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In the present edition, which is the first attempt to present the productions of a celebrated and elegant poet to the admirers of this class of literature in a readable shape, both the text and the pointing have been amended throughout, the original reading being always given in the foot-notes ; but some passages still remain, which I have not succeeded in elucidating to my satisfaction, and one or two which have defied all my attempts at emendation, though, as they stand, they are unques- tionably nonsense. It is proper to mention that several rather bold corrections have been hazarded in the course of the volume; but where this has been done, the deviation from the original has invariably been pointed out in the notes. On the title-page of the copy of Lucasta, 1649, pre- served among the King's Pamphlets in the British Museum, the original possessor has, according to his usual practice, marked the date of purchase, viz., June viii INTRODUCTION. 21 ; perhaps, and indeed probably, that was also the date of publication. A copy of Lucasta, 1649, occa- sionally appears in catalogues, purporting to have be longed to Anne, Lady Lovelace; but the autograph which it contains was taken from a copy of Massinger's Bondman (edit. 1638, 4to.), which her Ladyship once owned. This copy of Lovelace's Lucasta is bound up with the copy of the Poslhume Poems, once in the pos- session of Benjamin Eudyerd, Esq., grandson and heir of the distinguished Sir Benjamin Eudyerd, as appears also from his autograph on the title. 1 In the original edition of the two parts of Lucasta, 1649-59, the arrangement of the poems appears, like that of the text, to have been left to chance, and the result has been a total absence of method. I have therefore felt it part of my duty to systematise the con- tents of the volume, and, so far as it lay in my power, to place the various pieces of which it consisted in their proper order ; all the odes, sonnets, &c. addressed or referring to the lady who is concealed under the names of Lucasta and Amarantha have now been, for the first time, brought together ; and the copies of commenda- tory and gratulatory verses, with one exception prefixed by Lovelace to various publications by friends during his life-time, either prior to the appearance of the first part of his own poems in 1649, or between that date and the 1 Mr. B. R. was a somewhat diligent collector of books, both English and foreign. On the fly-leaves of his copy of Rosse's Mystagogus Poeticus, 1648, 8vo., he has written the names of a variety of works, of which he was at the time seemingly in re- cent possession. INTRODUCTION. ix issue of his Eemains ten years later, have been placed by themselves, as an act of justice to the writer, of whose style and genius they are, as is generally the case with all compositions of the kind, by no means favourable specimens. The translations from Catullus, Ausonius, &c. have been left as they stood ; they are, for the most part, destitute of merit ; but as they were inserted by the Poet's brother, when he edited the posthumous volume, I did not think it right to disturb them, and they have been retained in their full integrity. Lovelace's Lucasta was included by the late S. "W- Singer, Esq., in his series of " Early English Poets;" but that gentleman, besides striking out certain passages, which he, somewhat unaccountably and inconsistently, regarded as indelicate, omitted a good deal of preliminary matter in the form of commendatory verses which, though possibly of small worth, were necessary to render the book complete ; it is possible, that Mr. Singer made use of a copy of Lucasta which was deficient at the commencement. It may not be generally known that, independently of its imperfections in other respects, Mr. Singer's reprint abounds with the grossest blunders. The old orthography has been preserved intact in this edition ; but with respect to the employment of capitals, the entirely arbitrary manner in which they are intro- duced into the book as originally published, has made it necessary to reduce them, as well as the singularly capricious punctuation, to modern rules. At the same time, in those cases where capitals seemed more cha- racteristic or appropriate, they have been retained. It is a singular circumstance, that Mr. Singer (in x INTRODUCTION. common with "Wood, Bliss, Ellis, Headley, and all other biographers,) overlooked the misprint of Aramantha for Amarantha, which the old compositor made, with one or two exceptions, wherever the word occurred. In giving a correct representation of the original title -page, I have been obliged to print Aramantha. In the hope of discovering the exact date of Love- lace's birth and baptism, I communicated with the Rev. A. J. Pearman, incumbent of Bethersden, near Ashford, and that gentleman obligingly examined the registers for me, but no traces of Lovelace's name are to be found. W. C. H. Kensington, August 12, 1863. BIOGKAPHICAL NOTICE. JlTH the exception of Sir Egerton Brydges, who contributed to the Gentle- man's Magazine for 1791-2 a series of articles on the life and writings of the subject of the present memoir, all the biographers of RICHARD LOVELACE have contented themselves with following the account left by Anthony Wood of his short and unhappy career. I do not think that I can do better than commence, at least, by giving word for word the narrative of Wood in his own language, to which I purpose to add such additional particulars in the form of notes or otherwise, as I may be able to supply. But the reader must not expect much that \^oew : for I regret to say that, after the most careful researches, I have not improved, to any large extent, the state of knowledge respecting this elegant poet and unfortunate man. " Eichard Lovelace," writes Wood, " the eldest son of xii BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. Sir William Lovelace 1 of Woollidge in Kent, knight, was 1 Pedigree of the family of Richard Lovelace, the poet. Richard Lovelace, of Queenhithe (temp. Hen. VI.). Lancelot Lovelace. i Richard Lovelace, d. s. p. i ~~i William Lovelace John, (ancestor of the (ob. 1501). Lords Lovelace, of Hurley (co. Berks). John ~i William Lovelace. William Lovelace, Serjeant at Law, ob. 1576. Sir William Lovelace, ob. 1629=pElizabeth, daughter of Edward (according to Berry). I Aucher, Esq., of Bishops- bourne. Sir William Lovelace=pAnne, daughter and heir of Sir William Barnes, of Woolwich. i i r RICH-= ? AL- Fran- Wil- n 1 Tho- Dud-=pMary Jo-=pRo- ARD THEA. cis. liam. mas. ley Love- hanna bert LOVE- lace, Csesar LACE, (Phis Esq. born cousin) 1618 i ' i l r" 1 1 I Mar-=i=Henry Coke, Esq. 5th A daugh- Anne. Juli- Jo- garet | son of the Chief Jus- ter, b. ana, hanna. . tice, and ancestor of 1678. j the Earls of Leicester. ' Richard. Ciriac. .... .... The above has been partly derived from a communication to the Gentleman's Magazine for Dec. 1791, by Sir Egerton Brydges, who chiefly compiled it from Hasted, compared with Berry's Kent Genealogies, 474, where there are a few inaccuracies. It is, of course, a mere skeleton-tree, and furnishes no information as to the collateral branches, the connexion between the houses of Stanley and Lovelace, &c. Sir Egerton Brydges' series of articles on Lovelace in the Gentleman's Magazine, with the exception of that from which the foregoing table is taken, does not contain BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. xiii born in that country [in 1618], educated in grammar much, if anything, that is new. On the 3rd of May, 1577, Henry Binneman paid " vi d . and a copie " to the Stationers' Company for the right to print " the Briefe Course of the Accidents of the Deathe of Mr. Serjeant Lovelace ; " and on the 30th of August following, Richard Jones obtained a licence to print " A Short Epitaphe of Serjeant Lovelace." This was the same person who is described in the pedigree as dying in 1576. His death hap- pened, no doubt, like that of Sir Robert Bell and others, at the Oxford Summer assizes for 1576. See Stow's Annales, fol. 1 154. In 1563, Barnaby Googe the poet dedicated his Eglogs, Epitaphes, and Sonnettes, newly written, to " the Ryght Wor- ehypfull M. Richard Lovelace, Esquier, Reader of Grayes Inne." The following is a list of the members of the Lovelace family who belonged to the Honourable Society of Gray's Inn from 1541 to 1646: Thomas Lovelace, admitted 1541. William Lovelace, Richard Lovelace, Lancelot Lovelace, William Lovelace, Lancelot Lovelace, Francis Lovelace, Francis Lovelace (of Canterbury), William Lovelace, 1548. 1557. 1571. 1580. 1581. Called to the bar in 1551. Reader in 1563. Barnaby Googe's friend. Recorder of Canterbury, ob. 1640, jet. 78. 1609. Perhaps the same who was Recorder of Can- terbury in 1638. 1 640. Probably the poet's youn- ger brother. 1646. For these names and dates I am indebted to the courtesy of the Steward of Gray's Inn. Sir William Lovelace, the poet's grandfather who, according to Berry, died in 1629, was a correspondent of Sir Dudley Carleton (see Calendars of State Papers, Domestic Series, 1611-18, pp. 443, 521, 533 ; Ibid. 1618-23, p. 17). It appears from some Latin lines before the first portion of Lucasta, that the poet's father served with distinction in Holland, and probably it was this circumstance which led to Lovelace himself turning his at- xiv BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. learning in Charterhouse 1 School near London, became a gent, commoner of Gloucester Hall in the beginning of the year 1634, 2 and in that of his age sixteen, being then accounted the most amiable and beautiful person that ever eye beheld ; a person also of innate modesty, virtue, and courtly deportment, which made him then, but especially after, when he retired to the great city, much admired and adored by the female sex. In ] 636, when the king and queen were for some days entertained at Oxon, he was, at the request of a great lady belonging to the queen, made to the Archbishop of Canterbury [Laud], then Chancellor of the University, actually created, among other persons of quality, Mas- ter of Arts, though but of two years' standing ; at which time his conversation being made public, and conse- quently his ingenuity and generous soul discovered, he became as much admired by the male, as before by the female, sex. After he had left the University, he re- tention in a similar direction : for the latter was on service in the Low Countries, perhaps under his father (of whose death we do not know the date, though Hasted intimates that he fell at the Gryll), when his friend Tatham, afterwards the city poet, ad- dressed to him some verses printed in a volume entitled Ostella (printed in 1650). 1 Mr. A. Keightley, Registrar of the Charterhouse, with his usual kindness, examined for me the books of the institution, in the hope of finding the date of Lovelace's admission, &c., but without success. Mr. Keightley has suggested to me that perhaps Lovelace was not on the foundation, which is of course highly probable, and which, as Mr. Keightley seems to think, may ac- count for the omission of his name from the registers. 2 " He was matriculated at Gloucester Hall, June 27, 1634, as ' films Gul. Lovelace de Woolwich in Com. Kant. arm. au. nat. 16.' " Dr. BLISS, in a note on this passage in his edition of the Athena. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. xv tired in great splendour to the court, and being taken / into the favour of Lord George Goring, afterwards Earl ! of Norwich, was by him adopted a soldier^ and sent in ' the quality of an ensign, in the Scotch expedition, an. 1639. Afterwards, in the second expedition, he was commissionated a captain in the same regiment, and in that time wrote a tragedy called The Soldier, but never acted, because the stage was soon after suppressed. , After the pacification of Berwick, he retired to his native country, and took possession [of his estate] at Lovelace Place, in the parish of Bethersden, 1 at Canterbury, 1 Bethersden is a parish in the Weald of Kent, eastward of Smarden, near Surrendeu. " The manor of Lovelace," says Has- ted (History of Kent, iii. 239), " is situated at a very small dis- tance south-westward from the church [of Bethersden]. It was in early times the property of a family named Grunsted, or Greenstreet, as they were sometimes called ; the last of whom, Henry de Grunsted, a man of eminent repute, as all the records of this county testify, in the reigns of both King Edward II. and III,, passed away this manor to Kinet, in which name it did not remain long; for William Kinet,in the 41st year of King Edward III, conveyed it by sale to John Lovelace, who erected that mansion here, which from hence bore his name in addition, being afterwards styled Bethersden- Lovelace, from which sprang a race of gentlemen, who, in the military line, acquired great re- ] putation and honour, and by their knowledge in the municipal laws, deserved well of the Commonwealth ; from whom descended those of this name seated at Buyford in Sittingborne, and at Kingsdown in this county, the Lords Lovelace of Hurley, and others of the county of Berks." The same writer, in his History of Canterbury, has preserved many memorials of the connexion of the Lovelaces from the earliest times with Canterbury and its neighbourhood. William Lovelace, in the reign of Philip and Mary, died possessed of the mansion belonging to the abbey of St. Lawrence, near Canterbury; after the death of his son xvi BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. Chart, Halden, &c., worth, at least, .500 per annum. About which time he [being then on the commission of the peace] was made choice of byjthe whole body of the county of .Kent, at an assize, to deliver the Kentish petition 1 to the House of Commons, for the restoring William, it passed to other hands. In 1621, Lancelot Lovelace, Esq., was Recorder of Canterbury; in 1638, Richard Lovelace, Esq., held that office ; and in the year of the Restoration, Richard Lovelace, the poet's brother, was Recorder. In the Public Library at Plymouth, there is a folio MS. (mentioned in Mr. Halli- well's catalogue, 1853), containing " Original Papers of theMoli- neux and Lovelace Families." I regret that I have not had an opportunity of inspecting it. Mr. Halliwell does not seem to have examined the volume ; at all events, that gentleman does not furnish any particulars as to the nature of the contents, or as to the period to which the papers belong. This information, in the case of a MS. deposited in a provincial library in a remote district, would have been peculiarly valuable. It is possible that the documents refer only to the Lovelaces of Hurley, co. Berks. 1 " The Humble Petition of the Gentry, Ministers, and Com- monalty, for the county of Kent, agreed upon at the General Assizes for that county." See Journals of the House of Lords, iv. 675-6-7. The "framers and contrivers" of this petition were Sir Edward Dering, Bart., of Surrenden -Bering; Sir Roger Twysden, the well-known scholar ; Sir George Strode, and Mr. Richard Spencer. On the 21st May, 1641, Dering had unsuc- cessfully attempted to bring in a bill for the abolition of church- government by bishops, archbishops, &c., whereas one of the articles of the petition of 1642 (usually known as De-ring's Petition) was a prayer for the restoration of the Liturgy and the maintenance of the episcopal bench in its integrity. A nu- merously signed petition had also been addressed to both Houses by the county in 1641, in which the strongest reasons were given for the adoption of Bering's proposed act. From 1641 to 1648, indeed, the Houses were overwhelmed by Kentish petitions of various kinds. This portion of Wood's narrative is confirmed by Marvell's lines prefixed to Lucasta, 1649 : BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. xvii the king to his rights, and for settling the government, ifec. For which piece of service he was committed [April 30, 1642] to the Gatehouse at Westminster, 1 " And one the Book prohibits, because Kent Their first Petition by the Authour sent." " Sir William Boteler, of Kent, returning about the beginning of April 1642, from his attendance (being then Gentleman Pen- tioner) on the king at Yorke, then celebrating St. George's feast, was by the earnest solicitation of the Gentry of Kent ingaged to joyn with them in presenting the most honest and famous Petition of theirs to the House of Commons, delivered by Captain Richard Lovelace, for which service the Captain was committed Prisoner to the Gate House, and Sir William Bolder to the Fleet, from whence, after some weeks close imprisonment, no impeachment in all that time brought in against him [Boteler], many Petitions being delivered and read in the House for his inlargement, he was at last upon bail of .'20,000 \_\ 5,000] remitted to his house in London, to attend de die in diem the pleasure of the House." Mtrcurius Rusticus, 1646 (edit. 1685, pp. 7, 8). The fact was that, although on the 7th of April, 1642, the Kentish petition in favour of the Liturgy, &c. had been ordered by the House of Commons to be burned by the common hangman (Par- liaments and Councils of England, 1839, p. 384), Boteler and Lovelace had the temerity, on the 30th of the same month, to come up to London, and present it again to the House. It was this which occasioned their committal. In the Verney Papers (Camd. Soc. 1845, p. 175) there is the following memorandum: " Captaine Lovelace committed to the Gatehouse I Sir William Butler committed to the Fleete | I petition." 1 " Gatehouse, a prison in Westminster, near the west end of the Abbey, which leads into Dean's Yard, Tothill Street, and the Almonry " Cunningham's Handbook of London, Past and Pre- sent. But for a more particular account, see Stovv's Survey, ed. 1720, ii. lib. 6. The Gatehouse for a Prison was ordain'd, When in this land the third king Edward reign'd : xviii BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. where he made that celebrated song called, Stone Walls do not a Prison make, &c. After three or four months' [six or seven weeks'] imprisonment, he had his liberty upon hail of 40,000 [4000 ?] not to stir out j of the lines of communication without a pass from the speaker. During the time of this confinement to London, he lived beyond the income of his estate, either to keep up the credit and reputation of the king's cause by furnishing men with horses and arms, or by relieving ingenious men in want, whether scholars, musicians, soldiers, &c. Also, by furnishing his two brothers, Colonel Franc. Lovelace, and Captain William Love- lace (afterwards slain at Caermarthen) \ with men and money for the king's cause, and his other brother, called Dudley Posthumus Lovelace, with moneys for his maintenance in Holland, to study tactics and fortification in that school of war. After the rendition of Oxford garrison, in 1646, he formed a regiment for the service of the French king, was colonel of it, and wounded at Dunkirk; 2 and in 1648, returning into England, he, Good lodging roomes, and diet it affords, But I had rather lye at home on boords." TAYLOR'S Praise and Virtue of a Jayle and Jaylers, (Works, 1630, ii. 130). 1 By an inadvertence, I have spoken of Thomas, instead of William, Lovelace having perished at Caermarthen, in a note at p. 125. 2 It appears from the following copy of verses, printed in Tatham's Ostella, 1650, 4to., that Lovelace made a stay in the Netherlands about this time, if indeed he did not serve there with his regiment. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. xix with Dudley Posthumus before mentioned, then a cap- tain under him, were both committed prisoners to UPON MT NOBLE FRIEND RICHARD LOVELACE, ESQ., HIS BEING IN HOLLAND. AN INVITATION. COME, Adonis, come again ; What distaste could drive thee hence, Where so much delight did reign, Sateing ev'n the soul of sense ? And though thou unkind hast prov'd, Never youth was more belov'd. Then, lov'd Adonis, come away, For Venus brooks not thy delay. Wert thou sated with the spoil Of so many virgin hearts, And therefore didst change thy soil, To seek fresh in other parts ? > Dangers wait on foreign game ; // We have deer more sound and ta Then, lov'd Adonis, come away, For Venus brooks not thy delay. Phillis, fed with thy delights, In thy absence pines away ; And love, too, hath lost his rites, Not one lass keeps holiday. They have changed their mirth for cares, And do onely sigh thy airs. Then, lov'd Adonis, come away, For Venus brooks not thy delay. Elpine, in whose sager looks Thou wert wont to take delight, Hath forsook his drink and books, 'Cause he can't enjoy thy sight : He hath laid his learning by, 'Cause his wit wants company. Then, lov'd Adonis, come away, For friendship brooks not thy delay. xx BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. Peter House, 1 in London, where he framed his poems for the press, entitled, Lucasta : Epochs, Odes, Sonnets, All the swains that once did use To converse with Love and thee, In the language of thy Muse, Have forgot Love's deity : They deny to write a line, And do only." talk of thine. Then, lov'd Adonis, come away, For friendship brooks not thy delay. By thy sweet Althea's voice, We conjure thee to return ; Or we'll rob thee of that choice, In whose flames each heart would burn : That inspir'd by her and sack, Such company we will not lack : That poets in the age to come, Shall write of our Elisium. 1 Peter, or rather Petre House, in Aldersgate Street, belonged atone time to the antient family by whose name it was known. The third Lord Petre, dying in 1 638, left it, with other possessions in and about the city of London, to his son William. (Col- lins's Peerage, by Brydges, vii. 10, 11.) When Lovelace was committed to Peter House, and probably long before (Mer- curius Rusticus, ed. 1685, pp. 76-79), this mansion was used as a house of detention for political prisoners ; but in Ward's Diary (ed. Severn, p. 167), there is the following entry (like almost all Ward's entries, unluckily without date) : " My Lord Peters is an Essex man ; hee hath a house in Aldersgate Street, wherein lives the Marquis of Dorchester :" implying that at that period (perhaps about 1660), the premises still belonged to the Petre family, though temporarily let to Lord Dorchester. Another celebrated house in the same street was London House, which continued for some time to be the town residence of the Bishops of London. When it had ceased to be an episcopal abode, it was adapted to the purposes of an ordinary dwelling, and, among the occupants, at a somewhat later period, was Tom Rawlinson, th great book- collector. See Stow, ed. 1720, ii. lib. iii. p. 121. ' BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. xxi Songs, &c., Lond. 1649, Oct. The reason why he gave that title was because, some time hefore, he had made his amours to a gentlewoman of great beauty and fortune, named Lucy Sacheverell, whom he usually called Lux casta ; but she, upon a stray report that Lovelace was dead of his wound received at Dunkirk, soon after married. 1 He also wrote Aramantha [Amarantha], a Pastoral, printed with Lucasta.- Afterwards a musical composition of two parts was set to part of it by Henry Lawes, 3 sometimes servant to king Charles I., in his public and private music. 1 How different was the conduct, under similar circumstances, of the lady whom Charles Gerbier commemorates in his Elogium Heroinum, 1651, p. 127. "Democion, the Athenian virgin," he tells us, " hearing that Leosthenes, to whom she was contracted, was slain in the wars, she killed herself; but before her death she thus reasoned with herself: ' Although my body is uutoucht, yet should I fall into the imbraces of another, I should but deceive the second, since I am still married to the former in my heart.' " 2 Wood's story about Lucasta having been a Lucy Sacheverell, " a lady of great beauty and fortune," may reasonably be doubted. Lucasta, whoever she was, seems to have belonged to Kent ; the Sacheverells were not a Kentish family. Besides, the corruption of Lucy Sacheverell into Lucasta is not very obvious, and rather violent ; and the probability is that the author of the Athena was misled by his informant on this occasion. The plate etched by Lely and engraved by Faithorne, which is found in the second part of Lucasta, 1659, can scarcely be regarded as a portrait ; it was, in all likelihood, a mere fancy sketch, and we are not perhaps far from the truth in our surmise that the artist was nearly, if not quite, as much in the dark as to who Lucasta was, as we are ourselves at the present day. 3 This is a mistake on the part of Wood, which (with many others) ought to be corrected in a new edition of the Athena. Lawes did not set to music Amarantha, a Pastoral, nor any por- tion of it ; but he harmonized two stanzas of a little poem to xxii BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE. 11 After the murther of king Charles I. Lovelace was set at liberty, and, having by that time consumed all his estate, 1 grew very melancholy (which brought him at length into a consumption), became very poor in body and purse, was the object of charity, went in ragged cloaths (whereas when he was in his glory he wore cloth of gold and silver), and mostly lodged in obscure and dirty places, more befitting the worst of beggars and poorest of servants, 1639. 1639 is, I believe, a slip of the pen for 1637 ; that is to say, the princess was born on the 29th of January, 1637-8. This discrepancy between the Charisteria and the memorandum in Harl. MS. escaped Sir H. Ellis, who was possibly unaware of the existence of the former. For, unless a mistake is assumed on the part of the writer of the MS., the existence of two Princesses Katherine must be granted. P. 183. To a Lady with Clulde that ask't an Old Shirt. THE custom to which the Poet here refers, was no doubt common in his time ; although the indefatigable Brand does not appear to have met with any illustration of it, except in Lucasta. But since the note at p. 183 was written, the following passage in the old morality of The Marriage of Wit and Wisdom (circa 1570) has come under my notice : " Indulgence [to her son Wit}. Well, yet before the goest, hold heare My blessing in a cloute, Well fare the mother at a needs, Stand to thy tackling stout." The allusion is to the contemplated marriage of Wit to his be- trothed, Wisdom. P. 249. Utremi. SEE Love's Labour's Lost, 1598, iv. 3 : " Hoi. Old Mantuan ! Old Mantuan ! who understandeth thee not, loves thee not ut, re, sol, la, mi, fa " And Singer's Shakespeare, ed. 1856, ii. 257, note 15. CONTENTS. PAET I. PAGE EDICATION 3 Verses addressed to the Author . . 5 I. POEMS ADDEESSED OR RELATING TO LOCASTA. Song. To Lucasta. Going beyond the Seas . . 25 ' Song. To Lucasta. Going to the Warres . . 26 * A Paradox 27 ' Song. To Amarantha, that she would Dishevell her Haire 29 Sonnet 31 ^Ode. To Lucasta. The Rose . . . . - 31 v \Love Conquer 'd. A Song 33 A Loose Saraband 34 Orpheus to Woods ....... 37 Orpheus to Beasts 37 Dialogue. Lucasta, Alexis 39 Sonnet ......... 41 Lucasta Weeping. Song 42 * To Lucasta, from Prison. An Epode. ... 43 Lucasta's Fanne, with a Looking- glasse in it . . 46 Lucasta, taking the Waters at Tunbridge . . 48 To Lucasta. Ode Lyrick 50 Lucasta paying her Obsequies to the Chast Memory of my Dearest Cosin Mrs. Bowes Barne[s] . . 51 Upon the Curtaine of Lucasta's Picture, it was thus Wrought 53 ^ Lucasta's World. Epode 53 The Apostacy of One, and but One Lady . . 54 Amyntor from beyond the Sea to Alexis. A Dia- logue 56 Calling Lucasta from her Retirement . . 58 Amarantha, a Pastoral 60 CONTENTS. II. POEMS ADDRESSED TO ELLINDA. To Ellinda, that lately I have not written Ellinda's Glove Being Treated. To Ellinda .... To Ellinda, upon his late Recovery. A Paradox III. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. To Chloe, courting her for his Friend . . ^ Gratiana Dauncing and Singing .... Amyntor's Grove The Scrutinie Princesse Loysa Drawing A Forsaken Lady to her False Servant . /-" The Grassehopper. To My Noble Friend, Mr. Charles Cotton [the elder] An Elegie on the Death of Mrs. Cassandra Cotton . The Vintage to the Dungeon. A Song . On the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Filmer. An Ele- giacall Epitaph To My Worthy Friend Mr. Peter Lilly . The Lady A[nne] L[ovelace]. My Asylum in a Great Extremity . A Lady with a Falcon on her Fist. To the Honour- able my Cousin A[nne] L[ovelace] A Prologue to the Scholars The Epilogue Against the Love of Great Ones .... VTo Althea, from Prison Sonnet. To Generall Goring, after the Pacification at Berwicke Sir Thomas Wortley's Sonnet The Answer A Guiltlesse Lady Imprisoned ; after Penanced To His Deare Brother Colonel F[rancis] L[ovelace] . To a Lady that desired me I would beare my part with her in a Song Valiant Love 1 1 Since the note at p. 133 was written, the following descrip- tion by Aubrey (Lives, &c., ii. 332), of a picture of the Lady Venetia Digby has fallen under my notice. " Also, at Mr. CONTENTS. xli PAGE La Bella Bona Eoba. To My Lady H. . . . 133 Sonnet. I Cannot Tell," &c 134 A la Bourbon 135 The Faire Begger 136 A Dialogue betwixt Cordanus and Amoret . . 138 IV. COMMENDATORY AND OTHER VERSES, PREFIXED TO VARIOUS PUBLICATIONS BETWEEN 1638 AND 1647. An Elegie. Princesse Katherine Borne, Christened, Buried in one Day (1638) 140 Clitophon and Lucippe translated. To the Ladies (1638) 143 To My Truely Valiant, Learned Friend ; who in his Booke resolv'd the Art Gladiatory into the Ma- thematicks (1638) 146 To Fletcher Reviv'd (1647) 148 PAKT II. I. POEMS ADDRESSED OR RELATING TO LUCASTA. Dedication 155 ToLucasta. Her Reserved Looks . . . 157 Lucasta Laughing 157 Night. ToLucasta 158 Love Inthron'd 159 HerMuffe - . , . 160 A Black Patch on Lucasta's Face . . . . 162 Another 163 ToLucasta 165 ToLucasta 165 Lucasta at the Bath 166 The Ant 168 n. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. Song. Strive not, &c 170 In Allusion to the French Song : " N'entendez vous pas ce Language " 171 Rose's, a jeweller in Henrietta Street, in Covent Garden, is an ex- cellent piece of hers, drawne after she was newly dead. She had a most lovely sweet-turned face, delicate darke browne haire. She had a perfect healthy constitution ; strong ; good skin ; well- proportioned ; inclining to a Bona-Roba" d xlii CONTENTS. PAGE Courante Monsieur . . . . . . . 173 A Loose Saraband 174 The Falcon 176 Love made in the First Age. ToChloris. . . 180 To a Lady with Child that ask'd an Old Shirt . . 183 Song. In mine own Monument I lye, &c. . . 184 Another. I did believe, &c 184 Ode. You are deceiv'd, &c 185 The Duell 187 Cupid far gone 188 A Mock Song 190 A Fly caught in a Cobweb 191 A Fly about a Glasse of Burnt Claret . . . 193 Female Glory 196 A Dialogue. Lute and Voice 197 A Mock Charon. Dialogue 198 The Toad and Spy der. A Duell . . . . 199 The Snayl 207 Another 209 The Triumphs of Philamore and Amoret . . . 211 Advice to my best Brother, Coll : Francis Lovelace . 218 Paris's 'Second Judgement 221 Peinture. A Panegyrick to the best Picture of Friendship, Mr. Pet. Lilly . . . . . 222 An Anniversary on the Hymeneals of my Noble Kinsman, Thomas Stanley, Esq 227 On Sanazar's being honoured with 600 Duckets by the Clarissimi of Venice . . . . 229 III. COMf. ENDATORY VERSES, PREFIXED TO VARIOUS PUBLICATIONS BETWFEN 1652 AND 1657. To My Dear Friend, Mr. E[ldred] R[evett] on his Poems moral and divine ..... 241 On the Best, Last, and only Remaining Comedy of Mr. Fletcher, The Wild -Goose Chase (1652) . 245 To My Noble Kinsman Thomas Stanley, Esq. ; on his Lyrick Poems composed by Mr. John Gamble (1656) 247 To Dr. F. B[eale] ; on his Book of Chesse (1656) . 249 To the Genius of Mr. John Hall (1657) . . . 250 TRANSLATIONS 253 ELEGIES ON THE DEATH or THE AUTHOR . . 279 L U C A S T A: EPODES, ODES, SONNETS, SONGS, &c. TO WHICH IS ADDED ARAMANTHA, ASTORALL BY ICHARD LOVELACE, Efq. LONDON, Printed by THO. HARPER, and are to be fold by THO. EVVSTER, at the GUN, in I vie Lane. 1649. THE DEDICATION. TO THE EIGHT HON. MY LADY ANNE LOVELACE. 1 the richest Treasury That e'er fill'd ambitious eye ; To the faire bright Magazin Hath impoverisht Love's Queen ; To th' Exchequer of all honour (All take pensions but from her) ; To the taper of the thore Which the god himselfe but bore ; To the Sea of Chaste Delight; Let me cast the Drop I write. And as at Loretto's shrine Caesar shovels in his mine, This lady was the wife of the unfortunate John, second Lord Lovelace, who suffered so severely for his attachment to the King's cause, and daughter to the equally unfortunate Thomas, Earl of Cleveland, who was equally devoted to his sovereign, and whose estates were ordered by the Parliament to be sold, July 26, 1650. See Parliaments and Councils of England, 1839, p. 507. DEDICATION. TV Empres spreads her carkanets, The lords submit their coronets, Knights their chased armes hang by, Maids diamond-ruby fancies tye ; Whilst from the pilgrim she wears , One poore false pearl, but ten true tears : So among the Orient prize, (Sapliyr-onyx eulogies) Offer'd up unto your fame, Take my GARNET-DUBLET name, And vouchsafe 'midst those rich joyes (With devotion) these TO YES. RICHARD LOVELACE. TO MY BEST BROTHER ON HIS POEMS CALLED "LUCASTA." OW y' have oblieg'd the age, thy wel known worth Is to our joy auspiciously brought forth. Good morrow to thy son, thy first borne flame Which, as thou gav'st it birth, stamps it a name, That Fate and a discerning age shall set The chiefest Jewell in her coronet. Why then needs all this paines, those season'd pens, That standing lifeguard to a booke (kinde friends), That with officious care thus guard thy gate, As if thy Child were illigitimate ? Forgive their freedome, since unto their praise They write to give, not to dispute thy bayes. As when some glorious queen, whose pregnant wombe Brings forth a kingdome with her first-borne Sonne, Marke but the subjects joy full hearts and eyes : Some offer gold, and others sacrifice ; This si ayes a lambe, that, not so rich as hee, Brings but a dove, this but a bended knee ; 6 VERSES ADDRESSED And though their giftes be various, yet their sence Speaks only this one thought, Long live the prince. So, my hest brother, if unto your name I offer up a thin blew-burning flame, Pardon my love, since none can make thee shine, Vnlesse they kindle first their torch at thine. Then as inspir'd, they boldly write, nay that, Which their amazed lights but twinkPd at, And their illustrate thoughts doe voice this right, Lucasta held their torch ; thou gav'st it light. FBANCIS LOVELACE, Col. AD EUNDEM. puer Idalius tremulis circumvolat alis, Quern prope sedentem 1 castior 2 uret amor. Lampada sic videas circumvolitare Py- rausta, 3 Cui contingenti est flamma futura rogus. Ergo procul fugias, Lector, cui nulla placebunt Carmina, ni fuerint turpia, spurca, nigra. Sacrificus Roma3 lustralem venditat undam : Castior est ilia Castalis unda mihi : Limpida, et tfaiKfivYis, nulla putredine spissa, Scilicet ex puro defluit ilia jugo. Ex pura veniunt tain dia poemata mente, Cui scelus est Veneris vel tetigisse fores. THOMAS HAMEB.SLEY, Eques Auratus. 1 Old ed. sidentem. a Old ed. cartior. 3 See Scheller's Lex. Tot. Lat. voce Pyrausta and Pyralis. TO THE AUTHOR. ON THE POEMS. OW humble is thy muse (Deare) that can daign Such servants as my pen to entertaine ! "When all the sonnes of wit glory to he Clad in thy muses gallant livery. I shall disgrace my master, prove a staine, And no addition to his honour'd traine ; Though all that read me will presume to swear I neer read thee : yet if it may appear, I love the writer and admire the writ, I my owne want hetray, not wrong thy wit. Did thy worke want a prayse, my barren brain Could not afford it : my attempt were vaine. It needs no foyle : All that ere writ before, Are foyles to thy faire Poems, and no more. Then to be lodg'd in the same sheets with thine, May prove disgrace to yours, but grace to mine. NORBIS JEPHSON, Col. TO MY MUCH LOVED FKIEND, EICHAED LOVELACE ESQ. Carmen Eroticum. ? i E AEE Lovelace, I am now about to prove I cannot write a verse, but can write love. On such a subject as thy booke I coo'd Write books much greater, but not half so good. VERSES ADDRESSED But as the humble tenant, that does bring A chicke or egges for's offering, Is tane into the buttr j, and does fox l Equall with him that gave a stalled oxe : So (since the heart of ev'ry cheerfull giver Makes pounds no more accepted then a stiver), 2 Though som thy prayse in rich stiles sing, I may In stiver- stile write love as well as they. I write so well that I no criticks feare ; For who'le read mine, when as thy booke 's so neer, Vnlesse thy selfe ? then you shall secure mine From those, and lie engage my selfe for thine. They'l do't themselves ; the this allay you'l take, I love thy book, and yet not for thy sake. JOHN JEPHSON, Col. 3 1 To fox usually means to intoxicate. To fox oneself is to get drunk, and to fox a person is to make him drunk. The word in this sense belongs to the cant vocabulary. But in the present case, fox merely signifies to fare or to feast. 2 A Dutch penny. It is very likely that this individual had served with the poet in Holland. 3 Three members of this family, or at least three persons of this name, probably related, figure in the history of the present period, viz., Colonel John Jephson, apparently a military asso- ciate of Lovelace ; Norris Jephson, who contributed a copy of verses to Lucasta, and to the first folio edition of Beaumont and Fletcher's plays, 1647; and William Jephson, whose name occurs among the subscribers to the Solemn League and Covenant, 1643. TO THE A UTHOR. TO MY NOBLE AND MOST INGENIOUS FRIEND, COLOXEL RICHARD LOVELACE, UPON HIS "LUCASTA." O from the pregnant braine of Jove did rise Pallas, the queene of wit and beautious eyes, As faire Lucasta from thy temples flowes, Temples no lesse ingenious then Joves. Alike in birth, so shall she be in fame, And be immortall to preserve thy Name. ANOTHER, UPON THE POEMS. ; OW, when the wars augment our woes and fears, And the shrill noise of drums oppresse our ears; Now peace and safety from our shores are fled To holes and cavernes to secure their head ; Now all the graces from the land are sent, And the nine Muses suffer banishment ; Whence spring these raptures ? whence this heavenly rime, So calme and even in so harsh a time ? Well might that charmer his faire Cselia 1 crowne, 1 Many poets have celebrated the charms of a Ccelia; but I apprehend that the writer here intends Carew. 10 VERSES ADDEESSED And that more polish't Tyterus 1 renowne His Sacarissa, when in groves and bowres They could repose their limbs on beds of flowrs : When wit had prayse, and merit had reward, And every noble spirit did accord To love the Muses, and their priests to raise, And interpale their browes with flourishing bayes ; But in a tune distracted so to sing, When peace is hurried hence on rages wing, When the fresh bayes are 2 from the Temple tome, And every art and science made a scorne ; Then to raise up, by musicke of thy art, Our drooping spirits and our grieved hearts ; Then to delight our souls, and to inspire Our breast with pleasure from thy charming lyre ; Then to divert our sorrowes by thy straines, Making us quite forget our seven yeers paines In the past wars, unlesse that Orpheus be A sharer in thy glory : for when he Descended downe for his Euridice, He stroke his lute with like admired art, And made the damned to forget their smart. JOHN PINCHBACKE, Col. 1 Waller. 2 Original has is. TO THE AUTHOR. 11 EHASTIKON. Kai TrvTuv fAWfJiofruvyv yv yag vroiEtv ayabw TTOVOS atpQovos eeri, Ov jwbzi aluv oldev o' ao, TEOV. YILLIERS HABINGTON, L. C. TO HIS MUCH HONOURED FEIEND, ME. RICHARD LOVELACE, ON HIS POEMS. i E that doth paint the beauties of your verse, Must use your pensil, be polite, soft, terse ; Forgive that man whose best of art is love, If he no equall master to you prove. My heart is all my eloquence, and that Speaks sharp affection, when my words fall flat ; I reade you like my mistresse, and discry In every line the quicknesse of her eye : Her smoothnesse in each syllable, her grace To marshall ev'ry word in the right place. It is the excellence and soule of wit, When ev'ry thing is free as well as fit : For metaphors packt up and crowded close Swath y e minds sweetnes, and display the throws, 12 VERSES ADDRESSED And, like those chickens hatcht in furnaces, Produce or one limbe more, or one limbe lesse Then nature bids. Survey such when they write, No clause but's justl'd with an epithite. So powerfully you draw when you perswade, Passions in you in us are vertues made ; Such is the magick of that lawnill shell That where it doth but talke, it doth compell : For no Apelles 'till this time e're drew A Venus to the waste so well as you. W. ElJDYEED. 1 i^HE world shall now no longer mourne nor vex For th' obliquity of a cross-grain'd sex ; Nor beauty swell above her bankes, (and made For ornament) the universe invade So fiercely, that 'tis question'd in our bookes, Whether kils most the Amazon's sword or lookes. Lucasta in loves game discreetly makes Women and men joyntly to share the stakes, And lets us know, when women scorne, it is Mens hot love makes the antiparisthesis ; And a lay lover here such comfort finds As Holy Writ gives to affected minds. 1 Only son of Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, Kt., known as a poet and a friend of poets, and as a warm advocate of Episcopj See Memoirs of Sir B. R., edited by Manning, 1841, 8vo., p. 255 TO THE A UTHOE. 13 The wilder nymphs, lov's power could not comand, Are by thy almighty numbers brought to hand, And flying Daphnes, caught, amazed vow They never heard Apollo court till now. 'Tis not by force of armes this feat is done, For that would puzzle even the Knight o' th' Sun ; * But 'tis by pow'r of art, and such a way As Orpheus us'd, when he made fiends obay. J. NEEDLER, Hosp. Grayensis. TO HIS NOBLE FBIEND, ME. KICHAKD LOVELACE, UPON HIS POEMS. Sin, r=jjv^ (VB times are much degenerate from those, Which your sweet Muse, which your fair fortune chose ; And as complexions alter with the climes, Our wits have drawne th' infection of our times. That candid age no other way could tell To be ingenious, but by speaking well. Who best could prayse, had then the greatest prayse ; 1 A celebrated romance, very frequently referred to by our old writers. Sir Thomas Overbury, in his Characters, represents a chambermaid as carried away by the perusal of it into the realms of romance, insomuch that she can barely refrain from forsaking her occupation, and turning lady-errant. The book is better known under the title of The Mirror of Princely Deedes and KnightJiood, wherein is shewed the worthinesse of the Knight of the Sunne, &c. It consists of nine parts, which appear to have been published at intervals between 1585 and 1601. 14 VERSES ADDRESSED 'Twas more esteemd to give then wear the bayes. Modest amhition studi'd only then To honour not her selfe, but worthy men. These vertues now are banisht out of towne, Our Civill Wars have lost the civicke crowne. He highest builds, who with most art destroys, And against others fame his owne employs. I see the envious caterpillar sit On the faire blossome of each growing wit. The ayre's already tainted with the swarms Of insects, which against you rise in arms. Word-peckers, paper-rats, book-scorpions, Of wit corrupted the unfashion'd sons. The barbed censurers begin to looke Like the grim Consistory on thy booke ; And on each line cast a reforming eye Severer then the yong presbytery. Till, when in vaine they have thee all peras'd, You shall for being faultlesse be accus'd. Some reading your Lucasta will alledge You wrong'd in her the Houses priviledge ; Some that you under sequestration are, Because you write when going to the Warre ; And one the book prohibits, because Kent Their first Petition by the Authour sent. But when the beauteous ladies came to know, That their deare Lovelace was endanger'd so : Lovelace, that thaw'd the most congealed brest, He who lov'd best, and them defended best, Whose hand so rudely grasps the steely brand, Whose hand so gently melts the ladies hand, TO THE AUTHOR. 15 They all in mutiny, though yet undrest, Sally'd, and would in his defence contest. And one, the loveliest that was yet e're seen, Thinking that I too of the rout had been, Mine eyes invaded with a female spight (She knew what pain 't would be to lose that sight). O no, mistake not, I reply'd : for I In your defence, or in his cause, would dy. But he, secure of glory and of time, Above their envy or mine aid doth clime. Him valianst men and fairest nymphs approve, His booke in them finds judgement, with you, love. ANDR. MABVELL. TO COLONEL RICHARD LOVELACE, ON THE PUBLISHING OP HIS INGENIOUS POEMS. F the desire of glory speak a mind More nobly operative and more refin'd, What vast soule moves thee, or what hero's spirit (Kept in'ts traduction pure) dost thou inherit, That, not contented with one single fame, Dost to a double glory spread thy name, And on thy happy temples safely set Both th' Delphick wreath and civic coronet ? Was't not enough for us to know how far Thou couldst in season suffer, act and dare? 16 VERSES ADDRESSED But we must also witnesse, with what height And what lonick sweetnesse thou canst write, And melt those eager passions, that are Stubborn enough t' enrage the god of war Into a noble love, which may expire * In an illustrious pyramid of fire ; Which, having gained his due station, may Fix there, and everlasting flames display. This is the braver path : time soone can smother The dear-bought spoils and tropheis of the other. How many fiery heroes have there been, Whose triumphs were as soone forgot as seen ? Because they wanted some diviner one To rescue the from night, and make the known. Such art thou to thy selfe. While others dream Strong flatt'ries on a fain'd or borrow'd theam, Thou shalt remaine in thine owne lustre bright, And adde unto 't LvcastcCs chaster light. For none so fit to sing great things as he, That can act o're all lights of poetry. Thus 'had Achilles his owne gests design'd, He had his genius Homer far outshin'd. Jo. HAI.L. 1 Original has aspire, 2 The precocious author of Horce Vacivce, 1646, and of a volnm of poems which was printed in the same year. In the Lucasta are some complimentary lines by Lovelace on Hall's translation of the commentary of Hierocles on the Golden Verses of Pytha- goras, 1657. TO THE AUTHOR. 17 TO THE HONORABLE, VALIANT, AND INGENIOUS COLONEL RICHARD LOVELACE, ON HIS EXQUISITE POEMS. ?OETS and painters have some near relation, Compar'd with fancy and imagination ; The one paints shadowed persons (in pure kind), The other paints the pictures of the mind In purer verse. And as rare Zeuxes fame Shin'd, till Apelles art eclips'd the same By a more exquisite and curious line In Zeuxeses (with pensill far more fine), So have our modern poets late done well, Till thine appear'd (which scarce have paralel). They like to Zeuxes grapes beguile the sense, But thine do ravish the intelligence, Like the rare banquet of Apelles, drawn, And covered over with most curious lawn. Thus if thy careles draughts are cal'd the best, What would thy lines have beene, had'st thou profest That faculty (infus'd) of poetry, Which adds such honour unto thy chivalry ? Doubtles thy verse had ah 1 as far transcended As Sydneyes Prose, who Poets once defended. For when I read thy much renowned pen, My fancy there finds out another Ben In thy brave language, judgement, wit, and art, Of every piece of thine, in every part : Where thy seraphique Sydneyan fire is raised high In valour, vertue, love, and loyalty. JL c 18 VEESES ADDRESSED Virgil was styl'd the loftiest of all, Ovid the smoothest and most naturall ; Martiall concise and witty, quaint and pure, luvenall grave and learned, though obscure. But all these rare ones which I heere reherse, Do live againe in Thee, and in thy Verse : Although not in the language of their time, Yet in a speech as copious and sublime. The rare Apelles in thy picture wee Perceive, and in thy soule Apollo see. Wei may each Grace and Muse then crown thy praise With Mars his banner and Minerva's bayes. FRA. TO HIS HONOURED AND INGENIOUS FRIEND, COLONEL RICHARD LOVELACE, ON HIS "LUCASTA." [HAST as Creation meant us, and inon bright Then the first day in 's uneclipsed light, Is thy Lucasta ; and thou offerest heere Lines to her name as undefil'd and cleere ; 1 The author of the Young Gallant's Whirligigg, 1629, an other poetical works. Singer does not give these lines. In tb WTiirligig there is a curious picture of a young gallant of tb time of Charles I., to which Lovelace might have sat, had b been old enough at the time. But Lenton had no want of sittei for his portrait. TO THE A UTHOE. 19 Such as the first indeed more happy dayes (When vertue, wit, and learning wore the bayes Now vice assumes) would to her memory give : A Vestall flame that should for ever live, Plac't in a christal temple, rear'd to be The Embleme of her thoughts integrity ; And on the porch thy name insculpt, my friend, Whose love, like to the flame, can know no end. The marble step that to the alter brings The hallowed priests with their clean offerings, Shall hold their names that humbly crave to be Votaries to th' shrine, and grateful friends to thee. So shal we live (although our offrings prove Meane to the world) for ever by thy love. THO. RAWLINS.* TO MY DEAR BEOTHEE, COLONEL EICHAED LOVELACE. doe my nothing too, and try To dabble to thy memory. Not that I offer to thy name Encomiums of thy lasting fame. Those by the landed have been writ : Mine's but a yonger-brother wit ; A wit that's hudled up in scarres, Borne like my rough selfe in the warres ; 1 A well known dramatist and poet. These lines are not in ager's reprint. 20 VERSES ADDRESSED And as a Squire in the fight Serves only to attend the Knight, So 'tis my glory in this field, Where others act, to beare thy shield. DUDLEY LOVELACE, Capt. 1 1 The youngest brother of the poet. Besides the present lines, and some to be found in the posthumous volume, of which he was the editor, this gentleman contributed the following com- mendatory poem to Ayres and Dialogues [by Thomas Stanley Esq.] set by John Gamble, 1656. The verses themselves hav< little merit; and the only object which I had in introducing them, was to add to the completeness of the present edition : TO MY MUCH HONORED COZEN, MR. STANLEY, UPON HIS POEMS SET BY MR. JOHN GAMBLE. I. ENOUGH, enough of orbs and spheres, Reach me a trumpet or a drum, To sound sharp synnets in your ears, And beat a deep encomium. II. I know not th' Eight Intelligence : Those that do understand it, pray Let them step hither, and from thence Speak what they all do sing or say : in. Nor what your diapasons are, Your sympathies and symphonies; To me they seem as distant farre As whence they take their infant rise. rv. But I've a grateful heart can ring A peale of ordnance to your praise, And volleys of small plaudits bring To clowd a crown about your baies. TO THE AUTHOR. 21 DE DOMINO EICHAEDO LOVELACIO, ABMIGEBO ET CmLiAncHA, 1 VIKO INCOMPARABLLI. CCE tibi, heroi claris natalibus orto ; 2 Cujus honoratos Cantia vidit avos. Cujus adhuc memorat rediviva Batavia patrem, Inter et Herculeos enumerare solet. Though laurel is thought thunder free, That storms and lightning disallows, Yet Cassar thorough fire and sea Snatches her to twist his conquering brows. VI. And now me thinks like him you stand I' th' head of all the Poets' hoast, Whilest with your words you do command, They silent do their duty boast. Which done, the army ecchoes o're, Like Gamble los one and all, And in their various notes implore, Long live our noble Generall. DUDLEY POSTHUMUS LOVELACE. 1 Strictly speaking, the officer in command of a thousand men, com the Greek xiXiapxrjg, or x i ^ l "PXe> but in the present in- tance meaning nothing more than Colonel. 3 I have amended the text of these lines, which in the original i very corrupt. I suppose that the compositor was left to him- 3lf, as usual. 22 VERSES ADDRESSED Qui tua Grollaferox, laceratus vulnere multo, Fulmineis vidit mcenia Pacta globis. Et cum ssova tuas fudisset Iberia turmas, Afflatu pyrii pulveris ictus obit. Hsec sint magna : tamen major majoribus bic est, Nititur et pennis altius ire no vis. Sermonem patrium callentem et murmura CelteB, Non piguit linguas edidicisse duas. Quicquid Koma vetus, vel quicquid GrsBcia jactat, Musarum nutrix alma Galena dedit. Gnaviter Ilesperios compressit Marte cacbinnos, Devictasque dedit Cantaber ipse man us. Non evitavit validos Dunkerka lacertos, Non intercludens alta Lacuna vias, Et scribenda gerens vivaci marmore digna, Scribere Ca3sareo more vel ipse potest. Cui gladiuin Bellona dedit, calamumque Minerva, Et geminse Laurus circuit umbra comam. Cujus si faciem spectes vultusque decorem, Vix puer Idalius gratior ore fuit. AD EUNDEM. EKRICO succede meo : dedit ille priora Carmina, carminibus non meliora tuis. * Herrick's Hesperides had appeared in 1648. TO THE A UTHOR. 23 IIEPI TOT ATTOT. Aouhdxiog EO-TI Yet cooled not the heat her sphere * Of beauties first had kindled there. 1 Pictures used formerly to have curtains before them. It is still done in some old houses. In Westward Hoe, 1607, act ii. scene 3, there is an allusion to this practice : " Sir Gosling. So draw those curtains, and let's see the pic- tures under 'em." WEBSTER'S Works, ed. Hazlitt, i. 133. 2 Original reads sight. 54 POEMS. ii. Then mov'd, and with a suddaine flame Impatient to melt all againe, Straight from her eyes she lightning hurl'd,- And earth in ashes mournes ; The sun his blaze denies the world,- And in her luster hurnes \ Yet warmed not the hearts, her nice Disdaine had first congeal'd to ice,. in. And now her teares nor griev'd desire *- Can quench this raging, pleasing fire j Fate but one way allowes ; behold - Her smiles' divinity ! > They fanned this heat, and thaw'd that cold/ So fram'd up a new sky. Thus earth, from flames and ice repreev'd, E're since hath in her sun-shine liv'd. THE APOSTACY OF ONE, AND BUT ONE LADY. fr i. HAT frantick errour I adore, And am confirmed the earth turns round ; Now satisfied o're and o're, As rowling waves, so flowes the ground, And as her neighbour reels the shore : Finde such a woman says she loves ; She's that fixt heav'n, which never moves. POEMS. 55 IT. In marble, steele, or porphyrie, Who carves or stampes his armes or face, Lookes it by rust or storme must dye : This womans love no time can raze, Hardned like ice in the sun's eye, Or your reflection in a glasse, Which keepes possession, though you passe. in. We not behold a watches hand To stir, nor plants or flowers to grow ; Must we infer that this doth stand, And therefore, that those do not blow ? This she acts calmer, like Heav'ns brand, The stedfast lightning, slow loves dart, She kils, but ere we feele the smart. IV. Oh, she is constant as the winde, That revels in an ev'nings aire ! Certai^e as wayes unto the blinde, More reall then her flatt'ries are ; Gentle as chaines that honour binde, More faithfull then an Hebrew Jew, But as the divel not halfe so true. 56 POEMS. AMYNTOE 1 FROM BEYOND THE SEA TO ALEXIS. 2 A DIALOGUE. Avnyntor. LEXIS ! ah Alexis ! can it be, Though so much wet and drie Doth drowne our eye, Thou keep'st thy winged voice from me ? Alexis. Amyntor, a profounder sea, I feare, Hath swallow'd me, where now My armes do row, I floate i'th' ocean of a teare. Lucasta weepes, lest I look back and tread Your Watry land againe. Amyn. I'd through the raine ; Such showrs are quickly over-spread. Conceive how joy, after this short divorce, Will circle her with beames, When, like your streames, You shall rowle back with kinder force, Endymion Porter ? 2 Lovelace himself. POEMS. 57 And call the helping winds to vent your thought. Alex. Amyntor ! Chloris ! where Or in what sphere Say, may that glorious fair be sought ? Amyn. She's now the center of these armes e're blest, Whence may she never move, Till Time and Love Haste to their everlasting rest. Alex. Ah subtile swaine ! doth not my flame rise high As yours, and burne as hot ? Am not I shot With the selfe same artillery ? And can I breath without her air? Amyn. Why, then, From thy tempestuous earth, WTiere blood and dearth Raigne '"stead of kings, agen Wafte thy selfe over, and lest storms from far Arise, bring in our sight The seas delight, Lucasta, that bright northerne star. Alex. But as we cut the rugged deepe, I feare The green god stops his fell Chariot of shell, And smooths the maine to ravish her. 58 POEMS. Amyn. Oh no, the prince of waters' fires are done ; He as his empire's old, And rivers, cold ; His queen now runs abed to th' sun ; But all his treasure he shall ope' that day : Tritons shall sound : his fleete In silver meete, And to her their rich offrings pay. Alex. We flye, Amyntor, not amaz'd how sent By water, earth, or aire : Or if with her By fire : ev'n there I move in mine owne element. CALLING LUCASTA FROM HER RETIREMENT. ODE. i. ROM the dire monument of thy hlack roome, Wher now that vestal flame thou dost in- tomhe, As in the inmost cell of all earths wombe. n. Sacred Lucasta, like the pow'rfull ray Of heavenly truth, passe this Cimmerian way, Whilst all the standards of your beames display. POEMS. 59 m. Arise and climbe our whitest, highest hill ; There your sad thoughts with joy and wonder fill, And see seas calme 1 as earth, earth as your will. IV. Behold ! how lightning like a taper flyes, And guilds your chari't, but ashamed dyes, Seeing it selfe out-gloried by your eyes. v. Threatning and boystrous tempests gently bow, And to your steps part in soft paths, when now There no where hangs a cloud, but on your brow. VI. No showrs but 'twixt your lids, nor gelid snow, But what your whiter, chaster brest doth ow, 2 Whilst winds in chains colder for 3 sorrow blow. vn. Shrill trumpets doe only sound to eate, Artillery hath loaden ev'ry dish with meate, And drums at ev'ry health alarmes beate. vm. All things Lticasta, but Lueasta, call, Trees borrow tongues, waters in accents fall, The aire doth sing, and fire is 4 musicall. 1 Original has colme. 2 i. e. own. 3 Original reads your. 4 Original has fire's, but fire is is required by the metre, and t is probably what the poet wrote. 60 POEMS. IX. Awake from the dead vault in which you dwell, All's loyall here, except your thoughts rebell Which, so let loose, often their gen'rall quell. See ! she oheys ! By all obeyed thus, No storms, heats, colds, no soules contentious, Nor civill war is found ; I meane, to us. XI. Lovers and angels, though in heav'n they show, And see the woes and discords here below, "What they not feele, must not be said to know. AMARANTHA. A PASTOR ALL. 1 P with the jolly bird of light Who sounds his third retreat to night ; Faire Amarantha from her bed Ashamed starts, and rises red As the carnation-mantled morne, Who now the blushing robe doth spurne, And puts on angry gray, whilst she, The envy of a deity, Arayes her limbes, too rich indeed To be inshrin'd in such a weed ; 1 The punctuation of this piece is in the original edition singu- larly corrupt. I have found it necessary to amend it throughout. POEMS. 61 Yet lovely 'twas and strait, but fit ; Not made for her, but she to it : By nature it sate close and free, As the just bark unto the tree : Unlike Love's martyrs of the towne, All day imprison'd in a gown, Who, rackt in silke 'stead of a dresse, Are cloathed in a frame or presse, And with that liberty and room, The dead expatiate in a tombe. No cabinets with curious washes, Bladders and perfumed plashes ; No venome-temper'd water's here, Mercury is banished this sphere : Her payle's all this, in which wet glasse She both doth cleanse and view her face. Far hence, all Iberian smells, Hot amulets, Pomander spells, Fragrant gales, cool ay'r, the fresh And naturall odour of her flesh, Proclaim her sweet from th' wombe as morne. Those colour'd things were made, not borne, Which, fixt within their narrow straits, Do looke like their own counterfeyts. So like the Provance rose she walkt, Flowerd with blush, with verdure stalkt ; Th' officious wind her loose hayre curies, The dewe her happy linnen purles, But wets a tresse, which instantly Sol with a crisping beame doth dry. Into the garden is she come, 62 POEMS. Love and delight's Elisium ; If ever earth show'd all her store, View her discolourd budding floore ; Here her glad eye she largely feedes, And stands 'mongst them, as they 'mong weeds ; The flowers in their best aray As to their queen their tribute pay, And freely to her lap proscribe A daughter out of ev'ry tribe. Thus as she moves, they all bequeath At once the incense of their breath. The noble Heliotropian Now turnes to her, and knowes no sun. And as her glorious face doth vary, So opens loyall golden Mary 1 Who, if but glanced from her sight, Straight shuts again, as it were night. The violet (else lost ith' heap) Doth spread fresh purple for each step, With whose humility possest, Sh' inthrones the Poore Girle 2 in her breast: The July-flow'r 3 that hereto thriv'd, Knowing her self no longer-liv'd, But for one look of her upheaves, Then 'stead of teares straight sheds her leaves. Now the rich robed Tulip who, Clad all in tissue close, doth woe Her (sweet to th' eye but smelling sower). 1 The marigold. 2 A flower so called. 3 More commonly know as the gilliflower. POEMS. 63 She gathers to adorn her bower. But the proud Hony-suckle spreads Like a pavilion her heads, Contemnes the wanting commonalty, That but to two ends usefull be, And to her lips thus aptly plac't, With smell and hue presents her tast. So all their due obedience pay, Each thronging to be in her way : Faire Amarantha with her eye Thanks those that live, which else would dye : The rest, in silken fetters bound, By -crowning her are crown and crown'd. 1 And now the sun doth higher rise, Our Flora to the meadow hies : The poore distressed heifers low. And as sh' approacheth gently bow, Begging her charitable leasure To strip them of their milkie treasure. Out of the yeomanry oth' heard. With grave aspect, and feet prepar'd, A rev'rend lady-cow drawes neare, Bids Amarantha welcome here ; And from her privy purse lets fall A pearle or two, which seeme[s] to call This adorn'd adored fayry To the banquet of her dayry. Soft Amarantha weeps to see 'Mongst men such inhumanitie, 1 j. e. the lady gathers the flowers, and binds them in her hair vith a silken fillet, making of them a kind of chaplet or crown. 64 POEMS. That those, who do receive in hay, And pay in silver * twice a day, Should by their cruell barb'rous theft Be both of that and life bereft. But 'tis decreed, when ere this dies, That she shall fall a sacrifice Unto the gods, since- those, that trace Her stemme, show 'tis a god-like race, Descending in an even line From heifers and from steeres divine, Making the honour'd extract full In 16 and Europa's bull. She was the largest goodliest beast, That ever mead or altar blest ; Hound [w]as her udder, and more white Then is the Milkie Way in night ; Her full broad eye did sparkle fire ; Her breath was sweet as kind desire, And in her beauteous crescent shone, Bright as the argent-horned moone. But see ! this whitenesse is obscure, Cynthia spotted, she impure ; Her body writheld, 2 and her eyes 1 i. e. silvery or white milk. 2 An uncommon word, signifying wrinkled. Bishop Hall seems to be, with the exception of Lovelace, almost the only writer who used it. Compare, however, the following passage : " Like to a writhtVd Carion I have seen (Instead of fifty, write her down fifteen) Wearing her bought complexion in a box, And ev'ry morn her closet-face unlocks." Plantagenefs Tragicall Story, by T. W. 1649, p. 105. POEMS. 65 Departing lights at obsequies : Her lowing hot to the fresh gale, Her breath perfumes the field withall ; To those two suns that ever shine, To those plump parts she doth inshrine, To th' hovering snow of either hand, That love and cruelty command. After the breakfast on her teat, She takes her leave oth' mournfull neat Who, by her toucht, now prizeth her l life, Worthy alone the hollowed knife. Into the neighbring wood she's gone, Whose roofe defies the tell-tale Sunne, And locks out ev'ry prying beame ; Close by the lips of a cleare streame, She sits and entertaines her eye With the moist chrystall and the frye 2 With burnisht-silver mal'd, whose oares 3 Amazed still make to the shoares; What need she other bait or charm, What hook 4 or angle, but her arm? The happy captive, gladly ta'n, Sues ever to be slave in vaine, Who instantly (confirm'd in's feares) Hasts to his element of teares. From hence her various windings roave To a well-orderd stately grove ; This is the pallace of the wood 1 Original has prize their. 3 Fins. 2 The fish with their silvery scales. * Original reads but look 66 POEMS. And court oth' Royall Oake, where stood The whole nobility : the Pine, Strait Ash, tall Firre, and wanton Vine ; The proper Cedar, and the rest. Here she her deeper senses hlest ; Admires great Nature in this pile, Floor'd with greene-velvet Camomile, Garnisht with gems of unset fruit, Supply'd still with a self recruit ; Her bosom wrought with pretty eyes Of never-planted Strawberries ; Where th' winged musick of the ayre Do richly feast, and for their fare, Each evening in a silent shade, Bestow a grateiull serenade. Thus ev'n tyerd with delight, Sated in soul and appetite ; Full of the purple Plumme and Peare, . The golden Apple, with the faire Grape that mirth fain would have taught her, And nuts, which squirrells cracking brought her ; She softly layes her weary limbs, Whilst gentle slumber now beginnes To draw the curtaines of her eye ; When straight awakend with a crie And bitter groan, again reposes, Again a deep sigh interposes. And now she heares a trembling voyce : Ah ! can there ought on earth rejoyce ! Why weares she this gay livery, Not black as her dark entrails be ? POEMS. 67 Can trees be green, and to the ay'r Thus prostitute their flowing hajr ? Why do they sprout, not witherd dy ? Must each thing live, save wretched I ? Can dayes triumph in hlew and red, When both their light and life is fled ? Fly Joy on wings of Popinjayes To courts of fools, where 1 as your playes Dye laught at and forgot ; whilst all That's good mourns at this funerall. Weep, all ye Graces, and you sweet Quire, that at the hill inspir'd meet : Love, put thy tapers out, that we And th' world may seem as blind as thee ; And be, since she is lost (ah wound !) Not Heav'n it self by any found. Now as a prisoner new cast, 2 Who sleepes in chaines that night, his last, Next morn is wak't with a repreeve, And from his trance, not dream bid live, Wonders (his sence not having scope) Who speaks, his friend or his false hope. So Amarantha heard, but feare Dares not yet trust her tempting care ; And as againe her arms oth' ground Spread pillows for her head, a sound More dismall makes a swift divorce, And starts her thus : Kage, rapine, force ! Ye blew-flam'd daughters oth' abysse, 1 Original has there. * i. e. condemned. 68 POEMS. Bring all your snakes, here let them hisse ; Let not a leaf its freshnesse keep ; Blast all their roots, and as you creepe, And leave behind your deadly slime, Poyson the budding branch in's prime : Wast the proud bowers of this grove, That fiends may dwell in it, and move As in their proper hell, whilst she Above laments this tragedy : Yet pities not our fate ; oh faire Vow-breaker, now betroth'd to th' ay'r ! Why by those lawes did we not die, As live but one, Lucasta ! why As he Lucasta nam'd, a groan Strangles the fainting passing tone ; But as she heard, Lucasta smiles, Posses 1 her round ; she's slipt mean whiles Behind the blind of a thick bush, When, each word temp'ring with a blush, She gently thus bespake : Sad swaine, If mates in woe do ease our pain, Here's one full of that antick grief, Which stifled would for ever live, But told, expires ; pray then, reveale (To show our wound is half to heale), What mortall nymph or deity Bewail you thus ? Who ere you be, 1 This word does not appear to have any very exact meaning See HalliwelPs Dictionary of Archaic Words, art. Posse, am Worcester's Diet, ibid, &c. The context here requires to turi sharply or quickly. POEMS. 69 The shepheard sigh't, 1 mj woes I crave Smotherd in me, me 2 in my grave ; Yet be in show or truth a saint, Or fiend, breath anthemes, heare my plaint, For her and thy breath's symphony, Which now makes full the harmony Above, and to whose voice the spheres Listen, and call her musick theirs ; This was I blest on earth with, so As Druids amorous did grow, Jealous of both : for as one day This star, as yet but set in clay, By an imbracing river lay, They steept her in the hollowed brooke, Which from her humane nature tooke, And straight to heaven with winged feare, 3 Thus, ravisht with her, ravish her. The nymph reply'd : This holy rape Became the gods, whose obscure shape They cloth'd with light, whilst ill you grieve Your better life should ever live, And weep that she, to whom you wish What heav'n could give, has all its blisse. Calling her angell here, yet be Sad at this true divinity : She's for the altar, not the skies, 1 Original has sight. 3 Original reads I. The meaning seems to be, " I crave that iy woes may be smothered in me, and I may be smothered in iy grave." 3 Reverence. 70 POEMS. Whom first you crowne, then sacrifice. Fond man thus to a precipice Aspires, till at the top his eyes Have lost the safety of the plain, Then begs of Fate the vales againe. The now confounded shepheard cries : Ye all-confounding destinies ! How did you make that voice so sweet Without that glorious form to it? Thou sacred spirit of my deare, Where e're thou hoverst o're us, hear ! Imbark thee in the lawrell tree, And a new Phebus follows thee, Who, 'stead of all his burning rayes, Will strive to catch thee with his layes ; Or, if within the Orient Vine, Thou art both deity and wine ; But if thou takest the mirtle grove, That Paphos is, thou, Queene of Love, And I, thy swain who (else) must die, By no beasts, but thy cruelty : But you are rougher than the winde. Are souls on earth then heav'n l more kind ? Imprisoned in mortality Xaicasta would have answered me. Lucasta, Amarantha said, Is she that virgin-star? a maid, Except her prouder livery, In beauty poore, and cheap as I ; 1 {. e. in heaven. POEMS. 71 Whose glory like a meteor shone, Or aery apparition, Admir'd a while, hut slighted known. Fierce, as the chafed lyon hies, He rowses him, and to her flies, Thinking to answer with his speare Now, as in warre intestine where, Ith' mist of a black hattell, each Layes at his next, then makes a breach Through th' entrayles of another, whom He sees nor knows whence he did come, Guided alone by rage and th' drumme, But stripping and impatient wild, He finds too soon his onely child. So our expiring desp'rate lover Far'd when, amaz'd, he did discover Lucasta in this nymph ; his sinne Darts the accursed javelin 'Gainst his own breast, which she puts by With a soft lip and gentle eye, Then closes with him on the ground And now her smiles have heal'd his wound. Alexis too again is found ; But not untill those heavy crimes She hath kis'd off a thousand times, Who not contented with this pain, Doth threaten to offend again. And now they gaze, and sigh, and weep, Whilst each cheek doth the other's steep, Whilst tongues, as exorcis'd, are calm ; Onely the rhet'rick of the palm 72 POEMS. Prevailing pleads, untill at last They[re] chain'd in one another fast. Lucasta to him doth relate Her various chance and diffring fate : How chac'd hy Hydraphil, and tract The numerous foe to Philanact, Who whilst they for the same things fight, As Bards decrees and Druids rite, For safeguard of their proper joyes And shepheards freedome, each destroyes The glory of this Sicilie ; Since seeking thus the remedie, They fancy (building on false ground) The means must them and it confound, Yet are resolved to stand or fall, And win a little, or lose all. From this sad storm of fire and blood She fled to this yet living wood ; Where she 'mongst savage beasts doth find Her self more safe then humane l kind. Then she relates, how Cselia 2 The lady here strippes her array, And girdles her in home-spunne bayes, Then makes her conversant in layes Of birds, and swaines more innocent, That kenne not guile [n]or courtship ment. Now walks she to her bow'r to dine 1 i. e. than among human kind. 2 It may be presumed that Lucasta had adopted the name of Gzlia during her sylvan retreat. POEMS. 73 Under a shade of Eglantine, Upon a dish of Natures cheere Which both grew, drest and serv'd up there : That done, she feasts her smell with po'ses Pluckt from the damask cloath of Koses. "Which there continually doth stay, And onely frost can take away ; Then wagers which hath most content Her eye, eare, hand, her gust or sent. Intranc't Alexis sees and heares, As walking ahove all the spheres : Knows and adores this, and is wilde, 1 Untill with her he live thus milde. 2 So that, which to his thoughts he meant For losse of her a punishment, His armes hung up and his sword broke, His ensignes folded, he betook Himself unto the humble crook. And for a full reward of all, She now doth him her shepheard call, And in a see of flow'rs install : Then gives her faith immediately, Which he returns religiously ; Both vowing in her peaceful! cave To make their bridall-bed and grave. But the true joy this pair conceiv'd, Each from the other first bereav'd, And then found, after such alarmes, Fast-pinion'd in each other's armes, 1 Impatient. 2 Tranquil or secluded. 74 POEMS. Ye panting virgins, that do meet Your loves within their winding sheet, Breathing and constant still ev'n there ; Or souls their bodies in yon' sphere, Or angels, men return'd from hell And separated inindes can tell. TO ELLINDA, THAT LATELY I HAVE NOT WBITTEN. I. F in me anger, or disdaine In you, or both, made me refraine From th' noble intercourse of verse, That only vertuous thoughts rehearse ; Then, chaste Ellinda, might you feare The sacred vowes that I did sweare. ii. But if alone some pious thought Me to an inward saduesse brought, Thinking to breath your soule too welle, My tongue was charmed with that spell ; And left it (since there was no roome To voyce your worth enough) strooke dumbe. in. So then this silence doth reveal No thought of negligence, but zeal : For, as in adoration, This is love's true devotion ; Children and fools the words repeat, But anch'rites pray in tears and sweat. POEMS. 75 ELLIKDA'S GLOVE. SONNET. I. HOU snowy farme with thy five tenements ! 1 Tell thy white mistris here was one, That call'd to pay his dayly rents ; But she a-gatheringjlowr's and hearts is gone, And thou left voyd to rude possession, ii. But grieve not, pretty Ermin cahinet, Thy alahaster lady will come home ; If not, what tenant can there fit The slender turnings of thy narrow roome, But must ejected he by his owne dombe ? 2 in. Then give me leave to leave my rent with thee : Five kisses, one unto a place : For though the lute's too high for me, Yet servants, knowing minikin 3 nor base, Are still allow'd to fiddle with the case. 1 i. e. the white glove of the lady with its five fingers. 2 Doom. 3 A description of musical pin attached to a lute. It was only brought into play by accomplished musicians. In the address of " The Country 'Suiter to his Love," printed in Cotgrave's Wits Interpreter, 1662, p. 119, the man says: " Fair Wench ! I cannot court thy sprightly eyes With a base-viol plac'd betwixt my thighs, 76 POEMS. 1 BEING TREATED. TO ELLINDA. OR cherries plenty, and for corans Enough for fifty, were there more on's ; For elles of beere, 1 flutes 2 of canary, That well did wash downe pasties -Mary; 3 I cannot lisp, nor to a fiddle sing, Nor run upon a high-strecht minikin." In Middleton's Familie of Love, 1608 (Works by Dyce,ii. 127) there is the following passage : " Gudgeon. Ay, and to all that forswear marriage, and can be content with other men's wives. Gerardine. Of which consort you two are grounds ; one touches the bass, and the other tickles the minikin." 1 This expression has reference to the old practice of drinking beer and wine out of very high glasses, with divisions marked on them. A yard of ale is even now a well understood term : nor is the custom itself out of date, since in some parts of the country one is asked to take, not a glass, but a yard. The ell was of course, strictly speaking, a larger measure than a yard ; but it was often employed as a mere synonyme or equivalent. Thus, in Maroccus Extaticus, 1595, Bankes says: "Measure, Marocco, nay, nay, they that take up commodities make no difference for measure between a Flemish elle and an English yard." 2 In the new edition of Nares (1859), this very passage is quoted to illustrate the meaning of the word, which is defined rather vaguely to be a cask. Obviously the word signifies some- thing of the kind, but the explanation does not at all satisfy me. I suspect that a flute of canary was so called from the cask hav- ing several vent-holes, in the same way that the French call a lamprey fleute d'Aleman from the fish having little holes in the upper part of its body. 3 Forsyth, in his Antiquary's Portfolio, 1825, mentions certain POEMS. 77 For peason, chickens, sawces high, Pig, and the widdow-venson-pye ; * With certaine promise (to your brother) Of the virginity of another, "Where it is thought I too may peepe in With knuckles far as any deepe in ; 2 " glutton -feasts," -which used formerly to be celebrated period- ically in honour of the Virgin ; perhaps the pasties used on these occasions were thence christened pasties-Mary. 1 Venison pies or pasties were the most favourite dish in this country in former times; innumerable illustrations might be fur- nished of the high esteem in which this description of viand was held by our ancestors, who regarded it as a thoroughly English luxury. The anonymous author of Horce Sulseciva, 1620, p. 38 (this volume is supposed to have been written bv Giles Brydges, Lord Chandos), describes an affected Englishman who has been travelling on the Continent, as " sweating at the sight of a pasty of venison," and as " swearing that the only delicacies be mush- rooms, or caviare, or snayles." " The full-cram'd dishes made the table crack, Gammons of bacon, brawn, and what was chief, King in all feasts, a tall Sir Loyne of JSeef, Fat venison pasties smoaking, 'tis no fable, Swans in their broath came swimming to the table." Poems of BEN JOHNSON Junior, by W. S. 1672, p. 3. 2 An allusion to the scantiness of forks. " And when your justice of peace is knuckle-deep in goose, you may without dis- paragement to your blood, though you have a lady to your mo- ther, fall very manfully to your woodcocks." DECKEB'S Guls Horn Book, 1609, ed. Nott, p. 121. " Hodge. Forks ! what be they? Mar. The laudable use of forks, Brought into custom here, as they are in Italy, To the sparing of napkins " JONSON'S The Devil is an Ass, act v. scene 4. 78 POEMS. For glasses, heads, hands, bellies full Of wine, and loyne right- worshipfull ; l Whether all of, or more behind a Thankes freest, freshest, faire Ellinda. Thankes for my visit not disdaining, Or at the least thankes for your feigning ; For if your mercy doore were lockt-well, I should be justly soundly knockt-well ; Cause that in dogrell I did mutter Not one rhinae to you from dam-Rotter. 2 Next beg I to present my duty To pregnant sister in prime beauty, Whom well I deeme (e're few months elder) Will take out Hans from pretty Kelder, And to the sweetly fayre Mabella, A match that vies with Arabella ; In each respect but the misfortune, Fortune, Fate, I thee importune. Nor must I passe the lovely Alice, Whose health I'd quaffe in golden chalice ; But since that Fate hath made me neuter, I only can in beaker pewter : " Lovell. Your hand, good sir. Greedy. This is a lord, and some think this a favour ; But I had rather have my hand in my dumpling." MASSINGER'S New Way to Pay Old Debts, 1633. 1 The sirloin of beef. 2 Rotterdam. I POEMS. 79 But who'd forget, or yet left un-sung The doughty acts of George the yong-son ? Who yesterday to save his sister Had slaine the snake, had he not mist her : But I shall leave him, 'till a nag on He gets to prosecute the dragon ; And then with helpe of sun and taper, Fill with his deeds twelve reames of paper, That Amadis, 1 Sir Guy, and Topaz With his fleet neigher shall keep no-pace. But now to close all I must switch-hard, [Your] servant ever ; LOVELACE RICHAED. TO ELLINDA. VPOX HIS LATE RECOVER A PARADOX. I. OW I grieve that I am well ! All my health was in my sicknes, Go then, Destiny, and tell, Very death is in this quicknes. 1 Amadis de Gaule. The translation of this romance by An- thony Munday and two or three others, whose assistance he ob- tained, made it popular in England, although, perhaps with the jxception of the portion executed by Munday himself, the per- bnnance is beneath criticism. 80 POEMS. n. Such a fate rules over me, That I glory when I languish, And do blesse the remedy, That doth feed, not quench my anguish. in. 'Twas a gentle warmth that ceas'd In the vizard of a feavor ; But I feare now I am eas'd All the flames, since I must leave her. IV. Joyes, though witherd, circled me, When unto her voice inured Like those who, by harmony, Only can be throughly cured. v. Sweet, sure, was that malady, Whilst the pleasant angel hover'd, Which ceasing they are all, as I, Angry that they are recover'd. VI. And as men in hospitals, That are maim'd, are lodg'd and dined ; But when once their danger fals, Ah th' are healed to be pined I POEMS. 81 vn. Fainting so, I might before Sometime have the leave to hand her, But lusty, am beat out of dore, And for Love compell'd to wander. TO CHLOE, f\ COURTING HER FOR HIS FRIEND. i. HLOE, behold ! againe I bowe : Againe possest, againe I woe ; From my heat hath taken fire Damas, noble youth, and fries, 1 Gazing with one of mine eyes, Damas, halfe of me expires : Chloe, behold ! Our fate's the same. Or make me cinders too, or quench his flame. 1 This is not nnfrequently used in old writers in the sense of mm: "But Lucilla, who now began to frie in the flames of love, all he company being departed," &c. LYLT'S Euphues, 1579, sig. v. verso. " My lady-mistresse cast an anourous eye Upon my forme, which her affections drew, Shee was Love's martyr, and in flames did frye." Egypt's Favorite. The Historic of Joseph. By Sir F. Hubert,! 631, sig. C. Gr 82 POEMS. ii. I'd not be King, unlesse there sate Lesse lords that shar'd with me in state Who, by their cheaper coronets, know, What glories from my diadem flow : Its use and rate 1 values the gem : Pearles in their shells have no esteem ; And, I being sun within thy sphere, 'Tis my chiefe beauty thinner lights shine there. in. The Us'rer heaps unto his store By seeing others praise it more ; Who not for gaine or want doth covet, But, 'cause another loves, doth love it: Thus gluttons cloy'd afresh invite Their gusts from some new appetite ; And after cloth remov'd, and meate, " Fall too againe by seeing others eate. I GEATI ANA DAUNCING AND SINGING.' i. EE ! with what constant motion Even and glorious, as the sunne, Gratiana steeres that noble frame, Soft as her breast, sweet as her voyce, That gave each winding law and poyze, And swifter then the wings of Fame. The estimation in which it is held, its marketable -worth. POEMS. 83 H. She beat the happy pavement By such a starre-made firmament, Which now no more the roofe envies ; But swells up high with Atlas ev'n, Bearing the brighter, nobler Heav'n, And in her,' all the Dieties. HI. Each step trod out a lovers thought And the ambitious hopes he brought, Chain'd to her brave feet with such arts, Such sweet command and gentle awe, As when she ceas'd, we sighing saw The floore lay pav'd with broken hearts. IV. So did she move : so did she sing : Like the harmonious spheres that bring Unto their rounds their musick's ayd ; Which she performed such a way, As all th' inamour'd world will say : The Graces daunced, and Apollo play'd. 84 POEMS. AMYNTOE'S GEOVE, 1 HIS CHLORIS, ARIGO, 2 AND GRATIANA. AN ELOGIE. T was 3 Amyntor's Grove, that Chloris For ever ecchoes, and her glories ; Chloris, the gentlest sheapherdesse, That ever lawnes and lambes did blesse ; Her breath, like to the whispering winde, Was calme as thought, sweet as her minde ; Her lips like coral gates kept in The perfume and 4 the pearle within ; 1 In the MS. copy this poem exhibits considerable variations, and is entitled " Gratiana's Eulogy." 2 Arigo or Arrigo is the Venetian form of Henrico. I have no means of identifying Chloris or Gratiana; but Amyntor was pro- bably, as I have already suggested, Endymion Porter, and Arigo was unquestionably no other than Henry Jermyn, or Jarmin, who, though no poet, was, like his friend Porter, a liberal and discerning patron of men of letters. " Yet when thy noble choice appear'd, that by Their combat first prepar'd thy victory : Endymion and Arigo, who delight In numbers " DAVENANT'S Madagascar, 1638 (Works, 1673, p. 212). ; See also p. 247 of Davenant's Works. Jermyn's name is associated with that of Porter in the noblesl dedication in our language, that to Davenanfs Poems, 1638 12mo. " If these poems live," &c. 3 This and the five next lines are not in MS. which opens witl " Her lips," &c. 4 So original; MS. reads of. POEMS. 85 Her eyes a double-flaming torch That alwayes shine, and never scorch ; Her 1 selfe the Heav'n in which did meet The all of bright, of faire and sweet. Here was I brought with that delight That seperated soules take flight ; And when my reason call'd my sence Back somewhat from this excellence, That I could see, I did begin T' observe the curious ordering Of every roome, where 'ts hard to know, Which most excels in sent or show. Arabian gummes do breathe here forth, And th' East's come over to the North ; The windes have brought their hyre 2 of sweet To see Amyntor Chloris greet ; Balme and nard, and each perfume, To blesse this payre, 3 chafe and consume ; And th' Phoenix, see ! already fries ! Her neast a fire in Chloris 4 eyes ! 1 This and the next thirteen lines are not in MS. 2 i. e. tribute. 3/aire MS. 4 her faire MS. The story of the phoenix was very popular* and the allusions to it in the early writers are almost innumerable. " My labour did to greater things aspire, To find a Phoenix melted in the fire, Out of whose ashes should spring up to birth A friend" .Poems O/BEN JOHNSON jun., by W. S., 1672, p. 18. 86 POEMS. Next 1 the great and powerful hand Beckens my thoughts unto a stand Of Titian, Raphael, Georgone Whose art even Nature hath out-done ; For if weake Nature only can Intend, not perfect, what is man, These certainely we must prefer, Who mended what she wrought, and her ; And sure the shadowes of those rare And kind incomparable fayre Are livelier, nobler company, Then if they could or speake, or see : For these 2 I aske without a tush, Can kisse or touch without a blush, And we are taught that substance is, If uninjoy'd, but th' 3 shade of blisse. Now every saint cleerly divine, Is clos'd so in her severall shrine ; The gems so rarely, richly set, For them wee love the cabinet ; So intricately plac't withall, As if th' imbrordered the wall, So that the pictures seem'd to be But one continued tapistrie. 4 After this travell of mine eyes We sate, and pitied Dieties ; 1 This and the next eleven lines are not in MS. - The MS. reads she. 3 The MS. reads for but. th' " the." 4 In the houses of such as could afford the expense, the wall of rooms were formerly lined with tapestry instead of paper. POEMS. 87 "Wee bound our loose hayre with the vine, The poppy, and the eglantine ; One swell'd an oriental bowle Full, as a grateful, loyal soule To Chloris ! Chloris ! Heare, oh, heare ! 'Tis pledg'd above in ev'ry sphere. Now streight the Indians richest prize Is kindled in 1 glad sacrifice ; Cloudes are sent up on wings of thyme, Amber, pomgranates, jessemine, And through our earthen conduicts sore Higher then altars fum'd before. So drencht we our oppressing cares, And choakt the wide jawes of our feares. Whilst ravisht thus we did devise, If this were not a Paradice In all, except these harmlesse sins : flew in two cherubins, Cleare as the skye from whence they came, And brighter than the sacred flame ; The boy adorn'd with modesty, Yet armed so with majesty, That if the Thunderer againe His eagle sends, she stoops in vaine. 2 Besides his innocence he tooke A sword and casket, and did looke Like Love in armes ; he wrote but five, Yet spake eighteene : each grace did strive, 1 So MS. ; original has a. 2 An allusion to the fable of Jupiter and Ganymede. 88 POEMS. And twenty Cupids thronged forth, Who first should shew his prettier worth. But oh, the Nymph ! Did you ere know Carnation mingled with snow ? l Or have you seene the lightning shrowd, And straight hreake through th' opposing cloud ? So ran her blood ; such was its hue ; So through her vayle her bright haire flew, And yet its glory did appeare But thinne, because her eyes were neere. Blooming boy, and blossoming mayd, May your faire sprigges be neere betrayd To 2 eating worme or fouler storme ; No serpent lurke to do them harme ; No sharpe frost cut, no North-winde teare, The verdure of that fragrant hayre ; But 3 may the sun and gentle weather, When you are both growne ripe together, Load you with fruit, such as your Father From you with all the joyes doth gather : And may you, when one branch is dead, Graft such another in its stead, Lasting thus ever in your prime, 'Till th' sithe is snatcht away from Time. 4 1 Mix'd with droppinge snow MS. 2 This and the succeeding line are not in MS. 3 This and the six following lines are not in MS. 4 Here we have a figure, which reminds us of Jonson's famous lines on the Countess of Pembroke ; but certainly in this instance the palm of superiority is due to Lovelace, whose conception of Time having his scythe snatched from him is bolder and finer than that of the earlier and greater poet. POEMS. 89 THE SCKUTINIE. SONG. SET BY MB. THOMAS CHAELES. 1 I. HY shouldst thou 2 sweare I am forsworn, Since thine I vow'd to be ? Lady, it is already Morn, And 'twas last night I swore to thee That fond impossibility. n. Have I not lov'd thee much and long, A tedious twelve moneths 3 space? I should 4 all other beauties wrong, And rob thee of a new imbrace ; Should 5 I still dote upon thy face. m. Not but all joy in thy browne haire In 6 others may be found ; But I must search the black and faire, Like skilfulle minerallists that sound For treasure in un-plow'd-up 7 ground. 1 This poem appears in Wits Interpreter, by John Cotgrave, ed. 1662, p. 214, under the title of " On his Mistresse, who un- justly taxed him of leaving her off." 8 So Cotgrave. Lucasta reads should you. 3 So Cotgrave. This is preferable to Iiours, the reading in Lucasta. 4 So Cotgrave. Lucasta reads must. 5 So Cotgrave. Lucasta has could. 6 So Cotgrave. Lucasta reads By. 7 tfofoWcfen Cotgrave. 90 POEMS. IV. Then if, when I have lov'd my 1 round, Thou prov'st the pleasant she ; With spoyles 2 of meaner beauties crown'd, I laden will returne to thee, Ev'n sated with varietie. PKINCESSE LOYSA 3 DBAWING. SAW a little Diety, Minerva in epitomy, Whom Venus, at first hlush, surpris'd, Tooke for her winged wagge disguis'd. But viewing then, whereas she made Not a distrest, hut lively shade Of Eccho whom he had hetrayd, Now wanton, and ith' coole oth' Sunne With her delight a hunting gone, And thousands more, whom he had slaine ; To live and love, helov'd againe : Ah ! this is true divinity ! I will un-God that toye ! cri'd she ; Then markt she Syrinx running fast To Pan's imhraces, with the haste Shee fled him once, whose reede-pipe rent He finds now a new Instrument. 1 thee Cotgrave. 2 In spoil Cotgrave. 3 Probably the second daughter of Frederic and Elizabeth o Bohemia, b. 1622. See TOWNEND'S Descendants of the Stuarts 1858, p. 7. POEMS. 91 Theseus returned invokes the Ayre And windes, then wafts his faire ; Whilst Ariadne ravish't stood Half in his armes, halfe in the flood. Proud Anaxerete doth fall At Iphis feete, who smiles at 1 all : And he (whilst she his curies doth deck) Hangs no where now, but on her neck. Here Phoebus with a heame untombes Long-hid Leucothoe, and doomes Her father there ; Daphne the faire Knowes now no bayes but round her haire ; And to Apollo and his Sons, Who pay him their due Orisons, Bequeaths her lawrell-robe, that flame Contemnes, Thunder and evill Fame. There kneePd Adonis fresh as spring, Gay as his youth, now offering Herself those joyes with voice and hand, Which first he could not understand. Transfixed Venus stood amas'd, Full of the Boy and Love, she gaz'd, And in imbraces seemed more Senceless and colde then he before. Uselesse Childe ! In vaine (said she) You beare that fond artillerie ; See heere a pow'r above the slow Weake execution of thy bow. So said, she riv'd the wood in two, Unedged all his arrowes too, 1 Original has of. 92 POEMS. And with the string their feathers hound To that part, whence we have our wound. See, see ! the darts by which we burn'd Are bright Loysa's pencills turn'd, With which she now enliveth more Beauties, than they destroy'd before. A FORSAKEN LADY TO HER FALSE SERVANT THAT IS DISDAINED BY HIS NEW MISTKISS. 1 'EKE it that you so shun me, 'cause you wish (Cruels't) a fellow in your wretchednesse, Or that you take some small ease in your owne Torments, to heare another sadly groane, I were most happy in my paines, to be So truely blest, to be so curst by thee : But oh ! my cries to that doe rather adde, Of which too much already thou hast had, And thou art gladly sad to heare my moane ; Yet sadly hearst me with derision. Thou most unjust, that really dost know, And feelst thyselfe the flames I burne in. Oh ! How can you beg to be set loose from that Consuming stake you binde another at ? 1 Carew (Poems, ed. 1651, p. 53) has some lines, entitled, " In the person of a Lady to her Inconstant Servant," which are of nearly similar purport to Lovelace's poem, but are both shorter and better. POEMS. 93 Uncharitablest both wayes, to denie That pity me, for which yourself must dye, To love not her loves you, yet know the pain What 'tis to love, and not be lov'd againe. Flye on, flye on, swift Racer, untill she Whom thou of all ador'st shall learne of thee The pace t'outfly thee, and shall teach thee groan, What terrour 'tis t'outgo and be outgon. Nor yet looke back, nor yet must we Run then like spoakes in wheeles eternally, And never overtake ? Be dragg'd on still By the weake cordage of your untwin'd will Round without hope of rest ? No, I will turne, And with my goodnes boldly meete your scorne ; My goodnesse which Heav'n pardon, and that fate Made you hate love, and fall in love with hate. But I am chang'd ! Bright reason, that did give My soule a noble quicknes, made me live One breath yet longer, and to will, and see Hath reacht me pow'r to scorne as well as thee : That thou, which proudly tramplest on my grave, Thyselfe mightst fall, conquer'd my double slave : That thou mightst, sinking in thy triumphs, moan, And I triumph in my destruction. Hayle, holy cold ! chaste temper, hayle ! the fire Rav'd * o're my purer thoughts I feel t' expire, 1 Rav'd seems here to be equivalent to reav'd, or bereav'd. Perhaps the correct reading may be " reav'd." See Worcester's Dictionary, art. RAVE, where Menage's supposition of affinity Between rave and bereave is perhaps a little too slightingly treated. 94 POEMS. And I am candied ice. Yee pow'rs ! if e're I shall be forc't unto my sepulcher, Or violently hurPd into my urne, Oh. make me choose rather to freeze than burne. j THE GKASSEHOPPER. TO MY NOBLE FRIEND, MB. CHARLES COTTON. 1 ODE. H thou, that swing'st upon the waving Of some well-filled oaten beard, 3 Drunk ev'ry night with a delicious teare * Dropt thee from Heav'n, where th'art reard. 1 Charles Cotton the elder, father of the poef He died 1658. This poem is extracted in Censura Literaria, ix. 352, a favourable specimen of Lovelace's poetical genius. The texi is manifestly corrupt, but I have endeavoured to amend In Elton's Specimens of Classic Poets, 1814, i. 148, is a trans lation of Anacreon's Address to the Cicada, or Tree-1 (Lovelace's grasshopper?), which is superior to the mi poem, being less prolix, and more natural in its manner. In Lovelace's longer pieces there are too many obscure and fe< conceits, and too many evidences of a leaning to the metaphyi and antithetical school of poetry. 2 Original has haire. 3 i. e. a beard of oats. 4 Meleager's invocation to the tree-locust commences thus Elton's translation : " Oh shrill- voiced insect ! that with dew-drops sweet Inebriate " See also Cowley's Anacreontiques, No. X. The Grasshopper. POEMS. 95 n. The joyes of earth and ayre are thine intire, That with thy feet and wings dost hop and flye ; And when thy poppy workes, thou dost retire To thy carv'd acorn-bed to lye. m. Up with the day, the Sun thou welcomst then, Sportst in the guilt plats 1 of his beames, And all these merry dayes mak'st merry men, 2 Thy selfe, and melancholy streames. IV. But ah, the sickle ! golden eares are cropt ; Geres and Bacchus bid good night ; Sharpe frosty fingers all your flowrs have topt, And what sithes spar'd, winds shave off quite. v. Poore verdant foole ! and now green ice, thy joys Large and as lasting as thy peirch 3 of grasse, 1 i.e. horizontal lines tinged with gold. See HalliwelPs Glos- sary of Archaic Words, 1860, art. PLAT (seventh and eighth meaning). The late editors of Nares cite this passage from Lucasta as an illustration of guilt-plats, which they define to be "plots of gold." This definition, unsupported by any other evidence, is not very satisfactory, and certainly it has no obvious application here. 2 Randolph says : a toiling ants perchance delight to hear The summer musique of the gras-hopper." Poems, 1640, p. 90. It is a question, perhaps, whether Lovelace intended by the grasshopper the cicada or the locusta. See Sir Thomas Browne's Inquiries into Vulgar Errors (Works, by Wilkins, 1836, iii. 93). Perch. 96 POEMS. Bid us lay in 'gainst winter raine, and poize Their flouds with an o'erflowing glasse. VI. Thou best of men and friends ? we will create A genuine summer in each others breast ; And spite of this cold Time and frosen Fate, Thaw us a warme seate to our rest. VII. Our sacred harthes shall burne eternally As vestal flames ; the North-wind, he Shall strike his frost-stretch'd winges, dissolve and flye This jiEtna in epitome. VIII. Dropping December shall come weeping in, Bewayle th' usurping of his raigne ; But when in show'rs of old Greeke 1 we beginne, Shall crie, he hath his crowne againe ! IX. Night as cleare Hesper shall our tapers whip From the light casements, where we play, And the darke hagge from her black mantle strip, And sticke there everlasting day. x. Thus richer then untempted kings are we, That asking nothing, nothing need : Though lord of all what seas imbrace, yet he That wants himselfe, is poore indeed. 1 i. e. old Greek wine. POEMS. 97 AN ELEGIE. ON THE DEATH OF MRS. CASSANDRA COTTON, ONLY SISTER TO MR. C. COTTON. 1 jlTHEE with hallowed steps as is the ground, That must enshrine this saint with lookes profound, And sad aspects as the dark vails you weare, Virgins opprest, draw gently, gently neare ; Enter the dismall chancell of this roome, Where each pale guest stands fixt a living tomhe ; With trembling hands helpe to remove this earth To its last death and first victorious birth : Let gums and incense fume, who are at strife To enter th' hearse and breath in it new life ; Mingle your steppes with flowers as you goe, Which, as they haste to fade, will speake your woe. And when y' have plac't your tapers on her urn, How poor a tribute 'tis to weep and mourn ! That flood the chaunell of your eye-lids fils, When you lose trifles, or what's lesse, your wills. If you'l be worthy of these obsequies, Be blind unto the world, and drop your eyes ; 1 Cassandra Cotton, only daughter of Sir George Cotton, of iVarblenton, co. Sussex, and of Bedhampton, co. Hants, died iome time before 1649, unmarried. She was the sister of Charles Dotton the elder, and aunt to the poet. See Walton's Angler, id. Nicolas, Introduction, clxvi. H 98 POEMS. Waste and consume, burn downward as this fire That's fed no more : so willingly expire ; Passe through the cold and obscure narrow way, Then light your torches at the spring of day, There with her triumph in your victory. Such joy alone and such solemnity Becomes this funerall of virginity. Or, if you faint to be so blest, oh heare ! If not to dye, dare but to live like her : Dare to live virgins, till the honour'd age Of thrice fifteen cals matrons on the stage, "Whilst not a blemish or least staine is seene On your white roabe 'twixt fifty and fifteene ; But as it in your swathing-bands was given, Bring't in your winding sheet unsoyl'd to Heav'n. Dsere to do purely, without compact good, Or herald, by no one understood But him, who now in thanks bows either knee For th' early benefit and secresie. Dare to affect a serious holy sorrow, To which delights of pallaces are narrow, And, lasting as their smiles, dig you a roome, Where practise the probation of your tombe With ever-bended knees and piercing pray'r, Smooth the rough passe through craggy earth to ay' Flame there as lights that shipwrackt mariners May put in safely, and secure their feares, Who, adding to your joyes, now owe you theirs. Virgins, if thus you dare but courage take To follow her in life, else through this lake POEMS. 99 Of Nature wade, and breake her earthly bars, Y' are fixt with her upon a throne of stars, Arched with a pure Heav'n chrystaline, Where round you love and joy for ever shine. But you are dumbe, as what you do lament More senseles then her very monument, Which at your weaknes weeps. Spare that vaine teare, Enough to burst the rev'rend sepulcher. Rise and walk home ; there groaning prostrate fall, And celebrate your owne sad funerall : For howsoe're you move, may heare, or see, You are more dead and buried then shee. THE VINTAGE TO THE DUNGEON. A SONG. 1 SET BY MB. WILLIAM LATVES. I. ING out, pent soules, sing cheerefully ! Care shackles you in liberty : Mirth frees you in captivity. Would you double fetters adde ? Else why so sadde ? Chorus. Besides your pinion'd armes youl finde Griefe too can manakell the minde. 1 Probably composed during the poet's confinement in Peter- house. 100 POEMS. ii. Live then, pris'ners, uncontrol'd ; Drink oth' strong, the rich, the old, Till wine too hath your wits in hold ; Then if still your jollitie And throats are free Chorus. Tryumph in your honds and paines, And daunce to the music of your chaines. ON THE DEATH OF MES. ELIZABETH FILMEK. 1 AN ELEGIACALL EPITAPH. [OU that shall live awhile, before Old time tyrs, and is no more : When that this ambitious stone Stoopes low as what it tramples on : Know that in that age, when sinne Gave the world law, and governd Queene, A virgin liv'd, that still put on White thoughts, though out of fashion : lM 1 This lady was perhaps the daughter of Edward Filmer, of East Sutton, co. Kent, by his wife Eliza, daughter of Richard Argall, Esq., of the same place (See Harl. MS. 1432, p. 300). Possibly, the Edward Filmer mentioned here was the same as the author of " Frenche Court Ayres, with their Ditties eng- lished," 1629, in praise of which Jonson has some lines in his Underwoods. POEMS. 101 That trac't the stars, 'spite of report, And durst be good, though chidden for't : Of such a soule that infant Heav'n Repented what it thus had giv'n : For finding equall happy man, Th' impatient pow'rs snatch it agen. Thus, chaste as th' ayre whither shee's fled, She, making her celestial! bed In her warme alablaster, lay As cold as in this house of clay : Nor were the rooms unfit to feast Or circumscribe this angel-guest ; The radiant gemme was brightly set In as divine a carkanet ; Of l which the clearer was not knowne, Her minde or her complexion. Such an everlasting grace, Such a beatifick face, Incloysters here this narrow floore, That possest all hearts before. Blest and bewayl'd in death and birth ! The smiles and teares of heav'n and earth ! Virgins at each step are afeard, Filmer is shot by which they steer'd, Their star extinct, their beauty dead, That the yong world to honour led ; But see ! the rapid spheres stand still, And tune themselves unto her will. Original reads for. 102 POEMS. Thus, although this marble must, As all things, crumble into dust, And though you finde this faire-built tombe Ashes, as what lyes in its wombe : Yet her saint-like name shall shine A living glory to this shrine, And her eternall fame be read, When all but very vertue's dead. 1 TO MY WOETHY FRIEND MR. PETER LILLY: 2 ON THAT EXCELLENT PICTUBE OF HIS MAJESTY AND THE DUUE OF YORKE, DBAWNE BY HIM AT HAMPTON- COUBT. ,EE ! what a clouded majesty, and eyes Whose glory through their mist doth brighter rise ! See ! what an humble bravery doth shine, And griefe triumphant breaking through each line, 1 " Which ensuing times shall warble, When 'tis lost, that 's writ in marble." WlTHER'S Fair Virtue, the Mistress of Philarete, 1622. Headley (Select Beauties, ed. 1810, ii. p. 42) has remarked the similarity between these lines and some in Collins' Dirge in Cymbeline : " Belov'd till life can charm no more ; And mourn'd till pity's self be dead." * Mr., afterwards Sir Peter, Lely. He was frequently called Lilly, or Lilley, by his contemporaries, and Lilley is Pepys* POEMS. 103 How it commands the face ! so sweet a scorne Never did happy misery adorne ! So sacred a contempt, that others show To this, (oth' height of all the wheele) below, That mightiest monarchs by this shaded booke May coppy out their proudest, richest looke. Whilst the true eaglet this quick luster spies, And by his sun's enlightens his owne eyes ; He cures * his cares, his burthen feeles, then streight Joyes that so lightly he can beare such weight ; Whilst either eithers passion doth borrow, And both doe grieve the same victorious sorrow. These, my best Lilly, with so bold a spirit And soft a grace, as if thou didst inherit For that time all their greatnesse, and didst draw With those brave eyes your royal sitters saw. Not as of old, when a rough hand did speake A strong aspect, and a faire face, a weake ; spelling. " At Lord Northumberland's, at Sion, is a remarkable picture of King Charles I, holding a letter directed 'au roi mon seigneur,' and the Duke of York, set. 14, presenting a pen- knife to him to cut the strings. It was drawn at Hampton- Court, when the King was last there, by Mr. Lely, who was sarnestly recommended to him. I should have taken it for the hand of Fuller or Dobson. It is certainly very unlike Sir Peter's latter manner, and is stronger than his former. The King has none of the melancholy grace which Vandyck alone, of all his painters, always gave him. It has a sterner counte- nance, and expressive of the tempests he had experienced." WALPOLE'S Anecdotes of Painting in England, ed. 1862, p. 443-4. 1 Original reads cares. 104 POEMS. When only a black beard cried villaine, and By hieroglyphicks we could understand ; When chrystall typified in a white spot, And the bright ruby was but one red blot ; Thou dost the things Orientally the same Not only paintst its colour, but its flame : Thou sorrow canst designe without a teare, And with the man his very hope or feare ; So that th' amazed world shall henceforth finde None but my Lilly ever drew a minde. THE LADY A. L. 1 MY ASYLUM IN A GREAT EXTREMITY. SlTH that delight the Eoyal captiv's 2 brought Before the throne, to breath his farewell thought, To tel his last tale, and so end with it, Which gladly he esteemes a benefit ; WTien the brave victor, at his great soule dumbe, Findes something there fate cannot overcome, Cals the chain'd prince, and by his glory led, First reaches him his crowne, and then his head ; Who ne're 'til now thinks himself slave and poor ; For though nought else, he had himselfe before. 1 i. e. Anne, Lady Lovelace, the poet's kinswoman, who seems to have assisted him in some emergency, unknown to us except through the present lines. 2 Caractacus ( ?). POEMS. 105 He weepes at this faire chance, nor wil allow, But that the diadem doth brand his brow, And under-rates himselfe below mankinde, Who first had lost his body, now his minde, With such a joy came I to heare my dombe, And haste the preparation of my tombe, When, like good angels who have heav'nly charge To steere and guide mans sudden giddy barge, She snatcht me from the rock I was upon, And landed me at life's pavillion : Where I, thus wound out of th' immense abysse, Was straight set on a pinacle of blisse. Let me leape in againe ! and by that fall Bring me to my first woe, so cancel all : Ah ! 's this a quitting of the debt you owe, To crush her and her goodnesse at one blowe ? Defend me from so foule impiety, Would make friends grieve, and furies weep to see. ]S"ow, ye sage spirits, which infuse in men That are oblidg'd twice to oblige agen, Informe my tongue in labour what to say, And in what coyne or language to repay. But you are silent as the ev'nings ayre, When windes unto their hollow grots repaire. 1 J The mythology of Greece assigned to each wind a separate ave, in which it was supposed to await the commands of its overeign JSolus, or JSolos. It is to this myth that Lovelace lludes. 106 POEMS. Oh, then accept the all that left me is, Devout oblations of a sacred wish ! "When she walks forth, ye perfum'd wings oth'East, Fan her, 'til with the Sun she hastes to th' West, And when her heav'nly course calles up the day, And breakes as bright, descend, some glistering ray, To circle her, and her as glistering haire, That all may say a living saint shines there. Slow Time, with woollen feet make thy soft pace, And leave no tracks ith' snow of her pure face ; But when this vertue must needs fall, to rise The brightest constellation in the skies ; WTien we in characters of fire shall reade, How cleere she was alive, how spotless, dead. All you that are a kinne to piety : For onely you can her close mourners be, Draw neer, and make of hallowed teares a dearth : Goodnes and justice both are fled the earth. If this be to be thankful, I'v a heart Broaken with vowes, eaten with grateful smart, And beside this, the vild 1 world nothing hath Worth anything but her provoked wrath ; So then, who thinkes to satisfie in time, Must give a satisfaction for that crime : Since she alone knowes the gifts value, she Can onely to her selfe requitall be, And worthyly to th' life paynt her owne story In its true colours and full native glory ; 1 A very common form of vile among early writers. POEMS. 107 Which when perhaps she shal be heard to tell, i Buffoones and theeves, ceasing to do ill, Shal blush into a virgin-innocence, And then woo others from the same offence ; The robber and the murderer, in 'spite Of his red spots, shal startle into white : All good (rewards lajd by) shal stil increase For love of her, and villany decease ; 1 taught 2 be ignote, not so much out of feare Of being punisht, as offending her. So that, .when as my future daring bayes Shall bow it selfe 3 in lawrels to her praise, To crown her conqu'ring goodnes, and proclaime The due renowne and glories of her name : My wit shal be so wretched and so poore That, 'stead of praysing, I shal scandal her, And leave, when with my purest art I'v done, Scarce the designe of what she is begunne : Yet men shal send me home, admir'd, exact ; Proud, that I could from her so wel detract. 1 This reads like a parody on the fourth Eclogue of Virgil, he early English poets \vefe rather partial to the introduction ' miniature-pictures of the Golden Age on similar occasions to ;e present. Thus Carew, in his poem To Su.rham, says : " The Pheasant, Partridge, and the Lark Flew to thy house, as to the Ark. The willing Oxe of himself came Home to the slaughter with the Lamb. And every beast did thither bring Himself, to be an offering." CAREW'S Poems, 1651, p. 34. 2 Vice. 3 We should read themselves. 108 POEMS. Where, then, thou bold instinct, shal I begin My endlesse taske ? To thanke her were a sin Great as not speake, and not to speake, 'a blame Beyond what's worst, such as doth want a name ; So thou my all, poore gratitude, ev'n thou In this wilt an unthankful office do : Or wilt I fling all at her feet I have : My life, my love, my very soule, a slave ? Tye my free spirit onely unto her, And yeeld up my affection prisoner ? Fond thought, in this thou teachest me to give What first was hers, since by her breath I live ; And hast but show'd me, how I may resigne Possession of those things are none of mine. , I A LADY WITH A FALCON ON HER FIST TO THE HONOURABLE MY COUSIN A[NNE] L[OVELACE.] i. HIS Queen of Prey (now prey to you), Fast to that pirch of ivory In silver chaines and silken clue, Hath now made full thy victory : H. The swelling admirall of the dread Cold deepe, burnt in thy flames, oh faire ! Wast not enough, but thou must lead Bound, too, .the Princesse of the aire ? POEMS. 109 in. Unarm'd of wings and scaly oare, Unhappy crawler on the land, To what heav'n fly'st ? div'st to what shoare, That her brave eyes do not command ? IV. Ascend the chariot of the Sun From her bright pow'r to shelter thee : Her captive (foole) outgases him ; Ah, what lost wretches then are we ! v. Now, proud usurpers on the right Of sacred beauty, heare your dombe ; Kecant your sex, your mastry, might ; !Lower you cannot be or'ecome : VI. Eepent, ye er'e nam'd he or head, For y' are in falcon's monarchy, And in that just dominion bred, In which the nobler is the shee. 110 POEMS. A PEOLOGUE TO THE SCHOLARS. A COMEDY PRESENTED AT THE WHITE FRYERS. 1 : GENTLEMAN, to give us somewhat nevi Hath brought up Oxford with him to sho you; Pray be not frighted Tho the scsene gown's The Universities, the wit 's the town's ; The lines each honest Englishman may speake : Yet not mistake his mother-tongue for Greeke, For stil 'twas part of his vow'd liturgie : From learned comedies deliver me ! Wishing all those that lov'd 'em here asleepe, Promising scholars, but no scholarship. You'd smile to see, how he do's vex and shake, Speakes naught; but, if the prologue do's but take, Or the first act were past the pikes once, then Then hopes and joys, then frowns and fears agen, Then blushes like a virgin, now to be Eob'd of his comicall virginity - 1 This was the theatre in Salisbury Court. See Collicj H. E. D. P. iii. 289, and Halliwell's Dictionary of Old Plot art. SCHOLAR. From the terms of the epilogue it seems to ha*: been a piece occupying two hours in the performance. Judgin I presume, from the opening lines, Mr. Halliwell supposes it have been originally acted at Gloucester Hall. Probably M Halliwell is right. POEMS. Ill In presence of you all. In short, you'd say More hopes of mirth are in his looks then play. These feares are for the noble and the wise ; But if 'mongst you there are such fowle dead eyes, As can damne unaraign'd, cal law their pow'rs, Judging it sin enough that it is ours, And with the house shift their decreed desires, Faire still toitiBlacke,BlacJce still to the White- Fry er s He do's protest he wil sit down and weep Castles and pyramids . No, he wil on, Proud to he rais'd by such destruction, So far from quarr'lling with himselfe and wit, That he wil thank them for the benefit, Since finding nothing worthy of their hate, They reach him that themselves must envy at : THE EPILOGUE. HE stubborne author of the trifle 2 crime, That just now cheated you of two hours' time, Presumptuous it lik't him, 3 began to grow Carelesse, whether it pleased you or no. 1 A quibble 011 the two adjacent theatres in Whitefriars and Ulackfriars. 2 Perhaps trifling was the word written by Lovelace. A Denial offence is meant. 3 It would be difficult to point out a writer so unpardonably 112 POEMS. But we who ground th' excellence of a play On what the women at the dores wil say, Who judge it hy the benches, and afford To take your money, ere his oath or word His schollars school'd, sayd if he had been wise He should have wove in one two comedies ; The first for th' gallery, in which the throne To their amazement should descend alone, The rosin -lightning flash, and monster spire Squibs, and words hotter then his fire. Th' other for the gentlemen oth' pit, Like to themselves, all spirit, fancy, wit, In which plots should be subtile as a flame, Disguises would make Proteus stil the same : Humours so rarely humour'd and exprest, That ev'n they should thinke 'em so, not drest ; Vices acted and applauded too, times Tickled, and th ? actors acted, not their crimes, So he might equally applause have gain'd Of th' hardned, sooty, and the snowy hand. 1 Where now one so so 2 spatters, t'other : no ! Tis his first play ; twere solecisme 'tshould goe ; slovenly in his style or phraseology as Lovelace. By " Presump tuous it lik't him," we must of course understand " Presumptuou that he liked it himself," or presumptuously self-satisfied. 1 t. e. the rough and dirty occupants of the gallery and thi fair spectators in the boxes. 2 An exclamation of approval, when an actor made a hit The phrase seems to be somewhat akin to the Italian " si, si," corruption of " sia, sia." POEMS. 113 The next 't shew'd pritily, but searcht within It appeares bare and bald, as is his chin ; The towne-wit sentences : A Scholars Play ! Pish ! I know not why, but th'ave not the way. 1 We, whose gaine is all our pleasure, ev'n these Are bound by justice and religion to please ; Which he, whose pleasure's all his gaine, goes by As slightly, as they doe his comsedy. Culls out the few, the worthy, at whose feet He sacrifices both himselfe and it, His fancies first fruits : profit he knowes none, Unles that of your approbation, Which if your thoughts at going out will pay, Hee'l not-looke farther for a second day. 2 AGAINST THE LOVE OF GEEAT ONES. NHAPPY youth, betrayd by Fate To such a love 3 hath sainted hate, And damned those celestiall bands 4 Are onely knit with equal hands ; 1 f. e. they do not know how to act a play. 2 This prologue and epilogue were clearly not attached to the ay when it was first performed by the fellow-collegians of the >et at Gloucester Hall, as an amateur attempt in the dramatic le, but were first added when " The Scholars " was reproduced London, and the parts sustained by ordinary actors. 3 Le. thath&th sainted, &c. 4 So the Editor's MS. copy already described; the printed py has bonds. I 114 POEMS. The love of great ones is a love, 1 Gods are incapable to prove : For where there is a joy uneven, There never, never can be Heav'n : 'Tis such a love as is not sent To fiends as yet for punishment ; Ixion willingly doth feele The gyre of his eternal wheele, Nor would he now exchange his paine For cloudes and goddesses againe. Wouldst thou with tempests lye ? Then bow To th' rougher furrows of her brow, Or make a thunder-bolt thy choyce ? Then catch at her more fatal voyce ; Or 'gender with the lightning ? trye The subtler 2 flashes of her eye : Poore Semele 3 wel knew the same, Who 4 both imbrac't her God and flame; And not alone in soule did burne, But in this love did ashes turne. How il doth majesty injoy The bow and gaity oth' boy, As if the purple-roabe should sit, And sentence give ith' chayr of wit. 1 So Editor's MS. Printed copy has " The Love of Great Ones? Tis a Love." 2 Subtle Editor's MS. 3 Semele she Editor's MS. 4 ShQIbid. POEMS. 115 Say, ever-dying wretch, to whom Each answer is a certaine doom, 1 What is it that you would possesse, The Countes, or the naked Besse ? 2 Would you her gowne or title do ? Her box or gem, the 3 thing or show? If you meane Tier, the very her, Abstracted from her caracter, Unhappy boy ! you may as soone With fawning wanton with the Moone, Or with an amorous complaint Get prostitute your very saint ; Not that we are not mortal, or Fly Venus altars, and 4 abhor The selfesame knack, for which you pine ; But we (defend us !) are divine, [Not] female, but madam born, 5 and come From a right-honourable wombe. 1 Dombe Lucasta. 8 Bess is used in the following passage as a phrase for a sort )f female Tom-o-Bedlam ** We treat mad-Bedlams, Toms and Besses, With ceremonies and caresses ! " DIXON'S Canidia, 1683, part i. canto 2. ind the word seems also to have been employed to signify the oose women who, in early times, made Covent Garden and its icighbourhood their spe'cial haunt. See Cotgrave's Wits Inter- preter, 1662, p. 236. But here "naked Besse," means only a roman who, in contradistinction to a lady of rank, has no ad- 'entitious qualities to recommend her. 3 Original reads her. 4 Altars, or Lucasta. 5 Borne Lucasta. 116 POEMS. Shal we then mingle with the base, And bring a silver-tinsell race ? Whilst th' issue noble wil not passe The gold alloyd 1 (almost halfe brasse), And th' blood in each veine doth appeare, Part thick Booreinn, part Lady Cleare ; Like to the sordid insects sprung From Father Sun and Mother Dung : Yet lose we not the hold we have, But faster graspe the trembling slave ; v Play at baloon with's heart, and winde The strings like scaines, steale into his minde Ten thousand false 2 and feigned joyes Far worse then they ; whilst, like whipt boys, After this scourge hee's hush with toys. This 3 heard, Sir, play stil in her eyes, And be a dying, live 4 like flyes Caught by their angle-legs, and whom The torch laughs peece-meale to consume. 1 Allay'd Lucnsta. 2 So Editor's MS. Lucasta has hells. 3 From this word down to lives is omitted in the MS. copy 4 Original has lives. POEMS. 117 TO ALTHEA. ~ FBOM PRISON. SOXG. SET BY DE. JOHN TVTLSON. 1 I. HEX love with unconfined wings Hovers within my gates ; And my divine Alihea brings To whisper at the grates ; When I lye tangled in her haire, 2 And fetterd to her eye, 3 1 The first stanza of this famous song is harmonized in Cheerfull Ayres or Ballads : First composed for -one single voice, and since set for three voices. By John Wilson, Dr. in Music, Professor of the same in the University of Oxford. Oxford, 1660 (Sept. 20, 1659), 4to. p. 10. I have sometimes thought that, when Lovelace composed this production, he had in his recollection some of the sentiments in Wither's Sliepherds Hunting, 1615. See, more particularly, the sonnet (at p. 248 of Mr. Gutch's Bristol edition) commencing : " I that er'st while the world's sweet air did draw." 2 Peele, in King David and Fair Bethsabe, 1599, has a similar figure, where David says : " Now comes my lover tripping like the roe, And brings my longings tangled in her hair." The " lover " is of course Bethsabe. 3 Thus Middleton, in his More Dissemblers besides Women, printed in 1657, but written before 1626, says : " But for modesty, I should fall foul in words upon fond man, That can forget his excellence and honour, His serious meditations, being the end Of his creation, to learn well to die ; And live a prisoner to a woman's eye" 118 POEMS. The -kircb. 1 that wanton in the aire, Know no such liberty. H. When flowing cups run swiftly round With no allaying Thames, Our carelesse heads with roses hound, Our .hearts with loyal flames ; When thirsty griefe in wine we steepe, When healths and draughts go free, Fishes, that tipple in the deepe, Know no such libertie. in. When (like committed linnets 2 ) I With shriller throat shall sing 1 Original reads gods; the present word is substituted in ac- cordance with a MS. copy of the song printed by the late Dr. Bliss, in his edition of Woods Athenas. If Dr. Bliss had been aware of the extraordinary corruptions under which the text of LUCASTA laboured, he would have had less hesitation in adopt- ing birds as the true reading. The " Song to Althea," is a fa- vourable specimen of the class of composition to which it belongs ; but I fear that it has been over-estimated. 2 Percy very unnecessarily altered like committed linnets to linnet-like confined (Percy's Reliques, ii. 247; Moxon's ed.) Ellis (Specimens of Early English Poets, ed. 1801, iii. 252) says that this latter reading is " more intelligible." It is not, however, either what Lovelace wrote, or what (it may be presumed) he intended to write, and nothing, it would seem, can be clearer than the passage as it stands, committed signifying, in fact, nothing more than confined. It is fortunate for the lovers of early English literature that Bp. Percy had comparatively little to do with it. Emendation of a text is well enough ; but the wholesale and arbitrary slaughter of it is quite another matter. POEMS. 119 The sweetnes, mercy, majesty, And glories of my King. When I shall voyce aloud, how good He is, how great should be, Inlarged winds, that curie the flood, Know no such liberty. IV. Stone walls doe not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage ; Mindes innocent and quiet take That for an hermitage ; If I have freedome in my love, And in my soule am free, Angels alone that sore above Enjoy such liberty. 120 POEMS. SONNET. TO GENERALL GORING, 1 AFTER THE PACIFICATION AT BERWICKE. A LA CHABOT. 2 I. OW the peace is made at the foes rate, 3 Whilst men of armes to kettles their old helmes translate, And drinke in caskes of honourable plate. 1 Particulars of this celebrated man, afterward created Earl of Norwich, may be found in Eachard's History, Rushworth's Collections, Whitelocke's Memoirs, Collins' Peerage by Brydges, Pepys' Diary (i. 150, ed. 1858), and Peck's Desiderata Curiosa, (ed. 1779, ii. 479). Whitelocke speaks very highly of his mili- tary character. In a poem called The Gallants of the Times,, printed in "Wit Restored," 1658, there is the following pas- sage: " A great burgandine for Will Murray's sake George Symonds, he vows the first course to take : When Stradling a Gneciau dog let fly, Who took the bear by the nose immediately ; To see them so forward Hugh Pollard did smile, Who had an old curr of Canary oyl, And held up his head that George Goring might see, Who then cryed aloud, To mee, boys, to mee .'" See, also, The Answer : " George, Generall of Guenefrieds, He is a joviall lad, Though his heart and fortunes disagree Oft times to make him sad." Consult Davenant's Works, 1673, p. 247, and Frogmen ta Au- POEMS. 121 In ev'ry hand [let] a cup be found, That from all hearts a health may sound To Goring ! to Goring I see 't goe round. u. He whose glories shine so brave and high, That captive they in triumph leade each eare and eye, Claiming uncombated the victorie, And from the earth to heav'n rebound, Fixt there eternall as this round : To Goring I to Goring ! see him crown'd. m. To his lovely bride, in love with scars, Whose eyes wound deepe in peace, as doth bis sword in wars ; They shortly must depose the Queen of Stars : Her cheekes the morning blushes give, And the benighted world repreeve ; To Lettice I to Lettice ! let her live. lica, 1662, pp. 47, 54. Lord Goring died Jan. 6, 1663 (Smyth's Obituary, p. 57 ; Camden Soc.). 2 A la Chabot was a French dance tune, christened after the admiral of that name, in the same manner as a la Bourbon, men- tioned elsewhere in LUCASTA, derived its title from another celebrated person. Those who have any acquaintance with the history of early English music need not to be informed that it was formerly the practice of our own composers to seek the patronage of the gentlemen and ladies about the Court for their works, and to identify their names with them. Thus we have " My Lady Carey's Dumpe," &c. &c. 3 Expense. 122 POEMS. IV. Give me scorching heat, thy heat, dry Sun, That to this payre I may drinke off an ocean : Yet leave my grateful thirst unquensht, undone ; Or a full howle of heav'nly wine, In which dissolved stars should shine, To the couple ! to the couple ! th' are divine. SIE THOMAS WOKTLEY'S SONNET ANSWERED. [THE SONNET. I. O more Thou little winged archer, now no more As heretofore, Thou maist pretend within my breast to bide, No more, Since cruell Death of dearest Lyndamore Hath me depriv'd, I bid adieu to love, and all the world beside. n. Go, go ; Lay by thy quiver and unbend thy bow Poore sillie foe, Thou spend'st thy shafts but at my breast in vain, Since Death POEMS. 123 My heart hath with a fatall icie deart Already slain, Thou canst not ever hope to warme her wound, Or wound it o're againe.] THE ANSWER. I. 'GAINE, Thou witty cruell wanton, now againe, Through ev'ry veine, Hurle all your lightning, and strike ev'ry dart, Againe, Before I feele this pleasing, pleasing paine. * I have no heart, Nor can I live but sweetly murder'd with So deare, so deare a smart. n. Then flye, And kindle all your torches at her eye, To make me dye Her martyr, and put on my roahe of flame : Sol, Advanced on my blazing wings on high, In death became Inthroan'd a starre, and ornament unto Her glorious, glorious name. 124 POEMS. A GUILTLESSE LADY IMPRISONED : AFTEE PENANCED. SONG. SET BY MB. WILLIAM LAWES. I. EARK, faire one, how what e're here is Doth laugh and sing at thy distresse ; Not out of hate to thy reliefe, But joy t' enjoy thee, though in griefe. n. See ! that which chaynes you, you chaine here ; The prison is thy prisoner ; How much thy jaylor's keeper art ! He bindes your hands, hut you his heart. in. The gyves to rase so smooth a skin, Are so unto themselves within ; But, blest to kisse so fayre an arme, Haste to be happy with that harme ; IV. And play about thy wanton wrist, As if in them thou so wert drest ; But if too rough, too hard they presse, Oh, they but closely, closely kisse. v. And as thy bare feet blesse the way, The people doe not mock, but pray, POEMS. 125 And call thee, as amas'd they run Instead of prostitute, a nun. VI. The merry torch burnes with desire To kindle the eternall fire, And lightly daunces in thine eyes To tunes of epithalamies. VII. The sheet's ty'd ever to thy wast, How thankfull to he so imbrac't ! And see ! thy very very bonds Are bound to thee, to binde such hands. TO HIS DEAEE BROTHER COLONEL F. L. IMMODERATELY MOURNING MY BROTHERS l UNTIMELY DEATH AT CARMARTHEN. I. F teares could wash the ill away, A pearle for each wet bead I'd pay ; But as dew'd corne the fuller growes, So water'd eyes but swell our woes. ii. One drop another cals, which still (Griefe adding fuell) doth distill ; Too fruitfull of her selfe is anguish, We need no cherishing to languish. 1 Thomas Lovelace. See Memoir. 126 POEMS. HI. Coward fate degen'rate man Like little children uses, when He whips us first, untill we weepe, Then, 'cause we still a weeping keepe. IV. Then from thy firme selfe never swerve ; Teares fat the griefe that they should sterve Iron decrees of destinie Are ner'e wipe't out with a wet eye. v. But this way you may gaine the field, Oppose but sorrow, and 'twill yield ; One gallant thorough-made resolve Doth starry influence dissolve. TO A LADY THAT DESIRED ME I WOULD BEARE MY PART WITH HER IN A SONG. MADAM A. L. 1 HIS is the prittiest motion : Madam, th' alarums of a drumme That cals your lord, set to your cries, To mine are sacred symphonies. 1 "Madam A. L." is not in MS. copy. "The Lady A. L. and " Madam A. L." may very probably be two different per sons : for Carew in his Poems (edit. 1651, 8vo. p. 2) has a piec " To A. L. ; Persuasions to Love," and it is possible that tin (POEMS. 127 "What, though 'tis said I have a voice ; know 'tis hut that hollow noise Which (as it through my pipe doth speed) Bitterns do carol through a reed ; A. L. of Carew, and the A. L. mentioned above, are identical. The following poem is printed in Durfey's Pills to Purge Melan- choly, v. 120, but whether it was written by Lovelace, and addressed to the same lady, whom he represents above as re- questing him to join her in a song, or whether it was the pro- duction of another pen, I cannot at all decide. It is not parti- cularly unlike the style of the author of Lucasta. At all events, I am not aware that it has been appropriated by anybody else, and as I am reluctant to omit any piece which Lovelace is at all likely to have composed, I give these lines just as I find them in Durfey, where they are set to music : " To his fairest VALENTINE Mrs. A. L. " Come, pretty birds, present your lays, And learn to chaunt a goddess praise ; Ye wood-nymphs, let your voices be Emplov'd to serve her deity : And warble forth, ye virgins nine, Some music to my Valentine. " Her bosom is love's paradise, There is no heav'n but in her eyes ; She's chaster than the turtle-dove, And fairer than the queen of love : Yet all perfections do combine To beautifie my Valentine. " She's Nature's choicest cabinet, Where honour, beauty, worth and wit Are all united in her breast. The graces claim an interest : All virtues that are most divine Shine clearest in my Valentine." 128 POEMS. In the same key with monkeys jiggs, Or dirges of proscribed piggs, Or the soft Serenades above In calme of night, 1 when 2 cats make 3 love. Was ever such a consort seen ! Fourscore and fourteen with forteen ? Yet 4 sooner they'l agree, one paire, Then we in our spring- winter aire ; They may imbrace, sigh, kiss, the rest : Our breath knows nought but east and west. Thus have I heard to childrens cries The faire nurse still such lullabies, That, well all sayd (for what there lay), The pleasure did the sorrow pay. Sure ther's another way to save Your phansie, 5 madam ; that's to have ('Tis but, a petitioning kinde fate) The organs sent to Bilingsgate, Where they to that soft murm'ring quire Shall teach ^ you all you can admire ! 1 Nights Editor's MS. 2 Where Ibid. 3 Do Ibid 4 There is here either an interpolation in the printed copy an hiatus in the MS. The latter reads: " Yet may I 'mbrace, sigh, kisse, the rest," &c., thus leaving out a line and a half or upward of the poem, as it is printed in Lucasta. 5 MS. reads : " Youre phansie, madam," omitting " that's to have." 6 Original and MS. have reach. POEMS. 129 Or do but heare, how love-bang Kate In pantry darke for freage of mate, With edge of steele the square wood shapes, And Dido l to it chaunts or scrapes. The merry Phaeton oth' carre You'l vow makes a melodious jarre ; Sweeter and sweeter whisleth He To un-anointed 2 axel-tree ; Such swift notes he and 's wheels do run ; For me, I yeeld him Phsebus son. Say, faire Comandres, can it be You should ordaine a mutinie? 1 This must refer, I suppose, to the ballad of QCKEX DIDO, yhich the woman sings as she works. The signification of love- tang is not easily determined. Sang, in Suffolk, is a term ap- >lied to a particular kind of cheese ; but I suspect that " love- >ang Kate " merely signifies " noisy Kate " here. As to the old >allad of Dido, see Stafford Smith's Musica Antiqua, i. 10, ii. 158 ; and Collier's Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company , i. 98. I subjoin the first stanza of "Dido" as printed n the Musica Antiqua : " Dido was the Carthage Queene, And lov'd the Troian knight, That wandring many coasts had scene, And many a dreadfull fight. As they a-hunting road, a show'r Drove them in a loving bower, Down to a darksome cave : Where ^Enaeas with his charmes Lock't Queene Dido in his armes And had what he would have." i somewhat different version is given in Durfey's Pills to Purge Itluncholy, vi. 192-3. 2 An unanoynted MS. 130 POEMS. For where I howle, all accents fall, As kings harangues, to one and all. 1 Ulisses art is now withstood : 2 You ravish both with sweet and good ; Saint Syren, sing, for I dare heare, But when I ope', oh, stop your eare. Far lesse he't a3mulation To passe me, or in trill or 3 tone, Like the thin throat of Philomel, And the 4 smart lute who should excell, As if her soft chords should begin, And strive for sweetnes with the pin. 5 Yet can I musick too ; but such As is beyond all voice or 6 touch ; My minde can in faire order chime, Whilst my true heart still beats the time My soule['s] so full of harmonie, That it with all parts can agree ; If you winde up to the highest fret, 7 It shall descend an eight from it, And when you shall vouchsafe to fall, Sixteene above you it shall call, 1 This and the three preceding lines are not in MS. 2 Alluding of course to the very familiar legend of Ulys< and the Syrens. 3 A quaver (a well-known musical expression). 4 A MS. 6 A musical peg. 6 And MS. 7 A piece of wire attached to the finger-board of a guitar. POEMS. 131 And yet, so dis-assenting one, They both shall meet in 1 unison. Come then, bright cherubin, begin ! My loudest musick is within. Take all notes with your skillfull eyes ; Hearke, if mine do not sympathise ! Sound all my thoughts, and see exprest The tablature 2 of my large brest; Then you'l admit, that I too can Musick above dead sounds of man ; Such as alone doth blesse the spheres, Not to be reacht with humane eares. VALIANT LOYE. OW fie upon that everlasting life ! I dye ! She hates ! Ah me ! It makes me mad ; As if love fir'd his torch at a moist eye, Or with his joyes e're crown'd the sad. Oh, let me live and shout, when I fall on ; Let me ev'n triumph in the first attempt ! Loves duellist from conquest 's not exempt, "When his fair murdresse shall not gain one groan, And he expire ev'n in ovation. 1 Original and MS. read an. 2 The tablature of Lovelace's time was the application of letters, of the alphabet or otherwise, to the purpose of express- ing the sounds or notes of a composition. 132 POEMS. IT. Let me make my approach, when I lye downe With counter- wrought and travers eyes ; l With peals of confidence batter the towne ; Had ever beggar yet the keyes ? No, I will vary stormes with sun and winde ; Be rough, and offer calme condition ; March in and pread, 2 or starve the garrison. Let her make sallies hourely : yet I'le find (Though all beat of) shee's to be undermin'd. in. Then may it please your little excellence Of hearts t' ordaine, by sound of lips, That henceforth none in tears dare love comence (Her thoughts ith' full, his, in th' eclipse) ; On paine of having 's launce broke on her bed, That he be branded all free beauties' slave, And his own hollow eyes be domb'd his grave : Since in your hoast that coward nere was fed, Who to his prostrate ere was prostrated. 1 This seems to be a phrase borrowed by the poet from his military vocabulary. He wishes to express that he had fortified his eyes to resist the glances of his fair opponent. 2 Original reads most unintelligibly and absurdly March in (and pray' d) or, &c. To pread is to pillage. POEMS. 133 LA BELLA BONA KOBA. 1 J TO MY LADY H. ODE. I. ELL me, ye subtill judges in loves treasury, Inform me, which hath most inricht mine eye, This diamonds greatnes, or its clarity? ii. Ye cloudy spark lights, whose vast multitude Of fires are harder to he found then view'd, Waite on this star in her first magnitude. in. Calmely or roughly ! Ah, she shines too much ; That now I lye (her influence is such), Chrusht with too strong a hand, or soft a touch. IV. Lovers, heware ! a certaine, double harme Waits your proud hopes, her looks al-killing charm Guarded by her as true victorious arrne. v. Thus with her eyes brave Tamyris spake dread, "Which when the kings dull breast not entered, Finding she could not looke, she strook him dead. 1 This word, though generally used in a bad sense by early writers, does not seem to bear in the present case any offensive meaning. The late editors of Nares quote a passage from one of Cowley's Essays, in which that writer seems to imply by the term merely a fine woman. 134 POEMS. i. CANNOT tell, who loves the skeleton Of a poor marmoset; nought but boan, boan ; Give me a nakednesse, with her cloath's on. ii. Such, whose white-sattin upper coat of skin, Cut upon velvet rich incarnadin, 1 Has yet a body (and of flesh) within. m. Sure, it is meant good husbandry 2 in men, Who do incorporate with aery leane, T' repair their sides, and get their ribb agen. IV. Hard hap unto that huntsman, that decrees Fat joys for all his swet, when as he sees, After his 'say, 3 nought but his keepers fees. v. Then, Love, I beg, when next thou tak'st thy bow, Thy angry shafts, and dost heart-chasing go, Passe rascatt deare, strike me the largest doe. 4 1 L e. Carnation hue, a species of red. As an adjective, the word is peculiarly rare. 2 Management or economy. 3 i. e. Essay. 4 A rascal deer was formerly a well-known term among sports- men, signifying a lean beast, not worth pursuit. Thus in A C. Mery Talys (1525), No. 29, we find: " [they] apoynted thys Welchman to stand still, and forbade him in any wyse to shote POEMS. 135 A LA BOUKBON. DONE MOY PLUS DE PITIE OU 1 PLUS DE CREAULTE, CAR SANS CI IE NE PUIS PAS VIURE, NE MORIB. I. IVINE Destroyer, pitty me no more, Or else more pitty me ; 2 Give me more love, ah, quickly give me more, Or else more cruelty ! For left thus as I am, My heart is ice and flame ; And languishing thus, I Can neither live nor dye ! IT. Your glories are eclipst, and hidden in the grave Of this indifferency ; at no rascal dere, but to make sure of the greate male, and spare not." In the new edition of Nares, other and more recent examples of the employment of the term are given. But in the Book of Saint Albans, 1486, Rascal is used in the signification merely of a beast other than one of " enchace." " And where that ye come in playne or in place, I shall you tell whyche ben bestys of enchace. One of them is the bucke : a nother is the doo : The foxe and the marteron : and the wylde roo. And ye shall, my dere chylde, other bestys all, Where so ye theym finde, Rascall ye shall them call " 1 Original reads au. 2 In his poem entitled " Mediocrity in Love rejected," Carew has a similar sentiment : 136 POEMS. And, Cselia, you can neither altars have, Nor I, a Diety : They are aspects divine, That still or smile, or shine, Or, like th' offended sky, Frowne death immediately. THE FAIRE BEGGER. i. OMANDING asker, if it be Pity that you faine would have, Then I turne begger unto thee, And aske the thing that thou dost crave. I will suffice thy hungry need, So thou wilt but my fancy feed. ii. In all ill yeares, was 1 ever knowne On so much beauty such a dearth ? " Give me more Love, or more Disdain, The Torrid, or the Frozen Zone, Bring equall ease unto my paine ; The Temperate affords me none : Either extreme, of Love, or Hate, Is sweeter than a calme estate." CAREW'S Poems, ed. 1651, p. 14. And so also Stanley (Ayres and Dialogues, set by J. Gamble, 1656, p. 20): " So much of absence and delay, That thus afflicts my memorie. Why dost thou kill me every day, Yet will not give me leave to die ? " 1 Original reads wa'st . POEMS. 137 Which, in that thrice-bequeathed gowne, Lookes like the Sun eclipst with Earth, Like gold in canvas, or with dirt Unsoyled Ermins close begirt. in. Yet happy he, that can but tast This whiter skin, who thirsty is ! Fooles dote on sattin 1 motions lac'd : The gods go naked in their blisse. At 2 th' barrell's head there shines the vine, There only relishes the wine. IV. There quench my heat, and thou shalt sup Worthy the lips that it must touch, Nectar from out the starry cup : I beg thy breath not halfe so much. So both our wants supplied shall be, You'l give for love, I, charity. v. Cheape then are pearle-imbroderies, That not adorne, but cloud 3 thy wast ; Thou shalt be cloath'd above all prise, If thou wilt promise me imbrac't. 4 1 Satin seems to have been much in vogue about this time as . material for female dress. " Their glory springs from sattin, Their vanity from feather." t description of woman in Wits Interpreter, 1662, p. 115. 2 Original has and. 3 Original reads clouds. * i.e. to be embraced. 138 POEMS. Wee'l ransack neither chest or shelfe : 111 cover thee with mine owne selfe. VI. But, cruel, if thou dost deny This necessary almes to me, What soft-soul'd man hut with his eye And hand will hence he shut to thee ? Since all must judge you more unkinde : I starve your hody, you, my minde. [A DIALOGUE BETWIXT COED ANUS AMOEET, ON A LOST HEAET. Cordanus. ;ISTEESSED pilgrim, whose dark clou( eyes Speak thee a martyr to love's cruelties, Whither away ? Amor. What pitying voice I hear, Calls back my flying steps ? Cord. Pr'ythee, draw near. Amor. I shall but say, kind swain, what doth become Of a lost heart, ere to Elysium It wounded walks ? Cord. First, it does freely flye Into the pleasures of a lover's eye ; But, once condemn'd to scorn, it fetter'd lies, An ever-bowing slave to tyrannies. POEMS. 139 [mor. I pity its sad fate, since its offence Was but for love. Can 1 tears recall it thence ? f ord. O no, such tears, as do for pity call, She proudly scorns, and glories at their fall. .mor. Since neither sighs nor tears, kind shepherd, tell, Will not a kiss prevail ? 'ord. Thou may'st as well Court Eccho with a kiss. .mor. Can no art move A sacred violence to make her love ? 'ord. O no ! 'tis only Destiny or 2 Fate Fashions our wills either to love or hate. .mor. Then, captive heart, since that no humane spell Hath power to graspe thee his, farewell. 'ore?. 3 Farewell. 'ho. Lost hearts, like lambs drove from their folds by fears, May back return by chance, but not 4 by tears.] 5 1 So Cotgrave. Lawes, and after him Singer, read can't. * So Cotgrave. Lawes and Singer read and. 3 Omitted by Lawes and Singer ; I follow Cotgrave. 4 So Cotgrave. Lawes printed ne'er. 5 This is taken from Ayres and Dialogues for One, Two, and hree Voyces, By Henry Lawes, 1653-5-8, where it is set to osic for two trebles by H. L. It was not included in the sthumous collection of Lovelace's poems. This dialogue is 30 found in Wits Interpreter, by J. Cotgrave, 1662, 8vo, page 3 (first printed in 1655), and a few improved readings have en adopted from that text. 140 POEMS. COMMENDATORY AND OTHER VERSES,, PREFIXED TO VARIOUS PUBLICATIONS BETWEEN 1638 AND 1647. AN ELEGIE. PRINCESSE KATHERINE l BORNE, CHRISTENED, BURIED, IN ONE DAY. [OU,that can haply 2 mixe jour jojes with cri( And weave white los with black Elegies, Can caroll out a dirge, and in one breath | Sing to the tune either of life, or death ; You, that can weepe the gladnesse of the spheres, And pen a hymne, in stead of inke, with teares ; Here, here your unproportion'd wit let fall, To celebrate this new-borne funerall, And greete that little greatnesse, which from th' woml Dropt both a load to th* cradle and the tombe. 1 All historical and genealogical works are deficient in mini information relative to the family of Charles I. Even in Ande son's Royal Genealogies, 1732, and in the folio editions of Rap and Tindal, these details are overlooked. At page 36 of h Descendants of the Stuarts, 1858, Mr. Townend observes th two of the children of Charles I. died in infancy, and of the> the Princesse Katherine, commemorated by Lovelace, was pe haps one. The present verses were originally printed in Hfus rum Oxoniensium Charisteria, Oxon. 1638, 4to, from which a fe better readings have been obtained. With the exceptio mentioned in the notes, the variations of the earlier text fro that found here are merely literal. 2 This reading from Charisteria, 1638, seems preferable aptly, as it stands in the Lucasta. POEMS. 141 Bright soule ! teach us, to warble with what feet :*hj swathing linnen and thy winding sheet, Peepe, 1 or shout forth that fonts solemnitie, Vhich at once christn'd and buried 2 thee, jid change our shriller passions with that sound, 'irst told thee into th' ayre, then to 3 the ground. Ah, wert thou borne for this ? only to call Tie King and Queen guests to your buriall ! ?o bid good night, your day not yet begun, uid shew 4 a setting, ere a rising sun ! Or wouldst thou have thy life a martyrdom ? )ye in the act of thy religion, fit, excellently, innocently good, Tirst sealing it with water, then thy blood ? is when on blazing wings a blest man sores, bid having past to God through fiery dores, Straight 's roab'd with flames, when the same elemen SThich was his shame, proves now his ornament ; Dh, how he hast'ned death, burn't to be fryed, 5 fQll'd twice with each delay, till deified. ' So the Charisteria. The reading in Lucasta is mourite. ; 9 In Lucasta the reading is buried, and christened. 3 This word is omitted in the Lucasta ; it is here supplied from the Charisteria. 4 Lucasta reads showe's. Shew, as printed in Charisteria, is clearly the true word. 5 i. e. freed. Free and freed were sometimes formerly pro- nounced like fry and fryed : for Lord North, in his Forest of Varieties, 1645, has these lines " Birds that long have lived free, Caught and cag'd, but pine and die." Here evidently free is intended to rhyme with die. 142 POEMS. So swift hath been thy race, so full of flight, Like him condemn'd, ev'n aged with a night, Cutting all lets with clouds, as if th' hadst been Like angels plum'd, and borne a Cherubin. Or, in your journey towards heav'n, say, Tooke you the world a little in your way ? Saw'st and dislik'st its vaine pompe, then didst flye Up for eternall glories to the skye ? Like a religious ambitious one, Aspiredst for the everlasting crowne ? Ah ! holy traytour to your brother prince, Rob'd of his birth-right and preheminence ! Could you ascend yon' chaire of state e're him, And snatch from th' heire the starry diadem ? Making your honours now as much uneven, As gods on earth are lesse then saints in heav'n. Triumph ! sing triumphs, then ! Oh, put on all Your richest lookes, drest for this festivall ! Thoughts full of ravisht reverence, with eyes So fixt, as when a saint we canonize ; Clap wings with Seraphins before the throne At this eternall coronation, And teach your soules new mirth, such as may be Worthy this birth-day to divinity. But ah ! these blast your feasts, the jubilies We send you up are sad, as were our cries, And of true joy we can expresse no more Thus crown'd, then when we buried thee before. Princesse in heav'n, forgivenes ! whilst we Resigne our office to the Hierarchy. POEMS. 143 CLITOPHON AND LUCIPPE TRANSLATED. 1 TO THE LADIES. RAY, ladies, breath, awhile lay by Cselestial Sydney's Arcady ; 2 Heere's a story that doth claime A little respite from his flame : 1 Achillis Tatii Alexandria! De Ludppes et Clitophontis Amo~ ribus Libri Octo. The translation of this celebrated work, to which Lovelace contributed the commendatory verses here re- published, was executed by his friend Anthony Hodges, A.M., of New College, Oxford, and was printed at Oxford in 1638, 8vo. There had been already a. translation by W. Burton, purporting to be done from the Greek, in 1597, 4to. The text of 1649 and that of 1638 exhibit so many variations, that the reader may be glad to have the opportunity of comparison : " To the Ladies. " Fair ones, breathe : a while lay by Blessed Sidney's Arcady : Here's a story that will make You not repent him to forsake ; And with your dissolving looke Vntie the contents of this booke ; To which nought (except your sight) Can give a worthie epithite. 'Tis an abstract of all volumes, A pillaster of all columnes Fancie e r re rear'd to wit, to be Little Love's epitome, And compactedly expresse All lovers happy wretchednesse. " Brave Pamela's majestie And her sweet sister's modestie Are fixt in each of you, you are Alone, what these together were : 144 POEMS. Then with a quick dissolving looke Unfold the srnootlmes of this book, Divinest, that are really What Cariclea's feigu'd to be ; That are every one, the Nine ; And on earth Astraeas shine ; Be our Leucippe, and remains In her, all these o're againe. " Wonder ! Xoble CHtophon Me thinkes lookes somewhat colder on His beauteous mistresse, and she too Smiles not as she us'd to doe. See ! the individuall payre Are at oddes and parted are ; Quarrel, emulate, and stand At strife, who first shall kisse your hand. " A new warre e're while arose 'Twixt the Greekes and Latines, whose Temples should be bound with glory In best languaging this story : You, that with one lovely smile A ten-yeares warre can reconcile ; Peacefull Hellens awfull see The jarring languages agree, And here all armes laid by, they doe Meet in English to court you." Rich. Lovelace, Ma: AT: A: Glou: Eq: Ai Fil: Xat: Max. See HalliwelPs Dictionary of Old Plays, 1860, art. Clytophon. 2 There can be no doubt that Sidney's Arcadia was fornw as popular in its way among the readers of both sexes as Richard Baker's Chronicle appears to have been. The fo was especially recommended to those who sought occs relaxation from severer studies. See Higford's Institutions, H 8vo, p. 46-7. In his poem of The Surprize, Cotton descril nymph as reading the Arcadia on the bank of a river POEMS. 145 To which no art (except your sight) Can reach a worthy epithite ; *Tis an abstract of all volumes, A pillaster of all columnes Fancy e're rear'd to wit, to be The smallest gods epitome, And so compactedly expresse All lovers pleasing wretchednes. Gallant Pamela's 1 majesty And her sweet sisters modesty Are fixt in each of you; you are, Distinct, what these together were ; Divinest, that are really What Cariclea's 2 feign'd to be ; That are ev'ry one the Nine, And brighter here Astreas shine ; View our Lucippe, and remaine In her, these beauties o're againe. Amazement! Noble Clitophon Ev'n now lookt somewhat colder on " The happy object of her eye Was Sidney's living Arcady ; Whose amorous tale had so betrai'd Desire in this all-lovely maid ; That, whilst her cheek a blush did warm, I read Loves story in her form." Poems on Several Occasions. By Charles Cotton, Esq. Lond. 1689, 8vo, p. 392. 1 The Pamela of Sydney's Arcadia. 8 The allusion is to the celebrated story of Theagenes and Ihariclea, which was popular in this country at an early period. . drama on the subject was performed before the Court in 1574. L 146 POEMS. His cooler mistresse, and she too Smil'd not as she us'd to do. See ! the individuall payre Are at sad oddes, and parted are ; They quarrell, semulate, and stand At strife, who first shal kisse your hand. A new dispute there lately rose Betwixt the Greekes and Latines, whose Temples should be hound with glory, In best languaging this story ; l Yee heyres of love, that with one smile A ten-yeeres war can reconcile ; Peacefull Hellens ! Vertuous ! See : The jarring languages agree ! And here, ah 1 armes layd by, they doe In English meet to wayt on you. TO MY TRITELY VALIANT, LEARNED FRIEND ; WHO IN HIS BOOKE 2 RESOLV'D THE ART GLADI- ATORY INTO THE MATHEMATICKS. I. EAKKE, reader ! wilt be learn'd ith' warres A gen'rall in a gowne ? Strike a league with arts and scarres, And snatch from each a crowne ? 1 Lovelace refers, it may be presumed, to an edition ofAchil, Tatius, in which the Greek text was printed with a Lat translation. 2 " Pallas Armata. The Gentlemen's Armorie. Whe POEMS. 147 n. Wouldst be a wonder ? Such a one, As should win with a looke ? A bishop in a garison, And conquer by the booke ? m. Take then this mathematick shield, And henceforth by its rules Be able to dispute ith' field, And combate in the schooles. right and genuine use of the Rapier and of the Sword, as well igainst the right handed as against the left handed man * is dis- played.' [By G. A.] London, 1639, 8vo. With several illus- trative woodcuts." The lines, as originally printed in Pallas drmata, vary from those subsequently admitted into Lucasta. They are as follow : TO THE READER. Harke, reader, would'st be learn'd ith' warres, A captaine in a gowne ? Strike a league with bookes and starres, And weave of both the crowne ? Would'st be a wonder ? Such a one As would winne with a looke ? A schollar in a garrison ? And conquer by the booke ? Take then this mathematick shield, And henceforth by its rules, Be able to dispute ith' field, And combate in the schooles. Whil'st peacefull learning once agen And th' souldier do concorde, As that he fights now with her penne, And she writes with his sword. RICH. LOVELACE, A. Glouces. Ox