EDWARD DEWITT TAYLO UCSB DESCRIPTIVE AND HISTORICAL CATALOGUE OF TIIK PICTURES IK 'i NATIONAL GALLERY : 13iogiavfHf.il jilotirrs of tfir FOREIGN SCHOOLS. BY RALPH N. WORNUM., REVISED BY SIR CHARLES LOCK EASTI&KE, P.R.A. THIRTY-SEVENTH EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED BY GEORGE EDWARD EYRE AND WILLIAM SPOTISWCODE PRINTERS TO UHE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAOTRSTT. FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. 1863. [10,419. 1009 12/62.] * NOTICE. IN using this catalogue in the Gallery, reference should be made from the painter's name on the frame of the picture to the corresponding name at the head of the page in the catalogue, where the order is alphabetical. When more than one designation occurs, as for example, Sebastiano del Piombo, the name to be looked for in the catalogue may be found by referring to the number in the Index list, page 8, corresponding with the number of the picture. The same list may be consulted, if the name of the master on the picture-frame should not be easily legible. The plan of the catalogue is historical, as well as descrip- tive. Biographical notices of the several painters precede, in most cases, the descriptions of their works : the history, as far as known, of each picture is also given ; together with its dimensions, the material on which it is executed, and other details which may sometimes serve to identify it. Among the sources of information which have reference to the history of the art, the opinions of eminent critics on the merits of particular masters, and of remarkable works, have not been overlooked. A certain degree of historical knowledge, as regards both the art itself and its criticism, is perhaps indispensable for the due appreciation of some works ; the merit of which, depending on the time and circumstances of their produc- tion, is in a great measure relative. The information thus offered, without superseding individual predilections, may sometimes assist in the formation of a correct judgment, which is the basis of a correct taste. 6202. A 2 4 NOTICE. The present catalogue is thus designed, not merely as a book of reference for visitors in the Gallery, but also as a guide to the history of painting, as represented by the examples in the collection : it may be used likewise, so far as it extends, as a Biographical Dictionary of Painters. The first edition, printed in 1846, was published in the beginning of 1847. To^this edition are now first added the painters' monograms and signatures, engraved in. wood, from copies in fac-simile made by me in October J 862. I have omitted some few, which are too obscure for reliable repro- duction ; most of them are of the size of the originals, the very large only have been reduced. The Gallery is open to the public on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays ; and on Thursdays and Fridays to students only. It IK open from Ten to Five from Octo- ber until April 30, inclusive ; and from Ten to Six from April until the middle of September. Jt is wholly closed during the month of October. The Vernon Collection and other pictures of the British School are for the present exhibited at South Kensington. Of these a separate catalogue is published, which comprises also an account of the Turner Collection now exhibited in the Gallery, Trafalgar Square. THE NATIONAL GALLERY. THE British National Gallery of Pictures was founded in 1824, during the administration of the Earl of Liverpool, by the purchase of the collection of the late John Julius Angerstein, Esq., which thus formed the nucleus of the present national collection. The establishment of a National Gallery had long been desired, and His Majesty George IV. is said to have been the first * to suggest the propriety of purchasing the Angerstein collection. Sir George Beaumont, also, and the late Lord Dover, then the Hon. George Agar Ellis, took an active part towards the accomplishment of this object. Lord Dover first brought the subject before Par- liament in 1823; "f* and Sir George Beaumont was so desirous to see a National Gallery established, that he offered to -give his own pictures to the nation as soon as the Government should allot a proper place for their reception. The Angerstein collection, consisting of thirty-eight pictures, j was accordingly secured to the nation, and a grant of Parliament of 60,000?., proposed by Government, was voted April 2, 1824, to defray the charge of purchase and the expense incidental to the preservation and public exhibition of the collection for that year 57,000?. fcr the pictures, and 3,000?. for the incidental expenses. * Hansard, Parliamentary Debates, speech of Sir C. Long, April 2, 1824. f Hansard, Parliamentary Debates, July 1, 1823 ; Cur.ningham, Lives of the most Eminent British Painters, fyc. ; Sir George Beaumont, vol. vi. | The entire collection was not included in the Government purchase ; a few pictures were excepted. See the Catalogue of the Pictures of J. J. Angerstein , Esq., with Historical and Biographical Notices, by John Young, fol. 1823, which contains etchings of all the pictures. Hansard, Parliamentary Debates, April 2, 1824 ; and the Report from the Select Committee on National Monuments and Works of Art, with the Minutes of Evidence and Appendix, 1841. Appendix. 6 THE NATIONAL GALLERY. A National Gallery was thus established. It was opened to the public, in the house of Mr. Angerstein, in Pall Mall, May 10, 1824. In 1826 the collection was increased by the munificent donation to the Trustees of the British Museum for the National Gallery, of sixteen pictures from Sir George Beaumont, as well as by further purchases on the part of the Government. In 1831 it was enriched by the valuable collection (consisting of thirty-five pictures) which was bequeathed to the Trustees of the British Museum, to be placed in the same building with the Angerstein pictures, by the Rev. William Holwell Carr; * and from that time to this, works have been constantly added to it, by donation, by bequest, and by Government purchase. The principal donations and bequests, besides those already mentioned, are : six pictures presented in 1836 by William IV. ; fifteen bequeathed, in 1838, by Lord Farnborough j eleven bequeathed, in 1846, by Richard Simmons, Esq. ; eight bequeathed, in 1854, by Lord Col- borne; twenty bequeathed, in 1859, by Jacob Bell, Esq.; and six presented at different times by the Governors of the British Institution. The " Corn Field," by John Constable, R.A., " Serena rescued by Sir Calepine/' by William Hilton, R. A, and " Jerusalem," by Thomas Seddon, were purchased, by subscription, by the respective fiiends of the painters, from their executors, and presented by them to the National Gallery. Of the 424 pictures which now constitute the national collection, exclusive of the Vernon and Turner pictures, 203 have been presented or bequeathed, f the remaining 221 have been purchased by Government, by grants of Parlia- ment: the number of pictures in the National Gallery, including all the works of the British School, is now 68 6. J * The Farnborough bequest -was also made to the Trustees of the British Museum for the National Gallery. f Complete lists of the pictures purchased, as well as of donations and bequests, are given at the end of the Catalogue. The pictures of the British School are separately catalogued, and are at present exhibited at South Kensington. J Of these, 38 are for the present removed from the walls owing to want of space. It may not be uninteresting to the reader to compare the number of pictures in the National Gallery, with the number, according to the published catalogues, in the several principal national collections in Europe. In Rome, in the gallery of the Vatican, there are only 37 pictures ; in that of the Ca- pitol there are 225 ; at the academy of Bologna there are about 280 ; the Brera of Milan has 503 ; at Turin there are 569; at Venice 688; at Naples, there are 700, exclusive of the ancient paintings from Pompeii and THE NATIONAL GALLERY. 7 The building in which the Collection Foreign Schools- is at present deposited was erected at the national expense, expressly for the purpose, after a design by William Wilkins, R.A., architect. It was commenced in 1832, and was opened to the public April 9, 1838.* Ilerculaneum ; in the Stiidel Institution, at Frankfort, there are about 380 ; in the Berlin Gallery, recently established, there are about 1,350 pictures; in the Pinacothek, at Munich, there are about 1,270; in the gallery of the Belvedere, at Vienna, there are upwards of 1,300 ; in the Imperial Gallery of Florence (Degl' Uffizj), there are upwards of 1,200, and about 500 hi the Pitti Palace. At Amsterdam, there are 386 ; at the Hague, in the Museum, there are 304. The collection of Antwerp contains 584 pictures; and at Brussels there are upwards of 400. There are upwards of 1,800 in the Louvre, 543 of which are Italian ; in the Museo of the Prado, at Madrid, there are 1,833 ; and the celebrated gallery of Dresden contains about 2,000 pictures, exclusive cf the pastel collection At Versailles, there are about 3,300 works of art, chiefly paintings, and almost exclusively illus- trative of French history. The Borghese Gallery at Rome, which is the best private collection in Europe, contains 526 pictures. In the Grosvenor Gallery there are 157 ; in the collection of the Duke of Sutherland, 323 ; in the Bridgewater Gallery, belonging to the Earl of Ellesmere, there are 318; and in that of Burghley House, Northamptonshire, belonging to the Marquis of Exeter, there are upwards of 600 pictures. * The number of visitors to the National Gallery has, with one or two exceptions, annually increased from the date of its opening up to the present time. It has already been visited in a single year by upwards of 1,000,000 persons. See the National Gallery Reports. INDEX TO THE NAMES OF THE MASTERS OF THE PICTURES IN THE NATIONAL GALLERY, FOREIGN SCHOOLS. ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE NUMBERS OF THE PICTURES. No. 1 Sebastiano del Piombo 2 Claude '^ Titian Claude 7 Correggio 8 Michelangelo 9 Carracci, An. 10 Correggio 1 1 Guido 12 Claude 13 Murillo 14 Claude 15 Correggio 16 Tintoretto 17 Sarto, Andrea del 18 Firacz, Leonardo da 19 CZcwcfe 20 Sebastiano del Piombo 21 Bronzino 22 Guercino 23 Correggio 24 Sebastiano del Piombo 25 Carracci, An. 26 Feronese, Paolo 27 Raphael 28 Carracci, Lod. 29 Barocci 30 Cteadfe 31 Povssin, G. 32 Ttft'arc 33 Parmigiano Titian 35 Poussin, G. 37 Correggio 38 Rubens 39 V 40 J J 41 Giorgione 42 Poussin, N. 43 1 / c > Rembrandt 45 J 46 Rubens 47 Rembrandt No. 48 Domenichino 5 Q I Vandyck 51 Rembrandt 52 Vandyck 53 C?<2/p 54 Rembrandt 55 Claude 56 Carracci, An. 57 Rubens 58 C7arfe 59 Rubens 61 Claude 62 Poussin, 'N. 63 Carracci, An. 64 Bourdon, Sebastien 65 Poussin, N. 661 ,.-. ^ 68 Poussin, G. 69 .1/oZa, P. F. 70 Padovanino 71 -BofA 72 Rembrandt 73 Ercole da Ferrara 74 Murillo 75 Domenichino 76 Corregyio 77 Domenichino 81 Garofalo 82 Mazzolini 84 .Rosa, Salvutor 85 Domenichino 88 Carracci, An. 91 Poussin, N. 94 I Carracci, An. 95 Poussin, G. 97 Feronese, Paolo 98 Poussin, G. ion 102 103 104J 127 Canulelto 138 Pannini Lancret INDEX TO NAMES OF MASTERS. 9 No. 140 Vander Heist 148 I C arracc *} Ayoslino 150 } Vandevelde > W ' 152 Vander Neer, A. 153 Maas, Nicolas Teniers 154 \ 155 / 156 Vandyck 157 Rubens 158 Teniers 159 Maas, Nicolas 160 Mo/a, P. F. 161 Poussin, G. 163 Canaletlo 165 Poussin, N. 166 Rembrandt 167 Peruzzi, Baldaasare 168 Raphael 169 Mazzolini 170 Garofalo 172 Caravaggio, M. da 173 Bassano, Jacopo 174 Maratti, Carlo 176 Murillo 177 iso rf ranc ^ a 181 Perugino, Pietro 1 84 Moro, Antony 186 Eyck, J. Van 187 Rubens 189 Bellini, Giovanni 190 Rembrandt 191 Gwido 192 Dow, Gerard 193'Gmdo 194 Rubens 195 Unknown, p. 262 196 Guido 197 Velazquez 198 Carracci, An. 199 Schalcken 200 Sassoferrato 202 Hondecoeter, M. 204 Bakhuizen 205 Dietrich 206 Grew.se 207 Maas, Nicolas 209 BoA awd Poelcnburg 210 Guardi 211 Huchtenbury 212 JCeyser, T. De 213 Raphael 214 Gtarfo , Tadcfeo No. 218 Peruzzi, B. 221 Rembrandt 222 VanEyck,J. 223 Bakhuizen 224 Tift'aM 225 Romano Giulio 226 Botticelli, Sandro 227 Rosselli, Cosimo 228 Bassano, J. 230 Zurbaran 232 Velazquez 234 Bellini, School of 235 Spagnoletto 236 Feme*, C. J. 237 Rembrandt 238 Weenix, J. 239 Fancier A T cer 240 Berchem 242 Temers 243 Rembrandt 244 Spagnoletto 245 Diirer, ^4/oerf 246 Pacchiarotto 247 Alunno, Niccolo 248 Lippi, Fra Filippo 249 Sara Severino, L. di 2^1 > TAe Miister Von Liesboi'n 264 Vander Meire 266 Lombard, Lambert 268 Feroraese, Paolo 269 Gioraione 270 Tift'an 271 Gm'do 272 Pordenone 274 Manteyna, Andrea 2/5 Botticelli, Sandro 276 Gi'otfo 277 Bassano, J. 280 Bellini, Giovanni 281 Basaiti, Marco 282 Spaana, Lo 283 Gozzoli, Benozzo 284 Vivarini, Bartolommeo 285 Libri, Girolamo dai 286 Tacconi, Francesco 287 Veneziano, Bartolommeo 288 Peruyino, Pietro 289 Rembrandt 290 Ifyc/fc, J. Faw 291 Cranach, Lucas 292 Pollajuolo, Antonio 293 Lippi, Filippino 294 Veronese, Paolo 295 Matsys, Quintin 296 Ghirlandajo, Domcnico 10 INDEX TO NAMES OF MASTERS. Xo. 297 Romanino 298 Borgognone 299 Moretto 300 Cima da Conegliano, G. B. Turner, J. M. W. Orcagna, Andrea 564 Margaritone 565 Cimabue 566 Duccio 567 Segno. 568 Giotto, School of 569' 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579'Gaddi, Taddeo 580 Casentino, Jacopo di 581 Spinello, Aretino 582 Angelica, Fra Giovanni 583 Uccello, Paolo 585 Francesco, Pietro della 5861 T . . ... tjgg f Z/tp/n, Fra Filippo 590 Twra, Cosimo 591 Gozzoli, Benozzo 592 Lippi, Filippino 593 Credi, Lorenzo di 594 Emmanuel 595 Ze/otfi, Battista 596 Palmezzano 597 Zojopo 598 Lippi, Filippino 599 Basaiti 600 Dyckmans 602 Crie//i 623 Treviso, Girolamo da 624 Romano, Giulio 625 Moretto 626 Masaccio fi28 f 629 Costa, Lorenzo No. 630 Schiavone, Gregorio 631 Bissolo, F. ^.oo r Santacroce, G. da 634 Cima, G. B. 635' 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 648 649 650 652 653 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 663 664 665 Bordone, Paris Francia Mantegna, Francesco Dossi, Dosso Mazzolini Garofalo r Romano, Giulio Albertinelli Crerfi, Lorenzo di Pontormo, Jacopo da 1 . , 7 ? tironzino, Angelo Salviati, F. del r Vander Weyden Orley, Bernard van Mabuse, Jan de Cornelissen, Jacob Schoen, Martin Rottenhammer Clouet, Francois Raphael Angelica, Fra Giovanni Vander Weyden Francesco, Pietro della Lippi Fra Filippo 668 669 L'Ortolano 670 Pontormo, Jacopo da 671 Garofalo 672 Rembrandt 673 Messina, AntoneHoda 674 Bordone, Paris 679 Bol 680 Vandyck 685 Hobbema 686 Memling 687 William of Cologne 690 Sarto, Andrea del THE SCHOOLS OF PAINTING. THE word " school" has various significations with writers on art: in its general and widest sense it denotes all the painters of a given country, without special reference to time or sub-divisions of style ; as, the Italian School. In a more restricted sense, it refers to the characteristic style which may distinguish the painters of a particular locality or period ; as, the Bolognese School. In its most limited sense, it signifies the distinctive style of a particular master; as, the School of Raphael : whence it is also applied to the scholars or imitators of an individual, who are said to be of the school of such master. In the following table, the word is used in its wider senses. With regard to the chronology there observed, it must be apparent that it is impossible to fix with precision the com- mencement of any school. There are isolated facts of very remote dates, connected with the history of painting in many countries ; but such facts cannot be assumed to in- dicate the existence of a class of painters having a more or less common and definite style. It is only when such a class exists that a school can be said to be established ; and when there is evidence of the practice of painting in a more limited degree, yet tending to such development, the school may be said to have commenced. Tabular View of the Schools of Painting, as represented by the Pictures in the National Gallery. ,^ / > TUSCAN OR, FLORENTINE SCHOOL. Commencement in the thirteenth century, in Florence, in ; Pisa, and in Siena.* Distinguished chiefly for form. * The Sienese school may be considered to have a character of its o-sra, but as it is represented, as yet, in the National Gallery, by unimportant specimens only, it is for the present comprehended in the Florentine school. 12 THE NATIONAL GALLERY. Thirteenth Century. Margaritone D'Arezzo, 1236 1313. Cimabuc, 1240, living 1302. Duccio di Buoninsegna, painted 1282 1339. Fourteenth Century. Segna di Buenaventura, painted 1305 1319. Giotto, 12761336. Taddeo Gaddi, 13001366. Andrea Orcagna, 1315 1376. Jacopo di Casentino, about 1310 1390. Spinello Aretino, about 1330, living 1408. Fifteenth Century. Fra Giovanni Angelico, 13871455. Paolo Uccello, 13961479. Masaccio, 1402 1428-9. Fra Filippo Lippi, 14121469. Benozzo Gozzoli, 1424, living 1485. Antonio Pollajuolo, 14301498. Domenico Ghirlandajo, 1449 1498. Cosimo Eosselli, 1439 1506. Sandro Botticelli, 1447 1515. Leonardo Da Vinci, 1452 1519. Filippino Lippi, 1460 1505. Lorenzo di Credi, 1459 1537. Sixteenth Century. Albertinelli, 1475 1520. Michelangelo, 1475 1564. Baldassare Peruzzi, 1481 1536. Andrea del Sarto, 1488 1530. Jacopo Pacchiarotto, 1474 1540. Jacopo da Pontormo, 1493 1558. Angelo Bronzino, 1502 1572. Salviati, 15101563. Seventeenth Century. CristoforoAllori, 15771621. UMBRIAN SCHOOL. Commencement in the thirteenth century, in Assisi, Perugia, Gubbio, and other cities of Umbria. Distin- guished for colour and sentiment. Fifteenth Century. Lorenzo di San Severino, painted 1416 Pietro della Francesca, about 1415 1494. Niccolo Alunno, painted from 1458 to 1499. Pietro Perugino, 14461524. Sixteenth Century. Lo Spagna, painted 1503 1530. SCHOOL OF THE ROMAGNA. Marco Palmezzano, about 1456 1537. SCHOOLS OF PAINTING. 13 ROMAN SCHOOL. Established in the sixteenth century. Distinguished for form and expression. Sixteenth Century. Raphael, 14831520. Giulio Romano, 14921546. Barocci, 15281612. Seventeenth Century. Michelangelo da Caravaggio, 1569 1609.* II Sassoferrato, 16051685. Carlo Maratti, 16251713. Eighteenth Century. Paolo Pannini, 16911764. VENETIAN SCHOOL. Commencement in the thirteenth century. Distinguished chiefly for colour. Fifteenth Century. Antonello da Messina, about 1414 1496. Giovanni Bellini, 14261516. Carlo Crivelli, painted 14681493. Bartolommeo Vivarini, painted 1459 1498. Marco Basaiti, painted 1470 1520. Giambattista Cima, painted 1489 1517. Sixteenth Century. Giorgione, 14771511. Titian, 14771576. Bissolo, painted 1 500 1528. Romanino, about 1480 1560. Pordenone, 14831539. Sebastiano del Piombo, 1485 1547. Bartolommeo Veneziano, painted 1505 1530. Girolanio dai Libri, 1472 1555.f Girolamo da Santacroce, painted 1520 1548. II Moretto, about 14901560. Paris Bordone, 15001571. Girolamo da Treviso, 1497 1544. Jacopo Bassano, 15101592. Tintoretto, 15121594. Paolo Veronese, 15281588. Battista Zelotti, 153292. * According to the sense, before explained, in -which the word school is here used, it must be apparent that individual painters may sometimes have but slender claims to the characteristic attributes of those chiefly constituting the school. f Strictly of the school of Verona. THE NATIONAL GALLERY. Seventeenth Century. Padovanino, 15901650. Eighteenth Century. Canaletto, 16971768. Guardi, 17121798. SCHOOL OF PADUA. Established in the fifteenth century. Fifteenth Century. Andrea Mantegna, 1431 1506. Gregorio Schiavone, painted 1470. Francesco Mantegna, living 1517. BOLOGNESE SCHOOL. Commencement in the fourteenth century. Distinguished, in its later and chief period, for execution, or general tech- nical excellence. Fifteenth Century. Marco Zoppo, painted 1471 98. Francia, about 1450 1518. Lorenzo Costa, 1460 1535. Sixteenth Century. Lodovico Carracci, 1555 1619. Agostino Carracci, 1558 1601. Annibale Carracci, 1560 1609. Seventeenth Century. Domenichino, 1581 1641. Guido, 1575 1642. Guercino, 15921666. Pier Francesco Mola, 16121668.* FERRARESE SCHOOL. Established in the fifteenth century. Fifteenth Century. Cosimo Tura, living 1481. * For a concise history and account of the above Italian schools of paint- ing, see the articles " Bolognese," " Roman," " Tuscan," and " Venetian " Schools of Painting, in the Penny Cyclopa-din. SCHOOLS OF PAINTING. 15 Sixteenth Century. Mazzolini da Ferrara, 1481 1530. Garofalo, 14811559. Ercole da Ferrara, 14621531. Dosso Dossi, 14801560. PARMESE (LOMBARD) SCHOOL. Commencement in the fifteenth century. The Parmese is one of several subdivisions * of the Lombard School, which is distinguished chiefly for chiaroscuro. -f Sixteenth Century. Correggio, 1494 1534. Parmigiano, 1503 1540. CREMONESE (LOMBARD) SCHOOL. Established in the fifteenth century. Fifteenth Century. Francesco Tacconi, painted 1464 1490. MILANESE (LOMBARD) SCHOOL. Established in the fifteenth century. Ambrogio Borgognone, painted 1490 1522. NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL. Commencement in the fifteenth century. Seventeenth Century. Spagnoletto, 15881656. Salvator Rosa, 16151673. GREEK OR BYZANTINE SCHOOL. Established in the fifth century. Distinguished for its strict adherence to traditionary forms and practice. * Lanzi, in his History of Painting in Italy, treats of five several schools of Lombardy the Mantuan, the Modenese, the Pannese, the Cremonese, and the Milanese. Storia Pittorica delf ItaHa, vol. iv. f Chiaroscuro (literally light-dark) means the mutual relation of bright and obscure masses ; it is therefore not limited to light and shade, but comprehends also light and dark colours. 10 THE NATIONAL GALLEKY. Seventeenth Century. Emmanuel the Priest, living 1660. FLEMISH SCHOOL. Commencement in the fourteenth century. Fifteenth Century. Jan Van Eyck, about 13901440. G. Vander Meire, painted about 1450. Roger Vander Weyden, the elder, 1400-64. Memliiig, deceased, 1495. Roger Vander Weyden, the younger, 1450 1529. Quintin Matsys, 14601530-1. Jan de Mabuse, 14701532. Sixteenth Century. Bernard Van Orley, 14701541. Lambert Lombard, 1506 1560. Antony Moro, 1525 1581. Seventeenth Century. Rubens, 15771640. Vandyck, 15991641. Teniers, 16101694 Huysman, 16561696. Nineteenth Century. J. L. Dyckmans, IcSll DUTCH SCHOOL. Commencement in the fifteenth century. Sixteenth Century. Jacob Cornelissen, 14801560. Seventeenth Century, C. Poelenburg, 15861666. T. De Keyser, between 1595 and 1660. Rembrandt, 16081669. Both, 16101656. Cuyp, 16051683. Gerard Dow, 1 61 3 or 1 5981 680. Vander Heist, 1 61 31 670. Ferdinand Bol, 161181. INDEX TO NAMES OF MASTERS. 17 A. Vander Neer, about 16131691. Nicholas Berchem, 1624 1683. Nicolas Maas, 1 6321 693. M. Hondecoeter, 16361695. W. Vandevelde, 16331707. Jacob Ruysdael, about 1625 1681. Hobbema, living, 1669. Jan Weenix, 1644 1719. Schalcken, 16431706. Huchtenburg, 16461733. L. Bakhuizen, 16311709. Vander Plaas, 16471704. GERMAN SCHOOL. Established in the fifteenth century. Fourteenth Century. William of Cologne, died, 1378. Fifteenth Century. The Meister Von Liesborn, painted about 1445 1465. Martin Schoen, 14201488. Sixteenth Century. Albrecht Diirer, 14711528. Lucas Cranach, 1472 1553. Seventeenth Century. J. Rottenhammer, J 564 1 623. Eighteenth Century. C. W. E. Dietrich, 17121774. SPANISH SCHOOL. Commencement in the fourteenth century. Seventeenth Century. Velazquez de Silva, 15991660. Esteban Mnrillo, 1618 1682. Zurbaran 15981662. B SCHOOLS OF PAINTING. FRENCH SCHOOL. Commencement in the fifteenth century. Sixteenth Century. Francois Clouet, 15101574. Seventeenth Century. . N. Poussin, 15941665. Claude Lorrain, 1600-1682. G. Poussin, 16131675. Sebastien Bourdon, 16161671. Eighteenth Century. Nicolas Lancret, 16901743. Claude Joseph Vernet, J 71 4 1789. 'Jean Baptiste Greuze, 1725 1805. CATALOGUE. ALBERTINELLI. MABIOTTO ALBERTINELLI, a pupil of Cosimo Rosselli, became the intimate friend and assistant of Fra Bartolom- meo ; he was born at Florence about the year 1475. When Fra Bartolommeo, under the influence of Savonarola, gave up painting and took to a monastic life, Albertinelli com- pleted some of his unfinished pictures, and acquired much of the style of II Frate, especially his taste for tone or chiaroscuro. Albertinelli was of an impatient character, and being offended with the criticisms which were passed on his works, for a time gave up painting, says Vasari, and turned publican. He died at Florence about 1 520, having shortened his life by dissipation.* No. 645. THE VIRGIN AND CHILD, seated ; entire small figures. On wood, 6 in. h. by 4 in. w. Purchased from M. Edmond Beaucousin at Paris, in 1 860. ALLORI. CRISTOFORO ALLORI, the son of Alessandro, was bom at Florence in 1577, and was sometimes called Bronzino, after his great uncle. He left his father to study under Gregorio Pagani, one of the reformers of the Florentine school, and a good colourist. Cristoforo had a dislike to the anatomical school of Michelangelo, to which his father be- longed. He was fastidious in his execution, and exceed- ingly elaborate ; his style was well suited to portraits, in which he was excellent ; he was also a skilful landscape painter, and he is said to have made some copies, with slight alterations in the back -grounds, of Correggio's Mag- dalen, which have passed as duplicates by Correggio. His pictures are not numerous ; among his masterpieces is the * Vasari, Vite de' Pittori, 8fc. B 2 20 ALUNXO. "Judith with the Head of Holophernes/' in the Pitti Palace, iu which the Judith is said to have been painted from his own mistress, and the head of Holophernes from himself; the picture was in the Louvre in 1814, and was engraved by Gandolfi for the " Muse'e Napoleon." Cristoforo died at Florence in 1621.* No. 21. PORTRAIT OF A LADY, in a white bodice with red sleeves, and a head-dress richly ornamented with gold : the red sleeves are relieved by a green curtain, which con- stitutes the back-ground. Engraved by J. Jenkins, for Jones's National Gallery. On panel, 1 ft. 1 1 in. h. by 1 ft. 6| in. w. From the collection of the Duke of San Yitale, at Parma, whence it was procured by the Rev. W. IT. Carr, who bequeathed it, in 1831, to the National Gallery. ALUNNO. NlCCOLO ALUNNO (Nicolaus Alumnus) of Foligno, painted from 1458 to 1499. There are several pictures bearing the signature " Nicolai Fulginatis opus/' but as there was apparently another Niccolo of Foligno called Deliberatore living at the same time, it is not always possible to dis- tinguish their works with certainty. Niccolo was one of the principal Umbrian painters of his time ; the pictures attributed to him are in tempera, (he did not paint in oil,) and are bright and pure in colour: he painted directly from nature, then an unusual practice, and the few works that remain have great merit for their period. There are still some remnants of the Pieta in the Cathedral of Assisi, in which were the weeping angels admired by Vasari in the life of Pinturicchio. One of his best remaining pictures is a Madonna and child with a choir of angels, in the gallery of the Brera at Milan, and engraved in Rosini's History of Italian Painting with the date 1465 : another is still in San Niccolo di Foligno, the predella of which is in the Louvre at Paris. Rumohr attributes all pictures signed " Nicolai Fulginatis opus,'' or similar signature, to Alunno ; who is further, by Mariotti, assumed to have been the master of Pietro Pemsrino. * Baldinucci, Notizie dc Professor! del Diseyno, be. ; Lanzi, Storia Pit- torica, $c. ; Fiorillo, Geschichte der Malerei in Twcana, vol. I. ANGELICO. 21 Pinturicchio and Andrea di Luigi are also supposed to have been the scholars of Niccolo Alunno.* No. 247. " ECCE HOMO." Christ crowned with thorns ; the hands crossed on his breast: bust on a blue ground. In the glory around the head are the letters YHS. XPS. NAZ. Jesus Christ of Nazareth : and on the outer edge of the ground, the words of the Vulgate from Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. IN NOMINE JEU OMNE GENU FLECT. : CELESTIUM TERRESTRIUM ET INFENO. : In nomine Jesu omrie genii flectatur, ccelestium, terrestrium, et infernorum.t In tempera on wood, 8 ink. by 8^ in. w. Purchased in 1854 at the sale of M. Joly De Bammeville's Collection. ANGELICO, FKA GIOVANNI. GIOVANNI DA FIESOLE, commonly called from his great piety, L'ANGELICO, and II Beato Angelico,J was born near the Castello di Vicchio, in the Mugello, in ] 387 : his family name was Guido. He joined the Order of the Predicants at Fiesole in 1407, and began his career in art, as an illuminator of manuscripts. Fra Giovanni left Fiesole in 1409, in the pontificate of Alexander V., and practised as a fresco painter for several years at Cortona, where several of his best pictures are still preserved. In 1418 he returned to Fiesole, where he resided until 1436, when he was invited to Florence to decorate the new Convent of St. Mark, then assigned to the Predicants as their abode. For this convent Fra Giovanni executed his most important works, which occu- pied him about nine years. His brother, Fra Benedetto, is said to have assisted him in some portions. In 1445 he was invited to Rome by Pope Eugenio IV., who employed him in the Vatican, where he also painted a chapel for that pope's successor, Nicolas V. While engaged for Nicolas V., he was invited to Orvieto to paint the * Mariotti, Lettere Pittorlche Perugine, &c. 8vo. Perugia, 1788. Eumohr, Italienische Forschungen, 3 vols., 8vo., Berlin, 1827-31. f " At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth." Phil. ii. 10. See note, p. 68, on the title, ' Ecce Homo." J The beatification of a deceased person eminent for piety is a solemn dis- tinction conferred by the church, and is second only to canonization. 22 ANGELICO. chapel of the Madonna di San Brizio, in the cathedral, which he undertook, and commenced in 1447, but left it incomplete. He did not return to Orvieto after the autumn of that } r ear. The chapel was completed many years after- wards by Luca Signorelli. Fra Giovanni returned to Rome in September 1447, and remained there until his death in 1455. He was buried in the Church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva ; and the follow- ing inscription was placed on his tomb. Hie JACET YEN. PICTOR FR. lo. DE FLOR. ORD. P. MCCCCLV.* Fra Giovanni Angelico, says Vasari, was a man of such fervent piety, that he never commenced painting without prayer. He is still well represented in the Convent of St. Mark, at Florence, and the Florentine academy possesses fine collection of his smaller works. Engravings also from his paintings are numerous. No. 582. THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI ; OR, THE WISE MEN'S OFFERING. " Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, there came wise men from the East" " And when they were come into the house they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshipped him : and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts ; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh." Matthew ii. 1,11. A rocky landscape with a small building on the spectator's right, near which the Virgin is seated holding the child on er knees. Composition of many small figures. In tempera, on wood, 7^ in. A. by 1 ft. 6^ in. w. Formerly in the Collection of Professor Rosini, at Pisa. Purchased from the Lombardi-Baldi Collection, at Florence, in 1857. No. 663. CHRIST with the Banner of the Resurrection in his left hand, in the midst of a choir of Angels, some blowing trumpets, others playing various musical instru- ments. On the two sides are kneeling a great crowd of the Blessed: the Patriarchs; the Prophets; the Madonna; the Apostles ; and the saints and martyrs of both sexes : at the extreme ends are the "Blessed" or Beati of the * Vasari, Vite rfe' Pittori, $c. Ed. Le Monnier, Flor. 1846, et seq. Marchese, Memoric dei piu insigni Pittori, fyc. Domenicani. Florence, 1845; and San Marco Convento deiPadri Predicatori in Firenze, illustrate e inciso principal - mente nei dipinti del B. Giovanni AnyeHco, $c. Folio, Flor., 1852. 1UKHUIZEN. 23 Order of the Dominicans, in their black robes. Altogether two hundred ar;d sixty- six figures or portions of figures ; many with their names attached ; " so beautiful/' says Vasari, " that they appear to be truly beings of Paradise."* In tempera, on wood, in five compartments each 12^ in. h. by 8^ in. 2 ft. 1 in. w. the sides respectively, and 2 ft. 4^ in w. the centre picture. Formerly the Predella of an altar-piece in San Domenico at Fiesole, and sold by the monks about 50 years since to Signor Valentini, the Prussian Consul at Rome. Purchased from his nephew, Signor Gioacchino Valentini, at Rome, in 1860.f BAKHUIZEN. LUDOLF BAKHUIZEN was born at Emden, Dec. 18, 1631. His father was a government secretary at Emden, and Ludolf acted as his clerk until 1650, when he was placed with a merchant at Amsterdam, to learn commercial busi- ness. While thus engaged, Bakhuizen commenced making drawings of ships from nature, for which he soon found willing purchasers. He eventually studied painting under Albert van Everdingen, and he received also some instruc- tion in the style which he had chosen from the marine- painter Hendrik Dubbels. Bakhuizen's favourite subjects were wrecks and stormy seas, which he frequently sketched from nature in an open boat, at the great peril of himself and the boatmen. He engraved a few pieces : there are some etchings of the Y,| and other marine views, executed by him when old. He made also many constructive drawings of ships for the Czar Peter the Great, who took lessons of the painter, and frequently visited his painting-room. Among his other avocations, Bakhuizen also gave lessons in writing, in which he had introduced a new and approved method. He died at Amsterdam, in 1709. Ludolf Bakhuizen, called the younger, a battle-painter, was the nephew of the subject of this notice. * Vasari, Ed. Le Monnier, vol. iv. p. 29. f Rumohr in his Italienische Forschungen, ii. 253-4, notices the admirable state of preservation, and the beautiful surface of these tempera pictures. J That part of the Zuider Zee on which Amsterdam is situated. Houbraken, Groote Schouburg der Nederlantsche Kunstschilders, Sfc. Am- sterdam, 1718-21. Immerzeel, De Levens en Werhen der Hollandschc en Vlaamsche Kunstschilders, &c. Amsterdam, 1842-3. 24 BAROCCI. No. 204. DUTCH SHIPPING. A Dutch ship of war, tiring a salute ; with fishing-boats, and other vessels, in a fresh breeze, off the Dutch coast. On canvas, 3 ft. 4$ in. h. by 4 ft. 6 in. w. Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1846, by Mr. Richard Simmons. Sined and dated No. 223. DUTCH SHIPPING. A frigate, with a yacht saluting, a boat, and many small vessels ; in a fresh breeze, off the Dutch coast. On canvas, 2 ft. ol in. /*. by 3 ft. o^ in. w. Bequeathed to the National Gallery by Mr. Charles L. Bredel, in 1851. BARO'CCL* FEDERIGO BAROCCI, called also BAROCCIO, was bom at Urbino, in the Papal State, in 1528. His father Anibrogio Barocci, a sculptor, originally of a Milanese family, gave him his first instruction in design ; he was .afterwards placed with the distinguished painter Battista Franco, who spent some time at Urbino in the service of the Duke Guidubaldo II. After the departure of Franco, Barocci also left Urbino, and accompanied his uncle Bartolomeo Genga, the duke's architect, Avho taught him perspective, to Pesai o, then under the dominion of the Dukes of Urbino ; his uncle procured him permission to copy some pictures by Titian in the ducal gallery there. In 1548, in his twentieth year, Barocci visited Rome, and remained there a few years, devoting his time chiefly to the study of the works of Raphael. After his return to Urbino, he painted several pictures which gained him great reputation. In 1560, he returned to Rome, and was employed in * The mark here inserted against the second vowel is not an accent, but merely a guide to the emphasis in pronunciation of the name, as on all other occasions where it so occurs in this catalogue. It may not he superfluous to add, for the benefit of the reader unacquainted with Italian pronunciation, that in all Italian words c before e or i is pronounced ch, and t as the letter e in English, as ci-che ; cli on the contrary in Italian is pronounced as k, and e as a in English, a* che-Aa. BAROCCI. 25 the following year by Pius IV., with Federigo Zuccaro, in the Vatican. While engaged in this work he was nearly poisoned, by some rival, as supposed. Though the attempt failed, it wholly incapacitated Barocci for painting for four years, and afflicted him for the remainder of his life, fifty- two years, with a disease of the stomach which rendered it impossible for him to work for more than two hours in the day. From the period of this misfortune, with the exception of three years passed at Perugia, and during which he paid a short visit to Florence, Barocci spent the remainder of his long life at Urbino, where he died of apoplexy on the last day of September, 1612, aged 84 : he was buried there in the church of San Francesco, with all the ceremony due to his great merits and reputation. Barocci painted almost exclusively religious subjects; he executed several large and excellent altar-pieces, some of which he etched himself as the Pardon of San Francesco d'Assisi, at Urbino, in 1581 ; and The Annunciation, at Loreto, a few years later ; two of his masterpieces. Barocci is generally said to have founded his style upon the works of Raphael and Correggio : his works have con- siderable resemblance to those of Correggio in delicacy of light and shade. In colouring he was peculiar; Mengs* has observed, that his works are deficient in yellow tints. Bellori has also pointed out the defects of his colouring, remarking that he used too much vermilion and too much ultra-niarine.f Reynolds observes that he " falls under the criticism that was made on an ancient painter, 'that his figures looked as if they fed upon roses/ "+ His style had considerable influence upon the painters of his time, both at Rome and Florence. Of all his followers, the most distinguished was Lodovico Cardi, commonly called Cigoli, who, partly through the example of Barocci's works, became a reformer of the then degenerate Florentine school. No. 29. A " HOLY FAMILY," known as " La Madonna del Gatto," from the circumstance of a cat being introduced * Mengs, Hinterlassne Werke, vol. i. p. 252. t Bellori, Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, ed Arcliitetti moderni, $c. Home, 1672. Baldinucci, Notizic de 1 Profcssori del Discgno da Cimabue in qua. Florence, 1681-88. Sir J. Reynolds, Notes on Du Fresnoijs Art of PainUny, notelv. 26 BASAITI. into the picture. Though the subject is ostensibly holy, it is here treated merely as an ordinary domestic scene. The little St. John, leaning with his left arm upon the lap of the Virgin, is playfully teasing a cat, by holding up a little bird beyond its reach. The Madonna is pointing with her right hand to the cat, as if to direct the attention of her infant son, who has just turned from the breast, to the incident. Behind is Joseph, who, with his left hand resting upon a table, is leaning forward, and appears to be equally engrossed by the trivial circumstance. Engraved by C. Cort, in 1577 ; and by A. Garden, and others. On canvas, 3 ft. 9 in. h. by 3 ft. w. A " Madonna del Gatto " is noticed by Bellori, and he appears to allude to this picture, though he calls the little bird a swallow, and mentions that it is tied with a piece of string, which is not evident at present, and the bird is a goldfinch. Bellori terms the composition a scherzo (a playful piece), and adds that it was painted for the Count Antonio Brancaleoni. The picture above described was long in the Cesarei Palace at Perugia, whence it was procured by Mr. Irvine for Mr. Buchanan in 1805, of whom it was purchased by the Rev. W. H. Carr, who bequeathed it, in 1831, to the National Gallery. There are several old copies of it. BASAITI. MARCO BASAITI, a Venetian painter, was born in Friuli according to some writers, of Greek parents. He was the contemporary, and in some respects the rival, of Giovanni Bellini ; the circumstances of his life are unknown. His pictures, several of which are preserved, are signed M. Baxit, Marcus Baxaiti, and Marcus Basaiti. He painted from about 1470 until 1520: Moschini mentions a picture with the latter date. An altar-piece, representing the " Callingof St. Peter and St. -Andrew," painted in loll, formerly in the Certosa, and now in the Academy of the Fine Arts at Venice, was once considered his masterpiece ; but another specimen in the same gallery " Christ in the Garden with his Disciples" is now justly preferred to it. Basaiti's works, when well preserved, are brilliant in colour, and display great ability in the general management of the accessories, especially in the landscape back-grounds, which, according to Zanetti, he contrived to unite with his figures more skilfully than his contemporaries. As one of the early Venetian oil-painters he may be regarded as having BASSANO, J. 27 successfully adopted the del acy and brilliancy of the Flemish masters of the fifteenth century.* No. 281. ST. JEROME READING. The saint is seated, reading a folio volume which rests upon his knee. A small figure in a rocky landscape, with a distant view of a fortified town. On wood, 18 in. h. by 13 in. w. Purchased from M. Marcovich, in Venice, in 1855. No. 599. THE INFANT CHRIST ASLEEP ON THE LAP OF THE VIRGIN, who is seated on the ground in a meadow and adoring the child. Behind are some goats and cattle pas- turing ; in the back-ground is a convent on a hill, with mountains in the distance. On the left is an eagle perched on a dead or leafless tree, watching a contest between a stork and a snake at the foot of the tree. On wood, 2 ft. 2 in. h. by 2 ft. 9 in. w. Purchased in Florence from Signer Acliille Farina in 1858. BASSA'NO, JA'COPO. JACOPO DA PONTE, commonly called II Bassano, or Jacopo da Bassano, from his native place, in the Venetian State, was born in 1510. His father Francesco da Ponte, who was a painter of the school of the Bellini, was his first instructor in letters and in the arts ; he studied afterwards under Bonifazio at Venice After a short stay in Venice, which he spent chiefly in copying the drawings of Par- migiano, and the pictures of Bonifazio and of Titian, Jacopo returned, in consequence of the death of his father, to Bassano, where he established himself for the remainder of his life, visiting neighbouring places only as his engage- ments required. He died at Bassano, Feb. 13, 1592.f The works of Bassano are conspicuous for Venetian ex- cellence of colour, and for masterly chiaroscuro ; and some of his best pictures are not unworthy of Titian. In a few years, however, he forsook what may be termed the grand style, for one more in unison with untutored apprehensions, * Zanetti, Delia 'Pittura Veneziana, p. 73. Moschini, Guida per la Citta di Venezia, vol. 1 . p. 11. t Ridolfi, Le Maraviglie dell' Arte, ovvero le Vite degli illustri Pittori Veneti, e dello Stato. Venice, 1648 ; Verci, Notizie intorno alia Vita e alle Opere de Pittori, Scnltori, ed Intagliatori della citta di Bassano. Venice, 1775 ; Lanzi, Storia Pittorica dell' Italia. Florence, 1822. 28 BASSANO, J. and characterised by the introduction of all sorts of familiar objects, whatever may be the subject of the picture. He was perhaps the earliest Italian (/e?M'e*-painter. Even when he painted religious subjects from the Old or New Testament, which he frequently did, he treated them as familiar scenes of his own time. He excelled in land- scape and animals, particularly the latter, in which he took great delight, introducing them on all occasions when ad- missible with, or even without, propriety. His works are very numerous in the Venetian State, and they are not uncommon in picture-galleries generally : his masterpieces are considered the Nativity, at San Giuseppe, and the Baptism of Santa Lucilla, at Santa Maria, delle Grazie, in Bassano. Portraits by Jacopo Bassano are comparatively rare. Of his four sons Francesco, Giainbattista, Leandro arid Girolamo, all of whom he brought up as painters, Francesco, the eldest, was the most distinguished. No. 173. PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN, standing, dressed in a black robe trimmed with fur ; his right hand rests on a table placed before an open window, and on which is a silver vase containing a sprig of myrtle ; in his left hand he holds a black cap. Three-quarter length. On canvas, 3 ft. 11 in. //. by 3 ft. 2 in. w. Presented, in 1839, by Mr. Henry Gaily Knight. No. 228. CHRIST DRIVING THE MONEY CHANGERS OUT OF THE TEMPLE. A crowded composition of men and animals, representing the expulsion of "all them that sold and bought" money-changers, dealers in cattle, sheep, * Genre is a term borrowed from the French, for "which we have no equi- valent in English. As it is a term of frequent occurrence in works which treat of painting, an explanation of it may not be out of place here. Strictly speaking a peintre de genre, or //cnre-painter, signifies a painter ef any particular class of subject ; and, according to some explanations, any painter except an his- torical painter but this is a meaning too vague for any critical purpose. Com- mon usage has now limited the signification of the term genre-painting to a less elevated class of painting. The full expression is apparently peintre du genre has, painter of a low class of subjects, which occasionally occurs (Millin, Dic- tionnaire des Beaux-Arts, vol. iii. p. 1GO). It does not however follow that a genre-picture is low in its subject ; yet, it must be a picture of some familiar object, or ordinary custom or incident ; and every such picture which does not belong to any other recognised class of paintings, as history, portrait, animal, landscape, marine, fruit and flower, or still-life, but which may nevertheless be something of all, is a genre-picture. The Dutch have hitherto b<:en the great genre- painters; indeed, their pictorial lame is so closely associated with this class of painting, that genre and the Dutch style are nearly synonymous. BELLINI, G. 29 goats, birds, &c. from the interior of the " Temple," a spacious building, of ordinary Italian architecture. Small figures on a dark ground. On canvas, 5 ft. 3 in. /*. by 8 ft. 9 in. w. Brought to England by Mr. A. Wilson in 1806. Presented, in 1853, by Mr. P. L. Hinds. No. 277. THE GOOD SAMARITAN, in a crimson dress, raising the wounded Jew to place him on his mule ; by his side is a silver flask ; two dogs are in the foreground ; the Leviteis seen in prayer behind. On canvas, 3 ft. 4 in. h. by 2 ft. 7^ in. w. Formerly in the Pisani Palace, Venice ; subsequently in the collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds, who is said to have kept it always in his studio. Purchased for the National Gallery, at the sale of Mr. Kogers's pictures, in 1856. BELLI'NI, GIOVA'NNI. GIOVANNI BELLINI, the most distinguished of the quattro-> centisti, or painters of the fifteenth century, at Venice, was born in that city about 1426. He was the son and pupil ot Jacopo, and the younger brother of Gentile, Bellini, both distinguished painters in their time, but inferior to Giovanni. Bidolfi observes, that the style of Giovanni was an aggregate of al I that was beautiful in painting in his time ; and Lanzi remarks, that had his outline been less hard, he would have been a just representative of even the modern or cinquecento style that of the great masters of the sixteenth centuiy. His style is individual, and rather full than meagre in form ; it is positive in colour, and is distinguished for much detail of costume and ornament. His works, which are still very numerous, though probably many have perished, range in their dates from 1464 to 1516. The celebrated pictures described by Vasari, which he painted with his brother Gentile and with Luigi Vivarini, in the Sala del Gran Con- siglio, in the ducal palace of Venice, were destroyed by fire in 1 577. They were, however, replaced by others painted by the great Venetian masters of the sixteenth century. Giovanni Bellini's earlier works were executed in. tem- pera ; but upon seeing some of the oil pictures of Antonello da Messina, who settled in Venice about 1470, he perceived the great advantage of the new method, and, according to a story told by Ridolfi, he disguised himself as a Vene- tian cavaliere, sat to Antonello for his portrait, and by watching the paintf v' s proceedings during the sittings, con- 30 BELLINI, G. trived to discover his secret.* Bellini's best works are in oil, and consist chiefly of Madonnas and portraits. The last picture painted by Joannes Bellinus, as he wrote his name, is the Madonna of Santa Giustina at Padua, mentioned by Brandolese and others, which bears the date 1516. Ridolfi erroneously states that his last picture was the Bacchanalian piece, painted in 1514 for Alfonso I. of Ferrara, long pre- served subsequently in the Aldobrandini Villa at Rome, and now in the collection of the Duke of Northumberland. Giovanni died without finishing it, and it was completed by Titian, who painted the landscape back-ground to it. Giovanni Bellini died at the advanced age of 90, November 29, 1516.f Albert Diirer, who was in Venice in 1506, describes him in a letter to Pirkheimer, though very old, as the best of all the Venetian painters. Giorgione and Titian were two of his many eminent scholars.^ No. 189. BUST PORTRAIT OF THE DOGE LEONARDO LOREDANO, IN HIS STATE ROBES. He died in 1521, having filled the office of Doge from 1500. Joannes Bellinus is written on an unfolded scrip of paper, or cartellino : * It must have been after 1473 that Giovanni practised the new method ; for according to Zanetti, the first oil picture known to have been executed in Venice by a Venetian master was painted in that year, by Bartolommeo Vivarini, for the church of SS. Giovanni e Paolo. It does not appear that Antonello executed many pictures in Venice during his first visit there on his return from Flanders, about 1445 ; and Domenico Veneziano, to whom he communicated his secret about 1451, was soon invited to Florence, where he was afterwards employed. Lanzi (vol. i.) appears to think that Domenico painted several pictures in Venice after his acquaintance with Antonello. Had this been the case, or had Antonello made known his secret at once to others besides Domenico (as Vasari in one place seems to say), oil painting must have been practised in Venice much earlier than 1473. The first oil pictures known to have been executed in Italy by Italian artists, in consequence of Antonello's communication, were those (now no longer existing) by Domenico Veneziano and Andrea del Castagno on the walls of the Portinari chapel in Santa Maria Nuova, at Florence. The execution of those works must have taken a con- siderable tune, the middle period of which may have been about 1460. f Cadorin, Dello Amorc ai Veneziani di Tiziano Vecellio, Venice, 1833. j Vasari, Vite, &c., and Schorn's translation Leben der ausgezeichnetsten Maler, &c., Notes ; Ridolfi, Le Maraviglie deW Arte, &c. ; Zanetti, Delia Pitlura Veneziana, e delle opcre pubbliche de' Veneziani Maestri, Venice, 1771 ; Lanzi, Storiu Pittorica dell Italia; Von Murr, Journal der Kunstge- sckichte, vol. x. p. 7. BELLINI, SCHOOL OP BERCHEM. On wood, 2 ft. h. by 1 ft. 5| in. w. This picture was formerly in the Grimani Palace at Venice, whence it was brought to England by the late Lord Cawdor. It passed subsequently into the possession of Mr. Beckford, from whom it was purchased for the National Gallery, in 1844. No. 280. MADONNA AND CHILD. The Virgin with the Child on her knee. In her left hand she holds an apple, on which the right hand of the Child rests ; her right hand supports the Child. Behind is suspended a green curtain with a red border. Landscape back-ground. Inscribed on an unfolded scrip of paper, on a coloured marble screen below, JOANNES BELLINUS, P. 10HNUE vslf On wood, 2 ft. 1 If in. h. by 2 ft. 1^ in. w. Engraved by L. Boscolo. Purchased from the Baron Galvagna, in Venice, in 1 855. OF THE SCHOOL OF GIOVANNI BELLINI. No. 234. A WARRIOR ADORING THE INFANT CHRIST. On the left is the Virgin seated, with the Infant Christ on her knees ; St. Joseph leans on a low wall behind. In the centre of the picture a knight in armour, with a turban on his head, is represented kneeling on a carpet in the act of adoring the divine infant : in the back ground to the right, behind a parapet wall, is a servant holding the horse of the Knight, in the distance a hilly landscape, with a church and probably a convent. Six figures, small life- size. On canvas, 5 ft. 1 in. h. by 8 ft. 7 in. w. Formerly in the collection of Mr. Samuel Woodburn, by whom, as well as by many others, it was attributed to Giorgione. Con- noisseurs are agreed that it is, at all events, of the School of BeDini, and it is therefore for the present, so classed. It was purchased for the National Gallery at the sale of Mr. Woodburn's collection in 1853. BERCHEM. NICOLAS BERGHEM, or rather BERCHEM as the Dutch write it, was born at Haarlem in 1624 ; where he also died, Feb. 18, 1683. He had many masters, aroong whom were 32 BISSOLO. his father Pieter Klaasze, Jan Van Goyen, J. B. Weenix, and Jan Wils, whose daughter he married. Bercham painted in several styles portrait, figure (large and small), battles, and landscape with cattle and small figures, in which last class he is chiefly distinguished. His pictures are remarkable for their composition, their careful finish, and at the same time freedom of handling ; and for their warm tone of colour and brilliant lighting. He is sup- posed by some, from the nature of his scenes, to have studied in Italy. At the height of his reputation, in 1665, Berchem sold his labour, from early morning until four in the after, noon, for 10 florins a day : his wife is said to have suffered him to keep very little money ; he appears to have been prone to spend it too freely on Italian drawings. At the sale of his effects after his death his pictures produced 12,000 florins, and his sketches 800. Berchem also etched : there are in all 56 plates attributed to him, chiefly of animals, and which are very scarce. Berchem was a nick- name or surname that originated with himself: it is variously accounted for.* No. 240. CROSSING THE FORD, a hilly scene with clumps of trees ; figures and cattle, sheep, &c. crossing a stream in the fore-ground : sunset. On wood, 11 J in. h- by 1 ft. 5* in. ID. Bequeathed to the National Gallery by Lord Colbornc, in 1854. Signed- ( g AJfrrAem. in.* tr~ BISSO'LO. FRANCESCO BISSO'LO, of the school of Giovanni Bellini, painted at Venice in the early part of the sixteenth century, about 15001528. Very few of his pictures are known, but these are distinguished for a delicacy of execution and a fine feeling for colour. The Venetian Academy possesses * Houbraken, Groote Scliouburg der Nederlantsclie KoTistschilders, &c., 3 vols., 8vo., Amsterdam, 1719. Van Eynden ard Vander Willigen, Ges- chicdenis der Vaderlandsclie Schiller kvnst, sedert de helft der X V1I1. teuw, 4 vols., 8vo., Amsterdam, 1842. Immerzeel, De Let-ens en Werken der Hollands-he en Vlaumsclte Knnstscliilders, &c., 3 vols., 8vo., Amsterdam, 1842-3. Bartseh, Pelntre-Ururrur, 21 vols., 8vo., Vienna aud Leipzig, 1803-21, vol. v. BOL. S3 a fine picture of " Christ exchanging the crown of thorns of St. Catherine of Siena for a crown of gold ;" it is signed Franciscus Sissolo, and was formerly in the church of San Pietro Martire at Murano. In San Floriano, near Castel- Franco, is a picture by him, signed and dated MDXXVIIL* No. 631. PORTRAIT OF A LADY, with blond hair con- fined in a net, and in a rich dress of embroidered Byzantine stuff. Bust. On wood, 14^ in. h. by 12 in. w. Pin-chased from M. Edmond Beaucousin, at Paris, in 1860. BOL. FERDINAND BOL was born at Dort in 1611, and became the pupil of Rembrandt at Amsterdam, where he acquired the rights of a burgess on the 24th of January 1C52. He is distinguished chiefly as a portrait painter, and his pictures are remarkable for a prevailing yellow tone. He died rich at Amsterdam, in 1681.f He generally signed Sol or Sol fecit, the B being composed of an F and a B combined. No. 679. THE PORTRAIT OF AN ASTRONOMER? half- length, seated before a table, on which are an open book and two globes. Signed, and dated 1652. On canvas, 4 ft. 1^ in. k. by 4 ft. 41 in. w. Presented in 1862 by Miss E. A. Benett. Signed * Zanetti, Delia Pittura Veneziana, Sfc. ; Moschini, Guida di Venezia. In some accounts Bissolo's Christian name is given as Pier Francesco. f Houbraken, Groote Schouburg, &c. Scheltema, Rembrand. Redevoering, &c. p. C9 ; French Translation of Burger, p. 53. C 34 BORDONE. BORDONE. PARIS BORDONE, Cavaliere, of a noble family of Treviso, was born in 1 500, and learnt painting for a short while in the school of Titian at Venice. He became an imitator of Giorgione, and obtained great distinction for his female portraits, and about 1538 was invited by Francis I. to France, where he painted many of the ladies of the French court ; and he had the art, says Ridolfi, of making such works appear more like fancy pictures than portraits, Bordone painted also historical pictures as well as portraits; his masterpiece is the large picture in the Venetian Aca- demy, of " The Fisherman presenting the Ring of St. Mark to the Doge." He died at Venice on the 19th of January, 1571, and was buried in the church of San Marziale. No. 637. DAPHNIS AND CHLOE, a Greek shepherd and shepherdess, seated on a bank among some trees ; Chloe, who holds the pipes of Daphnis in her hand, is about to be crowned by Cupid with a wreath of myrtle. From the Greek of Longus. On canvas, 4 ft. 5^ in. h. by 3 ft. 11 in. ?. Purchased from M. Edmond Beaucousin, at Paris, in 1860. No. 674. PORTRAIT OF a LADY, of the Brignole family of Genoa ; she has yellow hair, is dressed in a crimson gown with a low body and long sleeves, and has on a pearl necklace ; her right hand rests on her side, in her left she holds a chain; in the back-ground is seen a portion of a hospital at Genoa. Inscribed ^ETATis. STL.E . ANN. xvim. ; and lower down PARIS . B. O. Front view, half length life size. On canvas, 3 ft. 5 in. h. by 2 ft. 9 in. to. Purchased from the Duca di Cardinale, at Naples, in 1861. PARIS o- BORGOGNONE. AMBROGIO BORGOGNONE, called also Ambrogio da Fos- sano, from his birthplace in Piedmont, was born probably about 1455. He was distinguished as architect and painter, and was employed on the faade of the Certosa or Carthu- sian convent near Pavia very early in his career, but BORGOGNONE. .*}.> scarcely before 1475.* The earliest known date on any of his paintings is 1490 : he appears to have been engaged many years at Pavia, from about 1475 to 1493. Lanzi, and others, have assumed Ambrogio da Fossano, the architect, and Ambrogio Borgognone, the painter, to have been distinct persons, but existing signatures on pic- tures show that they are designations of the same artist : the altarpiece of the " Crucifixion," in the Certosa of Pavia, by this painter, is signed Ambrosius Fosanus,pinxit 1490, May 14 ; a picture of the " Baptism of Christ," in the sacristy of the church of Melegnano, is signed Ambrogio da Fosano Brgognone; and an "Assumption of the Virgin," in the Brera at Milan, is signed and dated Ambrosio Bgogoj, 1522. In the Berlin Gallery is a " Madonna and Child enthroned," which was formerly in the Solly collec- tion, signed Ambrosii Bergognoni, op. Borgognone's works, scarce out of the Milanese, a,re in fresco and in tempera ; they are very refined in their forms, and delicate and pallid in their colouring. There is no satisfactory account of him by any early writer ; Lo- mazzo merely mentions him as a Milanese painter worthy of being celebrated, though he executed several considerable works at Milan, some of which are still preserved, as in San Simpliciano, Sant' Ambrosio, San Satiro, Sant' Agos- tino, and other churches.f No. 298. THE MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE OF ALEX- ANDRIA. The Virgin is taking the hand of and presenting St. Catherine of Siena to the Infant Christ, who, standing on his mother's knee, holds a ring in each hand. While placing one ring on the finger of St. Catherine of Alex- andria, standing on his right, he extends the other towards St. Catherine of Siena, habited as a nun, on his left. The virgin is seated between the two saints, enthroned under a marble canopy of rich cinquecento architecture. . Four figures small life-size. In tempera, on wood, 6 ft. 7 in. h. by 4 ft. 3 in. w. Originally in the chapel of Robecchino, near Pavia, and for- merly under the rule of the Certosa : purchased out of that chapel from Signor Carlo Taddeo of Pavia, in 1857. * Malaspina, Guida di Pavia, 1819, p. 113, says about 1473, but considering that Borgognone was painting in 1522, this date, which is not fixed by docu- ments, appears to be too early. t Lomazzo, Trattato della Pittura, &c., ed. 1844, vol. iii. p. 297 ; Torre, 11 Ritraito di Milano, 1714, pp. 48, 173 ; Pirovano, Milano Nuovamente descritta, &c., 1824 ; Rio, Leonard de Vinci et son Ecole, 1855, ch. 3. 36 BOTH. BOTH. JAN or JOHN BOTH was born at Utrecht about 1610. He and liis younger brother Andries, or Andrew, botli learnt the first rudiments of their art under their father, a painter on glass, who placed them afterwards with Abraham Bloemart. The two brothers visited France and Italy together, and spent some time in Rome. Jan was an excellent landscape painter, and Andries embellished his landscapes with figures and cattle, which his brother had little skill in painting. Andries Both fell into a canal at Venice, and was drowned, in 1650; Jan returned to Utrecht, and died there in 1656.* No. 71. LANDSCAPE, A PARTY OF MULETEERS, WITH LADEN MULES: MORNING. Mountain scenery ; a dark picturesque rocky fore-ground, with a lake in the middle- ground, and blue mountains in the distance, contrasting forcibly with the fore-ground. Engraved by W. Byrne; and by J. C. Bentley, for Jones's National Gallery, On canvas, 3 ft. 9 in. h. by 5 ft. 3 in. w. Signed, J. Both,/. Presented to the nation, in 1826, by Sir George Beaumont. No. 209. LANDSCAPE, WITH FIGURES. A rocky and woody landscape, with figures by Cornelis Poelenburg,f representing the Judgment of Paris. On canvas, 3 ft. 3 in. h. by 4 ft. 3 in. w. Signed, J. Both. Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1846, by Mr. -Richard Simmons. * Sandrart, Teutsche Academie, 167"). Houbraken has corrected the mistakes of some writers respecting these painters, in his Groote Schouburg der Neder- lantsche Konstschilders, Sec., Amsterdam, 1718-21; Descamps, La Vie ciulL. Flor. 1677, p. 316. CLAUDE. 57 CLAUDE. CLAUDE GELE'E or GILLE'E, called Claude de Lorraine, or le Lorrain, and also Claude Lorrain, was bom in Lorraine, at Chateau de Chamagne, near Charmes, department des Vosges, in the year 1600. His parents were very poor, and as Claude showed no disposition to learn to read or write he was placed with a baker and pastry-cook. The cooks of Lorraine were celebrated in the time of Claude's youth, and according to his friend and biographer, Sandrart, Claude travelled to Rome in the company of some of these cooks, like them, to seek employment there. He found it with Agostino Tassi, and the circumstance of his master being a punter appears to have first inspired Claude with a fond- ness for art. Tassi was a good landscape-painter (he had been the pupil of Paul Bril), and with this painter Claude engaged himself as an ordinary domestic servant. He both prepared his master's meals and ground his colours for him ; but he acquired at the same time the rudiments of his art.* How long Claude was engaged in this menial capacity is un- certain, but probably some years after his repeated efforts in art. Tassi's principal works were those of the Lancellotti and Quirinal palaces, executed during the pontificate of Paul V. (1605-21), and it must have been during their progress that * Sandrart, from whose Teutsche Academic, &c., or Accademia Todesca, the above account is taken, was the intimate companion of Claude, and his work was published during Claude's lifetime (1675); it is therefore most probably correct, or at least must be of more r.-.'Vority than the account in the post- humous volume of Baldinucci, who lived at Florence, and was probably not even acquainted with Claude. This subject is noticed here, as Baldinucci (Nbtizie del Prqfessori del Disegno, &c.) is represented in the Bioyraphie Universette, and elsewhere, as contradicting Sandrart's account of Claude's origin. Baldinucci does not contradict Sandrart; he merely gives a different account of Claude's journey to Rome. He states that Claude, after the death of his parents, who died when he was twelve years of age, joined an elder brother in Alsace, who was a wood-engraver, and subsequently accompanied a lace-merchant, his relation, to Home. This may have taken place after Claude had been some years with the pastry-cook with whom he was placed by his parents, according to Sandrart. But Claude's history was too remarkable for Sandrart not to have heard it from his own month during their repeated inter- course and sketching excursions together when in Rome (Lebenslauf Joachims von Sandrart, &c., p. 12, and in the second volume of the Academia Todesca p. 332). In the Latin translation of Sandrart, which was published in 1684, nine years after the original work, there is a mis-print in the text of pictori for jiistori, by which Sandrart is made to say that Claude's master was a painter of pies instead of a baker of pies (jnctori cuidam artoereatum} ; the same mistake occurs in the marginal note, and in the index, and a few recent writers have been led into error by it. The misprint, however, is quite evident merely from the context 58 CLAUDE. Claude Was Tassi's servant. In the pontificate of Urban VIII. (1623-44), he was already known at Rome as a great land- scape-painter. The intervening pontificate of Gregory XV., therefore, was about the period that he was struggling for the obscure independence noticed by Sandrart, and he ap- pears at this tune to have visited his native country. He visited also Venice and Naples, and in the latter place he is said to have received some instruction from a landscape- painter of the name of Gottfried Vals. Sandrart first taught Claude to paint from nature In 1630 he appeared as an engraver : of the several etchings ascribed to him, about one-half bear dates from 1630 to 1663,* the rest are with- out dates. His earliest pictures of note may have been painted from about 1630, the best, fifteen or twenty years later. He was in the habit of preserving sketches of his pictures in a portfolio or book, whic.h he called Libra di Veritd, or Book of Truth ; and on the backs of some of these drawings are written the dates of the completion of the pictures, and the names of the purchasers. This remarkable collection of drawings is now in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire. f Claude was extremely slow and careful in his execution. Sandrart says that he often painted for a week or a fort- night on one part of a picture, without showing any pro- gress. He always had a great difficulty in painting or drawing the human figure or animals, though he drew much from the life, and attended the Academy of Rome many years. He generally procured the assistance of F. Lauri, J. Courtois, A. Both, and others, in executing this part of his pictures. Claude's chief excellence is in aerial perspective, and in the management of light generally. He died at Rome in * Robert Dumesnil, in Le Peintrc-Graveur Franfais, describes forty-two etchings by Claude, and gives fac-similes of eighteen of his signatures, no two of which are alike. lie wrote his Christian name generally in the Italian form Claudio, and sometimes in the Latin form Claudius. His surname is written in a variety of ways ; Gillee seems to be the most constant. 'f It -was engraved by Richard Earloiu, for John Boydell, under the following t i t l e; "Liber Veritutis; or, a Collection of Two Hundred Prints after the original designs of Claude le Lorrain, in the Collection of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, London, 1777." Copied by Ludovico Caracciolo, Roma. 1815. Caracciolo, in a Life of Claude prefixed to his work, pretends to correct pre- vious writers by referring to the (misprinted) Latin passage in iSaudrart above quoted. CLAUDE. 59 1682, and was buried in the church of La Trinita de' Monti. The two Poussins and Salvator Rosa were contemporary with him at Rome.* There is a good collection of Claude's drawings in the British Museum, No. 2. PASTORAL LANDSCAPE, WITH FIGURES, illustrating the reconciliation of Cephalus and Procris. The principal feature of this picture is a large cluster of trees in the centre ; at the left is a stream, with cattle wading through it ; a bridge through which the stream flows and forms a small cascade, and a castellated height behind it, constitute the back-ground on this side ; on the other is a distant view of a champaign country, bordered by mountains. To the right, Cephalus is receiving from Procris the presents of Diana, the hound Lelaps, and the fatal dart with which she was subsequently killed. Engraved by E. Earlom, in the Liber Veritatis, No. 91 ; by J. Browne, for Boydell, in 1779 ; by J. Pye, for the series of prints published for the Associated Engravers; and small, in Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, 3 ft. 4 in. h. by 4 ft. 5 in. w. Painted, according to the date upon it, in 1645, for some person residing in Paris. It was brought to England by Mr. Delahante, und formed subsequently part of the Angerstein Gallery, and was purchased, with that collection, in 1824. Signed V 6 f 5" No. 5. A SEAPORT AT SUNSET. A composition On the left are masses of Italian architecture in perspective ; on the extreme right a few ships are lying at anchor : in the fore-ground are several figures, variously occupied. To- wards the middle of the picture, the declining sun is already nearly level with the horizon. Engraved in the Liber Veritatis, No. 28 ; in Jones's National Gallery; and by E. Goodall, for the series of prints published * Sandrart, L'Accadeaiia Todesca; or, Teulsclie Academic dcr eil/en Iian- Biid-und Muicrey-Kuuste, 4 vols. folio, Niirnberg, 1675-79; 1'ascoli, Vile , &c., 12mo., Gosslar. 1728. Von Murr, Journal zur Kunstgeschichte, vols. vii. and x. containing the letters of Diirer and Pirkheimer, 12mo., Niirnberg, 1779-81. Heller, Das Leben und die Werke Albrecht Diirers, 8vo., Leipzig, 1831, vol. ii., the works only. Von Itettberg, Niirnbery's Kunslleben in seiner Dcnkmalen dargestellt; 8vo., Stuttgart, 1854. DYCKMANS EMMANUEL. 85 On wood, 1 ft. 11 in. h. by 1 ft. 7 in w. D Purchased for the National Gallery, in 1854, at the sale of M. Joly De Bammeville's collection. DYCKMANS. JOSEPH LAURENS DYCKMANS was born at Antwerp in 1811, and is still living. No. 600. THE BLIND BEGGAR. A blind old man is standing in the sunshine by a church door ; before him, holding out her hand, is a young girl asking alms of the passers by ; and coming out from the church is an old lady feeling in her pocket for a sou : some other figures are seen in the porch, at their devotions before a crucifix. Small three-quarter figures. Modern Flemish school. On wood, 1 ft. 7-j in. h. by 1 ft. 6 in. w. Engraved by W. H. Simmons. Painted at Antwerp. Signed J. Dyckmans, 1853. Bequeathed by Miss Jane Clarke in 1859.* EMMANUEL. EMMANUEL, a Greek priest and painter. He signs himself in the example of his work in this collection Em'manouel, priest of Tzane. Laiizi refers to a picture, dated 1660, by Emmanuel, a priest, who lived at Venice, in the 17th century, and who is apparently the same painter.f * Exhibited for the present at South Kensington. f The period of a Byzantine picture cannot always be ascertained from its style, as the Greek Christian Art is purely conventional, and has been practised without material alteration from about the tenth century to the present time. This singular constancy in the practice of an art is thoroughly explained in the Guide or Manual of Painting, ^p/jajifia TTJS {wypaQtKTJs, printed by M. Didron, from a MS. of the eleventh century, procured by him from Mount Athos, and published at Paris in 1845, under the title, Manuel d'Iconograpkic Chretienne, Grecquc et Latinc, avcc une Introduction et des notes. Traduit du MS. Bi/zantin, " Le Guide de la Peinture," par le Dr. Paul Durand. There is also a German translation by Dr. Schafer. Das Handbuch der Malerei vom Berge Athos, &c., 8vo., Trier, 1855. In this remarkable guide are given, not only the subjects to be represented, and their orthodox treatment, bul even i lie costume, age, and lineaments of the characters introduced ; and it is as mdi6i>ensable to the Greek painter as his palette and brushes. 86 ERCOLE DA FERRARA. No. 594. SAINTS COSMAS AND DAMIANUS, receiving the Divine blessing, according to the Greek rite.* The Lord surrounded by the Vesica Piscis or Ichthusfi is repre- sented above. Inscribed O c A' rW/Aaj, O' A' Aa/xiavor, and signed x F>t 'EpfwwouijA 'ispsu)? TOW r^avs. The hand of Emmanuel, priest of Tzane.J In tempera, on wood, 2 ft. 2 in. h. by 1 ft. 9 in. w. Formerly in the possession of Sig. Nardi, of Florence. Pur- chased in Florence from the Lombardi-Baldi Collection, in 1857. EB/COLE DA FERRA'RA. ERCOLE GRANDI, commonly called Ercole da Ferrara, was born in Ferrara, about 1462. He was, according to Vasari, the pupil of Lorenzo Costa, at Bologna, where he chiefly resided and executed his best works. Costa and Ercole were contemporaries and friends ; but it is more probable that Francesco Cossa was his master. He died at Ferrara, in 1531. His pictures are very rare; his greatest works, the frescoes of the Garganelli Chapel in San Pietro in Bologna, were destroyed with the Chapel in 1605. There are a few specimens in the Costabili Gallery of Ferrara. No. 73. THE CONVERSION OF SAINT PAUL. Confused groups of men and horses, with the Saviour in the clouds, and a view of Jerusalem in the back-ground. Engraved in Jones's National Gallery. On wood, 1 ft. 11 in. h. by 2ft. Sin. w. Formerly in the Aldobrandini Collection at Rome. Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1831, by the Rev. W. H. Carr. * In the Greek mode of blessing the hand attempts to form the monogram of Christ 1C. XC, or the fir^t and last letters of the name of Christ, 'iTjo-oiJC XpwrdC ; the first finger is straight, the second slightly curved, the thumb holding down the third, forming the X, and the fourth slightly curved. See the Greek "Guide," German translation, p. 418. f See page 133, note, for the explanation of the Ichthus. \ The Saints Cosmas and Dauiianus, martyrs of the fourth century, are called from their practising medicine gratuitously, <5i ayioi avdpyvpoi -lite holy money despisers. They are represented always together and in three different modes, in Greek art one mode being peculiar to two saints of Rome, July 1st, another to two of Asia (Minor?), November 1st, and a third to two of Arabia, October 7th. The saints of this picture are the Roman pair. See the German translation of the Greek " Guide " before mentioned, p. 320. BarufTaldi, Le Vite de' Viu Insiyni Pitlori e Scultori Ferraresi, Ferrara, 1846-8; Vasari, Ed. Le Monuier vol. iv. ; Laderchi, Pittura Ferrarese, 1856. EYCK, J. VAN. 87 VAN EYCK. JAN or JEAN VAN EYCK was born probably at Alden Eyck, near Maas Eyck, on the Maas, about 1390, the exact date being doubtful. His elder brother, Hubert, was born, according to Van Mander, in 1366 : this leaves a long interval between the births of the two brothers, though longer intervals occasionally occur, especially in cases of first and second marriages. There is sufficient historical evidence to show that John was many years younger than Hubert : in their portraits in the Gallery of Berlin, on one of the wings originally belonging to the altar-piece of the Adora- tion of the Lamb, in St. Bavon's, at Ghent, Hubert looks at least old enough to have been John's father; and accord- ing to Markus Van Vaernewyck, in his 'History of Belgium/ published in 1565, John Van Eyck was still young when he died. Making due allowance for the diversity of opinions as to when a man ceases to be young, it may be assumed that he was not much more than fifty at his death ; and as it is now established that he died on the 9th of July, 1440,* he may have been born shortly before 1390, but hardly later. His brother Hubert died September 18, 1426. The third brother Lambert survived John some years. Of a sister, Marguerite, little is known. The Van Eycks resided chiefly at Ghent and Bruges, where they founded a great school. Both Hubert and John were granted the freedom of the profession by the Corporation of Painters of Ghent, in the year 1421. f They are particularly distinguished as the inventors (or improvers) of OilPainting; general repute gives the credit of this discovery to John, but from all the circumstances, Hubert appears to have a better claim to the invention. The whole of the upper part of the interior of the " Adoration of the Lamb," their master- * See the documents published by W. H. James Weale in his Notes sur Jean Van Eyck, &c., Londres, Barthes and Lowell, 1861 ; rectifying some mistakes in the Abbe Carton's -work, Les Trois Freres Van Eyck, Sfc., Bruges, 1848. The following publications (anterior to the discovery of facts now established) may be consulted for other particulars. Dr. Waagen, Kunstblatt, 1859, No. 25. De Bast, Messager dts Sciences et dcs Arts, Gand, 1824. The Kunstblatt, 1826, No. 78, &c. Passavant, Kunstreise durch England und Belgien, Frankfort, A.M. 1833. Rathgeber, Annalen der Niederldndischcn Malerei, fyc., Gotha, 1842. Michiels. Peintres Brugeois, 1846. The Author's Epochs of Painting, 1859, ch. xxiii.; and Eastlake's Materials for a History of Oil Painting, 1847. f Busscher, Notice sur L'Ancienne Corporation das Peintres at Sculpteurs a Gand. Brussels, 1853. 88 EYCK, J. VAN. piece, except perhaps the wing containing the " Singing Angels," was painted by Hubert, who was thus evidently complete master of the method ; and at the date at which Van Mander fixes the discovery, 1410, Hubert was already forty-four years of age, while John was still but a youth. This celebrated picture, painted for Judocus Vyd, was finished by John in 1432, six years after the death of his brother, and in the inscription on the work the chief merit is given to Hubert, who is called the greatest in art, while John is styled the second.* The external pictures represent- ing the Annunciation, St. John the Baptist, St. John the Evangelist, and the donors, are by John. Vasari's general statement that John Van Eyck was the inventor of oil painting or literally varnish painting, was formerly much impugned, as it was known that the mere immixture of oil with colours was practised in Germany and elsewhere long before the time of Van Eyck. Vasari, how- ever, in his Life of Agnolo Gaddi, intimates that oil painting, though sometimes adopted by the earlier masters, was not employed by them for figures, but for decorative purposes only.f No. 186. PORTRAITS OF JEAN ARNOLFINI AND JEANNE DE CHENANY HIS WIFE}, standing in the middle of an apart- ment with their hands joined. In the back -ground are n, bed, a mirror, and a window partly open; the objects in the room, and even beyond that portion of it represented in the picture, for a door and two additional figures may * The inscription is as follows, the last line containing what is termed a chrono- gram, the Koman capitals making together, according to their value as numerals, the date 1432, on the sixth of May of which year the picture was fixed in its place : Pictor Ilubertus eEyck, major quo nemo repertus Incepit ; pondusque Johannes arte secundus Frater perfecit, Judoci Vyd precefretus VersV seXta Mai Vos CoLLoCat aCta tUeri. The two central divisions of this picture are all that now remain in the church at Ghent. The eight wings, with the exception of the figures of Adam and Eve, are in the Gallery of Berlin. The figures of Adam and Eve (the latter not the most fortunate of the upper scries, though extolled by Albert Diirer) were, in 1860, placed in the Gallery at Brussels. The alterpiece is engraved in out- line in Passavant's Kunstreise, &c., in Crowe and Cavalcasellc's Early Finnish Painters, London, 1857, and in Waagen's Handbuch der Deutschcn and Aidcr- liindischen Malerschulen. Stuttgart, 1862. It was copied by Michael Coxie for Philip II. of Spain, in 1559 ; it occupied him two years, and he received 4,000 florins for his labour. f Compare the Life of Antouello da Messina in this Catalogue. j Weale, Notes, &c. p. 27. EYCK, J. VAN. 89 be distinguished, are distinctly reflected in the mirror. A branch brass chandelier hangs from the ceiling, with a candle still burning in it ; in the fore-ground is a small poodle. In the frame of the mirror are ten minute circular compartments, in which are painted subjects relating to the Passion of Christ ; immediately above the mirror is written "Johannes de Eyck fuit hie," with the date 1434 below.* On wood, 2 ft. 9 in. h. by 2 ft. ^ in. w. This picture belonged in 1516 to Margaret of Austria, to whom it was presented by Don Diego de Guevara ; it was also in her possession in 1524 : the picture originally had shutters on the out- side of which the arms of Don Diego were painted. f Afterwards, according to Van Mander, it passed into the possession of a barber-surgeon at Bruges, who presented it to the then Regent of the Netherlands, Mary, the sister of Charles V., and Queen Dowager of Hungary. This princess valued the picture so highly, that she granted the barber-surgeon in return, a pension, or office worth 100 florins per annum-! The picture belonged to her in 1556; it is even included in the list of valuables which she carried with her to Spain. Its subsequent history, however, shows that it either did not go to Spain or returned again to Flanders : there it must have passed into obscure hands ; it was discovered by Major-Gen. Hay, in the apartments to which he was taken, in 1815, at Brussels, to recover from wounds he had received in the battle of Waterloo. He purchased the picture after his recovery, and disposed of it to the British Government in 1842, when it was placed in the National Gallery. No. 222. A MAN'S PORTRAIT, in a cloak and fur collar, with a red handkerchief twisted round the head as a turban. In small. * The researches of Mr. Weale having proved beyond all question who the personages represented in this picture were, there can no longer be any am- biguity in the meaning of the words " fuit hie." Why the presence of the painter should be so recorded, must be left to conjecture. f Weale, Notes, &c., p. 27. | Van Mander, Het Schilder Bocc/t, 1618, p. 126. C. I. Nieuwenhuys, Description de la Galerie des Tableaux de S. M. Le Rui dvs Pays-Bus, Bruxelles, 1843, p. 4, note. Kugler's Hand-book, &c., revised by Waagen, London, Murray, 1860, vol. L p. 70. 90 EYCK, J. VAN. o H *! c I &a FRANCESCA. 91 On wood, 10 in. h. by 7 in. w. Tliis picture was apparently, from the inscription on the back, " Ex Collectione Arundeliana," formerly in the Arundel Collec- tion: it was lately in that of Viscount Midleton, at Pepper-harrow. It was painted, according to an inscription on the lower part of the frame, Oct. 21, 1433.* Purchased for the National Gallery, from Mr. H. Farrer, in 1851. No. 290.. A MAN'S PORTRAIT, in a dark red dress with a green head-covering, the ends of which hang down on the sides; in his hand he holds a paper with writing upon it. The lower part of the picture represents a stone parapet, on which is inscribed in Greek characters what appears to be meant for T/jao'9=of, Timothy ; below is written LEAL SOUVENIR, and under this the painter's sig- nature as follows: Factu ano. Dm. 1432. 10. die Octobris. a Joh. de Eyck. On wood, 13 in. h. by 7^ in. w. Purchased from Herr Carl Ross at Munich in 1857.f PIETRO DELLA FRANCESCA. PIETRO, called DELLA FRANCESCA after his mother,:}: and also Pietro Borghese, was born at Borgo San Sepolcro * The original inscription, given in fac simile opposite, is Joh'es + de + Eyck + me-t-fecit + anno + MCCCC + 33 + 21 Octobris. On the upper part of the frame are the three words ALS LXH XAN (als ich kan), signifying, as well as I can, -which appear from several examples still extant to have been often written by Van Eyck on tne frames of his pictures ; they are the first words of an old Flemish proverb, As I can, but not as I will. See 1'Abbe C. Carton, Les trois Frcres Van Eyck. p. 73, Bruges, 1848. f The brothers Van Eyck appear to have resided in Ghent while they were employed on' the altar-piece of St. Bavon. After the death of Hubert, John Van Eyck remained in that city till May 1432, when the work was completed. In August of the same year (as is proved by a document) he had returned to Bruges. A picture by him in the possession of Mr. Weld Blundell, of Ince Hall near Liverpool, is supposed to have been the first work painted by the master after his return : it has the date 1432, with, the addition Brugis. The portrait above described, dated October 1432, ranks next or possibly before it in chronological order. Weale, Notes, &c., p. 9, note. In the Kunstblatt, October 19, 1854, there is a careful description of this picture by Dr. E. Forster. More than one copy of the portrait exists, whence it may be interred that the personage represented was of some note. \ Vasari, Vite, &c. explains this by informing us that Pietro was born after the death of his father. The name of the latter is supposed to have been Benedetto. The mention of "Pietro di Benedetto dal Borgho a San Sepolchro," which occurs in a document hereafter to be noticed, is the plausible ground for this conclusion, but a similar expression sometimes implies a different relation, such for example, as that of master and scholar. It is not to be overlooked that Fra Luca Pacioli, the contemporary and scholar of Pietro, invariably calls him Pietro de' Franceschi and Petrus de Franciscis. The present descendants of the painter are called Marini- Franceschi. 92 FRANCESCA. about 14)15.* He received at first a scientific education which appears to have influenced his subsequent tendencies in art. At the age of fifteen he turned his attention to painting, and ultimately became one of the most dis- tinguished of the Umbrian masters. His earliest productions are no longer to be traced. In 1439 he assisted Domenico Venziano in some wall paintings in the church of Santa Maria Nuova in Florence.f In 1450, and probably for some time previously, he was occupied with the same master at Loretoj, and in 1451, independently, at Rimini, where a fresco by him with that date still exists. His inaturer works in his native city of Borgo San Sepolcro, appear to have been executed during a period comprehending the year 1460. Among those works, a fresco of the Resurrection, still preserved in good state in the Palazzo de' Conservatori, is justly extolled by Vasari. Pietro was subsequently in UrbiDO : the portraits of Federigo da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza, now in the Gallery of the Uffizj in Florence, must have been painted after 1460, in which year the marriage of those personages took place. The age of the lady in that picture * The annotators of the Le Monnier edition of Vasari, (vol. iv., p. 13.) place the birth of Pietro della Francesca in the " first years " of the fifteenth century. Hitherto no evidence has come to light which can suffice to establish a precise date, but various circumstances seem to render it necessary to assume a period later than 1410. E. Harzen, in an essay in the Archiv fur den zeichnenden Kiinste, Leipzig, 1856, after concluding that Vasari's ^statements must, by inference, place Pietro's birth in 1398, selects 1426 as a more convenient date. For this considerable alteration there seems to be no sufficient reason ; indeed, according to the assumption Pietro must have been a recognised painter at the age of thirteen. A document in the archives of Santa Maria Nuova in Florence, quoted by Harzen, shows that in 1439 Pietro was employed, apparently as the assistant of Domenico Vene- ziano, when that master was painting in the chapel of Saint Egidio in the church referred to. It is in this record that Pietro is called " di Benedetto." The birth of Domenico Veneziano is placed by the annotators of Vasari after 1410 ; and Pietro, as the scholar, can hardly be supposed to be the elder of the two. Compare the life of Antonello da Messina in this Catalogue. f See the preceding note. j Compare Vasari's life of Domenico Veneziano with that of Pietro della Francesca. The ceiling of the sacristy at Loreto, though not completed by them, gained Domenico, as the principal painter, considerable reputation, whence it may be inferred that the work must have occupied some time. The resemblance between the two remaining works of Domenico Veneziano in Florence (especially in the character of the Madonnas' heads), and the style of Pietro della Francesca, has been noticed by many observers, and may perhaps be accounted for by the circumstances above detailed. A fresco of San Lodovico, ascribed to Pietro, in a hall of the Tribunale in Borgo San Sepolcro, has the date 1460. Dragoinanoi, Vita di Pietro della Francesca, Firenze, 1835, p. 22. FRANCESCA. 93 indicates a later period as its date* ; and the presence of Pietro in Urbino in 1469, when he appears to have been the guest of Giovanni Santi,f may possibly coincide with the time when that work and another, still preserved in the sacristy of the Duomo at Urbino, J were executed. The period when he was employed by Duke Borso of Ferrara in the palace of Schifanoia in that city, and the date of his visit to Rome, when he painted for Pope Nicholas V. two frescoes in the Vatican, which were afterwards destroyed to make room for the works of Raphael, cannot be precisely defined. His frescoes relating to the history of the Cross, in the church of San Francesco at Arezzo, are also of un- certain date, although the magnitude of the series supposes a residence of some years.|| The partial or total blindness * Battista Sforza was only thirteen at the time of her marriage, she died at the age of twenty-five in 1472. Dennistoun, Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, London, 1851, vol. i., pp. 86, 114, 204. At p. 207 will be found an accurate engraving of the portraits. f Passavant, Raphael d'Urbin, Paris, I860, tome 1, p. 392; Pungileoni, Elogio Storico di Giovanni Santi, Urbino, 1822, pp. 12, 75. In the extract from a document dated April 8, 1469, with an account of disbursements for Pietro by Giovanni Santi, it appears that the former was to have painted an altarpiece for the Confraternity of Corpus Domini ; Pungileoni adds that the picture was, for some unknown reason, not executed; thus the painter's visit to Urbino in 1469 would have had no apparent result unless we suppose that the portraits and the small picture in the Duomo were painted about that time. J The subject of the last-named picture is partly allegorical. On the left of the spectator, in the middle distance under a portico, is represented the Flagellation of Christ. In the foreground, on the other side, stand three personages of distinction ; the motto " convenerunt in unum " is inscribed near them. Passavant {Raphael, &c., i, p. 389) concludes that they represent three princes or leaders who were hostile to Federigo. The picture bears the inscription OPUS PETIU DK BUKGO Sci SEPULCHRI. Borso succeeded to the sovereignty of Ferrara in 1453. In 1469 an alteration in the Schifanoia palace is supposed to have involved the partial destruction of Pietro's frescoes which it seems were on the walls of the lower story. The two dates include the period of his residence in Ferrara. See Laderchi, Sopra i dipinti del Palazzo di Schifanoia, Bologna, 1840. The years 1447, 1455, the limits of the pontificate of Nicholas V., define the period within which Pietro's Roman labours must be placed. In the life of Raphael, Vasari speaks but of one fresco in the Vatican by Pietro ; in the life of Pietro himself, he alludes to two, and informs us that they occupied the places where Raphael's frescoes of the Deliverance of Peter and the Mass of Bolsena now are. || Luca Pacioli, in his " Divina Proporzione," speaking generally of Pietro's works in painting, adds " especially in the city of Arezzo." According to Vasari, the order of Pietro's principal works, as defined by that of the places where he successively resided would be Urbino, Ferrara, Rome, Borgo San Sepolcro, Loreto, Arezzo. The inconsistency of this, in point of chro- nology is apparent, more especially as the biographer supposes Pietro to have been employed in Urbino by Duke Guidobaldo, who succeeded his father Federigo in 1482 at the age often. It is, however, not impossible that the aged artist may have painted for Guidobaldo ; the date of Pietro's blindness being uncertain. 94 FRANCESOA. with which this painter was afflicted, as Vasari states, in his " old age," * is quite reconcileable with the ascertained or probable dates of the works above-mentioned as com- pared with the assumed year of his birth. Pietro was, beyond doubt, still living in 1494 ;f the year of his death is as yet unknown. Among his scholars Vasari names Pietro Perugino and Luca Signorelli. Luca Pacioli was his pupil in geometry and in scientific investigations generally 4 The mathematical studies of this remarkable painter, which appear to have been occasionally prosecuted during his life, and to which his latter like his early years were exclusively devoted, led him to give his attention to some branches of art, such as the effects of perspective and light, which were imperfectly practised when he began his career, and in these respects he undoubtedly contributed to pre- pare the way for the more accomplished masters who suc- ceeded him. No. 585. PORTRAIT, SUPPOSED TO BE THAT OF ISOTTA DA KIMINI, fourth wife of Sigismondo Malatesta. || Head in profile. In tempera, on wood, 1 ft. 4^ in k. by 11^ in w. As Pietro painted the portrait of Sigismondo Malatesta in 1451, this portrait of his wife may have been executed in the same year. * Elsewhere the biographer says that Pietro became blind in his sixtieth year. This, as various writers have shown, is hardly consistent with his own narrative taken in connexion with the known dates of some of the master's works. f See Luca Pacioli Sitmma de Arithmetica, published in 1494, p. 68. The passage is quoted in the Le Monnier Vasari, voL iv. p. 24, note 1. J In a M.S. catalogue of pictures, which is preserved in private hands in Urbino, a portrait is mentioned as the work of Luca del Borgo. This may have been Luca Pacioli (called by Vasari, Luca del Borgo) who, as the scholar of Pietro della Francesca, probably acquired some knowledge of painting as well as much of scientific subjects. He became a Franciscan monk in 1487. On the question of his supposed plagiarism of Pietro" s writings, an accusation rashly brought against him by Vasari, see the autho- rities quoted by Dragomanni, Vita, &c., p. 19 ; Gaye, Kunstblatt, 1836, No. 69 ; and the Essay before referred to, by Harzen. Bossi, Del Cenacolu di Leonardo da Vinci, 1810, p. 17, states that he himself was in possession of an original MS. on perspective by Pietro della Francesca. A drawing by Pietro for one of the frescoes at Arezzo (once in the Lawrence collection) in which the angel descends by night to Constantine, is so powerful and original in its light and shade, that it was published by Ottley as the work of Giorgione. Compare Vasari's description of the fresco. || Dennistoun, Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, vol. i., pp. 181, 185 note. FRANCIA. 95 It was formerly in the possession of the Marchese Carlo Gkric- cinrdini of Florence. Purchased at Florence from the Lombardi- Baldi collection in 1857. No. 665. THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST, in the River Jordan. " And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan. And straightway coming out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him." Mark i., 9-10. Christ is standing in the river, under the shade of a pomegranate tree, receiving the water on his head from the cup of John ; the dove is descending upon him. On the spectator's left are three angels witnessing the ceremony ; other figures are on the banks of the river, in the back- ground. Composition of six principal figures. In tempera, on wood, 5 ft. 5^ in. h. by 3 ft. 9^ in. w. Formerly the principal altar-piece of the Priory of St. John the Baptist at Borgo San Sepolcro. When the priory was sup- pressed in 1807 the picture was removed to the sacristy of the Cathedral, where it formed the centre portion of an altar deco- ration, the remainder of which was by another hand. It was bought by Mr. J. C. Robinson for Mr. Uzielli, at whose sale it was purchased for the National Collection in 1861.* FRANCIA. FRANCE'SCO KAIBOLI'NI, commonly called FRANCIA, was born at Bologna about the year 1450 : his father, Marco di Giacomo Raibolini, was a carpenter. He assumed the name of Francia from his master, the goldsmith to whom he was apprenticed ; he was originally a goldsmith, and die and niello engraver, in which profession he was very eminent. He must, however, have attained also some distinction as a painter before the year 1490, as he was then employed on several important works, both in oil and in fresco, espe- cially for the Bentivogli family. He frequently signed his pictures Aurifex, jeweller ; and on his jewellery he inscribed himself Pictor, painter. Francia died, according to a document discovered by J. A. Calvi, on the 6th of January, 1517-t This date agrees * Dragomanni, Vita di Pietro della Francesco, &c., Florence. 1835. f The date as in the document in question is 1517, the old custom of begin- ning the ecclesiastical and legal year on the 25th of March was never esta- blished at Bologna. This custom prevailed very generally in Europe, not excepting England, at that time and until 1752. Much confusion occasionally 96 FRANCIA. with the time assigned for his death by Vasari, though tlie circumstance to which that writer imputes the cause of his death may be doubted. Vasari states, that Francia died of grief, at seeing himself so much surpassed in painting by his young friend Raphael, who had consigned to the Bolognese painter his picture of St. Cecilia, painted for the church of San Giovanni in Monte, requesting him to repair any damage that might have happened to it, or to correct it if necessary, and to superintend the placing of it in the church. Though Francia appears to have died soon after the arrival of the St. Cecilia at Bologna, there is hardly a necessity for accounting for the coincidence in any extraordinaiy way, as he was then nearly seventy years of age. Francia is the greatest painter of the earlier school of Bologna ; his works are considered the most perfect specimens extant of that intermediate style of painting which the Italians term the antico-tnodemo, and which immediately preceded the more complete development of the art, which distinguished the great masters of the sixteenth century ; the latter is known as the cinquecento style, in contradis- tinction to the quattrocento, or the antico-moderno* No. 179. THE VIRGIN WITH THE INFANT CHRIST, AND ST. ANNE ENTHRONED, SURROUNDED BY SAINTS. Before the throne in the front is the little St. John witli the standard of the Lamb, pointing to the infant Saviour above ; on the left are St. Sebastian and St. Paul; ori the right, St. 0;i\v- rence and St. Romualdo. The picture is marked Francia Aurifex Bononiensis P. Full-length figures, nearly of the natural size. On wood, 6ft. 6^ in. h. by 6ft. w. FRAUCIA- AVRJFEX-BONON1ESIS P. resulted : in the year '1667 there were two Easters, the first on the 25th of April, and the second on the 22d of March following. Similar confusion occurred in the dates of State documents. See Granger's Biographical History of England, Preface. Vasari, to avoid mistake, has given the date according to both systems, in his notice of the death of Michelangelo. See L'Art de Verifier les Dates. * Vasari ; Malvasia ; Lanzi ; and Calvi, Memorie della Vita e delle Opere di Francesco Raibolini drlto il Francia, Bologna, 1812 ; see also Passavant, Rafael von Urbino, &c. GADDI, TADDEO. 97 No. ISO. THE VIRGIN" AND TWO ANGELS WEEPING OVER THE DEAD BODY OF CHRIST. A Pieta ; formerly the lunette of the picture described above. On wood, 3 ft. 2 in. h. by 6 ft. w. These two pictures constituted formerly one altar-piece, and were originally placed in the Buonvisi chapel in the church of San Fridiano at Lucca, for which they were painted. They were subsequently purchased by the Duke of Lucca, and were placed in the palace. They were finally brought to England with the rest of the Duke of Lucca's Collection in 1840, and became the property of Mr. E. G. Flight, from whom they were purchased for the National Gallery in 1841. There is an old copy or repetition of No. 180 in the Gallery of Berlin. No. 638. THE VIRGIN AND CHILD, WITH TWO SAINTS. The child standing on a stone parapet is supported by his mother behind him ; his hand is in the attitude of bene- diction. On each side is a Saint ; the child entire, the others half figures. Landscape back-ground. On wood, 2 ft. 8in. Ji. by 2 ft. l in. w. Purchased from M. Edmond Beaucousin, at Paris, in 1860. GADDI, TADDEO. TADDEO, the son of Gaddo GADDI, was born at Florence, according to Vasari, in the year 1300. He was the godson and pupil of Giotto, with whom he lived twenty-four years ; and he became the most eminent of that painter's numerous scholars. He enlarged somewhat upon the style of Giotto, though he preserved its general character ; but he surpassed his master, says Vasari, in colour, and, in some of his works, even in expression. Taddeo, however, adhered strictly to the prevailing symmetrical disposition of the figures which, in altar-pieces at least, characterizes the compositions of the early Italian masters. He executed many works at Florence, both in fresco and in tempera, but few are now preserved. The best of those that remain are the. frescoes of the GiugDi (formerly Baroncelli) chapel, in the church of Santa Croce at Florence.* But his most extensive works were the frescoes of the Cappella degli Spagnuoli, in the church of Santa Maria Novella, now much decayed. * They are engraved by Count Lasinio in his Affreschi Celebri del xiv. e XT. Secolo, Firenze, 1841. Q 98 GADDI, TADDEO. Taddeo was equally distinguished as painter and as architect ; he built the present Ponte Vecchio, and also the Ponte della Trinita, which was destroyed by a flood in 1557 : he also constructed the famous Campanile of Florence, from the design of Giotto. The date of Taddeo's death is not known ; but he was still living in 1366, as shown by Rumohr, from a document respecting a commission undertaken by him on the 20th of August of that year, connected with the building of the present cathedral of Florence.* Taddeo Gaddi amassed considerable wealth, and was the founder of the distinguished Florentine family of the name. He left two sons, Giovanni and Agnolo, who both followed the arts, but the former died young : Agnolo became an eminent painter, who was the master of Cennino Cennini. No. 215. VARIOUS SAINTS : apparently St. Ambrose. St. Stephen, St. Francis, St. Paul, St. Catherine ? St. John the Baptist. St. Matthew, and St. Benedict ? On wood, 5 ft. 11 in. h. by 3 ft. 4^ in. w. No. 216. VARIOUS SAINTS. St. Gregory, St. Philip ? St. Lawrence, St. Thomas? St. Dominick? St. John, St. Peter, and St. Romualdo. On wood, 5 ft. 10 in. h. by 3 ft. 4^ in. w. These pictures, painted in tempera, appear, from the corre- sponding symmetrical disposition of the figures, to have formed the wings of an altar-piece. They were presented to the National Gallery, in 1848, by Mr. W. Coningham, by whom they were purchased at Rome ; one was formerly in the collection of Cardinal Fesch, the other had been taken from Florence to Rome on speculation. No. 579. THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST IN THE RIVER JORDAN. " An<\ straightway coming up out of the -water, he saw the heavens opened, and the spirit like a dove descending upon him : and there came a voice from Heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Marki. 10-11." . In -the centre picture is St. John baptising Christ ; above which subject is an angel ; on the spectator's left is St. Peter, on the right St. Paul. In the cuspidi or upper pictures above, is, in the centre, the Almighty; on the left, the * Arch, dell' op. del Duor.io di Fir., 1363-1396, fo. 71 Euniolir, Ilalienisecfi Forschungen, ii. p. 82. GAROFALO. 99 Virgin ; on the light, Isaiah holding a scroll containing the words Ecce virgo concipiet. In the predella pictures, the angel announcing the birth of St. John the Baptist to Zaccharias ; the birth of St. John ; his death ; the feast of Herod ; Herodias receiving the head of the Saint from her daughter ; and at the extreme ends, St. Benedict, and St. Romualdo ; in all, eleven pictures. Altar-piece in tempera, on wood, 1 1 ft. h. by 6 ft. 7 in. w. Of the principal pictures, the centre 5 ft 3-| in. h. by 2 ft. 6 in. w. r the sides 4 ft. -|in. h. by 1 ft. 2^ in. w. ; of the upper pictures, the centre 2 ft. 1 in. h. by 10 in. w., the sides, 1 ft. 11 in. h. by 10 in. iv. ; the predella pictures, 1 ft. 1 in. h. by 2 ft. 3 in. iv. According to an inscription, now partly obliterated, on the principal picture, this work was painted for Filippo Neroni, in 1337. Formerly in the Abbey del Sasso di Camaldoli, in the Casentino. Purchased at Florence from the Lombardi-Baldi collection in 1857. * GARO'FALO. BENVENU'TO TISIO, commonly called GARO'FALO, from the monogram (the Gilliflower) with which he marked his pictures, was born in the Ferrarese in 1481. He had many masters. He was at first the pupil of Domenico Panetti, at Ferrara, and studied afterwards under his uncle, Niccolo Soriani at Crem on a. In 1 500 he visited Rome, and remained there fifteen months with Giovanni Baldini ; he studied sub- sequently under Lorenzo Costa at Mantua, and was finally, in 1508, engaged by Raphael at Rome, to assist him in the frescoes of the Vatican. Garofalo had remained some years with Raphael in Rome, when his family affairs called him to Ferrara, whither he went, with the intention, however, of returning to Rome as soon as his occupations might permit ; but circumstances detained him in Ferrara, and he never afterwards quitted it. He was employed by Alphonso I., with the two Dossi, at Belriguardo and elsewhere. He died at Ferrara in 1559, having become quite blind a few years previously. Garofalo is the chief of the Ferrarese painters. His small easel pictures are universally admired. In these works he was a close imitator of Raphael's style, a Raphael in minia- ture ; and these small pictures are sometimes attributed to his great master. Several of his frescoes are still extant at Ferrara, the o 2 100 GAROFALO. principal of which, painted about 151 9-21, are in the church of San Francesco ; among them is the Slaughter of the Innocents. Other frescoes by Garofalo are still pre- served in the Palazzo del Magistrate at Ferrara.* No. 81. THE VISION OF ST. AUGUSTIN. Augustinus, one of the four " Doctors " of the church, and bishop of Hippo, in Africa, f relates, that while engaged on a work on the Trinity, he had a vision in which he saw a child endeavouring with a ladle to empty the ocean into a hole which he had made in the sand ; and upon the saint pointing out the futility of his labour, the child retorted by observing how much more futile must be his efforts to explain that which it had pleased the Deity to make an inscrutable mystery. The picture illustrates the moment of the dialogue ; St. Catherine is represented behind the saint, and in the clouds above is a vision of the Holy Family attended by a choir of angels : the back-ground is a varied rocky landscape, with a view of the sea. Engraved by P. "W. Tomkins ; and by J. Holism Jones's National Gallery. On wood, 2 ft. \\ in. h. by 2 ft. 8 in. w. Formerly in the Corsini palace at Rome ; subsequently in the Ottley collection : bequeathed to the National Gallery in 1831, by the Rev. W. H. Cam No. 170. THE HOLY FAMILY, WITH ELIZABETH AND THE YOUNG ST. JOHN, and two other saints : above is a vision of God the Father surrounded by a choir of angels. On canvas, 2ft. 6^ in. h. by 1 ft. 11^ in. iv. Formerly in the collection of Mr. Beckford, from whom it was purchased for the National Gallery, in 1839. No. %. CHRIST'S AGONY IN THE GARDEN. Above is an angel bearing the cup and cross ; the three apostles are asleep in the fore-ground : a crowd with torches is ap- proaching from behind. Luke xxn., 41-48. (See No. 76.) On canvas, from wood, 19 in. h. by 14 in. w. Purchased at Paris, from M. Edmond Beaucousin, in 1860. No. 671. THE MADONNA AND CHILD ENTHRONED, under a canopy ; on their left are standing Saints Francis and Anthony ; on their right, Saint Guglielmo in armour, with his right hand resting on a shield, and St. Clara holding * Yasari, Vile de' Pittori, &c. ; Lanzi, Storia Pittorica, &c. f He was horn at Tagasta, in Africa, in the year 354, and died at Hippo in 430. Ada Sanctorum, vol. vL, Aug. 28. GHIRLANDAJO. a crucifix. The back-ground represents an architectural interior. Figures small life-size. On wood arched at the top, 7 ft. 11 in. h. hy 6 ft. 10\ in. 10. Engraved by G. Domenichini. Originally the principal altar-piece of the church of San Guglielmo at Ferrara, hut from which it was removed in 1832, when the convent was suppressed, to the cathedral, and thence to the residence of the archbishop. Purchased from the Count Antonio Mazza in 1861.* GHIRLANDAJO. DOMEXICO BIGORDI, commonly called GHIRLANDAJO, was born at Florence in 1449. His father, Tominaso Bigordi, a goldsmith, had acquired the name of II Ghirlandajo, from his celebrity for the manufacture of children's garlands. Domenico was brought up as a jeweller and goldsmith ; but became at an early age also one of the most distin- guished painters of his time. He surpassed all his Floren- tine contemporaries in the precision of his drawing and the delicacy of his execution. When little more than thirty, about 1480-84, he was invited by Sixtus IV. to Rome, to assist in the decoration of the Sistine Chapel. In 1488 lie received Michelangelo, then in his fourteenth year, as an apprentice for three years. The principal works of Domenico GLirlandajo, botli in fresco and in tempera, are to be seen at Florence, as the series of frescoes in the Sassetti Chapel, in the Church of the Trinita, consisting of scenes from the life of St. Francis, completed in December 1485 ; and those of the Choir of Santa Maria Novella, finished in 1490. The first series contains portraits of Lorenzo de' Medici and other eminent Florentines ; and in the last series, in that portion illus- trating the life of the Virgin,f is the celebrated portrait of Ginevra de' Benci, a young Florentine lady distinguished for her beauty. The altar-piece of the Sassetti Chapel, in tempera, representing the " Nativity/' is now in the Gallery of the Academy4 Another important tempera picture, * Baruffaldi, Vitc, &c., vol. i. p. 362 ; Laderchi, Pittura Ferrarese, &c., p. 91. A copy of this picture by Alessandro Candi of Ferrara is now in the church of San Giuseppe a' Cappucini in Bologna. f. Engraved by Carlo Lasinio. The '' Death of St. Francis," one of this series, is considered by Rumohr the painter's masterpiece. J Engraved in the Galleria delle Belle Arti di Firenze, 1845. Domenico has introduced his own portrait among the shepherds in this picture. 102 GIORGIONE. attributed to this master, is the round panel in the TJffizj, representing the " Adoration of the Kings ; " it is dated 1487.* Ghirlandajo worked also in mosaic ; the latest of his known productions is an " Annunciation," executed in this method, over one of the doors of the Cathedral at Florence, the completion of which was interrupted by the death of Lorenzo de' Medici, in 1492. Ghirlandajo was already dead in 1498, and as he was born in 1449, he did not exceed the comparatively early age of 48.f He was the father of Bidolfo Ghirlandajo ; David and Benedetto were his brothers. No. 296. THE VIRGIN ADORING THE INFANT CHRIST, with an Angel standing on each side of her. The Virgin, very richly dressed, is seated with her hands raised together, as if in prayer, and is regarding the child who is lying upon her knees, and holding a raspberry to its lips. Landscape back-ground. Half figures, nearly life-size.:}: In tempera, on wood, 3 ft. 2 in. h. by 2 ft. 3^ in. w. Originally in the possession of the Contugi family, of Volterra. Purchased at Florence from M. L. Hombert, in 1857. GIORGIO'NE. GIORGIO BARBARELLI, commonly called, from his large and handsome stature, GIORGIONE, was born of parents in good circumstances, in the neighbourhood of Castelfranco, in 1477. He was the fellow-pupil of Titian with Giovanni Bellini at Venice, and early distinguished himself for his beautiful colouring, and his effective treatment of light and shade. He was further distinguished for a general objective truth of representation, which he acquired by his practice of referring * Engraved in Rosini's Storia Jella Pittura, c., and in the " Keale Gal- leria degli Uffizj." This picture is by some connoisseurs supposed to be a work by Botticelli. f Gaye, Carteggio Inedito, &c. Vasari, Ed. Le Monnier, vol. v. I Vasari's statement that Antonio Pollaiuolo acquired the art of painting from his brother Piero should, perhaps, be understood to relate to oil-painting. The biographer speaks of no works by Antonio in tempera ; yet it is probable that he, like other masters of the time, began with that method in which, indeed, a greater finish was considered attainable. In consequence of the silence of Vasari, the tempera pictures of Antonio Pollaiuolo can only be discovered by their style. Several are now believed to exist under other names, and among them, not impossibly, may hereafter be classed the picture above described. GIORGIONE. 103 to nature on all occasions. After having visited his native place, where he painted some pictures, Giorgione returned to Venice, and by way of exhibiting a specimen of liis ability, he decorated the front of his house with subjects in fresco: he was, in consequence, employed on other works of the kind. Like many artists of the period, h^ was also in the habit of painting panels for various articles of ornamental furniture ; for these he generally chose his subjects from Ovid, enriching them with appropriate landscape back-grounds. Giorgione's frescoes have perished, and few even of his oil pictures are now in existence. The works by which he is at present most generally known are his portraits, in some of which he is still unsurpassed. Du Fresnoy observes of Giorgione's pictures of this class, " He dressed his figures wonderfully well : and it may be truly said, that, but for him, Titian would never have attained that perfection which was the consequence of the rivalship and jealousy which prevailed between them."* This great painter died hi 1511, before the completion of his thirty-fourth year. Some of the greatest masters of the Venetian and neighbouring schools were the scholars or imitators of Giorgione : Sebastiano del Piombo, Giovanni da TJdine, Francesco Torbido, and others.f No. 41. THE DEATH OF PETER MARTYR or MARTIRE. St. Peter the Dominican, a native of Verona, was an active agent of the Inquisition in the thirteenth century ; and having, as such, made many enemies, he was at length assassinated by one of these, named Cavina, at the entrance of a wood on the road from Milan to Como. He was attended by a single brother of his order, who is seen attacked by another assassin in the middle-ground to the right. Engraved in Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, 3 ft. 4^ in. h. by 4 ft. 9^ in. iv. Formerly in the possession of Christina, queen of Sweden, and subsequently in the Orleans collection. Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1831, by the Rev. TV. H. Carr. (See No. 234, BELLINI, SCHOOL OF.) * Du Fresnoy's Sentiments, printed -with Sir Joshua Reynolds's Notes on his Poem. t Vasari, Vite de 1 Pittori, -c.; Ridolfi, Le Maraviglie ddV Arle, Sfc. ] 04 GIOTTO. No. 269. A KNIGHT IN ARMOUR. A small figure com- pletely armed with the exception of the head ; in his left hand he holds his lance. A dark background. On wood, 1 ft, 3 in. h. by lOf in. w. This appears to be a study for the figure of San Liberale in the altar-piece by Giorgione at Castel Franco. The only difference is, that in the altar-piece the warrior wears his helmet, while in this picture he is bare-headed. From a MS. memorandum on the back of the picture, it appears that Mariette had also noticed the resemblance of this figure to the warrior in the Castel Franco altar-piece, which, he observes, was said to represent Gaston de Foix. Formerly in the collection of Benjamin West, P.R.A. Bequeathed to the National Gallery by Mr. Samuel Rogers, in 1855. GIOTTO. GIOTTO, or MAGISTER JOCTUS, called also Giotto di Bondone, from his father's name, was born in 1276, in the commune of Vespignano in the Val del Mugello, fifteen miles north- east of Florence; his occupation as a boy was to tend sheep. About the year 1286 the celebrated painter Cimabue, being in that neighbourhood, surprised the young Giotto, while keeping his father's sheep, in the act of sketching one of his flock upon a stone. Astonished at the ability of the effort, he took the boy, with the father's consent, back with him. to Florence and instructed him in the art of painting. Few of Giotto's works remain ; his earliest were executed in the Badia or Abbey of Florence. The fresco of the Last Supper in the refectory* of the church of Santa Croce at Florence, is now admitted to be the work of a later hand, and probably by his scholar Taddeo Gaddi. But a Corona- tion of the Virgin by Giotto, in the Baroncelli chapel in the same church, and some smaller works removed from thence to the academy, with a large Crucifix in the church of Santa Maria Novella, are still preserved. Giotto also decorated the walls of the chapel of St. John the Baptist, in the church of Santa Maria del Carmine, at Florence; the chapel was destroyed by fire in 1771. Por- tions of the paintings, such, for instance, as the two half figures below mentioned, were, however, saved. * Now (1856) a carpet manufactory. GIOTTO. 105 At the close of the 13th century, Giotto appears to have been in the service of Pope Boniface the 8th, for whom, in 1298,* he executed the mosaic of the Disciples in the Storm known as the " Navicella " of Giotto, which, much altered and modernized, is now in the portico of St. Peter's at Rome. Early in the 14th century he executed extensive works in the church of San Francesco at Assisi. In 1306, we find him engaged at Padua, where he painted a comprehensive series of subjects from the Life of the Virgin and the Passion of Christ, with other representations, in the Scrovegni chapel in the church of the Madonna deir Arena. The greater part of these still exist.f From Padua Giotto proceeded to Avignon, whence he returned to Florence in 1316 ; and from this time he appears to have devoted his attention to architecture and sculpture as much as to painting. In 1322 he visited Lucca, and in t !327 painted a chapel for King Robert in the Castel Nuovo at Naples, which has been destroyed. He died at Florence in 1336, and was buried with great pomp in the cathe- dral.} Giotto was a great innovator in the practice of art. He wholly forsook the traditionary remains of the Byzantine style, and studied nature. Some of the best specimens of decorative art, partaking of the same vigour which charac- terizes this period, are also attributed to him. The Cam- panile of Florence was carried out, after the design of Giotto, by his scholar Taddeo Gaddi, who lived twenty-four years with him and completed his unfinished works. * See Baldinucci. Notizie dei Professori del Disegno. Decenn, IV., sec. 1. f These wall-paintings are now being engraved and published by the Arundel Society. Dante visited Giotto while engaged on these works ; the poet mentions the painter in the following terms in his Purgatory: " In painting Cimabue once believed He held the field : now Giotto has the cry, So that he dims the reputation of the first." Pollock's Dante, Purgatorio, Canto XL J "Vasari, Vite, Sfc., Ed. Le Monnier, Florence, 1846, et neq. There is a saying, " rounder than the O of Giotto." This, according to Vasari, has reference to a mechanical feat performed by the painter before he went to Rome. Pope Boniface, wishing to decorate St Peter's, sent an envoy to Florence and Siena for artists of whose ability he required specimens. Giotto sent a circle, drawn without the aid of compasses, with a brush, in red colour. This, it is said, appeared in the eyes of His Holiness more wonderful, than any other specimens of skill ; but it is probable that he was guided by the safer evidence of Giotto's fame. 106 GOZZOLI. No. 276. Two APOSTLES, one with the hands clasped ; half figures, under life size ; a fragment. Engraved by Thomas Patch in 1772.* Painted in sccco,^ on plaster ; 19 in. square. This is a fragment from one of the wall paintings formerly in the chapel of San Giovanni Battista, in the church of Santa Maria del Carmine, at Florence. The subject of the composition to Avhich these figures belong was the burial of St. John the Baptist. This and two portions from other paintings of the series, now in the institution at Liverpool, were saved from the fire which destroyed this chapel in 1771, and became the property of Mr. Thomas Patch, the engraver. They were brought to England by Mr. Townley. This fragment was subsequently in the collection of the Right Hon. C. Greville, from whom it passed into the possession of Mr. Rogers, and at the sale of his pictures in 1856 was purchased for the National Gallery. Some other fragments are preserved in the Cappella dell' Ammannati, in the Campo Santo at Pisa. From some chronological evidences re- ferred to by Patch, it appears that the wall paintings in question must have been painted within the last five years of Giotto's life, and not, as Vasari states, at an earlier period. SCHOOL OF GIOTTO. No. 568. THE CORONATION OF THE VIRGIN. The Virgin is inclining her head to receive the crown from the hands of Christ : four angels are kneeling below, in front of the o <_ ' throne, two of them hold golden vessels in their hands. The principal figures are small life-size. In tempera, on wood, 5 ft. 11 in. h. by 3 ft. 1 in w. Painted about 1330. Formerly in the Convent of the Minori Osservanti of San Miniato, near Florence. Purchased at Florence from the Lombardi-Baldi collection in 1857. GO'ZZOLI. BENOZZO GO'ZZOLI was born at Florence in 1424; he was the son of Lese di Sandro, and the scholar of Era Angelico * Selections from the works of the Florentine painters Masaccio, Fra Bar- tolommeo, and Giotto, Tart III., pi. 7. Florence, 1770, 1772. f For a description of the method called secco, or fresco secco, as opposed to buon fresco, see Eastlake's " Materials for a History of Oil Painting," 1847, p. 142. Secco is thus described by Theophilus : "When figures or other objects are drawn on a dry wall the surface should be first saturated with water till it is quite moist. While the wall is in this state the colours are to be applied, all the tints being mixed with lime, and drying as the wall dries, in order that they may adhere." Div. Art. Schedala. 1. 1, c. 15. Buon fresco cannot be executed on a large surface without joinings in the plaster. Secco may be executed without joinings, but the colours have not the brilliancy of fresco. The earliest example of buon fresco is supposed to be a work by Pietro D'Orvieto, painted in 1390, in the Campo Santo at Pisa. . GOZZOLI. 107 da Fiesole, whom he assisted in some works in the Cathedral of Orvieto. His style, for some time, nearly resembled that of his master ; but in his later works, as in the Campo Santo at Pisa, his own natural talent displayed itself, which was as decidedly objective as Fra Angelico's was subjective. His known works extend over a period of thirty- eight years, from 1447 to 1485, after which date we have no accounts of him. His last are his greatest works, the extensive series of frescoes in the Campo Santo, commenced in 1469, repre- senting twenty-four scenes from the Old Testament, from the time of Noah to the visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon. These frescoes he contracted to paint, three a year, for the moderate remuneration of 66 lire or about ten ducats each ; at that time, however, worth perhaps about <>] 00 of our present money. Benozzo displays the most varied resources in these works, in the rich landscape backgrounds, in the architectural accessories, and in the introduction of all kinds of birds and animals, especially dogs. The Drunkenness of Noah, the Marriage of Re- becca, and Moses in the Wilderness, are perhaps the best of all the Campo Santo frescoes.* The works of Masaccio in the Brancacci Chapel seem to have been his models in the style of his figures, which are often graceful and natural, though inferior in dignity to the earlier works of the Brancacci Chapel. Benozzo evidently delighted in the beauty of the material world ; his landscapes are more varied and circumstantial than any previous representations of their class, and his scenes are filled with charming and natural incidents. The painter gave so much satisfaction to the authorities during the progress of these frescoes, that they presented him in 1478 with a tomb, that his body might repose amidst the glorious achievements of his life ; and the commemorating inscription led to the error that Benozzo died in that year : Hie tumulus est Benotii JFlorentini, qui proxime has pinxit historias. Hunc sibi Pisanorum donavit humanitas- MCCCCLXXVIII. The tomb was a personal gift to the painter in thatyear.f * See the engravings in Count Lasinio's Pit hire a fresco del Campo Santo di Pisa, large oblong folio, Florence, 1812. f Vasari, Vite de" Pittori, edizione, p. 119. MANTKGNA, F. J31 It is stated by Borroni to have formed part of the collection of the Cardinal Cesare Monti, who was Archbishop of Milan from 1G32 to 1650. The principal part of that collection was bequeathed by him to his successors in office, and a consider- able portion is now deposited in the Brera Gallery ; but the picture in question remained with the Monti family, having been placed by the same prelate as early, according to tradition, as 1610 in the private chapel of the Palazzo Monti. After the extinction of the Monti family, in the last century, the mansion, and the Mantegna with it, became the property of the Andreani family, when the picture was removed from the chapel to one of the apartments. The families of Mellerio and Somaglia succeeded as proprietors. From the representative of the last- named house the picture, having been first bought by Signer Baslini, passed into the possession of Signer Roverselli, from whom, in the autumn of 1855, it was purchased for the National Collection. MANTEGNA, FRANCESCO. FRANCESCO MANTEGNA, the second son of Andrea, was born at Mantua about 1470. He was the pupil and assistant of his father, and completed some works left unfinished by him. Francesco was still living in 1517.* Andrea Mantegna, son of Lodovico, and grandson of the painter, placed a monument, in 1560, in the family chapel in Sant' Andrea, at Mantua, to his father, his grandfather, and his uncle, Francesco, with the following inscription : OSSA ANDREAE MANTINEAE FAMOSISSIMI PICTORIS CUM DUOBTJS FILIIS IN HOC SEPULCRO PER ANDREAM MANTINIAM NEPOTEM EX FILIO CONSTRUCTO REPOS1TA MDLX.f No. 63d- CHRIST AND MARY MAGDALEN IN THE GARDEN, called a " Noli me tangere," touch me not. John xx. 17. A vine of purple grapes hanging over the figure of Christ, is supported on a dead tree ; on the other side a bird is seen defending its nest against a snake which has crept up the tree ; on the left is a bee-hive. On wood, 16| in,, h. by 12 in. w. Formerly in the Duroveray Collection. Purchased at Paris, from M. Edmond Beaucousin, in 1860. * Moschini, Delia origine della Pittura in Paduva, &c. f Codde, Piftori, &c., Mantovani. 132 MABATTI. MARATTI. CARLO MARATTI, Cavaliere, was born at Camurano, be- tween Loreto and Ancona, May loth, 1625. He went early to Rome, where he entered the school of Andrea Sacchi. He soon became the most distinguished pupil of that master ; and after the deaths of Pietro da Cortona and Sacchi, he was for nearly half a century the most eminent painter in Rome. He was honoured with the favour of six successive popes Clements IX and X., Innocent XL, Alexander VIII., Inno- cent XII., and Clement XI. He was appointed superin- tendent of the Vatican Chambers by Innocent XI. ; and in the years 1702 and 3, he restored with the sanction of Clement XI. (Albani) the frescoes of Raphael there, which had been suffered to fall into a state of decay and immi- nent ruin. He died in Rome Dec. loth, 1713, at the advanced age of eighty-eight.* Maratti was considered by Mengs to have arrested at Rome the general decline of painting which prevailed at the close of the seventeenth century.-f- He was an ardent admirer of Raphael, whose style, though weakened in his hands by the eclecticism of the Carracci, he endeavoured to uphold, in opposition to the then prevailing school of Cor- tona, and the macchinisti generally. Maratti painted little in fresco ; his chief works, which are very numerous, are easel pictures in oil. A " Baptism of Christ " by him, now in the church of Santa Maria degii Angeli at Rome, has been executed in mosaic for the altar of one of the chapels of St. Peter's. From his frequent pictures of the Virgin, he acquired the name of Carlo delle Madonne. His pictures are distinguished for their academic precision of design, but are more conspicuous for the general absence of defects, than for any particular excellence. There are several etchings by this painter. No. 174. PORTRAIT OF CARDINAL CERRI, seated. Half- length, of the natural size. On canvas, 3 ft. 1 1 in. h. by 3 ft. 2 in. w. Presented to the National Gallery, in 1839, by Mr. Henry Gaily Knight. * Lioni, Ritrattl di alcuni cclebri Pittori del secolo X VII., &c., Roma, 1731 , which contains Maratti 's life, by Bellori; Pascoli, Vite de' Pittori, &c. f Lanzi, Storia Pittorica, &o..; Men^s, Hinterlassne Werke, vol. i. p. 304. MARGARITONE. 133 MARGARITONE. MARGARITONE DI MAGNANO,* of Arezzo, painter, sculptor, and architect, was a distinguished master in his time. He was born at Arezzo in 1 236, and, as appears evidently from his works, was a student of the Byzantine school of paint- ing. Being an older painter than Cimabue, he was unin- fluenced by the innovations of that great master upon the traditionary practice of the time. Vasari describes many works by Margaritone, at Arezzo and elsewhere, but most of them have long since perished. He was employed at Home by Pope Urban IV. to decorate the portico of the old Basilica of St. Peter ; this Pope died in 1265. The best of all Margaritone's works, says Vasari, is the monument in marble of Pope Gregory X., executed shortly after 1276, in the episcopal palace at Arezzo. This monu- ment contains a likeness of the Pope from the life, which is still in a good state of preservation. In the convent De' Zoccoli at Sargiano, there is still a picture of St. Francis of Assisi, signed MARGARIT DE ARITIO PINGEBAT.f He died at Arezzo in 1313, aged seventy -seven, and weary of life, says Vasari, having quite outlived the art and taste of his own time, which had then been completely superseded by the school of Giotto.j No. 564. THE VIRGIN AND CHILD, WITH SCENES FROM THE LIVES OF THE SAINTS. The Virgin is seated in the centre with the Child in her lap, and surrounded by the Ichthus or Vesica Piscis glory, within which are also two * In the only document known concerning this painter, bearing the date 1262, are the words, inclaustro Sancti Micltaelis (in Arezzo) coram UTargarito pictorc, Jilio quondam Magnani. Vasari, Ed. Le Monnier, vol. 1, p. 302, note. f This picture is said by Vasari to be ritratto di naturale, an expression often used by him, meaning that the likeness was authentic, not, in every case, that it was taken directly from nature. St. Francis died in 1226. The picture referred to is engraved in the Etruria Pittricc. As an architect Mai'garitone superintended the works of the episcopal palace of Arezzo, and carried out some buildings at Ancona. J Vasari, Vile, fyc., Ed. Le Monnier, Flor. 1846, et seq. This glory or aureole represents the acrostic symbol the fish, derived from the circumstance of the common Greek word for fish, Ix&vs (ichthus), containing the initials of the following sentence: "iTjcroDs Xpivrbs, &tov fios, 2corty>, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Saviour. This glory, -which is given only to Christ, or to the Virgin holding the infant Christ, is called by Italian writers on art, including Vasari, the Mandola or Mandorla from its almond shape. 134: MASACCIO. angels, and around the glory outside are the four symbolic images of the four Evangelists' the angel, the ox, the lion, and the eagle. The hand of the infant Christ is in the act of blessing according to the Greek rite.* Eight small pictures are arranged, four on each side of the vesica : the Nativity and Annunciation to the Shepherds ; St. John the Evangelist liberated from the cauldron of boiling oil ; St. John resuscitating Drusiana ; St. Benedict rolling himself among thorns, to resist the temptations of the evil spirit ; the martyrdom, and burial of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai ; St. Nicholas of Bail exhorting the sailors to throw into the sea the vase given them by the Devil ; the same Saint liberating the condemned ; and St. Margaret in prison swallowed and disgorged again by the Dragon unhurt. The picture is signed, Margaritde Aritio mefecit.-^ The annotators of the recent (Le Monnier) edition of Vasari express the opinion that " among the few paintings by Margaritone which now remain, this is, on every account, the most characteristic and important." In tempera, on linen cloth attached to wood, 2 ft. 9 in. h. by 5 ft. 9 in. W. An altar front, formerly in the church of Santa Margherita at Arezzo. Purchased at Florence from the Lombardi-Baldi collection in 1857. we peeper v MASACCIO. ToMMASO GUIDI, commonly called MASACCIO from the slovenliness of his habits the consequence of an absorbing attention to his studies was born at Castel San Giovanni in the upper Valdarno in 1402,:j: and was the son of Ser * See No. 594, Emmanuel, note, p. 86, -where this form is explained. t The small pictures have their subjects inscribed over them, but two of these inscriptions are nearly illegible. They appear to be as follows : 1. De Partu Virginis Marie et Adnuntiatione Pastoram. 2. Hie Beat. Johes Evg. a fervore olei liberatur. 3. Hi Scs Johes Evg. suscitat Drusianam. 4 His. Bnedict. jecit sel spinas fugiens Diaboli tetatioem. 5. Hi Sea Cattarina suscepit martyrium et in montem Siny ab angelis cvecta? 6. Hi Scs Nicolaus precepit Nautis ut vas oblatum a DiaboloTmari jicerent. 7. Hi Scs Nicolaus liberal condemnatos. 8. Hi Sea Margarita ingurgitatur a Dracone et ruptis visceribus exit illesa. J The earliest authorities state that Masaccio died at the age of twenty-six. Accordingly, later writers, having assumed that 1443 was the year of his death, placed his birth in 1417. The publication by Gaye (Cartcggio (PArtifiti. Pirenze, 1839, torn. i. p. 115) of a document proving that in 1427 Masaccio MASAC'CIO. ] 35 Giovanni di Simone Guidi. He is supposed to have been the pupil of Masolino da Panicale who was about his own age. Masaccio continued the series of frescoes commenced by that painter in the Brancacci chapel in the church of the Carmine at Florence : he appears to have been em- ployed in the church and its convent from 1425 till his departure for Rome in 1427. The frescoes assigned to Masaccio in the Brancacci chapel are the Expulsion from Paradise ; the Tribute Money; St. Peter baptizing; the Apostles restoring the Youth to life (completed by Filippino Lippi) ; and the Infirm cured by the Shadow of St. Peter.* Another in- teresting work of the master, the subject called the Italian Trinity, with the Madonna, St. John, and the portraits of the donors, was brought to light in the church of Santa Maria Novella in 1857/f" The principal portions are well preserved, and by means of this fresco the only undoubted production of the painter besides the works in the Bran- cacci chapel the latter can be more accurately distinguished. The frescoes ascribed to Masaccio in the church of San Clemente in Rome a Crucifixion, and a series relating to was twenty-five years of age, necessarily fixed the date of his birth in 1402; but the impossibility of reconciling the pre-arranged chronology of certain works of art with the inference that Masaccio died in 1428, led historians to treat as erroneous the limitation of his life to twenty-six years. His existence was therefore prolonged to the age of forty-one ; the old date of of 1443 being retained as the year of his death. A diligent investigator of the archives of Tuscany has recently published some documents relating to various Florentine painters, which set this question at rest. From those ex- tracts it appears that Masaccio died in Rome in 1428 or at latest in 1429 ; that is, when about the age of twenty-six. It farther appears that Masolino da Panicale, who painted in the Brancacci chapel previously to Masaccio, may have begun that work in 1423-1424 ; that he quitted it, in consequence of having received an offer of employment in Hungary, about 1425 ; that Masaccio continued the Brancacci frescoes till 1427, when he repaired to Rome where he shortly afterwards died. Milanesi, in the Giornale Storico degli Archivi Toscani, anno iv. Luglio Settembre, 1860. * The number of frescoes above allotted to Masaccio (and some writers include more) may require re- consideration, when it is remembered that bis whole labour in the chapel must be restricted to two years. The frescoes ascribed to Masolino are three only ; yet in his case it is not absolutely impossible that he may have worked in the chapel again at a later period. He appears to have returned to Italy, from Hungary, in 1427. He painted some frescoes, partly similar in treatment to those in the Carmine, in the neighbourhood of Como, in 1435, and is supposed to have died in 1440. See the documents before noticed, published by Milanesi. j- Vasari describes this work carefully and correctly, but, strange to say, within two years after the (second) publication of his biographies, it was covered by a gigantic mannered picture of his own. The fresco has been removed, on a solid portion of the wall itself, to another part of the church, where it can now be well seen. Deutsches Kunstllatt, 1858, p. 293. 136 MASACOIO. the history of St. Catherine, with other wall paintings are in an earlier and drier manner than his Florentine works and inferior to them in all respects. If the state- ment of Vasari with regard to the San Clemente series is to be admitted in any sense, it may be understood to refer to some designs furnished by Masaccio, but executed by a far inferior hand. The shortness of his residence in Rome before his death tends to confirm this view. The tempera picture representing the Madonna and Child with St. Anne, now in the gallery of the academy in Florence, though mentioned by Vasari, cannot in its present state be re- garded as an unquestionable specimen of the master.* The impulse given by Donatello to sculpture was ac- complished in painting by Masaccio, who forsook traditionary art for the study of nature ; he gave individuality of character to his heads, and great natural ease to his figures and draperies. These qualities are, at the same time accompanied in his works by a breadth of treatment which, were his date unknown, might be judged to belong to a much later period. The certainty now established, that those works were produced from 1425 to 1427 must increase the admiration connected with his name, and confirm the praises which, according to Vasari, were be- stowed on his productions by the best painters of the fifteenth century. Though much in the Brancacci series of frescoes has by modern criticism been justly assigned to Filippino Lippi, who completed the chapel more than half a century after the death of Masaccio, enough remains to the latter, even without reference to the recently discovered fresco in Santa Maria Novella, to entitle him to the eloquent encomium of Sir Joshua Reynolds, that " he appears to be the first who discovered the path that leads to every excellence to which the art afterwards arrived, and may, therefore, be justly considered one of the great fathers of modern art. ''f Masaccio died in Rome in 1428 or 14294 * Engraved in the Galleria dell' Accademia Delle Belle Arti, Firenze 1845. f Discourse XII. j See the documents before referred to in the Giornale Storico Jeyli Archivi Toscani, &c., Vasari, Vile, &c., and the commentary on his life of Masaccio in the Le Monnier edition, vol. iii. p. 1 65. The Brancacci frescoes arc engraved by Lasinio ; and some of the heads by Thomas Patch ; Masaccio, sua Vita c di 24 teste ; parts are also given in the Etruria Fittrice. MATSYS. 137 No. 626. His OWN PORTRAIT, a head, Iront view.* On wood, 14 in. h. by 11 in. w. Purchased at the sale of the Northwick pictures in 1859. MATSYS. QUINTIN MATSYS, known also as the Smith of Antwerp, was born at Louvain'f' about 1460 ; he was brought up as a blacksmith, and was distinguished for his skill in ornamental ironwork. At Louvain and its neighbourhood, and in Antwerp, where he eventually settled, there are still shown several good specimens of his skill in wrought iron. He was admitted a member of the Academy of Antwerp in 1491-2. In Antwerp, as it is popularly recorded, Quintin fell in love with a painter's daughter, and to obtain her hand he forsook the anvil for the palette : he not only gained his suit, but became the most distinguished painter of the city, raising the school of Antwerp to a celebrity equal to that of Bruges. His masterpiece, "The Taking down from the Cross/' painted in 1508, for the altar of the chapel of the Joiners' Company, in the cathedral, is now one of the principal treasures of the Antwerp Museum. It was purchased by the city in 1577 for fifteen hundred florins. Quintin had received for it only the moderate sum of 300 florins, about 251. sterling. This picture, like all the other works of the painter, is distinguished for careful execution, which he elaborated to a perfection in some instances rivalling that of John Van Eyck. RathgeberJ has enumerated 78 works by, or ascribed to. Quintin Matsys in various European collections ; they are chiefly of religious subjects, but he painted some portraits, and the so-called " Misers/' (of which a fine example is in the Royal collection at Windsor) he repeated with variations, several times. Portraits of himself and of his second wife * The traditional designations of works of art are sometimes, for various reasons, retained, when sound criticism might suggest their alteration. The portrait still called that of Masaccio in the gallery of the Uffizj at Florence, is now generally admitted to be the work of Filippino Lippi, and probably his own portrait. The portrait above described, whoever it may represent, also appears to be the work of Filippino. The opinion here expressed may how- ever require the confirmation of time. t L. Guicciardini, La Description des Pays-Bas, 1569, p. 131. j Annalen Jer Niederlandischen Malerei, fyc., pp. 205-437. 138 MATSYS. are in the gallery of the Uffizj, at Florence.* His wife's is dated 1520, the year in which he was visited at Antwerp by Albert Durer. He was twice married. Quintin died in 1530-31, it is said of the suette in the Carthusian convent at Antwerp.f He rarely placed his sig- nature on his pictures ; and when it does occur, his name is .variously written. A " Holy Family/' in the church of St. Pierre at Louvain, is signed Quinte Metsys, screef dit. 1 509 ; and a " St. Jerome " in the Lichtenstein Gallery at Vienna, has the signature Quintin Masys, f. 1513. The fine picture of the " Banker and his Wife," in the gallery of the Louvre, is signed Quintin Matsyss schild 1 , 1 5 1 8, "" Quintin left a son, JAN MATSYS, by whom there are several pictures extant : in the Vienna Gallery is a panel signed Joannes Masiis faciebat, 1 5 644 No. 295. SALVATOE MUNDI, AND THE VIRGIN MARY. The Saviour holds in his left hand a crystal globe surmounted by a golden cross ; with his right he is blessing. The Virgin has her hands joined in adoration. Bust figures, small life size, on a gold ground. On wood, with circular tops, each panel, 1 ft. 11 in. h, by 1 ft. 1 in. w. There are two similar pictures to the above, but showing less of the figures and slightly varying in the action and accessories, iu the Museum at Antwerp. Copies of the Antwerp pictures, once in the possession of Erasmus, are now at Heidelberg. A third pair, also resembling the Antwerp pictures, is in the gallery of the Academy at Turin. The pictures above described were for- merly in Madrid, whence they Avere brought back to the Nether- lands in 1816 and subsequently formed part of the King of Hol- land's gallery at the Hague, where they were purchased, in 1857, from the Commissioners appointed to dispose of the remainder of that collection. * Rcale Galleria di Firenze. S. III. vol. i. p. 27, engraved by G. Rossi. j- Quintin Matsys was originally buried in the cemetery of the Carthusians ; but Cornells Van der Ghest removed his remains a century afterwards, and had them reburied in front of the Cathedral. The spot is marked by the simple memorial M.Q.M. obiit 1529 ; and in the wall of the Cathedral is a slab with the inscription " Quintino Matsys, Incomparabilis artis pictori, admira- trix grataque Posteritas anno post obitum Sseculari cio.ioc.xxix. posuit. Connubialis amor de Mulcibre fecit Apellem." Quintin, though still living in July 1530, was already dead on the 12th October 1531. See Catalogue du Musee d'Anvcrs, 1857. J Van Mander, Het Lemn der Schilders, &c., Ed. 1764 ; Von Mechel, Cata- logue de la Galerie de Vienne ; Schnaase, Niedcrlandische Briefe, 1834; Mi- chiels, Histoire de la Peinture Flamande, $c. ; Nieuwenhuys, Description de la Galerie, frc., de S.M. le Hoi desPays-Bas, 1843. Nieuwenhuys, Catalogue, Sec., p, 61. MAZZOLINI. 130 MAZZOLI'NI. LODOVI'CO MAZZOLI'NI, sometimes called Ma/zoliui da Ferrara, and Lodovico Ferrarese, was born, at Ferrara about 1481. He was the scholar of Lorenzo Costa; and after Garofalo, whom he somewhat resembles in style, may per- haps be considered the most distinguished of the Ferrarese painters. He died at Ferrara in 1530.* His pictures are remarkable for the architectural back-grounds which he frequently introduced into them. His masterpiece is pro- bably the large picture of Christ disputing with the Doctors, in the Gallery of Berlin ; it was painted in 1524. No. 82. THE HOLY FAMILY, with Saint Francis adoring the infant Christ ; behind, are Elizabeth and Saint John. The little Saint John is protecting a lamb from a monkey which appears to menace it. The back-ground is an archi- tectural elevation, adorned with bassi-riKevi. Engraved in Jones's National Gallery. On wood, 1 ft. 9 in. h. by 1 ft. 3 in. tv. Formerly in the Durazzo Palace at Genoa. Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1831, by the Rev. W. H. Carr. No. 169. THE HOLY FAMILY, with St. Nicholas of Tolentino adoring the infant Saviour ; St. Joseph is present- ing him with cherries. Immediately above the Virgin is the Dove in a glory of light, the symbol of the Holy Ghost, and in the upper part of the picture is a vision of the Father surrounded by a choir of angels. The whole is symmetrically arranged ; the back-ground of the composition is an architectural elevation, enriched with bassi-rilievi. On wood, 2 ft. in. h. by 1 ft. 6| in. w. Formerly in the Lercari Palace at Genoa : brought to England by Mr. A. Wilson in 1806. Purchased for the National Gallery from Mr. Beckford, in 1839. No. 641. THE WOMAN TAKEN IN ADULTERY. The scene represents the interior of the Temple, in which are many people on the floor and in the galleries. Christ has just * The works of this painter are frequently attributed to other masters, his own name being, through Vasari's omission of him, comparatively unknown. He is only slightly noticed by Vasari under the name of Malini, whence, says Lanzi, he has been divided into two Malini and Mazzolini. His name is also sometimes confounded with that of Ma/zolino, a name given by Lomazzo to Parmigiano Mazzuoli, of which Mazzolino is a diminutive, or what tire Italians call a vezzeggiativo. A picture in the Costabili collection at Ferrara is signed Lodovico Mazzolii, 15 1. Laderchi, Descrizione della Galleria Costabili. Ferrara, 1838, p. 45. 1 40 MEMLING. completed the writing on tlie pavement, " He that is with- out sin among you, let him cast first a stone at her," and the guilty Scribes and Pharisees are self- convicted, and about to turn away from him. John, ch. viii. On wood, 18 in. h. by 12 in. to. Formerly in the collection at Fonthill. Purchased at Paris, from M. Edmoncl Beaucousin, in 1860. MEMLING. HANS or JOHN MEMLING, called also HEMLING, was one of the ablest of the early Flemish masters ; the circumstances of his life are as yet little known, but one account assumes, from an old chronicle, that he was born at Constant, in 1439 ; and he is supposed to have been the scholar of Roger Vander Weyden. Memling was, however, already, in 1479, living at Bruges, in his own house, in the Rue St. George, as an established painter; and he was then a citizen of property and consideration, and was one of those who in 1480 contributed to the city loan towards defraying the expenses of the war between the Emperor Maximilian and France. His picture of the " Adoration of the Magi," in the Hospital of St. John at Bruges, is dated 1479 ; that known as the Sibyl Lambertka in the same collection was painted in the following year ; and the admirable triptych, by him, in the Academy of Bruges is dated 1484. In 1487 he lost his wife, Anne, by whom he had two sons and a daughter ; and on the 10th of December 1495 he himself also was dead, his children being then still minors.* The Hospital of St. John at Bruges possesses, besides the " Adoration" referred to above, two other of Memling 's best works, the fine altar-piece of the " Marriage of St. Catherine," and the celebrated " Chasse of St. Ursula/' with the history of the martyrdom of that saint and her companions. The comparatively large picture of " The Joys and Sorrows of the Virgin/' with the journey of the three Kings from the East, in the gallery at Munich, is also one of Memling's most remarkable productions ; it is a work of * Weale, Journal des Beaux-Arts, 3rd year, p. 21, &c., and Catalogue du, Musee de I'Academie de Bruges, 8vo., 1861. MESSINA. 141 extraordinary labour and finish. Rathgeber enumerates about a hundred works attributed to this painter.* No. 686. THE VIRGIN AND INFANT CHRIST, ENTHRONED, IN A GARDEN. On her right, an angel playing on a guitar ; on her left, St. George with the dragon at his feet. In front, the donor is kneeling before the Divine Infant, who, while listening to the music of the angel, is with his left hand turning over the leaves of a book held before him by his mother. In the distance is a view of the sea, with shipping. On wood, 2l in. h. by 14| in. w. Purchased at Cologne, at the sale of the pictures of Mr. J. P. Weyer, in 1862. ANTONELLO DA MESSINA. ANTONELLO DEGLI ANTONJ, commonly called ANTONELLO DA MESSINA, is distinguished among the painters of the 1 5th century chiefly as having been the means of intro- ducing into Italy the Flemish system of oil painting. Various writers, on both sides of the Alps, have had no difficulty in proving that the mere use of oil in painting was known at an earlier period in Italy as well as in the north. It is, however, no less certain that the earlier, partial practice of oil painting had so far failed to re- commend it that even after superior examples of the Flemish method, by Van Eyck and Roger Vander Weyden the elder, had been seen and admired in Italy,f the Italian painters generally still continued for many years to work in tempera. Vasari's account is the chief source of the history of Antonello. That narrative requires frequent correction in dates ; but the leading statements, except where they are irreconcileable with ascertained facts, have been generally adopted. Antonelio was born about the year 1414, and according to the best authorities, at Messina, where his father * Passavant, Kunstreise durch England und Belgien, 1835 ; Rathgeber, Annalen der Niederliindischen Malerei ; Michiels, Histoire de la Peinturc Fltimande, fyc. See also note to Claude, No. 30 in this catalogue. f Facius, Dz Viris lllustribus, pp. 46, 48. This work, published in the last century, was written in 1456. 142 MESSINA. Salvadore and even some among his ancestors, the Antonj. it is said, had practised painting.* After studying in Italy, and probably in Rome, he returned to Messina, but was soon afterwards attracted to Naples by the fame of a picture by John Van Eyck, painted, as Vasari states, for Alphonso, king of Naples. The impression produced by this work on Antonello was such that, " putting aside every other avocation and thought/' he at once undertook the journey to Flanders in order to see and ingratiate himself with the painter.f Alphonso having only begun to reign in 1442, after Van Eyck's death, it may be assumed that it was King Re'ne' of Anjou (supplanted by Alphonso) whom the biographer meant. It is indeed probable, on many accounts, that Re'ne' may have recommended Antonello to the Flemish master.:}: The biographer tells us that Antonello, " arrived in Flanders, assiduously cultivated the friendship of Giovanni " (John Van Eyck). The result was that the latter communicated to him the method of painting in oil. John Van Eyck died in July 1440. Granting Antonello a year to win. the favour of the Flemish master and learn his process, he must have been about twenty-five when he reached Bruges. After Van Eyck's death lie is supposed to have remained in Flanders, gradually mastering the new art, for some years. In, or soon after, 1451 he may have met Domenico Veneziano in Venice, and to him he communi- cated the Flemish process of oil painting; * Memorie de Pittori Messinesi, in Messina, 1821. f Vasari, Vita di Antonello da Messina. j Kunstblatt, 1826, No. 84. Puccini, Memorie Istorico-Critiche di Anlonello d?gli Antonj, Firenze, 1809, p. 37. Lanzi, Storia Pittorica (Firenze, 1822) torn, ii., p. 245. Facius (p. 26) describes a triptych by Van Eyck in tile- possession of King Alphonso. This -was probably the picture which Antonello saw ; but whether it was originally painted for Rene or for Alphonso (before the latter acquired the sovereignty of Naples) can only be matter of con- jecture. The dates in Domenico's life which affect his relations with Autonello may be here recorded. In 1439 he was painting the principal chapel (of Sant' Egidio) in the church attached to the hospital of Santa Maria Xuova in Florence, with Pietro della Fraucesca as his assistant. (See an original document quoted by Harzen, Archivfilr den ZeichnendenKOnste, 1856, p. 232.) In 1441 he was again at work in the same chapel withBicci di Lorenzo. (See the document quoted byMilanesi in the Giorna/e Storico degli Arc/iivi Toscani, Luglio Settembre 1860.) He was subsequently employed together with Pietro della Francesca at Loreto ; they both quitted Loreto on account of the plague (Vasari, Vita di Pietro della Francesca, consequently about 1450. Pietro went to Rimini where he painted a fresco dated 1451 ; Domenico MESSINA. 143 Vasari tells us that Domenico was afterwards invited to Florence on account of his newly acquired art, and was employed by the Portinari to paint in oil one side of the principal chapel in Santa Maria Nuova.* Meanwhile, Antonello appears to have established himself at Milan. The statement of an early writer, that he ac- quired great reputation there, indicates a stay of some years.f His return to his native Messina may not have been uninfluenced by the news of the untimely death of his friend Dominico. The assassination in Florence of that painter, by his rival Andrea dal Castagno, appears to have happened in 1463.$ The following year may be considered the commencement of Antonello's second residence in Messina. The picture by him about to be described (which, coming from Naples, may be supposed to be of Sicilian origin) is dated 1465. The latest of the various works appears to have re-visited his native Venice. If, therefore, he made the ac- quaintance of Antonello in Venice, as Vasari states, no more probable time can be assigned for their intercourse than between 1451 and 1455 ; indeed, as Domenico is named as a referee in a contract dated Perugia, December 1454, he may have been then in Florence. * That is to say, the same chapel of Sant 1 Egidio in Santa Maria Nuova, where, as we have seen, Domenico had been employed for at least two years at an earlier period. The conclusion is, that his previous works there (which must have been either in fresco or in tempera) were destroyed. Future re- searches among contemporary documents may explain this ; there can, however, be no doubt that the later wall paintings of Domenico in that chapel were in oil. Vasari, Vita di Andrea dal Castagno e Dom. Veneziano, not only states this distinctly, but says, as if from his own comparison of the works, that Andrea showed no less skill than Domenico in the management of oil colours. The remaining side of the chapel was allotted, according to the biographer, to Alessio Baldovinetti, who practised a method allied to oil painting. f " Mediolani quoque fuit percelebris." These words, ascribed to Maurolyco (Lanzi, torn. ii. p. 242), are quoted by that writer from an earlier authority. (See Memorie de' Pittori Messinesi, p. 7, note 1.) \ In the contract before referred to (Mariotti, Lettere Perugine, Perugia, 1788, p. 132), dated Perugia, 1454, three referees are named, one of whom was to be consulted ; either Fra Filippo Lippi, or Domenico Veneziano, or Fra Angelico da Fiesole. The fact that Fra Filippo visited Perugia in September 1461 (not in 1464, as misprinted in the Le Monnier, Vasari, vol. iv. p. 149, note 1,) to determine the doubtful question, may be explained by his being the first named ; it is not necessary to infer that Domenico (like Fra Angelico) was then deceased. The architect Filarete, whose MS. preserved in Florence belongs to a period between 1460 and 1464 (Gaye, Carteggio d'Artisti, Firenze, 1839, torn. i. p. 205,) states in that work that Domenico Veneziano was " recently deceased." Sandrart (Acad. Pict. p. 106) informs us that Do- menico was assassinated when Antonello was 49 years of age ; consequently, if the date of Antonello's birth has been rightly guessed, in 1463. But a few years since it was remarked, with reference to the chronological order of Antonello's works. " Between the years 1445 and 1474 a gap occurs, and we possess no pictures ; the first in the order of dates being one men- tioned by Lanzi, dated 1474." Crowe and Cavalcaselle, The early Flemish Painters, Sfc., London, 1857, p. 217. 144 MESSINA. painted by him in Messina seems to be that which w life of Poussin in 1806, and a Collection de Lettres de Poussin was published at Paris in 1824. t Discourse V. j Phocion, the contemporary of Philip and Alexander the Great, was a favourite Athenian general and statesman ; he, however, died by poison, by the decree of the Athenian people themselves. See Plutarch's Life of Phocion. M 178 POUSSIN, N. behind them. Towards the middle of the picture, another figure is reclining at full length at the foot of a large tree, on the stem of which are hanging some votive offerings. A small stream flows through this part of the picture. Engraved by E. Baudet ; and by W. Radclyffe, for Jones's Na tional Gallery. On canvas, 2 ft. 6 in. h. by 3 ft. 7 in, w. Presented to the nation by Sir George Beaumont, Bart., in 1826. No. 42. A BACCHANALIAN FESTIVAL. A landscape with satyrs, fauns, centaurs, and animals, in wild revelry. To the left, the drunken Silenus is being placed under a temporary canopy by two fauns, one of whom is about to crown him with a wreath of flowers. On the opposite side, a female satyr is supported by a faun, upon the back of a goat which is attempting to throw her off. In the centre is a kneeling satyr on the verge of intoxication, still drinking from a bowl, into which a fjjun is pouring wine; and the various phases of intemperance, boisterous mirth, contention, and insensibility, are forcibly pictured in the groups behind him. Engraved by T. Phillibrown, for Jones's National Galley. On canvas, 4 ft. 8 in. h. by 3 ft. 1 in. iv, This is one of a series of three pictures said to have been painted for the Duke de Montraorenci ; the other two were formerly in the possession of the Earl of Ashburnham. Bellori notices four " Bacchanals " by Poussin, which were painted at Paris in 1641, 42, for Cardinal Richelieu. Formerly in the Barberini Palace, and subsequently in the Angerstein collection, with which it was purchased for the nation, in 1824. No. 62. A BACCHANALIAN >ANCE. Landscape, with a group of fauns and bacchanalian nymphs, or bacchantes, dancing in a ring, interrupted in their merriment by a satyr, who has thrown one of the nymphs on the ground, for which another nymph is striking him on the head with a cantharus : behind this group, near a thick cluster of trees, is a terminal figure of Pan decorated with flowers. Still further to the right on this side, an infant bacchanal is bend- ing over and drinking from a large vase on the ground ; two other infant bacchanals are contending for the juice one of the bacchantes is squeezing from a bunch of grapes which she holds above their heads ; a fourth is sleeping on the ground behind them. Engraved by G. T. Doo, R.A., for the Associated Engravers ; by Van Merlen ; by R. Cooper ; and by S. S. Smith, for Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, 3 ft, 3 in. h. by 4 ft. 8 in, u\ POUSSIN, N. 179 This picture, one of the painter's master-pieces, is probably one of the four painted for Cardinal Richelieu : it formed part of the collection of M. cle Calonne, by whom it was brought to this country ;* it passed subsequently into the possession of Mr. Hamlet, of whom it was purchased for the National Gallery, in 1826. No. 65. CEPHALUS AND AURORA. Cephalus, before whom a little cupid holds up the portrait of his wife Procris, is endeavouring to free himself from the arms of Aurora: behind is the winged Pegasus. The elevated scene of the drama is indicated by the presence of a river god, probably Ilissus, as that river rises in Mount Hymettus, from which Cephalus was carried off.f In the back-ground is a naiad or some mountain nymph ; and Phoebus, in his chariot, is seen in the heavens just above the horizon : all indicating the early morning. Engraved by W. Holl, for Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, 3 ft. 2 in. h. by 4 ft. 3 in. w. Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1831, by Mr. G. J. Cholmondeley. No. 91. VENUS SLEEPING, SURPRISED BY SATYRS. While one of the satyrs lifts up the drapery of the goddess, another rouses Cupid who has been sleeping by her side. Composition of four small figures. Engraved by M. Pool ; by J. Daulle ; and by W. T. Fry, for Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, 2 ft. 2 in. h. by 1 ft. 8 in. w. Formerly in the collection of M. de Calonne, at Paris. Be- queathed to the National Gallery, in 1831, by the Rev. "W". H. Carr. No. 165. THE PLAGUE AMONG THE PHILISTINES AT ASHDOD. The Philistines, having overcome the Israelites, removed the Ark of the Lord to Ashdod, and placed it in the Temple of Dagon ; on the next morning they found their idol fallen, and the city was afflicted with a loathsome plague. " And the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold of the door." 1 Samuel, v. 4. The broken Dagon is seen before the Ark in the temple to the right, with a crowd of the citizens in consternation before it. In the fore-ground arc the bodies of a woman and her child ; a second child is approaching the breast of its dead mother, while a man stoops down and gently averts it from the infectious corpse.^ Various groups of dead and dying arc * See Buchanan's Memoirs of Painting. f Ovid, Mtt. vii. 701. See No. 147, p. 46, No. 2, p. 59, and No. 55, p. 63, of this catalogue. J A somewhat similar group to this, hut much less gross in its details, was in the celebrated picture by the Greek painter Artistides, which Alexander the Great, at the sack of Thebes, claimed for himself, and sent to his palace at M 2 180 RAPHAEL. dispersed over the picture : the scene is a handsome street in Ashdod, with noble piles of architecture on each side, viewed in perspective. Engraved by E. Picart ; by J. Baron; and by C. Niquet. On canvas, 4 ft. 3 in. /*. by 6 ft. 8 in. w. This is a repetition of a picture which was painted by Poussin at Rome in 1630, and for which he received, says Bellori, only sixty scudi, about twelve guineas; it came afterwards into the possession of Cardinal Richelieu, who paid 1,000 scudi for it; it is now in the gallery of the Louvre at Paris. The picture above described was formerly in the Colonna Palace at Rome, from which it was purchased by Mr. Irvine for Mr. Buchanan : * it was presented to the National Gallery by the Duke of Northum- berland in 1838. RAPHAEL RAPHAEL, or RAFFAELLof SANTI, or SANZIO, as the modern Italians write his name, was born at Urbino in the Contrada del Monte, April 64 1483. He was first instructed in painting by his father Giovanni Santi, who was a good painter for his period. After the death of his father in 1494, (his mother died three years before,) Raphael was placed by his uncles, Simone Ciarla and Bartolomeo Santi, with Pietro Perugino, the most celebrated painter at that time in Umbria, and then engaged on the frescoes of the Sala del Cambio (Exchange) at Perugia. He remained with Perugino several years, visiting various places during that period. In October 1504, Raphael paid his first visit to Florence, carrying with him a letter of introduction to the Gonfaloniere Soderini from Johanna del la Rovere, Duchess of Sora, and sister of the reigning Duke of Urbino. He appears to have made Florence his chief place of residence from this time until 1508, when he proceeded to Rome. With the exception Pella. See the Author's Epochs of Painting. There is also a very similar group in a design by Raphael, // Morbetto, known from the print of it by Marcantonio. See the remarks of Fuseli, on the comparative merits of these groups, in his first lecture. * See Ramdohr, Ueber Malcrei, tfc., vol. ii. p. 106. f There are copies of three letters of Raphael extant ; one only is a fac-simile t and in it the writer has signed himself Raphaello. The English form RAPHAEL, therefore, is nearer to this name than any of the modern Italian forms. Vasari wrote Raffaello. See the works of Longhena and Tassavant, quoted in note, p. 184. J See note, p. 183. I'ungileoni, Elogio Storico di Giovanni Stinti, Pittore c Pneta, padre ih-.l yran Rajfaello da Urbino. Urb. 1822. RAPHAEL. LSI of a few months passed at Perugia iu 1505, and a short interval at Bologna and Urbino in 1506, the whole period was spent in Florence. He became acquainted with Francia during his visit to Bologna, and ten years afterwards Raphael consigned to Francia's charge the well-known picture of St. Cecilia, which he painted at Rome for one of the churches of Bologna.* Among the pictures painted by Raphael, previous to his visit to Florence in 1504, may be mentioned the " Coronation of the Virgin," f now in the Vatican; and the celebrated " Spozalizio," J or " Marriage of the Virgin," in the Gallery of the Brera at Milan. The small picture No. 213, in this collection, belongs to the same period. The works executed at this time are said to be iu his first or Peruginesque manner; those produced between 1504 and 1508, (when he settled in Rome,) are said to be in his Florentine manner. Among the works of this latter period may be mentioned the " St. Catherine" in this collection ; the " Entombment of Christ" in the Borghese Gallery at Rome ; " La Belle Jardiniere"! in the Louvre ; and the "Madonna del Baldachino " IF in the Pitti Palace at Florence. The celebrated picture at Blenheim, painted in 1505," holds a middle place between the two styles.** Raphael had every opportunity of improving himself while at Florence : he was intimate with Fra Bartolommeo di San Marco, distinguished for his effective treatment of light and shade, and for his colouring ; and the rival cartoons of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were at that time the common models in design of all the Florentine painters. He was at length, through the recommendation of his countryman, Bramante, invited by Pope Julius II. to Rome, where he arrived about the middle of the year 1508. From his arrival until the death of Julius in 1513, he was almost constantly employed by that Pope. It was by the order of Julius that Raphael commenced the frescoes of the so-called Stanze of Raphael, in the Vatican. The first of these works was the " Theology," commonly called the Dispute on the Sacrament ; it was probably finished in the year 1509, and is painted in Raphael's second or Florentine * See the notice of FRANCIA in this catalogue. t Engraved by E. Stobzel. J Engraved by Giuseppe Longhi. Engraved by Volpato; and by S. Amsler, in 1832. i| Engraved by N. Poilli. ^f Engraved by F. A. Lorenzinl ** Engraved by L. Gruner. 182 RAPHAEL. manner. In the same apartment, called the Stanza della Segnatura, are also the frescoes of "Poetry," or Mount Parnassus ; " Philosophy," or the School of Athens ; and "Jurisprudence." These were all finished in or before 1511. In the second chamber, kno\vn as the Stanza dell' Eliodoro, are the " Expulsion of Helioclorus from the Temple of Jerusalem,"* the "Mass of Bolsena," the " Attila," and " St. Peter delivered from Prison." The two former were painted in 1512, during the lifetime of Julius ;-f the two latter in 1513 and 1514, during the pontificate of Leo X. The third chamber, called the Stanza dell' Incendio, was painted almost wholly by Raphael's scholars ; and the fourth, the Sala di Costantino, was completed from the designs of Raphael after his death, under the direction of Giulio Romano. The slow progress of the Vatican frescoes, after the painting of the Stanza dell' Eliodoro, was owing to the numerous commissions with which Raphael was almost overwhelmed, from Leo X. and other Roman patrons, and from numerous admirers of his works in distant parts. He executed in the meanwhile, besides many designs, portraits, * Maccabees II. ch. ii. v. 25. f Thus the principal frescoes of Raphael in the Vatican -were executed at least as soon as those of Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. (See the notice of Michelangelo in this catalogue.) Raphael, however, saw the grand works of his rival in progress, as they were uncovered before the whole ceiling was completed, and enlarged his style in consequence. That this was the com- mon opinion in Rome at the time, appears not only from Vasari's general state- ment, but also from the following interesting passage in a letter from Sebastiano del Piombo to Michelangelo himself, written apparently just after the completion of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, for the letter is dated October 15, 1512, and Michelangelo was then in Florence : the observation is attributed to Pope Julius. " Look at the works of Raphael, who, when he had seen the works of Michel- angelo, suddenly forsook the manner of Perugino, and approached as near as he could to that of Michelangelo ; but he is terrible, as you see ; one can do nothing with him ; " (ma e terribile, come tu vedi, non si pol pratichar con lui). These words refer to the character, not the style, of Michelangelo. Gaye, Carteggio Inedito (FArtisti, Ap. vol. ii. p. 489. The style of Michelangelo cannot have been new to Raphael when in Rome, as he must have been well acquainted with the " Cartoon of Pisa ; " but the great change in his own taste (though without a direct imitation of Michelangelo) is most visible on comparing the fresco of the " Theology " with his other works in the same apartment : the remark of Julius is borne out and exemplified by that change. Vasari instances Raphael's Isaiah, in Sant' Agostino, executed later, and his Sibyls in the Chiesa della Pace, painted in 1514, as exhibiting direct evidence of an emulation of Michelangelo. But Vasari was perhaps in- fluenced by the coincidence of the subjects with some of those on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel : as regards the style of the works in question, his obser- vation is only just in reference to the Isaiah : on the whole, the judgment of the Pope may be considered as better founded, and it confirms the received opinion. RAPHAEL. 183 Holy Families, Madonnas, and Saints, the " St. Cecilia/'' at Bologna ; the " Madonna di San Sisto," at Dresden ; the " Spasimo," at Madrid ; the Cartoons, at Hampton Court ; and the " Transfiguration," his last production, now in the Vatican. In addition to all these occupations, he had the superintendence, as architect, of the building of St. Peter's, in which office he succeeded Bramante. The whole of these works, including all the Vatican frescoes, except the " Theology," are painted in what is termed Raphael's third manner, or in that style which peculiarly characterises him, and constitutes th'e Roman school in its highest development ; it is distinguished for its dramatic composition and expression, for its correct and vigorous design, and, at least in the frescoes, for a grand and appropriate tone of colouring. Raphael died at Rome on his birthday,* April 6, 1520, aged exactly 37 years ; and, after lying in state, was buried with great pomp in the church of Santa Maria ad Martyres, or the Rotonda, the ancient Pantheon.j Raphael was of a sallow complexion, with brown eyes, slight in form, and abput 5 ft. 8 in. high. He was never married, but is said to have been engaged to Maria Bibiena, the niece of Cardinal Bibiena : she preceded him to the grave. He was said to have left property to the value of 16,000 ducats : he bequeathed all his painting materials and works of art to his favourite scholars, Gianfrancesco Penni and Giulio Romano, with the condition that they should complete his unfinished works in the Vatican. The numerous school of painters, formed by Raphael^at Rome, was dispersed at the sack of that city in 1527,' but the * The inscription by Cardinal Bembo on Raphael's tomb in the Pantheon is perfectly clear on this point. The concluding lines are : Vixit An. XXX VTL, Integer Integros. Quo die natus est, eo esse Desiit VHI. Id. Aprilis, MDXX. That is, he lived exactly 37 years ; he died on the same day (of the year) on which he was born, April 6. From the circumstance that April 6, 1520, was Good Friday, Vasari, and others after him, were led into the erroneous notion that Raphael, as he died on Good Friday, was also born on Good Friday, over- looking the fact of this day being a moveable feast. Schorn and others, following the vague assertion of Vasari, have inferred an error in the very particular inscription of the Cardinal, who was the painter's intimate friend, and, doubtless, well aware of the real facts of the case. See a communication on this subject, by Mr. J. Dennistoun, in the Art-Union Journal of January 1842. f His tomb was opened in 1838, and the skeleton, with all the teeth, found entire : a mould was taken from the skull. 184 RAPHAEL. elements of that school were spread over Italy ; his most distinguished followers, besides those already mentioned, were Pierino del Vaga, Polidoro da Caravaggio, and Clarofalo.* No. 213. THE VISION OF A KNIGHT. In the fore- ground a young knight in armour is sleeping upon his sliield at the foot of a laurel tree : on the left is a female figure holding a sword and a book ; on the opposite side is another younger female, holding a sprig of myrtle in bloom. The back-ground is a varied landscape. Imme- diately below the picture is the original pen-and-ink drawing from which it was traced. Engraved by L. Gruuei 1 . On wood, 7 in. square. This picture belongs to Raphael's first period, probably to the time when he was with Pietro Perugino. It was formerly in the Borghese Gallery at Home, whence it was procured at the end of the last century, by Mr. W. Y. Ottley ; it passed subsequently into the possession of Sir Thomas Lawrence, and afterwards became successively the property of Lady Sykes, and of the Rev. Thomas Egerton/- from whom it was purchased for the National Gallery, in 1847. No. 168. ST. CATHERINE of Alexandria. St. Catherine, a princess of Alexandria, a Christian, was, about the year 311, condemned by the Emperor Maxentius to be crushed with wheels ; the apparatus, however, was broken to pieces by an angel, and the saint Avas afterwards beheaded.f Sbe is represented in the picture looking upwards, with an ex- pression full of resignation, and is leaning with her left arm on the wheel, the intended instrument of her martyrdom ; the back-ground is a landscape. Small figure, three-quarter length. Engraved by A. Desnoyers in 1824. On wood, 2 ft. 4 in. h. by 1 ft. 9^ in. w. ' * The accounts of Raphael are very numerous : among the most prominent are : Vasari, Vite de' Pittori, fyc. ; Bellori, Dcscrizione dclle Immagmi depinte da Raffaello da Urbino, ncl Palazzo Vaticano, Sfc.; Duppa, Life of Raffaello Sanzio, London, 1816; Rehberg, Rafael Sanzio aus Urbino, Miinchen, 1824 ; Quatremene de Quincy, Histoire de la Vic et ties Ouvrages de Raphael, Paris, 1824; Longhena, Istoria dellaVita e delle Opere di Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, del Sig. Quatreiuere de Quincy, fyc., Milan, 1829 ; Pungileoni, Elogio Storico di Raffaello Sanli da Urbino, Urbino, 1829-31 ; Plainer and Bunsen, Benchreibung der Stadt Rom, vol. ii. 1832 ; and especially J. D. Passavant, liafael von Urbino und sein Voter Giovanni Santi, Leipzig, 1839, -which contains an accurate account of all Raphael's works. f See the story of St. Catherine, from Peter de Natalibus, in Lord Lindsay's Sketches of the History of Christian Art, vol. i. RAPHAEL. 185 This picture was painted about the year 1507, and is in Raphael's second style. It was formerly in the Aldobrandini collection in the Borghese Palace at Home, from which it was procured by Mr. Day at the close of the last century ; it passed into the possession of Lord Northwick, who subsequently sold it to Mr. Beckford, from whom it was purchased in 1839. An original drawing by Raphael of this picture is in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire, and there is a finished cartoon of it in the Collection of Drawings in the Louvre at Paris. No. 2*7. PORTRAIT OF JULIUS II., seated in a chair Pope Julius II., previously known as the Cardinal della Rovere, was elected to the papal chair in 1503, and died in 1513 ; he commenced the present church of St. Peter at Rome. Three-quarter length, of the natural size. Engraved by A. Chataigner ; by E. Horace ; and by R. Page, for Jones's National Gallery. On wood, 3 ft. 6 in. h. by 2 ft. 8 in. w. This portrait was repeated several times by Raphael, or his scholars. The original and the finest is in the Pitti Palace. Passavant enumerates nine repetitions, including the picture now referred to, besides three of the head only. The Pitti portrait was taken probably in 1511 or 1512, before Raphael executed the fresco of " Heliodorus," in which Julius is introduced in much the same attitude as in this portrait. The original cartoon is in the Corsini collection at Florence.* This picture was formerly in the Falconieri Palace at Rome ; and subsequently in the pos- session of Mr. Angerstein, with whose collection it was purchased in 1824. No. 661. THE MADONNA DI SAN SISTO. A tracing by Jacob Schlesinger made in 1822 from the celebrated pic- ture by Raphael in the Dresden Gallery. In the centre, the Madonna and Child in the clouds ; on her right is kneeling St. Sixtus, Pope ; on her left St. Barbara ; two angels below. Six figures, life-size. Mounted on thick paper attached to canvas, 8 ft. 5 in. h. by 6 ft. 7 in. w. Presented in 1860 by Messrs. P. and D. Colnaghi, Scott, and Co. REMBRANDT, f REMBRANDT HERMANSZOON (son of Herman) VAN * Passavant, Rafael von Urbino, ii. 119, 489. f The half fabulous statements of Houbrakeu and Weyerman respecting Rembrandt's life and character had been universally adopted by biographers till within the last ten years. For the rectification of these errors by a careful investigation of original documents, the public is chiefly indebted to M. Schel- tema, Keeper of the Archives of North Holland. In May 1852, preparatory to the ceremony of placing the statue of Rembrandt in Amsterdam, M. Schel- 186 REMBRANDT, RYN* was born at Ley den, July 15, 1606, or according to his own statement at his rnarraige in 1608.-f- His parents sent him to the Latin School at Leyden, with a view to his sub- sequently studying jurisprudence in the University of that city; but his inclination for the art in which he was destined to excel soon manifested itself so strongly that he was placed with the painter Jacob Van Swanenburg, with whom he remained three years ; he studied also for a short time under Pieter Lastman, at Amsterdam, and under Jacob Pinas at Haarlem. He returned home after an absence of about four years, and became from that time a diligent and exclusive student of nature. He appears to have met with very early success: in 1630, at the age of twenty-two, he settled in Amsterdam, where he remained till his death. He there married, June 22, 1634, Saskia Uilenburg a lady of good family, and possessed of some fortune. She died in 1642 ; at a later period of his life he married again; in what year is uncertain. In 1653 Rembrandt incurred considerable debts; his difficulties went on in- creasing, and in 1656 he was publicly declared insolvent. This disaster has been commonly explained by the impoverished condition of Holland the consequence of more than one war at the period referred to, when, as some writers state, upwards of two thousand houses teina embodied in a discourse the result of his laborious researches. That discourse was shortly afterwards published (N'devoering over hei Lsven en i'e Verdiensten van Rembrand vein Ryn, Amsterdam, 1853), and "was commented on in some of the leading European periodicals connected with art. It was not, however, till 1859 that the pamphlet was translated into French, with an introduction and notes by W. Burger, a name well known by many valuable works on the Galleries of Europe. The dates and other circumstances in the above short account of Rembrandt are in accordance with the well authenticated statements of Scheltema : a few only of his conclusions being-modified by the observations of his accurate editor, Burger. See Rembrandt, Discours sur *n Vie et son Genie par le Dr. P. Scheltema. Traduit par A. Willems. Revu et annote par W. Burger. Bruxelles, 1859. * The name of Rembrandt's father was Hermann Gerritszoon (son of Gerrit) van Ryn ; that of his grandfather being Gerrit Roelofszoon (son of Roelof ) ran Ryn. The name of Gerrit seems to have been erroneously transferred by some writers to the great painter himself. A half length portrait by Rembrandt of Dr. Matthys Kalkoen, dated 1632, has the inscription Rt. II." (Rembrandt Hermanszoon) van Ryn. See a note by Burger in the translation of Scheltema's pamphlet, above quoted, p. 73. See also the monograms in Immerzeel, De Lerens enWerken der Hollandsche en Vlaamsche Kunstschilders, &c., 1842. It may be observed that the form Rembrand adopted by some writers, though possibly more correct, is not warranted by the artist's signatures. t Orlers, Description dela Ville de Leyden. and other contemporary writers give 1606 as the date. BEMBKANDT. 1 87 in Amsterdam were untenanted, and distress was general. Rembrandt's embarassments are, however, partly to be accounted for by the fact, that in his passion for collecting works of art he was sometimes utterly regardless of their cost.* This, at the same time, is in itself a sufficient answer to the absurd but often repeated stories, respecting his supposed miserly habits. His misfortune appears to have had no effect on his professional energies, his works produced during and immediately after the period when it occurred exhibit all his wonted powers. f The earliest pictures by Rembrandt, with dates, are, the "Presentation in the Temple/' in the Gallery in the Hague, and a portrait of a young man, contributed from the royal collection at Windsor, to the Manchester Exhibition, both are dated 1631 4 The " Anatomical Lecture," painted in 1632, is also at the Hague. Of his maturer time, the " Night Watch," as it is called, now in the gallery at Amster- dam, dated 1642, is regarded as the prominent example ; while the portraits of the " Syndics/' in the same gallery, painted in 1661, is sometimes selected as the type of his * Instances of the large prices he sometimes paid for such works are not wanting. See Waagen, Handbook of Painting, the German, Flemish, and Dutch schools; London, Murray, 1860; Part ii. p. 338. One of the liabilities which must have pressed heavily on Bembrandt is not to be overlooked. By the will of his first wife, the bulk of her fortune was bequeathed to Rembrandt during his life, or till his second marriage, and then to their only surviving son Titus. Scheltema, after speaking of the debts above referred to, connects Rembrandt's actual insolvency with his second marriage, which involved the necessity of paying his son Titus the amount of Saskia's bequest. As already shown, the great painter's embarrassed cir- cumstances may perhaps be traced to other sufficient causes, and the date of his second marriage is uncertain. The sale of his property and valuable collection of works of art, including numerous pictures by various masters, and more than sixty by his own hand, besides his drawings and etchings, produced, in consequence of the depressed state of the coutry, less than 5,000 guilden. The inventory of his collection, first published in English by C. J. Nieuwenhuys, in his instructive work, A Review of the Lives and Wvrks of some of the most emi- nent Painters, London, 1834, shows that however decided Rembrandt's own taste and practice were, he was capable, as a collector, of taking an interest in fine examples of his art of whatever school. Waagen, Handbook &c., Part ii. p. 338. f Josi, in his Beredeneerde Catalogus der Werken van Rembrandt van Rhyn en van Zyne Lecrlingen en Navolgeren, fyc., Amsterdam, 1810, preface p. 11, indicates the fine etchings executed in the year of Rembrandt's disaster. J Among the fac- similes of monograms before referred to in Immerzeel's Dictionary, the date 1630 occurs, followed in one instance by the word pinxit, but without reference to any particular work. In Kugler's Hundbuch der Kunstgeschxhte, 1861, vol. ii. p. 468, note, a picture by Rembrandt is men- tioned with the date 1627. 188 REMBRANDT. later manner. The last work of the artist is supposed to be the " Betrothed Jewess/' in the Van der Hoop gallery at Amsterdam ; the date now effaced, is believed to have been 1669.* Rembrandt was equally distinguished as an etcher and a painter. " He was/' says Fuseli, "a genius of the first class, in whatever relates not to form. In spite of the most portentous deformity, and without considering the spell of his chiaroscuro, such were his powers of nature, such the grandeur, pathos, or simplicity of his composition, from the most elevated or extensive arrangement to the meanest or most homely, that the best cultivated eye, the purest sensibility, and the most refined taste, dwell on them equally enth railed. "f Rembrandt died at Amsterdam in 1669, and was buried there (in the Wester Kerk) on the 8th of October of that year.! He had two children by his first wife ; one of them died young ; the other, Titus, was brought up as a painter, but he possessed little ability and died before his father. The name of Rembrandt's second wife has not been pre- served ; of two children by her nothing is known, except, that they survived him. Among his numerous scholars, Gerbrand Van den Eeckhout was his best imitator m Biblical subjects: Ferdinand Bol and Govert Flinck were his rivals in portraiture ; and Bernard Fabritius sometimes closely followed the bolder manner of the master. Rembrandt's pictures are numerous ; his etchings, which amount to nearly four hundred, are dated from 1628 to 1661.|J * Burger, Muse'e.t in 1784, notices this picture as only probably by Sebastiano del Piombo. Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1831, by the Rev. W. H. Carr. No. 2A. PORTRAIT OF A LADY, as ST. AGATHA; formerly supposed to be Giulia Gonzaga, a lady of the ruling family of Mantua, distinguished for her beauty and accomplishments. The nimbus, or glory, around the head indicates the Saint, and the pincers at the side, St. Agatha. Half-length, rather above the natural size. Engraved by L. Stocks, R.A., for Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, 3 ft. h. by 2 ft. 6 in. w. The portrait of Giulia Gonzaga, " a divine picture," as Vasari terms it, was painted at Fondi for the Cardinal Ippolito de' Medici, and by him presented to Francis I., of France, who placed it in his gallery at Fontainebleau, from which it was some time after- wards lost. This picture, said to be the portrait in question was painted in Rome ; it is signed F. SEBASTIANUS, VEN. FACIEBAT, was formerly in the Borghese Gallery at Rome, and * Sir Thomas Lawrence was in possession of several drawings of parts of this composition, by Michelangelo, including two sketches of the figure of Lazarus : they were subsequently in the collection of the late King of Holland at the Hague. f Ueber Malerei und BUdhauerarbeit in Rom, tyc., i. 289. 216 SEGNA LO SPAGNA. bequeathed to the National Gallery, iu 1831, by the Rev. W. H. Carr. *F'SEBASTIANVS FACIE BAT A 1 A SEGNA. SEGNA DI BUONAVENTURA, the pupil of Duccio di Buon- insegna, painted at Siena between the years 1305 and 1319.* His works are exceedingly rare ; in the Gallery tit Siena is a portion of an altar-piece, containing the Virgin and three Saints, in which Segna me fecit is inscribed on the sword of St. Paul, one of the Saints represented, f No. 567. CHRIST ON THE CROSS, with the Virgin and St. John at the extremities of the side limbs of the cross. A crucifix, with a projecting nimbus around the head of Christ ; inscribed above, IHS. NAZARENUS REX JUDEORUM. In tempera, on wood, 7 ft. 1 in. /*., by 6 ft. w. Formerly in the Vanni Collection at Siena. Purchased at Florence, from the Lombardi-Baldi Collection, in 1857. LO SPAGNA. GIOVANNI DI PIETRO, called Lo SPAGNA and Lo SPAGNOLO (the Spaniard), was, after Raphael, the most distinguished of the scholars of Pietro Perugino. Few of the circum- stances of his life are known : he was an established painter in Italy probably in 1503, and certainly in 1507. In 1516 he was made a citizen of Spoleto, and in the following year he was elected head of the Society of Painters there Capitano dell' Arte dei Pittori : he was still living in 1530. * Vasari, Vile de Pittori, &c. Ed. Le Monnier. Flor. 1846. f Engraved in Rosini's Storia della Pittura Ilaiiana, Sfc., vol. ii. \t. Itio. 2nd Ed. vol. ii. p. 4. SPAGNOLETTO. 217 In his latest works Lo Spagna was an imitator of Raphael's third -or Roman style ; his best performances are considered those executed in the taste of his master Pietro Perugino. The Madonna Enthroned, painted in 1516, and now in the chapel of San Stefano, in the lower church of San Francesco at Assisi, is accounted by Rumohr this painter's master- piece.* No. 282. THE GLORIFICATION OF THE VIRGIN. The Virgin, holding in her left hand a lily, is seated in clouds, with the Child standing upon her knee : she is surrounded by cherubim, two of which are supporting a crown above her head ; two others are holding lighted candles. On a marble platform below are two infant angels, seated ; one playing on a viol, the other blowing a flageolet. In the landscape back-ground are seen a church, and distant mountains. On wood, 5 ft. 10 in. h. by 2 ft. 7 in. w., circular top. Formerly in the Ercolani Collection at Bologna. Purchased for the National Gallery at the sale of the Earl of Orford's pictures, in 1856. SPAGNOLET'TO. GIUSEP'PE RIBE'RA, commonly called Lo SPAGNOLETTO (the little Spaniard), was born in Spain, at Xativa, near Valencia, January 12, 1588. He was destined by his parents, says Cean Bermudez, for the pursuit of letters, but his passion for the arts induced him to prefer the school of Francisco Ribalta to the University. He went, when still a youth, to Italy, and, in spite of extreme poverty, prosecuted his studies as a painter with untiring energy, though sometimes depending entirely for support on the precarious charity of his fellow-students, in Rome. He was at first engrossed by the works of Raphael and Annibale Cariacci, but eventually adopted the forcible and attractive style of Michelangelo da Caravaggio. He studied also the works of Correggio at Parma ; but on his return to Rome, finding that he could not agree with his old companions, Ribera determined to try his fortunes in Naples, where he married the daughter of a rich picture - * Marriotti, Lctlere Pittoriche Perugine, p. 95 ; Vassari, Vile de' Pitlori, Sec. ; Life of Pietro Perugino, ed. Le Monnier, vol. vi. p. 54 ; Rinnohr, Italienischc Forschungen, vol. ii. p. 349. 218 SPAGNOLETTO. dealer, and from this time entered upon a more important professional career, being employed, through the interest of his patron, the then Spanish Viceroy the Count de Monterey, on many commissions for Philip IV. of Spain. In 1630 he was elected a member of the Academy of St. Luke, at Rome, and in this year he entertained Velazquez at Naples ; in 1644 be was decorated by the Pope with the insignia of the Order of the " Abito di Cristo." Cean Bermudez, following the account of Palomino, says that he died in Naples, honoured and rich, in 1656; but Dominici, the Italian histo- rian of the painters of Naples, states that Spagnoletto disap- peared from the city in 1648, and was not again heard of: this writer also claims him as an Italian, as a native of Galli- poli, in the Neapolitan province of Lecce, though of Spanish descent, an account contradicted by the Spanish historian, who quotes the register of Ribera's baptism at Xativa. Ribera was perhaps the most able of all the so-called naturalist painters ; lie displays a remarkable power and facility even in his most unpretending works : they are correct in form, though it is of the most ordinary character ; and, notwithstanding his excessive love of strong shadows, his pictures are rich in colour. He had many imitators ; his influence was felt tliroughout Italy and Spain, but more especially at Naples ; and though he cannot dispute the first place, in his style of art, with Caravaggio, the popularity of that peculiar class of painters known as the Tenebrosi and Naturalisti depended as much on the example of Ribera as of Caravaggio. Belisario Corenzio, a Greek, Giambattista Caracciolo, a Neapolitan, and Ribera, formed a memorable cabal at Naples, the object of which was, by intimidation or other- wise, to banish all competing talent, whether native or foreign, and to monopolize the chief patronage of the city for themselves, a conspiracy in which they succeeded too well for many years, until the death of Caracciolo in 1641. Domenichino, Annibale Carracci, the Cavaliere D'Arpino, and Guido, were all more or less victims of this cabal ; Domenichino may be said to have died from the Vexations it brought upon him. Luca Giordano and Salvator Rosa were the most eminent of Ribera's pupils.* * Cean Bermudez, Diccionario Hialorico de los mas ilustren jmifcsures tit las Bellas Aries en Espaiia ; Dominioi. Vile de'Pittori, tgc. Napolitani, Naples, 4 vols. 8vo. 1840-46. SPINELLO. 219 No. 235. THE DEAD CHRIST ; or the subject termed a Pietd by the Italians the Virgin weeping over the dead body of Christ ; in this instance she is accompanied by St. John and Mary Magdalen. Four figures, of life size. On canvas, 4 ft. 2 in. h. by 5 ft. 10 in. w. Presented to the National Gallery, in 1853, by David Bar- clay, Esq. No. 244. SHEPHERD WITH A LAMB. Seated under a tree ; in his left hand the crook. Full-length life size. Probably a portrait. On canvas, 4 ft. 4f in. h. by 3 ft. 6^ in. w. Bequeathed to the National Gallery by Lord Colborne, in 1854. SPINELLO ARETINO. SPINELLO DI LUCA SPINELLI, commonly called SPINELLO ARETINO, was born at Arezzo about 1330. He became the pupil, before his twentieth year, of Jacopo di Casentino, while that painter was engaged at Arezzo. After having executed several works at Arezzo, which have nearly aU perished, Spinello in 1361 was employed by the Monks of Camaldoli, in the Casentino, to paint the principal altar-piece of their church ; it remained in the church until 1539, when it was removed to give place to an altar-piece by Vasari. He then painted some scenes from the life of St. Bene- dict in the sacristy of the Monastery of San Miniato al Monte, near Florence, which works are still in good pre- servation. An Annunciation and some other subjects still exist also in the Convent degl' Innocenti at Arezzo ; one of which bears the inscription Hoc opus fecit fieri Clemens Pucci, &c. Anno Domini 1377, die 15 rtiensis Martii. In 1384 Spinello completed an altar-piece for the Convent of Monte Oliveto near Florence, on which were inscribed the names of Simone Cini, the carver, and Gabriello Sara- cini, the gilder, of the frame, as conspicuously as that of Spinello, the painter of the picture.* From this time, owing to political disturbances at Arezzo, Spinello resided in Florence, until about 1387-8, when he * A part of this altar-piece is now in the Gallery of Siena. Vasari, Ed. Le Monnier, vol. ii. p. 194, note. 220 SPINELLO. was invited to Pisa to execute some frescoes in the Campo Santo there. These works, subjects from the lives of Saints Efeso and Potito, are by Vasari considered his master- pieces.* He remained in Pisa until the murder of Pietro Gambacorti, in 1392, when the disturbances arising from it compelled him to leave Pisa and return to Florence ;t and after a year's sojourn in Florence, says Vasari, Spinello re- turned to his native place. This would be about 1394, and Spinello was still in the vigour of life. He executed several works at Arezzo after his return, of which the most re- markable was the " Fall of the Angels/' in the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, preserved till very recently 4 There is also a " Coronation of the Virgin," in the Academy at Florence, which was painted in 1401 ; and in 1404-5, he painted the frescoes of the Church of San Niccolo at Arezzo. In 1405 Spinello was in Siena ; and on the 18th of June of 1407 he contracted for himself and his son (Parri Spinelli) to paint the series of frescoes still preserved in the Sala dei Priori, in the Palazzo Pubblico there, illustrating the struggle for supremacy between Pope Alexander III. and the Emperor Frederick II., at the monthly pay of 15 golden || florins for the two, besides maintenance. A payment was made on the 4th of April 1408, but Spinello's name does not occur in the accounts after the llth of July of that year.l He died at a very advanced age at Arezzo ; the exact date is not * These frescoes of the Campo Santo -were paid for in 1392. Spinello re- ceived 150 gold florins (not 30/.) for three pictures. See Fb'rster, Beitriiye zur neueren Kunstgeschichte, 1835, p. 118. f Vasari, Vite, Sec. Ed. Le Monnier, vol. ii. p. 196. Professor Tomei of Lucca is in possession of a picture of the Virgin with Saints, signed : Hoc OPUS PINXIT SriNELLus LUCE BE AKiTio in A. 1391. J A fragment of this wall-painting, transferred to cloth, and containing part of the St. Michael, the principal figure, is now in the possession of H. A. Layard, Esq. Engraved hy Carlo Lasinio in 1821. It forms plate XXVI. of the Affreschi Cclebri del XIV. e XV. Secolo. 1841. Engraved in the Galleria del I. e lieak Accademia delle Belle Arti di Firenze, be. 1846. || The value of the gold florin varied at different times and in different places ; but the modern Scudo or Francescone, about four shillings English, is sufficiently near to it to give an adequate idea of a sum computed in gold florins. The pay alone of Spinello on this occasion was nearly double that received by Duccio for his altar-piece (without maintenance) just one hundred years before. In the fourteenth century money had about twenty times its present value. The gold florin was worth between three and four shillings. ^f Kuiuohr, Itulienische Fomduingen, vol ii. Milanesi, Dvcumenti per la Sloria delC Arte Senese, vol. i. p 43, and vol. ii. p. 32, 1854. TACCONI. 221 known. Vasari remarks that his drawings or sketches were superior to his paintings. His execution is slight, but his colouring is good, and his draperies are managed with great skill. No. 581. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST with ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST and ST. JAMES THE GREATER. St. John the Baptist holds a scroll inscribed Ego vos clamante in deserto, Parate via* Three figures, small-life size. In tempera, on wood. The entire picture 6 ft. 2 in. h., by 5 ft. 1 in. w. The separate compartments each 4 ft. 6 in. h. by 1 ft. 7 in. w. Formerly in the Hospital Church of Santi Giovanni e Niccolo, near Florence. Purchased at Florence from the Lombardi-Baldi Collection, in 1857. TACCONI. FRANCESCO TACCONI, a distinguished painter of Cremona in the fifteenth century, of whom very few works now remain. Francesco and his brother Filippo Tacconi were in 1464 honoured by their fellow citizens with an ex- emption from personal taxes, on account of a Loggia painted by them in the Palazzo Pubblico of Cremona. In 1490 Francesco Tacconi was employed in the Church of St. Mark at Venice, for which he painted the doors of the organ then in use on the outsides the Adoration of the Kings and of the Shepherds ; on the insides, the Resurrection of Christ. These doors are still preserved, but the paintings are injured. The recorded inscription, O. FRANCISCI TACHONI CREMON. PICTORIS 1490 MAII 24, is no longer preserved.! No. 286. THE VIRGIN ENTHRONED ; holding the Child upon her right knee, the right foot being raised on a foot- stool : in the background a green curtain. Inscribed on a plinth below, OP. FRANCISI TACHONI, 1489. OCTU. Figures half-life scale. On wood, 3 ft. 3 in. h. by 1 ft. 8^ in. w. * Vox clamantis in deserto : Parate viam Domini. Matth. iii. 3. t Moschini, Guida per la Cittu di Venezia, Ven. 1815, vol. i. p. 287. See also the Dictionary of Grasselli, Abecedario Biografico, Milan, 1827, in which the picture in this collection is mentioned. It is noticed likewise in the dic- tionaries of the Abate de Boni, Ticozzi, and Nagler. TENIERS. Formerly in the Casa Savorgnan ; purchased, for the National Gallery, at Venice, of the Baron Galvagna in 1855. 'OP-FRANCISI* OCTV TENIEKS. DAVID TENIERS, the younger, was born at Antwerp in 1610. He was taught painting by his father, the elder Teniers, whose style he adopted; he received also some instruction from Adrian Brouwer. Teniers' success was commensurate with his abilities : his works were in universal request; the Archduke Leopold AVilliam, governor of the Spanish Netherlands, appointed him his court painter and one of his chamberlains ; and he bought himself a country seat at Perth, a village between Antwerp and Mechlin, which became a constant resort of the Spanish and Flemish nobility : he gave Don Juan, of Austria, lessons in painting. This prince painted the portrait of Teniers' son, and presented it to the painter as a token of his regard. Teniers died at Brussels in 1694, and was buried at Perck. He was twice married: his first wife was the daughter of Velvet Breughel.* Teniers, though a Fleming by birth, belongs rather to the Dutch school in style: he is one of the principal of the Dutch and Flemish ^/ire-painters ; his works, however, vary very much, both in subject and in execution. Some of his pictures are solidly executed, while others are painted so thinly that the ground of the painting is in many parts barely covered: he is said to have often commenced and finished pictures of the latter class at a single sitting. His general subjects are fairs, markets, merry-makings, guard-rooms, beer-houses, and other interiors : he painted also landscapes. Sir Joshua Reynolds particularly directs the attention of the painter, who wishes to excel in execution, to the works of Teniers. " His manner of touching," he says, " or what we * Houbraken, Groote Schouburg, ftc.,- Immerzeel, Levens en Werken der Hollandsche Kunstschilders, ffc. TENIERS. 223 call handling, has, perhaps, never been equalled ; there is in his pictures that exact mixture of softness and sharpness which is difficult to execute."* The prints after this painter are "very numerous ; there are also several etchings by his own hand. Many of his best pictures are in this country. No. 154. A Music PARTY; a woman, accompanied by a man with a guitar, is entertaining some peasants with a song. An interior ; seven small figures. Engraved by W. Pether. No. 158. BOORS REGALING ; a man, expressing some- what boisterous merriment in his attitude, is holding out a glass of ale at arm's-length ; by his side is an old woman filling her pipe: a third figure is standing behind them. An interior ; companion piece to the above. On wood, both pictures, 10 in. h. by 14 in. w. Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1838, by Lord Farn- borough. No. 155. THE MISERS, or MONEY-CHANGERS. A man and his wife counting their money; they are seated at a table covered with gold and silver coin, loose and in bags ; some of the accessories seem to indicate considerable business transactions. Engraved by C. W. Sharpe. On canvas, 2 ft. % in. h. by 2 ft. 9 in. w. Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1838, by Lord Farn- borough. J)AVID-TENIERS No. 242. PLAYERS AT TRIC-TRAC, or Backgammon. A Dutch interior, with eight small figures. On wood, 1 ft. 2 in. h. by 1 ft. 9 in. w. Bequeathed to the National Gallery by Lord Colborne, in 1854. * Journey to Flanders and Holland. 224 TINTORETTO. TINTORETTO. JA'COPO ROBUSTI, commonly called Tintoretto, from the trade of his father, who was a dyer (Tintore), was born at Venice in 1512. He may be said to be self-taught, for the few days which he attended the studio of Titian can scarcely be said to constitute a pupilage under that great painter. Titian dismissed Tintoretto without assigning any cause for his disgrace.* This extraordinary rebuff appears to have added vigour to the young painter's energies: he com- menced a course of indefatigable application, depending henceforth entirely upon his own resources. He bought casts from the antique and from the works of Michelangelo ; he devoted the day to painting, and in the night he made drawings from his casts ; he professed openly to draw like Michelangelo and to colour like Titian, and wrote the fol- lowing line on the wall of his studio " H disegno di Michelangelo ed il colorito di Tiziano. " He undertook every commission which offered itself, and frequently executed large works for the mere price of the materials. Such persevering labour did not fail eventually to procure him a high position among the painters of Venice ; and, before he was forty years of age, he became the acknowledged rival of Titian himself. The Miracle of St. Mark, known as the " Miracolo dello Schiavo,"-f- Tinto- retto's masterpiece, was painted when he was thirty-seven years of age : it is now in the Academy of Venice. This picture was painted for the Scuola di San Marco, with three others, which are also among Tintoretto's best works. The " Exhumation of the body of Saint Mark at Alex- andria ;" the " Transport of the body to the ship ;" and the " Miraculous preservation of a Saracen sailor, at sea, by the Saint." These pictures are still in the Scuola di San Marco ; and Pietro da Cartona is reported to have said that, if lie lived at Venice, he would never pass a holiday without going to see them. Tintoretto painted other equally celebrated pictures for the Scuola di San Rocco; among them is the Crucifixion, * Titian's attention being attracted by some verj spirited drawings which he saw in his studio, he inquired who made them ; and upon learning that they were Tintoretto's, who had been with him only ten days, he ordered one of his scholars to conduct the boy home. Ridolfi. t Engraved by J. Matham. TINTORETTO. 225 which was engraved by Agostino Carracci in 1589. The " Miracolo dello Schiavo," this " Crucifixion," and the " Mar- riage at Cana,"* painted for the Padri Crociferi, but now in the church of Santa Maria della Salute, are the only pictures to which Tintoretto put his name. He died at Venice in 1594, aged eighty-two. He left a son, Domenico, who died in 1637 ; his daughter, Marietta, an excellent portrait-painter, died before her father, in 1590, aged only thirty. Tintoretto, from the rapidity of his execution, received the nickname of il Furioso : Sebastiano del Piombo said that Tintoretto could paint as much in two days as would occupy him two years. He was very unequal in his execution ; the Venetians used to say that he had .three pencils : one of gold, one of silver, and a third of iron. Annibale Carracci well expressed his inequality in the following words " if he was sometimes equal to Titian, he was often inferior to Tintoretto."f No. 16. ST. GEORGE DESTROYING THE DRAGON. The Saint, mounted on his charger, is in the act of spearing the dragon, on the brink of the lake : on the ground before the knight is the dead body of a man : the exposed princess, for whom the knight ventured on his perilous exploit, is kneeling in the fore-ground.:}: Engraved by G-. Corbould, for Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, 5 ft. 2 in. h. by 3 ft. 3 in. w. Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1831, by the Rev. W. H. Carr. -,,,.-. , , TITIAN. TIZIA'NO VECE'LLIO, commonly called TITIAN, was born in 1477, at Capo del Cadore, a small town on the river Piave, in the territory of Venice. He was placed, ah/wt the age of ten, with Sebastiano Zuccati, to learn painting. He quitted Zuccati for Gentile Bellini, but he left this painter also shortly afterwards to study under his more eminent brother Giovanni Bellini, with whom Giorgione, his future rival, was his fellow-pupil. Titian first appeared as a great * Engraved by Volpato, and by Fialletti. f Ridolfi, Le Maraviglie dell' Arte, ovvero le Vile dcyli illustri Pittori Veneli, Sec, ; Zanetti, Della Pittura Veneziana, e dellc opcre pubbliche de' Veneziani Maestri ; Lanzi, Storia Pittorica, Sfc. f See No. 75, p. 77, note. 226 TITIAN. painter, in 1514, at the court of Alfonso I., Duke of Ferrara, for whom he executed several celebrated works ; among them, the " Bacchus and Ariadne," in this collection. It was during this visit to Ferrara that he painted the portrait of Ariosto, who thus commemorates the painter in his " Orlando Furioso :" Bastiano, Rafael, Tizian ch' onora Non men Cadore, che quei Venezia e Urbino.* After the death or owing to the great age of Giovanni Bellini, Titian was employed to finish the works which that painter had left incomplete in the Sala del Gran Consiglio, in Venice, and the Senate was so well satisfied with the manner in which he performed this task, that he was re- warded with the office of La Senseria, with a salary of 300 crowns per annum, by which he was obliged to paint, for eight crowns, the portrait of every Doge who might be created in his time.f Titian now produced a succession of celebrated works. In 1516 he painted his magnificent picture of the " Assumption of the Virgin," for the great altar of the church of Santa Maria de' Frari it is now in the Academy at Venice; and in 1528 he added still more to his reputation by the celebrated picture of " St. Peter Martyr," for the chapel of that saint in the church of SS. Giovanni e Paolo. In 1530 he was invited to Bologna, by the Emperor Charles V., who sat to him for his portrait : from Bologna he went to Mantua, with the Duke Federigo Gonzaga, for whom he executed several commissions. In 1532 he returned to Bologna, and painted there a second portrait of the em- peror, whom he is supposed to have accompanied into Spain. Madrid still possesses some of Titian's master-pieces, which may have been painted there during this visit. Cean Ber- mudez assumes that Titian took leave of the emperor at Bar- celona, ^n 1535, when the latter went on his expedition to Africa. The emperor created Titian a Count Palatine of the Empire, and a Knight of the order of St. lago : the patent of nobility was dated at Barcelona, in 1535.J The whole * Sebastiano (del Piombo), Raphael, and Titian who honours not less Cadore than they Venice and Urbino. Cant xxxiiL st. 2. f Titian painted, by virtue of this office, the portraits of Pietro Lando, Fran- cesco Donato, Marcantonio Trevisano, and the Venieri ; the last two doges of his time he was unable to paint on account of the infirmities of age. { Ridolfi says 1553 ; but Cean Bermudez, in his Diccionario, Sfc., has shown that this is scarcely possible, and has conjectured that the date 1553 is an error of the copyist for 1535. TITIAN. 227 story of the visit to Spain is, however, doubted by Italian writers. In 1543, when Pope Paul III. was at Bologna, he invited Titian to that place to paint his portrait. Titian painted Paul III, a second tune, two years afterwards, at Rome, during the painter's only visit to the great capital of the arts ; but in this second picture, one of the most cele- brated of his portrait-pieces, he introduced the Cardinal, and the Duke Octavio, Farnese, the pope's relatives. According to Vasari, the pope offered Titian the place of Sebastiano del Piombo, who died in 1547 ; but if the biographer is correct, that offer must have been made after Titian's return to Venice. He appears to have left Rome in May 1546. The offer was declined. During Titian's stay in Home, Michelangelo visited him, in company with Vasari, in the Belvedere, where he was engaged on a picture of Jupiter and Danae. Vasari states that Michelangelo praised the picture very much when in Titian's presence, and that he spoke highly of the colouring and execution afterwards, but at the same time he expressed his regret to Vasari that the Venetian painters had not a better method of study, and were not early initiated in sound principles of drawing ; adding " if Titian had been as much assisted by art as he is by nature, nothing could surpass him." After the abdication of Charles V, Titian found as great a patron in his son Philip II., and when, hi 1554, the painter complained to Philip of the irregularity with which a pension of 400 crowns granted to him by the emperor was paid to him, the king wrote an order for the payment to the governor of Milan, concluding with the following words : u You know how I am interested in this order, as it affects Titian : comply with it therefore in such a manner as to give me no occasion to repeat it." Vasari paid Titian a second visit in 1566, but this time in Venice, and although he was then nearly ninety years of age, Vasari found him with his pencil in his hand, and states that he derived great pleasure from his conversation. This great painter died at Venice, of the plague, in 1576, having attained the unusual age of ninety-nine years. To be enabled to appreciate fully the extraordinary powers of Titian, it is necessary to examine his works at Venice; after Venice he is seen to most advantage at Madrid. His P2 228 TITIAN. scholars were not numerous ; the most distinguished are Paris Bordone, Bonifazio Vencziano, Girolamo di Tiziano, and his own son Orazio Yecellio. Titian is said to have engraved on copper and on wood.* No. 3. A CONCERT, or a MAESTRO DI CAPPELLA GIVING A Music LESSON. Five figures, half-length, of the natural size. Engraved by H. Danckerts ; by J. Groenswelt; and by J. Garner, for Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, 3 ft. 2 in. //. by 4 ft. 1 in. w. Part of the Mantua Collection, purchased by Charles I., in 1630. It is mentioned in Vanderdoort's Catalogue as a " Music Party." Formerly in the Angerstein collection, with which it was pur- chased by Parliament for the nation in 1 824. No. 4. A HOLY FAMILY ; a Shepherd adoring : land- scape, back-ground. Composition of four small figures. Engraved by J. Rolls, for Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, 3 ft. 5i in. h. by 4 ft. 8 in. w. Formerly in the Borghese Palace at Rome. Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1831, by the Rev. W. H. Carr. No. 32. THE RAPE OF GANYMEDE. Ganymede, son of Tros, one of the early kings of Troy, was carried off by an eagle to Olympus to be the cup-bearer of Jupiter. The beautiful youth, represented naked, with a bow in his hand, is being carried upwards by the eagle : a flowing red- coloured scarf gives effect and lightness to the composition. Figure of the natural size. Engraved by G. Audran ; by D. Cunego, for the Schola Italica, Sfc. ; and by J. Outrim, for Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, an octagon, 5 ft. 8 in. each way. Painted for a compartment of a ceiling ; it corresponds with the description of the picture mentioned by Ridolfi originally in the Casa Sonica at Padua, painted by Damiano Mazza, a scholar of Titian's. That picture was generally reported to be by Titian, and was sent elsewhere as such. The picture above described was formerly in the Colonna Palace ; the back-ground is a restoration by Carlo Maratta.f It was brought to England in 1800 by Mr. Day, and subsequently formed part of the Angerstein collection, with which it was purchased for the nation, in 1842. * Vasari, Vile de' Pittori, fyc. ; Ridolfi, Le Maraviglie dell' Arte, Igc.; Zanetti, Delia Pittura Veneziana, Sfc.; Cadorin, Dello Amore di Veneziani di Tiziano Vecellio ; Cean Bermudez, Diccionario Historico, $c. ,- Northcote, The Life of Titian, with Anecdotes of the distinguished persons of his time, London, 1830. f Ridolfi, Maraviylie, &c. i. 290. Moschini, Delia Pittura in Padova, p. C9. Raindohr, Ucber Malerei, $c., in Rom, ii. 72. TITIAN. 229 No. 34. VENUS AND ADONIS ; sometimes described as Cephalus and Procris: it was known under this title when in the Colonna Palace at Rome.* Venus withholds Adonis from the chase, while the young huntsman, holding his hounds in a leash with one hand and his spear with the other, is making an effort to free himself from the embrace of the enamoured goddess : Cupid is seen asleep in the back- ground. Engraved on a large scale by Jul. Sanuto, the painter's con- temporary ; in small, by R. Sadeler, sen. ; by Sir R. Strange ; and by W. Holl, for Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, 5 ft. 9 in. h. by 6 ft. 2 in. w. Formerly in the Colonna Palace at Rome. Imported by Mr. Day in 1800, subsequently in the collection of Mr. Angerstein, with the rest of whose pictures it was purchased for the nation, in 1824. Titian painted several repetitions of this picture, with slight variations. No. 35. BACCHUS AND ARIADNE. Ariadne, daughter of Minos, king of Crete, deserted by Theseus, on the island of Naxos, is discovered by Bacchus, when returning with a train of nymphs, fauns, and satyrs from a sacrifice. The god no sooner sees the hapless princess than he becomes enamoured of her. Ariadne is on the left ; Bacchus is represented in the centre of the picture leaping from his chariot to approach her : to the right, in the boisterous train of the god, is seen the drunken Silenus riding on an ass. Above Ariadne is the constellation of the golden crown with which Bacchus pre- sented her, on her becoming his bride.f The back-ground is a glowing landscape, with a view of the sea, on which the departing ship of Theseus is seen in the distance. Compo- sition of ten figures. Etched by G. A. Podesta ; and by J. Juster in 1691 ; and engraved in small in Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, 5 ft. 9 in. h. by 6 ft. 3 in. w. Painted in 1514, at Ferrara, for the Duke Alfonso I. It was subsequently in the possession of the Barberini family, and after- wards in the Villa Aldobrandini at Rome, from which it was purchased by Mr. Irvine for Mr. Buchanan in 1 806, and brought * Ramdolir, Ucber Malerci, r., in Horn, ii. 72. f For the story of Bacchus and Ariadne, see Keightk-y's Mylitoloyy. This composition appears to be taken from Catullus, car. L\iv. 251. See Notts' Translation. 230 TITIAN. to England. It passed into the possession of Mr. Hamlet, of whom it was purchased for the National Gallery, in 1826. No. 224. THE TRIBUTE MONEY. "Tell us therefore, -what thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar or not?" " And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription ? They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Crcsar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." Matthew xxii 17 21. Three figures, half-length. Engraved by Martin Rota. On canvas, 4 ft. h. by 3 ft. 4-| in. w. Purchased at the sale of Marshal Soult's collection, for the National Gallery, in 1852. No. 270. CHRIST APPEARING TO MARY MAGDALEN AFTER HIS RESURRECTION, commonly called " NOLI ME TANGERE," from the words of the Latin Vulgate. " Then saith Jesus unto her, Touch me not ; for 1 am not yet ascended to my Father." John xx. 17. The Magdalen is represented kneeling before Christ, who is partially clad in white drapery, and with a hoe in his hand. The scene is a landscape, in which a solitary tree in the middle ground is a conspicuous object ; in the back- ground, on a hill to the spectator's right, are some prominent buildings ; on the left is a view of a distant country. Engraved by Nicolas Tardieu. On canvas, 3 ft. 6^ in. //. by 2 ft, 111 in. w , From an autograph note to Mr. Rogers's catalogue, it appears that this picture was formerly in the cabinet of the Muselli family, at Verona ; it was afterwards in the Orleans collection, whence it passed into the possession of Mr. Champernowne ; at his sale, in 1820, it was purchased by Mr. Rogers, who bequeathed it in 1855 to the National Gallery. No. 635. THE MADONNA AND CHILD WITH ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST AND ST. CATHERINE embracing the Divine TEEVISO, G. DA. 231 Infant. A hilly landscape, evening ; the Angel appearing to the Shepherds in the distance. Signed TICIAN. Small figures. On canvas, 3 ft. 3 in. h. by 4 ft. 7 in. w. Engraved badly by Charles Andrau. Formerly in the Sacristy of the Escurial, in Spain, where it was possibly painted ; it has the Escurial mark N. 78 Di. Titi. Subsequently in the Coesvelt Collection. Purchased at Paris from M. Edmund Beaucousin, in 1860. TICIAN No. 636. PORTRAIT OF ARIOSTO, in a low crimson and purple dress, showing his neck and shirt; with a gold chain on his neck, and fur hanging over his shoulders, and holding in his left hand, which rests on a book, a rosary. In the background a laurel bush. Ariosto, the author of Orlando Furioso, and the friend of Titian, who painted him more than once,* was born on the 8th of September 1474 ; he died June 6th, 1533. Half-length, full size. Transferred from wood to canvas, 2 ft. 3^ in. h. by 2 it. w. Apparently the portrait described by Ridolfii as then in the possession of Niccolo Renieri. Transferred to canvas by Paul Kiewert at Paris, in 1857. Formerly in the possession of Mr. Tomline. Purchased at Paris from M. Edmond Beaucousin, in I860. TREVISO, G. DA GIROLAMO DA TREVISO, the son and pupil of Piermaria Pennacchi, was born atTreviso in 1497. He painted chiefly in Bologna, Venice and Genoa ; was an imitator of Raphael, and was a good portrait painter. He left Genoa on account of the too powerful rivalry of Perino del Vaga, and finally came to England, where he entered the service of Henry VIII., as architect and engineer. There are a few works by Girolamo still preserved at Bologna, but his pictures are very scarce. The " Adoration of the Kings," painted by him from the drawing of that subject by Baldassare Peruzzi, No. 167, which was presented to the Gallery by Lord Vernon, is probably the picture from that drawing, No. 218, in this collection. Girolamo was killed by a cannon ball in 1544, near Boulogne, while acting as an * The woodcut profile of Ariosto in the edition of the Orlando Furioso of 1532, copied in the edition of Mr. Panizzi of 1834, was from a drawing by Titian. r 232 TUKA. engineer in the service of Henry VIII., when in his 47th year only.* No. 623. THE MADONNA AND CHILD ENTHRONED, under a canopy, with Saints Joseph, James, and Paul ; the last is presenting the donor, the patron of the Boccaferri chapel, to the infant Christ ; behind the throne are some angels playing musical instruments. The view of a town in the background. On wood, 7 ft. 5^ in. h. by 4 ft. 10 in. w. Engraved on wood by Gmo. Gandini. Signed leronimus Trevisius P., and mentioned by Vasari as the best of the painter's works " la migliore delle cose sue" (vol. iv. p. 52, ed. Le Monnier). It was formerly the altar-piece of the Boccaferri chapel in San Domenico in Bologna, from which it was sold and removed to Imola between 1706 and 1733.f It passed subsequently into the Solly collection. Purchased at Cheltenham, at the sale of the Northwick pictures, in 1859. IEROMIMVSTREVIS1VS f- TURA. COSIMO TURA, called COSME, was born in Ferrara about 1418,| and was the pupil of Galasso Galassi, whom he .sur- passed in drawing, invention, and vivacity, but he did not emancipate himself from the dryness of manner of his master. He is called the Maiitegna of Ferrara. Cosimo succeeded Piero della Francesca as painter to the Duke of Ferrara, and he executed the fresco decorations of the new palace of Schifanoja, or Scandiana, for the Duke EJrcole. The works executed by Piero were destroyed with the old palace in 1469. The decorations of Cosimo, commenced about 1471, were in twelve divisions, illustra- ting the achievements of Ercole's brother, the Duke Borso ; they were long neglected, but seven of them were recovered from whitewash and oblivion in 1840, by Sig. Al. Cam-. * Vasari, Vite, $c. Federici, Memorie Trcvigiane su le opere di Disegno, fee,., 1803, professes to correct Ridolfi who gives 1508 as the year of Girolamo's birth. j Zanotti, Le Pitlure di Bologna, ed. 1706, p. 241, where this picture is described ; in the edition of 1733 the notice of it is omitted. \ Assuming that he did not exceed the age of 63. See Baruflaldi, Vile, frc. vol. i. p. 83 n. Near Sant' Andrea, now a tobacco manufactory. TURNER. 233 pagnoni.* Many of Cosimo's pictures also are preserved at Ferrara in the Costabili collection, in which are the two organ doors of the Cathedral, representing St. George and the Annunciation, painted in 1469, and reputed by some to be the painter's masterpieces. In the Strozzi Palace, at Ferrara, is a portrait of Tito Strozzi, the poet, by Cosimo. Cosimo Tura was still living on the 8th of February, 1481, the date of a contract entered into by him ; he was buried in San Giorgio, in Ferrara, at the entrance of the Cam- panile, but the date of his death is not known.f No. 590. CHRIST PLACED IN THE TOMB, by St. John the Baptist and Joseph of Arimathea. Three small half- figures. Iii tempera, on wood, 10^ in. h. by 8 in. w. Formerly in the possession of Professor llosini, at Pisa. Pur- chased at Florence, from the Lombardi-Baldi Collection in 1857. TURNER. JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM TURNER was born in the spring of 1775, in Maiden-lane, Co vent Garden, where his father carried on the business of a hair-dresser ; he was christened in St. Paul's, Covent Garden, in May of that year. The friendship of Girtin, the water-colour painter, and the privilege of copying a collection of drawings in the possession of Dr. Monro, of the Adelphi, gave facilities for the development of the young painter's talent at an early age. Turner entered as a student of the Royal Academy in 1789, and he exhibited a drawing the following year; in 1799 he was elected an associate, and in April ] 802 he became a member of the Academy. In this year he visited France and Switzerland. In 1807 he was elected Professor of Perspective in the Royal Academy, in which office he suc- ceeded Edwards. In 1807 he commenced to publish his " Liber Studiorwm" or book of sketches in imitation of Claude's " Liber Veritatis :" and for a few years during * II Conto Laderchi, Dcscrizione del dipinti di Schivanoja, Ferrara, 1836, and Baniffaldi, vol. i. p. 84, 1844. f Baruffaldi, Vite de' Pittori e Scultori Fcrraretii, vol. i., Ferrara, 1844. II Conte Laderchi, La Pittura Ferrarese, Ferrara, 1857. 234 TURNER. this period of his life he painted in emulation of the style of Claude. In 1812 he built a house in Queen Anne Street West, No. 47, which he retained until his death, and in which he had a gallery where he for many years exhibited some of his pictures. Turner visited Italy three times : in 1819, in 1829, and about 1840. After a life of almost unrivalled success, and an industry unsurpassed, this great landscape-painter died, unmarried, and under an assumed name, at an obscure lodging at Chelsea, December 19th, 1851. He was buried by the side of Sir Joshua Reynolds, in the crypt of St. Paul's Cathedral. His large fortune, both in pictures and in funded property, he bequeathed to his country; his finished pictures to the nation, on condition that the Government should provide suitable accommodation for them within ten years ; and his funded property towards the establishment of an institution for the benefit of decayed artists.* Turner's career comprehends, independently of his imita- tions of Claude, three distinct styles, in the first of which, previously to 1802, he was more remarkable as a water- colour painter ; his early drawings are conspicuous for their careful completion, subdued colour, and effective light and shade ; his earliest oil pictures resemble those of Wilson in style. In middle life, from about 1802 until about 1830, or his second visit to Rome, he was as distinguished for a masterly and vigorous execution and an unrivalled brilliancy of colouring ; the majority of his greatest works belong to this time, from his "Calais Pier," 1803, to the "Ulysses deriding Polyphemus," 1829. During the last twenty years of his life, light, with all its prismatic varieties, seems to have chiefly engrossed his attention, yet some few of his finest works belong to this period, as his " Childe Harold's Pilgrimage," exhibited in 1832, and the " Temeraire/' exhibited in 1839. His later pictures are painted on a white ground. Specimens of all his styles are numerous, * The will -was disputed, but in accordance with a compromise between the parties in litigation, it was decided by an order of the Court of Chancery, dated March 19th, 1856, that all pictures, drawings, sketches, finished or unfinished, by the hand of Turner, should belong to the nation, and that all engravings should belong to the next of kin. The finished pictures thus acquired for the National Gallery amount to about oue hundred in number. UCCELLO. 235 independent of book illustrations and other small water- colour drawings, for Turner was a large contributor to the annual exhibitions of the Royal Academy, having exhibited nearly 300 drawings and pictures on its walls.* No. 479. THE SUN RISING IN A MIST, fishing-boats arriving and unloading, fishermen cleaning and selling fish ; guard-ship in the distance : tide low. On canvas, 4 ft. 4 in. h. by 5ft. 10 in. w. Engraved by J. C. Armytage, for the "Turner Gallery." No. 498. DIDO BUILDING CARTHAGE. A river scene with the sun in the centre of the picture ; a bridge in front, and piles of classic architecture, completed and in progress, on either side ; high banks and rocks in the back ground. Dido, Queen of Carthage, is seen surrounded by her people on the left. On canvas, 5 ft. ^ in. h. by 7 ft. 5^ in. w. Engraved by J. A. Prior and by E. Goodall, for the " Turner Gallery." These pictures were considered by Turner two of his best works, and were bequeathed by him to the National Gallery, on condition that they should be hung between two Claudes, now placed by their side. " The Sun Rising in a Mist " was exchanged for the " Shipwreck," painted in 1805, and purchased by Sir John F. Leicester, afterwards Lord De Tabley, and at the sale of the DC Tabley pictures., in 1827, it was repurchased by Turner. " The Sun Rise" was exhibited in 1807, the "Carthage" in 18 15, and both belong to the painter's most vigorous period. They were placed in the gallery in 1853. On the extreme left of the Dido is inscribed, with Turner's name and the date of the picture, " Dido Building Carthage, or the Rise of the Carthaginian Empire." UCCELLO. PAOLO Dl DONO, commonly called, from his love of painting birds, PAOLO UCCELLO, -f- was born at Florence in 1396-7,| and was originally brought up as a goldsmith. He was one of the assistants of Lorenzo Ghiberti in * The Royal Acadamy Catalogues; Art Journal, Jan. 1852 and Jan. 1857 ; Athenceum, Dec. 1851, Jan. 1852; also Turner and Ids Works; illustrated with examples from his pictures and Critical Remarks on his Principles of Painting, By John Burnet. The Memoir by Peter Cunningham. 1852. " The Turner Gallery, a series of sixty engravings from the pnncipal works of J. M. W. Turner. With a Memoir and illustrative text by Ralph Nicholson Wornum, Sfc." Folio, London. 1861. f Vasari, Vite, 8fc., Ed. Lc Monnier, vol. iii. p. 91. I Gaye, Cartegyio Inedito d'Artisti, vol. i. p, 146. 236 UCCELLO. preparing the first pair of the celebrated gates made by Lorenzo for the Baptistery of Florence. The majority of Paolo's works have perished. He painted the stories of Adam and Eve, and of Noah, in one of the cloisters of Santa Maria Novella, in Florence, of Avhich traces still remain. And in the Cathedral of Florence there is still a colossal equestrian figure of John Hawkwood, an English adventurer and soldier of reputation, who died in the Florentine service in 1393. It is a chiaroscuro in terra verde : on the pedestal of the horse is written PAULI UCCELLI OPUS.* He painted some giants in the same method in the Casa de' Vitali in Padua, which, says Vasari, were greatly admired by Andrea Mantegna.f In the gallery of the Louvre is a panel by Paolo Uccello, containing the heads, life-size, of Giotto, Donatello, Briujel- leschi, Giovanni Manetti, and himself, representing painting, sculpture, architecture, mathematics, and perspective. Paolo read geometry with Manetti, and was passionately devoted to the study of perspective, over which, says Vasari, he wasted so much of his time, that he became " more needy than famous. "| He does not, however, appear to have been very poor, as he lived in his own house, which lie bought, in 1434, for 100 florins. He died at Florence, aged eighty-three, in 1479. No. 583. THE BATTLE OF SANT' EGIDIO, July 7, 1416, in which Carlo Malatesta, Lord of Rimini, and his nephew Galeazzo, were taken prisoners by Braccio di Montone. II * In 1 842, about four centuries after it -was painted, this picture was trans- ferred from the wall to canvas, and is now placed over the door of one of the aisles, in the Cathedral. f Each giant was painted in a single day, and at the price of a ducat, very high pay for a day's work, compared with the general accounts of the time. Morelli, Notizia ifopere di Disegno, Sfc., 1800, p. 23. { His wife complained to her friends that he sat up the whole night studying the rules of his favourite science, and that the only answer she got to her re- monstrances was, Oft.' che dolce cosa e questa prospettiva, " What a delightful thing is this perspective." -Vasari, Vite, Sfc., vol. iii., p. 99. Gaye, Carteggin Inedito, tfc. Vasari, Vite, Sec. jj This battle took place on a plain between Sant' Egidio and the Tiber, on the road to Assisi, and Malatesta was captured during a repose in the fight, when his men went down to the river to drink. Campanus hi Vita Brachii Perusini. See Muratori, Rcrum Itnlicarum Scriptores, vol. 19, p. 529. and in the Chronicon Forolivicnse, p. 883; also in the Cronaca Rimincse, vol. 15, p. 927. See also the Annali of Muratori, vol. 13, p. 149. VANDER HELST. 237 From the fragments of arms, &c., strewed upon the ground, the battle has been already fought ; and the incident repre- sented appears to be an attempt at rescue ; which supposition is strengthened by the fact that Malatesta is marching under a strange standard. Of the many armed knights on horse- back represented, only four are engaged, but all except Malatesta and his nephew have their faces concealed by their visors. The young Galeazzo, not yet a knight, carries his bassinet in his hand. The figure lying on the ground to the left is an illustration of the painter's love of foreshortening. In the background is a hedge of roses mixed with pome- granate and orange trees, and some hilly ground behind. In tempera, on wood, 6 ft. h. by 10 ft. 5 in. w. One of four battle pieces originally painted for the Bartolini family in Gualfonda ;* subsequently the property of the Giraldi family in Florence, from whom it was obtained in 1844 by the late proprietors. Purchased at Florence from the Lombardi-Baldi Collection in 1857. VANDER HELST. BARTHOLOMETJS VANDER HELST, one of the most dis- tinguished of the Dutch portrait-painters, was born at Haarlem in 1613. His masterpiece, the Schuttersmaaltyd, in the Museum at Amsterdam, is one of the most remarkable productions of the Dutch School of Painters. It contains thirty-five portraits of the natural size, twenty-four of which are named on the picture, and represents a banquet given by a company of tfre civil-guard of Amsterdam, in commemora- tion of the Peace of Munster. in 1648: the Spanish Ambas- sador is present at the feast. Sir Joshua Reynolds observes of this work " This is, perhaps, the first picture of portraits in the world, comprehending more of those qualities which make a perfect portrait than any other I have ever seen."-f* Vander Heist died at Amsterdam in 1670.J No. 140. PORTRAIT OF A LADY, standing ; half-length. On wood, 2 ft. 91 in. h. by 2 ft. 1\ in. w . Dated 1647. Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1837, by Lieut. Col. Ollney. * Vasari, Vite, &:c., vol. iii., p. 96, note 2. The annotators notice the ex- cellent state of preservation of this picture. f Journey to Flanders and Holland. | Houbraken, Groote Schouburg, Sfc. ; Immerzeel, Levens en Werhen, Sfc. 238 VANDER MEIRE. VANDEE, MEIRE. GERARD VANDER MEIRE, born probably at Ghent not earlier than 1410, is said to have been the scholar of Hubert Van Eyck. His name occurs in the list of the corporation of Painters of Ghent first in 1452; and in 1474 he was elected one of the two sworn members of the corporation for that year. The earliest picture by him recorded is the portrait of a nun of St. Clara, Collette, who died at Ghent in 1447: he also painted a picture of the Virgin for the church of St. John at Ghent. The chief of his re- maining works is the altar-piece of St. Bavon, representing, in the centre, Christ on the cross between the two thieves, a composition of many figures ; on the right, the brazen serpent, on the left, Moses striking the rock. Vander Meire is considered to approach nearer to the execution of the Van Eycks, or rather of Hubert, than any of the school ; there is the same laborious elaboration of costume, but his forms are considered elongated, his light and shade weaker in effect, and his colouring inferior to that of the Van Eycks. The landscape was an important accessory in his works. He is probably the Gerard van Ghent who contributed, with Meinling, to the miniatures of the celebrated Missal in the Library of St. Mark at Venice The majority of his pictures were destroyed by the icono- clasts of the 16th century, during the religious disturb- ances in the Netherlands. Gerard had a brother, Jan Vander Meire, who died at Nevers in 1471.* No. 264. A COUNT OF HENEGAU WITH HIS PATRON SAINT, AMBROSE. The count is represented as a Carmelite monk praying, in bishop's robes, with the crosier on his arm, and a richly ornamented mitre by his side. On the front of the mitre is embroidered the Crucifixion, with the Virgin and St. John by the side of the cross. Behind the kneeling figure is the Saint, in a richly-embroidered stole, and wearing the bishop's mitre, holding a cross in his left hand, and a scourge in his right. The execution of the costume, jewellery, &c., is extremely elaborate. Small figures, half-length. *Busscher, Notice sur VAncienne Corporation des Peintres et Sculpteurs a Gand, 8vo, Brussels, 1853 ; Passavant, Kunstreise durch England und Belgien, fyc.; Rathgeber, Annalen der JYiederlandischen Makrei; Michiels, 7/i.v- toire de la Peinture Flamande et Hollandaise, VANDER NEER; A, 239 On wood, 2 ft. 41 in. h. by 9 in. w. Purchased for the National Gallery with other pictures in the Collection from Herr Kriiger of Minden, in 1 854. VANDER NEER, A. AART or ARTHUR VA.NDER NEER was born probably at Gorinchem, about 1613 or 1619: the exact date is not known ; nor is it known under what painter or painters he studied. He lived chiefly at Amsterdam; but at the close of his life he appears to have resided at Rotterdam, where he was still living in 1691.* Aart Vander Neer excelled in moonlight scenes. He was the father of Eglon Yander Neer. No. 152. A LANDSCAPE, WITH FIGURES AND CATTLE ; EVENING. A country-house is seen in the middle-ground ; beyond it to the right is a view of a town : shipping in the distance. The figures were painted by Cuyp, whose name is inscribed on the pail. Ji.G, Engraved in the Galerie de Lucien Bonaparte. On canvas, 3 ft. 11 in. h. by 6 ft. 3^ in. w. Formerly in the collections ofM.Erard, and Lucien Buonaparte. Bequeathed to the National Gallery by Lord Farnborough, in 1838. Signed with the painter's monogram, A. v. D. N. No. 239. RIVER SCENE BY MOONLIGHT, WITH SHIPPING. On the left a town ; the moon rising in the middle-distance, Low-water. On wood, 1 ft. h. by 1 ft. 6^ in w. Formerly in the collection of R. Heathcote, Esq., sold in 1805. Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1854, by Lord Colborne. 'Signed with the painter's monogram. * Van Eynden and Vander Willigen, Geschiedenis der Vaderlandwhe Schilderkunst, fyc. ; Immerzeel, Levens en Werken, Sfc. 240 VANDER WEYDEN. VANDER WEYDEN. ROGER VANDER WEYDEN the elder, called by Vasari Rug- gieri da Bruggia, and Rogerius Gallicus by Facius,* was a native of Brussels, where he was born at the close of the fourteenth century : lie was already a painter of reputation as early as 1430. Roger is considered the most able of the scholars of the Van Eycks, whose style he carried to Brus- sels and even to Italy ; he was appointed painter to the city of Brussels in 1436, and in 1449 he visited Italy, and was present at Rome at the celebration of the jubilee in 1450. He died at Brussels, June 16th, 1464, aged upwards of sixty, and was buried in the church of Saint Gudule. Vander Weyden, says Van Mander, greatly reformed the Flemish style of design ; he was a great master of expres- sion, and though his outline is generally harder than John Van Eyck's, his heads are often much softer in their charac- ter. He painted in distemper and in oil, and was the first to paint on fixed canvases for the decoration of rooms, and appears also to have been the first to prefer linen cloth to wood, to paint upon.f No. 664. THE DEPOSITION IN THE TOMB : Joseph of Arimathsea, St. John, the Virgin Mary, &c. Composition of eight small figures in a landscape ; woody distance. In tempera on linen, 2 ft. 10 in. h. by 2 ft. 4 in. w. Purchased in Milan from the representatives of the Guicciardi family, in 1860. VANDER WEYDEN. ROGER VANDER WEYDEN the younger, probably the son or grandson of the elder painter of that name, was born at Brussels about 1450, and died of the Suette at Antwerp in 1529. He was a member of the Academy * De viris illustribus, &c., Flor. 1745, p. 48. Facius notices (1456) some pictures by Roger, in the possession of Alphonso, King of Naples, on linen, " nobiles in linteis pictura?,'' such probably as the present example is painted on. fVan Mander, Het Schiluer Votk, &c. ; Passavant, Kunstblall, 1843 ; Michiels, Zes Pelntres Brugeois, 1846 ; Waagen, Handbook of Painting, 1860. VANDEVELDE. 241 of Antwerp, but the circumstances of his life are not known.* No. 653. PORTRAITS OF HIMSELF AND WIFE ; the painter wearing a red turban, his wife with a white cloth on her head. Busts, life size. On wood, each panel 16 in. h. by 11 in. iv. No. 654. THE MAGDALEN, in a green dress, and gold brocaded petticoat, seated, reading a book ; before her on the floor is a small vase. Entire small figure. On wood, 2 ft. h. by 1 ft. 8 in. w. Both pictures purchased at Paris from M. Edmond Beaucousin, in 1860. VANDEVELDE. WILLIAM or WILLEM VANDEVELDE the younger, a dis- tinguished Dutch marine painter, was the son of the elder "William Vandevelde, and was born at Amsterdam in 1633 ; he was instructed by his father, and by a marine painter of the name of Simon de Vlieger. Both the Vandeveldes were established in England in the service of Charles II. in 1675. They were each granted a pension of 1007. per annum by the King ; the father " for taking and making draughts of sea-fights," and the son " for putting the said draughts into colours."! These painters lived at Greenwich, where the father died in 1693, aged 83 ; the son died in London in 1707. " William Vandevelde, the son," says Walpole,:}: " was the greatest man that has appeared in this branch of painting ; the palm is not less disputed with liaphael for history, than with Vandevelde for sea-pieces." No. 149. A CALM AT SEA. On wood, 8 in. /*. by 11 in. w. Signed w.v.v. No. 150. A FRESH GALE AT SEA. On canvas, 9 in. h. by 13 in. w. Signed w.v.v, Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1838, by Lord Farn- borough. * Van Mander, Het Leven der Schilders, &c. f The "Draughts" alluded to, of the elder Vandevelde, were generally drawn on prepared canvas, in pen-and-ink. | Anecdotes of Painting, Q 242 VANDYCK. VANDYCK. ANTONY VANDYCK was born at Antwerp, March 22, 1599. His father, Frans Vandyck, was a merchant in that city, and Antony was the seventh of a family of twelve ; his mother, Maria Cupers, died when he was only eight years old, in 1007. He became the pupil of Hcndrik- Van Balen so early as 1609 ; but Vandyck's great instructor was Rubens, with whom he lived about four years. He was still acting as Rubens's assistant in 1620, although he had been admitted a master of the Antwerp Corporation of Painters early in the year 1618, before his twentieth birthday.* Having attained sufficient proficiency as a painter, he, by the ad- vice of Rubens, visited Italy in 1623; he spent about five years in that country, dividing his time between Genoa, Venice, and Rome ; he paid also a short visit to Palermo. Shortly after his return to Antwerp, in 1628, he painted a picture of St. Augustin, for the church of the Augustines of that city, which established his celebrity as one of the first masters of his age ; this was followed by a still more cele- brated work, the Crucifixion, for the church of Sfc Michael at Ghent ; and he soon acquired an unrivalled reputation as a portrait-painter. About the year 1630-31, Vandyck appears to have visited England, but not meeting with that reception which he hail anticipated, he returned after a short time to his own country : lie had already visited England before, in 1621, previous to his journey to Italy. f In 1632, however, Charles I., who had seen a portrait of Nicolas Laniere, his chapel-master, by Vandyck, sent an express invitation to the painter to come to England, and, on this occasion, he was most courteously received. He was lodged "by the king at Blackfriars, was knighted in the following year, and was granted a pension of 200/. per annum for life, with the title of painter to his Majesty. Vandyck settled for the remainder of his life in England, where his very successful career as a portrait-painter enabled him to live in great style. He had a country house at Eltham, in Kent, where he spent a portion of the summer ; he kept great state when in town, " he always went magni- ficently dressed, had a numerous and gallant equipage, and * Catalogue du Muste d'Anvers, 1857. f See W. Carpenter, Memoir of Sir Anthony Vandyck, Sfc. Luadon, 1844. VANDYCK. 243 kept so good a table in his apartment, that few princes were more visited or better served."* Vandyck died in London, December 9, 1641, in the forty- third year of his ago : and was buried in the old church of St. Paul, near the tomb of John of Gaunt. He left a daughter, his only child, by his wife Mary Ruthven, grand-daughter of the unfortunate Lord Ruthven, Earl of Gowrie. Not- withstanding his expensive style of living, Vandyck left pro- perty to the value of about 20,0007. sterling, f Of the numerous portraits executed by this painter the best are in England ; there are also several etchings by his hand.J No. 49. THE PORTRAIT OF RUBENS, half-length, stand- ing, his left arm leaning on a table ; to the right are parts of two other figures, pointing to a piece of sculpture. Engraved by J. H. Robinson, for the Associated Engravers ; and by W. Holl, for Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, 3 ft. 9 in. each way. Formerly in the possession of Sir Joshua Reynolds, by whom the picture was much prized. It passed subsequently into the Angerstein collection, with which it was purchased in 1824. No. 50. THE EMPEROR THEODOSIUS REFUSED ADMISSION INTO THE CHURCH BY ST. AMBROSE. The Emperor Theo- dosius, after the massacre of Thessalonica in the year 390, was placed under the ban of the Church, and on his attempting afterwards to. enter the Cathedral of Milan he was repulsed at the door by the Archbishop Ambrose. Composition of, in all, eleven, but only four principal figures. Engraved by R. W. Sievier ; by J. H. Robinson, for the As- sociated Engravers ; and by S. Freeman, for Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, 4 ft. 10 in. h. by 3 ft. 9 in. w. Copied, with slight alterations, from the original picture by Rubens, in the Imperial Gallery at Vienna, of which there is a large print by J. M. Schmutzer. This picture was formerly in tlie possession of the Earls of Scarborough, from whom it passed into that of Mr. Angerstein, and was purchased by Parliament for the nation, with the rest of that gentleman's pictures, in 1824. * Graham, Essay towards an English School, at the end of the Translation of De Piles. London, 1706. f Houbraken, Groote Schouburg, Sfc. ; Bellori, Vite de" Pittori, Sfc. ; Des- camps, La Vie des Peintres Flamands, 8fc. ; Walpole, Anecdotes of Painting in England, -c. ,- W. Carpenter, Memoir of Vandyck. \ See the Catalogue in Carpenter's Memoir, fyc. For a list of his pictures, see Smith's Catalogue liaisonne, T. Gibbon, Decline and Fall, c. xxvii. Q 2 24f4 VELAZQUEZ. No. 52. PORTRAIT OF A GEXTLEMAX, commonly called GEVARTIUS. It has been generally supposed to represent Caspar Gevaerts, or Gevartius, the intimate friend of Kubens.* Bust. Engraved by Sievier ; by T. Woolnoth; by G. T. Doo, R.A., for the Associated Engravers ; and by J. Rogers, for Jones's National Gallery. On wood,f 2 ft. 7 in. h. by 2 ft. 2 in. w. Formerly in the Angerstein collection. Purchased by Parlia- ment for the nation in 1824. No. 156. A STUDY OF HORSES. In the upper part of the picture is the sketch of a zephyr's head. The painter intended to represent in this study the horses of Achilles, Xanthus arid Balius, the offspring of Zephyr.]: Equi Achillis, and some other words now illegible, arc written on a scroll in the lower corner of the picture to the left. On wood, 3 ft. 6 in. //. by 2 ft. 11 in. w. Formerly in the Delme collection ; afterwards in that of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Bequeathed to the National Gallery, in 1838, by Lord Farnborough. No. 680. THE MIRACULOUS DRAUGHT OF FISHES. Composition of eleven small figures, with two boats. " Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they wiire not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes." John xxi. 6. " And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not ; from henceforth thou shalt catch men." Luke v. 10. On paper, 1ft. 9| in. h, by 2 ft. 9^ in. 10. Engraved the same size by S. Bolswert. Painted by Vandyck from the large picture by Rubens at Mechlin, for the engraver Bolswert to work from. Bought from the Cav. RaflTaele Carelli at Naples in 1861. VELA'ZQUEZ. DON DIEGO VELA'ZQUEZ DE SILVA was born at Seville in the spring of 1599, and studied painting first under Fran- * Caspar Gevartius was born in 1593; and if the picture represents this person, it cannot have been painted by Vandyck, as the age of the original when this portrait was taken must have been about sixty. The Canon John Gevartius died in 1623, when Vandyck was quite a young man, and in Italy. See Waagen Kunstwerhe und Kunstler in England. According to some writers, the picture represents Cornelius Vander Geest, an amateur of the arts and intimate friend of Kubens. See Dallaway, vol. ii. p. 186, note. f The head, which is painted upon some other material and fixed upon or in the wood, is supposed by some critics to have been painted by Rubens, and the dress only by Vandyck. See Passavant, Kunstreise, &,~c., and Waagen, /. /. I Homer, 77. xvi. 146*. * Or, as Cean Bermudez says, more correctly, Don Diego Bodriguez de Silvay Velazquez : his father's name was Juan Rodriguez de Silva, his mother's Geronima Velazquez. VELAZQUEZ. 245 cisco Herrera the elder. He left this master to enter the school of Pacheco, whose daughter he afterwards married. In 1622, Velazquez paid a visit to Madrid ; in the follow- ing year he was invited to return to the capital by the Duke of Olivares, who introduced the young painter to Philip IV., and from this time Velazquez was established as a royal favourite : he was appointed court painter to the king. It was in this year, 1623, that he painted a portrait sketch of our Charles I. when Prince of Wales. In the summer of 1629, Velazquez made his first visit to Italy : he spent a year in Rome, and some time in Naples, where he contracted a friendship with his countryman Spag- noletto: he returned in 1631 to Madrid, and was presented by Philip IV. with a painting-room in the royal palace. At the close of the year 1648, the king sent him again to Italy to purchase works of art for him, and it was on this occasion that Velazquez painted his celebrated portraitof Pope Innocent X., now in the Doria Gallery at Rome. After his return, the King created him his Aposentador Mayor* and decorated him Avith the Cross of St. lago. This post rendered it neces- sary for Velazquez to be a constant attendant on the King's person whenever he left the capital ; and the duties of this office were the immediate cause of his death : it was, probably, in consequence of the exertions he made in providing the royal quarters on the occasion of the conference at Irun, in June 1660, which led to the marriage of Louis XIV. with the Infanta Maria Teresa, that he was taken ill a few days after his return to Madrid ; he returned July 31, and died on the 7th of August following, in the sixty-second year of his age. He was buried with great pomp in the church of St. Juan, and his wife followed him to the grave seven days afterwards. -f- Velazquez, though eminent in history, portrait, and land- scape, belonged, like most of the painters of Spain, to the " naturalist" school : tkGAyuador, or water-carrier, is a cele- brated picture of his early manner. His style of execution bears much resemblance to that of his countryman Ribera, but he is much more extensive in his range of subjects, His greatest * It was the duty of the Aposentador Mayor (Quarter-master) to superintend the personal lodgment of the King during excursions. f Ceari Bennudez, Diccionario Historico de los mas ilustres jirofesores de las Bellas Artes en Espana. There is a critical account of Velazquez in the Penny Cyclopaedia, by Richard Ford. See also Cumberland's Anecdotes, c. 246 VENEZIANO. works are still at Madrid, where alone he can be adequately appreciated. He had such mastery in execution, says Mengs, alluding particularly to his picture of The Women Spin- ning, Las Hilanderas* that he appears to have painted with his will only without the aid of his hand.f The works of Velazquez consist chiefly of portraits, among the most cele- brated of which is one of himself painting the Infanta Mar- garita Maria, afterwards Empress of Germany.^ Xo. 197. PHILIP IV. or SPAIN HUNTING THE WILD BOAR. The hunt is taking place in an enclosed piece of ground, in the front of which are many spectators; hills and foliage occupy the back-ground. Numerous small figures. On canvas, 6 ft. 2 in. h. by 10ft. 3 in. w. Formerly in the royal palace at Madrid, until it was presented by Ferdinand VII. to the late Lord Cowley, of whom it was purchased for the National Gallery, in 1846. No. 232. The NATIVITY, or ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS, commonly called "THE MANGER" the Presepio of the Italians. The Holy Family is in the stall on the left, the infant Christ lying in the manger near the head of the ox; the Virgin is uncovering him; on the right are the adoring shepherds bringing presents according to their means, lambs, fowls, &c. In the distance is seen the guid- ing angel as the star of the Epiphany. Nine figures of the natural size. On canvas, 7 ft. 7 in. h. by 5 ft. 6 in. w. This picture was purchased for Louis Philippe, late King of the French, by Baron Taylor, from the Count D'Aguilar, in whose family it had remained from the time of its being painted. It is an early work, in the simple naturalistic manner of the painter, in the style of Spagnoletto. It was purchased for the National Gallery at the sale of Louis Philippe's collection in London, in 1853. VENEZIA'NO. BARTOLOMMEO VENEZIA'NO, a Venetian painter of the sixteenth century, by whom three pictures only, at present, are known : A Virgin and Child, with a land- * Engraved by F. Montanes. t In his letter to Ponz; it is quoted by Cean Bermudez, Diccionario, frc., v. 177. J This is the picture known, from the exclamation of Luca Giordano, as La Teologia de la Pintura : there is a Spanish print of it by D. Francisco de Goya : it is engraved also by P. Audouin. VERNET. 247 scape background, in the -Villa Lochis,* inscribed Bartolo- moBUS Venetus 1505 ; a female portrait, formerly in the Manfrini Gallery at Venice, f inscribed with the same name, and dated 1530 ; and the male portrait, now in this col- lection, also of the year 1530, and inscribed as below. No. 287. PORTRAIT OF A Martinengo, in a red mantle and cap, the latter with a white ostrich feather in it, the costume of the Compagnia della Calza. The right hand is raised and holding a glove ; in the background is a green curtain. The picture is in- scribed on a white scroll LUDOVICUM MARTI. ^ETATIS SUM ANNO XXVI. BARTO- LOM. VENETUS FACIEBAT MDXXX. xvi. ZUN. Half- figure, life size. On wood, 3 ft. 5 in. h. by 2 ft. 4 in. w. Purchased, for the National Gallery, in Venice, of the heir of the Conte Girolamo Marti- nengo, in 1855. YOUNG MAN. Lodovico MARTI I^TATIS SV/3 AN-XX VI BARTOLPJ VENETVS FACIEBA VERNET. CLAUDE JOSEPH VERNET, one of the most celebrated of the French landscape and marine painters, was born at Avignon, August 14, 1714. He was instructed by his father Antoine Vernet, and Adrian Manglard, a landscape painter. He went in 1732 to Italy, with a view of improving himself in historical painting ; but the beautiful scenery of Genoa and Naples induced him to devote himself entirely to marine landscape. He remained in Italy, altogether, including a short visit to Greece, about twenty years, during a consider- able portion of which he was in a state of great poverty ; a picture was sold at the sale of M. de Julienne for 5,000 francs, * La Pinacoteca e la Villa Lochis, ffc. Milano, 1846, p. 59. f Recently purchased by Mr. Barker, of Piccadilly. 248 VERONESE, P. which Vernct had painted for a single suit of clothes. In 1752 he was invited by Louis XV., through M. de Marigny, to Paris : he was elected a member of the French Academy of Arts in the following year. It was in this year also, 1753, that he was commissioned by the French Government to paint his celebrated pictures of the sea-ports of France. He painted in all fifteen views,* which occupied him the greater part of ten years : he received for each picture, including his travelling expenses, only 7,500 francs; the king, however, gave him apartments in the Louvre. Vernet died at Paris Dec. 3. 1789 : he was the grandfather of the eminent painter, M. Horace Vernet.-}- No. 2>3. CASTLE OF SANT'ANGELO, HOME, with the Bridge of Sant'Angelo and neighbouring buildings, and a fete on the Tiber, representing tilting in boats, and other festivities. Numerous small figures. On canvas, 3 ft. 3 in. h. by 4 ft. 7^ in. IP. Engraved by P. J. Duret. Painted at Rome in 17oO. Formerly in the collection of the Marquis de Villette. Presented to the National Gallery by Lady Simpkinson, in 1853. Jose yo k VERONESE, PA'OLO. PA'OLO CALIARI, or CA'GLIARI, commonly called from his birthplace Paolo Veronese, was born at Verona in 1528,! and was taught the rudiments of design by his father, Gabriele Caliari, who was a sculptor ; he learnt painting of his uncle, Antonio Badilc. After executing several works at Verona, Mantua, and other places in the neighbourhood, by which he acquired considerable reputation, Paolo established himself in Venice, where he ultimately became the rival of Titian, Tintoretto, and other great masters of the Venetian school. * They are engraved by Le Bas, and are now in the Louvre. f Gault de Saint Germain, Lcs trois Sieclcs de la Peinture en France, Paris, 1808; Lcs Ports de France, peinis pur Joseph Vernet, r., Paris, IS 12 ; Bioyraphie Univcrselle. J According to Zanetti ; Ridolfi says 1532. VERONESE, P. 249 After a few years' residence in Venice, he visited Rome about 1563, in the suite of Girolamo Grimani, Venetian ambassador to the papal court. Some time after his return he was invited by Philip II. to Spain to assist in the decorations of the Escurial ; but he declined the invitation, on account of his numerous engagements at Venice. This great painter died at Venice, April 20, 1588. He was buried in the church of San Sebastiano, in which he had executed some of his most celebrated works, and a monument was there dedicated to his memory by his two sons, Carlo and Gabriele, and his brother Benedetto : they all followed the profession of Paolo, and, with Battista Zelotti, were his principal scholars and imitators. His brother, Benedetto Caliari, is said to have executed the magnificent architectural back-grounds, for which some of the pictures of this master are so con- spicuous. " Paolo Veronese," says Count Algarotti, "was the creator, as it were, of a new manner. Though careless in design, and in costume extremely licentious, he had a most noble fancy, and the utmost fertility of invention. It is difficult to look upon his magnificent pictures without longing to be a party in the scene ; and it may justly be said of him, that even his faults are pleasing."* One of the most celebrated works of this painter is the magnificent picture of the "Marriage at Cana," now in the Louvre: this great work contains about 120 figures or heads, com- prising portraits of many of the most distinguished per- sons of the time at Venice, not omitting its most eminent painters.-}* Xo. 26. THE CONSECRATION OP ST. NICHOLAS, Bishop of Myra, in Syria, in the fourth century. The saint, sur- rounded by ecclesiastics and other persons, is kneeling before the altar of a church, and is consecrated by a bishop : an angel brings him the mitre and crozier from above. Com- position of ten figures of the natural size. Engraved by E. Golding, for the Associated Engravers ; and by H. C. Shenton, for Jones's National Gallery. On canvas, 9 ft. 5 in. h. by 5 ft. 9 in. w. * "In quibusdam virtutes non habent gratiam, in quibusdam vitia ipsa delectant" Quintilian, Inst. Oratur. xi. 3. Algarotti, Saggio sopra la Pittura Opere, Venice, 1791. t It is engraved by J. B. Vanni. Ridolfi, Le Marnviglie deW Arte, ffc. Dal Pozzo, Vite de' Pittori Veronesi, T. ; Zanetti, Delia Pittura Veneziana, frc. ; Lanzi, Storia Pitlorica, $c. 250 VERONESE, 1'. Formerly in the church of San Niccolo de' Frari at Venice. Presented to the National Gallery, in 1826, by the Governors of the British Institution. No. 97. THE RAPE OF EUROPA. Jupiter, enamoured of Europa, a Phoenician princess, transformed himself into a white bull, and mingled with her father's herds; the princess, struck by the beauty and gentle nature of the beast, ventured to seat herself upon his back, when the animal walked with her to the sea, and plunging in, swam with her to the island of Crete.*" Europa has just seated herself upon the bull, who kneels to receive her ; her attendant women are ar- ranging her dress. She is again represented in the middle- ground about to enter the sea, and in the extreme distance the bull is swimming with her towards the island. Engraved by V. Le Febvre ; also by De Launay in the Galerie du Palais Royal; and by H. Fernell, for Jones's National Gal- lery. On canvas, 1 ft. 1 1 in. h. by 2 ft. 3 in. w. This is the finished study of a large picture now in the Imperial Gallery at Vienna ; it is also very similar in composition to the magnificent picture of the same subject by this painter in the ducal palace at Venice. This sketch was formerly in the Orleans collection, and subsequently in that of the Rev. W. H. Carr, who bequeathed it, with the rest of his pictures, to the National Gallery, in 1831. No. 268. THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI, OR THE WISE MEN'S OFFERING. " And Joseph also -went up from Galilee," " to be taxed with Mary, his espoused wife. ' " And she brought forth her first-born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger ; because there was no room for them in the inn." Luke ii. 4, 7. " Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judsea, there came Wise Men from the East." "And when they were come into the house they saw the young Child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshipped him : and when they had opened their treasures they presented unto him gifts ; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh." Matthew ii. 1, 11. The picture represents a ruined building of Roman archi- tecture, with pillars, a portion of which is roofed with thatch, and has served as a stable. Under this roof, on the right of the spectator, is seated the Virgin, somewhat ele- vated on some loose blocks, and holding in her arms the Infant, who is receiving the adoration of the three Wise Men ; the foremost is kneeling; the second is behind him in the same attitude ; and on the extreme left of the spectator stands the third. A ray of light, with several winged cherubs hovering along its course, falls upon the Infant ; * See Keightley's Mythology. VERONESE, P. 251 above is a group of Infant Angels. The retinue of the Magi are behind, some bearing presents, others attending to their horses and camel. Some peasants are looking down from the ruins on the Divine Infant ; another figure is seen on the right with some dogs. On the same side are the ox and the ass ; some young lambs placed below the Infant appear to be a shepherd's offering. The upper part of the back-ground, on the left, is foi'med by a stately archway, through which are seen distant mountains. Below, near the right corner, is the date 1573. Composition of sixteen figures, life size. Engraved by Carlo Sacchi, 1649. On canvas, 11 ft. 7 in. h. by 10 ft. 7 in. w. Painted in 1573, and originally placed in the church of San Silvestro, in Venice. This church having, about twenty years since, required extensive repairs, the numerous pictures which it con- tained, comprising works by Tintoret, the Last Supper by Palma Vecchio, and the Adoration of the Magi, above described, were, in 1837, removed from the walls. The intention was to replace these works when the repairs of the building should be completed ; but it seems that in the course of restoration the internal design of the church was so much changed that not one of the larger pictures could be fitted to the new altars and compart- ments. After much delay, a Papal decree, together with an order from the local authorities, was obtained for their sale. In August, 1855, they became the property of Signer Angelo Toffoli, of Venice, from whom, in November, 1855, the Paolo Veronese was purchased for the National Collection. This picture is particularly mentioned in most of the guide books and descriptions of Venice that have been published for the last two centuries. From the following passage in the often reprinted " Forastiero Illuminate della Citta di Venezia," it would appear that so lately as 1792 it was the most attractive picture in the church of San Silvestro : '' Many are the pictures (in this church) by Tintoretto, by scholars of Titian, by Palma Vecchio, by Antonio Bellucci, by Carlo Lotto, by Girolamo da Santa Croce, &c. But among them all the famous Adoration of the Magi by Paolo Veronese, which has been engraved by Carlo Sacchi, deserves especial attention." Giornata guarta, p. 277. Ed. 1792.* Paolo Veronese often treated this subject; the picture in Santa Co- rona at Vicenza most resembles the composition above described. A copy of a portion of this composition at Hampton Court, attributed to Carlo Cagliari, was engraved by Gribelin in 1712. * For other notices of this picture the reader is referred to Ridolfi, Le Mara- viglie delVArte, 1648, p. 302, where it is spoken of in the highest terms; to Sansovino, Venetia Citla Nobilissima, &c., 1581, p. 65 ; to Boschini, Riccke Minere, p. 253, Ed. 1664, p. 269, Ed. 1733, where it is called the "Famosis- sirao Quadro;" and to Zanetti, Delia Pittura Veneziana, 1771, p. 185. In various modern guides it is equally extolled. 252 VINCI, L. DA. No. 294. THE FAMILY OF DARIUS AT THE FEET OF ALEXANDER, after the battle of Issus, B.C. 333. The royal captives having mistaken Hephrestion for Alexander, the queen mother Sisygambis implores pardon of the conqueror, who, pointing to his friend, tells her she has not erred, for that Hephsestion is another Alexander. The elder of the two daughters, Statira, kneeling immediately behind her mother, became the wife of Alexander ; she was, however, subsequently put to death by Perdiccas, through the insti- gation of Roxana, the second Persian wife of Alexander. The captive family, presented to the king by one of the. ministers of Darius, is kneeling in the centre of the picture, Alexander and his generals Hephwstion and Parmenio, being on the spectator's right. In the back-ground is a marble arcade, from the top of which many spectators are looking down. The principal figures are portraits of the Pisani family.* On canvas, 7 ft. 8| in. h. by 15 ft. 6^ in. w. There is an inferior print by IS". JR. Cochin in the Tabella selectee of C. C. Patina, folio, Padua, 1691 ; in which work this picture is described as the most celebrated of all the works of Paul Veronese.f Painted for an ancestor of the Count Pisani. D'ArgenvilleJ states, on the authority of the Procuratore Pisani of his time, that Paul Veronese, having been detained by some accidental circum- stance at the Pisani villa at Este, painted this woi'k there, and leaving it in his room, afterwards informed the family that he had left wherewithal to defray the expense of his entertainment. Purchased at Venice of the Count Vittore Pisani, in 1857. VINCI, L. DA. LEONARDO DA VINCI was born at Vinci, in the Val d'Arno, below Florence, in 1452. His father, Pietro da * The following description is from the manuscript notes of Kumohr, author of the Italicnische Forschungen, often quoted in this catalogue : " The celebrated picture of the wife of Darius mistaking Hephsestion for Alexander. In excel- lent condition ; perhaps the only existing criterion by which to estimate the genuine original colouring of Paul Veronese. It is remarkable how entirely the genius of the painter precludes criticism on the quaintness of the treatment. Both the incident and the personages are, as in a Spanish play, romantically travestied. The princesses with laced boddices and full Venetian gowns, have, nevertheless, a charming and becoming appearance, while the male figures, in their picturesque attire, look chivalrous, refined, and noble. The treatment of colour, especially in the flesh, and the excellence of the execution, are such as to render us almost unjust to other great colourists. In the presence of this work vre forget for a time all other productions in painting." | Inter eximia Pauli Veronensis opera, illud precipue apud venetos Procere Pisanos emicat, in quo Alexander Magnus prostratas matrem uxorem et liberos Darii benignissime excipiens expriniitur. J Abrfyedela Vie des plus fameux Feintres, r. Paris, 1745, vol. 1, p. 182. VINCI, L. DA. 253 Vinci, was a notary, and in 1484 notary to the Signory of Florence. Leonardo was placed early with Andrea Veroc- chio, a Florentine painter and sculptor, who, finding after a short time that he was surpassed by his pupil in painting, gave up the art in despair, and thenceforth confined himself to sculpture, in which he attained great eminence. Although Leonardo was completely devoted to painting, his insatiable desire of knowledge led him to the study of many other subjects : he excelled in sculpture, architecture, engineering, and mechanics generally ; botany, anatomy, mathematics, and astronomy ; he was also a poet, and an admirable extempore performer on the lyre. The letter which he addressed to Lodovico il Moro about the year 1483, offering his services to that prince, gives an extraordinary picture of the acquirements of one man : this memorable letter contains the following passage : " I will also under- take any work in sculpture ; in marble, in bronze, or in terra- cotta : likewise in painting, I can do what can be done, as well as any man, be he who he may." The duke took Leonardo into his service, with a salary of 500 scudi per annum. In 1485 he established an academy of arts at Milan, which eventually had great influence on the develop- ment of painting in Lombardy. About ten years afterwards he executed his celebrated picture of the "Last Supper;" it was painted in oil on the wall in the refectory of the Dominican convent of the Madonna delle Grazie, and was generally considered the greatest work that had appeared up to that time in painting ; he thus more than warranted the bold assertion in his letter, quoted above,* This was the last work of importance executed by Leonardo at Milan, which he left in 1499, when the Duke Lodovico fled before Charles XII. of France. He returned to Florence, where he was well received by the Gonfaloniere Soderini, who took him into state employ at a fixed salary. He was commis- sioned by Soderini, in 1503, to paint one of the ends of the council-hall of the Palazzo Vecchio. The celebrated cartoon of " The Battle of the Standard " was the result of this com- * This great work, owing either to the injudicious selection of materials, or the unfit state of the wall, was already half obliterated within ahout half a century from the time when it was painted. It has been engraved by Frey, Morghen, Wagner, and A. L. Dick ; there are also several copies of it extant, the most valuable is that by Marco d' Oggione, now in the Royal Academy of Arts, in London. See Bossi, Del Cenacolo di Leonardo da Vinci; Goethe, Pro- pylacen ; and the Author's Epochs of Painting, ch. xvi. 254 VINCI, L. DA. mission, but the painting was never completed. The so-called " Cartoon of Pisa," by Michelangelo, was designed for the opposite end of the same apartment.* The subject of Leo- nardo's cartoon was the defeat of the Milanese under Nicolo Picinino, by the Florentines? at Anghiari, near Borgo San Sepolcro.-f- Leonardo, after having visited Milan twice during his second residence in Florence, set out, Sept. 24, 1514, for "Rome ; he went in the train of Giuliano de' Medici, the brother of Leo X., who introduced the painter to that Pope. His residence in Rome, however, was very short. Leo had commissioned him to execute some work in the Vatican, but finding much apparatus for varnishes, &c., and no sign of commencement, he exclaimed to his attendants "Ah! this man will never do anything; he thinks of the end before the beginning of his work."J This want of courtesy, and like- wise a misunderstanding with Michelangelo, appear to have made Rome unpleasant to Leonardo, and he is said to have left it in disgust. He visited Francis I. of France, at Pavia, and entered the service of that monarch with a salary of 700 crowns per annum. He accompanied Francis to France, in Jan. 1517, but his health was now much enfeebled by age, and he executed no new work in France ; the King could not even prevail upon him to colour a cartoon of St. Anne and the Virgin, which he had brought with him from Italy. He died at Cloux, near Amboise, on the 2d of May 1519, in his 67th year. || This great painter had three different styles of execution. His earliest works were painted in the dry manner of the age ; his second style is conspicuous for a much greater fulness of * See the notice of Michelangelo hi this catalogue. t There is a print of part of this design by Edelinck. Another, in the Etruria Pittrice, professes to be more faithful to Leonardo's design. f " Oime, costui non e per far nulla, dacche commiucia a peusare alia fine Innanzi al principio dell' opera." Vasari, Vita di Leonardo. This drawing is now in the Royal Academy of Arts, in London. || This date is from an old copy of Leonardo's will, once in the possession of the Melzi family, on the back of which was written : Morse in Ambosa 2 Mag. 1519. Le Comte De Laborde, La Renaissance des Arts a la Cour de France. Vasari relates that Leonardo da Vinci died in the arms of Francis I., who happened to be with him at the time ; but this statement appears to be an error, for the Court was then at St. Germain, and no journey was undertaken on the day in question. Amoretti, Memoric storichc su la Vita, gli Studj, e le Opere di Leonardo da Vinci, Milan, 1804 ; Brown, The Life of Leonardo da Vinci, with a critical account of his worths, London, 1828; Vasari, Vile de' Pittori, Sfc. ; Lomazzo, Trattato della Piltura, Milan, 1584 ; Gave, Carttggio Incdito d'Artisti t Rigollot, Catalogue de L'.Oeuvre de Leonard de Vinci. Paris, 1849. VINCI, L. DA. 255 form, and for such an original force, and, at the same time, delicacy of light and shade, that he may be almost termed the inventor of Chiaroscuro ; this is his Milanese style, and it more or less distinguishes the works of the Lombard painters generally: most of the genuine pictures which are attributed to Leonardo belong to this second period. His third or Florentine style differs little from his Milanese, except that, as more mature, it exhibits greater freedom and power. To this period belong his cartoons of " St. Anne," the " Battle of the Standard," his own portrait, now in the gallery at Florence, and the celebrated " Mona Lisa," in the Louvre. Leonardo's principal work as a sculptor was the model of an equestrian statue of Francesco Sforza, father of the Duke Lodovico il Moro. This model was destroyed by the French, after the departure of Lodovico from Milan, in 1499. Leo- nardo da Vinci was also the author of numerous treatises, many of which still exist, but very fe\v have been published. The principal of these is the "Treatise on Painting," Trattato della Pittura, of which there are several editions in several languages.* His principal scholars were Bernardino Luini, Francesco Melzi, Andrea Salaino, Marco d'Oggione, and * The principal edition of this work is that published at Paris in folio, 1651, by Du Fresne ; it is illustrated with drawings by Nicolas Poussin. The best as regards the text, is that of Rome, 1817. Leonardo's greatest literary distinction however, says Mr. Ilallam, is derived " from those short fragments of his unpublished writings that appeared not many years since ; and which, according at least to our common estimate of the age in which he lived, are more like revelations of physical truths vouchsafed to a single mind, than the superstructure of its reasoning upon any established basis. The discoveries which made Galileo, and Kepler, and Maestlin, and Maurolicus, and Castelli, and other names, illustrious, the system of Copernicus, the very theories of recent geologers, are anticipated by ])a Vinci, within the compass of a few pages, not perhaps in the most precise language, or on the most conclusive reasoning, but so as to strike us with something like the awe of preternatural knowledge. In an age of so much dogmatism, he first laid down the grand principle of Bacon, that experiment and observation must be the guides to just theory in the investigation of nature. If any doubt could be harboured, not as to the right of Leonardo Da Vinci to stand as the first name of the fifteenth century, which is beyond all doubt, but as to his originality in so many dis- coveries, which probably no one man, especially in such circumstances, has ever made, it must be on an hypothesis, not very untenable, that some parts of physical science had already attained a height which mere books do not record." Introduction to the Literature of Europe. The extracts alluded to were pub- lished by Venturi at Paris in 1797, under the following title " Essai sur les Ouvraycs Physico-Mathematiques de Leonard da Vinci, avei; det> Fragmens tire's de ses Manuscrits apportes de fltalie." The MSS. in question were taken to France by Napoleon, who is said to have carried these and Petrarch's ' Virgil ' to his hotel, himself, not allowing any one else to touch them, exclaiming 25G VIVABINI. others : Gaudenzio Ferrari, though not actually Leonardo's scholar, was one of the principal imitators of his style. No. 18. CHRIST DISPUTING :WITH THE DOCTORS, or Christ arguing with the Pharisees. Composition of five figures, half length, somewhat less than the natural size. Engraved by D. Cunego, for the Schola Ilalica, c.; and by W. Radcliffe, for Jones's National Gallery. On wood, 2ft. 4^ in. /*. by 2ft. lOin.w. Formerly in the Aldobrandini apartments in the Borghese Palace at Rome. It is mentioned by Ramdhor, who notices the fine ex- pression of the head of Christ, and praises particularly the hands, and the drawing generally. It was imported into this country by Mr. Day in 1800, and was bequeathed to the National Gallery by the Rev. W. H. Carr, in 1831. There are several old copies of it. VIVARI'NI. BARTOLOMMEO VIVARI'NI painted at Venice between 1459 and 1498, neither the precise date of his birth or death being known ; he was of the family of the Vivarini of Murano in the neighbourhood of Venice. It is recorded of Bartolommeo that he painted the first oil picture that was exhibited in Venice ; this was in 1473. This picture is still in the Church of Santi Giovanni e Paolo. The new process of painting was acquired from Antonello da Messina, who, some years before, had learnt the method of the Van Eycks at Bruges.* Zanettif praises the colouring of Bartolommeo Vivarini, but remarks, at the same time, on the hard and cutting outline of his forms, both in his earliest and in his latest works, several of which are still to be seen in the Academy and churches of Venice, and in good preservation. "Questi sono miei" (these are mine). These MSS. were afterwards restored to Milan, where they are still preserved. An interesting collection of Leonardo's anatomical studies is preserved in the royal library at Windsor. They are small pen-and-ink sketches, made apparently about the year 1490, while attending the demonstrations of Marc- antonio della Torre at Pavia. These studies were doubtless made as memo- randa for his own use only, in giving his instructions in the Milanese academy. Some portions of the human body, supposed in the history of anatomy not to have been known till a century later, are well defined in Leonardo's drawings ; but though careful and minute they are not always correct, and very few could be made serviceable to artists. A few of these sketches were published in a volume by Chamberlain, with other drawings from the same collection, in 1812. * See the notice of John Van Eyck in this catalogue. f Leila Pitlura Veneziana, Sfc. Venice, 1771. WEENIX. 257 No. 284. THE VIRGIN WITH THE CHILD IN HER ARMS, the Child sitting upon a cushion. Behind, are standing, one on each side, St. Paul holding a sword, and St. Jerome with a book in his hands. Figures life size, gold ground. Inscribed below OPUS BARTOLOMEI VIVARINI DE MURANO. In tempera. On wood, 3 ft. 1 in. h. by 2 ft. 1 in. w. Originally in the Contarini Gallery.* Purchased at Venice from the Conte Bernardino Corniani degl' Algarotti, in 1855. OPVStBnRTOME HAA RJ N I WEENIX. JAN WEENIX the younger was born at Amsterdam in 164i, and was the scholar of his father, Jan Baptista Weenix, who, however, died when Jan was only sixteen years old ; but even then he had completely acquired his father's style, so that his earlier works cannot be dis- tinguished from those of Jan Baptist Weenix; but he eventually surpassed his father, especially in freedom of execution, and in colouring. He painted a great variety of subjects figures, animals, birds, landscape, ruins, fruit, and flowers ; but his great name was acquired by his pictures of hunts, and dead game. Many excellent examples of his works are in England. He was much employed by John William, Elector of the Palatinate. He died at Amsterdam, September 20, 1719. His pictures have steadily increased in value. Van Gool, writing in 1750, notices 300 florins as a high price to be paid for a picture of dead game by Weenix ; Immerzeel, less than a century afterwards, notices much higher sums, up to 1,900 florins, being paid, even in Amsterdam, for a similar piece, f No. 238. DEAD GAME, AND DOG : landscape back-ground with sportsman in the distance. A couple of hares, a stag, and heron ; a fowling-piece, and other implements of the chase, in the fore-ground. On canvas, 5 ft. 7^ in. h. by 5 ft. H in. w. * This picture is fully described in the Atti delF Accadenria di Venezia, 1817, p. 43. note, and p. 51. note. f Van Gool, Nieuwe Schouburg der Nederlantsche Kunstschilders, fyc. ; Immer- zeel, Levens en Werken der Holla ndsche en Vlaamsche Kunstschilders,8j-c. t 1842. R 258 WILLIAM OF COLOGNE. Signed J. WEENIX, f. 1708. Formerly in the Lansdowne ? Col- lection which was sold in 1806; bequeathed to the National Gallery by Lord Colborne, in 1854. WILLIAM OF COLOGNE. WILLIAM of COLOGNE, or MEISTER WILHELM, a native of Herle, a village near Cologne, whence he is also named Wilhelmus de Herle, was the earliest distinguished master of the school of the Lower Rhine, and the most renowned painter of his time in the north. This school had attained considerable celebrity at Cologne and Maastricht in the fourteenth century, and even earlier.* William bought a house at Cologne, and settled there in 1358, with his wife Jutta; 1372 is the last year in which he appears by name in the public accounts of the city, and it was then for the payment of a miniature. In 1378 he died ; and his widow was married in the following year to Henry Wynrich, of Wesel, also a painter, settled at Cologne, and apparently Meister Wilhelm's scholar. Several works are attributed to this old master, at Cologne and elsewhere, wall paintings, and some good tempera pictures on panel ; the principal of which is the St. Clara altar-piece, now in the Johannis Kapelle, one of the chapels in Cologne cathedral. Meister Stephan or Stephen Lochner, the best master of this school, was the scholar of William of Cologne.! * Wolframb of Eschenbach, writing in the thirteenth century, says in his " Parcival," speaking of the Knight that no painter of Cologne or Maas- tricht could have made a better picture than he appeared on horseback. And iu an old chronicle of Limburg is written, "Eodem tempore, 1380, Coloniae erat pictor optimus, cui non fuit similis in arte sua, dictus fuit WJLUELMTJS, depingit enim homines quasi viventes." Fiorillo, Geschichte der Zeich- nenden Ktinste in Deutschland, 1815, vol. 1, p. 418 ; compare Passavant, Kunstreise, fyc., p. 403 ; Schnaase, Geschichte der Bildenden Kunste, Sfc., vol. vi., p. 423. f J. J. Merlo, Nachrichten von dem leben und den Werken Kdlnischer Kiinstler, Cologne, 1850-52; Schnaaee, Geschichte, fyc., vol. vi., 1861. ZELOTTI. 259 No. 687. The SANCTA VERONICA, or Holy true Image of our Lord. St. Veronica is represented holding before her the SODARITJM,* a white cloth containing the miraculous portrait of the Saviour, according to the church legend, with a golden nimbus inscribed Xg. %. (Christ Jesus). Head, life size. In tempera, f on wood, 1 ft. 9^ in. h. by 1 ft. 1 in. w. Formerly in the Lorenz-Kirche at Cologne ; purchased at Cologne, at the sale of the pictures of Mr. J. P. Weyer, in 1862. ZELOTTI. BATTISTA ZELOTTI was born at Verona about 1532, he was the fellow scholar of Paul Veronese in the school of Badile, and became afterwards the assistant and rival of that great painter : according to Vasari, who mentions him as Battista da Verona, he studied also with Titian. Zelotti worked chiefly in fresco, and as he was much employed in comparatively obscure provincial towns, his works, though excellent, did not obtain him that distinction and com- petence acquired by his more fortunate rivals, who were employed in capital cities. He died in poor circumstances, aged 60, about 1592. Many of his works have been attributed to his more distinguished rival Paul Veronese.! No. 595. PORTRAIT OF A LADY in a low green dress. Bust, life-size. On canvas, 2ft. 4-^ in. h. by 1 ft. 10 in. w. Purchased at Rome, from Signer Menchetti in 1858. * The legend of the Sancta Veronica, of Edessa, is; told by John Damas- cenus, De Fide Orthodoxd, iv. 16; the miraculous "image" itself is first noticed byEvagrius. Two of these miraculous cloths are mentioned ; that carried from Christ by Ananias to Abgarus, King of Edessa, now said to be preserved in the church of San Silvestro in Capite, at Rome ; and the other, the handker- chief given by a woman (St. Veronica) to the Saviour to wipe his face -with, while carrying his cross in the procession to Calvary, said to be in San Bar- tolommeo at Genoa. For full details respecting this legend, see the author's "EPOCHS OP PAINTING," p. 143, ed. 1859; consult Gretser, Syntagma de Imaginibus manu nonfactis, *c., opera, vol. xv., p. 178, et seq. t On the tempera employed by the Cologne painters, see Sir Charles Eastlake's " Materials for a History of Oil Painting," 1847, p. 101. % Ridolfi, Maraviglie, Sfc., vol. ii. p. 94, ed. 1835 ; Dal Pozzo, Pittori Veronesi, Sfc. ; Vasari, Ed. Le Monnier, vol. xi. p. 134, where the error of earlier commentators, in assuming Vasari, when speaking of Battista da Verona, to allude to Battista Fontana, is repeated. R 2 260 ZOPPO. ZOPPO. MARCO ZOPPO, born in Bologna in the earlier half of the fifteenth century, was the fellow pupil of Mantegna in the school of Squarcione at Padua ; in the Manfrini gallery at Venice there is or was a Madonna signed Opera del Zoppo di Squarcione. But he' can scarcely have been, as is affirmed by Malvasia, the pupil of Lippo Dalmasio, of whom the latest known work is of the date 1409. Marco Zoppo was the first distinguished painter of Bologna ; his pictures extend from 1471 to 1498; there is a Madonna enthroned, with saints, in the gallery of Berlin, inscribed Marco Zoppo da Bologna, pinx it MGGCCLXXI. in Venexia ; and some fresco decorations of the Casa Colonna at Bologna are dated 1498. Pie was the master of Francia, and is called some- times the founder of the school of Bologna : his style is hard and dry, but he bestowed great labour on the finish of the accessories of his pictures.* No. 597. ST. DOMINIC, as the Institutor of the Rosary. The saint is standing on a pedestal and pointing with his right hand to a rosary suspended behind him ; in his left lie holds an open book. Above is Christ in glory, sur- rounded by angels bearing the instruments of the passion.f Whole length figure, small life-size. In tempera, on wood, 5 ft. h. by 2 ft. 11 in. u\ Formerly in the collection of the Marchese Giovanni Costabili at Ferrara, from which it was purchased for the National Gallery 1858. ZU'RBARAN. FRANCISCO ZU'RBARAN was born at Fuente de Cantos, in Estremadura, in the early part of November 1598. His parents belonged to the agricultural labouring class, but discovered early their son's ability, and sent him, when still very young, to the school of Juan de Roelas, at Seville. There he made rapid progress painting constantly from * Malvasia, Felsina Pittrice, i. p. 37, &c., ed. 1841 ; Vasari, Vite, Sfc. ; Waagen, Verzeichniss der Gemaelde Sammlung zu Berlin, $c. f The figure of the saint in this picture, evidently copied from nature, is supposed to be a portrait of Alanus de Rupe, an English Dominican mock who, in 1460, in consequence of a vision, revived the use of the rosary, and the prayers connected with it, as instituted by St. Dominic. See the " Rosario della glorio ;rVirgine Maria," in Venetia, &c., MDLXlX. folio 10 b. ZU'RBARAN. 261 nature, and adopting a forcible natural .style which acquired him the name of " the Spanish Caravaggio ;" he probably had opportunities of copying some of the works of that master at Seville. Zurbaran's great altar-piece, now in the museum at Seville, the celebrated picture of " St. Thomas Aquinas/' painted for the church of the college of that Saint at Seville, was executed before his thirtieth year. He painted many other celebrated works in the fol- lowing years at Seville ; and subsequently at Madrid, in the Palacio Nuevo, and in the Buenretiro. He was ap- pointed, about the year 1633, painter to Philip III. He was painter also to Philip IV. He died at Madrid in 1662. His principal scholars were Bernabe deAyala and the brothers Polanco, distinguished painters of the school of Seville. Zurbaran's works are uncommon out of Spain ; at Seville they are numerous, and the early works from the life of San Pedro Kolasco, at the Merced Calzada, at Seville, are among the best ; they exhibit in perfection one of his peculiar excellences, the skilful management of white draperies. He made great use of the lay figure, and his draperies are generally much studied ; the Carthusians were favourite subjects with him. The museum at Seville pos- sesses now the best collection of" his works, though not a numerous one : that of the Louvre has been dispersed ; it contained, according to the catalogues, ninety-two pictures attributed to Zurbaran ; the collection of the Prado at Madrid contains fourteen.* An admirable virgin and child, with the infant St. John, by this painter, is in the collection of the Duke of Sutherland, at Stafford House. No. 230. A FEANCISCAN MONK, kneeling in prayer, and holding a skull in his hands. Entire figure of the natural size. Engraved by Alp. Masson. On canvas, 5 ft. 1 in. h. by 3 ft. 3 in. w. This picture formed part of the Spanish Gallery of Louis Philippe in the Louvre, procured for the late King, in Spain, by M. Le Baron Taylor; it was generally considered by connois- seurs one of the best pictures in that gallery ;f and at the sale of the collection in London, in 1853, was purchased for the National Gallery. * Ccan Bermudez, Diccionario Historico, Sfc. f See KollolF, Koniglichc Museen,Sfc. zu 1'aris, Paris 1841, who notices this picture as " ein wahres Wunder von Ausdnick," a miracle of expression ; and Stirling's Annals of the Artists of Spain, London, 1848. 262 UNKNOWN. UNKNOWN. No. 195. PORTRAIT OF A MEDICAL PROFESSOR. His left hand rests upon a skull. Half-length. On wood, 3 ft. 2 in. h. by 2 ft. 5 in. w. Purchased for the National Gallery, in 1845. This picture was bought as a work of Holbein. It has been attributed, by some eminent connoisseurs, to Nicholas Lucidel, more properly called Neufchatel, a portrait-painter, who resided chiefly at Nuremberg, and who died about the year 1600. Specimens of his works are in the galleries of Munich and Berlin. 263 LISTS OP PICTURES PURCHASED FOR, PRESENTED AND BE- QUEATHED TO, THE NATIONAL GALLERY; ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE ORDER OF THEIR ACQUISITION.* PICTURES PURCHASED. No. Subject. Painter's Name. When acquired. 1 2 3 5 7 12 14 25 27 28 30 31 32 34 36 37 38 42 45 47 49 50 52 53 67 76 88 94 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 122 23 9 35 62 10 15 13 59 84 Seb. Del Piombo - Claude - - - - Titian - - - - Claude - - N - - Correggio - - - Claude - - - - An. Carracci - - Raphael - - - - L. Carracci - - - Claude - - - - G. Poussin - - - Titian - - - - G. Poussin - - - Correggio - - - Rubens - - - - N. Poussin - - - Rembrandt - - - Vandyck - - - Cuyp - - - - Rubens - - - - Correggio - - - An. Carracci - Sir J. Reynolds Hogarth - - - - Hogarth - - - . SirD. Wilkie - - Correggio - - - An. Carracci - - Titian - - - - N. Poussin - - - Correggio - - - Murillo - - - - Rubens -. - - - Salvator Rosa - - 1824 1825 1826 1834 1837 Sea-port - _.. St John - - - - - Julius IL ----.--- St. Ursula - - Study of Heads - Woman taken in Adultery - - - Adoration of the Shepherds - - - Portrait of Rubens ------ Erminia and the Shepherds - - - Bacchus and Silenus ----- Lord Heathfield ------- Christ appearing to Peter - - - - Mercury instructing Cupid - - - Mercury and Woodman - - - - * The collection of Robert Vernon, Esq., of 157 pictures of the British School, presented to the Nation in 1847 is not comprised in these lists. 264 Pictures Purchased continued. No. Subject. Painter's Name. When acquired. 168 169 170 176 177 179 180 181 186 187 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 213 221 222 224 230 232 234 245 246 247 248 249 260 261 265 266 226 227 268 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 St PatViprino Raphael - - - - Mazzolini - - Garofalo . - - - Murillo - - - - Guido - .-- Franeia - - - 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 184r> 1846 1847 1851 1852 1853 1854 Rt Tnhn Holy Family and Saints - - - - Piptn Pietro Perugino - John Van Eyck - Kubens - - - - Gio. Bellini - - - Rembrandt - - - Guido - - - - Gerard Dow - Guido - - - - Rubens - - - - Unknown - - - Guido - - - - Velazquez - - - An. Carracci - - Raphael - - - Rembrandt - - . J. Van Eyck - - Titian - ... Zurbaran - - Velazquez - - - School of Gio. \ Bellini - - -J Pacchiarotto - Lorenzo di San "I Severino - - J Fra Filippo Lippi - Niccolo Alunno - Albert Diirer - - The Meister von \ Liesborn - - J Apotheosis of William the Taciturn - Christ ' in d St Jolin * - Lot- - - - q 6 C J* St. Antony -------- Man's Portrait ------- Franciscan Monk ------ Adoration of the Shepherds - - - Warrior adoring the Infant Christ - 1 Marriage of St. Catherine - - -4 The Vision of St. Bernard - - - Vander Meire - - Lambert Lombard Sandro Botticelli - Cosimo Rosselli - Paolo Veronese Mantegna - - - Botticelli - - - Giotto - - - - Jacopo Bassano - Rubens - - - - Giovanni Bellini - Marco Basaiti - - Lo Spagna - - Benozzo Gozzoli - Bart Vivarini Girolamo dai Libri Francesco Tacconi 1855 1856 The Virgin and Child, with angels, &c. St. Jerome, -with Saints - - - - Adoration of the Magi - - - - The Virgin and Child, enthroned - The Virgin and Child - - - - Triumph of Julius Caesar - - - Glorification of the Virgin - - - The Virgin and Child, enthroned, "1 surrounded by angels and saints J The Virgin and Child, St. Paul and j Virgin and Child, enthroned - - - | 26$ Pictures Purchased continued. No. Subject. Painter's Name. When acquired. 287 288 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 585 586 589 590 591 592 593 * Portrait of Lodovico Martinengo The Virgin adoring the Infant "1 Christ ; the Archangel Michael ; 1 the Archangel Raphael and [ TYVhinc Bart Veneziano - Pietro Perugino - J. Van Eyck - - Lucas Cranach Antonio Pollajuolo Filippino Lippi Paul Veronese - - Quintin Matsys Domenico Ghir- 1 landajo - - J G. Romanino - - Borgognone - - Margaritone of 1 Arezzo - - J Cimabue - - - Duccio da Siena - Segna di Buona- 1 ventura - - - J School of Giotto - 1 Andrea Orcagna - TaddeoGaddi - - Jacopo di Cascntino Spinello Aretino - Fra Giovanni An- 1 gelico - - - J Paolo Uccello - - Piero della Fran- \ cesca - - - / > Fra Filippo Lippi Cosimo Tura - - Benozzo Gozzoli - Filippino Lippi Trfyrprizo Hi flrprH . 1856 1857 Martyrdom of St. Sebastian - - - The Virgin and Child, with saints - The Family of Darius at the Feet \ " Salvator Mundi " and the Virgin 1 The Virgin adoring the Infant \ Christ ----- - f The Nativity, with Saints - - - The Marriage of the twoSaintsCatherine Virgin and Child, with scenes from 1 the lives of the Saints - - - - / The Madonna and Child. > Angels \ The Madonna and Child St. Domi- 1 nic and St. Catherine - - - J Coronation of the Virgin - - - Coronation of the Virgin, with Angels and Saints - - The Trinity - - - - T - - - The Adoration of the Kings - - - The Resurrection of Christ - - - The Three Maries at the Sepulchre - The Ascension of Christ - - - - The Descent of the Holy Spirit - - The Baptism of Christ, and the Birth 1 and Death of St. John the Baptist j St. John the Evangelist lifted up 1 St John the Baptist, St. John the 1 Evangelist, and St. James the I The Adoration of the Kings - - - / The Battle of Sant' Egidio 141G - Portrait of Isotta da Rimini - - -j The Madonna and Child surrounded by Angels and Saints - - - - The Virgin, an Angel presenting the Child . - - - . - - Christ placed in the tomb - - - - The Rape of Helen - - The Adoration of the Magi - - - The Virgin and Child - 266 Pictures Purchased continued. No. Subject. Painter's Name. When acquired. 594 184 299 300 595 596 597 598 599 602 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 663 Saints Cosmas and Damianus - - Portrait of Jeanne vtl'oit T? TV^trt At- D/49 C<70 Jticin DraiiCiL - - Antonello da Mes- 1 O/O sina - - - - J fi74. T*3.ris BordoBG * O / rt 680 Miraculous Draught of Fishes - - Vandyck - - - AS*; T n-r\Atsf*fiY\a TT _ V1-. f.- rrk n 1 QCO ooo XlUUUcllld- 1 OU Ci 686 Madonna and Child enthroned - - Memling - - - 687 The Sancta Veronica ----- William of Cologne 690 His own Portrait ----- Andrea del Sarto - 268 Pi CTURES PRESENTED. ' No. Subject. Painter's Name. By whom Presented. When. 19 40 43 51 55 58 61 64 66 71 99 106 108 110 126 127 74 107 26 33 131 109 121 46 105 119 78 80 132 100 120 143 142 144 129 147 148 133 136 130 165 166 167 171 172 173 174 175 178 *T found Landscape - - - - - Landscape, Phocion - - Claude - - -j N. Poussin - - Rembrandt - - Claude - - - Sir George Beau- "I mont, Bart. J 1826 Jew Merchant- - - - Small Landscape - - - Ditto Return of the Ark - - S. Bourdon - - Rubens - - - Both -.-- Wilkie - - - Reynolds - Wilson - - - West - - Canaletto - - Murillo - - -\ Reynolds - - P. Veronese Parmigiano - - West - - - - Gainsborough - West - - - - Blind Fiddler - - - - Man's Head .... Maecenas's Villa - - - M. M. Zachary, ) Esq. - - -J Rev. W. Long - British Institution Pylades and Orestes - - View in Venice - - - Spanish Boy .... Banished Lord - - - St. Nicholas - - - - Vision of St. Jerome - - Healing the Sick - - - The Watering Place - - LordFarnborough W.Wilkins, Esq. Marq. of Stafford - Lady Beaumont 1827 1828 1829 1830 1835 1836 1S37 1838 1839 Peace and War - - - Landscape - - - - - Jacques and the Stag Holy Family - - - ^ The Market Cart - - The Last Supper - - - Death of Chatham - - Portrait of Nollekens Lord Ligonier '.--,- J. Kemble as Hamlet - - Portrait of West - - - Portrait of Mr. Angerstein Cephalus & Aurora - - Rubens - - - Sir G. Beaumont Reynolds - - Gainsborough - West - --. Copley - - - Beechey - - Reynolds - - Lawrence - - Ag. Carracci British Institution George IV. - - Lord Liverpool - Rev.R.E. Kerrick William IV. - Lord Ellesmere - Mr. Serjt Taddy F. Robertson, Esq. Bought by Sub- 7 scription - $ Duke of North- 1 umberland - j Lord Vernon British Institution Lord Vernon H. G. Knight,? Esq. - -f Portrait of an Actor - - Portrait of a Lady - - The Corn Field - - - Plague at Ashdod - - Capuchin Friar - - - Adoration of the Kings - Portrait of Sir J. Soane - Christ at Emmaus - - Male Portrait - - - - A Cardinal - - - - Portrait of Milton - - Sir Calepine - - - - ic Vernon donation and othei in the catalogue of that portic Hoppner Lawrence - Constable - - ) N. Poussin - - -j Rembrandt - - B. Peruzzi - - Jackson - - - M. da Caravaggio J. Bassano - - ] C. Maratti - - D. Vander Plaas Hilton - - - j recent acquisitions n of the collection. C. Lofft, Esq. - Bought by Sub- ? scription - J of the British School 1841 will bo 2G9 Pictures Presented continued. No. Subject. Painter's Name. By whom Presented. When. 182 Study of Heads - - - Reynolds - - Lady W. Gordon 1841 183 Portrait of Wilkie - - Phillips - - - The Painter _ 185 Portrait of Sir W.Hamilton Reynolds - - * 1843 188 Portrait of Mrs. Siddons Lawrence - - Mrs. Fitz Hugh 215 Taddeo Gaddi - \ W. Coningham, ) 1348 Esq. - - \ 1 O*rO 216 217 Portrait of Wm. Woollett Gilbert Stuart - . Farrer , Esq. 1849 218 Adoration of the Magi - B. Peruzzi - - \ E. Higginson, ) Esq. - - \ 220 Portrait of John Hall - Gilbert Stuart - j Messrs. Graves ) and Co. - } 1850 225 Assumption of the Mag- ) dalen ----.-$ Giulio Romano - Lord Overstone - 1852 228 Christ driving the S Money-changers from > J. Bassano - - P. L. Hinds, Esq. 1853 the Temple - - - j 229 Portrait of Benjamin \ West - - - - -J Gilbert Stuart - \ J. H. Anderdon, 1 _ 233 Portrait of William Pitt - Hoppner - - - G. Moffatt, Esq. _ 235 Dead Christ - - - - Spaguoletto - - D. Barclay, Esq. __ 236 O7O Castle of St. Angelo C.J.Vernet- - Lady Simpkinson Ml J. 273 Portrait of John Smith - 1 ordcnoDG - Sir G. Kneller - Cav. Vallati W. Smith, Esq. - 1855 1856 661 Madonna di San Sisto (a \ ' / P.&D.Colnaghi, 1 1 - r < i tracing) J \ Scott and Co. j Io60 666 The Annunciation - Fra Filippo Lippi Sir C. L. Eastlake 1861 670 A Knight of Malta - J. da Pontonno G. F. Watts, Esq. 679 An Astronomer * . - F. Bol - - - MissE. A. Benett 1862 * Deposited by the Trustees of the British Museum and now temporarily exhibited nt South Kensington. 270 PICTUKES BEQUEATHED.* No.. 4 6 8 11 16 17 18 20 21 22 24 29 41 48 54 56 57 63 68 69 72 73 75 77 81 82 85 91 93 95 97 98 124 65 39 128 139 70 101 102 103 104 123 138 140 79 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 Subject. Painter's Name. By whom Bequeathed. When. Holy Family .... Titian - - - Claude - - - Michelangelo Guido - - - Tintoretto - - A. del Sarto L. Da Vinci Seb. del Piombo C. Allori - - Guercino - - S. del Piombo - Barocci - - - Giorgione - - Domenichino Rembrandt - - An. Carracci Rubens - . - An. Carracci - G. Poussin - - P. F. Mola - - Rembrandt - - Ercole da Ferrara Domenichino Rev. W. H. Carr 1831 A Dream --->,. St. Jerome - - - - Holy Family - - - - Christ and the Pharisees Ippolito de' Medici and ) SebastianodelPiombo } Portrait of a Lady - - Dead Christ - - - - Giulia Gonzaga - - - Holy Family - - - - Death of Peter Martyr - Tobias and the Angel - Woman Bathing - - - St. Bavon - - - - - Landscape ------ > St. John Preaching - - Tobias and the Angel - Conversion of St. Paul - Stoning of Stephen - - Vision of St. Augustin - Holy Family - . , . Garofalo - - - Mazzolini - - Domenichiuo N. Poussin - - An. Carracci G. Poussin - - P. Veronese G. Poussin - - Jackson - - - N. Poussin - - \ Reynolds - - A. Kaufmann - Padovanino - - Lancret - - - Williams Pannini - - - Vander Heist - Reynolds - - Vandevelde - - Sleeping Venus - - - Silenus - - - - Rape of Europa - - - Key. W. H. Carr - - - Cephalus & Aurora - - Nursing of Bacchus - - Portrait of Windham An Allegory - - - - G. J. Cholmon- > deley, Esq. - J J. Forbes, Esq. Lt CoL Ollney 1835 1837 Vrmth - Lord Blessington LordFarnborough 1838 Ruins and Figures - - Portrait of a Lady - - The Graces - - - - A Palm A Gale ------ P. F. Mola - - Vander Neer Maas - - - - Teniers - - - Vandyck - - The Cradle .... A Music Party - - - The Misers - - - - Study of Horses - - - The Turner Collection of 105 pictures acquired in 1856, and other recent bequests of pictures of the British School will be found ia the British School Catalogue. 271 Pictures Bequeathed continued. No. Subject. Painter's Name. By whom Bequeathed. When. 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 125 199 200 202 204 205 206 207 209 210 211 212 214 223 479 498 231 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 267 269 270 271 289 600 Rubens - - - Teniers - - - Maas - - - - P. F. Mola - - G. Poussin - - Reynolds - - Canaletto - - Huysman - - Schalcken - - Sassoferrato Hondecoeter Bakhuizen - - Dietrich - - - Greuze - - - Maas - - - - Both and Poe- ) lenburg - } Guardi - - - Huchtenburg De Keyser - - Guido - - - Bakhuizen - - Turner - - - Lord Farnborough 1838 Boors Regaling - - - Dutch Housewife - - - Infant Samuel - - - - View in Venice - - - Izaak Walton - - - - Dr. H. Hawes - R. Simmons, Esq. 1846 1847 1851 1853 Madonna ----- Domestic Poultry - - A Gale Itinerant Musicians - - Head of a Girl - - - The Idle Servant - - - Landscape with Figures \ View in Venice - - - A Battle - Merchant and Clerk - - Coronation of the Virgin A Gale - W. Wells, Esq. - C. L. Bredel, Esq. The Painter The Sun rising in Mist - The Building of Carthage Portrait of Thomas ) Daniell, R.A. - - - J Portrait of a Girl - - - Dead Game, &c. - - - Landscape, Moonlight - Crossing the Ford - - The Village Beadle - - Players at Tric-trac - - A Man's Portrait - - - A Shepherd - - - - Wilkie - - - Rembrandt - - Weeninx - - Vander Neer - Berchem - - Wilkie - - - Teniers - - - Rembrandt - - Spagnoletto - - Wilson - - J Giorgione - -4 Titian - - - Guido - - - Rembrandt - - Dyckmans - - Miss M. A. Fuller Lord Colborne - 1854 Richard and ] Miss C. J. I Garnons - - J Samuel Rogers, "1 Esq. - -/ Rev. T. Halford Miss Jane Clarke 1855 1857 1859 A Knight in Armour ' Noli me Tangere ' - - ' Ecce Homo ' - - - The Night Watch - - The Blind Beggar - - SCULPTURES IN THE NATIONAL GALLERY. In the Hall. SIR DAVID WILKIE, RA. Statue, in marble, by Samuel Joseph. Presented to the National Gallery by an association of gentlemen in 1844. THETIS AND HER NYMPHS, RISING FROM THE SEA, TO CONDOLE WITH ACHILLES ON THE LOSS OF PATROCLUS. Alto relievo in marble, by Thomas Banks, RA. Presented to the National Gallery in 1845 by the sculptor's daughter, Mrs. Forster. BUST OF THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON. Bronze. Be- queathed to the National Gallery by Philip Champion Crespigny, Esq., in 1851. LONDON: Printeil by GFOHOE E. EYRE and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. A 000 498 082 7