436 A8IB6 Boothby Monumental Inscription in Ashbourn Church THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND --* ^ MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS IN ASHBOURN CHURCH, DERBYSHIRE; Written by Sir BROOKE BOOTHBY, Bart. AND MISS SEWARD. ENTERED AT STATIONER'S HALL. . 000000 . ?AHKES, PRINTER and AUCTIONEER, ASBOUR.N T . , OOCOOO i 5 PENELOPE BOOTHBY's EXECUTED BY T. BANKS, R. A. I 'was not in safety, neither had I rest, and the i rouble came. To PENELOPE, Only Child of Sir BROOKE and Dame SUSANNA BOOTHS Y, Born April nth, 1785, died Match 1 3th, .1791. She was in form and intellect most ex q-uisite. The unfortunate parents ventured their all on this frail Bark, and the wreck was total. 978789 Omnia tecum una perierunt gaudia nostra. Tu vero felix Et beata Penelope mea, Quee tot Tantisque Miseriis una Morte perfuncta es. TRANSLATION. All our joys are perished with thee alone. But thou art happy and blessed, my dear Penelope, who, by one touch of Death, hast escaped so many and so great miseries. IJei ; che'l cicl ne mostfa terra n'asconde. Le crespe chiome d'or puro lucente, E'l 'lampeggiar dell Angelico riso, Che solean far- in Terra un Paradise, Poca -pplvere son che nulla sente TRANSLATION. Those that descend into the grave are not concealed from Heaven. Thy curling locks of pure shining gold, the. lightening of thy angelic smile, which used to make a Paradise on Earth, are now become only a little senseless dust. Bcanlc c'est done ici ton dernier azyle! Son cercueil Ne la contient pas Toutc entierc; II attend le reste de sa proie: II ne 1'attendra pas Longtems. Eeauty, this then is thy last asylum! Her tomb does not yet contain all; it waits for the rest of its prey: it will i not wait long. EXECUTED BY JOSEPH EVANS, OF DERBY. SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF Sir BROOKE BOOTHBY Bart., and Dame PHCEBE his Wife, Daughter and Heir of WILLIAM HOLLINS, Esqr. of Mosslcy, in the County of Stafford. He was born Nov. sd, 1710. and died April gth, 1785. she was born Octr. 4th. 1716, and died May ^th. 1788. They were Married in 1742, and left issue two Sons, and one Daughter : Brooke, born June 3d, 1744. William, born May 4th, 1746. Maria Elizabeth, born Fcbruaiy i6tb, 17581 11 Here blameless pair with mild sflcctions blest, Bclov'd, respected, much lamented, * rest : Life's sheltcr'd vale secure in peace ye trod, Your practice virtue, your reliance God. Long days, long love, indulgent Heaven bestow'd, And sweet content to gild your calm abode ; Friends who through life their faith unalter'd kept, Children who loved, who honoui'd and who wept. Heroes and Kings, life's little pageant o*<:r, Might wish their trophied Marbles told no more. 116 MOJWMEJVT, EXECUTED BY E. F. EVANS, OF DERBY. SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF MARIA ELIZABETH BOOTHBY, only Daughter of Sir BROOKE BOO TH3Y, Bart. and Dame PH