UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES A CATALOGUE OF Manuscripts comprising a portion of the Library of Robert Hoe New York 1909 / ^ CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS ONE HUNDRED COPIES ONLY OF THIS CATALOGUE HAVE BEEN PRINTED UPON IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER BY THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE A Catalogue of Manuscripts Forming a Portion of the Library Of Robert Hoe Privately Printed New York 1909 T present volume is the sixteenth and last of the catalogues describing the library of the late Robert Hoe, and was finished after his death in London, on September twenty-second. This portion of the library is one of the richest and most interesting, including over two hundred and fifty manuscripts, ecclesiastical and classical, illustrating the art of the calli- grapher, the illuminator, and the miniaturist from about 1200 to the present time. More than half of the number were executed before 1600. Among the seventy five " Horce " of French, Flemish, Dutch, Italian, and English workmanship, dating from about 1365 to 1537, are the famous "Pembroke Hours" executed in England about 1440, presumably for William Herbert, first Earl of Pembroke, containing almost five hundred and fifty exquisitely painted miniatures; also " Hours " made for Anne de Beaujeu, daughter of Louis XI, for Margaret of Anjou, wife of Henry VI of England, for Louis XII and his first wife, Anne de Bretagnc, and for Maximilian I, as a gift to his grandson, Charles I of Spain and V of Germany. The superb " Missel de Charles VI" with over five hundred y paintings, is also in this collection. V Almost without exception the manuscripts are in immaculate condition, as fresh and pure as when they left the hands of x scribe and illuminator. Acknowledgment is due to Dr. A. V. Williams Jackson x and Dr. Abraham Yohannan, of Columbia University, for x their kind assistance in the description of the thirty-eight oriental manuscripts. C. S. 1 415509 THIS CATALOGUE WAS COMPILED BY CAROLYN SHIPMAN I EUROPEAN MANUSCRIPTS PREVIOUS TO 1600 THE CATALOGUE ^ELIANUS AND ONOSANDER. In hoc Codice continentur Helianus [Claudius ^Elianus] de Instruendis Aciebus [Theodore Gaza interprete] et [folio 42] Onosander de Optimo Imperatore [Nicolao Secun- dino interprete. Ante 1490]. Folio, original brown morocco, blind-tooled in a Medicean design, gauffred gilt edges. A beautiful and curious Italian manuscript of translations from Greek into Latin of two works of vElianus and Onosander, written in roman characters upon fine vellum in the fifteenth century for King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary (1443-58-90), the famous warrior and bibliophile, whose illuminated arms are in the border at the foot of folio 2 recto. 287 X 215 mm. It contains 83 leaves, with 26 lines to the page. The illuminations consist of 2 beautiful scroll borders (folios 2 and 4) in white, blue, and green, painted in the Italian manner of the period, 4 large scroll initials of similar design, and, in the first work, 31 military diagrams in blue, red, green, and burnished gold, 2 historiated initials representing a warrior and a battle-scene, and 45 other small illuminated initials. The title, which is on the verso of folio 1, is written in gold within a rose- coloured wreath border outlined with gold. The headings to the two works and their prefaces are in letters of gold; the other headings are in red. ^SOPUS. [First page] Arguments fabulay ^Efopi e greco in latinum. [Colophon] Vita ^Efopi per Vynutum thettalu tradutta. Veru qm ab eo nonulla fuerut prset' miffa. fortaffiae 9 r grsecu ei 9 codex eet mm 9 emedata Ego bonus accurfi 9 2 ANSELMUS ANTIPHONARIUM prfan 9 eadem mea ofnia correxi . et emandam. Deo gras. pro me R . . Lemaczoy. [Ssec XV]. Svo, original stamped calf circuit binding, with brass clasps. An Italian (?) manuscript of a Latin translation of ^Esop's Fables written in gothic characters upon paper in the latter part of the fifteenth century. 188X119 mm. There are 80 pages, with 13 lines to the page, and initials and head- ings in red and blue ink. ANSELMUS, ST. See EPHRAEM. ANTIPHONARIUM. S^c. XV. Svo, brown levant morocco, sides blind-tooled in panels, ornaments on the back, vellum linings, gilt edges, by Cham- bolle-Duru. In a wrapper elaborately worked in rose silk thread. A French Antiphoner written in gothic characters upon vellum about the middle of the fifteenth century. 164 X 107 mm. It contains 139 leaves, with 21 lines to the page, the text being ac- companied by musical notation written upon a staff of red lines. Folio 129 is blank. There are 5 large and 2 small miniatures, all but one within archi- tectural borders of shaded gold, blue, and red, 12 full-page borders of foliage and scrolls painted in blue, red, and burnished gold, and nu- merous simple lateral borders of blue and white heightened with bur- nished gold accompanying some of the initial letters, of which there are 173 in blue, red, and green on a ground of burnished gold. The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 1 v.) The Presentation in the Temple; a group of seven persons. 2. (F. 26 v.) The Betrayal. 3. (F. 88 v.) The Last Supper. 4-6. (F. 118 v.) Three miniatures in compartments, the two small ones at the top representing the Mar- tyrdom of St. Agnes and the Scourging of St. Catherine, the largest one, at the bottom, the Beheading of St. Catherine. 7. (F. 130 r.) The Mass of St. Gregory. At the foot of the border on folio 2 are the arms of the original owner painted in gold and colours. ANTIPHONARIUM ARTE DELO BEN MORIRE 3 ANTIPHONARIUM. 1541. Folio, original stamped leather binding (rebacked) over oak boards, with brass bosses, corners, clasps, and feet. A Flemish Antiphoner beautifully executed upon 236 leaves of vellum in 1541, according to the date in the border on folio 115 verso. On each page are 12 bars of music with accompanying words. 426 X 300 mm. Throughout the text are 18 historiated initials, varying in size from 54X52 to 90X90 mm., some of them accompanied by brilliant borders of flowers, birds, insects, etc., painted upon a yellow ground, in the Flemish manner. The text and music are ornamented with many small drawings of heads and masques cleverly executed with a pen. In the border at the foot of folio 4 recto are three coats-of-arms, one of which is repeated on folio 115 verso. The subjects of the miniatures include the Virgin crowned and read- ing a book, the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Adoration of the Magi, the Resurrection, the Ascension, the Descent of the Holy Spirit, King David praying, the Coronation of the Virgin, the Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist, St. Martin, St. Catherine, St. Andrew walking on the water, St. Paul on the road to Damascus, Jacob's Ladder, and the Assumption of the Virgin. The miniatures are delicately painted in brilliant colours, the initial portion being in camaieu d'or on a ground of rose. ARTE DELO BEN MORIRE. [Folio 1 verso] Incomincia lo prologho del arte delo ben morire traducto in vulgare sermone da luniano Maio a lo inclito signiore misser Pasquale Dia Garlon Regio Castel- lano Dignissimo. [Folio 16 recto] Incomincia lo prohemio de larte del ben morire compofto da frate Alberto magno de lordine de predicatori. epifcopo Retifponenfe. In nome de la fancta & indiuidua trinita. Amen. [Folio 35 recto] Finifce lo tractate dellarte del bene morire. Lauf deo. Amen. loannef marcuf Cynicuf xpi et honeftatis famul* Tribuf et Quinquaginta horis exfcripfit. [Ssec. XV.] Folio, old red morocco, the arms of Cardinal Barberini (1627-1671) in gold on both covers, gilt edges. 4 ARTE DELO BEN MORIRE Italian translations of Ars Moriendi by Juniano Maio and of "De Arte bene moriendi" by Albertus Magnus, beautifully written in roman characters upon vellum during the latter part of the fifteenth century in Naples, where Maio was professor of Belles-Lettres. 277 X 198 mm. It consists of 35 leaves, with 30 lines to the page. Folio 4 is blank. There are 11 full-page sepia drawings enclosed in red borders and 1 small circular drawing, "Ultimum Terribilium," on the verso of folio 1. This is surrounded by a gold border, like the heading to the Prologue above it, which is written in letters of burnished gold. On folio 2 recto is an inside border of flowers and foliage painted in the Italian manner in colours heightened with gold, and at the foot of the page are the illuminated arms of Pasquale Dia9 Garlon, to whom the translation is dedicated. In the text are 5 large initial letters of burnished gold on a ground of scrolls in white, red, blue, and green, and 44 smaller capitals in gold on a decorated ground of red and blue. The subjects of the large drawings are 1. (5 v.) "Tentatione diabolica contra la fede;" a dying man is surrounded by a king, a queen, saints, and four devils, bearing scrolls with inscriptions in red, "Infernus factus est," "Fac sicut pagani," "Interficias te ipsum." 2. (F. 6 v.) "La bona inspiratione de lo angelo de la fede;" an angel stands beside the dying man, with a scroll, "Sis firmus in fide," crouching at the foot of the bed are devils bearing scrolls, " Victi sumus," " Frustra laboravim', " "Fugiamus." 3. (F. 7 v.) "Tentatione diabolica de la desperatione ; " the dying man is accompanied by six devils with the scrolls, "Ecce peccata tua," "Perversus es," "Fornicatus es," etc. 4. (F. 8 v.) "La bona inspiratione de lo Angelo contra la desperatione;" the dying man, an angel, the crucified Christ, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Peter, and a cock perched on the bed-post. 5. (F. 9 v.) "Tentatione diabolica della Impatientia ; " a fiend is crouching near an overturned table while the invalid is kicking one of his three servitors. 6. (F. 10 v.) "Bona inspira- tione de lo angelo de la patientia;" the dying man, quieted by an angel, is surrounded by Christ, St. Sebastian, St. Barbara, St. Laurence, St. Catherine, and St. Stephen. 7. (F. 11 v.) "Tentatione diabolica de la vana gloria;" devils present the dying man with crowns. 8. (F. 12 v.) "Bona inspiratione de lo angelo contra la vanagloria." 9. (F. 13 v.) "Tentatione diabolica de avaritia;" fiends offer the dying man wine- cellars, horses, and other possessions. 10. (F. 14 v.) "Bona inspira- AUGUSTINUS BIBLIA SACRA LATINA 5 tione de langelo contra la avaritia." 11. (F. 16 v.) The dead man surrounded by the crucified Christ, saints, and fiends bearing the legends, "Heu insanio," "Spes nobis nulla," "Confusi sumus," etc. All of the drawings are beautifully executed and are identical with the xylographic engravings in some of the printed editions of the Ars Moriendi. The manuscript belonged formerly to the Baron de La Roche Lacarelle. AUGUSTINUS, ST. See EPHRAEM. BEDA. Opusculum venerabilis Bede prefbiteri in librum Actuu Apoftolorum, cum Expositione de Nominibus Locorum; et Expositio in septem Epistolas Canonicas, cum Prologis S. Hieronymi. [Saec. XIV]. Folio, oak boards covered with undressed deer-skin with the hair left on it. There are four brass bosses in the corners of the front cover and a leather clasp. An English manuscript of Bede's Commentaries on the Acts of the Apostles and on the Seven Canonical Epistles written in Latin in the fourteenth century in gothic characters on parchment. 337 X 220 mm. There are 101 leaves, with 36 lines to the double columns on each page. The illuminations consist of 10 large initial letters in red and green and 3 half-page borders of double bands of red with ornaments in green, and vice versa. The second part of the work begins on folio 34, "Incipit prologuf fci ieronimi prefbiteri fup feptem, eplas canonicaf." BERNARDUS, ST. See EPHRAEM. BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. S^c. XIII. Small folio, old French red morocco, gilt edges. In a modern brown levant morocco case. A very beautiful manuscript of the Vulgate, with St. Jerome's prefaces, written in small distinct gothic characters upon the purest and finest of Its lian vellum, probably soon after 1200. 258 X 185 mm. 6 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA It contains 446 leaves, with two columns to the page, and 51 lines to the column. On folios 415-446 is a Latin glossary of Hebrew names. There are 131 initial letters painted in colours on a ground of burnished gold, of which 76 are historiated, containing figures in French costumes of the period. All of the books except the Psalms have running head- lines in blue and red, and there are hundreds of initial letters in red with marginal tracery in blue. This manuscript is said to have been in the possession of King Louis IX of France (St. Louis, 1215-26-70), at Aigues-Mortes in 1248, just before his departure for Egypt and the Holy Land on his first Crusade. It would be difficult to find a more perfect example of its kind. BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. S^c. XIII. 8vo, dark brown levant morocco, tooled in leaf-sprays in the corners of the sides and on the back, doubled with light brown morocco having borders of thistles and conventional foliage, vellum guards, gilt edges, by Mercier. In a brown levant morocco case. A manuscript of the Vulgate beautifully written in small, distinct gothic characters, two columns to the page, upon the thinnest vellum, in the thirteenth century. 158 X 104 mm. There are 653 leaves, the last 57 containing a glossary of proper names ; 48 lines to the page. Folios 268 and 296, preceding and following the Psalms, are blank. Folio 1, on which begins the Epistle of St. Jerome, has an historiated initial containing a miniature of that saint, to which is attached a lateral border in colours with ornaments at the top and bottom. On the first page of Genesis (folio 5) is a lateral border containing 7 small oval miniatures of three-quarter figures. Throughout the manu- script are numerous historiated and ornamental initials similarly painted, with extensions forming borders, besides hundreds of smaller initials in blue and red, with marginal flourishes and scrolls. The chapters are numbered in red and blue ink and there are similar running head-lines to all of the books except the Psalms. The manuscript was formerly in the collection of the Duke of Sussex. BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. S^c. XIII. 42o, old flexible rough leather binding, gauffred gilt edges. In a modern case of maroon levant morocco. BIBLIA SACRA LATINA 7 A beautiful Italian manuscript of St. Jerome's version of the Bible, with prefaces, written in minute gothic characters, two columns to the page, upon very fine vellum at Cremona, about 1275, by Viviani Sani. It is perhaps unique in containing both the name of the scribe and the place of execution. 240 X 162 mm. There are 350 leaves, with 60 lines to each of the two columns on the page. Scattered throughout the volume are 56 historiated initials and 50 other capitals painted in brilliant colours and burnished gold. The first initial (folio 1) represents St. Jerome writing, and is accom- panied by an elaborate border. Above, in gold letters, occurs the word "Cremona." On folio 3 verso is a still more ornamental initial, in eight compartments, the one at the foot containing the Creation of Eve, the Temptation, and the Expulsion from the Garden, the one at the top God the Father, the intervening ones representing the Creation of the first six days. Along the margin, in gold letters, is the name of the artist, "Viviani Sani." The running head-lines and chapter numbers on the margins are in blue and red, except in Job, the Psalms, Ecclesiastes (folios 148-197) and the New Testament (folio 277 et seq.), where they are in blue and gold, with elaborate marginal decorations finished in red. On folios 275 verso and 276 recto and verso, separating the Old and New Testaments, are architectural paintings of pillars in red, blue, brown, and green. BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. SJJJG. XIV. Folio, dark brown levant morocco, the sides tooled in fillets and corner ornaments of scrolls, the back in scrolls and Greek crosses, doubled with light brown morocco with borders of fillets and scrolls, vellum guards, gilt edges, by Mercier. In a brown levant morocco case. A beautiful fourteenth century manuscript of the Vulgate written with great perfection of execution in small gothic characters upon vellum, and arranged in two columns. 227 X 195 mm. It contains 482 leaves, with 50 lines to the column, preceded by a leaf containing the order of the books in the Old Testament, which ends with folio 362. Folios 453-482 contain a glossary arranged with four col- umns to the page. 8 BIBLIA SACRA LATIN A There are 102 finely executed historiated initials painted in colours, chiefly red and blue, to 35 of which are attached borders of scrolls, gro- tesques, etc., of half-page or full-page length. The initial letter "I" at the beginning of Genesis (folio 4) extends the length of the page and contains 8 small miniatures, 7 of the Creation, the last of the Crucifixion, the Virgin Mary and St. John the Evangelist being at the foot of the Cross. Some of the other initials contain from 3 to 5 miniatures. All of the books except the Psalms have running head-lines in blue and red, and throughout the volume are numerous large and small initial letters in the same colours, with marginal flourishes. It originally formed part of the collection of the Duke of Sussex. BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. S^c. XV. Veteris Novique Testament! Libri Omnes in dono accepi ab I1H ac Rev 1 ^ Viro D. G. Vicecomiti. 4to, original calf with corner-pieces, bosses and four clasps of brass attached to leather pieces, two on the side, one at the top, and one at the bottom. 12 BURY C^SAR An Italian Breviary beautifully written upon fine vellum in large and small gothic characters in the fourteenth century. It is rubricated and is arranged in two columns. 144 X 113 mm. Folios i-x and 1-548, divided into 1. Calendar, folios, i-vi; Tables, vii-ix, Folio x blank. 2. " Psalterium, " ff. 1-110. 3. "Brevarium Ro- manum (Proprium de Tempore"), ff. 111-340. 4. " Festivitates Sancto- rum (Proprium de Sanctis"), ff. 341-495. 5. "Commune Sanctorum," ff. 496-531. 6. "Orationes in diversibus festis," ff. 532-544 r. 7. "Psal- terium divi Hieronimi," ff. 544 V.-548. The volume is evidently the work of several scribes, the end (from the second column of folio 538 recto) being in cursive characters. There are 15 large initials, ornamental and historiated, painted in gold and colours, and hundreds of small initials in red and blue, with scroll ornamentation in the margins. BURY, RICHARD DE. [Philobiblon] [Colophon] Explici : phylobyblon Rychardi de Bury epi. de amoe librov & fciav. Deo gras. [Ssec. XIV]. Small 4>to, vellum wrappers, uncut edges. An English manuscript written in gothic characters upon 44 vellum leaves, with 24 lines to the page, presumably in the last part of the four- teenth century. 145 X 105 mm. The initial letters are in red ink. Early manuscripts of this work are to be found in the British Museum and the Bibliotheque Nationale. CAESAR, CAIUS JULIUS. Livre de Julius cefar. [XV Siecle]. Large folio, blue levant morocco blind-tooled in panels in an Aldine design, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. A French manuscript of a History of Julius Caesar written upon paper, in lettres bdtardes, two columns to the page, during the first half of the fifteenth century. 308 X 291 mm. It consists of 227 leaves, the first 3 of which contain the Table of Con- tents, with 42 lines to each column. Folios 4, 5, and 6 are blank. At the top of folio 7 recto is a miniature, painted in camaieu d'or, (110 X 190 C ASA CICERO 13 mm.) representing Caesar clad in armour, with a blue robe over his shoul- ders, in his right hand an uplifted sword, in his left a scroll ; he stands under a curtained canopy addressing a group of soldiers on his right and of ecclesiastics on his left. The colouring of this miniature is brilliant, the armour being of silver and gold. Surrounding the page is a scroll border in blue and brown introducing grotesques, monkeys, asses, and other animals. Throughout the text are numerous initial letters in silver on a ground of maroon, blue, and green. On a preliminary leaf and on folio 6 verso are stamped the arms of Balthazard de Villars (1557-1629), President of the Court of Judicature of Lyons and first President of the Parliament of Dombes. CASA, GIOVANNI BELLA. loannis Casae de Potentivm ac Tenvivm inter se Officiis. [Folio 24 verso] Prid. Non. Nouemb. MDXLIII. Svo, con- temporary dark brown morocco, covered with a design of arabesques and fleurs-de-lys outlined in gold, cut out and backed with crimson silk, the arms of Henri II in the centre, and the interlacing crescents of Diane de Poitiers in the corners, gilt edges. A beautiful and finely preserved specimen of a rare and curious form of binding of the period. In a half red morocco case. An Italian manuscript beautifully written in Latin in italic characters upon vellum in 1543. 228 X 142 mm. There are 24 leaves, including the title, which is written on the verso of the first folio in blue and gold letters. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Tusculanse Questiones. Ssec. XV. Small folio, original Florentine blind-tooled morocco over boards, gilt edges. The back and outer margins restored. An Italian manuscript neatly written about 1470 in roman characters, 32 lines to the page, upon 85 leaves of vellum. 270 X 188 mm. The headings and the numerous marginal notes are in red. On folio 2 recto is an elaborate scroll border in red and green heightened with gold 14 CICERO CLOVIO on a dark blue ground. At the bottom of the page are the Erizzo arms supported by two female figures. An historiated initial is at the begin- ning of each of the five books. On the last page are the initials "P. E. A. F." in red ink. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Epistolse Familiares. [Folio 1] M. T. C. epiftolav liber primus incipit Marcuf Tulliuf Cicero Public lentulo falutem plurimam dicit. [Colophon] M. T. C. Epistolav liber decimus sextus et ultimus explicit feliciter. [Ssec. XVj. Small folio, blue levant morocco, the back tooled in scrolls, gilt edges, by Lortic. A fine Italian manuscript executed in roman characters upon vellum in the fifteenth century. 265 X 190 mm. There are 218 leaves, with 29 lines to the page. The first folio contains a beautiful trilateral border of white scrolls on a ground of blue, green, and red outlined in burnished gold. At the foot are painted in gold and colours the quartered arms of the kings of Aragon and Naples, whose mag- nificent collection of manuscripts was sold about 1501 by King Frederic III to Cardinal Georges d'Amboise, Prime Minister to Louis XII. There are 14 large initials in burnished gold ornamented with white scrolls and colours, from which issue lateral borders similar in design to the border on folio 1. The remaining large initials are painted in blue and red. CLOVIO, GIULIO. The Crucifixion. XVI Century. 8vo, in an old silver frame. An exquisite Italian miniature of the Crucifixion painted upon vellum by Giulio Clovio (1498-1578). 237 X 147 mm. St. John and a soldier are at the right of the Cross, at the left are Mary Magdalene and three Holy Women, one of whom supports the Virgin. Henry Shaw, who reproduced this painting in his " Decorative Arts Ecclesiastical and Civil of the Middle Ages," thought that it be- longed to the volume executed for Gregory XIII, mentioned by Baglione in his work published in 1642. From the Celloti and Wilson collections. CRESCENZI EPHRAEM 15 CRESCENZI, PIETRO DE' (PETRUS DE CRESCENTIIS) . Ruralium Commodoruni Libri XII. Bononise, 1421. Folio, old red Italian morocco tooled in elaborate borders, the arms of the Salviati family, surmounted by the papal tiara, on both covers, gilt edges. An Italian manuscript written in two columns in gothic characters upon vellum in Bologna, in 1421, for King Charles II of Naples, to whom it is dedicated, and whose illuminated arms appear in the border at the foot of folio 7. 332 X 228 mm. There are 171 leaves, with 41 lines to the page. Folio 6 is blank. The illuminations consist of 2 borders of interlacing scrolls in white, blue, red, green, and gold painted in the Italian manner, 15 gold initials on a ground of similar design, and numerous other capital letters painted in blue. EPHRAEM, (STS.), HIERONYMUS, ANSELMUS, AU- GUSTINUS, BERNARDUS. [Folio 1] Incipit liber primus fancti effrem dyaconi de compunctione cordis. [Folio 61 recto] Explicit fextus et ultimus liber fancti effrem. Jeronimus aut loques de facto effrem in libro Illuftriu viroru fie ait. [Folio 104 recto] Explicit formula vite feu regula fancti anfelmi cantuarien archicpi ad fororem fuam reclufam. Sequntur hore concepcois beate marie virginis a prefato beato anfelmo copoite. [Folio 107 verso] Incipit liber foliloquiorum fancti auguftini epifcopi pmu capitulum. [Folio 163 recto] Explicit liber foliloquioy bti auguftini. Sequtur aliqua dicta egregia fctov et doctoru fidei catho ce et p beati bernardi. [1484-1493]. Svo, brown levant mo- rocco, gilt back, gilt and blind-tooled filleted panels on the sides, gilt ornaments, vellum linings, gilt edges, by Riviere. A French manuscript upon vellum, containing in Latin works of Sts. Ephraem, Jerome, Anselm, Augustine, and Bernard, written in gothic characters in the latter part of the fifteenth century. 212 X 141 mm. 16 EVANGELIA QUATUOR There are 167 leaves, with 25 lines to the page, 3 half-page miniatures, 8 large and 86 small illuminated initials. The subjects of the miniatures are: 1. (F. 1 r.) Eight monks seated praying in a monastery. 2. (F. 104 v.) The meeting of Joachim and Anna. 3. (F. 107 v.) St. Augustine kneeling at a prie-dieu beside his bed. All of the illuminations are beautifully painted and heightened with gold. At the foot of each page containing a miniature is the coat-of-arms of Cardinal Georges d'Ambroise, Prime Minister to Louis XII, as Bishop of Montauban (1484-1493), which places the date of the manuscript. Three of the blank leaves contain contemporary handwriting. EVANGELIA QUATUOR. SJUG. XV. Folio, two volumes, in seventeenth century French bindings of silver and silver-gilt upon oak boards, with the backs in red velvet. On both sides of each volume are sunken panels of repousse work in very high relief, representing on the recto of Volume I the Virgin and St. John at the Cross, and on the verso the Resurrection; the panels on Volume II depict the Last Judgment and the Annunciation. The clasps are ornamented with floriated chased scrolls and the edges gilded. A Flemish manuscript of the Four Gospels, divided into two volumes and written in large roman characters upon fine vellum towards the end of the fifteenth century. 322 X 225 mm. The first volume contains 217 leaves, including 32 for the Index, and the second, 247 leaves, including 38 for the Index. There are 4 beautifully painted large miniatures of the Evangelists (I, ff. 34 v. and 151 r. ; II, ff. 39 v. and 157 v.) and 172 smaller minia- tures (69 in Volume I and 103 in Volume II) averaging 80 X 80 mm., all surrounded by rich borders of flowers, foliage, birds, grotesques, and in- sects painted in the Flemish manner, in brilliant colours on a gold ground and in the style of the Italian Renaissance, in shaded gold on a blue ground ; also numerous large floriated initials scattered throughout the text. The small miniatures depict scenes in the life of Christ, illustrations of the parables, and various saints. They include (Volume I) Joseph and EVANGELIARIA 17 Mary (f. 36), the Nativity (f. 37), the Massacre of the Innocents (f. 38), the Flight (f. 39), the Devil tempting Christ (f. 42), Christ healing a leper (f. 56), stilling the Tempest (f. 59), healing a paralytic (f. 60), the Last Supper (f. 62), Christ and the Woman of Canaan (f. 89), the Transfiguration (f. 94), the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (f. 110), the Martyrdom of St. Stephen (f. 123), and of St. Laurence (f. 125), the Last Judgment (f. 133), the Resurrection (f. 148), the Beheading of John the Baptist (f. 170), Christ walking on the Water (f. 172), the Three Women at the Tomb (f. 214). Volume II: the Angel appearing to Zachariah (f. 40), the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Birth of John the Baptist, the Nativity, the Adoration of the Shepherds, the Circum- cision, the Presentation in the Temple (ff. 43-51); Christ disputing with the Doctors (f. 53), John the Baptist preaching in the Wilderness (f. 55), St. Sebastian, the Good Samaritan, the Assumption of the Virgin (ff. 93-96), the meeting of Joachim and Anna (f. 100), Dives and Lazarus (f. 122), the Pharisee and the Publican (f. 128), the Marriage of Cana (f. 182), the Stirring of the Pool (f. 173), Christ washing His Disciples' feet (f. 215), the Agony in the Garden (f. 232), Christ and Mary Magda- lene in the Garden (f. 241). All of the miniatures are carefully painted and the colouring is brilliant. The hand of at least two artists is apparent, as may be seen by compar- ing the miniatures on folios 101 and 103 in Volume II with the others. The bindings present fine and unique examples of the silversmith's work of the seventeenth century. EVANGELIARIA. SJBC. XV. Folio, old black morocco, gilt back, gauffred gilt edges. A German manuscript of the Gospels of the Mass written in bold gothic characters of black and red in two columns upon parchment during the latter part of the fifteenth century. 347 X 235 mm. It contains 192 leaves with 24 lines to the page. There are 6 large and 16 small miniatures, the former surrounded by rich arabesque borders in blue and red on a ground of red and green, or flowers, insects, and birds in brilliant colours on a ground of yellow heightened with gold. In addition are 17 large arabesque initial letters in gold and colours and, on the first two leaves, the full-page arms of the original owner emblazoned in rich colours and surrounded by floral and arabesque borders. 18 GHEBEDTE The subjects of the large miniatures, which measure about 170 X 150 mm., are 1. (F. 9 r.) The Nativity; the stable with a vaulted roof, three Shepherds entering the door, two in the background receiving the Angel's message. 2. (F. 91 v.) The Resurrection; four soldiers clad in silver and gold armour. 3. (F. 105 r.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit, in flames of fire. 4. (F. 110 v.) The Sacrament upheld by two Angels. 5. (F. 164 r.) The Assumption of the Virgin. 6. (F. 174 v.) God the Father, Christ, and the Virgin surrounded by all the Saints. The subjects of the small miniatures, which measure about 87 X 68 mm., are 1. (F. 3 r.) St. John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness. 2. (F. 10 v.) The Circumcision. 3. (F. 11 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. 4. (F. 57 r.) Christ's Entry into Jerusalem. 5. (F. 102 v.) The Ascension. 6. (F. 131 r.) The Martyrdom of St. Stephen. 7. (F. 138 r.) The Presen- tation in the Temple. 8. (F. 141 r.) The Annunciation. 9. (F. 142 v.) St. George and the Dragon. 10. (F. 153 v.) St. John the Baptist. 11. (F. 155 r.) Sts. Peter and Paul. 12. (F. 156 r.) The Visitation of Eliza- beth. 13. (F. 165 v.) St. Bernard. 14. (F. 167 v.) The Birth of the Virgin Mary. 15. (F. 177 v.) The Meeting of Joachim and Anna. 16. (F. 179 r.) The Celebration of the Dedication of the Temple, conducted by a Bishop. From the Bibliotheca Renesiana. GHEBEDTE. SJBC. XVI. Small 4to, dark brown levant morocco, Janseniste, doubled with citron morocco, ornamented with narrow floral borders, vellum guards, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. In a brown morocco case. A Dutch Prayer-Book written in the sixteenth century in italic char- acters upon fine vellum. 136 X 92 mm. It contains 232 leaves, with 14 lines to the page. There are 34 large and 1 small miniatures, 68 borders, and 34 large initial letters painted in camawu (for, gris, and mauve, on a ground of colours. The subjects of the miniatures are unusual and the borders all different in design. Those surrounding the miniatures and on the opposite pages are composed of various flowers, fruit, insects, human figures, monkeys, unicorns, pea- cocks, owls, frogs, satyrs, herons, fighting-cocks, jewels, vases, pillars, gargoyles, etc., in subdued colours on grounds of dull gold, green, ma- roon, mauve, camaieu d'or, and bistre. GHEBEDTE 19 The 34 beautifully painted large miniatures are all on the verso of the leaves, the rectos being blank. Their subjects are 1. (F. 1) The Agony in the Garden; Jerusalem in the background. 2. (F. 9) The Sermon on the Mount. 3. (F. 33) God the Father in the act of blessing; in His left hand a ball surmounted by a cross. 4. (F. 40) Christ with crown of thorns, stigmata, and instruments of flagellation. 5. (F. 49) The De- scent of the Holy Spirit. 6. (F. 53) The Virgin teaching the Child Christ ; a landscape in the background, seen through a window. 7. (F. 67) The Descent from the Cross ; the Trinity, the Virgin, and St. John the Evan- gelist. 8. (F. 73) A Woman praying at her bed-side; on the wall a triptych containing a delicate painting of the Ascension of Christ. 9. (F. 80) An Angel holding a sceptre in his left hand ; the borders on this and the opposite page depict Bacchus, two Bacchantes and an orgiastic scene. 10. (F. 90) Christ crucified between the two thieves, a soldier piercing His side with a spear, the Virgin and St. John the Evangelist kneeling at the foot of the Cross. 11. (F. 103) Mary Magdalene anoint- ing Christ's feet and drying them with her hair. 12. (F. 109) The Phari- see and Publican in prayer. 13. (F. 115) The Confessional. 14. (F. 119) The Woman taken in Adultery. 15. (F. 123) The Last Supper; the bor- der consisting of a stag's head and hoofs. 16. (F. 129) Moses and the miracle of the manna. 17. (F. 136) Melchizedek, King of Salem, bless- ing Abram. 18. (F. 143) Christ healing a woman. The following six miniatures are illustrative of the acts of mercy recorded by Christ in His description of the Last Judgment. In each instance He is the one ministered to, the traveller, the prisoner, the invalid, etc. 19. (F. 149) "I was a stranger, and ye took me in." 20. (F. 155) "I was thirsty and ye gave me drink." 21. (F. 169) "I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat." 22. (F. 173) "Naked, and ye clothed me." 23. (F. 178) "I was in prison, and ye came unto me." 24. (F. 183) "I was sick and ye visited me." 25. (F. 187) A Burial Service in a churchyard. 26. (F. 191) The meeting of Joachim and Anna. 27. (F. 196) Susanna and the two Elders in her husband's garden. 28. (F. 200) Job and his wife; the latter in a sixteenth century costume with hat. 29. (F. 204) The Disciples calling upon Christ to still the tempest. 30. (F. 208) "Pacientia"; a sleeping woman clasping a lamb in her arms. 31. (F. 212) "Faith"; a woman clasping a crucifix. 32. (F. 216) "Con- stantia " ; the Devil in the form of a death's head tempting her ; in the 20 GHETIDE-GREGORIUS MAGNUS borders are Adam and Eve and the Serpent. 33. (F. 222) Three skeletons on a pedestal; in the borders symbolical figures of Death. 34. (F. 228) The Creation of Eve. The small miniature (F. 52 v.) depicts Christ and St. John the Baptist; the border simulates a gold frame with pearls at the four corners. All of the paintings are executed with infinite detail and originality of treatment, and the colouring is varied and brilliant, yet harmonious in effect. This manuscript is unique and most interesting in respect of both sub- ject and treatment. GHETIDE. See HOILE. GOSPELS. See EVANGELIA. GREGORIUS MAGNUS, ST. Morali di S. Gregorio Papa. [Moralia in Job] [Folio 343] Finite lo x? libro deli morali di Sancto Gregorio sopra Job : et la secunda parte in comincia lo xi? libro : et la ter9a parte. Deo gratias. Amen. Folio, original oak boards covered with a contemporary Italian binding of red morocco tooled in fillets forming compartments with broken chain ornaments, brass and morocco clasps, gauffred gilt edges. An Italian manuscript beautifully written in roman characters upon fine vellum during the latter part of the fifteenth century. 314 X 220 mm. There are 343 leaves, of which the first contains the title, with 32 lines to the page. The illuminations consist of a full-page border on the first leaf of the Dedication to St. Leander, Archbishop of Seville (folio 2 recto), com- posed of scrolls in white on a ground of blue, red, and green, painted in the Italian manner of the period, also 12 large initial letters (about 55 X 55 mm.) in burnished gold on a ground of similar design, and 300 small initials in gold on a decorated ground of blue and red. In the foot of the border on folio 2 is a blank space within a wreath, reserved for arms. From the calligraphy, at least two scribes worked upon this manu- script. HIERONYMUS-HOR^: 21 HIERONYMUS, ST. See EHPRAEM. HORJE BEAT^E MARI.E VIRGINIS SECUNDUM USUM ANGLIC ECCLESI.E. [CmcA 1365]. 4to, red velvet, silver clasps, edges painted over the gilt. A French Book of Hours written in gothic letters upon parchment at the beginning of the fifteenth century. 247 X 175 mm. There are 153 leaves including 12 for the Calendar, with 18 lines to the page, and 31 miniatures, 12 large and 19 small. The pages of the Calendar and text have lateral borders beautifully painted in flowers, foliage, fruit, and scrolls in colours heightened with gold on a tracery ground executed with a pen. The borders surrounding the large miniatures and the opposite pages are of the same character, but more elaborate, blue predominating, introducing grotesques. There are inner borders of conventionalized flowers in colours on a ground of burnished gold, also numerous large and small illuminated initials. The large miniatures have oval tops and are painted on the verso of 30 H01LE the leaves. Their subjects are 1. (F. 13) The Crucifixion ; the Virgin and the Beloved Disciple at the foot of the Cross, Jerusalem in the back- ground. 2. (F. 20) The Descent of the Holy Spirit; an unusual com- position in a portico. 3. (F. 38) The Annunciation, in a room of quaint simplicity. 4. (F. 53) The Visitation of Elizabeth; in the background a curious little chapel beside a rock. 5. (F. 62) The Nativity; the "stable" a half-thatched structure formed of four poles open to the air. 6. (F. 67) The Announcement to the Shepherds. 7. (F. 72) The Adora- tion of the Magi, one of them black. 8. (F. 76) The Presentation in the Temple. 9. (F. 81) The Flight. 10. (F. 88) The Massacre of the Innocents. 11. (F. 105) King David praying; two warriors fighting in the background. 12. (F. 121) The Raising of Lazarus. The subjects of the small miniatures are five scenes from the Passion (ff. 15-19) and various saints (ff. 31-37); St. Michael, St. John the Baptist, St. Peter, St. Adrian, St. Sebastian, St. Anthony, St. Catherine, St. Barbara, St. Margaret, St. Apollonia, St. Margaret, and St. Mary Magdalene. On folio 93 r. is the Coronation of the Virgin by the Trinity. The work of two artists is evident in this volume, the graceful borders having been executed by the more skilful. The formal drawing of the miniatures points to the end of the fourteenth century as the date of the manuscript, but the style of the borders shows a later development of art. With the exception of brilliant blue, the colours of the large minia- tures are subdued. The Calendar and most of the rubrics are in French. HOILE BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. SJSG. XV. 4to, brown levant morocco elaborately tooled in a Grolieresque design with azured scrolls, the compartments thickly studded with dots, vellum linings, gilt edges, by Riviere. In a blue levant morocco case. A French Book of Hours written in gothic letters upon vellum in the early part of the fifteenth century. 202 X 147 mm. It contains 144 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, with 15 lines to the page; 12 large miniatures within borders and 5 other borders, of a floral design in brilliant colours, the stems traced in ink, the leaves in burnished gold. The Calendar, which is in French, is written in red, blue, and bur- nished gold letters, with 12 large illuminated initials. HOR.E 31 The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 19 r.) The Annunciation. 2. (F. 30 r.) The Visitation of Elizabeth. 3. (F. 45 r.) The Nativity. 4. (F. 50 r.) The Announcement to the Shepherds. 5. (F. 53 v.) The Adoration of the Magi. 6. (F. 56 v.) The Presentation in the Temple. 7. (F. 59 v.) The Flight into Egypt. 8. (F. 65 v.) The Coronation of the Virgin. 9. (F. 79 r.) King David praying. 10. (F. 98 r.) The Crucifixion. 11. (F. 101 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 12. (F. 105 r.) A Burial Service. At least two artists appear to have illuminated this manuscript, for some of the miniatures are in more brilliant colours and more elabo- rately detailed than others, with freer use of burnished gold. The varying expressions of the faces is especially remarkable, also the grace- ful, rich borders. Occasional rubrics and the final prayer (ff. 135-144) beginning "Doulce dame de misericorde," are in French. HOR.E BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. SJEC. XV. Small 8vo, Lavalliere morocco covered with mosaic com- partments of maroon morocco tooled in flowers, azured orna- ments, and dots, doubled with vellum, gilt edges, in a brown morocco case, by Joly ; his last mosaic binding, as certified by him on the final fly-leaf. A French Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon the finest vellum in the early part of the fifteenth century. 171 X 97 mm. There are 169 leaves (folios 7, 22, 38, 49, 55, 60, 65, and 105 blank), including 6 for the Calendar, with 22 lines to the page; 11 full-page miniatures surrounded by borders ornamented in the Italian arabesque style in camaieu d'or and gris, on grounds of dull gold and various colours. There are 24 borders in all, 11 around the miniatures, and as many on the opposite pages, also numerous illuminated initials on coloured or dull gold grounds. The subjects of the miniatures, which are all on the verso of the pages, are 1. (F. 8.) The Crucifixion. 2. (F. 15) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 3. (F. 23) The Annunciation. 4. (F. 39) The Visitation of Eliza- beth. 5. (F. 50) The Nativity. 6. (F. 56) The Announcement to the Shepherds. 7. (F. 61) The Adoration of the Magi, one of whom is black. 8. (F. 69) The Flight into Egypt. 9. (F. 76) The Coronation of 32 HOR.E the Virgin, who is led to a throne upon which are seated God the Father and God the Son, attended by an Angel. 10. (F. 89 v.) King David praying. 11. (F. 106) The Raising of Lazarus. The colouring throughout the volume is rich and varied. HOILE BEAT^E MARI.E VIRGINIS. [CmcA 1430]. 4>to, crimson velvet, repousse silver clasps, red edges. In a wrapper of yellow satin embroidered in a conventional design in terra cotta and pink silk, and lined with terra cotta satin; and also in a case of -maroon levant morocco lined with maroon velvet. A beautiful Book of Hours executed in northern France in gothic letters upon fine vellum during the first half of the fifteenth century, prob- ably about 1430. 202 X 142 mm. Including the 12 folios for the Calendar it contains 187 leaves, with 17 lines to the page. There are 26 beautifully painted full-page miniatures and 55 borders of fruit, flowers, birds, scrolls, and figures, all but 3 sur- rounding the miniatures and the pages opposite them. The 6 figures in each of the borders differentiate this manuscript from all the others in the present collection. They represent warriors, angels playing musical in- struments (surrounding miniatures containing the Virgin Mary), monks and other ecclesiastics, laymen in costumes of the period, shepherds, and acrobats. Accompanying the Prayer to St. Francis of Assisi (folio 181) is a border containing six Franciscan monks painted within compart- ments outlined by the rope of that Order. There are also hundreds of in- itial letters and finials in colours and burnished gold. The subjects of the miniatures, which have oval tops and are all painted on the verso of the leaves, are 1. (F. 13) The Betrayal ; the Garden of Olives represented as a wattled enclosure, with a hill upon which is the Holy Grail. 2. (F. 15) The Flagellation. 3. (F. 17) Christ carrying the Cross. 4. (F. 20) The Entombment. 5. (F. 22) The Resurrection. 6. (F. 24) Christ delivering Souls from Hell ; the most original of the paint- ings in design. 7. (F. 27) St. John the Evangelist on Patmos. 8. (F. 29) St. Luke. 9. (F. 32) St. Matthew. 10. (F. 35) St. Mark. 11. (F. 37) The Virgin Mary and the Infant Christ under a canopy of roses min- istered to by two angels. 12. (F. 43) The Annunciation ; within a chapel. 13. (F. 61) The Visitation of Elizabeth; in the background a walled HORjE 33 castle near a river. 14. (F. 73) The Nativity; an angel and a maid- servant attending the Holy Family, two Shepherds looking into the stable. 15. (F. 78) The Announcement to the Shepherds, one of whom is a woman; in the background a city beside a river upon which are several ships; in the two borders shepherds and warriors. 16. (F. 83) The Presentation in the Temple ; a group of seven persons in a portico. 17. (F. 88) The Adoration of the Magi. 18. (F. 93) The Flight into Egypt. 19. (F. 101) The Coronation of the Virgin. 20. (F. 107) King David praying; in the background an island upon which is a wind-mill. 21. (F. 128) A Burial Service in a chapel, a carefully executed paint- ing containing statues in camaieu bleu in the vaulting and a representa- tion of God the Father attended by two angels above the altar. 22. (F. 170) The Virgin and Child ministered to by an angel. 23. (F. 173) The Virgin at work weaving, the Infant Christ standing at her knee ; be- side her sits an angel winding off wool upon a reel. 24. (F. 182) The Martyrdom of St. Catherine. 25. (F. 184) St. Mary Magdalene. 26. (F. 186) St. Susanna at the feet of Christ. In composition of landscape and architectural detail, both exterior and interior, this manuscript resembles those painted by the artists who illuminated the Bedford Missal. The figure of St. Mark (f. 35) would appear to have been painted by the same artist who executed the cor- responding miniature in that volume. Many of the details are identical, the vaulted ceiling with several windows in the background, the winged lion leaning over the writing-desk, the instrument for steadying the parchment, which St. Mark holds in his left hand, and the tea-kettle hanging over the same kind of table. The colouring of the miniatures is brilliant and fresh. Upon the inside of the cover is the indorsement in Spanish, dated 1575, by a Dominican friar, Juan Perez, to the effect that he had ex- amined and corrected the manuscript for the officials of the Inquisition. There are one or two erasures in the text. HOILE BEAT.E MARI^ VIRGINIS [CIRCA 1435]. 8vo, crimson velvet, with repousse plaque in silver on the front cover, silver clasps, gilt edges. On the inside of the clasp is engraved the name of Anna Barbara Magdalena Honoldin, born 1762. 3 34 HOR^E A French Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon vellum about 1435. 216 X 152 mm. It contains 189 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, with 16 lines to the page, and 16 half-page miniatures, besides numerous illuminated initials. Each page has an elegant border of "line and leaf" design in black tracery and gold. At the four corners of the text are ornaments formed of interlacing bands of blue and red on a gold ground. Around the minia- tures are remarkably brilliant borders of another style of art, supposed to have been painted by the same artist that decorated the Bedford Missal. They are of scrolls, flowers, foliage, etc., in red, blue, and green, with gold ornaments. On folio 51 the background is of gold so heavily laid on as to be in relief, and figures and animals are here introduced. At the foot of the border on folio 93 are the arms of the Levis family, three chevrons sable on a gold field, and on folio 77 they are combined with other arms. The border on this page differs from most of the others in containing birds and figures of the prophets. The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 23) The Annunciation. 2. (F. 42) The Visitation of Elizabeth. 3. (F. 51) The Adoration of the Shepherds. 4. (F. 56) The Announcement to the Shepherds, a scene of carefully executed detail. 5. (F. 62) The Presentation in the Temple. 6. (F. 66) The Flight into Egypt. 7. (F. 72) The Coronation of the Virgin ; of exquisite finish, even to the halos. 8. (F. 77) David praying. 9. (F. 93) The Betrayal. 10. (F. 98 v.) Christ before Pilate. 11. (F. 104) The Scourging. 12. (F. 107) Christ bearing the Cross. 13. (F. 119) The En- tombment. 14. (F. 126) The Descent of the Holy Ghost. 15. (F. 130) A Burial Service. 16. (F. 169) The Last Judgment. All of the miniatures are remarkable for their originality of design, perfection of detail, and brilliancy of colour. HOILE BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. &EC. XV. 8vo, brown levant morocco tooled in a Grolieresque design of fillets and azured arabesques, doubled with lighter brown morocco tooled in fillets, vellum guards, gilt edges, by Cham- bolle-Duru. A French Book of Hours executed upon fine vellum in the early part of the fifteenth century, evidently for use in England, as the Martyrdom HOILE 35 of St. Thomas a Becket and St. George and the Dragon are depicted in the miniatures, and in the Calendar are the names of those English Saints (December 29 and April 23) and of Edward the Confessor, January 5. The scribe was evidently French, as on folios 161-164 is the prayer "Les XV joyes [de] nostre dame," beginning "Douce dame de miseri- corde." 212 X 145 mm. The volume contains 168 leaves (folios 10, 159, and 160 blank) in- cluding 6 for the Calendar, with 19 lines to the page. There are 27 large finely executed miniatures surrounded by borders of foliage, flowers, scrolls, and figures, in red, blue, and green, with stems in ink and leaves in burnished gold. The Calendar, written in red and black, contains 12 initial letters in blue and red heightened with burnished gold, from which issue sprays of flowers and foliage, the stems in ink, the leaves in gold, as in the borders. This treatment of the initial letters is frequent throughout the manuscript. The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 7 r.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 2. (F. 11 r.) The Trinity. 3. (F. 13 r.) St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness. 4.(F. 14 v.) The Martyrdom of St. Thomas a Becket. 5. (F. 16 r.) St. George and the Dragon. 6. (F. 17 r.) St. Christopher. 7. (F. 18 v.) St. Catherine. 8. (F. 20 r.) St. Mary Magdalene. 9. (F. 21 v.) St. Margaret. 10. (F. 22 v.) St. Barbara. 11. (F. 24 r.) Christ standing on a golden ball. 12. (F. 31 r.) The Annunciation. 13. (F. 37 v.) The Betrayal. 14. (F. 49 r.) Christ before Pontius Pilate. 15. (F. 53 r.) The Scourging. 16. (F. 56 r.) Christ bearing the Cross. 17. (F. 59 r.) The Crucifixion. 18. (F. 62 r.) The Descent from the Cross. 19. (F. 64 v.) The Entombment. 20. (F. 69 r.) The Coronation of the Virgin, who holds the Child. 21. (F. 81 r.) Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Christ being on the Cross in the Tree of Knowledge. 22. (F. 88 r.) The Crucifixion with the two Thieves. 23. (F. 89 r.) The Last Judg- ment. 24. (F. 106 r.) A Burial Service. 25. (F. 128 r.) The Ascension to Heaven of three Souls. 26. (F. 141 r.) The Resurrection of Christ, with all the symbols of the Passion. 27. (F. 147 r.) St. Jerome. The paintings are interesting for their quaintness of design, especially Nos. 21, 23, 25, and 26. The serpent in the Garden of Eden (folio 81) is represented as a long-haired devil with claws and tail. The colouring is brilliant, particularly the reds, one shade of which is quite unusual in early manuscripts. The faces are expressive and the attention to detail, 36 especially of costume, is noteworthy. The text is beautifully written with frequent rubrication. On the verso of folio 30 are the arms of the original owner painted in gold and colours. HOILE BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. S^c. XV. Svo, vellum, entirely covered with borders of leaf-sprays, marguerites, carnations, acorns, etc., and the interlaced initials of Henri II and Diane de Poitiers many times re- peated, gilt edges. In a modern case of red levant morocco. A French Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon vellum in the early part of the fifteenth century, and bound later for Henri II (1518- 1559) and Diane de Poitiers. 183 X 122 mm. There are 73 leaves, including 6 for the Calendar, with 26 lines to the page. The illuminations consist of 12 large and 27 small miniatures (of which 24 are in the Calendar), borders, and numerous large and small initial letters in gold on a ground of blue and red, or white on a ground of gold. The Calendar (except the first page) and the text have lateral borders of fruit, flowers, foliage, scrolls, grotesques, etc., in brilliant colours, blue predominating, on a ground of white or gold, the latter in geometrical figures. The pages containing miniatures have (with two exceptions) full-page borders of a similar design, with flowers in brilliant colours and scrolls in camaieu gris on a dull gold ground. Each page of the Calendar contains in the border two small miniatures depicting scenes appropriate to the month and the zodiacal signs, except the recto of the first folio, which has a full-page border containing at the foot the scene for the month. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 7 r.) The Four Evan- gelists, in four compartments. 2. (F. 15 r.) The Annunciation, in a border of architectural design, at the foot of which are two small minia- tures of the meeting of Joachim and Anna outside the Golden Gate and the Virgin Mary as a child going up to the Temple, Joachim and Anna awaiting her. The wall back of the Virgin Mary and the Angel (in the miniature of the Annunciation) has a blue drapery covered with fleurs- de-lys in gold. 3. (F. 21 r.) The Visitation of Elizabeth, who is attended by two angels. 4. (F. 27 r.) The Crucifixion between the two thieves; a group of nine people at the foot of the Cross. 5. (F. 28 r.) The Descent of HOR.E 37 the Holy Spirit. 6. (F. 29 r.) The Nativity. 7. (F. 32 v. ) The Announce- ment to four Shepherds, one of whom is a woman. 8. (F. 35 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. 9. (F. 37 r.) The Presentation in the Temple. 10. (F. 40 v.) The Coronation of the Virgin Mary by God the Father. 11. (F. 52 r.) "Les trois vifs et les trois morts," the three living on horse- back, a castle in the background ; in an architectural border of blue and shaded gold, with a small miniature at the foot depicting another scene of death. 12. (F. 67 v.) The Pieta; Mary seated at the foot of the Cross, Christ across her knees, St. John the Evangelist and Salome attending her ; a landscape in the background. The paintings are quaint in treat- ment and brilliant in colour. This manuscript is chiefly interesting because it belonged to Diane de Poitiers. HOILE BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. SJEC. XV. Small 4>to, red levant morocco, back, side borders and centre ornaments in mosaic of dark brown morocco richly tooled in heads and azured arabesques, vellum linings, gilt edges, by Lortic. In a case of brown levant morocco. A French Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon vellum in the early part of the fifteenth century. 122 X 91 mm. It consists of 224 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, with 15 lines to the page. Folios 42 and 121 are blank. There are 20 curious minia- tures painted in camaieu gris heightened with gold. The borders are of three kinds, scrolls in black and red ink issuing from the initial letters; unilateral and bilateral "line and leaf" borders in black and burnished gold with flowers and other ornaments in colours; and full-page borders around the miniatures, "line and leaf," with scrolls, animals, and figures in camaieu gris and dull gold. There are numerous initial letters of various sizes in colours and burnished gold, several with grotesque heads. The subjects of the miniatures, which have oval tops, are 1. (F. 13 r.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 2. (F. 22 r.) The Ascension. 3. (F. 26 r.) The Trinity. 4. (F. 28 v.) Christ teaching his disciples to pray. 5. (F. 31 r.) The Beheading of St. James the Major ( ?). 6. (F, 33 r.) The Crucifixion of St. Andrew, who was bound by cords instead of by nails. 7. (F. 35 v.) The Martyrdom of St. Stephen. 8. (F. 39 r.) The Martyr- 38 HORJE dom of a Saint whose feet were cut off. 9. (F. 59 r.) The Betrayal. 10. (F. 70 v.) Christ before Pilate. 11. (F. 82 r.) The Scourging. 12. (F. 87 v.) The Platting of the Crown of Thorns. 13. (F. 92 v.) Christ carry- ing the Cross. 14. (F. 97 v.) The Jews mocking Christ on the Cross. 15. (F. 102 r.) The Descent from the Cross. 16. (F. 110 v.) The En- tombment. 17. (F. 116 r.) The Crucifixion. 18. (F. 122 r.) King David praying. 19. (F. 142) The Last Judgment. 20. (F. 188 r.) St. Barbara. The subjects of some of the miniatures are unusual and the treatment is interesting. Two scribes evidently worked upon the manuscript, as folios 43-58, 158-174 recto and 207-224 differ from the rest of the volume. The Calendar and several of the rubrics are in French. The entire manuscript is extremely sombre in tone. HOR^E BEAT^E MARINE VIRGINIS. SJEC. XV. 4fo, in a modern French binding of green levant morocco, richly tooled in compartments "au pointille" in the manner of Le Gascon, doubled with red morocco, finished in a style corresponding with the interior, gilt edges. In a green morocco case lined with blue velvet. A French Book of Hours written in large and small gothic letters upon vellum during the early part of the fifteenth century. 227 X 160 mm. It consists of 253 leaves, including 10 for the Calendar (October and November are lacking), with 15 lines to the page. There are 1 1 large oval- topped miniatures surrounded by tracery borders introducing flowers, foliage, etc., also many illuminated initials. The subjects of the miniatures are the four Evangelists, the Annuncia- tion, the Visitation of Elizabeth, the Nativity, etc., the usual paintings found in Horce. HOR^E BEAT^E MARLE VIRGINIS. S^c. XV. 4to, original oak boards covered with old blue velvet, doubled with old vellum, gilt edges. In a modern cloth case. A superb French Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon vellum in the first half of the fifteenth century. 241 X 161 mm. It contains 170 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, and the blank HOR.E 39 folio 96, with 15 lines to the page. These are 39 large and 874 small miniatures, besides the 55 on the 24 pages of the Calendar, a total of 968 paintings, including all the compartments. The pages of the Calendar, which is written in French in letters of red, blue, and burnished gold, are surrounded by beautiful borders of minia- tures in from one to three compartments. On the verso of the leaves are the signs of the zodiac in medallion form painted in blue heightened with gold ; on the rectos are similar medallions containing scenes appro- priate to the months, and interesting in their conception, e. g., for March, the hewing of trees (f. 3 r.) and Lenten preaching (f. 3 v.); for April, confession, the celebration of the mass, and communion, three com- partments (f. 4 r.). fj All of the pages of text are surrounded by elaborate and carefully exe- cuted "line and leaf" borders in black and burnished gold with corner sprays of flowers in blue, green, dull red, and camaieu d'or. The small miniatures are in these borders, three on each page, at the top, at the outer side, and at the bottom. The subjects of the large miniatures, which are almost all divided into compartments, are 1. (F. 13 r.) The Four Evangelists, in four compart- ments at the top of the page; below, the Preaching of St. John the Evangelist and his Martyrdom. 2. (F. 15 r.) The Annunciation, sur- rounded by six compartments : Joachim offering the lamb to Issacher, the High-Priest ; Joachim, surrounded by his shepherds, receiving the Mes- sage of the Angel ; the meeting of Joachim and Anna before the Golden Gate ; the Birth of the Virgin ; her Marriage and her miraculous Ascen- sion in the Temple. 3. (F. 32 r.) The Visitation of Elizabeth; in the border, Elizabeth and Mary conversing, the Birth of John the Baptist, the Baptism of Christ, and John the Baptist preaching in the Wilderness to a company of coloured people. 4. (F. 43 v.) The Nativity, two groups of white and of black people in the background ; in the border scenes of feasting and dancing. 5. (F. 47 v.) The Announcement to the Shep- herds, two of whom are women. This miniature covers the entire page except for a large and a small illuminated initial and four lines of text. 6. (F. Sir.) The Adoration of the Magi ; in the border two compartments showing the three Magi on horseback with a cavalcade on their way to Bethlehem, and a third representing them in the Temple saluting the High-Priest before visiting the Manger. 7. (F. 54 v.) The Presentation in 40 HORM the Temple; below, the Circumcision, the page surrounded by an archi- tectural border in camaieu d'or containing niches in which are ten figures of Saints. 8. (F. 58 r.) The Flight into Egypt; in the border the pursuit by Herod's soldiers and the Massacre of the Innocents, Herod enthroned and surrounded by his courtiers. 9. (F. 63 v.) The Coronation of the Virgin by the Trinity; in the border her Death and Ascension. 10. (F. 83 v.) The Betrayal, Judas kissing Christ; in the border are three compartments, Judas receiving money from the High-Priest, Christ washing His Disciples' feet, and the Last Supper. The historiated initial on this page represents Judas hanging himself. 11. (F. 85 r.) The Des- cent of the Holy Spirit; in two lower compartments Christ sitting at meat with the two Disciples at Emmaus, and the Ascension. 12. (F. 86 v.) The Agony in the Garden ; in the two lower compartments, Christ led before Caiaphas and the Scourging. 13. (F. 88 r.) Christ bearing the Cross, preceded by the two thieves chained and entirely nude, and accom- panied by priests and soldiers on horseback leaving the gates of Jerusa- lem ; in the two lower compartments, the making of the Cross and a woman forging the nails on an anvil. 14. (F. 89 v.) The nailing of Christ to the Cross ; below, St. Veronica with the Sudarium and St. John and women saints consoling the Virgin. 15. (F. 91 r.) The Crucifixion, a large group surrounding the three Crosses. This is one of the finest of the miniatures in detail and colouring. Below are the soldiers disput- ing and casting lots for the garments. 16. (F. 92 v.) The Descent from the Cross, Joseph of Arimathea and his servants, St. John, the Virgin, and St. Mary Magdalene assisting ; below is a representation of Christ on the Virgin's lap, surrounded by Joseph of Arimathea and the women. 17. (F. 94 r.) The Entombment and the Resurrection, two compartments. 18. (F. 97 r.) King David praying; in the border David the boy tending his sheep and playing the harp, and David slaying Goliath. 19. (F. 116 r.) The Last Judgment; in the border the Devil driving his victims into the flames; above, nine groups of Saints; in the historiated initial, a monk kneeling in prayer. 20. (F. 147 r.) The Virgin and Child surrounded by Angels ; in the border below, two women in prayer, of whom the one kneeling on the prie-dieu may be the person for whom the manuscript was executed. 21. (F. 151 v.) The Trinity; below, in the border, the Virgin kneeling in prayer. 22. (F. 152 v.) The Martyrdom of St. Peter and the Conversion of St. Paul, blinded on the HOR.E 41 road to Damascus, two compartments at the top; below, in the border, the Martyrdom of St. Paul. 23. (F. 153 v.) The Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist; below, in the border, Salome carrying his head to her mother and Herod. 24. (F. 154 v.) St. Michael killing the dragon; below, in the border, angels singing. 25. (F. 155 v.) The Martyr- dom of St. Stephen ; in the border below, St. Stephen disputing with the doctors. 26. (F. 156 v.) The Martyrdom of St. Laurence; in the bor- der, below, St. Laurence led before the tribunal. 27. (F. 157 v.) St. Christopher carrying Christ; below, the Martyrdom of St. Christopher. 28. (F. 158 v.) St. George killing the dragon; below, the Martyrdom of St. George. 29. (F. 159 v.) St. Nicholas bringing the three children to life; below, the consecration of St. Nicholas by two Bishops. 30. (F. 160 v.) St. Eloy restoring a horse's leg; below, his consecration at Rouen as Bishop of Noyon. 31. (F. 161 v.) St. Martin dividing his cloak with the beggar; below, his consecration as Bishop of Tours. 32. (F. 162 v.) The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian; and St. Sebastian preaching. 33. (F. 163 v.) The Temptation of St. Anthony. 34. (F. 164 v.) Christ appearing to St. Mary Magdalene in the Garden ; below, her Communion and her Ascension. 35. (F. 165 v.) St. Catherine as Queen, holding a sword and reading a book; below, her martyrdom. 36. (F. 166 v.) St. Margaret in prison with the dragon; below, St. Margaret tending her sheep. 37. (F. 157 v.) The Martyrdom of St. Apollonia, with two small miniatures in the border. 38. (F. 168 v.) The Eleven Thousand Virgins ; two minia- tures. 39. (F. 169 v.) Various Saints. A distinctive feature of this manuscript is that the three miniatures in the border of each page not containing large miniatures are repeated on the verso of the page, but reversed. These small miniatures may be divided into three groups, according to their subjects: 1. Sacred scenes, e. g., the Creation of the World, the Temptation in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve driven from the Garden, the Murder of Abel, ff. 16-24; the history of Joseph, in 35 miniatures, ff . 25 et seq. ; the story of Moses, a long series beginning on f. 53; the Passion, f. 86; David's life, ff. 97-108; scenes from the Apocalypse and the lives of the Saints. 2. Ob- scoena (ff. 81 and 109) and grotesques, e. g., imaginary animals such as monsters with the head of a unicorn and the tail of a dragon, lions, eagles and camels with double and triple heads, nude boys or monkeys mounted on chimeras, monkeys or other animals playing on musical in- 42 HOILE struments, a mouse sitting before a cat, etc. 3. Scenes from celebrated romances or fabliaux of the Middle Ages, possibly from the collection of fables and moralities known as Ysopet. At least two artists painted the beautiful miniatures in this manu- script (cf. ff. 91, 92, 94, and 97), the more skilful of the two having exe- cuted the greater number. Both belonged to the school of Touraine, and it is not improbable that the manuscript was executed in Tours, as in the background of the large miniature representing St. Martin (f. 161 v.) is the church of St.-Martin-de-Tours, exactly as it was in the fifteenth cen- tury, with its three Roman towers. On the gable is a gilded statue of St. Martin. Fleurs-de-lys occur in twelve of the small miniatures, but probably only as ornaments. At the bottom of folio 86 recto is a centaur blowing a trumpet, upon a banner attached to which is a double-headed eagle, possi- bly a coat-of-arms. In variety of composition,. beauty of colouring, delicacy of finish, and immaculateness, this manuscript is one of the finest examples of French miniature art of the period. It was formerly in the collection of Henri Bordes. HOILE BEAT.E MARI^ VIRGINIS. SJEC. XV. 8vo, old calf, with the sides stamped and tooled in gold, gilt edges. In a crimson morocco case. A Flemish Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon vellum during the first half of the fifteenth century, and evidently intended for use in France. 189 X 130 mm. It contains 169 leaves, including 6 for the Calendar, with 18 lines to the page. There are 13 large and 45 small miniatures, including 24 in the Calendar, numerous initial letters, and borders of scrolls, flowers, foliage, birds, grotesques, etc., in brilliant colours on grounds of white and dull gold in compartments, in the characteristic Flemish manner. The borders accompanying the text are lateral, those around the large miniatures are full-page. The latter contain inner borders of blue and red ornaments on a burnished gold ground, and the miniatures them- selves are within architectural borders, oval at the top, painted in shaded gold, red, blue, etc. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 13 r.) The Betrayal. HOR.E 43 2. (F. 29 r.) The Annunciation; the Dove descending along rays of light emanating from God the Father in the sky. This is one of the most care- fully painted of the miniatures. 3. (F. 49 r.) The Visitation of Elizabeth. 4. (F. 59 r.) The Nativity. 5. (F. 64 v.) The Announcement to the Shepherds, one of whom is a woman. The angel in the sky bears a scroll with the inscription "Gloria in excelsis deo et in." 6. (F. 69 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. 7. (F. 73 r.) The Presentation in the Temple. 8. (F. 77 r.) The Massacre of the Innocents; a mother with her dead child kneeling before Herod, on the ground a second corpse, in the back- ground a soldier killing a third child. 9. (F. 83 v.) The Coronation of the Virgin. 10. (F. 89 r.) The Crucifixion. 11. (F. 96 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 12. (F. 102 r.) David and Bathsheba. 13. (F. 118 v.) Job and a group of neighbours ; in the background a castle. The subjects of the small miniatures are (ff. 7-12) the Four Evangel- ists; (ff. 23-26) the Virgin and Child and the Pieta; (ff. 160-169) St. Michael, St. John the Baptist, St. John the Evangelist, Sts. Peter and Paul, St. Laurence, St. Eustace, St. Fiacre, St. Nicholas, St. Claudius, St. Anthony, St. Maur, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Catherine, St. Margaret, and St. Genevieve. From the fact that there is a special prayer to St. Genevieve and an accompanying miniature, and that in the Calendar occur the names of St. Martin and St. Dionysius, written in burnished gold, it may be in- ferred that this manuscript was intended for use in France. Neither the painters of the miniatures nor of the borders were artists of the first rank, but the colouring is good, being subdued rather than brilliant, with frequent use of camaieu d'or. HOILE BEAT.E MARLE VIRGINIS. S^c. XV. 4to, original brown morocco binding stamped in panels, silver-gilt clasp, gauffred gilt edges. A Flemish Book of Hours executed in large gothic characters upon vellum during the first half of the fifteenth century, presumably for use in France, according to the hagiographical indications in the Calendar. 205 X 137 mm. It contains 164 leaves, with 15 lines to the page, besides 9 preliminary and final leaves of prayers in script. Folio 26 is blank. There are 13 large miniatures surrounded by "line and leaf" borders in black and bur- 44 HORvE nishcd gold, with flowers and scrolls in brilliant colours, besides hun- dreds of illuminated initials. The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 27 r.) The Annunciation. 2. (F. 43 v.) The Visitation of Elizabeth. 3. (F. 54 r.) The Nativity. 4. (F. 58 v.) The Announcement to the Shepherds, one of whom is a woman. 5. (F. 63 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. 6. (F. 67 r.) The Presentation in the Temple. 7. (F. 71 r.) The Flight into Egypt. 8. (F. 78 r.) The Coronation of the Virgin. 9. (F. 91 r.) King David pray- ing. 10. (F. Ill r.) The Crucifixion. 11. (F. 114 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 12. (F. 117 v.) A Burial Service within a chapel. 13. (F. 157 r.) The Virgin and Child seated in a rose-arbour, attended by an angel playing a flageolet. Several of the prayers and rubrics are in French. Although not in the highest style of art of the period, this volume is interesting as a fine, boldly executed, and well preserved example of Flemish work. HOILE BEAT.E MARLE VIRGINIS. &EC. XV. 4to, in an eighteenth century English binding of repousse silver in an arabesque design upon red velvet, having in the centre a blank escutcheon surmounted by a crown upheld by two lions rampant, repousse clasps, a silver chain attached at the top, gilt edges. A Flemish Book of Hours written in large gothic letters upon vellum during the first half of the fifteenth century. 157 X 109 mm. There are 195 leaves, including 6 for the Calendar, with 14 lines to the page. The illuminations are 12 large and 6 small miniatures, somewhat rude in execution, all surrounded by architectural borders in shaded gold, introducing red, green, and blue, besides numerous illuminated initials. The subjects of the large miniatures (folios 7-122) are the Betrayal, St. John the Evangelist blessing the dead, the Annunciation, the Vision of the Virgin and Child by Caesar Augustus, prophesied by the Sibyl Tiburtina, the Nativity, the Adoration of the Magi, the Presentation in the Temple, the Flight, the Death of the Virgin, the Crucifixion, the Descent of the Holy Spirit, David as a warrior kneeling to receive the blessing of the Prophet Nathan. The subjects of the small miniatures (folios 23-37) are St. Luke, St. HOR.E 45 Matthew, and St. Mark, the Pieta, the Virgin and Child, and the Virgin at the foot of the Cross. HOR.E BEAT.E MARLE VIRGINIS. SJEC. XV. 4to, old French red morocco, side panels with corner orna- ments, gilt back, gauf/red gilt edges. In an old case of mottled calf. A Flemish Book of Hours written in large and small gothic characters upon vellum in the first part of the fifteenth century. 210 X 150 mm. It contains 170 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, with 15 lines to the page. Folios 20, 84, and 126 are blank. There are 12 large miniatures with oval tops, 2 historiated initials, and numerous large and small capitals in colours and burnished gold. The arrangement of the borders is somewhat unusual : throughout the greater part of the manuscript the rectos of the folios have two lateral borders, one on each side of the page, and the versos one border only, in a delicately executed "line and leaf" design in black and burnished gold with small but brilliant flowers. The borders around all of the large miniatures except the first and the ninth are of a similar character but more elaborate, with an inner narrow border of a conventional design in red and blue on a ground of burnished gold. The borders on folios 21 and 85 are composed of thickly interlaced foliage, flowers and scrolls producing a very brilliant effect. These pages contain the two historiated initials, Joseph hammering legs into a table, and King David writing the Psalms. In the lower part of this first border are two tiny miniatures representing an Angel bringing food and the Virgin weaving. The full- page borders on folios 13, 77, 118, and 122 are of a "line and leaf" design. The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 21 r.) The Annunciation. 2. (F. 32 v.) The Visitation of Elizabeth ; in the distance a castle against a diapered background of blue, red, and burnished gold. 3. (F. 44 r.) The Nativity, a quaint composition showing castles in the distance against a star-lit sky and the shepherds worshipping. 4. (F. 50 v.) The An- nouncement to two Shepherds. 5. (F. 55 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. 6. (F. 59 v.) The Presentation in the Temple; a woman (probably Salome) bearing two turtle-doves in a basket. 7. (F. 64 r.) The Flight into Egypt, with a diapered background similar to that in No. 2. 8. 46 HOR! (F. 71 r.) The Coronation of the Virgin by God the Father, an Angel kneeling behind Mary, the background in a diaper design. 9. (F. 85 r.) King David praying. 10. (F. 103 r.) The Crucifixion, the Virgin and St. John the Evangelist at the Cross, 11. (F. Ill r.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 12. (F. 127 r.) A Burial Service in a church-yard. Two artists evidently painted the illuminations in this manuscript, for the borders appear to be French and the miniatures Flemish. On folio 82 is a prayer in French to "Madame Sainte Margerite." At the foot of folio 13 is written "Monasterii t Celle Abbatis Sept." HOILE BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS SECUNDUM USUM ANGLIC. CIRCA 1440. Folio, old crimson velvet with elaborate corner pieces and clasps of old silver niello work depicting Biblical scenes, gilt edges. In a case of brown morocco. An English Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon vellum about 1440 presumably for William Herbert, first Earl of Pembroke. 290 X 210 mm. It is divided into three parts, the first and third (folios 1-20 and 1-14) consisting of English and Latin prayers which were added about the middle of the sixteenth century. The Hours proper are written upon 195 leaves, with two columns to the page and 28 lines in each column. The description of the miniatures is according to the consecutive foliation of the three parts. The illuminations consist of 284 exquisitely painted miniatures, of which 29 are full-page with borders, and 260 smaller, the latter including 24 in the Calendar and 161 in the Psalter; also 42 full-page borders of flowers, birds, chimeras, and human figures in brilliant colours height- ened with shaded gold, besides hundreds of large and small illuminated initial letters. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 27 v.) The Agony in the Garden ; in the sky God the Father and four angels, in the background Judas and a company of soldiers entering the Garden through a gate. 2. (F. 28 r.) The Annunciation; the scene is a carefully finished library, through the open window of which is a charming little landscape; from the upper left-hand corner golden rays, through which flies a white dove, are shed upon the Virgin from the mouth of God the Father; below Him HOR^E 47 is an archway leading into a garden. 3. (F. 32 v.) The Betrayal; a large group of Roman soldiers, to the left, outside the Garden, Sts. James and John, in the background the towers of Jerusalem. 4. (F. 33 r.) The Visitation of Elizabeth; Zacharias approaching through a courtyard at the right, a river and a landscape in the background at the left. 5. (F. 51 v.) Christ before Pilate; through a window at the back of the Judgment Hall, which is open at the side, with roof having a clock- tower, is a tiny landscape. 6. (F. 52 r.) The Nativity; two angels kneel- ing at the right, God the Father at the top of the painting shedding rays of light on the Infant Christ ; in the background a landscape with a river and the towers of Jerusalem. 7. (F. 55 v.) The Scourging; through an open doorway at the right is seen the hall of Pilate with Roman soldiers, at the left two windows commanding landscapes. 8. (F. 56 r.) The An- nouncement to the Shepherds ; the scene is a field across which runs a wattled fold; in the background the towers of Jerusalem. 9. (F. 58 v.) Christ carrying the Cross ; in the left background the Virgin Mary and others issuing from the doorway of Pilate's house. The costumes of the soldiers in this painting are especially curious and interesting. 10. (F. 59 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. 11. (F. 61 v.) The Crucifixion; the Cross is surmounted by a small figure representing God the Father in the act of blessing ; on the right a group of Roman soldiers, the foremost of whom is the Centurion, who raises his hand towards the Cross ; above him on a scroll is the legend " Vere filius dei erat." At the left are holy women, in the background the towers of Jerusalem. 12. (F. 62 r.) The Presentation in the Temple; a group of ten persons. 13. (F. 64 v.) The Descent from the Cross ; Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea receiv- ing the body. 14. (F. 65 r.) The Massacre of the Innocents; Herod, en- throned, lifts his sceptre to strike a child held by a soldier ; through the windows and an open archway is a landscape. 15. (F. 68 v.) The Entomb- ment ; Joseph of Arimathea at the head of the tomb, Nicodemus at the foot, Mary Magdalene anointing Christ's hand; a group of eleven per- sons. In the background are boats sailing on a winding river, at the left a man rowing a boat from under the water-gate of a castle. 16. (F. 69 r.) The Flight into Egypt; in the background the towers of Jeru- salem, a troop of horsemen issuing from a gateway in pursuit of the fugitives. 17. (F. 73 v.) The Last Judgment; Christ seated on a rain- bow, the graves opening below, at the left the gate of Heaven guarded by 48 St. Peter, at the right, the jaws of Hell, near which hovers St. Michael, with sword and scales in hand. 18. (F. 83 v.) The Raising of Lazarus; the scene is the interior of a church, an unusual composition. 19. (F. 101 v.) Christ in the act of blessing; at the right kneels an angel in prayer, at the left are two angels playing the harp and the viol, on the columns at the side stand four angels blowing trumpets; in the back- ground a landscape. 20. (F. 109 v.) Asaph writing the Psalms, seated in a circular chair, his feet on a foot-stool, beside a blazing wood fire in an open bed-chamber ; he wears a curious hat and a pair of horn spectacles. 21. (F. 120 v.) The Resurrection; Christ standing on the top of the sepulchre surrounded by the symbols of the Passion and the heads of Herod, Pilate, Annas, Caiaphas, and Judas. 22. (F. 124 v.) Three com- partments; the one on the left depicts Jerusalem, in the foreground David and his followers at the end of a winding path leading from the city- gate; in the upper right-hand corner the High-Priest carrying the holy oil issues from the city-gate accompanied by the chief men of the city; in the lower right-hand corner five minstrels precede a priest who carries a crown of gold and is followed by singers and women playing on harps and viols. 23. (F. 133 v.) The Siege of Jerusalem; soldiers in the fore- ground, one of them discharging a large cannon pointed towards the walls of the city, in which a breach has already been made. In the streets are women, one lamenting over a dead body. 24. (F. 142 v.) David standing on a hill beyond Jerusalem overlooking the city ; in the streets of the town and in the temple, a curious round building, the soldiers of Antiochus are slaying their victims ; at the left, approaching the city, is a large party of horsemen ; at the right is a greensward enclosed by a wall, within which is a mother exhorting her seven sons, an illustration of Maccabees 2, 7, "The constancy and cruel death of seven brethren and their mother in one day, because they would not eat swine's flesh at the king's commandment." Near by stands Antiochus with the swine's flesh in his hand. 25. (F. 151 v.) Three scenes from the Passion ; in the lower right-hand corner, Christ before Pilate ; at the left, the Scourging, in an open alcove reached by steps; at the top of the page, the Crucifixion. 26. (F. 161 v.) Asaph seated in the forecourt of a house beating time for three singers; on the left and right are fruit-gatherers; at the top is a view of a service in an open-air church. 27. (F. 171 v.) In the background a group of buildings symbolising the world, to which God the Father HOR.E 49 sends His Son, indicated by a child descending from the mouth of the Father through golden rays. In the foreground is a group of twelve persons, possibly representing prophets, who observe the vision of Christ. At the left is a rocky prison through the bars of which are seen victims awaiting their deliverance. 28. (F. 181 v.) A painting in five compart- ments ; in the lower left-hand corner is David lying on a couch from which he foresees in a vision the Death of Christ ; above are depicted the Last Supper, the crucified Christ adored by angels, Christ holding the chalice containing the host and a globe, in the lower right-hand corner the celebration of the mass. 29. (F. 186 v.) The Ascension of a Soul to Heaven, quaintly represented by a nude figure standing in a sheet up- borne by four angels. Above are Christ and a choir of angels, below is the open grave. The 24 small miniatures in the Calendar are circular and occur at the bottom of the pages within borders of scrolls and flowers in colours heightened with gold. They represent scenes appropriate to the months and the zodiacal signs. Beginning with a small miniature of Esdras on folio 110 recto are 161 paintings illustrating the 150 Psalms. To each Psalm is given a title-heading written in red ink, which is said to be peculiar to the present manuscript, e. g., title to Psalm I, "Hue pfalmu fecit efdras quado renouaint legem dm cobufta." After the miniatures illustrating the Psalter are 12 others accompanying Cantica. Preceding the Psalter are 63 more small paintings, of which 55 are of saints, including St. Thomas of Canterbury, St. George, St. Edmund, and St. Edward. To each day of the month in the Calendar, which occupies six leaves, is assigned a Latin verse, which usually, but not invariably, rhymes in couplets. Where the saints' days or festivals occur, the name of the saint or festival is skilfully introduced in the verse. The Calendar is of further interest because of its marginal notes in Latin, written in a legible, clerical hand, e. g., opposite February 23, "Obitus Humfridi ducis glouceftrie anno dni M'mo. CCCCXLVI apud Byrie." There are nine of these entries, all relating either to the House of York or to victories gained by the Yorkists. The scribe was probably the chaplain of the owner of the manuscript, who must have been a partisan of the House of York. He would appear to have had a special interest in Richard, Duke of Gloucester, afterwards Richard III, of whom he records the birth and marriage, and also the birth of his eldest son. 4 50 HOR.E Although the volume was presumably executed in England, the illuminations appear to have been painted by French and Flemish artists. There is every reason to believe that this manuscript was made for William Herbert, first Earl of Pembroke. That his grandson owned it in the middle of the sixteenth century is abundantly shown by the 20 pre- liminary and 14 final leaves bound up with the volume. The first pre- liminary leaf contains the illuminated arms of William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, who was made Knight of the Garter in 1548 for services rendered to Henry VIII, by whom he was appointed one of the executors of his will and a guardian and councillor to his son, Edward VI. On the second leaf is painted a full-length portrait of the Earl, clad in silver and gold armour, kneeling at a prie-dieu, before an altar, probably of the old chapel at Wilton. To a pillar are attached his arms. The eighteen leaves following contain Latin prayers apparently written in the reign of Philip and Mary (1553-58). The first three leaves have borders of flowers, scrolls, etc., and there are numerous illuminated initials. The fourteen final leaves contain prayers in English, written in a bold got hie character of the sixteenth century, the first page having an illum- inated border. As these prayers were printed in 1545 and edited by Queen Catherine Parr, and as her sister was first wife of William Her- bert, Earl of Pembroke, it is by no means improbable that the Queen wrote them especially for the use of her brother-in-law. From the Borghese and Castellani collections. HOILE BEAT^E MARINE VIRGINIS. CIRCA 1450. [Folio 42 recto] Incipiunt hore beate marie virgis fecun- dum confuetudinem anglie. 4to, dark brown levant mo- rocco, tooled in a Grolieresque design of interlacing mosaic bands in green, light brown, red, and blue morocco and small mosaic ornaments, doubled with red morocco, narrow borders, red moire silk guards, gilt edges, in a brown levant morocco case, by Lortic. A Book of Hours written upon vellum for use in England about 1450. 194 X 136 mm. From the prayers addressed to English Saints (e. g., St. George, folio HOR.E 51 28), the costumes of many of the figures, especially in the Calendar, and the general character of the art in the miniatures, it would appear to be of English execution. Sir Francis Palgrave, however, judged it to be French, and other authorities, Flemish. It was possibly executed by an English scribe and foreign artists in England. It contains 192 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, with 18 lines to the page. There are 23 large miniatures, 24 small ones in the Calendar, and, in the text, 20 historiated initials (folios 58-63 and 90-108) repre- senting saints and scenes from the life of Christ, besides numerous il- luminated initials. The 46 borders, apparently by French artists, are of different execu- tion from the miniatures, which, in their quaintness and frequent crudeness, represent a less advanced stage of art. The borders are com- posed of flowers and fruit in gold and colours, blue predominating, with stems traced in ink. On many pages are floral ornaments of black, gold, and colours issuing from initial letters, the forerunner of the separate border. The Calendar has 12 illuminated initials and no borders. At the beginning of each month are two miniatures depicting appropriate scenes accompanied by the signs of the zodiac. The subjects of the large miniatures, which are painted on the versos of the leaves, are 1. (F. 13) Christ standing before a screen held by two angels, an open book in the left hand, the right raised, a golden ball be- tween the feet. 2. (F. 22) God the Father enthroned supporting the crucified Christ, whose feet rest on a golden ball. 3. (F. 25) St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness. 4. (F. 27) St. George and the Dragon, a crowned woman kneeling in the background. 5. (F. 29) St. Christo- pher. 6. (F. 31) St. Anna holding the Virgin and Child, the upper back- ground in a diaper pattern of red, blue, green, and gold. 7. (F. 33) St. Mary Magdalene. 8. (F. 35) St. Catherine. 9. (F. 37) St. Margaret. 10. (F. 39) St. Barbara. 11. (F. 41) The Agony in the Garden. 12. (F. 50) The Betrayal. 13. (F. 66) Christ before Pilate. 14. (F. 71) The Scourging; witnessed by two groups of people, the one at the left standing in a room the marquetry floor of which is in curious perspective. 15. (F. 75) Christ bearing the Cross. 16. (F. 78) The Crucifixion, with a blue and gold floral background. 17. (F. 81) The Descent from the Cross, against a background of similar design in rose and gold. 18. (F. 84) The Entombment, with the three Crosses in the distance. 19. 52 HOILE (F. 109) The Last Judgment. 20. (F. 131) The Raising of Lazarus. 21. (F. 156) Two "departing souls" ascending to Heaven in a winding-sheet held by two angels, (iod the Father above in the clouds. 22. (F. 171) The Resurrection, with all the symbols of the Passion. 23. (F. 179) St. Jerome. At the top of the first page of the Calendar is written : " Jesus have merci upon us. John busshells boke tayller." HOR/E BEAT^E MARINE VIRGINIS. S^c. XV. 12 mo, dark blue velvet, engraved silver-gilt corner pieces and clasps, light blue silk linings, gauffred gilt edges. A Flemish Book of Hours written upon fine vellum about the middle of the fifteenth century. 127 X 92 mm. It contains 176 leaves (folios 101 and 118 blank), including 12 for the Calendar, which is in Latin and has illuminated initials; 16 lines to the page. There are 13 large and 14 small miniatures, 20 borders composed of flowers, insects, animals, etc., on a dull gold or grey ground, and num- erous initials floriated in camaieu d'or or gris, or painted in blue, red, and gold. From these latter initials occasionally issue scroll-like ornaments in black or red ink. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 13 v.) The Crucifixion. 2. (F. 22 v.) The Descent of the Holy Ghost. 3. (F. 42 v.) The Annuncia- tion, showing the interior of a bed-chamber and the Virgin kneeling before a prie-dieu. 4. (F. 52 v.) The Visitation of Elizabeth. 5. (F. 67 r.) The Nativity. 6. (F. 72 r.) The Announcement to the Shepherds, one of whom is a woman. 7. (F. 77 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. 8. (F. 81 v.) The Circumcision. 9. (F. 86 r.) The Massacre of the Innocents. 10. (F. 94 v.) The Flight into Egypt. 11. (F. 102 v.) The Virgin and Child. 12. (F. 119 v.) King David praying. 13. (F. 143 v.) A Burial Service. The 14 small miniatures, which measure 27 X 27 mm., occur be- tween folios 35-40 and 103-106, and represent Sts. John the Evangelist, Luke, Matthew, and Mark, the Descent from the Cross, St. John the Bap- tist, Sts. Peter and Paul, St. Sebastian, St. Christopher, St. Anthony, St. Nicholas, St. Anna, St. Catherine, and St. Barbara. The execution of all the miniatures is refined and delicate in colouring and original in design. HOR^E 53 HOR,E BEAT^E MARLE VIRGINIS. SJEC. XV. 4tto, old brown morocco, tooled in a beautiful Grolieresque design of interlacing fillets, scrolls, and azured silver orna- ments, brass and leather clasps, gilt edges. A French Book of Hours written about the middle of the fifteenth cen- tury in large and small golhic characters upon vellum. 197 X 144 mm. There are 162 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, with 16 lines to the page. Folios 13, 100, 105, and 110 are blank. The miniatures number 18. Every page of text contains a lateral border delicately executed in a "line and leaf" design traced in black and finished in burnished gold with brightly coloured flowers. The pages containing miniatures have more than usually elaborate internal borders, introducing a variety of flowers and fruits. The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 14 r.) St. John the Evangelist on Patmos. 2. (F. 15 v.) St. Luke. 3. (F. 17 v.) St. Matthew. 4. (F. 19 v.) St. Mark. 5. (F. 28 r.) The Annunciation. 6. (F. 49 r.) The Visitation of Elizabeth. 7. (F. 58 r.) The Nativity. 8. (F. 63 r.) The Announcement to the Shepherds, one of whom is a woman. 9. (F. 66 v.) The Adoration of the Magi, one of them a youth. 10. (F. 70 r.) The Presentation in the Temple. 11. (F. 73 v.) The Flight into Egypt. 12. (F. 79 v.) The Coronation of the Virgin. 13. (F. 84 r.) King David pray- ing outside a chapel. 14. (F. 101 r.) The Crucifixion. 15. (F. 106 r.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 16. (F. 1 1 1 r. ) A Burial Service within a chapel. 17. (F. 155 r.) The Virgin and Child, two kneeling figures be- side them, at the beginning of the French prayer " Doulce dame de miseri- corde." 18. (F. 160 r.) The Trinity, at the beginning of the French prayer, "Quelconques veult estre bien conseilles." The colouring of this manuscript is fresh and pure. HOR.E BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. SJEC. XV. 4to, brown levant morocco, back and sides gilt and blind- tooled in panels, corner and centre ornaments, vellum linings, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. A Flemish Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon vellum in the second half of the fifteenth century. 168 X 177 mm. It contains 204 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, which, like the rubrics, is in French. Folios 13 and 30 are blank, but ruled in ink, 15 lines to the page. There are 12 large and 15 small miniatures of the school of Memling, and 27 borders of unusual brilliancy (of which 12 surround the large miniatures) composed of scrolls, flowers, fruit, birds, angels, etc., on a bright yellow ground. On folio 122, which begins "Vigilles des mors," is the figure of a corpse with the legend on a scroll, "La mort approche," etc. There are numerous large floriated and historiated initials and smaller ones in dull gold on a blue or rose ground, and in camaieu gris on a green and gold ground. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 14 v.) The Cruci- fixion. 2. (F. 23 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 3. (F. 31 v.) The Annunciation. 4. (F. 43 v.) The Visitation of Elizabeth. 5. (F. 56 v.) The Nativity; four brilliant red angels in the sky. 6. (F. 72 v.) The Circumcision. 7. (F. 78 v.) The Flight into Egypt. 8. (F. 87 v.) The Coronation of the Virgin. 9. (F. 93 v.) The Virgin and the Infant Christ, the face of the Virgin being the Memling type of Madonna. 10. (F. 103 v.) King David praying, a castle and a landscape in the background. 11. (F. 177 r.) The crucified Christ appearing to the 56 HOR.E Virgin as she kneels in prayer. 12. (F. 187 v.) Two compartments showing St. John the Baptist seated, with a book in his hand, and Salome receiving his head. The subjects of the small miniatures, which occur between folios 167 and 199, are, the Descent from the Cross, the crucified Christ and the Virgin crowned by God the Father, the Crucifixion, the Trinity (folio 190 v.), Sts. Peter and Paul, St. Sebastian in armour, St. An- thony, St. Adrian, St. Piat, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Julian, St. Cath- erine, St. Barbara, the Descent of the Holy Spirit, and St. Roch. The colouring throughout the volume is brilliant, and the subjects of some of the small miniatures are rather unusual, e. g., St. Piat, St. Julian, and St. Sebastian in armour. On the first of the two preliminary blank leaves is sixteenth century handwriting in French. HOILE BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. S^c. XV. 4to, brown levant morocco tooled in panels containing stars, trefoils, and other small ornaments, vellum linings, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. A Flemish Book of Hours written in large and small gothic letters upon the finest abortive vellum in the latter part of the fifteenth century. 195 X 136 mm. There are 207 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar (which is in French), with 18 lines to the page. It contains 31 large miniatures and numerous initial letters in blue and red on a burnished gold ground. On each page of text is a lateral border of delicate scrolls, fruit, flowers, and foliage in gold and colours, blue predominating. Similar borders extend around three sides of the pages containing miniatures. The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 13 r.) St. John the Evange- list on Patmos. 2. (F. 14 v.) St. Luke. 3. (F. 16 r.) St. Matthew. 4. (F. 17 v.) St. Mark. 5. (F. 18 v.) The Betrayal, painted in dull blue and green and camaieu (Tor. 6. (F. 25 r.) The Descent from the Cross, in brilliant colours. 7. (F. 32 r.) The crowned Virgin and the Infant Christ, at their feet a man kneeling, probably the one for whom the manuscript was executed. 8. (F. 35 r.) The Annunciation, the Angel's wings resembling peacock's feathers. 9. (F. 49) The Visita- tion of Elizabeth; a castle on a hill of rocks in the background. 10. HOR.E 57 (F. 57 v.) The Adoration of the Shepherds. 11. (F. 61 r.) The Announce- ment to the Shepherds. 12. (F. 64 v.) The Offerings of the Magi; the Virgin and Child enthroned under a canopy. 13. (F. 67 v.) The Presentation in the Temple. 14. (F. 71 r.) The Flight into Egypt. 15. (F. 80) The Crucifixion. 16. (F. 84) The Descent of the Holy Ghost. 17. (F. 88) The Death of Goliath; the armies of the Israelites and Philistines in the background. The number of figures in this paint- ing and the finish of detail are remarkable. 18. (F. 104) "Les trois vifs et les trois morts ; " a cross in the foreground, a walled castle in the distance. 19. (F. 135 v.) St. Michael and two dragons. 20. (F. 136 v.) St. John the Evangelist and St. John the Baptist in a hall, two of the three pillars of which are studded with jewels. 21. (F. 137 v.) St. Peter and St. Paul. 22. (F. 138 v.) St. Christopher approaching land on which is St. George killing the dragon. 23. (F. 139 v.) St. Adrian and St. Sebastian. 24. (F. 140 v.) St. James the Great and St. Bernard. 25. (F. 141 v.) The Martyrdom of St. Catherine. 26. (F. 142 v.) St. Mary Magdalene and St. Martha. 27. (F. 143 v.) St. Apollonia and St. Barbara. 28. (F. 144 v.) The Assumption ; the symbols of the four Evangelists in the corners of the blue border surrounding the miniature. 29. (F. 155 v.) St. Gregory. 30. (F. 187 r.) St. Augustine. 31 (F. 195 r.) The Resurrection. The paintings are delicate examples of Flemish art at its best period, unsurpassed in brilliancy of colour, perspective, drawing, and perfection of detail. At least two artists worked upon the volume, as may be seen by comparing folios 80 and 88 with folio 25. The two former paintings, in perspective and finish, suggest the school of Touraine. The grouping of two unrelated saints, as in nos. 22, 23, 24, 26, and 27, is unusual. The arms of the person for whom the volume was made occur twice in the border on folio 35 recto. From the Bragg collection. HOR^E BEAT^E MARINE VIRGINIS. &EC. XV. Small 8vo, dark blue morocco, gilt edges, silver clasp, by Koehler. A Book of Hours executed upon fine vellum in the fifteenth century in France by a French scribe and a Flemish illuminator. 172 X 117 mm. It contains 162 leaves, including 6 for the Calendar, with 20 lines to 58 HOILE the page. There are 12 large and 73 small miniatures in the borders which combine with much originality foliage, flowers, various fruits, birds, animals, grotesques, and chimeras. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 12 r.) The Annunci- ation. 2. (F. 30 r.) The Nativity. 3. (F. 33 v.) The Announcement to the Shepherds. 4. (F. 36 v.) The Adoration of the Magi. 5. (F. 39 r.) The Presentation in the Temple. 6. (F. 42 r.) The Flight into Egypt. 7. (F. 46 r.) The Coronation of the Virgin. 8. (F. 49 v.) The Cruci- fixion. 9. (F. 51 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 10. (F. 53 v.) Uriah receiving the fatal message from King David. 11. (F. 65 v.) Job conversing with his wife and friends. 12. (F. 161 r.) The Mass of St. Gregory. The border of this last miniature is divided into compartments, each of which contains an initial of the word "Regnee" at the foot of the page. The small miniatures depict scenes from the lives of Christ, the Virgin, and various Saints, with the civil, religious, and military costumes of the period. From the types of face in the paintings, the artist was evidently Flemish, indeed, at first glance, the manuscript appears to be entirely Flemish. Although not in the highest style of art, the miniatures are vigorous in execution and pervaded with a sombre seriousness pos- sessing a quaint charm. From the mention throughout the manuscript of the names of saints especially venerated in Paris, e. g., St. Denis, St. Aure or Avoie, St. Opportune, St. Fiacre, and St. Mathurin, it would appear to have been written in that city, but the hagiographical indications in the Calendar and Litany do not confirm this hypothesis; e. g,, in the Calendar, where St. Genevieve is not mentioned, are found the rarely used names Cheron (May 28), patron saint of Chartres, St. Lifart (June 3), born at Orleans and patron of Meung-sur-Loire, St. Calais (July 1), first abbe d'Anille dans le Maine, St. Euverte (September 7), Bishop of Orleans, St. Solain, Bishop of Chartres and patron saint of Blois, and St. Foi, patron saint of Chartres. In addition, among the unusual names, rubricated, are those of St. Gervais and St. Protais, patron saints of the city of Mans. These facts would indicate that the scribe lived in Maine or Orleans. Besides a number of unusual names, the Calendar contains also many dialectical forms and orthographical peculiarities, e. g., St. Fellier [Felix?] January 14; St. Memer [Mamert?] May 11; St. Liphard [Lifart], St. Kalces [Calais], St. Bethelemer [Barthelemy] August 24. HOR.E 59 On the second of the four preliminary blank leaves is written, "Je fuis a Damoifelle Jeanne de Malherbe 1567," which indicates that the manuscript was undoubtedly owned by a member of the family of Francois de Malherbe, the poet. 1555-1628. From the library of Ambroise Firmin-Didot. HOILE BEAT.E MARLE VIRGINIS. SJEC. XV. 4fo, red levant morocco delicately tooled in compartments containing leaf-sprays, azured ornaments, and dots, doubled with green morocco tooled in oval cartouches formed of leaf- sprays containing floral ornaments, the intervals filled with stars, dots, and other small tools, vellum guards, gilt edges, by Riviere. In a green levant morocco case lined with green velvet. A French Book of Hours executed in large and small gothic characters upon vellum, presumably after the middle of the fifteenth century for Margaret of Anjou (1430-1482), wife of Henry VI of England, whose portrait is supposed to be contained in the miniature on folio 230, representing a noble lady kneeling before the Virgin and Child. 180 X 133 mm. There are 238 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, with 15 lines to the page. Folios 32, 108, and 229 are blank. It contains 51 large and 24 small miniatures. The pages of the Calendar and the text are surrounded by exquisitely painted "line and leaf" borders of black and burnished gold with flowers in brilliant colours. The pages containing miniatures have more elaborate borders richly ornamented with thick sprays of flowers, foliage, and scrolls in red, blue, and green, heightened with burnished gold. The subjects of the large miniatures, which have oval tops, are 1. (F. 13 r.) St. John the Evangelist on Patmos. 2. (F. 15 r.) St. Luke. 3. (F. 17 r.) St. Matthew. 4. (F. 19 r.) St. Mark. 5. (F. 20 v.) Christ before Pilate. 6. (F. 23 r.) The Virgin and Child enthroned under a richly embroidered canopy in red and gold, the Child receiving a basket of fruit from an angel. 7. (F. 27 v.) The Coronation of the Virgin, the Child in her arms, two angels below playing an organ and a harp. 8. 60 HOILE (F. 33 r.) The Annunciation. 9. (F. 60 r.) The Visitation of Elizabeth. 10. (F. 72 v.) The Nativity. 11. (F. 76 r.) The Announcement to the Shepherds. 12. (F. 84 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. 13. (F. 89 r.) The Presentation in the Temple; the Virgin accompanied by Salome( ?) bearing a basket with three turtle-doves. 14. (F. 94 r.) The Flight into Egypt. 15. (F. 102 r.) The Coronation of the Virgin. 16. (F. 109 r.) King David praying. 17. (F. 132 v.) The Agony in the Garden. 18. (F. 134 v.) The Mocking of Christ. 19. (F. 136 v.) The Flagellation. 20. (F. 138 v.) Christ bearing the Cross. 21. (F. 140 v.) The Cruci- fixion with the two thieves. 22. (F. 142 v.) The Descent from the Cross. 23. (F. 144 v.) The Entombment. 24. (F. 146 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 25. (F. 148 v.) The Announcement to the Shepherds ; angels ringing bells in the sky. 26. (F. 150 r.) The Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist. 27. (F. 151 v.) Peter baptising converts. 28. (F. 153 r.) Peter preaching to converts. 29. (F. 154 v.) Two Apostles (Peter and Paul?) kneeling in prayer outside a city (Rome?). 30. (F. 156.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 31. (F. 158 r.) A Burial Service. 32. (F. 209 r.) The Trinity. 33. (F. 210 v.) The Assumption of the Virgin. 34. (F. 211 v.) St. Michael. 35. (F. 212 v.) St. John the Evan- gelist. 36. (F. 213 v.) St. Simon and St. Jude. 37. (F. 215 r.) St. Andrew. 38. (F. 216 r.) St. Thomas. 39. (F. 217 r.) St. Stephen. 40. (F. 218 r.) St. Dionysius (Denis). 41. (F. 219 v.) St. Laurence. 42. (F. 220 v.) St. John the Baptist. 43. (F. 221 v.) St. Martin. 44. (F. 222 v.) St. Nicholas. 45. (F. 223 v.) St. Anthony. 46. (F. 224 v.) St. Anna and the Virgin Mary. 47. (F. 226 r.) St. Mary Magdalene. 48. (F. 227 r.) St. Catherine. 49. (F. 228 r.) St. Margaret. 50. (F. 230 r.) The Virgin Mary and the Child receiving the homage of a kneeling woman supposed to be Margaret of Anjou. This miniature precedes the prayer beginning "Doulce dame de misericorde." 51. (F. 235 v.) The Last Judgment, preceding the prayer "Douls dieus douls pere sainte trinite." The 24 small miniatures are on the outer margins and at the foot of pages containing the Calendar, and represent the signs of the zodiac and scenes appropriate to the months. The miniatures are of extremely fine and delicate execution and re- markable for brilliancy of colour and variety of subject. The paintings accompanying the eight divisions of the Hours proper, beginning with HOR^E 61 the Matins and ending with the Compline, are not the usual subjects. Both borders and miniatures were painted by artists of a high order. HOILE BEAT^E MARI.E VIRGINIS. S*sc. XV. 4to, old red velvet, inside borders of red morocco delicately tooled, light blue silk panels, carved and chased silver-gilt corners and clasps, gilt edges, by C. Smith. In a case of dark mauve morocco lined with velvet. A superb French Book of Hours written in large and small gothic characters upon vellum presumably after the middle of the fifteenth century. 235 X 168 mm. It contains 211 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, with 15 lines to the page. Folios 27 and 97 are blank. There are 19 large and 56 small miniatures, 24 of which are in the Calendar, making 75 in all. All of the pages of the Calendar and text are surrounded by exquisite "line and leaf" borders delicately painted in black and burnished gold. The pages containing the large miniatures have more elaborate borders of flowers, foliage, and scrolls in brilliant colours and burnished gold, the one on folio 28 introducing four angels. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 13 r.) St. John the Evangelist on Patmos, the Eagle holding his scroll, the Devil in the background stealing his ink-well. 2. (F. 15 r.) St. Luke painting the portrait of the Virgin Mary. 3. (F. 17 r.) St. Mark. 4. (F. 18 v.) St. Matthew. These four miniatures measure about 73 X 67 mm. and are quadrangular in form, the remaining ones being somewhat larger (about 105 X 65 mm.), with oval tops. 5. (F. 28 r.) The Annunciation. 6. (F. 52 r.) The Visitation of Elizabeth; in the background a marine landscape in curious perspective. 7. (F. 63 v.) The Nativity. 8. (F. 69 v.) The Announcement to the Shepherds. 9. (F. 74 v.) The Adora- tion of the Magi. 10. (F. 79 r.) The Presentation in the Temple. 11. (F. 83 v.) The Flight into Egypt, an angel attending, a river scene in the background. 12. (F. 91 r.) The Coronation of the Virgin Mary by God the Father, attended by six angels. 13. (F. 98 r.) King David praying on a battlemented roof overlooking a river. 14. (F. 119 r.) The Crucifixion; a soldier thrusting the spear into Christ's side. 15. (F. 127 r.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 16. (F. 134 r.) A Burial Service; an unusual and interesting painting showing the Office for the Dead 62 HOR.E read over the corpse, which is about to be lowered into the tomb, the mourners and priests in the foreground. In the background is seen a struggle for the Spirit between the good and evil powers, and the interposition of the Archangel Michael to frustrate the Devil. 17. (F. 182 r.) The Virgin and Child attended by angels, beginning the sen-ice, in French, "Les quinze joies de Notre Dame." 18. (F. 188 r.) The Entombment, a curious composition preceding "Les cinq plaies," in French, depicting Christ crucified standing in the tomb, surrounded by the Virgin Mary, the Beloved Disciple and two angels bearing the symbols of the Passion. 19. (F. 192 r.) The Trinity; God the Father supporting the crucified Christ, and attended by four angels bearing the symbols of the Passion. The 24 small miniatures in the Calendar, representing the zodiacal signs and scenes appropriate to the months, are on the recto of the pages on the outer margin and at the foot, the former circular in shape, the latter quadrangular. The remaining 32 small miniatures occur in the outer margins of the borders from folios 193 to 211, and represent All Saints, the Assumption of the Virgin, two Angels beside the Cross, St. Michael, St. John the Baptist, Sts. Peter and Paul, St. Andrew, St. John the Evangelist, St. James the Major, St. Thomas, St. Barthelemy, St. Matthew, Sts. Simon and Jude, St. Matthias, St. Luke, St. Mark, St. Stephen, St. Laurence, St. Vincent, St. Denis, St. Christopher, St. George, St. Martin, St. Nicholas, St. Maurelio, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Fiacre, St. Catherine, St. Margaret, St. Genevieve, St. Mary Magdalene, and St. Anna. The delicate execution, multiplicity of detail, perspective, and brilliant colouring of all the miniatures, as well as the style of border, suggest the preceding manuscript, which was executed for Margaret of Anjou. The similarity is particularly evident in the eight paintings and borders which accompany the Office of the Virgin. It is not unlikely that the same artists executed both manuscripts. Formerly in the library of the Duke of Sussex. HOILE BEAT.E MARI.E VIRGINIS. SJEC. XV. Small Svo, Lyonnese binding in calf on oak boards, stamped in gold and with the name of its former owner, "Marie Chariot," on both sides, gilt edges. In an embroidered wrapper worked in silk. HORJE 63 A Flemish Book of Hours executed in large and small gothic letters upon vellum in the fifteenth century, evidently for use in Paris, as St. Denis and St. Genevieve are depicted among the miniatures. 183 X 125 mm. There are 120 leaves, including 6 for the Calendar, with 22 lines to the page. It contains 1 1 large and 46 small miniatures, 24 being in the Cal- endar, which is written in blue, red, and burnished gold letters in French, with trilateral borders of scrolls, flowers, animals, grotesques, etc., in colours on a dull gold ground. At the side and bottom of each page are miniatures depicting the signs of the zodiac and scenes appropriate to the months. The pages of the text have lateral borders similar in design to those in the Calendar, and there are also borders around the large miniatures. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 17) The Annunciation. 2. (F. 33) The Visitation of Elizabeth; two Angels attending Mary, Joseph leaning on a rail in the background. 3. (F. 44) The Announce- ment to the Shepherds. 4. (F. 47) The Adoration of the Magi. 5. (F. 50) The Presentation in the Temple; Joseph at the left carrying the two turtle-doves. 6. (F. 53) The Massacre of the Innocents; Mary, Christ, and Joseph escaping through a wheat-field in the back- ground. 7. (F. 58) The Coronation of the Virgin. 8. (F. 62) The Crucifixion. 9. (F. 65) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 10. (F. 68) David praying. 11. (F. 81) "Les trois vifs et les trois morts." Scattered throughout the text are 22 small miniatures (folios 7-14 and 110-120), representing the Four Evangelists and scenes from the lives of the Virgin, Christ, and the Saints. On a preliminary blank leaf are "Oraisons sainct Gregoire" in man- uscript, on three final blank leaves, "Officium de conceptione Virginis Marie," both with initial letters in red and blue. HOILE (GHETIDE). 1484-1485. 4to, oak boards covered with old blue velvet and doubled with vellum. A Dutch Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon fine vellum in the latter part of the fifteenth century. 182 X 132 mm. There are 166 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar and 2 (folios 1-2) containing two diagrams in red and blue, with the dates 1484 and 1485. Folios 15 and 112 are blank except for the rubrics. The first diagram 64 IIOR.E contains directions for finding the "golden number" for nineteen years, beginning with 1484, and the new moon on the Calendar; the second diagram explains the "Sunday letters" on the Calendar. These figures are rather unusual in Books of Hours. Almost every page contains on the left margin a border in fine pen work of foliage, heads, etc., in blue, red, mauve, and green. The borders at the beginning of the various divisions (folios 16, 50, 69, 90, 113, and 131 recto) are of the same character but much more elaborate, surround- ing the entire page. There are numerous illuminated initials throughout the volume, in four sizes, the largest measuring 59 X 49 mm. HOR.E (GHETIDE). 1485-1490. 4to, old red velvet, silver-gilt clasps carved with the initials "C" and "H," gilt edges. A beautiful Dutch Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon vellum, apparently for Cornells Crosinck, Lieutenant-Forester of Hol- land, whose jurisdiction extended over nearly the whole of the ancient Rhine country, and for his second wife, Hildegarde van Alkemade. Their arms and initials are painted in the border on folio 109 verso, and their initials are on the clasps. 210 X 151 mm. There are 171 leaves, including 6 for the Calendar, with 22 lines to the page; 14 large and 47 small miniatures, of which 28 are historiated initials and 17 paintings in the borders. The numerous borders are remarkable for variety of design, brilliant colouring, and exquisite workmanship. Those surrounding the minia- tures are richly decorated with birds, fruit, insects, and flowers (red predominating) on a dull gold ground, or arabesques in blue and red, birds, etc., on a white ground, with small ornaments in black and gold. Seventeen of the small miniatures are painted in the borders, and on folio 67 verso is a beautiful design of angels and foliage in camaieu d'or. On the opposite page is a representation of the Tortures of Hell and the Glories of Heaven, evidently of the Van Eyck school. Still another variety of border is a graceful floral spray issuing from initial letters or from the top and bottom of a straight, narrow lateral border in red, blue, and gold. There are many large floriated and historiated initials, and smaller initials in blue and burnished gold. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 7 v.) The Annuncia- HOR.E 65 tion, within an architectural border. 2. (F. 52 v.) The Crucifixion. 3. (F. 56 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit, within an architectural border. 4. (F. 67 v.) The Trinity. 5. (F. 86 v.) The Mass of St. Gregory. 6. (F. 88 v.) The Last Supper, an architectural border at the top. 7. (F. 104 v.) Mater Dolorosa, in a border of camawu d'or containing the Seven Stations of the Cross. 8. (F. 109 v.) St. Anna and the Virgin and Child surrounded by Angels. 9. (F. 110 r.) The Virgin and Child surrounded by Angels. 10. (F. 112 v.) The Virgin and Child in the midst of their genealogical tree, Jesse recumbent on the ground. 11. (F. 115 r.) The Virgin and Child, with St. Catherine on the left and St. Agnes on the right, within a border of camaieu d'or. 12. (F. 117 v.) The Coronation of the Virgin. 13. (F. 128 v.) The Last Judgment, a curious composition representing St. Peter at the left receiving the saved and Satan at the right, with horns and claws, casting the lost into the flaming mouth of a dragon. 14. (F. 143 v.) Christ descending into Hell. The small miniatures represent scenes from the lives of Christ, the Virgin, and Saints. On folio 120 verso are the figures of the two owners of the book kneeling before the Virgin and Child; on folio 121 verso is another representation of Vrouwe Crosinck kneeling before an altar and supported by an angel. This superb manuscript is of exceptional beauty and richness, and an example of the best style of Flemish art in the latter part of the fifteenth century. The miniatures, evidently by several different Flemish artists, are of the school of the Van Eycks. From the fact that neither the Calendar nor the Litany of the Saints mentions St. Joseph, whose festival was instituted at Rome in 1481, but not generally observed until 1490, and that in the rubric on folio 120 verso mention is made of the death of Pope Sixtus IV, in 1484, it is probable that the manuscript was exe- cuted after 1484 and before 1490. HOILE BEAT^E MARINE VIRGINIS. SJSG. XV. Large 8t>0, old crimson velvet, gilt edges. In a modern case of brown morocco. A Flemish Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon vellum during the latter part of the fifteenth century, apparently for use in France. 222 X 139 mm. 5 66 HOR.E It contains 145 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, with 22 lines to the page. There are 72 miniatures, 20 large, 21 of medium size, and 31 small, borders around every page, and numerous illuminated initials. The borders are in the Flemish and Italian manner, the miniatures appear to have been painted by a Flemish artist under French influence, and the Calendar, which is in French, shows the scribe to have written it for use in France. The borders are composed of fruits, flowers, foliage, scrolls, animals, birds, etc., on a ground of gold or in compartments of white, gold, blue, or red, in the Flemish manner, or in the Italian arabesque style in camaieu d'or on a ground of deep blue. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 13 r.) St. John the Evangelist on Patmos; the eagle holding his ink-horn, the Virgin and Child supported by angels in the sky. The charming landscape in the background suggests the school of Touraine. 2. (F. 18 r.) The Be- trayal ; a large group of Roman soldiers, Peter in the foreground cutting off 'the ear of Malchus. 3. (F. 38 v.) The Genealogical Tree of the Vir- gin and Christ, represented by persons, Jesse recumbent on the ground. 4. (F. 39 r.) The Annunciation; in the border are painted lilies and the inscription on a scroll, "Sicut lilium inter spinas." 5. (F. 54 v.) The Visitation of Elizabeth; in the background a castle and a charming landscape. 6. (F. 62 r.) The Crucifixion; with a similar background. 7. (F. 63 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 8. (F. 64 v.) The Nativity; an angel kneels beside the Infant Christ, and in the background is the same landscape as in Nos. 5 and 6, with the Shepherds kneeling. 9. (F. 70 r.) The Announcement to the Shepherds. 10. (F. 74 v.) The Adora- tion of the Magi, one of whom is black ; the retinue of the kings is depicted outside the stable. 11. (F. 79 r.) The Presentation in the Temple; in the border lilies and roses. 12. (F. 83 v.) The Flight into Egypt. 13. (F. 89 v.) The Virgin and Christ enthroned. 14. (F. 95 r.) Nathan re- buking King David for his sin against Uriah. 15. (F. 95 v.) The Death of Saul. 16. (F. 96 r.) David and Bathsheba. 17. (F. 110 r.) The Raising of Lazarus. 18. (F. 110 v.) Job and his three Comforters. 19. (F. Ill r.) "Les trois vifs et les trois morts"; the living on horseback near a castle. 20. (F. 141 v.) The Holy Trinity. The subjects of the medium-sized miniatures are 1-12. Scenes appro- priate to the months, at the top of the rectos of all the pages of the Cal- HOR^E 67 endar. 13. (F. 17 v.) The Agony in the Garden. 14. (F. 38 r.) Joachim and Anna meeting at the Golden Gate. 15. (F. 61 v.) The Pieta; the Virgin with Christ on her knees surrounded by a group of holy women and Joseph of Arimathea. 16. (F. 63 r.) The Ascension. 17. (F. 69 v.) Christ enthroned. 18. (F. 78 v.)'The Circumcision. 19. (F. 83 r.) The Massacre of the Innocents. 20. (F. 89 r.) Christ blessing the Virgin Mary. 21. (F. 141 r.) God the Father enthroned. Twelve of the small miniatures depict the zodiacal signs in circular form at the foot of the rectos of the pages of the Calendar. The remain- ing 19 small paintings depict St. Luke, St. Matthew, and St. Mark (folios 14-16), the Virgin and Child, the Assumption of the Virgin, and the Mater Dolorosa, pierced with many swords (folios 26-31); an Angel ministering to the Virgin (folio 33 r.), the Pieta, Christ before Pilate, the Scourging, God the Father (2), the Entombment, the Descent from the Cross (3), a Burial and a Communion Service, the Crucifixion, the Host, St. Anna and the Virgin (2), the second time accompanied by St. Nicholas. On folios 13 recto and 38 verso are painted in the borders the arms of the original owner, on the latter page both alone and impaled with others. All of the miniatures are carefully painted, in gorgeous colours. HOR^E BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. &EC. XV. 4>to, old Flemish (?} red morocco, back and side panels elab- orately tooled in scrolls, flowers, and small ornaments, gauffred gilt edges. In a cloth case with brass clasps, lined with blue satin. A Flemish Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon fine vellum during the latter part of the fifteenth century. 166 X 117 mm. It contains 206 leaves (folio 122 blank) including 13 for the Calendar, with 14 lines to the page. There are 13 large and 40 small miniatures, 36 in the Calendar and 4 (the Evangelists) in the text. Almost every page has a rich border of fruit, flowers, and birds on a dull gold ground, and there are numerous floriated initials. The Calendar, written in red and black in Latin, has a trilateral border on each page, at the foot of which are miniatures appropriate to the months, with the signs of the zodiac. The execution of these paintings is not equal to that of the others throughout the volume, which are evi- dently by a different artist. 68 HOILE The subjects of the large miniatures, all of which are on the verso of the leaves, are 1. (F. 14) The Crucifixion; a fountain surrounded by columns and open to the sky, a landscape in the background, for the most part hidden by the panel containing the scene. 2. (F. 22) The Descent of the Holy Ghost. 3. (F. 29) The Virgin and Child. 4. (F. 42) The Annunciation ; the Angel surrounded by four smaller Angels. 5. (F. 62) The Visitation of Elizabeth; two Flemish houses and a gateway in the background. 6. (F. 75) The Nativity. 7. (F. 81) The Announcement to the Shepherds. 8. (F. 87) The Adoration of the Magi, one of whom is black. 9. (F. 93) The Presentation in the Temple. 10. (F. 99) The Massacre of the Innocents. 11. (F. 108) The Flight into Egypt. 12. (F. 123) The Last Judgment; Christ seated on a golden arc, His feet on a ball, a sword extending from His left cheek, an olive branch from the right, a crowd of people behind him, and below, the dead rising from their graves. 13. (F. 147) The Raising of Lazarus. The volume begins with "Hore sancte crucis" (folios 15-21) and "Hore sancto spiritu" (folios 23-28). The large miniatures and the borders were painted by an artist of the first rank, with delicacy of technique and brilliancy of colouring. The painting of the Virgin and Infant Christ on folio 29 verso is of such beauty and perfection of finish that experts have considered it the work of Hans Memling (d. 1494). The manuscript is a fine example of the best Flemish art of the period in an interesting old binding. HOILE (GHETIDE). S^c. XV. [Folio 15] Hier beghint die cortte cruys getide. [Folio 81] Hier beghint onfer lieuer wrouwen ancfkiin dat ghemaect heuet die gloriofe doerluchtige doctoor ende ho- nichuloepende barnaerdus abt van darendad. Svo, light brown levant morocco, covered with a design of mosaic com- partments in blue and brown morocco containing red flow- ers, the intervals filled with ivory morocco, light green orna- ments, and a design in small gold tools, doubled with vellum tooled in gilt, gauffred gilt edges, by Mercier. In a blind- tooled brown levant morocco case. HOR^E 69 A Dutch Book of Hours executed upon vellum presumably during the second part of the fifteenth century. 168 X 113 mm. It contains 164 leaves (folios 80, 120, and 121 blank but ruled) in- cluding 13 for the Calendar, with 19 lines to the page. There are 14 large, 55 half-page, and 13 smaller miniatures besides numerous illuminated initials. The Calendar, which is in Dutch, has large initials in blue and red, but no borders. Around the miniatures and in some instances on the opposite pages are borders of fruit, flowers, birds, and insects, on a dull gold ground. On some pages are scrolls and other ornaments in blue and red. The large miniatures, except the last, are on the verso of the leaves; their subjects are 1. (F. 14) The Crucifixion; the two Maries at the foot of the Cross. 2. (F. 26) The Agony in the Garden ; an angel bearing the Cross and other symbols of the Passion. 3. (F. 28) The Betrayal. 4. (F. 32) Christ before Pilate. 5. (F. 35) The Scourging. 6. (F. 38) The Platting of the Crown of Thorns. 7. (F. 43) The Crucifixion ; a second representation, with Roman soldiers in the background. 8. (F. 48) The Descent from the Cross. 9. (F. 50) The Entombment ; the Cross in the distance. 10. (F. 63) The Mass of St. Gregory; the border, painted in grey, depicting two open windows with three figures behind them, and, at the foot, the pierced Hands and Heart. 11. (F. 122) King David praying. 12. (F. 139) The Martyrdom of St. Erasmus. 13. (F. 142) St. Chris- topher. 14. (F. 148 r.) The Virgin and Child, with outstretched hand holding a flower. Folios 81 to 110 contain 55 small miniatures painted by "Barnaerdus abt [abbot] van Darendad," as the transcription from folio 81 shows. They are in a different manner from the other miniatures, quainter, and with less brilliant colouring, and illustrate the Life and Passion of Christ. Folios 111-119 contain thirteen Saints and Angels. The subjects are the Symbols of the Passion, pierced Hands, Feet, and Heart, the Crown of Thorns and the Rosary, seven times painted; the Annunciation; the Visitation of Elizabeth ; the Announcement to the Shepherds ; the Adora- tion of the Shepherds ; the Circumcision ; the Offerings of the Magi, one of whom is black ; the Presentation in the Temple ; Simeon blessing Christ in the Temple ; the Flight into Egypt ; Christ among the Doctors ; the Virgin instructing Christ ; Christ's Baptism ; His Temptation by the Devil; the Marriage of Cana; three Miracles, in one, a devil leaving the 70 HOR.E forehead of a boy ; the Raising of Lazarus, one of the group holding his nose; Mary Magdalene anointing Christ's feet; the Last Supper; the Agony in the Garden ; the Betrayal ; two scenes of Christ before Pilate ; the Mocking of Christ ; Christ before Herod ; the Scourging ; the Crown- ing with Thorns ; the People choosing between Christ and Barabbas ; Christ bearing the Cross; the Nailing to the Cross; nine other scenes connected with the Cross, including the Seven Words ; the Descent from the Cross ; the Entombment ; the Descent into Hell ; the Resurrection ; the Appearance to the Disciples; the Transfiguration, the footsteps apparent on the hill ; the Descent of the Holy Ghost ; the Assumption of the Virgin; the Last Judgment; the Trinity. The saints depicted are Sts. Jerome, Michael, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, Peter and Paul, Cornelius, Martin, Anna, Catherine, Barbara, and Agnes. The miniatures are generally of a high order of merit. On the three preliminary blank leaves are Dutch arms drawn in ink and early seventeenth century handwriting in Dutch, showing that this manuscript was once the property of Dirck van Nuissenborch of Desselt near Dort (Dordrecht), who has here recorded his family genealogy. This record is continued on the verso of the last of the three final blank leaves. HOILE BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. SJSG. XV. 4to, old French red morocco, narrow filleted borders on the sides, gilt ornaments on the back, a clasp of carved and engraved silver on a silver-gilt ground, gilt edges. HOR.E 73 A French Book of Hours beautifully written in gothic characters upon fine vellum in the second half of the fifteenth century. 173 X 126 mm. There are 152 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, with 15 lines to the page; 4 large and 1 small miniatures. Around three of the large miniatures and on the opposite pages are brilliantly painted borders of flowers, fruit, birds, and insects, in red, blue, and green on a dull gold ground. The fifth large miniature and the page opposite (folios 109 and 110) have a flower and skull decoration in bright colours and grey on a grey ground flecked with gold dots. On both pages are scrolls bearing the legend, "Memento mori." The initial letter on folio 110 is in camaieu d'or on a brown ground, and contains a skull. The first page of the text has a border of brilliant flowers and foli- age in camaieu gris on a dull gold ground. In addition, there are 6 lateral borders of richly coloured flowers on a bright yellow ground, and nu- merous illuminated initials in three sizes. The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 22 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 2. (F. 34 v.) The Annunciation. 3. (F. 91 v.) King David praying; a castle and a river in the background. 4. (F. 109 v.) "Les trois vifs et les trois morts," with a skull border. 5. (F. 141 v.) St. John the Baptist, the only small miniature. The paintings are finely executed, with good perspective and careful attention to facial expression and architectural detail. The Calendar and the rubrics are in French. On the first and last pages is written, in seventeenth century hand- writing, "Guyon de Sardiere." HOILE BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. SJEC. XV. Small 4to, mauve velvet, grey silk linings, gauffred silver- gilt clasps, gilt edges. A French Book of Hours written in large and small gothic letters upon fine vellum in the second half of the fifteenth century. 157 X 107 mm. There are 115 leaves, 12 containing the Calendar, with 17 lines to the page, 14 fine large miniatures with oval tops, and numerous initial letters in colours, camaieu gris, and gold. Around the miniatures and on the opposite pages are beautiful borders of flowers, fruit, birds, insects, human figures, and scrolls in brilliant 74 HOKJB colours and gold on a ground of dull gold, white, or blue studded with gold dots. These borders are frequently divided into bands or compart- ments of varied designs. The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 13 v.) St. John the Evangelist on Patmos. 2. (F. 15 v.) The Annunciation, in two compartments, the lower one representing the Virgin seated at work; surrounded by an architectural border in cama'ieu d'or. 3. (F. 25 r.) The Visitation of Elizabeth. 5. (F. 39 v.) The Announcement to the Shepherds. 6. (F. 44 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. These last three paintings have charming landscapes in the background. 7. (F. 47 v.) The Presentation in the Temple, in two compartments, a small one below containing the representation of a library with a reading-table; the border is of an architectural design in blue and cama'ieu d'or. 8. (F. 52 r.) The Flight into Egypt. 9. (F. 59 r.) The Massacre of the Innocents. The last two paintings have beautiful landscapes. 10. (F. 63 r.) The Crucifixion. 11. (F. 56 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 12. (F. 69 v.) The Last Judgment. 13. (F. 84 v.) A Burial Service in a chapel. 14. (F. 107 r.) The Coronation of the Virgin. The Calendar is in French and the manuscript was presumably exe- cuted in Sens. HOILE BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. SJEC. XV. 24rao, dark brown levant morocco, blind-tooled borders on the sides, in the front cover a silver plaque of the Virgin and Child, in high relief, doubled with tight brown morocco, narrow borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. A French Book of Hours written in the second half of the fifteenth century in gothic characters upon the finest of vellum. 84 X 61 mm. It has 182 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, with 15 lines to the page, and 10 large and 12 small miniatures. On the recto of each page of the Calendar, around all the miniatures, on the pages opposite them, and on 5 other pages are borders (37 in all) of flowers, fruit, birds, and insects on a gold ground. At the foot of the borders in the Calendar are small scenes appropriate to the month, on the outer margin the zodiacal signs within circles. The large miniatures have oval tops and are painted on the verso of the leaves, the rectos being blank. The subjects are 1. (F. 13 v.) The Cruci- HOR.E 75 fixion. 2. (F. 18) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 3. (F. 30) The An- nunciation. 4. (F. 51) The Visitation. 5. (F. 64) The Nativity. 6. (F. 70) The Announcement to two Shepherds. 7. (F. 80) The Circum- cision. 8. (F. 99) The Coronation of the Virgin. 9. (F. 110) King David praying outside of a castle. 10. (F. 131) The Raising of Lazarus. There are numerous large and small initial letters in camaieu gris on a gold ground and in gold on a red ground, the latter with floral decorations on the margins. HOR^E BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. S^c. XV. Heures de la Vierge frai^oises et latines, avec calendrier. Folio, red velvet over oak boards, the edges painted upon the gilt. In a case of green levant morocco. A magnificent French Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon vellum in the fifteenth century, for one of the family of Habert du Berry d'Artois, possible progenitor of the poets Fra^ois, Pierre, Isaac (I and II) and Suzanne Habert. The arms of the owner occur twice in the bor- ders on folios 47 and 146, alone and impaled with those of the Pericard family of Champagne, formerly' of the Netherlands. As the text is for the most part in French verse, although written in long lines simulating prose, it is not improbable that this poetical version of the Heures de la Vierge was made by the member of the family of Habert for whom the manuscript was executed. 266 X 185 mm. There are 237 leaves, with 12 for the Calendar, and 16 lines to the page. Folios 46 and 200 are blank. The illuminations consist of 29 large and 34 small miniatures, 24 of the latter in the Calendar, and all of them in the borders. Every page is surrounded by a rich "line and leaf" border in black and burnished gold, introducing flowers, birds, animals, insects, centaurs, grotesques, etc. In the lower part of the borders on the recto of the leaves of the Calendar are square miniatures representing scenes ap- propriate to each month; in the outer margins are the signs of the zodiac in circular form. The borders surrounding the miniatures are more elaborate than the others, having inner borders of red and blue on a burnished gold ground, similar in treatment to the numerous large initial letters throughout the volume. 76 HORJE The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 13 r.) St. John the Evangelist on Patmos; the Eagle holding the ink-well, which the Devil attempts to snatch. 2. (F. 15 r.) St. Matthew. 3. (F. 17 r.) St. Luke painting the portrait of the Virgin and Child. 4. (F. 19 r.) St. Mark. 5. (F. 21 r.) The Betrayal ; in the four corners of the border are circular miniatures re- lating to the Passion. 6. (F. 23 r.) Christ before Herod. 7. (F. 25 r.) The Scourging. 8. (F. 27 r.) Christ bearing the Cross. 9. (F. 29) The Crucifixion, the two thieves on each side. 10. (F. 31 r.) The Descent from the Cross. 11. (F. 33 r.) The Entombment. 12. (F. 37 r.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 13. (F. 47 r.) The Annunciation; in the four corners of the border are 1 small and 3 larger circular miniatures depicting the Angel appearing to Joachim, the Birth of the Virgin, her Marriage, and an Angel ministering to her. An historiated initial on this page represents the Meeting of Joachim and Anna. 14. (F. 63 r.) The Visitation of Elizabeth; a handmaiden in the background. 15. (F. 77 v.) The Nativity. 16. (F. 86 v.) The Announcement to the Shepherds, one of whom is a woman; in the background a city. 17. (F. 93 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. 18. (F. 99 r.) The Presentation in the Temple. 19. (F. 106 r.) The Flight into Egypt; in the background a charming little landscape. 20. (F. 116 r.) The Coronation of the Virgin. 21. (F. 127 r.) King David praying before an altar. 22. (F. 146 v.) The Virgin and Child enthroned; kneeling at their feet are a man and woman, possibly the original owners of the manuscript. In the margin are the Habert and Pericard arms. 23. (F. 151 r.) The Pieta, within an architectural border at the top of which are fleurs-de-lys in gold on a blue ground. 24. (F. 156 r.) St. Michael and the Dragon. 25. (F. 158 r.) St. Mary Magdalene and the resurrected Christ. 26. (F. 160 v.) St. Christopher. 27. (F. 162 r.) The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. 28. (F. 178 r.) The Martyrdom of St. Catherine. 29. (F. 201 r.) A Burial Service in a church-yard. In the outer margin of the border on folio 173 verso is an exquisitely painted representation of the crowned Virgin and Child, whose face is covered by a transparent veil. The paintings in this manuscript are remarkable for their architec- tural detail, elaboration of costume, vigorous drawing, and beauty of colour. Textually also the volume is of unusual interest, and may have descended through three generations of the Habert family. HOR.E 77 HOILE BEATJE MARINE VIRGINIS. SMC. XV. Svo, red levant morocco, gilt and blind-tooled in an Aldine design of fillets and ornaments, doubled with blue morocco, narrow borders, vellum guards, gilt edges, by Bretault. A French Book of Hours written in roman characters of black, blue, and red upon vellum in the second part of the fifteenth century. 192 X 125 mm. It consists of 119 leaves, 4 containing the Calendar, with 21 lines to the page ; the text is within borders of burnished gold, red, and blue. There are 16 large and 44 small miniatures, of which 24 are in the Calendar. The large paintings are surrounded by borders of flowers, fruit, birds, insects, and grotesques in brilliant colours on a gold ground, with the exception of two, which have borders of an architectural design, in shaded gold. These are also numerous large and small initials in gold on a blue and red ground. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 4 v.) The Creation of Eve, a full-page painting showing in the background the Temptation and Fall and the Expulsion from the Garden of Eden ; the border is of architectural design in shaded gold, with a blank (or effaced) escutcheon. 2. (F. 5 r.) St. John the Evangelist on Patmos; of half-page size. 3. (F. 9 r.) The Virgin and Child, two angels behind them playing the lute and the harp. 4. (F. 13 r.) The Agony in the Garden; Judas and the Roman soldiers advancing through a gate in the background. 5. (F. 20 r.) The Annunciation. 6. (F. 27 v.) The Visitation of Elizabeth. 7. (F. 35 v.) The Crucifixion; the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene at the foot of the Cross. 8. (F. 36 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 9. (F. 37 v.) The Nativity. 10. (F. 41 r.) The Announcement to the Shep- herds; in an architectural border. 11. (F. 44 v.) The Adoration of the Magi. 12. (F. 48 r.) The Presentation in the Temple; a group of six people including Joseph, Anna, and an acolyte. 13. (F. 51 v.) The Flight into Egypt ; in the foot of the border a blank (or effaced) escutch- eon. 14. (F. 57 r.) The Coronation of the Virgin. 15. (F. 71 r.) King David receiving a messenger. 16. (F. 84 r.) Job with his wife and two of his comforters. The 24 miniatures in the Calendar are arranged with 2 on the 'outer margin and 2 at the foot of the page, each of which contains two months enclosed in borders of an architectural design in shaded gold. The sub- 78 HOILE jects are the zodiacal signs and rural scenes appropriate to the months. The other 20 small miniatures depict (folios 6-11) St. Luke, St. Matthew, St. Mark, and the Pieta; (folios 111-119) the Trinity, St. Michael, St. John the Baptist, and St. John the Evangelist, Sts. Peter and Paul, St. James the Major, St. Sebastian, St. Roch, St. Fiatrus, St. Anthony, St. Anna, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Margaret, St. Catherine, St. Barbara, St. Augustine. The large miniatures are more highly finished than the small ones and appear to have been painted by a more skilful artist than the one who executed the small ones. The colours are extremely brilliant, with fre quent use of dull gold. HOR.E BEAT^E MARINE VIRGINIS. SJEC. XV. 4to, brmvn levant morocco, centre mosaic ornaments of darker brown morocco in interlacing bands tooled with scrolls and azured ornaments, gilt edges, by Cape. In a crimson velvet wrapper. A French Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon 196 vellum leaves, with 13 lines to the page, during the second half of the fifteenth century. 198 X 132 mm. The Calendar, which is in French, occupies 12 leaves. Folio 82 is blank. At the end of the volume are 3 leaves containing contemporary handwriting. There are 6 large and 14 small miniatures surrounded by delicately painted borders of fruit, flowers, birds, and grotesques, those around the large paintings having a dull gold ground. The seven divi- sions of the Hours proper (folios 28-76) have historiated initials with borders, instead of the usual miniatures found in this part of similar manuscripts. Throughout the volume are numerous illuminated initials. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 13 v.) St. John the Evan- gelist on Patmos. 2. (F. 83 r.) The Annunciation. 3. (F. 97 r.) The Crucifixion. 4. (F. 101 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit; in a portico with a landscape in the distance. 5. (F. 105 r.) King David praying to the crucified Christ, who sits on a rainbow accompanied by angels. 6. (F. 129 r.) A Burial Service outside of a church. The small miniatures represent Luke, Matthew, and Mark, in robes with ermine collars (folios 15-19), the Pieta (folio 91), the Scourging of Christ, St. Bernard of Clairvaux with the Devil attached by a chain, St. HOR^E 79 Benignus, St. John the Baptist, St. John the Evangelist, St. Sebastian, St. Christopher, St. Barbara, St. Catherine, and St. Apollonia (folios 185-195). HOILE BEAT.E MARLE VIRGINIS. &EC. XV. 4>to, Lavalliere morocco covered with a Grolieresque design of interlacing mosaic bands in maroon and dark and light brown morocco tooled in azured ornaments, doubled with green morocco gilt-tooled "a la fanfare," guards of cloth of gold, gauffred gilt edges, by David; Marius Michel, gilder. In a case of brown morocco. A French Book of Hours written in large and small gothic letters upon vellum during the second half of the fifteenth century. 172 X 126 mm. There are 127 leaves, including 6 for the Calendar, and 21 lines to the page ; 65 miniatures, 13 large and 52 small, of which 24 are in the Cal- endar. The pages surrounding the Calendar and the miniatures have borders of flowers, foliage, and a variety of grotesques in brilliant colours on a dull gold ground. All of the other pages have side borders of the same character, the designs for the most part being the same on the recto and the verso of the leaves. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 7 r.) St. John the Evan- gelist on Patmos; in an architectural border of shaded gold and blue. 2. (F. 19 r.) The Annunciation; the scene is a jewelled portico contain- ing statues of three saints, the Virgin kneeling under a canopy, a land- scape in the background. This painting is surrounded by a miniature border containing seven small scenes from the life of the Virgin. 3. (F. 34 v.) The Visitation of Elizabeth, one of the most carefully painted of the illuminations. 4. (F. 42 v.) The Nativity; Joseph drying a piece of linen before the fire, two Shepherds outside the stable. 5. (F. 46 v.) The Announcement to the Shepherds; in the sky two angels holding a golden scroll on which is written "Gloria." 6. (F. 49 v.) The Adoration of the Magi; also exquisitely painted. 7. (F. 52 v.) The Presentation in the Temple. 8. (F. 55 v.) The Massacre of the Inno- cents; Herod enthroned commanding two soldiers; through a window is seen the Flight into Egypt. 9. (F. 64 r.) The Crucifixion; the Virgin and three other holy women at the left of the Cross, a Roman soldier on horseback at the right, a group of soldiers in the background. 10. (F. 80 HOR.E 66 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 11. (F. 69 r.) David and Bath-' sheba, who, attended by two serving-women, sits on the edge of a foun- tain bathing her feet ; surrounded by a border of architectural design in shaded gold and red introducing cupids. 12. (F. 81 v.) Death, astride a bull, killing a lady, evidently on her way to mass ; on the ground lies her companion, dead. 13. (F. 109 r.) The Pieta; the Virgin with Christ on her knees attended by a group of holy women, including Mary Magda- lene with her vase of ointment. The 24 small miniatures in the Calendar represent scenes appropriate to the months and the zodiacal signs. The former are in the upper part of the pages with oval tops and pillars at each side ; the latter are at the foot. Nos. 25-27 (folios 9-12) represent St. Luke, St. Matthew, and St. Mark. On folio 13 are Nos. 28-31, in an architectural border of four compartments containing the Crucifixion, the Descent from the Cross, the Entombment by Joseph of Arimathea, and the Pieta. 32. (F. 14 v.) St. Anna and the Virgin as a Child in prayer. 33. (F. 17 r.) St. Ber- nard of Clairvaux; the Devil stealing his ink-well. 34-40. (F. 19 r.) A miniature border with seven compartments; at the left a saint with a scroll bearing the legend "Ecce virgo," below him another saint, with the completion of the device, "et pariet"; at the right the meeting of Joachim and Anna, the Birth of the Virgin, the Benediction by the High Priest, the Annunciation, and the Marriage of the Virgin and Joseph. 41. (F. 112 r.) The Virgin and Child within a crescent. 41-52. (Ff. 122-127) St. Michael with a pair of scales, Sts. John the Baptist and the Evangelist, Sts. Peter and Paul, St. James the Major, St. Stephen, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Catherine, St. Margaret, St. Barbara, St. Apollonia. The Calendar is in French, also the prayers from folios 114-121. From the hagiographical indications in the Calendar, the manuscript was evi- dently intended for use in France, but the borders and some of the minia- tures show Flemish influence. More than one scribe worked upon this volume, and it is possible that two or more artists illuminated it. All of the large miniatures are brilliantly painted, with much originality, and are superior in execution to the others. On nine vellum fly-leaves at the beginning and end of the volume is a description of the miniatures in French, dated 1866. From the collection of Henri Bordes. HORJ5 81 HOILE BEAT^E MARINE VIRGINIS. S^c. XV. 4o, original blue velvet covers, gilt edges. In a modern case of red levant morocco. A beautiful French Book of Hours written in the latter part of the fif- teenth century, in gothic letters upon fine vellum. 171 X 115 mm. There are 217 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, with 15 lines to the page. It contains 14 large and 5 small miniatures, 3 of the latter within borders, 24 elaborately painted miniature borders in the Calendar, and 34 scenes of skull and cross-bones in the borders. On all of the pages of the Calendar are depicted subjects appropriate to the months, the text being in the centre in letters of burnished gold, red and blue. On the verso of each leaf is a sign of the zodiac. From folios 13-148 and 207-217 there are side borders accompanying the text, com- posed of flowers, foliage, fruit, and scrolls in bright colours on a ground of gold, dark brown, and red. The pages of the Office of the Dead (folios 149-206) have side borders composed of skulls and bones in camaieu gris on a black ground, introducing the figures of Job, Satan, Death carrying a coffin, Death with a spear, bishops, monks, angels, etc. The borders surrounding the large miniatures are of architectural design in camaieu d'or, or floral in colours on a gold ground. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 13 r.) St. John the Evangelist on Patmos; full-page in a narrow gold border. 2. (F. 29 r.) The Annunciation; within an architectural tablet. 3. (F. 58 r.) The Visitation of Elizabeth; half-page, with a charming landscape in the background. The lower part of the page contains a border of red and white flowers on a ground of azured gold. This arrangement of border is characteristic of the present manuscript and rather unusual. 4. (F. 72 r.) The Nativity; half-page, with border similar in effect to the one surrounding No. 3. 5. (F. 79 v.) The Announcement to one Shepherd; half-page, with lower border of red roses on a gold ground. 6. (F. 85 r.) The Adoration of the Magi, one of whom is black ; a full-page painting representing the manger with Corinthian columns. The border is of jewels on a ground of camaieu d'or. 7. (F. 90 r.) The Presentation in the Temple; of half-page size, containing the Virgin and Child, Joseph, Simeon, and Salome, with border similar to No. 3. 8. (F. 96 r.) The Flight into Egypt; full-page with a beautiful landscape in the back- ground, the border jewelled. 9. (F. 104 r.) The Coronation of the Virgin ; 6 82 HOR.E half-page with lower floral border. 10. (F. Ill r.) David praying at the entrance to a cave; within an architectural border containing in the pediment the head of Christ surrounded by a wreath of laurel. 11. (F. 133 r.) The Crucifixion; full-page within a gold border; the Virgin and St. John at the foot of the Cross. 12. (F. 142 r.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit; half-page. 13. (F. 149 r.) Death sitting in a coffin; a jewelled border surrounded by a second design of violets and skulls and bones in gold. 14. (F. 207 v.) "C'est la mesure de la playe fire Seigneur," a curious representation of Christ's wound enclosed in a golden vessel and upheld by two kneeling angels, the whole within an elaborate architec- tural border of camawu d'or. The small miniatures represent St. Luke, St. Matthew, and St. Mark (in the borders on folios 14 v., 1C r., and 18 r.), the Virgin and Child (19 v.), and the Virgin (24 r.). The colouring and perspective of all the exquisite miniatures in this manuscript are suggestive of the school of Touraine. HOILE BEAT^E MARINE VIRGINIS. &EC. XV. 4to, red levant morocco delicately tooled in an intricate design of fillets and dots in compartments with mosaic orna- ments of dark green and citron morocco, the tooling suggestive of Le Gascon; doubled with brown morocco, wide aentelle borders, red moire silk guards, gilt edges, by Cape. In a red morocco case with old silver clasps. A beautiful French Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon vellum in the latter part of the fifteenth century. 167 X 122 mm. There are 169 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, 15 lines to the page, with the exception of folio 13, which has 18 lines in different calli- graphy from the rest of the volume. It contains 9 large miniatures with oval tops and numerous illuminated initials. Each painting is surrounded by a border of flowers, fruit, scrolls, birds, insects, etc., in compartments on a gold or white ground. The pages of text have side borders of similar design. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 13 r.) St. John the Evangelist on Patmos. 2. (F. 49 r.) The Nativity. 3. (F. 56 r.) The Announcement to the Shepherds. 4. (F. 61 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. 5. (F. 69 r.) The Flight into Egypt. 6. (F. 77 r.) The Coro- HOR.E 83 nation of the Virgin. 7. (F. 83 r.) King David praying. 8. (F. 103 v.) St. Veronica and the emblems of the Passion. 9. (F. 112 r.) St. Ber- nard of Clairvaux seated writing at a desk beside which stands the devil tempting him. All of the miniatures are well painted, the first one evidently by a different artist from the others, and in more delicate colours. HORJE BEAT.E MARI.E VIRGINIS. SJEC. XV. 42o, old red morocco, the arms of Jean du Bouchet, Conseil- ler du Roi (d. about 1685), on both sides, a monogram in the corners and in the back panels, gilt edges. A French Book of Hours written in the latter part of the fifteenth century in large and small gothic letters upon vellum. 145 X 93 mm. It contains 189 leaves, 12 being for the Calendar, a blank leaf (117), and a frontispiece having on the verso a full-page miniature of the owner of the manuscript kneeling in prayer, in a semi-open chapel commanding a view of a walled town; St. John the Evangelist and St. John the Baptist are standing behind him. At the top of the chapel are his arms; on the recto of the leaf is another escutcheon (fourteen ermines and crescents on a silver ground) surrounded by interlacing ribbons of red and gold, with the initials "L. I." in the four corners. The illumination on this page appears to have been added at a later date. There are 11 other beautiful half-page miniatures with oval tops, and 1 historiated initial (f. 54 r.) depicting the Visitation of Elizabeth. Around these 12 miniatures are borders of fruits, flowers, birds, and grotesques in brilliant colours heightened with gold. The initial letters throughout the volume are remarkable for their variety of design and colour. The subjects of the 11 miniatures are 1. (F. 42 r.) The Annunciation; the border on this page is the only one on a gold ground. 2. (F. 68 r.) The Nativity. 3. (F. 73 r.) The Announcement to the Shepherds. 4. (F. 77 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. 5. (F. 81 r.) The Presentation in the Temple. 6. (F. 85 r.) The Flight into Egypt; a city beside a river in the background, the devil ( ?) plunging through the air. 7. (F. 93 r.) The Coronation of the Virgin. 8. (F. 118 r.) King David praying before an altar in a chapel. 9. (F. 143 v.) The Crucifixion; 84 HOR.E one of the soldiers bears a pennant with the split-eagle device. 10. (F. 148 r.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 11. (F. 152 r.) Death slaying his victims; an unusual composition depicting a street scene, two dead on the ground, a youth about to receive the arrow of Death, who is in the form of a cadaver with a dagger in his left hand. The brilliant red of these two weapons is characteristic of several of the paintings in this volume. All of the illuminations are beautifully executed, with mi- croscopic attention to detail. HORA.E BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. S^c. XV. Svo, brown levant morocco covered with a Grolieresque design of interlacing bands in green enamel, with red and white enamel ornaments, gilt tooled in fillets and azured arabesques, vellum linings, gilt edges, by Duru. In a case of red morocco. A French Book of Hours executed in gothic characters upon fine vellum in the latter part of the fifteenth century. 157 X 112 mm. There are 158 leaves, 12 containing the Calendar, with 21 lines to the page. The illuminations are 9 exquisitely painted miniatures in borders of architectural design or in the form of frames in gold shaded with red against a background of shaded red or dark green. Throughout the volume are numerous large and small initial letters in gold on a ground of blue or red, four of them being historiated in camaieu bleu on a ground of camaieu bistre. The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 25 r.) The Annunciation. 2. (F. 41 r.) The Visitation of Elizabeth. 3. (F. 51 r.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 4. (F. 52 v.) The Nativity. 5. (F. 58 v.) The Announcement to the Shepherds. 6. (F. 65 v.) The Presentation in the Temple; of exquisite softness of colour. 7. (F. 70 r.) The Flight into Egypt ; an original and charming composition showing Joseph, the Virgin and Child afoot, Joseph with a pack on his back. 8. (F. 89 r.) King David in prayer, his left hand raised, his right resting on his harp. 9. (F. 105 v.) "Les trois vifs et les trois morts," one of the figures of Death showing a youth his reflection in a mirror. In five of the miniatures are charming little landscapes suggestive of the school of Touraine. All of the paintings are highly finished, with exquisite softness and harmony of colouring. HOR.E 85 HOR^E BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. CIRCA 1477. Small 4tto, red morocco richly tooled in pointille panels, with clasps and gilt edges, by Le Gascon. In a modern case of green morocco. A superb French Book of Hours written in large and small gothic letters upon fine vellum about 1477 for Anne de Beaujeu, daughter of Louis XI, by whose command it was probably executed, as he had caused one of a similar character to be made for Marie de Cleves, Duchesse d'Orleans, mother of Louis XII. 147 X 108 mm. It consists of 332 leaves, 6 containing the Calendar, with 10 lines to the page. There are 107 full-page miniatures surrounded by gold borders, 24 small paintings in the Calendar, and hundreds of illuminated initials and finials. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 7 v.) The Virgin pray- ing in the Temple; she is seated, while an angel kneels beside her; in the portico is a large number of other worshippers. This miniature, which is circular in form, is surrounded by a wreath of roses. 2. (F. 11 v.) Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. 3. (F. 15 v.) The Platting of the Crown of Thorns. 4. (F. 19 r.) The Crucifixion with the two thieves ; a crowd of Roman soldiers surrounding the Cross. 5. (F. 22 v.) Christ's Descent into Hell. 6. (F. 27 r.) St. John the Evangelist on Patmos. 7. (F. 29 v.) St. Luke painting the portrait of the Virgin, who stands before him in the attitude of prayer; on a panel in the wall of the room is painted in camaieu gris the Annunciation. 8. (F. 32 v.) St. Matthew. 9. (F. 35 v.) St. Mark. 10. (F. 37 v.) A half-length painting of Christ, crowned with thorns and bleeding; opposite 11. (F. 38 r.), as a pendant, the Virgin contemplating him in the attitude of prayer. 12-13. (Ff . 42 v.-43 r.) The Annunciation, a double- paged painting of a panelled room containing statues in niches; behind the Angel, at the left, kneels a young Princess of about sixteen years, presumably Anne de Beaujeu, clad in a red gown embroidered with gold and trimmed with fur, wearing a pointed black head-dress with a veil, her wasp-like figure bent backward. Behind her is a parted curtain of blue embroidered with the fleurs-de-lys of France. On the verso of folio 43 is an initial letter containing the arms of France. 14. (F. 46 v.) God the Father blessing Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden ; in the background a gothic fountain. 15. (F. 48 v.) Eve offering the Apple 86 HOR.E to Adam. 16. (F. 51 r.) God the Son seated on a rainbow in the midst of the Firmament. 17. (F. 54 v.) A child kneeling in prayer to God the Father, who appears in the sky, above a lake. 18. (F. 57 r.) A King (David ?) talking with a Prophet (Nathan ?) in a marble hall, at the end of which is a painting in grisaille of the Assumption of the Virgin. 19. (F. 61 r.) Korah, Dathan, and Abiram (revolting against Moses) swallowed up in the earth. 20. (F. 63 v.) The Transfiguration. 21. (F. 65 v.) The transportation of the Ark on an ox-cart from Kirjath- jearim in the presence of David and the chosen men of Israel. 22. (F. 68 v.) The Death of Uzzah, son of Abinadab, for having touched the Ark. 23. (F. 71 v.) The Ark borne into the Tabernacle of Zion at Jerusalem, David heading the procession "girded with a linen ephod and playing a harp." 24. (F. 77 v.) The entire Universe kneeling in homage to Christ, who appears in the sky in a blaze of glory. In the foreground is King Louis XI, clad in a blue robe covered with fleurs-de- lys ; in the background are the towers of the Chateau de Loches, the favourite residence of Anne de Beaujeu. 25. (F. 81 v.) The Visitation of Elizabeth. 26. (F. 82 v.) The Prophet Nathan approving David's purpose to build a Temple for the Ark. 27. (F. 84 v.) God speaking to Samuel as he lay asleep beside the Ark of the Tabernacle. 28. (F. 86 v.) David talking with the Prophet Nathan and other old men; in the background a castle on an island. 29. (F. 89 v.) Nebuchad- nezzar causing Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to be cast into the fiery furnace; the Angel delivering them. 30. (F. 93 r.) Devotees rendering homage to Christ, enthroned on a rainbow in the sky. 31. (F. 98 r.) The Virgin and the Infant Christ; a very fine painting, probably a portrait of Anne de Beaujeu. 32. (F. 99 v.) St. John the Baptist in the Desert; a company of horsemen approaching. 33. (F. 104 r.) The Nativity. 34. (F. 105 r.) The Virgin seated at prayer in a gallery, the niches of which contain statues of saints; Joseph ap- proaching her in the background. This painting is presumably another portrait of Anne de Beaujeu. 35. (F. 106 r.) God demanding the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham. 36. (F. 108 r.) Jacob wrestling with the Angel beside his ladder. 37. (F. 110 v.) Four kings and their subjects in prayer; the scene is an open country, with a castle on an island in the background. 38. (F. 114 r.) The Announcement to the Shep- herds. 39. (F. 115 v.) Esau, garbed as a hunter, presenting a dish of venison to his father Isaac, who is in bed. 40. (F. 117 r.) Rebekah HOR.E 87 giving Jacob a dish of "savoury meat" to present to Isaac, thus obtain- ing his blessing. 41. (F. 119 r.) A battle-scene; in the background a fortress on a high rock. 42. (F. 123 v.) The Adoration of the Magi. 43. (F. 125 r.) A devotee offering the image of a man (his soul ?) before the altar. 44. (126 v.) Jacob setting the pilled rods before his flocks at the watering-trough. 45. (F. 128 v.) A bonfire and banquet in a street. 46. (F. 132 v.) The Presentation in the Temple. 47. (F. 134 r.) A procession of people, apparently on their way to market. 48. (F. 135 v.) Nathan rebuking David for his sin against Uriah. 49. (F. 137 r.) Street dances in a public square. 50. (F. 141 r.) The Flight into Egypt. 51. (F. 142 r.) Christ seated at the right hand of God the Father. 52. (F. 144 r.) King David addressing children at the entrance to his palace, "Laudate pueri Dominum." 53. (F. 146 r.) A procession arriving at the doors of a gothic cathedral. 54. (F. 148 r.) The building of Solomon's Temple. 55. (F. 149 v.) King David leading children in song. 56. (F. 152 r.) The Virgin and Child in celestial glory, surrounded by angels. 57. (F. 157 v.) The Death of the Virgin; God the Father appearing in glory, holding in His arms the soul of the Virgin, in the form of a little girl. 58. (F. 158 v.) The Virgin receiving a palm from the hands of an angel. 59. (F. 160 v.) The Entombment of the Virgin. 60. (F. 162 v.) The Assumption of the Virgin. 61. (F. 165 r.) The Virgin enthroned with Christ. 62. (F. 186 r.) The Agony in the Garden. 63. (F. 188 r.) Christ before Pilate. 64. (F. 190 r.) Christ blindfolded and buffeted. 65. (F. 192 r.) The Bearing of the Cross. 66. (F. 194 r.) The Crucifixion; a different scene from miniature No. 4, with fewer soldiers. The centurion holds a shield on which are the initials "P. R." in gold on a red ground. 67. (F. 196 r.) The Descent from the Cross. 68. (F. 198 r.) The Anoint- ing of Christ preparatory to the Entombment. 69. (F. 200 r.) The Resurrection. 70. (F. 202 v.) The Ascension. 71. (F. 204 r.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 72. (F. 205 v.) The Virgin and holy women taking leave of the Apostles. 73. (F. 207 r.) Peter baptizing the five thousand converts. 74. (F. 208 r.) Ananias and Sapphira before Peter. 75. (F. 209 v.) The Death of Ananias. 76. (F. 211 r.) David and Bathsheba. 77. (F. 213 v.) Ahasuerus receiving Esther as queen; the walls of the apartment covered with blue hangings con- taining in gold the letters "A H. V." 78. (F. 216 v.) Uriah receiving the message from King David. 79. (F. 221 r.) The Departure of Uriah 88 HOR^E and his warriors. 80. (F. 225 r.) The Death of Uriah. 81. (F. 230 v.) King David prostrate before the Prophet Nathan in repentance of his sin against Uriah. 82. (F. 232 v.) King David praying in the moun- tains; in the sky an angel bearing a sword. 83. (F. 236 r.) The Virgin and Christ enthroned and adored by saints. 84. (F. 245 r.) Death holding an arrow and issuing from a tomb. 85. (F. 247 r.) Saul seeking David in the Cave of Adullam. 86. (F. 249 r.) Jacob's Lad- der. 87. (F. 250 v.) The Punishments of Purgatory and Hell. 88. (F. 252 v.) A Princess, presumably Anne de Beaujeu, going to mass, attended by her ladies-in-waiting. 89. (F. 255 r.) A Funeral Proces- sion entering a church. 90. (F. 257 r.) A dying man attended by three monks. 91. (F. 261 v.) A Burial Service in the choir of a church. 92. (F. 264 r.) David and his warriors entering the camp of King Saul, who is asleep in his tent. 93. (F. 267 r.) King David praying to God, who appears in the sky. 94. (F. 269 v.) King David, armed as a warrior, praying in an open field; beside him is a lion. 95. (F. 277 r.) Dives, the rich glutton, and Lazarus lying at his door. 96. (F. 279 r.) The Death of Dives and Lazarus. 97. (F. 283 r.) Samuel anointing Saul king. 98. (F. 290 v.) The Parable of the good Samari- tan: the four thieves attacking the man are dressed as warriors. 99. (F. 295 r.) Paul (?) preaching to converts. 100. (F. 298 r.) The Parable of the good Samaritan concluded: the Samaritan taking the victim on an ass to an inn. 101. (F. 307 r.) King David, dressed as a warrior, praying to God; in the foreground is the abyss of Hell with its victims, illustrating the allusion in the text "Libera me Domine de viis inferni." 102. (F. 311 r.) Elijah ascending to Heaven in a Chariot of Fire, Elisha kneeling on the ground ; both clad in the garb of monks. 103. (F. 314 r.) King David (?) and the Prophet Nathan (?). 104. (F. 317 v.) An angel ministering to a prophet (?) recumbent on the ground. 105. (F. 321 r.) The Celebration of Mass in the choir of a church. 106. (F. 32 r.) The Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist; Salome standing ready to receive his head, Herod and Herodias at table in the background. 107. (F. 329 r.) The Torments of Purgatory and Hell. The 24 small miniatures in the Calendar, depicting scenes appropriate to the months and the signs of the zodiac, are at the bottom of the pages, and nearly square. The latter are painted in cama'ieu bleu heightened with gold. HOR.E 89 The miniatures in this manuscript were painted by several artists of the school of Touraine, the finest being undoubtedly the work of Jehan Foucquet, who, in 1477, the probable date of execution of the volume, was about sixty years of age. The composition of the paint- ings, the richness and elaboration of architectural detail, the predilection for blue in the colouring of the costumes, and the lavish use of gold, especially in armour, are all characteristic of Foucquet. Moreover, the face of St. Luke (folio 29 v.) resembles the enamel portrait of him in the Louvre. There are several indications that the manuscript was intended for Anne de Beaujeu; her portrait appears several times, both in her own person and as the Virgin Mary (folios 7, 42, 98, 105, 253), and in several landscapes is a representation of her favourite residence, the Chateau de Loches (folios 77, 108, 126, 144, and 211). The figure of David in armour (folios 269 and 307), with blond hair and beard, appears to be the portrait of Pierre de Beaujeu, her husband. The variety of subjects in this manuscript, including secular and Biblical scenes from both the Old and the New Testament, make it one of the most interesting in the present collection. It was formerly in the collection of Ambroise Firmin-Didot. HOILE BEAT.E MARI.E VIRGINIS. SJEC. XV. Small 4to, old green Renaissance velvet over oak boards, gauffred gilt edges. In a modern case of brown morocco. A beautiful French Book of Hours written in gothic characters upon fine vellum at the end of the fifteenth century. 171 X 118 mm. There are 118 leaves, including 6 for the Calendar, with 21 lines to the page; also 12 large and 29 small miniatures, including 24 in the Calendar. The borders, painted in delicate colours and gold, are com- posed of foliage, scrolls, birds, and insects, and are remarkable for their exquisite finish and arrangement. In the Calendar they are trilateral, having small miniatures on the outer margins and at the bottom of the pages. They extend only across the bottom of pages containing large miniatures, and along the side of pages of text, the design being the same on the recto and the verso of the leaves. Folios 7-10, containing small miniatures, have trilateral borders of a different design, but of equally fine technique: flowers, scrolls, etc., in brilliant colours in compartments on a gold or white ground. 90 HOR^E The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 15 r.) The Annuncia- tion. 2. (F. 23 r.) The Visitation of Elizabeth. 3. (F. 32 r.) The Crucifixion. 4. (F. 38 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 5. (F. 34 v.) The Nativity. 6. (F. 41 r.) The Announcement to the Shep- herds. 7. (F. 46 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. 8. (F. 50 v.) The Presentation in the Temple. 9. (F. 55 v.) King Herod before a mother who has lost her child in the Massacre of the Innocents, an unusual subject depicted with wonderful facial expression. 10. (F. 61 v.) The Coronation of the Virgin. 11. (F. 67 r.) King David watching Bath- sheba. 12. (F. 80 r.) Job and his three Comforters. The 24 small miniatures in the Calendar represent the zodiacal signs and scenes appropriate to the months, the remaining 5 depict the four Evangelists and the Virgin and Child. Two artists evidently illuminated this manuscript, the more skilful having painted the large miniatures, which are remarkable for breadth and boldness of treatment. The facial expression is especially interest- ing, the perspective is good, and the colouring brilliant, gold being used in profusion. HOILE BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. S^c. XV. [Recto of folio 36] Hore intemerate Virginis marie fecundum vfum Romane curie. [Colophon] Horas prefentes fecit facere litteratiffimus vir magifter francifcus d' mello pro forore fua domina maria Manuel. 8vo, old Italian red morocco, back and sides covered with elaborate tooling in panels, fan-shaped ornaments in the corners and centre, the intervals filled with angels' heads, cocks, fleurs-de-lys, insects, and foliage, gilt edges. Interleaved with green silk and in an old green morocco case tooled in fan-shaped ornaments. An exquisite French Book of Hours written in large and small roman characters in black, red, blue, and burnished gold upon vellum in the latter part of the fifteenth century for Domina Maria Manuel. 201 X 134 mm. There are 188 leaves, 12 being for the Calendar, with 20 lines to the page. It contains 25 large and 56 small miniatures, including 24 of unusually large size in the Calendar. HOILE 91 The borders, which surround every page, are remarkable for their variety of design, richness of colour, and perfection of finish. They are composed of flowers, foliage, fruit, grotesques, chimeras, vases, scrolls, columns, birds, and snails, in brilliant colours on a ground of gold, brown, blue, red, or grey studded with dots of red, brown, or gold, geo- metrical compartments of gold being frequent. In eleven of the borders are the initials "F. M.," of Francisco de Mello, who, according to the colophon, caused the manuscript to be executed for his sister. On folios 60 and 134 recto and 90 verso are the initials "A. S." On the last page are the illuminated arms of the owner. The large miniatures are surrounded by shaded gold borders of archi- tectural design; their subjects are 1. (F. 13 r.) The Virgin instructing the young Jesus from a book, He standing beside her, a detailed land- scape in the background. 2. (F. 26 r.) The Betrayal. 3. (F. 36 v.) Christ before Pilate. 4. (F. 37 r.) The Annunciation. 5. (F. 51 v.) The Scourging. 6. (F. 52 r.) The Visitation of Elizabeth; Joseph accompanying Mary. 7. (F. 61 v.) The Platting of the Crown of Thorns. 8. (F. 62 r.) The Nativity. 9. (F. 65 v.) Pilate washing his hands of Christ. 10. (F. 66 r.) The Announcement to the Shep- herds. 11. (F. 69 v.) Christ bearing the Cross. 12. (F. 70 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. 13. (F. 73 v.) The Crucifixion. 14. (F. 74 r.) The Presentation in the Temple. 15. (F. 77 v.) The Descent from the Cross. 16. (F. 78 r.) The Flight into Egypt; Mary and the Child on a grey palfrey with black and gold trappings, two angels following them, a beautifully painted landscape in the background. 17. (F. 84 v.) The Entombment, rocks and a castle in the background ; the expression of sorrow on the faces is especially remarkable. 18. (F. 85 r. ) The Assump- tion of the Virgin. 19. (F. 91 v.) The Virgin surrounded by her attri- butes, God the Father at the top of the painting. 20. (F. 100 v.) The Meeting of Joachim and Anna. 21. (F. 106 r.) The Resurrection, including all the symbols of the Passion. 22. (F. 110 r.) The Holy Grail, supported by two Angels. 23. (F. 118 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 24. (123 r.) David praying, an Angel in the sky bearing a sword and a skull. 25. (F. 140 r.) The Raising of Lazarus. Nos. 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 25 are in camaieu gris heightened with gold. Besides the 24 miniatures at the top of the 12 leaves in the Calendar, 32 small paintings are scattered throughout the text, chiefly beginning 92 HOILE with folio 171 verso. They include St. Roch, St. John the Evangelist on Patmos, St. Luke, St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Veronica. St. Bernard, St. Gregory, St. Michael, Sts. Peter and Paul, St. Laurence, St. Sebas- tian, St. Stephen, St. George, St. Christopher, St. Ambrosius, St. Jerome, St. Augustine, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Dominick, St. Benedict, St. Catherine, St. Lucia, St. Barbara, St. Agatha, St. Apollonia, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Ursula, St. Genevieve, St. Anna. The miniatures in this elaborate manuscript were evidently painted by two different artists, as the large ones are superior in execution to the others. The colouring is brilliant, gold being freely used. The number of Italian saints mentioned in the text indicates that it was intended for use in Italy. HOILE BEAT.E MARLE VIRGINIS. S^c. XV. 4/o, original vellum covers. A beautifully written French Book of Hours executed in gothic char- acters upon vellum in the latter part of the fifteenth century. 168 X 118 mm. There are 177 leaves, including 11 for the Calendar, the first folio of which is lacking, and 16 lines to the page. It contains 26 small minia- tures painted with great delicacy of execution, each surrounded by a rich border of flowers, fruit, insects, and foliage in camaieu gris and (Tor on a ground of dull gold, grey, or delicate green. Besides these 26 borders there are 13 more of a similar character on pages containing historiated initials, in camaieu gris and d'or on a dull gold or coloured ground. The subjects of the miniatures, which measure 29-36 X 23-34 mm., are 1. (F. 12 r.) The Pieta. 2. (F. 13 v.) The Virgin and Child stand- ing. 3. (F. 17 v.) The Virgin and Child seated. 4. (F. 20 r.) The Trinity, a curious design of three golden points in a grey vapour out- lined with rose. 5. (F. 21 r.) St. John the Baptist. 6. (F. 22 r.) Christ's face outlined by angel's heads, painted in gold on a dull red ground. 7. (F. 23 r.) St. Michael. 8. (F. 23 v.) St. Nicholas. 9. (F. 24 r.) St. Francis of Assisi. 10. (F. 25 r.) St. Anthony of Padua. 11. (F. 25 v.) St. John the Evangelist with the ciborium. 12. (F. 26 r.) St. Sebastian. 13. (F. 27 r.) St. Jerome. 14. (F. 28 r.) St. Anna and the Virgin Mary HOR.E 93 with the Child. 15. (F. 29 r.) St. Catherine. 16. (F. 29 v.) St. Agnes. 17. (F. 30 v.) St. Apollonia. 18. (F. 31 r.) St. Elizabeth of Hungary. 19. (F. 32 r.) St. Barbara. 20. (F. 33 r.) St. Mary Magdalene. 21. (F. 34 r.) St. Margaret. 22. (F. 34 v.) St. Leonard. 23. (F. 49 r.) St. John the Evangelist on Patmos. 24. (F. 51 r.) St. Luke. 25. (F. 53 r.) St. Matthew. 26. (F. 55 r.) St. Mark. This manuscript is remarkable for the variety of flowers in its borders and for the delicacy of colouring and composition in all of the illumina- tions. The landscapes in the miniatures are painted in camawu gris and the background is chiefly rose or red ornamented with gold flowers. HOR^E BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. 1484-1486. Small 4to, old red morocco, the sides elaborately and delicately tooled in panels and compartments containing stars, with a fan-shaped ornament in the centre, gilt back, vellum linings, gilt edges, by Du Seuil. A French Office of the Virgin written during the first half of the fifteenth century upon 27 vellum leaves, with 13 lines to the page. 192 X 136 mm. There are 4 miniatures (57 X 53 mm.), numerous illuminated initials, and, on all the pages, elaborate borders of pen and ink tracery with burnished gold leaves, also foliage sprays in blue, red, and gold issuing from the large illuminated initials and from the gold and coloured lines bordering the outer margins of the pages. The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 1 r.) A monk (the scribe?) kneeling before the Virgin and Child. 2. (F. 19 v.) The Virgin seated with the Infant Child. 3. (F. 23 r.) The Virgin standing with the Child, who holds a dove, two angels behind them supporting a robe. 4. (F. 25 r.) The Virgin seated with the Child, St. John the Baptist and St. OFFICIUM BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS 145 Stephen beside her. The background of all the miniatures is painted in a mosaic design of minute squares in blue, red, and burnished gold characteristic of late fourteenth and early fifteenth century work. The rubrics and the first thirteen leaves are in French and begin with the prayer "Douce dame de misericorde." OFFICIUM BEATyE MARI.E VIRGINIS. &EC. XV. [Folio 7] Incipit officium beate et gloriofe virginis Marie matris domini nfi ihu xpi fin romanum curiam. [Folio 39] Officium Passionis. [Folio 53] Officium mortuorum. . . . Small 4to, light green velvet, gilt edges. An Italian Office of the Virgin written in gothic letters upon vellum in the fifteenth century. 187 X 137 mm. There are 121 leaves, including 6 for the Calendar, with 22 lines to the page. The illuminations consist of 15 historiated initials (45 X 45 mm.) with borders of scrolls in pen tracery and burnished gold introducing flowers, angels, animals, etc., and numerous large and small illuminated initial letters. The subjects of the miniatures are the usual ones accom- panying the various offices. The last page contains only the words " Deo gras. Amen," the initial letter depicting a woman kneeling before a crucifix. In the border at the foot of folio 7 recto are the illuminated arms of the person for whom the manuscript was made. OFFICIUM BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS. S^c. XV. Small 8vo, old Italian red morocco tooled in an intricate Gasconesque design of scrolls in gold, with arabesques in white enamel and centre rosettes of similar execution, gilt edges. An Italian Office of the Virgin written in roman letters of black, red, and burnished gold upon vellum by Jacopo Tarranus in the fifteenth century. 113 X 76 mm. There are 80 leaves, with 12 lines to the page. Folios 35, 36, 79, and 80 have no text, but are ruled in borders of double gilt fillets such as sur- round every page of text. The scribe's signature appears at the foot of the blank folio 79 following the last page of text, "lacobus Tarranus 10 146 OFFICIUM BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS Romanus Scribebat." The large initials are in gold surrounded with red scrolls within squares of double gold fillets. The divisions of the manuscript are 1. "Officium S. Crucis ad Matu- tinum," folios 1-19. 2. "Officium S. Spiritus ad Matutinum," 20-34. 3. "Septem Psalmi Poenitentiales," 37-59. 4. "Litaniae," 60-78. OFFICIUM BEAT.E MARI.E VIRGINIS. S^c. XV. [Folio 13] Incipit off in btiffime virginis marie fm ofuetu- dinem romane curie ufus. Small Svo, old green morocco, gilt back, narrow side borders, gilt edges. An Italian Office of the Virgin written in the fifteenth century, in large and small gothic characters upon vellum. 96 X 71 mm. It contains 201 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, and the text has 13 lines to the page. The last 3 pages are in different characters from the rest of the manuscript. The illuminations consist of initial letters and 3 full-page borders on folios 13 recto, 106 verso, and 195 recto surrounding large historiated initials representing the Virgin and Child, King David praying and a three-quarter figure of Christ on the Cross. The borders are composed of conventional flowers, fruit, and foliage in brilliant red, blue, and green, with pen and ink scrolls and dots in burnished gold. The his- toriated initials are in the same colours, the backgrounds being of red or blue. Scattered through the manuscript are 19 large initials in colours and burnished gold with marginal scrolls in blue and green introducing flowers and gold points; also initials in red and blue with marginal flourishes and scrolls in the same colours. At the foot of the border on folio 13 are the arms of the original owner. OFFICIUM BEAT.E MARL VIRGINIS. S^c. XV. [Folio 13] Incipit officium beate marie virginis fecundum confuetudinem Komane curie. Small 4>to, brown levant morocco, sides blind-tooled in panels, green silk linings, silver clasps, gilt edges, by Gruel. An Italian Office of the Virgin written in the latter part of the fifteenth century in black and red gothic letters upon vellum. 127 X 95 mm. OFFICIUM BEAT.E MARLE VIRGINIS 147 It has 145 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, with 12 lines to the page. The illuminations, in addition to the initial letters, consist of 3 elaborate full-page borders surrounding a miniature of King David pray- ing (folio 113 v.) and 2 large historiated initials depicting the Virgin and Child (folio 13 r.) and King David playing the harp (folio 114 r.). The borders are composed of flowers and scrolls in red and blue, small min- iatures, and angels upon a gold ground. At the foot of folio 13 is a blank coat-of-arms supported by two angels. There are 8 large initials in colours on a burnished gold ground, with pen and ink scrolls and gold balls extending into the margins also other initials in burnished gold and blue, with marginal decorations in red and blue. OFFICIUM BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS SECUNDUM CONSUETUDINEM CURIE RoMANE. 1498. Small 8vo, blue velvet, white moire silk linings, gaufjred gilt edges. In a brown morocco case. A beautiful Italian Office of the Virgin written in roman characters upon vellum in 1498 by Sigismund de Sismondi, one of the most dis- tinguished copyists and calligraphers of his time, for Francesco Sfon- drato, Senator of Cremona, who became Bishop of Cremona and, in 1534, Cardinal. His illuminated arms are at the foot of the first two borders (folios 13 v. and 14 r.). 112 X 77 mm. On folio 148 recto is the inscription by the artist, written in red ink, "Expliciunt feptem pfalmi penitentialef in caft. Carpi die xxii octobrif Mcccc Lxxxx viiij per Sigifmundum de Sigifmondis de Carpo." The volume contains 235 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, and the text has 14 lines to the page. There are 5 beautiful miniatures, 6 historiated initials, 11 full-page arabesque borders delicately painted in colours on a dull gold ground, each containing at least 7 medallion heads, 7 borders of flowers and scrolls extending along one side of the page, and numerous large and small initial letters in burnished or dull gold on a ground of red, blue, or green, with decorations in gold. The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 13 v.) The Annunciation. 2. (F. 116 v.) King David praying near a cave commanding a view of Jerusalem and a distant landscape. 3. (F. 148 v.) The Raising of Laza- rus; in the border at the bottom of the page. 4. (F. 205 v.) The Cruci- 148 OFFICIUM BEAT.E MARINE VIRGINIS fixion; painted with microscopic detail, even to the blood on the ground. At the foot of the Cross are the Virgin Mary and another holy woman, in the distance a charming river scene. In the compartment below this painting in the border is a miniature (slightly effaced) of Christ bound for scourging. 5. (F. 218 v.) The Virgin Mary ascending the steps of the Temple for the benediction of the High Priest, Joachim and Anna in the background, a charming little landscape in the distance. The subjects of the historiated initials are 1. (F. 14 r.) The Virgin and Child, within the letter " D " painted in burnished gold on a ground of red. Above and below it is the text, "Incipit Officium," etc., written in letters of gold on a ground of dark blue. 2. (F. 117 r.) King David clasping his harp. The text on this page, "Incipiunt Septem pfalmi poenitentialef," is in letters of gold on a red ground. 3. (F. 148 v.) A cadaver in camaieu gris on black. The text on this and the opposite page, "Incipit officium mortuorum" is in gold letters on a red ground. 4. (F. 206 r.) A three-quarter painting of Christ crucified; in the border below are symbols of the Passion painted in camaieu d'or on blue. 5. (F. 212 r.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit; in a medallion at the top of the border is the Dove. 6. (F. 219 r.) The Virgin Mary praying. All of the illuminations are painted with the greatest delicacy, and the manuscript is a beautiful example of Italian work of the end of the fifteenth century. OFFICIUM BEATyE MARI^ VIRGINIS. S^c. XV. Large 8vo, red straight-grain morocco, blind and gilt- tooled borders, gilt edges. A French Office of the Virgin written in black and blue gothic char- acters upon vellum during the second half of the fifteenth century. 233 X 151 mm. It has 159 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar, with 20 lines to the page, and contains 15 vigorously painted full-page miniatures within architectural borders of shaded gold. Throughout the volume are numerous large and small initial letters and finials in black on a ground of dull gold ornamented with black scrolls, producing a rich effect. The Calendar, containing 12 initials, is written in letters of black, blue, and burnished gold. OFFICIUM 149 The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 13 v.) The Annunciation. 2. (F. 30 v.) The Visitation of Elizabeth. 3. (F. 41 v.) The Crucifixion. 4. (F. 43 r.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit, represented by a shower of gold. 5. (F. 44 v.) The Nativity. 6. (F. 50 r.) The Announcement to the Shepherds, the knees of whose leggings are ragged from kneeling. 7. (F. 55) The Adoration of the Magi, one of whom is black. 8. (F. 61 r.) The Presentation in the Temple. 9. (F. 66 v.) The Flight into Egypt. 10. (F. 75 r.) The Coronation of the Virgin. 11. (F. 92 r.) King David praying; a curious composition showing a youthful war- rior, a woman, and Death wifh a coffin before him. 12. (F. 110 v.) Job and his three Comforters. 13. (F. 149 v.) St. John the Evangelist on Patmos. 14. (F. 151 v.) The Virgin and Child enthroned. 15. (F. 156 r.) The Crucifixion. The colouring of this manuscript is unusual, being confined to blue, black, dull gold, and green. Red is used only once, in the miniature of the Nativity. OFFICIUM De Quatuor Dominicis de Adventu . . . [Folio 363] Officium de Septem Festivitatibus Beate Virginis, etc. [Saec. XV-XVI]. Small folio, in a seventeenth century Ital- ian binding of red morocco tooled in panels and corner orna- ments, gilt edges. In a modern blue morocco case. A superb Italian manuscript of Offices written in beautiful roman characters of black and red upon pure Italian vellum in the late fifteenth or early sixteenth century for Andrea Mattheus Aquiviva, whose arms are painted at the foot of the border on folio 18 recto. 272 X 187 mm. The volume begins with the title in black and gold, "Verba divina ab Andrea Matthaeo Aquivivo Duce Adrianoru. Quotidie fieri solita: ab semet code pro sua pretate ordinata. Summus Potifex. Authori- tatem suam, & indulgentias, quisquis recitauerit, adiecit." The next two leaves contain, in italic characters, the Letter of Pope Leo X, in which the book is described as having been arranged by Aquiviva: "Psalmi cum Hymnis, Antiphonis et Orationibus in unum redegerit," and in which indulgences are granted to the Aquiviva family and to whoever should use the book. The Letter is dated "Romae apud Sanctum Petrum sub Annulo Piscatoris die quinta Februarij M DXVIIII. Pontificatus nostri Anno sexto." 150 OFFICIUM It is written upon 425 leaves, including 15 of preliminary matter, viz., title, letter, Calendar, and Tabula, with 20 lines to each page of text. Folios 4, 16, 50, 86, 154, 189, 222, and 273 are blank. There are 9 beautiful large miniatures surrounded by Renaissance borders containing in all 48 small miniatures in compartments. These paintings, which are in the best style of art of the period, have been attributed to one of the Ghirlandajo family. On folio 18 recto is a full- page border of scrolls on a ground of blue, red, and green heightened with gold, with the arms of Aquiviva at the bottom. There are 87 other single borders and 12 large initial letters of similar design scattered through the book, also hundreds of initials in gold on a ground of colours. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 17 v.) The Annun- ciation (150 X 103 mm.), an oval-topped painting of the Virgin pray- ing in her bed-room in a domed edifice open on one side; God the Father in the sky, and Joseph in the courtyard, in which are playing rabbits, a trained monkey, etc. The capital letter "T" occurs on a silver shield at the top. Among the 8 small miniatures in the border are St. Andrew, St. Vincent, the Angel appearing to Joachim, two Bishops, the Sibyl Tiburtina, and, in a diamond-shaped compartment below the large miniature, the Marriage of the Virgin and Joseph. 2. (F. 51 v.) The Nativity (150 X 115 mm.); the scene is outside the mouth of a cave, two Shepherds and an angel join in worship, and in the distance two more Shepherds are receiving the Announcement. Of the 3 small miniatures in the border, the largest, in an arched compart- ment at the bottom, represents the Magi before Herod. The left side of the border depicts naked boys climbing a tree-trunk encircled by a grape vine. 3. (F. 87 v.) One of the finest of the miniatures (130 X 75 mm.) depicting Adam and Eve expelled from the Garden of Eden by an angel bearing a sword, within an arched marble portico of various colours. In the pediment of the architectural border of arabesque de- sign is the letter "T" in burnished gold on a red ground. 4. (F. 121 v.) Christ calling his Apostles (156 X 102 mm.); the border is in an ara- besque design of grotesques in rose, blue, and green on a burnished gold ground, with 6 small miniatures containing scenes from the life of Christ, the Bearing of the Cross, the Temptation by the Devil, etc. 5. (F. 155 v.) The Resurrection (147 X 101 mm.); Christ in Glory leaving the Tomb by a road leading to Jerusalem, an Angel and four Holy Women in the foreground. The border contains flowers, OFFICIUM ONOSANDER 151 fruits, birds, animals, gems, and 9 small miniatures, representing Christ walking on the water, and descending into Hell, the Meeting of Joachim and Anna, St. Mark, King David, Christ on the road to Emmaus, the Last Supper, etc. At the foot of the page are two Angels supporting organ-pipes between which are the Medici arms. 6. (F. 245 v.) The Last Judgment (140 X 85 mm.), a brilliantly painted miniature, within an architectural border, representing Heaven and Hell; in the base are 5 small miniatures, at the left are trophies on a burnished gold ground. 7. (F. 274 v.) Jonah at Nineveh (75 X 75 mm.) in an archi- tectural border, in the upper oval portion of which is a painting of a king kneeling before a bishop. In the border, which is in compart- ments of gold and colours on a white ground, are 5 other small minia- tures depicting the Crucifixion, King David praying, Mary Magdalene anointing Christ's feet, etc. 8. (F. 304 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit (150 X 115 mm.) surrounded by a brilliant border of compart- ments in bright colours outlined with interlacing fillets of burnished gold, and introducing angels, musical instruments, gem-like ornaments, and the figure of a monk. 9. (F. 362 v.) Various subjects connected with the life of the Virgin, in an architectural painting of 11 compart- ments, the central one of which (88 X 40 mm.) represents the Meet- ing of Joachim and Anna, with the Virgin as a young girl in glory above. The paintings in this fine manuscript are of the highest order of merit, finely drawn and of great delicacy and brilliancy. The borders, original and varied in design, are painted in the best Italian manner. From the collection of the Earl of Morley. OFFICIUM. See HOILE. ONOSANDER. Onosandri de optimo Imperatore eligendo per Nicolaum Secundinum e grseco in Latinum conuerfus. [Circa 1480]. Large Svo, contemporary Florentine binding of red morocco over oak boards, tooled in panels of broken chains with centre ornaments, gilt edges. Reproduced in facsimile in Home's "Binding of Books." An Italian manuscript beautifully written in cursive characters of black and red upon vellum about 1480. 219 X 142 mm. 152 ONOSANDER OVIDIUS NASO It consists of 69 leaves, with 20 lines to the page. The heading of the first page is written in letters of blue and burnished gold within a beautiful border of white scrolls on a ground of blue, light green, and rose, surrounded by gilt fillets. There are 3 large initial letters of bur- nished gold on a ground of similar design (folios 1, 4, and 7), and in the border at the foot of folio 1 is a blank coat-of-arms surrounded by a wreath. Throughout the volume are numerous small initial letters of burnished gold on a ground of pen tracery in violet. From the collection of William Morris. ONOSANDER. See ^ELIANUS AND ONOSANDER. OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Ovidii Artis Amatorise Libri III. Remediorum amoris Liber. Heroides seu Epistolse XXI. Amorum Libri III, etc. [Ssec. XV]. 12mo, citron levant morocco, mosaic ornaments of green and violet morocco in the back panels, which are delicately tooled in leaf-sprays, doubled with blue morocco having a border of leaf-sprays with mosaic ornaments of red morocco, gilt edges, by Lortic. In a case of green levant morocco. A beautiful Italian manuscript written in roman characters upon fine vellum during the first half of the fifteenth century. 149 X 78 mm. It contains 203 leaves, with 26 lines to the page. Folios 44 and 60 are blank. There are 8 Renaissance borders, 7 large historiated or floriated initials in gold and colours, and 81 smaller initials in bur- nished gold on a ground of decorated blue and red. The border on the first page is painted in camaieu d'or on a ground of crimson extending around three sides, with a ground of green and blue at the bottom. The first line of De Arte Amandi is written in capital letters in camaieu d'or on a ground of the same. The accompanying large initial letter is beautifully painted in shaded gold on a ground of green. The other borders are in red, green, and camaieu d'or on a ground of deep blue, the last four being only lateral in form. OVIDIUS NASO 153 The divisions of the poems are 1. "Ars amandi," folios 1-43 r. 2. "Remedium amoris," folios 45-59 v.; 3. "Heroides," folios 61-129 r. ; 4. A poem on Sappho, beginning "Nunquid ubi aspecta et studiose littera dextre," followed by a prose notice of Sappho, folios 129 r.-133 v. ; 5. Three responses to as many "Heroides" attributed to Sabinus, the friend of Ovid, and a short note on the former, folios 133 V.-140 r. ; 6. "Amorum libri III," folios 141-186 v.; 7. "Pulex," an Elegy attributed to Ovid, folio 187 r.-187 v. 8. "De Philomela," another Elegy, not written by Ovid, folios 187 V.-189 r. ; 9. "De Medicamine faciei," a fragment of elegiac verse on cosmetics addressed to young girls, folios 189 r.-191 r. 10. "Nux," an Elegy, folios 191 r.-194 r. 11. "Con- solatio ad Liviam Augustam," on the death of Drusus Nero, his son, folios 194 V.-203 v. On folio 203 recto is a partially defaced note, "Dono accepit Augus- tinus Amodeus a D. Dominico Seglia," and the quartered arms of the original owner are painted at the foot of the borders on the rectos of folios 1 and 141. All of the illuminations are painted with much care. The manu- script was formerly in the library of Ambroise Firmin-Didot. OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Les XXI Epiftres Des Dames Illuftres, traduicttes d'Ouide par Le Reuerend Pere en Dieu: Monseig. L'Evesque De Angoulefme. [1499-1502]. Large 8vo, old red morocco delicately tooled in panels with centre and corner ornaments, gilt edges. In a modern case of red morocco. A beautiful French manuscript of the French poetical version of Ovid's Epistolcs Heroidum, which is universally ascribed to Octavian de Saint- Gelais, Bishop of Angouleme (1494-1502), written in gothic characters upon vellum. As the miniature on folio 46 is probably a portrait of Queen Anne de Bretagne, who married Louis XII on January 7, 1499, the manuscript was presumably executed about 1499, and as the portrait on folio 112 resembles the heads of Louis XII found on coins of the period, it may safely be asserted that it was executed for this royal couple. 242 X 165 mm. It consists of 130 leaves, with 36 lines to the page. 154 OVIDIUS NASO The title, which was painted at a later date than the body of the book, is in an architectural border of camdieu d'or containing at the top a medallion profile portrait of Ovid in a red robe on a blue ground. There are 21 exquisite half-page portraits, 18 of women, 3 of men, in full-page borders of colours and dull gold. The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 3 r.) Penelope in a blue and gold gown with a jewelled cincture, an outer robe of red and gold lined with white, a heavy gold chain around her neck, on her head a white and red cap ornamented with gold stars. She sits writing at a table in a room panelled with grey, red, and gold. 2. (F. 7 v.) Phyllis in a red and gold gown fastened at the waist with a green girdle, around her neck two heavy gold chains, over her head and shoulders a robe of red and gold. She sits at a table in a grey panelled room containing two windows. 3. (F. 11 v.) Briseis in a red gown embroidered with gold, large flowing sleeves lined with white, a black coif over her hood of red and white. She stands before a table on a battlemented roof. 4. (F. 17 r.) Phedre in a green robe embroidered in gold with close black sleeves under flowing yellow ones, on her head a black coif. She stands before a gilt writing-table in a vaulted room with decorated grey walls, and holds a quill pen in her raised left hand, a pen-knife in her right hand. 5. (F. 23 v.) (Enone in a rose and red gown with cap, sitting in a pillared porch, beyond which is a landscape. 6. (F. 30 r.) Hypsipyle in a blue robe trimmed with bands of gold and red, a triple jet necklace, a jet bandeau with roses in her flowing hair. She stands against a back- ground of dull green with mauve ornamentation in stripes. 7. (F. 35 v.) Dido in a blue gown with gold and red robe covering her head, which is crowned. She stands writing in a book, near her a gilt reading-stand. The room is brick-walled, and the ceiling vaulted. 8. (F. 42 v.) Her- mione in a loose blue robe edged with gold and red, a massive gold chain around her neck, on her head an elaborate cap in red and gold. She stands at a table before a window, a knife in her left hand. 9. (F. 46 r.) Dejanira sitting at a table before a window, clad in a red gown with a blue coif over her crowned head. This painting is supposed to be a portrait of Anne de Bretagne, as it resembles the one in her Livre d'Heures. 10. (F. 52 r.) Ariadne on the island of Naxos, a weeping figure in a gown of gold and red, with a grey scarf over her head; in the back- ground high rocks and trees. 11. (F. 57 r.) Canace stabbing herself. She stands holding her pen in her left hand. Her robe is mauve over PASSIO CHRISTI 155 red embroidered with gold. 12. (F. 62 r.) Medea in an elaborate gown of gold and red with white head-dress covered with a red and gold mantle. She stands before a table reading her Epistle from a book. 13. (F. 69 v.) Laodamia in a blue gown embroidered with white and a red and gold robe, a fillet around her flowing yellow hair. She stands at a table before a window. 14. (F. 75 v.) Hypermnestra in prison. 15. (F. 80 r.) Paris, a youthful figure in a fur-trimmed blue robe with a red cap on his flowing yellow hair. 16. (F. 88 v.) Helen dressed in a red robe height- ened with gold, a black mantle on her head, and standing before a window writing. 17. (F. 97 r.) Leander seated on the shore of Abydos removing his shoes, in the background the Hellespont and Hero's tower with the light burning in the window. 18. (F. 105 r.) Hero in a red and gold robe, with flowing yellow hair, standing at the battlements of her tower. 19. (F. 112 r.) Acontius, a portrait of Louis XII, seated before a window, a crown on his red cap and wearing a mauve robe embroidered in gold and lined with ermine. 20. (F. 118 v.) Cidippe in a red and silver robe, standing with crossed arms. 21. (F. 123 r.) Sappho in a silver gown embroidered in white over a red undergarment, with a white and red head-dress embroidered in gold stars. All of the miniatures are very carefully painted and with so much individuality as to be undoubtedly portraits, some of them possibly of the maids of honour of Anne de Bretagne. They are also interesting as examples of the costume of the period, executed in the style of the famous Livre d'Heures d'Anne de Bretagne, in the Bibliotheque Nation- ale. That library contains at least four manuscripts of the present translation, one of which belonged to Louis XII, but none of them as interesting as this one. PASSIO CHRISTI. [Folio 2] Auifo y inftrucion Para dho exercicio y delos frutos que fe Alcan an por el. [Folio 8] Siguen las Veinte y quatro horas de la passion de nro senor. Hid xpo con sus Oraciones. A la tarde a seys horas Oracion. [1591]. 24-mo, original calf, tooled in gilt, with gilt edges. In a modern case of brown levant morocco. 156 PERSIUS PETRARCA A Spanish manuscript of the Passion executed in italic characters of black and red upon 44 leaves of vellum in 1591, according to the date on the last miniature. 82 X 59 mm. All of the twenty-five divisions of the book begin with delicately painted initial letters in colours heightened with gold, and there are 25 miniatures surrounded by borders of gold. The subjects illustrate Christ's Passion with the exception of the first two, which depict the Nativity and Christ with five Disciples. The last painting, the Entombment, contains the date 1591 in letters of gold. The miniatures are all well painted, in soft rather than brilliant colours. PERSIUS, AULTJS FLACCUS. See JUVENALIS AND PERSIUS. PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Sonetti, Canzoni e Trionfi. [Ssec. XV]. Folio, original vellum covers. An Italian manuscript of Petrarch's Italian Poems written in italic characters upon fine vellum in the early part of the fifteenth century 288 X 170mm. It consists of 176 leaves, with from 28 to 30 lines on a page. Folio 139 is blank. There are 361 large initial letters in burnished gold on a ground of blue and red with white scroll decorations, and two full- page borders, on folios 1 and 140. The first is a quadrilateral "line and leaf" design of black and burnished gold introducing flowers, figures, helmets at the four corners, and, at the foot of the page, a shield con- taining the arms of an owner, of later date than the manuscript itself. On each side are angels in blue with peacock's wings. The second border, at the beginning of the Trionfi, is trilateral and less elaborate in design. The vellum upon which this manuscript is written is unusually white and fresh. PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Sonetti, Canzoni e Trionfi. [Ssec. XV]. Svo, light brown levant morocco tooled in panels in the Aldine manner, vellum, Jin ings, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. PETRARCA 157 An Italian manuscript of Petrarch's Poems written in roman char- acters upon fine vellum in the fifteenth century. 228 X 145 mm. There are 197 leaves, with 29 lines to the page. Folios 8, 9, 10, 188, 189, and 190 are blank. The divisions of the volume are 1. "Tabula," folios 1-7. 2. "Francisci Petrarce Poetae Clarissimi Sonectorum," 11 150. 3. "Francisci Petrarce Poetse Clarissimi De Amore Triumphus," 151-187. 4. "Vita Francisci Pe. Poe. Clar. edita per Leonardum Arreti- num virum cl." 191-197. The illuminations consist of borders and initial letters painted in colours and burnished gold. On the first page of the Sonnets (folio 11) is an elaborate full-page border of garlands, cupids, and birds, with 8 compartments, 5 of which contain men's heads. In the centre of the foot of the page is a blank oval compartment intended for the arms of the person for whom the manuscript was executed. The title of the Sonnets is in two compartments in burnished gold letters on a blue and rose ground. An historiated initial containing a half-length portrait of Petrarch begins the text. The remaining 14 borders are lateral and occur in the second division of the poems, the Trionfi. They are of two varieties: 6 borders are composed of brilliant flowers, urns, birds, and gold dots and are ac- companied by historiated initial letters delicately painted, e. g., a blind- folded cupid shooting an arrow (f. 151); Death, represented by a winged cadaver (f. 166 v.); and a winged hour-glass (f. 182). The other variety of border is composed of scrolls in blue, white, green, and rose, with gold dots, attached to initial letters of a similar character. This is a fine specimen of a classical Italian manuscript. PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Rime. (I) [Folio 1] Voi chascoltate in rime sparse il suono di quei sospiri ondio nutriva il core in sul mio primo giovenil errore quando era in parte . . . [Folio 97] Haec reperta sunt in Papienfi Bibliotheca in quodam Virgilio Domini Francifci Petrarcae fcripta manu propria eiusdem Domini Francifci. Laura propriis virtutibus illustris : et meis longum celebrata carmimbus: primum oculis meis apparuit: sub primum adolefcentise meae Tempus anno Domini MCCCXXVII. die vi. menfis Aprelis . . . 158 PETRARCA (II) [Folio 98 verso] Francisci Petrarchse Florentini de Morte Laurese Elegia. (III) [Folio 142 recto] Francisci Petrarchse Florentini Triumphi incipiunt. Amoris Triumphus I. [Sa3C. XV]. 8vo, original Venetian binding of red morocco gilt-tooled in a Moorish design in panels, morocco and brass clasps, gilt edges. In a modern case of green morocco. A delicately written Italian manuscript of Petrarch's Italian poems executed in small italic characters upon fine vellum in the fifteenth century. 166 X 111 mm. Folios i-viii and 1-178, folios viii, 139, 140 being blank; 28 lines to the page. Each of the three parts has a separate title-page written in uncial letters in blue, red, and gold, and surrounded by a border of architectural design containing figures, garlands, etc., painted in colours and camaieu d'or. The first border (f. 1) has at the foot a blank medal- lion intended for a coat-of-arms. The second border (f. 98 v.) contains at the top an exquisite small miniature representing a stag with a woman's face pursued by two greyhounds, an allegorical illustration of the seventh stanza of Canzone 21, in which the poet complains of having lost the way leading to the desired port (represented in the miniature by a ship at anchor in the background) and of being tormented by fatal remorse on one hand and, on the other, by the sweet memory of earthly pleasures, from which he vainly seeks to free himself, although he knows that his end is near. In the miniature, death is represented by a sarcophagus; the stag is the poet's soul disquieted by contradictory instincts, depicted by the two greyhounds, one black and one white. Attached to a wreath of laurel at the foot of the page is a blank oval intended for arms. The third border (f. 142) is painted in camaieu (for with a scene in gold and colours at the foot: Love triumphant riding on a burning chariot followed by vanquished couples. On the opposite page (f. 141 v.) is a full-page miniature of a similar theme painted upon saffron- coloured vellum in camaieu d'or and pale green. The poet, in a hooded robe, with a companion, views the procession from a neighbouring hill. The first seven leaves of the volume contain an alphabetical index of the first lines of the poems. There are numerous capital letters in blue and burnished gold, also variants and Greek characters on the margins. PETRARCA 159 PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Rime : [Folio 9 verso] Francisci Petrarcae Florentini Poetse excellentiss. Rhythmi incipiunt. [Folio 106 recto] Eiusdem Francisci Petrarcse de Morte Dominae Laurese Rhythmi incipiunt. [Folio 149 verso] Francisci Petrarcae Florent. Poetae clariss. Triumphi incipiunt. [Saec. XV]. Svo, original Medicean binding of calfskin, ornamented with panels partly gold and partly blind-tooled, medallions of Petrarch and Laura stamped in the centre of the covers, edges gauffred and gilt. In a modern case of brown morocco. An Italian manuscript of Petrarch's Italian poems executed in italic characters upon vellum in the fifteenth century. 234 X 142 mm. It contains 187 leaves including 7 for the Index to the first lines of the poems in the first two parts of the volume. Folios 8, 147, and 148 are blank, 148 being of purple vellum. There are 2 frontispieces, one on saffron, the other on purple vellum, in the style of Andrea Mantegna, 3 beautiful coloured borders surrounding titles written in letters of gold and colours, and 400 initial letters in burnished gold on a blue ground decorated with white, 7 being elaborated with symbols. The first border (f. 10 r.) is of an architectural design in blue, red, and green heightened with gold, introducing at the base 3 medallions containing herons, in the columns 2 blank escutcheons. On this page is a beautifully painted initial containing two rabbits. The second border, around the title-page "De Morte Dominse Laureae Rhythmi" (f. 106 r.), is in the form of a memorial tablet in bistre on a ground of shaded blue, the upper part containing a death-scene of a woman thrown from a chariot, beautifully painted in gold and silver on a black ground. The third border (f. 150 r.) is of an architectural design in blue, red, and brown heightened with gold, introducing em- blematic ornaments and an historiated initial containing a doe. This border is somewhat rubbed. The first frontispiece, on saffron vellum (f. 9 v.) is in the form of an elaborate memorial tablet, in the upper part of which are the portraits of Petrarch and Laura. Poetical symbols are introduced and at the left stands Apollo with his lyre. In the lower right-hand corner is a Cardinal's hat surmounting an effaced coat-of-arms. The frontispiece to "Triumphi" (f. 149 v.) is painted in gold and silver on purple vellum. 160 PETRARCA PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Triompho dello Amore d. M. Fr. Petrarca Poeta F. Triompho della Pudititia, della Morte, della Fama, - del Tempo, della Divinita. [Florentiae, ante 1492]. 8vo, red levant morocco, centre ornaments of interlacing fillets and leaf-sprays, with a cupid's head in the middle, vellum linings, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. An Italian manuscript beautifully written in italic characters upon vellum for Lorenzo de Medici (d. 1492), whose arms are painted in gold and colours on folios 1, 14, and 25. 251 X 143 mm. It contains 41 leaves, with 27 lines to the page. The 6 divisions of the poem have at the beginning borders supposed to have been painted by the celebrated Florentine miniaturist Attavante, as the initials "M. A." (Maestro Attavante?) are in a cartouche in the lower left-hand corner of the first painting. There are 6 large initial letters in gold and colours and 7 initials in gold. The illuminations are 1. (F. 1) A full-page border of architectural and emblematical design introducing a Corinthian column, trophies, cupids, gems, etc., painted in gold and delicate colours on a dark red and blue ground. In the centre of the base of the design are the Medici arms supported by two cupids ; at the top are medallion cameo portraits of Lorenzo-de Medici and Petrarch on a black ground. 2. (F. 14) A half-page border painted in mauve in the form of a tablet with broken pediment. At the foot are the Medici arms with a chaplet of jewels. 3. (F. 18) A full-page border representing a tablet in light green against a mauve ground ; a skull in the pediment, winged horses in red, gold, and light green at the base. 4. (F. 25) A three-quarter border in the form of a tablet painted in mauve on a rose ground, introducing vases, jewels, emblems, scrolls, fruit, and the Medici arms. 5. (F. 36) A three- quarter border of tablet design somewhat similar to the preceding, but containing two heads of men painted in mauve. 6. (F. 38 v.) A tablet occupying the lowest third of the page, painted in light green, red, brown, and gold, and supported by two turtles. The illuminations are very beautifully and delicately painted. The manuscript is from the collection of Baron de La Roche Lacarelle. PRAYER-BOOK PRECES PLE 161 PRAYER-BOOK. See GHEBEDTE. PRECES PLE. CIRCA 1310. 4to, red levant morocco covered with a superb original desiqn of conventionalized flowers and scrolls, in mosaic of / / I I dark and light green, citron, and ivory morocco, vellum linings, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery; Leon Maillard, finisher. In a case of red levant morocco. A Flemish manuscript executed in gothic characters upon vellum about 1310. 163 X 114 mm. It contains 218 leaves, including 6 for the Calendar, with 19 lines to the page. There are 15 full-page miniatures, 12 of medium size in the Calendar, 9 large historiated initials, and 16 small figures in a border, making 52 paintings in all, besides over 175 large initials in burnished gold on a ground of blue and red, and numerous smaller initials, chiefly in the borders of blue, red, and burnished gold which surround every page of text. These borders have three sides, ending on the outer margin in monkeys' heads painted in green and red, or owls, peacocks, and other animals. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 7 v.) The Annuncia- tion. 2. (F. 8 v.) The Nativity. 3. (F. 9 v.) The Adoration of the Magi. 4. (F. 10 v.) The Flight into Egypt. 5. (F. 11 v.) The Trinity; St. Mary Magdalene standing at the right with her vase of ointment. 6. (F. 12 v.) The Scourging. 7. (F. 13 v.) The Crucifixion; surrounded by a border of 16 small miniatures depicting Old Testament writers. 8. (F. 14 v.) A full-page letter "B" containing 2 miniatures in the divi- sions : the Resurrection and the Descent into Hell. 9. (F. 42 r.) St. Mary Magdalene kneeling at the feet of the resurrected Christ. 10. (F. 60 v.) Christ and St. Thomas. 11. (F. 77 v.) The Ascension. 12. (F. 94 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 13. (F. 115 v.) A Dominican (St. Dom- inick ?) preaching from a pulpit. 14. (F. 135 v.) St. Francis of Assisi preaching to the birds. 15. (F. 157 r.) The Last Judgment. The 12 miniatures in the Calendar represent scenes appropriate to the months, and are painted on the right side of the page. The subjects of the 9 historiated initials (folios 41-156) are St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Lau- rence, St. Stephen, St. Margaret, St. Nicholas, St. Martin, the Behead- ing of St. John the Baptist, and the Coronation of the Virgin. 11 162 PSALTERIUM From the hagiographical indications in the Calendar of this manu- script, it was written by a Flemish scribe, but the miniatures appear to have been executed by an English artist. They are painted chiefly in deep blue, brilliant red, and light green on a ground of burnished gold. It is a superb example of the art of the scribe and miniaturist at the be- ginning of the fourteenth century. From the Bibliotheca Renesiana. PSALTERIUM. S^c. XIII. 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt back, corner and centre or- naments of dark brown morocco stamped in gold on the sides, the intervals filled in with stars, doubled with vellum, the old coloured edges preserved, by Riviere. An English Psalter written in gothic characters upon fine vellum in the thirteenth century. 202 X 137 mm. It contains 117 leaves, including 4 for the Calendar (which lacks folios 3 and 4, May to August), and the text has 23 lines to the page. The Calendar, which is written in black, red, and blue characters, contains 16 medallion miniatures in colours, principally blue and red, on a raised burnished gold ground, and 8 illuminated initials. In the text are 10 large historiated initials similarly painted, depicting figures and animals and averaging 600 X 600 mm. in size. The text is clearly written in brilliant black ink, with small initials and finials in red and blue and larger initials in the same colours heightened with burnished gold. The last page, containing prayers in Latin and French, is in larger characters than the remainder of the volume, and appears to have been added. PSALTERIUM DAVIDIS CUM CANTISIS ECCLESI.E ET LITANIA. S^EC. XIII. 4eto, in a seventeenth century binding of dark brown mo- rocco over oak boards, brass clasps, gilt edges. In a modern case of brown levant morocco. A superb Psalter executed in large gothic characters upon fine vellum by either a Norman or an English illuminator for the abbey of St. Peter at Sens in the thirteenth century. 229 X 162 mm. PSALTERIUM 163 It contains 191 leaves, including 6 for the Calendar (folios 26-31), with 20 lines to the page. The first 25 leaves contain 50 large circular minia- tures, two on each folio (about 57 X 57 mm.) within ornamental panels (148 X 81 mm.) in rose, blue, and burnished gold. There are also 217 small miniatures, 6 within the border of the first miniature, 24 in the Calendar, and 187 in the form of historiated initials. Every page of text is beautifully and elaborately ornamented with designs of the most varied character, small initial letters, marginal tracery in red and blue, and finials in the form of fish, birds, and gro- tesques in gold and black. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1-2 (F. 1 v.) David playing the harp and slaying Goliath, forming the upper and lower compart- ments in the initial letter "B"; the 6 small miniatures in the corners and at the sides represent musicians playing on the viol, the cithern, the organ, etc. 3-4. (F. 2 v.) The Annunciation and the Visitation of Eliza- beth. 5-6. (F. 3 r.) The Nativity and the Announcement to the Shep- herds. 7-8. (F. 4 v.) The Magi journeying towards Jerusalem and before Herod, in whose ear a fiend is whispering. 9-10. (F. 5 r.) The Adoration of the Magi and the Magi warned of God in a dream; they are represented as lying in one bed, two of them asleep, the third wakened by the Angel's touch. 11-12. (F. 6 v.) Herod directing the slaughter of the Innocents, a fiend whispering in his ear, and the Flight into Egypt, idols falling from their pedestals as the Holy Family approaches. 13-14. (F. 7 r.) The Marriage Feast at Cana and the Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist; an angel stands at the right holding Christ's garments. 15-16. (F. 8 v.) The Presentation in the Temple and the Devil tempting Christ to turn stones into bread. 17-18. (F. 9 r.) Christ tempted of the Devil on the pinnacle of the Temple and the Devil offering Him the riches of the world, symbolized by golden vessels upon which Christ treads. 19-20. (F. 10 v.) The Transfiguration and Christ casting out devils. 21-22. (F. 11 r.) Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and Judas bargaining with the Jews for the thirty pieces of silver. 23-24. (P. 12 v.) The Betrayal and Christ in the Judgment Hall of Pilate; at the left St. Peter warming his hands. 25-26. (F. 13 r.) The Scourging of Christ and Judas hanging himself. 27-28. (F. 14 v.) Pilate washing his hands and Christ bearing the Cross. 29-30. (F. 15 r.) Christ cruci- fied with the two Thieves and the Descent from the Cross. 31-32. (F. 16 v.) The Entombment and the Resurrection. 33-34. (F. 17 r.) The 164 PSALTERIUM ET HYMNARIUM Visit of the three Maries to the Sepulchre and Christ delivering the Spirits of the Just from Limbo. 35-36. (F. 18 v.) St. Man' Magdalene and Christ in the Garden and Christ on the road to Emmaus. 37-38. (F. 19 r.) The Supper at Emmaus and the Incredulity of Thomas. 39-40. (F. 20 v.) The Ascension and the Descent of the Holy Spirit; the Virgin Mary is not in the group as she always is in later manuscripts. 41-42. (F. 21 r.) The Death and Coronation of the Virgin. 43-44. (F. 22 v.) Christ in Glory and the Resurrection of the Dead. 45-46. (F. 23 r.) The Entry of the Blessed into Heaven and the Wicked dragged to Hell by two Devils. 47. (F. 24 v.) God the Father holding the Spirits of the Saved in His bosom; surrounding Him, in small compartments, are crowned heads. The intention was doubtless to represent the Mansions of the Blest. 48. (F. 24 v.) The Lost Souls in the Jaws of Hell, among them Kings, Queens, Bishops, and Priests. 49-50. (F. 25 r.) The Devil weighing souls, the contest with an angel and the departure to Heaven and Hell. The 24 small miniatures in the Calendar are circular in form, on the outer margins, and depict scenes appropriate to the months and the zodiacal signs. The 187 historiated initials illustrate either the Psalms in their ordinary meaning or the scribe's interpretation. They measure about 25 X 25, 34 X 12, and 55 X 55 mm. All of the paintings are executed with admirable skill, and are re- markable for drawing, physiognomy, and fresh colouring. The Calendar records St. Savinianus, first Archbishop of Sens (August 25), St. Amatus (September 13), and St. Bertharius (October 16), whose festivals are also kept at St. Peter's Abbey, Sens. PSALTERIUM ET HYMNARIUM. SJSG. XV. 4to, old brown morocco, the arms of Charles Brisard-Tiville (d. 1656), Councillor in the Parliament of Paris, stamped in gold on both covers, the sides and back covered with small tools representing spread eagles, lions, and the ermine marks found in the arms, gilt edges. In a modern case of blue morocco. A French Psalter and Hymnary written in large gothic characters upon vellum in the fifteenth century. 208 X 134 mm. PSALTERIUM 165 It contains 257 leaves, including 6 for the Calendar and 5 other pre- liminary folios containing directions for using the Calendar. The only illuminations consist of 12 small miniatures (20 X 35 mm.) in the pages containing the Calendar, 8 borders of flowers, foliage, scrolls, and gro- tesques on a dull gold background and several hundred illuminated initials of various sizes. PSALTERIUM. SJGC. XV. [Folio 17] Incipit liber hymnoru uel foliloquioru. ppheta dauid. de. xpo. [Folios 162-181] Cantica yfaye prophe. . . moyfi . . . Zacharie . . . Ambrofii, Athanafii, etc. [Folios 183-218 r.] Paffio domini nri ihu xpi, fcd'm matheum . . . marcum . . . lucam . . . Johem. [Folios 218 v. - 235] Orationes. 4>to, old red velvet, gilt edges. A finely executed Spanish Psalter written in gothic characters upon vellum in the fifteenth century. 244 X 168 mm. There are 236 leaves, including 12 for the Calendar and 4 for the Tabula, with 19 lines to the page. Folio 182 is blank and the last leaf contains a prayer in different calligraphy from the rest of the manuscript. The illuminations consist of 12 large historiated initials (about 147 X 147 mm.) painted in colours and burnished gold, and accompanied by beautiful tracery borders in black and burnished gold introducing flowers, birds, angels, and animals. There are also 7 large floriated initials with sprays of flowers in the margin, and numerous smaller letters in blue and burnished gold, with pen tracery along the margins. The first miniature (folio 17) is larger than the others (74 X 74 mm.) and the border on this page contains at the foot, within interlacing bands of blue on a gold ground, a coat-of-arms painted in gold and colours and repeated in the border on folio 128 verso. Of the 12 miniatures, 5 represent David in different scenes (folios 17 r., 38 v., 52 v., 80 r., and 96 v.), 2 are of God the Father (folios 66 r. and 128 v.); the painting on 112 r. depicts a mass led by two bishops. The last (folios 183-211) are of the Evangelists, the borders on these pages being lateral instead of full-page. The rubric on folios 222-223 is in the Catalan dialect, which indicates the nationality of the scribe; the borders, however, are painted in the Italian manner. 166 PSALTERIUM SAUVAIGE PSALTERIUM. SJEC. XVI. Large folio, contemporary French binding of red morocco, the arms of Cardinal Geronimo Grimaldi, Archbishop of Aix (1597-1655-85) stamped in gold on both covers within borders composed of flowers and fleurs-de-lys, gilt edges. A French Psalter beautifully written in large roman characters of black and red upon vellum, presumably during the first half of the six- teenth century. 398 X 280 mm. It contains 56 leaves, with 22 lines to the page, 7 floral culs-de-lampe and a large spray of flowers on the last page, 12 elaborately painted initial letters (about 52 X 52 mm.) in blue on a burnished gold ground of diaper pattern in red, 61 other large initial letters in burnished gold, and numerous smaller ones in red. The headings of each division of the volume are in letters of blue and shaded gold, and the text is enclosed within outline borders of red and gold. PSALTERIUM. See BONA VENTURA, ST. SAUVAIGE, ALEXANDRE. [Letiquette des temps, ou les memorables choses de tous les temps] A lhault et puiffant feigneur monfeigneur meffire francoys de Rochechouart cheualier feigneur de Champ- demer. Confeiller et chambellan ordinaire de trefhault trefpuiffant et trefexcellens prince Loys douziefme de ce nom roy de france [1498-1515] : son lieutenant general et gouuerneur en fa duche et feigneurie de gennes et fenefchal de thouloze. Prologue de alexandre fauuaige. En lethiquette des temps. [XVI Siecle]. Folio, old red straight-grain morocco tooled in floral borders of gold, gilt edges. An exquisite French and Italian manuscript written in lettres bafardes upon fine vellum in the beginning of the sixteenth century for Francois de Rochechouart, to whom it is dedicated and whose arms are emblazoned in seven places, three times on folio 2. 331 X 225 mm. It contains 121 leaves, with 27 lines to the page. There are 3 large miniatures exquisitely painted in sepia and blue heightened with gold, SCRIBE'S SAMPLE-BOOK 167 and 125 small miniatures, 7 of circular form in the border on folio 2 verso, 1 on the lower margin of folio 8 recto, and 117 above the initial letters, of which there are 127 (about 35 X 38 mm.) painted in gold on a decorative ground of sepia. The illuminations were evidently painted by a skilled Italian artist, whereas the scribe was French. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 2 v.) A painting divided by trees into three parts : at the right, the Creation of Eve, at the left, the Serpent tempting Eve, in the centre, God creating the animals. At the foot of the border surrounding this miniature, which measures 85 X 138 mm., are the arms of the original owner. 2. (F. 46 v.) A Battle of the Romans under Julius Csesar against the Gauls; a scene of much animation and with a large number of figures. In the border are the arms of the original owner. 3. (F. 99 v.) The Prophecy of the Sibyl Tiburtina to the Emperor Octavius Caesar ; the scene is a dais outside a palace ; the Virgin and Child are painted in gold against a blue sky. Surrounding the page containing the first large miniature is a trilateral sepia border containing 8 small medallion paintings; one has the arms of the original owner in red and white, the others are of Biblical scenes, including the Death of Abel, Noah's Ark, the Tower of Babel, the Drowning of Pharaoh's Army in the Red Sea, and Moses' Miracle of the Brazen Serpent. The subjects of the remaining small miniatures are mythological and historical, and include the scribe presenting his work to Fran9ois de Rochechouart, seventeen gods and goddesses, the Towers of Troy, the Twelve Labours of Hercules, scenes from the lives of yEneas and Dido, Romulus and Remus, Julius Csesar, Cicero, and the Roman Emperors. Books II and III concern Julius Caesar. This manuscript was formerly in the collections of the Comte de Mac Carthy-Reagh and George Hibbert. SCRIBE'S SAMPLE-BOOK. XV CENTURY. Folio, contemporary vellum binding, with ties. A series of elegant Italian designs painted with great skill and accuracy as models for initial letters and accompanying marginal decorations, executed chiefly in blue and red upon 19 vellum leaves by Guinifortus de Vicomerchato, of Milan, about 1450. This manuscript, illustrative of various styles of decoration in the form of a text-book, is almost unique. 168 STATUTES SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS STATUTES. [Folio 55] Li Conseglieri siano Venuti ogni prima setti mana di octobre . . . M.D.lxxviii. 4fo, in a Persian bind- ing, probably made in Venice, of old red levant morocco cut out to form compartments and painted in gold and colours, the Lion of St. Mark in the centre of the recto, the arms of Coun- cillor of State Sanudo on the verso, gauffred gilt edges. An Italian manuscript of the Statutes of the Councillors of State of Venice written upon vellum as a gift from Marino Grimani, Doge and ( Duke of Venice, to Councillor of State Joseph Andrea Sanudo. 223 X 165 mm. The first leaf contains the arms of Sanudo within a beautiful and elaborate scroll border painted in gold and colours, containing cupids, gargoyles, and fruit, the Lion of St. Mark being in a cartouche at the top, the date "1598" at the bottom. The second leaf contains the dedication in gold letters surrounded by a rich border of scrolls, flowers, and cupids. The text of the manuscript occupies 55 leaves, the Tables 5, following 5 blank leaves. The binding is in perfect state of preservation. From the collection of Lord Orford. SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, CAIUS. Suetonij Tranquilli Viri Illmi De Duodeci Csefaribus. Anno Dni 1433 [Florentise] Per Milanum Burrum. 4to, old dark brown Italian binding with side panels and orna- ments in gilt, the arms of Gabriel Giolito (ft. about 15401560), the printer of Ferrara, on both covers, gauffred gilt edges. In a modern case of brown morocco. An Italian manuscript of Suetonius' Lives of the Twelve Caesars beautifully written in roman characters upon vellum by Milanus Burrus of Florence, in 1433. 254 X 191 mm. There are 169 leaves, including the illuminated title, with 30 lines to the page, 12 beautiful large miniatures, and 12 large floriated initials in colours on burnished or dull gold grounds. SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS 169 This beautiful volume is one of the rare examples extant of a classical manuscript decorated with miniatures of the first order, and it is especially remarkable in giving the name of the artist and the date of its execution. The twelve miniatures represent imaginative figures of the Roman em- perors and afford a valuable illustration of early fifteenth century cos- tumes. Their subjects are 1. (F. 3 v.) The frontispiece, representing Caius Julius Csesar in golden armour, except the greaves, which are of silver, now oxydized. In his right hand he holds an uplifted sword, in his left a long spear with a pennon attached ; beneath his feet are sym- bolical representations of the towns and cities he subdued. The back- ground is of burnished gold. Surrounding this figure is a rich ornamental border of scrolls and flowers in colours on a burnished gold ground, with ten compartments, in five of which Julius Csesar is represented as driving a chariot with four horses abreast ; in three he wears a helmet, in two a crown of laurel. The other compartments represent Rome, a pyramidal tent ( ?) surmounted by a golden ball, Caesar enthroned ( ?), and his death. 2. (F. 27 r.) Octavius Augustus at the left, crowned and wearing golden greaves, and a blue robe lined with leopard's skin. In his right hand he holds a sceptre, in his left a curious symbolical representation of the world; an outer circle in blue depicts the sky studded with sun, moon, and stars ; a second circle in green represents the sea, which sur- rounds the earth, painted in brown, from the centre of which springs a tree ; the earth is dotted over with crowns, to symbolize the kingdoms over which the Emperor held sway. Opposite him stands the poet Virgil in a red robe lined with blue over a yellow tunic ; in his left hand he holds a scroll, with his right he points upward to the vision of the Virgin and Child, whose advent he is said to have predicted. The background is of burnished gold. The two figures stand on a beautifully designed pattern of conventional foliage and flowers. 3. (F. 59 v.) Claudius Tiberius crowned with laurel and clad in a rich scarlet robe trimmed with yellow ermine, a dagger in his right hand, a heart in his left. He stands on a floral pattern similar to the one in the preceding miniature. The back- ground is blue finely executed in diaper-work. 4. (F. 80 v.) Caius Cali- gula crowned with laurel, clad in a fur-lined blue garment over red, with green hose and no shoes. In his right hand is a gold sceptre, in his left a cornucopia, from which issues a cockatrice. He stands on a red-tiled pavement, the background being of blue-bordered diaper-work in yel- 170 SEUTONIUS TRANQUILLUS low, brown, and gold, in which is a small head in blue. 5. (F. 98 r.) Claudius crowned with laurel and clad in a light-brown robe lined with blue over red, in his right hand a sceptre, in his left a mushroom. In the upper left-hand corner is a phoenix surrounded by flames. The pavement is of green marble, the background of burnished gold surrounded by blue. 6. (F. 113 r.) Two compartments, in the upper of which is a Muse (?) seated on a marble slab tuning a lute; beneath her, on the ground, sits Vulcan (Tubal Cain?) striking an anvil with two hammers. In the lower and larger compartment stands Nero, crowned with laurel, clad in a fur-trimmed red and gold robe over red, in his right hand a sceptre, in his left a harp. The ground of both miniatures is of foliage as in Nos. 2 and 3, the backgrounds in light brown (upper) and blue (lower) with white ornaments. 7. (F. 131 v.) Sergius Galba crowned with laurel, clad in chased armour of silver, green, and gold, and holding a large sword. The tiling is red, the background blue with white ornaments. 8. (F. 139 r.) Otho, crowned with laurel, and clad in a curious full robe of red trimmed with fur over green. In his right hand is a sceptre, his left is raised, as if in speech. The pavement is red marble, the background a diaper pattern in dark brown, silver, and gold. 9. (F. 143 v.) Aulus Vitellius, crowned with laurel, and wearing a blue robe brocaded with gold and trimmed with fur, his arms covered with silver brassarts. In his right hand he holds a long- handled spear ; his left grasps his golden girdle. The floor pattern is the same as in Nos. 2 and 3, the back- ground diapered in red with blue points. 10. (F. 149 v.) Vespasian, conqueror of Judaea, holding in his right hand an uplifted sword, on his left arm a representation of the Temple of Jerusalem. His armour is for the most part hidden by a red toga lined with blue. The background is burnished gold, the lower part of the painting as in the preceding. 11. (F. 157 r.) Titus in the rich dress of a Florentine gallant of the fif- teenth century, a blue tunic shot with gold, the sleeves being very long and full over tight-fitting green sleeves. He is crowned with laurel and carries a large sword. The tiling is rose-coloured, the diapered back- ground in red and blue. 12. (F. 160 v.) Domitian in a fur-lined scarlet costume, crowned with laurel and carrying a raised sword in his right hand, with the left grasping his gold girdle. He stands on the same ground as in Nos. 2 and 3, the green of which contrasts admirably with the dark blue in the diapered background. SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS TACITUS 171 At the foot of folio 4 are the arms of the person for whom the manu- script was made, a red cross on a dark brown ground, and on each side the initials "I" and "O" in gold. SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, CAIUS. [Folio 1] Suetonii Tranquilli de Duoecim [sic] Csesaribus : Opus Elegantissimum feliciter incipit. Et primo de lulio Caesare. [Ssec. XV]. Folio, dark brown levant morocco, blind- tooled in an old French design of panels introducing fleurs- de-lys, gilt edges, by Triquillier. An Italian manuscript of Suetonius' Lives of the Twelve Ccesars written upon paper during the first part of the fifteenth century. 282 X 207 mm. There are 121 leaves, and the text has 37 lines to the page. On the first folio is an elaborate border of scrolls in white, rose, green, and gold on a ground of blue, painted in the Italian manner, introducing animals and three subjects in small medallions. At the foot are the arms of a bishop supported by two cupids. Scattered through the volume are 11 large initial letters in burnished gold on a ground of green, rose, and blue or of scrolls similar to those in the border on folio 1 . At the beginning of the volume is a large historiated initial in colours heightened with gold. At the foot of folio 1 is written "Caroli Calcagnini," presumably the signature of Carlo Leopoldo Calcagnini (1678-1746), who was created Cardinal in 1743 by Pope Benedict XIV. TACITUS, PUBLIUS CORNELIUS. Annales, Libri XI-XVI et Historise, Libri I-V. [Ssec. XV]. Large 4ito, dark brown levant morocco covered with a Medicean design in blind-tooled compartments, ornamented with gold and red dots, doubled with vellum, gilt edges, by Gruel. An Italian manuscript of the last six books of Tacitus' Annals and the five books of his Plistories, written upon fine vellum in the fifteenth cen- tury. 265 X 190 mm. 172 TERENTIUS AFER Two scribes appear to have worked upon the volume, as the first part is in gothic characters and the second in roman. The break occurs on the recto of folio 126, in the second book of the Histories. In the fourth book two lacunae are indicated on folios 176 recto and 203 verso by the words "Hie est fragmentatus." Folio 1 begins, in letters of gold, " Fragmentum Libri undecimi Cornelii Taciti feliciter incipit." The last leaf ends, "Finis eius quod Cornelii Taciti reperitur." There are 218 leaves, with 26 lines to the page. Folio 83, between the two works, is blank. The illuminations in the volume consist of a rich border on the recto of folio 1, and 10 initial letters in blue and red, gold and black, etc., be- ginning each book after the first. The border is of intricate design com- posed of white scrolls on a blue ground flecked with white, red and green being added, the lower and outer sides broken by an ornamental band in red, silver, brown, and gold outlined with gilt fillets. Birds, insects, cupids, and fruit occur as ornaments ; on the outer margin is a medallion portrait of Tacitus in ivory on a blue ground ; at the bottom of the page are the quartered arms of the original owner painted in gold and colours. The initial letter on folio 137 recto is more elaborate than the others, gold outlined with red on a blue ground, intricate white scrolls being added as ornaments. TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Terentii Comoediae cum Notis. Accedurrt Epitaphia tres Ulysis de Lambertinis composita a Bartholomeo Cantello et Johanne Batista de Auro. [Ssec. XVJ. Folio, citron levant morocco. An Italian manuscript of Terence's Comedies written in roman char- acters upon vellum in the fifteenth century. 263 X 189 mm. There are 108 leaves with 30 lines to the page, divided as follows: 1. "Andria," folios 1-18 verso. 2. "Eunuohus," 18 v.-37 r. 3. "Heauton- timoroumenos," 37 V.-55 r. 4. "Adelphi," 55 r.-72 v. 5. "Hechyra," 73-88 r. 6. "Phormio," 88 r.-106 r. Folio 107 contains notes on five of the Comedies written in uncial characters in red ink. Folio 108 con- tains two epitaphs by Cantellus and de Aurus, and two lines of a third by the former. TRAICTfi 173 There are 8 large initial letters painted in yellow on a blue ground with white ornaments, and on the verso of folio 1 is a larger initial painted in dull gold on blue with scrolls of white, rose, and green in the Italian manner forming a lateral border. At the head of folio 36 verso is written in a cursive hand, "Dominus Annibal Luccius fecit;" on folio 59 recto, in the same hand, "Josef Granata fecit." From the collections of Michael Wodhull and J. E. Severne. TRAICTE de Peyne Poeme allegorique dedie a Monseign- eur et a Madame de Lorraynne. [XVI Siecle]. l%mo, brown levant morocco, Janseniste, vellum linings, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet. A French allegorical poem written in gothic characters upon vellum during the first part of the sixteenth century. 162 X 111 mm. It consists of 20 leaves, and the text has 18 lines to the page. There are 16 miniatures painted in camaieu d'or and gris, of which the first is of full- page size and the others half-page, all surrounded by gold borders. The initial letters and finials are in gold on a ground of black. The subjects of the miniatures, which depict the architecture and cos- tumes of the period of Fran9ois I, are the three authors of the poem, poet, artist, and scribe (who are also the heroes), seated at a writing-table com- posing the poem; the three on horseback; the Seigneur and Dame de Lorraine (Goodwill and Charity) receiving the three pilgrims, in the back- ground two towers with a draw-bridge ; the interior of the chateau, the Seigneur inviting the pilgrims to remain with him ; the pilgrims taking leave of their host and hostess, under the guidance of Understanding; crossing the torrent of Penalty ; the Captain, Pity, receiving them at the entrance of the Castle of Servitude ; the pilgrims prostrating themselves in the court of a ruined castle before Understanding and Pity ; Pity com- forting them and presenting to them Length of-Time, Sadness, Grief, Regret, Ennui, Distaste, and Disdain ; their visit to the Castle of Sorrow ; their arrival at the Place of Distress, on the portals of which is written "Seigneurs, ostez joye de vostre esprit;" a bed-chamber in the Castle of Sorrow; in the canopied bed, "of little repose," is an invalid; in a tub near by a man bathing; the three penitents, enfeebled and depressed, beside a tub filled with sulphur water; with their guide in the Gallery of 174 XENOPHON Alleviation, the arches of which resemble a gothic cloister; Understand- ing conducting them to the Steps of Healing, at the top of which stands the porter, Good Regime ; their departure from the Place of Distress through the Tower of Health. The "Monseigneur de Lorraynne" to whom the poem is dedicated was presumably Fra^ois, due de Lorraine, who died in 1544. The Chateau d'Arches, where the action takes place, is situated near Epinal, in the Vosges. The manuscript was discovered in the Chateau de Guise, in 1793. The poem was published in Paris, in 1867, with a Preface by Eugene Paillet. The only copy printed upon vellum is in this library. XENOPHON. [Folio 1] Poggij florentini prefatio in librof xenofontis defuperiorif Cyrri uita ad Sereniffimum Principem Alfonfum Aragonte Regem [Alfonso V, King of Aragon, Naples, and Sicily, 1385-1458]. [Colophon] Explicit Sextuf et ultimuf liber Zenophontif defuperiorif Cyri uita Tranflatuf per poggium florentinum Oratorem pleclariffimum feliciter Amen. [Ssec. XV]. Small folio, original Italian calf binding blind-tooled in panels with leather and brass clasps, doubled with vellum, gilt edges. An Italian manuscript of the translation of Xenophon's Life of Cyrus by Giovanni Francesco Poggio Bracciolini, beautifully written in cursive characters upon vellum in the latter part of the fifteenth century. 265 X 155 mm. It contains 121 leaves, with 27 lines to the page. On folio 1 is a border painted in white, green, and rose scrolls on a blue ground heightened with burnished gold. At the foot of the page is a blank medallion intended for a coat-of-arms. The preface and the six chapters have large initial letters similar in design to the border. II EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN MANUSCRIPTS AFTER 1600 ALFIERI, VITTORIO, COUNT. Cleopatra ed Antonio, Tragedia. 4>to, brown morocco, tooled in a scroll and floral design, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. The inedited Italian manuscript of the second of three tragedies written by Alfieri (1749-1803) on the subject of Antony and Cleopatra, the third of which only has been printed. It is entirely in the handwrit- ing of the poet and written upon Holland paper. 228 X 175 mm. Inserted is an autograph letter dated May 20, 1824, from Francesco Parigi, relating to the play. ANTONIO I, KING OF PORTUGAL. See VERTRON. ARISTOTLE. XVI CENTURY. 12rao, in a sixteenth century French (?} binding of brown morocco delicately tooled in panels of leaf-sprays and other small ornaments, gilt edges. A sixteenth century French (?) manuscript written in Latin upon 473 leaves of paper. 143 X 97 mm. It is divided into three parts : a History of Rome from the time of Christ, Transcriptions from Aristotle, and a Treatise on Mythology, and is chiefly interesting on account of its fine contemporary binding. AVRIL, PAUL. Histoire d'une Epingle. [XIX Siecle]. Svo, blue levant morocco, mosaic side borders of maroon and brown morocco tooled in fillets, small floral ornaments and scrolls, arms in 12 177 178 BALLADES BEDFORD MISSAL the centre, gilt and mosaic back, doubled in rose morocco with wide mosaic borders of maroon, blue, citron, red, and mauve morocco, rich scroll tooling, mauve silk guards, gilt edges, with the original covers, by Mercier. A modern French manuscript beautifully written upon the rectos of 27 leaves of paper, and illustrated by 66 large and small original water- colour drawings by Paul Avril. BALLADES Frar^aises des Rois Princes & Seigneurs du Moyen Age Par H? Midolle Fils Peintre Rubricateur 1840. [1846]. Large folio, light brown calf, gilt-tooled borders, the title painted upon the front cover in gold and colours upon vellum in the form of a banner in the centre of sunken panels, gilt edges. A modern French manuscript executed by Henry Midolle in gothic letters of black, red, and blue upon 18 leaves of vellum paper. 450 X 300 mm. The title and four other folios have very elaborate full-page borders illuminated in brilliant colours heightened with gold, and every page contains large and small illuminated initials. BEDFORD MISSAL. An account of a rich illuminated Missal executed for John, Duke of Bedford, Regent of France under Henry VI, and afterwards in the Possession of the late Duchess of Portland [by Richard Gough]. London, Printed by J. Nichols, for T. Payne, ... MDCCXCIV. 4to, crimson velvet, white moire silk linings, gilt edges. In a crimson silk case. A unique copy, containing a facsimile of the text of a page of the Missal and 3 outline plates accompanied by copies upon vellum in fac- simile of three of the original miniatures, cleverly painted in gold, silver, and colours. BIBLIA PAUPERUM BOUTON 179 The subjects of the miniatures are 1. The Duke of Bedford kneeling to St. George, surrounded by a border of tree-roots in gold with 5 small miniatures containing martyrdoms of saints, and, at the foot, the Bed- ford arms. 2. The Duchess of Bedford kneeling to her patron saint, Anne, beside whom stand the Virgin Mary as a young girl and the In- fant Christ; 5 miniatures and arms in the border. 3. An illustration of the changing of the arms of France from three toads to three fleurs-de- lys in the reign of Clovis, 500 A. D. By an anachronism the central figure of the Queen is Clotildis. BIBLIA PAUPERUM. Sjsc. XVIII. Figurse XL. veteris et noui Teflamenti fe mutuo inter- pretantes. Editio primse vetuflatis. Tentamen artis impref- loriae. Abfque loco et anno. Sed circum M.CCCC.XXXX Impreffa. Folio, old red morocco, rich gilt back and side borders, gilt edges, by Derome. In a brown silk case. An extraordinary manuscript facsimile copy of the BibUa Pauperum, a collection of 41 woodcut designs (including the title-page) of the principal historical subjects in the Bible, interspersed with text and inscriptions upon scrolls, executed with the greatest exactness by Jacques Fucien Leclabart, hi the latter part of the eighteenth century, from the first edition printed by Laurence Coster at Haarlem, about 1440. Inserted are five folios of manuscript describing the woodcuts and giving illustrations of the text. From the Paris collection. BOUTON, V. La Gvirlande de Ivlie escripte par V. Bouton [Paris, Jilin, 1873]. [Second title] La Gvirlande de Ivlie pour Mademoiselle deRambovillet Ivlie-Lvcined'Ancennes escript par N. larry 1641. Svo, blue levant morocco beautifully tooled in panels of garlands, roses, and emblematic ornaments, vellum linings, gilt edges, by Motte. In a pigskin case lined with chamois-skin. A French manuscript facsimile of the second and smaller of Jarry's celebrated manuscripts containing the poems addressed to Mile, de 180 CHAMP DE DRAP D'OR Rambouillet. It is beautifully written in italic characters by V. Bouton upon the finest vellum, within borders of shaded gold. 188 X 127 mm. The two title-pages and the initials throughout the volume are in shaded gold, red, and blue letters. The first title is within an exquisitely delicate pen-and-ink border of emblematic design, and on the last leaf is a pen-and-ink ornament bearing the date, 1873. CHAMP DE DRAP D'OR. Le Champ de drap d'or. The account of the Interview between Henry 8*? 1 & Francis I 8 .* near Guisnes in Picardy in the year MDXX. With a Particular Detail of all the Magnificent Ceremonies there observed from the Con- temporary Chronicles. [XIX Century]. 4>to, blue straight- grain morocco tooled on the sides and back with fillets and arabesques, the vellum linings covered with elaborate designs in compartments worked with small tools, gilt and gauffred edges, by Charles Lewis, of whose bindings it is one of the finest. An English manuscript exquisitely written upon 138 leaves of vellum paper within gold lines and upon one side only of the leaf, in the early part of the nineteenth century. 316 X 244 mm. It is illustrated by 20 large and 23 small drawings beautifully painted in oil and watercolours by R. T. Bone (23), Stephanoff (3), Kenny Meadows (3), and Cooper (2), a crayon portrait on blue paper of Fra^ois I by Harlowe (folio 100), 39 heraldic compositions and figures in mas- querade, and an elaborate title border by Willement, all painted with the most precise care, several being on India paper. The large paintings include the Field of the Cloth of Gold (folio 2), Henry VIII and Queen Catherine setting sail from Dover (folio 9), the populace drinking wine at the Fountain of Bacchus in the palace-yard at Guisnes (folio 10), the Procession of Cardinal Wolsey to the Court of Fra^ois I (folio 20), King Henry VIII and his Queen receiving the French ambassador (folio 21), Fra^ois I receiving Cardinal Wolsey (folio 23), Henry VIII and his Retinue riding to meet Fra^ois I (folio 26), the Meeting of the two Kings (folio 30), the Conference of the two Kings in a tent (folio 31), the Banquet (folio 32), the Meeting on the CICERO CLAUDE 181 Field of the Cloth of Gold (folio 36), the preliminary Joust (folio 42), the Encounter between the two Kings (folio 48), the Visit of Franois I to Henry VIII at the Castle of Guisnes (folio 54), the Meeting of the two Queens (folio 66), Cardinal Wolsey celebrating mass before the Royal Couples (folio 70), the Royal Banquet (folio 71), portrait of Franois I by Bone after Titian (folio 80), portrait of Henry VIII by Willement after Holbein (folio 83). At folio 110 is "A Description of the Basso Relievos at Rouen which represent the Interview," taken from Montfaucon, and at folio 121 is "The Appointment for the King and Queen to Canterbury," etc. The illuminated arms of John Tobin are prefixed to the manuscript. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Discours de Ciceron. [Vers 1750]. 4>to, in a beautiful binding of red morocco richly tooled "a I'oiseau" in broad gold borders, the arms of Louis Philibert Joseph Joly de Bevy (1736-1822), President of the Chamber of Deputies of Dijon, on both covers, floral back, blue moire silk linings, gilt edges, by Derome the younger. In a modern case of red morocco. A French manuscript written in a neat cursive hand upon Holland paper about 1750. 224 X 178 mm. 87 leaves, numbered v-x and 1-168. CLAUDE, ISAAC. Le comte de Soissons Nouuelle galante Imprime a Cologne Chez Pierre Marteau [Hollande] 1687. 8vo, old French red morocco, richly tooled in borders and corner ornaments of scrolls and dots, doubled with red morocco similarly tooled in broad borders of gold, gilt edges. An eighteenth century French manuscript written in a cursive hand upon 135 leaves of Holland paper. 185 X 120 mm. Although this is a neatly written manuscript, the volume is mainly interesting because of the binding, which is original in design, well exe- cuted, and in fine -condition. 182 COMfiDIE CONTRATS DE MARIAGE COMfeDIE Admirable Intitvlee La Merveille, Ou Ton volt comme vn Capitaine Frai^ois, efclaue du Soldam d'Egypte, tranfporte de fon bon fens, ce donne au Diable poT s af- francnir de feruitude, lequel 11 trompe mefme fubtillem* tant 11 fut contrainct luy rendre fon obligation, [vignette] A Roven, Chez Abraham Coufturier, au bas de la rue Efcuyere, [avant 1628]. l%mo, blue straight-grain morocco, rose moire silk linings, gilt edges. A modern French manuscript in exact facsimile of the printed work, written upon 24 leaves of vellum, with a pen-and ink drawing on the title and several typographical ornaments. 171 X 103 mm. CONTRATS DE MARIAGE. Contract de Manage, de Henry iiij e Roy de France et de Nauarre auec Marie de Medicis Princesse de Florence en suitte celuy de Louis xiij e Roy de France et de Nauarre auec Anne d' Austriche Infante d'Espagne. 1643. 12mo, original brown morocco, the arms of Henri IV, the crowned " H" and fleurs-de-lys on the recto, the arms of Louis XIII, the crowned "L" and fleurs-de-lys on the verso, the two crowned initials and fleurs-de-lys on the back, gilt edges, by Antoine Ruette, the royal binder. In a modern green morocco case. A neatly written French manuscript of the Contracts of Marriage of Henri IV and Louis XIII executed upon 54 leaves of fine Holland paper in the seventeenth century, probably for Anne of Austria, for court use. 154 X 111 mm. The title is written within an engraved border of architectural design, the centre and bottom cartouche of which have been cut out to admit the writing. At the top are the arms of Henri IV and Marie de Medicis. Inserted are portraits of the two kings and queens, the first two engraved in 1610 by L. Gaultier after N. de Mathoniere, the last two by Balthasar Moncornet. CONTRATS DE MARIAGE DENON 183 CONTRATS DE MARIAGE. Deux contracts de mariage le premier de Henry iiij dheureuse memoire Roy de France et de Nauarre auec La Princesse de florence [Marie de Medicis], du 25 e auril 1600. Le dernier de Louis xiij son filz aussi Roy de France et de Nauarre auec 1'Infante d'Espagne [Anne d'Autriche] du 22 aoust mil six cens et douze. 12rao, original brown mo- rocco, the arms of Louis XIII stamped in gold on both sides, which are covered with the crowned "H" of Henri IV and fleurs-de-lys, gilt edges. One of the attested copies of the Contracts of Marriage between Henri IV and Marie de Medici and Louis XIII and Anne of Austria, written in italic characters upon 62 leaves of Holland paper in the seventeenth century. 163 X 113 mm. The title is written within a proof impression before letters of an en- graved title-page of architectural and emblematic design, containing the arms of Henri IV and Marie de Medicis at the top. Portraits of Henri IV engraved by Thomas de Leu and of Anne of Austria by Balthasar Mon- cornet have been added. The manuscript was presumably made for a royal gift. DENON, VIVANT. [Point de Lendemain] La Nuit merveilleuse ou le nee plus ultra du plaisir. Cytheropolis En tout temps. [Last page] Les dessins sont originaux. Ecrit et Dessine Par J. A. Chauvet 1871. 8vo, citron levant morocco, delicately tooled back and side ornaments within panels of fillets, doubled with red morocco having wide emblematic borders, blue moire silk linings, gilt edges, by Lortic. A transcript by Chauvet of Denon's "Point de Lendemain" with an inserted episode of seven pages not in the original. It is beautifully written upon 99 leaves of vellum paper in italic characters of black and red with blue initials. The page is 233 mm. in height, the text, which is surrounded by a double ruled border, is 95 mm., giving the appearance of a large paper copy. 1 84 DONATION DUMOURIEZ The 15 delicately executed water-colour drawings comprise a frontis- piece containing 3 medallion portraits, the title-page, 11 free full-page drawings, a head-piece, and a cul-de-lampe. DONATION Et Substitution Faites par tres haut et tres Puissant seigneur Monseigneur Franois Vicomte d' Aubusson de la Feiiillade, Due, Pair et Marechal de france, Colonel des gardes francoises, gouuerneur de Dauphine. Le ving neuf Juin 1687. Confirmee par Lettres patentes en forme d'Edit du mois de Juillet 1687. Enregistrees au Parlement le 4. dudit mois de Juillet 1687. [Engraved coat-of-arms of the Vicomte d'Aubusson de la Feiiillade]. 4>to, con- temporary French binding of red morocco, the arms of Louis Boucherat, chevalier, comte 4 Compans (1616-1699), stamped in gold on both covers, finely tooled borders on the sides intro- ducing fleurs-de-lys and the cock, the central symbol in his arms, gilt edges. A French manuscript beautifully written in italic characters upon vellum about 1687. 288 X 220 mm. It consists of 16 leaves, including the title, with 23 lines to the page. There are two engravings other than the vignette on the title, one heraldic and dedicatory at the top of folio 2 recto, and one on folio 8 recto, the medallion portrait of Louis XIV with the reverse side of the coin on which it appears, engraved by Landry. DUMOURIEZ, CHARLES FRANCOIS, translator. Histoire de la Guerre d'Amerique. [Vers 1782]. 12mo, red levant morocco, side borders tooled in interlacing fillets and dots, scroll back, by Niedree. An autograph translation by Dumouriez of an abridged account in English of the Revolutionary War in America, written in a neat hand upon 56 leaves of Holland paper. 157 X 91 mm. Prefixed is a letter from Dumouriez to Beaumarchais dated Cherbourg, May 4, 1782, in which he says that he wishes to exchange the manuscript EVANGELIA GRING ORE 1 85 for the well known Beaumarchais edition in octavo of the works of Voltaire. EVANGELIA IN FESTIBUS SANCTORUM. [Folio 1] Proprium de tempore die xxv. decembris in Nativitate Domine. Annuale. Ad missam in galli cantu. [Ssec. XVII]. Folio, crimson velvet, silk ties, gilt edges. An exquisite French manuscript of the Gospels for the principal Saints' and Feast Days of the year written in the seventeenth century in roman characters upon vellum by Nicolas Jarry or an artist of his school. 376 X 251 mm. It contains 51 leaves, with 23 lines to each page of text, which is within borders of gold edged with maroon. The titles to each of the 50 divisions are written in red, blue, and gold, and preceded by beautiful vignette miniatures appropriate in subject to the accompanying text. There are also 50 large initial letters in gold within square gold borders contain- ing flowers, foliage scrolls, etc., in brilliant colours, and 45 culs-de-lampe, some of them of full-page size, in designs of flowers, fruit, birds, and figures. The subjects include the Virgin and Child (f. 21), St. Dionysius (f. 22), the Child Christ (f. 27 v.), Christ with the Beloved Disciple lying on his bosom ("In Coena Domini," f. 34 v.), St. John the Bap- tist (f. 43), the heads of St. Dionysius and two other similarly martyred saints upheld by three angels (f. 47), the Virgin Mary (f. 48 v.). The subjects of the vignettes include the Nativity, the Adoration of the Shepherds, the Flight into Egypt, the Martyrdom of St. Stephen, St. John the Evangelist, the Circumcision, the Adoration of the Magi, Christ washing the Disciples' feet, the Resurrection, the Ascension, the Day of Pentecost, etc. On folio 7 is musical notation. All of the illuminations are painted with great delicacy, and the vel- lum is of the whitest. GRINGORE, PIERRE. Le ieu du prince des fots. Et mere fotte. [illustration] Joue aux halles de paris le mardy gras Lan mil cinq cens et onze. [1511]. Small 8vo, old French green morocco, floral gilt back and side borders, gilt edges, by Boyet. 186 GUIRLANDE DE JULIE IRVING A French manuscript of 88 pages in facsimile of the first edition (of which only two copies are known), executed in black letter on paper by Jacques Fucien Leclabart, in the latter part of the eighteenth century. On the title-page is the illustration reproduced by Brunet. A printed description or advertisement precedes the title. From the collection of E. V. Utterson. GUIRLANDE DE JULIE. La guirlande de Julie Contenant plusieurs madrigaux et epigrammes. [XVII Siecle]. Folio, contemporary red mo- rocco delicately tooled in borders, corner and centre ornaments of scrolls, dots, stars, etc., doubled with red morocco having similarly executed borders, gilt edges, by Du Seuil. A seventeenth century French manuscript neatly written upon 187 leaves of fine Holland paper. 302 X 219 mm. GUIRLANDE DE JULIE. See JARRY, NICOLAS. HISTOIRE du Lord Stenay et du Lady Clety. Com- mencee en 1761. Small 4to, contemporary French red mo- rocco, the sides tooled in a rich border, floral back, gilt edges, by Padeloup. An original unpublished French manuscript written in a neat cursive hand upon Holland paper during the latter part of the eighteenth century. 178 X 129 mm. It consists of 176 leaves, including the title, with 19 lines to the page. All of the pages are enclosed within line borders. IRVING, WASHINGTON. Notes of a Tour in Europe in 1804-1805. 4to, vellum wrappers with flap and cord. Fifty pages of memoranda in the handwriting of Irving, who, in de- scribing this as Volume 4, indicates that it contains the "Route from IRVING 187 Zurich to Paris and from Paris to London, from May 17th to Oct. 8th 1805." Another note states that he purchased this book in Zurich for 1| livres. His autograph is on the inside of the front cover. IRVING, WASHINGTON. Journal of a Tour through France, Italy, Sicily. 1804- 1805. 4fo, old vellum., with ties. A manuscript of 115 closely written leaves of blue paper dated Bor- deaux, July 1, 1804, to January 23, 1805. The first entry begins "My dear Brother." On the back of the front cover and on the first fly- leaf are pencil drawings; on the inside of the back cover is written "Ship Matilda, 27 Dec. opposite Corsica," and "Achete en Bordeaux Juillet 1804. Prix 3 liv." IRVING, WASHINGTON. Note Books. Before 1837. 16mo, jour volumes, paper wrappers. Four memorandum books, each with 8 pages in Irving's handwriting, containing notes relative to the ethnology, zoology, botany, and geography of the Far West, for use in his book "The Rocky Mountains; or, Scenes, Incidents and Adventures in the Far West," 1837. IRVING, WASHINGTON. Note Books. Before 1849. 16mo, three volumes, red morocco. Three memorandum books of 40 leaves each containing notes in Irving's handwriting chiefly concerning the Arabs, and gathered while he was engaged in writing the "Life and Successors of Mahomet." IRVING, WASHINGTON. The Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 1849. 4fo, two volumes, brown levant morocco, gilt back and sides, vellum guards, gilt top, uncut edges, by William Matthews. The original manuscript of the enlarged and completed work pub- lished by G. P. Putnam and Company in 1849, with corrected pages of 188 IRVING the first edition (1840), carefully inlaid upon Whatman paper by Trent. Inserted are a portrait of Irving by Sartain after G. S. Newton, and one of Goldsmith by Wivell after Sir Joshua Reynolds, an India proof. IRVING, WASHINGTON. Oliver Goldsmith. 1853. 4to, one volume divided into two, green morocco tooled in fillets, gilt top, uncut edges, by William Matthews. The original manuscript of the rewritten work published by G. P. Putnam and Company, 1854, with the text of the first edition altered and corrected, and all the additional matter, written upon sheets of small note-paper and bound in with the printed volume. IRVING, WASHINGTON. The Sketch Book. 1854. 4>to, green morocco tooled in fillets, gilt top, uncut edges, by William Matthews. Irving's manuscript revisions for the edition printed by G. P. Putnam and Company in 1854, written upon 42 pages of note-paper and bound in with the printed volume. IRVING, WASHINGTON. Notes for the Life of Washington. Before 1855. 12mo, sheepskin. A memorandum book containing 50 leaves in the handwriting of Irving, for the most part copies of letters written by Washington and extracts from his diary. IRVING JARR Y 1 89 IRVING, WASHINGTON. Life of Washington. 1855. 4o, half green morocco. Irving's original manuscript of that portion of the "Life of Wash- ington" (93 pages) covering the incidents relative to the Treason of Benedict Arnold. Inserted are India proof portraits of Arnold and Andre. JARRY, NICOLAS. Prieres devotes. [Paris] 1649. Small 8vo, contemporary French olive morocco covered with a richly tooled scroll design in compartments formed of fillets and arabesques, doubled with vellum similarly tooled and having in the centre the date "luin 1695," gilt clasps, gilt edges. In a blue morocco case. An exquisite French Prayer-book written in roman and italic char- acters in black, red, blue, and shaded gold upon vellum by Nicolas Jarry, in 1649, according to the signature at the foot of folio 79 (page 149)", "N. Jarry Parif. fcribebat 1649." 123 X 78 mm. The manuscript was executed for the Due de Berry, grandson of Louis XIV, whose name, in letters of shaded gold, "B. E. R. R. Y.," surrounded by a wreath of green foliage, occurs on the recto of the last folio. The volume contains 87 leaves, numbered 1-162, with 16 lines of text to the page. There are 4 exquisite full-page and 5 half-page minia- tures by Du Guernier (?) [Brunet attributes them to Petitot] also 5 floral head-bands beginning the different divisions, and 9 large initial letters in gold on a ground of flowers and foliage. The title is written in letters of gold shaded with red within a broad gold border. All of the pages are surrounded by shaded gold fillets, the smaller initial letters are in gold and red, and the running head-lines in red. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 2 v.) The Nativity. 2. (F. 13 v.) King David praying. 3. (F. 42 v.) Pilate showing Christ to the populace. 4. (F. 80 v.) John the Baptist preaching in the wil- derness. The small miniatures depict 1. (F. 62 v.) The Crucifixion. 2. (F. 63 v.) Christ descending into Hell. 3. (F. 64 v.) The Resur- 190 JARRY rection. 4. (F. 64 v.) Christ as the good Pastor with his sheep. 5. (F. 65 r.) The Entombment. This manuscript, from the de Lignerolles collection, is an example of the highest art of the calligrapher and illuminator in the seventeenth century. JARRY, NICOLAS. Airs Novveavx de la Covr. Efcripts par N. Jarry. [Paris. XVII Siecle]. Svo, red levant morocco tooled in a beautiful mosaic design of compartments in citron, blue, green, and red morocco, delicately tooled in pointille scrolls and the croivned monogram of the Comte de Lurde several times re- peated, doubled with red morocco tooled in panels of fillets with corner ornaments (reproducing the design by Le Gascon which was on the binding in 1853 when the manuscript was owned by J. J. de Sure), vellum guards, gilt edaes, by Trautz. In a case of blue levant morocco Janseniste, in imitation of a book. This binding is No. 7 of the 22 mosaic bindings executed by Trautz, whose manuscript note in regard to it is pasted on one of the preliminary leaves: " Les airs de la cour manu- scrit Jarry appartenant a Monsieur le Comte de Lurde est la reliure qui m'a donne le plus de satisfaction etje la regarde comme une de mes meilleures productions. G. Trautz.'" A beautifully written French manuscript of twenty-three Songs, the words and music of which were composed by Nicolas Jarry, who also executed the manuscript. 184 X 123 mm. It consists of 25 vellum leaves, with every page surrounded by a fillet of gold and red, and with large initial letters in blue and shaded gold. The recto of the first folio contains the arms of a woman member of the Painel-Marcy family, enclosed within two palms of shaded gold and surmounted by the crown of a comte. On the recto of the second folio is the title, in letters of shaded gold and red ; on the verso the music begins with the upper part, "Dessus." The following pages are num- bered from 2 to 24, the rectos containing the "Basse," the versos the "Dessus." JARRY LEONICENO 191 This manuscript was formerly in the collections of the Baron d'Heiss (1785) and J. J. de Bure Paine, whose signature, dated January 15, 1826, is on one of the fly-leaves. JARRY, NICOLAS. Prieres saintes et chrestiennes tirees de 1'escriture et des peres de 1'eglise. [1662]. Small 8vo, dark brown shagreen or sealskin, with satin linings, carved gold clasps, gilt edges. In a contemporary green silk case embroidered in silver borders and the crown of a Marquis with the monogram " M. E. C." An exquisite French Prayer-book written upon the finest of vellum in roman characters by Nicolas Jarry. 127 X 80 mm. It contains 82 folios, numbered 1-162, with running head-line and 16 lines of text to the page. The title is in gold letters within a heavy, frame-like border, and the pages of text are surrounded by gilt fillets. The six divisions have on the first page beautiful floral bands and initial letters painted in gold and colours ; the title of each prayer is in letters of blue, red, and burnished gold. On pages 100 and 162 are floral culs-de-lampe, the former a wreath surrounding a candle with the legend, "Love [sic] soit a jamais le tres-saint sacrement de 1'autel." On page 20 is a full-page painting of a rose-garland tied with ribbons en- closing burnished gold scrolls attached to a cross surmounted by a branch of twisted thorns. There are numerous initial letters in blue and red. This manuscript is a beautiful example of Jarry's skill. His signa- ture, "N. larry Parisinus scribebat, anno 1662," is at the foot of the last page. JARRY, NICOLAS. See BOUTON, V. LEONICENO, NICOLAO. Libellus de Epidemia, quam uulgo morbum Gallicum uocant [Colophon] Venetiis, In domo Aldi Manutii, Mense lunio M.III.D. [1497]. 4to, red straight-grain morocco, side borders and back delicately gilt and blind tooled, the anchor of Sir John Hayford-Thorold on both covers, mauve moire silk linings, gilt edges, by Bozerian jeune. 192 LE VAILLANT MINIATURE PAINTINGS A modern facsimile manuscript copy of the rare Aldine edition of the earliest published work on the disease syphilis (which is also in this library), beautifully written upon 28 leaves of vellum. 211 X 141 mm. From the Syston Park collection. LE VAILLANT DE LA BASSARDRIES, LE R. P. L'accord de la Grace et de la Liberte Poeme accompagne de Remarques Par le R. P. Le Vaillant de la Bassardnes de la Compagnie de Jesus. Theologien de son Ex. ce - le comte de Salm Eveque de Tournay, et Examinateur Synodal du Diocese. [XVII Siecle]. 4tto, olive morocco, tooled on the sides in rich broad floral and emblematical borders, rose satin linings, gilt edges, by Padeloup. A French manuscript neatly written at the end of the seventeenth century upon Holland paper in small roman characters, with notes in a cursive hand. 261 X 202 mm. There are 100 leaves, and 21 lines to the page. The title is written in several different styles of cursive characters. Every page is surrounded by a border and there are numerous pen-and-ink nourishes at the ends of the twelve Cantos and their Summaries. The poem is dedicated to Marie Elisabeth, Archduchess of Austria. MEUNIER, PRETRE, AND VAILLANT. Iliftoire naturelle, choix de deffins par Meunier. J. G. Pretre, et Vaillant. 1820. 4>to, red levant morocco, Janseniste, gilt edges, by Hardy. Title upon vellum in red and blue letters within a brilliantly painted border of butterflies on a gold ground, and 203 other vellum leaves containing 1078 exquisite drawings in colour of butterflies, beetles, spiders, crabs, fish, turtles, lizards, worms, snakes, etc., within gold borders, all painted in 1820. MINIATURE PAINTINGS. XIX CENTURY. 4>to, brown levant morocco, blind-tooled panels, fleur-de-lys ornaments in gold in the corners, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. MINIATURE PAINTINGS MOORE 193 A volume containing 11 well executed modern miniature paintings upon vellum copied from fifteenth and sixteenth century originals. The subjects include three compositions of the Descent of the Holy Spirit; a Burial Service ; the Virgin and Child, below whom kneel the probable owners of the manuscript from which the painting was copied, with their coats-of-arms on the prie-dieu; the Last Supper; the Announcement to the Shepherds, with 7 initial letters at the side; the Presentation in the Temple, with 16 initials at the side ; and the Annunciation. The last painting is a large floral initial. MINIATURE PAINTINGS. XIX CENTURY. Small 4to, light green levant morocco, side borders and back richly tooled in the manner of Derome, doubled with maroon morocco covered with a design of scrolls and azured arabesques, centre mosaic ornament in green and red morocco surrounded by azured tools, maroon moire silk guards tooled in gilt, gilt edges; in a rose silk chemise and maroon levant morocco case, by Zaehnsdorf. An English manuscript consisting of a title in red and black upon vellum, a leaf of Contents specifying fourteen poems, and 28 leaves (49 full pages) of manuscript on Holland paper, dating from 1738 to 1746. 188 X 149 mm. A mezzotint portrait of Ramsay by White forms the frontispiece, and preceding the first poem, " On George Whitefield," is a portrait of that preacher, on India paper. REMBERT, FERDINAND. Les Fleurs, Dessins de Fto, russia. The original manuscript entirely in Scott's handwriting, with page proofs corrected and various annotations. 200 SEYMOUR TRAGEDIE SEYMOUR, EDWARD. An Abftract of the Accompt of Paym* 8 made by the Right Honourable Edward Seymour Efquire Trearf of his Ma 1 . 8 Navy Betweene the 12? of July 1673 & y e 31 th [sic] of Decemb? 1674. Folio, contemporary dark blue morocco, cov- ered with a rich mosaic design of compartments and flowers in light brown and red morocco richly tooled in gold, gilt edges, by Mearne, the royal binder. An English manuscript beautifully written in columns on 35 leaves of Holland paper. 439 X 288 mm. SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD. Passion, Poison & Petrifaction A new and original Tragedy in One Act by The Chelsea Shakespear. [London, 1905]. 4fo, red morocco. The original manuscript of this play, written in pencil on the rectos of 41 leaves, and attested to by Shaw, "This is the true and original copy written by me, mostly in Great Northern Express trains: hence the joggly handwriting in many places. G. Bernard Shaw. June, 1905." Inserted are the play-bill of the first performance, given July 14, 1905, at the Theatre Royal, in aid of the Actors' Orphanage Fund, and two autograph letters from Shaw, dated August, 1907, relative to the acqui- sition of the manuscript. TRAGEDIE Francoise d'vn more crvel envers son seignevr nomine Riuiery, Gentil-homme Efpagnol, sa Damoifelle, & fes Enfans [vignette] A Roven, Chez Abraham Coufturier, Libraire tenant fa bouticque au bout debas de la rue Efcuyere. [vers 1610]. 12mo, blue straight-grain morocco, rose moire silk linings, gilt edges. A modern French manuscript in exact facsimile of the printed work, written upon 24 vellum leaves, with five pen-and-ink illustrations, in- cluding the one on the title, and ten ornaments. 170 X 102 mm. TRAGI-COMEDIE VERTRON 201 TRAGI-COMEDIE de la Rebellion, ov Mescontentement des Grenovilles centre lupiter. [vignette]. A Roven, Chez Abraham Covstvrier, rue de 1'Orloge, deuant les deux Cygoignes. [avant 1628]. 12wo, blue straight-grain morocco, rose moire silk linings, gilt edges. A modern French manuscript written in exact facsimile of the printed work, upon 12 vellum leaves, with a pen-and-ink illustration on the title and various typographical ornaments. 171 X 103 mm. TRESOR Spirituel Tire De la pure parole de Dieu, Et de quelques endroits du livre De limitation de Jesus Christ. [XVII Siecle]. 12rao, old red morocco, Janseniste, doubled with red morocco, dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Boyet. A French manuscript neatly written in italic characters within red lines upon 196 leaves of paper, probably for a present or gage d'amitie. 149 X 95 mm. VEGA, LOPE DE. Carlos 5 en francia [1604]. 4/o, brown morocco, gilt and blind-tooled on the back and sides, uncut edges. A manuscript comedy written on 49 leaves of paper in the auto- graph of Lope de Vega, and signed by him November 20, 1604. Five leaves at the end contain the authorisation to present this comedy, signed by twelve officials. Presented to Lord Howden at Madrid, 1858, by M. de Oloraza, and so inscribed on the covers. VERTRON. Le David moderne ou la Traduction en vers Des Sept Pfeaumes de Dom Antoine Roy de Portugal [1531-1595] Dediee au Roy [Louis XIV] Par M r de Vertron Historio- graphe de Sa Majeste Academicien de son Academic Royale a Aries, et de celle des Ricovrati de Padoue. Chevalier des Ordres Royaux de Notre Dame de Mont Carmel et de Saint 202 VIE DE SAINT ANDRY VCEUX DU HERON Lazare. 1703. 4fo, contemporary French red morocco, the arms of Louis XIV stamped in gold on the sides, fleurs-de- lys in the back panels, gilt edges. A well written French manuscript in italic characters upon vellum within borders of gilt fillets. It was executed for Louis XIV, to whom the translation is dedicated. 262 X 188 mm. 41 leaves, numbered 1-79, with 22 lines to the page. The title is in roman and italic characters in colours and gold within a beautiful ara- besque border, and throughout the volume are 18 floral head-pieces and culs-de-lampe. The headings and initial letters of the Psalms are in burnished gold. On page 73 is an " Abrege de la Vie de Dom Antoine Roy de Portugal," on page 75 "Epitaphe Latine de Dom Antoine I." VIE DE SAINT ANDRY. SEnfuyt la vie Et miftere de Saint Andry Nouuellement copofee & Imprimee A Paris Dont les noms fenfuyuent. Et premierement, XVI. C. [printer's device] On les vend a Paris en la Rue Neufue Noftre dame a lenfeigne Sainct Nicolas. [Colophon] . . . Nouuellemet Imprimee a Paris pour Pierre Sergent . . . [vers 1535]. 4tto, blue straight-grain morocco, side borders of foliage sprays, gilt back, doubled with rose silk, gilt edges, by Bozerian jeune. A modern French manuscript beautifully written in gothic characters by Fyot jeune upon 62 leaves of vellum in exact facsimile of the printed work, which Brunet describes as " excessivement rare." Sergent's device is on the title and last page, after the colophon. 215 X 170 mm. From the Utterson collection. VCEUX DU HERON. Deus Veus du Hairon Poeme du xiiii Siecle Traduit & Enlumine par Dudley Coftello. [XIX Siecle]. Folio, green velvet, corner ornaments and clasps of chased gold, red moire silk linings, gilt edges. In a case of maroon morocco. VCEUX DU HERON 203 An English manuscript written in gothic characters (text) and cursive script (notes) upon vellum by Dudley Costello (1803-1865). There are 47 leaves, of which 9 contain text in French, written on one side only of the folio, and 25 contain notes, on both sides of the leaf. The illuminations consist of a title, 5 half-titles, 6 miniatures, 9 coats- of-arms, and 40 large initial letters, all painted in gold and colours, producing a brilliant effect. The subjects of the miniatures are 1. (F. 10 r.) A heron of vignette size. 2. (F. 11 r.) A court scene representing Robert d'Artois inciting King Edward III and Queen Philippa to take the Vow of the Heron; a half-page painting containing many figures. 3. (F. 18 r.) A heron against a ground of brilliant blue within a double border. 4. (F. 24 r.) "The Earle of Salisbury" in armour, on horseback. 5. (F. 31 r.) A full-page painting in two compartments; on the left, "King Edward sends challenges to Philip of Valois," on the right, "The Vows of the Bishop of Lincoln and others." 6. (F. 42 v.) The Knight of the Swan. Folios 38 verso to 40 recto contain a facsimile in gothic letters of the "Gabs of Charlemagne and his Peers," from the original in the British Museum. The manuscript is a very interesting example of modern calligraphy and illumination. ABD-TJI^RAHMAN, SHAIKH. Tuhfet-ul-Ebrad. 1582. Folio, old Persian circuit binding of maroon morocco, cut out in compartments and painted in gold, doubled with brown morocco covered with compartments of gilt tracery cut out and pasted over green, blue, red, ivory, and black, guards of oriental brown figured paper, gilt edges. A Persian manuscript of a collection of metrical Admonitions by Shaikh Abd-ul-Rahman written upon 77 leaves of bombycine paper by a well-known scribe named Shah Hussain Shahabi at Herat in the year 992 of the Hejira, or 1582 A. D. 293 X 182 mm. The text, which is inlaid, is written in two columns within fillets of gold and colours and broad, curiously decorated borders in subdued colours and gold, all of the pages being different. There are 2 large miniatures (folios 9 r. and 44 v.), and the title (folios 76 v. and 77 r.) is brilliantly illuminated in gold and colours, blue predominating. This manuscript is an excellent example of the best style of Persian binding, illumination, and calligraphy. AKBAR NAMAH. XVII CENTURY. Folio, in an elaborate Persian lacquered binding with paint- ings of girls dancing before the court on the outside and flowers on the inside. A seventeenth century Persian manuscript of the History of the Mogul Emperor, Akbar the Great of India, written upon 275 leaves of bombycine paper. 365 X 214 mm. It is illuminated with 52 brilliant and delicately painted miniatures, varying in size from about 115 X 130 mm. to full-page, and 40 chapter- 207 208 BHAGAVAD-G1TA headings of flowers in colours on a gold ground. The subjects include a harvest scene beside a river in which fish are seen swimming (folio 43) ; a curious painting of a garden with rocks, flowers in compartments, and fountains one above another (folio 84) ; a hunting scene, full- page (folio 110); the meeting of two rulers and their retinues on ele- phants, horses, etc. (folio 127); a procession on camels (folio 156); trumpeters, wrestlers, dancing-girls, etc., performing before the Shah (folios 177-178); an elephant-fight (folio 181); an army besieging a fortified castle (folio 186); a royal procession on elephants and horses, full-page (folio 189) ; equestrian sports (folio 198) ; a hunting scene (folio 200) ; a full-page painting divided into three horizontal compart- ments depicting processions on horseback and by boat (folio 258); a battle scene, full-page (folio 260). The colophon is missing. The paintings are in the best style of the art of the period. The por- trait of the Shah, which appears to be authentic, is often repeated. BHAGAVAD-GITA. XVIII CENTURY. 12mo, old crimson satin, with painted edges. A Sanskrit manuscript of the Divine Song written within borders of gold and red upon 381 leaves of bombycine paper. 125 X 82 mm. It contains 23 brilliantly and delicately executed full-page miniatures surrounded by floral borders of colours on a gold ground and 76 small paintings (18 X 18 mm.) scattered throughout the text. The subjects of the large miniatures include Gane9a, the Elephant- faced (folio 7) ; the divine incarnation of Vishnu in the form of Krishna, as the charioteer of Arjuna, who carries a banner containing the figure of Hanuman, the Monkey-god (folio 8) ; Vishnu as a fish holding the lotus-flower (folio 29) ; the Creation, Vishnu in the centre on a turtle, Brahma (with four heads) and five others holding esha, the snake (folio 51); Vishnu as a boar, with conch-shell and lotus (folio 63); Vishnu as Nara-Sinha, the Man-lion (folio 76) ; Vishnu as Rama, the Hero in- carnation (folio 98) ; Vishnu as Kalki, the white Horse, the tenth Avatar, which is not yet (folio 140); Vishnu with attributes of lotus, boar, blue- face, man-lion, and the trident of iva (folio 159) ; Lakshmi (Venus), with the lotus (folios 165, 183, 197) ; the Creation, Vishnu lying on esha (the snake) accompanied by Lakshmi, Brahma springing from a lotus issuing from the navel of Vishnu (folio 230); Vishnu adored by CHANDI COPTIC PRAYER-BOOK 209 the Elephant, which is carrying the lotus to the banks of the Ganges (folio 335). CHANDI OR SAPTA-CATI. XVIII CENTURY. 12mo, blue levant morocco, filleted mosaic borders of green and red morocco tooled in gold, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. A beautiful Sanskrit manuscript of the Chandi, an extract from the Markandeyapurana, written upon 161 leaves of bombycine paper, 6 lines to the page, in the eighteenth century. 162 X 98 mm. The text is enclosed within a filleted border of red, green, blue, and gold. The illuminations consist of 20 delicately and brilliantly executed full-page miniatures, and 21 somewhat smaller (50 X 60 mm.). Most of the large paintings contain representations of Chandi, the Indian goddess of Nature, corresponding to the Egyptian Isis. She is depicted as seated in state upon a lotus-flower resting on two leopards, a third beside her (folio 20 v.), as accompanied by Hansa, her goose (folio 25 v.), as at war upon her leopard (folio 50 v.), and on foot (folios 58 v. and 110 v.), receiving two rajahs (folio 67 v.). The first large miniature depicts Gane9a, the god of wisdom and remover of obstacles. The 21 small miniatures (folios 70-80) are allegorical representations of Maya (Illusion), Imagination, Reason, Sleep, Hunger, Shade, Power, Fatigue, Forgiveness, Birth, Bashfulness, Composure, Faith, Splendour, Plenty, Sustenance, Memory, Affection, Content, Maternity, and Error, all in the form of men and women seated in the open air. The paintings in this manuscript are interesting and finely executed, and the calligraphy is remarkable for its intense blackness and precision. COPTIC PRAYER-BOOK. XVII CENTURY. Small 4tto, old oriental circuit binding of brown morocco, cut out in compartments and painted maroon and gold; in an old red morocco case. A Prayer-book written in Coptic and Arabic upon 256 leaves of bombycine paper in the seventeenth century. 108 X 77 mm. There are 3 full-page rudely executed miniatures of God the Father ( ?), the Virgin and Child, and King David (folios 1, 41, and 233), 8 full- page ornaments and 8 chapter-headings painted in colours and gold. From the Bateman collection. 210 DAI A'lL-UL-KHAIRAT GOSPELS IN ARMENIAN DALA'IL-UL-KHAIRAT. XVIII CENTURY. 8vo, in an elaborate Persian lacquered circuit binding painted outside and inside with flowers in gold and colours. in a modern maroon morocco case. A Litany for Mohammed beautifully written in Arabic with inter- linear Persian translation within gold lines on a delicate green ground upon 134 leaves of bombycine paper, probably in the eighteenth century. 195 X 124 mm. There are 18 pages brilliantly illuminated in gold and colours, folios 115 v. and 116 r. apparently containing representations of the Kaabah at Mecca and the Mosque of Medina. From two seals stamped on the pages, the volume appears to have belonged in the year of the Hejira 1217 (1802 A. D.) to Hussain, and in A. H. 1226 (1811 A. D.) to Murad Khan, who presented it to Nasr- ullah Khan. FIRDUSI (AB-UL-KASIM MANSUR). Shah-Namah, or Book of Kings. XVII Century. Folio, in a rich Persian lacquered binding painted outside and inside with flowers and foliage in gold and colours, painted edges. A very fine seventeenth century Persian manuscript of Firdusi's poetical History of Persia from the mythical ruler Gayumart (about 3600 B. C.) to the Mohammedan Conquest (641 A. D.), written upon 652 leaves of bombycine paper, four columns to the page, within lines of gold and colours. 306 X 190 mm. There are 70 beautiful full-page paintings in brilliant colours height- ened with gold, several being in two compartments, and 4 chapter-head- ings in blue and gold heightened with rose. The subjects of the miniatures are chiefly battle scenes, and include a boar-hunt (folio 424), a king carried captive on an elephant (folio 438), and a dragon-fight (folio 573). GOSPELS IN ARMENIAN. XVI CENTURY. Folio, in a contemporary Armenian leather binding, the sides covered with borders and central panels of old repousse GOSPELS IN ARMENIAN 211 silver, the back laced with silk cords passing through small silver eyelets. The panel on the front cover contains repre- sentations of the Annunciation and the Presentation in the Temple, above three lines of text in Russian characters. The back panel contains the Last Judgment; oriental silk linings, painted edges. In a case of brown morocco lined with crimson velvet. A very interesting Armenian manuscript of the Four Gospels, two columns to the page of 23 lines each, written upon thick paper in the sixteenth century for a monastery in Csesarea, Cappadocia. 302 X 202 mm. 262 leaves, including 8 for the Calendar and other preliminary matter. There are 4 full-page and 14 small miniatures in the margins, 4 elaborate borders at the beginning of the Gospels, 10 borders containing minia- tures in the Calendar, and 189 arabesque ornaments in the margins. The border on folio 12 recto has on the outer margin the genealogical tree of the Virgin Mary and Christ painted in colours on a gold ground. The subjects of the large miniatures (folios 11, 81, 126, and 202) are the Four Evangelists. Among the subjects of the small paintings are St. George and the Dragon (folio 35 r.), Christ casting out a devil (folio 36 v.), the Entombment (folio 123 v.), the Annunciation (folio 128 v.), the Presentation in the Temple (folio 133 r.), Christ's Entry into Jeru- salem (folio 184 r.), the Crucifixion (folio 194 v.), the Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist (folio 204 v.), and Mary Magdalene kneeling at the feet of Christ (folio 256 r.). This manuscript is especially interesting because of its unique and exquisitely wrought repousse binding, which is contemporary with the book. GOSPELS IN ARMENIAN. XVI CENTURY. Small 4>to, original blind-tooled calf, doubled with yellow and rose silk, three silver clasps. An Armenian manuscript of the Four Gospels beautifully written in minute characters in two columns upon vellum in the sixteenth cen- tury. 113 X 80 mm. 212 GOSPELS IN ARMENIAN It contains 298 leaves, including 13 for the Calendar and other pre- liminary matter, and 23 lines of text to the page. There are 4 large miniatures. The first ten leaves contain elaborate borders of foliage, scrolls, ani- mals, birds, and figures, in brilliant colours heightened with burnished gold. Folios 15, 99, 153, and 240, opposite the miniatures, are also elaborately painted, the first having at the left the full-length figure of a saint, and at the right, small heads of the Virgin and ten Disciples. Almost every page contains an illuminated initial with an accompanying oriental ornament in the margin, all in brilliant colours. The subjects of the miniatures are the four Evangelists, on folios 14, 98, 152, and 239. The last one, of St. John, is a curious representation of that disciple on the Island of Patmos. GOSPELS IN ARMENIAN. ABOUT 1640. 4to, original stamped morocco over boards, silk ties. An Armenian manuscript of the Four Gospels written in old Arme- nian and Armenian-Turkish, both in Armenian characters, in double columns upon bombycine paper about 1640, probably in Constanti- nople. 213 X 157 mm. It consists of 412 leaves, including 10 for the Calendar, 17 verso 26 recto. There are 20 full-page miniatures on a ground of burnished gold, 14 beautiful and highly decorative borders (10 in the Calendar and 4 be- ginning the Gospels), 76 small miniatures and 145 arabesque ornaments, all in the margins, besides numerous grotesque initials and gold letters, in the later Byzantine style, with chromatic Perso-Egyptian decoration. The subjects of the large miniatures are 1. (F. 1 v.) The Annuncia- tion. 2. (F. 2 r.) The Adoration of the Magi. 3. (F. 3 v.) The Presenta- tion in the Temple. 4. (F. 4 r.) The Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist. 5. (F. 5 v.) Christ surrounded by adoring Saints. 6. (F. 6 r.) The Raising of Lazarus. 7. (F. 7 v.) Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. 8. (F. 8 r.) The Last Supper. 9. (F. 9 v.) Christ wash- ing the Disciples' Feet. 10. (F. 10 r.) The Betrayal. 11. (F. 11 v.) Christ bearing the Cross. 12. (F. 12 r.j The Crucifixion. 13. (F. 13 v.) The Resurrection. 14. (F. 14 r.) Christ blessing the Virgin. 15. (F. 15 v.) The Descent of the Holy Spirit. 16. (F. 16 r.) The Last Judg- ment. 17. (F. 30 v.) St. Matthew. 18. (F. 136 v.) St. Mark. 19. (F. 206 v.) St. Luke. 20. (F. 324 v.) St. John. HAFIZ 213 Among the subjects of the small, marginal miniatures are (folio 31 r.) the Virgin and the Twelve Apostles; (folios 67 r., 139 r., and 225 v.) Christ casting out a devil; (folio 126 r.) Judas hanging himself; (folio 209 v.) the Annunciation; (folio 214 v.) The Announcement to the Shepherds; (folio 327 v.) St. John the Baptist; (folio 330 r.) the Mira- cle at the Marriage of Cana; (folio 402 v.) Christ bearing the Cross. This manuscript is a fine example of seventeenth century oriental art, combining the characteristics of the old Byzantine miniature paint- ing with the gayer chromatic brilliancy of Perso-Egyptian decoration. HAFIZ (SHEMS-UD-DIN MOHAMMED). Divan. XVIII (?) Century. Svo, in a Persian lacquered binding painted outside and inside in a floral design of colours and gold. In a brown morocco case. An eighteenth (?) century Persian manuscript written upon 218 leaves of bombycine paper, with two columns to the page. 189 X 114 mm. The first two pages (folios 218 and 217) are surrounded with borders brilliantly painted in blue, red, and gold, and on folio 207 is a full-page miniature representing a centaur attended by three angels, two of whom carry flaming hearts painted in gold. Every page is illuminated with floral fillets and compartments in colours on a gold ground. HAFIZ (SHEMS-UD-DIN MOHAMMED). Divan. XVIII Century. Large 8vo, in the original Persian circuit binding of dark brown morocco stamped and painted in gold, doubled with maroon morocco, borders and centre ornaments in a delicate outline design of black upon blue. An eighteenth century Persian manuscript written in two columns upon 166 leaves of bluish bombycine paper powdered with gold within gold lines. The first two pages (folios 166 and 165) and the beginning and ending of the volume are brilliantly illuminated in gold and colours, blue predominating. 245 X 158 mm. 214 HAFIZ INDIAN MINIATURES HAFIZ (SnEMS-UD-DiN MOHAMMED). Divan. XVIII Century. 12mo, in a Persian lacquered binding painted on the outside and inside with flowers and foliage in red, green, and gold. In a modern case of red levant morocco. A Persian manuscript of Hafiz's Poems written in the eighteenth cen- tury in double columns within floral borders of red and green on a gold ground, upon 225 leaves of bombycine paper. 141 X 188 mm. The two preliminary pages have beautiful borders painted in blue and gold, and on folio 218 verso is a full-page miniature representing the Creation. INDIAN MINIATURES. XVIII (?) CENTURY. Folio, in a beautiful old Persian lacquered binding painted in colours heightened with gold, and divided into compart- ments containing representations of the deities, e. g., the gods of war and peace. On the inside of the front cover is a panel of similar nature; the edges are gilded. A volume of 27 Indian paintings of various religious sects, tribes* and occupations executed upon paper within borders, and accompanied by guards of bombycine paper containing descriptions in Persian. 310 X 225 mm. Each painting has two figures, usually a man and his wife. Among the subjects represented are a torch-bearer, a grocer, a soldier, a coolie, musicians and a nautch-girl, a silk-weaver, a leech, a goldsmith, a snake-charmer, and costumes worn in the Mohammedan Passion Play. INDIAN MINIATURES. XVIII (?) CENTURY. Folio, dark green morocco covered with a design of filets in scrolls, doubled with olive morocco tooled in a similar but more elaborate design, gilt edges, by J. Mackenzie. A volume of 76 Indian miniatures beautifully executed upon bomby- cine paper. About 260 X 190 mm. INDIAN MINIATURES KORAN 215 The subjects include domestic, court, battle, amorous and religious customs and ceremonies, acrobats, snake-charmers, musicians, etc. From the collection of Sir William Jones. INDIAN MINIATURES. XVIII (?) CENTURY. Large folio, in an Indian lacquered binding painted in Indian subjects. A volume of 27 Indian miniatures representing types of India, dancers, various trades, etc., each painting containing a man and a woman. JANAM PATRI. XIX CENTURY. The Sanskrit horoscope of Raja Jadurath Sing, one of the rebels in Oudh, which was found in his camp when captured in 1858, at the time of the Indian Mutiny. It is written on bombycine paper 10^ inches wide, within borders of silver and colours, and forms a roll almost 120 feet long. It is painted in brilliant colours, with 28 miniatures, including a representation of Gane9a (18 X 6^ inches) at the beginning, and the Signs of the Zodiac (about 8^ X 6 inches), beginning with Aquarius; also 95 tables of calculation, 23 astrological diagrams within floral borders, and 2 remarkable diagrams of the solar and lunar cycles, in which the idea of termination is expressed by the trident of Qiva. JAPANESE DRAWINGS. XVIII CENTURY. Folio, old panelled calf. A series of 48 Japanese water-colour drawings upon paper depicting national costumes, with household implements, swords, etc., painted below them. Among the subjects, of which 15 are women, are court officers and their wives, princes, generals, common soldiers, elephant- drivers, king's merchants, boatmen, Brahmans, and a dancing-girl. KORAN (PART XXX). XV CENTURY. Folio, in a Persian paper binding. An Arabic manuscript of the Thirtieth Part of the Koran, written in the fifteenth century, in large gold characters, 5 lines to the page, upon 44 leaves of bombycine paper. 287 X 210 mm. 216 KORAN On folios 43 verso and 44 recto are two beautifully painted borders in blue and gold; on the margins throughout the volume are 32 large circular blue and gold ornaments, and in the text, 128 of smaller size. KORAN (PART XXX) XV (?) CENTURY. Folio, in an old Persian binding painted in dark brown and gold, and rubbed. An Arabic manuscript of the Thirtieth Part of the Koran written upon 68 leaves of bombycine paper, with 8 beautifully illuminated pages in blue and burnished gold, and 3 similar ornamental head-bands. 355 X 218 mm. KORAN. XVIII CENTURY. 8vo, in an exquisite Persian lacquered binding painted outside and inside with flowers in gold and colours, and with painted edges. In a cashmere wrapper. An exquisite Arabic manuscript written upon 324 leaves of bomby- cine paper on a gold ground within borders of gold and blue, with Persian interlinear translation written in red. 215X1 25 mm. There are 10 elaborately illuminated pages, 111 ornamental bands in blue and gold in the text, 102 large marginal ornaments in the same colours, and numerous other designs in red, blue, and gold upon every page. This manuscript is one of the finest possible examples of its class. KORAN. XVIII CENTURY. Folio, in an elaborate Persian lacquered binding painted outside and inside with flowers in gold and colours, and covered by an Oriental silk wrapper. A superb Arabic manuscript of the Koran beautifully written between ornamental gold lines upon bombycine paper in the eighteenth century. 306 X 190 mm. All of the 390 leaves have beautiful wide borders of flowers and foliage in gold, and on folios 386-390 are six extremely fine illuminated KORAN 217 pages with rich borders in gold and colours. The ornaments and head- ings of chapters are also exquisitely illuminated. This manuscript is a magnificent specimen of oriental calligraphy and illumination. KORAN. XVIII (?) CENTURY. Folio, in an old Persian circuit binding of brown and red morocco with borders and panels of stamped gold, doubled with red morocco having ornaments stamped in gold. In an oriental red cloth wrapper. A superb Arabic manuscript of the Koran written upon 577 leaves of bombycine paper between gold lines and within borders of gold, blue, and red, about the eighteenth century. 290 X 186 mm. It contains 17 exquisitely painted borders and numerous marginal ornaments in blue and gold. KORAN. XVIII CENTURY. Svo, in an old Persian circuit binding of brown morocco with sunken panels ornamented with raised flowers and foliage in dull gold, doubled with crimson morocco having corner and centre ornaments in a scroll pattern cut out and attached to a blue ground. An Arabic manuscript of the Koran written in small characters of black and red within gold fillets upon 366 leaves of bombycine paper in the eighteenth century. 185 X 120 mm. The four preliminary pages have borders exquisitely painted in blue and gold, and there are numerous marginal ornaments in the same colours. KORAN. XVIII (?) CENTURY. 8vo, in a Persian lacquered binding painted on the outside and inside in borders and panels of flowers. A beautiful Arabic manuscript of the Koran written upon bombycine paper within ornamental gold lines and double gold borders, between which are ornaments in blue and gold. 233 X 144 mm. 218 KORAN PERSIAN MINIATURES It consists of 222 leaves, with 17 lines to the page. Six pages have rich borders of Persian design painted in blue and gold outlined in rose with narrow floral borders immediately surrounding the text. KORAN. 1817. Small 4>to, old Persian circuit binding of red morocco with sunken ornaments in gold in the centre and corners. An Arabic manuscript of the Koran written in small characters upon 304 leaves of bombycine paper in the year of the Hejira 1233 (1817 A. D.). 176X116 mm. It is written within borders of shaded gold with numerous marginal ornaments, and the two preliminary pages are painted in gold and colours. NUSHIRVAN. 8vo, in a Persian lacquered binding, painted outside and inside with orchids, roses, and nightingales. In a red mo- rocco case. A beautiful Persian manuscript of Nushlrvan's " Rissalah," a treatise upon mysticism and poetry, written upon bombycine paper on an or- namental gold ground within lines of gold and colours by Mohammed Isma'el al Shirazi, in the year 1234 of the Hejira (1818-1819 A. D.). 196 X 127 mm. It contains 13 miniatures carefully painted in delicate colours and 8 pages with elaborate borders in blue, red, and gold. PERSIAN MINIATURES. XVIII CENTURY. Small folio, old oriental binding of red morocco with gilt ornaments stamped in the centre and on the sides, doubled with red morocco, gilt edges. A volume containing 54 Persian miniatures of rulers, women, eques- trians, court and domestic scenes, alternating with 25 pages of ex- planatory text and 33 paintings of flowers in brilliant colours and gold. 188 X 203 mm. All of the miniatures are remarkable for their beauty and elaborate design. PERSIAN AND PERSO-INDIAN MINIATURES 219 PERSIAN MINIATURES. XVIII (?) CENTURY. Large 4fo, old English red straight-grain morocco tooled in panels and corner ornaments, gilt edges, by Hering. A volume of 28 finely executed Persian miniatures representing do- mestic, religious, amorous, battle, and musical scenes, including rajahs, holy men, dancers, etc. The average size of each painting is about 230 X 170 mm. PERSIAN MINIATURES. XVIII CENTURY. Large 42o, in an elaborate Persian lacquered binding painted on the outside with flowers in maroon and green outlined with gold on an ivory ground, on the inside in citron borders and centre ornaments in gold. In a red Persian silk wrapper. A series of 12 exquisitely painted Persian miniatures backed with green silk. 335 X 250 mm. They represent women, court scenes, landscapes, etc. Four are within borders of gold and colours. PERSIAN MINIATURES. ABOUT 1820. Folio, in a Persian lacquered binding painted on the out- side with court scenes and on the inside with flowers in bril- liant colours and gold. In a red silk wrapper. A series of 24 large brilliantly executed Persian miniatures (180 X 100 mm.) apparently representing Fath AH Shah at various ages and the members of his family and court, painted in Isfahan ( ? ) , Persia, by a native artist on a series of attached leaves. This is a fine example of modern Persian art. PERSO-INDIAN MINIATURES. XVIII CENTURY. Folio, in a rich Persian lacquered binding painted outside and inside with conventional flowers and foliage, gilt edges. A volume of 60 brilliantly painted Indian and Persian portraits largely of the Mogul dynasty, women, and dervishes, executed upon 220 PERSO-INDO-MONGOL MINIATURES bombycine paper with perfection and elaboration. Each miniature is surrounded with a border in gold and colours, and upon the backs of all of them are elaborately written poems. 303 X 226 mm. In addition to the portraits are paintings illustrating various subjects, e. g. t the releasing of Joseph from the pit, a hunting scene (nos. 43 and 44), etc. At the end of the volume is a list of the paintings, elaborately written upon vellum. PERSO-INDO-MONGOL MINIATURES. ABOUT 1810. 8vo, mounted in folio form, in three cases of blue levant morocco. One hundred and seven miniatures of Persian, Indian, and Mongo- lian subjects beautifully painted within borders in the Mohammedan year 1225 (about 1810) and mounted upon cardboard. Accompanying them are six pages of description in Persian, dividing them into six groups : " Therefore his Majesty Shahinshah, whose court is like the sky, his highness as the heavens, and his manzil like the sun, who is the sum total of justice and conquest, the band of the book of benignity and the world-adorner, the irrigator of the evergreen rose- garden of Mohammedan religion, the gardener of the meadow of the everlasting nation and the ray of divine grace, Tipu Sultan, the warrior Padishah may God make perpetual his country and kingdom ! - collected the pictures of various women [the scattered pictures of his predecessor Sultans, the pictures of the Amirs that were scattered be- fore, the scattered pictures of famous individuals, empresses, and the Amirs of the cities and country] and he ordered that they should be bound and banded." -Translated by Dr. Abraham Yohannan. Most of the miniatures contain at the top descriptions in Persian. They include four portraits of Chand Bibi, princess of Ahmadnagar, hawking, Amir Taimur Shah (Tamerlane), the Persian hero Rustan hunting, "Her Excellency the Lady Mary and Jesus," "His Holiness Abraham," jugglers, athletes and Persian women acrobats forming a horse. On one of the paintings of Shirin, wife of Khosrov, appears the name of the artist, Mirza Burhan Beg. PORTRAITS ROMANTIC TALES PORTRAITS OF PERSIAN KINGS. EARLY XIX CENTURY. Small folio, in a beautiful Persian binding of bronzed gilt painted outside and inside with flowers, and with figures of the Virgin and Child in the centre of both covers. In a blue morocco case. A nineteenth century Persian manuscript of portraits of Persian kings, of various dynasties of Iran, legendary and historic, with extracts from Shah Mohammed-al-Mashhedi and other sixteenth century poets delicately executed upon 30 folding leaves within illuminated borders on grounds of different colours, upon 14 of which are exquisitely painted miniature portraits of Persian heroes and princes. This interesting manuscript was in the Bindings Exhibition of the Burlington Fine Arts Club. ROMANTIC TALES. ABOUT 1800. (HEJIRA 1214). Folio, in the original Persian circuit binding of dark brown morocco with border and central panels stamped in gold, doubled with light brown morocco with gold ornament in the centre. In an oriental silk wrapper. A magnificent Persian manuscript of tales of adventure (325 X 215 mm.) written upon 188 leaves of bombycine paper within borders of gold and colours and illuminated with 60 large paintings, some of full-page size and some in two compartments. The text of the first two pages (folios 188 and 187) is written within ornamental gold lines. The first leaf (folio 188) is richly painted in colours. The subjects of the paintings include battle scenes (folios 5, 67, 88, and 160), court scenes (folios 6, 10), boating parties (folios 45 and 157), a sea fight (folio 48), garden scenes (folios 52, 98, 113, 135, 138, 148, 151, 175), a royal procession (folio 57), bathing scenes (folios 82 and 183), hunting-scenes (folios 127 and 179), and the killing of a giant (folio 131). This manuscript formerly belonged to the King of Delhi. 222 SHAHA LI TASHRIH-UL-AKWAM SHAHALI, SAHIB OF DELHI. Bostan-ul-Mohaddithin. [About 1770]. 8vo, in a superb mosaic binding of Persian design in dark and lighter blue, green, citron, red, and ivory morocco delicately tooled in small ornaments, doubled with a mosaic pattern in panels of ivory, citron, and blue morocco with floral tools in gold and small red flowers, oriental red silk guards, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery; Leon Maillard, finisher. A beautiful Persian manuscript of Shahali's " Garden of Tradi- tionaries" written within gold and coloured borders upon 131 leaves of bombycine paper. 221 X 147 mm. The first two and the last two pages have rich borders of gold and colours and interlineations in gold. Inserted are two modern water-colour drawings of flowers. TASHRIH-UI^-AKWAM. 1825. Folio, blue morocco, the arms of John, Earl of Clare, on both sides, gilt edges, by Charles Lewis. In a blue morocco case. A Persian manuscript of an historical account of the different castes and occupations of Hindustan, beginning with Vishnu, written upon 418 leaves of fine bombycine paper within borders of gold and colours and illustrated by 122 delicately and beautifully painted full-page minia- tures representing the castes and their occupations. 318 X 213 mm. The subjects include musicians, archers, camel and elephant drivers, weapon-makers, goldsmiths, wine and fruit merchants, rug, pottery, garment, and toy makers, snake-charmers, trench-diggers, physicians, weavers, gardeners, tight- rope walkers, dancers, carpenters, brick- layers, wrestlers, fishers, hunters, brush and slipper makers, sailors, scribes, goat herds, bear-tamers, etc. Plate CXVIII is a brilliantly painted portrait of the King of Oude; CXVII is of Akbar the Great, and is surrounded by a rich border in gold and colours. Executed in 1825 and presented to Sir John Malcolm (d. 1833), the historian of Persia and India. From the collection of Lord Clare. YUSSUF AND ZULAIKHA 223 YUSSUF AND ZULAIKHA. XVIII-XIX CENTURY. Small folio, in a Persian binding of red morocco stamped in ornaments forming panels and painted in gold and colours. A beautiful Persian manuscript of the romance of Yussuf (Joseph) and Zulaikha written upon 176 leaves of bombycine paper, two columns to the page, within borders of gold and blue, at the end of the eighteenth or the beginning of the nineteenth century. 268 X 146 mm. The preliminary pages are elaborately decorated and there are 43 brilliantly coloured miniatures. ADDENDUM TO PART II COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. Osorio, a Tragedy. 1797. 4/o, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Pratt. The original manuscript of " Remorse," written by Coleridge at Sheridan's request. It was sent to Drury Lane Theatre in October, 1797, but was not accepted, and remained there until the fire of 1809, when it was one of the few objects saved. Rewritten under the title " Remorse," the play ran for twenty nights. The manuscript, which is not in Coleridge's handwriting, covers the rectos of 104 leaves of Holland paper (9j 3 g X 7| inches), between each two of which are one or more blank leaves for annotations and portions of the printed drama. There appears to be but one trace of the poet's revising pen, on folio 51, where the word superstitious is marked through with ink, and serious substituted in an entirely different hand. Probably no complete autograph manuscript of " Osorio " exists. INDEX OF THE NAMES OF MINIATURISTS, ILLUMINATORS AND SCRIBES ATTAVANTE. See Petrarca, page 160. AVRIL, PAUL. See page 177. BAROCCI, FEDERIGO. See Bonaventura, St., page 10. BEDFORD MISSAL (SCHOOL OF). See Hone, pages 33, 178. BOUTON, V. See pages 179, 194. BRUOLIO, JOHANNES DE. See Horse, page 100. BURHAN, MIRZA. See page 220. BURRUS, MILANUS. See Suetonius, page 168. CHAUVET, J. A. See Denon, page 183. CLOVIO, GITJLIO. See pages 14, 193. COSTELLO, DUDLEY. See Voeux du Heron, page 203. FOUCQUET, JEHAN. See Horse, page 89. Missale Ecclesise Turonensis, page 140. GHIRLANDAJO. See Officium, page 150. GIGOLA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA. See da Porto, page 195. GRAN ATA, JOSEF. See Terentius, page 173. HOREBOUT, GERARD. See Horse, page 108. JARRY, NICOLAS. See pages 185, 189-191, 196. LECLABART, JACQUES FUCIEN. See pages 179, 186. LUCCIUS, ANNIBAL. See Terentius, page 173. MANTEGNA, ANDREA (SCHOOL OF). See Petrarca, page 159. MEMLING, HANS. See Horse, pages 68, 104. MEMLING, HANS (SCHOOL OF). See Horse, pages 104, 115. MIDOLLE, HENRY. See Ballades Fra^aises, page 178. REMBERT, FERDINAND. See pages 197, 198. ROUSSELET. See pages 196, 199. 229 230 INDEX OF NAMES SANI, VIVIANI. See Biblia Sacra Latina, page 7. SHAHABI, SHAH HUSSAIN. See Abd-ul-Rahman, page 207. SHIRAZI, MOHAMMED ISMA'EL AL. See Nushlrvan, page 218. SISMONDI, SIGISMUND DE. See Officium, page 147. TARRANUS, JACOPO. See Officium, page 145. TORY, GEOFROY. See Horse, page 115. TOURAINE (SCHOOL OF). See Horse, pages 42, 57, 82, 84, 89, 94. Missale Ecclesise Turonensis, page 140. Missel de Charles VI, page 137. VAN EYCK (SCHOOL OF). See Horse, page 65. VICOMERCHATO, GUINIFORTUS DE. See Scribe's Sample-Book, page 167. WYDON, FRANCIS. See Horse, page 118. THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below DEC 1G 1959 RFTD BOOK JUN 3 t960 Form L-9 20m-l, '42(8518) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA' HERN REGIONAL UBRARY FACILITY A 000896998 2 Z997 H67cat