HE UC-NRLF 355 REPORT OF The Harbor, Port and Terminal Commission TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA . 1922 Harbor, Port and Terminal Commission THE GOVERNOR, THE SECRETARY OF STATE, THE COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE, HON. C. H. KITTRELL, HON. W. B. BAKER. MYRTLE WHITE, Secreiar! '- TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA: The Harbor, Port and Terminal Commission, provided for under Act of 1921, was organized by the appointment of Hon. C. H Kittrell, nominated by the Farmers Union and Hon. W. B. Baker nominated by the Georgia Manufacturers Association. The Commission thus constituted held its first meeting on September 22, 1921 and adopted the following resolutions: RESOLVED, First, that it is the opinion of the Board of Har- bor, Port and Terminal Commissioners of the State of Georgia, that it is the highest duty of the State, insofar as it may have power to do the same, to speedily create conditions, under which the farmer will be able to find a market at the nearest railroad station for all non-perishable products of the farm. RESOLVED, Second, that it is the opinion of the Board of Harbor, Port and Terminal Commissioners of the State of Georgia, that no one achievement will be more conductive to this end than the establishment on our coast of a great harbor equipped with warehouses, grain elevators and every other facility to be found at the most modern commercial gateways of the world, and the establishment thereat of marketing facilities. RESOLVED, Third, that it is the opinion of this Commission that the State should own and improve not less than two hundred (200) acres at some point on the Georgia coast, located imme- diately on deep water,- with ample anchorage space, where f reigh t train and freight ship may meet for the interchange of our surplus products with other countries for their surplus products. Along our coasts, between Baltimore and Boston, and within two hun- dred miles of that coast, are twenty-five million consumers, and, with this great mass of our population we should be in easy com- munication by water, and harbor facilities are essential. We are of the opinion that the establishment of a great world gateway on the Georgia coast will greatly aid the Panama Canal, because by the use of stich a gateway, approximately five hundred miles ;w.iH : bq tiut -of the: length* of ocean haul of our commerce with the Far East; 'as compared with North Atlantic Ports, and a like re- duction in ocean haul will be effected in all of our trade with the West India Islands and the north coast of South America. RESOLVED, Fourth, that this Commission invites Savannah, Darien, Brunswick and St. Marys, to have prepared and pre- sented to this Commission by January 1st, 1922, full and com- plete maps showing the harbor areas and facilities, together with all information which said seaport cities may wish to present, and, also present to the Commission maps showing the location of land on de3p water which the State can obtain, and the terms on which the same can be had. On the fifth of January, 1922, the commission met and received reports from St. Marys, Brunswick and Savannah, each port city submitting full information as to its attractiveness as a place for the location of state owned terminals. Later the commission employed Mr. Frederick W. Cowie, who had just resigned the position of Chief Engineer of the Montreal Harbor Commission. Mr. Cowie as Chief Engineer had designed, constructed and operated the Montreal Terminals for a long term of years. As these Montreal Terminals, costing something like thirty millions of dollars, had been operated successfully and with- out cost to the Dominion of Canada, the commission considered itself fortunate in being able to secure the services of so distin- guished and so successful a harbor engineer. Mr. Cowie was in- vited to come to Atlanta. When he came to Atlanta all the maps, papers and documents submitted by St. Marys, by Bruns- wick, and by Savannah, were turned over to him and he was directed to go to each one of these ports, to look and to listen and to stay at each port as long as anything remained to be seen or anything remained to be heard. He was instructed to report to the commission which of the three ports, in the event of the es- tablishment of state owned terminals at the sea board, was the best port to be selected by the state. Mr. Cowie was told that the commission had no advice to give and no preference to express He submitted his report to the Commission on April 14, 1922 and the most important feature of this report was that relating to the port of Savannah, in which he also discussed the port of Brunswick, The commission was advised that he would reject the 1600 acres offered the state by Savannah and known as the Deptford Plantation, but that if Savannah would offer certain other property on the river, which he pointed out, he would un- hesitatingly recommend the adoption of Savannah as the best place for the location of state owned terminals. He further said that Savannah would give the state the property designated by him. This was on Friday, April 14, 1922 and the commission ad- journed from that day until ten o'clock Saturday morning, request- ing the president of the board to telephone Mayor Stewart to meet the board the next morning at nine o'clock, Saturday, April 15, 1922. The commission met in the Post Office of the House of Represen- tatives and had present Hon. Murray Stewart, Judge Cann, Mr. Groves and other representatives of the city of Savannah. The commission had Mr. Cowie read his report. The commission then asked the Mayor of Savannah and its other representatives pres- ent if the city of Savannah was ready to give to the state the site selected and recommended by Mr. Cowie. The Mayor and other representatives promptly and unequivocatingly stated that the city of Savannah would give to the state the river front prop- erty so recommended. The commission thereupon adopted the following resolutions : WHEREAS, The Consulting Engineer, Mr. F. W. Cowie, has rendered his report on the prospective location of the proposed State Terminal, and same is favorable tg Savannah, provided that certain designated property is given free to the State, to be used by the State for a terminal site, or favorable to Brunswick in the event this site is not available, and, WHEREAS, The State Port Terminal and Harbor Commis- sion has not the available fund with which to carry on further in- vestigation as to the feasibility of the State Terminals, BE IT RESOLVED, That if the city of Savannah will furnish this site, and also the further survey and the necessary plans drawn in keeping with the results of that survey, in order that the complete proposal may be presented by the Commission to the next session of the Georgia Legislature, and if, after this survey is completed, and a recommendation of State Owned Terminals seems financially justified from the viewpoint of the creation and conservation of the resources of the producer, and prospective superior market facilities, and from revenues coming from other states as the result of superior coastal concentration, loading and shipping facilities, the Commission will recommend that the Ter- minals be built at Savannah. After this the city of Savannah, so the commission is informed and believes, employed Mr. Cowie to prepare plans and specifica- tions for a great state owned plant at Savannah, including ware- houses, grain elevators, cold storage warehouses, tracks, and every other facility which would be necessary in order to make the state owned terminals capable of successful and economic operation. Mr. Cowie was engaged for a number of weeks on this work and on July 17, 1922 brought to Atlanta his maps, plans, etc., to- gether with a written report including the entire subject. In this report Mr. Cowie confirmed and emphasized his reasons for the selection of Savannah. These reasons were overwhelming and are submitted to the General Assembly, along with his report, a copy of which is herewith filed. In view of the existence, at the present time, of all the market- ing machinery necessary to enable the state owned terminals to fit into and become a part of a going machine at Savannah, and in view of the misfortune which has universally come to all who invested in Brunswick, on the basis of its great natural advan- tages, which we admit, the commission is of the opinion that the proper place for the selection of state owned .terminals is Savan- nah. The harbor of Brunswick is undoubtedly one of the finest on the 'coast, but Jacksonville, just south of it, did not exist when Brunswick was a port doing some import and export traffic. Jacksonville has grown to a city of something like 100,000 people, just south of Brunswick and located on the St. John River, 27 miles from the sea, and has a position which cannot be compared to the position of Brunswick. Savannah is located north of Brunswick, with a harbor in no sense equal to Brunswick in the matter of natural advantages, has grown to a city of approxi- mately 100,000 people. Savannah has ocean transportation facilities in daily use at the present time, has a ship a day for New York, and could expand its ocean shipping facilities to meet the demand which would be put upon present transportation companies by the state owned terminals. If Brunswick were selected, shipping facilities would have to be supplied either by the state or by private capi- tal. In the meantime, the state owned terminals might be over- crowded with products of the farm that would have no means of being moved forward to the consuming market unless and until private capital should supply the necessary transportation facili- ties. The commission does not think it would be wise to recommend state owned terminals at a port with this disadvantage, when it can select a place where the advantages already exist and where they can be indefinitely increased. The Commission recommends Savannah. Respectfully submitted : S. G. MCLENDON, President, C. H. KITTRELL, Vice-President, THOJS. W. HARD WICK, J. J. BROWN, W. B. BAKER. REPORT TO THE HARBOR, PORT and TERMINAL COMMISSION FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA ON A STATE PORT TERMINAL PROJECT at SAVANNAH By FREDERICK W, [Cg^WIE, B. A, Sc., M. Am. Soc, C. E. ijomufiing Engineer. JULY 15, 1922 REPORT TO THE HARBOR, PORT and TERMINAL COMMISSION FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA ON A STATE PORT TERMINAL PROJECT at SAVANNAH COMMISSIONERS THOMAS W. HARDWICK, S. G. MCLENDON, Governor, Sec. of State, President. J. J. BROWN, W. B. BAKER, Com. of Agriculture C. H. KITTRELL. By FREDERICK W, COWIE, B. A, Sc., M. Am. Soc, C. E. Consulting Engineer. JULY 15, 1922 INDEX TO SUBJECTS Introduction 5-8 Preliminaiy Report to Harbor, Port and Tenminal Commission, April l>5th, 1922. 8-41 SAVANNAH- I. Historical Notes 41-48 II. The Port and Its Relation to Production. .49-62 III. The Port of Savannah and the Transporta- tion Problem . ..63-68 IV. Site of Proposed Project 69-74 V. Extent of Accommodation Required for State Port Project 75 VI. State Port Terminals, Unit Included in Project ..76-82 VII. Georgia Port Terminals at Savannah, Esti mates First Stage 82-83 VIII. Conclusions . _ .84-87 INTRODUCTION At the Session of the Georgia Legislature in 1921, a Member, Hon. C. H. Kittrell, introduced a Bill which resulted in the creation of the Georgia Harbor Port and Terminal Commission. AN ACT To create a Board of Harbor, Port and Terminal Com- mission for the State of Georgia; to provide for the appointment and term of office of said Commission- ers; to define the powers and jurisdiction of said Board ; and for other purposes. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of same, that from and after the passage of this Act, there is created and established in the State of Georgia a Board of Harbor, Port and Terminal Commis- sioners for the harbor and terminals of the State of Geor- gia, which shall be known as the " Board of Harbor, Port and Terminal Commissioners for the State of Georgia/' said Board shall consist of five members, composed of the Governor of Georgia, the Secretary of State, the Com- missioner of Agriculture, and one member nominated by the Manufacturer's Association of Georgia and appoint- ed by the Governor, and one member nominated by the Farmer's Union of Georgia, and appointed by the Gov- ernor. Through death or removal from office of any one of said Commissioners, a successor shall be appoint- ed by the Board for the unexpired term. The Commis- sioners appointed shall serve for a term of five years. Said Commisioners appointed shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for all necessary expenses. A majority of said com- missioners shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business and the Commissioners shall employ a secretary and such other clerks as may be necessary to keep their minutes and entries of all orders, regulations, and transactions of said commissioners, in a book or books to be kept for that purpose, which said minutes and entries shall be submitted to the inspection of any person or persons who shall desire to see and pursue the same. Said Board shall elect out of its own numbers a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, whose duties shall be those usual to such officers. Said Board shall meet at regular sessions, not less than once a month, and at such other time as the "President of the Board shall convene them, or on written request of three members. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted by the authority afore- said, that said Board shall have the power and authority to have made any and all surveys, maps and drawings of all ports and terminals facilities as they exist, and may hereafter exist in and along the Atlantic coast of the State of Georgia ; also to examine into and ascort in the immediate and prospective tonnage, and the character of the same that moves or may hereafter move by way of such port and trminal facilities. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted by the authority afore- said, That said Board shall examine into cause to be made, a survey of the warehouses and storage facilities as in their opinion may seem needful for the purpose of stowing merchandise and farm products, and the market- ing facilities as they exist and any and all investiga- tions tending toward development of such shipping, stow- ing and marketing facilities as the Board may deem need- ful to the best interest of the people of Georgia. It shall be the duty of this Board to report at the next session of the Legislature their findings with recommendations as to the future course to be pursued; provided for carrying out the aforesaid purpose the Bureau of Markets shall pay an amount not to exceed the expenses of the Board members, the salary of the Secretary and cost of experts deemed essential to the effective gather- ing of information needful to the Board. SEC. 4. Be it further enactd by the authority afore- said, That all laws and parts of laws in. conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. The Harbor, Port and Terminal Commission was or- ganized as follows : HON. THOMAS W. HARDWICR, Governor. HON. C. H. KITTRELL, Vice-President. HON. S. G. McL/ENDON, Secretary of State, Pres. J. J. BROWN, Commissioner of Agriculture. W. B. BAKER, Miss MYRTLE WHITE, Secretary. In March 1922, the Harbor Commission engaged the writer to Report on the possibilities and advisability of Port Development on the Georgia Coast. The instructions of the Harbor Commission to the Consulting Engineer, given at Atlanta, on March 23d, and 24th, was that the Harbors of St. Mary's, Bruns- wick and Savannah should be examined. The explicit de- sire to the Commission was, that they be advised which is the best Port on the Coast of Georgia, at which to con- struct State owned Terminals, but also just the best loca- tion at the best Port; and that not only the properties offered should be examined but also, any other which could be found. The Report resulting from the examination, was pre- sented to the full Board of the Harbor, Port and Termi- nal Commission, on March 14th, 1922, the Hon. Thomas W. Hardwick, Governor, being present, and the meeting being presided over by the President, Hon. S. G. Mc- Lendon, Secretary of State. After exhaustive consideration, the following resolu- tion was adopted: 7 Whereas, the Consulting Engineer, Mr. F. W. Cowie, has rendered his report on the prospective location of the proposed State Terminal, and same is favorable to Savannah, provided that certain designated property is given free to the State, to be used by the State for a ter- minal site, or favorable to Brunswick in the event this site is not available, and, Whereas, the State Port Terminal and Harbor Com- mission has not the available fund with which to carry on further investigation as to the feasibility of the State Terminals, Be It Resolved, That if the City of Savannah will furnish this site, and also the further survey and the necessary plans drawn in keeping with the results of that survey, in order that the complete proposal may be pre- sented by the Commission to the next session of the Georgia Legislature, and if, after this survey is ocm- pleted, and a recommendation of State Owned Terminals seems financially justified from the viewpoint of the cre- ation and conservation of the resources of the producer, and prospective superior market facilities, and from revenues coming from other states as the result of supe^ rior coastal concentration, loading and shipping facili- ties, the Commission will recommend that the Terminals be built at Savannah. The City of Savannah has carried out that part of the obligation contained in the above resolution and the Report to the State Port Terminal Project at Savannah, is herewith submitted. FREDERICK W. COWIE. July 15, 1922. April 15th, 1922. COL. S. G. MCLENDON, Pres., Harbor, Port & Terminal Commission, Atlanta, Ga. Dear Mr. McLendon: Please receive herewith, report, in duplicate, on the survey and physical examination of the Coastal Ports of 8 Georgia, and on the vital questions leading up t the recommendations and conclusions therein submitted. It has been very gratifying to me to meet with such cordial reception from the Governor ( yourself, and the members of your Commission. It is with very great pleasure, on the eve of my re- turning home, to tender to the Commission, so ably pre- sided over by yourself, my very sincere thanks for the very important work they so kindly intrusted me with. Believe me, Sir, Yours faithfully, FEEDEEICK W. COWIE, Consulting Engineer. Montreal address: 191 The Boulevard, West Mount, Montreal, Canada. FOREWORD. In so short a time it has not been possible to make a comprehensive study of either the physical conditions, the commercial details, or a financial analysis of the many problems involved in one of the most vital of modern transportation units, the Port. The trained investigator, experienced in the design, construction and operation of successful ports, and know- ing why success and why failure, may', however, place all the facts presented, the conditions observed and the offi- cial documents available into a crucible, and apply the test necessary to decide as to purity or imperfection. At first glance, a solution of the port problem, to an absolutely impartial mind, appeared to be simple ; it was only necessary to apply the same test to the information relating to the three coastal ports, and o know by actual results, if any or all three fulfilled the test, and which resulted in the richest crystal. The ports were all examined, by direction, with every attention. Every care was exercised, every angle viewed, 9 and each demonstration listened to, for silent criticism and consideration. The views and opinions and observations of city offi- cials, shipping men, railway experts, commercial inter- ests, government and city engineers, practical operators, navigators, fishermen, farmers and other producers, and of the splendid Boards of Trade, were heard and noted. Practically four days were given to a physical exam- ination of each port. The arrangements made by the different Port Committees and organizations, for a thor- ough investigation, were in each case perfect. As a knowledge of the vast interests directly and indi- rectly at stake, of the magnificent vision of the possibili- ties opened up, of the local anxiety for preferment or the wrecking of hopes, there was only one method of proce- dure, with a prayer to God for wisdom. The decision must be based upon what could be, without question, the most careful summing up of convincing facts, and decisive arguments, and an absolutely impar- tial judgment. A study of transportation conditions, of production possibilities, of urgent requirements and of the possible aid, direct and indirect, which a modern ocean terminal would result in, could not fail but give a vision of com- mercial enrichment, of distinctly beneficial aid to farmers and other producers, of increased and new efforts, of better methods of collecting, caring for, selling and ship- ping of exports and imports ; and finally of an expanding, rich and contented port city in a few years, of a half of a million inhabitants ; as a result of concerted, vigorous and insistent efforts, as exemplified by the ports of Ham- burg, Manchester, Montreal, Seattle, Baltimore and New Orleans. PRODUCTION. The wealth, and most of the gold in the world, is now in the United States. 10 Foreign countries may not be able to pay for much de- sired American exports now. They must have them soon, and they must find a credit for a few years until they are able to pay. In the meantime, how can the United States use, to ultimate advantage, her vast reserves of wealth. Obvi- ously by preparing for new conditions, and by increasing production. The World War is over. The race for naval suprem- acy is over. Railroad building is sufficient for the pres- ent. Ship building has reached and extended beyond the limit of requirement. Manufacturing is not yet stable. Labor is dissatisfied. Production is not attractive. Production, increased production, and more attractive conditions for production, must be made possible. Hydro-electric power, or power from oil or coal, must be made cheap, and distributed through the country in ample supplies. How, therefore, can production be made successful? (1) Statesmen must give it the necessary legislation. (2) Capital must, with wisdom, etxend the required credits. (3) Science must devise new processes, new methods, skillful attention, and united effort, the competition of cheap foreign wages. (4) Science must devise new processes, new emthods, new articles, new machinery and new applications of our natural resources for the uses of man. (5) The attractions of the city must be made available or neutralized by others equally enticing, and educa- tional privileges provided, so that in distant places, farm- ers, miners, and all producers, with their families, may not desire to rush to the city. (6) Transportation must be made satisfactory, and 11 as economical as possible, so that the farmer may get the full benefit of his productive efforts. (7) Products must be so handled and taken care of that they may command the highest prices. (8) Selling must be effected at a fair cost, so that the producer and also the consumer, may share the profits and live more cheaply. (9) Health and strength must be conserved and main- tained. To sum up, co-operation of all branches of society, is insistently required to aid production. Of the nine enumerated influences in favor of produc- tion : 6, 7 and 8 would be distinctly and materially aided by a successful State of Georgia Ocean Terminal. (6) Transportation would not only aid the farmer and other producers ; it would benefit the consumer when purchasing the necessities of life ; and it would enrich the line of route by a distribution of transportation tolls and profits. (7) A modern terminal with its organiaztion working in the interests of the people would see that the country's products were received, hnadled carefully, cheaply, with low insurance rates, and in their best interests. (8) The modern Ocean Terminal is, a central, compre- hensive, co-ordinated depot for collection, storage, hand- ling, preserving and taking care of goods by ship from all parts of the world on the one hand, and by railway, motor truck or vessel from the centres of production in the tributary interior, on the other. Where better storage, exhibition, sales, repacking and reshipmeiit, than from a modern State Terminal designed for such purposes ? A COASTAL PORT FOE GEORGIA. The trained observer of physical conditions, the in- vestigator who may obtain truth from statistics, the 12 public-spirited citizen who offers his services for his coun- try ? s good, and the engineer who is experienced in the design, construction and operation of successful port terminals, are invited to carefully study the map. "Peering in Maps, for Ports, and piers, and roads. ' ' Shakespeare. The coast of Georgia, heaven knows it is rich in romance and history, but the observer, the investigator, the public-spirited citizen, and the engineer, see other things. They observe the North Atlantic, with rich, prosper- ous, and successful ports, at frequent intervals along the coast between Baltimore and Montreal. They see the Gulf of Mexico, with growing and prosperous ports. They then compare this with the coast line from Balti- More to Florida, where there is no actiev effort at com- prehentive port development. The Port of Montreal is advancing by leaps and bounds. New York and New Jersey are spending untold mil- lions in the doubtful effort of holding their own against the St. Lawrence route. The scheme which Baltimore is embarking on, will involve about forty-five million dollars. New Orleans State and port has spent and is spending as much or more. These are all in the nature of national ports. Why these successful ports! Monteal has the East and West tansportation of Can- ada, and is drawing a large share of business from the Northwestern States. New York, with her splendid city; her capital; her commercial organization ; and the network of continental railroad lines, to and from the Northern, Western, Mid- dle and New England States; is in an intrenched posi- tion. 13 Baltimore, is however, cutting into one side of New York's territory, as Montreal is the other. New Orleans is, by man's effort, aiding the physical resouces of nature. Now a port to be financially successful, must be com- prehensive, so as to attract not only local but world- wide commerce and shipping. For one State, even Georgia, relying on State business alone, the vision of a successful competitor to Montreal, New York, Baltimore or New Orleans, may obviously be dismissed. But for a com- prehensive port on the coast of Georgia, there are, in addition to Georgia business, the productive interior areas tributary, including the western half of the two Carolinas, Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky, in all, equal to five States, and sufficient for a great world's port. Georgia would, therefore, reap not only the benefits of a terminal required for State necessities but wolud have a large share of the cost* paid by the tolls on trans- portation to and from these interior States. In fact, the immense area, tributary to a Georgia port, may be measured by boundaries running through Colum- bia, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Cairo, Birming- ham, Montgomery and Columbus. Executives -of the great transportation system and practical railway operators, have been asked and have given detailed information, backed up by experience, rates and personal knowledge. The following letter, from Mr. C. H. Kerr, Assistant Freight Tra__c Manager, Southern Railway System, speaks for itself : MR. F. W. COWIE, Consulting Engineer, Harbor, Port and Terminal Commission, Atlanta, Ga, Dear Mr. Cowie : In line with our several conferences and your letter of the llth, I am giving you below in a general way the rate situation as applied to export traffic to Georgia and other South Atlantic ports as compared with Eastern ports, as well as gulf ports. 14 Export Rates to South Atlantic Ports General From Ohio River Crossings Concinoiati, Louisville, Evans- riUr, Cairo and St. Louis Nashville, Memphis, etc. COMMODITIES GENERAL. The rates generally from Ohio Eiver Crossings, such as Cincinnati and Louisville to South Atlantic Ports (which includes Brunswick and Savannah) are the same as to Baltimore and Norfolk and lower than to Philadel- phia and New York and are the same as or less than to Gulf Ports. From Evansville, Cairo, St. Louis, Nash- ville and Memphis to South Atlantic Ports they are gen- erally lower than to Baltimore but higher than to Gulf Ports. This basis has been in effect for a number of years and it will be the purpose of the Southern Railway to continue this basis in effect. In other words South Atlantic Pots have an advantage over New Orleans and Mobile on traffic from Cincinnati and Louisville, whereas from Evansville, Cairo, Nash- ville and Memphis, New Orleans and Mobile have an ad- vantage over South Atlantic Ports, but from all of these gateways the rates to South Atlantic Ports are as low as to any North Atlantic Port and lower than to Philadel- phia, New York and Boston. FROM CENTRAL FREIGHT ASSOCIATION TERRITORY. Classes and Commodities (exoept Grain General. From points in Central Freight Association Territory, which includes practically all of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois (except Ohio River Crossings already dealt with) and Michigan, there are through rates published to South Atlantic Ports and Gulf Ports the same as rates fron: that territory to New York. This basis has been in effect since 1919 and should enable South Atlantic and Gulf Ports, so far as rates are concerned, to compete with North Atlantic Ports. Rates on'E I t> O O CO rj< - OS CO ^5 O^ O^ CQ t^ CO t^. IO C5 CO lO iOl> Tjn a 1 COT^ ^H ^H^H T i co co o oo O--HOO i-H (M l> O5 CO T^ CO ^O CO t^ 73 1 13 > oo oo ^o ^^ ^^ t>- i i CO O O t^ co *a c^ Tt< &l-H i 1 Tfl CO - O (N Tt< O O5 ^ ^"ss 3 > O> C*Q CO OO O5 i-H O5 >-H C^l lO CO OS O OO OO !>. lO t>> 1C OO O 1C O t^ Tfi a >O CO iO CO O TP oo -^t 1 o co OO T-H CO OO OS CO 00 05 O I 1 Jt i 1 r I OJ OS OS OS OS OS r 1 T-H i < rH T 1 27 From the Ocean the conditions for a Port looked exceedingly good. The location in connection with Railway Systems gave every indication of a successful Ocean Terminal Project. Inland and Coastal Navigation possibilities were worthy of consideration. The City Commercial Status was good. Construction conditions were found to be excellent. Several sites for State Terminals were offered. They were inspected and tentative schemes laid down for study, and approximate estimate, viz: A, B, B-2, C and D. Scheme "C" is an exceedingly attractive study. It consists of a Basin adjoining the lower portion of the City, with a proposed development, to begin with. On the Main Channel, a bulkhead for Liners. Along the Basin, facilities for Special and General Cargoes; and having the inner and bulkhead set apart for a grain storage and handling system. The Elevator would have belt con- veyors to all berths. There would be transit sheds alter- nating with open berths. There would be special tracks for railway specials. There would be warehouses for cotton, tobacco, nuts, etc., and open spaces for Naval Stores and non-perishable freight. There ould be a cold storage plant, with ample exhibition auditoriums for inspection and sales. The site offers scope for every essential of a Port's re- quirements. The centre of the State Terminals would be approxi- mately at a distance of only one mile from the centre of the City. The City -offered the site, with rights-of-way, water, police, fire protection, and with additional areas as required for industrial development in connection with port facilities. Scheme "C" at Brunswick, fulfilled the test of re- 28 quirements, and measured up to the standards laid down, and would be worthy of recommendation, if nothing bet- ter offered. THE POET OF SAVANNAH. Before leaving the North to visit Georgia, a conference with two retired, experienced Sea-Captains, resulted in a favorable impression of the Port of Savannah as a satisfactory, and well established Port for Foreign Ship- ping and Ships. The physical inspection of Savannah Harbor, occupied from April 2nd to April 6th, inclusive. Mr. J. F. C. Myers, President of the City of Savannah Board of Harbor Commissioners, was the gentleman, through whose kindness, the first view of the Port of Savannah was seen. It was a matter of very good fortune taht the Vice- President of the State of Georgia Board of Harbor, Port and Terminal Commission, Hon. C. H. Kittrell, was pres- ent during the first inspection of the Port of Savannah. His presence and his wise counsel was greatly appreciat- ed. The Mayor, the President of the Savannah Harbor Commissioners, the U. S. Engineer in charge of the Savannah District, Aldermen, the President of one of the leading banks of the South, the President of one of the important railways, and many important official and commercial representatives of Savannah, were the hosts of the first inspection of the Harbor. His Honor, Mayor Murray M. 'Stewart, gave his whole time and attention to the survey during four days. He instructed the City Engineer to prepare location plans as required. He per- sonally inidcated the possibilities of all the sites from the upper end of the Harbor to the Wilmington Island. 29 Savannah Harbor, Ga. (x). "Location and Description: This harbor is from entrance to entrance of harbor 75 statute miles south of Charleston Harbor, S. C., and 70 statute miles north of Brunswick Harbor, Ga., and comprises the lower 20 miles of the Savannah River, Tybee Knoll, Tybee Eoads, and Tybee Bar, a total distance of 27y 2 miles, and varies in width from 600 to 1,800 feet." "Existing Project: This provides for a channel 30 feet deep with a general width of 500 feet from the 30 feet contour in the ocean to the quarantine sta- tion, 10.2 miles; thence 26 feet deep with a general width of 400 feet to the Seaboard Air Line Railway Bridge, 16 miles ; and thence 21 feet deep and 300 feet wide to the foot of Kings Island, 1.3 miles; a total length of 27.5 miles for a turning basin at West Broad and Barnard Streets by widening to 26 foot channel to 600 feet and an anchorage basin oppo- site Fort Oglethorpe by widening the 26 foot channel to 900 feet and installing mooring dolphins; closing South channel by a rock dam 1,100 feet long and dredging a channel 7 feet deep and 100 feet wide, 0.75 mile between the main river and Habersham Creek, as a substitute for this portion of the inland water- way; repair, extension, and construction of training walls, spur dikes, closing dams, and jetties, with a total length of 35,015 feet, constructed in part of pile, brush, and rock and in part of rock with a mattress foundation. "The plane of reference is mean low water, which varies for different parts of the harbor. For the upper section of the harbor the mean, range of tide is about 6 feet under ordinary conditions, with an ex- treme normal tidal range of 8.2 feet, and for the lower section 6.5 feet and 8.7 feet, respectively. The extreme height of storm tides exceeds th mean tidal range by about 6 feet. The tidal range has been in- creased by the improvement by approximately 0.5 of a foot," 30 "Condition at End of Fiscal Year: The ex- isting project is 62 per cent completed. The 21-foot section of the channel has been improved to project dimensions, the controlling depth at the end of the fiscal year being 19.5 feet at mean low water. The 26-foot section of the channel has been improved to project dimensions for the entire section at different times, but never throughout at the same time. Due to shoaling, constant maintenance dredging is ncessary. The controlling depth in this section at the end of the fiscal year was 22.7 feet at mean low water, and for the 30-foot section was 24.9 feet at mean low water. To complete the project and restore depths where fill has taken place, allowing 1 foot overdepth, requires the removal of 52,800 cubic yards of material from tlie 21-foot section of the channel, 1,889,500 cubic yards from the 26-foot section, and 4,116,600 cubic yards from the 30-foot section, or a total of 6,058,900 cubic yards." "Effect of Improvement: Since the improve- ment was inaugurated, water-borne commerce has been greatly facilitated. There has been a great in- crease in the amount of commerce of this port. Ships drawing 29 feet have cleared from this port, while formerly 16 feet was the limit. The tonnage and value have correspondingly increased. ' ' "Commercial Statistics: Foreign traffic included 58 per cent of the tonnage and 37 per cent of the value of the entire commerce of the harbor, and consisted primarily of food products, textiles, minerals, and chemicals ; coastwise traffic included 28 per cent of the tonnage and 47 per cent of the value, and con- sisted primarily of food products, textiles, chemicals, and unclassified materials; other domestic traffic included 14 per cent of the tonnage and 16 per cent of the value of the entire commerce, and consisted pri- marily of food products, lumber, and minerals. The character of the commerce is ^varied,, and no particu- 31 lar class is carried in any special type or draft of boat. "All commerce moved over the entire portion of the harbor under improvement, except the local ship- ments, which used only the upper 13 miles of the harbor. 'The 1920 commerce shows a material increase of traffic over that for 1919, which is to be expected under the improved commercial relations. Regular steamboat schedules were maintained on the inside waterway, and to northern, southern and foreign ports. The commerce for the last five calendar years is as follows : Comparative Statement of Commerce. Floate i Logs. Calendar Year Short Tons Value Short Tons Value 1916__ 2,748,898 $383,225,768 1917.. 2,429,288 478,211,950 1918 1,540,057 479,235,230 1919 1,714,292 597,109,148 22,035 $218,132 1920 _. 2,147,978 608,332,823 11,832 135,161 (x) (Extracts from the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army.) The report presented by the Board of Harbor Com- missioners of Savannah, to the Board of Harbor, Port and Terminal Commission, for the State of Georgia, is on file. It sets forth the offer of the Deptford Tract, as a Site for the Proposed Port. Some valuable information regarding the Railway lines radiating from Savannah was given. The real demon- strating facts, comparisons and conclusions, however, have had to be obtained from a study of the Maps avail- able, of Official Documents, and by Conference with Practical Men, whose opinions were required to be based on tangible proofs. 32 The Deptford Tract, a most valuable area of land, on magnificient water frontage, eminently suitable for industrial enterprises, is a splendid property. Were it located so that the centre of a Project of State Terminal would be not more than half as far dis- tant, as must be the case, from the centre of business, viz: the City Hall, it would be worthy of very serious consideration. But for a centre, four miles from the City Hall, and in competition with such magnificient Railway Port Terminals as the Central of Georgia and Ocean S. S. Terminals, the centre of which is one mile from the City Hall, and the Seaboard Air Line Terminals, just across the River from the City Hall ; the Deptford Tract may be dismissed as far as the present survey and re- commendations are concerned. It could not be recommended with hopes for success. It would not measure up to the requirements, nor fulfill the hopes of those whose vision is a scheme of Terminals, which would be of supreme advantage to the State, and also pay its way. From the offices of the Strachn Shipping Company, a magnificient birds-eye view of Savannah and its Harbor can be obtained. It was there, overlooking everything, that a Harbor Terminal Site was found, at once worthy of attention. In company with Dr. Kittrell, a long and careful view was taken. "Surely it has been overlooked. ' ' It ap- peared, on first view, to be ideal. The City Engineer facilitated a quiet and careful ex- amination of this location, and made his report to the Mayor. The Mayor and his officials facilitated a complete survey, water front, boundaries and interior. Was it possible to obtain this site? The courageous, far-sighted Mayor, Murray Stewart, replied, go ahead. 33 According to every required principle upon which a splendid picture of an attractive, competing, far reach- ing, beneficial, State Ocean Terminal, could be measured, this location fulfills the test. The centre of the Completed Project would be located \y 2 miles from the City Hall. The Landing Stage would be three quarters of a mile from the city Hall. There is ample Water Front for a first-unit of a Port, sufficient for a City of 300,000 inhabitants, and there will remain sufficeint for increases from time to time, for a city of half a million inhabitants, and more. What would other States and other cities give for such a Port location? The Mayor said, "Go Ahead !" Further accurances were, however, necessary. The following letter from the City Engineer is, with authority, incorporated in this report: April 10, 1922. "Mr. Frederick W. Cowie, Consulting Engineer C'/o Hon. S. G. McLendon, Secretary of State, At- lanta, G-a. Dear Sir: ' ' I am forwarding to-day a map showing the prop- erty which may be available as a site for the pro- posed State Port Terminals. A key may showing Savannah and vicinity and the various railways en- tering the city is also enclosed . "I have endeavored to show on this map not only the property lines but all structures that would likely interfere with or which would have to be consider- ed when making the design of the project. You will note that the buildings are wooden sheds of not a very permanent construction and could therefore be eliminated or incorporated in the design as was thought best. There are as far as I know no natural physical obstructions to any plan that might be pro- 34 posed. The general surface elevation above the river is such that excavated material form the several slips or basins will just about raise the adjacent lands to a convenient height above the river and all excavation can be done by large dredged. Of course all heavy buildings would require pile foundations. "On the key map the railways now entering the City and reaching the proposed site are shown in heavy black lines. I have shown in red a proposed belt line but do not think this line is neecssary, because both the A. C. L. Railway and the Central Railway already reach the site, the A. C. L. being double track through the city and the Central Railway double track part of the way. From the above description and maps it would seem that the engineer designing terminals for which this site was used would have a free hand to do what- ever was required in order to make a most complete and modern port terminal. Yours very truly, (Signed) W. O'D. ROCKWELL, City Engineer. ' ' This plan is also filed with the report, and and only re- quires signatures for identification. The Mayor, accompanied by a deputation of citizens, gave assurances as to the site to the Honorable, the Secretary of State, at a conference at the Capitol on Wednesday, April 12th, 1922, With this site. Savannah offers a situation for the\ State Port Terminals, which is unequivocally endorsed. Without this site, Savannah must necessarily be turned aside, and Brunswick recommended. But the City of Savannah, may be left to a realization of what it will mean ,and relied upon to do what is neces- sary in the matter; as was confidently assured by his Honor Mayor Stewart. 35 And after all, it is much more easy to ineerase a Port, so well known throughout the world, than to develop one less frequented. It will be much more profitable, both to those who will use the Terminal, and those who will own it. That there are all the Commercial Organizations already within a mile of the "Warehouses; that there is the " Money Market, " which it has so wisely been said, "trade fol- lows/' than to turn to the smaller city of Brunswick. It is a great satisfaction already, to know a wealthy and successful Port City has available, so ideal a site. The distance from the Sea has its advantages, as well as disdvantages. Tidal waves cannot menace goods in warehouses or grain elevator machinery. Fresh water in a Harbor has a great attraction for Steel Ships. The United States has improved her navigable Rivers in the past, to meet trade conditions, and can be depended on for the future. The proof cents per 100 Ibs., higher, and New Orleans another 7> cents increase. Considering Transportation therefore, as a whole, it is "Any- body's" Business, as regards Freights both Railway and Ocean; and the vital factor is THE PORT, AND COMMERCIAL INFLUENCES; and these factors of the Transportation Problem are both capable, in a marked de- gree, of solution. 67 MONTREAL, IN THE NORTH, has demonstrated a solution by offering, WITH SUCCESSFUL RESULTS, A MODERN, COMPREHEN- SIVE, CO-ORDINATED, CONCENTRATED, PORT SYSTEM. NEW ORLEANS, ON THE GULF, is SOLVING THE PROBLEM AS REGARDS FREIGHTS, BUT CANNOT BE COMPREHENSIVE AS REGARDS PASSENGER BUSINESS. SAVANNAH HAS A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY, ON THE SOUTH ATLANTIC. Why is the Port of New York so successful? New York is a comprehensive Port. A ship from any Port in the world may find in New York, any, and every class of freight, and may deliver practically every known product, to a buyer, at market prices. New York is known to have Ships and facilities for Cargoes, to and from every Port in the world. The New York Financial Interests, other things being nearly equal, favor their Home Port. The Great New York Railway Systems, have such extensive facilities and such immense investments, that they have to handle an immense volume of traffic to make them pay; and as grades and route are naturally favorable, New York gets the business. But there are examples of Great Ports, entrenched and secure as they considered themselves, which have had to yeild to more modern rivals. Even now, New York financiers are discovering that "other things are not equal", and are diverting immense volumes of business through Montreal and New Orleans. Why not a South Atlantic Port? Why not Savannah? SAVANNAH HAS A SPLENDID SHIPPING AND FINANCIAL INTER- ESTS, AND SHE HAS A PORT PROJECT, READY FOR, AND WORTHY OF THE STATE. 68 SITE OF PROPOSED PROJECT. It has been argued that Location is one of the most important principles to be considered in connection with successful Port Development. It has been demonstrated, by example, that a good Location has been the prime factor in connection with the success of some of the most important Ports in the world. In certain Ports, where fundamental difficulties in the way of the development of port commerce, were serious, a judicious Loca- tion, in a great measure, resulted in offsetting the unfavorable conditions. Such examples as Hamburg, Liverpool, Seattle, New Orleans and Montreal have their successful Port Units located in very close relation to their business, financial and industrial districts. In other cases of Ports, successful in the past, the success was due in a great measure to the Location of their Docks. By not conserving, however, the valuable adjoining water-front, and by not providing for future development in the central Locations, many of these Ports now find themselves in a critical condition for the future. Successful industrial development owes much of its success to Location. Industrial development has, therefore, secured sites, more valuable on account of Location with water- front privileges, and having established themselves successfully, hold their property rights at a very high value. Port Development, therefore has, in such cases, the choice of dis-establishing successful business and paying high prices for the necessary water-front and for terminal connections, or follow- ing along the shore front to the nearest available free Location, and locating their Extensions at obviously unattractive Locations. It is not necessary to demonstrate this, principle by example. It is the complaint of the Port Authorities in almost every Port in North America. It may be assumed therefore that Location has been one of the important principles adopted in connection with the design of the proposed GEORGIA STATE PORT TERMINALS, and that possible Future Enlargement, was also adopted as the secondary principle. 69 The Location chosen cannot fail but be attractive to Citizens generally, to Business and Commercial Interests, to Transporta- tion Organizations, to Economical Construction and Up-keep, to Ships and to the City of Savannah. CITIZENS. The proposed Location will be convenient alike for the Citizen in his automobile, for the operator, to and from daily, by Street Railway belt-line, for the transient by Taxi, or for Merchants and his express deliveries. It will offer a site for a Municipal "Pier" within three-quarters of a mile of the City Hall. It will still be the Central Location for the future Savannah of one-half a million of inhabitants. BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS. Business concentra- tion is one of the fundamental principles of successful America. Financial Institutions make the center, and it is rare that the financial district is not the nerve center of the business community. Surrounding the financial center, is the Commercial district where the busy man seriously regards "time and space". The financial, commercial and business districts of Savannah are extraordinarily well located. From the center the distance to the intensified units of the proposed Port Terminals will be about three quarters of a mile. The approaches will be superb. "Time and Space", will be reduced to a minimum. TRANSPORTATION ORGANISATIONS. A study of the district map of Savannah cannot fail but to impress the Surveyor of Port facilities, with the wisdom and skill of the Railway Projectors in connection with the Location of their City Terminals. Every quarter or district of the City is served. The future, with prob- able immense increases in business, and population, has been safe-guarded, as well as the present City of 100,000 inhabitants, with its central commercial district, and railway terminals so complete, and well co-ordinated. Present conditions, as regards local switching, and interchange of freight traffic cannot be equaled by any other City in America. In addition to this the City holds the key to the future local interchange of traffic to the site of the State Terminals. New business, and increased traffic, and the economical handling of port freights, will be as attractive to the Railway Organizations as to the State and City generally. 70 ECONOMICAL CONSTRUCTION. According to Mr. Rockwell, City Engineer, the site chosen cannot fail but result in Economi- ca* Port Construction and Maintenance. Fresh water conditions will relieve the Port Authorities' minds from the danger of the Super-Teredo. There will be no danger from frost or ice action. There will not be the menace of Tidal-wave or Flood. There will be no rock removal or difficult and costly construction work. The material from the proposed Basins will balance the quantity required to raise the grade of the site to the proposed height. The sub-soil will always be saturated, and the wooden piling under the Port Structures; permanent. Almost all of the materials of construction are available in Georgia. Local Construction Or- ganizations, are equal to any proposition. Labor conditions in Savannah are regarded as the best in America. As regards economy of Port Construction, therefore Savannah may be assured of having conditions equal to any other Port in North America, if not very greatly superior. SHIPS. The Project has been located and designed to be at- tractive to Ships. The Location, so near to the City Centres. The berths so closely co-ordinated with the Shipping^ Offices. Th Ship so safe from all possible dangers. Rival, Competing Ships, in adjoining berths, in fact, every known desirable facility for the officers and men of the merchant marine, will offer a very great inducement to Ships once visiting the Port to return. CITY OF SAVANNAH. The City of Savannah should be congrat- ulated upon having Banking, Commercial, Railway and Shipping Organizations equal to, and prepared for, a very high order of Civic Progress in connection with Port Development. Savan- nah may be in fact, the Commercial Metropolis of the ''Empire State of the South", as New York is the Commercial Metropolis of the "Empire State of the North". The Institutions, Organ- izations, Brains, and Public Spirit Zeal, are all present and avail- able. City Organizations is also of a very high order. Water supply perfect, Health Welfare seriously conserved and Police and Fire Protection excellent. When one reads the history of Savannah and sums up the difficulties that have been over-come, it is easy to imagine what is possible in the Future. Public Spirit has 71 made more than one ^ort, and Public Spirit may be expected to make Georgia a great State, and Savannah a Great Port. The Port project will not interfere with ideal City Planning. The Project is being designed with due Architectural Features. The approaches and lay-out, will be equal, if not better, than at any Port on the Continent. In connection with the Port Project it may be expected that the motor-car, motor-trucks and trailer, not only from Interior Points, but from the City Industries, Railway Terminals and Warehouses, will result in the intensified use of certain of the City and District Highways. For economy and for safety, the Port Project is designed to eliminate entirely level crossings within the limits of the new Terminals. It may be necessary for Savannah to adopt, to some extent, the same principle, in this respect as is being adopted by competing Cities. Civic Authori- ties in Savannah have already given consideration to this import- ant subject, as a necessity even within Port Development, and the new Port Project is being designed to give a lead to this di- rection. From the corner of President and Randolph Streets, the Port Project, has in view, a viaduct connecting with all the Port Terminal Units; and extending from the Western to the Eastern limits of the new Port Terminals. From the Western limits, the City has a right-of-way through to the Deptford Tract, which will in the near future, become a rich and important industrial development district. The letter of Mr. W. O'D. Rockwell, City Engineer, dated April 10, 1922, and the accompanying plan, gives information not only precise, but the result of experience and Official knowledge. April 10, 1922. "Mr. Frederick W. Cowie, Consulting Engineer, % Hon. S. G. McLendon, Secretary of State, Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sir: I am forwarding today a map showing the property which may be available as a site for the proposed state port termi- 72 nals. A key map showing Savannah and vicinity and the various railways entering the City is also enclosed. I have endeavored to show on this map not only the prop- erty lines but all structures that would likely interfere with or which would have to be considered when making the de- sign of the project. You will note that the buildings are wooden sheds of not a very permanent construction and could therefore be eliminated or incorporated in the design as was thought best. There are, as far as I know, no natural obstructions to any plan that might be proposed. The general surface elevation above the river is such that exca- vated material from the several slips or basins will just about raise the adjacent lands to a convenient height above ths river and all excavation can be done by large dredged. Of course all heavy buildings would require pile foundations. On the key map the railways now entering the City and reaching the proposed site are shown in heavy black lines. I have shown in red a proposed belt line but do not think this line necessary, be ause both the A. C. L. Railway and the Central Railway already reach the site, the A. C. L. being double track through the City and the Central Railway double track part of the way. From the above description and maps it would seem that the engineer designing terminals for which this site was used would have a free hand to do whatever was required in order to make a most complete and modern port terminal. Yours very truly, (Signed) W. 0. ROCKWELL, City Engineer." The preliminary report to the Harbor, Port and Terminal Commission of Georgia, dated April 15, 1922, contains the follow- ing recommendations : "According to every required principle upon which a splendid picture of an attractive, competing, far reaching, beneficial, State Ocean Terminal, could be measured, this Location fulfills the test.', "The first unit would be three-quarters of a mile from the City Hall." 73 "WITH THIS SITE, SAVANNAH OFFEks A SITUATION FOR THE STATE PORT TERMINALS, WHICH is UNEQUIVOCALLY ENDORSED." "Without this site, Savannah must necessarily be turned aside, and Brunswick recommended." It will thus be seen that the recommendation of the proposed Georgia Port Terminals at Savannah, is based upon a very de- sirable Location. In the resolution of the Harbor, Port and Terminal Commission of Georgia, passed at Savannah on April 15, 1922, it is recorded as follows: "Report on the Proposed Location of the State Terminals, and same is favorable to Savannah, provided that certain designated property is given free to the State, to be used by the State for a Terminal Site. VE IT RESOLVED, That if the City of Savannah will furnish this site, and also the further survey and the necessary plans drawn in keeping with the results of that survey, in order that the com- plete proposal may be presented by the Commission to the next Session of the Georgia Legislature, and if, after this survey is completed, and a recommendation of state owned Terminals seems financially justified from the viewpoint of the creation and conservation of the resources of the producer, and prospective superior market facilities, and from revenues coming from other States as the result of superior coastal concentration, loading and shipping facilities, the Commission will recommend that the Terminals be built at Savannah. FREDERICK W. COWIE, July 15th, 1922. EXTENT OF ACCOMODATIONS REQUIRED FOR STATE PORT TERMINALS. Baltimore, with the competition of New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk, has a fifty-two and a half million dollar Project, Authorized by the Legislature, for the Development of the Port. The Port Development Commission of that City has officially adopted the McComas Group Project, provided for nine piers, or accomodations for over thirty-five Ships. Other groups of piers are also recommended by the Harbor Engineer for future Exten- sions. This is typical of the proposed development in other Ports in America, such as New Orleans, New York, Montreal, Htlif ax, etc . The Savannah Port Terminal Project is designed to provide new accomodation for a much more limited number of Ships, al- though future extensions are provided for; but in addition to piers, sheds and berths, Comprehensiveness is featured. The First Stage will result in a Working, Co-ordinated group of Units, sufficient for the present, and which is more in keeping with the ideas of the Georgia State Port Terminal Commission. It is to be a Concentrating and Marke'ing Port, designed to grow with the business. 75 STATE PORT TERMINALS UNITS INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT The projected State Port Terminals, at Savannah, have been designed on modern principles of port success. They have been designed to attract new business and to encourage transportation, through the port. The principles adopted are capable of logical demon- stration, and they are proven by example and precedent. These principles, by proper design and co-relation, will result in a comprehensive, co-ordinated, concentrated group of port terminals, which under vigorous and eco- nomical management, must result in success. They are designed to attract shipping; to be an eco- nomical link in the " Chain of Transportation " at the port; and to encourage commerce. Every care has been exercised in not going too far, but on the other hand, in providing that accommodation which the location and physical situation of Savannah, justly entitles her to; and which is not now available at any South Atlantic port. The first stage will provide a balanced proportion of each of the comprehensive units, sufficient for the pres- ent, but so designed that additions may be added to any or all of the units, as required, without interruption to traffic. The first unit, situated to the eastward of the Old Fort, may be called the Fort Wayne Docks. This unit will be the intensified business centre of the terminals. Liners, passenger ships, ships making Savan- nah a port-of-call, general cargo ships, and ships bound for Northern ports, may be expected to berth here. It is located only three-quarters of a mile from the City Hall, on a most favorable river site. Passengers, mails, express, perishable freights, grain and other port business, will be concentrated here. 76 Railway facilities for "Steamship Specials" will be a feature, and every encouragement will be offered for port-of-call ships, en route, to and from, gulf ports or the Panama Canal, to make Savannah the point of de- parture or arrival of trans-Atlantic voyages. The ocean route, between Key West and all points North and East, closely follows the shore to the Cali- fornia, so that ships may enter the Savannah River, dock and depart, with the loss of only one tide. Railway service, cold storage and marketing, high class perishable freights, and rich passenger business ; will be sufficient attraction for shipping, provided the port offers prompt facilities. The extensive area, tributary to Savannah, will also result in the building up of a one-class ocean service to this port. Navigation conditions are favorable for ships of from 12,000 to 16,000 tons. If Montreal on the North can support one sailing per day, of these high-class, pay- ing, freight and passenger liners, Savannah is equally well situated as regards Southern and Western terri- tory. Winter Excursion ships would find such facilities most attractive, and visitors, in search of health and rest, would view with pleasure Savannah as the home port. The first stage provides for a bulkhead landing quay and one basin. It will have berths for nine large ships, and there will be the full compliment of facilities : 1. Steamship and railway passenger depot. 2. Eight transit sheds each with railway train sheds. 3. One supporting warehouse. 4. One grain elevator. 5. One cold storage warehouse. 6. A viaduct approach. 7. Naval stores. 8. Fertilizer products. 9. Cotton. 10. Fueling docks. 11. Railway terminal yard. 77 The design of the wharves calls for permanence and fire resisting construction. The "apron" will be of moulded-in-air, reinforced concrete. Basin No. 1 will be 1,200 feet long by 300 feet wide. The excavated material will be used in raising the grade of the site and railway yard. (1) The steamship and railway passenger depot will be at the centre of the bulkhead landing quay, which is over 1,700 feet long. The building, structural steel con- struction, will be 240 feet long by 90 feet wide. The lower floor will be for freight; the main flooor for passen- gers, mails, express, etc., and the roof will offer a splendid site for a municipal recreation ' l pier. ' ' (2) The Transit Sheds, uniform in dimensions, will be of the structural steel type, and of fire-resisting materials throughout. They will also be designed with railway train sheds, and freight, on the ground floor; and for truck-and-trailer, handling and distribution on the main floor. There will be a grain conveyor gallery, ex- tending the whole length of the docks, in the front upper corner of these transit sheds. Light, air, a minimum of fire danger, and economical handling are the special features, and the train sheds will offer facilities for handling rail freights, all under cover,' with independent switching leads. (3) Supporting Warehouse. The warehouse is one of the most successful adjuncts of a Port. With a sup- porting warehouse, and co-relation with the dock system, shipments are sent from interior points, from time to time, as soon as ready. At the Port, favorable oppor- tunities for marketing and shipping, offer a distinct ad- vantage. In the other direction, importers favor Port Bonded Warehouses. The supporting warehouse, A, will be 500 feet long by 200 feet wide, and six stories high; all of fire resisting materials. 78 A warehouse of this character need not be of costly construction even though provided with the most modern handling equipment. (4) The Grain Elevator System. No unit requires such careful laying out and such co-relating with the comprehensive project, as the system for (the storage and handling of grain. An ideal site has been located. It will be central for business and labor conditions, and it will be convenient for the receipt and delivery of grain. The belt-conveyor system is very attractive to busi- ness. It conditions the grain just before it is stored in the hold. The ship can obtain the grain when required. There is no delay or expense in moving the ship. The first stage elevator will be able to unload 300 cars per day and deliver to six ships at one time, and to ships at any of the nine berths. It is to be provided with car dumping facilities according to the most economical system known. In the serious* light of experience, every known modern safeguard from fire and dust explosions has been designed. There will be cleaning appliances and a Dryer. Montreal Harbor System, last year, handled nearly 140,000,000 bushels, in seven months, through three eleva- tors, having a combined capacity of less than 10,000,000 bushels. The Savannah project has in view, in the first stage, a working house of 1,000,000 bushels capacity, and a stor- age addition of 1,000,000 bushels. (5) The Cold Storage "Warehouse. For the first stage, the cold storage warehouse is designed to be about one-half the size of the Montreal plant. The Montreal warehouse is 440 feet long by 110 feet wide and nine stories high, with a power house and ice plant in a and separated by fire walls. Tlie Savannah pro- ject therefore calls for a warehouse 200 feet long, 125 79 in duplicate, and separated by fire walls. The Savannah project therefore calls for a warehouse 200 feet long, 125 feet wide and seven stories high; five stories being for cold storage ; or about 1,000,000 cubic feet of refrigerator capacity. On each cold storage floor there will be a well lighted, well ventilated corridor, in which sampling, exhibitions, and sales may take place. The ground floor may be rent- ed for offices, or to jobbers, for cool storage. By careful design and construction the building and contents may command the lowest known insurance rates. (6) Viaduct Approach. Co-ordinated and concentrat- ed facilities are particularly adapted to handling by stor- age battery trucks and trailers. This method of handling requires smooth and level run-ways. As practically all vehicular traffic is also by motor truck, they will inter- change with facility. The Viaduct will provide a level approach from city streets and, by radiating.run-ways, connect with all ware- houses, transit sheds, and facilities, and result in compre- hensive cargoes being handled at each berth, with economy and despatch. (7) Naval Stores. For the storage and handling of Naval Stores and other bulk non-perishable products, ample spaces are reserved, with facilities for distribution and shipment. (8) Fertilizer Products. The State Port Terminal Project provides for a modern plant for the unloading, storage, and shipping of fertilizer products. It will include a bulk-head dock for two or three ships. These ships will be unloaded by mechanical facilities and the materials delivered either direct into railway cars, or to storage. Ample spaces will be provided for materials of various kinds in separate compartments. Overhead traveling cranes will handle cheaply and efficiently. 80 Three traveling unloading towers, with conveyors and weighing devices and three storage buildings, each 350 feet long by 150 feet wide, included in the first stage. Future extensions so -that the storag plant may be doubled in size are provided for. (9) Cotton. The Storage and Handling of Cotton, as conducted at Gulf and Atlantic Ports, has been carefully studied. It has been found that formerly the shipping season for cotton lasted for seven months. It is now carried on almost continuously throughout the year. It has been found that with high-density cotton, shipments may be made by regular liners, to advantage, instead of by full cargoes in tramps. Lighterage is costly and slow and can be eliminated with very great economy, especially in liner and partial shipments; and finally it has been found that the very important item of Insur- ance may be very greatly reduced by construction accord- ing to special "Rules and Regulations. " It is expected that when the Port Project reaches ful- fillment that Savannah will again become the principle cotton port of North America, which position she should never have lost. It is expected that not 'only will Savan- nah become a great cotton port, but Savannah will become the chief market for this product, in America. In carry- ing out this plan a cotton unit has been designed, which will be co-ordinated with the various other units of the port, by using storage battery trucks and trailers. The design calls for the handling of cotton from the warehouse directly into the ships, by mechanical means. The cotton unit is to be constructed to class "AAA", and to obtain a special rate of insurance, given to only one or two other plants in America, (10) Fueling Docks. The next item of the project calling for partial completion in the first stage, is the fueling dock system. With ships using Savannah as a port-of-call, for passengers, cold storage, provisions, and perishable cargoes, the question of bunkering with either 81 coal or oil, will become an important factor. A special plant, for handling, has been laid out for the speedy Bunkering of Ships with coal. The same machinery with a mechanical interchange, and by the use of magnets, will enable pig-iron to be un- loaded from cars, to be either stacked, or loaded into ships, as required. Adjoining the fueling docks are two large fuel oil plants, each of which is equipped for either bunkering at their own wharves, or for delivering fuel oil through special pipes to the various berths in the Savannah Port Project. (11) Railway Terminal Yard. The project includes in-bound and out-bound yards. The out-bound receiving yard will hold seven sixty-car trains. The classification yard for the same service, will provide ten forty-car tracks, all directly connected with the dock facilities. The in-bound receiving yard is designed with eight forty-car tracks, connecting with the in-bound classifica- tion yard for eight forty-car trains. Both of these yards are operated over standard humps having railway scales. A storage yard is designed having a capacity of 700 cars. The railway facilities are designed so as to balance, in each instance, with the freight facilities of the different port units. GEORGIA PORT TERMINALS AT SAVANNAH FIRST STAGE ESTIMATE The first stage of the proposed Savannah Port Termi- nal Project provides for comprehensive, co-ordinated facilities, including all units required for a modern harbor development, as outlined in the report submitted herewith. 82 The first stage, while complete and sufficient for pres- ent requirements, is capable of extensions in evry par- ticular, where extensions are to be expected. In order that success may be assured, comprehensive- ness is the essential feature, and for the first stage, the following are given as being required : 1. Docks. Bulkhead Landing Quay. Basin No. 1. Fertilizer Dock. Cotton Dock. Fueling Dock. Approximately 8000 lineal feet of wharves, with berths for 15 to 20 ships_$3,000,000 2. Railways and roadways , 1,250,000 3. Grain Elevator. Working house and storage 2,000,000 bushels capacity, with conveyors for loading eight ships at their berths. _ 1,750,000 4. Transit sheds and passenger station , 2,750,000 5. Warehouses. A. Cold storage 1,250,000 B. General 750,000 C. Cotton 1,000,000 6. Fertilizer warehouses and plant , 500,000 7. Machinery and equipment 600,000 8. Contingencies and unforseen items , 1,000,000 9. Interest during construction , 1,250,000 $15,000,000 This would result in a comprehensive port, of at least one-half the capacity of Montreal Harbor, which has cost about $32,000,000, and which is paying not only a sinking fund, but also $1,000,000 interest charges annually, and is resulting in prosperity to the people of Canada. 83 CONCLUSIONS. In view of the increasing and widespread decision that transportation and marketing are vital factors in the interests of production, and that the port has been found to offer immediate available possibility of amelioration it would seem to be most urgent to implimeiit, without loss of time, the value of the already successful Port, of Savannah, Georgia, by providing Modern Terminals and up-to-date Marketing Facilities. By all the rules governing the spirit of port develop- ment, Georgia has an even, or better, chance of winning against any or all competitors. Georgia has a working plan, and an opportunity for an immediate commencement, with a certainty of being ready first, of all the Atlantic ports, with an offer to the world's shipping, of a modern, comprehensive, co-ordi- nated port terminal. It has been demonstrated, by example, that such a port would be successful and that it would pay its way , with- out costing the people of Georgia a cent, other than their credit. A representative of one of the great newspapers of the State, Mr. Rogers Winter, made an investigation of one of these examples, and after a searching, critical survey, gave to the citizens of Georgia, a description, a picture, an argument ; and a demonstration that the port of Mon- treal, a port such as has been designed for Savannah, had the essentials of the Georgia requirements, and that the problem had there been successfully solved. No more excellent example of modern educating journalism has ever been witnessed. Such a port development at Savannah, by the prestige of position and by strategical trade value, would, with certainty, command a large share of the export and im- port business of the South, and open up to Georgia a rich market for her products. 84 Georgia has a coastal port in a modern city, where are all the essentials of a successful port: railway facilities, financial houses, shipping interests, industries, business organization, public utilities and excellent municipal government. A site for a modern port terminal has been found which has almost every element of success. It is ideal. The project has been designed, based on principles and practice of port development which have been successful. The designer of the project has designed, constructed and directed the operation of such a port, and has elimi- nated, as far as possible what is not attractive to practical operators, and may not be financially successful. The City Engineer of Savannah, Mr. W. O'D. Rockwell, has given his certificate that the " Engineer designing terminals for which this site was used would have a free hand to do whatever was required in order to make a most complete and modern port terminal." Expenditure on this project, will benefit almost every known business organization and class of. labor in the state. The money will almost all be left in the pockets of the people. From the highest executive of the State, the Legisla- tors, the Board of Harbor, Port and Terminal Commis- sioners, and from the Mayor and Citizens of Savannah, every possible aid and co-operation has been received. Public spirit, combined with a patriotic desire to further the interests of the State, will surely resolve itself into a picture of the State of Georgia, Port Terminals and the prosperity resulting, visible to THE WORLD. 8<5 COAL FREIGHT TO FROM SAVANNAH, GA. PINNERS POINT, VA. Southern Railway Group Appalachia, Va. 1 14 Mines in Virginia. Exeter, Va. $3 .25 $3 .94 Packet, Va. St. Charles, Va. J NEW ORLEANS Group 7 Mines in Ten- Caryville, nessee, on Southern Briceville, Etc. | $3.25 $4.00 Railway. J Kentucky Mines, as Middlesborough, Harlan and points in Group 10. $3 .37* $4 .10 Freight on Coal, Savannah from 3 competing points 3.25 to 3.37*, New Orleans, 4.00 to 4.10, Pinners Point, Va., 3.94. (From Savannah Traffic Bureau) GRAIN AND GRAIN PRODUCTS. FROM Chicago, 111. St. Louis, Mo. (proper) Cincinnati, Ohio. Louisville, Ky. EXPLANATION REFERENCE MARKS: A-Grain B-By-products-Flour, etc. C-Feed, etc. TO NEW YORK, NEW OR- SO. ATLANTIC N. Y. LEANS, LA. COASTR A l 30* A 40* A 35* B ! F 31* B50 2 B46 CJ 26* C46 C38* $1 34 A 32 A 33* B i 35 J 32 B34 C 31* C32 C28* A] 27* A 33 A 26 B [ 28* B33 B26* C, 1 25* C33 C22* A 1 33 A 30 A 26 B 34 B30 B26* C I 29* C30 C22* 86 PACKING HOUSE PRODUCTS & FRESH MEATS. FROM TO POINTS AS SHOWN ABOVE. Chicago, 111. A 1 96* B 1- 73* 73^ 73* Of Df St. Louis, Mo. All .03* A B ( 82 B Cf 1103* C100' DJ 82$ D 74$ E 54 EXPLANATION REFERENCE MARKS: A-Dressed beef, sheep & hogs. B-In bulk, smoaked, pickled. C-Meats, ffesh, all kinds. D-Rated 4th class Official. E-Dry salted and articles Rated B Sou. Classfn. $-E. St. Louis Only. IRON & STEEL ARTICLES (MANUFACTURED). Chicago, 111. 63 46* 35 St. Louis, Mo. 73* 36* 35 Cincinnati, Ohio. 55 37* 35 Louisville, Ky. 63 34* 35 87 Y.C 89877 536863 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY