f^9 f345 University of California • Berkeley Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/chronologicallisOOroxbrich 3S.0):burgi)e Club. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF MEMBERS; CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ; RULES AND REGULATIONS LONDON: MDCCCXLV. PRIKTKP BT ITTLLIAM NICOL, 60, PALL-MALL. THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE, K. G. THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY, K. G. THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, K. G. EARL SPENCER. EARL BROWNLOW. EARL CAWDOR. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON. VISCOUNT MAHON. VISCOUNT CLIVE. VISCOUNT ACHESON. LORD VERNON. RIGHT HON. SIR JAMES PARKE. HON. HUGH CHOLMONDELEY. HON. AND REV. GEORGE NEVILLE GRENVILLE, M.A. SIR STEPHEN RICHARD GLYNNE, BART. SIR ROBERT HARRY INGLIS, BART. REV. BULKELEY BANDINELL, D. D. BENJAMIN BARNARD, ESQ. REV. PHILIP BLISS, D.C.L., F.P. BERIAH BOTFIELD, ESQ., Treasurer. DAVID DUNDAS, ESQ. HENRY HALLAM, ESQ. REV. EDWARD CRAVEN HAWTREY, D. D ALEX. JAMES BERESFORD HOPE, ESQ. JOHN ARTHUR LLOYD, ESQ. JAMES H. MARKLAND, ESQ. WILLIAM HENRY MILLER, ESQ. THOMAS PONTON, ESQ. ANDREW RUTHERFURD, ESQ. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, ESQ. PEREGRINE TOWNELEY, ESQ. EDWARD VERNON UTTERSON, ESQ. REV. HENRY WELLESLEY, M. A. 1812. PRESIDENT. 1. GEORGE JOHN, EARL SPENCER. 1812. 2. WILLIAM SPENCER, DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. 1812. 3. GEORGE SPENCER CHURCHILL, MARQUIS OF BLANDFORD. 1817. DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. 1812. 4. GEORGE GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, EARL GOWER. 1833. MARQUIS OF STAFFORD. 1833. DUKE OF SUTHERLAND. 1812. 5. GEORGE HOWARD, VISCOUNT MORPETH. 1825. EARL OF CARLISLE. 1812. 6. JOHN CHARLES SPENCER, VISCOUNT ALTHORP. 1834. EARL SPENCER. 1812. 7. SIR MARK MASTERMAN SYKES, BART. 1812. 8. SIR SAMUEL EGERTON BRYDGES, BART. 1812. 9. WILLIAM BENTHAM, ESQ. 1812. 10. WILLIAM BOLLAND, ESQ. 1829. SIR WILLIAM BOLLAND, KNT. 1812. 11. JAMES BOSWELL, ESQ. 1812. 12. REV. WILLIAM HOLWELL CARR. 1812. 13. JOHN DENT, ESQ. 1812. 14. REV. THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN. 1812. 15. REV. HENRY DRURY. 1812. 16. FRANCIS FREELING, ESQ. 1828. SIR FRANCIS FREELING, BART. 1812. 17. GEORGE HENRY FREELING, ESQ. 1836. SIR GEORGE HENRY FREELING, BART. 1812. 18. JOSEPH HASLEWOOD, ESQ. 1812. 19. RICHARD HEBER, ESQ. 1812. 20. REV. THOMAS CUTHBERT HEBER. 1812. 21. GEORGE ISTED, ESQ. 1812. . 22. ROBERT LANG, ESQ. 1812. 23. JOSEPH LITTLEDALE, ESQ, 1824. SIR JOSEPH LITTLEDALE, KNT. 1812. 24. JAMES HEYWOOD MARKLAND, ESQ. 1812. 25. JOHN DELAFIELD PHELPS, ESQ. 1812. 26. THOMAS PONTON, ESQ. 1812. 27. PEREGRINE TOWNELEY, ESQ. 1812. 28. EDWARD VERNON UTTERSON, ESQ. 1812. 29. ROGER WILBRAHAM, ESQ. 1812. 30. REV. JAMES WILLIAM DODD. 1812. 31. EDWARD LITTLEDALE, ESQ. 181C. 32. GEORGE HIBBERT, ESQ. 1819. 33. SIR ALEXANDER BOSWELL, BART. 1822. 34. GEORGE WATSON TAYLOR, ESQ. 1822. 35. JOHN ARTHUR LLOYD, ESQ. 1822. 36. VENERABLE ARCHDEACON WRANGHAM. 1823. 37. THE AUTHOR OF WAVERLEY. 1827. SIR WALTER SCOTT, BART. 1827. 38. HON. AND REV. GEORGE NEVILLE GRENVILLE. 1828. 39. EDWARD HERBERT, VISCOUNT CLIVE. 1839. EARL OF POWIS. 1830. 40. JOHN FREDERICK, EARL CAWDOR. 1831. 41. REV. EDWARD CRAVEN HAWTREY. 1834. 42. SIR STEPHEN RICHARD GLYNNE, BART. 1834. 43. BENJAMIN BARNARD, ESQ. 1834. 44. VENERABLE ARCHDEACON BUTLER, D.D. 1836. SAMUEL, LORD BISHOP OF LICHFIELD. 1835. 45. 1836. 46. 1836. 47. 1836. 48. 1836. 49. 1837. 50. 1838. 51. 1838. 52. 1839. 53. 1839, 54. 1839. 55. 1839. 56. 1840. 57. 1841. 58. 1842. 59. 1842. 60. 1844. 61. 1844. 62. 1844. 63. 1835. PRESIDENT. EDWARD, EARL OF POWIS. 45. WALTER FRANCIS, DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY. RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD FRANCIS EGERTON. 47. ARCHIBALD ACHESON, VISCOUNT ACHESON. BERIAH BOTFIELD, ESQ. HENRY HALLAM, ESQ. PHILIP HENRY STANHOPE, VISCOUNT MAHON. GEORGE JOHN, LORD VERNON. REV. PHILIP BLISS, D. C. L. RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR JAMES PARKE, KNT. REV. BULKELEY BANDINELL, D. D. WILLIAM HENRY MILLER, ESQ. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, ESQ. EDWARD JAMES HERBERT, VISCOUNT CLIVE. DAVID DUNDAS, ESQ. JOHN, EARL BROWNLOW. HONOURABLE HUGH CHOLMONDELEY. SIR ROBERT HARRY INGLIS, BART. ALEXANDER JAMES BERESFORD HOPE, ESQ. REV. HENRY WELLESLEY. 3S.0):l)tirgI)e Club. CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS PRESENTED TO AND PRINTED BY THE CLUB. LONDON MDCCCXLV. CATALOGUE. Certaine Bokes of Virgiles Aenaeis^ turned into English Meter. By the Right Honorable Lorde, Henry Earle of Surrey. William Bolland^ Esq. 1814. Caltha Poetarum ; or, The Bumble Bee. By T. Cutwode, Esq. Richard Heber, Esq. 1815. The Three First Books of Ovid de Tristibus, Translated into English. By Thomas Churchyarde. Earl Spencer, President. 1816. Poems. By Richard Barnfield. James Boswell, Esq. 1816. Dolarny's Primerose or The First Part of the Passionate Hermit. Sir Francis Freeling, Bart. 1816. La Contenance de la Table. George Henry Freeling, Esq. 1816. Newes from Scotland, declaring the Damnable Life of Doctor Fian, a notable Sorcerer, who was burned at Edenbrough in lanuarie last 1591. George Henry Freeling, Esq. 1816. A proper new Interlude of the World and the Child, otherwise called Mundus et Infans. Viscount Althorp. 1817. Hagthorpe Revived; or Select Specimens of a Forgotten Poet. Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges, Bart. 1817. Istoria novellamente ritrovata di duenobili Amanti, &c. da Luigi Porto. Rev. William Holwell Carr. 1817. The Funeralles of King Edward the Sixt. Rev. James William Dodd. 1817. A Roxburghe Garland, 12mo. James Boswell, Esq. 1817. Cock LorelFs Boat, a Fragment from the original in the British Museum. Rev. Henry Drury. 1817. V Le Livre du Faucon. Robert Lang, Esq. 1817. The Glutton s Feaver. By Thomas Bancroft. John Delafield Phelps, Esq. 1817. The Chorle and the Birde. Sir Mark Masterman Sykes, Bart. 1818. - Daiphantus, or the Passions of Love. By Antony Scoloker. Roger Wilbraham, Esq. 1818. The Complaint of a Lover's Life. Controversy between a Lover and a Jay. Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, Vice President. 1818. Balades and other Poems. By John Gower. Printed from the original Manuscript, in the Library of the Marquis of Stafford, at Trentham. Earl Gower. 1818. Diana ; or the excellent conceitful Sonnets of H. C, supposed to have been printed either in 1592 or 1594. Edward Littledale, Esq. 1818. Chester Mysteries. De Deluvio Noe. De Occisione Innocentium. James Heywood Markland, Esq. 1818. Ceremonial at the Marriage of Mary Clueen of ^cotts with the Dauphin of France. William Bentham, Esq. 1818. The Solempnities and Triumphes doon and made at the Spousells and Marriage of the King's Daughter the Ladye Marye to the Prynce of Castile^ Archeduke of Austrige. John Dent, Esq. 1818. The Life of St. Ursula. Guiscard and Sigismund. Duke of Devonshire. 1818. Le Morte Arthur. The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Du Lake. Thomas Ponton, Esq. 1819. Six Bookes of Metamorphoseos in whyche ben conteyned the Fables of Ovyde. Translated out of Frensshe into Englysshe by William Caxton. Printed from a Manuscript in the Library of Mr. Secretary Pepys, in the College of St. Mary Magdalen, in the University of Cambridge. George Hibbert, Esq. 1819. Cheuelere Assigne. Edward Vernon Utterson, Esq. 1820. Two Interludes : Jack Jugler and Thersytes. Joseph Hazlewood, Esq. 1820> The New Notborune Mayd. The Boke of Mayd Emlyn. George Isted, Esq. 1820. The Book of Life ; a Bibhographical Melody. Dedicated to the Roxburghe Club by Richard Thomson, 8vo. 1820 Magnyfycence : an Interlude. By John Skelton, Poet Laureat to Henry VIII. Joseph Littledale, Esq. 1821. Judicium, a Pageant. Extracted from the Towneley Manuscript of Ancient Mysteries. Peregrine Edward Towneley, Esq. 1822. An Elegiacal Poem, on the Death of Thomas Lord Grey, of Wilton. By Robert Mars ton. From a Manuscript in the Library of the Right Honourable Thomas Grenville. Viscount Morpeth. 1822. Selections from the Works of Thomas Ravenscroft ; a Musical Composer of the time of King James the First. Duke of Marlborough. 1822. L^Lii Peregrini Oratio in obitum Torquati Tassi. Editio secunda. Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges, Bart. 1822. The Hors, the Shepe, and the Ghoos. Sir Mark Masterman Sykes, Bart. 1822. The Metrical Life of Saint Robert of Knaresborough. Rev. Henry Drury. 1824. ' Informacon for Pylgrymes unto the Holy Londe. From a rare' Tract, in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh. George Henry Freeling, Esq. 1824. ^ The Cuck-Queanes and Cuckolds Errants or the Bearing Down the Inne, a Comsedie. The Faery Pastorall or Forrest of Elues. By W P , Esq. John Arthur Lloyd, Esq. 1824. The Garden Plot, an Allegorical Poem, inscribed to Queen Elizabeth. By Henry Goldingham. From an unpublished Manuscript of the Harleian Collection in the British Museum. To which are added some account of the Author ; also a reprint of his Masques performed before the Queen at Norwich, on Thursday, August 21, 1578. Venerable Archdeacon Wrangham. 1825. La Rotta de Francciosi a Terroana novamente facta. La Rotta de Scocesi. Earl Spencer, President. 1825. .. Nouvelle Edition d'un Poeme sur la Journee de Guinegate. Presented by the Marquis de Fortia. 1825. Zuleima, par C. Pichler. 12mo. Presented by H. de Chateaugiron. 1825. Poems, written in English, by Chales Duke of Orleans, during his Captivity in England after the Battle of Azincourt. George Watson Taylor, Esq. 1827. ^^ Proceedings in the Court Martial, held upon John, Master of Sinclair, Captain-Lieutenant in Preston's Regiment, for the Murder of Ensign Schaw of the same Regiment, and Captain Schaw, of the Royals, 1 7 October, 1 708 ; with Correspondence respecting that Transaction. Sir Walter Scott, Bart. 1828. V The Ancient English Romance of Havelok the Dane ; accompanied by the French Text : with an Introduction, Notes, and a Glos- sary. By Frederick Madden, Esq. Printed for the Club. 1828. . Gaufridi Arthurii Monemuthensis Archidiaconi, postea vero Episcopi Asaphensis, de Vita et Vaticiniis Merlini Cahdonii, Carmen Heroicum. Hon. and Rev. G. Neville Grenville. 1830. V The Ancient Enghsh Romance of William and the Werwolf; edited from an unique copy in King s College Library, Cambridge ; with an Introduction and Glossary. By Frederick Madden, Esq. Earl Cawdor. 1832. 8 J The Private Diary of William, first Earl Cowper, Lord Chan- ' cellor of England. Rev. Edward Craven Hawtrey. 1833. The Lyvys of Se)nites ; translated into Englys be a Doctour of Dynynite clepyd Osbern Bokenam, frer Austyn of the Con- vent of Stockclare. Viscount Clive, President. 1835. V A Little Boke of Ballads. Dedicated to the Club by E. V. Utterson, Esq. 1836. The Love of Wales to their Soueraigne Prince, expressed in a true Relation of the Solemnity held at Ludlow, in the Countie of Salop, upon the fourth of November last past, Anno Domini 1616, being the day of the Creation of the high and mighty Charles, Prince of Wales, and Earle of Chester, in his Maiestie's Palaco^f White-Hall. Presented by the Honourable R. H. Clive. 1837. V Sidneiana, being a collection of Fragments relative to Sir Phihp Sid- ney, Knight, and his immediate Connexions. Bishop of Lichfield. 1837. The Owl and the Nightingale, a Poem of the twelfth Century. Now first printed from Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, and at Jesus College, Oxford ; with an Introduction and Glossary. Edited by Josephus Stevenson, Esq. Sir Stephen Richard Glynne, Bart. 1838. ^ The Old English Version of the Gesta Romanorum : edited for the first time from Manuscripts in the British Museum and Uni- versity Library, Cambridge ; with an Introduction and Notes by Sir Frederick Madden, K. H. Printed for the Club. 1838. v^' Illustrations of Ancient State and Chivalry, from MSS. preserved in the Ashmolean, Museum, with an Appendix. Benjamin Barnard, Esq. 1840. Manners and Household Expenses of England in the thirteenth and fifteenth Centuries, illustrated by Original Records. I. House- hold Roll of Eleanor, Countess of Leicester, A.D. 1265. H. Ac- counts of the Executors of Eleanor, Gueen Consort of Edward I. A.D. 1291. III. Accounts and Memoranda of Sir Johh Howard, first Duke of Norfolk, A. D. 1462 to A. D. 1471. Beriah Botfield, Esq. 1841. ' The Black Prince, an Historical Poem, written in French, by Chan do s Herald,; with a Translation and Notes, by the Rev. Henry octavius coxe, m. a. Printed for the Club. 1842. The Decline of the last Stuarts. Extracts from the Despatches of British Envoys to the Secretary of State. Printed for the Club. 1843. V Vox Populi Vox Dei, a Complaynt of the Comons against Taxes. Presented according to the Direction of the late Right Hon. Sir Joseph Littledale, Knt. 1843. Household Books of John Duke of Norfolk, and Thomas Earl of Surrey; Temp. 1481 — 1490. From the original Manuscripts in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries, London. Edited by J. Payne Collier, Esq., F.S.A. ' Printed for the Club. 1844. Three Collections of English Poetry of the latter part of the Sixteenth Century. Presented by the Duke of Northumberland, K.G. 1845. J^o^iburgjf Club. RULES AND REGULATIONS. L The Club shall consist of forty Members, including the President, Vice President, and Treasurer. IL Every Member shall contribute a Book to the Club. IIL Every Member who shall be honoured with or advanced in the Peerage, or shall receive any benefice or office under the Crown, or shall take to himself a wife, shall also contribute a book to the Club. IV. Every Member shall pay annually a subscription of Five Guineas to the Treasurer upon his election, and subsequently on the Seven- teenth of June in each year. V. The sum thus raised, or a competent portion of it, shall be ex- pended under the direction of the Printing Committee in printing some inedited Manuscript, or in reprinting some Book of acknowledged rarity and value. VI. The total number of Copies printed of each Work shall not exceed one hundred. VII. Every Member shall be entitled to two Copies of each Work printed at the expence of the Club. VIII. These Copies shall be distinguished by the engraved title, and shall have the Name of the Member printed in red ink. IX. The Name of the Member in the second Copy shall have an asterisk prefixed to it. The remaining Copies of each Work shall be delivered by the Printer to such Members, whose subscriptions are not in arrear, as may apply for them, upon payment of the sum fixed for each Work by the Printing Committee. X. The sum so received shall be carried to the account of the Club, and applied to its general expenditure. XI. All Works printed by the Club shall be ready for distribution at the Anniversary Meeting, but no Members shall be entitled to their Copies whose subscriptions are in arrear. XII. Due notice of the pubhcation of each Work shall be given to every Member by the Printer. XIII. Every Member shall write in his second Copy the name of the Person or Public Society to whom he may present it. XIV. The Printing Committee shall be appointed annually, and shall consist of the President, and not less than seven Members of the Club. XV. Four Members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. XVI. The Printing Committee shall prepare annually a chronological List of the Members of the Club, from its foundation, with the dates of their election, and a similar Catalogue of the Books printed by or pre- sented to the Club, and of those contributed by its Members. XVII. This List of Members and Catalogue of Books shall be inserted in each Member's first Copy of all Books printed by the Club, and shall be printed with the Rules and Regulations of the Club for the use of its Members. XVIII . The Printing Committee shall present an Annual Report at the Anniversary respecting a Publication by the Club for the ensuing year. XIX. The Treasurer of the Club shall keep an account with' Messrs. Herries, Farquhar and Co., Bankers, St. James's Street, entitled the Roxburghe Club Account. XX. A Statement of the Funds of the Club shall be prepared annually by the Treasurer, and laid before the Club at the Anniversary Meeting. XXI. One General Meeting of the Club shall be held between the Meeting of Parliament and Easter. XXII. The President shall be empowered to call at his discretion other General Meetings, between the Meeting of Parliament and the Anniversary Meeting, for the election of Members, and for the transac- tion of the general business of the Club. XXIII. The Anniversary Meeting of the Club shall be held on the seventeenth of June, provided that it fall upon a Saturday; otherwise, on the first Saturday after the seventeenth of June. XXIV. No alteration of any Rule of the Club shall be made, except at a General Meeting. XXV. Any Member proposing an alteration in any Rule shall give notice to the President of such alteration at least fourteen days before a General Meeting, and such proposed alteration shall be previously printed and circulated among the Members of the Club. % ■' ^&.. » _.,.W it