5b45 A 1 . 1 =^= A / 1 ~ ^ '"- 1 ^^^-^ o 9 33 1 m 1 O 7 " 3> 2 ^^ r- 55 ID 2 J* ^^s^s 33 -< 3 ^^ J> 5 ==== P 5 * 3 Mallet Edwin and Qnma THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND EDWIN AND EMMA. EDINBURGH: Printed by Alexander Kincaid His Majefty's Printer; for A. Millar in the Strand, London. MDCCLX. i EDWIN AND EMMA. I. FA R in the windings of a vale, Faft bv a fhelt'rino; wood, The fafe retreat of health and peace, An humble cottage flood. II. There beauteous Emma flourifli'd fair, Beneath a mother's eye; Whofe only wifli on earth was now To fee her bleft, and die. A 2 III. The EDWIN and EMMA. III. The foftefl blufli that Nature fpreads Gave colour to her cheek : Such orient colour fmiles thro' heaven, When Mafs fvveet mornings break. IV. Nor let the pride of great ones fcorn This charmer of the plains : That fun, who bids their diamond blaze, To paint our lilly deigns. V. Long had Die fill'd each youth with love, Each maiden with defpair ; And tho' by all a wonder own'd, Yet knew not (he was fair. VI. Till EDWIN and EMMA. VI. Till Edwin came, the pride of fwains, A foul that knew no art; And from whofe eye, ferenely mild. Shone forth the feeling hearc. VII. A mutual flame was quickly caught* Was quickly too reveal'd: For neither bofom lodg'd a wifli, That virtue keeps conceal'd. VIII. What happy hours of home-fdt blifs Did love on both bellow! But blifs too mighty long to laft, Where fortune proves a foe. IX. His EDWIN and EMMA. IX. His Sifter, who, like Envy form'd, Like her in mifchief joy'd, To work them harm, with wicked fkill, Each darker art employ'd. X. The Father too, a fordid man, Who love nor pity knew, Was all-unfeeling as the clod, From whence his riches grew. XL Long had he feen their fecret flame, And feen it long unmov'd : Then with a father's frown at laft Had flernly difapprov'd. XII. In EDWI N and EMMA. XII. In Edwin's gentle heart, a war Of difPring paffions llrove : His heart, that durfl not difobey, Yet could not ceafe to love. XIII. Deny'd her fight, he oft behind The fpreading hawthorn crept, To fnatch a glance, to mark the fpot Where Emma walk'd and wept. XIV. Oft too on Stanemorc's wintry watte, Beneath the moonlight-ihaue, In fighs to pour his foften'd foul, The midnight-mourner ftray'd. XV. His 8 EDWIN and EMMA. XV. His cheek, where health with beauty glow'd, A deadly pale o'ercaft: So fades the frefh rofe in its prime, Before the northe'rn blaft. XVI. The parents now, with late remorfe, Hung o'er his dying bed; And weary'd heaven with fruitlefs vows, And fruitlefs forrow ihed. XVIL 'Tis pail! he cried but if your fouls Sweet mercy yet can move, Let thefe dim eves once more behold What they mud ever love! XVIII. She EDWIN and EMMA. y XVIII. She came ; his cold hand foftly touch'd, And bath'd with many a tear ; Faft-falling o'er the primrofe pale, So morning-dews appear. XIX. But oh ! his filler's jealous care, A cruel Sifter fhe! Forbade what EMMA came to fay; " My EDWIN live for me." XX. Now homeward as fhe hopelefs wept The church-yard path along, The blaft blew cold, the dark owl fcream'd Her lover's funeral fong. B XXI. Amid IO EDWIN and E M M Ai XXI. Amid the falling gloom of night; Her ftartling fancy found, In every bufh, his hov'ring fliade, His groan in ev'ry found. XXII. Alone, appall'd, thus had fhe pafl The vifionary vale When lo! the death-bell fmote her ear, Sad-founding in the gale! XXIII. Juft then fhe reach'd, with trembling ftep, Her aged mother's door- He's gone! fhe cry'd; and I fhall fee That angel-face no more! XXIV. I EDWIN and EMMA. ir XXIV. I feel, I feel this breaking heart Beat high againfl my fide From her white arm down funk her head; She fhiv'ring ilgh'd, and died. THE END. B 2 [ n ] Extract of a letter from the Curate of Bowes in Tork- Jbire^ on the fubjecT: of the preceding poem. To Mr. Cop perth waite at Marrick. Worthy Sir, * # * As to the affair mentioned in yours ; it happened long before my time. I have therefore been obliged to confult my clerk, and another perfon in the neighbourhood for the truth of that melancholy event. The hiflory of it is as follows. THE family name of the young man was Wrightson ; of the young maiden Rai l t on. They were both much of the fame age ; that is, growing up to twenty. In their birth was no difparity: but in fortune, alas! file was his inferior. His father, a hard old man, who had by his toil acquired a handfome competency, expected and required that his fon mould many fuitably. But, as amor vincit omnia, his heart was un- alterably fixed on the pretty young creature already named. Their couitfhip, which was all by Health, unknown to the fa- mily, continued about a year. When it was found out, old \Yr ightson, his wife, and particularly their crooked daughter Hannah, flouted at the maiden, and treated her with notable contempt. For they held it as a maxim) and a ruflic one it is, That blood ww nothing without sroats. Tli E I H ] Th e yoong lover fickened, and took to his bed about Shrove- Tuefday, and died the Sunday fennight after. On the lad day of his illnefs he defired to fee his Miflrefs. She was civilly received by the Mother ; who bid her welcome when it was too late. But her daughter Hannah lay at his back; to cut them off from all opportunity of exchanging their thoughts. At her return home, on hearing the bell toll out for his departure, fhe fcreamed aloud that her heart was burft, and expired fome moments after. The then Curate of Bowes * inferted it in his regifler, that they both died of love, and were buried in the fame grave, March 15. 17 14. I am, Dear Sir, Yours, &c. * Bowes is a finall village in Yorkfiin, where in former ages the Earls of Richmond had a cattle. It Hands on the edge of that vafl; and mountainous tract, named by the neigh- bouring people Stancmore ,- which is always expofed to wind and weather, defolate and fo- litary throughout, Camb. Brit. / ADVERTISE- A [ 15 ] ADVERTISEMENT. S the profits, if any, that may arife from the fale of this little poem, are intended for a charitable ufe; it is hoped that the writers and compilers of our periodical papers will not reprint it in any of their collections. But they are, at the fame time, left at full liberty to fpeak of it, either with applaufe or blame, as they fhall judge it deferving of cither. The following lines from Shakespear's Twelfth Night, may very properly (land as a motto to it. The Duke, who is paf- fionately in Love with Olivia, having defired fome mufic to foothe his melancholy, thus addrefles the perfon who is to en- tertain him, The fong iv e had lajl night' and then, turning to his friend, Mark it, Cesar 10, it is true and plain: The fpinjlers and the knitters in the fin, And the free maids that weave their thread with hones, Do 2tfe to chant it. It is filly Sooth, And dallies with the innocence of love, Like the old age. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. REC'D ID-UK* JUL; ! ;a Form L9-40m-7,'56(C790s4)444 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOJ " LOS ANGELES Cjaulord PAM PHLET BINDER ^^^ Syracuse, N. Y. PR 351*5 AA 000 072 235