C J C 6 UC-NRLF B 3 fl^fl 2fl3 ^■; ^^t*i^.iisi^\X'¥-: r'7i>'%^ :^fe '■-■Lf^'^ir.-..'.* . m , ■ BROWN 'OndoD ILLUSTRATED COPY. CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF (Bvttk dibit ^ ilegal dmxB IN GOLD, ELECT RUM, SILVER AND BRONZE, INCLUDING A FEW PIECES OF J[JD^A, BACTRIA * THE PTOLEMAIC DYNASTY OF EGYFi', THE PROPERTY OF CUMBERLAND CLARK, Esq. r F.KG.S. F.R.N.S. F.Z.S. AMONGST THE MOST NOTEWORTHY PIECES MAY BE MENTIONED : — Thulium, JR Distater, of excellent style (54), and a Stater, of fine style (58) ; Naxus, JR Didrachm (90) ; Selinus, M, Didrachm of unusually heavy iveight (96) ; Syracuse (First Democracy), JR Tetradrachm (lOl); Two others of the Dioiiy- siaii Period, one by EuHeidas (104 and 105) ; Syracuse, N Draclim of the reign of Hicetas (112); Philip III, Aridaeus of Macedon, N Stater (137); Locri Opuntii, ^ Stater (175); Elyrus, M Drachm (213); Lesbos, Electrum Hecte with head of Demeter (226) ; Smyrna, JR Tetradrachm, M02X02 in oak wreath (233) ; Syrian Tetiadrachms of Antiochus Hierax, Seleucus IV, Antiochus VI, Cleojiatia and Antiochus VIII, Antiochus IX (Cysieenus) ; Eucratides of Bactria, Tetiadrachm (316) ; iScc. And ANOTHEB PBOPERTY of GEEEK AND ROMAN GOLD COINS, Selected for their artistic merit and fine condition. V\^HICH M^ILL P,E SOLI) BY AUCTION BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE JVuctioneers ol lEiterarn ^ropntn \V TMorks illustrative of tlje JFiite J^rts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. V.\, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On MONDAY, 19th of JANUARY, 1914, and Two following Days, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PKIOK. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. Dryden Press : J. Davy & Sons, 8-9, Frith-street, Soho-square, W. C4 CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest Ijidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute aiise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put U}) again, itrovided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to adv^ance less than L/ anp loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall he made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend this Sale may have their Commissions faithftlly e.recuted by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London. Telegraphic Address : " Ahinitio, Rand, London." Telephone: 3852 Gen-ard. In sending Commissions please refer to this Catalogue as " FAUNUS." Commissions cannot under any circumstances be accepted by Telephone. 4 - KS W it^ c « - CO w c c 5 c E ^ s S 5 8 Sizex of the Couis. Scale of MUmnet. CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF GREEK COINS IJ^ GOLD, ELECTRUM, SILVER AND BRONZE FORMED BY CUMBERLAND CLARK, ESQ. of 22, Kensington Parh Gardens, W. ManTj fine specimens selected from well-lcnoivn Cabinets. FIRST DAY'S SALE. LOT 1 CAMPANIA. Cales. Circa e.g. 334. JR Didrachni, Head of Athena in Corinthian helmet to right; J^ (C)ALENO, Nike in biga to left; wt. Ill grs. (cf. B. M. Cat. 10), mry fine [PI. I] 1 Cumae. e.g. 480-400. M Didrachm, Female head to right, diademed ; |i KAWVIOI/I, Mussel-shell and grain of corn ; u-t. 110 grs. {cf. Sambon, 281), slightly double-struck and of the ^^ mixobarbari " style, fine and scarce. Also a Didrachm of Neapolis, in poor state of preservation 2 Phistella. Circa e.g. 380-350. M Didrachm, Head of nymph almost facing, the hair loose ; |i SI^^TLV, Campanian bull to left, dolphin in exergue; u't. 116 gi's. (B. 31. Cat. 2), of vigorous style and in excellent state of preservation [PI. I] 1 284440 First Day 2 4 Teanum Sidicinum. Circa b.c. 280-268. JR Didrachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin to right, below neck a strung bow ; p, Osian inscription, Nike in triga to left; ivt. 110 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 7), fine and rare [PI. I] 1 CALABRIA. 5 Tapentum. Circa B.C. 340-281. iV Diobol, TA, Laureate head of Apollo to left, in front ZA and dolphin ; p= Herakles contending with lion ; in field H H and bow and quiver ; wt. 21 f grs. (B. M. Cat. 25), fine [PI. I] 1 6 Circa B.C. 500 : JK Didrachm, Taras on dolphin to right ; T^ Hippo- camp to right, below which mussel-shell; wt. 121 grs. {Evans, pi. i, 4 var.). Circa B.C. 473-420 : JR, Didrachms (3), Taras on dolphin to left holding uncertain marine symbol, below crayfish ; p, Male figure seated to left oflfering a bird to a panther's cub ; wt. 119 grs. (Ev. T, 12), /ro7?i the Schiffelin sale; and varieties of types {Ev. I, 9 and 10), the first two in very good state 4 7 Circa B.C. 420-380 : JR Didrachm, Naked horseman, helmeted, his knee bent under him, holding in left hand a round shield and a lance, beneath horse Z ; Ji TAPAZ, Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding in left hand large oval shield and spear, and in extended right a crested helmet, beneath dolphin Z ; wt. 119 grs. {cf. Ev. p. 43, B l), in very good state and rare. Another, B.C. 380-345, Naked ephebos galloping to right, his right hand resting on horse's body, beneath horse P ; ^ Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding out kantharos in right hand, left resting on dolphin's body, below TAPAZ and P; wt. 12l| grs., fine and a scarce variety 2 8 Circa B.C. 380-345 {Age of Archytas). JR Didrachm, Naked youth galloping to right ; p, Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding out akrostolion, TAPAZ below; ^vt. II82 grs. {Ev. p. 58, b2; Car. cix, 113), 0/ good style and in very good state. Another of similar type, but with the letter H on dolphin's body; ivt. 119 grs. {Forrer, Signatures, p. 157, 1), fine 2 9 Circa B.C. 380-345. M Didrachm, Naked youth galloping to right, below A; 1^ TAPAZ, Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding akrostolion in extended right hand ; wt. 119 grs. {Ev. p. 58, B 1 ; Forrer, p. 232, 3), very good and a scarce variety 1 10 Circa B.C. 380-345. JR Didrachm, Naked youth on stationary horse to right, hair bound up in a knot at top, beneath horse H E, and in front bearded ithyphallic Herm ; p, TAPAZ, Taras astride on 3 First Day Lot 10 — continued. dolphin to left, holding out in right hand an oenochoe, the left resting on dolphin's tail ; wt. 121 grs. (Ev. p. 61, H l), Jine and scarce [PI. I] 1 11 Circa B.C. 380-345. JR Didrachm, Naked horseman galloping to right, with whip lowered behind him, beneath horse ZA ; p, TAPAZ, Taras astride on dolphin to left holding out kantharos, behind him kerykeion, beneath dolphin F" H ; ivt. 122i grs. {cf. Ev. p. 63, type q), 'vei'y fine [PI. I] 1 12 Circa B.C. 344-334 {Archidamos and the First Liicanian War). JR Didrachm, Naked boy-rider crowning stationary horse to right, and crowned himself by flying Nike, beneath horse Zl M ; p> TAPAZ, Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding a trident in the left hand and kantharos in extended right, beneath dolphin H H P and curling waves ; wt. 122 grs. {Ev. p. 76, A 2), fine and scarce 1 13 Circa B.C. 344-334. JR Didrachm, similar type to last; wt. 121 grs. (Ev. p. 76, A 2), fine and scarce 1 14 Circa B.C. 344-334. M> Didrachm, Naked boy-rider crowning his horse to right, beneath is another naked boy picking a pebble out of the horse's hoof, to right ; ^ TAPAZ, Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding in his right hand a kantharos and in his left a small round shield and trident, beneath E and waves; wt. 120 grs. {Ev. p. 77, 1), very good and scarce 1 15 Circa B.C. 344-334. ^ Didrachm, Naked warrior, helmeted, standing beside his horse to right ; ^ TAPAZ, Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding trident and round shield ; u't. 115 grs. {Ev. p.77,Dl), ivell preserved. Another, Naked boy on horse to right, under horse's body ; ^ Taras astride on dolphin to left, with open palm, beneath dolphin ; wt. 116 grs. {cf. Ev. p. 62, l), in good state, both scarce varieties 2 16 Circa B.C. 334-330 {Time of Alexander the Molossian). M Didrachm, Naked horseman with lance downwards, to left /R and beneath horse l ; p= Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding distaff; in field to left, 4>IAIZ; to right eagle, and beneath large curling waves ; ivt. 120j grs. {Ev. p. 89, A 3), fine and scarce [PI. I] 1 17 Circa B.C. 334-302. M Didrachm, Naked boy crowning himself on stationary horse, beneath which ZA and capital of Ionic column ; 1^ TAPAZ, Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding out in right hand a water-snake, beneath KON ; ivt. 121 grs. {Ev. p. 104, E 1), very fine, the rev. of gem-like delicacy of engraving [PI. I] 1 B2 First Day 4 18 Circa B.C. 334-302. JR Didrachm, Horseman with lance downwards, holding in left hand reins, shield and two spears, beneath horse API ; |i [TAJPAZ, Taras astride to left on dolphin, holding oar in left hand and with right extending kantharos ; in field to left, KA ; wt. 122 grs. {cf. Ev. p. 103, b 20-21), fine. Another, with similar ohv., but beneath horse ZA ; ^ Taras to right; wt. 115 grs. {Ev. p. 103, 18-19), ohv. very good 2 19 Circa B.C. 334-302. JR Didrachm, Horseman with lance downwards to right, beneath horse AAI ; IJ. Taras on dolphin to left, holding shield and trident; in field to left, <|>l, and beneath a purple shell ; wt. 121 grs. {Ev. p. 102, 5). Others (2), with Taras holding kan- tharos and trident, dolphin beneath, wt. 115 grs. {Ev. p. 103, 16); and Taras to right, holding in left hand a strung bow and two arrows, and in right a third, beneath H-HP, tvt. 121 gi's. {Ev. p. 103, 17); all good 3 20 Circa B.C. 302-281. ^ Didrachm, Naked horseman cantering to left, holding behind him a small round shield ; in field to right, EY, and beneath horse <|>l AI2N ; p, Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding out small wreath-bearing Nike, to right TAPAZ, beneath curly waves; wt. 121 grs. {Ev. p. 133, C 1-2), extremely fine rev. of gem- like execution [PI. I] 1 21 Circa B.C. 302-281. M Didrachm, Naked horseman cantering to left, as last, to right Zl, and beneath horse . . KAHZ ; p= Taras to left holding out wreath, beneath FlY ; wt. 120 grs. {Ev. p. 134, C 3). Another, with Taras to left holding out corn-spike, and beneath dolphin, a spear-head ; ivt. 116 grs. {Ev. p. 135, E 2), the first fine 2 22 Circa B.C. 302-281. M Didrachm, Naked horseman with shield behind him, and with lance downwards, beneath horse l, and beneath . . XiFlY ; ^ Taras on dolphin to left, holding trident and in extended right hand a cornucopiae, to right, a bee ; lOOi grs. {Ev. — ), very good and rare 5 29 Circa B.C. 281-272. M Didrachm, the Dioscuri on horseback to left, infield above Y<1> {mon.), and beneath horse ZAAHNOZ; p, TAPAZ, Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding small round shield and two lances, and receiving small wreath bearing Nike; wt. 100 grs. {Ev. p. 159, D l), fine [PI. I] 1 *#* From the Munich sale, xiii, no. 104, and the Hoskier sale. Dr. Hirsch, XX, lot 32. 30 Circa B.C. 281-272. JR Didrachm, Helmeted warrior on horse can- tering to left, he holds large round shield in front of him, to right 112, and beneath horse, AflOAAn ; |J, TAPAZ, Taras on dolphin to left holding distafi" and bunch of grapes ; in field to right First Day 6 Lot 30 — co7itinued. AN0 ; ict. 99 grs. (Ev. p. 160, f 2), very good. Another, Naked l)oy-rider crowning himself to right; in field to left 1X1, and beneath horse, lAAO and capital of Ionic column ; ^ Taras on dolphin to left, holding distaff and akrostolion; in field to right, AN; w^. 100 grs. {Ev. p. 161, G l), fine; and a variety, with AN0 on rev. ; tvt. 99 grs. 3 31 Circa B.C. 272-235 {The Roman Alliance). M Didrachm, Naked boy-rider crowning horse standing to left ; in field to right cornu- copiae, and beneath horse 4>IAI2TAZ ; li TAPA, Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding trident in left hand and with right ex- tending kantharos ; in field to right flOAY; tvt. \00 grs. {Ev. p. 177, A b), fine and rare [PI. I] 1 32 Circa B.C. 272-235. JR Didrachm, Naked boy-rider, as on last coin ; in field to right NK {mon.), and beneath horse IAOKPA ; ^ Taras, similar to coin in last lot ; wt. 100 grs. {Ev. p. 177, A 6). Others (4), with ZY and AYKINOZ on obv., and rev. Taras brandishing a trident; in field to right, an owl ; wt. 94 and 92 grs. {Ev. p. 177, A 9), one very fine, the others good 5 33 Circa B.C. 272-235. -31 Didrachm, similar type to coins in last lot, with magistrate's name AYKINOZ ; wt. 100 grs. {Ev. p. 177, A 9), fine. Another, Naked boy-jockey crowning stationary horse to right; in field to left AP {mon.), and beneath horse, bearded mask and KYNI2N ; ^ Taras astride on dolphin to left, extending kantharos with right ; wt. 98 grs. {Ev. p. 178, B 4), fijie 2 34 Ci7-ca B.C. 272-235. JR Didrachm of similar type to last coin in preceding lot; tvt. 98 grs. {Ev. p. 178, B 4). Others (2), similar obv. EY behind rider, and I EN EAZ beneath horse ; ^ Taras to left holding trident and in extended right hand cornucopiae, in field to right spike of corn ; wt. 100 grs. {Ev. p. 178, C 1) ; obv. (l)AOKPA to left of rider, and beneath NK {mon.) ; ?. Taras to left holding trident and receiving small wreath-bearing Nike, below dolphin APIZ ; ivt. 101 grs. {Ev. p. 178, c 2), fine obv. 3 35 Circa B.C. 272-235. JR Didrachm, Naked horseman to right with lance downwards, to left Al and beneath horse APIZTOKAHZ ; p, Taras on dolphin to left holding trident and kantharos ; in field to right, head of nymph ; wt. 98 grs. {Ev. p. 179, D l). Others (2), Boy-rider crowning stationary horse to right, to right H, and beneath horse IAHMENOZ ; p> Taras to left holding tripod and in extended right hand tripod; in field to right bucranium, beneath 7 First Day Lot 35 — continued. dolphin, TAPAZ ; ivt. 98 grs. (Ev. p. 179, El), obv. Warrior on horseback to right, etc., beneath, hHPAKAHTOZ; 1^ TAPAZ, Taras to left holding cornucopiae and with right hand extending flower; in field to right, monogram and thymiaterion ; wt. 100 gjs. {Ev. p. 179, G l), all fine, the last scarce 3 36 Chxa B.C. 272-235. JR Didrachm, Warrior on cantering horse to right, to left Al ; p, Taras on dolphin to left, with chlamys flowing behind him, holding a trident, to left, wreath-bearing Nike flying towards Taras, beneath dolphin waves; ^vt. 99 grs. (Ev. p. 180, H 2). Others (2), Naked boy-rider crowned by flying Nike to right, in front <|>l, and beneath APIZTEIA; ^ Taras to left holding trident and corn-spike, to right, monogram ; wt. 101 gis. (Ev. p. 181, L 2), fi7ie and rare {illustrated). Similar, with magistrate's name AAMOKPIT(OZ) and with EY in front of horse ; wt. 99 grs. {Ev. p. 181, L 3). [PI. I] 3 37 Circa B.C. 235-228 {The Roman Alliance II). M Didrachm, Naked ephebos at full gallop to left, holding torch behind him ; in field to left, monogram, and beneath horse, AAIMAXOC ; 9= TAPAC, Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding trident in left hand and extending kantharos with right ; in field to left, monogram ; ivt. 100 grs. {Ev. p. 194, a 1), fine and rare [PI. I] 1 *** From the Munich sale, XXX (lot 132). 38 Circa B.C. 235-228. M Didrachm, Boy-jockey at full gallop to right, his body thrown back, beneath horse IXiriYPinN ; ^ Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding trident in left hand and with right extending hippocamp ; in field to right, head of bearded Pan in profile to left ; wt. 96 grs. {Ev. p. 194, B l), fine rev. and a rare type [PI. I] 1 39 Circa B.C. 212-209 {Hannibal's Occupation). M Drachm, Naked boy-rider crowning his horse standing to left ; in field to right \£1, and beneath horse ZflTENHZ; 9, TAPAZ, Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding cornucopiae in left hand and receiving wreath-bearing Nike M'ith right ; wt. 54| grs. {Ev. p. 210, B l), very fine and scarce [PI. I] 1 40 Circa B.C. 212-209. M Drachm of similar type to coin in last lot ; wt. 50 grs. {Ev. ;?. 210, B 1). Another of earlier period, B.C. 272-235. Head of Athena to right ; p> TAP, Owl nearly facing, with club and lO to right; wt. 47^ grs. {B. 31. Cat., 308), the first fine 2 First Day 8 41 Circa B.C. 212-209. M Drachms (2), Horseman in crested helmet and cuirass to right, holding palma lemniscata, beneath horse ZHKANNAZ; 1^ Taras astride on dolphin to left, holding trident in left hand and with right extending kantharos ; in field to right, an eagle to left, beneath dolphin TAPAZ ; wt. 60 grs. {Ev. p. 211, E l). And another variety of .same type ; wt. 58 g7-s., both vei'p good and scarce 2 LUCANIA. 42 Heraclea. ftVca b.c. 370-281. ^ Didrachm, I-HPAKAHII2N, Head of Athena in crested Corinthian helmet adorned with Skylla to right, behind E ; ]^ Herakles standing, nearly facing, holding club downwards in right hand and strung bow with two arrows in left, lion's skin over left arm ; in field to left, owl to right ; ivt. 120 grs. (B. M. Cat. 32), fine [PI. I.] 1 43 Circa B.B. 370-281. M. Didrachm, similar type of ohv. to last coin, but K behind head of Athena , ^ . . KAHII2N, Herakles, as on previous coin, but in field to left, one-handled vase, beneath which, A0A ; ict. 122 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 35), in very good state, but with marks of double striking on obv. 1 44 Circa B.C. 281-268. JR Didrachm of the Eoman six-scruple standard, Head of Athena in crested Corinthian helmet to right adorned with Skylla, behind HA ; ^ Herakles, almost facing, crowning himself and resting on club, etc. ; in field to left aplustre, to right IAn ; wt. 100 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 50), fi7ie and scarce [PI. I] 1 45 Zalis. Circa b.c. 500-450. JR Stater AA^, Bull with human head to left looking back, border of dots ; p> ^A~[, Man-headed bull walking to right; ivt. I23h grs. {B. 31. Cat. 5), double-struck on rev., otherivise fine, and rare in this state [PI. II] 1 *** From the sale of a well-known Amateur, 1905 (lot lOO). 46 Circa B.C. 500-450. JR Stater of similar type to coin in last lot ; ivt. 118 gis., tvell pi-eserved 1 47 Metapontum. Circa b.c 550-470. JR Stater, Ear of corn in high relief, on either side of which ME-TA, border of dots ; p. Ear of corn incuse, radiated border; wt. 124 grs. {Head, H.N.,fig. 35), very good. Another of similar type, but ear of corn more spread, and to left of it MET ; U't. 126 grs. {Babelon, Traite, LXVI, 2), in finest state 2 9 First Day 48 Circa B.C. 550-470. JR Stater of similar tj'pe to last coin, but with two small leaves at base of stalk of ear of corn, and border of large dots ; \% MET in raised letters to right; ivt. 124 grs. {Bah. Rev. Num. 1912, pi. iv, 13), fine and scarce. Another of compact fabric, with (OEJL to right of ear of corn; wt. 122 grs., very good 2 49 Circa B.C. 400-330. M Staters (4) of varied types, Female head to left, hair in sphendone ; female head to right, hair bound with cord Avound four times round it; ^ . . AflONTIO, Ear of corn with leaf to right, on which is a lily {B. M. Cat. 87), rare ; head of Demeter to right, with star on rev. ; head of Demeter with corn- wreath to left ; 9= META to right of ear of corn, to left rake, and under leaf, A; wt. 122 grs. {B. 31. Cat. Ill), the last in very good state 4 50 Circa B.C. 350-330. M Stater, Head of bearded hero Leukippos in Corinthian helmet to right, behind lion's head, in front monogram; 1^ M ETA to right of ear of corn with leaf to left, above which a club, and beneath AMI ; wt. 98 grs. {cf. B.M. Cat. 76), fine [PI. II.] 1 *** From the Benson sale. 51 Poseidonia. Circa B.C. 550-470. JR Drachm of archaic style, nOM, Poseidon to right, nude, with chlamys hanging loosely over shoulders wielding a trident, border of dots; p> MOfl, Poseidon nude, etc., incuse to left; ivt. 56| grs. {B.M. Cat. 13), in very good state and scarce 1 52 Circa B.C. 470-400. M Stater, FIOZEIA, Poseidon to right wield- ing trident ; in field to left I; ^ OSEIA, Bull to left, below H ; ivt. 12li grs. {cf. Garrucci, CXX, 17), very good 1 53 SybapJs. Circa B.C. 510. JR Stater, Bull to left with head turned to right, beneath dotted exergual line VM, cable border ; p= Same type incuse; ivt. 126j grs. {B.M. Cat. l), fine 1 54 Thurium. Circa B.C. 400-350. JR Distater, Head of Athena to right, wearing crested helmet adorned with a figure of Skylla holding trident; ^ ©OYPIIiN, Rushing bull to right, with right forefoot raised and tail erect, beneath, monogram AP, and between hind legs I; in exergue, two tunny-fishes to right; wt. 239i grs. {B. M. Cat. — ), of excellent style and in fine state, but small piece broken off edge of flan [PI. 1 1] 1 First Day 10 55 Circa B.C. 425-400. JR Stater, Head of Athena in crested Athenian helmet bound with olive, to right; 1^ ©OYPIXiN, Bull standing to right, beneath EEY ; in exergue, tunny-fish to right ; wt. 123 grs. {B.M. Cat. — ), fine, and of good transitional style [PI. II] 1 56 Circa B.C. 425-400. M, Stater, Helmeted head of Athena to right, bound with olive ; ^ OYPinN, Bull to right, head lowered ; in field to right Y; in exergue, tunny-fish to right; wt. 121 grs. {B. M. Cat. — ), a rare and unpublished variety, in fine state of preservation [PI. II] 1 *** From the Munich sale, xxxi (lot 76). 57 Circa B.C. 400-350. M, Stater, Head of Athena to right in crested Athenian helmet, adorned with Skylla holding oar and hurling stone; ^ . . OYPII2N, Bull butting to right; double exergual line, the upper one dotted ; in exergue, tunny-fish to right ; wt. 122 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 57), very good and of fine style 1 58 Circa B.C. 400-350. M, Stater, Head of Athena to right in crested Athenian helmet, on the side of which is Skylla holding trident ; ^ 0OYPIX2N, Bull butting to right, beneath I; double exergual line; wt. 113 grs. {cf B.M. Cat. 64), fine, and of fine style [PI. II] 1 *** From the K. H. Smith-Hobart collection. 59 Circa B.C. 400-350 : JR Stater, Head of Athena to right, helmet adorned with Skylla raising her left hand to her head ; ^ ©OYPin, Bull butting to right, double exergual line ; in exergue, tunny-fish to right; wt. 120 grs. {Garrucci, cvi, 23), ve?-y good. Circa B.C. 350-281 : JR Stater, of reduced weight, Head of Athena in crested Athenian helmet adorned with running griffin to right; ^c 0OYPI, Bull rushing to right, to left AA ; in exergue owl flying to right ; wt. 95 grs. {B. 31. Cat. — ), not well centred, otherwise very good and a rare variety 2 60 Velia. Circa B.C. 540-500 : JB. Drachm, Forepart of lion to right devouring prey, two front legs showing; p, Incuse square ; wt. 61 grs. {Bah. Traite lxviii, 6). Circa B.C. 450-400 : M Didrachms (2), Head of Athena in helmet adorned with griffin ; p> YEAHT, lion seizing upon a stag to left ; wts. 110 and 98 grs. {B. 31. Cat. Ill, tivo var.). JR Drachm, with head of Athena, and rev. owl. And JR Diobol, Head of nymph to right ; I^ YEAH, Owl with spread wings, to right £ ; wt. 152 Q^'s. (B. 31. Cat. — ) 5 11 First IJatj 61 Circa B.C. 450-400. JR Didrachm, Head of Athena to left in helmet adorned with griffin ; R Lion prowling to right ; above, owl flying towards right; in exergue, (Y)EAHTn(N); ivt. 118 grs. {B.M. Cat. 46), of good style, in fine state and a rare variety [PI. II] 1 62 Circa B.C. 450-400. JR Didrachm, Head of Athena to right, as on last coin ; behind ; p, Lion walking to right ; above and below 0; in exergue, YEAHTIIN ; ivt. 117 grs. {B.M. Cat. 51), not well-centred, hut of beautiful style and in very good condition [PI. II] 1 63 Ciixa B.C. 450-400. ^Jl Didrachm, Head of Athena to left, wearing Phrygian helmet adorned with female centaur ; behind, >| ; p, YEAHTX2N (in exergue). Lion to left devouring prey ; beneath, M ; wt. 118 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 82), very fine [PI. II] 1 64 Circa B.C. 450-400. ^Didrachm, similar type to coin in last lot, but above lion A ; wt. 118 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 74), fi?ie. Another, Head of Athena to left in crested Athenian helmet, adorned with griffin to left ; behind, P; p> Lion pi-owling to right; above, <|> ; in exergue, YEAHTX2N ; wt. 115 grs. {B. 31. Cat. — ), over-struck on another coin, very v^ell-preserved 2 65 Circa B.C. 400 and after. JR Didrachm, Head of Athena to left in crested helmet, adorned with curled wing at side ; in front and behind K; p, Lion prowling to left; above, ^\ on either side of triskelis of legs with winged talaria ; in exergue, YEAHTIIN; wt. 116 grs. {cf. B. 31. Cat. 103), very fine [PI. II] 1 66 Circa B.C. 400 and after. JR Didrachm, Head of Athena to left in crested helmet, adorned with running griffin ; on flap of helmet, ; behind, AP (man.) ; p> YEAHTI2N (in exergue), Lion prowling to right; above, kerykeion hanging from a chain; ivt. II62 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 105), fine 1 *** From the Count Wotoch sale. 67 Circa B.C. 400 and after. M Didrachm, Head of Athena to right in crested helmet adorned with wing; in front and behind AH; p, YEAHTI2 (in exergue). Lion to right; above, l on either side of ear of barley; beneath lion, P; wt. 113 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 96), a very good specimen; from the H. C. Hoskier collection. Another, with head of Athena in ornamented Phrygian helmet, with griffin at side ; behind, O; p, Lion to right devouring ram's head, which he holds with fore-paws ; above, 01 on either side of grasshopper; wt. Ill gis. {B. 31. Cat. 90), very good and uncommon 2 First Day 12 BRUTTIUM. 68 Bruttii. Circa B.C. 282-203. M Drachm, Head of winged Nike to right; 1^ BPETTII2N, Naked male figure, honied, crowning himself ; in field to right, thymiaterion ; u't. 74 grs. (cf. B. M. Cat. 24). Another, Head of Thetis to right, veiled and diademed, with sceptre ; 1,^ BPETTII2N, Poseidon standing to left, resting on sceptre, one foot on capital of column ; in field to left, a crab ; wt. 75 grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. 9). J£, Sextans, Head of bearded Ares, helraeted ; I^ Nike crowning trophy {B. 31. Cat. 57), the first tivo very fine 3 69 Caulonia. Circa B.C. 550-480 : M Stater, KAV/^, Naked male figure, holding in his raised right hand a branch, and on his out- stretched left arm a small running figure ; in front, a stag looking back ; within, cable border ; p, same type incuse, but inscription not shown ; wt. 125 grs. {B. M. Cat. 9), ivell-preserved. Another {circa B.C. 480-388) : Naked male figure to right, as on preceding coin ; in front, stag ; 9> Stag to right ; ivt. 123 grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. 17), in good state 2 70 Croton. Circa B.C. 550-480. M. Stater, Tripod with three handles ; to left, 9PO; 1^ same type incuse, but without inscription; wt. 120 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 1), fine 1 71 Ci7'ca B.C. 550-480. JR Stater, Tripod as on last coin ; to left, crab ; to right, OS?; li same type incuse, but inscription and crab in relief ; ivt. 122 grs. {cf B. 31. Cat. 5), fine. Another, with stork on left of tripod ; p incuse ; wt. 93i grs. {cf. B. 31. Cat. 9). M Stater, Tripod, to left of which OS ? ; raised dotted border ; ^ Flying eagle to i-ight, incuse ; ivt. \'20 grs. {cf B. 31. Cat. 34), very good 3 72 Circa B.C. 420-390. M. Stater, Eagle to right looking back, standing on pediment of a temple; in front, antelope's skull; ^ 9PO, Tripod with neck and three handles ; in field to right, spray of olive ; wt. 118 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 70). Another, Eagle standing to left on olive-branch ; ^ 9 POTHNIA . . . Tripod ; in field to right, B ; ivt. 122 grs. {B. 31. Cat. — ), both very good coins 2 73 Circa B.C. 420-390. ^Stater, Head of HeraLakinia, facing, wearing Stephanos, hair flowing ; to right, B; 1^ KPOTUN lATAZ, Herakles, naked, reclining on rocks to left, holding wine-cup ; at his side, club and arrow; ivt. 115 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 9 i), fine and rare [PI. II] 1 13 First Day 74 Locri Epizephyrii. C/rca b.c. 326-268 : ^ Stater, Head of Zeus, laureate, to right ; I^ AOKPX2N, Eagle to left devouring hare ; wt. 117 grs. {B. M. Cat. 12). Circa B.C. 300-268 : M Corinthian Stater, AOKPXIN, Head of Athena in Corinthian helmet to left ; 9= Pegasos flying to left; beneath, fulmen; wt. 132 grs. {B. M. Cat., Corinth, xxiv, 4), both fine 2 75 Tenna. OzVca b.c. 425-400. ^ Stater [TE]PINAIO[N], Head of the nymph Terina to left, wearing sphendone ; behind, fl ; ^ Nike-Terina seated to left on cippus, tossing ball into the air ; in front, P; wt. 116 grs. {Regling, 57). M Sixth Stater, Head of nymph to left; p> Nike-Terina seated to left; wt. l%h grs., both well-p?'eserved 2 SICILY. 76 Agrigentum. Circa e.g. 472-413. JR Tetradrachm, AKRAC ^OTI/IA, Eagle standing to left; p> Crab; tvt. 269 grs. {B. M. Cat. 38), fine; from the Berlin Museum duplicates sale. JR Didrachm, AKRA, Eagle to left; ^ Crab; wt. 133 J grs. (B. M. Cat. 11) 2 77 Catana. (7/rca b.c. 461-413. ^v Tetradrachm, KATAN A l-ON, Laureate head of Apollo to right ; p, Slow quadriga to right, driven by aged charioteer holding goad to right ; wt. 265 grs. {B. M. Cat. 11), in good state of preservation and rare [PI. II] 1 *** From the sale of a well-known Amateur, 1905 (lot 60). 78 Circa B.C. 461-413. M Tetradrachm, KATANAION, Head of Apollo to right, laureated ; hair straight behind and short ; jji Quadriga to right, driven by aged charioteer, holding goad ; wt. 266 grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. 26), fine and rare [PI. II] l 79 Circa B.C. 413-404: M Drachm, AMENANOZ, Head of young river-god to left, with short horn and plain diadem ; around, two river-fish and a cray-fish ; p, KATANAIX2N (in exergue). Fast quadriga to right ; Nike flying to left, crowning charioteer ; ivt. 63 grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. 37-41), a rare coin but not fine ; from a Paris sale, June 1906, lot 412. M, iii Cent. B.C. : Head of young Dionysos ; li The Catanean brothers carrying their parents {cf B. M. Cat. 70) [PI. II] 2 80 Gela. Before circa B.C. 466. JR Tetradrachm, Quadriga to right, Nike flying to right, crowning horses ; p> CEA, Forepart of man- headed bull rising from water, beard long and broad ; wt. 261 grs. First Day 14 Lot 80 — continued. {cf. B. M. Cat. 9-10). JR Didrachm, Naked horseman to right, armed, with helmet, wielding spear ; horse prancing; p= CEAAZ, Forepart of man-headed bull to right, swimming to right; wt. 127 grs. {B. M. Cat. 17), the second fine 2 81 Before circa B.C. 466. JR Tetradrachm, Quadriga to right, horses walking ; beyond horses, Meta in the form of an Ionic column ; CEAAZ, Forepart of man-headed bull swimming to right, beard curly ; wt. 266 grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. ll), fine [PI. II] 1 *** From a Paris sale, December, 1907 (lot 151). 82 Heraclea Minoa (or Cephaloedium). Circa B.C. 409-396 {Car- thaginian Occupation). JR Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to right, wearing corn-wreath, earring and necklace ; around, three dolphins; p, Victorious quadriga to left ; in exergue, Punic inscrip- tion ; wt. 263 grs. {B. M. Cat. 3). Another of similar type, but head of Persephone to left ; wt. 265 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 5), both in good state 2 83 Himepa. Before circa B.C. 482 : JR Drachm, Cock to left ; ^ Flat incuse square containing eight triangular compartments, four of which are in relief ; wt. 75 grs. {B. M. Cat. l). Circa B.C. 482-472 {Bule of Theron and his son Thrasydaeus) : JR Didrachm, HIM ERA, Cock standing to left; p. Crab ; ivt. 129 grs. {B. M. Cat. 24), the second fine 2 84 Leontini. Ciixa b.C. 500-466. JR Tetradrachm, Victorious quad- riga to right; 9= Archaic head of Apollo to right, laureate; beneath, running lion, and aroiuid, three laurel-wreaths ; part of inscription AEONTINON visible ; wt. 241 grs. {B. M. Cat. 11), has suf- fered through oxydation, rare [PI. II] 1 85 Circa B.C. 466-422. JR Tetradrachm, Laureate head of Apollo to right; p,VEONTI . . ON, Lion's head with open jaws ; around, four corn-grains ; wt. 266 grs. {B. M. Cat. 28), in good state 1 86 Messana. Before-B.G.i^Q). ^ Drachm, DAN KLE, Dolphin within a sickle-shaped band (the port of Zancle) ; ^ Pecten in the central division of an ornamental incuse ; wt. 87 grs. {B. M. Cat. 4). JR Tetradrachms (2) of later issue (b.c. 480-461), Mule-car to right, laurel leaf in exergue; p> MESSENION, Hare to right, the first coin uncommon, but none fine 3 15 First Day 87 Circa B.C. 461-396. -31 Tetradrachm, Biga of mules to right, driven by draped female figure; around, MEZZANA; ^ MEZZA- NION, Hare running to right; beneath, dolphin ; ivt. 266 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 38), rev. fine 1 88 Chxa B.C. 461-396. ^ Tetradrachm, Biga of mules to left, driven by female charioteer, whom Nike is about to crown ; in exergue, two dolphins meeting; p= [MEZZJANION, Hare to right; beneath, head of Pan to right; irt. 260 grs. {B. M. Cat. 51), has suffered on rev. through oa'ydation, otherwise in good preservation and rare 1 89 The Mamertini. CiVca B.C. 288-200. i^^Vs^^, A PEOZ, Laureate head of young Ares to right; behind, spear-head; li MAMEPTIN.. Eagle with open wings standing on fulmen to left {B. M. Cat. 8), tivo varieties, both fine, one finely patinated 2 90 Naxus. Circa 413-404. M Didrachm, NAHIX2N, Laureate head of Apollo to right ; behind, laurel-leaf with berry ; border of dots ; ^ Naked Silenos seated, holding in right hand kantharos, and in left thyrsos ; on the ground to left, vine ; to right, term to left ; ivt. 132 grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. 10), fine and of great rarity [PI. II] 1 *** From Vienna sales, January, 1908, and May, 1912 (lot 391). 91 Panormus. After circa B.C. 490. JR Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to left, crowned with corn, wearing earring and neck- lace ; around, four dolphins ; border of dots ; ^ Punic inscription in exergue ; quadriga to left ; above, Nike flying to right about to crown charioteer; ivt. 250 grs. (B. 31. Cat. p. 248, 11-13), fine and of much better style than usual [PI. II] 1 *** From the ^Yotoch sale (lot 238). 92 After circa B.C. 490. JR Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to right, crowned with corn, wearing earring and necklace ; behind head, a dolphin ; ^ Quadriga to right, horses in high action ; above, Nike flying to left about to crown charioteer ; wt. 262 grs., in very good state, hut of mediocre style 1 93 Segesta. Circa B.C. 480-461. M Didrachm, Dog (river Krimissos) to right, his nose to the ground ; above, female head to right, hair turned up behind under broad diadem, border of dots ; p= ZE< E- Z-LIB, Head of Segesta to right, diademed, hair rolled; wt. 123 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 28), a scarce type in vei-y good preservation [PI. II] 1 *** From the Caron sale, Paris, 1911 (lot 62). First Day 16 94 Circa B.C. 480-461. Ai Didrachm, dog standing to left, border of dots ; p. Traces of legend outside linear circle, within which head of Segesta, bound with treble cord with hair turned up underneath ; ivt. 120 grs. {cf. B.M. Cat. 12), reverse very good, rare 1 95 Selinus. Circa B.C. 480-466. M, Didrachm, Selinon leaf, pellet on either side of central lobe ; p, Incuse square divided into ten triangular parts; tvt. 139 gis. {Bahelon, Traite I, pi. 79, 2), very fine, and of unusually heavy weight ; from the Taranto find, 1911 [PI. Ill] 1 96 Circa B.C. 480-466. JR Didrachm of similar type, but Selinon leaf broader, incuse on rev. divided into twelve parts ; wt. 135 grs. {cf Bab. pi. 79, 5). Another, with different shape of leaf, fibres very- prominent, ^ divided into ten parts ; ivt. lib grs. {Bab. I, pi. 79, 4), both fine ; the former from the Taranto find, 1911 2 97 Circa B.C. 480-466. M, Didrachm, Selinon leaf ; ^ within incuse square, Selinon leaf, on four sides of which SEAI ; ivt. 132 grs. {cf. Bab. I, pi. 79, 8). Another, with Selinon leaf on rev. within linear lozenge in incuse square ; wt. 130 grs. {cf. Bab. I, pi. 79, 10), the former fine, both uncommon 2 98 OiVca B.C. 466-415. ^ Tetradrachm [ZE]AINONTION, The river-god Selinos, naked, holding phial and lustral branch, sacri- ficing at altar to left ; behind him, on a pedestal, a bull to left ; above, Selinon leaf ; p, Apollo and Artemis standing side by side in slow quadriga, the former discharging arroAvs from his bow ; wt. 223 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 30), very ivell preserved and rare [PI. Ill] 1 99 Syracuse. Circa B.C. 485-478 {Reigji of Gelon). JR Tetradrachms (3), Quadriga to right; ^ ZARAKOZION, Female head to right {Du Chastel, 12, 14 and 18). M, Didrachm, Horseman to right; ^ Female head to left {Du Chastel, 120). M Litrae (3), Female head ; p= sepia, varied 7 100 Circa B.C. 478-466 {Reign of Hieron). M Tetradrachm, Victorious quadriga to left; in exergue, pistrix ; p, ZYPAKOZION, Female head to right, hair dressed to crown of head and tied in a knot behind, the two ends of diadem falling loosely down the neck behind, earring with pendant in front; around, four dolphins ; ict. 255 grs. {Du Chastel, 44), very well preserved and of uncommon type [PI. Ill] 1 17 First Bay 101 Circa B.C. 466-413 {First Democracy). .-51 Tetradrachm, Victorious quadriga to right ; ^> ZYPAKOZION, Female head to right, the hair looped-up at back of head, and the ends tucked beneath a broad fillet wound tightly around head; around, two dolphins ; wt. 265 grs. {Du Chastel, 41), unusually fine and rare [PI. Ill] 1 *** From a sale in Vienna, 1907 (lot 90). 102 Circa B.C. 413-357 {Dionysian Period). iV = One M Tetradrachm, ZVPA, Head of young Herakles to left in lion's skin ; ^ ZYPA in four angles of quadripartite incuse square with female head to left in centre; wt. 18 grs. {Du Chastel, 148), very fine [PI. Ill] 1 103 Circa B.C. 413-357. iV = One JR Tetradrachm, similar to last coin, but no letters in angles of incuse square on rev. ; wt. 18 grs., fine 1 104 Circa B.C. 413-357. JR Tetradrachm, Fast quadriga to left, Nike crowning charioteer : ^ Female head to left, diademed, hair in spheridone ornamented with stars and vandyked border ; around, four dolphins; wt. 258 grs. {Du Chastel, 81), fiiie and very rare [PI. Ill] 1 *** From the sale of a well-known Amateur, 1905 (lot 209). 105 Circa B.C. 413-357. ^l Tetradrachm, by FuMeidas [ZYPA]- KOZIilN, Female head to left, wearing earring and necklace, hair bound with sphendone, over which several tresses fly back ; around, four dolphins ; p> Quadriga to left, horses prancing ; above, Nike flying to right, about to crown charioteer ; in exergue, dolphin to left; wt. 268 grs. {Du Chastel, 94), very fine [PI. Ill] 1 *** From a Paris sale, May, 1908 (lot 179), and Carfrae sale (lot 69). 106 Circa B.C. 357-353 {Time of Dion). Electr. 50-Litrae, Laureate head of Apollo to left; behind, star; ^ [Z]YPAK- OZII2N, Tripod; wt. 55 grs. {Du Chastel, 16%), fine [PI. Ill] 1 107 Circa B.C. 357-353. Flectr. 25-Litrae, Laureate head of Apollo to left; p^ZYPAKO-ZIXlN, lyre; wt.21 grs. {Du Chastel, 167). And a second example of dift'erent workmanship ; ivt. 27 grs. ; the first in very good state 2 108 Circa B.C. 357-353. JR Stater, ZYPAKOZIXIN, Head of Athena to right in crestless Corinthian helmet ; p. Pegasos flying to left ; wt. 132 grs. {Du Chastel, 136), very fine 1 C First Day 18 109 Circa B.C. 34:5-317 {Time of Timoleon). M 2i-Litrae, ZYPAK, Head of Athena, three-quarter face to left, wearing necklace and Phrygian helmet with three crests ; to left, three dolphins ; p, Naked horseman to right ; behind, star and ear of barley ; beneath horse, N ; wt. 2Sh grs. {B. M. Cat. 281), fine and uncommon [PI. Ill] 1 110 Circa B.C. 317-310 {Reign of Agathocles). ^ Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone crowned with corn wreath, and wearing earring to left ; around, four dolphins ; IJ [Z] YPAKOXIHN (in exergue). Quad- riga to left, horses galloping ; above, triskeles ; in exergue, mono- gram A I {Antandros) ; wt. 2^b^ grs. {Du Chastel, 97), very fine [PI. Ill] 1 111 Circa B.C. 317-310 {Reign of Agathocles). M Stater, Head of Athena to right in crested Corinthian helmet adorned with griffin; :p. ZYPAKOZIHN, Pegasos flying to left ; beneath, triskeles; wt. 131 grs. {Du Chastel, 135). M. Tetrad rachm {circa B.C. 310- 304), KOPAX, Head of Persephone to right, with flowing hair ; behind, indistinct symbol; 1^ AFAOOKAEIOZ, Nike to right erecting atrophy ; in field to left, tiiskeles ; tot. 262 grs. {cf B. M. Cat. 381), of rude style, probably struch in Africa 2 112 Circa B.C. 288-279 {Reignof Hicetas). A^Drachm, ZVPAKOZIHN, Head of Persephone to left, hair bound with wreath of corn, and wearing earring and necklace; behind, bee ; ^ EPI IKETA (in exergue), Biga to right, di-iven by Nike, holding goad and reins, horses prancing ; above, O, and beneath horse, ; irt. SSi grs. {B.M. Cat. 430), very fine and rare [PI. Ill] 1 *** From a sale in Vienna, January, 1912 (lot 112). 113 Circa B.C. 274-216 {Reign of Hieron II). N Drachm, Head of Persephone to left, hair bound w^ith wreath of corn ; ^ I EPANOZ, Biga to left, horses prancing ; beneath, A ; wt. %bgrs. {B.M. Cat.b\2), obv. struck from a rusty die, otherwise in very good state [PI. Ill] 1 114 C/rca B.C. 274-216 {Hieron II). M Octobol, Head of Athena to left, wearing earring and necklace, in crested Corinthian helmet, border of dots; ]p> lEPHNOZ, Pegasos flying to right ; beneath, B; wt. 842 9'?'S. {(IAIZ- Tl AOZ, Quadriga to right driven by Nike, horses in high action ; beneath their fore-legs, E; vjt. 209 grs. {B.M. Cat.bi^), very fine [PI. Ill] 1 117 Circa B.C. 216-215 {Reign of Hieronymr(s). JR 10-Litrae, Diademed head of Hieronymus to left; ^ BAZIAEOZ lEPHNYM-Y, Fulmen; above, ZA ; ivt. I28h grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. 639), very fine [PI. Ill] 1 *** From the sale of a well-known Amateur, 1905 (lot 229). 118 Circa Ti.c. 215-212 {Democracy). JR 12-Litrae, Head of Athena to left, wearing crested Corinthian helmet, earring and necklace ; ^ ZYPAKOZinN, Artemis the huntress with dog to left; in field to left, EA ; ivt. 155 grs. {Du Chastel, 138), fi7ie [PI. Ill] 1 119 Circa B.C. 215-212 {Democracy). JR 8-Litrae, Head of Athena to left, similar to last coin ; p. ZYPAKOZII2N, Fulmen; beneath, ZA ; wt. 105 grs. {B.M. Cat. 654), very fine [PI. Ill] 1 120 M. Democracy {B.C. 3i5-3n). lEYZ EAEY0EPIOZ, Laureate head of Zeus to right ; p. ZYPAKOZIHN, Fulmen and eagle {B. M. Cat. 313), tvm varieties, of fine style, one in very good state. Agathocles (b.c. 310-289), Head of Soteira to right; 9, ArA0OKAEOZ BAZIAEOZ, Fulmen {B. 31 Cat. 422). Hieron II (b.c. 275-216), Head of Hieron ; p, Horseman to right {cf B. 31. Cat. 579), thi-ee varieties ; Head of Poseidon, p, Trident {cf. B. 31. Cat. 598), two varieties ; and ^ of Centupipae, Head of Zeus, 9 Winged fulmen 9 121 Taupomenium. C/rca b.c. 275-210. ^ 4-Litrae, Head of A])ollo laureate to right; behind, star; 1^ TAYPOME-N ITAN, Tripod ; ivt. 49 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 10), very fine {illustrated). JEa, Head of Apollo to left; ^ TAYPOM-ENITAN, Lyre {B.3I Cat. 26) [PI. Ill] 2 C 2 SECOND DAY'S SALE. MACEDON. LOT 122 Neapolis. Circa B.C. 411-350. JR Phoenician Drachm, Gorgon- head ; p= NEOn, Head of the Parthenos of Neapolis bound with laurel wreath to right; wt. 59 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 14), very fine and of ecccellent style {illustrated) ; from a sale in Vienna, January, 1912, lot 223. JR Hemidrachms (2) of similar style, one with NEOn in front of head ; wt. 29^ grs. {B. M. Cat. 17 and 25), very good [PI. IV] 3 123 OrthagOPeia. Circa B.C. 350. JR Persic Stater, Head of Artemis to right, Avearing earring and necklace, quiver at her shoulder, border of dots ; p, OPGArO-PEHN, Helmet with cheek- pieces facing, surmounted by star ; beneath, H F (monogram) ; wt. 163 J grs. {B. M. Cat. 1), very good and uncomnmn [PI. IV] 1 124 Acanthus. Circa b.C. 500-424. ^ Tetradrachm, Lion attacking bull to right ; above, ; in exergue, floral ornament, border of dots ; 9, Quadripartite incuse square ; wt. 268^ grs. (B. M. Cat. 3), very fine [PI. IV] 1 *** From the Durufle sale, Paris (lot 302). 125 Aegae. Circa B.C. 500-480. JR Obol, He-goat kneeling to right, looking back ; above and in front, a pellet ; I^ Quadripartite incuse square ; wt. 14i grs. (B. 31. Cat. 6) The Chalcidian League. Circa b.c. 392-358. M Tetrobol, Head of Apollo to right, laureate ; 1^ XAA-KIA-EIIN, Lyre; wt. 37 h grs. {B. 31. Cat. 13) ; both coins very good 2 KINGS OF MACEDON. 126 Alexander I (b.c. 498-454): ^Tetrobol, Free horse to right; :p Incuse and linear square containing crested helmet; wt. 34 grs. {Bab. Traite \, pi. iS-8), fine. Philip II (b.c. 359-336): A^ ^-Stater (?), Head of young Herakles in lion's skin ; I}. IAin- nOY, Fore-part of lion; wt. 34: grs., doubtful {this denomination does not exist of this type) 2 21 Second Day 127 Philip II (B.C. 359-336). ^ Stater, Head of Apollo to right, laureate with short hair; ^ IAinnOY, Horseman to right crowning his horse ; beneath, kantharos; wt. 223 grs. {M. 1028), fine style [PI. IV] 1 129 Philip II (b.C. 359-336). JR Tetradrachm, similar type ; on rev., beneath horse, stag's antlers and fl ; wt. 222 g7-s. (M. 155), extremely fine, hut not of best style [PI. IV] 1 130 Philip II (b.C. 359-336). M Tetradrachms (3) of similar type, lunar crescent and fl below horse {M. 150) ; Horseman to left wearing kausia, bow in front of horse {M. 252) ; symbol, star {M. 266). JS^ Tetrobol, Laureate head of Apollo to right ; p, <|>IAinnOY, Horseman to right {M. 531); the first and second very good 4 131 Alexander the Great (b.c. 336-323). N Distater, Head of Athena to right in crested Corinthian helmet adorned with ser- pent ; ^ AAEHAN APOY, Winged Nike holding naval standard and wreath; in field to left, trident; ivt. 265 grs. (31. 134), fine and rare [PI. IV] 1 *** From the Prowe sale, Vienna, 1912 (lot 564). 132 Alexander the Great (b.c. 336-323). J^ Stater, similar type to coin in last lot; symbol, in front of Nike, helmet; wt. 132 grs. (M. 431), ve7-y fine and of excellent style [Pi. IV] 1 133 Alexander the Great (b.c. 336-323). N Stater, similar type, with EY in field to left ; wt. 130 grs., very good, hut has heen mounted 1 134 Alexander the Great (b.c. 336-323). JR Tetradrachms (3), Head of young Herakles in lion's skin to right; ^ AAEZAN- APOY, Zeus seated on throne to left, holding eagle and resting on sceptre; rose to left, and under throne Al (31. 123) and AlO (31. 124); BAZIAEjQZ AAEEANAPOY, monogram within wreath, and beneath throne, H (31. 714); tvts. 265, 265, and 253 grs. respectively, the first two extremely fine, the third fine 3 135 Alexander the Great (b.c. 336-323). M Tetradrachms (6) of similar type, but various classes and symbols, cornucopiae, wreath and n, cock to left, kantharos, Ml and ear of corn, KOI and monogram. ^ Drachm (ill/. 1618); some fine 7 Second Day 22 136 Alexandep the Great (b.c. 336-323). M Tetradrachm of late style (vil class), BAZIAEHZ AAEZANAPOY ; in front of Zeus, ©E (Odessus), and monogram under throne {M. 419), fine. Cassandep (b.c. 316-297) : JE, Head of Herakles, p. Horseman ; another. Helmet ; ^ BAZIAEflS [KjAZZAN A[POY], Spear head {H. N. 228) ; the last very fine ; from the Prowe sale, 1912 3 137 Philip III, Aridaeus (b.c. 323-316). N Stater, Head of Athena in ciested Corinthian helmet adorned with serpent; '^ HIAin- nOY BAZIAEnZ, Nike to left holding naval standard and wreath ; in the field to left, AY {M. 96), very fine, and reverse of gem-like execution [PI. IV] 1 138 Demetrius Poliopcetes (b.c. 306-283). M Drachm, Nike blow- ing trumpet standing on prow to left; p, AHMHTPIOY, Poseidon wielding trident to left ; across the field, BAZIAEflZ, to left. A, and to right, monogram ; wt. 64 grs., tincommon, but 071 ly ivell preserved 1 139 DemetPius PolioPCetes (b.c. 306-283). M Tetradrachm, Dia- demed head of Demetrius, horned, to right; p, BAZIAEI2Z AHMHTPIOY, Poseidon standing to left, resting one foot on rock and leaning on trident ; in the field in centre, monogram HP within wreath, and to left above, H: ivt. '2%^ grs., fine and of unusual style [PI. IV] 1 140 Demetrius Poliorcetes (b.c. 306-283). M. Tetradrachm, types of the preceding coin; monogram and AP; wt. 2Q0 grs., fine but blackened 1 *** From Admii'al Bowden Smith and Sandeman collections. 141 Demetrius Poliorcetes (b.c. 306-283). M Tetradrachm, Dia- demed head of Demetrius, horned, to right ; p= BA£IAEf2Z AHMHTPIOY, Poseidon seated on rock, holding aplustre and trident; in held on either side, monograms; ivt. 266 grs., fine and a scarce type [PI. IV] 1 142 Antigonus Gonatas (b.c. 277-239). M Tetradrachm, Head of Poseidon to right, with flowing locks bound with marine plant; |i BAZIAEI2Z ANTirONOY inscribed on prow, upon which Apollo is seated to left, naked, holding bow ; beneath, monogram ; ivt. 260 grs., very good and rare 1 *** From the Butler sale, 1911 (lot 142). 23 Second Day 143 Antigonus Gonatas (b.c. 277-239). M Tctradrachm, Mace- donian shield, in centre of which horned head of Pan, with pedum at shoulder; ^^ BAZIAEHZ ANTITONOY, Athena Alkis holding shield and hurling fulmen ; in field to left, helmet, and to right, monogram; wt. 265 grs., very fine [Pl. IV] 1 144 Antigonus Gonatas (b.c. 277-239). M Tetradrachm, similar types to coin in preceding lot ; ivt. 263 grs., fine 1 145 Philip V (b.c. 220-179). M Tetradrachm, Macedonian shield with portrait of Perseus wearing winged Phrygian helmet to left ; ^ BAZIAEnZ IAinnOY, Club and three monograms, the whole within oak wreath ; in outer field, near tie of wreath, a club ; wt. 263 grs., very fine and rare [PI. IV] 1 *^* From the Butler sale (lot 146). 146 Perseus (b.c. 178-168). ^Tetradrachm, Head of King Perseus, diademed, to right; p, BAZIAEHZ nEPSEHZ, Eagle to right on fulmen ; above, j- ; to right. Ml ; beneath, <1> ; the whole within oak wreath ; wt. 257 grs., very fine and rare [PI. IV] 1 147 Roman Domination (b.c. 158-149). M. Tetradrachm, Mace- donian shield, in centre of which diademed bust of Artemis to right, with quiver at shoulder ; R MAKEAONHN FlPnTHZ, Club and three monograms within oak wreath ; ivt. 260 grs., very fine [PI. IV] 1 148 Roman Domination (b.c. 158-149). M Tetradrachm, similar types to coin in preceding lot ; wt. 258 grs., fine 1 149 Macedonia, a Roman Province (b.c. 149). JR Tetradrachm, Bust of Artemis to right in centre of Macedonian shield ; 1^ LEG and hand holding olive branch over club, beneath which is M AKEAONflN, the whole in wreath of oak leaves and acorns ; wt. '2b9i grs., fine and rare [PI. V] 1 150 L. Julius Caesar and Aesillas (b.c. 93-92). ^31 Tetradrachm, Head of Alexander the Great to right, with flowing hair and Ammon's horn; behind, (Thessalonica) ; ^ AESILLAS Q, Club between money-chest and quaestor's chair ; the whole within laurel wreath ; wt. 258 grs. (B. M. Cat. 81), very fine [PI. V] 1 151 L. Julius Caesar and Aesillas (b.c. 93-92). A\ Tetradrachms (2) of similar types to coin in preceding lot, but with MAKE AONI2N beneath head, both very good Second Day 24 152 Autonomous Issues without king's name {circa b.c. 185-168). JR Tetrobols, MAKE and club in centre of Macedonian shield ; p, Macedonian helmet, around which three monograms, and sym- bols trident {two varieties) and tripod. Others, Macedonian shield with crescent-rayed star in centre; 9, MAKEAONI2N, Afterpart of ship ; above, star ; a A^ariety without star, but M in field to right ; all fine 5 KINGS OF PAEONIA. 153 Patraus {circa B.C. 340-315). JR Tetradrachm, Young male head to right, laureate; li flATPAOY, Horseman to right spearing prostrate foe ; wt. 198 grs., very good 1 154 Audoleon {circa B.C. 315-286). M Tetradrachm, Head of Athena, three-quarter face towards left, wearing necklace and three-crested helmet ; p= AYAI2AE • N T* Z, Horse trotting to right; beneath, monogram ; ^vt. 192 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 4), in very good state 1 155 Audoleon (c/rca B.C. 315-286). -31 Tetrobol, similar types to coin in preceding lot; wt. 46 grs. {B. M. Cat. 13), fine, hut slightly scratched on face, and uncommon 1 THRACE. 156 Aenus. Circa b.c. 450-400. JR Tetradrachm, Head of Hermes, wearing close-fitting petasos, to right; ^ AINI, Goat standing to right, symbol indistinct, within incuse square ; wt. 254 grs., a rare coin, hut not fine 1 157 Maroneia. C/rca b.c. 400-350. ^ i-Stater, Fore-part of prancing horse to left between A - N - ; 9 Vine and bunch of grapes in dotted and incuse square; to left, kantharos ; to right, MA; wt. 28 grs. {cf. B. 31. Cat. 29). After B.C. 148 : ^ Tetradrachm, Head of young Dionysos, crowned with ivy wreath, to right; ^ AIONYZOY ZnXHPOZ MARnNITIlN, Dionysos standing to left, holding grapes and two narthex bands, monograms on either sides ; ivts. 252 and 240 grs., fine 3 158 Abdera. Circa b.c. 408-350. M Stater, HAYZANin (in exergue), Griffin, with pointed wing, recumbent to left ; IJ, ABAHP . . TEflN, Laureate head of Apollo to right, within shallow square; ivt. IQ7 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 53), i7i very good state and rare [PI. V] 1 25 Second Day 159 Abdera. Circa B.C. 408-350. JR Stater, ABAHPI . . . N, Griffin recumbent to left; ^ EDI infin NAKTO, Head of Apollo to right, laureate; beneath, scallop ; z^;#. 155 grs. {B. M. Cat. 64), well preserved Istrus. Fourth Cent. B.C. ^, Two heads united, in opposite directions, upwards and downwards; T^ ISTPIH, Sea-eagle on dolphin ; beneath, K\ ; wt. 86 grs. {B. M. Cat. 3) Mesembria. III-II Cent. b.c. M, Crested helmet facing ; ^ META between the four spokes of a wheel; wt. 20 grs., very fine 3 160 Thasos. Circa b.c. 550-463. JR Stater, Nude Satyr kneeling to right and carrying off nymph ; ^ Quadripartite incuse ; wt. 152 grs., fine (illustrated). JR Drachm, of similar types ; wt. 55 grs. i-Drachm, Satyr kneeling to left holding kantharos ; ^ Amphora ; wt. Ugrs. [PI. V] 3 161 Thasos. After b.c. liQ. JR Tetradrachms (4), Head of young Dionysos to right, hair bound with ivy wreath ; p> H PAKAEOYZ ZnXHPOZ ©AZIJQN, Herakles naked, standing to left with club and lion's skin ; three varieties of dijfereiit styles, and a fourth a hai'harous Pannonian imitation, two very fine 4 162 Kings of Thrace. Liisimachus {b.c. ?>2?>-1%\). A^ Stater, Head of the deified Alexander with horn of Ammon to right; 1J> B AZ I A EnZ AYZ I M AXO Y, AthenaNikephoros seated to left ; in the field to left_ZI ; wt. 130 grs. {Midler, 453 var?i, very good 1 163 Lysimachus (b.c. 323-281). JR Tetradrachm, Head of the deified Alexander with horn of Ammon to right; IJ> BAZIAEHZ AYZ I M AXO Y, Athena Nikephoros seated to left ; in front and behind, monograms; wt. 265 grs. {M. 540), very fine 1 164 Lysimachus (b.c. 323-281). JR Tetradrachms (2), similar types to coin in preceding lot ; symbol, a flower {M. 331) ; from the Bun- bury sale; and caduceus {M. 106). JR Drachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin to right ; li AYZ I M AXO Y BAZIAEHZ, Zeus seated to left holding eagle ; in front, forepart of panther, and crescent; ivt. 65 grs. {M. 20), all fine 3 Second Day 26 THESSALY. 165 Aenianes. C/j-ca B.C. 168-146. ^ Didrachm, Head of Athena to right,her helmet adorned with foreparts of horses; p= AIN lANIlN MVNNIIIN, Slinger, ahnosb facing, adjusting his sling; beside him, two javelins; in field to right, caduceus ; ivt. 120j grs. {B. M. Cat. —), fine and rare [PI. V] 1 *** From Dr. White King's sale. 166 Larissa. (7/rca b.C. 480-430. ^ Drachm, Athlete running beside and seizing bull by the horns to left; ^ AAPI-ZAIA, Horse with trailing rein, galloping to right ; wt. 93 grs. (B. M. Cat. 19). Another {circa B.C. 400-344), Head of fountain nymph Larissa to left, wearing sphendone and earring; ^ AAPI, Horse galloping to right ; ivt. 90 grs. (B. M. Cat. 47), both very good 2 167 Larissa. Circa b.C. 400-344. JR Drachm, Head of nymph Larissa to right; I^ [AAJPIZ-AIA, Horse galloping to right, with loose rein ; wt. 93 grs., fine. Another, Head of Larissa three-quarter face towards left; p= AAPIZ-A IHN, Horse feeding to right, fore-foot raised ; wt. 94 grs. {B.M. Cat. 60), very fine; the former from the Bunbury collection 2 168 Larissa. C»-ca B.C. 400-344. ^ Drachm, similar types to last coin in preceding lot, but ^, Mare walking to right ; beside her, foal ; AAPI (in exergue), and above horses, ZAIHN ; ivt. 93i grs. {B. 31. Cat. Q4:), fine and uncommon [PI. V] 1 169 Phalanna. Circa B.C. 400-344. JR Drachm, Young male head to right, with short hair; ^ AAAN NAIHN, Bridled horse walking to right ; wt. 83 grs. {B. 31. Cat. l), good Thessali. Thessalian Confederacy (b.c. 196-146). M Double Victoriatus, Head of Zeus to right, crowned with oak ; p, ©EZZAAHN, Pallas Itonia fighting to right; ]ASZ, Horseman to right in chlamys and kausia ; in exergue, TH ; wt. 95 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 7), fine and rare [PI. V] 1 171 Phapsalus. Circa B.C. 400-344. M Hemidrachm, Head of Athena, of archaic style, in crested helmet to right ; p> AP, Horse's head to right, in incuse square ; wt. 44 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 2), fine and rare [PI. V] 1 *it* From the Ehousopoulos sale (lot 1416). 27 Second Day ILLYRICUM. 172 Dyprhachii. Circa B.C. 450-350. M Stater, Cow suckling calf to right ; above V ; ^ AYP, Double stellate square, and club {B. M. Cat. 21). JR. Hemidrachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin ; p= AYP, Pegasos to left Corcyra. Circa b.C. 300-229. M Drachm, Amphora; ^ KOP, Star; tct. 30 grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. 140), fine 3 EPIRUS. 173 Epirote Republic. Circa b.c. 238-168. M Drachm, Head of Zeus Dodonaeos to right, crowned with oak ; behind, 3< ; P> An El PI2TAN, Eagle standing to right in oak wreath; ivt. 75 grs ^ Yictoriatus, Heads of Zeus and Dione to right ; 1^ An El PUT AN within oak wreath ; ivt. 47 grs., the first very fine ACARNANIA. 174 Leucas. After circa ^.clOtl. ^ Attic Didrachm, Archaic statue of goddess to right, a stag by her side, within laui-el wreath ; p, AEYKAAIHN AAMYAOS, Prow to right, with lion-headed ram ; ivt. 123 grs. (B. M. Cat. 86), a good example Aetolia. M Hemidrachm (b.c. 279-168), Head of Aetolia to right, wearing kausia ; ^ AITX2AI1N, Boar rushing to right ; beneath, monogram ; in exergue, ear of corn ; wt. 39 grs. (B. M. Cat. — ), fine 2 LOCRIS. 175 Locri Opuntii. Circa b.c. 369-338. JR Stater, Head of Perse- phone to left, crowned with corn ; ^ OFlONTIflN, Nude figure of the Locrian Ajax charging to right, armed with helmet, sword and shield ; on inner side of shield, grilRn ; in the field to right, bunch of grapes ; v-t. 181 gis. {cf. B. 31. Cat. l), a very good example, of fine style, the hair shatply defined. JR Hemidrachm, of similar types, but between legs of Ajax, a kantharos ; wt. 42 grs., very good [PI. V] 2 PHOCIS. 176 Period of the third Sacred War {circa B.C. 357-346). M Triobol, Bull's head, facing ; p= 12, Laureate head of the Delphian Apollo to right ; behind, laurel branch ; ivt. 43 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 87), very fine and of charming style [PI. V] 1 Second Day 28 BOEOTIA. 177 Haliartus. Before b.g. i%0. ^ Stater, Boeotian shield ; p= [=; in centre of incuse square, divided into four deeply indented com- partments of "mill-sail" pattern; wt. 189 grs. {B. M. Cat. 5), fine 1 178 Thebes. C/rcaB.c. 480-446. ^Stater, Boeotian shield; ^Amphora, between E, in incuse square; ivt. 187 grs. Another {circa B.C. 426-387), Boeotian shield; p, Head of bearded Dionysos to right, wearing wreath of ivy, within incuse square; wt. 185 grs. (B. M. Cat. 58), both good coins 2 179 Thebes. Circa B.C. 379-338. JR Stater, Boeotian shield ; p. Amphora ; magistrate's name, A FA A ; ivt. 187 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 111). Another, with AAMU (Damokleidas, the friend of Pelo- pidas) ; ivt. 184 grs. {B. M. Cat. 127), both fine 2 180 Thebes. Circa B.C. 379-338. JR Staters (3) of similar types, AZn and grapes {B. M. Cat. 123) ; AZHFI {B. M. Cat. 125); BO in {B. M. Cat.--). M Drachm and Hemidrachms (3), and M (B.C. 197-146), Laureate head of Poseidon; ^ BOIHTHN, Nike standing to left, holding trident and wreath ; wt. 72 grs., chiefly well preserved 8 EUBOEA. 181 Chalcis. Circa B.C. 369-336. ^, Female head to right; ^ XAA, Flying eagle holding serpent ; symbols, trophy {B. M. Cat. 50), and kerykeion {B. M. Cat. 53) EretPJa. Circa B.C. 511-490. M Didrachm, Cow scratching her- self to right ; ^ Octopus, in incu.se square ; to left, E ; ivt. 125 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 23), illustrated Histiaea. M Drachm and Tetrobols (2); all fine [Pl. V] 5 ATTICA. 182 Athens. Pisistratid Period (circa B.C. 566-514.) ^51 Tetradrachms of lumpy fabric (2), Head of Athena, of very archaic style, in crested helmet, to right ; ^ A0E, Owl almost facing ; to left, olive spray ; within incuse square ; ivt. 260 grs. (cf. B. 31. Cat. pl. I, 2 a7id 6), two varieties, well preserved 2 29 Second Day 183 Time of Hippias and later {circa B.C. 514-407). JR Tetradrachms (2), Head of Athena of archaic style, helmet adorned with three olive leaves erect, and at the back with a floral scroll ; ^ A0E, Owl to right, head facing, wings closed ; behind, olive spray and lunar crescent ; ivt. 263 and 260 grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. pi. iii, 2 and 4), both very fine 2 184 Circa B.C. 514-407. JR Tetradrachms (3) of similar type to coins in preceding lot ; wts. 263, 260 and 261 grs., varied in style, and all three fine 3 185 Circa B.C. 514-407. JR Tetradrachms (4), similar to coins in pre- ceding lot, well preserved 4 186 Circa B.C. 514-407. JR Tetradrachm of similar type to last ; wt. 263 grs. Drachm ; xvt. 65 grs. Triobolon, with owl facing between olive branches ; ivt. 32 grs. Trihemiobolon, Owl facing, wings spread; ivt. \^ grs. Obolos, Owl to right; ivt. 10'5 grs. Hemiobolon, Owl to right; ivt. 5"5 grs., all fine 6 187 Circa B.C. 407-393. JR Tetradrachm, Head of Athena to right, eye in profile, but rough execution, Avearing round earring, and close- fitting crested helmet, &c. ; p. A0E, Owl to right, wings closed ; behind, lunar crescent and olive spray ; ivt. 262 grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. lAii), fine and of spread fabric [PI. V] 1 1 88 Cii'ca B.C. 393-339. JR Tetradrachms (2) of rough and careless fabric, with eye of goddess shown in profile ; one with the legend disposed < thus © ; wts. 266 grs. and 2i8 grs. ; JR Drachms (2), ivt. 65 grs.; m Triobols (3) ; Obols (3) ; Hemiobols (4) ; Tetartemorion, and Tetro- bol {circa B.C. 339-322), two owls face to face ; ivt. 39 grs. ; various ^ (6) with head of Athena, p, Double-bodied owl (2), and two owls face to face (4), S07ne in good state and uncommon 23 189 Circa B.C. 229-197. JR Tetradrachm of spread fabric, Head of Athena Parthenos to right, wearing close-fitting helmet with triple crest, adorned in front Avith the foreparts of four horses abreast, on the side with a flying pegasos, and on the back with a scroll ; P: A0E, Owl to right, wings closed, standing on amphora lying on its side ; in field, two monograms ; in field to right, two coiled serpents to right ; the whole within a wreath of olive ; wt. 260 grs. {B. M. Cat. 297), fine [PI. V] 1 190 Circa B.C. 146-100. JR Tetradrachm, Head of Athena Parthenos to right; |i Owl standing on amphora ; in field, A0E, and names of magistrates, AflEAAIKIlN (the Philosopher of Theos, and later Second Day 30 Lot 190 — continued. a partisan of Mithradates), rOPflAZ APTEIOZ; symbol griffin to right, on amphora A ; beneath A A ; wt. 256 grs. (B.3I. Cat. 327), fitie 1 *** From the Prowe sale. 191 Circa B.C. 146-100. JR Tetradrachm of same issue as coin in last lot ; wt. 254: gis. (B. M. Cat. 327), fine; JR Drachms {circa B.C. 220-197) of similar type, with monograms {B. M. Cat. 290), not in good state 3 192 CircaB.C. 146-100. ^ Tetradrachm of same issue as coins in two previous lots ; ivt. 260 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 327), very fine [PI. V] 1 193 Circa B.C. 100-86. JR Tetradrachm of similar type, magistrates' names, APIZTIHN (the well-known tyrant of Athens and parti- san of Mithradates), IAnN APOMO ; symbol, Pegasos drinking; on amphora A ; beneath MH ; tvt. 253 grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. 330), a very good example of this interesting coin 1 194 B.C. 156. JR Tetradrachm, similar type, names of magistrates, AAMHN ZnZIKPATHZ PK?; symbol, quiver and bow; wt. 240 grs. {rf. B. M. Cat. 359). Another {circa B.C. 1 10-100), with magistrates' names, AHMHTPIOZ ATAOI P POZ AH ; symbol, pilei of the Dioscuri ; beneath amphoia PE ; wt. 2\:\grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. 365). A third {circa B.C. 196-187) of spread fabric, magistrates' names, AIOA AIOAO ; symbol, Apollo naked with bow, beneath amphora EM ; ivt. 251 grs. {B. M. Cat. 389), very good 3 195 Circa B.C. 146-100. JR Tetradrachm, similar types, names of magistrates, AX2Z 10 EOZ XAPIAZ (two brothers); symbol, Tyche; on amphoi'a B ; beneath MP; tvt. 245 grs. {cf. B. 31. Cat. 393). Others (3): B.C. 163, EYMH EPirENH ZI2Z- ANAPOZ, eagle to right on fulmen, on amphora P, beneath Al, wt. 256 grs. {cf. B. 31. Cat. 396); B.C. 153, 0EOAOTOZ KAEO<|)ANHZ nOHAI ; no symbol; xct. 255 grs. [cf B.3I. Cat. 423), two varieties, all very good 4 196 Circa B.C. 150. ^ Tetradrachm, similar types, names of magistrates, MIKinN EYPYKAE (two brother s),APEZTOZ ; symbol, the Dioscuri; on amphora, K; beneath, ZX2 ; ivt. 243 grs. {cf. B. 31. Cat. 465), fine, but slightly damaged on rev. ; from Sir James Knowles' collectioji. Another {circa B.C. 170), names of 31 Sacoiid Day Lot 196 — continued. magistrates, HOAYXAPM N I KOT 0EM IZTOKAH ; sym bol, kerykeion ; on amphora, Z; beneath, ME; wt. 258 grs. (cf. B. M. Cat. 494), fiiie 2 197 Circa ^.C. 150. JR Tetradrachms (2), similar types ; without A0E on rev. Owl on round-bodied amphora on which A ; in field, two monograms ; ivt. 252 grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. 519), tivo varieties ; JR Drachm of same issue ; ict. blh grs. (cf. B.M. Cat. 522), fine 3 *^* Dr. B. V. Head attributes these coins to the mint of the Athenian Kleruchy in Delos. AEGINA. 198 Circa B.C. 650-600. M Stater, sea-turtle with plain shell ; |i Incuse square divided into eight triangular compartments, four of which are deeply hollowed out ; ict. 181 grs. ; ^Drachm {circa B.C. 404- 350), sea-turtle, on either side A- 1, ^ Shallow incuse square, divided into five compartments in which Nl and dolphin: ivt. 88 grs. ; JR Triobol {circa B.C. 550-456), ^ Incuse square divided by broad bands; wt. 41 grs. ; JR Obols (2) of earliest type; ivt. 16 gis. ; and Hemiobol ; ict. 8 grs., all fine 6 199 Circa B.C. 650-600. JR Staters (3) of the earliest period, sea-turtle with row of dots down the middle of the back, one coimter-7narked ; JR Drachm {circa B.C. 404-350) with . . in one of the comjiart- ments of the rev. ; v)t. 80 grs. ; -51 Triobol, with crescent and A in one of the compartments ; tvt. 80 grs. ; JE, Two dolphins with A between them, 1^ Shallow incuse square ; all in good state 6 CORINTHIA. 200 Corinth. Time of Per iander {circa B.C. 625-58H). ^Stater,? Pegasos to left with curled wing ; p, Incuse of swastika pattern ; wt. ISOj grs. {B. M. Cat. pi. i, 4), a fine example ; fj-om the Taranto find, 1911 [PI. V] 1 201 Time of Periander {circa B.C. 625-585). JR Stater, similar type to coin in last lot; tvt. \2% grs. Another {circa B.C. 500-430), ? Pegasos with curled wing flying to right; ^ Incuse square, within which is head of Athena Chalinitis helmeted to right ; ivt. 132 grs. {B.M. Cat. pi. II, 3), very fine, of archaic style 2 202 Circa B.C. 400-338. IR Stater, ? Pegasos, with pointed wing, flying to left ; ft Head of Athena, of fine style, in Corinthian helmet ; behind, to right, palmette ; wt. \Z2 grs. {B.M. Cat.pl. ill, 18), very fine [PI. V] 1 Second Day 32 203 Circa B.C. 350-300. JR Stater, ? Pegasos flying to left; p= Helmeted head of Athena to left ; symbol, chimaera to left, and AP {B. M. Cat. 255). Others, symbol, thyrsos and T {B. M. Cat. 279) ; dove flying in wreath {B. 31. Cat. 282); Pallas holding Nike and A I {B. M. Cat. 309) ; Nike to left carrying fillet, and I {B. M. Cat. 350), two varieties, all very good 6 204 AnactOPium. (y/y-ra b.c. 350-300. ^ Corinthian Staters : symbols, to left of head, tripod {B. M. Cat. 25 and 27) ; tripod in wreath (B. 31. Cat. 35); Eni-AIl, and uncertain symbol, somewhat resembling an inverted simpulum {B. 31. Cat. 64) ; tivo varieties, well preserved 5 205 Apgos Amphilochicum. Circa B.C. 350-270. JR Corinthian Staters (2), AMI-ABP {B. 31. Cat. 15) ; AP and shield {B. 31. Cat. 12). Leucas, circa B.C. 400-330, M Corinthian Staters (3), A and kerykeion {B.3I. Cat. 51); A and kantharos {B. 31. Cat. 4:^); AEY and scallop-shell, wt. 132 grs. {B.31. Cat. 31), the last verij fine 5 206 Leucas, Circa B.C. 400-330. ^ Corinthian Stater, Pegasos flying to left ; 1J> [A]EY, Head of Athena to left in Corinthian helmet ; in field to right, floral scroll; wt. \Z1grs. {B. 31. Cat. 39), very fine [PI. VI] 1 PELOPONNESUS. 207 Sicyon. Before ^.C.Z'IZ. ^Stater, ZE, Chimaera to right ; 1^ Dove flying to left in laurel wreath; wt. l^% grs. {B. 31. Cat. 25). Another, beneath chimaera 32, Dove flying to right ; above o ; wt. \9,2 grs. ; JR Triobols (4) of later date, similar types ; behind, dove, .-. {B.3I. Cat. 121); . No {B. 31. Cat. 118); 2 on rev. and magistrate's name, OAYMniAAAZ {B.31. Cat. 197); etc. Phlius. Circa B.C. 400-322. JR Obol, forepart of bull to left; I^ between four pellets ; wt. l^grs.; some fine 7 208 Achaean League. Circa b.c. 280-146. JR Hemidrachms of Aegeira, symbol, half goat {cf. B.31. Cat. 13) ; Aegium (3), fulmen {B. 31. Cat. 22 and 24) ; Argos, wolf's head {B. 31. Cat. 87) ; Corinth, Pegasos in wreath {B. 31. Cat. 28) ; Dyme (2), fish (B. 31. Cat. 29 a7id 30); Elis (ll), varied symbols and inscriptions (B. 31. Cat. 51, 56, 61, 62, 66, 67, 70, 71 and 73) ; Megalopolis (3), syrinx {B.31. Cat. 114) and inscription {cf. B.31. Cat. 118) ; Megara (3), lyre {B. 31. Cat. 9 a7id 10); Pallantium (5), trident 33 Second Day Lot 208 — continued. (B.M. Cat. 122 and 124) ; Patrae(3), dolphin (B.M. Cat. 41 a)id 43), and Sicyon, dove (B. M. Cat. 44), chiefly fine, some uncommon carieties 34 209 Elis. CVrcrtf B.C. 471-421. ^ Stater, eagle flying to left devouring hare, wings outstretched ; various countermarks in the field ; ^ F A winged fulmen ; ivt. 178 gis. ; another, eagle flying to right, struggling with serpent, wings outstretched ; p, F A winged ful- men ; ict. 186 gr^. {cf. B. M. Cat. 3), well preserved and rare 2 210 Circa B.C. 471-421: M. Stater, eagle's head to left; p= F A, and winged fulmen; ict. 180 grs. {B.M. Cat. 38 var.), fro77i the W. Home cabinet, hit not fine ; JR, Drachm, eagle to right on hare, wings open ; p, F A, winged fulmen ; ivt. 71 grs. ; JR Hemidrachm, eagle flying to right; 9= F[A] Winged fulmen ; ivt. 4li grs. Circa B.C. 421-400: M. Stater, Head of Hera to right, wearing broad Stephanos inscribed H PA and adorned with floral ornaments ; ^ Fulmen flaming at both ends, between FA, within olive wreath ; ict. 176 grs. {B. M. Cat. 62), the second in good state 4 211 Circa B.C. 471-400. JR, Stater, Head of Hera wearing lofty Stephanos, to right ; 9= FA retrograde above fulmen flaming at both ends, within wild olive wreath ; ivt. 18d grs. {B.M. Cat. — ), rev. fine; Others (2), similar head, but fulmen between FA ; ict. 175 grs. ; and a variety; ivt. 170 grs. 3 212 Argos. Circa B.C. 322-229. JR Tetrobol, Fore-part of wolf to left; p= A and magistiate's name ; ivt. 3Q grs. {B. M. Cat. 113), very fine Arcadia. Circa b.c. 370-362. JR Obol, Head of Pan; ^ APK (mon.) and syrinx ; ivt. 13 grs. fine Lacaedemon. Circa b.c. 192-156. JR Tetrobols (2), Bearded head of Herakles ; 1^ AA, Amphora between the pilei of the Dioscuri ; wt. 37 grs. very fine ; and Hemidrachm of Achaean League {B. M. Cat. 83) Messene. Achaean League JR Hemidrachm {B. M. Cat. 76) 5 CRETE. 213 Elypus. Circa B.C. 400-300. JR Drachm. EAY[P]ION, Goat's head to right, border of dots ; l;i Bee ; in field to left, rose ; ivt. 80 grs. {B. M. Cat. 1), fine and rare [PI. VI] 1 *** From the Weber collection, Munich (lot 2120). D Second Day 34 214 I tan us. Circa B.C. 400-300. M Drachm, Head of Athena to left, wearing Athenian helmet adorned with floral scroll ; ^L ITAN IX2N, Eagle to left, looking back ; within incuse square ; wt. 82 grs. {B. M. Cat. 13), fine and uncommon [PI. VI] 1 215 Lyttus. Circa B.C. 4.50-300. M Stater, Eagle flying to left; li TVA-NOIT, Boar's head to right within dotted square; the whole in incuse square ; wt. 1.53 grs. (B. 31. Cat. — ), fi7ie and rare [PI. VI] 1 216 Polyrhenium. Circa b.c. 330-280. M Drachm, POAY- PHNION, Bull's head bound with fillet; p> POAYPHNI, Arrow-head to right; wt. 79 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 11), firie and rare [PI. VI] 1 PAPHLAGONIA. 217 Amastpis. Circa B.C. 300. M Stater, Young male head in Phry- gian cap ornamented with laurel-wreath and star; p, AMAZ- TPIEI2N, Female figure seated on throne to left, holding Nike and sceptre ; in field, myrtle bud; wt. 148 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 2), fine [PI. VI] 1 218 SInope. C/rca B.C. 453-375. ^ Drachm, Head of Sinope to left, wearing sphendone ; before head, aplustre ; ^ ZINI2, Sea-eagle on dolphin; above, magistrate's name, AZTY ; wt. 91 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 14) Amisus, Pont. M, Head of Young Dionysos ; 1^ AMYZOY, Thyrsos and cista Lampsacus, 3Iys. Circa b.c. 394-330. M, Janiform female head ; p, Head of Athena in helmet ; wt. 19 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 36) Parium, 3]ys. Circa B.C. 400. M. Hemidrachms (3), Gorgoneion ; ^ Bull looking back, three varieties, fine 6 MYSIA. 219 PePgamum. Eumenes I {b.c. 2&Z-2i\). ^, Tetradrachm, Head of Philetaerus to right, wearing diadem and laurel-wreath en- twined ; 9= IAETAIPOY, Athena seated to left, outstretched hand on shield ; beneath arm, ivy leaf ; on right, bow ; tvt. 2Q0 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 31). JR Cistophorus (circa B.C. 133-67), Cista mystica in ivy-wreath ; l^ Two coiled serpents, etc., bow case between them, and monograms; w't. 192 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 109), the first in good state, the second fine 2 35 Second Day 220 Eumejies II (b.c. 197-159). M Tetradrachm, Head of Philetaerus to right; ^ <|>IAETAIPOY, Athena seated to left, crowning king's name, shield behind her ; on right, bow ; symbol, bee, and monogram ; u't. 265 grs. {B. M. Cat. 43), fine [PI. VI] 1 TROAS. 221 Abydos. Circa B.C. 411-387 : M Hemidrachms (2), Head of Apollo to left ; 9= Eagle standing to left ; magistrate's name, APIirO {B. M. Cat. 27) and P PIlTArOPAZ {B. M. Cat. 31). After circa B.C. 196 : ^ Tetradrachm, Bust of Artemis to right, diademed, bow and quiver at shoulder; ^ ABYAHNUN, Eagle standing to right, wings open ; magistrate's name, APOA- A04>AN0V ; symbol, palm branch; wt. 245 grs. (B. M. Cat. 52), fine ; from the Sandeman sale 3 AEOLIS. 222 Cyme. After B.C. 190. M Tetradrachm, Head of Kyme to right, hair rolled and bound with riband ; p= KYMAIflN, Horse stand- ing to right; in exergue, KAAAIAZ ; vase in front of horse; u't. 245 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 73), venj good 1 223 Myrina. //-/ Ce7it. b.C. JR Tetradrachm, Head of the Apollo of Grynium, laureate, to right; p= MYPINAII2N, Apollo of Gry- nium in himation to right, holding phials and laurel branch ; in front, omphalos and amphora; ivt. 252 g}-s. {B. M. Cat. 2), fine [PI. VI] 1 224 Myrina. M, Tetradrachm. Similar types to coin in last lot; monogram {B. M. Cat. 11), ^vt. 245 grs., fine 1 LESBOS. 225 Circa B.C. 550-440 : Billon Stater, Two calves' heads facing one another ; between them, olive tree ; ]^ Rude incuse square ; wt. 190 grs. (B. M. Cat. 46), fine. Elect. Hecte {circa B.C. 480-440), Ram's head to right ; ^ Lion's head to right (in intaglio); behind, small incuse; ivt. Z^h grs. {B. M. Cat. 9), very good ; from the O'Hagan cabinet 2 226 Circa B.C. 550-440. Elect. Hecte : Head of Demeter to right, veiled and wreathed with corn ; ^ Tripod with fillets attached ; linear square; ivt. 39 grs. {B. M. Cat. 119), very fine [PI. VI] 1 D2 Second Day 36 IONIA. 227 Ephesus. Circa B.C. 494-464: M, Drachm, E-<1>, Bee; :^ Incuse square quartered ; wt. 47i grs. {B. 31. Cat. 17), scarce. JR Tetra- drachm {circa B.C. 394-295), E-, Bee ; ^ Forepart of stag with head turned back ; behind it, a palm tree, and in front magistrate's name, AMYNTHP ; wt. 230 grs. {B. M. Cat. —) ; in verij good state and with unpublished name of magistrate 2 228 Circa B.C. 394-295. M Tetradrachms (2), of similar type to last coin in previous lot; names of magistrates AIOKAHZ (ivt. 220 grs.) and IPPOZGENHZ (wt. 230 grs.), both coins not in B. M. collection, and not in good state 2 229 Circa B.C. 394-295. M Tetradrachms (2) of similar type ; names of magistrates, IMHZIANAZ {tvt. 232 grs.) and PPXITOZ {ivt. 220 grs.), both names unpublished, coins only ivell preserved 2 230 Circa B.C. 394-295. JR Tetradrachms (2) of similar type; names of magistrates, AEHAAM {tvt. 223 grs.) and ZINHN {wt. 223 grs.), neither named in B. M. collection, coins well preserved 2 231 Mark Antony and Octavia (b.c. 39-37) : M, m. antonivs, IMP. &c., jugate heads to right of M. Antony and Octavia ; ^ III. VIR. R. P. C, Bacchus standing to left on cista mystica ; tvt. I'dO grs. {Cohen, 3). Claudius I (a.d. 41-54): JR, ti clavd caes. avg, Head to left ; p= com ASI, Temple of Rome and Augustus, with frieze inscribed ROM. ET. AVG.; in centre, Claudius crowned by Fortune; struck at Pergamum ; wt. \%3 grs. {C. 3); both very well preserved 2 232 Miletus. V Cent. b.c. : JR, Forepart of lion; R Incuse square containing ornamental star; tvt. 17 grs. JR l|-Drachms {after circa B.C. 190), Head of Apollo to right, laureate ; ^ Ml (mon.), Lion standing to right, looking back at star of eight rays ; in exergue, YAII2N.O.. and monogram; tvt. IQgrs. {B.M. Cat. — , illustration), fine. And J& of Smyrna, with head of Apollo, and on rev. Homer seated to right [PI. VI] 3 233 Smyrna. // Cent. b.c. JR Tetradrachm, Head of Kybele to right, turreted ; p, IMYP-NAIXIN, Lion standing to right, his left forepaw raised ; beneath, magistrate's name, MOZXOZ ; the whole in oak wreath ; wt. 250 grs. {Waddington, 1935), fine and rare [PI. VI] 1 *** From Dr. Hirsch's sale xxi, 1908 (lot 2943). 37 Second Day 234 Chios. Circa Ji.Q.bQO. M Didrachm, Sphinx seated to left; in front, amphora; ^ Incuse square quartered; wt. \\^ grs. {B. M. Cat. 7) ; JEi, Sphinx and amphora Samos. Circa B.C. 205-129. M li-Drachms, Lion's scalp within border of dots ; p. ZAMIHN, Forepart of bull to right, right leg bent under him ; in field, olive spray and vase ; wt. 68 grs. (B. M. Cat. —), fine 3 CARIA. 235 Cnidus. Circa B.C. 300-190. M Tetrobol, Head of Artemis to right, wearing stephane, quiver at shoulder; ^ KNIAIX2N, Tripod; name of magistrate, EflirENHZ; wt. 39l- grs. (B. 31. Cat. — ), fine HalicarTiassus. First Cent. B.C. M, Drachm, Head of Ehodian Helios, facing ; p, Bust of Athena, helmeted, to left ; in field, AAI KAP [A] PAK[nN ; ivt. 58 grs. {B. M. Cat. 43), uncommon Cos. Circa B.C. 300-190 : JR Drachm, Head of bearded Herakles in lion's skin to right ; ^ Crab ; beneath, club, and magistrate's name, [lATPOJKAHZ; wt. 48 grs. (B. M. Cat. 58); and M Tetrobol {circa B.C. 166-88), Head of Asklepios to right ; p, KfiN, Incuse square containing coiled serpent, and magistrate's names, NIKOZTP AEINIAZ; ivt. Z<^ grs. {B. M. Cat. Ul), fine 4 236 Cos. After circa B.C. 479. M Tetradrachm, KI2ION, Naked athlete preparing to hurl the discus ; behind him, tripod ; border of dots ; |i Incuse square, within which, border of dots ; in centre, crab ; wt. 252 grs. {B. M. Cat. 9), very good and rare [PI. VI] 1 237 Satraps of Caria. Pixodarus (b.c. 340-334). M Didrachm, Head of Apollo, facing, laureate, with flowing hair, chlamys fastened round neck ; ^ [n]IZnAAP[OY], Zeus Stratios stand- ing to right, holding labrys and spear, ivt. 107 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 5), very fine [PI. VI] 1 238 Rhodes. Circa b.c. 304-189 and later. JR Tetradrachms (2), Head of Helios, radiate, three-quarter face to right ; ljE> POAION, rose with bud to right; symbol, prow to right; name of magistrate, AMEINIAZ ; wt. 208 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 120). PO and symbol, aplustre ; above, APIZTOKPITOX ; tvt. 198 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 123), both well preserved 2 Second Day 38 239 Circa B.C. 304-189. ^51 Tetradrachm of similar type to first coin in last lot; tvt. 195 grs. {B.M. Cat. 120). M Didrachms (2) of similar type, TIMO0EOZ and symbol, Silenos ; ivt. 99 grs. {B.M. Cat. 150); EPAZIKAHZ and symbol, helmet; wt. 102 gis. {B. M. Cat. 140), in good state 3 240 Circa B.C. 333-304. J^ Didrachm, Head of Helios almost facing ; p, POAION, Rose with bud to right; to left, vase and EY ; ivt. 102 grs. Another, B.C. 304-189, PO and magistrate's name, ANAZANAPOZ, symbol, oval shield; ivt. 102 grs. {B.M. Cat. 135), tlie second fine 2 241 Circa B.C. 88-43. M, \\ Drachms, Head of Helios, radiate, three- quarter face to left ; IJ, PO, Full-blown rose to front ; above and below, palm-branch, border of dots ; xot. 63 grs. {B. M. Cat. 334), very fine [PI. VI] 1 242 Circa B.C. 88-43 : ^ 1^ Drachms of similar type, but head of Helios three-quarter face to right; ivt. 63 grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. pi. XLI, 2), very fine. B.C. 166-88 : IR Drachm, Head of Helios to right, radiate ; 9, Shallow incuse square containing rose ; name of magistrate, APTEMI2N, symbol, head-dress of Isis ; tvt. 43 grs. {B. M. Cat. 253), fine [PI. VI] 2 243 Camjpus Rhodi. Circa B.C. 500-408. JR Stater, Fig-leaf with sprouts ; ^ Incuse divided into oblong compartments, with rough surfaces ; wt. 186 grs. {B. M. Cat. 3), fine 1 LYDIA. 244 Circa B.C. 652-561 : Electrum Third Stater, Lion's head to right, with globiile on forehead ; p, Incuse oblong ; ivt. 72 grs. {B. M. Cat. 6), fine. Tralles. C. Claudius Pulcher, B.C. 55-53 : M Cisto- phorus, cista mystica ; ^ Two coiled serpents, etc. PVLCHER PROCOSTRA APICTOKAHC, to left, hand holding olive branch ; wt. 180 grs. {B. M. Cat. 53) ; /E of Laodicaea Phryg. Philadelphia (2), one of Philip junior, Sardes {cf. B. M. Cat. 35) ; Thyatira, of Nero {B. M. Cat. 58), the jE in indifferent state 6 PAMPHYLIA. 245 Aspendus. Circa B.C. 400-300. JR Stater, Two wrestlers en- gaged, between them A ; border of dots; p, EZTFEAIIYZ, Slinger to right ; in field triskeles, in dotted square ; ivt. 167 grs. {cf. B.M. Cat. 31-32), a very good example 1 39 Second Day 246 Side. B.C. 190-36. M Tetradrachm, Head of Athena to right, in crested Corinthian helmet ; ^ Nike to left, holding wreath ; in field pomegranate, and magistrate's name, KAEYX ; wt. 243 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 38), Jine. And an electrotype of Stater of Selge Pisidiae 2 CILICIA. 247 Celenderis. Circa b.c. 450-400. JR Obols (3), Forepart of Pegasos to right, with curved wing ; p, Goat kneeling to right ; KEA above; wt. l'2h grs. {B. M. Cat. 28, and varieties), one very fine Satraps of Cilicia. Pharnahazus (b.c. 397-374). JR Stater, Baaltars seated to left, holding sceptre in right hand ; ^ Bearded and helmeted head of Ares to left ; inscriptions on either side ; ivt. 162 grs. {B.M. Cat. 21 ; Bahelon, 172), in good state, from the E/wusopoulos and White King sales 4 248 Datames (b.c. 378-372). JR Stater, Head of Arethusa, nearly facing, wearing necklace with pendants ; ^ ]'^33in Bearded head of Ares wearing crested Athenian helmet to right; ivt. 169 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 28), very fine rev. [PI. VI] 1 249 Datames (b.c. 378-372). JR Stater, of similar type to last coin, but head of Ares to left {B. 31. Cat. 30), fine rev. 1 250 3Iazaeus {circa B.C. 361-333). JR Stater, Baaltars seated to left, holding sceptre, ear of corn and bunch of grapes; to right, ]~inbV2; p, 'ITtt, lion attacking stag to left; tvt. 178 grs. (B. 31. Cat. 44), fi7ie [PI. VI] 1 251 31azaeus {circa B.C. 361-333). JR Stater, Baaltars seated to left, head and body facing, holding sceptre in left hand, and in right eagle, ear of corn and bunch of grapes ; inscription to right and left, and D under diphros ; ^ 'lTJ2, lion to left attacking bull ; in field, below, ear of corn and t; wt. 166 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 53), small defect on obv. otherwise fine; from the Lord Ashburnham and O'Hagan sales 1 252 Time of 31azaeus. JR Stater, Baaltars seated to left on diphros, holding sceptre ; in field before him, ear of corn and bunch of grapes ; below diphros, Z ; V^ Bust of Athena in triple- crested Athenian helmet, nearly facing; ivt. 166 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 70), fine ; from the Boyne sa/e [PI. VII] 1 Second Day 40 CYPRUS. 253 Citium. Pumiathon {circa B.C. 361-312). N Half Stater, Herakles to right, holding bow and brandishing club ; in field, to right, crux ansata ; ^ [tn'D] Dbt^ib], Lion attacking stag to right ; in field to right, Zllilll = 26 (B.M. Cat. 336); wt. 63 grs. {cf. B.M. Cat. 77), fine and scaj'ce ; from Col. Falkland Warren's collection [PI. Vlll 1 255 Salamis. NikoHes (b.c. 373-361). N' to Stater, Bust of Aphrodite to left, wearing richly decorated Stephanos ; ^ Bust of Athena to left, in Corinthian helmet, laureated ; wt. IO2 grs. {B. M. Cat. ^2>), fine and uncommon [PI. VII] 1 GALATIA. 256 Amyntas (b.c. 36-25). M Tetradrachm, Helmeted head of Athena to right; p= BAZIAEI2Z AMYNTOY, Nike to left holding sceptre bound with fillet ; wt. 246 grs. {B. M. Cat. 8), very good. JR Drachms (4) of Cappadocian Kings, in mediocre state, except one of Arioharzanes /, which is well preserved 5 THIRD DAY'S SALE. SYRIA. {References to Bdbelon, Rois de Syric, Paris, 1890.) LOT 257 Seleucid Kings. Seleucus I {Nicator),T..c. di-2--2i<0. ^ Tetra- drachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin to right ; 9= ZEAEYKOY BAZIAEHZ, Zeus seated to left on throne with back, holding sceptre and in extended right, eagle ; in front, monogram in wreath, under throne K ; ivt. 263 grs. {Bah. 17), in very good state 1 258 Seleiictis I. ^ Tetradrachm, Laureated head of Zeus to right ; p, BAZIAE[X2Z] ZEAEYKOY, Quadriga of " tusker " elephants to right, in which Athena is fighting; above elephants AO ; wt. 259 i g)-s. {B.3I. Cat. 26), ve7-y well preserved and very rare [PI. VII] 1 259 Antiochus I {Soter) B.C. 280-261. JR Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus, old, to right; ^ BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY, Apollo, naked, seated on omphalos to left, holding arrow, and resting left hand on bow, on either side a monogram ; ivt. 263 gi'S. {B.3I. Cat. 113),fi7ie 1 260 Antiochus Hierax, B.C. 246-227. JR Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus to right ; ]^ BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY, Apollo, naked, seated on omphalos to left, holds arrow and bow ; in field to left, a branch ; in exergue, uncertain symbol or monogram ; wt. 262 grs. {Bab. — ), very fine and rare [PI. VII] 1 261 Antiochus III {the Great) B.C. 223-187. M Tetradrachm, Dia- demed head of Antiochus III, young, to right; ^ BAZIAEQZ ANTIOXOY, Apollo naked, seated to left on omphalos, holding bow and arrow, monogram to left ; ivt. 257 grs. {Bah. 343). ^Drachm, Head as on tetradrachm, but older ; p= BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY, Elephant to right; wt. 63 grs. {Bab. 395), the second coin fine 2 Third Daj/ 42 262 Antiochus III. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus III, of mature age, to right; \\. [B]AZI AEI2[Z] ANTIOXOY, Apollo naked, seated to left on omphalos, holding arrow, his left hand resting on bow ; in field to left EZ ; ivt. 261 grs. {Bab. 366), very fine [PI. VII] 1 263 Antiochus III. M, Tetradrachm, Diademed and aged head of King to right; fillet border; ^ BAZIAEIIZ ANTIOXOY, Apollo as on last ; ivt. 258 grs. {cf. Bab. pi. ix, 13), fine [Pl. VII] 1 264 Seleucus IV {Philopator). B.C. 187-175. ^Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Seleucus IV to right, fillet border; ^ BAZIAEI2Z ZEAEYKOY, Apollo naked, but for drapery over right leg, seated to left on omphalos, holding bow and arrow ; in field to left, palm branch and wreath ; in exergue, monogram A ; ivt. 263 grs. {Bab. 4:^2), very fine and rare [PI. VII] 1 265 Antiochus IV {Epiphanes). B.C. 175-164. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus IV to right, fillet border ; IJ, BAZIAEnZ ANTIOXOY 0EOY EniANOYZ NIKH<^OPOY, Zeus naked to waist, seated on throne to left, holding sceptre in right hand, and in left Nike, who crowns him ; to left palm branch; in exergue monograms AM ; ivt. 263 i grs. {cf. Bab. 54:3), fine, and a rare variety [PI. VII] 1 266 Antiochus V {Eupator). B.C. 164-162. ^ Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus V to right, fillet border; ^ BAZIAEIIZ ANTIOXOY EYHATOPOZ, Zeus naked to waist, holding sceptre and Nike, who is crowning name of king ; in field to left monogram A ; wt. 249 grs. {B. M. Cat. 3), fine and rare [PI. VII] 1 267 Demetrius I {Soter). B.C. 162-150. JR Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Demetrius to right; border of laurel; ^ BAZIAEI2Z AHMHTPIOY, Tyche, clad in long chiton and peplos, holding sceptre and cornucopise, seated to left on throne supported by winged Nereid ; in field to left, monogram ; tvt. 258 grs. {B. M. Cat. 32). Another of similar type, but with different monogram ; struck at Apamea ; ivt. 258 grs. {Bab. 716), both very good coins 2 268 Demetrius I. JR Tetradrachm, of similar type to coins in preceding lot, but head of king slightly bearded, and portrait of different workmanship ; rev. not well-centred ; wt. 244 grs. {Bab. — ), fine and rare [PI. VII] 1 43 Third Day 269 Demetrius I. JR Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Demetrius I to right; laurel border; li BAZIAEHZ AHMHTPIOY, Tyche seated to left holding sceptre and cornucopise ; in field to left, monogram A ; ivt. 258 grs. (B. M. Cat. 32), very fine [PI. VII] 1 270 Demetrius I. JR Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Demetrius I to right; laurel border; yi BAZIAEHZ AHMHTPIOY, and in exergue, ZI2THPOZ, Tyche, clad in long chiton and peplos, seated to left on throne, holding sceptre and cornucopia; ; to left, monogram HP, but undated; struck at Heraclea ; tvt. 256 grs. (cf. Bab. pi. XVI, 9). Another of similar type, but SI2THPOZ to left ; monogram Al ; struck at Antioch ; ivt. 255| grs. (cf. B.M. Cat. 23), the first in eery good state of preservation 2 271 Demetrius I. JR Tetradrachm, similar type to last coin in preceding lot; in exergue, AZP ( = 16l), and to left, two monograms; struck at Apamea ; tct. 258 grs. {cf. B. M. Cat. 10), fine. Another of same date, but different monograms ^ ; ict. 257 grs. 2 272 Alexander I {Bala). B.C. 150-145 : JR Tetradrachm, Diademed head of king to right ; fillet border ; p= BAZ I A EXIZ AAEZAN- APOY ©EOnATOPOZ EYEPfETOY, Zeus naked to waist seated to left holding sceptre and Nike, who is presenting to him a wreath ; in field to left, monogram ; in exergue EZP ( = 165) and monogram AP; wt. 252 grs.; struck at Apamea (cf. Bah. 877 ; mon. 213), fine. Another of similar type; date THP ( = 163) : JR. Drachm, 1^ Apollo seated on omphalos {Bab. 802), the last tiro in poor state 3 273 Alexander I {Bala). JR Tetradrachm, similar type to first coin in last lot ; in field to right, cornucopisB ; in exergue, date FiP ( = 163) and mon. 252; struck at Ptolemais; wt. 258 grs. {cf. Bab. 271), fine [PI. VI I] 1 27-i Alexander I {Bala). JR Phoenician Tetradrachm, Diademed head of king to right; ^ BAZIAEHZ AAEHANAPOY, Eagle with closed wings, standing to left on beak of galley ; over his shoulder, palm ; in front, Tyrian monogram ; behind, date FiP ( = 163) and AC ; struck at Tyre ; tvt. 215 grs. {Bab. 888), fine [PI. VII] 1 275 Alexander I {Bala). ^Phoenician Tetradrachm of similar type to last; date FZP ( = 163) and |-P ; struck at Tyre; wt. 214 grs. {Bab. 890), fine. JR Phoenician Didrachra of same type ; date SHP ( = 1 66) and mon. 232 ; struck at Tyre ; wt. 102 grs. 2 Third Day 44 276 Antioehus VI {Dionysos). B.C. 145-142. .^ Tetradrachm, Radiate and diademed head of Antiochus VI to right; fillet border ; p, BAZIAEnZ ANTIOXOY EHI^ANOYZ AIONYZOY, the Dioscuri to left on horseback ; in field, OP ( = 70), TPY, mon. 208 and ZTA ; within, wreath ; wt. 258 grs. {Bah. 996), fine and rare [PI. VIII] 1 277 Antiochus VI : JP\. Drachm, Radiate and diademed head to right ; p. BAZIAEnZ ANTIOXOY Eni<|)ANOYZ AIONYZOY, Apollo seated to left on omphalos, holding arrow and bow ; ivt. 62 grs. {Bah. 1001), fine. Tryphon {Diodotus), B.C. 142-139 : M, Drachm, Diademed head to right; ^ BAZIAEXIZ TPY- <|>nNOZ (AYTOKPATOPOZ), Macedonian helmet {Bah. 1055), rare, hut in poor state 2 278 Antiochus VII {Sidetes). B.C. 138-129. ^ Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus VII to right, fillet border ; p BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY EYEPrETOY, Athena Parthenos standing to left, holding Nike, spear and shield ; in field, mon. 47 and letter A ; the whole in laurel-wreath; wt. 256 grs. {Bab. I\i1), very fine [PI. VIII] 1 279 Antiochus VII : JR Tetradrachm of similar type to coin in pre- ceding lot; mon. 47 and letters fK - T - A; wt. 243 grs. {Bab. 1153). Demetrius II {Nicator), B.C. 129-125 (Second Reign): JR Phoenician Tetradrachms (3), diademed head of king to right ; ^ BAZIAEnZ AHMHTPIOY, Eagle standing to left on beak of galley ; in front, Tyrian monogram ; date API P (= 184) ; in field to left, APE and right AZ ; between eagle's legs, mon. 231; struck at Tyre; wt. 213 grs. {Bab. 1081); date EFIP ( = 185) ; ivt. 218 grs. {Bab. 1199) ; date SRP (= 186), between eagle's legs, M; wt. 217 grs. {Bab. 1207), only the last in very good state 4 280 Demetrius II {Nicator). B.C. 129-128. ^ Tetradrachm, Diademed and bearded head of Demetrius to right; p. BAZIAEIIZ AHMHTPIOY ©EOY NIKATOPOZ, Zeus, naked to waist, seated to left, holding Nike and sceptre ; in exergue, date AFIP (=184) ; under throne N ; ivt. 251* grs. {B. M. Cat. 12) ; fine and Q-are [PI. VIM] ^ 1 281 Demetritis II. M Phoenician Tetradrachm, Diademed head of king to right ; ^ BAZIAEnZ AHMHTPIOY, Eagle standing to left; in front, Tyrian monogram and APE; to right, AZ and date SnP ( = 186) ; between eagle's legs, mon. 231 ; w't. 218 grs. {Bah. \20%), very fine [PI. VIII] 1 45 Third Day 282 Alexaiider II iZehina). B.C. 128-123. M Tetrad rachni, Head of Alexander II diademed to right ; 1^ BAZIAEIIZ AAEHAN- APOY, Zeus wearing himation, seated to left on throne, holding Nike and sceptre ; in field to left, moii. 220 ; under throne, «H ; ■wt. 256 grs. {cf. Bab. 1282), a very good e.rample and scarce 1 283 Alexander II (Zebina). JR Tetradrachm, Diaderned head of king to right; ^. BAZIAEIIZ AAEZANAPOY, Zeus, naked to waist, seated to left on throne, holding Nike and sceptre ; in field to left, mon. 220 ; below throne, Al ; wt. 251 grs. (cf. Bab. 1283), fine and rare [PI. VIM] 1 284 Cleopatra and A ntioc/ms VIII (Grypus). B.C. 125-121. ^Tetra- drachm, Heads jugate of Cleopatra, diademed and veiled, and Antiochus VIII, diademed, to right; ^ BAZIAIZZHZ KAEOnATPAZ KAI BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY, Zeus, clad in himation, seated on throne to left, holding long sceptre and Nike; infield to left, two monograms IE and 276; wt. 252 grs. {cf. Bab. 1261), very fine and rare [Pl. VIM] 1 285 Antiochus VII {Grypus). B.C. 121-96. ^ Tetradrachm, Diademed head of king to right ; fillet border; ^ BAZIAEHZ ANTI- OXOY Efl lANOYZ, Zeus Ouranios draped, standing to left, holding star and sceptre, in laurel-wreath ; ivt. 242 grs. {cf. Bab. 1409). Another, with different portrait of Antiochus YIII ; 9. BAZIAEnZ ANTIOXOY EniANOYZ, Zeus, clad in himation, seated on throne to left, holding Nike and sceptre ; in field, mon. 117 and A ; under throne, mon. 277. within wreath of laurel; ivt. '2bO grs. {Bab. Ii33), fine {illustrated) [PI. VIM] 2 286 Antiochus IJT {Cysicenus). B.C. 114-95. JR Tetradrachm, Dia- demed and bearded head of Antiochus IX to right ; fillet border ; ^ BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY 4>IAOnATOPOZ, Athena Parthenos, standing to left, holding Nike, spear and shield ; in field, NTA and to right N ; within laurel-wreath ; tvt. 253 g7's. {Bab. 40). Others (2) of similar type ; symbol, cornucopia? and HP ; ivt. 238 grs. {B. M. Cat. 10) ; to left of field, mon. 47 and A ; wt. 240 grs. {cf. Bab. 1477), the first two very trell pi-e- served 3 287 Antiochus IX^ {Cysicenus). JR Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus IX to right; fillet border; p, BAZIAEHZ ANTI- OXOY <|>IAOnATOPOZ, Pyre of Sandan (Tarsus) ; in field, to left, Al and ME; tvt. 253 grs. {Bab. 1482), very fine and rare [PI. VIM] 1 Third Day 46 288 Seleiicus VI (Ep/iyhanus Nicator). B.C. 96-95. JR Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Seleucus VI to right ; fillet border ; ^ BAZIAEnZZEAEYKOYEniIAI- nnOY Eni Owl with crook and flail; in field to right, H O lllll; wt. 133 grs. {B.M. Cat. 40), vert/ good and rare; JR TjVStater, Dolphin to left ; p, Owl standing to left, head facing, with crook and flail ; tvt. 7 J grs. {B. M. Cat. 10), fitie and rare 2 296 Tyre. JR Phoenician Shekel of B.C. 107-6; Head of Melkart" Heracles, laureate; ^ (TYPOY IEPAZ KAI AZYAOY), Eagle standing to left on beak of ship ; symbol, a club ; date LK and monogram; wt. 218 grs. (B.M. Cat. 96) ; others (2), B.C. 103-2, with AK and monogram; ivt. 220 grs. (B. M. Cat. 106); B.C. 66-5, AZ-Z and Phoenician letter; wt. 221 grs. {cf. B.M. Cat. 146), the last tico very fine, the second from the Delbecke sale 3 JUDAEA. 297 Asmonaean Princes. Simon Maccahaeus (b.c. 143-135). JR Shekel of year 2. bsiCi?* bptS, A chalice, jewelled ; above, date, hw ; IJ> nt2711pn QTtt^H, A triple lily ; border of dots ; ivt. -201 grs ; {Madden, p. 68, 3), in very good state of prese7'vatio7i and rare [PI. VIII] 1 298 Simon Maccahaeus. JR Half Shekel of year 2 ; similar type to pre- ceding coin ; ivt. 102 grs. (Madd. p. 68, 4), rev. very fine ■,ohv. has suffered through oxidation, rare [PI. VIM] 1 Third Day 48 299 CopperCom^ of Simon Maccahaeus (b.C. 143-135), chalice ; p. lulab between two Ethrogs {cf. Madd. p. 72, 3) ; John Ilyrcanus I (b.C. 135406) (2), inscription; IJ, Two cornucopiae, between which, a poppy-head (cf. Madd. p. 76) ; Alexander Jannaeus (b.C. 105-78), similar type {cf. Madd. p. 88) ; also Anchor within circle and sun {cf. Madd. p. 97), tv ell preserved 5 300 Idumaean Princes. Herod I the Great {b.c. 37 -i). ^^, Helmet with cheek-pieces, in field to left, and right, a palm-branch ; above, a star ; ji BAZI AEHZ [H PH] AOY {cf Madd. p. 107, 2), rare ■ another, anchor and two cornucopiae, between which, a poppy-head {Madd. p. 113); Herod Archelaus (b.C. 4-A.d, 6), ^ Bunch of grapes and helmet {Madd. p.\1) ; Herod Agrippa /(a.d. 37-44), M (3), Umbrella and three ears of corn springing from one stalk {Madd. p. 131), all ivell preserved 6 301 Roman Procurators of Judaea, a.d. 6-66. Annhis JRufus \ M of years 39 and 40 ; Valerius Gratus, lOYAIA in wreath, and triple lily (i)/W^. p. 179,6); and TIBKAICAP ; on o^>i'. and rev. {Madd. p. 180, 10) ; Felix, Palm and NePlONOC in wreath {Madd. p. 185), tvell preserved 5 302 First Revolt of the Jews. a.d. 66-70. Eleazar. M ^^-ni in two lines on either side of a palm-tree ; p, YSTti?' hVsQ3 nn'sn^ti; cluster of grapes {Madd. p. 198, 2), fine and rare {illus- trated) ; JE of the year two (3) ; Vessel with two handles ; p> legend round a vine-leaf {Madd. p. 206, 11), verp good [Pl. VIII] 4 303 Roman Coins commemorating the Capture of Jerusalem. Vespasian (a.d. 69-75), N IMP. CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG. Laureate head to right ; p, IVDAEA (in exergue), Judaea seated on ground at foot of trophy to right {Coh. 22b), fine and an uncommon type [PI. VIM] 304 Vespasian. JR Denarii (3) ; p> N- legend. Vespasian standing to left of palm-tree, at right of which is Judaea seated on the ground {Coh. 604) ; p Judaea seated on ground {Coh. 229) ; EX s. C. Victory erecting trophy {Coh. 144) ; Titus (a.d. 79-81); ^ Denarii (5); revs. Palm-tree with Titus and Judaea {Coh. 391); Jew kneeling holding a trophy {Coh. 274) ; Trophy between male and female figures {Coh. 547); Quadriga to left {Coh. — ); Statue on rostral column {cf Coh. 559); and " Tribute " Penny of Tiberius, chief y in very good state and scarce 9 49 Third Day 305 Vespasian. M Sestertius ; 1^ victoria avgvst, s. c, Victory writing on shield fixed against a palm-tree {Coh. 621) ; JE Du- pondii (3), Judaea seated {Coh. 240); (victoria) navalis S.C, Victory to right {Coh. 632), holed; .E 3, ^ Palm-tree; Titus, JE Sestertius, IVD CAP. s.C, Palm-tree between Jewess and Jew {cf. Coh. 112); M Dupondius ivdaea capta s. C, Judaea seated to right {Coh. 117) ; others (2), struck in Palestine ; Trophy {Madd. p. 217, 2), and Victory writing on shield {Madd. p. 218, 4) ; Domitian (a.D. 81-96), JE, Dupondii (2), Athena standing to left {Madd. p. 226, 2), some in good preser cation, chiefly uncommon types 1 1 306 Second Revolt under Simon Barcochba (a.d. 133-135). M Drachm, 1137X227, cluster of grapes ',^ ^12711' niinb. Three-stringed lyre; ivt. 50 grs. {Madd. p. 236, 9), very fine [Pl. VI 11] 1 307 Simon Barcochba. JR Tetradrachm. ~f13?bt27, Tetrastyle temple ; 9. bbt:7ii niinb, Ethrogaud Lulab ; ict. 223' grs. {cf. Madd. p. 239, \9 var.), very fine and very rare [PI. IX] 1 308 Simon Barcochba. 2E, Palm-tree and vine-leaf (5) {Madd. p. 240, 21), one very fine; Palm-tree and cluster of grapes {Mad. p. 240, 23), fine ; Three-stringed lyre and palm-branch within a wreath {Madd. p. 241, 24), fine; Palm-tree and vine-leaf (2) {Madd. p. 245, 40), some uncommon varieties 9 BABYLONIA. 309 Seleucus (b.c. 321-306). ^Tetradrachm, Baal seated to left; ^ Lion Avalking to left ; above, double anchor ; ict. 237 grs. {Babelon, Perses, PI. vii, 12), in good state 1 PARTHIA. 310 M Drachms of Phraates I, Mithradates I, Phraates II, Mithradates II (3), varied; and M Obols of Mithradates I, tiro varieties, chiefly fine, some rare 8 311 ^ Tetradrachm s of Phraates IV {two, varied), Artabanus III (2) ; one Avith facing head ; ^ King on horseback receiving palm- branch from Tyche staTiding to right; dateTAH = 338 = A.D. 26/27 {cf. B.M. Cat., PI. xxv, 5), very rare, but not fine, the others good ^ E Third Day 50 312 J]^ Drachms of Phraates IV {tivo types), Phraataces and Musa(^. M. Cat. PI. XXIV, 2), rare, Vonones I, Vardanes I, and Osroes I, rare, fine 6 313 ^ Tetradrachms of Volagases I, AZT {B.M. Cat. XXViii, U), and Volagases III ; M, Drachms of Volagases III, fine 3 PERSIS. 31-4 ^ Drachms of Darius I {Allotte de la Faye, Corolla, pi. iii, 44), fine, hut has been broken and repaired, rare ; Darius II (3), King standing in front of flaming pyre, one fine {Cor. in, 60), and two degenerate types ; JR Hemidi'achm of similar type, and others, all uncommon; JR Sigloi (2) of Persia; and JR, Sassanid Dirhem of Khusru II, fine 10 BACTRIA. 315 Euthydemus I (b.c. 222-187). M Tetradrachm, Diademed head to right; ^ BAZIAEnZ EY0YAHMOY, Herakles, naked, seated on rocks to left ; wt. '2f)'2 grs., well preserved and rare 1 *** From the Butler sale, 1911 (lot 180). 316 Eucratides {circa B.C. 200-150). M. Tetradrachm, Draped bust of king to right, diademed and wearing helmet adorned with bull's horn; ^ BAZIAEHZ MEfAAOY EYKPATIAOY, The Dioscuri on horseback to right ; beneath horses' focefeet mon. n AN ; wt. 255 grs., fine and very rare [Pl. IX] 1 %* From the Butler sale, 1911 (lot 189). 317 Eucratides, M Obols (2), Helmeted head to right; ^ BAZIAEHZ EYKPATIAOY, Pilei of the Dioscuri ; wt. 10 grs. Apollodotus, JR Square 5-Stater, with elephant and humped bull. Azes, JR BAZIAEnZ BAZIAEHN MEfAAOY AZOV, Horseman to right; ^ Pehlvi legend, Zeus holding fulmen and sceptre; wt. 141 grs. ; very fine 4 EGYPT. (References to Svoronos, CorjJus JS'umorum Ftolcmaicorum, 1908J. 318 Ptolemy I (b.c. 323-285). Period II. JR Tetradrachm, Head of Alexander the Great in elephant's skin, to right; 1^ AAEZAN- APOY, Archaistic figure of Athena Promachos, to right, hurling fulmen ; in field to right, eagle on fulmen to right; monogram on either side of Athena; ict. 242 grs. {Sv. V, 16), very fine [PI. IX] 1 51 Third Day 319 Ptolemy I. Period II. M Tetnulracbms (3) of similui- type to coin ill last lot ; ^ Helmet above eagle and man. X ; ivt. 242 grs. {Sv. VI, 2) ; ]ji Helmet and A I ; v:t. 243 grs. (Sv. vi, 8) ; Jjt, Helmet and HP man. ; tvt. 240 grs. (Sv. vi, 10) ; all fine 3 320 Ptolemy I. Period II. ^51 Tetradrachms (3) of similar type to last ; y. Helmet and X; ivt. 243 grs. (Sv. vi, 2); ^ Helmet and Al ; wt. 241 grs. {Sv. VI, 8), vej-y fine; ^ Al to right, and mon. in circle to left, no helmet; wt. 241 grs. {Sv. v, 11), fitie and of good style ; the last from the Fenerly Bey collection 3 321 Ptolemy I. ^Triobol, Diademed head of king to right; ^ HTOAE- MAIOY BAZIAEHZ, Eagle standing to left on fulmen, wings spread ; in field to left, A ; wt. 28 grs. {Sv. vii, 8), fine and rare [PI. IX] 1 322 Ptolemy I. A^ Triobol of similai' type to coin in last lot ; in field, X ; ivt. 27 gj-s. {Sc. Yii, 11), tvell preserved 1 323 Ptolemy I. M Tetradrachm, Head of Ptolemy I, diademed and wearing aegis, to right; ^ BAZIAEXIZ HTOAEMAIOY, Eagle standing to left on fulmen ; in field to left, mon. Ffl ; wt. 183 grs. {Sv. VII, 21). Others, similar; X in field ; ivt. 219 grs. {Sv. vii, 22), fine, hut oxidation below bust; P and M {mon.); wt. 205 gis. {Sv. ix, 8), two varieties, one very fine 4 324 Ptolemy I. M Tetradrachms, with head of Alexander (1) and Ptolemy I, as in last lot ; two monograms and countermark {Sv. IX, 10 ; two) ; P and mon. {So. pi. rx, 12) ; P and m ; wt. 217 grs. {Sv. ix, 13), fine; P and {Sv. ix, 17) 6 325 Ptolemy I. M, Tetradrachm, Diademed head of King to right, with aegis; ^ flTOAEMAlOY BAZIAEHZ, Eagle standing to left on fulmen; in field to left, P and mon. PAP; wt. 221 grs. {Sv. IX, 11), very fine [PI. IX] 1 326 Ptolemy II, Philadelphus (b.C. 285-246). M Tetradrachm, Head of Ptolemy I, diademed and wearing aegis, to right; ]^ PTOAE- MAIOY BAZIAEI2Z, Eagle standing to left on fulmen, wings closed ; to left, EY X ; wt. 202 grs. {Sv. xi, 8). Another, with monograms AflO and AMP; ivt. 218 grs. {Sc. pi. B, 3), scarce variety. Ji^, 26 mill., Laureate head of Zens to right; ii nXOAEMAlOY BAZIAEnZ, Eagle on fidmen to left; in front, shield {Sv. xii, 20), very fine. JR, Tetradrachm of usual type, but on rev. Z and shield to left of eagle, and A to right ; wt. 217 grs. {Sv. xiv, 6), very fine 4 E 2 Third Dmj 52 327 Ptolemy II. N Pentadraehm, Diademed head of Ptolenij' I to right, wearing aegis; ]^ RTOAEMAIOY BAZIAEIIZ, Eagle standing to left on fulmen; to left, EI2 ; ivt. 276 grs. {Sv. xiv, l), fine and rare [PI. IX] 1 328 Ptolemy II. N Octadrachm, AAEA4>I2N, Heads of Ptolemy II and Arsinoe II, jugate; behind, shield; \^ 0EI1N, Heads of Ptolemy I and Berenice I, jugate ; ivt. 428 grs. (So. xiv, 17), very fine and rare [PI. IX] 1 329 Ptolemy II. N Tetradrachra, AAEA<1)I2N, Jugate heads of Ptolemy II and Arsinoe to right; behind, shield; ^ 0EI2N, Jugate heads of Ptolemy I and Berenice I to light; wt. 214 grs. {Sv. XIV, 21), very fine and rare [PI. IX] 1 330 Ptolemy II. M, Decadrachm of Arsinoe II, Head of Aisinoe to right, wearing stejthane and veiled ; behind, Z; p. APZINOHZ PTOAEMAIOY ZnXHPOZ, Eagle standing to left on fulmen ; in front, cornu- copite ; trt. 219 grs. {Sv. XXX, 9), very fine and uncommon [PI. IX] 1 333 Ptolemy III Ai Tetradrachm of same issue as coin in previous lot; ivt. 215 grs. {Sv. xxx, 9). Others, v/ith FIB under eagle ; ict. 220 grs. {Sv. xxxiii, 14); and PH to left of eagle; wt. 219 g7-s. {Sv. XXXIII, 20) ; all three fine and uncommon 3 334 Ptolemy III N Octadrachm, Bust of Ptolemy III, radiate, wearing aegis and carrying trident-sceptre, to right; ]^ BAZIAEHZ PTOAEMAIOY, Cornucopia;, filleted and radiate ; wt. 428 grs. {Sv. XXXVI, 6), very fine and very rare [PI. IX] 1 *** From the Butler sale, 1911 (lot 39). 53 Third Day 335 Ptolemy IV, Philoimtor (p,.c. 221-204). M Tctradrachm, Jugate heads of Serapis and Isis to right; ^ BAZIAEIIZ HTOAE- MAIOY, Eagle standing to left on fulmen, looking back ; cornu- copia) on wing; wt. 195 grs. {Sr. xxxvi, 13), fiiie and eery rare [PI. IX] 1 33fi Ptolemy IV. ^E (41 mill), Laureate head of Zeus to right; \^ BAZIAEnZ nXOAEMAlOY, Eagle standing on fulmen to left; in front, cornucopiae, filleted {Sr. xxxvi, 17), fine. JR Didrachm, Diademed head of Ptolemy I to right, wearing aegis ; 1^ BAZIAEnZ PTOAEMAIOY, Eagle standing to left on fulmen; below, HZ; wt. 109 grs. {Sr. xxxviii, 14). And another, with palm and P to left of eagle and to right ; ivt. 110 grs. {Sc. xxxviii, 16), bof/f fine and uncommon 3 337 Ptolemy IV. JR Didrachm of similar type to coins in previous lots, P and I on either side of eagle ; ivt. 106 grs. {Sc. xxxviii, 17). Another, with PI to left and A to right of eagle, and between its legs, 6; wt. 208 grs. {Sv. xxxvni, 22). Ptolemy /F and F, JR Didrachm, Bust of king as Dionysos to right; ^ Eagle on fulmen ; ict. 93 grs. {Sv. XLiii, 22 var.) ; the two first very fine, the last rare, but in poor state 3 338 Ptolemy V, Epiphanes (b.c. 204-181). M Tetradraclim, Diademed head of Ptolemy I to right, wearing aegis; ^ BAZIAEflZ riTOAEMAlOY, Eagle standing to left on fulmen; irt. 220 grs. {Sv. XL, 4), fine. Others (4) of similar type {Sv. XL, 6), three fine 6 339 Ptolemy V. 2R Tetradrachm, Draped and diademed bust of the young prince to right; ^ BAZIAEHZ HTOAEMAIOY, Eagle standing to left on fulmen ; below eagle, Nl ; tvt. 203 grs. {Sv. XLii, 3), fine and rare. [Pi. IX] 1 340 Ptolemy V. JR Tetradrachm of similar type to coin in previous lot; in front of eagle, B {mon.) and behind, uraeus ; wt. 222 grs. {Sv. pi. r, 28), fine, but double-struck on obv., rare 1 ' 341 Ptolemy VI, Philometor (b.c. 181-146). N Octodrachm of Arsinoe II, Head of Arsinoe to right, veiled and wearing stephane; behind, K; ^ APZINOHZ IAAAEA<|>OY, Double cornucopia, filleted ; wt. 429 grs. {Sv. XLVii, 1), extremely fine [PI. IX] 1 342 Ptolemy VI. M (34 mill.), Laureated head of Zeus ; p= Two eagles side by side, on fulmen to left {Sv. XLVIII, 9). Similar (2), with cornucopiiB in field to left {Sv. XLVlli, 10 and 11); and smaller Third Day 54 Lot 342 — continued. {Sv. XLViii, 1 3). JR Didrachm, Head of Ptolemy as Dionysos, wearing diadem and ivy-wreath; thyrsos over shoulder; II BAZIAEjQZ PTOAEMAIOY, Eagle to left on fulmen; in field, trident; ivt. 108 grs. (cf. Si\ XLViii, 24-6), small hole over head, uncommon 5 343 Ptolemy VI. JR Tetradrachm, Head of Ptolemy I to right, diademed and wearing aegis; R BAZIAEHZ FITOAEMAIOY, Eagle standing to left on fulmen ; in field, on either side, LKA=161 nA = Paphos ; wt. 220 grs. {Sr. xlix, 7). Others of same issue and date (Sr. xlix, 10); LAB = 139-8 and RA {Sv. XLiX, 20); all fine 3 344 Ptolemy VI. JR Tetradachm of similar type; Ll and ZA = Salamis ; ivt. 220 grs. {Sv. L, 2). Ptolemy VI, in conjunction with Ptolemy VIII, JR Tetradraclims of similar type ; ict. 206 grs. {Sv. LI, 1 ; tivo varieties ; lt, 2) ; all fine 4 345 Ptolemy VIII, Euergetes II (b.c. 170-116). JR Tetradrachm of usual type ; in field on rev. AlZ and PI A ; ivt. 220 grs. {Sv. Lll, l). And others, with LnG-RA (*SV. Lii, 19), and LAA-KI = Citium {Sv. IN, 8), all three very good 3 346 Ptolemy X, Soter II, with Cleopatra HI and Ptolemy XI (b.c. 1 1 6-80), Base JR Tetradrachms of usual tyi)e, LA- HA {Sr. lyii, 6), le-PA (.S-. 7), LC-HA (*S'. 8), LH-HA (,S'. 10), LI-HA {S 12), LIBRA (^S-. 15), LIC-KI {S 18;, LIH HA {S 23), LK-HA (*S'. 25), '-KBf-iA {S. 27), some icell i^reserved 12 347 Ptolemy XI, Alexander I. ^ Tetiadrachm, LIH-Fl A (;SV.Lix,22), fine. Ptolemy XIII, Neos Dionysos (b.c. 80-58 and 55-51), Debased Tetradrachms of usual type, LlA-flA {Sv. LXi, 9), LIE-nA {S 13), LKB-HA (>S. 19), LK-HA (.S'. 18), LKHHA (*S*. 21), Ll-RA (>S'. LXii, 8), fine, LIA-RA (>S'. 15), LI-HA (^.12),LIH-nA (^'.19). And Potin coins of Alexandria, Claudius, and Messalina, Nero (3), Nero and Augustus, Nero and Tiberius, Nero and Poppaea, and Hadrian, only trell prese7-ved 19 CYRENAICA. 348 Cypene. C/rca b.c. 431-323. A^ Stater, KYPAN A I ON, Quad- riga driven by Nike, to right; li [HJOAI AN0EYZ, Zeus Ammon standing to left, holding long sceptre, and sacrificing before thyraiaterion ; ivt. 132 grs. {Midler, 192), very fine and rare [PI. X] 1 55 Third Day 349 N Drachm. Horseman to left, kausia hanging behind him; JlSilphium, magistrate's name, IAZX2N : tvt. 65 grs. (J\f. — ), rery well p7-e- served and rare 1 350 N iV-Stater. Bearded head of Zeus Ammon to left ; IJ> Female head to right, hair rolled ; tct. 13 grs., fine 1 ZEUGITANA. 351 Carthage. C/rm b.c. 241-146. Elect. li-Stater, Head of Perse- phone to left, wearing wreath of corn, earring and necklace with pendants ; p, Hoi'se standing to i-ight ; above, radiate disc flanked by two uraei ; ivt. 163 grs., fine and rare [PI. X] 1 352 Circa B.C. 241-146. Elect. Stater, Head of Persephone to left; I^ Horse standing to right ; ivt. 117 grs. M 15 grs. (e.g. 410-310), Date-palm tree and horse's head (three varieties), all fine 4 353 Circa B.C. 241-146. Elect. 28 grs., Head of Persephone to left; ^ Horse standing to right, very fine. Elect. 22 gis.. Head of Persephone to left; ^ Horse's head, fine, but of doubtful authen- ticity <2 354 Circa B.C. 410-310. Al Tetradrachm, nwin nip, Forepart of horse to right, crowned by Nike ; in front, grain of corn ; p. nihb, Date palm tree ; wt. 259 grs., fine and rare [PI. X] 1 355 Circa B.C. 410-310. M, Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone, wreathed with corn, to right ; ^ Horse standing to right, beside v/hich, palm tree; wt. 2^^ grs., fine arid rare [PI. X] 1 356 Circa B.C. 410-310. M, Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to left, surrounded by dolphins ; p. hinb 037, Horse's head and palm tree; ivt. '2&i grs. fine and rare [Pl. X] 1 357 Circa B.C. 410-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of Herakles to right, in lion's skin ; p. Horse's head and palm tree ; wt. 260 grs., fine rev. ; M (6), varied sizes ; M Drachms (2) of Juba /of Numidia, temple type, and Juba II, with Cleopatra of Mauretania, Diademed head of Juba ; ^ BACIAICCA KAeOHATPA, Crocodile (il/. 92), very fine; imitation Medal of Christ, etc. 18 358 Mahogany Cabinet, with folding doors, containing 24 trays pierced with holes of varied sizes, brass pulls and side handles, lock and key, size 14 in. by li in. and liin. high Third Day 56 anotbcr property. GREEK AND ROMAN GOLD COINS. {Selected for their artistic merit and Ji7ie state of 2^Teservation.) GREEK GOLD COINS, 359 Syracuse. AgathoMes (b.c. 306-289). N 80 Litra, Head of Athena in crested Corinthian helmet to right ; ]^ ATAGOKAEOZ BAZIAEIIZ, Winged fulmen ; belo\A', man. TP ; ivt. 88 grs. {B. 31. Cat. 416), very fine and rare [PI. X] 1 360 Syracuse. Agathokles (e.g. 306-289). N Drachm, Head of young Apollo to left, laureate ; I^ ZYPAK, Biga to right, below, triskeles ; wt. 65i grs. {B. M. Cat. 336), e.rtremely fine and rare [PI. X] 1 361 Syracuse, /^//gifrts (b.c. 286-279). A^ 60 Litra, ZYPAKOZinN, Head of Persephone to left, wearing corn wreath, earring and necklace; behind, cornucopiae ; li EH I IKET, Biga galloping to to right ; above O and below ; wt. 66 grs. {B. M. Cat. 433), of finest style, in excellent i:>reserration and rare [Pl. X] 1 362 Macedon. P/«7/p // (b.c. 359-336). N Stater, Laureate head of Apollo to right ; ^ l Al P POY, Biga to right ; below, shield ; wt. XZ'igrs., extremely fine, excellent style [PI. X] 1 363 Macedon. Philip II (b.c. 359-336). A' Hemistater, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin to right ; 1^ <1>I Al PI HOY, Fore-part of lion to right ; below, trident ; wt. 66 grs., fine and very rare [PI. X] 1 364 Macedon. Alexander III the Great (b.c. 336-323). N Stater, Head of Athena in crested Corinthian helmet, adorned with serpent, to right; |i AAEZANAPOY, Nike holding naval standard and wreath; in field to left, monogram TK; wt. 132 grs., very fine [PI, X] 1 365 Thrace. Lysimachusiji.G. 2>-2Z-'2Sl). A" Stater, Head of the deified Alexander, with horn of Ammon, to right; 1^ BAZIAEjQX AYZIMAX, Athena Nikephoros seated to left; in front, mono- gram; 'wt. \Z2grs., extremely fine and rare [PI. X] 1 57 Third Day 366 Cyrene. b.c. 431-323. iV Hemidrachm, Horseman to left ; above, star; ^ Silpbium plant; to left, PI.., and right, monogram; ict. AZ\ grs., very fine and rare [PI. X] 1 367 Cypene. b.c. 323-285. N vo-Stater, Head of Zeus Ammon, beardless, to left ; behind, KY ; ^ Head of nymph Kyrene to right; lot. l^grs., extremely fine [PI. X] 1 ROMAN GOLD COINS. 368 Augustus (b.c. 43-A.d. 14). N, avgvstus divi . f, Bare head to right ; ^ IMP- X (in exergue). Bull rushing to right {Coli. — ), very fine and very rare [PI. X] 1 369 Tiberius (a.d. 14-37). N, ti caesar divi avg f avgvstvs, Laureate head to right ; ]^ PONTIF maxim, Livia seated to right {Coh. 15), very fine [Pl. X] 1 370 Nero Drusus. M, nero • clavdivs • drvsvs ■ gerjuanicvs • imp-, Laureate head to left ; 1^ DE germanis, Standard, two shields, trumpets and spears {Co/l 5), very fine and rare [PI. X] 1 37 1 Claudius and Nero. N, ti clavd caesar kxa ■ germ • p • m - trib - POT • PP- , Laureate head to right ; ^ NERO CLAVD [caes drvsvs] germ- PRINC • IVVENT -, Youthful bust of Nero, di'aped, to left {Coh. i), fine and rare [PI. X] 1 372 Nero (54-69). N, imp nero caesar avgvstvs. Laureate head to right; ^ [s]alvs, Salus seated to left holding patera (Co//. 317), extremely fine ; from the Bosco Reale find [PI. X] 1 373 Vitellius (69). N, a vitellivs germ imp avg tr p, Laureate head to right ; 1^ PONT MAXIM, Vesta, veiled, seated to right, holding patera and sceptre {Coh. 71), very fine and rare ; from the Bosco Reale find [PI. X] 1 374 Vespasian (69-79). N, imp caesar vespasianvs avg. Laureate head to right ; ^ COS iter tr pot. Fortune seated to left holding caduceus and branch {Coh. — ), very fine and rare [PI. X] 1 375 Trajan (98-117). N, imp caes ner traian optim avg GEiai dac, Laureate and draped bust to right ; Ji parthico p M tr p cos \i PP SPQR, Bust of Sol to right {Coh. 187), very fine [PI. XI] 1 376 Trajan (Pater et Filius). N, imp traiano avg ger dac p m tr p COS VI PP, Laureate and draped bust to right ; ^ Divvs- PATER traian vs, Draped bust of Trajan Pater to right {Coh. 2), very well preserved and very rare [PI. XI] 1 Tliivcl Day 58 377 Hadrian (117-138). N, hadrianvs avg com hi pp, Drai)ed bust to right; |i fortvna AVG, Fortuiia standing to left, holding patera and cornucopia) {Coh. 769), very fine [PI. XI] 1 378 Antoninus Pius (138-161). N, antoninvs pivs. Draped bust to right ; ^ COS nil LIB V, Liberalitas standing to left {Coh. 502), very fine [PI. XI] 1 379 Faustina senior (141). N', diva favstina. Diademed bust to right, draped ; ^ AETERNITAS, Faustina, veiled, standing to left, holding patera {Coh. 2), extremely fine [PI. XI] 1 380 Marcus Aurelius (161-180). N, m antoninvs avg tr p xxiii, Laureate and draped bust to right ; ^ felicitas avg cos hi. Felicity standing to left {Coh. 177), extremely fine [PI. XI] 1 381 Faustina junior (175). M, FAVSTiNA AVGVSTA, Draped bust to right ; ^ SALVTI AVGVSTAE, Salus seated to left feeding serpent {Coh. \^i^), extremely fine, and of beautiful style [PI. XI] 1 382 Lucilla (183). iV, lvcillae avg antonini avg f, Draped bust to right; ^ VENVS, Venus standing to left {Coh. 69), extremely fine [PI. XI] 1 383 Septimius Severus (193-211). A^, imp ■ CAE • L • SEP • SEV • pert avg, Laureate head to right ; li viCT • AVG • tr p COS, Victory holding wreath and palm, advancing to left {Coh. 681), extremely fine ■ [PI. XI] 1 384 Septi77iius Severus, Caracalla and Geta. iV, sever\'S avg part max. Laureate and draped bust to right; ^ aeternit • imperi. Busts face-to-face of Caracalla and Geta {Coh. l), extremely fine and very rare [PI. XI] 1 385 Julia Domna (217). J^, 1\'LIA A^■GVSTA, Draped bust to right; ^J. DIANA lvcifera, Diana standing to left {Coh. 26), very fine and rare; from Sir John Evans' collection [PI. XI] 1 386 Julia Domna. N, ivlia • domna • avg. Draped bust to right ; ^ VENVS • GENETRix, Venus seated to left ; Cupid at her feet {Coh. 10?)), extremely fine and rare [PI. XI] 1 387 Caracalla (211-217). iV, antoninvs Pivs avg. Laureate and draped bust to right ; p, indvlgentia • avgg in CARTH, Goddess riding on lion to right, and holding fulnien and sceptre {cf. Coh. 96), e-vtremely fine and very rare [PI. XI] 1 388 Caracalla. N, ANTONIN^■s AVGVSTVS, Laureate and draped bust to right; 1^ RECTOR ORP>is, Jupiter standing to left {Coh. 541), extremely fine and rare [PI. XI] 1 59 Third Day 389 Caracalla. N, antoninvs pivs AVG, Laureate and draped bust to right; y^ VICT • PART • max, Victory running to left {Ooh. 660), extremely fine and very raje [P\. X\] 1 390 Macrinus (217 - 218). iV", imp • c • m- opel • SEV • macrinvs avo, Laureate and draped bust to right ; ^ secvritas temporvm. Security standing to left {Coh. 121), extremely fine and of great rarity [PI- XI] 1 391 Diadumenianus (218). N, M • OPEL • ANT • diadvmenian • caes. Draped bust to right; I^princ ■ ivventvtis, Diadumenian as Prince of Youth standing between three military standards {Coh. 2), extremely fine and of the highest rarity [PI. XI] 1 392 Probiis (276-282). N, imp cm A VR probvs p avg, Cuirassed and laureate bust to left ; ^ CONSERVAT AVG, Sol standing, head to \Qit {Coh. n%), extremely fine and very rare [PI. XI] 1 END OF SALE. Dryden Press : J. Davy & Sons, 8-9, Frith-street, Soho-square, W. Plate # d 22 23 . ^ "' -^ 27 31 37 36 39 25 29 38 42 9# CUMBERLAND CLARK COLLECTION Plate CUMBERLAND CLARK COLLECTION, Plate II CUMBERLAND CLARK COL L ECTION Plate IV. CsJ^Ll'-- CUMBERLAND CLARK COLLECTION Plate V. CUMBERLAND CLARK COLLECTION. Plate VI CUMBERLAND CLARK COLLECTION. Plate VI 273 274 274 273 CUMBERLAND CLARK COLLECTION. Plate VII CUMBERLAND CLARK COLLECTION, Plate IX. CUMBERLAND CLARK COLLECTION. Plate X. CUMBERLAND CLARK COLLECTION. s^lfii CUMBERLAND CLARK COLLECTION, smoRo n MAKERS SYHACIISl. ■ NY U C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDMbD5S7b7 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY