The Teaching : 0f The Twelve Apostles LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA PRESENTED BY ALLAN ADRIAN TEXTS FOR STUDENTS, No 13 THE TEACHING OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES EDITED BY T. W. GRAFER, D.D. Price 4d. net HELPS FOR STUDENTS OF HISTORY. No. 1. EPISCOPAL REGISTERS OF ENGLAND AND WALES. By R. C. FOWLER, B.A., F.S.A. No. 2. MUNICIPAL RECORDS. By F. J. C. HEARNSHAW, M.A. 6d. net. No. 3. MEDIEVAL RECKONINGS OF TIME. By REGINALD L. POOLE, LL.D., Litt.D. 6d. net, No. 4. THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE. By CHARLES JOHNSON. 6d. net. No. 5. THE CARE OF DOCUMENTS. By CHARLES JOHNSON. 6d. net. No. 6. THE LOGIC OF HISTORY. By C. G. CRUMP. 8d. net. No 7 DOCUMENTS IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, DUBLIN. By R. H. MURRAY, LittD. 8d. net. No. 8. THE FRENCH WARS OF RELIGION. By ARTHUR A. TILLEY, M.A. 6d. net. BY SIR A. W. WARD, Litt.D., F.B.A.: No. 9- THE PERIOD OF CONGRESSES, I. Introductory. 8d. net. No. 10. THE PERIOD OF CONGRESSES, II. Vienna and the Second Peace of Paris, is. net. No. 11. THE PERIOD OF CONGRESSES, III. Aix-la-Chapelle to Verona, is. net. (Nos. <), 10, and ii in one volume, cloth 33. 6d. net.) No. 12. SECURITIES OF PEACE. A Retrospect (18481914). Paper as. ; cloth 35. net. [CoHtintud on p. 3, TEXTS FOR STUDENTS. No. 13 GENERAL EDITORS: CAROLINE A. J. SKEEL, D.LiT. H. J. WHITE, D.D. ; J. P. WHITNEY, D.D., D.C.L. THE TEACHING OF THE L~~- TWELVE APOSTLES EDITED BY T. W. CRAFER, D.D. INCUMBENT OF ST. GERMAIN'S, BLACKHEATH ; WARDEN OF THE COLLEGE OF GREYLADIES LONDON SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1920 THE DIDACHE ; OR, TEACHING OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES 1. THE AUTHOR. THE author of this treatise is quite unknown. The book does not claim to have been actually written by the Apostles, but only to give their teaching. There are very few hints of locality. The Eucharistic bread is said to be made of grains " scattered upon the mountains," which does not agree with a level country like Egypt ; and the permission to baptize in warm water implies that the country was not a hot one. The book had long been lost, until a manuscript of it was discovered by Bryennios at Constantinople in 1875. 2. DATE. Many theories of its date and origin have been put forward. Some would place it at the beginning of the second century, others later in that century after Clement, but before Hermas ; and Dr. Bigg, on the strength of the indebtedness to other Christian literature which he finds in it, would regard it as a fourth-century work. The general opinion, however, is that it belongs to the second century. iv INTRODUCTION 3. CONTENTS. It is a composite work, and may be divided into three parts : 1. Chapters I.-V. treat of the " Two Ways." This is a familiar theme in early Christian literature, and occurs (with many verbal identities) in the Epistle of Barnabas. It may well have been a pre-Christian Jewish treatise ; but it has been used as a manual of Christian conduct, to be studied by catechumens before their baptism. This must explain the sub- title of " The Lord's Teaching to the Heathen by the Twelve Apostles." 2. Chapters VI .-X. form a kind of communi- cants' manual, giving sundry instructions concerning Christian Worship, Baptism, Fasting, the Eucharist, and Prayer. It is quite likely that this part also was incorporated from some older source. 3. Chapters XI.-XVI. give regulations concerning Apostles, Prophets, and Teachers, and also Bishops and Deacons, and instruction on the attitude of Christians towards their ministers. Then is added a final chapter containing warning and encourage- ment with regard to the end of the world. 4. IMPORTANCE AND DIFFICULTIES. The publication of the Didache threatened to revo- lutionize our theories as to the Ministry in primitive times. For Priests do not appear in it at all, and Bishops and Deacons are only mentioned at the end, as claiming to be honoured along with Apostles, Prophets, and INTRODUCTION V Teachers. This was taken to indicate that when the book was written there was still a charismatic Ministry, such as appears vaguely in 1 Cor. xii. and xiv. and Eph. iv. 11, 12, and that the later threefold Ministry had not yet fully taken its place. But other considera- tions make so early a date unlikely, and an examination of the nature of the Ministry indicated suggests Church conditions to which neither time nor place can be assigned.* The Apostles are mere missioners, whose bona fides must be carefully watched (XL 4-6). Although it is a sin against the Holy Ghost to test a Prophet's utterance, his conduct may easily be wrong (XL 7-12). Attempts to found new theories on the strange state- ments of the book are less frequent now than formerly, and modern critics are on the whole inclined to picture the author as a man who was not living under the conditions he describes, but who imagined himself back in the Apostolic age, and tried to describe the Church as he thought he read of it in St. Paul's Epistles, and particularly in 1 Corinthians. It was this that enabled him to claim to represent the " Teaching of the Twelve Apostles." 5. SOURCES. 1. The Codex Constantinopolitanus (C), dated A.D. 1056 ; discovered by Bryennios in the Library of the Holy Sepulchre at Constantinople, and published by him in 1883. This manuscript also contains 1 and 2 Clement. 2. A Latin version, incomplete, discovered since C. * See Dr. J. A. Robinson in Essays on the Early History of the Church and the Ministry, ed. Swete, Macmillan, 1918, pp. 60 ff. ; also Dr. J. P. Whitney, The Episcopate and the Reformation, London, E. Scott, 1917, pp. 184 f. VI INTRODUCTION 3. The Church Ordinances, third century, and the Apostolic Constitutions (Book VII.), fourth or fifth century, where a modification of the Didache is used as a ground- work. The text of this edition is reprinted from that adopted by Lightfoot (Apostolic Fathers . . . Revised Texts with Short Introductions, etc.; London, 1912), by kind per- mission of the Lightfoot Trustees. AIAAXH TON AOAEKA AIIO2TOAGN. AIAAXH Kvpiov Sia TWV SwSfKa aVoaToAwv TOIS fdvecriv. I. 'OSoi Svo ewri, pia TTJS ^wrjs *ai /zta TOV flavarov, 8iaopa 8e iroXXr) uerav TWV Svo oSwv. 2. 'H yuti/ ow j er . xx ;. 8. 68i>s TTJS tr)s tcnlv avrr] TT/DWTOJ/, d-yair^o-tis rbv 0cbv TOV g t Matt TrotrjcravTa, ere Sevrtpov, rbv ir\T)rfov 39- Se ora cdv 6\^o^)S (J-T| -y^ vetr 9aL croi, KCXL trv dXXw |xf| Trout. Tobit iv. 15. 3. TOVTWV Se TWV Aoywv ij 8iSa^^ ecrriv avrrj Ev\o > yiT St. Matt. v. TOVS KaTapwjUvovs vpiv Kal irpo ** v St. Luke vi. TOVS ayairwvTas ', ov\l Kal TO, ?0v] rb avrb 2 7> 2 &> 3 2 > . \ . > < 33> 35- iroiovo-iv J v|icis 5 a/yairaTt TOVS (iio-ovvras vjxas fai ov\ e^erc tyflpov. 4. aTre^ov TWV (rapKiKwv Kal (rco/zaTtKwv eiri6v- TIS o-oi 8w pd-n-io-jia tls T^|V 8|idv o-iayova, o-rp^ov gt. Matt. v. Svvacrai. 5. iravrl T rbv 2 rbv 2ovii(rcis, ov Hoixvo-is, ov TraiSo^^o/D^creis, ov iro/3vei!(rets, ov K\e'\}/is, ov ov <>ayo/i,a/ceuo"ts, ov ovSf yfvvrjBfVTa ctTTOKTeveis, OVK ri0t>M.^o-is TO. TOV St. Matt. v. 3. OVK jiriopK^ca/c^o-ts ' 4. OVK 4'o-g Styvw/xtov ov8e SiyAwo-cros * Trayts y/3 davarov rj StyAtoo'O'ta. 5. OVK O"TCU 6 Aoyos o~ov ^s, ov Kfvos, dAAa /ie/ieo-TWjaevos Trpd^ci. 6. OVK eery ovSe ap7ra ov8e VTroKpirrjS ovSe KUKO^^S ovSe s. ov ATJ^ (BovXrjv Trovrjpav Kara TOV Lev. xix. O-QV. 7. ov (j.icn?)o-is Trai/ra avOpwirov, dXXd ovs p-iv Jude 22. 7re / 3 ' ^ ^ v T/aocTfv^y, ovs Si a/yainrjo-ns VTrep TTJV ^vx^v vye aTro TTOVTOS Trovrjpov Kal aTrb TravTos 6/j.oiov avrov. 2. /i^ ytvov opyt'Aos * oS^yei yap i) opyr) Trpbs rbv 6vov fj.r]8f ^Aa)T7)s /x^Se e/3io-T6KOS ju,7j8e OvfJUKos CK yap TOVTWV aTravrwv 6voi yevvwvrai. 3. TCK- vov /iov, /XT) ytVov eTTi^v/x^T^s oor^yet yap 7} eiridvpia Trpbs T^I/ Tropvfiav [j,r)8e awrxpoAoyos /A^Se v^Ad(^>^aAp;os CK yap TOVTCDV aTravrtov fj.oi\^eiai yevvcovrai. 4. TCKVOV /AOV, Lev. xix. 26. (Jff| -y'vov olwvocrKoiros ' eirei8r) 68rfyei cis TT)V eiSwAoAarpiav jj,rj8e eTraoiSos p-7;Se f^adrj^aTiK^? fj.rj8e irepiKaOaiptav /ji^8f OeXc avra (JXeireiv CK yap TOVTWV aTravrwv etSwAoAarp/a ycvvarai. 5. TCKVOV p-ov, p-rj yiVov ifsevcrTrjs lireiSrj o8r)yei TO \f/fvo~p.a eis TT)V KAoTnyv p-7j8e ^>tAapyvpos p-^S^ Kvo- So^os' K yap TOVTWV aTravTwv KAo?rat yevvwvTai. 6. TCKVOV p;ov, p,rj ytvov yoyyvo-os * eTreiSJ) oS^yet eis T^V,iav /j,r)8 avOd8rjr](j.iai yevvwvrai. 7. i(r6t 8e irpavs eirel 01 irpaeis St. Matt. K\T]povo|i^o-ovcri ri\v yijv. 8. yivou fj.aKp6dvfj.os Kal eX&jfJuov Kal UKUKOS Kat ^ril)(ios Kal dya0os Kal rp^jxwv TOVS Xctyws Sia Is. Ixvi. 2. Travrds, ovs 17*0 was. 9. oux v^axrets (reairrov ovSe Soxms T 2? foXQ (rov fy>do-os. ov KoA\7/^o-Tai r; vfirjXtov, dAAa pera. Stxaiwv /cat Taireivwi' 10. ra (rvuftaivovTa. trot evepyrjfJLara ws dya^a etSas on are/3 Geou ovSei' yiWrai. IV. Texvov /xou, TOV XaXovvT<5s s Kv/otov oOev yap rj KvptoTrjs \a\elrai, l/cef Kv/otos O-TIV. 2. fK^rjT^- (ms 8e /ca^' ^fj.fpav TO. irpofTtoira TWV ayiwv, iva 7rava7rays rots Aoyots avrwv. 3. ov 7rot^(rts a")(icrp.a, eiprjvfvcrei'i 8e /la^o/xevovs. Kpivets StKaiws, ou Ar^^ 7rp(xra)7rov eAeycu 7ri 7ra/)a7rTW/ias ^^ T ^ Ecclus. iv. Sovvai 6(3ov TOV Qeov. 10. OUK oriTa^eis 8ovA(j) o(3rjdi/)- crovrat rbv fir' d(j.OTepois 0eov ou yap />xTat Kara TT/DOO-- (OTTOV xaAecrat, dAA' ' ovs rb irvevfw. JfFoffUHMV. 11. v/icis 8 01 SouAot VTroTay^o-ecr^e TOIS Kvpiois v/iwv ws TVTry GcoiJ ev aierxwy /cat 6/3ip, 12. fJMrrjo-eis iracrav vTTOKpuriv KOI Trav o ^07 apecrr^v T(p Kvpj>. 13. ou IvToAas Kv/9tov, ap/xaKiai, apira- yai, \j/ev8o[MpTvpiai, vTroK/jitret?, SnrXoKapSia, SdAos, virfprj- /caxia, av^aSeta, TrAeoi/e^ia, aicr^/ooAoyta, s, v\^ov fj.a.Kpav Trpavrrj<; /cat VTrofj.ovri, jJLa.Ta.ia. dyaTrwvTCS, SiwKOi'Tts avraTroSo/ia, OVK TW^O''} OU TTOVOVVTCS T4 KaTaTTOVOVjU.ei'^), OV TOV Trot^cravTa avTovs, oveis TKva>v, (frdopeis irXa.o~fJLa.TOs Oeou, a.Troo~Tpt<$>op.evoi TOV ev8eop,evov, KO.TO.- . TTOVOUVTCS TOV OXi.f36fj.evov, TrAoixriW TrapdKXrjToi, TTCVT^TCOV a.vofj.01 /cptrai, irav6afjLa.pTr)TOi ' pvo-Oeir)Te, TfKva, curb TOVTWV airavTwv. VI. "O/oa /xi^ Tts aXr)V Tpls v8(ap els ovopa TLaTpbs IX] OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES 11 Ytov Kal dytov IIvet^taTos. 4. TTjob Se TOV Trpov^crTeveraTo) 6 (BaTTTifov KOI 6 j3aTTTi6fj.evo\ts Tjp.iv TT^V 6ic(j.v TOIS 6cj)ei.XTai.s i]p,wv, Kal (it] El 2. irputTOv Trepl TOV TTOTTjpiov ' ^v^apurTovfjifv crot, , vTrep Trjta Siea-KopTrKr/j-evov eiravta TWV o/oecov /cat o-wa)(^ev lyeveTO eV, OVTW crvva^^TW o~ov 17 (KiayeTia /i^Se TrteTW (XTTO TTJS ev^apio-Ttas v/u,wv, aAA' ot /3a7TTto-^evTS ets ovo/xa Kv/otov. /cat yap* Tre/ot TOVTOU eiprjKev 6 Kvptos MT^ 8wrt TO 4-yiov St. Matt. . vii . 6. TOIS KVO~I. 12 THE TEACHING [x X. Mera 8f TO ejHTrA^o-^vat OUTWS ev^apurTyja-are 2. Ev^a/DicrTor/xev r]v /cat TTOTOV xat ^WTJV atwvtov 8ta TOU TratSos tro-u. 4. Tr/ab TravTtov i5^a/3tcrTOVyu,v (rot OTt Swarbs e? crv (rot 7 Sd^a cts TOUS auuvas. 5.^(rdr]Ti, Kvpie, T^S eKKXrjcrias (rov TOV pvo~ao-0ai aiiTrjv aTrb Travros Trovrjpov i John iv. Kai rcXciwo-ai. auriyv Iv TQ a-ydirj] (rov, Kat nt/ j-,, 3\tj,/ \t Atai>, ^v ^roi/iacras avry on o-ou eo-rtv ^ owa/Ats Kat 77 8d^a ets Tovs atwvas. 6. eA^erw X ^/ 3 ' 5 Ka ' 7ra/oeA$Ta> 6 KOO-)MOS OUTOS. wo-avva TO> ^eoj AavetS. et Tts aytds ecrrtv, i Cor. xvi. p%eo~6(a ei TIS OVK ecrri, /ieTavoei'TO). jiapav d0a. a/A?jv. 7. rots Se ?rpo^)^Tats eiriTpfireTt eTJ^a/oto-TCiv ocra XI. "Os av ovv eA^wv 8i8dr) v/j-as^ raura irdvTa ra TTpofiprjufva, 8eao~0e avrov 2. eav 8e aurbs 6 8t8ao-KO)V crTpafi. 3. JIe/31 8e TWV ctTro- CTToAcoi' /cat Trpor)Tiav Kara rb 8oy/ta TOV evayyeAtov 4. Tras 8e aTrdo-roAos e/)\d/ievos 7r/obs as KV/DIOS 5. ov /xevet Sc et /i^ f)p.pav /Jiiav X/ t ' a > Ka * T '? l/ ^^ 7 ? v ' T/ets Se eav fietv eo-Ttv ' 6. e^ep^d/ievos Se 6 aVoo-ToAos fj-rj8ev et /x^ apTov, ews oS av\io~6y ' eav 8e dpyvpiov cury, \f/tv8oirpo(f>r}T'r]s eo~Tt. 7. /cat TTO.VTO. Trpotfi'tjTrjv AaAovvra ev ou ireipdcrfTe ov8e StaKptvetre 7rao-a yap XIIl] OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES 13 d(f>edr]creTaL, avrrj 8e rj afj,apria OVK de^e^o'eTat. 8. ov Tras Se 6 AaAwv kv Trvf.vp.arL Trpo^rjrrjs lo-riv, dAA' eav e^y TOVS KvplOV. ' AlTO OvV TWV TpOTTtoV yV(OO"^(rTat 6 Kal 6 irpo^rrjs. 9. KCU Tras Trpo^TTjs opi(ov Tpa7reav (.v irvevfiari ov e^ayerai UTT' avTrjs ' et 8e /x^ye, i/'evSoTT/ao^TT^s ecrrtv. 10. ?ras Se CTKWV T^V aAry^tav ei a StSao-Kei ou Trotei, 11. Tras 8e TT/JO^TTJS SeSoKt/iatr/ievos o-fj.iK^>v KK\r)cria i s, p.rj SiSdcrKwv 8e iroieiv ocra avrbs TTOICI, ov Kpidrja-erat f(f>' vyticov /Jiera 0eou yap )(t T^V Kpuriv ' axrauTws yap eirotT^crav Kai 01 dp^alot Trpo^rat. 12. os 8' av ewrj? *" Tveu/xart* Aos fioi dpyvpia fj ere/aa rii/a, OTJK aKova-eo-^e avrou lav 8 Trept XII. Has 8 o epx<)(jLvos Iv 6v6[xan Kvptov 8e)(^T(o ' eTreira Ps. cxviii. So/ct/xacravres avrbv yvuxrfcrBf. (rvvecriv yap e^ere Se^iav s^ i dpia-repdv. 2. i /xev TrapdStos eo-Ttv 6 ep^d/xevos, XX1 - 9- oaov Svvacr$e ov /ievei 8e Trpbs v/xas ei /A^ x i. g. Svo $i rpets ^fJ-fpas, eav ^ dvdyKr). 3. et Se ^eAet Trpos v/xas ' Ji e u>v, faefrdw Kal ^aerco. 4. et 8e OVK e^et T)(V7;v, Kara TV (rvvevw vfitv irpovora-are, TTWS p.^ dpyos peO' v/At3v ^o-erai Xpio~Ttavds. 5. et 8' ov OeXet OVTW Troteiv, \pifjs x> IO ' vrov. 3. Tracrav ovv dirap^v yevv^/idVw AT^VOV Kai aAwvos, POWV re Kal irpo/Sdrtav Aa/3a>v Soxreis rrjv d-rrap^rjv TOIS Trpo^rats * avroi yap eio-iv 01 dp^iepeis v^iwv. 4. av 7rporyT7jv, 8dr TOIS TTTW^OIS. 5. eai/ 14 THE TEACHING [XIII iTOiys, rrjv dirap^rjv Xa/3(av Sbs Kara rrjv fVToXrjV. 6. axrau- T(os Kepdp,Lov oivov rj (Xaiov dvoias TYJV dirapxyv Xa/3iav Sbs TOIS TrporjTaii/?oAtav /iera TOU craipov avrov p.rj crweA^era) , ews oS StaXXaycS(rtv, Tva /ii) KOivtaOfj vj dvaria v/zwv. Mai. i. n, 3. piy p.oi Ovcriav KaOapdv * on clfLf, X^yti Kvpios, Kal TO 6vop.d jxov 0av|iao-rbv Iv TOIS XV. Xei/aoTov^craTe ovv lavrois ewiaKOTrovs /cat SKIKO- vovs odious TOV KD/JIOV, av8/oas Tr/aaeis Kat d Kal dXrjOets Kal SeSoKt/iacr/Aevous * V/A?V ya/> Kat avrot T^V Xeirovp-yiav rS>v irpo^Tuv Kal 2. /^ ovv VTrepiSrjre avrous aurot ya/3 eicrtv 01 TTt/x?;yu,evot V/AWV jLtera, TOJV irpotfrrjTiav Kal Si&wr/caAov. 3. 'EAIy^ere Se dAA^Aovs />) ev opyg, dAA J ev elp-qvy t a>S CX CTC l/ T< i ) vayyeAi<> /cat Travrt dcrTOXot'VTt Kara TOV erepov /A^Seis AaAeiVw prjSe Trap' V/AWV d/coverw, Icos ov fj.Tavorj(ry. 4. ras 8e ev)^aJs v/^wi' ' ol Xvx.voi vijiwv xxv. 13. o-p6cr0T|Tcocrav, Kal at ocrcfjvts tifJiwv (i^ K\VO-flwo-av, dXXd xii. 35 40. ?Toi(tot ov Y^P o^8aT T^V uipav, v 13 6 Kvpios tip-wv lp\crai. 2. TruKVcSs 8e (rvva^Orja-ecrde ^TOUVTCS Ta dv^JCOKTa rais \//v\als u/xa>v. ou ya/3 wcfteXyja-et, vuas 6 Tras TTtcrrews V/AWJ/, eai/ /A^ i/ TUJ f avrjXwv TOV ovpavov. BILLING AND SONS, LTD., PRINTERS, GUILDFORD ENGLAND HELPS FOR STUDENTS OF HISTORY (contd.) No. 13. THE FRENCH RENAISSANCE. 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