b f . '* WITH A SPECIAL CHAPTER ON THE FERNS -ROUND LONDON. BY FRANCIS GEORGE HEATH, EDITOR OF THE NEW EDITION OF GILPIN'S "FOREST SCENERY"; Author of " The Fern Portfolio" " Autumnal Leaves," " Tree Gossip, " The Fern World" "My Garden Wild," "Our Woodland Trees," "Sylvan Spring," " The Fern Paradise," " Burnhair. Beeches" " Trees and Ferns," " Peasant Life," " The English Peasantry," ILLUSTRATED. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COMMITTEE OF GENERAL LITERATURE ANU EDUCATION APPOINTED BY THE SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. LONDON : SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE, NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE, CHARING CROSS, W.C. ; 43, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.C. ; 26, ST. GEORGE'S PLACE, HYDE PARK CORNER, s.w. BRIGHTON: 135, NORTH STREET. NEW YORK: E. & J. B. YOUNG & CO. 1885. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONTENTS, The Illustrations ... ... ... ... page v I. Explanatory ... I II. Definitions of Terms 4 III. Fern Habitats 19 IV. On the Cultivation of Ferns 45 V. The Bracken (Pteris aquilina} ... 50 VI. The Hartstongue (Scolopendrium -vulgare) ... ... 52 VII. The Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-fcemina) 56 VIII. The Hard Fern (Blechnum spicanf) 58 IX. The Royal Fern (Osmunda regalis) ... ... ... 62 X. The True Maidenhair (Adiantum capilhts-veneris) ... 66 XI. The Annual Maidenhair (Gymnogramma leptophylla) 70 XII. The Mountain Parsley Fern (Allosorus crispus) ... 72 XIII. The Bristle Fern ( Triclwmanes radicans) ... ... 76 XIV. The Moonwort (Botrychium lunaria) ... ... ... 79 XV. The Adders-tongue (Ophioglossitm vulgatuni) ... 80 XVI. The Little Adders-tongue (Ophioglossum lusitanicum} 81 XVII. The Common Polypody (Polypodium vulgare) ... 82 XVIII. The Mountain Polypody (Polypodium'phegopteris) ... 84 XIX. The Three-branched Polypody (Polypodium dryo- pteris) 86 XX. The Limestone Polypody (Polypodium calcareum) ... 87 XXI. The Alpine Polypody (Polypodium alpestre) 89 XXII. The Hard Prickly Shield Fern (Polystichum aculeatuni) 90 XXIII. The Soft Prickly Shield Fern (Polystichum angulare) 92 XXIV. The Holly Fern (Polystichum lonchitis) 93 XXV. The Brittle Bladder Fern (Cystopteris fragilis) ... 95 XXVI. The Alpine Bladder Fern (Cystopteris regia) 97 B 2 2091 o iv CONTENTS. XXVII. The Mountain Bladder Fern (Cystopteris man- tana} page 98 XXVIII. The Oblong Woodsia ( Woodsia ilvensis) 99 XXIX. The Alpine Woodsia ( Woodsia alpind) IOO XXX. The Male Fern (Lastrea filix-mas) 102 XXXI. The Broad Buckler Fern (Lastrea dilatata) ... 103 XXXII, The Hay-scented Buckler Fern (Lastrea recurva) 105 XXXIII. The Rigid Buckler Fern (Lastrea rigida) 107 XXXIV. The Crested Buckler Fern (Lastrea cristata) ... 108 XXXV. The Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern (Lastrea spinu- losa) 110 XXXVI. The Mountain Buckler Fem (Lastrea montana)... in XXXVII. The Marsh Buckler Fem (Lastrea tkelypteris) ... 113 XXXVIII. The Forked Spleenwort (Asplenium septentrionale) 114 XXXIX. The Alternate Spleenwort (Asplenium germanicuni) 116 XL. The Rue-leaved Spleenwort (Asplenium ruta- muraria) ... ... ... ... ... ... 117 XLI. The Black Maidenhair Spleenwort (Asplenium adiantum-nigrum ... ... ... ... ... 119 XLII. The Lanceolate Spleenwort (Asplenium lanceo- latum) ... ... ... ... 121 XLIII. The Rock Spleenwort (Asplenium fontajiuni) ... 123 XLIV. The Green Spleenwort (Asplenium viride) ... 124 XLV. The Common Maidenhair Spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes) ... ... ... ... ... 126 XLVI. The Sea Spleenwort (Asplenium marinum) ... 128 XLVII. The Scaly Spleenwort (Asplenium ceterach) ... 130 XLVIII. The Tunbridge Filmy Fern (Hymenophyllum tunbridgense) ... ... ... ... ... 132 XLIX. The One-sided Filmy Fern (Hymenophyllum unilaterale] ... ... ... ... ... ... 134 L. Ferns round London ... ... ... 137 INDEX' 149 THE ILLUSTRATIONS, ILLUSTRATIONS of all the species of British Ferns are included in this volume; and British Ferns, it must be remembered, include species which comprise a not inconsiderable portion of those to be found in many other parts of the world than the British Islands. The illustrations of these Ferns have been reduced from the outlines which form the basis of the coloured figures of " THE FERN PORTFOLIO," to which work this little pocket-book is intended to be a companion. The high praise which the Press has bestowed upon both the design and execution of the facsimile illustra- tions of " THE FERN PORTFOLIO " may be allowed, the Author trusts, to bespeak commendation for the very carefully made reductions from those illustrations photographically accurate and true in all but colour included in " WHERE TO FIND FERNS." The figures in this volume are a little less than one-third natural size. To prove the accuracy of the photographic reductions of the figures, readers are invited to compare them, by the aid of a pocket magnifying-glass, with those of " THE FERN PORTFOLIO." The same process will enable the reader to discover any points of detail that, appearing in the accompanying descriptions in the text, IV THE ILLUSTRATIONS. may not readily be discerned by the unaided eye in the . figures. Illustrations are also given in the chapter entitled " Definitions of Terms," and will, it is believed, add force and clearness to the explanations of that chapter. But a feature of this little volume, which the Author believes is quite new to Fern literature, is the illustration of the chapter on " Fern Habitats." That so especial a feature of " WHERE TO FIND FERNS " will be widely appreciated by lovers of the beautiful plants which form its subject, the Author confidently believes. It is unusual for the author of a book to say anything about its price; but in this instance the price of the volume has been a careful subject of study, with the object of widely increasing the love for a recreation whose pursuit must exercise a wholesome and healthy influence upon the public mind an influence which, at once purifying and elevating, is calculated to raise the thoughts to better things, leading the mind from a contemplation of the beauty of Nature to the great Giver of all good things. The price, therefore, of the volume, bound in cloth, is fixed at EIGHTEENPENCE ; and as in this respect it stands alone amongst books of its kind, only a very large sale can make its issue remunerative. LONDON, May, 1885. WHERE TO FIND FERNS. I. EXPLANATORY. HE title of this little work will indicate its object. But some slight explanation of its espe- cial aim is necessary. It is intended to be a pocket volume. It will not attempt to super- sede larger and more detailed and descriptive fern-books. Yet, though it will assume on the part of its readers some general knowledge of the beautiful flowerless plants which form its subject, it will, for con- venience-sake, give de- scriptive, or rather de- finitive, notes of the ferns whose habitats it will indicate. Already, in such works as " THE FERN PORT- FOLIO," " THE FERN PARADISE," and "THE FERN WORLD," the Author has given descriptive ac- counts, accompanied by coloured and other illustra- 2 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. tions, of all the species of British ferns ; and to go over again the ground thus occupied and occupied, too, by other writers would be unnecessary, and it would be also impossible, obviously, to give either the elaborate illustration or the information in those works within the space of the present one, which is merely intended to supply, within the narrowest possible limits, indications of the habitats and of the distribution throughout the country of our British ferns. The Author is unaware of the existence of any similar volume with just the aim of this one ; and hence its raison-ffetre. Fern-hunting, to lovers of ferns, is one of the most delightful of pastimes. It gives zest to any country walk, because it adds the attraction of a hobby to the pleasure of being out of doors. Life, in the present age, is far too sedentary, and there exists too EXPLANATORY. "3 great a tendency to sit in rooms with closed doors and windows. Some people seem almost to dread air in motion, and they become, in time, so little used to it that, at length, the body itself is brought into a morbid state, currents of air become " draughts," and cold and illness are the result. The air is the best friend we have, and in seeking outdoor pastimes in the country we obtain it in its best and purest form. The seeker after ferns must ride his hobby into the wildest and most out- of-the-way districts (page 2), and into the most delicious nooks of greenery must climb hills, wind through valleys, plunge into woods, follow the course of streams, search rocks, hedgebanks, and forest-clumps, examine old walls and tree-forks, and look everywhere, in short, where green life has a chance of existence. But many persons who have a general knowledge of ferns do not know the particular places in which the various species should be looked for ; and it would require the exercise of a very unusual memory to remember the particular districts over which the various species are distributed, or from which certain of the commoner kinds are excluded. To supply such data in a concise form under the name of each fern, after first giving illustrated "Definitions of Terms," an illustrated chapter on " Fern Habitats," and a chapter on " The Cultivation of Ferns," is the especial purpose of this little volume. There will follow a special chapter on the " Ferns round London," and an alphabetical index of the particular localities mentioned in the other sections of the book, WHERE TO FIND FERNS. II. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS. O render unnecessary the repetition of explanations of the meaning of the botanical terms used in the description of the parts of ferns, the definition of such terms as are used in this volume will be here given. The list will be as short as possible, because generally the simplest and least technical expressions will be used, and botanical terms will only be resorted to when they indicate what could only otherwise be conveyed by several words. By reading this short chapter once or twice the uninitiated will, therefore, be readily able to understand all that is said in the succeeding chapters, and will not find themselves involved as they would were nothing but technical terms employed in the mazes of a new language. Ferns, as most of our readers will scarcely need to be reminded, are flowerless plants, allied to funguses, lichens, liverworts, mosses, and seaweeds, but standing higher than those orders in the scale of vegetation. Their more immediate allies are plants of the following orders : Equisetacece (Horsetails) ; Lycopodiacece (Club- mosses) and Marsileacece (Pepperworts). All these plants belong to the large class designated, in the botanical arrangement of the vegetable kingdom, Cryptogamia so designated because the fructification, produced without the agency of flowers, is more or less concealed by being borne on the backs or edges of their leafy parts. DEFINITIONS OP TERMS. Here is a portion the under side of one of the pinna (or branches) of the Broad Buckler Fern (Lastrea dilatata) showing conspicuously the fruit scattered like small spots on its surface. To see this fruit when present, the ^* \ _ V f *'..V /'//% T7 ^L A fronds of a growing plant would have to be turned up to the light. Like other plants, ferns consist of three principal parts roots, stems, and leafy farts. The accompanying WHERE TO FIND FERNS. figure of the Scaly Spleenwort (Asplenium ceteracK) illus- trates the parts just mentioned. These, with their sub- divisions and the organs or appendages connected with them, will be described as follows, DEFINITIONS OF TERMS. All ferns have roots which are more or less fibrous ; being sometimes very fine, tough, and wiry, and some- times thick, brittle, and fleshy. The finer fibrous roots may be illustrated by those of the Scaly Spleenwort ; the thick, brittle, and fleshy ones by those figured in the sketch, on this page, of the Moonwort (Botrychium 8 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. lunarid). To get this figure, which is life-size, into our page, it is shown in two parts, the roots and part of the stem or stipes on the right-hand side, and the remainder 'of the stem (from the point of severance) and the barren and fertile fronds on the left-hand side. The stems of ferns are of two principal kinds. The one kind is ordinarily called a caudex or wrmus, the other a rhizoma. Strictly speaking, the caudex simply means the stem, of whatever kind. Many persons erroneously regard that part of a stem which is wholly or partially buried in the earth as a root. As even botanists give various and conflicting definitions of the parts of plants which are either roots or stems, it will be desirable, in this place, to make it clear in what sense the terms employed in the following chapters are used in relation to ferns. When roots are referred to, it will be understood that the expression has reference, solely, to the fibrous under- ground parts of ferns, such as that shown in the figure of the Scaly Spleenwort (page 6). The rootstock is the basal part of the stem from which, growing downwards, the roots spring. The upper part of the stem is called the crown. From this arise the leafy parts of ferns. If the stem be more or less globular, bulb-shaped, and erect in habit, it is said to be a cormus. If it lies or creeps horizontally upon, or underneath, the soil, it is called a rhizoma. The form and appearance of the rhizoma are shown in the figure, on page 9, of that very beautiful fern, the European Bristle Fern (Trichomanes radicans). In this figure the creeping stem is distinctly indicated, with its fibrous rootlets, together with one completely expanded, and three unrolling fronds underneath. The rhizoma, as the illustration also shows, is clothed with dark-coloured hair or down. Few of our native ferns have stems which rise more DEFINITIONS OF TERMS. than an inch or two above ground. When a stem rises to a height of many feet -above the ground it forms a trunk, becomes tree-like, and ferns of this habit are called tree- ferns. The elongation of a stem to form a trunk is a process accomplished by the heightening of the crown of the cormus by the retention, each year, of the bases of the fronds which rise above it in a circlet. The older the fern, therefore, the higher, up to a certain limit, will 10 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS. II be the trunk ; for, though the upper parts of the fronds die away, they leave the lower parts as contributions to the stem. How beautiful are great tree-like forms of ferns (page 10) can only be fully appreciated by those who have seen these exquisitely-beautiful inhabitants of tropical forests in their native habitats. The only British species that, in character, at all re- sembles a tree-fern is Osmunda regalis, which forms a trunk sometimes two feet in height. From the upper parts of the stems of ferns rise the fronds, the name given to their leafy parts. The term frond will be here used to mean the leafy part and the long or short stalk which supports it and connects it with the crown. This stalk is called the stipes ; but, when reference is made to the shape of the frond, it must be understood that only the leafy part is re- ferred to. In the ensuing illustration (page 12) of the Lady. Fern (Athyriumfilix-famina) the leafy part is shown separately from the scaly stipes on- the right-hand side. The mid-stem of the frond, continuing from the stipes into the leafy part, is called the rachis. If this be branched, the principal or central mid-rib is the primary rachis and the branches are the secondary rachides. If the frond assume the form of a single leaf with an unindented margin, it is said to be simple. The term entire is used to refer to an unindented margin. In the figure, on page 13, of the Adders-tongue (Ophio gloss Jim vulgatum) the oval leafy part illustrates what is called an entire margin. When the frond is like a single leaf with incisions which, though deep, do not reach down to the rachis, it is described as being pinnatifid. Such is the form illus- trated by the Scaly Spleenwort on page 6. If the in- dentations reach the rachis, leaving it bare, the frond become s pinnate, and each separated leafy part is called 12 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS. a pinna all the parts thus separated being designated, in the aggregate, pinna. The pinnse may be entire, simply or deeply indented, or again, and more elaborately, divided. If twice so divided, taking the entire form as the starting-point, the frond is bi-pinnate, and if once more, or thrice divided, it is tri-pinnate. It is decompound if more than three times divided. The parts into which pinnae are immediately subdivided are termed pinnules. The immediate subdivisions of pinnules are lobes. Thus a thrice-divided frond, such as that of the Bracken, consists of stipes, rachis, secondary rachides, pinnae, pinnules, and lobes. The seeds of ferns, differing es- sentially from the seeds of flowering plants, are called spores. They are dust-like bodies infmitesimally small, and are enclosed on the backs or along the under edges of the fronds in a particular order in differently- shaped spore-cases called sporangia. The sporangia are generally pro- duced in clusters or heaps called son', each individual cluster being called a sorus. In the figure of a pinna of the Broad Buckler Fern on page 5, the arrangement of these heaps or clusters of spore-cases was indicated. Here (page 14) is a magnified lobe of a pinnule of the same frond, magni- fied so as to show very clearly its iorm, and the form and position of each sorus with respect to the veins of c 2 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. the leafy part, and to show also the hairiness of the stem from which it springs and the incisions of the leafy margin. The shape of the sorus differs in different ferns. It is mostly rounded; but in some ferns, as shown in the subjoined illustration of a portion of a frond of the Male Fern (Lastrea filix-mas\ it is kidney-shaped. The annexed figure, much enlarged from the natural size of a portion of a Male Fern frond, shows very clearly both the shape (and the position with regard to the veins) of the sorus. Sometimes the sori are pro- tected by scale-like coverings. Each such covering protecting a sorus is named an indusium. On page 15 is a drawing of an indusium of a sorus of the Broad Buckler Fern, one of the Lastreas. It is much magnified, but shows clearly the kidney shape and the jagged DEFINITIONS OF TERMS. 1$ margin. Where there are no indusia the sori are said to be non-indusiate, or naked. In some species the margins of the pinnules are turned back over the sori and cover them after the manner of indusia. The fructification, in such cases, is produced close to the ex- treme outer edges of the leafy parts of the frond, and is then said to be marginal. In the case of those sori covered by indusia when the spores are ripened, the indusia dry up and fall off, and the spore-cases enclosed themselves burst and liberate the infinitesimal germs they contain. We shall see presently what is the shape of some spores and spore- cases. Fructification is a term applied to the general system of spores. Some fronds bear no fructification, in which case they are said to be barren; whilst others, upon the same plant, are spore-bearing, and these are called! fertile fronds. The fructification, as we have seen by the magnified figures on page 14, is attached to the veins which ramify over the leafy substance of the frond. The system of veins is called the venation. That particular portion of the venation to which the fructifica- tion is attached bears the name of the receptacle. Into a detailed consideration of the question of classi- fication it is not the design of this volume to enter. Ferns constitute a great class of the vegetable king- dom. According to one of our botanical systems this class is subdivided into orders, the orders into genera, the genera into species, the species into varieties. In the botanical arrangement of British plants under this par- ticular system ferns belong to the third class called Acotyledons or Cryptogams (the other two classes of plants being, i, Dicotyledons ; and, 2, Monocotyledons}. These collective expressions are used to indicate that the plants which are designated by them are produced from seeds which are of three kinds: i, seeds which have 1 6 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. each two cotyledons a cotyledon being a seed-lobe, and, for assimilative purposes, a seed-leaf whether developed above ground or beneath the soil ; 2, seeds which have each one cotyledon; and, 3, seeds, without coty- ledons, such as are the spores of cryptogamic plants. Under the same system there are in the class of Acotyledons nine orders, of which ferns -filices con- stitute the first. The orders are subdivided into tribes, the tribes into genera, and these into species and varieties. Under filices there are four tribes, nineteen genera, forty-five species, and almost endless varieties. Here we shall only take note of genera and species, and the descriptive and enumerative parts of the volume will thus be found divided into forty-five sections, headed by the common and botanical name of each species of British fern. But, before leaving the present chapter, we shall say a little about fern-spores, and indicate the classification adopted by botanists with regard to British ferns in so far as it is based upon the character of the spore-cases, and the character of the unrolling fronds. British ferns, then, are divided for purposes of classification into three groups, named, i, POLY- PODIACEJE ; 2, OSMUNDACEJE ; and, 3, OPHIOGLOSSACE^. The first group, Polypodiacea, includes ten smaller groups, comprising fifteen genera : viz. : Polypodium, Allosurus, Gynmogramma, Polystichum, Lastrea, Athy- rium, Aspleniiitti, Scolopendrium, Blechnum, Pteris, Adiantum, Cystopteris, Woodsia, Trichomanes, and Hy- menophyllum. The spore-cases in this group are girt by an elastic ring which, on bursting, causes the spore-case to open by what is called a "transverse fracture." The form of the case, the elastic ring, the manner in which it opens, and the shape of the spores enclosed in it are illustrated by the diagrams which follow, and which exhibit the Common Polypody (Polypodium vulgare\ with a portion of its rhizoma, DEFINITIONS OF TERMS. a frond, a spore-case enormously enlarged, much enlarged spores, and enlarged pinnae, exhibiting, in one case, the veins, and, in the other, enlarged, non-indusiate sori. The manner of the fronds unrolling a character which characterises the group is circinate or scroll-like, and is shown in another genus belonging to the group, a iS WHERE TO FIND FERNS. species of which, Aspleninm ceterach, has been previously figured on page 6. The next group, Osmundacea, includes only one genus and one species in Britain, Osmnnda regalis ; and, though the fronds are rolled up in the same way as in Poly- podiacece, there is no elastic ring around the spore-cases, and these are two-valved, and burst vertically. The accompanying marginal cut will show the shape and manner of opening of the spore-case and the form of the spores, all being, of course, magnified. In the third group, Ophioglossacece, are two genera and three species, viz., v \j ^ *-' ^ | ^_ Botrychiiim lunaria and Ophioglossum vulgatum and lusi- tanicum. The fronds in this group are folded up straight, FERN HABITATS. 1 9- and the spore-cases are two-valved, and have no elastic- ring, as will be seen on examining the figures given with, the illustration, on page 7, of the Moonwort. Accompanying the figure, given on page 9, of the European Bristle Fern, an enlarged diagram shows the- urn-shaped and peculiar position of its receptacle. Through the centre of this receptacle the prolonged end of a vein passes, and on this vein are strung the- spore-cases. The urn shape of the receptacle, in the- case of the two Filmy Ferns, is also conspicuously shown, in the illustrations, on page 18, of those ferns. III. FERN HABITATS. HO can doubt that much of the- fascinating attraction of the pur- suit of ferns arises from the love- liness of the spots where they grow, and, to those new to the pastime, from the pleasurable sur- prise attendant upon finding forms- of beauty in places so dark and shadowy as to be half gloomy ?* Looking into such places, hol- lows in rocks, openings in the leafy shrouds of hedge-banks, and the- shadowy spaces which lie beneath the dense undergrowths of woods the eye, at first, oftentimes sees- nothing but the merest shadowy outlines. But, as it becomes accustomed to the darkness, it begins to discern the delicate, graceful, and feathery forms of" some members of the great family of shade and mois- ture-loving plants. Looking still, the forms become 20 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. bolder, until every curve and indentation stands out Avith perfect distinctness. At other times the eye is pleased with the wealth of beauty revealed to it by the crowding of graceful ferny forms upon open hill-sides, over sunlit forest glades, or upon the boulder-strewn expanse of some rugged moorland. The country which produces the most beautiful scenery furnishes in greatest .abundance the most lovely forms of fern life ; and ferns Jend additional beauty to lovely scenery. Yet ferns are often present in many places without being seen. They are so modest and retiring in habit, that they frequently hide, so to speak, in the most sequestered nooks. But it is always easy to find them when it is known where to look for them. Their powers -of reproduction are so great, the infinitesimal spores are so easily wafted far and wide by the restless winds, when the season of ripening has arrived and the bursting sporangia have set at liberty the multitudes, infinitely vast, of their imprisoned germs, that the presence even of the rarest ferns is always possible, even in places least .suspected to possess them. It may generally be assumed that, wherever ferns have been once actually discovered, they will be found again, if not in the immediate vicinity, at least somewhere in the same neighbourhood. Even when well-known habitats of rare ferns have been stripped of all promi- nently visible specimens, the old ferns taken away are almost certain to have had opportunities of shedding their spores before their removal ; and in a year or two, when the minute seedlings have had time to assume ferny forms, they may be looked for in the same spots with a tolerable certainty of finding them, provided the -conditions of growth have not been changed by an .alteration in the character of the habitats. With regard to several species of British ferns, the recorded habitats are very few in number, and the species .in question are pronounced to be " rare." But, when it FERN HABITATS. 21 is remembered that the opportunities of obtaining the topographical information which has been published in books on this subject have necessarily been limited, it may fairly be assumed that the habitats of these ferns are much more numerous than they are generally sup- posed to be. Small as are the British Islands, and thoroughly overrun as are most parts of them, there are, nevertheless, tens of thousands of places suitable for the growth of ferns that are practically terra incognita, though not by any means inaccessible to the fern-hunter. The Author of this volume has frequently, in the earlier days of his fern-hunting excursions, in looking for rare ferns in places to which experienced guides have directed him, by taking the trouble to look further in the same neighbourhood, come upon places surprisingly rich in specimens whose existence had been wholly unsuspected and obviously unknown. These " finds " have been due to careful notings of the favourite habitats of the species, and to the application of this knowledge to the practical working of a system of persistent and elaborate search. Yet the occupation has always been a pleasurable one, and has only been undertaken as a delightful holiday pastime. What is true of small districts is likely to be equally true of large ones. The Author believes that many ferns, supposed to be entirely absent from certain parts of this country, are really present, but undiscovered. He has had many proofs, furnished to him by numerous correspondents, of the occurrence of certain ferns in counties and districts never before recorded as possess- ing them. One especial feature of this volume will be its indi- cations of the particular positions in which ferns grow, so that the exact places in which to look for the various species may be known. This information, derived from the Author's own knowledge, will be supplemented by the fullest possible lists of the counties for the more widely 22 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. distributed species and of the smaller districts for the rarer kinds in which each fern has been discovered growing wild. For some of this information as to county localities, the Author is indebted to Mr. Hewett Watson's " Topographical Botany." To give minutely-detailed indications of the exact spots in which the various ferns are to be found would be to destroy half the charm of fern-hunting. The Author desires especially to impress upon those who may read and use this book that there is no outing in the country however brief may be the period during which it lasts, and however apparently unpromising may FERN HABITATS. 23 be the district that may not result in the finding of some ferns which may be none the less valued because they are common. The rarity of a " find " does, however, un- questionably give pleasure to the majority of fern-hunters. And such brief outings as have been referred to are sure to have great zest given to them by the possibility of finding a " prize " as the result of a minute and careful search in such places as those indicated in the im- mediately succeeding pages. If, now, we can pictorially as well as verbally indicate the places in which the fern-lover may expect to find the object of his quest, we shall, we trust, impart a new pleasure to a delightful pursuit. First, then, let us take the ever-abundant and delightful Bracken (Pteris aquilina) (page 22), which with feathery grace and beauty drapes wide areas of common, moor, and forest, fringing paths for miles in open glade and shady woodland path, as hardy and luxuriant as it is beautiful. It loves the sun as no fern does, and even in sunlit forest glades will sometimes rise so high on either side as to hide the tallest passer-by. It is by far the most abundant of all its kind, and is the most familiar to those who know least how to distinguish a fern from another plant. On page 24 is a little peep of the Doone Glen, ren- dered immortal by Mr. Blackmore's fascinating story of " Lorna Doone." Upon just such upland slopes as those which rise from the stream that winds through this moor- land, the Bracken would be found, and down by the water's margin, in little stony but rich and moist nooks, one might look with confidence for the delightfully-scented golden green Mountain Buckler Fern (Lastrea montana). In similar nooks along the stream-bank, often growing in clumps with the Mountain Buckler Fern, would be also found the Hard Fern (Blechnum spicant). Under shelter of the trees, shown in the foreground of the picture, yet coying down as near as possible to the moor- land stream the Hartstongue (Scolopendrium vulgare} 24 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. and the Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-fxtnina) would be found growing singly or together in clumps, roots inter- lacing with roots. Under the same shady influence it must be strange if we did not come upon Osmunda regalis, but this would be in positions where the soil was more than usually peaty and soft, and where the rootlets could touch the percolating water. Talking of Mr. Blackmore and his beautiful book tempts us to give a little glimpse, on page 25, of the Bagworthy water-slide at the foot of the same Doone Glen, a spot known by heart to thousands who have never seen the place, but whose recollections will never cease to vividly retain the graphic and awe-inspiring recital of Jan FERN HABITATS. 25 Ridd's adventure up this famous slide to find love and Lorna in the terrible DooneGlen at its head. What lover of ferns could fail to recognise, in such a spot as this which we have just opened to view, a chosen abode of ferns? Here, at the foot of the rocks, the Lady Fern would revel in the moist and half-gloomy air. So would the Hartstongue and the Hard Fern. Upon the rocks themselves we should find the common Maidenhair Spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes), the Wall Rue (Asplenium ruta-muraria), the Common Polypody ; and possibly, if careful search were made, the Mountain Polypody {Polypodium phegopteris) in the moister leaf- mould corners ; the Black Maidenhair Spleenwort WHERE TO FIND FERNS. (Aspknium adiantum-nigruni), too, nestling in sheltered stony crevices. Then, up stream amongst the trees, not too far up, but near the base of the fall, the Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern (Lastrea spimdosa), and possibly a speci- men or two of Osmunda. Many of these, especially the rarer kinds, have perhaps been carried off by the thousands of visitors to this 'enchanted spot. The Author only knows that, when he visited the Doone Glen and the water-slide, he saw many of the species he has FERN HABITATS. 2^ enumerated, and it is just such spots as these that should furnish the kinds of fern that have been named. Talking of Devonshire, we must give one or two little pictures of its scenery in places certain to be crowded with many kinds of ferns. Here (page 26) is a bit of the Plym, near Cadover Bridge. The river is brawling along just as Devonshire rivers like to brawl, softly and musically, though with great meaning, which implies the power to thunder when heavy rains upon the moors bring down the waters with a sudden rush that bears no resistance. Amongst the riverine boulders the fern-hunter will not look in vain probably, even if he have to search a little way, for Osmunda and Blechnum, Lady Fern and Male Fern (Lastrea filix-mas). Three other Buckler Ferns he is not unlikely to find, the Mountain, the Prickly-toothed, and the Crested. The upland immediately beyond the water will certainly give him Pteris aquilina, and not impossibly careful search amongst the grassy roots would lead to the discovery of the Moonwort, and a little more towards the water, if he looks in somewhat moister positions than he expects to find Botrychium lunaria in, the Adders-tongue (Ophioglossum vulgatuni). Looking out now for wood and water, we could scarcely select a more typical bit of Devonshire fern country than the scene in Bickleigh Vale, represented on page 28. From these stony water-margins are sure to look out, their roots snugly embedded in the leaf-mould angles of their rocky habitats, grand specimens of Lady Fern, Hartstongue, Hard Fern, and, a little higher on the banks, the Hard and Soft Prickly Shield Ferns, the Com- mon Polypody, the Broad Buckler Fern, and the Black Maidenhair Spleemvort. In this same neighbourhood, creeping along over moist stony surfaces, there should be found masses of the two Filmy Ferns, Hymenophyllum tunbridgense and Hymenophyllum unilaterale. The beautiful Filmy Ferns, though absent from many 28 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. wide areas of country, are very abundant in those spots in which the conditions of their delicate growth are fulfilled. Amongst places known to the Author, there are none where he has found them in such great abundance as in the delicious bit of fern country lying contiguous to Shaugh Bridge, that crosses the ferny Plym, of which mention has just been made. Our illustration (page 29) will give a glimpse of the boulder bed of this pretty river. Not far from the bridge there rises from the stream-level what may be termed a boulder amphitheatre, consisting of great rocks, some smooth and some rugged, and ranging in size from boulders like those shown in our picture to giant rocks, that look as FERN HABITATS. if some giant hand had scattered the rocky hills around, and thrown the debris into the valley. Here and there tiny rills trickle down from the higher rocks to the river below, and in many a moist position, in rocky hollows between rock and rock, and on the crest of the stony surfaces, the Filmy Ferns form dense carpetings. Veri- table carpetings they are, for the fibrous roots and the extensively creeping rhizomas of the ferns are so thick D 2 3O WHERE TO FIND FERNS. and matted that they could be stripped from the rocks in sheets, though no fern-gatherer should take more than a modest share of what is intended for all. Stony bridges no longer new, when the mortar begins to crumble, and leaf-mould to gather in the crevices from which the mortar falls, form happy hunting-grounds for fern-gatherers. Such a bridge as we have just repre- sented as spanning the beautiful Plym, or one like that we give below, at Uolgelly, is just the kind of structure for several kinds of ferns to grow on. On the top and sides would be found the Common Polypody, small on the open face of the structure, larger in places where ivy-roots keep in the moisture and retain the leaf-mould. Hartstongues, too, only the smaller specimens, but larger or smaller according to just the same conditions as those which influence the Polypodies, would be found in similar positions. Tiny specimens might be found, too, of the Hard and Soft Prickly Shield Ferns. But FERN HABITATS. 3f old stony structures are almost the favourite habitats of the Common and some of the rarer Spleenworts. The Rue-leaved, the Common Maidenhair, the Black Maiden- hair, and the Scaly Spleenworts, are certain to be found in such places, some in one and some in another, and, not impossibly though rarely, the Rock, the Alternated, the Forked, and, if near the sea, the Lanceolate and the Sea Spleenworts. Talking of Asplenium lanceolatiim, let us illustrate one of its favourite habitats by just this little view of rock. Our readers will notice the almost perpendicular crevices in this rock. If within the influence of the sea, this is just the kind of rocky fissure in which to peer carefully for the Lanceolate Spleenwort, especially if from above a tiny rill flows along the rocky surface, and down between the crevices. In these leaf-mould will gather, and the air will always be moist, and hence the love for it of our moisture-loving fern. If such rocks looked right upon the sea, and were near the beach, then in the same crevices one might expect to find Asplenium 32 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. marinum. But the mere mention of that very beautiful glossy-fronded member of the flowerless family brings sweet Devon again to the mind's eye ; and for the reader who, not having seen it, cannot recall its lovely scenes FERN HABITATS. 33 to mind, we will give this little peep (page 32) of a cove in Torbay ; and we do this, not only because the peep itself will be refreshing, but because we can thus illustrate the habitats of two beautiful ferns. In the lower crannies of the cliffs, if moisture chances either to be trickling down from above over the rocky face or oozing out from the rock itself, you will be very likely to find Asphnium inarimtW) and in amongst the shrubs on the overgrown face of the cliff on the near side is just the kind of place to hunt for the rare and delicately-beautiful True Maiden- hair (Adiantnm capillus-veneris). These particular cliffs might not furnish either of the ferns we have mentioned ; but, nevertheless, the places illustrated are just the places 34 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. to search in, and the Author has found both ferns in Torbay. And now, reluctantly leaving Devonshire and its ferny scenes, let us illustrate some fern habitats in other places. And, first, a view shall be given of the far-famed Cheddar Cliffs (page 33), an especial haunt of the Limestone Polypody, which grows, as the True Maidenhair is also asserted to grow, in the moist picturesque nooks of this rocky region. Rich as it is in many other of the common kinds of fern, the Cheddar district of Somerset- shire must be especially remembered for the two species just mentioned. In the succeeding pages the reader will often be told of rocky habitats for such of the rarer ferns as the Woodsias, the Holly Fern, the Bladder Ferns, the Spleenworts, the Rigid Buckler Fern, and the rarer Polypodies. Here (page 35) is such a one, and, should the fern-hunter be in any part of the country where, as the succeeding lists will tell him, he may hope to find some of these rarer ferns, let him not neglect to carefully search such likely spots. It would be really difficult for any one with a real eye for ferns, to pass without peering into all moist crannies of such rocks, where " something green " suggests a ferny presence, without a most careful scrutiny. On page 36 is yet another bit of suggestive rock. To climb it may be difficult ; yet a jutting fragment here and there, for the feet to safely secure a hold, and a friendly shrub growing out from the cliff-side will often tempt one to climb, if only a little way, to get at some very graceful- looking clump, that certainly must be a fern of some kind, and that may chance (who knows ?) to be a rare find, unseen or unexamined by all previous passers-by. So much for the dry rocky places beloved of the ferns. Now for the moister ones. There is a species of dry eloquence in rocks everywhere. But they seem to speak when the mountain torrent rushes over them. FERN HABITATS. 35 30 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. Yet, like nature everywhere, even in this seemingly fierce aspect, there is an under-tone of pathos and tenderness ; for how otherwise could the tender and beautiful ferns cling so lovingly to their rough sides ? Let us look at the bit of scenery on the opposite page from " the bonny Dee." In such a neighbourhood as this we should look and be disappointed not to find the Parsley Fern, all the Polypodies, the Hard Prickly Shield Fern, and the Holly Fern, the Brittle and the Mountain Bladder Ferns, the Male, the Broad and the Mountain Buckler Ferns, the Alternated, the Rue- leaved, the Black Maidenhair, the Green, and the Common Maidenhair Spleenworts. FERN HABITATS. 37 The mention of Scottish scenery reminds us of a charming picture, in a charming book, "Habbies Howe," (page 43), in Dr. Green's " Scottish Pictures." By the courtesy of the publishers, the Religious Tract 38 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. Society, we reproduce from their engraving a little bit of water and fern. What a happy figure is this fern, and who can doubt that it is the beautiful Lady Fern ? What beauty and grace does this lovely plant fling over the wild yet romantic scene in which it figures ! For a bit, now, of characteristic Cumberland scenery, how could we do better than give the " Lodore Fall ? " (page 39). A glance at our Index of Localities at the end of this volume will tell the reader that Lodore Fall is one of the habitats of the One-sided Filmy Fern ; but further search through the succeeding pages will prove that, out of the forty-five species of ferns figured and described, no less than thirty-four are to be found in Cumberland. Rich, indeed, are the counties of Devon and Cumberland in the beautiful denizens of wood, lane, and stream-bank ; and no hunting collector would go away from such a neighbourhood as that just illustrated FERN HABITATS. 39 without getting a rich store in numbers and variety of the flowerless plants. Whilst we are talking of numbers of this delightful family that more than others seek the immediate neigh- bourhood of water, yet without dipping into it, let us not forget one that alone of its British congeners grows, 40 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. not near, but in water. We refer to the Marsh Buckler Fern; and here below is a tiny bit of "locality" just suited to Lastrea thelypteris. It is obviously boggy, and in entering at the point shown in the foreground of the little sketch one would necessarily have to pick one's way. A bog overgrown with trees, just as this seems to be, is the place to find the finest specimens of this water-loving or liquid-peat-soil-loving fern. Mr. Boot knows how to draw trees and ferns, as may be seen by the little picture on page 41 of oaks at Bradgate ; but the artist leaves the fern-lover to guess whether he is depicting Bracken or Buckler Fern in the foreground of his drawing. In just such positions one might expect to find either the Bracken or the Common and Broad Buckler Ferns, whilst by the water's edge there might surely be some Lady Ferns. Our artists in general have sadly neglected the ferns, and, when it is considered how much beauty is lent to all scenery by the presence of ferns, the omission is strange. On page 42, however, is a happy little sketch by FERN HABITATS. 4! one who, when he has determined to give us a bit of water, this is a Severn scene, and banks sloping down to it, does not forget the important suggestiveness of a few Bracken in the foreground. The depicters of our English scenery can scarcely afford to overlook the Bracken, because it is such a conspicuous feature in all forest scenes. Mr. Walter Crane understands this, and he knows, too because he knows the New Forest so well what Bracken can be in that rich domain. A sketch of his, representing yews and whitebeams in Sloden (page 38), will not be without its especial interest for all who revere and love the magnificent woodlands of WHERE TO FIND FERNS. Hampshire. Those who may be tempted to wander that way may like* to know that they will, at least, find (besides Pteris aquilina\ in the New Forest, Osmunda , regah's, Lastrea man- tana, Lastrea dilatata, Lastrea filix-mas, and Lastrea spinulosa, Po- lystichum aculeatum, and Polystichum an- gulare, Asplenium adi- antum - nigrum, and the Rue-leaved, the Scaly, and the Common Maidenhair Spleenworts, the Lady Fern, the Harts- tongue, the Common Polypody, and the Common Adders- tongue. And now, dear fern- hunter, if there be one thing more than another that will stir your enthusiasm, per- haps it will be the sight of a wood such as the one on page 44; for, perhaps, if one place be more fasci- nating for the fern- lover than another, it is the shady, the mysterious, the always delicious depths of a wood when the summer sunshine glints through the trees, bringing up into fine relief the FERN HABITATS. 43 44 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. contorted arms of ancient oaks, on whose ample forks the Polypody flaunts its golden fruit, and under whose ^v^^^^,-/ friendly shade, in the darker and moister angles of the woodland, Bracken and Buckler Fern display their graceful forms. ON THE CULTIVATION OF FERNS, IV. ON THE CULTIVATION OF FERNS. HIS chapter is intended to be short and simple in character. Yet it is hoped that its counsel will be none the less useful and effectual. It is somewhat rare, the Author believes, to find, amongst the numerous valuable and useful works that deal with the home cultivation of plants, books that endeavour to make their instructions relate to the natural conditions under which the same plants were found growing pre- viously to what may be called their domestication. Yet most of our methods of cultivation are but adaptations of natural circumstances, and, at least in the case of ferns newly gathered from their native habitats, the closer such natural circumstances or conditions of growth are followed, the more certain will be the success of the adapter ; for it is ignorance of the natural habits of ferns that leads to the most deplorable failures of the growers in pots, rockeries, or cases, of these beautiful, graceful, and interesting plants. Hence a careful study of the paragraphs which are headed under the name of each fern, described in these pages, " Habitats," will throw much more light on the subject of cultivation than the most elaborate but merely routine directions for mixing particular soils. The natural food of all ferns is leaf-mould, or humus, which is the aggregation in the form of earth of decayed vegetable matter. This is a fact which must be carefully E a 46 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. borne in mind in considering the economy of fern life. But this fern food must be supplied under certain essential conditions. There must be moisture and more or less of shade, and, with regard to the great majority of ferns, this moisture must be supplied in a particular way. The soil which contains the leaf-mould must be more or less porous, or at least of such a con- sistency that no stagnant moisture can rest about the roots of the ferns. If these general circumstances are borne in mind, there will be no difficulty in understanding what follows, or in adapting them to the particular needs of particular ferns ; and, to give a general and comprehensive review of the subject, we will take the ferns in the order in which they are mentioned in the succeeding chapters of this volume, dealing with them singly or in groups. The Bracken is a free-growing, deeply-rooting fern, flourishing in the open sunshine where the soil is deep and rich, but loving most the shade of woods, because, under trees, the soil is both richer and moister than upon forest glades. Hence a shady or half-shady position upon rich, deep, moist soil will suit this handsome fern. In its wild state the Hartstongue is so bold and hardy that it will grow almost anywhere, but it especially loves stony habitats, and is small or large according as the stones or rocks from between which it sends up its fronds overlie shallow or deep masses of leafy soil, and are exposed to sunshine and a free circulation of air, or are immersed in shade in a moist atmosphere. Shaded rockery over deep soil is the best position, therefore, for Hartstongues. The Lady Fern, the Hard Fern, and the Royal Fern, though sometimes found in sunny positions, revel most in soil that is soft, spongy, and rich, and in such positions as secure to them shade and moist air. By fountains or running water will suit them best where ON THE CULTIVATION OF FERNS. 47 their fronds can come within the influence of the spray, and the points of their roots touch the stream without being immersed in it. So moist is both the actual position, adjacent to oozing or trickling water, and the atmosphere surround- ing the True Maidenhair and the Annual Maidenhair, that nothing short of the protection of glass will suffice for their successful cultivation ; and for the former the soil should be an extemporisation of the limestone rock and leaf- mould and rocky detritus, out of and in which the Maidenhair naturally grows, whilst for the latter the imitation of the soft, rich soil of its native shady and dripping hedge-bank will suit it best. Soft leaf-soil under shady rocks best pleases the Wild Parsley Fern, and a rockery habitat of as nearly a similar kind as possible in the garden will meet its home re- quirements. The only substitute for the dark and dripping caverns, and the moist and shaded rocky crevices where the Bristle Fern grows, is a close covering of glass that excludes the outward air, and rich, sandy, leafy soil ; and just such conditions as these are what the Filmy Ferns require, for their natural haunts are similar to those of Trichomanes radicans. Moonwort and Adders-tongue seem to need the com- panionship, for some mysterious reason, of grassy roots, and, therefore, they should be taken up from their native homes with the grass surrounding them, and the attention of the cultivator must be directed as much to the grassy accompaniments as to the ferns themselves, that they may be kept fresh and healthy. All the Polypodies love best moist leaf- soil, amongst rocks ; and the garden rockery, or the rockery of the fern- case, is the place for them. The Shield Ferns confess the ferny love for leaf-mould, but they like to toy with the sunshine, and hence they are, perhaps, of all ferns placed in the garden, the most hardy and bold, for they will thrive almost anywhere, 48 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. and survive adverse conditions that would kill many 01 their congeners. Shady rocks with leaf-soil, too, the Bladder Ferns need in their wild homes, and just such conditions will suit them under culture. The same may be said of the Woodsias, and then we come to the Buckler Ferns, which differ amongst themselves in habit and character. All of them best like the shade, and a rich, porous leaf-mould soil, but only great shade and moisture will suit the Crested and Prickly-toothed Ferns, whilst the Marsh Buckler Fern must grow in as well as on the water. All the Spleenworts are rock-loving ferns ; but the Lanceolate and the Sea Spleenworts cannot grow, out of doors, away from the sea's influence, and, hence, away from the sea, must be put under glass as the only substitute for their natural condition. The Green Spleenwort needs similar treatment, to extemporise the state of saturation of the atmosphere, which it must have for preservation in health and vigour. But the rest of the Spleenworts will grow out of doors on sheltered rockery, if planted firmly and carefully in the crevices between the stones. Briefly stated, these are the requirements of ferns grown at home. WHERE TO FIND FERNS. 49 PLATE I. ROYAL FERN (Osnmmia regatis). (Fertile frond,) 50 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. V. THE BRACKEN. Pteris aqnilina. (Plate XL, Fig. i, page 69.) LENGTH OF FROND. One foot to twelve feet, ac- cording to the more or less favourable conditions of growth. The maximum and minimum lengths given are both exceptional ; for, as ordinarily seen, this fern is from two to six feet long. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots few in number, fibrous, but somewhat fleshy, attached, along its entire length, to the rhizoma. Rootstock, a rhizoma brownish- black in colour, soft, and thickly covered with short hair extending itself both horizontally and perpen- dicularly ; sometimes penetrating to a depth of more than a dozen feet. Fronds deciduous, ordinarily tri- angular in shape, the leafy part about twice the length of the stipes : bipinnate in small specimens ; tripinnate in larger ones. The tripinnate may be said to be the normal form. Pinnae, placed in nearly opposite pairs along the rachis, and more or less acutely lance-shaped ; pinnules acutely lance-shaped, pinnate in the lower part (of tripinnate fronds), pinnatifid higher up, and more or less entire at the frond apex. Lobes oblong and blunt- pointed. Towards the apex of the frond the pinnules are dwindled to mere lobes ; nearer it the pinnae are also lobe-like, and a lobe terminates the frond. Lobes concave on their undersides. Fructification marginal, the lines of spore-cases being enclosed in double indusia formed by elongations or distensions of the cuticle or membranous surface of the lobes. HABITATS. Open commons, downs, and heaths ; glades ; woods ; hillsides and streamsides ; hedgebanks WHERE TO FIND FERNS. PLATE II. BUCKLER FERN* (Lastrea dilatatfi 52 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. and fields ; islets in midstream. The Author has occa- sionally found small specimens growing on the damp sides of walls, but such a position is only possible for seedling or very diminutive specimens. The Bracken frequently covers large spaces of ground, which it ex- clusively occupies. WHERE FOUND. The great abundance of the Bracken renders it unnecessary to give a detailed list of the localities in which it grows. The published records of its distribution, given in the second and revised edi- tion (1883) of Mr. Watson's "Topographical Botany," include every county in England, Wales, and Scotland, except . Wigtonshire and West Ross ; but it is possibly to be found also in these districts. It grows at various heights, extending to two thousand feet above the sea- level. VI. THE HARTSTONGUE. Scolopendrium vulgare. (Plate VI, Fig. i, page 59.) LENGTH OF FROND. Extremely variable : a couple of inches when growing on hard, dry walls, to three feet when in very moist and congenial positions. Ordinary lengths within these extremes. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots numerous, fibrous and somewhat wiry. Rootstock, a tufted cormus, the crown of which is raised slightly above the ground. Fronds numerous, evergreen, produced in tufts, tongue- shaped, entire, leathery and glossy, each stipes about one-third the length of the leafy part usually covered by rust-coloured scales, which often extend along the WHERE TO FIND FERNS. 53 PLATE III. BLACK MAIDENHAIR SPLEENWORT (Asplminm adiantmn- nigriitn), (Upper and Under Sides.) 54 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. under sides of the rachis. Apex of leafy part more or less pointed ; base, heart-shaped with ear-shaped pro- jections. Fructification produced in parallel lines, which run obliquely from near the rachis towards the leafy margins on either side of the rachis. Each apparent line of spore-cases consists in reality of twin, elongated sori placed side by side and confluent, the scaly indusium, which covers the whole, splitting along the centre when the spores are ripe, and disclosing the densely-clustered, rich-brown spore-cases underneath. HABITATS. Shady parts of woods ; the bases, sides, and tops of hedgebanks. This species is oftentimes very luxuriant under the shelter of the vegetation of the hedgetop, where it grows frequently in semi-darkness. It grows upon banks overhanging streams ; upon rocks and stonework, including walls of buildings and en- closures, bridge-arches, ruins, and the sides of old wells ; also upon cliffs overhanging the sea, always, when on stony habitats or elsewhere, most luxuriant where water is oozing or trickling over the rocks, or ground, on which it grows. WHERE FOUND. In England, in all the counties. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Brecknock, Caer- marthen, Caernarvon, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. In the Isle of Man. In Scotland, in the following counties : Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Berwick, Caithness, Dumfries, Inverness, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Kincardine, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Orkney (in- cluding the Shetland Isles), Perth, Renfrew, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Stirling, and Sutherland. Also in Cantyre and the Clyde Isles. In Ireland, in the Isle of Wight, and in the Channel Islands throughout, the moisture of the climates of those countries inducing a luxuriant growth of this species, which is found at all elevations up to six hundred feet above the sea-level. WHERE TO FIND FER!*S 55 PLATE IV. COMMON POLYPODY (Polypodlum vulgare). (Upper and Under Sides.) $6 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. VII. THE LADY FERN. Athyrium filix-fcemina. (Plate VIIL, Fig. i, page 63.) LENGTH OF FROND. A foot to five feet, according to position and conditions of growth largest in the most moist and shady places. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots fibrous, abundant. Rootstock, a tufted cormus, its crown raised slightly above the surface of the ground. Fronds numerous, deciduous, delicate, brittle, drooping, produced in tufts. Each stipes usually much shorter than the leafy part, and light green or purplish in colour, with a few scales scattered upon it near the base ; leafy part lance-shaped somewhat broadly ; bipinnate, the pinnse narrowly lance-shaped and tapering, and placed along the rachis alternately or in opposite pairs ; pinnules blunt-pointed, oblong, serrated, or indented most deeply near the frond base, less deeply higher up. Fructification produced in double rows of sori, one on either side of the midvein of each pinnule, each row of sori being about equidistant from the midvein and the edge of the pinnule. The sori are covered by kidney-shaped indusia, which burst and fall away on the ripening of the spores, whose cases are then light brown in colour. HABITATS. The dampest and shadiest parts of woods, especially luxuriant where water oozes over gently-slop- ing ground ; hedgebanks, in shady lanes ; moist and shady crannies of rocks ; the shady margins of streams, and the sides of waterfalls. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Bedford, Berks, Buckingham, Cambridge, Chester, Corn- wall, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Durham, WHERE TO FIND FERNS. 57 PLATE V. SOFT PRICKLY SHIELD FERN (JPolystichnm angular?}. 58 WHERE TO FIND FERNS, Essex, Gloucester, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Hereford, Hertford, Kent, Lancaster, Leices- ter, Lincoln, Middlesex, Monmouth, Norfolk, North- ampton, Northumberland, Nottingham, Oxford, Rutland, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, War- wick, Westmoreland, Wilts, Worcester, and York. In Welles^ in the counties of Anglesea, Brecknock, Caermarthen, Caernarvon, Cardigan, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Montgomery, and Pembroke. Specimens have also been found in Radnor. In the Isle of Man. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Banff, Berwick, Bute, Caithness, Clack- mannan, Cromarty, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Haddington, Inverness, Kincardine, Kinross, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Linlithgow, Nairn, Orkney, Peebles, Perth, Renfrew, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Stirling, and Sutherland ; also in the isles of Arran, Cantire, Harris, Islay, Lewis, and North Uist. In Ireland, in the counties of Antrim, Clare, Cork, Dublin, Galway, and Kerry ; also in King's County, Kilkenny, Killarney, Limerick, Louth, Waterford, and Wicklow. In the Channel Islands, Jersey and Guernsey. It has been found growing up to two thousand two hundred feet above the sea-level. VIII. THE HARD FLRX. Blechnnm spicant* (Plate VI., Figs. 4 and 5, page 59.) LENGTH OF FROND. Barren fronds, six inches to two feet ; fertile fronds, a foot to three feet according to the circumstances of growth. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots wiry, fibrous, abun- dant. Rootstock somewhat thick, creeping, and in time WHERE TO FIND FERNS PLATE VI. i. HARTSTONGUE (Scolopendriitm vulgare) (Upper and Under Side). 2. HAY-SCENTED BUCKLER FERN (Lastrea recurva) (Upper Side). 3. RIGID BUCKLER FERN (Lastrea rigida) (Under Side). 4. HARD FERN (Bleclimim spicanf) (Barren Frond, Upper Side). 5. HARD FERN (Blechnum spicant} (Fertile Frond, Under Side). F 6O WHERE TO FIND FERNS. forming a cluster of crowns that are consequently attached to each other, the crowns being raised slightly above the ground. Fronds numerous, leathery, upper- sides glossy, produced in tufts, and of two kinds barren and fertile. Barren fronds evergreen, narrowly lance- shaped, tapering at both ends, pinnatifid sometimes pinnate in their lower parts ; pinnas narrowly oblong, blunt-pointed, attached by the whole widths of their bases to the rachis, produced in opposite pairs or alter- nately along on each side of the rachis ; stipes reddish- brown, smooth, wiry, from one-fourth to one-seventh the length of the leafy part. Fertile fronds much taller than barren ones, deciduous ; stipes one-third and sometimes one-half the length of leafy part ; leafy part lance-shaped, distinctly pinnate ; pinnae long, narrow, attenuated, drawn out to a point, in opposite pairs or alternately placed along the rachis and curved upwards. Fructifi- cation on fertile fronds only ; sporangia arranged in double lines, one on each side of midvein of each pinna, at first distinct from each other, afterwards becoming confluent, and densely covering the under sides of the pinnae. The sporangia are covered by elongated indusia, which burst, when the spores are ripe, on the sides next the midveins, and, when thrown back, the spore-cases present a dense, rich-brown mass, ordinarily hiding the whole of the under sides of the pinnae. HABITATS. Moist slopes of woods; damp, stony crevices on hillsides and moorland heights ; stream- margins ; the sides and bases of hedgebanks, especially hedgebanks partly constructed of loose stones ; the stony bases of roadside hedges ; the drier parts of bogs and marshland ; the bases of clumps of shrubbery in forest and woodland glades, and moist nooks of all kinds of rocks, especially in the lowest, most moist, and shady positions. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Bedford, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Chester, Cornwall, WHERE TO FIND FERNS. 6l PLATE VII. I. MOUNTAIN BUCKLER FERN (Lastrea montana) (Under Side). 2. PRICKLY-TOOTHED BUCKLER FERN (Lastrea spimdosa) (Under Side). F 2 62 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Essex, Gloucester, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Hereford, Hertford, Kent, Lancashire, Leicester, Lin- coln, Middlesex, Monmouth, Norfolk, Northampton, Northumberland, Nottingham, Oxford, Rutland, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Westmoreland, Wilts, Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Brecknock, Caermarthen, Caernarvon, Cardigan, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Pembroke, and Radnor. In the Isle of Man. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Banff, Berwick, Bute, Caithness, Clackmannan, Cromarty, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Haddington, Inverness, Kincardine, Kinross, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Linlithgow, Nairn, Orkney (in- cluding the Shetland Isles), Peebles, Perth, Renfrew, Ross, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Stirling, and Sutherland ; also in the Isles of Arran, Cantyre, Harris, Islay, Lewis, and North Uist. In Ireland, in the counties of Antrim, Clare, Cork, Down, Dublin, and Galway (the mainland and the Arran Isles) ; also in King's County, Limerick, Mayo, Tipperary, Waterford, and Wicklow. In the islands of Jersey and Guernsey. It ascends to a height of two thousand feet above the sea-level. IX. THE ROYAL FERN. Osmunda regalis. (Plate I., page 49.) LENGTH OF FROND. Two feet to twelve feet, according to more or less congenial conditions of growth ; moist peat soil and a boggy situation in imme- diate contiguity to water favouring and inducing the larger growths. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots numerous, fibrous. WHERE TO FIND FERNS. PLATE VIII. I. LADY FERN (Athyrinm filix-famina) (Under Side). 2. TRUE MAIDENHAIR (Adiantum capilhis-veneris) (Under Side). 3. HOLLY FERN (Polystichum lonchitis) (Upper Side). 4. HOLLY FERN (Polystichum lonchitis] (Under Side). 64 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. long, and wiry. Rootstock, a thick, tufted cormus ; large, in proportion to the size of the plant, and prolonged into a visible, prominent, and above-ground stem, raised sometimes to a height of two feet in large-sized, mature plants. The rootstock of a fern, even when not con- spicuously raised above the soil, is really its stem, although it does not, in such cases, convey the popular idea of one. The stem of Osnutnda regalis really becomes, when of large size, a trunk, and thus more nearly than any other British species approaches the form and character of a tree-fern. Fronds of two kinds barren and fertile not very numerous, deciduous, robust-looking, golden green, broadly lance-shaped; very distinctly bipinnate, pinnae lance-shaped, usually placed in opposite pairs, though sometimes alternately, upon the rachis; pinnules an inch, more or less, in length, oblong, blunt-pointed, in opposite pairs or alternately placed upon the secondary rachides or midstems of the pinnae. In the fertile fronds the upper pinnae of the fronds have their pinnules contracted to bear the spores. Stipes about as long as the leafy part. Fructification usually, but not always, confined to the upper parts of the fertile fronds, where the pinnules are contracted and bear the globular spore-cases densely crowded upon their under sides so much so frequently, that the pinnules appear like spikes of inflorescence of a rich, yellowish-brown colour. HABITATS. Banks of rivers and lakes, especially in positions close enough to the stream-edge to allow of the roots touching the water ; marshy and boggy places, especially where the soil consists largely of peat ; low- lying islets, which are sometimes covered densely by little else than plants of this species ; damp, low-lying parts of woods ; the low-lying parts of moorlands upon ground made marshy by the oozing of water from the heights above ; damp meadows and fens, or other peaty places periodically submerged. WHERE TO FIND FERNS. PLATE IX. i. EUROPEAN BRISTLE FERN (Trichomanes tadicans) (Upper Side). 2. LIMESTONE POLYPODY (Polypodhtin calcareum) (Under Side). 3. THREE-BRANCHED POLYPODY (Polypodium dryofteris} (Under Side). 4. MOUNTAIN POLYPODY (Poly- podium phegopteris) (Under Side). 66 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Bedford, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Devon, Dorset (the mainland and the Isle of Purbeck), Durham, Essex, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Hereford, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Lin- coln, Middlesex, Monmouth, Norfolk, Northumberland, Nottingham, Oxford, Rutland, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Westmoreland, Wilts. Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Brecknock, Caermarthen, Caernarvon, Den- bigh, Flint, Glamorgan, Merioneth, and Pembroke. In the Isle of Man. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Berwick, Caithness, Clack- mannan, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Fife, Forfar, Had- dington, Kincardine, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Linlithgow r Orkney (including the Shetland Isles), Perth, Renfrew, Ross, Stirling, Sutherland, and Wigton. In the isles of Arran, Bute, Harris, Islay, Lewis, Mull, and North Uist. In Ireland, in the counties of Clare, Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, and Kerry; also in King's County, Mayo, Tipperary, Waterford, and Wicklow. In Jersey. Osmunda regalis grows at various altitudes up to a thousand feet above the sea-level. X. THE TRUE MAIDENHAIR. Adiantum capillus-veneris. (Plate VIII., Fig. 2, page 63.) LENGTH OF FROND. Six inches to two feet, according to position and other circumstances of growth ; but the maximum length given is exceptional. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots black, fibrous, some- what fleshy. Rootstock, a creeping rhizoma, slender, covered with black scales, and extending itself along the WHERE TO FIND FERNS. PLATE X. I. MARSH BUCKLER FERN (Lastrea thelyptcris) (Barren Frond, Upper Side). 2. BRITTLE BLADDER FERN (Cystopteris fragilis) (Under Side). 3. MOUNTAIN BLADDER FERN (Cystopteris montana} (Upper Side). 4. SEA SPLEENWORT (Asplcmum marinuin} (Upper Side). 5. SEA SPLEENWORT (Aspleniuin mar/nuw) (Under Side). 68 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. surface of the rock or soil upon which the plant is grow- ing the roots underneath holding it in position. Fronds triangular, numerous, evergreen, delicate, usually tripin- nate, but sometimes only bipinnate. In the tripinnate fronds the pinnae are mostly triangular, but are some- times variously shaped, and are divided into pinnules, which, near the bases of the pinnae, are again divided into distinctly-stalked, fan-shaped, more or less cleft or indented, lobes. Towards the apices of such divided pinnae the pinnules are not again divided, but are simply stalked and indented. In all compound ferns there is always less division, both of fronds, pinnae, and pinnules, towards the apex of each frond, pinna and pinnule. Stipes, usually about the same length as the leafy part, purplish black, smooth, and shining. Rachis and secondary rachides purplish black, shining, and hairlike. Fructification marginal, produced at the outer and upper edges of the under sides of the fertile lobes, and consist- ing of oblong sori, covered by indusia formed by the reflexed and blanched margins of the lobes. HABITATS. Cliffs at or near the sea-coast seldom inland. The moist hollows and crannies of limestone rocks are the favourite habitats of this species. It should be looked for in sea-caverns; under rocky ledges or spurs ; in semi-dark crevices, and behind or under the shadow of cliffside bushes or scrub. Very often it is completely hidden by a screen of bushes or other vegetation on the face of rocks in such positions growing almost in darkness. Frequently it grows on inaccessible parts of steep cliffs ; but whenever rocks are searched for specimens, those especial nooks moistened by oozing or trickling streams of water, flow- ing down or along the rocky surface, should be carefully examined. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Salop, and Somerset only ; the particular localities in those counties being the fol- WHERE TO FIND FERNS. 69 PLATE XI. i. BRACKF.N (Pteris aqidlina} (Upper Pi rtion of Frond, Upper Side). 2. MOONWORT (Botrychhim hinaria). 3. ADDERS- TONGUE (Ophioglossum vulgatum). 4. LITTLE ADDERS-TONGUE ( Ophioglossum lusitanicitm). 70 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. lowing : in Cornwall, on cliffs at Carclew, at Carrick Gladden (on the sea-coast between Hayle and St. Ives), and upon cliffs at Penzance ; in Devonshire, near Brixham (upon the limestone rocks of Mewstone Bay), on cliffs at Ilfracombe, and also at Watermouth, near Ilfracombe ; in Shropshire, at Titherston Glee Hill ; in Somersetshire, on the Cheddar Cliffs and on the coast at Clevedon. In Wales, in the county of Glamorgan, on the coast at Dunraven, on Barry Island, at East Aberthaw, and at Port Kirig. In the Isle of Man, between Douglas and Peel, and in Glen Meay. In Scotland, in the county of Kincardine, on the banks of the river Carron. In Ireland, in the counties of Clare, Galway, and Kerry : in the first-named county at Bally- vaughan, or between that place and Gremlin Point ; in Kerry, at Cahir Conree near Tralee ; and in Galway, at Lough Bulard, near Urrisberg, and at Roundstone, Connemara : also in the Arran Isles. On cliffs in Jersey and Guernsey Adiantum capillus-veneris has also been found. XI. THE ANNUAL MAIDENHAIR. Gyninogramma leptophylla. (Plate XII., Figs. 3 and 4, page 71.) LENGTH OF FROND. Three to nine inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots fibrous. Rootstalk small, tufted. Fronds annual, deciduous ; stipes from one-third to one-half the length of leafy part, dark brown at the base and green above ; the first fronds shorter than the later ones and simply pinnate, the pinnae borne on short stalks alternately on each side of the rachis fan-shaped and indented. The taller and WHERE TO FIXD FERXS. PLATE XII. . HARD PRICKLY SHIELD FERN (Polystichum acitleatum} (Upper Side). 2. ALPINE BLADDER FERN (Cystopteris regia) (Under Side). 3. ANNUAL MAIDENHAIR (Gyinnogramma leptophylla) (Upper Side). 4. ANNUAL MAIDENHAIR (Gymno- gramma leptophylla} (Under Side). 5. PARSLEY FERN (Allo- sorus crispus) (Barren Frond). 6. PARSLEY_FERN (Allosorns crispus) (Fertile Frond). 72 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. later fronds bipinnate, sometimes tripinnate, the pinnae ovate and alternate, and bearing fan-shaped, indented, alternate pinnules. The shape of the pinnules very much resembles that of the lobes of the True Maiden- hair. Fructification non-indusiate, consisting of sorl arranged in lines at the backs of the pinnules, but often becoming confluent. HABITATS. The most shady and sheltered sides of hedgebanks. It grows oftentimes amongst other dwarf vegetation, especially in places where water trickles or oozes over the banks. WHERE FOUND. No reliable evidence has been pro- duced as to the finding of this little fern in any other part of the British Islands than Jersey, in some localities of which such as St. Aubin, St. Haute, and St. Laurence it grows in abundance. But it is quite possible, we think, that diligent search might lead to this pretty little fern being found somewhere along the south coast of England. XII. THE MOUNTAIN PARSLEY FERN. Allosorus crispus. (Plate XII., Figs. 5 and 6, page 71.) LENGTH OF FROND. Barren fronds four to eight inches; fertile fronds six to twelve inches, according to- more or less congenial conditions of growth. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots numerous, fibrous, wiry, often matted into a dense mass. Rootstock thick, tufted, often elongating into numerous crowns. Fronds of two kinds, both produced in dense, tufted clusters. Barren fronds, bright green, triangular, bipinnate, and sometimes tripinnate ; pinnae triangular, opposite or alternate ; pin- WHERE TO FIND FERNS. 73 PLATE XIII. I. ALPINE POLYPODY (Polypodinm alpestre) (Upper Side). 2. LANCEOLATE SPLEENWORT (Asplenium lanceolaiiim} (Upper Side). 3. LANCEOLATE SPLEENWORT (Asplenium lanceolatum) (Under Side). 4. SCALY SPLEENWORT (Asplenium ceterach) 5. SCALY SPLEENWORT (Asplenium ceterach) (Under Side). 6. ROCK SPLEENWORT (Asplenium fontanum) (Upper Side). 7. ROCK SPLEENWORT (Asplenium fontanum) (Under Side). 8. RUE-LEAVED SPLEENWORT (Asplenium rnta-muraria) (Upper Side). 9. RUE-LEAVED SPLEENWORT (Asplenium ruta-muraria) (Under Side). 74 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. nules wedge-shaped, alternate on opposite sides of the secondary rachides ; lobes in the tripinnate form club-shaped or wedge-shaped, and indented upon their margins ; stipes about equal in length to the leafy part, green, and brittle. Fertile fronds are similar in general arrangement of parts to barren fronds, but the ultimate divisions are contracted into oblong, rounded, spore- bearing lobes. The stipes of each fertile frond is frequently three times as long as the leafy part. Fructi- fication borne upon the whole of the under sides of the lobes of the fertile fronds, the edges of which are rolled under so far as to meet, thus enclosing the spore-cases in simple indusia and giving a rounded form to each lobe. When ripe the lobes and their contents turn brown and open to allow of the escape of the spores. HABITATS. Moist crevices of rocks ; spaces between loose stones upon hillsides- Allosorus crispus sometimes in such positions growing in great abundance. So thickly are plants of this species often clustered that they have obtained the common name of " Rock Brakes." WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Chester, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Durham, Here- ford, Lancaster, Northumberland, Salop, Somerset, Westmoreland, Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Caernarvon, Cardigan, Denbigh, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Montgomery, and Radnor. In the Isle of Man. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Berwick, Caithness, Dum- barton, Dumfries, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Inverness, Kin- cardine, Kinross, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Peebles, Perth, Renfrew, Ross, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Stirling, and Suther- land. In the isles of Arran, Harris, Mull, and Skye. In Ireland, only in the counties of Antrim, Clare, Down, and Louth. In these four counties the localities are believed to be very few in which Allosorus crispus has been found. They are as follows: In Antrim, at Carrickfergus ; in Clare, at Blackhead ; in Downshire, WHERE TO FIND FERNS. PLATE XIV. , CRESTED BUCKLER FERN (Lastrea cristata} (Upper Side) 2. COMMON MAIDENHAIR SPLEENWORT (Asplenium tricho- manes} (Upper Side). 3. COMMON MAIDENHAIR SPLEEN- WORT (Asplenium trichomanes) (Under Side). 4, GREEN SPLEENWORT (Asplenium vtride) (Upper Side). 5. GREEN SPLEENWORT (Asplenium viride) (Under Side). 6. ALTERNATE SPLEENWORT (Asplenium germanicutn) (Upper Side). 7. ALTERNATE SPLEENWORT (Asplenium germanicum) (Under Side). 8. FORKED SPLEENWORT (Asplenium septentrional?) (Upper Side). 9. FORKED SPLEENWORT (Asplenium sep- tentrionale) (Under Side). G 76 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. at Sleive Bignian and on the Mourne Mountains; and in Louth, on the Carlingford Mountains. It grows at heights reaching to three thousand five hundred feet above the sea-level. XIII. T HE BRISTLE FERN. Trichomanes radicans. (Plate IX., Fig. i, page 65.) LENGTH OF FROND. Six inches to a foot and a half. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots fibrous, blackish, woolly, and numerous. Rootstock, a creeping rhizoma black and covered with scales that extends itself along upon the surface of the rocks upon which it is found growing. Fronds evergreen, triangular, tripinnate ; stipes about equal in length to the leafy part or less purplish black, as also are the rachides. Pinnae triangular and alternate upon the rachis ; pinnules ovate or lance- shaped, alternate upon the secondary rachides lobes irregularly-shaped, but somewhat oblong, alternate, and deeply incised or serrated. Leafy, narrow wings run along n either side of the stipes, rachis, and secondary rachides. General character of the leafy texture of the frond pellucid. Fructification in urn-shaped receptacles produced near the ends of veins projected bristle-like beyond the lobe-margins, and through and beyond the urn-shaped ueceptacles. HABITATS. The wet sides of rocks and caves where the most absolute shade prevails and the air is laden with reeking moisture. Such habitats are essential to the very life of this beautiful fern, whose pellucid texture WHERE TO FIND FERNS. 77 PLATE XV. i. MALE FERN (Lastrea filix-mas} (Under Side). 2. OBLONG WOODSIA (Woodsia ilvensis) (Upper Side). 3. OBLONG WoonsiA ( Woodsia ilvensis} (Under Side). 4. ALPINE WOODSIA (Woodsia alpina} (Under Side). 5. TUNBRIDGE FILMY FERN (Hyinenophyllniu tiinbridgense}. 6. ONE-SIDED FILMY FERN (Hytiienophylhtin unilaterale}. G 2 78 WHERE TO FIND FERN-. would shrivel up under the effects of sunshine or of a dry atmosphere. WHERE FOUND. No locality in either England or Scotland is at present generally known to possess this fern, although it is said to have been found in Cornwall and West Yorkshire, in Arran and Argyle. It is be- lieved that it grows abundantly in one part of North Wales (Merioneth is the county which has been named), but the locality is only known to a few persons, who have kept its whereabouts a profound secret. In Ire- land, it has been found in the counties of Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Waterford, and Wicklow; and in the following localities : in Cork county, in Glendine wood ; near Youghal, at Glenbour and Killeagh ; on rocks near Bandon; on rocks at Ballinasy Glen and Temple Michael Glen near Cork ; at the Clashgariffe Fall ; on rocks near Glandore, and also near Bantry ; and on rocks on Carri- geena Kildorrery in the north of Cork. In Kerry County, on the Tork Mountains and at the Tork Waterfall ; amongst the Cromaglaun Mountains ; at Glengariff in Valentia Island ; near Dingle (on Mount Eagle) ; at Gortgaree, between Killarney and Kenmare ; at Black- stones, in Glouin Caragh ; and at Inveragh and Curaan Lake, Waterville. In County Limerick, amongst the Cumailte Mountains. In County Waterford, along the Blackwater Valley ; and in Wicklow County, at Powers- court Waterfall and in Hermitage Glen. In some of these localities the mountainous ones it has been found growing at a height of fifteen hundred feet above the sea-level. THE MOONWORT. 79 XIV. T HE' MOONWORT. Botrychium lunaria. (Plate XI., Fig. 2, page 69.) LENGTH OF FROND. Two to ten inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots few in number, thick, and fleshy. Rootstock fleshy, small, elongated, erect growing, tuberous. Fronds of two parts barren and fertile : the one leafy, the other spore-bearing. A com- mon stipes supports both from the base to about midway on the frond where the leafy portion diverges. It consists of a single, somewhat bluntly lance-shaped pinna, with pairs of opposite or alternate, crescent-shaped, fan-shaped, or half-moon-shaped pinnules. The stipes, or, strictly speaking, the rachis, continuing upwards and beyond the leafy pinna, terminates in a single, branched cluster of spore-cases. Fructification the fruitful part of the frond is simply pinnate or bipinnate, the branches alter- nate and again alternately branched in its lower part, each branch bearing a small cluster of globular spore- cases, which at the season of ripening turn from the incipient green to a golden-brown colour. HABITATS. The open face of heaths, damp meadows, and moors, amongst grass on spots somewhat elevated but not extremely damp. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Bed- ford, Bucks, Cambridge, Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Essex, Gloucester, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Hereford, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Lincoln, Monmouth, Norfolk, Northampton, Northumberland, Nottingham, Oxford, Rutland, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Westmoreland, Wilts, Worcester, and 80 WHERE TO FIND KERN*. York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Caer- marthen, Caernarvon, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Montgomery, Pembroke, and Radnor. In the Isle of Man. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Banff, Berwick, Caithness, Clackmannan, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Haddington, Inverness, Kincardine, Kinross, Kirkcud- bright, Lanark, Linlithgow, Nairn, Orkney (including Shetland), Perth, Renfrew, Ross, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Stirling, and Wigton : also in the islands of Bute and Skye. In Ireland, in the counties of Antrim, Cork, Down, Galway, Londonderry, and Wicklow. It is found at various heights up to two thousand seven hundred feet above the sea-level. XV. THE ADDERS-TONGUE. Ophioglossnm rulgatmn. (Plate XL, Fig. 3, page 69.) LENGTH OF FROND. Three to twelve inches, the maximum length given being exceptional. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots Tew in number, brittle, thick, fleshy. Rootstock erect, elongated, fleshy, small in size. Fronds of two parts, barren and fertile, having a common stipes the barren part a single, oval-shaped, entire pinna (equal in size to the circumference of a hen's egg), the base of which forms the top of the sheath that constitutes the upper part of the stipes and clasps the lower part of the stem of the fertile portion of the frond. Fructification produced in small globular spore-cases arranged in two lines, on opposite sides of the upper part of the fruitful branch of the frond, which thus becomes a terminal spike of fructification. THE LITTLE ADDERS-TONGUE. 8t HABITATS. Heaths, moors, pastures, amongst grass- roots in loamy soil, and in damp positions. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Bed- ford, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Chester, Cornwall, Cum- berland, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Essex, Glouces- ter, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Here- ford, Hertford, Huntingdon, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Lincoln, Middlesex, Monmouth, Norfolk, Northampton, Northumberland, Nottingham, Oxford, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Westmore- land, Wilts, Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Caernarvon, Denbigh, Flint, Gla- morgan, Pembroke, and Radnor. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Berwick, Clack- mannan, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Haddington, Kincardine, Kinross, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Linlithgow, Orkney (including Shetland), Perth, Renfrew, Selkirk, and Stirling. In Ireland, in the counties of Antrim, Armagh, Cork, Dublin, Galway, and Tipperary. It is found growing at various heights up to a thousand feet above the sea-level. XVI. THE LITTLE ADDERS-TONGUE. Ophioglossum lusitanicum. (Plate XL, Fig. 4, page 69.) LENGTH OF FROND. Two to four inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots few in number, fleshy, brittle. Rootstock small, upright in growth, fleshy, tube- rous, elongated. Fronds of two parts, barren and fruit- ful, consisting, upon a common stipes, of a single narrow, entire, somewhat grass-like, barren pinna, and of a taller branch forming a stem in continuation of the 82 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. stipes, and bearing at the upper end the fruitful spike. There is a single barren frond (though sometimes there may be two barren fronds on the same plant) and a single fruitful branch, as in the case of Ophioglossum vutgatum, to which fern the present species bears a general, though diminutive, resemblance. Fructification the fruitful spike, pointed at the end, consists of two rows, one on each side of the rachis, of rounded spore-cases each row consisting, usually, of about five or six of these eases. HABITATS. Damp positions on heaths and on open pastures, amongst grass-roots. WHERE FOUND. The only locality generally known is the Island of Guernsey, where, in 1854, it was first discovered in the neighbourhood of Petit Bot Bay. It is said to have been found in Cornwall, and it is quite possible that, owing to its inconspicuousness, it may abound in many parts of the British Isles without having been discovered. XVII. THE COMMON POLYPODY. Polypodinm vtilgare. (Plate IV., page 55.) LENGTH OF FROND. Two or three inches to two feet and a half, according to position and circumstances of growth the maximum length given being, however, very exceptional, though fronds of that length have been found by the Author. The average size of specimens is given in most descriptions of ferns at from six to eighteen inches the specimens commonly encountered being seldom more than a foot in length. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots abundant, fibrous. THE COMMON POLYPODY. 83 Rootstock, a hairy or scaly rhizoma, which branches and creeps in various directions upon the surface of the rock, wall, or soil in which the plant is growing, producing fronds from numerous points of its upper side. Fronds evergreen, numerous, deeply pinnatifid, of a somewhat elongated egg-shape, pointed at the apex, and divided into long, blunt-pointed, entire pinnae, an inch or more in length each resembling somewhat the finger of the hand with deep wide clefts between each. Stipes of varying length, green, smooth, brittle, sometimes as long as, sometimes shorter than, and often much longer than, the leafy part. Fructification usually confined to the upper portion of the undersides of the pinnae, consisting of two rows of non-indusiate, rounded sori, one on each side of the midvein of each pinna, generally crowded, and sometimes becoming confluent. When ripened, the sporangia turn to a rich orange, or brown, colour. HABITATS. The tops and sides of rocks and walls. It is especially luxuriant where moist seams of earth, lying in shaded positions, afford abundant root-room, and it is oftentimes much stunted and diminutive on the drier, exposed, and sunny faces of rocks and walls. Old walls falling into ruin are always found to have accumulated soil between their loose stones. Should trees be growing around, this accretion of soil will be largely composed of leaf-mould, and upon the shadowy sides of such walls all rock or wall-growing ferns will be found in the greatest state of vigour and luxuriance. The Common Polypody grows also in the forks of old trees where leaf- mould has accumulated; upon tree-stumps raised above, or almost level with, the ground; in the sides and upon the tops of hedgebanks, amongst loose stones, or in the stumps, trunks, forks, or hollows of trees growing in hedgebanks. Pollard-trees in hedgebanks afford favourite habitats of this fern. Old bridge-arches, and indeed all old or decaying stonework, are, similarly, favourable positions for Polypodium vulgare. Wherever, 84 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. in short, leaf-mould has accumulated in stony or woody places, it may be looked for, as its creeping, vigorous rhizomas love to occupy the congenial habitats which shade and a leaf-soil provide. WHERE FOUND. In every county of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland ; in the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands, growing in many places in extreme abundance. Polypodium vulgare, Lastrea filix-mas (the Male Fern), and Pteris aquilina (the Bracken) are the most plentiful and widely-distributed of all British ferns. XVIII. THE MOUNTAIN POLYPODY. Polypodium phegopteris. (Plate IX., Fig. 4, page 65.) LENGTH OF FROND. Six inches to a foot and a half or twenty inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots fibrous, somewhat long, and numerous. Rootstock, a rhizoma, slender but vigorous, creeping extensively and horizontally along or just underneath the soil. Fronds delicate, herbaceous, abundant, springing from numerous points along the upper sides of the rhizomas ; stipes delicate, pale green, slender, brittle, about double the length of the leafy part; leafy part triangular, often pinnate in its lower part, pinnatifid higher up. Pinnae ordinarily in opposite pairs and pinnatifid, the pinnules nearest the main rachis being sometimes again pinnate in the lowest pair of pinnse, which ordinarily hang downwards in a peculiar manner distinct from the others. The form of the pinnae in the lower part of the frond is somewhat lance-shaped, their bases tapering towards the rachis and their apices THE MOUNTAIN POLYPOUV. 85 drawn out to somewhat acute points. Fructification distributed equally over every part of the frond and almost marginal, consisting of two rows of non-indusiate, rounded sori, one on each side of the midvein of each pinnule. HABITATS. Damp woods in mountainous districts, or in country that is more or less hilly ; the margins of mountain or moorland streams ; the immediate vicinity of waterfalls, in the fine spray of which this beautiful species delights ; moist nooks in rocks, especially in the neighbourhood of water. The habitats of Polypodiuin phegopteris are essentially shady. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Gloucester, Hereford, Lancaster, Monmouth, Northumberland, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Sussex, Westmoreland, Wilts, and York. In the Isle of Man. In Wales, in the counties of Brecknock, Caermarthen, Caernarvon, Cardigan, Denbigh, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Montgomery, and Radnor. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Banff, Berwick, Caithness, Clackmannan, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Inverness, Kincardine, Kinross, Kirkcud- bright, Lanark, Linlithgow, Orkney (including Shetland), Perth, Renfrew, Ross, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Stirling, and Sutherland; also in the isles of Cantyre, Islay, and Mull. In Ireland, it is found only in the counties of Antrim, Donegal, Down, Galway, Kerry, Londonderry, Louth, and Wicklow. It is found growing at various heights up to three thousand five hundred feet above the sea-level. 86 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. XIX. THE THREE-BRANCHED POLYPODY. Polypodiinn dryoptcris. (Plate IX., Fig. 3, page 65.) LENGTH OF FROND. Six to twelve inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots fibrous, delicate, nu- merous. Rootstock, a slender, somewhat black rhizoma, which creeps extensively, in a horizontal direction, upon or just underneath the soil. Fronds triangular, abundant, springing from numerous points of the rhizomas, delicate, brittle, golden green, herbaceous, each with a slender, brittle, pale-green stipes and a three-branched leafy part, about half the length of the stipes ; rachis and rachides also very slender, delicate, and brittle. The branches of the frond grow at right angles to each other, and each is, itself, more or less triangular in shape, with a clear space of stem between it and the point of attachment to the rachis. The two lower branches are ordinarily pinnate at and near the base and pinnatifid higher up, and are divided into pairs of oblong, more or less deeply-indented pinnules, the lower ones (near the main rachis) of each pair being longer than the upper cnes. The upper branch is divided into opposite pairs of more or less deeply-cleft pinnae, which become gradually merged into each other towards the apex of the branch that forms the apex of the frond. Fructification produced in rows of non- indusiate sori, one row on each side of the midvein of pinnule or pinna, according to the size and development of the plant. HABITATS. Slightly less moist than those of Polypo- dium phegopteris : shady woods amongst underwood and in rocky crevices ; streamsides and shady hedgebanks in hilly, moorland, or mountainous districts. THE LIMESTONE POLYPODY. 87 WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Durham, Gloucester, Hereford, Lancaster, Lincoln, Monmouth, Northumberland, Oxford, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Sussex, Warwick, Westmoreland, Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Brecknock, Caernarvon, Cardigan, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Montgomery, Pembroke, and Radnor. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Banff, Berwick, Caithness, Clackmannan, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Inverness, Kincardine, Kinross, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Linlithgow, Nairn, Peebles, Perth, Renfrew, Ross, Roxburgh, Sel- kirk, Stirling, and Sutherland. In the isles of Arran and Mull, and in Shetland. In Ireland, only in the counties of Antrim, Down, Galway, and Kerry. It ' is found growing up to and at elevations of two thousand seven hundred feet above the sea-level. XX. THE LIMESTONE POLYPODY. Polypodium calcareum. (Plate IX., Fig. 2, page 65.) LENGTH OF FROND. Eight to eighteen inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots black, numerous fibrous. Rootstock, a rhizoma branched, slender, black, extensively creeping. Fronds abundant, triangular, bluish-green, produced from numerous points of the upper sides of the rhizomas ; less fragile than those of Polypodium dryopteris ; stipes of varying lengths, generally longer than the leafy part, pale green, bipin- nate, and, in large and luxuriant specimens, tripinnate ; 38 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. pinnae in pairs or alternate upon the rachis ; lowest pair of pinnae somewhat narrowly triangular, pinnate and sometimes bipinnate at their bases, and divided into opposite or alternate, oblong, and somewhat cone-shaped pinnules, which are more or less deeply cleft into narrow, oblong, blunt-pointed lobes. The succeeding and upper pairs of pinnae are less and less divided, on the same principle, as they near the apex of the frond, the divi- sions of the several pinnae being similarly less and less towards their apices. This principle of gradation is always observed in all ferns the divisions or indenta- tions of all the parts of fronds being less and less from base to apex of frond, pinna, pinnule, lobe, or serrature. As in Polypodium dryopteris, the lower pairs of pinnae have their lower pinnules longer and more developed than those on the upper sides of their respective secondary rachides. Fructification marginal on the lobes or pinnules according to the size and development of the pinnae and bearing a strong general resemblance to the arrangement of the fructification of the Bracken. But in Polypodium calcareum the sporangia are non- indusiate. The fructification is spread equally over the whole under surface of the frond, the pinnules of which are concave on their under sides, giving to them a curled, crisped appearance. HABITATS. Limestone districts, in moist crevices of limestone rocks and amongst loose limestones. It prefers shady positions especially for its roots, but it will oftentimes be found growing in places that arc somewhat sunny. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Bucks, Cumberland, Derby, Durham, Gloucester, Here- ford, Lancaster, Oxford, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Westmoreland, Wilts, Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Brecknock, Caernarvon, Denbigh, and Glamorgan. In Scotland, it is said to have been found growing wild in the counties of Aberdeen and Perth, THE ALPINE POLYPODY. 89 but it is believed to be extremely rare in that country. In Ireland, no plants of this species have been found. In Britain, Polypodium cakareum grows at various heights up to twelve hundred feet above the sea-level. XXL THE ALPINE POLYPODY. Polypodium alpestre. (Plate XIII., Fig. i, page 73.) LENGTH OF FROND. One foot to three feet and a half. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots fibrous, abundant. Rootstock, a cormus, erect, short, tufted. Fronds broad, lance-shaped, drawn out to a point at the apex, and considerably narrowed towards the base ; bipinnate ; pinnae alternate on the rachis, narrow, pointed, sym- metrical, divided into pairs of oblong, somewhat blunt- pointed, and deeply-indented pinnules. Stipes short, with a few light-coloured scales scattered upon it. This fern was for a long time confounded with the Lady Fern, Athyrium filix-fcemina, but it was distinguished from that species and included amongst the Polypodies in 1841, having been discovered in that year by Mr. Hewett C. Watson. Fructification distinct from Athy- rium filix-fcemina, and consisting of round, non-indusiate sori usually produced in two rows along each pinnule, a sorus being placed ordinarily in those parts of the pin- nules immediately contiguous to the bases of the notches between the lobes. HABITATS. Shady rocks and streamsides ; often covering considerable spaces of ground in mountainous districts. 90 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. WHERE FOUND. Only in Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Banff, Forfar, Inverness, Perth, and Sutherland, occurring at elevations reaching from twelve hundred to three thousand six hundred feet above the sea-level, in company with, and in similar positions to, Athyrium filix-famina until the highest range of that species is reached, when Polypodhtm alpestre occurs alone in the higher elevations. XXII. THE HARD PRICKLY SHIELD FERN. Polystichum aculeatmn. (Plate XII., Fig. x, page 71.) LENGTH OF FROND. One to four feet. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots long, fibrous, tough, abundant. Rootstock, a large, tufted cormus, the crown of which is raised above the ground. Fronds lance- shaped, leathery in texture, dark green, produced in a circle around the crown, which, with the short stipes, is thickly covered with rust-coloured or reddish-brown scales that are usually thickly scattered upon the rachis and also upon the secondary rachides. Leafy part of frond bipinnate ; pinnae alternate, lance-shaped, divided into alternate, wing-shaped, serrated, and bristly pin- nules, attached by their bases, more or less narrowed, to the secondary rachides or midstems of the pinnae. The pinnules, separate and distinct from each other at the inner ends of the pinnae, are decurrent or merged into each other at their bases, towards and at the apices of the pinnae. The upper pinnule on each pinna situated next the principal rachis is larger than any of the others on the same pinna, and its apex sometimes overlaps the THE HARD PRICKLY SHIELD FERN. QI base of the pinnule next above it. Fructification pro- duced in rows one on each side of the midvein of each pinnule, or, towards the apex of the frond and towards the apex of the pinna, on each side of the midveins of the pinna? themselves of round sori, covered by round indusia. HABITATS. The sloping ground of woods where shaded by trees or dwarfer growths ; the sides of hedge and other embankments which make the boundaries of shady lanes : the sides of hills, especially where frag- ments of rock and sheltering shrubs cover ground enriched by leaf-mould. Dwarf specimens or seedlings, may sometimes be found upon walls ; but such positions are exceptional, as only depths of rich earth can afford the root-room required by large and luxuriant plants of this species. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Bedford, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Essex, Gloucester, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Hereford, Hertford, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Lincoln,. Middlesex, Monmouth, Norfolk, Northampton, Northum- berland, Nottingham, Oxford, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Westmoreland, Wilts, Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Brecknock, Caermarthen, Caernarvon, Den- bigh, Flint, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. In the Isle of Man. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Berwick, Caithness, Clackmannan, Dumfries, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Haddington, Inverness, Kincardine, Kinross, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Nairn, Orkney, Peebles, Perth, Renfrew, Ross, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Stirling, and Sutherland : also in the isles of Bute, Cantyre, and Islay. In Ireland, in the counties of Antrim, Clare, Dublin, Galway, and Wicklow. It is found in Jersey. It ascends to two thousand five hundred feet above the sea-level. 92 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. XXIII. THE SOFT PRICKLY SHIELD FERN. - Polystichum angulare. (Plate V., page 57.) LENGTH OF FROND. One to four feet. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots long, fibrous, abun- dant. Rootstock) a thick, tufted cormus. the crown being raised above the ground. Fronds lance-shaped, somewhat soft in texture, light green, sometimes golden green, though at times much darker in colour, produced in a circle around the crown, which with the short stipides each stipes being about one-fourth the length of the leafy part of the frond is densely covered with rust- coloured scales. These are continued thickly upon the rachis and also frequently upon the secondary rachides. Leafy part of frond bipinnate, pinnae alternate, lance- shaped, divided into angular, slightly-indented, and somewhat hairy pinnules, each of which is distinctly stalked, though the stalk is short. The pinnules are alternate upon the secondary rachides. The entire aspect of the fronds of Polystichum angulare is more lax and drooping than that of Polystichum aculeatum, and the pinnules are more distinctly angular than those of its congener, though in some other respects the two species very much resemble each other. Fructification produced in rows of sori, one row on each side of the midvein of each pinnule. The sori are round, and are covered in their early stage by round indusia, which fall off when the ripening of the spores is completed. HABITATS. Woods, in all kinds of positions upon the ground, growing oftentimes luxuriantly under trees, or wherever there are rich deposits of leaf-soil ; stream- sides, in the shade ; lanes, upon the sides and tops of THE HOLLY FERN. 93 hedgebanks ; hillsides, amongst shrubs and broken rocks ; the long, sloping sides of cuttings which border roadsides in hilly country ; and the hedgebanks which run on either side of roadways. Polystichum angulare is oftentimes found in great abundance. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Berks, Bucks, Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Essex, Gloucester, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Hereford, Hertford. Huntingdon, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Middlesex, Norfolk, Northumberland, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Westmoreland, Wilts, Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Brecknock, Caermarthen, Caernarvon, Car- digan, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorgan, Pembroke, and Radnor. In the Isle of Man. In Scotland, only in the counties of Ayr, Argyle, Berwick, and Roxburgh. In Ireland, in the counties of Antrim, Clare, Cork, Dublin, Galway, Kilkenny, Tipperary, Waterford, and Wicklow. Also in the Arran Isles. It grows also in Jersey and Guernsey. It is found growing at various heights up to two thousand five hundred feet above the sea-level. XXIV. THE HOLLY FERN. Polystichum lonchitis. (Plate VIII., Figs. 3 and 4, page 63.) LENGTH OF FROND. Six inches to two feet. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots fibrous, wiry, tough. Rootstock, a tufted, somewhat thick cormus. Fronds narrowly lance-shaped, evergreen, rigid, leathery, spiny, simply pinnate, each frond strongly resembling a pinna H 2 94 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. of Polystichum angidare. The serrated, bristly pinna; are alternate along and on opposite sides of the rachis, and wing-shaped, and are attached to the rachis by their narrowed bases, the upper portion of each pinna next the rachis ordinarily overlapping the base of the pinna next above it; stipes very short and scaly. Fructification usually present only on the upper sides of the fronds, and consisting of rows one on each side of the midvein of each pinna of round sori, covered, when the spore- cases are young, by round indusia. The sori are usually so arranged that they form an acute angle on the under- side of each fruitful pinna, the angle being at the apex of each pinna, the lines which form it widening out towards the base. HABITATS. Mostly in localities not less than a thou- sand feet above the sea-level ; in such localities it grows in moist, rocky fissures, and is oftentimes firmly and im- movably wedged into stony crevices. WHKRE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Cumberland, Durham, Northumberland, Westmoreland, and York. The particular localities in three of these counties are the following : in Cumberland, at Fairfield, Helvellyn ; in Durham, on the Falcon Glints, Teesdale, some ten miles westward of Middleton, and also on the Mazebeck Scar ; in the county of York, on Attermire Scar ; in the neighbourhoods of Giggleswick and Ingle- borough, and (near Settle) at Langcliffe. In Wales, in Caernarvon, Glamorgan, and Merioneth. In Caernarvon, the neighbourhoods of Clogwyn-y-garnedd, of Cwm- Idwal, of Glyder-Vawr, and of Twll-du. In Merioneth, it has been found (on Cader Idris) by Mr. Franklin T. Richards. In Scutland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Banff, Caithness, Dumbarton, Elgin, Forfar, Inverness, Orkney, Perth, Ross, Stirling, and Suther- land ; also in the Isle of Mull, on Ben More. The special localities of some of these countries are these : in the county of Forfar, on the Clova Mountains, Can- THE BRITTLE BLADDER FERN. 95 lochen, on Craig Maid, in Glen Isla, in Glen Dole, and in Glen Fiadh ; in the county of Inverness, amongst the mountains and rocks near Loch Erricht ; in the county of Perth, on Ben Chonzie, near Crieff, on Ben Lawers, on Ben Voirlich, on Craig Challiach, and in Glen Lyon. In the county of Ross, near Castle Leod, on the Raven Rock ; and in the county of Sutherland, at Assynt and on Ben Hope. In Ireland, in the counties of Donegal, Kerry, Leitrim, Meath, and Sligo ; and in the following places : to the east of Lough Eske, in a glen on the Rosses, and in the Thanet mountain passes. In Kerry, on Brandon Hill ; in Leitrim, on the Glenade Moun- tains ; in Meath, at Navan, and in Sligo, on the Ben Bulben Mountains. The Holly Fern is found at heights ranging from a thousand feet above the sea- level to three thousand two hundred feet above it. XXV. THE BRITTLE BLADDER FERN. Cystopteris frag His. (Plate X., Fig. 2, page 67.) LENGTH OF FROND. Six to fourteen inches, depend- ing on the character of its habitats. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots black, fibrous, wiry, numerous. Rootstock, a small, tufted cormus, which spreads laterally, forming several adjacent crowns. Fronds in numerous tufts from each crown, delicate- green, brittle, herbaceous ; stipes of varying lengths, very brittle ; leafy part broadly lance-shaped, bipinnate, the ovate pinnae alternate or in pairs along the rachis, and divided into irregularly-alternate, ovate pinnules, which are again divided into rounded, oblong, much-indented 96 WHERE TO FIND FERN-. lobes. Fructification irregularly but abundantly distri- buted over the under sides of the lobes, and consisting of roundish sori, covered by inflated, bladder-like or hood-like indusia, attached each by one side that towards the base of the lobe and falling off when the spores are ripened. The sori then frequently become confluent, and cover the entire under sides of the fronds with their rich-brown fructification. HABITATS. Shady and moist crevices of rocks, espe- cially limestone rocks ; though, owing to its hardiness, this species may be found in other rocky habitats. Its rootstocks are often so firmly ensconced in the stony chinks it loves best as to render their extraction difficult or impossible ; but in other cases, when growing amongst loose stones, it is easily obtainable. It grows also on walls and on stony banks, always preferring their shady sides. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Essex, Gloucester, Hereford, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Middlesex, Monmouth, Norfolk, Northampton, Northumberland, Nottingham, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Westmoreland, Wilts, Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of An- glesea, Brecknock, Caerrnarthen, Caernarvon, Cardigan, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Montgomery, and Radnor. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Banff, Berwick, Caithness, Clackmannan, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Haddington, Inverness, Kincardine, Kinross, Kirkcud- bright, Lanark, Linlithgow, Nairn, Orkney, Perth, Renfrew, Ross, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Stirling, and Suther- land : also in the Hebrides. In Ireland, in the counties of Antrim, Cork, Down, Galway, Kerry, Leitrim, Sligo, and Wicklow. It is found growing at various heights up to nearly four thousand feet above the sea-level. THE ALPINE BLADDER FERN. 97 XXVI. THE ALPINE BLADDER FERN. Cystopteris regia. (Plate XII., Fig. 2, page 71.) LENGTH OF FROND. Four to ten inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots fibrous, black, wiry, numerous. Rootstock, a small, tufted cormus. Fronds numerous, brittle, herbaceous, delicate, produced in tufts ; stipes ordinarily short ; leafy portion somewhat broadly lance-shaped, bipinnate ; pinnae in opposite pairs upon the rachis or alternate short, ovate, and again divided into bluntly-ovate, deeply-incised pinnules. This fern resembles a rounded form of Cystopteris fragilis. Fructification produced abundantly over all the under-surface of the frond, and consisting of round sori covered by the hood-like indusia, each sorus keep- ing itself distinct from the others. Hence the sori of this species do not become confluent, as frequently do those of Cystopteris fragilis. HABITATS. The moist fissures of rocks and the earthy seams of old walls. WHERE FOUND. This fern has been discovered in very few localities in Britain, though it is quite possible that it is much more plentiful than is generally supposed. The places where it has been found growing in England are in the counties of Cumberland, Derby, Durham, Essex, and York ; at Saddleback in Cumberland, and at Low Leyton in Essex, in which last-named place it was found upon an old wall from which it has now dis- appeared. In Wales, it is said to have been found at Cwm-Idwal and on Snowdon ; and on Ben Lawers in Scotland. 98 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. XXVII. THE MOUNTAIN BLADDER FERN. Cystopteris montani. (Plate X., Fig. 3, page 67.) LENGTH OF FROND. Four to ten inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots fibrous, not very abundant. Rootstock, a rhizoma, which creeps consider- ably in a horizontal direction, thin and dark-coloured. Fronds abundant, bright green, brittle, herbaceous, produced from numerous points along the rhizoma ; stipes about twice the length of the leafy part, which is somewhat triangular in general form and tripinnate in its lower part, though bipinnate higher up. Pinnre alternate or opposite, generally the former, on the rachis. The basal pinnules of the two lowest pinna? are much longer on the lower than on the upper sides of their midstems or secondary rachides, and these elongated pinnules are again divided into alternate, egg- shaped, and deeply-indented lobes, thus becoming tri- pinnate. The remaining pinnules are less and less divided both towards the apex of the frond and towards the apices of their respective pinnae. Fructification abundant upon the fronds, and consisting of round sori, covered, when young, by the bladder-like or hood-like indusia which are characteristic of the genus Cystopteris. HABITATS. Rocky fissures in mountainous districts and the rocky margins of mountain streams. Where rich leaf-mould has collected in such fissures, this species grows luxuriantly, always preferring the most complete shade. WHERE FOUND. In Scotland, only in the counties ot Aberdeen, Forfar, and Perth ; the particular districts in the two last-named counties being in Canlochen, at the THE OBLONG WOODSIA. 99 head of Glen Isla, in Forfarshire, and on Ben Lawers, and at Corrach Dh' Oufillach, between Glen Lochy and Glen Dochart, in the county of Perth. But it is possibly much more abundant than these rare " finds " would seem to indicate. XXVIIL THE OBLONG WOODSIA. Woodsia ilvensis. (Plate XV., Figs 2 and 3, page 77.) LENGTH OF FROND. Two to six inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots fibrous, wiry. Root- stock small, tufted. Fronds numerous, brittle, deciduous, thick and woolly in texture, produced in clusters from the crown ; stipes of varying lengths, generally rather short, jointed, reddish, breaking off when the fronds begin to decay a little distance above the crown ; leafy parts hairy or woolly, oblong, lance-shaped, pinnate; pinnae opposite or alternate, oblong, egg-shaped, short, pinnatifid, and divided into small, blunt-pointed pinnules, the incisions between which reach down almost to the midstems of the pinnae. Fructification consisting of spore -cases somewhat marginal upon the undersides of the pinnules, and provided with indusia which lie as a sort of scales under the sori, with a fringed margin, which is spread over them. The thickly hair-covered under- surfaces of the pinnules afford a sort of shelter for the sporangia. HABITATS. Moist crevices of rocks in mountainous districts at such altitudes as lie between twelve hundred and three thousand feet above the sea-level. WHERE FOUND. InEngland, in the counties of Cum- berland, Durham, Westmoreland, and York; in Durham, 100 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. on basaltic rocks in the neighbourhood of Cauldron Snout and on Falcon Glints, Teesdale. In Wales, in the counties of Caernarvon and Merioneth ; in Caernarvon- shire, at the pass of Llanberis amongst limestone rocks : also on rocks at Clogwyn-y-Garnedd and in similar positions at the little Dog's Lake (Llyn-y-Cwm) near Glyder Vawr. Here the plants have been reputed to be abundant, but difficult of access, owing to the steepness of the rocks. In Scotland, in the counties of Dumfries, Elgin, Forfar, and Perth ; and in the following localities in those counties : in Dumfries, at the " Devil's Beef- tub," upon rocks in a ravine near Loch Skene, at a farm called Corehead near Moffatt, and upon hills near Moffatt; also amongst crumbling rocks upon hills divid- ing Dumfries from Peebles ; in Elgin, near Forres ; in Forfar, in Glen Fiadh amongst the Clova Mountains. It is also found on rocks upon Ben Chonzie, near Crieff, and its other habitats in Perthshire are on Ben Lawers. It has not been recorded as having been found in Ireland : but it is quite possibly present in many localities, where it has not been discovered by botanists who are in the habit of publishing their " finds." XXIX. THE ALPINE WOODSIA. Woodsia alpina. (Plate XV., Fig. 4, page 77.) LENGTH OF FROND. One to six inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots slender, fibrous, wiry. Rootstock slender, tufted. Fronds small, thick, leathery, hairy but less hairy than Woodsia ilvensis numerous, produced in tufts from the crown, pinnate, lance-shaped: stipes rather short, slightly hairy; pinna? short, in pairs THE ALPINE WOODSIA. IO1 or alternate, sometimes distant from each other, egg- shaped, and divided into two or three rounded, blunt pinnules, or, in small plants, lobes, the clefts between them being more or less deep according to their size. Fructification produced upon the margins of the pin- nules, and protected by indusia in the form of scales, which lie under the sori and have fringed margins, which are spread over them, as already indicated in the case of the species last described. But in Woodsia alpina the undersides of the pinnules are less hairy than are those of the Oblong Woodsia, and the sporangia are con- sequently better seen. HABITATS. Similar to those of its congener Woodsia ilvensis, namely, moist crevices of rocks at altitudes between twelve hundred and three thousand feet above the sea-level. WHERE FOUND. Only in Wales and Scotland. In Wales, in the county of Caernarvon only; on the eastern side of Snowdon in a rocky chasm called Clogwyn-y- Garnedd, and on limestone rocks at Moel Lechog at the pass of Llanberis. In Scotland, in the counties of Dumfries, Forfar, and Perth the habitats in Forfarshire being in Glen Fiadh, on the Clova Mountains, and in Glen Isla ; and in Perthshire, on Ben Chonzie (near Crieff), on Ben Lawers, at Catiaghiamman, on Craig Challiach, and at Mael-dun-crosk. But, as with other reputedly " rare " ferns, it is quite possible that it is much more plentiful than is generally supposed. 102 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. XXX. THE MALE FERN. Lastrea filix-mas. (Plate XV., Fig. i, page 77.) LENGTH OF FROND. One foot to five feet, according to its more or less congenial conditions of growth. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots abundant, long, wiry, fibrous. Rootstock, a large, tufted cormus, whose crown is sometimes raised several inches above the ground, and is always raised to some extent. Fronds broadly lance- shaped, numerous, rigid, thick, bold-looking, somewhat leathery, produced in a circle around the crown, shuttle- cock-shape ; stipes usually very short not exceeding a sixth of the length of the leafy part densely covered, as is the crown of the rootstock and the under (and sometimes the upper) sides of the rachides, by rust- coloured scales, which often extend in smaller form and less thickly to the under sides of the rachides or mid- stems of the pinnae ; leafy part pinnate in small speci- mens and partially bipinnate in more luxuriant ones ; pinnae placed on the rachis in opposite pairs, or alter- nately, long, tapering, and pointed, widest at their bases, becoming smaller gradually outwards, and again divided into oblong, somewhat short, blunt pinnules closely set together with great regularity so much so that their apices form almost straight lines. These symmetrical pinnae are either pinnate or pinnatifid some being the one and some the other in finely-developed specimens the tendency to division being always less towards the apex of the frond and towards the apices of the pinnae. Fructification usually confined to upper half of under side of frond, and consisting of rows of sori, a row on each side of the midvein of each pinnule each sorus being THE BROAD BUCKLER FERN. 103 covered by a kidney-shaped indusium attached by its notched side, but falling off when the spores are ripe. HABITATS. Woods, glades, commons, heaths, streamsides, hillsides, rocks, walls, cliffs, banks and mounds, and green lanes growing in almost every imaginable position. The ground under trees in woods; sloping ground of open parts of woods or forests ; rocky embankments ; the ground under forest undergrowth ; the sides of waterfalls ; hedgetops ; hedgesides ; ditches where there is motion in the water. This species some- times grows in the shade, often in the full sunshine a pigmy when found on walls or other " stony places " where there is no depth of earth a giant (amongst its kind) when in shadow in a vapour-laden atmosphere and in congenial soil. It grows, in short, almost every- where. WHERE FOUND. In England, Wales, Scotland, Ire- land, and all the British Isles, large or small, this abundant fern is found. No soil on which fern-life is at all possible is likely to be foreign to Lastrea filix-mas. From the sea-level at various altitudes up to two thousand five hundred feet above it, the Male Fern is abundantly distributed. XXXI. THE BROAD BUCKLER FERN. Lastrea dilatata. (Plate II., page 51.) LENGTH OF FROND. One to six feet. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots abundant, fibrous, wiry. Rootstock, a large, tufted cormus, its crown raised a little above the surface of the soil. Fronds deciduous, produced around the crown, dark green, arching, nume- 104 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. rous, broadly lance-shaped, sometimes nearly triangular, tripinnate at the base, and bipinnate above; stipes of varying lengths half as long, a third as long, or the same length as the leafy part, scattered over with dark- coloured scales ; pinnae opposite or alternate along the rachis, narrowly triangular in shape, and divided into oblong pinnules alternate on the secondary rachides, the pinnules being again divided into larger or smaller sharply-incised lobes, whose under sides are concave. The two pinnae at the base of the frond have the pin- nules on the under sides of their midstems longer than those above them, and more developed (being con- sequently tripinnate). The next pair or two above partake slightly of the same character, and the pinnules gradually become equal on both sides towards the apex of the frond. Fructification in rows of small sori, one on each side of each pinnule or lobe, according to the size and development of the pinnae, scattered pretty evenly over the under surface of the frond, and covered, in its early stage, by kidney-shaped indusia, which fall away when the spores have ripened. HABITATS. Woods, lanes, hedgebanks, streamsides. It grows with greatest luxuriance in the shade, and in positions where accumulations of leaf-mould have been formed. Small specimens may sometimes be found on rocks and even on old walls, but these are not the natural habitats of this species, which requires a depth of rich earth and a sloping position to acquire its finest proportions. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Chester, Cornwall, Cumber- land, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Essex, Gloucester, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Hereford, Hertford, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Lincoln, Middle- sex, Monmouth, Norfolk, Northampton, Northumber- land, Nottingham, Oxford, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Westmoreland, Wilts, THE HAY-SCENTED BUCKLER FERN. 105 \V r orcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Brecknock, Caermarthen, Caernarvon, Car- digan, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Pembroke, and Radnor. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argle, Ayr, Banff, Berwick, Caithness, Clackmannan, Dumbarton, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Haddington, Inverness, Kincardine, Kinross, Lanark, Linlithgow, Orkney, Perth, Renfrew, Ross, Roxburgh, Stirling, and Sutherland; also in the islands of Arran, Cantyre, Harris, Islay, Lewis, and Uist. In Ireland, in the counties of Clare, Cork, Down, Dublin, Galway, and Kilkenny ; in King's County, Limerick, Tipperary, Waterford, and VVicklow. In Jersey and Guernsey. It grows from the sea-level to three thousand seven hundred feet above it. XXXII. THE HAY-SCENTED BUCKLER FERN. Lastrea, recurva. (Plate VI., Fig. 2, page 59.) LENGTH OF FROND. One foot to two feet. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots abundant, wiry, fibrous. Rootstock, a tufted cormus, whose crown is slightly raised above the soil. Fronds strongly resembling in general form except in the matter of size those of Lastrea dilatata. Stipes varying in length, but frequently about as long as the leafy part, scattered over near its base, and also in a less degree higher up, with a few dark or muddy-brown scales ; leafy part triangular, tripinnate in its lower part and bipinnate above ; pinnae opposite or alternate, lower ones also triangular, succeeding ones above becoming narrower and narrower towards the apex of the frond ; pinnules alternate on the secondary 106 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. rachides, and more or less deeply divided into sharply- indented lobes, the pinnules on the under sides of the midstems of the lowest pair of pinnae being considerably longer and more divided than those on the upper sides of the same midstems ; the same kind of difference, though in a less degree, being observable in the pinnules of the pinnae above the difference gradually disap- pearing towards the apex of the frond. Characters which, besides its smaller size, distinguish this species from Lastrea dilatata are the strong hay scent which is diffused by the fronds, especially when in a dry or drying state, the bluish-green hue of its fronds, and the recurving of the lobes of the pinnules. It has been seen that in Lastrea dilatata the under sides of the lobes are concave, a feature which gives a drooping aspect to the entire frond. In Lastrea recurva, on the other hand, the lobes are recurved, so that they are slightly concave on their upper sides. Fructification distributed over the entire under surface of the frond, and consisting of rows one on each side of the midvein of each lobe in the lower part of the frond and of each pinnule on the upper part of kidney-shaped indusia, green at first, and subse- quently becoming brown and falling off as the spores are ripened. HABITATS. Moist and sheltered rocky and other banks and hollows of woods ; loose stones upon hillsides or embankments ; the tops and sides of hedgebanks where the luxuriance of shrubs and trees makes shady places. The positions this fern prefers are those where rich leaf-soil is found in conjunction with shade and moisture. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Cornwall, Cumberland, Devon, Dorset, Hereford, Kent, Lancaster, Northumberland, Salop, Somerset, Sussex, Westmoreland, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Caernarvon, Glamorgan, Merioneth and Pem- broke. In the Isle of Man. In Scotland, in the counties THE RIGID BUCKLER FERN. 107 of Argyle, Berwick, Dumbarton, Forfar, Inverness, Orkney, and Roxburgh ; also in the islands of Arran, Mull, and North Uist. In Ireland, in the counties of Antrim, Clare, Cork, Donegal, Galway, Kerry, London- derry, Mayo, Sligo, Waterford, and Wicklow. In the island of Guernsey. It is found growing from the sea- level to two or three thousand feet above it. XXXIIL THE RIGID BUCKLER FERN. Lastrea rigida. (Plate VI., Fig. 3, page 59.) LENGTH OF FROND. One foot to two feet. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots abundant, fibrous. Rootstock, a thick, tufted cormus. Fronds rigid, erect ; stipes about half the length of, or as long as, the leafy- part, scaly, the scales being continued along the rachis ; leafy part triangular, bipinnate, pinnae cone-shaped, in pairs or alternate upon the rachis, and divided into oblong, alternate, indented pinnules, which are arranged in symmetrical order upon the secondary rachides the whole frond having a very elegantly-cut appearance. Fructification consisting of lines of sporangia a line on each side ot the midvein of each pinnule covered by the kidney-shaped indusia characteristic of the genus Lastrea. HABITATS. Rocky hollows, in the moist crevices of which the Rigid Buckler Fern often grows abundantly in its own districts. It prefers limestone rocks ; and is, in fact, the only one of the genus Lastrea which prefers rocky habitats. WHERE FOUND. In England, only in the counties of Cornwall, Lancaster, Somerset, Westmoreland, and York ; i IOS WHERE TO FIND FERNS. in Lancashire, in the neighbourhood of Silverdale; in Westmoreland, at Arnside Knot, at Farlton Knot, and at Hutton Roof Crags ; in Yorkshire, at Ingleborough, Ingleton, on the Attermine Rocks, near Settle, at Wharn- side, and White Scars. It has not been recorded as having been found in Wales or in Scotland, and in Ireland only in the county of Louth. It is found growing at various heights up to fifteen hundred feet above the sea-level. XXXIV. THE CRESTED BUCKLER FERN. Lastrea cristata, (Plate XIV., Fig. i, page 75-) LENGTH OF FROND. One to three feet. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots abundant, fibrous. Rootstock, a stout caudex, which extends itself laterally in the ground, producing several crowns, which oftentimes, when the plant spreads over an area of several square feet, are still adherent to each other, and show their common origin. Fronds numerous, produced promis- cuously from the crowns without any particular order, such as that noticed in the shuttlecock-shapes of the sets of fronds of several other species of the same genus ; stipes brittle, rather short not exceeding usually one- half the length of the leafy part and having a few light- brown scales scattered upon it ; leafy part, narrowly triangular, or lanceolate, nearly, but not quite, bipinnate ; pinnse opposite or alternate upon the rachis, triangular, pinnatifid, divided, nearly down to their midstems, into oblong, indented pinnules, which are attached to the secondary rachides by the whole width of their bases. The habit of the frond is very erect, and the THE CRESTED BUCKLER FERN. 109 arrangement of pinnae and pinnules very symmetrical. Fructification produced over the whole under sides of the fronds, and consisting of rows of sori, one on each side of the midvein of each pinnule each sorus covered by a kidney-shaped indusium in the earlier stage of growth. The indusia, however, fall away and disappear on the ripening of the spores. HABITATS. Shady, boggy places, oftentimes under shrubs or trees in such situations. Though the habitats of this species are thus marshy, it is invariably found to prefer little mounds, knolls, or other elevations a few inches above the surface of the bog. Bog tree-stumps upon which have accumulated leaf-soil, grass, and moss, are amongst the favourite places for the finding of Lastrea cristata, which, however, is local in its appearance, and not widely distributed. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Chester, Huntingdon, Norfolk, Nottingham, Suffolk, and York. In Cheshire, it has been found in the Wybunbury Bog ; in Norfolk, at Bawsey Heath, near Lynn, near Dersingham, between Hunstanton and Lynn ; at Edge- field, near Holt ; at Fritton, near Yarmouth ; and at Surlingham Broad, near Norwich ; in Nottinghamshire, on the Bulwell Marshes and in Oxton Bogs (although it may possibly at the present time have become extinct on the Bulwell Marshes) ; in Staffordshire, near Madeley, and in a bog in the vicinity of Newcastle-under-Lyne ; in Suffolk, at Bexley Decoy, near Ipswich, and at Westleton ; in Yorkshire, near Knaresborough and near Malton. It is said to have been found in Scotland only in Renfrew and Wigtonshire, and neither in Wales nor Ireland. It grows generally at low elevations not exceeding three hundred feet above the sea-level. I 2 110 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. XXXV. THE PRICKLY-TOOTHED BUCKLER FERN. Lastrea spinulosa. (Plate VII., Fig. 2, page 6r.) LENGTH OF FROND. One foot to three feet. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots abundant, fibrous. Rootstock, a tufted caudex, which extends into numerous crowns that are noticeable by the absence of scales. Fronds numerous, triangular, deciduous, bipinnate, some- times, in the lower part of the frond, nearly tripinnate ; pinnae more or less triangular, opposite or alternate on the rachis, and divided into oblong, sharply-incised pin- nules, furnished with spinous, bristle-like points which are turned towards the apices of the pinnules. As in the case of Lastrea dilatata and Lastrea rccurva, the lower pairs of pinnae are more developed than the upper ones, the basal pinnules of these being elongated, and again divided into spiny lobes. The pinnae especially the lower pairs are usually pointed upwards in a direction diagonal to that of the rachis. The stipes is generally about the same length as the leafy part of the frond, though sometimes longer, and is brittle, and furnished near the base with a few light-brown scales. Fructifica- tion produced in rows of small sori, covered by kidney- shaped indusia, and scattered equally over the under sides of the fronds a row of sori on each side of the midvein of each pinnule or lobe according to its size and position. HABITATS. Similar in all respects to those of Lastrea cristata namely, boggy places of low-lying heaths and moorlands, especially in places where, under the shelter of shrub or tree, little grassy or mossy knolls have been THE MOUNTAIN BUCKLER FERN. Ill formed above the general bog or marsh level. When the boggy soil is of peat and leaf-mould the most favour- able conditions of growth are provided for this species. WHERE FOUND. \\\ England, in the counties of Bed- ford, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Essex, Gloucester, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Hereford, Hertford, Huntingdon, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Lincoln, Middlesex, Monmouth, Norfolk, Northampton, Northumberland, Nottingham, Oxford, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Westmoreland, Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Brecknock, Caermarthen, Caernarvon, Flint, Glamorgan, and Merio- neth. In the Isle of Man. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Inverness, Kincardine, Kinross, Perth, Renfrew, Ross, Roxburgh, and Stirling. Also in the isles of Harris, Lewis, and Uist. Its range upwards from the sea-level does not extend beyond some three hundred feet. XXXVI. THE MOUNTAIN BUCKLER FERN. Lastrea montana. (Plate VII., Fig. i, page 61.) LENGTH OF FROND. One foot to four feet and a half. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots abundant, long, wiry, fibrous. Rootstock, a short, stout, tufted cormus, whose crown is raised slightly above the surface of the ground. Fronds deciduous, abundant, lemon-scented, erect-grow- ing, produced in an arrangement shuttlecock-shape around the crown, which is furnished with silvery-looking scales in place of the rust-coloured scales on the crown of the Male Fern, a species which Lastrea montana\try 112 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. much resembles in some other respects ; stipes very short, straw-coloured as is also the rachis and fur- nished with a few, light-coloured scales, which are often continued upon, and a short way along, the rachis ; leafy part lance-shaped, widest about the middle, pointed at the apex, and tapering gradually at the base until the pinnae are less than half an inch long ; pinna? opposite or alternate upon the rachis, long, narrow, pointed, widest at the base each pinna pinnatifid and more or less deeply cleft into oblong, blunt-pointed pinnules. Fruc- tification marginal, produced in lines of sori along the two margins of each pinnule, most abundant on the upper side of the frond ; sori partially indusiate, the indusia consisting of little rounded scales situated upon the centre of the sori, and soon falling off as the period of spore-ripening arrives. HABITATS. Open heaths; moors; the more open parts of woods and forests ; hillsides ; mountain-sides ; streamsides. In many cases it completely occupies the ground. On the ground between stones that border moorland streams this species may often be seen grow- ing in great beauty and luxuriance. Its presence is ordinarily very conspicuous its golden-green fronds covering hillsides with their wealth of golden green, and perfuming the air with their balsamic fragrance. WHERE FOUND. \\\ England, in the counties of Bucks, Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Essex, Gloucester, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Hereford, Hertford, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Lincoln, Middlesex, Monmouth, Norfolk, Northampton, Northumberland, Nottingham, Oxford, Rutland, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Westmoreland, Wilts, Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Breck- nock, Caermarthen, Caernarvon, Cardigan, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Pembroke, and Radnor. In the Isle of Man. In Scotland, in the counties of THE MARSH BUCKLER FERN. 1 13 Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Berwick, Caithness, Clack- mannan, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Inverness, Kincardine, Kinross, Lanark, Perth, Renfrew, Ross, Roxburgh, Stirling, and Sutherland ; also in the isles of Arran, Cantyre, Islay, Shetland, and Uist. In Ireland, in the counties of Clare, Donegal, Galway, Kerry, Londonderry, Waterford, and Wicklow. It is found growing at various altitudes up to three thousand feet above the sea-level. XXXVII. THE MARSH BUCKLER FERN. Lastrea thelypteris. (Plate X., Fig. r, page 67.) LENGTH OF FROND. Barren fronds, one foot to three feet ; fertile fronds, a foot to four feet. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots black, fibrous, abun- dant. Rootstock, an extensively-creeping rhizoma, slender and blackish. Fronds of two kinds barren and fertile numerous, light green, herbaceous, brittle, fragile ; stipes about equal to the leafy part, very thin, pale green, delicate, and brittle ; leafy part lance-shaped, broadest in the centre, tapering to a somewhat blunt point at the apex, and tapering slightly towards the base ; pinnae opposite or alternate, and somewhat distant along the rachis, long, narrow, pointed, broadest at the base, pinnatifid each pinna deeply cleft into thin, plain, oblong, entire pinnules. The pinnules of the fertile fronds, besides being longer, are somewhat more con- tracted than those of the barren ones. Fructification borne in rows of sori upon the under sides of the pinnules, midway between their midveins and their margins, each sorus roundish in shape and covered by a roundish indusium, which, however, soon falls off and disappears. 114 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. HABITATS. Wet marshes and liquid bogs. It is especially luxuriant in positions where shade and shelter are provided by shrubs or trees. No other British fern selects habitats which are so absolutely watery as are those favoured by the Marsh Buckler Fern, which grows actually in the soft liquid ooze of bogs, its rhizomas floating on the bog surfaces. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Bed- ford, Berks, Cambridge, Chester, Cumberland, Devon, Dorset, Essex, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Hereford, Huntingdon, Kent, Leicester, Lincoln, Norfolk, Northumberland, Nottingham, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Westmore- land, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Caernarvon, Flint, Glamorgan, and Pembroke. In Scotland, only in the county of Forfar. In Ireland, in the counties of Antrim, Galway, Kerry, and Mayo. XXXVIII. THE FORKED SPLEENWORT. Asplenium scptentrionale. (Plate XIV., Figs. 8 and 9, page 75.) LENGTH OF FROND. Two to six inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots long, wiry, very fine, abundant, fibrous. Rootstock very small, tufted. Fronds numerous, evergreen, grass-like, usually produced in dense tufts from the crown ; stipes pale green, purplish- brown at the base, three or four times longer than the leafy part, which consists of two or three narrow, simple, or forked branches resembling short blades of grass, each branch being either simple or once or twice sharply cleft at its apex. Fructification borne in elongated lines THE FORKED SPLEENWORT 115 at the backs of the widest leafy part of the frond, the sori distinct and elongated, and covered when young by elongated indusia, but when these fall off becoming confluent upon nearly the whole under side of the frond, and turning then to a dark-brown colour. HABITATS. Moist and shady rocky crevices; old walls in positions sheltered by projecting pieces of stone or rock ; dark, moist, shady holes or recesses in walls or rocks hence, generally, this species is inconspicuous, and requires to be carefully sought for. WHERE FOUND. In England, in Cornwall, Cumber- land, Devon, Northumberland, Somerset, Westmoreland, and York ; in Cornwall, near Trengwainton Cairn (F. T. Richards) ; in Cumberland, Borrowdale, Helvellyn, Honister Crags, Keswick, Vale of Newlands, Patterdale, Scawfell, and Wastwater ; in Devonshire, on Exmoor ; in Northumberland, in crevices of basaltic rocks of Kyloe Crags ; in Somersetshire, near the little village of Culbone ; in the county of Westmoreland, at Ambleside ; and in Yorkshire, upon the rocks of Ingleborough. In Wales, in the counties of Caernarvon, Denbigh, and Merioneth. In the county of Caernarvon the habitats of Asplenium septentrionale are in the following places : Bettwys-y-Coed, Capel Curig, Carnedd Llewellyn, Craig Dhu, Pass of Llanberis, Llyn-y-cwm, Moel Lechog, and Pont-y-Pair ; in the county of Denbigh, rocks at Llan Dethyla in the neighbourhood of Llanrwst. In Merioneth, at Dolgelly (F. T. Richards). In Scotland, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Perth, and Roxburgh ; in Aberdeen, on rocks at the Pass of Ballater ; in the county of Edinburgh, on rocks at Arthur's Seat, at Blackford Hill, and on other rocks in the same neighbourhood ; in Perthshire, in the vicinity of Dunkeld ; and in Roxburghshire, at Jedburgh and on the Minto Crags. No habitats of this species have been recorded in Ireland. It grows at various altitudes up to three thousand feet above the sea-level. Il6 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. XXXIX. THE ALTERNATE SPLEENWORT. Aspknium germanicum. (Plate XIV., Figs. 6 and 7, page 75.) LENGTH OF FROND. Two to six inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots fibrous, wiry, abun- dant. Rootstock small, tufted. Fronds numerous, ever- green, produced in clusters from the crown ; stipes pale- green, purplish-brown at the base, about equal in length to the leafy part ; smooth ; leafy part simply pinnate, with wedge-shaped pinnae sharply cleft on their upper and broader sides, and placed in alternation on opposite sides of the rachis to which they are attached by short, narrow stems, which broaden and are merged, almost insensibly, into the wider, leafy part of the pinnag. Fructification borne upon the under sides of the wedge- shaped, leafy parts of the pinnae in elongated or " linear," as they are called sori, which run in parallel directions towards the terminal points of the pinnse. Each elongated sorus is covered when young by a long, green indusium, and is then distinct. But when the indusia are ruptured by the expansion, at ripening, of the sporangia, they burst and are thrown off, and the sori become confluent, covering almost the entire under sides of the pinnae with a mass of rich, dark-brown spore-cases. HABITATS. Rocky crevices similar to those in which Asplenium septentrionah grows. The two species are often found growing together. WHERE FOUND. In England, only in the counties of Cumberland, Northumberland, and Somerset ; in Cum- berland, rocks at Borrowdale and on Helvellyn ; in Northumberland, on the Kyloe basaltic rocks ; and in THE RUE-LEAVED SPLEENWORT. 117 Somersetshire, at Culbone. In Wales, in Caernarvon and Merioneth ; in the former, rocks between Capel Curig and Llanrwst, and rocks at the Pass of Llanberis ; in Merioneth, on Cader Idris (F. T. Richards). In Scotland, Edinburgh, Fife, Perth, and Roxburgh, and in the following localities : in Edinburgh, rocks within two miles of the capital ; in the county of Fife, rocks in the neighbourhood of Dunfermline ; in Perthshire, the Stenton Rocks in the neighbourhood of Dunkeld ; in the county of Roxburgh, Minto Crags in the vicinity of Hassendean and rocks on the Tweed near Kelso. It has never been reported from Ireland. Asplenium gcrmanicum grows at elevations above the sea-level extending from some three hundred to three thousand feet. XL. THE RUE-LEAVED SPLEENWORT. Asplenium ruta-muraria. (Plate XIII., Figs. 8 and 9, page 73.) LENGTH OF FROND. One inch to six inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots fine, wiry, fibrous, and very abundant, growing oftentimes in a dense mass. Rootstock short, thick, compact, tufted. Fronds ever- green, leathery, dark-green, shining, numerous, produced sometimes in thick tufts from the crown, which is always elevated a little above the surface of the rock or earthy seam of soil upon which it is growing ; stipes smooth, green, purplish-black at the base, equal in length to, or double the length of, the leafy part, or intermediate between these lengths ; leafy part more or less triangular, bipinnate ; pinnae stalked, alternate upon the rachis and divided, usually, into three wedge-shaped, egg-shaped, or Il8 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. diamond-shaped pinnules, which, in luxuriant specimens are sometimes deeply cleft into unequally-shaped lobes, and where the pinnules are not thus divided their upper and broader edges are more or less conspicuously in- dented. Fructification borne in elongated sori, covered, when young, by pale-green indusia. When they have become disrupted and thrown off the sori, by the en- largement of the sporangia, become confluent and cover the entire under surface of the fronds, turning them to a rich reddish-brown. HABITATS. Rocks, brick and stone walls, bridge- arches and old masonry, in shaded positions ; but this fern often grows hardily in the sunshine. The parts of walls and rocks selected by these little ferns are gene- rally those where there are more or less moist seams of earth or old crumbling mortar, and it will always be found that the most luxuriant specimens of the Wall Rue are those whose crowns are protected by some jutting portion of stone over them. When the crowns of this little plant are immersed in rocky crevices, so that, though not buried in the earthy seams, the mois- ture and shade of the crevices surround and protect them from the desiccating effects of sun and wind, they are in the most favourable position for developing luxu- riant fronds. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Bedford, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Essex, Gloucester, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Hereford, Hertford, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Lincoln, Middlesex, Monmouth, Norfolk, Northampton, North- umberland, Nottingham, Oxford, Rutland, Salop, Somer- set, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, West- moreland, Wilts, Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Cardigan, Caermarthen, Caernarvon, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Montgomery, Pembroke, and Radnor. In Scotland, in THE BLACK MAIDENHAIR SPLEENWORT. 1 19 the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Banff, Ber- wick, Caithness, Clackmannan, Cromarty, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Haddington, Inverness, Kincardine, Kinross, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Linlithgow, Nairn, Orkney, Peebles, Perth, Renfrew, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Stirling, and Sutherland; also in the islands of Ailsa Craig, Cantyre, Harris, lona, Islay, and Uist. In Ireland, in the counties of Armagh, Clare, Cork, Down, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, and Kilkenny; in King's County, Limerick, Louth, Tipperary, Waterford, and Wicklow. It is also found in Jersey. Asplenium ruta-muraria grows at elevations extending to about two thousand feet above the sea-level. XLI. THE BLACK MAIDENHAIR SPLEENWORT. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum. (Plate III., page 53.) LENGTH OF FROND. An inch to two feet, according to its more or less exposed, sunny and stony, or sheltered, shady, moist, and in other ways congenial position. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots long, fibrous, wiry, abundant. Rootstock small, tufted, scaly. Fronds ever- green, numerous ; stipes and rachis mqre or less purple ; stipes equal in length to the leafy part, sometimes a little shorter, and sometimes a little longer ; leafy part trian- gular, dark shining-green, with alternated, triangular pinnae, divided into narrow, elongated, and variously- shaped pinnules, which, in turn, are sub-divided into more or less deeply-indented lobes the ultimate divisions depending upon the more or less luxuriant state of the plant. Fructification produced in the form of elongated sori covered by elongated, pale-green indusia. When 120 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. these fall off, the sori, become confluent and densely cover the whole under side of the frond. HABITATS. Walls of all kinds, more or less old, brick and stone ; ruins, bridge-arches, garden and house walls, and, indeed, every description of masonry the luxuri- ance of the plants depending upon the greater or less accumulation of leaf-mould in the moist holes or seams of soil in rock or wall, and upon the greater or less amount of shade or moisture of the position. Stony banks, or soil covered by large or small pieces of stone, such as hedgebanks, streambanks, or the banks formed by cuttings through hilly, rocky, or moorland country, are also the favoured habitats of this beautiful species. Where, on such banks, shrubs, growing from between the stones, give shelter, and, at the same time, provide by the annual deposit of leaves for the enrichment of the soil, Asplenium adiantum-nigrum grows in its finest form. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Bedford, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Essex, Gloucester, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Hereford, Hertford, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Lincoln. Middlesex, Monmouth, Norfolk, Northampton, Northum- berland, Nottingham, Oxford, Rutland, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, W T arwick, Westmore- land, Wilts, Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Caermarthen, Caernarvon, Car- digan, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Mont- gomery, Pembroke, and Radnor. In the Isle of Man. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Banff, Berwick, Caithness, Clackmannan, Cromarty, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Haddington, Inverness, Kincardine, Kinross, Kirkcud- bright, Lanark, Linlithgow, Nairn, Orkney, Perth, Ren- frew, Ross, Roxburgh, Selkirk, and Sutherland ; also in the islands of Ailsa Craig, Arran, Cantyre, Harris, THE LANCEOLATE SPLEENWORT. 121 lona, and Islay. In Ireland, in the counties of Antrim, Clare, Cork, Down, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, and Kilkenny ; in King's County, Limerick, Louth, Meath, Tipperary, Waterford, and Wicklow ; also in the Arran Isles. It is found growing at various eleva- tions extending up to nearly two thousand feet about the sea-level. XLII. THE LANCEOLATE SPLEENWORT. Asplenium lanceolatum. (Plate XIII., Figs. 2 and 3, page 73.) LENGTH OF FROND. Four to eighteen inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots long, fibrous, wiry, abundant. Rootstock somewhat large, dark brown, scaly, tufted. Fronds evergreen, lance-shaped (distinguished by this feature from the triangular fronds of Asplenium adiantum-nigrum, which it otherwise resembles) ; stipes a third the length of the leafy part and sometimes less in proportion, purplish red in colour, the same hue being noticeable, in a greater or less degree, on the rachis ; leafy part bright green, bipinnate ; pinnae opposite -or alternate on the rachis, narrowly triangular, divided into alternate and in well-developed specimens distinctly stalked, fan-shaped, or four-sided and in- dented pinnules. Fructification produced over the entire under surface of the frond, and consisting of sori which, though elongated as in the Spleenworts gene- rally are less elongated than those of Asplenium adiantum-nigrum. When the indusia fall off, the sori become rounded in form and somewhat bulged out as the sporangia increase by development ; but each sorus ordinarily remains distinct from the others, and thus presents another feature which distinguishes this species 122 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. from Asplenium adiantum-nigrum, the sori in which ordinarily become confluent. HABITATS. Shady positions on or near the sea-coast ; moist and dripping rocks ; the shady sides of cliffs ; sea- caverns ; rocky holes, oftentimes almost dark. This species is especially luxuriant in places where water oozes or trickles over the face of cliff or other rock, or along the internal sides of caverns, crevices, or other holes or fissures of rocks. Soft rock seamed with vegetable mould offers, where the aspect and atmosphere are congenial, especially favourite habitats for the Lanceolate Spleenwort. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Gloucester, Kent, Somerset, Sussex, and Yorkshire. Amongst its habitats in Cornwall are sea-rocks, or rocks adjacent to the sea-coast, at Land's End, Penzance, and St. Ives. In Devonshire, along the rivers Dart, Plym, Tamar, and Tavy, especially near and at the mouths of those rivers. On the south-eastern sea- coast of Devon, especially from Portlemouth to Prawle Point and at Salcombe. The Yorkshire habitat of Asplenium lanceolatum is a newly-found one, and its discovery was first communicated to the author of this volume by the Rev. R. Gatty, of Bradfield Rectory, who kindly furnished fronds from the specimens he had taken in this northern county. In Wales, in the counties of Caernarvon, Denbigh, Glamorgan, Merioneth, and Pembroke. No habitats of this species have been discovered in Scotland, and only one in Ireland, namely, near the town of Cork. It is, however, abundant in Jersey, in Guernsey, and in Sark. THE ROCK SPLEEN WORT. 123 XLIII. THE ROCK SPLEENWORT. Asplenium fontanum. (Plate XIII. , Figs. 6 and 7, page 73.) LENGTH OF FROND. Three inches to a foot, the maximum length given being, however, exceptional. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. _#0/i trichomanes ; but the especial and immediate mark of distinction lies in the colour of the stipes and of the lower part of the rachis, a colour which in Asplenium viride is always green except at the base of the stipes and in Asplenium trichomanes always purple. Fructifica- tion produced in narrow, oblong son', covered by indusia, and occupying nearly the centre of each little pinna, be- coming confluent about the centre of the pinnae when the indusia have fallen away, and not spreading, as is THE GREEN SPLEENWORT. 125 usually the case with the fructification of the Common Maidenhair Spleenwort, on the entire leafy under sides. HABITATS. Wild outlying districts, away, ordinarily, from the immediate vicinity of towns ; rocks where trickling moisture can flow over the crowns of these little plants. The most moist and shady of rocky crevices are the favoured habitats. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Chester, Cumberland, Derby, Durham, Lancaster, Leicester, Middlesex, Monmouth, Northumberland, Stafford, Surrey, Sussex, Westmoreland, Worcester, and York. The particular localities in these counties are the following, which will be mentioned in the alpha- betical order, first of the counties and then of the dis- tricts, in or near which this species is found. In Cheshire, Carr-edge; in the county of Cumberland, Ashness Gill, Borrowdale, Borrow Force (a " force " is the north-country name of a waterfall), and Gillsland ; in Derbyshire, Buxton, Castleton, Cavedale, and Dove- dale ; in Durham, Falcon Glints, Teesdale, and Wear- dale ; in Kent, Maidstone ; in the county of Lancaster, Dulesgate and Staley; in Leicestershire, Beacon Hill and Charley Forest ; in Middlesex, Southgate ; in the county of Northumberland, banks of the River Irthing ; in Staffordshire, Dovedale ; in the county of Surrey, Mickleham ; in Sussex, Danny; in Westmoreland, Am- bleside, Arnside, Casterton Fell, Farlton, Hutton Roof, Kendal Fell, Mazebec Scar, and Patterdale ; in Wor- cestershire, Ham Bridge; in Yorkshire, Aix-la-Beck, Craven, Gordale, Leeds, Ogden Clough (in the neigh- bourhood of Halifax), Ingleborough, Reeth Moor, Richmond, Settle, Swaledale, Wensleydale, and Wid- dal Fell. In Wales, in the counties of Brecknock, Caernarvon, Glamorgan, and Merioneth ; and in the following localities in those counties : in Brecknock- shire, Brecon Beacon, and Trecastle Beacon (Brecon), Capel Colbren, and Capel-y-Fin ; in the county of Caer- K 2 126 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. narvon, Clogwyn-y-Garnedd, Clogwyn-du-Yrarddu, Cwm Idwal, Glyder Vawr, Glyn-y-Cwm, and Twll-du ; in the county of Glamorgan, Cilhepste Waterfall (Pont Nedd Vechan), Darran-yr-Ogof, Merthyr Tydfil, and Ystrad- gunlais ; in the county of Merioneth, Cader Idris. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Clackmannan, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Inverness, Kinross, Lanark, Linlithgow, Nairn, Perth, Ross, Stirling, and Sutherland. The following are some of the localities in those counties : in Argyleshire, Dunoon ; in the county of Dumfries, Mare's-tail ; in Forfarshire, Canlochen, Clova ; in Lan- arkshire, falls of the Clyde ; in the county of Nairn, Cawdor Woods ; in Perthshire, Ben Chonzie (Crieff), Ben Lawers, Ben Voirlich, Blair Athol, and Drummond Hill ; in Sutherlandshire, Assynt ; also in the Shetland Isles and the Isle of Mull. In Ireland, in the counties of Cork, Donegal, Killarney, Kerry, and Sligo. Sub- joined are the parts of those counties : in Cork, Bandon ; in Donegal, Lough Eask ; in Kerry, Tork Mountains ; and in Sligo, Ben Bulben. It occurs at various alti- tudes up to two thousand five hundred feet above the sea-level. XLV. THE COMMON MAIDENHAIR SPLEENWORT. Aspknium trichomanes. (Plate XIV., Figs. 2 and 3, page 75.) LENGTH OF FROND. Two to eighteen inches, the maximum length being very exceptional. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots fibrous, long, abun- dant, wiry. Rooistock somewhat large for the size of the plant, tufted. Fronds evergreen, produced in numerous THE COMMON MAIDENHAIR SPLEENWORT. 127 tufts from the crown, tapering, widest about the middle, tapering at each end, simply pinnate, stipes very short, wholly purple ; rachis also purple, in this respect being distinguished from Asplenium viride, which is much like it in other respects. Pinnae deep green, small, oval, entire, opposite or alternate on the rachis, usually in opposite or nearly opposite pairs, seldom reaching a quarter of an inch in length. Fructification produced in oblong sori, covered by oblong indusia. When these fall off, the sporangia become confluent over the entire under surfaces of the pinnae in this respect also differ- ing from Asplenium viride, whose sporangia, when they become confluent, occupy only the centre of the pinnae, leaving a green, leafy margin around them. HABITATS. Rocks, walls, and old masonry of all kinds, especially where, in the crevices which may have been formed, leaf-soil has accumulated and moisture has entered. Hence rocks or stony places by running streams, bridge-arches, stone parapets, dwelling-house and garden-walls, out-buildings, cliffs, and stony em- bankments of all kinds. On the drier sides of such habitats it is often stunted and puny, whilst on the shady, moist, crumbling surfaces of rock or wall it becomes much larger. In hedge and other embank- ments, where the surface is sheltered by shrubs and the soil is rich especially where its roots are snugly en- sconced under fragments of stone which may lie upon the face of an incline this species assumes its finest and most luxuriant proportions. But such fine specimens require, ordinarily, to be sought for, as, hid beneath the friendly shelter of the superincumbent bushes, which promote the shadiness, the moisture, and the richness of soil of their habitats, they are not conspicuous, and are often entirely concealed from the passer-by. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Bedford, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Essex, 128 WHERE TO FIND KERNS. Gloucester, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Hereford, Hertford, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Lincoln, Middlesex, Monmouth, Norfolk, Northampton, Northum- berland, Nottingham, Oxford, Rutland, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Westmore- land, Wilts, Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Brecknock, Caermarthen, Caer- narvon, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Mont- gomery, Pembroke, and Radnor. In the Isle of Man. In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Banff, Berwick, Caithness, Clackmannan, Cro- marty, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Haddington, Inverness, Kincardine, Kinross, Kirkcudbright, Lanark, Linlithgow, Nairn, Orkney. Peebles, Perth, Renfrew, Ross, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Stirling, and Sutherland ; also in the islands of Arran, Bute, Cantyre, Islay, and Harris. In Ireland, in the counties of Antrim, Clare, Cork, Down, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, and Kilkenny ; in King's County, Limerick, Louth, Tipperary, Tyrone, and Wicklow. In the Channel Islands. It grows at various heights, extending to some two thousand feet above the sea-level. XLVI. THE SEA SPLEENWORT. Aspleniiim marinum. (Plate X., Figs. 4 and 5, page 67.) LENGTH OF FROND. Two to eighteen inches, the maximum length being exceptional. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots fibrous, rather fleshy, and abundant Rootstock stout, erect, tufted, with scales upon its crown. Fronds evergreen, lance-shaped, leathery, shining, simply pinnate ; stipes smooth, purple, THE SEA SPLEEN WORT. 1 29 about half the length of the leafy part, and sometimes shorter than that ; rachis often purple, sometimes purple on the lower part and green higher up; leafy part widest about the middle, tapering to a blunt point at the apex, and tapering generally, but not always, by the diminution of the pinnae towards the base ; pinnae in opposite pairs, or alternate upon the rachis, indented, wing-shaped, or ear-shaped, ordinarily attached by their narrow, stalk- like bases to narrow, leafy margins or wings, which run along on each side of the rachis. Fructification pro- duced in elongated sori, covered by elongated indusia, and placed diagonally between the midveins and the margins of the pinnae. Though generally, even when ripened, distinct, the lines of sori become sometimes confluent turning to a rich brown, which conspicuously contrasts with the deep green of the pinnae. HABITATS. Sea-caverns ; cliffs or other rocks in or very near the sea. It is very rarely that this fern is found growing far from the coast, though it not un- frequently is found of a more or less diminutive size upon rocks in tidal rivers several miles from the sea. Its favourite positions are moist and shady crevices of the open sides of cliffs, especially in situations where water oozes through such crevices or trickles down the out- ward face of the rock. Shady clefts, formed by jutting pieces of rock, moist corners at the entrance to cliff hollows or caverns ; cavern roofs ; rocks detached from the coast and surrounded by the sea. These and the under sides of rocks overhanging the mouths of tidal rivers and similar rocks further inland are, one and all, favoured habitats of Aspknium marinum. WHERE FOUND. In England, on the coasts of the counties of Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Devon, Dorset, Durham, Gloucester (banks of the Severn), Hants (the Isle of Wight), Lancaster, Northumberland, Somerset, Sussex, Westmoreland, and York. In Wales, on the coasts of the counties of Anglesea, Caermarthen, 130 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. Caernarvon, Cardigan, Glamorgan, Merioneth, and Pembroke. On the coasts of the Isle of Man. In Scotland, on the coasts of the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Banff, Berwick, Caithness, Cromarty, Dum- barton, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fife, Forfar, Kincardine, Kinross, Kirkcudbright, Linlithgow, Nairn, Orkney, Perth, Renfrew, Ross, Stirling, Sutherland, and Wigton. Also on the coasts of the isles of Ailsa Craig, Cantyre, Harris, lona, Islay, Lewis, and Uist. In Ireland, on the coasts of the counties of Clare, Cork, Down, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, Limerick, Louth, Waterford, and Wick- low : also on the coasts of the isles of Arran. It is also found on the coasts of Jersey and Guernsey. XLVII. THE SCALY SPLEENWORT. Asplenium ceteraeh, (Plate XIIL, Figs. 4 and 5, page 73.) LENGTH OF FROND. An inch to eight inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots long, fibrous, wiry, very abundant, oftentimes forming dense masses. Root- stock tufted, scaly. Fronds not numerous, thick, leathery, evergreen, produced in an irregular circle around the crown ; pinnatifid ; stipes, very short, scaly ; leafy part lance-shaped, and, though generally pinnatifid, sometimes in the lower part of the frond partially pinnate the deep, wide indentations and the lobes formed by them being rounded and waved on each side of the rachis in a manner somewhat similar to that of a large saw. The upper surface of the leafy part is bluish-green and velvety to the touch, and the whole under-surface is densely covered by light reddish-brown or rust-coloured scales. Fructification produced in irregularly-elongated THE SCALY SPLEENWORT. 131 sori, which are ordinarily quite hidden by the clothing of the scales, and which have imperfect and partially- developed indusia. HABITATS. Rocks, old walls, and all kinds of old and crumbling masonry; bridge-arches, house and garden walls, and stony embankments. It grows from the moist, shady seams of its stony habitats, being more or less luxuriant according to the more or less congenial con- dition of the habitats leaf-mould in the crevices of rock or wall, caused by the fall and decay of leaves from over- arching trees, and a certain amount of moisture, being conducive to vigour and luxuriance. The proof that it is chiefly leaf-mould and not " old mortar " as is so frequently alleged that promotes the luxuriant growth of this fern is found in the circumstance that when the walls or rocks on which it is growing are under trees the finest specimens are those amongst loose stones on the tops of such walls or rocks, these being precisely the positions in which there are naturally the largest accu- mulations of leaf-mould from falling leaves. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Bucks, Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Essex, Gloucester, Hants (the mainland and the Isle of Wight), Hereford, Hertford, Kent, Lancaster, Middlesex, Monmouth, Norfolk, Northampton, North- umberland, Nottingham, Oxford, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Westmore- land, Wilts, Worcester, and York. In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Brecknock, Caermarthen, Caer- narvon, Cardigan, Denbigh, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Montgomery, and Pembroke. In Scotland, in the counties of Argyle, Ayr, Berwick, Dumfries, Kirkcud- bright, Lanark, Perth, and Renfrew. In Ireland, in the counties of Antrim, Clare, Cork, Down, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, Kilkenny, Limerick, Louth, Sligo, Tipperary Waterford, and Wicklow. In Jersey. 132 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. XLVIII. THE TUNBRIDGE FILMY FERN. Hymenophyllum tunbridgen.se. (Plate XV., Fig. 5, page 77.) LENGTH OF FROND. One to six inches, the maxi- mum length being exceptional. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots very fine, fibrous, wiry, and abundant. Rootstock, a very slender, hairlike rhiaoma, which branches and creeps extensively, forming oftentimes, with the roots, a dense, matted network, that extends for several yards the interwoven fibres making a mass that may be stripped off like a thick carpet from the surface of the rock upon which they have spread. Fronds evergreen, ovate, and peculiar in conformation. The stipes is brownish-black and hairlike, the rachis continuing it being of similar texture, size, and colour. From each side of the rachis, in alternation, are secondary forked rachides, similar in character to, but somewhat more delicate than, the stipes and primary rachis. The whole of the black, vein-like rachides are margined on either side by semi- pellucid, olive-green, finely-toothed, leaf-like expansions each side-branch or pinna looking somewhat like the spread fingers of a hand. Fructification borne not on the under sides of the leafy parts of the frond, as is the case with the large majority of ferns, but in little cup-shaped indusia, situated upon aborted veins, which branch from the secondary rachides near where these make angles with the main rachis on either side of the latter. The upper margins of the indusia are fringed (see page 18, left-hand figure). HABITATS. The damp surfaces of rocks in moist moorland or mountainous country. Hymenophyllum tunbridgense is oftentimes found growing in company THE TUNBRIDGE FILMY FERN. 133 with mosses either on rocks, on tree-trunks, or on the ground. It is also found on boulder rocks in mid- stream, and generally in or near streams, on rock- covered hills or uplands within the influence of the moist emanations from neighbouring streams ; and the hollows, crevices, or sides of waterfalls are favourite habitats, this species often growing almost in darkness in rocky fissures, whose external and frequently internal sides it completely drapes. A very slight depth of earth suffices for root-room, and oftentimes the carpet of its matted roots and rhizomas appears to cover nothing but the moist surface of bare rocks. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Chester, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby, Devon, Kent, Lancaster, Northumberland, Somerset, Stafford, Sussex, Westmoreland, and York. The following are the espe- cial localities for this species in the counties named. In the county of Chester : the neighbourhood of Buxton, Croydon Brook, and Macclesfield. In Cornwall, Rough Tor, near Camelford, and the vicinity of Penryn. In Devonshire, on Dartmoor, namely, at Becky Fall (near Moreton Hampstead), in Bickleigh Vale, by Shaugh Bridge, on Staple Tor, and on Vixen Tor. In Kent, vicinity of Tunbridge Wells. In the county of Lancaster, Cliviger, Conistone, Greenfield, and Rake-Hey Common. In Somersetshire, near Shepton Mallet. In Sussex, Ardingly, Balcombe, Cockbush (Chichester), Hand- cross (Tilgate Forest), and West Hoathley. In Yorkshire, the vicinity of Halifax and Esk Dale, neighbourhood of Whitby. In Wales, in the coun- ties of Anglesea, Brecknock, Caernarvon, Glamorgan, and Merioneth ; and in the following localities : in Glamorganshire, Cilhepste, Waterfall, Melincourt Water- fall, and Pont-nedd-Vechan. In Merionethshire, Cader Idris, Cwm Bychan (in the vicinity of Barmouth), Crafnant (in the neighbourhood of Harlech), Dolgelly, Vale of Festiniog, and Rhaiadr Du (in the neighbour- 134 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. hood of Maentwrog). In Scotland, in the counties of Argyle, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Peebles, Renfrew, Ross, and Stirling. The following are the localities of these counties : In Argyleshire, Bullwood, Dunoon, and Glen Gilp. In Dumbartonshire, shores of Loch Lomond. In Dumfriesshire, Drumlanrig ; and in Lanarkshire, banks of River Clyde. It is also found in the islands of Bute and Mull. In Ireland, in the counties of Clare, Cork, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, and Wicklow, the subjoined being the localities. In the county of Clare, Feacle. In Cork, Ballenhassig Waterfall, Dunbullogue Glen, Glenbower, Glengariff, Killeagh, and Lota Wood. In the county of Dublin, in the neighbourhood of the capital. In Galway, Ballynahinch and Connemara. In Kerry, in Glen Carnn and the vicinity of Killarney. In the county of Wicklow, Glencree. Hymenophyllum tunbridgense is found at various elevations, extending to about a thousand or twelve hundred feet above the sea-level. XLIX. THE ONE-SIDED FILMY FERN. Hymenophyllum jinilaterale. (Plate XV., Fig. 6, page 77.) LENGTH OF FROND. One to six inches, the maxi- mum length being exceptional, and the average seldom exceeding two or three inches. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Roots very fine, wiry, fibrous, and abundant. jRootstock, a slender, hairlike, brownish-black rhizoma, which, like that of Hymenophyl- lum tunbridgense, creeps extensively along the rocks or shallow soil on which it grows, forming frequently, with the roots, dense, compact clusters, which are often THE ONE-SIDED FILMY FERN. 135 intimately mixed with roots of moss, and of its con gener, the Tunbridge Filmy Fern. Fronds evergreen, elongated, oval in shape ; stipes and rachis brownish- black ; leafy part olive-green, bipinnate ; pinnae opposite or alternate, divided into elongated, narrow pinnules, which arise from one side and that the upper of the midvein of each pinna. The texture of the fronds is of the same semi-pellucid nature as that of the fronds of Hymenophyllum tunbridgense, and they have the appear- ance as of winged leafy margins to a series of forked veins, the distinction between the two species con- sisting in the fact that the pinnules of Hymenophyllum unilaterale, besides being wider apart from each other, are produced upon one side only of the pinnae, and not on both as is the case in Hymenophyllum tunbridgense. Fructification produced in urn-shaped indusia similar to those of the Tunbridge Filmy Fern, but entire, instead of being fringed upon their upper margins the indusia being situated upon aborted veins that branch from the pinnae on each side of and near the junction of the latter with the main rachis (see page 18, right-hand figure). HABITATS. Exactly similar to those indicated in the case of Hymenophyllum tunbridgense^ namely, damp, shady rocks, tree-trunks, and the ground, oftentimes keeping company with that species, and with moss, the roots and rhizomas interlacing with the mossy roots and stems. WHERE FOUND. In England, in the counties of Cornwall, Cumberland, Devon, Kent, Lancaster, Salop, Stafford, Westmoreland, and York. The following are the localities of these counties : In Cornwall, the vicinity of Bodmin, Rough Tor (near Camelford), Granite Tor, and Cam Brea (near Redruth). In the county of Cum- berland, Borrowdale, Bow Fell, Scale Force (near Butter- mere), Dalegarth, Ennerdale, Gatesgarth Dale, High Still, Honister Crag, Keswick, and Lodore Fall. In Devonshire, Bickleigh Wood, Moreton Hampstead, 136 WHERE TO KIND FERNS. Shaugh Bridge, West Lyn, Wistman's Wood ; and on the following tors : Great Mist, Longaford, Sheep's, White, and Vixen tors. In Lancashire, Thevilly (near Burnley), neighbourhood of Bury, in caves near Green- field, and near Lancaster. In the county of Northumber- land, Jurionside. In the county of Salop, Treflack Wood (Oswestry). In Staffordshire, Gradbitch (near Flash). In Westmoreland, Ambleside, Langdale Pikes, Patterdale, and Stock Gill P'orce. In Yorkshire, Lower Harrogate, Hawl Gill (near Mickleton), and Turner's Clough (Rushworth). In Wales, in the counties of Anglesea, Brecknock, Caermarthen, Caernarvon, Cardi- gan, Glamorgan, Merioneth, and Radnor. In Caernar- vonshire, Capel Curig (near Llanberis), Cwm Idwal, Rhaiadr Mawr, and Rhaiadr-y-Wenol. In the county of Cardigan, Devil's Bridge, Hafod, and Pont Bren. In Glamorganshire, Melincourt Waterfall, Scudeinon-Gam. In the county of Merioneth, Cader Idris, Dolgelly, Festiniog, Rhaiadr-y-Mawddach (near Llanelltyd), and Rhaiadr-Du (near Maentwrog). In Scotland, in the counties of Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Clackmannan, Dumbarton, Dumfries, Fife, Forfar, Inverness, Kinross, Kirkcudbright, Orkney (including Shetland), Peebles, Perth, Renfrew, Ross, Stirling, and Sutherland, the localities in these counties being : In Argyleshire, Crinan, Dunoon, Glen Finnart, Glen Gilp, and Glen Moray. In Ayrshire, Dalmellington and Glen Ness. In the county of Clackmannan, Castle Campbell and Dollar. In Dumbartonshire, Bowling Hills and' shores of Loch Lomond. In the county of Dumfries, Delvine Pass, Grey Mare's-tail, Girpel Lane, Kirkpatrick-juxta, Moffat Dale, and Nithside. In Forfarshire, Reeky Linn. In the county of Perth, Ben Lawers, Finlarig Burn (near Killin), Glen Queich, the Ochils, Pass of Leny, shores of Lock Katrine, and the Trosachs. In the county of Renfrew, Gourock. In the islands of Arran, Harris, Islay, and Mull. In Ireland, in the FERNS ROUND LONDON. 137 counties of Antrim, Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, Londonderry, Mayo, Tipperary, and Wicklow, the following being the localities of these counties : In the county of Antrim, Colin Glen (Belfast), Glenarve River (Cushendall). In Cork, Morgan's Glen (Clonmel), and near Youghal. In the county of Donegal, the Knnishowan Mountains. In Galway, Connemara and Oughterard. In Kerry, Killarney and the mountains of the county. In Mayo, the mountains of the county. In the county of Wicklow, Glendalough, Hermitage Glen, and Powerscourt Waterfall. Hymenophyllum unilaterale is found growing at various heights extending to two thousand eight hundred feet above sea-level. L. FERNS ROUND LONDON. THE number of those in the Metropolis who are lovers and growers of ferns is enormously large, and has cer- tainly largely increased within the last few years. A walk through almost any street will prove the accuracy of this statement, by showing how many ferns are now grown in windows alone. These beautiful, flowerless plants have, in such positions, to a large extent, taken the place which used to be occupied by flowers or other ornaments. Similar evidence of the direction of the popular taste is afforded by the appearance of front suburban gardens. "Where to find ferns round London?" is, therefore, a question that is being continually asked, and, though the present chapter will not profess to return an ex- haustive answer to the inquiry, it will give information which, it is hoped, will be useful and valuable to a large number of persons. The rapid changes that, by the continual develop- 138 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. ment of London, are made upon the country around it, render it difficult to accurately define the locality of fern habitats ; and any attempt to name particular spots where ferns are to be found would involve the risk of constant disappointment. Particular habitats may have been stripped, and yet the same ferns may be found in the vicinity of the old habitats. The plants may, so to speak, have been driven further afield ; but the places that used to know them are almost certain to furnish a more or less reliable key to their actual "whereabouts": that is to say, that the old habitat will at least provide or suggest a good starting-point from which to search for the new one. Amongst the authorities consulted for the purposes of this chapter are the " Flora of Middlesex," by Messrs. Trimen and Dyer, the floras of other metropolitan coun- ties, and Dr. E. de Crespigny's " New London Flora." The localities are set out in alphabetical order, and the name of each district is given in preference to indicating the exact wood, lane, common, or down where the habitat is to be looked for. To direct thousands of persons, for instance, to the particular part of a wood, lane, or common where certain species of ferns are to be found, would be to secure the speedy extermination of the plants ; and such easy acquisition would take away half of the pleasure of fern-hunting. With regard especially to the following lists of ferns round London, the Author will be glad at all times to receive from correspondents information supplementary to that contained in this chapter ; and, whenever pos- sible, specimen fronds of ferns found in localities not mentioned here, or not included under the names of the districts which have been mentioned. ABBEY WOOD. Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern). ACTON. Asplenium nita-nntraria (Rue-leaved Spleenwort), Ophioi>lossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). FERNS ROUND LONDON. 139 ADDINGTON HILLS. Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Botrychium Innaria (Moonwort). ALBURY. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Asplenium ruta-muraria (Rue-leaved Spleenwort), Botrychium htnaria (Moonwort), Cystopteris fragilis (Brittle Bladder Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders- tongue). ALDENHAM. Athyrium filix-fcemina, (Lady Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern). ARDINGLY. Hymenophyllum tunbridgense (Tunbridge Filmy Fern), Lastrea recurva (Hay-scented Buckler Fern). ASHTEAD. Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern). BADDOW (LITTLE). Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Lastrea thelypteris (Marsh Buckler Fern), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern). BAGSHOT. Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern), Polypodium vulgare (Common Polypody), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). BALCOMBE. Hymenophyllum tunbridgense (Tunbridge Filmy Fern), Lastrea recurva (Hay-scented Buckler Fern). BANBURY. Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). BARKING. Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). BARNES. Pteris aquilina (Bracken). BARNET. Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern). BAYFORD. Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleenwort), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Ophio- glossum vtdgatum (Adders-tongue). BEDDINGTON. Ophioglossum vulgalum (Adders-tongue). BERKHAMPSTEAD (GREAT). Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Polystichum aculeatttm (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). BERKHAMPSTEAD (LITTLE). Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleenwort), Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fem), Polystichum actileatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). BETCHWORTH. Asplenium ceterach (Swly Spleenwort), Ophio- glossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). BEXLEY. Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Laslrea thelypteris (Marsh Buckler Fern). BLACK NOT LEY. Polystichum aculeatttm (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). BLETCHINGLEY. Asplenium ruta-muraria (Rue-leaved Spleen- wort), Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). L 140 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. BRASTED. Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern). BRENTFORD. Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue), Poly- stichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). BRENTWOOD. Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Blf.chnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders- tongue), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern), Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). BRICKENDON. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maiden- hair Spleenwort), Ophioglossttm vulgatum (Adders-tongue), Poly- stichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). ~" BROCKHAM. Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). BROXBOURNE. Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea filix- mas (Male Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly- toothed Buckler Fern). BURNHAM BEECHES. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maiden- hair ^Spleenwort), Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern), Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickjy Shield Fern). BURSTOW. Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleenwort). CANTERBURY. Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). CHALFONT. Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). CHERTSEY. Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern). CHESHUNT. Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). CHIDDINGLY. Hymenophyllum tunbridgense (Tunbridge Filmy Fern). CHIGVVELL. Lastrea thelypteris (Marsh Buckler Fern), Poly- stichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). CHINGFORD. Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). CHIPPING NORTON. Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern). CHISLEHURST. Botrychium lunaria (Moonwort), Lastrea spi- nulosa (Prickly-toothed. Buckler Fern), Pteris aquilina (Bracken), Scolopendrium vulgare (Hartstongue). CHOBHAM. Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea mon- tana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern). COBHAM. Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed FERNS ROUND LONDON. 141 Buckler Fern), Ophioglossiim vulgatum (Adders-tongue), Polypo- dium vulgare (Common Polypody), Polystichutn aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). COGGLESHALL. Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern). COLDHARBOUR. Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Lastrea dilaiata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Osmunda re- galis (Royal Fern), Polypodium vulgare (Common Polypody), Polystichutn aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). COLNEY HEATH. Athyrium Jilix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern), Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). COULSDON. Botrychium lunaria (Moonwort), Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). COWLEY. Asplenium ceterach (Scaly Spleenwort). CRAY (NORTH). Lastrea thelypteris (Marsh Buckler Fern). CRAY (ST. MARY). Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). CROHAM HURST. Polypodium vulgare (Common Polypody). CROYDON. Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). DANBURY. Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern). DARTFORD. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Athyrium filix-feemina (Lady Fern), Blechnum spi- canl (Hard Fern), Botrychium lunaria (Moonwort), Lastrea filix- mas (Male Fern), Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). DORKING. Botrychium hmaria (Moonwort), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern), Polypodium vulgare (Common Polypody), Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). EARLSWOOD. Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). ELSTEAD. Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern). ELSTREE. Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). EPPING. Asplenium ruta-muraria (Rue-leaved Spleenwort), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea fitix-mas (Ma.\e Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Lastrea thelypteris (Marsh Buckler Fern), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern), Polystichiim angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). EPPING FOREST. Asplenium ruta-murarici (Rue-leaved Spleen- wort), Asplenium ceterach (Scaly Spleenwort), Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly- toothed Fern), Lastrea thelypteris (Marsh Buckler Fern), Ophio- glossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue), Polypodium vulgare (Common L 2 142 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. Polypody), Polystichum aculeatitm (Hard Prickly Shield P"ern), Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern), Pteris aquilina (Bracken), Scolopendnum vulgar e (Hartstongue). EPSOM. Pteris aquilina (Bracken). ESHER. Blechmtmspicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). ESSENDON. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue), Polystic/nitn aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). EWHURST. Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern). FARLEIGH (WEST). Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). FARNHAM. Asplenium ceterach (Scaly Spleenwort), Botrychiitni hmaria (Moonwort), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern). FOOT'S CRAY. Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleenwort), Botrychium lunaria (Moonwort). FRENSHAM. Polypodium vulgare (Common Polypody). FRIMLEY. Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern). FULMER. Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). GERRARD'S CROSS. Pteris aquilina (Bracken). GODALMING. Asplenium ceterach (Scaly Spleenwort), Botry- chium lunaria (Moonwort), Lastrea thelypteris (Marsh Buckler Fern), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern), Polypodium vulgare (Common Poly- pody). Also (at Hascombe) Lastrea filix-mas, Lastrea spinulosa, and Polystichum aculeatum (W. A. Pearce). GODSTONE. Asplenium ruta-muraria (Rue-leaved Spleenwort), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern). GOMSHALL. Asplenium tnchomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleenwort), Athyriumjilix-faunina (Lady Fern), Lastrea spinulosa, (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern). GRAVESEND. Asplenium ceterach (Scaly Spleenwort). GREENFORD. Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). GREENHITHE. Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). GUILDFORD. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Asplenium ruta-muraria (Rue-leaved Spleenwort), Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleenwort), Athy- rium filix-fccmina (Lady Fern), Cystopteris fragilis (Brittle Bladder Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern) Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue), Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). HACKNEY MARSHES. Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). HAII^AULT FOREST. Lastrea thelypteris (Marsh Buckler Fern), Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). FERNS ROUND LONDON. 143 HAMPSTEAD HEATH. Aspknium ruta-muraria (Rue-leaved Spleenwort), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). HANDCROSS. Hymenophylhun tunbridgense (Tunbridge Filmy Fern). HAREFIELD. Asplenium cuKattium-nigruot (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleen- wort), Lastrea cristata (Crested Buckler Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue), Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). HARROW WEALD. Aspknium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maiden- hair Spleenwort), Athyrium filix-fccmina (Lady Fern), Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Polystichiim angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). HARTWELL. Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern). HASLEMERE. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Asplenium c'eterach (Scaly Spleenwort), Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleenwort). HATFIELD. Asplenium adiantitm-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleen- wort), Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Bkchnnm spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). HAYES. Pteris aquilina (Bracken). HENDON. Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). HERTFORD. Asplenium adianttim-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleen- wort), Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Laslrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea filix- mas (Male Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly- toothed Buckler Fern), PolysticJmm angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). HERTINGFORDBURY. Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). HIGH BEECH. Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). HIGHGATE. Asplenium ruta-muraria (Rue-leaved Spleenwort). HITCHIN. Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue), Polystichtim aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). HOLM WOOD. Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). HORSELL. Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern). ISLEWORTH. Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). KELVEDON. Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleenwort). 144 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. KESTON. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea thelypteris (Marsh Buckler Fern), Polypodium vulgare (Common Polypody), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). LEATHERHEAD. Polysticlnim aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). LEIGH. Polypodium vidgare (Common Polypody), Scolopen- drium vulgare (Hartstongue). LEITH HILL. Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Botrychium lun- aria (Moonwort), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Lastrea thely- pteris (Marsh Buckler Fern), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern), Poly- stichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). LEYTON. Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleen- wort). LEYTONSTONE. Asplenium ruta-muraria (Rue-leaved Spleen- wort). LouGHTON. Asplenium adiatrtum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Lastrea thelypteris (F. J. Lewis), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). MAIDSTONE. Asplenium cettrach (Scaly Spleenwort), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern). MAYFORD. Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Lastrea filix~ mas (Male Fern), Polystichum acukatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern), Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). MERSTHAM. Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). MlCKLEHAM. Asplenium ceterach (Scaly Spleenwort). MIMMS (North). Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea spinu- losa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). MUNCOMBE. Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). NEWLAND. Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern). NORTHAW. Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern). NUTFIELD. Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleenwort), Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). ONGAR. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleen- wort), Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue), Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern), Scolopendrium vulgare (Hartstongue). OXHEY. Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). PERIVALE. Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue). PINNER. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea filix- FERNS ROUND LONDON. 145 mas (Male Fern), Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern), Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). PIRBRIGHT. Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea thelypteris (Marsh Buckler Fern), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). PUTNEY. Pteris aquilina (Bracken). PUTTENHAM. Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Botrychium lunaria (Moonwort). RAINIIAM. Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleenwort). REDHILL. Scolopendrinm vulgare (Hartstongue). REIGATE. Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleen- wort), Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Blechnum spicant (Ha.r& Fern), Botrychium lunaria (Moonwort), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Ophioglossum mtlgatum (Adders- tongue), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern), Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern), Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). RICKMANSWORTH. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maiden- hair Spleenwort), Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleenwort). RIVERHEAD. Asplenium ceterach (Scaly Spleenwort). RUSTHALL. Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern). ST. ALBANS. Asplenittm adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Polystichum aciileatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). SEVENOAKS. Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Pteris aquilina (Bracken), Scolopendrium vulgare (Hartstongue). SHACKLEFORD. Botrychium lunaria (Moonwort). SHALFORD. Asplenhim ruta-muraria (Rue-leaved Spleenwort), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern). SHIERE. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Asplenium rtita-muraria (Rue-leaved Spleenwort), Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleenwort) Bo- trychium lunaria (Moonwort), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Lastrea spinu- losa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern). SHIRLEY. Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Botrychium lunaria (Moonwort). SNARESBROOK. Athyrium filix-fcemina Lady Fern). SOUTHBOROUGH. Blechmim spicant (Hard Fern), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). SPRINGFIELD. Polystichtim angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). STANMORE. Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Pteris (Bracken). 146 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. STURRY. LaftreajHix-fotntma (Lady Fern). SUNNINGHILL. Lastrea thelypteris (Marsh Buckler Fern). TEDDINGTON. Aspknium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maiden- hair Spleenwort), Aspknium ruta-muraria (Rue-leaved Spleen - wort). TILGATE FOREST. Aspknium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Athyrium filix-fcewina (Lady Fern), Bkchnum spicant (Hard Fern), Hymenophyllttm tunbridgense (Tunbridge Filmy Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea_filix-tnas(b&a\& Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Poly- podium dryopteris (Three-branched Polypody), Polypodiunt phegopteris (Mountain Polypody), Scolopendrium vulgare (Harts- tongue). TiPTREE Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern). TOTTERIDGE. Polystichum acukatitm (Hard Prickly Shield Fern), Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). TOWN MALLING. Aspknium ruta-muraria (Rue-leaved Spleen- wort). TRING. Athyrium filix-fccmina (Lady Fern), Bkchnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern). TUNBRIUGE WELLS. Aspknium lanceolatum (Lanceolate Spleenwort), Aspknium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleen- wort), Athyrium JUix-fccmina (Lady Fern), Bkchnum spicant (Hard Fern), Cystopteris fragilis (Brittle Bladder Fern), Hymeno- phyllum tunbridgense (Tunbridge Filmy Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Lastrea recurva (Hay-scented Buckler Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Lastrea thelypteris (Marsh Buckler Fern), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern), Polypodium vulgare (Common Polypody), Pteris aquilina (Bracken), Scolopendrium vulgare (Hartstongue). VIRGINIA WATER. Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern). WALTHAMSTOW. Aspknium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleenwort), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). WANDSWORTH. Pteris aquilina (Bracken). WARLEY. Aspknium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Aspknium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleen- wort), Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Bkchnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly- toothed Buckler Fern), Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue), Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern), Polystichum acukatum (Hard FERNS ROUND LONDON. 147 Prickly Shield Fern), Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). WATFORD. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adders-tongue), Polystichum angulare (Soft Prickly Shield Fern). WELHAM. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Maidenhair Spleenwort), Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleen- wort), Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern). WENDLESHAM. Polypodium vulgare (Common Polypody). WEST HOATHLEY. Lastrea recurva (Hay-scented Buckler Fern). WEYBRIDGE. Pteris aquilina (Bracken). WHETTON. Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern). WIMBLEDON. Polystichum aculeatum (Hard Prickly Shield Fern), Pteris aquilina (Bracken). WINCHMORE HILL. Athyrium filix-famina (Lady Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea spimtlosa (Prickly- toothed Buckler Fern), Polypodium vulgare (Common Polypody). WINDSOR. Athyrium filix-fcemina (Lady Fern), Lastrea thelypteris (Marsh Buckler Fern). WITLEY. Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler ern),Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern). WOKING. Blechnum spicant (Hard Fern), Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern), Lastrea spinulosa (Prickly-toothed Buckler Fern), Pteris aquilina (Bracken), Scolopendrium vulgare (Harts- tongue). WONHAM. Lastrea dilatata (Broad Buckler Fern). WOODFORD. Aspleimim ruta-muraria (Rue-leaved Spleenwort), Asplenium trichomanes (Common Maidenhair Spleenwort). WORMLEY. Lastrea filix-mas (Male Fern), Lastrea montana (Mountain Buckler Fern). INDEX OF LOCALITIES Referred to between pages I and 137. AIS-LA-BECK, 125 Alnwick Castle, 123 Ambleside, 115, 125, 136 Ardingly, 133 Arnside, 125 Arnside Knot, 108 Arthur's Seat, 115 Ashness Gill, 125 Assynt, 95, 126 Attermine Rocks, 108 Attermire Scar, 94 BALCOMBE, 133 Ballenhassig Waterfall, 134 Ballinasy Glen, 78 Ballynahinch, 134 Ballyvaughan, 70 Bandon, 78, 126 Bantry, 78 Barmouth, 133 Barry Island, 70 Bawsey Heath, 109 Beacon Hill, 125 Becky Fall, 133 Belfast, 124, 136 Ben Bulben, 95, 126 Ben Chonzie, 95, 100, 101, 126 Ben Hope, 95 Ben Lawers, 95, 97, 99, 100, 101, 126, 136 Ben More, 94 Ben Voirlich, 95, 126 Bettwys-y-Coed, 115 Bexley Decoy, 109 Bickleigh Vale, 133 Bickleigh Wood, 135 Blackford Hill, 115 Blackhead, 74 Blackstones, 78 Blackwater Valley, 78 Blair Athol, 126 Bodmin, 135 Borrowdale, 115, 116, 125, 135 Borrow Force, 125 Bow Fell, 135 Bowling Hills, 136 Brandon Hill, 95 Brecon Beacon, 125 Brixham, 70 Bulwell Marshes, 109 Bulwood, 134 Burnley, 136 Bury, 136 Buttermire, 135 Buxton, 125, 133 CADER IDRIS, 94, 126, 133 Cahir Conree, 70 Camelford, 133, 135 Canlochen, 95, 98, 126 Capel Colbren, 125 Capel Curig, 115, 117, 136 Capel-y-Fin, 125 Carclew, 70 Carlingford Mountains, 76 Carn Brea, 135 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. Carnedd Llewellyn, 115 Carr-edge, 125 Carrickfergus, 74 Carrick Gladden, 70 Carrigeena Kildorrery, 78 Carron River, 70 Casterton Fell, 125 Castle Campbell, 136 Castle Leod, 95 Castleton, 125 Catiaghiamman, 101 Cauldron Snout, 100 Cavedale, 125 Cavehill, 124 Cawdor Woods, 126 Charley Forest, 125 Cheddar Cliffs, 70 Chichester, 133 Cilhepste Waterfall, 126, 133 Clashgariffe Fall, 78 Clevedon, 70 Cliviger, 133 Clogwyn-du-Yrarddu, 126 Clogwyn-y-Garnedd, 94, 100, 101, 126 Clonmel, 137 Clova, 126 Clova Mountains, 95, 100, 101 Clyde River, 134 Cockbush, 133 Colin Glen, 137 Conistone, 133 Connemara, 70, 134, 137 Corehead, 100 Cork, 78, 126 Corrach Dh' Oufillach, 99 Crafnant, 133 Craig Challiach, 95, 101 Craig Dhu, 115 Craig Maid, 95 Craven, 125 Gremlin Point, 70 Crieff, 95, 100, 101, 126 Crinan, 136 Cromaglaun Mountains, 78 Croydon Brook, 133 Culbone, 115, 117 Cumailte Mountains, 78 Curaan Lake, 78 Cushendall, 137 Cwm Bychan, 133 Cwm-Idwal, 94, 97, 126, 136 DALEGARTH, 135 Dalmellington, 136 Danny, 125 Darran-yr-Ogof, 126 Dartmoor, 133 Dart River, 122 Del vine Pass, 136 Dersingham, 109 Devil's Beef-tub, 100 Devil's Bridge, 136 Dingle, 78 Dog's Lake, 100 Dolgelly, 115, 133, 136 Dollar, 136 Douglas, 70 Dovedale, 125, 126 Drumlanrig, 134 Drummond Hill, 126 Dublin, 134 Dulesgate, 125 Dunbullogue Glen, 134 Dunfermline, 117 Dunkeld, 115, 117 Dunoon, 126, 134, 136 Dunraven, 70 EAST ABERTHAW, 71 Edgefield, 109 Edinburgh, 117 Ennerdale, 135 Ennishowan Mountains, 137 Esk Dale, 133 Exmoor, 115 FAIRFIELD, 94 Falcon Glints, 94, 100, 125 Falls of Clyde, 126 Farlton Knot, 108, 125, 126 Feacle, 134 INDEX OF LOCALITIES. Festiniog, 136 Finlarig Burn, 136 Flash, 136 Forces, 100 Fritton, 109 GATESWORTH DALE, 135 Giggleswick, 94 Gillsland, 125 Girpel Lane, 136 Glandore, 78 Glenade Mountains, 95 Glenarve River, 137 Glenbour, 78 Glenbower, 134 Glen Carnn, 134 Glencree, 134 Glen Dale, 95 Glendalough, 137 Glendine Wood, 78 Glen Dochart, 99 Glen Fiadh, 95, 100, 101 Glen Finnart, 136 Glengariff, 78, 134 Glen Gilp, 134, 136 Glen Isla, 95, 99, 101 Glen Lochy, 99 Glen Lyon, 95 Glen Meay, 70 Glen Moray, 136 Glen Ness, 136 Glen Queich, 136 Glouin Caragh, 78 Glyder-Vawr, 94, 100, 126 Glyn-y-Cwm, 126 Gordale, 125 Gortgaree, 78 Gourock, 136 Gradbitch, 136 Granite Tor, 135 Great Mist Tor, 136 Greenfield, 133, 136 Grey Mare's Tail, 136 HAFOD, 136 Halifax, 126, 133 Ham Bridge, 125 Handcross, 133 Harlech, 133 Hassendean, 117 Hawl Gill, 136 Hayle, 70 Helvellyn, 94, 115, 116, 117 Hermitage Glen, 78, 137 High Still, 135 Holt, 109 Honister Crags, 115, 135 Hunstanton, 109 Hutton Roof Crags, 108, 125 ILFRACOMBE, 70 Ingleborough, 94, 108, 115, 125 Ingleton, 108 Inveragh, 78 Ipswich, 109 Irthing River, 125 JEDBURGH, 115 Jurionside, 136 KELSO, 117 Kendal Fell, 125 Kenmare, 78 Keswick, 115, 135 Killarney, 78, 134, 137 Killeagh, 78, 134 Killin, 136 Kirkpatrick-juxta, 136 Knaresborough, 109 Kyloe Crags, 115, 116, 117 LANCASTER, 136 Land's End, 122 LangclifTe 94 Langdale Pikes, 136 Leeds, 125 Llanberis, 101, 136 Llan Dethyla, 115 Llanelltyd, 136 Llanrwst, 115, 117 Llyn-y-Cwm, 100, 115 152 WHERE TO FIND FERNS. Loch Erricht, 95 Loch Katrine, 136 Loch Lomond, 134, 136 Loch Skene, 100 Lodore Fall, 135 Longaford Tor, 136 Lota Wood, 134 Lough Bulard, 71 Lough Eask, 95, 126 Lower Harrogate, 136 Low Leyton, 97 Lynn, 109 MACCLESFIELD, 133 Madeley, 109 Mael-dun-Crosk, 101 Maentwrog, 134, 136 Maidstone, 125 Malton, 109 Mare's-tail, 126 Matlock, 123 Mazebeck Scar, 94, 125 Melincourt Waterfall, 133, 136 Merthyr Tydfil, 126 Mewstone Bay, 71 Middleton, 94 Minto Crags, 78, 115 Mickleharc, 125 Mickleton, 136 Moel Lechog, 101, 115 Moffatt, loo Moffatt Dale 136 Moreton Hampstead, 133, 135 Morgan's Glen, 109, 137 Mount Eagle, 78 Mourne Mountains, 76 NAVAN, 95 Newcastle-under-Lyne, 109 Nithside, 136 Norwich, 109 OCHILS, 136 Ogden Clough, 125 Oswestry, 136 Oughterard, 137 Oxton Bogs, 109 PASS OF BALI.ATAR, 115 Pass of Leny, 136 Pass of Llanberis, 100, 101, 115, 117 Patterdale, 115, 125, 136 Peel, 70 Penryn, 133 Penzance, 71, 122 Petersfield, 123 Petit Bot Bay, 82 Plym River, 122 Pont Bren, 136 Pont Nedd Vechan, 126, 133 Pont-y-Pair, 115 Port Kirig, 71 Portlemouth, 122 Powerscourt Waterfall, 78, 137 Prawle Point, 122 Purbeck, Isle of, 123 RAKE HEY COMMON, 133 Raven Rock, 95 Retlruth, 135 Reeky Linn, 136 Reeth Moor, 125 Rhaiadr-Du, 133, 136 Rhaiadr Mawr, 136 Rhaiadr-y-Mawddach, 136 Rhaiadr-y-Wenol, 136 Richmond, 125 Rosses, 95 Rough Tor, 133, 135 Roundstone, 71 Rushworth, 136 SADDLEBACK, 97 St. Aubin, 72 St. Haule, 72 St. Ives, 70, 122 St. Laurence, 72 Salcombe, 122 Scale Force, 135 Scawfell, 115 INDEX OF LOCALITIES. Scudeinon-Gam, 136 Settle, 94, 108, 125 Severn River, 129 Shaugh Bridge, 133, 136 Sheep's Tor, 136 Shepton Mallet, 133 Silverdale, 1 08 Sleive Bignian, 76 Snowdon, 97, 101 Southgate, 125 Staley, 125 Staple tor, 133 Stenton Rocks, 117 Stock Gill Force, 136 Stonehaven, 124 Surlingham Broad, 109 Swaledale, 125 Swanage Cave, 123 TAMAR RIVER, 122 Tan-y-Bwlch, 124 Tavy River, 122 Teesdale, 94, 100, 125 Temple Michael Glen, 78 Thanet Mountain, 95 Thevilly, 136 Tilgate Forest, 133 Titherstone Clee Hill, 70 Tork Mountains, 78, 126 Tralee, 71 Trecastle Beacon, 125 Treflack Wood, 136 Tremadoc, 124 Trengwainton Cairn, 115 Trosachs, 136 Tunbridge Wells, 133 Turner's Clough, 136 Tweed River, 117 Twll-du, 94, 126 URRISBERG, 71 VALE OF FESTINIOG, 133 Vale of Newlands, 115 Vixen Tor, 133, 136 WASTWATER, 115 Watermouth, 70 Waterville, 78 Weardale, 125 Wensley Dale, 125 West Hoathley, 133 Westleton, 109 West Lyn, 136 Wharncliffe Wood, 124 Wharnside, 108 Whitby, 133 White Scars, 108 White Tor, 136 Widdal Fell, 125 Wistman's Wood, 136 Wybourn, 123 Wybunbury Bog 109 YARMOUTH, 109 Youghall, 78, 137 Ystradgunlais, 126 THE END. WYMAN AND SONS, PRINTERS, GREAT QUEEN STREET, W C. Imperial Quarto, 16 by 12 in., elegantly bound in cloth, price 8s. THE FEUIT PORTFOLIO, By FRANCIS GEORGE HEATH, Includes in 15 plates elaborately drawn life size, exquisitely coloured from nature, and accompanied by descriptive text, all the species of British Ferns, which comprise a large proportion of the ferns of America, and of many other parts of the world. %* This work stands alone, as no other publication dealing with the subject gives absolute facsimiles in form, colour, and venation of the fronds of ferns. Some Opinions of " Heath's Fern Portfolio." THE AUTHOR OF " LORNA DOONE." " The plates are wonderful" THE TIMES. "We need hardly praise the ' Fern Portfolio,' seeing that it is one of the productions of Mr. Heath. Improving upon ' Our Woodland Trees,' in which the leaves were reduced, this portfolio gives a series of life-size representations of the fronds of our British ferns The volume will be of great interest and value to botanical tourists and botanical residents in the country." FIELD. " The drawings have in every case been made from actual specimens collected by the author, and evidently represent the characteristic ferns with much accuracy. To persons fond of collecting ferns the work will be a boon, presenting, as it does, so ready a means of identifying the specimens they gather, independently of the botanical description printed opposite to each species." GRAPHIC. "All the ferns are life-sized, and so beautifully done, that we can well believe they are ' absolute facsimiles.' " KNOWLEDGE. " Nothing more beautiful in the shape of botanical illustrations than these life-sized and life-like drawings of the fronds of our British ferns has ever been issued So admirably are the figures drawn and coloured as to be for all practical purposes of comparison equivalent to the plants which they copy with such minute fidelity." GARDENER'S CHRONICLE. "Within the limits expressly prescribed by the author himself we have nothing but praise to bestow, as 'the representations of the fronds are life-like and accurate. ' SCHOOL BOARD CHRONICLE. " It is an exquisite and unique work." COLONIES AND INDIA. " Fern lovers all over the world will be interested in this work." London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. rw UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000049518 4