JC-NRLF SB 5b2 3Eb GIFT OF MlSS E-T.W 7 ON ECONOMY OF FUEL, PARTICULARLY WITH RWKRENCK TO REVERBERATOR! FURNACES THE MANUFACTURE OF IRON, AND TO STEAM BOILKRS. BY T. STMES PBIDEAUX, ESQ. ft AUTHOR OP VARIOUS PAPERS IV THB ZOIST. " In a manufacturing nation such as England, the application of scientific results to the arts, should be the prime object of every employer of skilled labour, who would not be left behind, in the race of improvement." WettmimUr Review. LONDON: JOHN WEALE, 59, HIGH HOLBOEN. MDCCCLIII. V SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. Introduction v General Considerations 1 SECTION I. On attaining perfect Combustion, and appor- tioning the supply of air to the wants of the fuel 3 II. On the employment of Slack or small coal, 1st., by the use of Furnaces with per- forations in the sides, 2ndly, by the use of compressed air in a closed ash-pit ... 15 III. Additional advantages of working with com- pressed air in Reverberatory Furnaces 21 IV. Advantages of ditto in Steam Boilers 33 V. Economy to be attained by increasing the Temperature of Furnaces 38 VI. On feeding Furnaces with Hot Air 47 VII. Economic application of Heat 54 VIII. On the employment of Waste Heat , 58 IX. On the Manufacture of Iron 61 X. On the quantity of Heat in Steam, and its Economic Application 90 APPENDIX. On Dwelling-house Grates and Ventilation 109 On the Ventilation of Coal Mines 127 248209 INTRODUCTION. 1. IT would be difficult to exaggerate the importance of the part played by heat, both on a grand scale in the laboratory of nature, and on a minor scale, in the domain of human art and science. In the former respect it is not only an essential con- dition to the existence of life on this planet, but also the prime agent in putting in motion most of the physical changes which take place at the earth's surface. In the latter, it must be re- garded not only as furnishing man with the chief means he possesses of imitating in miniature the processes of nature, and moulding and modifying natural productions to his wants ; but also as bestowing on him the ability to generate and apply at pleasure, a force equally stupendous and easy of control. 2. Yes, it is to heat we are indebted for the aliment which nourishes the sinews of that all powerful giant, yet obedient slave, which the genius of a Watt subdued, and left as a legacy to all succeeding generations. That unwearied drudge of all work, which grinds our corn, weaves our clothing, forges our tools, drives our printing presses, twists a massive cable of iron, or spins a gossamer thread of cotton down, impels our steam ships on their ocean routes, defying wind and wave, or whirls us through space when we journey on land, with thrice the speed of the race horse. A slave more patient than Caliban, fleeter than Ariel, such an one as it never entered into the imagi- nations of our forefathers in their most sanguine dreams, to hope for the possession of. 3. Nothing furnishes man with greater cause for congratu- lation and even an excusable pride, than the feats of that mighty impersonation of brute force and human intellect, the steam engine, the Hercules of the nineteenth century, which once launched into the worlds arena, has gone forth " conquering and VI . INTRODUCTION. to conquer," fulfilling his high destiny as a great civilizing agent, with an energy which no human arm can arrest, and a rapidity which fills us with astonishment, admiration, and hope. 4. For all these achievements man is indebted to the laws which govern the combination of certain electro-positive bodies, such as carbon and hydrogen, with oxygen. It is by carefully studying the laws of the universe, and employing them for his benefit, that he raises himself from the lowest pitch of barbarism, to the height of civilization from the state of a naked defence- less savage, shivering with cold and hunger, to the well clad, well housed, well fed product of modern civilization, master of an ample supply of the necessaries and comforts of life, with leisure to spare for moral and intellectual cultivation. The same forces of nature, so astonishing and often so destructive to the savage, become, when a knowledge is attained of the circum- stances under which they act, the docile assistants, instead of the rude enemies of man the allies by whose aid he obtains the mastery over brute matter, employs the elements as couriers, and yokes them to his triumphal car. 5. What is the lesson such a career of progress ought to teach us? at least this, a wise humility as to the perfec- tion of our present knowledge, and our manufacturing pro- cesses founded upon it, diametrically opposed to that narrow- minded conceit of infallibility, and incredulity as to further improvement, which exist in their greatest vigour, just in those narrow arched crania, where ignorance of general principles is the most profound, and incapacity for lifting the mind to imagine a state of things widely differing from the present, the most complete. Just in short, in that class of persons, where this self satisfied state of mind is most misplaced, the most injurious to the interests of the individual, and the most ridiculous in the eyes of others. 6. There are few manufacturing processes that have not been greatly revolutionized, simplified, and extended within these fifty years, and had none but this narrow arched crania race been en- gaged in them, these improvements would never have been made; for if no one can be found with sufficient knowledge, enterprise, and love of perfection, to be the first to try a new thing, progress becomes impossible. Just the state of things in fact, which exists amongst many nations, whose civilization is stationary or retrograde, and whom we justly look upon as our inferiors laggards in the race of improvement, whose rank in the scale of INTRODUCTION. vii manhood even when industrious, is only that of plodding labourers the hodmen of humanity who can no more origi- nate a structure that is new and beautiful, without the inspira- tion of a superior race, than a bricklayer's labourer can erect, without an architect, the splendid building on which he toils from morn till eve, most praiseworthily employed according to the talent committed to his care, but nevertheless a mere beast of burden, whose task, genius can at pleasure, arrange a few cogs and wheelwork more efficiently to perform. 7. Nations are not generally aware of the extent of their obligation to their leaders, the men who head the career of pro- gress and improvement, fulfilling the part of generals to an army; nor how small a number of such men suffice, where the people are honest and industrious, to redeem the whole body from stag- nation, to leaven the inert mass with the inspiration of their own genius, and to impart character, tone, and an object to the national mind, by bestowing its leading ideas. 8. He must be blind indeed, who does not see that ideas rule the world, as absolutely and as necessarily, as the mind the muscles of the body. The whole course of sublunary affairs is in fact but a commentary on the text that " knowledge is power" and teaches the entire subjugation of physical, to intellectual force. The former is in reality but the manifestatipn of the latter, the weapon it employs to execute its volitions, with no independent vitality of its own, but necessarily ceasing to exist with the ideas which called it into life. A fact from which we at least derive the consolation of knowing, that all material interests and brute forces which represent ideas not having truth for their basis, are necessarily doomed to decay, whilst such as are salutary, beneficial, and consequently founded in truth, must eventually prevail and overcome all opposition. The product of the former class of ideas, inherits the seeds of decay ; those of the second, of vitality. How insignificant become in a few years the results of the deeds of a great conqueror. Time would appear to take a pleasure in obliterating with die furrows of his ploughshare every trace of his career ; whilst on the other hand, the result of a luminous idea like that of Watt's on the steam engine, essentially prolific in its nature, for ever expands itself as it stretches into the future, giving birth to a numerous progeny of ideas, each in its turn destined to be prolific like its parent, till the imagination loses itself at the vastness of the field of view which opens before it. Vlll . INTRODUCTION. 9. So low however at present, is the scale of humanity amongst us, that for one individual who could be found \vith open purse and liberal heart, animated with the glorious ambition of aiding in the development of ideas so fraught with great and beneficial results to mankind, as those of Watt ; it is to be feared that one hundred would be met with, who, deaf to all such con- siderations, or perhaps even holding them in derision, would re- ject the opportunity open to them of furthering so good a work, to achieve in preference the grander result ! ! ! of leaving a some- what heavier money bag to an impatient heir. 10. Let it never be forgotten, that clear, simple, and ob- viously indubitable, as was the improvement of Watt on the steam engine, requiring, it would be supposed by all (except those who have had practical experience of the vis inertia of ignorance,) only to be seen, to be adopted with acclamation, yet it was eight years before he succeeded in getting any one to try it, and had not a fortunate chance at that period introduced him to a liberal, enlightened, and enterprising man in Boulton, another eight years of fruitless efforts might have had to have been undergone, or even the full appreciation of the invention indefi- nitely delayed. In which case, the whole of that vast career of progress on which the human race entered as a consequence of the steamSngine, would have been postponed ; the issue of the great European war might have been different ; colonies rapidly increasing in wealth and importance, would have remained desert wastes ; large cities now flourishing, would have been unbuilt, and millions now living, unborn. How little and pitiful beside a Boulton, appear the men who devoid of all love of perfection, hug themselves with secret self-complacency on their superior wisdom, in leaving to others the risk of making a first experi- ment, reserving to themselves the more gainful part of appro- priating the discoveries revealed and established by the researches and experiments of their contemporaries. Glorying in what constitutes their disgrace, they form the drones of the hive, who contribute nothing to the common fund, but exist by the labours of others. Strangers to the honest pride of being the creditors, rather than the debtors of society, and receiving nothing from it for which they do not return an ample equivalent. 11. Numerous as are the inventions for which society stands indebted to the fertile genius of Watt, his first, that of the condensation of steam in a vessel separate from the cylinder, transcends all others in importance. For half a century after INTRODUCTION;. ix the introduction of the steam engine, the mode of forming the vacuum beneath the piston, was by conducting the condensing process in the cylinder itself, and the cooling down of this vessel necessarily resulting from this operation, was productive of an enormous waste of fuel, entailing as it did, the necessity of re- heating it to its previous temperature upon the readmission of steam, a process performed by the first portion of the entering steam at the expense of its own condensation. Such was the loss of time and heat consequent upon this bungling arrange- ment, that when Watt solved the problem of condensing the steam without cooling the cylinder, by having recourse to what now appears to us the obvious expedient of employing a separate condensing vessel, he increased at one bound the efficacy of the steam engine 75 per cent. Now if I am not greatly mis- taken, at the present day, with regard to the management of some kinds of furnaces, practices prevail, scarcely less productive of waste, than the old plan of cooling down and re-heating the cylinder at every stroke, was, with reference to the steam engine. 12. Considering the importance of the question of furnace management, and the amount of capital involved in it, I am struck with surprise at the little aid it has hitherto derived from science. There is scarcely a process in manufacture in which heat is not one of the prime agents employed, so that it may without exaggeration be stated, that the question of consumption of firing, lies at the foot of the cost of production. Has then anything like the amount of intellect been devoted to the examination of this subject of economy of fuel, which the magnitude of the interests involved in it, and its importance in a national point of view, render it deserving of? Are the processes and appliances we have recourse to, the result of careful deductions, made from a searching and scientific con- sideration of the question from an elevated point of view, 'untrammelled by those narrow notions which daily routine too frequently engenders or rather, have not methods and systems, which originated at a period of comparative darkness in physical science, been continued from habit down to the present day, without adequate reflection and research? Methods in fact, which gradually developed themselves as necessity dictated, to the untutored intellect of uncultivated men ; and which, however creditable to our forefathers who devised them, inasmuch as they availed themselves of all the sources of infor- X INTRODUCTION. matiori within their reach, are nevertheless a reproach to the more advanced knowledge of physical, chemical, and mechanical science, enjoyed by the present generation. 13. So paralizing with most persons seems to be the effect of habit and routine upon the intellect, in checking all original ideas with regard to operations it has from childhood been daily accustomed to see performed in a certain manner so entirely in such cases does the mode, become identified with the result, that the power of independent reasoning on the subject appears to be lost. It is a notorious fact, that most of the greatest improvements in arts and manufactures, have been achieved by individuals not educated to the calling ; the illus- trious Watt, for example, was bred a mathematical instrument maker, Arkwright a barber, and Stevenson with his iron steed, emerged from the depths of a coal mine. Conversing on this topic lately with an engineer of celebrity, he related in corrobo- ration of the sentiments I expressed, that a highly intelligent friend of his, who had been very successful in business as a manufacturer, declared that when practicable, he always made it a rule in his establishment to select for the super- , intendants of the different processes, individuals of intelligence who had not been brought up in that department, giving as a reason, that if there was any improvement to be made, they were ten times more likely to discover it, than a man who had become a mere unreasoning creature of habit. 14. To produce rapid combustion and intense heat in a furnace, it is necessary for the fuel to be rapidly supplied with air. A current of air must in fact, be kept constantly rushing through it, a desideratum which may be effected in two ways, either by allowing the products of combustion to pass into the chimney, at a sufficiently high temperature to produce by their rarefaction a partial vacuum adequate to cause the requisite current of air through the fuel by atmospheric pressure, or by compressing the air by some mechanical appliance, and forcing * it through. Thus sucking the air through the fuel in the first instance, and blowing it through in the latter ; producing the current in one case by a partial vacuum behind, in the other by a compression before, the fuel. 15. Now however compatible with the objects sought to be attained, and allowable as a question of economy, may be the plan of keeping up the draft through a fire, solely by the instru- mentality of a chimney, where slow combustion only is required, INTRODUCTION. \i as in the case of the domestic grate, or the Cornish steam boiler ; whenever on the contrary, rapid combustion and intense heat are a desideratum, such a system can only be carried out, and the air discharged by the chimney at a temperature sufficiently high to produce the powerful draught required, by an enormous sacrifice of fuel. It is true that an inordinately high chimney, by lowering the temperature at which it is necessary to keep the ascending column of air, may palliate the evil, but as a question of economy the remedy is almost as bad as the disease, besides being in very many cases, as in marine engines, and locomotives for example, inadmissible from other causes. 16. I shall no doubt excite general surprise, and perhaps some incredulity, when I state that from a calculation I entered into on the subject (the result of which certainly surprised myself), I find that 1 Ib. of coal expended through the mechanical agency of a steam engine, will generate more force, and con- sequently is capable of producing a stronger current of air, than SOOlbs. of coal expended in heating a column of air to act by its diminished specific gravity, through a chimney 35 feet high; and that consequently, all the products of combustion which are allowed to escape out of the furnace into the chimney, before they have fallen below the temperature at which they can be usefully employed, -for the sake of producing draughty are most prodigally misapplied. 17. Strange to say however, this is the system at pre- sent almost universally employed, apparently in utter uncon- sciousness of its wastefulness, and notwithstanding the fact, that numerous collateral advantages are attendant on the employment of compressed air, not the least of which are the perfect control it gives over the action of the furnace, and the extent to which it enables us to utilise the escaping heat. All that can be said in behalf of the present system, is, that it possesses a certain rude simplicity and easiness of application, qualities which might be equally urged in favour of a pair of bellows compared with a blast cylinder, or of panniers and pack-saddles compared with wheel carriages. 18. The result of the employment of this wasteful and unscientific system, is seen in the fact, that in steam engines where an intense draught is employed, the consumption of fuel is 25 per cent, more than that of those where the products of com- bustion are reduced to a comparatively low temperature before they enter the stack. In fact, unless working with compressed air Xll INTRODUCTION. be resorted to, we cannot have midtnm in parvo in a steam engine great power in little space, without great waste of heat. To burn a large quantity of fuel in a small area, we must have a rapid rush of air through the furnace, to produce a rapid rush of air through the furnace, we must bave a powerful draught in the stack, to attain a powerful draught in the stack, we must discharge the products of combustion into the stack at a high temperature, and to discharge the products of combustion into the stack at a high temperature, necessarily entails an enormous waste of fuel the actual, though very unsatisfactory result at present. Enclosed in a vicious circle, each step in the process is necessary and inevitable, as long as so erroneous a path is pursued, and there is no avenue of escape, but by having recourse to a blowing machine, and producing the required current of air, with --- part the fuel at present wasted in the chimney, in effecting less efficiently the same object. 19. In no case is the wasteful result of trusting solely to draught in the slack, to create draught through the fuel, more striking, than in furnaces for the manufacture of iron. Here, from the iron lying at the bottom of the furnace out of the axis of the line of draught, and the impossibility of causing the heat to circulate round it as in a steam boiler, only a small fractional part of the heat generated, enters the iron. In fact it is im- possible to be otherwise, as the stack, acting the part of a suction pump through an orifice 1\ foot in area, empties the furnace of its gaseous contents twice in a second, keeping up at the same time a state of exhaustion, which draws in cold atmospheric air at every crack and cranny, and particularly in puddling furnaces at the working hole; oxydising and wasting, or, as the workmen say, cutting the iron. In the principal axis of the draught, the products of combustion dart in a straight course from fire bridge to flue bridge, at the rate of 30 feet per second, and can, as a matter of course, leave but a small portion of their heat behind them. If we contrast with such a state of things, that of a furnace distended with heat impelled by pressure from behind, and struggling to escape in all directions faster than a compara- tively contracted neck will allow of, and suffering moreover no cold air to enter, it will be easily seen with which system the superiority lies. 20. Injudicious as the method of working furnaces on which I have animadverted must appear to my readers, yet they are I suspect, scarcely prepared to learn the actual results : INTRODUCTION. xiii viz:, that in a melting furnace, the amount of fuel consumed, is adequate to produce twelve times as much heat, as would if all absorbed by the metal, raise its temperature from 60 to the nelting point ; whilst in puddling furnaces the disproportion is still greater, the heat generated being, if the fuel employed be taken as an index, 16 fold more, than can be contained in tfye metal during any period of the operation. 21. Now I am not so visionary as to suppose that a furnace can be constructed so as to make all the heat generated enter the iron. It is impossible to isolate the body of heat contained in a furnace and prevent its loss by radiation, and where processes requiring intense heat are carried on, from the neces- sity that exists for keeping up a rapid supply of fresh heat to replenish this loss, and enable the requisite temperature to be maintained, discharging also at the same time from the other end of the furnace, the slightly cooled ', though still intensely hot gaseous products the consumption of fuel must ever be very great, in proportion to the actual amount of heat taken up. In short, we must never lose sight of the fact, that the quantity of available heat generated for any process, has no relation to the whole quantity generated, but is merely the amount of the excess of the temperature produced, above the temperature required. Fully weighing these considerations however, I am nevertheless still sanguine enough to believe, that the results obtained in the puddling, and heating furnaces, may be effected with a great diminution in the quantity of fuel now consumed ; and notwith- standing it ever must be necessary in order to keep up the requisite heat in the body of iron furnaces, to discharge the products of combustion whilst still at a very high temperature, yet at the same time, there is nothing to prevent our economising this heat, by applying it to various purposes for which its temperature, though no longer equal to the manufacture of iron, is amply sufficient. 22. This introduces us to the Subject of the difference between quantity and quality or intensity of heat, through losing sight of which, many errors have been committed, and various chimerical attempts made to economize this agent. For since we possess no means of condensing it, an unlimited quantity becomes valueless for any purpose requiring a higher temperature than it is capable of furnishing. Were not this the case, our steam engines when once set in action, might be kept MV INTRODUCTION. at work for ever, without any further expenditure of fuel than would suffice to replace the trifling amount of heat lost by radiation from the surface of the machinery, since we get back in the condenser, the heat we bestow in the boiler. The heat we impart to a cubic inch of water, to raise it into a cubic foot of steam, being returned to us when the atmospheric temperature is 50, in the shape of 24 cubic inches of water at 100, virtually representing a power capable of raising 1 ton weight a foot high, though practically we can make no use of it, unless we can discover some employment for it, for which a temperature of 100 suffices. 23. The preceding observations must have made it apparent, that processes of manufacture requiring intense heat, and where, as a necessary corollary, the products of combustion must be discharged at a high temperature, can never be economically con- ducted, unless some- employment be found for the waste heat so discharged. In an iron work, none can exist more advantageous and convenient than the generation of steam for the machinery em- ployed, for which object, strange to say, at the present moment, separate furnaces and fires are extensively employed, in the midst of dozens of puddling and heating furnaces, each briskly engaged in dissipating into the atmosphere, heat sufficient to generate steam for an engine of 20-horse power. 24. A vast field for economy is here open, by the intro- duction of the system of working with compressed air ; for without this invaluable assistant, our power to employ the waste heat is limited to a comparatively narrow compass, inasmuch as precisely in the ratio that our arrangements for this purpose become more perfect, do we destroy the draught of the furnace. By the employment of compressed air however to furnish a current for the supply of our fires and by this means only do we possess the power of using the waste heat at pleasure, however high may be the temperature demanded, and, as a con- sequence, keen the draught through the fuel required. 25. An opinion that much unnecessary waste of heat takes place at present, and that there is scope for great saving, seems to exist almost universally as a sort of obscure impression, without sufficient knowledge of the subject being possessed, to know where, and how, the saving is to be effected; and in groping in the dark to achieve this object, great errors are often com- mitted, of which we have recently had a notable example, in the INTRODUCTION. X^ various attempts that have been made to puddle iron with the gases that escape from the top of the blast furnace. 26. Now, it is not surprising that persons who understand nothing of the principles of physics and chemistry involved in the right management of a furnace, should be incapable of appreciating a system, based on correct data, when presented to them. Accordingly, in the few opportunities I have enjoyed of conversing on furnace management with those whose interests ought to have made them best acquainted with the subject, 1 have met with nothing but a strange confusion of ideas, and a deplorable ignorance. When for instance, I have attempted to discuss the question of working with compressed air, with a view to elicit their opinions, I have discovered that the parties I addressed, were deficient in that ground-work of knowledge, necessary for the appreciation of scientific facts and arguments, *md without which, appeals to the reasoning faculties are fruit- less. 27. I confess, I did at the outset, delude myself so far as to suppose, that the notorious fact that furnaces work better with a breeze blowing into the ash-pit, and also when the barometer is high, than when it is low would have secured a favorable opinion on behalf of a proposal for merely further carrying out these conditions, and making them constant by artificial means. Even with those whose knowledge did not enable them to see very deeply into the matter, the analogy was, I thought, too obvious to be overlooked : observation has taught me however, that where the mind possesses no fixed scientific principles for its guidance, every process is surrounded with mystery, and every proposal for change invested with doubt. Incapable of separating the accidental from the necessary, no a priori con- victions are possible. 28. Deeply impressed with the belief, that it would be difficult to over-estimate the beneficial effects which would arise, from the general diffusion amongst the practical men who carry on our manufacturing processes, of a knowledge in outline of the scientific principles involved in the various operations they conduct, I have determined to contribute my mite towards realizing such a result. 29. In carrying out this intention, it has been my especial aim to condense the largest possible amount of information into the smallest possible compass, and to express what I had to say, XVI INTRODUCTION. in the clearest and most familiar language. Such a compendium would at one period have been most thankfully welcomed by myself : in fact, it was experiencing the want of such an one, that caused me to make for my own satisfaction, those inquiries, the result of which I here present for the benefit of others. The absence of a compendium of the kind, has, I have reason to know, long been felt and regretted in manufacturing districts ; and I trust and believe, that the present imperfect attempt partially to remedy the deficiency, will not prove entirely useless. ERRATUM. Page 4. 7th line from bottom, for 967'26 Ibs. x 181'5, read 967*26 + 181'5 ON ECONOMY OF FUEL. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. 1. THE subject of Economy of Fuel appears at first sight to resolve itself into, firstly, the attainment of perfect combustion; and secondly, the application of the heat thus obtained, so as to make the largest portion available for the object to which it is devoted. 2. A closer scrutiny however, shews that practically speaking, it comprises two other departments, which by no means yield to the former in commercial importance, viz. : contrivances for the employment of inferior kinds of fuel, and methods for turning to account the refuse heat, which, having fallen below the tem- perature required for the particular process carried on, is yet available for other processes for which a lower heat suffices. 3. In getting the better kinds of coal a large quantity of an inferior description is at the same time obtained (technically denominated slack), in some cases its inferiority having reference solely to the mechanical attribute of size, in others comprising also a slight difference in structure and chemical composition, with perhaps the admixture of a certain portion of earthy matter. When it is considered that at present this article has so little commercial value, as in the majority of cases, to be totally wasted and not deemed worth removal, it becomes evident that any method by which it can be made to do the duty of ordinary coal B OF FUEL. is valuable, even should the quantity consumed be greatly in excess of that demanded of the latter ; and though a method for ensuring more perfect combustion, and thus effecting a saving of perhaps 20 per cent, in weight of fuel, is of priceless value where steam navigation is concerned, and the fuel constitutes- ex necessitate a portion of the freight, and such an achievement would be doubtless fraught with much greater interest to the man of science than a scheme for burning slack, it is nevertheless unquestionable that a rough and ready method of accomplishing this latter object, even with a large expenditure of the material,, presents, in many cases, greater attractions in a commercial point of view. 4. To appreciate the value to be expected from the use of judicious means for applying waste heat, it should be known, that so high is the temperature required in various stages of the manufacture of iron, that a stream of ignited gases is required to be kept constantly rushing through the body of the furnaces, the whole atmospheres of which are renewed in many cases twice in a second. The current of heated gases however issuing from such furnaces is still of an intensely high temperature, from 2,500 to 2,800, and although not sufficient for the manufacture of iron, which demands a temperature of 3,000 and upwards, is- fully equivalent for working tin, lead, or zinc, the melting points of which are respectively 442, 612, and 773, whilst that of cast iron is 2,786. Even after having done serviceable duty in fusing these metals, it would still retain a temperature adequate for raising steam, soap -boiling, and various other industrial operations ; and there really exists no reason whatever why as- much duty as possible should not be extracted from it before its final dismissal into the atmosphere. In short, this department of Economy of Fuel is a very fertile one, though hitherto so all but entirely neglected, that it might be supposed that fuel, like air, was an article inexhaustible in supply, and costing nothing to procure, instead of demanding for its attainment the wear and tear of human sinews, and the risk of human life. ECONOMY OF FUEL, 3 SECTION I. ON THE BEST MEANS OF RENDERING COMBUSTION PERFECT. 5. COMBUSTION is, strictly speaking, the development of heat by chemical combination, but though this may take place from the union of a variety of bodies, the omnipresent agent oxygen plays so vastly more important a role than all others in the disengagement of light and heat, that the act of its com- bination with other bodies is preeminently entitled combustion,. and except in the mouths of chemists, has quite monopolised the appellation. Since combustion, in the ordinary acceptation of the word, is the only means had recourse to in the arts for the development of artificial heat, perfect combustion may, for our purpose, be denned to be the combination of a combustible body with the largest measure of oxygen with which it is capable of uniting. In fact, for all practical purposes, the fuel or com- bustible body employed may be regarded as composed exclusively of carbon and hydrogen, so that our enquiry becomes narrowed to the combinations of oxygen with these two elementary sub- stances. 6. Most of my readers are doubtless aware that chemical combinations take place only in certain definite proportions which are multiples of each other. One atom of A, for instance, com- bines with one, two, three or more atoms of B ; or two of A, with three, five, or more of B ; from which fact it follows, as a necessary consequence, that the chemical equivalents (or combining weights) of all bodies may be considered as expressing the relative weight of their atoms. Bodies may be mingled together in any propor- tions, but it is only in certain definite ones that they unite and form one homogeneous whole. Thus six parts (by weight) of carbon combine with eight (by weight) of oxygen to form car- bonic oxide, and with twice this quantity, or sixteen parts, to form carbonic acid ; and there exists no intermediate combination of B 2 4 ECONOMY OF FUEL. these two bodies in which six of carbon is united with more than eight, and less than sixteen of oxygen. Carbonic oxide and carbonic acid gases may, it is true, be mingled in any proportion, and thus a gas obtained in which six parts of carbon are present with more than eight, and less than sixteen parts of oxygen, but this is a mixture and not a chemical unity, as may be shewn by the addition of potash, which will separate the carbonic acid and leave the carbonic oxide behind. 7. Different coals vary much in their component parts, and in the proportion of these to each other ; carbon and hydrogen however, are the essential ingredients of all, as far as their heating capabilities are concerned, and throughout this essay, I shall -assume as a convenient standard, that 100 parts of coal consist 'of 80 parts of carbon, and 5 of hydrogen, leaving out of view the other elementary substances which enter into their composi- tion, (consisting of oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, and incombustible -ashes in various proportions,) as only likely to complicate the details, without being essential to the argument. 8. Assuming lOOlbs. of coal to consist of 801bs. of carbon -and 51bs. of hydrogen, then, since the oxygen is to the carbon, in ^carbonic acid, as 16 to 6, to effect perfect combustion, SOlbs. of carbon will require 313Jlbs.=2,527 cubic feet of oxygen, to furnish which, 967'261bs. =12,635 cubic feet of atmospheric air will be required, air consisting of 1 volume of oxygen to 4 of nitrogen, or 8 parts by weight of the former, to 28 parts of the latter; and since oxygen is to hydrogen, in water, as 8 to 1, 51bs. of hydrogen will require 401bs. = 473 cubic feet of oxygen, or 181*5lbs = 2,365 cubic feet of atmospheric air. 967-261bs. x 181-5 = 1148-761bs. = 15,000 cubic feet of atmospheric air, required for the perfect combustion of lOOlbs. of coal. And the product resulting will be : 2,527 cubic feet of carbonic acid, 946 cubic feet of steam, and 12,000 cubic feet of un combined nitrogen. 9. We thus perceive that each lib. of coal requires 150 cubic ECONOMY OF FUEL. 5 feet of air for its perfect combustion, or, in other words, for the conversion of all its carbon into carbonic acid, and all its hydrogen into water ; and it must be remembered, that just in proportion as this proper quantity is deficient, is combustion imperfect and fuel wasted, whilst the supply of a surplus quan- tity is but a change of evils, and equally injurious in an economic point of view, since all the air which passes through a furnace without giving up its oxygen to the fuel, serves only to abstract heat, without yielding any in return. However difficult may be the regulation of the admission of just the proper quantity of air to the fuel, it is not the less certain, that exactly in proportion as we deviate from the correct standard, will be the loss we incur,, for the laws of chemical affinity are unerring and inexorable. 10. It is commonly but erroneously supposed, that when no smoke appears at the chimney top, combustion is perfect. Smoke, however, may be absent, and yet the carbon may only have united with 1 atom of oxygen, forming carbonic oxide, (a colourless gas), instead of with 2 atoms, forming carbonic acid, and consequently have only performed half* the duty, as a fuel, * I have said half from a desire rather to understate than overstate the argument, but tivo-jifths is probably a near approximation to the truth. There is no doubt, but that the combination of the secoud atom of oxygen with carbon, sets free more caloric than that of tli3 first, since, in the first combination, a considerable portion of heat must necessarily be swallowed up arid become latent, to produce the gasification of the carbon, and experiment confirms what might a priori have been expected. The figures in the following columns show how many parts of water are heated 1 by the combustion of 1 part of carbon, according to the three observers, D along, Andrews, and Grassi. D. A. G. 1 part of carbon in becoming CO 2 . . . 1 part of carbon as C in becoming CO 2 1 part of carbon in becoming C O 13267-8 10569-6 2698'2 14220 10209-6 4010-4 13885-2 7786-8 6098-4 It thus appears that if the whole heat generated by the combination of 1 atom of carbon with 2 atoms of oxygen forming CO 2 , be regarded as a unit, the proportional quantity developed by the combination of the carbon with the first atom of oxygen, will be, according to Duloug, only 20 per cent., according to Andrews, 28 per cent., and according to Grassi, 43 per cent. [Dulong's 6 ECONOMY OF FUEL. of which it was capable, whilst the loss of duty on the coal taken as a whole (supposing all its hydrogen to have become oxydised) will be upwards of 40 per cent. 11. Hydrogen, having a stronger affinity than carbon in the gaseous state, for oxygen, when the supply is short, still seizes on its equivalent, and leaves the carbon minus. Thus, when coal gas (carburetted hydrogen) is inflamed with an insufficient supply of air to effect the perfect combustion of both its consti- tuents, the hydrogen is still converted into water, whilst the carbon, in different proportions according to the oxygen present, becomes deposited in the form of soot converted into carbonic oxide, or partly into carbonic oxide and partly into carbonic acid. 12. This great cardinal point in economy of furnace manage- ment, viz. the exact apportionment of the supply of air to the wants of the fuel, so as to convert all its carbon into carbonic acid, and all its hydrogen into water, could be achieved with comparative ease were the same conditions always present in the interior of the furnace, so as to cause the quantity of air required by the fuel to be uniform. In this case, the average rarefaction in the stack being once attained, a steady supply would enter the furnace according to the area of the grate bar openings, the size of which once adjusted, the equable and economic working of the furnace would be secured. Unfortunately however the reverse is the case, and the great practical difficulty to be over- come in apportioning the supply of air to the demands of the fuel, arises from the fact, that in furnaces of the ordinary construction, Dulong's figures are manifestly erroneous. That four times (!) as much lieat should he developed by the comhination of carbon with the second atom of oxygen, as hy its comhination with the first., is so discordant with every- thing we know of the principles of chemistry, as to he quite incredihle. Dulong however, has unfortunately been the authority followed by Professor Bunsen and Dr. Lyon Playfair, in their report on Blast Furnaces (see Report of the British Association for 1845), and there is no doubt but that great deductions require to be made from their statements in consequence. ECONOMY OF FUEL. 7 this demand is not only variable, but fluctuates within very wide limits. 13. Where a fresh supply of coal is put on a briskly-burning' fire, the first thing which takes place is, that the coal softens and swells, attended with the evolution of a large quantity of carburetted hydrogen gas, requiring for its combustion a corres- pondingly large supply * of atmospheric air the coal undergoing, in fact, in the first stage of combustion, just the same process as it does in the retort in the manufacture of gas, but with this difference in the result : that the gas, which in the latter case is preserved and found so valuable a commodity, here escapes unconsumed up the chimney, not only furnishing no heat itself, but abstracting from the heat arising from the combustion of the carbonaceous portion of the fuel, the heat for its own gasi- faction, a circumstance which readily explains the fact, that more heat is practically obtained in many kinds of furnaces from coke (or in other words, coal deprived of J part by weight of that portion of its combustible matter which is richest in fur- nishing material for heat,) than from coal in its pure state, with, all its hydrogenous portion intact. From the same cause also (viz. the imperfection of our furnaces), the commercial value of coal is often in the inverse ratio to the quantity of its bituminous constituents and its real heat-giving powers, had we the capacity to render them practically available. It could not in fact be otherwise. A furnace immediately after a fresh supply of fuel, requires more than double the quantity of air it did the instant before, whilst we have no contrivance for furnishing such a supply, although without it, throughout the space of time during which rapid gasifaction of the hydrogenous portion* is going on, more than half the fuel consumed is wasted, and passes off unburnt, becoming thereby not only totally unproductive in itself, but absolutely an agent of evil, by robbing the furnace of the heat absorbed in its own volatilization. * 1 measure of carburetted hydrogen or coal gas, requires for its perfect combustion 10 measures of air. 8 ECONOMY OF FUEL. 14. Whether it be from an inadequate appreciation of the magnitude of the evil, or from the difficulties attendant upon overcoming it, I will not determine ; but certain it is, that 99 furnaces out of 100, are worked without any attempt being made at a remedy. Large quantities of coals are thrown over brightly-glowing cinders, the heat from which they absorb; a rapid evolution of gas takes place, which, passing oft* unburnt at a comparatively low temperature, most injuriously cools down the heat of the furnace and flues, and by lessening the amount of rarefaction in the stack, enfeebles the draught, and thus still further diminishes the already insufficient supply of air, and re- produces the original evil in an aggravated form. In furnaces so managed, for the first two or three minutes after coaling, the useful effect of the furnace is comparatively paralyzed, and the process in which it is employed partially suspended ; and it is only gradually that it regains its full vigour of action. 15. Only two methods present themselves by which the supply of air and the wants of the furnace can be made to cor- respond, either loth must be made constant and regular, or the fluctuations of one, must be made to coincide with those of the other. 16. If a continuous and equable supply of air is to be fur- nished to a furnace, then, in order that this supply of air may exactly correspond with its requirements, the supply of fuel must be made continuous and equable also ; so that at all times there shall be just the same quantity of fuel in the same state, that is to say, at the same stage of combustion. This appears to be the most perfect method of working a furnace, and the most obvious mode of overcoming the difficulty, and it is accordingly to accomplish this object, that most of the attempts to prevent smoke and attain perfect combustion have been hitherto directed. Brunton's revolving grate, Juckes' endless chain of fire bars, and more than one kind of rotating feeder, all fulfil with tolerable efficiency the purposes for which they were designed ; but the great drawback is, that unfortunately all require machinery and ECONOMY OP FUEL. 9 motive power constantly at work to keep them in action, whilst some are in addition unhandy, and others expensive, both to construct arid keep in repair. 17. The result of none being free from these objectionable qualities is, that none have been able to force their way into use to any extent, 99 furnaces out of every 100 at the present moment, being fired by the rough and ready method of throwing the coals on by hand, without any contrivance being resorted to, to mitigate the evils resulting from the inadequacy of the supply of air, to the wants of the fire at the periods of coaling. 18. Fully recognizing the force of those objections to the present contrivances which have prevented their coming into use, and impressed with the belief that no plan of the sort will ever force its way, that does not come recommended by much greater simplicity ; in seeking a remedy for existing evils, it has been my aim to adapt myself to present usages, and devise some method by which the supply of air and the wants of the fuel may be mutually adjusted, without either serious innovation on established arrangements, demand for motive power, or costly apparatus. 19. The contrivance by which, without infringing either of these conditions, I propose to achieve the great desideratum sought, effects its object by admitting an increased supply of air at the periods of coaling, thus acting on the principle of causing t\& fluctuation* between the supply and demand to coincide, with- out undertaking the more formidable, and I think superfluous task, of adjusting the one to the other, by making both uniform and unvarying a feat hitherto only accomplished at the sacrifice of simplicity. 20. Whatever opinions may be entertained as to the general merits of my contrivance, it is I think impossible to deny that it has the recommendation of great simplicity, and presents in this particular a striking contrast to those at present before the public. All the existing arrangements for coaling remain unin- terfcred with. The stoker, when he closes the furnace door after B 3 10 ECONOMY OF FuEL. firing, will raise the arm of a lever appended to it ; this move- ment throws wide open a sliding valve in the face of the door, which immediately commences closing slowly and automatically, by the gravity of the lever, regulated and restrained by the motion of a balance wheel connected with it by appropriate gearing, and affords, during the progress of its descent, a gra- dually diminishing supply of air to the fire, in harmony with the gradually diminishing requirements of the fuel. The area of the valve, and the period of time throughout which the act of closing- is to be prolonged, are of course questions of detail to be deter- mined by circumstances, and should be so adjusted according to the nature of the coal, and the average quantity supplied at one time, as entirely to prevent the appearance of smoke. The -door of the furnace should be double, and the air should pass into the furnace through a series of perforations in the inner plate. By this arrangement three important points are secured: Istly, the heating of the air; 2ndly, its subdivisison into minute jets ; and 3rdly, the keeping of the outer surface of the furnace door comparatively cool, and thereby both economising heat, and preventing its radiation outwardly to the annoyance of the attendants. 21. An attempt is often made by careful stokers to mitigate the smoke and imperfect combustion, arising from the inadequacy of the supply of air to the wants of the fuel at the periods of coaling, by leaving the furnace door ajar for a certain period after the addition of fresh fuel. The great superiority of a valve self closing, and with a gradually diminishing aperture, over such .an imperfect expedient, is too obvious to be contested. Not only does the air. in the former plan, enter en masse and cold, instead of in small jets and hot, but the means of gradually and regularly lessening the supply, according as the gasifaction cf the bituminous portion of the fuel becomes completed, is totally wanting ; whilst, should the closing of the door be forgotten, and thus delayed till after the completion of gasifaction, more harm will probably be done by the air entering during the latter ECONOMY OF FUEL. 11 portion of the time, than the amount of good achieved by the portion which entered previously. In short, one method requires superintendence to effect imperfectly, what the other accom- plishes much better without any, and both superiority of effect, and easiness of application, are found united in favour of the method of adjusting the supply of air by means of an automati- cally-closing valve. 22. In ordinary furnaces, the air becomes heated in passing through the grate bars and burning fuel. Where air is suffered to enter the furnace above the fuel, too much stress cannot be laid upon the necessity for either supplying it hot, or making a provision for subjecting it, together with the volatile products of the fuel, to an adequate amount of heat before they are allowed to escape by the flues : otherwise a mass of cold air, mingling with the gases arising from the fuel, may reduce the temperature of the mixture below the point at which its inflammation is insured, and the gases consequently pass off unburnt, though provided with the requisite supply of air. This is peculiarly the case in steam boiler furnaces, where the gases issuing from the fuel are liable to be chilled by coming in contact with the boiler plate, which, having water on the other side, is consequently preserved at a low temperature, whilst being metallic, and consequently a good con- ductor of heat, its refrigerating action is rapid and powerful. In this circumstance will be found an explanation of the fact, that little practical benefit is to be derived from leaving the door of steam boiler furnaces ajar for a certain period after coaling. The fuel unquestionably demands a larger supply of air at this period, but this air being admitted en masse, and cold, and the heat of the furnace having been just previously lowered by the refrigerating effect of the fresh supply of coals and sudden de- velopment of gas, at the expense of the stock of heat previously existing, the result is, that the temperature produced by the union of the cold air with the gases from the fuel, is below the point required for inflammation. 23. In reverberatory furnaces for the manufacture of iron, on 12 ECONOMY OF FUEL. the contrary, the gases arising from the fuel in the grate, have to pass through the intensely heated body, or working chamber of the furnace in their way to the stack ; and this cavity, which may be said to be an oven with the sides and roof at a white heat, although having another office, becomes in reality a provision for subjecting the gases and the air with which they are mingled to an adequate amount of heat, to insure their inflammation; and the result is, that if an adequate quantity of air be admitted, whether cold or hot, all the combustible matter is consumed, and smoke entirely prevented. 24. Many times have I stood before such a furnace just after a fresh supply of coals has been added, with my hand on the open door, and found that by regulating the width at which I kept it open, I could exercise a perfect control over the action of the furnace. If closely shut, a dense black smoke would issue from the chimney ; if opened a very little, the smoke would be slightly but perceptibly diminished ; if opened a little more, the change would be denoted by a still further diminution of smoke ; whilst an opening of a certain extent would cause the smoke to cease altogether. As the process of gasifaction pro- gressed, and the demands of the fuel for air became less, the same effect would follow from a smaller and smaller orifice, till at length the door might be closed altogether without smoke resulting, the ordinary supply of air through the grate bar open- ings being adequate to the current demands of the fire. 25. In furnaces of this description, beyond all doubt a self- closing valve, which should perform automatically, what I effected by watching and close supervision, would be a valuable acquisi- tion and tend greatly to economy, whilst nothing can be more easy and simple than its application. 26. A consideration of the phenomena exhibited by rever- beratory furnaces has led me to the conviction, that a very great improvement might be effected in the action of steam boiler fur- naces, particularly those of marine boilers, by coating the under side of the boiler plate, where it forms the roof of the furnace, ECONOMY OF FUEL. 13 with a thin layer of fire-brick material, which, instead of cooling the mingled stream of coal gas and atmospheric air below the point of inflammation, as is now done by the iron surface of the toiler, would contribute heat, if necessary, to assist in kindling them. The sheathing of fire-brick should extend from the sur- face of the fuel on one side, over the roof of the furnace, to the surface of the fuel on the other side, and closely in apposition with the boiler plate, by which means its melting or rapid burn- ing away will be prevented. 27. Such an arrangement would not only be productive of great economy of fuel by the more perfect combustion which would be attained, but would likewise tend very materially to preserve the supply of steam constant and regular a point of great value ; whilst at the same time the durability of the boiler would be much increased by its being withdrawn from those sudden alternations of temperature to which it is now exposed, and which practice has shown to be so injurious to its stability. 28. Considering the powerful refrigerative effect exercised on the furnace by the addition of a fresh charge of coal, where, as is now the case, a large quantity of the gases generated by the rapid absorption of the previous heat of the furnace are al- lowed to pass off unburnt, (thus robbing the furnace of the heat required for their volatilization, and yielding none in return,) and therefore how greatly the heat to which the boiler is subjected, is diminished on such occasions, I am of opinion that the whole amount of heat imparted to the boiler surface in contact with the fire-brick, would equal that which it obtains from the direct action of the fire under the present system ; and if so, since the heat imparted to the flues behind it would be unquestionably greater, the capacity of the boiler for generating steam would be increased. To turn however the access of heat obtained by the more perfect combustion to the best account, an increase should be made in the heating surface of the boiler, the simplest and best way of doing which, is by inserting a few water-tubes in the main flue behind the fire-bridge : so placed, they act as stays to 14 ECONOMY OF FUEL. the boiler, and are at the same time most advantageously situated for the generation of steam. 29. There is nothing mysterious, unintelligible, or recondite in the views here developed on the subject of furnaces ; on the contrary, their general accuracy will be universally admitted, whilst the simplicity of the remedies proposed, constitutes in the opinion of the writer, their chief claim to attention. Tor rever- beratory furnaces, the automatically- closing valve is complete in itself; but for steam boilers, though the valve is useful alone, to reap the full measure of the benefit it is capable of conferring, it should be conjoined with the fire-brick sheathing, and some increase of heating surface, as before recommended. With these adjuncts to its utility, I feel assured that the economy resulting from its use would be great and decided, particularly with regard to the furnaces of marine engines, which, as at present constructed, present great scope for improvement. 30. Some method for economising fuel for the purposes of ocean steam navigation may be said to be the great want of the day, for this vast and rapidly increasing means of transit, is at present fettered in its development, and shorn of half its utility and advantages, by the necessity which exists for loading the vessels with coal, to an extent which leaves but little room for profitable cargo. A writer in one of our periodi- cals lately declared, that " the man who should achieve a great reduction in the consumption of fuel in marine engines, would deserve, not only the largest fortune and general thanks of man- kind, but the gratitude of the latest posterity ;" nor will this view of the importance of the subject appear exaggerated, when it is considered, that for every ton of coals dispensed with, a ton of freight may be substituted the cost of the former saved, and the price of the latter gained ; that several Ocean Steam Navi- gation Companies are in existence, to whom a saving in the consumption of fuel, to the extent of only ten per cent., would be equivalent to an annual saving of 50,000 ; and that, concomi- tantly with the attainment of increased economy in the cost of ECONOMY OF FUEL. 15 conducting these great undertakings, the existing obstacle to a reduction in the fare for the conveyance of passengers would be removed, and an impetus given to our intercourse with the most remote corners of the globe, the bearing of which on the future destinies of the human race it would be difficult to estimate. SECTION II. ON CONTRIVANCES FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF INFERIOR KINDS OF FUEL. 31. IN getting the better kinds of coal, as has been already observed, a large quantity of an inferior description is at the same time obtained (technically denominated slack), in some cases its inferiority having reference solely to the mechanical attribute of size, in others comprising also a slight difference in structure and chemical composition, with perhaps the ad- mixture of an extra portion of earthy matter. 32. In entering upon the question of the employment of inferior kinds of fuel, it is advantageous clearly to discriminate between what is possible, and what is impossible, between what can, and what can not, be effected. By so doing, will abortive schemes, with the disappointment attending them, be best pre- vented. It is not then possible, even by the most ingenious contrivances, to generate heat from the alumina and silex pre- sent in considerable quantities, in the more inferior descriptions of slack. Neither can such earthy matter be dissipated and con- sumed, nor prevented from remaining as a vitreous residuum on the grate bars, and choking up the furnace unless removed. It is however possible to make slack perform all the duty of good coal, where its inferiority has reference solely to its deficiency of 16 ECONOMY OF FUEL. size, and this is accomplishing a great deal ; since, for want of knowing how to effect this object, thousands of tons of it are now annually abandoned as valueless. Something more how- ever than this may be effected ; for, if its proportion of earthy matter be not too excessive, good service may be got out of it by means of the appliances which I shall describe, even for pro- cesses where, without their assistance, small coal of the best quality would be found insufficient. 33. We should however always carefully distinguish between inferiority resulting from mere smallncss of size, and that de- pending upon the presence of an undue portion of earthy matter, since, without keeping this distinction in view, no clear ideas can be entertained on the subject of slack burning. If, by superior furnace arrangements, we enable slack, even when alloyed with 25 per cent, of earthy matter above the average of good coal, to do the ordinary duty of the latter, it will nevertheless be found that f of the weight of pure coal in the same improved description of furnace, would do the same work with still greater facility. In fact, it is evident that the utmost point to which human in- genuity can arrive, is to burn all the combustible matter any sample of coal may contain, and the less percentage of this present, the greater weight of coal required for a given amount of work. Notwithstanding the visionary expectations which have been indulged in on the subject, to expect more, is an hal- lucination that could not enter into the mind of any one grounded in even the first principles of chemistry. 34. The principal use to which the better descriptions of slack are now applied, is the generation of steam in the steam boilers, used in the manufacturing processes carried on in the locality where it is raised. This channel is, however, quite in- adequate for the consumption of the quantity found in getting the immense supply of good coal demanded for our great iron works. 35. Many attempts have been made to substitute slack, or even a mixture of slack and coal, for best coal in the manu- facture of iron ; but in the ordinary reverberatory furnace this ECONOMY ON FUEL. 17 cannot be done, without a diminution in the activity of the combustion and the intensity of the heat generated, entailing a delay in the process, prejudicial to the yield of iron. And when it is considered that 1 cwt. of iron is of about the same value as 1 ton of coals, it will readily be perceived that no profit is to be derived by economising the latter at the expense of the former. 36. The desideratum required is evidently a furnace fur- nished with some contrivance, by means of which the com- bustion of slack can be so stimulated and quickened, as to vie in vigour and intensity with the combustion of best coal in the ordinary furnace. 37. The great difficulty in the way of attaining rapid com- bustion and intense heat from slack, even of the best quality, arises from the fact that its small size makes it lie so close together, as to form a mass almost impervious to air, and over- lying and closing the grate bar openings, the passage of air into the furnace is" in great measure cut off. 38. The remedies for this difficulty are, either the admission of air through orifices in the sides of Che furnace, to compensate for the diminished quantity which enters through the grate bars, or the attainment of the same object by the use of compressed air in a closed ash-pit. 39. Many circumstances induce me to give the preference to the latter plan, independently of any partiality I may be sup- posed to entertain towards it as its originator. To the former however must be conceded the advantage of requiring no colla- teral assistance in the shape of a machine for compressing air, &c. ; and where the slack is of good quality, that is to say, not too small, and containing but a moderate proportion of earthy matter, this furnace will do its work very efficiently, provided the flues for heating the air entering at the sides be judiciously constructed, and proper means be employed to keep the orifices from becom- ing stopped up by the melted scoria or slag, which forms from the vitrifaction of the sand and clay contained in the fuel, and adheres to the sides of the furnace. 18 ECONOMY OF FUEL, 40. The first furnaces of the kind that were constructed, failed from this cause. The ingress of the air at the sides being arrested through the blocking up of the perforations by melted slag, and no efficient contrivance for keeping them clear sug- gesting itself to the mind of the experimenter, strange to say, the plan was abandoned without any effort being made to over- come the difficulty. 41. It being represented to me that the failure arose solely from an inferior fire-brick having been used for building the sides of the furnace, the melting and running of which had sealed up the orifices, and that all that was necessary to the success of the scheme was the employment of fire-brick of a better quality, I was induced to try the experiment. The plan adopted, originated with a Mr. Coad, and its principle was the supplying the furnace with air (previously heated in a flue or chamber) through small orifices in the sides of the grate. The only deviation I made from the original design, consisted in changing the source from which the supply of air for the a.ir chamber was drawn, by which a great obstacle to the successful working of the furnace was removed, and a higher temperature at the same time secured to the air entering the sides. 42. The first time I entered an iron work, I was struck with the enormous quantity of heat escaping to waste in all directions, to the annoyance of the workmen. Upon closer inspection, I found there were various draft holes leading to the space beneath the iron bottom of puddling furnaces, for the express purpose of allowing the air to circulate freely, and carry off the heat from the iron bottom plates with sufficient rapidity to prevent their melting ; whilst conjointly with this arrangement I saw that the fire grates of these same furnaces were fed with a supply of cold air from the atmosphere. My first attempt to partially remedy this waste was by constructing flues beneath the bottom plates, so arranged as to convey the air, heated by passing over the surface of these plates and through the bridges, into the side flues for the supply of the air .chamber of the improved furnace, ECONOMY OF FUEL. 19 instead* of allowing these flues to draw their supply direct from the atmosphere, as had previously been done. 43. The result achieved by this furnace worked with ordi- nary coal was a saving of 17i per cent, in weight of fuel, not as compared with the average consumption, but when matched against the best furnace in a work containing about forty. These furnaces are constantly at work night and day, from Monday morning to Saturday night, so that it is only once a week that an opportunity for inspecting the interior occurs. On getting inside the grate of the furnace after its first week's work, I found that the small orifices round the sides communicating with the air chamber were either partially or entirely sealed up, by the melting and running of the face of the bricks, and also by the adhesion of the clinkers or slag. This had occurred, not- withstanding the best Stourbridge bricks had been employed, and I saw at once I had been led into an error, in being taught to believe that all the furnace required to complete its efficiency was a good quality of fire-brick ; for it was clear, that even sup- posing a perfectly infusible brick could be obtained, the melted scoria from the fuel alone, would suffice to choke up the perfora- tions, and consequently, that unless some method could be adopted for cleaning them from time to time, the plan was a failure. 44. As it was evident that a large proportion of these holes had been more or less completely stopped up during the latter part of the week, I came to the conclusion that a portion of the saving should be attributed to the less amount of heat lost by radiation into the atmosphere from the sides of the furnace s owing to the circumstance of its being surrounded by a bad conductor of heat in the air chamber. Could I* then unite this saving in fuel, from the smaller amount of radiation, with the still further increase that might be expected from more perfect combustion if I succeeded in keeping the holes from the air chamber into the grate permanently open, there was room to hope that a great addition might be made to the economy already effected. 20 ECONOMY OF FUEL. 45. Whilst inspecting the interior of the furnace, it occurred to me that this object might be attained, by having suitable openings in the external wall of the furnace, leading into the air chamber, by means of which a tool might be passed through the orifices in^the internal wall of the air chamber, into the fire, once or twice a day, for the purpose of cleaning ; * such openings at other times being kept closed by doors, so as to prevent the entrance of cold air ; and I accordingly lost no time in carrying out my ideas, but erected a furnace on these principles. Its success was complete, and though eventually abandoned from the opposition of the workmen, who set their faces against it the moment they found it was to be applied to burning an inferior description of coal, which they considered inimical to their interests, it is nevertheless unquestionably a great step in advance of any furnace previously employed in the iron trade, and must ultimately, unless interfered with by some further improvement, force its way into use. 46. This further improvement is however, in my opinion, to be found in the system of working with compressed air in the ash-pit. In this powerful mode of stimulating combustion, we have precisely the desideratum required to overcome the diffi- culties which the tardy passage of the air through small coal * In the first furnace which I constructed with these cleaning openings, with a view to prevent the men destroying the brick-work of the side of the grate, in passing the cleaning bar through the perforations, I had an iron plate cast, with perforations in it corresponding to those in the brick-work, to serve as a guide for the cleaning tool. In order to gain space for the air chamber, and at the same time to confine the exterior of the furnace as far as possible within its former dimensions, it was found necessary to build the side of the grate of only 2 \ in. brick-work, the iron plate being relied upon to give the requisite strength. After being in use a short time, a considerable portion of one of the sides fell down, leaving the iron plate intact. To my surprise, instead of melting, it stood alone, and proved as efficient and durable as the other parts of the grate. Acting on the hint, I have since repeatedly made use of iron as a material for grate sides, where these are required with perforations, as more durable than brick-work, which is apt to be damaged by the passage of the cleaning tool. ECONOMY OF FUEL. 21 throws* in the way of eliciting from slack the rapid combustion and intense heat required in many manufacturing processes. The power of control possessed by the workman over the action of his fire is greater than that bestowed by any other system, and the increased efficiency of the furnace, in every point of view, compensates ten-fold for the additional apparatus required. An engine of 10-horse power is amply sufficient to compress the air for twenty furnaces, being at the rate of half-a-horse power per furnace , and since there is a superabundance of waste heat, no expense is incurred for fuel, but the whole outlay is limited to the first cost of the machinery and the keeping it in repair. 47. The money saving effected by the substitution of slack for coal is just one half; coal in Staffordshire being worth 5s., and the best slack 2s. 6d. per ton. The quantity consumed in the puddling furnace is about 16 tons per week, so that the cost of the weekly consumption would be, with coal J64 ; with slack, 2 ; or, speaking in round numbers, the entire substitution of slack for coal would save 100 per annum per furnace, and the use of a mixture of equal parts of slack and best coal, would be attended with a saving of 50 per annum per furnace. SECTION III. OX THE USE OF COMPRESSED AIR IN REVERBERATORY FURNACES. 48. WITH regard to the plan of working furnaces with com- pressed air in closed ash-pits, believing it destined to play a very important part in furnace management, I shall give a brief nar- rative of the steps by which I was led to a perception of its ad- vantages. According to my ideas, its use will not be restricted to the burning of small coal, though this alone would give it a 22 ECONOMY OF FUEL. very extensive field of operations, but will extend to its general employment, as an adjunct to rarefaction in the stack, for fur- nishing the force required for producing the rapid rush of air through a fire, necessary for rapid combustion and intense and concentrated heat. By means of its assistance, the power re- quired may be obtained at a much cheaper rate than by trusting entirely to rarefaction in the stack, which only produces a powerful draught, at the expense of discharging the products of combustion at a proportionally high temperature. 49. Although a great saving had been effected by the furnace with perforated sides, with the improvement of cleaning doors for keeping the perforations open, far from resting con- tented with what had been already accomplished, I regarded it rather as an earnest of future advances ; and my notions of the state of perfection that ought to be attained were particularly dis- satisfied with the fact, that whilst a great quantity of heat escaped to waste, the principal supply of air entered under the ash-pit bars cold. As there was ample waste heat for the purpose, why should not the whole supply of air furnished to the fire be pre- viously heated ? 50. Whenever I took any steps to effect this object in the puddling furnace however, I encountered the fact, that precisely as my arrangements for heating the air became more perfect, did I destroy the draught through the fuel, deaden the fire, and lessen the yield of iron. This unexpected result I attributed to the rarefaction of the air in the ash-pit. When the atmosphere is at 60, air is doubled in volume at 568, a temperature below what is practically attained by causing it to circulate in contact with the heated bottom and sides of a puddling furnace. When thus rarified, a much smaller quantity will pass in a given time, under the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere through the interstices of the fire-bars, than would pass were the air at 60, and consequently of double the density, and the result is a greatly diminished draught, and less intense combustion ; and it is to not having rightly appreciated these conditions, that the numer- ECONOMY OF FUEL. 23 ons failures which have been incurred in attempting to apply heated air to furnaces, must in part be attributed. 51. In puddling furnaces, the body or working chamber of the furnace, where the operation of iron making is carried on, and through which the products of combustion rush in their path to the stack, is freely open to the atmosphere at the working hole, and it is the air with its full compliment of oxygen which enters at this aperture, which is principally instrumental in oxydising- and wasting, or, as the workmen say, cutting the iron : the air which has passed through the fire having yielded its measure of this gas to the fuel. When therefore we supply the ash-pit exclusively with air which is expanded to double its volume by heat, whilst on the one hand we have a greatly diminished weight of air entering the fire through the bars, and a less in- tense combustion, we have on the other hand the usual quantity, that is to say, under the new state of things, double the propor- tionate quantity of cold oxydising air entering at the working hole, and hence the waste and poor yield of iron. 52. The desideratum in puddling, is to have so free a draught through the fire, as to keep the body of the furnace full of flame y and prevent as much as possible the indraught of cold unde- oxydised air, through the working hole. A certain amount of exhaustion being created in the body of the furnace by the action of the stack, it is clear, that just in proportion as the pro- ducts of combustion rushing from the grate are slow in supplying this void, will the quantity of cold air that enters through the working hole be increased. 53. That the quantity of air passing by the working hole, should form an influential element in the result attained, will not excite surprise, if we examine what this quantity may amount to, and how greatly it may vary. The application of a pressure gauge to the stack of a puddling furnace, shows a vacuum equal to '24 of an inch of water, or a pressure of '2 of an ounce per square inch, at which pressure the theoretical rate of influx is 39 feet per second, and consequently, supposing the size of the 24 ECONOMY OF FUEL. working* hole to be 4 in. by 4 in., or 16 square inches, this would allow of 260 cubic feet of cold air entering the furnace per minute. Deducting 25 per cent, for friction, would still leave nearly 200 cubic feet as the quantity practically entering. The average quantity will however fluctuate greatly, as the relative pressure of the atmosphere acting through the grate bars or through the working hole, varies with varying currents of air. 54. I thus arrived at a clear perception, that to give the system of supplying the fuel with hot air the fullest develop- ment of which it was capable, it would be necessary to supply this air to the fire under pressure ; but whether the benefits ac- cruing would so greatly outweigh the expense and trouble of the additional appliances necessary, as to render its adoption advan- tageous in a pecuniary point of view I was not prepared to say. 55. It was not fated however that I should remain long in doubt : I had yet to witness the operation of puddling in a gale of wind blowing in the direction of the working hole. Being in an iron work one squally day, my attention was arrested by a volume of oaths from one of the puddlers, whose furnace, being situated at the extremity of a rank, was particularly exposed to the wind, which blew directly into his working hole. With two large pieces of sheet iron suspended behind him, in the vain hope of warding off his adversary, he was labouring away in a state of great exasperation, and apparently to but little purpose. The dull red colour of the iron showed the deficiency in tempera- ture, and it was with difficulty it could be made to cohere into a mass. When the more violent gusts of wind came, so great was the quantity that entered the furnace, and so completely did it destroy the draught, that puffs of smoke were forced out at the ash-pit. 56. The workman himself was in much too ill a humour for conversation, but another puddler who was standing by, observ- ing the interest with which I watched the proceedings, addressed me, saying, " You see, sir, how very badly this furnace works; the man can hardly make his iron at all. Well now, if the wind should ECONOMY OF 1-UEL. 25 change jn the course of the day, and a nice steady breeze set into the ash-pit, this furnace will work as well as any furnace on the works ; and this man's partner who comes on to-night, will do his work with comfort in two hours less time, and perhaps make 1 cwt. more iron." 57. Now it immediately occurred to me that if the accident of the wind's blowing into the ash-pit made such a difference, the same difference ought to be created artificially, and made constant, and concomitantly with this idea, I recognized the fact, that with the immense quantity of waste heat escaping by the stack, no fuel would be required for a steam engine to compress the air, and that therefore the expense of the system would be restricted to providing the machinery, and keeping it in repair. 58. The more I reflected on the subject, the more I became convinced that whilst we were dependent upon the caprice of the wind for the working of our furnaces, we were in fact in a state of barbarism ; and though such extreme cases as the one I have just related might not be very frequent, yet lesser fluctuations must be constantly taking place with every change of the barometer, making in the course of the year, a large aggregate amount of loss from bad working. Indeed, that perhaps a more exact view of the case would be, to regard our furnaces as being constantly kept at work at a point of efficiency, far below what a little con- trivance would enable them to reach. 59. Led as I had been by another path, and for another object, to contemplate the alternative of having recourse to the employment of compressed air, the subject had of course for me a peculiar interest, and I determined forthwith to examine it in all its details. The result of this examination was, that the further I proceeded with my task, the more agreeably was 1 surprised to find how completely, with many advantages peculiarly its own, it remedied the defects and supplied the wants of the present system; and I soon became impressed with the firm conviction, that it formed the only route by which we could ever 26 ECONOMY OF FUEL. hope to attain to a satisfactory point of perfection in furnaces where a powerful draught and intense heat are required. 60, To produce rapid combustion and an intense heat, re- quires a rapid current of air. The essence of the present system of furnace management, is to procure the power necessary fox* forcing or rather sucking this supply of air through the fuel, from the levity (=heat) of the ascending column of gases in the stack. That there are many defects in such a system is obvious. In the first place, the power of stimulating the combustion, being dependent upon the combustion itself, the capability of independent control is wanting, and energetic combustion can never be otherwise than gradually attained. Thus after fresh lighting, it takes four or five hours to bring the puddling, heat- ing, and melting furnaces used for iron, to a working heat. Not only so however, but precisely at the moment when from op- posing causes you require to spur on the action of the furnace, not only does such a power fail you, but the energy of the fur- nace languishes, from the very cause which rendered a stimulus desirable. You get a reaction, but one in the wrong direction, and which allows the original evil to be reproduced in increased intensity. Por instance, in the case of the puddler I have alluded to, the working of whose furnace was so much impaired by the wind blowing into his working hole, it would have been desirable to have removed the ill effect as quickly as possible, and lessened its power of recurring in the same intensity, by increasing the pressure of air in the ash-pit, and the fierceness of the combus- tion ; but what actually took place, was, that the amount of cold air which entered the furnace at the working hole, reduced the temperature of the ascending column in the stack, and en" tailed, as a necessary consequence, a diminished draught of air through the fire, and an enfeebled combustion, just when the contrary condition of things was most urgently needed. 61. In working with compressed air, on the contrary, the action of the furnace is always under direct control, and can be heightened or diminished at pleasure, and in such a case as the ECONOMY OF FUEL. 27 one jijst referred to, by turning on an adequate current of air, the power of the wind acting in the adverse direction might be defied, and none of it allowed to enter the furnace ; with the result of a saving of iron, of fuel, of labour, and of time. Indeed, in the manufacture of iron, the saving in the latter ingre- dient always entails that of the three former, and is of all others, the most certain channel by which their economy can be attained. 62. Another advantage attendant upon a diminution of the time occupied in manufacturing processes is, that a smaller number of furnaces will turn out a given quantity of work, thus diminishing the amount of capital employed, and the expense of repairs. 63. The desideratum being to keep the atmosphere of the body of the furnace at a given intensity, with the least expendi- ture of fuel, it will not be difficult to show that the plan of doing so solely by exhaustion, by sucking as it were the heated gases from the fire rapidly through the furnace into the stack, is essentially defective ; that under no point of view can it sus- tain, except at a disadvantage, a comparison with the contrary system of using compressed air as an aid to rarefaction in the stack, for promoting draught. 64. In one case we have the furnace distended with flame struggling to escape, and only discharged as it becomes forced out by the pressure of the volume of flame behind it ; whilst a pressure being maintained above that of the atmosphere, no- draught of cold air can enter the furnace, either through the work^ hole or any accidental fissure, to lower its temperature, oroxydize its contents. In the other case, on the contrary, the exhaustion operating through the neck, has a constant tendency to empty the furnace of flame, and, at the same time, to suck in cold air directly from the atmosphere through every available aperture, to the lowering of its temperature, and the injury of its 'con- tents. The very conditions on which the draught through the fire depends, necessitate a facile egress for the products of coin* C 2 28 ECONOMY OF FUEL. bustion because an independent power is wanting, to overcome the friction of forcing them through a more contracted orifice, the resistance, eddies, and commingling of gaseous currents, occasioned by which process, are so instrumental in making them yield up their heat to the parietes of the furnace, instead of carrying it into the stack. The larger the neck, the larger the axis of draught, and the larger the quantity of gaseous matter which darts in a straight line through the centre of the furnace, leaving little of its heat behind it, and imperfectly performing its duty. 65. Where an opportunity exists for substituting slack for best coal, by means of taking advantage of the stimulating influence of compressed air on combustion, the benefit in an economic point of view attending the use of air under pressure (amounting to a saving of half) is of course so great and decided as not to admit of dispute. I have endeavoured however to show that it has more general and universal claims on our attention, than that of being merely regarded as an admirable instrument for slack burning, great, though these unquestionably are : in short, I wish to recommend it for general employment, as an adjunct to rarefaction in the stack, whenever powerful draught is re- quired; maintaining that the combined use of the two, offers a cheaper means of obtaining the force required, than trusting solely to the latter ; and that whenever heat which might be otherwise beneficially employed, is dismissed into the stack for the sake of heightening the temperature, and consequently the draught, it is sadly misapplied, inasmuch as the hundredth part of it employed in raising steam to be applied mechanically, would be productive of a greater effect. 66. Before entering into any calculation on the subject, I fdt that the having recourse to the comparatively inert power of gravity (through the ascending power of a column of heated air,) must be a wasteful mode of obtaining the force requisite for producing the necessary draught of air through the fuel, when compared with the expedient of generating the same force, by the ECONONY OF FUEL. 29 vastly more energetic power developed by tlie chemical law of vaporisation, (upon the addition of heat to a liquid,) as in the case of converting water into steain. I was not however prepared for the actual results which presented themselves, viz : that lib. of coals employed to raise steam, and applied in a steam engine, will do the work of 5001bs. expended in rarefying air, such air acting through a height of 35 feet, the elevation of the stack of a puddling furnace. 67: The force of the draught in a stack or chimney, is the preponderance in weight of a column of air of the area and height of the stack, and of the temperature of the atmosphere, over the column of ratified air with which the stack is filled. 68. Now, since the air at 60 expands -g-J-g- for every degree of heat imparted to it, when the atmospheric temperature is 60 (), the number of degrees the air is raised in the stack above the external atmosphere, multiplied by (Ji) the height of the stack, and divided by 508, (?-2!-f!) will equal the height \ 508 ' of a column of rarefied air, equivalent in weight to the deficiency in the stack, and l = the height of a column of air at 508 x n the atmospheric density equivalent to the above. The rate of efflux, is the velocity a heavy body would acquire in falling this height, to find which, multiply the square root of the height of the fall, by 8, or in practice, to allow for friction, by 6. 69. One part of carbon, will raise 14,220 parts of water 1, and if we estimate the specific heat of air at '25, that of water being 1, then 14,220 x 4 = 56,880 parts of air raised 1 by 1 part of carbon. 70. Now, since the heating power of hydrogen is to that of carbon as 60,854 to 14,220, or about four-fold, if we estimate coal as composed of 80 parts of carbon, and five of hydrogen in the 100 parts, the 5 parts of hydrogen being about equivalent to 20 parts of carbon, we may calculate the heating power of coal to be weight for weight, the same as carbon. 30 ECONOMY OF FUEL. 71. Now the stack of a puddling furnace is 35 feet high, and we will assume the temperature of the ascending column of rarefied air to be 2,600, an estimate above the truth. 72. Supposing then that lib. of coal will raise 56,8801bs. of air 1, it will raise 22'31bs. 2,540, and 2,540 -f- 60 for the temperature of the atmosphere 2.600, the estimated tem- perature of the ascending column of rarefied air in the stack. 73. Since air at 60 increases in bulk -g-i-g- for every degree of heat imparted, at 2, 600 its volume is increased six- fold, and the difference in weight between a column of air weighing 22-31bs. at 2,600, and a column the same size at 60, will be lirsibs., and 111-5 X 35, the height of the stack, = 3, 90 2' 5 Ibs., the lifting force capable of being exerted through the space of a foot by lib of coal employed in rarifying air, such air being transmitted through a stack 35 feet high: and supposing no loss to take place by friction, eddies, and progressive loss of temperature in the ascent. Deduct for these, the odd 9 02* 5 Ibs., or 23 per cent., and we get lifting force exerted by lib. coals employed in rarefying air, such rarefied air being discharged through a shaft 35 feet high, = 3,000 Ibs. raised 1 foot. Now in some of the Cornish, engines, the duty performed by lib of coals is 500-fold the above, = l,500,0001bs. raised 1 foot ; or in other words, lib. of coals employed to raise steam, will do the work of 5 00 Ibs. expended in rarefying air, such air being dis- charged through a stack 35 feet in height. 74. The above calculation clearly shows that it is a sad misapplication of heat, to employ it in generating power through the ascending force of a column of heated air, and consequently, that whatever heat might be economically employed in other ways, is most prodigally wasted, when allowed to escape by the stack for the sake of draught, a tolerably decisive fact in favour of the superiority of the system of ventilating coal mines by mechanical agency, as proposed by Mr. Brunton, over the old method of rarefying the air in a shaft by a fire at the bottom. 75. The best instrument for compressing the air' for furnaces, ECONOMY OF FUEL. 31 where only a slight condensation is required, as in reverberatoiy furnaces and steam boilers, is a fan. Though theoretically making but a small return for the power expended, it is prac- tically the most convenient, and half-a-horse power is sufficient for a puddling or mill furnace. And for such furnaces, the whole expense of employing the system of working with com- pressed air, is restricted to the cost of the machinery, since no expenditure will be incurred for fuel. On the contrary, the re- sult of the adoption of the plan, is greatly to increase the quantity of available heat. Under the present system, heat sufficient to generate steam for about 5 -horse power, is as much as can be substracted from the flue of a puddling furnace, without in- juriously affecting the draught ; the flues of 4 furnaces being applied to a 20-horse boiler. By the assistance of compressed air however, double this quantity may be taken with safety, so that the extra quantity rendered available by its application to one furnace, would suffice to furnish power to compress the air for ten. ECONOMY OF FUEL. TABLE Of the Temperature in Stacks of different heights, necessary to produce a Pressure. External air at 60. Pres- Pres- Weight Weight Theoret ical rate Tempera ture in Tempera- ture in Tempera- ture in Tempera- ture in sure in sure in on sq. foot ?*' >f efflux stack stack stack stack water. air. in Ibs. in in feet 34 feet 69 feet 138 feet 276 feet T 02 - per sec. high. l.igh. high. high. Inches. Feet. Deg. Fah Deg. Fah. Deg. Fah. Deg. Fah. 2 138 10-564 116 94 568* 1 134'55 10-2999 113-1 92,8 ... 51-3-22 1 131-1 10-0358 110-2 91-6 ... 519-61 if* 127'65 9-7717 107-3 90-4 497-11 ig 124-2 9-5076 104-4 89-2 . . . 4632* 475-63 i 12075 9-2435 101-5 88 . 3616 455-11 J 117-3 8-9794 98-6 86-6 2938-66 435-47 } 113-85 8-7153 95'7 85 . 2454-85 416-68 H 110-4 8-4512 92-8 84 2092* 398-66 H* 10695 8-1871 89-9 82-75 ... 180977 381-38 1 103-5 7'923 87 81-4 1584* 364-8 Jft 100-05 7'6589 84-1 80 1406 348'8f> 1ft 96'6 7*3948 81'2 78.6 i 1245-33 333-53 Jft 93-15 7-1307 783 77-2 1115 318-8 ift 89-7 6-86(56 75-4 75-7 ... 1003-42 304-59 1ft 86'25 6*6025 72-5 74"2 906-66 290 Vo 82-8 6-3384 696 72-8 822 277-71 ' ** 79-35 6-0743 66'7 71-3 747-3 272 *ft 75-9 5-8102 63-8 69-7 . . . ... 680-88 252-C9 1ft 72-45 5.5461 60-9 68 621-47 240-8 1 69 5-282 58 664 568* 229-33 if 65-55 5-0179 55"! 64-75 519'f.l 21823 ) 8 2TT 62-1 4-7538 52-2 63-1 4632* 475-63 207-48 JLi ao 58-1)5 4-4897 49'3 61-27 2938-66 435-47 197- 55*2 4-2256 46-4 59-5 2092* 398-66 187- 1 5 U17 51-75 3-9615 43-5 57-5 1584* 364-8 177-23 M 48-3 3-6974 40-6 55-6 ... 1245-33 333-53 107-75 1 3 3^5" 44-85 3*4333 37-7 53-6 1003-42 304-5 ( / 15856 u 41-4 3-1692 34-8 51-5 822 277-71 149-64 1* 37-95 2-9051 31-9 49-25 ... 680-88 252-69 141 tt 34-5 2-6410 29 47 568* 229-33 132-57 A 31-05 2-3769 26-1 44-5 4632* 475-63 207-48 124-39 ft 276 2-1128 23*2 42 2092* 398-66 187 116-44 ft 24-15 1-8487 20-3 39-3 1245-33 333-53 167-75 108-7 ft 20-7 1-5846 17'4 36-4 822 277-71 149-64 101-18 ft 17-25 1-3205 14-5 33 5CS* 229-33 132-5? 93-86 ft 13-8 1-0564 11-6 29-7 398-66 187 116-44 SG'73 ft 1035 7923 8-7 25-75 277-71 149-64 101-18 79-79 A 6-9 5282 5-8 21 187 116-44 86-73 73- ft 3-45 2641 2-9 14-75 11644 86-73 73 66-43 * Air of 60 has its volume increased Double *t . . . 5fih Fivefold at ... 2092 Eightfold at . . S616 C Threefold at . . 107C Sixfold at . . .2600 Ninefold at . . .4124 Fourfold at . . . 1584 Sevenfold at : . 310b Tenfold at ... 4632 ECONOMY OF FUEL. 33 SECTION IV. ON THE APPLICATION OF THE SYSTEM OF WORKING WITH COMPRESSED AIR, TO STEAM BOILERS. 76. WHERE space is of no object in a steam engine, and a large grate, a large boiler, and a high stack are admissible, the use of compressed air is unnecessary. Whenever, on the con- trary, space and weight have to be economised (and the import- ance of doing so in marine engines and locomotives can scarcely be exaggerated), aiding the draught in the stack by blowing the lire with compressed air ought to be considered indispensable, and must and will one day be so deeme 1, inasmuch a > it is a vastly more economical method of producing the keen draught required, than that at present employed. The fuel burnt per hour per square foot of fire-grate is In Cornish engines from .... 3^1bs. to 41bs. In factory arid marine engines from 10 16 In locomotives . . . ' .A . 80 100 The number of square feet of heating surface in boiler required to evaporate 1 cubic foot water per hour = I. H. P is In Cornish boilers 70 In factory and marine boilers . . 9 11 In locomotives 6 The number of square feet of heating surface to each square foot of lire-grate is In Cornish boilers 40 In factory and marine boilers . 13 to 15 In locomotives 50 70 77. In Cornish engines, with only a consumption of 41bs. of coal per hour, per square foot of fire-grate, a very moderate draught only is required ; consequently the temperature of the products of combustion, after they have yielded all their available heat to the boiler, sufficing for this purpose, there is no expendi- C 3 34 .ECONOMY OF FUEL. ture of fuel for the sake of producing rarefaction in the stack, and hence one source of their economy. They do not, in consequence of their slow draught, produce more perfect combustion than other classes of engines, as is commonly but erroneously supposed (for there is no connection between the perfection of combustion and the rate at which it is effected) ; but the fuel wasted by other engines in producing a keen draught, they employ in the genera- tion of steam. 78. Some persons entertain the chimerical notion that when the products of combustion leave the boiler, they ought to be reduced nearly to the temperature of 212, or at least to a tem- perature but little above that of the water contained within. Till boilers however can be made infinitesimally thin, there must always remain a considerable difference between the temperature of their internal and external surfaces, (at least of such portions of the latter as are exposed to the heat of the flues,) increasing with the thickness of the boiler plate ; for the temperature of a transmitting surface, must be plus that of a receiving one. This rule applies with full force to the temperature of the current of heated gases, and the surface of the boiler to which they impart heat, since here we get only temporary contact for a very short period of time. Air is besides a bad conductor of heat, and in addition, we have to take into consideration the fact, that as bodies approximate to each other in temperature, the rate of the transmission of heat becomes rapidly diminished ; the law of < cooling by contact/ for gases, being, that when the difference of temperature is doubled, the velocity of cooling is increased 2 '3 5 (Petit and Dulong). For these reasons, I am totally incredulous as to many of the tales told of the extraordinary extent to which the products of combustion are cooled down, in certain instances, before leaving the boiler, and believe parties deceive themselves, by being unaware how high a temperature may be borne by the hand without inconvenience, when the draught is slow. 79. The path by which the utmost practicable economy can be attained, is obviously pointed out by the preceeding considera- ECONOMY OF FUEL.- 85 tions to be, by introducing the feed water immediately over the last portion of the flue traversed by the heated air before it enters the stack, and by diminishing the thickness of the shell ol the boiler, which latter can only be done with safety, by making it consist of an aggregate of cylinders or tubes of moderate dimen- sions, instead of one enormous vessel, as at present. The change proposed, would be attended with the further advantage, of presenting more surface for the same capacity, thus enabling the size and weight of the boiler to be greatly diminished. 80. The first desideratum with regard to the place of ad- mission for the feed water, is carefully studied in the Cornish boiler, but the second, is by no means fulfilled ; and considering its enormous size, I believe it would be quite possible to construct a boiler on the principles above mentioned, where, as a question of first cost, the extra workmanship would be fully compensated for, by the diminished size and weight, whilst the thinner shell, would produce some addition to the economy in fuel. 81. If we allow 50 for the difference in temperature between the interior boiler surface in contact with the water, and the exterior in contact with the heated products of combustion, and 150, when the draught is very slow, for the excess in tempera- ture of these products, over the boiler surface at the instant of quitting it, making together a difference of 200 between the temperature of the water in the boiler, and that of the gases entering the flue, we shall I believe be making an estimate of a degree of perfection very rarely attained in practice. 82. If then a Cornish boiler works at 751bs. pressure, the temperature of the water within will be 308, and 308+50-{- 150= 508 for the estimated temperature of the gases at the moment of their quitting the boiler and entering the stack ; and even in a low pressure engine I greatly doubt the practicability of ever reducing the temperature below 450. In fact such temperatures, or any near approximation to them, can only be attained in cases where, as in the Cornish engine, the consump- tion of fuel per square foot of fire-grate is very small, the 36 ECONOMY OF FUEL. draught slow, and the fuel not wasted to produce highly rarefied air in the stack. 83. In factory engines, where a draught is required suffi- ciently rapid to burn from 12 to IGlbs. of fuel per square foot of fire-grate, with the flues of the usual horizontal and winding form, I doubt the practicability of reducing the temperature of the products of combustion below 550 or 600; and even to realize this, a high stack and capacious boiler will be necessary, and with these adjuncts, in this class of engines the employment of compressed air may be dispensed with. 84. In marine engines however, and still more in locomo- tives, where a fierce draught is required, a high stack inadmissible, and economy of space necessary, all the conditions exist which render the use of compressed air advantageous, and I believe its application to these two classes of engines to be imperatively necessary, if economy is to be attained. 85. In marine engines evaporating from 14 to 161bs. of coal per square foot of fire-grate, where moreover, from the desirability of having a small boiler, the products of combustion have to be forced through small tubes, and this accomplished without the aid of the elevated stack of the factory, nothing but a very high degree of rarefaction in the chimney can furnish the requisite draught, and it is next to impossible under the circum- stances present, that the products of combustion can leave the boiler at a lower temperature than 800, a temperature entailing an enormous waste of fuel. To burn off the quantity of fuel required in the limited grate area, a keen draught is indispens- able ; and if the power to produce this, is to be attained by the ascentional force of the column of heated air in the stack, when the stack is of limited height, the temperature must be high, and the waste of fuel great : these vicious consequences are inevitably linked together, and there is no means of escape, but by generating the force required for the keen draught in a cheaper way, and calling in the aid of compressed air, which, by enabling the extent of heating surface in the boiler to be increased, and the ECONOMY OF FUEL. 87 draught still maintained, would cool down the current of gases from the fire to the more economical temperature of 400 or 500. 86. The whole question of draught in steam engines, is one GI ratio of power, to space, and cceteris paribus, the greater the concentration required, the greater the draft necessary. The amount of rarefaction requisite to produce a given draft, is dependant upon : Istly, resistance, comprehending area and form of grate bar openings, thickness and closeness of the layer of fuel, and area and direction of flues, whether horizontal or vertical, curved or straight ; and 2ndly, upon height of stack. The greater the resistance, and the lower the stack, the higher the amount of rarefaction required to produce a given draft, arid vice versa. 87. It is through losing sight of the intimate mutual depen- dance of these conditions, and of the necessity which exists for each being adjusted to the other, that so many abortive attempts have been made to increase the evaporative power of boilers, and economize fuel, by suspending a vessel for feed water at the lower part of the stack. The effect of such an expedient being to diminish the draft, if it were attempted to burn the same quantity of fuel on the same area of grate bar, as had been previously done, unless the spaces between the bars were widened, or the height of the stack increased, the result would be, that nn insufficient quantity of air would pass, for the combustion of the gaseous products of the coal, unless we suppose that the quantity passing before was too great ; but as the opposite defect is more common, the probable result would be as before stated, so that the little heat saved at the bottom of the stack, being counterbalanced by the more inefficient combustion, the result produced, in an economical point of view, would be nil, or something nearly approaching it, which, as far as I can learn, is the usual product. 88. Such contrivances are in fact expedients for increasing the heating surface of boilers, which, it is evident, cannot be in- definitely extended with advantage, inasmuch as its proper ratio is ECONOMY OF FUEL; confined within certain limits, determined by the draught necessary to make a certain area of fire grate do the work demanded of it, In short, nothing can more clearly show how completely the subject has been shrouded in mist, and the general prevalence of the want of any comprehensive view of the principles involved in it, than the many absurd and futile attempts which have been made to produce effects as intrinsically unattainable, as perpetual motion, or the philosopher's stone ; for whilst the high amount of rarefaction in the stack, is the necessary condition, by which the force of draught required for burning off 161bs. of coal hourly per square foot of grate area is generated, it is never- theless sought to remove the former, and retain the latter. SECTION V. ON THE ECONOMY TO BE ATTAINED, BY INCREASING THE TEMPERATURE OF FURNACES. 89. THE existence of this very important channel for effecting economic results, seems hitherto to have escaped due recognition. The principles on which its value depends, may be briefly explained as follows. It is only that portion of the heat of a furnace which is in excess over the temperature of the body to be heated, which constitutes in reality, available heat, conducive to the performance of its office. Thus the nearer the temperature of the body operated upon, approaches the temperature of the furnace, the larger is the portion of the heat of the latter which becomes ineffective, whilst the more the temperature of the furnace predominates, the larger becomes the proportion of serviceable heat, to the whole heat generated. Therefore, if by any means the intensity of the heat of a furnaee ECONOMY OF FUEL. 39 can be heightened, Us efficiency will be increased in the ratio of the acccession made to Us surplus Jieat y (or the degree by which it exceeds the temperature of the body to which heat is to be imparted); so that for processes requiring very high temperatures, and where the ordinary heat of the furnace is but slightly in excess, a very small increment of temperature, will be productive of a great efficiency, and corresponding saving of fuel. As the principle involved is an important one, from the wide field it opens up for practical results, and has never yet been treated on, I shall do my best to make it intelligible to the reader. 90. Let us suppose, by way of illustration, that there is some process of manufacture carried on in a vessel containing 120 gallons of hot water, and that to carry it on favourably, the temperature of the water must never be allowed to fall below 200, and further, that the loss by radiation and conduction from the sides of the vessel, is such, that in order to insure this temperature being maintained, it is necessary to keep a constant stream of boiling water at 212 flowing in at one end, at the rate of 2 gallons per second, and an equal quantity of partially cooled water, just on the verge of falling below 200, constantly flowing out at the other. At this rate, the whole contents of the vessel, viz. 120 gallons, will be discharged and renewed every minute. The loss by cooling, will amount there- fore, to 120 gallons of water cooled 12 per minute, and the fuel required to carry on the operation, will be, the quantity necessary to raise 120 gallons of water to the boiling point, every minute, or supposing the atmospheric temperature to be 56, to impart 156 of heat to 120 gallons of water per minute, which, we will assume, requires in practice, 26 ounces of ceal per minute. 91. Now let us suppose a means is found of imparting an additional 12 of heat to the supply water. Since the loss bj radiation, is such that 120 gallons of water lose 12 of heat per minute, they will be 2 minutes* losing 24, and consequently * The slight increase in the velocity of cooling, with the increase in temperature, ia too trifling to affect the argument. , 40 ECONOMY OF FUEL. this trifling addition of ^ more heat, will enable half the amount of supply, or 1 gallon at 224, instead of 2 gallons at 212, to suffice for preserving the temperature from falling below 200 ; and the contents of the vessel will only require to be renewed every 2 minutes, instead of every minute, whilst the saving of fuel per minute, will be the difference between the quantity of coal required to raise 120 gallons of water 156, and that required to raise 60 gallons 168, or nearly half; the quantities being 14 ounces in the latter case, and 26 ounces in the former. If we assume however, that the amount of additional heat imparted to the water, is obtained by some contrivance for making the combustion more perfect, which we should do, to make the parallel and argument as regards furnaces complete, then the result will be, that this trifling addition of T ' to the temperature, will effect a saving in fuel amounting to half. 92. Precisely the same considerations which apply to a manufacturing process requiring to be carried on in a vessel of water of a certain temperature, apply to the operations carried on in furnaces, the only difference besides that of temperature being, that the fluid employed in one case is flame, or hot air, and in the other, hot water. 93. A large class of furnaces may be regarded as vessels in which changes are wrought in certain substances, by their being immersed in a bath of flame or hot air of a given tempera- ture, either with, or without being subjected at the same time to certain manipulations, and the operation of certain chemical agents ; and, as in the case of the water vessel, to preserve this temperature, it is requisite to have a constant supply of the fluid used, whether air or water, plus the temperature required to compensate for the loss by radiation and conduction, together with a means of egress, for that which has become minus. 94. Now the important principle involved in the matter under discussion, as I have before explained, is, that if, by any means, we are enabled to increase our temperature, such increase will effect a saving of fuel in the direct ratio of the proportion it ECONOMY OF FUEL. 41 bears to the DIFFERENCE between the temperature ice were previously generating r , and that which the process we are carrying. on demands. No matter how small the amount of that difference may be, if we succeed in gaining it, we at once diminish our con- sumption of fuel by -J-, if we gain twice as much, by - , Sec., &c. Let us suppose, in illustration, that we are generating an atmo- sphere of 3,200, and that our process demands 3,000, and that, in order to maintain it, we require to renew the contents of our furnace four times in a second, could we increase the tempera- ture of our supply by 200, thus making it 3,400, twice in a second would suffice, and the addition of an amount of heat represented by T ^ of our consumption of fuel, would lessen this consumption one half ; or, under the same conditions, could we augment our temperature 600, and thus raise it to 3,800, once in a second would suffice for renewing the contents of our furnace, and we should then have the addition of an amount of heat represented by T 3 ^- of our previous consumption, diminishing this consumption four-fold. 95. In Staffordshire, 24 cwt. of coal (long weight 1201bs. to the cwt.) is consumed to produce from pig, 1 ton of puddled iron, the consumption being about 2401bs. per hour, or 41bs. per minute. Now since oxygen is to carbon, in carbonic acid> as 8 to 3, and oxygen to hydrogen, in water, as 8 to 1, 41bs. of coal will require for perfect combustion, lOy^lbs. = 120 cubic feet of oxygen, and since oxygen is to nitrogen (by volume), in atmospheric air, as 1 to 4 = 600 cubic feet of air ; and the products resulting will be : 101*08 cubic feet of carbonic acid, 37'84 cubic feet of steam, and 480 cubic feet of uncombincd nitrogen ; total 6 18' 92 cubic feet of gas. Estimate the tempera- ture at 3,108, and multiply the volume of gas by 7 for expansion, and we find that 4,332*44 cubic feet of rarefied gases, pass through the furnace per minute,- 60 = 72*273 cubic feet per second. And finally, estimating the area of a puddling furnace between the bridges, at 36 cubic feet, we find to our surprjjge, that it is unquestionably filled and emptied twice in a second. 42 ECONOMY OF FUEL. 96. Now, if we estimate the temperature required for the process of puddling, at 3,000, which must be a very near approximation to the truth (since the melting point of pig-iron is found by Daniel's pyrometer to be 2,786), and suppose that the products of combustion pass over the fire bridge and enter the body of the furnace at a temperature of 3,300, then it appears, that since to maintain the necessary temperature, the contents of the furnace have to be renewed twice in a second, the loss of temperature, by radiation, conduction, &c., is at the rate of 600 per second. If therefore by any method we could succeed in increasing the temperature generated by 300, and thus raise the atmosphere produced by the furnace to 3,600, since we have found that the rate at which the cooling process goes on, is 600 per second, we should only have to renew the contents of our furnace once* in a second, instead of twice, to maintain the requisite temperature of 3,000, and should effect a saving of 50 per cent. 97. In mill or heating furnaces, used for the manufacture of iron, the result of heightening the temperature, would be equally beneficial. When first charged with cold iron, the heating goes on rapidly, but the rate at which it proceeds, constantly dimin- ishes as the temperature of the iron approximates to that of the furnace, and at last becomes very slow. It is during this latter period, that the beneficial effect of a more intensely heated furnace, becomes most conspicuous. Although I have denomi- nated that portion of the heat of a furnace which constitutes its difference (in excess) over the temperature of the body to be heated, its available heat, it would be a grave error to suppose that the whole of this excess is transferred and usefully employed in the operation. Such would be the case were the products of * The slightly increased rate of cooling, which would result from the increase of temperature is here disregarded, as too trifling to affect the argument. The law of cooling by contact for gases, is, that where the difference of temperature is doubled, the velocity of cooling is increased 2'35. Petit and Dulong. ECONOMY OF FUEL. 43 combustion and the body to be heated, kept a considerable time in contact ; but in a rapid transit, as occurs with the heated gases of a furnace, ohly a certain ratio of this excess, in proportion to the measure of the excess itself, the extent of surface exposed, and the time occupied in the transit, can be left behind ; and, considering the conditions of the furnaces of an iron work, I regard it as impossible that more than half the excess can be imparted, even at the most favourable period, that is to say, when the furnace is newly charged with cold iron, and the difference of temperature is greatest. 98. Now if we suppose the temperature of the iron to be 100 when placed in the furnace, the temperature generated by combustion to be 3,300, and that half the difference (in excess) or surplus heat, when this surplus is 3,200, enters the iron, we shall have at the commencement (3,300 100 =3,200~2 = 1,600) within a fraction of half the whole heat generated, im- parted to the iron. When however the iron has attained the temperature of 1,700, and the surplus heat becomes halved, we shall have only 680 communicated to the iron, or a little more than a fifth of the whole. When the iron has reached the temperature of 2,500, and the surplus heat becomes quartered, only 290 parts of heat out of 3,300 generated, or less than TT , will be profitably applied. Whilst if we suppose that iron requires to be raised to 3,200 to bring it to a welding heat, the state of things when it has attained the temperature of 3,100, and is beginning to receive its last 100 of heat, will be as follows : Out of 3,300 parts of heat generated, only 52, or less than -gL, will enter the iron, the remaining 3,248 parts, or more than |"| of the whole, being wasted. Could we however suc- ceed in increasing the temperature of our furnace by 400, thus raising it to 3,700, the state of things at the same point would be, that 206 parts of heat, or T ^- instead of only -fa of the whole heat generated, would enter the iron; thus exhibiting the fact of an addition of temperature to the amount of \, increasing 44? ECONOMY OR FUEL. the velocity of heating, and consequently the efficiency of the furnace at this crisis, fourfold. 99. These laws have such an important practical bearing, and their existence is at the same time so little suspected, that with a view to their more complete display and elucidation, I have exhibited them in a tabular form ; and if I do not greatly err, they deserve to command as much attention, as they will unquestionably excite surprise. The tables contrast the effects of two furnaces (one heated to 3,300, the other to 3,700,) in imparting heat to iron at five different stages, whilst being raised to a welding heat ; clearly shewing, that although the rate at which heat is communicated, rapidly diminishes, as the tempera- ture of the iron increases, yet a very trifling addition to the temperature of the furnace, is capable of producing a great result in retarding the rate at which the diminution of heating proceeds, and consequently, in the economic working of the furnace. Column A gives the temperature of the furnace, B the tempera- ture of the iron, C the difference in favour of the furnace, D the portion of this difference imparted, E the proportion of the whole heat generated imparted, F the velocity at which the heating proceeds, calling the smallest velocity 1. A. E. C. D. E. F. 3300 100=3200 1600 -484 30*49 3300 1700=1600 680 '206 12-97 3300 2500= 800 290 '087 5*52 3300 2900= 400 123 '037 2'35 3300 3100= 200 52 '015 1 3700 100=3600 1871 '505 35'64 3700 1700=2000 911 '246 17'35 3700 2500=1200 485 -131 9'25 3700 2900= 800 290 '078 5'52 3700 3100= 600 206 '055 3'93 ECONOMY OF FUEL. 45 To facilitate comparison, the results are arranged below in parallel columns, the prefix -f- denoting those of the hotter furnace. B. C. +0. D. -f-D. E. -f-E. E. +T. 100 3200 3600 1600 1871 '484 '505 30*49 35'64 1700 1600 2000 680 911 -206 -246 12-97 17'35 2500 800 1200 290 485 .087 '131 5'52 9'25 2900 400 800 123 290 -037 '078 2'35 5-52 3100 200 600 52 206 '015 '055 1 3'93 100. In treating this question, 1 have endeavoured to place conspicuously before the reader the great advantages attendant upon a slight addition of temperature, irrespectively of the question as to whether, in our present position, we are, or are not able to profit by this law ; believing, that even if a negative be the correct answer, it is nevertheless not the less desirable that we should possess a knowledge of the direction in which our attention may be turned, with the greatest probability of obtaining important results. 101. The most efficient method that I am acquainted with, for increasing the temperature of reverberatory furnaces used for the manufacture of iron, is the use of compressed air, in a closed ash-pit, thus creating artificially, the state of things present, when a steady breeze sets into the ash-pit. It is a fact, that a furnace thus favourably situated, will heat three charges of iron, whilst its opposite neighbour in other respects its equal, is heating only tivo ; and the wonder is, that the hint thus conveyed, has not been sooner acted upon, and that state of efficiency which now only has place with a few furnaces, and at uncertain intervals following the caprice of the wind, made the permanent condition of all, 102. In proportion as the temperature of furnaces becomes increased, does it become important to obtain a fire-brick material of the best possible description, particularly for the sides of the grates. The presence of alkalies, or iron, is fatal to the quality of a clay for this purpose. When free from these ingredients, its 4 ECONOMY OF FUEL. power of resisting heat is almost in a direct ratio to the propor- tion of silex it contains, and I have long been of opinion, that the quality of what is termed our best fire-brick, might be greatly improved by incorporating with the clay, an additional quantity of pure silecious sand (which may be procured, where not found native, by grinding pure sandstone), the requisite cohesion of the materials being produced, by subjecting the brick in its manufac- ture to a high pressure. This method I am informed, has been recently adopted with the celebrated Dinas clay, at Neath, with the result of producing a fire-brick, containing 95 per cent, of silecious matter, and far surpassing in quality anything before known, since for very intense heats, it is found to exceed S tour- bridge in durability four-fold. 103. Whatever method of working furnaces be employed, constructing the envelope so as to prevent as much as possible the passage of heat, must ever be an unmixed good as far as economy of fuel is concerned, and the better the fire-brick ma- terial employed, the more completely can the principle be carried out, without neutralizing the economy attained in fuel, by the extra expense in repairs, resulting from the increased rapidity with which the bricks are burnt out. By constructing furnaces with hollow walls, and filling the intervening space with cinder dust, or some other incombustible bad conductor of heat, a great saving of fuel might be effected ; but to what extent this would be counterbalanced in an economical point of view, by the increased amount of materials and labour necessary to keep them in repair, with the quality of fire-brick generally in use at present, I am not prepared to say. ECONOMY OF FUEL. 47 SECTION VI. ON FEEDING FURNACES WITH HOT AIR. 104. To discover the amount of saving in the consumption of fuel, capable of being attained by the entire substitution of hot air for cold, where such air is heated from the waste products of the furnace itself (and which, as far as I am aware, has not before been attempted), I instituted the following calculation : According to the recent researches of Andrews, 1 part of carbon will raise 14,220 parts of water 1, and 1 part of hy- drogen will raise 60,854 parts of water 1. Now if the specific heat of carbonic acid be called '22, that of nitrogen '27, and that of steam *847, then carbon, inflamed with its exact equivalent of oxygen to form carbonic acid, will produce an atmosphere of 17,628, and with its exact equivalent of atmospheric air, an atmosphere of 4,058; hydrogen, with its exact equivalent of oxygen to form vapour, an atmosphere of 7,982, and with its exact equivalent of atmospheric air, an atmosphere of 3,871. 105. Assuming 100 parts of coal to consist of 80 parts of carbon, and 5 of hydrogen, which is in the proportion of 16 parts of the former, to 1 of the latter, and leaving out of view the 15 parts of miscellaneous matter as unessential, then, since carbon, inflamed with its equivalent of air, produces a tempera- ture of 4,058, and hydrogen of 3,871, coal, if compounded of carbon and hydrogen, in the proportion of 16 parts of the former to one of the latter, would produce an atmosphere of 4,047. 106. Considering however the impossibility of admitting just the precise quantity of air to produce this state of theo- retical perfection, the fact that coal contains a small quantity of nitrogen, and also that some heat passes into the sides of the grate, we may pretty safely assume that the heat generated in the body of the furnace, seldom exceeds 3,300, and is probably 48 ECONOMY OF FUEL. more frequently below, than above this point. Nevertheless, as this number, which is certainly about what theoretical deductions would lead us to fix upon, coincides with the observation of Professor Daniel with his pyrometer, who found 3,300 to be the greatest heat of an air furnace, I shall adopt it as the basis of my calculation. 107. Now, as lead, the melting point of which is 600, inelts with extreme rapidity in the hot air flues of a furnace, running* like sealingwax in the flame of a taper, we certainly shall not err on the side of excess, in estimating the temperature of the air at 720, and if we substract 60 for the atmospheric temperature, we get an addition of heat of 660, or y of 3,300, the whole temperature generated, shewing a saving in fuel of 20 per cent.; and if, as is probably the case, a portion of the diminution in the heat between the theoretical number 4,047, and that which experiment shows 3,300, is to be attributed to a surplus quantity of air passing through the fire, and lowering the temperature of the furnace, then this per centage of saving by the use of hot air, should be increased. 108. Having attained to a clear perception of the immense saving of time and fuel, which would accrue in all operations where it is required to impart a temperature nearly equal to that generated (and where consequently the surplus heat is very small), by even a trifling addition to the temperature of the fur- nace, the first method that suggested itself to me for attaining this object, was by supplying the fire with hot air under pressure. Having entered into a calculation for the purpose, and found that an additional quantity of heat equal to 20 per cent, of the whole generated, was to be obtained in this manner, I felt san- guine as to the results to be elicited. Whilst however, time and intensity being disregarded, and looking solely to the total quantity of heat obtainable, I have found the full amount of saving promised by theory, confirmed in practice, my anticipa- tions of an increase in the temperature and heat-imparting powers of reverberatory furnaces, by feeding them with hot air, were not ECONOMY OF FUEL. 49 realised. Surprised at this result, which then appeared to me as extraordinary as it was unexpected, and not even a recognition of the fact, much less its solution, being to be found in the lite- rature of the subject, I consulted living authorities for infor- mation, but with no better success. Indeed, I found their minds as much in doubt as to the correct explanation of the apparent anomaly, as my own. Curious, as to the cause of the pheno- menon I witnessed, in occuping myself with its consideration, I have been led to form some conclusions on the subject, which I will lay before the reader. 109. I must premise, that the temperature of flame* is greatly above that required for the ignition, and white heat of solid bodies, as is shown by the fact, that during the slow combustion of gaseous bodies, when the heat developed is not sufficient to render the gaseous matter itself luminous, it is nevertheless adequate to produce ignition in solid bodies exposed to it. 110. Mame, indicates the intense concentration of heat which has place, is present, or comes into being, at the moment of Us (i. e. flame's) generation by chemical combination, before, this heat has become diluted by the resulting expansion. The power of the gaseous products of combustion to communicate heat after their expansion, and when flame has disappeared, is weak and feeble, compared with the direct action of the latter. The more completely the body of a reverberatory furnace is filled with the flame of bicarburetted hydrogen, the more efficient is its working condition. A stream of bicar- buretted hydrogen gas, mingled with its exact combining equiva- lent of atmospheric air (or fifteen times its own bulk), propelled cold from the grate, and only ignited as it passed over the bridge, and was in the act of entering the body, or working chamber of the furnace, would be the acme of perfection, where the power of rapidly imparting intense heat is required. The combustion which takes place in the grate, is in reality not only useless, but injurious, except as far as generating gas is concerned ; inasmuch * A filament of platina may he fused in the flame of a common candle. D 50 ECONOMY OF FUEL. as the larger the proportion of the rarefied products of the com- bustion accomplished in the grate, passing through the working chamber, the smaller will be the amount of fas flame-yielding gas, fas power of which to impart heat, we have seen to be so vastly superior. 111. One cause of the impaired heat of reverberatory furnaces supplied with hot air, must then be sought in the fact, that gaseous combustion being accelerated by it, a larger amount of chemical union takes place in the grate, and less in the body of the furnace, where it would be more beneficial. This result may to a certain extent be counteracted, by shortening the bridge and fire-grate, in the line of the longitudinal axis of the furnace, and perhaps, in certain cases, it might also be advisable, to make a similar alteration in the body of the furnace itself. 112. The next point to which I shall call attention, as one of the causes of the diminished heat of reverberatory furnaces supplied with hot air, is, the greater state of expansion and tenuity, attained by the mixture of air and coal gas, prior to inflammation, and the consequent result, that in a given space there is a less quantity of heat developed by their union. There is, no doubt, more heat contained in the products of combustion from a given weight of coal gas and air, heated before ignition to 720, than would be contained in the products of the combustion of the same quantities by weight, of gases ignited at the tempera- ture of 60. When we take given measures however instead of given weights, the case is reversed. Gases at 60, expand -g^-g of their bulk for each degree of heat imparted, so that their bulk at 720, compared with their bulk at 60, is as 2'3 to 1. Con- sequently a given space filled with coal gas and air at 60, will contain 2*3 times the weight, of the same measure of these mixed gases at 750, and would develop 2 '3 times the quantity of heat by combustion. Making an allowance however of 20 per cent, for the heat already prese at in the gases at 720, the result will be, that supposing 1000 parts of heat to be contained in the products of the combustion of a given bulk of coal gas and air at 60, only 521 parts, or little more than half the quantity, will be contained in the products of the combustion of an equal measure of these ECONOMY OF FUEL. 51 mixed gases at 720. Hence the flame resulting, is characterised by comparative tenuity. 113. Now there can be no doubt as to the fact, that the average temperature of the mixture of air and coal gas which escapes combustion in the grate, to be ignited in the body of the furnace, is higher when the furnace is fed with hot air, than with cold, and we have already seen, that variations in the state of rarefaction of gases prior to ignition, produce a potent prac- tical effect, with regard to the capacity of a given volume, for imparting heat. On the supposition that the area of the working chamber of a reverberatory furnace, is equally divided between the products of combustion of the gases which have combined in the grate, and those still remaining to be inflamed; that the temperature of the latter when the furnace is fed with cold air is 568, and when with hot air 898, this would give a deficiency of 17 per cent, in the amount of heat furnished by the combustion which takes place in a given time in the body of the furnace, an estimate which I think can scarcely be beyond the truth. 114. The third, and last circumstance that I have to adduce in explanation of the effect of hot air in diminishing the heat of the working chamber of reverberatory furnaces, is, that from the greater tenuity of the air, it does not produce the same frottement and attrition, in its passage through the fuel, nor (owing to its less sudden expansion) the same amount of quasi detonation or percussion, at the instant of combustion. The disintegration of the carbon, being thus retarded, at the same time that the escape of the hydrogen, is facilitated by the heat, the result is, that the ordinary relation between the rate of consumption of these two constituents of the coal is deranged, and the gases passing from the fuel, contain an undue proportion of hydrogen, whilst the carbon accumulates as cinders on the bars. If the specific gravity of air at 60 be termed 1, then the specific gravity of air at 720 will only be *434, or considerably less than half, so that, moving at the same velocity, the force of impact becomes diminished more than two -fold. If we now picture to ourselves the effect of a pair of kitchen bellows, and how rapidly the D 2 52 ECONOMY OF FUEL. cinders are disintegrated before the stroke of the blast, and then imagine the diminished effects that would ensue, were the force with which the air strikes the carbon diminished to less than half, we shall readily understand why the combustion of the carbonaceous portion of the fuel, proceeds more slowly when the furnace is fed with hot air, than with cold. 115. On this theory we should be led to expect a con- siderable difference in the adaptability of different varieties of coal for use with hot air, an inference fully carried out by prac- tice. There is a great variation as to the increased ratio with which the cinders accumulate on the bars, according as the tex- ture and composition of the coal, render the disengagement of the carbon more or less facile, and there can be little doubt but that, coeteris paribus, the more the carbon of a fuel is disposed to assume the gaseous form, as with cannel coal or the less the quantity of hydrogen present, as with anthracite the greater will be the chance of being able to seize the economic advan- tages attendant upon the increased quantity of heat attainable by the use of hot air, without having this heat so diluted, as to make the temperature inefficient. 116. It doubtless will excite the surprise of many to see an increase in the proportion of the hydrogen to the carbon, given as a reason for the falling off, in the temperature of a furnace, as it is a very common error to suppose hydrogen to be a much more efficient agent in generating heat than carbon. Such is un- doubtedly the case weight for weight, but requiring 36 times its own weight of air for its combustion, whilst carbon only re- quires 12 times, and its product steam, having a"] much greater specific heat than carbonic acid, it docs not produce by com- bustion with atmospheric air so high a temperature. For per- fect combustion, vol. vol. vol. temper. vol. volumes steam COs* nitrn. generated 1 of hydrogen requires 2 of air, product 102 4,303 1 of carbd. hydrogen 10 of air // 2 1 8 4,337 1 of bi-carbd. hydrogen // 15 of air // 2 2 12 4,341 *C0 2 is the chemical symbol for carbonic acid, and denotes it to be com- posed of one atom of carbon, and two atoms of oxygen. ECONOMY 01' FUEL. 53 117. It is however in its deficiency in heating power with reference to its volume * that we must seek for the cause of the diminution of temperature which occurs in practice, by substituting hydrogen for carburetted hydrogen. The difference between the quantity of air required by equal volumes of the two gases is so great, amounting as we have seen to four- fold, that with furnace arrangements adopted for carburetted hydrogen, that is, calculated to allow 10 volumes of air to pass with each volume of gas, it is next to impossible but that just in proportion as hydrogen is substituted for it, does the quantity of air passing, become an injurious excess. 118. It thus appears that three circumstances, 1st, an increased proportion of the combustion being completed in the grate, 2ndly, the higher temperature and consequent rarefaction attained by the gases prior to ignition, and 3rdly, the retarded disintegration of the carbon on the grate bars, (and the resulting diminished quantity of combustible matter passing in a given time, and undue preponderance of hydrogen) all combine to neutralize where a very high temperature is demanded the economy, which might otherwise be attained by feeding the fire of reverberatory furnaces with hot air,- by attaching to the practice, the condition, that just in proportion as it is carried out, does the flame in the working chamber become attenuated, and its power of rapidly imparting intense heat impaired. 119 To what extent impregnating the hot air with which the furnace is fed, with steam, by carrying water into the ash-pit, would prove a remedy for some of these evils, is an interesting subject for inquiry. The steam coming in contact with the ignited carbon would be decomposed, its oxygen would combine with the carbon, whilst the hydrogen would be disengaged, and pass off with the other gases from the fuel, to be ignited in the furnace chamber. It is a vulgar error to suppose that the whole amount of heat obtainable from fuel, is increased by the employ- ment of water, for precisely the same amount of heat which is * If the heating power of 1 volume of bi-carburetted hydrogen = 100, that of hydrogen is only 21'4 3 and that of carburetted hydrogen 71*4, 54 ECONOMY OF FUEL. given out by the hydrogen when it enters into combustion and forms water, must have been previously abstracted from the ignited fuel in the grate, to effect the decomposition of the water. What takes place is not, correctly, speaking &gain of heat, but a transfer. The plan is an expedient for increasing the flame in the body of the furnace, at the expense of the glow fire on the fire-grate bars, thus transferring heat from the grate, where it is not wanted, to the working chamber, where it is most required. SECTION YII. ON THE ECONOMIC APPLICATION OF HEAT. 120. HOWEVEK complete may be our arrangments for attain- ing perfect combustion, and eliciting from the fuel the whole of the heat it is capable of furnishing ; unless we at the same time employ judicious measures for applying the heat thus obtained, to the best advantage, our previous successful efforts for the attainment of economy in its generation, may be rendered nugatory. 121. At an early period of my inquiries into the question of economy of fuel, I felt curious to know, what proportion of the whole heat generated in a reverberatory furnace for the manu- facture of iron, actually entered the iron, and what proportion was dissipated and lost. Finding no information extant on the subject, and thinking.it an interesting point to determine the theoretical heating power of fuel in relation to iron, and con- trast it with that actually obtained, I made the calculation which I here subjoin. So much doubt however hangs over the ques- tion of the exact specific heat of iron at high temperatures, that the results attained are not entitled to be considered as absolutely exact, but merely as offering a tolerably near ap- proximation to the truth. 122. The consumption of coal in a puddling furnace in Staf- fordshire, is . weight for weight, that of the pig iron worked. ECONOMY OF FUEL. 55 Cast iron melts at 2,786 by Daniel's pyrometer. Say the iron is raised in the furnace to 3,060, and allow 1,000 for its latent heat, this makes 4,000 imparted. The specific heat of iron at 212 is *11; like other substances, its specific heat increases with its temperature, and is at 662, which is the highest point that has been ascertained by direct experiment, '125. From a consideration however of the amount of heat communicated by melted cast iron, to known quantities of ice or water, determined by M.M. Clement and Desormes, in connexion with its melt- ing point, as fixed by Daniel, I consider myself warranted in assuming, that if I double its specific heat at 212, viz. -11, and call it, at the high temperature it attains in the furnace, -22, a number higher than has yet been assigned to it, I cannot be below the mark. 123. If then we assume that 4,000 of heat is imparted to the iron in the furnace, that the specific heat of iron is 22, that of water being 1, since, lib. of coals is capable of raising lib. of water 14,220, -^2. = 16/159, tlie num b er of pounds of iron, lib. of coals is capable of raising 4,000. Showing that in the present puddling furnace, the quantity of coals burnt, is sufficient to generate more than sixteen times the quantity of heat contained in the iron at any period of the operation. 124. In reverberatory furnaces used for melting cast iron, the quantity of coals employed is 15 cwt. to the ton of iron, or f the weight of iron ; showing, according to the previous calcula- tion, that in the simple process of melting, a quantity of coals is burnt, more than twelve times sufficient to generate the heat actually imparted ; a state of things certainly not discouraging the belief, that increased economy is attainable. In expressing this opinion however, I do not wish to be understood to advocate the chimerical notion, that the whole, or nearly the whole of the heat generated, can ever be made to enter the iron. 1 have, on the contrary, already stated, as a law hitherto comparatively disregarded that it is only the difference, by which the tempera- 56 ECONOMY OF FUEL. ture of the atmosphere of the furnace, exceeds that of the objects subjected to it, which can be counted as available heat, for in- creasing the temperature of the latter, and consequently, that as the heat of the iron increases in intensity, an increased propor- tion of the heat generated by the fuel must pass out of the furnace unabsorbed. 125. The same considerations do not however apply to steam boilers. Here the temperature of the heat-receiving body, never exceeds a comparatively low point, and the heat of the furnace consequently always preserves so great a preponderance, that only a small fractional part of the heat generated, say from 10 to 15 per cent., need be allowed to pass away by the flue un- absorbed. 126. A peculiarity attached to steam boilers however, which has interfered with their reaping the full benefit of their favour- able position in this respect, is, the necessity that exists for con^ fining the flues to the lower portion of the boiler, and withdraw- ing them from contact with its surface, as soon as they reach to within about the height of a foot below the water level. If carried higher, the sides of the boiler above the water level are apt to become unduly heated. "Whilst in this condition, the tenacity of the iron is dangerously lessened,* and if such a state of things be of frequent occurrence, the texture of the metal becomes permanently impaired, and changed from fibrous to crystalline. When this alteration in its physical structure has once taken place, there is an end to all safety; its strength can never be relied upon, and it is quite unfit to cope with any extra demand upon its powers of resistance. 127. When an engine is at work, the surface of the water is kept in a constant state of agitation, and fluctuates at each stroke of the piston, with the fluctuations in pressure consequent upon the periodic emissions of steam. When the engine is * At the temperature of 720, the strength of the boiler plate becomes impaired nearly 20 per cent, and the accidental over heating of a boiler, has been known to diminish its strength more than 30 per cent. ECONOMY OF FUEL. 57 stopped, on the contrary, the pressure being steady and uniform, the surface of the water becomes comparatively quiescent. At such periods, should the flues be 'too near the surface, and the heat creep up the sides so as unduly to raise the temperature of the sides of the boiler immediately above the water, (now no longer incessantly wetting and cooling them with its pulsations,) it too often happens that upon the engine being set at work again, and the pulsations recommencing, the water, washing against the dry heated iron, is instantaneously flashed into steam, and a fear- ful explosion, scattering ruin and death around, is the result.* 128. To obviate the danger of such lamentable catastrophes on the one hand and on the other to release the upper half of the boiler from the embargo on its usefulness which forbids its being employed as a generating surface, and restricts the sphere of its operations to serving as a mere reservoir for the steam - I would propose to line it with some fibrous and porous mate- rial capable of sucking up water by capillary attraction, such, for instance, as course hempen cloth. This fibrous coating being kept in close apposition with the interior surface of the upper part of the boiler by means of a wire net work, and its low^r edge descending on all sides to, or below the surface of the water, capillary attraction causes the water to ascend, as fast as i'j be- comes evaporated, in the same way as oil or spirit ascend?, in the wick of a lamp. The sides of the boiler above the water level are thus constantly kept moist, and the possibility of their at- taining a dangerous temperature prevented, at the same time that the wetted fabric in the interior, presents an additional sur- face for the generation of steam, thus uniting safety with economy. * In confirmation of this view of the most frequent cause of explosions, it is a fact, that the great majority, occur immediately after an engine which has been stopped, recommences working and has made one or two strokes, and not during the time it is stopped, when the pressure, according to the preva- lent theories which attribute explosions to 0-acting safety valves, might be expected to be greatest. D 3 58 ECONOMY OF FUEL. SECTION VIII. ON THE EMPLOYMENT OF WASTE HEAT. 129. SINCE I have shewn that the amount of necessary or rather unavoidable waste heat passing out of the furnace, in- creases with the temperature we require to impart, it follows, that in proportion as the processes we carry on in our furnaces require an intense heat, does the necessity for attending to this feature of economy increase, and that in none is it of higher im- portance, or capable of being made a greater element of saving, than in furnaces for the manufacture of iron. 130. To impress this distinction more closely upon the reader, I will contrast the circumstances of an iron furnace, with those of a steam boiler. In the former, the flame makes one short and rapid dart or transit, in a straight line and in one body from firebridge to fluebridge. To facilitate the comparison, I shall estimate the long and winding, or else subdivided flues of the latter, as equivalent to four short and rapid transits ; and the temperature of the successive portions of the surface of the boiler traversed by the heated gases, at 500, 400, 300, and 300, respectively. 131. Assuming then, the temperature generated by a steam boiler furnace to be 3,000, and that during the first transit, when the excess of temperature is 2,500, half the surplus heat is im- parted, the following table shews the quantity of heat transferred at each transit, and the amount remaining in the products of combustion at the moment of their quitting contact with the boiler. Column A is supposed to shew the temperature of the atmosphere of the furnace, B that of the boiler surface in con- tact with A, C the surplus by which A exceeds B, and D the quantity of heat transferred during each transit. ECONOMY OF FUEL, 59 A B C 1) 1st transit 3000 500 2500 1250 2nd transit 1750 400 1350 589 3rd transit 1161 300 861 331 4th transit 830 300 530 187 leaving 643 for the temperature of the products of combustion at the moment of their leaving the boiler. 132. The preceding calculation is given as an illustration, and does not claim to be strictly accurate, still considering the figures are the actual result of the first hypothesis I made ; the coincidence of their results with regard to the temperature at which the gases enter the chimney, with what we know to be the fact, is certainly remarkable, and affords ground for believing, that except in the suddenness of the transitions, they present a far from inaccurate approximation to what really takes place. A comparison between this table of the conditions which exist in a steam boiler, where the waste heat passing away seldom exceeds more than i of that produced, with those of an iron furnace (see paragraph 99), where the waste heat, beginning at -il, gradually rises to ff of the whole heat generated, will make sufficiently clear, the much greater necessity that exists for employing some means for utilizing the waste heat in the case of the latter, than in that of the former. 133. Here, it is most particularly, that the advantages of working with compressed air become apparent ; for it is evident, that as long as this system is neglected, and the draught made to depend entirely upon the state of rarefaction in the stack, if we abstract more than a limited amount of heat ^from the gases passing through this channel, we shall lessen the amount of rarefaction, beyond what is compatible with the keenness of draught required. 134. The system still adopted in many iron works of discharging the products of combustion from the stacks of the puddling and mill furnaces unused, and getting up the steam in the steam boilers by means of separate fires expressly for the 60 ECONOMY OF FUEL, purpose, exhibits an inexcuseable disregard of economy. Even supposing as is doubtless the case that under the present system of working exclusively by draught in the stack, the ag- gregate number of furnaces are adequate to supply sufficient heat to generate steam for the exigencies of the work itself; yet there are so many manufacturing and other industrial operations for which steam is requisite, that might be carried on without any inconvenience in immediate juxtaposition with an iron work, and carried on advantageously, inasmuch as no outlay for fuel for the generation of steam need be incurred, that there is no reason beyond supineness, why the present wasteful system should be perpetuated. On the contrary, economy dictates that all the surplus heat should be carefully preserved and conducted to one extremity of the premises, there, to be in readiness to let out for hire, for the purposes of any other manufacturing establishment which might be carried on adjoining such, for instance, as me* chanical engineering, saw mills, flour mills, cotton, woollen, and flax factories, candle making, soap boiling, baths and wash- houses for the workmen, &c. In short, so various are the pro* cesses, and multifarious the elegible channels for the employment of surplus heat, that the present system of waste, is quite in* defensible. 135. The quantity of coal consumed in a puddling furnace is 2401bs. per hour, which, reckoning 7^1bs. of coal per horse power, is sufficient to generate steam for 32-horse power. We have seen that the quantity of heat actually imparted to the iron, is but a small fractional part, -j 1 ^, of the whole heat generated, and it will therefore be a fair supposition to say, that by the use of com- pressed air, one half of the whole heat generated might be prac- tically applied to the raising of steam. This would equal 16- horse power, or more than three-fold the quantity now available under the system of relying exclusively for the draught upon rarefaction in the stack. Taking however the extra heat capable of being released by the use of compressed air, at 10-horse power, ECONOMY OF FUEL. 61 we shall have in an iron work containing 100 furnaces, a con- stant unnecessary waste of heat equal to 1,000-horse power, re- presenting a waste of coals per year of 300 working days, of 24,107 tons, equal in money at 5s. per ton to 6,026, an amount of waste, which cannot but excite the regret of all who desire to see our national resources and productive powers turned to their best account. 136. In short, heat may, and should be regarded, as equiva- lent to poiver, labour, time, money; all are mutually convertible, and if considered in the right point of view, it is just as absurd to waste one, as the other. SECTION IX. ON THE MANUFACTURE OF IRON. 137. The manufacture of iron has been brought to its pre- sent grade of perfection by practice, rather than by theory. Till the development of the science of chemistry characteristic of the present age, (which has made a contrary course a possibility), such has always been the case with the arts at their commencement. 138. A time however is probably not far distant, when science will vindicate her claims to utility, in this, as in other departments of human knowledge, and exert as beneficial an in- fluence over the manufacture of iron, as she has already exercised over various kindred arts. 139. One great cause hitherto of the failure of scientific theories when applied to iron making, I am inclined to ascribe to our ignorance of the chemistry of high temperatures, a branch of the science most imperfectly understood, and the prosecution of which by experiment, is necessarily beset with great difficulties. 140. Affinities vary with temperature, and we do not at present know, all these variations. We are accustomed to regard 62 ECONOMY OF FUEL. sulphuric acid as the most powerful of the acids, and phosphoric acid as among the weakest, and such is the case at ordinary temperatures ; but if gypsum (sulphate lime), is heated to redness with phosporic acid, the sulphuric acid will be driven off, so extraordinary is the change in affinity wrought by the access of heat. At a slightly elevated temperature, potassium will take the oxygen from the carbon of carbonic acid, but at a white heat, the reverse takes place, and potassium is prepared by subjecting carbonate of potash with charcoal to the heat of a furnace. At a temperature above the freezing point, salt has no affinity for water, and crystallises in anhydrous cubes ; whilst below the freezing point, it crystallises in prisms, which consist of a chemi- cal union of salt and water, the bonds of affinity between which, the warmth of the hand is sufficient to destroy. If necessary, numerous other examples might be adduced, all conclusively showing that the chemical affinities of bodies are dominated by temperature. 141. Another circumstance not without its influence in throwing difficulty in the way of the application of science to the manufacture of iron, has been the large masses of solid materials operated upon, so different from the manageable quantities of the laboratory, and the consequent difficulty of realising that condition of chemistry, which exacts a thorough commingling of the particles of matter operated upon, requiring as a preliminary for its attainment the attraction of cohesion in solid bodies to be removed by solution or fusion. Hence the importance of obtaining in the hearth of the blast furnace, a state of fluidity sufficiently perfect, to allow of the complete segregation of the various matters according to their respective polarities, without which, various crudities and undeoxidised impurities, are carried down with the metal. 142. Chemical union however takes place only at im- perceptible distances, atom must unite with atom, and some- thing more than perfect fluidity is required to produce in many cases a minute commingling, of bodies varying greatly in specific ECONOMY OF FUEL. 63 gravity or consistency.- We might for example, stir quicksilver and water together for an hour, without having placed more than a very limited number of their particles in contact. This comparison is but an exaggerated illustration of what takes place in a pud- dling furnace, when it is attempted to improve the quality of the iron by an artificial flux. So imperfectly are the particles of iron subjected to its operation, that either no appreciable effect is produced, or only a partial effect, causing a want of homo- geneousness in the texture of the iron, thus manufactured. 143. It is certain, that the quality of the iron made, is greatly influenced by the nature and quality of the alkalies, alkaline earths, and other fluxes present, provided we can present them in such a state of minute subdivision and dissemination amongst the other materials, as will ensure their chemical agency being exerted with the best effect. A great part of the beneficial influence of charcoal, in the manufacture of iron, arises in my opinion, from its containing in this state of minute subdivision, small quantities of potash, lime, magnesia, phosphoric acid, and manganese, which it constantly and gradually presents to the process going forward, in a quantity precisely proportionate to the rate at which the combustion, and consequently the process contingent upon the combustion proceeds, and I anticipate that great advantages may be obtained, by judiciously attempting to imitate those conditions, the value and utility of which, in the case of charcoal, are amply sanctioned by experience. The manner in which I would propose to do so, would be, by immersing coke in alkaline or other appropriate solutions, which might be forced into its pores by hydraulic pressure if desirable, thus producing an imitation of charcoal, which after being thoroughly dried, might be advantage- ously substituted for common coke, in the manufacture of iron. 144, The composition and strength of the flux solution, should of course vary with the nature of the ore, and the com- position of the ashes of the fuel. Even where charcoal is em- ployed, it might be advisable in certain cases to increase the natural quantity of alkali it contains, by treating it in the same way. 64 ECONOMY OF FUEL. 145. That an improvement would be effected in the quality of the iron produced by the adoption of this system, particularly in the case of silecious and clay ores ; does not admit of doubt ; for the ashes of coal are not only wanting in those active fluxes possessed by charcoal, but contain a considerable portion of silex : and if, as appears to me most probable, the alloy of silicon the most general and influential cause of bad pig iron is principally, if not exclusively, furnished by the silex of the fuel, the most feasible preventitive would appear to be, to force a powerful base, into the pores of this material, and thus place it in immediate contact with the silicic acid, with which its union is desired. If this be not done, the silica intimately blended with the carbon, throughout the structure, of the coke and necessarily exposed from this association to the most intense heat, can scarcely fail of becoming deoxidised. 146. The requirements for making iron, are, 1st, the re- quisite chemical ingredients* in the requisite proportions ; 2ndly, sufficient heat,=fluidity, to allow of the free motion of all the particles of matter ; Srdly, sufficient motion amongst the particles to ensure their adequate intermixture. 147. This view of the innocuousness of a high temperature, does not agree with the generally received opinion, that the inferiority of the iron resulting from the use of hot blast, is occasioned by the greater heat of the furnace, a fact I am by no means prepared to admit. 148. That the temperature of the furnace is higher, where hot blast is used, than with cold, seems always to have been regarded as a position so clear and self-evident as to require no demonstration and if erroneous, as I believe to be the case, it has certainly been a great stumbling-block in our path towards attaining correct ideas of the process of iron manufac- * Foremost among these must be considered an adequate supply of oxygen to burn off the sulphur, phosphorus, and arsenic, and preserve the silicic acid, lime, and magnesia from deoxidation, and thus prevent the forma- tion of metallic alloys, or if this (probably correct) term be objected to with regard to the first-named substances, say in their case, sulphurets and phosphurets. ECONOMY OF FUL, 65 ture, with the consequent improvement in the art, which might therefrom be expected. 149. At the temperature to which the blast is heated, air is more than doubled in volume ; therefore, there will be double the number of atoms of oxygen in the same space, when the blast is cold, and consequently a much more rapid evolution of heat from the surface of the carbon exposed to the direct action of the blast; the stroke also will be of double the weight, producing a more rapid disentegration of the carbon, and a more thorough dissemination of it amongst the other materials. 150. The effect of the cold blast on the surface of the ore will be refrigerating, and the same must be said of its impact on the limestone flux, but I see no reason to conclude that the refrigerative effect in the last two instances, more than counter- balances the increased temperature evolved by the surface of the carbon. Therefore immediately before the tuyeres, at the point where the most perfect fusion takes place, I see no reason for believing that the temperature of a hot blast furnace, exceeds that of a cold blast, but rather the reverse ; inasmuch as I conceive, that a larger quantity of oxygen will combine with carbon, in a given space within a given time, in the latter fur- nace, than in the former : a sufficiently larger quantity in fact, to more than counter-balance the additional initial heat of the air, before the expansion* due to the combustion, and therefore necessarily ensuing subsequently to it, has taken place. * An atmosphere of 4,000 condensed to th of its volume (or what is the same thing gaseous products of combustion at that point of expansion where they have only reached 3-th of their ultimate bulk) will have^a temperature of about 7000, and when condensed to half their ultimate volume a temperature of about 5000. Here we get at the cause of the great heat of flame, and the superiority of the direct action of flame, or the radiant heat from an ignited surface of carbon, for communicating heat (e. g. raising steam) over products of flame after expansion, see on this subject, paragraphs 109 & 110. Air of 60 has its volume increased to Double at . . . 568 I Fivefold at . . .2092 I Eightfold at . .3616 Threefold at . . 1076 Sixfold at . . .2600 Ninefold at . .4124 Fourfold at . .1584 | Sevenfold at . .3108 | Tenfold at . . .4032 66 ECONOMY OF FUEL. 151. After expansion has taken place, the temperature of the hot blast furnace will of course exceed that of the cold blast furnace at the same point, by the excess of the initial temperature of the air, and the same may be said of any two localities in the furnaces where the same degree of expansion exists. When the carbonic oxide zone is reached, although the difference remains the same, yet from the great diminution of temperature, the disproportion between the heat of the two furnaces becomes very marked. Say coke in forming carbonic acid imparts to the combining equivalent of air 4058, suppose the temperature of air 42, this will give an atmosphere of 4100; assume that the volatilization of the carbon, necessary to transform carbonic acid, into carbonic oxide, absorbs 60 per cent, of this heat, and we have for the carbonic oxide zone, a temperature in a cold blast furnace of 1640, and in hot blast furnace 1640 -f the initial additional temperature of the air, say 560 = 2200 or - more, a difference sufficient to make it not improbable, that the chemical action of the carbon on the ore, may be greatly modified by it. Indeed the stewing of the minerals with their surfaces in a semi-melted state, in an atmosphere of carbonic oxide, with perhaps the addition of the fumes of sulphur, phosphorus, and arsenic, for a considerable period before their descent before the tuyeres, is a vastly more plausible reason for the inferiority of hot blast iron, than the hitherto-received-without-being-questioned theory, which assigns it to the increased heat of the furnace, at the point of fusion. 152. The circumstance that hot blast furnaces work faster than cold, has been supposed to be quite conclusive as to a higher temperature being attained by them ; a little examination will however shew that the fact affords no foundation for such an inference. If we assume that the perfect fusion of the minerals of a blast furnace requires a heat of 4000, that the temperature of the point of most intense heat in the vicinity of the tuyeres in each description of furnace is the same ,viz. 5,000; since the minerals will in the hot blast furnace, approach this ECONOMY OF FUEL, 6? point at a temperature 560 higher than they will approach the same point in the cold blast furnace, and consequently will require 560 less additional heat imparted to them, to raise them to the temperature of 4000, their melting, will as a matter of course be more quickly performed in the former furnace, than in the latter ; and thus this supposed decisive fact in favour of the higher temperature attained by the use of the hot blast, is satisfactorily explained without leaving any difficulty behind it. 153. In considering the manufacture of iron with reference to economy of fuel, the most striking thing which forces itself upon the attention, is the fact, that whilst the two great processes of iron making, viz. the separation of the iron from the ore in the blast furnace, and its decarbonization, and kneeding to develop fibre, in the boiling furnace, each requires for its per- formance, and is best performed by, one of the two constituents into which coal is resolvable, taken singly; viz. the revival of the iron, by the solid carbon or coke, and the operation of boiling, or puddling, by the gaseous carburetted hydrogen ; yet strange to say, instead of separating the constituents of coal before using, and employing each for the operation for which it is best suited ; we use it in its raw state for both operations, not only wasting- one constituent in each process, but absolutely producing inferior results. For the gaseous 'portion of the coals used in the blast furnace, which if separated and purified, would suffice to make all the pig-iron produced by the furnace, into puddled-iron, of a quality very superior to that made by raw coal, exercises in the blast furnace a deteriorating effect on the quality of the iron pro- duced. Thus all the coal at present used in puddling is wasted, with the result of obtaining an inferior description of iron. 154. My notions of attainable perfection demand, that iron should be manufactured as follows : the coal should be coked by the waste heat from the furnaces, and set apart for use in the blast furnaces, having previously as before described, had its pores impregnated with a preparation composed with reference to its power of combining, and forming an easily fusible cinder with 6$ ECONOMY OF FUEL. the ashes of the coke on the one hand, and the foreign matter in the ore on the other. 155. The gaseous products of distillation after being purified from sulphur, and also from phosphorous, and arsenic if present, should be devoted to the process of puddling, for which they are for many reasons much better adapted than raw coal ; in the first place, the dust and fine cinders earned over from the grate, become mixed with, and injure the iron, and the same may be said of various volatile products of the coal ; in the second place, the operation of puddling consists of three different stages, during each of which the iron requires a modification in its treatment, which the present puddling furnace is powerless to supply ; in. fact no prompt nor adequate power of control is possessed by the workman over it, even for simply exalting its temperature, and as far as the scientific performance of its functions is concerned, it must be regarded as a barbarous machine which ought long since to have been superceded. 156. In the first stage that of melting an intense heat, with no excess of oxygen, will save both time and iron, although it is not so absolutely indispensable in this stage as in the third. 157. In the second step of the process that of decarboni- zation, or refining an excess of oxygen is wanted, and the addition of the vapour of water is also often beneficial, since it has the power, not only of accelerating the decarbonization of the metal, but also of carrying off large quantities of silicic acid, in a volatile form,* the effect of which in increasing the yield (inasmuch as the silicic acid would otherwise form a silicate of iron, and carry its base into the cinder) is sufficiently obvious. 158. During the third stage of the process that of kneading the decarbonized iron into a tenacious, fibrous mass an excess of oxygen passing is productive of great loss, from the waste it occasions by oxydizing the pure malleable iron, now no longer * An instructive example of the law, that non-volatile bodies may become volatile by mixture with volatile ones. ECONOMY 6*F Ft'EL. 60 covered by the cinder. From the circumstance however of a great heat being necessary (requiring a clear fire) during this stage, particularly at its termination, just before the iron is removed from the furnace to go to the squeezer, it is impossible to guard against a surplus of oxygen being present, such is, in fact, always the case under the present system, a considerable loss is unavoidable, and may be considered a perfectly normal result of the operation as earned on in the existing furnaces. 159. Let us compare with this narration of the inefficiency and unavoidable defects of the present furnace, the advantages placed within our reach by the judicious application of gas. 160. Suppose a furnace constructed as follows: let the end of the furnace be formed of an iron box, divided vertically (and transversely as regards the body of the furnace) into three divisions; let the outer one be connected with a reservoir of gas under pressure, the middle one with a similar reservoir of air; let a series of tubes (with a slight downward inclination) lead from each of these chambers, through the inner chamber, into the furnace ; let the inner chamber be supplied with water, to prevent the melting of the tubes or tuyeres. Since the quan- tity of an elastic fluid, which passes in a given time, through a pipe of a certain diameter, under a given pressure, is easily ascertained, we thus possess it in our power to apportion the quantity of air and gas to each other with the greatest nicety, according to our varying requirements. 161. The pipes leading from the main reservoirs of gas and air to the chambers of the furnace, should each be furnished with a throttle valve, the handle of which should form the index to a dial, graduated to 100 subdivisions; and the size of the pipes and the valves should be so arranged, that when the indexes pointed to the same figures on the dials, the respective quantities of air and gas passing, should be the exact combining equivalents of each. 162. As it would be desirable to have a surplus heating power, beyond that demanded for ordinary working, for extra- 70 ECONOMY OF FUEL. ordinary occasions, such as getting up the heat after the furnace had been allowed to get cold, &c., we will suppose, that upon charging with fresh iron, the hands of both dials are placed at 75, for the first stage of the operation. The inclination of the tuyeres driving the name downwards directly on the iron, it will be melted and brought to the proper point of fluidity, in about half the time occupied by the present furnace, where the axis of the draught being horizontal, and the iron lying completely below it, by far the larger portion of flame darts over it, and enters the flue without having at all impinged on the iron. In fact, the difference in the mode of operation of the two furnaces, is the difference between placing a body at the point of the flame of a blowpipe, and placing it at the exterior of its under side. 163. The next stage of the operation that of refining, or decarbonization requires a surplus of oxygen to be present, to obtain which, the workman moves the index of the air pipe, say to 90 (the index of the gas pipe remaining stationary at 75), and turns on in addition, if thought desirable, a supply of steam into the air chamber, to pass, with the air, into the working chamber. That such a furnace would be a better instrument for refining iron than our present one, cannot admit of a doubt, whilst it is equally unquestionable that it would do its duty in less time. 164. During the third stage of the operation, a very intense heat is required, particularly just at the latter end, whilst, at the same time, it is of vital importance to prevent the waste of the now undecarbonized and exposed iron to ensure that a surplus of oxygen be not present. Let the workman set the index of the gas pipe at 95 (the air pipe index remaining, as before, at 90), thus guarding against the possibility of any free oxygen reaching the iron through imperfect mixture, by supplying a slight excess of carburetted hydrogen, and both conditions will be fulfilled. 165. In short, whatever the requirements demanded by the progress of the operation, this furnace places at our disposal the means of fulfilling them instantly and completely ^ furnishing in ECONOMY OF FUEL. 71 this respect, a complete contrast to the imperfect means of control offered by the existing furnace; nor must it be for- gotten, that it presents us with all these advantages, at the cost of the gaseous products of the coal, now wasted in the blast furnace. 166. Having thus briefly reviewed the subject of puddling, and endeavoured to show that great improvements may be made in our present arrangements, with regard both to economy of fuel, and the production of a superior quality of iron, I will now offer a few observations on blast furnaces. 167. In the figures which I employ with regard to the theoretical composition of the gases issuing from a blast furnace, as deduced from the composition of the fuel used, I shall principally rely upon the data on the Alfreton coal and furnaces, contained in the elaborate report on blast furnaces, presented to the British Association in 1845, by Dr. Lyon Play fair and Professor Bunsen; since the methods of eudiometric analysis resorted to by these accomplished chemists, appear superior in accuracy to those of previous observers. It is to be regretted that so much care in analysis, should not have been associated with equally unexcep- tional methods for obtaining the samples of gases from various depths of the furnace. A tube of only 1 inch in diameter, can never be considered a satisfactory test of the average compo- sition of the gases, particularly in furnaces where, as in the in- stance of the one on which they experimented, the materials are thrown in in such large masses that some of the pieces of coal were nearly of the bulk of a cubic foot. See on this subject, Ebelman, Annales des Mines, 1851. 168. A blast furnace may be viewed as an apparatus in which a series of chemical operations take place, viz., that of distillation in the upper portion, and those of cementation, reduc- tion, and fusion, at gradually increasing depths. Certain materials are thrown into the mouth of the furnace, which, after undergoing certain transformations effected by their natural affinities, and the oxygen of the blast, aided by heat, either present themselves 72 ECONOMY OF FUEL. in the hearth as pig iron and slag, or issue in a gaseous form from the top of the furnace. It is evident, that if we know the composition of the raw materials employed, the changes they undergo, and what portions of these materials are delivered at the hearth, we can deduce the composition of the gases issuing from the top, and constituting the remaining product. 169. Observation has established, 1st, that the oxygen of the blast is all consumed in the immediate vicinity of the tuyere ; 2ndly, that in hot blast furnaces, the carbonic acid zone is of very limited extent, this gas being found entirely converted to carbonic oxide within about 3 feet from the point of the tuyere ; 3rdly, that the coal loses all its gaseous products of distillation much above the point at which its carbon combines with the oxygen of the blast. 170. Each charge at the Alfreton furnaces consists of 4201bs. of calcined ore, 3901bs. of coal, and 170lbs. of limestone; and the product of iron resulting from one charge is 1401bs. 100 parts of the coal contained* Parts of water capable of being 1 heated 1 C. by the combustible- Carbon i V . ' . . . . 64-548 516,384 Carburetted Hydrogen 6'638 99,570 Carbonic oxide 1'602 3,660 Carbonic acid . . . . . * . . , T139 Bi-Carburetted Hydrogen ./. . . . 0*513 6,156 Hydrogen 0.370 13,320 Total 639,090 Contributed by the carbonaceous portion . . 516,384 Contributed by the products of distillation . 12.2,706 * The coal contained, in addition, '253 of sulphuretted hydrogen, and* '163 of ammonia, omitted in the text from their heating power being too trivial to claim attention, and also because the air contained in the crevices and pores of the materials supplied, (for the eifect of which no allowance is made in the report,) must more than counterbalance any addition made to the ECONOMY OF FUEL. 73 171. Since cast iron contains 3 '3 per cent, of carbon, there will be ] -18 abstracted from each 64*548 parts of carbon for this purpose, leaving 63*368 parts of carbon to undergo combustion. 172. This carbon, as has been already stated, becomes con- verted into carbonic oxide, by combining with the air of the blast, at a short distance above the tuyere, the product being Nitrogen 295*716 Carbonic oxide 147 '85 8 The quantity of cast iron produced by 100 parts of coal, is 35'8=34'62 of pure iron, to effect the deoxidation of which, heating power of the gases, by the presence of these two substances. .For similar reasons, I have taken no account of any slight increase which may be produced in the heating power of the escaping gases, by the change wrought in those portions of the products of the distillation of coal, which, from being disengaged at a considerable depth, are subjected to a decomposing heat in their passage upwards ; and upon which modifying influence, much more stress is laid in the report above alluded to, than I think the subject is entitled to claim. It observes, " the upper layers of coal, limestone, and iron, being cold, cause a condensation of the water and tar, both of which drop back upon the red hot coals in the inferior layers, and become partly decom- posed into hydrogen and carbonic oxide gas, whilst another part of the tar is broken up into hydrogen, light carburetted hydrogen, and charcoal. The portions escaping this decomposition are condensed anew by the cold layers above, and finally themselves suffer change." Now, granting that this con- densation can take place (which, except momentarily, with reference to the materials just thrown into the furnace, I deny), since it is certain that ma- terials cold enough to condense these vapours, on the one hand, and hot enough to decompose them on the other, could not be reposing in layers in very close apposition to each other, we are required to suppose that these con- densed liquids trickle and drop from stone to stone for many feet, till at length they alight on one hot enough to effect their decomposition ; perti- naceously preserving their fluidity all the time, and refusing to vaporise, although resting on hot bodies, and swept by a current of highly heated gas, so imperfectly saturated with moisture^ as to be capable of licking up ten times the quantity of liquid. It may be safely pronounced that nothing of the kind ever does, or can, take place in a blast furnace ; and if the small por- tion of the vapour of water which finds its way to a sufficient depth to come in contact with ignited carbon is decomposed, as would unquestionably be the case, a much larger portion passes off with the gases in the form of vapour, deteriorating their combustible value, E 74 ECONOMY OF FUEL. the carbonic oxide must combine with 14*83 of oxygen, and have 25*952 of its parts changed into 40*782 of carbonic acid. 173. The quantity of limestone, added to 100 parts of coal, contains 18' 7 parts of carbonic acid, which is evolved from the furnace with the other gaseous products, giving as a result, for the composition of the gases issuing from the mouth of the furnace Nitrogen ....... . 295*716 Carbonic oxide 121-906 Carbonic acid . . . >. . ...* . 40'782 Ditto do. (from lime) . . . 38700 Total . . . 477-104 added the products of the distillation of 100 parts of coal. 174. Hence it appears that we shall obtain the composition of the gases from the furnace, if, to the products of the distilla- tion of any given quantity of coal, we add the carbon of the coke formed from that coal (minus the portion entering the iron), plus the quantity of air necessary to form with this carbon, carbonic oxide, plus the oxygen of the ore (which converts a portion of this carbonic oxide into carbonic acid), and plus the carbonic acid evolved from the limestone. 175. From the preceding data, the composition of the gases evolved for each 100 parts of coal is found to be Total of each. In 100 pts Nitrogen 4 -,v <<.'. 295716 295'716 60'677 Carbonic oxide * , . 121*906 123*508 25*342 Carbonic acid . , -. * . 59'482 60*621 12*439 / Carbonic oxide. 1*602 Prom dis- \ Carbonic acid 1-139 tillation of coal. < Carburetted hydrogen 1 . 1 Bi-carburetted hydrogen V Hydrogen 6*638 0-513 0*370 6-638 0-513 0*370 1*362 105 075 Total . 487*366 100*000 176. Since the whole of the products of the distillation of coal escape unburnt, our task in finding the duty performed by the fuel, is narrowed to an examination of the changes undergone by the carbonaceous portion. ECONOMY ON FUEL. 75 177. I shall assume that carbon, in becoming C O*, developes J part of the heat developed by it in becoming C Os, this being about the mean of the figures given by the three observers, Dulong, Andrews, and Grassi, (see note, page 5). Of the total carbon in the fuel 64'548 There enters the iron 1"18 Leaves the furnace as carbonic acid . . 1 1*1225 Therefore discharges its full duty . . . 12'3025 Leaves the furnace as carbonic oxide . . . 5 2' 245 5 having apparently discharged only ^ of its duty. Carbon. Full duty of 12*3025= 98,420 duty of 52-2455 = 139,321 Total . . . 237,741 178. If we subtract this sum from the full duty of 100 parts of coal, viz. 639,090, the remainder, 401,349, shows the duty capable of being performed by the gaseous products escaping from the furnace. Then, as 639,090: 237,741:: 100: 37-2 whence it appears that this amounts to 62*8 per cent., leaving 3 7 '2 per cent, for the apparent duty realised. 179. These figures differ so greatly from the statements of Dr. Playfair in the report before alluded to, that I feel it necessary to advert to the subject, the more particularly, as from the reputation of the individual from whom they emanate, and the authority of the publication in which they appear, they are calculated to foster (as 1 know they have already pro- duced) great delusion with reference to this important question. 180. The report says, "Hence follows the remarkable con- clusion, that in the furnaces of Alfreton, not less than 81*54 per cent, of the fuel is lost in the form of combustible matter still fit for use, and that only 18*46 per cent, of the whole fuel is realised in carrying out the processes in the furnace." 181. Thus it appears that the figures given by Dr. Playfair, restrict the duty performed by the fuel, to just half the amount * For an explanation of these symbols, see page 85. E 2 76 ECONOMY ON FUEL. which my calculations have assigned to it. The difference in the results at which we have arrived, is easily traceable to the dif- ference in the principles which have guided our mode of pro- cedure, and to the difference in the ratio we assume, that the portion of heat developed by carbon in becoming carbonic oxide, bears to the full amount it is capable of furnishing, when it unites with 2 atoms of oxygen ; on this latter point see par. 177. and note at page 5. To estimate the duty performed, Dr. Playfair simply takes the amount of nitrogen, deduces the quantity of oxygen which accompanied this into the furnace as atmospheric air, and then calculates the heat which would be evolved by the union of this oxygen with carbon to form carbonic oxide. It is evident that such a method altogether ignores the duty done by the 1*18 of carbon, which combines with the iron and descends with it into the hearth, and also the important service towards "carrying out the processes in the furnace" rendered by the 11*1225 of carbon, which, in the form of 25*952 of carbonic oxide, separates 14*83 of oxygen from the ore, and becomes converted into 40*782 of carbonic acid in so doing. The latter process, the report observes, is attended with a thermo- neutrality, but surely this can be no valid reason for not reckon- ing it with the realised duty of the carbon. If we revive iron by placing some iron ore in a crucible, in conjunction with char- coal, and then subjecting the vessel to the heat of a furnace, can any one be found to contend, that the duty performed by that portion of charcoal which combines with the iron, and by that other portion which removes its oxygen by combining with it, is any less real, than that achieved by the charcoal of the furnace, in contributing the necessary temperature ? In fact, since the whole of the carbon which combines with the oxygen of the ore, is absolutely required for this purpose, and not a particle can be dispensed with, whilst on the contrary, it might be a question whether some of the carbon in the furnace is not burnt in furnishing superfluous heat, many would be disposed to accord the precedence in importance and indispensability to the ECONOMY ON FUEL. 77 services of the former and to deny to the function it performs, the title of realised duty, certainly indicates a singular inversion of ideas. 182. It may have been observed, that in treating on the 52*2455 parts of carbon which left the furnace as carbonic oxide, I spoke of its having apparently discharged only \ of its duty ; and however unexceptionable the mode of estimating its duty adopted, may, on a superficial view appear, 1 am prepared to show, that it inadequately represents the real services rendered by the carbon to the processes of the furnace, and that if the various parts played by the fuel, are separately scrutinized, and their results analyzed with exactitude, the duty performed by the carbon will be found to be much more considerable. Since the whole of the atmospheric oxygen entering with the blast, is converted into carbonic oxide at a comparatively short distance above the tuyere, affording in this form an ample supply of carbon to effect the deoxidizing process of the furnace, without the absorption of any uncombined carbon for this object ; and since we know, that when we form carbonic oxide from carbonic acid, by sup- plying the latter with another equivalent of carbon, exactly half the amount of carbon in the product, must have previously been in combination with 2 atoms of oxygen, as carbonic acid, we are enabled to pronounce that the combustion of the carbon in the furnace takes place as follows: Deducting the 1*18 of carbon which enters the iron, precisely one half the remainder is con- verted to carbonic oxide in the zone of transition which must exist between the carbonic acid zone (or zone of fusion), and the carbonic oxide zone, where this conversion is complete; whilst the remaining half descends before the tuyere, where, by its con- version to carbonic acid, it furnishes the intense heat necessary to produce perfect fusion of the refractory minerals employed. 183. The fact, that subsequently to performing this service, the 31*684 parts of carbon, in combination with 84*49 of oxygen as carbonic acid, yields up half its oxygen to an additional portion of 31*684 parts of carbon, with a great thermometric 78 ECONOMY OP FUEL. loss, must not blind us to the amount of duty which it has previously actually accomplished, and which, if it left the furnace immediately afterwards, before its transformation into carbonic oxide, would be unhesitatingly admitted. Does it injure or retard the processes of the furnace, in its subsequent passage through it, that at its final exit, we curtail its claims for services previously accomplished ? So far from doing so, it increases our obligations for work performed, by separating 14* 8 3 of oxygeii from the ore, and we repay the additional service, by paring- down its duty into simply yielding the measure of heat due to the formation of carbonic oxide. 184. Estimated according to this more accurate and precise view of its true functions, the duty performed by the fuel in a blast furnace, will be as follows : Of the total carbon in 100 parts of fuel = 64'548 There enters the iron . . . / ^ ''.' .';.' V . ';' ". V18 Carbon (as simple carbon) burnt to C 02 before tuyere . . 31*684 Consequently discharges full duty . . . . * ,, t . . 32' 864 Carbon (as CO) becomes C0 2 in separating 14'83 0., con- sequently discharges duty . ^. : 1" .*' . . 1 ; ' . . 111225 The full duty of 32'864 of carbon is 262,912 and f duty on 11-1225 is 59,320, making together 3 22,2 3 2 for the duty perform- ed by the carbon, which sum is to 639,090 the whole duty of 100 parts of coal, as 5 0'4 is to 100; consequently, the duty performed by the fuel is 50 '4 per cent., or nearly 3- fold what has previously been assigned to it and that this is the proper way of estimating the duty of the carbon, is abundantly plain and c'ear, and once pointed out, will I think be felt to admit of no dispute. That the duty done by the fuel should be 50 -4 per cent., and that capable of being evolved from the escaping gases 6 2' 8 per cent., making together the sum of 113' 2 per cent. ; f nay at first sight appear a discrepancy, but when more narrowly examined, the apparent anomaly vanishes. A given quantity of ECONOMY OF FUEL. 79 carbon as CO 2 , at a temperature sufficient to convert carbon into CO, will, by so doing, form a compound capable of de- veloping by combustion 33*3 per cent, more heat than the carbon so converted. In one case we have 100 parts of carbon (as simple carbon), capable of developing 100 parts of heat; in the other, 200 parts of carbon as C 0, capable of developing 13 3'' 3 parts of heat, according to the law that -| of the whole heat capable of being developed by carbon, are developed when C O becomes C O 2 . In the case of the blast furnace before us for considera- tion, the difference will be, the difference between the heat- developing power of 31'684 of carbon (as simple carbon) converted to C 2 , and 63 '368 of carbon (as C O) converted to C0 2 = 84,490-66 units, and 639,090 is to 84,490'66 as 100 to 13-2 the amount of overplus. 185. Supposing 100 parts of carbon burnt to C0 2 in a common reverberatory furnace, and the full duty thus obtained applied in the most advantageous manner to the processes of the furnace suppose further, that instead of the products of combustion being discharged at once into the atmosphere through the stack in the ordinary way, they are passed through a shaft filled with carbon, where they combine with another 100 parts of carbon, and thus become converted to C 0. What would be said to a plan for estimating the duty of the fuel, which took the gaseous products discharged as C 0, found them to be capable of generating 13 3' 3 parts of heat, and hence affirmed that the duty previously performed by the fuel in the furnace, must be only 66" 6 per cent. Everybody would in this case cry fallacy ; yet, as far as the principle involved is concerned, the procedure presents an exact parallel to the mode of estimating the duty of the fuel in blast furnaces, adopted in the report before alluded to, with the exception, that in the case of the latter, the fuel still performs additional services after its conversion to carbonic oxide, making the inaccuracy so much the greater. 186. Although we have found the amount of duty per- formed by the fuel in blast furnaces to bemuch more satisfactory than had previously been stated, amounting to 50 -4 per cent, instead 80 ECONOMY ON FUEL. of only 18*46 per cent., yet the heat capable of being realised from the escaping products, amounting to 62*8 per cent, on all the fuel consumed, is still a loss which it would be most desirable to curtail, either by diminishing the consumption, by increasing the duty of the fuel, or by turning the waste products to some useful account.* Their value as an article of fuel, depends less upon the whole quantity of heat they are able to afford, than upon the temperature they are capable of generating, since it Is this which must determine to what objects they are applicable, and the extent of their sphere of practical utility. To ascertain the temperature capable of being attained by the combustion of these gases, we must determine their heating power from their composition, and then ascertain the specific heat of the products resulting from their combustion. Composition of furnace gases. tfo.ofdegs. C. 1 part of water would be raised by the com- bustibles. Result of combustion. Totals. Ditto reduced to 100 parts. Specific heat. N 295-716 652.-18 N 68-9644 27 C0 2 60-621 274-57178 C0 2 29-0344 22 CO 123-508 282215 / 194-084 C0 2 \ 247'016 N H 2 C 6-638 99570 C 14-9355 HO ] 18-2545 C0 2 ( 92-9320 N 18-925 HO 2-0012 847 H 2 C 2 0-513 6156 C 0-65957HO ] 1-61228C0 2 ( 6-156 N H Totals 0-370 13320 / 3-330 HO \ 10-36 N 487*366 401261 945-67678 100-0000 267 Then- 401261 - =1589 C. or 2900 Fahr. the temperature 945-67678x'267 * For particulars of the best methods of taking the waste gases from blast furnaces, see an able paper on this subject by Mr. S. H. Blackwell, in the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, for October, 1852. ECONOMY ON FUEL. 81 these gases are theoretically capable of yielding on combustion. This degree of heat is amply sufficient for raising steam, heating the blast, manufacturing gas and coke, burning bricks or lime, and a variety of other operations*, but is not adequate tp be em- ployed with advantage for the manufacture of iron, as was once supposed, an erroneous idea, which has led to the waste of much capital in abortive experiments, the success of which, a more accurate knowledge of the subject, would have seen to have been apriori impossible. In the report before alluded to, it is stated that the temperature capable of being attained by the combustion of these gases is 3,083 ; that by using a blast sufficiently heated, this could easily be raised to 3,632; and that since cast iron * I believe one of the most feasible and practically useful applications of the heated gases, would be the desiccation of the air with which the furnace is supplied, which might be effected by their agency in many ways. The injurious effect and loss, produced by the moisture in the air in hot and damp weather, being much greater than is commonly suspected. To attain this object, let two beds of muriate of lime be prepared, each resting on a tubular iron grating, or coil of pipe, let the air for the blast engine be drawn through, or over, these beds alternately, and in the intervals, let a portion of the heated gases, or, if necessary, a portion of the products of their combustion, be passed through the coil of pipe of the bed not in use. So may the blast furnace be constantly supplied with desiccated air at a trifling expense, and its operations be rendered independent of atmospheric vicissitudes. The result would be a saving of fuel, an increase in yield, and an improvement in the quality of the iron ; in fact, a making constant, that state of advantageous working, which now exists only for a few weeks in each year during the frosty weather of winter. Air saturated with moisture contains at Degrees Grains of water Fahr. in each cubic ft. 10 . . I'll 20 . . 1-58 30 , 2'21 Degrees Grains of water Fahr. in each cubic ft. 40 . . 3-09 50 . . 4-28 60 . . 5-87 Degrees Grains of water Fahr. in each cubic ft. 70 . . 8 80 ' . . 10-81 90 14-5 Now, 4000 cubicfeetofairperminute=240,000 cubic feet per hour = 5,760,000 cubic feet per day, is a common quantity for a blast furnace to consume, and therefore, if we suppose the state of saturation of the air to be '75, such a furnace will receive per day in the air of the blast, 1364 Ibs. avoirdupois of water, when the temperature is 30, and 4,937 Ibs,, or nearly four times the quantity, when the thermometer stands at 70. E 9 82 ECONOMY ON FUEL. melts at 2,1 9 2, it follows that the gases, when burned with hot air, would yield a temperature more than sufficient to melt iron, l^or the futility of the use of hot air for such an object, I refer the 3-eader to the remarks on attenuated flame, pars. 110 and 112. In the next place, the temperature attainable by the gases is over- stated, and that required for melting cast iron ifWfferstated, the most reliable observations, those of Daniel, fixing its melting point at 2,786. However, the very fact of there being a difference of 600 in the melting point assigned to cast iron, by different observers, shows how unsatisfactory are arguments founded on such theoretical deductions, when compared with the very con- c'asive evidence on the subject lying open before us, in the results attending the use of coal. Now we find that coal, the heating powers of which are vastly superior to the gases, only just generates sufficient heat for the processes of iron making; any impairment of the heating power of the furnace, from atmospheric vicissitudes, or errors of construction, being at once followed by deterioration of its working capability, and waste of iron. And when it is considered that 1 cwt. of iron is worth more than a ton of coal, it will be readily understood, that saving the latter at the expense of the former, is, as regards the pocket of the manufacturer, the saving of a negative quantity. The fact is, that to estimate the temperature we practically attain in our reverberatory furnaces, we must deduct from 20 to 25 per cent, from the theoretical value of the fuel, to allow for the imperfect combustion of the gases on the one hand, or the excess of air on the other; for when it is reflected, that the mixed stream of air and gases, darts through a reverberatory furnace with a velocity of 40 feet per second, passing through the working chamber of a puddling furnace in about - of a second, we have no difficulty in understanding, that unless a prejudicial excess of air be ad- mitted, some portion of still uninflamed gas must pass into the region of the flues. In steam boiler furnaces, where an excess of nir is not so injurious, it is found advisable to admit more air than the combining equivalent ; for though the excess of uncom- ECONOMY ON FUEL. 83 bined air thus necessarily constantly passing off, must rob the furnace of a great deal of heat, yet it is found, that if it be attempted to lessen the quantity, the result is injurious ; the diminished amount of combustion that ensues from the increased quantity of gas which passes off unburnt, producing a greater loss of heat, than that previously abstracted by the excess of air. 188. The practical value of the furnace gases for fuel, is much diminished in those localities, where, as in some parts of Staffordshire, a superabundant supply of slack (found in getting the good coal) can be obtained for burning under the steam boilers, at an almost nominal price, from its insufficiency for other purposes. 189. In those cases where, from the nature of the ore or fuel, or both combined, economy requires the use of the hot blast, and the quality of the pig metal resulting, becomes much deteriorated in consequence, it becomes a question deserving attentive consideration, how far subjecting the iron to some intermediate treatment between the blast furnace and the pud- dling furnace, may not be desirable, some process which should effect cheaply, and at little loss beyond the removal of the actual impurities, what is now accomplished with such a great waste of iron and fuel, in the almost obsolete refinery. It appears to me, such a desideratum might be attained, by the melted metal on issuing from the blast furnace, being filtered through a bed of ignited charcoal, the pores of which had been charged with fluxes of such a character, as to form with the impurities con- tained in the iron, a neutral cinder. In the present refinery, no artificial flux being used, if silicon is present, it is separated at the expense of a loss of iron, forming as fast as tt is oxidized, a silicate of the protoxide of iron, for want of having a stronger base presented to it. After being refined, the iron should be transferred still melted to the puddling furnace, to receive its fibre ; for unless some benefit can be shewn to accrue to the process, from the iron being allowed to cool, compelling an expenditure of fuel for its re-melting, such unnecessary waste 84 ECONOMY OF PUEL. should be avoided : in short, the requirements demanded by a rigid economy of fuel, can never be fulfilled, till the period arrives, when the iron will not be allowed to cool, from the time it issues from the blast furnace, till it passes the rolls, a puddled bar. 190. I shall doubtless be told, that such refinements and niceties as I propose to introduce, are unnecessary superfluities. This however is the language of ignorance and slothfulness, for improvements are never superfluous to any other eyes. The machinery of a cotton mill is doubtless a prodigiously compli- cated apparatus, when compared with a distaff and spinning- jenny, but then its results are more than "prodigiously" greater. In short, the whole question is one of degree ; and where the advantages to be obtained, greatly preponderate over the trouble incurred by the additional appliances necessary for their attain- ment, it rests not in the power of ignorance arid supineness, to prevent their ultimate adoption. It is unquestionable, that the manufacture of iron has hitherto borrowed less from science, and is in a ruder and more barbarous state, than our other manu- factures, and it is equally unquestionable, that such a state of things will not be allowed to continue. Why are " refinements and niceties," introduced, carried out, and adopted, in other departments of production? Is it to gratify a longing for the ideal in those engaged in them, or as a question of . s. d. ? In short, when we view the keen spirit of enterprise and competition which leads manufacturers in other departments, to seek to increase their profits by every expedient for cheapening production, which the improved chemical and mechanical know- ledge of the day places within their reach, it is puerile to suppose that the iron trade is to prove an isolated exception to a gene- ral rule, and remain exempted from the operation of the same principles. The shadow will not tarry on the dial for the slug- gard; and those who will not read the signs of the times, but choose to persist in working by the rule of thumb, will be taught its insufficiency by their balance sheets, ECONOMY OF FUEL. 85 EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOLS USED IN THE DIAGRAMS AND TABLES WHICH FOLLOW. The essence of a chemical compound is, that its constituents always bear a definite proportion, by weight, to each other ; and the most important discovery in modern chemistry has been the law, that bodies unite only in these definite proportions (termed their atomic weights), or in simple multiples of them. Thus the proportions, by weight, in which oxygen and nitrogen combine with each other, and with all other substances, are 8 parts of the former and 14 of the latter. Atoms. Weight. Atoms. Weight. weight* 2 nitrogen 28 are present with 1 oxygen 8 in atmospheric air . . 36 I 14 combined with 1 8 forms nitrous oxide . . 22 1 // 14 // 2 a 16 forms nitric oxide . . 80 1 n 14 // 3 /; 24 forms hyponitrous acid 38 1 // 14 n 4 // 32 forms nitrous acid . . 46 1 H 14 // 5 // 40 forms nitric acid ... 54 and no compound with intermediate proportions can exist. Chemists have agreed, that the first letter of the names of the elementary bodies, shall designate, not only the elementary body, but also one combining equivalent, by weight, of such body. The atomic weights of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon, are 1, 8, 14, and 6, respectively. H designates therefore, not merely hydrogen, but 1 part by weight, of hydrogen. O not merely oxygen, but 8 parts by weight, of oxygen. N 14 parts, by weight, of nitrogen. C 6 parts, by weight, of carbon. C O one equivalent of each of these bodies ; that is to say, 6 parts, by weight, of carbon, and 8 parts, by weight, of oxygen, constituting carbonic oxide. C 2 one equivalent of tbe former body and two of the latter ; tbat is to say, 6 parts, by weight, of carbon, and 16 parts, by weight, of oxygen, constituting carbonic acid. HO 1 part, by weight, of hydrogen, and 8 of oxygen, constituting water. H 2 C 2 parts, by weight, of hydrogen, and 6 of carbon, constituting carbu- retted hydrogen, H 2 C 2 2 parts, by weight, of hydrogen, and 12 of carbon, constituting bi- carburetted hydrogen. 86 ECONOMY OF FUEL. OtT > CO H 'bb.kP 3 bo CO W n S .. ^ bO-rf i^a ^> / IC-2 rC O O 05 *. M.f S I -M 3 2 ^ ^ CO of o-S 1 I O 3 cj .SP ECONOMY OF FUEL. 87 JZJ H 1 o s I- 1 Ci C5 c 2 HH tD * r-l ^D O W 'S gj CO W 'W) O SiD w -a p i 8 p . 11 o ci W w 88 ECONOMY OF FUEL. ** !> "^ hn itlll- o co co CO o CO CO co t* co I-H co co if p< 2 ^ 'o *5 W 1O -^ CO 10 07 ^ CO 10 SiiW ' o CO 1 CO CO 00 CO co CO 10 o rH CO OS os CO 1O g ? fi rH rH rH rH 5 * s * * "^ 05 5 ^J a> J> OS 07 f os S o*$ MJ; i|i t--. 10 CO o CO CO CO lO 07 07 b- # CD o CO CO )O 07 > M o> CO ^ ^ "** ^ '-3 ^* j-> os os CO rH O rH ^ I^oJLj 10 rH rH 07 IS 2 S S3 ^S g t- CO cb rH CM CO CO CO rH CO CM I&ol*! 07 o CO ** Sib.. ]|'e3*je .; S 01 S 2 S c2 a? ^ CO co 1 CO o 07 CO CO TH CM CO o rH 05 CO o c~ CO r < 1O rH 0,^ 'Q { Q rH CO 07 ^, "rt o 2 .0 111-! s iS co 10 CO CM CO o o o CO 07 Oi t O 1 CO 07 CO gj* O o CO 07 07 CO CO rH 10 rH -S'sfsg-S CO CO 1O ^ '" = S a CO lO o CO co 07 CM CM JP CO CO 07 c'S" ^ 06 07 0> 07 CO ^7 lO CO Illlil co CM CO * V s 07 p2J o ^ 1 : rj O) il -tjj + o r ^ M O fe S s ZJ o O O HH Cl VH rH w 1 o^ ECONOMY OF FUEL. 89 36,000, the heating power given in the annexed table to hydrogen, is that assigned to it by Crawford. Andrews assigns 7,900 for carbon ; but inasmuch as the heating power actually obtained by experiment, is more likely to be below, than above the real value, I have taken the liberty of calling it 8,000, and with the less hesitation from the fact, that the actual amount of water recently evaporated in steam boilers by 1 Ib. of carbon- aceous coal, leaves no doubt on my mind, that even at 8,000, its heating powers are understated. In short, on theoretical grounds, I think it not unlikely but that the total heat re- sulting from its combination with 2 atoms of oxygen, is not less than 12,000, of which about 3,000 becomes latent in effecting the gasification of the carbon, leaving 9,000 for free heating power. On this view of the case, the total calorific effect pro- duced by its combustion, would have the same relation to that developed by hydrogen (1 to 3), as the quantities of oxygen with which they respectively combine. Lord Dundonald, in a new and superior pattern boiler of his own construction, has evaporated 12'91bs. of water from 100 with lib. of Llangennech coal, composed of 85 '46 of carbon, and 4'20 of hydrogen. Assuming the carbon to have effected 85 '46 per cent, of the evaporation (not an over estimate when the greater ten- dency of hydrogen to form smoke is considered), and we get lib. of carbon evaporating (in practice) 12'91b. of water. Say water at 100 P, requires the addition of 600 C to convert it into steam of atmospheric pressure. Then estimating the heating power of carbon at 8000 we get 8000~600=13|lb. of water, theoretically evaporated by lib. of carbon, and estimating the heating power of carbon at 9000. 9000 600 =l5lbs. of water theoretically convertible. Now considering that in practice there is necessarily a certain amount of loss through imperfect combustion, radiation, and the current of escaping gases, I am of opinion that we can never expect to realise more than from 80 to 85 per cent, of the theoretical value. Now 12'91bs. of water evaporated by lib. of carbon, is 90 ECONOMY OF FUEL. at the rate of 86 per cent, ou a duty of 151bs. and therefore I am of opinion, that the theoretical duty of carbon cannot be less than this sum, and consequently, that its heating power should be considered 9000 instead of 8000. Reaumur's thermometer, divides the interval between the temperatures of melting ice and boiling water, into 80 ; that of Celsius, now commonly called the centigrade (the use of which is become universal in the scientific world), into 100; and that of Fahrenheit, into 180 equal parts. The first two, place the zero at the temperature of melting ice; Fahrenheit 32 below the melting point of ice. 9 F. = 5 C. = 4 R. 1 centigrade = 1*8 of Fahrenheit; but since zero, on -the centigrade, commences at 32 Fahrenheit, in converting 1 the degrees of one thermometer into those of the other, a correction must be made for its different position. If the degrees be +> to convert centigrade to Fahrenheit multiply by 1/8, and add 32 to the product. Clement and Desormes, place the absolute zero at 266*6 C. 447*8 F., from the circumstance that air at zero expands or contracts) for each degree C. of heat added (or subtracted) g-g^-.-g-, and therefore that at 266'6 C. there can be no further diminution of volume, and consequently no further abstraction of heat. This view must however at present be regarded as conjectural. ECONOMY OF FUEL. 91 SECTION X. ON THE QUANTITY OP HEAT IN STEAM AND ITS ECONOMIC APPLICATION. 191. TILL a very recent period, the total amount of heat in (saturated) steam has been always supposed to be a constant quantity, whatever its elasticity and temperature. This doctrine entailed as a corollary, the existence of a law, that the quantity of heat existing in a combined or latent state, varied inversely with the quantity present in a free state, in such a proportion that the sum of the two was always the same. Therefore it was said, that the quantity existing in a combined state increased as the pressure on the vapour diminished, and its temperature consequently fell; whilst, on the contrary, the quantity of the free or uncombined heat increased as the pressure increased, and the temperature became augmented ; so that, " in a vessel whose sides would permit neither ingress or egress of heat, saturated vapour of water at 212, might by enlargement of the space, be converted into cold (saturated) vapour of low tension, and by continual narrowing of the space, into very hot vapour of high tension, without any liquefaction taking place in the latter case (unless the space were to become too small to allow of the water existing in the gaseous state)." 192. Estimating the latent heat of steam at 100 C, = 212 Pahr., as equal to 550 C,=990 Eahr., and the free heat as equal to 100 C,=180 Eahr., according to the preceding theory, we have In vapour of 0C. Free heat. 0C. Latent heat. 650C. Sum. 650C. 50 50 600 650 100 100 550 650 150 150 500 650 200 200 450 650 250 250 400 650 92 ECONOMY OF FUEL. 193. The preceding law is known as Watt's law; and is that which has always been, and continues to be, adopted by engineers, as the basis of their calculations. Southern, on the contrary, advanced the doctrine that the latent or combined heat of steam is always a constant quantity, and consequently that the total amount, increases or diminishes, paripassu with the tempe- rature. The recent elaborate researches of Eegriault have at length conclusively settled the question, and shown that neither of the two preceding theories is correct, but that the truth lies between them Watt's theory however, involving the smallest amount of error, when practically applied to the steam engine. Watt denied there was any increase in the total quantity of heat in steam, as the temperature became augmented. Southern asserted that the whole of the augmentation in temperature, was so much heat added: Eegnault has now determined that 30 -5 per cent, of the augmentation, is due to an addition of heat the remaining 69*5 per cent, to heat that was previously latent, be- coming free (upon the diminution in the volume of the steam con- sequent upon the accession of pressure). 194. Eegnault finds that the relation between the total quantity of heat in steam, and the temperature, may be repre- sented within the limits of error of experiment by \=A+B, and he obtains for A and B, the values A= 606*5, B=0'305, so that the formula for calculating the total heat in steam at different temperatures, becomes X=c606-5+0-305*. In vapour at Free heat. Latent heat. Sum. oc. 0C. 606-5C. 606'5C. 50 50 571'7 621-7 100 100 537 637 150 150 502-2 652-2 200 200 467-5 667'5 250 250 430-25 682-7 195. It is not a little surprising, that a question which lies so completely at the foundation of the economic application of ECONOMY OF FUEL. 93 steam, should have remained so long so imperfectly determined. The fact shows more forcibly than words, the chasm which has existed between the pursuits of the man of science, and the occu- pations of the practical man ; and it may be safely affirmed, that each year since Watt's first experiment, more thousands have been wasted from imperfect knowledge, than it would have cost pounds to have set the question at rest for ever, by a series of the most elaborate experiments, conducted on the most extensive scale. The question affected the elements of national wealth, and the resources of kingdoms was notoriously in dispute, and equally notoriously within the reach of positive determination, yet has this pre-eminently steam-power-using nation, allowed its solution to remain in abeyance fifty years ; and it is at last to the superior enlightenment and liberality of the Trench govern- ment in matters of science, that mankind are indebted for its settlement. 196. One important consequence deducible from Eegnault's law is, that when (saturated) steam of high temperature, and pressure, is allowed to expand, (without the presence of water) it becomes sub-saturated or super-heated steam, and as a conse- quence, possessed of an elasticity greater than that due to its density, in proportion to its excess of free heat ; a fact which evidently most materially increases the benefit to be derived from working steam-engines expansively, and shows us that hitherto we have under- calculated the gain accruing from this pro- cess. Thus, the quantity of heat in steam of 681bs. pressure, and 150 C.= 302 Fahr. temperature, is 27'36Fahr. more than that in steam of 15 Ibs. pressure and 100 C.=r212Fahr. tempe- rature. Consequently, if steam of the former kind, be expanded through a space, which should according to the old law, convert it into steam of the latter, it becomes in reality sub-saturated steam, with a temperature of 244*3, and possessing an elas- ticity* of nearly 18 Ibs. * Till recently, it was believed that all gases and vapours expanded equally, for equal increments of temperature, which was variously stated as 94 ECONOMY OF FUEL. 197. Another point in which Eegnault's law comes in con- tact with the question of the economical application of steam, and, modifies in a minor degree, those data on which engineers have been accustomed to rely, is the question of the economy of high pressure steam per se (i.e. irrespective of expansion). When the temperature of water, or any other volatile substance, is raised, the tension of its vapour increases in a much higher ratio than its density, because the additional heat not only increases the tension by generating more vapour, but likewise increases the expansive force of the vapour already formed. The higher the temperature, the greater the difference, and consequently the advantage, of high pressure steam-engines, assuming the heat of steam to be a constant quantity. Now, although this assump- tion is erroneous, yet the increase in elasticity consequent upon an increase of temperature, much more than counterbalances the increase in the total quantity of heat, so that high pressure steam still preserves its advantages of a higher tension, in proportion to the heat required for its generation, though not to the extent that was formerly supposed. from 7 |-o-tli to ^oth of their bulk at 32, for each degree of Fahrenheit. Muncke however long ago stated, that vapours heated to their boiling point, expand much more strongly than air; and Regnault has now established that the law, that all gases have the same co-efficient of expansion, is " true in the limit only ; that is to say. it accords more and more nearly with the results of observation, in proportion as the gases are in a more expanded state." The expansion assumed for steam in the text, is taken from a table by Mr. Charles W. Siemens, published in the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, for June, 1852. According to this table, saturated steam at 212, when heated out of contact with water, expands under constant atmospheric pressure as follows Amount of Degrees expansion. Fahr. "1 by the addition of 7 2 " " 35 3 " " 75 4 " " 120 5 " " 165 ECONOMY OF FUEL. 95 198. In the following table, column A shows the quantity of heat or fuel required to produce a given mechanical effect, at different temperatures and pressures, calculated according to the old view, "that the heat in steam is a constant quantity;" whilst B is column A corrected, to accord with the more precise ob- servations of Eegnault. Volume j com- Density I 1 Total : quantity of heat! Tempe- rature. Pres- sure in IDS. ?ared th vol. water Actual density. corres- ponding to elas- A. B. M that pro- ticity. duced it. 1146-8 212-8 15 1669 100 100 100 100 11.8 1158.6 251-6 30 883 189 200 94-5 95-472 19-4 1166-2 276-4 45 610 273-6 300 91-2 92-742 25-2 1172 295-6 60 470 355 400 88-75 90-7 30 1176-8 311-2 75 383 435-7 500 87'14 89-419 36.4 1183-2 332 100 295 565-7 666-6 84-86 87'553 40-6 1187-4 345-8 120 251 665 800 83-125 86-067 45'9 1192-7 363-4 150 205 814 1000 81-4 84-657 B 8-2 1200 387-3 200 158 1056 1333 79-22 82-895 199. Much attention being excited at present to the subject of air engines, and the supposed probability of their superceding steam engines, as offering a larger return of power in proportion to the heat expended, a slight analysis of their relative powers and capabilities may prove interesting. 200. Under a pressure of 30 inches of mercury, = 14- 7 Ibs., 1 measure of water, yields 1,700 measures of vapour at 212 according to Guy Lussac, and 1,728 according to Dalton. We will assume the latter number, since it offers the convenient and easily-remembered ratio, of 1 cubic inch of water, forming 1 cubic foot of steam. 201. 1 cubic inch of water at 60, weighs 252*5 grains, there- fore the addition of 1,118 of heat to 252' 5 grains of water at 60, will produce 1 cubic foot of expansion under an atmospheric 96 ECONOMY OF FUEL. pressure of 30 inches of mercury,= 14*7 Ibs. raised 1,728 inches, = 144 feet. 202. 1 cubic foot of atmospheric air at 60, barometer at 30, weighs 536 grains; and since air at 60, expands T ^ T for each degree, the addition of 508 to 536 grains of air, will produce 1 cubic foot of expansion under an atmospheric pressure of 30 inches of mercury, = 14*7 Ibs. raised 1,728 inches = 144 feet. 203. The quantity of heat required to raise 252*5 grains of water l',118, = the quantity required to raise 252*5 x 1,118 = 282,295 grains of water 1, (and since the specific heat of air to water is *25 to 1), the quantity of heat required to raise 536 grains of air 508, = the quantity required to heat ^~ x 508 = 68,072 grains of water 1. 204. Then 6 VgVi^V* = 24*11, shewing that 24 per cent, of the quantity of heat required to produce a cubic foot of expansion, (under atmospheric pressure, with the barometer at 30 and the thermometer at 60), by the conversion of water into steam, will produce this effect when applied to expand air. 205. So far, the balance of advantage would appear to lie on the side of heated air, in the proportion of 4 to 1, when compared with steam as a moving power ; but there remain two most important considerations to be examined, which not only turn the balance the other way, but to such an extent, as in my opinion to render it in the highest degree improbable, that heated air can ever become an advantageous substitute for steam, as a prime mover. 206. The first great drawback to the use of heated air, is the small amount of its expansion. Water, we have seen, expands 1,728 times; so that to obtain a volume of expansion of 1 cubic foot, we have only to force into the reservoir where the expansion is effected, (i.e. the boiler) a volume of 1 cubic inch. Now, could we obtain air in any similarly condensed and manageable form, yet, retaining its present small capacity for heat, it would stand on a totally different footing, from that which it actually ECONOMY OF FUEL. 97 occupies. Even at 568 however (which is probably above the temperature at which it could be practically used with advantage in a cylinder with air-tight piston), its volume (at 60) is only doubled ; consequently, for every volume of heated and expanded air which develops power as it escapes by the working cylinder, half a volume of cold air must be forced into the reservoir where the heating and expansion are accomplished, by the supply cylinder, an operation which at once consumes half the theoretic power of the engine, plus the friction of the supply cylinder with its valves and appendages, and increases its consumption of heat for duty done, to considerably more than double say from 24 to 60 per cent., as compared with the steam engine. 207. The second great disadvantage under which an air engine labours, may be said to be included in the first. It is this, that the small degree of tension it is possible to employ, from the limit placed by the question of temperature, not only virtually precludes the employment of the principle of working expansively to any extent, but also entails the necessity of employing cylinders of an enormous and unwieldy size, in pro- portion to the power obtained. By cutting off the steam when the piston has made -i-th of the stroke, its duty may be increased more than three-fold, reducing the consumption of fuel to 33 per cent. Now, even supposing (what I believe to be prac- tically impossible) that working expansively might be carried sufficiently far in the air engine, to reduce its consumption of fuel from 60 to 33 per cent. thus placing it on a level with the steam engine, with regard to consumption of fuel, in pro- portion to the amount of pressure obtained on the >piston ; the steam engine would still possess an immense preponderance over its antagonist in practical utility and convenience, on account of the huge bulk of the latter, an air engine requiring its working cylinder to be from 10- to 50-fold the area of that of a steam engine, together with a second cylinder, as supply cylinder, about two-thirds the size of the first. 208. This is stated to be the proportion between the 98 ECONOMY OF FUEL. cylinders in the marine air engine of Captain Ericsson's, which now excites so much attention, whilst the tension obtained is said to be 9 Ibs. Since two-thirds of this, exclusive of friction, will be absorbed in working the supply cylinders, we can scarcely calculate the effective pressure at more than 1-Jlb., necessitating the use of cylinders of Brobdingnagian dimensions ; arid notwith- standing the new and important principle Captain Ericsson has called to his aid, in his highly ingenious caloric regenerators, the steam engine possesses at least an equivalent in the condenser ; and I feel satis6ed that if tested, this engine would have to yield the palm for duty performed, compared with fuel consumed, to our best Cornish engines. 209. In short, there is not at present on the horizon the faintest dawn of the appearance of any mode of generating force, calculated to compete with, much less to supersede, the steam engine. Whether a time may ever arrive when we may be able to concentrate, and economically employ, the immense currents of thermo-electricity which we know must result from the action of the sun's rays and the rotation of" the earth, and thus obtain a supply of power as costless as a running stream, the wind, or the tides ; yet without the intermittent character which interferes with the practical application of the two latter, is a question at present purely problematical, and no earnest of future success has yet been obtained. Electro-magnetism, from which once (from imperfect knowledge) much was expected, is now tho- roughly understood to be a far more costly mode of obtaining power, than the combustion of coal. Heat, electricity, mag- netism, chemical affinity, force, are all equivalent to each other, according to ratios which are fixed and unalterable. The atomic weight of carbon is 6, that of zinc 32 : 1 Ib. of carbon will develop more heat, and consequently more force, than 5 Ibs. of zinc ; whilst, weight for weight, the cost of the former is to the latter as 1 to 50. On this subject Liebig aptly observes, " it is highly probable, that if we were to burn under the boiler of a steam engine, the quantity of coal required for smelting the zinc from its ores, we should produce far more force, than the whole ECONOMY OF FUEL. 99 of the zinc so obtained could originate, in any form of apparatus whatever." 210. The practical inference to be drawn from the preceding considerations is, that the improvement of the steam engine the means of obtaining from it a greater return of duty, in pro- portion to the fuel expended is one of the most important subjects which can engage the attention, and occupy the energies, of a manufacturing and commercial people. 211. That great advances can, and will be made on our present achievements, none can doubt, who have examined and compared for themselves, its theoretical capabilities, with its present performances. The direction in which an increase of duty is to be sought, is, in. my opinion, 1st, by using steam of a higher pressure; 2ndly, by applying heat directly to the cylinder and steam pipe. Both of these expedients have an economic value per se, and both contribute to increase the ad- vantages of working expansively, not only by imparting to this system a higher value within a given range, but also by increas- ing the range to which it may be beneficially extended, by lessen- ing the disparity between the initial, and terminal pressures of the steam. 212. If we use steam of 90 Ibs. pressure, and cut off at -J-th., and by the application of heat, keep the cylinder at a temperature which will ensure its not abstracting any heat from the steam, then, at the termination of the stroke, instead of atmospheric steam of 15 Ibs. pressure, we shall have atmospheric steam + 34, or, in other words, sub-saturated steam of 18 Ibs. pressure. Now, 18 Ibs. is only th of 90 Ibs., so that in reality^ we realize the effect of cutting off at -i-th, not only with respect to the amount of disparity between the initial and terminal pressures, but also as regards the sum of the duty done. If, on the con- trary, (using the same pressure and degree of expansion,) a portion of the steam be allowed to undergo condensation in the cylinder, the result is, that at the termination of the stroke, the pressure becomes re'duced to 13 lbs. 3 or even less, diminishing in F 2 100 ECONOMY OF FUEL. reality the performance of the engine below that assigned by theory to cutting off at |th. In short, to equal the pressure on the piston obtained by cutting olf at th, where the application of heat to the cylinder prevents the abstraction of any from the steam, (equalling a terminal pressure of 181bs.), in an engine where this precaution is neglected, it would be necessary to cut off at about ith. Now, the difference in the consumption of steam or fuel, between cutting off at fth or th, amounts to 33*3 per cent, and I believe this to be by no means an exaggerated representation, of the relative economy of the two systems. 213. In short, whenever engines are worked expansively, (and all are, or should be), and more particularly condensing engines, heating the cylinder should be deemed a sine qua non, and to neglect doing so, an act of consummate folly, inasmuch as it is a wanton sacrifice of 30 per cent, of useful effect, when no obstacle exists. in the way of its attainment. What makes such remissness the more unpardonable, is the fact, that the advan- tages of the system have been practically demonstrated and pro- claimed in Cornwall for twenty years past ; whilst the expla- nation of its mode of action, was made clear by the publication in this country, in 1848, of the researches of Eegnault. Extra- ordinary however as such a statement may seem to the reader, I believe it to be a fact, that there is nol at the present moment, either in the Eoyal Navy, or the mercantile marine, a single steamer fitted with any apparatus for heating the cylinders, and as a necessary consequence, all their attempts to carry the prin- ciple of working expansively, beyond the narrowest limits, prove abortions.* The cause of this singular supineness must be * At a recent trial of one of Her' Majesty's screw steamers, constructed with four cylinders, for the express purpose of better obtaining the economy due to a considerable extent of expansive working, it was found that a better effect was obtained by using only two cylinders, and cutting off at half stroke, than by using the same quantity of steam in the four cylinders, and cutting off at one-fourth, although theoretically, the result in the latter case ought to have been nearly 50 per cent. more. The cause of the anomaly was obviously the greater proportional condensation of the steam by the four cylinders, than by the two, and the result might have been predicted. ECONOMY Olr FUEL. 101 sought in the fact, that the manufacture of steam engines is regarded too much from a commercial point of view, by those engaged in it ; whilst the want of knowledge of the subject in those who order, and pay for them, places them entirely in the hands of the makers. 214. The following calculation of the theoretic capabilities of the steam engine, is interesting and instructive, and likely to be of utility, by begetting ih'dt faith in the success of efforts for its improvement, which is the parent of earnest endeavour. 215. I shall first estimate the theoretic power of an engine worked with an initial pressure of 150 Ibs., cutting off the steam at -j-^t h of the stroke. Next, of an engine worked with an initial pressure of 90 Ibs. cutting off at th* of the stroke. In both * I believe the time will come, when it will be quite an exceptional case, for an engine to be worked at a lower pressure, or at a lower grade of ex- pansion than this, for the simple reason, that there is nothing to prevent this degree being generally used, and therefore, that to employ less, will be regarded as sacrificing economy without an object. The ignorance which prevails on this subject at present is quite extraordinary. Thus, in the Jury's report of Class V. of the Great Exhibition of 1851, we are told, with reference to a French steam engine otherwise commended, "The high pressure (7 5 Ibs. per square inch) at which it is proposed to work this engine, is however to be deprecated, as attended with great risk, and with great loss, by reason of the high temperature" It is to be regretted that a reporter on the subject of steam engines, should have been unacquainted with the fact, that the Cornish engines, which greatly surpass all others in economy, habitually use steam of 75 Ibs. pressure, and often above ; whilst, with regard to the frequency of ex- plosions, they present a marked and happy contrast, to what appears to be the rule in other parts of the kingdom. In treating of rotary engines, the same report informs us, that " thanks to the more general diffusion of infor- mation in mechanics, practical men now know, that there is no more possi- bility of increasing the work of an engine, by merely altering the direction of the motion of any of its working parts, than there is of increasing the quantity of water which a reservoir will supply, by varying the pipes which serve to distribute it." Thus we are required to believe, on high authority, that there is no loss of momentum (= power) from the arrest and reversal of motion, inseparable from all reciprocating engines. Fortunately, the simple instincts of most men will suffice to prevent their being indoctrinated with such an absurdity. 102 ECONOMY OF FUEL. cases the internal surface of the cylinder to be preserved at the temperature due to the initial pressure of the steam, so that at the termination of the stroke, no heat shall have been abstracted from the steam by the cylinder, but on the contrary, a slight amount added. The theoretic values thus obtained, I shall then compare with the actual performances of our present Cornish and marine engines. Ibs. Steam of 1 50 Ibs., cut off at -j^th., will exert a mean pressure of 49*5 Allow 10 per cent, for increase in elasticity, from steam be- -\ coming sub-saturated, with 46 surplus heat, and a tension > = 4' 95 of 18' 5 Ibs. at the end of the stroke . . . . ; -J Vacuum 12 Total . . 66-45 Ibs. Ibs. 66*45 x 144 = 95 68' 8 raised 1 foot, by 1 cubic foot of atmospheric steam + 46 of heat. vol, of Ibs. steam, 568'8 x 1669 = 15,970,327 raised 1 foot, by the conversion of 1 cubic foot of water, into steam of 150 Ibs. = the addition to 1 cubic foot of water at 100, of 1078'8 + 46 of heat. '.,. ' Ibs. Steam of 90 Ibs., cut off at Jth., will exert a mean pressure of 42 Allow 10 per cent, for increased elasticity, from steam becoming -\ sub-saturated, with 34 surplus heat, and a tension of > = 4'2 18 Ibs. at end of stroke . f ' ' . ) Vacuum 12 Total . . 58-2 Ibs. Ibs. 58'2 x 144 = 8380-8 raised 1 foot, by 1 cubic foot of atmospheric steam + 34 of heat. Ibs. vol. Ibs. 8380-8 x 1669=13,987,552 raised 1 foot, by the conversion of 1 cubic foot of water, into steam of 90 Ibs. = the addition to 1 cubic foot of water at 100, of 1078'8 + 34 of heat. A cubic foot of water weighs 6 2 '3 2 Ibs. Allowing 5 Ibs. of coal to evaporate this quantity, (= 12-464 Ibs. per Ib. of coal, ECONOMY OF FUEL. 103 and 12- 9 has been done) we get as the theoretical duty of 1 Ib. of coal Ibs. Ibs. coal. Per centage In engine with initial"^ of duty. 3 194 065 * raiscd l ft _ . 62 (per k. p. ' pressnreof 150 Ibs / and cutting off aU *th ... J ( per hour ) In engine with initial ") pressure of 90 Ibs., V 3,797,511 // ='70 87'58 and cutting off at^-th j Utmost duty known "J to have been per- 1 -. 9Q 7R7 1 , ft , formed by a Corn- C M*V$? ish engine . . . ) Common amount of") duty for a superior 1,000,000 // =1'98 Sl'SQ Cornish engine . 3 ^,000 . -M4 . ,3-48 450>00 " =4 ' 4 " 14 ' 09 216. The chief obstacle to our using high-pressure steam, is the belief that safety would be compromised by so doing. Now I frankly admit, that if the use of high- pressure steam will entail as a necessary consequence, a more hazardous state of things than exists at present (when one can scarcely take up a news- paper which does not contain the details of some shocking catas- trophe, attended with the loss of life from the bursting of boiler sf), ** Equals 227 Ibs. raised 1 foot, by heat sufficient to raise lib. of water 1 Fahr. Mr. Joule estimates the mechanical value of this quantity of heat applied to air, to be equal to raise 7 82 Ibs. 1 foot. But, in capability of practical application, air is, as I have already explained (see par. 206), greatly inferior to steam. f This subject ought to be made an object of legislation, not by vexatious enactments intermeddling with the structure of boilers, or the pressure of steam, but simply by requiring every boiler to be periodically tested to three times its working pressure, and a certificate of the fact attested by signatures, forwarded to the proper officer. The laissez faire system has already been tried too long in this matter, one in which human life is at stake, and where the unfortunate victims, principally made up of the workmen in factories, have no power to protect themselves. Public safety, in cases where the public have not the power of self-protection, is unquestionably a proper object for a 104 ECONOMY OF FUEL. all idea of extending its use should be definitively abandoned. It is however easy to show, that nothing of the kind is to be anticipated, and that however plausible in appearance, may be the popular notion, which connects danger with high-pressure steam, it is in reality a prejudice which will not stand the test of exami- nation. 217. As we boast of being a practical people, let us first test the question by practical results, and appeal to facts. The engines which use the highest pressure steam (amounting some- times to 120 Ibs.) in this country, are the locomotives ; yet it is not from this class that the sad list of casualties by explosions is made up, and the Cornish engines, which come next with regard to pressure of steam, enjoy a like immunity from disaster. The same smaller per centage of accident attending the use of high- pressure boilers which prevails in this country, extends likewise to America, it having been stated in a memorial to Congress, that since the more general introduction of high-pressure steam, the number of accidents had not only not increased, but had be- come lessened in an extraordinary degree. 218. That such would be the case, is precisely what a know- ledge of the subject would lead us to anticipate. Dr. Ernst Alban justly observes,