C 11156 59812 SL REPRODUCED FROM THE COPY IN THE HENRY E. HUNTINGTON LIBRARY rom HtFtHlNCt only. NOT F0« «tF«OOUCTION ' TH E U^ BROKEN HEART. _ I I. . I T — ~~ A Tragedy. tA'CTST> . By the K I N G s Majedics Scruaats at the priuate Hou(c in the 1Slack>fkiers. « ridt ti$»tK , '» 1SS ^ LONbONi l^natsdby/.'l.forHvoH BExsTOHJuidare^ be IjBid at ftis shop, nctrt the CuffA ia . •t; .i ■I •i "11 THEMOSTVVOR- THYDESERVER OF THE nobieft Titles in Honour,V V i L- ' L I A M, Lod CRa^BN, Baron ^ Mr L o R D .• HE glory ofa^r^4f»rf^, acquj. red by a greater gbty oF W//.w, hath in all ages liu'd the trucfl chronicle to hiscwnc Memory. In the pradiTc of which Argu, mmt, yourgrmh to pcrfcftoa (evenin youth) hath appcar-dfo hncerc, fo vn-flattcring a Pmnt. ^-XCTB.^^1' hncerefo vn-flattcring a P€H»t. ►.—^■tiUii^^i:^ «.w 5 tharPofterityc^not with freedomeofyourownNaturc,toadmito/V£amoS ^^^^pmcul.rly,ntochcWlof fucljas honour a ioicSL^lc t Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/brokenhearttrageOOfordrich T" ^be E^Mi 'Dcdicatoricr of Nobilitic. Tlitrcisa kindc of humble Amhit'm, not "n-< o umciid.;blc, when the fiki^ce of ftudy brcakcsforth ia- *y -^Uifcourfc.covcting rather ciicouragcnicni then Applaufej yet herein CwyJ/w commonly is too (everc an Auditor, with- outthc moderation of an able /'.tfr*«.«?r. I have ever Ix-ene flowiticoiirtlhipofgrcatncfTcjnot ignorant of fuchdcfcds as arc frequent toOfimon: butthelufticeof your Inclinati- onto Indujlrj, miboldcns my wcaknclfc, of confidence, to rcllifti an experience of jonrMerty, as many brave Dan- cers have tafted of jwr Counge. Your Lordfliip ftrouc to beknownctothcworld (when the world knew you Icaft) by voluntary but excellent Attempt : Like Allowance I plead of being knowne to your LordHiip fia this low prc- fumption)bytcndringtoa favourable entertaimcnt, aDf- wattn offrcd from a heart, that can bcas truely fenfiblcof a- ny leaft refpc«% as ever profclTe the owner in my bed, mx |ca^ fcivico, A Lova of your naturall Love to Venue, 9^^Jk ■P" j;#f SPARTAo- Thc^$|>cakcfs names, fitted to their Orgilvs, An^rfy c "Awuouruc, Bassanes, Vtxttion, ArMostes, Antppeafir, CroTolon, ^tyjCy ProPhilvs, Detrtt Nearchvs, Teungrmct Tecnicvs, Artifl^ Lemophil, Cktttn, Groneas, Tdiurnljaunttrl Amelvs, Truflj, Phvlas, WMdfHll^ Sonne to Crotoloa.' A icalous Nobicraan: ACeunfcllorofStateJ Another Gounfcllor,' Friend to Ithoclcs.' Prince of Afgos! APhilofopher,' •jTwoCoumew; friend to Ncarchusi ScruanttoBaflincj; Chrutalla, %inM AMaidoi Honor: Philema, jikiffi, ' ^MaidsofHonour; THRASVsi Aplotes, S'tmflidtj^ M»^tin(lH4Ud, FatBcroflibocJes: Qrgiluffodirguis'd; ■f i |.^ ^•^ ^1"^^ The Prologue. rie TilU lends w tspcaatitn hirt Of4rf(h hughitr^r tfj»n>i Um Jem Jt pUci or ftrfins j nofreuM Mufe rh,r,mnc SiiUrstkn dcfnu dfrc(h h^ja When Innocence a.d SwcctQcJTc .««>« dtorU,*, i rhtn'vica ga(fdforbrutM«htU^^ Wjs whipdfo ExiU tj vnhUfhtng vtrfe. This /4i» rwe keefi h nr Prtftntmrrtrutt^ .9Jtttouktfreedomemoretf>e»rve*!iotvi h^'^udfir.enferjurc.^i^^kn^^^^^^ jnM,ifJd,h^nloMh;itbcfMrisit^ . SHB m^r THE BROKEN HEARTj /iSi/u primus J Scxna prima, EnttrCrtltUmMtiOrgUiu, \>'f- Wl^^\ ^"y "ot fyrth?r,I will know the reafon |U t'?;iV '^ '"' fpfei^f ihcc to thii iouniey. Vif^^'jl "'^' '^tafo"'BOodSir, Isy^^. I can yeeld ra any. CrM. Giuc Bie on.", s good one ; Such lMpe&,andc'rc we ptrtmufthatirt ylihtnt i pray why to Athti ? you intend not To kickca;;aiiift the world.tutnc Cynicke.Stoicke, Or read thtLogickeLeftiire, or become An ytrtipuftu ; and ludi^incaufci 'i ouching the Commcn- wealth f for as I takelt, The baddins; ofyoiir chin cannot proi;nofticatl' So crave an honour. Orf. All this I acknowledge. Crtt. You doe : then('Sou)lf books and louc of Iciicvlcdce Enfiame yoirto this trauell, here in S/)4rf* Ton may as freely fludy. Orf. Tis not that Sir. Crtt. Not.thatSir ? As a father I command thee '. ' Jo acquaint mc with the truth. Or». Thui lobcy 'ee • ' B " "' After ^^1 'i,. I, 1^ T*" the Brol^eit II £KKTI Aitttfominyquitrds.isdincntion, , . . F.«y,inJ R ge bti bt.uch't m blood a«(3lfomttn»a With death to Juch confederate!, at fided With r.ow dead r*r»,i«.«ftd your Iclfe my Lord, OiiT prclent King t/lmicUi rccOHCil'd Your MKcr fwords.and Scald a gem e peace s 1 lUrAivw profcft yonr fcluei, which to confirroe, Arcfolu'tion'tora lallinglcag'ie Kctv7;xt your V'amiliti wai cirertam a, By iof 01:15 in a HjmmtJM bond, Atrc<.i!')iJi:otcoiu;erfc,anti!tcrchange Of ho»y,»t.dcliaftloue,rofixc our foulcj )n a firmr grcuth of lioly viiion. that «o Time Can eat intt the pledge ; we had eny'A The Uvcersoji vowescxpcacd.had not cruelty Pr. ucnted ail thole trmmpt' we P'^P^'^'ji ,.^' „.;„, . By rhr^fM. his vntJmrly death. Crct. Motl f"''^- - Orj. FrcmthMtimelpr«ut.d»p tUt poytonousntlk* i Of /i«J«'", whofc tii^ned fruit bath laviOrt A U health, all comfort of a happy life : for J(iff/<^ih{r brother, proudof youth, Andprof.der^nbispowcr,notiriQitclcJcly The memory onormer dilcontents. T,o glory in reuenRc.by cunMngpart!?, Partly by threats, 'a wooes at oo:e,and force* His virtuous filler to admit a marriage With 5iif4«', a Noble-man, in honour And riches, I confcfie beyond my fortunes. Cr0t. Alltbisisnofoii«dt«a(ontoimpottnoe My leave for thy departure. Or(. Now it followe*, S-.aotcous Penihea wedded to this totturc By an infulting brother, beinsfecrttly Cempc'id to yeeld her vitc'"* frccdome Tp Tohim.whoncucrcanvluipr her heart JcfoK c«ctraa«J mine, is lyow lo y oik'« The Broken 1 1 E A R T.' T^amollbitbaroustliratdowe.mifery, Attii(flion,that he (aucrs r.oc humanity. ■VVhow (orrow melts no; inro more then pitty, In hearing but h:rnimr. Crof, As how priy ? Orj^.St^tnn The man thi: call' her wifc ; crnliders truly V'hat Hcsrenof pcrfeftiuns he is Lord of. By 'hinHi.t; fiirt /"ffif^M his: This thought Bi'jfCts a kiude of MonlKr-Loac, which Louc Js iiurle vii'o a fcare lo llrun », »nd feruilcj A s titand^ all iio:ai><.' with a leaioufir. A I .yiM who '^aze upon that (5-.fiiic of beauty. He uo■^•. iciolui.'ioc homage to the miracle ; Soaie om, hv i« .flur'd.may now or then (If op;'onuni'.y bur fort) preuailc 1 Somucli cutoha!cU\;-Tnworthir»(rc Hisfcarei tranlport him,HOi that he fiiidescaule In her i>bcdierce,but hisownc diGruQ. Cr«. You fpin out yordifceurle. Orjf^'T gticfsarcWoIeuCf For knowing how the Maid wai heritororo Courted by me, his icaloufics grow wil,by myabicncetotakeoft' thecares Of Ualons ^S^J j»«. but chiefly f SirJ To !ric Ptmltti from t hell on tartli t Lailly,tololetheiTiemory offometblng, Herp.'cfirceirakestollue inmeaficfh. Cm. Cnong!) (my 0>-^»/^«) enough: ToytiLeni I glue a .'«;! content .- — Alas good Lady — Wee dial! hcare from thee often ? Orj. Often* C'rrt. Sec Thy Siflcrcofne:> to giue a farewell, &-ttr BuphrttHM, Fupkr. B.o.her. Or^. fy/tr-iw*, thus vpon thy cbeekcs I print A brothers kiffr, more ciicfull of thine hontjur, C 2 T.'-y TheBrcken He ART. Tliy beilth.and thy wen-doiictlien my life. IJelort wc part, in prcUncc of o:ir fjf hrr, imuftptcferrealaitto 'cc Eufir. Ycnmay fti!ei% My bro-bf r, acommind. Or^. Tii«t you will preinife Topifli n.iurtoany m5n,lio\vcu!.r woitby, Yo«rr-it!i, till vviih cjrV»thcrs!i»vc } Riutri liteconfent. Crn, An rate motion, '' i"icpronii(eforhtr,Orj(/i.'<. 0>i' Yfurpirdofi} £li;/^mu'/otthiniiftyecMnici«tisfadion< Eiiffr. V,yt'tf:*i(K\ci firrs I Iwcare. CrH- And I By great ^fh't bt t::irs ioyne in tie vow ; Not without tby Ailowanoe, to bellow tier On jny liunig. O'x- Decrc EushrMi* MiJ'akeme not; iarrc,(arre 'tis from my ihoiighf, Atfairt (romany vviHiof minr, toiiiii(J>.'r Pref rrment to an honourtbic bcO, Or (i:ii ip FotCiiriC:iiiouaicycung,anuhjniiron)e} Aiid'rwcieimu(}icc; niore,ttyr«iiiic Not to :dutnce tliy ineiit. TruH me Siucr, Ic 0)all be m V /irA care to fee thee tnatch'd As may become thy clicyce.and our contenti • Ihaueyouroxch. Sufhr. You hauc : but mcane youbrotlief To leave ui IS y oil fiy ? Crtt. \,l,Ei4fhr»mt: H* lias iull (grounds dirci5t hitn : I will prone A father and t brother to thee. E»phr, Heaueii Docs looke into the (ccrets of all hcirts ; Godi you hiiie mercy with "ee.elfe — Crtt. Doubt nothing Thy brother will rciarne in fafcty to vs. Or*. SmIcs fii'ike in forrowes.never are witbont 'em ; They chaog: (reCi lyict, but beare their gricfes about 'em. ExtKHl fm»*/i- Flttuijh. Scdnc 2. ThtBrcksttWEi,v.\\ filler AmjcUitbi King, Armtftt, 'Pr»^Uii4% *nitntnitnu, jfnj. The Spirtjiic gods are Briciout, our humility ^iuil bend before cbcir Aicari,«nd pei(uin( TI»i|j Jiiiir Tcnip!cs with abundant fjcriiicr. , Sec I.ortlj, .1,»)clti yoor old King iseiitrinij >" Jnto his youth jgaine. I ilialiftiaKeof) •• .: Tbts (ilocr ba.1j;e ot ij-e, and change thia taovt 1 nr hiitci ^s jjjy at are /#/>.?//«■/ lockci ; Oar b:artK-af sin new vigour. t/r fuch conditionsas you fliall propofc. In ff tItPg peaL-e.and liberty of life. Tr^.M^'""' "L'"f,' '"""; ^"'"'^ tIicGfaeraI??r..He pTwnia'a To follow with ail Ipeed conuenier.r. * e"'rCr,t,U„,C^„,l,M,Chrjfi»ll», •2">,limMt»JE,phrMMu. t^my. Our daughter.— Deere C*/4.»fr-.tbc happy ocwei The conqutftof^.jf.,,, hath already PPJ-^WMf Hm.ch'dthy know/edce. C^Un. With thecircnmfiancc And manner oftiic fight, related faithfully ' Hwdoth theyouthfull Ge.ietall detneaHc Hi,aft.o.i»,nche«e icrplitu.-le of bii fucccff.-, as would 1„ wkrs, moulded o» a fpirit IcffcclMtc, r,St IZ/.i.- C-/. Yoat friend- rrvi. K, .S fo Ma.am, In wliicli the rtrieJ cf mv Tite coiiUtts : He in this firmament of bcnour, (lMd« Like 1 Stjrtc fixt, not aov'd withwy thunder Of popular appltule, cr Sadden hgttning OfltUc-cpimon-.HehathltrudhiiCounrry And think* -twa* but his doty. r.r>n Youdelctibe AmirSiTlcofman. Anrj. %M\^CTcfl>n On forfeit of a KioRi word thou wiU finde h.m i Harkc, warning ol his comoamg, all attend hm. Flmrijh. , S^ttr Itbetli', UimofhiS, and CrtntM ; titriftf tbt L^rtblfkiri'l'tim *i' . , •Am-. Rcturne intoihefearmes, thy hoiae.thy Uaftai.?, DAi"! t of i;«rM,tr«tf»te of my bofome, MincoAOefow-.r /,A.r/«. hb,. Yourhumbleftftb.ca, jirp-.: Prcv.l of theb'ccd IclaiBieao Iwcreftinj Aibro-.htr totiiv mother, I embrace tliee . Khht iKbl* NcpUcw. /«'-■. Sir.yoof love s too pirtiilh On. OnrCouniyfp«»kc*byc«,whobytbyv.lo«r» Wifdomc and (eiuicc.fliires in chij great adtion j Ketuinin5thce.inparcoftl7duemcriti, A Renctail wctcom. hi-,. Yoa exceed m b"""/' , • Vpon the wine;s of Fame, the finpniar And cho!c« fortune of an iiiBhaitempt, Isborne fo pM\ thj view ol comtxion fi«ht. That J my Jelfe.with mine owne hnd'j^aoe wroaght aocrowpethy Tcmp'.es.ihisprortncu I S«lan4; Accept, wcare, and euioy It, ajoBr gift DeferuM.notpurchas'd. Jib». T"",'?^ i '^.Klnff,- ^»;. Shecisinallouidanghtcr; M«. '-""'J^jjl^^y; TheBfiKeaUE ART, Acknowledging hoiV poorely I hauc fcru'd. What notbi g* I hjut do.ie, compar'd with th' honours .' Heip'd ontliciflii-ofawi'lingmindc 5 In that Iiy mine alMliiy, that ondy. ^ For wliois be (o(l Bgifli 'torn hu bir:h / So iirt'e worthy of a ntoje, or country, Tnat owes not out ot gr -ntude lor Iilc, A debt of S.ruice.inwhat kindefjciicr Safoiy or Co.mfaile of the C.ommon-wealt'i Ki quires for painicnt?C'40A (peaks truth.AAu.VVhom heaocn Is pitai'd to Uilc viSorious, there, to fiicb, Applaulc runs maddmg, like the drnnkcn pricfts In iJ/«ffWfacrificc3 without Reafon ; Voycing the Leailer-on a Demi pod r When as indeed, each common (buidiers blood Drops downs as current coynein that hard purchafc^ As his.vvhofe much more dclicatccondition Hittli fuckt tbe milke o! cafi;. ludgcmcnt commands, J}QcR^I»liit'nn executes: Ivfenot IJciovc t'lis royall pre fence, thefe fit fleighti, Aii-J contempt of^fuch as candircA: M? {pc.'ch hath other end ; not to attribute A II praifc to one mansfortone,whichi> flrcngtlied I>y iiiany hand*. — For in(Vance,herc is PrephilM A GenLlfnnn(Icannor flatter truth) O' much detert ;aod, though in other ranke, Bo:h Htmcptti tr.i SrmcM were not mifling To wifW their Countries peice ; for in a word, Allthercdtdfttiuethcirbcfl,a'id'twasoiirduty; yf 'XT.Courtiers turne (oulJicr;?-- i vve vouchlalc our hana« Obftroc your great example. Htnu, VVithall diligence, Cjrtn. Obfequioafly audhourely. y^n;. Some repole After thcfe toy Ics are needfoll; we iroft thinkc on Conditions for the Conquered jthey expeS 'va. On, — come my Itbeetti. Eupbr. Sir with your fauourj Jneednotafupportcr. Trtpb. Fatcinftruftsme. Extmt, AUiivt HiWfpbiSjGrintM^ChriJlaKt it Phil'ou. lii' I 'J '/ 'Ibe Brfki-uHu aKTI ITentfikiUHtjei, Chj(ltl!4,gr»Htdt;i lilimt. t. »-f.'.Vith mtPi'iii/. Indeed 1 lUre noc (Uy.WtwSwectLady SouUiersarebliiat, — your lip ^.jriyf.Fye.tliis isradcneflc; Voii went m-t Iicrcc finjhcretture?. <]rcn, Spjritof valour Ir#f"« mouritin;; nature. /'i«/. Itappcaiesfo; i'.ay ineirR«lt,ln)w mmy men aptecc Mi ic yontvvo jcene the death ot ? <7'»». Fiith not many; Wcwcicoinipoj'dot mercy. H<»"'. Forourdaring Von heard tl-.c t iene rals approbafiou llc'orc the King. C'>r»//.You h ifn'd yeur Conntries peace^ ll,»t (1 i;iv'd)rurchimv ; wheiearc >Gur(poyIej, Suctp as the Soutdier fights for ? Tbi/. They ire coniuiinR. <-iiri. By the ncut Carrief.ire ihcy iioi?6>».!i weet PtiUiu, Wlisn I was in the thiekeil of mine enemies, SlifliJngo.'Toneiriant l.cad, anothcrs nofe, Ar.othcrsarmes and less. PbH. Andaliogctlier* Gr«M. 1 hen woold 1 with a (igh remember tfcce ; And cry dcare Pktltm, 'tis (or tby fake 1 doc thcle decda of wonder : — doft no: Icue me With all thy Iwart now? P'ti Now as heretclotc." 1 hauc net puc my louc to vTc, the priiicipall VVil. haidiy 5 ccid an Intereil. Grcm. By mUn I'ic marry I h:e. /•*//. By VWr^y'areforlworne, Except iny mind doc a'teiftrangely. (/rwt. One word. Ckii. You !ye beyor.d all mcdelly,— — foibcireme.| Him. I'll- nuke thee miftrelTc ofa City, 'tis Mineon-ncbyconquei^. Cbrt. By petition ; fue fort Jn FnmAtMiftrit : — City i Kennel I. Gallants Off with ;'onr Fjthe rs, put on aprons. Gallants j Lcarnetorcile,:hriim,ortrim a ladies dog, ArJ te pood quiet fmi'.w of peace Hobsobliny. Ilim. ChrifiJUi Cart, Prsftifctodrill hogs.inhopc Tofhareintbt Acorns. Souldiers? Corn cutters; But not fo valiant t thevofc times draw blood, \VhicJi vou dor ft neuer doe. When yoo have pia&i&'d More wit.or more civ ihty, weeil ranke 'ec J ch lift of men : till chc.i.brauc thiogs at armct Dill TheBtokenHiARTl Darenottofpeaketova, — moll potent ^r#»(/-»; fhU. And HtmtfkM the hardy, - at your feruic«fc Cm. They fcorne va as they did before we went. Htm, Hang 'em, let vs fcorne them.and be reurng'd. EtxHui Cbri.tt PhUtmuH Gr»n. Shall we ? JV/ w. We will iand when we fleight them chiu^ loflead of following them, they'll follow vs. It ia a womans nature. Cm, 'lii a Iconiy one. *#'««< *wmti, ScMt 3, E»ter Titmcm 4 PliU/tfhir, ami Or^l/iH difgmfii ItkcScbtlltr^tii, Tttm. Tempt not the Sta rs (young man) thou ctnft not pUy With the feucricy of Fate ; this change Ofhabit, and difguife in outward view. Hides not tbt (ecreti of thy foule within thee. From their quicke- piercing eyes, which diveataUtimM Downe to thy thouthta : in thy a(pe(.1 1 note Acanfequcnceofdanger. Or^. GiuemelcaMC (Griue Tmlem) without fore-doominj; dcftinjT,' Vnder thy roofc to cafe my Clent griefe j, T'.y applyiri; to my hidden wounds, the balme Of thy Oraculous LeAures : if my fortnne Run fucb a crooked by-way, as to wrcft ; My rteps to mine, yet thy learned precepts Shall call me bicke, and fet mv footings (Ireight: I wiil not court the world. Ttc», Ah OrjtUm, Negledts in young men of delights.and IJle, Run often to extremities ; they care not Tor harmes to others, who contemne their ownc' 0>;f . But ] (moll learned Artift) an not fo auch At oils with Natnre.thit Igrutch tbc thiifc Of any true dcfcraer t nor doth malice Ofprefent hopes, focbecke (hem wirh defpaire. At (hat I yeald to thought of more affli&ioa C Tbrn I' .|i I'i' h / The Brokfti H e A R T. Thtn whit is incident to frailty ; wherefore" Innpatet)ot this retired cnnric ofliuing Souiclitdc time, toany other cau'c Thm whs; I iiiiHy render • the infermjtion OUn vnftt'cd minde, as the i fftifl Mull cleanly- witncrte. Teen. Spfiitoftruth inrpirethrhaucllett tbatrefolutionj Bucontlyin a word, what-cucrcl oyce Liuca neartft in my heart, mufl (iift procure Coiifent^oth from my father, and my brother, I'rehscinownemehis. Org. She is forfworne elfe; fr»ph. Leaue me that taske. £«/i4r. My brother ere he parted To ^(iw.had my oath. Org. Ye»,ye*,'ahadliirc. Prop*. I doubt not with the meineathe Court (uppiiri. But to preuaile at picafutc. Org. Very likely. Vrtph, Meanetime, beft.dcareft, Imaybmld myhopei Onlbefoun^a'ionof thyconftantfuflFrance Inanyoppofition. Euphr. Death (hall fooner Diaorce lifc.and the ioycs I ban* in lining. Then my chaftvowes from truth. Prtfh On thy faire hand ] fea'e the like. Org. T here is no faith in woman— ^ PafTion ?6 becontain'd • my very heart ftringa AreoniheTenteri. £*/>*»■. Sir.we are ovcr-hcatdi Ci»»»< No.noj they'll out ,theyT out j vc may as eafiiy Outrona Cloud, driucn by a Noribei ne blaft, A» fiddle faddic (o. I'cice, or (peakc fenfe. ^V*'. Call you this thinp a Schcller ? -lai hee'a lunaticke; Pr.pb. Obferuclmij((wect) 'tis but his rrcrration. Ore- But will you hcate a little 1 you are foteatcby. You kecpc 110 rule in arpumcut ; Philofophy Workei not vptn impofljbiliticit, :. 3ut naturill coiiclufions. Mew? ibftrd • -j Jhemctiphdicksafebutfpecitlarions ' Of ihe eclcftuU bodies, or fucb acciJenti As not mixcptrlefily, in the \vreingendred, •Appearctonvnnaturad ; that's a/.'. V',°'i^ 'fi ' ~^ ^'*' '^" ^ * reuercnce to your crauity. ncbau.'kcilliteratefzwuneffr.fubmittin- ' Mv lo/c opinion to the touch of wrireri. T^'.'^l' ')i.T '" "* ?" '" "*'''' '''"'• ^'i- "• ha ha. Thele Api(h boyts.when they but taft the Oramtnatej. And principals of Theory, ioijRine * They car, oppole thiir tearhera Confidrnre itads many into errors. rr,,h. By your leaur Sir. i-^6r ArcyouaSchollerffricnd?; On 7ht BrokenH E A R T.' Oawhan the dew of beauen drops now and then: The Sonne (hines on me too, 1 thanKc his beames, S«mciime I f celc then warmth ; and eat.and fleepe. Prtfb. Does TVrDKw read to thee.' Grj. YciforfoOth, He is my mafterfurely, yonder dore Opens vpon his Study. Prtfh. Happy crtaturej; Socb people toyle nix (fweet) in heats of Stare, Not fmke ia tbawei of greatncfTes Their afiefiieni Ktepe order with the limits of iheir modcftyt Their loue is looc of vettue. • W hat's thy name f Or£. e^i>i'»/«(fnmptuOujmafttr)a poore wretch. £iipbr. Doft thou wint any thing? Orf.Books(f«»i)bo«k»- Prtfli. Lady,a new conceitcomes in my thought. And mod auailcabie for both our comforts. EMfhr. My Lord. — Prpph. Whiles lendeutJattodcfetuB Your fathers bIclTiog to our loues, this Scholler Klay daily at Tone certaine hourcs attend. What notice I can write of my fuccelTe, Here ia this grouc, and giue it to your handi ; The like from yoii to ne ; fo can we ncuer, Strr'd of our mutuall fpeech, want fore intelligence ; And thus Our hearts msy tilkc when our tongues ca'.mot< £mpbr, Occafion ismoftfauourablc.vfcit. Prtpk, t^^^r*/, wilt thou waitvs twice a day; - , At nine i'tb morning, and at fotire at nighr. Here in this Bower ,to conuey fuch letters As each fliall fend toother ? Doe it williagly. Safely ,«nd Iccretly, and I wi.'Ifurnifh Thy Study, or whit elle thou canft deCre. Or£. y««makcmethankfull,thankfull,lbcfeech thee Tropitiont l*m', I will proue fure and trulty. Yoawillnot faile mebookes. Pr»pb,tior oughtbefidc* Thy heart cm wiA>. This Ladies name'i Euphrmt*, lA'inc Prtfht'mi, Org, I haue« pretty memory. It maflprou. my bell friend. — I will notmiffe One minn.e of the houres appointed. Prnph. Write Tlic baakes thou woul Jft haje bough t chcc in a note, C 3 Or TheBro^titHEAViT', Or ra!(et?iyfilferome money. Orj. No, no money i "' Money to SchoNrr* is a (pirit inuiliblc, Wcdir. notfi^gcrit; orbookcj.orrNJthing. rref'r. Boole s of wSat lort tlicu wilt i doc not forget OtirtamcJ. Orf. Iwirrru 'ec.Iwarrint'ee. Prtph. %mi\e //rw.n©.) the grou:h of our dcfirei, \Vce'il feed tliy tore! CI with itcrnall fires. £xtmt.m4iiiiOrp : Or^. Tut out thy For fcfsH|w/(», or their light ., »; Shiilnicct i cisrkciitiK otcicrnallnighc. Infpirc IJK (JlUrcitrf * i:h (uiftdcccitlj IrRcnioui Flic has lej-t into mine jrtJiCf, Beyond liic coropjfic of iry braiar. — — Mortality Crccjii on the dung of earth .and cannot reach TIk ridjlcs, whicharcpurpw'd by thcgodi. Great Artibtft write thrin ft (itesirithtirowneftories, Thcj dye too baltly, who ouiliuc their glorieJ. Exki ■' ASui Secundiu : Sctctfa frtma . fitttr B^lfMnil MiThnltU. Bjf. T'le h>ae that Window next the flieet dam'd vp 5 1 Ir giucs too full a pto(pe(ft to tcint>tition. And count Gizcrr glances, there's a luft Committed by the eye, that fweats, and tranels, Plo:s,u «l.cs,conrrineJ, till the deformed bcar-wbf Ipe Adultery bckk'd into thti(^, n he very td ; thjt light fliall be dam'd vp ; D'cc hcare Sir ? PW. I doehearetsy Lord ; aMafon Shall be prouidedluddcniy. Biff. SomeRo^ue, SotT.e Rogue of yo(jrconfedericy,(fa<;ior For fljucs and (Irumpets) to conucy ciofe packets From this (pmce fpt ingil.'.and the tother youngftcr ; Thatgiwdy Eare-wrig.ormy Lord, your Patron, >Vholc pcuConcr you are. J'le ttare thy throat out Sonne TheBrol(e>iHE ART, Sonncof aCar, ill-lonkinBHoundr-heaJ;ripvp rry. Thy vlteronsmaWjiflbutlCiintapaper, !.,tjr).il .\..'J". Alcroll.buth-lfcasbigas whatcanooutr . '(-MiosV A wart vpon thy nole, a fpot, a pimple, . ■ ■ • . :5tnn A Dire<5led toiny Lad/ : it may proue " ' Amyfticallpreparatiuetolewdneffe.' . .. Phki. Care fliail be had. — I will turneeHd-y thread About me to an eye. here's a fweetlile. .:' "Baf- TheCityhoufwiuet.cunninginthetrirtique- • v -;. . 1 ». OfChaoiber-roerchandile.fetallatpricc • .A/.-'V By whole-fale, yet they wipe their mnuthes.and fimpery . ' ' Cull,kifle,and cry S weet-hart,and (Irotke the head Which they hauebranch'i), and all is wehagain'et j. j Dull clods of dirt, who dare not (c tie I he rubs Stuckeon the forc-hcad: ? Phul. TisavillanouanrnrM,.*'.. "^ One cannot hold his ownein't. 34jf. Dames at Court > ' Whoflauntin liotit.runneanoihtrbyas ; • . • Their pLafurc heaues the patient AITe that fufFcrl Vpon the ftilts of OiTHce.titles, Incomes; Promotion iuftifics the (liamc,and fues foi't : Poorc Honour I thau art ft.ib'd, and bleed'ft to death • By fuch vnlawluli hiic. The Country miflrefTe Is yet more wary,atid in blufhes hides WhaceuertrcrpalTedraweshcrtrothtoguilti . i ButallarefJfe. Onthistruth I amboid. No woman but can fall, and doth, or would.— - Now for the ne weft ne wes about the Citie ; What blab the voyces firrhj ? Pan!, O my Lord," , The rareft,quaintcft,ftr«ngeft, tickling newet Thateucr — 3j§. Hey da,vpandridemeRaC:aIfj Whatis't? TW. Forfooth (they fay) the King haamew'i All his gray beard, in flead of which i> budded Another ofa pure Cimation colour. Speckled with Greene and Rufler. Stf. Ignorant Wock€. • Phul Testnilv, and 'tis talkt about the ftreetf, . That finer Lord JihK^ti came home, the Lyons tjifott left roaring, at \T%h noyde ihc Scifca > NittC- I'' (J _ I — il ■— f is^ -Ri*! H»uedanc'd their very hearts OBf. ifo/.DaDceiut thine Wfc /"Aa/. Bcfido, Lord Or^i/w IS Hid to -fltitiu Vpouihcry Dragon, and 'tis thoiipht -i. A'nrucrcantcturnc. JS^f. Ghm it -^ptfft, .> *?*«/. Morcoucr, plrafe your Lordfliip, 'tis reported For certtiac.thic who rucr IS found jealous Without ipparaiit pronfe that's wiftf is wanton. Shall bcdi^orc'd : but this IS bu: Ihc-newer, J hadit lron«iniJw:tr. Ihaue tnoreyft. £'i/4m, " Howfarei my hearts beiHoy? Cnn. In footh not well, Sheisfoouer-!ad. 3'<5- LeauechattcrinRMag-pye.— Thy brother is retBrn'd ffweet) (afe, and honoor'd With a Triumphant VI dory : thou fhiitviHtbimi We will to Court, where, if it be thy pleafure, Tbon (haitapp:arcin(uch«rauiQiinglultre ' Of leweis abouc value, that the Datnes Whobraueit there, inragetobe out-ftiift'd. Shall bide there in their Clofets, and unftenc Fret in their teares ; wbi.'es eoery wopdriHgeyc Shall crane none other Lrightncilc but thy pretence.* ChooCr tUine owne rteteaiions, be a Q^eene Of what dcii^htj thou fancicft bed, what coraptny^ 'lyha: place, wbac cimes, doc any thing, doc aU tbinj(s Youtli r/^/. Furies whip tb«e« Ptn, Alat my Lord,this lan;;uagc to your Htnd>Bai4 Sounds as would muficke to tha dctle : I need Nobraucriesiwicoftof Art, to draw The whitenefle of my name intooflfencei Let fuch(ifany fuch there are) whoceuec A cutiofity of admiration, By laying out their plenty to full view, Appearc in gawdy out-fides ; my attires Shall fuit the inward falhionofrayminde; From which, if your opinio* nobly plac'd, Chanf;e not the Liuory yoor words bcftow. My Fortunes with my hopes arc at the higheft* B*S- This hoate me thinkes fiandi (omewhat toy mach iowtrdf It IS too melancholy, wee 'II remoue Nearer the Court ; or what thinks my t—Att OfthedeWgbtfiill Ifland wecemisind? Rule me as thou canft wi(h> '?''>• lam no Miftttffe; Whither you pleafe, I muft attend ;all waye* Are alike plealant to me. Cm, Idand ? priltfnt A prifon isas gayfomc : wee'll nelflaodsr Marry out vpon 'em, whom (hall we fee there i Sea'gnls, and Porpileis, and water-rats. And Crabs, and Mewes.and Dogfilh ? goodly geerc For a younf; Ladies dcalini;, or an old odcs: On notermeslflands, riebeftcw'dfiilL S*f. Gmft^ Yoa are tlugling Bawd Tbisfadne Bac \\ t; Tk Broim M E A R T. vat an-o-iYiiil. 5-j>t'iecmrocai!t)pj, 0^40. Pr«y fiicakelonJcr* •' f • .w.itf S irc.fiirc, tilt wmJ bio we»Sou;h ItilU V<». liiauprM'ft madly7 5i/. i'lsvcry n;'C;Iivve«tcx-jc«mtly. — Now. I C-uir pkulM. ... r*W. A \HAi,\n' Lords, Sir. •B*f Hi? fknl. A flock ofrjdiej;'. ■5rf> U here ' Pi il. Shojlds oi horlej. B^f. Pea(»nt,how? W«/. ' Iixlrifti — :h'oncciitt:r,tti'othtrftind wiihout.fir. (Cirochet Ami now 1 1-411(1). BmiPititmt S»:o Prefiilm, Hcuffii/, CrtMtM, Ckrip^Bd :' ,ini P!n.'t*0, Baf, M >ft wtlcomr P"pi>/m,laA\tt:,C,tnikmtn, Toiil, my hdrt is vi^Ki), youall honMtr inc. (A tympwy iwci in my head a'reidy) Honour mtb'imtifijlly. — (rlowtliey flutrrr, \\'»^rtilvs«nd liy«toge:hcr?) Prtpb, From your brocbcr,' By rirtiieolyairiojetohim, I re»A,< wm confidtfiot,butbiue»carenow. Gr»n. Pcirenof,' 1 am no newcome-too't. "V^lf. Thy life'J Vpoa it, And (o is mice My Agoiiies ate infinite- Emimnwmt: Sunt 2. hhe. AmbitioB.''tisofvipersbrecdiitIcnawej A pjlTage through the wombe that gane it moi ion. Ambition ? likc'a freled Doue, mountj vpward, Hi»bcrjnd higher ftill to pcarcli on clouds, Diit tumbles headlong dov.-ne with beauierruine> Sofquibsandcrickeriflycintotheayre, Then oiifly breaking withi noyJe, they vaniQ* In flench and (moke; Morality appli'd To timely prafiice, keeps the (oule in time, Atwhu'« Avcctmuficke ail our actions dance; Bar ihitis forme of books, and (chooV-tradition, Ispbylicksnotthe ficknelleol a minde Broken with grielcs i ftrong Fcauers are not eas'd With counfJI, but with btft receipts, and meanest Mcanci, fpcedy mcanes.and cc rtaine ; t hat's the cure* gmitr Armtfitr »»a Crar«/*«. rv»w/»<»)vpoa a point Too nice.and too vnneet (Tary . 7»r»/> Ww Iscucry w.iyde!citfull. lamceitiident • ' Yffjr wifdome istooripe to need inftruiSion From your fonHOstutillace. Crtt. Yet not (b ripe (My Lnrd /fri»»«jffr)ihatitdartstodo;e Vpon thepaisted meatoffmoofh pcifwafioo, W hich tempts mc to a brwch of faith, lib: Notyet Refohrd(my Lord /) why it your fonnesconfcnt , Be fo auaileable, wee'll write to Aibmt ForhJJrepiireto'f*-'*- The Kings hand ' '' , Will loyne with ourdefires.be hai beene mou'd too't^ %/frm*, Yes.and the King hiir.fclfciDiportun'dCrM«Aw Fot a difpatch. Cm. Kings may c*niinand,thciiwilf Da Are \ K sr^ iq^?^— • =^T- AreLiwcinottobequcflioncd. Ai#. By thii aarrM^c You knit anunion fo^cuour.lo hearty, Bccwccneyour loucj to inc.and mine to jour*, Af ifmliieowucblcodhad anintercQiniti For PrtfiUn i J minc.aiid I tm his. Cr./.My Lord.my \.o:i.Jih. VVliic.);ocdSii?rpeakyoi)r(ho£btI Crvr, Hid (Ins rincirity bcciicrcill once, yiyOrgJm ludiiocbecncnow vn-wio'd. Nor } our loft Sifter buried in a Bride btd. Yoiir Vncklehtre,^»-»i»>?»rknoive$thii truth, For hadyotar father r4'«i>«/ lin'd.bu: peace Dwell i.-ihligraue: I haue done. /frmo. Y'aiebol^ IRdbitCtfr- }itt. 'A preflcs home the iniury, it imartJ ; NoreprebtnfioasVnelr, Idcfeiuc'em. Yet gentle Sir, confidcr what the heat Ofaji vnftcady youth a giddy btaine, ^ v Greene ir.difcteticn.fialttiy of prjatntflc, •:« Rawncfleofiudj;ement,wilKjlntflc in folly, . Thooehri vagiant as the wind.and as vncettainc^ ;1 Might lead aboy in yeeres too ; 'cwas a t'auir, ACapitallfauir, for then I could not diue : ' Into the froTts of comosanding Loue t Since wheo.ex perience by the extremities fin others} Hjtb forc'd me to cored. And trull me Cttititm^ i will icdecrretliolewtOBgs with any feruice ' Your fatitfaftion can require for curranr. ^rmt, Tliyacknowlrdgcment isiatisfa/ltoa. What would you Bore ? Cr»t. Vme conqact'd t if E»firMtt* < Her fcKe admit the motion, ler it be fo. Idoobtnotmylonneiliking. Itit*. Vft my fortaoci, J.ife,power,rword,ind heart,all are your ovrne. Stttr Bd^tmtt,Pt*ptii/m,CsUmb*^ Ptntln*,EtfhrMtM, Cln}n*llii,Phtl3m«,ttulgrmJii, Jrm*. The FrinccflTe with your fifter. Cm/m, JpttCcnt'ca A flranger baeici Couft (my L»rd,) fordid not Defire «/ feeing yM,driw her abroad, .We Lad ix)t bctnc nadc bappy ia Iki ccBpat>y^ AM TheBiekeuHEAKTl hh. Yoo are a gracious Princeffe. — Sifter, vfcdlocke ^ Holds tooieuere a palTion in yoQr nature, W Lich can engroflc all duty t« y our bo'.ban^, Wiihout attendance on fodeare a miflrcn'e. ;, 'Tis not m; bi others pleasure, I preiume, T' immure hct in a chamber. Wj/. Tishervtil', Shee gouernes her ownc bourcs ; f noble liktcln) Wethankcthe godiforyourfacccntiaod welfare. Our Lady has ot late bccne indifpos'd, £Ue wc had waited on you with the firft. Jiht. How docs frMi«4 now? ''•• You be ft ktiow brother^ From whom my health and comfortsarcd:riu'd. Bijf. I like the anfwer well -.'tis fad.and modcft ; Tbtiemaybctricks,yct,tricks. — Haueaneye (7rrfi«(f/. CJit. Now^'-»t#/««,tbe(uit weioyn'dinmuftnot Fall by too long demurrc. Crot. ' Fis granted,Prince(re, For my part. Arm: VVithcondition,thathiaronnC FaaourtbeContrai^. CWw. Such delay is cafie. Tbe ioyesot'oiarriage make thee.TrtfhUm, A proud dcferuer of Eiphriuiit'j lyat, Andhercfthydefert. Prtph. Moft fweetlygracioBfr "Btif. The ioyes of matriage are the heaiKn on earth. Life's paradi(e(greatPrinccffi;)tbe (boles q'liet, Sinewes otconcord,earthly immortality, Eternity of pleafures ; noreftoratiuca Like to a conftant woman. — (but where ia Ihe t 'Twould puzzle all the godi, but to create Such a new monfl er.) — I can fpeake by proofc. Per I reft in Eliiunu, 'tit my happinelTe. Crtt. S>ipir4»i4 how are you refoiu'd, ((peakf fteel7} lo your aiFefliont to this GentlemaQ? Emfbri Nor more.nor ItfTc then as hisIoueafTureanje,! Wl()ch (if your liking with mybroclie.swatiants) I c4hnw bnt appreue in all poiatt worthy. Crit. So,(b,l knawyMranfwcr. M. T bad bin piety Toliudcr beans f» equally confenad. I i 1 .1.0 '.'I'.., . TLcBrek-nKEKR T. Nrn. ThtfKing(Lord/«t«/«)coinmiBdiyoarprefeBCci v A:v.I ,'faifut ?nnccl!c) yours. C«/«i.. Wc wili attend hun. E»ltr CjrtHcv . Cv„. u'licrc are the Loidj > all mart vnro the King V\iihoiitrfeijyiihcPrinctofy*'-^»/ — O/**. Well Sir. oVm. licomminR to the Court, Iwect Lady. C«/««. How ! lhcPrinceof/frf«? (7r.,. Twai my forrune.Madam, T cnioy the honour oi.ibefe happy tidings. J,k Trnih. , I /v,. Brother I //«. let mean hovvre hehee Alc.-tyoHalonr.witMntbc Palace t;roBC, ■ > 1 hauc forac Iccrtt with you Pi'ethc friend > '/. I : CondiKllicrthitbfr.mdbaucfpccbllcarc • 1 'f''. li.evvalksiicclcir'dolanytodifluibevs. .' TrffhAlhiU.B.f Hoiv'jtHaif AA-Aloicpfay beilone.' T Iainyourcrcatun:,princ»ni onmy Lwdi. Sitmiti- 'H-'Jj'oiict. ' -An -y^i.'. S.ijf, Alnne .alotic ? wli4t meanei that word stone ? ' ••- ..'•i Whymighr not I be»h-rc? — hooi .' — hee'»herbroth«i ri Brothers and fiftcrtavB but flcfli and blood, i .■n\.':l': And thisAme w herfbn Court eafc itrrmpMitJOB .jai-l;i. U-i :/» .'j-X5'r.-.i .t'./. Hisfiri»f.icnd /"rr^iz/wmuftbcherguardiar. ' • .ijf.i" .">&■ V/hy maynothcdiipatchabuliiicffirmoibly iliirfj ' , Before th: other come <^ or— pandring,pandrir»; '•'•'-• ■ ' For one another ?bee't to fi/lcr.mothcr, VVife.Couzen.any thing, •o>onr;ftyouths of mettlll. isinrcqueft:Itisfo ftubborncFatej But ill be a Cuckold.ind can know ir. IwillbcltlUndfell. £iitir Cranejn, gr>». Mylord.y'aiecall'Jlor. 2?«f. MoH hartily I tbankc ye.wbere'a my wift pray ? "^ Cf... Retir'damonsfttheLadiei. S^f StiH I thanke'eci . There * an old watter with her, faw you her too? C'<>». She fits i'th pfcfeace Lobby laft afleepc Sir. B4f. Afleepe ? fleepe Sir / Cra,,]t your Lof dfliip troubled / V ou will not to the King f Btf. Yrir huabJeft Vafliile. ; ',. I TheBrol^enliE hnT, 6r.n. YourfcruritmygooaLoid. Ti^' ^ wa"ity<*>«foorft.pj. CXtkmt Sc*ne the third. . . . Trifh. l,ithiswalk(lady)*illyoirbtoihet6ndj-cUJ And with yoar fjucnir, ';iue me Itaue a little Toworkeaprcpiration.inhiifalliion ^' ' 1 hiue obkTu'd of h;e4 fome kind ol fiackneCTe To fuch alacrity as Njturc And cttftouic tookedelight in j SidncCe growa Vpon his rtcrcationi, which he loids In fiicha willing filcncc, t' at to queftion . The grounds will argue iktll in Jriendthipi And Icflc ?ood ininnei t. Pi-.. :" P*». Your Schoolc term? are too trouble(onje.Orf.WMt*«0«S Refines mortality from droffc of earth, But fuch as vncomptiondedboauty ballawes With Rlotified perfcftioa. /"««. Settby wits In a leiu wild proportion. Or^. Tirae can neuct On tlie white table of vnguilty faith Write counterfeit difl\anair jturne thole ejM • • (Thearrowes of.purelouO vpon that fire "Whith •nee rofe to a Hj«c,perfuin*d with rowcs Ai fweetly fcented as the iiicenleluiokim • • Thch9licaArtars,YirgtiiUUC|(likfr .......i'-^ • Exit] ■If it.. On t\ i' e^l',/1*', odour*) fprink/td dcwci to feed Via: .\ndioincrcifv thciffcruour. P,,. Ce not fr.micke; «rx- All picafurcs are but metreimaRination, FtcdinK the hungry ippetite with ftetme. And (ight of banquet, whilft the body pinei. Not rclifl.inR the reall t«a of food. Such II the IrtnncfTe of* heart dinided From entercoarfe of troth-contraaed fooei • No horror fl,ould deface that precious figure' Sca^d with the liuely fiimpe ofequ.ll fculei. rJl'' ^^'*''> '°'"' ^"'y ''"•' >« witch-d thy tcncoe t The breach of .Rnorarce that flycs from thence .['""* •„''"l^''«^fi« 'n me of afriiaion*. Abo„eallfiiff-r.nce Thing oftaike begone Begone wuhout reply. O.jr. Beiuft.^mA«, In thy commands: when thou fend-ft forthadoome Of bin.n,nKflt know fi.ft .n who« it hghta , * Thus I fakeoffthe (lirowd. in which «y c.r«« Arc fo.dcd vpfrom view of coairaon ejei : What IS thy (enrencencxc ? /•«. R.fl, mtn.thca Ityttt A blemiHi on mine honour with the hazard Of thy too dcfperate life : yet I profeffe. By lit he Liwcs of ceremonious wedlocke. I haw not gmen admi-tacce to one tbou.hc Of female chance, firce cruelty enforc'd Dmorce betwixt my body and wy heart i ^V hy woDid )-ou fall from goodnelTc thus t Or,. Q rtthet Examine me ho w I coa.d liue to Qty ' ""'" i haue kin much, mcch wrong'd ; 'ti j for th» Ake 1 put on this fo.poflure;deare^«»W ' If thy foft bofoTJc he nc t turg'd to marble Thou t pitty oorcalamities j my Xnrertft * vonnrmei me thou art nine flill p^ r..j Thnilfl«elcbef.reyc. Org. TouinOruft my J^,, Of new demand? asfortkealdfofgetit,** mt 7l)eBrolc»VlEAKTl' Til burled in ar, evcrlafting filcnce, Ao^fhallbc, (hall be cucT; what raorewcuIdye> Orij. IwouMpoffifTc my wife, the equity ; Of v>.ry rcafonbidsme. Pen. Istbatall? Or^. Why'ti^thcallofmcmy fclfe. Ptn Ktmtab Your Ihps tome diflance from me ; atthiifpace A fiW vvi rdsl dare ch.-.iifje; tut firft put OT Your boi rowed (V.ape. Orj. Ycuatecbey'd,'tiidon«i 'J'f'i. Ho,v (Orii/m)by prcmife I was thine, Tl.c l.c.ccns da: wi'tntffc ; they can witneffctoo A rape dotic on 111 y truth .how Idos loecthte Yc: 0'\'Un;, a id yet, muft bcft ippcare Ji: temierinii t!iy frccdomc \ for I fiiid Tl;: cciillar.t p rcfirruation of thy merit. By thy nocdjrirj toattemptmy fame With ir.iary of any boft conceit, Which tnifilit giiio deeper wounds to dL'cdntents : Contini'.c th s f aire race, tb( n though I cannot Adde to thy cemfoit, yc: Ifhall more often Rttnembcrf rom what fortune I am fallen, And pitty mine oivnc roinr Liue, line happy, Hoppyinthyncxtchoycc.thatihoaBaift people This barren ape with vcrtuet in thy iffoe : And 6, when thou art marritd.thiake on me With mcrcy,not contempt : I hope thy wife, Hearin; »y ttory, will not fcorrc my h\\ : NowlctTspart. Or^^. Part I yet adnifethK better i Vtntbtn is the wife to Orfilmt, Andcnerfliallke. 7>*». Neuecftiall nor will. Orjf. How.' Pn. Heircme,int word rie tell thee why i The Virgin dowry which my birth bellow'd, JsraBiflx'dby anoiher: my true low Abhorreitothinke.thatOrji/wdeferii'd No better fiuouri then a fecond bed. Orjf. ImuftnottakethisreafoB. Pt: Toctagrmciti Should I outliue my bondage, let me meet Anothel vvf rfe then this, and Icfl'c defir'rf E ^ f i 4' I If Ifof lU the men iliuc thou (houldft but touch MylT.orhtndiRtinc Or». /»*»(/>?«, now 1 tell Vc v<»" grow wmtonin my fuff.uncc ; (oiiic(wc.r,il.'attminc. /"«» ViiciuihSir.rorbctre, Or I cm tiTHC affi-aioii into vdipe.ncc ; ' Yourrcputa ion(if yoavJucms) L\esblectti'iR it my feet. V.iworihymin, If cucr hencclortli thoi»»ppc»r(. in Imgoafif, Mcflagc.orleitirto bciray my frailty, J'lcc»ll ibyformcrprotcftitionsluft. , , . . And ciirx my Statrej for lorfcii of my iucgcmcntJ Coi tliou, fitcml) fordifguifeand w-'lkci. To h dt iliy (Iwmc : this o-cc 1 fparc thv li'c ; J I u-h at njinc OMne conliJcr.cc j my forrowcl By i^cc are mai'eint'tiiciir lo my f>rtunei. If euir thou did fl harbour won hy loue, Dai e not to anfwcr. My good ("icnius giiicje me, Th.t I may ncuer (ec th.e more. • — Goc from rnCt Org. I'cteire my vai!e of politicise French cfF, And ftii.d vp I'ke a man rcfo'u'd to doc Adion, not woids fliail fiicw mt. O ''imhr^. Exit OrtfUtt, Ttm. 'A ri;;h'd my name futc as he parted from me, I ftare I was too rough i Alas ponre Genilcroan, 'A look'd not like tlie ruincs of liis youtb. But like the mines ol rhofe ruities : H onour, How much weiigt.t with wtikncfT; toprc(tfuethe«. JiKtv B.t^MKiiAndGrfnp. S^jf. Fye on thee, r^amb tke,ro;ten tna^ot.damb thef^ SLepc? flccpeat Court? and now f Aches.coDvuliioni, Impoftun.ei,rh.mes,gouts,palfii f^clogthy bone* Adorcnycens^roeyer. Cr4», Nowy'arein buBiori* 24|f. Shcc's by her Iclfe.thcre's hope ofthar ; (hie'a fid tM^ Sbee's in lUong c Mitemphtion ; yes.and fixt, ThefigntJatt wholelome. G'n*. Viry wholfome truly. BfJ. Hold yoa' chopt night mare Lady ,c«me your brotba Iscuricd to his I lofct ;you muft thither. /i*. NocwcU,ir.yL«id? IS^^.Aluddcaflt/cyrilioff; Soajv TheBreken U a KKtI ' Some furfcit or diforder. — How doeft decrcft ? TfH, Your ncwet is none o'ch bell. \ EMUrTrtfkJtu, Prtfh, Thechicfeofircn, The excelknteft y«*i»frounds : (IckncfTe or piine Is the dekrucrt excrciie, andfuch Your vcrtuous brother to the world isknowoci Spe^ke comfort to him Lady, be all gentle ; Stanes fall but in the groffencdc of our fichr, A good man dying, th' Earth doth lo(e alight. Extum *mMU ASliu Ttrtim : Sctm* frima. Siller Ttc»ktii,*rJ Orgilm in hii timt ff^' Ttem T> E ue'l adiiiv'd, let not « relblution Dofgiddy rafhncfU choakc the breath ofreafiMi^ Or£. rt fhall nar,mofV fagt. Maftcr. 7ff». I am ictlou ( Foi '.ftht borrowed (hape folate put on, Infcrr'da conlcqucnce, we rniift conclude Some violent dcfi;;neoFfuddcnna'iirc Hath (hooke that l}iadow off, to Aye rpon J A ncw-h»tch'd execution ; Or^iht, Take h^red thou hall mit (vnder out infegrity) Sbrowdcd vnlawfall plots 1 our mortall eyes Pierce not the flcretsofycDrhearts,the gods ' Arcvnelypiinic totbcKi- O^*, LwaciTKtkn/, E a Sudi ThBrf(;fHHE A TUT. Stch icnbti are caafcIclTf ,ind to deere the truth Fron mifconceii, the prcfciit State cammtn^s KC< .The Prince of ^'/f/ comes himfclfc io pcrfoa In qucft of gtett C4/4»»!?4 for his Bride, Oat kingtlomethcire;bifidc(,aiiie9ii(lyfiAcr gtifhr*m» is di(pO*'«3 f PrfhUm. laftly.thcKiajisJcndinjIctteriforKic i To t^/if «//ar my qukkt repairc to Coart.' Plcafctmcceptthercllcaronj. Tit: IwJtvnct.Orfilm, Kot tofcc c*atridid:d : yet beware • Ofin rnfurs fMn Jition ; no fairc coirun Cjnfortificabaiidiagfhiiitly loynrcJ. 1 htueobferu'd a gtowtij in tfiy afpcft Of d»p.gero!ij cxtent,(ud(!cn..crd (lookc tco't) Imi(;'«tiiilcccttaiac O-^. My afpf fi ?c«.u!cl Art Runne tJjrffxjh mine ino-.oft t'noiights.it fliould not fifi An indiBiticii tfacrc,mcrc tntn what fjited With iuftice of mine honour. Tun. I tclccue it. But know thf n Or^i^m \v\ut 'j«r.ou: is ; Honour confiSs not ia abrre opinion By doing s:'.y t^ that feeds conrcnt ; Erajc 13 f ppcar»nce, "caiift wc thinkc it bxatt : tjch htsii:ir cojr.cs iy tcci'Icnr; not nature ProccediiiR fre» th: vices oi our pilfion Which «iLc3 sar rcarcn dranfcc. Sut tcall HonOBt Ii the rewiri tf venue, and acquired By luftict 01 ky valoar, v/hic'« tor Sifei H»:h Inflict to vphold jt. He ilicn f«ild in thy precepts mike me euer thrifty' EkH Offt Ttn. Ithankethywiflj.— —Much Diyftetjr of Fate Lyes kid in that mini fortuac^i Curiafity Vtiy lea«hi« adions into rare attempts) tut let the (odt be moderaiort ftill, Nobuinaa: power caiiprcuent their wllf. £»ter Armffci. Froaa whcacc cane 'ce i Anm. From King AmjclM ; (pari** My inttrraptian af your Siudies^ — Here iBthisfcal'dbaxhcfcndiatreafuredcare To liim tsliii Crownt,'a prayesyoHr grauity Yob woaid cxininc,pondcr,fift end bole The pith and circaaiftancc aftaery tittio The Icroll within ceataincs. Ttcii, Whttls'c «/tf^/l•l•/"^ Mm; It it thehcahhofSparta.ihe Kin«s life, Sinewci aid fafety of the Cooaman- wealth. The famnra of what the Oracle deliuer'd, When lall he vifited the ptopheticke Teaplc At Dtlflifi ; what his rcafont arc far which After fo lone a ilencc he requires Yaucaaofalle now (jrane man) hit maiefly Will fooae hinafelfe acquaint you with. Tem. ^wSto ' Infpire oiy Intellca. The Prince of »^rf»/ Is enrertain'd. Mm*. Heii, tad has demanded OutPfinccircforhii wife,- which I coaceive Oaefpcciancaaretbe Kin;; iaportuneiyou Tor refalutioa of the Oracle. T**». Viy dutf to the Kinc, t<^i peace t« Sftrt^l JigdCux*i*Jt9^rmt/lii, Jrwi*,UkitoTteniem^ ii: Imim, MJJ t TheBroksa He AKTi Sofc MuHckc. A Song. CAnjottfiint * tht-ght } »r numiir Eutrjftmi in apimber ? C*ny»H count fcfl mumtts nuitij^ FriiH 4 dynlsfoini by mouing \ • ; C4ttjmgri(fc(ifi^h}trUfitj^ fti 4 f^ii^ittj honiur th4Jllj ? J\iV, »* J yet yen mtj Setner doc M> tint 4tidthisj 1 his and that i'tndntHcr mifftf Then by 4nypr4ife 'nifpU j Bc4inic/ bc4ttty,fuch 4^Ury A< beyond al! F4te, iS Story y ^llarmctjtUartt, AUlcues.,4Hhc4rts^ Crater then thefc,or they^ I>eeilh4ll,4ndmu(l obej. Co xriojr whkb timt^Eittri Pf0fhilM, Stjf4 /«/. 'Tiscoalcmcd. TheBrol;e» HeaKT^ Itnttr PrtphilM, Trofh. Lord ff«f4»»*,yoarbtarh:r would be priaate. We muft forbeare ; his rt^cpc hath newly lift him. Pleafe Ve withdraw .' i'-lT- By »")""""*'• '"'fi^' , .,,,.• Prnh, Pray Gentlewoman wiike too. Gr<». Yei.TwiHSir. ' ExiuM tmitii hhtcltt Jifett'ereJiit a Ch4yre, mii Tmbi». liko. Sit nearer fifter to mc, neater yit ; Wehadoa: Father, in one wombc tooke life. W?rc brought vp twins together, yet hane Iiu"J Atdiftanccliketwo fti angers. I could wiO^ Tf^at the fitftpiliovv whereon I was cradell'd. Hid prou'd to me a praut. Ptn. You hid btene happy i Then bid you neuerkt\owne that finne of life Which blots all following glorica with » vengeance. For forfeit! n;; the laft will of the dtad, From whom you had your being. /'<>»• Sad Peinbe4, Thoucanflnoibciooiruell; myrafhfpleene Hath with a violent hand pluck'd from thy boforoc Aloucr-bleftheait.tOR'iMd it intoduft. For which mine'* now a breaking. /"">. Notyet.hcauen I doebefccch thee : firft let (bmc wild fires Scorch.nof cotifnme it ; ma the heat be cherifht Withdslires infinite.but hopes impolTiMe. M#. Wro igM rou;e,thy prayers are heaid.Pr'.Hetelo I brCitnC A taiferabic creature led to ruine By an vnnatu'all brother. lib: Iconfume In languifliing affeftions for that trefpaflc, Yetcannotdye. Tm. The bandma d to the wa^ei, Th? vntroubled of Country toylt,drinkes flrcamc* With leaping kiJ j.and with the bleating lambes ; And foailiyes her thirft fecure, whiles I Quench my hot fi;hes with fieetiogs of my teirci." y»i#. The labourer doth eat hiicourfefl bread, Earn'd with his fweit.and lyes hinfi downe to flecpe { Which eoery bit I touch turnea in difgeftioa To gall, M bitter M /*«f*M'' Virf«. Put A T^ y The Tirikf» Heart. fat me to Jiiypcnnjncc for my tyranny. And I willcailthce mcrcifu'I. 'Pm, Pray kill mej Rid mc ftcm liuin?: \vi'h» iealotislunbjnd, Then we wi.i ioync; in ('riei:dl'hip,bf ajainc Srothci and fiftcr. — Kill mc pray .- ray, will'c«» M#.Ho\vd«)estliyI.oiaell-cnicthte.' T*.*. Sacfca«»ne A« or.cly yon hyiic nude me ; a fiith-breaker, A (potted vvl>oic,forf;iii«mci I »tn one Inart,norindefircs,thcgodi maft witnefTe. Itht. ThoiidoftbJyetliyfriend. "/"fw. Ido«il*:ft*##/rt< For Die that's \vi(c to Or^ilM, and Huts In kr.ownc Adnltcry with St f met, 1 J at the kcft a whore. Wilt (ip,M Ofbirthtoany b'icmyfifter.durft not Hjuc mou'd thit qaeftion as i ftcret. Sifter : Idtrenatmurmuretoiay lelfe. Pn$. let mc. By y«ur new pro:cft»tions I coniore 'ce, Partake her name. Itbe. Her name, — *ti», — 'tis, I dare a«r« SV». Allyfcjrrtfpcaiarefors'd, ;»*#. Thcjrirtoot, — Peaei y dOl.' .5 ;tfl^< is the Princtfle.the Kings daughrer; Sola heitc aiSfvit Me moft raitcrabl^l „,. DocfnowlouethceJforinyiniuries , ,, • Rtuengethyrelfcwithbrauery.andgofrip^^ My treafons to the Kings eares. Doe ; CJmM Knowciicnotyet,n«ii'»'«/'i"'«'inyneaieft. ,. .. ^»«»6. Suppofc y ou were contraiftcd to her.WoaW It not Split ««ien your very (»ule to fee her father Snatch her oat of yonr armes againll hei will, And force her on the Prince o^tArgti f lib*. Trouble not iThc fou;itaines •fmineeye* with thine owne ftory, J fwear in bloo i lOr't. P.: We are rcconcil'd i Alas,Sir,bcingchiidrcn, but twobranchea Of one ftockc, 'tis not fit we fhould diuide J Hane coinfoit.you may find it. yi*». Yesin theel Onelyi*thee/'»«»fec4miae. P*'. Ifforrowes Haue not too much duli'd ray infefied biaine, J'lc chetre inoention for an adiue ftraine. J$bi. Mad man ". why haue I wrong'd a maid fo CTCelknt f '• E»lfr Softati will) dfnidrd, Profkilm, g^tntm^ Htmtfliii/oitJgrdn^l, "Ssf. 1 can forbcare no I onger t more, I will not | Xetpe ofFi our hands, or fall vpon my point r P«tienc«is tyr'd, forlikeaflow-ptc'dAfife 7 Veridemyca(ieiuture,andproelairae _ T My floth to vengeance, a reproach and property! Itbf. The meaning of this rudeneffe. Prtfh. Hee'i diftraSed.' Ptn, O my grieu'd LotdtGrtmf, Sweet Lady come net accnhio^ He holds bis perilous weapon in bis hand JTo pricke 'a cares not whom,nor where, fee»fe«,fcej f 4/. My birth is noble, though the popular bUA . .^ Of vanity,*! f iddyai thy youth. Hath rcar'd thy name vptobcRtideadoHdn Or procrelfe in the Chariot of the Snnnc I I am no clod of trade, to lackey pride, >^ Not like yoar (lauc of cxpefittien wait Wn baudy hiages oT your idoiCJ, 01 whjftl'! '^^ •'•- " "" ■ ■ f ■ ■ " . t:- nr ft !\1 formyfticall co;iuey3ncctoyourbcd-(p6ftK CrcH. iMnc humofs.tlicy btcomj him. fftmi HOW *a ft»reij| ! St«ts,p!iflfw$,ind (wests :moft admirable lunacy > ' ' //6». But that I in»y concciae the fpiric of wini; " nastookcpofrcnioiiofyourfobcrercuflome, ' ; I'defiy you were vnminncrly. ^«. Deare brother^ S.4' Vnmanncrly — Mew Kicling— roiooth forming , .', , ii \'(h:t to the raiikneffc of the blood, i ''j» Eutlmpudencebciresvp the traine .-Indeed, (ir^ .'/^' f^'^f Yojrfiirymcttall.oryoiirfpiinpallblazi . .'•mmc a t^thuaerer.o'.vnc.isnoruflicicntRojaffy ' • To print vpon my forehead the fcornc CBf^W,' V/4», HisKaloo:iehairob'dhimbfhis\vit5,' ' ' "Acslkes'aknowesiidtwhar. .?»/. Ycs,4nd'aknOwe|' ' . Towhom ataS^ej; roo.it that frsaksbuluft" '"". *'':^''J^ loSwicc-rcciitityofbcnullinceft. ; •'""/;';" //i. Hahdiiiill. B-iff. I willhallo'r,tiiouglilbltiflimofc'* TonjimccIxfilthintfll-.thanthoHtoaait. . '_ , .. " Jib. Mtmftcf I Prttfb. Sir by our (ricndfliip. >«». By our HodoJj Will you c«!t4 bo:Ii vndoe vj, Drotlier ? Cm*/. Out bti Kim, Thcfcarehismcgrimsiftrksandmelaiicholies. . • . flftn Wcllfaid.old Touch-hole. Grim, Kick him 6m at doreii PtK. With fauour let me fpcake. — My Lord f wiiac flackoejfc 1:) my obedience hath deferu'd thij ra£c? ' '. „ ;,. . i Lxccp: Immility and linlcnt duty ' ^ • " ■ '■ ; * • "' i'.'j'i'.i'.'- H«]c drawee o:J ycwr vntjuicr.my (implicit^ " ;* " 2' j *" , " Ne'refttidicd your vexation. S^/. Light (^fbeaurV;"' /.' [^ !'»ca!cr.or urgently with a defperatewtfund.' "i . *t 'r No breach ot.reafjndarei make warre with her '.',"'".'. l^'^CX' Whole IcckcsareftueraV^nty, whofi; bicath '\i Othatlcouldprefcitiorhceinirniitton ; ' As in deuoticn .' '7'f»'i Sir.mayeQCrycniii ''■'[,. ;,«•.- a-M Lock'din/'W«r«"/bfK,n»6wre(ihyourp«6rice3( ''^i *--'"* On my viihappy head, if fiice y6ir made rat A partner in yourbed,! luuebccicfaulfy," 1 1 In one vnlecmely ( ihSfi •i-j% wjv'i'ioil f Excellent the Brokftt.Jja A 'Rjl ': Excellent creature — GooJ be not a hinderancc To peacc.ind prailc of vcrtuc. — O my fenTes Arc ctiiroi'd wab foundsca;lc(liall. — ^ €>ii,«lc My 'afhm (Tc t-aih you nbe toornmcrcifull; " 'd-.f"" iw;} /villyou doe my Lord 'my Lady's cbijc:,'' „ lamdrnydtofollow.^-/. Imayfeeber, ■ •,;* if Or fpcake to her Oi ce more, grgnr. And fccle hdr too.mtn: ' '^ Bi of good cheare, (he's your ownc flcfh and bono. B»ff. Di(ca(ci defperate muft find curcs'ahkc; She (wore flie has bcene troc.- (jramf. True on m/modefty: , 'B*g. Let him want truth who Credits not her Vqwcj t Much wrong (did her.buthcrbrother infinite; Rumor will voyee me the contempt of manhood, Should 1 run oti thus. Some way I muft try lo out^ioe Att,andcr7aJcalgufic, . . /. ^ .. Extmiumnttl •■J-\ •F* •>•? M t'l •V 'I rioilrifl^ FIouriQi. VEnttr t^mjt/M,, Netrchut lt*£ni CAfdiuba, 'jtr.l ^ mofitt, CrtltltH, EtifbrMpen, pni/l4{U,Pb$itwM,^ ^mj. Coren of ^r(»/,wtiat the hcauen j hauc pleai'd 'n rticir vuchjnging Counfclitoconc'.udc For both out kingdomcs wcale,we muft fubmit toj Nor can we Lc vr.thasktull to their bountiei, Who when wc were cuen creeping to our gtaueii, Scm vi a dmgh'^r ; in whofc birth, out nope. Continues ot tuttfiloni As you are In :i'lc tH:vt,beii)>-. gfinJchiidc to our Aunt,, Sovveii;h;4>tlib<.rtie ; Vfe thine owncopportunitiet. — — 4rm»p/,. We mud confal: with the Pliilolbpheri, The bufintffeii of weight. /*">it^. Sir.at youtpleafnwj r^fw You told tne, Cnifton, )wi- lonnc's rettua'd . Qcuiu^iWiM ?yyhe[crorccoau[|u»^ to ^wm "1 theBiokenUa AKtI Ai we commanded ?fCr«r. He fliail foone attend * \ Yout royallwill.grcrt Sir. /imf. The marriage Bet weeoe young /''■•,'i'f.i''* Shall grant vs ptiuacy.wiil yccid you reafoni ' -> J? J W hy I (lionld couet to defcrae the title Of your refpedted friend: for without Complepienc Belecue it, Ckjilm, 'tis ray ambition. Orf . Yout LordHiip may command me your poore ftruanti Jtb*. So amoroufly clofe dofe ? — fo foone ? — my heart .' Trtfb. What fudden change is next ? M». Life to th< Kinfj.. To whom I here prefent this Noble gentleman, . New come From Aibtm ; Royall Sir, rouchfafc Your gracious hand in fauoar of his merit. ^rw. My fonncprefcrr'dby/»6«c/«/ ^/w^.Oarboiniliei- . Shall open to thee Orjii/m ; for inftance, Harke it< thine eire i if out of thofe inucntions Which flow in ><«i«^, thou hatJ there ingroft- Z Some rarity of wit to grace the Nuptials ^ Of thy Jaire fifter, and renowi.e oni 'Jourt In th' eyes ol thji y ouos Pri:)ce,wi ir.all be debtor Jo thy conci'i , thinkc o;i't. Orj. Your HiRhiiefTe honon me. • Nmr. My tongue and It.'rt are twins. CnUut. A nobltbiith' Becomming fach a father. — worthy OrgUiu, You araagueftmoft witVdfor. Or^. Maymj'ducf. StiUliftia yout opiaioa,(acrcd Princeflc* Pi "" l'^' I i < 1 ■ 'I PHP ThcBrokinUz AKT". Jttt. Enp!n-i,ii4tiibtotl.erA\r,z Gentltmari ■ Well vvotihy ot ywir kiio-vlei-'yc AV«r. Wc embrace him; Proudof foikirtaciiuJiniaiicc. ^w;. All prepare ^, , -. For Rends and difpurt : t'.c loyes ot Hjnu», , .. ItT Like/''-iJ'^<«inliibliiUrc,putsioi!ij',ht ••:/> All milh of dulntfie ; crowne tlic bnuTis with gUdnefle i Noloor.dsbut mnficke.i.Oiiifcourft but mirib. Ch/m. Thine irme I priihe M«f/«. —— Nay, good Mv Lordkecpconyour way,lanipiou:fied. ',' i\V/>Wi« y 2ia defeTuing,aiid a hopctiill youth. 0^;. I erwy not his met ir,but applaud it ; Couldwlth him thrift ilia Ihisbelltlclircs, And with a wilingncfleinlcaj^ne our blood With his, for purcha!e ol full growth in frietidlTiipi Ffe nfucr louch'd on any wrong that milic'd The honour of ourhoule.nor fliir'd our peace ; ■ Y:t,with yout lauour, let me not forget . ' ' Vr.der whofe wing he (>itliers warmth and cotnforrt Whofc creature he isbouiid.madr, and muAiiue To. Crti. Soiinc.fonnc, I find in thcc a h.irfli ccnditionj No curtcfic can winne it ; 'tis too ranckoroui. Or^, Cood Sir be not le^fre in your cohftiuflioOj I annoflrangertofucheariccalmcs ... A» fit in tender bofouies : Lordly UhttUt Hath grac'd my entertainment in abundance; Too humbly hath delccndid from (hat height Ofatrogancc and I'plccnc wbich wrought thcrapo PA r^*Croi^f» Heart;" On grieu'd fwtheti purity ; his (cor.ie Of my vr.toward fortuni;! is rcclaim'd Vnto a Coutrhip,almon toi fawning : rie kiffc his foo;,lince you will hauc it fo> Crtx, Since I will hau: it fo > Friend I will haue it (q Without our ruine by your politike plott, Or Wolfe of hatred fnarlingin yourbreafti Youhaut a rp:rir,Sir, haue ye ?« familiar That poids i'th ayre for your intelligence ? Some fuch lUh^oiliH Imrricd you from %Athentl For yet you come vnfcDt for. Org. If vnwdcome,' foiigh*. haul foand a prauc there. Cnt. Sureyourbufincffe Was foone difpa'ch'd.or your mind altcr'd quickly. Org. Twascare.Sir.of my hciithjCUt (hort my iourccy | Tot there, a gcncrall infcflion Thrcattnsadcfolation. Ct$t. Andlfcare Thou haft brought backe a worfe inleflioa with ihce^ Infeiflionof thy mind ; which, aithoufayfl. Threaten! the ocfolation ofour family. Org. Forbid it our dcarc Genius, I will rather EcmadcaSacrificcOn riM(;/j monument, j Ot knceb; toltbttUs his fonnc in duft. Then wcoc a fathers curfc .- My fiftccs marriage With Prof'itlm, is from tny heart confirm'd / Way I line harrd.may I dye delpis'd. If I omit to further It in all That can conccrnctiie. ^r*/. Ihautbcenc toorough^ • My duty tomy King made me focarncflj Excufc it Orgilm, Org. Dearc Sir. Enttrtttknt^ Prt(tjiliti,Sufhr«ne4,libMliifirttltM,JJi»i)lhil% Crtt, Here comcj £>.-pbr4iiiA, with Prop'iiliu and Ithxl't. O'g. Moft faaiored — cuer famous, hfjt Yoorciue frisndi' On earth not any truer. — With faiooth eyes •■ .,.J;PPKe pa ^hiswordiy couple, yojirpoofent ., van oncjy mikc them one. Org, They hauc it. ~Siilcr," • ^ Tliou ii t I ,, ... mn The Broken H E A R T^ ThoH pawii'dft to me 1:1 oath.of wliicli ingjgement I ncucr will rcicilc tliec, if thou lym'ft a: any other chO)ce then tH». £«^Ar. Deire btothef," Athimotnone. Ctm. Towhichmybleflins'iiddcd* Or^. which tilla grcttcrciremonjrperfcft, F.Kfhr4*i:> lend thy h»iid ; here take her Prtfhilittt I.iiie 'onR a happy manand wife ; and further, Thii thefc in pre'enct nny conclude an omen. Thus fora Bridallfong I cIo(e my wi(hc$ ; Coa)lbrts/«i7i«?, Loatitncrtttjimj, i-iks I'i' ^""^" •»""■ "'/m ; Ple'ities/>/'«/'>"^»,pcacec#w;/;«»«f ^ H'ltkjHliirreiytr fofjw/ tHujiit^ ; Uttrti tj ho!) ymtnvttiitd M»rt ibtntbtiTt .by tu/ltmeteJJtJi \^ Frniifm/ ittuc": J W'iel'srtcid, l/oltj4^etthii'f'Cfd; Si,dai Crtt, Ithanketheelonneforthiiicknowlcdgemcnr^ Ic ii a fight ofgUdacfrc. Org. Cut my dncjr^ isttmi tmijSi TbtBrokeullEAKrl • Etier C»Unibji,'Ti»lhf4,CiirifiaU4,fHle''nt1 CJtn. Wha ere would fpcakc with v»,dcny bii trXtXKt'i BecarefuUot ourchargc, Ckn. Wc fl»jll madim. C»Uh. Except the K ing liimfclfc, giue none admittince. fanbiWf Not any. FhiL Madam it (hall be our care. CtJiinthii, Tettkis, C*l, and 'tis iuft To wifti my brother fbmc aduantage here t Yet by my bcft hopes, Jttucla is ijjnoranc Of this pBtfuic. But if you plcafe to kill him,' lend him one angry looke, ot one harlh word. And you (hall (bone conclude how ftrong a power Your abfo'ute authority holds ouer Hislileandend. C4U11. You haue forgot, P»»»iMj How f\ill I haue a father. Tw. But remember I are a (iller,though to me this brother H ath becne you know vnkindc : 6 moft vnkindeJ c*Uh. Chripttu,Pl)iltm4, where arc 'et ? :^ Lady, Your chccke lyes in my filence. £*ltr ChfifltUUnwi Piiltms, 0» S»th Tke Brtl^nlii art] CW4n, I thinke "cc rtccpc, *cc drortcJ ; wait 6n 'Pinthii ,Vnto her lodging ItbetUt ! ■-" '-->■•" .riKoiicriuusirig. — /«o««»/:' wrong'u Lady.' Ptm. Mf rcckonin^siremade cuen, Death or Fate Can ROW HOC ftrike too foone,nor force tcolate^ Mxtmii JEiui ^mui : Scan A primd.. Siit• I beleeuc it : YctNepliew,':i$thctongiieinformr«ontear«3j -n Our eycscan dcucrpierce intothe thought;, Fof thry are iodg'd too inward : «— but I qj^fiidtt No truth in Or^Um. - ■ ■■ The Princeffe (Sir) M. The Piinccffc? ha? -Arm, With licr the Prioce ii'ji'fitjf. Eitir tfinrchuiUddinf Ctldittbn, Amtlm^ Ktir: Great(fairc oiiej^race my hopes with any itiftance Of Liucry, ffoni the allowance of your fauour. This little foarkc. C*i. A Toy. A;*'*'. Loue feaftt en Joyi f,. ■ MB. nmmti theBrekcnUB.h^Tl For^«/'iVijachild, — vouchfafc this bounty : * '•'ii Jt cannotbeny'd. Cps. C*Jliitt»ith»eltii Amt. The King, Sir, is ,Ti1e Princcfles, I could haue tooke it vp. Ith, Learn" tnamer«,prethe. — TotheblcflredownT Vpon my knees. Ne*'. Y arc (a^vcy. C»l. This is prettyi I am.belike.a Miftrcffe. wondrous pretty » Let the man keepe his fortunc.fmct Uc loiind it ; He's worthy on't On Cozen . tth. Follow Spaiiicll, rieforco'cctoafawiiiiig clfc. Amt. You dare nor. SxeuHl. mC4r.itit Uh: & Artmfi.- 'Arm. My Lord.yoawerctoo forward, hh. Locke 'ec Vncic : Some fiich there arc whole iibertll contents Swarme without care ill euw-ry fort of plenty ; Who, after full tepaftsjCi. I lay themdownc To flcepe ; and they flecf-e, Vncle .- in which filence ■Their very drestnci pretenc 'em choyce of pleafiircs » Plcarurej (obferuc me Vncic) of r ireobicft ; Here heaps of gold, there Increments of honors j Now change ofgarmcRtsj then the votes of people J. ■ • Anon varieties of beauties, courting l In flatteries of the night. exchan[,e of dalliance, Yet ih-fe are flill but dreames .• gmc me felicity ' • Of which my fcnfeswakin,^ arc partakers; Areill,viP.fa'c,iBatcri»!lhappiiic/rc: -. s And then too, when I ftagge r in cxpefiancc Of the Uaft comfort that caacherifli life J I faw k(Sir) I faw it ; for it came From her owne hand. Arm. The Princefle tbrew it t'eeJ- ltb». True,a:jdfliefiid — well I reraewber what. .Liu HerCownPrifKe would beg it. -/^/^Wi Yes,and parted: ,i itn anger at yoor taking on't. Itk. 'Ptmibtt! n'.:.-) Ph cbw baft pleaded witb a pawerfuUlaogtUKC I -— G 3 ■ ' V ?! V- I want 3 fie ro Rfjcifie thi^ myrir. ButlHi:id;!e— /iftitotqiiall,orin worth or Title. ^.V/», Coatauie yourfcltV.my Lord.Awoayining To embrace /«», bofom'd but 1 clfliid, And begat C.f..v«rf/ : 'tis an vfcfiill mcrall. i^(nbl:l^;l hatch d in cloiidsofmecrc opinion, Proucsbnt in birth tptodmif. i,k,. i thanke'ee- ^et, with your Licence, 1 rtiould fecme vncharitable ToKcntlcrrate.ifrellilhingthcdaintics 0!a loules fcdcd peace, I wcicfo »ccbi« NcttodigcIUt. ^r„. Hcdtferuesloialltnift VV ho IS not priuy Counltll :.r tohimlelfe. pTTI /""V"J^' 07- Yow Excellence oiaakesHitempwJ Fory/W/winfafhionofhismind ^ Is beautiri;ll,foff,gcnt!r,thc elf arc mirror Of abfolute pc. ff Uon. Am:!. Wak't your «n»defty Term'd ay of the Prince his feruants Spsnicll ? Your Nur(c fure taught yoii other language. Itbt. Laneenge? A'Mr, A gallant Man at arme s is here r a Doftor InfeatsofChiualryiblunt.androushfpoken, Voiichfanngnotthefaaianofciuih'ty, Which rarti fpirits ftile good manners. Jth. Mannen.' Or^. Nomore(i:!uariousSir)'tismarchIcflarkewellmy Saw) • Their heads mud needs be giddy : tell the King That henceforth he no more muft enqtiire aftet ^j a£cd bud i Af&t wiU it fo i !'t SmuTi^ mm The Ero\ai H E A R T,' J i^.\^ointlfbet. ytm. Not without (ome conffrcnco V,' jtli cur prcar mailer. Tro. Ncncr more to fee him, A gnratfr Princtcomniindstnc. —Jtlnc/ti, H'-'.rajtutliiirife^mJ ylj^tfrtmiimt dub.pmti Th/vif/rffeTrimif pjt/itrtdtktBrt^tiiHemt: hh. \\ Hat'.« tl-,s,irvnderftoo The CucMdjin conceit, hath call his hornesj 1 ,.-,» JIm][, Bctake'ee to your (cue rail occaGont, •'. -.(jj . .i.|.;?;I'J Andwheieinl haueberetoforobc<;n« faulty,,; ;',;,£ iJiV|,.i, -tY Letyourconftruftionsm'ildty pairti;ouer,.',i, ->• :j .h'tilf>j|."i» • Hcncefbtth I'leftudy reforooatiop, r^^iHWrtJ- ',. a>-,,'l .it. ' "'. 'I J haue aot for employment. ^r«n. Q ^ttf aani '-.'ic'jo-j • Thou art the very lionycoBobeofhoncfty, -■_? ,'m.'< Phml. The garland ofgogd-will; — OldLady.boUfp; -. *i Thy reuerendfnout,»nd trot behind me foftly, r ' Y .">. At it becomes a Meile of ancicnr carriage. : ;.?xMi«f,ta«l|ll<^ iSaJf. Beads onely capable oflenfe.enioy .M*. "i The benefit of food and ra(c with thankfulnei&i ; j,. . ■ . Such filly creatures, with a grudging, kieke boC.'., '. * Agiinft the portion Nature hath beftow'd I But men endow'd with realon,and the vljj Vj; jjtJ Ofreafon, to didinguifh from the chaff* •, .,' Ofabiefi fcarfcity,the Qaimefcenee, Soule.and El'txar of the Earths abundance, Th«trearnresoftheSea,thcAyre,nay hcaota ,,; Repining at thefe glories ofcreation, ■[ Are verier betdtthan beafts; and of thofe beaftl , The word am I ; I, who was made a Monarda Of whaeabeartcouIdwini,forachaflvr>fc^ ' : Endeuout'd what in me lay, to pull downc ■ , That Temple built for adoration ojwiy, „.j ; And leUel't In thedaftof caufeieffe licaiijall'|-j ;j;^r,'i Sut teredecmeaftcrilcgefo iaipieta, :, i ,bil»q-Si-vr)i!:'.a . Humility fhall powre before tbedciricjt., oitjjjH vrunirti aT I haue incenft a largeneffe of more puicnee w iv; 1; z:u' .1 aj' J \-- ^} ...f .V I « ..Ti c.ui^m. 1 '• rriin y.ST .!:'> jud :;..!■• • i'f.i I- . '.(I /. !■■. 1 .r. Theatheirdifplcafcd Altarscanreauirtit \[.'nt No tempefts of commotion (halldiiquiccil; ^ \^h.' ThecalncsoTmycompoCire. •..,;,-(,.' ...Ji •' Or£, I hiue found thee, ■. j .'.... , - Thou patro« of more horrortthenthebulke • ^> Of Hianhood.hoop'd about with rlbipf Iron, pM crapb within tb; jtieQ i /fo4 {IfUmt} .: ( ^ W Cuift i . t • tlif Broken Vi-^kfLrt S '^'.ri CurSbythykj!oufisffMoHe;bV'tIiy'dot"«gi -^-^ '■.'>>'•«. D-iilV ' 9m».-! i tojwi .7 br A iptcyjowor 's< ^<^.:».;,^.^..„ . yourttul«tariddiu<»/il»myf>crtiiSnce;' -.-- - •• X sm rcloiu'd. Or)^. Plij* rtot "wjlU cnifn'y ' '<■• Ji^i-'i ""^oaiuot^'-.l P.iAci:rc . fomeangfV Mthiftrr of Fati hith '■^''- •'"' ''jfiJs^ .' ' Dcpos'dtfic KJn|*«(lc«f'TiA'foule,hcrrcaR»rt;;'r'- ''^>'C'i ^"*fl V t roni Its Qioft piop.r J i)rone t but wjiat's th; miraMe' P* '""•" MtoreniHr(ijth*tieC«nfcir,tij'^ 'Si»f: Yoii ma ,■ dtkldtmy ftnfes.hoc ttiV indi»tmtat i ••■''■ "! ^ •Tix».«oboiiV«Mtt»fitinercl<»I'tdort. •' ff."-. -„■•.,:."■ :w'. DalliinceofMiriliprWic'canne'revqfixeit. - ' - I'raaifc yet furtK«». Of/. May »h) death oflone tohft '"" Dam.-.calljhycoinrortjtoalaiHngfaft . ■ :•' - From eucry ioy of ii fef.-! ' Thdu l»af hr n rockf, ' ' By thee wc hauc bee Iplit'ih ken oH)arboar. Eoltr lihtclei, Pe»tb*,i htr'liMri nhut btr cirti ' Tbtlem^,0)U^alU. * iih. Sifter lookevp.yoof //iofifc/.yourbrotlwr lir>'f.';'\ Speakeit'ce .• why c'.eeyou Weepe /Dcere.turae not from met ' ; Heieiaa killinn finht:lo,»«i/iW/, ■■ ■ ')■■« A iaraentable obfcv'*. O-^j •M.i>i;doft(ee'i?'"' ' * ■ ■ -v-iA 5>pottsarcmore{;iiiiefome;'am!yLtmmertiii>eiftjf " ' ^'"- - -"-ft not laugh .' ^«/.. DioFne.indbrilomdfc^''""' fofftet my out-rage y-ihfrcyeuec '•' r, ' i"^-' Whydoft ricafe to " jvr^-ri'VJ 'Iff ^ ^ ^. :-n.J CannotbutfodgcVndcrarootiibexceFekf * '•-•Jt'^lf'Jf «•:.: I haue catt offthatcru#lty if ?* :"br.^; bnA Which pnce appear'd, lBipoRoH,^r3'tI)Vn'ftoVe3"^'-;''" "■ '"^ 'To cheat my flctpsof relV. 0''?i'Wai 1 inearnc|l[ >' "rX^.-vY. Ttn, Sureifwewereairsiftns.WcfhouIdfineputj/BlfJli'"'-' ' And 'twere acomclymuri*fcc,\phen in har'rt " "" .' '*''^- Onc fon»anothtrs knell : en-'Tnrtlt fi:;hes '' '^'' 'f "-'-Tn"''o'< When he hith loft his mate ; aiul yer foaiB fi^' ■-™ **• »*W''«>3fJ'f A' muftbe dead firft i 'tiia fine itcCu'' •*• '^ It finkes aitto the graue : I muft c«epo thiiheiri, . jj l :1 v '^n"^ "IheioutnyisnotloBj. UV. Bjittl]^on^P»«6M,' . ji.Ae'.a: liiV.' Haft maiy yccres,l fiope, to iijimficr.y tt ./ ' V-t , ; i,v 5mi.i E'rethoucanft traucll that way. J?*/. ,U|c|beSvv«gifii[fti v;'.:}-!! Bewrap'd vpin aiieuciU(\ing darkncflc, o.-tj,, 1'«.'.17«.I Before I he light of natarc,cV«.riyfor»'d • -->. i ii.uj,. a -I A' For the whole wor!dideligtt,'f(cle an Ecsiipfti ,' ; ^ vxbiU- '1 Sovn-uerfall, Ojff)N\i^ovati'i^o^t,:f:t)-^ -i', ^bnKiH«";»-.T Bc|^ini,oraup;-rj77-ait tW'mad tflo.aoiiVlior ^. .M;tt}r>H /"'». Siiice I WM firft a wtfc,Imigli^b4iieb«l w -ri JftjouMhayecry'd client)!./ (jtji'jd j-^-jiruly b«thc^\9;l > My tathtrwouldhaucpick'diaequtahii^ipspdj,, ;^;;(iiiir "•'« And then my little onw liad bcf nc npJbaXUi^if »• risii.-. S'ii"{» ■'■ '^ But'iistoolaceformetomarrvVioiv, i. i, ,••!,,- •<.'?f^'ci-i 'O I am paft child-bearing }'tij not my.fauiti; ;' „:J t, H-utf •<»•*! \'' B..l.\,r,-)M ,-, '' And hury me in fljnicb j fwcats.hpt as LjfihHrc;ii?nI.f ni ■< s."J ' ^ Boylct.uoughm, porps; ^^bftionh^thinftBT? Vi.-.*'J .hiV No torture like to this, t?^- Behgldi patience < ,s ^y/iuA 'T layby thy whyning gray difljraolation, r • < -V .» \ Doe fomctliinq worth a Chropicle { (hew I»- '• Vpon the Author afthismjfchiefe; dig out . ,• ■ . (U -V*^ The Icalonfies that half h d thistKral4ai?>e firft • ..;iil w-m;'.-! > Withihiiieowneponyardfcuctyaat/ckeraptuf* , b.'ni.; Canroarcasthinedocs.'7>i. Or^iywferbcarev . : I'j.''!]:^ ^'5- pilturbe him not, it J« a talking tnotipa ... rj •»/,; Prouideatormy,i^9fmeDt? whatafoloiVaml'- . . 't^L. .»-•/} ;•. To bawdy piffion? ere I'lefpeake^Wprd-vn- ILoc . w.''^ 1 will !«oke on and burft. /x»j, J ijjpVl^jJuonMrt; ' r.i '*• . > Orir. Thoodidft,wtonBlfcT;f)vytffiiwd<':t.^«»i Spar«iy.9iitl>andc Bci'ccucmc, ri« nQt;huttit. Pff. . Paine my heirttoi . Compi'»inenctthoughIwnf>jyf^d,;IjLekireitj . ■ O'tiii fine fbftpalme:, {larfce iff tbinctarij / . „ ... .-Xx:: Like wbom <^S^^§^^'»^^imf^tp^^l!?^^ i£i.V/ HaT Cflodj 1 I I " T The Br.V»HE'A RtV - •••^'- CocyBtCTc J wc hidbeene hippy : too mucli fiippIntflV Will make folkc ptoai they ljyr-~ bot that Ls>t| • cthepaidfor'tboin«5»l«,hi3hc»tt . '' '■*■•':, v^iMpf*fj IfcicptietoiheciblnctofthePrinceirc;'- ' '•''''•' ""''<"''■",_' We (lull haue points and bridelaces. Remenibet ' ■ " When we laft gMhct'dRofcs in the garden .. ■ / Koundmy witj.butttnlyyouloilyours: ' ' ' ' Thit'iHe^ndQill'tisHe. M, ?ootcVco\t,h9V^'MT ,, Her fancies guide licr tongue. J*-'/ Kiej>eiuv*»ati«n, "''"'' And breakc not info cldmour. Or'^. SbcfiMtutor'dinet ^ Some potTcrfall infpircion checks my lazinciTe t Nowletmekiflcyourhand.gfiea'dbcanty. Tw, KiffciCi , AUcke.alacke, W» lips be wondrouicoIJ ; Deateloule, huloft hil coloiir : haufe 'ee feene '' A Qnyinc heart? ill cranniei.cuery drop * 0» blood is tDin'd toan Amethift, Which msrried Bachclours hang in their earof.. ^^r? ■ P«c« "(her be rifito Eiitjim ; IJ this be madnenc,-madncfle is an Oracle." /ti. Chnp^lU/Thilimt, when flcpt my (ifter, Herrauingsarefo wild. Chri, Sir.nocchcretendtycs* rbtl. We watch by her contimially ibcfidcc, V.'e cannot any way pny her to eat. *'/. Oh — ttifery ofmileries 1 Ptn, Takecomfiutt, You rnay line well,aad dye > good old man 5 Bv yea and niy,an oath not to be broken, 3f yoo had loyn'd cnr hand? once in the Templet .'Twjifince ray father dy'd, forhadheUu'd ' ' H c wou'd haue don'c : I eaod hsua call'd you father^ Oh my wrack'd bonwr ruin'd by thofc Tyraattf ! " 'J . 'Ac!ieltbrothcri»ndadtij,.fg{jdoti2c/- .",'"*'■,'., The^ ia no peace Icfrfo* a rauiih'dwifo . ; • r. , . WidfJow'dby Uwrlcffemarriago; toallmethotyg.' '"'"•' ; , ;» <^>n«*(.«'4, p«orcP/«'iMV name it trumpeted t Bat fjocrfccrijIoDd ivai'fcafoa'dty the tbrfcit OfnoUc(iiairt»,withiiiixtureiofpollationj, •''•■''.;■ - »- ■a tvM ! f'A tiilOrJi^ theBttken Hi ART: jVuh taft of fuftenwc. Starue ; let that fulnefle ' Whofe plnnfie hath (caer'd faith and modf fty, Forgiuc me : o J faint, ^rm. Be not fo w ilfull, awe«N«ce,toworke thine ownedelhuaion. M. NttUiC Will call her daughter, monfter,— what ? noteat ? Rclnle the OHcly ordinary meanea Which are ordaind for life ? be nor.my fifter, A ^urthreSe to .hy fclfe. - Hear-Jl thou thli.S.fsm.t J"a- Fo, Urn bufie ; for I haue not thoughts Ibow to thmke all fhall be wdl anon, , Til tombling in my head : there it a maftery in Art to fatten and kcepe fmooth the outfide; lei.asd tocomfort rpthe vitall fpirita .Withoat the hcipe of food, fumea orperfume*. Perfumes or fiimes : let her alone.l'ie fearch out Jhetxickeon't. />«. Lead me gently jheauens reward yc- NVboin lierpriuatcGalleiy«pcdiic , .'_«. «.!»: rrom } our ownc mouth alor.c ; 1 am a mefl;'i i-V .■:v •S- i- , Youniouldber.cefchim. y*r».'Sir,lkifl'c your^aiat.- ftftwirtt a Ut^/UmM Ntorilim ($• AmeJmf' 1 .iai4!v:«3f. --lv)_*I r ^<'! Nt^r. Ican,/^/>»f/«<;fora9cfliousiniur'd By tyrant)ic,oc ti(our ofcompuIGon, LiVeTempeft-thrcained Treesvnfitmely rooted, Nt'refprmc to timely growth :obftrue, for inftanc^.f: i ' _ Life-fpent ?..»»(*'«, indvhhappyOr^wv . •- ••.t jjV.T ytme. How does yonr grace determine ? iV««r. Tobc ie«16uS ' Inpublike.ofwbarpriuately lie farther J • J.-.V. Andthoaghthey (hall not trwwi yet they flitH findc it • ''-- £xr»arm>ttw« 'xi'-'^ rElir}1tmifliil*ndgrnie/nl€«dm}^Amjclu,mifl*.'J_ • ' P cin^ him i» * Chfjrtjttitwti i] tArma^ts, Cr«».S ^ U»',4miProfhilm. .' . J Jmj. Our daughter is not neere? Arm. Stieittctirc4,S7»'A1IU»T«V# £xc»pi-^'''«"y'"»»',t, ^»lb tMf, „ y,4i/, thXiiimg frjft. ^"'hmthintij^loicriniElmt^^itn !.. . MakcwhcPhilofopher? ^r«. ThiTbricfcone.o.itlyj i.1ir4 prA!i'j[''°'"'' ""= "p^'^E of thiaSc ^a out It isitc « Riddle, yet we conftrue Howneereouri8b'ri.ig,gedrawestoartft, : ButmuftC.W.<,q«;,ctotharyoong(;rape : u. . ,. ,. Vufmeybudded/ Icouldmournefofhe/T ' i 'f- '^A Her tcnderneffe hath yet defcru'dnorieor . «■ ' • So tobe croft by Fare. Am. You mifapply, $»,. Wuh fauour let mr fpc.ke it what AulU^ ^' ^* Hsth ciotided in hid fcnle ! I here conieftore n/ 'lI"uV'''5^"i.''*'""«'^'''' ""8 Pnnce,thede« Ofwhxhbetr.end,nsElri,ert,al!cu«flreng,hra ^>v ::.-{ Js tobe then d.gefted,whcnth'euenti ""-''«'« £xpound their trnth, not brought a/Toorte tolieht ^^^cpoftroplcrttfcctcaufijofcomfoK, - ^ ■ •- . WitK ;;••>:, 'W TheBrdlienliEAVir^ With unity of kingdomes. ^»r. May it vnetK-'. , JForwealeofth.sdeareNaticn whtie is /.**«'■«?. •.• ^ yfrw.^f*,Cr«w/«; when this withCT'd Vine . '^ ,. Of my fraik carkade, on the iuncrali Pile, Is fird into iti afhei, let that youn» man Be hfds'd about (hll with your cares and I«oe» J ■ Much owe I to his worth, much to bis feruice. ^ • . • Let (uch as wait come in now. ^'m. All attend herfc^^ -- HtmtfM,»ndG>c)it/u. C*l. l)«re Sir, King, tather I /<*. O my reyall Matter .' Am} Clcaoc not a.y h€art(fweetTwins of my Ufe slolaccj With your fote-iudging feares; there ii no Phyfickc Socunninjjlyreftoratiuetocherifi - The fall of Age, or call backe youth and vigor. As your confents in duty : I will (hake of Thiilangaifl>ingdifeafcoftime,to<}tticken, Irefli plcafcres in thefc drooping houres of fadnefle t Is ftire EupbrMtM married yet to tr^lm f •„ . Cr»». This morning.gracious Lord. Or/. Thw rety ««|jiin Jk Which wit ,-)ii HighBcfreleaueyoumayabfcructoo Our fitter lookes (me thinks)mirthrull and (pri|Wyi Asifherchaller fancy could already Expound the riddle of her game miofing Atriftc ; Maids know onely that they know not ; PilTi.prethcblulh not -."tisbut honeftchange Of falhion in the garment, loofe fist fttcient. And fo the modell maid is made ■ wife i ■ , ^ . Shrewd bufinefle,is't not Dfter? Eupb. You ar e p'eafaw. Any . W^e thanke thcc,Or^/V<«, this mirth becoONS tkcc t But wherefore fits the Court in fuch a filencc i ■ ;•.- -^ • A wedding without ReueU is not feenaely. - • • CtU. Your late indifpoTition.Sir.forbade it. Amy. Be it thy chatgc,C4/«««fc«,tofet forward The bridall fports, to which I will be prefent : If not, at leaft conlenting I oaine owne /ife>f/lr/, 1 haw do«c little foflthccjct. M. Y'hauebi^me » Tothc full height I (land in. C gi«e ire thine hand j ^*/«/*4 take th.ne owtie ; in imblc aftiois Theu'itfir.dhim firroeandabiolutci I would nol Hauc parted withthec,/M»(r///,to any BurroamWfefll. whoisall wliat f am. hn. A cfan;;e (great King) mod wifbt for, ciufc the ffm.-^- — ■. , C*l, 1 h'art mine. — Haae I now kept my word. Itb. Diuind/* f Org. Rich fortuness guard to fauuur of a Princcfii^ Rocke thee (btauc man)in tuer crowned pleotf t Y'are minion ofthe time, bcthankfullloriti Ho, here's a Iwinge in Deftiny.— Apparent, The youcl».is f p on tiptoe.yet may flurable. Amy. On to your recreations ; now conuey me ▼nto my bed-chamber: none on his forehead Wereadiflcmpercdlooke. Omnti, The gods prtn,.ae'e«; ; C4. Sweet be not from my fight, hb. My whole felicity? V.xtmntttrrymi tut tfthe Kliig,OrfUHt fi*jel Ith*clc^ Orf. Shalllbeboldmy Lord? y»«. ThoucanttnOt,Orj«/*»j j Call rae thine owne, for Prtphi/m tnuft henceforth Be all thy fifters t frieadftiip.thongh it ceafcnac In marriage.yct is oft at lefie comman i jThen when a fingic freedome can difpofe It. Org. Mott right, my raoft good Lord,my moft great Lorcl; ' My gracious Princely Lord, I might addc royall. M. RoyaII,aSBbiea royall? Orj[. Wliy nocpraySii?, •The Soceraignty of Kingdomesin their nonage ' 1 Stoop'd to dcfcrt, not birth : thcie's as much muril In clearencffe ot affcaion, as i n puddle Of generation : yon haue conqucr'd Loue Hoea iitbelouclieft if (greatly errenor, ?he ignac ot tnm hath btqucath'd hii quiugp 1 W 7ht BrokfnUi.KKT', To li'nc/tt his oT^naje.by whofc arrowei C^/rf>i/ia'/breft isopcn'd. /th. Can't be poflible? . Or(, I WMKiyfcifca pccceof fuitoronce. And forward in preferment too i (o forward, Tha. l|icakiMgtnitli, I may without oflfence fSir) Prtluinc to whifper, that my hopei,aDd (harke 'e»)[ Kty ceriainty ot inatriage flood affurcd With ai firme footing (by youricauc) as aay's Now at this very ii.flant — but.— Jth. 'Tis granted : And for a leiguc of pnuacy bctweene v», Kcado'rc my bofoinr,aiid pcrtake a fccrct ; IbePrinctireiicomraaedmine. Or^^ Still: why not? I now applaud hsr wifdomc ; when your kinsdome Stardj liared in your will ftcurc.and Tetied, I dare pronounce you will be i lufl Monarch i Gr#rf«niuftadmirr,and tremble. Jifr, Then the Aveecneflo Of fo imparidis'd a comlbrr,Or^es,'tiseuernigfita Ltue is de*d^ let huers tyetf Lock' din endUJfe dre4mes^ Th' est r erne f of all extremes'. Ope Hi more, fir notv Louedyes^ Nov Liuedjesyimpljing Ltuet Martjnmufi Ueutr,eutr djingl ■1 W. Oh my mifgiuinj; heart I Orf. A horrid fliltjefR T ^"i/* 1 ^«^'*''"" «y'e. '«''» know the rcafon ; .Tread foftly. there it mjftery in mourning* SxitMCi ^n CbripMllMMHdPhUemt, liriHiitifii,7tnlbt*iu»€i»invmUi two nkerftriiMntifUcin^ twt thMtris^ ni m th* ni fji, tuiA th tthtr with m Etgiwe *n tbt tthtr ; thi mdiii fit tUwnt M btr fttt m»urni»i, tbt ftrntti ru tut, meet them Itbttltl md Or^ilm. ' ^'^l' '^''^<»"<^. **>«<"> hefrigbt band. Org. Good, begone; Jih. Soft peace iorich this roome. Orr- Howfarei thi Lady f • W./. Dead. Cbri. Dead/ 7bi/. Staru'd. Chri. Staru'd/ " M. Memiferable.' Orf. Tellva How parted fhe from life ? fiil. She caU'd for muficke, 1 And bcgg'd fame gentle royce to tuse a farewell • , :?=* To life and 2riefes.CArf^^/4touch'd the Late, "'^' Iweprtbefiinerailfong, Chri, Which fcatcewaaenAi' But her lafl breat h feal'd r p thefe hollow founds, O cruell AA#r/«,and iniur'd Or^iim ! Sodowiiefljedrewher»aile,(ody'd.7«*.$/jdy'dv • Org. Vp;youaren>cfrcpgcrsofdeath,goeftojBril • Hcrc'sweccaough to court without «{]c«n)M(r.' " ■ ■. r Away ;ani1 \^mV'. ye.tillyoii fee vs next, „, ., . w_. Nofi:l.i>!ctha^{h;ijdcad.— Away, LxtnMl.&Ckt^ Kccpc a (!noot'nbrow. — My Lord. /r6. Mine onely filler, Ai.cthcrisiiotlettme. Org. Tikethatchayrci I'k Tat mc licrc in tliis : bctwecnc v$ fits Til;. obi\a of our (orrowcs; fomc few te»re9 Wix'il part jmoiigvf ; I perliipscan mixc One ljn,cii!ablc ftory to picparc'cin. TIUTCjilaic, fit tlicrc.my Lord. Uh. Yes^ you p'^ife. , Ilhfclii fitjiomu^aniu cMcht iatbt Eitgmn What meancsthii treachery? Orgi Causiit.youarecauBhl Yo.ingunilrr: 'cisthy throne of Coroiiation, Thoii Icoc orgrtarncfftf ; fec.l take this vailc effj ' Sunicy a btzuty withcr'Jby the flimes Of Jniu(ultinsi''j-»f«»«htrbrother. Jih. IhiMim.an'fttokillmcbafcly. 0^?. Iforektjew. n he laft aft of her hfc.arvJ tf ain'd ihcc hithct , Toficrificea TyratittoaTurtlc. •Yon dttani't of KingdoCTCs.did 'ec ? how to bofomo , The delicacies ofa ywingling Princcfic, Hew with thii nod (o grace that lubt ili Courtier, How with that frowne to nuke this Noble treniblei And fo forth ; whiles P«<6M''grone4,and tortures, Hera5or.ies,hcrn iicries.alfliaionf, .... Nc're'touchc vpoa ycor thought ; as for my iniuncs, Alas they were beneath your royall pitty, But yet they liu'd.thou proud awn.to confound thee* Behold thy fate.this fteele. /i«r. Strike home; acMirag* As ktenc as thy reuenge (hall giae ic welcome i But ptct'rc faint not ; if the wonud clcfe rp, Tent it with douWe force^nd feaich it deeplr> Thou look'll th»t I flionU whineiandbcgcom- AsloatHtoieauc the vainnefieofmy gloriesj A ftateiierrefolutionarmes my confidence. To cozen thee of honoar ; neither could Jj , Vith «jK»ll tt)Tril ofrnecjaill fbrtune. Vi- <<^ fT* "*^ ■'■"■*— f/'vE/tf^vwHE ART; Too mighty fora fliiie in-ending mntthcr.- Ga to the Execution, and inheiit A conflict lyirh thy horrors. Or^. Ey ytpoC*, Thcu talkVl a goodly Jancua^e ;'for r. qiiital*, I will report thee to thy mirtrcdc richlv . • And take ;hi» peace along; Come few Oiortminutt* Dctermind,myrcl(>l.i-.;,(hal| qiikkly follow 1 hy w rathfull gholl f li- 1, if we tu? for maftrry: P«/iMf facrid eyev (h ,11 lend new coirage. Gme mc thy hind, bi htaithful. in thy partiog From loft moita it, : thuj,thu5,I free it. *,/,ti«- 3 will be Gentle tuenin blood; to linger '*-"■» Paiiie,which I ftriw to cure, were to be crucIL \th. Nimblein vrngcancel forgiutthcc; follow Safety, with b.ft fucctfle 6 may itprofpcr' f'nt'„t», by thy fide thy brother bleeds: The earncft of h^s wrongs to thy forc'd faith. T houghts of ambition, or delitious banquet WkU b.aury. youth.and loue. t<^ther pe/ilh III my laft breath, which on the facred Altar Of a long look'd (or peace -now - raoues . to heasen: iw#»/«.~ rielocketbe bodiesfafe, till what muftfollow Shallbeapprou'd--- Sweet Twins fhineftarsforcoer: In raine they build their hope,,whofc life « ftame N—onumenclaftabut. baJpy'Namc. "'^"^O.^, ^U *A9fSr««f9rIca^g.«KlthcFoag,g||n^j,^-- I I . r«r .«^-'5 ■TT*" "T^ TheBrehnUi'AKTl I o." Vtre in 5;4rM there's not left amopRft vg („.e«nlcmaniodirea,we-rcalltura-draadcipS: ■lis hi6,yff'l'» is the codof herbs; Tlwti certainly he Knowes the vcitueot em: f o n w/fc" 1 hiue fcut to ; if there can be A hclpc for natare.we arc lure y :t. EuttrOr^ilm! lV«L"hy"«unrcU eucr. B.f 1 befeech thee W'th »ll my heait let me goe Irom thee quietljr, I will lot otiglit to doe with thee of all men. The doiibler J ol i Hare, or, in a tjiorning, Salmesfromafpl.y-foottdwiteh.todrop Three drrps ol blood it th' no(e mlt.ar.d no more, Oo>kint?ot.R»ucn»,crth«fctcecholOwles, ArcnotioboadinBmifchiefeasthycroning My priuate rr.editatioiw : fliun me, prethe j And ill cannot loue thee hartily, ^, , , _ _. ric loue thee as well as I can. Org. Noble M*»« . Miftakemenot. B.f Phew.thcnwerhallbetroobW; Thou weitordain'dmy plague.hcauenmakemethanMuM, And eiue me patience too, hcaucn I befeech thee. Ore. Accept a Icigueot amity J for henceforth, IvowbymybeftGenus.in a finable, Neiier tofpeake vexation ; I will ftudr . Seruiceandfriendftiipwith^iealousforrow i-onny pall inciuility towards 'ee. . . -, . , , Bdlf Heydey .' good .words,t;ood words, I mtrflbdeiae <«« And be a Coxtombe for my labor. Org. Vleiwc So hard a Lanpiagc ; yoor mildoubt isaofclcllc: For inftance ; if you promire to put on Aconftancy of j)atiencr, fuch a patience As Chro li Jc:0r bilfory nc'te mentioned, Ai followes not example, but Oiallftani .» Awonder.andalheameforiinication, ■ : The firft.t he 7»-/fAr pointing t« a fecond, 1 will icqiuiiK "ee with an ynnBtttb'd fccier» tViofl ^^"1= ^"owled-e to your griefcs (lull fct t periodic ' »cT , "^'"'^ ""' (Otf,/,,,) 'tis in the power •t tfic sods oiicly J yet for latistaaion, Bccaufc t :ioce an earncil in thine vtterarce, Vnforc'd.andnatural.yOef, be rcfolute The Virgin Biyts fiull not withftand ,!,« lishtning' With a .nore carek (ft dinner, than tny conaancy The ftillof thy relation, could It moue Diftraaion \<\ a fcnfeicTe marble natuc. It fliould finde me a rockc : r doc cxpcdt now Sometruth of vnheard moment. Or^. To your patience You muft addc priu jcie, as ftrong in filence As myftcnes lotk'd vp in /»««owneborome: ri. .T ^ "" ^''' '" '*"^ ^'"'' ' f «l5le ape. Shall fooner prate. Or^. lartly.tofuchd'ircaioo As the feuerity of a glorious ^«»» Deferuei to lead your wifdome and youriudsementJ Youought to yeeid obedience. B.f With.nliHncc ®l will and thankfulnefTe. Org. With manly courage PJeafc then to follow me. i^f. where c'rc, I feare not. . . Exmttmntti Scdnci, Loivdmufde. C^. We mifle our femaat hhtlii and Oriilni On whotn attend the,? Ct„. Myfonne,gracioMPrinccffc; Should b. bat vfl,er: wherein I conceine ^• iord ItlmUi ind he himfclfe are Aftdrt.- C,l. A faire excufe for abfence : at for Safiml pthgbts to hin are troublefome ; yirm,/}./. * ' Wbthe King Cr«. Hei,. c*/. Ontothedane^f nMreCo^en,h.nd you thcBride. thcBridcgjoofflCnwfifci' 'm ■,.-,■ If. f — £,:]hTM-*, I (hjli fcaiccly proue a temptrefle : Failtooardancc. Tititrdul Ji^nttniih SufhfMea, Trt>hilui Wtb C*Uub*, CirtftofH with Htm-fhi/, Pht.'etM mtb qrtutu. Dtrnt thtfr,} ckAn^c ; dn't^g which, Enter Armo/lfj. ^ ii,m. The Ki.g your Uther-sdctd.^ — .»C-/4«*«i/-r«j tV. To the other chanRC. yi'm. IstpofUble? ^i/. O Madam/ n. . Tiwhe»,pooicPtiiihr»i(iitu'<\- CJ. Bcihrewthcc, Leadtojhemxt. '£'j- Annzcmentdulimv fenlci. D*KCeJ^4tiiu tnurOrjtlm, O'l Br»iJe/»W/« is mntthcr'd.murthdr'd cruelly. C«f. How dull this uinfickefotindi? ftrikevpmorefprightly j Oiirfootir.csircnot»aiuclikecurheart , . „ , , Which treads the nimbler meafure. Orj . I am thunder-ntooRe. Lofl cbivixe. C"'(">"'f"K'- Cat. So, let HS breath a while s hath not this motion Paii'dfrciher colour on your checks? Nem: Sweet Princtlfc, A pcrtcft purity ot blood enamels , , ,„ Thebeiutyofyonrwhite. C"'- We all lookc cheerfully i Acd Coreii, "ti*, me thinks, a rare preCimptio.i In any.who prefer* ourlawlull pleafutes Before their owne fowrecenlure.tointcnupi Thecuftomeot this Ceremony bluotly. • < /ftMf. None dares, Lady. , . A/. Yesycs ; (ome hollow voyce dcliuer d to me How cV.*tchc King was dead. Wrw. The Kins; is dead* That f Jtall rewes was mine ; for in mine armea He breath d his lift, and with his Crowne bequeatVd^ee Tout mothers weddine Ring, which here! tender. Cm.Moft ftrangel C-/. Peace crown his alhes.we arc qaeeft tneo* iV?4r. L«ngtiue C«'«»*-«,Sf <»•»«'/ SoueraigneQaeene. Omofs. Long line the Queene. Cdt. Whatwhifpcred5-|v? murth-r'd? C Mine eyes haue bccne ai\ euidence of credit Toofurctobecoiiuinc'd: e/*r»ii>/?«, rent not Thine Arteries with hearing the bare ciraimftaacei Of thefe calamities 1 thou'fi lodaNephew, A Neecc, and I a wifie : continue man dill. Make mc the pattcrne of digefting cuils, Wbocanout-liuemy mii;hcy ones, not (htiaking At fuch a prcfTure as would (inke a foule Into what's moft of death, the wotfl of hortori t But I haue fcal'd acouenant withladnefle. And enter' d into bonds without condition To ftaud thefe tempeds calmely ; marke me, Ncbbf f I doe not died a teare, not for Ptmtbtt t Excellent mifety.' C«/. We begin our reigne "■ . > With a firft aft of luftice : thy confeflios, Vnhappy Orgilm, doomesthee a ftntence { Bat yet thy fathers.or thy fiftera prefence Shall be ey >u'd : giue, Cr«(*/«ii, a blediag ,To thy loit Ibnne .- E»fl>rt»e*, take a farewell. And both be gone. Cr», Confirraethce,noblerorrov^^ In worthy relolotion. £«/>*, Could my tcarei fpeakc, Mygricfes were Height. Orf. Al|gooddeCcclvvcU«ffli>ngftrMi Emey a; fiftcr, 7r»/ii7w { ay 7en£c«acs r -*»rri^»-« «^-^ -^ T£*Br(>j^*» Hearts AymM neucr ai thy preiudice. c.l Now w'.thdriv* ? , Bloody relator of thy Raines in blood ; For that thou hift reported him whofe wrtunei And life by thee jre bo:h at once Cutch d from him, W ith ho lourable mention ; make thy clioycc Of what death hkes ihte beft, there's all our bounty, But tocxcufc dclayes,kt me (deare Cozen) In-rct you and thclc Lords l«e execution , Inftint before 'cc part. Ntjr. Your will ecmmandi vi.' ^ OrJ. 0°eruit,U Quecne.my lad; rouchf.fe your clemency Thatbvrocommonhandlbediuidcd From this my humble frailty. O/. To their wiWomci Whoaretobefpedatorsolthioeend, -i I make the reference i thefe that arc dead, Are dead ; h.id they not now dy'd.of neccOity TheymulUiauepiydthedebttheyow'dtoiiaturf, , Or* time or other. — Vfe difparch, my Lordi, -^ .WeeUlfuddenly prepare ourCo^onaron.^^^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^ j1,m. 'Tis ftr«nse,thereTragcdiesft.ould ncuertoucbOT Ker female pitty. B4. She has atnafcuhnc fpuiti And wherefore (hould I pule, and like a girle, Patfinccrinthee>e;lei-»beall toughnefle. Without d.ftinaion betwixt fex ar^d lex. . . AV-r. Now Orj,./u. thy clioyce. 0-i-7*'''i"J *?^**** Arm. The Executioner. Or^. My Iclfc.no Surgeon. . 1 am well skill'd inlcitingblood ; bind Jai, Tbisarme. thatfothe pipe, may from their conduit^ Conuey a fLll llreame : here's a sk.ifUll luatumcnt . Onely I am a beggar to fome charity • . • To fpced me in thii Execution, By lendingthothtrpricketoth'tothcrarme, ^ When this isbublingliJc out. "S'f I amfot'ee. . „i It moftcoiiccmesmvarf.mycare.my credit > .,-.,; » QMicke. filet both, hisarmcs. Or^. GramercyCrlendfliip. • Suchouccfi«aictcail,whiefaftJW«lK«duUx ^^^ the 'Broken Hi KKTI Withoutiftexpeftionofrequiall. , Reach me a ftaffe in this hand : if a pronenelTe, Otcudomc in my nature.from my cradle. Had bcenc indiu'd to fierce and eager bloodlhc4l A coward guilt.hid in a coward quaking, Would haue bet ray 'd fame roiqnoble flight. And V jg iboml purluit ol dread full (afe'y : But looke vpon my lUddim (t-.ar.d (corne not The fickncfle of my fortune, which fincc B*f0Ui Was hu Nor did I vfe an engine to intrap His life.our ofa fliuilh fcare to combate Yoath,flrength ,or cnnning, but for that I durft not Ingige the goodncffe of a caufi: on fortune, By which hii name might tiaue out-fac'dKiy vCDgcaOCC 1 ■ h TttnicH4, infpir'd with Pl/f, thi irf. 0MO ^w//i»j( IxbiKi ; ct4li R-tn-dtTS dmrii,^ ber diuttimu. Stf* mufckf. CiUwlhtt and tkt rifihjt dtin^ tttj/(mt t* »■# A/l4r, C^l. Our Orifons ire heard, the gods are mercifoll I Now tell me, you who(e lo> alCes pjy es tribute ' Tov5yijuriawftjllSoutrigne,howvnskilfuU Your dutiesorobtdimCv is to render . Siibkaion to the Scepter of a Virgin, \V ho haue beenc euet fortunate in PrincM Ol ma&u'incand ftirringcoinpofition? Awomanhasenoi-shtOROuerne wildy _ ' Herownedenseanours.pantnn'.anddiuifiooi. A Nation warlike and inui'd to prsdicc Of policy andlabour,cinn*-.MadM«? . .^ e^A Wcrelptefently ^.^ ,i, To choofe you tor my Lord, lie open freely 'j.,.|! ,;,.-,••> What articles I wonld propcfe to treat 08 ^ • ; , " .^,^ Before Our marriage. ATfir. Name them rermtwsUdy. ^^; , C4/. I would prefume y on would retame the toyatty. Ofi';*-r« in her owne bounds* thenin^'^w . ■ ;Vi. ■^ri»«/J«michtbe Viceroy ;in^'f'»* ■ "'"'•^ ' MiehtCr«f»'»»bearerway,and.ff'/«»'/— Stf I, Queene ? alas I what I ' Cd, Be Spart^i Maiihall | The multitudes ofhighimployments could not Bat fet a peace to priuate griefes : thefe Gentlemen, Cr«n*M and Lf»»»;iiV, with worthy penfions Should wait vpon yoor perfoB in your Cbambcr •• • would beftow Cbri^4(i» on Amtlm, ^^^^^ TheBro^en He AKTl ShceM proue a conftint wiff,*nd Ph$lem4 V-.ouldjnofVy/--, Temple. SoJ. Tl ii is a Tcftament; i:ouiigc. iVwN A.dhiifliouidbcperform'd. C-/. Liaiy,for/'/'#pW«: H.fncu.dl.c(( ozuO(oleninlyinucned In all thoii- honorj,titles,i,nd piefcrirentj y>'hich liisdcare friei;d.and my negleflcd huiband i oofhort a tinit enioy'd. Pr.ph. I am vnworthv aoliucinyourrcmcaibrarcc. %«. Excellent Lady I '),"'• Madjm, what mear.ejthat word neglcaed husband ' Cat. lotgme me : now r turnc to thee thou fliadow pt m; coatradcd Lord : b. are witncffe all, i put my mother wedding Ring vpon H «i finger, 'twas my fathers lift bequeft : Thus I new marry him whofe wife I .im j iJeath Ihall not feparate v» : 6 my Lords, ibut dccem'd your eyes with Anticke gcftiire," »Vhen one newes ftraight came hudling on another, *J» death.ard dcath.and death.ftill 1 danc'd lorward,' 2ut It «iooke home ,and here,ind in m inftsnt, £« (uch mcerc women, who wi: h /hretkj and out-criei tan vow a ptcfent end toall their forrowe*, TrthuetovowntwpleafDres.andoutliuetbcm: 1 hey arc the filent griefes which cut the hart ftrings | letmcdyefmiling. AV4r. 'Tis a truth too ominous. C'l- One kiflc on thefe cold Iips.my laft j cracke,Ci««kei' -«r««"ww'» •^/'^'■"'s King : command the voycei Which wait at th" Altar, now to fing the long I fitted for tay «nd. M«r. Sin, the long, , ^Og All- I. All. TA^Uroi^^w Heart; ASong. CMhutfltjfi Js not vntrouhled.or by fMce refit d. Crorfm mAjfltunih ana dcctjt S(iutitilhin(,l>utf*(leAW*j. r,uthm*ytuen,ittttf»nlt Lytdtmein*bcdtfdufi'. iArthlfhomrsp»tndrv»jty Tmc *lont dtth chtngi a»dUJt. _ Strrtn>aminsledmthconttnu,^if*r» F(Jl fir cart i Loiu tntlj rtignct in death : though M Ctnfnd no comfort for »brok(n htm. !»V« 'Vr... LooketotheQueene. B.f Hcrhearti*b«M,inJ»^ pa/im ^sit tranfceudtd tithcrftateorftjlHtn : Stme fcwr may crj 'tw^ pretty, well tr fo, J .«,x, i'Ur, andtimjhrti^t inJilc»cn.yttivtkH0m'' ' ' " ' Ourr*riurs4)me,wast»t/je9f>eleaddr(a ^'tlitoJffirocf AW i but pU*fetl>eBc{f. whtcbxrinttd, bj th'»HmtrKt oftbufimntt tbc Biokfo Heart mtj btfiut vj> agAim. PINISJ C 11156 59812 SL REPRODUCED FROM THE COPY IN THE HENRY E. 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