It iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHniiiiiiHiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii " I Panama-Pacific International Exposition Company FINAL FINANCIAL REPORT IN CONDENSED EXHIBITION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION COSTS, OPERATING RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS AND EXPENSES OF LIQUIDA- TION AND SITE RESTORATION EMBRACING THE TRANSACTIONS OF PRE-EXPOSITION PERIOD MARCH 22, 1910, TO FEB. 19, 19:5 EXPOSITION PERIOD FEBRUARY 20, igi 5> TO DEC. 4 , 1915 POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD-DEC. 5, 1915, TO DEC. 31, 1919 Prepared by FRANK L. DARRELL, Acting Auditor Under the Direction of Lester Herrick 6- Herrick, General Auditors GIFT OF Panama-Pacific International Exposition Company FINAL FINANCIAL REPORT IN CONDENSED EXHIBITION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION COSTS, OPERATING RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS AND EXPENSES OF LIQUIDA- TION AND SITE RESTORATION EMBRACING THE TRANSACTIONS OF PRE-EXPOSITION PERIOD MARCH 22, 1910, TO FEB. 19, 1915 EXPOSITION PERIOD FEBRUARY 20, 1915, TO DEC. 4 , 1915 POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD -DEC. 5, '9'5, TO DEC. 31, 1919 Prepared tvy FRANK L. DARRELL, Acting Auditor Under the Direction of Lester Herrick & Herrick, General Auditors BOARD OF DIRECTORS PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION DECEMBER-4-1915 CHARLES 0. MOORE WM. H. CROCKER R. B. HALE I. W. HELLMAN, JR. M. H. DE YOUNG LEON SLOSS JAMES ROLPH, JR. RUDOLPH J. TAUSSIG A. W. FOSTER PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT VlCE-1'RKSIDEXT VICE-PRESIDENT - SECRETARY TREASURER JOHN BARNESON M. J. BRANDENSTEIN JOHN A. BRITTON FRANK L. BROWN GEORGE T. CAMERON PHILIP T. CLAY R. A. CROTHERS ALFRED I. ESBERG CHARLES S. FKK HENRY F. FORT MANN HOMER S. KING CURTIS H. LINDLEY p. H. MCCARTHY JAMES McNAB THORNWELL MULLALLY DENT H. ROBERT A. W. SCOTT, JR. HENRY T. SCOTT CHARLES S. STANTON JOSEPH S. TOBIN JOSEPH M, GUMMING RODNEY S. DURKEE WM. J. PEAK! | ; W. A. GRIMM ELL FRANK L. DARRELL - EXECTTIVE SECRETARY COMPTROLLER ACTING COMPTROLLER, POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD AUDITOR - ACTING AUDITOR, POST-EXPOSITION PKHIUH LESTER HERRICK & HERRICK (CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS), GENERAL AUDITORS AND ACCOUNTING DIRECTORS - FOREWORD HIS REPORT CONCLUDES THE FINANCIAL HISTORY OP THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION. EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO HAVE IT FULL AND CONCISE. AS IT STANDS, IT IS A CLEAR STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS, BUT INASMUCH AS THOSE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS HAVE BEEN SET OUT IN MUCH DETAIL, IT HAS BEEN THOUGHT SERVICEABLE TO PRESENT IN THE FIRST EIGHT TABLES A SUMMARY COMBINING THOUSANDS OF SMALL TRANSACTIONS INTO GENERAL GROUPS THAT WOULD EXHIBIT THE MAIN PHASES OF THE ENTERPRISE AT A GLANCE. THE REASONS AND POLICIES THAT GUIDED THE MANAGE- MENT IN THE HANDLING OF THE FINANCES AND THE OPERATION OF THE EXPOSITION HAVE BEEN EXPLICITLY SET FORTH IN ITS OFFICIAL HISTORY, ENTITLED "THE STORY OF THE EXPOSITION," BY FRANK MORTON TODD, A FIVE VOLUME NARRATIVE AND DESCRIPTIVE WORK OF ABOUT 2000 PAGES WITH 600 ILLUSTRATIONS. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FEDERAL TAX ATTORNEYS MERCHANTS EXCHANGE SAN FRANCISCO, CAL NOVCmber 5, 1921 CERTIFICATE OP AUDIT, We have audited the accounts of the Panama Pacific International Exposition Company from March 1, 1914 to December 31, 1919 and have reviewed and restated the accounts from the organization as at March 22, 1910 to March 1, 1914 (the integrity of which accounts was at the time confirmed by Certifi- cates of Audit issued by various Certified Public Accountants) so as to conform with the accounting organization prepared and installed by us on October 4, 1914. Our audit has embraced the verification of the complete accounting of all revenue and cash receipts and of the authority and actuality of all expenditures and cash disbursements and, additionally, has inquired into all financial operations and records. All informa- tion requested has been satisfactorily received and, in our opinion, the accounts as exhibited hereinafter are correctly stated in all respects. We certify that the General Statement of Receipts and Disbursements appearing hereinafter .show- ing Receipts of $27,178,065.14, Disbursements of $25,865,914.38 during the entire period from March 22, 1910 until December 31 , 1919 and a resultant balance of $1,312,150.76 on December 31, 1919, together with the various statements appearing hereinafter as anal- ysis and sub-analysis of the said 'J^neral Statement have been correctly prepared froij by the books. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. STATEMENt-'/A'L ::" CONDENSED GENERAL STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS TO DECEMBER 31, 1919 RECEIPTS Pre-Exposition Exposition Post-Exposition PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTIONS Period $5,716,320.00 Period Period Total $571632000 Total . $0 136 320 00 Less Estimated to be Uncollectible.. . . 420,000.00 STATE OF CALIFORNIA SUBSCRIPTION * 4 941 556 26 4 941 556 26 MUNICIPAL AID, CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ... 500000000 500000000 MORTGAGE NOTE LOAN . . 1 062 500 00 50,000 00 1 112 50000 ADMISSION REVENUE 223 744 25 4 715 523 05 44 343 30 4 983 610 60 CONCESSION REVENUE 23 140 39 1 572 082 24 4 137 64 1 599 360 27 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME AND EXPENSE ABATEMENTS. . . 1 160 120 36 1 541 797 22 182 339 59 2 884 257 17 Su V \GE 6 508 03 15 256 28 918 696 53 940 460 84 TOTALS $18 133 889 ''9 $7 894 658 79 $1 14951706 $''7 178 065 14 PRE-EXPOSITION DEFICIT * $1,381,227.43 NET CLOSING COST OVER SALVAGE 171 973 49 $19,515,116.72 $7,894,658.79 $1,321,490.55 $27,178,065.14 DISBURSEMENTS Pre-Exposition Period EXPOSITION DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION $18,452,616.72 EXPOSITION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MORTGAGE NOTE LOAN 1,062,500.00 Exposition Post-Exposition Period Period 4,979,307.11 50,000.00 Total $18,452,616.72 4,979,307.11 1,112,500.00 CLOSURE AND SITE RESTORATION EXPENSE . TOTALS. EXPOSITION OPERATING SURPLUS BALANCE ON HAND CASH AND INVESTMENTS (Subject to re- duction from further liquidation cost $19,515,116.72 1,321,490.55 1,321,490.55 $5,029,307.11 $1,321,490.55 $25,865,914.38 2,865,351.68 .' $1,312,150.76 TOTALS. $19,515,116.72 $7,894,658.79 $1,321,490.55 $27,178,065.14 These amounts are shown after the inclusion of the cost of the Exposition Auditorium and Organ of $1,089,780.22. The Ex- position Auditorium is a permanent structure located within the Civic Center of San Francisco and constitutes an Exposition Me- morial such as is usually provided out of Final Surplus. For comparative purposes, therefore, the Final Surplus should be considered as follows: Total Surplus Employed for construction of Exposition Auditorium. Balance of Total Surplus as above $2,401,930.98 1,089,780.22 $1,312,150.76 N .O.P; .BALANCE OF TOTAL SURPLUS DECEMBER 31, 1919, BALANCE OF TOTAL SURPLUS. $1,312,150.76 Composition of Balance: Cash and Special Deposits Liberty Bonds Real Estate Notes, Judgments and Accounts Receivable. Total Less, Reserve for Publication of History . $ 42,152.27 402,600.00 750,003.67 103,819.82 $1,358,575.76 46,425.00 DISBURSEMENTS. PAYMENT TO STATE OF CALIFORNIA The Supreme Court of California in the case of Panama-Pacific In- ternational Exposition Company vs. State Commission, 178 Cal. 74(i, decided that the State of California was entitled to five-elevenths of the total net assets remaining after the close of the Exposition. This proportion amounted to $558,003.39 and was paid to the State of California in the following manner: Cash $50,000.00; real estate of the value of $469,914.90; and $38,088.49 cash advanced to the State Commission at its request and for its benefit which advance was cancelled and finally closed in the aforesaid transaction. DISTRIBUTION DIVIDEND TO STOCKHOLDERS The distribution dividend to the stockholders was made out of the balance of assets remaining after the foregoing settlement with the State of California. William H. Crocker, Trustee, was the holder by assignment of approximately 60 per cent of the issued capital stock. The remaining 40 per cent was held by the original stockholders. To the latter stockholders was paid $176,629.56 in cash. To William H. Crocker, Trustee, was paid $266,173.96 in the follow- ing manner, to-wit: Cash, $61,423.96; real estate of the value of $204,750.00, which was deeded, at the direction of William H. Crocker, Trustee, by the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Company to the City and County of San Francisco. The trust authorized the Trustee to collect all dividends or distributive interest in the stock and apply the same in the acquisition, so far as the funds permitted, of those lands in the Exposition area commonly called the "Marina Lands." In discharging this trust the Trustee acquired for the city, lands of the value of $204,750.00, held by the Exposition Company. This amount was charged to his account as stockholder and assignee. The title of the land is now in the City and County of San Francisco, a municipal corporation, with a restriction that the same is to be devoted to public park purposes only. LOSSES, SETTLEMENTS AND EXPENSES OVER RECEIPTS, DECEMBKII 31, 1(119, TO DECEMBER 31, 1921 Loss on Sale of Miscellaneous Real Estate Loss on Sale of Liberty Bonds Auditorium Acoustic Correction Uncollectible Notes, Judgments and Accounts Salaries, Legal Expense, Miscellaneous Settlements, Supplies, Miscellaneous Office Expense, Etc Interest on Liberty Bonds Interest on Bank Deposits Interest on Rincon Warehouse Co. Bonds . Salvage and Miscellaneous 49,163.15 47,303.75 40,011.54 64,474.93 67,041.08 31,425.82 822.41 156.00 845.06 $1,235,552.07 DECEMBER 31, 1921, BALANCE TO MEET OUTSTANDING CONTIN- GENT CLAIMS AND FOR CLOSING EXPENSES. . $558,003.39 442,803.52 $234,745.16 267,994.45 33,249.29 $76,598.69 STATEMENT "B" PRE-EXPOSITION RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Developing the Pre-Exposition Deficit, or Excess of Development and Construction Cost, including Cost of Permanent Exposition Auditorium, over the Income from Subscriptions, Contributions and Miscellaneous Abatements and Revenues, as determined to Date of DECEMBER 31, 1919. RECEIPTS PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTIONS Schedule B-l $5,716,320.00 Total.. $6,136,320.00 Less Estimated to be Uncollectible 420,000.00 STATE or CALIFORNIA SUBSCRIPTION Schedule B-2 4,941,556.26 Mi NI< 'iPAi. AID, CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Schedule B-2 5,000,000.00 MORTGAGE NOTE LOAN 1,082,500.00 ABATEMENTS AND REVENUES 1,413,513.03 Miscellaneous Income and Abatements Departmental.. . . Statement E 888,805.16 Miscellaneous Income and Abatements General Schedule B-3 271,315.20 Pre-Exposition Admission Revenue Schedule B-4 223,744.25 Pre-Exposition Concession Revenue Schedule B-5 23,140.39 Pre-Exposition Salvage 6,508.03 $18,133,889.29 DISBURSEMENTS EXPOSITION DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION Statement E 18,452,616.72 Construction and Property Acquisition 14,847,607.04 Exploitation 705,666.54 Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities 488,687.45 Exhibits 484,846.45 Administration 388,703.24 Expenses Preliminary to Congressional Approval 377,515.01 Foreign Office and Commission 251,431.80 Exposition Guards 162,337.09 Concessions and Admissions 135,712.51 Traffic Department 101,525.25 Conventions and Societies 94,253.36 Other Pre-Exposition Expenses 414,330.98 PAYMENT MORTGAGE NOTE LOAN... 1,062,500.00 $19,515,116.72 Pre-Exposition Deficit *$1, 381 ,227.43 * After cost of Permanent Exposition Auditorium of $1,089,780.22. STATEMENT "C" EXPOSITION PERIOD RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Covering the Transactions during and resulting from the Operations from February 20, 1915 to December 4, 1916, develop- ing the Operating Surplus as determined to the date of DECEMBER 31, 1919. RECEIPTS ADMISSION REVENUE ........................ Schedule C-l $4,715,523.05 General... $4,219,973.05 Season Book Sales .................................... 495,550.00 CONCESSION REVENUE ....................... Schedule C-2 1,572,082.24 Gross ................................................ 1,830,331.67 General .......................................... 1,490,876.67 Advance Bonus and Flat Rates ..................... 339,455.00 Less Concession Losses .................. Schedule C-2a 258,249.43 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME AND EXPENSE ABATEMENTS ................... . 1,557,053.50 Departmental Income ................... Statement E 1,517,881.97 Utility Service .................................... 680,858.89 Concessions Jhd Admissions ........................ 228,112,63 Exhibits ......................................... 189,640.62 Music ........................................... 161,741.82 Special Events and Attractions ..................... 93,709.94 Traffic Department ............................... 76,357.38 Official Coin and Medal Dept. (Net) ................ 57,426.25 Other Exposition Period Departmental Income ....... 30,034.44 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME GENERAL ........... Schedule C-3 23,915.25 EXPOSITION PERIOD SALVAGE ............................... 15,256.28 MORTGAGE NOTE LOAN .................................... 50,000.00 - DISBURSEMENTS EXPOSITION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Statement E 4,979,307.11 Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities ......................................... 1,507,017.03 Music ............................................... 623,800.73 Concessions and Admissions ............................ 502,149.37 Special Events and Attractions ......................... 484,069.56 Exhibits ............................................. 482,300.01 Administration ....................................... 360,660.32 Exposition Guards .................................... 313,576.82 Exploitation .......................................... 146,814.26 Insurance ............................................ 109,397.39 Conventions and Societies .............................. 86,432.44 Traffic Department ................................... 84,287.01 Other Exposition Period Expenses ............ ... 278,802.17 PAYMENT MORTGAGE NOTE LOAN ........................... 50,000.00 Operating Surplus $2,865,351.68 STATEMENT "D TV> POST EXPOSITION RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Developing the Net Cost of Closing, Wrecking and Restoration of Site to Date of DECEMBER 31, 1919 RECEIPTS SALVAGE . . Schedule D-l ABATEMENTS AND REVENUES Miscellaneous Income and Abatements Departmental.. . . Statement E Miscellaneous Income and Abatements General Schedule D-2 Post -Exposition Admission Revenue Schedule D-3 Post-Exposition Concession Revenue .'. . . Schedule D-4 DISBURSEMENTS CLOSURE AND SITE RESTORATION Statement E Wrecking and Site Restoration Administration Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities. . . Exhibits Exposition Guards Traffic Department Insurance Other Post-Exposition Expenses 89,789.30 92,550.29 44,343.30 4,137.64 461,574.07 278,026.88 214,854.43 97,963.33 79,352.66 73,343.31 41,572.26 74,803.61 Net Closing Cost $918,696.53 230,820.53 $1,149,517.06 1,321,490.55 *$1 71 ,973.49 Red. STATEMENT "E" Detailed Summary of Gross Expenditures, Expense Abatements and Incidental Revenue and Net Expenses. I. 2. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 39. 30. 31. 32. 33. Purpose GENERAL ADMINISTRATION: President and Secretary Schedule E-l tfE-2 E-2a E-3 E-4 E^5 PRE-EXPC Organization Gross Expenditures $60,056.11 tt >SITION PB to February Expense Abatements and Incidental Revenues :RIOD 19, 1915 Net Expenditures iS 60,056.11 Director-in-Chief and International Awards Historian 3,379.96 221,864.42 84,091.84 3,879.96 221,864.42 84,091.84 19,310.91 Comptroller Legal Department Service Building Operation and Maintenance. . . . 19,310.91 Total $388 703 24 $388,703.24 DIVISION OF EXHIBITS E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9 E-10 E-ll E-l 2 $tSI,M(i,t.-, 705,666.54 135,712.51 837.90 7,391.17 IM, 008.55 705,666.64 128,321.34 DIVISION OF EXPLOITATION DIVISION OF CONCESSIONS AND ADMISSIONS DIVISION OF WORKS: General Construction 12,052,191.80 1,299,804.22 458,52.-). 41 1 037 085 61 16,075.43 1MO,024.00 346,317.21 lLMttli.1 16.37 1,089,780.22 112,208.20 1,037,086.61 Exposition Auditorium California Building Real Estate Purchase and Rentals. . . Total Construction and Property Acquisition 14,847,607.04 488,687.45 162,337.09 9,381.40 $572,416.64 187,721.7.-. 36.55 $14,275,190.40 300,965.70 162,300.64 9,381.40 Operation and Maintenance of Bldgs., Grounds and Utilities. . . Exposition Guards E-13 E-14 E-15 E-16 Emergency Hospital Wrecking and Site Restoration Total $15,508,012.98 $760,174.94 $14,747,s:Mil TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT E-17 E-18 E-19 E-20 E-21 E-22 E-23 E-24 E-25 101,525.25 J.-i 1.43 1.80 55,224.20 65,216.42 36,308.83 251,431.80 27,139.86 FOREIGN OFFICE AND COMMISSION SPECIAL EVENTS AND ATTRACTIONS 28,084.35 MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES: Music 18,687.43 94,253.36 43,338.35 6,708.04 18.6S7. 13 87,545.32 13,338.35 24,215.98 It. 132.94 Conventions and Societies Reception Official Coins and Medals Eastern Offices 24 215 98 Special Activities: Athletic, Aeronautic, Yatching, etc. 64,525.28 20,392.34 Total $245,020.40 $27,100.38 *1'17,!I20.02 SPECIAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: Discount and Expense on Sale of Contributed Municipal Bonds Insurance. ... . . E-26 E-27 E-28 E-29 E-30 8844626 88, i iii.2r, 23,610.62 13,638.06 13,506.46 69,757.96 23,610.62 1363806 Washington Legislation 13,505.45 59,757.95 Special Activities and Miscellaneous Expenses. . . . Total $198,958.34 $198,958.34 EXPENSES PRELIMINARY TO CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL: E-31 E-32 E-33 UK) 257 42 190,257.42 124,633.77 62,623.82 Exploitation and Publicity. . . . 124,633.77 62 623 82 Office Expenses Total $377,515 01 $377,515.01 GRAND TOTALS $18,452,616.72 $888,805.16 $17,563,811.56 tNo salary paid to^President. All President's travel and personal entertainment and other exp:nses defrayed by him. ffDirector-in-Chief Pre-Exposition Expense divided between Exhibits and Exploitation. STATEMENT "E" Detailed Summary of Gross Expenditures, Expense Abatements and Incidental Revenue and Net Expenses. EXPOSITION PERIOD POST EXPOSITION PERIOD AGGREGATE OF THREE PERIODS February 20, 1915 to December 4, 1915 December 5, 1915 to December 31, 1919 Gross Expenditures $40,742.94 133 8''7 02 Expense Abatements and Incidental Revenues $5,206.85 Net Expenitures }$35,536.09 133 827 02 Gross Expenditures $50,927.75 Expense Abatements and Incidental Revenues $ 305.65 Net Expenditures }$50,622.10 3 607 82 3 607 82 69,063.10 69,063.10 156 160 10 156 160 10 79 207 86 79,207.86 'e 3' 7 2 44 26 322.44 78,828.17 78,828.17 $360,660.32 $5,206.85 $355,453.47 $278,026.88 $ 305.65 $277,721.23 482,300.01 146X14 26 189,640.62 292,659.39 146 814 26 97,963.33 5,082.79 92,880.54 502,149.37 228,112.63 274,036.74 21,265.58 478.18 20,787.40 22,930.50 22,930.50 1,507,017.03 313 576 82 680,858.89 >7 <).'3 '826,'l5S.H 313 548 87 22,930.50 214,854.43 79 352 66 ' '20,823.94 22,930.50 194,030.49 79 352 66 11 782 53 ll'78253 8,566.80 8,566.80 461,574.07 461,574.07 $1,832,376.38 $680,886.84 $1,151,489.54 $787,278.46 $20,823.94 $766,454.52 84,287.01 16 531 88 76,357.38 7,929.63 16 531 88 73,343.31 54,969.90 18,373.41 is 1.069.56 93,709.94 390,359.62 13,175.43 13,175.43 623 800 73 161 741 82 462 058 91 86 43'' 44 9 401 08 77 031 36 4,107.19 4,107.19 46 189 48 46 18948 57,426.25 *57,426.25 8,128.84 *8,1 28.84 5 453 27 5 453 27 91 71025 15 398 56 76311 69 $853,586.17 $243,967.71 $609,618.46 $4,107.19 $8,128.84 $4,021.65 $109 397 39 $109 397 39 $41,572.26 $41,572.26 28 924 64 28 924 64 78 210 12 78210 12 4758.11 4,758.11 $216 532 15 $216532.15 $46,330.37 $46,330.37 $4,979,307.11 $1,517,881.97 $3,461,425.14 11,321,490.55 $89,789.30 $1,231,701.25 Gross Expenditures $151,726.80 133,827.02 76,050.88 457,232.38 189,242.45 19,310.91 Expense Abatements and Incidental Revenues Net Expenditures $5,512.50 $146,214.30 1 133,827.02 2 76,050.88 2a 457,232.38 3 189,242.45 4 19,310.91 5 $1,027,390.44 $5,512.50 $1,021,877.94 1,065,109.79 852,480.80 659,127.46 12,052,191.80 1,322,734.72 458,525.41 1,037,085.61 14,870,537.54 2,210,558.91 555,266.57 29,730.73 461,574.07 195,561.31 '235,981.98 869,548.48 6 852,480.80 7 423,145.48 8 16,075.43 12,036,116.37 9 210,024.00 1,112,710.72 10 346,317.21 112,208.20 11 1,037,085.61 12 572,416.64 14,298,120.90 889,404.58 1,321,154.33 13 64.50 555,202.07 14 29,730.73 15 461,574.07 16 $18, 127,667.82 $1 ,461,885.72 $16,665,782. 10 259,155.57 267,963.68 552,469.19 642,488.16 184,792.99 89,527.83 29,669.25 156,235.53 196,543.70 121,794i29 161,741.82 16,109.12 65,555.09 35,790.90 62,611.87 17 267,963.68 18 430,674.90 19 $480,746.34 20 168,683.87 21 89,527.83 22 *65,555.09 23 29,669.25 24 120,444.63 25 $1,102,713.76 $279,196.93 $823,516.83 $88,446.26 174,580.27 42,562.70 13,505.45 142,726.18 $461,820.86 $88,446.26 26 174,580.27 27 42,562.70 28 13,505.45 29 142,726.18 30 $461,820.86 $190,257.42 $190,257.42 31 124,633.77 124,633.77 32 62,623.82 62,623.82 33 $377,515.01 $377,515.01 $24,753,414.38 $2,496,476.43 $22,256,937.95 *Net Fronts ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT B PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTIONS PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE B-l At a meeting lasting two hours, held in the Merchants Exchange of San Francisco, on April 28, 1910, subscriptions to the capital stock were received in the total amount of $4,089,000.00 (see Page 71, Volume 1, of the History of the Exposition). Subsequent to this meeting additional subscriptions were received, amount- ing to $2,047,320.00, making a total subscription of $6,136,320.00. This amount was subscribed by 14,511 persons or corporations, the largest subscription being $150,000.00, the smallest for one share, or $10.00, and the average subscription being $423.00. In 1915 the population of San Francisco was estimated to have been 551,000, upon which basis the subscription per unit of population was $11.00. Of the total subscription of $6,136,320.00, $5,535,044.05 was fully paid, leaving $601,275.95 upon which no payments, or only partial payments were received. The partial payments amounted to $137,436.40, so that the total amount finally collected upon the subscriptions up to the date of July 20, 1921, amounted to $5,672,480.45, leaving uncollected subscriptions of $463,839.55, or only 7.05 per cent. On July 20, 1921, a liquidating dividend of 8 per cent was paid to stockholders who had made complete payments of their subscriptions. This liquidating dividend amounted to $442,803.52. No liquidating divi- dends were paid to subscribers who had only made partial payments upon their subscriptions. 10 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT B Continued STATE SUBSCRIPTION AND MUNICIPAL AID PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE B-2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA SUBSCRIPTION Original Amount Not Received Retained by State Commission for Expenses, Etc. . . $13,000.00 45,443.74 $5,000,000.00 '58,443.74 $4,941,556.26 4,941,556.26 MUNICIPAL AID, CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO . 5,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME AND ABATEMENTS GENERAL PRE-EXPOSITION MISCELLANEOUS INCOME AND ABATEMENTS GENERAL. Interest on Bank Deposits Interest on Bonds of City of San Francisco received as Municipal Aid (See Schedule B-2) Donations. Western Pacific Railway Voorman Company Japanese Residents of San Francisco. Bank of British North America Albert Lorch & Company Radke & Company C. L. Best Gas Traction Company. . . Westinghouse Electric Company Dr. J. R. Dillon.. Miscellaneous Earnings Miscellaneous Interest Received. . . Cashier's Short and Over Account . TOTAL. . $25,000.00 2,500.00 1,154.97 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 210.50 10.00 SCHEDULE B-3 $120,508.93 105,735.93 32,375.47 $271,315.20 10,329.99 2,331.96 32.92 $271,315.20 $271,315.20 11 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT B Continued PRE-EXPOSITION ADMISSION REVENUE SCHEDULE B-4 ADMISSION REVENUE Turnstile and Gate Receipts. 730,280 @ $ .25 . 10,914 .15 36,039 @ .10 S>3,744.2.-, $1X7,811.00 $182,570.00 1,637.10 3,603.90 Advance Ticket Sale Coupons Collected. 71,922 @ $ .25 9,992 .15 3,141 .10 17,980.50 1,45)8.80 314.10 Automobiles 31,016 @ $ .50 Saddle Horses 6 @ $ .25 Bicycles 3 @ $ .25 Adjustment of Advance Ticket Sale Accounts (Tickets not presented). TOTAL.. 15,508.00 1.50 .75 629.60 $223,744.25 $223,71 1. Jr. RECAPITULATION OF CONCESSION REVENUE PRE-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE B-6 Concessions Paying to the Exposition Concessions Paying to the Exposition Concessions Paying to the Exposition Concessions Paying to the Exposition Concessions Paying to the Exposition Concessions Paying to the Exposition Concessions Paying to the Exposition Concessions Paying to the Exposition Concessions Paying to the Exposition Concessions Paying to the Exposition 5 % of Gross Receipts. 10 % of Gross Receipts 15 % of Gross Receipts . 20 % of Gross Receipts. 25 % of Gross Receipts 30 % of Gross Receipts. 33|% of Gross Receipts. 35 % of Gross Receipts 50 % of Gross Receipts. 55 % of Gross Receipts. Gross Receipts of Percentage Concessionaires $11,365.40 19,712.00 1,757.55 15,792.22 43,058.81 4,820.32 2,604.60 14.00 12.30 5.72 Flat Rates and Miscellaneous Privileges Privileges Operated by Exposition Company. Total Recorded Gross Receipts and Percentages as per details following: $99,142.92 Exposition Percentage $ 568.26 1,971.30 263.67 3,158.50 10,70 Mif, 1,446.13 868.13 4.90 6.15 3.15 3,261.18 824.40 $23,140.39 12 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT B-Continued STATEMENT OF CONCESSION REVENUE PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE B-5 Cone. No. 1, 9. 12. IS. I9a Concessionaire Concession Rate Gross Receipts David Monaseh Orange Blcssom, Inc Camm & Marshall L. C. Seipt & Co Desmond Supply Co Official Souvenir Watch Co Official Souvenir Watch Co '.' I . Lee Ladanyi 24a. James Young 26. Otto Muller Otto Muller Otto Muller 30. L. A. Thompson Pacific Coast Co 31. Amalgamated Concessions Co Amalgamated Concessions Co Amalgamated Concessions Co 32. National Ice Cream Co 37. G. Albert Wahlgreen 41. Mark Leichter 44. Western Sanitary Co 47a. Calwa Distributing Co 48. American Oriental Concessions Co 49. American Chicle Co 50. L. M. McDermot . 53. John T. Dickman 55. Shepard Manufacturing Company 58. Combined Amusements Co 59. Frederick Thompson 60a. Cardinell-Vincent Co 79a. Robert A. Reid 89. Union Pacific Co 92. Levenson Co 95. Cushion Seats Renting Co 102. Southern California Ostrich Farm 105. Prudential Art Co 108a. Geo. H. Hellman, Trustee 110. V. L. Liefert & Earl Armstrong 114. H. M. Edlin, Inc H. M. Edlin, Inc '. H. M. Edlin, Inc : 1 15. Fadgl Auto Train, Ine Fadgl Auto Train, Inc 123. A. B. Moulder. : 138. D. A. Hagens 148. Japanese Central Tea Association 182. Charles David 186. Wolff & Dolan Miscellaneous Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co. Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co. TOTAL.. Taft Ground Breaking Spade 20 % Orange Blossom Candies 25 % Souvenir Case 20 % Old Red Mill 25 % Roast Meats (Restaurants) 25 % Souvenir Watches and Jewelry 5 % Souvenir Watches and Jewelry 10 % La Chateau 10 % Young's Restaurant 10 % Muller Luxus Cafe 10 % Muller Luxus Cafe 20 % Muller Luxus Cafe 25 % Scenic Railway 25 % Popcorn and Peanuts 30 % Popcorn and Peanuts 35 % Popcorn and Peanuts (Stand Rental) . . . Flat Ice Cream 20 % The World's Fair Publications 25 % Pan Souvenir 15 % Public Convenience Stations 15 % Calwa Grape Juice 33j% Soft Drinks 10 % Chewing Gum 55 % Overfair Railway 25 % Shooting Gallery 33% Souvenir Spoons & Enameled Jewelry . . 20 % Carouselle 33^% Grown Up Toyland 20 % Official Post Cards 20 % O_fficial View Books 20 % Yellowstone National Park 15 % Brooms and Brushes 10 % Cushion Seats 25 % Ostrich Farm 25 % Pennants and Toy Balloons 25 % Candy Floss 30 % Autodrome 25 % Edlin's Creamery 10 % Edlin's Creamery 20 % Edlin's Creamery 30 % Fadgl Auto Train 20 % Fadgl Auto Train 25 % Official Invitations Flat Official Letter Folder 10 % Japan Tea Pavilion 10 % Auditorium Checking 50 % Season Book Covers 25 % Miscellaneous Flat Camera License Auto Parking $1,237.20 675.81 10.00 2,817.50 9,290.35 11,365.40 29.17 957.00 8,348.70 6,341.60 759.90 56.75 6,839.55 4,071.60 14.00 2,486.75 16,398.10 1,694.80 30.50 257.85 43.00 5.72 690.95 234.15 223.52 2,112.60 500.00 673.75 462.50 32.25 2,560.08 15.60 50.80 5.00 78.65 250.50 457.00 23.60 670.07 9,415.00 5,551.15 6.25 969.20 12.30 416.75 $99,142.92 Exposition Percentage 247.44 168.95 2.00 704.30 2,322.56 568.26 2.92 95.70 834.93 634.18 152.01 14.19 1,709.95 1.221.48 4.90 500.00 497.38 4,099.55 254.24 4.58 85.95 4.30 3.15 172.73 78.01 44.70 704.17 100.00 134.75 92.50 4.85 256.02 3.90 12.72 1.25 23.63 62.65 45.70 4.72 201.02 1,883.00 1,387.73 206.00 .65 96.90 6.15 104.17 2,555.15 776.90 47.50 $23.140.39 13 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E PRE-EXPOSITION PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY SCHEDULE E-l Gross GENERAL OFFICE Detail Expenses Detail Income Expense & Income Net Result $00056 11 Payrolls $32 324 47 Office Supplies and Expense 6 69 9 99 Furniture and Equipment 4 039 15 Office Rent 8 991 05 Miscellaneous General Expense 2 973 08 Sundry Entertainment 90.55 Special Expense Naval Aide 4 670 52 Postage 27430 TOTAL $60 056 1 1 W>056 11 PRE-EXPOSITION DIRECTOR-IN-CHIEF SCHEDULE E-2 DIRECTOR-IN-CHIEF * Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result (XX) 00 Payrolls. . . . $37 354 99 Office Supplies and Expense 1,529.25 Furniture and Equipment 85795 Office Rent 1 995 50 Miscellaneous General Expense 397.23 Traveling Expense 19,907.87 Total $62,042.79 Credits for Executive Service. . . *$62,042.79 000.00 00000 HISTORIAN PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-2a Detail Expenses Detail Income Gross Expense and Income HISTORIAN. Net Result $3,379.96 Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense . . . Furniture and Equipment Office Rent Miscellaneous General Expense. TOTAL. $2,990.54 48.78 54.95 69.60 216.09 $3,379.96 $3,379.90 *Re $221,864.42 15 PRE-EXPOSITION GROSS Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense. . . . Furniture and Fixtures Office Rent . Miscellaneous General Expense. Postage ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued LEGAL DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE E-4 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result TOTAL. . . $72,240.C.l 4,856.55 966.77 4,589.35 1,176.16 273.40 $84,091.84 $84,091.84 SS4.091.84 SERVICE BUILDING OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-6 Detail Expenses Gross Expense Detail Income and Income GROSS. Net $19,810.91 Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense. . . . Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense. Outside Payrolls General Material and Supplies. . $4,351.81 88.95 24.75 2,807.51 8,860.97 3,176.92 TOTAL. $19,310.91 $19,310.91 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF EXHIBITS PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-6 Detail Expenses Detail Income Gross Expense and Income Net Result DIRECTOR'S OFFICE $118,112.72 Payrolls $55,788.00 Office Supplies and Expense 6,151.84 Furniture and Equipment 3,973.28 Office Rent 2,541.15 Miscellaneous General Expense 5,824.35 Traveling Expense 2,798.12 Sundry Entertainment r 583.10 Pamphlets and Booklets 8,643.88 Charges for Executive Service (j-^ Director-in-Chief, See E-2 and portion of expense after Feb. 20, 1915, See E-6, Exposition Period) 31,713.45 Postage 95.55 FINE ARTS 42,442.28 Payrolls 21,243.12 '.' Office Supplies and Expense 1 ,977.07 Furniture and Equipment 1,091.51 Office Rent 1,438.77 Miscellaneous General Expense 2,733.10 Traveling Expense 13,407.15 Charges for Executive Service (See E-6, Exposition Period) 322.95 Postage 228.61 KINK ARTS INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION OF EXHIBITS 63,016.38 Outside Wages and Payrolls 20,109.14 Office Supplies and Expense 64.14 Miscellaneous General Expense 4,730.96 Material and Supplies 4,379.50 Caring for Exhibits 10,355.68 . '. Freight, Express and Drayage 14,853.11 Furniture 780.00 Equipment 1,229.25 Traveling Expense 6,544.60 FINE ARTS MATTING AND FRAMING . . . . : 391.18 Gross 1,047.08 Material and Supplies 826.92 Miscellaneous General Expense. 220.16 Income 655.90 Matting and Framing, Collections from Exhibitors 655.90 EDUCATION AND SOCIAL ECONOMY 24,060.76 Payrolls 16,189.44 Office Supplies and Expense 1,570.28 Furniture and Equipment 1,230.45 Office Rent 683.20 - Miscellaneous General Expense 597.96 Traveling Expense 3,606.24 Charges for Executive Service (See E-6, Exposition Period) 183.19 EDUCATION BUILDING INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION OF EXHIBITS 1,964.97 Outside Wages and Payrolls 1,412.23 Miscellaneous General Expense 208.24 Construction Contracts 344.50 LIBERAL ARTS 17,153.34 Payrolls 12,817.94 Office Supplies and Expense 2,056.12 Furniture and Equipment 593.70 Office Rent ( 749.25 Miscellaneous General Expense 562.71 General Material and Supplies 156.36 Charges for Executive Service (See E-6, Exposition Period) 217.26 17 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF EXHIBITS PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-6 Cont'd. Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result LIBERAL ARTS INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION OF EXHIBITS.... $2,045.98 Outside Wages and Payrolls $1,442.63 Miscellaneous General Expense 157.01 General Material and Supplies 215.34 Equipment 231.00 LIBERAL ARTS PICTORIAL PHOTOGRAPHY FUND !2!((>.79 Gross $478.79 Miscellaneous General Expense 55.79 Construction Contracts 423.00 Income 182.00 Pictorial Photo Entrance Fees $182.00 MANUFACTURES (AND VARIED INDUSTRIES) 20,756.00 Payrolls 14,826.19 Office Supplies and Expense 1,890.55 Furniture and Equipment 820.21 Office Rent 678.50 Miscellaneous General Expense 731.69 Traveling Expense 925.00 Pamphlets and Booklets 435.00 General Material and Supplies 122.68 Charges for Executive Service (See E-6, Exposition Period) 326.24 MANUFACTURES (AND VARIED INDUSTRIES) INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION OF EXHIBITS ... 2,712.07 Outside Wages and Payrolls 111.97 Equipment 920.00 M iscellaneous General Expense Freight, Express and Drayage 45.00 Construction Contracts '. 1,380.00 MACHINERY 23,408.52 Payrolls 17,571.63 Office Supplies and Expense ' 1,635.36 Furniture and Equipment Office Rent x 1,052.75 Miscellaneous General Expense Traveling Expense 1,365.68 Equipment Rentals Charges for Executive Service (See E-6, Exposition Period) 266.66 MACHINERY INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION or EXHIBITS 1,885.13 Outside Wages and Payrolls 1,674.59 Miscellaneous General Expense 210.54 TRANSPORTATION 20,537.00 Payrolls.. 15,888.15 Office Supplies and Expense 1,396.18 Furniture and Equipment Office Rent Miscellaneous General Expense 1,832.98 Charges for Executive Service (See E-6, Exposition Period) 248.66 TRANSPORTATION INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION OF EXHIBITS 1 ,12058 Outside Wages and Payrolls 439.13 . Miscellaneous General Expense 462.25 General Material and Supplies 219.00 18 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued PRE-EXPOSITION DIVISION OF EXHIBITS Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-6 Cont'd. Gross Expense and Income Net Result AGRICULTURE (AND FOOD PRODUCTS) $1 1,997.74 Payrolls $8,941.72 Office Supplies and Expense 1,070.72 Furniture and Equipment 747.90 Office Rent 530.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 300. 11 Traveling Expense 134.00 Outside Wages and Payrolls 57.00 Charges for Executive Service (See E-6, Exposition Period) 216.29 AGRICULTURE (AND FOOD PRODUCTS) INSTALLATION AND IN- SPECTION OF EXHIBITS 2,533.84 Outside Wages and Payrolls 1,413.84 Miscellaneous General Expense 95.00 Construction Contracts 1,025.00 LIVE STOCK 36,916.39 Payrolls 22,826.80 Office Supplies and Expense 2,541.65 Furniture 1,257.61 Office Rent 909.25 Miscellaneous General Expense 3,001.21 Traveling Expense 5,581.26 Charges for Executive Service (See E-6, Exposition Period) 669.02 Postage 129.59 -. LIVE STOCK STOCK YARDS 3,336.82 Outside Wages an,d Payrolls 2,492.90 General Material and Supplies 199.22 Miscellaneous General Expense 644.70 HORTICULTURE ... . 22 235 77 Payrolls 14,932.64 Office Supplies and Expense 1,021.16 Furniture and Equipment 875.16 Office Rent 602.25 Miscellaneous General Expense 559.15 Traveling Expense 1,777.54 Outside Wages and Salaries 411.00 General Material and Supplies 1,717.36 .....' Freight, Express and Drayage : 30.42 Charges for Executive Service (See E-6, Exposition Period) 309.09 HORTICULTURE INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION OF EXHIBITS. . 4,377.88 Outside Wages and Salaries 1,868.95 Miscellaneous General Expense 286.62 General Material and Supplies 2,222.31 '.'.'.'.'.'. MINES AND METALLURGY ... 18 447.84 Payrolls 11,228.46 Office Supplies and Expense 1,178.89 Furniture 618.55 Books 143.46 Office Rent 654.00 V Miscellaneous General Expense 851.85 Traveling Expense 3,351.51 . ... .'.... ... General Material and Supplies 226.54 Charges for Executive Service (See E-6. Exposition Period) 194.58 MINES AND METALLURGY INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION OF EXHIBITS. . t 2,641.22 Outside Wages and Payrolls 1,554.81 . . . : Miscellaneous General Expense 1,086.41 SPECIAL EXPENSES 1 295 16 October 1911 Expense 525.35 '.'.'.'.'.] ...... California Building 375.00 Advertising 394.81 '.'. '. '.'. '.'. ' '.'. .'. CALIFORNIA STATE EXHIBIT INSTALLATION EXPENSE 40,292.33 40,292.33 TOTAL $484,846.45 $837.90 $484,008.55 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF EXPLOITATION PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-7 dross Kxpcnsc Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Xet Result DIRECTOR'S OFFICE I I'i,. 114.89 Payrolls 80,485.24 ' Office Supplies and Expense 13,402. .">X Furniture 1,773.85 Office Rent 4,576.25 Miscellaneous General Expense 8,146.68 Traveling Expense 2,921.16 Sundry Entertainment !>_ 1.60 Photo" Supplies L',7 1(1.69 Postage 522.50 Charges for Executive Service (Half Director-in-Chief, See E-2) 31,021.34 GENERAL PUBLICITY.. 40,988.13 Payrolls 1,315.70' : Office Supplies and Expense 2,111.15 Furniture and Equipment 1,521.42 Miscellaneous General Expense 6,566.29 ... Traveling Expense 3,176.79 Sundry Entertainment 1,145.35 Pamphlets and Booklets 1,702.30 General Material and Supplies 328.61 M iscellaneous Lecture Expense 3,664.83 Picture Equipment Salvable 1,425.96 Picture Equipment Non-salvable 1,894.50 Mats and Plates 462.83 Photo Supplies 1,061.30 Postage 2,928.23 Freight, Drayage and Express 5,052.32 Special Articles 3,630.55 Special Advertising Campaign: S. F. Chamber of Commerce $1 ,500.00 California Development Board 1,500.00 3,000.00 PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN MATS AND PLATES 72,147.26 72,117.2(1 PAMPHLETS FOR DISTRIBUTION 62,166.78 62,166.78 LECTURE BUREAU . 61,7Xfi..">7 Payrolls 9,599.74 ' Office Supplies and Expense 2,517.67 Office Rent 671.&5 Miscellaneous General Expense 2,163.62 Traveling Expense 7,641.92 Equipment Rental 130.00 Lecture Tours 26,902.39 Miscellaneous Lecture Expense 4,045.60 Picture Equipment Salvable 7,250.28 Picture Equipment Non-salvable 862.50 BUREAU OF RECORDS 9,796.36 Payrolls 6,285.17 Office Supplies and Expense 339.20 Furniture and Equipment 158.44 Office Rent 432.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 90.20 Clippings 2,491.35 INFORMATION AND PUBLIC SERVICE 4,352.86 Payrolls 3,159.52 Office Supplies and Expense f 612.37 Furniture and Equipment 49.20 Office Rent 475.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 56.77 NEWSPAPER TOURS BUREAU 10,5N!U;:> 1'ax rolls 4,918.66 Office Supplies and Expense. . Furniture and Equipment 89.62 Office Rent 26X.OO MiM'rll.-iin-'m, I ii-niTiil Kxpense 1 ,<>."i3.08 Travi-liri'.' Kxiiense 618.12 Mats and Plates 2,234.56 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued PRE-EXPOSITION DIVISION OF EXPLOITATION Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-7 Cont'd. Gross Expense and Income Net Result EDITORIAL BUREAU 43,442.68 Payrolls 6,241.10 Office Supplies and Expense 8,695.87 Furniture and Equipment 664.07 . . . Office Rent 432.03 Miscellaneous General Expense 5,741.66 Picture Equipment Salvable 14S.60 Photo Supplies 6,973.95 Special Articles 7,673.60 Postage 6,871.82 WRITER'S SECTION 54,018.09 Payrolls 42,248.22 Office Supplies and Expense 2,495.71 Furniture and Equipment 979.29 Office Rent 1,359.03 Miscellaneous General Expense 4,823.34 Postage 2,110.53 PUBLICATION $15,035.76 Payrolls $8,870.98 Office Supplies and Expense 1 ,085.25 Furniture and Equipment 362.21 . Office Rent 480.00 Miscellaneous General Expense , 2,568.32 Mats and Plates 46.58 Photo Supplies 1,448.88 Postage 173.54 PRINTING AND ENGRAVING 8,792.89 Payrolls 9,746.85 Office Supplies and Expense 1,938.59 Equipment 1,486.68 Office Rent 748.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 901.00 General Material and Supplies 1,923.76 Credits for Printing Work. (This Bureau not only did print- ing work, but had charge of all work done on outside) . . *7,951.99 MULTIGRAPHING *3,440.1 1 Payrolls 6,021.97 Furniture and Equipment 440.65 Office Rent '. 549.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 122.16 General Material and Supplies 1,547.16 Credits for Multigraphing work done *12,121.05 DOMESTIC GENERAL 17,914.38 Payrolls 13,634.38 Office Supplies and Expense 1,669.09 Furniture and Equipment 667.06 Office Rent 1,045.75 Miscellaneous General Expense 391.10 Traveling Expense 507.00 STATE ORGANIZATION AND LEGISLATION 101,471.15 Expenses of Representatives Traveling 84,583.74 . . Payrolls 8,612.08 Miscellaneous General Expense 8,275.33 . .' Expenses in connection with the obtaining of appropria- tions for State Buildings, Exhibits and Participations. STATE AND FOREIGN SOCIETIES IN SAN FRANCISCO 16,687.45 Payrolls 11,367.33 Office Expense and Miscellaneous 5,320.12 Expenses in connection with the organization of former residents of other states and foreign countries for purposes of participation. *Red. 21 PRE-EXPOSITION ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF EXPLOITATION Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-7 Cont'd. Gross Expense and Income Net Result SPECIAL EXPENSES $43,402.75 Labels of Seal $ 250.00 Columbia Park Boys Contribution for World Tour . 1,250.00 Jules Guerin Paintings for color scheme. 1,495.70 Governor's Special Train 5,430.00 California Counties 1,787.67 October, 1911, Expense. . . 2,248.01 Washington Expense and Hearst Banquet 3,375.56 Bank Advertising Campaign 658.93 Poster Campaign 2,000.00 News Review 296.83 Miscellaneous 1,244.34 LOCAL PUBLICITY: Salaries 7,197.55 General Office Expense.... 3,822.70 Lectures 1,585.83 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,050.93 Furniture and Equipment 910.33 PHOTO SECTION: Salaries. 3,764.96 ....: Rent 207.50 General Office Expense 2,450.18 Furniture and Equipment 691.64 Credits *5,623.77 ILLUSTRATION: Salaries 2,301.66 General Office Expense Miscellaneous General Expense 1,292.74 State of California Legislation Expense 3,304.68 Press Building Payroll 99.70 TOTAL DIVISION OF EXPLOITATION.... $705,666.54 ..... $705,666.54 Red. 22 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF CONCESSIONS AND ADMISSIONS PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-8 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income. Net Result DIRECTOR'S OFFICE $25,015.75 Payrolls 24,200.96 Furniture and Equipment 559.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 255.79 TOTAL DIRECTOR'S OFFICE $25,015.75 $25,015.75 DEPARTMENT OF CONCESSIONS: General Office 37,901.90 Payrolls 23,951.52 .: Office Supplies and Expense. . 5,859.18 Furniture and Equipment 3,370.60 Office Rent 1,662.50 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,010.01 General Material and Supplies 889.15 Secret Service 463.16 Postage 695.78 COLLECTIONS: Supervision of Cashiers and Stilemen 1 ,937.36 ..'. 1,937.36 Concessionaires Stock Store Expense 540.88 540.88 Concessionaires Cashiers Salaries Paid 1,970.95 1,970.95 Concessionaires Cashiers Charges to Concessionaires. 1,989.09 1,989.09 *18.14 Concessionaires Equipment Rentals Paid 4,388.78 4,388.78 Concessionaires Equipment Charges to Concession- aires. (See Exposition Period Profit) 1,423.15 1,423.15 2,965.63 Department Overcash 17.95 *17.95 TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF CONCESSIONS $46,739.87 $3,430.19 $43,309.68 DEPARTMENT OF ADMISSIONS: General Office ' I $22,397.55 Payrolls 6,073.57 Outside Salaries and Payrolls 4,561.06 Furniture and Equipment 3,046.65 .... Miscellaneous General Expense 1,634.75 - Office Supplies and Expense 2,126.86 Secret Service 3,402.55 General Material and Supplies 1,045.71 Office Rent 160.00 Postage 346.40 Operation of Gates . . 34,073.98 Gross 34,656.51 Outside Salaries and Payrolls 20,247.46 Office Supplies and Expense 36.04 . . . General Material and Supplies 323.20 .Miscellaneous General Expense 161.81 Equipment Rental 13,888.00 Income Department Overcash 582.53 582.53 CAN COLLECTION EXPENSE 636.80 Outside Salaries and Payrolls 415.20 Miscellaneous General Expense 76.95 General Material and Supplies 144.65 Tickets, Passes and Tokens 4,220.68 ' 4,220.68 Automatic Turnstile Control (Excludes Installation Con- tract) 715.82 Payrolls 601.18 '. V. General Material and Supplies 102.37 Miscellaneous General Expense 12.27 Closed Special Expense October, 1911 1,329.53 1,329.53 Income Photo Permits 3,360.00 Miscellaneous 18.45 *3,378.45 TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF ADMISSIONS $63,956.89 $3,960.98 $59,995.91 TOTAL DIVISION OF CONCESSIONS AND ADMISSIONS.. . $135,712.51 $7,391.17 $128,321.34 *Red. 93 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS General Construction PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-9 Schedule Gross General Improvements E-9/1 $1,977,097.97 . General Buildings E-9/2 5,632,466.33 Decorative Features E-9/3 '1,894,470.13 Mechanical Features E-9/4 474,852.92 Gardens and Planting E-9/5 531,4(H).1(1 Fire and Police Protection : E-9/6 187,091.34 Operating Equipments. ' E-9/7 92,694.34 Miscellaneous E-9/8 72,357.74 Lincoln Park and Presidio Boulevard E-9/9 56,000.00 General Construction Expense E-9/10 1,133,691.93 TOTAL GENERAL CONSTRUCTION.. $12,052,191.80 Expense Abatements 16,075.43 Net $1,977,097.97 5,632, n;r,.:;:; l.v.i 1.470.13 474,852.92 531,41)9.10 187,091.34 92,694.34 72,357.74 5.">,.>> 1.7 1 Payrolls 4,844.47 Moving Oil Tanks 2,417.80 Reconstructing Tennis Court 406.50 Construction Contracts and Miscellaneous 47,915.97 Includes moving of Fort Point Life Saving Station, and four Quartermaster's Warehouses to the Presidio. GRADING.. 173,32:i .:; I Site Contract 124,013.53 Protection 5,411.09 Machinery Building and Railroad Yard Contracts 17,956.40 \ntomobile Building 13,844.44 Various Jobs 12,103.88 Over 605,000 cubic yards moved in grading Building Sites, Roadways, and Racetrack at an average cost of .286c per cubic yard. PREPARATION or GROUNDS AND SUNKEN GARDENS 52,800.74 I'avrolls 37,084.64 Supplies 4,052.92 Mi.-cpllaneous General Expense 8,860.51 Test Boring 1,250.00 Removing Oil Tanks 1,192.00 Equipment 360.67 PRE-EXPOSITION ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS General Improvements SCHEDULE E-9 1 Cont'd. Detail Expenses Detail Income Gross Expense and Income SEWERS, GENERAL CONSTRUCTION North Service Road Sewer South Garden Sewer - State and Foreign Pavilion Sewer Concessions District Sewer Roadway Payrolls Construction Contracts, Miscellaneous Sewer construction aggregated 130,102 linear feet be- sides City sewers, 19,875 feet, making a total of 149,977 feet or approximately 28.4 miles, built at a cost of about 8142,000.00. This cost was distributed in the Sewer, Road and Pavements and Building Construction Accounts. Pipe used included iron stone pipe 4 to 24 inches and wooden stave pipe 10 to 51 inches. WATER SUPPLY Payrolls Equipment Supplies Boring Wells Construction Contracts and Miscellaneous The water supply system was constructed to deliver an average demand of over 2,000,000 gallons per day. The daily average used was 1,426,000 gallons. This expense necessitated owing to inability of Spring Valley Water Co. to furnish water required. It involved sinking artesian wells in Golden Gate Park, a fact that was claimed to be impossible owing to geological formation. PUMPING STATION, FOUNTAINS AND POOL CIRCULATION Payrolls Supplies and Miscellaneous Equipment 1,265.64 3,414.93 32,122.62 4,578.73 346.19 5,007.31 52,279.36 10,150.95 19,141.89 10,192.36 5,658.00 116,897.03 2,920.35 4,309.35 615.99 Net Result 99,014.78 162,040.23 7,845.69 HIGH PRESSURE FIRE SYSTEM, STREETS 167,143.31 Payrolls 6,898.36 Equipment 162.30 Supplies and Miscellaneous 5,951.11 Construction Contracts 154,131 .54 The distributing system consisted of 6, 8, 10, 12 and 16-inch mains, involving some 52,000 lineal feet of pipe or 850 tons, exclusive of fittings and valves. Designed to deliver 15,000 gallons of water per minute at a running pres- sure at the hydrants of 200 pounds per square inch. ROADS, PAVEMENTS AND WALKS 452,535.57 Payrolls 109,802.01 Ballast 20,626.64 Fort Mason Road 13,069.00 ' Miscellaneous General Expense 49,699.07 Supplies 19,519.13 Equipment 661.40 Roadway Construction Contracts 239,158.32 Over 15 miles of roadway and paths were constructed, with a total area of 3,278,000 square feet. Avenues of most sections were from 40 to 60 feet in width with the ex- ception of the Concessions Street (Zone) which had a width of 80 feet between flush curbs and 100 feet between building lines. DRILL GROUNDS AND MILE TRACK 101,281.13 Payrolls 22,080.81 Surfacing Track 29,121.94 Supplies 10,173.37 Construction Contracts and Miscellaneous 39,905.01 Area of about 40 acres was developed for a Drill Ground, One Mile Track, Athletic Field and Grand Stands. ATHLETIC GROUNDS, PREPARATION OF 16,578.52 Payrolls 5,762.81 '. Supplies 4,927.89 Miscellaneous General Expense 5,209.97 Equipment 677.85 FERRY SLIPS AND WHARVES 117,608.55 Payrolls 362.41 Seawall Breakwater 500 feet long, involving use of 25,382 tons of rock 22,438.30 Ferry Slip 77,201.60 Miscellaneous General Expense 11,675.63 Equipment 5,930.61 25 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS General Improvements PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-9 1 Cont'd. EXPOSITION TERMINAL RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION. Detail Expenses Detail Income 67,369.31 Gross Expense and Income Net Result 67,369.31 Within the Exposition Grounds there was constructed track miles of standard gauge railway. Of this, about 3 miles were laid on the floors of the buildings, which al- lowed exhibits to be placed on the exhibit floors direct from the cars. All tracks were laid on 6- inch by 8-inch by 8-foot pine ties, with second hand relay rail weighing 75 pounds per yard, which was leased by special arrangement from the Southern Pacific Company. FENCE 2 1.2SO. 11 Payrolls 8,273.12 Supplies and Miscellaneous . 1,728.10 Lumber 3,223.60 Construction Contract 1 1,055.59 9,892.2 feet Board Fence, 3,265.5 feet Wire Fence. 10 Service Gates and other minor extra work. MOVING SERVICE WIRES, PIPES AND CONDUITS J-,(iS1.07 Payrolls 2,262.50 Construction Contracts and Miscellaneous 20,418.57 WAREHOUSES CONSTRUCTION 1(1,296.15 Payrolls 10,742.05 Lumber 7,388.01 Supplies 4,428.99 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,049.16 Construction Contracts 16,687.94 Two, 50x180 ft,; one, 50x280 ft.; one, 44>ix280 ft, Total floor space 52,726 sq. ft. ;con tents l,650,625cu.ft. Also an empty package storage warehouse 50x160 ft. TE MPORARY BUILDINGS 810,115.75 Payrolls $4,799.50 Lumber 1,678.82 - Miscellaneous General Expense 3,637.43 WAREHOUSE ACCOUNT 3,006.88 Payrolls 2,513.56 Supplies 493.32 LUMBERYARD... 8,904.84 Payrolls 14,251.41 Construction Contracts and Miscellaneous 6,31 1.57 Equipment 37.46 Gross Profit on Lumber handled (total purchases, $91,319.95) * 11,695.60 MISCELLANEOUS .~>(>7.71 Payrolls 392.64 Miscellaneous General Expense 1 15.07 TOTAL GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS $1,977,097.97 $1,977,097.97 TOTAL AREA OF EXPOSITION GROUNDS 635 Acres Amusement District known as the "Zone" 70 Acres Area occupied by Main Exhibit Palaces and Gardens '-' 1 1 Pavilions of the State and Foreign Governments 130 Aviation Field, Race Track and Drill Ground 79 Live Stock Exhibit Section R. H. Terminals, Docks and Ferry Slips Auto Parking Stations anil Street Hailway Terminals 11 Hilly ground in the Presidio which was available but not utilized 36 Red. ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS General Buildings PRE-EXPOSITION Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-9/2 Gross Expense and Income FINE ARTS, PALACE OF Payrolls Steel Contract No. 134 Plumbing Lumber Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense. . . Construction Contracts Freight Area Exhibit Section Contents Exhibit Section. . . . Area Rotunda Contents Rotunda to spring line of Dome Contents Rotunda Dome. . . 125,421 Sq. Ft. 5,492,425 Cu. Ft. 17,683 Sq. Ft. 1,114,029 Cu. Ft. 1,149,395 Cu. Ft. 8,028.81 81,351.43 3,883.00 32,745.31 1,832.35 15,108.78 465,222.30 23,757.94 Net Result $631,929.92 Cost Total Contents, .081c per cubic foot. EDUCATION, PALACE OF 300,183.04 Payrolls 7,977.29 Test Piles, Sand, Etc 1,243.75 Plumbing 13,779.63 Lumber 60,295.37 Miscellaneous General Expense 20,813.09 ....'. Construction Contracts 196,073.91 Area, 207,148 Sq. Ft. Contents, 13,479,312 Cu. Ft. Cost, .022 per Cu. Ft. FOOD PRODUCTS, PALACE OF 326,594.69 Payrolls 9,693.51 Plumbing 16,424.75 Lumber 76,294.50 Miscellaneous General Expense 13,750.71 Construction Contracts. 210,431.22 Area, 236,164 Sq. Ft. Contents, 13,944,820 Cu. Ft. Cost, .023 per Cu. Ft. LIBERAL ARTS, PALACE OF 325,447.90 Payrolls 7,066.39 Plumbing 19,869.30 Lumber 68,937.76 - Miscellaneous General Expense 12,859.65 Construction Contracts 216,714.80 Area, 248,107 Sq. Ft. Contents, 15,755,934 Cu. Ft. Cost, .0206 per Cu. Ft. AGRICULTURE, PALACE OF 386,351.48 Payrolls 5,971.55 Plumbing 24,343.61 Lumber 84,083.33 Miscellaneous General Expense 27,277.40 . Construction Contracts 244,675.59 Area, 351.043 Sq. Ft. Contents, 22,591,728 Cu. Ft. Cost, .017 per Cu. Ft. MANUFACTURES, PALACE OF 317,436.35 Payrolls 6,469.50 Plumbing 18,925.31 Lumber 65,406.33 Miscellaneous General Expense 26,247.18 Construction Contracts 200,388.03 Area, 254,577 Sq. Ft. Contents, 16,075,844 Cu. Ft Cost, .0197 per Cu. Ft. TRANSPORTATION, PALACE OF 451,560.70 Payrolls 6,848.51 Plumbing 18,707.05 Lumber 93,198.20 Miscellaneous General Expense 7,552.47 .:.... Construction Contracts 325,254.47 Area, 313,835 Sq. Ft. Contents, 19,683,213 Cu. Ft. Cost, .022 per Cu. Ft, VARIED INDUSTRIES, PALACE OF ' 296,554.07 Payrolls 5,705.36 Plumbing 14,338.76 Lumber 58,709.25 Miscellaneous General Expense 25,679.31 Construction Contracts 192,121.39 Area, 218,089 Sq. Ft, Contents, 13,806,575 Cu. Ft, Cost, .021 per Cu. Ft. 27 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued PRE-EXPOSITION DIVISION OF WORKS General Buildings SCHEDULE E-9 2 Cont'd. Detail Expenses Detail Income Gross Expense and Income Net Result MINES AND METALLURGY, PALACE OF 338,549.25 Payrolls 7.90S.58 Plumbing 14,835.45 Lumber 69,222.95 Miscellaneous General Expense 7,603.09 Construction Contracts 238,979.18 Area, 258,234 Sq. Ft, Contents, 16,219,561 Cu. Ft. Cost, .0208 per Cu. Ft. MACHINERY, PALACE OF $655,336.35 Payrolls 16,930.22 Lumber 130,452.39 Miscellaneous General Expense 17,348.49 . . Construction Contracts 490,605.25 Area, 360,808 Sq. Ft. Contents, 37,753,630 Cu. Ft. Cost, .017 per Cu. Ft. HIGH TENSION PAVILION SPECIAL CONTRACT No.' 408 4,940.18 4,940.18 Area, 3,184 Sq. Ft. Contents, 121,011 Cu. Ft. This building was for the purpose of demonstrating the effects of electrical currents of high voltage, up to 1,000,000 Volts. HORTICULTURE, PALACE OF 352,615.90 Payrolls 9,361.94 Plumbing 6,989.47 Lumber ' 38,152.15 Equipment 3,758.81 Miscellaneous General Expense 39,483.10 Construction Contracts 254,870.43 Area Exhibit and Horticultural Section. . . . 157,367 Sq. Ft. Contents Exhibit and Horticultural Section 6,487,879 Cu. Ft. Contents of Dome 1,184,761 Cu. Ft. Glass in Dome 1,767,140 Sq. Ft. FESTIVAL HALL 27(1,938.23 Payrolls 9,594.10 Lumber 33,988.65 Equipment 7,653.45 Miscellaneous General Expense 31,310.19 Construction Contracts 194,421.84 Area 56,632 Sq. Ft. Contents to spring line of Dome 3,164,992 Cu. Ft. Contents of Dome , 1,943,928 Cu. Ft. Seating Capacity 3,782 MOTOB TRUCK BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT 67,375.50 67,375.50 Area, 62,196 Sq. Ft. Contents, 1,514,670 Cu. Ft. Cost, .044 per Cu. Ft. Built to house immense Auto Truck exhibit which , due to various conditions, did not materialize. Sufficient space was made in the Palace of Transportation to take care of Auto Truck exhibitors, and Motor Truck Building was used for warehouse, etc. TOWER OF JEWELS Payrolls 6,216.81 Lumber 24,057.:!ii Piling 6,599.45 Miscellaneous General Expense 5,203.,'ili Plaster Models 18,5<>.Y(i:> Steel Contract No. 139 137,418.00 Construction Contracts 215,709.13 Height , 135 Ft. Contents, 3,440,300 Cu. Ft. Required approximately 1,500,000 board feet of lumber and 1,403 tons of structural steel. About 100,000 scintil- lating jewels were mounted on the Tower. KERRY BUILDING AND CUSTOM HOUSE Payrolls 44.25 Lumber 2,554.35 Miscellaneous General Expense 2,005.0.") Construction Contract No. 316 21,241.81 Area, 13822Sq. Ft. Contents, 704,9'J.' Cu. Ft, Cost, .035 per Cu. Ft. 413,709.31 28 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS General Buildings PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-9 2 Cont'd. Detail Expenses Detail Income Gross Expense and Income Net Result STOCK YARDS AND PAVILION 151,648.86 Payrolls 12,063.96 Lumber 28,450.53 Miscellaneous General Expense 9,585.52 Construction Contracts 101,546.85 Area Contents Live Stock Stables Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 142,760 Sq. Ft. 2,094,800 Cu. Ft. Dairy Barns 68,594 Sq. Ft. 561,724 Cu. Ft. Feed Barns 13,650 Sq. Ft. 2'38,875 Cu. Ft. Poultry Building 11,914 Sq. Ft. 276,859 Cu. Ft. Congress Building 8,043 Sq. Ft, 141,443 Cu. Ft. SERVICE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 73,617.15 Payrolls 1,046.98 Blue Prints 188.83 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,074.30 Kxtra Orders 10,746.20 Construction Contracts 60,560.84 Two story and attic structure. Area, 19,500 Sq. Ft. Contents, 647,984 Cu. Ft. Cost, .113 per Cu. Ft. Included Emergency Hospital. SERVICE BUILDING RECONSTRUCTION 2,193.12 Payrolls 123.24 Miscellaneous General Expense _. 669.50 Miscellaneous Supplies 654.88 Alterations 862.17 Salvable Equipment 621.64 Non-Slavable Equipment 579.90 Credit W. Polk, Rental *50.00 . Fire Insurance Recoveries "1,268.21 PRESS BUILDING 25,896.10 Payrolls 1,357.03 Lumber 2,009.47 Equipment 168.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 276.15 Construction Contracts 22,085.45 Area, 8,280 Sq. Ft. Contents, 305,360 Cu. Ft. Cost, .034 per Cu. Ft. THREE FIRE HOUSES 40,795.70 Payrolls 5,636.96 Lumber 9,417.85 Miscellaneous General Expense and Supplies 2,457.05 Construction Contracts 23,283.84 Area Contents Fire House No. 1 10,500 Sq. Ft. 420,795 Cu. Ft. Fire House No. 2 6,390 Sq. Ft. 260,154 Cu. Ft. Fire House No. 3 6,930 Sq. Ft. 288,090 Cu. Ft. ENLISTED MEN'S HEADQUARTERS 18,401.58 Payrolls 500.61 Material and Supplies 450.42 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,036.95 Construction Contracts 16,413.60 Area, 5,300 Sq. Ft. Contents, 177,550 Cu. Ft. Cost, .103 per Cu. Ft. 53x100 feet, containing a lounging room, office, buffet, barber shop, and on the second floor a large assembly room. GREEK PAVILION 3,532.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 250.00 Adjustment account of Construction 3,282.00 .' Area, 6,944 Sq. Ft. Contents, 270,816 Cu. Ft. PUBLIC CONVENIENCE STATIONS 22,137.02 Payrolls 1,960.20 Supplies 201.73 Miscellaneous General Expense 248.05 Construction Contracts 19,727.04 Three separate structures on Zone. Cost of 26 other stations in Exhibit Palaces included in building costs. Red. 29 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E -Continued PRE-EXPOSITION FOUR BAND STANDS DIVISION OF WORKS General Buildings SCHEDULE E-9 2 Cont'd. dross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result l,s;i-l.29 1,834.29 GRAND STANDS Main Grand Stand Contract Miscellaneous Length, 1,805 Ft. Height, 41 Ft. Seating Capacity, 25,900 Cost, $2.20 per seat. FIELD HOUSE CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND Payrolls Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense Furniture and Equipment Non-Salvable Construction Contract 53,799.92 3,279.33 21.25 160.75 14.00 302.53 2,050.00 TEMPORARY ROADWAYS Payrolls Lumber for Roadways Miscellaneous General Expense Composed of 3-inch plank laid on 3-inch sills, normally 16 feet wide. Required 1,945,727 board feet of lumber. MlSCELLANEOVS Miscellaneous Supplies, Etc Equipment TOTAL GENERAL BUILDINGS... 21,371.81 32,321.62 4,025.30 .-,7.718.73 3,119.20 548.47 $5,632,466.33 85,632,466.33 Approximate quantities of lumber used: By Exposition Company, for construction of buildings and other purposes 80,631,000 Board Feet By Participants 30,000,000 Board Feet 32 mills cut and supplied the material required, excepting 12,500,000 board feet purchased from local yards. DIVISION OF WORKS Decorative Features PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-9 '3 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result CENTRAL COURTS $492,304.55 Payrolls $25,165.27 Equipment 2,730.71 Lumber 53,007.15 Contract No. 254, Court of the Universe 35,949.35 Miscellaneous General Expense 52,401.30 Construction Contracts 323,050.77 Including the Column of Progress. COURT OF THE FOUR SEASONS 208,730.51 Payrolls 8,031.63 Lumber 25,099.56 Miscellaneous General Expense 9,052.32 Construction Contracts 166,547.00 COURT OF ABUNDANCE 216,142.82 Payrolls 5,002.69 Lumber 16,680.69 Salvable Equipment 204.30 Miscellaneous General Expense 13,655.14 Construction Contracts 180,600.00 COURT OF PALMS . . 101,440.25 Payroll 5,430.41 Lumber 10,158.56 Miscellaneous General Expense 10,071.73 Construction Contract* 75,779.55 COURT OF FLOWERS -. . . 126,957.08 Payrolls 7,223.75 Lumber 11,079.81 Equipment 261 .92 Miscellaneous General Expense 9,350.29 Construction Contracts 99,041.31 SCULPTURE 260,616.28 Salary, Karl Bitter. .. . . '. 6,000.00 SalarV, A. Stirling Calder 26,666.66 Payrolls 168,708.43 Supplies 26,935.85 Miscellaneous General Expense 30,203.32 Traveling Expense 1,104.05 Equipment 997.97 30 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Decorative Features PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-9/3 Cont'd. Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result SCULPTURE PLASTER MODELS 123,530.68 Nations of the East 5,860.00 Nations of the West 6,201.18 Spring 1,600.00 Contract Payments and Miscellaneous 109,869.50 MURAL PAINTINGS 152,209.87 Salary, J. Guerin 20,000.00 Payrolls 8,253.27 Furniture and Equipment 143.98 ' Traveling Expense 5,842.13 Paintings 105,947.90 Coloring J. Guerin 2,354.56 Miscellaneous General Expense 9,668.03 Embraced 35 canvases, by nine artists, distributed throughout the various Courts and the Tower of Jewels. SOUTH GARDEN ACCESSORIES 42,538.37 Payrolls 20,769.67 Construction Contracts and Miscellaneous 21,131.29 . . . . . . Salvable Equipment 637.41 MUSICAL CONCOURSE 10,056.40 Payrolls 2,855.69 Miscellaneous General Expense -. . 3,720.71 Construction Contracts 3,480.00 EXPOSITION JEWELS FOR TOWER AND OTHER DECORATIVE FEATURES (INCLUDES PLACING) 60,527. 10 Duty on Jewels 5,453.60 Payrolls 5,017.62 Equipment 546.33 Miscellaneous General Expense 5,676.42 Contract Payments 43,833.13 Approximately 120,000 jewels were used. ART GALLERY, COURT AND POOL 10,656.15 Payrolls 6,527.94 ' Miscellaneous and Supplies 4,128.21 SEAWALL DECORATIVE TREATMENT 15,944.19 Payrolls , 9,130.81 Miscellaneous Expense 6,813.38 FULTON BASIN TREATMENT 409.20 Miscellaneous General Expense 9.20 Construction Contracts 400.00 ENTRANCES AND EXITS 47,761.41 Payrolls 8,200.24 Miscellaneous General Expense 9,296.87 Construction Contracts 30,264.30 Eight Entrances with 84 Entrance Stiles and 33 E"> stations were used in the Grounds, including 15 attended pay stations and 53 non-attended stations. INCINERATOR PLANT l'.>,ov!.i(> Payrolls 21.00 Contract Xo. 253 19,000.00 Supplies 62.70 Average daily disposal of refuse, street sweepings, stable waste, street refuse, etc., 51.3 tons. MISCELLANEOUS MECHANICAL FEATURES 1,001.34 ... I.OOIJH WAREHOUSE EXPENSES. . . 2,395.98 Payrolls 1,690.00 Supplies l">'.).50 Miscellaneous General Expense TOTAL MECHANICAL FEATURES. .. 8474,852.92 847,N.V-"i2 32 PRE-EXPOSITION ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Gardens and Planting SCHEDULE E-9/6 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income LOAM Payrolls Supplies Equipment Loam Purchases and Transportation Expense GREEN" HOUSES Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense. Construction Contracts. . . MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL GARDENS AND PLANTING. $29,286.30 4,122.04 1,156.08 60,340.86 GARDENS 73^-2 ACRES Payrolls. 254,156.01 Supplies i 41,299.85 Miscellaneous General Expense 37,702.01 Equipment 6,093.72 Plants and Trees 73,375.71 Sale of Loam, Plants and Trees and Garden Supplies to Slate and Foreign Commissions *7,262.47 GARDEN DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM Payrolls Supplies Miscellaneous General Expense 11,897.27 8,387.24 498.14 879.64 327.53 9,041.40 167.77 $531,469.10 Net Result $94,905.28 405,364.83 20,782.65 10,248.57 167.77 $531,469.10 ."> .".ICO cubic yards of Icam and 30,CCO cubic yards of fertilizer were used. Total cost per acre, $7,230.00 or $1.49 per square yard. DIVISION OF WORKS Fire and Police Protection PRE-EXPOSITION Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-9/6 Gross Expense and Income AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT Payrolls Contract No. 217 Miscellaneous General Expense , Equipment included 34,028 "Rundle-Spence" heads and 2,485 "Associated" heads. The above contract covered pipe, fittings, hangers and valves necessary for installing the number of heads required. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Payrolls Supplies Rental Contract No. 147 Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense Contract Payments Alarm boxes were located on the outside of the buildings about 400 feet apart, and one was placed in the center of each Exhibit Palace, requiring in all 103 boxes. PORTABLE CHEMICAL EXTINGUISHERS Payrolls Supplies Contract Payments and Miscellaneous 458.99 128,493.18 58.76 9,085.67 9,756.71 3,551.29 140.90 291.01 30,719.43 184.29 73.80 2,997.33 All buildings were equipped with three-gallon chemical hand extinguishers based on one extinguisher for each 3200 square feet of floor area. Each Exhibit Palace was also supplied with four 33- gallon wheeled chemical fire engines. POLICE ALARM SYSTEM. Payrolls Supplies TOTAL FIRE AND POLICE PROTECTION NOTE See Schedule 9-7 for General Fire Apparatus. "Red. 54!).72 730.26 $187,091.34 Net Result 129,010.93 53,545.01 3,255.42 1,279.98 $187,091.34 33 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued PRE-EXPOSITION DIVISION OF WORKS Operating Equipments SCHEDULE E-9 7 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Xet Result TRANSPORTATION ?3,XM.JO Payrolls $24.25 Supplies 211.37 Equipment Rental 1,750.63 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,346.23 Equipment 481.72 STREET CLEANING AND SEWERS 11,321.13 Miscellaneous General Expense 241.65 Equipment, Salvable 9,079.48 GARDENS 3, 13}. Hi Equipment, Salvable 2,180.78 Equipment, Non-Salvable 953.68 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY, SALVABLE EQUIPMENT . 4,061.27 4,0b'1.27 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 16,346.06 Equipment, Salvable 15,740.32 Equipment, Non-Salvable 605.74 FIRE DEPARTMENT 'J3.226.58 Supplies 9,778.70 BluePrints 215.49 Equipment Rental 10,625.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 148.52 Equipment 2,458.81 1 Chief's Car. 3 Motor Hose Wagons 3 Combination Motor Pumping Engine and Hose Wagons. 1 Motor Squad Wagon 1 Motor Service Ladder Truck. 1 Motor Chemical Engine. 1 Aerial Ladder Truck. POLICE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT l, Contract Payments and Miscellaneous 1 ,S()3.88 MEDICAL BUREAU 2,165.08 Supplies 563.72 Miscellaneous General Expense 175.65 Equipment 1,425.71 SERVICE YARD AND TOOL HOUSE 2x,S21.iiS Payrolls 2,709.58 Supplies 3,087.80 Miscellaneous General Expense 3,449.44 Equipment 12,3.54.S(i Construction Contracts 7,220.00 TOTAL OPERATING EQUIPMENTS $92,694.34 $92,694.34 DIVISION OF WORKS Miscellaneous PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-9 8 (iros.s Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Nri Kcsuli FLOATS AND TRESTLES FOR PYROTECHNICS. . $.YS,174.39 Payrolls $4,635.65 Lumber 3,:>11.68 Construction Contracts and Miscellaneous 50,027.06 HEATS AND BENCHES . 13,026.88 S. I tees Contract No. 269 12,895.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 130.35 7,000 Portable Benches or Settees. Average Cost $1.86. MISCELLANEOUS . . : 1 .1.~>\(X| Platform Scales 7J.VJ7 Drinking Fountains 37!). 37 Floating Boat Landing, Supplies 33.36 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS... $72,357.74 $72,357.74 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Lincoln Park and Presidio Boulevard PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-9/9 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income LINCOLN PARK AND PRESIDIO BOULEVARD. Contribution to City and County of San Francisco for construction of scenic driveway connecting Lincoln Park and the Presidio, made necessary by elimi- nation of Lincoln Park from Exposition Site. TOTAL LINCOLN PARK AND PRESIDIO BOULEVARD . . $56,000.00 Net Result $56,000.00 $50,000.00 $56,000.00 PRE-EXPOSITION DIVISION OF WORKS General Construction Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-9/10 Gross Expense and Income ADMINISTRATIVE AND EXECUTIVE. Office Payrolls $132,317.05 Miscellaneous Payrolls 2,546.28 Payroll Credits (Services to Exhibitors, Foreign and State Buildings, etc.) *$5,555.81 Office Rent 4,750.90 Telephone and Postage 5,077.25 Telegraph and Cables 1,668.04 Stationery and Printing 2,352.18 Office Supplies 4,776.70 Miscellaneous Office Expense 3,591.99 Traveling Expense 6,215.60 Legal Expense 1,304.15 Miscellaneous General Expense 11,181.79 October, 1911, Expense 3,641.79 Fuiniture and Equipment 12,316.26 'Red. Net Result $186,184.17 35 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E -Continued DIVISION OF WORKS General Construction Expense PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-9 10-Cont'd. Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result ARCHITECTURAL .is::. 703. 35 Gross :.. .1im.S38.78 Office Payrolls 373,641.35 Miscellaneous Payrolls 21,620.70 Payroll Credits (Services to Exhibitors, Foreign and State Buildings, etc.) *34,201.10 Office Rent 720.00 Telephone and Postage 350.36 Telegraph and Cables 90.03 Blue Prints 4,605.03 Office Supplies 8,999.46 Miscellaneous General Expense 14,131.85 Miscellaneous Office Expense 5,436.55 Architectural Commission, Entertainment 3,272.30 E. H. Bennett, Salary 12,000.00 E. H. Bennett, Traveling. . 1 ,L"J1I.96 E. H. Bennett, Miscellan- eous 91.75 W. B. Faville, Salary 22,500.00 W. B. Faville, Bliss & Faville 18,742.11 Clarence Ward, Salary. ... 15,000.00 Willis Polk, Salary 7,500.00 Hastings & Carrere, Salary, 10,000.00 Hastings & Carrere, Trav- eling 1,391.02 Hastings & Carrere, Miscl., 4,349.82 Henry Bacon, Traveling. . 1,317.00 R. D. Farquhar, Salary . . . 8,000.00 R. D. Farquhar, Traveling 354.80 R. D. Farquhar, Miscl 6,931.61 McKim, Mead & White, Salary 10,000.00 McKim, Mead & White, Traveling 1,325.55 McKim, Mead & White, Miscellaneous 873.52 G. W. Kelham, Salary.... 9,250.00 G.W. Kelham, Traveling.. 517.00 L. C. Mulgardt, Salary... 8,000.00 Arthur Brown, Salary. . . . 6,000.00 Arthur Brown, Miscl 6,121.20 Albert G. Lansburgh, Drafting Expense 6,392.20 West Court, South Garden 2,560.00 East Court, South Garden 3,735.00 East Court 5,122.58 West Court 12,320.00 Court of the Universe 3,567.71 Court of Palms Flowers 5,760.00 Court of Abundance 3,492.88 Miscellaneous Models 6,236.84 Furniture and Equipment 489.70 .-. Income Architectural Department $16,075.43 $16,075.43 CIVIL ENGINEERING. . . sjiil,:it.1.10 General Office Payrolls $234,677.75 Miscellaneous Payrolls '. 7,506.57 Payroll Credits (Services to Exhibitors, Foreign and State . Buildings, Etc.) *4,693.83 Office Rent >'' 1.75 Telephone and Postage L'L'J.51 Telegraph and Cables. . 33.66 BluePrints . 2,747.92 Office Supplies 3,201.20 .Miscellaneous Office Expense 6,137.35 Miscellaneous General Expense 8,297.43 l.imilMT and Stakes ll'J.76 Furniture Office Equipment '-'''' '>' I i-1,1 Equipment 1,853.72 36 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued PRE-EXPOSITION DIVISION OF WORKS General Construction Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-9/10 Gross Expense and Income Net Result MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 86,323.82 Office Payrolls : 72,321.98 Miscellaneous Payrolls 125.04 Payroll Credits (Services to Exhibitors, Foreign and State Buildings, Etc.) *1,254.43 Office Rent 450.00 Telephone and Postage " 186.92 Telegraph and Cables 151.70 BluePrints 39.31 Office Supplies Miscellaneous Office Expense 808.65 Miscellaneous General Expense 12,197.64 Office Furniture and Equipment 356.90 Miscellaneous Equipment 87.57 TOTAI/ MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL CONSTRUCTION EXPENSE $1,133,691.93 $16,075.43 $1,117,616.50 TOTAL GENERAL CONSTRUCTION $12,052,191.80 $16,075.43 $12,036,116.37 MEMORANDUM OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS USED By Exposition By Participants Company (Estimated) Dredger Fill 1,300,100 Cu. Yds. Grading 605,687 Loam and Clay for Gardens 55,000 ' 14,000 Cu. Yds. Fertilizer 30,000 ' 7,500 " Red Rock Macadam 151,560 Serpentine Rock Macadam '. 32,323 Asphaltic Surfaces: Roads 364,000 Sq. Yds. Buildings and Courts 139,000 " " 503,000 Sq. Yds. 10,000 Sq. Yds. Piles, below cut off. . 869,370 Lin. Ft. 250,000 Lin. Ft. Lumber 80,631,738 Bd. Ft. 30,000,000 Bd. Ft. Steel Bolts, Rods, Etc. . . 6,154 Tons 1,500 Tons Structural 3,442 " 500 " " Galvanized Sheet Metal 866 Squares 1,000 Squares Plaster . 17,718 Tons 10,000 Tons Metal Lath 40,000 Sq. Yds. 5,000 Sq. Yds. Plaster Board 168,000 Sq. Ft. Roofing Material (Gross) 38,153 Rolls 15,000 Rolls Canvas 151,000 Sq. Ft. Glass 918,823 " 250,000 Sq. Ft. Sewer Pipe: 4 to 24-inch Ironstone 106,152 Lin. Ft. 10 tool-inch Woodstave.. 21,717 " " " Box Culvert 2,233 " " 130,102 Lin. Ft. 4,000 Lin. Ft. Pipe in Buildings 1,852 Tons 500 Tons Water Mains: High Pressure, 52,171 Lin. Ft. 6 to 16-inch 850 Tons Negligible Low Pressure, 58,677 Lin. Ft. 4 to 12-inch 420 " Negligible Auxiliary Supply, 23,329 Lin. Ft. 8 to 14-inch 363 ' (NOTE Valves, crosses and other fittings not included in Pipe Estimates) Not estimated Gas Mains, 2 to 8-inch 100,030 Lin. Ft. Negligible Electric and Telephone Duct: Fibre. . 348,000 Duct Ft. None Pipe 2,000 " " 12,000 Duct Ft. Pump Log 22,000 " " 372,003 Duct Ft. None Electric Conduits: Underground Cables 30 Miles Overhead Lines 3 " Building Wiring 143 " 176 Wire Miles 161 Wire Miles Telephone Cables Duplex to 400 Pair 2,111 Wire Miles None *Red. ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E -Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Exposition Auditorium PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-10 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result SI 089 780 22 Gross . $1,299,804.22 Payrolls $34 156 40 Test Boring 1,162.08 Prints, Photos and Models 2,393.70 Kxcavating Site 79,276.31 Office Supplies . 502.31 Freight 47 007 36 Misc. General Expense'. . 54,830.24 Equipment 12 922 40 Steel Contract 193,357.69 Construction Contract No. 156 699,676.81 Plumbing 25,546.00 Heating and Ventilating 59,788.60 Electric Wiring 26,895.11 Organ (Used at Festival Hall during Exposition) . . . Chairs 40,231.6Q 22,057.61 275 feet by 412 feet 6 inches. Area, 113, 438 sq. ft. Contents, 7,455,714 cu. ft. Main Hall, 200 ft, 6 in. by 187 ft. 6 in. Area, 34,772 sq. ft. Seating Capacity, 10,648. Income Auditorium Granite Contribution City County of San Francisco and TOTAL EXPOSITION AUDITORIUM. $1,299,804.22 210,024.00 210,024.00 $210,024.00 S1.0X!t,7s0.2l> ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued PRE-EXPOSITION CALIFORNIA COUNTIES BUILDING Gross Construction Payrolls Heating and Plumbing . Lumber Miscel. General Expense . Contract Payments. . DIVISION OF WORKS California Counties Building Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-ll Gross Expense and Income Area, 206,100 Sq. Ft. Contents, 9,701,181 Cu. Ft. Grading, Curbs, Pavements, Wharf Work Payrolls Supplies .' Lumber Construction Contracts Gardens and Lawns Payrolls Material and Supplies $20,250.03 27,065.39 48,807.94 52,436.79 267,315.31 $3,203.11 3,119.73 132.99 7,959.71 $415,875.46 $458,525.41 Net Result $112,208.20 14,415.54 6,516.64 1,583.51 8,100.15 Building Equipment (Furniture and Equipment) .... 20,134.26 Inn me California Counties Contributions $346,317.21 Alameda $15,000.00 Amador 1,702.50 Butte 6,277.50 Calaveras 3,170.00 Colusa 4,300.00 Contra Costa 10,000.00 El Dorado 1,837.50 Fresno 15,845.00 Glenn 4,877.50 Humboldt 14,065.65 Imperial 770.85 Kern 10,562.50 Kings 4,225.00 Lake 2,498.50 Lassen 3,750.00 Lcs Angeles 28,068.87 Madera 4,225.00 Marin 4,910.50 Mariposa 1,585.00 Mencocino 6,117.47 Merced 7,922.60 Monterey 6,250.00 Napa 6,822.50 Nevada 1,250.00 Orange 1,803.33 Placer 2,850.00 Plumas : 1,925.00 Riverside 1,093.62 Sacramento 24,562.50 San Bernardino 1,671.14 San Diego 2,910.10 San Joaquin 15,845.00 San Luis Obispo 3,750.00 San Mateo 7,500.00 Santa Barbara 11,845.00 Santa Clara 15,000.00 Santa Cruz 7,500.00 , Shasta 3,875.00 Siskiyou 4,500.00 Solano 7,130.00 Sonoma 14,437.49 Stanislaus ' 7,395.00 Sutler 2,350.00 Tehama 3,912.50 Trinity 962.50 Tulare 4,225.00 Tuolumne 3,750.00 * Ventura 1,182.09 Yolo 7,982.50 Yuba 2,270.00 Southern California Counties 12,500.00 Sacramento Valley Counties Additional Floor Space, 3,305.00 Sun Francisco Real Estate Board (Sale of Floor Space), liOOO.OO Patton & Norton (Sale of Floor Space) 750.00 Robertson Book Publishing Co. (Sale of Floor Space), 500.00 TOTAL CALIFORNIA COUNTIES BUILD-"" ING $458,525.41 $346,317.21 $112,208.20 39 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Real Estate Purchases and Rentals PRE-EXPOSITION REAL ESTATE PURCHASED 12-26/100 Acres of land BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS Over 400 buildings were bought and disposed of ranging from a 50-room apartment bouse to a fisherman's shack. SITE RENTALS TAXES ON SITE PROPERTIES. . . Detail Expenses Detail Income $304,485.87 SCHEDULE E-12 Gross Expense and Income 394,704.93 318,339.92 10,144.08 GENERAL OFFICE EXPENSE Payrolls Supplies : Miscellaneous General Expense . Rent Equipment Xet Result $304,485.87 3!)4,70U)3 318,339.92 10,144.08 '.1.110.81 73.28 2,415.20 90.00 12.75 TOTAL REAL ESTATE PURCHASES AND RENTALS . $1,037,085.61 $1,037,085.61 DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-13 Detail Expenses Detail Income Gross Expense and Income Net Hrsull PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS . *$10,553.82 Gross $5,482.17 Payrolls $2,747.77 Outside Salaries and Payrolls 2,071.86 Office Supplies and Expense 21.60 General Material and Supplies 634.39 Miscellaneous General Expense 6.55 Income 16,035.9!) Building Permits $1,795.00 Plumbing Permits 638.00 Plumbing Inspections 830.50 Sewer Permits and Connections 12,505.49 Sewer Inspections 267.00 TOTAL PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS .... $5,482.17 $16,035.99 $10,553.82 OPERATION OF UTILITIES: DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE *$8,639.52 Gross ' $26,385.80 Outside Salaries and Payrolls $6,20S.99 General Material and Supplies 4,905.01 Miscellaneous General Expense I."!i).s5 Alterations and Repairs 818.84 Electric Energy Purchased 243.00 Water Purchased 14,044.1 1 Team Hire 35.00 126,666,000 gallons or 16,888,800 Cu. Ft. Income 35,025.32 Domestic Water Service (Charges for Water) $26,533.22 Approx. 11,613,000 Cu. Ft. at 20c to 30c per 100. Domestic Water Connection Charge 8,492.10 SALT WATER SERVICE *$33.23 Gross 477.39 Payrolls 456.15 Material and Supplies '21 .24 Income Salt Water Connection Charges 510.62 510.62 40 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-13 Cont'd. Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result ELECTRIC SERVICE . . 33,838.07 Gross 80,414.25 Outside Salaries and Payrolls 27,461.73 Electric Energy Purchased 1,997,147 K.W.H. @ 2c, 39,942.95 Miscellaneous General Expense 4,691.24 . . . . : Furniture and Equipment 128.20 General Material and Supplies 7,977.74 / Team Hire 212.40 Income 46,576. 19 Electricity Flat Rate } 919,317 K.W.H. @ av- 733.53 Electricity Fixed Charges ( erage of .0374 $34,- 6,961.06 Electricity Meter Rates 405.70 26,711.11 Electric Permits 1,476.00 Electric Inspections 1,326.50 Electric Connection Charges 9,367.99 GAS SERVICE $2,518.97 Gross $13,946.99 Payrolls $492.10 Outside Salaries and Payrolls 844.07 General Material and Supplies 499.52 . . Gas Purchased 12,111.30 16,148,000 Cu. Ft, @ 75c per M. Income 11,428.02 Gas Service (Charges for gas) 4,916,830 Cu. Ft. @ $1.00 per M $4,916.83 Gas Connection Charges 6,511.19 LOCOMOTIVE CRANE . . 6 412.73 Gross 9,535.91 Outside Payrolls 3,379.48 General Material and Supplies 170.10 Equipment Rental 150.00 Contract Payments 1,369.99 Accident Compensation 4,466.34 Income Locomotive Crane Service 3,123.18 3,123.18 SERVICE YARD 9,126.55 Gross 10,544.81 Outside Payrolls 9,664.91 Equipment 174.96 Miscellaneous General Expense 101.70 Material and Supplies 603.24 - Income Service Yard Charges, Machine Shop, etc 1,418.26 1,418.26 TELEPHONE SERVICE $22,724.44 Gross $29,373.17 Outside Payrolls $11,241.16 Furniture 241.00 Equipment 398.03 Miscellaneous General Expense 362.91 General Material and Supplies 2,171.37 Equipment Rental 904.05 Depreciation 410.59 Rental Switchboard 11,910.21 Contract Payments 899.36 Team Hire 276.10 Telephone Pay Stations Payrolls 439.53 ............ Telephone Pay Stations General Material and Sup- plies 118.86 Sliding scale of IJ^c to 2J-c per call. Income 6,648.73 Telephone Rental $1,457.12 Telephone Switches 1,268.47 Telephone Pay Station Receipts 629.41 '. Telephone Connection Charges . . 3,293 73 29,987 Calls, or .0423c per call sliding scale 3^c to5c. MISCELLANEOUS 3,327.80 Machinery Building Crane Service, Payrolls and Supplies 3,324.30 Steam Service Material and Supplies 1.50 Compressed Air Service Miscl. General Expense 2.00 DISCOUNT ON UTILITY BILLS *110.71 110.71 TOTAL OPERATION OF UTILITIES $174,005.13 $104,619.61 $69,386.52 Charges for Water, Gas, Electricity and Telephone include only charges to outsiders and no account- ing was considered necessary of the services to departments. *Red. 41 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-13 Cont'd. Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS GENERAL OFFICE EXPENSE ................................. ............ ............ ............ 859.97 Office Supplies and Expenses ........................... $564.81 ............ Equipment ........................................... 295.16 ............ EXPOSITION BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ..................... ............ ............ ............ 2ii.7,S0.58 Outside Salaries and Payrolls ........................... 12,440.25 ............ Office Supplies and Expense ............................ 1 7.V.I7 Furniture ............................................ 2,619.30 .................................... Miscellaneous General Expense ......................... 1,1 16.03 General Material and Supplies .......................... 9,806.53 ............ ............ Contract Payments ................................... 622.50 .................................... ROADS AND PATHS ............................................................................ -19,075.83 Outside Salaries and Payrolls ........................... 8,619.59 ............ Miscellaneous General Expense ......................... 15,205.48 General Material and Supplies ................. , ........ 4,355.03 ............ .... Alterations and Repairs ................................ 4,566.78 ............ Contract Payments .................................. 16,328.95 SEWERS AND DRAINS .................................................. 5, 718.30 Outside Salaries and Payrolls ........................... 3,897.93 ........... Equipment ........................................... 123. 13 Miscellaneous General Expense ......................... 1,337.40 General Material and Supplies .......................... 359.84 FENCES AND GATES (MAINTENANCE ONLY) ................... ............ ............ ............ 4,256.38 Outside Salaries and Payrolls ........................... 1,015.81 General Material and Supplies .......................... 3,013.26 .................................... Team Hire ........................................... 227.31 FOUNTAINS AND POOLS .................................... ............ 800.07 Outside Salaries and Payrolls ........................... Material and Supplies ................................. 767.32 RACE TRACK, DRILL GROUNDS, POLO AND ATHLETIC FIELDS . . ............ ............ ............ 176.86 General Material and Supplies .......................... Equipment ................................... ........ 1 16.00 . ........... SEAWALLS AND WATERFRONT ............................... ............ ............ 6,103.7(1 Outside Salaries and Payrolls ........................... 1,871.40 ............ General Material and Supplies .......................... Contract Payments ................................... 3,779.65 DISPLAY LIGHTING FEATURES .............................. ...... 7,752.26 Outside Salaries and Payrolls ........ ................... 3,764.21 General Material and Supplies . . DISPLAY FLAGS AND DECORATIONS .......................... ........... 175.14 Outside Salaries and Payrolls ........................... 156.90 General Material and Supplies .................... NURSERY AND GARDENS ................................... ....... 23,249.59 Outside Salaries and Payrolls ........................... 13,056.67 Water ............................................... 10,015.51 Miscellaneous General Expense ......................... 27.00 General Material and Supplies .......................... 150.41 GARBAGE SERVICE .................................................... 71 1.33 Outside Salaries and Payrolls ........................... 661.33 Contract Payments ................................... 50-00 STOCK EXHIBIT .................................................. i 24 - 50 ( uNiiii' Salaries and Payrolls .............. . '^ vs General Material and Supplies ....................... 105.62 TOTAL DEPART. MK NT OF WILDINGS AM) GROUNDS $125,844.57 ........................ $125,844.57 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities SCHEDULE E-13 Cont'd. PRE-EXPOSITION Detail Expenses Detail Income Gross Expense and Income Net Result DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY FIRE PROTECTION $1,695.12 Outside Salaries and Payrolls ? $1,203.70 Furniture and Equipment 60.15 Miscellaneous General Expense 41.01 . . .*. General Material and Supplies 321.59 Team Hire 41.75 Tools and Implements 26.92 FIRE COMPANIES 69,761.93 Gross $73,341.73 Outside Salaries and Payrolls 67,404.58 Other Payrolls 998.37 Office Supplies and Expense 18.60 Furniture and Equipment 1,679.55 Miscellaneous General Expense 805.45 Equipment Rentals , 315.00 General Material and Supplies 2,087.83 Accident Compensation 52.35 Income 3,579.80 Fire Alarm Installation & Extinguisher Rental $3,540.00 Services of Firemen as Special Watchmen 39.80 HIGH PRESSURE WATER SERVICE : . . . 1,162.22 Gross '. ' 2,732.80 Outside Salaries and Payrolls 2,131.84 .' Office Supplies and Expense 18.81 Miscellaneous General Expense 134.28 General Material and Supplies 447.87 Income High Pressure Water Connection Charges 1,570.58 1,570.58 SANITATION AND HYGIENE . . 60.50 Miscellaneous General Expense 3.50 General Material and Supplies 57.00 *GuiDE SERVICE 3,125.08 Gross... 3,142.58 ' * Outside Salaries and Payrolls 2,947.25 Office Supplies and Expense 24.84 Equipment 21.00 General Material and Supplies 149.49 Income Guide Service 17.50 17.50 TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY $80,972.73 $5,167.88 $75,804.85 Represents cost of developing Guides for Exposition Period Service. The Service was discontinued shortly after open- ing owing to not being self-supporting. 43 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-13 Cont'd. Detail Expenses Detail Income Gross Expense and Income Net Result SPECIAL ACCOUNTS: CLOSED OUTSIDE WORK $9,058.64 Outside Salaries and Payrolls $7,056.07 General Material and Supplies 2,002.57 SUNDRY OUTSIDE WORK 11,452.77 Gross SIi),3!H.5l Outside Salaries and Payrolls 8,611.01 Miscellaneous General Expense 3,262.00 General Material and Supplies 1,807.13 Construction Contracts 5,714.40 Income Sundry Outside Work Service 7,941.77 7,941.77 KIOSK CONSTRUCTION #1 ,823.32 Gross 30,602.68 Outside Salaries and Payrolls 3,131.74 Miscellaneous General Expense 16.60 General Material and Supplies 1,136.64 Construction Contracts 26,317.70 Income Kiosk Sales 32,426.00 32,426.00 PRE-EXPOSITION RUBBISH 21,662.37 Gross . 25,070.77 Outside Salaries and Payrolls 20,154.28 General Material and Supplies 1,687.57 Team Hire ... 3,228.92 Income Charges to Exhibitors, Foreign and State Build- ings, Etc 3,408.40 3,408.40 LOAM... 1,285.12 Gross 7,865.22 Outside Salaries and Payrolls 3,169.95 Miscellaneous General Expense 845.75 General Material and Supplies Loam and Manure 190.55 Contract Payments 3,586.50 Income Loam Sales 6,580.10 6,580.10 CONCESSION BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS *1, 152.00 Gross Construction Contract 10,390.00 10,390.00 Income Concession Buildings 11,542.00 11,542.00 TOTAL SPECIAL ACCOUNTS $102,381.85 $61,898.27 ~ $40,483.58 TOTAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE or BUILDINGS, GROUNDS AND UTILITIES $488,687.45 $187,721.75 S:>0,.70 PRE-EXPOSITION DIVISION OF WORKS Military Bureau and Exposition Guards EXPOSITION GUARDS Gross Outside Salaries and Payrolls . . . Office Supplies and Expenses . . . Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense . General Material and Supplies . Accident Compensation Guards Quarters Team Hire Income Guards' Fines MILITARY BUREAU Payrolls Office Supplies and Expenses . . Furniture Equipment Office Rent Miscellaneous General Expense . Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-14 Gross Expense and Income 143,503.10 746.91 7,908.70 1,399.32 3,503.79 90.50 1,150.10 213.06 2,403.45 346.14 245.40 78.80 631.00 116.82 TOTAL MILITARY BUREAU AND EXPOSITION GUARDS Red. $162,337.0!) $158,515.48 Net Result $158,478.93 36.55 36.55 3,821.61 $36.65 $162,300.54 44 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Emergency Hospital PRE-EXPOSITION SCHEDULE E-15 Detail Expenses Detail Income Gross Expense and Income Net Result EMERGENCY HOSPITAL $9,381.40 Outside Salaries and Payrolls 4,870.59 Office Supplies and Expenses > 47.46 Furniture 605.52 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,086.39 General Material and Supplies 391.07 Hospital Surgical Supplies 1,209.57 Team Hire 1,170.80 TOTAL EMERGENCY HOSPITAL $9,381.40 $9,381.40 Most of the Hospital Equipment was supplied by various firms as working exhibits: Singer Sewing Machine Co Sewing Machine. Electric Sterilizer Co Equipment for Sterilizing Room. Bausch & Lomb Laboratory Equipment. F. Bissell Co Vacuum Cleaner. Cadillac Motor Car Co Two Motor Ambulances, complete. Draegar Oxygen Apparatus Co Pulmotor. Hart & Hutchinson Co Steel Lockers. H. \V. Johns-Manville Co Electric Light Fixtures. Johnson & Johnson Ligatures and Adhesive Plaster. Lincoln Rubber Co Rubber Gloves. Meineke & Co Adjustable Beds and Sundries. Monument Mills Counterpanes. Ohio Chemical Mfg. Co Anaesthetic Apparatus. Parker, Wilder & Co Sheets and Pillow Cases. Powers Weightman-Rosengarten Co Drugs and Chemicals. Rucker-Fuller Desk Co Furniture. Scheidel-Westeru X Ray Coil Co Complete X Ray Equipment. Victor Electric Co X Ray Machine, Giant Magnet, etc. General Electric Co Transformer and Coolidge X Ray Tubes. Geo. W. Brady & Co "Paragon" X Ray Plates. Green & Bauer, Inc X Ray Tubes. Watson Mantel & Tile Co Tiling for Operating Room. Medical books were also supplied by various firms. ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT PRE-EXPOSITION Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-17 Gross Expense and Income Net Result TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT GENERAL OFFICE . $29 880 80 Payrolls $20,928.51 Office Supplies and Expense 2,285.03 Furniture 614.70 Equipment 165.15 Customs Furniture 157.50 Office Rent 693.27 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,131.17 Traveling Expense 2,019.25 Sundry Entertainment 847.65 Pamphlets and Booklets 980.55 Postage '. 58.02 EXPOSITION TERMINAL RAILWAY RAILWAY OPERATION ... 1 1 I'lix :;:; Gross .<(Mi.:v_^.S.S Payrolls 8,360.05 Office Supplies and Expenses 676.65 Furniture : 240.32 Equipment 2,147.58 Miscellaneous General Expense 9,667.11 Equipment Rentals 10,535.83 Outside Salaries and Payrolls 23,437.92 General Material and Supplies 4,204.10 Alterations and Repairs 430.25 Freight, Express and Drayage 4,318.03 Construction Contracts 1,283.69 Accident Compensation 27.50 Team Hire : . . 357.35 Tools and Implements 685.50 Demurrage *48.00 Income 55,025.55 Railway Freight Service $54,955.57 Equipment Rental -. . 49.75 Express Revenue 20.23 STORAGE WAREHOUSE DEPARTMENT .'IT.Tti Gross 567.79 Payrolls 364.92 Miscellaneous General Expense 202.87 Income Storage Service 350.03 350.03 EMPTY PACKAGE WAREHOUSE DEPARTMENT "1,283.01 Gross 1,692.67 Payrolls 429.65 Contract Payments 1,260.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 3.02 Income Empty Package Storage Service 2,975.68 2,975.68 WHARF OPERATION . *$3,805.05 Gross $3,060.11 Payrolls $1,535.43 Contract Payments 1 ,:>.s:> 8.9' , $126,884.56 : 14.4% 1,075,398.30 213,130.24 112,343.00 43,119.66 20.1', 368,592.90 ! 35.0% 2,624,271.36 12-J, 936.12 12,560.00 18,687.50 26..")' ,' 484,173.62 I9..V, 1,459,995.-W 280,075.42 87,311.76 6,861.61 2II..V , 374,248.79 ' 11.2% 838,400.35 181,740.44 49,939.17 3,918.70 I2.!l', 2:i.-), 598.31 i 6.2% 465,580.88 121,638.21 10,200.00 5,000.00 1 '>' : 136,838.21 ' 1.2% 93,494.54 23,116.92 9,200.00 22,767.95 3.0' , 55,084.87 ! 9.0% 676,068.68 48,910.41 2.6' , 48,910.41 TOTAL 100.0% $7,497,022.45* $1,332,886.47 J312.543.93 $184,901.27 100.0% Jl, 830,33 l.t>7 "This amount represents only the Gross Receipts of Concessions which could be determined by the Exposition Company and, as it excludes the Gross Receipts of practically all Concessions operated on a flat rate basis, it does not represent the total Gross Receipts of all Concessions. EXHIBIT PALACE SALES PRIVILEGES EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE C-2 1 Concessionaire Miss Margaret Clayes. David Richter Rastall MfgCo State Assn. Badge Co. Ralph P. Stevens Pacific Coast S. S. Co. Baldwin Jewelry Co. . . Cone. Concession No. Clayes Oriental Ap. Arts. . 57 Fountain Pens 73-A Rose & Flower Bead Nov. 97 State Association Badge. .. 98 State Designation Badges. 98-A Alaska Indian Goods 129 Silver Articles & Jewelry. . 136-7 Louis & Robt. Samish . . Samish' Ceramic Art 143 W. F. Council Arch Supports 144 J. J. Pfister Kntg. Co.. . Sales Privilege 149 Miss Xorman McLaren. Pan-Pacific. Cook Book. . 152 Hawaiian Pineapple Packers Assn., Sales Privilege. 153-153A H. M. Heineman & Sons Men's Neckwear 161 Gem Ear Phone Co Gem Ear Phone 164 Mrs. E. Wood Schneider Souvenir Greeting Card. . 165 Geo. O. Brewster G. E. Troeger Mfg. Co. Missouri State Comm. John B. Redd, Supt . . K. X. Sewell Paul Elder & Co. Jos. Barbisch Wizard Foot Appl. Co. Potato Chip Co Lady Betty, Inc... The Telesign 171 Arch Supports 176 M issouri Souvenirs 177 Collective Gas Exhibit. .179 Sewell Art Photos 180 Books & Publications 181 Swiss Mach. & Hand Emb.190 Wizard Foot Appliance. . . 192 Potato Chips 194 Marmalades 196 C. f . Blanke Tea & Coffee Co., Sales Privilege 198-A Wm. S. Russell, Poultry & Live Stock Publications. 199 Fong Wing and M. G. Fong, Chinese Foods 202 Anderson Bros. Silk Co. Silk Novelties 206-A Rosen Toilet Co Toilet Articles 207 Alaska Garnet & M ng. & Mfg. Co., Alaska Garnets.211 August H. Craft " Pan Horn Sacred Xut Svn.212 \V. K. Benbow Glove ClnrA Silver Polish. 213-213A Biscuit Co Sales Privilege 215 Walter M. Lowney Co.. Lowney's Choc. & Cocoa .216 Paul Rieger & Co'. Perfumes 217 Vermilax Co Dog Remedies 220 Standard Oil Co Sales Privilege 224 Friction Trans. Pat. Co. Friction Trans. Patterns. .225 Ridgeway's, Inc Sales Privilege 226 Master Mind Pub. Co.. Publications 228 Toulouse & Delarieux Fruit Cider. . . ..229 D. J. Quicione D. J. Quicione S A. lleppe Laughlin Fruit lief. Co. \V:isli!iuiT Urns. & Blau Direct Importing Co... . Willarci K Warden A ('. Gilmour John l-'ixhrr Rostenlioff A- Avigdor Tiividermist 233 Furs 233-A Candy Butcher Shop 236 dims Cream 238 Knitted Xeckweiir 239 Teas, Coffees .20 I5S.MI 1,000.00 1,458.80 20% 300.00 60.00 S6S.OO 928.00 i 50II.OO sooioo 25% 12.30 3.07 3.07 7 952.75 99412 994.12 I;O.HII 800.00 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT C Continued EXHIBIT PALACE SALES PRIVILEGES EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE C-2/1 Cont'd. Cone. Gross Receipts on Percentage Exposition Total Flat Concession Concessionaire Concession No. Rate Basis Percentage Bonuses Rates Revenue Mvrtlewood Xov. Co.... Oregon Wood Novelties.. .252 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 Conwav, Comvav & Connett, Conwav's Plasters. .259 25% 563.45 140.83 140.83 Daisv E. Erb Handicraft Shop 261 500.00 500.00 Fearn Sisters Silk Novelties 265 800.00 800.00 Providence Chamber of Commerce Novelty Sales Privilege . . . 266 1,500.00 1,500.00 John Fisher Spanish Candy Kitchen. . . 267 25% 908.20 227.04 227.04 Col. Graphaphone Co. .Souvenir Records 268 25% 39.00 9.75 9.75 Pietra Cattadori Lace and Lace Products.. .271 1,000.00 1,000.00 Russell Brownell Booklet, "Indian Baskets"272 ' 25.00 25.00 Cal. Cotton Mills Towels and Tablecloths. . .280 300.00 300.00 Shiffler. Brmvn * Brabec Co., Pinless Clothes Line .282 400.03 400.00 McCormick & Co Teas, Spices, Etc 283 500.00 500.00 Arthur Cahill Ivory Novelties 284 4,500.00 4,500.00 Sinner Sewing Machines Sales Privilege 285 500.00 500.00 J. F. Kellv Flowers and Plants 290 25% 562.35 140.56 140.56 Mrs. A. G. Fromberg ... Spanish Novelties 291 850.00 850.00 G. Fantoni Swiss Sec. Sales Privilege . 292 750.00 750.00 Jos. Aniar i Co Spanish Sec. Sales Priv... .293 121% 22.80 2.85 850.00 852.85 Phil Schuman Old California Coins 294 2,900.00 2,900.00 A. H. Ricketts Rickett's Manual of Mining Law 295 10% 110.00 11.00 11.00 A. Hcnd Luxemburg Exhibit 298 1,200.00 1,200.00 F. C. Leander Spanish Sec. Sales Priv.. .299 121% 53.05 6.63 6.63 V. Moran it Co Spanish Sec. Sales Priv... .301 121% 2,410.90 301.36 500.00 801.36 Balkan States Imp. & Trading Co Balkan States Sales Priv...302 121% 1,002.00 125.24 125.24 J \ \aifv Turkish Sec Sales Priv 303 (E)None 38870 Ativeh Bros Turkish Sec Sales Priv 304 (E)None 1 154 70 H. J. Farah Turkish Sec. Sales Priv. . .305 12V, 6.85 153.15 .86 150.00 150.86 (E)None 14630 D. Benzaria & Co Turkish Sec. Sales Priv. . .306 170.80 .16 .16 12*% 1.40 (E)None 169 40 H. Kaufer Austrian Sec. Sales Priv. . .307 1,333.10 166.63 166.63 12J% Royal Hungarian Jewel- ry & Embroidery Co. Austrian Sec. Sales Priv.. .308 12i% 3,476.55 434.60 100.00 534.60 Joseph Thyban Austrian Sec. Sales Priv. . . 309 12J% 4,821.60 602.69 602.69 Wurzel & Co Austrian Sec. Sales Priv. . .310 12|% 2;065.90 258.25 258.25 Janik & Skornpinski .... Austrian Sec. Sales Priv. ..311 121% 1^071.20 133.86 133.86 EdmondMosterMfg.Co. Austrian Sec. Sales Priv.. .312 121% 3,217.55 402.21 402.21 Schmidt & Co Austrian Sec. Sales Priv. . .313 121% 4,235.90 529.52 529.52 Gebruder Jager Austrian Sec. Sales Priv. . .314 12J% 2,976.60 372.09 372.09 W. Reichardt & Co Austrian Sec. Sales Priv.. .315 12i% 2,119.75 265.00 265.00 Berner Wood Carving Associat ion Swiss Sec. Sales Priv 316 121% 4,597.90 574.80 574.80 B. Frankel Swiss Sec. Sales Priv 317 121% 387.95 48.50 48.50 Swiss Novell v Co Swiss Sec. Sales Priv 318 12i% 4,048.00 505.99 505.99 Cecile Sail & Others. . . Swiss Sec. Sales Priv 319 121% 2,272.70 284.13 284.13 Baseler Elphenbein Fabric Swiss Sec. Sales Priv 320 12*% 1,868.50 233.56 233.56 A. Scharrv Swiss Sec. Sales Priv 321-22 25% 887.00 221.74 221.74 Eiler's Music Co Dancing Doll 328 200.00 200.00 J. T. Hayward Novelties 329 25% 2,598.08 649.53 649.53 L. Bonan & Co German Sec. Sales Priv. .331 12J% 9,134.35 1,141.82 242.85 1,384.67 B. Nunneman German Sec. Sales Priv. .332 121% 749.30 93.65 750.00 843.65 O. Greenwald German .Sec. Sales Priv. .333 121% 1,715.54 214.40 214.40 Theodor Veek German Sec. Sales Priv. .334 121% 3,297.40 412.19 150.00 562.19 Jold Pvneties German Sec. Sales Priv. .335 121% 3,074.15 384.29 384.29 E. E. Sheridan German Sec. Sales Priv. .337 450.00 450.00 Gustav Veerk & Others. German Sec. Sales Priv. .338 121% 3,826.65 478.32 300.00 778.32 F. A. Henkel's Twin Wks Cutlery 339 121% 4,028.65 503.66 503.66 Wm. A. Fine, Jr Exposition Guides 340 80.00 80.00 John* Esther Ezra Spanish Sec. Sales Priv... .344 121% 1,506.95 188.36 75.00 263.36 Archie Lefevre Turkish Sec. Sales Priv... .345 12.;'.;, .20 49.35 .02 .02 (E)None 49 15 I. 0. Upham Inscription Books 347 131.00 26.20 26.20 20% Win. Arup Danish Sec. Sales Priv. . . .348 3,000.00 3,000.00 Wm. Fisher Guatemala Sec. Sales Priv.349 121% 22,617.70 2,827.22 2,827.22 John Fisher Spanish Cane Shops 350 121% 127.25 15.90 15.90 A. J. Milligan Snails and Scones 351 1,500.00 1,500.00 C. E. Streckwald German Sec. Sales Priv. .354 121% 2,968.20 371.02 371.02 Miss H. Synfy Austrian Sec. Sales Priv. .355 121% 6.15 .77 .77 Mrs. W. L. Howard. . . . Art Souvenirs 357 15% 438.55 65.81 65.81 Orona Mfg. Co "Orona" Cleaner 360 300.00 300.00 57 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT C Continued EXHIBIT PALACE SALES PRIVILEGES EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE C-2, ICont'd. Gross Receipts Total Concessionaire Cone. Concession No. on Percentage Exposition Flat Concession Rate Basis Percentage Bonuses Kates Revenue Leuthold Freres & Co. . Swiss Section Sales Priv. .361 12}% 4,345.40 543.19 54'i I'l Louis Kainz Austrian Sec. Sales Priv. .362 12}% 1,332.70 166.61 llilUil Genessee Pure Food Co. Jello & Ice Cream Powd. . . 363 750.1X3 75000 J. Vander Steen Netherlands S. Sales Priv.364 750.00 75000 A. Khodjayan Russian Sec. Sales Priv. . . 366 12}% 5,904.65 73S.10 .... 800.00 1 .53S 10 Cawston Ostrich Farm . Cawston Ostrich Farm Sales Privilege 369 150.00 1.50.00 Percy Marks Sale of Opals 371 800.00 S(XUX) Balkan States Imp. & Trading Co Balkan States Sales Priv. .373 74 . . . 2,400.00 2,4(30.00 Trieste Tortoise Shell & Coral Co Sales Privilege 375 12}% 3,613.35 451.67 U1.67 Oscar Moser Austrian See. Sales Priv. .376 6,822.15 852.82 250.00 1.102.82 Beatrix J. Sherman .... Silhouette Work 377 7SO.OO 780.00 M. N. Lee New Way Massage Vibtr. . 379 25% 389.00 07.25 97.25 Jaussopoff & Bro Russian Sec. Sales Priv... .380 750.00 750.00 Antonia Frilli Italian Sec. Sales Priv 386 12}% 2,711.00 338.87 338.87 Alberto Galli Italian Sec. Sales Priv 388 12}% 3,222.75 402.85 . . 102.85 D. E. Pesaresi Italian Sec. Sales Priv 389 12}% 3,307.40 413.42 . . . (13.42 F. G. Cantagalli Italian Sec. Sales Priv.. .390 3.25 .41 II Ercola Graziosi Italian Sec. Sales Priv 391 12}% 421.85 .52.74 400.00 152.74 L. Franzini Italian Sec. Sales Priv 392 12}% 6,928.35 866.06 866.06 Dini and Cellai Italian Sec. Sales Priv 393 12}% 27.00 3.38 3.38 S. Z. Bonan Morocco Sec. Sales Priv. .395 12}% 221.30 27.66 500.00 527.66 Albert Gabay Tonka Perfume Stand 397 12}% 1,470.60 183.80 183.80 Henry Borman Austrian Sec. Sales Priv. .398 12}% 60.45 7.56 7.56 A. H. Cohn Milk Can Opener. .. 400 70.00 70.00 Gantner & Mattern . . . Knitted Goods 401 600.00 800.00 Rosenthal Bros. . . Pearls 402 1,000.00 l.(XX).tK) I. Miller Engravings 404 125.00 125.00 Leon Nordman Swiss Sec. Sales Priv.. 405 12}% 924.20 115.54 115.54 Fine Arts Press DeLuxe Catalog Fine Arts 406 10% 1,064.50 8,577.34 1,609.02 1,609.02 20% 7,512.84 Carlotta Scarlotti Italian Sec. Sales Priv.. .407 $5,322.65 $665.35 $865.38 12}% Japanese Exposition Society Hand Book, Japanese Ex. .408 12}% 145.00 17.78 17.7S R. Caloni & Co Italian Sec. Sales Priv.. .410 12}% 574.60 71.86 .... 71.86 P. Cattadori Italian Sec. Sales Priv 411 12}% 640.85 80.12 SO. 12 J. Hansnia & Co Novelties 415-415A 25% 640.90 160.22 350.00 .5 10.22 Mrs. A. H. Ward Yosemite Views . . . 417 200.00 200.00 Hanalf & Hasiir.nan Inlaid Pipes, Canes, Etc.. 419 750.00 7.50.1X) F. J. Bhumjara Indian Sec. Sales Priv 424 . . . 1,500.00 1,500.00 Chiurazzi & Melillo. . . . Italian Sec. Sales Priv 425 12}% 2,704.00 338.03 338.03 Phillip Klein Jewelry 428 1,000.00 Mose Levi Italian Sec. Sales Priv 429 25% 1,081.10 270.27 500.00 770.27 Rosenblatt Co Sales Privilege 432 250.00 250.00 Curtiss Book Co Books, Magazines, Etc.. . .434 100.00 lOO.(K) L. R. Markell Grass Baskets 435 100.00 KX).(X) L. R. Markell Moccasins 435A 100.00 HXt.OO J. Plechaty Fancy Leather Goods 436 12}% 2,148.40 268.40 268.40 Jack Brcoda Wire Work 438 350.00 350.00 J. Chiurazzi Italian Sec. Sales Priv... .439 350.00 350.00 Max Gainsberg Symplophone 443 100.00 100.00 Salik & Kartoghian .... Austrian Sec. Sales Priv. . . 444-444A 12}% 774.10 96.77 .... 100.00 [96.77 Bompar & Co Jewelry 445 625.00 625.00 John Fisher Spanish Sec. Sales Priv... .446-446B 12}% 334.90 11, S| 50.00 91.84 Mrs. Sara E. Posey Art Craft & Hand Work .447 1.50.00 1.50.00 W. E. Benbow Silver Polish 448 600.00 (KX).(XI Mirza Ali Kuli Kahn.. . Persian Sec. Sales Priv.. . .452 12}% 7,552.65 8,109.10 1,055.37 1,055.87 20% 556.45 Lyons California Glace Fruit Co Glace Fruits 453 300.00 300.00 B. Vitelli Italian Sec. Sales Priv 454 12}% 2,898.20 362.28 362.28 Bavarian Novelty Co... German Sec. Sales Priv. .455 12}% 371.75 Hi.,50 16.50 Thuringen Novelty Co. . German Sec. Sales Priv. .456 12}% 1,099.25 137.42 ... 50.00 [87.42 Umberto Bussa Italian Sec. Sales Priv 457 12}% 3,204.60 400.58 .... 100.58 A. C. Bosselman & Co. . Pearl Souvenirs 458 200.00 200.00 A. Cappini Italian Sec. Sales Priv 460 12}% 1,727.85 215.99 21.5.99 Mrs. L. A. Sefert World's Fair Recipe Book 468 L':>0.00 2.50.(X) E. Bracca Rose of Jerico 471 150.00 1.50.00 C. Offer German Sec. Sales Priv. .474 100.00 KX).(X) Robert Nicolai Flowers, Plants, Etc 476 250.00 250.00 Ottenheimer Bros German Sec. Sales Priv. .482 12}% los'.so 51.11 .51.11 Robert Nicolai Austrian Sec. Sales Priv.. .484 12}% 1,827.51 228.45 .... 228.45 Simplex Co Patented Lock 491 2.V , 12.50 3.12 .... 3.12 Paul Elder Co Publications on Expo 494 15% 269.25 40.39 40.39 John R. Drake China and Glassware 497 22i66 22.5.00 John D. Barry Publications on Expo 498 15% 17.00 2.55 2.55 G. Leroy A Co Imitation Pearls 499 12}% 1,214.00 151.7.5 John Howell Hook Shop 500 1.5', 68.10 10.23 10.23 58 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT C Continued EXHIBIT PALACE SALES PRIVILEGES EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE C-2/1 Cont'd. Concessionaire Miss L. Brigham North Bend Mfg. Co.. . Madame Elsa Bailie. . . . Mrs. E. Imkaus Cone. Concession No. Instructions in Making Box Furniture 504 My rtlewood Novelties .... 50(5 Purses & Hand Bags 508 Book "Golden Poppy". .515 Finger Tooth Brush 516 British Sec. Sales Priv... . 519 New York State Comm. "Big Cheese" Rate 20% 15% Gross Receipts on Percentage Exposition Basis Percentage 150.00 30.00 197.45 29.66 Bonuses Flat Rates Total Concession Revenue 30.00 29.66 50.00 12.15 50.00 500.00 250.00 50.00 15% 81.00 12.15 Indexa Company J. Van der Steen N. Y. State Comm TOTAL 50.00 500.00 250.00 $263,812.86 $41,338.71 $1,000.00 $84,545.85 $126,884.56 EXPOSITK Concessionaire David Monasch MISCELI 3N PERIOD Concession Taft Ground Brkng Spade Rental of Opera Glasses, Panama Canal ,ANE( Cone. No. . 1 5 6 s 9-9B )US 5 Rate 20% 25% 25% 15% 25% 20% 5% 10% 12J% 25% 20% 20% 25% 30% SALES Gross '. on Per Bi PRIVILEGES Receipts centage Exposition isis Percentage $854.44 $170.89 191.75 47.94 882.35 220.55 78,553.08 13,524.42 SCHEDU Bonuses $500.00 6,300.00 LE C-2/2 Flat Rates Total Concession Revenue $670.89 47.94 1,820.55 20,762.78 Pan. CanalExhibit Co.. Pan. Canal Exhibit Co. . Orange Blossom, Inc. . . Camm & Marshall Official Souv. Watch Co Willard Wood '1,600.66 938.36 61,138.20 17,414.88 Orange Blossom Candie and Candy Wheels Souvenir Case . Souv. Watches & Jewelry Souvenir Pens 94-100 . 12 . 22-131 25 . 31 31X 32 33 36 37 . 38E . 39 41 47A 48 49 55 60A 65 70 79 84 86 86B 92 96 101 4.-403 105 106 107 108A 114 763.24 25,376.05 34,213.96 34,532.15 41.00 94,885.40 8.20 15,485.52 500.00 6,000.00 508.20 21,485.52 * 55.00 61,824.25 11.00 15,332.15 500.00 12,970.00 511.00 28,302.15 Amalgamated Conc.Co. C. E. Trezona National Ice Cream Co. Prenker & Grosse Pkg. Fruit Exchange. . G. Albert Wahlgren. . . . Frank Haw Harris, Rockridge & Grant Popcorn and Peanuts. . . . Popcorn and Peanuts Ice Cream 29,775.00 4,752.50 27,296.75 5,000.00 250.00 200.00 7,500.00 '7,750.06 200.00 16,112.69 250.00 7,750.00 44,690.67 250.00 1,600.00 3,393.52 20% 18,063.50 3,612.69 Gold Slug (Cancelled) ... Fruits and Nuts World's Fair Publications Chinese Candy Souvenir Trees and Seeds (Cancelled) Pan Souvenir . . 25% 148,763.03 37,190.67 7,500.00 250.00 150.00 1,600.00 2,000.00 Mark Leichter Cahva Distributing Co. . Am. Oriental Cone. Co. . American Chicle Co.. . . Shepard Mfg. Co Cardinell-Vincent Co. . . M. A. Gunst & Co Calif. Curio Co. 15% 25% 3,331.60 2,841.75 6,173.35 1,243.52 Calwa Grape Juice (Cancelled) 2,480.00 11,900.00 2,480.00 25,627.61 Soft Drinks 15% 25% 55% 10% 20% m% 20% (B)Non 5% 20% 89,683.85 1,100.00 90,783.85 13,727.61 Chewing Gum 4,599.00 2,137.30 44,896.73 61,244.85 5,247.00 2,529.45 213.73 8,979.33 10,717.74 825.37 2,529.45 2,713.73 9,979.33 13,217.74 2,675.37 Souvenir Spoons and Ena meled Jewelry 2,500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 1,800.00 Official Post Cards Cigar Stand 50.00 California Souvenirs 4,126.60 ie 1,120.40 Robt. A. Reid Chas. A. McCann Mfr. Novelty Co. Official View Books. 32,397.00 62,529.10 94,926.10 14,125.67 2.000.00 3,300.00 19,425.67 Liberty Bell Souvenir Novelties 4,800.00 2,700.00 2,500.00 25.00 4,800.00 2,700.00 2,500.00 503.36 Mfr. Novelty Co Levenson Co. Novelties Brooms and Brushes Welch's Grape Juice Smoke Shop 10% 25% 25% 7i% 17i% 25% 10% 25% 25% 47*% 3,375.90 563.00 3,938.90 478.36 John H. Spahn Co H. L. Judell & Co. 16,137.25 51,380.97 4,034.25 8,960.30 4,000.00 1,500.00 8,034.25 10,460.30 313.62 51,067.35 Candy Kiss Co.. Candy Kisses 103-103, Pennants & Toy Baloons. Matches 1,293.05 24,514.39 323.21 6,103.07 1,000.00 4,250.00 800.00 1,115.00 2,123.21 11,468.07 Prudential Art Co. 169.92 24,344.47 Drew & Matthews Calif. Curio Co G. H. Hellman, Trustee H. M. Edlin, Inc 207.52 225.80 433.32 159.14 250.00 409.14 Precious and Semi-Preci- ous Stones Candy Floss 1,100.00 500.00 500.00 2,602.40 20% 30% 15% 30% 2,596.95 3,276.70 5,873.65 1,502.40 Edlin's Creamery 18,444.30 5,592.45 24,036.75 4,444.44 4,650.00 9,094.44 'Flat rate of $500.00 returned owing to the fact that an equal amount was collected upon percentage basis after date of October 16th. 59 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT C Continued MISCELLANEOUS SALES PRIVILEGES EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE C-2 2-Cont'd. Gross Receipts Total Cone. on Percentage Exposition Flat Concession Concessionaire Concession No. Rate Basis Percentage Bonuses Rates Revenue Nippon Kyosan Kaisha, Inc Japan Beautiful 117 20% 25,999.80 26,032.80 5.20S.17 15,093.00 20,301.17 25% 33.00 Nippon Kyosan Kaisha, Inc MvsticCave 117S 50.00 50.00 J. Rupert Foster Certificate of Visitation ... 1 18 25% 1,150.00 287.50 700.03 9X7.50 Collins-M cCarthy Candy Co Valdora Sweets 1 20 25% 7,569.30 1,892.31 2,000.00 3,892.31 Novagem Jewel Co Novagem Jewels 121 10% 10,400.54 60,091.69 9,393.58 5,033.00 14,393.58 15% 55,691.15 Levenson Co Souvenir Pocket Knife. ... 122 37.50 37.50 Gustave Fay News Stands, Stationery... 126 25% 2i i! 1.55 67.38 2,500.00 503.00 3,087.38 Nat. Pure Water Co... . Pure Water 132 25% 2,817.60 704.35 3,000.00 3,704.35 Volland Poster Stmp Co. Official Poster Stamps 134 K)', 209.08 20.91 20.91 D. A. Hagens Official Letter Folder 138 157 115.00 17.25 17.25 Oregon City Mfg. Co. . Sales Privilege 151 2,503.00 -',500.00 Miss B. Greenburg Parasols 168 20', 561.00 112.20 112.20 Cardinell-Vincent Co. . . Official Photographer 191 20% 55,761.05 83,915.55 22,414.00 .'.',414.00 40% 28,154.50 Auto. Candy Mach. Co. Mello Wafers. . . .208-323-324 25% 9,417.00 2,354.11 2,364.11 McLaren & Petersen . . . Venetian Glass Palace. . . .209 616.85 151.19 154.19 Wash. State Comm Apple Cider 237 15% 2,354.75 353.25 :!53 '."> Jonah Kumalae Hawaiian Novelty Store . . 242 25% 38.25 41.30 11.07 1,000.00 1,011.07 50% 3.05 Ezra Meeker "Pioneer Life" Post Cards.253 100.00 100.00 Gt. Northern Ry. Co... "Indian Life" Cards and Booklets 262 200.00 200.00 Johnson & Fulton Post Cards 269S 25% 619.30 154.81 151.XI Cardinell-Vincent Co. . . Umbrellas and Parasols. . .281 20% 216.00 43.20 43.20 American Chicle Co. . . . Sheet Music 286 20% 138.60 27.72 27.72 Geo. M. Hyland Oregon Souvenirs 300 2IXUIO 200.00 A. M. Robertson Robertson's California Publications 326 750.00 750.00 E. J. Levin and G. W. Hopkins Souvenir Jewelry 342 10% 12,823.92 1,282.39 1 .2X2.39 Art Smith PostCards 343 25% 499.90 124.97 124,97 D. Brown Canes & Humanophones . .359 626.60 626.60 Chin Chi Chinese Bazaar 367 1,000.00 1.000.00 J. E. Power Cewpie Dolls & Teddy Brs.372 25% 11,686.85 2,921.71 -',921.71 Postal Studio Co., Inc. . Art Novelties 383 25% 87.25 21.81 21.81 E. W. McConnell Book on Telepathy 384 25% 3,482.25 870.57 870.57 Niekerk Bros Novelties, Netherlands Pavilion 433 250.00 250.00 Amalgamated Cone .Co. "Tower of Jewels" Penny. 440 400.00 400.00 Joseph Weiss "Tower of Jewels" Penny. 464 548.60 548.60 David Monasch Charlie Chaplin Midgets.. .466 25% 1,380.15 345.04 345.04 J. H. Blake Tricolator Coffee Maker....467 20% 100.00 20.00 20.00 New Zealand Comm Auto Robes & Blankets. .481 L'5l H 1! 1 250.00 Mabel Perry Chinese Bags 485 298.60 298.60 John Bozark "Shah's Delight" Candy. .489 200.00 200.00 W. E. Mason Dog Book 493 30.00 30.00 M. Soulas Booklet on Fr. Pavilion. .495 25% 1,277.00 319.25 319.25 Cardinell-Vincent Co.. . "Jewel City Book" 507 20% 162.75 32.55 32.55 Silvia Pettirossi PostCards 5X 25% 2.00 .50 .50 Chinese Commission 12}% -30.60 3.83 3.83 TOTAL. . $1,075,398.3(i.77 (C)None 6,491.90 Howell, Schmidt, Harris Elec. Wonders (Cane.).. . 83 1,087.50 1,087.50 Union Pacific Co Yellowstone Nat. Park. . 89 I'.V , 53,822.95 13,455.68 10,000.00 23,455.(is E. W. McConnell Panoptican(Eden Musee) 93 20% 5,261.80 1,052.37 3,500.00 4,552.37 A. Scowcroft and C. Zeimer Australasian Village 109 20% 9,632.50 1,926.52 2,500.00 .1.120.52 V. L. Leifert and E. Armstrong Autodrome 110 25% 24,774.00 6,193.45 3,375.00 9.56S. C, Pango-Pango Co Samoan Village 111 20% 7,438.05 10,936.60 1,487.59 4,000.00 5,487.59 (B)None 3,498.55 Standard Film Co Cinematograph (Cane.) .. 119 500.00 500.00 W. E. Mason Dogs of All Nations 130 2,000.00 2,000.00 Expo. Feature Player Corp Official Cinematographer 133 15% 10,451.81 26,533.51 4,903.49 4,000.00 8,903.49 2C% 13 694 45 25% 2.387.25 London to South Pole Exhibition Co Lcndon to South Pole . . . . 139 15% 1,306.50 16,576.35 2.822.27 5,000.00 7,822.27 (B)None 4 764 60 Midget Theatre Co Midget Theatre 139S 342.85 342.85 L. V. Roberts Hawaiian Village 140 25% 34,511.60 8,627.82 2,500.00 11,127.82 Miller Bros 101 Ranch 155 None 16,737:25 A. W. Lewis Russian Ballet 156 25% 6,885.40 1,721.30 1,721.30 A. W. Lewis Temple of Palmistrv 157 25% 1,309.15 327.29 2,625.00 2,952.29 K. W. McConnell Educated Horse 158 25% 62,108.40 15,527.09 15,527.09 E. W. McConneU Illusion Show 159 25% 765.40 191.35 191.35 X. M. Vaughn Stella 160 2% 78,661.25 19,665.29 19,6(15.29 McLaren & Petersen. . Dixie Land 166 20% 13,621.10 2,724.22 500.00 3,221.22 Geo. Jabour Somaliland 172 25% 3,88(i.M) 971.61 500.00 1,471.61 Calif. Theatre Co Hippodrome .174 12!' ; 11,534.80 " 1,441.88 1,411 ss Calif. Theatre Co . World's Beauty Congress. 174A 15% 78.30 11.75 11.75 Campbell, Smith, Price Pit Show .222 25% 14,116.85 22,172.85 3,529.18 2,000.00 5,529.1s 222A (D)None SC.'I'.HI W. E. Mason I'tilitv Dogs 234 50% 837.25 418.60 418.60 M F. Chamberlain Wichita Wonder 287 25% 493.95 123.49 123.49 C. D. Willard Willard's Melodia 341 20% 14,530.60 2,906.13 2,906.13 Garcia & Goni Streets of Seville 35:1 20% 6,976. 'M 10,021.22 1.395.26 99. IT, 1,491.52 (B)None 3 044 92 ( 'hint-He Village & Pa- goda Co Chinese Pagoda 396 25% 7,290.90 1,822.73 I.S22.73 E. A. Vaughn Living Pictures of Fam- ous Paintings 416 15% 3,008.00 11.144.50 2. 1S5.30 2,4S5.:;il 25% 8,i::>i.Mi M. Marx Escorial 449 (C)None 21.OMi.90 , I. C. Ackerman Electra 151 L2*?j Is '.', 1 2.29 2.29 K \V. McConnell Eve I.V.I I.V, I.Slll.S!) 7,759.10 I.I.V.I.3I 1, I.V.I.:', 1 -'(!-, 5,909.30 62 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT C Continued SHOWS AND SPECTACLES EXPOSITI Concessionaire Schmidtt & Rhodes.. . Geo. Seymour ON PERIOD Concession Florida Everglade "In the Shadow c Coi N s 463 1C. o. Rate (C)None 25% 25% 10% 15% (A)None 25% Groi on ] 3s Receipts 'ercentage Basis 3,601.30 8,879.65 9.80 7,508.65 SCHEDULE C-2,/4 Cont'd. Total Exposition Flat Concession Percentage Bonuses Rates Revenue >f the 470 2 219.92 2,219.92 E. A. Vaughn Dunnavant & Millican . R. H. Castleberry Reproduction of Paintings Famous 486 488 2,096.55 3,088.85 2 323 25 2.45 2.45 673.00 673.00 Electro Beautiful Dog and Monkey ...503 Show.. 514 K 97.65 24.41 24.41 171.40 171.40 Geo. Jabour P. P. I. E Co C 15% 20% 25% 100% 24,515.65 16,409.90 466.70 8,447.70 41,392.25 1 267 16 1,267.16 . Streets of Cairo. A 9,472.28 642.36 10,114.64 Cat and Tog Shew None TOTAL. 1,384.00 $1,459,995.49 $i80,075.42 $87,311.76 $6,861.61 $374,248.79 RIDES AND AMUSEMENTS EXPOSITION PERIOD Cone. Concessionaire Concession No. Days of '49 Co 49 Camp 8 Gross Receipts on Percentage Rate Basis 12%$20,907.98 $73,204.61 25% 51 306.98 Exposition Percentage $15,787.10 SCHEDULE C-2/6 Total Flat Concession Bonuses Rates Revenue $5,000.00 $20,787.10 35% 98965 Pacific Aeroscope Co.... Aeroscope 11 20% 67,489.80 13,497.96 3,500.00 16,997.96 Anglo Pac. Cone. Co. . . Jester's Palace 13 25% 49,829.65 12,457.38 1,000.00 13,457.38 E. W. McConnell Human Roulette 14 25',, 666.15 166.55 1,000.00 1,166.55 L. C. Seipt & Co., Inc. . Old Red Mill . 18 25% 21,047.50 5,261.82 1,000.00 6,261.82 L. A. Thompson P. C. Co. Racing Coaster . 29 25% 133,789.45 33,447.33 2,000.00 35,447.33 L. A. Thompson P. C. Co. Scenic Railway 30 25% 51,000.35 12,750.08 2,000.00 14,750.08 John F. Dickman Shooting Gallery . 53 25% 8,664.39 40,724.20 11,221.39 3,000.00 14,221.39 -Ti ' ( ' 27,166.16 4,893.65 Comb. Amusement Co. . Carouselle 58 33-5% 55,949.15 14,229.38 9,000.00 23,229.38 42,688.35 (C)None 13 260 80 Frederick Thompson . . . Grown-Up Toyland 59 10% 1.35S.70 80,584.29 7,292.19 3,000.00 200.70 10,492.89 20% 32 617 09 25% 2,531.66 fR'lNnne 44,076.84 Ackerman Estate Co.... Ball Throwing 62A-B 25% 8,711.25 2,177.77 2,000.00 1,53 .00 5,710.77 Comb. Amusement Co.. Alligator Farm 64 25% 5,026.55 13,128.75 1,256.62 3,000.00 4,256.62 (C)None 8,102.20 So. Cal. Ostrich Farm... Ostrich Farm 102 15% 1,009.40 1,462.80 264.73 2,000.00 1,185.00 3,449.73 25% 453.40 Bowls of Joy Co Bowls of Joy 104 25% 29,255.50 7,313.90 5,250.00 12,563.90 F. B. Schuyler Tourmaline Mine 113 25% 530.60 132.66 500.00 632.66 R. J. Fowler AeroboatCo. Fowler Aeroboat (Cane.). 145 1,000.00 1,000.00 James T. Hayward Gold Mine 147 25% 6,972.45 1,743.05 1,743.05 Min. Motor Vehicle Co.. Electric Motor Vehicles. . '54 20% 112,953.05 22,590.61 3,000.00 25,590.61 Expo. Wheel Chair Crp. Wheel Chairs 178 20% 66,103.65 13,220.73 2,500.00 15,720.73 Dandy & Jacobv Skee Ball 255 25% 493.70 3,407.65 123.43 689.17 812.60 (D)None 2,913.95 A. H. McKenzie Automatic Baseball 423 25% 3,058.90 910.54 910.54 1,600.90 35% 1,458.00 Arthur Hee Chinese Mdee. Games. . .437 500.00 500.00 Max Richman Barrel Game 441 25% 98.85 24.7o 24.70 Allan H. Loughead Loughead Hydro Aeropl .465 15% 4.705.CO 705.75 705.75 J. W. Coffroth Pioneer Days 473 5,108.70 10,176.00 3,389.44 3,389.44 25% 15290 4,914.40 Pac. Coast Skee Ball Co. Skee Ball 4X 5C% 3,550.75 1,775.33 1,775.33 TOTAL.. $838,400.35 $181,740.44 $49,939.17 .$3,918.70 $235,598.31 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT C Continued EXPOSITI Concessionaire I.. M. MacDermot Crowley Launch & Tug- boat Co. TRANJ ON PERIOD Cone Concession Xc>. Overfair Railway 50 Pleasure Craft 74 3PORT Rate 25% 25% 331% ATIOfl Gross on Pel B 1,713.28 62,917.30 r PRIVILEGES Receipts centage Exposition asis Percentage $22,357.70 $5,589.40 07,630.55 22,150.71 SCHEDULE C-2 6 Flat Bonuses Rates $5,000.00 $5,000.00 5,000.00 Total Concession Revenue $15,589.40 27,150.71 Fadgl Auto Train, Inc. . TOTAL Fadgl Auto Train 11.-) 375,592.63 93,898.10 200.00 94,098.10 $465,580.88 $121,638.21 $10,200.00 $5,000.00 $136,838.21 MISCELLANEOUS EXPOSITION PERIOD Gross Receipts Cone. on Percentage Concessionaire Concession No. Rate Hasis Remington Typewriter Typewriters (Public Co Stenographer Priv.) . . 2 Postal Studio Co Postal Studio Photos. . 27 A. C. Glaubert Phrenometers (Cane.)... . 34 Western Sanitary Co. Public Convenience Stas 44 15% $4,805.4!) $10,70v74 40% 5,903.25 Exposition Percentage $3,0-12.2(1 8.257.71 SCHEDULE C-2 7 Flat Bonuses H ites **5,000.00 12.500.110 $600.o:i 4.503.00 Total Concession K"verri $.j,oo:i.tu 12,500.00 600.00 3.0S2.20 12,757.74 H. F. DarbierA R. F. Allen Cushion Seat Rent. Co. Shell Co. of California. Postal Telegraph Co.. . Chas. David Checking Privilege 72 Cushion Seats !!5 25% 50% (B)None 25% 10', 50% (F)Special 15% 50% 25% 33i% 15% 25% (F)Specal 25% Special Nonr 2li.745.70 3,142.70 7,959.90 37,Sls.::o 1,102.85 17,40'.!. 40 276.64 4,477.08 4,100.00 4,375.64 1,477.06 'i, 279.70 6,983.15 9,206.55 Auto Parking Stations Postal Telegraph Auditorium Check. Sta. . Season Book Covers. . . . Weighing Scales Western Union Horseshoeing Barber Shops Striking Machines Official Award Ribbons Weighing Scales Feeding the Pigeons . . . Magic Wand Palmistry, Sts. of Ca'ro. Race Track Club Sp'ndle Wheel Portola Ball Costumes Cubs Day 102 .1(53 182 .186 .188 .197 219 260 .352 378 .409 .412 122 .462 .490 .517 151.78 274.20 354.17 225.64 3,128.61 3,011.97 548.40 1,416.70 676.99 20,223.69 20.7.1 20.55 148.20 451.78 274.20 354.17 225.64 3,128.61 Wolff & Dolan H. L. Leavitt W. r. Telegraph Co... . D. D. Hanks M. B. Ansal I Sax. & Co. 19,273.39 950.30 2,581.70 100.00 1,500.55 100.00 100.00 1,506.65 100.00 2,581.70 901.00 5.19 659.50 650.00 75.00 100.00 2.98 i,175.'90 B..PasqualeCo H L Leavitt '.101.00 969.50 650.00 75.00 100.00 1,175.90 Cardinell- Vincent Co. . F. S. Milligan 5.19 2.!l! E. Bracca .. Wallace R. Hunt E. J. Lev n Goldste'n's Cubs M scellaneous TOTAL Miscellaneous $93,494.54 $23,116.92 $9,200.00 $22,767.95 $55,084.87 *In consideration for this i-onccssion, which also embraced the. exclusive use of ftemington Typewriters by tlie Exposition, the HrniiiiKtnn Typewriter Co. also furnished to and maintained for the Exposition, without cost, all mach'nes required (approximately 600) and expended a reported amount of $150,000.00 for general international advertising of the Exposition. INSIDE INN EXPOSITION PERIOD Concessionaire Concession lii-iid>- Inn Hotel Co Inside Inn Hotel Com-. No. Rate ( iniss Receipts on Percentage Kxpusition Basis Percentage $670,0,iS.OS $tS,!llll. II i A .None :!V).o:i;i.o:i cial 15'f, 3:),4'iS.3i) SCHEDULE C-2 8 Monnses Flat Ratei Total Concession Revenue $4S,910.4I TOTAL S070.OOS.OS SIS.'.IIO. II $48.910.11 \ lAp'.silion Percentage Wa: B Imposition Percentage Collection Deferred and I'neoll. 1 ' Expos'tion I'ereentaue ( 'oiled on Deferred and Clrinie j to Coinli ned Amusements Co., Joint Acnnint. an.! I nooUeOted I) Kvpositioi, I'ereeniiige Credited to Miller Hro>,, .loin i \ei-ouni. I l.vposition IVreiMilnae Credited to \ Cardasliian. 1 IJeveime Hasei) upon Fixed Amounts upon Quantities Sold ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT aContinued MISCELLANEOUS INCOME AND ABATEMENTS EXPOSITION PERIOD MISCELLANEOUS INCOME AND ABATEMENTS GENERAL Interest on Bank Deposits Donations Welsbach Street Lighting Company J. E. D. Trask Mrs. Farin?ton A commuter Miscellaneous Interest Received Miscellaneous Earnings Unclaimed Entrance Permit Deposits Unclaimed Newspaper Tour Deposits Unclaimed Contractors Temporary Deposits Unclaimed Gatemen's Badge Deposits Unclaimed Key Deposits Adjustment Account Various small unclaimed credits . . . Cashier's Short and Over Account \Vt overage resulting from the handling of $1.5,192,045.18, which passed through the Cashier's Office from February 20, 1915, to December 4, 1915, inclusive, exclusive of a loss of $518.01 resulting from counterfeit coins included in item of Special Losses Schedule E-30. TOTAL Detail Expenses Detail Income -GENERAL SCHEDULE C-3 Gross Expense and Income $3,500.00 17.50 5.00 1.00 $10,527.33 3,523.50 2,674.77 6,662.97 213.50 65.80 50.00 30.00 22.00 36.92 108.46 $23,915.25 Net Result $23,915.25 $23,915.25 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-l Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result GENERAL OFFICE $21,553.00 $13 723 66 Office Supplies and Expense 2,681.62 258 58 92641 7646 i en OH 1 361 40 QC 1 K 811 04 ,........* Traveling Expense 550.50 or: AA 880 18 PRESIDENT'S OFFICIAL ENTERTAINMENT DINING ROOM EQUIP- MENT 6,668.80 6,668.80 PRESIDENT'S OFFICIAL ENTERTAINMENT DINING ROOM OPERA- TION 7,314.29 Gross $12,521.14 Payrolls 3,276.00 Equipment 561.49 ^87 "Wl General Material and Supplies (Food) 7,673.80 Sundry Entertainment 381.15 Secret Service 41.40 Income 5,205.85 Charges to Directors and Officers for Lunch Service . 5,206.85 lished in order to enable the formal and informal reception and entertainment within the Exposition Grounds of prominent visitors. The cost includes all service for dinners and lunches given. Charges were made to all Directors and Exposition Officials for luncheons and dinners attended and other service. TOTAL $40,742.94 $5,206.85 $35,536.09 DIRECTOR-IN-CHIEF AND INTERNATIONAL AWARDS EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-2 DIRECTOR-IN-CHIEF Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment ...... Miscellaneous General Expense Traveling Expense Honorarium F. J. V. Skiff Detail Expenses Detail Income $16.884,09 391.69 60.17 42.23 5,752.17 10,000.00 Gross Expense and Income Net Result $33,110.35 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIRECTOR-IN-CHIEF AND INTERNATIONAL AWARDS EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-2 Cont'd. INTERNATIONAL AWARDS (,ross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Xet Result 100 710 67 Payrolls 29 535 86 Office Supplies and Expense 2,499.71 Furniture and Equipment 1 78596 Miscellaneous General Expense 892.54 General Material and Supplies 89609 Traveling Expense ' 39,71o.95 Sundry Entertainment 1 442 35 Freight, Express and Dravage 6,726.76 Postage 124.81 Medals Diplomas Ribbons etc. 16 796 64 TOTAL. $133,827.02 *l3:i,s27.02 HISTORIAN EXPOSITION PERIOD HISTORIAN Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense Photo Supplies Postage Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-2A Gross Expense and Income $3,110.16 89.79 97.00 152.07 138.82 19.98 Xet Result $3,607.82 TOTAL. $3,607.82 $3,007.82 COMPTROLLER EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-3 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Xet Result GENERAL OFFICE $29,7--' LI.', Payrolls $25 940 06 Office Supplies and Expense 930.13 Furniture and Equipment 1,271.48 Miscellaneous General Expense. . . 489.69 General Material and Supplies. . . . 152.62 Secret Service 404.05 Equipment Rental 1X9.00 Auto Service 173,47 Postage 173.95 STOBKK OPERATION 17,47403 14 172 48 791 62 Furniture and Equipment -'(is.55 1 744 18 General Material and Supplies .... 918.80 Freight, Express and Drayage. . . . 1 1H.S5 .... Profit on Stores sold and issued le ss inventory losses *565.45 Sales and issues $163.857.94 Cost of sales and issues 163,202.49 INTER-DEPARTMENT MAIL SERVICE. . . 2,684.13 Payrolls [,028.78 Auto Service 1,657.38 AUDIT AND SPECIAL ACCOUNTING SERVICE LESTER HERHICK & HERKICK ..................................... Including devising and installation of all general and depart- mental accounting methods and forms. AUDITOR'S OFFICK ................................ Payrolls .............................. I )fliee Supplies and Expense ......................... Furniture and Equipment ........... Miscellaneous General Expense ................. General .Material and Supplies Postage .......................... 8,185.00 38,SI1.'.!!I 1 .MIS.'.I I lj!i.r>i> 84.74 10.61 Nil.:i7 S.1S.-..00 11,387.21 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued COMPTROLLER EXPOSITION PERIOD Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-3 Cont'd. Gross Expense and Income CASHIER'S OFFICE Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies Equipment Rental Freight , Express and Drayage Postage (3-10 of \% of money handled). PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Postage 42,821.88 2,083.81 1,493.71 357.38 228.23 1,413.60 324.24 335.S1 Net Result $49,058.66 6,520.80 954.76 53.13 137.93 7,666.62 TOTAL. $156,160.10 $156,160.10 LEGAL DEPARTMENT EXPOSITION PERIOD Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-4 Gross Expense and Income LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense. . . . ( ii ncral Material and Supplies Office Rent Traveling Expense Secret Service Postage Legal Expense Subscription Suits. Legal Expense General $21,678.43 864.96 193.45 371.96 60.92 1,417.50 501.55 132.21 42.04 545.13 514.29 Net Result $26,322.44 TOTAL. $26,322.44 $26,322.44 DIVISION OF EXHIBITS EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-6 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result DIRECTOR'S OFFICE $27,501.76 Payrolls $24,473.70 Office Supplies and Expense 1,519.40 Furniture and Equipment 433.65 Miscellaneous General Expense 489.91 General Material and Supplies 517.41 . . : Postage 299.39 Pamphlets and Booklets 31.00 Sundry Entertainment 100.50 Auto Service 321 . 10 '. Freight, Express and Drayage 7.70 Credits for Executive Service *692.00 '..... FINE ARTS 19,824.12 Payrolls 15,087.38 Office Supplies and Expense 1,692.32 Furniture and Equipment 53.64 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,281.66 General Material and Supplies 282.81 Freight, Express and Drayage 928.01 Postage 370. 15 Traveling Expense 208.10 Contract Payments 150.00 Pamphlets and Booklets 75.00 Sundry Entertainment 27.50 Credits for Executive Service *332.45 CONTRIBUTION TO FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT TO HELP DEFRAY EXPENSES OF P. P. I.E. IN CONNECTION WITH PICTURE EXHIBITS *8,000.00 Xcw York State Commission $5,000.00 Pennsj Ivania State Commission 3,000.00 'Red. 67 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E -Continued DIVISION OF EXHIBITS EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-6 Cont'd. FINE ARTS FUTURE SALES Gross Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies Freight, Express and Dray age Insurance on Pictures sold and shipped Pamphlets and Booklets Detail Expenses Detail Income 3,547.85 32.18 13.15 22.41 2,906.51 1,757.81 75.00 Income Picture Sales 15% Selling Commission on Sales of $193,267.60 (1423 sales) Matting and Framing EDUCATION AND SOCIAL ECONOMY Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies Contract Payments Postage Freight, Express and Drayage Credits for Executive Service LIBERAL ARTS Gross Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies Postage Freight, Express and Drayage Sundry Entertainment Clippingi! Photo Supplies Credit* for Executive Service . . Income Pictorial Photo Entrance Fees MANUFACTURES (AND VARIED INDUSTKIKSI Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies Traveling Expense Postage Freight, Express and Drayage Credits for Executive Service ARTS AND CRAFTS Gross Office Supplies and Expense. Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expen-e Income Arts and Crafts Income -'.-.' , of Sales of $10,773.40.. MACHINERY Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense* Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense < i< ncrul Material and Supplies High Tension Pavilion I'doto Supplies Pool i - Credit* fur Kxecutive Service Red. Gross Exp?!ise and Inc un $S,3->I.!M Net Hvvjlt '20,752.98 7,293.82 496.37 265.80 895.13 124.31 441.01 53.70 15.70 "183.19 8,898.73 434.42 214.80 226.45 101.17 71.35 24.45 28.00 15.75 13.05 '217.26 12,474.47 474.56 395.70 54.59 62.37 284.70 92.94 166 326.24 58.41 274.00 8,689.75 260.85 187.10 465.60 84.69 1,076.62 14.68 36.09 266.66 117. 7.') 9,402.25 9,765.91 I.Yin 45.00 13.517.74 '2,234.80 108.65 2,693.35 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued EXPOSITION PERIOD DIVISION OF EXHIBITS Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-6 Cont'd. Gross Expense and Income Net Result TRANSPORTATION $15,219.58 Payrolls $7,441.94 Office Supplies and Expense Miscellaneous General Expense 869.92 General Material and Supplies 111.35 California State Auto Association Floor Space 2,806.05 Traveling Expense 2,638.40 Advertising 620.80 Photo Supplies Postage ._ 9-36 AGRICULTURE (AND FOOD PRODUCTS) 8,295.35 Payrolls 7,539.28 Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense 245.01 General Material and Supplies Alterations and Repairs : Credits for Executive Service *21 6.29 LIVESTOCK 28,391.17 Payrolls 15,137.23 Office Supplies and Expense 2,067.46 Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies Alterations and Repairs 7,100.77 Postage 1,831.07 Pamphlets and Booklets Milk and Cream Expense 252.09 Freight, Express and Drayage 33.63 Team Hire 28.25 Photo Supplies 10.32 Mats and Plates 10.00 Traveling Expense 10.00 Credits for Executive Service *669.02 LIVE STOCK SUMMER RACE MEET, JUNE 5 TO JUNE 9, 1915 . . 34,333.14 Gross $106,747.89 Payrolls 4,228.82 Office Supplies and Expense 279.10 Furniture and Equipment 35.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 980.42 General Material and Supplies 259.55 Prizes 95,100.00 Traveling Expense 3,988.79 Advertising ." 1 ,865.26 Postage 10.95 Income 72,414.75 Summer Race Meet Entry Fees $44,299.75 Summer Race Meet Purse Percent 18,387.50 Summer Race Meet Boxes 9,727.50 LIVE STOCK FALL RACE MEET, NOVEMBER 1 TO NOVEMBER 16, 1915 25,603.29 Gross 65,286.24 Payrolls 675.89 Miscellaneous General Expense 398.70 . . . : General Material and Supplies 9.00 Prizes 61,755.75 Advertising 1,151.77 Contract Payments 633.32 . , Traveling Expense 620.50 Commission on Collection of Entry Fees 41.31 Income 39,682.95 Fall Race Meet Entry Fees 28,007.95 Fall Race Meet Purse Percent 11,675.00 LIVE STOCK MATINEE RACES, MAY 25 TO JULY 18, 1915. ... *367.54 Gross 1,668.71 Payrolls 205.91 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,008.75 Advertising 454.05 Income 2,036.25 Matinee Races Admissions 2,036.25 *Red. 69 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF EXHIBITS EXPOSITION PERIOD TK.V MILE RELAY RACE, MAY 29, 1915 . . Gross Payrolls Miscellaneous General Expense. . Advertising Contract Payments SCHEDULE E-S-Cont'd. Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income \et Ri-sult *6.00 20.48 75.00 237.55 L72.00 505.0:) Income 511.00 Ten Mile Relay Race Admissions .">! 1.00 JOCKEY CLUB RACE MEET, AUGUST 21 TO SEPTEMBER 18, 1915, *2,936.42 Gross 920.30 Miscellaneous General Expense 99.00 Percentage of Concessions Revenue paid to Golden Gate Thoroughbred Association 821.30 . Income 3,856.72 Jockey Club Race Meet P.P.I.E. Percentage of Receipts 3,856.72 HARNESS RACES FALL MEET, NOVEMBER 1 TO NOVEMBER 16, 1915 *7,179.00 Income P.P.I.E. Percentage of Receipts 7,179.00 SPECIAL HORSE SHOW SEPTEMBER 14 TO OCTOBER 13, 1915 . . r_',x:i,l>(>6.59 Payrolls 1,184.95 Mi.-rellaneous General Expense 510.41 General -Material and Supplies 1,625.92 Prizes and Awards 18,361.00 Advertising 1,301.88 Contract Payments 475.00 Freight, Express and Drayage 172.18 Legal Expense 35.25 Income 10,768.50 Special Horse Show Admissions 10,208.50 Box Stall Rentals 560.00 MISCELLANEOUS STOCK SHOW, OCTOBER 13 TO DECEMBER 4, 1915 Gross... 105,873.19 Payrolls 3,648.48 Office Supplies and Expense 281.58 Miscellaneous General Expense ."i 1 ti .93 General Material and Supplies 1,955.47 Prizes 96,429.76 Couping for Exhibit* 2,379.50 Traveling Expense l!i:i.73 Advertising 172. 10 Freight, Express and Drayage 41.08 . " Photo Supplies II .20 Income... 11,083.90 Miscellaneous Stock Show Entry Fees 11,083.90 EGO LAYING CONTEST '-'. 1 1>3. 17 Gross 4,424.48 Payrolls 2,327.04 Office Supplies and Expense 68.33 Furniture and Equipment 52.10 Miscellaneous General Expense 208.95 General Material and Supplies 1,463.56 I'ri/es for Egg Laying 230.00 Traveling K\p:-nse 7 1. .10 Income 2,2lil .3J I. u Laying Contest Entry Fees 1,098.49 Egg Sale H - ties of E??s 1,139.<59 Poultry Sale Revenue 2% on sales of $1156..% 23.13 70 EXPOSITION PERIOD ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF EXHIBITS Detail Expenses Detail Income HORTICULTURE Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment M iscellaneous General Expense . General Material and Supplies . Prizes for Flower Show Freight, Express and Dray age. . . Photo Supplies Postage Credit for Executive Service . MINES AND MKTALLUBGY Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense Postage Alterations and Repairs Credits for Executive Service 10,733.31 262.14 244.60 377.53 229.49 1,147.60 77.06 28.62 14.54 *309.09 SCHEDULE E-6 Cont'd. Gross Expense and Income Net Result 12,805.80 8,873.51 242.98 75.00 263.67 49.80 17.50 *374.58 9,147.88 TOTAL $482,300.01 $189,640.62 $292,659.39 DIVISION OF EXPLOITATION EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-7 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result DIRECTOR'S OFFICE $15,364.64 Payrolls $13,619.23 Office Supplies and Expense 393.68 Furniture and Equipment 581.86 Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies 23.21 Postage 346.05 Sundry Entertainment 11.40 GENERAL PUBLICITY 22,865.02 Payrolls 503.85 Office Supplies and Expense 496.39 Furniture and Equipment 37.65 M iscellaneous General Expense 947.07 General Material and Supples 1,762.59 Picture Equipment 4,225.17 Photo Supplies 2,757.87 Telegraph and Cables 2,649.64 ....> Freight, Express and Drayage 2,606.02 Traveling Expense 2,079.09 Advertising 1,485.57 Postage 1,438.01 '. Mats and Plates 1,417.05 Sundry Entertainment 443.40 M iscellaneous Lectures 15.65 PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN, MATS AND PLATES 21,231.88 21,231.88 PAMPHLETS FOR DISTRIBUTION 6,480.80 6,480.80 BUKKAU OK RKCORDS 3,508.79 Payrolls 1,472.80 Office Supplies and Expense 35. 15 Clippings 2,000.84 INFORMATION AND PUBLIC SERVICE .' 3,783.96 Payrolls 3,426.04 Office Supplies and Expense 300.56 Miscellaneous General Expense 37.20 General Material and Supplies 13.27 Postage 6.89 NEWSPAPER TOURS BUREAU 3,492.62 Payrolls 1,982.82 Office Supplies and Expense 216.28 Miscellaneous General Expense 159.49 General Material and Supplies 116.45 Mats and Plates 495.47 Advertising 323.50 Traveling Expense 71.95 Freight, Drayage and Express 66.00 Pnstage , 60.66 Red. 71 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF EXPLOITATION EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-7 -Cont'd. Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result EDITORIAL BUREAU 28,42.V'.i:i Payrolls 5,620.92 Office Supplies and Expense 2,823.18 Furniture and Equipment 393.85 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,062.67 General Material and Supplies 201 .65 Photo Supplies 6,013.79 Special Articles 5,201.85 Telegraph and Cables 4,130.13 Postage 2,697.49 Mats and Plates 142.21 Pamphlets and Booklets 108.25 Traveling Expense . . . 30.00 WRITER'S SECTION 22,oo.ViiI Payrolls 21 .423.53 Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense 237.00 Office Rent 68.00 PUBLICATION :i.."il.V(M) Payrolls 3,001.31 Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment . Miscellaneous General Expense 21.46 Postage 174.44 Freight, Drayage and Express 29.60 PRINTING AND ENGRAVING 3,814. :>2 Payrolls 5,638.57 Office Supplies and Expense 1,581.93 Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies 46.40 - :ige Credits for Printing Work Done *3,775.61 MflTIGRAFHING 'Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies Credits for Multigraphing Work Done STATE AND FOREIUN SOCIETIEH.IN SAN FRANCISCO. Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense Postage Sundry Entertainmenl TOUR SELLING CAMPAIGN. Payrolls Traveling Expense . . Postage POSTER CAMPAIGN Miscellaneous General Expense. . Advertising Freight, Express and Drayage. . 3,750.2.' 191.79 109.40 41.87 134.08 '3,027.15 885.70 82.71 35.25 10.00 33.60 15.25 115.40 54.20 2.20 263.32 3,606.12 2,875.03 872.51 TP i \ FLERS AID SOCIETY 2,805.34 171. SO 6,744.47 2,805.34 TOTAL . $146,814.21) 4 Red. 72 $146,814.26 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF CONCESSIONS AND ADMISSIONS EXPOSITION PERIOD Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-8 Gross Expense and Income Net Result DIRECTOR'S OFFICE $14,337.85 Payrolls $11,008.70 Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment 124.40 Miscellaneous General Expense 326.72 General Material and Supplies Secret Service 2,563.45 Sundry Entertainment 224.00 TOTAL DIRECTOR'S OFFICE $14,337.85 $14,337.85 DEPARTMENT OF CONCESSIONS: GENERAL OFFICE $45,940.64 Payrolls $33,135.29 Office Supplies and Expense 5,301.68 Furniture and Equipment 4,024.38 Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies 1 ,247.87 Auto Service 1,504.24 Secret Service 663.40 Postage 199.10 Legal Expense 130.00 Freight, Express and Drayage 45.80 SUPERVISION OF CASHIERS AND STILEMEN 36,127.83 Payrolls 15,508.33 Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment 22.50 Miscellaneous General Expense 24.53 General Material and Supplies 109.22 Secret Service 19,976.70 Legal Expense 205.60 CONCESSIONAIRES STOCK STORE EXPENSE "186.54 Gross $1,235.85 Payrolls 1,186.41 General Material and Supplies 49.45 Income Charges to Concessionaires for Service. ... 1,422.40 1,422.40 " NOTE. The Concessionaires Stock Store was maintained for the purpose of collecting the Exposition's Percentage from Concessions of a character that prevented the control and determination of sales as made by Concessions. 'Red. ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF CONCESSIONS AND ADMISSIONS EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-8 Cont'd. Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income CONCESSIONAIRES CASHIERS Gross Salaries Paid $174,147.34 $174,147.34 Net Result $1,015.41 Income Charges to Concessionaires $170,131.93 170,131.9:? NOTE. In order to assure its percentages, the Exposition itself collected the gross receipts of percentage Concessions and charged for the services of its collecting Cashiers. The net loss represents salaries of Relief Cashiers and of Cashiers held pending assignment in excess of the profits coming from charges to Concessionaires in excess of Salary Rates paid. CONCESSIONAIRES EQUIPMENT RENTAL *3,184.48 Gross I.S.H7 1.4.1 Miscellaneous General Expense 83.86 Freight, Express and Drayage 909.15 Equipment Rental 17,681.44 Income Concessionaires Equipment Charges to Concessionaires 21,858.93 21,858.93 XOTE. To facilitate the control of the gross receipts of Con- cessions, the Exposition rented to Concessions, and con- trolled, all cash registers and similar equipment. CASH COLLECTION EXPENSE 7,583.09 Gross 11,539.19 Payrolls 9,534.06 Office Supplies and Expense 118.67 M iscellaneous General Expense 321.38 General Material and Supplies 424.35 Equipment Rental 9.00 Auto Service 1,131.73 '. Income 3,956.10 Collections and Inspections 3,956.10 FREE SHOWS ON THE ZONE 4,099.48 Payrolls 213.73 Miscellaneous General Expense 410.20 General Material and Supplies 11.27 Sundry Entertainment 64.28 Contract Payments 3,400.00 DEPARTMENT OVERCASH 309.58 Net Overcash of Collecting Cashiers Shortages were charged to cashiers except in special circumstances, DEPARTMENT MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 1MJ.81 *572.39 TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF CONCESSIONS, $292,764.79 $197,941.75 S!M,s.':i.oi XOTE. Total cost equals 5.2% of total Concession Revenue of $1,830,331. (17. DEPARTMENT OF ADMISSION'S: ( IKXKRAL OKKICK $45,031.60 Payrolls $34,999.50 Office Supplies and Expense 3,197. :!7 Furniture and Equipment I .L' Miscellaneous General K\|ieMse > -~ General Material and Supplies lliv.lil Auti. Service ,. J,()lli.:!li Equipment Rental 1,4.11.110 VlmiM-inn* licfimilcil 137.7(1 . Office Kent 31.1.00 Postage. KK1.II . Kil.OO t. Express and Drayage 27. US 'Red. 74 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF CONCESSIONS AND ADMISSIONS EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-8 Cont'd. Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result OPERATION OF GATES 101,623.26 Gross Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies Secret Service I'liiforms Alterations and Repairs 92,723.45 23.57 58.63 459.31 9,720.35 839.68 129.92 Income Department Overcash Net Overcash of Gates Shortages were charged to Gatemen except in special circumstances. CAN COLLECTION EXPENSE Payrolls . Office Supplies and Expense Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies . Secret Service TICKETS, PASSES AND TOKENS 2,763.60 27.75 37.62 86.95 445.80 42,003.66 AUTOMATIC TURNSTILE CONTROL Payrolls General Material and Supplies 191.99 472.85 Income Photo Permits Miscellaneous Income (Permit Bureau Forfeit- ures, Sales of Miscellaneous Badges, etc.) . . . .$103,954.91 $2,331.65 2,331.65 3,361.72 42,003.66 664.84 25,757.25 2,081.98 *27 839.23 TOTAL DEPARTMENT ,OF ADMISSIONS, $195,046.73 $30,170.88 NOTE. Total cost equals 3.5% of Admission Revenue of $4,7 15,523.05, or .012c per paid admission. TOTAL DIVISION OF CONCESSIONS AND ADMISSIONS $502,149.37 $228,112.63 $164,875.85 $274,036.74 NOTE. Total cost equals 4.2% of total Concessions and Ad- missions Revenue of $6,545,854.72. DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-13 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result GENERAL OFFICE . $37,465.26 Payrolls $27,856.12 Office Supplies and Expense 1,985.11 Furniture and Equipment 170.85 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,534.72 General Material and Supplies 417.90 Auto Service 3,262.21 Contract Payments 675.84 Equipment Rental 600.00 Secret Service 381.40 Photo Supplies - 336.80 Postage 99.12 Team Hire 51.15 Legal Expense 51.00 Pamphlets and Booklets 23.40 Freight, Express and Drayage. 19.61 TOTAL GENERAL OFFICE $37,465.26 7,l(>5.2(> PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS *$919.53 Gross $1,209.50 Payrolls $942.17 Office Supplies and Expense 267.33 Income 2,129.00 Building Permits 34.50 Plumbing Permits '. 130.00 Plumbing Inspections 89.50 Sewer Permits and Connections 1,875.00 TOTAL PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS.. $1,209.50 $2,129.00 *$919.50 *Red. ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-13-Cont'd. Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result UTILITIES OFFICE $33,10I>.90 Payrolls $30,175.80 Office Supplies and Expense 78.11 Furniture and Equipment 19.35 Miscellaneous General Expense 456.18 General Material and Supplies 199.45 Auto Service 2,238.01 TOTAL UTILITIES OFFICE $33,166.90 $337600 OPERATION OF UTILITIES: Domestic Water Service $1 6,256.81 Gross $37,690.84 Payrolls $18,892.28 .'. . Outside Payrolls 316.00 Office Supplies and Expense 61.17 Furniture and Equipment 190.28 Miscellaneous General Expense 237.29 General Material and Supplies 9,192.21 Water Purchased 3,053.62 Contract Payments 2,424.50 Expense Presidio Water System 1,311.75 Auto Service 966.95 '. ' . Alterations and Repairs 501.46 Equipment Rental 448.00 Freight , Express and Drayage 55.70 Tools and Implements 39.63 406,444,000 gallons or 54,337,433 cubic feet. Income (Includes no departmental charges) 53,947.65 Domestic Water Service (Charges for Water) $52,597.01 Domestic Water Connection Charges 1,350.64 . 25,751,522 cubic feet, at 20 cents to 30 cents per 100. Salt Water Service *217.51 Gross 885.49 Payrolls 637.24 Miscellaneous General Expense 61.45 General Material and Supplies 186.80 Income (Includes no departmental charges) 1,103.00 Salt Water Connection Charges 35.00 Salt Water Service 1.068.0J Electric Service 46,131.46 Gross 394,640.79 ;.. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Apparatus 58,848.61 Payrolls 42,506.24 Office Supplies and Expense 157.98 Furniture and Equipment 239.07 Miscellaneous General Expense 628.93 Electric Energy Purchased 15,982,326 K.W.H., average .0172c 274,905.17 General Material and Supplies 8,983.44 Auto Service 4,534.79 Team Hire 1,859.70 Equipment Rental 1,228.17 Freight, Express and Drayage 649.17 Alterations and Repairs 66.45 Tools and Implements 33.07 Income (Includes no departmental charges) 5,882,906 K.W.H. sold Average .0572c 348,509.33 Electricity Flat Rate ! 29,055.97 Electricity Fixed Charges 90,127.11 Electricity Meter Rates 217,799.59 Electric Permits 679.00 Electric Inspections 4,459.50 Electric Connection Charges 6,388.16 Gas Service 46,340.79 Gross 131,440.75 Payrolls 3,614.40 Office Supplies and Expense 121.25 Miscellaneous General Expense 218.43 General Material and Supplies 11,332.20 Gas Purchased 118,208,300 cu. ft (.594 to .75 per M) 110,176.67 Contract Payments 3,415.76 Equipment Rental 2,447.54 Team Hire 114.50 Income (includes no departmental charges) 85,099.96 Gas Service (Charges for Gas) 92,085,704 cu. ft., (.80 to 1.00 per M) S_',.r>2.21 Gas Connection Charges 2,747.75 Red. ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-13 -Cont'd. Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result Steam Service $142.49 Gross $222.28 Miscellaneous General Expense $91.40 General Material and Supplies 130.8S Income Charges to Exhibitors $79.79 79.79 Crane Service 69.28 Gross 1,643.28 Outside Payrolls 909.85 General Material and Supplies 48.75 Equipment Rental 684.68 Income Charges to Exhibitors 1,574.00 1,574.00 Service Yard... 13,506.58 Gross 16,057.51 Payrolls 12,502.03 Office Supplies and Expenses 9.56 Furniture and Equipment 88,40 Miscellaneous General Expense 330.05 General Material 2,258.60 Auto Service 858.02 Freight, Express and Drayage 10.85 Income Charges to Exhibitors Machine Shop, etc., 2,550.93 2,550.93 Automobile Service 814.13 Gross 44,432.75 Payrolls 30,338.95 Office Supplies and Expense 121.99 Furniture and Equipment 45.32 Miscellaneous General Expense 599.47 General Material and Supplies 13,155.52 Equipment Rental 171.50 Income Automobile Service charged to Departments, 43,618.62 43,618.62 Refrigeration Service "1,398.61 Gross Material and Supplies. 71.07 71.07 Income Charges to Exhibitors 1,469.68 1,469.68 Telephone Service 15,373.78 Gross : 101,806.76 Telephone Service 47,773.85 2Kc for each call up to 1000; 2c for each call in excess of 1000 and not over 3000, and \yic for each call in excess of 3000. Telephone Pay Stations 22,143.64 Telephone Tolls 3,743.78 Exposition Service Board 28,145.49 Income (Includes no departmental charges) 86,432.98 Telephone Rental 23,006.69 Telephone Switches 807,422 calls, or .042 per call, 34,125.97 Telephone Pay Station Receipts 26,216.35 Telephone Connection Charges 1,676.36 Telephone Commissions 1,407.61 Discount on Utility Bills 5% for payment in 10 days *1 7,577.56 17,577.56 TOTAL OPERATION OF UTILITIES $728,891.52 $606,808.38 $122,083.14 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: General Office Expense 21,106.78 Payrolls 18,830.02 Office Supplies and Expense 88.23 Furniture and Equipment 255.08 Miscellaneous General Expense 136.15 General Material and Supplies 133.98 Auto Service 1,663.32 : *Red. ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-13 Cont'd. Exposition Buildings and Structures Gross Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense . General Material and Supplies. . . Alterations and Repairs Contract Payments Auto Service Freight, Express and Drayage. . . . Equipment Rental Detail Expenses Detail Iiu ir 98,000,111 669.30 2,223.66 2,046.27 22,380.05 2,565.73 l_MO(i.49 1,316.83 280.31 126.50 (Iniss Expense and Income 132,135.69 Ncl 129.2M.1I2 Income Janitor Service for Exhibitors. 2,853.77 Roads and Paths Payrolls Equipment Equipment Rental Miscellaneous General Expense. General Material and Supplies . Contract Payments Alterations and Repairs Auto Service. 53,765.48 834.16 1,221.10 S49.03 9,189.92 41,572.38 12,947.56 7,417.31 1-J7. 707.60 Sewers and Drains :..:;MI.2I Payrolls 4,401.49 Equipment 41.60 Miscellaneous General Expense 487.10 General Material and Supplies 450.02 Fences and Gates. . . :!.!IS7. Hi Payrolls 3,218.24 Miscellaneous General Expense 78.42 General Material and Supplies 690.80 Fountains and Pools !UI!t,0.~> Payrolls 6,401.56 Equipment 159.06 Equipment Rental 29.50 Miscellaneous General Expense 430.59 General Material and Supplies 2,107.19 Auto Service 291.75 Race Track, Drill Grounds, Polo and Ahtletic Fields . 'i..Y_".l..Y. Payrolls 6,394.52 Equipment 216.06 Miscellaneous General Expense 346.94 General Material and Supplies 787.35 ( '< utract Payments 1,784.72 Seawalls and Waterfront. . 2,030.68 Payrolls 1,002.72 Miscellaneous General Expense 41.80 General Material and Supplies 986.06 _. Display Lighting Features til .7110.33 Payrolls 50,489.90 Office Supplies and Expense !"> .10 Equipment L'.s.MO Miscellaneous General Expense 1 .200.46 General Material and Supplies 'J,o">7.83 Contract Paj ments -71 UK) Freight, Express and Drayage 85.63 Equipment Rental 0.7." Fireworks Display ">7, 137. ."il I 'ay mils 388.53 Miscellaneous General Expense I2.S.5 Material ami Supplies 2,901.99 Contract Payments "il, 104.14 120 Hi-nular Performances. I ."> Special Performances. Display Flags and Decorations l,s~."i.47 1'ayrolls 3,624.40 Miscellaneous (ieneral Expense -i s l .30 I .eneral Material and Supplies MiD.77 . . ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-13 -Cont'd. Detail Expenses Detail Income Gross Expense and Income Net Result Nursery and Gardens $86,066.83 Payrolls $47,146.41 Office Supplies and Expense 31.69 Miscellaneous General Expense 404.38 General Material and Supplies 1,834.82 Loam 1,782.80 Freight, Express and Draya?e 422.25 Team Hire 312.00 Contract Payments 3,163.77 Auto Service 96S.71 Honorarium to John McLaren 10,000.03 Cost per square yard of maintenance, .18j4c. . Garbage Service *3,503.84 Gross $17,762.21 Payrolls 2,608.98 Office Supplies and Expense 154.25 General Material and Supplies 2,461.59 Contract Payments 12,537.39 Income Charges to Exhibitors and Concessionaires, $21,266.05 21,266.05 Exposition Rubbish *2,308.57 Gross ;.,.' 9,679.60 Payrolls 9,530.50 Team Hire 149.10 Income Charges to Exhibitors, Concessionaires, etc., 11,988.17 11,938.17 14,774 tons of garbage and rubbish removed or 51.3 tons per day, at an average cost of $1.85 per ton. Si m-k Exhibit '. 6,890.88 Payrolls 1,870.19 Miscellaneous General Expense 409.13 ..-.:' General Material and Supplies 540.75 Contract Payments. 3,446.11 - Auto Service 489.70 Freight, Express and Drayage 135.00 Enlisted Men's Headquarters Entertainment 1,648.71 Office Supplies and Expense 24. 11 Furniture and Equipment 80.39 Miscellaneous General Expense 671.75 Gen?ral Material and Supplies 109.11 Sundry Entertainment 719.30 Advertising '. 25.15 Equipment Rental 18.90 Maintenance of Grounds Equipment 479.79 Payrolls 386.12 ! Miscellaneous General Expense 72.48 General Material and Supplies 21.19 Salvage Operation 3,975.29 Payrolls 3,036.27 Miscellaneous General Expense 428.28 General Material and Supplies 21.53 Advertising 302.50 Freight, Express and Drayage 186.71 Auditorium Operation 2,845.93 Gross. . . .' 19,243.93 Payrolls 15,776.80 Office Supplies and Expense 48.60 Furniture and Equipment 160.51 Miscellaneous General Expense 81.39 General Material and Supplies 1,4") 1. 13 Contract Payments 1,2 12..30 Alterations and Repairs 485.00 Red. 79 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E -Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenace of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-13 Cont'd. Income Rentals . Detail Expenses Detail Income 16,400.00 Gross Expense and Income 16,400.00 Net Result California Counties Building 9,671.49 Payrolls 6,186.07 Office Supplies and Expense 504.82 Furniture and Equipment 593.55 Miscellaneous General Expense 482.01 General Material and Supplies 611.30 Auto Service 849.48 Postage 254.51 Traveling Expense 112.40 Advertising 35.00 Photo Supplies . 28.10 Sundry Entertainment 14.25 TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS $570,911.60 $52,507.99 . . . . $518,403.61 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY: General Office 4.049.09 Payrolls 4,037.66 General Material and Supplies 1 1.43 Fire Protection . . 15,1()7. 1 J9 Payrolls 10,276.14 Office Supplies and Expense 58.45 Equipment 53.82 Miscellaneous General Expense 123.34 General Material and Supplies 912.16 Contract Payment* 3,078.38 Equipment Rental 547.50 Freight, Express and Drayage 57.50 Fire Companies .... V>.77 1 ._'_' Gross 91,160.19 Payrolls 84,423.56 Office Supplies and Expense 15.75 Furniture and Equipment 99.75 Miscellaneous General Expense . . . 75.37 General Material and Supplies 1,684.34 Equipment Rental 4,838.00 Freight, Express and Drayage 23.42 90 Fireman and Officers, liicoiiie Fire Alarm Installation and Extinguisher Rental 5,388.97 :,,:!ss.97 ..... High Prtssure Water Service Gross . Payrolls Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies Income High Pressure Water Connection Charges Outside Fire Alarm Installation and Extinguisher Rental . Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies. . . . 1 Equipment Equipment Rental 393.95 407.DJ 106.88 12!).].) 250.00 643.95 250.00 1,648.53 17.33 49.98 80.22 4,501.00 Sanitation and Hygiene Payrolls General Material and Supplies Hospital Supplies 1,953.60 389.08 39.38 Guide Service Grow Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment General Material and Supplies t'niforms. . 3,368.10 SO.U 164.35 420.00 391.80 4,403.40 1,145.06 Income Guide Service Service abandoned in March, 1915. 258.35 258.35 TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY.. $122,394.51 $5,897.32 $116,497.19 80 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-13 -Cont'd. SPECIAL ACCOUNTS: Sundry Outside Work Gross Payrolls Miscellaneous General Expense . . General M aterial and Supplies . Freight, Express and Drayage Alterations and Repairs Detail Expenses Detail Income $.5,684.74 498.88 3,634.32 442.00 262.53 Gross Expense and Income $10,522.47 Net Result *$2,313.89 Income Sundry Outside Work Service for Exhibitors, etc.. . Kiosk Maintenance 42592 General Material and Supplies 425.92 Loam ... - 1 34951 Gross 202935 Outside Payrolls 614.39 Miscellaneous General Expense 79.35 Contract Payments 986.86 Loam and Manure . 277.50 Team Hire 71.25 Income Loam sales to Foreign Commissions, etc. 679.84 ' 679 84 TOTAL SPECIAL ACCOUNTS $12,977.74 $13,516.20 '$538.46 TOTAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS, GROUNDS AND UTILI- TIES $1,507,017.03 $680,858.89 $826,158.14 EXPOSITION PERIOD EXPOSITION GUARDS Gross Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense . General Material and Supplies . . Secret Service Contract Payments Uniforms Auto Service Legal Expense Team Hire Traveling Expense Pamphlets and Booklets DIVISION OF WORKS Military Bureau and Exposition Guards Detail Expenses . Detail Income SCHEDULE E-U Gross Expense and Income $258,908.45 1,077.97 836.61 788.43 2,103.67 38,034.59 4,670.50 4,202.52 1,274.20 495.50 430.65 150.00 70.50 $313,043.59 Net Result $313,015.64 Income Guards' Fines . $27.95 27.95 MILITARY BUREAU Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense 443.95 89.28 533.23 TOTAL MILITARY BUREAU AND EXPO- SITION GUARDS ... $313,576.82 $27.95 $313,548.87 The guards service was orgainzed in December, 1913, and grew to 700 men by the opening of the Exposition; later this was reduced to 300. The members of this organization per- formed police and watch duty, patrolled the build ngs and grounds at all times, day and night, and in case of fire or disturbance, sent in such fire and police alarms as were necessary. In addition to the guards there were detectives and plain clothes men for the apprehension of suspicious characters and for prevention and detection of crime. Regular officers detailed from the United States Army were in command of the Guards and served without remuneration from the Exposition. 'Red. 81 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Emergency Hospital EXPOSITION PERIOD Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-16 Gross Expense and Income Net Result EMERGENCY HOSPITAL. Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense . General Material and Supplies Hospital Supplies Total cases handled during Exposition Period, 9,264. Number of patients retreated, 1,671. TOTAL EMERGENCY HOSPITAL.. $7,945.55 158.97 46.66 407.55 2,493.34 731.56 $11,782.53 $11,782.53 EXPOSITION PERIOD TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-17 Gross Expense and Income Net Hrsiili TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT, GENERAL OFFICE $8,13"). is Payrolls $6,267.11 Office Supplies and Expense 660.86 Furniture and Equipment 91.43 Miscellaneous General Expense 582.10 General Material and Supplies 68.41 Freight, Express and Drayage 38.18 Postage 427.09 EXPOSITION TERMINAL RAILWAY RAILWAY OPERATION 9,928.44 Gross. $65,572.35 Payrolls 14,361.90 Outside Payrolls 17,737.06 Office Supplies and Expense 432.76 Equipment 164.65 Miscellaneous General Expense 628.29 General Material and Supplies 1,515.93 Freight, Express and Drayage 19,493.69 Equipment Rental 8,402.73 Contract Payments 1,522.50 Cold Storage 646.80 Loss and Damage Claims 519.00 Postage 88.69 Team Hire ... 58.35 Income (Includes depirtmental charges) .V>,(> 13.91 Railway Freight Service $38,086.35 Equipment Rentals 46.50 Express Revenue 6,039.54 Special Delivery Service 1 1,471.52 STORAGE WAREHOUSE DEPARTMENT *3,205.00 Gross 5,402.28 Payrolls 4,938.56 Office Supplies and Expense Furniture :IIK| Equipment 45.80 Miscellaneous General Expense 51.67 Ii-inTiil M:iteriiil and Supplies 2.YI9 Equipment Rental KK).(K) Secret Servi.-e 212.!H Income Storage Service for Exhibitors, Concessionaires, etc 8,607. JS 8,607. '-'s EMPTY PACKAGE WAREHOUSE DEPARTMENT *7,879.74 OroM 3,631.67 Payrolls 3,496.17 . Miscellaneous General Expense 11.40 Equipment Rental 25.00 I ne, me Empty Package Storage Service for Exhibitors 11,411.:!! 11,411.31 'Heel. 82 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT EXPOSITION PERIOD WHAKF OPERATION Gross Payrolls Miscellaneous General Expanse. General Material and Supplies. . SCHEDULE E-17 Cont'd. Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result 950.75 1,53333 97.69 14.61 1,645.63 Income Wharfage Tolls. . . . 694.83 TOTAL TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT. . . $34,287.01 $76,357.38 $7,929.63 431 carloads of construction material and exhibits, inbound, and 273 carloads of exhibits and miscellaneous, outbound, were handled in Exposition Period. FOREIGN OFFICE AND COMMISSIONS EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-13 FOREIGN PARTICIPATION OFFICE Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result $16 531 88 Payrolls $10,590.25 Office Supplies and Expense . . . . 220.97 Furniture and Equipment 63.80 Miscellaneous General Expense 683.75 Traveling Expense . . ... 2,856.01 Freight , Express and Drayage 2,094.12 Postage 22.98 TOT AT, FOREIGN OFFTCF, ANT ) COMMTS SIOXS . $16,531.88 $16,531.88 SPECIAL EVENTS AND ATTRACTIONS EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-19 SPECIAL EVENTS, GENERAL OFFICE Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result $1702208 Payrolls $14,262.85 Office Supplies and Expense 339.94 Furniture and Equipment 159.05 Miscellaneous General Expense 293.51 General Material and Supplies 30.50 California Nativity Lists 1,405.70 Postage 335.01 Equipment Rental 100.00 Sundrv Entertainment 82.50 Freight, Express and Drayage . . 13.00 SPECIAL EVENTS DOWN TOWN TICKET OFFICE . 5 183 29 Payrolls 3,177.05 Office Supplies and Expense 9.20 Furniture and Equipment 377.94 Miscellaneous General Expense 269.10 ( mice Rent 1,35000 OPENING DAY FEBRUARY 20, 1915 20 272 19 Payrolls 11,999.42 Office Supplies and Expense 213.75 Miscellaneous General Expense 481.80 General Material and Supplies 5,342.22 Secret Service 1,266.10 Traveling Expense 833.40 Sundry Entertainment 57.50 Equipment Rental. . 7S.O!) ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E -Continued SPECIAL EVENTS AND ATTRACTIONS EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-19 -Cont'd.- Detail Expenses Detail Income Gross Expense and Income Net Result 60,407.!;'.' VA.NDERBILT CUP AND GRAND PRIX RACES Gross $117,357.1!) Payrolls $41,767.25 Office Supplies and Expense 298.98 Furniture and Equipment 2,774.07 Miscellaneous General Expense 982.58 General Material and Supplies 17,763.53 Contract Payments 22,640.55 Services Outside Representatives 3,490.77 Traveling Expense 2,646.75 Printing Tickets and Cards 1,304.30 Auto Hire 221.60 Prizes 16,000.00 Team Hire 2,898.62 Secret Service 2,201.30 Advertising 953.49 Equipment Rental 548.34 Pamphlets and Booklet* 393.50 Transportation of U. S. Troops 200.00 Box for Mrs. Vanderbilt 100.00 Alterations and Repairs . . 171.56 Income Grand Stand Boxes, etc 56,949.50 56,949.50 NOTE. Excessive cost resulted from postponement due to rain. POLO TOURNAMENT MABCH 16 TO MAY 1, 1915 $33,14li.S[) Gross... $49,922.05 Payrolls $7,599.39 Office Supplies and Expense 313.86 Equipment Rental 100.00 Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies 4,527.64 Freight, Express and Drayage 17,691.29 Traveling Expense 9,235.64 Polo Trophies 2,160.00 Polo Players' Expenses 1,399.67 Board of Grooms and Ponies. . .- 1,398.09 Advertising 1,073.88 Contract Payments 2,128.90 Expenses Outside Representatives 752.88 Tickets 300.00 Legal Expenses 225.00 Postage 110.00 Pamphlets and Booklets 87.50 Income Grand Stand and Boxes 16,775.25 16,775.25 MINIATURE AUTOMOBILE RACE MAT 8 TO MAY 16, AND MAY 20,1915 *808.87 Gross 752.07 Payrolls 83.07 General Material and Supplies Percentage of Gite Receipts, 652.50 Income Grand Stind 1,580.94 1,560.94 BALLOON RACE AND ALTITUDE FLIGHT JUNE 21, 1915 1,715.26 Outside Payrolls 101.11 General Material and Supplies 98.39 Advertising 266.80 Contract Payments 1,248.98 GOLF TOURNAMENTS MAY 22, 1915 '. :: 6,111.5". Cash Prizes, Cups, Trophies and Medals 6,111.55 FOURTH or JULY CELEBRATION 6,304.39 Outside Payrolls 649.87 Office Supplies and Expense Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies 2,OOS.44 Advertising 1,106.38 Prizes for Games and Races 1,100.00 Traveling Expense 750.00 Freight, Express and Drayaje 21.16 Red. ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued SPECIAL EVENTS AND ATTRACTIONS EXPOSITION PERIOD Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-19 Cont'd. Gross Expense and Income Net Result AUTO RACES JULY 10 '..... $*659.75 Gross $354.25 Payrolls .SJ7.25 Percentage of Gate Receipts 627.09 Income Grand Stand Boxes and Seats $1,314.00 I ..'!! I (I ) A i- TO RACES OCTOBER 16 and I~TH *659.52 'Gross 1,05.1. is Payrolls 42.95 Advertising 351.50 Percentage of Gate Receipts 631.03 Income Grand Stand Boxes and Seats 1,715.00 1,715.09 SA\ FRANCISCO DAY NOVEMBER 2, 1915 1 15,205.48 Payrolls 2,745.42' Office Supplies and Expense 160.62 Miscellaneous General Expense 682.14 General Material and Supplies 999.83 Advertising 3,016.14 Souvenir Tickets 2,085.00 Outside Employees and Ticket Sellers 1,276.91 ( iate Prizes 1,000.00 I )rcoration of Autos and Floats 854.90 Rent 300.00 Football Team 200.00 Model of "Monitor" 200.00 '.'.'. '. Norwegian Auxilliary Viking 190.00 Auto Service 188.20 Contract Payments 988.62 Secret Service 261.70 Traveling Expense 56.00 SPECIAL DAYS '. 83,268.32 Payrolls 42,176.53 Office Supplies and Expense. 1,463.02 Furniture and Equipment 1,031.20 .Miscellaneous General Expense 1,149.99 General Material and Supplies 9,935.80 . . . . ' Traveling Expense 13,567.54 Auto Service 4,813.67 Plaques, Medals and Trophies ' 6,001.45 Sundry Entertainment 1,396.65 Freight, Express and Drayage 403.26 Postage 473.49 ...'..'.'.'..'.'.'. Special Expense 365.00 Photo Supplies 251.26 Pamphlets and Booklets 152.50 Advertising 86.96 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL EVENTS 777 123,368.29 Gross $138,763.54 Payrolls 7,200.81 Office Supplies and Expense 695.60 Furniture and Equipment 150.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 4,016.35 General Material and Supplies . 4,440.15 Advertising 33,380.37 Contract Payments 16,141.97 Exposition Preservation League 8,000.00 Expense of Marine Corps Officers 2,584.48 Expenses of N. S. G. W 1,500.00 Expenses of Japanese Association 668.61 Expenses of San Francisco Hotel Company 706.32 Expenses of School Children 306.70 Expenses of Outside Representatives 1,324.50 Transportation of Dancers, Singers and Musicians. . . . 2,339.40 Carmel Pageant 833.40 Columbus Day 697.50 Fall of Babylon 2,180.65 Special Fire Works 1,200.00 Prizes, Medals and Loving Cups 1,734.25 Automobile Service 1,693.66 .' Costumes, Scenery and Decorations 753.25 Services of Dancers, Singers and Musicians 775.00 Art Smith, Aviation 27,380.00 Niles & Pettirossi, Aviation 16,228.50 Liberty Bell Expense 1,042.60 Traveling Expense 352.15 Sundry Entertainment 176.02 Si-cret Service 97.70 Books and Pamphlets 70.00 Freight, Express and Drayage !i:|i, t Income Miscellaneous Special Events (Grand Stand, Re- servt-d Scats. .- $15,395.25 15,395.2.1 *Hf>,l OK ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued SPECIAL EVENTS AND ATTRACTIONS EXPOSITION PERIOD CLOSING DAY Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies Closing Day Badges Advertising Contract Payments Printing Booklets and Folders "The Lights Go Out". . Building Floats Secret Service Dancers, Actors and Musicians Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-19 Cont'd. Gross Kxprnsr and 1,661.46 33.20 1,230.57 123.97 7,500.00 .!,04(U>L> 2,425.88 1,631.75 1,555.50 726.50 547.00 Net Result 20,4SL>.4 1 TOTAL SPECIAL EVENTS AND ATTRAC- TIONS... $484,069.56 $93,70!UU $390,35'. Ui2 MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES Music EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-20 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result Music DEPARTMENT GENERAL OFFICE 18,1)4 1 S7 Payrolls 13,556.77 Office Supplies and Expense 505. 13 Furniture and Equipment 332.19 Miscellaneous General Expense 190.63 General Material and Supplies 32.44 Rental of Music Library 3,500.00 Postage 672.82 Pamphlets and Booklets 06.00 Advertising 32.50 Rent 32.00 Freight, Express and Drayage .'. 24.39 FESTIVAL HALL CONCERTS AND ATTRACTIONS "10,423.91 Gross 61,202.11 Payrolls 8,401.19 Office Supplies and Expense . 41.08 Furniture and Equipment 90.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 568.49 General Material and Supplies 1,406.98 Contract Payments to Performers and Artists 41,343.03 Freight, Express and Drayage 1,595.18 Advertising 9,503.68 Pamphlets and Booklets 753.28 Care of Organ 300.00 Equipment Rental 155.00 Photo Supplies 44.20 Income 7 l.iil'ii.O-.' OlgaSteeb $40.50 Handel's Messiah 461.50 Stabat Mater 325.00 250 Voices 200.50 Helen Keller l.' 1 1.50 Creation ~> I.V50 Oakland Schools 1 5.1 .10 Marie Sloss 19.75 Edwin Markham 146.50 California Glee Club !IL'.2.5 Dr. Kingsley's Concert 2,344.80 Brahm's Requiem 233.25 La Loie Fuller 5,400.00 St.Saens !i.ii7L'.2.-> Chicago Sunday Evening Choir 75.75 Trojan Women 2,213.25 Vaudeville Show 400.00 Mormon Choir 3,772.25 Composers Concert N71I.OO German Saengerbund 440.25 Inisfail String Quartette Hili. 00 Flora Mora 100.50 ' J. Paderewski .">, 707.37 Damrosch Concert 1,273.25 Elijah 1,167.90 Fritz Kr.'isliT 2,018.90 Verdi Requiem . . L', I Hi. (10 Artists''crt 1,100.60 Oakland School Bund 90.10 \ ii-lor Herbert Cmiferts SlL'.li. 7 ) J.D.Harry I.eeture.s 1,281.25 Organ Recitals As |T analysis following 30,789.70 'Red. S6 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES Music Organ Recitals, Festival Hall EXPOSITION PERIOD MEMORANDUM ANALYSIS Organist Wallace Sabin Clarence Eddy Uda Waldrop J. P. Davis Robert Stevens L. H. Eaton Bayley Doane Fleissner St oddard Hastings Sissons Blakeley W. W. Carreith Frank W. Chace John J. McClellan Richard K. Biggs Frederick Chubb Sidney C. Durst F. W. Goodrich H. B. Jepson James T. Quarles Palmer Christian Albert D. Jordan Archibald T. Davison H. Hunt Geo. W. Andrews Samuel A. Baldwin Clarence Dickinson Charles Heinroth Ernest Kroeger William J. Gomph S. F. Musical Teachers' Association Doctor M. O'Connell J. Galloway D. R. Phillipi J. W. Andrews S. Salter T. T. Noble Lucien Becker James D. D. Comey H. Gregson W. L. Farnum Frank S. Adams H. L. Vibbard H. F Schenint Art Hyde W. C. McFarlane E. H. Lemare TOTAL . Number of Recitals 25 70 14 4 2 5 4 10 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 5 3 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 3 5 5 5 5 4 5 1 4 3 5 5 5 6 3 4 5 6 4 5 1 5 5 121 Attendance 8,239 65,858 4,883 519 305 877 414 1,412 173 171 139 116 619 16 1,153 3,725 1,120 1,515 1,337 1,525 1,261 1,228 831 1,123 1,674 805 1,716 1,872 2,118 2,291 1,857 1,793 956 1,894 1,282 2,658 2,342 4,025 6,291 1,649 2,821 1,948 3,520 3,167 3,021 321 2,024 1,137 149,968 Income 8823.85 6,585.85 488.25 129.75 76.25 219.25 103.50 353.00 43.25 42.75 34.75 29.00 61.90 1.60 115.25 372.50 112.00 151.50 133.70 152.50 126.10 122.80 83.10 112.30 167.40 80.50 171.60 187.20 211.80 229.10 185.70 179.30 95.60 189.40 128.20 265.80 234.20 402.50 629.10 164.90 282.10 194.80 352.00 316.70 302.10 32.10 202.40 113.70 14,996.80 406 301,709 $30,789.70 Music Continued EXPOSITION PERIOD EXPOSITION ORCHESTRA Gross Payrolls Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense Insurance on Music Library Contract Payments Freight, Express and Drayage Traveling Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-20 Cont'd. Gross Expense $168,709.12 451.00 26.75 337.50 251.40 161.61 148.35 and Income '$170,08573 Net Result $86,380.08 Income Exposition Orchestra Rental from Yellowstone Park Concession Exposition Orchestra Festival Hall OFFICIAL BAND Gross Contract Payments . 78,873.25 Income Reserved Seats (Discontinued) 83,705.65 $77,500.00 6,205.65 157.40 78,873.25 157.40 78,715.85 87 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E ^Continued MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES Music EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-2) Cont'd. ss Kxpense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income BAND CONCERTS MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE Payrolls 811 "') Equipment . 1 :i 1 00 Miscellaneous General Expense Material and Supplies Freight. Express and Drayage 23.90 Hi.26 634.60 Auto Service 440 'Hi Contract Payments lir,.()0 PAHKS' FRENCH BAND Gross .Vi 17s III Contract Payments Traveling Expense 18,651.69 4 400 00 Freight, Express and Drayage M scellaneous General Expense 338.75 27.6.') Income Festival Hall Concerts . . I '.-.> (Ill 1 '.-)> (Ill SOUSA'S BAND Gross Contract Payments ...... 54,000.00 54 Ollil) Income Festival Hall Concerts ! Ill I 75 1 19475 BOSTON BAND Contract Pavments 1 1 S49 98 CREATORS BAND Contract Payments 30,000.00 THAVIU'S BAND '- Contract Payments -'s.,-,53.00 Net Result 2,223.51 52,226.09 52,805.25 14,849.98 30,0011.11 ' CONWAY'S BANK Contract Payments -'4,53S.94 PHILIPPINE BAND Contract Pavnr-nts -M.-'47.50 _>4.247.5'( HAND Contract Paym ML!- 19,800.08 19,590.00 PF.I,. BAND Contract I'avmcnis X. (.(HI Ko-l ,N SVMI'IIOM I IIKM'IIV Outside Payrolls Miscellaneous General Kxpense U II l.ehy i Miscellaneous General Kxpense Income Boston Symphony Orchestra (Balance from \V. II Leahy i r - not handler! rlin-etly liv the Imposition Company. TOTVI. M|->|C 231.25 2,065.00 7..-.II S(Mi.(K) Ml. 7:1 $101.7 II,S'-' 2,303.75 806.00 1,497.78 1462,058.91 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES Conventions and Societies EXPOSITION PERIOD Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-21 Gross Expense and Income Net Result (.'OXVKXTIOXS AND SOCIETIES, GENERAL OFFICE $40 781.79 Payrolls $19,365.03 Office Supplies and Expense 2,037.04 Furniture and Equipment 221.20 Miscellaneous General Expense 1.0S1.45 General Material and Supplies 51.10 Pamphlets and Booklets , :..|J i.'.57 Postage 4,634.58 Traveling Expense 2,683.27 Sundry Entertainment '_'. \~t'2. 15 Telegraph and Cables 1,080.78 Clippings 386.76 Office Rent 311.50 Auty Service 341.60 Freight, Express and Drayage 361.85 Advertising 91.30 Photo Supplies 19.61 XURWEGIAN PARTICIPATION MUSICAL ORGANIZATION 4,598.33 4,598.33 WORLD'S INSURANCE CONGRESS 5,327.57 Payrolls 1,494.43 Office Supplies and Expense 847.62 Furniture and Equipment 477.00 Miscellaneous General Expense 411.87 General Material and Supplies 48.10 Postage 1,236.95 Pamphlets and Booklets 586.95 Photo Supplies 154.05 Office Rent 70.00 .'.. HOTEL BUREAU 6,335.70 Gross $15,736.78 Payrolls 9,025.23 ' Office Supplies and Expense 1,047.60 Furniture and Equipment 205.95 Miscellaneous General Expense 2,852.22 General Material and Supplies 4.75 Office Rent 1,880.91 Pamphlets and Booklets 200.00 Advertising 200.00 Postage 170.00 Traveling Expense 144.85 Freight, Express and Drayage 5.27 Income... 9,401.08 Hotel Bureau Subscriptions 8, 901. OS Hotel Bureau Sp3cial Incams Advertisements 503.00 . AMERICAN NEWSPAPER MEN'S DAY 2,717.06 Payrolls ; 55.89 Office Supplies and Expense 14.47 Miscellaneous General Expense 184.98 General Material and Supplies. . 20.41 Expense of Representatives 1,751.81 ' Advertising 401.00 Auto Service '. 288.50 CUBS DAY 3,442.41 Payrolls 111.00 Office Supplies and Expense 64.32 M isrellaneous General Expense 335.69 ... General Material and Supplies 919.91 Advertising 1,786.63 Expense Outside Representative 198.95 Freight, Express and Drayage 25.91 U ElSTEDFODD SOCIETY 13,82s. .'id Deficit in amount received from Welch Eistedfodd Society to pay competitive prizes guaranteed by Exposition Company 13,828.50 TOTAL CONVENTIONS AND SOCIETIES, $88,432.44 $9,401.08 $77,031.36 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES Reception EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-22 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result RECEPTION, GENERAL OFFICE $9,410.99 Payrolls $6,259.65 Office Supplies and Expense 349.51 Furniture and Equipment 15G.76 Miscellaneous General Expense Sundry Entertainment 1,500.00 Rent 625.35 Postage 210.96 MISCELLANEOUS ENTERTAINMENTS 22,039. Mi Payrolls 5,663.80 Office Supplies and Expense 116.17 Miscellaneous General Expense .' 100.85 General Material and Supplies 1,321.19 Sundry Entertainment 13,580.91 Expense Reception of Liberty Bell 5 1 (i.65 Postage 431.64 Auto Service 308.65 STATES ENTERTAINMENT 10,950.72 Payrolls 74.50 Office Supplies and Expense 1,068.05 Miscellaneous General Expense 240.80 General Material and Supplies 1,383.32 Sundry Entertainment 7,090.97 Postage 1,063.88 Photo Supplies 29.20 FOREIGN COUNTRIES ENTERTAINMENT. Miscellaneous General Expense. . . General Material and Supplies. . . . Sundry Entertainment Postage 325.70 409.55 2,872.88 179.78 3,787.91 TOTAL RECEPTION . $46,189.48 $4ti, 189.48 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES Official Coins and Medals EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-23 OFFICIAL COINS AND MEDALS DEPARTMENT 'NET) . Detail Expenses Detail Income $57,426.25 Gross Expense and Income Net Result *$57,426.25 MEMO: Expense Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Miscellaneous General Expense. . . Postage Equipment Furniture General Material and . Freight, Express and Drayage. . . . Secret Service Photo Supplies Advertising Design for Medal Design for $50.00 gold piece Design for gold dollar Steel Dies for Gold Dollar Silver for Medals Metal Frames for Coins Cases for Coins Material for Printing Engravings. Income Profit on Coins Profit on Medals Profit on Engravings . $7,464.53 1,173.1(1 969.75 705.99 669.19 474.40 334.25 316.79 42.10 17.60 13.95 1,000.00 800.00 600.00 200.00 688.51 500.00 43S.40 769.65 66,892.00 7,343.60 366.92 $17,170.27 74,602.52 NOTE. Metal for medals and plating, bronzing and gilding charged to Medals Stock Account. NOTE. For Post-Exposition Period report of Official Coins and Mrdals Department, see Schedule E-23, Post Period. TOTAL OFFICIAL COINS AND MEDALS. . $57,426.25 *$57,426.25 Record of Coins Half Dollar 60,000 34 One Dollar 25,034 34 Two and One-Half Dollar 10,017 17 Fifty Dollars Octagonal 1,509 9 Fifty ] Dollars Round 1,510 10 Coined Used for Assay Available 59,966 27,100 25,000 25,000 10,000 6,750 1,500 646 1,500 483 Disposed of by P.P.I.E Melted at Mint 32,866 3,250 854 1,017 lanahan of the Mint, 29,866 Half Dollars, silver, were the balance of the Half Dollars, and all the Gold Coins As per report of Superintendent SI melted September 7, 1916, and were melted October 30, 1916. Summary, Items and Number Sold Esposition and Post Exposition Period Half Dollars, Silver 27,100 One Dollar, Gold 25,000 Two and One-half Dallars, Gold. . . 6,750 Fifty Dollars, Gold, Octagonal . . 646 Fifty Dollars, Gold, Round 483 Medals, Bronze, all finishes 45,494 Medals, Silver 2,620 Engravings, Paper 14,599 Engravings, Silk 840 \\c t Profit. 91 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES Eastern Offices EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-24 EASTERN HEADQUARTERS Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Miscellaneous General Expense Office Rent Traveling Expense TOTAL EASTERN OFFICES ( Jross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Xei liesiilt $5,453.27 1,429.00 504.36 375.00 30.05 $5,453.27 $5,453.27 Special Activities EXPOSITION PERIOD ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT, GENERAL OFFICE. Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies Traveling Expense Sundry Entertainment Postage Auto Service Office Rent Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-25 Gross Expense and Income AMATEUR ATHLETIC VNION EVENTS Gross Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Miscellaneous General Expense. General Material and Supplies Track and Field Events International Boxing A. A. U. Boxing Swimming Wrestling Basket Ball Gymnastics Traveling Expense Advertising $2,201.2(1 921.87 216.45 731.39 156.00 357.65 285.10 147.53 109.40 90.00 Slili.20 24.00 562.75 17.40 8,183.18 2,685.30 2,421.00 1,503.75 1,445.00 .500.00 390.00 184.50 107.08 Net 1; $5,216.65 $18,090.1(i Income Grand Stand Boxes and Seats, etc $8,641.65 8,64 1.85 92 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES Special Activities EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-25 Cont'd. Detail Expenses Detail Income Gross Expense and Income Net Result FAR WESTERN ATHLETIC EVENTS 3,142.50 Gross 6,309.50 Payrolls 43.50 Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies Swimming Tournament 1,372.25 Track and Field Meet 357.85 Boxing Tournament 1 18.50 Prize Medals 360.00 Traveling Expense 3,2.30.00 Sundry Entertainment m 166.25 Advertising 238.50 Secret Service 21.00 Income Grand Stand Boxes and Seats, etc 3,167.00 3,167.00 MISCELLANEOUS ATHLETIC EVENTS ' 10,146.82 Gross . 13,736 73 Payrolls 59.85 Office Supplies and Expense 93.17 Furniture and Equipment 727.29 Miscellaneous General Expense 834.95 General Material and Supplies 430.66 Medals and Prizes 1,641.25 P. P. I. E. Boxing 3,030.16 Intercollegiate Teams 1,728.50 Army and Navy Events 983.75 Pacific Turn Bezirk 904.00 American Football 744.00 Scottish Day Games 639.70 Fly Casting Tournament 497.50 Marina Football Games 246.25 Hand Ball Tournament 218.00 Pacific Association Track and Field Meet 267.45 Press Lagoon Swim. 124.75 Weight Lifting 29.25 Modern Pentathlon 15.00 Advertising 326.25 Pamphlets and Booklets ' 120.00 Freight, Express and Drayage Sundry Entertainment 25.00 Income Grand Stand Boxes and Seats, etc 3,589.91 3,589.91 YACHTING BUREAU 5,550.52 Office Supplies and Expense 55.03 Miscellaneous General Expense 240.32 General Material and Supplies ' 28.12 Cash Prizes and Trophy Cups 4,198.50 Transportation of Motor Boats Hire of Launches and Floats 215.00 Pamphlets and Booklets 130.00 Freight, Express and Drayage 8.55 .... MARINE ENCAMPMENT 11,443.38 Payrolls 3,077.69 Office Supplies and Expense 111.42 Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies 923.44 Contract Payments 6,838.55 FONTANA WAREHOUSE (BARRACKS FOR VISITING MILITARY OR- GANIZATIONS) 23,874.41 Rent 4,961.76 Equipment 7,665.80 Alterations and Repairs 9,846.60 Payrolls 1,229.20 Miscellaneous General Expense 36.13 General Material and Supplies 134.92 Three floors, aggregating 74,000 sq. ft., with accommodations for 1,350 men and 85 officers. 93 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES EXPOSITION PERIOD CONCESSIONAIRES DAY Outside Payrolls Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies Advertising Special Activities SCHEDULE E-26-Cont'd. Detail Expenses Detail Income Gross Expense and Income 4,103.14 1,064.07 r>71.04 1,750.65 Net Result 7,488.90 TOTAL SPECIAL ACTIVITIES $91,710.25 $15,398.56 $70,3 11. 09 SPECIAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES Insurance EXPOSITION PERIOD INSURANCE Works of Art Accident Insurance Fidelity Bonds Fire Insurance on Buildings Vanderbilt Cup Race Hay Burglary and Holdup Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-27 Gross Expense and Income $01,335.74 43,316.96 2,450.70 2,016.51 71.10 68.75 137.63 Net Result $109,307.3!) TOTAL INSURANCE $109,397.39 1109,397.30 EXPOSITION PERIOD Interest on Mortgage Notes SCHEDULE E-28 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result INTEREST ON MORTGAGE NOTES $28,924.64 $28,92 I.e. I Interest subsequent to February 20, 1915, upon amounts bor- rowed in connection with Pre-Exposition financing. TOTAL INTEREST ON MORTGAGE NOTES, $28,924.64 $28,924.64 Special Activities and Miscellaneous Expenses EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-30 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result WOMAN'S BOARD $2,7!)s.ii'i Office Supplies and Expense $1,147.24 ... Miscellaneous General Expense 551.04 General Material and Supplies 542.65 Postage 505.53 Freight, Express and Drayage 52.23 INSIDE INN DAMAGE CLAIMS 47,148.89 47,1 KM. ADJUSTMENTS LAW SUITS AND OTHER CLAIMS 19,478.00 19,478.00 MISCELLANEOUS INJURIES AND DAMAGES 4,037. V) 4,037.85 SPECIAL Loss ACCOUNT 2,524.72 2,521.72 UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS 1,834.41 1,834. 1 1 MISCELLANEOUS INTEREST 209.19 'M).\',t MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES 178.37 178.37 TOTAL. $78,210.12 $78,210.12 94 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT D SALVAGE POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE D-l PIPING AND SEWERS ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PLANTS, TREES AND SHRUBS BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT REAL ESTATE CONCESSION BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT . . $26,523.73 158,882.48 17,462.31 319,669.56 90,712.18 304,585.87 860.40 TOTAL. . $918,696.53 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME AND ABATEMENTS GENERAL POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD MISCELLANEOUS INCOME AND ABATEMENTS GENERAL. Interest on Bank Deposits Interest on Liberty Bonds Miscellaneous Interest Received Interest on Special Deposits Miscellaneous Unclaimed Credits Profit on Sale of Liberty Bonds Interest on Certificates of Indebtedness Interest on Rincon Warehouse Co. Bonds Outstanding Checks Unclaimed Checks Miscellaneous Earnings Cashier's Short and Over Account SCHEDULE D-2 $42,876.22 33,356.61 5,747.54 , 5,506.76 3,109.29 691.25 617.63 273.00 258.74 76.31 42.10 #5.16 $92,550.29 TOTAL. $92,550.29 $92,550.29 ADMISSIONS REVENUE POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD Description No. of Special Term Ticket SCHEDULE D-3 Admissions No. of Paid Revenue Turnstile Admissions, December 5, 6 and 7, 1915 (50 cents) 4,263 $2,131.50 Turnstile Admissions, December 5, 6 and 7, 1915 (25 cents) 132 33.00 Turnstile Admissions, December 14 and 15 (50 cents) 3,498 1,749.00 Turnstile Admissions, December 14, 1915 (10 cents) 4 .40 Passenger Vehicles: Automobiles, December 5, 6, 7 and 8, 1915 ($1.00) 100 100.00 Adults, December 5, 6, 7 and 8, 1915 (50 cents) 185 92.50 Children, December 5, 1915 (25 cents) 4 1.00 Turnstile Admissions, (25 cents) 132,996 33,249.00 Turnstile Admissions (10 cents) 2,444 244.40 Turnstile Admissions (5 cents) 362 18.10 January, 1916, Commutation Tickets, P.E.P. 6 ($1.00) 306 306.00 January, 1916, Commutation Half Tickets, P.E.P. 6 (50 cents) 1 .50 Thirty Day Commutation Tickets P.E.P. 7 ($1.00) 427 427.00 Solicitors Term Permits, P.E.P.4 ($2.00) 14 28.00 Punch Outs Auto, P.O.I. P (50 cents) 3,588 1,794.00 Punch Outs Adults in Autos, P.O.l.P (25 cents) 14,818 3,704.50 Punch Outs Children in Autos, P.O.l.P (10 cents) 334 33.40 Exposition Preservation League, P.E.P.7 ($1.00) ' 431 431.00 TOTALS 1,179 162,728 $44,343.30 ATTENDANCE : Paid (as above) Free Including number of admissions on Spec. Term Tickets Return Fine Arts Free. Total Red. 162,728 611,980 67,783 46,438 888,929 95 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT D Continued RECAPITULATION OF CONCESSIONS REVENUE POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD Concessions Paying to the Concessions Paying to the Concessions Paying to the Concessions Paying to the Concessions Paying to the Concessions Paying to the Concessions Paying to the Concessions Paying to the Exposition 10% of Gross Receipts. . . Exposition 12J% of Gross Receipts. . Exposition 15% of Gross Receipts. . Exposition 20% of Gross Receipts . . Exposition 25% of Gross Receipts . . Exposition 33 y$ % of Gross Receipts Exposition 40% of Gross Receipts . . Exposition 100% of Gross Receipts. .. SCHEDULE D-4 Total Recorded Gross Receipts and Percentage as per details following : Payments by Concessions Operating on Flat Rate Basis TOTAL CONCESSION REVENUE... Gross Receipts of Percentage Exposition Concessionaires Percentage $1,171.15 $117.13 10.15 1.27 11,562.10 1,734.33 269.70 51.94 1,007.70 401.92 21.75 7.25 37480 149.80 141.00 141.00 815,148.05 $2,604.64 1,533.00 $1,137.64 STATEMENT OF CONCESSIONS REVENUE POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE D-4 Cont'd. Cone. Gross Receipts on Exposition Flat Total Cone. Concessionaire Concession No. Rate Percentage Basis Percentage Rates Revenue Panama Canal Exhibit Co. . Panama Canal 5 20% $96.00 $19.20 119.20 Battle of Gettysburg Co. . . Battle of Gettysburg 15 20% 1.50 .30 .80 Desmond Supply Co Roast Meats (Restaurant) 19 195.00 195.00 Amer. Oriental Cone. Co... . Novelty Dairy Lunches . . 21 m% 10.15 1.27 \.-27 James Young Young's Restaurant 24A 10% 149.80 14.98 . 14.98 Otto Muller Muller-Luxus Cafe 26 10% 603.95 60.40 . 80.40 C. E. Trezona Popcorn and Peanuts. . . . 31X 25.66 25.00 National Ice Cream Co. . . . Ice Cream 32 20% 62.45 12.49 . 12.49 Package Fruit Exchange . . . Fruits and Nuts 36 5.00 6.00 G. Albert Wahlgreen World's Fair Publications . 37 10% $399.80 474.80 58.74 68.74 25% 75.00 Fritz Muller & Sons Old Nurnberg 40 10% 17.60 1.76 L76 Amer. Oriental Cone. Co. . . Soft Drinks 48 15% 1.40 .21 .21 Cardinell-Vincent Co Official PostCards 60A 50.00 50.00 Inside Inn Hotel Co Inside Inn 63 15% 10,391.45 10,448.15 1,567.23 1,567.23 '- Special 15% 56.70 H. F. Darbier & R. F. Allen . Checking Privilege 72 25% 732.00 183.00 188.00 Crowley Launch ATugboat Co . Pleasure Craft 74 33^% 21.75 7.25 7.25 H. I,. Judell & Co . Smoke Shop 101 25.00 26.00 H. M. Edlin, Inc . Edlin's Creamery 114 15% 1.04 10.00 11.04 Fadgl Auto Train, Inc. . . . . Fadgl Auto Train 115A 781.25 19641 195.31 Novagem Jewel Co Novagem Jewels 121 15% 1,065.60 159.85 L59.86 Min. Motor Vehicle Co Electric Motor Vehicles . . 154 100.00 100.00 N. M. Vaughn .Stella 1(X) 25% 14.80 3.70 3.70 Expos. Wheel Chair Corp. . .WheelChairs 178 50.00 50.00 Utility Gas Appliance & Sales Co . Utility Gas (Restaurant) 193 70.00 70.00 Campbell, Smith & Price. . . Open Front Pit Show . . . . 222 25% 4.66 1.16 1.16 M. B. Ansol . Barber Shop 260 12.00 l-'.OI) B. Pasquale Co .Official Award Ribbons. . 378 100% 141.00 515.50 290.80 290.80 40% 374.50 Fine Arts Press . De Lux Cat. Fine Arts . . . 406 20% 99.75 19.95 19.98 F. J. Bhumjara . Indian Sec. Sales Priv. . . . 424 850.00 860.00 Allan H. Loughead . Loughead Hdyro Aeropl. . 465 15% 40.00 6.00 6.00 Miscellaneous 141.00 141.00 TOTAL.. ............................... $15,148.05 $2,604.64 $1,533.00 $4,137.64 M ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT D Continued RECAPITULATION OF CONCESSIONS REVENUE (By Classes or Concessions) POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE D-4 Cont'd. Gross Exposition Receipts Percentage Bonus Flat Rate sssn on Con- cessions 20.5% S.;V 8.3% 0.5% 3.7% 4.9% 15.7% 37.9% Total Revenue $850.00 347.33 343.41 24.36 156.00 202.56 646.75 1,567.23 Miscellaneous Sales Privilege . 10.6% $1,611.20 781.50 116.95 40.00 803.00 1,347.25 10,448.15 $232.33 115.00 Restaurants and Lunch Rooms. . . . 5.2% 78.41 26500 0.8% 2436 Rides and Amusements 0.2% 6.00 . . . 150.00 5.3% 202.56 8.9% 49375 15300 690% 1 56723 TOTAL 100.0% $15,148.05 $2,604.64 $1,533.00 100.0% 4,137.64 Name EXHIBIT PALACE SALES PRIVILEGE: Exposition Total Con. No. Percent. Gross Receipts Percentage Flat Rates Revenue .424 850.00 850.00 MISCELLANEOUS SALES PRIVILEGE: Popcorn and Peanuts . SIX 2500 2500 32 20% 6245 1249 1249 36 500 5 00 World's Fair Publications 37 10% $399.80 474.80 5874 5874 25% 75.00 Soft Drinks . 48 15% 1 40 21 21 Official Post Cards 60A 5000 5000 101 25 00 25 00 Edlin's Creamery 114 15% 695 1 04 1000 11 04 Xovagem Jewels 121 15% 1,065.60 159.85 159.85 1,611.20 232.33 115.00 347.33 RESTAURANTS AND LUNCH ROOMS: Roast Meats Desmond Supplv Co 19 19500 19500 Novelty Dairy Lunches 21 12*% 10 15 1 27 1 27 24 A 10% 14980 1498 14 98 Muller Luxus Cafe 26 10% 603.95 6040 6040 Old Xurnberg . . 40 10% 1760 1 76 1 76 I'tilitv Gas (Restaurant) 193 70.00 70.00 $781.50 $78.41 $265.00 $343.41 SHOWS AND SPECTACLES: Panama Canal 5 20% 9600 1920 19 20 Battle of Gettysburg 15 20% 1 50 30 30 Stella 160 25% 1480 3 70 3 70 Pit Show 222 25% 4.65 1.16 1.16 v 116.95 24.36 24.36 RIDES AND AMUSEMENTS: Electric Motor Vehicles . .154 10000 10000 Wheel Chairs 178 5000 5000 Loughead Hydro Aeroplane. 465 15% 40.00 6.00 6.00 40.00 (i.OO 150.00 155.00 TRANSPORTATION PRIVILEGES: 74 33|% $21 75 $725 $7 25 Fadgl Auto Train 115A 25% 781.25 195.31 195.31 803.00 202.56 202.56 MISCELLANEOUS: Checking Privilege 72 25% 73200 18300 183 00 260 1200 I 9 00 Official Award Ribbons 378 100% 141.00 515.50 290.80 29080 40% 374.50 406 20% 99 75 1995 1995 Miscellaneous 141.00 141.00 1,347.25 493.76 153.00 646.75 INSIDE INN: Inside Inn 63 15% 10 391 45 10 448 15 1 567 23 1 567 23 Special 15% 56.70 $10,448.15 $1,567.23 $1,567.23 97 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-l GENERAL OFFICE Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result $50 643 02 Payrolls $28,874.55 Office Supplies and Expense 1,016.25 883.33 General Material and Supplies .... 91.69 5,776.54 Medals, Diplomas, Gifts, etc 11,724.13 1,672.61 231.89 Sundry Entertainment 208.00 Freight Express and Drayage 144.73 Photo Supplies 13.30 Advertising 6.00 PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL EXPENSE : *20.92 Gross $284.73 Office Supplies and Expense 9.75 General Material and Suoolies . . 274.98 Income President's Special Expense Kitchen . $305.65 305.65 TOTAL $50,927.75 $305.65 850,622.10 HISTORIAN POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-2A Gross Expense and Income HISTORIAN . Net Hesult $69,063.10 Publication of History Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Miscellaneous General Expense. Photo Supplies Postage Traveling Expense t$50,000.00 18,037.90 226.62 408.07 152.18 32.67 205.66 TOTAL $69,063.10 $69,063.10 Red. fCollections from sale of History accounted subsequent to date hereof (Dec. 31, 1919) ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued COMPTROLLER POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-3 Gross Expense and Income Net Result GENERAL OFFICE $31,025.20 Payrolls $28,858.58 Office Supplies and Expense 480.57 > Miscellaneous General Expense 784.38 General Material and Supplies 217.85 Photo Supplies , 330.00 .' Freight, Express and Drayage 225.00 Postage 89.12 Secret Service 39.70 STORES OPERATION CLOSING COSTS 2,280.64 Store No. 2. 996.72 Store No. 3 811.39 Store No. 9 472.53 INTERDEPARTMENT MAIL SERVICE 1,995.25 Payrolls 1,953.88 Office Supplies and Expense 40.57 Postage .80 AUDIT AND SPECIAL ACCOUNTING SERVICE LESTER HERRICK & HERRICK 3,700.00 3,700.00 AUDITOR'S OFFICE 27,802.78 Payrolls 25,760.34 Office Supplies and Expense 1,108.45 Equipment 261.76 Miscellaneous General Expense 423.00 General Material and Supplies 57.94 Postage 171.29 Equipment Rental 20.00 CASHIER'S OFFICE 10,401.00 Payrolls 9,862.70 Office Supplies and Expense 313.80 ' 7 Equipment Rental 18.00 Postage 206.50 PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 2,002.99 Payrolls 1,798.00 Office Supplies and Expense 112.36 General Material and Supplies 20.33 Postage 72.30 TOTAL $79,207.86 . . . $79,207.86 99 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued LEGAL DEPARTMENT POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD Detail Expenses Detail Income CHEDULE E-4 Gross Expense and Income LEGAL DEPARTMENT Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies Office Rent .' Postage Photo Supplies Alterations and Repairs Revenue Stamps i . . . . Legal Expense Subscription Suits. . Legal Expense General Out -of -Town Collection Expense Contract Payments $18,910.35 5S.-i.77 215.87 170.59 1,554.69 95.73 16.66 6.40 135.44 3,825.85 1,494.58 1 ,OB2.3r, 50,750.00 Net Result $78,828.17 TOTAL. $78,828.17 S7S.S2S.17 DIVISION OF EXHIBITS POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-6 Gross Expense and Income Net Result DIRECTOR'S OFFICE $18,493.33 Payrolls , $16,362.09 Office Supplies and Expense '. 1,128.64 Miscellaneous General Expense 91.92 General Material and Supplies 10. 1 1 .... Freight, Express and Drayage 802.68 Postage 78.18 Photo Supplies 19.71 FINE ARTS... 2S.lW2.72 Payrolls '. 11,513.67 Outside Payrolls 917.15 Office Supplies and Expense Miscellaneous General Expense General Material and Supplies 1,089.24 Freight, Express and Drayage 7,297.67 Traveling Expense 3,853.60 De Luxe Catalogue 888.90 Contract Payments 628.40 Postage 229.03 Alterations and Repairs 615.47 FINE ARTS PICTURE SALES. . . *710.55 Gross - $4,372.24 Payrolls 1,019.45 Miscellaneous General Expense 542.90 General Material and Supplies 1-60 Freight, Express and Drayage 2,765.44 Photo Supplies 42.85 Income 5,082.79 Picture Sales 15% Selling Commission on Sales of $33,855.60 (188 Sales) $5,078.29 Matting and Framing .... 4.50 KINK ARTS CLOSING EXPENSE FOR EXPOSITION PERIOD SHOW, 3S.293.70 Payrolls 14,264.52 Freight, Express and Drayage 24,029.18 EDUCATION AND SOCIAL ECONOMY 802.74 Payrolls 590.95 Office Supplies and Expense tiii..i!l Miscellaneous General Expense l.'il.s.l Postage y 10 height, Express and Drayage r '.25 100 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD DIVISION OF EXHIBITS Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-6 Cont'd. Gross Expense and Income Xct Result LIBERAL ARTS 865.89 Payrolls 764.60 Office Supplies and Expense 10.13 Miscellaneous General Expense 7.50 Photo Supplies 78.36 Postage 5.30 MANUFACTURES (AND VARIED INDUSTRIES) 1,374.63 Payrolls , 1,009.60 Office Supplies and Expense 24.16 Miscellaneous General Expense 315.60 Postage 15.82 Freight, Express and Drayage 9.45 MACHINERY '. 510.30 Payrolls 496.24 Office Supplies and Expense 2.67 Freight , Express and Drayage 6.65 Postage 4.74 TRANSPORTATION 1,213.10 Payrolls 1,184.12 Office Supplies and Expense 7.43 Photo Supplies 16.24 Postage 5.31 AGRICULTURE (AND FOOD PRODUCTS) 637.30 Payrolls 607.25 Office Supplies 11.43 Miscellaneous General Expense 8.60 Postage 10.02 LIVESTOCK - '1,385.53 Payrolls 1,225.77 Office Supplies and Expense 16.55 Miscellaneous General Expense 55.51 General Material and Supplies '. 9.46 Postage 74.54 Photo Supplies 3.70 HORTICULTURE 773.65 Payrolls 748.40 Office Supplies and Expense 10.14 General Material and Supplies 3.82 Postage 10.29 Freight, Express and Drayage 1.00 MINES & METALLURGY 608.20 Payrolls 450.10 Office Supplies and Expense 20.63 General Material and Supplies 82.50 Freight, Express and Drayage 48.70 Postage ' 6.27 TOTAL $97,963.33 $5,082.79 $92,880.54 101 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF CONCESSIONS AND ADMISSIONS POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-8 Gross Expense DIRECTOR'S OFFICE Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result $745.30 Payrolls $742.80 - Miscellaneous General Expense 2 .->0 TOTAL DIRECTOR'S OFFICE $745 30 $745.30 DEPARTMENT OF CONCESSIONS GENERAL OFFICE $1,750.66 Payrolls $1,516.02 Office Supplies and Expense 38.01 General Material and Supplies 2 20 121 43 Freight, Express and Dray age 55 45 Postage 1755 DEPARTMENT MISCELLANEOUS INCOME $309.88 *309.88 TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF CONCESSIONS $1 750 66 $309 88 $1,440.78 DEPARTMENT OF ADMISSIONS GENERAL OFFICE 0,326.60 Payrolls $6 258 21 5421 Miscellaneous General Expense 678 Postage 565 Admissions Refunded 1 75 OPERATION OF GATES 10,952.06 Gross . . $11,092.86 Payrolls 10 749 91 11280 Equipment Rental 150 00 76 65 350 Income Department Overcash $140.80 140.80 TrcKETg, PASSES AND TOKENS 1 350.16 1,350.16 2750 *27.50 TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF ADMISSIONS $18 769 62 $168 30 $18,601.32 TOTAL DIVISION OF CONCESSIONS AND ADMISSIONS $21,265.58 $478.18 $20,787.40 DIVISION OF WORKS POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-10 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result, EXPOSISION AUDITORIUM: Exposition Auditorum Organ Installation $ll,9.iO..>0 Contract Payment* $1 1,930.50 Exposition Auditorium Acoustic Correction 1 1, 000.00 Contract Payment* 11,000.00 TOTAL ~ $22,930.50 $22,930.50 *Hcd. 102 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-13 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result GENERAL OFFICE $52,838.61 Payrolls $48,211.82 Office Supplies and Expense 1,444.42 Miscellaneous General Expense 349.63 General Material and Supplies 789.05 Contract Payments Louis Christian Mullgardt 1,000.00 Equipment Rental 415.00 Postage 253.58 Photo Supplies 215.59 Traveling Expense 104.03 Advertising " 55.49 TOTAL $52,838.61 $52,838.61 PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS $3 090 47 Payrolls $2,908.25 Office Supplies and Expense 3.48 General Material and Supplies 178.74 TOTAL PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS .... $3,090.47 $3,090.47 UTILITIES OFFICE $680073 Payrolls $6,726.64 ........./.'. .........'.'.. ' Office Supplies and Expense 9.17 Miscellaneous General Expense 40.51 General Material and Supplies 24.41 TOTAL UTILITIES OFFICE $6,800.73 $6,800.73 OPERATION OF UTILITIES: Domestic Water Service $4,594.87 Gross $7,512.66 Payrolls $5,952.59 Office Supplies and Expense 6.37 Miscellaneous General Expense 629.86 General Material and Supplies 308.35 Contract Payments 36.00 Water Purchased 579.49 .......... .^ ............ Income Domestic Water Service (Charges for Water) $2,917.79 2,917.79 Includes no departmental charges. Electric Service 15 713 32 Gross. . . . : '.'.'.'.'.''.','.'.'. 17 497.63 Payrolls 3,651.85 Miscellaneous General Expense 792.18 General Material and Suppl es 975.50 Alterations and Repairs 716.98 Team Hire 78.91 ' ........'..... ............ Freight, Express and Drayage 61.00 Electric Energy Purchased 11,221.21 Income Electricity Meter Rates 1,778.81 1,778.81 Includes no departmental charges. Gas Service 7,608.62 Gross 9,223.96 Payrolls 857.82 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,432.02 General Material and Supplies 275.89 Equipment Rental 255.08 Freight, Express and Drayage 45.00 Team Hire 38.10 Outside Payrolls 598.46 Gas Purchased 5,721.59 Income Gas Service (Charges for Gas) 1,615.34 1,615.34 Includes no departmental charges. Service Yard 6,536.13 Payrolls 2,750.45 Miscellaneous General Expense 56.82 General Material and Supplies 2,835.97 Alterations and Repairs 858.92 Tools and Implements 22.23 Equipment Rental 6.25 Freight, Express and Drayage 5.49 103 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenace of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-13 -Cont'd. Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Xet Result Transportation Service -. o. 178. 16 Gross. . . 12,OG!).();i Payrolls 6,956.28 Miscellaneous General Expense 2,535.45 General Material and Supplies 2,288.41 Equipment Rental 169.82 Team Hire 93.16 Alterations and Repairs 19. 10 Freight, Express and Drayage 6.84 Income Transportation Service 6,890.90 6,890.90 Telephone Sarvice 14,920.11 Gross... 15,963.35 Payrolls 5,583.43 Office Supplies and Expense 4.51 Miscellaneous General Expense 160.20 General Material and Supplies 43.78 Team Hire 9.76 Telephone Service 8,927.94 Telephone Tolls 1,233.73 Income Telephone Service 1,043.24 1,043.24 Includes no departmental charges. Miscellaneous Service 3,191.57 Gross 9,875.20 Payrolls 8,341.77 Miscellaneous General Expense 512.05 General Material and Supplies 43.23 Team Hire 577.20 Contract Payments 276.21 Freight, Express and Drayage 120.74 Equipment Rental 4.00 Income Miscellaneous Service 6,683.63 6,683.63 Includes no departmental charges. Discount on Utility Bills 5% for payment in 10 days *105.77 TOTAL OPERATION OF UTILITIES $78,677.99 $20,823.94 $57,854.05 Red. 104 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Operation and Maintenance of Buildings, Grounds and Utilities POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-13 Cont'd. Detail Expenses Detail Income Gross Expense and Income Net Result DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: General Office Expense $12,859.97 Payrolls 8,969.03 Office Supplies and Expense I. 132.89 Miscellaneous General Expense 424.91 General Material and Supplies 2,020.09 ' Contract Payments 559.52 Equipment Rental 416.68 Tools and Implements 126.88 Team Hire 121.88 Freight, Express and Drayage 88.09 California Counties Building 2,835.74 Payrolls. . 2,553.60 Office Supplies and Expense 63.57 Miscellaneous General Expense 59.05 Photo Supplies . 112.13 Postage 47.39 TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS $15,695.71 $15,695.71 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY: Fire Protection '. $57,750.92 Payrolls $49,606.69 . Miscellaneous General Expense 90.60 General Material and Supplies 768.94 Alterations and Repairs 356.44 Equipment Rental 6,909.65 Freight, Express and Drayage 18.60 TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY $57,750.92 $57,750.92 TOTAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS, GROUNDS AND UTILI- TIES $214,854.43 $20,823.94 $194,030.49 Military Bureau and Exposition Guards POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-14 Gross Expense and Income EXPOSITION GUARDS Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense Miscellaneous General Expense. General Material and Supplies. . Secret Service Equipment Rental Team Hire Photo Supplies Alterations and Repairs Freight, Express and Drayage . . . $70,303.85 177.75 95.72 425.21 6,884.04 1,332.00 78.05 31.75 20.15 4.14 Net Result $79,352.66 TOTAL. . . . $79,352.66 $79,352.66 105 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Emergency Hospital POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-15 Gross Expense and Income EMERGENCY HOSPITAL. Net Result $8,566.80 Payrolls Office Supplies and Expense. . . Miscellaneous General Expense. General Material and Supplies. . Hospital Supplies Freight, Express and Drayage . $6,739.47 12.80 575.72 1,023.41 212.66 2.74 Total cases handled during Post-Exposition Period 1,530 Patients retreated . . 58 TOTAL EMERGENCY HOSPITAL... $8,566.80 $8,566.80 Wrecking and Site Restoration POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-16 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result WRECKING OF BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS: Piping and Sewers. . . $l,40li.-_'H Payrolls $1,291.86 General Material and Supplies 85.32 Advertising 29.05 Electrical Distribution System and Mechanical Plant 28,612.73 Payrolls.. 23,519.01 Outside Payrolls 18.10 Miscellaneous General Expense 2,198.65 General Material and Supplies 1 ,093.96 Freight, Express and Drayage 1,252.42 Team Hire 138.38 Equipment 125.26 Contract Payments 119.72 Alterations and Repairs 77.41 Advertising 59.92 Photo Supplies 9.90 Plants, Trees and Shrubs 9,291.18 Payrolls 8,407.08 Office Supplies and Expense Miscellaneous General Expense 126.70 General Material and Supplies 600.06 Team Hire 77.72 Freight, Express and Drayage 66.37 Buildings pnd Improvements 205,484.33 Payrolls 139,029.55 Office Supplies and Expense 102.67 Miscellaneous General Expense 2,436.43 General Material and Supplies 2,352.17 Contract Payments Duncanson-Harrelson Co 37,171.42 Equipment Rentals 3,315.39 Team Hire 5,539.24 Freight, Express and Drayage 1,560.83 Advertising 1,042.52 Contract Payments 1,332.65 .... Tools and Implements 1,038.44 Alterations and Repairs 100.00 Traveling Expense 90.56 Photo Supplies 17.57 S. P. Track Material not returned... 10,354.89 106 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Wrecking and Site Restoration POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD Detail Expenses Detail Income SCHEDULE E-16 Cont'd. Gross Expense and Income Net Result Furniture and Equipment 15,042.80 Payrolls 13,404.86 Office Supplies and Expense : . . 09.02 Miscellaneous General Expense 686.31 General Material and Supplies 332.40 Freight, Express and Drayage 284.25 Advertis'ng 120.18 Team Hire : 90.76 Tools and Implements 55.02 TOTAL WRECKING OF BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS $259,837.27 $259,837.27 SITE RESTORATION: Filling Private Property .... . $53,295.36 Payrolls $10,119.09 Contract Payments 30,008.85 Fill 9,922.84 Team Hire 3,056.18 General Material and Supplies 48.40 Special Settlements 140.00 Grading Private Property 15,754.40 Payrolls 9,679.71 Team Hire 5,956.19 Surveying 118.50 Sidewalks Around Private Property 3,551.66 Payrolls 1,188.96 General Material and Supplies 2,295.19 Team Hire 67.51 Miscellaneous Restoration to Private Property 22,674.61 Payrolls '. 15,206.74 Miscellaneous General Expense 5,733.08 Team Hire 955.32 ' Title Reports 645.00 General Material and Supplies 134.47 Miscellaneous Restoration to Private Property Site Rentals and Taxes 8,075.35 Site Rentals 7,566.42 Taxes 508.93 Filling Federal Government Lands -. . . 462.94 Payrolls 230.94 Fill 174.75 Team Hire 57.25 Grading Federal Government Lands 206.13 Payrolls 116.33 Team Hire 89.80 Sewers and Water Pipes on Federal Government Lands . . . 429.34 Payrolls 251.37 . General Material and Supplies 171.98 Miscellaneous General Expense 5.99 Roads on Federal Government Lands 1,707 31 Payrolls 1,287.67 Team Hire 272.08 Equipment Rental 106.44 General Material and Supplies 41.12 Fences on Federal Government Lands 1,466 13 Payrolls 821.36 General Material and Supplies 601.45 Team Hire 43.32 107 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Wrecking and Site Restoration POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-16 Cont'd. Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result MISCELLANEOUS RESTORATION TO GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. ... 2.679.10 Payrolls 1,479.42 Contract Payments 1,058.00 General Material and Supplies 90.65 Team Hire 40.05 Freight, Express and Drayage 10.98 FILLING CITY STREETS Payrolls . . 16,423.29 Team Hire 6,200.90 Fill 1,381.10 GRADING CITY STREETS "' '' ' JS Payrolls 1,816.05 Team Hire 1,300.93 General Material and Supplies '.'-.'.. 29.00 SEWERS IN CITY STREETS Payrolls. . 670.28 18.29 PAVING AND CURBS IN CITY STREETS sm.s ; Miscellaneous General Expense Freight, Express and Drayage Team Hire 22.34 108 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued DIVISION OF WORKS Wrecking and Site Restoration POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD RESTORATION OF POWER LINES OF SIERRA & SAN FRANCISCO POWER Co RESTORATION OF RAILS AND EQUIPMENT OF S. P. Co RESTORATION OF MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT. . RESTORATION OF POWER LINES CITY ELECTRIC Co. (GREAT WESTERN POWER Co.) Detail Expenses Detail Income 148.60 SCHEDULE E-16 Cont'd. Gross Expense and Income 2,713.12 2,057.10 890.00 Net Result 148.60 2,713.12 2,057.10 890.00 TOTAL SITE RESTORATION EXPENSE.. $201.736,80 $201,736.80 TOTAL WRECKING AND SITE RESTORA- TION. $461,574.07 $461,574.07 TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-17 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT, GENERAL OFFICE $4 066 62 Payrolls $3,865.74 '....'. Office Supplies and Expense 36.02 Miscellaneous General Expense 20.57 General Material and Supplies 22.67 Postage 121.62 '.'.'. .....'..'..'..'. EXPOSITION TERMINAL RAILWAY RAILWAY OPERATION 9 3(59 gg Gross $63,93371 Payrolls $10,411.34 Outside Payrolls ; . 17,133.90 - Office Supplies and Expense 455.32 Miscellaneous General Expense 1,679.73 General Material and Supplies 1,942.51 Freight, Express and Drayage 26,161.14 Equipment Rental 5,941.88 Team Hire 181.21 Secret Service 78.57 Equipment 31.00 Contract Payments 10.84 Postage 4.77 Sundry Charges *98.50 Income (Includes departmental charges) 54,563.75 Railway Freight Service $45,506.86 Equipment Rental 14.50 Express Revenue 2,270.92 . . ........... Special Delivery Service 6,771.47 STORAGE WAREHOUSE DEPARTMENT ... *137 63 Gross "75.00 .'. Miscellaneous General Expense 50.00 Equipment Rental 25.00 ' .'....'..,'.'.. Income Storage Service for Exhibitors, Concessionaires, etc... 212.63 212.63 EMPTY PACKAGE WAREHOUSE DEPARTMENT 4 922 9" Gross Payrolls 4,932.67 4,932.67 Income Empty Package Storage Service for Exhibitors . . 9.70 9.70 WHARF OPERATION 151 49 Gross Payrolls 335.31 335.31 . Income Wharfage Tolls 183.82 183.82 TOTAL TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT $73,343.31 $54,969.90 $18,373.41 1,420 carloads of outbound exhibits and miscellaneous were handled in Post-Exposition Period. Red, 109 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued SPECIAL EVENTS AND ATTRACTIONS POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-19 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Xci Result CHRISTMAS DAY 1915 $1,519.66 Payrolls $375.09 Miscellaneous General Expense 351.35 General Material and Supplies 523.97 Music. , 229.00 Advertising 37.50 Team Hire 2.75 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL EVENTS " 2,421.12 Payrolls 186.17 Office Supplies and Expense 6.15 Miscellaneous General Expense 87.55 General Material and Supplies 56.25 Cassassa's Band 585.00 Art Smith Flights 1,500.00 SPECIAL DAYS CLOSING EXPENSE 601.07 001.07 EXPOSITION PRESERVATION DAY ONE YEAR AFTER FEB- RUARY 20, 1916 Mi:.58 Admissions Refund to Exposition Preservation League . . . 8,990.40 Freight, Express and Drayage 17.91 Charges to Exposition Preservation League for costs of labor, teams, etc * 374.73 TOTAL SPECIAL EVENTS AND ATTRAC- TIONS $13,175.43 $13,17.-..!:; Red. 110 ANALYSIS OF STATEMENT E Continued MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-21 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result CONVENTIONS AND SOCIETIES, GENERAL OFFICE $4,107.19 Payrolls $3,796.74 Office Supplies and Expense 137.91 Miscellaneous General Expense 7.16 . . '. Postage 117.53 Clippings 47.85 TOTALS-CONVENTIONS AND SOCIETIES. . $4,107.19 $4,107.19 Official Coins and Medals POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-23 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result OFFICIAL COINS AND MEDALS DEPARTMENT (NET) $8,128.84 *$8,128.84 MEMO: Expense $11,138.67 Payrolls $4,627.43 Postage 877.92 General Material and Supplies .... 353.45 Office Supplies and Expense 230.25 Miscellaneous General Expense 220.89 Freight, Express and Drayage 108.34 Commissions Farran Zerbe 4,720.39 Income 19,267.51 Profit on Coins 17,295.52 Profit on Medals 1,673.19 Profit on Engravings 298.80 NOTE. For Exposition Period Report of Official Coins and Medals Department, see Schedule E-23, Exposition Period. TOTAL $8,128.84 *$8,128.84 SPECIAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES Insurance POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-27 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result INSURANCE $41,572.26 General Liability $22,146.25 Compensation 10,241.10 Works of Art 5,925.59 Fire Insurance on Buildings 3 110.37 Fidelity Bonds 148.95 TOTAL $41,572.26 $41,572.26 Special Activities and Miscellaneous Expenses POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD SCHEDULE E-30 Gross Expense Detail Expenses Detail Income and Income Net Result MISCELLANEOUS INJURIES AND DAMAGES $666.25 $666.25 SPECIAL Loss ACCOUNT 16.00 16.00 UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS 2,525.86 2,525.86 INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS 10.00 10.00 DISCOUNT ON NOTES AND Loss ON SALE OF SECURITIES IN CON- NECTION WITH SUBSCRIPTION ACCOUNTS 940.00 940.00 ADJUSTMENTS, LAW SUITS AND OTHER CLAIMS 600.00 600.00 TOTAL $4,758.11 $4,758.11 *Net Profit. Ill YE 074o COQfl734340 47881H) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY