ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING A MUNICIPAL INVESTMENT AND ITS RETURN NEW YORK, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND TWELVE TWENTY-NINE WEST THIRTY-NINTH STREET NATIONAL ELECTRIC LIGHT ASSOCIATION COMMERCIAL SECTION ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING DESIGNED AND WRITTEN BY WALDEMAR KAEMPFFERT from information compiled by the following Committee on Electric Advertising and Orna- mental street-lighting of the Commercial Sec- tion of the National Electric Light Association: WILLIAM H. HODGE, Chairman, Publicity Man- ager of H. M. Byllesby & Company, Chicago, 111. C. W. BENDER, Secretary, Commercial Engineer of the National Electric Lamp Association, Cleveland, O. A. LARNEY, Manager of the New Business De- partment, Consumers' Power Company, St. Paul, Minn. C. L. ESHLEMAN, Publicity Manager of the Adams-Bagnall Company, Cleveland, O. B. W. MENDENHALL, Commercial Agent of the Utah Railway & Light Company, Salt Lake City, Utah. T. G. WHALING, Assistant Manager of the West- inghouse Lamp Company, Bloomfield, N. J. HENRY SCHROEDER, Assistant to Manager of the Lamp Sales Department, General Elec- tric Company, Harrison, N. J. PHILIP S. DODD (ex-officio), Director of Publi- city of the National Electric Lamp As- sociation, Cleveland, O. EUGENE CREED (ex-officio), Sales Manager of the Morris Iron Company, Frederick, Md. H. I. MARKHAM (ex-officio), General Manager of the Federal Sign System (Electric), Chicago, 111. ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING CONTENTS Page THE BUSINESS SIDE OF STREET-LIGHTING .... 5 The money value of a "Great White Way." MUNICIPAL LIGHTING RIGHT AND WRONG ... 9 Light is made to see by, not to look at. How BUSINESS SECTIONS SHOULD BE LIGHTED . . 11 Lamp-posts must be beautiful by day as well as by night. How RESIDENTIAL SECTIONS SHOULD BE LIGHTED 13 The amount of money available is the govern- ing consideration. How ELECTRIC SIGNS AND WINDOW-LIGHTING AFFECT THE STREET 15 Sign-lighting advertises a thing far and wide; window-lighting attracts the passer-by ; street- lighting arouses the talk of a whole country. SYSTEMS OF ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING . . 19 The wonderfully efficient and serviceable new . lamps. WHAT IT COSTS TO LIGHT A STREET 21 Dollars and cents. POSTS FOR ORNAMENTAL MUNICIPAL LIGHTING. STANDARDS OLD AND NEW 25 GLOBES AND REFLECTORS 29 ACCESSORY APPARATUS 31 The kind of distribution aft'ects the cost of the installation. CITIES THAT HAVE ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING, DECORATIVE ARCH-LIGHTING AND DECORATIVE ARC INSTALLATIONS 39-45 They have found that good street- lighting pays. MANUFACTURERS OF ORNAMENTAL POSTS, REGU- LATORS AND COMPENSATIVE APPARATUS, GLASS- WARE, STEEL REFLECTORS AND INCANDESCENT ELECTRIC LAMPS 46-48 Write to any of them for information; it costs nothing. 270346 In Michigan Boulevard, Chicago has probably the most beautiful stretch of "white way" lighting in the world The Business Side of Street-lighting ONSIDER the case of The case of Minnesota Minnesota Street, be- street. gloom and tween 4th and 7th Streets stagnation to light and in St. Paul. In 1910 it acti was a gloomy thoroughfare, flanked by dreary buildings, most of them dilapidated. In 1912 it is a prosperous street in which new buildings are taking the place of the old. Good street-lighting and nothing else did that. A hundred towns in the United States and Canada can point to dead Minnesota streets that have been electrified by light into life. Their myriad lamps mean civic pride, prosperity, cleanliness, health, safety, enterprise everything that a business man expects of the town in which he lives. Good street-lighting pays in dollars and cents pays tremendously in attracting business, pays in greater real estate values, pays in animating avenues that would die after sunset. It is light that has made Broadway, in New York, the most talked-of street in " Undoubtedly this method of lighting has been one of the influences contributing to an increase of population. It has given the city wide adver- tising and been an attractive force." W. G. N YE Secretary Dept. of Public Affairs Commercial Club Minneapolis, Minn. ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING At Charlottenburg, Germany, may be seen a remarkably successful effort to harmonize the street-lighting installation with monumental structures. Note how admirably the monumental lighting pil- lars accord with the triumphal portal in the background. This is ornamental street-lighting carried to a wonderful pitch of perfection, a model for larger American cities to follow. M: GOOD STREET-LIGHTING MEANS GOOD BUSINESS North and South America and the most prosperous avenue in the world; light that causes newspapers to advertise it gratuitously as the "Great White Way." So markedly does light influence busi- Good street- ness that property on one side of a street is often worth more than on the other, simply because of the difference in lighting. estat| h vaiies! Several Cleveland business men, whose stores are on the north side of Euclid Avenue, between East 55th and East 66th Streets, installed a block of ornamental street fixtures. A few years ago the north side of the street had a practical monopoly of the business. Five walked on that side to one on the other. People crossed the street in order to walk on the north side. Why? Because that side was brightly illuminated, and the other was not. All that is changed now, simply because both sides are equally well lighted. Property along Euclid Avenue is worth just as much on one side as on the other, where the new system has been installed. A man is judged by the clothes he wears, the house he lives in, the business in which he is engaged. He creates the impression that he makes; therefore the impression is an index of his character. So, too, a city is judged by impressions. It may have the finest climate in the world; it may be for- tunately situated near rivers and railways; it may have every natural advantage that a business man may desire. Yet, if it be unattractive, dirty and gloomy, its development will be slow. When it does develop, the first impetus will be given by changing its appearance for the better; and in that change street-lighting will play an important part. "The effect of this has been the very great increase in the use of the street at night. The increase i/i realty values along the street has been nothing less than admirable." FRED A. OLDS Secretary, Chamber <>f Commerce Raleigh, X. C. ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING Despite the amount of light already pro- vided by other sources in Oklahoma City, this municipality of seventy thousand people proceeded to install ornamental street-lighting systems to which large extensions are being planned. The photograph was taken in 1909 before the ornamental street-lighting was put in. It is a view of Broadway from a high building. Who can doubt that crowds flock to this blaze of light like moths? AVOID GLARE AND FLICKERING There is a right and wrong way of Light is made ,. i .. .. %, . to see by, not lighting a city. Experience has shown to look at. that. Good taste and the limitations of the eye are now considered where once they were ignored. Lighting Right and Wrong Take the mere matter of "glare," for example. Glare is the result of looking at a light instead of seeing by it. Better than any man, the motorist knows what glare is. When he drives from a dark spot toward an intense light, he finds that he cannot see beyond the light; accordingly he sits back and trusts to luck that there is no person or obstruction beyond. The illuminating engineer the man who specifies the kind of lights you ought to use and where they are to be placed now knows that glare is pro- duced by hanging an excessively bright light so low that the rays enter the eye nearly horizontally, with the result that every image on the retina is drowned. Therefore he avoids it so far as he can. So, too, a flickering light is bad. It compels the eye to adjust itself continually to ever-changing intensities. The incandescent lamp was never open to that objection. In recent years the arc-lamp has been so vastly improved that it no longer flickers annoyingly. The placing of lights in the right way uiSmSStt&n* to obtain the most uniform illumination not hi s h can - die-power in oners problems of its own. Twenty-five ?P ot8 is the . . * ideal to be at- years ago cities began to use the arc-lamp tamed, extensively. But the lamps, besides flickering, con- sumed much current. Hence they could be used only sparingly at wide distances apart. Because of their "7 consider the general advertising value to the community at large has been very good. It has had the effect of adding both to the artistic beauty and cleanliness of my city." J. G. HENDERSON Commissioner of Industries Hamilton, Ontario ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING The ornamental street-lighting system of Puebla, Mexico. The standards used have commended themselves to many municipalities. The selection of a standard is not easy. What will it cost? Is it really practical in form? Is it well- designed? These three questions must always be answered by those who are commissioned to select electric-light standards. This type happens to meet the requirements of many communities. 10 A> ; 12 n WHAT A LITTLE MONEY CAN DO attracted to the business streets; yet it must be uni- form to give the best results. The equipment must be decorative by day, so as not to mar a fine street. Some business men maintain that the front of a building should be illuminated as well as the street. That is true, but ordinarily only within limits. The proper and adequate lighting of the street should not suffer. Good effects can be obtained by employing pendent lamps, that throw most of their light down- ward and outward, and enough upward to illuminate the front of a building, particularly if an upright lamp be employed in combination with the pendents. How Residential Sections Should Be Lighted The amount of money available for a The amount . of money residence section usually determines the available gov- * ^. erns tne char- character of the illumination. One of two ; methods may be followed: Either a few tion's lighting, arc-lamps of great candle-power are placed at consid- erable distances apart; or many incandescent lamps are strung along the roadway fairly near one another. The problems that confront the illuminating engineer in lighting a residential quarter are various. Usually there are trees. Accordingly, the lights must be so hung that the foliage will not interfere with the proper illumination of the street. The choice of lights, too, may be difficult because the funds with which the engineer can work are usually limited. Again, the character of the lamp-posts must depend upon the amount of money available. Still, it is astonishing what remarkably artistic results can be achieved even with small funds. "The lights prompt us all to brush up and keep our premises cleaner. The tendency of the installation is to improve real estate values, for it attracts people and thereby increases sales." E. E. EGAN Secretary and Treasurer Commercial Exchange Burlington, Iowa m 13 \\ ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING ^ Night view of Place Street, Cincinnati. The standards are surmounted with spe- cial shades fitted with glass reflectors and are spaced approximately fifty feet. This particular design will appeal to many; for it is highly efficient in illuminating the street surface. The wiring of the stand- ards consists of duplex lead-covered wire, connected with Edison tube-feeders by lead-covered cable in pipes. m. LIGHTING THE PUBLIC PARK OR DRIVE A park is a municipal ornament. Weil-designed Therefore its lighting must not only be arranged, are . * needed in adequate but decorative. A row of ugly parks, lamp-posts is no more appropriate in a park than a red four-in-hand tie in a ballroom. To illuminate a park or drive adequately, so that automobiles and carriages can see their way, so that paths and walks may be safe, and so that the best decorative effect is obtained is no easy task. What is more, the task is not completed with the selection of a suitable post and globe. The lights must be placed with the good judgment of a skillful landscape gardener. The topography of the park must be considered. If the boulevards and drives are curved, the lights must be placed to empha- size the curve. Not only is the effect good, but the automobile driver knows which way he must steer in order to keep to the road. Glare, of course, must be avoided to make the road safe at night, which means that a few high candle-powers placed far apart and low would be dangerously inappropriate. How Electric Signs and Window- lighting Affect the Street The blaze of light that marks the course of every enterprising city's main thoroughfare comes not only from the lamps in the street, but also from brilliant window displays and from signs. Sometimes, as in New York, the street-lights are all but blotted out. Why, then, waste time, money, and thought on orna- mental posts? "It has been our experience that our lighting system has called for considerable favorable comment throughout the United States, and we consider it a very valuable asset from an advertising point of view, and it has certainly added greatly to the general appearance of the city." FRANK M. MOORE Secretary Local Division St. Paul Association of Commerce St. Paul, Minn. BK:::: 15 n BW JA ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING Boulevard lighting according to the Washington plan. This is possibly as good an example of handsome, safe and efficient boulevard illumination as can be found. In wide drives the strip of park- ing is by no means essential. To illumin- ate a park or drive effectively, so that automobiles and carriages can see their way, so that paths and walks may be safe, and so that the best decorative effect is obtained, is the problem to be solved in all ornamental park-lighting. 16 STREET-LIGHTING MUST PRECEDE DISPLAY-LIGHTING In the first place street-lighting is necessary to attract business. Without it no "Great White Way" can be created. When stores have been opened or improved because business men have been drawn to the highly illuminated street they are naturally tempted to outdo one another in devising ways of attracting attention to their goods. But at the beginning of the street's development stands the ornamental street-light. Window display-lighting and the electric window-iight- , . n , . . . ing attracts sign are essentially advertising agencies, the passer-by; Sign-lighting attracts attention to the store; S^Sf Ul window-lighting to the goods displayed. country. Properly placed, electric signs draw people to a street, particularly if they tower high above some roof and are seen from a distance. But the roof signs will neither illuminate the street nor induce people to pass directly by the particular stores over which they are mounted. On the other hand, if they are placed low enough to illuminate the street they cannot be seen from a distance. Hence they lose in advertising value. All of which shows that electric sign-lighting cannot take the place of street-lighting. Each serves its own purpose. Window display-lighting will attract Neither sign i . ,! i .. T . , nor window- people if they are close to it. It has no lighting can distant influence. It is intended to arrest the passer-by and to induce him to lighting. look at the wares displayed. Post-lighting attracts people to a street; electric signs emphasize certain stores or buildings; window- lighting leads to the inspection of goods in a window. Each method helps the other. But the basis of all is post-lighting. " There can be no question that these lights advertise a community most favorably. They attract attention on the part of the train patrons pass- ing through the city at night. They attract from the smaller surrounding towns con- nected with Joliet by trolley." W.O. HODGDON Industrial Agent Industrial and Publicity Committee Joliet, III. 1 O^^^J 9 17 ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING Arc-lamp posts in Toledo, Ohio. There are many varieties of beautiful arc-lamp standards to be found throughout the United States. Some companies and cities have spent large amounts perfect- ing posts of this kind. They are familiar to all who visit the large population centers. The style, spacing, and height of posts vary with the service expected and the equipment desired. Ranging as it does from fifty to one hundred feet, the size and number of lamps used per post and the degree of illumination desired govern the spacing. MODERN IDEAS IN STREET-LIGHTING Electric signs vary in size with their position. When low they are small; when high they are large. A sign may be simply a small rectangle just above the door; or it may be an immense and wonderful structure on the top of a skyscraper. Between these two extremes is an endless variety of illuminated signs. Big or little, signs cannot be relied upon for uniform lighting of the street. Window-lighting illuminates the street, but only that part of the street in front of the window. Although it may be brighter than the street-lighting it will not illuminate the thoroughfare as a whole. Systems of Ornamental Street-lighting Ten years ago it was the fashion to string electric- light wires overhead. Consequently there was nothing for it but to hang arc-lamps along the center of the street. Ornamental street-lighting in the modern sense was introduced with the underground conduit. A post in the shape of a shepherd's crook proved to be an effective means of holding the lamp; and the curb came into its own. When the incandescent lamp was first why posts are . better than introduced for street-lighting someone festoons, started the fashion of hanging festoons of incandescent lamps across streets. The festoon system is good as a method of illumination at night; but in broad daylight it is an eyesore. At first the festoons were mere ropes of lights. Later, safer and more substantial steel arches took their place. But whether ropes or arches are employed it is difficult to clean and renew the bulbs. " Where the installation is already in, merchants tell me the loafers and undesirable citizens have been driven away. The light is not sought by this class of people. Approval of the use of the system is universal in Burlington." E. E. EG AN Secretary and Treasurer Commercial Exchange Burlington, Iowa ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING ISaJi Seven and one-half miles of Washington's streets are now embellished with single- light standards, set along the curb, bear- ing high efficiency tungsten lamps. The view shown is Pennsylvania Avenue, the White House grounds lying to the right. In public parks and drives ornamental fixtures are required that give compara- tively high illumination, so that the roads and paths may be seen. Every- where the police value of lighting must be considered. A DOLLAR-AND-CENTS TALK Next came the truly decorative system of street- lighting with posts that are efficient, ornamental and lasting and that are equipped with "Mazda" or tung- sten lamps or with the new arc-lamps. More than two hundred and fifty American cities have installed sys- tems of ornamental post-lighting, the fixtures being of various types and designs. What it Costs to Light a Street Like everything else in the world the cost Factors that *!!*. '^i i . i i i . enter into the of lighting varies with longitude and lati- cost of an in- tude. The price of labor, the material st employed, the way the current is distributed to the lamps all these factors must be considered, besides many others in determining costs. One city will approve expensive standards and bury the distributing lines in clay or fibre conduits, embedded in concrete. That method is not cheap. Another city will adopt a lower-priced standard and use iron piping without concrete. Then, too, the price of material varies in different cities with the cost of transportation. Lastly, the city's contracting power also affects the cost. The local electric lighting companies and all lamp manufacturers as well as makers of reflectors, globes and posts, are willing to give sound technical advice free on the character of an installation needed. The city engineer need not, therefore, engage expert counsel and thus add to the cost, unless, indeed, there is some special reason for engaging an outside illuminating engineer. The character of the distribution affects the amount of the expenditure. There are two ways of "I am sure that the White Way lights have made the city more attractive and drawn business to those streets thus lighted. This is shown by the fact that the property owners and merchants of other streets are trying to get the lights established there." W. G. COOPER Secretary Chamber of Commerce Atlanta, Ga. ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING ' . Faribault, Minnesota, is an example of what a town of nine thousand can do by co-operative effort. It has one hundred and six ornamental standards in the busi- ness district bearing three high-efficiency incandescent lamps, each as shown in the photograph. The city contracted for the service for ten years and the electric light company bore the initial expense. The posts are grouped, about twelve being controlled from one switch in the base of a post. A galvanized one-inch pipe serves as the conduit. A patrol turns the lights on and off. The color of the posts is olive green. ESTIMATES BASED ON FIVE -LIGHT STANDARDS supplying current to lamps the "multiple" and "series" methods. Usually the multiple system is the cheaper, but not always. The price charged for current is not the Wh y current ,./. ... .11 ^i C08ts are not same in different cities, simply because the always the conditions under which current is generated s; are hardly ever the same. The cost of fuel, the size and character of the electrical market supplied, the way in which the current is supplied (overhead or underground), depreciation of plant (it varies with the climate), the load-factor (the ratio of average load during any certain period to the total power the station could have generated during that time), the magnitude of the investment all these must be considered in comparing the cost of current of two communities. Obviously it is utterly impossible to set down cost figures that will apply to every community. Costs, however, can always be discussed on the basis of average figures. Here they are, based on installations of five-light standards only and determined from data secured from fifty odd installations of ornamental posts equipped with incandescent lamps in cities in all parts of the United States: Average installation cost per post $100.77 Average cost of operation and main- tenance per post per year 59.90 Average spacing of standards . . 70 ft. and 9 inches This average installation cost includes such items as standards, lamps, sockets, globes, concrete bases, switches, lead cables, conduits, post-wiring and instal- lation labor. The average cost of operation and main- tenance per post per year here given is the average "So far as adding to the realty values, there is no doubt in my mind but lighting has been a great factor in enhancing them, and it has certainly increased the business of the merchants along the illuminated streets." FRANK M. MOORE Secretary, Local Division Saint Paul Association of Commerce St. Paul, Minn. 23 ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING An example of effective park-lighting at Newark, Ohio. Note how well the walks and ground are illuminated, shadows being negligible. The placing of lights in the right way to obtain the most uni- form illumination offers problems of its own. There is a right and wrong way of lighting a city. Experience has shown that. Good taste and the limitations of the eye are now considered where once they were ignored. 24 39 THE PRINCIPLE OF THE FULL MOON revenue received by central stations. Therefore it is not applicable to any certain city. Maintenance includes lamp renewals, globe renewals, cleaning and the painting of the posts once each year. Posts for Ornamental Municipal Lighting An object is seen at night because it is The silhouette a source of light in itself; because the light ^""utfiized." 81 falls directly upon it; or because it is silhouetted against a light or a lighted background. It is the silhouette principle that must be utilized in most street-lighting. The lighted background against which objects are silhouetted is usually the street surface. Consequently, the amount of light that falls on that street surface must be carefully considered. It is by no means necessary that the intensity of illumination be great. Rather should it be uniform. The full moon casts no very bright light; yet it illuminates the earth so uniformly that the impression of soft brightness is produced. The full moon, not the blazing sun, is to be emulated in street-lighting. To meet these requirements a number of manufac- turers, whose names will be found at the end of this book, have designed street-lighting apparatus which is both efficient and artistic. The following illustrated descriptions will serve as a guide to those types which have commended themselves to many municipalities. Standards Old and New The old conventional lamp-post, so long used with gas, still finds a limited place in present-day systems of ornamental lighting. Old gas-lamp posts have been reconstructed for incandescent lamps by providing them with suitable reflectors. "The store-keepers take pride in their decorations and endeavor has been made under the glare of light toward keeping the streets as clean as possible." J. G. HENDERSON Commissioner of Industries Hamilton, Ontario 25 ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING A novelty in ornamental street-lighting is found in Bloomington, Indiana, where the one hundred and twenty standards were hewn from limestone, extensively quarried in the vicinity. Concrete lamp posts are durable and familiar, but natural stone standards are out of the ordinary. This system is an advertisement in more ways than one. It shows, among other things, that almost any material, handled with good taste, can be used to fashion a lamp-post. Standards are made nowadays to meet any appropria- tion, big or little. 26 CHOOSING THE RIGHT POST For new installations, no one would Almost any , ., . ,, , , durable ma- dream ol using anything that resembles teriai, handled a gas-lamp post. More decorative designs of many styles and materials can easily be a 2 ood P st - obtained. Cast iron has found a keen competitor in pressed steel, copper and bronze and concrete. Con- crete has been extensively utilized for parks and boulevards. Latterly it has been introduced with excellent results in business sections as well. Even wrought-iron pipe has been employed to produce inexpensive but neat designs. The choosing of a proper standard is Posts arc made not easy. What does it cost? Is it really tLe* and any practical in form? Is it well designed? appropriation. These three questions must always be answered by those who are commissioned to select electric light standards; and they must be answered differently for almost every community. Because of the different considerations that govern the adoption of an orna- mental street-lighting system, manufacturers have placed on the market post designs to suit any taste and any appropriation. The style, spacing and height of posts vary with the service expected and the equipment desired. In smaller cities three-light and five-light standards are most common the five-light standards at street intersections and the three-light between streets. In larger cities the five-light post is found almost exclusively. The spacing of posts varies. Ranging as it does from fifty to one hundred feet, the size and number of lamps used per post and the degree of illumination desired govern the spacing. The wider the street, "Of course, anything that makes a street attractive and draws people to it will increase the value of property, which is regulated by the number of purchasers who pass a given point." W. G. COOPER Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce Atlanta, Ga. 27 n ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING Portland, Oregon, has more than eight hundred ornamental lamp-posts bearing high efficiency incandescent lamps. This view shows the lighting of Alder Street, which for years was a dark and gloomy thoroughfare by day as well as night. Since the cluster posts were installed it has become a popular and thriving street. Portland's system dates practically from July, 1910. Several different styles of posts are used throughout the city. The most popular are those with five lights. According to Charles K. Henry, Presi- dent of the Portland Realty Board, "Realty values in the down-town dis- trict have increased twenty-five per cent, as a result of the light furnished for illumination upon these avenues." 28 COMBINING UPRIGHT AND PENDENT LIGHTS the closer should the posts be. If luminous arcs are the chief elements in the ornamental system, the posts are staggered and separated from eighty to ninety feet on a side. It is preferable, however, to arrange the posts parallel rather than to stagger them, because, in a truly ornamental system, the appearance of the instal- lation is much improved. Generally a post is twelve to fourteen feet high to the center of the pendent lamps. The standards should be placed just inside the curb line. On the corners it is best to place the units opposite the build- ing line, thus making eight units, one at each intersection. Globes and Reflectors In some installations all the lights are A *ngie up- right lamp upright. More frequently there is but with from two one upright lamp fitted with a sixteen-inch glass ball and two or four pendent lamps best results - encased in twelve-inch glass balls more frequently, because the single upright lamp illuminates the front of a building and the pendent lamps throw the major part of the light down upon the street. With either pendent or upright installations, opal shades, fitted with inside prismatic reflectors, may be used instead of the globes. The upright glass ball should enclose a hundred- watt lamp. The lamps within the pendent glass balls should be at least sixty watts. While the filament of a lamp must not be visible through the balls, yet the absorption must be less than twenty per cent, of the light. With single-light units, such as "Mazda" or tungsten lamps in the residence sections, the light ordinarily radiated upward must be directed " Kalispell is receiving a good deal of valuable advertising from the effect that it produces upon visitors who come to our small but beautiful young town." P. N. BERNARD Secretary, Kalispell Chamber of Commerce Kalispell, Mont. 1 29 ]11 ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING The wonderfully effective park installa- tion of Puebla, Mexico. To illuminate a park, the lights must be placed with the good judgment of a skillful landscape gardener. The topography of the park must be considered. Glare of course, must be avoided to make the roads and paths safe at night, which means that a few high candle-powers placed far apart and low would be dangerously inappro- priate. 30 Tgr down on the street. For that purpose reflectors are advocated. There are a number of excellent types of both glass and metal reflectors. Very effective and ornamental conver- A new use for i , i . i . . .. old gas lan- sions have been made irom gas to electricity terns, in residential sections by retaining the old gas-lanterns, but modifying them. The best examples for such conversions are to be found in Germany; but our own communities are not behindhand. In the suburbs of Boston, for example, gas-lanterns have given place to ornamental electric lanterns mounted on the old iron posts. In a court along the Charles River embank- ment, such fixtures are used with pleasing effect. Accessory Apparatus The system of distribution used materi- The kind of distribution . ally affects the cost of installation. Usually affects the cost , . . . .11 of the installa- the multiple system is the cheaper to tion. install. In the first place the cost of lamps is less; in the second place, series-sockets with film-cutouts are more expensive than the socket which is designed for multiple lamps. The cost of wire, cable and labor is practically the same. But where the series system is installed the necessity of providing some means of current regulation is required; and that is expensive. If constant-current transformers, regulators and similar forms of regulating apparatus are already installed and their capacity is large enough to take care of the increased load, which results from the installation of an ornamental system, the expense of providing regulation does not apply. In the multiple system the lamps must be extinguished either singly or in groups with regard "Merchants in other parts of the city have been so impressed with the virtue of the system that we have been able to secure contracts for its exten- sion so as to cover our entire business district." E. E. EG AN Secretary and Treasurer The Commercial Exchange Burlington, Iowa T CK:: ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING One of the earliest forms of ornamental street-lighting was of a spectacular char- acter for special occasions. The picture shows an example at Spokane, Washing- ton (Riverside Avenue). Business men of that city say it has produced hundreds of thousands of dollars in trade. Spec- tacular lighting for festivals and celebra- tions can be combined with curb post lighting with splendid effect. 32 WHEN A LAMP BURNS OUT OR BREAKS to the posts; in the series system they may be con- trolled as a unit from a distant point. When series incandescent lamps were first intro- duced they were usually placed upon the circuit with the arc-lamp, and they received the current directly from the generators. Later the "bankboard" method of regulation and the dimmer reactance-coil were both used. Later still, the shunt-box was introduced, to be superseded by the constant-current reactance-coil. Finally the constant-current transformer, which is in extensive use at the present time, was placed on the market. A great number of transformers are constant-cur- manufactured. They vary in design, but accomplish the like result of compensating compensate . ^ i i for increased for increased voltage when a lamp burns voltage when out or breaks on the circuit. A number out^^re'a'ks? of constant-current regulators are also manufactured, which, used in connection with a constant-potential transformer, answer the same purpose. With these systems various compensating resistance and reactance- coil arrangements are combined, which tend to keep the proper voltage impressed across the terminals of the lamps. All of these systems regulate well to nearly short circuit, so that any number of lamps upon the circuit may be out without disastrous effects to those remaining. In order that the entire circuit may not be broken when a lamp burns out some device is required to establish the circuit around the break. "The film- cutout" is the most common device of that kind. This consists of a very thin piece of mica or other insulating "The down-town streets, where the lights have been installed, seem to have taken on new life, and no doubt, with the opening of spring and the extension of the system in Joliet, the present satisfactory results will be greatly enhanced." W.O.HODGDON Industrial Agent Industrial and Publicity Committee Joliet, III. 33 m: ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING South Salina Street, Syracuse, New York, is a typical American business street equipped with five-light curb standards. Dozens of pictures could be shown but none more representative of this particu- lar form of ornamental street-lighting as at present developed in America. The equipment of the posts of the Syracuse installation here shown consists of forty- watt high-efficiency incandescent lamps, fitted with four twelve-inch opal balls and one sixteen-inch opal ball. The lamps burn from dusk to midnight. To cover the cost of installation and main- tenance, the merchants are assessed monthly according to the foot frontage. 34 THE FILM CUT-OUT material, so placed in the series-socket that the ordinary lamp voltage is applied across the film. Because a much higher voltage is required to break down this film than that impressed across the lamp, the film does not puncture until the burn-out occurs. Hence the total voltage of the circuit is impressed across the insulating material, so that it breaks down and closes the circuit. Another form of automatic cut-out shunts a high- resistance coil of such value around the lamp that about 0.01 of an ampere flows when the lamp is burning. When the lamp fails, the total current is sent to this coil, which, in turn, exerts a pull on an armature, closing the circuit, through a compensating resistance equiva- lent to that of a lamp. With such a cut-out the line may be fed from a constant-potential transformer. "It has been enthusiastically accepted by our people and has become very popular. It has even been suggested that some of our most beautiful residence avenues install this system of lighting. I do not believe that our people could be induced to go back to the old system of lighting." P. N. BERNARD Secretary Chamber of Commerce Kalispell, Mont. ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING New Haven has a remarkably successful system of magnetite arc lamps on orna- mental single-light posts. The system is a staggered one, the seventy-eight lamps being spaced eighty-seven feet apart on a side. The lamps give a wonderfully uniform illumination. They are of the six and six-tenths-ampere type; the posts are eleven feet and five inches in height. 36 ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING AFTER WORD Ornamental street-lighting is not an experiment. Three hundred cities in the United States and Canada have tried it and approved it; three hun- dred cities whose inhabitants have worked together whole-heartedly in the effort to make their streets more attractive; three hundred cities that have found that every dollar invested in an ornamental lighting system for business sections, residential districts, and parks is not only returned mani- fold in higher real estate values and in greater prosperity, but returned in prestige, in heightened civic pride, and in better citizenship. In the following pages you will find a list of these cities. Is your city among them? 37 ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING "Ml Dayton, Ohio, has thirteen thousand five-hundred feet of ornamental street- lighting. For this service the local light- ing company supplies power to three hundred and five five-light standards. The top light burns all night; the other lights from dusk to midnight. One post is located at a point on the curb line, opposite the building line, thus making eight standards at each crossing. Four intermediate posts are then placed on each side of the street, so that the distance between standards is approxi- mately eighty feet. ENTERPRISING COMMUNITIES LI These Cities Have Ornamental Street-lighting Installations Aberdeen, South Dakota. Ackley, Iowa. Adel, Iowa. Akron, Ohio. Albert Lea, Minnesota. Albia, Iowa. Alexandria, Louisiana. Algona, Iowa. Alhambra, California. Alton, Illinois. Altoona, Pennsylvania. Ames, Iowa. Anniston, Alabama. Ashland, Oregon. Atlanta, Georgia. Atlantic City, New Jersey. Auburn, New York. Aurora, Illinois. Baltimore, Maryland. Battle Creek, Michigan. Beloit, Wisconsin. Belvidere, Illinois. Billings, Montana. Binghamton, New York. Bloomington, Indiana. Boston, Massachusetts. Boone, Iowa. Bowling Green, Kentucky. Brooklyn, New York. Buchanan, Michigan. Bridgeton, New Jersey. Buffalo, New York. Canton, Ohio. Carroll, Iowa. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Central City, Iowa. Champaign, Illinois. Charles City, Iowa. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Chariton, Iowa. Cheyenne, Wyoming. Chicago, Illinois. Clarinda, Iowa. Clarion, Iowa. Clear Lake, Iowa. Cleveland, Ohio. Clinton, Iowa. Columbus, Georgia. Columbus, Ohio. Coon Rapids, Iowa. Creston, Iowa. Dallas, Texas. Danville, Illinois. Davenport, Iowa. Dayton, Ohio. Decatur, Illinois. Des Moines, Iowa. Duluth, Minn. Eagle Grove, Iowa. East Liverpool, Ohio. Edgar, Nebraska. Ellsworth, Iowa. Elmira, New York. Enid, Oklahoma. Estherville, Iowa. Eugene, Oregon. Evansville, Indiana. Faribault, Minnesota. Fargo, North Dakota. Forest City, Iowa. Fort Arthur, Ontario, Canada. Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. Fort Dodge, Iowa. Fort Morgan, Colorado. Fort Smith, Arkansas. Fort Wayne, Indiana. Fort William, Ontario, Canada. Fort Worth, Texas. 39 ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING ' ' The lighting of a business section must be governed by business considerations. It must be brilliant, so that people will be attracted to the business streets; yet it must be uniform to give the best results. The equipment must be decorative by day, so as not to mar a fine street. Properly placed, electric signs such as that seen on the roof in the background, draw people to a street. But they neither illuminate the street itself nor induce people to pass directly by the particular stores over which they are mounted. Their function is to advertise and not to illuminate. >|; ' . ' ' ' '. '. CITIES WITH ORNAMENTAL LIGHTING Frederick, Maryland. Fremont, Nebraska. Galesburg, Illinois. Galveston, Texas. Gary, Indiana. Geneva, Nebraska. Glen wood, Iowa. Grand Forks, North Dakota. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Grant's Pass, Oregon. Great Falls, Montana. Green Bay, Wisconsin. Green Field, Iowa. Grinnell, Iowa. Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan. Hamilton, Ohio. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Hankinson, North Dakota. Hannibal, Missouri. Harlan, Iowa. Hartford, Connecticut. Hillsboro, Texas. Holland, Michigan. Hoopeston, Illinois. Houston, Texas. Indianapolis, Indiana. Indianola, Iowa. Independence, Iowa. Independence, Kansas. Iowa City, Iowa. Iowa Falls, Iowa. Jacksonville, Florida. Jacksonville, Illinois. Jamestown, New York. Jamestown, North Dakota. Jefferson, Iowa. Jewell Junction, Iowa. Joliet, Illinois. Kalamazoo, Michigan. Kalispell, Montana. Kankakee, Illinois. Kansas City, Missouri. Knoxville, Tennessee. Kokomo, Indiana. La Crosse, Wisconsin. Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Lansing, Michigan. Laramie, Wyoming. Leavenworth, Kansas. Lenox, Iowa. Lincoln, Nebraska. Long View, Texas. Los Angeles, California. Louisville, Kentucky. Macon, Georgia. Manchester, Iowa. Manila, Philippine Islands. Marion, Iowa. Marshall, Michigan. Marshalltown, Iowa. Mason City, Iowa. McKeesport, Pennsylvania. Medford, Oregon. Miles City, Montana. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mishawaka, Indiana. Mobile, Alabama. Montgomery, Alabama. Monticello, Iowa. Moorehead, Minnesota. Morristown, New York. Mount Clemens, Michigan. Nashville, Tennessee. Nashwauk, Minnesota. Nevada, Iowa. Newark, New Jersey. Newark, Ohio. New Britain, Connecticut. New Hampton, Iowa. New Philadelphia, Ohio. New Sharon, Iowa. New Ulm, Minnesota. New York, New York. 41 m. ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING 1 A beautiful single-lamp standard which has been used with remarkable success in the city of New Haven, Connecticut. The light is a mag- netite arc, which burns with a fine steady flame and gives uniform illumination 2 A two-lamp standard of simple and graceful design, used in Euclid Ave- nue, Cleveland, Ohio. Thanks to these lights, property along Euclid Avenue has increased remarkably in value. On page seven of this book will be found the story of that increase. 3 Six lamps on a tall, slender post. 4 An old gas-post can be equipped with tungsten or Mazda lamps. This shows the pleasing effect of the trans- formation to be found in a court along the Charles River embankment, Boston. COMMUNITIES THAT HAVE CIVIC PRIDE Niagara Falls, New York. Niles, Michigan. North Yakima, Washington. Oakland, California. Ogden, Utah. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Omaha, Nebraska. Osage City, Kansas. Oskaloosa, Iowa. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Parkersburgh, West Virginia. Pasadena, California. Pasco, Washington. Paulina, Iowa. Pella, Iowa. Pensacola, Florida. Peoria, Illinois. Perry, Iowa. Peru, Illinois. Phrenix, Arizona. Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Portland, Maine. Portland, Oregon. Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Poughkeepsie, New York. Pueblo, Colorado. Racine, Wisconsin. Raleigh, North Carolina. Redlands, California. Red Oak, Iowa. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Richmond, Indiana. Richmond, Virginia. Rochelle, Illinois. Rochester, New York. Rochester, Minnesota. Rockford, Illinois. Roseland, Illinois. Roseburg, Oregon. Sac City, Iowa. St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada. St. Paul, Minnesota. Salem, Ohio. Salem, Oregon. San Antonio, Texas. San Diego, California. Sandusky, Ohio. San Francisco, California. Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Savannah, Georgia. Scranton, Pennsylvania. Seattle, Washington. Seneca Falls, New York. Seymour, Iowa. Shawnee, Oklahoma. Sherman, Texas. Shreveport, Louisiana. Sigourney, Iowa. Sioux City, Iowa. South Bend, Indiana. Spencer, Iowa. Steubenville, Ohio. Spirit Lake, Iowa. Spokane, Washington. Springfield, Missouri. Springfield, Illinois. Stony City, Iowa. Superior, Wisconsin. Syracuse, New York. Tampa, Florida. Terre Haute, Indiana. Texarkana, Arkansas. Tipton, Iowa. Toledo, Iowa. Topeka, Kansas. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Urbana, Illinois. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Vinton, Iowa. Virginia, Minnesota. ORNAMENTAL STREET-LIGHTING 1 A type of five-light post which has been widely used for the ornamental lighting of many communities. 2 The advance in ornamental street- lighting for non-business thorough- fares developed by the District of Columbia (the central station co- operating) is admirable. This post has a single light, a transparent street sign, and a fire-alarm box. Other posts have police-alarm boxes. 3 Poughkeepsie, N. Y., has one and a quarter miles of street lighted by such combined standards and trolley poles. This style of installation is sometimes desirable in narrow streets and where the initial cost is otherwise prohibitive. 4 The city of Washington has devel- oped a commendable system of orna- mental street-lighting. The standards and globes harmonize with the archi- tecture of private and public buildings. This is one of several standard designs used. Note the name-plate and the arrow above it to indicate the direc- tion of the street. - 44 LIGHT MEANS PROSPERITY Waco, Texas. Walla Walla, Washington. Warren, Ohio. Washington, D. C. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Watertown, South Dakota. Wausau, Wisconsin. Webster City, Iowa. Wichita, Kansas. Wilmington, Delaware. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Winterset, Iowa. Wymore, Nebraska. Cities That Have Decorative Arch-lighting in Their Streets Appleton, Wisconsin. Birmingham, Alabama. Butte, Montana. Canton, Ohio. Charleston, North Carolina. Charlotte, South Carolina. Columbia, South Carolina. Columbus, Ohio. El Reno, Oklahoma. Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Wilmington, Green Bay, Wisconsin. Hobart, Oklahoma. Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Macon, Georgia. Marinette, Wisconsin. Menominee, Michigan. Mobile, Alabama. San Francisco, California. South Bend, Indiana. Tacoma, Washington. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. North Carolina. Cities With Decorative Arc Installations Baltimore, Maryland. Boston, Massachusetts. Buffalo, New York. Chicago, Illinois. Cleveland, Ohio. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Detroit, Michigan. Louisville, Kentucky. Newark, New Jersey. New Haven, Connecticut. New York, New York. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Pueblo, Colorado. Reading, Pennsylvania. Rochester, New York. St. Louis, Missouri. San Francisco, California. Syracuse, New York. Toledo, Ohio. Washington, District of Columbia. 45 HIT WHERE TO BUY Manufacturers of Ornamental Standards The following manufacturers make street-lighting apparatus of the kind that has been most successful. They will be pleased to forward catalogues and price- lists and to give free of charge information on street- lighting not contained in this book. Adams-Bagnall Electric Company Cleveland, Ohio American Concrete Pole Company Richmond, Ind. American Steel and Wire Company Chicago, 111. American Woodworking and Machinery Company . . Aurora, 111. J. G. Birtness Sons Company Davenport, Iowa Butte Engineering and Electric Company . . . San Francisco, Cal. The George Cutter Company South Bend, Ind. Dearborn Foundry Company Chicago, 111. Electric Railway and Equipment Company . . . Cincinnati, Ohio J. W. Fiske Iron Works New York City, N. Y. Flour City Ornamental Iron Works Minneapolis, Minn. Hollow Concrete Pole Company Oklahoma City, Okla. Independent Foundry Company Portland, Ore. Joshua Hendy Iron Works San Francisco, Cal. Kramer Brothers Foundry Company Dayton, Ohio Love Brothers Aurora, 111. McDonnel Iron Works Des Moines, Iowa Minneapolis Steel Machinery Co Minneapolis, Minn. Morris Iron Company Frederick, Md. J. L. Mott Iron Works New York, N. Y. Ornamental Lighting Pole Co New York, N. Y. Paxton and Vierling Iron Works Omaha, Neb. Pettyjohn Company Terre Haute, Ind. Phoenix Iron Works Portland, Ore. Smith and Watson Iron Works Portland, Ore. Union Metal Manufacturing Company Canton, Ohio United Iron Works Oakland, Cal. Wallace Machine and Foundry Company .... Lafayette, Ind. Western Gas Construction Company Fort Wayne, Ind. ADDRESSES WORTH KNOWING Manufacturers of Transformers, Regulators and Compensative Apparatus Adams-Bagnall Electric Company . . . Cleveland, Ohio General Electric Company Schenectady, N. Y. J. H. Hallberg, 36 E. 23d St New York, N. Y. Helios Mfg. Co Bridesburg, Philadelphia, Pa. Maloney Electric Company St. Louis, Mo. Packard Electric Company Warren, Ohio Pittsburg Transformer Company .... Pittsburg, Pa. Western Electric Company Chicago, 111. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. ... Pittsburg, Pa. Write to these firms for cata- logues and informa- tion. Glassware for Ornamental Standards Gillinder & Sons Philadelphia, Pa. Haskins Glass Company Wheeling, W. Va. Jefferson Glass Company Follansbee, W. Va. Macbeth-Evans Glass Company .... Pittsburg, Pa. Nelite Works of the General Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio Opalux Company New York, N. Y. Phcenix Glass Company New York, N. Y. Write to these firms for cata- logues and informa- tion. Steel Reflectors for Street-lighting Adams-Bagnall Electric Company Benjamin Electric Manufacturing Co. George Cutter Company Federal Sign System (Electric) . . . General Electric Company .... Philadelphia Electric Company . . . Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. . Wheeler Reflector Company . ... . Cleveland, Ohio . . Chicago, 111. . South Bend, Ind. Write to . . . Chicago, 111. firms for cata- Schenectady, N. Y. logues find . Philadelphia, Pa. informa- Pittsburg, Pa. Boston, Mass tion. WHERE THE NEW LAMPS ARE MADE Manufacturers of Incandescent Electric Lamps . . Hartford, Conn. . . . Harrison, N. J. Franklin Electrical Manufacturing Company General Electric Company (Lamp Works) National Electric Lamp Association Composed of the following Works of the General Electric Com- pany: American Electric Lamp Works . Banner Electric Works . . . . . Brilliant Electric Works Bryan-Marsh Electric Works . . . Buckeye Electric Works Buckeye Electric Works, S. A. . . . The Colonial Electric Works . . . Columbia Incandescent Lamp Works Fostoria Incandescent Lamp Works General Incandescent Lamp Works Monarch Incandescent Lamp Works Munder Electric Works . Packard Lamp Works The Peerless Lamp Works . . . . Shelby Lamp Works Standard Electric Works The Sterling Electric Lamp Works . Sunbeam Incandescent Lamp Works Westinghouse Lamp Company . Central Falls, R. I. . Youngstown, Ohio . . Cleveland, Ohio ( Central Falls, R. I. / Chicago, 111. . . Cleveland, Ohio . . . Mexico, D. F. . . . Warren, Ohio . . .St. Louis, Mo. . . . Fostoria, Ohio . . Cleveland, Ohio . . . . Chicago, 111. j Central Falls, R. I. | Chicago, 111. . . . Warren, Ohio . . . Warren, Ohio . . . Shelby, Ohio . . . Warren, Ohio . . . Warren, Ohio ( New York, N. Y. } Chicago, 111. . Bloomfield, N. J. 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