-NRLF D r. Gift of James Hopper, Jr. HYDRATION AND GROWTH BY D. T. MACDOUGAL, PH. D., LL. D. Director of the Department of Botanical Research Carnegie Institution of Washington PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, 1920 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PUBLICATION No. 297 PRESS OF GIBSON BROTHERS, INC. WASHINGTON, D. C. I \ PREFACE. Three main conceptions concerning growth and its developmental aspects in plants are to be met in the history of physiology in the half century beginning with the researches of Sachs and his school. The first or earliest, that of special stuffs or substances necessary for the initiation of growth and differentiation of various organs, especially for the origination and development of reproductive organs, is now giving way to the modern conclusion that "formative" material as such has no actual existence in fact and no good basis in theory. The present trend of thought leads to the assumption that growth proceeds from and depends upon states or combinations of material or accumulations in connection with living matter rather than upon any special constructive stuff or substance. This may also be held to apply to hormones, vitamines, and other symbolic expressions for combinations of material necessary for initiating and maintaining de- velopment, reproduction, or growth. The second aspect of the subject is that which deals with the incor- poration of new material in the cell and its subsequent distention by an osmotic mechanism, upon the basis of researches of Pfeffer and de Vries. The protoplast is dealt with as a sac. The products of the metabolic processes converge in the vacuole, which in consequence becomes the seat of osmotic forces and the center of the mechanism of distention. An important feature of this scheme of operation is an ideal "semi-permeable" membrane, not morphologically identifiable, internal to the cellulose wall or other durable and visible integument. The exploitation of the theory of permeability of this membrane has been carried out in such manner as to place undue emphasis on the action of the external layer of the protoplasm. The basic conception of the diffusion of material into the vacuole remains sound, and the differentiating action of protoplasm by which the increase in the con- tents of the vacuole sets up an internal pressure expressed as turgidity is undeniable. But the attempt to base all features of water-relations, turgidity, and growth upon the action of solutions has been proved inadequate and has resulted in an obvious neglect of the play of molec- ular forces in surface tensions, in imbibition, and other activities of matter in a colloidal state. The third group of inquiries has been directed toward measurement for the purpose of establishing the physical constants of growth. Auxesis or developmental enlargement in living things has been mis- takenly dealt with as a unified process, or as a series of successive reactions in studies of temperature effects, by many writers, and coefficients of some apparent validity within a small part of the range within which growth takes place have been found. Growth is a con- stellation of activities and the rate of one of these dependent on tem- perature may be the determining one when the particular process forms either the retarding or leading agency. At other times the relative rv Preface. rates of metabolism, respiration, hydration, and diffusion may coincide in such manner as to make possible the application of a simple formula for the effects within a range of 15 or 16 C. The relation of growth to temperature for any plant between 10 and 50 C. is not to be expressed by any simple formula. The same general statement may be made concerning light and other agencies, none of which has received more than a fraction of the amount of attention which has been paid to temperature effects. The assumption as to the general identity of protoplasm in plants and animals, or even in plants as a group, is one which operates to stifle analytical investigations in a subject of this kind. The relative amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, lipins, and salts in the two groups differ widely. In addition to the capacity of the plant to synthesize carbohydrates, amino-acids, etc., which the animal can not, the res- piration and metabolism of the plant are predominantly carbohydrate, while those of the animal are proteinaceous to a much larger extent. It would seem obvious that a protoplasm rich in fats, high in proteins, and permeated with their derivatives would display an imbibition and growth different from living matter in which the base is chiefly the comparatively physiologically inert pentosan groups and which neces- sarily adsorb the salts and acids in a characteristic manner. The unities or general properties of the protoplasm of widely different organisms do not rest upon the presence or proportion of elements or compounds so much as upon the manner in which the necessary con- stituents are brought together. This indispensable condition of life is the colloidal state, in which the substances of living matter, form a semi-solid or elastic gel consisting of over 90 parts water. The mole- cules are large, slow-moving, and adhere to form aggregates as con- trasted with the separation of molecules in the water of solutions. This colloidal structure may be profitably likened to that of a house or fac- tory, serving simply as the scene of metabolic processes which take place under special conditions of surface tension. The colloidal labora- tory may be in the form of an emulsion, a reticulum, a sponge, a crystal- line or lamellar structure, with corresponding effects on metabolism, while the products of respiration may in turn cause alterations in the chambers in which it takes place. The purpose of the present work has been to study growth upon the basis of a more inclusive conception than that usually implied in osmosis. The total absorbing capacity of a cell or mass of protoplasm for water is regarded as being exercised in the process of hydration. The source of energy in growth and swelling is the unsatisfied attrac- tion of molecules, or particles or ions bearing an electrical charge. Substances made up in this manner may unite with definite propor- tions of water which becomes part of a symmetrical chemical structure, the union being known in classical chemistry as hydration. In addi- tion, however, it is known that such particles may also adsorb and hold in combination additional molecules of water, an action especially Preface. v characteristic of swelling in colloids, and the term hydration is used in the present work to include the entire range of action. The method of study employed has been one in which biocolloids have been compounded from pentosans and proteins in proportions simulating those of the plant, and the total range of swelling of thin plates of this material has been measured by the auxograph which has been developed for this purpose. Series of measurements of such material have been arranged to run parallel with measurements of the unsatisfied hydration capacity of living cell-masses and of dehydrated tissues. The acids and salts have been employed in concentrations mostly within the range of the biological possibilities. It follows, therefore, that these substances have been applied in solutions in which complete or nearly complete dissociation has taken place. It was deemed of the greatest importance to traverse a wide field of possibilities, which made the use of simple methods advisable, and solutions have therefore been applied in terms of molar or normal con- centration, and acidity has been determined by titrations. The im- portance of determinations of the acidity, especially of the cell-sap, and its expression in terms of hydrogen- or hydroxyl-ion concentration would be greater in any more critical study of the features of colloidal and protoplasmic action discussed, although it is not to be taken for granted that this is the dominant or determining factor in all cases. The use of simple methods has served to reveal the general hydra- tion relations of plant protoplasm, the influence of acidity and tem- perature upon growth and swelling, and to uncover the special effects of the amido-compounds upon hydration and their suggested possi- bilities in affecting growth. The significant water-relations of the cell-colloids are not entirely included in direct reactions of the kind mentioned, however. As will be described in Chapter VII, the exigencies of plant life include condi- tions under which dehydration of the plasmatic colloids may reach such a degree that the nature of some of the sugars in growing cells may be affected, and one of these changes is the conversion of poly- saccharids with a low hydration coefficient to pentosans with a high hydration capacity, with the resulting succulency or xerophily of the tissues in which this takes place. I am indebted to my colleagues for suggestions and assistance both in the experimentation and in the preparation of the manuscript, especially to Dr. H. A. Spoehr, who has collaborated in previous papers and who has given continued cooperation and valuable advice on various phases of the work presented here. DESERT LABORATORY, D. T. MACDOUGAL. Tucson, Arizona, 1919. CONTENTS. PAGE. 1. Growth and colloidal reactions 1 II. Fundamental features of phytocolloids 11 III. The constituents of biocolloids which affect hydration and growth 27 IV. The effect of salts and acids on biocolloids and cell-masses 37 V. The effects of organic acids and their amino compounds on hydration and growth 54 VI. Reactions of biocolloids and cell-masses to culture solutions, bog, swamp, and ground water, and other solutions 65 Vll. Fluctuating or alternating hydration effects. Basis of xerophily and succu- lence 78 V11I. Water deficit, or unsatisfied hydration capacity 92 IX. Temperature and the bydration and growth of colloids and of cell-masses. ... 110 X. Imbibition and growth of Opuntia 128 XI. The hydration reactions and growth of Mesembryanthemum, Helianthus, and Phaseolus 145 XII. Water-content, dry weight, and other general considerations 161 Literature cited 174 VI HYDBATION AND GROWTH. BY D. T. MACDOUQAL. I. GROWTH AND COLLOIDAL REACTIONS. Growth consists in increases in volume of masses of living matter, usually but not invariably accompanied by accretions of material other than water to the colloids of the protoplasm. Auxetic changes in members, organs, or cells of the larger plants may be readily deter- mined by external measurements, and the greater part of the available information concerning the subject has been obtained in this manner. Many generalizations, however, rest upon data secured by taking the gross weight of organisms; in other cases the dry weight is used as a criterion, a method which obviously may be used only in securing end or total results. A count of the number of individuals may afford a reliable basis for the estimation of the rate of growth and multiplica- tion of unicellular organisms such as bacteria, in which the limits of enlargement of the individual are quickly reached. Much of the value of the results presented in the present volume is to be attributed to methods by which the varying dimensions of organs and of individual plants were followed not only through the entire period of develop- ment, but alterations accompanying maturity were measured with some precision. The information thus secured made it possible to interpret the effects of the ever-changing daily complex of environic fac- tors and to evaluate to some extent the effects of previous experience upon the behavior of a growing organ at any stage of its development. Thus, for example, the action of a cell-mass at any given tempera- ture is influenced not only by the degree of the temperature and other environic conditions at that tune, but also by the previous experience with these factors, particularly temperature. This " memory ' ' of ante- cedent impressions is not psychological in any sense, but rests upon definite properties of colloids which are known or are measurable. The diversity of constitution and consistency and variation in col- loidal condition of living matter is so great as to evade exact or detailed description. But the general composition of protoplasm, the character of its activities, the mode or manner of changes in its colloidal states, and a measure of the factors affecting its activities may be compre- hended without leaning upon vitalistic conceptions or resorting to mysticism in any form. The fundamental and ultimate structure or architecture of protoplasm is a result of the force of surface tension and is a gel in which the solid material occurs in two main states or phases 2 Hydration and Growth. with water. In the more liquid phase the molecules of the substance are associated with such a large proportion of water as to be in a sus- pended condition, while in the more solid phase the proportion of water is much less. This phase has a distinct architecture which has been likened to that of a mesh, felt, foam, or honeycomb, in which the denser phase forms the framework and the fluid fills the interstices. Under certain conditions the phases may be reversed, and the solid particles be rounded into globules entirely surrounded by the fluid. These structures are far too minute to be visible under the microscope, as the particles which are dispersed in the liquid or are aggregated in the denser structure ma each consist of a few molecules only. In addi- tion to the material in the actual sponge of protoplasm, some of the same or other substances may be present in dispersions or solutions in cavities and spaces in the cell, which result from morphological or mechanical action of the protoplast (see p. 21). The aggregation of molecules of a substance in a colloidal condition such as that noted above is a more complex matter than that of the solution of a crystalloidal compound, as, in addition to the forces of chemical combination, surface tension results in adsorption or union of substances in indefinite proportions. Four main groups of substances make up the protoplastic engine carbohydrates, proteins and their derivatives, the lipins, and the salts. Perhaps all carbohydrates may exist in a colloidal condition, but the group polysaccharids, including the pentosans, are the most important in the architecture of the protoplasmic mesh, as these substances with proteinaceous compounds appear to determine the water-relations of living matter, and to contribute to the design of a machine in which metabolism takes place. The proteinaceous substances may in plant protoplasm form a widely varying proportion, generally very low, but sometimes ranging as high as 90 per cent of the entire dry weight of the protoplasm, with very important consequences as to imbibition. The enzymes are included with these substances, and as the metab- olism, including respiration of plants, is predominantly a complex of transformations in carbohydrates, the possibilities of variation in this feature are very great. The nature of the pentose derivatives present in the protoplasm may also be a feature of considerable importance in metabolism and water-relations, as suggested by the differential be- havior of various gums and mucilages when compared with that of agar. The. colloidal carbohydrates, or those which enter into the make-up or design of the living machine and the proteinaceous sub- stances, are theoretically mutually nondiffusible, so that the gelation or solidification of a 10 per cent solution of agar and gelatine or starch and gelatine according to Beijerinck 1 would result in a mechanical 1 Beijerinck, M. W. Ueber Emulsoidenbildung wasseriger Losungen gewisser gelatinierender Kolloide. Zeitsch. f. Kolloid-Chem., 7:16. 1910. Growth and Colloidal Reactions. 3 mixture of the two substances in which the two would exist separately in their characteristic emulsion. The ammo-acids, on the other hand, diffuse readily into the colloids, and these may be visualized as being aggregated with the carbohydrate colloid, in both phases, and, as may be seen by reference to Chapter II, they set up water-relations differ- ent in some features from those determined by the hydrogen and hydroxyl ions. The place of the lipins in the hydration mechanism can not at present be made the subject of profitable conjecture. While lecithin, for example, is known to adsorb water, its part in the living matter of the plant must be all but negligible, as it by no means bulks as large here as in the animal. The general effect of the salts is to lessen the imbibition capacity of agar-protein mixtures when in simple solutions from a concentration of 2 N to 0.00005 N. Set in action with acids or in antagonistic rela- tions, other effects are produced in sections of living plants. Although one of the subjects receiving the most attention in colloidal physics, and although extensive experiments with tissues and cell-masses of plants and animals dealing with the matter have been made, it is not yet definitely determined whether or not the action of a salt upon a biocolloid may be expressed by the algebraic summation of its acid and base as originally proposed by Pauli for gelatine, or whether the effect is due partly to other factors. The extent to which protoplasm may be made up of dense particles of substances of a single category, such as protein or globulin granules, starch grains, or of minute masses of more highly hydrated strands or globules of albumin or of carbohydrates, or lipins, or of combinations such as those of lipin and protein in the mitochondria, can not be visualized. Neither is it possible to say whether the carbohydrate and protein molecules are equally aggregated in both the continuous or external phase and the discontinuous or internal phase of the gel, or whether one predominates in each phase according to the proportions in which they are combined. In any case phase reversals are possible. The imbibitional reactions of the living matter of plants are seen, how- ever, to be parallel to those of a salted carbohydrate-protein gel com- bined in a high state of dispersion and questions as to systemic arrange- ment must be left in abeyance for the present. So far as known, it is the actual composition and relative proportions of the substances of the main organic groups and the amount, the stage, and sequence of incorporation of the infiltrated salts that constitute variables of the first order of importance in the determination of the behavior of the mass. The chief distinction between the protoplasm of plants and that of animals may be taken to lie within the play of these major features. Living matter in animals includes lipins and consists predominantly of nitrogenous material, which displays maximum hydration capacity in 4 Hydration and Growth. a hydrogen-ion concentration above the iso-electric point, or, as com- monly expressed, when in a state of acidosis, in consequence of which many sweeping premature generalizations have been made as to the relations of electrolytes to protoplasm. Plant protoplasm, in so far as the higher forms are concerned, is poor in lipins, is usually characterized by a major proportion of carbohydrates, although in such simple forms as the bacteria the protein content may be very high. The water- relations of a cell-mass in plants will naturally be determined by its protein-carbohydrate ratio, with the implied corollary that a varying hydration capacity is displayed which may reach its maximum in a condition of acidosis in forms rich in nitrogen, and in a neutralized, relatively salt-free condition in those in which the proportion of col- loidal carbohydrate is relatively great. Cytological science recognizes that homogeneous states of the col- loids do not prevail throughout the cell and a vast literature has grown up concerning the masses of unlike composition, structure, and form, some of morphological value, which make up the cell-body. Attention has naturally been concentrated on the more readily visible, durable, and measurable bodies, some of which are indubitably the scene of per- formances of the first rank, and form the chief mechanism in genetics. It is not to be forgotten, however, that the diverse mixtures of gels and sols constituting the greater part of the protoplasmic mass, the structure of which may not be resolved by direct microscopical methods, is the ultimate colloidal machine in which the organs of the cell are built up, torn down, and metamorphosed. The study of some of the solid bodies in the protoplasm may yield the same comprehension of the play of chemical energy and surface tension of living matter as might be gained of the cyclonic forces of a storm by a measurement and dissection of hailstones. The greatest possibilities in cell mechanics are those which lie in the changes in viscosity, volume, and water-relations of cell-organs as determined by the composition and arrangement of the colloidal emulsion or mesh and the nature of the metabolism which goes on in its sols and gels. It is also to be emphasized that it is not only untrue but unprofitable to assume that the living matter of plants and animals have the same general chemical properties. The difference in the occurence and r61es of lipin in the two groups is fundamental, and, in addition to the water- relations, the metabolisms of the two present differences not attributable simply to the carbohydrate-protein ratio in their composition. Thus the living matter of plants includes within its metabolic cycles such features as the synthesis of the carbohydrates and of the amino-acids, the last-named capacity being exhibited only to a very limited extent by animals, which, in the main, are characterized by a mstabolism of sugars notably different from that of the plant. Growth and Colloidal Reactions. 5 Available experiences with protoplasm lead to the conclusion that it may be considered as a system of gels and sols in which the com- ponent material is found in different conditions with respect to the pro- portion of water combined or associated with it (see Chapter II). The more fluid parts of the cell owe their liquidity to the fact that in such material water containing a small proportion of the colloidal material forms a medium or continuous element in which aggregations of mole- cules or submicrons combined with a smaller proportion of water are dispersed and may move about more or less freely. This condition may be predicated of the contents of the vacuolar cavities and of the regions in the cell which appear clear or vacant in living material or in cytological preparations. The denser parts of the protoplast would be composed of a much larger proportion of aggregated matter sepa- rated by much thinner or more attenuated layers of the more fluid phase. Some writers assume that the submicrons of colloidal material aggre- gate to form a continuous framework or structure which has been likened to a fine sponge, network of fibers, or honeycomb. The more liquid colloid fills the cavities or interstices of the framework. This condition may not be so completely the reverse of the preceding as to bring the more fluid colloid into complete discontinuity. It may be safely assumed, in fact, that almost any mass of active protoplasm in- cludes both conditions, and in a very fluid portion of the living matter small fragments of gel may be carried, while even in the denser newly separated embryonic cell-regions minute cavities may be formed by syneresis in which the colloid is in its extreme disperse condition. Such syncretic cavities may well be the beginning of the vacuoles, in contra- distinction to the view which assigns a definite morphological entity to these features. The formation of these syncretic cavities, the size of the molecular aggregates, and many other features of a colloidal mass are affected by the dilution or dispersion of the original material, the rate of dehy- dration and gelation, and even such fundamental characters as the relations of the two phases may be affected by the origin and rate of deposition of the material. In addition to these very fertile sources of variations in living matter, the cell at most times carries inclusions, such as starch grains, crystals, and protein granules which are com- paratively inert, partly by reason of their small surfaces, and may not exercise much influence upon the surrounding gel. Oxidation, proteo- lysis, hydrolysis, or solution of these bodies may set free or split the compounds included, and these, quickly diffusing through the colloidal mass, may play an important part in the morphological crises of the cell. Many mistaken attempts have been made to compare the growth of organisms and the formation of crystals directly, and to establish their identity or continuity. The results of such efforts serve to bemuse the mystic, to divert the philosopher, and to furnish poetical conceptions 6 Hydration and Growth. to writers who view matter and all material conceptions from a remote distance. Colloids, with their electrical charge, absorptive and adsorp- tive properties, and molecular arrangement, display a series of char- acters fundamental to organic growth, of which swelling as a result of hydration is one of the most noticeable, which do not extend to crystals. Furthermore, the colloidal systems which are exemplified in living or organic material are rarely at rest in the sense of which this may be said of crystals. It is true, of course, that substances or formations may occur in nature or in the laboratory which are made up of both crystalline and colloidal material, and it is also true that some com- pounds may pass from one condition to the other, but the action by which a crystal is formed is not one coincident with colloidal reactions, nor does the perfect crystal behave like a mature cell, organ, or organ- ism. In fact, the more perfect a crystalline structure may be, the farther does it depart from the state in which it might display activities or enlargements similar to those of growth of living matter. The essential feature of an idealized growth is the accretion or addi- tion of water and material to the mass of colloid constituting the cell. The actual mechanism of incorporation is not easily delineated. If protoplasm consisted of a system of colloidal structures such as those of the pentosans and the proteins interwoven but not diffusing into each other, the more solid material which lowers the surface tension to the greatest extent, having the least attraction for water-molecules, would tend to usurp the position of the surface layer. Furthermore the solid phase, whether it be in the form of globules or in the continu- ous element, would tend to increase and crowd together with a lessen- ing of the more liquid phase. This would imply that when gelatine in small proportion is mixed with agar or starch in the larger proportion that the carbohydrate would form the colloidal framework or mesh as well as the external layer of the mass. 1 The separate colloidal masses where they do exist have, of course definite boundary layers, as are formed wherever two colloidal phases meet. Protoplasm may not be regarded, however, as altogether a mechanical admixture of minute strands of material of different com- position. Much of it, including the more fluid portions, must consist of molecules of carbohydrates, proteins, salts, and even lipins aggre- gated to form submicrons in the disperse phase or in the denser, more solid fibers, mesh, or honeycomb of the structure. The external layer formed might well be in a sense a mosaic, but it is to be noted that no actual proof of such a condition is at hand. Both absorption or imbibi- tion and osmosis, including differentiated diffusions, would be affected by the composition and relations of the two phases of the colloids in this outer layer, and it seems highly probable that an adequate interpre- 1 Free, E. E. A colloidal hypothesis of protoplasmic permeability. The Plant World, 21 : 141. 1918. Growth and Colloidal Reactions. 7 tation of permeability will be obtained by a study of these features. Meanwhile no general agreement as to the nature of the "membrane" or its action is to be expected until many widely current assumptions are discarded. The external layer of a protoplasmic unit is in every case a product of the surface energy of the mass or systems of living material internal to it and of the medium, and has no other permanent or morphological value. Its constitution must necessarily vary widely, as does that of the living protoplasm. 1 This aspect of the external layer is one which finds recognition among writers on biophysics in various ways. Mathews assumes conditions in the protoplasm which are not valid in plants when he says : "Thus it is suggested that in the surface of contact of protoplasm with water, lipin substances will accumulate and thus make a kind of intermediate layer of a lower surface tension and of a fatty nature. But, inasmuch as the whole substratum of the cell is of a fatty or lipin nature, it is difficult to see how the surface tension of the junction of fat and water could be changed by the passage of more lipin into the film; and, as a matter of fact, there is no good evidence that there is such a layer about the protoplasm." 1 McClendon recognizes a wider range of facts, 3 as follows : "The composition of the plasma membrane remains a mystery. It seems logical to assume that its building stones are selected from the chief constitu- ents of cells, proteins, fats, lecithin, cholesterin, and carbohydrates. It is a very unstable structure, as will be shown later." An admirable presentation of the matter is to be credited to D'Arcy W. Thompson, the keynote of which lies in the sentences: 4 "The adsorbed material may range from the almost unrecognizable pellicle of a blood-corpuscle to the distinctly differentiated 'ectosarc' of a protozoan, and again to the development of a fully formed cell-wall, as in the cellulose partitions of a vegetable tissue. In such cases, the dissolved and adsorbable material has not only the property of lowering the surface tension, and hence of itself accumulating at the surface, but also has the property of increasing the viscosity and mechanical rigidity of the material in which it is dissolved or suspended, and so of constituting a visible and tangible 'membrane'." In addition to the external layer of the highly hydrated protoplasm, this living material is usually separated from the surrounding medium by walls or coats of specialized character, variously formed, and which may be composed in part or altogether of material originating outside of the masses which they inclose, which may modify the diffusion of liquids into the colloidal mass in a very important manner. If the swelling is one of simple hydration, the entrance of additional water would result solely in an increased dispersion of both phases of 1 See Stiles and Jorgensen, Quantitative measurement of permeability. Bot. Gazette, 65 : 526. 1918. 2 Mathews, A. P. Physiol. Chem., 2d ed., p. 211. 1916. 3 McClendon, J. F. The physical chemistry of vital phenomena, p. 95. 1917. Princeton Univ. Press. 4 Thompson, D'Arcy W. Growth and form, pp. 281 and 282. 1917. Cambridge. 8 Hydration and Growth. the colloid. If dissolved salts are carried by the water, these substances might unite chemically with the material in the molecular aggregates in both the more liquid and the more solid phases of the colloid and cause changes in the water-relations of the mass, or the dissolved sub- stances entering with the water might form adsorption compounds by the uniting in indefinite proportions with the colloidal material in which the water-relations might be changed in another way. Such changes would, of course, be followed by variations in volume. It is to be added that water itself may enter into both relations with the colloidal material and that the initial swelling of a dried colloid prob- ably includes such a chemical combination of water with its molecular aggregates. The action of salts or of acids brought into the mass with water may be such as to carry the dispersion or solvation to the stage in which the mass assumes a liquid condition. 1 In that type of growth in which carbohydrates or proteins are carried into the mass by water, it may be seen that the accumulation of the additional material in the more liquid phase would by the action of the forces of surface tension result in the aggregation of new masses of material. Such formation of additional elastic gel structure might occur theoretically throughout the entire mass of the cell, but in actual- ity would be modified and controlled at every point by the factors which affect hydration. Aggregation of material in syncretic cavities may be taken to present possibilities of the formation of specialized protoplasmic masses or cell-organs or of secretions. Writers with a keen historical sense may be disposed to see in the conceptions outlined above a modernized statement of the micellar hypothesis of growth of Naegeli, but no great interest may be attributed to any such forced parallelism. The measurements described afford a reliable basis for the conclusion that the extent and character of the swelling of gels compounded of carbohydrates and proteins or protein derivatives depends in great degree upon the proportions of the main constituents, not only with respect to pure water, but in solutions of salts and electrolytes in general. The general effect of a salt on hydration depends upon its concentration and whether it is already present in the colloid in chem- ical union or in adsorption with the colloidal material, or whether it enters with the solution or water of hydration ; also upon the character of the salts adsorbed. The extension of the observations upon which these conclusions rest to living cell-masses and to desiccated and dead material from plants demonstrates that colloids may be compounded which may simulate with fair parallelism cell-colloids with varying carbohydrate-protein ratio, salt-content, and acidity. In no feature is this more striking than in the temperature relations. The rate and amount of swelling of plants, and of colloidal mixtures which simulate 1 Ostwald and Fischer. Theoretical and applied colloid chemistry, p. 101. 1917. Growth and Colloidal Reactions. 9 them, in water or in some solutions may increase from temperatures near the freezing-point to 39 to 46 C. and then fall off above this region, or in acid solutions of a concentration normal to the plant both biocolloids and sections of living and dried plants may show decreased hydration as the temperature rises above 17 or 18 C. 1 Nowhere is metabolism more active than in the embryonic growing cell. The dissociations|which are usually included in the conception of respiration may be taken to concern molecules of material already present in the more liquid phase of the colloid or newly introduced. The splitting of the sugars results in the formation of acids as one stage of the process, and if the succeeding stages are impeded such material accumulates, acidosis results, with new temperature relations which may affect imbibition and the enlargement constituting growth in a profound manner. Other actions will depend upon the composition of the cell with respect to its carbohydrate and proteinaceous constitu- ents. If it is high in albuminous material, its capacity for absorbing and swelling may be greatly increased, while on the other hand this effect will be greatly lessened if a large proportion of pentosans are present, especially in the presence of salts. No further recapitulation of detail is necessary to emphasize the fact that the products of the reactions within the cell may be responsible for many of its most marked changes in behavior. Such changes do not in any manner give support or approval to vitalistic theories as to the constitution or activities of living matter. The other soluble carbohydrates, including the hexoses sucrose, dextrose do not occur in the cell in such concentration as to affect the enlargement of the protoplasmic mass directly, but in the vacuoles they may exert an osmotic effect additive to that of the amino-acids which may accumulate in these cavities. It is to the osmotic activity of these substances in the vacuoles that turgidity is due, and a by no means unimportant part in the maintenance of the rigidity of organs and other features is to be ascribed to these turgor stresses and ten- sions. That osmotic pressure may also play an important part in the enlargement of the plant cell may well be concluded from the fact that in the stage following the initial swelling of the embryonic cell a large share of the increase in volume is due to the increase of the vacuoles. The inadequacy of osmotic phenomena and of the conception of the semipermeable membrane to provide a mechanism for the trans- location of complex material from cell to cell, and the incorporation of new material in a growing mass has long been recognized. It would be a mistake to conclude that the vacuole is simply a sac charged with electrolytes, as these cavities invariably hold proteins and carbohy- drates in a colloidal condition in which the degree of dispersion may 1 MacDougal, D. T. The relation of growth and swelling of plants and of biocolloids to temper- ature. Proc. Soc. for Exper. Biol. and Med., 15, No. 3, p. 48. 1917. 10 Hydration and Growth. vary widely, but still absorb water. A correct delineation of the man- ner in which osmosis and imbibition interlock in growth is one of the tasks demanding the immediate attention of the physiologist. It has been assumed in the present work that when the chief con- stituents of protoplasm are brought together in a colloidal condition, approximating that of living matter, the behavior of this material would furnish data fundamental to the physics of growth. The justification for this assumption is to be found in the following pages, in which are described the reactions of biocolloids, of dead sections, and of organs of living plants in hydration and growth as affected by solutions, cul- ture media, the products of metabolism, and environmental agencies, especially temperature. II. FUNDAMENTAL FEATURES OF PHYTOCOLLOIDS. It became evident in the earlier stages of the studies described in the present work that the swelling of gelatine does not afford a parallelism to the action of vegetative cell-masses of the higher plants, and that only in certain reproductive elements or in some of the lower forms is the proportion of nitrogenous material sufficiently great to give reac- tions similar to those of gelatine. Experimental demonstrations of the general character of the cell colloids was first made with sections of joints of Opuntia. The results of an extended series of analyses of these plants made by Dr. H. A. Spoehr covering all of the seasonal changes were available, and from his results it can be seen that their general composition is about as shown in table I. 1 TABLE 1. Constituents. Young joints. Old joints. Water p. ct. 95 p. ct. 75 Crude protein 5 1 Carbohydrates hydrolyzable with 1 per cent HC1 1.0 10.0 Cellulose 1.0 3.0 Crude fat 0.25 0.5 Ash 1.0 3.5 The hydration of an organ or cell-mass with a composition similar to that shown in table 1 would of course be determined by the hydro- lyzable carbohydrates and proteins and affected by the salts. The first experiments were directed to ascertaining some of the reactions of the carbohydrates which are known chiefly or entirely in the colloidal form and which might be a constituent of the plasmatic gels. The most readily available representative of these substances was agar. Strands of the material were liquefied in water at 60 or 70 C., poured into shallow molds with the area of a postal card, and allowed to desiccate to plates from which pieces 3 by 5 mm. were cut. Swelling was measured by the auxograph, using an improved form, the essential part of which consists of a compound lever, the members of which are pivoted in adjustable bearings in a rigid brass frame. 2 The bearing lever has a forked free end suitable for the attachment of a counterpoise and of a vertical swinging arm of twisted brass wire. The free portion of this vertical lever is sheathed with a section of 1 MacDougal and Spoehr. Growth and imbibition. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 56 : 335. 1917. Philadelphia. *Ibid., 327. 11 12 Hydration and Growth. glass tubing with thin walls, drawn to a point and sealed hi a flame. The pointed glass tip fits into a hole in the center of a thin glass plate resting on the sections to be swelled. The attachment of the swinging lever to the free end of the bearing lever may be adjusted to give an amplification of the swelling, which is recorded by the pen tracing an inked line on a sheet of paper 8 cm. wide ruled to millimeters. The paper is coiled inside a brass cylinder and issues through a slit passing to the drum of a clock of the same pattern as used on standard thermo- graphs in such manner as to present a uniform plane surface to the action of the pen in all parts of its arc. The tautness of the paper may be varied by altering the position of the slit in the brass cylinder and clocks may be employed which give the paper a motion of 28 cm. in 24 or in 168 hours. The two levers are connected with a short length of jeweler's chain to minimize friction, and the base of the frame carry- ing the levers is seated on the top of a rack-and-pinion column with a vertical motion of 12 cm. and is capable of being fastened rigidly at any height within its range of 10 to 12 cm. (fig. 1). The dishes finally selected for containing the sections to be immersed in solutions were of the Stender type, 5 cm. in diameter and 24 mm. deep. It was found advisable to have the surface of the bottdm inside the dish ground plane in order to avoid slipping and movement of the swollen sections and of the delicate jellies formed by the biocolloids when in states of extreme hydration. For similar reasons it was neces- sary to place the entire preparation on a concrete pier, or still better upon a slab of marble, granite, or concrete, " floated" in a large box of sandy loam which had a direct bearing on the ground. The dishes containing the sections were seated on various supports, the best form being that of an iron or concrete cylinder about 12 cm. in height and 10 cm. in diameter. Three soft-metal studs were let into the basal end of this cylinder to give it a three-point bearing on the marble slab. With preparations made in this manner and with the counterpoise arranged to give the least weight upon the swelling objects compatible with a steady following movement of the pen, it was possible to obtain valuable records of the velocity and course of swelling of sections of plants and of various colloidal substances. It was soon learned that more reliable results might be obtained with thin sections, in which the coefficient of expansion would be high and complete hydration would be attained quickly and with less dispersion of the colloid in the liquid. No records of temperature in the earlier tests were kept, but any set of swellings, generally of three or four different solutions, were carried on simultaneously and under the same conditions. It is to be under- stood, therefore, that in tabulated data, as table 2, the relative swell- ing of sections of one sample in the different solutions at the same time only may be compared. The experiments had not been carried very Fundamental Features of Phytocolloids. 13 far before it became apparent that the temperature of the solution in which the swellings were made was an indispensable feature of the control, and as but few contemporary workers have recorded this con- dition, it is not possible to cite their results with profit. 1 Some inter- esting results are illustrated by the figures obtained without tempera- ture control, which derive their value from the fact that all of those in FIG. 1. Auxograph arranged for recording changes in thickness of trio of sections of Opuntia and of biocolloids. The vertical arm, which is set in position on horizontal arm to give an ampli- fication of 20, rests on a triangle of glass laid on top of the sections. The dish containing the sections rests on an iron cylinder to secure stability and a weight is placed on the T base of the instrument. The record sheet is ruled to millimeters (not shown) with heavier hori- zontal lines 1 cm. apart. The heavy curved lines represent hour intervals. The space is ruled to 15-minute intervals (not shown). Height of clock and lever supports adjustable. 1 MacDougal, D. T. The relation of growth and swelling of plants and biocolloids to tempera- ture. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med., 15 : 48. 1917. 14 Hydration and Growth. any given line have been obtained under identical conditions. One of these comparative series made in 1916 may be cited as an example of the relative behavior of agar and gelatine to water, acids, and alkalies. TABLE 2 1 . Swelling of agar. Swelling of gelatine. Sodium hydroxid (hundredth molar) . . . Hydrochloric acid (hundredth molar) . . . Water p. ct. 124 113 197 p. ct. 250 382 83 The next departure in the experimentation was to make a mixture of these two substances as representing the carbohydrates and proteins of the plant, and this was done in a series of plates in which the two elements entered in proportions from 1 or 2 to 9 parts in 10. The diverse results which were obtained gave ample promise of affording many useful comparisons with the action of plants. It was, of course, not taken for granted that the ammo-acids used duplicate those which are found in the plant or that such compounds afforded all of the more important factors affecting water-relations. The next step in the making of a colloidal mixture which might imitate the action of the plant in relation to water was to use various albumin- ous compounds to furnish the nitrogenous element in the biocolloids. According to Beijerinck and others, combination of agar and gelatine or gelatine and starch in a 10 per cent solution would result in a simple admixture of the colloidal masses of the two substances in the form of minute masses or strands. 2 Such mixtures would be more intimate and present greater surfaces than those made up from the powdered mate- rial brought together with little water and at low temperatures. Pro- gressively finer subdivision of the materials and more perfect dispersion would finally reach a point near the limits of gelation where the sub- microns of agar and starch, for example, might come together in the walls or fibers and in the more liquid part of the two-phase system of colloids, and the substances in the parts remaining to fill cavities or vacuoles might be in various groupings, according to one view. On the other hand, very weighty theoretical considerations lead to the conclusion that the relations of the carbohydrate-protein substances in such a system would be determined quantitatively. Thus a mixture of 8 or 9 parts of agar and 1 or 2 parts of gelatine or albumin at a high degree of dispersion would be followed by a gelation in which the pre- dominating substance, agar, would form the external or continuous 1 MacDougal, D. T. Imbibitional swelling of plants and colloidal mixtures. Science, 44 : 502. 1916. 2 Beijerinck, M. W. Ueber Emulsoidenbildung bei der Vermischung wasseriger Losungen gewisser gelatinierendern Kolloide. Zeitsch. f. Kolloid-Chem., 7 : 16. 1910. Fundamental Features of Phytocolloids. 15 phase, and the protein the internal discontinuous or globular phase. This conception is a very attractive one because of the possibilities implied. Included among these would be the play of osmotic forces in the inclosed and non-diffusible gelatine, which might be a contribu- tory factor in the high swelling coefficients displayed by biocolloids. 1 The sections and plates of agar and proteins, amino-acids, etc., used in the accompanying experiments probably included the materials in many possible arrangements, but as the method of preparation was uniform, the relative value of the results obtained from them remains unimpaired. This heterogeneity is a direct resultant of the varying history and unequal disposition of the material which enters into the colloidal mass, and would find direct parallel in living matter, which is practically never homogeneous as to composition or uniform as to architecture throughout any measurable mass, and hence its morpho- logical units are not isotropic as to action when measured with com- mensurate accuracy. The experimenter dealing with the hydration of these elastic gels does not proceed far before he becomes aware that the method of com- pounding, melting, drying, temperature, and other features of the experience of the biocolloids influence the behavior of the thin plates which may be made from them. It will be important, therefore, to describe the preparation of the sections which were used in these and other tests. The agar and the proteinaceous material should all be from one source and if possible from a single lot in any comprehensive series of tests where close comparisons are desirable, as it can by no means be assumed the composition of separate lots will be identical as to salt or nitrogen content. The variations in gelatine are not so easily apprehended. Both agar and gelatine, or other proteinaceous com- pound used, should be first soaked in distilled water at some tempera- ture between 15 and 20 C. for a period of a half hour. The agar is now heated with an amount of distilled water over a water-bath that will bring it to a 2.5 per cent solution or suspension. The suspension of the agar may be accomplished more quickly by the use of an auto- clave. When this is completed, and it is difficult to bring the last particles into liquid form, it should be filtered hot into a flask to obtain a clear solution. If the biocolloid is to be made by the addition of an amino-acid, any one of these substances may be added at temperatures between 50 and 80 C., but when albumins are used the agar solution must be cooled in a warm water-bath until it comes down to a tempera- ture below the coagulation-point of the latter substances. This will be found somewhere below 40 C., and the protein solution should be poured in with sufficient stirring to procure good admixture, or the same end reached by a vigorous shaking. 1 See discussion in Robertson, T. B., The physical chemistry of proteins, pp. 294-350. New York and London. 1918. 16 Hydration and Growth. The most useful amount of material for making dried plates of a thickness of 0.3 mm. or less is that which includes 10 grams of dry material made up to a 2 per cent liquid or solution. This amount will form two plates about 8 by 15 cm. which will come down to the desired thickness when dried at 15 to 20 C. Two methods of casting such dried plates may be used, according to the composition of the colloid that is being manipulated. Gelatine, or plant mucilages, or mixtures in which these substances compose half or more of the whole, must be poured directly on glass plates or on sheets of gold or plati- num foil. A sheet of plate-glass with a good surface is set in a level position after the surface has been well cleaned and polished. A cell about 8 mm. in depth and 10 by 15 cm. is now made on it by glass strips fitted together so closely than when the warm material is poured onto the glass it will not leak out at joints or corners. After the mixture has cooled sufficiently for the gel to set, the plate is placed in the desiccator and drying should be carried on at such rate that no further loss of weight occurs after about 40 hours. The dried plate is now worked free from the glass at one margin by an instrument with a chisel edge and then stripped free, after which it should be placed in a closed glass dish to keep it free from dust and undue desiccation, which would produce buckling or warping. FIG. 2. Drying frame. A sheet of wire gauze of 1 mm. mesh stretched on a heavy wooden frame, being fastened secure- ly in place by a tightly fitting strip of wood which carries the mar- gin of the netting down into a groove in the frame, as shown in the smaller detail drawing. A, molding form of brass bars; B, margin of wire netting and clip fastening it in place; C, wire netting as it clears frame. The wire netting and brass bars are coated with fine shellac. Many plates are ruined in the method described, and when possible the following devices will be found useful: A sheet of rustless wire screen with a mesh less than 2 mm. is stretched on a heavy wooden frame (see fig. 2), so as to offer a good plane surface. A mold of four brass bars is laid on the surface and a sheet of hard filter-paper, such as Whatman No. 40, is fitted into this cell. The frame is placed in a level position and the mixture poured into the shallow cell to a depth of about 8 mm. (fig. 3) . After it has cooled and set, the brass members Fundamental Features of Phytocolloids. 17 of the shallow cell are removed and the filter-paper is peeled from the margins and the free flaps are fastened by paste to the edges and sur- faces of the wooden frame so as to be perfectly taut and so firmly that when the colloid dries it may not shrink in width or length. Addi- tional care should be taken to see that the material does not tear loose from the paper at this time, and if it does it should be secured by using some fresh material as a paste to fix it to the paper. The margin dries most rapidly, and if securely attached to the paper holds the plate in place throughout (see fig. 4). FIG. 3. Drying-frame with sheet of hard filter-paper fitted in place ready to receive liquid colloidal mixture which is to be poured on the'paperto ajjtdepth of about 8 to 10 mm. The drying-frame is now placed on a rack in a desiccator which consists of an inclosed chamber in which is placed an electrically driven fan and a large, shallow pan of water. The best results are secured by a rate of drying which results from having air with high humidity driven over the plates constantly without dehydrating the surface layers too rapidly (fig. 5). Drying will occupy about 40 hours, during part of which time it may be advisable to stop the fan. As soon as the sheet appears to be dried to a flexible, leathery consistency the paper may be freed from the frame and then stripped from the plate of material, which should remain plane, with but little curling or buck- ling. The rough and uneven margin should be cut away with scis- sors, the data as to composition, etc., written on one end with common ink, and then placed in a closed dish for preservation until used. The precautions described are necessary in any effort toward accuracy in the measurement of the swelling of a colloid, as the increase will, among other factors in its experience, reflect most strongly the method in which it was laid down, deposited, or dehydrated. A dried section of a colloid of the kind used in these experiments tends to return to the dimensions which it had when the gel set or cooled. Standardization 18 Hydration and Growth. of material for measurement of swelling under the influence of various reagents or agencies would therefore require that the shrinkage of the material as it dries should be controlled. This may be done in many cases in the manner described. Thus in the case of biocolloids con- Fio. 4. Drying-frame with plate of colloid, ready to be put into the desiccator. The molding- bars A have been removed and the free portions of the filter-paper have been carried down over the side of the frame and fastened securely in place with paste. a FIG. 5. Sectional views of desiccator for drying plates of colloids, a, frame with drying-plate lying on a sheet of stretched filter-paper, which in turn is placed on a shelf of slats; 6, metal pan containing water to maintain relatively high humidity; c, electric fan arranged to keep current of air moving over the suiface of the water, the plate of colloid, and in circulation in the chamber; d and e, hinged lids which may be raised to control ventilation and the rela- tive humidity of the chamber. A wooden chamber about a meter in height, over a meter in length, and 80 cm. in width. sisting of 9 parts agar and 1 part bean albumen a plate cast in this manner came down so perfectly that a strip 30 mm. in length placed in distilled water swelled over 2,000 per cent in thickness, but did not increase any measurable fraction of a millimeter in length. A strip Fundamental Features of Phytocolloids. 19 cut from the extreme margin of the plate would doubtless have shown some elongation. The marginal strip of a plate consisting of 6 parts agar, 3 parts gum arabic, and 1 part gelatine which had a length of 15 cm. increased to 15.5 cm. in 45 hours. To be compared with this elongation of 3 per cent is that of the increase of a pile of sections 2 cm. in height cut from the same plate, which rose to 15 cm. in 24 hours, showing an increase of 750 per cent. The proportion would doubtless have been still greater had the swelling of one section been measured alone, as trios of sections cut from the middle of the plate showed swellings of 1,141 per cent at 14 to 17 C. FIG. 6. Demonstration of the swelling of sections of plates of agar 4 parts, opuntia mucilage 4 parts, gelatin 1 part, bean protein 1 part, in thickness with but little increase in length, due to the manner in which the moist colloid was held while drying. Another test of the same kind is illustrated by figure 6. Sections of a plate consisting of 4 parts agar, 4 parts opuntia mucilage, 1 part gela- tine, and 1 part bean protein were placed in a frame of glass rods and immersed in a vessel of distilled water, swelling from a total thickness of 15 mm. to a total of 180 mm., while a strip cut from this plate which had an initial length of 8 cm. had elongated to 8.5 cm. The increase in thickness was 1,200 per cent, while that in length was but 6 per cent. Plates of gelatine invariably showed a greater increase in areal dimensions than that of biocolloids such as those mentioned above, and 20 Hydration and Growth. no plate was made in which this was entirely eliminated. Thus a plate which would yield increases in thickness of 6 to 800 per cent in trios of sections in distilled water reached a length as much as 50 per cent greater than the original under the same conditions. 1 A unilateral action such as that described is one which appears to rest upon the supposed honeycomb structure of the colloid. Dehydra- tion would lessen the volume of the mass, and as the sheets or strands of denser material are held in a plane parallel to the surface, the spaces containing the more discontinuous, more liquid element would be deformed and their vertical diameter decreased. Accession of liquid or of water would be followed by the partial resumption of the original form and dimensions. Experience in dealing with a large number of plates leaves the impression that the swelling does not bring the sec- tions back to the thickness of the cooled gel as it was originally in the mold. The fact that colloids such as those present in living matter may retain a shearing strain was recognized by Butschli and was the subject of some experimentation by Hardy 2 in a study of coagulation phe- nomena, who concludes that "shearing a colloidal mass, fluid or solid, actually does produce heterogeneity or, simply, structure, which is fixed by the process of coagulation." Such sheared masses of colloid are doubly refractive. Klocke demonstrated the acquisition of such double refraction by sheets of gelatine which were dried on frames covered with tin-foil. It is to be noted that the plates of gelatine which were dried without superficial shrinkage in my own experiments when hydrated showed some extension, while those of the agar-protein mixture did not. The hydration in both cases presumably removed the strain as the structure produced by the stress disappeared. Great cytological interest attaches to the simple experiment by Hardy, in which a small quantity of a colloidal solution is drawn along a glass slide by the point of a needle, after which it is "fixed" by the methods of the cytologist, with the result that the mass appears to consist of a number of fibrillaB " * * * so striking that they look as if one might isolate them by teasing." Much interest also attaches to some recent work of Miss C. L. Carey of Barnard College upon the structure of agar films. 2.5 per cent gels of this substance were prepared by a method similar to that described on page 16 for preventing superficial shrinkage. When such plates were dried at 45 to 70 C. and again placed in water the rehydrated plates yielded drops of water so readily that an examination of thin sections under the microscope was made, revealing cavities 'For the original notice of increase in thickness and not in length, see MacDougal and Spoehr, Growth and Imbibition, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., 56 : 343, 344. 1917. Philadelphia. 1 Hardy, W. B. On the structure of cell protoplasm. Journal of Physiol., 24 : 158. 1899. See especially pp. 187-190. London. Fundamental Features of Phytocolloids. 21 with their long axes parallel to the surface, as shown in figure 7, which was furnished by Miss Carey in response to the request of the author. The extraction and preparation of a number of substances, includ- ing protein from oats, albumin and globulin from beans, the total pro- tein of beans, asparagin, aspartic acid, etc., was undertaken by Dr. FIG. 7. Longitudinal section of an agar plate dried at 70 C. without superficial shrinkage, with development of elongated spaces or cavities which are found when the film is hydrated Drawn with camera lucida by Miss C. L. Carey. X78.5 diam. FIG. 8. Scale designed for measuring thickness of paper and suitable for determiningjjthickness of sections of plates of biocolloids. Sheets of a thickness of 0.001 to 0.11 inch(= 2.8 mm.) may be measured (see fig. 23 for calipers used in measuring larger objects). Isaac Harris, of|Squibb & Sons' laboratories, New Brunswick, New Jersey, while Mr. E. R. Long furnished preparations of such sub- stances as zein, which made it possible to make up plates of biocolloids entirely from products of plants. The swelling of mixtures of agar and of the protein extract of bean in plates 0.3 to 0.4 mm. in thickness were as shown in table 3. 22 Hydration and Growth. The greatest capacities for hydration encountered were those in which plant proteins, such as those of oats, were added to agar in the proportion of about 1 in 10, a ratio which finds its equivalent in the constitution of many of the higher plants. The maxima exhibited by such mixtures are not duplicated by the plant, in which the presence of salts in the colloids and the morphological structure operate to limit the amplitude of the swelling. TABLES. Dist. water. Hydrochloric acid, 0.01 M. Sodium hydrox., 0.01M. Gelatine 90, protein 10 I (Phaseolus) ] p. ct. 585 486 p. ct. 1,401 1,200 p. ct. 942 704 386 800 Averages 485 1,300 817 Gelatine 75, protein 25 f (Phaseolus) \ 696 500 818 1 , 060 621 848 Averages. ....... 598 939 734 Agar 90, protein 10 f (Phaseolus) \ 800 800 50 75 150 150 Averages 800 62 150 Agar 99, protein 1 f (Phaseolus) \ 1,080 800 300 360 220 240 Averages 940 330 230 The method of admixture of the carbohydrate-protein-saline con- stituents of the biocolloids consisted mainly in the use of temperatures which would bring all of the substances into a liquid condition in which they might be as intimately united as possible, and the plates formed appeared translucent but uniform throughout, although it is not to be assumed that the components in this case or in any preparation, or in protoplasm, are mutually interdiffused. It seemed desirable to attempt to make mixtures in which the carbohydrate-protein elements would be less intimately united, and to that end some simple experiments with powdered agar and powdered gelatine were carried out. Powdered gelatine and agar which would pass the millimeter mesh of a screen were used to ascertain what degree of expansion would be registered on the auxograph when these were simply placed in a layer in the dish and subjected to the action of solutions. Whatever the arrangement of the material in these particles, their separate action in swelling and in dispersion or solution would be free from the action resulting from structures such as those presented by plates held rigidly Fundamental Features of Phytocolloids. 23 while being dried. When a layer of powdered gelatine was placed in the bottom of a Stender dish to a depth of 1.5 mm. and covered with a perforated glass triangular plate which would go into the dish readily, a swelling of 270 per cent in water at 18 C. was registered by the auxo- graph. Furthermore, this increase was not the rapid swelling of a mass with subsequent relaxation, but lasted over 5 days; the greater part of the swelling occurred during the first half hour, then continued at a decreasing rate for the period mentioned. A similar experiment was made with powdered agar, the particles of which were probably of a much smaller average size. The swelling was of the same kind, but was complete in 4 days, although reaching the higher total of 317 per cent. This higher hydration capacity is characteristic of agar as compared with gelatine. It is of course to be expected that when two colloidal substances in a two-phase system are combined and the resulting material is subjected to agencies that will coagulate or neutralize one of them, the section would then show the relations of the one still in the colloidal state. This was demonstrated with some completeness by a mixture of agar and milk albumin. Preparations in which 1 part albumin from milk was stirred into 9 parts melted agar at 40 C. and under, thus remaining active and suspended, showed swellings in the form of dried plates 0.1 to 0.15 mm. in thickness at 16 C., as shown in table 4. TABLE 4. p. ct. Water 1,792 Citric acid, 0.01 N 333 Sodium hydroxid, . 01 M 386 The high swelling in water, the increased imbibition in acid, and the equalization of the acid and alkali effects are characteristic of agar- protein mixtures and are in contrast with the reactions of the following test, in which the albumin was coagulated. As a result it no longer intermeshed with the agar in the gel, but aggregated as small particles, indifferent to the presence or proportion of water. A mixture of agar 95 parts and milk albumin 5 parts was prepared, in which the last- named substance dissolved in water was added to the melted agar at a temperature near 100 C., at which coagulation followed. The mix- ture, however, when poured on a glass plate, dried into a film about 0.13 mm. in thickness, which had a leathery texture and was trans- parent and appeared homogeneous. Sections swelled under the auxo- graph at 16 C. increased 261.5 per cent in distilled water, 346.2 per cent in hundredth-molar sodium hydroxid, and but 191.2 per cent in hundredth-normal citric acid. The proportions are in general accord with those obtained by swelling of agar alone, suggesting that the neutralized or coagulated albumen has no effect on the imbibition capacity of agar, in which it may be incorporated. 24 Hydration and Growth. Other substances were next tested which are insoluble in water and hence might not be expected to enter into the two-phase system with agar. Mr. E. R. Long prepared some zein, a protmaine derived from Zea mais, at his laboratory at Seattle, Washington, early in July 1917, and this was made up with 1 part of zein to 9 of agar. The fine, iregular particles, after being wetted, were stirred into the melted agar and the mixture was poured onto a glass slab and dried down to a thickness of about 0.3 mm. The plate was rough to the touch, the granular particles of the zein being distinctly visible as opaque masses. Sections tested under the auxograph gave the meas- urements as follows: TABLE 5. p. ct. Water 1,033.3 Citric acid, 0.01 N 400 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M 350 The presence of the zein could not be said to be entirely without effect, as these measurements show some departure from agar in the relatively high swelling in acid. The imbibition in the hydroxid solu- tion was extremely slow. Saturation was reached in 24 to 30 hours in water and acid, but enlargement continued for twice this period in hydroxid. All liquids were renewed at 36 hours. An acceleration ensued in hydroxid and the swelling was still in progress at the end of 48 hours, at which time the measurements were as above. Some of the equaliza- tion or increase in the swelling of the biocolloid in acid and its con- tinued swelling in hydroxid is probably due to the fact that zein is slightly soluble in both acids and alkalies. The addition of 1 part globulin from beans to 9 parts agar resulted in the formation of dried plates much like those of agar-zein. The globulin, not being soluble in water, was incorporated as small globular masses. Swellings of sections 0.2 mm. in thickness were exhibited as shown in table 6, at 16 C. TABLE 6. p. ct. Distilled water 875 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 575 Potassium nitrate, citric acid, 0. 01 N 550 Citric acid, 0. 01 N 525 Potassium nitrate, potassium -hydroxid, 0.01 M 450 Potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 300 The proportionate imbibition in water, acid, and hydroxid is one characteristic of agar with a small proportion of protein. The solubility of globulin in salt solutions would lead to the expectancy that its presence would result in a modification of the swelling of agar in saline solutions. 1 The " bean-protein" which has been used so extensively in these experiments is, as noted elsewhere, an extract with water in which the 1 See Zsigmondy, Behavior of globulins, in chemistry of colloids, p. 222. 1917. Robertson, T. B. The physical chemistry of proteins. 1918. New York. Fundamental Features of Phytocolloids. 25 albumin, and some of the globulin, is dissolved in the water, which also contains the salts of the bean. The effects of albumin were tested sepa- rately, following the measurement of globulin effects, and the swellings of thin plates of 9 parts agar and 1 part albumin were as follows : TABLE 7. p. ct. Distilled water 1 , 158 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 947 Potassium nitrate, citric acid, . 01 N 500 Citric acid, 0.01 N 421 Potassium nitrate, potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 421 Potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 316 The comparison of the above data with those obtained from the agar- globulin reveals the fact that while the globulin does not appear to increase the imbibition capacity of agar very much, the albumin does exercise such positive effect, the mixture showing a capacity three times as great as in acid or alkali. The swelling in acids is slightly greater than in alkalies, in accordance with ti e action of other mixtures of albumin. Imbibition by the globulin mixture in potassium nitrate is relatively high compared to water-effects, while it scarcely rises above that in acids. The swelling of the agar-albumin in this salt is more than twice that of acidified and alkaline salts, acids, and alkalies. The presence of insoluble inclusions is of course the normal and usual condition in the cells of plants during extended periods, and it was desirable to ascertain whether or not material wholly neutral in biocol- loidal plates would affect hydration. The first trial was made with a cotton lace about 1 cm. in width and 0.5 mm. in thickness. This was well softened, and when laid in the mold the warm colloidal mass was poured over it, accomplishing an intimate penetration among the smaller fibers of the threads. The portion of a plate of agar and oat protein free from the webbing dried down to a thickness of 0.18 mm., and sections of this swelled 2,111 per cent in distilled water, while the increase in swamp water was 1,277 per cent. Sections containing webbing swelled 1,583 per cent in bog water and the same amount in distilled water, and 1,195 per cent in swamp water, calculated on the basis of the thickness of biocolloid noted above. It is by no means certain, however, that the colloid does dry in equal mass on the webbing. (See Chapter VI for discussion of bog water.) Calculated in terms of actual thickness, the swelling of the webbed sections was 491 per cent in bog water and in distilled water, while it was but 371 per cent in swamp water. The presence of the webbing appears to diminish the proportion of swelling in distilled water and bog water, but not that in swamp water. Swamp water (see p. 68) contains an amount of calcium salts which notably affects swelling in clear sections. This operated to mask any effect due to the presence of the cotton fibers in colloidal sections. 26 Hydration and Growth. Still another type of inclusion was tested by the incorporation of spores of Lycopodium in liquefied agar. These spores are not readily wetted, and hence they could be worked into a colloidal mixture only at low temperatures, when it was in a stage nearing gelation. The first attempt was one in which 2.5 parts by weight of spores were mixed with 40 parts by dry weight of agar. The agar was liquefied in the usual manner, and when it had come down to a temperature of about 40 was strained through cheese cloth into a beaker. The quan- tity of spores given above was now placed on the surface and the whole was vigorously stirred for several minutes with an ordinary revolving egg-beater. The agitation was continued until the temperature fell to 35 C., when the whole was cast as a plate in the usual manner. The dried plate was 0.3 mm. in thickness and showed the spores and numerous clumps of spores embedded in it, with very few really coming to the surface. When sections of the ordinary size were cut and swelled at 18 C. they showed some buckling. The swellings hi distilled water and in asparagin 0.05 M were equivalent, being 850 per cent in 24 hours, with some increase still in progress, the rate being greater in distilled water. The second test was arranged with sections 0.27 and 0.28 mm. in thickness, which swelled 1,125 per cent in 0.01 M asparagin and 667 per cent in acetic acid 0.01 N, both pairs of tests showing an expansion far less than might be expected from the agar alone. It seems quite safe to conclude that inclusions such as bodies of zein, globulin, coagu- lated albumin, fine threads of glass, cotton fibers, and spores lessen the hydration capacity of the gel in which they may be embedded. As their effects are due directly to the area of surface and radius of curva- ture, the action of a comparatively small amount of finely divided material would be very much greater in the cell. The foregoing results are in accordance with -those of Hardy, who found that solids included in a colloid before fixation may influence the structure of films in a material manner. Grains of carmine incorporated in liquid colloids modified the mesh and the thickness of the plates or bars or more solid material, and the prevalence of insoluble particles in plant cells renders such observations of great interest. 1 * 1 Hardy, W. B. On the structure of cell protoplasm. Journal of Physiology, 24: 158. 1899. See p. 186. III. THE CONSTITUENTS OF BIOCOLLOIDS WHICH AFFECT HYDRATION AND GROWTH. Some organs and cell-masses of plants as well as of animals display swelling reactions similar to those of gelatine with respect to acids and salts, and a great deal of discussion of the colloidal action of proto- plasm has been based on the assumption that this parallelism runs throughout. That investigation should have taken this course is natural when it is recalled that gelatine, in common with proteins and many protein derivatives, is amphoteric, and may dissociate either as an acid or as a base, being stronger as an acid than as a base. In a condition of neutrality or at its iso-electric point its hydrogen-ion con- centration is represented by the symbol pH = 4.7. It is to be seen that the diversity of hydration reactions which such substances may display might well give rise to the assumption in question. Further- more, it is to be granted that some organs and cell-masses of animals as well as of plants are so high in nitrogenous compounds as to be charac- terized by the reactions of amphoteric colloids. Thus, for example, bac- teria may contain so much nitrogenous material that the dried remainder obtained from them may appear to consist principally of albumin. 1 It would be a mistake, however, to assume a close identity of the protoplasmic machine as to its colloidal components. The results described in the present work make it evident that it is a heterogeneous gel, which, in plants at least, is largely composed of inert or neutral carbohydrates of the pentosan group, of which agar, gum arabic, and mucilages are examples. The swelling or hydration of such gels is modified by the action of the proteins, amino-acids, and other nitro- genous substances which may be incorporated with them, but through- out all of my experimentation it was evident that the water-relations of growing plants were more of the character of pentosans than of gelatines. Reproductive cells and elements of all kinds may be expected to prove high in nitrogen, and hence would show swelling reactions of the general nature of gelatine. 2 So well is this established that is is pos- sible to predict the main facts as to nitrogen-content upon the basis of a series of swelling tests with distilled water, acids, and alkalies. The relation of the nitrogen-content to swelling is well illustrated by some reactions of red algae of the Pacific Coast which were studied at the Coastal Laboratory, Carmel, California, in July and August 1917, by Dr. J. M. McGee. 3 1 Thompson, D. A. W. Growth and form, pp. 40 and 41. 1917. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1 Lloyd, F. E. Colloidal phenomena in the protoplasm of pollen tubes. Report Dept. Bot. Research, Carnegie Inst. Wash, for 1917 (Year book No. 16). 1918. 3 McGee, J. M. The imbibitional swelling of marine algse. Plant World, 21 : 13. 1918. Balti- more. 27 28 Hydration and Growth. Trios of sections of the laminae were swelled in various solutions and their increase registered by the auxograph. These marine algae have a normal balance enabling them to exist in sea-water which contains about 3.50 per cent total salts. The effect of the various substances on imbibition in these plants was therefore obtained by adding them to sea-water in such quantities that they formed hundredth-molar solu- tions. The results with Iridcea laminarioides were as follows at 16 C. : TABLE 8. Thickness, 0.4 mm. p. ct. Sear-water + NaOH, 0.01 M 25 Sea-water + HC1, 0.01 M 31 KNO 3 + citric acid, 0.01 N 175 Young fronds of Gigartina exasperata gave average swellings as below at 16 C.: TABLE 9. p. ct. Sea-water, sodium hydroxid, . 01 M 28 Sea-water, hydrochloric acid, 0.01 M 38 Potassium nitrate, citric acid, . 01 N 142 Such reactions are indicative of a high proportion of amino-acids, which probably fell off toward maturity, and which may have been extracted by washing as sections which had been treated with distilled water, a treatment which would result in the extraction of some of the salts and the amino-acids. Such sections when dried to a thickness of 0.5 mm., gave swellings at 16 C. as follows: TABLE 10. p. ct. Distilled water 4,331 Hydrochloric acid, 0. 01 M 2, 967 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M 2, 756 The analysis of the washed and dried material showed that it con- tained 68 per cent carbohydrates, 18 per cent gelatine-like material, and 14 per cent of salts. It is of interest to note that these algse, which inhabit the shore, display a course of acidity through the day generally similar to that of other thick and succulent plants by which the acidity is highest in the morning, decreasing toward the end of the day, but sometimes rising before night. 1 The vacuolar fluid of the plant-cell may be taken to carry minute quantities of the carbohydrates which enter into the protoplastic gel at all times and, in addition, the sugars which figure so prominently in the metabolism of the plant. The mucilage and pentosans in general change but slowly and are to be considered as being of importance chiefly by reason of their properties and effects as constituents of the colloidal structure. The presence of sucrose and dextrose of course modifies the osmotic properties of the cell, and as these substances are 1 Clark, Lois. Acidity of marine algse. Puget Sound Marine Sta. Publ. 1, No. 22. 1917. Constituents of Biocolloids Affecting Hydration and Growth. 29 dissolved in the fluids which are imbibed by the gels, their probable influence is a matter of some importance. An examination of the effects of sucrose and dextrose on agar and gelatine and mixtures of these two substances was made by Dr. E. E. Free at the Coastal Laboratory, Carmel, California, in September 1916, and his results show no certain effect upon the hydration of gelatine, agar, and of mixtures of the two substances from water solutions containing as much as 25 per cent of sucrose or dextrose. 1 More recently, E. A. and H. T. Graham have found that glucose, saccharose, and lactose, when added to gelatine, retard the diffusion of such acids as hydrochloric, nitric, sulphuric, phosphoric, lactic, formic, acetic, and butyric, with an accom- panying effect on the swelling. Diffusion was also found to be retarded by sodium chloride. 2 The universal presence of both sugars and salts in the plant cell gives great importance to the relations indicated. Mucilages or pentosans are present in varying proportions in all plant cells, and it is the character and relative amounts of such com- pounds that largely determine the hydration reactions of the proto- plast. Of these substances agar was used most generally throughout the experiments, because it goes into the disperse condition very slowly and in this particular is identical with protoplasmic gels. According to information furnished by Mr. H. Nakano, of the Botan- ical Garden of Tokyo, agar is prepared chiefly from the algae Gelidium amansii Lamour, G. pacificum Okam, G. linoides Kiitz, Pterocladia capillacea Born, et Thur., while some material of Gelidium subcostatum Kiitz, Ceramium boydenii Gepp., Campylcephora hypenaloides Y. Ag., Acanthopeltis japonica Okam, etc., may be included. The process includes washing in fresh water, decoloration in the sun, milling, boil- ing, filtering, maceration in sulphuric or acetic acid, freezing, and drying. Modernized methods simplify this treatment somewhat. Salts and nitrogen are present in the final product in minute quan- tities insufficient to affect hydration. 3 Other gums and mucilages of this group which were tested included gum arabic or acacia, cherry gum, prosopis gum, tragacanth, and opuntia mucilage, all of which are more readily dispersible in water, but which do not go wholly into suspension even in prolonged im- mersion. The mucilages of the cacti are pentosans, or substances which yield hexose and pentose sugars on hydrolysis with dilute acids. Substances of a similar character formed by the condensation from simpler sugars may be taken to be universally present in plant cells, being aggregated in the plasmatic mesh, in which condition the muci- 1 Free, E. E. Note on the swelling of gelatine and agar gels in solutions of sucrose and dextrose . Science, 46 : 142. 1917. 2 Graham, E. A. and H. T. Retardation by sugars by diffusion of acids in gels. Jour. Amer . Chem. Soc. 40 : 1900. 1918. 3 For further information concerning the origin and preparation of similar products, see Swartz, M. D. Nutrition investigations on the carbohydrates of lichens, algse, and re- lated substances. Trans. Conn. Acad. of Arts and Sciences, 16:247-382. Apr. 1911. 30 Hydration and Growth. lages and gums elude microchemical tests. It has already been pointed out that it is in this condition that they produce the peculiar hydration properties of living matter which are those of an agar-protein gel. 1 Generally the mucilages originate in minute quantities in numerous places in the protoplasm, but when such structures as starch-grains or layers of wall material are transformed, the gels so formed largely re- mains in place, and as they swell to occupy a much larger space than TABLE 11. Hydration of sections containing gums and mucilages. Distilled water. Citric acid, 0.01 N. Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M. Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M. Agar (17 C.) p. ct. 2,420 1,760 fl ,141 \1,072 / 750 \1,278 1,417 2,020 1,684 2,178 / 846 \1,038 900 p. ct. 1,300 1,182 957 572 889 912 1,050 1,100 947 1,367 1,500 1,500 650 p. ct. 602 824 478 458 639 556 750 520 474 778 731 731 350 p. ct. 1,700 Agar 6, prosopis gum 2, gel. 1, bean protein 1 (25 C.) Agar 6, gum arabic 3, gel. 1 (14- 17 C.) 1,250 1,389 1,082 1,100 1,268 1,347 1,725 1,346 1,200 300 Agar 8, cherry gum 2 (16 C.) Agar 6, cherry gum 3, gel. 1 (16 C.). Agai 8, cherry gum (precip.), 2. ... Agar 8, gel. 2 (16 C.) Agar 8, tragacanth 2 (15 C.) Tragacanth (15 C.) Opuntia mucilage (15 C.) Water. Hydrochloric acid, 0.01M. Sodium hydroxid, 0.01M. Agar 6, opuntia mucilage 2, bean protein 1, gel. 1 (26-27 C.) p. ct. 1,780 2,400 500 425 400 387 p. ct. 780 900 806 762 806 706 p. ct. 1,060 950 562 531 575 612 (22 C.) Gelatine 90, cactus mucilage 10 Average 428 329 431 770 850 789 557 685 431 Gelatine 100, agar 5, averages Gelatine 80, agar 20, averages that occupied by the bodies from which they were formed, the resultant masses may be so large as to crowd the protoplasm into a small com- pass. 2 Their hydration offers such indeterminate features as to make 1 Spoehr, H. A. Carbohydrate economy of the cacti. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 287 pp. 44-47. 1919. 2 Stewart, E. G. Mucilage or slime formation in the cacti. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 46: 175. 1919. Lloyd, F. E. The origin and nature of the mucilage in the cacti and in certain other plants. Amer. Jour, of Bot., 6:156. 1919. Constituents of Biocolloids Affecting Hydration and Growth. 31 it impossible to secure measurements by the methods which may be used with agar and with gelatine. Information as to their effects can only be obtained by observations on the action of mixtures of which they form a part. Table 11 includes some of the data as to the swell- ing of colloids, including pentosans secured in this laboratory. It is also obvious that the addition of any of these gums or mucilages to agar tends to lessen swelling in water and to equalize the imbibition in water and in acids. Their general effect, however, when combined with nitrogenous substances, is to make a colloid which has a higher coefficient of swelling in water than in organic acids, although, as may be seen later, a special relation is sustained to the amino-acids. The vacuolar fluid of the plant cell probably always contains some protein or its derivatives in the form of amino-acids, while various nitrogenous compounds have been identified in the nucleus and other bodies of morphological rank. The formation, disintegration, and migration of these substances from one part of the cell to another offers a most inviting field for the researcher concerned with the physics of the cell. The proteinaceous substances are of course invariable constituents of the biocolloids of the plant protoplast. The varying reactions of such material to the hydrogen-ion concentration or acidity of solu- tions and to salts are exemplified in nearly every section of this work. Combinations of agar with protein extracts, with albumins, peptones, gelatine, and amino-acids were tested to such an extent that it is possible to say that the highest coefficients of hydration in water alone are exhibited by pentosan-albumin mixtures in which the substances of the first group form the greater part of the mixture. All such trials were with materials with possible physiological significance, especially in plants. Many of the nitrogenous compounds used in making biocolloids in our tests are known to be actually present in the cell. The presence of one of them, peptone, in the nucleus is definitely established. A characteristic behavior of the mixtures containing such substances has already been noted (see MacDougal and Spoehr, The effects of acids and salts on biocolloids, Science, 46: 269. 1917). Increases of nearly 3,200 per cent in distilled water, 567 per cent in hundredth-molar hydrochloric acid, and the superior and long-continued swelling in hundredth-molar potassium hydroxid, which sometimes reached a total of nearly 1,700 per cent at room temperatures (20 to 28 C.), were the characteristic features. These figures were obtained by the use of sections consisting of 90 parts agar and 10 parts Witte's peptone. The tests were repeated, using "Diffco" peptone in the same pro- portion and with temperature kept strictly at 15,C., and the records given below are all at the close of 22 hours. The measurements were as follows: 32 Hydration and Growth. TABLE 12. p. ct. Water 1,400 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 1 , 200 Potassium nitrate, citric acid, 0.01 N 900 Citric acid, 0.1 N 675 Potassium nitrate, potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 575 Potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 400 The hydration in all the solutions was less than in the earlier tests, partly due, no doubt, to the difference in the peptones used. The increase in hydroxid is small; no direct comparison can be made as to the acid, as a hundredth-normal solution was used in the other tests, while the swelling in acidified salt solutions is relatively large. Such results emphasize the fact that material standardized for cultural and chemical purposes may present differences in colloidal action of a serious character. Nucleinic acid is a substance of interest in connection with its occurrence in the nucleus and its direct effect in simple combination was tested. A mixture of 90 parts agar and 10 parts nucleinic acid was dried into plates 0.2 mm. in thickness. Two series of sections were swelled in a dark room at 16 C., with the following results: TABLE 13. p. ct. p. ct. Water 1,400 1 ,025 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 N 900 800 Potassium nitrate, citric acid, 0.01 N 650 675 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 N 850 750 Potassium citrate, citric acid, 0.01 N 725 .... Citric acid, 0. 01 N, 700 625 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M 1,000 925 The action of this mixture fixes attention by reason of the extra- ordinarily high amount of swelling in the alkaline solution. The amount of swelling in acid does not average more than half that in distilled water. The behavior of nucleinic acid and of peptone when mixed with agar is such as to suggest that a study of the action of these substances when combined separately and together with agar would be of interest in connection with interpretations of nuclear phenomena. The series of tests now including some data from mixtures of most of the albumin and protein derivatives which were available, it was deemed advisable to introduce more than one nitrogenous compound into the biocolloid. The first mixture contained 90 parts agar, 3 parts nucleinic acid, 3 parts peptone, and 4 parts of asparagine. The plates dried to a thickness of 0.2 mm. and sections were swelled in a room at 15 C. with the results as given in table 14. The outstanding features in table 14 are the comparatively high amount of swelling in the salts. The expected high hydration in acid solutions is not exhibited. Constituents of Biocolloids Affecting Hydration and Growth. 33 TABLE 14. Water. p. ct. 1,025 Potassium nitrate, 0.0 M 950 Potassium nitrate, citric acid, 0.01 N 675 Citric acid, 0.01 N 650 Potassium nitrate, potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 775 Potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 575 The comparative test of the result of the inclusion of aspartic acid and of its amine, asparagine, in the biocolloid is important, because the amine is a noticeable constituent of plant cells, in which it is frequently abundant. The acid appears to be only sparingly soluble and in a plate of agar 90 parts and 10 of this acid aggregates as whitish lumps in the plate or as an efflorescence on the surface. Much of the last form- ation comes off, so that the proportions given above do not hold for the dried material. The asparagine forms clear plates with the agar. The swellings were as follows : TABLE 15. Citric Sodium Water. acid, hydroxid, 0.01 N. 0.01 M. p. ct. p. ct. p. ct. Agar, asparagine. . . . 640 300 402 Agar, aspartic acid . 295.5 250 625 The asparagine mixture shows swellings in water, acids, and alkali not widely different in proportion from those hi which proteids of the bean are used. The aspartic acid, in accordance with expectation, shows an amplitude of swelling characteristic of organic acids in the solution in both acid and distilled water as reagents. Neutralization by hydroxid, and the renewal of this reagent, was followed by greater swellings. The introduction of a fat into a biocolloid was attempted with a preparation of lecithin (Merck) from eggs. An amount which would give a proportion of about 0.5 per cent was smeared as a coating on a glass stirring-rod. After half the contents of a flask containing a mixture of agar 90 parts and milk albumin 9.5 parts had been poured on a glass plate for drying, the remainder was stirred until all of the lecithin had dissolved from the rod. It was then poured on a glass slab to cool. Separate particles could not be distinguished with a hand lens, but the mixture had a brownish tinge. When the film had dried to a thickness of 0.2 mm. it was tested under auxographs at 16 to 18 C. and the swelling measurements given in table 16 obtained. No distinct effect of the fatty substance can be detected in these reactions, nor were any departures discernible in another preparation containing 90 parts of agar, 9 parts of bean protein, and 1 of lecithin. The bean protein is a water extract of Phaseolus vulgaris containing the albumins and also the other proteins soluble in the salts present. 34 Hydration and Growth. When such material is stirred into distilled water a clear solution is obtained. The mixture was added to the melted agar at about 30 C. An amount of lecithin (Merck) from eggs, supposed to be about a gram, was smeared on the outer wall of a thin vial. The vial was dropped into the warm mixture and shaken until it had nearly all passed into TABLE 16. Water. Citric acid, 0.01 N. Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 N. p. ct. 1,923 1,150 p. ct. 423 200 p. ct. 250 423 Average 1,536 311 336 Averages of swelling of mixture lack- ing lecithin 1,791 333 336 the solution, giving it a brownish tinge. By another method the lecithin was smeared on the inner surface of a warmed flask. The agar-protein mixture was poured in at a temperature of about 45 to 50 C. and shaken until all of the lecithin had been taken up. Dried plates prepared in this way showed no important departure from the behavior of mixture without lecithin. A series of such swellings with a plate 0.47 mm. in thickness at 16 to 18 C. gave the following: TABLE 17. p. ct. Water 1, 106 Citric acid, 0.01 N 329 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M 436 It is obvious that these crude tests by no means constitute an ade- quate trial of the effects of fats or lipins in hydration of living matter. The prominence of the lipoid theory of the cell-membrane and the weight of some of the arguments adduced in its support renders it highly important that refined methods of experimentation be used in incorporating a lipin colloid in pentosan-protein mixtures, the hydration of which might yield results of importance bearing on permeability. In an effort to make a mixture bearing a closer resemblance to the general hydration relations of plant protoplasm, the following mate- rials were assembled: Agar 4.2 grams, which was liquefied in 160 c.c. of water at tempera- tures of about 100 C., oat protein 0.18 gram, and oat albumin 0.820 gram, were dissolved by shaking up with 50 c.c. cold water. After this had been done 0.2 gram of lanolin was put in a vessel with the dis- solved albumin and warmed to about 35 C., being shaken vigorously at intervals. The agar was now strained through two layers of cheese cloth into a beaker and stirred until it came down to a temperature of about 40 C., when it was placed in an enameled cup suitable for the Constituents of Biocolloids Affecting Hydration and Growth. 35 action of an ordinary revolving egg-beater. The albumin-lanolin mixture was now added to the agar and it was stirred vigorously some time above 35 C., and when it had come down to 33 C. it was cast in two portions. One was on filter-paper which was stretched in the usual manner, and the other smaller lot on a glass plate. The mixture set in a few minutes, the room temperature being about 20 C. The plates as above came down to an average thickness of 0.2 mm., which were tested at a temperature of 18 C., swelling 2,100 per cent in dis- tilled water and but 1,750 per cent in 0.01 M asparagine. A conception of living matter as simply a two-phase colloid in which the main elements are distributed between the more liquid and the denser phases simply according to their physical properties may be sufficient to interpret certain general reactions, but one does not pro- ceed very far with the actual mechanics of living matter until it is realized that specializations of various kinds come in. Attention has already been called to the varying proportion of proteins and their probable effect on hydration. According to Kite, 1 the vacuolar fluid of Spirogyra contains some proteins in a dissolved or disperse state, and this fluid is even higher in nitrogenous material in Char a. A doubtful amount of plasmatic material may be taken to be hi a dis- perse condition in plants under ordinary conditions, and the heavier portions differ widely as to density or viscosity, the outer layer of the nucleus and of the cell being a gel of greater rigidity than the interior portions. The fact that "none of the cytoplasm goes into solution very readily even when cut into very minute pieces," as described by Kite with respect to Spirogyra, can not be taken to prove that pro- toplasm may not readily go into the disperse or liquid phase in the fluids of the cell. The pentosans may move slowly, but during the growth of the nucleus, water and other substances pass into it from the surrounding cytoplasm. Again, at other times, material may be seen to pass from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Many of these phenomena may now be explained on known behavior of colloids, and the study of colloidal action promises to yield much additional information upon the movement and interaction of the parts of the protoplast. Most of the variations in composition mentioned are illustrated in the structure of a single cell, and in the growth and development of these units the accumulation, migration, and disintegration of these substances may be definitely connected with the more important movements in the cell. The localization of salts is a matter which has been dealt with at great length by MacCallum, and the results which he has secured with a few of the more important salts afford a basis for some conception of the heterogeneity of the cell with regard to this feature. 1 Kite, G. L. The physical properties of protoplasm of certain plant and animal cells. Amer. Jour, of Physiol., 32 : 146, especially pp. 161 and 162. 1913. See also Conklin, E. G. Effects of centrifugal force on the structure and development of the eggs of Crepidula. Jour. Exper. Zool., 22: Feb. 1917. See pp. 356-364. 36 Hydration and Growth. Migrations of albuminous material from one part of the cell to another and translocation of the proteins is a subject upon which nearly all cytologists speak with great reserve because of the lack of well-grounded observations. An extensive examination of such action by the use of root-tips of yiciafaba has been made by Professor C. F. Hottes, of the University of Illinois, and some of his results as yet unpublished include facts of great possible importance. Dr. Hottes says 1 that seedlings deprived of the cotyledons and grown in the dark at 20 C., being supplied with nutrient salts and water, continued to grow for a period of three days to a week. The changes in the nucleus and the concomitant action of the cytoplasm during this time are very striking in the root-tips. The nucleolus is enormously reduced in size and its materials escape into the cytoplasm. Materials from distant cells, albuminous in nature, are transported through considerable distance to the meristem of the tip, and these cells remain alive, sustain- ing a parasitic relation to the cells from which the material has been derived, and the fundaments of lateral roots are broken down and translocated in the same manner. The progress of the translocation may be followed through the strands connecting with the tip meristem. Such transfer of materials is apparently inhibited at low and high temperatures which lessen or stop growth. Antipyrine accelerates exudation and transfer of such proteinaceous material and chloral hydrate inhibits it. Furthermore: "In all treatments leading to inhibition of cell activity, I find enlargements of nucleolus, increase of chromatin without the passage of perceptible amounts of these materials into the cytoplasm. In cell acceleration the nucleolar material can be distinctly followed through the reticulum of the nucleus into the cytoplasm. The chromatin (tropochromata) fluctuates in quantity and its increase and decrease is concomitant with the absence and presence of chromatin (chromidia) in the cytoplasm." As the proteins diffuse sparingly, 2 their translocation in living mat- ter must take place by some other method, and one by which a rela- tively rapid movement would be possible. So far as plants are con- cerned, the possibilities offered by the amino-acids may prove to be of the greatest importance in this connection. These substances pass through membranes, show a relatively high rate of diffusion, and are readily derived and combined. 1 Letter to author. 8 Robertson, T. B. The physical chemistry of proteins. New York. 1918. See p. 330. IV. THE EFFECT OF SALTS AND ACIDS ON BIOCOLLOIDS AND CELL-MASSES. A proper supply of certain salts in the substratum is one of the most important requirements of the plant, and those known to the physiolo- gist as necessary for growth and development are designated as "nutri- ent salts," although more properly to be designated as culture salts. Available analyses show the general proportion of the various sub- stances present in the organs and tissues of many kinds of plants. The specialized or localized accumulations in the regions of the cell have been demonstrated of only a very few substances, of which iron and potassium seem to be the most notable. 1 Chemical unions or precipi- tations may account for the local concentration in some cases, while in other structures the surface tensions of the minute masses of gels or liquid may be responsible. The heterogeneous character of living matter and the known facts of its hydration and that of biocolloids by which water, acids, and salts, etc., enter into combination in both definite and indefinite pro- portions with the colloidal material, together with the behavior of cell-masses in imbibition, have made it seem inadvisable to attempt to express the reactions obtained in terms of hydrogen-ion or hydroxyl- ion concentrations, and but few measurements of this kind are cited in the experiments described in the present paper. Although this method entails a treatment empirical to a certain extent, yet forced parallel- isms and false explanations resulting from the application of simple formulae to complex phenomena are avoided. Attention has been confined chiefly to the study of the action of solutions in which dis- sociation may be assumed to be complete or nearly so. By following this simplified procedure it has been possible to explore wide fields of biological possibilities, the exact mapping of which will need con- centrated attention upon comparatively narrow problems. This is especially true of the action of the amino-compounds upon biocolloids, concerning which certain preliminary results are described in the fol- lowing pages. The amount of acid or salts and of water which may be taken up from a solution and the accompanying swelling is influenced by several factors. The reader is referred to texts on physics and on colloids for detailed discussions of adsorption equations and for information con- cerning the allowable generalizations concerning the relative amounts of material which may be taken up by a colloid from a solution system. For the present some results recently obtained by Miss C. L. Carey and as yet unpublished will be of interest, as the absorption of water 1 MacCallum, A. M. The distribution of potassium in animal and vegetable cells. Jour, of Physiol., 32 :95. 1905. Also, Presidential address, Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sc., Report for 1910, p. 744. 37 38 Hydration and Growth. and hydrochloric acid taken from a solution by various materials comes within the range of this chapter. In these tests 3 to 6 grams of the colloid or of the plant material were placed in a dish containing about 100 c. c. of the acid solution at 21 C. The results are given in table 18. TABLE 18. Water absorbed from hydrochloric acid per gram dry substance. Material. Concentration. N/20. N/10. N/5. N/2. Agar A 2.312 4.242 2.164 Agar B 3.497 3.570 3.571 3.461 Agar C (only one determination in each cone, for agar C) 4.275 3.917 2.944 Agar A (48 hours) Agar A (4 days) 3.693 Agar A (7 days) 2.688 Agar A (10 days) ... .1. 2.678 Agar A (14 days) 2.731 Agar-gelatin 4.520 14.362 1.368 1.096 1.169 .822 5.884 4.065 9.830 1.504 1.163 1.181 .804 5.891 3.821 5.892 1.514 1.112 1.257 .786 5.645 3.913 5.019 1.602 1.079 1.210 .812 5.678 Gelatine (Cox's) Lupinus albus cotyledens Vicia faba cotyledons Phaseolus lunatus cotyledons '. . . Starch (commercial "corn starch"). . . . Coconut (commercial shredded, after removal of oil and sugar) The amount of acid absorbed was greatest in all cases from the high- est concentrations used. The amount of hydration which accom- panied the incorporation of the acids in the colloids is given in table 19. TABLE 19. Absorption of hydrochloric acid and water from solution, per gram dry substance. Material. Hydrochloric acid, grams. Water, grama. N/20. N/10. N/5. N/2. N/20. N/10. N/5. N/2. Agar A 0.01115 .01177 .01331 0.01591 2.312 4.242 4.275 2.164 3.917 2.944 3.693 2 688 Agar B 0.03168 .03457 0.06990 .06892 3.497 3.570 3.571 3.461 Agar C (only one determination in each concentration for agar C) .02151 .01735 .01913 .01476 .01386 .01373 .02508 .05577 .01700 .01918 .01996 .00442 .03585 Agar A (48 hours), 4 determi- nations Agar A (4 days), 2 determina- tions . . Agar A (7 days), 3 determina- tions Agar A (10 days), 3 determina- tions 2.678 2.731 4.065 9.830 1.504 1.163 1.181 0.804 5.891 Agar A (14 days), 1 determina- tion .03433 .06991 . 02490 . 02636 .02672 .00779 .04789 .07705 .11075 .04173 .03191 .03482 .01434 .08969 4.520 14.362 1.368 1.096 1.169 0.822 5.884 3.821 5.892 1.514 1.112 1.257 0.786 5.645 3.913 5.019 1.602 1.079 1.210 0.812 5.678 Agar-gelatine .01941 .04130 .00843 . 01269 .01256 .00259 .02344 Gelatine (Coxe's) Lupinus albus cotyledons . . . Vicea Faba cotyledons Phaseolus lunatus cotyledans . . Starch (commercial starch) .... Coconut (commercial shredded after removal of sugar and oil) . Effect of Salts and Acids on Biocolloids and Cell-masses. 39 Briefly summarized, agar takes up the greatest amount of water in 24 hours from a 0.05 N solution, and the maximum imbibition in gelatine and gelatine-agar combinations also ensues in this concentra- tion, which is one duplicated in the cell-masses of the plant. Cotyl- edons and sections of the plants tested found their maximum at a concentration of 0.1 N at the temperatures named. Hydration of dried plates, or of sections of living plants, is, of course, accompanied by a diffusion or solution out of the contained salts in a manner determined by a large number of environmental conditions, inclusive of the proportionate amount of water to which the colloid is exposed or in which it may be immersed. Thus, in most of the experiments described in this volume, the sec- tions having a total initial volume of dried material of about 2 or 3 c. mm. were immersed in dishes containing 33 c. c. of water. The hydration of material over a period of 24 to 50 hours would necessarily result in the solution out of a portion of the salt contained, which might form as much as 18 per cent of the original dried weight of the sec- tions. On the other hand, swelling in a solution of salt-free colloid, for example, might result in an accumulation. A series of tests was made to ascertain the relative amounts of water which might be taken up by one of the biocolloids used extensively in this work from a graded series of a salt solu- tion. Since it showed a maximum hydration capacity at temperatures of 15 to 40 C., a mix- ture of agar 90 parts and oat protein 10 parts was used, and the sections, which ranged from 0.16 to 0.18 mm. in thickness, were measured as to each set and arranged in trios in glass dishes. The sections were as nearly uniform as possible and the average volume of the air-dry trios of sections in each dish was 12 c. mm. The testing dishes held 30 c. c. of the salt solu- tion. Temperatures were taken by means of small thermometers of the clinical type, and readings of the temperature of the solution in the dishes were made several times during the course of the test. It is to be noted that the end-point of the swellings would not have been reached until after 40 to 48 hours in the less- concentrated solutions, but the amount of ex- pansion which might have been displayed in the last 12 hours of this period would not have changed the totals greatly or the proportions in any important manner. The data given in table 20 represent the average expansion of sets of 3 sections at 16 to 17 C. TABLE 20. Swelling of a mixture of agar 90 parts and oat protein 10 parts in distilled water and potassium nitrate at 16 to 17 C. Potassium nitrate. 2 M p. ct 445 640 530 695 860 1,165 1,305 1,560 1,670 1,500 1,670 1,720 1 M 0.5 M .1 M .05 M .02 M .01 M . 005 M . 0025 M .00125 M .000625 M .0003125 M... Distilled water 1,940 40 Hydration and Growth. TABLE 21. The range of concentrations examined does not exhaust the possi- bilities. It has been previously found that biocolloids will take up some water and swell from the most concentrated mixtures of salts. On the other hand, the greatest attenuations exerted some influence on the w T ater capacity, although it may be surmised that at a lower concentration the deviation on the swelling in the salt solution from that in distilled water would be so slight as to be negligible in all biological applications of the facts. Living matter is at all times impregnated with salts to a degree within the range of these tests. In the continuance of the series to test the effects of some of the salts of biological im- portance, plates of agar and oat protein 0.2 mm. in thickness were swelled at 15 C. in cal- cium nitrate. Two series of measurements are shown in table 21. The weakest attenuation used allows a swell- ing practically equivalent to that of distilled water. Two series of greatest divergence from the effects of potassium nitrate are to be found in dilutions of 0.02 M, while distinctly different action is seen to prevail in the con- centrated solutions above the unimolecular. The sections of agar-oat protein used for testing the effects of cal- cium chloride were 0.16 mm. in thickness and the swelling was made at the same temperature as in potassium nitrate, 15 C. The measure- ments in 24 hours are given in table 22. TABLE 22. TABLE 23. Calcium nitrate. p. ct. p. ct. 2 M 975 917 0.2 M. . . 525 722 .02 M.. 650 778 .002 M. 1,425 1,555 .0002 M 1,975 Calcium chloride. Distilled water. 2 M p. ct. 1,660 273 375 656 907 1,279 1,281 1,469 1,438 p. ct. 1 M 0.1 M .01 M . 005 M .001 M .0002 M .00005 M 1,438 1,688 Potassium chloride. Water. 2 M p. ct. 468 656 1,031 1,344 1,156 1,906 2,210 1,406 p. ct. p. ct. p. ct. 1,781 1,989 1 M 0.1 M .01 M .005 M... .001 M... .0002 M.. .00005 M. 1,463 1,625 1,719 1,467 1,667 1,533 The chloride of calcium appears to limit swelling to a greater extent than the nitrate, so far as table 22 is comparable with that obtained from swelling in the nitrate. The next trial was made with potassium chloride in solutions of the same concentration as above. Agar-oat protein was used and the swellings at 15 C. in 24 hours are given in table 23. The amount of imbibition in potassium chloride is greater than that in calcium chloride in equivalent concentrations, while it is noticeable Effect of Salts and Acids on Biocolloids and Cell-masses. 41 that in the 0.0002 M solutions here, as in some of the trials previously made, the swelling is very high, probably even higher than that in dis- tilled water. Swellings of the agar-oat-protein mixture for 24 hours at 15 C. gave the results shown in table 24 in di-potassic phosphate (K^HPC^) . The sections in the 1 M solution were sealed by the glass triangle, which was pressed too closely on them, with the result that swelling progressed very slowly to a defective total. Di-potassic phosphate. Distilled water . . 2 M 1 M 0.1 M .01 M .005 M .001 M .0002 M 00005 M.. p. ct. 156 125 625 806 1,563 1,719 1,889 1,964 If the results of the swelling in the di-potassic phosphate were plotted as a graph, it would be seen that the steepest part of the curve would lie in the region between the concentrations of 0.01 M and 0.005 M. The graph of the potas- sium chloride would be a much more regular figure. The steepest part of the graph of the results with calcium chloride would probably lie between 0.01 N and 0.005 N, the steepest part of the graph of calcium nitrate would probably be in the region between 0.02 N and 0.002 N, and the steepest part of the line express- ing the falling-off of the retarding action of potassium nitrate would be between 0.05 N and 0.005 N. The breaks or discontinuities in the rise of the curve of imbibition total led to the belief that some errors had crept in, and repetitions were made with concentrations from 0.01 M to 0.000005 M. The additional experiments were for the most part symmetrical with each other, although it is not allowable to contrast the separate items of the swellings of two different lots of material. The ground at first taken, that in minute quantities some of these salts might cause a swelling in excess over that in distilled water, still lacks confirmation. It is a matter, however, that should be tested with great care, as such re- actions for sections of plants are included in my records. The swelling in various concentrations of a salt supposedly depends chiefly upon the acid ion, although the action of the basic ions is not actually excluded. The above tests were made in solutions varying from 4 M to 0.5 M, which are far too concentrated to be of direct biological interest. A more dilute series of potassium salts in 0.01 M and 0.001 M solutions was made up and the swelling of sections of agar 90 parts and peptone 10 parts, 0.22 mm. in thickness, were made at 15 C. The tests were closed at the end of 24 hours, and although some slight increase was still in progress, the relations of the various preparations were identical with those which might be expected of the end-points. (Table 25.) According to Hofmeister, as cited by Taylor, swellings of gelatine in chlorides and nitrates should be greater than in the citrates and 42 Hydration and Growth. TABLE 25. sulphates. The differences found in my own tests with the above mixtures, which, it must be pointed out, are so small as to be very close to the limit of variation, are of the reverse kind. They are, however, of such a nature as to warrant the assertion that the greatest swelling of this biocolloid in the group of substances named does not take place in the nitrates and chlorides. Another aspect of this matter was tested by arranging a series in which ,an agar- peptone mixture was swelled in two con- centrations of sodium acetate, which is re- puted to retard imbibition in simple col- loids, and sodium chloride, which is said to increase the amount of swelling over that of water. The measurements of such swellings at 15 C., closed at the end of 24 hours, are given in table 26. These results are featureless, so far as the above point is concerned. The lesser concentration of the sodium acetate seems to give a greater swelling than the higher, but, on the other hand, the sodium chloride, which should promote imbibition, does not induce swelling as great as those in the acetate. The sections used were salt-free and a parallel series was run, using dried sections taken from the median layer of Opuntia joints, which at 15 C. gave the measurements shown in table 27. TABLE 26. TABLE 27. Concentration. 0.01 M. 0.001 M. p. ct. p. ct. Chloride . . 818 1,136 Nitrate . . . 818 1,205 Phosphate 932 1,136 Citrate . . . 977 1,227 Sulphate . . J 975 1,250 Estimated from 0.007 M. Concentration. 0.01 M. 0.001 M. Sodium acetate. . Sodium chloride . p. ct. 1,167 1,214 p. ct. 1,262 1,214 Concentration. 0.01 M. 0.001 M. Sodium acetate. . Sodium chloride. Distilled water. . . p. ct. 650 613 570 p. ct. 613 588 The swelling in both salts is greater at the higher concentration, and the maximum effect may lie at a higher point. The acetate induces a higher hydration effect than the chloride. The plant sections are of course extremely complex as to chemical composition, although their relations to water are taken to be chiefly determined by the pentosan- protein ratio, and are modified by the salts already present and by the residual acidity. It is evident that gelatine and isinglass do not furnish conditions for swelling analogous to those of the plant, as as- sumed by so many writers, since the results given above do not coincide in the main with those obtained by Hofmeister. 1 As has been pointed out elsewhere in this work, the similarity of action of the plant to that 1 Hofmeister, F. Die Betheiligung geloster Stoffe an Quellungs-vorgange. Pathol. u. Pharm., 27:395, 1890, and 28:210, 238, 1891. Archiv. f. Exper. Effect of Salts and Adds on Biocolloids and Cell-masses. 43 of gelatine and of the proteins and their derivatives will depend chiefly upon the proportions of such substances in the living cell-masses. The properties of gelatine may illustrate those of protoplasm only in so far as they are general to the elastic gels, in which class of colloids both may be included. 1 The salt-content of colloids of living matter in all probability changes very slowly, while the acidity may vary with great rapidity and through a wide range. A set of tests were therefore arranged in which the salt-content would remain constant while the solutions contained a series of acid concentrations. The first series was one in which the salt was dissolved in the solution of the acid after the manner in which many measurements have been previously made. Sections of plates of agar 90 parts and oat protein 10 parts which had an average thick- ness of 0.18 mm. were cut so that a trio had a total volume when air- dry of 12 cu. mm. and the dishes in which these were placed held about 30 c. c. of the solution. These measurements were made with the solu- tions standing at 16 to 17 C. The results were as follows: TABLE 28. p. ct. Distilled water 1 , 722 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 1, 250 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M + citric acid, 0.05 N 472 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M + citric acid, 0.01 N 628 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M + citric acid, 0.005 N 667 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M -j- citric acid, 0.001 N 944 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M -J- citric acid, 0.0002 N 1,055 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M + citric acid, 0.00004N 1, 139 The above measurements were taken at the end of 24 hours, at which time the sections in distilled water and in the two solutions containing least acid were still slowly expanding, at a rate which would not have changed the final aspect of the test. These results are of importance, since it has been found that the range of acidity in such plants as growing joints of cacti may be practically equivalent to that from the highest acid-content to the lowest during the daylight period, coincident with an enormous variation in the water-capacity of the organ. 2 The measurements of plates composed of 90 parts agar and 10 parts bean protein 0.25 mm. in thickness, in dark room, at 16 to 17 C., gave the results shown in table 29. TABLE 29. p. ct. Distilled water 1,280 Potassium nitrate 1 , 060 Potassium nitrate, citric acid, 0.01 M 802 Citric acid, 0.01 N 604 Potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 604 Effects similar to the original are to be discerned in the above. The combination of acid and salt reduces the hydration capacity of the 1 Fenn, W. O. Similarity in the behavior of protoplasm and gelatine. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. , 2: 539. 1916. 1 MacDougal, D. T., and H. A. Spoehr. The effects of acids and salts on biocolloids. Science, 46:269. 1917. 44 Hydration and Growth. colloid below that in the salt alone. A wide variety of tests which gave opportunity for comparisons are described throughout this volume, but a few may be recorded here which were carried out expressly to obtain evidence on this point with biocolloids of different constitution. Nucleinic acid is a constituent of the nucleus, and as the only other substance from this body which had been introduced into the tests which could be assigned to the nucleus was peptone, its swelling re- actions were tested with much interest. The results of swellings of these substances, when combined in proportion of 10 parts nucleinic acid to 90 parts agar, are given in table 30. TABLE 30. p. ct. p. ct. Distilled water 1,400 1,025 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 900 800 Potassium nitrate, citric acid, 0.01 N 650 675 Potassium citrate, 0.01 N 850 750 Potassium citrate, citric acid, 0.01 N 725 Citric acid, 0.01 N 700 625 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M 1,000 925 A second series a week later gave measurements shown in table 31. TABLE 31. p. ct. p. ct. Distilled water 950 1, 100 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 650 550 Potassium nitrate, citric acid, 0.01 N 575 500 Citric acid, 0.01 N 575 450 Potassium nitrate, potassium hydroxid, 0.01 N 900 750 Potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 850 800 This mixture is seen to swell most in distilled water, while the pro- portionate swelling in hydroxid is very high, being greater than that in the salts tested or in acid. Next, it is apparent that the two potassium salts produce or allow an amount of imbibition not very much short of that in the hydroxid. The acidification of the salts practically reduces the swelling to the proportion displayed by the acid alone. This must be taken to apply to this set of combinations only. It may not be assumed that a similar generalization would hold for calcium. Following the above, plates composed of 90 parts agar and 10 parts glycocoll, 0.15 mm. in thickness, were tested in series parallel to the above in the dark chamber at 16 C. The swellings are given in table 32. TABLE 32. p. ct. p. ct. Distilled water 1,300 1,266 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 700 1,000 Potassium nitrate, nitric acid, 0.01 N 900 766 Citric acid, 0.01 N 666 766 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M 366 300 The effects of the acidified salt and of the acid are of the kind pre- viously noted. The most prominent feature of the reactions was the low hydration capacity in the alkaline solution and the relatively high Effect of Salts and Adds on Biocolloids and Cell-masses. 45 expansion in acids, the action of the solution being supplemented by the amino-acid in the sections, in a manner similar to that of such other amino-acids as aspartic acid, cystin, tyrosin, etc. A mixture of agar (50 parts) and gelatine (50 parts) poured on Pratt-Dumas brown filter-paper dried to a total thickness of 0.3 mm. Swellings of this were made in the dark chamber at a temperature of 16 C., with the results shown in table 33. TABLE 33. p. ct. Distilled water 400 Potassium nitrate 375 Potassium nitrate, citric acid, 0.01 M 350 Citric acid, 0.01 N 300 Potassium hydrate, potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 425 Potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 325 These results, so far as they may be correlated with the earlier ones, show an unexpected relation to acid, hydroxid, and water. It is to be noted in addition, however, that a combination of potassium hydrate and potassium nitrate gives the maximum effect in the series. The application of parallel tests to growing tissues is complicated by the fact that varying quantities of normal salts and acid salts may be present, giving a buffer effect. The concentration of the hydrogen ion may be determinable by estimation of the titrable acid and the dissociated malates, for example, as found by Jenny Hempel, but in addition there are to be considered the effects of the amino-acids and amines, which are not easily to be measured. Leaves of Mesembryanthemum edule, which were not yet fully grown, were cut into sections about a centimeter long and allowed to dry in the air. When the greater part of the water had been lost and the sections had a leathery consistency, one of the angles was removed with the scissors, leaving a specimen 1.8 mm. thick. The preparations were by no means uniform. The use of three to obtain each record would tend to obviate or smooth the discrepancies, but the data given in table 34 can not be taken as having been obtained from preparations strictly equivalent. TABLE 34. Swelling of sections of Mesembryanthemum. p. ct. Distilled water 72 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 69 Potassium nitrate, 0.1 M 56 Citric acid, potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 44 Citric acid, 0.01 N 72 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M 28 The main interest in this set of reactions is that directed to the comparison of the swellings in potassium nitrate, citric acid, and the combination at the same concentration. The coefficient of swelling in the plant-like sections of agar-oat protein and agar-bean protein was least in the acidified salt solution, although the hydrogen-ion concen- 46 Hydration and Growth. tration of the combined solution should be equivalent to that of the salt alone. The combination of citric acid and potassium nitrate is open to some objection, but the effects described are similar to those obtained by the use of potassium chloride and hydrochloric acid. The total acidity of pure juice of fresh material at Tucson varied from 0.0280 in the morning to 0.0232 per centimeter 0.01 N of sodium hydoxid at 4 h 30 m p. m. Probably some of the acid was broken up during the drying, but the cell colloids would still be decidedly acid. The hydrogen-ion concentration in another species of Mesembryan- themum determined by Lakmoid tests and electrometer measurements by Hempel gave values of pH 4.8 to 5.2 for the first and 4.61 to 4.84 by the second method. The matter was given further test by taking sections of young leaves in a flaccid condition and measuring the total swellings, which are given in table 35. TABLE 35. p. ct. Water 22 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 22 Potassium nitrate, citric acid, 0.01 N 17 Citric acid, 0.01 N 17 Sodium hydroxid 11 The swelling in potassium nitrate agreed with that of the dried material in being nearly equivalent to that hi distilled water, and less in acid salt solution, but the swelling in acid is less, the proportionate swelling in hydroxid being about the same. The effects of a similar series of reagents were tried upon disks from growing joints of Opuntia, with the results given in table 36. TABLE 36. p. ct. Distilled water 11 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 9 Potassium nitrate, citric acid, 0.01 N 10 Citric acid, 0.01 N 9 Potassium nitrate, potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 10 The relations here are different in character from those exhibited by the material previously examined, but the departures are so small that no safe conclusion may be founded on them. The incorporation of any salt with a colloid in the disperse phase would of course allow the formation of adsorption compounds to an extent and of a kind not possible when the salt enters the hydrating gel in a solution. The hydration of such a salted colloid might be expected to take place at a different rate and to a total varying from that of the unsalted colloid with unsatisfied chemical affinities and under the conditions of surface tension which would prevail. 1 1 Loeb, J. The similarity of the action of salts upon the swelling of animal membranes and of powdered colloids. Jour. Biol. Chem., 31: 343. 1917. Effect of Salts and Adds on Biocolloids and Cell-masses. 47 The first tests of the effects of incorporated salts were those in which the conditions of the plant were simulated, and the most rational procedure seemed to be one in which the culture salts of plants should be added to a mixture of agar and bean protein, the proportions being as follows : TABLE 37. gm. Agar 9 Bean protein 1 Potassium nitrate 0.00506 Di-potassic phosphate .01622 Magnesium sulphate . 03660 Calcium nitrate . 03490 Total 10.09278 This material was reduced to a dried plate 0.18 mm. in thickness, which was swelled under the auxograph at a temperature of 15 C., giving increases of 1,400 to 1,500 per cent in distilled water, as might be contrasted with 2,100 to about 2,600 per cent in the reactions of similar sections free from salts. A second preparation was made, but with ten times the amount of salt used in the first one, the salts forming nearly 9 per cent of the dry weight in one case and 0.85 per cent in the other. The swellings of the biocolloid with the higher salt-content are given below: TABLE 38. p. ct. Distilled water 958 Citric acid 361 Potassium hydroxid, 528 Potassium nitrate, citric acid, 0.01 N 389 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 694 Potassium hydroxid, potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 472 The large proportion of salts is seen to hinder swelling in a notable manner. Temperature effects are of great importance in this con- nection, as it was found that sections of the plates which contained the lesser proportion of culture salts and which increased 1,325 per cent in distilled water at 15 C., swelled 2,666 per cent at 48 to 40 C. (See Chapter IX for a fuller discussion of temperature effects.) Another set of dried plates was made for the purpose of obtaining comparisons in two directions. The colloidal constituents of the mixture were extended to include agar 70, dextrose 5, gelatine 5, pep- tone 5, asparagine 5, nucleinic acid 5, and bean protein 5 parts, and a set of dried plates was made up as above in distilled water. A second set was made up in the culture solution, in which the salts amounted to 0.85 per cent of the dry weight. The swellings were made on two successive days in a chamber constant at 15 C. It is to be noted that in any inspection of these results rigid comparisons may not be allowed between the swellings of the two kinds of plates in any solution. The basis of all comparisons must be the ratio of the swelling of each plate in any solution to its swelling in distilled water. (See table 39). Hydration and Growth. TABLE 39. Salt-free. Salted. Distilled water p. ct. 1,250 p. ct. 500 Potassium nitroxid, 0.01 M 875 550 Potassium nitroxid, citric acid, 0.01 N 535 425 Citric acid 0.01 N 446 425 Potassium hydroxid, potassium nitrate, 0.01 M Potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 750 535 550 525 The relative swellings of the biocolloid without the culture salts presents the general features of such mixtures, being highest in dis- tilled water, next in potassium nitrate, less hi acidified potassium nitrate, less in citric acid, and varying in the relations of the hydroxid and the alkaline salts. The plates in which the culture salts were incorporated showed relative swellings which did not differ widely from the expectancy, except in the swelling in alkali and alkaline salts. The addition of the dextrose could not be seen to exert any definite action. The outstand- ing fact is the general retarding effect of salinity on the hydration capacity, a fact of possible enormous importance in the organism. A mixture including 4 parts of agar, 5 parts of gum arabic, and 1 part of gelatine was made and sufficient potassium chloride was added to make it 0.01 M of this compound. Swellings at 18 to 20 C. were as given in table 40. TABLE 40. p. ct. Distilled water 612 Citric acid, 0.01 N 465 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M 214 Hydrochloric acid 0.01 M 535 Hydrochloric acid, potassium chloride, 0.01 M 419 A general restriction of nearly all of the swelling reactions is illus- trated by the measurements in table 40, while the relative increase in acids is high. As a further combination of two forms of carbohydrate, albumen, amino-acids, and of the salts which are found in plants, a mixture was made which contained the following material : TABLE 41. gm. Agar 6 Acacia 2 Gelatine 1 Albumin (Phaseolua) 1 Potassium nitrate . 0058 Potassic phosphate, dibasic 0185 Magnesium sulphate (7H 2 O) 0418 Calcium nitrate (4H 2 O) 0398 Total colloid material 10 Total nutrient salts ... . 0105 Effect of Salts and Adds on Biocolloids and Cell-masses. 49 I2p.m. m. 12p.m. m. Igp^m. I2p.n I2p.m. m. 12p.m. Dried plates were made up in the usual manner and freed from water in a special chamber with fan at a temperature of about 16 C. Swellings at 14 to 17 C. were as shown in table 42. TABLE 42. p. ct. p. ct. Distilled water 2,200 2,240 Citric acid 0.01 N 802 880 Sodium hydrate, 0. 01 M 602 680 Potassium chloride, hydrochloric acid, 0.01 M 700 640 The notable feature is the high swelling in water and the fact that the increase in the acid solution is less than in the alkaline, facts which are probably due in part to the action of gum acacia. This set of swellings has unusual interest because of its composition, in which the categories of substances in the plant are represented with some fairness and adequacy (fig. 9). FIG. 9. Tracing of auxographic records of swelling of sections of plates consisting of 6 parts agar, 2 parts gum ar- abic, 1 part gelatine, 1 of bean albumin and .05 nutrient salts in water. A, citric acid. 01 N. .B, sodium hydrate. 01 M. C, po- tassium chloride and hydrochloric acid .01 M. D, at 14 to 17 C. Downward course of pen tracing denotes increase as indicated by numer- als on margin. The results*obtained T in*some'*of the foregoing experiments indicated that the treatment of the biocolloid with salts before acid solutions were applied might show some features of importance, and this was also supported by the alternating effects described in detail elsewhere in this volume. Plates had been made of agar 90 parts and bean protein 10 parts in two sets. In one a culture solution was used in such concentration that the included salts formed 0.85 per cent of the dry weight of the sections. In the other the concentration of the salts was about ten times this amount. Both showed opaque dots or minute regions, supposedly insoluble globulin. Swellings were made at temperatures of 16 to 17 C. on October 12 and 13, 1917, and the measurements obtained from the sections con- taining the larger proportion of salts are as given in table 43. TABLE 43. p. ct. Distilled water 522 Citric acid, 0.05 N 583 Citric acid, 0.05 N 413 Citric acid, 0.0005 N 348 Citric acid, 0.00005N 500 \\ 50 Hydration and Growth. The measurements in table 43 were taken at the end of 30 hours, at which time expansion was not complete, although further swelling would not materially alter the relative values. The proportion of salts actually present was about one-twelfth of the biocolloid, which in volume amounted to about 12 c. mm. The dishes held 30 c. c., and from these data it may be possible to calculate proportions of salts and acids for comparison with the cases in which the salts are applied in solution. A second test was made with the same biocolloid as above, but to which had been added but one-tenth of the foregoing proportion of culture salts. The plates were thinner, but the swellings were made at the same temperatures and under approximately the same con- ditions, with results as follows: TABLE 44. p. ct. Distilled water 1,667 Citric acid, 0.05 N 667 Citric acid, 0.005 N 899 Citric acid, 0.0005 N 1 , 139 Citric acid, 0.00005 N 1,500 The swelling of these plates, which were 0.18 mm. in thickness, was carried out at a temperature of 16 to 17 C., and the expansion in distilled water shows the retarding effect of the salt alone when com- parison is made with agar-bean protein mixtures not treated with the nutrient solution. The citric acid in its heaviest concentration is equivalent to the strongest solution encountered in plants in this work, at which it is seen to retard swelling very much. Reduction of the con- centration of the salts seems to be followed by a proportionate increase of water-capacity, in a fairly regular manner. The discrepancy in the swelling in 0.005 N acid in the more heavily salted plates is probably an instrumental error and will be so considered until confirmed. In the most attenuated solution of acid the swelling approaches that of distilled water, in which the salt effect alone is apparent. The series of increases of a biocolloid given on page 48 present the general differences and relations of sections from plants, and these, rather than the one in table 44, which has such a high swelling coeffi- cient in water, are of the character more usually encountered in cell- masses. It is to be recalled, however, that the composition of the biocolloid, including a mucilage, albumin, and amino-acids, is one which may well be duplicated in the plant, and it may be the recurrence of such combinations which would furnish the phenomena so prominent in the involutions of the cell. The principal deductions of the present work support the conclusion that agencies or conditions which increase the hydration capacity of protoplasm accelerate growth, and any factor which tends to lessen either the rate of absorption or the total hydration capacity of living Effect of Salts and Adds on Biocolloids and Cell-masses. 51 matter retards and limits growth and development, or may have such special effects as, for example, the condensation of chromatin into special masses or chromosomes in the course of cell division. 1 Now, protoplasm parallels the colloidal action of gelatine only in so far as it is composed of protein or protein derivatives, and the proportions of these substances and of the associated carbohydrates vary from organ to organ and with the course of the seasons or the stage of develop- ment. Furthermore, the biocolloids of the cell are acidified or salted, and their behavior toward any reagent externally applied will of course be determined or modified by all of the chemical and adsorptive relations implied. Lastly, the residual acids of respiration vary from hour to hour under ordinary circumstances. It might be expected, therefore, that tests which are planned to determine the influence of acids or bases on growth would bring out a diversity of results. G. A. Borowikow (Borovikov), a Russian working at the University of Odessa, used seedlings of Helianthus 6 days old for testing the effects of acids and salts upon growth. 2 The roots of the seedlings were immersed in water and solutions in glass jars and the effects upon growth derived from measurements of the length of the plant- lets. Acceleration and final maxima were obtained by the use of hydrochloric, sulphuric, nitric, acetic, and boric acids, in the order named, that of hydrochloric being the greatest as compared with the growth of plants in distilled water. It was also noted that the addi- tion of salts to the acids influenced the rate and final effect, according to the character of the base. Salts with weak, easily hydrolyzable bases affected growth almost solely according to the concentration of the hydrogen ions, but the stronger bases exercised a definite effect, which in this author's work was to retard growth. It is clear that the growing cell-masses of Helianthus are not identical in their action with such amphoteric colloids as gelatine. Sections of growing internodes of Helianthus in my own work did not show their greatest swelling in simple acid solutions, but in those to which some salt of the same molecular concentration had been added. It was also found that the hydration capacity of artificially mixed biocolloids, dried and living sections of plants showed a decrease in hydration capacity with rise in temperature above 16 to 18 C. in acid solutions. On the other hand, it has been shown that in the petiole of the calla (Richardia} , which attains a length of over half a meter and continues to elongate at varying rates throughout its entire length, the greatest acidity is in the region of most rapid growth. It is evident that interpretations must take into account a wider 1 Mathews, A. P. Physiol. Chem., 2d ed., p. 235. 1916. 2 Borowikow, G. A. Ueber die Ursachen dea Wachstums der Pflanzen. Biochem. Zeitschr., 48: 230, and 50: 119. 1913. 52 Hydration and Growth. range of conditions than those presented by the swelling of simple gelatine in electrolytes, especially at uncontrolled or unrecorded tem- peratures. Professor F. E. Lloyd, working under the equable temperature con- ditions of the Coastal Laboratory at Carmel, California, measured the growth of pollen-tubes of Phaseolus odoratus in acids (hydro- chloric, acetic, malic, citric, formic, and oxalic) at concentrations N/200 to N/25,600 in association with cane sugar in concentration of 40 per cent. In these solutions no growth occurs at concentra- tions at or above N/3,200 of the acid component. Below that limit the rate of growth is inversely as the concentration. The rate and total amount of growth possible for any concentration varied with the acid, it being least at the higher concentrations for formic and oxalic and highest for acetic. 1 No temperature records are cited in any of these cases or in the other work described by Long or Dachnowski. The measurements of E. R. Long brought out the fact that growth in Opuntia was greater in culture salt solutions than in any other medium tested, while that in alkaline solution was more than in either malic or hydrochloric acid, these substances being used in concentra- tions of N/50, while the solutions of Borowikow were N/100 or weaker. 2 A. Dachnowski measured the swelling and water-relations of seeds of beans and corn and cuttings of tomato shoots and obtained some facts of great interest. 3 Beans were found to absorb and retain less water in acid solutions (N/800) than in equi-nonnal alkaline solutions. The cations Ca and Na were more active than potassium in limiting imbibition hi beans, a relation which is reversed hi corn grams, in which the greatest swelling took place in calcium, a lesser amount in potassium, and a minimum in sodium. Cuttings of tomato plants were found to function better hi an alkaline medium than an acid, and best of all in water in absorption and transpiration. Sulphuric acid at N/3,200 and potassium hydroxid at N/6,400 furnished exceptions to these conclusions. The effect of any salt on the water-relations of the plants used was the sum of the constituent ions, a conclusion confirm- ing the work of Borowikow. The well-known cultural conditions required by many bacteria and fungi furnish still further exemplification of the diversity of behavior of the biocolloids in the hydration necessary for growth. The plasma of bacteria is high in albumin and many bacteria show the highest velocity and greatest development in a medium containing the soluble proteins combined with sodium chloride and brought to an alkaline 1 Lloyd, F. E. Collodial phenomena in the protoplasm of pollen tubes. Kept. Dept. Bot- Res., Year Book Carnegie Inst. Wash., 1917, p. 63. *Long, E. R. Growth and colloid hydratation in cacti. Bot. Gazette, 59: 491. 1915. 1 Dachnowski, A. The effects of acid and alkaline solutions upon the water-relations and the metabolism of plants. Amer. Jour. Bot., 1 : 412-439. 1914. Effect of Salts and Adds on Biocolloids and Cell-masses. 53 condition with sodium bicarbonate. The sodium albuminates which would be formed in the medium are highly dissociated, as would be the biocolloids of the cell, and both diffusion and hydration would be accelerated. This supposition would be based on the inference that the amphoteric cell-proteins were stronger acids than bases. A further result of the conditions of bacterial action is to be seen in the fact that the growth of bacteria in cultures containing carbohydrates is accom- panied by the production of an acidity which checks then 1 growth and retards their action upon proteinaceous substances present. On the other hand, many molds grow best in relatively high concentrations of acids, the cycle of fermentations in milk furnishing a striking example of the differential action of these organisms. 1 The first stage is charac- terized by the action of the lactic-acid-producing bacteria, which con- tinue until their products reach an inhibitory concentration. The soured milk now becomes a suitable medium for Oidium and Penicil- lium, which may thrive in a solution containing as much as 1.25 per cent lactic acid, and continue to grow until the acid is exhausted, and then the neutral or alkaline solution again becomes a suitable habitat or bacteria. German, N., and L. F. Rettger. The influence of carbohydrate on the nitrogen metabolism of bacteria. Jour, of Bacter., 3: 389. 1918. V. THE EFFECTS OF ORGANIC ACIDS AND THEIR AMINO COMPOUNDS ON HYDRATION AND GROWTH. The biocolloids of the plant are pentosan-protein mixtures in which the substances of these two main groups vary widely in their propor- tions, with a smaller proportion of lipins probably more or less localized. The variables are so large that generalizations concerning the action of the plasmatic mass are not easily to be founded. Of the more im- portant assertions concerning the action of protoplasm, the earliest and most widely used, that protoplasm undergoes hydration like an amphoteric colloid, and is exemplified by swelling gelatine, has long since failed to satisfy the experimental conditions or to offer parallels to the action of cell-masses of the higher plants. It obviously follows that the assumption adopted by many writers that any conditions which facilitate the ionization of the proteins accelerate growth is not tenable, since the effect of acidity is to lessen hydration of the pentosans or pentosan mixtures or cell-masses when acting directly or in the presence of salts. The extensive use of agar to represent the pentosan element in biocolloids in my experiments does not imply that this substance or any other body presenting all of its main physical characters are invariably present in the cell. The gums from acacia, tragacanth, Opuntia, and from Prosopis and the cherry-tree in all probability represent types of pentosans which may really be the most abundant in plants. These gums or mucilages are readily dispersible and have an indefinite hydration capacity which soon passes beyond the limits of measurement by the auxograph Their water-absorbing capacity would be none the less important, when inclosed in the cell-sacs. The solubility of protoplasm has formed the subject of some discussion among cytologists, and it would seem highly probable that valid observations of both extremes may have been made, the matter depending chiefly on the nature of the pentosan, gum, or mucilage which entered into the plasmatic colloids, together with the character of the more liquid phase, or the cell-sap. The conclusions of Loeb 1 to the effect that it is not possible for an amphoteric colloid to be acted upon by both ions at the same time, if correct, would add still further proof to the fact that protoplasm does not behave like an amphoteric colloid in its hydration relations, except in so far as it may be predominantly composed of such material. Data for a critical review of this matter are not available at present, but it is known that bacteria are high in albumin, and similar richness of proteins is exhibited by fungi, and that certain algae show a large proportion of amino-acids. In addition, proteins are abundant in 1 Loeb, J. Amphoteric colloids. Chemical influence of the hydrogen-ion concentration. Jour. Gen. Physiol., 1: 39. 1918. 54 Effect of Certain Organic Acids and Amino Compounds. 55 reproductive elements, while voluminous notices of these substance and their derivatives are found in cytological literature, many of which, however, need verification and analysis to make them of value. If protoplasm were entirely or dominantly proteinaceous, the actual acidity or hydrogen-ion concentration of the sap might be taken as the chief factor in maintaining the rate and determining the course of hydration and growth. The predominance of the pentosans in plant cells, however, offers a set of conditions much more complex than that of the comparatively simple ionization of gelatine, for, as has been noted, the conditions which facilitate the action of protein gels retard and limit the hydration of the carbohydrate gels to an extent and in a manner which depend upon the structure and character of the pen- tosans present. It has already been shown that pentosan colloids show maximum hydration capacity in the presence and under the action of certain amino-compounds, a subject to which the larger part of this chapter will be given. The actual acidity, or hydrogen-ion concentration of the sap, is widely different from the total amount of acid, as some is always com- bined with such bases as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and aluminium, making a "buffer" by which the degree of dis- sociation is controlled within certain limits. This range of variation as it appears in separate estimations is rather large as compared with variations in animals. It is necessary to bear in mind, however, that a cell-mass is not uniformly acid or that the entire mass of the cell- colloids is saturated with a solution of the same concentration. In any buffer situation, however, a lessening of the hydrogen-ion concentration of the sap would be followed by increased dissociation of the acid radicle of the salts, and increase of acidity beyond a certain point would result in a reversal of the process. The actual acidity is expressed by the negative common logarithm of the number of dis- sociated hydrogen ions given as the value of Sorensen's symbol pH. This may vary from 3.9 to 5.7 in various succulents examined by Jenny Hempel, and may approach neutrality at pH-7 in some cases. A singular instance of wide difference between actual and total acidity is offered by lemon fruits, the sap of which has an actual acidity of pH = 2.3, which is about one-tenth the total acidity, which may be expressed as about 0.05 to 0.06 N. 1 The variations in the hydrogen-ion concentration of the cell-sap and the determination of the agencies which may cause such changes offer a most inviting field for research. 2 In a recent paper, R. B. Harvey has described some extremely interesting changes in the as determined by potentiometer methods, of cabbage leaves in acidity, 1 Hempel, Jenny. Buffer processes in the metabolism of succulent plants. Compt. Rend, d. trav. d. Lab. Carlsberg, 13: No. 1. 1917. 2 Haas, A. R. The reaction of plant protoplasm. Bot. Gazette, 63 : 232. 1917. 56 Hydration and Growth. freezing, and finds that the principal effect is an increase in the hydro- gen-ion concentration followed by a general return to original values on thawing, with changes in the proteins generally consisting in pre- cipitations of some of the proteins. 1 The results of Borowikow and those of Dachnowski show that the growth of the higher green plants, does not depend upon the hydrogen- ion concentration alone. Acids and bases both influence hydration and growth. In addition the accelerating effects of ammo-acids and amines on hydration of biocolloids and cell-masses, living and dead, go far to support the conclusion that these substances facilitate or increase total growth. These substances are built up from simpler substances in the plant in a manner which is by no means clear, al- though under investigation and discussion for a quarter of a century. The evidence favors the assumption that they come together in the field of photosynthetic activity. The structure of these amino- groups may be no means be assumed to be identical with that of the amino-acids of animal metabolism, in which they occur only as dis- integration products of the proteins or albumins. The total amount of ammo-compounds in a cell-mass of a plant varies widely during the course of a day, and, as has been noted above, the proportion of nitrogenous material in the organs of the cell or the members of a shoot may be greatly different. As the hydrogen-ion concentration of the sap is known to remain fairly constant, as the salts or bases which affect growth also change but slowly, attention naturally focuses on the amino-compounds as a cause in modifying the rate, course, and total amount of growth. As the acids and their salts may be assumed to act invariably in the presence of amino-groups, a series of tests were planned which should make possible a comparison of the action of some of the commoner organic acids and then* amino-compounds. Two groups were chosen for the tests succinic acid and its amino- compound, amino-succinic or aspartic acid, which are dibasic; and its amide, as noted above, which is monobasic; and acetic acid and its amino-compound, glycocoll, which are monobasic. Sections of plates of agar, gelatine, agar-gelatine, agar-protein, and other mixtures were used. Swellings were carried out in the equable chambers of the Coastal Laboratory, at 15 to 16 C. The principal results are given in table 45. The two organic acids, succinic and acetic, are seen to exert the classical effect on gelatine, the greatest hydration taking place in the higher concentrations, the effect decreasing with dilution until at 0.0004 N the swelling in acetic acid was scarcely greater than in dis- tilled water. At 0.0004 M, however, the dibasic succinic acid showed 1 Harvey, R. B. Hardening processes in plants and developments from frost injury. Jour. Agric. Res., 15:83. 1918. Effect of Certain Organic Acids and Amino Compounds. 57 a swelling less than that in distilled water, a result that suggests a rapid solution or dispersion from the surfaces of the sections and alter- ations of viscosity in the mass. TABLE 45. Hydration of agar, gelatine, agar-gelatine, and agar-oat protein in organic acids and their amino-compounds at 16 to 17 C. Expansion in percentages of dried thickness. Concen- tration. Mol. Succinic acid. Aspartic acid. Aspar- agine. Acetic acid. Glyco- coll. p. ct. p. ct. p. ct. p. ct. p. ct. 0.3 1,950 .5 1 060 2 804 .1 1,000 2,260 1,333 AOAB. .06 1,091 827 2,308 1,433 .01 1,273 1,270 2,365 1,560 2,965 .002 1,600 1,400 2,440 1,790 3,166 .0004 1,750 1,788 2,720 1,955 2,605 .00008 2,528 2,080 3,250 2,640 Water, aver. 2,600 per cent. 0.1 .05 1,200 1,500 320 952 370 GELATINE. .01 700 1,033 480 714 .002 500 380 500 690 360 [ .0004 433 340 467 643 360 Water, aver. 600 per cent. 0.5 .1 850 AGAR 8 PARTS, GELATINE .05 .01 716 850 910 1,017 1,485 1,574 850 900 1,233 1,960 2 PARTS. .002 917 1,295 1,608 922 1,767 .0004 1,000 1,667 1,383 1,117 1,420 .00008 1,030 1,786 1,383 1,167 1,484 Water, aver. 1,684 per cent. 5 500 1 809 AGAR 8 PARTS, OAT-PROTEIN .05 .01 700 864 855 900 1,867 2,455 1,090 1,255 1,983 2,340 PARTS. .002 909 1,670 2,523 1,738 3,050 .0004 1,136 2,600 2,675 2,238 3,000 .00008 2,330 3,050 2,600 2,480 Water, aver. 2,365 per cent. Mixtures of agar (8 parts) and gelatine (2 parts) were now tested, and the hydration in succinic acid at 0.00008 M was but 1,030 per cent, as compared with 1,684 per cent in water, while acetic acid was slightly higher, 1,167 per cent. A similar statement would hold for the action of these acids on agar and for agar-protein, the hydration in water alone being reached more nearly* than in the agar-gelatine sections. When we now turn to amino-succinic or aspartic acid and amino- acetic acid or glycocoll, some new relations are uncovered. The aspartic acid appeared to exercise a notable influence on the hydration of agar. The limit of its solubility appeared to be about 0.05 M at 15 to 20 C. When more than this was added to the water 58 Hydration and Growth. used for solution a swelling in excess of the expectancy resulted. It was also seen that the surface of the liquid became covered with thin crystals. In all probability the solution or dispersion of some agar into the water resulted in the displacement of some of the acid, with the result that the sections were actually hydrated from a solution less concentrated, giving a swelling in excess of the expectancy. Tests were now made at the same temperature and under the same conditions with plates consisting of agar (8 parts) and gelatine (2 parts), in order to ascertain the results when the carbohydrate was in colloidal combination with complex amino-compounds. The trios of sections had shown swellings of about 1,700 per cent in distilled water under the same conditions and had an average thickness of 0.28 mm. TABLE 46. p. ct. Aspartic acid, 0.05 M 910 Aspartic acid, 0.0002 M 1 , 090 Aspartic acid, 0.00008 M 1,786 The effect of the acid is seen to vanish at a much greater concen- tration than on the agar alone, the swelling at saturation being about half that of distilled water. After the experience noted above, new plates of agar (9 parts) and aspartic acid (1 part) were made. The amino-acid was placed in the water in which the agar was liquefied to a 2.5 per cent solution. The usual translucency of the agar was modified to a pale milky appear- ance, and its viscosity seemed to be decreased. Soon after setting, cracks and fractures appeared in the plates. This of course allowed shrinkage in the long axes of the plates and would make it impossible for the sections to swell in thickness to the same proportion as the coherent agar plates. These new plates came down to a thickness of about 0.16 mm. and showed swellings of 220 per cent in distilled water at 16 C. and of a slightly greater expansion in a solution of 0.05 M asparagin, in which the swelling was 281 per cent. It is to be noted that while the aspartic acid is present in a more concentrated condition in these plates than is possible in water, yet the entire amount was held in the colloidal mesh or plate and showed no formation of crystals on the surface or in the sections, as in the case of the less-soluble tyrosin. The hydration of the colloid with the acid incorporated in it is less than that which may take place when the acid is dissolved to saturation in the water in which the swellings are made. The influence of this acid on agar was not widely different from that of succinic acid, but it caused greater swelling in equimolecular concentrations hi gelatine, agar-gelatine, and agar-protein. The amine of this group was now tested both in solution and in- corporated in agar sections. Plates of agar (9 parts) and asparagine (1 part) were prepared and swelled in comparison with aspartic acid, giving results shown in table 47. Effect of Certain Organic Acids and Amino Compounds. TABLE 47. 16 to 18 C. 59 Citric Sodium Water. acid, hydroxid, 0.01 N. 0.01 M. p. ct. p. ct. p. ct. Agar 9, asparagine 1 640 300 402 Agar 9, aspartic acid 1 .... 296 250 625 The proportion of the acid and the asparagine being too high to be of any physiological interest, new plates with half the quantity of acid and amine were prepared, and these came down to a thickness of 0.32 and 0.33 mm., which swelled 1,875 per cent in distilled water as compared with agar, which showed a hydration capacity of 2,700 per cent. The effect in this trial was not so marked as in the first series, but it is evident that the incorpora- tion of the asparagine in any proportion in the colloid affects hydration to a greater extent than the perfusion of the asparagin in the same concentration, which in this case gave swellings of 2,300 per cent. Even a 0.1 M solution with double the amount present in the solution did not reduce the hydration to the limits shown by the agar-asparagine plate used in this test. The asparagine was present in such amount that if diffused out of the sections it would have made a 0.04 M solution in the 30 c.c. of water in the dish. Asparagine was now applied in a series of concentrations to sections of agar of the above swelling capacity in water and it was found that hydration was actually increased or accelerated by the presence of the amine. That this result did not simply appear by faulty comparisons was shown by the following replacement test: A trio of sections which had been swelled in distilled water to a total of 2,630 per cent, and which had stood in the solution without any perceptible change for a few hours after the close of the test, was now treated with a 0.01 M asparagine solution. The mechanical disturbance which might result from changing the liquid in the dishes was mini- mized by fractionization. About one-third of the water was removed, the level was raised by the addition of asparagine solution, and this was repeated about a half-dozen tunes, the final result being a solution which was diluted slightly below the hundredth normal. A slow expansion began at once, which continued for about 20 hours, which raised the total hydration of these sections to 2,890 per cent, an in- crease of 230 per cent, due to the action of the asparagine on sections which had undoubtedly been reduced in mass somewhat by solution from the surfaces. When asparagine is applied to mixtures in which the gelatine is replaced by an albumin, the results included some special reactions. Plates of agar and oat-protein were made up to contain 8 parts of the 60 Hydration and Growth. first and 2 of the last, coming down to a thickness of 0.22 to 0.23 mm. These swelled at 17 C. to the proportions shown in table 45, which in some cases exceeded that in water. The swelling in concentrations as high as 0.01 M were but little below that in water. Glycocoll has been used in many cultural tests with plants and various interpretations have been placed on its accelerative influence on growth. The experiments with this material, therefore, included the possibilities of the manner and extent to which this might accom- pany or run parallel with hydration reactions. The first trials were made with this reagent incorporated with liquid agar in such proportion that the amount present in three sec- tions would have been equivalent to that in 30 c.c. of 0.14 M solution. Trios of such sections 0.15 mm. thick gave swellings of 1,133, 1,267 and 1,300 per cent hi water at 16 C., which is much less than that shown in a solution at 0.3 M containing twice as much of the amino- acid. (Table 45). Thin sections of agar swelled in all glycocoll solutions less concen- trated than 0.3 M to the amplitude attained in water and exceeded it in some cases, a fact which for the first time gives a sound basis for cul- tural tests in which growth was accelerated and the total increased by this compound. Another pentosan, gum tragacanth, was dried from solutions to form sections 0.13 mm. thick on filter-paper. Swellings at 15 C. were ob- tained, as shown in table 48. TABLE 48. p. ct. Distilled water 1 ,380 Glycocoll, 0.03M 1,382 Glycocoll, 0.05M < 1,077 Glycocoll, 0.01 M 1,462 This gum liquefies irregularly, and hence the figures show the extent of swelling before active dispersion of the mass begins. A mixture of 9 parts gelatine and 1 part gum tragacanth was made up at 25 per cent to correspond to a similar mixture of gelatine and opuntia mucilage. Swellings as follows at 15C. were obtained: TABLE 49. p. ct. Distilled water 1,320 Glycocoll, 3 M 1,520 Glycocoll, 0.05M 1,040 Glycocoll, 0.01 M 1,320 Nothing may be concluded on the basis of these figures, except that the hydration of this material reaches a stage where it goes into dis- persion unevenly and in a manner which makes auxographic readings, as well as all mass or weight determination, of doubtful value. The above tests were repeated with opuntia mucilage at 15 C., with results as shown in table 50. Effect of Certain Organic Adds and Amino Compounds. 61 TABLE 50. p. d. Distilled water 923 Glycocoll 3M 800 Glycocoll 0.05 M 664 Glycocoll 0.01 M 600 Here again the uneven dispersion of the mucilage results in auxo- graphic records, the obvious meaning of which would be unsafe to follow. It is highly probable that the high relative swelling in the concentrated solution is due to coagulatory or aggregation effects, especially on the surfaces of the sections, resulting in a sac-like con- dition which would show considerable increase before dispersion began, resulting in a final shrinkage. This dispersion began earlier in the weaker solutions. Swellings of gelatine in glycocoll ran uniformly low, the presence of this substance apparently accelerating solution of the gel. Sections consisting of 4 parts agar and 1 of gelatine which had an average thickness of 0.3 mm. swelled as follows at 15 C. in glycocoll: TABLE 51. p. a. Glycocoll, 0.3M 1,550 Glycocoll, 0.05M 1,233 Glycocoll, 0.01 M 1,960 Glycocoll, 0.002 M 1,767 The average swelling of such sections in water was about 1,700 per cent and the irregularity characteristic of auxographic measurements of the action of this amino-acid is seen in the above results. A preparation was now made in which 2 parts of the water-soluble protein from oats was added to 8 parts of agar in a 2.5 per cent solution of the latter. The plates dried to a thickness of 0.25 mm. When sections of such biocolloids were swelled in the glycocoll series, the results were as shown in table 45, the hydration in concentrations less than 0.01 M approaching and surpassing those in distilled water. A number of tests were made to determine the influence of glycocoll on hydrations in acetic acid. The first was that of surface slices of Opuntia, which had dried to a thickness of 0.8 mm. Trios swelled 163 per cent in 0.05 N acetic acid and 156 per cent in a 0.05 N solution of acetic acid and glycocoll each. No especial significance can be attached to the lesser swelling in the double solution, except that no evidence as to acceleration of swelling by the addition of the amino-acid was obtained. Next, trios of sections of 8 parts agar and 2 parts gelatine 0.3 mm. in thickness were swelled hi the acetic and amino-acetic solutions 0.01 N at 18 C. The swelling in the acetic acid alone was 1,450 per cent, while that in the combined solutions was but 1,300 per cent, which agreed with the previous effects in being less than in the acid alone. It is to be noted that the amount of the acetic acid in the combined solution in the swelling-dish would be but half that when this acid was used alone. 62 Hydration and Growth. Trios of sections of agar swelled 1,875 per cent in a 0.01 N solution of acetic acid at 18 C., while a combined solution of equivalent molecular concentration showed a swelling of 1,750 per cent. There now remained the test with living tissues. Some joints of Opuntia blakeana of 1918, which had been brought from Tucson two months earlier and had laid on the table, with the result that they had lost much water but were still alive, were used for this test. A trio of sections with an average thickness of 6 mm. swelled 60 per cent in the hundredth-normal acetic acid, while a similar trio which measured 5.5 mm. on the average swelled but 45.5 per cent in the combined acetic-glycocoll solution. A second feature distinguished the two reactions, the swelling in the acetic acid being continuous and ap- proaching zero during the 20 hours of measurement, while in the com- bined solution full expansion was reached in 4 hours, after which a shrinkage resulted in a loss of nearly 5 per cent, suggesting that the H-ion concentration of the combined solution was greater than that of the acid alone. A return was made to the biocolloidal mixtures and trios of sections of agar 8 parts and oat protein 2 parts, with a thickness of 0.22 mm., swelled at 18 C. The hydration in the hundredth-normal acetic acid gave an increase of 1,318 per cent, while an equimolecular solution of the acetic acid and glycocoll gave a swelling of 1,605 per cent. This test is the only one of the series in which the addition of glycocoll to the acetic acid enhances imbibition. In this last test the amount of solution poured in each dish was such that the same quantity of the acetic acid was present in both. An additional test was made in which equal amounts of glycocoll and acetic acid were brought together at a concentration of 0.001 M each on agar-oat protein sections as above. The swelling in the acetic acid was 2,681 per cent, or about the same of that possible in distilled water (2,630 per cent), while the swelling in the combined solution was slightly less, being 2,570 per cent. Glycocoll and other amino-groups are present in the plant in com- paratively great dilutions, and probably at no tune does the amount present reach the concentration in which a retardation or limiting of the hydration effect would be exerted. The experiments described show that glycocoll and asparagin may actually increase the hydration capacity of pentosan and of pentosan-protein colloids. The meager results obtained from swelling plant-sections are not harmonious and further experimentation is highly desirable. The accelerating effect of glycocoll is a subject which has come up for notice many times. Dakin connected its action with possible catalytic effects. 1 The simi- larity of the results obtained from agar and agar-protein mixtures 1 Dakin, H. D. The catalytic action of amino-acids, etc., in effecting certain syntheses. Jour. Biol. Chem., 7: 49-55. 1909. Effect of Certain Organic Adds and Amino Compounds. 63 and from the swelling of plants makes it fairly certain that the effect is due primarily to the action of the pentosaus. The most recent tests of the effects of glycocoll on plants are those of Borowikow, 1 completed in 1913 and published in the same year, and those of Dachnowski, brought out in 1914. 2 Borowikow took the position that substances which facilitate hydration of the plasmatic colloids accelerate growth, and that such hydration was one of pro- teins, an assumption which is not sound. His trials consisted in com- paring the growth of seedlings of Helianthus in distilled water as a check or control with the substances to be tested added to water, the measurements being taken during a few hours only. Glycocoll was used in 0.01 N and 0.005 N concentration. Such concentrations are relatively high for the plant, and only retardation effects were obtained. Dachnowski's figures indicate that glycocoll added to hydrochloric acid in concentrations of N/1,600 (50 c.c. N/800 of each substance) causes an increase in the amount of water absorbed by bean seeds, and a lesser increase of hydration in corn seeds. Both absorption and transpiration by cuttings of tomato were less in solutions of hydrochloric acid ranging from N/800 to N/6,400 than in water, but this retarding effect was counteracted to some extent when glycocoll was added to the solutions. This amino-acid also caused an increased gain in weight in acid and alkaline solutions. The hydration phenomena described in the preceding pages afford some interesting parallelisms with the action of these compounds on growth, absorption, and transpiration. It is evident that we must definitely and finally cease to treat a plant cell-mass as an amphoteric colloid with a dissociation expressed by the actual acidity of the cell-sap. Such dissociation and resultant hy- dration capacity may determine the action of protoplasts or of cell- organs which are chiefly proteinaceous. Vegetative cell-masses such as are responsible for growth, and the activity of which constitutes growth in the larger sense, are composed of colloids predominantly of a carbohydrate character. These pen- tosans do not dissociate. Their swelling capacity in electrolytes is less than in pure water. The hydration of agar and the pentosans in acids is retarded or lessened by the action of H ions, so directly that the proportionate swelling of agar in an acid such as acetic or succinic might be used as a measure of the concentration of the acid solution (see p. 57). This fact and the part played by the dissociation of gelatine may be traced through all of the results on hydration of agar, agar-gelatine, and agar-protein mixtures. Thus, for example, agar 1 Borowikow, G. A. Ueber die Ursachen des Wachstums der Pflanzen. Biochem. Zeitschrift, 50: 119. 1913. 2 Dachnowski, A. The effects of acid and alkaline solutions upon the water-relations and the metabolism of plants. Amer. Jour, of Bot., 1: 412-439. 1914; also, Dachnowski and Gormley. The physiological water requirement and the growth of plants in glycocoll solutions. Amer. Jour, of Bot., 1 : 174-185. 1914. 64 Hydration and Growth. alone gives an average swelling of about 2,600 per cent of plates 0.18 to 0.20 mm. in thickness at 13 C. When combined with gelatine in proportions of 8 to 2, the swelling is less than 1,700 per cent. The reactions of the pentosans and pentosan-protein colloids in solutions of the ammo-compounds show some highly important depart- ures, the chief of which is the fact that the hydration capacity is greater than in distilled water in such monobasic acids, but not in the dibasic aspartic acid. This last-named substance dissociates, so that .01 M, pH = 3, in accordance with which it is found to lessen the hydration capacity of agar, but, on the other hand, this action is not shown by the pentosan-protein mixture. No explanation may be offered for this behavior and for the excessive swelling of pentosans and pentosan mixtures in amino- compounds, except that amino-com- pounds may form salts with the carbohydrate, thus increasing the hydration capacity of the latter. That this superior swelling is an actuality is well demonstrated by the increase that resulted when agar- albumin sections in a condition approaching complete hydration showed a further marked increase when the water was replaced with an asparagin solution. The positive action of the ammo-compounds is also well demonstrated by the fact that the maximum effects were produced at a concentration not coincident with the maximum con- centration and at a point of great dilution. 1 When these results are applied to the conditions in the cell, emphasis is given to the fact that the total of amino-acids is always no more than a fraction of the amount of organic acids present. It is highly probable that these substances, originating constructively in the plant and affecting growth in a profound manner, may do so partly by their participation in the buffer processes. 1 MacDougal and Spoehr. The effect of organic acids and their ammo-compounds on the hydration of agar and on a biocolloid. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med., 16: 33. 1918. VI. REACTIONS OF BIOCOLLOIDS AND CELL-MASSES TO CULTURE SOLUTIONS, BOG, SWAMP, AND GROUND WATER, AND OTHER SOLUTIONS. The organism encounters a variety of substances in solution in the substratum or medium to which, of course, the colloids of the cell re- act in a manner determined by their own composition and that of the impinging substances. The securest knowledge of the complex rela- tions involved will in the end rest upon results obtained by analytical experiments in which the effects of separate substances and graded concentrations of the elements are first determined and then their action in combination is measured. Meanwhile, a number of standard or commonly accepted solutions are used for a variety of cultural and experimental purposes and an effort was made to ascertain the reactions of biocolloids and of sections of plants to them in terms of imbibitional swelling. The idea was extended to include the "natural waters" which are characteristic of some well-defined plant habitats, such as bogs and swamps. A large and important share of the knowledge of the physiology of plants rests upon cultures made with " nutrient solutions." One of these, after a formula devised by W. E. Tottingham, was chosen for the test. 1 Its composition was : potassium nitrate 4.048 g., dipotassic phosphate 12.980 g., magnesium sulphate crystals 29.280 g., and cal- cium nitrate 27.920 g., in 4,000 c.c. of water. A precipitate comes down in the bottle on standing. This was filtered out and dissolved in distilled water, which was used to dilute the solution to a concen- tration of about 0.5 per cent total concentration. The preliminary trial of the effect of the whole solution was made with sections of a plate consisting of 95 parts agar and 5 parts of bean protein, an old preparation which had been exposed to the damp air for a month. The swelling measurements were as follows: TABLE 52. p. ct. Water 617.6 Nutrient solution, 0.5 p. ct 500 Citric acid, O.Ql N 406.8 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M 431.4 The only feature of interest hi the results was the low imbibition in water, the dried sheet being an old one. A fresh preparation was made with the agar and bean protein hi the same proportion as before, and a double series of instruments was used in the test. In order to determine the possible interference or antagonism of the constituents, tests were also made of the separate action of the four 1 Tottingham, W. E. A quantitative chemical and physiological study of nutrient solutions for plant cultures. Physiol. Res., 1 : No. 4. May 1914. 65 66 Hydration and Growth. salts in the concentrations in which they occur in the culture solution (table 53). The total amount of swelling in the culture solution is scarcely more than half that in distilled water, that in the dipotassic phosphate not falling much below that of water. Swelling in potassium nitrate is much greater than that shown in the culture solution. The low imbibition in calcium nitrate is in accordance with the expectancies. TABLE 53. Dist. water. Nutrient soln., 0.5 per ct. Potass, nitrate, M 0.00285. Magn. sulphate, M 0.00898. Calc. nitrate, M 0.00844. Di-potass. phosphate, M 0.00681. Swelling in 10 hours p. ct. 1,360 1,300 p. ct. 720 760 p. ct. 1,040 900 p. ct. 740 740 p. ct. 340 600 p. ct. 1,200 940 Average 1,330 750 970 740 470 1,070 Swelling in 24 hours .... 1,560 800 1,260 804 800 680 500 1,400 1,300 Average 1,560 800 1,260 802 590 1,350 The magnesium salt exercises an imbibitional action equivalent to that of the complete solution. The potassium salts allow a notably greater swelling. Apparently the calcium salt interferes, or exercises an antagonism which results in the averaged total exemplified. The actual relative action of these salts, however, can not be taken up at this time. A consideration of the imbibitional action of the constit- uent salts might yield some data which would be of value in deter- mining the composition of culture solutions for special purposes. A similar series of tests of the effect of the nutrient solution TABLE 54. and its components upon grow- ing tissues were made with sections of young stems of Rudbeckia bearing young flower- heads. Tangential slices were removed from one side to allow expansion and trios of pieces a centimeter long and 3.5 mm. in thickness were placed under the auxographs in a dark room at 16 C. Air-dried sections of the same stems which had been exposed to the air and light for a day and had shrunk to about half of their original thickness were now placed in identical solutions. The swell- ings of the fresh and of the dried sections are given in table 54. Living sections. Dried sections. Water p. ct. 5.8 p. ct. 28 6 Nutrient solution 4 15 7 Potassium nitrate 4.3 27.1 Magn. sulphate 2.8 20 Calcium nitrate 2 3.6 Di-potassium phosphate . . 2.9 12.8 Certain Reactions of Biocolloids and Cell-masses. 67 Several variations are apparent, but perhaps the relations of greatest importance are those which may be expressed by saying that the imbibition of dried specimens is five times that of living material in distilled water, only four times in nutrient solution, over six times in potassium nitrate, over seven times in magnesium sulphate, less than twice in calcium nitrate, and over four times in dipotassium phos- phate. It is to be noted that when a section of living tissue is dehy- drated it is not possible to restore the cell-colloids to their original condition simply by swelling. This is due chiefly to the fact that, as desiccation proceeds, the salts, acids, sugars, etc., in the liquids are concentrated until finally they are fixed by the solidifying proto- plasmic gel in this condition. Rehydration must then take place as in a salted colloid with the sugars in a concentration in which they may modify imbibition. Petioles of young leaves of Phytolacca, with a thickness of 3 mm., swelled 4.2 per cent in distilled water and an equal amount in potassium phosphate, 5 per cent in magnesium sulphate, 3.3 per cent in calcium nitrate, and -2.5 per cent in the nutrient solution. The equivalence or uniformity of the material was in doubt, however, and the test was not extended to dried sections. The 4-angled stems of Mentha spicata offered certain mechanical advantages, and the internodes near the apex of the stem which were half-grown and with a thickness of 3 mm. were selected. Trios of sections 3 or 4 mm. long were tested with distilled water, culture solution, and its components. The swelling of fresh specimens was very slight, varying from 0.05 to 0.1 mm., and no safe comparisons could be made. Dried sections came down nearly half of their original dimensions, and when a series was swelled in distilled water the in- crease was but 12.9 per cent and in hundredth-normal citric acid 6.4 per cent, while in hundredth-molar sodium hydroxid the increase was 19.3 per cent. These results indicate that the plant colloids were in an acidified condition, the swelling in water and hi acid being conse- quently small, while that in alkali was a swelling in a neutralized or nearly neutralized condition. The dried series in the culture solution and its components gave swellings of 16.8 per cent in distilled water, almost no swellings in nutrient solution (due to defective wetting by the liquid), 19.3 per cent in potassium nitrate, 12.6 per cent in magnesium sulphate, 9.6 per cent in calcium nitrate, and 4.8 per cent in dipotassic phosphate. The swelling of dried sections presents some possible sources of error in the limited surfaces presented for absorption which may be "'waterproofed" in some cases, while in other instances the sections collapse or do not swell toward their original form. Direct effects of the waters of bogs and swamps in producing modi- fications of growth, departures in structure and form, and in influenc- ing general nutrition are well established and have long been known. 68 Hydration and Growth. The numerous analyses of the water have failed to disclose physico- chemical features which might be held responsible for the very direct and positive action exercised in the determination of the plant form- ations of such places. The history of such attempts is a long one. 1 Bog water was furnished by Mr. E. R. Long, who procured a sample from Ronalds, in the region of Seattle, Washington. Dr. J. M. McGee reports the following constituents per liter: TABLE 55. gm. Organic matter . 106 Ash (chiefly CaSO) 048 Total soluble residue 154 Swamp water was procured by the kindness of Dr. S. A. Gortner, who obtained a sample from near Anoka, Minnesota, concerning which he says: "This sample was taken about 20 miles north of Minneapolis, in Anoka County, of which three-fourths of the area consists of peat lands. These peat lands are of the grass and sedge formation, the peat being from 4 to 6 inches or more deep, fairly well decomposed, and one of the better grades of peat for agricultural purposes in that it contains an appreciable amount of lime. I believe that you will find this sample of water perfectly typical of most of the large grass bogs of Minnesota." The analysis of this water shows the following per liter: TABLE 56. gm. Soluble organic matter 0.094 Ash (CaSO 4 with trace of NaCl) 128 Total soluble residue 222 The degree of acidity of the bog water was such that 1.1 c.c. of N/10 potassium hydrate was necessary to neutralize 100 c.c. of water. The acidity of the grass-sedge water was scarcely a third of this, but 0.35 c.c. N/10 potassium hydrate being necessary to neutralize 100 c.c. The first trial of the action of these waters and comparative solutions was made with living material. Circular disks 12 mm. across and of an average thickness of 11 to 13 mm. were cut from joints of Opuntia discata which had matured at Carmel, California, in the summer of 1917. Tests were made with water, swamp water, bog water, and various calcium solutions at 15 C. The measurements obtained were as follows: TABLE 57. p. ct. Distilled water 18.2 Swamp water 13.6 Bog water 18.3 Calcium nitrate, 0.008M 15.5 Calcium nitrate, 0.008 M acidified with, nitric acid 16.8 Calcium nitrate, 2 M (shrinkage and subsequent swelling) ' 6.8 Calcium nitrate, 0.2 M (steady shrinkage) Calcium nitrate, 0.02M 14.6 Calcium nitrate, 0.002M 15.5 Calcium nitrate, 0.0002 M 21 1 See Bigg, G. B., Summary of bog theories. Plant World, 19:310, 1916. Certain Reactions of Biocolloids and Cell-masses. 69 The uppermost line shows a swelling in bog water equivalent to that in distilled water, while the imbibition in swamp water is very much less, sustaining about the same proportions as the measurements of the swelling of biocolloids. The retarding action of the swamp water, high in calcium, is greater than that of the solution 0.008 M, in which this salt enters into nutrient solutions, and greater even than that of a 0.02 M solution. The retarding action of swamp water may be predicted to be about the same as a 0.03 M solution of calcium nitrate acidified as in the solution used. Such acidification was made by adding 1 c.c. of hundredth-molar nitric acid to 25 c.c. of the calcium solution. The final cessation of shrinkage and slight enlargement of sections in the 2 M solution remains unexplained, since the shrinkage in a solution containing but one-tenth of this amount of calcium was con- stant during the entire 90 hours of the exposure. The final figures in 2 M to 0.0002 M are of swellings which were continued for 90 hours, while the swellings in water, swamp water, bog water, calcium as in a nutrient solution, and acidified calcium solution were taken at the close of 40 hours. The total swelling of 21 per cent in calcium nitrate 0.0002 M is probably equivalent to that of distilled water. The swell- ings of biocolloids in the same solutions should receive attention in this connection. 1 In addition to the above note on the swelling of the sections in the 2 M solution of calcium nitrate, the f ollowing facts are of interest : Four sections with an aggregate thickness of 37 mm. were placed in a dish and covered with such a solution at the time the auxograph measurements were started. As the sections under the auxograph were in an expanding stage when the measurements were closed, free sections were allowed to remain in the dish after the records on the instrument were ended. The free sections were measured 6 days after being put in the concentrated solution, with the result that their total thickness was found to be 42 mm., a gain of 5 mm. or 13.3 per cent. Sections of a biocolloid consisting of agar 90 parts and oat protein 10 parts were swelled in a series of solutions of calcium nitrate parallel to the above set. The increase in the 0.5 M solution was 975 per cent, 525 per cent in the 0.2 M solution, 650 per cent in the 0.02 M solution, 1,425 per cent in the 0.002 M solution, and 1,975 per cent in the 0.0002 M solution. The test was repeated with the following results at the end of 24 hours: swelling in 2 M solution, 917 per cent; in 0.2 M solution, 722 per cent; in 0.02 M solution, 777 per cent; in 0.002 M solution, 1,555 per cent. The minimum swelling in this series evidently lies between the con- centrations of 0.2 M and a molar solution. Another series was carried out in which sections of Opuntia were swelled at temperatures of 18 to 20 C. in acidified and salt solutions, as given in table 58. 1 MacDougal, D. T. The effect of bog and swamp waters on swelling in plants and in biocol- loids. Plant World, 21:88. 1918. 70 . Hydration and Growth. TABLE 58. p. ct. Swamp water 14 Swamp water, citric acid, 0.01 N 15 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 14 Citric acid, 0.01 N '.'.'.'.'. 7 Potassium nitrate, citric acid, 0.01 N 9 Potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 12 The measurements in swamp water alone and with acid include the full increase in 96 hours, while the others extended over from 20 to 40 hours. No important effect can be ascribed to the acidification of swamp water. The swelling of the sections in the hundredth-molar solution of potassium nitrate was but little below that in the swamp water, but when this solution was similarly and equally acidified, a decrease ensued. The foregoing tests were made with sections in a living con- dition, in which questions of permeability and osmotic action might possibly play a part. Material was prepared to exclude the action of the living cell. The chlorophyllous layers were removed from the two sides of joints of Opuntia and slices 7 mm. in thickness were cut in the plane of the joint and placed between two sheets of filter-paper, to one of which they adhered. A third sheet was laid over them and the preparation placed on a wire netting to dry without pressure. In 6 days the thickness had been reduced to about 0.5 mm. and enough moisture still remained to give the slices a leathery consistency. Suit- able sections free from visible fibrovascular tissue were prepared which gave swellings as follows: TABLE 59. Living sections. Dried sections, p. ct. p. ct. Distilled water 660 47 Bog water 640 45 Swamp water 530 38 Culture solution, 0.5 per cent 625 44 The measurements were taken at the end of 24 hours, when a fair rate of increase was still noticeable which would in the end have carried the figures up to the next hundred in the dried sections. The swelling of living material in bog water is but little less than in distilled water and is also but little different from that in the culture solution, which is of the concentration used in water cultures. Hydration is, however, noticeably less in swamp water. Attention was now turned to the biocolloids to ascertain whether the action of plant material living and dried would find a parallel in the action of mixtures of known composition. Sections of plates composed of agar (90) and oat protein (10) were found to show the following swellings at 15C. TABLE 60. p. ct. Distilled water 2, 188 Bog water 2,083 Swamp water 1,200 Certain Reactions of Biocolloids and Cell-masses. 71 The decreased swelling in swamp water and the high swelling in bog water were marked and invariably shown. However, the biocolloid approaches more nearly to the condition of the protoplast when, in common with all living matter, it includes some salts. The above mixture containing culture salts was not avail- able, but some plates in which the oat protein was replaced by bean protein to which had been added 0.8 per cent of culture salts were swelled in a parallel series. The untreated mixture free from the added salts does not show as high an imbibition capacity as that made up with the oat protein. The measurements of the increase of the agar-bean protein-salted sections at 15 C. were as shown herewith: TABLE 61. p. ct. Distilled water 1 , 525 Bog water 1 , 525 Swamp water 1 , 100 Calcium nitrate, 0.008 M 825 These measurements were taken at the end of 40 hours, while some increase was still in progress, but the final relations would not have been materially altered by the use of the end-points for the compari- sons. The retarding action of the swamp water and the equivalence of swelling in pure water and bog water therefore runs plainly defined through all of the experiments with living and dried sections of plants and in tests with salted and unsalted biocolloids. Calcium nitrate in the concentration used exercises a more marked effect on the salted biocolloid than on the unsalted mixture and on the plant material. The calcium content of the biocolloid is probably much higher than that of the plant, so that the two sets of measurements are not strictly comparable. The calcium solution contained about eight times as much salt as the bog water and nearly three times as much as the swamp water, which also includes a trace of sodium chloride. A series was therefore arranged to compare the action of the two with equivalent salt solu- tions. Sections of agar and bean protein impregnated with 0.8 per cent of culture salts were swelled at 15 C. with results as follows: TABLE 62. p. ct. Distilled water 1,417 Bog water 1 , 444 Calcium sulphate 0.048 gram per liter 1,417 Swamp water 944 Calcium sulphate 0.128 gram per liter 1 , 083 Bog water and an equivalent calcium solution allow equal swelling, but the increase in swamp water is much less and also less than in the equivalent calcium solution, to which may be attributed most of the retarding effect of the swamp water. 72 Hydration and Growth. The imbibition capacity of the biocolloids varies with the propor- tions between the carbohydrate and the proteins and protein deriva- tives. A biocolloid was subsequently made up which included a high nitrogen-content and a second carbohydrate and five albuminous com- pounds. For this purpose, 70 parts agar, 5 parts each of dextrose, peptone, gelatine, asparagin, nucleinic acid, and bean protein were suitably liquefied and poured into plates which dried down to a thickness of 0.2 mm. Swellings of sections of these plates at 15 C. gave the following increases at the end of 24 hours : TABLE 63. p. ct. Distilled water 725 Bog water 592 Swamp water 550 Calcium chloride, 0.2 M 350 Calcium chloride, 0.1 M 400 The total swelling in distilled water for this biocolloid is low, al- though it is to be noted that swellings as high as 1,200 per cent in dis- tilled water have been measured at temperatures of 18 to 20 C. Sections from plates made up as above, but to which had been added 0.8 per cent of culture salts, gave increases as follows at tem- peratures of 15 C. : TABLE 64. p. ct. Distilled water. 600 Bog water 525 Swamp water 625 This complex biocolloid, high in nitrogen and in the culture salts, displays hydration capacity in swamp water superior to that shown in bog water or pure water. The properties in question would enable a plant so equipped to thrive in the waters of swamps, and it would be interesting to determine whether such a condition actually prevails in the plants of the sedgy swamps. 1 The earlier attempts to interpret the swelling action of protoplasm were founded on the assumption that such increase might be repre- sented by the action of gelatine. The unsoundness of this assumption and the inadequacy of the methods using this material have been amply demonstrated by results previously published. At one end of the scale stand some plants and some plant structures high in protein- aceous compounds and low in pentosans, and these do show a behavior approximating that of gelatine. This is illustrated by the following series, in which sections of gelatine plates 0.18 mm. in thickness were swelled at 15 C., giving measurements as follows: TABLE 65. p. ct. Distilled water 778 Bog water 889 Swamp water 939 Culture solution, 0.5 per cent 889 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 911 1 Schimper, A. F. W. Die Indo-Malayscher Strandflora, p. 142. 1891. Certain Reactions of Biocolloids and Cell-masses. 73 The swelling of sections of agar plates 0.2 mm. in thickness at 15 C. resulted in increases of: TABLE 66. p. ct. Distilled water 700 Bog water 650 Swamp water 425 Nutrient solution, 0.5 per cent 375 It is to be seen that all of the solutions decrease the swelling capacity of the agar below that displayed in distilled water, and that the greater reduction in the nutrient solution is to be attributed to the higher salt- content. Plants of bogs and especially swamps are undoubtedly subjected to great variations in the composition of the water by reason of inunda- tions and floods. It was thought pertinent to extend experiments in which alternations of solutions were made in such manner as to test the effect of previous history on the behavior of a bio- colloid. Sections of agar-oat protein 0.18 mm. in thickness swelled 972 per cent in 12 hours at 17 to 19 C. and reached a total of 1,233 per cent at the end-point in 108 hours, which are equivalent to results previously attained and hence afford a fair basis of comparison with the following, in which a trio of sections swelled 2,361 per cent in dis- tilled water at the end-point in 72 hours. Replacement of distilled water with swamp water was followed by a slow shrinkage, but this amounted to only 36 per cent of the original volume. No swelling agent yet tested has been found to reverse the action of another solu- tion so fully as to bring the dimensions of the sections down to the dimensions which might be attained in the second agent alone. Sections of a biocolloid consisting of 90 parts agar and 10 parts of bean protein to which 0.8 per cent of nutrient salts had been added, 0.18 mm. in thickness, were now swelled in swamp water at 18 to 20 C. The increase was measured at the end of 16 hours, at which time the total swelling was 1,082 per cent. The swamp water was now replaced with hundredth-normal citric acid-potassium nitrate for 36 hours, during which time no appreciable change was registered. Replacement of this solution with swamp water was followed by a resumption of the swelling, which carried the thickness of the sections to 1,388 per cent of the original, which is greater than that attained in the simple continuous swelling in swamp water. Swamp water is high in salts, and it is probably this feature to which its influence on swelling is due. A test parallel to the above was made in which the sections were first swelled in a 0.5 per cent nutrient solu- tion in which the salts are somewhat more concentrated than in the. swamp water. A swelling of 888 per cent took place in 17 hours, at which time the pen of the auxograph was tracing a horizontal line. Replacement of the nutrient solution with the acidified potassium- 74 Hydration and Growth. nitrate solution was followed by a very slight swelling. When this solution was replaced by swamp water an increase of 333 per cent followed in 40 hours. The two tests were parallel, except that the initial treatment in one case was with nutrient solution in which the salts were more concentrated than in the swamp water used in the other. The final swelling in the second case is greater and may be attributed to the initial salt action. In a partial repetition of the above test, the sections placed in culture solution swelled 861 per cent in 20 hours. Lengthening the immersion in acidified potassium nitrate to 55 hours was accompanied by a swelling of 55 per cent. Replacement with distilled water set up a slow increase which resulted in a gain of 111 per cent in thickness in 40 hours. The total increase was 1,027 per cent, while the one finished in swamp water swelled 1,388 per cent. The relative effects of swamp and bog water on biocolloids were tested in still another way. Plates of agar-oat protein were prepared in which strips of webbing of cotton were embedded in the soft material as it cooled for the purpose of testing the influence of certain purely mechanical features on swelling. Portions of the plates dried down to a thickness of 0.18 mm. in the clear portion of the plate and sections from this swelled 2,111 per cent in bog water and 1,195 per cent in swamp water at 15 C. Sections containing webbing were 0.58 mm. in thickness and the actual increase of such sections was 491 per cent in bog water and distilled water and 371 per cent in swamp water. If the increase be calculated on the assumption that the webbed sec- tions included as much biocolloid as the free sections, the proportions would be 1,583 per cent in bog water and distilled water and 1,195 per cent in swamp water. Swamp water has been found to affect absorption and swelling in the same manner as an equivalent solution of calcium sulphate. Swelling and absorption is retarded by swamp water in salted biocolloids and in sections of plants containing a large proportion of pentosans and a low protein-content. Biocolloids with a high protein and salt content, on the other hand, show an enhanced absorption in swamp water. Inferentially, plants of similar constitution would carry on absorption readily and thrive in swamp waters.. Whether adaptation to swamp habitats actually takes this course is not known. An extension of these measurements was made to ascertain the effects of water and soil solutions which were in common use at the Desert Laboratory upon a biocolloid, a mixture consisting of 6 parts of agar, 2 parts of mucilage of Opuntia, 1 part of gelatine, and 1 part of bean protein. This had been poured in the usual manner and dried to a thickness of 0.2 mm. Sections of the usual size were placed in dishes under the auxograph. Distilled water of the grade used in making up all of the solutions caused a swelling of 1,750 per cent; ram Certain Reactions of Biocolloids and Cell-masses. 75 water which had fallen on a slate roof and collected in a closed cement cistern gave a swelling of 1,500 per cent. The water from the system supplying the Desert Laboratory, taken from a well 40 feet in depth in the alluvium of the flats along the Santa Cruz River and pumped through an iron pipe line 6,000 feet long to a cement tank, produced a swelling of only 800 per cent. As a final test, a soil solution was used which was obtained by shaking up 600 grams of surface soil with 1,200 c.c. of distilled water and then allowed to stand for 12 hours. The filtered solution applied to sections in the same manner as the other waters induced a hydration of 900 per cent. (Fig. 10). These measurements afford a standard of desirability of the water from these various sources for cultural work and for drinking purposes. Since growth consists in the main of the hydration of plasmatic col- loids, the nutritive solution most favorable to this process would be an important factor in an environmental optimum. It was also possible to make tests of these natural waters with a biocolloid which included 6 parts agar, 2 parts prosopis gum, 1 part gelatine, and 1 part bean protein, to which had been added 0.2 per cent of culture solution. Such a mixture, like one containing gum arabic, shows high swelling in acids and less in salts, whether acid or alkaline. Swelling of plates 0.17 mm. in thickness were as shown herewith: TABLE 67. p. ct. Distilled water (25 C.) 1,760 Rain water (27 C.) 1,794 Well water (27 C.) 1,706 Soil water (25 C.) 1,500 The higher temperatures at which the swellings in rain water and well water were made prevents direct comparison, but it may be sup- posed that a biocolloid already charged with salts to a point above the average of land plants would be hydrated in the dilute solution offered by the cistern water practically as readily as from distilled water. The figure given expresses the increase at a temperature 2 C. higher. The same would be true of the well water as compared with the soil solution. It is to be noted that the difference between the reaction in the solutions and in pure water is less than in the unsalted colloid. Of course, the substitution of prosopis gum for opuntia mucilage is also a factor. Relations to environmental conditions of some importance are suggested. The reactions of the halophytes should include some effects similar, in that there would be offered the phenomena of the swelling of cell-masses high in salts (fig. 10). Some experiments in the modification of germ-plasm in 1905 resulted in the formation of embryos developing, into individuals not entirely identical with the parental types. The essential feature of the experi- ment consisted in the successful introduction of various substances into the neighborhood of the embryo-sacs at the time that fertilization 76 Hydration and Growth. was imminent, and when the first trials were made I had two main purposes in mind : first, to ascertain whether or not foreign substances could be introduced into ovaries in such manner as to affect the ovules with a minimum of traumatic effects, so that the ovaries might reach maturity; and secondly, to ascertain whether or not such changes could be produced in an early stage of sexual specialization before the development of the embryo-sac or after the union of the sexual ele- ments in fertilization. The value of the results was much lessened by the fact that the direct effects of the reagents could not be identified. After some difficulty the actual diffusion of the liquids in the ovaries was ascertained by substituting dyes for the salt solutions, but there still remains to be determined the nature of the action of the reagents on the cell colloids. 12 p.m. FIG. 10. Tracing of auxographic record of swelling of plates consisting of 6 parts agar, 2 parts mucilage of Opuntia, 1 of gelatine, and 1 of bean protein, in distilled water, A ; rain water, B; well water, C; and a soil solution, D. The first step hi such an examination would naturally be the measure- ment of the hydration effect. Plates of agar 90 parts and bean pro- tein 10 parts, 0.25 mm. thick, were swelled to ascertain the possible imbibition effects. A series in the dark room at 15 to 16 C. gave the following measurements of expansion : TABLE 68. p. ct. DistUled water 1,220 Methylene blue 860 Iodine, sat. solution in distilled water 1 , 080 A third reagent used in the later series of ovarial treatments, zinc sulphate, was tested in the concentration of 1 part in 10,000 (0.00034 M) in comparison with distilled water and hydroxid on sections of agar- bean albumin. The swellings were as below : TABLE 69. p. ct. Distilled water 1,388 Zinc sulphate, 0.00034 M 833 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M 194 The characteristic high rate of swelling of agar-albumin is exhibited, the swelling in the hydroxid being but one-seventh that in water. The Certain Reactions of Biocolloids and Cell-masses. 77 zinc salt, although very dilute, retards swelling noticeably, and exerts a greater effect on the imbibition capacity than does either of the other reagents named. 1 Whatever value may attach to this procedure, it seems reasonable to assume that salts less toxic in effect than those of zinc and identical with those already present in the embryo-sac offer the greatest promise, and their most intense effect might be secured when acidified. The presence of free amino-groups in the cell and their rapid penetra- tion of plasmatic structures makes it highly probable that some of these substances singly or in combination might diffuse throughout the cytoplasmic structure of the embryo-sac and also reach the chromo- somes with a high degree of possibility of affecting then* genetic con- tent or potentiality. 1 MacDougal and Spoehr. The effect of organic acids and their amino-compounds on the hydra- tion of agar and on a biocolloid. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med., 16:33. 1918. MacDougal, D. T. The experimental modification of germ-plasm. Annals Mo. Bot. Garden, 2:253-274, Feb.-Apr., 1915. VII. FLUCTUATING OR ALTERNATING HYDRATION EFFECTS. BASIS OF XEROPHILY AND SUCCULENCE. The experiments described in the previous chapters have dealt chiefly with sections of colloidal material artificially compounded to represent the materials and conditions which affect hydration in plants. Measurements of the swelling of dried sections of this material have been used as a basis for comparison with the action of slices or sections of plant cell-masses similarly dehydrated or in living condition. No estimate of results of this kind will be valid and no perspective of their bearing will be correct which does not take into account the fact that the growing parts of the higher plants contain 90 per cent or more water and that the colloids of the protoplast, the action of which makes for the distension or enlargement of growth, are even more highly hydrated. These gels also invariably contain the culture salts, in combination or simply adsorbed, and are inevitably in a con- dition of acidity resulting from their carbohydrate metabolism. The elementary facts obtained by the experiments described in the foregoing pages made it possible to plan a series of treatments of hydrating material in which the previous experience of biocolloids would be apprehended in swellings in salts, acids, etc., in a sequence of interest to the physiologist, and to obtain additive, alternating, or superposed effects. Variations in the carbohydrate and proteinaceous substances of a colloidal mixture may not be readily produced to simulate the changes which form the basis of some of the most funda- mentally important phenomena of the cell. The worker must approach this phase of the subject by studying the reactions of separate masses or lots of material compounded to represent various stages in the condition of the protoplasm. Something of this kind has been done in the measurement of the reactions of biocolloids of several kinds. It is of course impossible to imitate any of the important metabolic processes which make cell-colloids continuously acting machines, al- though no hint has been found of any source of energy or directive action outside of surface tension and chemical action. In the subjection of colloidal masses to the action of hydrating solutions, as described in the following pages, it is obvious that the soluble constituents of the sections would be partially and unequally removed with every change in the solutions in which they were sub- merged, and while the fact that the colloidal mass changed its com- position continuously during the immersion in the various reagents, yet it can not be said that these alterations were identical with those of the growing cell. 1 Some highly suggestive results or situations were produced, however, by the replacements of hydrating solutions, as described in following pages. NOTE. All measurements of swelling and shrinkage are given in terms of original or dried thickness of sections. AUTHOR. 1 MacDougal and Spoehr. The effects of acids and salts on biocolloids. Science, 46 : 269. 1917. 78 Fluctuating or Alternating Hydration Effects. 79 An experiment of this kind was carried out July 30 to August 9, 1917, in the equable-temperature chambers of the Coastal Laboratory at 15 to 16 C., in which sections composed of 9 parts agar and 1 part bean protein were subjected to alternating action of acids and hydro- xid after they had first been swelled in water for 5 hours. Citric, malic, and formic acids were used in separate sets at hundredth-normal con- centration, but no determination was made of the hydrogen-ion con- centration, and as the initial swellings in water were widely divergent, the final totals have no especial significance, entire interest lying in the changes in volume resulting from the replacements. (See fig. 11.) I2pm. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. ~r 7 f r r 1 r ? 7 r T / ' FIG. 11. Record of variations in thickness of sections of agar and bean protein subjected to the action of water, acids, and alkalies, as described in text pages 79 and 80. Trios of sections which were 0.25 mm. in thickness were placed in dishes into which distilled water was poured in the usual manner. At the end of 5 hours, designated as A on the tracing, the water was drawn off by a pipette and a solution of hundredth-normal sodium hydroxid substituted, which was followed by an expansion which reached almost to the possible total of 580 to 860 per cent of the original dried sections in 8 hours. At the end of this time the sections were in an advanced stage of hydration and were also probably impregnated with salts formed by potassium with the carbohydrates and proteins in the gel, and the possible presence of these compounds as modified by subsequent experiences must be kept in mind. The three acids were now added to the separate sets of sections, and from this point their experiences diverge. All agreed in under- going a retraction during the next 9 hours which was most pro- nounced in the citric acid. Shrinkage at a slow rate was still in prog- ress at the end of this period, B, when the acid solutions were removed and distilled water substituted. No effort was made to wash the sections which were saturated with the acid and salt, and the operation resulted simply in a reduced acidity in which some slight swelling took place during the 5 hours ending at C, at which time the reaction was practically at an end. The hydroxid was now used for the second time, replacing the acid, for 2 hours, in which time a further slight swelling ensued. Acids 80 Hydration and Growth. were again used at D and a slow shrinkage again set in which fol- lowed on during the 18 hours until the change was made at E to hydroxid, which, as before, simply neutralized the acid and increased the salt-content, with the result that the volume of the colloid swelled to the dimensions occupied before the last treatment with acid. At the end of the 5 hours, F, the hydroxid was removed and water, re- newed once, poured into the dishes. The effect was very marked, as a rapid swelling ensued during the next 4 hours, at the end of which time it was in progress at an undiminished rate, being greatest in the formic and least in the citric acid. The sections now contained a large proportion of water, sufficient to bring them into the condition of hydration of active protoplasm, and the addition of the acids at G arrested the swelling abruptly and caused a shrinkage which was di- minishing at the end of 4 hours. The shrinkage was checked by replace- ment with water at H and a slight swelling took place in the ensuing 11 hours. The water now being replaced by hydroxid, a sudden slight ex- pansion occurred in all of the sections, followed by a shrinkage which had not ceased entirely at the end of 9 hours, during which period additional salts were being formed in the colloidal structure. Now, when the hydroxid was partially washed out by water at J, a swelling ensued which in 15 hours brought the sections very nearly to their final thickness and consequently near their maximum imbibition capacity. It is in this condition, of course, that growing protoplasts are normally active. The greatest expansion in this phase was in the material treated previously with malic acid. The addition of hydroxid (K) was now followed by a marked shrinkage which had not ceased at the end of 8 hours. Replace- ment of the hydroxid with acid at L caused a further abrupt retraction which soon ceased, and after 5 hours the acid was re- placed with water once renewed (M), only a slight swelling resulting during the next 10 hours. Again hydroxid (N) caused a sudden expansion to be followed by a slow shrinkage which had not reached its end in 13 hours. Water now following hydroxid at 0, a much greater expansion took place than when water followed acid. Alka- losis at P now came after an hydroxid-water period and was not followed by the abrupt enlargement consequent upon adding hy- droxid to the colloid after an acid-water period. The shrinkage, however, was as marked as in previous experiences, and had not ended in 8 hours. Replacement with water at S was followed by an expansion which had not ceased at the end of 6 hours. Finally, acids caused a diminu- tion the most marked of any produced by these substances. Both acids and hydroxids caused the most marked changes ni the highly hydrated and salted sections near the end of the week over which the Fluctuating or Alternating Hydration Effects. 81 experiments had been extended. It is to be noted that, in addition to hydration and possible salt formation, the colloid was also undergoing some alteration by the unequal solution out of the solution of pro- tein and agar. Fio. 12. Continuation of record of variations of sec- tions of agar and bean protein in fig. 11. For description see text, pages 81 and 82. 12p.m. m. I2p.m 12p.m. 12p.m. New sheets were fitted to the recorder of the auxograph and arrange- ments made to follow further changes (see fig. 12). During the next 4 days an additional swelling of 280 per cent in the malic series, 320 per cent in the citric, and 300 per cent in the formic were recorded. Replacement of the acid by hydroxid (1) resulted first in an expan- sion which was partially lost in 7 hours, so that the net gain was very- light. When the hydroxid was washed off (2) hydration in distilled water was followed by expansion of lesser amplitude than in the previous procedure of this kind, but it had not ceased at the end of 14 hours. A diminution in each repetition was found. Hydroxid (3) failed to bring the sections back to the dimensions preceding the last hydration. Replacement of the hydroxid by acid (4) caused a further slight contraction, but not to the last pre-hydration dimen- sions. In fact, every hydration included an irreversible element. Hydroxid (5) again produced shrinkage, and then contraction which soon ceased. After 13 hours in hydroxid, water applied and re- newed (6) produced a swelling which was in progress at the end of 12 hours. Replacement with acids (7) was followed by very abrupt shrinkages which were more gradual in formic acid. Substitution of hydroxid after 11 hours at 8 was followed by the expected initial expansion and subsequent shrinkage. The final hydration (9) on the tenth day of the test gave swellings with net expansions of 7, 9, and 8, as compared with 21, 18, and 17 on the sixth day. The biocolloid is thus seen to progress through a period of reactions of increasing amplitude to a climax, followed by one of diminishing alterations in 82 Hydration and Growth. water. Such progress is probably accompanied by, or consequent upon, changes in the proteins and in the pentosans. On the other hand, as the sections come nearer to their total imbibitional or hydration capacity, they are more sensitive to acidity and not only the speed but the amount of retraction increases. Another series was based on the behavior of an agar (90 parts) bean albumen (10 parts) mixture in plates 0.18 mm. in thickness. Three sets of sections were given treatment as nearly identical as possible, a special feature being made of the action of salts. An initial swelling of 1,055 to 1,222 per cent, averaging 1,137 per cent, was first produced in 7 hours in distilled water, at which tune it is evident the plates had increased to a thickness of .about 2 mm., or one-half of the total displayed in the test. (See fig. 13.) The replace- m. l?p.m. m. 12p.m. m. I? p.m 12p.m. 12p.m. m 12 p. m 12p.m. m. Fio. 13. Variations in thickness in sections of agar and bean albumen subjected to the action of acids, salts, and hydroxid. ment of the water by a hundredth-molar solution of potassium nitrate (A) for 14 hours was characterized by a slight initial shrinkage, followed by very slow swelling, which was probably accompanied by a solution of the albumin from the sections. Replacement of the salt solution .by another one acidified by a hundredth-normal citric-acid solution (B), produced a shrinkage which brought the dimensions of the sections to about that at the end of the initial swelling in water. The material might now be considered as a biocolloid containing some salt and acidified to a point probably equivalent to conditions in living material. Replacement of the acidified salt with alkaline salt of the same con- centration resulted in a swelling averaging 200 per cent of the original thickness of the dried plate. The sections were now washed (D) and allowed to swell for 9 hours in distilled water, making an increase of over 1,100 per cent and, as will be obvious, bringing the water-content of the biocolloid to a point nearing the maximum capacity. Replacement of water by an alkaline salt solution (E) now pro- duced a greater shrinkage than when the biocolloid had a water-con- tent about a half less, the loss being 200 per cent of the original thick- Fluctuating or Alternating Hydration Effects. 83 ness. Replacement with acid (F) resulted in a further slight shrink- age, no noticeable loss ensuing when the acid was replaced by acidified salt ( r~ NOV. 6 1916 1 i 1 | 12 p.m. m. 12 p.m. 12 p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m 12p.m. 12 p.m. 1 1 l i -^- 1 " i v -^ " ' -; DEC. 2&, 1916 1 | m. 12 p.m m. 12 p.m. m. 12 p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12 p.m. m. 12 p.m. i f 1 1 1 1 i i 1 '*~ | JAN. id, 1917 iCIoudy and r4iny all week ', " 1 m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. __!__! ' 1 i i v I ~ ', 1 \ i. r^ i \\/ 1 \ \ i \ \ \ ~ \ \ v \ \ X^ 1 ~\ **Nl ( /^ \ \ \ > \ \ \ 4 \ * \ * K ^_. ~-^ ~\ , i *" \FEB.\B\\9\7 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \^ \ W \ m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12 p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12 p.m. >_ I 1 i 1 ; i I ' ! 1 1 i L ' S^ ^~~i" '"x. ^^ ^_ t 'ill* 1 \-~~^"^\ \^-S~ N , ^S^^ \APR.2J, 1917 ; \lncrea^in incize all\ week \ \ m. 12p.m. m. V2p.m, m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. 1 1 1 ! APR. 2!?, 1917 1 ! 1 '. _ i ^ \ ^-V v i ^-* ~v\ s~i N! ^s~ \ "^ ~>^__x^" * ^ r-' \ ' ^\~^ \ \^~S \ \^s \ \' \ \ \ \ ', \ \ FIG. 29. Continuation of record of variations in length of mature joint of Opuntia (see fig. 28) amplified 50 times. The amplitude of the daily variations has been reduced to a minimum November to January, with a general shrinkage in length. Equable conditions accompanying clouds and rain are illustrated by the record of the week beginning January 15, 1917. The influence of the advancing temperatures in inducing increased imbibition is illustrated by the records of February to April, and a balance of daily losses and gains occurred about the end of April. 1 Long, E. R. Growth and colloid hydratation in cacti. Bot. Gaz., 59: No. 6. 1915. Imbibition and Growth of Opuntia. 141 50 o30 20 10 %o Sodium hydro/id Nutrient solution Distilled water %w Hydrochloric acid %o Malic acid %o Hydrochloric acid 12 Time in hours 18 Fia. 30. The course and amount of swelling of sections of Opuntia in solutions as indicated dur- ing a period of 24 hours. Fresh sections 12 mm. across were cut from green joints and placed in glass dishes in a dark room at 18 C. The lines are traced from the results of measure- ments made at 6-hour intervals. Compare with fig. 31. (Redrawn after E. R. Long.) 50 40 30 20 10 Nutrient solution Distilled water N /oo Sodium hydroxid N /so Malic acid %>o Hydrochloric acid April 10 13 16 20 23 27 30 FIG. 31. Record of growth of flower-buds of Opuntia, on joints the bases of which were immersed in solutions, the imbibition effects of which are shown in fig. 30. The record covers a period of three weeks, or the entire measurable period of extension of the buds to the time of open- ing. The preparations stood in a glass house and were exposed to alternating conditions of daylight and darkness and to temperatlres of about 15 to 30 C. (See fig. 30.) (Redrawn after E. R. Long.) 142 Hydration and Growth. Mr. Long's results were confirmed by the author in April 1918, at which time auxographic methods and technique of measuring the swelling of such sections had been brought to an advanced stage of efficacy. Sections were cut at sunrise, noon, and sunset, from young joints 8 to 10 cm. long growing hi the open under natural conditions. Such sections had an average thickness of about 4 mm. and when swelled at 20 C. gave the increases shown in table 108. TABLE 108. Opuntia, median sections. Time taken. Dried slice taken 7 a. m. 7 a. m. 8 a. m. Noon. 5 p. m. Distilled water. . . . Citric acid p. ct. 7 6 p. ct. 4.6 6 8.2 p. ct. 8.2 8.2 12.0 p. ct. 4.6 5.2 11.8 392 400 440 Sodium hydroxid. . The great increase of dried slices is indicative of high water capacity of living material. The relative swelling of the sections in the different solutions is identical with that of the fresh sections, demonstrating that the dominant process is imbibition rather than osmosis. The time required for satisfaction varied widely with the time at which material was taken and the character of the solution. The sections taken at the end of the day were fully hydrated in distilled water and began to shrink in 6 hours. The sections taken at sunrise, which were most highly acid, as those taken in the evening are least acidified, were satisfied in 2 hours and began to shrink in 3 hours. The material taken in the morning was saturated in the acid solution in less than an hour and was shrinking rapidly an hour and a half after 8a.m. 8 a.m. I I I I I FIG. 32. The tracing on the left shows the variation in volume of a trio of sections of a young joint of Opuntia 4.6 mm. in thickness which swelled 6.5 per cent in citric acid, 0.01 N, less than three hours at 20 C., then began to shrink. The tracing on the right shows the reaction of a similar trio which had an average thickness of but 3.9 mm., and which swelled 6.4 per cent in an hour at 28 C. and then began to shrink very rapidly. immersion (see fig. 32). Swelling in the alkaline solution was charac- teristically slow and long-continued. Material taken in the morning continued to increase for 4 hours, and that taken hi the evening was still showing some increase 12 hours later. Another feature in conformity with the condition of the joint at differ- ent times of the day was the fact, confirmed by repeated tests, that the Imbibition and Growth of Opuntia. 143 difference between the amount of swelling of sections in distilled water taken at sunrise and swelled at 20 and 28 C. was so small as to be negligible. The same condition prevailed in dried slices taken in the morning and dried rapidly in the desiccator. Slices which came down to a thickness of about 0.6 mm. swelled 392 per cent at 20 C. and a second set increased an equivalent proportion at 27 to 28 C. The sets of living sections used for these tests gave an increase of about 6.5 per cent in water. Sections taken at noon swelled 8.2 per cent at 20 C. and 9.8 per cent at 28 C. Sections taken at the end of the day swelled 4.6 per cent at 20 C. and 6.5 per cent at 28 C. The material used for these paired tests was selected to be equivalent as far as pos- sible, and comparisons transverse to those stated are not allowable. The acidosis produced by the residual acids of the morning condition may be taken to be accentuated by the rising temperature and to cancel or mask any additional absorption which might accrue as a direct effect of temperature on a neutral solution. The increases at other times would be due to the direct action of rising temperatures on absorption. It became evident in the earliest work done with the opuntias that the young joints showed a swelling in hydroxid solutions greater than in water or acids, a fact probably attributable to the formation of compounds of the sodium hydroxid with the carbohydrates present, in conjunction with possible sodium albuminates. The carbohydrates are in greatest proportion in young joints. The swelling in hydroxid in later stages comes down to a level near that in acid and in water. An additional fact of interest was the action of the juice of the joints taken in the condition in which it is found at midday. Duplicates of the dried slices, which have already been noted as showing an increase of 390 per cent in distilled water, swelled 325 per cent at 20 C. in the expressed juice. Similar dried slices swelled 372 per cent in the freshly expressed juice of Echinocactus wislizeni. Its hydrating effect on thin plates of a biocolloid consisting of agar 6 parts, opuntia mucilage 2 parts, bean protein 1 part, and gelatine 1 part was much marked. Such sections swelled 2,450 per cent at 20 C. in distilled water, and only 700 per cent in the fresh juice of Opuntia taken at midday. The principal factors which influence the rate and course of growth of Opuntia have been described in the preceding pages. The joints when in the youngest stage have a mode of growth which does not differ materially in the record which it makes from that of many other green plants. As soon as it reaches medium size its innate peculiarities of transpiration and metabolism and certain morphological features operate to give it a highly characteristic daily chart of elongation and retardation or shrinkage. The respiration of these plants is of a character which results hi the accumulation of acids to an amount equivalent to as much as 0.1 N malic acid at daybreak, which is suffi- 144 Hydration and Growth. cient to have a distinct effect on the hydration capacity of the cell- colloids. Late in the daylight period the acid may be reduced to a point below the hundredth normal which has been used so exten- sively in this work as a standard solution. The effects of acidosis would, of course, vary as the composition of the pentosan-protein-salt colloid of the joint passed from its embryonic aspect to that of the mature member. The actual amount of water lost by the greater number of plants, especially those with thin stems and broad leaves, is greater for the daylight period than for the night. Opuntia is a notable exception to this generalization, and its rate of transpiration is greatest during the night, usually between midnight and morning. All of these agencies affecting imbibition likewise have a determining influence oh growth, and the resultants in Opuntia and presumably in other massive succulents are such as to constitute a characteristic type of growth. Another feature about which but little has been said is that of the morphology of the compound members of the stems of Opuntia. At first, when a young joint is but 2 or 3 cm. in length, it is wholly in an embryonic condition and its colloids show the reactions of such mix- tures. As development progresses much permanent tissue is formed, hi which finally the embryonic tracts lie as a network or reticulum. Any given section of a growing joint contains growing and mature tissue after a certain stage is reached, but when the mature tissue reaches a proportion something greater than that of the growing masses its characteristic variations in hydration overshadow those of the growing cells and give rise to the retardations and shrinkages which are so marked a feature of these plants. It is probable that many features of the rate and course of growth may be ascribed to anatomical relations, of which the above is an illustration. XL THE HYDRATION REACTIONS AND GROWTH OF MESEM- BRYANTHEMUM, HELIANTHUS, AND PHASEOLUS. The results obtained by a study of the hydration of the cacti are especially valuable because of the possibility of their correlation with features of varying composition which could be determined by chemical analyses. Measurements of a second type of succulent were sought for the purpose of bringing into relief the possibilities of rapid changes in the water-content of growing and mature organs. A mesembryan- themum (Mesembryanthemum edule) which flourishes in the open at the Coastal Laboratory and in the glass-house at the Desert Labora- tory furnished material suitable for such studies. The leaves attain a length when mature of about 6 to 10 cm. and are triangular in cross- section, the three faces being about 10 to 12 mm. across. Metabolism runs a course in these organs similar to that of the opuntias, as a result of which acid accumulates during the night, and decreases with the disintegrating action of light during the daytime, as illustrated by the data given in table 109. The total daily range in the concentration of the acids is much less than that displayed by the cacti. TABLE 108. Acidity of juice of leaves of Mesembryanthemum in cubic centimeters of N/100 KOH. 8 a. m. Noon. 4 h 30 m p. m. Sample A. Fresh juice, per c.c p. ct. 0.0280 p. ct. 0.0279 p. ct. 0.0232 Total acidity per gm. dry material . . Total acidity per gm. fresh material . Sample B. Pure juice, per c.c 1.584 .0356 .0273 1.509 .0351 .0225 1.191 .0264 .0205 Total acidity per gm. dry material . . Total acidity per gm. fresh material . 1.072 .029 1.091 .0241 1.056 .0275 Measurements of the varying diameter of young and of mature leaves indicate that the direct water-loss from the surfaces are so im- portant as to mask the imbibition capacity as affected by acidity and other factors, as will be apparent from auxographic measurements. Mention has been made previously of the general similarity of the course of growth of Mesembryanthemum to that of Opuntia. It was possible to go into this matter in greater detail in the experiments described in this volume. 1 A series of tests was arranged to ascertain the alterations in volume of these leaves both in a mature condition and when in the course of 1 MacDougal and Spoehr. Growth and imbibition. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 56: 314. 1917. 145 146 Hydration and Growth. growth. Their regular surfaces made it possible to place one side snugly on a small wooden block, and to bring the cork-tipped vertical auxograph lever in bearing with the uppermost angle of the leaf. The stem was held firmly a few centimeters from the base of the leaf, which was exposed to no disturbing conditions (fig. 33). First, the diurnal variations of a mature leaf were followed without any attempt being made to equalize temperatures, which were taken by a thermometer with a thin bulb thrust into a second leaf and allowed to remain there. The readings were as low as 10 C. at daybreak and as high as 31 C. at midday. The varia- tions in volume amplified 45 times shown hi figure 34. The record beginning at noon on February 14, with the temperature of the leaves at 25 C., was at a juncture when shrinkage set in, lessening the thickness of the leaf about 1 mm., or 10 per cent of its turgid thick- ness before 5 h 30 m p. m., at which time, with the temperature still at a high point (27 C.), the shrinkage came to an end and enlargement began, which continued through the night, so that at 8 o'clock the follow- ing morning the- leaf was actually thicker than on the preceding day. The temperature on this day rose to 31 C. and the shrinkage exceeded that of the preceding day, amount- ing to about 13 per cent of the turgid thickness of the leaf. Swell- ing began again in the evening, which restored the leaf to about its original dimensions 48 hours after the beginning of the record. The variations appeared to run parallel in part only to those already described in detail f or Opuntia, and to the extent that the daily variations take the form of alternate shrinking and enlargement with the increase in excess of the loss. The chief features of growth may be illustrated by the record of one of a pair of leaves which had attained about two-thirds of the full size. This was put in bearing with the auxograph in the FIG. 33. Detail of arrangement of auxo- graph to record variations in thickness of leaf of Mesembryanthemum. Leaf in a horizontal position resting on a wooden support cut away below to make place for the younger terminal leaves. Some Hydration Reactions and Growth. 147 I2p.m. m. J2p.m. T X45 12 p.m. manner described, and a portion of the record is given in figure 35. As may be seen, the period of shrinkage, which begins about the same time in the older leaf, continues for a shorter period, on some days not more than 2 hours, and enlargement sets in in mid- afternoon. The thickness on each successive morning was greater than at the same tune on the preceding day, demonstrating that actual growth was in progress. Two series of measurements were now un- dertaken to secure new records of the elonga- tion of leaves which had reached about half the final length and of others still younger. Such a pair of young leaves, with their surf aces still appressed in an erect position, were brought into bearing on an auxograph lever in a sunny place in a glass-house. The length of the exposed portion was about 25 mm. and their thickness was not over 0.5 mm. at the beginning of the tests. Here, as in previous preparations, it was found that whatever the causes of the stoppage of growth and of shrinkage might be, they were not effective in producing an actual cessation of elongation, which hi these young leaves continued through- out the 24 hours of the day variously respon- sive to alterations in temperature (fig. 36). l Another pair which were about to spread by the growth of the bud ensheathed between their bases were attached to the auxograph and set in a place where they would be shielded from the direct rays of the sun. Preparations of all three stages increased in length and thickness FIG. 34. Upper part of fig- ure is an auxographic rec- ord of variations in thick- ness of leaf of Mesembry- anthemum on a cloudy day with but little change in temperature, as taken by a mercurial thermom- eter from a similar leaf. Upward course of line de- notes increase. X45. Lower figure is an auxo- graphic tracing of same leaf on sunny day with temperatures of 16 to 25 C. Shrinkage occurred during the entire day- light period. X45. 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 I2p.m m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12 p.m. m. T / _T I 24"C, ,27'C. \ \ \ FIG. 35 Auxographic record of thickness of pair of leaves about half mature size. X45. A daily shrinkage between 8 a. m. and midday occurred, which amounted to an increasing pro- portion of the increase taking place during the remainder of the day. during the entire night, the increase in thickness being very rapid during the first half of the night and slowing down to a very low rate 1 MacDougal and Spoehr. Growth and imbibition. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 56: 310. 1917. 148 Hydration and Growth. afterward, beginning actual shrinkage by 9 a. m. Growth of the leaf of middle age slows down with the low temperature of daybreak, but accelerates at 9 a. m., at the time the older leaf begins shrinking, at 17 C. The youngest pair of leaves grows with a high rate all night, with a perceptible slowing at daybreak, but it also accelerates at 9 a. m. with the rising temperature, at the time the oldest leaves are shrinking (fig. 37). 12p.m. m. 12p.m. 15 25 35 45 55 rr V / / \ I4*C.\ zz'o. \ \ X20 \ v f- 12 p.m. 12p.m. 5 15 25 35 45 55 ' / / J / / [\I6C. J [ I8CV otfr X20 ^ "X i i \ B I2p.m. 3lC. FIG. 36. A, auxographic record of elongation of pair of leaves 2 cm. long during a 24-hour period; temperatures of 14 to 25 C. Retardation during period of highest temperature is illustrated. X20. B, action of same leaves in shade. The general features of growth under the usual varying conditions of alternating daylight-high temperature and night-low temperature complexes being determined, it became necessary to test the swelling of the leaves, as had been done with the joints of Opuntia to ascertain their unsatisfied hydration capacity. Preparations for testing the swell- ing of living material of leaves were s made by placing these triangular !5 organs on a flat surface alongside a 25 guide of 5 mm. in thickness. A razor slid along this slices away the uppermost angle, leaving a trun- cated section 5 mm. in thickness, in which the central fibrovascular tissue could be seen through the translucent parenchymatous tissue. Segments about 1 cm. long were taken, to the exclusion of the basal and apical parts of the leaf. It is to be noted that active enlargement is usually in progress morning and evening in young leaves, while mature leaves are enlarging in the morning but shrinking in the afternoon and night. The results of the hydrations are shown in table 110. In the above tests the amount of swelling was most in distilled water, less in hydroxid, and least in acid, in mature leaves taken in the even- 35 45 55 FIG. 37. Variations in thickness of a mature leaf of Mesembryanthemum. X45. Tem- peratures taken from a similar leaf with a mercurial thermometer. Some Hydration Reactions and Growth. 149 ing while in a shrinking stage. These differences hold for the morning, except that the effects of acid and hydroxid are about equal. TABLE 110. Mesembryanthemum, median slices of leaves. Taken at 6 p. m., swelled at 15 to 17 C. Taken at 8 a. m., swelled at 13 to 15 C. Mature leaves. Young leaves. Mature leaves. Young leaves. Distilled water p. ct. 18 16 15 p. ct. 12 16 12 p. ct. 13 8 8 p. ct. 22 13 47 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M Citric acid, 0.01 N An additional set of measurements with young leaves decreased the differential between the more acid condition of the morning and the less acid condition of the evening, as is shown in table 111. TABLE 111. Young leaves, Young leaves, taken at 6 taken at 8 Mesembryanthemum. p. m., and swelled in a. m., and swelled in darkness at darkness at 12 to 15 C. 12 to 15 C. p. ct. p. ct. Distilled water 13 12 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M . . 11 10 Citric acid, 0.01 N 11 10 Young leaves are generally in a state of enlargement both morning and evening, and should show but little difference in swelling capacity in the two stages, while mature leaves are enlarging in the morning and shrinking hi the afternoon, in expression of a condition which is reflected in the swelling reactions. Thus, for example, sections of mature leaves taken in the morning, which had a thickness of about 9.3 mm., swelled 6 per cent at 14 to 19 C. in the dark room, which was about the temperature at which they were taken. An equivalent set taken at 1 p. m. swelled 15 per cent in water at 17 to 19 C. From which it may be seen that the measurements of variations in thickness of entire leaves (see pp. 147, 148) are in entire conformity with other known facts. The foregoing measurements were obtained from segments cut from leaves about 1 cm. in length and with the epidermis on the three faces intact. The measurements made for the purpose of determining the possible effects of acidity were obtained by cutting slices which removed one angle of the leaf and the epidermal face parallel to the excised surface. If the water-loss is a factor, its effects would be most 150 Hydration and Growth. pronounced in the layers which had been removed. The mature leaves were distinctly flabby to the touch and the external layers were in a state of partial collapse during the midday period. Segments of young leaves in the stage in which these organs con- tinued elongation and increase during the entire day were now taken for comparison. Their thickness was a little more than half that of the mature leaves. The trio of sections taken from leaves at 8 a. m., when the highest turgidity prevailed, showed a swelling of 13.6 per cent, while those taken at midday swelled 16.7 per cent at 14 to 20 C. The difference in the two cases is much less proportionately than that which is set up in mature leaves and fully accounts for the shrinkage of the older organs. Beyond this the auxographic tracings made obvi- ous another difference between the young and mature leaves. The total swelling in the mature leaves was reached in 6 or 8 hours, most of which developed within 2 hours of immersion. The swelling of young leaves was much more gradual, and the rate was less rapid at first and then decreased much more gradually and had not actually ceased at the end of 20 hours. The material in the young leaves was not only alive, but in a growing condition; consequently new colloidal material in the process of aggregation would provide a continuing source of hydration capacity. Confirmatory evidence consists in the fact that when two pairs of leaves are put in bearing with auxographs, the one exposed to the sun soon reaches the stage where the water-loss at midday is equivalent to growth and neutralizes it on the record, while the pair of leaves of the same age shaded from the sun continues elongation scarcely checked or retarded during the same period. Now, if the preparation in the sunny location experiences a cloudy day or is shaded, it too continues growth during the entire day in a manner which shows con- clusively that the daily retardation is in the main due to excessive water-loss in the case of the Mesembryanthemum. A similar action by the cacti has already been discussed in Chapter X. The practice of testing the swelling of dried sections for comparison with that of living material was followed as in Opuntia. Sections of living leaves about 5 mm. in thickness were prepared as above, and these were placed between folds of filter-paper and weighted only sufficiently to prevent warping and curling during desiccation, which continued for a week. Their final thickness was about 0.25 mm. and their swelling, unlike that of the segments of Opuntia, did not come back to the approximate size of the fresh material. The final measure- ments in percentages of the dry thickness were as follows: TABLE 112. p. ct. Distilled water 100 Citric acid, 0.01 N 120 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M 100 Some Hydration Reactions and Growth. 151 It had been previously concluded that the dominant factor in the varying rate, and in producing shrinkage, was that of modified hydra- tion capacity as dependent chiefly upon the acidity of the sap and the balance between absorption and water-loss by transpiration. The effects of the last-named feature were marked, as the experiments were carried out under conditions of drought approaching the limit of endurance of this plant. Sudden changes in hydrogen-ion concen- tration of the sap of another species of this genus, with other unusual features of the sap as noted by J. Hempel, may be responsible for some of the aberrances shown by this plant. 1 While this author gives nitro- gen determinations showing much greater uniformity than in other succulents, this uniformity of total nitrogen may include many changes in amino-groups which might affect the water capacity of the colloids. One species was found especially high, in nitrogen. The sunflower has been used extensively in studies on growth- rates, and the behavior of young and older internodes of the same stem of Helianthus furnishes some homologies with the alterations exhibited by the succulents. A stock of Helianthus annuus was grown in the glass-house of the Desert Laboratory in February and March 1918, at which time they showed vigorous and normal development. Dur- ing most of the time in which these observations were made the tem- perature of the air rose to 25 to 31 C. in the glass-house and some slight wilting effects were noticeable in the leaves at midday, a fact included in the records given below, to which are also attached the tem- peratures taken by thermometers thrust into the stems. The young parts in which growing cells constitute the greater part of the mass con- tinue to increase during a period in which the older parts are shrinking. The older parts consist of cylinders of tissue, almost mature, fully saturated, with no continuing increase in hydration capacity; and the growing cells are in the form of an irregular cylindrical shell under- neath the epidermis, the thickness of which is no more than a small fraction of the entire diameter. Consequently the external measure- ments of the stem are chiefly determined by the changes in the mature cell-masses. The preliminary swelling tests were made with sections of the ter- minal internodes from which tangential slices had been removed, leav- ing them with a thickness of 2.7 mm. Such sections at 14 to 16 C. swelled 7.4 per cent in distilled water, 9.2 per cent in hundredth-normal sodium hydrate, 5.5 per cent in a similar solution of citric acid, and 7.4 per cent in a similar solution of potassium nitrate. These results are fairly representative of this type of plants. The preceding series was made up before the daily shortage of water in the terminal parts of the stems had been detected. A second set of 1 Hempel, J. Buffer processes in the metabolism of succulent plants. Compt. Rend. d. Trav. d. Lab. d. Carlsberg, 13. 1917. See pp. 45-51. 152 Hydration and Growth. sections were therefore taken at I h 30 m p. m., when the plant stood at a temperature of 22 C., and these were swelled hi the dark room at once with solutions which stood at 18 to 20 C. during the time of the swelling. The increases were as follows: TABLE 113. p. ct. Distilled water 70 Citric acid, 0.01 N 19 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M 46 Potassium chloride, hydrochloric acid, 0.01 M 14 The examination of the sections after the records were complete showed that they were variously twisted and curled, due to the fact that the internal parenchymatous tissues had swelled more than the external layers. So far as could be estimated by simple observation without measurement, the error did not double the measurement, how- ever. Consequently it is to be seen that the imbibition capacity of these stems, due to a depletion of the water-balance, is much greater at noon than in early morning. A repetition of the first test with whole sections that could not so readily twist showed that another series of sections taken at 8 a. m. swelled as follows, at 18 to 20 C.: TABLE 114. p. ct. Distilled water 4 Citric acid, 0.01 N 4 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M 6.5 Potassium chloride, hydrochloric acid, 0.01 M 6 This series was characterized by the satisfaction of the full hydration capacity within an hour or two, except in the case of the alkaline solu- tion, in which the increase was very gradual. The material had re- turned to its original dimensions within 6 hours in the other liquids and continued to shrink. This action, coupled with decoloration, was especially marked in the acidified saline solution. As a still further verification of the above results, a trio of sections exactly like those of the above series were taken at midday on the following day, and these swelled 14 per cent in water, while another trio increased 10 per cent in the acidified saline solution before shrinking. The earlier measurements of the swelling of the sunflower having been made with the terminal internodes of growing stems, a final series was made in which were used the cotyledonary stalks from which the plumules had been cut a day or two earlier. Measurements as follows were obtained at 17 to 19 C. TABLE 115. p. ct. Distilled water 6 Citric acid, 0.01 N 4 Sodium hydroxid, 0.01 M 7 Potassium chloride, hydrochloric acid, 0.01 M 7 Some Hydration Reactions and Growth. 153 Another trio of sections from an older stem measuring 5 mm. in diameter was taken at midday, and when immersed in distilled water at 21 C. increased 7.5 per cent. The entire lot of observations con- firms and supports the conclusion that the stems of Helianthus have their hydration capacity more nearly satisfied in the morning than at noon, when the leaves may be in a wilting condition. This fact would inevitably have an important influence on the rate at which such stems might elongate. The growth of stems of Helianthus was measured on stems growing in the soil of a large bed. Heavy wooden bases were placed on the surface of the soil of the greenhouse bench and the stems were brought closely against this and fastened at the base of the growing internodes in such manner that only the elongation above this point would be registered by the auxograph, and the movements of the base due to softness of soil or other features would have no effect. The growing part consisted of one internode approaching maturity and a terminal one less than 3 cm. in length. A fine wire loop was passed around this and carried up over the arm of the auxograph lever. Temperatures were taken by thermometers with thin bulbs thrust into the stems of similar plants within a few centimeters of the one being measured. As an example of the rate, the older and the younger internodes, together having a length of about 15 cm., increased 2.7 mm. during an hour at midday at a temperature of 30 C., while in the 2 hours immediately afterwards, when, as will be seen, the stem of another plant was showing shrinkage in thickness, the rate was but 1.2 mm. per hour at 29 C. During the next 4 hours the temperature slowly fell to 19 C., but the rate of elongation came up to 2.1 mm. per hour, a fact plainly due to decreased water-loss. A similar behavior ensued on the following day, when the rate was 2.4 mm. per hour at midday at 29 to 30 C., then fell off to 1.4 mm. per hour during the next two hours at 26 C., and then to 0.6 mm. per hour during the following 2 hours. Such diminished growth might be attributed to the falling temperature if it had not been observed that a higher rate was shown at temperatures as low as 14 to 16 C. This lowered rate in the afternoon was accompanied by a distinct wilting of the leaves. An auxograph was now provided with a cork bearing hollowed to fit against a stem about 15 cm. from the apex, and the stem was held firmly in place, so that any variation in thickness would be expressed by the free arm of the auxograph and traced on the revolving cylinder by the pen. The daily action may be exemplified by the following transcript from the notebook : " Feb. 8. The temperature had risen from about 16 C. in the morning to 23 C. at 10 a. m., at which time an increase in the thickness of the stem at a point 15 cm. from the tip had been in progress for 4 hours. The pen was 154 Hydration and Growth. stationary at midday, with a stem temperature of 26 to 29 C. Actual shrinkage now began and continued through the afternoon, but all action ceased at night. On the following day swelling or increase in thickness began at 8 a. m. at a temperature of 12.5 C., but continued for an hour only. The leaves were beginning to flag at 10 h 30 m a. m., as the plants had not been watered, and shrinkage was in progress before noon at a temperature of 23.5 C." (See fig. 38.) FIG. 38. Detail of arrangement for recording variations in thickness of stem of Helianthus. A, stem; B and C, parts of clamp holding stem rigidly in place; D, support; E, cork bearing of short lever of auxograph; F, pen arm of auxograph, and G, rack-and- pinion column of auxograph. A second preparation was set up on February 10, in which the variations in thickness were taken at a place but 6 cm. from the tip of the stem. The adjustment had been completed by night and an in- crease in thickness of 0.38 mm. took place in 12 hours at temperatures between 24 and 18 C. Constant readjustment was necessary to obtain reliable measurements, and on February 12 another record was obtained, at which time an enlargement of 0.4 mm. was recorded between 11 a. m. and 2 h 30 m p. m. at temperatures of 22 to 25 C. After this time a slight shrinkage occurred, although the plant was so well supplied with water as to show no indications of wilting. Here, as in the leaves of Mesenibryanthemum, elongations may be taking place at a lessened rate in the extreme terminal part of a stem in which the hydration capacity is kept continuously higher than in older inter- nodes, while at the same moment an actual decrease in thickness may be taking place within a few centimeters of the elongating active zone. This shrinkage may ensue in a section of the stem which has not lost the capacity for elongation altogether, so that its daily record shows a period of elongation at a moderate rate during a part of the day, then a cessation due to the depletion of the water-balance. 1 It is obvious that the action in question is one which may be responsible for many mistaken generalizations bearing upon cessation of growth and effect of temperature on growth (fig. 39). Attempts at interpretation of the *See Brown and Trelease. Alternate shrinkage and elongation of growing stems of Cestrum nocturnum. Philipp. Jour, of Science, 13: No. 6, 333. 1918. Some Hydration Reactions and Growth. 155 rate and course of growth of any plant with differentiated tissues which does not take into account the mechanical composition of the organs, and especially the arrangement of the growing cell-masses with respect to mature parts, may encounter many pitfalls and can hardly fail to be inadequate. 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 Feb.22 8a.m. I5C. X5 I2p.m. m. 12p.m. m. l?p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. FIG. 39. The upper part of the figure shows the course of elongation of a stem of Helianthus annuus for 24 hours beginning at 5 p. m., with temperatures of the plant as indicated, X 5. Increase in length denoted by downward movement of the pen. Shown on a scale of milli- meters as indicated, the total elongation during the peiiod being 19 mm. The lower tracing shows variations in thickness of a stem of Helianthus 15 cm. from apex, the increase being denoted by the upward movement of the pen, with temperatures of the plant as indicated. Shrinkage or cessation of enlargement began after midday, but increase was again mani- fested by evening. The variation is amplified 30 times and is shown on a millimeter scale, the actual increase during six days being about 0.6 mm. Opportunity for the measurement of growth in another type of structure was presented by the legumes of Phaseolus cultivated in the glass-house of the Desert Laboratory in April 1918. These pods are first measurable when they have attained a length of about 3 cm. and a thickness of 2 mm., and as they attain a final length of 10 to 12 cm. in a week, the rate is rapid enough to afford ready means of detecting variations and connecting them with possible modifying agencies. The thickness of a mature pod through a full-sized bean may be as much as 6 to 8 mm. The imbibition or swelling capacity of the entire structure and its contents was tested at two different stages. The measurements of this capacity in the earlier stage was made upon sections of the pod less than a centimeter in length, which, by their bulging contour, showed the presence of an embryo bean inside, al- though this was much less than a millimeter in diameter and probably played a very small part in the swelling. The increases of such sec- tions at two different temperatures were as noted in table 116, the average thickness of the trios of sections being 2.7 to 2.8 mm. 156 Hydration and Growth. It will be seen by reference to the records of growth cited in table 116 that the higher temperature lies above the point at which the most rapid elongation or thickening takes place, a matter which might be due to excessive water-loss or to the action of residual acids at high temperatures. TABLE 116. TABLE 117. Swelling of bean pods. 18 C. 38 C. p. ct. p. ct. Distilled water 2 2.7 Citric acid, 0.01 N. . 2 Shrinkage. Swelling of beans. 18 C. 38 C. p. ct. p. ct. Distilled water 11 10.6 Citric acid, 0.01 N. . 10.4 5.5 Beans nearly mature but still in the process of enlargement were removed from green pods, the ends of the cotyledons cut away, and then a slice removing the hypocotyl; the remainder of the cotyledons came away free from the outer coating or mem- brane. The average diameter of trios of such sec- tions was 3 to 3.2 mm., and their swelling was as given in table 117. The amount of hydration was less at the higher temperature in distilled water, suggesting that the point of maximum imbibition or swelling lies be- low 38 C. In the presence of acid the amount of water absorbed is distinctly less than at 18 C. These data being available, attention may now be profitably turned to the features of enlargement of the pods. Preparations were made by which delicately weighted auxographs recorded the variations in thickness of pods in the stage when about half the final length had been reached. The end of the bearing-lever rested over an enlarging bean, and variation during a week is shown in figure 40. The localization of growth had been previously determined by the well-known expedient of mark- ing a young pod which was in the stage of initial growth of the young beans into four 1-centimeter intervals (fig. 41). Swelling tests had been made of the pods in this stage (table 116). Ten days later the basal and apical intervals had increased to 2.5 cm., while the other two had each elongated to 4 cm. All measurements of variations in thick- ness were made in this median region of maximum elongation (fig. 42). Growth both in length and thickness of the young pods was at the lowest rate at night, during which period the temperature was at 15 C. FIG. 40. Arrangement of vertical lever of auxo- graph making record of variations in thick- ness of growing bean and pod. Some Hydration Reactions and Growth. 157 or below. As the temperature of the air rises above this point in the morning, acceleration ensues and a high rate prevails until the ther- mometer shows 25 C. or above, at which time retardation takes place, which may continue to complete cessation or even shrinkage. It was noted that the behavior with respect to the temperature in this region might be modified by varying the conditions of water-loss, and that growth might be maintained at a higher rate if high humidity around the growing member is maintained. As the temperature falls at the FIG. 41. Diagram showing the elonga- tion of four 1-cm. intervals into which a young pod was divided. Maximum increase ensued in third centimeter from base. FIG. 42. Arrangement of auxograph to take variations in length of pod of Phaseolus. The mature tip of pod is fastened to cork buffer on end of lever of instrument. , close of the day the rate accelerates again and growth is rapid until checked by the falling temperature. (Fig. 43.) These records were all made of plants not subjected to the direct' action of the sun. One was placed in such position that the sunlight fell directly upon the pod for about 15 minutes before 6 p. m., with the m. tfpnti. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. I2.p.m. m. 12p.m. m. FIG. 43. Tracing of auxographic record of growth in length of bean pod, X 45. The features of active elongation are similar to those described for variations in thickness in fig. 44. Retardation of growth is seen at temperatures above 30 C. Downward course of pen denotes increase. result that a sudden enlargement followed, which was quickly retracted and quiescence or slow shrinkage followed. Such sudden variations have been seen in other types of organs, such as the joints of Opuntia, and seem to be enlargements due to expansion of gases in the organ, the cavity of the pods in this case being of such size that a marked response might be expected (fig. 44). The features of variation of 158 Hydration and Growth. thickness are recognizable in changes in length, although the action of 120 mm. of tissue is involved as against 2 or 3 mm. in the measure- ments of thickness. The structural arrangement of the cell-masses and the shape of the cavity of the pod would operate to minimize the shrinkages so apparent when thickness is measured. i2p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 15 / / / ; / ' ' / ">c. / I6C 1~ \ / 7 / ; ( | 3K 1 ^ f~i?sJ t, r X45 i 28C. \ i I FIG. 44. Tracing of an auxographic record of growth in thickness of pod of Phaseolus. Down- ward movement of the pen denotes increase in thickness, X 45. Temperatures given are of the air near plants. The sudden shrinkage between 5 and 6 p. m. took place during a brief daily illumination by direct rays of sun. Scale ruled to 5 mm. and 12-hour inter- vals. Summer-time schedule. (See fig. 40 for illustration of the arrangement of auxo- graphic levers.) A pair of tests was now arranged in which one pod was placed in- side a cell consisting of a short section of a glass T-tube of about 1 cm. internal diameter. The pod was placed in a horizontal position in the main section of this tube, which rested solidly on a concrete f WHMW \VVW\V FIG. 45. Glass chamber for controlling humidity in making auxographic record of pod of Pha- seoliis. Ends of horizontal part of chamber closed by cork stoppers fitted to stem of pod and thermometer. Tube to be closed around vertical arm of instrument with cotton wool. block. The end around its stem was closed loosely, and the opposite end of the tube held a cork and small thermometer. The vertical arm of the auxograph reached its bearing on the pod through the upright arm of the T-tube and opportunity was given to keep record Some Hydration Reactions and Growth. 159 of the temperature of the air, which in this setting must have been practically identical with that of the inclosed pod (fig. 45). The air inside this chamber was at a high degree of humidity, and it was found that the afternoon cessation or retardation of growth was not so marked in actively growing pods and that it did not come on so early in the development of the pod as in those exposed to the evaporating influence of the freely circulating air. The influence of high humidity approaching saturation was shown more directly by the application of wet slips of filter-paper in such manner that the pod was completely swathed and evaporation reduced to a minimum. This treatment was also successfully applied to pods resting upon a cork base and not inclosed in the chamber. When a slowly growing young pod was thus given an atmosphere of high humidity at tem- peratures from 20 to 27 C. no alteration in the rate would be visible for nearly an hour, but at the end of this time an abrupt acceleration would ensue which would continue for as much as 2 hours, and then, if the supply of moisture were not renewed, a slackening would ensue which would bring the rate back to the point at which it was growing previous to the treatment (see figs. 46 and 47). n. 12 p.m. i n. 12 p.m. 7i. 12 p.m. r n. 12p.m. n. 12p.m. TI. 12p.m. . m. i 1 1 ^5 - 1 I ^\ ,' 1 j i i I l" 1 . i i 1 1 i i H^ __^ jir'C. 30C.l |n o r ^ \ \ X45 \ \ r30ai~ - *-, "-* -" Y 27^^ f 3 " C < 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ V \ \ \ '\ \ FIG. 46. Tracing of auxographic record of pod of Phaaeolua which was 2 mm. in thickness at beginning of record. Downward movement of pen denotes increase in thickness, X 45. The range of active growth lies between 15 and 30 C. and consequently acceleration ensued in the morning, retardation occurred as temperatures about 30 C. were reached in the after- noon, and the rate increased again at sunset, when the temperature fell to a point below 30 C., but slowing down followed in the cooler night temperatures. 12p.m. m. I2p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 5 15 //'/,' /'//// / ' T ^^ / (/ 2 1 ! ' 3 -l^ 1 I 1 1 1 111! FIG. 47. Tracing of auxographic record of variations in thickness of young pod of bean. The enlargements caused by humidity are seen at 1, 2, and 3. The greater part of the enlargement registered in the above measure- ments was due to the growth of the beans, and the imbibition capacity of such seeds has been measured separately. A. Dachnowski (see reference, p. 63) found that mature seeds absorbed and held more water in acids and hydroxids than in distilled water at temperatures not given, and that the amounts taken up in alkaline solutions was greater than that in acids. The general imbibition reactions, in my own experiments, of young seeds which had reached a thickness of 160 Hydration and Growth. 2.8 mm. to 3 mm., is shown by the measurements of swellings, made at 15 to 16 C., shown in table 118. TABLE 118. p. ct. Distilled water 8.2 Citric acid, 0.01 N 5.4 Potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 12.5 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M ; citric acid, 0.01 N 8.2 Actually lessened imbibition took place in acid as compared with that in water; the addition of equimolecular solution of potassium nitrate to acid brought the swelling up to that hi water. The total absorbed in alkali was markedly greater than in any solution tested. The measurements of variations in length and thickness of the suc- culent leaves of Mesembryanthemum, stems of Helianthus, and of the pods of Phaseolus, and the flattened stems of Opuntia, yield ample evidence that the fluctuations hi growth show a direct relation to the hydration capacity of the growing cell-masses, and that as a morpho- logically complex member or organ approaches maturity, the fully developed tissues show a varying water capacity different in many respects from that of the embryonic cell-masses. Some of the irreg- ularities hi the course of growth of internodes are due to the fact that these members include regions of embryonic tissue and tracts hi all stages of differentiation approaching maturity. XII. WATER-CONTENT, DRY WEIGHT, AND OTHER GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS.- Two different types of organs or shoots with respect to the variations in the water-content and dry weight are recognizable in the material which has served for studies in growth as described in this volume and in the work of other writers. The commoner types of woody stems, of thin leaves, and of the organs of the greater number of the higher plants undergo a development which terminates in a mature stage in which the proportion of solid material is very much higher than that found in younger material. A parallel procedure is the prevalent one in the tissues of the higher animals. Thus, by way of illustration, Donaldson found that the proportion of water in the bodies of mammals diminishes with age, and Hatai has shown that the percentage of water is an indicator of phases of chemical alteration in the composition of the body. 1 Growth and differentiation of cell-masses into specialized tissues is not inseparably connected with increases in dry weight, however, as has been demonstrated by studies of the growth of frog larvae 2 in the earlier stages, and it is highly probable that similar phenomena are prevalent in the fleshy fungi and other lower forms of plants. The distinction between the two kinds of growth has not been made previously in studies of plants, and the matter was finally taken into consideration in the experiments late in 1918. Stems of Helianthus and pods of Phaseolus illustrate the kind of material in which dry weight increases with age, upon which the greater part of all studies in growth have been carried out. Etiolated plants furnish examples of growth with a diminished increase in dry weight. Chief interest attaches to plants which nor- mally show such action, and the most striking illustrations are furnished by the organs of succulent plants and by fruits. The relative amount of solid material in the flattened joints of Opuntia does not increase with the course of development toward maturity, and joints which have reached full size may contain over 91 per cent of water. Secondary thickening, especially that which results from branching and the development of additional fibrovascular tissue, may cause an added amount to be formed. The proportion of dried material and water hi the leaves of Mesembryanthemum does not vary greatly with age. These and probably all succulent forms are char- acterized by an exaggerated production of mucilages or pentosans, and have certain implied cycles of metabolism, including an incomplete 1 Donaldson, H. The relation of myelin to the loss of water in the mammalian nervous system with advancing age. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc., 2: 350. 1916. Hatai, S. Changes in the composi- tion of the entire body of the albino rat during the life span. Amer. Jour. Anat., 1 : 23. 1917. 1 Ostwald, W. Ueber zeitlichen Eigenschaften der Entwickelungsvorgange, p. 49. 1908. 161 162 Hydration. and Growth. type of respiration which leaves large acid residues. These, con- stituting the total acidity of the cell-masses, may vary greatly during development and during the course of a day, and the actual acidity or hydrogen-ion concentration of the sap resulting from the buffer situa- tion may also show a marked variation, but within narrower limits. Although the development and maturation of fruits such as berries obviously includes a growth in which the total effect is one of practical maintenance or increase hi the water-content, studies of their growth seem to be lacking. It was therefore planned to arrange a final series of experiments in which the enlargement of fruits with increasing dry weights and with small and more nearly constant dry weights should be measured. The walnut was taken to represent a structure with accumulating solid matter and the tomato for the other type. The walnut consists of a thick, fleshy exocarp and a heavy endocarp which finally becomes hard and bony with the deposition of anhydrous wall material. The inclosed embryo also accumulates a large amount of condensed food-material. The tomato is a large globose berry hi which deposition and thickening is confined to the small, hard seeds. The greater part of the fruit is a fleshy, watery pulp, which becomes more highly hydrated as progress is made toward maturity. Nuts of Juglans californica var. querdna Babcock, of various sizes from 3 mm. in diameter to that approaching maturity, were borne on two trees in the garden at Carmel, California, in June 1918. Suitable supports being provided, the bearing lever of an auxograph was rested as lightly on the young nuts as was consistent with a clear record, and temperatures were taken by thin thermometers thrust into similar nuts or into young stems near the preparation. 15 nuts were measured for periods of 2 or 3 days, or for as long as 2 months in the case of No. 10. Coincidently with the measurements, an effort was made to determine the degree of saturation or hydration of the stems on which the nuts were borne. A well-defined "negative" pressure was detected hi the basal branches of Juglans major, which was growing near the experi- mental tree. A basal branch 1.2 meters from the trunk gave a dry- looking surface when it was cut off. A section of a similar branch about 8 mm. in thickness and 42 cm. long was cut away from another basal branch of the tree, the end of the detached portion quickly sealed with vaseline, and when all was in readi- ness the tip was excised and the cut thrust into water to ascertain the actual deficiency hi this portion; 14 hours later a total of 6 c. c. of water had been absorbed and 24 hours later 8.5 c. c., which was a practi- cal saturation, at a temperature of 18 to 20 C. The volume of the branch proved to be 35 c. c., so that the amount of water absorbed was 24 per cent of the total. Sections of young internodes of Juglans californica querdna which had an average diameter of about 2.5 mm. were swelled in solutions as Imbibition and Growth in Fruits. 163 below, then dried, and swelled again, with results as shown hi table 119 at 16 C.: TABLE 119. Swelling of sections of stems of Juglans. Fresh living. After drying. Distilled water p. ct. 10 p. ct. 34 Citric acid, 0.01 N 14 34 Potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M 13.2 34 Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M 12 32 (On basis of original thickness.) The unsatisfied water capacity of these sections taken from young terminal internodes was comparatively great, doubtless due hi part to the constant drain of the active leaves they bore. The older wood, in- cluding that formed the previous year, showed an absorptive capacity of 22 per cent hi water. It is from these older internodes that the nuts arise. The nuts were highly turgid, exuded sap when cut into, and hence must have had a colloidal composition which acted to withdraw water from the stems, which were less highly hydrated. The soil was low in moisture-content at this tune, as it had been 4 or 5 months without rain. Tests of nuts 8 to 10mm., from which tangential slices had been removed to give a uniform thickness of 7.5 mm., were made in July, and these swelled at temperatures of 17 to 20 C. in solutions as follows: TABLE 120. Distilled water Citric acid, 0.01 M Potassium hydroxid, 0.01 M . Potassium nitrate, 0.01 M . . , p. ct. 1.4 1.8 1.4 2 A useful conception of the hydration conditions in the stems and fruits may be formed, if due weight is given to the measurements cited above. The woody branches of the previous year, on which both the leafy green twigs and those bearing the nuts are borne, had a relatively large deficiency hi water, so that sections a few centimeters long absorbed about 20 to 25 per cent of their volume of distilled water hi 24 hours at 20 C. No swelling test was made, but it is obvious that an enlarge- ment of only a small fraction might be shown by this or any branch with a mature woody cylinder. The active green twigs still hi a state of elongation arising from these branches had a swelling capacity of 10 per cent. The growing nuts arising from the drier stems exuded water from cut surfaces, the cotyledons being sacs of watery fluid, hi contrast to the dry appearance of sections of the youngest internodes, and showed a swelling of less than 2 per cent and soon shrunk when placed in a cylin- 164 Hydration and Growth. der of distilled water after being cut in halves. In a system of this kind any alteration of the conditions which would facilitate transpiration would have a differential effect on the older stems, the green leafy twigs, and the fruits. The loss from the stems would be affected least, since the bark would effectually prevent any notable increase hi evaporation from the relatively dry woody tissues. The loss from the leafy twigs would of course tend to become greater and the deficit in both leaves and twigs would be increased and their absorbing power correspondingly increased. The outer integument of the nuts being still hi an embryonic condition and being highly hydrated, the loss would reach a maximum rate, with the daily effect of causing a cancellation of enlargement begin- ning mid-forenoon at 20 to 22 C. and continuing until mid-afternoon, when a fall in temperature brought transpiration to a rate below that of accession from the stem. A large percentage of the nuts which were placed under the auxo- graph lever were cast off at various stages of development by abscission of the stalk. The inciting causes of the anatomical change which results in abscission lie outside the scope of this article. It was noted, however, that it was preceded by a period in which the nut showed a shrinkage by day in the higher temperatures and lessened humidity, alternating with equalizing enlargements, at nights. Fin- ally, an abrupt, rapid, and continuous shrinkage resulted in the separ- ation of the stalk. The general features of growth of these nuts may be illustrated by a re'sume' of history of No. 10, which was under continuous observation from July 15 to September 9, 1918, during which period of 56 days its diameter increased from 16 mm. to 26.5 mm. Of this, 2.25 mm. was gained in the first 5 days of cool, foggy weather. This effect was con- firmed by the fact that a cessation or retardation occurred at midday and was most pronounced on hot, sunny days, suggesting a direct water-loss. In the week ending July 29 the total growth was an in- crease of 1.7 mm. This period was characterized by heavy fogs and mists in the forenoon, both the amount of shrinkage and rate of in- crease being lessened an equalization to be ascribed in part to ap- proaching maturity. The temperature taken from a thermometer thrust in a young branch of the thickness of the nut ranged from 13 to 22 C. The completion of the record of No. 10 was followed by cut- ting of the branch bearing it at a distance of 30 cm., placing the excised end in water, and arranging the entire preparation in the dark room at 17 C., with the nut under the bearing lever of the auxograph. Swell- ing continued for about 20 hours, after which shrinkage began, which rapidly accelerated (see fig. 48). The general features of growth are also well illustrated by the following notes on No. 15, which was brought under observation when it was about 15 mm. in diameter and put under an auxograph ampli- Imbibition and Growth in Fruits. 165 fying 45 on August 3. Great daily variations in size, with a net total increase, were displayed every day. Usually enlargement could be detected between noon and 2 o'clock, which continued until 8 or 10 the following morning. If the sun rese clear, shrinkage began imme- diately. If the morning was foggy it would be delayed. Minor vari- ations might be brought about by the shade of clouds, especially notice- able at noonday August 6 and to be seen at other times. 12p.m. I2o.m. m. 12 p.m. m. I5-22C. during this beriod 25 I- 35 12p.m. 5 15 25 / SEPT. 9, 1918 Or/e day in dark room at I7C. / X 20 Swelling for 20 hours Branch 30 cm loni in vessel -. / then slight shrinkage of/water -t ^ ; FIG. 48. Variations in volume of nut of Juglans during 56 days. Enlargement is denoted by downward course of pen tracing, X 10. The lowermost section of the figure gives auxographic record of swelling of a nut in a dark room on a branch 30 cm. in length with the cut end in a vessel of water. Swelling for 20 hours occurred after shrinkage began as denoted by upward course of pen tracing. After these facts were noted, experimental modifications were arranged. Temperatures were taken from a branch 16 mm. in thick- ness which were probably within a degree of that of the nut at all times. A screen was arranged to cut off the direct rays of the sun at midday, the nut being exposed for about 4 hours in the forenoon to di- rect illumination. The temperatures ranged from 14 to 25 C. The occurrence of fogs and of rain added to the variations in the conditions affecting transpiration. The shrinkage in the forenoon was abrupt and marked, being lessened on foggy days, and reaching an extreme of 4 mm. when the temperature rose from 14 to 25 C. in the 4 hours, while it was on no day less than one-fourth this amount. The increase varied from a minimum growth of less than 0.1 mm. on a cool, foggy 166 Hydration and Growth. day to 0.7 mm. when shaded on August 6, and to a similar amount in a rain on September 11, at which time it was in an advanced state of development (fig. 49). It is to be seen from the above that the fruit of the walnut in an environment favorable to its development exhibits daily variations in growth clearly attributable to the balance between transpiration and absorption. The nut in a growing condition has a high water-content and a small unsatisfied capacity, but its supply from the relatively dry stems must come slowly so slowly that any marked increase in transpiration would overbalance the absorption by the nut and result in cessation of enlargement or even shrinkage. IZp.m. m. Ifp.m. m 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. / NtylS i Jug|ans Calif. quqlrcina / FIG. 49. -Variations in volume of a growing nut of Juglana 15 mm. in diameter at beginning for a period of 45 days. The marked acceleration under the conditions of high humidity and abundant water-supply are illustrated in the record beginning September 9. Retarding or shrinking effects of noonday temperature and low humidity and masking effects of fog are also illustrated. The fruit of the tomato (Lycopersicori) presents features of water- content unlike any other organ the growth of which had been under observation in present studies. The most striking feature of this phase of the matter is that the proportion of solid material is higher in young fruits than in mature ones. In the determination of the pro- portions, first young fruits less than a week old were taken and 4 tomatoes with radial diameters of 14, 16, 17, and 18 mm. were found to weigh 14.650 grams. These were fragmented and placed in a beaker on a water-bath at about 100 C. for 48 hours, at which time the dry material remaining was 1.90 grams. From this it is to be seen that the young fruit contained 87 per cent of water and 13 per cent of dry material. A mature fruit of the same kind as those measured was 46 mm. in axial diameter and 58 mm. in radial diameter and weighed 93.050 grams. This was dried over water-bath for 2 days, at which time Imbibition and Growth in Fruits. 167 8.400 grams remained. From this it is to be seen that the ripe fruit con- tained 91 per cent of water and 9 per cent of dry material. In fact, these fruits show a better parallel to the hydration reactions of the prepared biocolloids than any living material which has hitherto been examined for the purpose of estimating the value of the physical fac- tors in growth. A number of plants of the tomato were grown in suitable boxes of soil at a ranch in the Carmel Valley, and were in such a stage of de- velopment that young fruits were available at the Coastal Laboratory early in August 1918. Six plants in all were used and continuous rec- ords from fruits of an axial diameter of 3 to 4 mm. to maturity at 50 to 55 mm. were obtained. The fruits were obla,te-spheroid in form and the auxograph was arranged to register increase in diameter nearly par- allel to the axis in some cases and radially or at right angles to it in others. In addition to the other advantageous features of this mate- rial, the regular form and mode of growth made it possible to use the Variations in diameter as a basis for calculating the changes in volume of the fruits taken as spheres. Temperatures were taken by thrusting the thin bulbs of small thermometers into fruits near the one tinder measurement. The development of such fruits was but little affected by this wounding and the thermometers remained firmly in place, as in the fleshy joints of Opuntia, in the measurement of which this method was first practiced. The preparations stood in a well-ventilated glass-house and the soil around the roots was kept moist in accordance with the cultural re- quirements of these plants. The results may be best set forth by the description of the action of the several fruits measured. No. 1 was placed in the greenhouse and a fruit 29 mm. in diameter was fixed on a block of hard cork in such position that it gave a radial bearing to the auxograph, which was set to amplify changes in volume by 5, on August 9. The record was kept continuously until September 18, at which time the radial diameter of the fruit was 51.5 mm. The fruit was turning yellow on September 16 and was showing fluctuations in volume comparable to those in No. 2, with which it was run in close comparison and under almost exactly the same conditions of moisture and temperature as recorded. No. 2 was adjusted to the auxograph in the greenhouse on August 9, in such manner as to give modifications of the axial diameter, which at this tune was about 27 mm. The record was continuous until September 18, at which time the diameter was 50.5 mm. This fruit, like No. 1, was beginning to turn yellow on September 16. No. 3, 10 mm. in diameter, was adjusted to the auxograph to record variations in radial diameter on August 21, and a record was kept continuously with frequent notations of temperature and sunshine, etc. It is to be noted that 1, 2, and 3 were under equable temperatures, 168 Hydration and Growth. 19 to 20 C., and high relative humidity during the rainfall of Sep- tember 11 and 12. The fact that the greatest increase in growth occurs in fruits at diameters between 16 and 25 mm. hi diameter, before half the final size is reached, is a point to which we shall recur in the discussion of growth in terms of volume. Thus, in No. 3 the increases in thickness weekly were as follows: 6 mm., 6.3 mm., 2.5 mm., 3.5 mm. (fig. 50). I2p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. m. 12p.m. FIG. 50. Variations in radial or transverse diameter of a tomato during development in 28 days. Increase is denoted by downward course of the auxographic tracing, and the direct effects of temperatures and relative humidity are illustrated by the record and the accompanying notations in the figure. Amplified 5 times on scale ruled to 5 mm. intervals. Imbibition and Growth in Fruits. 169 If this method be followed it would at once be obvious that while the rate of increase in diameter would be a direct measurement, yet as the fruit increases as a globe the actual material added could be regarded as a shell on this globe. The rate in terms of volume would therefore be the amount of this shell to be calculated by finding the difference between the initial volume and the volume at the end of each period. The rate by direct measurement of diameter and by volume increases may be compared as hi table 121, for periods of one week beginning on the date given. TABLE 121. Average daily rate of growth. TABLE 122. Date. Diameter, millimeters. Volume, cubic millimeters. Aug. 9. 1.7 2,604 16. 1.1 2,513 21. 0.7 2,064 28. 0.4 1,373 Sept. 4 . 0.28 976 11. 0.17 695 Date. Diameter, millimeters. Volume, cubic millimeters. Aug. 9. 0.95 2,072 16. 0.7 1,852 21. 0.56 1,800 28. 0.3 660 Sept. 4. 0.2 508 11. 0.2 560 The rate on September 11 by direct measurement would appear to be one-tenth that of a month earlier, yet actually water and new mate- rial was being added at a rate equivalent to one-fourth of the earlier rate. The radial proportions would make the rate on August 21 not much more than 40 per cent of the rate on August 9, while the increase in volume was over 96 per cent. The rate hi the week beginning August 28 would appear to be less than a fourth that by direct measure- ment on August 9, yet actually the increment of water and material is more than half that in the younger stage and smaller size. A second plant with the auxograph arranged to take axial varia- tions in the fruits which measured 33 mm. was arranged to run con- currently with No. 1 and under identical temperature and conditions of moisture. The daily rates of increase in diameter were as shown in table 122 for weeks beginning on the dates given. Here again the actual course of growth as calculated in terms of volume shows that simple measurements of the thickness do not express the real values in growth of such organs. The third test was made on a fruit taken at a much earlier stage at a diameter of 16 mm. with a transverse or radial bearing, the tempera- ture and moisture conditions being similar to those of 1 and 2. The daily rate of increase was as shown in table 123 for the weeks begin- ning on the given dates. The actual volume of this fruit at the close of the experiment was approximately 2,900 c. mm. and its growth had been followed for a period of 40 days. It is notable that in the earlier stage in the advance of the fruit from 20 to 26 mm. in diameter (August 21 to August 31), while the increase of the diameter seems constant, yet the actual 170 Hydration and Growth. accession of material is very much greater. Then, in further develop- ment, the average increment to the diameter was smaller, yet the actual accession of material was greater (see September 4). Following this, the rate falling from 0.8 to 0.3 mm. daily, the accession decreases less than half. (See figs. 51 and 52.) TABLE 124. TABLE 123. Date. Diameter, millimeters. Volume, cubic millimeters. Aug. 21. 0.85 537 28. 0.85 851 Sept. 4. 0.64 885 11. 0.8 1,643 18. 0.3 594 25. 0.37 662 20 C. 30 C. Diam. Volume. Diam. Volume. Sept. 1. mm. 1 c. mm. 72 mm. c. mm. Sept. 7. ... Sept. 14. ... Sept. 21.... 2 1.4 0.08 33 33 9 0.8 .3 .085 128 91 27 Attention was now directed to temperature effects as measured in this manner. Two plants were placed in chambers subjected to equiv- alent diffuse illumination and humidity. The fruits similar to those \ i 1 1 . , FIG. 51. Diagram illustrating the course of growth of a tomato during the six weeks of its development. The broken line is plotted from the average daily rate of growth during each week, and the solid line from the calculated in- creases in volume. Fro. 52. Similar to fig. 51, but begin- ning at an earlier stage. The average daily rate is seen to form a graph which presents notable differences from the one plotted from variations in volume. measured in one showed thermometer readings of 19 to 21 C. and in the other 29 to 31 C. The daily rates of axial increase were as shown in table 124 for the weeks beginning on the given dates. The conditions under which both plants were grown were unfavor- able to development, but it is to be noted that the rates of increase Imbibition and Growth in Fruits. 171 sustained a changing relation as growth slackened. The enlargement of such highly watery fruits must be so largely a matter of diffusion and hydration that any formula expressive of the temperature re- lations of chemical transformation must be wide of the facts in many stages of development. The record of growth of No. 3, which is given in full in figure 50, shows beyond question the effect of transpiration and water-loss on growth. As the daily temperatures of the fruits rose from 12 C. and 14 C. to 26 C. and 28 C., acceleration ensued up to a point where the rise caused a water-loss overbalancing the gain by hydration. Higher temperatures, therefore, did not facilitate or accelerate growth unless accompanied by high relative humidity. Thus the highest growth rates are those of midday and afternoon, with fog or showers. This is especially marked on the records of September 10, 11, 12, and 13, in which a 50-hour rainy period was anticipated and followed by high humidity. (See fig. 50.) It was not possible to increase the water-supply by watering the soil around the roots in such manner as to cancel the midday shrinkage or slackening in growth. One espe- cially striking effect is that in which the rise in temperature conse- quent upon the cessation of the rain, from 20 to 25 C. at 3 p. m. on September 13, was followed by a lessened rate of growth. On the cloudy days growth was uniformly high. Similar effects were exhib- ited by a small fruit of a potato in a greenhouse at Tucson in May 1918. The two types of fruits are seen to show a concordant behavior with respect to the balance between the water-supply and transpiration. A rise in temperature with accompanying lessened relative humidity had the effect of retarding or stopping growth or of producing an actual shrinkage in volume. The nut and the berry are both more highly hydrated or more watery than the stem through which their water- supply must be drawn. This was established by measurement in the walnut and is obvious with respect to the tomato and its stems. A distinction must be made between the water-relations of a fruit and its stem and that which prevails between a parasite and its host, or between a swelling colloid and the solution in which it may be im- mersed. The water deficit of the stems as measured by swelling in- cludes that of the entire structure. The fruits, however, receive their supply through special conduits which sustain only a mechanical rela- tion to the other parts of the stem which may be active in its swelling. Such non-cctaducting tissues of course draw their supply from this system of conduits also, but it is highly probable that the dispropor- tion between the water-content of the fruit and of the tracts in the stem from which it receives its supply is not so great as might be indicated by the measurements given. The hydration capacity of the fruits would be the resultant of many factors, including the pentosan- 172 Hydration and Growth. protein ratio, the hydrogen-ion concentration, the action of salts, and the effect of the amino compounds. The delicate balance between water-loss and absorption as revealed by measurements of growing organs of all kinds is very striking. The rate at which water is received is generally so little hi excess of the transpiration that a rise of 10 to 15 degrees centigrade may extinguish the balance. At the same time, such rise in temperature may also result in a lessened hydration capacity, so that by the action of the acids at the higher temperature, water may theoretically be forced out of the colloidal complex. It is plainly evident that growth consists of two fundamental features hydration of the colloidal material of the plasma and the arrangement of additional material hi colloidal structures with the entailed additional capacity for adsorbing water. The first may occur without the second, and increase in volume might occur in a pentosan-protein colloid at any time by the action of its own metabolic products, such as the hydrogen-ion concentration or the proportion of ammo-compounds formed. Growth by acces- sion of solid material without a corresponding absorption of water is characteristic of cell organs or walls, and such deposition of material can only result in changes hi volume which would not be measurable by auxographic methods. Hydration consists, in the first instance, of the union of molecules of water with the molecules of solid material in the colloidal masses, and it is this action which is entailed in the initial and almost instantaneous enlargement of dried sections when water is poured on them. No serious reason has yet been advanced, however, against the extension of the term to apply to the accompanying and subsequent adsorption of an indefinite number of molecules on the surfaces of the molecular aggre- gates. Cell-masses are already in an advanced stage of hydration, and all of the tests with living material are simply modifications of such a condition. The swelling of dried sections of plant tissue may include some chemical action, or some union of water with the solid material in definite proportions. The manner in which hydration ensues, or rather the character of the process, will naturally depend upon the character of the cell colloids. If these are albuminous, swelling will be largely determined by the hydrogen-ion concentration of the solution. It also follows that any cell-organ or cell-mass which is dominantly proteinaceous will show such increases of hydration capacity with acidity, modified by other facts, including the presence of salts or bases. These effects are modified or reversed in colloidal material which consists more largely of carbohydrate material. The pentosans represented by various gums and mucilages are abundant in plant cells, and these present some variety of composition and differences Imbibition and Growth in Fruits. 173 in solubility or dispersibility. One group which may. be illustrated by agar has a definitely limited swelling capacity under temperatures below 50 C. and other conditions, and of course is not soluble. Others, like the mucilages of Opuntia or acacia or tragacanth, are soluble, and when placed in water pass from a dry solid state to a complete solution. The solubility of protoplasm will depend upon the presence of these substances, as well as upon the albumins which may be present. The ideal capacity for hydration and growth of any mass of proto- plasm would be a resultant of the composition and proportions of its organic material and of the relation of the phases in which they occur. The theoretical maximum hydration of a carbohydrate-protein system is invariably modified by the nutrient salts adsorbed in its structure and by the products of unceasing metabolic changes, especially the trans- formations which are comprehended in respiration and which carry compounds through a stage in which acids are formed. These features, as influenced by temperature, determine the rate, daily course, and total expansion in growth. In addition, a certain amount of material is lost from the plant in the form of carbon dioxid, and, as has been emphasized on the preceding pages, the surface loss of water may on occasion be greater than the amount passing into the growing cell-masses. The above-mentioned processes and agencies affect the rate, course, and amount of growth. LITERATURE CITED. ASKENASY, E. Ueber die Temperature, welche Pflanzen im Sonnenlicht annehmen. Bot. Zeitung., 33:441-2. 1875. BARRY, F. The influence of temperature upon chemical reactions in general. Amer. Jour. Bot., 1:203. 1914. BEIJERINCK, M. W. Ueber Emulsoidenbildung bei der Vermischung wasseriger Losungen gewisser gelatinierendern Kolloide. Zeitschrift f. Kolloid-Chem., 7: 16. 1910. BERMAN, N., and L. F. RETTGER. The influence of carbohydrates on the nitrogen meta- bolism of bacteria. Jour. Bacter., 3:389. 1918. BOROWIKOW, G. A. Ueber die Ursachen des Wachstums der Pflanzen. Biochem. Zeitschr., 48:230, and 50: 119. 1913. BROOKS, S. C. 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