogers 4 Steplieu Freeman 18 John Curtice 1 John Baldwin, Sen'r. 14 Jno. Baldwin, Jun'r 9 Deacon Tompkins 50 Jonathan Tompkins 64 Ephraim Peninton 38 Martin Tichenor 3 William Camp 19 Joseph Riggs 58 Natli'l Wheeler 50 George Day 48 Thos. Johnson 16 Rol)t. Dcnison 58 jVIr. Robt. Treat 08 Mr. Aln-aham Pierson, Jun'r. ... 20 John Catlen 39 Sam'l Kitchell 33 Mrs. Kitchell 23 Mr. Peck 30 Josiah Ward 7 Sarj't John Ward 49 John i\[orris 20 Etlward Ball 6 Sarj. Ricli'd Harrison 34 Jno. Brown, Sen'r 60 Stephen Bond 8 Zachariah Burwell 69 Ephraim Burwell 66 Thomas Luddington 13 John Brown, Jun'r 52 Henry Lyon 36 Joseph Walters. .~T.T .'IT: .".'. . . 47 Robert Dalglish 43 Francis Lindly 68 Thomas Pierson, Sen'r 67 Benj'n Baldwin 41 Thomas Huntinton 45 Alexander Mnnrow 15 John Ward, Turner 3 Richard Lawrence 27 Hauns Alliers 51 Delivered Crane 33 Sam'l Rose 17 Jonathan Sargent 59 John Crane 61 Sam'l Plum 65 Stephen Davis 38 Aaron Blachly 11 John Harrison 40 Thomas Richards 34 Azariah Crane 21 Robert Limen 31 John Treat 63 Sam'l Lyon 44 Dan'l Dodd 29 Thom's Pierson, Jun'r 35 Edward Riggs 37 Sam'l Harrison 3 Barth'w Goodrich 22 Seth Tompkins 54 Thom's Staples 5 50 RECORDS OF NEWARK, [1673 At a Town Meeting, July 1st 16'73, It was Voted, and agreed by tlie General and universal Consent and Vote of s'lnd T'pe- '" all our Peo2:)le, that there should be an Address by Lorts Pro-"'" Avay of Petition, sent to the Lords Proprietors of pnetois. ^i^-g Pi-oyii^gg^ fQi- w^Q removing of the Greviances incumbent, and obtaining ofAvhatmaybe necessary for the Good oftlie Province, and of this Plantation — in testimony of onr Con- sent hereto, and of our agreement ; what necessary C^harge shall arise liereu])on we will defray by way of rate, proportionably to tlie number of those wlio join in the sd. Petition. Mr. Crane, JMr. Bond, Mr. Swain, Mr. Kitchell, and Henry Lyon, are Cliosen a Committee, to consider with the messengers from tlie otlicr Towns, about sending a Petition to England. ToAVN Meeting, e/u?y the 5th, 1C73. — Mr, Crane, Mr. Bond, ^r. Kitchell, Henry Lyon, and John Ward, Turner, are chosen to 'agree with Mr. Delevall about Money to send a Messenger to England ; and as they did agree with him, it should be paid by the Town. Town Meeting, August 4th, 1673. — It was agreed that we should join with the rest of the Province, to agree with the Gene- rals at N. Orange, to have a priviledged County between counTy'^a""'' tlic Two Rlvcrs Passaick and Araritine, or with as many uesueii as will join with us ; and if none will join with us upon that account, tiien to desire what may be necessary for us in our Town. Mr. Ciane, Mr. Bond, Lieut. Swain, and Sarjent John Ward, are Chosen Deputies to treat with the Generals about this Business. Town Meeting, August 12, 1073. — Mr. Crane, Mr. Nimhlat'rL Bond, Sarj't. John Ward, Mr. Bruen, Stephen Freeman, & John Curtis, are nominated for Magistrates. Item — Deacon Lawrence, and Sarj't, Harrison, are chosen Dep- uties to go to Woodbridge. Town Meeting, ^w/7us(! 30, 1G73. — Lieut. Sanniel Swain and Thomas Johnson, are nominated for Captains, Sarj't. iioirs'Iiomi- John Ward and Josiah Ward are nominated for I^ieu- iiate.i. tenants, Sarj't. Richard Harrison and JMr. Samuel Harri- son are nominated for Ensigns, Town Meeting, September %^ 1G73. — It was tliought .'^.n't't'u""" fit and agreed upon, tliat a Petition should be sent to the Dronje. Gcncrals at Orange, that if it might be. We might have the Neck. 1678,] RECOEDS OF NEWARK. 61 Item, Mr. Crane and Mr. Johnson are chosen to carry this Pe- tition, and treat with the Generals about the Neck. Town Meeting, /September 16, 1GV3. — It was agreed by Vote, that Avhat necessary change is laid out at Orarge by the Town's Messengers in the Town's Business, shall bo discharged by the Town. Item, Mr. Crane, Mr. Bond, and Mr. "Ward, are chosen to treat with the Generals about Terms for the Neck, and if they can to buy it. Town Meeting, Septeinher 24, 1673. — It is Voted, that if we are desired to join witli other Towns to send Men to the Indians to demand the Robbers, that we should send Men with them. Item. — It was also by the Magistrate's order pidjlish- oi'Aini's ed, that in consideration of the jiresent Danger, and iMibu.iieu. £g,^j. q|- y^r\y^^ jj^ay further ensue. We do therefore re- quire that every Man in our Town mider Sixty and above Sixteen Years of age, shall meet together with their arms well fixed, upon Eight of the Clock on the first day of October which is this day Senight, upon the Penalty of five Shillings. The Ammunition for each Man to bring with him being half a Pound of Powder, and Twelve Bullets fit for his gun, or Two Pounds of Pistol Bullets, and upon that Day the Soldiers shall chusethe rest of their Ofiicers. Town ^Ieeting, October the 1st, 1673. — It was agreed that a Rate of Thirty Pounds should be levied, to defray pub "ho'T lick Charges ; and the way of rating should be as for- RHtins. merly, and as it was last year, as fol. 15 and 31, [see pages 41 and 45.] Item, if any Man loose any of his Cattle betwixt this and Win- ter, they have Liberty to deduct or keep so much Estate the next Year from being rated. Item, John Curtis and John Brown Junior, are chosen to make the Rates this year ; and every Man is to bring a List of his Estate to them, by the next fourth day. Item, Thomas Johnson is chosen Treasurer, for the Treasurer clmsen. y^.^^ CUSUhlg. Town Meeting, October 13, 1673. — Stephen Davis and Martin Tichenor, are chosen Hcywards in our Town, for this Year. Item — John Ward, Turner, and John Catlin, are chosen to go to New Orange to buy Kingsland's Part of the Neck, as Cheap as they can. Town Meeting, October 25, 1673. — It is unanimously voted and agreed by the Town, that every Individual Man or Planter 52 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1673-4. ill the Town, shall by Way of Proportion in a Rate be engaged for the Purchase of that Part of the Neck, which formerly belonged to Major Kingsland. Item — Mr. Crane, Mr. Molyns, and Mr. Hopkins, are chosen to see after Confirmation of the Neck, and to sue for further Easment in Respect of Pay. Item — Mr. John Ogden, Mr. Jasper Crane, Mr. Jacob Molynes, Mr. Samuel Hopkins, Mr. .lohn Ward, Mr. Abraham Pierson, Senior, and Stephen Freeman, are chosen to take the Pattent in their Names in the Town's Behalf, and to give Security for the Payment of the Purchase. Item — Stephen Freeman, Tliomas Johnson, Stephen Davis, John Ward, Turner, and John Catlin, are impowered to "Order every Thing to the best Advantage they can, as belongs to our Part of the Neck as is purchased. Town Meeting, November \1th, 1673. — It is voted and agreed, that this Day Fortnight every Man shall bring a List of their Estate to the Meeting as is then appointed for that End, and there be read. Item — Captain Swain is chosen to be joined with Mr. Crane, to sue for Easment in Respect of Payment for the Neck, and what is else needful concerning that Matter. Town Meeting, iJecemher 1, 1073. — John Curtis is chosen, to gather up and carry in to the Treasurer all the fines about being defective in not attending Town JMeetings, according as it is writ- ten in Folio 31 [see page 45] — and for his Pains he is to have half the Fines. Town Meeting, January 1th., 1673. — Thomas Lud- T^oTn'^Meetinss Juton is choseu to warn the Town Meetings for this vieweTs7hos«.>. Ycar, at his End of the Town — Item, Samuel Plum is chosen to warn the Town Meetings for this Year, at his End of the Town. Item, Joseph Walters and Jonathan Sargeant are cliosen for Fence Viewers, for the Year ensuing. to lie made l.y Town Meeting, January 8. — It is Voted, that the Highways that stand upon Record to the Upland, shall iioit octuber. i^Q carried on as men are most concerned ; and they shall be called out by the Surveyors to do this Work ; and according to the Judgment of the Surveyors it shall be let out by the great, or done by Day's Works ; and the Surveyors shall keep an exact account of every Man's Work and bring it to a Rate, Avhich rate is to be made according to the Pro|>ortion of Lands as Men possess : those ways are to be done by next October, or sooner if the Surveyors shull see cause. 1673-1.] KECORDS OF NEWAEK. 53 Item — the Surveyors for these Highways shall have Power" power to call out Men when they see occasion ; and every Man is to attend their Call at two days Warnin<>-, upon the Penalty of Two Shillings a Day for neglecting coming to attend the Work, Item — Richard Lawrence and Stephen Davis are cho- cSr" sei^ lor the River Higlnvay ; Mr. Kitchcll and Edward Ball for the Great Swamp ; these four are to join to- gether, to see after the mending of the Middle Highway that foes down the Great Neck. Item — Thomas Johnson and George Day are chosen, to be Surveyors of the Highways as helong'to that End of the Town as they live at. Item — all particular Ways in the Meadow anywhere. Moa,Tow"ti^m cvcry Man as is concerned shall be compelled to bear t"heymosi'cou- ^'s Proportiou according to the Benetit or Use he •'™- makes of it; and to agree amongst themselves for the doing of it without Trouble to the Town. Item — it is voted that two Days Work is to be be- Hishw"ys!''" stowed in stubTnng the Highways in the Town ; one of the Two is to be bestowed about the Frog Pond, and thereabouts. Item. — Stephen Davis and John Catlin for their Eiid of the Town, and John Brown Sen'r, and John Baldwin Jun'r,, for their End of the Town, are to call out jNIen to do this Work ; and all are to do this Work from Sixteen Years of age to Sixty, upon the Forfeit of two Shillings and six Pence a Day for neglecting. Item. — Ebenezer Dod hath granted to him the Sea- man's Lot, lying over the way against Thomas Rich- Ebenezer Dod ards. Olil Trees to be fallen & When, Item. — Itis voted, that every Man is to fall all the Old Trees that stand on his Land within forty Rods of any House or Barn, within Two Years Time, upon the Penalty of five Shillings a Tree. Item. — Robert Dalglish hath Liberty to lay down his H8"h"GmIf.' Second Division of Meadow, and take up that Piece of Meadow, which was formerly John Crane's first Divi- sion. Item, — John Bruenhath Granted to him, that Piece joimnruen. of Mcadow which Avas formerly Robert Dalghsh's Sec- ond Division. Item. — Stephen Davis hath Granted to him, a little Piece of Land lying between the Mill Brook and the Mill Lot. Town ^Meeting, f/(Oi«rty7/ 31, 1673. — It is voted, that by this day Senight every man shall recon with the Treasurer. 54 RECOEDS OF NEWARK. [1673-74. The RatH tci buy the Nei-li Item. — It is voted, tliat according to the list as Men took tip Land by at the first, shall this Rate be made by, to pay for the purchasing of the Neck. Item. — Tlie Magistrates appoint this pay to be made, within three weeks from this meeting. Item. — Mr, Crane, Mr. Ward, Captain Swain, Stephen Davis, and Thomas Richards, are chosen to compleat this Business about the Neck, with John Catlin and Edw'd Ball. Item. — Mr. Ward, Stephen Davis, and John Treat, are chosen to go over with these Men to see the Neck, and bring Informa- tion about the same. Towx Meeting, February 4, 1673. — It is ordered by uate'I^oni'er. thc Maglstratcs, that every Man shall recon with the Treasurer by or before the Seventh Day of this Instant Month, and bring in their pay by or before that Day, upon the For- feiture offive Shillings. Town Meeting, February 24, 1663-74. — It is voted, ul'jnhi'rcaTi'il that the Bargain is confirmed between the Town and jii.a Edwani John Catlin and Edward .... according as is express ed in the Writing of Agreement made between thera. Item. — It is voted, that the Town is willing that Nathaniel Wheeler and John Baldwin shall be their associates. Item — John Catlin and Edward Ball have also accepted the Bargain from the Town, according as is expressed in the Avriting of agreements made between them (to this all of them set to their Hands) Viz. John Catlin, Edward Ball, Nathaniel Wheeler, and John Baldwin. Item — It is voted that John Catlin and Edward Ball shall ]>ay at three equal Payments. ToAVN Meeting, March 19, 1673-74, — It is voted and Jh,™n'ai"i agreed that thei-e shall be ToAvns Men chosen, to carry their Power. q,^ sucli worlv for tlic Good of the Town as the Town shall think fit to betrust them with, for the Year ensu- ing. "iteni — the Men that are chosen by vote to bo Towns Men, are Capt. Swain, Sarj't. Harrison, Stephen Freeman, Stephen Davis, Thomas Johnson, John Brown Sen'r. and John Curtis. Item — It is voted, that these seven Towns Men are to carry all Town Business, according to the best of their Judgments for the Good of the Town, for the Year ensuing ; except disposing of Land, admitting Inhabitants, and the way of levying Rates. Item — Ebenezer Dod hath liberty by vote, to buy hiroran't.""'^' Edward Balls accommodations, provided he subscribe to the fun, 1674 — John Brown Jun'r. is chosen, to present this Petition to the Court again at New Orange. Town Meeting August 10, 1674 — Mr. Crane, Mr. Ward, Mr. Bond, Captain Swain, Stephen Freeman, and Mr. Kitchell, are nominated for Magistrates. Item — it is voted, that there shall be a Treaty with the Indians, in refference to the purchasing of That Tract of Land as lieth above our Town, by the River. Item — Sarjant Harrison, Stephen Freeman, Stephen Davis, Thomas Johnson, Thomas Richards, Samuel Harrison, and Hance Albers, are chosen to treat with the Indians about it, and if they find them reasonable in their Price to buy it, and make Return of their Answer to the Town. ToAVN ^Meeting, October 2\, 1 674— Mr. Ward, ^[r. Kitchell, Mr. Freeman, Mr. Pierson, Deacon Tompkins, Deacon Lawrence, Sarjeant Harrison, Stei)hon Davis, and Thomas Richards, are diosen a Committee to consider of such Tilings as may tend for the Good of the ToAvn ; also they have Liberty to debate of sucli Things Avith any they shall see Occasion so to do, without calling a Town Meeting, 56 REdORDS OF NEWARK. [1674-5. Town Ms^TrnG^ December U, 16'74 — Mr. Ward, Mr. Kitchell, Mr. Freeman, Captain Swain, Serj't. Harrison, Thomas Richards, Deacon Lawrence, and Thomas Joimson, are chosen to go down to Elizabeth Town to treat witli the Governor upon the particu- lars written, and if they can agree witliout, not to deliver that Avriting ; hut in Case he will not hear them, then they are to pi-e- sent this Writing to him and leave it with him. Item — John Brown Junior is chosen, to subscribe this Writing in the Inhabi- tants' Name. ToWxV Meeting, November 1, 1674 — Mr.Ward and Mr. Kitchell, is chosen as Deputies to go over to Bergen, to hear what the Gov- ernor hath to read, according to his Warrant. Town Meeting, January 16, 1674 — That the way of rating shall be as it was last Year, only some abatement of Heads, Oxen, and Cows. Item — Heads shall be voted at 14 c a Piece, and Oxen at 5 c a Piece, and Cows at 3 c a Piece ; all other Cattle and Lands as they were before. Item — It is voted, that the Estates shall again be brought in to make the Rates by, as is now living. Item — the Estates is to be brought in, between this and the fourth Day at Night. Item — John Crane for that End of the Town, and cho"on" Ephraim Burwell for the other End of the Town, are chosen to warn Town Meetings for the Year ensuing. Town Meeting, February 20, 1674, — It is voted, BmrfsX''' lliat Edward Ball and his Associates shall have the Bill of Sale which is prepared — drawn out and deliv- ered to them. Item — John Brown, Jun'r, is chosen to transcribe this Bill and sign it in the Town's Name, and deliver it to them. Item — it is voted, that the Town will be obliged to buy Salt of Mr. Windor from Time to Time ; provided he be also obliged to supply them at all times from Time to Time, for half a Crown a Bushel. Item — Thomas Johnson and Thomas Richards are chosen, to go to the Governor to declare the Minds of the Town fo^pamn"' ""' about pattenting ; that they see it not their way for the present, to jiattent upon the Terms proposed. Town Meeting, February 28, 1674 — Mr. Ward is chosen to carry on Town JNIeetings, till a new one be chosen. Item — the Town is Agreed, to take some effectual Course to 1674-5.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 57 free ^Ir. Crane from that £5, which was due to Domhie Luke, at New York. Item — Mr, Wilson is admitted to be a Planter with us if Mr, Peck and he Agree ; in Case he subscribe as others have done. Item — Stephen Freeman, John \Yard, and John Catliji, are chosen to go over to New York ; and the Town doth impower these Men, upon good Advice to lay an Arrest upon Person and Estate of Nicholas Bayard, CoNDiTioxs AND ARTICLES of tlio Bargain between the Town of Newark, and John Catlin and Edward Ball (with whom by the Town's Consent were joined Nathaniel Wheeler and John Baldwin, Senior,) about Part of the Neck that formerly belonged to Major Kingsland, Agreed upon and consented to the Twenty fourth Day of February, One Thousand Six Hundred Seventy and Three. That in Case their Part shall be lost by any Claim of Kingsland or any in his Right, within the space of Two Years, the Town shall be liable to return them so much of the Money as shall by that Time be paid by them ; they themselves bearing their Part together with the ToAvn, unless those who receive it shall repay it them. That their Part shall be appertaining to this Town of Newark, as a part of it ; and that they shall be liable to bear their Part of the Kates to the Ministry and Country according to Proportion, together with the rest of the Town ; paying for their Heads, Stocks, and improved Lands such as they till and mow. That there shall be a sufficient and free Passage, from the wading place by the Mouth of the Second River to the Town's Land. That there shall be a sufficient and free Passage, from the Town's Land to the Meadow and the Great Creek which is before the Buildings. That they shall neither for the present or hereafter, they or their Heirs or Assigns, admit of any to be Inhabitants in their Part of the Neck, but such as this Town shall aprove and allow of That they shall have no Right to put any of their Creatures into the Town's Land. That for and in Consideration of their Part of the Neck, they shall pay Three Hundred and Ten Pounds, in such Pay and such Kind, and at such Time and such Prices, to the Vendue Master at York or to whom the Town shall appoint, as the Town was ingaged, free from all Charge, viz : at three equal Payments — And that they shall be liable to bear whatsoever Damage may fall out, by their failing in the Condition of Payment. That in Case the Town shall improve their Land, they shall bo 58 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1674-5. obliged to make half of the Fence cross the Neck, upon the upland. Tliat they and their Associates, Heirs and Assigns, or any that shall come to liave any thing to do in that Part of the Neck by any Riglit from them, sliall be bound to the true and real Per- formance of the Conditions before expressed, according to the true Intent of them, in each Particular thereof That their further Bound or Line on the Upland sliould be by the Fence, beginning near the Meadow on the farther Side of the broken upland, and so to run in the directest Line, from thence imto the old Fence which crosseth the s'd Neck. Item — Their Line in the Meadow, begining at tlie upland, rangeth with the Fence on tlie further side of the broken upland, and runneth to the Midst of a smaller Clump of Cedars — there being two greater Swamps or Clumps of Cedars, one on each side of it, and so is bounded by the first Cedar Swamp, and tlien by a Point of Brushy Ground imto a Tall Tree standing alone on the said Point, and from thence upon a Square Line to the Creek that buts against tlie Buildings ; only in Case that it prove so as that they liave not a Sufficiency of Meadow for their use to mow within their Bounds, they then are to extend their Line on the further side of the Creek unto the Midst, between the aforemen- tioned brushy Point and Tree, and the next Parallel Point tliat also buts near the Creek, which Creek is their Bound tlirougli from thence unto Hackinsack River. It is also further Agreed upon, tliat there shall be a Higliway from the Town's Land for the Town's Use, by the Meadow Side, of Eight Rods wide, on firm Land imto the Head of the Creek, Avith Room convenient for the Town's Cattle; which said High- way they have Liberty to improve, so long as their Land and the Town's lieth in Common : but whensoever they with the Town shall agree to fence so as to part their Cattle, they are tlien forth - Avith to remove their Fence, and lay open the IlighAvay for the Town's use as above said. JOHN CATLIN. Hereto hath John Catlin sub- ) scribed in tlie Presence of us ) Joiix Ward, Joseph Harrisox. Town Meeting, March 8, 1G74-5.— It is voted tliat, tliat writing Avhich is prepared to desire Mr. Jacob Melyne to produce the Bill of Sale, or any other Writing that may be helpfull to John Catlin and Edward Ball, shall be signed and delivered to them by John BroAvn, Junior. 1674-5.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 59 Item — Bt'ino; it is thought lit we should send in Deb«ie wiih the WritinG^ ouv ^NHuds ubout pattcntintr to the Governor Ooverncir about -, , ri^ i t^ t i rm t i p«iteiiting. — Mr. W ard, Deacon Lawrence, and Ihonias Johnson are chosen, to go down to EHzabetli Town and present it, and also to debate with him about that Matter. Both Mr, Pierson's are desired, together with Mr. Kitchell, to draw up 3Iatters in Short for that End. Towx Meeting, MarcJi the 19, 1674-5. — It is agreed, that is done in Referrence to the arresting of Mr. Bayard, the Town doth consent to. Item — Thomas Richards and Edward Ball are chosen to go over to York, to carry some writings upon that account. e™"ch«Ber' Towx Meetix(;, Man-h 30, 1674-5.— Samuel rium, Sen'r, and John Baldwin, Junior, are chosen for Fence Viewers, for the Year ensuing. Towx Meeting, April 28, 1675. — Thomas Johnson, Stephen Freeman, John Curtis, Mr. Samuel Kitchell, Thomas chTseu/'"" Huntington, John Ward, Turner, and Samuel Plum, are chosen Town's Men, for the Year ensuing. Item — These Town's Men have committed to them the same Power as the Town's Men had the last year. Towx Meeting, J/ay the 10, 1675 — It was voted, that those as have not yet taken up their Second Division of Land, shall liave Liberty to go out of the Range, and take it up on the other Side of the Two Mile Brook. Item — John Brown, Junior, liatli Liberty to Lay msGrnn'r" down his first Division of L'^pland in the Great Neck, by the Great Swamji, and take it up with his Second Division. ToAvx ]Meetixg, JTcnj the 18, 1675 — The Town, after much Debate about the Third Division of Land, thought it laling"''.';"! not fit to lay out an Hundred Acres to the Highest iiiirsion!""' Estate, have now agreed by Vote that the highest Estate shall not exceed above forty Acres, and the lowest not above Twenty, and the others not to exceed above thirty ; and that this Land shall all lie common, for Pasture, Tim- ber, and Stone, till it be inclosed by Fence. Item — It is voted, that all shall proceed in laying out the Divis- ion as they have drawn Lotts ; and if any shall neglect his Place by not attending the Surveyor, the next Lott shall have his Place. Item — \Yilliam Camp is appointed to speak to Mr. Bond, about 60 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1675. his taking up more Land than his Proportion for his Second Division, before the Second Division be perfected, contrary to a Town Order ; and also to declare to him, that if it fall out that any ]Man shall take it up for his Proportion, he hath Liberty from the Town (he paying the Surveyor) so to do. ToAvx Meetixg, June 7, 1675 — Thomas Johnson and Richard Harrison are appointed, to go down to Elizabeth Town's Men, to desire that our Bounds may be enlarged towards them. Item — It is also agreed, that a Petition should be drawn up, and presented to the Governor and Council (by our Town's Men) about that Matter ; and Jolm Brown, Junior, is appointed to sign it. Towx Meeting, August 28, 1675 — It is agreed, that Honse*'\fork! thc Mcetiug House shall be lathed, and filled up with thin Stone and Mortar below the Girts, and the Charge hereof shall be levied as the Town shall Agree. Item — It is also agreed, for the better Security of the Town, all the Men above Sixteen Years of Age, shall from Day to Day as their Turns come, attend this Work about the Meeting House till it be finished, and bring their Arms with them. Twelve Men is appointed to appear in a Day. Item — It is agreed, that two Flanckers shall be made at two Corners of the Meeting House wdth Palisades or Stockades ; and the charge of all this Work to be borne by the Persons and Estates as belongs to the Town. Item — it is agreed, that all the Home Lotts as be- M--ftchin1""' longs to this Town, shall watch according to their Turn, as well those as are not Inhabited as those that are. Town Meeting, ISepUmher 10, 1675 — It is agreed, that two 3Ien of tliese Twelve which are to come according to their Turns, are chosen to be Overseers to appoint the Work, and to take Notice who is wanting. The Town's jMen agreed, October 9, 1675, That the Necks where any Corn is, shall be cleared from all Cattle on the 11th Day of this Instant October, and the former Town Order to stand in force again. Item — Two Men shall be sent down to Elizabeth Town, accord- ing as is expressed in the Writing now come from the Governor. Item — jMr. Bond, Deacon Lawrence, and Thomas Richards are chosen, and any two of them to go down. To-WN Meeting, Octohcr 26, 1675 — Lieut. Ward and Sarjent 1675-6.] RECOEDS OF NEWARK. &1 Johnson are chosen Deputies, to go clown to Elizabeth Town to meet the Governor and Council. Town- ^Meeting, N'ovembcr the 22, 1675 — Mr. Samuel Kitchell, Sam'l Plum, John Curtis, and John Brown, Junior, are chosen Ly Vote, to go from House to House, to take an account liow much Land and ^leadow every Man hath already, or will take up in this Tract of Land already purchased : as also how much every Man will take of that Land which lieth up the River, Avhich is yet uninirchased. Item — Jolin Baldwin, Junior, and Ephraim Peninton, may change a Piece of Land in the Neck if they please, each with other. Item^It is voted, that Thomas Staples' Home Lott Shall be cleared, between this and next Spring. Towx Meeting, January the firsts 1675 — It is voted, that the Deputies for the General Assembly in April, shall be chosen by Vote with Hands. Item — Lieut. Ward and Thomas Johnson are chosen, to attend that Business. Capt. Samuel Swain is chosen for the Third Man, in case any of those fail. Item — Mr. Samuel Kitchell, John Baldwin, Junior, and Stephen Davis are chosen Grand Jury Men for the Year ensuing. It being ordered by the General Assembly, that a l!,"orim'r'' Monthly Court shall be, to decide small Matters ; it is voted, that the ^Members of this Monthly Court shall be chosen by Papei's Item — ]Mr. Bond, Lieut. "Ward, and Thomas Johnson are chosen Members thereof, for the Year ensuing. Item — John Brown, Junioi", is chosen Clerk — and Edward Ball is chosen to be ^Messenger for this Court, for the Year Ensuing. Item — John Curtis is chosen Constable, for the Year ensuing. Item — John Brown, Junior, is chosen, to be Clerk for the Town, for the Year ensuing. Item — Thomas Johnson is chosen, to be Treasurer for the Town, for the Year ensuing. Item— John Brown, Sen'r, is chosen, to warn Town Meetings for that end of the Town where he lives, for the Year ensuing. Item — John Ward, Turner, is chosen to Warn Town Meetings for tliat End where he lives, for this Year. Town ^Meeting, e/««^aliterated by the Clerk. Item — Michael Tompkins is chosen, to present the Names of the Members of the Town Court to the Governor, to Establish and impower them to that Work, Town Meeting, March the 21st, 1675-6 — Having had much trouble about disorderly coming to Town Meetings-the Town doth now agree, that Twenty four Hours shall be accorded legal Warning, and if any Man doth not come to the Place of Meeting to answer to his Name at the Second Beat of the Drum, shall be fined 6c. The Drum is to be beaten twice, in fair weather the first Drum is to be beat as far as Sarj't, Harrison's Gate, and the Second at the Meeting House about half an Hour after, at Avhich Time every Planter shall be at the Place of Meeting to answer to his Name, or else to be under the Penalty afr'd., if he give not a satisfying Reason to the Town of his late coming. And for a whole Day's Absence he is to be fined half a Crown, and for half a Day's Absence fifteen Pence, and for going away before the Meeting is dismissed without leave two Shillings, excej^t he give a satisfying reason as afr'd. Also, if any Man be absent Part of the Day, be 1676.] EECORDS OF NEWARK. 68 shall besides his fine loose liis Vote, and stand to what tlie Town liath done or shall do in his Absence. Item — Lieut, Sam'l Swain is chosen, to assist the Justice of Peace in our Town Courts, Item — It is also agreed, that the Clerk shall take Notice of these tines, and demand tliem of those as are defective, and kee]» them on the tile to be disposed of as tlie Town shall see cause. Item — .Mr, Ward gives Notice to all that are Planters tliat tl\ey have tlieir Names listed, and attend Town 3Ieetings. Item — John Warw.ie,. j^|-,]j, jjg jjg g^j^^ ^Qj. ^j^g Town's use ; provided that tlie Town pay him once within this week in Corn, Fowls, and Eggs, or any Way to satisfy him. Item — This ]\Ioney to be raised by the Ordinary Way of rating, by Heads, Flocks, and Lands ; ]Mr, Pierson's Estate paying to this Rate also. Item — the Pate of this Ammunition is to be tlie sum of Ten Pounds. Item — John Brown, Junior, is chosen to make this Rate. Item — It is agreed by Vote that those Estates which are not yet brought in, shall be brought to the Deacons or the Clerks, within Two Days from this Meeting. Town Meeting, A2)ril IV, 1G7G — Seth Tompkins and rrs'otJs'inr Daniel Dod are chosen Fence View^ers, for the Year en- suing, or till new ones are chosen. Item — It is Voted, that John Catlin and Edward Ball shall have the Rate as is made to pay for the Money as was borrowed upon the Neck Account, provided that the Widow Freeman may have tlie Benefit of it, according to her Proportion. Item — John Brown Jim'r is chosen by Vote, to deliver this Rate to John Cat lin and Edward Ball. Item — It is voted that a Committee be chosen, to lay t uToui'th". o'lt the Highway and the Landing Place hx the River, Srf ■" near Thomas Richards. ''''"■'"• Item — Lieut. Sam'l Swaine, SarJ't Thomas Johnson, Sarj't Richard Harrison, and Mr. Samuel Kitchel are chosen a Committee for this purpose, or any three of them. Town Meeting, June the 5, 10T6 — Joseph AValters is Packer ches-n. ghoscn thc Packcr of Meat for the Town, according to the order of the Gen'l Assembly. Item — Deacon Lawrence is chosen to be the Sealer of ^7mI? Leather for this Town, according to tlie order of the '■'"""■"• General Asseml)Iy. Item — John Brown Senior, and Jose})h Walters are 64 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1676. chosen, to Seal all Measures of all Sorts for the Year ensuing, ac- cording to the Order of the General Assembly. Item — Tlie Grand Jury Men are chosen, to take care that the Governors Arrears of those that have not subscribed be gathered up, according to the Order of the General Assembly. Item — upon the Request of Richard Fletcher to la}'^ Pi'^t'chela liis Land together, and lay tlie Highway on the South (jiant. gj^ig of it, it is granted to him ; pi-ovided that he make and maintain a good sufficient Highway, for Carts or other use, over the Swamp. Item — Thomas Ludington liath granted for amends of .Iington%''"''' 'lis Second Division of Meadow, tliat sunken MeadoAV Grant. (togctlicr wltli Part of the Pond) between the Home- ward Stake of John Brown's black Stake Meadow, and so streight to the Homeward End of the Pond; also, John Brown is to have half the Pond, and from thence to His further Stake by Maple Island Creek. Item — John Brown Junior, liath Granted to him, a fmu'ToZun. small Parcell of Land to set his House on, over the Way, partly against his own Lott and partly against the next Lott, not exceeding above half an Acre. Towx MEETixa, June 12, 167G— It is Voted, that l°7m»Zr those Men last chosen for Town's Men shall be in that Place till the first of January, namely : Sani'l Kitchel, John Ward, Turner, Samuel Plum, Thomas Huntington, Joseph Walters, Azariah Crane, and William Camp. Item. — It is voted that every Male Inhabitant in the 'p'nfiiis""" Town, aged above fourteen Yeai's of Age, hath Liber- 'oa'tTieTmi ty to pouud auy Cattle being found in trespassing, and if the Matter prove actionable afterwards in our Town Courts, his Oath shall be counted legal Testimony. But if any Persons under fourteen Years of Age find any Cattle so trespassing, and bring them to pound, he or they shall ])roduco Testimony where he or they found the Cattle, before it be ac- counted legal Testimony. But for unruly Cattle, and such Cat- tle as are voluntarily left in the Neck, as the Law and Town Or- der provides. Item — John Brown Sen'r is chosen Pound Keeper, his Fees as specified. Item — For Cows, Oxen, Horses, and Swine, six pence by the Head Poundage ; besides all Damages. Town Mei:tix(;, /^epteviber 25, 167G — Mr. Bruen hath a Grant, to be rate free. Item — It is voted, that those as are behind of their Tiiird Divi- giving in TeKtinio 1676.] RECORDS OF NEWARK, 65 sioii wliich should have been laid out bctbrc this time, shall now have Liberty of a Week's Time to perfect the same, (provided they take not uj) any Land as is sequestered in the Town Book,) before any shall proceed to take up according to Concession. Sealers of Itcui — Johu Curtls aud John Baldwin Sen'r are L«atiKr chosen Sealers of Leather, for this Year. choseu. Town ^Meeting, N^ovembe)'2\,l61(j — William Meeker's Peti- tion to the Governor, Council, and Assembly, was publickly read and upon this Condition following tlie Inhabitants of Newark have voluntarily contributed to answer his desire therein, (Viz) : That he, nor none of his, nor any Person or Persons in his name, nor in his Behalf, shall at any Time or Times, Place or Places, now or hereafter, attempt to trouble or molest any person or per- sons belonging to our Town of Newark, upon the Account of his Loss sustained by Reason of the Change of Government : unto this Condition, as the Terms upon which I the said William Meeker do accept this Contribution, and hereunto, I have set to my Hand this 19th Day of January 1670 — In the presence of us William Meekeu s^ his Mark. Thomas Johxson John Bkoavx Jun'h At the same Meeting, November 21, Thomas Johnson and Deacon Tompkins are chosen to acquaint those as are absent what is done tor William Meeker, and t«.> compleat the Business with them and with William Meeker, according to the Town's Act. Item — every Man shall reckon Avith the Treasurer between this and the last Day of this Aveek ; otherAvise he shall not be paid this Year. Item — Thomas Richards is to make, and maintain, a sufficient Cart Gate to the Landing Place. Item — Edward Ball hath Liberty to take the Elder's Lott, be- yond Mr. Ward's Pasture on the Hill, in Lieu of Part of his Land beyond the Second River, Acre for Acre. Item — the Town's Men have Liberty to see if they sc'honi Master, c^u find a coiiipetent Number of Schollars, and accom- odations for a School Master, Avithin this ToAvn. ToAVN Meeting, Jcoiuanj 1st, 1G76. — Thomas Johnson and Thomas Richards are chosen Deputies for the General Assembly, for the Year ensuing. John Curtis the Third Man, in Case either of these fail. Item — Lieut. Swain and Thomas Johnson are chosen Assistants, to sit in ToAvn Courts Avith the Justice, for the Year ensuing. Item — John Brown, Junior, is chosen Clerk for the ToAvn Courts, lor the Year ensuing. Item — EdAvard Ball is chosen Messenger 9 9 66 KECORDS OF NEWARK. [1676-7. for the Town Courts, for the Year ensuing. Item — Joseph Wal- ters, John Ward, Turner, and Ejjhraini Peninton, are chosen for Grand Jury Men for the Year Ensuing. Item— John Catlin is chosen for an Attorney for tlie Town Courts, for the Year ensu- ing. Item — John Brown Junior is chosen Cleric for the Town, for the Year ensuing. Item — Mr. Samuel Kitchell is chosen Constable, for the Year ensuing. Item — John Curtis is chosen Treasurer, tor the Year ensuing. Item — Stephen Bond and Samuel Rose are chosen, for Warners for the Town Meetings for the Year ensuing. Item — Ephraim Penninton and Hans Albers, are chosen Fence Viewers for the Year ensuing. Item — Richard Fletcher is chosen Pounder, and to keep the Key of the Pound for the Year ensuing. Item — John Baldwin Junior, Tliomas Pierson Junior, Thomas Pierson Sen'r, John Catlin, William Camp, Azariah Crane, and George Day, are chosen Towns Men for the Year ensuing — these Towns Men are appointed to meet every Lecture Day, in the afternoon. Item — it is voted, that the Country Rate shall be made by the List as Men put in to make the other Rates by. Town Meeting, February G, 1676 — The Town seeing some Trees spoiled in the streets by barking, or otherwise ; The Town hath agreed, that no green Tree Avithin the Town as is marked with N. shall be barked, or felled, or any otherwise killed, under the Penalty of Ten Shillings so killed. Item — the Towns jMen are chosen, to mark such maTk Tree"*" Trccs as arc convenient for Shade in the Town Streets. Item — Stephen Bond is chosen for Brander of Horses and Mares, according as the Law provides. Item — John Ward, Turner, is chosen Brander of Cattle, ac- cording as the Law provides. Whereas, at a Town Meeting January 1st, 167G — there was a Committee sent to the Ministers, for the abatement of Twenty Pounds of their Salary, upon the Consideration of the low condi- tion and many Payments the Town hath to defray ; To which Motion of the Town the Ministers complied with, upon Condi- tion that We the Inhabitants of Newark, do oblige ourselves each of us severally for our Parts, and as a Town jointly for the whole, to pay or cause to be paid, the full and just sum of One Hundred Pounds by the Year to the Two present Ministers, in Wheat, Pease, Pork, Beef, Indian Corn, Rye, and other passable Current Pay, at Price Current in the Province, at or before the Twentyeth of February ; and also we do, each of us that are behind, engage to pay the Rates already levied. Also Ave do agree and consent, that the said present Ministers shall be free 1677.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. G7 from all Common nn 11 T ,» rn I ■> T bciecoRied. in Kespect to what Jie surveyetl lor our iown i>ounds, to be recorded in tlie Secretary's Office ; and if not, to go to him, and use Means to have it recorded in the Secretary's Office Speedily. Item — they are also to have the Bill of Sale from tlic Indians recorded there. Item — it is agreed that there shall be a Commission procured, for our Justice to keep Town Courts. Item — Joseph Walters is chosen Packer of Meat, for the Year ensuing. Item — the Town hath consented that the Town's Men should perfect the Bargain with the School Master for this Mns^eJ. Year, upon Condition that he will come for tliis Year, and do his faithful, honest, and true Endeavor, to teach the Children or servants of those as have subscribed, the reading and writing of English, and also Arethmetick if they desire it ; as much as they are cajnible to learn and he caj^able to teach them, within the Compass of this Year — nowise hindring but that he may make what l^argain he please, with those as have not subscribed. It is voted, tliat the Town's Men have Liberty to compleat the Bargain M'ith the School Master, they knowing the Town's Mind. Town Meeting, February 20, 1GV6 — It is voted, that Thomas Huntington shall have the Boggs against his Meadow "^"Gf.nt. to the Upland, and he doth take it as Satisfaction for M'hat he thinks he is wronged in his Meadow, provided he may liave it, without Trouble from any in the Town, upon accoimt of what was granted against the Lotts, Item — Richard Fletcher hath Granted to him, One Gr'a'nt'"'' Acro aud a half of Meadow for what is wanting in his Second Division. Town Meeting, June 18, 1677 — The Town's Men are chosen by the Town, to go to John Johnson in the Town's johnjohu- Kame, and testify their Dislike of his taking up that Lott by the Frog Pond. And also to see if he "will lay 68 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1677-8. it down (or a Considerable Part of it) and take a Lott in some other Place. The way of To"\VN Meeting, Octobefl, 1677 — It is voted, that tm3"year!" SO much of the Third Division as lieth within Fence, shall pay to all Rates this Year, as the first and Second doth. Item — it is voted, that the first and Second Divisions sliall pay Eates this Year, as formerly. Item — Heads and Cattle as it was the last Year, (viz) : Lands penny for Acre, heads 14d., Oxen 5d., Cows above three Year Old 8d., Steers of four Year Old 4d., Steers of year old 3d., Steers and Hiefters of two Year Old 2d., Yearling Steers and Hieffers Id., Horses and Mares of three Year Old and upwards 3d., Horses and Mares of Two Year old 2d., Yearlings Id., All Swine of a Year old and upward Id. Item — John Curtis and John Brown, Junior, is chosen, to make the Rates for this Year. Town Meeting, October 5, 1677 — It is voted, for tlie perfect- ing of the List of Estates to make the Rates by this Year, that that those as have not brought in their Estates already, a List of them shall be drawn up, they having a Week's time before to perfect the same and bring it to John Curtis or John Brown, Junior; and upon the Failure hereof there shall be a Warrant given to Edward Ball, to go to every one and take their List, and for his so doing he shall have four Pence a Piece ; and those Lists brought to the next Meeting and read there, as others have been. Item — it is voted, that this Money due upon the Neck Account, shall be made into a Rate. Town Meeting, January 1st, 1677 — Mr. Tiiomas Johnson and Captain Samuel Swain are chosen Deputies for the General Assembly, for the Year ensuing. Mr. Ward is chosen to be the Third Man. Item — .John Crane, William Camp, and SarJ't Richard Harri- son, are chosen Grand Jury Men, for the Year ensuing. Item — John Brown, Junior, and William Cam^), are chosen to see after the procuring the Laws of the Province, or tliat Part of them as is between our Town and Elizabeth Town. Item — Mr. Ward, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Swain, are chosen for the carrying on Town Courts, for the Year ensuing. Item — Jolin Brown, Junior, is chosen Clerk of the Town Court. Item — David Ogden, is chosen Messenger for the Town Court. John Curtis is chosen Treasurer. 1677-8.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 69 Item — its agi'ecd by the Town, that two next Neighhours at one End of the Town one Year, and the two next Neighbors at the otlier End of the Town the Next Year, shall l)e fence View- ers — beginning at tlie North End of the Town. Thomas Pierson, Sen'r, and John Ward, Turner, are chosen fence Viewers for this Year. Zacliariali Burwell and Daniel Dod, "Warners ot Town Meet- ings, each for the End of the Town where he lives. Azariah Crane, Pounder and Pound Keeper. John Catlin, the Town Attorney. Joseph Walters, Packer of Meat. John Brown, Junior, and Joseph Walters, Sealers of ^Measures and Weights. Ephraim Burwell, Ste))hen Davis, John Baldwin, Junior, Thomas Pierson, Senior, John Catlin, George Day, and Thomas Pierson, Jun'r, Town's Men. Thomas Huntington, Constable. William Camp, Surveyor of the Highways in the Room of Thomas Johnson — the others to remain, and have the same Pow- ers they had before. John Brown, Junior, Town Clerk. John Gardner is admitted a Planter with Us, he submitting to our Town Orders : he hath Granted to him Thirty iimuJ'T'' Acres of Upland lying at the rear of John Ward, Turner's, Lott, and other Lott rears — lying beyond the 2nd River, Nathaniel Ward hath a Grant from the Town, of that Home Lott lying by his Father's. Samuel Potter is admitted a Planter, provided lie can buy an accommodation or supply himself by a Grant from the Town ; he submitting to our Town Orders. Item — The Town Voted, that the Town's Men shall ^^mel.d*tl." look after the mending or making of the Upper Gate, Gate uext ti,e ^^^^^ ^j^j^jj ^^Q paid for It, bccausc Thomas Richards re- fuseth to make or mend it as Aaron Blatchly's Agent. John Davis is admitted an Inhabitant. ToAvx Meeting, Fehruarii 6, 1677. — It is voted, that the vote made 7th February, 1G7G, concerning the INIinisters, shall be now void, and of none effect. The Town having made an Act, March 20th, 1G70, to have the Com'on fence divided, to every Man his just Proportion and Share, according as he hath acres of Land within the same, and also hath chosen Robert Denison, Stephen Davis, John Catlin, John Curtis, and 'John Brown Junior to Proportion the same, and hath also engaged to sit down satisfied Avith their Determination. They having there- fore measured the Fence, do find that two acres one Rod and Twenty Poles of Land doth require one Rod of Fence, of that tlie liisl D dlllB ul lences . vo RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1675-6. Land which is ah'eady laid out. Also they have proceeded to lay the said fence according to the best of their Judgments, the Number of Lotts and Rods to each Man being also here recorded — beginning with the first. John Rogers Botli Mr. Kitchels John Bostick Jonathan Tomi^kins, . . Mr. Candfleld Widdow Ward Martin Tichenor . Delivered Crane Thomas Stajjles Mr. Pierson Sen'r Thomas Ludington . . . . William Camp John Baldwin Jun'r.. Mr. Treat John Brown Sen'r Hugh Roberts Zachariah Burwell . . . . Mr. Crane Samuel Rose Ephraim Burwell Stephen Bond Josiah Ward Thomas Richards Sarj'tRicli'd Harrison. Ephraim Pennington . . John Ward, Turner . . . Richard Lawrence . . . . Stephen Davis Henry Lyon Lieut. Sam'l Swaine . . . Joseph Walters o o 1 2 20 13 3 4 5 3^ 3 9 6 8 7 3 6 8 3 12 9 3 10 18i 11 2 7 13 44 13 5 14 14 21 4 15 11 4 IG 8 10 17 3 3 18 10 19 5 20 3 14 21 3 3 22 8 3 23 4 7 ! 24 12 7 1 25 5 2 26 7 27 28 5 12 29 13 30 15 2 31 3 3 1 Nathaniel Wheeler John Crane ^ . , Hanse Albers Robert Denison John Catlin Francis Lindly Stei^hen Freeman Mr. John Ward Edward Ball John Brooks Mr. Peck Thomas Johnson Robert Limon Thomas Pierson Mr. Morris . . . . Robert Dalglish George Day Widow Rigs Michael Tompkins John Brown Jun'r Mr. Pierson Jun'r Jonathan Sargant Alexander Monrow.... Benjamin Baldwin John Harrison Thomas Huntington John Curtis John Baldwin Sen'r. . . . Aaron Blachly Mr. Bruen & John Bruen . Samuel Plum K 7 4 3 6 8 5 15 12 5 1 3 11 3 4 7 H 2 G 9 4 4 3 3 o 4 10 6 12i Town Meeting, October 22, 1677 — to prevent the Rate wliich Avas agreed upon on the Neck account on the 5 October, 77 ; there was a List of what Pipe Staves People were willing to give drawy up— which were to be brought to some convenient Land- ing by the last of next week, after the Date hereof Joseph Walters, was chosen Culler for these Staves. Stephen Davis and John Ward, Dish -Turner, are chosen to join with John Catlin and Edward Ball as a Committee, to make the best of these Staves to defray that Debt. Hi thi: Muiili- luln. 1678.J RECORDS OF NEWARK. 71 Town MeetixCx tlie 1st of March^ 1677-8 — It is voted as a Town Act, tliat all and every Man tliat improves Land in the Town of Newark, shall make their appearance at Town tr'ro^n Meetings, and there attend to any Business as shall be Meeting. proposed as any of the Planters do, and be liable to any Fine as others are in Case of their absence at the Call, or a wliole Day, or going away before the Meeting break up — and also that the Clerk is to set their Names in a List, and Call them as others are called. Item — there having been much Debate about buying the Land to the Top of the Moimtain, parellel with the Two Lines — Mr. Ward, Mr. Johnson, Samuel Har- rison, and Richards, are chosen to treat with the Indians about the same, and to agree with them as well as they can. Town Meeting, March 30, 1677 — It was thought needful and agreed upon by Vote, to send a Petition to the Governor and Council for a Charter, with as good Privileges as our Neighbors at Woodbridge have, of all the Lands which is surveyed to us by the Surveyor as our Town Bounds ; and those Lands as are not yet purchased, to have Liberty with convenient Time to jjurchase it, or till the Indians will sell it. Item — Deacon Tompkins, Mr. Kitchell, and Stephen Davis, are chosen (with 3Ir. Pierson's Help) to draw up a Petition to the Governor and Council. Mr. Ward, Mr. Johnson, Deacon Tompkins, and Stephen Davis, or some of them, are chosen to present the Petition to the Gov- ernor and Council. John Curtis and John Treat are chosen to run the tu"L[nL West Line with the Indians, and to meet with Edward Ball and Daniel Dod, Avho are also chosen to run the North Line with the Indians, and meet with the otliers on the Mountain. After Lecture, the 1st of 3/ay, 1678 — It was thought meet to send two Letters to Holland, one to Anthony linVirn.i!" Colve and the other to the Court of Admiralty, to seek for Reparation for our Expence about the Neck ; which Letters being prepared were then read — and John Brown Jun'r was chosen to sign them in the Town's Name. Town Meeting, Jime 17, 1678— It is voted, that the Country Rate should be made by Head and Estate, as other 'i'lT" Rates were. 72 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1678-9. John Curtis and John Brown Jun'r are chosen, to make this Rate. Town Meeting, September 30, 1678 — It is voted, that all Meadow as first and Second Division Avhich is allotted and laid out according to Town Order, and all Upland as lieth Avithin any Fence, as first Second or Third Divisions, and laid out according to Town Order, shall pay Rates this Year. All Lands and Meadow shall pay penny for acres, as it was sized by the Town, Heads and Cattle as they Avas the last Year. John Curtis and John Brown Jnn'r, are chosen to make the Rates this Year. It is fully and nnanimonsly consented to, and agreed npon by every Planter noAV present, all being called by Name, that they Avill from Time to Time pay or cause to be payed pioporHons Yearly, in their full Proportions Equally in a Rate that Bon*'jm.'rr ^^^^J ^^^ agrccd on by the Major Part of the Town, to the Maintainance and allowance now agreed nj^on for the Upholding and preaching of the Word in our ToAvn ; and Eighty Pounds by the Year is agreed npon to be allowed to the present Minister Avith his Fire wood — and to be Rate i'ree. ToAVN Meeting, Jwmary 1st, 1078 — Mr, Thomas Johnson and John Curtis are chosen Deputies for the Year ensuing, and Sam'l Swain the Third Man. Mr. Ward, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Swain are chosen for the Town Courts, for the Year ensuing. John Brown Jun'r, Clerk for the Town Court. David Ogden, Messen- ger for the Town Court. John Brown Jun'r, Town Clerk. John Curtis, Treasurer. The Town's Men have Power to agree with the Town Treas- urer for his Salary, for the time past and for this Year. The Town's Men have Power to agree, and indent, Avith all Ofticers as are to have Salaries in the ToAvn. Ephraim Burwell, Samuel Rose, Edward Ball, John Baldwin Sen'r, John Catlin, Stephen Bond, and Joseph Johnson, are chosen ToAvn's Men for the Year ensuing, having the same PoAver as other ToAvn's Men have had before. Samuel Plum, George Day, and Azariah Crane, are chosen Grand Jury Men for the Year ensuing. Edvvard Ball, ToAvn At torney. David Ogden, Pounder. Nathaniel Wheeler and Thomas Pierson Jun'r, fence Viewers. Item — it is voted, that the Warners of Town Meetings, Avhen their Year is out, shall each of them from Time to Time nominate two or three to the Town, to serve in Avarning Town Meetings for that Year ; and the Town to chuse one of them as they think 1678-9.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 73 most fit, provided they nominate not any Man that liath sewed in that Place already, till every Inhabitant liath served once. Ilance Albers and J^amuel Lyon are chosen Warners of Town Meetings in their respective Places, for the Year ensning. John Curtis and John Baldwin Sen'r, Scalers of Leather. Joseph Walters, Packer of Meat. Joseph Walters and John Brown Sen'r, Sealer of Weights and Measures. Richard Fletcher and Edward Ball, Grave Diggers. Thomas Pierson Sen'r, Constable. Towx Meeting, February 12, 1G7S-9 — The Town consented by Vote, not to sow any Pease Avhite or gray this Year, on the Penalty of Five Shillings a Rod, or for the smallest Quantity, as any Person or Persons shall or may sow. Item — upon a Report that many are sick of the Pox at Xew York — It is thought fit to prohibit persons from frequent going thither upon every small occasion, as formerly. The Town hath therefore chosen as a Committee, Mr. Ward, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Swain, Deacon Lawrence, and Sarj't Harrison, to whom Persons shall repair for Liberty ; and this Committee or any Three of them to consider whether Persons occasions are of tirgent Neces- sity, and as they find, to give Liberty or Prohibit. Item — If any Person or Persons shall presume to go without approbation from some of these Three, sliall forfeit the sum of 20s., to be distrained by the Constable. Item — it is agreed that the Meeting House shall be seated in Convenient Time, for our Conveniency in Meeting together for God's Worship. Item — the Town's Men, Thomas Ludington, Capt. Swain, and John Brown Jun'r, are chosen to contrive for the most decent and convenient Way (as they tliink) to seat it ; also, as near as they can give Report Avhat it will Cost. Item — it is agreed that the last Purchase Rate shall be made in a Town Rate, in the Ordinary way of rating, l)y Heads and Estates. Towx Meeting, JFehruary 13, 1078-9 — Samuel Dod, doth freely resign and lay down to the Town's Disposal, his Right to any Land, Meadow, or Boggs, which he hath illegally taken up contraiy to a Town agreement. Item — it is Agreed, that Samuel Dod is admitted a planter in our Town, and hath Liberty to possess Lands by Gift or Pur- chase, according to Town Rights as other Planters do. Item — Samuel Dod hath Granted to him, that Twenty-five Acres laid out already on Watseson ; and that Part of Swamp laid out to liim i)y the Surveyor, Containing about Twenty Acres ; provided it shall lie Common for Stone and Timber as the Third 10 74 RECORDS OF NEWARK, [1678-9- Division doth ; .and that Part of Land belonging to the Town (if any) lying near Hance's ; provided it prcjudiceth not the High- way. Samnel Plnm and Stephen Davis are chosen to lay ont a convenient Highway by Hance's. Stephen Davis, acl^nowledging he had taken np some Land contrary to a Town agreement, doth freely resign it to the Town's Disposal ; doth request it for his Son John Davis. Item — John Davis hath granted to him, about Twenty Acres of Land up the River ; provided he leave a convenient Highway by the River, of four Rods wide. John Tichenor doth freely lay down and resign to the Town's dispose, his Right to any Land which he hath illegally taken np, contrary to a Town Agreement. Item — the Town granted that he may have that land before William Camp's, provided he prejudice not the Highway ; also, he doth freely leave himself with a Committee to lay it out, and also to lay out the Highway. John Brown, Jun'r, William Camp and Thomas Ludington are chosen to lay it out, and also a con- venient Highway. Item — Anthony Olefl" doth confess his Fault, in taking up land and Meadow, contrary to the Town Order ; and doth freely sub' mit it to the Town's Dispose, And upon his Desire he is ad- mitted a Planter. Item — Anthony Olelf hath granted to him forty Acres of Land at the Mountain, which was laid out to him by the Surveyor, Town Meeting, February 19, 1078-9— Edward Ball doth ac- knowledge he hath taken fifty acres of land, which is contrary to a Town Agreement ; and doth freely resign what is more than his Proportion, to the Town's Dispose, Mr. Crane saith, he will lay down what Land he hath taken up contrary to a Town Agreement, if others will Lay down all they have taken u]i, contrary to a Town Order. Item — the Town Agreed by Vote, that the Town Rate for this Year should be paid at Winter Wheat 5s. p. Bus'l, Summer Wheat 4s. Gd. p. Bus'l, Rye 4s. p. Bus'l, Indian Corn 3s. p. Bus'l. Item — John Johnson proposed to the Town to lay down that Lott he hath surveyed by the Frog Pond for the Town's use ; provided he may have so much of the Pond as is already laid out to him, and an Acre of Land about his House, in such foi'm as Sarj't Richard Harrison and John Ward, Turner, have brought Report of the Town (viz) ; so far as the first Row of Apple Trees are now from his House, and so by the Pond till the Acre be made up ; and also Six Acres of that Lott laid out for an Elder's Lott, on that Side of the Lott next to John Ward, Turner's, Lott ; likewise he desires to enjoy for his Use, the Avhole Lott by the 1679.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 75 Frog Pond for the Space of Tiiree Years, if the Tuwii need it not before ft)r an Elder ; and also he desireth Liberty to drain the Pond thro this hvnd. This Avas agreed on l»y Vote, to be an Agreement between tlie Town and John Johnson. Item — the Town doth impower the Com'ittce already chosen, to carry on the Seating of the Meeting House, with as good Prudence for the Town as they can. Towx Meeting, March 10th, 1078-9 — It is agreed, that no Person whatsoever, shall at any Time sett or make tire foi'thls fii'p. hi the Woods or Meadow, to burn the Woods or Meadow, on the Penalty of paying sill Damages they do by the Fire so sett, nntill after the Town's Men who are a])- pointed by the Town to a])point a Day for that Purpose, when they see the fittest Season, and to give Notice by the Beat of the Drum ; at which Time every Planter is to make their Appear- ance at the Common Place of Meeting, upon the Penalty of 2 s. G d. — and then and there to agree in the Manner how to proceed, for the best security of y° Town. Item — Mr. Crane, Robert Dalglesh, and Jasper Crane are chosen, to lay out Samuel Potter's Lott again. Towx Meetinu, April 17th, 1G79 — It is thought necessary and agreed by Vote, upon the News concerning the Indians rising, that we for our Parts send to desire the Governor to call the General Assembly, to consider what may Ite meet to secure our- selves, in Case of such Danger — Mr. Ward is chosen, to carry the Town's ^Message to the Governor. John Ward, Turner, hath the Grant of the remainder of the Elder's Lott which is more than John Johnson is to have, for one of his Son's to build on. Town Meeting, Jane 10, 1079 — for the better Security of the Town, it is agreed to have a Watch kept in the Town, wa'iching."'^ Three in a' Night, at some House appointed by the Sarjents, and one of the Three to stand Gentry, one at one Time and another at another ; and at break of Day or there- abouts all Three of them to be walking, that if there be Dan- ger it may be timely discovered and prevented, and about half an liour after Daybreak to call the Drummer, and he is to beat the Drum. It is also agreed that one fourth Part of rims;"'' the Town at a time, and so taking their Turns, shall carry arms to Meeting on the Lord's Days — and two to Ward, and one to stand Gentry. Town Meeting, lieptember 29, 1079 — It is voted, that all Per- 76 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1679, sons which have taken up Land or Meadow within tlie limits of our Town of Newark, and still keeps it in their Posses- sion, shall pay Rates for it this Yeai', together with all other ratable Estate, as Heads, and Cattle — by Lands, we mean all Land and Meadow laid out by the Town's Order, or by Mr. Deleplary, not depriving any Man of his particular Right given him before by the Town. Also it is Agreed, that if any Person have taken up any Land or Meadow infringing upon any Town Priviledge, as Highways, or Waterings, shall be exempted from this Rate so much of it as is for his Use. Item — It is voted, that the first and Second Division shall be given in as the Town laid it out, and other land and Meadow as Mr. Deleplary laid them out. Item — It is voted that all Lands shall pay alike to this Rate, and that all Land shall pay Penny p. acre. And all Heads and Cattle as before, viz : Heads 14d., Oxen 5d., Cows 3d., Steers and Iliefters of Two Years old 2d., Steers of four Years Old 4d., Steers of three Years Old 3d., Steers and Hieifers of One Year Old Id., Horses and Mares of three Years Old and upwards 3d., Horses and Mares of two Years Old 2d., Horses and Mares of one Year Old Id, and Swine of One Year old and upwards Id. p. Head. Item — George Day hatli the Grant, to have his Proportion of Meadow whicli is wanting in his Second Division, lay out to him at Wheeler's Point in that Meadow which was Henry Lyon's. Town Meeting, October 13, 1670— Mrs. Morris hath Mrs. Moiriss Grautcd Twenty Shillings in the Town Rate, upon ac- count of what she did for Mr. Bruen. Item — It is voted that if any Person shall kill any Wolves, and bring the Heads to the Constable, shall have allowed by the Town Ten Shillings per Head. Orders iilnntt WolvfS. Town Meeting, November 24, 1679 — It is agreed that two in each Quarter shall be aj^pointed, to look after the "anyinK Mr! Carrying in Mr. Pierson's Wood for this Year, and take Wood!"'" Care that it be done seasonably. And also to see that every one as is yet behind for the last Year, do first carry their Load ; and for their Pains and Care shall be exempted from their Load of Wood. Mr. Johnson and George Day for their Quarter, ]\[r. Kitchel and David Ogden for their Quarter, Deacon Lawrence and John Ward, Turner, for their Quarter, and Joseph Walters and Thomas Pierson, Junior, for their Quar- ter are chosen — every (Quarter to go out when the ]Men see Cause to call. Item — There being Complaint that many as are grown Persons^ 1679-80.] RECOKDS OF NEWARK. 77 as well as Boys, do luisljeliave themselves on the Lord's Day in the time of Public Service, both in the iMeetino; House and Avilh- out by the House Sides; also by sleejang, AVliispering, or the like. Wherefore, the Town hath chosen Thomas Pierson, Junior, and Samiiel Potter, to use their best Care and Endeavors to re- strain like Disorder in Time of })ublic Worship, by rebviking such Persons as behave themselves irreverently, within or without the House ; and if they are such grown Persons as will not be re- strained l)y their liebukes, then they arc to present them to the Authority. Town Meetinc, Jtoniari/ 1, lOVO — ^Mr. Johnson and John Curtis, are chosen Deputies for the Year ensuing. ^Ir. AVard the Third Man. John AYard, Turner, Constable. Mr. Ward as President. Mr. Johnson and Lieut. Swain, for Town Courts. John Brown, Junior, Clerk for this Court. Joseph Harrison, Messenger for this Court. Josejjh Johnson, Edward Ball, Stephen Davis, David Ogden, and Thomas Ludington, are chosen Town's Men for this Year, having the same Power as others formerly. John Curtis, Treasurer. John Brown, Junior, Town Clerk. Jonathan Sargcant and Thomas Pierson, Jun'r, AYarners of Town IMeetings. Thomas Huntington and Benjamin Baldwin, fence Viewers, AYilliam Camj) and Edward liiggsare chosen to see if Elizabeth Town will Agree to meet with us in making a Fence in Order to secure our Field ; being the Bound Creek is thought to be no sufficient Fence. Item — The Town saw Cause to choose a Committee to survey the Highways belonging to the ToAvn tending to the Meadow, both for Quantity and Quality ; and also to divide the same equally to several Persons, according to their Proportions of land and jMeadow within the Neck. Sarj't Richard Harrison, Thomas Huntington, John Curtis, Samuel Plum, and AVilliam Camp, are chosen a Committee for this })urpose. Thomas Pierson, Sen'r, Thomas I'ierson, Jun'r, and Stejihen Bond, are chosen Grand Jury Men. John Curtis and John Bald- Avin, Sen'r, Sealers of Leather. Joseph AYaltcrs, Packer of ^Nfeat. liichard Fletcher, Grave Digger — and is to have ."Js. for a Man's Grave, '2s. for a Middle Person, and Is. Gd. for a Child, Edward Ball, Town Attorney, ToAvx Meeting, February ]8th, 1679 — Concerning seating Persons in the Meeting House, it Avas agreed that Persons should be i)laced according to Office, Age, Estate, Infirmity and Deseut 78 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1679-80. or Parentage : by Estate is meant that Estate as Persons pur- chased and'took up Land by, together with the present Estate — comparing all these together. Mr. Ward, INIr. Johnson, Deacon Tompkins, Richard Harrison, Stephen Davis, Thomas Hunting- ton, and John Brown, Juu'r, are chosen a Committee to this Work. Towx Mketing, 3farch 22, IG 79-80— It is agreed, that the Drum being begun to be beaten at Joseph Rigg's Gate, "'.'AUnn. ^iid SO all the Way up the Street as far as Sam'l Harri- son's Gate, and at the Ceasing of the beating of the Drum three Guns being distinctly fired of — it shall be siithcient Warning for all as are in the Military List, forthwith to meet at the Meeting House in their Arms. The Towx being met together the 29th of MarcJi, 1679-80, and give their positive Answer to the Governor of York's Writ, (viz) : Tlio.t they have taken the Oath of Allegiance to the King and Fidelity to the present Government, and untill they have sufficient Order from his Majesty we will stand by the same. ToAVN Meetix(I, 3Iai/'o, 1680 — It is agreed that there shall be a C'Ommittee chosen, to petition the Deputy Governor and Council to enlarge and settle our Town Bounds. And by Reason we liave been kindred and deprived of the Neck, and Ilockqueka- nung also ; we desire to have it made up in that Land and Meadow called I^oquanuck. and to have a Charter for the whole. Item — the Committee chosen for this purpose are John Ward, Thomas Johnson, Richard Harrison, Thomas Richards, and John Catlin. Item — it is agreed, that if any Man shall put out any of Land or Swamp to pasture, within the Comon Fence ; tiie SmJfence. Fcncc about any such Land or Swamp so made Use of Avith the afs'd Fence shall be liable to a Survey by two Men chosen for that Purpose, and none but such Fence shall be allowed to be sufficient : and if any Man shall put any of his Cattle into such Pasture and the Cattle break out, the Owner shall pay Double Damage, and Poundage also. And if any such Fence or Fences need Surveying, the Owner of such Fence or Fences shall pay for the Surveying, Joseph Waltei's and Robert Dalglish are chosen Surveyors for such Fences John Catlin, Ei^hraim Burwell, and John Brown, Juu'r, are chosen to do what they can to see who is behind about N«ck Monty, thc Neclv Moucy, and also to gess as near as they can how it will rise in another Rate. 1680.] RECORDS OF NEWARK* 79 ToAvx ]\[eettxg, June 23, 1G80 — It is agreod, that "'n'mided!" 0"c ^Maii ill evcvv House shall go out one Day to mend the Highways hi the Neck. Item — it is agreed that Surveyors shall he chosen to appoint ■\vhen ^len shall go out, and have ]*ower to call a Team or Teams if need recpiire. Ricliard Harrison and Samuel Plum are chosen Surveyors. Towx Meetixg, June 30th, 1080— Mr. Ward, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Swain, are chosen to carry on Town Courts. Item — It is Agreed to petition to have another Justice — it is also desired that Mr. Johnson should be the Man for this Year. Item — It is agreed that Ave should desire the Governor and Council to grant, that our Town Courts may have Liberty to try Actions of Five Pounds, Avithout Appeal ; and if need require to have a Jury. Item — It is Agreed, that the Town is Avilling Samuel White- head should come and Inhabit among us, provided he Avill supply the Town Avith Shoes, tho' for the Present Ave knoAV not of any Place of Land convenient. Meetin House Seated ToAVX Meeting, J^ihj 24, 1680 — It is agreed by Vote, that that Middle part of the Meeting House Avhich is yet to be seated, shall have Three Seats of a Side. Item — It is voted that Henry Lyon hath a Right to, .and Shall have a Seat in the Meeting House — paying proportionably with his Neighbours. ToAvx Meeting, Septemher 3d, 1680. — The To Avn hath engaged by Vote, to stand by Goodman Porter [Potter] and keep him harmless from what shall come to him from Peter Jacobs, by Reason of Stephen Freeman's liJond of forty Pounds. Item — John Curtis, Thomas Richards, and John BroAvn, Juif r, are chosen, to do Avhat they can to see AAdiat is paid to Peter Jacobs, on acco't of this Bond of Stephen Freeman's. Town Meeting, ySep^ewJer 27, 1680 — It is agreed by Vote, that those Persons as have been admitted Planters in the Toaa'u, and have according to a Town Grant taken up Land, and have not paid the Purchase at all, or only to the Home Lotts ; shall pay the Purchase for Avhat Land and MeadoAV they have legally taken up, to the ToAvn Treasurer, some Time betAveen this Day and the TAventy fifth Day of March next ensuing. Item — The ToAvn's ]\Ien, John Curtis and Jolni Brown, Jun'r, are chosen, to find as near as they can Avhat of Right doth be- 80 tlECOllDS OF NEWARK. [1680. long to each Person to pay, according to his Land taken up as afs'd. Item — It is agreed that all improved Lands, that is, sucli Land as is plowed and used for Pasture in particular by fencing, shall pay One Penny p. Acre. And all otlier Lands, as Out Lands and other Lands in the Neck not plowed, nor used for Pasture and Meadow, one-half Penny p. Acre. All Lands is to be brought in to Rate by, as they was the last Year : that is, the first and Second Division as tlie Town laid it out, and all other Land and Meadow as Mr. Deleplary laid them out. Note, all Lands and Meadow as afs'd, together with Heads, and Cattle, to be as they were the last Year. Item — John Curtis and John Brown, Jun'r, are chosen to make Rates for this Year. At the same Meeting, 2'7th of September, 1680. It is voted, that those as will set themselves to kill Wolves and Bears, shall have for every grown Wolf's Head Twenty Shillings, and for every grown Bear Ten Shillings, and for Bear Cub five Shillings. Item — John Curtis, Thomas Richards and John Catlin are chosen to go to New Y^ork ; to make up all Accounts To make up about tlic N cclc, and do what thev can to satisfy Peter Account. Jacobs by borrowing Money to pay him, if they judge it the prudentist Way for the Town — and the Town dotli engage to stand by them, and repay it again between this and the Twenty-fifth Day of March Next. Item — Nathaniel Wlieeler, Edward Riggs, and Josepli Riggs, liave a Grant to take up Land U2)on the upper Chesnut hill by Raway River near the Stone House ; provided they exceed not above fifty Acres a piece. Towx Meeting, the 29th of N'ovemher, \(SSO—li is agreed upon by Vote, that a jMan should be chosen to look AM,mri„.se.. aftcr and see tliat the Boys and Y^outh do carry them- tiie n„.vs. selves reverently in the time of jiublic Worship u]ion the Lord's Day, and other Days and Times of Worship, And if any grown Persons shall carry themselves irrcA'erently, he is to make Complaint to the Authority and j^resent their Names; and his Word shall be accounted Evidence against him or them offending, whetlier the offence be committed within or M'ithout the House. Joseph Walters is chosen to be the Man for the pm-- pose above said. Item — John Johnson, Thomas Lyon, ^Matthew Wil- u 'if'i'.Mi.' ' '■''' Hams and John Mekeny are admitted l^lantcrs ; pro- vided they pay the Pnrchase for Avhat land they have, as other Planters liave done. 1680-1. J llECORDS OF NEWARK. 81 Item — It is voted, that those as have not now given To brii,;,- u, a in a List of their Estate, shall have one Week's time K»t»ic. allowed them to bnng them to the Clerk ; and it any Person do neglect, the Constable is to fetch it and have six Pence a piece for his pains. Item — There having been a Town Meeting legally warned this 29th of November, 1680, and many being absent — It ™n.'inK'"\"o is agreed by those Planters present to remit all those TowuMea- J'iues that are already past, and for Time to Come if any Person or Persons that are Planters shall be remiss in coming, according to the Act made the 21st of March, 1675-6, then those Fines then exprest (according to the oifence) are strictly to be gathered np by the Constable, for the Town's Use : or if any come not, being warned by the Constable by special Warrant, at a shorter Time, then the Penalty to be exacted jis before said. Towx Meeting, January 4tli, 1680 — Whereas, there Avas a vote past the 29th of November, 1680, concerning the "use'oi'i-iu'.s! Constables gathering up the Fines for remissness in attending Town Meetings ; the Town doth now think it more convenient that the Clerk give their Names to the Treas urer, and the Fine be placed to their Rate. Item — It is voted, that this Money due to Peter raise ""Mone? Jacobs upou accouut of Goodman Porter, [Potter] shall jacSbs. ^''"'' l>e raised by the Estate as is now given in to make Rates by this Year. Azariah Crane is chosen Constable for the Year ensuing. John Curtis, Treasurer. Stephen Davis, David Ogden, Jasper Crane, William Camp and John Catlin, Town's Men. Joseph Brown for that end of Town, and Daniel Dod for that End of the Town where they live, Warners of Town Meetings. Nathaniel Wheeler and Thomas Lyon, fence Viewers. Item — It is agreed that these fence Viewers shall view the fence as often as there is Occasion for it, and having viewed them, if they find any Defects, they are to give Notice thereof to the Owners of it, who is to repair the Defects within Twenty-four Hours or sooner if they can, upon the Penalty of One Shilling for each Defect ; which fine is to be given in to the Treasurer and l^lac'd to their Rates ; half of it is for the viewers, the other half to the Town. It is also agreed, that every man shall from Time to Time set up and keep ixp two stakes, at each end of his Fence defectiv"^ one, with tlie two first Letters of his Name on them- Fe.irel"' upon the Penalty of One Shilling for every Stake's 11 82 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1680-1- "Want or Defect, which is to be given iu to the Treas- urer, half for the Viewers and half to the Town. It is also agreed, that the Heighth of the Fence is to be four feet four Inches. Item — It is agreed that the Common Fence shall be again pro- portioned, to every Man his just Proportion according to the Number of Acres of Laud and Meadow within the same ; be- ginning at the River, aiid so to go successively as the Lotts lie now as near as they can, untill they come to the Boiind Creek. It is also agreed, that each Man shall agree with his Neighbour concerning making his fence as before, or if they cannot agree, then they have Liberty to take it away if he please. Item — The Town hath chosen George Day and William Camp to take a view of that Land Daniel Tichenor asked for ; and if they consent, and it be not prejudicial to the Town, then he is to have it. Item — At the said Town Meeting, January 4th, Town's Men 1680 — Thc Towu's Mcu and John Brown, Junior, are theTenre.'"" choscu, to Proportlou to each Man his Proportion of Fence, according to his Number of Acres of Land and Meadow in the same. Bonnd Item — The Town doth give their free Consent to Muu'' f^iiy Person or Persons among us, to set wp a Corn Mill upon the Bound Creek, near the Two Mile Brook. Item — The Clerk is chosen, to send to Elizabeth Town in the Town's Name, to desire of them the like Liberty also. Item — It is voted, the Minister's Rate and the Town Minister'e Ratc shall bc made in one this Year. Town Meetixg, Janxiary 21, 1680 — It is voted that this Busi- ness of Difterence about the Land and Swamp, shall be Swamp.'''' ended by the Committee already Chosen to lay out the Fence, who are to size such Land and Swamj) as hath been taken up in the Neck, since the fence Avas laid out. Item — John Ward, Turner, and Thomas Ludington are chosen, to join with the Committee for the sizing of the Land and Swamp. Item — Jabez Rogers hath granted to him, that he may have the Town's Right of so much of the Swamp at the f^gi'^Gianf." Rear of his Second Division of Land in the Neck as was surveyed to him, to make his Lott square, and he accepts it for the amends of his first Division. Item — it is agreed, that there shall be Two Town's Men to the other five. Item — John Treat and Thomas Ludington are chosen to be Town's Men to join with the other. It is agreed by the Committee chosen by the Town for that 1681.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 83 Purpose, that any Person or Persons which hath taken puiTlmfe''or up Land withhi the Town for a House Lott, and hath "r/LKm'tl'^ not yet paid the Purchase, shall by the Time the Town appointed pay Two Shillings for each Acre, be it more or less ; and for other Lands lying- more remote Three Pence for each Acre, and for jNIeadow four Pence for eacli Acre, or else let it lie to the Town's Dispose. Towx Meeting, February 25, 1G80 — To prevent sundry Li- conveniencies Avhicli may grow to this Town of Newark, by the inconsiderate receiving and entertaining of Strangers amongst us — It is Voted, That henceforward, no Planter belonging to us or within our Bounds or Limits, receive or entertain any Man or Woman of what Age or Quality soever, coming or resorting to us, to settle upon their Land : nor shall any person that hath been or shall be received as a Planter among us, by Right of Inheritance or otherwise, sell, give, nor any way alienate, or pass over, Lease or Lett, any House or House Lott, or any Part or Parcell of any of them, or any Land of what Kind or Quality soever, to any such Person : nor shall any Planter or Inheritor permit any such Person or Persons so conning and resorting, to stay or abide above one Month, without Licence from those the Town shall appoint for that Purjjose, under the Penalty of Five Pounds for every such Defect ; besides all Damages that may grow by such Entertainments. Towx Meeting, June 8, 1681 — It is agreed by vote in a full Town Meeting, that what the Major part of the Town shall con- ceive and act upon any Account for the Good and Safety of the Town, shall stand good and valid to bind every Individual Planter and Inhabitant to the attendance thereof; upon such Penalty as the Town, or a Committee chosen by the Town, shall see Cause to inflict. Item — it is voted, that forthwith a Watch in the Night, and a Ward on Sabbath Days be observed. Item — Stephen Davis and Joseph Rigs is appointed, to give a Charge to the Watch every Night. Item — it is agreed that every Soldier do bring his Arms every Day of Public Worship, well fixed, and also Am'unition. Captain Swain and Lieut. Curtis are chosen, to give the Charge for the Watch and Warders. Towx Meeting, Juh/ 18, 1G81 — Thomas Johnson and John Curtis are chosen Deputies, according to the Writ. John Ward the Third Man. Town Meeting, October 19th, 1681 — It is agreed by vote, 84 RECOKDS OF NEWARK. [1681. that tlie way for rating this Year shall be, that all rath, ^7 "^ Home Lotts and all improved Lands lying within the Year i6rt. Commou fence shall pay a Penny p. Acre. All Lands that are unimproved lying within the Com'on fence, be it first, Second or Third Divisions, Meadow, and the Second Di- vision without the Common fence, a half penny p. Acre, and all other out Lands one farthing p. Acre, All Heads, and Cattle, to be rated as they were the Last Year. To prevent disorderly Meeting of Young People at unseasona- ble Times, it is voted as a Town Act, that no House- ^'alth" Feb^y keeper or Master of a Family, shall harbour or enter- omufed^'bHng talu auy Person or Persons in the Night after Nine recorded till Q'clock, Or at otlicr unseasonable Times, (extraordinary occasions excepted) ; nor shall they sufter them disor- derly to meet at any Place within their Power, to spend their Time, Money, or Provisions inordinately, in drinking, gaming, or such like; nor shall they suffer any Carriage, Conferrence, or Council, which tends to corrupt one another. All such Persons so transgressing, shall be liable to such fines the Authority shall think fit. The Town having agreed the 4th January 1680, that the Com'n Fence should be again divided, and for that Purjiose ap- pointed the Town's Men and John Brown, Jun'r, to proportion the same, which according to the best of their Judgments they have performed ; and do find thatfour Acres of Land and MeadoAV requireth one Rod of Fence, and have accordingly proceeded, as near as they cun to the laying it out as the Lotts was drawn at first, leaving out tlie Gates and Barrs Avhich are disposed of as followeth, (viz) : The first Gate next the River to Aaron Blachly and Samuel Harrison, to be sufliciently made and maintained from Time to Time, instead of Seven Rods offence. The Second Gate is disposed of to David Ogden, in Stead of his Proportion of fence in the Common Line, to be sufliciently made and maintained from Time to Time. The Third Gate to John Curtis and John Baldwin, Senior, to be sufliciently made and maintained from Time to Time, in Stead of Seven Rods of Fence. The fourth Gate together with the Fence on both sides, the Breadth of the Highway, to Deacon Michael Tompkins for his Proportion of fence, to be sufficiently made & maintained from Time to Time. The fifth Gate to AVilliara Camp, to be sufficiently made and maintained from Time to Time, instead of Seven Rods of fence. The Sixth Gate to John Ward, Jun'r, and Matthew Canfield, to be made and maintained sufliciently from Time to Time, in- stead of Six Rods of Fence : the jVIile Brook liath One Rod of Fence allowed for it. The Barrs called Wheeler's Barrs to Joseph Riggs, to be suf- 1681.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 85 ficiently made and maintained, liandily to be put up and down from Time to Time, instead of Three Rods of Fence — tliere is two Rods of Fence allowed for the Two Mile Brook. The Seventh Gate to Mr. Thomas Johnson, to be sufficiently made and maintained from Time to Time, instead of Seven Rods of Fence. It is always to be understood, that the Rod Pole this Fence Avas laid out by, was 16 feet and 9 inches in Length. Thomas Huntington hath his Proportion of Fence, according to his Agreement with the Town — beginning at Low Water Mark, and reacheth untill it meets with Jabez Rogers's fence, which is the first Lott in Order. Jabez Rogers Being divided by Aaron Blachly and Samuel Harri- son's Gate and Fence. Mr. Samuel Kitcliel Joseph Johnson Jonathan Tompkins Ebenezer and Jonathan Can- field Martin Tichenor Jasper Crane Thomas Staples Thomas Pierson, Juu'r Being in two Places, one in the Swamp against Mr Bruen's, the other Part next Daniel Dod's. Thomas Ludington William Camp John Baldwin, Jun'r John Treat Richard Fletcher , Azariah Crane John Brown, Sen'r Mrs. Mary Bond Zachariah Burwell Mr. Jasper Crane Samuel Rose Ephraim Burwell Stephen Bond Thomas Richards Richard Harrison Ephraim Penuinton John "Ward, Sen'r, Turner Richard Lawrence Stephen Davis Henry Lyon 7^ Capt. Sam'l Swain ; Joseph Walters jSTathaniel Wheeler John Crane 15|-!;Hance Albers S 2^ John Denison 4 3i !Johu Catlin iFrancis Lindly 5 4i j Samuel Freeman — l)eing di- 6 3f vided by Joseph Rigg's 4 Barrs and fence 3^ Joseph Brown 11-|- Thomas Brown Mr. John Ward Edward Ball Mr. Sam'l Wilson Thomas Pierson, Sen'r 10 3i Mrs. Eliz'th Morris 11 7i Robert Dalglish 12 3i George Day 13 12| Edward Riggs 00 2^ John Brown, Jun'r 00 5i Mr. Abr'm Pierson 14 7-J^j Jonathan Sarjant 15 6|{ Benj'n Baldwin 16 2^1 Joseph Riggs — he hath the 17 13f , Barrs and i Rod by them . 18 4J John Curtis • 19 2|1 John Meckeny 20 3 i John Burwell 21 5^ John Tichenor 22 13i!lJohn Baldwin, Sen'r 23 4i| .TolmCnrtis and John Bald- 24 8J win, Sen'r, have 3rd Gate and 25 6 j the fence the Breadth of the 26 6 HighAvay, and the remainder 27 2i !of their Proportion of fence 36 llf H 4f 3f 4i H 8f U 5f H H 10 7i H 10 3 41 4i 4i 7i 4i 2i H 6f 2 6i 86 RECORDS OF NEWARK". [1681. lies next to Thos. Pierson, Jun'r, in Ticheuor's Lane. Aaron Blachly Sam'l Harrison Their Gate and fence lie together. John Briien Sam'l Plum Seth Tompkins John Ward, Jun'r, Turner . . Sam'l Ward John Johnson Matthew Canfield John Ward, Jun'r They have both their fence by their Gate. John Gardner Anth'y Oliff. Mr. Thos. Johnson His fence lies next his own Gate. Thos. Lyon Daniel Dod Sam'l Lyon Matthew Williams Sam'l Potter John Davis Sam'l Dod 2i lOf 3 3f 3i 1 2+ Item — it is ordered by the Town's Men, that if any Person or Persons shall (at any Time) open any Gate, or pull down any approved or allowed Barrs leading into the Common Fields, and leave them so, shall forfeit the sum of 5s, for every Time he or they so transgress; to be paid into the Town Treasurer, half for the Informer and half for the Town's Use, besides all Damages that may be done upon such Neglects ; excepting in sliding Times at the Appointment of Two or Three Town's Men, when Frost and Snow lieth upon the Ground. Also it is ordered as afs'd, that any Person or Persons that have their Lands lying adjacent to the Coni'on Fence, and do see Cause to make Barrs or Gates, (though not allowed to be such by the Town) yet the same Penalty shall be to them as to the other, in Case they are left down or open and not carefully shut or put up again. Surveyors for Higli- waya chosen. Town Meeting, -OecemSer 12, 1681 — It is voted, that there shall bo Surveyors chosen to lay out Highways as far as the Mountain if need be, and to lay out the Third Division to all who have a Desire to have it laid out, and Passages to all Lands. Item — William Camp, John Treat, Thomas Ludington, Jasper Crane, Mr. John Catlin, Richard Harrison, and Stephen Davis, are Chosen for that Purpose ; and any Three of them at each end of the Town have Power to act. John Curtis and John Brown, Jun'r, are chosen to make the Rates for this Year. Item — it is voted, that Mr. Pierson's and the Town Rate shall be made in one this Year. Item — it is voted, that Ephraim Burwell shall be Rate free this Year. 1681-2.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 87 ToAVN Meeting, December 19th, 1681 — It is agreed, there shall be a Committee of four Men from among our- committee selvcs choscn to join with the four Farmers, both join- end tVeDu- inff together as a Committee, to end the lonsc Difference ftrence about t • the Seek. between the Town and them concernmg the Neck Money ; which eight Men shall have Liberty finally to end that Difference if they can ; and if they cannot agree them selves they have Liberty mutually to choose an Umpire to be the casting Voice ; and both the Town and the Farmers are engaged together, to stand to what they shall do. The Umpire agreed u]ion both by the Town and the Farmers, is one of these three Men, (viz) : Bei)j'n Price, Sen']', Isaac Whitehead, Sen'r, or Ben- jamin Parkas ; the Committee's Av^ork which is chosen, is to see whether the Town be indebted to the Farmers or not, and whose Right it is to pay it if any be due. Item — Mr. Thomas Johnson, John Curtis, William Camp and John Brown, Jun'r, are chosen for the Committee. Toww Meetixg, January the 1st or 2nd, 1681-2 — Mr. Thomas Johnson and John Curtis are chosen Deputies for the Year ensuing. Samuel Plum, Constable. John BroAvn, Jun'r, Clerk for the Town. Samuel Lyon and Samuel Harrison, Pounders. Stephen Davis, John Catlin, William Camp, Joseph Walters, Samuel Harrison, Joseph Riggs, and John Brown, Jun'r, Town's Men. Item — it is agreed by Vote, that the Difference between the Town and the Farmers shall be ended by the Committee already chosen. Item — it is voted, that the Treasurer shall have no Salary. ToAVN Meetixg, January 6, 1681-2 — It is agreed, that what the Town's Men shall act and do according to the best of their Judgment for the Town's Good as they apprehend in making any act, provided it infringe not on any of the three things i:)rohibited in the Town Book, shall be as binding as any Act made by the whole Town, for the Year ensuing. Item — Edward Riggs is chosen Warner of Town Meetings for that end of the Town where he lives, lor the Year ensuing. Town Meeting, January 11th, 1681-2 — Mr. Thomas Johnson is chosen Town Treasurer for the Year ensuing. Item — Benjamin Baldwin is chosen to Warn Town Meetings, at that End of the Town where he lives, for the Year ensuing. Item — Azariah Crane is chosen to look to the Young People, that they carry themselves civilly in the Meeting House in time of Divine Worship, for half this Year ensuing. 88 KECORDS OF NEWARK. [1682. JosejDh Riggs and Thomas Lyon are chosen Fence Viewers for the Year ensmng ; and the Town doth allow them half the Fmes, as they did before. Item — there having been some nncomfortable Debate, about the Town's Men chosen the 1st or 2nd of January, 1681-2 — The Town doth now again confirm their Choice. Town Meeting, February the 24th, 1681-2 — It is "cin"" agreed, that all and every Person or Persons shall Treasmer. rcclvou wlth the Treasurcr, and agree with him for the Payment of their Rates, within a Week's Time. Item — it is agreed, that the foremost Seats in the Meeting House shall be tilled with Men and Women, so far forth as Con- veniency will permit. lo"B"at"the Item — it is agreed that a new Committee shall be Houle'.^ chosen, to appoint in which Seats Persons shall sit. Item — it is agreed that the Town's Men shall be a Committee to seat the Meeting House, and they shall have Lib- erty to chuse two Men to join with them, which Town's Men together with those two shall have Power, from Time to Time to supply this Work. Item — Samuel Plum and Thomas Ludington are made choice of, to join with the Town's Men in this Work. Item — it is agreed that if any Person or Persons kill For Killing auv Wolves or Bears, wdiich they require nay for from "Wolves aiiMieid! ters, Epiiraim Burwell, and John Brown, Jun'r, are chosen a Committee for this End. Town Meeting, March 'li^ 1682-3— Mr. Ward, Mr, Johnson, Mr. Lyon, John Curtis, Edward Ball, and John Brown, A Committee Jun'r, arc chosen Agents to endeavor in the Town's meuT ^^ " Behalf the obtaining a legal Settlement, Avith such Privileges from the Proprietors as they, the said Agents, shall think lit to be proposed for. As also, the obtaining a Charter for the Avhole Town Bounds, with as much Priviledge and Ease as they can. And any three of these have Power and may Act in the Town's behalf, and what they shall act and do, the Town shall and will own as their Act and Deed. 1683.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 91 Town Meeting, May lltli, 168:i — It is agreed by Vote, that for the two next Years one End of tlie Town from the r«rr.vins cross Street shall find Mr. Pierson with wood one Year, son's «.'..:.!. and the other End of the Town the next Year. The North End of the Town is to begin. Item — Upon Mr. John Wilkins' ^Motion. The Town admitted him to be a Planter, he snbmitting to our Town Orders. John Wilkins The Town hath also given liim Liberty to j^urchase an 1.H «' pianie." Accommodation in our Town, or take up a Tract of Land ; provided it be no Ways prejudicial to High' ways, or that other ]Men have not already surveyed, he paying the Purchase as others have done. To^vx Meeting, May IG, 1G8;5 — Whereas, there was a Cov- enant made with Mr. Robert Treat and Sarj't Richard Harrison, to make and maintain a sufficient Corn Mill, upon such Conditions as is in a Covenant exprest, made between them, the said Mr. Treat and Richard Harrison, and the Town, recorded in the Town Book, fol. 29. Be it known, that I, Richard Harrison, having bought Mr. Treat's Part of the Mill, and am obliged according to the Covenant and Conditions thereof afs'd, have formerly, and do now again make over, all my Right to the Mill unto my Sons Sam'l, Joseph, and George Harrison ; they being become obliged unto the Town in all particulars mentioned in the said Covenant, to observe and keep the same, in all Respects as fully as I the said Richard Harrison was obliged to. And the said Samuel, Joseph, and George Harrison, have and do declare in the Town Meeting, their acceptance of the Mill, upon the same Conditions as is in the said Covenant exprest. Also the Town doth declare their Acceptance of the said Samuel, Joseph, and George Har- rison, in their Father's stead — this was voted in the Meeting above said. Item — Sarj't Richard Harrison hath Granted to him as his proper Right, half of the Mill Home Lott, on that side of the Lott next to Samuel Rose ; by Exchange for a Parcel of Land laid out to himself and Mr. Treat, joining to the Mill Land, on the other side of the Mill River. Item — the Millers do own, that the Six Acres of Meadow be- longing to the Mill, lieth next to, and on that end of their Meadow next to Jasper Crane. ToAVN Meeting, •2nd October^ 1683 — It is agreed by vote, that all and every Person possessed of Lands in the Town of Newark, shall have their Names put into the List, to be called at Town Meetings from Time to Time. Item — it is agreed by vote, that this second Day of October 92 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1683-4. shall be the Day for this Year, to bring in the List of their Estates, instead of the last Second Day of September. Item — it is agreed by Vote, that the way of rating this Year shall be on Lands, Heads, and Cattle, as it Avas the last Year, viz : on Heads 14d. p. Head, Oxen 5d. p. Ox, Cows above 3 Years old 3d. J). Cow, Steers of 4 Years old 4d. each. Steers and Hieffers of 3 Years old 3d. each. Steers and Hieflers of 2 Years old 2d. each, Steers and Hieffers of one Year old Id. each, Horses and Marcis of three Years old and i;pwards 3d. each, Horses and Mares of 2 Years old 2d. each, Horses and Mares of one Year old Id. each, all Swine of one Year old and upwards Id. each, all Home Lotts and improved Lands shall pay Id. p. Acre. All Lands unimproved lying within Fence, and Meadow, half penny p. Acre. The Second Division without the Common Fence and not Fenced in particular, shall be rated according to the Tliird Division without Fence, viz : a farthing p. Acre. Item — John Curtis and John Brown, Jun'r, are chosen to make the Rates for this Year. Item — it is agreed by vote, that those Persons as have not yet brought in a List of their Estates on this Second day of October, according to the Town Order, shall within seven days (from this 2nd of October above said) bring in a true List of their rateable Estate, to the Men chosen to make the Rates ; and if any neglect so to do, William Camp and Ephraim Burwell are chosen for that end of the Town where they live, Edward Ball and Samuel Har- rison are chosen for that end of the Town where tliey live, to go to the Houses of those as neglect and demand a List, and for their Pains shall have Six Pence a piece, for each List so fetched: which money is to be taken (by the Rate Makers) from their Rates as fetch any such List, and added to their Rates as are found Neglectors. And if any shall refuse to give in a List of their Estates, those as are thereunto appointed shall give in a List, according to the best of their Knowledge and others In- formation. Town Meeting, January 1st, 1G83 — Mr. Thomas Johnson and John Curtis are chosen Deputies for the Year ensuing. William Camp, Constable. John Tichenor, Warner of Town ^leetings at that End of the Town where he lives. John Ward, Turner, Warner of Town Meetings at that End of the Town where he lives. Thomas Huntington, John Crane, John Baldwin, Jun'r, Samuel Lyon, Azariah Crane, Joseph Harrison, and Nathaniel Wheeler, Town's Men. Jolm Brown, Jun'r, Town Clerk. John Curtis, Town Treasurer. Stephen Davis, John Baldwin, Sen'r, Azariali Crane, John 1683-4.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 93 Treat, Thomas Ludington, Jasper Crane, and Antliony Oliff, to lay out Iligliways. "Whereas, there is an Order made by Vote tlie 21 of ]\rarcli, 16'75-6, tor our Orderly attendance at Town ^Meetings, and for Want of due Execution many are remiss in their Attendance, by which means Town Business is much hindrcd, and some as do attend are much damnified by loosing their Time. We that are now present do assent, that all past offences upon this account be past by to this Day. And do now subscribe our names (provided that Three fourths of the Planters do subscribe) to submit to all and every Penalty in that Order before mentioned, upon our late Coming, total Absence, or irregular going away before the oNIeet- ing be dismissed. And Whereas, the said Order directs every Delinquent to give tlieir Reasons to the Town. We do now agree and think it most fit, that Three Men in each End of the Town be Chosen, for each Person that is remiss to repair to within two or three Days at the most after the Meeting ; and if their Reasons are satisfying to them, why they Avere absent, they shall be remitted their Fine ; otherwise, within three Days after such Town* Meeting tlieir Names as are remiss shall be returned to the Constable, who is to gather up such Fines, and shall have half for liis Pains. Item — it is agreed, that the three Men at the South End of the Town are Joseph Walters, Stephen Bond, and Ephraim Bur- well ; and the Three at the North End of the Town are Deacon Lawrence, Stephen Davis, and Samuel Plum ; for the Confirma- tion thereof, we have hereunto set our Hands this 9th of January, 168.3. Note, that the other half of the Fines is to be delivered to the Treasurer for the Town's use. •lolm Ward, Thomas .Jolnison, Richard Lawrence, William Camp, Stephen Davis, John Baldwin, .Jun'r, Samuel Plum, .Tohn Ward, .Juu'r, Thomas Ludington, John Baldwin, Scn'r, Joseph AValtcrs, David Ogden, Theophilus Pierson, Anthony Oliff, Samuel Lyon, Ephraim Burwell, Samuel Rose, Thomas Pierson. John Crane. .John Wilkins, .John Johnson, Azariah Crane, .loscph Johnson, John Burwell, Zachariah Burwell, .John Bruen, Thomas Lyon, John Curtis, Edward Riggs, Jonathan Tompkins, Jahcz Rogers, Seth Tompkins, Stephen Bond, John Brown, Scn'r, Henry Lyon, Samuel Kitchell, Robert Dalglesh, Richard Fletcher, John Brown, Jun'r, Jonathan Sargant, Samuel Potter, • •Joseph Brown, Edward Ball, Thomas Brown, Samuel Harrison, Samuel Tichenor, .Joseph Riggs, •Joseph Harrison, Tliomas I-Jichards, Ebenezcr Cantield, John Tichenor, Samuel Ward, Nathaniel AVard, John Ward, Turnci\ •John Treat, Francis Lindly, Daniel Abett. 94 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1683-4 Some propositions between the Town and John Gardner,, towards an agreement for John Gardner to keep and provide for Richard Hore, (viz) : that the said John Gardner doth agree with the Town, to take Richard Hore into liis House (he coming well clothed with a good Leathern Suit) for Two Shillings and Six Pence a Week, in Money, or Pay equivalent ; and doth farther promise to keep him conveniently clean, and if he live not a Year, the said John Gardner shall have two Shillings and Six Pence a Week for so long as he doth live ; and if he live above a Year, the said John Gardner doth engage to provide him with Cloaths and Victuals, that he suffer not, for the two Shillings and Six Pence a week afs'd, as long as the said Richard live and the Town see Cause to continue him there, and free the Town from further Trouble. In Confirmation hereof, John Gardner on his Part and Edward Ball in Behalf of the Town, have this 20th of Feb'y, 1690, set to their Hands. JOHN GARDNER, EDWARD BALL. Town Meetinc^, January 9th, 1683 — Anthony (31iff is ap- pointed by the Constable to be the Constable's Deputy. Richard Fletcher and Anthony Oliff are chosen Fence View^ers for the Year ensuing. Thomas Lyon and Jabez Rogers, Pounders. Town Meeting, FelPy 25th, 1683— It is agreed by MeetmliloLe. Vote, tliat thcrc shall be a Committee chosen to seat the Meeting House, and procure the mending the Seats that are broken. Item — John Curtis, Mr. Johnson, Deacon Lawrence, Mr. Ward, John Brown, Jun'r, Stei^hen Davis, and William Camp, are chosen a Committee for this Purpose. Item — It is voted that the Rule for them to proceed in to seat Persons by, is Office, Age, Estate, Infirmity, Decent or Parentage —all which are left to the Discretion of the Committee, to act in according to the best of their Judgments. Item — John Conch is admitted a Planter in this Town. Item — Samuel Lyon hath Liberty to give Zopher Zopl,. Grant. Il^'"''' Beach two Acres of Land, to build on. Item — the Town's Men are chosen a Committee, to draw up some thing concerning the Act of Assembly about Horses and present to the DejDUties, that we may not be hindred to take up our Horses out of the Woods. Town Meeting, March 22, 1683-4 — Azariah Crane, Joseph Riggs, Edward Ball, and Samuel Harrison, are chosen to lay out the Bounds between us and Hockquecanung, and to make no 1681] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 95 other Agreement witli tliein of any other Bounds than what was formerly. Tlie Surveyors appointed by the Town to lay out Highways for convenient coming at Land and Meadow, upon the LUh of Marcl), 168,3-4, laid out from the great Highway that goes down to the lower End of the Great Neck, a Highway of two Rods Wide, u])on that Point of Land between the Pond and Swamp and the Meadow, in the most convenient Place leading into the 3Ieadow. Tow^j^' Meeting, jlfay 30, 1084 — It is voted, that there shall be a Committee Chosen to consider and draAv up something as may be in Readiness, if Occasion be, to manifest our Right and Title to the Land Ave bought of the Heathen ; and present the same to the Town, to have the Town's approbation if they like it. Item — it is voted, that five Men shall be of this Committee, (viz) : Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ward, John Curtis, Mr. Kitchell, Deacon Lawrence, and William Camp, Avhich Committee have Liberty to call in the Help and Advice of any others, not of the Committee. Town Meeting, September 29, 1684 — It is voted, that all Land laid out for Home Lotts are to be rated for this Year, at tAvo ])ence p. Acre ; And all Land Second or Third Division Avhich Men build House or Barn and dAvell upon, shall to tlie Value of Six Acres pay tAvo Pence p. Acre ; and all other Land improved in the Neck or out of the Neck by Tillage, one Penny p. Acre; and all Lands improved for Pasture Avithin or Avithout the Neck, and MeadoAv, half penny p. Acre. All Heads, and Stock, as they use to be of late Years, Item — John Curtis and John BroAvn, Jun'r, are chosen to make the Rates this Year. Item — all Persons are appointed to carry a list of their rateable Estate to one of the Rate Makers, by the 6th of October next after this Date ; and in Case any fail of so doing the Constable is appointed to fetch a List, and to have Six Pence of each Per- son he fetched a List from. ToAVN Meeting, December 22nd, 1684 — It is voted that there shall be a Committee chosen to treat Avith the Governor. Item — it is voted, that twelve Men shall be ot this Committee. Item — Mr. Johnson, ]\[r. Ward, Mr. Kitchell, John Curtis, Dea- con LaAvrence, Thomas Huntington, John BroAvn, Jun'r, Joseph Walters, Thomas Ludington, Epliraim Burwell, Robert Dalglesh, and Joseph Johnson, are chosen for this Committee. ToAVN Meeting, January 1st, 1684-5 — Thomas Huntington 96 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1684-5 and John Curtis, are chosen Deputies for the Year ensuing Benjamin Baldwin and Seth Tomi)kins, Warners of Town Meet ings. Azariali Crane, Joseph Harrison, John Treat, Joseph Johnson, Thomas Pierson, Jabez Rogers and Edward Ball, Town's Men. Nathaniel Wheeler, Constable. ToAVN Meeting, January 7th, 1684-5 — Jasper Crane, Joseph Riggs, and Jabez Rogers, are chosen Surveyors, to see the High- ways mended, for the Year ensuing. John Curtis, Treasurer, John Brown, Jun'r, Town Clerk. Thomas Richards, John Curtis, and John Brown, Jun'r, are chosen to make Inquiry into the old Treasurer's Accounts, and wdiat they find amiss to rectify if they can. Azariali Crane, Joseph Walters, and John Baldwin, Sen'r, are chosen to lay out Higlnvays. ToAVN Meeting, February the 6th, 1684 — Daniel Tichenor hath Liberty, according as Thomas Ludington, Samuel uo"s*'Gnint'r Lyou, and Nathaniel Wheeler shall appoint, to take up a piece of Land in the Common against the Rear of Samuel Lyon's Lott, he leaving a Rod or more in Breadth from the Corner of his own Lott, if these Three Men see cause for it. Town Meeting, March 9th, 1684-5 — It is agreed to incourage those as will kill Wolves, that [they] shall have allowed woivel? ^"' them five shillings a Head of each grown Wolf killed within our Town bounds, besides what the Country allows. Item — Mr. Johnson is chosen Surveyor, to join Avitli Jasj^er Crane, Joseph Riggs, and Jabez Rogers, to see to mend the Highways for this Year. Item — these four Surveyors have Power to agree among them- selves and divide the Town Highways into four Parts f^'Ti-iUH" if they see Cause. And also they have Power to call Highway's. out Mcii as arc concerned by their Agreement, to make and mend those Highways they are betrusted with. Item — it is agreed, that those Surveyors chosen to lay out Highways, if they take away land for Highways out of u!c"'Lana"a8 ^uy Mau's lotted Land, they have Power to repair Higinvays/"'' thcm agaiu with other Land. Also, those that were Surveyors formerly and have taken Land away from any Person or Persons for Highways, shall join with the now Surveyors to make their Land good to them again. Item — it is agreed, that those Persons as want their wanftiuni Tlilrd Divlsiou of Land laid out, shall have it now laid "ke'in.p.' o^it by the I'own Surveyors, before any other Land be taken up, provided it be done between this Day and the first of April next ensuing. 1685-6. J RECORDS OF NEWARK. 9? Item — John Curtis and William Camp are chosen for the Sur- veyors to perfect the Third Division. Item — Joseph Brown and Thomas Brown liave Liberty to take up Sixty Acres of land between them, when the Third Division is completed and they are willing to pay the Purchase — this Land is to be laid out by the aboves'd Surveyors, John Curtis and William Camp. Item — Mr, Johnson, John Curtis, William Camp, Stephen Davis, and Edward Ball, are chosen as a Committee to treat Avith Elizabeth Town about the Bounds, and to issue it with them if they can. Towx Meeting, Jime 3, 1685 — It is agreed that there shall be a Committee to treat with the Proprietors, about our Settlement — it is also agreed, that the Committee formerly chosen to that Purpose, shall still continue. ■ To wx Meeting, August lOth, 1685— It is agreed, there shall be a Committee chosen to join with those sum'oned, to be assist- ant what they can in defending their and our just Rights and Titles to our Land. Item— John Curtis, Edward Ball, -Thomas Richards and John Brown, Jun'r, are chosen for that Purpose. Town Meeting, Novemher 1\\\, 1685— It is agreed, that the way of rating for this year, shall be as it was the last Year, 1684. Item — John Curtis and John Brown, Jun'r, are chosen to make the Rates for this Year, Item — Samuel Harrison, Edward Ball, Samuel Lyon, and John Treat, are chosen to go to each Man concerned in the Town Rates, and demand and take a List of their Estates; and if any Person refuse to give a List, then they are to take a List accord- ing to the best of their knowledge and others Information. Item — William Camp and John Baldwin, Jun'r, are chosen, to go from House to House of those as have not subscribed to our fundamental Covenant, and return their answer to the Town. Town Meeting, January 1, 1685-6 — John Curtis and Thomas Richards are chosen Deputies for the Year ensuing. Joseph Har rison. Constable. Item — it is agreed, that the P'ence in the Common Line shall be made and maintained, sufficient from Time to Time to keep out Cattle and Swine— and also, that all Fences about Home Lotts shall be made and maintained, sufficient and good as above said. 13 98' RECOEDS OF NEWARK. [1686. Item — John Ward, Jun'r, and John Johnson, are chosen Fence Viewers. David Ogden and Jabez Rogers, Pounders. Town Meeting, January 8, 1685-6 — John Curtis and William Camp are chosen to lay out the Third Division of Land to those as Want it, they being called forth to do it between this and the first of April next — and if any as pretend to any Third Division and neglect calling them out as aboves'd, they shall loose their Claim to any Third Division. Town's Men chosen for this Year are Stephen Davis, Mr. Sam- uel Kitchell, John Baldwin, Jun'r, and the four that were Town's Men last Year. Item — Edward Ball is chosen to declare the Town's Business about the five Pounds that is in Difference between Mr. Johnson and the Town — note first, Mr. Johnson and the Town agreed to put it to Mr. Price, Mr. Whitehead, and Lieut. Rose to end. Item — it is thought convenient that there shall be four Town Meetings in a Year, at a Time certain, (viz) : the first upon the first day of January, the Second the first Second day of April, the Third the first second day of July, the fourth the first Second day of October, at which Meeting the Way of rating shall be agreed on ; and that the Warning of these Meetings which shall be accounted legal, shall be by a Writing set up on the Meeting House Door, by the Clerk, 10 or 12 Days before the Day ap- pointed by this Order — Also, it is further agreed, that if 10 or 12 Planters together Avitli the Clerk, shall meet at about Ten of the Clock in the forenoon on the Day appointed, the Major Part of them so met, shall by this Order have Power to order and do any Thing or Things as shall be thought by them convenient to be done for the Town's Good ; and the same to be binding to the whole for this Year, as if every Planter was present : and if the whole or a greater Part than the 10 or 12 as before said shall meet, the IVIajor Part of them then met shall have the like Power to order and do as afores'd. And if there shall be any special Occasion for a Meeting at other Times, then to be warned with a Warrant from a Justice, in which Days the whole is to be present. ToAViST Meeting, April 5th, 1686 — William Camp, Edward Riggs, Zachariah Burwell, Jasper Crane, Francis Lindly, John Baldwin, Sen'r, Stephen Davis, Samuel Harrison, and Samuel Plum, are chosen to lay out Highways for the Year ensuing — as also to lay out Passages to Men's Land as they shall call tliem out, they agreeing with them ; they are also to make Amends in laying out Land, to repair those they take any Land from to make Highways with, and any Three of these have Power to act in ordinary Cases ; but in difficult Cases any five : this is agreed to 1)0 done, between this and the first of June next after this Date. 1686.] KECORDS OF NEWARK. 99 Item — Mr. Johnson, Edwanl Ball, unci William Camp, are chosen to treat and ayrcc with Elizabeth Town Inhabitants about tlie Division line; and the Town leaves it with them, to take the best Way they can to accomplisli it. Item — Azariah Crane, Joseph Walters, Samuel Harrison, and Edward Ball, are chosen to go to each l^erson that is possessed of Land, and take an account of them how much each Man hath, and bring an Account to the Town the next Meeting. Town Meeting, A2yril IStli, 10 80 — It is agreed that there shall be a Committee chosen, to take an Account of the Third Division of Land and Meadow laid out by Dele2)lary, or our Town Surveyors ; and every Man that hath taken np Land shice the Third Division was agreed on to be taken up, shall bring in as true an Account as they can to the Committee, Avithin Six Days after this INIeeting ; which Committee is according to Men's Estates to see how much each one hath exceeded what he should have taken up, or come short of what they might have taken u]), and make Report thereof to the Town — And if any neglect to bi-ing in an Account by the Time appointed, such shall pay the Charge for fetching it in their Rate. Item — William Camp, Ephraim Burwcll, and John Brown, Jun'r, are chosen for this Committee. Town Meeting, October the 4th, 1080 — It is agreed and voted, that the orders made the 4tli of May, 1009, together with the order made the 10th of April, 1072, shall be now again renewed — it is also voted, that they shall stand in full Force in all Re- spects, only Sheep may have Liberty Avith Leave from the Town's Men or the Major Part of them, in such Seasons of the Year when they will in all likelihood do more Good than Hurt. Item — it is agreed that the Avay of rating for this ra'ting'iose. Year, shall be as it w^as the Two last Years. Item — John Curtis and John Brown, Jun'r, are chosen to make Rates for this Year. Item — it is agreed, that the Constable shall see that the Pounders shall take their Oaths before one of the Justices, some time within a Aveek from this Day. The Meeting being adjourned to the 18th of this Month — on which Day, Edward Ball and Joseph Harrison are chosen Town Attornies, to take Care that the Town Orders be put in Execu- tion ; and upon any Com2:)laints made of the Breach thereof to prosecute the oflender, and to have half what they can recover ujDon any Penalty for their Pains. Item — Joseph and Thomas Brown have Liberty granted, to exchange their Father's Third Division of Land lying beyond 100 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1686-7. Elizabeth River, and to take up the Quantity thereof on this side Ruway River, below the Mouth of Stone House Brook. ToAvx Meeting, January 1st, 16 86-7 — John Curtis is chosen Deputy for the Year ensuing. Item — George Harrison, Constable. Item — Stephen Davis, Samuel Kitchel, John Baldwin, Jun'r, Seth Tompkins, Jasper Crane, Ephraim Burwel, and Thomas Richards, Town's Men Item — the Town hath appointed any live of these Town's Men to meet with and agree together with the Justices, concerning what is to be done according to Acts of Assembly in Refterence to Rates. Item — Samuel Pierson is admitted a Planter, he submitting to all wholesome Town Orders. Item — Jonathan and Thomas Davis have Liberty to possess what Land was laid out to them by William Camp, i;pon account of their Father's Purchase. Town Meeting, January 24tli, 1686-7 — Joseph Walters and John Brown, Jun'r, are chosen, to Seal Measures and Weights. Item — it is agreed, that Benjamin Baldwin's or Stephen Davis's half Bushel, shall be the Standard which shall be thought most suitable, and all Measures shall be sealed with an |^, and all Weights shall be tried by brass Weights if they can be had, and if not, by Stephen Davis's Weights whish have been Sealed at New York. Item — John Curtis is chosen Treasurer for this Year. Whereas — there is Liberty by Acts of Assembly, that each Town should chuse Seven Men to appoint whether Swine shall have their Liberty or be still restrained ; as also to appoint what Fences shall be accounted sufficient: We do therefore chuse Stephen Davis, William Camp, Samuel Harrison, Thomas Rich- ards, Edward Ball, Samuel Lyon, and John Brown, Jun'r, to act in this Matter. Item — Jabez Rogers and Thomas Lyon are chosen Pounders for this Year, Item — William Brant hath granted, to have three Rods of land by the Mill Brook as the Men aj^pointedto view have agreed, with Priviledge of the . . . against it. Item — it is agreed, that there shall be a Committee to treat with the Committee of the Proprietors, about our Settlement for the Town Bounds. Item — John Curtis and Edward Ball are chosen to treat with and settle Avith the Proprietors if they can ; receiving tlieir In- structions from the Town. Item — it is agreed that there shall be a Committee to give In- 1687-8.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 101 structions ill tlic Town's Behalf (viz) : Mr. Ward, Mr. Johnson, John Brown, Jun'r, Thomas Richards, and Daniel Dod. ToAVx Mektixg, January :Ust, 1G8G-7— Item — it is agreed that upon the fourteenth Day of February next, every one as hath Measures and Weights shall bring them to the Prison, that they may be tried, and sealed ; and for cutting and Sealing every Measure, they arc to have three Pence in ]Money, or four Pence in other Pay ; and for Weights as they can agree. Town Meetixg, February Vth, 1686-7 — It is voted that there shall be a Committee chosen, to take Notice of all Lands that Persons have appropriated to themselves, and regulate the same — The Committee chosen are jNIr. Ward, jVIr. Johnson, Stephen Davis, John Curtis, Samuel Harrison, Edward Ball, William Camp, Thomas Richards, Samuel Lyon, John Brown, Jun'r, Azariah Crane, Ephraim Burwell, and Joseph Harrison : this s'd Committee are to Order how a fourth Division of Land shall be laid out : it Avas agreed that there should be thirteen, that there might be a casting voice among them, if need should require. ToA\'x jNIeetixg, January 2nd, 1687-8 — John Curtis is chosen Deputy for the Year ensuing. Thomas Richards, Constable. Thomas Richards having agreed with George Harrison, the Town accepts George Harrison to bo Constable in Thomas Richards's Stead, and the s'd George hath made Choice of Theophilus Pierson, to be his Deputy. Item — the way of rating as formerly, which was after desisted from, and agreed upon to pay the Minister by Contributions for the Year 1687. Item — Thomas Richards, Seth Tompkins, Jasper Crane, John Baldwin, Sen'r, Samuel Plum, Sen'r, Samuel Harrison and An- thony Oliff, are chosen Town's IVIen for This Year. John Brown, Jun'r, Clerk, John Curtis, Treasurer. ToAVN Meetixg, March 6th, 1687-8 — Joseph Johuson and Daniel Tichenor, are chosen fence Viewers for this Year. Town Meeting, January 9th, 1687-8 — John Cockburn is ad- mitted an Inhabitant among us. Item — Stephen Davis, Azariah Crane, and Samuel Harrison, are Surveyors for Iligliways for this Year. Item — Eleazer Tompkins hath granted, that he may take up a piece of Land upon his Father's account, upon Lighting hill. January 9th, 1687-8 — It is fully and unanimously consented to, and agreed upon by every Planter uow present, all being 102 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1688. called by Name ; that they will from Time to Time pay or cause to be paid yearly, in their full Proportion equally, in a Rate that may be agreed on by the Major Part of the Town, to the Maiii- tainence and Allowance now agreed upon for the upholding and preaching of the Word in our Town ; and Eighty Pounds by the Year is agreed upon to be allowed to the present Minister, with his fire wood, and to be Rate free. Note, it is to be understood, that every man that doth now subscribe to this Agreement, he paying his Proportion in the Rate, shall not be liable to be prose cuted to make Payment for any that may be deficient in non- payment — In Confirmation hereof, we have hereunto set to our Names. John Ward, Sen'r, John Bruen, Thomas Johnson, Samuel Freeman, John Curtis, John Baldwin, Jun'r, Setli Tompkins, Micah Tomi^kins, Samuel Ticenor, Edward Ball, Edward Riggs, Samuel Kitcliel, John Cockbura, Anthony Olift', Joseph Riggs, Theophilus Pierson, Azariah Crane, Samuel Harrison, Jasjicr Crane, Joseph Harrison, Thomas Pierson, Samuel Dod, George Harrison, Sam'l Lyon, Thomas Richards, David Ogden, Daniel Dod, Stejihen Davis, Saml Plum, Sen'r, John Crane, Nathaniel Ward, John Browne, Sen'r, Zachariali Burwell, Ephraim Burwell, Thomas Browne, John Tichenor, Joseph Browne, John Browne, Jun'r, Joseph Walters, Ebenezer Cantield, Matthew Canfield, Robert Dalglesh, Francis Lindly, Samuel Pierson, Sam'l Rose, Richard Lawrance, Jonathan Sargent, John Baldwin, Sen'r, Hans Albers, Jonathan Tompkins, Joseph Johnson. Town Meeting, ^pn7 30th, 1688 — It is thought convenient, that there be a Committee chosen to endeavour a legall Settle- ment with the Proprietors, offering to give a legall Acknowledg- ment for our Lands within our Town Bounds as exprest in our Bill of Sale, and Priviledges suitable for us — The said Committee in their Offer, not exceeding the advice of such of their Neigh- bours as are most capable to give Advice in that Matter — Mr. Ward, Mr. Johnson, John Curtis, Joseph Harrison, Azariah Crane, Edward Ball, George Harrison, Thomas Richards, Jasper Crane, Thomas Ludington, John Treat and Joseph Johnson, are chosen a Committee for the Purpose afs'd. 1688-9.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 103 Town Meeting, November 19tb, 108S — It is voted that the Town's Men shall endeavor to get the Meethig House repair- ed, to keep out the Wett and Cold for the present ; and also to repair the Seats, and provide Cedar Shingles to cover it when the Spring conies suitable, and be paid for it in a Town Rate. Item — it is voted by the Major of those met, that the Way of rating for this Year shall be upon Heads, Stock, and Lands, as formerly ; upon the same Prices as formerly. Item — it is voted that John Curtis and John Brown, shall make the Rates for this Year : And all Persons are by this day Se'night to bring a List of their Estates to them. Town Meeting, February 4th, 1688-9 — Edward Ball is chosen Constable for this Year, or 'till a new one be sworn. Item — it is voted to encourage killing wolves, that there shall be allowed for each grown Wolf, in a Town Rate 15s. Town Meeting, February/ 11th, 1G88-9 — John Curtis is chosen Treasurer for this Year ; it is also voted, that the Treasurer shall . . . thirty Shillings for this Year's Salary. Item — it was voted, that there should be two men chosen to size y'' Land as Deleplary laid out, and every one as imploys them shall pay them for it. Town Meeting, November 25th, 1689 — Daniel Tichenor is chosen fence Viewer, to join with Samuel Lyon till new ones are chosen. Item-^John Morris and Benjamin Harrison are chosen Pound- ers for this Year, or 'till new ones are chosen : notwithstanding, others may pound as they have Occasion. John Johnson is chosen Pound Keeper. Town Meeting, January 10th, 1689-90 — The order made the 21st of March, 16V5-6, was read, and there Avas none but ap- proved it, and therefore it is now again confirmed to stand in Force. Item — it is voted, that all Lands shall be rated as it was in the Year 1684. Item — Heads and Stocks are to be rated as formerly, (viz) : Heads 14d. p. Head, Oxen above 4 Years old 5d. p. Head, 4 Year old Steers 4d. p. Head, Cows and ^ Years olds 3d. p. Head, Horses and Mares .3d. j:). Head, all 2 Year olds, neat Cattle, and Horse kind 2d. p. Head, all Yearlings Id. p. Head, Swine Id. p. Head. Item — John Curtis and John Browne is chosen to make the Rates for this Year. Item — it is voted, that the Town's jNIen shall agree Avith Shingles and Nails, and let him have Meadow. 104 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1690-91. Towx Meeting, March 25th, 1689-90 — It is voted, that there shall be a Committee chosen to order all aifairs in as prudent a way as they can, for the Safety and Preservation of ourselves. Wives, Children and Estates, according to the Capacity we are in. Mr. Ward, Mr. Johnson, Azariah Crane, William Camp, Edward Ball, and John Browne, are chosen for a Committee, to join with those in military Capacity. Towx Meetixg, July 18th, 1690— Jasper Crane is chosen Constable, for this Year or till another be sworn. Item — Robert Young is chosen Pounder. ToAVx Meeting, 29th Se2)te')nher^ 1690 — The Planters' then met, voted that the Way of rating should be on Heads, Lands, and Stocks, as it hath been some Years before. Town Meeting, 5th of Jamiary^ 1690-1 — It is voted, that the Soldiers Phillip Morris, Samuel Potter, and Benjamin Harrison, should be paid their Wages for the time they were out, according to our Agreement. Item — Mr. Falconer is chosen to be Collector, to receive and make payment of this Money for the Soldiers. Item — Joseph Johnson, Thomas Browne, John Treat, Azariah Crane, Daniel Dod, Zojiher Beach, and Jonathan Sarjent, are chosen Town's Men for the Year. Jabez Rogers, Constable for this Year, or till another be sworn. Zachariah and Ephraim Burwell, fence Viewers. Item — it is voted that John Curtis be joined with the Justices, to hear and determine all small Causes actionable, whether of Debts or Trespasses, not exceeding forty Shillings ; according to the Acts of Assembly concerning small Courts. Edward Ball and Daniel Tichenor, are chosen Pounders for this Year. Town Meeting, February 20tli, 1690-1 — It is agreed, that Edward Ball should sign in the Town's Name, the agreement between John Gardner and the Town, for providing for Richard Hore. Item — Edward Ball is chosen Town's Man, in the Room of Jonathan Sargent. Town Meeting, January 29th, 1691-2 — William Camp and Samuel Harrison, are chosen fence Viewers for the Year ensuing. Theophilus Pierson is chosen Constable, for this Year or until another be chosen and Sworn* Item — John Morris, Pounder. 1692.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 105 Town Meetixg, i^6i?vmry 5tli, lGOl-2 — It is voted, that the Comon line of Fence sliall be righted up within a Week's Time; and by the first day of March next, tlie Gate belonging to John Ward and ^latthew Canfield, removed to tlie upper end of the Lane, and all the Common fence made sufficient to keep out Cat- tle and Swine. Item — Azariah Crane, Samuel Harrison, William Camp, and Edward Ball, are chosen to take the Care of the Poor and of Richard Ilore, and to ap})oint Avhat each Man shall pay for what is behind ; and also, to appoint what each one shall pay for a quarter — they are also to see to remove liim to Samuel Rose, or some other Place, and agree as reasonably as they can. Town ^Mektixg, April 2nd, 1092— It is voted, that Mr. Pier- son shall be paid his Salary for that Time for which no Rates have been made, proportionable to the Rate made for two Years together (viz; : '88 and '80. .Tolin Curtis, is chosen Clerk. Town Meetixg, August 2f)rd, 1092 — It was consulted, con- sented, and unanimously agreed, that Mr. John Pruden should be called to be their Minister ; and in Case he should come and settle among them in that Work, they would freely and readily suljmit themselves to him and to his Dispensations and Adminis- trations, from Time to Time in the Discharge of his ministerial Office and Works, as God shall assist and direct him therein by liis Word and Spirit, for their Spiritual Good and Edification. It is also consulted, voted, consented to, and agreed by the said Inhabitants then convened, for Mr. John Pruden's Encourage- ment to come and settle among them, and that he may the better attend upon the Work of the Ministry as his Business, and for the more comfortable Sustainance of his Family in his Attendance therein ; that he shall have £50 p. annum, and his Fire Wood free : to be paid yearly, according to several Contributions volun- tarily subscribed l)y them, to Mr. Pruden or his Order, so long as he shall continue with them employed in the Ministry : this also voted. It is moreover voted and agreed, that Mr. Pruden shall have and hold such a Propriatie, and other Conveniences for his Ac- commodations in the Town, as shall be agreed upon between him and the Committee appointed to treat with him (viz) Mr. Ward, Mr. Johnson, John Curtis, Azariah Crane, Jasper Crane, Thomas Ludington, and Stephen Bond, nominated and impowered by the Town for that Purpose. August 2:ird, 1092 — The Result of a Treaty between Mr. John Pruden and a Committee chosen, constituted, and impowered by li 106 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1692-3. the Inhabitants and Freeholders of N ewark to act in their Behalf, is as followeth, (viz) : It is concluded and agreed by the said Committee, that Mr. Pruden shall have and hold the accomo'da- tions purchased of Mrs. Falconer, for his own Propriatie, to him and his Heirs forever ; he paying or causing to be paid the two last Payments indented for with Mrs. Falconer ; excepting only five Pounds which the Town is to discharge besides what is already done, in prime Bill of Debt made to the s'd Mrs. Falconer — as Witness our Hands — subscribed, Mr. John Pruden. Com- mittee for and in Behalf of themselves and their Neighbours — Mr. John Ward, Mr. Johnson, John Curtis, Azariah Crane, Jasper Crane, Thomas Ludington, Stephen Bond. Tow^N Meeting, 28th October^ 1692 — It was voted, whether the Charges for ])urchasing that Accom'odations that was Mrs. Falckner's, and the Charge of transporting Mr. John Pruden, should be equally levied on every person's Estate ; and it was agreed with a unanimous Consent, that it should be so. 2ndly, It was also voted, that the Charge for the Payment and Transport shoiild be Charged by a Rate, according to our Agree- ment formerly made, that is by Heads, Lands, and Stock. 3rdly, It was voted that Mr. Johnson and Jasper Crane should give Mr. Pruden Possession of the Accom'odations that was purchased of Mrs. Falkoner. It was also voted, that Zachariah and Ephraim Burwell for the South end of our ToAvn, and Samuel Harrison and Nathaniel Ward for the North end, for to see after the bringing the Wood for Mr. Pruden ; and lor to call out the People for that Purjiose, when there is Need for his Supply therein. cho"en!'*' John Gardner and Eleazer Lampson, are chosen Pounders. It was voted, that the List of Estates for the Town Rate should be brought in, when the list of Estates to make the Country Rate was brought in, to the Constable. Thomas Brown 500, Jasper Crane 200, of Shingles for the covering of the Meeting House. Town Meeting, Jaii'y 2, '92 — Thos. Richards and Daniel Dod are chosen Deputies, for the Year ensuing. John Baldwin^ Sen'r, Constable. Jasper Crane, Sam'l Harrison, Joseph Harrison, Nathaniel Ward, Setli Tompkins, Joseph Johnson and Zopher Beach, Town's^ Men. Town Meeting, . . . IG — Thos. Richards, Azariah Crane, Edward Ball and John Gardner are chosen for to be a Committee for to treat with the Governor and Proprietors about our Settle- ments. 1693-4.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 107 Benjamin Baldwin, Jaboz Rogers, William Camp and Seth Tomjikiiis are chosen, to collect the ]\Ionoy that is gathered by the Sul^scriptions in Newark, for the Maintainence of the Min- istry in the year 1692. Town Meeting, January 1st, 1093-4 — John Treat and Azariah Crane, are chosen Deputies for the Year ensuing. Item, Benjamin Baldwin is chosen Constable — and he hath chosen Jonathan Baldwin his Son, for his Deputy. Item — it is voted that Robert Young may have Sixty Acres of land, where he can find it within our Town Bounds clear from any Claim of others — he paying the Purchase as others have done. Samuel Harrison, Joseph Harrison, Nathaniel Ward, Jasper Crane, Thomas Davis, John Morris, and Theophilus Pierson are chosen Town's Men, for the Year ensuing. Jabez Rogers and Samuel Freeman, Pounders. John Gardner and Eleazer Sampson, Fence Viewers. Item — it is voted, that the Tow'n's Men, John Treat, William Camp, and Ephraim Burwell, in the Town's Behalf on the one Part ; and those that have their Home Lotts butting on the Neck on the other Part ; to agree among themselves to settle the Com- mon Fence against their Lotts: and if they cannot agree, they are impowered to choose some unconcerned to end it between them ; and also to settle where the Conmion Line of Fence shall stand. Item — Thomas Davis is chosen Collector to gather up the pay Rate, and if any Person or Persons do not pay their Proportion within a Fortnight's Time, then he is to make his Complaint to a Justice. ToAvx Meeting, March 5th, 1693-4 — Joseph Wood is ad- mitted Planter. Item — Caleb Ward, Hendrick Henderson, Tunis Johnson, Ilance Hendrickson, Bostyan Van Gicse, Garret Laydicker, Eleazer Lampson, James Clizbe, Jonathan Tichenor, and William Brant, are admitted Planters. Item — Zophar Beach is chosen by the Town, to be at the Court of Sessions, according to Act of General Assembly, in Case John Browne is wanting at that time. Item — Whereas, there is much Prophanation of the Lord's Day in the Time of Worship, by the playing of Boys and Girls ; therefore Daniel Tichenor and Thomas Lyon are chosen to look after them, and to correct them, or call them by Name, as they shall see Occasion, for this Year ensuing. Item — it is voted that the Town Rate for this Year shall be made by the Estates given in for the Country Rate ; only, Sheeji shall be taken out and Heads put in, according to Town Agree- 108 RECOKDS OF NEWARK, [1694-5 ment ; and those that wore assess'd in the Country Hate shall be assess'd in the Town Rate, if tliey do not bring in their Estates. fbo^elr Town Meeting, January 1st, 1G94-5 — John Treat and Azariah Orane are chosen Deputies, for the Year ensuing. Thomas Davis, Constable for this Year, or untill dToTen"*" another be chosen and sworn. Towx Meeting, January 17, 169 1 — It is voted, i^unlTew. that all Lands and Meadows shall be i-ated alike, for this Year. Item — it is also agreed by Vote, that Lands and Meadows shall bo rated at a farthing p. acre — Item, it is voted that Heads and Cattle shall be valued in this Rate, (viz) : Heads £14, Oxen of 4 Years old and upwards £.3, Steers of 3 Years old £2, Cows £2, Two Year old Steers and Hielfers £l 10s., 1 Year old 15s., grown Horses and Mares of 3 Years old and upwards £2 10s, Two Year olds £l 5s., One Year olds 15s. All Swine of one Year old and upwards, 10s. Item — Zopher Beach and John Browne are chosen to make this Rate. Item — the Constable is chosen to collect this Rate. Theophilus Pierson, John Morris, Daniel Dod, John cCmu""" Treat, and Azariah Crane, are chosen Town's Men for this Year. John Gardner, Pounder. John Baldwin and Samuel Freeraanj Fence Viewers. Town Meeting, March 4th, 1694-5 — According to Acts of Assembly, each Town Hamlet have Power to chuse Men not ex- ceeding Seven, to make oiders for the prudential preventing Harm by Swine, and laying a Penalty on them. John Treat, Samuel Harrison, Theophilus Pierson, Nathaniel Ward, Joseph Harrison, Jasj^er Crane. Town Meeting, June 19th, 1695 — Thomas Davis hath Liberty to set up a Saw Mill, Avith Liberty to have use of Timber in any common Land ; provided he shall let any of the Inh;.bitanls have Boards, as cheap as otheis and before Strangers. Town Meeting, January 1st, 1695-6 — Mr. John Treat and John Browne are chosen Deputies, for this Year. Item — it is voted, that the way to make the Rate for the Gov- ernor, Dejiuties, and oilier Town Charges, shall be by Heads, Stock, and Lauds, as it was the last Year, and to be made in one Rate together. 1696.] EECORDS OF NEWARK. 109 Item— tlie Select Men chosen to make this Rate and receive the Li«t of Men's Estates, are John Browne, Nathaniel Ward, Joseph Harrison, Joscpli Johnson, and Theophilus Pierson, each Person is to give in a List of tlieir Estates witliin a Week's Time after the Date hereof, or else are liable to he assessed by the Select Men. Item — Thomas Browne is chosen Constable, for the Year en- suing. Eliphalet Johnson and James Clizbe, fence Viewers. John Baldwin, Sen'r, Paul Day, and Jabez Rogers, Pounders. Item— the Select Men chosen to make the Rate, shall appoint the Time when the Cattle shall have Liberty to go into the Neck, and when they shall be prohibited, and also what Cattle shall go in. Town ^Meeting, August 10th, 1696— Summoned by the Cou- .stable, with a Warrant from a Justice according to Act of Assem- bly. Item— it is voted that there shall be Seven Men chosen, to ag'ree, and consider, and Order all prudential Affiiirs as shall be for the Securing the Neck, and Fruits in it, and concerning the Pound, and pounding Cattle, and where working Cattle shall be baited ; and this Agreement to continue untill the Town, or major Part of them, agree otherwise. Item — John Browne, Joseph Harrison, Samuel Harrison, Thos. Hays, Thomas Ludington, Eliphalet Johnson, and Jasper Crane, are chosen to be the Committee. Item— it is voted, that Capt. John Curtis, Mr. John Treat, and Mr. Theo])hilus Pierson, shall endeavor the obtaining a well quali- fied Man for a School Master. The Committee chosen August 10th, 1696, to order the pru- dential Affairs of the Neck, do this 10th of August, 1696, agree, that all Cows or any other Cattle that go into the Neck, (work- ing Cattle and Sheep only excepted), shall be kept out of the Neck, by the last day of August or first of September next, under the Penalty of being pounded and paying Nine pence j). Head, to be paid by the owner of the s'd Cattle to the Party_ as pounds them, or else otherwise compound with them : working Cattle, and Horses that are worked with, have Liberty to go in untill the r2th or 13th Day of September; after which Time they shall be liable to be pounded, being found in Damage either in Corn or Grass, paying nine pence ]). Head, to be paid as afs'd. And no Cattle, Cows^ or Calves, shall have Liberty at all to go in before Harvest is in, under the Penalty of eighteen pence \). Head (every time so transgressing) Poundage, besides all Damage to be paid as afs'd ; unless in the Si)ring, for such Time as shall be agreed on by us : but finding that most Damage is done in the Neck on Sabbath Days, We agree, that no Oxen or Horses shall be kept or baited in the Common field on Sabath Days, under the Penalty of nine pence p. Head, if it be proved after- 110 KECORDS OF NEWARK. [1696-7. wards that they have been so kept or baited, unless at such Sea- sons in the Spring, when Cattle are allowed to go in : Always provided ; Avorking Cattle have Liberty (unless Sabbath Days) to bait in the Neck Avith a sufficient keeper, when Men have occasion to work their Cattle, not Damnifying their Neighbours in their Corn or Mowing-Grass, at any Time of the Year — any Thing in this Agreement notwithstanding." Towj^ Meeting, October 23rd, 1G96 — Nathaniel Ward is chosen Clerk. clfJseiK Town Meeting, January 1st, 1G96-7 — Mr. John Treat, and Jasper Crane, are chosen Deputies for this Year. Item — John Cooper is chosen Constable, for the Year ensuing or nntill another be sworn. Item — Joseph Harrison and Robert Young are chosen, to be concerned Avith the Justices in making the County Rate next March. Item — it is voted, that the Way of rating this Year shall be Ti.e Way ^J Hcads, Stocks, and Lands, as it was in the Year '94 ; or rating. ^^j| ^|^q j^jgjj choscn to uiakc the Town Rate, and to make Assessments upon those Persons that don't give in a List of their Estates are Joseph Harrison, Nathaniel Ward, Seth Tomkins, Zopher Beach, and Thomas Hayse : and each Person is to give in a List of their Estates to Zopher Beach or Nathaniel Ward, within eight Days after the Date hereof or they are liable to be assess'd, and the Constable is chosen to collect the Rate above said. Town Meeting, January 6th, 1696-7 — Joseph Harrison, The- ophilus Pierson, Nathaniel Ward, Thomas Hays, and Jasper Crane are chosen, to be concerned in settling the Common Line of Fence for the Security of the Neck. Item — Daniel Browne, John Dalglish, and Paul Day, are chosen Pounders for this Year. Hugh Robards and Samuel Camp, Fence Viewers. Item — it is voted, that the Deputies shall have 5s. p. Day, for the last Year. Town Meeting, February 15th, 1696-7 — It is voted, that those Men tliat are chosen to settle the Common Line of fence against the Neck, shall have Power to call out the County Sur- veyors, to lay out such Highways as they shall see needfull for the Town's use. Item — John Lindly is chosen Fence Viewer for the Year en* suing, in Samuel Camp's Stead. 1698.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. Ill Town ]Meetix(;, Juhj 21st, 1G97 — Summoned by the Constable, witli a Warrant from a Justice according to Act of Assembly. Item — there is chosen by vote, Mr. .Tohn Curtis, Mr. John Treat, Thomas Richards, Mr. Theoi^liilus Pierson, Eliphalet John- son, Nathaniel "Ward, to order the prudential aftairs of the Neck. ToAVN Meetixo, January 1st, lOOT-S — Mr. John Treat, and Jasper Crane, are chosen Deputies for this Year. Theophilus Pierson, Jasper Crane, and Thomas Richards are chosen, to agree with a School Master to keep School in this Town for this Year, according to Act of Assembly. Matthew Cantield and Ebenezer Lindly, are chosen fence Viewers. Item — Daniel Tichenor, Obadiah Bruen, and Samuel Freeman, Pounders. Towx Meeting, April 19th, 1698 — It is voted and of'rauli'j. agreed npon, that the Way of rating to raise Money to discharge the ToAvn Debts, shall be as it was the last Year. Item — the Men chosen to make the Rate, are Na- fhlsen"'" thaniel Ward, John Cooper, Thomas Richards, Josepli Harrison. Item — it is voted, that Thomas Ilayse, Josej^h Harrison, Jasper Crane, and Matthew Canfield, shall vieAv Av^hether Azariah Crane may have Land for a Tan Yard, at the Front of John Plum's home Lott, out of the Common; and in case the Men above men- tioned agree that Azariah Crane shall have the Land, he the said Azariah Crane shall enjoy it, so long as he doth follow the Trade of tanning. Towx Meeting, Septemher Gth, 1698 — It is agreed upon by vote, for Incouragement to those that Avill kill Woolves, that they shall have Twenty Shillings p. Head allowed them in a Town Rate, lor this Year. fo'-iaTout Towx Meeting, December 12th, 1698— Mr. Treat, Highways. -^^^ Curtis, Jasper Crane, Samuel Harrison, are chosen by vote, to lay out Highways for the Town's use. Item-— Mr. Pierson, Joseph Harrison, are chosen by vote, to take Care of the ToAvn's Poor. Item — it is agreed upon by A'ote, that there shall be a School Master hired for this ToAvn, the next Year. Town Meeting, e/am^ary 2nd, 1698-9— Mr. Treat, and Jasper Crane, are chosen Deputies, for the Year ensuing. Samuel Pier^ son. Constable. Item — Capt. Curtis, Mr, Pierson, Thomas Richards, Joseph 112 EECORDS OF NEWARK, [1699. Harrison, Natlianiel Ward, are chosen a Committee for to give Advice to the Deputies, Item — Seth Tompkins and Eleazer Tompkins, are chosen fence Viewers, for the Year ensuing, John Gardner, Thomas Pierson, and Natlianiel Ward, Pounders. Item — it is voted that those Men that are chosen to take Care of the Town's Poor, shall take Care to repair the Meeting House, and to keep it in Repair from Year to Year, Item — Mr, Treat, Jasper Crane, Thomas Richards, Nath'l Ward, Mr. Pierson, John Morris, Eliphalet Johnson are chosen, to lay Penalties upon Swine, Item — it is agreed upon l)y Vote, that the Town will raise £100 in a Way of Rate, for the upholding of the Worship of God amongst us for a Year. Item — it is voted for to know, whether the Town would have Mr. AVakeman if he could be obtained, for to join with Mr, Pruden in helping him to carry on the Work of the Ministry, and if he cannot be obtained then some other. Item — Mr. Pierson, jMr, Treat, Mr, Curtis, Jasper Ci'ane are chosen, for to treat and agree with Mr, Wakeman and Mr, Pruden, for to see if they can be agreed with, and if Mr, Wake- man will not then some other, for a Year, Town Meeting, April 5th, 1G99 — Summoned by the Constable, with a Warrant from a Justice according to Act of Assembly. Item — Thomas Hays, Samuel Harrison, Zopher Reach, are chosen, to make up the Town's Accounts and assess Men in Order to making a Town Rate, and to make the Rate. Item — it is agreed upon by Vote, the Way of rating for this Year shall be as it was formerly. Item — that all Lands and Meadows shall be rated alike, and that Land and Meadow shall be rated at farthing p. Acre, Ileads £14, Oxen of 4 Years and upwards £;3, Steers of three Years old £2, Cows £2, two Year old Steers and Heiffers £l 10s., one Year old 15s,, grown Horses and Mares of Three Year old and up wards £2"lOs., two Year olds £l 5s., One Year old 15s., all swine of one Year old and upwards 10s, Item — Mr, Curtis, Mr, Treat, Jasper Crane, George Ilari-ison, Mr. Pierson, William Camp, Robert Young, are chosen a Com- mittee, to treat and agree Avith Elizabeth Town if they can about our Bounds in Controversy, and to sue or defend if there be Occasion. Town Meeting, June 9th, 1G99 — Item — it is agreed upon by vote, that We will send for the hon'rd and revered Counsel of Elders, and to fovour us with the Sight of those Papers wherein the Issue of late Difficulties so liir is contained. 1699.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 113 Item — the Town did Vote tlieir full Compliance with, and Ac- quiescence in that Issue. Item — the Revered Mr. Pruden and Mr. John Brown are chosen by vote, to return our Thanks to the Revered Counsel for their faithfuU and painfull Services for our Settlement ; signifying we will take sufficient CJare to defray the Avhole Charge of this their Journey and Trouble, till they return. Item — Capt. Curtis, Mr. Treat, Mr. Pierson, and Thomas Rich- ards are chosen by a full vote, to retui-n our Thanks to the Rever- ed Mr. Pruden for his hitherto Services amongst us ; with a sig- nification that We will speedily pay of our Arrears due to him by our particular Subscri2:)tions : and by a full Vote we declare our Desire of his Continuance among us, and his Service at present in preaching the "Word to us, till God shall favor us with some other Sujiply. Item — it is agreed and voted, that we will allow him for liis further Ministry according to what he formerly had, in Propor- tion to the Time We have occasion to use him as a Minister. Item — it is voted, that all Persons, from 16 to GO Years of Age, shall give to Mr. Pruden each of them one Load of Wood, for the Year ensuing ; whether he serve the Town in the Ministry another Year, or no. Item — it is voted, that Mr. Treat, Jasper Crane, Joseph Har- rison are chosen a Committee, to join with such as the Church shall appoint, in speedily looking out for another Person to be on Trial, in order to Settlement in the pastoral Office in this Place. Item — it is voted, that We will give to such Minister £50 p. Annum, for his Incouragement Avhilst on Trial ; and that We will increase the Salary upon his Settlement, as he and We shall agree. Item — Mr. Treat, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Pierson, and Thomas Rich- ards, are chosen l)y Vote, to desire Mi*. Pruden to carry on the Work of the Ministry with us, till God shall favour us with a Supply. At a Town Meeting at Nevmrk 11th of April, Anno 1699 — The Town gave unto their Representatives their Thanks, for not consenting to the passing of an Act, entitled, an Act for redress- ing a force of our Neighbour Province ; and because the said Act does Order the raising the sum of £675 Current Money of New York, and does not say for what End that Sum is raised, but leaves it to be disposed to such Uses as a few Men nominated in the said Act shall think fit ; and to be remitted (by Bills of Exchange though obtained at extraordinary Rates) to such Per- sons, the Major Part whereof we have no reason to Trust nor give our Money unto, nor are we (or can be) any ways assured, that the said Persons will apply it to those uses the Commission - 15 11-i RECORDS OF NEWARK, [1699 ers will appoint, if they be any other than the paying the owner or owners of the Ship Hester, which we suspect to be tlie End of raising the Sum afs'd. The Town of Newark therefore do with one Voice, resolve, not to pay any Part of the Tax afs'd, nor to be aiding or assisting to the Constable or Sheriff, or any other Officer or Officers impowered or to be irapowered to gatlier the said sum of £675, or any Part of it ; but do resolve, as one Man to witlistand all Force whatsover that shall be used for the gather- ing of it ; because we know of no illegal force committed upon us by oiu' neighbouring Province : and the said Town of Newark do order their Clerk to record this Resolve, in their Town Book. This also voted. Item — it is voted, that Cattle shall have Liberty to go into the Neck Avithout keeping, after Harvest. Item — Samuel Harrison, Thomas Hays, Jolin Morris are chosen by Vote, to give Notice when Cattle shall go into the Neck, and when they shall be taken out. Item — Nathaniel Ward is chosen Collector, to gather the Town Rate. At a ToAVX Meeting, August Stli, 1699 — The Committee for- merly chosen, to look out for a Person upon Trial in the Work of the Ministry, desired the Advice of the Town as to the Per- son ; the Votes being given in, they desired the Town to Avith- draw : the Committee having looked over the Votes, the Meeting was called in again, and it was agreed by Vote, that they Avould comply and acquiesce Avitli tlie advice of the Major Part. Item — Mr. Wakeman was declared to be the Person made choice of At a Towx Meeting in Newark, Ocifoier 2nd, 1G99 — First — it Avas agreed by the generality of the ToAvn, that they Avould endeavor to make a Purchase of a Tract of Land lying WestAvard of our Bounds, to the South Branch of Passaick River ; and such of the ToAvn as do contribute to the purchasing of the s'd Land, shall have their Proportion according to their Contribution — 2ndly, That Mr. Pierson and Ensign Johnson are chosen, to go and treat Avith the Proprietors about the same, to obtain a Grant — i^rdly. There AA^as a Committee chosen (viz), Samuel Harrison, Thos. Davis, Robert Young, Daniel Dod, Nathaniel Ward, and John Cooper, to consider, agree, and put forward the Design abovesaid. Item — it Avas agreed upon by Vote, that the Committee for- merly chosen to confer and consult about such prudential Affiiirs as should offer, they shall be paid Avhat is due to them, out of the ToAvn Rate ; they making up their Accounts with the Select Men chosen to inake up the ToAvn's Accounts. 1700.] KECOKDS OF NEWARK. 115 Towx Meeting being legally summonecl, and assembled to- gether this ^Gi\\ of JVovo/ibc)-, H599 — It Avas unanimously voted and agreed to, that .Mr. .Tabez Wakenian should be treated Avith, to be imployed in tlie Work ot" the Ministry. Item — it is agreed upon by Vote, that we will give him for Ids Incouragement, for his Service in the Work of the Ministry, X'OO for this Year. At a Town Meetixg, February 29th, 1099 — it is voted, that Cattle shall be prohibitted from going into the Neck after Har- vest, without keeping. Item— Eliphalot Johnson, Paul Day, Samuel Freeman, Eleazer Bruen, are chosen Fence Viewers for the Year ensuing. Daniel Brown, and George Day, Pounders. At at a Towx Meeting at ISTewark, Ajirll loth, 1700 — Sum- moned by the Constable, by a Warrant according to Act of As- sembly ; It was particularly inquired of every Person, whether they desired Mr. Jabez Wakman to be called to the pastoral office in this Town, and they every one manifested their Willing- ness thereto, and also voted the same. Item — John Lindsly is chosen Constable for this Yeai', or till another be chosen and sworn. At a Town Meeting, 3Iay 9th, 1 700— Mr. John Treat and Mr. Jasper Crane, arc chosen Deputies. Item — John Johnson or his Son, John Dalglesh, John Ogden, are chosen Pounders. Item — 3Ir. Treat, Mr, Jasper Crane, Eliphalet Johnson, are chosen a Committee to join with the Church's Committee, to treat Avith Mr. Jabez Wakman about his taking the Office of a Pastor upon him in this ToAvn. At a ToAVN Meeting, Aur/ust IGth, 1700 — Mr. Curtis, Mr. Treat, Mr. Pierson, Mr. Jasper Crane, Thomas Richards, Eli- phalet Johnson, Seth Tompkms, are chosen a Committee, to pro- cure a Settlement for Mr. Jabez Wakman in this ToAvn. Item — it Avas agreed upon l>y vote, that the Money to jtrocure a Settlement for Mr. Jabez Wakman, shall be raised by Avay of Rate upon the Estates of the Subscribers. ToAV'N Meeting, Septemher 30th, 1700 — It Avas unanimously A'oted by the Inhabitants then assembled, that Mr. Jabez Wake man should have t'GO allowed him annually and every Year for his Salary, for his Labour in the Ministry amongst us. Item — it Avas agreed upon by vote, that the aboves'd £G0 116 RECORDS OF NEWARK-. [1701. should be raised by way of Rate, and the Avay of rating should be as the major Part of the Subscribers should agree upon. At a Towx Meeting, January Yth, 1*700 — Mr. John Treat, and Jasper Crane, are chosen Deputies for the Year ensuing. Samuel Freeman, Constable. Thomas Hays and Samuel Harri- son, Overseers of the Poor. Daniel Brown and John Dalglish, Fence Viewers — and to view from Camp's Gate by Daniel Tichenor's to the Bound Creek — John Morris and Josei^h Ball, Fence Viewers — and to view from the River to Camp's Gate by Daniel Tichenor's. At a Town Meeting, February 28th, 1700 — Samuel Robards, John [Sam ?] Ailing, John Medles are chosen by vote, to go about to get the Subscription perfected to Mr. Wakeman's Deed of Gift. Item, it is agreed upon by vote, that the Committee shall deliver the Deed of Gift to Mr. Wakeman, as the Town's Act and Deed. At a Town Meeting, November 11th, 1*701 — It is agreed upon by Vote, that Mr. Wakeman's Salary of £60 for the of'raTiug. Year jmst, shall be raised upon Estates as Avas agreed upon formerly, that is, all Lands and Meadow alike — and that Land and Meadow shall be rated at 5d. p. Acre, Heads £14, Oxen of four Years old and upwards £3, Steers of three Years old £2, two Year old Steers and Hieifers £l 10s., Year- lings 15s., Horses and Mares of three Year old and upwards £2 10s., Two Year Olds £1 5s., One Year old 15s., Cows £2, All Swine of one Year Old and upwards 10s. Item, Daniel Dod and Nathaniel Ward are chosen, to make the Rate of Mr. Wakeman's Salary. Item, it is agreed upon by Vote, that Mr. Wakeman slrr"""""'" shallhave £80 allowed him Annually and every Year for his Salary, for his Labour in the Ministry amongst us. Item, it is agreed upon by Vote, that Mr. Jabez WBkem«n'^8 Wakeman shall have laid out to him. Sixty Acres of Grnirt. ' Upland and Ten Acres of Meadow in the Bounds of Newark if it can be found, if he settle among us to be our Minister; and Mr. John Curtis is chosen by Vote to lay out the Land above said. At a Town Meeting, January 16th, 1701-2, Mr. John Treat, and Mr. Jasper Crane, are chosen Deputies for the Year ensuing. Samuel Dod, Constable. Joseph Ball, Samuel Huntington, and William Wilson, Pounders. Item, Joseph Brown and Abraham Pierson, Fence Viewers. 1703.] KECORDS OF NEWARK. 117 Town Meeting, November 2iul, 1702 — Summoned by the Con- stable, according to Act of Assembly. Item, it is voted, that the Way of rating for Mr. Wakeman's Salary, shall be as it was the last Year. Item, Sarj't Samuel Harrison and John Morris, are choscD.'" chosen Assessors for the North End of the Town ; and Sarj't Thos. Hays and Ensign Eliphalet Johnson, are chosen Assessors for the South End of the Town. Item, it is voted that a List of the Estates shall be brought in to the Assessors, l)y this Sen'night. Item, Capt. Curtis and Mr. Theophilus Pierson are chosen, to reckon with the Collectors and take an Account of the Town's Debts. Item, it is voted, that there shall be a Gallery built at the North End of the Meeting House. Item, it is voted that there shall be a Town Rate made, to dis- charge the Town's Debts. Item, it is voted that the Town Rate shall be raised upon Estates, as Mr. Wakeman's Rate is. Item, it is voted that those Persons that have killed Wolves since the last Town Rate, or shall kill any Wolves, shall be allowed Twelve Shillings p. Head. Item, it is voted that those Creatures which People intend to kill for their Use, shall be Rate Free. Item, Nathaniel Ward and John Cooper are chosen to make the Rates. Town Me-eti^g, Janucm/ the first, 1703 — James Nottman is chosen Constable, for the Year ensuing. At a Town Meeting, November 2nd, 1703 — Item, Jasper Crane and Samuel Pierson are chosen Overseers for the Poor. Thomas Williams, Azariah Crane, Jun'r, and Zachariah Burwell, Pounders. Item, Samuel and Daniel Baldwin, Fence Viewers. At a Town Meeting, March 10th 1704 — It is voted that there should be a Shepherd hired for to keep the Sheep — Samuel Har- rison, Robert Young, Eliphalet Johnson, and Thomas Hays, are chosen Sheep Masters. Item, it is agreed u])on by vote, that the Sheep Masters shall have Power to hire a Shepherd to keep the Sheep. Item, Samuel Harrison and John Morris arc chosen, to con- trive and oversee the building a Gallery in the Meeting House. Item, Mr. Treat, Mr. Curtis, Mr, Pierson, Joseph Harrison, George Harrison, and Eliphalet Johnson are chosen a Committee, for to draw up something in order to a regulation of Lands irregularly taken up. 118 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1705. At a Towx Meetixg, October 12th, 1V04 — It is agreed upon by Vote, that Ave will pay Mr. Wakeman's Salary for this Year as we paid the Last Year, or by the last Year's Rate. Item, it is unanimously agreed upon by vote, that we will be in the speedy Use of Means, to see for a Man to supply the vacancy of the pastoral office in this Town among us. Item, it is agreed ujion by vote, that we will desire Mr. Pruden to preach the Word amongst us at present, or till We be other- Avays supplyed. At a Towx Meetixg held at Newark, ^4;wi7 11th, 1705 — It was voted, that the regulation of Fence in the Common Line shall be left or deferred, till some farther Opportunity. It was voted, that Samuel Lyon, Sen'r, and Nathaniel Wheeler, Jun'r, should be Fence Viewers, for that part of the Common Line from Mr. Treat's Lott to the Bound Creek ; and Daniel Harrison and Joseph Ball, for the Remainder of the Common Line of Fence. It was voted, that Samuel Harrison and William Camp should survey the Highway and vacant Land at the Landing, and that the Exchange with Thomas Richards and the Town is allowed, and ordered to be recorded accordingly. Mr. Treat, Mr. Pierson, Mr. Samuel Robards, and Joseph Har- rison are chosen to discourse Mr. John Barely, Receiver General, about the Quit-Rents in behalf of the Town, and to give an Answer. At a Towx Meeting, October 1st, 1705 — Mr. John Treat is chosen to be one of the Committee, to endeavor to get a Man upon Trial in the Work of the Ministry amongst us. Item, the Town manifested their Desire by vote, that the Com- mittee should make their application to Mr. Sam'l Sherman, to preach the Word amongst for Probation. At a Towx Meeting, October 30th, 1705 — It was agreed upon by Vote, to petition my Lord Cornbury for Lisence, that we may have Leave to get and settle a Man in the Work of the Ministry of the Gospel, according to our own Presevasion. Item, Mr. Pruden, Mr. Pierson and Sarj't John Morris are chosen by Vote, to draw a Petition — it is voted that the Clerk of the Town shall personate the Town in signing the Petition— Mr. Pierson is chosen to prefer it to my Lord Cornbury. Town Meeting, Janvary 22nd, 1705-G — Summoned by the Constable, it is voted that the Way ot rating for defraying the Town's Debts shall be as foUowcth : Person of Sixteen Years old and upwards £14 — all Land and Meadow at 5s. p. acre — all Cattle 1705-6.J RECORDS OF NEWARK. 119 of One Year old and upwards at £2 p. Head — all Swine of One Year old and upwards at 10s. p. Head. Item, John Cooper and Nathaniel Ward Sen'r, are chosen Rate makers. Item, Nathaniel "Ward Sen'r is chosen Collector, to Collect the Town Rate. Item, it is AOted that the Price of Corn to pay the Town Rate sliall be as followeth : Wheat 5s. p. Bushell, Rye ;3s. p. Bus'l, Indian Corne ;>s. p. Bus'l, Oats Is. 9d. p. ]>us'l, Flax 9d. p. pomid. Item, Joseph Harrison and Robert Young are chosen, to take account of what are the Town's Debts, in Order to make the Town Rate. Item, it is agreed upon by Vote, that if any Person or Persons do leave open Gate or Barrs belonging to the Neck, they shall be lined according to Town Order. Item, Nath'l Ward and John Cooper are chosen Assessors, for the Town Rate, Item, it was granted to John Johnson, that he should have that Piece of Land betwixt his own Land at Canfield's ifon'" Gmnt Mcadow and the Highway, for Avhat the Town owed ertAuK''t2olh lii™, or for that Debt for which he sued Thomas JecorSgtm. Ricliards and had Judgment against him. now. At a ToAvx Meeting, February 19th, I70o-G — The Question was asked the Town, whetlier they was satisfied with the Infor- mation that the Church had from Mr. Sherman's own Mouth, concerning his Circumstances from the Place from whence he came — It Avas consented to by Vote they was. Item, it was also voted by the Town, that they Avould have no farther Treaty with Mr. Sherman upon the account of a Settle- ment amongst \is. Item, Eliphalet Johnson, Mr. Jasper Crane, Mr. Pierson, Deacon Azariah Crane were chosen by Vote, to return the Town's answer to Mr. Sherman abovesaid. Item, it was voted to try the Town's JNlind, whether they would seek for a Supply in the jiastoral Charge amongst us, in inviting a Man amongst us upon Trial ; which was manifested by Vote. Item, ]\[r. Pierson was chosen by Vote to be the Town's Mes- senger to send, to endeavor to get a Man upon Trial in the work of the Ministry amongst us. Item, Mr. Pruden, Mr. Jasper Crane, Deacon Crane, Robert Young, and Joseph Harrison were chosen by Vote, to give Mr. Pierson Powei", Direction, and Instruction in that matter, in the Town's Behalf. Item, it is voted, that if any Person or Persons do set Fire within the Common Line, or Neck, or Meadow, before Notice be 120 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1706. given by the Beat of the Drum, he or they shall forfeit 20s — which shall be for the Town's use. At a Town Meeting, February 25th, 1705-6 — It is granted to John Gardner by Vote, that he should have half the Breadth of that Gusset of Land next Jasper Crane's Line so running from the Brook up to his Land, and John Baldwin should have the Rest. John Cooper is chosen Town Clerk, for the Year ensuing. Item, Joseph Harrison, John Morris, and Nathaniel Ward, are Chosen for to settle a Table of Fees for the Town Clerk. At a Town Meeting, 3Iay lYth, 1700 — It was voted and agreed upon, to improve Mi*. Samuel Whitlesse in the work of the Ministry among us, for the Space of One Year. Item, it was also voted that Mr. Whittlesse should have £G0 in Money or equivolent, for his first Year's Salary. Item, it was also voted, that the £60 should be raised by Way of Rate, and the Way of rating as was agreed upon for our last Town Rate. Item, Thomas Davis and John Morris, are chosen Overseers of the Poor for this Year. Hugh Robards and Henry Lyon, Fence Viewers for the South End of the Town, and William Wilson and John Rogers for the North End. Item, It was also voted, that Mr. Theophilus Pierson, Capt. EHphalet Johnson, Deacon Crane, and Joseph Harrison, should carry the Town's Message to Mr. Whittlese. At a Tow^N Meeting, ^?^^?- pointed to give him his Instructions in the Management of that Affair. Town Meeting, Jtme 3d, 1709 — Upon Mr. Pierson's Return, he made a Report to the Town of the Progress he had made in that Matter, and that with good Advice from the Elders he made liis ai^plication to Mr. Nathaniel Bowers, where he received this Encouragement, that if the Town would signify their Desire therein he would give us a Visit ; which was put to Vote, and very unanimously voted that there should be a Messenger sent to Hudson's River on the 10th Inst. .June, to wait upon him to Newark. Town Meeting, June 22nd, 1709 — The Town was then asked whether they desired any farther Improvement of Mr. Bowers upon Trial or not, which was very nnanimously voted to the Af. tirmatiAC and not one to the Contrary , it was also agreed that he should be treated with for his Continuing among us lor one Year. It was also voted the Committee before chosen should treat with him, for the Time of Trial among us. It was also voted, that the offer to ]Mr. Bowers for the first Year should be £70, Avith the Use of the I'arsonage House and Land, and his Transportation ; and so i)roportionably to the Time they should agree Avith him for. 16 122 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1710. It was also Voted, that the afs'd Sum of £10 — with the said Charges should be paid by Way of Rate, according to our former "Way of Rating. At a Town Meeting, October 21st, 1109 — It was agreed upon, tliat Mr. Bowers's Rate for his Salary, should be raised according to usual Way of Rating for the Minister — Also, Sarj't Nath'l Ward and John Cooper, Assessors and Rate Makers for said Rate — Also, Caleb Ward and Nathaniel Wheeler, Jun'r, Ovei-- seers of the Poor, and Assessors for this Year — Also, Lieut. Sam'l Ailing and James Nottman, are chosen Collectors of Mr. Bowers's Salary. Mr, John Treat, Mr. Theophilus Pierson, Mr. Jasper Crane, Sarj't Joseph Harrison, and Zopher Beach are chosen, to draw up some wholesome Orders about the Neck, and also to provide a Man to be Avdth the Surveyor General in drawing the line be- tween Newark and the intended Hurley [Survey?]. At a To^vx Meeting, 3fareh 20th, 1709-10— The Inhabitants of Newark were called one by one, and examined, whether they were so far satisfied with Mr. Bowers the present Minister, as to Give him a Call in Order to his Settlement, and to make Pro- vision for the same — and all agreed and consented so to do ex- cepting two Men. Item, it was voted that Mr. Bowers should have £80 p. annum for his Salary and the Use of the Parsonage, he keeping of it in Repair. Jioie 29th, 1710, upon a Lecture Day, Mr. John Treat and Sarj't Josejih Harrison were appointed and made choice of by vote, to deliver the Subscription to Mr. Bowers Avhich was drawn up and signed by the greatest Part of the Town for the Payment of his Yearly Salary. ^ At a Town Meeting, Avffust 28th, 1710 — The Town were de- sired to signify by vote, whether they were willing that Mr. Bowers should be called to Office in this Town, and there Avas not one appeared to the negative — Also, Mr. Theophilus Pierson, Mr. John Treat, Capt. Elij^halet Johnson, Deacon Crane, and Sarj't Joseph Harrison were made Choice of, for the Management thereof in Order to his Ordination. Town Meeting, JVovembe?- 6th, 1710— Sarj't Nathaniel Ward nnd John Cooper were chosen, to assess and make Mr, Bowers's Rate for his Salary for the Year ensuing, and Mr. Samuel Ailing and James Nottman Collectors; and that a List of the Estates of tlio Subscribers should be given in to the said Ratemakers, on or ■before the first Day of December next ensuing. 1713. J RECOKDS OJ^ NEWARK. 123 Town Meeting, November 5th, 1711 — Sarj't Naihaiiicl Ward and John Cooper were chosen, to assess and make a Rate for Mr. Bowers's Salary for tlie Year ensuing, and iMr. James Notman and Mr. Sam'l Alhng are chosen Collectors ; and that a List of the Estates of the Subscribers should be given in to Sarj't Ward, on or before the 1st of December next. ToAVN Meeting, March 3rd, 1711-12 — John Dalglish and Joseph Baldwin, are chosen Overseers of the Poor for the Year ensuing. John Richards and Samuel Cooper are chosen Asses- sors, for making of a Rate lor the Poor, and other necessary Charges allowed by an Act of Assembly — and Joseph Bruen is chosen, for the making of a Pound — John Dalglish, I'ound Keeper — John Baldwin, Miner [Juu'rJ, and Judah Penington, Fence Viewers — Mr. Joseph Harrison and John Cooper, Avere chosen to meet for the County. Town Meeting, February 21st, 1711 — The Inhabitants of Newark Avere asked, whether they were willing to come to an Agreement with the Inhabitants of Elizabeth Town about settling the Bounds between them and us, which was imanimously con- sented unto: And in Order thereunto by Vote chose a Commit- tee to endeavor for an Agreement, (viz) : Mr. John Treat, Mr. Jasper Crane, Capt. Johnson, Mr. Theophilus Pierson, Mr. Joseph Harrison, Sarj't John Morris and John Cooper — did likewise put into their Hands the full Power of agreement, and did verbally by Words engage to rest satisfied with what the said Committee should do in that Aftair. Item, it was also voted, that the said Committee should take all care, and use all regular means for the procurement of a Town Pattent. To"\VN Meeting, May 25th, 1713 — It was agreed upon by vote, that the Charges for procuring of a Town Pattent should be raised as Mr. Bower's Salary (that is to say) all Lands and MeadoAvs at £25 p. Hundred Acres, all Cattle and Horses one Year old and upwards at £2 p. head, all Male White Persons at Sixteen Years old and upwards at £14 p. head. Item, Ensign Samuel Cooper and James Brown, were chosen Rate makers and Assessors — Item, David Ogden, Collector. Town Meeting, November 2nd, 1713 — Samuel Cooper and David Ogden, Averc chosen Assessors and Rate makers for Mr, BoAvers's Rate, the ensuing Year. Item, Joseph Bruen and James BroAvn, are chosen Collectors for the said Rate. 124 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1714. Newarke, County of Essex. A Towx Meetixg, held Apreill y" 12tli 1714, by Vertue of A Avarrant Given under y" liands of y*" Trustees for y" Said Town for y° Time being, tlie Inhabitants being mett, y° Town Pattent was PubHshed. John Cooper was Chosen Town Clerke by Vote of y" Inliabi tants. Also Persons Chosen by Vote to Regulate y" Common Line of fence, and to order other Prudentiall affaires in y" Neck, (viz) : Capt. Eliphelet Johnson, Leiu" Sam" Aling, Leiu" Jona- than Crane, Leiu" John Moris, & Serg' John Dalglish. James Broun is Chosen Overseer of y" poor for y" Ensuing- Year. M'' James Notman &; Nathaniel Wheeler are Chosen Sheep Masters for y" Year Ensueing, A Towx MEETIXG held at Newark SepHr y" 2Sth 1714. John Cooper was then again Chosen Town Clerk and Sworn Truly to perform that Trust, & Sam" Cooper Avas Chosen and Sworn to officiate in y" Clerks absence, in Taking y" Minites and to Trans- mit them to y" Clerk to be Recorded. The Persons Chose apreill y" 12th to Regulate y'" affaires in y" Neck, are again Confirmed for that Service. Josejjh Peck is Chosen by Vote, to be a Trustee for y" Town of Newark, to Suply y" 2:)lace of Mr. John Treat Deceased, to fill up y*" Number of Ten. Leiu" Sam" Aling & Ensign Sam" Cooper are Chosen by Vote, to Take Care that y" Subscription for Mr. Bowers his Sallery be filled up at y" North End of y" Town, & Capt. Eliphelet Johnson ^ Ensign Nat" Wheller for y" Same at y" South End. James Broun is Chosen Overseer of y* poor, for y" Year En- sueing. It was also ordered by Vote, y' y" old floor in y" Meeting house Should be made use of for y" Making a floor in y" Schoolhouse in the Midle of y" Town. John Ogden is Chosen Constable by Vote, to Execute Such Matters and things as y" Trustees of y" Said Town Shall find N"essesary to be Done by Vertue of y" Town Pattent. Town Meeting, Novertiber y" 1st, 1714 — Assessors & Col- lectors Chosen for Mr. Bowers his Rate, (viz) : Sara" Cooper tfe David Ogden are Chosen Assessors & Rate Makers : & Joseph Bruin ct James Broun, Collectors. Town Meeting, Jamiary y" 20th, 1714-15, it was then agreed by Vote, y* John fiord Should have Liberty to Sett a Mill below y" old Mill, and that he Should have a (juartcr of an Acre of Land. 1714-15.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 125 David 0<4(len & Josej^li ]>urwell was also Chosen by vote, to agree with those persons who Laid out y" Common Line lence, what they Should liave for their work. ToAVX Meeting, March Y 8th, 1714-15 — Sam" Aling &l David Ogden were Chosen, to Meet y^ Justices in order to agree about y"^ County Tax. The Severall Persons hereafter Named were Chosen by Vote, (viz) : Capt. Eliphelet Johnson, Mr. Sam" Town^Mrat- Aling, Mr. Jonathan Crane, Leiu" John Morris, & 3^2811/' nu. Serg" John Dalglish, To Regulate Common Line ffence Relateing y" Neck, r. head. The Pounders Pounding any Creatures out of y" Said Neck, they shall fourthwith Give Notice thereof to y** owner if to be found, if not to be Proceeded with according to y"" Act of Assem- bly. for Rescuing any Cattle or other Creature above mentioned from the Pounder or Pounders, by any jjerson or persons, Such person or persons Rescuing y° Same Shall Pay the Sum of forty Shilings for Each time : if ye Rescue be made by any under Covert, In that Case y" Same Penaltie of forty Shilings Shall be paid by y" Parent Master or Mistriss of Such Son or Servant, by Avhom it Shall be Commited. For any Gates or bars that Shall be Left open in y'' Common Line, by any person or pei'sons, they Shall forfeit live Shilings, to be paid to the Complainer & also pay all Damages hapening therby : if y" person Leaveing it open be under Covert, then ik^ in that Case to be paid by y'' parent Master or Mistriss of Such Son or Servant, by which y'^ Simie Shall appear to be Left open. The Names of y'' Persons Concerned in y'^ Sd Common Line, with their Proportion of fence annexed to their Names Succes- sively, begining at y' bound Creek and Thence Runing North- wardly to y" Main River — 171G.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 127 John Canfiold John Dal.i,'lish Two Widow Ciindits Jamea Wheeler Beacon Azariah Crane for ye tirst Gate Ilezekiah Johnson in y Same Gate Mr. James Notmau from ye Creek to y«- Gate and from y Gate to Ebenezer Tomp kins Ebonezcr Tompkins Mr. Josepli Harrison , Ehenfzcr Liiidsley Josc'i)li ]?ald\viu of Milford.... Johanus Vrcelandt Capt. Eliphelct Johnson Josiah Ogden Widow &arah llimtingtou Josepli Crane Thomas Johnson Georij;e Day from Thomas John son to y« North Side of y« Two Two mile brook for his Join- ing on y-' Neck being . Aling Wilkison Robert Camell Mr. Benjamin Lyon John Richards Samuel Harison Daniel Crane Abraham Vreelandt Joseph Ball Daniel Harrison one Length of fence Henry Lyon the Second Gate Daniel Harison '...:. Nathan ftbster Samuel Tompkins Doctr James Prouost Nathaniel Crane 1 o 13 25 1 !5() ao 1 00 2 50 30 1 1.5 X (17 07 80 M M 5 CO 05 o 05 59 50 S 50 10 10 25 3 — 1 20 80 55 1 15 15 1 00 30 32 25 15 Samuel Camp Al)raliaiu Kitchell jLawrants Areutsen Deceast. ., ! Jacob Vralman iDaniel Dod ^Robert Hayes , j Widow Martha Beech Joseph Riggs I John Goden 'Benjamin Harison David Ogden Robert Young I John Cooper , I Widow Martha Dod 'Jonathan Peirson jBenjamin Baldwin Samuel Peirson ijohn Ward I John Rogers jJosc'ph Wood Daniel Dod._ Martin Tiche'nor Harmauus Garetson .Daniel Clark John Liudslcy Thomas Ball Mr. John Pruddeu and y Wid- ow Margeret Prudeu Joseph Jones 'Jonathan Lindsley Thomas Gardner I John Johnson Edward Riggs Nathaniel Wheeler Jonathan Serjant Joseph Lindsley Mathew Williams Jasper Crane Samuel Ward Jun' Samuel Day Joseph Wlieeler Jonathan Sayer Town Meeting, ./l?^^?ook-keeper for Stray Creatures. Abraham Cadmus, Overseer of the Poor for Second River. It was also unanimously voted, that Avhoever shall cut any Wood or Tindjer on any of the Land called tlic Parsonage Land, shall forfeit for every Cart-load 10s. — and so in l*roportion for a greater 18 188 KECOUDS OF NEWARK. [17-i8-9. or lesser Quantity — for the Use of the Poor — also to forfeit the Wood and Timber, to be fetched away by any Person for the Use of tlie Poor — the Person carting the Wood or Timber to he ])aid by the Overseer of the Poor. It was also voted the said Lands should remain unmanured, and let the wood stand, nntill it is otherwise altered by a Town Vote. Joseph Peck, Josiah Linsley, Emanuel Cocker, David Crane, Samuel Plum and David Bruen were chosen, to take Care of the Parsonage Lands and prosecute Olfenders. It was voted that there should be a Pound made on the West side of the School house, joining to the Land of Abiel Canfield dec'd. The feed of the burying Yard Avas hired to Capt. Cocker, for 26s. At a ToAvx Meetixg, March 8th, 1747-8 — Pursuant to an Act of Asseml)ly, Daniel Lamson Avas chosen Assessor, both for the Town and Poor's Rate. Samuel Ailing, Collector. Joseph Day and George Harrison, Freeholders. Joseph Hedden, James Nicholson, Daniel Harrison, and John Robarts, Surveyors of Highways, Isaac Lyon and James Nicolson, Overseers of the Poor — also Abraham Cadmus, Overseer of the Poor for Second River. John Crane, Clerk for Strays, Emanuel Cocker, Caleb Sayre, Timothy Pierson, and William Wheaton, Pounders, Jon- athan Sergeant, Regulator of the Common Line fence, in the Place and Stead of Samuel Plum. The feed of the burying Yard was to Joseph Riggs, for 20s. 3Iarch Gth, 1748-9 — John Crane and Samuel Ailing Avere chosen Assessors of Mr, Burr's Rate, and John Young and Thomas Canfield, Collectors of the same, ToAvx Meeting, 3Iarch 14th, 1748-9 — Pursuant to an Act of Assembly, Nathaniel Farrand Avas chosen Assessor of the County and Poor's Rates. David Ogden, Collector. George Harrison and Joseph Day, Freeholders. Isaac Lyon aud Nathaniel Camp, Overseers of the Poor — also Gari-abrant Garrabrants for Second River. John Cundet, David Williams, Hugh Robarts and Eph- . raim Wheeler, Surveyors of Highways, John Crane, Clerk for Strays. The same Time Samuel Plum, John Plum, Samuel Ball and Thomas Canfield Avere chosen Pounders, for the ensuing- Year. It Avas voted, that Samuel Ailing should have Liberty to feed the burying Yard Avith Sheep and Calves the Year ensuing, he taking Care of the Repair of the Fence. ToAVN Meeting, J/are/i 5th, 1749 — Nathaniel Chandler and EHjah Bakhvin, Assessors, and Nathaniel Baldwin and Obadiah Bruen, Collectors of Mr. 13urr's Rate. ToAVN Meetinc;, pursuant to an Act of Assembly, March 1749-50.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 139 l.^.th, 1 '74O-0O — Xatlmiiiel Farraiul ^v.'^s chosen Assessor of tlic County and Poor's Rates. ])avi(I Ogden, Jun'r, Collector. Georo-e Harrison and Joseph Day, Freeholders. Eleazer Bruen, Abner Ward, Ebenczer Farrand and Israel Baldwin, Surveyors of Highways. David Ogden, Esq'r, and Isaac Lyon and Garra- brant Garr.abrants, Overseers of the Poor. John Crane, Clerk for Strays for the ensuing Year. The same Time, Nathaniel Johnson, David Ogden, Jun'r, Nathaniel Camp, Daniel Tichenor, John Crane and Capt. Nathaniel Wheeler, a Committee, to man- age the artair witli Hugh Robarts relating to the Bounds of the Parsonage ^Meadow. The vote Avas renewed for j^reserving the Wood on the Parsonage Land, which was passed March 10th, 174G-7, and Josiah Ward, Samuel Plum, Josiah Linsly, Joseph Peck, John Crane, James Banks and AVilliam Turner, to take Care of said wood and prosecute Offenders. Whereas, great Strifes and Contentions have been had, moved and stirred up between Hugh Robarts and John Robarts of Newark in the County of Essex and Province of New Jersey, and the Inhabitants of Newark afs'd concerning the Bounds of the Meadow of the said Hugh and John Robarts, and the Meadow called the Parsonage Meadow near the Mouth of Bound Creek. And Whereas, by a Vote at a Town Meeting in Newark the 13th day of March last past Capt. Nath'l Wheeler, Nathaniel Camp and Daniel Tichenor were chosen a Committee, to manage the affair relating to said Difference — And We, John Stites, Esqr. and John Ilalsted, Esqr. — and John Chandler, being indiffer- ently chosen by the said Parties in Difference as Arbitrators, to settle, determine, and final End to make of said Difference concerning the Premises afs'd. We the said Arbitrators, having heard and duly considered the several Proofs and Allegations relating to the s'd Differences do order and determine, that the Bounds between the Meadow of the said Hugh and John Robarts and the Meadow called the Parsonage shall be as followeth, (viz) : Beginning at a Stake standing at the Head of a small Branch of Tide Pond Creek so called. Nine Chains and five Links on a North Twenty two Degrees and fifteen minutes West coiirse from the Westward side of the Mouth of said Creek at Bound Creek — And from the Stake running North Sixty five Degrees and Thirty Minutes Twelve Cliains and fifty Seven Links, to a Stake standing by a Branch of Oyster Creek — And from thence along the several Courses of said Branch to said Oyster Creek — As Witness our Hands this Twenty Seventh Day of Se})tember Anno Dom. One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty. JOHN STITES, JOHN HALSTEAD, JOHN CHANDLER. A True Coi^y taken by me, Jon'x Sekgeaxt, Clerk. 140 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1754. Town Meeting, Pursuant to Act of Assembly, March 12tli, 1750-1 — Nathaniel Farrand was chosen Assessor, of the County and Poor's Kates — Uzal Ogden, Collector. Nathaniel Camp and Nathaniel Harrison, Freeholders. Isreal Baldwin, John Syden- liam, Isaac Pierson and Thomas Brown, Surveyors of Highways. Obadiah Bruen, John Ailing, George Harrison and Ary King, Overseers of the Poor — and John Crane, Clerk for Strays for the ensuing Year. The feed of tlie burying Yard was sold to Doct'r Turner, for £l Os. 6d. March 4th, 1750-1 — Elijali Baldwin and Eleazer Baldwin were chosen Assessors, and John Alhng and Tlionias Brown Collectors of Mr. Burr's Rate. Town Meeting, Pursuant to an Act of Assembly, March 10th, 1752 — Nathaniel Farrand was chosen Assessor for tlie County and Poor's Rate. Uzal Ogden, Collector. Nathaniel Camp and Natlianiel Harrison, Freeholders. EHjah Baldwin, Thomas Brown, Ezekiel Ball and Nehemiali Hedden, Surveyors of Highways. Joseph Camp, John Cundet, and Ary King, Over- seers of the Poor — and John Crane, Clerk for Strays for the ensuing Year. The feed of the burying Yard was sold to Na- thaniel Anderson, for Twelve Shillings. It was voted that Dogs might be killed, if found from Home out of Sight of the Person who has the Care of sucli Dog or Dogs. Town Meeting, March lotli, 1753 — Pursuant to an Act of Assembly, Nathaniel Farrand was chosen Assessor for County and Poor's Rate. Uzal Ogden, Collector. Nathaniel Camp and Nathaniel Harrison, Freeholders. Ezekiel Ball, Nehemiah Hed- den, Daniel Tichenor and David Crane, Jun'r, Surveyors of High- ways. Josiah Beech, Elijah Crane, Timothy Ball, William Crane and Ary King, Overseers of the Poor — and Jolni Crane, C-Ierk for Strays for the ensuing Year. At tlie same Meeting, Joseph Johnson, Joseph Riggs, and Nath'l Camj^ were chosen to take Care about the burying Yard fence, and to endeavor to get Money subscribed ibr building a Pail Fence. The Day before this Meeting, Nathaniel Farrand and Elijah Crane were chosen Assessors, and Samuel Ailing and Nathaniel Johnson, Collectors of Mr. Burr's Rate. March * * * 1754 — Joseph Riggs and Nehoniah Baldwin Avere chosen Assessors and ****** and Samuel Huntington Collectors of Mr. Burr's Rate. March 12th, 1754 — At a Town Meeting pursuant to an Act of Assembly, .Tohn Dod the 3rd was chosen Assessor of both 1755.] RECORDS 01* NEWARK. 141 County and Poor's Rates, and John Crane, Colloctor. David Rogers, Timotliy Crane, Ezekiel Crane and Jonathan Toni])kins, Surveyors of the Highways. EHjali Crane, Josiali lieacli, Timo- thy Ball, William Crane and Ary King, Overseers of the Poor. John Crane, Clerk for Strays. Jonathan Sergeant, Town Clerk — and for Overseers of the Highways Caleb Wheeler, David Bruen, Joseph Camp, Isaac Pierson, William Gray, Jonas Ball, Joseph Riggs, Jun'r, Joseph Farrand, Noali Crane, Thomas Lyon, Sen']', Samuel Jones, Samuel Pierson, Jun'r, Daniel Cun- diet — And Nathaniel Cam]), Joseph Day, John Cundict and Na- tlianiel Harrison a Committee, to agree with Elizabeth Town about Settling a Line between the two Towns. It was voted, that it shall be the same Forfeiture of Twenty Sliillings for every Tree that is cut on the Parsonage, half to the Cora- plainer as the Act of the Assembly is in other Cases, the other half of the Money to the Poor. Also, the Parsonage Meadow Avas rented to Jonathan Crawford, for 4Gs, to be paid to John Ogden, Es(]r. March 3rd, 1755 — Elijah Baldwin and Samuel Crane were chosen Assessors, and Samuel Parkluii'St and Samuel Morris, Col- lectors of Mr. Burr's Rate for the Year ensuing. March nth, TZAo — At a Town Meetixg, pursuant to Act of Assembly, the following Officers were chosen, (viz) : John Dod the ord, Assessor of all ilates, and John Crane, Collector. Nath'l Camp and Nathaniel Harrison, Freeholders. John Gilderslevc, John Vincent, Isaac Pierson and Samuel Ball, Surveyors of High- ways. Josiah Beech, Elijah Crane, Timothy Ball, William Crane and Ary King, Overseers of the Poor, John Crane, Clerk for Stray Creatures. Daniel Tichenor, Hendriek Coeyman, Jacobus Kidney, Simeon Riggs, John King, John Tichenor, Joseph Iled- den, Nathaniel Ball, John Van Winkle, Jun'r, Zebulon Ward, Daniel Lamson, David Crane, Jun'r, Nath'l Ward, David Ward, Jun'r, ]*eter Pruden, William Williamson, Levi Vincent, Matt. Phillips and Joseph ]\[un, Overseers of the Highways. Feed of the burying Place sold to .Tose])h Riggs, for 15s. 3d. March 9th, 1750 — At a Towx Meetixg pursuant to Act of Assembly, the following Officers Averc chosen, (viz) : John Dod 3rd, Assessor of all Rates. John Crane, Collector. Nath'l Camp and Nathaniel Harrison, Freeholders. David Johnson, Isaac I'ierson, Samuel Ball and Peter Pruden, Surveyors of Highways. Timothy Ball, William Crane, Elijah C'rane, Josiah Beech, Ary King .and Peter Degarmo, Overseers of the Poor, John Crane, Clerk for Strays. Peter Jacobus, Sanders Cockefoir, Jun'r, Cobus Vandike, Johanes Queeman, Jun'r, Jonathan Shores, Isaac Ball, 142 ilEdORDS OF NEWAEii. [1758. Abel AVard, Elihu Crane, Jedidiali Crane, Ebcnczer Canfiekl, John Lyon, Samuel Crowell, John Young, Jonas Hinnian, ITel- megh Yourolman, Robert Ward, Daniel Dod, Jun'r, Caleb Brown, Nathaniel Williams, Jun'r, Zopher Bedford and Tliomas Gold, Overseers of Highways. Isaac Lyon, Samuel Plum, Jona- than Sergeant, James Nuttman, David Williams, and Nathaniel Wheeler a Committee, to inspect Encroachment on the Parsonage. Tlie above Time the Feed of tlie burying Place sold to Eli])halet Johnson, Esqr,, for 15s. G. The Parsonage Meadow was sold for the Year ensuing to Nathaniel Camp, for £2 7s., to be divided between the 3 Ministers, (viz) : 2 in the Town, and one at tlie Mountain. March 8th, IT 57 — At a Towx Meeting pursuant to an Act of Assembly, John Dod 3rd, was chosen Assessor, both for County and Poor's Rates, Elijah Crane, Collector, and also Clerk for Strays. John Crane and Joseph Camp, Freeholders. David Johnson, Samuel Ball, Isaac Piersou and Peter Pruden, Surveyors of Highways. Samuel Plum, Samuel Huntington, Joseph Riggs, Jun'r, Nathaniel Ogden, Jacobus Kidney, and John Vincent, Overseers of the Poor. Amos Robards, Samuel Jones, Peter Bestedy, Daniel Deen, Ezekiel Johnson, Ebenezer Iledden, Jacol) Spier, Peter Garrebrant, Nathaniel Wheeler, Jun'r, Jabez Har- rison, Samuel Medlis, Caleb Harrison, Joseph Crane, Jun'r, Jedo diah Crane, Abraham Urianson Vanriper, Casparus Van Winkle, Helmegh Youralman, Joshua Burwell, and Abraham Riker, Jun'r, Overseers of Highways. At the same Time the Parsonage Meadow was hired for the ensuing Year to ****** for * * *. Also the feed of the burying Yard to Josiah Crane, for 21s. At a Town Meeting, March 14th, 1758 — John Dod ;>rd, was cliosen Assessor of all Rates, both for County and Poor, Elijah Crane Collector, and also Clerk for Strays. John Crane and Joseph Camp, Freeholders. Garrebrant Garrebrantson, Helmegh Jerolman, Stephen Harrison, Jun'r, and David Peck, Surveyors of Highways. Samuel Plum, Elijah Baldwin, Alexander Cocke- tare, Jun'r, Jacobus Kidney, Joseph Harrison and John Gilder- sleeve, Overseers of the Poor, Samuel Jones, John Robinson, Samuel Morris, Stephen Crane, Joseph Crane, John Spier, Corne- lius Cadmus, Abraham Vangeson 3rd, David Beech, Ilendrick Spier, Benjamiii Baldwin, Peter Garrabrants, Jonathan Harrison, EHjah Bruen, Ezekiel Tichenor and Eliakim CU-ane, Overseers of Highways. At the same time Capt, Joseph Johnson, and John Crane were chosen, to enquire after and Collect the Monies which the burying Yard and the Parsonage Meadow were hired for before, and for the Year ensuing. The feed of tlie burying Yard M-as sold, for IGs. ,5d. for the Year ensuing to Elijah Baldwin. 1760.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 143 Also, the Parsonage Meadow was liired to Caleb Wheeler, Ibr £2 5s. 1759 — March 13th — A Towx Meetixg was held at the Court house in Newark, the following; Officers was then chosen for the ensuing Year — John Ogden Es(|'r., ^Moderator. Elijah Crane, Town Clerk, and also Clerk for the Strays. John Crane and Josejjh Camp, Freeholders. .Tohn Treat Crane, Benjamin .John- son, Ezekiel .Johnson and .Tedediah Crane, Surveyors of the High- ways. Sauiuel Plum, Elijah Baldwin, David Williams, and Bethuel Pierson, Overseers of the Poor. Abraham Van Riper and Sanders Cockefair .Tun'r,, Assistants at Second River. John Dod, 3rd Assessor. Elijah Crane, Collector. Josci)h Johnson Esq, and John Crane, Collectors for the Parsonage and the bury- ing Yard. Capt. Joseph Riggs, Nathaniel Harrison, Lieut't Na- thaniel Camp, John Crane and Deacon Peck a Committee, to settle a Line in the Parsonage Land with John Ogden Esq'r. by liis Land. Overseers of the Highway Samuel Plum, David Brown, Matthew Winne, Isaac Poulesson, Hendrick Van Gieson, Samuel Whittimore, Jedidiah Iledden, John Hedden, Jun'r, Na than Baldwin, .Tames Nesbit, .Jonathan Squire, Aaron Baldwin, Samuel Nuttman, Caleb Davis, Joseph Mun, Levi Vincent, John Muchmore, John Cockefair, Jeremiah Martin, John Corter, Solomon Crane and Samuel Harrison Jun'r. The Parsonage ]Meadow was let for One Year to Elijah Bruen, for £3. Also, the burying Yard was let to John Vander Pool, for 20s. Cd, drawn out and given to S'd Collectors. March 12th, 1760— At a Town Meeting held at the Court house in Newark, the following Officers were cliosen for the en- suing Year, (Viz) : Joseph Camp, Esq'r, Moderator. Samuel Hayes, Town Clerk. Nathaniel Farrand, Assessor. Solomon Davis, Collector, and Book-keeper for Strays. John Crane and Joseph Camp, Freeholders. Ebenezer Lindsly, David Harrison, Isaac Ball and .Joseph Baldwin .Jun'r, Surveyors of the Highway. Samuel l^lum, Elijah Baldwin, Abraham Van Ryper and David Williams, Overseers of the Poor. Overseers of the Highway, Samuel Plum, Isaac -Myer, Solomon Davis, Daniel Tichenor Jun'r, ]*hillip Courtland, .John Kingsland, Ezekiel Ball, Eleazer Hedden, SauTuel Freeman Jun'r, Caleb Harrison, Peter Garrabraut, Enoch I'owlson, Samuel Jones, Jonathan Squire, Zcbulon Ward, Ebe- nezer Ward, William Crane and Isaac Ryker Jun'r. Item, it was voted to take a Girl of Theophilus Burwells, now with Samuel Pierson, into the Care and Charge of the Overseers of the Poor of the Town, for the present Year. Item, Whereas David Youusj; of Hanover in Morris Count v is 1^4 EECORDS OF NEWARK. [1761. thought by some, to be Heir at Law of our Parsonage Patents, as he is Heir of Robert Young the oldest Patentee, it is thought by some proper that this Vote be put — Whether tlie Trustees of the iirst Presbiterian Church at Newark shall apply to s'cl David Young for a Deed of Conveyance to them in Trust, that so the said Trustees may be the better enabled to be Guardians for the same. This Vote Avas accordingly put, and therefore it was ac- cordingly unanimously voted, that the Trustees of the first Pres- biterian Church in Newark should ])rocure a Deed from the s'd David Young, for the said Parsonage Lands in Trust, in Order that they may be the better enabled to take Care of tlie same for the said Church. The Pai*sonage Meadow Avas let the ensuing Year to Joseph Riggs, for 59s. Gd. The feed of the Burying Yard to William Grant, to take Care of the Fence. At a Town Meeting, Marcli 10th, 1761 — The following Offi- cers av ere chosen, (viz) : Joseph Riggs Esq'r, Moderator. John Dod, 3d Assessor. Elijah Crane, Collector, and Clerk for Strays. John Cundit and Samuel Pennington, Freeholders. Isaac Ball and Joseph Baldwin Jun'r, Surveyors of HigliAvays. Samuel Plum and Elijah Baldwin, Abraham Van Riper and David Williams, Overseers of the Poor. Joseph Hedden, Jonathan Tompkins, Samuel Crowd, John Van Winkle Jun'r, Aaron King, Henry Earl .Jun'r, John Peck, Jonas Ball, Samuel Cundit Jun'r, Capt. Ely, Samuel Ogden, Jose2)h Taylor, William Crane, Aaron Jacobus, Abraham Ryker, Jose^jh Wright, Abraham Garrabrant, Ichabod Say re, Nathaniel Ogden, Eli as Crane, Samuel Gouver- neur, James Banks Jun'r, Joseph Robarts, Eliphalet Johnson, Joseph Riggs, Abraham Van Ryper Jun'r and Thomas Freeman, to be Overseers of the Highways. Joseph Ball, Elias Crane and David Rogers, Av^ere chosen Pounders for the Neck. It Avas voted that the Overseers of the Poor shoxdd build or hire a House, and keep the Poor of the Parish to Labor, agree- able to an Act of Assembly in that Case made and provided. It Avas voted that William Grant should have the feed of the burying Ground, and to keep the Fence in Repair. It appearing to the Heirs and Descendants of the first Settlers of Newark, Inhabitants of s'd ToAvn, That the Proprietors of the Eastern Division of the Province of Ncav Jersey, by their Gov- ernor and Council by Letters Patent dated the 10th Day of De cember. Anno Dom, 1G96 did grant to John Curtis, Robert Young and others, sundry Tracts of Land Lying in NcAvark for the Uses and Purposes therein mentioned ; among which several Lotts and Parcells of Land and one Lott of Meadow Avere granted, for the Use of a Parsonage — And that since the grant- ing the s'd Letters patent, the Heirs and Descendants of the first Settlers of s'd Town of Newark have divided into three several Societies Avithin s'd ToAvn for jDublic Worship of God, distin- 1762.] RECORDS OF NETTARK. 145 guislied by llic Names of The Churcli of England, The first Presbitevian Society, and tlie Mountain Society — and that many Dis]Hites have frequently arose among the Heirs and Descendants of the first Settlers of New-Ark, relating to the property of said last mentioned Lands and Meadow, whereby the real Benefit and Advantage which might otherwise be made of the same is greatly obstructed and hindered — and that at a Town Meeting held at Newark afs'd. In March last, during the Time of the Small Pox being in Town, and -when but very few of the Inhabitants were present, and without any previous Notice being given to the Inhabitants of said ToAvn of any Intent of their passing a Vote relating to said Lands called the Parsonage Lands — it was then and there voted by the majority of the few then present, that Ap])lication should be made to One David Young, Heir to the Surviving Trustee mentioned in said Letters Patent, to obtain a Deed for the same Lands last mentioned to the Committee or Trustees to the first Presbiterian Society or Congregation, and that a Deed Avas accordingly obtained for the Use of One Society Only, Avhich has given great dissatisfaction to the Inhabitants of said Town in general. Wherefore, to End s'd disputes, and that the same may be amicably adjusted and the Use intended by said Letters Patent be carried into Execution — it is voted and agreed at a very fall and public Town Meeting as follows — 1st, That said Deed, so obtained as afs'd from David Young Heir of the Surviving Trustee mentioned in s'd Letters patent, is contrary to the real Intent and Desire of the majority of the Heirs and Descendants of the first Settlers of Newark, and to the Spirit and Design of said Letters Patent, and against the Use intended to be thereby granted. 2ndly, That as the Heirs and Descendants of the first Settlers of Newark have three Societys or Congregations for the publick Worship of God — each having a distinct or separate Minister to support — It is voted and agreed, that the said Lands grantee! by said Letters patent to lye for a Parsonage be equally divided in Quantity and Quality exclusive of the Improvements made thereon, among said Three Societies or Congregations. 3rdly, It is further voted and agreed, that John Cundit, Be- thuel Pierson, Daniel Picrson Esq'r, James Nutman, John Crane and Elijah Baldwin, or any four of them be Agents to divide and allot said Lands to said Societies or Congregations in manner afs'd, and when so divided and allotted to apply to the Governor, Council and General Assembly, to confirm the same by a Law to bo made for that Purpose to each Society, agreeable to s'd Di- vision for the Use in s'd Letters Patent mentioned. Towx Meeting, March 9th, 1VG2 — The following Officers were chosen : Nehemiah Baldwin, Moderator, Samuel Hayes, Town Clerk. John Dod the Third, Assessor. Elijah Crane, Collector 19 146 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1762. and Clerk for Strays. John Cundit and Sam'l Pennington, Frce- liolders. James Nutman, William Camp, Samuel Harrison Jun'r, and Abraliam Vanriper, Overseers of the Poor. Ezekial Ball and Obadiah Hedden, Surveyors of Highways. Thomas Brown, David Crane, Timothy Crane, Isaac Plum, William Dow, Tunis Jeroleman, Daniel Williams, Ebenezer Caufield, William Crane, Jedediah Hedden, Silas Dod, Israel Crane, Caleb Harrison, Na- than Ward, Josiah Lindsly, Arthur Perry, Samuel Billiard, Caleb Camp, Thomas Seagler, Hendrick Vanderhoof, Robert Baldwin, Robert Ward and Timothy Freeman, were chosen Overseers of Highways. Joseph Ball, Elias Crane and David Rogers, were chosen Pounders for the year ensuing, to take Care of the Neck. The hon'ble David Ogden Esq'r having signified to the People, that at the Desire of some or all of the four Persons herein after mentioned whom he called Agents for the Town — the other two being those chosen out of the first Presbyterian Church in Newark refusing to be concerned in it — he had drawn a Draught of an Entry jjroposed to be made at a Town Meeting held at Newark on the Nintii Day of March 1762 — which he read as follows — John Cundit, Bethuel Pierson, Daniel Pierson and James Nut- man, four of the Persons appointed by a vote of the Inhabitants of this Town of Newark, at their last annual Meeting on the Second Tuesday in March Last, for the dividing of the Parsonage Lands and Meadow Belonging To s'd Town, Made their Report this day of their Haveing so far Executed the Trust in them Reposed as to make a Division of sM Parsonage Lands and Meadow, which report "was read at the Publick Town Meeting held this Day for said Town, and apj^roved of and Confirmed by a majority of the Inhabitants of s'd Town at their s'd Meeting, subject Nevertheless to such Alterations as is her-oin After Men- tioned : which Report is in the Words following, viz : the Ques- tion being Put, whether the s'd Agents for the Town, or any four of them might receive and Consider the division by them made as afs'd, and Hear such Objections thereto Against the Equality thereof as any Person or Persons shall think Proper to ofter — and Make all Reasonable Alterations — it was Carried by a Vote of the Majority of s'd Town, that the s'd Agents for the Town or any four of them Shall and May have 4 Months from this Time to Hear the Objections of any person, or persons with- in s'd Town, who shall Think themselves Grieved Against the Equality of s'd division, and make such alterations therein as shall Be Just and Ecpial ; and that After the Expiration of s'd four Months, the s'd division now Made or such other division as sliall within that Time Be Agreed on as afs'd, the s'd agents or any four of them are requested by the Inliabitants of s'd Town to Take all Proper Measures to make Effectual and Binding on all Parties. 1763.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 147 A Number ol tlie Principal jNIembers of the tirst Prcsbi- terian Church in New Ark Objected Against it, and Insisted upon it lliat the Men Avas Not Legally Chosen — that the Vote pass'd Last Annual Town .Meeting was not fairly obtained — a Majority being at tliat Time on the Negative, and that there was at Least Two Hundred I'ersons present at the Town Meeting in March 1700, when the Vote about the l*arsonage was so Ll^nani- mously Obtained, &c. Plowever, upon Mr, Ogdon's and some others strongly urging and repeatedly insisting upon it, the INIoderator put the Vote and it was carried in the negative by a majority of those present, it being a very full Town Meeting, (viz) : that the Division should not be confirmed even with the Limitations above mentioned. ToAVN Meetixg, March 8th, 176:? — The following Officers were chosen — John Ogden, Esqr, Moderator. Joseph Robards, As- sessor. Elijah Crane, Collector and Clerk for Strays, Samuel Huntington and Bethuel Pierson, Freeholders. Caleb Wheeler and William Camp, Surveyors of Highways. William Camp, James Nuttman, Nath'l Ogden, John Gilderslecve, Abraham Van Riper at Second River, Overseers of the Poor. Thomas Browne, David Crane, Timothy Crane, Isaac Plum, William Dow, Theunis Jerolman, Daniel Williams, Joseph Crane, David Peck, William Crane, Silas Dod, Israel Crane, Caleb Harrison, Aaron Baldwin, Arthus Perry, Samuel Billard, Caleb Camp, Thomas Seagler, Jeremiah Martin, Robert Baldwin, Andrew Teed, and Timothy Freeman, Overseers of Highways — David Taylor appointed ii' the Room of Andrew Teed, dec'd. Towx MEETr>'G, October '^x(}i^ 1 7(33 — Warned by the Constable, held at the Court House at Newark — it was voted that Two Hundred Pounds proclamation, shall be raised for the use of the Poor in Newark afs'd. At a ToAVX Meeting held March 13th, 17G4 — Joseph Riggs Esq'r, Chosen Moderator, John Dod Jun'r, Assessor, Elijah Crane, Town Clerk, Collector, and Book Keeper for Stray Crea- tures, Nath'l Camp and Stephen 3Iorris, Freeholders. Caleb Harrison and Abraham Van Ryper, Surveyors of the Highway. Samuel Plum, Nathaniel Ogden, and Abraham Van Ryper, Overseers of the Poor. Voted, that £'150 proclamation be raised for the Poor. That the Overseers shall hire a House for the Re- ception of the Poor. Overseers of the Highways — William Crane, Zojiher Beech, Samuel Billard, Daniel Riggs, ]\ratthew Harrison, Uzal Ward, Sam'l Pierson, Justice Dow, John Kings - land, Hendrick Van Winkle, John Van Winkle, Peter Garra- brant, Ilelmegh Jerolcman, John .Morris, Josiah Ward at Canoe Brook, Nathan Baldwin, Isaac Cundit, Tim. AVilliams, David 148 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1765. Cuntlit and Alexander Vance. Voted, that the Parsonage Meadow be hired for the ensuing Year — said Meadow rented for £2 12s, to Josiah Quinby, Joseph Mun and Ichabod Harrison. Nehe- niiah Baldwin, James Nutman, and Amos Harrison Esq'rs, to receive the Money, equally to be paid to the Priests of said Town. At a Town Meeting, held 12th of Ilarch, 1765— Doctor Burnet, chosen. Moderator. Elijah Crane, Town Clerk. John Dod Jun'r, Assessor. Elijah Crane, Collector. Isaac Longwortli and Caleb Camp, Freeholders. Joseph Hedden, Jun'r and Jo- siah Pierson, (Surveyors of the Highways. Samuel Plum, Na thaniel Ogden and Abraham Van Ryper, Overseers of the Poor. Samuel Plum, chosen Pounder. It was voted, to Farm let all the Poor out for one whole Year from the Date hereof by way of Vendue, and whoever is the last Bidder shall take the charge of them immediately. It was also further agreed, that whoever takes them should have the Benefit of all the Fines belonging to the Poor, within said Year. Also, the Benefit of all the Money that may arise from Stray Creatures. They was Vendued of to Daniel Cundit being the lowest Bidder, for the sum of £159 — proc'n Money — which said Sum was agreed to be raised by way of Rate within said Year. The following Men chosen Overseers of the Highways — Samuel Hayes, William Camp, Elihu Crane, Jedediah Freeman, Jonathan Lyon, Jedediah Hedden, John Earle, William Dow, JEsq'r, Tlieunis Jerolman, Noah Crane, John Cockefair, Enoch Powlesson, John King, Jonathan Cundit, Abraham Van Geison, Peter Garmo, liheuben Harrison, David Bedford, Joseph Williams, Obadiah Force, Thomas Denman, Ralph Tucker and David Williams. A Town Meeting, held at the Court house in Newark the 11th of J/«rc/i, 17G6 — Joseph Riggs Esq'r, chosen Moderator, Elijah Crane, Town Clerk. John Dod Jun'r, Assessor. Elijah Crane, Collector. Isaac Longworth and Caleb Camj), Freehold- ers. Joseph Hedden Jun'r and Josiah Pierson, Surveyors of the Highways. Samuel Huntington and Isaac Cundit, Overseers of the Poor — Dr. Abraham Van Ryper for Second River. Elijah Crane, Clerk for Strays. Samuel Huntington, Pound Keeper. Matthias Crane and Joseph Ball, Pounders. Paul Beech, Capt. Joseph Riggs, Sam'l Gouverneur, Thomas Brown, Joseph Crow- ell, Alexander Vance, Ezekiel Ball, Hendrick Francisco, John Garrabrant, l*eter D. Garmo, Wm. King, Samuel Williams, Hen- drick King, Benj'n Williams Jun'r, Joseph Harrison, Joshua Baldwin, Ralph Tucker, Capt. Wm. Ely, Hendrick Van Winkle, Levi Vincent, John Peck, John Gordon, Daniel Cundit, Joseph Williams Jun'r and Thomas Lyon, Overseers of Highways. 1767.J EECOKDS OF NEWARK. 149 It was voted that £180, proc'n Money, be raised for the Poor for the eusuing- Year. Voted that the Inhabitants might take Care of their Ilay in the Meadows, the 24th of this Inst't March. March 10th, ITGT — At the Town Meeting, at the Court house was chosen the following Officers, for the Year ensuing — John Ogden Esq'r, Moderator. Elijah Crane, Town Clerk. Jolni Dod Jun'r, Assessor for all Kates. Elijah Crane, Collector, and Clerk for Strays. Nath'l Camp and William Crane, Freeholders. John Peck and Icliabod Harrison, Surveyors of the Highways. By a Vote passed it was agreed, that all the Poor that then was or should be brouglit on the Town, within One Year from the Date hereof, should be farmed out for the ensuing Year, and that they should be set up at Vendue — agreeable whereto they were set up and Struck off to Caleb Camp, he being the last Bidder ; and he agreed to Keep the same said Poor the ensuing Year or to the lOth Day of March 1708, for the sura of £147 15s. Liglit money, and ho being the lowest Bidder they Avere struck of to him accordingly for £147 15s. Light money. Samuel Huntington, Capt. Camp and Ezekiel Ball, Overseers of the Poor — Capt. Garrabrant, Do. for Second River. Overseers of the High- ways — Sam'l Gouverneur, Uzal Ward, Paid Beech, Dan'l Tiche- nor Jun'r, Alexander Vance, Ezekiel Ball, Obadiah Hedden, Cornelius Jones, George Parsonett, Daniel Taylor, John Range, John Ogden over the Mountain, Aaron Dod, Sam'l Pierson Sen'r, Dan'l Cundit, Daniel Dean, John Waters, Obadiah Force, Sam'l Pierson Jun'r, Elijah Squire, John Dod, Carpenter, Benjamin Baldwin, Job Brown, Claus Garrabrant, Helmegh Jerolman, David Griffith, John Kingsland, Jeremiah Martin, Tho's Pierson, Tho's Denman, John Pierson. August 4th, 1767 — Wo the Surveyors of the Highways for the Town of Newark, do nominate and appoint Jabez Harrison to be an Overseer of the Highways in the Room of Uzal Ward — and Joseph Baldwin 3rd, in the Room of John Range. John Peck, IcuABOD Harrison. 3fcirch 8th, 1768— A Town [Meeting] held at the Court House for the Town of Newark — the following Officers were then chosen for the ensuing Year — John Ogden Esq'r, Moderator. Elijah Crane, Town Clerk. John Dod Jun'r, Assessor. John Camp, Collector. Elijah Crane, Clerk for the Stray Book. William Camp and Eleazer Lamson, Freeholders. Moses Ogden and Alexander Vance, Surveyors of the Highways. The Poor of this Town was farmed out for the ensuing Year to the Town 150 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1769. Meeting in March next, Caleb Wheeler being'the lowest Bidder, accordingly he is to take and Keep said Poor for the Sum of £14."] 10s. — Light Money. Samuel Huntington, Caleb Wheeler, Ezekiel Ball, Nathaniel Ogden and Capt. Garrabrants, Ovei'seers of the Poor. Voted, that the People may secure their Hay in the Meadow Tomorrow, at Ten of the Clock in the Morning. Joseph Hedden Jun'r, Obadiah Hedden, Caleb Camj^, James Banks, Garret II. Spier, Josei)li Hedden, Josiah Crane at the Farms, Lawrence Ward, Nath'l Ogden, Sam'l Freeman Jun'r, Joseph Baldwin 3rd, John Riker, David Harrison, Dtivid Cundit, Eplira- im Camp, John Muchmore, Enoch Powlson, Tho's Gould, Be- thuel Pierson, Solomon Crane, Silas Baldwin, Isaac Reeves, Tho's Cadmus, Abraham Van Ryper, Weaver, Matthew Winne, Benj'n Mun, Eliphalet Johnson, Samuel Johnson, James Force, Tho's Seagler, Overseers of the Highways. Voted by a great majority. That the Parsonage Lands belong- ing to the Town of Newark be divided between the Three Con- gregations of the lirst Settlers of Newark, (to Avit) : The iirst Presbyterian Church in Newark, the Church of England, and the Mountain Society. But the Trustees of the first Presbyterian Church in Newark being present, advised the People then met to let the Parsonage alone, declaring the Title to be Invested in them, and forbid them passing the former or any other Vote re- lating to the Parsonage — publickly protested against it and de- sired their [protest ?] might be entered upon the Town Book — which was granted. Voted by a great majority, that Sam'l Penington and Ebenezer Baldwin on the part of the lirst Presbyterian Church of Newark, Thomas Longworth and Capt. James Nutman on the part of the Church of England — and Bethuel Pierson and Capt. Abraham Ogden on the part of the Mountain Society — should be the Men to divide the Parsonage belonging to the Town of Newark be- tween said Congregations, agreeable to the foregoing Vote — But Sam'l Pennington and Ebenezer Baldwin declared they would not act. At a Towx Meeting held for and in the Town of Newark at the Court House the 14th March., 1709 — the following Officers were chosen and appointed to act the ensuing Year as follows — John Ogden Esq'r, jModerator. John Ogden Jun'r, Town Clerk. Abraham Ogden and Isaac Longworth, Freeholders John Camp, Collector, and Clerk for Strays. John Dod Jun'r, Assessor. Da- vid Cundit and Benj'n Williams Jun'r, Surveyors of the High ways. Samuel Huntington Sen'r, Ezekiel Ball, Caleb Camp, Na- thaniel Ogden and Garrabrant Garrabrants, Overseers of the Poor. And Overseers of the Highways were as follows — Joseph Hedden Jun'r, Sam'l Hayes, Alexander Vance, Ezekiel Ball, 1769.] RECOEDS OF NEWARK. 151 Thomas Pearsal, Jonathan Squire Jun'r, Obailiah Iledden, John Freeman, Benj'n Bakhvhi, Gcoro-e Parsonet, Manning Force, Jonathan Dickenson, Sam'I Williams, John Jones son of Sam'l Jones, Daniel Taylor, Keuhen Harrison, Thomas Gonkl, Silas Baldwin, David Williams, Josejih Pierson, Levi Vincent, Amos Dod, Timotliy Davis, Benj'n Williams Sen'r, l^hillij* V. Cortlandt, Ah'm Van llyper Sen'r, Ah'm Vangeson 3rd, John Waters. William Camp and Bethuel Pierson, Freeholders last chosen. Caleb Camp hid oif the l^or at £100 — Light ni.oney, and is to keep them in sufficient Victuals and Cloathing, give Schooling to such Children as require it, which s'd Schoohng &c. is left at the Direction and Discretion of Samuel Huntington one of the Over- seers ; and tlie s'd Camp is to take all that shall legally he brought on the Town, and farm the Avhole from ]\[arch 14th 1769 to the second Tuesday in IMarch 1770. ]\[emorandun\ — William Cam}) and Eleazer Lamson were proposed to be elected Freeholders, as were also the before men- tioned Isaac Longworth and Abraham Ogden ; the mode of elec tion was the same as used on the Election of all the other officers at this Meeting, (viz) : by holding uj) of the Hands and the ma- jority appearing clear and indisputable in favor of said Mess'rs Longn^orth and Ogden, the Moderator directed their being elected Freeholders to be entered by the Clerk on the Minutes — which was accordingly done. Soon after, Nathaniel Camp the Father of said William Camp, seconded by others, objected to the above Election and proposed William Camp and Bethuel Pierson Candidates for a new Election ; and that the same should be determined by poling or going down in the Street, and scpe- rating and counting the Votes for the different Candidates — Avhich was waved by the Moderator as the former Election ap- peared perfectly clear and conclusive, but on the matter's being insisted upon ordered that the remaining Business of the Meeting should be first gone through, and that then any reasonable Objec- tions against the above of the Freeholders should be lieard — Avhich being done, the above Proposal of going down into the Street was again moved for — but the afs'd majority who had voted for the s'd Mess'rs Longworth and Ogden, conceiving any Election set aside the fii'st (so clearly determined) would intro- duce the greatest Confusion in Town Meetings, as there would be no end to electing so long as any one Person remained dis- satisfied and had any other Candidate to propose, and therefore, they conceiving the Business of the ^Nfeeting to be finished de- parted. However, great ))art of the remaining Inhabitants went into the Street, and the jNlajority of the said remaining Inhabi- tants voted that s'd William Camp and Bethuel l^ierson should be Freeholders. N. B. The first Court of (Quarter Sessions determined that s'd 152 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1770' Longwortli and Ogden should serve as Freeholders for the en- suing Year. At a Town Meeting, held August 30th, 1769 — According to Order of the Justices, on account of the Death of John Camp the late Town Collector — Tlie Town met and chose James Banks Esq'r, Moderator. Elijah Crane, Town Collector, to act for the remainder of this Year. At a puhlick Town Meeting, held the 13th Day of March., TZVO — the following Persons were chosen Officers for the ensuing- Year — Joseph Riggs, Sen'r, Moderator. Caleb Camp, Town Clerk. John Dod, Assessor. Elijah Crane, Collector, and Clerk for the Strays. Jonathan Sayre and Joseph Ailing, Surveyors of the Highways. Nathaniel Camp and Abraham Ogden, Free- holders. Samuel Huntington, Caleb Camp, Ezekiel Bal],Ichabod Harrison and Theunis Jerolman, Overseers of the Poor. Over- seers of the Highways are as follows — Sam'l Huntington, Sen'r, Joseph Hedden, Sen'r, Recompense Crowell, Peter Garrabrant, Jacob Spier, Ichabod Harrison, Jabez Baldwin, Daniel Dean, David Morehouse, Capt. Garrabrant Garrabrants, Josepli Bruen, Moses Roberts, Solomon Davis Andrew McMyers, Manning Force, WiUiam Ely, Sen'r, Thomas Williams, Jun'r, Nath'l Beech, Josejjh Williams, Dan'l Riggs, Zebina Ward, Daniel Mil- ler, Simeon Van Winkle, Samuel Cundit, Abel Freeman, Hel- megh Jerolman, and Jedediah Lindsly. Put to Vote, whether the Fines and the Strays should be given to the Farmer of the Poor or not — it was carried in the negative. The Poor was set up to be farmed out for the ensuing Year, and tliey was bid of to be kept by Caleb Camp, at £151, Light Money. Money to be raised for the Poor, £1C0. At a Town Meeting, held the 12th Day of March, 1771, the following Officers were chosen for the ensuing Year — William Camp, JNIoderator. Caleb Camp, Town Clerk. John Dod, As- sessor. Obadiah Bruen, Collectoi', and Clerk of the Strays. David Cnndit and Caleb Cam]), Freeholders. Stephen Harrison, Thomas Williams, Surveyors of the Highways. Samuel Hunting- ton, Caleb Camp, Ezekiel Ball, Ichabod Harrison and Theunis Jerolman, Overseers of the Poor. Overseers of the Highway as follows— William Camp, Uzal Ward, Matthias Lyon, Ezekiel Ball, David Brown, Jedediah Crane, Obadiah Hedden, Silas Baldwin, Dan'l Williams, Josepli ILarrison, Sen'r, John Kiiigsland, AJjra- liam Winer, Epliraim Cump, ]Ienry Earle, Abr'm Rikcr, John Edwards, George Parsonet, Daniel Taylor, Matthew Cundit, Moses Osborn, David Baldwin, Sam'l Dod, Jun'r, George Wells, James Segler, Dan'l Cundit, Sen'r, Samuel Pierson. John Cocke- fiiir, Epaphras Cook, Joseph Hedden, Sen'r, 1772.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 153 Proposed wliether the Poor be farmed out as in former Years — it was carried in the affii-inative, and was accordingly farm'd out to Bethuel Pierson, he being the lowest Bidder at £148 lOs, — Light Money — and is to provide and do for them and for the Town, agreeable to the ])irection of the Year 1769. It was'further agreed and voted, that as there is a Dispute between the Township of Newark and the Township of Eliza- beth, about the Residence of Thomas King and Wife, and I'atience Jennings and her children, that none of s'd Persons shall be chargeable this Year 1771 to said Bethuel Pierson. Voted, that upon a Letter from Edward Thomas, Overseer of the Poor for the Township of Elizabeth, proposing for the Town- ship of Newark to keep Thomas King and his wife and pay their own Costs hitherto accrued, and the Township of Elizabeth should keep Patience Jennings and her three Children and pay their own Costs hitherto accrued, being read — that the Overseers of the Poor, this Day chosen, be a Committee for the further Management of this Cause, and that they answer Mr. Thomas's Letter and proceed in the Matter as they shall think most for the advantage of the Township of Newark — and that they also ajv prove the Steps taken by the Overseers the last Year, in their Proceeding in their Causes. Voted, that there be £200 Light Money raised for the Use of the Poor for the Year 1771 — Fines and Strays and Tavern Rates included. Voted, that any Cattle that shall be found trespassing in the Salt Meadows shall be pounded by the Person who shall find them trespassing, and that the Poundage shall be one Shilling p. Head — and the Person who shall pound them shall receive it of the owner of s'd ('attle — and that John Crane be Pound keeper at .3d. p. Head. Put to vote, whether every Man may have a Court Yard before his House of Ten feet wide — it carried in the negative. At a publick Meetini;, held at the Court House in and for the Town of Newark on the 10th Day of 3Iarch^ 17 72 — the follow- ing Officers were chosen for theYear ensuing — The hon'ble David Ogden, Esq., Moderator. Isaac Longworth, Town Clerk. John Dod, Assessor. Obadiah Bruen, Collector, and Clerk for Strays, David Cundit and Isaac Ogden, Esqr., Freeholders. Joseph Hedden, Jun'r, and James Banks, Surveyors of the Highways. Samuel Huntington, Caleb Camp, Ezekiel Ball, Ichabod Harrison and AVilliam King, Overseers of the Poor. "'.Villiam Camp, Isaacs Longworth, Nathaniel Johnson, Isaac Crane, .Joseph Baldwin, Samuel Hayes, Henry S([uire, Sanauel Billard, George Parsonet, David Crane, Josiah Quinby, .Jonathan Wade, John Jones, Zachariah Burwell, Nath'l Ogden, Daniel Cundit, Thos. Could, 20 154 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1778. .Tames Raymond, Caleb Harrison, -John Range, Samuel Cundit, •Tun'r, Daniel Dod, Derick Mowrson, Joseph Meeker, Peter Jacobusen, John Kingsland, William Dow, Esqr,, Obadiah Hed- den, Overseers of the Highways. By virtue of an Order from David Ogden, Esq., Dated Ap'l 22nd, 1'772, and sent p. Ezekiel Ball — this Day I make the entry of the underwritten — Charles Gillam, Overseer of the Plighway. The Poor was taken by Bethuel Pierson for the ensuing Year, for £157, Light Money. It was voted to raise £180 Proclamation, for the support of the Poor. It was voted, that any Cattle that shall be trespassing on the Salt or fresh Meadows (not belonging to the owner of the Cattle) shall be subject to be pounded — and any Person that shall pound any Cattle (trespassing as above) shall be entitled to one Shilling a Head for each. At a publick Town Meeting held at the Court house in New- ark on the 9th Day of 3farch, 1773 — the following Officers were chosen for the ensuing Year, (viz) : The Hon'ble David Ogden, Esqr., Moderator. Isaac Longworth, Town Clerk. John Dod, Assessor. Obadiah Bruen, Collector, and Clerk of Strays. Isaac Ogden, Esqr., and David Cundit, Freeholders. Samuel Pierson, Jun'r, and Benjamin Williams, Jun'r, Surveyors of Highways. Daniel Cundit, Caleb Camp, Samuel Penington, Ezekiel Ball and William King, Overseers of the Poor. Isaac Ogden and Sylvanus Baldwin, Constables. Voted unanimously, that a Committee should be chosen to take Care of the Priviledgcs of the Town, and agreeable thereto, Isaac Ogden, Esqr., William Camp, John Peck and Moses Baldwin, were chosen to take Care of the Priviledges of the Town, espe- cially the Watering Place near Capt. Joseph Riggs's, and to make Report thereof at the next Town Meeting. William Camp, Joseph Ailing, Caleb Camp, Nathan Baldwin, Matthias Winants, Manning Force, Williams Cook, Daniel Van Seluf, Alexander Vance, Josiah Quimby, Ichabod Harrison, John Range, Amos Dod, Thomas Gould, Reuben Harrison, Benjamin Baldwin, Wil- liam Dow, Esqr , John Kingsland, Timothy Freeman, John Crane, Jun'r, Obadiah Hedden, .Tonathan Williams, Helmegh Jerolman, .Jonathan Cundit, Thomas Seagler, and Zenas Pierson, Overseers of the Highways. Voted to iarm out the Poor. Also voted, that the IVIoney arising from Fines and Strays in the Year 1773 shall be paid to the Person that takes the Poor the above Year, The Poor was taken by Caleb Wheeler for the Year 1773, at £107, Light Money. Voted to raise £110 proclamation, for the Poor for the Year 1773. The vote concerning jjounding, j^ast in the Year 1772, is again voted for the Year 1773. Thomas Saffen is chosen Pounder for the ensuing Year, and to have 4d. a Head for his Service. 177-t.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 155 At a Publick Town MEETiN(i, held at the Court House in Newark on the 8th Day of March, 1774 — tlie following Officers were chosen for tlio Year ensuing, (viz) : Isaac Ogden, Esqr., Moderator. Isaac Longworth, Town Clerk. Voted, that the Town Clerk shall be exempted from working on the Highways for the ensuing Year. John Dod, Assessor. Obadiah Bruen, Collector, and Clerk of Strays. Isaac Longworth and David Cundit, Freeholders. Joseph lledden, Juu'r, and Jonathan Sayre, Surveyors of Highways. Samuel Huntington, Caleb Camp, Daniel Cundit and William King, Overseers of the Poor. Isaac Cundit and Isaac Ogden, Constables. Isaac Ogden, Esqr., William Camp, John Peck, and Moses Baldwin, to take Care of the Priviledges of the Town. Capt. Anthony Rutgers, John Ailing, Paul Beech, Capt. Eliphalet Johnson, Job Camp, Amos Dod, John Range, John Kingsland, Sam'l Ogden, Aaron Ward, John Francisco, Thomas Gould, Ezekiel Ball, Jotham Harrison, Thos. Williams, Juu'r, Joseph Tompkins, Juu'r, Enos Baldwin, John Piersou, Daniel Dean, David Morris, Samuel Pierson, Henry Wade, Gar- ret Spier, Richard Harrison, Juu'r, Obadiah lledden, John De- vesne, John Browne, Joseph Browne, William Dow, Esqr., Ger- shoni Ivilburn, and Isaac Cundit, Overseers of the Highways. Voted to farm out the Poor, and that on the following Condi- tions — 1st, That John Ogden and Amos Harrison, Esqrs., with Samuel Huntington and Caleb Camp, or any three of them, be a Committee to inspect the Poor on the first Monday in every Month, and to see that they are well provided with Cloaths and Provisions and otherways well taken Care of — and that the Poor shall be now inspected and shall be well cloathed, and so delivered to the Person that shall hire them, and at the Expiration of the Year the s'd Person shall deliver them up as well cloathed as he receives them — and if he should refuse or neglect to do it, then the Inspectors shall cloath them and deduct the Expeuce thereof out of the Monies that are to be paid Him for the Support of the Poor. 2ndly, That the Poor Children shall be constantly sent to School at the expence of the Person that takes them. 3rdly, That if the Poor shall chusc to go to a Place of publick Worshij), the Person that farrns the Poor shall procure Carriages for them to go there — if they live at a Distance from a Place of publick Worship. The Poor was taken by Joseph Riggs, Esqr., for tlie Year 1774, for Ninety Nine Pounds and five Shillings Light Money — and he is to have the Benefit of the Fines and Strays. Voted, to raise £120 proc'n for the Poor for the Year 1774. Voted, that a School house may be built on any of the Comon Land in Newark — and the particular Place shall be Avhcre a major Part of the Subscribers in Value shall appoint. Thomas Saffen is chosen Pounder. 156 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1776. At a Publick Town Meeting, (agreeable to warning given as directed by an Act of Assembly) held at the Conrt House in Newark the 6th Day of June, 111 i — in Order to chuse a Col- lector for the Town of Newark, in the Stead of Obadiah Bruen, dec'd. Isaac Ogden, Esqr., was chosen Moderator. John Ogden, Esqi'., was chosen Collector. Voted, that a Pound may be built on the Watering Place near Capt. Joseph Riggs's, and that untill the Dispute concerning the Watering Place is decided between the Town and Capt. Riggs, a Pound may be built adjoining the East Corner of Ehhu Crane's Lott, near his House- Samuel Huntington, Robert Nichols, and Joseph Mun, were chosen to treat with Capt. Riggs concerning the disputed Lands at the Watering Place, and nominate Men to settle the Dispute between the Town and Mr. Riggs. At a Publick Towx Meeting held at the Court House in Newark on the 14th Day of Ifarch, 1775 — the following Offi- cers were chosen, (viz) : Isaac Ogden Esq'r, Moderator. Isaac Longworth, Town Clerk — and to be exempt from Work on the Highway for his Services. John Dod, Assessor. John Ogden Esq'r, Collector, and Clerk of Strays. David Cundit and William Camp, Freeholders. Samuel Huntington, Solomon Davis, John Peck, William King and Enos Baldwin, Overseers of the Poor. Isaac Cundit and Isaac Ogden, Constables. Timothy Cundit and Joseph Tompkins Jun'r, Surveyors of the Highways. William Camp, Jonathan Sayre, Benj'n Coe, Jun'r, Sam'l Curry, John Ogden Jun'r, Jerod Harrison, Josiah Quinby, Dan'l Taylor, Elijah Squire, John Pierson, Stephen Williams, Lewis IMiller, AlDraham Garrabrant, Isaac Dod, Caleb Harrison, Aaron Dod, John Range, Thomas Gould, Timothy Bruen, Jun'r, Walling Egberts, Hen- drick Brown, Joseph Kiugsland, Helmegh Jerolman, John Kings- land, Casparus Van Winkle, Caleb Camp, Eliphalet Johnson, Ezekiel Ball, Maning Force, David Morehouse, David Little, Joseph Meeker, Recompense Crowell, James Smith, Jun'r, Be- thuel Pierson, Jonathan Cundit, Reuben Hai-rison, Daniel Cundit, and Ephraim ]Morris, Overseers of the Highways, Voted to farm out the Poor. Voted, that Joel Osborn's oldest Son be put out by the Overseers of the Poor. Also, that one of Joel Osborn's Daughters shall be put to Capt. Ehphalet Johnson, at the Discretion of the Overseers of the Poor. Voted, that Joseph Hedden Jun'r may build a boat on the Town Wharf Voted, the Farmer of the Poor shall not be at any Charge with Elizabeth Godden's Child. Voted, the Monies arising for Fines and Strays, sliall be Paid to the Farmer of the Poor this Year. Henry Squier took the Poor for One Year, for which he is to have £93 17s. — Light Money. Voted unanimously, that One Acre and an lialf of Land in the 1776.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 167 Town Commons at the North End of the Town, may be taken up for the Use of the new Academy lately erected on s'd Land. Voted, that LcAvis Oc^den Esq'r, William Camp, Isaac Ogden Esq., Capt. Anthony Rutgers, Joseph Hedden Jun'r, Samuel Hayes, and Joseph Ailing, or any four of them be a Committee to lay out one Acre and an half of Land, for the Use of the Academy in such Manner as they shall think proper. Voted, to burn the Meadows on the 28th Day of March. Caleb Wheeler, Paul Beech, andBenj'n Coe Jun'r,were chosen Sheep Masters. Voted, to raise Ten Poimds proclamation, to be paid to Joseph Hedden Jun'r for which he agrees to purchase a Bound Book in folio not less than 5 Quire, and to "• transcribe the Old Town Book into the new one" in a legible fair hand. Voted, the Town will indemnify Samuel Curry, in the Posses- sion of liis Tan Yard, and that WiUiam Camp, Eliphalet Johnson and Thomas Candfield be a Committee to give Sam'l Curry a Lease. Thomas Saften is chosen Pound keeper, and to have 4d. proclamation p. Head, Poundage. At a Publick Towx Meeti]S"g held at the Court House in Newark on the 12th Day of March^ 1776 — the following Officers Avere Chose — Isaac Ogden Esq'r, ^Moderator. Isaac Longworth, Town Clerk. Voted, that the Town Clerk draw an Order on the Town Col lector. To pay Joseph Hedden Jun'r Ten pound proclamation, for Coppyiug the Old Town Book. John Dod, Assessor. John Ogden Esq'r, Collector, and Clerk of Strays. David Cundit, and Jonathan Sayrs, Freeholders. Paul Beech and Jonathan Crane, Surveyors. Samuel Hunting- ton, Solomon Davis, John Peck, William King and Enos Bald- win, Overseers of the Poor. Isaac Ogden and Isaac Cundit, Constables. Hendrick I. Browne, Christopher Stymats, John Range, Lewis Crane, Thomas Gould, Stephen Williams, Matthias Ross, Dan'l Cundit, Michael D. Vreland, Lewis Baldwin, Thomas Griffith, Peter Beach, Ephraim Camp, Zenas Pierson, John Ed- wards, Effingham Townly, Matthew Cundit, Samuel Pierson, Jeptha Baldwin, Uzal Ball, Jediah Freeman, Benjamin Baldwin, Joseph Brewin, Moses Baldwin, David Browne, Caleb Harrison, Daniel Dod, ]\[athias Lyon, David Little, Isaac Denman, Joseph Baldwin, Nath'l Andruss, Ebenezer Ward, Caleb Sayrs, John King, Gerrit Spier, And Abram Garrabrant, Overseers of y" High Ways. Voted to burn y"' Medow ISText Saturday. Sam'l Currey, pound keeper, to have One Shilling p, head for Horses and Cattle and 2d. per head for Sheep. Voted to Farm out the Poor, Also to put out y* Widow lled- dens Oldest boy. 158 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1778. Voted the Fines and Strays Shall go to the Farmer of the poor. Amos Freeman Took the poor at £101 10s. Od. Light Money, Voted to raise £110 Os. Od. prock. for the use of the poor. Jonathan Lyon, Thomas Canfield, Samuel Hays, Sam'l Pening- ton, Josiah Hornblower, Isaac Ogden Esq'r, Daniel Cundit, Lewis Ogden Esq'r, Benjamin Williams, Joseph Munn, Joseph Tomp- kins .Jr., Nath'l Camp, John Range, Israel Crane, Capt. Leslie, Jos, Hedden Ju'r, Matthias Ward, Elijah Squire, Manning Force and David Cundit and Jonathan Sayrs be A Committee. Voted 1 1 makes A Quorum. Mr. Joseph Riggs having Applied to the Town Meeting, to Leave the Dispute Subsisting Between this Town and Himself to Arbitration, The Town Agreed to the Same on this Condition, to Witt : that in Case the said Dispute Should be Determined in Mr. Rigg's Favor, that then he Will Convey the Land Agreed to be Convey'd by A former Contract made with Mr, Currey, Agreeable to the Said Contract, And for the Sum therin Speci- fied, and that the Costs of S'd Arbitration Shall go with the Event of the Suit, Unless the S'd Arbitrators Should find part of the Land in Said Currey's Possession to Belong to Mr, Riggs And Other Part to the Town ; in which Case the S'd Arbitrators are to Order the Costs to be jiaid by Which Party they think proper : to which Conditions the S'd Mr, Riggs Agreed, The Town then Appointed the Following persons, to Witt : William Camp, Eliphelet Johnson, and Caleb Camp as a Committee to Enter into Arbitration Bonds with Mr, Riggs, and to Chuse the Arbitrators. At a Town Meeting, held at the Court house in Newark the lOth Marcli^ 1778, the following Officers were Chosen, Joseph Riggs, Esqr., Moderator, Aaron Ogden, Clerk. Ebenezer Bald- win, Bethuel Pierson, Freeholders, John . , . Assessor. Nath'l Farrand, Collector, and Clerk of Strays, Enos Baldwin, Samuel Huntington, Sen'r, Josiah Quimby, John Garrabrant, Over-Seers of the Poor, Joseph Ailing, David Crane, Surveyors, Caleb Camp, Josiah Hornblower, Joseph Riggs, Commissioners of Ap- peals. Sylvenus Baldwin, John Tichenor, Nathaniel Andross, Joseph Crane, -Toseph Meeker, Manning Force, William Baldwin, John Morris, William King, Constables. Voted, That the poor be Taken Care of by the Overseers of the poor. No poor money to be raised this Year. Voted, That all Cattle, Horses, Hogs, Sheep, or Geese, found Running at Large are subject to be pounded, unless they have a Keeper — poundage 3s. p. head. At an annual Town Meeting, held at Newark the Ninth day MarcJi, 1779, the following Officers were Chosen, Joseph Riggs, Esq., Moderator, Aaron Ogden, Clerk, John Dod, Assessor. 1781.1 RECORDS OF NEWARK. 169 Natlianiel Farrantl, Collector, and Clerk of Strays. Ebenezar Baldwin, Betbuel Pierson, Freeholders. Caleb Wheeler, Sen'r, Josiah Quimby, Enos Baldwin, Garrabrant Garrabrant, Overseers of the Poor. Abraham Ogden, Stephen Harrison, Jun'r, Sur- veyors. Caleb Wheeler, Sen'r, Joseph Riggs, and Josiah Horn- blower, Commissioners of Appeals. Edward Fleming, John Ward, Nathaniel Camp, Jun'r, Timothy Andross, Jeremiah i\Iar- tin, John Dovosne, Benjamin Williams, Jonathan Iledden, Con- stables. David Crane, pound Master. Voted, that the poor be Taken Care of by the Overseers of the poor. Voted, That Eight Hundred pounds be Raised for the Poor. Voted, That the Meadows shall not be burn'd untill the 1st April. Voted, that Justice Cundit Take The Town Charter into his Charge, untill Called for By Proper Authority. Voted, that all Horses and Cattle, found on the Salt MeadoAVsnotthe proper- ty of the Owners of the Cattle, shall pay a fine of IDs. and he subject to poundage. Voted, that the Reverend Alex'r McWhorter, Mr. Chapman, Josiah Hornblower, Joseph Riggs, and Lewis Ogden, be a Com- mittee, to give such instructions to our Legislatures in this Coun- ty from time to time as Occasion may require. The Proceedings of Town Meeting for 1780 is Lost. At a Towisr Meeting, held at Newark the 13th March, 1V8], The following Officers were chosen — .Joseph Riggs, Esqr., Mod- erator. Aaron Ogden, Tow^n Clerk. .John Dod, Assessor. Na- thaniel Farrand, Collector, and Clerk of Strays. Caleb Wheeler, William Dow, Esqr., Joseph Baldwin, Elijah Squire, Assistants to the Assessor. .Joseph Ailing, Thomas Williams, Freeholders, Daniel Cundit, Isaac Dod, Benjamin Coe, Jun'r, Commissioners of Appeals. Josejih Thomkins and Zebulun Jones, Surveyors. Jose^jh Baldwin, Garribrant Garrabrant, Josiah Quimby and Joseph Harrison, Overseers of the poor. Sylvenus Baldwin, Josiah Quimby, Joseph Canfield, Nathaniel Taylor, Jacob Ward, Sam'l Cocker, .John Devosne and Josiah Taylor, Constables. Robert Johnson, Josepli Lyon, Joseph Riggs, Isaac Reves, and William Dow, were Chosen to give such Instructions to Our Legislature from time to time as Occasion may require. Voted, that Two hundred and fifty pounds be Raised for the poor. At an Annual Towx Meeting, held at the Court house in Newark the 12th March, 1782, the following Officers Avere Chosen, Doc'r William Burnet, Moderator. Aaron Ogden, Town Clerk, John Dod, Assessor, Nathaniel Farrand, Collector, and Clerk of Strays. Caleb Wheelar, Jun'r, William Dow, Elijah Squire and Lewis Baldwin, Assistants to the Assessor. jNfatthias 160 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1784 Ward and Stephen Harrison, Freeholders. Josiah Pierson, Josepli Baldwin, and Joseph Riggs, Commissioners of Appeals. Benja- min Coe, Jun'r, Jose])!! Harrison, Joseph Riggs, and Garribrant Garribrant, Overseers of the poor. Sylvenus Baldwin, Martin Hill, Josiah Quimby, Obed Denham, James Farrand, Jabez Wil- liams, Samuel Ratan and Thomas pool. Constables. Robert Johnson and Benjamin Jnn'r, Surveyors. Voted, that a Lawsuit be Commenced against the Widow Davis on acc't of Wessells. Voted, that the said Wessells Remain in the hands of the Overseers of the poor, untill the suit is Determined, Voted, that the poor be farmed out and that the Farmer be al- lowed all the fines on Strays, and one hundred pounds proc. p. Year. Voted, that Two Hundred be Raised for the poor this Year. Natha'l Andross, Pound Master. At an annual Towx Meeting, Held at the Court l^ouse in Newark the 11th March^ 1783, The following Officers were Chosen. Caleb Camp, Moderator. Aaron Ogden, Town Clerk. John Dodd, Assessor. Nathaniel Farrand, Collector, and Clerk of Strays. Caleb Wheeler, Jun'r, .Joseph 13aldwin, William Dow and Elijah Squire, be Assistants to the Assessor. Stephen Jar- rison and Matthias Ward, Freeholders. Josiah Pierson, John Ogden, Jun'r, Thomas Williams, Commissioners of Appeals. Zebulon Jones and Joseph Tomkins, Surveyors. Benjamin Coe, Jun'r, Rynear Brown, Josiah Quimby, and Joseph Harrison, Overseers of the Poor. Sylvenus Baldwin, Obadiah Bruen, John Tichenor, Jacob Brookfield, Josiah Quimby, Stephen Fordham, Benjamin Lyon, Henry Ratan and William King, Constables. Voted, that three hundred and fifty pounds be Raised for the use of the poor the ensuing Year, David Banks, Esqr., Pound Master. At an Annual Towx Meeting, held at Newark the 9th March, 1784, the following Officers were Chosen for the ensuing Year — Caleb Camp, Moderator, Aaron Ogden, Town Clerk. John Dod, Assessor, Abial Canfield, Collector, and Clerk of Strays. Doct'r Wm, Burnit, Jun'r, Isaac Munn, William Dow, Elijah Squire, Assistants to the Assessor. Caleb Camp, Doc'r John Cundit, and Israel Iledden, Commissioners of Appeals. Joseph Banks and Luther Baldwin, Surveyors. Benjamin Coe, Jun'r, Stephen Harrison, Rynear Brown and Joseph Harrison, Overseers of the Poor. Sylvenus Baldwhi, Alexander Eagles, John Tichenor, Jabez Baldwin, Stephen Fordom, Thomas Tison, Timothy Ward, and l^enjamin Lyon, Constables. ^ Robert Nichols and Stephen Harrison, Freeholders. 1786.] KECOKDS OF NEWAKK. 1(31 Voted, that the poor be farmed out. Voted, that to Prevent Disputes, if any Person or Persons of the poor sliall be adjudged by the Justices To be Removed for Non Residence, that the Exjjence shall fall on the Town and not on the fiirmer. Voted, That Two hundred and fifty poiTnds be Raised the en- suing Year, for the Support of the poor. Benjamin Coe, Farmer of the Poor at One hundred and Ninety Six pounds proc. Ptoses Combs, Pound master. At an Annual Towx Mektixg, Held at Newark the Eiglilh day Marc/i^ 1785, the following Officers were Chosen for the ensuing Year — Caleb Camp, Moderator. Aaron Ogden, Town Clerk. Samuel Curry, Collector and Clerk of Strays. John Dod, Assessor. Caleb Camp, Doc'r Cundit, Israel Iledden, Com- missioners of Appeals. Abial Canfield and John Lindley, Free- holders. Daniel Williams and Amos Harrison, Surveyors. Wil- liam King, Isaac Ailing, .Josiah Quhnby, Enos Baldwin and Rubin Harrison, Overseers of the poor. Sylvenus Baldwin, John Gif- ford, John Tichenor, Josiah Quimby, Stephen Fordom, Gerrit Hogwert, Isaac Force and Daniel Harrison, Constables. Voted, that to Prevent Disputes if any Person or Persons of the Poor shall be Adjudged by the Justices to be Remov'd for Non Residence, that the expence shall fall on the Town and not on the Farmer of the poor. Voted, that the \iooY be Farmed out. Voted, That Two hundred pounds be Raised the ensuing year, for the support of the Poor. Amos Freeman, Farmer of the Poor at One Hundred and thirty nine pounds Ten Shillings. Voted, that Moses Combs be pound Master. Voted, that John Brown be pound Master at Second River. At an annual Town Meeting held at the Court house m New- ark the 14th day of J/arcA, 1780, The following Officers were Chosen for the ensuing Year — Caleb Camp, Esqr., Moderator. John Burnet, Town Clerk, and Clerk of Strays. John Dod, Assessor. Silvanus Baldwin, Collector. Samuel Hayes, Amos Harrison and Wm. Dow, Commissioners of Appeal. Abiel Can- field and John Lindsley, Freeholders. George Ogilvee and Joseph Banks, Surveyors of the High Way. Isaac Ailing, Josiah Quimby, Enos Baldwin, Reubin Harrison and William King, Overseers of the Poor. Silvanus Baldwin, Alex'r Eagles, Josiah Quimby, Daniel Harrison, Ebenezer Dod and Aaron Tom])kins, Constables. David Sayr,s, Israel Iledden, Benj'n Coe, Jun'r, Isaac Ailing, John Crane, Caleb Wheeler, Calel) Parkhurst, Eleazer Iledden, Josiah Tichenor, Capt. Amos Dod, John Tucker, 21 162 KECOKUS OF NEWARK, [1786. William Ely, Jacob Deen, George Harrison, Natlianiel Taylor, Eleazer Ogden, Thomas Baldwin, Asher Brown, Thomas Corey, Benj'n Meeker, Samuel Muchmore, James Jacobus, Isaac Tiche- nor, John Duren [Durand], Joseph Pierson, Matth's Lyon, Jacob H. Vreelandt, James Speer, Ilendrick B. Brown, John Van Win- ckle, Elias Speer, Jacob Brookfield, Wm. Gonld, John Man, John Meeker, William Stockman, Obadiah Iledden, Samuel Pierson, Daniel Taylor, Doct'r John Condict, Samuel Perry, Thomas Williams, William Corbit, John Vreelandt, Stephen Crane, Joshua Ward, and Samuel Miller, Overseers of the Higli Way. And then the following Votes were taken — 1st. That the Pound be removed to the place where it formerly was, adjoining the School House in the middle of the Town. 2d. That Wm. Grant be keeper of the Pound, and John Brown for Second River. od. That Is. p. Head be paid for all Cattle that shall be Pound- ed, 8d. to the Person who shall drive them to the Pound, and 4d. to the Keeper of the Pound. 4th. That if any Cattle shall be privately taken out of the Pound, the owners of them shall notwithstanding pay the Pound- age. 5th. That the Poor be farmed out for the ensuing Year. 6th. That Obadiah Tompkins be farmed out, seperately from the rest of the Poor. 7th. That the Poor be farmed out untill the first Monday in May 1787. Josej^h Lyon agreed to keep Obadiah Thompkins tor 5s. proc. p. Week, and it was agreed to give him 5s. proc. p. week for keeping him, from the Brst day of April 178G to the first Monday in May 1787. William Stockman agreed to keep all the Poor of the Town- ship of Newark, besides the s'd Obadiah Thompkins, from the iirst Day of April 1786 to the first Monday in May 1787, which it was agreed to give him One Hundred and Seventy Nine Pounds, Proc. 8. That Two Hundred Pounds be raised for the use of the Poor tlic ensuing Year. 9. That there shall be a large Swinging Gate on the Road that leads to the Salt Meadow, below and near the Hand that points to the Ferry, and that all Cattle which shall be found without a Keeper below the Gate shall be liable to be Pounded. 10. That any Gentlemen have leave to build an House for a Public Market, in the ]3road Street. The following was read and unanimously agreed to — It is taken for granted, that the Issuing of Paper Money upon Loan would be of great advantage to this State, Especially to tlie eastern Division of it and a Bill for this Purpose has passed the 1787.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 103 irotise of Assembly, whicli is now before the Council for their Concurrence : but it is said, tliat it is not like to pass in its present Form. Wo shall therefore be deprived of the Advantage of a Paper Currency, unless a Compromise should take place. And a Compromise lias been proposed in the Council or l)e- tween the Council and Assembly, which is this — That the Holders of Certiticates should be entitled to borrow the Money upon their Public Securities, in the same manner as Land-Holders will be Entitled to borrow ^Nloney upon their Lands, or that a certain Proportion of the Money should be ap- propriated to the payment of the Interest of Certificates, and thus all the Inhabitants of the State will have an Equal Cliance of being benefited by the Money. It is well known that the Part of the State where the Army lay, hold more Certificates than the Western Division do, and therefore it is supposed, that if a Measure of this Kind Should be adopted, it would be of peculiar advantage to the Inhabitants of this and the adjacent Counties, Avho performed more services and afforded more supplies for the Army of the L^nited States, than all State besides, and therefore it is probable that they have more Certificates. Some of our Representatives request that their Constituents would instruct them upon this Head, that they may know how to conduct themselves in this Business, as they look upon it a matter of great Importance in which the County is deeply interested. It is therefore proposed and requested, that the following Vote be put — Whether in the present situation of Affairs, this Town Meet- ing approves of our Representatives in Council and Assembly consenting, that a Law should pass Entitling the Original Holders of Public Securities to borrow the Money to be Emitted upon Loan, they giving their Certificates for Securities in the same manner as Land Holders shall be Entitled to borrow money by moi'tgaging their Lands. At the Annual Town JNIeetixc; held at the Court House in Newark the 23d Day of April 1787, The following Ofllcers Avere Chosen for the ensuing Year — Caleb Camp Esq'r, Moderator. John Burnet, Town Clerk and Clerk of Strays. John Dod Jun'r, Assessor. Silvanus Baldwin, Collector. Israel Hedden, William Dow and Amos Harrison, Commissioners of Appeals. Abial Camfield and John Lindsly, Freeholders. Aaron Harrison and John Crane, Surveyors of the Highways. Xath'l Beach, Josiah Quimby, William King, Enos Baldwin, and Robert Gould, Overseers of the Poor. Silvanus Baldwin, Alexander Eagles, Josiah Quimby, Nath'l Condict, Eleazer Dod, John Ogden of S wines field, Nath'l Taylor and 164 RECORDS OF NEWARK-. [1788. David D. C/rane, Constables. Daniel Johnson, Nathan Baldwin, Beuj'n Williams, Nathaniel Taylor, John Durand, William Corby, Richard Harrison, Zenas Pierson, John Tichenor Jun'r, Jotham Harrison, Josepli Pierson Jun'r, Joseph Davis, Simeon Baldwin, John Vreeland, Thomas Force, Jun'r, Daniel Williams, Col. J. Cummings, Samuel Curry, Israel Hedden, Elijah Hedden, Caleb Wheeler, Jun'r, Simon Hedden, Samuel Hays, Jesse Robards, Abial Hays, Eleazer Dod, David Earl, Eleazer Hedden, Sam'l Farrand, Stephen Crane, Adonijah Dod, Henry Speer, Joel Con- diet, Daniel Woodrufl", Daniel Zeluft', Corey Meeker, Samuel Muchmore, Stephen Lyon, Thomas Gould, Jacob Brookfield, Joshua Ward, William Kingsland, William Burnet, Jun'r, Isaac Rowleson, Thomas Seglar, Francis Speer, Daniel Tuers, John Jordon, and Moses Baldwin, Overseers of the High way. And then the following Votes Avere taken — 1st. That the Pound be removed near Mr. Samuel Curry's Barkhouse. 2nd. That David D. Crane be keeper of s'd Pound, and John Brown for Second River. 3rd. That Is. p. Head be paid for all Cattle that shall be Pounded, 8d. to the Person who shall drive them, and 4d. to the Keeper of the Pound. 4th. That if any Cattle shall be taken Privately out of the Pound, the owners of them shall notwithstanding pay the Poundage. 5th. That the Poor be farmed out the ensuing Year. 6th. That the Overseers send the Poor Children to School, at the expence of the Town. 1t\\. That the fines and Strays go to the Town the ensuing Year. Zenas Piei'son agreed to keep all the Poor of the Township of Newark, from the first Monday in May, 1787, till the first Mon- day in 1788, for Avhich it was agreed to give liim Two Hun- dred Pounds, proc. 8th. That Silvanus Baldwin be Town Constable, for the ensuing year. 9th. That Two hundred &; Twenty-five Pounds be raised for the use of the Poor, the ensuing year. 1 0th. That all Cattle found in the road below the Gates in the Neck, without a keeper, shall be liable to Poundage. At an annual Tow'x Meeting, held at the Court house in Newark the 28th Day of April, 1788, The following Ofticers were Chosen for the ensuing year — Caleb Camp, Moderator. John Burnet, Town Clerk, and Clerk of Strays. John Dod, Jun'i-, Assessor. Silvanus Baldwin, Collector. Israel Hedden, Wm. Dow and Amos Harrison, Commissioners of A]>peals. 1788.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. l65 Abiel Caufiekl and Jolin Lindsley, Frcclioklers. John N. Cum- ■ ming and Abra'm Spear, Surveyors of tlio Highway. Wm. King, Alex'r Eagles, Josiah Quimby, Robert Gould, and David Little, Overseers of the l*oor. David D. Crane, Silvanus Baldwin, Alex'r Eagles, Nath'l Condit, Josiah Quimby, Isaac Force, and Ebenezcr Dod, Constables. David D. Crane, Town Constable. Dan'l Johnson, Sam'l Huntington, Moses Tichenor, Stephen Crane, Jun'r, John N. Cuniming, Ebenezcr Ward, Jeremiah Bruen, James Thompson, Joseph Woodruff, John Sandford, Joseph Gould, Helmeck Sipp, Sam'l Pierson, Zadock Baldwin, Nath'l Lindsley, ])an'l Taylor, Amos Condict, Nath'l S({uire, Jedidiah Lindsley, John Wright, Wm. Burnet, Jun'r, Sam'l J. Ward, Jonathan Hedden, Branard Dickerson, Wm. Bond, Elijah Lyon, Isaac Gillom, Thomas Baldwin, Obadiali Crane, Norris Baker, John Davis, Benj'n Reave, John Peck, Henry Kent, Isaac Van Geson, Jacob Vreelandt, Abr'm IMowerson, Timothy Bruen, Wm. Stockman, Joseph Crane, Joseph Ball, Caleb Johnson, Henry Rutan, Elias Osburn and Anthony King. Total (45). And then the following Votes were taken — 1st. That David D. Crane be Keeper of the Pound, and John Brown for Second River. 2nd. That Is. p. head be paid for all Cattle that shall be pounded, 8d. to the Person who shall drive them to the Pound and 4d. to the Keeper of the Ponnd. ;n7 11th, 1796, the following Officers for the insuing Year were duly Chosen — Amos Harrison, Moderator. Jabez Parkhurst, Town Clerk, 1797.] RECORDS OF NEWARK, 175 and Clerk of Estrays. John Docl Jun'r Assessor. Silvanus Bald- win, Collector. Caleb Camp Esq'r Judge of next Election, Epliraini Morris, Amos Harrison, iSTathaniel Camp, Commissioners of Appeal, Abiel C^anfield and Amos Harrison, Chosen Free- holders, Abraham Speer and Amos Condit, Surveyors of the Highways, Abiel Canfield, David Tichenor, Stephen Harrison, Joseph Davis, Jonathan Wade, and .Vbraham Cadmus for Second River, Overseers of the poor, Joseph liobords, David Ayres, John Gifibrd, .Tosiah Quimby, William King, Xathaniel Canfield, David Taylor, James Bruen, Aaron Dod Jun'r, Xathaniel An- dress and John Brown, Constables, It was agreed by the Town Meeting, that the poundage of Cattle &c. should remain as the law directs. Henry .Taralman, Abraham Cadmus, John King Sen'r, Xehe- miah Baldwin, George Harrison, Thomas Cadmus, Matthias Ward, Phillip Kearney, John P, Crane, Zenas Williams, Jacob Foster, Aaron Tompkins, John .Tohnson, Caleb Brown, Isaac jNIunn, Samuel Lindley, Samuel Hays, Thomas Ball, .Joseph Condict, Za- dock Baldwin, Christian Bone, Robert Gould, Jolm Berry, Jo- siali Smith, -losiali Baldwin, Isaac Van Geeson, Stephen iMore- house Jun'r, Nathaniel Dod Jun'r, Cornelius S^^eer, John A. Van Geeson, Jonathan Kent, Linus Pierson, John Speer Jun'r, William Kingsland, Xathaniel Crane, Jonathan Baldwin, Zenas Freeman, Parmenus Riggs, Samuel Billington, Linus Dod, David Ross, Zebediah Ward, Johnson Xichols, Peter II. Garritse, Daniel Tues, .John Parrot, Thadeus Russell, Eathen Baldwin, Jasper Ten Brook, Paul Hurton, Peter Cook, Uriah Smith, Eliakim Crane, Xathaniel Harrison, Josiah Tichenor, Stephen Hays, Cornelius Vincent, EUas Osborn, John Morris, Overseers of the Highway. And then the following Votes were passed, Viz : 1. That the poor be left in the hands of the Overseers, to be taken Care of at their discretion. 2. That the dog Tax be appropriated for the use of the poor. 3. That the sum of Five Hundred pouiuls ho raized for the use of the Poor this Year. 4. That the Overseers of the })Oor render an account of the Avliole expence of the poor, at the next Town Meeting. 5. That the Town give all the liberty they possess to the pro- priators of the School House at the Xorth End of the Town, for them to remove said School House on the Upper Common. AMOS HARRISOX, Moderator, .1. Parkiiukst, Cl'k, At an annual Towx Meeting, held at the Court house in Newark April 10th, 1707, The following Officers for the ensuing year were duly chosen — 176 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1797. Caleb Camp Esq'r, Moderator. Jabez Parkliurst, Town Clerk, and Clerk of Estrays. John Dodd Jun'r, Assessor. Sylvanus Baldwin, Collector. Amos Harrison Esq'r, Judge of next Elec- tion. Amos Harrison Esq'r, Major Nathaniel Beach, and Ej^hra- im Morris, Commissioners of Appeal. Abiel Camfield and Amos Harrison Esq'r, Chosen Freeholders. Caleb Camp Esq'r and Jotham Harrison, Surveyors of the Highways. John Brown, Joseph Davis, Aaron Munn, Caj^t. Jonathan Wade, Capt. David Tichenor and Abiel Camfield, Overseers of the Poor. James McGinniss, Josiali Quimby, Moses Williams, Amos Freeman, Joseph Robords, Ehas A. Baldwin, John Gilford, Nathaniel Canfield and Moses Ward, Constables. Israel Curry, Pound Master for Newark, John Brown Sen'r, Pound Master for Second River. Doct'r William Burnet, Major Nathaniel Beach, Thomas Speer, Abraham Berger, Henry Cadmus, Jacob Ward, Joseph Crane, Henry Rattan, Peter Garritse, Enos Williams, James Siglar, John Speer, Abraham Siglar, William Ely Ju'r, Frederick Vincent, Amos Freeman, David Munn, Cyrus Freeman, David Pierson, Amos Tyrrill, Capt. Thomas Baldwin, Abiel Hays, Sam- uel Camp, John Johnson, Stephen Peck, Caleb Parkhurst, Sylva- nus Baldwin Jun'r, Jabez Camfield, Egbert Egberts, Richard Harrison, Elias Baldwin, Moses Quinby, Thomas Ball, Peter H. Garritse, Oliver Crane, Aaron Williams, Elias A. Baldwin, Capt. Isaac Gillam, John Van Winkle, Sayres Coe, John Morris, John P. Crane, Col. Matthias Ward, Simon Iledden, John Jordan, Samuel Stivers, Joseph Clizbe, Samuel Rattan, Stephen Plum, Aaron Tompkins, Caleb Ward, Samuel Tompkins, Tliaddeus Russell, Robert Gould, Joseph Kingsland, Daniel Dodd, Capt. Zenas Pierson and Jonathan Wlliams, Overseers of the High- way. And then the following Votes were passed — 1. That the Poor be left in the hands of the Overseers (as the year past). 2. That the Dog Tax be applied to the use of the Poor. '■). That the sum of Five Hundred pounds I^roclamation money, be raised for the use of the Poor the ensuing year. 4. Resolved (on motion of Mr. William Hornblowcr) Tliat the Poor of Second River (whicli have been supported by the Parish of Second River separately) be in future included in the Poor of the Township of Newark, and that they be supported together with the said Township's Poor at large, from the first Monday in May next, and that all the accoimts respecting the said Poor jirevious to tliat day bo paid by the two parties seperately. CALEB CAMP, Moderator. J. Parkiiukst, Cl'k, 1798.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 177 At an Annual Town Meeting, held at the Court House in Newark on the 9th day of Ajvil, 1798 — The following Officers for the ensuing year were duly chosen — Col, John Condit, IModerator, Jabez Parkhurst, Town Clerk, and Clerk of Estrays. John Dodd, Assessor. Sylvanus Baldwin, Collector. Major Amos Harrison, Judge of next Election. Nathan Squire, Nathaniel Beach and Abraham Speer, Commissioners of Appeal. Abiel Camfield and Major Amos Harrison, Chosen Freeholders. Caleb Wheeler and Nathan Squire, Surveyors of Highway. Abiel Camfield, John Brown, Aaron Munn, and Capt. David E. Tichenor, Overseers of the Poor. "William S. Pennington, Abraham Speer, Nathaniel Crane, Jotham Harrison and Caleb Camj), Town Committee. Elias A. Baldwin, Joseph Robords, Nathaniel Canfield, WilUam King, James McGinniss, Joseph Dodd, Moses Williams Junior, Josiah Quinby and Uzal Baldwin, Constables. John Brown, Samuel Curry, Samuel Munn and Thomas Bald- win, Pound Masters. Nehemiah Baldwin, Anthony Van Cisco, Jarid Rutgers, Ste- phen Fordham, John Parrot, Enos Farrand, David Sayre, Elias Crane, Moses Robords, John Vincent 2nd, Aaron Johnson, Abia- thar Dodd, Aaron Roffe, Ethan Baldwin, Abiel Hayes, David Earle, Joseph Kingsland, Thomas Williams, Aaron Crowell, Abner Crowell, Nathaniel Condit, Jabez Pierson, Matthias Ward, Stephen Hayes, Jonas Smith, Matthias Dodd, Samuel Farrand, Enos Lyon, Joel Condit, Ebenezer Striker, John E. Baldwin, Aaron Baldwin Jun'r, Thomas Sydenham, Moses Dodd, Simon Condit, Moses Crowell, Daniel Dodd, Amos Munn, John Spear, Henry Kingsland, John Pake, Henry Striker, Doct'r William Burnet, Caleb Parkhurst, David D. Crane, Joseph Miller, John Winne, Moses Baldwin, Joseph Siglar, Abraham Spear, Isaac Van Gesen, David Munn, Joseph Condit, Daniel Lindly, John H. Brown and Abraham Jaralman, Overseers of the Highway. The following Votes were passed — First. That the next Annual Election for the State Legislature be opened at the House of Samuel Munn at Orange, and held there during the first day of the same, and that on the Second day it be opened and closed at the Court House in Newark. Second. That the next Town Meeting be held at the Court House. Third. That the Clerk of Estrays have Liberty to publish an account of the Estrays, when he may think proper. Fourth. That the Roads be repaired by labour and not by hire. Fifth. That permission be granted for the Erection of two more l)ublic Pounds, Viz — One on the Common between Samuel Munn's 23 178 RECOllDS OF NEWARK. [1798. and Moses Williams's at Orange, and another near the House of Capt. Thomas Baldwin. Sixth. That the Town Committee be authorised to huild the Pounds, and Keep them in repair. Seventh. That the sum of Twenty Pounds be raised this Year, for the expence of the Pounds. Eighth. Tliat the Poor be left in the Care of the Overseers, as the last Year. Ninth. That the Sum of Two Hundred pounds be raised for the use of the Poor this Year. Tenth. That the Dog tax be applied to the use of the Poor this Year. Eleventh. That the Town Committee be requested to meet at the House of Johnson Tuttle, at nine o'clock on the morning of the 12th instant, in order to divide the Highways into districts, to Erase the names of all supernumerary Overseers, and transact such other business as the Law authorizes them to perform. Twelfth. That all Horned Cattle, Horses, Hogs and Sheep which may be pounded, shall be driven to the Pound which is nearest the place of trespass ; and if any i^erson shall drive said Cattle &c. to any pound situated more than One Mile farther than the pound which is nearest to said place of trespass, such driving shall be deemed unlawful, and the oli'ender shall forfeit and pay to the owner of said Cattle, horses, hogs or Sheep the amount of double their lawful poundage. Thirteenth. That the lawful poundage shall be as follows Viz : horned cattle and horses one shilling per head. Hogs two shillings ])er head and and Sheep six ijence per head, New York Currency. One third part of the amoiuit of the poundage shall be retained by the pound Master, and the other two thirds he shall pay to the person driving such cattle to the pound. Fourteenth. That all cattle found in the road without a keei^er, below the first Great Swamp bridge shall be liable to poundage. Fifteenth. That a certain paper Avhich has been handed to the Town Clerk, to lay before the Town Meeting, be read, it being an address to both Houses of Congress praying that they would " take some Effectual measures to restrain the arming of our " merchant Ships, and that they will not involve the Country in " an immense increase of debt by instituting or augmenting a " national maratime force ; but avoid both as the best means to " prevent l)eing led into war." The said address being read and some debate ensuing, a motion was made and seconded that the Town Meeting adjourn till Monday next, in order to be more fully informed concerning the dispatches to Government from our Envoys in France. A Vote being taken on this motion it was negatived. A vote then passed almost Unanimously, that 1799.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 179 TliG said Petition be adopted as tlie sentiments of this Town Meeting, and that two Coi^ies of the same be forwarded to Con- gress, the One directed to the Vice President of the Senate, and the other to the Speaker of the Ilonse of Representatives, Avith a request that they lay the same before their respective Houses. JOHN CUNDIT, Moderator. J. Paekhukst, Clerk. At an Annual Towx Meeting, held at the Court House in Newark on the eighth day of A2)ril, 1799, The following officers for the ensuing year were duly chosen — Major Amos Harrison, Moderator, Jabez Parkhurst, Town Clerk, and Clerk of Strays. Major John Dodd, Assessor. Voted, that the person who may be chosen Collector of the Township shall give sufficient security for the faithful performance of his duty, and also that the Town Committee liave power to demand and receive such security. Isaac Ward was chosen Collector of the Township. .Major Amos Harrison was chosen Judge of next election. Nathaniel Beach, Nathan Squier and Abraham Speer, Commis- sioners of Appeal. Samuel Pennington and Nathan Squier, Chosen Freeholders. Stephen Hayes and Samuel Condit, Surveyors of the Highway. Abiel Camtield, John Brown, Ephraim Morris, Aaron Munn and David E. Tichcnor, Overseers of the Poor. Caleb Bruen, Abraham Speer, Nathaniel Crane, Jotham Har- rison and Thomas Baldwin, Town Committee. Joseph Robords, Elias A. Baldwin, Nathaniel Canfield, Abijah Dodd, Joseph Dodd, Josiah Quimby, Uzal Baldwin, Moses Wil- liams and William King, Constables. Samuel Curry, Samuel 3Iunn, Thomas Baldwin and John Brown, Pound Masters. Nathaniel Camp, Caleb Wheeler, Moses N. Combs, Simon Hedden, John Sandford, Aaron Johnson, Abraham Ward, Nehe- raiah Hedden, Overseers of Highway, Newark. Jonathan Davis, Uzal Baldwin, Samuel Munn, Joseph Williams, Samuel Brown, William Stockman, Calel) Baldwin, Elihu Crowell, Ebenezer Canfield, Orange. John J. Brown, Abraham King, Samuel Rattan, John Speer, Joseph Kingsland, Peter Van Winkle, William Holmes, Belle- ville. "^J'liomas Bennet, Joseph Keen, Johii King, Daniel Dodd, .Tesse Baldwin, Israel Crane, Jolm Baldwin, Nathaniel Dodd, Jun'r, Ephraim Van Gieson, Peter Garritse, Isaac Van (irieson, John Van Winkle, Peter Winne, George Harrison, Bloomlield. John E. Baldwin, Ethan Baldwin, Tiraotliy ]>all, Oljadiah 180 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1800. Crane, and Ebenezei- Havens, Overseers of the Highways, Camp- Town and North Farms. 1^^ The following Votes were passed — 1st. That the Annual Election for Members of Assembly, &:c., shall be opened, held and closed as it was last Year. 2nd. That all the Constables give security for the faithful dis- charge of their duty. 3d. That all Cattle found trespassing on the Salt Meadows shall be liable to double the lawful poundage, viz : two shillings per head, and any 2>erson who may find them trespassing whether on his or their Meadow or not, shall have liberty to pound them. 4th. That tlie Com.mon lawful poundage be the same as last year. 5th. That the Townshij^ Committee be authorised to keep the pounds in repair. 6th. That the Dog tax be applied to the use of the Poor this Year. Yth. That the Poor be left in the care of the Overseers of the Poor as they were last year. 8th. That Two Hundred Pounds be raised for the use of the Poor this Year. 9th. That the Clerk of Estrays have liberty to publish an ac- count of the Estrays, at such times as he may think proper. 10th. That the twelfth vote of last Town Meeting, respecting driving Cattle, &c., to the nearest Pound be continued in force. AMOS HARRISON, Moderator. J. Parkiiuest. At an annual Town Meeting, held at the Court House in the Township of Newark, on Monday, the 14th day of April, 1800, the following Officers for the ensuing year were duly chosen — Amos Harrison, Moderator. Jabez Parkhurst, Town Clerk, and Clerk of Estrays. John Dodd, Assessor. Amos Hax'rison, Judge of next Election. Isaac Ward, Township Collector. Samuel Condit, Stephen Fordham, and Robert B. Camjifield, Commissioners of Appeal. Nathan Squier and Samuel Pennington, Chosen Freeholders. Stephen Hayes and Samuel Condit, Surveyors of the Highways. Abiel Campfield, John Brown, Nehemiah Baldwin, Aaron Munn and Caleb Camp, Overseers of the Poor. Jabez Parkhurst, Nathaniel Crane, John Dodd, Jotham Har- rison, and Thomas Baldwin, Town Committee. 1800.J RECORDS OF NEWARK. 181 Isaac Wartl, Elias A. Baldwin, jMoscs Roff, Natlianicl Canfiekl, Uzal Baldwin, Abijali Dodd, Josiali Quimby, Moses Williams and Williara King, Constables. Stephen Hayes, John Brown, Thomas Baldwin and Samuel jNIunn, Pound Masters. Overseers of the Highways — For the Town of Newark, &g. — Nathaniel Camp, Joseph T. Baldwin, Joseph Brown, Jun'r, Edward Earlc, Jacob Foster, Hiram Freeman, Simon Hedden, Elijah Andress. For Orange, &c. — Amos Freeman, Abijah Harrison, Stephen Day, Matthias Dodd, Ezra Gildersleeve, Samuel Munn, Isaac Condit, Isaac Munn, Jabez Fierson, Henry Townley, Nathaniel B. Gardner, Aaron Ball, Davis Kilbron, Joel Condit. For Camptown, &c. — Edward Badgly, David Day, Jabez B. Baldwin and Abiel Hayes. For Bloomiield, d:;c.— Samuel C, Ward, William Sandford, Matthias Baker, Enos Farrand, Tliomas Hayes, Simeon Crane, Peter H. Garritse, Abraham Garrabrants, Cornelius Speer, Peter Egbert, Job Dodd, John Van Dyck, Henry Cadmus, Joseph Kingsland, Nathaniel Dodd, Daniel Tues. For Belleville, etc. — John H. Brown, Thomas Speer, Abraham Cadmus, Jared Rutgers and John Speer, Jun'r. The following votes were passed — 1st. That the Town Committee shall demand security of the Township Collector and Constables, in the sum of One Thousand Dollars Each, for the true and faithful performance of their re- spective official duties. 2nd. That the Poor of the Township be left under the Care and Management of the Overseers of the Poor as usual. 3d. That the smn of Twelve Hundred Dollars be raised for the use of the Poor this Year. 4th. That the Dog Tax be aj^propriated to the use of the Poor this year. 5th. That the next Annual Election for Members of the State Legislature, &;c., be opened at the House of Bethuel Pierson at Orange, and continued there during the first day of the same, and that the said Election on the Second Day be opened, held and Closed at the Court House in Newark. 0th. That all Cattle found Trespassing on the Salt Meadows shall be liable to a poundage of four Shillings per head, and any person finding them so trespassing may pound them. 7th. That the Pound in the Town of Newark be removed, and placed as near the Centre of the Street in front of the Place where it now stands as may be found convenient. 8. That John Dodd, Caleb Parkhurst and Doct'r Isaac Pierson be a Committee, to act in behalf of this Township in concert 182 RECORDS OF NEWARIt. [1801. with such other Committees as may be appointed in the other Townships for the hke purpose, Viz : for the purpose of recom- mending to the peojile, suitable persons to be supported as Can- didates for Members of our next State Legislature and Congress. AMOS HARRISON, Moderator. J. Paekhurst, Town Clerk. At an Annual Towx Meetixg held at the Court House in Newark on Monday April 13, 1801, The following Township Officers for the Ensuing Year were duly chosen — Amos Harrison, Moderator. Jabez Parkhurst, Town Clerk, and Clerk of Estrays. John Dodd, Assessor. Isaac Ward, Collector. Amos Harrison, Judge of next Election. Samuel Condit, Stephen Fordam, and Robert B. Campfield, Commissioners of Appeals. Jabez Pierson and Jabez Camj^field, Surveyors of the Higli- ways. Samuel Pennington and Aaron Munn, Chosen Freeholders. Abiel Campfield, John Brown, Nehemiah Baldwin, Aaron Munn and Caleb Camp, Overseers of the Poor. .Tabez Parkhurst, Abraham Speer, John Dodd, Jonathan Con- dit and Thomas Baldwin, Township Committee. Elias A. Baldwin, Elihu Crane, Nathaniel Campfield, William King, Abijah Dodd, Josiah Quimby, Moses Williams and IMoscs Croell, Constables. Abiel Camjjfield, John Brown, Samuel Munn, and Thomas Baldwin, Pound Masters. Caleb Parkhurst, David D. Crane, Johnson Nichols, Isaac An- druss, Jacob Simpson, Stephen Plum; and for Camptown &c. Moses Robards, Joseph AVilbur, Joseph Camp, Ethan Baldwin, David Ball, Samuel Pierson, John E.Baldwin and Obadiah Crane, Overseers of the Highways. Bethuel Pierson, Linus Pierson, Cyrus Pierson, Amos Free- man, Josiah Baldwin, Samuel Condit, David Pierson, Daniel Williams and Moses Harrison, Overseers of the Highways for Orange. And Overseers of the Highways for Bloomfield &c. : Jose])!! Keen, Isaac Baldwin, Squier Baldwin, James Mclnnis, James Wharry, Isaac Van Gieson, John Parrot, Benjamin Crane, Na- tlianiel Crane, Abraham Speer, Joseph Kingsland, Isaac I. Kings« land, John II. Van Winkle, Peter Ilelme, Henry J. Van Winkle, Stephen King, Henry II. Brown, James T. Jaralmen, Charles Hedenburg and Francis Speer. The folloAving Votes were passed : 1802.] RECOBDS OF NEWARK. 183 1st. That tlic Towiisliii) C'oiuinittec shall duiuaiul security of the Township Collector in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars — and of the Constables in the sum of One Thousand Dollars each, for the true and faithful performance of their respective Official duties. 2. That the poor of the Township be left nnder the Care and management of the Overseers of the poor as usual. 3. That the sum of Thirteen Hundred Dollars be raised for the nse of the Poor this Year. 4. That the Dog Tax be appropriated to the use of the I'oor this year. 5. That the next annual Election for Members of the State Legislature &c. be opened at the house of Samuel JNluim at Orange, and continue there during the first day of the same, and that the said Election on the Second day be opened, held and closed at the Court house in Newark. Adjourned. .\]\10S HARRISON, Moderator. J. Parkiiukst, Town Clerk. At an annual Towx Meeting, held at the Court house in Newark On Monday April 12, 1802, The following Township Officers ibr the ensuing year were duly chosen. Amos Harrison, Moderator. Jabez Parkhurst, Town Clerk and Clerk of Estrays John Dodd, Assessor. Isaac Ward, Collector of the Township, Amos Harrison, Judge of Election. Jabez Pierson, Jabez Camtield, Surveyors of Highways. Samuel Pennington and Samuel Condit, Chosen Freeholders. Abiel Campfield, John Brown, Nehemiah S. Baldwin, Aaron Munn and Caleb Camp, Overseers of the Poor. Samuel Hayes, Abraham Sj^eer, John Dodd, Caleb Tichenor and Thomas Baldwin, Township Committee. Stephen Fordham, William S. Pennington, Doctor Isaac Pier- son, Caleb Camp and Samuel Hays, Committee to En(|uire into and ascertain the priviliges of the Town under the antient Char. ter — and to call a Town Meeting if they think it necessary, to fill up the board of Trustees muler said Charter to the number of ten, EUas A. Baldwin, Nathaniel Canfield, Jediah Crane, William King, Abijah Dodd, John Quimby and Moses Williams, Con- stables. Abiel Camfield, John Brown, Samuel Munn and Thomas Bald- win, Pound Masters. Jonathan Lyon, Joseph Cam]>, Timothy Osborne, David Day 184 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1802. Abraham Harrison, Timothy Ball, Joseph B. Ball, Job Brown, William Stockman, David Munn, Noah Matthews, Enos Pierson, Samuel Crane Ward, Josiah Williams, William Perry, Israel Curry, Jacob Simpson, John Sandford, Charles Iledenburg, Abra- ham Cadmus, Joseph Kingsland, Hendrick Van Winkle, John Morris, William Kingsland, John Van Winkle, Peter Winner, John Van Dyk, Joseph Siglar, John E. Baldwin, Joseph Pierson, Elias Van Arsdale, Caleb Parkhurst, Aaron Baldwin, Benjamin Coe, Nathaniel Dodd, James Siglar, Rynear A. Van Geson, Cor- nelius Speer, Samuel Sandford and James Van Winkle — of Bloom- field — Joseph Munn, Joseph Woodrufl', Abraham Cadmus Ju- nior, Daniel Ball, Samuel Farrand, [Overseers of Highways.] The following Resolves were passed : 1st. That the Business relative to supporting and disposing of the Poor be hereafter taken up, and finished by the Town Meet- ing jjrevious to the Election of any other township Oificers, than the Moderator and Clerk. 2nd. That the Township Committee shall demand security of the Township Collector in the sum of Two Thousand dollars, and of the Constables in the sum of One Thousand dollars Each, for the faithful performance of their respective Official Duties, and that the mode heretofore practised of accepting one Constable as security for another be discontinued. 3d. That the Poor of the Township be left under the care and management of the Overseers of the poor, as usual. 4th. That the sum of Fifteen Hundred dollars be raised for the use of the Poor this Year. 5th. That the Dog Tax be appropriated to the use of the poor. Cth. That the next annual election be opened at Orange at the house of Bethuel Pierson — and continue there the first day, and adjourned to the Court House in Newark the second day, as usual. 7th. That the Town Committee do meet hereafter on the first Monday in April Annually, for the purpose of Examining and settling the accounts of the Overseers of the poor &c. N. B. — Samuel Condit, Robert B. Camfield and Stephen Ford- am were aj^pointcd (at the aforesaid meeting) Commissioners of Appeal. Adjourned. AMOS HARRISON, Moderator. J. Pakkiiuest, Town Clerk. At a Special Towx Meeting duly called by advertizements according to law, for the purpose of " Enquiring into the en- croachments made on the Public Lands and Highways within the 1802.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. Ibo Towiisliip of Newark, aiul to consider of, and determine on tlie propriety of prosecuting tlie persons wlio liave made encroach- ments on tlio said I'ublic Lands and Highways witliin tlie Town- sliip of Newark, and for making provission for defraying the Ex- 2)ences of such prosecutions." Amos Harrison Esquire Avas chosen Moderator, and Jabez Parkliurst, Clerk. The Committee appointed by tlie last annual Town Meeting to juake Enquiry relative to the Encroachments made on the public lands and Highways &c. made report in the following Avords, Viz: " The Committee appointed by the last annual Town Meeting in April, to make Enquiry relative to the Public Lands and Roads in the Town of Newark, and the Encroachments made thereon, Ke])ort — That the first Inhabitants of the Town purchased all the lands of the Indian Natives, and held and possessed the same for a considerable time Avithout any other title. During this possession they divided off to each Individual Inhabitant such part as reason- ably fell to his Lott according to agreements made Avith the Avhole, Avhich divisions Avere usually confirmed by a Vote of the ToAvn Meeting, and Entered in the ToAvn Book noAV in the pos- session of the Town Clerk. That besides the Grants to Individuals the Inhabitants of the ToAvn — Reserved to themselves for certain public purposses — In the first place. Large Extensive Roads Avithout any i^recise di- mensions to the same, A-arying according to local circumstances in many cases arising from the broken situation of the ground, and often exceeding Eight Rods in Avidth. In the Second Place — Large pieces of ground for sundry public purposses such as a " Parsonage" — " Burying Ground" — " Training place" — " a JMar- ket Place" — and " a Watering place" and in tact all the lands not particularly and specifically given to some Individual Avere reserved to the use of .the Toaa'o. After this occupation and pos- session of the Lands for a considerable time by the Inhabitants of the ToAvn, the Eastern Proprietors set up a right to the Lands, and demanded of the Inhabitants a quit Rent for the same. This demand Avas hoAvcA'er resisted Avith great Spirit by the Inhabitants, Avho refused to pay the quit rent and they Avere finally abandoned by the Proprietors. But notAvithstanding this many of the Inhabitants thought proper to obtain from the Pi'o- prietors Grants or Patents for their Lands ; Andjthe Inhabitants of the Town in the Year lG9o or '96 took of the Proinietors a Patent for their Reservations including Roads of uncertain di- mensions in the name of Certain Trustees. The Committee cannot learn that the Proprietors Ever granted any Lands adverse to the original Divissiou made by the luhabi- 24 186 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1802. tants, nor adverse to tlieir Reservations, nor in any Avay to dis- turb tlie Inhabitants in the disposal of their Lands according to their Original phm under the Indian i)urchases ; but only granted Patents for the confirmation of the original lots as previously sett off and allotted to each Individual. That on the beforeraentioned Public Lands and Roads so as aforesaid reserved by the Inhabitants and confirmed by the Patent from the Proprietors, Individuals have been constantly making Encroachments. The Lands thus Encroached ui)On being Enclosed with the Antient Lotts, it is in many cases difficult to ascertain the ancient boundaries, the Land Marks in many Cases being destroyed or removed. But many Encroachments arc so recent as to be Easily ascer- tained, and the Land Marks precisely traced, described and ascer- tained — Especially where Encroachments have been made on Public Lands and in many cases on Public Roads. The Committee think that the encroachments on and about the Antient Watering Place are wanton and Avithoiit a shadow of Right, that some of the Trespassers Emboldened by the remiss- ness of the Inhabitants ojjcnly avow their intentions to maintain and defend not only their former Encroachments ; but threaten to fence in the whole of the Public Lands and set the Town at defiance. It is with pain the Conmiittee observe that the manly and En lightened policy of our Ancestors in providing Lands for Public nses and Capacious Streets, at once calculated to preserve the Health of the People, and to adorn, beautify, and render commo- dious the Town, has been greatly circumscribed by the narrow and selfish dispositions of some of their Descendants and the shameless avarice of more modern Settlers. CALEB CAMP, (Signed) SAM'L HAYES, WILLIAM S. PENNINGTON, STEPHEN FORDHAM. Which Report having be.en read — The Meeting Resolved unan- imously, 1st. That the Township Committee of the Township of Newark are hereby authorised to prosecute in behalf of the said Town- ship, any person or persons who have made encroachments on the Public Lands and Highways and, also all those Persons who may hereafter encroach on the same. 2nd. That the said Committee be authorized in such cases as they think proper and beneficial to the Town, to consent on the part of the Town to settle Controversies relative to the Public Lands and Roads, by Arbitration or Reference. 1803.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 187 3d. Resolved by a very large majority — That the sum of Two Hundred pounds be raised and assessed on the Inhabitants of the Township of Newark the ensuinp; year, to be appropriated to the purpose of prosecuting for tlie privileges of the Town, viz : for the recovery of such Common Lands and Highways as are encroached on, as far as the appropriation of the same shall bo found necessary. The Town Meeting adjourned to meet again according to Law. AMOS HARRISON, Moderator. J. Parkiiurst, Town Clerk. At an Annual Towx Meeting held at tlie Court House in Newark, on Monday, ^4p77 nth, 1803, the following Townshij) Officers for the ensuing year were duly chosen — Amos Harrison, Moderator. Ehas A. Baldwin, Town Clerk. Aaron Coe, Clerk of Estrays. John Dodd, Assessor. Isaac Ward, Township Collector. Amos Harrison, Judge of Election. Jabez Pierson, Jabez Canfield, Surveyors of the Highways. Samuel Pennington, Samuel Condit, Chosen P^'reeholders. Abial Canfield, John Brown, Nehemiah S. Baldwin, David D. Crane, Aaron Munn, Caleb Camp, Overseers of the Poor. John Uodd, Abraham Speer, Samuel Hays, Thomas Baldwin, Caleb Tichenor, Town Committee. Elias A. Baldwin, Nathaniel Canfield, John Hedden, Jun'r, Japhiah Harrison, John Quimby, Moses Williams, Abijah Dodd and William King, Constables. Abial Canfield, John Brown, Samuel ]\Eunn, Thomas Baldwin, Pound Masters. Robert B. Canfield, Nathan Squire, Stephen Fordham, Com- missioners of .Vppeals. Nehemiah Hedden, Henry Lyon, Sayre Roberts, Thomas W. Baldwin, Daniel Brown, Isaac Gilliam, Ebenezer Baldwin, Amos Freeman, Jonas Smith, Abraham Winans, John Dean, Richard Harrison, Benjamin Crane, Elijah Williams, Israel Brundridge, Jotham Clark, Moses Fatout, Minard Quoman, James Joralmon, Joseph Kingsland, John Rikeman, Henry H. Joralmon, John H. Brown, Peter Van Winkle, John Winne, George Harrison, Ephraim Morris, Isaac J. Tichenor, Joseph I^icrson, Jun'r, John Crawford, Caleb Bruen, Uzal Baldwin, Ezra Baldwin, Samuel ])odd, Isaac Van Gicson, Nicholas Garrabrant, Garrett G. Speer, Jolm Siglar, John Parrott, Parmenas Dodd, Doct'r John Ward, Samuel L. Ward, Nehemiah Baldwin, Joseph L. Keen, John P. Crane, Caleb Baldwin, Jolm Tichenor, Overseers ot the Iligliways, The following Resolutions were passed — 188 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1804. 1st. That the business relative to supporting and disposing ot the poor, be liereafter taken up and finislied by the Town Meet- ing previous to the election of any other Township Officers than the Moderator and Clerk. 2d. That tlie Township Committee are hereby instructed to demand Security of tlie Township Collector in the sum of Two thousand dollars, and of the several Constables in the sum of One thousand dollars each, for the faithful performance of their respective official duties, and it is liereby enjoined on the said Committee, that they will not except of one Constable as security for another, 3d. That the sum of fifteen hundred dollars be raised for the use of the poor this year. 4th. That the poor of the Township be left under the care and management of the Overseers of the poor as usual. 5th. That the Dog Tax be appropriated to the use of the poor as usual. 6th. That the next Annual Election be opened at Orange at the House of Samuel Munn and continued there during the first day of the same, and adjourned to the Court House in Newark, as usual, Yth. That the Township Committee do meet annually on the first Monday in April, for the purpose of examining and settling the accounts of the Overseers of the poor. Adjourned. AMOS HARRISON, Moderator, Elias a, Baldwix, Town Clerk. At an Annual Towx Meeting held at the Court house in Newark, on Monday, the ninth day of Ajyril, 1 804, The following Resolutions Avere passed, and the Township officers for the ensu- ing year duly Elected, viz : Caleb Camp, Moderator. Elias A. Baldwin, Town Clerk, &c. John Dodd, Assessor. Isaac Ward, Township Collector. Caleb Camp, Judge of Election. Jabez Canfield and Caleb Tichenor, Surveyors of the Highways. Amos Harrison and Sam'l Pennington, Chosen Freeholders. Abial Canfield, James Tichenor, David Munn, John Brown and Nehemiah S. Baldwin, Overseers of the Poor. John Dodd, Abraham Speer, Samuel Hays, Thomas Baldwin and Caleb Tichenor, Township Committee. Robert B. Canfield, Nathan Squire and Stephen Fordham, Commissioners of Appeals. , Abial Canfield, John BroAvn, Samuel Munn, Thos. Baldwin and Ephraim Morris, Pound Masters. 1804.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 189 Elias A. Baldwin, Japhiali Harrison, Aaron B. Miller, Nathaniel Caufiekl, William Kinp;, Abijali Dodd, Nathaniel Dodd, oNIoses Williams, John Crumby, and John iredden, J un'r, Constables. Calel) Brucn, David Johnson, Caleb Camp, Ethan Baldwin, Abraham Harrison, Timothy Ball, Aaron Crowell, Jabe/, Pierson, Jotham Quimby, Samuel ]\Iunn, Alexander Dean, Henery Bald- Avin, Aaron Harrison, Ebenzer Canfield, Eleazer Hedden, Samuel Perry, Zenas Pierson, Dan'l Williams, Joseph Campbell, Moses Fatout, Jotham Clark, John Crawford, Jonathan Keen, Samuel Huntington, Jabez B, Baldwin, Abraham Sanford, Joseph Kings- land, Gerard Rutcus, Anthony Francisco, John H. Brown, Her- man Lyukford, Aaron King, George Harrison, NehemiahS. Bald- win, Samuel Dodd, Ephraim JMorris, Joseph L. Keen, Henery Van Winkle, Linas Baldwin, Sam'l W. Baldwin, Francis Si)eer, Daniel Siglar, John Vreelandt, Garrabrant A. Garrabrant, Robert Van Gieson and James Van AVinkle, Overseers of Highways. The following Resolves were j^assed — 1st. That all the Children now on the Town, under the age of fourteen Years, are to be under the care and direction of the Overseers of the Poor. And all other persons now on the Town and all that may or shall hereafter become a Town Charge (in- cluding Children) are to be farmed out, and the farmer to indem- nify the Town from the first Monday in May next to the first Monday of May following. 2d. That the sum of two thousand dollars be raised for the use of the poor this year. nd. That the Dog Tax be appropriated for tiie use of the Poor, as usual. 4th. That the bisiness relative to supporting and disposing of the Poor be hereafter taken up and finished by the Town Meet- ing, previous to the Election of any other Township Officers than the Moderator and Clerk. 5th. That the Township Committee be authorized and instruct- ed, to give the Trustees of ]Market Street School house a Title for a lot of land. Gth. That the Township Committee do meet annually on the first Monday in April, for the purpose of examining and settling the accounts of the Overseers of the Poor, &c. Yth. That the next annual Election be opened at the house of Bethuel l*ierson at Orange and continued there during the first day of the same ; and adjourned to the Court house in Newark, as usual, The Poor sold this year for Eight hundred and fifty dollars, Benjamin Coe the purchaser. Adjourned. CALEB CAMP, Moderator. Elias A. Baldavix, Town Clerk. 190 RECORDS Of Nt:WARK; [1805. At an Annual Town Meeting, held at the Court house in Newark, on Monday, A2)ril 8th, 1805, The following Resolves Were passed, and the Township Officers for the ensuing year duly chosen, Viz : Amos Harrison, Moderator. Elias A. Baldwin, Town Clerk, and Clerk of Astrays. John Dodd, Assessor, Isaac Ward, Township Collector. Caleb Camp, Judge of Election. Stephen Hays, Caleb Tichenor, Surveyors of the Highways, Amos Harrison, Sam'l Pennington, Abraham Speer, Chosen Freeholders. Abial Canfield, James Tichenor, Caleb Camp, David Munn, Isaac Dodd, Jun'r, John Brown, Overseers of the Poor. John Dodd, Abraham Speer, Samuel Hays, Thomas Baldwin, Caleb Tichenor, Township Committee. Nathaniel Beach, John Harrison, Stephen Fordhom, Commis- sioners of Appeals. Aaron B. Miller, Japhia Harrison, Nath'l Canfield, Jonathan Keen, William King, Isaac Dod, John Quimby, William AVil- liams, John Iledden, Jun'r, and Alex'r Laurence, Constables. Abial Canfield, John Brown, Thos. Baldwin, Pound Masters, Caleb Bruen, Elias Van Arsdale, John C. Burnet, Joseph Wil- ber, Ezra Baldwin, Elihu Crane, John Johnson, Caleb Camj), Ethan Baldwin, Abial Hays, David Hand, Aaron Crowel, John Linsley, Esqr,, Caleb Quimby, Timothy Williams, John Harrison, Aaron Williams, Abijah Harrison, Ebenezer Canfield, Israel Brun- drage, Henry Townley, Jonathan Williams, Japhia Condit, John Harthorn, Amos Terril, Abraham Stivers, -Joseph Kingsland, Peter Cadmus, John Brown, Jun'r, Ilenery Kingsland, Abraham King, George Harrison, Job S. Dodd, Daniel Kilburn, Sam'l Pitt, Thos, Sidman, Henery Van Winkle, Thos. Crane, John Baldwin, Francis Speer, Abraham Siglar, James Siglar, Moses Siglar, Ephraim Van Giesou, James Van Winkle, Overseers of the Highways. Resolves passed-— 1st, That the poor be left in the hands of the Overseers of tlie Poor. 2d. That a poor house be built. .3d. That the dog Tax be appropriated for the use of the Poor, as usual, 4th. That the sum of fifteen hundred dollars be raised for the use and support of the Poor this year. r)th. That John Y, Baldwin supply the place of Jesse Baldwin as Trustee of tlie new Town dock. 0th. Tliat the Township Committee do meet on the first Mon- 1807.] RECOllDS OF NEAVAKK. 191 day in April, for the purpose of examiniDg and settloing- the ac- counts of the Overseers of the Poor. 'Ztli. That the next Annual Election l)e opened at the house of Sani'l Munn, at Orange, and continue there during the first day of the same; and adjourned to the Court House in Newark as usual. Adjourned. AMOS HARRISON, Moderator. Elias a. Balda\'ix, Town Clerk. N. B.— As in the Original Charter of the Town priviliges there is a piece of land granted to the Town for a Watering place — the same Lands are claimed by sundry persons. The dispute has not been finally discided in Law. Propositions have been made by the claimants afs'd to settle the dispute in an amicable manner. Therefore Resolved, provided the claimants afs'd adhere to their propositions — The Town Committee are hereby authorized and instructed to relinquish the claim of the Town to said lands, and to grant such acquittances or Releases as may be ]jroper on the occasion, and should Legislative aid be found necessary to confirm the title in the af 'd Claimants at any future period, it is agreed that the Town Committee sign a petition to the Legisla- ture when presented by the claimants af'd to that elfect. At an Annual Town Meeting, held at the Court house in Newark on Monday the 14th day of Aj^rll 180(3. The following Resolves were passed and the Township Officers for the insuing Year duly chosen. Viz : Aaron Munn, Esq., Moderator. Elias A. Baldwin, Town Clerk. John Dodd, Nathan Squire, Elias A. Baldwin, Assessors. Henry Stryker, Isaac Dodd, Jun'r, Annanias Baldwin, Town- ship Collectors. Robert B. Canfield, John Harrison, Surveyors of the High- ways. Aaron Munn, Judge of Election. Amos Harrison, Sam'l Pennington, Chosen Freeholders. Isaac Nichols, Joseph T. Baldwin, Caleb Camp, Caleb Tichenor, Isaac Dodd Jun'r, John Brown, Overseers of the Poor. Resolved — That all Cattle hereafter impomided notice shall be given to the owner or owners thereof within one week after im- pounding the same. David D. Crane, Stephen Hays, Israel Crane, Stephen D. Day, Tho's Baldwin, Township Committee. Abraham Winans, Stephen Eordham, Stephen Hays, Connnis- sioners of Appeals. John Brown, Tho's Baldwin, Jabcz Canfield, Pound Masters. 192 KECORDS OF NEWARK. [1806. James Wliitlock, Jonathan Keen, Isaac A. Ward, John Quiniby, ISToali Matthews, Alexander Laurence, Isaac Uodd and John A. King, Constables. John Ailing, Caleb Sayro, Uzal Sayre, Stephen Hays, Sylvanus Baldwin, Moses Crowell, Jacob Plum, Joseph Sayre, John Harri- son, Joseph Matthews, James Williams, Benjamin B. Williams, Josiah Baldwin, Moses Roberts, Moses Taylor, Jonas Smith, John Corby Jun'r, Caleb Camp Esq'r, Ethan Baldwin, Obadiah Crane, David Beach, Aaron A. Gardner, Timothy Bigalow, Joseph Crane Jun'r, Ezekiel Ball, John II. King, Edward Earl, Abraham Bergen, Ilenery J. Van Winkle, Tho's Cadmus Jun'r, Oliver Crane, Yehis Mandevillc, Ilenery Osborn, Smith Ward, David Doremus, Sylvanus Baldwin, Japhia Condit, David Taylor, Henery Speer, Joseph Jones, Tho's Crane, Rhyneer Van Gieson, David Riker, James Ward, Abraham Van Cisco, Simon Condit, Joseph Kingsland, Simeon Stivers, Jotham Condit, Abr. Mer- celle Jun'r, Peter Helms, Abr. Riitan, Overseers of the High- way. Resolves passed — 1st. That the Township Committee be authorized to make good all damages done to the Court house at the time of holding Town Meetings therein, and to cause the same to be sweept and cleaned after each Meeting. 2d. That the Resolves of the Town Meeting passed at the last Town Meeting held April 1805, respecting the Town lands, be resinded. od. That the Note or Notes, Obligation or Obligations or any other security entered into by any person or persons respecting the Town lands commonly called the watering place, bo rendered and given up by the Township Committee to the persons Avho entered into or gave the same. 4th. That all j^ersons are hereby forbid to enter upon, and take possession, for jn-ivate use, the public lands adjoining the Tan- yards of Nathaniel Beach and others, known by the name of the Watering place, and that these Resolves be published in the Centinel of Freedom for three weeks successively. 5th. That the Township Committee, together with the As- sessors, be authorized to divide the Township into three destriets, for the purjDose of Assessment and Collection, and that each per- son be taxed in the Destrict Avhero he resides for all liis Taxable property in the Township. Cth. That the dog Tax be apj)ropriated for the use of the jjoor, as usual — And that the sum of Twenty live hundred dollars be raised for the suj^port of the poor the ensuing year. 7th. That the Township Committee be instructed to pay unto Samuel Pennington or to the director of the board of Chosen Freeholders the sum of forty five dollars and sixty two cents. 1807.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 193 Htli. That tlie next Annual Election ojien at tlie liouse of John -Ming in Orange, and contiinied tliere during the first day, and adjourned to the Court liouse in Newark, as usual. Adjourned to meet again according to Law. April 14th, 180G. AARON MUNN, Moderator. Elias a. Baldwix, Town Clerk. Agreeable to the fifth Resolve passed at the last annual Town meeting, a meeting of the Townshi}) Committee and Assessors, w.as held at the house of Samuel Munn in Orange on the ninth day of ]\ray, 180G— when it was agreed, that the following should he the division lines. Beginning at the Green Island in Pasaik River; and run ing from thence to the Coiling Spring on lands of Pliiuehas Baldwin, IJec'd ; and from thence'to the Bridge at the Slough hctwcen the houses of Jonathan Baldwin and Elihu ]*ierson ; and from thence to the Bridge near Silas Dodd's; and I'rom thence to the Bridge near Martin Richards ; and from thence to Turkey Eagle Rock "^on the top of the first IMountain, which we agree shall be the line between the Bloomfield Ward and the Wards of Newark and Orange. And also, that the line between Newark Ward and Orange Ward shall begin at the af 'd Boiling Spring ; and from thence runing to Peck's Bridge on Great Meadow Brook ; and from thence to the Bridge called Coleman's Bridge ; and from thence following the River called Elizabeth or Elizabeth River to tlie line of the Township of Elizabeth. Witness our hands this ninth day of May, 1 BOG. D. D. Crane, Thos. Baldwin, Stephen Hays, Stephen D. Daj^, Township Committee. Elias A. Baldwin, John Dodd, Nathan Squire, Assessors. At an annual Toavx Meeting held at Newark on Monday, the 13th day of April, 1807, The following resolves were passed, and the Township) Ofilicers for tlie ensuing year duly chosen, viz: John N. Cumming, Moderator. Elias A. Baldwin,''Town Clerk. John Dodd, Assessor. Ananias Baldwin, Town Collector. John N. Cumming, Judge of Election. Nehemiah S. Baldwin, Nathaniel Crane, Survej-ors of the Highways. Israel Crane, William Ilalsey, Chosen Freeholders. Benjamin Coe, Isaac Nicholes, John Brown, Caleb Camp, Overseers of the Poor. John Dodd, David D. Crane, Tliomas Ward, Ste])hen Hays, Joseph Sandford, Township Committee. 25 194 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1808. Jonathan Keen, Edward Jones, Japliia Harrison, Isaac Dodd, Jun'r, Alex'r Lawrence, John Brown, Jnn'r, Constables, Sam'l Pennington, Abraliani Sjjeer, Josej^h Wilber, Commis- sioners of Appeals. Joseph Canfield, Jolni Brown, Pound Masters. Joseph Wilber, XJzal Johnson, Ebenezer Havens, Caleb Bruen, Ezra Baldwin, Jotliam Clark, Uzal 8ayre, James Vanderpool, Archibald Mercer, Joseph L. Keen, Job S. Dodd, David Ward, Nathaniel Dodd, John Osborn, Jacob Vreelandt, Stephen King, John P. ^Sanford, .Joseph Siglar, John Williams, .Fames J. .Tarole- man, John Clarrabrant, Samuel H. Rutan, Araham Speer, Eleazer Crane, David Riker, Peter Egberts, and .John Van Winkle, Over- seers of the Highways. Resolves passed — 1st. That the sura of fifteen hundred dollars be raised this year for the use of the poor — And that the poor l)e left in the hands of the Overseers of the poor, as usual. 2d. That the dog tax be appropriated for the use of the poor, as usual. At an Annual Town Meeting held in the Township of New. .ark, on Monday, the 11th day of April, 1808, The following re- solves were passed, and the Township Officers for the ensuing year Averc duly chosen : Col, Thomas Ward, Moderator, Elias A. Baldwin, Town Clerk, &c. .John Dod, Assessor, Ananias Baldwin, Collector, Robert B. Canfield, Judge of Election. Thos. Ward and Israel Crane, Chosen Freeholders. Nathaniel Ci'ane, Nehemiah S, Baldwin, Surveyors of Highways. Sam'l Pennington, Abraham Speer, Joseph Wilbei-, C'Ommis- sioners of Appeals, Abraham Speer, David D, Crane, Stephen Hays, John Dodd, Joseph T. Baldwin, Township Committee, Benjamin Coe, Caleb Camp, John Brown, Isaac Nichols, John Osborn, Overseers of the poor. .Jabez Canfield, Seth Woodi'ufF, John Brown, Pound Masters. Ananias Baldwin, Edward Jones, Jonathan Keen, .Jaj^hia Har- lison, Isaac Dodd, Alexander Lawrence and John 1*. Cadmus, Constables. Jonathan Andruss, Jonathan Lyon, David Johnson, Caleb Parkhurst, Joseph Bruen, Sayre Coe, David Rogers, John Craw- ford, IMatthias Plum, Joseph T. Baldwin, John Hawthorn, Moses Ciane, Joseiih Davis, David Ward, Sam'l Dodd, Isaac Ball, Aury Jving, George Harrison, John Stiraus, Moses Siglar, Abraham 1808.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 195 Cadmus, llarmonus Speer, Yellis Maudcrliekl, llencry Jaruleinan, Jun'r, ,Jolin H. Van Winkle, Nelicmiah Crane, Caleb Baldwin ^Bloonitield), Moses Kanison, John ]*avrot, John 11. Brown, John Cadmus, Ji A. Van Kiper, Overseers oi the Highways, Resolves passed — 1st. That Seth Woodriiir, AVilliam Ilalsey and llobert B. Can- tield, be a Committee to settle all matters in dispute (if any there may be) respecting the poor of the Township of Newark and the Township of Orange. 2d. That the Township Committee, at the next annual Town Meeting have leave to apply for a rehereing respecting the un- settled accounts of Isaac AVavd late Collector of the Township of Newark. 3d. That the siun of fifteen hundred dollars be raised for the use and support of the poor, and that they shall be disposed of as usual. 4th. That all hogs or swine found running at large in the public streets or highways, shall and may be taken up and pounded at the expence of tlie owner or owners thereof at the rate of fifty cents per hed— twenty five cents to the use of the poor — twelve and a half cents to the driver and twelve and a half cents to the pound Master. This resolve extends no farther than from Col. Sam'l Ogden's down to Joseph Beach's — and from high Street to the East Back Street. 5th. That the next annual Election be opened at the house of Jacob Ward in Bloomfield and continued there during the first day, and adjourned to the Court house in Newark as usual. (3th. That the Township Committee meet on the first Monday in April annually, for the purpose of examining and settling the ac- counts with the Overseers of the Poor. Adjourned. THOS. WARD, Moderator. Elias a. Baldwin, Town Clerk. An Act for the preservation of Sheej^ in the Township of Newark. AVhereas the Legislature of this State by a Law passed on the thirteenth day of March Eighteen hundred and Six, did authorize the Inhabitants of the several Townships at their Annual Town Meetings to order to be levied. Assessed and Collected, such tax on Dogs, in addition to the Tax already imposed by Law — and to make such other by laws as a Majority of each Town jNIecting may deem expedient for the i)rotection of their Sheep. Therefore 1st be it enacted by the Inhabitants of the Town- ship of Newark hi the County of Essex, that the Assessors of this Township shall at the Time of Assessing the other taxes for 1^6 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1808. the use of the Township, County, or State, assess every Master or Mistress of any family in wliich a Dog or Dogs of six months old and upwards are kept whether by themselves or any Child, Servant or other person whomsoever, the following suras of money, viz : If only one Dog is kej^t by one flimily. One Dollar. If two Dogs are so kept, live dollars and for every Dog so kept above two, the further sum of twenty dollars, which Tax shall be construed to include the Tax heretofore authorized by law, and shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner in every respect, with the other Taxes raised in the Township, except that the Assessor and Collector shall be each intitled to six cents for every Dog returned in the Duphcate agreeably to this Act. 2d. And be it enacted that if any person shall deny that he or she have any property in any Dog so assessed in his or her name, or shall refuse to give a fair account of the number or age of the Dog or Dogs to remain about his or lier house, he or she shall be deemed to be the owner of such Dog or Dogs and be liable to the payment of the Tax aforesaid, and moreover shall be liable to a line of ten dollars for every Dog so harboured and not re- turned to the Assessor when by him required, to be recovered before any Justice of the peace in this Township by the Collector of the same, and to be applyed as h herein after directed. od. And be it enacted, that the amount of the said Tax after deducting the charges of Assessing and Collecting the same and all lines which shall be recovered by virtue of this Act, shall be appropriated, exclusively to making good any losses sustained by the Inhabitants of this Township by the destruction of their Shee^) by Dogs Avhere no legal remedy can otherwise be had for the same : and for this purpose, the ballance of this fund which may remain unappropriated in the hands of the Collector at the ex- jiiration of his office, shall be paid to his successor, or shall be placed at interest to form a permanent fund to be applyed exclu- sively to the object contemplated by this Act, at the discretion of the Township Committee. 4th. And be it enacted, that where any Inhabitant of this Township shall sustain damages by his or her Sheep being killed by Dogs, it shall be Lawful to call on two respectable freeholders of the Township who shall view the Sheep so killed, and if it shall appear to their satisfaction that the said Sheep were killed by a Dog or Dogs, and that the owner of such Dog or Dogs can- not be discovered, the said viewers shall make return in writing to a Justice of the peace of this Township of such their belief, together with the damages appraised by them on oath or affirma- tion, which said Justice shall under his hand direct the Collector of the Township to pay the amount out of the monies specially appropriated for this purpose, if he should have a sufficient sum 1809.J RECORDS OF NEWARK. 1^7 iu his hands to pay the same — togetlier witli one dollar for the services of each of the said appraisers, and iifty cents fur the services of the said Jnstice : — Provided that the person so claim- ini; damages shall previonsly subscribe on oath or affirmation on tlie back of said, to be certified by the said Justice, that he or she doth not know by whose Dog or ])ogs the damages was oc- casioned, and that Avhenever it shall come to his or her knowl- edge, he or she will give information thereof to the Collector of the Township whose duty it shall be to prosecute forthwith for the amount, and Avhen recovered to apply the same as herein before directed. 5th. And be it enacted, that it shall be lawful for any Inhab- itant of this Township who shall see any Dog chase, Avorry or wound liis Sheep or Lambs, to kill such Dog ; and if such person does not kill such Dog, and shall give notice thereof to the own- er or possessor of such Dog, If such owner or possessor shall not kill, or cause the Dog to be killed within forty eight hours after such notice, he or she shall forfeit the sum of thirty dollars ; to be recovered before any Justice in the Township by the owner of said Sheep or Lambs, to his or her use, with cost of suit. Gth. And be it enacted, that the Dog or Dogs meant to be subject to the Taxes and penaltys above named, shall extend to Dogs of all sizes and sexes. At an Annual Town Meeting h(;ld at the Court house in New- ark on Monday, the 10th day of Apr 11^ 1S09, The Officers lor the ensuing year were duly chosen and Resolves passed as fol- lows — Samuel Pennington, Moderator. Daniel Brown, Town Clerk. John Dodd, Assessor. Ananias Baldwin, Collector. Aaron Mun, Judge of Election. Thomas Ward and Israel Crane, Chosen Freeholders. Abraham Speer, Caleb Camp and Samuel Pennington, Com- missioners of Appeals. Abraham Speer, Aaron Johnson, Stephen Hays, John Dodd, and James Vanderpool, Townshii> C^onimittee. John JiJrown, Benjamin C/oe, David Nichols, Isaac Dodd, Over- seers of the Poor. Samuel B. Brown, Jabez Campiield, I'eter Wilt, Pound masters. llobert B. Camptield, William Ilalsey and Setli Woodruff, Street Commissioners. Edward Jones, David Thorp, Japhiah Harrison and 'J'homas Crane, Isaac Dodd, and Alexander Lawrence, C^onstablcs. Nathaniel Crane and Nehemiah S. Baldwin, Surveyors of Highways. 1.98 RECOEDS OF NEWARK. [1809. Cooijer Ci'aue, Caleb Parkhurst, Henry Ticlienor, Sayres Coo, James Black, William Barges, Jabez Campfield, Edward r>lack- ford, Abner Ward, Joseph T. Baldwin, David James, Jun'r, Eleazcr Crane, Lewis Baldwin, Samuel Dodd, Abraham Sigler, Peter Egbert, Thomas Specr, John P. Sanford, John Stimats, James Ilornbloer, Jared Rutgers, John A. Van Riper, Henry Van Winkle, Jacob Cooman, Tunis Garrabrant, James Sigler, Isaac Kingsland, George Harrison, Isaac Baldwin, Stephen INIor- ris, Ephraim Cockafeir, John Winneer, Joseph L. Keen, Garret I. Speer, John Tuis, Overseers of the Highways. Resolved — 1st. That a paper containing the division of the Poor between the Townships of Newark and Orange be recorded, and filed by the Clerk. 2. That sixteen hundred Dollars be raised this year, for the use and support of the Poor. 3. That the Poor be disposed of by the Overseers, &c., as usual. 4. That the Street Commissioners, viz : Robert B. Campfield, William llalsey and Seth Woodruff", be instructed to proceed to execute the law respecting streets, &c., and that the Faith of the Town be pledged to defray the expences of the same. 5. That the aforesaid street commissioners be appointed a com- mittee to confer with the inhabitants residing in the neighborhood of certain vacant lands known by the name of the watering ground, respecting the width of the street, &g. And the said Committee be authorized to receive fifteen hundred Dollars, in payment for part of said lands. It shall also be the duty of the said Committee to apply to the Legislature for a Law to authorise the said Committee to sell the said vacant lands. 6th. That two public Pounds be provided in addition to the common Pound, for the impounding of Hogs, viz. one at the South, and the other at the North end of the Town, and that each hog, after remaining in the Pound more than 24 hours, have three cents worth of feed per day, which shall be given him by the pound master, and to be paid for by the ovvners of the hogs. And that every hog after remaining in the Pound more than seven days, shall be sold at public Vendues, which shall be held on Saturdays between 5 and V o'clock P. M. Hogs subject to he impoimded — All of two months old and upwards found in the ])ublic streets, or out of the enclosures of their owners. Rate of Poundage, and Bounds, the same as last year. 7. That the Dog tax be continued the same as last year. s. That all Cattle found on the Salt Meadow, not on the land of their owners, shall be liable to be impounded. 9. That liberty be granted to the Inhabitants of tliis Town to 1810.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 199 I)uild a Fish Market on the common between Mr. Aaron Harri- son's and Mr. J. Ashton's. 1 0. That tlie annual Election be opened at Bloomfield on the first day, (at the time appointed by law) and close at the Court house in Newark on the second day. Division of tlie Poor between the Township of Newark and Orange. Agreeable to notice, The Township's Committees of the Town- ships of Newark and Orange met at the house of Moses Condit, Inn-keei^er at Orange on the .'5rd day of June, 180S; for the purpose of dividing the Poor of the said Townships not hereto- fore agreed upon ; and the said C'ommittees amicably agree to the following division. The Township of Orange by the Committee agreed, and it was accepted by the Committee of Newark, that they take as (juota the following persons, and the remnant to be ]n-ovided for by tlie Township of Newark. Samuel Parrett, Haniiah Ball, Joel Osborne, Abner Osborne, Child, Joannah "VYilliams, Widow of Moses Owens, and two children, John Congar, James Humes, Susannah Humes, Robert Davis, Widow Hannah ]*rice, and Children, and James Ryon. The Committees directed their Chairmen to make out two Certificates, one for each Town, and sign the same. In conformity to the said order of the Committees, we the Subscribers do certify that the foregoing division of the Poor is just and true, as agreed uj^on by the Committees respectively, as witness our hands this seventeenth day of August, 1808. D. D. CRANE, Chairman of the Newark Committee. STEPHEN D. DAY, Chairman of the Orange Committee. SAM'L PENNINGTON, Moderator. Dan'l Browx, Town Clerk. At an Annual Town Meeting, held at the Court house in Newark, on Monday, the 9th day of A2»'il, 1810, The Officers for the ensuing year were duly chosen and resolves j.assed as follows, viz : Aaron Munn, Esqr., Moderator. Isaac Headley, Town Clerk. John Dodd, Assessor, Ananias Baldwin, Collector. Aaron ^Munn, Judge of Election, Robert B. Cam2)field, Israel Crane, Chosen Freeholders. vVbraham Speer, Caleb Camp, Samuel Pennington, Commis- sioners of Appeal. Robert B. Camjifield, Seth Woodrutt\ Joseph T. Baldwin, Street Commission ei"s. 206 RECORDS OF NEWARK-, [1810 Abraham Speer, John Dod, Stephen Hays, Nehemiali S. Bald- win, James Vanderpool, Town C-ommitteo. John Brown, Benjamin Coe, Jolni II. Osborn, David Nichols, Overseers of the Poor. Edward Jones, Joseph Sayrs, Japhiah Harrison, David Thoi'p, Alexander Lawrence, Isaac Dodd, Constable. Joseph Sayrs, Jnn'r, Nathaniel Crane, Surveyors of the high- ways. Jabez Canfield, Pound Master. Resolved — 1st. There shall be but one Pound in the Town. 2nd. That two thousand Dollars be raised for the support of the poor for the present year. Hrd. The Overseers shall not sell the poor at Auction. 4th. That a Committee be appointed to dijest ; and at a future meeting, exhibit some place [plan ?J relative to errecting a poor house in the Town. The Committee to consist of the following- persons, viz : Samuel Pennhigton, John Dodd, John Dow, Isaac Andruss, Seth Woodruff, Epaphras Hinsdale, C^aleb Camp, James Vanderpool, Joseph T. Baldwin, 5th. That the dog tax shall be as it has heretofore been. Gth. That the Annual Election shall be opened at the house of Jacob Ward at Bloomfield, and closed at the Court house in Newark. 7th. That a tax of $500 be raised to defray the cxpenccs of Surveying the Town Plot. 8th. That the Street Commissioners be paid for their services the last year. 9th. That the Inhabitants of this Town will not abandon their right in the old burying ground. 10th. That a Committee of five be appointed to enquire into the Town's right resj^ecting the burying ground. 11th. That the Committee consist of the folloM'ing persons — William S. Pennington, Isaac Andruss, James Vanderpool, Silas Condict, Seth Woodruff. 12tli. That the said Committee be instructed to make due en- quiry respecting the right of the burying ground, and if they find it invested in the Inhabitants of the Town they shall demand it of the Trustees, and if they refuse to give it up they shall pro- pose leaving to a refference ; but if those pacific measures prove ineffefetual the Committee are authorized to call a special Town Meeting. 13th. That the purchasers of that lot of land commonly called the watering place, shall jiay one third of the money on the receipt of the deeds, and the other two thirds on the first of May, ISU. 1811.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 201 14tl). That tilt' lio<^ law be and remain as it was the last year, except that the hogs shall be subject to be pounded at any Sea- son of the year. 15th. That Goats shall be subject to be jjounded any season of tlie year, their poundage to be two shillings. AARON MUNN, Moderator. Isaac Heauley, Town Clerk, At an Annual Toavx Meetixg, held in the Court room at Moses Roff''s tavern, Ajyril 8th, ISll, The following Officers were chosen for the year ensuing, viz : Aaron Muun, Esqr., Moderator. Isaac Andruss, Town Cl'k and Cl'k of Estrays John Dodd, Assessor. Ananias Baldwin, Collector. Aaron Munn, Judge of Election. Robert B. Campfield, Israel Crane, Chosen Freeholders. Ab'm Speer, Caleb Camp, Sara'l Pennington, Com. of Ap])eals. John Ailing, Josejih Sayrs, Jun'r, 8eth \V'oodruft', Street Com- missioners. Abr'm Speer, John Dodd, Stephen Hays, Nehemiali S. Bald- win, Joseph T. Baldwin, Town Committee. John Brown, John H. Osborn, David Nichols, Benjamin Coe, Overseers of the Poor. Jonathan Keen, Joseph Sayrs, Japhia Harrison, Isaac Dodd, Squire Baldwin, Harmonus King, Constables. Job S. Dodd, Joseph Sayrs, Jun'r, Surveyors of Highway. Jabez Campfield, John Brown, Pound Masters. The following resolutions were then adojated, viz : 1st. That the Poor be left in the hands of the Overseers, as in the last year. 2d. That the sum of twenty five hundred dollars be raised for the use of the Poor the ensuing Year. :3d. That the chosen freeholders of this Township, be instruct- ed to concur in the jiroposition for building a County Poor house. 4th. That the next Election for County Ofticers be opened at Isaac Ward's at Bloomfield, and closed at Moses Roffs in Newark. .5th. That the next Annual Town Meeting be held at Moses Rofl^s tavern in Newark. 0th. That the same Zaw resjjccting the impounding of Hogs and Goats shall be in force this year, as was in the last. 7th. That the Town Clerk be allowed five dollars for his ser- vices, in addition to the fees allowed him by law. The following persons were then elected Overseers of the high- ways, viz : Sam'l Foster, Ogden Johnson, Joseph Bruin, Sam'l 2(5 202 RECOKDS OF NEWARK. [1811. Pennington, Jediah J, Nichols, John Ailing, Uriah Burclge, Elihu Crane, Seth Woodrufl', Joseph T. Baldwin, John Sandford, Miuard Queman, Cornelins Jacobus, Ezekael Wade, Joseph Kingsland, Adrion Post, Thomas Speer, Ab'ni Pake, Rich'd Craig, Alex. Williams, David Taylor, John Garrabrant, Ab'm Speer, Stephen Fordham, Caleb Baldwin, Joseph Morris, Isaac J. Ward, Thomas Keen, Nehemiah Ward, Moses Dodd, Henry Kingsland, John G. Garrabrant. No fui'ther business appearing the Town meeting was adjourned. AARON MUNN, Moderator. Isaac Axdruss, Town Clerk. At a special Toavx Meeting, held at the Court room at Moses Roff's tavern, pursuant to public notice, June the 24th, 1811, Aaron Munn, Moderator, and Isaac Andruss, Clerk. The object of this Special Town Meeting was to take into con- sideration the proj^riety of purchasing, with a part of the money arising from the sale of the Watering j^^cice, a lot of land in the Town platt of Newark whereon to build a Tow^i House. After the object of the meeting had been fully explained, and much conversation and debate had taken place, upon a motion being made and seconded, it was Resolved, 1st. That one thousand live hundred and seventy five Dollars and iifty cents, of the monies arising from the sale of the water- ing place be and is hereby approj^riated, to purchase a lot of laud lying South of Stephen Rolf's tavern in the Broad Street, being a part of the old Court house ground, containing sixty four feet in front, and running back to the burying ground, for the purpose of building a Town house thereon, and that the Town- ship Committee be directed to take a deed for the same, in the name of the Inhabitants of the Township. 2d. That a committee of seven persons be ajjpointed, with full powers, to contract lor, or build a Toion house on said lot of land, in such a way, or manner as they may think best calculated to serve the interests of the Town, and that the following persons be the Committee, Viz : William S. Pennington, Smith Burnet, Robert B. Campfield, Stephen Hays, Isaac Andruss, James Van- derpool, and Aaron Munn. A letter was received and read in the Town Meeting, from the Selectmen of Neiohemj iwrt, addressed to the Town Officers of Newark, giving an account, of very great distress and damage expei^enced in that Town from a late lire, which had consumed more than two hundred houses — And jiraying for the benevolent aid of their fellow citizens, it was resolved that the address be handed back to the Town Committee and that they be instructed to cause the same to be published in the Newspaper published in this Town, and that the Town Committee be directed to open a 1812.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 203 subscription and circulate the same tbrougout the Townsliip, for the benefit of the sufferers. And that after the subscription has had a general circulation the money raised be forwarded by the Town Committee in the name of the Township, to the Select- men of Neioherri) port^ for the benefit of the sufierers, ISAAC ANDPvUSS, Town Clerk. At an annual Town Meeting, held in the Court Roonr at Moses Roff's Tavern, April 13th, 1812, the following Officers where chosen for the year ensuing, viz : Aaron Munn, Esqr., IVIoderator. Silas Hayes, Town Clerk, and Clerk of Estrays. James Hedden, Assessor. Josej^h L. Wheeler, Collector. Aaron ]\Iunn, Es(p-., Judge of Elections. Robert B. Campfield, Esq., Joseph T. Baldwin, Chosen Free- holders. Samuel l*cnnington, Esq., Caleb Camp, Esq., James Vander- pool. Commissioners of Appeals. Seth Woodruff, John Ailing, Jabcz Camfield, Street Commis- sioners. David I). Crane, Esqr., Stephen Hayes, Nehemiah S. Baldwin, Joseph T. Baldwin, Silas Condit, Town Committee. David Nichols, Obadiah Woodruff, Oversears of the Poor. David Roff, Joseph Sayrs, Jotham Baldwin, J aphia Harrison, Constables. Joseph W. Camp, David Doremus, Surveyors of HighAvay. Jabez Camfield, Pound Master. The following reasolutions where then adopted, viz : 1st. Resolved, That the same law respecting the pounding of Hogs and Goats shal be in force this year as was in the last. 2nd. That the sum of Two Thousand Dollars be raised for the use and support of the poor the ensuing year. 3rd. That a Committee of three persons be ajipointed to call upon the trustees of the first Presbyterian Church in ISTcwark, for a surrender of the possession of all the town lands, now in their possession, which where, by a late act of Assembly vested in the town, wether held by them, or persons holding under them, and, that in case the said Corporation refuse to surrender any lands which the Committee are of opinion belong to the Town, that the said Committee have authority to call a special town meeting. 4th. That Josei>h C. Jloriiblower, Seth Woodruff and William Halsey, be a Committee to call on the trustees of said church. 5th. That the poor be left in the hands of the oversears of the ])0or as in the last year. 204 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1813. 6th, That the accounts of the Street Commissioners be exam- ined by the Town Committee, and that a sum not to exceede One liundred Dollars be raised for said Commissioners, provided however that said Committee shall deem it expedient. The following persons w^here then elected as Oversears of the high ways, Viz : Joseph Wilbur, Stephen Johnson, Caleb Camp, Esq., Samuel Pennington, David Nichols, John Ailing, Moses Fatout, Jabez Camfield, Samuel Williams, Joseph T. Baldwin, David Sayrs, Jun'r. It was then agreed that the next election for County Officers be held at Stephen Roif 's Tavern in Newark. No farther business appearing Town Meeting adjourned. AARON MUNN, Moderator. S. Hates, Clerk. At an annual Towx Meetixg, held at Moses Roff's Court room, Ajn-il 12th, 1813, when the following officers where chosen for the ensuing year, viz : Aaron Munn, Esq., Moderator and Judge of Election. Silas Hayes, Town Clerk and Clerk of Estrays. James Hedden, Esqr., Assessor. Joseph L. Wheeler, Collector. Robert B. Campfield Esq'r, Samuel Pennington Esq'r, Chosen Freeholders. Caleb Wheeler, Nehemiah S. Baldwin, Stephen Hayes, Com- missioners of Appeals. John Ailing, Jabez Camfield, Silas Condit Esq'r, Stephen Hayes, Nehemiah S. Baldwin, Town Committee. Obadiah Woodruff, David Nichols, Oversears of the Poor. David Roff, Jotham Baldwin, Joseph Sayrs, Japhia Harrison, Constables. Seth Woodruff, Nehemiah S. Baldwin, Surveyors of High way. Jabez Camfield, Pound Master. John Ailing, Seth Woodruff, Jabez Camfield, Street Commis- sioners. The following Reasolutions where then adopted. Viz: Resolved 1st. That Hogs be subject to poundage that run at large aiul that their poundage be fifty Cents, that all Hogs that rciniain in pound for four days, shall be then advertised by the Pound Master for Sale for three days, advertisements to be posted at three different places, viz. at Moses Roft''s, at the pumj) oi)posite Capt. Giffbrd's in Broad Way and at Jacob Plum's store in north part of the town, and that the pound master be al- lowed twenty five cents for advertising, to be paid by the owner or owners of such Hogs so advertised — that this law extend to 1814] RECOEDS OF NEWARK. 205 all the township except that part which lies South and South West of David Hayes'. 2nd. That Twenty two hundred Dollars be raised for the sup- port of the poor of this township the ensuing year. .^rd. That Five liundred Dollars be raised for the Schooling of poor children, to be placed hi the liands of the Town Committee for said purpos. 4th. That the poor remain in the hands of the Oversears of the poor the ensuing year. 5th, That the elections be held at Stephen Roft''s. (5th, That John N. Gumming, Anthony Dey, Caleb S. Riggs, William Ilalsey and Joseph C. Ilornblowers, Esquires, be j^er- mitted to erect at their own expence or by voluntary contribution, under the direction of the Township Committee, a pale fence, with proper gates, railings and walks round the two Commons in the North part of the town, to Avit, the Common in front of Gen'l Cumming's, and the military common on which the Episco- pal church now stands, provided that the said commons are to be and remain for the original public use in the town ])atent designated, i;nder the direction of the township C-ommittee, and be subject to the futur order and controul of the Town Meeting. And the erections round the Military common to have gates sufficiently large to admit Collums of iMilitary Troops to i)ass and repass. The following persons were then appointed overseers of the high ways, viz : Zophar Lyon, Stephen Johnson, Josiah Brewin, Sam'l Pen- nington, Johnson Nichols, Richard Sweazy, Isaac Sayrs, Caleb Sayrs, Jabcz Camfield, Seth Woodruif, Joseph T. Baldwin, and David C, Brown. No farther business appearing Town Meeting Adjourned. SILAS HAYES, Clerk. At an annual Town Meetino, held at ]\[osos Roff 's Court Room, Ajyrll 11th, 1S14, Avhen the following Officers where chosen for the ensuing Year', viz : Aaron Munn, Esqr., Moderator. Silas Hayes, Town Cleilc and Clerk of Estrays, James Iledden, Esqr., Assessor, Joseph L. Wheeler, C -ollector. Aaron jNIunn, Esqr., Judge of Election. Robert B. Camptield, Es([r., Seth Woodruff, Chosen Free- holders. Calel) Wheeler, Nehemiah S. Baldwin, Stephen Hays, Com missioners of A])peals. John Ailing, Jabez Camfield, Sti'phcn Hays, Nehemiah S. ]5a]d- w in, James Vanderjiool, '^I'own Committee. 206 Records of Newark. [1814. Jabez Camfield, Henry L. Parkhurst, Surveyors of Highways. Obadiali WoodrufF, Moses Roberts, Oversears of the Poor. David Roft', Joseph Sayrs, Japhia Harrison, Jotham Baklwin, Constables. Moses Smith, Seth Woodruff, Jolui Ailing, Street Commis- sioners. Jabez Camfield, Jonathan Miller, Samuel B. Brown, Pound Masters. Jos. C. Ilornblower, Silas Condit, Edward Jones, James Van- derpool, David Hayes, William Tuttle, Aaron Munn, Committee to examine the Poor Schools. Oversears of the High Ways — Israel C. Crane, Samuel Bald- win, Samuel Wliitaker, Edward Jones, Ezra Baldwin, Stephen Sayrs, William Burdge, James Serring, Abner Ward, Jr., Jona- than Miller, and John I. Plume. The following Reasolutions Avhere then adoi^tcd, Viz : 1st. That the roads be worked by tax. 2nd. That Four Thousand Dollars be raised for the working the roads. .3rd. That Twenty Seven Hundred Dollars be raised for the sup])ort of the Poor and that Five Hundred Dollars be appro- priated for the schooling of Poor Children. 4th. Tliat Poor Children Avho have a residence be schooled. 6th. That the Poor remain in the hands of the oversears as the year past. 6th. That the Town Committee have authority to raise a sum on loan, not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars in anticii)ation of the road Tax. 7th. That the Hog Law and poundage be as it was last year. 8tb. That this meeting do instruct their Freeholders to use their influence to join with the County to build a County Poor House, and If they refuse to endeavour to get the property sold that is now inirchased and the money divided in proportion to the money advanced. 9th. That the election o])en at Stephen Roft"'s and close at Moses Roff's. No further business apj^earing — Adjourned. SILAS HAYES, T. Clerk. At a Special Towx INEeeting, held at the Court Rooin of Moses Roff's, on Saturday, the 30th of A2)rll, 18U, Call'd at the request of sundry Iidiabitants of the Townshi]"), to reconsider the several reasolution of working the High ways by tax for Raising by tax Four Thousand Dollars for road Tax and the em- powring the Town Committee to borrow on Loan a sum not ex- ceeding Two Thousand Dollars in anticipation of the road tax. 1814.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 207 The meeting proceeded to business, wlien Aavou Munn, Esqr., was chosen Chairman, and Silas Hayes, Clerk. The following reasolutions where then adopted : 1st. That the first reasolution of the last Annual Town Meeting declaring the Highways to be worked by tax for the ensuing year that the same be repealed. 2nd. That the Second reasolution passed at the last ainiual Town meeting, authorizing tlie raising by tax the sum of Four Thousand Dollars for road tax that the same be repealed. ord. That the sixth reasolution passed at the last annual Town Meeting, authorising the Town C-omraittee to borrow on Loan a sum not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars in anticipation of the road tax that the same bo repealed. The business of the meeting having gone through agreeable to the advertisements, it adjourned. SILAS HAYES, Town Clerk. At an extra Town Meeting, held at Moses Rolf's Court Room, for the purpos of a^ipointing an Assessor to sui)})ly the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Col. James Hcdden and to hear the report of the Committee appointed in respect to the poor und poor Ilonse. Aaron Munn, Esqr., Chairman. Silas Hayes, Sect'y. John Tiiompson, Assessor, The following Reasolution was then adopted : That a Committee of six persons. Viz — Lewis Thibou, Caleb Camp, Esq., Silas Condit, Robert I>. Camptield and Samuel l*en- nington be and are liereby appointed to fix on a sight for build- ing or hireing a situation for the Poor. No further Business the meeting adjourned. "Sn^AS HAYES, Clerk. A Sjiecial Toavn Meeting, held at the House of Moses Roft"'s, on Tuesday, the 18th October^ 1814, agreeable to public notice, on the subject of the Poor JTouse, The Committee appointed to ])rocure a situation for the Poor, reported and recommended the Purchase of a certain House antl lot situated in Mulberry street, formerly the property of Jotham l>aldwin. The report being considered, was adjourned to the next meeting, Mdien it was Resolved, that the subject of tliis meeting be adjourned imtill Tuesday, the 25th inst., at G o'clock in the evening at this place, A 208 RECOEDS OF NEWARK. [1814. at which time tlie Town will bo eall'd upon to adopt the report of the Committee in pnrchasing the above mentioned situation. Meeting adjourned. SILAS HAYES, Clerk. A S])ecial Towx Meeting, held at the House of Moses Roff, agreeable to public Notice, on Tuesday, the 25tli October^ 1814, on the subject of the Poor House. The report noted in the Minutes of the last meeting on this subject, was again made by the Committee appointed at a pre- vious Town Meeting, and after deliberation it was resolved that the subject bo postponed untill Wednesday evening, the 2nd of November next, at G o'clock, and in order that general Informa- tion may be given, the following reasolution was adopted, viz : Resolved, That this meeting do instruct the Town Clerk to cause Hand bills to be distributed on the day preceding the meet- ing, setting forth the object and time of the meeting, and that he engage the Bell man to give notice thi'ough the streets on the afternoon preceding the meeting, and do direct the Town Com- mittee to pay for the same. No further business appearing, adjourned. SILAS HAYES, Town Clerk. A Special Town Meeting, held at Moses Rolf's Court Room, Nov. 2nd. 1814, on the subject of the Poor House. The Committee appointed to procure a situation for the Poor again reported their proceedings on the subject. Recommending the purchase of the House and Lott late the property of Jotham Baldwin situated in Mulbery Street. When after considerable debate and investigation, the following reasolution was taken on the subject. Viz: 1st. That this meeting deem it ex2:)edient at this time to hire a situation for the convenience of the poor. 2d. That the Town Committee do hire a House and Lands sufficient for the convenience of the Poor within the Town Plot for three Years, od. That the Town Committee are hereby instructed to present a petition to Legislature of this State praying for a Law to exerap the Town of Newark from being subject to a tax for the purpos of a County Poor House. No further Business appearing, adjourned. SILAS HAYES, Town Clerk. A Special Toavn Meeting, held agreeable to public Notice, on Tuesday, the 6th JJecer/ibei; 1814, at the Court room of Moses Rolf's, on the subject of the Poor House, eall'd at the request of the Town Committee. 1815.] KECORDS OF NEWARK. 209 Aaron Munn, Esq., was chosen Chairman, Mr. Vanderi)Ool iti belialf of tlie Town Committee explaiiiea the object of the meetino-, viz; that the reasolutiou of last Town Meeting requiring the Town Committee to hire a situation for the Poor within the Town Piatt could not he put into eftect, embraceing the interest of the Town and the accommodation of the Poor. The Town Committee suggested the iiropriety of ])urchasing instead of hireing a situation for the poor. After de- liberation the meeting was adjourned untill Tuesday, the I'Uh inst., for a more general attendance, to be held at this place at u'clock in the evening, to take into consideration the report ot the Town Committee on the subject of the Poor House. Also to take into consideration the propriety of Issuing Tickets as a cir- culating medium for the convenience of the Town. Ordered that the Town Clerk be required to give public notice of the adjourned Town Meeting in the Xewark Centinel, setting forth the time and object of said meeting. Adjourned. SILAS HAYES, Town Clerk. Special Towx Meeting December 13, 1814 — The Town Com- mittee again reported to the meeting the impropriety and im- jtossibility of hireing a Situation within the Town Piatt for the Poor. The following reasolutiou was adopted. Viz : That Whereas the Town Committee having found it impractable to procure a sit- uation for the poor Avithin the Town Piatt therefore resolve that the Town C^ommittee are hereby authorised to hire or purchase a situation for the ])oor within the Township of Newark. The subject of Issuing Tickets as a circulating medium for the Benefit of the Town was discuss'd and adjourned indefinitely. SILAS HAYES, T. Clerk. At an annual Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of tlie Town- ship of Newark held ut Moses Rolfs this Tenth day of April A. D. 1 Sis- Aaron Munn, Moderator and Judge of Election. James \V. Hurnett, Clerk and Clerk of Estrays. On motion being made and seconded this meeting was ad- journed for one hour, to meet again at this same place, which l)eing duly done and the 7th Sec. of the Act of the Legislature, l)eiug read, as required by Law, proceeded to Buisness, when was duly Elected For Assessor, Seth Woodruft". Collector, Joseph L. AVheeler, Chosen Freeholders, Seth Woodruff, James Van Derpool. Commissioners of Appeal, Nehemiah S. Baldwin, Jabez Can- field, Col. Stephen Hayes, 27 210 liECOliDS OF NEWARK. [1815. Surveyors of Highway, Henry L. Parkhurst, Ezra Baldwin. On Motion <^c. The Ueport of Township Committee was read and aece]>ted in part, to wit, rehitive to monies received and Expended. Report of Overseers of the Poor being called for, was read by Oba. Woodruff, Overseer. Report of Town Committee rchitive to the purchase of a Poor House, for the accommodation of the Poor of this Township, together with a Preamble and Resolutions accompanying the same were severally Read, and on motion &c. the said Resolu- tions were adopted and sanctioned by unanimous Vote of this meeting. It was submitted for the consideration of this meeting, the propriety of selling the Poor House and Farm recently purchased by the Town Committee for the ])urposc of ])rocuring a more EHgiblc situation and one more adjacent the Hoiises of PiibUo lVbrshi2), and after considerable debate this Meeting Resolved to dispense with the Sale. On Motion &c. the Sum to be raised the ensuing Year for the Benifit and Support of the Poor shall be Three Thousand Two Hundred Dollars, of which sum Five Hundred Dollars shall be appropriated for the use of the Poor School of this Township, and that the sum of One Thousand Dollars, be loaned if necessary, till such time as the same shall be duly collected. Resolved that the Overseers of the Poor, consist of two per- sons to wit Overseers of Poor, David Hayes, Lewis Thibou. Town Committee, John Ailing, Jabez Canfield, Stephen Hayes, Neheraiah S. Baldwin, James Van Derpool. Constables, Japhia Harrison, Ashbel Green, Isaac Crawford, Uzal McGinnis, Joseph Sayres. Street Commissioners, Col. Isaac Andruss, Edward Jones, Jo- seph T. Baldwin. Pound Masters, Jabez Canfield, Nehemiah J. Crane, Samuel B. Brown. Overseers Highway, Abner Kilburn, Capt. Josei:»h Bruen, Hugh K. Toler, Henry Parkhurst, Ezra Baldwin, Edward Jones, Jedediah Crane, David Cook, Matthias Plum, John C. Burnet, John P. Decatur. Committee appointed to superintend the Poor School Estab- lislied for the Benefit of the Poor Children of this Township Re])orted and submitted an Address to this meeting, which was read, Whereui)on the following persons were chosen as a Committee for the same purpose the Ensuing Year to wit : Jose]jh C. Hornblower, Silas Condit, Edward Jones, David Hayes, William Tuttle, Isaac Andruss, William Ward, Committee to Superintend I*oor Schools. 181o.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 211 Resolved that tlio Roads sliall bo worked by Labour the En- suing Year. Resolved, that Hogs found trespassing sliall not be liable to be poiuided. A motion was made seconded and carried that the Town Com- mittee be instructed to Enclose the Old Burying Ground, and see that it be Kept in good fence, and that the same l>e not Leased or Hired for the purjiose of pasturing Horses, Oxen or Cows. It was submitted that a Town House be Erected and Built in this Township and a motion taken accordingly and Resolved that a Committee be appointed to consider of the pro])riety and Ex- pediency of such proceeding, and to report in Writing at the next annual Town meeting, and the following persons were duly ap])ointed as such Committee to wit : Seth AVoodrutf, Isaac Andruss, Silas Condit, Isaac Nichols, Rob't B. Cantield. Resolved — That the Ensuing Election open at Stephen Rofts and Close at ]\[oses Rofts. No further Business appearing before this Meeting, the Same was closed Sine die. JAMES W. BURNETT, Town Clerk. The following is a Copy of tlie Preamble and Resolutions sub- mitted to the Town Meeting by Township Committee, (vide JMinutes) : The Tow^nship Committee hav'g reported that they had applied to the Legislature of this State and obtained an Act Entitled " An Act to authorise the Inhabitants of the Township of New- ark in the County of Essex to Build or Purchase a I'oor House." And also that they had entered into certain Articles of Agree- ment in writing on behalf of this ToAvnship with Captain Aa. Johnson, for the purchase of the dwelling House and farm where- on he lately lived situate in the Township of Newark, as lately surveyed by Stephen Hayes Junior, for the sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars. Whereupon Resolved that this Townshiji do accept the Prive- lidges of the said Act of the Legislature, and do appoint the said dwelling House and Farm, so as aforesaid agreed by the said Township Committee to be purchased from the said Aaron John- son, to be the place in the said Township of Newark to be pur- chased for a Poor House according to the terms of the said Act. Resolved, That the said Township Committee be and they are hereby empowered to take possession of the said Dwelling I louse and farm for the use of the Poor of the Township, and to receive from the said Aaron Johnson a Deed for the same — and there- upon the Inhabitants of the Township of NcAvark in the County of Essex and their Successors shall become bound 1o ])ay to the 212 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1816. said Aaron Jolinson his Executors, Administrators and Assigns the sum of Four Thousand five hundred Dollars, the consideration money, in manner following to wit — $500 on the first day of Jan- uary next with Interest on the whole sum or Purchase money from the first day of April Instant, and One thousand Dollars Yearly and Every year thereafter untill the whole Purchase money be Paid, with Interest to he ])aid Annually on the whole sum remaining unpaid according to the Terms of the said Agree- ment so made with the said Aaron Johnson, And that this Town- sliip is pledged and bound to provide the necessary funds to make good the said Payments. At a Special Town Meeting, holden this ninth day of Septem- her^ A. D. 1815, for the purpose of appointing a Township Col- lector, (vice Joseph L. Wheeler, resigned) agreeable to previous notice, Col. Isaac Andruss was duly appointed Moderator, The object of this meeting being explained, the 7th Section of the " Act incorporating the Inhabitants of Townships, designa- ting their meetings" being read, and the said meeting qualified agreeable to Law proceeded to Buisness, Avhen after due consid eration James W. Burnett was by a majority of votes appointed Toionsliip Collector for the Year. No further Business coming up, this Town Meeting was adjourned sine die. JAMES W. BURNETT, Town Clerk. At an Annual Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town- ship of Newark, convened on the 8th day of April, 1816, at the house of Moses Roff, and from there adjourned to the Session house of the 1st Presbytei'ian Church, the following Oflicers were elected for the ensuing year, and the joroceedings as follow adopted : Gen. John N. Cumming Avas chosen Moderator. William Ward, Town Clerk and Clerk of Estrays. Seth Woodruff, Assessor. James W. Burnett, Collector. Samuel Pennington, Robert B. Camfield, Chosen Freeholders, Nehemiah S. Baldwin, Jabez Camfield, Col. Stephen Hayes, Commissioners of Appeal. Henry L. Parkhurst, Ezra Baldwin, Surveyors of Iliglnvay. Isaac Nichols, Lewis Thibou, Overseers of the Poor. Ashbel Green, Joseph Sayres, Japhia Harrison, David Ball, Jacob Peshine, Constables. John I. Plume, Seth Woodruft* WiUiam S. Pennington, Street Commissioners. Jabez Camfield, Nehemiah J, Crane, Samuel B. Brown, Pound Masters, EUas Wood, Joseph W. Camp, Caleb Earle, Samuel Penning- 1816.J RECORDS OF NEWARK. 213 ton, James Black, David Nicliolls, Jedediali Crane, David Cook, IMattliias Plum, Thomas Eagles, Josc])li T. r)al(l\viii, Overseers of IIii;li\vny. .lohii Alliuir, Jabc/ Camfield, Stephen Hayes, Nehemiah S. Baldwin, James Vanderpool, Town Committee. Aaron JMunn, Judge of Pvlection. Jose])li C. Ilondjlower, Silas Condit, Edward Jones, J)avid Hayes, Williani Tuttle, Isaac Andruss, William Ward, Commit- tee for the Poor School. On motion, Minutes of the last annual meeting relating to Hogs T\^re corrected — in place of the word " trc^xissing,'''' the sentence, '^hogs found running at large in the streets,^'' was substituted. jV[r. Vanderpool, in helialf of the Town Committee, produced and read a detailed report concerning the state of the poor, and other subjects, Avhich report was acce])ted : — Whereupon it was resolved, that said Annual report be entered on the town l)Ooks, and that the clerk l)e instructed to transcribe the same, and that a reasonable compensation be allowed him for such service. Resolved, that 2,800 dollars be ajipropriated for the mainten- ance of the poor for the ensuing year. That the Street Commissioners be compensated for their ser- vices, at the rate of One Dollar p'r day, and that they exhibit their accounts for such allowance at the Annual Meeting. That they be authorised at the public expence to procure a copy of a map of the town now in the office of the County Clerk. That One Hundred Dollars be raised by a tax, to be levied exclusively upon the inhabitants of the Tow^i Plot, for the use of the Commissioners toward regulating the Streets ; and that in every case of difficulty or opposition -which, in the faithful ])er- formance of their duty may occur ; — such as running and ascer- taining lines, or prosecuting or defending the connnon rights of the township; the town will support them, and indemnify them in any loss or damage so sustained. That after this date all hogs found running at large within the town plot may be impounded — the name of the person who brings or sends them to be left with the pound Master. The rate of poundage for each hog shall be Fifty cents : twelve and a half to the pound master, twelve and a half to the person impound- ing, and twenty five cents to the town. Rei^ort of the Committee on the proposition to build a town house was read. Whereupon on Motion, Resolved, that the sub- ject be referred back to the same Committee for further consid- eration, and that the Committee be instructed to apply to the Legislature for a Law to authorize the selling of such portions of the town property as may be deemed necessary to accomplish tlie proposed object. 214 * RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1816. Resolved, that the poll of the next election be opened and closed at the house of Stephen RoiF. Resolved, that the management of the Chanty School devolve exclusively upon the Supcrintendants of that establishment, and that they be authorised generally to conduct and regulate its concerns in such way as they may deem most conducive to the promotion of its welfare, and the accomplishment of the designs of the institution. Resolved, that the roads be worked as the last year, by labour. Resolved, that the town Committee take charge of the bury- ing ground. Meeting adjourned. WM, WARD, Cl'k, (Copy.) Report by the Township Committee of the receipts and ex- penditures for the township of Newark in the support of the Poor, and for other purjioses, from April, 1815, to April, 1816. The ballance reported to be on hand the last annual report. . $396 49^ Out of which was paid to David Nicliolls late overseer of the poor the sum of. $42 37 To Ol)adiah Woodrutl" do 14 30 To Moses Roberts do 37 90 To James Connor for school teaching 13 33 107 90 Which left an unexpended ballance of $388 59^ Applicable to the su})port of the poor, the education of poor children and damage done to Sheep. The amount of the duplicate Tax list for 1815 and ^16 is .$4,150 00 The amount of the Dog tax 71 00 ]\Iaking the total sum raised of $4,221 00 From which deduct — Paid Joseph Pierson, State tax $423 89 " Township Collector's fees 114 00 " Assessor's fees 114 00 " Commissioners of Appeal 14 84 " Taxes returned bail 136 21 " Direct and township taxes 15 76 Error, tax assessed to Baldwin & McGiunis 5 00 Which makes a total sum to lie deducted of 823 08 And leaves for the use of the Township $3,397 32 To which add unexpended funds last year 288 59^ $3,085 91i 181G.] RECORDS OF NEWTARK. * 215 .Viul which is applicable to the following; ol)jei;ts — Due to the account tor ilainagc done to sheep $74 (iO Nett am't of Dog tax the hist assessment 58 04 Making a sum aijplicable to dam'gc done to sheep. . lo3 G4 Due to the acc't for education of poor chikh-en 187 58i Ai)propriation by vote of hist annual town meeting 500 00 Making a sum applicable to the educa- tion of 2)oor children 087 58^ The sum applicable to the support of the Poor. . . 3,805 00 3,085 OH State of the funds applicable to the support of the I'oor, for the payment due on the Poor House farm, for building, repairs, and furnishing the same. Receipts on hand from last year |26 41 The am't arishig from taxes as before stated is 3,805 00 To which add rec'd for fines. From Caleb Sayres I 1 00 " David D. Crane, Es(p- 5 00 " Joseph T. Baldwin, Esfi 13 00 " Smith Burnet, Esrp- 15 00 " Stephen Hayes, Jun'r, Esq 3 00 " Aaron Munu, Esq 3 00 " Japhia Harrison 10 00 Rec'd for two Pedlar's licences 120 Making a total sum of |3,940 30 The expenditures which ha^'e been made on acc't of the Debt, for the purchase of the Poor House fiirm, the building, rcjjairs, and furnishing the same, is as follows — There has l^een paid to Captain Aaron Johnson the jiayment due to him by Contract on the 1st of January last, on acc't of princi])al $500 00 There has been expended in build'g and repairs " $048 84 Deduct the sale of a Cistern and barrack. . 45 50 Leaves G03 34 There has been paid for household furniture and stock on the farm 103 49 Making a total sum of exijcnditure, the jjroperty of the toAvn- ship of 1 ,390 83 The ex^jenditures which have been made for the support of the poor are as follows : 216 ■' RECORDS OF NEWARK-. [1816. Interest paid Capt. Aaron Johnson 225 00 Paid Ebenezer Haven's salary 350 00 Expences paid for cloatliing and provisions furnislied tlie poor house 593 89 Deduct am't of produce sokl from the Poor house farm 353 26 Leaves the sum of "^OO I'd Lewis Thibou, Overseer of the Poor, has paid for the support of i^aupers that could not Ijc removed to the poor house, conveying paupers to their place of residence and his own services — amounting to. 175 79i David Hayes, Overseer of the Poor 35 05 Paid Physician's bills, amounting to 55 31 " Magistrates' bills IG 00 " Jacob Peshine, Constable 15 00 " Advertising by the Collector 1 50 '' Funeral charges 17 75 " J. C. Hornblower, Esq., Council Fee 10 00 " Newark Mutual Fire Insurance Company for policy of Insurance on the Poor house for 5 Years 19 80 " Interest on $1100 l^orrowed for the use of the Township by vote of last annual Town Meeting oG 37 " Moses Roff, Township Committee's bill of ex- pences 31 71 " Township Committee's Bill 75 00 Which makes the current expences for the support of the Poor amount to the sum of 1,744 ol^ To which add the permanent expenditure 1 ,39G 83 Makes a total expenditure from the funds applicable to the support of the Poor of $3,041 14^ And leaves a deficiency of 100 84-^ State of the fund which lias been specifically appropriated by vote of Town Meeting for the education of Poor Children. There was a Ijallance due to this account from the * last year amounting to 187 58^ Apj)ropriation l)y vote of last annual town meeting. 500 00 Makes a total of 087 58^ From this fund has been made the following exi)enditures — To David llogers, Teacher, the sum of 393 18 " Augustus M. Hay 20 31 '• Albion Pool 3 00 Paid for fuel 31 13 330 03 Which leaves a balance for educating poor children of. . $350 96| 1816.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 217 State of the fiuuls arising from tlie Dog tax applicable to the payment of damage done to sheei>. There was a ballancc due to this account from tlie last year of $74 GO Tlie nett am't of Dog tax from last assessment W 04 Making a total sum of 132 G4 From which has been made the following expenditures — To .Tosluia Baldwin for sheep damage 8 53 Leaves an unexpended I'uud for damage done to sheep of. . .ii^l24 11 From this statement the funds of tlie Township will appear to 1)0 as follows : Au uuexjiended ballance for the education of Poor children is $350 m} Au imexpended ballance for damage done to sheep of 224 11 Which makes together the sum of ; 475 07i From this sum deduct the deficiency of innds lor the support of the Poor 100 84^ Leaves the amount of funds unexpended 374 23 To Avhicli add the use of the l)urying ground let for pastur- ing of Sheep, after deducting repairs offence 21 00 ^[akcs a total of unexpended funds belonging to the Town- ship .' 1395 23 All which is respectfully submitted. By order of the Township Committee. (Signed) JAMES VANDERPOOL, C'l'k. Newark, April sth, 1810. At a Special Towx Meeting, convened agreeably to public notice at the house of Moses Roft', Aiq/. 13, 1810. William S. Pennington, Esq., Moder.ator. ^Ir. Vanderpool, in behalf of the Township Committee, sub- mitted the following resolution, which was adopted unanimously : Resolved, That the Township Committee be, and they are hereby authorized to purchase in the behalf of the township, lor the use the Poor house, a piece of Meadow offered for sale by C'.apt. Aaron Johnson, containing between six and seven acres, and to pay for the same at the rate of Fifty live Dollars p'r Acre, and to enter into engagements on the i)art of the Townshi]) to |)ay at such time as the Committee may agree upon with Ca])t. Johnson, and the funds of the town are hereby pledged for the fulfilment of the Contract. Meeting adjourned. WM. WARD, Cl'k. 28 218 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1816. At an Annual Town Meeting, convened at the house of Moses RofF, on the 14 clay of April, 1817 — Silas Condit, Esq., was chosen Moderator, and "VYilliani Ward, Cnerk. After which proceedings it was resolved to adjourn to 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Session house of the 1st Presbyterian Church. Session house, 2 o'clock P. M. Section 7 of the law relating to town meetings having been read as prescribed. Meeting proceeded to business. William S. Pennington, Esq., moved the following resolution, which was adopted : liesolved, That it be a rule of this Town Meeting, that on all Annual Town Meeting days every question to be submitted to the consideration of the meeting respecting the working of the high ways, maintenance of the poor, raising of money, or any other matter, involving the pecuniaiy interest of the town, shall be proposed and oifered for consideration, and disposed of before the meeting proceed to the choice of Officers — the Moderator and Clerk excepted — and not afterwards on that day. And that this rule shall not be annulled or altered unless on public notice thereof given in the newspaper of the town at least ten days be- fore an annual town meeting, and then to be proposed and de- cided on before the meeting proceed to the choice of Officers — the Moderator and Clerk excepted. The Town Committee submitted a Report, which was read by Mr. Vanderpool, and the same ordered to be accepted and filed. Report of the Free School Committee was read, together with a letter addressed to the trustees by the teacher of the school, which were accepted — Whereupon resolved, that the Town Com- mittee be authorized to discharge the difficiency of the School fund represented in said report, amounting to $16 97-lOOths. Resolved, that Three thousand two hundred dollars, be ai5j)ro- priated for the support of the poor the ensuing year. That Four hundred dollars of the ajapropriation be ajiplied for the support of the Free School. Officers chosen for the ensuing year : William Ward, Town Clerk, and Cl'k of Estrays. Isaac Nicholls, Assessor. James W. Burnett, Collector. Samuel Pennington, Robert B. Campfield, Chosen Freeholders. Col. Stephen Hayes, Nehemiah S. Baldwin, Jabez Carafield, Commissioners of Appeal. Henry L. Parkhurst, Ezra Baldwin, Surveyors of Highways. Lewis Thibou, Isaac Nicholls, Overseers of Poor. William S. Pennington, Lewis Thibou, Silas Condit, Street Commissioners. 1818.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 219 Samuel B. Brown, Jonathan Andniss, Jonathan Miller, Ebe- nezer Havens, Pound Masters. Uzal Hedden, Isaac Youngs, Elias Roberts, Samuel Penning- ton, Richard Sweezy, Sears Coe, Jedediali Crane, Uzal Sayres, Obadiah AVoodruff, Moses Hedden, Robert Baldwin, Henry Baker, Overseers of Highway. John Ailing, Jabez Camtield, Stephen Hayes, Neheraiah S. Baldwin, James Vanderpool, Town Committee. Ashbel Green, David Ball, Joseph Sayres, Jonathan Keen, Ja])hiah Harrison, Constables. Col. Stephen Hayes, Judge of Election. Joseph C. Hornblower, Silas Cond't, Edward Jones, David Hayes, WiUiam Tuttle, Isaac Andruss, William Ward, Free School Committee, Committee for building Town house reported having done nothing in the business. Street Commissioners rejiorted having done nothing. Resolved, that the Street Commissioners be instructed to take all legal and proper measures to remove any encroachments on the road, or obstructions in the highway. Resolved, that the roads the ensuing year be worked by labour, by districts. Resolved, that the hog law of last year be revived, with this alteration — that the driver shall be entitled to 25, and the pound master to 12^ cents a head. Resolved, That the poll of the next annual election be opened and closed at the house of Stephen Roll", Innkeeper, Newark. Resolved, that the next annual town meeting be opened at the house of Moses Roff, at 1 o'clock P. M. jMeeting adjourned. WM. WARD, Cl'k. At an Annual Towx Meeting, commenced at the house of Moses Roff, on the [13] day of April, 1818, and from there ad- journed to the Session House of the 1st Presbyterian Church, in the town of Newark — the following Officers were chosen for the ensuing year, and the following proceedings adopted : Gen. John N, Gumming, Moderator. AVilliam Ward, Town Clerk, and Clerk of Estrays. Isaac Nicholls, Assessor. James W. Burnett, Collector. Samuel Pennington, Robert B. Camfield, Chosen Freeholders. Col. Stephen Hayes, Nehemiah S. Baldwin, Jabez Camfield, Commissioners of Appeal. ]Moses Roberts, Ezra Baldwin, Surveyors of Iligliway. Isaac Nicholls, Aaron Ward, Overseers of the Poor. AVilliam S. Pennington, Lewis Thibou, Silas Condit, Street Commissioners. 220 EECOKDS OF NEWARK. [1818. Samuel B. Brown, Ebenezer Havens, Capt. DeKay, Col. Isaac Andruss, Pound Masters. Joseph Camp, Isaac Young, Thomas Camfield, Sylvanus Bahl- win, Samuel Pennhigton, Edward Jones, Jedediah Crane, David Cook, Moses Fatout^ Joseph T. Baldwin, D. Baker, John Kans- ley. Overseers of Highway. Jabez Camfield, Col. Stephen Hayes, Nchemiah S, Baldwin, James Vanderpool, Lewis Tliibou, Town Committee. Jonathan Keen, Joseph Sayres, Ashbel Green, Silas C. Bald- win, Japhia Harrison, Constables, Silas Condit, Judge of Election. Joseph C. Hornblower, Silas Condit, Edward Jones, David Hayes, William Tuttle, Isaac Andruss, William Ward, Trustees of Free School. Resolutions adojjted — The Annual report of the Township Committee having been read, Ilesolved, that the same be accei)ted, and that the Report be entered in the town book. The Annual report of the Free School Avas read, and on mo- tion accepted. Mesolved, that Two thousand nine hundred dollars be appro- priated toward the maintenance of the poor the ensuing year. Mesolved^ That Two hundred dollars be appropriated for the sujjport of the Free School the ensuing year. liesolved, that the Town Committee be required to inspect the old burying ground, and that they be empowered and instructed to remove all nuisances, and prevent trespassing on the same, to mend the fences, to raise and otherwise regulate the head stones which they may find out of order. Hesolved, That the Town Committee be authorized to take measures to procure a new burying ground, and report at a special, or at the next Annual Town Meeting. Resolved, That the Town Committee be authorized to open a passage from the Main street into the old burying ground, and that they cause the lower grounds therein to be raised, that the passage across them may be rendered more convenient. liesolved^ that this meeting deem it ex2:)edient to adopt meas- ures to erect a town house upon the town lot in the main street. liesolved, tliat VYilliam S. Pennington, James Vanderpool, Silas Condit, Isaac Nicholls, Lewis Thibou, be chosen a Commit- tee to carry the above resolution into effect, and to re2)ort a plan at some future town meeting. liesolved, that the above Committee be instructed, in case they shall deem it expedient, to report at a special town meeting to be called at their recpiest, any time between this date and the first Monday in June next. 1819.J RECOllDS OF. NEWAKK. 221 Hesolved, tliat the roads be worked as the last year by labour, by districts. llesolved^ that the Town Committee be authorized to purchase a lot of laud late the property of Abraham Lyon, without the buildings, should they deem the measure expedient, llcsolved, that the hog law be continued the same as last year, and that it be in force throughout the whole year. Jiesolved, that the next annual town meeting be held in the session room of the 1st Presbyterian church, to commence at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. -Resolved, that the poll of the next annual election be oi)ened and closed at the house of Stephen Roll", Newark. Hesolved, that the Town Clerk be allowed Five dollars for his Services, in addition to the fees allowed him by law. WM. WARD, Town Clerk. At a Special Toavn ]Meetixg, convened agreeably to law, on Monday, 3Iar. 1, 1S19, at the house of Moses Roft", Inn-keeper, Newark, "William S. Pennington, Esq., was chosen Moderator, when the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, that the Town Committee be avithorized and in- structed to lease out the Town Lot in the Main street, opposite to the 1st Presbyterian Church, in such proportions as they may deem most advisable, for a term not exceeding live years. Meeting adjourned. WM. WARD, Town Clerk. At An Anual Town ^Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town- ship of Newark, held at the Session room of the IstPrcsbytereau Church in the Town of Newark on the 12th day of A]yrU, A. D. 1819— Silas Condit, Esq., Avas chosen ^Moderator, and Nathan F. "Wood, Town Clerk. AVhen the following Resolutions were adopted : Resolved, that the Town Committee be instructed to Investi- gate the situation of the Lot of Land belonging to the town on which the Market now stands, and call on the subscribers who built tlie Market, and if they relinquish their claims to take pos- session and apply it to the use ot the Town. The report of the Town Committee was then Read, and on motion, &c., was ordered to be accepted and filed. Resolved, that the Town Committee be instructed to Lease out the Town Lot in Front of the 1st Presbyterian Church untill wanted for a publick i)ur])ose. Resolved, that the Town Committee be instructed not to Lease out any part of said Town Lot for to be built upon. 222 KECORDS O^ NEWARK. [1819- Tlie report of the School Committee was read, and on motion made and Carr'd, was Accepted and filed. Resolved, tliat the sum of Four hundred Dollars of the sum to be raised for the maintainance of the poor be appropriated for the educating of poor children. Resolved, that the sum of Twenty six hundred Dollars be raised the ensuing year to be appropriated for tlie maintainance ot the Poor. The Following officers were then chosen : Assessor — Isaac JSTichols. Collector — James W. Burnet. Chosen Freeholders — David Beach, Lewis Thibou. Commissioners of Appeal— Col. Stephen Hayes, Nehemiah S. Baldwin, Jabez Camfield. Surveyors of Highways— Moses Roberts, Ezra Baldwin. Overseers of the Poor — Isaac Nichols, Lewis Thibou. Street Commissioners — Wm. S. Pennington, Esq., Lewis Thi- bou, Silas Condit. Pound Masters— John P. Crane, James Scarring, Henry L. Parkhurst, Ebenezer Havens, Samuel Baldwin. Town Committee— Jabez Camfield, Col. Stephen Hayes, Nehe- miah S. Baldwin, James Vanderpool, Lewis Thibou. Constables — David Ball, Japhia Harrison, Joseph Sayres, Sam- uel Scarring, Ashbel Green, Jonathan Keen. Silas Condit, Esq., Judge of Elections. Trustees of Free School — Joseph Wilbur, John C. Burnet, James Tichenor, David Hayes, Wm. Tuttle, Isaac Andruss, Esq., Silas Condit, Esq. Overseers of Highways — Joseph T, Baldwin, Gen. John N. Gumming, George Ilolden, Caleb Sayres, Abner Ward, Jedediah Crane, David Nichols, William Burge, Caleb Campbell, Moses Roberts, James Camfield, Josiah Meeker, Joseph W. Camp. Resolved, That the Town Committee be instructed to fit up and prepare a room in the upper part of the Market for the use of the Free School at the Town expence. Resolved, that hogs Running at large be subject to Poundage the present year, and that the Poundage be three shillings, i. e. two shillings to the driver and one shilling to the Pound Master. No further Business Meeting adjourned to Meet Again on the 2nd Monday in April, 1820, at one o'clock P. M. in this place. SILAS CONDIT, Moderator. Attest— Nathan F. Wood, Cl'k. At an Annual Toa\'n Meeting of the Inliabitants of the Town- ship of Newark Held in the Session House of the 1st l*resbyte- reau Church in the Town of Newark on Monday the 10th Day of A2:)i-il 1820, 1820.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 228 Silas Gondii Esq'r was Chosen Moderator. Nathan F. Wood, Clerk. Tlie Vth Section of tlie Law relating to Town Meetings liaying Been read as prescribed, .Meeting proceeded to Bnsiness. When the following resolutions were adopted : The Annual report of the Township C'onnuittee having been read, Resolved that the report be accepted and tiled. The Articles of Agreement Between Town Committee and Aaron jMunn respecting the rent of the Burying Ground was read. The amount of the rent was $40— and Reported by said Town Committee as due from Aaron Munn to the Town, it was Resolved that the sum of |10 be abated from the above Claim against Aaron ]Munn. Resolved that the Town Committee be authorised to Borrow any sum not Exceeding One Thousand dollars for the use of the Town, to be repaid when the taxes for the present year are paid. Resolved that the sum of Twenty Eight hundred dollars be raised the Ensuing year to be appropriated toward the maintain- ance of the poor. The report of the School Committee was read and ordered to be accepted and filed. Resolved that the Sum of Four hundred dollars of the sum to be raised for the maintainance of the poor Be appropriated for the Education of poor Children. Resolved that the Town Committee be Instructed to select a suitable place for a Burying Ground and to call a Special Town Meeting when they think proper and make report of such ])lace or ]ilaces, that The Town may act upon it. The Following Officers Avere then Chosen : Isaac Nichols, Assessor. James W. Burnett, Collector. Samuel Pennington, James Vanderpool, Chosen Freeholders. Stephen Hayes, Jabez Camfield, Joseph W. Camp, Commis- sioners of Appeal. Henry L. Parkhurst, Moses Roberts, Surveyors of Highways^ Isaac Nichols, Lewis Thibou, Overseers of the Poor. Silas Condit, Wm. S. Pennington, Caleb S. Riggs, Street Com- missioners. Zadock Baldwin, .lonathan Andruss, Zadock Meeker, Pound Masters. Stephen Hayes, Jabez Camfield, Moses Smith, Silas Condit, John Taylor, Town Committee. Samuel Scarring, Japhia Harrison, David Ball, Stephen llowel, Jonathan Keen, Joseph Sayrcs, Constables. Joseph Wilbur, John C. Burnett, James Bruen, John Taylor, James Tichenor, David Hayes, William Tuttle, Silas Condit, Trustees of Free School. 224 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1821. James Keen, Moses Fatout, Caleb S. Riggs, Abner Ward, Geo. Neilson, Sayres Coe, William Barge, Silvanus Baldwin, Moses Roberts, Caleb Earl, Stephen Foster, Jos. W. Camp, Overseers of the Highway. Stephen Hayes, Judge of Election. Resolved That Hogs running at Large be subject to Poundage the present year and that the poundage be three Shillings i e 2s. to the driver and Is. to the ]*ound Master, R(!Solved That the l*oll of the next Annual Election be open'd and closed at the House of Mr. Stephen Rolf Inkeeper Newark. Resolved That the Next annual Town Meeting Be held in the session room of the first Presbyterean Church in this Town to Commence at 1 O'Clock 1*. M. Meeting adjourned. SILAS CONDIT, Moderator. Natiiax F. Wood, Clerk. At a Special I'own Meetixg Convened agreeable to Law on Tuesday 3fai/ 30th, 1820, at the House of Moses Rolf Innkeeper, Newark. Aaron Munn Esq'r was chosen Moderator, When the following resolution "was adopted. Resolved that the further Consideration of the purchasing a Town Burying (Tround, (for whicli ])urpose tliis Meeting Avas Called) Be postponed Indefinately. Meeting adjourned accordingly. N. F. WOOD, Clerk. At an Annual Towx Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town- ship of Newark held in the Session house of the 1st prcsbyterian Church in the Town of Newark on Monday the 9th day oi'Ap^nl 1821, Joseph C, Hornblower Esq'r was chosen Moderator, Philo Sanford " Clerk. The laws respecting town meetings having been read and the act to prevent routs, riots &c., as prescribed by law, the meeting proceeded to business, when the following resolutions Avere adopted and Officers chosen, the report of the Town Committee "was read, resolved that the same be accepted, resolved that the report of the fire wardens be read, resolved that the Town C'Om- mittee be authorised to raise the sum of One thousand ciglit hun- dred dollars for the expences of the town for the Ensuing year, resolved that a special Committee be appointed to inquire into the situation of the Town Docks, and to report at an annual or special meeting for that purpose, and to settle with the trustees of the said Docks and receive the money if any for the use of the Town. This Committee to consist of I'hree ; The following Gentlemen w^re chosen Viz : Caleb S. Riggs, David D. Crane, 1821.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 225 Sam'l Pennington ; resolved that the surplus fund arising from the dog tax be aj^propriated to the support of the poor. A letter from the Clerk of the Board of Directors of the New- ark and Mount pleasant turnpike Co. addressed to the Moderator of this Meeting, being read, on motion Ordered that the same be laid on the Table : "it being stated to the meeting that Ebo- nezer Havens while keeper of the poor house had sold certain articles of produce as agent for the town Committee amounting to about forty dollars (40) and which had been lost by the failure of the person to whom the sale was made and that he had been charged with the amount in settlement with the Town Commit tee, on motion resolved that the sum of forty (40) dollars be re- funded to him : Resolved that the tax on dogs be raised to the sum of three dollars the Ensuing year, resolved that the sum of four Imndred dollars raised by the Town for the use of the poor be appropriated to the support of the free school, resolved that it is Expedient to procure a place for a pubUc l)urying Ground, resolved that a Committee of three be appointed to purchase the land, the following Gentlemen were Chosen, Viz David D. Crane, Caleb S. Kiggs, Samuel Pennington ; resolved that the Committee have power to purchase a lot containing not less than Two acres nor more than four acres for tlie burying ground, and tliat the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars be appropriated towards the payment of said lot, resolved that the town Com- mittee be authorized to borrow the residue of the money that may be wanted to complete the purchase of said lot. resolved that all the Town lands that are now in the possession of or belonging to the town or that may hereafter be owned by the town be placed under the care and Superintendance of the town Committee ; resolved that it is Expedient to build a town house the present year, resolved that a Committee of Seven be appointed to Carry into Effect the build of the town house, the following gentlemen were chosen Viz : Lewis Thibou, John Pionier, Isaac Nichols, Caleb S. Riggs, Smith Burnett, Ephraim BoUes, William Halsey. Resolved that five hundred dollars be raised towards the build- ing of the Town house and that the Committee have power to borrow any sum not Exceeding five Thousand dollars to carry into Effect the building of the town house ; resolved that the vacancies occasioned by the death of two of the trustees of the town docks, be filled by the following Gentlemen Viz David D. (U'ane, James Vanderpool. The following officers were then Chosen : Isaac Nichols, Assessor. James W. Burnett, Collector. Samuel Pennington, James Vanderpool, Chosen Freeholders. Stephen Hayes, Jabez Campfield, Joseph W. Camp, Commis- sioners of Appeals. 29 226 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1821. Henry L. Parkhurst, Moses Roberts, Surveyors of Highways. Isaac Nichols, Lewis Thibou, Overseers of the jjoor. Silas Condit, "William S. Pennington, Caleb S. Riggs, Street Commissioners. Zadoc Baldwin, Jonathan Andruss, John Maginnis, Ebenezer Havens, Pound Masters. Stephen Hayes, Jabez Carapfield, Moses Smith, Silas Condit Joseph W. Camp, Town Committee. Stephen Hayes, Judge of Elections. David Ball, Jacob Osborn, Joseph Sayres, Japhia Harrison, Benjamin Jarves, Constables. Josejih Wilbur, John C. Burnett, James Bruen, David Hayes, William Tuttle, Silas Condit, John Taylor, James Tichenor, Trustees of the Free Schools, John P. Sanford, Moses Faitoute, Henry Holden, John Ailing, James Searing, Johnson Nichols, William Burdge, Enoch Bolles, Caleb Earle, Joseph Lyon, Overseers of the Highways. Resolved that the poll of the next Annual Election be opened and closed at the house of Mr. Stephen Rolf Innkeeper Newark. Resolved tiiat hogs running at large be subject to poundage the present year and that the poundage be four Shillings i. e, two Shillings for the driver and two Shillings for the pound Master. Resolved that the roads be worked by labor the jjresent year. Resolved that the next annual town Meeting be held in the Session room of the 1st presbyterian Church in this Town to commence at 1 O'Clock P. M. Meeting Adjoiirned. JOS. C. HORNBLOWER, Moderator. Philo Sanford, Clerk. At a Special Town Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town- ship of Newark, held in the Session house of the first presby- terian Church, on Monday, the 11th June^ 1821, made choice of James Vanderj)ool, Esq., Moderator for the meeting. The law respecting routs, riots, &c., having been read the fol- lowing resolutions Avere adopted — Resolved, that the vote taken at the last Annual Town Meeting respecting Dogs be reconsider- ed. Resolved, that the vote of the last Annual Town Meeting laying a tax of three dollars on dogs, be and the same is hereby rescinded. Resolved, that it is inexpedient to apply to the legislature at their next session for a law to raise money by tax to purchase a public burying ground or to build a Town house. Meeting Adjourned. PHILO SANFORD, Clerk. jl^roceedings of the Annual Toaa'N Meeting of the Township 1822.] KECOKDS OF NEWARK. 227 of Newark, held in tlie Session house of the first Presbyterian Church in Xewark on the Second Monday in April, 1822, Joseph C. Ilornblower, Esq., Avas cliosen Moderator, and Philo Sanford, Clerk. The meeting being organized, and that part of tlie Act of Assembly read which by law is required to be read at the open- ing of every Annual Town Meeting. The reports of Committees were called for. The Annual report of the Township Committee behig read, on motion, Is^t. Resolved, That the same be accepted and filed. A Member of the Township Committee having stated to the meeting that Mrs. Savage had Presented to the Committee a bill of Fifty Dollars for services rendered to Robert Montgomery who had been badly injured by a scald, but that the Committee did not feel authorized to Pay the same, not knowing whether the Town was legally chargeable with the case and maintainance of the said Montgomery. 2nd. On motion, it was Resolved, That this meeting do recom- mend to the Townshij) Committee to Pay to the said Mrs. Savage a sum not exceeding Twenty five Dollars on the said Bill. The Committee to whom was referred at the last annual Town Meeting the subject of the Town Docks, made a report, Avhich being read, on motion 3d. Resolved, That the report be accepted and filed, and the Committee discharged. 4th. Resolved, That so much of the report of the Committee on the Town Docks as relates to the lower or new Town Dock be referred to the Town Committee ; and so much of the said report as relates to the upper or old Town Dock be referred to a select Committee of three persons, with authority to adopt such legal measures as they may deem expedient to ascertain and estabhsh the Town rights in regard to the said Dock or landing place, and to recover the Possession thereof if necessary. 5th. Resolved, that Caleb S. Riggs, William S. Pennington and Samuel Pennington be that Committee. 6th. Resolved, That the sum of One hundred Dollars be raised and appropriated to the use of the last named Committee for the Purpose aforesaid. The Trustees or Directors of the Free School under the care of the Town, made their annual report, which being read, Vth. Resolved, That the same be accepted and filed. 8th, Resolved, That the surplus fund of the Dog tax, Avhich by a vote of the last Annual Town Meeting was transferred to the general fund, be transferred to the credit ot the fund arising from the Dog tax, to be ai)plied to the purposes to which that tax is by law approj)riated, and That the Township Committee 228 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1822. be directed to apply the same to the satisfaction of such balances as may be due to individuals for damages done by Dogs to Sheep during the past Year. 9th. Resolved, That the Township Committee be instructed to pursue legal measures to prevent trespasses upon the Upper and the Military Commons, and to protect the same from en- croachments and injuries by carriages passing over the same. 10th. Resolved, That the Highways be maintained by hire. 11th. Resolved, That the sum of Two thousand Dollars be raised for the maintaiuance of the highways this year. 12th. Resolved, That the Township Committee apportion the sum above voted to be raised to each overseer of the highways that may be appointed in the several districts as now laid out ; the amount of taxes that may be raised in said districts which said several sums so apportioned shall be exclusively for the maintaiuance of the highways in the said several districts where raised ; Provided that the tax shall be ai^ijlied to the districts in w^hich the person taxed may reside. 13th. Resolved, That the sum of Twelve hundred Dollars be raised this year for the support of the Poor. 14th. Resolved, That the smu of Four hundred Dollars be raised this year for the support of the Free School under the care of the Township. It being stated to the meeting that three vacancies existed in the Board of Trustees of the Town Docks by the resignation of David D. Crane and and the rem.oval of John Y. Baldwin. Mr. John Ailing, Nehemiali Tunis, and Lewis Thibou, were elected to supply the vacancies. 15th. On motion, Resolved, That the meeting proceed to the election of Township Officers for the ensuing year. The following were Chosen : Isaac Nichols, Assessor. James W. Bui'net, Collector. elames Vanderpool, Samuel Pennington, Chosen Freeholders. Stephen Hayes, Jabez Camlield, Joseph W. Camj?, Commis sioners of Appeal. Ezra Baldwin, Moses Faitoute, Surveyors of Highways. Isaac Nichols, Lewis Thibou, Overseers of the Poor. Silas Condit, William S. Pennington, Caleb S. Riggs, Street Commissioners. Zadoc Baldwin, Robert Hayes, John Maginnis, Pound Masters. William Tuttle, Ephraim Bolles, Joseph W. Camp, Jabez Campfield, Samuel Pennington, Town Committee. Stephen Hayes, Judge of Election. Diivid Ball, Jacob Osborne, Josej)h Sayres, Constables. Joseph Willbur, John C. Burnet, James Brueu, David Hayes, 1822.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 229 William Tattle, Silas Condit, John Taylor, James Ticlienor, Trustees of the Free School. Israel C Crane, Caleb Earle, John Baldwin, Ezra Baldwin, Johnson Nichols, James Searing, Matthias Plum, Lewis Thibou, Moses Faitoute, John I. Plume, Samuel Baldwin, James Tichenor, Overseers of the Highways. 16th. Resolved, That the poll of the next annual election be opened and Closed at the House of Mr. Stephen Rolf, Inn-keeper, Newark. 17th. Resolved, That hogs running at large be subject to poundage tlie present year, and that the Poundage be four Shil- lings, I. E. Two Shillings for the driver and two ShiUings for the Pound Master. 18th. Resolved, that the next annual Town Meeting be held in the Session house of the first Presbyterian Church in this Town to commence at half past one o'clock P. M. Meeting Adjourned. JOS. C. HORNBLOWER, Moderator. PiiiLO Sandford, Clerk. Special Tov^n Meeting, Newark, Nov 11th, A. D. 1822. At a special Town Meeting of the inhabitants of the Township of Newark, convened in the Session room of the first Presby- terian Church by Order of the Town Committee for the purpose of supplying the vacancy in the Town Committee occasioned by the death of Mr. Jabez Campfield ; also a vacancy in the Com- missioners of Appeal occasioned by the death of the same Gen- tleman — Also to take into consideration the projDriety of applying to the Legislature for a modification, &c., of certain Laws. Jos. C. Hornblower, Esq., Chosen Moderator. 1st. Resolved, That James Vanderpool, Esq., be chosen to supply the vacancy in Town Committee. 2d. Resolved, That James Vanderpool, Esq., is chosen to fill the vacancy in the Commissioners of Appeal. 3d. Resolved, That it is expedient to apj^ly to the Legislature for a modification of the existing Laws, so as to exempt all regu- lar members of the fire Engine Companies of this Town from personal labour not exceeding three days on the Highways when- ever the same shall be worked by labour, and from tax when the same shall be worked by taxes, not exceeding three Dollars ; provided that in case such quantity of labour or tax of any mem- ber shall exceed those amounts, such excess shall be Avorked or paid by such membei*. 4th. Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolution, signed by Moderator and Clerk of this meeting, be forwarded to the rei^resentatives in the Legislature from this County. Meeting Adjourned. Nov. 11th, 1822. PHILO SANFORD, Cl'k. 230 KECORDS OF NEWARK. [1823. Annual Toavk Meeting A. D. Eighteen hundred and twenty three. Proceedings of the Annual Town Meeting of the Township of Newark held in the Session house of the first Presbyterian Church in Newark on the Second Monday in April One thousand Eight hundred and twenty three. Isaac Andruss Esq'r was chosen Moderator, and Philo Sanford Clerk. The Meeting being organized and that part of the act of assem- bly read which by Law is required to be read at the opening of Every Annual Town Meeting the reports of Committees were called for. The Annual report of the Township Committee being read, on motion, 1st. Resolved that the same be accepted and filed. liond. Resolved that Caleb S. Riggs, Elias VanArsdale, and Theo. Frelinghuysen be a Committee to Examine into settle and determine a dispute now Existing between the Township Com- mittee and the Assessor and the representation of the late Col- lector James W. Burnet dec. respecting the fees of said Ofiicers respectively arising out of the Assessment and Collection of the tax of the last year. And that the same Committee Enquire and determine whether the allowances made by the Township Committee to the Magis- trates in pauper cases and others which Enter into the Accounts of the said Committee are correct or not. 3d. Resolved that WilHam S. Pennington, Silas Condit, Thom- as Ward, E, E. Boudinot and Samuel Pennington be a Commit- tee on the subject of the upper Town Dock and that they have power and authority to accept the ofler of Aaron Ward Except that part which requires the Town to repair the Dock, and that in case he shall not agree thereto that the said Committee have power to take such measures to recover possession of said dock as they may Judge necessary and proper and that the sum of One Hundred dollars be appropriated in addition to the former api^ropriation for the aforementioned purposes. 4th. Resolved, That the manure which shall remain in the pub- lic Streets within the ToAvn plot of Newark after the 21st day of the present month and all that shall hereafter accumulate shall be considered as belonging to the Town. And it shall be the duty of the Superintendant of the Poor House Establishment to gather it from time to time for the use of the Township Farm in his charge. Whereas there are several small pieces of land Avithin the Town plot of Newark which are described on the map filed in the County Clerk's oftice made by the Cojumissioners appointed by law to survey and locate the Streets in the ToAvn Plot and are in the said Map and Survey denominated Vacant ground and 1823.J RECORDS OF NEWARK. 231 there is also a piece of ground whereon the Mai-ket stands ad- joining Market street and the dock or landing place called the old Town dock all which are public or community property hut the legal title to which does not appear to be vested in the Town- ship as a Corporation or to be owned by any individual, but which with the other Vacant ground if any within the Town, ought to be vested in the Township as owner that it may be pro- tected and improved as circumstances shall rc(piire : Therefore Resolved that a suitable act for that purpose be prepared and application made to the Legislature to Enact the same into .a Law with such provisions therein as may be deemed reasonable and for the public good. Resolved That Caleb S. Riggs, Silas Condit and Wm. S, Pen nington be a Committee to carry this resolution into Eflect. Resolved That the sum of Two thousand dollars be raised for the maintainance of the highways this Year. Resolved That there be not more than three Overseers of the roads and highways within the Town Plot of Newark compre- hending the roads leading into and out of the Town Plot as far as they are worked by the people of the Village and as compre- hended in the present district : That it be recommended to the Township Committee to keep the whole of the said roads and highways in one district to the end that the said three Overseers may act in ... . And that it also be recommended to the Siiid Overseers to devise a judicious plan with respect to the said and highways and work the same accordingly. And it is further resolved that all the funds raised or to be raised for working the roads and highways be applied and Expended by the said three Overseers of a majority of them in the pursuit of such plan as far as may be done consistently with the public welfare. Resolved That the sum of Eighteen hundred dollars be raised this year for the support of the poor. Resolved That the sum of Four hundred dollars be raised this year for the su2^port of the Male Free School mider the care of the Township. Resolved That the sum of three hundred dollars be raised this year for the support of the female Fi-ee School in the Union School house. Resolved That the Meeting proceed to the Election of Town- ship Ofhcers for the Ensuing Year. The following were chosen : Assessor, Isaac Nichols. Collector, Abm. Ward Jr. Chosen Freeholders, James Vanderpool, Samuel Pennington. Commissioners of Appeal, Stephen Hayes, James Vanderpool, Joseph W. Camp. Surveyors of Highways, Moses Faitouto, Ezra Baldwin. Overseers of the Poor, Lewis Thibou, Isaac Nichols. 232 HECOKDS OF NEWAKK. [1823. Street Oommissioners, Silas Condit, Wm. S. Pennington, Ca- leb S. Riggs. Pound Masters, Zadoc Baldwin, Robert Hayes, John Baldwin, Jonathan Andriiss, Caleb Campbell, George Holden. Town Committeee, William Tuttle, James Vanderpool, Stephen Dodd, Joseph W, Camp, Sam'l Pennington. Judge of Elections, Stephen Hayes. Constables, David Ball, Jacob Osborn, John Searing, Benj. S. Jarvis, Joseph Sayres. Trustees of the Male Free School, Joseph Wilbur, John C. Burnet, James Bruen, David Hayes, William Tuttle, Silas Con- dit, James Tichenor, John Taylor. Overseers of Highways in the Town Plot, Caleb S, Riggs, Lewis Thibou, Samuel Pennington. Overseers of Highways at Camptown and Lyons Farms, Israel C. Crane, James Canfield, Josej^h W. Camp. To supply the Vacancy in the Trustees of the lower Town Dock occasioned by the resignation of Caleb Wheeler, Ephraim Bolles. Resolved That Hogs running at large be subject to poundage the present Year and that the poundage be Four Shillings I. E. three shillings for the driver and one Shilling for the pound Master. Resolved That the Poll of the next annual Election be opened and closed at the house of Mr. Stephen Roif Lmkeeper Newark. Resolved That the next annual Town Meeting of the Town- ship of Newark be held in the Session house of the first Presby- terian Church in the Town to commence at One O'Clock P. M. ISAAC ANDRUSS, Moderator. PiiiLO Sanford, Clerk. Special Towx Meeting of the inhabitants of the Township of Newark Conven'd in the Session house of the first Presbyterian Church on Saturday 31st day of May A.D. 1823 for the purpose of taking into consideration the Exjjediency of enlarging the Poor house and if thought Expedient to authorise the raising of funds for carrying it into effect. Aaron Munn Esq. was chosen Moderator for the Meeting. Resolved That the Town Committee be authorised to make such additions to the Poorhouse as in their opinion is necessary. Resolved That the Town Committee be authorised to borrow any sum not Exceeding Seven hundred dollars for the above men- tioned 2iur2:)03e. Meeting adjourned. AARON MUNN. Moderator. Philo Sanfoed, Clerk. 1824.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 233 Xewark Annual Towx Meeting, In Eighteen Hundreil and Twenty Four. Agreeable to previous Notice, the Annual Town Meeting for the Townshij) of Newark was held in the Session Ilonse (At- tached to the 1st Presbyterian Church) on the Second j\[onday the 12th of April, 1824— "When Joseph C. Hornblower, Es([., was chosen Moderator, and Archibald Woodruft", Clerk. The House being called to order the Clerk was instructed to read the 7th Section of the Act Avhich relates to Town Meeting and also the Riot Act. Caleb S. Riggs, Esq., on the Committee respecting vacant parcels or Lots of Land in the Town Plat of Newark, Reported that a Law was passed at the last sitting of the Legislature (which was read) and which said law vested said Lots or Parcels of Land, Including the old Town Dock, In the Inhabitants of the Township of iNewark. Resolved, That said Lands and Dock be placed under the direction and care of the Township Committee. The Annual Report of the Township Committee Avas called foi-. Read, Accepted and ordered to be Hied. The Report of the Committee respecting the Charge made by Justices of the Peace in certain cases and of Collector's Fees was made and the Committee discharged. The Committee appointed to adjust the diiference with Aaron Ward respecting his encroachments on the old Town Dock, made no special Report thereon. But it was Resolved to reject Mr. Ward's former proposal, and continue the same Committee, and they are hereby instructed to take such Legal measures as they may deem expedient for the recovery of said Dock and the Town rights therein. Resolved, That the Roads be districted and Worked upon the same plan and in the same way as the last Year. Resolved, That Two Thousand Dollars be raised for the work- ing the Roads or Public Highways this year. Resolved, That the sum of Four Hundred Dollars be raised for the support of the Male Free School. Resolved, that the sum of Four Hundred Dollars be raised for the support of the Female Free School held in the Union School House. Resolved, that the sum of Two Tliousand Dollars be raised for the support of the Poor — each of the above several suras are for the ensuing year. Resolved, that the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars be raised for the purpose of Paying the Ballance due for Building an addition to the Poor house. Resolved, That the Township Committee be instructed to pay 30 234 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1824. the respective ballauccs due the Overseers of the Highway, as Reported by the said Township Committee in their Annual Re- port for the last Year. Resolved, That this meeting now proceed to the election of Townshi]) Officers for the ensuing year, Commencing with the Choice of Constables. Five Constables were chosen, viz : — Benjamin S. Jarvis, Jacob Osborn, John Searing, David Ball and Joseph Sayres. List of Officers Elected as Follows : Assessor — Isaac Nichols. Collector — Abraham K. Ward. Chosen Freeholders — James Vanderpool and Moses Smith. Commissioners of Appeal — Joscpli W. C^amp, Robert 15. Camp- fiekl and James Vanderpool. Surveyors of the Highways — Moses Faitoutc and Ezra Bald- win. Overseers of the Poor — Moses Smith and Caleb Carter. Street Commissioners — William S. Pennington, Caleb S. Riggs and Sihis Condit. Town Committee —WilHam Tuttle, Samuel Pennington, Wm. S. Pennhigton, Sloses Smith and Ephraim Bolles. Judge of Election — Robert B. Campfield, Trustees of the Male Free Scliool — James Tichenor, John C, Burnet, Joseph Wilbur, Silas Condit, Wm. Tattle, James Bruen, John Taylor and David Hayes. Overseers of the Highways — Caleb S. Riggs, Samuel Penning- ton and Nehemiali Tunis, Overseers at Camptown and Lyon's Farms — James Canfield, Israel C. Crane and Josej))! W. Camp. Pound Masters — Wilhani Stevens, Elihu Pierson and Robert Hayes. Resolved, That Hogs running at large are hable to be drove to the Pound, and Charged for each Hog Fifty C-ents, tliat is to say — Twenty Five Cents to be paid to the Driver and Twenty Five Cents to be allowed the Pound Keeper. Resolved, That a Committee of Nine Persons be appointed to take into consideration whetlier any, and if any, Avhat Legislative aid may be necessary for the better regulation of this Town in respect to a Market and other matters not now provided for by any existing Law, and to Rejiort to a special or to the next an- nual Town meeting for tlie consideration of such meeting — and that Wm. S. Pennington, Caleb S. Riggs, Theodore Frelinghuy- sen, Jolm Taylor, Robert B. Campfield, Ptoses Smith, Joseph C. Ilornblower, E2)hraim Bolles and Cliarles T. ShijMnan l)e tlie Committee to carry tlie foregoing resolution into cttect. Resolved, That tlie next Annual Election for Members of the 1825.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 235 Legislature, Sherift", tfcc, be lield at tlie House of Steplien Ptoff, and tliat the Poll open and close there. llesolved, That the next Annual Town Meeting be held in the Session House of the fn-st Presbyterian Cdiurch, to coninienee at one o'clock P. M. in tliis Town. Ordered, that Mr. Munn be Paid Two Dollars for cleaning the Session House. Meeting adjourned. JOS C. HORXBLOWER, Moderator. Attested by Akcu'd Woodruff, Clerk, Newark Aunual Towx Meeting, for the Townsliip of Newark, held in the Session House of the 1st Presbyterian Church, on Monday, A2)rll 11th, 1S25, When Joseph C. Hornblower, Esq., was Chosen Moderator, and Archibald Woodruft', Town Clerk. Agreeable to the requisition of the Law, the Clerk was in- structed to read the Seventh section of the Act required to be read at every Annual Town Meeting and the Riot Act. The Minutes of the last Annual Town Meeting being called for and read. The Committee appointed at the last Annual Town Meeting on the subject of the old Town Dock being called upon to Report, It appeared by the Statement of the Chairman of that Commit- tee, that nothing had been done by them in relation to the object of their a])pointment. Thereupon it was, on motion, Resolved, that said Committee be discharged, and a Commit- tee of Three appointed Avith the same powers and instructions as W'Cre given to the former Committee, on the subject of the said Dock — Whereupon Samuel Pennington, Stephen Hayes and John Ailing were appointed on said Committee. The Committee of Nine, appointed at the last Annual Town Meeting to take into consideration what Legislative aid might be necessary to enable the Town to establish and regulate a market, &c., was discharged, and the subject dismissed. The following Resolv;tion Avas moved and Seconded, viz : Resolved, that it is expedient and proper to take measures to erect a Town House, on the Lot belonging to the Town, on the West side of Broad Street, and after some discussion, the further consideration thereof was indeliuately Postponed. A memorial from a number of tlie Inhabitants of this Town Avas presented and read, Praying leave to erect a new Market on the sight of the old one, in Market Street L-^pon Certain Terms &c. On motion Resolv'd that the consideration thereof, be post- poned, and that the subject of said memorial, and also the sub- ject of Building a Town House, be referred to a Committee of 236 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1824- Five, with instructions to Report thereon, to a special Town meeting, shoukl they deem it necessary, and Expedient to call one for that purpose, or to the next annual Town Meeting. Whereupon Wni. S, Pennington, Smith Burnet, Luther Goble, James Vanderpool and Jabez Harrison Avere appointed on that Committee. The annual Report of the Town Committee was call'd for and read, and in connection therewith, the Report from the Male Free School Committee, and the managers of the Female Free School, and on motion, the same were accepted, and ordered to be filed. Whereupon on motion Resolv'd that the sum of Four Hundred Dollars, be raised for the use of the Male Free School, and the like sum for the use of the Female Free School for the present year. The Town Committee, layed before the meeting the Report made to that Comittee by the Trustees of the lower Town Dock, by which it appeared, that the Trustees, had agreed, to lease the same to Nchemiah Tunis, for Ten Years, at Ninety Dollars a year, and the Trustees to Expend thereon. Three Hundred Dol- lars, in repair if necessary. It wds thereupon moved and Sec- onded, that it is inexpedient, and improper for the Trustees, to proceed to ^Execute, any lease of the said Dock, — and after a considerable discussion, the further consideration thereof, was indefinately postponed. It was moved and Seconded, tliat the Roads be worked this year by Labour, as the same had been done before the system of raising money by taxes, for making and repairing the same, was introduced, and after, a considerable discussion, the motion was negatived by a very large majority. On Motion Resolved, that the sum of Two Thousand Dollars be raised for the support of the Poor this Year, On Motion Resolved that the sum of Two Thousand Dollars be raised this Year, for the purpose of making and repairing the Roads. On Motion Resolved that the meeting now proceed to the Election of Township Officers. Constables, Benjamin S. Jarvis, Joseph Sayres, Jacob Osborn, David Ball and John Searing. Collector, Abraham K. Ward. Chosen Freeholders, James Vanderpool and Robert B. Cam})- field. Commissioners of Appeal, James Vanderpool, Stephen Hayes and Joseph W. Camp. Surveyors of Highways, Moses Faitoute and Ezra Baldwin. Overseers of the Poor, David Nichols and David Hayes. Street Commissioners, WiUiam S. Pennington, Caleb S. Riggs and Silas Condit. 1825.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 237 Town Committee, Steplien Hayes, Joseph W. Caiiii>, Kiiluaini Bolles, Wm. Tattle and Steplien Dod. Judge of Election, Col. Stephen Hayes. Committee of the iNfale Free School, Jas. Tichenor, Ellison Conger, Joseph Wilbur, Silas Condit, David Hayes, Wni. Tattle, James 13ruen and Stephen Dod. Overseers of the Iloads in the Town Piatt, Moses Faitoute, Stephen Hayes and Johnson Nichols. Overseers of the Outer Districts, Hugh K. Toler, Joseph W. Camj) and Caleb H. Camp. Pound Masters, John 1. Plume, Upper ; Elihu Piersou, Center ; and Robert Hayes, Lower. On motion Resolved that the Committee of the INIale Free School, be and they are hereby instructed, to introduce the Lan- casterian System of Teaching, in that School if practicable imder existing circumstances. Resolved that Hogs found running at large shall be liable to be impounded, and that the Driver be paid, and is Entitled to re- ceive with the Pound Master the same Compensation — respec- tively, as Avas agreed upon at the last annual Town Meeting. Resolved that the next annual Election be opened held and Closed, at the House of Steplien Rolf Innkeeper in tliis Town. Resolved that the Town Clerk be Paid Five Dollars for his Service in Keeping the Minutes and Records of the Town last Year, and that he receive the same sum annually, hereafter, luitill otherwise ordered. Resolved that the Sexton of the 1st Presbyterian Church be paid Two Dollars for Cleaning out this House after Town Meeting is over. Resolved that this jNIeeting Adjourn to meet in this Place, at Two O'Clock P. M. on the Second Monday in April next. JOS. C. HORNBLOAVER, Mod'r. Attested by Arcii'd Woodruff, Town Clerk, Special Town Meetixg Held at the House of Enoch Jjolles October 1st 1825. When Mr. Silas Condit was chosen Moderator and Arch'd Woodruff acted as Clerk. The Seventh Section of the Act re- lating to Town meetings was by the Moderator ordered to be read as also the Notice for calling this meeting. The memorial which was read at the last annual Town meet- ing was again read — which relates to the granting to a Company upon certain terms the lease of the Lot of Ground in Market Street where the old ]\Larket now stands for tbe ]iurpose of Erecting a new One thereon. The Minutes of tlie last Annual Town Meeting in relation to the Market and also the subject of Building a Town House being 238 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1826. also called for and Read both of which Avere referred to a Commit- tee with powers to report thereon. TVhereu])on said Committee now Report, Recommending the leasing of said Lot to a Com- pany for the Building of a new Market. As also that application be made at the next sitting of the Legislatm'e for a Law authoriz- ing the raising of money to Build a Town House. On motion, Resolved, that the first part of the Report in rela- tion to the Building a Market, be accepted. Resolved, that the Town Committee be, and they are hereby authorized and instructed to make and execute a Lease to such Persons as shall be appointed by the Market Street Market Asso- ciation of the Ground Avhereon the Old Market House stands, Avliich lease shall be upon the i^rinciples contained in the Rej)ort of the Committee appointed at the last Town Meeting upon this subject — provided that such lease shall contain a provision that at least Fourteen feet of the Market Lot next to the premises of Mr. Jabez Harrison shall be left 0])en for a Street in connection with the P^'ourteen feet of Vacant Land Adjoining the same, be- longing to the said Jabez Harrison. And such lease is only to be made, upon condition that the said Jabez Harrison will in some legal and binding way dedicate his said vacant strip of Fourteen feet to the use of a Public Street. Resolved, that the Report of the Committee in regard to the Town House be accepted. Resolved, that a Committee of Three be appointed to make application to the next sitting of the Legislature for a Law au- thorizing tlie Town to raise money for the pur])ose of Building a Town House ; and that Caleb S. Riggs, William S. Pennington and Smith Burnet, Esquires, be and they are hereby appointed on that Committee. Meeting Adjourned. Sn^AS CONDIT, Moderator. Attested by Arcii'd Woodruff, Town Clerk, Annual Towx Meetix*^^ For the Township of Newark, Held in the Session House of the first Presbyterian Church, on Mon- day, the Tenth day of April, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Six, at Two o'clo'k P. M. Aarou Munn, Es(|r., Avas chosen Moderator, and Archibald Woodruff, Town Clerk. The Vth Section of the Law relating to Tom'u Meeting was read, as also the Riot Act. The minutes of the last Annual Town IMeeting as well as of the last Special ToAvn Meeting were called for and read. The Report of the Town Committee Avas call'd for and read by their Clerk, (together Avith an appendix, Xo. 1 Report of the 1826.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 239 Trustees of tlie new Town Dock, No. 2 Committee of the JMale Free Scliool, and No. 4 A commmiicatiou from Aaron Marsli, on his having^encroached upon vacant land belonging to tlie Town) when, on motion, it Avas Resolved, to accept the Report of said Committee so fir as to exclude the appendix. Resolved, that the Trustees of the now Town Dock take such Legal measures to secure the rights of the Town in said Dock as they in their wisdom may deem necessary. The Committee on the subject of encroachments made by Aaron Ward on the old Town Dock, Report that after scAX'ral interviews with Mr. Ward, he has made the following proposi- tion, viz: that he will relin([uish to the Town Twenty live feet of the North part of his Dock for the Twenty five feet of the SoiHh part of the Dock, claimed by the Town, and occupied by him, provided the Town Avill give him One Hundred Dollars in the exchange, and which the Committee would respectfully recom- mend. The proposition of Mr. Ward was rejected, and 2 Resolutions were oftered by Mr. S. Pennington, the first of which was to make an even exchange M'ith jMr. Ward, which Avas afterwai-ds amended, by Instructing the Com'ttee to ofter Mr. Ward Ninety Nine Dollars for the ditlerence. And the 2d Resolution Avas to continue tlie old Committee, Avith poAvers to eftect the exchange agreeable to the foregoing Resolution, or take legal measures to recover the ToAvn Claims in the said Dock, and the Com'ittee to draAV on the ToAvnship Collector for any sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars not otherwise appropriated. Resolved, that the Report of the Committee of the Male Free School be accepted, and the TOAvn Meeting coincide Avith the vicAVS of the Committee as recommended in their Report of altering said School from a free to a Pay School, and on the Lancas^erian Plan. And said Committee were authorized to hire a Room sufficiently large to hold from 2 to 300 Children. Resolved, that it be recommended to the IManagers of the Female Free School to Adopt a similar course as tliat recom- mended by the Com'ittee of the Male Free School, viz : that of receiving pay by gradation instead of its being ,an ontii'c Free School, should they deem it ])racticable. Resolved, That the amount of the Judgment and Cost ol)taiu- ed against Mr. Bolles in the suit instituted against him by Mr. INforehouse, before Justice Munn, in relation to the manure re- moved to tlie Poor Farm by said BoUe's order, Avhile acting as one of the ToAvn Com'ittee, be paid. Resolved, that the Resolution i)assed in 182:1, in relation to collecting the manure in the Street, for the benefit of the Poor P\arm, be Repealed. ^40 RECORDS OF KEWARg. [1826. A Report of the Committee of the Watch (which was kei)t up (luring the last Winter) after having been read, was ordered to be filed. The Report of the Managers of the Female Free School was read, accepted, and ordered to be filed. APPEOPRIATIOXS. Resolved, that the sum of Two Thousand Dollars be raised for the purpose of making and Repairing the Roads this Year, Resolved, that the sum of Sixteen Hundred Dollars be raised for the support of the Poor this Year. Resolved, That the sum of Four Hundred Dollars be raised for the use of the Male Free School, and the like sum of Four Hiindred Dollars for the use of the Female Free School this Year. Resolved, that Silas Condit, Esq., be appointed to fill the vacancy in the Trustees of the New Town Dock, occasioned by the removal of Mr. Lewis Thibou to New York. Election of Township Officers : Constables — Benjamin S. Jarvis, Joseph Sayrs, Jacob Osborn, David Ball and John Searing. Assessor — Isaac Nichols. Collector — Abraham K. Ward. Chosen Freeholders — James Vanderpool, Robert B. Campfield. Commissioners of Appeal — James Vanderpool, Stephen Hayes, Robert B. Campfield. Surveyors of Highways — Moses Faitoute and Jabez Cook, Overseers of the Poor — David Nichols and Caleb Carter. Street Commissioners — Silas Condit, Caleb S. Riggs and Wm, S. Pennington. Town Committee — John Ailing, Joseijh W. Camp, Wm. Tut- tie, Luther Goble and Stephen Hayes. Judge of Election — Stej)hen Hayes. Committee of the Male Free School— Ellison Conger, James Ticheuor, Silas Condit, Wm. Tuttle, Joseph Wilbur, David Hayes, James Bruen, Stephen Dodd. Two new ones appointed, viz : — Luther Goble and Caleb H. Shipman. Overseers of the Road in Town Plott — David Doreraus, Ste- phen Hayes and Johnson J. Nichols, Overseers do, of Outer Districts — Joseph W, Camp, Caleb H. Camp and David Earl, Resolved, that Avhen this meeting Adjourn it shall l)e to meet at Eleven o'clock A. M, — the next Annual Town JMeeting. Poimd JNIasters — Hugh Cammack, Robt. Hays and David J, Bald win i Resolved, that the next Annual Election be opened, held and closed at the House of Mr. Stephen Rotf, Inn-keeper in this Town. 1827.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 241 Resolved, that Hogs riming at large be liable to be impound- ed, and that the Driver be entitled to receive 25 Cts., and tlie I'ound Masters 25 Cts. for each Hog. Resolved, That Two Dollars be paid the Sexton for Cleaning this House. The Town Meeting referred the application of Mr. Aaron jMarsh in relation to his having in possession and now occupying some ot the Tublic or Vacant Town Lands, to the Town Com- mittee. Resolved, that the Dog tax; be 50 Cts. tliis year. Resolved, that this meeting now Adjourn, to meet in this Place at their next Annual Town jMeeting at the time before agreed upon. AARON MUNN, Moderator. ARcnii'.ALD WooDKUFF, Towu Clcrk, Annual Toavx Meetixg For the Township of Newark, held in the Session House of the first Presbyterian Church, on Monday, tlie Ninth Day of Aivil, A. D. 1827, at 11 o'clock A. M. Aaron Munn, Esqr., was chosen Moderator, and Archibald Woodruft; Town Clerk. After having read the Riot Act and the Seventh Section of tlie Act of Assembly required to be read at Town Meetings, The Town Committee were called upon to make their Report, Avhen it was read by their Clerk and accepted. The Report of the Trustees of the New Town Dock was made, Stating a Ballance in the Hands of their Treasurer of the sum of 8:337 23-lOOths, which was accepted. The Report of the Committee on the old Town Dock was read, in which it was stated they had not effected an exchange Avith Mr. Ward, as recommended at the last Annual Town Meet- ing, and asked to be discharged, which was granted. Resolved, tliat the subject of tlie Old Town Dock lie referred to the Town Committee, with powers to compromise with Mr. Ward, or to take legal measures to recover the same. Provided they be not authorized to Pay ]Mr. Ward any money in the exchange. Reports of the Male and Female Free Schools was read and accepted. Appropriations for the current year : Resolved, that the sum of Two Thousand Dollars be raised for the working of the Public Highways. Resolved, that the sum of Seventeen Hundred Dollars be raised for the maintainance and supjtort of the Poor. Resolved, that the sum of Four Hundred Dollars be raised for the support of the Male Free School, and the same sum of Four Hundred Dollars for the Female Free School. 31 242 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1827. Col. Isaac Andruss made ai^plication to the Town Meeting to have refunded to the Trustees of the New Market in Market Street the stipulated amount for the last year's Rent, which was rejected. Resolved, that this meeting now proceed to the choice of Townshij) Officers for the ensuing year. Constables— Benjamin S. Jarvis, Joseph Sayres, David Ball, Jacob Osborn and John Searing. Assessor — Isaac Nichols. Collector — Abm. K. Ward. Chosen Freeholders — Robt. B. Campfield and James Vander- pool. Surveyors of Highways— Moses Faitoute and Jabez Cook. Over Seers of the Poor — Caleb Carter and David Nichols. Judge of Election — Luther Goble. Overseers of the Road for the Town Plott — John Ailing, Rob- ert B. Cami^lield & Samuel Pennington. Overseers of the Outer Districts— Joseph W. Camp, Caleb II. Camp, Abm Johnson and James Eaton. Street Commissioners — John Taylor, James Vanderpool and Samuel Pennington. Town Committee— Silas Condit, Luther Goble, William Tuttle, Stephen Hays and Ephraim Bolles. Committee of the Male Free School — Silas Condit, James Bruen, James Tichenor, David Hayes, Joseph Wilbur, Luther Goble, C, H. Shipman, Stephen Dod, Ellison Conger and Wm. Tuttle. Commissioners of Appeal — James Vandei-pool, Robert B. Campfield and Stephen Hayes. Pound Masters — Hugh Cammack, Robert Hayes and David J. Baldwin. Resolved, that the next fall election be opened and Closed at the House of Stephen Roff. Resolved, that Hogs be impounded, and that the Poundage be Fifty cents. Twenty five of which will be for the Pound Master and Twenty five Cents for the Driver. Resolved, that the Sexton be paid Two Dollars for Cleaning this House. Resolved, that this meeting now Adjourn to meet in this Place at the next Annual Town Meeting at 1 o'clock P. M. AARON MUNN, Moderator. Attested by Akcii'd Woodruff, Town Clerk. A Special Town Meeting For the Township) of Newark was held agreeably to previous Notice, at the House of J. A. Britten on Tuesday, the Second day of October, A. D. 1827. 1828.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 243 Col'nl Isaac Audniss was cliosen Chairman and Arch'd Wood- ruft' acted as Clerk. The Notice for calling said Meeting was road. Also the l.jth and 11th Sections of the act relating to Town Meetings. Resolved, that it is expedient for the Township of Newark to procure a Lott or Lotts of Ground for a Public Burying Ground for the use of the said Township of Newark. Resolved, that the Township Committee be instructed to apply to the Legislature of this State at their next sitting for a Law authorizing the raising by taxation, a sura not to exceed One Thousand Dollars for the above object. Resolved, that the aforesaid Town Committee be instructed to procure an Act of the Legislature at the same time for power to raise money for the support of a regular Night Watch, the expense of which to be Assessed on the Inhabitants of the Town and on such property only as is contained within the following prescribed Boundary, viz : to commence at the North End of the Town of Newark at Mill Brook, running along tlie Passaic River to the extent of the Commercial Dock, thence including ]\Iulberry street and down Broad street to the forks of the Road by David Hays' at the South end of the Town, thence along eacli side of High street to the place of Beginning. ISAAC ANDRUSS, Moderator. Archibald Woodruff, Town Clerk. Special Towx Meeting for the Township of Newark Avas held at the House of Mr. Brittain, on Teusday, the 1st Jan''>/, 1828. Robert B. Camptield, Escp-., was Chosen Chairman, and Arch'd Woodruff acted as Clerk. After the notice for calling the meeting Avas read. The ToAvn Committee made their report as follows : One Bill for an aiDplication to the Legislature for a Law au- thorizing the raising of money to purchase a Burrying Ground. And a Bill authorizing the maintenance of a Night Watch, with certain prescribed powers. While these Bills were under consideration, .\ motion was made to have another Bill read, the intention of Avhich was to make application to the Legislature for certain Corporate powers, for the benefit of the Inhabitants of the Town of Newark. After the reading of said Bill, it was, on motion, referred to a Committee of Eleven, Avhose duty it should be to examine and consider on the merits of said Bill, and make Report to an Ad- journed meeting to be held on the eleventh Jan'y Instant at 3 o'clock P. M. Also to publish such parts of said Bill as they may deem expedient for the Information of the Inhabitants of the Town generally. Resolved, that the Chairman appoint the aforesaid Committee. 244 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1828. "When the followmg Gentlemen were duly appointed by him. Viz : Silas Condit, J. C. Ilornblower, Isaac Andruss, Wm. Tattle, Luther Goble, Isaac Nichols, Jabez Harrison, David Nichols, Charles T. Shipman, Wm. Pennington and James Vanderpool. Resolved, that the Bill just read for an application to the Leg- lature for authority to purchase a Burying Ground be approved of as presented by the Town Committee. Meeting Adjourned. ROJBERT B. CAMPFIELD, Chairman of said Meeting. Attested by Aechibalb Woodruff, Town Clerk. An Adjourned Special Towx Meeting, held Jmi'y 11th, 1828, at the House of Mr. Brittain. Smith Burnet, Esq., was Chosen Chairman, and Archibald Woodruff acted as Clerk. The Report of the Committee to whom was refered the Bill for certain Corporate powers for the Town of Newark was made with amendments by Silas Condit, Esqr., Chairman of that Com- mittee. And recommended that it should not go into operation nntill fairly considered by the Inhabitants and an Election special- ly held for its adoption or rejection. The Bill was called for and read as amended, and after Some time spent in the discussion of different subjects which said Bill embraced. It was on motion rejected entirely by a large majori- ty. And the Meeting Adjourned. SMITH BURNET, Chairman of the Meeting. Attested by Aecii'd Woodruff, Town Clerk. Annual Towx Meeting for the Township of Newark, held in the Session House of the First Presbyterian Church, on Monday, the fourteenth day of Aprils at 1 o'clock P. M. In the Year of our Lord 1828. Coln'l Isaac Andruss Avas Chosen Moderator, and Archibald Woodruff, Town Clerk. The Tth Section of the Act required to be read at the opening of Town Meetings was read. As also the Minutes of the last Annual Town Meeting, and of the subsequent Special Town Meetings held during the last year. The 9th Section of the Act relating to Free Schools — Also an Act of the Legislature passed at their last sitting, in relation to the same subject were read. The Street Commissioners made a Report, stating that they had entered into an Agreement with Ellison Cougar, And had received the sum of Fifty Dollars from him as an acknowlede- ment for having violated the Law in Building beyond the line of the Street, on Market street — and stipulating to remove the en- 1828.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 245 croachment at a faturc day — whicli Report ■was accci)tcd and ordered to be filed. It was stated that Moses Ward had huilt heyond tlic line of the Street on Market street, which was on motion rel'ered to the Street Commissioners. The lleport of the Town Committee was read, stating a Ballance of 81868 10-100 in the Hands of the Township Collector and 72 Cts. in the Hands of the Clerk of the Committee. The Report of the Trustees of the Xew Town Dock was re- ceived from which it appear'd that there was a Ballance in the Hands of their Treasurer of $413 09-100. The Report of the Male and Female Free Schools were made and accepted. An application was made by Abraham and John King-, Two Colour'd Men, for assistance towards the education of Poor Col- oured Children in the Town, amounting to the number of Fifty. Resolved, that the money that has been paid by individuals and expended on the Road at the Bridge over the Branch Brook occasioned by the Canal being constructed across the Road, be refunded by the Overseers of the Highway (to be liereafter ap- pointed) amounting to the sum of One Hundred and Sixty Dol- lars, $160. Resolved, that the Town Committee be instructed to tender to Aaron Ward the sum of $100 by way of compromising the controversy as respects the Old Town Dock, $100. The following Resolutions in relation to the Building of a Town House were introduced and passed : 1st. Resolved, that it is expedient to erect a Town Plouse for the more convenient transaction of Town business. 2d. Resolved, that the Town Committee be authorized to bor- row any sum not exceeding Ten Thousand Dollars, on the Credit of the Town, and to apply and expend the same from time to time, in the erection of a Town House upon the Town Lot ad- joining Stephen Roll' Inn, after such a jjlan, and in such a man- ner, as shall be prescribed to them by a Committee, to bo ap- pointed by the Town Meeting for that purpose. 3d. Resolved, that the Town Committee be authorized to Pay the first Year's Interest on the sum or sums by them borrowed, for the aforementioned purpose, out of any unappropriated ftmds belonging to the Town, The following persons, consisting of Five, were appointed a Committee to prepare a plan for the Town House, agreeably to the second Resolution on that subject, Viz : Robert B. Cam]»- field, William Ilalsey, Isaac Andruss, Smith Burnet and JMoses Dod. Resolved, that the Town Committee be instructed to purchase one or more places for a Burying Ground. 246 KECORDS OF NEWARK. [1828. The following ajjpropriatious were made for the ensuing year : Resolved, that the sum of Two Thousand Dollars be raised for the sujjport of the Poor, Resolved, that the sum of Two Thousand Dollars be raised for working the Public Highways. Resolved, that the sum of Five Hundred Dollars be raised for the purchasing a Burying Lot or Lots of Ground. Resolved, that the sum of Four hundred Dollars be raised for the Male Free School, and the same sum of Four Hundred Dol- lars for the Female Free School in the Town. Resolved, that the sum of One Hundred Dollars be raised for the instruction of Female Children in the outer disti'icts of the Township. Resolved, that the sum of One Hundred Dollars be raised for the Poor Coloured Childi-en's Listructiou in the Township, to be paid out at the discretion of the Town Committee. Resolved, that this meeting now proceed to the choice of Townshi]) Officers for the ensuing year. Constables — Benjamin S. Jarvis, Joseph Sayres, David Ball, John Searing, Isr.ac Beach, David Jones, Assessor — Isaac Nichols. Collector — Abrahaui K. Ward. Chosen Freeholders — Robert B. Campiield, James Vanderpool. Surveyors of Highways — Moses Faitoute, Jabez Cook. Overseers of the Poor — David Nichols, Caleb Carter. Judge of Election — Luther Goble. Overseers of the Road in the Town Plott — Robert B. Camp- Held, Stephen Hayes, Johnson Nichols. Overseers of the Road in the Outer Districts — Abraham John- son, Caleb H. Camp, James Vanhouten. Street Commissioners — Samuel Pennington, James Vanderpool, John Taylor. Town Committee — Silas Condit, Luther Goble, William Tuttle, E])hraini Bolles, Moses Smith. Committee of the Male Free School — Silas Condit, James Bruen, James Tichenor, David Hayes, Joseph Wilbur, Luther Goble, C. H. Shipman, Stei:)hen Dod, Ellison Cougar, William Tuttle. C'Ommissioners of Appeal — James Vanderpool, Robt. B. Camp- field, Stephen Hayes. Pound Masters — Robert Hayes, Hugh Cammack, David J. Baldwin, John Griffith, Elihu Pierson. Resolved, that Hogs be impounded, and that the Poundage be Fifty Cents, one half for the Driver and the other half for the Pound Master. Resolved, that the Elections for next fall be held at the House of Stephen Rofl", and to be opened and closed there. 1828.J RECORDS OF NEWARK. 247 Resolved, tliat the Sexton be Paul Five Dollars for Cleaning tliis House. Resolved, that the meethig now adjourn to meet in this Place at the next Annual Town Meeting at One o'clock P. M. ISAAC ANDRUSS, Moderator. Attested by Arch'd Woodruff, Town Clerk. Special Towx Meetixg For the Township of Newark Avas held at the House of J. A. Brittain, Agreeable to previous No- tice on Wednesday Julij KJtli, 1828. Robert B. CampfiekrEsq'r was chosen Moderator. And Arch- ibald Woodruft" acted as Clerk. A motion was made to ascertain tlio sense of the meeting, wether they would proceed to the business for which they had convened, or Adjourn, AVhen it was agreed to proceed. And the Town Committee made tlieir Report, which was read by their Clerk, And is as follows : In obedience to the vote of the last Annual Town Meeting in- structing the Township Committee to purchase one or more Lots for a Town Burying Ground, the Committee gave it Early atten- tion, and after considerably En([uiry and deliberation, purchased Two Lots of the Mrs. jMcWhorters, situated on the South Side of the Old Ferry Road, adjoining the land of Widow Aaron Harrison, as best adapted to answer the purposes of the Town both as to location and as to the Price required for the same. The iirst Lot having a front of 250 feet on the old Ferry Road, Containing 8 Acres and OGIOO, and Cost, at the rate of $00 an Acre, The other directly in the rear, and Adjoining the first Lot contains 5 Acres and G4100, and was purchased at the sum of 80 Dollars per Acre. On the latter lot is a verry fine young apple Orchard now in bearing order. The aggregate sum paid for the Two Lots amounts to §12:30 00-100 for "the 14 Acres and 30-100 of an Acre. The same has been Deeded to an individual of the Committee untill the whole might be partitioned into a Square Lot, suited to accomplish the wishes of the Town. And here the Committee would beg leave to remark, that if our constitu- ents are dissatisfied with the location, or the price Paid for the land. The Committee will cheerfully Exonerate the Town from the purchase, and take the same u])on themselves. As before remarked there are 250 feet front on the Old Ferry Road, as a matter of Economy to the Town, the Committee Re- solved after throwing out 20 feet for a road on the East boundary of the first lot, to sell the remaining 230 feet for Building lots, which have accordingly been sold at about One Dollar a foot producing $230 for IV-lOO of an Acre, Mr. Harris who owncs on the same line has also contributed 20 feet towards a road, so that 248 RECOEDS OF NEWAEK. [1828. a Street 40 feet wide will be opened sufficiently spacious for all purposes of communication with the lot designed for the Public Burying Ground. The Committee further remark that by drawing parallel lines from North to South in Order to make the lot Square, there will be a projection or strip of land on the Two sides of the Premi- ses, which they propose to sell, still reducing the price of the original purchase. The first is the marsh or low land west of Widow Harrison's House, containing 2 Acres .and 48-100 of an Acre, which is not es- teemed verry valuable. The other projection is in the rear of Wm. Il.arris lot, and contains 2 Acres 18-100 of thrifty orchard. The two together the Committee Estimate will bring not less than |800. So that the 8 Acres .and 87-100 of an Acre, designed for a Burying Ground, (as may bo seen by the Map herewith pre- sented), will cost the Township .about $700 — after deducting the Building Lots sold, and the skirts of land still to be sold. Signed By Order of the Township Committee, WM. TUTTLE, Clerk. Newark, July IG, 1828. Resolved that this Town Meeting approve of the proceedings of the Town Committee, in procuring a lot for a Public Burying Ground, and of the purchase whicli they have made for that jjurpose, and that they be authorized and requested, to dispose of such part of the premises, as they may not deem necessary for the use of the Town for the above purpose — Provided however that at least the Square cont.aining Eight Acres 87-100 of an Acre, as design.ated on the Map submitted l)y the Committee be retained for the use of the Town. Meeting .adjourned. ROB'T B. CAMPFIELD, Moder.ator, Attested by Arcu'd Woodruff, Town Clerk. Special Town Meetixg For the Township of Newark, was held at the House of Mr. Brittain, Agreeable to previous notice on Monday the 10 day of Nov'r 1828. Mr. Moses Smith was chosen Moderator and Archibald Wood- ruff acted as Clerk. The 7th Section of the Act was read relating to the opening of Town Meeting. Also the Notice for calling this meeting was read stating the objects of calling said meeting. Resolved that the Township Committee be and they are here- by instructed, to apply to the Legislature, to obtain authority by Law, to apj^ropriate any part of the funds, that may arise by way of income, from Town Property in the Town Plott of Newark, 1829.] RECOllDS OF NEWARK. 249 for tlie pur))Ose of purcliasing or repairing Fire Engines, pro- curing ] looks, ladders, and lire buckets, or otlier Expenses con- nected Avitli the object of Extinguishing Fires. Resolved that the Township "Committee be instructed to apply to the Legislature, for a Law authorizing the vesting of the New Town Dock in the County of Essex iu the Lihabitants of the Townshi]) of Newark. Resolved that the Township Committee be authorized to sell a part of the new Burying Ground, to such Persons as may apply for the i^urpose of interments. Meeting Adjourned. i\[. SMITH, Moderator. Attested by Aucuibald Woodruff, Town Clerk. Annual Ty pledged, to indemnify and save harmless the said Trustees. Resolved, that the Township Committee be, and they are hereby directed, to set apart and preserve, as a distinct fund, " Any monies belonging to the Township, and arising from Town property, and lying within the Town Plott, by way of rent or otherwise," and wltich said fund, as to receipts and dis- bursements therefrom, shall by tlie said Committee be specifically reported at the annual meeting of the Township. Resolved furtlier, that the Township Committee be and they are hereby authorized to expend from the aforementioned fimd, so much as they may from time to time deem expedient, for ob- jects connected with tlie business of extinguishing fires, as is pro- vided by the Sixth Section of an Act of tlie Legislature, entitled an Act concerning the new Town Dock, and other matters in the Townshio of Newark, in the County of Essex. ISAAC ANDRUSS, Moderator, Archibald Woodruff, Town Clerk. Annual Town Meeting for 1830 for the Township of Newark, convened by the Session room of the 1st Presbyterian Church, One o'clock P. M., ApH 12th. Samuel Pennington was chosen Moderator, and Stejihen II. Pierson, Clerk. Resolved, To Adjourn to the Lecture room of the Tliird Pres'n church. Tlie 7th Section of the act in relation to the opening of Town Meetings, and the Act in relation to education were read. 1830.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 253 The Report of the Township Committee was read and ai)- proved. The subject of the Docks in possession of Aaron Ward, and claimed hy tlic Town, was discussed, and the next Town Com- mittee autliorized to settle with Mr. Ward at their discretion. Resolved, That the Town Committee be instructed liereafter to settle with the Collector and Assessor agreeable to the Avrit- ten oi)inioii of C. S. Riggs, E. Vanarsdale and Tlieo. Freeling huysen, on file. The Reports of the Male and female free Schools, Infant School and Coloured do. were read. Resolved, That One Thousand dollars be raised for the educa- tion of poor Children, to be distril)uted in the ditt'crent districts in the same proportions as the State funds. Resolved, That One Hundred and fifty Dollars of the above sum be appropriated to the Coloured School. Resolved, That the road districts remain the same as the last year, and the Overseer«of the diiVercnt districts be recommended, as far as it can be done consistent with other duties, to Macadam- ize in their Districts. Resolved, That Two Tliousand dollars be raised for the sup- port of the Poor. Resolved, That Two Thousand dollars be raised for making and repairing the roads. Constables— David Jones, David Rail, Dan'l S. INIoore, Renj'n S. Jarvis, Joseph Sayres. Assessor — Joseph L. Wheeler. Collector — James Whitamore. Chosen Freeholders — Robt. B. Canfield, James Vanderpool. Surveyors of Highways — John W. Baldwin, Capt. E. Beach. Overseers of thePoor — Caleb Carter, David J. ITtiyes. Judge of Election — Stephen Dodd. Overseers of the Road for Town Plott — ^Robert Baldwin, Joel W. Condit, Edward Jones, Lewis Nichols, James Tichenor, William 11. Earl. Street Commissioners — Sheldon Smith, Jabez Harrison, Sam- uel Pennington. Overseers of the Outer Districts— Caleb H. Camp, James Vanhouten, Abm. Johnson, Stephen Baker. Town Committee— Silas Condit, Moses Smith, David Dorerans, William Tuttle, Samuel Pennington. Commissioners of Appeal — James Vanderpool, Robt. B. Can- field, Stephen Hays. Pound Masters— E. E. Boudinot, David J. Baldwin, Wm. H. Wolf, Hugh Cammack, Joseph L. Camp, Wm. Crane, Jun'r. School Committee — Silas Condit, James Bruen, James Tiche- nor, David Hays, Luther Goble, Stephen Dodd, William Tuttle, Ellison Congar, C. H. Shipman. 254 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1830. Resolved, That the above Committee take charge of the money and Supenntend the coloured school. Resolved, Tiiat hogs be impounded, and tliat the driver have lifly cents and pound master iifty cents. Resolved, That the annual election for next fixU be opened and closed at Stej^hen Rolf's. The Town Committee laid before the Town Meeting a com- munication addressed to the said Town Committee by Nicholas Longworth, Esq., in behalf of the surviving sisters and Brothers and other heirs of Jabez Longworth, deceased, in relation to the supposed will of the said Jabez Longworth, deceased, of which communication the following is a copy, to wit : To the Town Committee of the Township of Newark : Gentlemen — The surviving Sisters and ])rothers and other heirs of Jabez Longworth, Dec'd, (some of Avhom not only de- serve to inherit his estate but are in limited circmnstances) can- not but deeply feel interested in the result of the controversies likely to take place, between the Township of Newark and them- selves, in relation to the validity and legal cft'ect of the instru- ment of writing purporting to be his will. They verily believe that their deceased Brother and relative was not in such a state of mind, as to be capable of making a legal disposi- tion of his property, and they feel confident that the inhabitants of Newark, if they knew the real circumstances of the case would not be willing, mider the forms of law, even if it Avere certainly in their power to avail themselves of the supposed will, and thereby divert the property of the deceased, from a deserving widowed sister, and other near and dependent rela- tives, to the uncertain and indefinite objects of charity named or refered to in that writing. But our Council, after a full and I believe an impartial investi- gation of the facts connected with that instrument, and the l)oints of law arising in the case, have come to the conclusion, 1st. That were it possible to sustain the Instrument as a will, that the bequest to the Town cannot be sustained. 2nd. That if sustained and enforced the estate is so situated that The Town could derive no eventual benefit from it. The bequest is limited in its object, and is so devised that many years must elapse before the "Pown could possibly (if at all) derive any l)enefit from it. But they a]>prise me, that the nature and variety of the grounds of objection, and the numerous suits to which they would give rise — if tlie instrument purporting to be a will bo l)rovcn, Avould subject us to endless Litigation in various Courts, whore the expenses arc great, and Litigation mutually inconve- nient to all parties, and Avhich Ave shonkl have no reasonable })ros- pect of seeing closed in our day. 1830.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 255 The citizens will readily perceive, that with tlie view the heirs have of the case, it Avould become the duty of such of the heirs as are able, to supj)ort tlie interest of the rest and maintain tlieir rights, l)y seeking protection in every fair and legal way in every Court of tlie State and of the United States, that could be re sorted to. It Avould afford the heirs great satisfaction could an amicable arrangement take place to accomplish so desirable an object, and give satisfaction to the citizens, they would cheerfully pay some- thing to be applied in the manner named in the becjuest. If the Town Meeting approve the measure and will appoint a Special Committee of intelligent citizens, I will lay before them such vouchers and jiapers of the estate as tliey may re(piest, with such evidence of facts, in my power, as they may deem usefull and request, Avhether for or against our interests, to enable them to come to a fair and Just conclusion, the submission to be with- out prejudice to either party, should a compromise not take place. The Committee to be vested with j^ower to make a final set- tlement, or merely to report the terms agreed on, to a subsequent Town Meeting, for acceptance or rejection, as the Citizens may deem most advisable. Very Kespect'ly, N. LONGWORTII. Whereupon the said communication being read to the meeting it was, on motion, Kesolved, That a Committee of Seven ])c appointed by this meeting to confer with the lieirs of said Jabez Longworth, de- ceased, upon the subject of the bequest contained in said will in favor of jioor Orphan children of the Township of Xewark. Kesolved, That it shall be the duty of the Town Committee upon the request of the Committee above appointed, to call a special Town Meeting in the manner directed by Law, for the jHirjjOse of receiving and acting upon their report, and that they do then make report to such special Town jMeeting. Resolved, That Isaac Andruss, James Tichenor, David Dore- mus, Amzi Dodd, Silas Condit, Asa Wliitehead, Samuel Penning- ton do compose said Committee. Resolved, That the Sexton be paid Ten Dollars for cleaning this House. Resolved, That the election for Town Officers at the next annual Town Meeting shall be by ballot. Resolved, That Isaac Andruss, C. T. Shipman, Rodney Wilbur, Geo. W. Campbell and David Doremus, be a Committee to select a more suitable spot than that next to S. Roff's, for a Town House, and report to a Special Town Meeting. 256 KECORDS OF NEWARK. [1830. Resolved, That the next Annual Town Meeting be held in this place at (10) ten o'clock A. M. Adjourned. SAM'L PENNINGTON, Chairman. Attest — Stephen II. Pierson, Town Clerk. To Stephen II. Pierson, Town Clerk of Newark : Sir, you are hereby directed to give notice of a Special Town ]Meeting of the inhabitants of the Townshij) of Newark, to be held on Monday, the third day of May next, at three o'clock P. M., at the session room of the first Presbyterian Church, to receive and Act upon the report of the Committee appointed at the last Annual Town Meeting to confer with the heirs of Jabez Longworth, deceased, relative to the bequest in the last will and testament of said dec'd in favour of the Poor Orphan children of the Township of Newark. By order of the Township Committee. SAI^IUEL PENNINGTON, Chairman. Wm. Tuttle, Clerk. April 24, 1830. SPECIAL TOWN ME15TING. Public Notice is hereby given, that a Special Town Meeting of the inhabitants of the Township of Newark, m the County of Essex, will be held at the Session Room of the first Presbyterian church in said Township of Newark, on Monday, the third day of May next, at three o'clock in the afternoon of said day, for the purpose of receiving and acting upon the report of the Com- mittee appointed at the last annual Town Meeting to confer with the heirs of Nicholas LongAvorth, deceased, in relation to the be- ([uest contained in the last will and testament of said deceased, in favour of poor Orphan children of said Township. By Order of the Town Committee. STEPHEN IT. PIERSON, Town Clerk. April 24, 1830. Copies of the above were put up at the Court House, at J. O'Donnel's, Z. Drake's and Mansion House Hotels. At a Special Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town- ship of Newark in the County of Essex, holden at the Session room of the first presbyterian Church in the said Township of Newark, on INIonday, the third day of J/«y, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight Hundred and thirty, at tliree o'clock in the afternoon of said day, in j)ursuance of due and legal notice given of the time and place and purpose of said meeting, for the pur- pose of receiving and acting upon the report of the Committee 1830.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 257 appointed at tlic last Annual Town Meeting of said Township, to confer with the heirs of Mr. .TaLez Longworth, deceased, in re- lation to the hequest contained in the last Avill and testament of said Jabez Longworth, deceased, in lavour of poor Orphan chil- dren of said Township. Cxeneral Thomas Ward was aj)pointed Moderator. The Committee above mentioned having made their rejiort, and the same being read, the following })reamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted — The Committee to whom was referred by a resolution of the last Annual Town ]\[eeting of this Township, the subject of tlu; devise or bequest in the supposed will of Jabez Longworth, de- ceased, for the benefit of poor ()r])han children of this Townshi)! having re]»orted to this meeting, It is ordered, that the said report be accepted and agreed to, and that the Clerk do file the same in liis oflice, and make a record thereof at length in the minutes. Whereupon, on motion, it was further resolved, that this meet- ing do approve of, consent to and accept the terms of com- promise offered by the heirs next of kin of the said Jabez Long- worth, dec'd. Resolved, that upon payment of the said sum of Five Thou- sand ]^oIlars by the said heirs and next of kin, or any of them, to James Vanderpool, Theodore Frelinghuysen and Luther Coble, or upon the execution and delivery by the said heirs and next of kin or any of them to the said James Vanderpool and Luther (Tol)le of a good and sufficient bond and mortgage, securing to them the payment of the said Sum of Five Thousand Dollars in one year from the third day of May instant with interest, this Township do relinquish all further claim and demand on the representatives of the said Jabez Longworth, deceased, for and on account of any devise, bequest or clause contained in the said supposed will. Resolved, That the money when received by the said James Vanderpool, Theodore Frelinghuysen and Luther Gol)le, or the security to be given to them therefor, shall be taken and held by them and their Survivors and Survivor of them in trust for the Inhabitants of the Township of Newark, in the County of Essex, until an Act of the Legislature of this State shall be obtained creating Trustees for the said fund, and providing for the use and application of it as near as may be, according to the true intent and meaning of the said Jabez Longworth, as expressed in his said supposed will and the report of the aforesaid Com- mittee. Resolved, That the Township Committee be and they are hereby instructed at the expense of the Townshi]) to jv.-ocure an Act of the Legislature of this State at their next session, Jiiaking 83 258 RECORDS OP NEWARK. [1830. permanent provision for the appointment and succession of suit- able trustees for the said fund, and the application of the Interest and income thereof forever, towards the sup})ort and education of poor Orphan children of this Township in the manner afore- said. Resolved, That the meeting recommend the said James Van- der Pool, Theodore Frelinghuysen and Luther Goble to accept the bond of Nicholas Longworth, Esq., secured by a mortgage upon Lands in the Town of Cincinnati and its vicinity in the State of Ohio, as security for the payment of the said sum of Five Thousand Dollars Avith interest as aforesaid, provided the Hon. Jacob Burnet and Nathaniel Wright, Counsellor at Law, shall certify that the mortgaged premises are unincumbered and of sufficient value, and the mortgage duly executed and recorded. The Committee .appointed at the last Annual Meeting of the inhabitants of the Township of Newark, for the jjurpose of con- fering with the heirs of the late Mr. Jabez Longworth, npon the subject of a bequest in his last will and testament for the benefit of poor Orphan children of said Township, Kes})ectfully Report, That they have met several times upon the subject, and have been attended by Nicholas Longworth, Esquire, in behalf of himself and the heirs of the Testator, who has made before the Committee, as far as they are able to Judge, a full and fiir exposition of the circumstances and situation of the estate of the Testator, your Committee have also had stated before them the various objections r.aised against sustaining the Ijequest in question, which are too numerous and complicated to be discussed in this report. The Committee, after a full consider.ation of the subject, with a view to promote the best interests of the Township, to save expensive and tedious litigation and to effect a compromise upon Terms which they think Just and equitable between the parties agreed to propose to Mr. Nicholas Longworth that they would recomend to the Township to receive the sum of five thousand Dollars in lieu of the bequest in question, which proposition was .agreed to by Mr. Nicliolas Longworth in behalf of himself and the other heirs of the Testator, And the same is now submitted for the consideration of the Town IVIeeting. The Committee think but Just to mention that the intercourse between them and Mr. Nicholas Longworth has been of the most satisfactory character, that on his part it h.as been distinguished by a gentle- manly candour and frankness which h.as greatly facilitated the C^ommittee in the discharge of the duties assigned them. And your Connnittee would further beg leave to recommend that should the Township accept the terms proposed. That the five Thousand Dollars be set apart as a distinct fund, and be loanei'()i)i-i:ikMl in accordiincu willi tlic will and iiituiitioii of the Testator, viz: for tlic su])])ort aud education of jioor Orphan Children of the Township of Newark, to be Selected by the Township C'oniniittee yearly. And that a S2)ecial report be made to tiie Annual Town JNIceting by the Township Committee of the situation of tliis fund, the amount of" interest received and tlie names of the Orphans selected, and the amount expended upon each individual, and that the said yearly repoi't be entered at large upon the Town book, by the Clerk yearly, as a perpetual memorial of the liberality and beneficence of Mr. Jabez Long- worth, deceased, a native citizen ot the Town of Newark. All which is resj)ectfully submitted, Newark, May 3d, 1830. Isaac Andruss, David Doremns, Samuel Pennington, Silas C'ondit, James Tichenor, Asa Whitehead, Anizi Dodd. Resolved That this Town Meeting Entertain a high o[iinion of the frank open and honourable conduct of Nicholas Longw^orth Esq'r in the negotiation and settlement of the matter of the bequest in the will of Jabez Longworth decM in favor of poor Orphan Children in the Town of Newark and that the Clerk of the Township be directed to furnish to Mr. Longworth a Copy of this resolution and also a Copy of the report of the Committee and also of the resolutions of this Town Meeting in relation thereto duly certified by the Moderator and Clerk of this Meet- ing. Adjourned. THOMAS Wx\UD. Attest Stei'Iiex IL I'iekson, Clerk. May 3, 1S30. Special Towx Mketinm;. — Agreeable to Notice given, a Special Town Meeting was held in the Session Itooiu of the first pres- byterian Church The 20th day of Jane 1S30, for the purpose of adopting measures, if Expedient for removing a C-ollection of Water in the old burying ground lot. Also to remove a Collec- tion of Water in the North part of the Town and similar ])ublic nuisances in other parts of the Town — if necessary — and to Elect an Overseer of the Poor in the room of D. J. Hays. .lames Vandcrpool was chosen Moderator. Resolved that a C/ommittee of five l)e ap[)ointed to Examine into the Evils complained of by the Inhabitants of difiercnt Sec- tions of the Town arrising from stagnant waters, and atlvise with and reconnnend to the Overseers of the highway in the respec- tive districts in which such Evils exist as to the best mode of 260 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1830. removing tliem, and that Kob't B. Cantiekl, Capt. Epliraini Beacli, JSamuel Pennington, A. W. Kinney, David Dorenius, hv that Committee. Resolved That the Town Committee be authorized to appro- Ijriate Two Hundred Dollars out of any monies in their hands not already appropriated to any specific object and which may legally be used for this object to assist the Overseers of the high ways in Eftecting the removal of the Evils above Complained of ])rovided the same shall be deemed necessary by the Examinhig Committee ai^pointed in the foregoing resolution. Resolved That this Committee Examine the law, authorizing the draining the low grounds in the Town of Newark passed Nov. 25, 1822 — and also the Supplement passed Nov. 20, 182;; — and also other acts on the subject, and advise whether any thing further can be done under the same Acts to remove the nuisances complained of Resolved That David Nichols be Overseer of the poor in room of David J. Hays. Resolved, That David Doremus, C. T. Day and Isaac Andrnss be appointed to fill the vacancies in the School Committee. Adjourned. JAMES VANDERPOOL, IVloderator. Stephen H. Piersox, Town Clerk. Special Town Meeting, August 10th. — Agreeable to notice given a Special Town Meeting was held at the Session room of the first Presbyterian Church on the Tenth day of June 1830 to receive the report of the Committee a])pointed at a recent Special Town Meeting to Examine Stagnant Waters Considered public nuisances in said Town and other jnirposes. Asa Whitehead was chosen Moderator, The report of the Committee being read. It was Resolved tliat the water now running into the Old burying ground, be contin- ued down Broad Street the entire length, from the Cannal to S. B. Browns. Resolved That a Committee of Three be appointed to carry this resolution into Eftect and that the Overseers of highways of districts in which the work is to be done be requested to per- form the work according to the direction of the Committee — and that Rob't B. Canfield, A. W. Kinney and Capt. E. Beach be that Committee. Resolved, That this Committee recommend that the road run- ning from Obadiah Woodrufi^ to plane Street, be raised by filling in gravel so as to Cast the water into its old course and that the same plan be ado])tcd in Bank, Harrison and Acadimy Streets. Resolved that Rob't B. Canfield, Theodore Frelinghuysen, Da- vid Doremus, John Ailing and Silas Condit be a Committee to lyol.] KECORDS OF NEWAKK. 261 cuiifiT witli thu JMaiiagurs of tlie JVEorris Cauual ihcii' Agents or Engineers respecting the best mode ot" constructing bridges over Said Cannal where it crosses any of tlie Streets in Town and all otlier matters of interest to the Inhabitants arising out of the Erection of said Cannal tlirough the Town of Newark. .Vdjourned. ASA WHITEHEAD, Moderator. Stei'ukn II. PiKKsox, Cl'k. Tlic annual Toavn Meeting was held in the Lecture Uoom of the third presbyterian Church, The Eleventh of April One Thousand Eight liundred and Thirty one — At Ten O'Clock A. M. Uen'l Thomas Ward chosen Moderator and Abraliani ]3each Town Clerk. The 7th Section of the act in relation to the opening of Town Meeting Avas read. It was moved that the minutes of the last annual and special Town Meetings so far as respects the Settlement with the Heirs ot Jabez Longworth Dec'd be read. Which was finally posponed imtill after the Town Committee made their annual report. On motion Resolved That the resolution of the last Annual Town Meeting respecting the Voting by Ballot for Town Officers be rescinded. Resolved That the standing resolution of a former Town Meet- ing, I'hat all those objects which require the ajipropriation of money to be acted upon and disposed of previous to the Election of Town OtHcers be rescinded. Resolved That we now proceed to the Election of Town OtKcers. Resolved That Seven Constables be a}>pointed for the ensuing- year . Constables — David Ball, Daniel S. jNIoore, Isaac Beach, David M, Fitzgerald, Benjamin S. Jarvis, Jose})h Sayre, David Jones. Assessor — Stephen Dod. C'ollector — Caleb Carter. Chosen Freeholders — James Vander[)ool, Robert B. Camp- tield. Surveyors of the Highways — Robert Baldwin, Jabez Cook. Overseers of the jioor — Aaron Nichols, Abraham K.Ward. .Judge of Election — Isaac Nichols. Overseers of the roads for the Town ]*lott districts — No. 1 David C. Brown, 2 Enoch iJollcs, :! Charles Grant, f Aaron Camp, 5 Josei)h Magie, (i James Tichenor. Overseers for the Outer districts — Stephen Baker, James Van Ilouten, John Hayes, Elias Roberts. 2'62 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1831 Street Coniiuissioiiers — William Lee, Abraliaiu W. Kinney, Samuel Pennington. Town Committee — Luther Gol)le, Ephraim UoUes, Isaac Bald- win, David Dorenius, William Tuttle. Commissioners of Appeal — Stephen Hays, Isaac Nichols, James Vanderpool. Pound Masters — Jahez Cook, Elias E. Boudinot, Hugh Cam- mack, William Crane Jun'r, David J. Baldwin. School Committee — Luther Goble, Richard M. Crane, George W. Campbell, Caleb 11. Shipman, David Doremus, Isaac An- drnss, Ashbell W. Cory, Ellison Cougar, Stephen Dod. Town Meeting adjourned untill Two O'Clock P. M. At Two O'Clock P. M. met agreeable to adjournment. Called to Order and proceeded to Business. It was moved and seconded to re-consider the apj)oiMtments made ])revious to Adjournment. And after discussion it was decided by the Moderator to be out of Order. Tlie annual report of the Township Committee was then read by their Clerk. On motion Resolved That it be accepted and Filed, The following Statement in relation to the settlement with the Heirs of Jabez Longworth Dec'd, from the Hon'le Theodore Frelinghuysen, made a part of the Town Committees report : Nicholas Longworth "| To I Luther Goble, [> Sealed bill for Theodore Frelinghuysen j $5000, dated Ohio, ■■"" and James Vanderpool. J May ;5rd, 1830, payable with legal Interest I'rom date at six per cent, till i)aid and secured by a Mortgage of same date o)i lots of land in Cin- cinati, Ohio. Certified by Jacob Burnet and Nathaniel Wright, Esq'rs to be free from incumbrances and sufficient security for said sum. The said sealed bill and mortgage are in the i>osses- sion of the Subscriber. Signed TiiEODOKi-: Feelinguuysex. Newark, March ;nst, 1831. Resolved, That Two thousand dollars be raised for the suj)- port of the Poor. The subject of working the roads was taken up. And .after considerable discussion and the reading of an estimate of the cost of McAdamizing the streets in the Town Plott, It was, on motion. Resolved, That the sum of Five Hundred Dollars be raised for working the roads in the Town Plott. Resolved, That the sums levied in the several districts to make out the above mentioned sum of Five Hundred Dollars, be ex- pended in the districts where levied. 1831.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 268 The meeting were iiifonned by Amzi Dodd, Esqr., the prose- cnting Attorney on tlie part of the .State for the County of Essex, Tliat the Townsliip of Newark liad been indicted lor a nuisance in suffering tlie water to stagnate and become offensive in the old burying ground. On motion, Resolved, That tlie sum of Two liundred dollars ])v. raised, and if necessary expended to remove said nuisance. Several Overseers of the Highways having informed the meet- ing that they had expended more money than they had received from the Town to Avork the Highways in the Toavu Plott dis- tricts. On motion, Resolved, Tliat the Townsliip Committee 1)0 authorized to pay each and every Overseer of the Highways all the money they have expended in their districts beyond what they have received from the Town funds. Out of any monies not otherwise a])propriated. The School Committee, in pursuance of the Act to establish Common Schools, made their annual report. Resolved, That the same be accepted and Filed. The re])ort of the Managers of the School for educating the }»oor childien of Colour in the Town was read. Resolved, That the same be accepted and Filed. Several sections of the Law respecting Common Schools having been read — It was, on motion, Resolved, That the money re- ceived from the State fund for the support ot Common Schools, Together with the money raised by the Town for the same i)ur- pose, be approjjriated to the schooling of i)Oor children in the districts where they reside. Resolved, That the sum of One Thousand Dollars be raised for the support of Common Schools. Resolved, That One Hundred and fifty Dollars be aj))tropriated to the education of the poor children of colour. Out of tlu; money raised for the support of Common Schools. A motion to raise the sum of Three hundred Dollars to aid the Female Union School was negatived. On inotion. Resolved, That the Township Committee be au- thorized to remove all ]3uildings and all other incnmbrances fVoni the Town Lott on Broad street. The motion to instruct the Town Committee to lease the Town Lott on Broad street was on motion posponcd untill the next Annual Township INIeeting. Resolved, That hogs running at large be subject to poundage, with the same penalties as last year. Viz : Fifty cents to the driver .and Fifty cents to the [)ound master. Resolved, That the Annual Election for members of tlie State Legislature, Sherifl' and ("oroners be opened and closed at the House of Stephen Roff, Inn Keeper. Resolved, 'J'liat the Town Committee be authorized to pay Mr. 264 RECOUDS of NEWARK. [18S2. Epliraim Beach, tlie Sexton of the third presbytcriuii cliurch, tlie sum of Ten Dollars for cleaning this room. Resolved, That the next Annual Township Meeting be held in this place at Ten o'clock A. M. Town Meeting Adjourned. THOMAS WAR]), Moderator. Attest — Abraham Beach, Town Clerk. NEWARK TOWNSHIP MEETING FOR 1832, The annual Town Meeting for the Township of Newark Was held in the Lecture Room of the third Presbyterian Church, Monday, tlie ninth of Apr'il, One Thousand Eight hundred and Thirty-two, at 10 o'clock A. I\[. When Asa Whitehead, Esq., Avas chosen Moderator. The Vth Section of the Law relating to Town Meetings was read by the Moderator. Abraham Beach was Chosen Town Clerk. The minutes of the last Annual Town Meeting was read. It was, on motion. Resolved, That we now proceed to the election of Township Officers for the ensuing Year. The following Officers were chosen : Assessor — Moses Dodd. Collector — James Whittemore. Commissioners of Appeal in cases of Taxation — Joseph W. Camp, William Lee, William Grummon. Chosen Freeholders — John iVUing, Samuel Pennington. Surveyors of the Highways — John W. Baldwin, Matthias Plum. Overseers of the Poor — Abraham K, Ward, Aaron Nichols. On motion, Resolved, that seven Constables be aj)pointed for the ensuing Year. Nominations for the Constables having been made, A motion to reconsider the above Resolution iDrevailed. It was, on motion, Resolvetl, That nine Constables be appoint- ed for the ensuing year. When the following were chosen — David M. Fitzgerald, David Jones, Daniel S. Moore, David Shuart, David Ball, Ambrose Bruen, Josei^h Sayre, William Johnson, Samuel ]>each. Meeting adjourned untill half Past Two o'clock l\ M. Town Meeting again assembled at h past Two o'clock, and the following Officers Avere chosen : Overseers of the road for the Town Plott districts— District No. 1. David S. Osborne; 2. Asa Torry; ;]. Matthias Plum ; 4. William II. Earle ; 5. Jediah J.Nichols; G. Abner Pierson. Overseers of the road for the out districts — Abraham Johnson, Stei)hen Baker, James Van Jlouten, Josiah Meeker. Resolved, That five ])Ound Masters be .appointed for the en- suing year. 1832.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 265 Found Masters — Thomas J. Philips, Enoch Bolles, Elihu Pier- son, William II. Ross, William Crane, Jun'r. Resolved, That Hogs runninfj at large be subject to poundage, with the same penalties as the Two last years, Viz : Plfty cents to the driver and Fitly Cents to the ])0und Master. A motion to impound C'attle running at large without a driver was decided in the negative. Judge of Election — Elias E. Boudiiiot. Town Committee — David Doreinus, Luther Goiile, William Tuttle, Elias E, Boudinot, Pruden Ailing. Street Commissioners — John H. Stephens, Pruden Ailing, William Lee. School Committee — David Doremus, Isaac Andruss, Luther Goble Ashbell W. Cory, William Grummon. Tlie Town Committee made their Annual Report, which was read by their Clerk and accepted. The Annual report of the School Committee was read and accepted. The subject of working the Highways was taken up, and on motion. Resolved, That the sum of Five hundred dollars be raised for working the roads the ensuing year in the Township. Resolved, That the Town Committee shall as soon as practica- ble apportion to each Overseer of the road for the Township the sums of money they are severally to receive out of the P'ive hundred Dollars raised for w^orking the roads in said Townshi]). Resolved, That the Town Committee be authorized to pay Mr. Aaron Camp, one of the Overseers of the road, for the last year district. No. 4, the expence of a plougli and drag purchased l)y him for the use of the Town out of any monies belonging to the To\\'n not otherwise appropriated. A motion to authorize the Town Committee to pay Mr. James Tichenor, one of the Overseers of tlic road for the last year, district No. S, his monies advanced in working his district, was decided in the negative. Resolved, That the sum of Two thousand five hundred Dollars be raised for the support of the poor for the ensuing year. Resolved, That the sum of One Thousand iive hundred Dol- lars be raised for the support of Common Schools for the ensuing- year. Resolved, That the sum of Two Hundred dollars bo appro- priated for the education of the poor Children of Colour out of the sum raised for the support of Common Schools. Resolved, That the money received from the State fund for the support of Common Schools, Together with the money raised by the Town for the same purpose, be appropriated to the School- ing of poor Children in the districts where they reside. 34 266 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1832. RosolvGcl, That the Chairman of the School Cominittee be allowed the sum of Ten Dollars per year for his services uutill otherwise ordered. Resolved, that the Town Clerk be allowed the yearly sum of Twenty five dollars for his services. Resolved, That the Town Committee be authorized to pay to Ephraim Beach Ten Dollars for cleaning the Lecture Room of the third Presbyterian Church. The Report of James Bruen, Robert B. Campfield and Stephen Hays, Commissioners appointed by the Legislature of the State to superintend the cutting a ditch to drain the low grounds in the vicinity of "Washington street having been read and accepted, It Avas, on motion. Resolved, That the Town Committee be authorized to pay the said Commissioners the sum of Two hundred dollars towards paying the expences of making said ditch and keeping the same in repair out of any monies belonging to the Township not other- wise appropriated. Resolved, That a town house be built on the Town Lott on broad street. When after considerable discussion, it Avas, on motion, Resolved, that the further consideration of tlie subject of building a town house bo postponed until a Special Town Meet- ing be called whenever the Town Committee shall think proper to call the same. Resolved, That the next Annual Election for a member of the Legislative Council, Members of the General Assembly, Sheriff and Coroners, Together with the election for Electors of Presi- dent and Vice President and representatives in Congress be oppened and closed at the house of Zepbaniah Drake, Inn Keej)- er of this Town, Resolved, That the Town Committee be authorized to make such a disposition of the Town Dock as they may think proper. The following preamble and Resolution was introduced by Gen'l Isaac Andruss, and adopted by the meeting : Whereas, The Townshij) of Newark has become so populous that it is impracticable to procure a room adequate for the ac- commodation of the Inhabitants of the Townshi]), when in Town Meeting assembled for tlie transaction of the annual business of the Township, Be it Therefore Resolved, Tliat a Committee bo appointed to digest a plan for the division of the Township into two or more "Wards, with a system for the transaction of the Township busi- ness upon equitable principles, by the Two, or more sejjarate "Wards, and that the Committee report to a special Town Meet- ing to be called for that purpose. That time may be aftbrded to obtain Legislative aid in the premises, before the next annual 1832.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 267 Town Meeting, should the measure be approved of by the Town- ship, in Town Meeting assembled, Resolved, Tliat the Moderator of tliis meeting appoint a Com- mittee of iivc in accordance with the foregoing Resolution, and the following persons were appo 'ited, Viz : Isaac Andruss, Joseph C. Ilornblower, Stephen Dod, Wilham II. Earle, Arclier Gittord. Resolved, That the next Annual Township Meeting be lield at the Lower point of the Military Common, at Ten o'clock in tlie forenoon. Town Meeting Adjourned. ASA WHITEHEAD, Moderator. Attest — Abeauam Beach, Town Clerk. COPY OF NOTICE FOK SPECIAL TOWN MEETING. Notice is hereby given, that in accordance with a request made to the Township Committee, signed by a number of respectable freeholders of the Township of Newark, the Town Committee liave directed that a Special Town Meeting be held at tlie Session Rooni of the first presbyterian Church on Saturday the 2nd day of June next at 2 O'Clock P. M. for tlie purpose of taking into consideration certain Encroachments alleged to be made on a portion of tlie public lands belonging to the Town in the Neigh- borhood of the Commercial Dock. Also to hear the report of the Committee appointed at the last annual Town Meeting on tlie subject of dividing the Township into Wards for the transaction of Town Business, provided said Committee are prepared to re- port. And Also to consult on the propriety of providing for the Town a new place of interment instead of that now occupied in Newark neck. By Order of the Township Committee. ABRAHAM BEACH, Town Clerk. May 23rd, 1832. Copies of the above notice was put up at Isaac C. Winans Store, at the Eagle Tavern (Z. Drakes), at the Mansion House (Hinchinans), at John Remers Store near the Canal Broad Street and at the Northern liberties Hotel Kept by John Agens — published in Sentinel and Chronicle Two Weeks, Special Toavn Meeting, Jime 2nd, 1832. — Publick notice having been given according to Law a special Township Meeting was held in the Lecture room of the first presbyterian Church Saturday June the Second, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Two at Two O'Clock P. :M. The Meeting being Called to Order Asa Whiteliead Esq'r was chosen Moderator, Abraham lleacli acted as Clerk. 268 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1832. The Notice calling a Special Town Meeting at this time was then read by the Clerk. The first business in said Notice being certain Encroachments alledged to have been made on the public lands belonging to the Town in the neighbourhood of the Commercial Dock— The Town- ship Committee were called upon to give the Meeting all the information in their possession on the subject. jMr. William Tuttle Clerk of the Township Committee stated that the Committee had no special information to communicat'.\ A petition having been presented to the Committee signed by a number of respectable fi-eeholders requesting a Special Township Meeting to be called upon that subject — The Town Committee has seen fit to call such meeting accordingly. Wliereupon after discusion It was on motion Resolved That a Special Committee to consist of five be appointed by the Mode- rator of this Meeting whose duty it shall be to obtain all the in- formation they can upon the subject of the Encroachments al- ledged to be made upon the Township lands in the Neighbour- hood of the Commercial Dock and report the same to a future Town Meeting. The following persons were appointed accordingly, A"iz : Ed- Avard Jones, James Vanderpool, John W. Baldwin, Stephen Dod, John P. Jackson. The Committee to divide tlie Township into AYards or dis- tricts for the transaction of Town business made the following- report : The Committee appointed at the last annual Town Meeting To investigate the subject of dividing the Township of Newark into two, or more Wcu'ds and make report thereon — Beg leave to make the following Report : Your Committee after deliberating upon the Subject referred to them are of the opinion that owing to the numerous population of the Town and its rapid increase that a division of the Township into two or more districts for the transaction of the Townshij) business would be a great public convenience by affording an opportunity to a greater proportion of the Inhabitants to assemble and take a part in the Township business. The measure contemplated could not be carried into effect Avithout Legislative aid. Your Committee would therefore premise — That should the plan meet the views of the ToAvnship, It would be advisable and they would recommend that a Committee be appointed to draft a Law to be presented to the next Legislature for Enactment, embracing the objects contemplated. And that the said draft be presented to a future Town Meeting for their sanction or rejec- tion. All Whicli is respectfully submitted. ISAAC ANDRUSS, Cha'n of said Committee. Newark, June 2nd, 18.32. 1833.] RECORDS OF NEWARK. 269 It was on Motion Resolved that the report above be accepted. Resolved That a Special Committee to consist of tlirec be ap- pointed by tlie Moderator to draft a Law to divide the township into two or more districts and report the same to a fnture Town meeting and also to pnblish tlie same in one or more of tlic public newspapers printed in the Town previous to any Township ]\[eet- ing to act upon the same. Tlie followino- persons were appointed said Committee, Viz : Joseph C. Ilornblower, Isaac Andruss, Amzi Dodd. On Motion Resolved That it shall be the duty of the Townshi]) Committee to order a Special Town Meeting whenever the above Committee shall request the same. The subject of the burying Ground in Newark neck was taken up and after discussion It was on motion Resolved as the ophiion of this meeting that as few interments ought to be made in the burying lot lately purchased by the Town as possible and that the Town Committee be instructed to apply to the Legislature for an act to vest the said lot in the In- habitants of the Township of Xe.wark with power to sell the same in lots or otherwise as the public Interest may require. And further that the Town Committee should be authorized to pur- chase one or more lot or lots in the neighbourhood of the Town for the purpose of burying the dead. No further business, Adjourned. ASA WHITEHEAD, Moderator. Attest Abraham Beach, Town Clerk. COPY OF NOTICE FOR SPECIAL TOWN MEETING. Notice is hereby given, that a Special Town jMeeting of the Inhabitants of the Township of Newark, will be held in the Session Room of the First Church, on Tliursday, the third dav of January, 1833, at 2 o'clock P. M., to receive the Report of the Committee appointed to drall a Bill for dividing the Town into Wards or Districts, agreeable to the Vote of the last Special Town Meeting, and also to take into consideration sucli other measures relative to a Corporation of the Town as i-espects the better regulation and municipal government of the same as may then be brought before the meeting. Also to hear the report of the Committee appointed to select a new Burying Ground for the use of the Town, if that Committee is prepared to re])ort. By order of the Township Committee. ABRAHAM BEACH, Town Clerk. Newark, December '25th, 18:52. Copies of the above were put up at John O'Donnel's Tavern, at Z. Drake's Eagle Tavern, at the Mansion House kept by Ilinclnuan, and at G. D. Small's Cadet Hall. 270 RECORDS OF NEWARK. [1833 Also advertized in the Sentinel of Freedom, Newark ICagle and Newark Daily Advertiser. In accordance with a Pnblic Notice given according to law, A Special Tow^^ Meetixg was held in the Lecture Room of the iirst Presbyterian Church, on Thursday, the third day oi January, One Thousand Eight hundred and Thirty three, at 2 o'clock P. M. The meeting being called to order, Stephen Dod, Esq., was chosen Moderator. Abraham Beach acted as Clerk. The notice calling said meeting was then read by the Clerk. The first business in said Notice being to hear the report of the Committee appointed at a Special Town Meeting, held on the 2nd of June last, on the subject of dividing the Townsliij) into Wards for the Transaction of Town business. When Gen'l Isaac Andruss, Chairman of the said Committee, presented the General features of a Bill for dividing the Town- ship into four Wards, which Bill is now on file, marked A. The Bill having been read by the Chairman of the Committee, it was, on motion. Resolved, That the said Bill be read and considered by Sec- tions. The first Section of the Bill was amended as follows, by alter- ing the division of the Wards, viz : All that part of the Township of Newark lying North of a line drawn in the middle of New and Centre streets, untill it strikes the Townshij> of Orange West and the Passaick River East, be called the North Ward. All that part of the Township lying South of a lino drawn in the centre of Fair street running parallel east and of a line drawn in the centre of William, Running parallel West, mitill it strikes the Township of Orange, be called the South Ward. All that 2iart of the Township lying East of Broad street in the Centre and South of the middle of Centre street and North of the middle of Fair street, be called the East Ward. All that part of the Township lying West of Broad street in the Centre and lying South of the Centre of New street and North of the Centre of William street, be called the West Ward. Section 2nd was adopted without any alteration. Section r,rd Amended in the following manner : The oflicers to be chosen by liallot, except Moderator and Ward Clerk, who are to be chosen Viva Voce. Also one Fire Warden, not less than two or more than five Constables, not less than two or more than five Overseers of the Highways to be chosen in each Ward. Also Two Chosen Freeholders, Two Surveyors of the Highways to be chosen by General Ticket by the four Wards. The Votes to be Canvassed by the Town Committee, And the Overseers to Avovk the roads as directed l)y the Street Commissioners. 1833.] RECOKDS OF NEAVARK. 271 Section 4 Amended as follows: The Annuul report of the Township Committee, to be inxblislied at least two weeks previous to the ^Vnnual "Ward Meetings, and In addition to have power to raise money by tax for the extinguishment of fires. Section 5 Amended as follows : Tlie Cliosen Freeholders of the Township, The Surveyors of the highways for the Township and the Street Commissioners appointed by the several Wards shall constitute a board of Com. missioners, and shall have power to lay out and vacate and alter the public Streets and Highways in the Township. Section G superseaded by other provisions. Section 7 adopted. Section 8 adopted. Section 9 adopted. Section 10 Amended as follows: A majority of the Wards necessary to change the use of any Public burying ground in the Township. On motion, Resolved, That a Committee of two from each Ward be appointed by this meeting to prepare a bill according to the foregoing plan, to be presented to the Legislature of this State for enactment. When the following Gentlemen Avere appointed : North Ward — James Vanderpool, ^Vrcher Gilford, Estp's. South Ward — Asa Whitehead, Amzi Armstrong, Escp's. East Ward — Joel W. Condit, Joseph C. llornblower, Es(p's. AVest Ward — Isaac Andruss, William Pennington, Esqrs. Uesolved, That the Sexton of the first Presbyterian Church have Three dollars paid by the Town Committee for cleaning the Lecture room of said Church out of any monies belonging to the Town not otherwise appropriated. On motion, Town Meeting Adjourned. STEPHEN DOD, Moderator. Attest — Abraham Beach, Town Clerk. I Note. ] — The Committee appointed for that purpose pre|)arcd a Draft of a LaAV, dividing the Township into 4 Wards : and the same was enacted by the next Legislature and became a Law. And the Ward system was organized and carried into effect in April, 1833, and o])perated 3 Years. 183G — The Township obtained a Charter making Newark a City, which Charter was received by a public vote in April, 183G. [ABRAHAM BEACH, Town Clerk.] ^PF^ENDIX. OFFICE HOLDERS, FROM THE SETTLEMENT OP THE TOWN UNTIL ITS INCORPORATION IN 1713. *** A dash between the dates indicates that the person appears to have deen re-elected annually during the intervening period, but it is evident that re-elections must frequently have taken place without any record having been made of the fact. Some of the offices were of a temporary character, and others seem to have been created, suspended, revived or abolished, as the circumstances of the to\vn required, without any official entry being made of the change. This will account for the want of continuity that will be observed in several offices. The manner of spelling many of the names differed at different periods. DEPUTIES TO PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY. Jasper Crane, Sen'r, 1669-'73. Thomas Huntington, 1685. Robert Treat, 1669-'73. Daniel Dod, 1693. Stephen Bond, 1673. John Treat, 1694, '95, '99-1702. John Ward, 1675-'76. Azariah Crane, 1694, '95. Thomas Johnson, 1675-'78, '80-'84. Jasper Crane, 1697, 1702. Thomas Richards, 1677, '79, '86, '93. Joseph Harrison, 1712. Samuel Swain, 1678. John Cooper, 1712. John Curtis, 1679-88. ALTERNATE DEPUTIES, OR "THIRD MEN.'' Samuel Swain, 1666, '71-'73, '76, John Ward, 1680, '81. '79. MAGISTRATES. Jasper Crane, Sen'r, 1669-'74. John Ward, 1674. Robert Treat, 1669-'72. Stephen Bond, 1674. Matthew Camfleld, 1670, '72. (Mr.) Kitchell, 1674. Samuel Swain, 1671, '74. Thomas Johnson, 1680. ASSISTANT MAGISTRATES. Samuel Swain, 1669, '70, '71, '73, Stephen Bond, 1673. '76, '79. Thomas Johnson, 1677. Matthew Camfield, 1669, '71, '73. 35 274 APPENDIX, PRESIDENT OF TOWN COURT. Jasper Crane, Sen'r, 1671. JUSTICES OP MONTHLY COURT. Stephen Bond, 1G75. Thomas Johnson, 1675, '78, '79, '80. John Curtis, 1691. Samuel Swain, 1678-'80. John Ward, 1675, '78-'80. MESSENGERS. Edward Ball, 1675, '77. David Ogden, 1678, '79. Joseph Harrison, 1680. CLERK. John Brown, Jr., 1676-'80. TOWN ATTORNIES. John Catlin, 1677, '78. Edward Ball, 1679, '80, '8G. Josejjh Harrison, 1686. CONSTABLES. Benjamin Baldwin, Jr., 1694. Thomas Huntington, 1678. John Baldwin, Sen'r, 1693. Thomas Johnson, 1669-73. Edward Ball, 1683, '89. Samuel Kitchell, 1677. Thomas Brown, 1696. John Lindley, 1700. William Camp, 1684. Anthony Oliff (Deputy), 1684. John Cooper, 1697. James Nottman, 1703. Azariah Crane. 1683. Thomas Pierson, Scn'r, 1679. Jasper Crane, 1690. Theophilus Pierson, 1693. John Curtis, 1676. Samuel Pierson, 1699. Thomas Davis, 1695. Samuel Plum, 1683. Samuel Dod, 1702. Thomas Richards, 1688. Samuel Freeman, 1701. Jabez Rogers, 1681. George Harrison, 1687. John Ward, ' Turner; 1670. Nathaniel Wheeler, 1683. GRAND JURY MEN. Samuel Kitchell, 1676. Wm. Camp, 1678. John Baldwin, Jr., 1676. Richard Harrison, 1678. Stephen Davis, 1676. Sam'l Plum, 1679. Joseph Walters, 1677. George Day, 1679. John Ward, Turner, 1677. Azariah Crane, 1679. Ephraim Pennington, 1677. Thomas Pierson, Sen'r, 1680. John Crane, 1678. Thomas Pierson, Jun., 1680. Stephen Bond, Jun., 1680. RECORDER, OR TOWN CLERK. Robeit Treat, 1069, '70-'73. John Curtis, 1093. John Brown, 1673, '73, '76-'80, '83- Nathaniel Ward, 1696. '85, '88. John Cooper, 1706. ASSESSORS AND RATE MAKERS. John Curtis, 1685-'88, "90. John Brown, 1085-'88, '90, '95, '96. APPENDIX. '^i'O Zophar Bcacb, 109.5, '97, '99. Natiri Ward, lG91-'98, 1701, ' '7, '9-'ll. J()S('i)li Harrison, lG96-'98. .Ti)sepli Johnson, 1096. Tlicophilus Pierson, 1097. Robert Younir, 1697. Seth Tompkins, 1097. Thomas Hays, 1697, '99, 1701. John Cooper, 1098, 1702, "6, 3, '6, '10, '11. Thomas Richards, 1698. Samuel Harrison, 1099, 1702. Daniel Dod, 1701. John Morris, 1702. Eliphalet Johnson, 1702. John Ricliards, 1712. Samuel Cooper, 1712. •7, -9. COLLECTOUS. Thomas Johnson, 1068. Thomas Davis, 1694, *9j. Nath'l Ward, 1699, 1706. TKEASUKERS. Henry Lyon, 1668-'73. Thomas Johnson, 1676-'82, '83. John Curtis, 1077-'81, '85, '86, '87-89. Edward Ball, 1692. Joseph Baldwin, 1712. William Camp, 1692. Azariali Crane, 1092. Jasper Crane, 1703. John Dalglesh, 1712. Thomas Davis, 1706. OVERSEERS OP THE POOR. Joseph Harrison, 1699. Samuel Harrison, 1692, ll Thomas Hayes, 1701. John Morris, 1706. Theophilus Pierson, 1699. Samuel Pierson, 1703. Caleb Ward, 1709. Nathaniel AVheeler, 1709. 01. John Baldwin, Sen'r, 1097, '88. John Baldwin, Jun'r, 1677, '78, '83, '84, '87, '88. Edward Ball, 1679, '80, '85, '91. Zophar Beach, 1691, '93. Stephen Bond, 1679. John Brown, Sen'r, 1674. John Brown, Jun'r, 1682, '96. Thomas Brown, 1691. Epliraim Burwell, 1078, '79, '87. William Camp, 1090, '77, '81, '82. Matthew Campfield, 1677, '79. John Catlin, 1677-'79, '81, '82. Azariah Crane, 1070, '78, '83, '84, '87, '95. Jasper Crane, 1681, '87, '88, '93,' 97. John Crane, 1083, '84. John Curtis, 1074, '75. George Day, 1677, '78. Stephen Davis, 1074, '78, '80-'82, '80, '87. Thomas Davis, 1094. Robert Denison, 1009. Daniel Dod, 1691, '95. ['S MEN. Stephen Freeman, 1074, '75. Richard Harrison, 1009, '74. Samuel Harrison, 1682, '83, '88, '93, '94. Joseph Harrison, 1684-'86, '93, '94. Thomas Huntingron, 1675, '76, '83, '84. Thomas Johnson, 1674, '75. Joseph Johnson, 1079, '80, '85, '86, '91, '93. Samuel Kitchcll, 1675, '76, '86, '87. Richard Lawrence, 1667. Thomas Ludington, 1680, '81. Samuel Lyon, 1693, '84. John Morris, 1694, '95. David Ogden, 1680, '81. Anthony Oliff, 1088. Thomas Pierson, Sen'r, 1077, '78. Thomas Pierson, Jun'i-, 1077, '78, '85, '80. Theophilus Pierson, 1674, '75. Samuel Plum, Sen'r, 1675, '76, Thomas Richards, 1687, '88, Edward Riggs, Sen'r, 1669. '88. 276 APPENDIX. Joseph Riggs, 1682, '83. Jabez Rogers, 1685, '86. Samuel Rose, 1679. Jonathan Sargeant, 1601. Samuel Swain, 1667, '74. Michael Tompkins, 1667. Seth Tompkins, 1687, '88, '93. Robert Treat, 1667. Jolm Treat, 1681, '85, '91. '92, '96. Joseph Walters, 1667, '76, '82, '83. John Ward, 1667, '69. John Ward, " Turner," 1675, '76. Nathaniel Ward, 1693, '94. Nathaniel Wheeler, 1684. Richard Harrison, Stephen Freeman, Stephen Davis, Richard Lawrence, John Browne, Joseph Harrison, Samuel Harrison, TOAVN COMMITTEES. 1674. Thos. Richards, John Ward, (Mr.) Kitchell, Abraham Pierson, Michael Tompkins. 1696. Thomas Hays, Thomas Ludington, Eliphalct Johnson, Jasj)er Crane. FENCE VIEWERS. Hans Albers, 1677, Benjamin Baldwin, 1680. Daniel Baldwin, 1703. John Baldwin, 1695. John Baldwin, Jr., 1675. Joseph Ball, 1701, '5. John Brown, Sen'r, 1673. Samuel Baldwin, 1703, '19. Daniel Brown, 1701. Joseph Brown, 1702. Eleazer Bruen, 1700. Zechariah Burwell, 1672, '91. Ephraim Burwell, 1691. Samuel Camp, 1697. William Camp, 1670, '92. Matthew Canfield, 1698. James Clisbe, 1696. John Crane, 1671. Jasper Crane, 1683. John Dalglish, 1701. George Day, 1672. PaurDay, 1700. Stephen Davis, 1673. Daniel Dod, 1676. Richard Fletcher, 1684. Samuel Freeman, 1695, 1709. John Gardner, 1694. Samuel Harrison, 1692. Daniel Harrison, 1705. Thomas Huntington, 1680. John Johnson, 1686. Wm. Joseph Johnson, 1688. Eliphalet Johnson, 1696, 1708. John Lindley, 1697. Ebenezer Lindley, 1698. Thomas Lyon, 1681. Henry Lvon, 1706. Samuel Lyon, 1680, 1705. .John Morris, 1701. Anthony Oliff, 1684. Ephraim Pennington, 1677. Judah Pennington, 1712. Thomas Pierson, Sen'r, 1678. Thomas Pierson, Jun'r, 1679. Abraham Pierson, 1702. Samuel Potter, 1688. Samuel PlQm, 1675. Edward Riggs, 1669. Joseph Riggs, 1682. Hugh Robards, 1697, 1706. John Rogers, 1706. Samuel Rose, 1671. Eleazer Lampson, 1694. Jonathan Sargeant, 1674. Daniel Tichenor, 1688, '89. Mieah Tompkins, 1669. Seth Tomjikins, 1676, '99. Eleazer Tompkins, 1699. Joseijh Walters, 1674. John Ward, "Turner," 1678. John Ward, Jun'r, 1686. Nath'l Wheeler, 1670, '79, '81, 1705. Wilson, 1706, APPENDIX. 277 BURNERS OF WOODS AND MKADOWS. Jasper Crane, 1G72. Thomas Johnson, 1673. John Curtis, ICOl). Henry Lyon, 1G73. Stephen Davis, 1G70, '2, '3. Samuel Swain, 1673. Stephen Freeman, 1673. John Ward, 1673. Nathaniel Wiieelor, 1669, '70, '73. SURVEYORS AKD LAYERS-OUT OF HIGHWAYS. Edward Ball, 1674-78. John Baldwin, Sen'r, 1684 -'86. Zachariah Biu-svell, 1686. Wm. Camp, 1671, '73, '78, '86. Azariah Crane, 1684, '86, '88. Jasper Crane, 1684-86, '99. John Curtis, 1668, '89. George Day, 1674-78. Stephen Davis, 1670-3, '4-"8, '86, '88. Thomas Johnson, 1674, '77, '86. Richard Harrison, 1670. Samuel Ilarrisou, 1686, '88, '99. Josiah (Mr.) Kitcliell, 1671, '3, '4-'8. Richard Lawrence, 1671, '3, '4-'8. Francis Liudley, 1686. Thomas Luddington, 1684. Anthony Oliff, 1684. Samuel Plum, 1686. Edward Riggs, 1686. Joseph Riggs, 1685. 84, Jabez Rogers, 1685. Samuel Swain, 1670. John Treat, 1684, '99. Joseph Walters, 1685. John Ward, 1668, '70-'73. Ward, 1671, '3. WARNERS OF TOWN MEETING. Hans Albers, 1679. Benjamin Baldwin, 1683, '85. Aaron Blatchly, 1669. Stephen Bond, 1677. John Brown, Scn'r, 1676. John Brown, Jun'r, 1683. Josepli Brown, 1681. Ephraim Burwell, 1674. Zachariah Burwell, 1678. Wm. Camp, 1673. John Crane, 1674. George Day, 1670. John Davis, 1683. Stephen Davis, 1673. John Harrison, 1673. Thomas Luddington, 1674. Samuel Lyon, 1679. Samuel Plum, 1674. Thomas Pierson, Jun'r, 1680. Thomas Richards, 1671. Riggs, 1671. Edward Riggs, 1683. Samuel Rose, 1677. Jonathan Sargeant, 1680. Martin Tichenor, 1673. John Tichenor, 1684. Seth Tompkins, 1685. John Ward " Turner," 1676, "84. Josiah Ward, 1670. Nathaniel Wheeler, 1069. POUNDERS AND FOUND KEEPERS. John Baldwin, Sen'r, 1696. Edward Ball, 1691. .loscph Ball, 1701. John Brown, Scn'r, 1676. Daniel Brown, 1697. Obadiah Bruen, 1698. Zechariah Bunvell, 1703. Azariah Crane, 1678, '83. Azariah Crane, Jun'r, 1703. Robert Dalglish, 1697, 1713. Paul Day, 1696, '97, 1700. Robert Denison, 1669. Richard Fletcher, 1677. Samuel Freeman, 1693, '98. John Gardner, 1693, '95, '99. Samuel Hamson, 1683. Benjamin Harrison, 1689. Samuel Huntington, 1703. 278 APPENDIX. Thomas Johnson, 1670. Anthony Oliff, 1683. John Johnson, 1689. Thomas Pierson, 1699. Samuel Lyon, 1683. Jabez Rogers, 1684, '86, '87, '94, '86. Thomas Lyon, 1684, '87. Daniel Tichenor, 1691, '98. Eleazer Lampson, 1692. Nath'I Ward, 1699. John Morris, 1689, '93. Wm. Wilson, 1703. David Ogden, 1678, '86. Thomas Williams, 1703. Robert Young, 1680. SEALERS OF LEATHER. Richard Lawrence, 1676. John Curtis, 1676, '79, '80. John Baldwin, Sen'r, 1676, '79, '80. SEALERS OF MEASURES. John Brown, Sen'r, 1676, '79, Joseph Walters, 1671, '78, '79, '87. John Brown, Jun'r, 1678, '87. PACKER OF MEAT. Joseph Walters, 1676-'80. HAY-WARDS. Robert Denison, 1671. Jabez Rogers, 1673. John Catling, 1671. Stephen Davis, 1673. Wm. Camp, 1673. Martin Tichenor, 1673. BRANDERS. Stephen Bond, 166, '77. John Ward, " Turner," 1660, '77. TOWN DRUMMER. Joseph Johnson, 1668-'71. GRAVE DIGGERS. Edward Ball, 1679. Richard Fletcher, 1679, '80. MILITARY OFFICERS — 1673. Captains — Samuel Swain, Thomas Johnson. Lieutenants — John Ward, Joseph Ward. Ensigns — Richard Harrison, Samuel Harrison. THE INDIAN BILL OF SALE TO THE NEWARKE MEN. Entered 2d March, 1676-7. [E. J. Records, Lib. 1, fol. 69.] Know all men By these presents, that Wee, Wai^amuck the Sakamaker, and Wamesane, Peter, Captamin, Wecaprokikan, Najieam, Perawae, Ses- som, Mamustome, Cacanakque, and Hairish, Indians belonging now to Hakinsack, the known acknowledged proprietors of a certain tract of Land Lying on the West of Pesayak river being parties on the one Side, and Mr. Obediah Bruen, Mr. Samuel Kitchell, Michael Tomkins, John Browne, and Robert Denison, with the consent and advice of Ca2it'n Philip Carteret Governeur of the Province of New Jersey, and in the behalf of y* Inhabitants now being or to be y'^ possessors of the Tract of APPENDIX. 679 Land Inserted in this Deed of Sale the other parties, Doe make this Indenture the eleventh day of July in the year of our Lord 1667 (being the enlarging and perfecting of a deed of Sale made With the Indians the year before the present) in manner and form following, viz : That Wee, the said Wapamuck the Sakamaker, and Wamesane, Peter, Captamin, Wecaprokikan, Napeam, Perawae, Sessom, Mamus- tome, Cacanakque, and Harish, doe, for ourselves and With Consent of the Indians, Bargain, sell and deliver, a Certain tract of Land, Upland, and Meadows of all sorts. Wether Swamps, Rivers, Brooks, Springs, fish- ings, Trees of all sorts, Quaries and Mines, or Metals of what sort soever, With full liberty of hunting and fouling upon the same, Excepting Liber- ty of hunting for the above said proprietors that were uppon the upper commons, and of fishing in the above said Pesayak River ; Avhich said tract of Land is bounded and Limited with the bay Eastward, and the great River Pesayak Northward, the great Creke or River in the meadow running to the head of the Cove, and from thence bareing a West Line for the South bounds, wh. said Great Creke is Commonly Called and known by the name Weequachick, on the West Line backwards in the Country to the foot of the great mountaine called Watchung, being as is Judged about seven or Eight miles from Pesayak towne ; the said Mountaine as Wee are Informed hath one branch of Elizabeth towne River running near the above said foot of the mountaine ; the bounds northerly, viz. Pesayak River reaches to the Third River above the towne, y" River is called Yauntakah, and from thence upon a northwest line to the aforesaid mountaine ; all which before mentioned Lands for the several kinds of them, and all the singular benefits and Priviledges belonging to them, with y" several bounds affixed and expressed herein, as also free liberty and range for Cattle, horses, hoggs, and that though they Range beyond any of the l)Ounds in this deed Expressed, to feed and pasture Without Molestation of or damage to the owners of the cattle &c. above said. Wee the alwvc said Indians, Wapamuk, &c. doe sell. Alienate, make over and Confirm all our Right, Title and Interest of us, our heires, and Successors forever Unto the said Lands, &c. as above mentioned to Mr. Obediah Bruen, Mr. Samuel Kitchell, Michael Tomkins, John Browne and Robert Denison, townsmen and Agents for y" English In- habitants of Pesayak, to them, their heires and associates for Ever, to have, hold, and dispose of. Without Claim, Let, or Molestation from ourselves or any other Whatsoever. These Lands, &c. are thus solde and delivered for and in consideration of fifty double-hands of powder, one hundred barrs of lead, twenty Axes, twenty Coates, ten Guns, twenty pistolls, ten kettles, ten Swords, four blankets, four barrells of beere, ten paire of breeches, fifty knives, twenty howes, eight hundred and fifty fathem of wampem, two Ankors of Licquers or Homething Ecjuivolent, and three troopers Coates ; these things arc received, only a small remainder En- gaged to them by bill. To the true and just performance ac(;ording to y true intent of our Bargain, Wee y* said Obediah Bruen, and the rest above said, doe for ourselves and heires, Ex'tors, Adm'n'tors or Assigns, to the said Wapamuk, &c., the true proprietors of the said Lands doe bind and Covenant. Wee the said Wapamuk and the rest of the Indians above said doe fully surrender, pas over and Yeild up all our Right, privilege and power "in the same, and to free the above said Lands from Claim, Incumbrances, of What kind soever; all the above mentioned purchasse Wee doe Grant and deliver to Obediah Bruen and y' rest above said, to them, their associates, heires, and all thelaAvfull possessors. And for the full Ratiffication and testification of the above said bargain 280 APPENDIX. and agrements about the aforesaid tract and parcells of Land so bounded, Wee, the said parties above mentioned have hereunto Enterchangeably sett our hands and seales, the day and year alcove said, in the presence of Us Witnessing. Moreover Wee doe grant them free liberty to take what timber and stones tliey jjlease in any of our Lands, wliere Wee the above said Lidians have yet propriety. OBEDIAH BRUEN, MICHAEL TOMKINS, SAMUEL KITCHELL, JOHN BROWNE, ROBERT DENISON. Wapamuk, Harish, Captamin, Mamustome. Peter, O^^ Wamesane, 'Ov^ Wekaprokikan, J^ ^ Cacanakrue, Sessom, Perawae, his marke. C V»w liis marke, liis marke. his marke, his marke, his marlce. his marke, his marke, his marke. his marke. o Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Samuel Edssall, PiERWiM, y" Sachum of Pau, M his marke, Edwarb Burrowes, mark of R Richard Fletcher, Classe X his marke. SIGIIi. INDIAN DEED OP SALE AND CONFIRMATION TO THE TOWNE OF NEWARK. Entered 18th March. [E. J. Records, Uh. 1, fol. 107.] Wereas in the original deed of sale make liy the Indians to the inhabitants of the town of Newark, barcing date the ellevent day of APPENDIX. 281 July, 1G07, it is said to the foot of tlve Great Moimtainc, called Watcli- ung, alias Atchunck, Wek Winocksop and Slicnocktos, Indians and owners of the said Great Mountaine, for and in consideration of two Guns, three Coates, and thirteen kans of Rum, to us in hand paid the receipt Wereof wee doe here])y acknowledge, doe Covenant and declare to and with Mr. John "Ward and j\Ir. Thomas Johnson, Justices of the peace of the said towne of Newark, before the Right Ilon'ljle Phillip Carteret, Esq., Governcur of the Province of New Jersey, and the other witnesses here under Avritten, tliat it is meant, agreed, and intended that their l)ounds shall reach or goe to the top of the said Great Mountaine, and that Wee the said Indians will marke out the same to remaine to them the said inhabitants of Newark, their heires or Assignes for Ever. In Witness hereof Wee the s'd Indians have hereunto sett our hands and Scales the 13th of March, 1G77-8. , Winocksop, y^/^^y liis marke. [stgtl.] SiiENOCKTOS, /dL* ^''^^ marke, [sigil.] Signed, sealed and Delivered in the presence of James Boli,en, Secretary, Hendrick Drogestkadt, Samuel Harisson. This acknowledged before me the day and yeare alcove written. PH. CARTARETT. DEED FROM THE PROPRIETORS. [E. J. Records, Lib. F, fol. 166-168.] The Proprietors of the Province of East New Jersey, To all })ersones to whome these presents shall come Greeting, Know ye, that Wee the sayd Proprietors for and in consideration of the Rents and services herein After Reserved and for severall other good causes and considerationcs us hereunto moving, Have Given, granted, bargained and sold. And by these presents Do give, grant, bargaine and sell unto John Curtis, John Treat, Thcophelus Peirson and Robert Yong, all of the Towne of Newark in the Countie of Essex and Province afore sayd. All those severall Tracts of Land and meadow hereafter Expressed, scituate, Lycing and l)eing within the sayd Towneship of Newark : 1st. A Home Lott, In Length tenn chaines, in breadth at the east and middle three chaines Lack six foot And att the west end foure chaine and three quarters of A Chaine ; bounded North by John Johnson, south by Daniel Browne, east and west by high wayes. Also A tract Lyeing Above Daniel 1 Dods Home lott Begining at Daniel Dodd's South-west corner, thence runing North at the East End twenty Eight chaines to the highway ; thence as the highway runes twcntie six chaines to the branch of the Mill Brooke ; thence Along the Brooke seaven chaines at the west End to Samuell Huntington's line ; bounded west by the sayd branch, North by the highway, East by Ilance Al))erts, Samuel and Daniel Dod, and by the other Lotts South, Another tract l)eyond the [Mill brooke branch Begining At A Chestnut 36 282 APPENDIX, tree markt on foure sides which is John Ward's corner ; thence riming north west Seaventeene chaines to a maple tree markt as before at the swamj} side ; thence south and by west seventy to another tree markt as before ; thence East and by south twentie chaines to Mr. Crane's corner, bounded North by Land unsurveyed, East by other Lotts, west l)y the Swamp and fresh meadows, soutli by other Lotts. Also a pcece of meadow at the Lower tide pond, in Length seaven- teene chaines, Li breadth seaven chaines, bounded east by the creeke that runs into the tide pond, south by Hugh Roberts and Thomas Staples', north by the Pond, west by Oyster Creeke. ^ Also a peece of swamp Lying at the Great Swamp in the Neck, be- gining at the Bogg [bridge, in the survey,] and running in Length twentie chaines north, and at the south end fifteen chaines, bounded south by the Iji'idge, east by the ])oggs, west ))y other Lotts. Also another peece of meadow at the head of the Great Meadow, Begining at Samuel Potter's South west corner And running North twentie chaines in breadth to Aaron Blackley's line, in lengdi twenty chains, bounded east by Samuel Potter, north by Aaron Blackley and John Johnson, west by the swamp, south by Eliezer Lampson and unsur- veyed Land ; containing in all the above said tracts of upland and meadow (after allowances for barrens, highways, &c.) two hundred acres, being alotted for the parsonage. 2dly. All that small tract alotted for the bureing place, takeing in the Pond and meeting house, being seaven chaines in Length and foure chaines in breadth, bounded west by John Treat, south by John John- son, North and East by Highways. 3dly. A triangle peece aloted for a Markett place, six chaines wide at the south end, on the west side nine chaines in length, and on the east side eleven chaines in length, bounded on all sides by highways. 4thly. Auothcr triangle i^eece alotted for a training place, in length on the west side seaveuteen chaines, on the south-east side fifteen chaines, and on the east end seaven chaines and a halfe, bounded on all sides by Highways. Stilly. Another triangle peece Alotted for a watering place for cattle, Begining at John Plum's corner and running up the brooke west seaven chaines, thence east and by north seaven chaines to the highway, and at the east end one chaine three rodes ; bounded south by John Plum, and IJobert Daglish, North and East by highways. And lastly, the streets of the sayd towne of Newarke, as they are now layed out, viz : the high street to remaine about two chaines more or less in breadth, and in length from Hugh Roberts' Ijrooke to the mill brooke tliorow the Middle of the Towne ; and the rest of the streetes to bee as they arc now in breadth ; Together with all and all manner of rivers, rivolets, springs, runes, streames. Dams, feedings. Pastures, woodes, under woodes, trees, waters, water courses, water falls, ponds, poolls, pitts, meadowes, easements, profits, commodities, liberties, advantages, Emoluments and Appurtenances whatever to the same belonging or any manner of ways appertaining ; To Have and to Hold the said several tracts of upland, nicadowes and premises with theire and every of theire appurtenances to them the sayd John Curtis, John Treat, Theophelus Peirson and Robert Yong their heires and Assignes forever ; to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the Old Setlers of the towne of New- ark aforesaid, their heires and Assignes forever. In Com'on ; granted to bee and Remaine to and for the several uses herein particularly ex2:)ress- APPENDIX. 283 eel, autl to be appropriated lor no other use or uses whatsoever; To bee Holdeu in free and com'on soccage of us tlie sayd Proprietors, our heires and Assignes forever As of the seignorie of East Grcenwitcli ; Yeelding Jind paying therefor unto us the Proprietors, our heires and Assigucs forever, sixpence sterling niouie of England, for the aforesaid several tracts of Land on every five and twentieth day of ]\Iareh forever here- after, in Lciu and instead of all other services and demands whatsoever. In Witness whereof Wee Have caused the scale of our sayd Province to be hereunto affixed, and the same to l)e signed by our Governour and the Major part of his Council for the time being this tenth day of December, Anno Dom. IG'JG, and in the eight yeare of the Kaigne of our sovcraigne Lord, William the Third, over England, &c.. King. AND. HAMILTON, , — , JOHN INLVNS, ] L. s. [ SAMUEL DENNIS, ^ -v^ ' JOHN BISHOP, JAMES DUNDAS, JOHN ROYSE. '• TOWN PATTENT OR CHARTER." [E. J. Records, Lib. A. A. A., fol. 145.1 Anne, by the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittain, ftrance and Ireland, Defender of y' faith &c. To all to whome These Presents Shall Come or may in any wise Concern Sendeth Greeting. Whereas, our Loveing Subjects John Treat, Joscpli Harison, Eliplielet Jcjhnson, John Cooper, and John Morris, freeholders and Inhabitants of y' Town of Newark in y' County of Essex in our Province of New Jersey, on behalf of themselves and the Rest of y'' freeholders of y' said Town and by their order, by their Humble Petition Presented to our Trusty and w'ell Beloved Robert Hunter Esq'r Captain General and Govcrnour in Cheife of our Said Province, have Sett forth, that their Ancestors and Prede- cessors, freeholders of y" said Town, by Licence from y"^^ Proprietors Governour, in y' Month of July one Thousand Six Hundered Sixty Seven, had Purchased from y' Indians, all that Tract of Laud now Known by j" Name of Newarke, Bounded Easterly Ijy a Great Creek that Runs from Ilackingsack Bay through y'' Salt Meatlow Called by the Lidians Wequahick, and now Known by y' Name of bound Creek : and Continu- ing from the head of y' Said Creek to the head of a Cove to a Markt Tree, from thence it Extended Westerly upon a Straight Line, by Com- ])utation Seven Miles be the Same more or Less to the End or foot of the Great Mountain and to the Ridge thereof Called by the Indians 'W^ac- chung. Near where Runs a branch of Raway River, from thence Extend- ing on a Northerly Course along the Ridge of the Said j\Iountain to a heap of Stones, Erected to Asertain the Bounchiry ijctween the s'd Town of Newark and the Town of Achquickatnuck, from thence Runing a South East Course Ity Achquickatnuck Bound Line, to where the l)r()olv or Rivolet Called by the Indians Yantokah, but now Known l^y the Name of the Third River, Emtieth itself into Pasayack River and from thence Continuing Down along by the said Pasaiaek River and Ilackingsack Bay to the mouth of the said Bound Creek : and that for want of a 284 APPENDIX. Charter or Pattcnt of Incorporation they are under Sundry Inconvicnces and Disorders, which to prevent for y'' future they have therefore Prayed our Charter or Pattcnt of Privilidges accordingly : whicli Request we being willing 'to Grant. Know yee, that of our Especiall Grace, Cer- tain Knowledge, and Mear Motion, We have Given, Granted, Rattified, and Confirmed, and Do by these Presents, for us, our heires, and Suc- cessors for Ever, Give, Grant, Ratifie, and Confirm unto John Treat, Joseph Harison, James Notman, Eliphelct Johnson, John Coojoer, John Morris, Joseph Crane, Thomas Davis, Nathaniel Wheeler, and George Harison, in Trust to and for themselves and y*" Rest of y'' freeholders and Inhabitants of y'' said Town and their Successors for Ever, within the Limits and Bounds aforesaid, the free Liberty and Privillidge of being a Town Ship, and They and their Successors for Ever hereafter are and Shall be a Comunity or Township, in Deed and in Name, in the said County of Essex, within our Said Province of New Jersey, by the Name of the Trustees of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the Township of Newark, And that they and their Successors for Ever hereafter Shall have a Perpetuall Succession of the Number of Ten, Principle freeholders and Inhabitants of the s'd Township of Newark, who shall be the Trustees of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Township of Newark for Ever, (That is to say) that upon y" Death of any one or more of the said Trustees, it Shall and may be Lawful for the freeholders of the said Townshi]) for the Time being, being therunto Sumoned or Warned by the Constable or Constables of the said Town for the Time being, by order of the Surviving Trus- tees of the said Township of Newark for the time being, or the Major part of them, and by other Publick wayes and Meanes, to Assem- ble and meet together, at Such time and Publick Place within y" said Township as the s'd Surviveing Trustees for the time being, or the Major part of them from time to time as Need shall be shall think titt to Nomi- nate and apijoint, and there by Majority of votes of the said freeholders, to Elect and Choose so many of y" Principle freeholders of the said Township Resideiug within y' Bounds of the said Township as may fill up the Number of the s'd Trustees to be Ten, which Trustees so Chosen and Elected as aforesaid, together with the Surviving Trustees for the time Ijeing, Shall be Trustees of the Said Township to all Intents and Purposes as Much as if they had been particularly Nominated and Ex- pressed in this our Said Grant. And We Do further Give and Grant unto the said Trustees and their Successors for Ever, that it shall and may be Lawful to and for y' said Trustees and their Successors for Ever, l)y y' Name of the Trustees of the freeholders and Inhabitants of y"" Township of Newark, In any of our Courts within Said Province of New Jersey to Sue and be Sued, Answer and be Answered unto. Defend and be Defended. And We Do further Give and Grant unto the said Trus- tees and their Succsssors for Ever hereafter, and to the Major part of them, full Power and Lawful Authority once in Every Year at their Discretion, to Summons and Call together the freeholders of the said Township, and for the said freeholders and their Successors so Summoned and Called together, to assemble and meet on Such Certain Day and at such place as the said Trustees for y'' time being or the Major part of them shall appoint, to Elect and Choose by Plurallity of Votes of the said freeholders and their Successors, Such Number of the Said free- holders and their Successors as they shall think tit. Not Exceeding five. APPENDIX. 285 to be Overseers I'or appointing -uliat Improvement Shall be Made for the Ensuing Year upon a Certain Neck of Land within the Bounds of the said Township, whicli by Reason of its Scituation and Natural advan- tages is or May be Easily Encloseed by a Generall fence, and for appor- tiouateing to Each of the s:ikI freeholders Interested in the Said Neck, and their Successors for the time being, their Share of y' Charge of the Said Generall fence for the Common Good, which s'd api)Oii:ionateiug So made as afores'd shall Ije of force against Each of y' Said freeholders and their Successors for the time being for their Respective Shares or Portions of the said Charge their Executors, administrators or assigns, for so Long time as the said Trustees and their Successors or y' Majority of them shall think titt and no Longer, and in Case of Refusall or Neg- lect to Pay y^ Same, it shall and may be Levied by y" Constables of the said Town or nny one of them, by warrant from a Justice of the Peace within the said Township by Distress, and by the said Constaljles or Constable to Ije paid into the said overseers for y" time being, for the use aforesaid and no other use whatsoever. And We Do further Give and Grant to the said Trustees and their Successors for Ever, that it shall and may be Lawful for y' freeholders and Inhabitants of y' said Town, Annually and once in Every Year, to Assemljle and meet together and to Choose Two Constables, one overseer of y' Poor, and one overseer of y" highwaies, by Majority of the Votes of the ftreeholders and Inhabit- ants of the s'd town of Newark, which Constable and overseer so Chosen as aforesaid Shall Serve in the said Respective Offices in the said Town untill the Next Auuall Election, if they so Long Live, or Pay the Sum of live Pounds for the use of the poor of the Said Town, And that in Case of the Death or Refusall of any of the said Officers to serve in any of the said Offices as often as the Same Shall Happen out of the Useuall Anniversary time of Election, that it shall and may be Lawful for the said freeholders and Inhabitants to assemble, and meet together to Choose others in their Room and place, and it shall and may be Lawful for a Justice of the peace within the said Township to administer an Oath to the Said Officers of the said Town, for the laithfuU Discharge of their Respective Offices. And We Do further Give and Grant to the said Trustees and their Successors all other Privillidges, Rights, Liberties and Immunities that the Townshij) of Amwell or any other Township within our s'd Province of New Jersey Doth or may of Right Enjoy, To Have, Hold and Enjoy all and Singular the Privilidges, Rights, Liberties, and Immunities aforesaid, unto the said John Treat, Josei)h Harison, James Notman, Eliphelct Johnson, John Coojier, John Morris, Joseph Crane, Thomas Davis, Nathaniel "NYlieeller, and George Harison, Trustees of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the Township of Newark and their Suc- cessors for Ever; they y" s'd Trustees and their Successors for Ever Yeild- ing, Rendering, and Paying unto us, our heires and Successores, Y'early and Every Y'ear, on the feast Day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin ]\Iary, as an acknowledgment for the Said Privilidges, the An- nual Rent of five Shilings, In Leiu and Stead of all other Rents, Ser- vices, and Demands Avhatsoever for the Same. In Testimony whereof, we have Caused these our Letters To be made Pattent, and y'' Seall of our Province of New Jersey to be affixed. Witt- ness our said Right Trusty and well beloved Roljcrt Hunter Esqr, Captain General and Governour In Cheilfc of the Provinces of New Jer- sey and NcAv York, and the Teritorics and Tracts of Land Depending 286 APPENDIX. thereon in America, and Vice Aclmirall of the Same &c. at fort Anne In New York, this Twenty Seventh Day of Apreill, in the Twelfth Year of our Reign, Annoqe Dom, 1713. J. BASSE, Secretary. [L. S.J "BOUNDARIES OF YE TOWNSHIP OF NEWARKE." [E. J. Records, Lib. A. A. A., fol. 155.] By Warrant from liis Excelencic y" Govcrnour, to me Directed, bearing Date y" 7tli Day of November, 1713. Sirveyed, Marked out, & Acertained y" Lines and Boundaries of y" Township of Newarke, According to their Pattent or Charter, which bears Date y' 27th Day of Apreill 1713 : begining where Bound Creek Emtieth itself into Hackingsack Bay and Runing up y" s'd Creek to y' head thereof, where a black Cherry tree Markd with y" Letters N on the one Side & E on the other Stands under a Steep hill, thence South Twenty one Degrees West Twenty five Chaines forty Three Links to a Dead Black oak Tree, Standing in Joseph Lyons feild, thence North Sixty Degrees fifteen Minutes West four Hundered and five Chain or five Mile & five Chains along Markd Trees, many of them being Markd with y" Letters N & E as aforesd (because tis y" Partition Line betwen Sd Newark & Elizabeth Town) to a Black oak tree & a Small Red oak Tree by it, both Markd on four Sides Standing on y" Riseing Ground of y*^ South End of y' Mountain Call'd Watchung, & about forty or fifty Rod North Easterly from y' Westmost of y° Two branches of RaAvay River which Comes Down on Each Side of y" s'd Mountain, Thence Ex- tending on a Northerly Course along y" Ridge of y* s'd Mountain to a heap of Stones, Erected to Ascertain y° Boundaries between s'd Town of Newark & the Town of Acquackanong, Thence on a South East Course to y" brook or RivoUet Called y' Third River, Where it falls into Pasayack River, Thence Continuing Down y" s'd Pasayack River & Hackingsack Bay to where it began. By JOHN REID, Sirveyor. A True Copy of y' Return of y' Sirvey of y' Townsliip of Newark, Entered \)t me. JOHN COOPER, Town Clerk. FROM PROPRIETORS' RECORD OF WARRANTS AND SURVEYS- Lib. 3, fol. 36. Anno 1G76. A Warrant to Lay out for Benefit & Use of the Town of Newarke So much Land as shall be Convenient for Landing places within the said Towne, Land for a School House, for a Town house, a Meeting house, a Market Place or Market places ; and two hundred Acres of Upland and Meadow in proportion for a parsonage. Provided that none of the said Land be Already Surveyed and Ai^projiriated by any particular person & to return &c. Dated 31 Octob. INDEX. *^* References to the pages on ■\vhicli ajipointments to the regular town offices are recorded, have not been inserted in tliis Index. The names of those holding office prior to the obtainment of the Town Charter in 1713 are given in the Appendix. Office appointments after that time it was thought unnecessaiy to refer to particularlj', as thej' were made annually with great regularity, and the rccajjitulation of so large a number of names would have unnecessarily increased the size of the volume. A dash between the figures indicates that the name or suliject is men- tioned on each of the intervening pages. Differences in the mode of spelling a name have sometimes been pointed out. Abctt, Daniel, 93. Acquackanont;, (Ilackquccannng) Bounds ■with, ',14. Lino renewed, 128. Advertiiier (newspaper), 270. Agens, John, 2fJ7. Agreement, between people of Milford, Guilford and Branford, relative to settlement, 1 ; by inhabitants of Branford, 2 ; with John C'atlin and Edward Ball about Neck, 57 ; thoiie not signing fundamental, to be called upon, '.*7; with heirs of Jabez Long- worth, 257. Alarm, Signal of, 78. Albera, Hans, 3, 8, 9, 14, IC, 2-t— 2fi, 28, 30, 31, 3T, 49, 55, 70. 73, 85, 102. Ailing, John, 228, 2;35, 2G0. Joseph, 1.57. Samuel, 110, 121—125, 133, 137, ISS. Ammunition, to be procured, iVi. Andros, Governor, answer to, 78. Andros, Nathaniel, 131, 132. Andruss, Isaac, 2(i(t, 2(12, 210, 211, 242—244, 255, 255, 2.59. 2ti(l, 2(i7, 2(19, 271. Arent, Dr. Jacob, 12S. Arentsen, Lawrence, 127. Arms, Inhabitants to be provided with, 51. Armstrong, Amzi, 271. Ashton, J., 199. Baldwin, [Bauldwin] Benjamin, S, 9, 12, '24, 30, 37, 49, 55, 70, 85, KHJ, 107, 127. Daniel, 125. Ebenezer, 150. Eliaa, IGG. Elijah, 142, 145.' Eluathan, 125. Jesse, 190, 2.50. B.ildwin, [Bauldwin! , John, Scn'r, 3, 5. 8, 9, 17, 28, 32, 34, 37, 49, 54, 57, 70, 84, 85, 90. 93, 9S, 102, 120. [Bauldwin], John, Jnn'r, Si, 7—9. 21, 2(!, 28, :«, 30, 37, 49, 53, (51, 70, S;"). 93, 102. 125. John W., 208. John Y., 190, 228. Jonathan, 193. Joseph, 125, 127, 128. Joseph T., 200, 215. Jotham, 207. Moses, 154. Nehemiah. 148. Phineas, 193. Samuel, 125. Thomas, 178. Timothy, 125. Ball, Edward, 2, 8, 9, 24, 20, 2.S, 36, 37, 44, 48, 49, 54, 50—59, tW, 05, 08, 70, 71, 74, 85, 89, 90, 92—9-1, 97—102, 104— 100. Hannah, 199. Joseph, 127, 128. Moses, 128. Thomas, 127. Banks, David, 105, 100. James, i:«, 139. Bayard, Nicholas, Committee authorized to arrest him, .57, 59 ; to be sued, 02. Beach, Ephraim, 200, 204, 200. Joseph, 195. Nathaniel, 192. Zophar, 94, 107, 122. Bears, 80, 88. Beckly, Kichard, 1. Beech, Azariah, 19, 21. Widow, Martha. 127. 288 INDEX. Bergen, Deputies sent to, to hear the Gov- eruor's warrant, 56. Blatchly, [Blacthly], Aaron, 3, 7—9, 24, 20, 28, 38, 39, 45, 49, 69, 70, 84, SO. Thomas, 1, 2. Blocmfield, Dividing lines between, and Newark and Orange, 193. Boatman's Lot, 15, 18, 24, 31, 32. Bollen, Capt., Letter of, referred to a Com- mittee, 17. Bolles, Ephraim, 225, 234, 239. Bond, Mrs. Mary, 85. Robert, 10, 23, 49. Stephen, 3, 8, 9, 24, 26, 31, 30, 37, 49, 50, 51, 59, 60, 70, 85, 93, 105, 106. Bcstick, John, 8, 9, 21, 23, 24, 26, .37, 70. Bonnel, Joseph, 134. Boudmot, Ellas E., 230. Bowers, Mr. Nath'J, to be minister for one year, 121 ; called permanently, 122, 124 ; dies, 127. Bradbury, John, 125. Branford, Agreements with settlers from, 1, 2, 5. Brant, William, 100, 107. Brooks, John, 3, 8, 9, 24, 20, 36, 37, 70. Browne, [Brown] Daniel, 125. James, 123, 125, 128. John, 3, 8, 9, 11, 17, 18, 20, 24, 26, 28, 31, 32, .34—37, 45, 49, 53, 54, 64, 70, 71, 85, 93. 97, 102—104, 107, 113. John, Jnn'r, 3, 8, 14, 21, 34, 2S, .35 —37, 41, 43—46, 49, 51, 55, 56, 58—61, (i:3— ()5, 08—70, 72—74, 78—80, 82, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 92—97, 99—102. Joseph, 85, 93, 99, 102. S. B., 200. Thomas, 85, 9.3, 97, 99, 102, 104, 100, 125. Bruen, David, 138. Elijah, 143. James, 251, 200. John, 15, 23, 53, 70, 85, 93, 102. Joseph, 123, 128. Obadiah, 3, 7, 8, 9, 15, 23, 24, 28, 32, 37, 41, 49, 50, 64, 70, 76. Burnet, James W., 230. Smith, 202, 215, 225, 2.36, 2.38. Burr, Aaron, a candidate for the ministry, 132, 133. Burwell, Ephraim, 3, 8, 9. 34, 26, 28, 36, 37, 40, 49, 70, 78, S5, 86, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 99,101,102,100,107. John, 85, 93. Joseph, 125. Theophilus, 143. Zachariah, 3, 8, 9, 17, 24, 26, 28, 34, .'5.5, 37, 49, 70, 85, 89, 93, 98, 102, lOli. Burying Place, let out for i)asture 132, (and thereafter annually for some years) ; to be fenced, 140, 211 ; right of in- habitants thereto not to be aban- doned, 200 ; leasing for pasture pro- hibited, 211 ; put in charge of Town Committee, 314 ; nuisances removed from it, <&c., 220 ; passage into it from Broad street, 220 ; removal of remains from proposed and no more interments to be nuuli^ tlicrcin, 2.50. Burying Place, New, to l)f jirocurcd. 220, 223; subject indefuiitcly posli)onpd, 221; i)ropositi()n revived, 225, 267; jjroposition fdrapjilication to Legis- lature for authority to raise money for, lost, 220; again authorized, 243, and approved, 244 ; expedient that lots should bo purchased therefor, 243, 269; land procured, 247, 248; part to be sold, 349 ; to be improved 250 ; stagnant water in, 259, 2G0 : buri.als in, to be discontinued, 209. Cadmus. Thomas, 136. Camell [Campbell ?] Robert, 127. Camfield. Ebenezer, 2. 85, 93, 102. [C.anfield] Matthew, 3, 7—10, 1.3, 14, 17, 34, 26, 33, .37, 49, 70, &4, 80, 102, 105, 111. Samuel, 8, 34, 25, 37. Camp, Aaron, 20.5. Caleb, 149, 151, 152, 155, 1.58, 105, 100. 183, 180. 200, 207. Nathaniel. 130, 139, 141. Samuel, 127. [Campe] William, 3, 5, 8, 9, 20, 24. 20, 28, 29, 33, 30—38, 42, 43, 59, 08, 70, 74, 77, 82, 84—90, 92—95, 97— 101, 104, 105, 107, 112, 118, 154, 157, 158. Campbell, George W., 355. Campfteld [Canfield] Robert B., 195, 202. 307, 211, 2:i4, 250, 200, 260. Canfteld, Jonathan, 85. John, 127. Candfield, Tliomas, 1.57. Carteret, Governor, letter from, rec'd and auswer'd. 29. Catling [Catlin] John, 3, 8, 9, 15, 18, 31, 20, ^ 28, .3.5— ;«, 42, 44, 49, 51, 54, 57. 5s. 03, 09, 70, 78, SO. 85, 93. " Centinel of Freedom," 192, 209. Chapman (Mr.) 159. Chronicle (newspaper), 207. Church of England, to share in Parsonage Lands, 145, 150. Clark Daniel, 127. Clizbe, James, 107. Cockburn, John, 101, 102. Cocker, Emanuel, 137, 138. Coe, Benjamin, 161, 189. Cole, " Goodman," 9, 15. Colours of the Town, 43. Colve, Anthony, letter to, about Neck, 71. Collectors to give bonds, 179, 181, ls3, 188. Committee, to instruct and advise with Deputies to Assembly, 90, 111 ; to devise measures ot protection, &c., 104, 114; to divide Parsonage lands, 145 ; Report of, on Parsonage lands disagreed to, 146, 147 ; to look after the privileges of the town, 154, 106, 183, 180 ; to inspect the poor, 155 ; to lay out land for school house, 157 ; in dispute with Joseph Riggs, 1.58; to instruct members of legis- lature, 1.59 ; to nominate members of Legislature and Congress, 181, 182; Report of, upon encroach- ments on nighways, 185 ; Report of, on poor of Orange and Newark, 195, 199; to superintend schools for Poor, 208, 210 ; relative to Burying Ground. 200, 247 ; to enclose Com- mons, 205 ; to adopt measures for erecting Town house, 2-'ii, 225, 230 ; to provide a new Burying Ground. 235 ; Report of, on vacant lands, 353 ; relative to a Market, &c., 234 —230 ; on Docks, 2:i5, 207, 208 ; to frame Act of Incorporation, 313, 244 ; on Longworth Lemcy, 355 ; re- port of on Ijongworth Legacy, 257 : INDEX. 289 on Canal bridges, 2i)(l; on division of towns-hip into wardc, '2(it) — 27S. t'oniiuons, 2C, 157; two to be enclosed. 2(15 ; trespasses upon to be i>rosecuted, •2-iS. Conch, John, 04. C'oudit (Coudict, Cundit] John, 137, 145, l4(i, 1C5, 166; to have chari,'e of Town Charter, 150. Joel W., 271. MoBCS 190. [Condict] Silas, 200—207, 210, 211, 220, 2:30, 231, 244, 245, 251, 255, 250, 260. Coni,'ar, Kllison, 244. John, 100. Coiii;re^'ati()iial Clmrchcs, members of, only iidmitted as freemen, 2. C<>nsfal)li's, to ,i;ivc security, 180, 181, 183. Connor, James, 214. Cooper, John, 114, 120, 12-3, 127, 123, 132. Samuel, 124. Cornbury, Lord, to be petitioned relative to a minister. 118. Corn Mill on Bound Creek. 82. (See Mill.) Courts established, 14, 4.'>, 61. Court-yards to houses ])rohibited, 153. Crane, Azariah. 3, 40, s5, 87. 03, !t4, 00, KU, 1U2. 104—106, 111, 110—122, 127, 12s. Daniel, 127. Bavid, 137, 1:58. David D., 100, 215. 221, 225, 228, 250. Delivered [Deliverance], 3, 8, 9, 16, 22, 24, 26, 28, 37, 40, 70. Elihu, 156. Jasper, 2, 8-10, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, 33, 37. 40, 4.3—45, 48—52, 54, 55, 70, 74, 75, 85. Jasper, Jun'r, 86, 01, 08, 102, 105, 106, 108, 110—113, 110—123, 127. John, 2, 8, 0, 24, 26, 2S, 20, 36. 37, 40, 53, 70, 75, 85, 102, 120, 131— 1:M, 137, 130, 142, 14.5, 166. Jonathan. 124, 125, 120, 132, 134. Joseph, 127. Josiah, 142. Nathaniel, 127. William, 136. Cummini,', John N., 205. Currency, Issuing of tickets as, iu 1814 rejected, 200. Curtis, John, 5, 8, 0, 24, 2«, 20, .35, 37, 38, 41, 44, 45, 40— .52, 54, 61, 68—72, 77, 70, 8(1, 84— S7, 0(1, 02—103, 105, 106, 100, 111, 113, 115—117, 144. Daglesh [Dalgleish, Dalglish] Robert, .3, 8, 0. 24, 25, 26, 2.S, §6, .37, 45, 40, 53, 55, 7(», 75. 78, S5, 93, 05, 102, 124. Dalglish, John, 124, 125, 127. Davis, John, 60, 74, 86. Jonathan, 100. Kobert, 100. Thomas, 100,108,111,127. Widow, Law suit with, about Wes- sells, IGO. Davics [Davis] Stephen, 8, 0, 11, 16, 24, 26, 28—31, 35, 37, 38, 42—44, 46, 47, 49, 51— .55, 60—71, 74, 78, S3, 85, 86, 88, 00, 03, 04, 07, 08, 100—102. Day, George, 3, 5, 8, 9, 17, 24, 26, 28, 36, .37, 40, 70, 76, 82, S5, 89, 127. Joseph, 1,11. Samuel, 127. Stephen D., 100. Delepierrc [Deleprary] Mr., 76, 80; enquiry of, relative to the recording of the Town bounds, 67 : third Division of land laid out by, 91. Delevall, Mr., 50. Denison, Robert. 3, 8, 9. 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 35 —37, 49, 60, 70, 85. Denison's Wife, Robert, 5. Denison, Widow, 43. Deputies, Pay of, 1607, 110 ; thanks to, for not consenting to a certain act, 113. Dey. Anthony, 205. IMvident Dill, 10. Docks, Town, 100, .324, 227, 2.30, 2*5, 235, 236, 230, 241, 240, 250, 252, 253, 266, —268. Dock, Commercial, encroachments at, 207 —268. Dodd, Amzi, 2.55, 259, 253, 260. John, 181, 200. Dod [Dodd] Daniel, 8, 14, 16, 30, 37, 44. 49, 71, 73, 85, 86, 88, ICl, 102, 116, 127. Ebenezer, .^3, 54. Martha, Widow, 127. Samuel, 86. 102, 120. Stephen. 251, 267, 268. Dogs, First regulation for killing, 140. Dorenius, David, 255. 2.V.), 2tiil. Doud, Widow, her claim against the town, 10. Dow, John, 200. William, 150. Drake, Zephaniah, 256, 266, 267, 260. Drummer for the town, 11, ;J4, 85. Dutch Authorities at New Orange, api)lua- tion to, for a privileged county, 50 ; negotiations with, al)out Neck, 60, 51 ; about conflrmation of purchase of lands, .55 ; authorities in Holland to be written to about Neck, 71 . Eagle Newspaper, 270. Earle, Wm. H., 267. Education, Measures relative to, 65, 67. Elder's Lot, 9, 15, 21, 24, 41, 65, 74, 75. Elections for member of Legislature, where to be held, 177. Elizabcthtowu Bounds, 10, 23, 112, 123, 134, 141. Elizabethtown, Consultations with, 10, 4.3, 60,77,82, 97, 90, 112, 123, 134.137, 141,153; laws relating to the atfairs of the two towns to be obtained, 68. Episcopal Church, 205. Falconer, Mr., 104. Falconer, Mrs., 106. Farrand, Samuel, 132, 1:54. Fen, Benjamin, 0, Fences, Regulations respecting, 6, 18, 25, 35, 42, 46, 47, 78, 81, 82, 81, 86, 80, 97, 125, 1:54. Fire Engine, application to Legislature for authority to appropriate money for, 249 ; expenditures authorized there- for, 252. Firemen, Proposed exemptions for, 229. Fish Market, authorized to to be built on the Common, 100. Fletcher, Richard, .55, W, 67. 85, 03. Fortificatiiins to be erected, Til. Ford, .lulm, uuthori/.ed to erect mill, 124. Fordliani Stephen. 183, 186. Foster Nathan, 127. Francisco, Abraham, 1:56. Mr., 252. 290 INDEX, Freeholder, admitted, on his promising to learn to read, 39. Freeholders, Chosen, first elected, 1715, 125; disputed election of, 151. Frelinghuysen, Theodore, 230, 2.^4, 2G0, 262. Freeman, Amos, 158. Samuel, 85, 103, 125. Stephen, 1. 3, 5, 8, 9, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, m, 36—38, 44, 46—50, 52, 54— 57, 70, 79. Frog Pond, pound by side of, 13 ; land about, to remain common, 20 ; John John- son's appropriation of part of land objected to, 67, 74. Gardner, John, 69, 86, 94, 104, IOC, 120, Thomas, 127. Garretson, Harmanus, 127. Gate, Large s^vinging, on the road to salt meadow, 162. Gifl'ord, John, (Capt.) 204. Archer, 281, 267, 271 Goble, Luther, 2.36, 245, 251. Godden, Elizabeth, 156. Goden, John, 127. Goodrich, Bartholomew, 49 Grant, William, 14-4. Gregory, John, 5, 9, 11, 22. Guard to be kept, and where stationed, 60, 75, 83. Guilford, Agreement with settlers from, 1,5. Halsey, William, 195, 283, 205, 225. Halstead, John, 139. Harmanusen, Garret, 128. Harris, Mr., 247. Harrison, Amos, 148, 155. Aaron, 199. Benjamin, 104, 127. Daniel, 127, 1.31. George, 91, 102, 112, 117, 136. Ichabod, 148. Jabez, 236, 238, 244. Japliia, 215. John, 2, 7—9, 11, 24, 28, 36, 37, 48, 49, 70, 78. Joseph, 58, 91, 9.3, 101, 102, 108, 110—113, 117-123, 127, 129. Nathaniel, 141. Richard, 1, 3, 8—12, 15, 20, 24, 26, 28, 31, 33, :U, 36, 42, 49, 50, 54—56, 60, 63, 70, 73, 74, 77, 79, 85, 86, f»0, 91. Samuel, 49, 50, 55, 71, 78, 84, 86, 89—94, 97—102, 105, 106, 108, 114, 117, 118, 127, 129. Thomas, 9. Widow, W8. Haven [Havens] Ebenezer, 216, 225. Hay, Augustus M., 246. Hays, Thomas, 110, 111, 114, 117. Hayes [Hays] Daniel, 210, 243. [Hays] Samuel, 157, 166, 183, 186. Kobert, 127, 128. [Hays] Stephen, 202, 211, 215, 235, 266. Health Committee appointed, 73. Uedden, Joseph, 157 ; permitted to build a boat, 156 ; to transcribe the old Town book, 157. Widow, 157. Henderson, Hendrick, 157. Hendrickson, Hans, 107. Hester. The ship, act relative to, 113, 114. Highways, Regulations respecting, 4, 8, 15, 19, 20, 39, 52, 53, 86, 95, 96, 98, 17S ; encroachments on, 184, 185, 219 ; overseers of, first appointed, 1754, 141 Hinchman, , 169. Hinsdale, Epaphras. 200. HockquecanuBg. [See Acquackanong.] Horc, Richard, 94, 104, 105. Hornblower, Joseph C, 203, 205, 210, 216, 234, 244, 267, 269, 271. Josiah, 159. William, 176. Hopkins, Mr., 52. Horses, Remonstrance against act suppress- ing the running of, in woods, 94. Horton, Joseph, 9, 31. Humes, James, 199. Susannah, 199. Huntington, Samuel, 155, 156. Widow, Sarah, 127. Thomas, 3, 8, 9, 24, 28, 30, 37, 39, 46, 49, 61, 67, 70, 77, 78, 85, 95. Incorporation, Bill proposed and referred to Committee, 243; reported on and rejected, 244. Indians, Proposal to send men to them to demand robbers, .51 ; to treat with them about land, 55; bill of sale from, to be recorded, 67 ; to be treat- ed with for land to top of mountain, VI ; north and west lines with, to be run, 71 ; threatened rising of, 75. Jackson, John P., 268. Jacobs, Peter, 79, 80, 81. Jennings, Patience, 132. Joanes, Jeftery, 10. Jones, Edward, 210, 268. Joseph, 127. Johnson, Aaron, 211, 215, 210, 217. Eliphalet, 111, 112, 115, 117, 110. 120—12,5, 127, 156, 157, 158. Hezekiah, 127. John, 3, 10, 18, 48, 67, 74, 75, SO, 86, 93. 119, 127, 134, 137. Joseph, 85, 93, 95, 102, 140, 142. Nathaniel, 134, 136, 139. Robert, 159, Thomas, 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13—15, 17, 2:3 24, 26—28, 30, 34—38, 41, 44— 46, 49, 50, 52, 54—56, 59—63, 65, 67, 71, 73, 70, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 95,97,98,99, 101. 102, IfW. 105, 106, 114, 127. Tunis, 107. King, Abraham, 245, John, 245. Thomas, 1.53. Kingsland, Major, 57. Kinney, A. W., 260. Kiper, Johannes, 136. Kitchen Abraham, 127, 128. Robert, 8, 9, 24, 26, 28, .37, 70. Samuel, 1, 3, 8, 9, 11, 15, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 36, 37, 45, 46, 49, 50, 56, 59, 60, 62, m, 70, 71, 76, S5, 93, 95, 102. Mrs., 44, 49. Lancasterian system of teaching, to be in- troduced into the schools for the poor, 237. Landing-place to be laid out, 63 ; gate to, 65. Lands not to be sold until two years after settlement, 6; bought of Indians, how to be paid for, 7 ; how to be designated, 15 ; manner of laying out recorded, 22 ; in common, not to be given away without unani. INDEX. 291 mous consent, 2(J ; division? of, 27, 'i!), 33, 59 ; declaration as to liow held, 2!) ; no Patent of, to be for more tliaii lOOacres, IS ; Patents of. reduced to 40 acres, 5!) ; up the river to be bought, 01 ; beyond Second river, G!) ; to top of mountain, 71 ; on Itjihway river, SO ; not to be part- ed with to strani'ers, S-i; west of Town bounds to be purchased, 114; rijichtsto, bought of ttie heathen, to be upheld, 95 ; irregularly laid out, 117; common, to be dug for mines, 129,181,132; vacant, t<) bo vested in Township, 231 ; law obtained rela- tive to vacant, 233. Lampson, Eleazer, 1((7. Laurance (Lawrance), Richard, 3, 7—9, 3-1, 'it), 28, 37, 45, 49, 50, 5C, 59, 70, 7(1, 73, 7ti, 85, 93—95, 102. Laydicker, Garret, lo7. Leet, Mr., 9, 21—24, 26, ;J4, 37, 44. Linle (Lindly), Francis, 3, 8, 9, 24, 2(i, 28, 33, 37, 42, 44, 47, 49, 70, 85, 93, 98, 102. Lindsley, Ebenezer, 127. John, 127. Jonathan, 127. Joseph. 127, laS, 139, 171. Longworth, Jabez, resolutions, &c., relative to will of, 2.>4— 2r)7, 2(11, 202. Nicholas, 2.>4, 255, 358, 259. Thomas, 1.50. Ludlngton, Thomas, 8, 9, 17, 34. 2C, 37, 44, 49, 55, (J4, 70, 73, 74, 82, 85, 8(5, 88, 89, 93, 90, 102 105, 100. Lovelace, Col., Governor of N. Y., to be consulted about relations with that colony, 21. Lymens (Limou), Eobert, .3, 8, 24, 2(;, 37, 19, 70. Lyon, Abraham, 221. Benjamin, 127. Henry, 3, 9, 11—13, 15, 17, 22, 24, 20— 28, .30, 32— ;i4, 37, 38, 4:i— 47, 49, 50, 70, 70, 79, 85, 93, 127. Isaac, 1.3;J, 134, 142. Joseph, 159, 102. Samuel, 3, 8, 45, 94, 96,97, 100-102. Thomas. 3, 8, 80, 85, 90, 93, 107. Zophar, i:i4. Alannrc, to be gathered in the streets for Poor house farm, 239. Map of Town, to be copied, 213. Market house, permission to build one in Broad street, 102. Market House lot, inquiry into rights of property in. 221. Market, Committee on securing a better, 2-34 ; discharged, 2;i5 ; another Com- mittee appointed, 236; proposal to erect a new, 2.^'), 2:}7, 238. Marsh, Aaron, 239, 241. McWhorter, Rev. Alex'r, li59. Mrs., 317. Meadows, provision for laying out, 15, 31, 23, 34, 29, 37 ; for burning, 10, 119, 157, 1.'59, 173. Measures and Weights, how regulated, 100, 101. Medles, John, 110. Meeker, William, releases the town from all claims, 05. Mekeny, John, 80, 85. Meeting House, to be built, 11, 13; where placed, 17; nails for it, 18; the townsmen to attend to completion of, 19; the flooring of, :«; to be lathed, 0(1; to be protected by a guard, 0(1 ; to be seated, 73, 75, ti4 ; irreverent behavior therein to be rebuked, 77, 8(1, 132 ; seats in, regu- lated, 77, 79, 88 ; how congregation tosit in. 94. 103; shingles for, 100; north gallery in, 117; lloor of, to be transferred to the school house, 134 ; those who seated the congregation in, to be themselves provided for, 127; charge of, 132, 133; hovel to be bnilt near, i:W. Motfield, Matthew. 134. Millbrd, Agreement with people of, 1, 5. Mill, Grist, measures for erection of, 16 ; agreement for, 30, 91 ; rate for, 35; grinding days at, .39; on Bound Creek, authorized, 82. Mill Lot, 24, 20. Mines, common lands to bo let to dig for. 129, 131, 132. Ming, John, 193. Ministry, provisions for obtaining and sup- porting, 4, 10, 22, 32, 41, 02, 60, 09, 72, 70, 101, 103, 105, 107, 113, 113, IKi, lis— 121, 137, 1-38, 132—136. Molyns [Molynes, MelyneJ, Jacob, 52, 58. Montgomery, Robert, 227. Moore, Mr., (of Woodbridge], 02. Morehouse, . 339. Morris, Mr., [Morrish], 1, 8, 9, 24, 26, .30, 37, 70. John, 112, 114, 117, 130, 133, 124, 135, 137—129. Thomas, 3. Mrs. Elizabeth, 70, 85. Philip, 101. Stephen. 130. Mountain Society (Orange) to share in Par- sonage Lands, 145, 1.50. Mnnn, Aaron, 202, 315, 323, 339. Joseph, 148, 15(!. Samuel, 177, 183, 18S, 191, 193. Munrow, Alex., 8, 38, 37, 4il, 70. Neck, The, arrangements for procuring, 50, 51,52,54,57, 63, 03, 7(i, 71, 8(1, 87; regulating use of, 1U9, 111 114, 115, 119, 125, 120. Newark, agreement between people of Mil- ford, Guilford and Branford as to mode of settlement, 1 ; none but members of Congrt-gational churches to be admitted, 2 ; dividing line be- tween Elizabethtown and, 10 ; en- quiry to be made if the bounds are recorded, 07; a Charter from Pro- prietors applied for, 71 ; application tor settlement of bounds, 78 ; divid- ing line with Second River, as to domicils of the Poor, 130; Charter deposited with Justicr Cuinlit, 15'.t: dividing between and Blooniliehl and Orange, 103; receipts and expendi- tures of, in lsl5-'10, 214; N. andMt. Pleasant Turnpike Co., letter from received, 325 ; i)ropo»ed division into wards, 208—371 ; law passed by the Legislature, 271 ; chartered as a citv, 271. Newark Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 21(i. Newbury Port, application for relief from, 202. New Haven. agreements with settlers from,5, 292 INDEX-. New Orange. (See Dutch.) New York, relations with, 21, 22 ; small pox there, 73. NichollH, Col., letter to be sent to, 22. David. 244. Isaac, 211, 220, 225, 244, 250. Kobert, 1.36. Night Watch, application to legislature to be made to raise money for, 243. Nottman [Nuttman] James, 1'22, 124, 127, 12y, 132, 142, 145, 14G, 14S, 150. O'Dounell, John, 256, 2G9. Ogden, Abraham, 150. David, 70, 84, 89, 93, 102, 125, 127, 139, 146. Isaac, 154, 157. John, 10, 23, 4.3, 52, 155. Josiah, 127, 1:34. Lewis, 157, 159. Samuel, 195. Olcff, Anthony, 74, 86, 93, 102. Orange (Mountain Society) Church to share in Parsonage Lands, 145, 150 ; divid- ing lines between Newark and Bloomfield, 193 ; Poor of Orange and Newark referred to Committee, 195, 198; road to, 251. Ordinary, for the entertainment of Travel- lers, to be established, 13. Osborne, Abner, 199. Joel, 156, 199. Overseers of Highways, first appointed IT.M, 141 ; restricted to three within New- ark Town Plot. 2:31. Owentj, Widow Moses, 199. Paper Currency in 17S7, 163. Parkhurst [Parkas], Benjamin, 87. Caleb, 181. Henry L., 250. Parratt Samuel, 199. Parsouacre Land to be run out, 12S, 1.3(); Fines for cutting wood from, 136, 137, 139, 141 : piit in charge of a Committee, 1:58, 1:39 : deed for, to be obtained from David Young, 144; division of, among the three con- gregations, 145; division of, dis- agreed to, 147; division again au- thorized, 150. Parsonage Meadow, bounds settled, 139; rented, 141 (and thereafter annually for several years ;) the three minis- ters to participate in the rent, 142, 148. Patent for Town, to be obtained, 52 ; nego- tiations relative to, 59, 123; pub- lished, 124. Pease, not to be sown, 73. Peck [Pecke], Jeremiah, 3, 5, 8, 9, 24, 26, :31, m, 37, 46, 47, 49, 57, 60. Joseph, 128, 138, 1:39, John, 154, 165, 166. Pennington, Ephraim, 3, S, 9, 24, 26, 28, 30, 57, 49, 61, 70, 85. Judah, 125. Samuel, 1.50, 192, 200, 207, 225, 227, 230, 2.35, 2:39, 250, 255, 259, 260. William, 271. Wm. S., 183, 186, 200, 202, 220, 227, 230, 231, 2:34, 236, 238, 244. Peshine, Jacob, 216. Pierson [Peirson, Person], Abraham, 2. 7— 11, 17, 22. 24—26, 28, 30, 32, :33, :3(i, 37, 40—42, 49, 52, 59, 62, 70, 71, 76, 85, 89, 91, 105, 112. Abraham, Jun'r, 8, 37, 49, 55, .59, 70 ; called as assistant minister, 22, 43. Bethuel, 145, 146, 150, 153, 154, 181, 1S4, 189. Daniel, 145, 140. Elisha, 193. Dr. Isaac, 181,18:3. Jonathan, 132. Joseph, 214. Samuel. 100, 102, 127. Theophilus, 93, 102, 104, 108—115. 117—123. Thomas, 3, 8, 9, 17, 21, 26, 37, 49, 55, 85, 93, 102, 125. Thomas, Jun'r, 49, 76, 77, 85. Zenas, 164, 171. Pigot, Dr., i:36. Plum, Jacob, 204. John, 5, 111. Samuel, 3, 8, 9, 24, 26, 28, 44, 45, 49, 61, 70, 74, 77, 79, 86, 88, 89, 93, 98, 102, 1:38, 1:39, 142. Poinicr, John, 225. Pool, Albion, 216. Poor, Overseers of, appointed, 105, 111, (thereafter annually) ; dividing line of, between Newark and Second Kiver. 136; of Second River again included in Newark, 176; first spe- cific sum a])i)ropriated for support of, in 1763, 147 (thereMfter, with some exceptions, annually); to be let out, 1765, 148 (thereafter, with some ex- ceptions, annually for many years) ; children of, to receive schooling from those who take the families, 151, 155, 170, 171 ; to be inspected monthly, 155 ; to be taken to church, 1.55; divided into classes, 171; chil- dren of, to be bound out, 172; chil- dren of, to be let out, 189 ; questions respecting those of Orange and New- ark referred, 195,198; provision for education of children of, 210, 214 ; report on state of, in 1816, 2i:3, 214. Poor-house, to be built or hired, 144, 147 ; to be built, 190 ; place to be obtain- ed 200 ; one for the county to be tried for, 206 ; site to be selected, 207 ; site fixed upon in Mulberry St., 207; site rejected, 208; one to be hired, 208 ; hiring one found in- eft'ectual, 209 ; authority given to buy as well, 209; purchase "made, 210: report thereon, 211 ; meadow added to, 217: to be enlarged, 232. Potter, Samuel. [Goodman], 09, 75, 77, 79, 81, 86, 9.3, 104. Pounds established, 13. 13^, 156, 162, 164, 177,181,198; re-ulatious of, 19, 64, 126, 15:3, 175. 17s, and generally an- nually; number reduced to one, 200. Powder and Lead to be procured for town's use, 63. Presbyterian Church, Trustees of, to obtain deed from David Young for Parson- age lands, 144 ; they protest against division of Parsonage lands. 1.50; called upon to surrender all the town lands, 203. Preston, Eliafaph, :36, 37. Price, Benjamin, Seu'r, 87, 98. Ephraim, 125. Hannah, Widow, 199. INDEX, 293 Thomas, 184. Prices of Produce in payment of rates, 30, 31, 74, 119. Privateers, Address against arming, in 1798, 17?i. Proprietors, relations witli, 29, .30, 34, .3.5, 40, 41, 43, 44, 50, 52, 56, 59, CO, (;2, 64, 71, 78, 90, 95, 97, 190, 102, 106, 112, 114, lis, 12.3, 144, 185. Potter, Samuel, [Goodman] 69, 75. 77, 79, SI, 86, 93, 104. Provost, Dr. James, 127. Pruden, John, to be called to be minister, 105; arrangements for his accommo- dation, 10() — 113; a successor to be looked for, 11.3, 118, 119, 127. , Margaret, (Widow), 127. Public Securities, holders of, to have like privileges with holders of Real Es- tate in borrowing under the Loan Act of 1787, 133. Quinby, Josiah, 148. ^uit-Rents, 118. Receipts and Expenditures, 1815-1 C, 214. Religion, subverters of, to depart, 4. Remer, John, 267. Reves, Isaac, 159. Richards, John, 127. Martin, 193. Thomas, 6, 9, 24, 26, :«, 36, 37, 44, 47, 49, 54—56, 59, 60, 63, 65, 69—71, 78—80, 85, 90, 93, 96, 97, 100—102, 106, 111—113, 11.5, 118—120. Riggs, Caleb S., 205, 224, 225, 227, 230, 2.31, 233 2.34 238 Edward,!, 5,'9, 11-1.3, 15, 20, 24, 26, 30, 42. 49. Edward, Jr., 77, 80, 85, 97, 98, 102, 127. Elizabeth (Widow), 28, 33, 36, 37, 70. Joseph, 3, 34, 49, 78, 80, 83—8.5, 93, 94, 102, 132, 140, 144, 1.54—156, 158, 159. Robards, Amos, 137. Joseph, 134. Samuel, 116, 118. Sayres, 170. Robarts, [Robards] John, 189,169. Roberts. Hugh, 3, 8, 9, 20, 24, 26—28, .36, 37, 70. 125, 139. Moses, 214, 250. Rockwell, John, 9, 17, 28, 31. Rod-pole, Length of, used in measuring fence. 85. Roff, Moses, 201, 204, 200- 208, 211, 212, 210, 218, 219, 224. Stephen, 202, 204, 206. 211, 214, 219, 224, Vi26, 229, 232, 235, 237, 240, 240, 252, 255, 263. Rogers, David, 216. Bleazer, 9, 14, 19, 21, 24, 36. Jabez,49,82, 85, 93, 107. John, 8, 9, 19, 24, 26, 2S, 36. 37, 70, 127. Rose, [Ross] Samuel, 3, 8, 9, 24—26, 29, 37, 49, 55, 70, a5, 93, 98, 102, 105. Rutgers, Anthonj-, 157. Ryon, James, 199. Sabbath, regulations for guard duty on, 39. Salt, to be bought of Mr. Windor, 56. Sandford, William, to be treated with for the Neck. 40. Sava":o, Mrs., 227. Saw-Mill, Thomas Davis authorized to erect one, 108. Sayer, Jonathan, 127. Sayrs, Caleb, 215. 88 Schools, Free, Committee to superintend, appointed in 1814, 206 [thereafter annually) ; room In ui)i)er part of market appropriated for use of, 222 ; Female, in Union School-house, 231; Lancasterian system of teaching to be introduced in, 237, 239 ; recom- mendation to turn them into pay schools, 239 ; first appropriation for, for colored children, 2.50. School-house, to be floored with floor of meeting house, 124 ; to be built on common laud, 1.55 ; an acre and a half on North commons appropri- ated for, 157; permission given to remove it, 175. School-master, Equiries respecting a, 65; an engagement with one authorized, 67, 109, 111. Seaman's Lot, 9, 15, 2-1, 53. Seargeant, [Sargent, Sargeant] Jonathan, 3, 8, 14, 16, 28, .30, 31, 34, 86, 87, 49, 52, 70, 9.3, 102, 127, 137, 1-38, 142. Second River, Lands beyond, 69 ; land be- tween it and Newark as regarded the poor, 1.36. " Sentinel of Freedom," (newspaper) 267, 270. Sheep, measures for preservation of, 195. Shepherd for the town, 117. Sherman, Mr. Samuel, to preach on proba- tion, lis ; to be settled, 119. Shingleton, Hannah, to sweep the meeting- house, 1.33. Shipman, Charles T., 2.34, 244, 255. Sidman, Thomas, 172. Small, George D., 269. Small-pox in 1760, 145. Smith, Moses, 3.34. Soldiers, to be paid their wages, 104. Squier, [Squire] Henry, 156, 167. Squire, Elijah, 166. Stagg, Thomas, 128. Staples, Thomas, 8, 24, 26, 36. 49, 61, 70, 85. Staves, to be gathered and sold to pay the debt for Neck, 70. Stites, John, 139. Strangers, regulations for admitting. S3. Streets, Commissioners of, first appointed, 1809, 197 ; to be regulated, 198, 213 ; encroachments on, to be removed, 219. Stockman, William, 162, 171. Swain, Samuel, 1, 2, 7—10, 1.5—17, 24—26, 28, .33, 37, 43, 44, 48—50, 52, 5-1—56, 61, 63, 70, 73, 85. Tan-yard, allowed to A. Crane out of com- mon, 111. Taylor, John, 2;M. Nathan, 172, "Taylor's lot," 9, 1.5, 24, 44, 45. Thibou, Lewis, 207, 216, 220, 225, 228, 240. Tichenor, Daniel, 82. 96, 107, 116, 139. James, 255, 259, 2(i5. Jonathan, 107. John, 74, 95, 102. Josiah. 172. Martin, 3, 5, 8, 9, 24, 25, 30, .36, 37, 42—44,49,51,70,127. Samuel, 93. Timber to be cut and sold only for the town, 30. Tompkins, Ebenczer, 127. Elcazer, 101, 125. John, 125. Jonathan, 3, 8, 9, 24, 36, 37, 44, 294 INDEX, 49, 102. Michael [Micah], 1, 3, 5—0, 11, 18, 20, 24, 26, 32, 33, 36, 37, 40, 40, 49, 62, 05, 70, 71, 78, 84, 88, 102. Obadiah, 102. Samuel, 127. Seth, 12, 49, 86, 90, 102, lOT, 115, 125. Town-book, to be transcribed, 157, Commons, what declared to be, 26. docks, 90, 224, 227, 230, 233, 235, 236, 239, 241, 249, 2.50, 252, 253, 266. house, erection of proposed, 202, 211, 213, 217 ; to be placed on town lot In Broad street. 220, 235, 236; authorized to be built in 1821, 225 ; proposition to apply to legislature to raise money for, lost, 226, 230 : subject of, revived in 1829, and rejected, 250; more suitable lot than town lot to be selected, 255. lot, selected as the site for town- house, 220, 235, 236 ; to be leased for five years, 221 ; not to be built on if leased, 221 ; authority to be applied for to sell, 250; incumbrances on, to be removed, 263; to be leased, 263. map to be copied — meetings, attendance at, regulated, 1 11, 38, 45, 52, 62, 71, 81, 91, 93, 98. Town g men appointed, 54. (See list of ofhcers in Appendix.) Town patent (Incorporation) obtained, 12-t ; deposited with Justice Condit, 159. (See Appendix.) plot, surveyed, 200. Township divided into three districts, 192 ; proposed division of, into wards, 266 ; Report of Committee thereon, 268: Committee to draft law relating thereto, 26S ; proposed law respect- ing, 270 ; passed by legislature, 271. Training days established, 78. Treasurer's accotmts to be examined, 168o, 96. Treat [Treatt], John, 49, 54, 71, 85, 86, 89, 93, 97, 102, 107-109. 111-113, 117, 118, 122, 123, 125. Robert, 1-3, 5, 7. 8, 10, 15-17, 21, 22, 24—28, 30, 32—34, 37, 42, 43, 46, 49, 70, 91. Trees, old, to be cut down, 53 ; preservation of, 66. Trustees of Town, authorized to let out the common lands for mining, 131, 132. Tunis Nehemiah, 228, 2;36. Turner, William, 135. Turkey Eagle Rock, 193. Tuttle, Johnson, 178. William, 210, 244, 251, 268. Uriansen, Thomas, 128. Van Arsdale, Ellas, 2.30. Vanderpool, James, 200, 202, 220, 225, 236, 244, 262, 26fi, 271. John, 143. Van Geise, Bostyan, 107. Van Siles, Stephen, 136. Vincent, Levi, 136. Vraeman, Jacob, 127. Vreclandt Abraham, 127. Johannes, 127. Michael, 12S. Wakeman, Rev. Jabez, 112, 114—118. Walters, [Waters] Joseph, 3, 7, 9, 24, 33, 36, 37, 43, 49, 52, 55, 70, 76. 78, 80, 85, 89, 90 93 95 99 Ward, Aaron^ 230, 233, 239, 241, 250, 252, 253. Caleb, 107. Ebenezer, 166. Elizabeth, widow, 28, 35—97, 42, 70. Isaac, 201. Jacob, 195, 200. John, Sen'r, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 24, 26—28, 32, 35—38, 41, 45, 46. 49— 52, 54—59, 63, 65, 67, 'lO, 71, 73, 75, 78, S9, 90, 93—95, 101, 102, 104—106. John, JunY, 8, 37, 84, 86, 93, 127. John, " Turner," 9, 24. 26, 28. 36, 49, 51, 52, 02, 63, 69, 70, 74—76, 82, 85, 93. John, "Turner," Jun"r, 86. Josiah, 3, 8, 24, 26, 28, 36, 37, 46, 49, .50. 70, 139. Laurance [Lawrence], 2, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 22, 24, 25, 26. Nathaniel, 69, 93, 102, 106, 108, 110— 112, 114, 116, 120. Samuel, 93. Samuel, Jun'r, 127. William, 210. Washington street, low grounds in vicinity of, 260. Watchmen, 60, 75, 83. Water courses, regulations respecting, 5. Watering Place, 154, 156, 158, 186, 191, 192, 198, 200, 202. Waters, stagnant, measures to remove, 259, 260. Watson, Luke, 10. Webb, Mr., to be minister for three-fourths of a year, 128 ; continued with Mr. Burr, 132. Webster, Mr., 9, 15, 21, 24. Weights and Measures, how regulated, 100, 101. Welford, John, 16. Wheeler, Caleb, 143, 150, 154. Joseph, 127. Nathaniel, 3, 5, S. 9, 26, 28, 30, 35 —37, 43, 49, 54, 57, 70, 80, 85, 96, 124, 127, 1.36, 139, 142. Whitehead, Asa, 255, 259, 271. Isaac, Sen'r, 87. Samuel, 79. Whittlesey, Mr. Sam'l, to be minister, 120, 121. Wilkins, John, 91, 93. Wilkison, Ailing, 127. Wilson, Mr.. 57. Wilbur, Rodney, 255. Williams, David, 142. Joannah, 199. Matthew, 80, 86, 127. Moses, 178. Winans, Isaac C, 267. Windor, Mr., to furnish salt, 56. Wolves, 6, 76, 80, 88, 96, 103, 111, 117. Wood, Joseph, 107. Woodruff, Obadiah, 214, 260. Seth, 195, 202, 203, 211. Wool, Premiums for best shearings of, 166. Wright, Nathaniel, 258, 262. Young, David, of Hanover, presumed heir to Parsonage Patents, 143, 144 ; deed from. 144, 145. People, regulated, 77, 80, 84, 88, 90, 107. Robert, 107. 112, 114, 117, 119, 121. 127, 144. ^ o THE UNIveRSITY u- > < yt £ " c \\ I !!> D SANTA BARBARA o THE LIBRARY OF o ^S w n o viNiiodnvo JO o VMVSllVa VINVS o / 9 i 3f\ o AllSajAlNPI 3M1 vavasvg vxnvs o AiisaaAiNn 3hi ' THE liaSARV OF o c^ — EiE^ n o VINJIOdnVD JO o THE UNIVERSITY o SANTA BARBARA « vavaavg vinvs o a m , o AllS!(3AINn 3H1 o o OF CALIFORNIA o w ep =i3 — o JO Adviian 3Hi THE UNIVERSITY o SANTA BARBARA ° THE UNIVERSITY SANiA Barbara OF CALIFORNIA o u eO ^^3 — 3^ JO >dVil3n 3Hi vavaavs vinvs o s A.l(Sll3AINn 3H1 THE UNIVERSITY o o S NTA BARBARA THE LIBRARY OF o viNdOjnvD JO vsyauvB ViNvs 9 5f\ o AllSil3AlNn 3H1 » o vavasiva vlnvs o THE LIBRARY OF o MA i^fel l^ THE UNIVERSITY o / J Uol 00562 6641 : on ^llsdl.-.lr.n -rll V«V8aV9 VINYS THE IIBSARY OF THE UNIVERSITY o ISaaAiND 3H1 ; vavanwg vinvs o TT UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY^ AA 000 877 035 6 o Of CALIFOHNIA o \ / ^ fp 3 Vh THE UNIVEBSirr o o m B ° SANTA BARBARA \ o THE UNIVERSITY ^& B o SANTA BARBARA » o THE UNIVERSITY o o SANTA BARBARA ^ o OF CALIFORNIA vavaxva vinvs o u a:i 3^ dO /avd«n 3Hi o o THE LIBRARY OF 3§ VINHOillVD iO s 5Fi o AllSaJMNO 3Hi a e VllV9!iV9 VINVS o / g Sir <> AllSHBAINn 3H1 O I \ v«vaav« viNvs o g 3 -ti: m THE LIBRARY OF c-O o THE UNIVERSITY o ■xmm