• Qgj THE CITY OF NEW YORK 2 Hll DEPARTMENT OF"FINANCE COMPARATIVE TABLE and ANALYSIS of DEBT SERVICE APPROPRIATIONS in BUDGETS of 1915 and 1916 TABLES SUMMARIZING the INTEREST PAYABLE in 1916 on CITY DEBT, SHOWING the AMOUNT of SUCH INTEREST TO be RAISED by TAXATION, AND the AMOUNT from OTHER SOURCES, and TO WHOM SUCH INTEREST is PAYABLE PRESENTED TO THE BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT BY WM. A. PRENDERGAST, COMPTROLLER OCTOBER 22, 1915 47 THE CITY OF NEW YORK— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. October 22, 1915. To the Board of Estimate and Apportionment: Gentlemen : The Tables herewith submitted relate to the Debt Service charges, to wit, the interest on the City's bonded debt and the appropriations for redemption and amortization of such debt which must be provided in the tax budget of 1916: These exhibits consist of — A comparative table, summarizing the appropriations for Debt Service in the budget of 1915 and the appropriations for similar purposes which will require to be included in the budget of 1916. Also a table (p. 16) showing the amounts and general purposes for which Special Revenue Bonds were issued. Each appropriation is paralleled wifh the increase or decrease for 1916 as compared with the corresponding amount for 1915. This table shows a net increase in Debt Service appropriations for 1916 of $3,882,739.07 over the appropriations for similar purposes in the budget of 1913. An "Analysis" of the increases and decreases in each corresponding item of tin- Debl Service charges of 1916 and 1915. Table "A" — Summarizing the interest payable in 1916 on the bonded indebtedness as of September 30, 1915, of the City, arranged according to political division, and show- ing the totals of such interest which are to be raised by taxation and the amounts to be derived from other sources; also showing the totals of such interest payable to the public and the amounts which will flow into the sinking funds as interest on the City's securities held by them. This table shows that there will be a grand total of $54,842,188.47 of interest payable on the City's debt in 1916, of which $42,270,934.84 will require to be raised in the tax budget and $12,571,253.63 will come from other sources, such as from water revenues ; from the Interborough Rapid Transit Com- pany as Lessee of the Rapid Transit Railroad ; from the General Fund as interest payable on General Fund bonds, etc., etc. $43,365,279.93 of the grand aggregate will be payable to the public and $11,476,908.54 will go into the City's sinking funds. Table "B" — Summarizes the interest payable on the City's bonded indebtedness as of September 30, 1915, arranged according to political divisions, that is, according to the City of New York as constituted since January 1, 1898, and according to the former municipalities ; and further classified according to the general purposes for which bonds were issued, viz., rapid transit, water supply, etc., etc. This table also classifies the sources from which the interest is to be derived and to whom it is payable under the same principle of segregation as obtains in Table "A." Table "C" — Summarizes the interest payable in 1916 on the City's bonded debt under the same general plan with respect to political division as obtains in Table "A," but classifies the debt and the interest payable thereon according to the several rates of interest which the bonds bear. The source from which the interest is to be derived and to whom it is payable are segregated on this table under .the same principle as obtains in Tables "A" and "B." Respectfully, William A. PRENni:RC.\ST, Comptroller. THE CITY OF NEW YORK— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Division of Chief Accountant. COMPARATIVE TABLE— Summarizing the APPROPRIATIONS for DEBT SERVICE in the BUDGET of 1915, and the APPROPRIATIONS for SIMILAR PURPOSES which will require to be INCLUDED in the BUDGET of 1916; also showing the AMOUNT of the APPROPRIATIONS in the BUDGET of 1915 to PROVIDE for DEFICIENCIES in TAXES, and the AMOUNT which should similarly be PROVIDED in the BUDGET of 1916. APPROPRIATIONS in BUDGET for 1915. APPROPRIATIONS to Be INCLUDED in BUDGET for 1916. 1916 Compared With 1915. Increase. Decrease. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. INTEREST ON CITY DEBT : Interest on Funded Debt. The City of New York as consti- tuted since January 1, 1898 (ex- cluding Interest on Special Revenue Bonds) $33,076,215 95 The City of New York, as consti- tuted prior to January 1, 1898. . 2,185,806 16 The City of Brooklyn, Kings County, and former Towns therein, as constituted prior to January 1, 1898 1,887,023 29 Municipalities in Queens County, as constituted prior to January 1, 1898 328,173 11 Municipalities in Richmond County, as constituted prior to January 1, 1898 85,822 85 TOTAL $37,563,041 36 Interest on Temporary Debt. Interest on Special Revenue Bonds outstanding September 30th... 98,862 49 Interest on Bonds, Corporate Stock and Corporate Stock Notes to be issued from Octo- ber 1st to December 31st of current year and to September 30th of vear following (esti- mated) .' 1.750,000 00 .Interest on Revenue Bonds and Bills issued and to be issued (estimated) 3,000,000 00 TOTAL AMOUNT of AP- PROPRIATIONS for INTEREST on CITY DEBT in BUDGET of 1915 $33,227,342 47 1,937,254 57 1,386,287 81 320,110 49 81,512 88 $36,952,508 22 118,426 62 1,200,000 00 4.000,000 00 $151,126 52 19,564 13 $248,551 59 500,735 48 8,062 62 4,309 97 550,000 00 1,000,000 00 $42,411,903 85 TOTAL AMOUNT of AP- PROPRIATIONS for INTEREST on CITY DEBT to be INCLUDED in BUDGET of 1916 $42,270,934 84 TOTAL INCREASES and DECREASES— 1916 COMPARED with 1915.. $1,170.690 65 $1,311,659 66 IX. AMORTIZATION INSTALL- MENTS PAYABLE INTO SINKING FUNDS: The Sinking Fund of the City of New York $7,400,000 00 $8,200,000 00 $800,000 00 C< IMPAKATIVE TABLE— Continued. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. APPROPRIATIONS in BUDGET for 1915. AITK'O'l'KIATIONS to Be INCLUDED in BUDGET for 1916. 1916 Compared With 1915. Increase. Decrease. REDEMPTION OF THE CITY DEBT: The City of New York, as consti- tuted since January 1, 1898 — Redemption of 1-15 of $25,000,- 000 of Serial Bonds The City of New York, as consti- tuted since lanuary 1, 1898 — Redemption of 1-15 of $322,000 of Notes or Serial Bonds to be issued (estimated) The City of New York, as consti- tuted since January 1, 1898 — Appropriation of 1-4 of esti- mated Amount of $1,600,000 of Non-revenue-producing Outlays in 1915 The City of New York, as consti- tuted prior to January 1, 1898. . The City of Brooklyn, Kings County, and former Towns therein, as constituted prior to January 1, 1898 Municipalities in Queens County, as constituted prior to January 1, 1898 Municipalities in Richmond County, as constituted prior to January 1, 1898 XVIII. $18,590 00 825,000 00 122,790 48 117,096 71 TOTAL AMOUNT of AP- PROPRIATIONS for DI- RECT REDEMPTION of FUNDED DEBT $1,083,477 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS for REDUCTION of FUNDED DEBT 19 $1,666,760 00 21,470 00 400,000 00 19,090 00 1,125,000 00 528,127 11 166.737 50 $3,927,185 27 $1,666,760 00 21.470 00 400.000 00 500 00 300,000 00 405,337 29 49,640 79 $2,843,708 08 S.483,477 19 Special Revenue Bonds, , Redemp- ^^ ^ TOTAL DEBT SERVICE APPROPRIATIONS ... $59,815,381 04 $12,127,185 27 9,300,000 00 $63,698,120 11 380,000 00 TOTAL INCREASE- over 1915 -1916 TOTAL DECREASE — 1916 under 1915 $5,194,398 73 1,311,659 66 $1,311,659 66 NET INCREASE for DEBT SERVICE— 1916 over 1915... $3,882,739 07 DEFICIENCIES IN TAXES: Amount of Deficiencies on January 1, 1914, and on January 1, 1915, respec- tively, in the Product of Taxes There- tofore Levied, deemed to be Uncollec- tible and not Otherwise Provided for (Chapter 209, Laws of 1906) $6,112,092 44 THE CITY OF NEW YORK— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Division of Chief Accountant. ANALYSIS of the INCREASE in DEBT SERVICE. The INCREASE in the appropriations lor DEBT SERVICE for lyio OVER the appropriations lur similar purposes in tne .budget of lylo aggregates $3,882,739 07 THIS INCKHASr. CLASSIFIES as FOLLOWS: Interest on the funded Uebt issued by the City lrom Jan. 1, 1898, will require an increase over iyi5 appropriations of $151,126 52 This comparatively small increase over the corresponding appropriations for 1915, notwithstanding the increase in the principal of the City's Funded Debt, is due to the fact that $;>7,OOU,U00 of corporate stock notes, on which a full year's interest at b c /o per annum, was payable in 1915, were retired in September by means of corporate stock carrying interest at 4y 2 Vc per annum. INCREASES in the DEBT SERVICE. Interest payable in 1916 on the Special Revenue Bonds out- standing Sept. 30, 1915, will require an increase over 1915 appropriations ot 19,564 13 This increase in interest requirements is due to the fact that there were $2,225,650 more special revenue bonds out- standing Sept. 30, 1915, than at the corresponding period of 1914. Interest on Revenue Bonds and Bills to be provided in the Budget of 1916 carries an increase over 1915 appropriation for a similar purpose of 1,000,000 00 In other words, the tentative budget contains an appro- priation of $4,000,000 as compared with $5,000,000 in the budget of 1915. It is to be noted, however, that the appro- priation of $3,000,000 in the budget of 1915 for interest on revenue bonds and bills was increased during the current year by a transfer of $500,000 from another appropriation. The real increase, therefore, in the appropriation for interest on revenue bonds over the amount required for 1915 is actually $500,000. A full year's interest will require to be paid in 1916 from this appropriation on $43,000,000 of bonds at 6% per annum, or for this item alone, $2,580,000. It is estimated that $1,420,000 additional should be provided to cover the interest on additional revenue bonds already issued and also on those which will require to be issued in 1916. This, as already stated herein, will represent $500,000 more than the total amount provided in 1915, but the average rates of interest at which the City has been enabled to finance its current obligations during 1915 are so much below what may normally be expected in 1916 as to necessitate and justify the additional amount for this purpose ; furthermore, in all like- lihood more money will require to be borrowed by means of revenue bonds than was neecssary during this year. INSTALLMENTS PAYABLE into SINKING FUNDS. The appropriation for Amortization Installments payable into Sinking Funds includes an increase over 1915 appropriation of $800,000 00 As in 1915, the total installments for sinking funds, to be raised by taxation in 1916, are payable into the " Sinking Fund of the City of New Y'ork" and the increase of $800,000 over and above the appropriation for a similar purpose in the budget of 1915 is made necessary by the increase since Sept. 30, 1914, of upwards of $34,000,000 in the Funded Debt of the City, redeemable by the Sinking Fund of the City of New York and which has therefore increased the annual amortization appropriations required to be paid into said Sinking Fund. The appropriation of $8,200,000 to be included in the budget of 1916 for sinking fund require- ments is based upon a careful actuarial analysis which has been made of the accrued amortization of the Sinking Funds, together with the assets to meet such actuarial reserves. This survey shows that an appropriation of $8,200,000, to- gether with revenues from other sources, which are pledged to the Sinking Funds, will be sufficient to meet all Sinking Fund requirements for 1916. REDEMPTION of the CITY DEBT. The appropriations in the Budget of 1915 for direct redemption of the Funded Debt of the former City of New Y'ork and of the Munici- palities in Kings, Queens and Richmond, which were consolidated into the City of New York on January 1, 1898, aggregated $1,083,477 19 The appropriations of 1916 for similar pur- poses aggregate $1,838,955 27 an increase of 755,478 08 The Funded Debt of these former Municipalities, which is maturing from year to year, varies in the annual aggre- gate and consequently the appropriations for such purposes may be greater or may be less any year than in the year preceding. During 1916 the total amount of such Funded Debt maturing and which must be redeemed, will be $755,478.08 more than matured and was redeemable during the current year (1915). The Budget of 1916 should carry an aggregate of $2,088,230 for Serial Bonds and Notes redeemable in 1916, the proceeds of which were used in expenditures for Non-revenue producing Improvements. This is in accordance with the "Pay-as-you- go" policy adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportion- ment on Sept. 11, 1914. The appropriations for these pur- poses therefore constitutes an increase in the Budget of 1916 over that of 1915 of 2,088,230 00 The appropriation in the Budget of 1916 for the redemption of Special Revenue Bonds will show an increase over the appro- priation for similar purpose in the Budget of 1915 of 380,000 00 In 1914 there were $11,925,425 of Special Revenue Bonds issued. The Special Revenue Bonds outstanding Sept. 30, 1915, together with the estimates of additional amounts which will require to be issued, aggregate $9,300,000, the amount which has been included in the tentative budget for redemption through the tax levy of 1916. Of the Special Revenue Bonds outstanding Sept. 30, 1914, there were $2,330,000 redeemed in 1915 by corporate stock, that amount representing the expenditures by the Public Service Com- mission for superintendence, engineering and administration in and about the construction of the subway and which was thus funded as a part of the cost of construction to be provided by the City. $675,425 of the 1914 Special Revenue Bonds were redeemed in 1915 through the Revenue Bond Fund for Claims, which amount is consequently included in the appropriation of $9,300,000 to be covered into the Budget of 1916. It will therefore be obvious that appropriation of $9,300,000 in the Budget of 1916 to redeem Special Revenue Bonds, actually represents $2,625,425 less for this purpose than was provided in the Budget appropriation of 1915 and from other sources. The TOTAL INCREASES therefore in tentative appropriation estimates for DEBT SERVICE in the BUDGET of 1916 over the appropriations provided for similar purposes in the BUDGET of 1915 aggregate $5,194,398 73 DECREASES in DEBT SERVICE APPROPRIATIONS. The Budget of 1915 contains appropriations for Interest on the Funded Debt of the former City of New York and of the Municipalities in Kings, Queens and Richmond, which were consolidated into the City on Jan. 1, 1898, aggregating $4,486,825 41 The Budget of 1916 will contain appro- priations for a like purpose, aggregating $3,725,165 75 or a decrease of $761,659 66 This decrease represents the interest-saving in 1916 on the bonds of these former Municipalities redeemed in 1915 and also the interest saving on the additional bonds which will be redeemed in the early part of 1916 and for which redemption appropriations will be provided in said budget. The Budget of 1915 carried an appropriation of $1,750,000 for Interest on Bonds, Corporate Stock and Corporate Stock Notes to be issued from October 1. 1914, to October 1. 1915. The tentative appropriation for a like purpose to he included in the budget of 1916 is $1,200,000. or a decrease of $550,000 00 as compared with the appropriation of 1915. A careful survey has been made, closely estimating the probale requirements to be met by corporate stock and cor- porate stock notes issued during the coming year and the probable average rate of interest which will be parable on the latter. The result of this survev is reflected in the tentative appropriation of $1,200,000 which, while necessarilv an estimate, is considered to be the minimum amount which should be provided in the budget of 1916 for such ex- penditures. The TOTAL DECREASES in DEBT SERVICE APPROPRI- ATIONS of 1916 as compared with 1915 aggregate 1.311.659 66 NET TNCREASFS in APPROPRIATIONS for 1016 nvr RUD- GFT APPROPRIATIONS of 1915 for INTEREST on and REDUCTION of FUNDED DEBT $3,882,739 07 THE CITY OF NEW YORK— Division of TABLE A— Summarizing the INTEREST PAYABLE in 1916 on the BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, 'as of SION, and showing the SOURCES from which such INTEREST is to be DERIVED and to on BONDS and NOTES to be ISSUED from OCTOBER 1, 1915 to SEPTEMBER 30, 1916. Political Divisions. Principal of Funded Debt Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. FUNDED DEBT. The City of New York, as constituted January 1, 1898— Funded Debt, per se General Fund Bonds Corporate Stock Notes II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. $144,808,571 10 183,000,000 00 $844,674,594 62 $989,483,165 72 183,000,000 00 16,362,284 93 16,362,284 93 TOTALS— Present CITY OF NEW YORK. . . . Funded Debt of the former City of New York, as constituted prior to January 1, 1898, con- sisting of Bonds issued prior to said date and Bonds of the County of New York prior to 1898 ($223,082,666.27— January 1, 1898) Funded Debt of the former City of Brooklyn, consisting of Bonds issued prior to January 1, 1898; Kings County Bonds, and the Bonds of all other Municipalities consolidated into the City of Brooklyn prior to January 1, 1898 ($81,626.175.53— January 1, 1898) Funded Debts of Long Island City and of all other Municipalities in the Borough of Queens, issued prior to January 1, 1898, including the proportion of the Funded Debt of the County of Queens imposed upon the Citv of New York ($13,709,935.62— January 1, 1898) Funded Debt of Municipalities in the Borough of Richmond, issued prior to January 1, 1898, including Richmond County Bonds ($3,486,- 736.67— January 1, 1898) TOTAL FUNDED DEBT and INTEREST thereon PAYABLE in 1916 TEMPORARY DEBT. Special Revenue Bonds Outstanding September 30. 1915 $327,808,571 10 $861,036,879 55 $1,188,845,450 65 25,857,907 50 5,551,394 76 19,000 00 65,860,977 89 32,604,922 41 8,104.656 11 1,835,637 50 91,718,885 39 38,156,317 17 8,123,656 11 1,835,637 50 $359,236,873 36 $969,443,073 46 $1,328,679,946 82 100,000 00 7,533,075 34 7,633.075 34 TOTALS $359,336,873 36 $976,976,148 80 $1,336,313,022 16 Interest on Bonds, Corporate Stock, and Cor- porate Stock Notes to be issued from Octo- ber 1 to December 31, 1915, and to September 30, 1916 (estimated on $27,000.000) Interest on Revenue Bonds and Bills outstand- ing September 30, 1915, and on Bonds to be issued in 1916 (estimated) (outstanding Sep- tember 30, $71.038,981.16) GENERAL FUND BONDS— ADDITIONAL Interest on General Fund Bonds issued in 1915 after September 30 TOTAL INTEREST PAYABLE in 1916 from Taxation to be INCLUDED in the BUDGET of 1916. . TOTAL INTEREST PAYABLE in 1916 from SOURCES other than from GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY $23,000,000 00 $23,000,000 00 TOTAL INTEREST on CITY'S DEBT PAYABLE to PUBLIC in 1916 from TAXATION...... TOTAL INTEREST on CITY'S DEBT PAYABLE to PUBLIC in 1916 from ALL OTHER SOURCES. GROSS TOTAL INTEREST PAYABLE to PUBLIC in 1916 on CITY'S DEBT. TOTAL INTEREST on CITY'S DEBT PAYABLE to SINKING FUNDS in 1916 from TAXATION TOTAL INTEREST on CITY'S DEBT PAYABLE to SINKING FUNDS in 1916 from ALL OTHER SOURCES GROSS TOTAL INTEREST PAYABLE to SINKING FUNDS in 1916 on CITY'S DEBT. GRAND TOTAL of INTEREST on CITY'S DEBT PAYABLE in 1916 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Chief Accountant. nivi SEPTEMBER 30, 1915. of THE CITY 01'" NEW YORK, arranged according to POllllLA L 1 )ivi- WHOM it is PAYABLE; also including ESTIMATES of INTEREST which will be PAYABLE in Wlo ere st Derived Interest Payable to Inl to be Publi c. Sinking Funds. ^_ , From Taxation. All other Sources. From Taxation. All other Sources. From Taxation. All other Sources. $33,163,126 20 $5,421,004 03 5,490,000 00 123,953 06 $28,971,360 16 $5,202,447 18 $4,191,766 04 $218,556 85 5,490,000 00 04,216 27 64,216 27 123,953 06 $5,326,400 24 $33,227,342 47 $11,034,957 09 $29,035,576 43 $4,191,766 04 $5,708,556 85 1,937,254 57 722,681 73 1,936,519 57 735 00 722,681 73 1,386,287 81 125,489 81 1,231,472 23 100,136 47 154,815 58 25,353 34 320,110 49 18,125 00 320,110 49 18,125 00 81,512 88 81,512 88 $36,952,508 22 $11,901,253 63 $32,605,191 60 $5,444,661 71 $4,347,316 62 $6,456,591 92 118,426 62 115,426 62 3,000 00 1,200,000 00 1,200,000 00 4,000,000 00 4,000,000 00 $54,842,188 47 670,000 00 $42,270,934 84 12,571,253 63 $12,571,253 63 $37,920,618 22 5,444,661 71 $43,365,279 93 11,476,908 54 $54,842,188 47 $5,444,661 71 670,000 00 $4,350,316 62 7,126,591 92 $11,476,908 54 $7,126,591 92 10 THE CITY OF NEW YORK— Division of TABLE "B"— Summarizing the INTEREST PAYABLE in 1916 on the BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, as SION and classified according to GENERAL PURPOSES for which BONDS were ISSUED; also showing Principal of Bonds Arranged According to Political Division and Classified According to General Pur- pose. Principal of Funded Debt Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. I. FUNDED DEBT: The City of New York, as constituted since Janu- uary 1, 1898: Funded Debt, per se : Corporate Stock for Rapid Transit $5,400,948 77 $129,906,940 00 Corporate Stock for Water Supply 32,733,572 84 177,591,700 00 Corporate Stock for all other Municipal Pur- poses 92,269,036 84 498,721,334 62 Serial Bonds for Various Municipal Purposes . . 25,000,000 00 Assessment Bonds 14,405,012 65 13,454,620 00 TOTALS— FUNDED DEBT, per se.... $144,808,571 10 $844,674,594 62 Corporate Stock Notes, for Rapid Transit Corporate Stock Notes, for Water Supply Corporate Stock Notes, for all other Municipal Purposes TOTALS - NOTES CORPORATE STOCK $10,850,093 15 2,484,876 71 3,027,315 07 $135,307,888 77 210,325,272 84 590.990,371 46 25.000.000 00 27,859,632 65 ,483,165 72 $10,850,093 15 2,484,876 71 3,027,315 07 $16,362,284 93 $16,362,284 93 General Fund Bonds. $183,000,000 00 $183,000,000 00 TOTALS of foregoing. $327,808,571 10 $861,036,879 55 $1,188,845,450 65 II. TEMPORARY DEBT: Special Revenue Bonds outstanding September 30, 1915 TOTALS— FUNDED DEBT and SPECIAL REVENUE BONDS of THE CITY OF NEW YORK and IN- TEREST thereon PAYABLE in 1916 Bonds, Corporate Stock, and Cor- porate Stock Notes to be issued from October 1 to December 31, 1915, and to September 30, 1916. estimated at $27,000,000 Revenue Bonds and Bills outstand- ing September 30, 1915, and to be issued in 1915 and 1916 TOTALS— FUNDED and TEMPORARY DEBT of THE CITY OF NEW YORK, as constituted since JAN- UARY 1, 1898, and INTEREST thereon PAYABLE in 1916 III. FUNDED DEBT: Former City of New York, as constituted prior to January 1, 1898, consisting of Bonds issued prior to said date and Bonds of the County of New York : Bonds of the former City of New York, issued for Water Supply Bonds of the former City of New York, issued for all other Municipal Purposes... Bonds of the County of New York Bonds of the Annexed Territory of West- chester County $100,000 00 $7,533,075 34 $7,633,075 34 $327,908,571 10 $868,569,954 89 $1,196,478,525 99 71,038,981 16 71,038,981 16 $327,908,571 10 $939,608,936 05 $1,267,517,507 15 $65,000 00 25,571.871 29 50,000 00 171,036 21 $4,717,500 00 51,932,077 89 8,649,000 00 562,400 00 $4,782,500 00 77,503,949 18 8,699,000 00 733,436 21 TOTALS-FORMER CITY OF NEW YORK. . . . $25,857,907 50 $65,860,977 89 $91,718,885 39 11 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Chief Accountant. of SEPTEMBER 30, 1915, of THE CITY OF NEW YORK, arranged according to POLITICAL D1YI- the SOURCES from which such INTEREST is to be DERIVED and to WHOM it is PAYABLE. Ini terest Derived Interest Payable to to be Public. Sinking Funds. From Taxation. From other Sources. From Taxation. From other Sources. f From Taxation. From other Sources. $77,956 27 $5,375,864 28 44,164 75 $77,956 27 7,374,058 87 19,854,822 32 1,087,497 90 577,024 80 $5,170,532 93 31,914 25 $205 331 35 8,350,554 44 22,638,907 43 $976,495 57 2,784,083 11 12,250 50 1,087,497 90 1,008,210 16 975 00 431,185 30 975 00 $33,163,126 20 $5,421,004 03 $28,971,360 16 $5,202,447 18 $4,191,766 04 $218,556 85 $123,953 06 $123,953 06 28,820 21 28,820 21 35,396 06 35,396 06 $64,216 27 $123,953 06 $64,216 27 $123,953 06 $5,490,000 00 $5,490,000 00 $33,227,342 47 $11,034,957 09 $29,035,576 43 $5,326,400 24 $4,191,766 04 $3,000 00 $5,708,556 85 $118,426 62 $115,426 62 $33,345,769 09 $11,034,957 09 $29,151,003 05 $5,326,400 24 $4,194,766 04 $5,708,556 85 1.200,000 00 1,200.000 00 4,000,000 00 4,000,000 00 $38,545,769 09 $11,034,957 09 $34,351,003 05 $5,326,400 24 $4,194,766 04 $5,708,556 85 $61,215 00 1,559 094 24 285,417 00 31,528 33 $1,937,254 57 $35 00 716,180 64 1,630 00 4,816 09 $722,681 73 $61,215 00 1,559,094 24 285,417 00 30,793 33 $1,936,519 57 $735 00 $35 00 716,180 64 1,650 00 4,816 09 $735 00 $722,681 73 12 TABLE B Principal of Bonds Arranged According to Political Division and Classified According to General Pur- pose. Principal of Funded Debt Held By Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. $1,560,355 00 8,227,567 41 15,210,000 00 2,277,000 00 5,330.000 00 $160,000 00 554,000 00 3,942,014 59 3,448,641 52 $8,104,656 11 $815,637 50 1,020,000 00 $2,283,749 76 9,596,567 41 18,669,000 00 2,277,000 00 5,330,000 00 $32,604,922 41 $38,156,317 17 FUNDED DEBT.— Cont'd. Bonds of the former City of Brooklyn, consisting of Bonds issued prior to January 1, 1898; Kings County Bonds, and Bonds of all other Municipalities consoli- dated into the City of Brooklyn prior to January 1, 1898. Bonds of the former City of Brooklyn, issued for WATER SUPPLY, redeemable from the Water Sinking Fund of the City of Brooklyn $723,394 76 Bonds of the former City of Brooklyn, issued for VARIOUS Municipal Purposes, redeemable from the Sinking Fund of the City of Brooklyn. 1.369,000 00 Bonds of the former City of Brooklyn, issued for VARIOUS Municipal Purposes, redeemable otherwise than from Sinking Funds 3,459,000 00 Bonds of the former Towns consolidated into the City of Brooklyn prior to January 1, 1898 Bonds of Kings County TOTALS— FORMER CITY of BROOKLYN and KINGS COUNTY $5,551,394 76 Bonds of the former Municipality of Long Island City and of all other Municipalities in the Borough of Queens, issued prior to January 1, 1898, including the proportion of the Funded Debt of the County of Queens imposed upon the Citv of New York: Bonds of Long Island City, i'ssued for WATER SUP- PLY $19,000 00 Bonds of Long Island City, issued for VARIOUS Mu- nicipal Purposes Bonds of the Towns, Villages and School Districts of Queens County, issued prior to January 1, 1898 Bonds of Queens County — Proportion imposed upon the City of New York TOTALS— FORMER LONG ISLAND CITY and BOROUGH and COUNTY of QUEENS $19,000 00 Bonds of the former Municipalities in the Borough of Richmond, issued prior to January 1. 1898. including Richmond County Bonds : Bonds of the Towns, Villages and School Districts of Richmond County, issued prior to January 1, 1898. ... Bonds of Richmond County TOTALS— FORMER MUNICIPALITIES in the BOROUGH of RICHMOND RECAPITULATION. FUNDED DEBT. Present City of New York $327,808,571 10 Former City of New York 25.857,907 50 Former Citv of Brooklyn and Countv of Kings and Towns therein 5,551,394 76 Former Long Island City and County of Queens, and Towns, Villages and School Districts therein 19,000 00 County of Richmond, and Towns, Villages and School Districts therein TOTALS— FUNDED DEBT $359,236,873 36 TEMPORARY DEBT 100,000 00 GRAND TOTALS $359,336,873 36 $179,000 00 554,000 00 3,942,014 59 3,448,641 52 $8,123,656 11 $815,637 50 1.020,000 00 $1,835,637 50 $861,036,879 55 65,860,977 89 32,604,922 41 8,104,656 11 1,835,637 50 $969,443,073 46 78,572,056 50 $1,048,015,129 96 $1,407,352,003 32 $1,835,637 50 $1,188,845,450 65 91,718,885 39 38.156,317 17 8,123,656 11 1,835,637 50 $1,328,679,946 82 78,672,056 50 13 — Continued. Interest to be Derived Interest Payable to Public. Sinking Funds. From From other Taxation. Sources. t From Taxation. brum other From From other Sources. Taxation. Sources. $397,254 39 706.543 42 71,440 00 211,050 00 $1,386,287 81 $77,764 81 14.875 00 32,850 00 $125,489 81 $349,413 81 599,568 42 71,440 00 211,050 00 $1,231,472 23 $52,411 47 14,875 00 32.850 00 $100,136 47 47,840 58 106,975 00 $154,815 58 $25,353 34 $25,353 34 $6,950 00 12,235 00 163,453 50 137,471 99 $320,110 49 13,500 00 4,625 00 $18,125 00 $6,950 00 12,235 00 163,453 50 137,471 99 $320,110 49 $13,500 00 4,625 00 $18,125 00 $39,287 88 42,225 00 $81,512 88 $39,287 88 42,225 00 $81,512 88 $33,227,342 47 1,937,254 57 1.386,287 81 320,110 49 81,512 88 $36,952,508 22 5.318.426 62 $11,034,957 09 722,681 73 125,489 81 18,125 00 $11,901,253 63 $29,035,576 43 1.936,519 57 1.231,472 23 320,110 49 81.512 88 $32,605,191 60 5.315,426 62 $5,326,400 24 100.136 47 18,125 00 $4,191,766 04 $5,708,556 85 735 00 722,681 73 154.815 58 25.353 34 $5,444,661 71 $4,347,316 62 $6,456,591 92 3.000 00 $42,270,934 84 $11,901,253 63 $37,920,618 22 $5,444,661 71 $4,350,316 62 $6,456,591 92 14 THE CITY OF NEW YORK— Division of TABLE "C"— Summarizing the INTEREST PAYABLE in 1916 on the BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, as of SION, and showing the SOURCES from which such INTEREST is to be DERIVED and to WHOM Political Division. Principa 1 of Funded Debt Held By Rates % of Interest. Sinking Funds. Public. Totals. The Citv of New York, as now consti- tuted- Funded Debt, per se $13,000 00 136,536,992 33 1,166.000 00 2,098,760 00 3,882,408 77 1,1 09,310 00 2,100 00 $13,000 00 139,656,142 33 1,166.000 00 236,206,574 62 166,441,448 77 240,000.000 00 206,000,000 00 2Vz 3 354 3>/z 4 $3,119,150 00 234.107,814 62 162.559,040 00 238.890,690 00 205,997,900 00 $144,808,571 10 183,000,000 00 $844,674,594 62 $989,483,165 72 183,000,000 00 16,362,284 93 3 16,362.284 93 2% to 3 Temporary Debt — Special Revenue Bonds $327,808,571 10 100.000 00 $861,036,879 55 7.533,075 34 $1,188,845,450 65 7,633.075 34 2 to 3 Bonds, Corporate Stock and Corporate $327,908,571 10 $868,569,954 89 $1,196,478,525 99 TOTALS— Present CITY OF NEW YORK $327,908,571 10 $868,569,954 89 $1,196,478,525 99 Former City of New York $5,678,100 00 19,802,267 50 $4,595,000 00 14,600,874 33 5,000 00 8.649,000 00 37,605,703 56 42,000 00 19,900 00 28.000 00 30,500 00 285,000 00 $10,273,100 00 34,403,141 83 5,000 00 8,699,000 00 37,922,743 56 42,000 00 19,900 00 28,000 00 30,500 00 295,500 00 2Vz 3 3Ya 3 3/10 3Vz 4 50.000 00 317,040 00 4J4 5 6 10,500 00 7 $25,857,907 50 $2,239,000 00 3,162,394 76 $65,860,977 89 $91,718,885 39 $2,641,000 00 11,129,922 41 20,000 00 12,027,000 00 66,000 00 3,267,000 00 1.392.000 00 2,062,000 00 $4,880,000 00 14,292,317 17 20,000 00 12,177,000 00 66,000 00 3,267,000 00 1,392,000 00 2,062,000 00 ■, 3Vz 3 65/100 4 W2 5 150.000 00 6 7 $5,551,394 76 $32,604,922 41 $38,156,317 17 Long Island City and Towns in Queens.... $115,200,000 00 5,572,141 52 1,144,000 00 1,212,150 00 61,164 59 $115,200 00 5,572,141 52 1,163.000 00 1,212,150 00 61,164 59 3V2 4 $19,000 00 4J/> 5 6 $19,000 00 $8,104,656 11 $8,123,656 11 Towns and Villages in Richmond $73,300 00 797,200 00 150,337 50 812.400 00 2,400 00 $73,300 00 797,200 00 150,337 50 812,400 00 2,400 00 3V2 4 V/2 5 6 $1,835,637 50 $1,835,637 50 TOTALS $359,336,873 36 $976,976,148 80 $1,336,313,022 16 X SOUTHERN REGION-' D 000 520 419 3 15 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Chief Accountant. SEPTEMBER 30. 1915, of THE CITY OF NEW YORK, arranged according to POLITICAL DIVI- it is PAYABLE; and further classified according to the RATES of INTEREST on said DATE. Interest Payable to Interest to be Deri .'ed Public A -A. , Sinking Funds. From Taxation. All other Sources. From Taxation. All other Sources. From All other Taxation. Sources. $325 00 $325 00 4.105,984 26 $83,700 00 37,895 00 1,469,071 00 393,699 55 1,892,435 75 1,544,202 13 $23,100 00 $70,474 50 4,082,884 26 $13,225 50 37,895 00 6,798.158 52 6,262,798 40 8.307,564 25 7,688,295 11 6,745,435 92 6,237,197 60 8,277,425 37 7,688,201 27 1,448.337 60 264,004 00 1.875.428 95 1,544,202 13 52,722 60 20,734 00 25,600 80 129,695 55 30,138 88 17,006 80 94 50 $33,163,126 20 64,2i6'27 $33,221,342 41 118,426 62 1,200,000 00 4,000,000 00 $5,421,004 03 5,490.000 00 123,953 06 $11,034,957 09 $28,971,360 16 " " 64"ii6 27 $29,035,576 43 115,426 62 $33,345,769 09 $11,034,957 09 $29,151,003 05 1,200,000 00 4,000,000 00 $5,202,447 18 '''123,953 06 $5,326,400 24 $5,326,400 24 $4,191,766 04 $4,191,766 04 3,000 00 $4,194,766 04 $218,556 85 5,490,000 00 $5,708,556 85 $5,708,556 85 $38,545,769 09 $11,034,957 09 $34,351,003 05 $5,326,400 24 $4,194,766 04 $114,875 00 416,568 06 81 25 285,417 00 1,094,291 18 1,620 00 850 50 1,300 00 1,650 00 20,601 58 $1,937,254 57 $141,278 42 398,879 39 730 00 475,580 00 2,970 00 140.250 00 83,520 00 143,080 00 $1,386,287 81 $3,836 00 219,891 99 35.235 00 57,832 50 3,315 00 $320,110 49 $2,520 00 31.824 00 6,765 18 40,271 70 132 00 $81,512 88 $141,952 50 571,517 83 Y.oSO'oO 7,561 40 $722,681 13 $92,639' 8i 'i b',666 '66 22,850 '66 $125,489 81 $1,880 00 16,245 00 $18,125 00 $114,875 00 416.568 06 81 25 285.417 00 1,094,291 18 1,620 00 850 50 1,300 00 1,650 00 19,866 58 $1,936,519 57 $77,003 42 314,338 81 730 00 469,580 00 2.970 00 140,250 00 83,520 00 143,080 00 $1,231,472 23 $3,836 00 219,891 99 35,235 00 57,832 50 3,315 00 $320,110 49 $2,520 00 31,824 00 6,765 18 40,271 70 132 00 $81,512 88 $67,286 47 "'i 0,666 '66 22,850 '66 $100,136 47 $1,880 00 16,245 00 $18,125 00 $735 00 $735 00 $64,275 00 84.540 58 6.666 '66 $154,815 58 $5,708,556 85 $141,952 50 571,517 83 Y.656'66 7.561 40 $722,681 13 $25,353 34 $25,353 34 $42,270,934 84 $11,901,253 63 $37,920,618 22 $5.444,661 71 $4,350,316 62 $6.456,591 92 16 THE CITY OF NEW YORK— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Division of Chief Accountant. TABLE— Classifying, according to GENERAL PURPOSE, the SPECIAL REVENUE BONDS ISSUED in 1914 and in 1915. REDEEMABLE in 1915 and in 1916, respectively. 1914 Amounts. General Purpose for which Bonds Were Issued. 1915 Amounts (including Estimates). $2,942,100 00 21,092 50 294,973 88 4,034 30 267.383 62 2,107,327 04 258,172 13 351,701 06 71,497 19 44,947 01 84,266 66 41,096 00 107,617 44 182,477 00 49,815 47 26,782 22 51,463 12 22,900 50 215,225 81 78,167 70 510,000 00 3,967,578 89 186,185 53 38,619 93 $11,925,425 00 Public Service Commission Bronx Parkway Commission Board of Elections Other Commissions, etc. $124,773 77 Borough President, Manhattan $83,100 93 33,390 00 Borough President, The Bronx 33,000 00 28,700 00 Borough President, Brooklyn 9,229 96 54,291 30 Borough President, Queens 26,631 69 26,228 55 Borough President, Richmond 3,500 00 Removal of Snow and Ice Fire Department Courts, District Attorneys and Sheriffs Register, Bronx County ( County Clerks — New York, Bronx, Kings, ] | Queens and Richmond J Bellevue and Allied Hospitals Department of Public Charities Police Department and Corrections Docks and Ferries ; Water Supply ; Health ; ] Street Cleaning ; Tenement House ; }■ Bridges ; Taxes and Assessments I Department of Parks Department of Education and Libraries Board of Aldermen and City Clerk Armory Board; City Record; Coroners County Charges and Expenses (Sundry) Rentals — City Offices Judgments Claims Elimination, etc., of Grade Crossings Miscellaneous Panama Exposition and Municipal Celebrations $3,489,400 00 2,000 00 5,835 00 2,000 00 155,462 58 895,288 00 292,514 98 73,665 93 2,600 00 42,045 87 104,730 00 311,083 15 296,149 06 334,383 81 59,517 14 129,393 57 9,750 00 25,948 70 153,642 40 111,000 00 278,000 00 2,198.943 70 72,368 72, 146,869 08 107,408 30 $9,300,000 00