BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation 30nRCHl£R & HI GGINS. GHinOOK g > Spoken by the Indians x y Washington Terpitory, Bpitish Columbia | H and Alaska. | ^ tlir !'>(' of l^i:.\i;]:i:>, Torins-rs and otbt'is J; p H l)usiiiess iiiterc-oursc \v\\]\ tlic Indians. H ( liiiHM»k Eiiglisli, Kiiglish Chinook H \% PUBLISHED BY M, W, WAITT & CO, { W K.E"V". C. -MI. ,/rA.XE. VK'TOUIA. li. C. .IB INSURANCE AGENTS. JOHN BARNSLEY& CO., il9 GOVERNMENT STREET, ^r-e_j ^AGENTS FOR l3^ -?, WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMSCd DOMINION CARTRIDGE CO , ALLCOCK &-C0 FISHING TACKLE. REPAIRS AlffD NEW WORK. The Leading House in the Ppovinci For the Largest Assortment and Lowest Prices in Em AT K.MANSELL'S B.O.BOOT&SHOE STORE, No 95 GOVERNMENT STREET. VICTORIA. Orders from any part of H. C. promptly attended to. (late lease & MORKISON.) T^E LE^Dip TAILOR, Only - Establishment - Strictly - First-Class 55 government street, GHinOQK As Spoken by the Indians OF Washington Territopy, Bpitish Columbia and Alaska. For tlio use of Traders, Tourists and othei's who have business intercourse with tire Indians. j^-^f- ( hiiiook- l^nglish. English -Chinook. BY R>EV. O. -MI. ^^TE, PUBLISHED BY M. W. WAITT & CO, VICTORIA, B. C. Entered accordingr to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year 1889, i>y M. W. Waitt, in the Offi(3e of the Minister of Agrrieultnre. JaH. A. Cohen, Hook anrl Job Print^T, Victoria R. i\ ^^ ^£"3 — ^<^>«*^ — In issuing this revised Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, the object is to place in the hands of those who have business intercourse with the Indians of the Pacific coast, as well as to tourists and others, a means of making themselves understood by the natives where the Chinook is spoken. This work has been carefully revised; the spelling simplified, and the arrangement of words and sentences concentrated, so that the pronunciation, and the way in which the words are used may at once be seen. Victoria, B. C, May 17th, 1889. OF THE CHINOOK JARGON, PART I. CHINOOK — ENGLISH. Ali-lia, yes. Ali-ha nah-witka, yes, indeed. Ahu-kiit-te, formerly.' Tenas ahnkutte, some time ago. Hyas ahnkutte, a long time ago. Delate ahnkutte, a very long time ago. Al-ah, suprise. Al-kie, presently; hold on. Tenas alkie, in a little while. Alkie nika klatawa, I will go presently. Alta, now; at present. Nika skookum alta, I am strong now. Alta nika kumtux, now I under- stand. A-mo-te, strawberry. An-ah, expressing displeasure. An-an-ah, expressing pain. Ats, sister. A-yah-whul, to borrow. Be-be, a kiss; to kiss. Bed, a bed. Bit or mit, a dime or 12^ cents. Bloom, a broom. Boat, a boat. Boston, American. Boston man, American citizen. Boston illahie, United States. Boston wnhwali. American talk, or English language, Burdash, an hermaphrodite. CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. Cali[)eeii, a ritie. Can-aim, a canoe. Cooley canaim, canoe race. Haul canaim, pull up the canoe. Kokshut canaim, the canoe is split. Canaim stick, cedar wood. Ca-poo, coat. Nika capoo, my coat. Chah-ko, come; to become; came. Kah mika chahko, where do you come from. Hyac chako, come quick. Chahko konamoxt nika, come with me. Chack-chack, bald eagle. Chee or chick-ee, new; lately; just now. Chee chahko, just come. Hyas chee, very new. Delate chee, entirely new. Cheet-woot, black bear. Chick-a-min, money; iron and other metals. T'kope chickamin, silver. Pil chickamin, gold. Chick- amin lope, wire or chain. Hyiu chickamin, plenty of money. Halo chickamin, no money. Chick-chick, any wheeled vehicle. Chil-chil, buttons, Chitish, grandfather. Chope, grandmother. Cho-tub, ilea. Chuck, water; river; lake. Salt chuck, sea water. Skookum chuck, rapid water. Solleks chuck, angry water; rough sea. Mesatchie chuck, bad water. Snass chuck, rain water. Chuck chahko, tide coming up. Kilap^ie chuck, tide going back. Chuck-kin, kick. Clata-wa, go; go away. Cly, cry. Cole, cold. Hyas cole, very cold. Coleillahe, winter. Ickt cole, one year. Comb, comb. Cooley, run or walk. Cooley cuitan, race horse. Skookum cooley, run hard. Cooley lapee, on foot. Yaka cooley copa cuitan, he went on horseback. Nika cooley copa chikamin wayliut, T am going by railroad. Coop-coop, shell money (not in use). CHINOOK— ENGLISH. 7 Cuit-an, horse. Skookum cuitan, strong horse. Cul- tus cuitan, worthless horse. Cush-oo, pig; bacon or pork. Siwash cushoo, seal. iultus, worthless; good for nothing; no hiatter. Cul- tus copa mika, none of your business. Cultus copa nika, I don't care; no matter to me. Cultus wah- wah, worthless talk. Cultus cooley, taking a walk. Delate cultus, no manner of use. Delate, true; straight; direct. Delate nika wahwah, I am speaking the truth. Delate sick turatum, very sorry. Di-aub, (or le-job, as spoken by the Indians) devil. Dily or dly, dry. Doctin, doctor. Siwash doctin, Indian doctor or con- juror. Dolla, money. Paipa doUa, bank notes. Pill dolla, gold. T'kope dolla, silver. Eh-kah-nam, story. # Eh-ko-li or kwun-nis, whale. Ee-na, beaver. Eena stick, willow. Ek-keh, brother-in-law. Nika sister yaka man, my sister's husband. E-la-han or help, help; assist. E-lij), before; beginning; first. Nika muckamuck elip nika klatawa, I will eat before I go. Alkie nika elip clatawa, I will go first. E-li-te, slave. E-salth, Indian corn. 0-. Get-up, rise up; arouse. Mamook get-up yaka, rouse him up. Glease, fat; oil; grease. Hyiu glease. very fat. Halo glease, no JEat; lean. Hah-lakl, open. Mamook halakl laputt^, opL-n the duui 8 CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. Haht-haht. mallard duck. Halo, none; nothing; not. Halo mitlite, not in. Halo muckamucky no food. Halo nika tikke, I don't want. Haul, draw; pull. Haul skookum, pull hard. Hee-hee, laugh; play. Heehee house, theatre; circus; any place of amusement. Hoh-hoh, cough. Hool-hool, mouse. Hyas hoolhool, rat. House, house. Tipso house, barn. Mah-kook house, store. Kee-kwilly house, underground house. Howh, hurry. How-kwutl, unable. Hul-lel, shake. Hul-o-i-ma; different, strange; another. Huloima iktah, strange thing. Huloima lalong, different language. Huloima man, another man. Humm, smell or stink. Hyas humm, great smell. Kloshe humm, good smell. Hunl-kik, crooked or knotty. Huy-huy, change or exchange. Huyhuy mika capoo, change your coat. Kloshe nesika huyhuy mus- ket, let us exchange guns. Hwah, surprise. Hyak, be quick; hurry. Hyak cooly, run or walk quickly. Hyak chahko, come quickly. Hyas, big; great; very. Hyas kloshe, very good. Hyas kee-kwillie, very deep. Delate hyas, ex- tremely large. Nika hyas tik-ke, I want it very much. Hyas makook, very dear; great price. Hiyu, plenty; much; many; enough. Hiyu chikamin, plenty of money. Hiyu canaim, many canoes. Hiyu snass, much rain. Wake hiyu, not many. Hy-kwa, shell money (large pieces). X. Ik-kik, fish hook. Ikpooie, shut. Ikt, one; once. Ikt moon, one month. Ikt Sunday, one week. Ikt sun, one day. Ikt dolla, one dol- lar. CHINOOK ENGLISH. V» Ik-tall, what. Iktah mamook? what's the matter : Ik- tali mika mamook? what are you doing? Iktah mika tikke? what do you want? Ik-tahs, goods. Nika hiyu iktahs, I have plenty of goods. Yaka halo iktahs, he has no goods. Il-la-hie, land; dirt; the earth. Sagh-a-lie illahie, Heaven. Mesatchie illahie, bad soil. In-a-poo, louse. In-a-ti, beyond; across; on the other side. Tenas inati, a little beyond. Inati wayhut, across the road. Yaka mitlite inati. He is on tlie other .side. Lolo nika inati chuck, take nio across the river. Ipsoot, secrete; conceal; hide; cover up. Kah yaka ipsoot, where is he hiding. Ipsoot mamook, secret work. Is-ick, paddle. Potlatch nika isick, give me a })addle. Halo isick, no paddles, Mamook isick, to pad- dle. Isick stick, paddle wood; mai)le; ash: cypress, yew. Iskum, get; take. Potlatch nika; give me. Iskum, take it. Kah mika iskum ?w]iere did you get it? Nika iskum copa stick, I got it in the woods. It-lan, fathom. It-lo-kum, gamble. Itl-willie, flesh; meat. Moosmoos itlwillie. Nika itlwillie, my flesh. Its-wooat, black hear, Ifswooat pesissie, dark blankets or cloth. Kah, where; whither; whence. Kah inika clatawaV where are you going? Kah yaka mitlite? where is he? Kon-a-way kah, everywhere. Kah-kah, crow. Kah-kwa, like; similar; the same. Dehite kahkwa. exactly the same. Kloshe kahkwa, that will do. Halo kahkwa, not like that. Kopf^t kalikwa. that is all. ih-na-way, acorns. Kaimaway stick. - ' 10 • fllNOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. Kalip-ho, brother or sister. Kah-ta, how. Kahta hiyu ? how many? Kahtasiali? how far? Kahta mikaV how are you? Kahta mika uiamook okook? how do you do that? Kal-ak-a-lah-ma, goose. Kal-a-kwah-tie, the inner bark of the cedar; petticoat. Kal-i-tan, an arrow, also applied to shot or bullets. Kainas, a sweet bulbous root. Kamo-suk, beads. Tyee kamosuk, the large blue glass beads. Kap-s walla, steal. Kapswalla klootchman. adnltry. Kat-suk, middle or centre. Kaw^-py, coffee. Ka-wak, to fly. Kaw-ka-Avak, yellow or light green. Kee-kwil-lie, below; under; down; low; deep. Kee- kwillie chuck, low tide or deep w^ater. Keekwdl- iie copa chuck, under the water. Mash keekwal- lie, throw down (from above). Mitlite keekw^llie, stay down, or stay below\ Hyas keekwillie, very deep. Delate keekwillie, extremely deep. Keep-woot, a sharp instrument; a needle; a thorn. Keh-loke, swan. Keh-see, apron. Keh-wa, because. Kes-chie, notwithstanding; although. Ket-lin, pot; kettle or pan. Kila-kila, bird. Kila-pie, upset; return; overturn. Mamook kilapie spose kopet, bring back when finished. Nika hyak kilapie, I vvill return quickly. Yaka can- aim kilapie, his canoe upset. Kil-it-sut, glass or flinty substances. Kim-tah, after; behind; last. Yaka siah kimtah, he is away behind. Nika cooley kimta, I will walk behind, after, or last. King George, English. King George illahie, Eng- land, King George waw-wah, English language. Ki-nootl, tobacco. Kish-kish, to drive. CHINOOK KNGLISH. 11 Ki-wa, crooked. Ki-yah, entrails. Klah, to escape, or come into view. Kloslie mika klah, good you escape. Yaka clialilvo -i »!>, jip has come into view. Klagh-anie, outside. Mash khighanie, to ])ni out- side. Clatawa klaghanie, go out. Khi-how-ya, salutation, used at either meeting or parting. Klaliowya six, good day friend, or good bye friend. Kia-how-yum, poor; pity; mercy; in need of help. Mamook klahowyum nika, pity me; help me. Ne-sika delate klahowyum, we are extremely poor. Klah-wa, slow; to move slowly. Klak, from or off. Klak-sta, who; whose. Klaksta mika? who are you?^ Klaksta mika tik-ke? whom do you want? Klak- sta okook house? whose house is that? Klak-wnn, wipe or lick. Klale, black, or very dark colored. Klale man, negro. Hj^as klale, very black . Klap. find or catch. Mika klap yaka? did you catch him? Yaka klap copa wayhut, he found it on the road. Kla-pite, thread; twine. Klaska, they; theirs; then. Klaska chahko alta, they have come now. Klaska okook, that is theirs. Konawa}^ klaska, all of them. IvLa-whap, hole. Klem-a-hun,to stab or spear. Klilt, bitter. Klik-a-muks, bramble berries. Klik-Aval-lie, brass. Ivla-min-a-whit, untruth; lie. Yaka quansum kla- minawhit, he always lies. Nikii wake klamin- whit, 1 am not lying. Klim-min, soft. Klis-kwis, mat. Siwash kliskwis, Indian mat. 12 CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THK INDIANS. Klogb-klogh. oysters. Klo-Diiss, doubtful; unceitaiu; perhaps. Klonass kail, uncertain wliere. Klonass yaka mitlite, per- haps he is in. Klone, three. Klone tin-tin, three o'clock. Klook, crooked. Klootch-man, woman; of the feminine gender. Tenas klootchman, girl or little woman. Klootch- man komux, female dog; slut. Klootchman moos-moos, cow. Kloshe, good. Hyas kloshe, very good. Kloshe kah-kwa, that will do; enough. Kloshe nanitch, take care; look out. Klugh, to tear or plough. Kluk-ulh, broad, or wide. Klup, deep. Klup illahe, deep hole Klup chuck, deep water. Ko, to arrive at; to reach. Chee klaska ko, they have just arrived. Ko-ko, knock. Kok-shut, break or broken; to beat or whip. Nika issick kokshut, my paddle is broken. Yaka kokshut nika, he beat or whipped me. Kom-ux, dog. Kon-a-way; all; every. Konaway kah, everywhere; Konaway klak-sta, everybody. Konaway ikta, everything. Kon-a-moxt, both; together; with. Klaska kona- moxt, they are together. Koo-sah, the sky. Ko-pa, at; in; of; to; towards; about; by. Cultus kopa nika, nothing to me. Cooley kopa canaim, go by canoe. Mitlite kopa house, in the house. Ko-pet, stop; finished; only. Kopet wawah, stop talking. Kopet ikt, only one. Kow, or gow, make fast; tie; bale or bundle. Ikt kow, one bale. Mamook kow, to tie. Kuitau, horse. Kul-lagh-an, fence or corral. CHINOOK — ENGLISH, hard; difficult; tough. Kum-tax, to know; uuderstand. >iika kumtax, know. Halo nika kumtax, i don't know. Kun-sig? how many? Kunsig aun? How many days Kunsig tin-tin? What time? Kush-is, stockings, Kwahn-sum, always. Kwah-nice, whale. Kwah-ta, twenty -five cents, Kwah-tin, belly, K waist, nine, Kwalal, to galop. Kwal'li, aunt. Kwan-kwan, glad, Kwass, fear; afraid. Mamook kwass, to frighten. Halo kwass, not afraid. Kwates, sour. Kweh-k.weh, mallard duck. Kwe-kwi-ens, a pin. Kwe-kwe, finger ring. Kwelth or youtl, proud. Kwin-num, five. Mamook kwinnura, to count. Kwish, refusal with contempt, Kwit-shad-ie, rabbit. Kwo-lahn, ear or to hear. Kwult'h, to hit or wound, utl , to push or sneeze. T?M^~bleed, a bridle. b6osh, the mouth, La-boo-ti, a bottle. La-cal-at, a carrot. La-ca-set, a box or trunk. La-clo-ah or lu-kwa, a cross. Lagh, to bend over; to stoop; to lean. ^ -gum, pitch or glue. La-gum stick, pit(^h or any wood that is saturated with pitcli. Iilja-gwin, a saw. La-hal, to gamble with small roinid stic^:'^ teeth or pieces of bone. Lahb, the arbntus. La-hash, an axe. Tenas lahash, hatchet. Lah-kit, four. Lali-kit tabtelum, forty. La-kles, fat, oil. La-lah, to cheat or deceive, to practice jokes. La-lahm, an oar. Mamook lalahm, to row. La-]im, a file. La-long, tongue, language-. Lam, rum or other spirituous liquors. La-messe, the ceremony of the mass. La-ma-chin, medicine. Lam-mi-eh, old woman. La-mo n-ti, mountain. La-peep, tobacco pipe. La-pesh, pole. La-pel-lah, roast. La-pelle, shovel or spade. La-pe-use, mattock or hoe La-piege, trap. La-plash, a board; lumber. Siwasli lai^lash, boards split from the cedar. La-po-el, frying pan. La-pool, chickens. JSiwash la-pool, grouse. La-poo-shet, fork. La-poht, door. La-san-j('l, belt or girth La-sall, saddle. La-shal-loo, plough. La-shan-del, candles La-shase, chair. ' La-shen, chain. La-siet, plate. La -sway, silk. La-tahb, ta])le. La-tet, head, fja-tlah, noise. La- wen, oats. ^ lll.\0..k ENGLISH. La-west, vest. Luy-lee, long time. Lazy, lazy. Le-iiah-do, single. Le-bal, ball or bullet. Le-bisque, biscuit, cracker. Le-blou, cbestinit or sorrel colored Le-clem, cream colored. Le-cock., male fowl; rooster. Le-doo, finger. Le-gley, gray colored. Le-jaub or diaub, the devil. Le-kley, key. Le-klo, nail. Le-koo, neck. Le-kye, spotted. Lo-lo-ba, ribbon. Lee -loo, wolf. Le-mah, hand or arm. Le-ma-to, hammer. Le-mel, mule. Le-mo-lo, wild. Le-mo-to, sheep; mutton. Le-pan, bread. Le-pee, foot. Le-pish-e-mo, trappings of a saddle horse ,Le-plate, priest or minister. Le-pwan, peas. Le-sack, pouch, bag or sack. Le-zep, egg; eggs. Lee-se-blo, spurs. Le-see-zo, scissors. Le-sook, sugar. Le-tah, teeth. Le-whet, whip. Lice, rice. Lik-pu-hu, elder sister. Lip-lip, boil. l< HINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. Lu-iu, ucirry; lead or take. Lolo yaka kopa iiiika house, take him to your house. Lolo kopa nnka leaiah, take, or carry it in your hand. Lo-wul-lo, round or whole; unbroken.. Lope, rope. Siwash lope, rope made from cedar bark. Luk-ut'chee, clams. lah-kook, to buy or sell. Nika tikke mahkook, I want to buy. Eah mika mahkook, where did you buy. Mahkook house, store. Mah-lie, to forget. Mah-sie, thank you. Maht-lin-nie, out at sea; off shore. Maht-wil-lie, close to hand; in shore; keej) in, Malah, tinware or crockery. Mal-lieh, to marry; married. Ma-ma, mother. Mam-ook, work; make; to do anything. Mamook issick, to paddle. Mamook haul, to pulJ. Mam- ook delate, make straight), ian, man; of the male species. Tenas man, boy; small man. Man moos-moos, bull. Mash, to throw away; to give up; to leave. Mash kopa illahe, throw it on the ground. Moxt sun nesikamash, we left two days ago. ?>Iika tikke mash? do you want to give it up? Mel-a-kwa, mosquitoes. Mel-ass, moliases. Mem-a-loose, die; dead. Wake siah memaioose, nearly dead. Mamook memaioose, to kill, lesah-chie, bad; wicked. Hyas mesahchie, very bad. Me-si-ka (plural), you; your; yours. Mika (singular), you or thou; thy; thine. Mi-mie, down stream, [it-ass, leggings. CHINOOK — ENGLISH. 17 Mit-lite, sit down; at home; stay. Yaka mitlite, he is at home. Mitlite jah-vva, over there. Kloshe mitiite kopa nesika, stay with us. Mit-whit, stand; stand up. Moo-la, mill. Stick or hi-plash raoola, saw-mill. Moolock, elk. Moon, moon. Ikt moon, one month. Kouaway moon, every month. Moos-moos, horned cattle; buffalo. Mposum, sleep. Mow-itch, deer; venison. Muck-a-muck, food; eat; bite; drink. Muck-a-muck chuck, drink water. Musket, .^un. Stick musket, bow. Stone musket, flint lock gun. Nah, look here; to call attention. Nah! kah mika chahko? say! where are you from? Nanitch, look; see; seek. Kloshe nanitch. look out; take care. Nika tikke nanitch, I want to see. Nauits, beach, sea shore, Na-wit-ka, yes, certainly, to be sure. Nem, name. Ne-nam-ooks, land otter. Ne-si-ka, we; us; our; ours. Ne-wha. let me see; bring it hither. Nika, I; me; mine. Nose, the nose; point of land. O- Okook, this; that. Klaksta ok(^ok, who i.s that. t>i whose is that. Okook sun, to-day. Okook illahe. this place, or this world. Ole-man, old man; old. Ol-liy-iu, seal. O-lil-lie, berries. O-h), hungry. Olo chuck, thirsty. 0-luk, snake. 1^ CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. Oos-kau, cup or bowl. 0-pe-kwau, basket. 0-pitl-kegh, bow. 0-pit-sali, knife. 0-poots, the posterior; the tail of an animal. Ow, brother. Pahtl, full. Pahtl-lam, full of rum; drunk. Pahtl chuck, full of water. Pay-pa, paper; book; letter; document. Pent, paint. Pa- pa, father. Pa-si-ooks, Frenchmen; Catholic. Pa-sis-sie, blanket. Pe-chugh, green. Pee, and; then; besides; but. Pel-ton, fool; foolish; immoral; bad character. Pe-shak, bad. Pe-what-tie, thin. Piah, fire; ripe; crooked. Piah olil-iie, ripe berries. Piah house, house on fire. Piah sick, venereal disease. Pil, red. Pil-pil, blood. Pish, fish. Pit-lilh, thick. Piu-piu, skunk. Poh, to blow out. Po-lak-a-lie, night; dark. Tenas polakalie, evening. Sit-kum polakalie, midnight. Po-lal-lie, gunpowder. Poo, shoot; the sound of a gun. Mamook poo, to shoot. Poo-lie, rotten. Potlatch, a gift; give; giving away blankets. Potlatch nika, give me. Powitch, crab apple. CHINOOK— ENGLISII. 19 i^lk-puk, fist-figlit. Hee-hee puk-puk, to box. Puss-puss, cat. Siwasb puss-puss, wild cat. ilya- puss-puss, printberor coup^har. Sagli-a-lie, liigli; above; up. Saghalie tyee. God, or chief above. Saghallie illahie, heaven. Sail, a sail; cotton or linen goods Tzum sail, cot- tou print Mamook sail, make sail. Mash sail take down the sail. iSa-kah-leks, pants. Keekwillie sakahleks, drawers. Sal-lal, the sal-lal berry. Salmon, salmon. Salt, salt. Salt chuck, sea water; the water: t]j<' ocean. San-de-lie, ash colored; roan colored. Sap-o-lel, wheat; flour, Piah sapolel, cooked flour or bread. Scotty, crazy. Scotty-house, lunatic asylum Se-ah-host, race, eyes. Se-ah-po, hat or cap. Shame, shame. Halo mika shame, are yon not ashamed. Shan-tie, to sinj^;. She-lokum, looking glass. Ship, shi[). Ship man, white man; sailor. Shirt, shirt. ShoHs, shoes. Skin shoes, mocassins. Shot, shot; lead. Shu-gah, sugar. Shugb, a rattle. Sugh opoots, rattlesnake. Shvvah-kuk, frog. Siali, fai. Wake siah, uot far. Hyas siali, very far. Delate siah, a great distance. Siam, grizzly bear. Sick. sick. Sick turn- tum, grieved, sorry; unhai^i/v. Sin-a-moxr, seven. Si- pah, straight. Sis-ki-you, bob-tailed horse. 20 CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. . Sit-kum, half. Sit-kuai dolla, half dollar. Sit-kum sun, noon. Sit-lay. stirrups. Sit-shum. swim. Si- wash, Indian. Six, friend. Skin, skin; buck-skin; fur, as beaver-skin, etc. Skin- stick, bark of a tree. Skookum, strong; ghost. Skookum house, jail. Skookum chuck, rapid. Skwis-kwis. squirrel. Smoke, smoke; fog; clouds. Snass, rain. Snass chuck, rain water. Snass wind, southeast wind. Snow, snow. Soap, soap. So-le-mie, cranberry. Sol-leks, anger; angry. So-pe-na, jump. Spo-oh, to fade; faded. Spoon, spoon. Spose, suppose; if; provided that. Spose mika tikke, if you want. Spose yaka cliahko, if he comes. Stick, firewood; a tree; wooden articles; yard measure. Ikt stick, one yard. Lolo pia stick, bring some firewood. Stocken, stockings or socks. Stoh, loose; untie. Stone, rock or stone; bone; testicles. Stote-kin. eight. Stut-chin, sturgeon. Suk-wa-lash, gun. Sun, the sun; day. Tenas sun, morning. Sit-kum sun, noon. Klup sun, sunset. Moxt 9un, two days. Sunday, Sunday ; one week. Moxt Sunday, two weeks. CHINOOK — ENGLISH. 21 Tagh-um, six Tahl-kie, past. Tahlkie sun, yesterday. Tahlkie warm, last year or last summer. Tahlkie cole, last winter. Tah-nim, to measure Tali-tlum, ten. Klone tahtlum, thirty. Tahtlum pe ikt, eleven, etc. Tal-a-pus, prairie wolf; sneak, when applied to <% person. To-mah-no-us, witchcraft; magic; supernatural. Ta-mo-litch, barrel or tub. Tanse, to dance. Tea, tea. -Tea-whit, the leg. Teh-teh, to trot. Tenas, small; not much; little; few; a child. Tenas man, a boy. Hyas tenas. very small. Te-pah, quills; the wing of a bird. Tikke, want; wish; love; like. Ikta mika tikke? what do you want.^ Tik-tik, a watch. Til-i-kum, people. Nika tilikum, my people, or my relations. Huloima tilikum, strangers. Till, tired; heavy. Mamook till, to weigh. Nika hyas till, I am very tired, or very heavy. Tin-tin, a bell; a musical instrument; a clock. Kunsig tin-tin? what time is it. Mamook tin- tin, ring the bell. Tip-so, grass or leaves. Tipso kila-kila, feathers. Tipso illahie, prairie. Dly tipso, hay. T'kope, white or very light colored. T'kope tili- cum, white people. Tl'kope, cut; hew; chop. Toh, to spit. Toke-tie, pretty. To-lo, to win; to gain; to earn. •22 CHINOOK A^ SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. To-mol-Ia, to-morrow. Tot, an uncle. To-to, to shake, sift, or wiunow. To-toosh, milk; the breast of a female. To-wagh, bright; shining; light. T see-pie, mistake, blander. Tshi-ke, directly; soon. Tsi-at-ka, the devil who ro ims at night. Tsil-tsil, buttons. Saghaiie tsil-tsil, the stars. Tish, sharpen. Tsole-pat, shot pouch. Tso-lo, to wander in the dark; to feel lost. Tsiigh, a crack or split. Tuk-a-mo-nuk, one hundred. Tuk-wil-la, nuts. Tum-tum, the heart; will; mind; opinion. Sick tum- tum, sorry; grieved. Moxt tum-tum, undecid- ed. Nika tum-tum dah-kwa, I think so. Kahta mik I tum-tum, how do you feel or think. Tiim-wata, a waterfall Tup-shin, a needle. Tyee, a chief. Tzee, sweet. Tzig-tzig, wagon, cart or other wheeled vehicle. Tzum, to write or paint. Tzum sail, printed calico. Wagh, to pour; to spill; to vomit. Wnke, no. Wake six, no sir, or no friend. Wake kfih-kwa, not that way; not so. Waki, to-morrow. Wall -pit- to, potato. Wash. wash. Mamook WiJ,sh iktahs, Wiish the clothes. Wash mika lee-mah, wash your hands. Waum, warm. Waum illahie, summer. Hyas wanm, very warm. Delate waum, hot. CHINOOK :ngI 1-wah, to talk; speak; cmU; ask; tell; answer, etc. Mesatchie waw-wab, bad talk. Hiyu wau-wah, too touch talk. Cultus wan-wali, uon^'ense. Way-hut, road or tr.dl. Chickamiii wayhut, railroad. Whim, to fell or throw down. Win -a- pie, by-and-by; presently. Wind or win, wind; breath; breathe. Yah-hul, a name. Yaka, he; she; it; his; hers; him, etc. Yah-kis-ilth, sharp. Yah-wa, there, thence. Yak-so, hair; hair of the head. Yak-wa, here, this way. Yak-wah-tin, entrails. Yi-yem, to relate); to pr-jach; a story or t ile. Youtl, proud, envious. Youtl-kut, long in length. Yout-skut, short. Revised Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon. PART II. English— Chinook, Above, sagh-a-lie. Absolve, mitmook stoli. Arorns, kah-na-way. Across, in-a-ti. Admiration, hwah. Afraid, kwass. After, kimta. Afterwards, kimta. Again, waglit. All, kon-a-way. Alms, e-la-liau or e-lann. Also, waght. Although, kegh-tchie. Always, kwansum. American, Boston. Among, kon-a-moxt. Amusement, he-hee. Aiul, pee. Anger, angry, sol-leks. Another, hul-oi-ma. Anth, kuckwalla. Apple, le pom. Apioi!, keli-8u or i-suk. Arbutus, lahb. Arise, get up. Arm, lee-mah. Arrive at, ko. ENGLISH— CHINOOK, 25 Arrow, ka-li-tan. Ash, isick stick. Ashamed, shame. Ask, wa-wah. As if, kah-kwa spose. At, ko-pa. Aunt, kwal'h. Awl, shoes keep-wot. Axe, le hash. Baby, pa-poose. Back, kimta. Bacon, cush-oo. Bad, mesat'chie, or peshack. Bag, !e-sak. Ball, le-bal. Bargain, mak-kook; huy-hoy. Bark, skin stick. Barley; la-reli. Barrel, tah-molitch. Basin, ketliu. Basket, opekwan . Beads, kamosiik. Bear, (black) chet woot; its-woot. Bear, (grizzly) siam. Beat to, kokshut. Beaver, ee-na. Because, keliwa. Become to, chahko. Bed, bed. Before, e-lip or el-ip. Behind, kimta. Behold, nanitch. Bell, tin-tin. Belly, kwah-tin. Below, keekwillie. Belt, la-sanjel. ^6 CHINOOK A« 8P0KEN BY THE INDIANS, Berries, olillie; olallie. Best, elip kloshe. Betweeu, patsuk. Beware, kloshe uanitcli. Beyond, yahwa. Bible, saghalie tyee pay-pa. Big, hyas. Bird, kulakula. Biscuit, lebiskwee. Bit or dime, bit. Bite, muck-a-muck Bitter, klihl. Black, klaie. Blackberries, klikamuks. Blanket, pasissie. Blind, halo seahhost. Blood, pjlpil. Blow out, mamook poh. Blue (light) spooh. Blue,(dark) klale. Blunder to, tsee-pie. Board, la-plash. Boat, boat. Bobtailed, siskiyou. Body, itlwillie. Boil to, liplip. Bone, stone. Borrow to, ayahwhnl. Both, konamoxt. Bottle, labooti. Bow, opitlkegh. Bowl, ooskan. Box, lacasett. Bracelet, klikwallie. Brass, klikwallie. Brave, skookum turn turn. Bread, piah sapolill. Break to, kokshut. Breasts, totoosh. ENGLISH— CHINOOK, "Li ridle, la-bleed, right, towagb. ring hither, in.amook cliahko, road, klukluh. Jroom, bloom, roken, klook or kokshut. brother, kahpho, (if older than the speaker), Ow, (if younger), k'other -in-law, ek-keh, icket, tahmolitesh. iffalo, moosmoos. Juliet, le-bal; kalitan, Jundle, kow. kit, pee. 'Butter, totoosh lakles. Buttons, tsil tsil. Buy to, mahkook. By-and-by, winapie. C Candle, la shandel. (Jalf, teuas moosmoos. Calico, tzum sale. Canoe, canaim. Carrot, la-calat. Carry to, lolo. Cart, tzig-tzig. ,♦- Cascade, turn water. Cask, ta-moo-litch. Cat, puss-puss. Cattle, moos-moos. Cedar, canaim stick. Certainly, nawitka. Chain, la-shen; chickamin lope. Chair, la-shase. Change, huy-huy. Ciiristmas day, hyas sunday. ( ', Jesu-kree. > "iieat, la-lah. 28 CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. Ohicken, la-pool. Chief,* ty-ee. Child, tenass. Chimney, la-shumna. Clams, lukn tehee; ona. Clock, tin-tin v atch. Cloth, sail. Clouds, smoke. Coal, pia stone. Coat, cah-po. Coffee, coh-py. Cold, cole. Color, tzum. Comb, comb. Come, chah-ko. Conceal, ipsoot. Confess, wau-wah; yiem. Conjuring, ta-ma-na-wis. Cook, cook. Copper, pil chickamin. Cord, tenas lope; whalim. Corn, esalth. Corral, kullaghan. Cotton goods, sail. Cough, hoh-hoh. Count, mamook kwunnem. Cow, klootchman moos-moos. Coyote, talapus. Crab apple, powitch. Cranberry, solemie. Crazy, scottie. Cream colered, la clem. Crooked, ki-wa. Cross, la cloa. Crow, kaw-kaw. Cry, cly. Cup, ooskan. Curly, hunl-ki. Cut, tl'kope, ExNGLISH — CHINOOK . "2^ i5ance, tanse. >Hrk, polakilie. >ay, sun. >ea(l, memaloos. >eaf, ikpooie qullan. >ear (iu price) by as ah-kcKik, Deep, kill p. IJ)eer, mowitcli. Demon, skookiiin. Devil, di-aub; lejok Different, hiiloima. Difficult, kull. Dig, kilapieillaliie. Dime, bit, or mil. Dirty, palitl illalne. Dish, oscum. Do, maraook. Doctor, doctin. Dog, koh-iuux. Dollar, doll a, or dali-la. Door, la-ix)te. Doubtful, klonas. Down stream, mie-mie. Drink, muckamuck chuck. Drive, kish-kish. Drunk, pahtl-lam, or pot-lum. Dry. dly. Duck, kweh-kweh. Dust, dly illahie, or kah-kwa polalie. DES. Eagle, chack-chack. Ear, qullan. Early, ten as sun. Earn, tolo. Earth, illahie. '.rd, muck-a-muck. 31 CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. Ecrg, la-sap. Eight, stote-kin. Elk, moo] nek. Enclosure, kiillagan. End, kimta, or opoots. English, King George. Enough, kloshe kah-kwa; hi-yu; kopet. Entrails, kyagh. Ewnmg, tenas polakilie Eveiy, konaway. Exchange, huy-hu}-. Extinguish, mash; mamook poll. Eyes, see-a-host. Fact, delate. Fade, spo-oh. Falsehood, klim-in-a- whit. Far; siah. Fast (quick), liyak. Fast (tight), kwutL Fasten, kow. Fat, glease; la-klees. Father, papa. Fathom; itlahn. Fear, kwass. Feathers, tipso kila-kila. Feet, la-pee-ah. Fell to, mamook whim. Fence, kullaghan. Fetch, mamook chahko. Fever, waum sick. Few, tenas; wake hi-yu. Field, klackan. Fight (with fists), puk-puk Fight (quarrel), mamook solleks. Figured, tzum. File, la-leem. Fill; mamook pahtl. b ENGLISH— €HINOOK. t^l Find, klap. Fiue (good), klosha Fingers, le-doo. Finish, kopet. Fire, piah. First, elip. Fish, pisli. Fish-hook, ikkik. Five, kwinnum. Flag, Sunday sail. Flea, sopen enapoo. Flesh, itl-willie, Flint, kil-it-sni Flour, sap-a-lel. Fly to, ka-wak. Fog, smoke. Food, muckamuck. Fool, scotty. Foolish, scotty, or pelton. Foot, le-pe-ah. For, kopa. Foremost, elip, Forenojn, tenas sun. Forever, kwahn-sum. Forget, mahlie. Forgive, stoh. Fork, la-poo-shet. Forty, la-kit tatlum. Four, la-kit. Fowl, la- pool. French, pa-si-ooks. Friend, six. Frog, swah-kuk. Fry, mamook lapoel. Frying pan, lapoel. Full, pahtl. Fun, hee-hep. Fur, skin. 32 CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. Gain, tolo. Gallop, kwal-lal. Gather, hoknmelk. Get, iskiim. Get lip, get up, or kehip. Ghost, skookum. Gift, cultiis potlatcli. Girl, tenas klootchmaii. Give: potlatch. Glass, shelokum. Go, klatawa. God, saghalie tyee. Gold, pill dolla. Good, kloslie. Good-bye, klahowya. Goods, ik talis. Goose, kilakilania. Grandfather, chope. Grandmother; chitish, GrasSy tipsoo. Grease, glease; laklees. Green, peechugh. Grey, le-gley. Grieved, sick turn- turn Grizzly bear, siam. Ground, illahee. Grouse, siwash lepooL Gun, musket. Gunpowder, poo-lal-lio. Hair, yakso Half, sitkum Hammer, le-mah-to Hand, le-raah Handkerchief^ hankatshum Ha ENGLISH— CHINOOK. 33 ard, kuU. Hare or rabbit, kwitshadie. Harrow to, mamook comb illahee. Hat, seah-po. Haul, haul. Hawk, shak-sliak. Hay, dly tipso. He, yaka. Head, la-tet. Heart, tura-tum. Heaven, saghalie illahee. Heavy, till. Help, mamook elann. Hen lapool. Her, yaka. Hers, yaka. Here, yakwa. Hide, skin. High, saghalie. His, yaka. Hit, kwulh. Hoe, la peosh. Hog, cushoo. Hole, kla-whop. Hook, ik-kik. Horse, ku-it-an. House, house. How, kah-ta. How are you, kla-how-ya. How large, kalita hyas. How many; kahta hiyu. How much, kon-sig. Hundred, tuk-o-mo-nuk. Hungry, o-lo. Hurry, hy-ac howh. Hurt, sick. Husband, man. Hush, kopet wau-wah. 34 CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. X. I, or me, uika. Ice, ice. If, spose. Ill, sick. Immoral, pelton. In, kopa. Inability, how-kwutl. Indian, Siwash. Inshore, mahtwillie. Inside, mit-lite. Iron, chickamin. Island, statejoy. It, yaka. jr. Jail, skookum house. Jealous, sick tum-tum. Jump, sopena. Kamass root, la kamass. Keg, tamoolitch. Kettle, kettlin. Key, la kley. Kick, chuck-kin. Kill to, mamook memaloos. Kiss, bebe. Knot (tree), le mah stick. Knot (tie), kow. Knotty, hunl-ki. Know, kumtux. Labor, mamook. Lady, tyee klootchman. Lamb, tenas la-moto. ENGLISH — CHINOOK. 35 Lame, klook teah-whit. Lamp, lamp. Land, illahee. Language, la-long. Large, hyas. Last, kimta. Laugh, hee-hee. Lazv, lazy. Lead, kalitan. Leaf, tipso stick. Leap, sopena. Lean (to), lagh. Leave (go), klatawa, or mash. Leave (off), kopet. Leg, teah-whit. Leggings, mitass. Lend, len, or ayahwhul. Lick, klahwhun. Lie (to), kla-min-a-whit. Lift, mamook saghalie. Light, tooah. Lightning, saghalie pia. Like, kah-kwa. Listen, ne-wha. Little, tenas. Long, youtl-kut. Long (ago), lay-lee or ahn-kuttee. Look, nanitch. Looking glass, shlokum. Look out, klosh nanitch. Loose, stoh. Louse, enapoo. Love; hyas tikkee. Lov/, keekwillie. Lower, mamook keekwillie. Lumber, la-plash. Lunatic, scotty. Lunch, tenas muckamuck. 36 CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDlANt^. Magic, tamanawis. Make, mamook. Male, man. Mamma, mamma. Man, man. Many, hi-yu. Mark, tzum. Marry, mallieya. Mast, sail stick. Master, tyee. Mat, kliskwis. Matches; matches. Mattock, la-peosh. Me, nika. Meat, itl-willie. Medicine, lamachin. Men (many), hiyu man. Mend, mamook tupshin. Menstruate, mash pil-pil. Middle, katsuk. • Midnight, sitkum polakilie. Milk, to-toosh. Mill, moola. Mind, tum-tum. Mine, nika. Miss K . Mistake P^^^Pi^- Mocassins, skin shoes. Molasses, melass. Money, chickamin. Month, moon. Moon, moon. More, waght. Morning, tenas sun. Most, elip hiyu . Mosquito, malakwa. ENGLISH— CHINOOK . 37 Mother,'mamma. MouutaiD, lamonti. Mouse, hool-hool. Mouth, la-boosh. Much, hiyu. Mud, clemin illahee. Mug, la-pot. Mule, la-mel. Musket, musket. Mussels, to-luks. My, myself, nika. i!ir. Nails, lecloo. Name, nem. Narrate, yi-yem. Hear, wake siah. Neck, le-cou. Needle, keepwoot. Negro, tlail man. Never, wake kunsig. New, chee or chikee. Night, pOlakilie. Nine, kwaist. No, not, wake. Nobody, wake klaxta. Noise, la-tlah. None, halo. Nonsense, cultus wah-wah. Noon, sitkum sun. Nose, nose. Not, wake. Nothing, halo ikta, kultus. Notwithstanding, kaghtchie. Now, alta. Nuts, tuk-willa. I oS CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. Oak, kull stick. Oar, la-lum. Oats, la-wen. Off, klak. Off shore, mahtlinnie. Oil, glease. Old, oieman. Old woman, lammieh. One, ikt. Open, hah-lakl. Opinion, tum-tum. Opposite, inaii. Or, pe. Other, huloima. Otter (land), nenamooks. Our, nesika. Outside, klaghanie. Owl, waugh-waugh. Over (above), saghalie. Over (the other side), inati. Overcoat, hyascapo. Ox, moos-moos. Oyster, klogh-klogh. Paddle, issick. Paint, paint. Pants, se-gah-leks. Panther, swa-wa. Papa, papa. Paper, pay-pa. Part, sitkum. Peas, le pwau. People, tilicum. Perhaps, klonas. Petticoat, kwekvviens. I ENGLISH—CHINOOK. H9 ine, le gum stick. Pipe, la peep. Pistol, tenas musket. Pitch, la gum. iMank, la plash. Plate, la siet. Pleased, kloshe tum-tum. Plough, le shalloo. Plough to, klugh illahie. Pole, pehsh. Poor, klahowyam. Pork, cusho. Porpoise, tuiceco. Posteriors, opoots. • Potato, wappatoo. Pour to, wagh. Pot, ketlin. Powder, polallie. Prairie wolf, talapus. Presently, alkie; winapie. Pretty, toketie. Priest, la plete. Proud, youtl; kwetl'h. Provided that, spose. Pull, haul. Quarter, tenas sitkum. Quarter (of a dollar), kwahta. Quick, hyak. Quills, tepeh. Rabbit, kwitchadie. Kace-horse, coolie kiuatan. Rain, snass. Raspberries, seahpult olillie. Rat, hyas hoolhool. 40 CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. Rattle, shugh. Eattlesnake shughopoots. Razor-fish, ona. Reach, ko. Red, pil. Relate to, yiem. Remain, mitlite. Remove, mahsh. Return to, kilapie. Ribbon, la loba. Ribs, etlinwill. Rice, lice. Rifle, calipeen. Ring a, kwekwe. Ripe. piah. Ripe berries, piah olillie. River, chuck. Rooster, man la-pool. Road, wayhut. Roan-colored, sandelie. Roast, mamook ja pellah. Rock, stone. Rope, lope. Rotten, poolie. Round, lolo. Rudder, boat opoots. Rum, lum. Run, coolie. Sack, le sak. Saddle, la sell. Sailor, ship-man. Salmon berries, salmon olillie. Salt, salt. Sand, polallie. Sandwich Islands, oihee. Sash, la sanjel. ENGLISH — CHINOOK. 41 Saw, la gwin. Say to, wau-wah. Scissors, la seezo. 8ea, salt chuck. Seal, olhyiu; Si wash cusho. See to, nanitsh. Sell to, mahkook. Seven, siDomokst. Sew to, mamook tupshin. Shake to, toto; hullel. Shame, shem. Sharp, yahkisilt*h. Sharpen to, mamook tsish. She, her, yahka. Sheep, la mooto. Shell money (small size), koop-koop. Shell money (large size), hykwa. Shingle, lebahdo. Shining, towagh. i Ship; ship. Shirt, shirt. Shoes, shoes. Shoot to, mamook poh. Short, yutesket. Shot pouch, kalitan 1© sac; tsolepat. Shot, shot; tenas le bal, Shout to, hyas wauwah. Shovel, la pell. Shut to, ikpooie. Sick, sick. Sift to, toto. Sight in, klah. Silk, la sway. Silver, t'kope chickamin. Similar, kahkwa. Since, kimta. Sing to, shantie. Sit to, mitlite. i*J CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. Sister, kahpho, it older than the speaker; ats, if younger. Six, taghum. Skin, skin. Skunk, hum opoots; piu-piu. Sky, koosagh. Slave, eletie; mist-shimus. Sleep, moosum. Slowly, klahwa. Small, tenas. Smell, hum. Smoke, smoke. Snake, oluk. Snow, snow, cole snass. Soap, soap. Soft, klimmin. Sorrel colored, a sorrel horse, le blau. Sorry, sick tum-tum. Sour, kwates. South, stegwaah. Spade, la pell. Speak to, wauwah. Spill to, wagh. Spirits, lum. Split, tsugh. Split to, tsugh. Spectacles, dallah seah-host; or lakit seahhost. Spit to, mamook tah. Split, to become, chahko tsugh. Spoon, spoon. Spotted, tzum. Spurs, le seeblo. Squirrel, skwiskwis. Stab to, klemahum. Stand to, mitwit or mit-whit. Stars, tsil-tsil. Stay, mitlite. Steal to, kapswalla. ENGLISH— CHINOOK. 43 Steam, smoke. Steamer, piah ship. Stick a, stick. Stiuk, piupiu; bumm. Stirrup, sitlay. Stockings, stocken, kushis. Stone, stone. Stop to, kopet. Store, mahkook house. Story, ehkahnam. Straight, del.ite; sipah. Strawberries, amotee. Strong, skookum. Sturgeon, stuchin. Stubborn, howklkult. Sugar, lesook; shugah. Summer, waum illahie. Sun, sun; otehigh. Sunday, Sunday. Sunset, klip sun. Suppose, kpose. Surprise, swah. Swan, kahloke. Sweep to, mamook bloom. Sweet, tsee. Swim, sitshum. Table, la tahb. Tail, opoots. Take to, iskum. Take care, kloshe nanitsti. Take off or out, mamook klah! mahsh. Tale or story, yiem ehkahnam. Talk to, wauwah. Tame, kwass. Ten, tahtlum. Tea, tea. 44: CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANS. Testicle, stone. Thank you, mahsj. Tkat, okook. That way, jahwa, or kah-kwa. There, yahwa, or kopa yahwa. They, klaska. Thick (as molasses) pitlilh. Thin (as a board), p'chih: pewhatie. Thing, iktah. Think, pittuck. This, okook. Tnou, thy, thine, mika. Thread, klapite; whalina Three, klone. Throw away, mahsh. Tide, chuck. Tie to, kow. Tight, kwult. Tinware, malah. Tip to, lagh. Tired, till. To, towards, kopa. Tobacco, kinootl, kimoos. To-morrow, tomalla. Tongue, lalong. Tough, kull. Trail, wayhut. Trap, la piege. Tree, stick. Tree fallen, whim stick. Trot to, tehteh . Trout, tenas salmon. Trousers, sakaleks. True, delate. Trunk, daessett. Truth,' delate wauwah. Tub, tamolitsh. Turnips, la-moo-ow. ENGLISH— CHINOOK. 45 Twine, tenas lope; kalpite. To, twice, moxt. Uncle, tot. Under, keekwillie. Understand to, kumtuks. Unhappy, sick tum-tum. Untamed, le molo. Untie to, mamook stoh; mahsh kow. Up, saghalie. Upset, kilapie. Us, nesika. Venereal the, piah sick. Venison, mowitsh. Very, hyas. Vessel, ship. Vest, la west. Vomit to, wagh. Wagon, tzig-tzig; chick-chick. Wait, winapie. Walk, cooley. Wander to, tsolo. Want to, tikke. Warm, warm. Wash to, mamook wash. Watch a, tiktik. Water, chuck. Waterfall, tumwater. We, nesika. Week, ikt Sunday. Weigh to, mamook till. Wet, pahtl chuck. 46 CHINOOK AS SPOKEN BY THE INDIANA. Well then, abba; k'loshe kahkwa. West sun, mitlite. Whale, ehkolie; kwahnice What, iktah. Wheat, sapolill. Wheel, tzig-tzig. When, kahta laylie-. Where, kah. Whip, le whet. White, t'kope. Who, klaksta. Whole, lowullo. Why, ikta mamook. Wicked, mesatchie- Wide, klakulh. Wild, le molo. Will the, tumtum. WiUow, eenastick. Win to, tolo. Wind, wind. Window, glass. Winter, cole illahie. Wipe to, klakwun. Wire, chickamin lope. Wish to, tikke. With, kopa. Witchcraft, tamahnowuSc Without, halo. Wolf, leloo. Woman, klootchman. Woman (old) lammieh. Woman's gown, coat. Wood, stick. Work to, mamook. Worn out, oleman. Worthless, cultus. Wound to, klemahun. Write to, mamook tzum. Writing, tzum. ENGLIRH— CHINOOK. 47 Yard, ikt stick. Year, ikt cole. Yellow kwakawak. Yes, nawitka; ali-ah. Yes indeed, nawitka. Yesterday, talilkie sun. You (if plural), mesika. You (singular), mika. Your, yours, mesika. Young, tenas. numerals. One, ikt. Two, moxt. Three, kloon. Four, lah-kit. Fire, kwinnum. Six, taghum. JSeven, sinnamoxt. Eight, stotekin. Nine, kwaist. Ten, tahtlum. Eleven, tahtlum pe ikt. Twelve, tahtlum pe moxt. Twenty, moxt tahtlum. Fifty, kwinnum tahtlum. Hundred, tukamonuk. M. W. WAITT & CO., IMPOSTEES AND DEALERS IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Staple yancy Goods, Sheet Mtcsic and Mtisical Instruments. Keep constantly on hand a Select Stock of SOHIOOI.. BOOICS, STAPLE ANB FANCY STATIONERY, Blank Books^ Novels^ Pens^ Inks^ Pencils and Papers of all Kinds, All the Latest Cheap Publications, To- g:ether With a Full Line of Fancy Goods, Autog^raph and Pic- ture Albums. « PEANOS AND PARLOR ORGANS IN LARGE VARIETY. AGENTS FOR M osier, Baliman §' CoJs Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Vaults, Locks, Etc, »i* VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. "iCHOLLES & RENOUF, ^ VICTORIA, B.C., WHOLKSALE AND BETA TL DEALERS IN Hapdware andAgpicultural Implements MILIi AND MINING SUPPLIES, Send for Catalogue and Prices. p. O. Box 86. TOLLER & ROBLNSON, Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers, NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. Broad Street, Victoria, B. C. » FIRE & I.7.FE INSURANCE AGENTS. J. J. HART. R. D. DAVIS. THE INBMl BAIAAB, aroscnar j. sc^-xco? ^e go., DEALBfiS IN Furs, Robes, Indian Curios, Totem Posts, Boxes^ Pipes, Plates and Blankets. Vou are cordially invited to call and see the collection. It is well worth a visit. 43 COR JOHNSON AND ORIENTAL STS, VICTORIA. ESTABLISHED 1802. AND IMPORTER OF FIRE ARMS, FISHING TACKLE, LAWN TENNIS, CRICKET AND OTHER SPORTING GOODS. Repairs in the G113 Trails M\j andP?03iplly Executed ani Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. 32 FORT STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. THOMAS SHOTBOLf; Dispensing : and : Family : Chemist, : JOHNSON STREET,: i=ieo:PE.XETOE, OF th:^ BALSAM -= OF = ANISEED 80 celebrated for its relief of tliose afflicted with COUGHS, GOLDS, ASTHMA, ETC. BOOT .A.n^nD SHOE m GOVERNMENT STREET, COR. JOHNSON, victokia, b. c.