QB 913 P? j*#&i-s\ \f t, -f m \ I A r* - * ' '" -" V '> i. ' ri/ REESE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. x Received.. 3& ^.: t i8\ Accessions No.~K&S. ^0 Shelf No. e Jb HENRY FROWDE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE AMEN CORNER, E.G. OF THt UNIVERSITY OP EESEAECHES IN STELLAR PAEALLAX BY THE AID OF PHOTOGRAPHY FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY OBSERVATORY UNDER THE DIRECTION OF CHAELES PKITCHARD, D.D., F.E.S., F.G.S., F.R.A.S. SAVILIAN PROFESSOR OF ASTRONOMY IN OXFORD ; FELLOW OF NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD HONORARY FELLOW OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE Published by the Delegates of the Clarendon Press, at the request of the Board of Visitors AT THE CLARENDON PRESS M DCCC LXXXIX [ All rights reserved ] PREFACE. THE introductory remarks and the ample Table of Contents which precede them, render an elaborate preface unnecessary. The Observatory, in which the observations contained in this volume have been made and reduced, was erected by the University of Oxford at the instance of the present Professor in the year 1874. The general plan is the Professor's, but the external design is that of Mr. Charles Barry. In 1877, a large and very convenient Lecture-room and Library were added, after the design of the afore-mentioned eminent architect. The general aspect of the building is very fairly represented in the collotype reproduction in the Frontispiece. The principal astronomical instruments are three. I. An equatorially mounted telescope of twelve-and-a-quarter inches aperture and nearly 180 inches focal length, furnished with solar and stellar spectroscopes and other necessary appliances, by Mr. (now Sir Howard) Grubb. In 1888, the tube of a photographic telescope was mounted on that of the afore- mentioned equatorial, and the driving apparatus was very greatly im- proved, so as to permit the protracted exposures now rendered necessary for the photography of the more faintly illuminated of celestial objects, but the tube unfortunately has long waited for and still awaits its object- glass of 13 inches aperture. This photographic telescope is the gift of the recently deceased Dr. Warren De La Rue, whose long continued generosity to the Observatory entitles him to be regarded as a co-founder of the Observatory, in conjunction with the University of Oxford. II. A Transit Circle by Troughton and Simms. Its aperture is four inches, and its two divided circles are three feet in diameter. The microscopes and field of the telescope are illuminated by electricity, and the instrument is capable of reversion. The whole arrangement is the gift of J. Gurney Barclay, Esq. III. An equatorially mounted Reflecting Telescope of 13 inches aperture and 10 feet focal length. This instrument, with its singu- larly excellent metallic mirrors, was constructed personally by the late Dr. Warren De La Rue, and after long and effective use by him was presented to the University of Oxford. Its clock and motive machinery were entirely renovated and improved by Messrs. Troughton and Simms at Dr. De La Rue's vi Preface. expense. It is now capable of permitting many hours of exposure for photographic plates without distress to the observer. With it all the photographs necessary for the researches contained in this volume have been taken. The munificent donor had expressed his desire to replace the 13 inch mirror by a larger one of 24 inches aperture ; but, unfortunately, his decease occurred before the realization /of his intention. Besides the important and costly gifts to the Observatory referred to above, Mr. James Nasmyth has deposited therein his remarkable pictorial map of the Moon, and his other cartoons of the Lunar surface (seven in number), and these beautiful works of art now adorn the walls of the Lecture-room. The staff of the University Observatory consists of two assistants- Mr. William E. Plummer, F.R.A.S., and Mr. Charles A. Jenkins, F.R.A.S. : these gentlemen have been attached thereto since its first institution, and their able co-operation has been repeatedly acknowledged by the present Director. There is also provided for the Observatory, a skilled mechanic, whose services are important to the general routine. Independently of the original researches carried on in this Observatory, the instruction of the students in practical astronomy, and the delivery of various courses of lectures, are among the principal duties attached to the Institution. The Observatory is, by University Statute, under the inspection of a Board of Visitors, consisting of The Vice-Chancellor of the University. The Astronomer Royal (W. H. M. Christie, Esq., M.A., F.R.S.). The Lowndean Professor of Astronomy, Cambridge (J. C, Adams, Esq., M.A., F.R.S.). The Radcliffe Observer. The Senior and Junior Proctors. Rev. Bartholomew Price, M.A., F.R.S., Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy, Oxford. W. Huggins, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S. WTEsson, Esq., M.A., F.R.S. E. B. Elliott, Esq., M.A. Through this Board an annual report is presented to the University in Convocation. OXFORD UNIVERSITY OBSERVATORY, 1889, August. TABLE OF CONTENTS, General Introduction on the photographic method applied to the determination of Stellar Parallax . , . . . . . . . . i Reasons for selecting 61 Cygni ^ ....... i Advantages of photographic method . . . . . . . 2 Examination of the field of the telescope ....... 2 Establishment of the uniformity and constancy of the film .... 2 The selection of the comparison stars ....... 3 Difficulties attending prolonged exposure ....... 3 Method of taking the plates and making the measures . . . . . 4 Examination of the measuring screws . . .. . ... ... . .... , 4 Probable error of bisection of star image . . . . . . . . . ... . 4 Difficulties of focussing ' . <,.....,.*, .. . . . 5 Parallax of 61 Cygni .... . . . . . . 5 Measures of ' diagonal ' distances : Table I . . . . . . 6 Explanation of the columns of Table I ....... 8 Effects of error of focus and removal of such errors ..... 9 Measures of 6i x Cygni from star of comparison (a) : Table II . . .10 Explanation of the columns of Table II . . . . . . .12 Application of correction to remove causes of irregularity, however produced, by means of * diagonal measures ' . . ... . . . . 12 Equations of Condition for 6 i t Cygni and Star (a): Table III . . . . 13 Explanation of Table III t . . . . . . . . .16 Discussion of the possible variation of the Constant of Aberration . . . 16 Concluded Parallax of 6i l Cygni and Star (a) . . . . 17 Comparison of Probable Error with that of Bessel . . . . . 17 Parallax of 6 1 2 Cygni and Star (a) . . . . . . . . 18 Parallax of 6 i x Cygni and Star (&) . . . . . . . . 25 Parallax of 6i 2 Cygni and Star (6) . . . . . . - . . 31 Parallax of 6i x Cygni and Star (c) . . .' . . i . . 38 Parallax of 6 1 2 Cygni and Star (c) . . , . . . . . 47 Parallax of 6 ij Cygni and Star (d) . .v . ". . , . 54 Parallax of 6i 2 Cygni and Star (d) . . . . . . . 59 General summary of results . . . . ... . . 65 On the use of the term ' mean of the parallaxes ' . .. .. . . . 65 On the mass of the system 61 Cygni . . . . . .66 Comparison of the measured distances between the components with those derived by Professor Peters . , . . . . * ' . . . 66 Parallax of /* Cassiopeiae . .66 yiii Table of Contents. PAGE Concluded Parallax of p Cassiopeiae and Star (a) . . . . . -73 Concluded Parallax of /* Cassiopeiae and Star (&) . . . . . 75 Comparison of Kesulting Parallax with other authorities . . . . . 75 Parallax of Polaris . . . . . . . . . -75 Stars of Comparison . . . . . . . . .76 General Summary of results ......... 96 Parallax of Stars from selected epochs . . . . , . . 97 Reasons for curtailment . . . . ...... . . . 97 Absolute Parallax from meridional observations (Dr. Belopolsky) ... 98 Errors from change of focus and unknown causes, compared with those of the Heliometer 99 Parallax of a Cassiopeise . . . . . . . . .99 Collected Results . . . . . . . . . .108 Parallax of Cassiopeiaa . . . . . . . . 109 Collected Results . . . . . . . . ..117 Parallax of 7 Cassiopeiae . . . . . .. . .118 Collected Results . . . . . . . . . 126 Remarks on the negative sign accompanying this Parallactic determination . . 126 Parallax of a Cephei . . . . . . . ... 127 Collected Results . . . . . . . . . 135 The effect of altering the number of nights of observation . . . 135 Tabular Summary of Parallactic determinations in this volume . . . .137 On the relation of Parallax to the magnitude and Proper Motion of Stars ; (Dr. Oudemans's suggestion) . . . . ' . . .138 [NTRODTJCTION. I. IN the year 1878, 1 had been engaged in the investigation of the moon's physical libration by the aid of lunar photographs on collodion plates. In the course of this research a series of measures had to be taken for the determination of the lunar diameter. I found that the results possessed such delicacy and accordance, that the thought occurred to me of applying photography to the determination of stellar parallax. But for the prosecution of this design it became necessary to obtain the photographic images of faint stars with a few minutes exposure, a result which could not be accomplished on the ordinary wet plates. This difficulty was however removed by the adoption about that time of the processes of the more sensitive dry plate photography. This method easily renders evident the images of faint stars, and it is with reference to measures connected with such faint stars, that the very idea of parallactic determination necessarily depends. II. In May, 1886, I communicated to the Royal Society a method of determining the magnitude of stars from the measures of their discs impressed on dry photographic plates, and of the suitability of photographic methods to the purposes of accurate measurement in general. These results were again so accordant that I at once commenced with confidence the necessary observations for the determination of stellar parallax. The star chosen for the first attempt was naturally 61 Cygni, on which Bessel had bestowed such extraordinary care, and whose measures have been generally confirmed by later astronomers. A comparison on an extended scale of the probable errors of measured distances on the photographic plates, with those obtained by Bessel with the Heliometer, would at once confirm or condemn the photographic process. Another cogent reason for the selection of this star arose from the fact of the existence of an undoubted orbital connection between its two components ; for if the identity of the parallaxes of two stars thus relatively so close to each other with reference to a third, were independently established by photography, then there would be both furnished and satisfied a most crucial test of the applic- ability and accuracy of this method of investigation. But this photographic method of astronomical enquiry was so entirely novel, that I determined still further to exhibit its value, and accordingly as many as four faint stars of comparison were selected, and I proposed to determine the parallaxes of the two components with reference to each of the four stars. Thus there would be no less than eight independent determinations of the quantities which, at that time, I thought, would be practically identical. III. A more enlarged experience has taught me that there is no necessary and a priori ground, for expecting the so-called parallax of a star to be B 2 Introductory Account of the Precautions identical in amount with respect to any two other stars in the apparent vicinity, however faint. For recent researches have shown that the lustre of a star depends greatly on many other elements besides that of the distance at which it is viewed ; and it must never be forgotten that the parallax obtained by BesseFs method, or by any variation of it, is not absolute, but is relative to the parallaxes of the stars of comparison employed. Attention will be drawn to this point in the sequel of these investigations, and it is here insisted on chiefly in order to modify the reasons for anticipating an identity in all the eight results referred to above. IV. Notwithstanding this remark, it has been an almost unvaried practice in these researches to select four stars of comparison, suitably situated, instead of the usual one or two. For it is a peculiarity of the photographic method that it lends itself to the multiplication of data for measurement in the photographic field to an almost unlimited extent. Moreover, all these measures possess the great advantage of referring to the same instant of time, and they can also be made leisurely in the day time, without distraction or constraint, and, when necessary, can be repeated and examined at any distant intervals. But all these great advantages are on the assumption that the picture on the plate is and remains a perfect representation of the actuality in the heavens. V. In order to satisfy myself on this important and fundamental point, an investigation of the amount of distortion of the field, at remoter distances from the axis of the telescope than are generally relied upon in observations, had been made, and the result is published in vol. xlvii. of the Mem. Hoy. Ast. Soc. Extended experience has still further satisfied me of the reliability of the focal field up to the limits of the picture required. It remained therefore only to enquire, whether this reliable field is practically transferable to the photographic plate. Proof of this can only be had by the establishment of the identity of measurement of the visual picture with those made on the film. For this purpose I may refer to the communication in the Proc. Hoy. Soc. May, 1886. Later enquiries made by other astronomers* have put this question altogether beyond reasonable doubt, and it is not necessary here to produce numerical data to support the fact. VI. It was however still further necessary to establish the uniformity of the film with regard to its capacity for accurate measurement of wide extent and in every direction. A part of the same question is the enquiry whether measurements between the same stars on different plates, even if taken on different nights, were identical with each other. Repeated trials have satisfied me that there is no cause for the apprehension of inaccuracy in these directions, provided that suitable methods of reduction (to be explained hereafter) are employed in the discussion of the measures. VII. Another necessary enquiry also presented itself, viz. as to whether the photographic film remained constant after a lapse of time. In order to test this question, the same plates were measured at dates separated by sufficiently wide intervals of time, and the difference between the two results was found not to exceed the errors of observation. * Bulletin du Comite" International permanent, nasaim. Necessary for Accurate Photographic Measurement. 3 VIII. Having- thus discussed the general methods of the process, I proceed to explain the particular application of them to the determination of parallax, and this I feel compelled to do with a very considerable amount of detail, because the introduction of a new element of danger, viz. the effects of the possible inconstancy of the film, require to be very scrupulously examined, and the details to be very carefully described. IX. The first step in the process is the selection of four stars of comparison suitable for the purpose. The suitability in question implies that two of the stars should be as nearly as possible in the same line with the star whose parallax is sought, and if possible at approximately equal distances therefrom. The other pair ought to satisfy similar conditions, but to be as nearly as convenient at right angles to the former direction. This condition of the picture may occasionally be satisfied by the inspection of Argelander's Charts, but in general it is found necessary to appeal to the heavens, by taking a picture of the district required. For this purpose it is necessary to select such stars of comparison as could generally be measurably impressed on the plate with an exposure not exceeding five minutes. This essential limitation of the time of exposure prevents in some cases the selection of stars of comparison rigidly fulfilling the conditions of configuration stated above. For from the very first it was felt that if an exposure considerably greater than five minutes was necessary to produce the required images, it would be impossible to mark the precise epoch of the formation of the image, and hence impossible accurately to eliminate the effects of refraction from the measures. Another reason for this limitation arose from the fact, that when a bright star such as that of the second magnitude was in question, a longer exposure than that mentioned would give so extended an image, that it would not be possible to bisect it with the accuracy required. For although it would be possible to employ means for temporarily covering the bright star during a part of the exposure required for the impression of the fainter stars, a question would always arise as to the accuracy of the process. Bearing this in view, I venture to digress so far as to record my gratification, that Dr. Elkin, by his admirable discussion of the parallaxes of stars of the first magnitude, has rendered it unnecessary for me to encounter the difficulties of photographic processes applied to such bright objects. X. It is almost unnecessary to explain to astronomers that it is further desirable to select one pair of stars approximately in the direction of the axis major of the parallactic ellipse, or in other words, parallel to the ecliptic. This consideration will also modify the otherwise advisable condition of the rec- tangularity of the second pair referred to above. XI. The selection of comparison stars being thus completed, the next step is to proceed to the more direct operations necessary to the production of the plates. The first step consists in determining the proper position of the photographic plate with reference to the mirror. Experience with the De La Rue instrument has shown, that the focal plane remains by no means at a constant distance from the mirror itself, as measured along the tube, and consequently it becomes necessary before commencing observations for the night, to find the best position of the plate by actual trial and development. 4 Introductory Account of the Precautions This preliminary trial also enables the observer to judge of the necessary duration of the exposure, for it is a well ascertained fact, that this necessary duration varies extremely from night to night. XII. Having ascertained the proper position of the plate, the exposure was continued in general for about five minutes, or whatever other time had been indicated by the trial plate. Four plates were in general exposed as probably sufficing for a night's work on a particular star. After the development, which was carried no further than was necessary for the complete exhibition of all the star-images required, the four plates were submitted to measurement in the De La Rue Macromicrometer elsewhere described *. The plate was so inserted in this machine that the principal star coincided with the centre of the position circle attached thereto, this disposition of things being made in order to secure the use of the same portion of the screws in all the operations, thus eliminating the effects of any possible small irregularities in the screw itself. Notwithstanding this precaution the screw had been carefully examined by the method described by Bessel in the Untersuckungen. The result was to give as a correction (which however is quite insensible in its application) Horizontal screw = o"-oo22 sin# o"-oo66 cosu o"-oo44 sin 2 u + o"-ooo3 cos 2 u Vertical screw = + o"-oc>36 sin# + o"-oi 27 cos u o"-ooc>3 sin 2 u + o"-ooo7 cos2. It may be well to mention that in the course of the measurements a second examination of the screws was made, in order to detect any possible defects arising from usage. The new correction, like the old, is quite insensible. Each of the eight distances was measured five times, and the mean of the measures on each plate was taken. Further, the diagonal distance between each pair of comparison stars was also independently measured on each plate. The absolute necessity of these diagonal measures, in order to connect the measures of the several plates into a consistent whole, will be explained here- after. Before proceeding to exhibit the detailed measures of 61 Cygni, it will be desirable to state the amount of accuracy with which the bisection of these star discs can be effected. The probable error of measurement naturally varies as the size of the disc increases. For a disc 5" in diameter the Prob. Error is 0.08 10" o.i i j> J 5" ' I2 > 20" 0.16 25" 0.17 3" - 20 - Consequently the probable error of a measure of distance will be the square root of the sum of the squares of certain pairs of these quantities. Preliminarily to all other computations, it is necessary to enquire if any correction must be made to the measures, on account of possible variation of * Memoirs Royal Ast. Soc., vol. xlvii. Necessary for Accurate Photographic Measurement. 5 the film, and of the focal length of the mirror from night to night, or from plate to plate. It is on this account that the diagonal distances (a) to (#), (c) to (d), are to be regularly measured and tabulated. It is assumed that these actual diagonal distances are absolutely constant in the sky, and such would probably appear to be the case with the measures also, were it not for change in the film and focus. These changes in a presumably constant distance are to be transferred proportionately to the varying distances of the comparison stars from the principal star, and in this way it is presumed that imperfections in the film, or in the focus, or arising from any unknown cause, will be sensibly eliminated. PARALLAX OF 61 CYGNL The accompanying figure is a diagram of the principal stars 6i x and 6i 2 Cygni with the comparison stars , b ; c, d : round the former is exhibited the North A West East form and direction of the parallactic ellipse. The stars of comparison are designated by ( a D.M. 37 No. 4189 Magnitude 7.9 \b ,,38 No. 4336 8.8 ( c D.M. 37 No. 4175 9.0 \d ,,38 No. 4348 9-5 In Table I are exhibited the conditions under which the diagonal distance 0, b was measured and the result of the necessary reductions freeing it from aberration and refraction, and consequently leading to the correction of the distances of the comparison stars from 61 Cygni, which result from unknown changes in the film, focus, &c. 6 Measures of the diagonal Distances (a) to (b) TABLE I. Measures of the (diagonal) distance of Star (a) from Star (b) for the determination, at the times of exposure, of the correction to their measured distances from 61j and 61 2 Cygni. No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886. Measured Distance of a to b in arc. Average Deviation from the Mean. Refraction. Aberration. Corrected Distance of a to 6. Difference from Assumed Mean. d. h. May 26 12.3 // 2379.026 // // 4- 3OO7 // + O.I4.6 H // 2 28 11.9 80-335 0.414 1 O ww / M45 W. 1 i|.W .145 2381.925 + 0.275 3 30 11.7 79.921 353 1.812 145 81.878 + 0.322 4 June I 11.7 81.009 .029 1.463 .145 82.617 0.417 S 4 n. 8 81.036 .174 1-316 .144 82.496 0.2<)f> 6 8 11.9 2379.892 0-305 + 1.199 + 0.142 238L233 + 0-967 7 15 ii. 2 81.193 193 l - 2 95 137 82.625 0. 4 25 8 16 11.7 81.204 .179 1.103 136 82.443 0.243 9 23 11.6 80.189 .326 0.997 .129 8I.3I5 + 0.885 10 24 1 1. 6 81.813 285 I.OOI .128 82.942 0.742 ii 28 12.0 2381.471 0.329 + 0.858 + 0.124 2382.453 0.253 12 30 11.4 80.435 93 94 1 .121 8 1 .498 + 0.702 13 July i 11.3 80.798 .242 937 .II 9 8.. 854 + 0.346 H Aug. 20 1 1. 1 81.637 137 .671 .OI9 82.327 0.127 15 24 9.8 81.029 .089 .708 .009 81.746 + 0.454 16 26 9.3 2380.745 0.329 + 0.758 + 0.004 2381.507 + 0.693 i? 28 9.5 81.273 327 703 .001 81.975 + 0.225 18 2 9 9-5 81.895 243 .707 .004 82.598 0.398 iQ 30 8.9 81.366 .292 .742 .006 82.102 + 0.098 20 31 8.8 81.037 .136 735 .008 81.764 + 0.436 21 Sept. 7 8.6 2381.609 0-335 4-0.724 0.025 2382.308 0.108 22 10 8.4 81.026 .183 725 .027 81.724 + 0.476 23 ii 8.5 81.885 .209 .716 035 82.566 0.366 2 4 13 8.4 82.112 364 .713 .040 82.785 -0.585 25 15 8.1 82.168 057 725 .045 82.848 0.648 26 16 9.8 2380.803 o-^S + 0.667 0.046 2381.424 + 0.776 27 17 8.1 82.052 .132 .720 .049 82.723 0.523 28 18 8.0 81.938 243 723 .052 82.609 0.409 29 20 9.0 81.012 .269 .672 .056 81.628 + 0.572 30 22 9.4 81.884 193 .668 .061 82.491 O.29I 31 27 10.2 2382.015 0.322 + 0.693 0.072 2382.636 0.436 32 29 8.6 81.044 .386 .669 .076 81.637 + 0.563 33 30 8.4 81.365 .244 .671 .079 8i.957 + 0.243 34 Oct. 2 8.2 81.616 .129 .674 083 82.207 0.007 35 6 9.1 81.548 .302 -673 .091 82.130 + 0.070 for the Correction of the Scale. No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886-7. Measured Distance of a to b in arc. Average Deviation from the Mean. Refraction. Aberration. Corrected Distance of a to b. Difference from Assumed Mean. d. h. // n // // n // 36 Oct. 13 i o.i 2381.630 0.193 + 0.714 0.104 2382.240 0.040 37 21 7.5 81.759 3'7 .667 .117 82.309 0.109 38 22 7.5 81 428 .242 .667 .II 9 81.976 + 0.224 39 Nov. 3 6.6 81.642 .229 .669 134 82.177 + 0.023 40 5 8.8 81.740 .262 .740 135 82.345 0.145 4i 16 75 2382.057 0.098 + 0.708 0.143 2382.622 0.422 42 i7 8.3 81.517 3H 754 .144 82.127 + 0.073 43 18 8.6 81.866 .252 .78. .144 82.503 0.303 44 23 8.6 82.075 173 .805 145 82-735 0-535 45 29 69 81.589 .269 .717 -145 82.161 + 0.039 46 Dec. i 7.3 2381.458 0-325 + 0-747 0.145 2382.060 + 0.140 47 2 68 81-736 155 .721 145 82.312 O.I I 2 48 4 6.4 82.040 .172 .708 .144 82.604 0.404 49 7 6.3 82.093 .249 .7,6 143 82.666 0.466 50 9 7-2 82.034 275 .781 .142 82.673 o-473 Si 14 6.2 2382.749 0.302 + 0.734 0.138 2383-345 1.145 52 16 6.2 82.946 .07 4 747 .136 83-557 J-357 53 24 6.2 82.759 .183 .780 ,I2 9 83.410 I. 210 54 87 Jan. 5 6.9 83.018 .265 .918 .III 83.825 -1.625 55 8 6.4 82.437 .129 .877 .104 83.210 I.OIO 56 10 6.7 2381.126 O.2IO + 0-934 O.I02 2381.959 + 0.241 57 12 6.3 83.019 133 .899 .099 83.819 1.619 58 20 6.4 82.630 .104 .969 .083 83.516 1.316 59 25 6.3 81.007 309 993 .072 81.928 + 0.272 60 3' 6.5 82.363 .240 i. 066 .058 83371 1.171 61 Feb. .s 6.0 2380.697 O.262 + 1.047 0.048 2381.696 + 0.504 62 8 5-9 82.052 .405 1.069 .038 83.083 0.883 63 17 17.1 80.629 193 2.464 .014 83.079 0.879 64 25 17-4 80.093 .271 1.816 + -005 81.914 + 0.286 65 26 16.9 80.558 .322 2.134 .008 82.700 0.500 66 27 16.9 2378.930 O.262 -f- 2.221 + O.OIO 2381.161 -f 1-039 67 Mar. 12 16.1 80.054 313 2.053 043 82 150 + 0.050 68 16 15.7 80.655 .280 2.133 .052 82.840 0.640 69 23 16.4 80.964 .092 1 .390 .068 82.422 0.222 70 27 14.8 79-37 .'47 2-3>4 077 81.761 + 0.439 7 1 Apr. 2 15.3 2380.059 0.209 + I-563 -f 0.089 2381.711 + 0.489 72 16 14.4 79.198 .322 1-559 .114 80.871 + I-329 73 19 14.6 81.328 .153 1.407 .118 82.853 0.653 74 20 15.0 80.301 .205 1.249 .119 81.669 + 0.531 75 2 5 '3-4 80.515 .164 1.901 .127 82.543 0-343 Measures of the diagonal Distances (a) to (b) No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887. Measured Distance of a to 6 in arc. Average Deviation from the Mean. Refraction. Aberration. Corrected Distance of a to 6. Difference from Assumed Mean. d. h. // // // // it 7 6 Apr. 26 14.2 2380.797 0.243 -H 1-390 + 0.128 2382.315 O.II5 77 29 13.8 80-575 .312 1.520 131 82.226 O.O26 78 30 ! 3-8 80.584 .279 I. 47 4 132 82.190 + O.OIO 79 May 5 13.7 81.230 .080 1.362 137 82.729 0.529 80 7 U-o 80.784 153 '597 139 82.520 0.320 Bi 9 J 2-4 2380.167 0.302 + 1.984 + 0.140 2382.291 0.091 82 10 12.8 80.893 155 1.647 .I 4 82.680 0.480 83 13 13.0 81.584 .2 4 2 1.429 .142 83.155 -0.955 84 14 12.8 81.415 .270 I-5I7 143 83.085 0.885 85 16 12.8 81.470 .I2 9 1.442 .144 83.056 0.856 86 18 12.8 2381.172 0.362 + 1-371 + 0.144 2382.687 -0.487 87 20 13.1 81.328 193 1.199 H5 82.672 0.472 88 26 13.2 80.954 .204 '.075 .I 4 6 82.175 + 0.025 89 31 u.8 80.369 .247 1.444 .144 81-957 + 0.243 Column i contains the number for reference to the Notes which are here, for convenience, deferred to the end of Table VII. Column 2 is the date of the exposure of the plates. Here it is necessary to refer back to IX. in the Introduction : the remarks there being taken into the account, it is here only necessary to state that the epoch of exposure is taken at one minute before the removal of the plate from the instrument : the exposures necessary for the production of a measurable disc were not in all cases uniformly the same, but were on the average about five minutes. See XI. of the Introduction. Any considerable departures from the five minutes exposure are mentioned in the Notes. It was considered that the real visible formation of the photographic discs of the faint stars occurred about one minute before their completion. It is unnecessary further to enlarge on the effects of the epoch of exposure on the refraction ; these considerations indicate the desirability of using the most sensitive plates procurable. Column 3. The distance of (a) from (b) was measured on each of the four plates by means of five bisections of each of the star discs. The same part of the screw was always used for the reasons given in XII. Column 4. I have here preferred an average deviation of the twenty measures from their mean to the more usual quantity, termed ' probable error/ as bearing a more precise and significant meaning. The mean of all these average deviations through the whole series of distance in this Table is o".23i. Column 5 is the effect of refraction on the measured distance of a from b. The usual form, here adopted, is that originally given by Bessel ds = k . s { i + cos' J (/; r;) tan 2 z} . for the Correction of the Scale. 9 Column 6 gives the correction to the measured distance in order to remove the effects of Aberration. The quantities inserted in this Table have been computed from the expression originally due to Bessel's investigation : ds= {aA + bB} where A and B are taken from the Nautical Almanac, and = [tan e sin + cos sin a] a = b = , , cosScosa. 206265 Column 7 is derived from column 3 by the algebraical addition of the last two terms. The discrepancies in these final and adopted measures are very noticeable. Differences in the unknown proper motions of (a) and (b) and also some possible difference of their parallaxes might account for some very trifling differences here, were it not that there are no signs of periodicity discernible. It is therefore necessary to attribute these apparent variations of distance to changes in the film, and in the inconstant position of the plates in regard to the focal plane. Another consideration is that the practical difficulty of accurately adjusting the photographic plate to the focus of the mirror for the moment is formidable, and accompanied with a greater amount of uncertainty than is the case with an ordinary refracting telescope. Further, these effects are cumulative over long distances. An alteration of o.i inch in the focal length will affect the distance here measured by i".9. Column 8. For the computations of this column, which refer to the correction to be made to the measured distances on the photographic plates, owing to the various causes of distortion already described, the process adopted is as follows. After a considerable number of plates have been measured and corrected for refraction and aberration, the mean of the whole is taken and assumed to represent the true distance and to remain constant throughout the year. It might have been more logical to have completed the whole measures for the year, and to have then taken the average for the year, but no sensible increase of accuracy would have resulted from the delay. The constant quantity assumed for the distance of a from b was 2382^.20. It is moreover to be observed that after the solution of the Normal Equations, this distance can be computed with greater accuracy. In the present instance this diagonal distance so derived is 2382".295. This is the mean of the two determinations from 6ij and 6i 2 Cygni. With the above explanation it will be seen that these quantities are obtained by subtracting column 7 from 2382 // .2O. 10 Relative Parallax of 61^ Cygni and Star (a). TABLE II. Adopted measures of 61^ Cygni from the comparison Star (a). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886. Measured Distance of Star (a) to 61, Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (a) from 61 1 Cygni Average Devi- ation. I d. h. May 26 12.3 // I 370.084 // -f- 1.686 // + 0.084 it 1. 7*3 H // 1380.021 // 0.162 2 28 11.9 ' / 7 " ^ 80.731 0.843 .084 / oo 1.717 + 0.159 80.100 293 3 30 11.7 80.462 1.039 .084 1.704 + .186 80.067 317 4 June i 11.7 81.030 0.852 .084 1.685 .241 80.040 274 5 4 ii. S 81.013 0-759 .083 1.662 .171 8O.O22 183 6 8 11.9 I380.37 + 0.687 + 0.082 1.630 + 0.560 1380.070 0.275 7 15 ii. 2 81.006 .741 .080 1-575 - .246 80006 139 8 16 11.7 81.263 .631 079 1.567 - .141 80.265 .I6 7 9 23 1 1.6 80.597 572 075 1.512 + -52 80.244 .129 10 24 1 1.6 81.574 .581 074 1.504 "430 80.295 .246 ii 28 12.0 1381.298 + 0.494 + 0.072 1-473 0.146 1380.245 0.304 12 30 1 1-4 80.836 540 .070 1-457 + .406 80.395 243 13 July I 11.3 80.893 552 .069 1.449 + .200 80.265 225 14 Aug. 20 1 1. 1 81.421 389 .Oil 1-052 - -074 80.695 .274 J5 24 9.8 80.884 .409 .005 1.024 + -263 80-537 257 16 26 9.3 I380.7I3 + 0.422 + O.OO2 1.008 + 0.401 1380.530 0.136 17 28 9.5 81.024 .410 .OOI 0.992 + 0.130 80.571 293 18 29 9-5 8I.3SI .407 .OO2 0.984 .230 80.543 .264 T 9 30 8.9 81.178 .428 .004 0.977 + -057 80.682 .170 20 31 8.8 80.960 425 .005 0.969 + -252 80.663 .125 21 Sept. 7 8.6 1381.112 + 0.418 0.015 0.914 0.063 1380.538 0.183 22 10 8.4 80.873 .417 .Ol6 .890 + -276 80.660 .196 23 ii 8.5 81-375 4'5 .O2O .882 .212 80.676 304 2 4 13 8.4 81.501 .411 .023 .867 -339 80.683 .242 25 15 8.1 81.558 .418 .026 .851 - -377 80.722 137 26 16 9.8 1380.869 + 0.385 O.O27 0.842 + 0.449 1380.834 0-205 27 17 8.1 81.366 .418 .028 -835 -303 80.618 -3" 28 18 8.0 81.352 .414 .030 .827 -237 80.672 .083 29 20 9.0 81.074 39 1 033 .811 + -321 80.942 .096 30 22 9.4 81.291 385 035 795 .168 80.678 .147 31 27 10.2 1381.209 + 0.396 0.042 -0-755 0.252 1380.556 0.207 32 29 8.6 80.667 .388 .044 .740 4 .326 80.597 093 33 30 8.4 80.933 389 .046 732 + -Hi 80.685 .127 34 Oct. 2 8.2 8 1 .009 390 .048 .716 - .004 80.631 309 35 6 9.1 80.986 389 053 .685 + -041 80.678 .146 Concluded Distances of Q1 1 Cygni from Star (a). 11 No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886-7. Measured Distance of Star (a) to 61i Cygni. Refraction Correction Aberratior Correction Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (a) from 61i Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. // // // // // // // 36 Oct. 13 10.1 1381.101 + 0. 4 28 O.o6o 0.629 0.023 1380.817 0.242 37 21 7-5 81.14! .385 .068 .567 - -063 80.828 183 38 22 7.5 80.901 .385 .069 559 + .130 80.788 .192 39 Nov. 3 6.6 80.990 -385 077 .465 + -013 80.846 .107 40 5 8-8 81.006 .428 079 .448 - .084 80.823 .130 4i 16 7.5 1380.897 -H 0. 4 I 2 0.083 0.362 0.244 1380.620 0.264 42 17 8.3 80.583 .442 -08 3 354 + .042 80.630 302 43 18 8.6 8o.8l8 .458 .084 .346 - -i75 80.671 -093 44 23 8.6 80.848 .476 .084 .306 -310 80.624 .129 45 29 6.9 80.629 .417 .084 .260 + .023 80.725 .064 46 Dec. i 7.3 1380.523 + 0-436 0.084 0.244 -f 0.081 1380.712 0.093 47 2 6.8 80.741 .420 .084 236 - -065 80.776 .129 48 4 6.4 80.885 .412 .084 .221 -234 80.758 175 49 7 6.3 80.885 .418 .083 213 .270 80.737 .242 50 9 7- 2 80.907 .458 .082 .I8l .274 80.828 .206 5i 14 6.2 1381.222 + 0.428 0.080 0.142 0.662 1380.766 O.I22 52 16 6.2 81.093 434 .079 .126 - -785 80-537 .I 49 53 24 6.2 80.843 .456 .074 ~ -063 .701 80.461 274 54 87 Jan. 5 6.9 80.985 .546 .064 + -034 -94 1 80.563 .076 55 8 6.4 80.572 519 .061 057 - ,S85 80.502 .230 56 10 6.7 1379.711 + 0-555 0.059 + 0.073 + 0.141 1380.421 0.163 57 1 2 6.3 80-559 -537 059 .08 9 -937 80.191 .204 58 20 6.4 80.451 -585 .048 .152- - .762 80.378 .079 59 2 5 6.3 79-357 .600 .042 .I 9 I + -158 80.264 -083 60 31 6.5 80.047 663 033 239 - .678 80.238 .302 61 Feb. 5 6.0 1 379-59 + 0.642 O.O28 + 0.170 + 0.292 1380.231 0.205 62 8 5.9 79-963 0.658 .022 .302 -5" 80.390 173 63 17 17.1 78.907 1.405 .008 376 .509 80.171 .I6 4 64 25 17-4 78.541 1.034 + .003 439 + .166 80.183 .207 65 26 16.9 78.758 1.222 .004 447 - .290 80.141 .198 66 27 16.9 I377.7I5 + 1.264 -f O.OO6 + 0-455 + 0.602 1380.042 0.204 67 Mar. 12 16.1 78-234 I.I82 .025 557 + .029 80.027 075 68 16 15.7 78.582 1.223 .030 .589 - -37 80.053 '33 69 23 16.4 78.671 o-795 .040 644 .129 8O.O2I .196 70 27 14.8 77-803 1-326 45 675 + -254 80.103 -244 7 Apr. 2 15.3 1378-017 + 0.931 + 0.052 + 0.723 + 0.283 1380.006 O.I24 72 16 14.4 77-502 0.927 .066 833 + -764 80.092 173 73 19 14.6 78.695 0.805 .068 .856 - -378 80.046 .262 74 20 15.0 78.239 0.697 .069 .864 + -307 80.176 -08 5 75 2 S 13-4 78.243 1.091 073 .904 .199 80.112 ijn 12 Relative Parallax of 61 j Cygni and Star (a). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887. Measured Distance of Star (a) to 61 1 Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (a) from 61i Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. // // ft // // // 7 6 Apr. 26 14.2 1378.372 + 0-795 f 0.074 + 0.911 0.067 1380.085 0.243 77 29 13.8 78.222 .864 .076 935 -015 80.082 .271 78 30 13-8 78.181 .845 .077 .942 + .006 80.051 265 79 May 5 13.7 78.616 .782 .079 .982 - .306 80.153 .209 80 7 13-0 78.206 .927 .080 0.998 - .185 80.026 .162 81 9 12.4 1378.013 + I.I40 + 0.o8l + 1-013 -0.053 1380.194 0.097 82 10 12.8 78.244 938 .081 1. 02 1 - .278 80.006 035 83 '3 i3-o 78.646 .815 .082 1.045 -553 80.035 .136 84 14 12.8 78.429 .866 .083 1.053 .512 79.919 .204 85 16 12.8 78.492 825 083 1. 068 - .496 79.972 '35 86 18 12.8 1378.205 + 0.785 -j- 0.084 -f 1.084 0.282 1379.876 0.207 87 20 13.1 78.412 .687 .084 1. 100 .273 So.OIO 132 88 26 13.2 78.215 .616 .084 1.147 + .014 80.076 .205 89 31 n.8 77.857 .82.S 083 1.187 + -Hi 80.093 077 The preceding 1 Table (Table II) applies to the measures of the distance of the comparison star (a) from the principal star ; and, after what has been said already by way of explanation of Table I, it is unnecessary to make any further remarks regarding the first five columns of Table II. Column 6 gives the proper motion of the principal star reckoned in the direction of the star of comparison, in order to reduce the measures to the common epoch 1887, Jan. i. The annual proper motion of 61 Cygni has been assumed to be, after examination from various sources, that given in the Standard Stars of Prof. S. Newcomb, viz. in K.A. + o". in 8 -f 3".23i2 equivalent to a motion of 5". 2 264 in a great circle inclined at 51 48' to the parallel of declination, and this quantity has been reduced in the direction of the star of comparison. Column 7 contains the necessary corrections to the foregoing measures, on account of the various causes of irregularity already referred to when treating of the diagonal measures. The amount of correction applied is proportional to the measured distance, on the scale that the total amount of correction inserted in column 8 of fche last Table is applicable to the distance of 2382".2O. For instance on 1886, May 28, the correction made 23 8" - D ' 159 which is the number inserted in the column now being described. It is here confidently assumed that all irregularities depending on the distance measured Equations of Condition: 61 X Cygni and Star (a). 13 are virtually corrected hereby, whether the causes are known or unknown, and hence no separate corrections are applied for temperature, either at the time of measurement, or at the time of exposure. Having regard to the variety and amount of some of these corrections, it might have been feared that they would have been fatal to the ultimate value obtained for the parallax. On the other hand the frequent changes of sign have a tendency to remove the apprehension. In order to ascertain the real effect of the correction in question, the parallax was computed both with and without it. The result of the computation was that though there was no material difference in the total amount of TT, on the other hand, the residuals in the equations of condition were very seriously affected, even to ten times the present amount, introducing of course a proportional theoretical uncertainty in this value. The final conclusion is that the corrections in question are both real and absolutely necessary. Never- theless it does occasionally happen that the measures of one or other of the stars do show glaring and enormous discrepancies from the remainder of the series. Sometimes such evident deviations from the general accuracy can be traced to some mechanical injury of the film, but at others can only be supposed to arise from some local distortion, the cause of which cannot be traced. It has been the practice to reject all measures on a plate thus abnormally disfigured, and the cases of such rejection (which do not amount to 3 per cent, of the whole) will be found mentioned in the notes. Column 8 speaks for itself, as being the concluded value of the distance of star (a) from 6i 1 Cygni, obtained by the application of the small corrections, contained in the last four columns, and, when slightly modified, forms the independent term in the equations of condition. Column 9 is the correlative of column 4 in Table I, to which the same remarks apply. The mean of the whole series is o".i82. TABLE III. Equations of Condition formed from the measures of 6^ Cygni and Star (a). No. Date, 1886. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // // I May 26 12.3 0.329 = x 0.7029 TT 0.6018 dfjt. + 0-037 2 28 11.9 .250 = x .6827 .5961 -043 3 30 11.7 .283 = x .6628 .5918 .OOO 4 June i 11.7 .310 = x .6420 .5853 + .046 5 4 11.8 .328 = a? .6088 .5771 + .078 6 8 11.9 0.280 = x 0.5625 0.5660 + 0.051 7 15 ii. 2 .344 = x .4759 -5469 + .153 8 16 11.7 .085 = x .4627 .5442 .101 9 23 n.6 .106 = x .3685 .5250 .038 10 24 1 1.6 .055 = x .3545 .5223 .083 Equations of Condition for the No. Date, 1886. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // // II June 28 12.0 0.105 = x 0.297977 0.5114 dp 0.008 12 30 11.4 + .045 = x .2692 .5059 ~ -H5 13 July i 11.3 .085 = x .2546 .5031 .009 H Aug. 20 1 1. 1 + -345 = x + -4753 -3653 .019 IS 24 9.8 + .187 = x + .5250 .3556 + .061 16 26 9.3 + 0.180 = x +0.5491 0.3501 + 0.079 17 28 9.5 + .221 = X + .5729 .3445 + .048 18 29 9-5 + .193 = x + .5851 .3418 + .081 19 30 8.9 + -332 = # + -5955 -3392 - -052 20 31 8.8 + -313 = * 4- -6067 .3364 .029 21 Sept. 7 8.6 + 0.188 = x +0.6807 0.3174 + 0.129 22 10 8.4 + .310 = x + .7096 .3091 + -019 23 ii 8.5 + .326 = x + .7186 .3064 + -007 2 4 13 8.4 + -333 = * 4- -7363 -3009 + .009 2 5 15 8.1 + .372 = x 4- -7531 -2955 -023 26 16 9.8 + 0.484 -= x +0.7617 0.2925 0.131 27 17 8.1 + .268 # + .7697 .2900 + .088 28 18 8.0 + .322 = * + .7767 .2872 + 037 29 20 9.0 + .592 = x + .7924 .2815 - -225 30 22 9.4 + .328 = x + .8057 - .2761 + -045 31 27 10.2 + 0.206 = x +0.8359 0.2623 + O.lSl 32 29 8.6 + .247 = x + .8458 .2570 + .144 33 30 8.4 -1- -335 = * 4- -8506 .2543 + .058 34 Oct. 2 8.2 + .281 # + .8592 .2488 + .118 35 6 9.1 + .328 - .* + .8739 .2380 + .076 36 13 10.1 + 0.467 = x +0.8896 0.2185 0-055 37 21 7-5 + .478 = x + .8914 .1969 - -065 38 . 22 7.5 + .438 - x + .8905 .1942 .02 5 39 Nov. 3 6.6 + .496 = x + .8583 .1615 - -095 40 5 8.8 + .473 = x + .8487 .1557 .076 4 1 16 7-5 + 0.270 = x +0.7808 0.1257 + O.IOO 42 17 8.3 + .280 = x + .7730 .1229 + .087 43 18 8.6 + .321 = X + .7651 .1201 + .042 44 23 8.6 + .274 = x + .7220 .1064 + .072 45 29 6.9 + -375 = x + - 66 36 .0904 -054 46 Dec. i 7.3 + 0.362 = x +0.6420 0.0847 0.050 47 2 6.8 + .426 = x + .6316 .0820 .118 48 4 6.4 + .408 = x + .6093 .0766 .110 49 7 6.3 + -387 - a? + -5743 -739 .104 50 9 7.2 + .478 = x + .5494 .0628 - .204 Relative Parallax of 61j Cygni and Star (a). 15 No. Date, 1886-7. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // // 51 Dec. 14 6.2 -4-0.416 = X + 0.4862 TT 0.0492 d [A o. 1 70 52 16 6.2 + .187 = x + .4599 .0438 + .049 53 24 6.2 + .in = x + .3484 .0219 + .078 54 87 Jan. 5 6.9 + .213 = x + .1683 + .0118 .099 55 8 6.4 + .152 = X + .1222 + .0198 + .058 56 10 6.7 + 0.071 = x +0.0909 -|- 0.0253 + O.OIO 57 12 6.3 .159 = x + .0600 -f .0308 + .228 58 2O 6.4 + .028 = x .0654 + .0527 .012 59 25 6.3 .086 = x .1440 + .0664 .068 60 31 6.5 .112 = X .2360 + .0829 + .056 61 Feb. 5 6.0 0.119 a= X 0.3098 +0.0938 + 0.032 62 8 5-9 + .040 = x .3538 + .1048 - .146 63 17 17.1 -179 = x .4838 + .1306 + .019 64 25 17-4 .167 = x .5845 + .1526 -035 65 26 16.9 .209 = x .5961 + .1553 + .002 66 27 16.9 0.308 = x 0.6076 +0.1581 +0.097 67 Mar. 12 16.1 .323 = x .7400 + .1935 + -57 68 16 15.7 .297 = x .7736 + .2044 .017 69 23 16.4 .329 =B X .8236 + .2236 + .029 70 27 14.8 .247 = x .8464 + .2344 - .063 7i Apr. 2 15.3 0.344 = x 0.8736 +0.2509 + 0.023 72 16 14.4 .258 = x .9006 + .2891 .072 73 19 14.6 .304 = x .8997 + .2973 + .025 74 20 15.0 .174 = x .8989 + .3000 - .155 75 25 13-4 .238 = x .8910 + .3137 - .087 76 26 14.2 0.265 = X 0.8884 +0.3165 0.059 77 29 13-8 .268 = x .8798 + .3246 - .052 78 30 13-8 .299 = x .8765 + .3272 .019 79 May 5 13.7 .197 = x .8556 + .3410 .in 80 7 !3-o .324 = x .8458 + .3465 .020 81 9 12.4 0.156 = x 0.8349 +0.3519 0.143 82 IO 12.8 .344 = x .8290 + .3546 + .150 83 13 13-0 .315 = x -8099 + .3628 .028 84 14 12.8 .431 = x .8032 + .3655 + -H7 85 16 12.8 -378 = x .7890 + .3710 + .100 86 18 12.8 0.474 = x -0.7736 +0.3765 + 0.203 87 20 13.1 .340 = x .7576 + .3820 .076 88 26 13.2 .274 = x .7042 + .3984 + -34 89 31 1 1.8 .257 = x .6547 + .4120 + .038 16 Concluded Result of the Relative Parallax Table III contains the 89 equations of condition from which the Parallax is to be deduced. The Parallax in distance, as computed from Bessel's expression (demonstrated in the Appendix) is Rm cos ( M O ) TT where m cos M = sin a sin P + cos a sin 8 cos P. m sin M = ( cos a sin P + sin a sin 8 cos P) cos a> cos cos P sin a>, and if P be assumed 108 26' this expression becomes R [9.95260] cos (206 8' O) TT where R = the Earth's Radius Vector : and O = the Sun's Longitude, both at the time of exposure. Again if 8/x be the unknown small correction required to the assumed annual proper motion (/u) in the direction of distance, this term multiplied by the fraction of year will enter into the equations of condition. Lastly, since Concluded Distance = True Distance (x^ + Ait + Bdn if from each side of the equation a constant be removed, in this instance I 3^o // -35o, there will result the equations of condition in a convenient form for computation. In this way Table III has been formed. Before solving this Table by the usual method, it should be stated that a term (K) depending on a presumed difference of aberration of the two stars has not been inserted. Presumably, there can be little question but that there may be a difference in the coefficient of aberration on account of the varied conditions of the stars themselves. If this difference be taken into the account the equations of condition become altered by the insertion of a term, but on mature reflection, it is seen that the alteration in the coefficient of aberration would be so slight, that a priori no appreciable effect would result in the value of TT. To set this question at rest, I had recourse to Sir R. Ball's com- putation for the parallax of 61 Cygni, where this term is taken into the account. The result, according to Sir R. Ball, is an alteration of o".O3, amounting to -5^-3 of the whole constant of aberration. Now the actual correction to the measured distances rarely exceeds o".i, so that the distances would not be altered by more than ^Vir of a second of arc. As a matter of fact the value of it deduced from Dr. Ball's equations of condition, neglecting the term, is changed from 0^.4659 to 0^.446 1, whereas, on the other hand, the weight of TT is increased from 4.887 to 7.057. Similar results are derived from a similar enquiry based on the parallactic computa- tions of Prof. Asaph Hall. On these grounds I regard it as desirable to omit all consideration of any presumed change in the aberration constant. Further, it will be observed that no inequalities of weight have been assigned to the various equations of condition, for it was felt that any such inequality of weight must be connected with physical variations of the film and the images impressed thereon. At first sight the varying values in columns 5 and 9 of Tables I and II might appear to indicate the varying security in the equations of condition themselves, and would furnish the means of deriving the necessary multipliers to bring them into greater uniformity. On the other hand, it will be found that measures taken on the same parts of the plate are affected by of Glj Cygni and Star (a). 17 very different errors, and that therefore any multipliers introduced for the purpose of establishing- uniformity in the measurements on the plate would be utterly inconsistent. The supplementary Table IV (page 18) has been drawn up in order to show at a glance that the variations in measuring in the same direction and on the same plate are purely accidental and do not depend upon the condition of the film. In this Table (III) the last column contains the residuals arising from the introduction of the values obtained of the unknown quantities, and I am induced to regard them as exceptionally small, and with a felicitous succession of changes of sign, justifying- a high degree of confidence in a novel method which has now been for the first time put upon its trial on a very considerable scale. The normal equations have been formed after the usual method and are as follows : + 3.1520= + 9.0000# 7.3917 /X O.I7I07T - 3- I 737 = - 7-39I7 +8.8384 - 9.0374 + 17.2577=- 0.1710 -9.0374 41.2547 whence are derived the following results n x = + 0.0406 dp = +0.0514 TT = + O.4294. The quantity expressed by the symbol x is of no practical importance, for it depends mainly on the somewhat arbitrary assumption that the distance between the two diagonal stars is 2382". 20. A similar remark may be made as to any physical significance in the quantity b p, inasmuch as it here depends upon months, whereas to be of value it should be measured by years. I have therefore not concerned myself with any determination of a theoretical probable error of either of these quantities which, under the circumstances, may be properly regarded as illusory. Very different is the case with the value of TT, being in reality the sole and final object of this investigation. For the present it will be sufficient to add that its probable error is o".oi62, so that with reference to star (a) TT = 0".4294 + 0".0162. Further, the probable error of the resulting measures derived from four plates, by this method of treatment, on the same night is + 0^.09 1. It is here interesting to remark in passing, and especially as appertaining to a method so novel as the present, that Bessel's probable error is practically identical with that here stated. So far then as the present results are concerned, they may be regarded as expressing an equality of accuracy between the photographic and Bessel's Heliometer measures ; the great advantage in point of convenience and rapidity in the multiplication of observations is on the side of photography. 18 Relative Parallax of 61 2 Cygni and Star (a). TABLE IV (Supplementary). The 'Average deviation' derived from all the measures on the same plates for one night. Date, 1886. a-6.< 61i-a. 61,-a. 61i-&. 61 2 -fc. c-d. 61i-c. 61a-c. 6h-d. 61 2 -d. // // // tr II n n // // n May 30 0-353 0.317 0.096 0.133 0.132 0.305 0.203 0.283 0.262 0.092 June i .029 .274 342 .301 137 .211 135 .2 9 6 133 .188 4 .174 .183 .183 .252 .293 243 139 .049 157 .240 8 .305 275 .202 .096 .087 .092 .296 .I 7 6 159 .183 15 193 139 134 .074 .165 .136 .087 .091 .097 .136 16 0.179 0.167 0.127 0.165 0.193 0.274 0.243 0.207 0.247 0.274 23 .326 .129 .296 .283 .242 .381 "3 .170 .225 .225 24 .285 .246 .079 .224 .302 .115 295 .183 .303 .243 28 .520 .304. .IO4 ,I*O .08 s 30 o*y 193 o wi r *43 *^f .120 *o .245 w J & .225 .144 .187 .2 4 2 .08 5 .211 July i 0.242 0.225 0.243 0.137 0.138 O.2O2 0.220 0.270 0.162 0.096 Aug. 20 '37 .274 .225 .217 .243 .150 .164 135 139 243 24 .089 257 .262 .144 .262 309 .244 .206 .192 .164 26 3 2 9 .136 239 .209 HJ 371 311 .209 !57 .175 28 327 293 .136 .093 .270 244 .2 4 6 139 .244 .190 29 0.243 0.264 0.074 0.062 0.126 0.262 0.087 0.224 0.209 O.I5I 30 .292 .170 .092 .147 k l6 3 .203 .162 .242 .250 .206 3i .136 .125 .177 *43 .192 135 .207 .26 5 i33 .26 4 Sept. 7 335 .183 .250 .128 .247 .129 .138 .129 .182 .083 10 183 .196 139 253 .103 .322 .192 M3 .209 .320 Parallax of 61 2 Cygni and Star (a). I now proceed to a similar discussion of the parallax of the second com- ponent of 6 1 Cygni, with regard to the same star of comparison (a). Very sufficient reasons for adopting- the somewhat unusual course of investigating the parallax not only of a star, but also of its close companion, will be found on reference to II. of the Introduction. The Tables are in all respects, mutatis mutandis, analogous to those already described, the measurements of the same diagonal distance referring to both components. This being the case, no further description is required, and the Tables are given consecutively without additional comment ; the respective headings of each column are sufficient indication of their meaning. Relative Parallax of 61 2 Cygni and Star (a). 19 TABLE V. Concluded measures of 61 2 Cygni from the comparison Star (a). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886. Measured Distance of Star (a) to 61 2 Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (a) from 61 2 Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. H // // H ft H ii I May 26 12.3 I 359-790 + 1.657 + 0.083 1.727 I359-803 0.172 2 28 11.9 60.439 0.827 .083 I.7II + 0.157 59-795 .225 3 30 11.7 60.196 1.019 083 1.699 + -184 59-783 .096 4 June i 11.7 60.901 0.836 .083 1.680 - .238 59.902 342 5 4 ii. 8 60.710 o-745 .082 1.656 .169 59-7 12 .183 6 8 11.9 1360.086 + 0.675 + O.oSl 1.624 + 0.552 I359-770 O.2O2 7 15 ii. 2 60.783 .728 .078 1.570 .243 59-776 134 8 16 11.7 60.837 .621 .078 1.562 -139 59.835 .127 9 23 n.6 60.160 563 .074 I-507 + -55 59-795 .296 10 24 ii. 6 61.178 572 073 1.499 - .424 59.900 .079 ii 28 12.0 1361.063 + 0.485 + 0.071 1.468 0.144 1360.007 0.104 12 30 11.4 60.463 532 .069 1.452 + -4 01 60.013 .I2O 13 July I 11.3 60.786 534 .068 1-444 + .198 60.142 243 H Aug. 20 1 1. 1 61.112 383 .Oil 1.048 .073 60.385 .225 J 5 34 9.8 60.534 .402 .005 I.O2O + -259 60.180 .262 16 26 9.3 1360.306 + 0.416 + 0.002 L005 + 0.396 1360.115 0.239 17 28 9.5 60.749 43 .OOI 0.989 + .128 60.290 .136 18 29 9-5 60.917 .400 .OO2 0.981 .227 60.107 .074 19 30 8.9 60.846 .422 .004 0-973 + -056 60.347 .092 20 3i 8.8 60.638 .419 .005 0.965 + -249 60.336 .177 21 Sept. 7 8.6 1360.971 + 0.412 0.015 0.9II 0.062 1360.395 0.250 22 10 8.4 60.628 .411 .015 .887 + -272 60.409 .139 23 ii 8.5 61.117 .409 .020 .879 .209 60.418 .192 24 13 8.4 61.142 403 .023 .863 -334 60.325 .097 2 5 15 8.1 61.267 .412 .026 .848 - -370 60.435 .146 26 16 9.8 1360.480 + 0.381 0.026 0.839 + 0-443 1360.439 0.312 27 17 8.1 61.009 .409 .028 .832 .299 60.259 .242 28 18* 8.0 61.109 .404 .030 .82 4 -234 60.425 193 2 9 20 9.0 60.710 383 .032 .808 + -327 60.580 .209 30 22 9.4 61.015 381 035 .7 9 2 - .166 60.403 254 3 27 IO.2 1360.869 + 0-39 1 0.041 0-753 0.249 1360.217 0.177 32 29 8.6 60.309 .382 .044 738 + -321 60.230 .202 33 30 8.4 60.698 383 45 730 + -139 60.445 317 34 Oct. 2 8.2 60.713 383 .047 .714 .004 60.331 075 35 6 9.1 60.812 .382 .052 -683 + .040 60.499 .. 4 6 20 Concluded Distances of 61 2 Cygni from Star (a). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886-7. Measured Distance of Star (a) to 61 2 Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of. Star (a) from 61j Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. // it // // // // it 36 Oct. 13 10.1 1360.720 + 0.425 0.059 0.627 0.023 1360.436 0.207 37 21 7-5 60.831 .381 .067 .565 - .062 60.518 -093 38 22 7.5 60.631 -381 .068 557 + .128 60.515 .152 39 Nov. 3 6.6 60.551 .381 .076 463 + -013 60.406 133 40 5 8.8 60.647 -425 -077 447 - -083 60.465 .246 4 1 16 7-5 1360.669 + 0.407 0.082 0.360 0.241 1 360.393 0.262 42 17 8.3 60.324 439 .082 353 + -042 60.370 .305 43 18 8.6 60.428 455 .082 345 -!73 60.283 .129 44 23 8.6 60.666 .472 083 305 -305 60.445 -173 45 29 6.9 60.290 413 -08 3 259 + .022 60.383 .156 46 Dec. i 7.3 1360.285 + 0.434 0.083 0.243 + 0.080 1360.473 0.135 47 2 6.8 60.411 .416 .083 -235 - .064 60.445 .182 48 4 6.4 60.557 .407 -083 .220 .231 60.430 .12 9 49 7 6.3 60.530 4'3 .082 .212 .266 60.383 244 50 9 7-2 60.640 454 .081 .180 .270 60.563 -283 5i 14 6.2 1361.026 + 0.425 0.079 O.I4I 0.653 1360.578 0.272 52 16 6.2 60.792 431 .078 .126 - -775 60.244 .225 S3 24 6.2 60.633 454 73 0.063 .691 60.260 .279 54 87 Jan. 5 6.9 60.791 546 .064 + 0.034 .928 60.379 093 55 8 6.4 60.376 5'9 .061 + 0.057 ~ -577 60.314 .128 56 10 6.7 1359.461 + 0.555 0.058 + 0.073 + 0.138 1360.169 0.200 57 12 6.3 60.640 535 .056 .088 -925 60.282 .144 58 20 6.4 60.187 .585 .047 151 ~ -751 60.125 .207 59 25 6.3 59-097 .601 .041 .191 + -155 60.003 093 60 31 6.5 59-9I5 .664 033 .238 .669 60.115 .160 61 Feb. 5 6.0 1358.902 + 0.640 0.027 + 0.269 + 0.288 1360.072 0.205 62 8 5-9 59.605 0.657 .022 .301 -54 60.037 .302 63 17 17.1 58.780 1-393 - .008 374 .502 60.037 .142 64 25 17-4 58.371 I.OIQ + -003 -438 + -163- 59-994 .190 65 26 16.9 58.635 1.203 .004 -446 .286 60.002 -08 5 66 27 16.9 I357-632 + 1.248 + 0.006 + 0.454 + 0.593 1359-933 0.073 67 Mar. 12 1 6.1 58.190 1.164 .024 555 + -029 59.962 .240 68 16 15.7 58.413 1. 2O6 .030 -586 - -365 59.870 .262 69 23 16.4 58.380 0.780 -039 .641 .127 59-713 !35 70 27 14.8 57-543 1.309 .044 673 + -251 59.820 -156 7i Apr. 2 15.3 1357-739 + 0.915 + 0.05 I + 0.720 + 0.279 I359-704 0.093 72 16 14.4 57.116 .911 .065 .830 + -759 59.681 .240 73 19 14.6 58.379 790 .067 .853 - -373 59.716 .222 74 20 15.0 57-793 0.683 .068 .861 + -303 59-708 .174 75 25 13-4 57.876 I.O7I .072 .900 .196 59-723 -139 Equations of Condition: 61 2 Cygni and Star (a). 21 No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887. Measured Distance of Star (a) to 612 Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (a) from 612 Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. // // it ii // // if 7 6 Apr. 26 14.2 I357-97 2 + 0.780 + 0.073 + 0.908 O.o66 1359.667 0.153 77 29 13.8 57-879 .850 075 930 - -CIS 59.7I9 .180 78 30 13-8 57-793 .829 075 939 + .006 59.642 .127 79 May 5 13.7 58-105 .768 .078 979 -303 59.627 .242 80 7 !3-o S7.9 2 3 .910 .079 994 - -183 59-7 2 3 .270 81 9 I2 -4 1358.532 + I.TI8 -f 0.080 -f- I.OIO 0.052 1359.688 0.304 82 10 12.8 58-033 .920 .080 1.017 -275 59-775 .262 83 13 *3-o 58-513 .800 .081 1.041 -546 59-889 153 84 14 12.8 58.199 .851 .081 1.049 - .506 59.674 .190 85 16 12.8 58.213 .808 .082 1.065 .490 59.688 .185 86 18 12.8 1358.113 + 0.769 + 0.082 -|- 1.080 0.279 I359-765 0.204 87 20 13.1 58.213 .675 .083 1.096 - .270 59-797 135 88 26 13.2 57.88 4 .600 .083 1.144 + -014 59-725 157 89 31 u.8 57-506 .808 .082 1.182 + -139 59-7I7 .172 TABLE VI. Equations of Condition formed from the measures of6I z Cygni and Star (a). No. Date, 1886. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // // I May 26 12.3 0.197 = x 0.7022 TT 0.6018 d fj. 0.035 2 28 11.9 .205 = x .6820 .5961 .018 3 30 11.7 .217 = x .6621 .5918 + -003 4 June i 11.7 .098 = x .6413 .5853 - .107 5 4 u.8 .288 = x .6080 .5771 + .098 6 8 11.9 0.230 = x 0.5617 0.5660 + 0.060 7 15 n. 2 .224 = x .4751 .5469 + -092 8 16 11.7 .165 = x .4619 .5442 + -039 9 23 1 1. 6 .205 = x .3676 .5250 + .120 10 24 n. 6 .100 = x .3536 -5223 + .022 ii 28 12.0 + 0.007 = x 0.2971 0.5114 0.061 12 30 11.4 + .013 = x .2684 .5059 - -054 13 July I 11.3 + .142 = x .2538 .5031 -177 14 Aug. 20 1 1. 1 -f .385 = x + .4758 .3653 .101 15 24 9.8 + .180 = x + .5255 .3556 + .!2 7 22 Equations of Condition for the No. Date, 1886-7. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // 16 Aug. 26 9.3 -f O.I 15 = X +0.5496 7T 0.3SOI dp. + 0.201 17 28 9.5 + .290 = x + .5733 .3445 + -037 18 29 9-5 + .107 = x + .5855 .3418 -f- .225 '9 30 8.9 -f .347 = x + .5959 .3392 .010 20 31 8-8 -f .336 = X + .6071 .3364 + .006 21 Sept. 7 8.6 -f -395 = x +0.6810 0.3174 O.O2I 22 10 8.4 + .409 = x + .7099 .3091 .021 23 n 8.5 + .418 = x + .7189 .3064 .026 24 13 8.4 + .325 - x + .7365 .3009 + .074 25 15 8.1 -f -435 = x + -7533 -2955 .029 26 16 9.8 + 0.439 = x +0.7617 0.2925 0.028 27 17 8.1 + .259 = x + .7700 .2900 + -155 28 18 8.0 + .425 = # + .7769 .2872 .008 2 9 20 9.0 + .580 = x + .7926 .2815 - .156 30 22 9.4 + .403 = x + .8059 .2761 + .028 31 27 IO.2 + 0.217 = x +0.8360 0.2623 + 0.227 33 29 8.6 + .230 - x + .8458 .2570 + .219 33 30 8.4 + .445 = x + .8506 .2543 + .005 34 Oct. 2 8.2 + -33 1 = a? + .8592 .2488 + .124 35 6 9.1 + .499 = x + .8739 .2380 - -038 36 13 xo.i + 0.436 = x 4-0.8894 0.2185 + 0.034 37 21 7-5 + .518 = x + .8911 .1969 .046 38 22 7.5 + .515 = x + .8902 .1942 .044 39 Nov. 3 6.6 + .406 = x + .8579 .1615 + .06 4 40 5 8.8 + .465 = x + .8482 .1557 .009 4i 16 7-5 + 0.393 = x +0.7803 0.1257 + 0.037 42 17 8.3 + .370 = x + .7724 .1229 + .056 43 18 8.6 + .283 = X + .7645 .1201 + .140 44 23 8.6 + .445 = x + .7214 .1064 .040 45 29 6.9 + -383 = x + .6629 .0904 .OOI 46 Dec. i 7.3 + 0.473 = x +0.6413 0.0847 O.IOI 47 2 6.8 -f- .445 = x + .6309 .0820 -056 48 4 6.4 + .430 = x + .6087 .0766 .070 49 7 6.3 + -383 = x + .5738 .0739 .038 50 9 7.2 + .563 = x + .5486 .0628 .228 5i 14 6.2 + 0.578 = x +0.4855 0.0492 0.268 52 16 6.2 + .244 = x + .4592 .0438 + -054 53 24 6.2 -f- .260 = x + .3476 .0219 - .009 54 87 Jan. 5 6.9 + .379 = x + .1675 + .0118 .201 55 8 6.4 + .314 = x + .1214 + .0198 - .156 Relative Parallax of 61 2 Cygni and Star (a). 23 No. Date, 1887. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // // 56 Jan. 10 6.7 + 0.169 +O.O9OI 7T +O.O253 dfJl + 0.024 57 12 6.3 + .282 = x + .0592 + .0308 -M9 58 20 6.4 + .125 = x .0662 + .0527 .036 59 25 6.3 + .003 = x .1447 + .0664 + -054 60 3i 6.5 + .115 = x .2366 + .0829 - .106 61 Feb. 5 6.0 + 0.072 = x 0.3104 +0.0938 0.093 62 8 5.9 + .037 = x .3544 + -1048 + .076 63 17 17.1 + .037 = x .4845 + .1306 + ^30 64 25 17-4 .006 = x .5850 + .1526 - .129 65 26 16.9 + .002 = X .5965 + .1553 .142 66 27 16.9 0.067 = x O.6o8o +0.1581 + 0.077 67 Mar. 12 16.1 .038 = x .7403 + .1935 .161 68 16 15.7 .130 = x .7738 + .2044 .082 69 23 16.4 .287 = x .8237 + .2236 + -055 70 27 14.8 .180 = x .8466 + .2344 .062 7i 'Apr. 2 15.3 0.296 = x 0.8736 +0.2509 + 0.044 72 16 14.4 .319 = x .9003 + .2891 + -057 73 19 14.6 .284 = x .8996 + .2973 + .066 74 20 15.0 .292 = x .8986 + .3000 + -075 75 25 13-4 .277 = x .8906 + .3137 + .063 76 26 14.2 0.333 = x 0.8881 +0.3165 + 0.120 77 29 13.8 .281 = x .8796 + .3246 .030 78 30 13-8 .358 = 5 -8761 + .3272 + .109 79 May 5 13.7 - -373 = * -8552 + -34IO + -134 80 7 J 3-o .277 = x .8453 + -3465 .042 81 9 i 2 -4 0.312 = x 0.8344 +0.3519 + 0.082 82 IO 12.8 .225 = x .8285 + .3546 .OO2 83 13 13-0 .in = x .8093 + .3628 - .108 84 14 12.8 .326 = x .8026 + .3655 + .110 85 16 12.8 .312 = x .7884 + .3710 + .102 86 18 12.8 0.235 = x 0.7731 +0.3765 + 0.032 87 20 I3.I .203 = x .7570 + .3820 - .007 OO 00 26 13.2 .275 = x .7035 4- .3484 + -103 89 31 ii.8 .283 = x .6540 + .4120 + -133 The normal equations derived from these equations of condition by the ordinary method are as follows : + 8.8480= +89.0000^7.3917^/01 0.15567: 4.0289= 7.3917 +8.8384 9.0391 + 16.9205=- 0.1556 -9.0391 +41.2537 24 Concluded Parallax of 61 2 Cygni from Star (a). // whence a = +0.1056 dp = +0.0659 TT = +0.4250 while the probable error of it o".oi76, and the probable error in the deter- mination of a distance of the principal star from the star of comparison is o".ioo. Before entering upon the tabular statement connected with the second star of comparison, it may be well to give as a matter of interest, but which may be passed over if regarded as superfluous, a table exhibiting the difference of the measures of the two components from the same star, it being borne in mind that the measures and their reductions are independent. It will be seen that the average difference of the measures is 20". 28 7. An interesting use of this result will be found on page 66. TABLE VII. Difference of the measured distances of Star (a) from 61 X and 61 2 Cygni. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. // // // n // // I 2O.2I8 0.069 21 20.143 0.144 41 2O.227 O.o6o 2 305 .018 22 .251 .036 42 .260 .027 3 .284 .003 23 258 .029 43 .388 .IOI A .138 .149 2 4 .358 .071 44 .179 .108 5 310 023 25 .287 .000 45 342 55 6 20.300 0.013 26 20.395 0.108 46 20.239 0.048 7 .230 57 27 359 .072 47 331 .044 8 430 143 28 .247 .040 48 .328 .041 9 449 .162 2 9 .362 075 49 354 .067 10 395 .108 3 2 75 .012 50 .265 .022 ii 20.238 0.049 31 20.339 0.052 5i 20.188 0.099 12 .382 095 32 .367 .080 52 .293 .006 13 .123 .164 33 .240 .047 53 .201 .086 4 .310 .023 34 .300 .013 54 .184 .103 15 357 .070 35 .179 .108 55 .188 .099 16 20.415 0.128 36 20.381 0.094 56 20.252 -035 17 .281 .006 37 .310 .023 57 .009 .278 18 .436 .149 38 273 .014 58 .253 034 19 335 048 39 .440 153 59 .261 .026 20 .327 .040 40 .358 ,071 60 .123 .164 Relative Parallax of 61 j Cygni and Star (b). 25 No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. 6l 20.159 0.128 7 if 20,302 it 0.015 8l n 20.506 0.221 62 353 .066 72 .411 .124 82 231 .056 63 134 153 73 330 043 83 ,146 -143 64 .189 .098 74 .468 .181 84 245 .042 65 139 .148 75 389 .102 85 .284 .003 66 20.109 0.178 76 20.418 O.I3I 86 2O.III 0.176 67 065 .222 77 373 .086 87 213 074 68 .183 .104 78 .409 .122 88 351 .064 69 308 .O2I 79 .526 239 89 -376 .089 70 -283 .004 80 303 .Ol6 The intention of the foregoing- Table (VII) is to exhibit, from another point of view, the accuracy of the measures. NOTES. No. i. The exposure was only two minutes, and the fainter stars are not visible. No. 2. On this night the stars c and d, were too faintly impressed to be measurable. No. 6. Images elongated, but measurable. No. ii. Cloudy, and images faint: those of c and d are visible on only one plate, and the measures of these stars have not been retained. No. 1 8. One of the plates rejected from injury to the film. No. 23. Exposure was continued for eight minutes. No. 30. Cloudy : images feeble. No. 35. One of the plates rejected on account of obviously discordant measures. No. 41. Images elongated, but measurable. No. 49. Exposure was continued for ten minutes, on account of fog. No. 53. Plates ' fogged ' : one plate rejected, accidentally damaged. No. 54. Instrument imperfectly driven. No. 55. Bright moonlight : plates somewhat fogged : exposure ten minutes. No. 61. Altitude low : images feeble. No. 66. One of the plates rejected : measures very discordant. No. 70. Images elongated. Driving-clock went badly. (Oil congealed.) No. 72. Clouds passing. Exposures of variable length. No. 76. One of the plates rejected through accident to the film. No. 81. Images faint. No. 83. Images elongated : one of the plates rejected owing to discordant measures. No. 85. Exposure continued through ten minutes. No. 88. Images faint and elongated. The total number of plates rejected is eight : the total number taken is 332. RELATIVE PARALLAX OF 61j CYGNI AND STAR (B). Here again a similar arrangement of the Tables for the discussion of the parallax with this star is pursued, and the same diagonal of reference is still employed. It is only necessary to mention that the parallactic factors in the equations of condition have been computed from the expression sf G) 2T ii'\ TT. 26 Relative Parallax of 61 j Cygni and Star (b). TABLE VIII. Concluded measures of61 1 Cygni from the comparison Star (b). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886. Measured Distance of Star (6) to 61i Cygni. lefraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (6) from 61, Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. // // it // // // // I May 28 11.9 1001.578 + 0.633 + 0.06 1 + 1-502 -f-o.n6 1003.890 0.124 2 30 11.7 1-354 .763 .061 1.489 + -136 3-803 J 33 3 June i 11.7 1.940 .635 .061 1-475 - .176 3-935 .301 4 4 n.8 2.IS3 .568 .060 1-454 - -125 4.110 .252 S 8 11.9 1.716 52 .060 1.426 + -47 4.121 .096 6 15 ii. 2 1002.275 + 0.554 + 0.058 + 1-378 0.179 1004.086 0.074 7 16 11.7 2.297 .469 057 i-37i .102 4.092 .165 8 23 1 1. 6 i-5i7 .424 055 1-323 -373 3.692 .283 9 24 1 1.6 2.196 .426 054 1.316 .312 3.680 .224 10 28 12.0 2.166 .364 .052 1.288 .107 3-763 .130 ii 30 II-4 1001.611 + 0.400 + 0.051 + 1-275 + 0.296 1003.633 0.245 12 July i 11.3 1.938 43 050 1.268 + -146 3-805 .'37 '3 Aug. 20 1 1, i 2.182 -283 .008 0.920 - -053 3-340 .2T 7 14 24 9.8 i-93i .298 .004 .896 + -I9 1 3-320 .144 '5 26 9.3 1.900 309 .OO2 .882 + -292 3-385 .20 9 16 28 9.5 1002.432 + 0.299 0.001 + 0.868 + 0.095 1003.693 0.093 17 29 9-5 ' 2.446 .301 .002 .861 .168 3-438 .062 18 30 8.9 2.254 3M .003 -855 + -041 3.461 .147 J 9 31 8.8 2,150 -315 .003 .848 + -184 3-494 243 20 Sept. 7 8.6 2.270 .306 .on .800 - -045 3-320 .128 21 10 8.4 1002.044 + 0.306 O.OI I + 0-779 + 0.200 1003.318 0.253 22 ii 8.5 2.323 -303 .015 .772 - -^54 3.229 139 23 13 8.4 ! 2.424 .299 .017 -758 - .2 4 6 3.218 .290 2 4 15 8.1 2.521 -306 .019 744 -273 3-279 .182 25 1 6 9.8 1.891 .281 .019 -737 + .327 3.217 .247 26 17 8.1 1002.616 + 0.303 O.O2O + 0.731 0.220 1003.410 O.229 27 18 8.0 2.486 .302 .022 .724 .172 3-318 .270 28 20 9.0 2.104 .284 .024 .709 + -2 4 I 3-3 H -193 2 9 22 9.4 2.506 .281 .026 .696 .123 3-334 .147 3 27 10.2 2 -536 .286 .030 .661 .184 3.269 .225 3^ 29 8.6 IOO2.122 + 0.283 0.032 + 0.648 + 0.237 1003.258 O.2O7 3 2 30 8.4 2.505 .283 033 .641 + .102 3-498 I 4 2 33 Oct. 2 8.2 2.523 .284 035 .627 -003 3.39 6 .263 34 6 9.1 2-357 .282 .038 .600 + -03 3-231 !35 35 13 10.1 2.602 304 .044 550 .017 3-395 -193 Concluded Distances of ftl^ Cygni from Star (b). 27 No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886-7. Measured Distance of Star (b) to 61i Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (6) from 61i Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. ff rf it // // tf 36 Oct. 21 7.5 1002.754 + 0.281 0.049 + 0.496 0.046 1003.436 0.252 37 22 7.5 2.572 .281 .050 .489 + -094 3-386 .129 38 Nov. 3 6.6 2.784 .282 .056 .407 + .010 3.427 -093 39 5 8.8 2.758 304 057 *39* .061 3.336 -134 40 16 7.5 2.898 .295 .060 3*7 - .178 3.272 .276 4i 17 8.3 1002.840 + 0.312 O.o6o + 0.310 + 0.031 1003.433 0.229 42 1 8 8.6 2.838 .320 .061 .302 .128 3.271 .274 43 23 8.6 3-125 331 .061 .268 .225 3.438 139 44 29 6.9 3.830 .297 .061 .228 + .016 3.310 .183 45 Dec. i 7.3 2.741 309 .061 .214 + .058 3.261 .205 46 2 6.8 1003.056 + 0.299 O.o6 1 + 0.207 0.047 1003.454 0.039, 47 4 6.4 3-097 295 .061 -193 .170 3-354 .172 48 7 6.3 3-258 2 97 .060 .186 - .196 3-485 .144 49 9 7.2 3.241 .320 .060 .158 .199 3.460 193 50 14 6.2 3-733 304 .058 .124 - .482 3.621 .260 5i 16 6.2 1003.925 + 0.308 0.057 + O.IIO 0.571 1003.715 O.2II 52 24 6.2 3-7 11 .320 .054 + -055 -59 3-523 .183 53 87 Jan. 5 6.9 4-133 .367 .047 .030 .684 3-739 .151 54 8 6.4 3-859 355 045 .050 - -425 3-694 .204 55 10 6.7 3-187 -372 -043 .064 + .101 3-553 .096 56 12 6.3 1004.288 + 0.362 0.041 0.078 0.682 1003.849 O.l62 57 20 6.4 4-034 -385 035 .133 ~ -554 3.697 .305 58 25 6.3 3-502 39 2 .030 .167 + -1x5 3.812 .183 59 3' 6.5 4.198 .416 .024 .209 -493 3.888 '75 60 Feb. 5 6.0 3-44' .409 .O2O .236 + .212 3.806 .244 61 8 5-9 1003.999 + 0.415 0.016 0.264 0.372 1003.762 0.105 62 17 17.1 3-347 1.081 .006 .329 - -370 3.723 .149 63 25 17-4 3.276 0.784 + .002 .385 + .120 3-797 73 64 26 16.9 3-486 930 .003 .391 .211 3-817 .126 65 27 16.9 3.014 963 .004 .398 + -437 4.020 .293 66 Mar. 12 16.1 1003.616 + 0.894 + 0.018 -0.487 + 0.021 1004.062 0.272 67 16 15.7 3.837 0.924 .022 S5 .269 3-999 .185 68 23 16.4 4.159 0-596 .029 -563 - -093 4.128 304 69 27 14.8 3-5o6 1.015 .032 591 + .1*5 4.147 .242 70 Apr. 2 15.3 3-698 0.703 .038 -632 + .206 4.013 .167 7i 16 14.4 1003.437 + 0.701 + 0.048 0.729 + 0.568 1004.025 0.218 72 19 14.6 4-346 .604 .050 749 - -275 3-976 153 73 20 15.0 4.060 -533 .050 -756 + -224 4.111 .227 74 25 13-4 3-9 J 4 .819 -053 .790 -144 3-852 .244 75 26 14.2 4.168 596 054 797 .048 3-973 131 28 Equations of Condition for the No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887. Measured Distance of Star (6) to 61i Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (b) from 61, Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. n // H // // // 7 6 Apr. 29 13.8 1004.133 + 0.652 + 0.055 0.818 0.01 1 IOO4.OII 0.205 77 3 13-8 4.263 .624 .056 .825 + .004 4.122 .190 78 May 5 13.7 4402 .584 .058 859 .223 3.962 133 79 7 13.0 4-303 .701 .058 -873 - -135 4-054 307 80 9 12-4 4-153 -859 059 .887 .038 4.146 .I8 S 81 10 12.8 1004.422 + 0.708 + 0.059 -0.893 0.202 1004.094 0.262 82 13 i3-o 4.800 .612 .O6O .914 .402 4.156 .105 83 14 12.8 4.741 652 .060 .921 -373 4-59 .240 84 16 12.8 4.693 .619 .060 935 - .360 4.077 183 85 18 12.8 4.701 .588 .061 949 -205 4.196 235 86 20 13.1 1004.696 + 0.512 + 0.061 0.963 0.199 1004.107 O.2O8 87 26 13.2 4-447 -457 .061 1.004 + .on 3972 -265 88 31 1 1.8 4-213 .618 .061 1.038 + .102 3-956 133 TABLE IX. Equations of Condition formed from the measures of Q\ l Cygni and Star (b). No. Date, 1886. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // n I May 28 11.9 + 0.190 = x +0.621377 0.5961 dfj. + -79 2 30 11.7 *+ .103 = x + .5999 .5908 + -157 3 June i 11.7 + -235 - * + .5788 .5853 + -015 4 4 1 1.8 + .410 = x + .5489 .5771 - -173 5 8 11.9 + .421 = x + .4946 .5660 .208 6 15 ii. 2 + 0.386 = x +0.4051 0.5469 O.2I2 7 16 11.7 + .392 = x + .3935 .5442 - -223 8 23 ii. 6 .008 = x + .2958 - .5250 + -134 9 24 ii. 6 .020 = X + .28l8 .5223 + -139 10 28 12.0 + .063 = x + .2245 .5114 + -031 ii 30 11.4 0.067 = x +0.1956 0.5059 + 0.148 12 July i 11.3 + .105 - x + .1811 .5031 -030 13 Aug. 20 I I.I .360 = x .5247 .3653 + -124 '4 24 9.8 .380 = x .5707 .3556 + .124 15 26 9.3 .315 = x .5929 .3501 + -049 Relative Parallax of 61 X Cygni and Star (b). 29 No. Date, 1886-7. Equations of Condition. Residual d. h. // // 16 Aug. 28 9.5 O.OO7 = X 0.6150 7T 0.3445 dp 0.268 17 29 9-5 .262 = x .6257 .3418 .018 18 30 8.9 .239 = x .6352 .3392 -045 19 31 8.8 .206 = x .6454 .3364 .078 20 Sept. 7 8.6 .380 = x .7118 .3174 + .064 21 10 8.4 0.382 = x -0.7373 0.3091 + 0.053 22 ii 8.5 .471 = x .7450 .3064 + .138 23 13 8.4 .482 = x .7605 .3009 + .142 2 4 15 8.1 .421 = x .7747 .2955 + .065 25 16 9.8 .483 = x .7822 .2925 + -134 26 17 8.1 0.290 = x 0.7890 0.2900 0.062 2 7 18 8.0 .382 = x .7950 .2872 + .027 28 20 9.0 .386 = x .8078 .2815 + -031 2 9 22 9.4 .366 = x .8187 .2761 .001 30 27 10.2 .431 = x .8429 .2623 + -056 31 29 8.6 0.442 = x 0.8505 0.2570 -|- 0.064 3 2 30 8.4 .202 = X .8541 .2543 - .I 7 8 33 Oct. 2 8.2 .304 = x .8604 .2488 .078 34 6 9.1 .469 = x .8700 .2380 + .082 35 13 10.1 .305 = x .8769 .2185 - .085 36 21 7-5 0.264 = x 0.8692 0.1969 O.I22 37 22 7.5 .314 = x .8671 .1942 - .071 38 Nov. 3 6.6 .273 = x .8206 .1615 .092 39 5 8-8 .364 = x .8097 .1557 -f .004 40 16 7.5 .428 = a .7311 .1257 + -103 4 1 17 8.3 0.267 = x 0.7224 0.1229 0.054 4 2 18 8.6 .429 = X .7138 .1201 + .III 43 23 8.6 .262 = x .6665 .1064 -035 44 29 6.9 .390 = x .6037 .0904 + .122 45 Dec. i 7.3 .439 = x .5808 .0847 H- .181 46 2 6.8 0.246 = ar 0.5698 0.0820 0.006 47 4 6.4 .346 = x .5463 .0766 + -104 48 7 6.3 .215 = x .5097 .0739 .Oil 49 9 7-2 .240 = x .4838 .0628 + .026 50 14 6.2 .079 = x .4184 .0492 .106 Si 16 6.2 + 0.015 = x 0.3914 0.0438 0.188 5 2 24 6.2 .177 = x .2779 .0219 + -053 53 87 Jan. 5 6.9 -f .039 = x .0974 + .0118 - .083 54 8 6.4 .006 = x .0518 -j- .0198 .018 55 10 6.7 - .147 - x .0209 + .0253 + -137 30 Equations of Condition for Glj Cygni and Star (b). No. Date, 1887. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // // 56 Jan. 1 2 6.3 + O.I49 X ~\~ 0.0096 TT + O.O3O8 dfJi 0.145 57 20 6.4 .003 = x + .1322 + .0527 + .061 58 25 6.3 + -112 = X + .2084 -}- .0664 .O2O 59 31 6.5 + .188 = x + .2968 + .0829 -057 60 Feb. 5 6.0 -|- .106 = x + .3675 -f .0938 -f .056 61 8 5-9 -{-0.062 = x +0.4090 -f 0.1048 + O.II8 62 17 17.1 + .023 = x + .5310 -1- .1306 + .211 63 25 J 7-4 + .097 = x + .6235 -f .1526 + .178 64 26 16.9 f .117 = x + .6341 + .1553 + -163 65 27 16.9 + .320 = x + .6446 -f .1581 .036 66 Mar. 12 16.1 + 0.362 = x +0.7624 +0.1935 0.026 67 16 15.7 + .299 = x + .7912 + .2044 + .050 68 23 16.4 + .428 = x + .8326 + .2236 - .061 69 27 14.8 + .447 = x + .8508 + .2344 - .072 70 Apr. 2 15.3 + -313 - a? + -8702 + .2509 + .071 7* 16 14.4 + 0.325 = x +0.8801 +0.2891 + 0.068 72 19 14.6 + .276 = x + .8756 + .2973 + .117 73 20 15.0 + . 4 n = x + .8736 + .3000 -025 74 25 13-4 + .152 = x + .8600 + .3137 + .229 75 26 14.2 + .273 = x + .8564 + .3165 + .106 76 29 13-8 + 0.311 = x +0.8445 +0.3246 + 0.063 77 30 13-8 + .422 = x + .8401 + .3272 -050 78 May S 13.7 + .262 = x + .8140 + .3410 + .098 79 7 i3-o + .354 = x + .8021 + .3465 + .001 80 9 12.4 + .446 = x + .7893 + .3519 .097 81 10 12.8 + 0.394 = x +0.7824 +0.3546 0.048 82 13 i3-o + .456 = x + .7604 + .3628 .120 83 14 12.8 + .459 = x + .7529 + .3655 .126 84 16 12.8 + .377 - * + .7369 + .37! .051 85 18 12.8 + .496 = x + .7199 + .3765 + -177 86 20 13.1 + 0.407 = x +0.7021 +0.3820 0.096 87 26 13.2 + .272 = x + .6442 + .3984 + -013 88 31 n.8 + .256 = x + .5913 + .4120 + .OO6 The normal equations, after the ordinary treatment, become // 1.3140= +88.oooo# 6.7889 d\L 2.544271 + 4.3827= - 6.7889 +8.4762 + 9-7965 + 17.1716=- 2.5442 4-9'79 6 5 +3 8 -7724 Concluded Parallax of 61 1 Cygni and Star (b). 31 whence is derived by solution // x = 0.0016 d[L +0.0055 77 = +0.4414 The probable error of TT proves to be +o",O32S, so that the value of the relative parallax from this star is v = + 0"-4414 + 0".0222. The probable error in one complete measure of distance is o".n5. PAR ALL AH OF 61 2 CYGNI AND STAR (B). The following- set of tables are analogous to and in the same order of sequence as those already described in the three preceding cases, and hence call for no further remark. TABLE X. Concluded measures of 61 2 Cygni from the comparison star (b). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886. Measured Distance of Star (6) to 612 Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (b) from 61 2 Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. 11 11 // it // // it I May 28 11.9 1022.078 + 0.646 + 0.063 + 1.510 + 0.1I8 1024.415 0.203 2 30 11.7 22.065 .798 .062 1.497 + -138 24.560 .132 3 June i 11.7 22.417 .646 .062 1.482 -79 24.428 J 37 4 4 n.8 22-733 .580 .062 1.462 .127 24.710 293 5 8 11.9 22.201 .522 .061 '434 + -416 24.634 .087 6 15 ii. 2 1022.519 + 0.565 + 0.059 + 1-386 0.183 1024.346 0.165 7 16 11.7 22.809 479 .058 1-378 .104 24.620 193 8 23 1 1. 6 22.053 433 .056 1-330 + .381 24-253 .242 9 24 ii. 6 22-733 435 055 1-323 .319 24.227 .302 10 28 12.0 22.696 372 053 1.295 .109 24.307 085 ii 30 11.4 IO22.268 + 0.408 + 0.052 + 1.282 + 0.302 1024.312 0.225 12 July i 11.3 22.476 .409 ,051 1-275 + -149 24.360 .138 *3 Aug. 20 1 1. 1 22.766 .289 .008 0.925 -055 23-933 243 H 24 9.8 22.428 .306 .004 0.900 + -195 23.833 .262 IS 26 9.3 22-574 .316 .OO2 0.887 + -298 24.777 113 32 Relative Parallax of 61 2 Cygni and Star (b). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886-7. Measured Distance of Star (f>) to 612 Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (b) from 61 2 Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. // // // // // // // 16 Aug. 28 9.5 1022.839 + 0.307 O.OOI + 0.873 + 0.097 1024.115 0.270 17 29 9-5 23-I79 -308 .002 .866 .171 24.180 .126 18 30 8.9 22.960 .321 .003 .859 + -042 24.179 .163 iQ 31 8.8 22.760 .321 .003 -852 + -187 24.117 .192 20 Sept. 7 8.6 22.931 SIS .on .804 .046 23.991 .247 21 10 8.4 1022.525 + 0.313 0.01 1 + 0.783 + 0.205 1023.815 0.103 22 ii 8.5 23.089 3" .015 -776 ~ -'57 24.004 .244 23 13 8.4 23-235 .308 .017 .762 .252 24.036 .225 24 15 8.1 23.262 .313 .019 -748 - -279 24.025 .293 2 5 1 6 9.8 22.598 .287 .019 .741 + -334 23.941 137 26 17 8.1 1023.267 + 0.311 O.O2I + 0.735 0.225 1024.067 0.150 27 18 8.0 23.240 .310 .023 .728 - .176 24.079 .203 28 20 9.0 22.587 .290 .025 .712 + -246 23.810 .072 2 9 22 9.4 23-I45 .287 .027 -699 .125 23-979 .146 30 27 10.2 23-053 .292 .031 .664 - .187 23.791 285 31 29 8.6 1022.638 + 0.288 0.033 + 0.651 + 0.242 1023.786 0.307 32 30 8.4 23.112 .289 .034 643 + -104 24.114 .322 33 Oct. 2 8.2 22.957 .290 .036 .630 -003 23-838 H3 34 6 9.1 23.012 .288 039 .603 + -030 23.894 .205 35 13 10.1 23.007 3" .045 553 - .017 23.809 .069 36 21 7-5 1023.166 + 0.287 0.050 + 0.499 0.047 1023.855 0.143 37 22 7-5 23.057 .287 .051 .492 + .096 23.881 .182 38 Nov. 3 6.6 23.372 .287 .057 -409 -+ .010 24.021 -243 39 5 8.8 23.419 311 .058 394 .062 24.004 .20 5 40 16 7-5 23.637 .301 .062 .318 .181 24.013 .190 4i '7 8.3 1023.291 + 0.320 0.062 + 0.311 + 0.031 1023.891 0.311 42 18 8.6 22.427 .329 .063 304 .130 23.867 .227 43 23 8.6 23-619 -339 .063 .269 -230 23-934 .086 44 29 6.9 23-353 .305 .063 .229 + .017 23.841 154 45 Dec. i 7.3 23401 316 .063 .214 + .060 23.928 .212 46 2 6.8 1023.585 + 0.307 0.063 + 0.208 0.048 1023.989 0.165 47 4 6.4 23.690 301 .062 .194 - -174 23-949 .190 48 7 6.3 23.830 305 .061 .187 .200 24.061 -253 49 9 7.2 23.870 .329 .061 '59 - -203 24.094 .227 50 14 6.2 24.106 311 059 .124 -49 2 23-990 .184 5 1 16 6.2 1024.268 + 0.315 0.058 + 0. 1 1 1 -0.583 1024.053 0.294 5 2 24 6.2 24.275 .328 055 + -056 .52 24.084 .102 53 87 Jan. 5 6.9 24-375 375 .048 -030 -699 23-973 .280 54 8 6.4 24.476 364 .046 .050 - 434 24.310 .198 55 10 6.7 23-890 .381 .044 .064 + -104 24.267 .219 Concluded Distance of 61 2 Cygni from Star (b). 33 No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887. Measured Distance of Star (b) to 61 2 Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (6) from 61 2 Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. // // // n H // n 56 Jan. 12 6.3 1024.845 + 0-37I 0.042 0.078 0.696 1024.400 O.226 57 20 6.4 24-633 .394 .036 133 - .566 24.292 243 58 25 6.3 24.065 .402 .031 .168 + ."7 24-385 175 59 31 6.5 24-73I .426 .025 .210 -504 24.418 .292 60 Feb. 5 6.0 24.053 .419 .O2O .238 + -217 24.431 .205 61 8 5.9 1024.787 + 0.425 0.016 O.266 0.380 1024.550 0.183 62 17 17.1 24.065 1.116 .006 -331 - -378 24.466 .169 63 25 17-4 24.164 0.798 + O.O02 -386 + -123 24.701 .272 64 26 16.9 24-3I5 945 .003 393 .215 24.655 .240 65 27 16.9 23-57I .981 .004 .401 + -447 24.602 139 66 Mar. 12 16.1 1024.165 + 0.910 + 0.018 0.490 + O.O22 1024.625 0.087 67 16 15.7 24.607 0-945 .023 517 - -275 24.783 154 68 23 16.4 24.679 0.608 .030 .566 - -095 24.656 .227 69 27 14.8 24.158 1-035 033 594 + -l8 9 24.821 275 70 Apr. 2 15.3 24.371 0-713 .038 .635 + .210 24.697 .165 7i 16 14.4 1024.038 + 0.712 + 0.049 0.732 + 0.572 1024.639 0.273 72 19 14.6 25.126 .617 .051 753 - .281 24.760 .207 73 20 15.0 24.598 -544 .051 .760 + .228 24.661 H5 74 25 13-4 24.782 .835 054 794 .147 24-730 .209 75 26 14.2 24.862 .608 055 .801 -049 24.675 .163 76 29 13.8 1024.744 + 0.664 + 0.057 0.822 O.OII 1024.632 0.190 77 30 13-8 24.893 -637 057 .829 + .004 24.762 139 78 May 5 13.7 25.063 .596 .060 .864 - .227 24.628 .244 79 7 i3-o 24.852 .713 .060 .877 - .138 24.610 .292 80 9 12.4 24.652 875 .060 .891 -039 24.657 .087 81 10 12.8 1024.936 + 0.721 + 0.061 0.899 0.206 1024.613 0.305 82 13 i3-o 25-2I5 .623 .061 .919 .411 24.569 .242 83 14 12.8 25.292 .664 .061 .926 - .381 24.710 .129 84 16 12.8 25-304 .631 .062 .940 - .368 24.689 .290 8 5 18 12.8 25.122 599 .062 953 .209 24.621 163 86 20 13.1 1025.310 + 0.522 + 0.062 0.968 0.203 1024.723 0.207 87 26 13.2 25-023 -465 .063 1.009 + .on 24-553 153 88 31 n.8 24.711 .706 .062 1.044 + .104 24-539 .I 9 8 34 Relative Parallax of 61 2 Cygni and Star (b). TABLE XL Equations of Condition formed from the measures of 61 2 Cygni and Star (b). No. Date, 1886. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // n I May 28 11.9 + O.II5 - * +0.6226 7T 0.5961 dfJL + 0.140 2 30 11.7 + .260 = x + .6024 .5908 -1- -013 3 June i 11.7 + .128 - x + .5812 .5853 + .109 4 4 n.8 + .410 - x + .5514 .5771 - -185 5 8 11.9 -1- -334 - x + -4972 -5660 .114 6 15 11.2 + 0.046 = x +0.4079 0.5469 + O.II5 7 16 11.7 + .320 = x + .3963 .5442 - .164 8 23 1 1. 6 .047 = x + .2987 .5250 + .160 9 24 1 1. 6 -073 = x + .2847 .5223 + .170 10 28 12.0 + .007 = x + .2274 5 II 4 + -73 ii 30 1 1. 4 + O.OI2 = X +0.1985 0.5059 + 0.056 12 July i 11.3 + .060 = x + .1840 .5031 .002 '3 Aug. 20 1 1. 1 .367 =* x .5227 .3653 + .S 14 24 9.8 .467 = x .5686 .3556 + - ! 95 15 26 9.3 .223 - x .5910 .3501 -59 16 28 9.5 0.185 = x 0.6128 0.3445 0.106 17 29 9-5 .120 = X .6239 .3418 - .176 18 30 8.9 .121 = X .6335 .3392 .179 19 31 8.8 .183 = x .6438 .3364 .122 20 Sept. 7 8.6 .309 - x .7105 .3174 - .025 21 10 8.4 0.485 = x 0.7361 0.3091 + 0.138 22 ii 8.5 .296 = x .7439 .3064 -053 23 13 8.4 .264 = x .7595 .3009 .092 24 15 8.1 .275 = x .7737 .2955 - .08 7 25 16 9.8 -359 = * -7813 ~ -2925 .106 26 17 8.1 0.233 = * 0.7881 0.2900 0.135 27 18 8.0 .221 = x -7941 .2872 .150 28 20 9.0 .490 = x .8070 .2815 + .114 2 9 22 9.4 .321 = x .8180 .2761 .060 30 27 IO.2 .509 = x .8425 .2623 + .117 31 29 8.6 0.514 = x 0.8503 0.2570 + 0.120 32 30 8.4 .186 = x .8539 .2543 .2IO 33 Oct. 2 8.2 .462 = x .8602 .2488 + .063 34 6 9.1 .406 = x .8701 -2380 ~\- -003 35 13 10.1 .491 = x .8773 .2185 + -085 Equations of Condition : 61 2 Cygni and Star (b). 35 No. Date, 1886-7. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. tt n 36 Oct. 21 7.5 0.445 -= X 0.8700 7T 0.1969 dp. + 0.044 37 22 7.5 .419 = x .8680 -1942 + .019 38 Nov. 3 6.6 .279 = x .8220 .1615 .099 39 5 8.8 .296 = x .Sin .1557 ~ -077 40 16 7.5 .287 = x .7331 .1257 .049 4i 17 8.3 0.409 = x 0.7244 0.1229 + 0.076 42 18 8.6 .433 = X .7156 .1201 + .104 43 23 8.6 .366 = x .6686 .1064 -f -059 44 29 6.9 .459 = x .6060 .0904 + .l8l 45 Dec. i 7.3 .372 = x .5832 .0847 + -105 46 2 6.8 0.311 = x 0.5722 0.0820 + 0.049 47 4 6.4 .351 = x .5487 -0766 + .099 48 7 6.3 .239 = x .5122 .0739 + .004 49 9 7-2 .206 = x .4863 .0628 .Ol6 50 14 6.2 .310 = x .4211 .0492 + .126 5i 16 6.2 0.247 = x 0-394 1 0.0438 + 0.066 52 24 6.2 .216 = x .2807 .0219 4- .087 S3 87 Jan. 5 6.9 -327 = x .1002 + .0118 + .281 54 8 6.4 + .010 = x .0546 + .0198 -035 55 10 6.7 .033 = x .0237 + .0253 + .022 56 12 6.3 -f o.ioo = x -|- 0.0068 -1-0.0308 0.097 57 20 6.4 .008 = x + .1296 + .0527 + -067 58 25 6.3 + .085 = x + .2058 + .0664 + .010 59 31 6.5 + .118 = x 4- -2944 + -0829 + .017 60 Feb. 5 6.0 + .131 = x + .3649 + -0938 -1- -037 61 8 5-9 + 0.250 = x +0.4067 +0.1048 0.063 62 17 17.1 + .166 = x + .5291 + .1306 + .077 63 25 17-4 + .401 = x + .6219 + .1526 - -"5 64 26 16.9 + -355 = * + .6325 -f .1553 - .065 65 27 16.9 -f- .302 = x + .6430 + .1581 .007 66 Mar. 12 16.1 + 0.325 = x +0.7614 +0.1935 + 0.025 67 16 15.7 + .483 = x + .7904 + .2044 .080 68 23 1 6-4 + .356 = x + .8322 + .2236 + .027 69 27 14.8 + .521 = x + .8504 + .2344 .129 70 Apr. 2 15.3 + -397 = * + -8702 + .2509 + .004 7i 16 14.4 + 0.339 = * +0.8808 +0.2891 + 0.068 72 19 14.6 + .460 = x + .8765 + .2973 - -053 73 20 15.0 + .361 = x + .8745 + .3000 + -044 74 25 13-4 + .430 = x + .8612 + .3137 .031 75 26 14.2 + -375 -= x + -8576 + -3165 + .023 36 Concluded Parallax of 61 2 Cygni and Star (b). No. Date, 1887. Equations of Condition. Reeidual. d. h. // // 7 6 Apr. 29 13.8 + 0.332 = a? -f 0.8458 TT + 0.3246 dfj. + O.o6o 77 30 13-8 + .462 = x + .8414 -f .3272 .071 78 May 5 13.7 + .328 = x + .8155 -f .3410 + .052 79 7 13-0 + .310 = x + .8038 + .3465 + .065 80 9 12 -4 + -357 = * + -7910 + -3519 + -013 81 10 12.8 + 0.313 = x +0.7842 +0.3546 + 0.054 82 13 i3-o + .269 = x + .7623 + .3628 + .088 83 14 12.8 + .410 = x + .7548 + .3655 -055 84 16 12.8 + .389 = x + .7389 + .3710 .042 85 18 12.8 + .321 = x + .7220 + .3765 + .019 86 20 I3.I + 0.423 = x +0.7042 +0.3820 0.091 87 26 13.2 + .253 = x + .6465 + .3984 -f -S4 88 31 n.8 + .239 = x + .5938 + .4120 + .044 The normal equations in this case are // 1.534 = + 88.oooo# 6.7889^ 2.546377 + 4.7542=- 6.7889 +8.4762 + 9.7649 + 17.9295=- 2.5463 +9.7649 +38.8860 whence is derived by solution // X O.OOI2 dp = +0.0406 TT = +0.4508. The probable error of TT proves to be o".oi9i, so that the value of the relative parallax from this star is TT= +0".4508 + 0".0191. The probable error of a complete measure of distance is +o".ioo. In the adjoining Table are exhibited the differences in the measured distances of the star (b) from each of the components of 61 Cygni. The mean difference is 2o".594. Test of the Accuracy of the Measures. 37 TABLE XII. Differences of the measured distances of Star (b)/rom 61 t and 61 2 Cygni. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. No. Difference of Measure. Difference fro.m Mean. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. // // /; H M // I 20.525 0.069 31 20.528 0.066 61 20.788 0.194 2 -757 I6 3 32 .6l6 .022 62 743 .149 3 493 .101 33 .442 .152 63 .904 .310 4 .600 .006 34 .663 .069 64 .838 244 5 5*3 .081 35 .414 .180 65 582 .012 6 20.260 0-334 36 20.419 0^75 66 20.563 0.031 7 .528 .066 37 495 099 67 784 .190 8 .561 033 38 594 .000 68 528 .066 9 547 .047 39 .668 074 69 .674 .080 10 544 .050 40 .741 .147 70 .684 .090 ii 20.679 0.085 4 1 20.458 0.136 /i 20.614 0.020 12 555 039 42 .596 .002 72 790 .196 13 593 .OOl 43 .496 .0 9 8 73 550 .044 14 .513 .081 44 531 06 3 74 .878 .284 15 .692 .098 45 .667 073 75 .702 .108 16 20.422 0.172 46 20.535 0.059 76 20.521 0.073 17 .742 .148 47 595 .001 77 .640 .046 18 .718 .124 48 576 .018 78 .666 .072 J 9 623 .019 49 634 .040 79 556 .038 20 .671 .077 50 369 .225 80 5" 083 21 20.497 0.097 5i 20.338 0.256 81 20.519 0.075 22 775 .181 52 .561 033 82 4'3 .I8l 23 .818 .224 53 234 .360 83 551 043 24 746 .152 54 .616 .022 84 .612 .018 25 .724 .130 55 .714 .I2O 85 425 .169 26 20.657 0.063 56 20.551 0.043 86 20.616 O.O22 27 .761 .167 57 595 .001 87 .581 .013 28 .496 .098 58 573 .O2I 88 583 .on 2 9 6 45 051 59 530 .064 30 .522 .072 60 .625 .031 PARALLAX OF 61, CYGNI AND STAR (C). Having regard to the importance of establishing, on what I hope are incontrovertible grounds, the accuracy of the photographic method, I have thought it prudent to proceed a step further in the enquiry, and as is not unusual in parallax researches, I determined to continue the enquiry with reference to another pair of comparison stars situated at a very considerable angle to the direction of the former diagonal. In adopting this course I had also at the time another thought in my mind, viz. that by selecting many stars of comparison I might derive an approximate value of the absolute parallax itself. It is already hinted in the Introduction, III, that similarity of magnitude is very far from being attended by similarity of parallax, at all events it certainly is not so in individual cases. The additional pair of stars selected is D.M. + 37, No. 41 75 and D.M. + 38, No. 4348, of the magnitudes 9-0 and 9-5 respectively. Of course the diagonal of reference is now different from that employed in the other determinations ; and, before proceeding to the Tables involving the parallactic processes, it will be interesting to compare the variations of these measurements conducted along two directions on the film nearly at right angles to each other. Inasmuch as these diagonals of reference are of somewhat different length, viz. (a) to (#) 2380" and (c) to (d) 2066", the variations are, for the purpose of this comparison, taken proportionally for 1000" in each direction. TABLE XIII. Comparison of the measures of the two diagonals approximately at Right Angles. Variation in 1000" from an Adopted Mean. Date, 1886. Variation in measxire of a to b. Variation in measure of c to d. Date, 1886. Variation in measure of a to 6. Variation in measure of c to d. Date, 1886. Variation in measure of a to b. Variation in measure of c to d. H H H H it n May a8 -j- 0.116 Aug. 20 -OS3 0.019 Sept. 1 6 + 0.326 -f 0.160 3 + -135 O.I7I 24 + -I9 1 + .142 17 .220 - .179 June i ~ -175 - -273 26 + -291 + .415 18 .172 .262 4 - .126 + .180 28 + -095 -1/9 20 + .240 + .184 8 + .406 + .223 29 - .167 .207 22 .122 - .292 *S - -179 "I- -ISS 30 + -041 - -038 27 - -183 - .281 16 .102 - -3IS 31 + -183 + -l6 9 29 + .236 + -157 23 + -372 .220 Sept. 7 - -045 + -238 30 -f .IO2 - .176 24 .312 - -SSI 10 -f .200 + -042 Oct. 2 -003 4- -070 28 - .106 .046 ii -154 .080 6 + .029 + -109 3 + . 2 9S .296 3 - .246 -013 13 .017 -013 July i + -MS + .316 J 5 - .272 .161 21 .046 + -004 Comparison of the Diagonal Measures. 39 Date, 1886. Variation in measure of a to 6. Variation in measure of c to d. Date, 1887. Variation in measure of a to b. Variation in measure of c to d. Date, 1887. Variation in measure of a to b. Variation in measure of c to d. Oct. 22 4- 0.094 it 4- 0.058 Jan. 5 0.682 it 0.592 Apr. 1 6 n 4- 0.558 4-0.156 Nov. 3 4 .010 -f- -044 8 - -424 - -312 19 - -274 + .016 5 .061 - .148 10 4- .101 4- .092 20 + -323 4- -449 16 - -177 .004 12 - .680 .542 25 .M4 -047 17 + -031 .035 20 -553 -509 26 .048 + -035 18 .127 -i55 25 4- .IH 4 .136 29 .Oil 4- -061 23 -225 -025 31 -492 -398 30 4- .004 4 .011 29 4 .016 .002 Feb. 5 4- -212 4- -312 May 5 .222 .227 Dec. i + -59 4- -063 8 -37' .442 7 -134 .181 2 - -047 + .003 17 -369 .302 9 -038 .040 4 .170 4- -063 2 5 4- .120 4 .066 10 .202 -273 7 .196 - .148 26 .210 - -'50 13 .401 - .336 9 .199 .052 2 7 + -436 + -303 H .372 - .196 '4 - .476 -398 Mar. 12 4- .021 4 .118 16 - .360 .031 16 .570 .198 16 .269 - .256 18 .205 .186 24 - .508 .136 23 - -093 4 -123 20 - .I 9 8 4- .079 27 4- .184 + -'55 26 4- -on 4- .109 Apr. 2 + -205 4- -17 31 4 .102 4- -15 The inspection of the Table suggests, I think, that the principal cause of the variations in question lies not so much in accidental or local variations of the film as in actual variations in the focal length of the mirror. This suggestion seems to me to be borne out by the general prevalence of the same sign being attached to the variations on the same night. Having premised thus much, I proceed to give the following sets of Tables for the determination of the parallax of the two components with regard to the two comparison stars, and these Tables will not require any further comment. The expressions for the computation of the parallactic factors with regard to these two stars are for D.M. + 37, No. 41 75- 61 1 Cvgm .#[9.92281] COS (O 121 29') 77. 61 2 Cygni. R [9.92247] cos (O - 1 3O 23') TT. D.M. 4-38, No. 4348. 61 1 Cygni. It [9-9376] cos (0 292 46') TT. 61 2 Cygni. R [9.93539] C <> S (O -^93 5 6/ ) 7r - Measures of the Diagonal Distance (c) to (d) TABLE XIV. Measures of the distance of Star (c) from Star (d), for the determina- tion, at the times of exposure, of the correction to their measured distances from, 61j and 61 2 Cygni. No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886. Measured Distance of c to d in Arc. Average Deviation from the Mean. Refraction. Aberration. Corrected Distance of c to d. Difference from Assumed Mean. d. h. tt H // // // // I May 30 11.7 2065.420 -305 + 0.967 + O.I26 2066.513 0-353 2 June I 11.7 6 S-779 .211 .819 .126 66.724 - .564 3 4 11.8 64.898 243 .766 .124 65-788 + -372 4 8 11.9 64-855 .092 .722 123 65.700 + .460 S 15 n. 2 64.967 .136 753 .119 65-839 + -321 6 16 11.7 2065.990 0.274 + 0.701 + 0.119 2066.810 0.650 7 23 11.6 65-837 .381 665 113 66.6!5 0-455 8 24 xi.6 66.579 "5 .669 .III 67-359 + 1.199 9 28 12.0 65-514 ... .635 .107 66.256 + 0.096 10 30 11.4 66.014 .144 -653 .105 66.772 + 0.612 ii July I 11.3 2064.753 0.202 + 0.650 + 0.104 2065.507 + 0.653 12 Aug. 20 1 1. 1 65-573 .150 .611 .Ol6 66.200 .040 13 24 9.8 65.247 .309 .612 .008 65-867 + .293 '4 26 9.3 64.685 37' .615 + -003 65-303 + .857 15 28 9.5 65.918 .244 .613 .OOI 66.530 .370 16 29 9-5 2065.978 0.262 + 0.612 0.003 2066.587 0.427 '7 30 8.9 65.627 .203 .616 .005 66.238 - .078 18 31 8-8 65.202 .135 .615 .007 65.810 + .350 J 9 Sept. 7 8.6 65.077 .129 .614 .022 65.669 + .491 20 10 8.4 65.482 322 .614 .023 66.073 + .087 21 ii 8.5 2065.743 0.274 + 0.613 0.031 2066.325 0.165 22 13 8.4 65.609 .289 .612 035 66.186 .026 23 15 8.1 65.918 .096 .614 039 66.493 -333 24 16 9.8 65-253 H5 .616 .040 65.829 + -331 2 5 17 8.1 65.958 .273 .613 .042 66.529 -369 26 18 8.0 2066.134 0.304 + 0.613 0.045 2066.702 0.542 27 20 9.0 65.218 135 .611 .049 65.780 + -380 28 22 9.4 66.201 .211 .616 053 66.764 .604 29 27 10.2 66.166 '93 .638 .063 66.741 - .581 30 29 8.6 65.290 .244 .612 .066 65.836 + -324 3 30 8.4 2065.980 0.309 + 0.611 0.068 2066.523 0.363 32 Oct. 2 8.2 65.477 .242 .611 .072 66.016 + -144 33 6 Q.I 65.389 .097 .624 .079 65-934 + .226 34 13 10.1 65-583 .149 .693 .090 66.186 .026 35 21 7-5 65.638 .216 .616 .IO2 66.152 + .008 for the Correction of the Scale. No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886-7. Measured Distance of f to d in Arc. Average Deviation from the Mean. Refraction. Aberration. Corrected Distance of c to d. Difference from Assumed Mean. d. h. // // n // n H 36 Oct. 22 7.5 2065.526 0.242 + 0.617 0.103 2066.040 + o. 120 37 Nov. 3 6.6 65-57 .315 .616 .116 66.070 + .090 38 5 8-8 65.891 .250 .692 .118 66.465 - -305 39 16 7.5 65.630 .072 .664 .125 66.169 .009 40 17 8.3 65-635 I 3 l .722 ,I2 5 66.232 - .072 4i 18 8.6 2065.846 o.i93 + 0-759 0.125 2066.480 0.320 42 23 8.6 65-535 -250 -803 .126 66.212 -052 43 29 6.9 65.616 .183 .674 .126 66.164 .004 44 Dec. i 7.3 65.447 .191 .709 .126 66.030 + -130 45 2 6.8 65.604 .079 .676 .126 66.154 + .006 46 4 6.4 2065.49! 0-363 -f 0.665 0.126 2066.030 + 0.130 47 7 6.3 65-9*7 -324 -673 .125 66.465 -SOS 48 9 7-2 65.631 .167 .760 .123 66.268 .108 49 14 6.2 66.412 .'53 .691 .I2O 66.983 - -82.3 5 16 6.2 65.979 .209 .710 .119 66.570 - .410 Si 24 6.2 2065.797 0.183 + 0-757 O.I 12 2066.442 0.282 52 87 Jan. 5 6.9 66.396 .274 1.085 .097 67.384 1.224 53 8 6.4 65.944 .246 o-953 .092 66.805 0.645 54 10 6.7 64.908 309 1.150 .089 65.969 + 0.191 55 12 6.3 66.330 362 1-033 .086 67-277 1.117 56 2O 6.4 2065.960 0.244 + 1-324 0.072 2067.212 1.052 57 25 6.3 64523 J 73 1.417 .062 65.878 + 0.282 58 31 6.5 65.046 .209 1.987 .050 66.983 0.823 59 Feb. 5 6.0 63.810 132 i-747 .042 65-5 I 5 + 0.645 60 8 5-9 65- J 93 347 i-9!3 033 67.073 0.913 61 17 17.1 2065.461 0.262 + 1-335 O.OI2 2066.784 0.624 62 25 '7-4 65.051 385 0.969 + 0.004 66.024 + -136 63 26 16.9 65-329 .153 I-I33 .007 66.469 -309 64 27 16.9 64.349 .174 i- T 75 .009 65-533 + -627 65 Mar. 12 16.1 64.791 .209 1.089 037 65-9 T 7 + -243 66 16 15.7 2065.517 0.342 + 1-127 + 0.045 2066.689 0.529 67 23 16.4 65.061 173 0.786 59 65.906 + -254 68 27 14.8 64-532 .207 1.240 .067 65-839 + -321 69 Apr. 2 15.3 64.849 .292 0.881 .078 65.808 + -35* 70 16 14.4 64.855 .036 0.884 099 65.838 + -322 7i 19 14.6 2065.238 0.069 + 0.786 + 0.103 2066.127 + 0.033 7 2 20 15.0 64-397 H3 0.732 .104 65-233 + -9-Z7 73 25 13-4 65.142 .272 1.005 .no 66.257 -097 74 26 14.2 65.191 -135 0.786 .11 1 66.088 + -0/2 75 2 9 13.8 65-105 350 0.814 .114 66.033 + .127 42 Relative Parallax of 6l l Cygni and Star (c). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887. Measured Distance of c tod in Arc. Average Deviation from the Mean. Refraction. Aberration. Corrected Distance of c to d. Difference from Assumed Mean. d. h. n H // // // n 7 6 Apr. 30 13.8 2065.209 O.207 + 0.814 + 0.115 2066.138 + O.O22 77 May 5 13.7 6 5-747 .160 0.763 .II 9 66.629 - -469 78 7 !3-o 65-53I -093 0.881 .121 66-533 -373 79 9 I2 -4 65.078 .282 1.042 .122 66.242 - .082 80 10 12.8 65-715 -H5 0.887 .122 66.724 - -564 81 J3 13-0 2065.937 0.322 + 0.793 + 0.124 2066.854 0.694 82 14 12.8 65.605 .144 .836 .124 66.565 .405 83 16 128 65.291 .274 .809 125 66.225 .065 84 18 12.8 65-635 .365 .784 125 66.544 - .384 85 20 I3.I 65.148 -253 .722 .126 65.996 + -164 86 26 13.2 2065.125 0.382 + 0.683 + 0.127 2065.935 + 0.225 87 31 1 1. 8 64.919 .179 .807 125 65.851 + -309 TABLE XV. Concluded measures of Q\ l Cygni from the comparison Star (c). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886. Measured Distance of Star (c) to 61 1 Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (<) from 61i Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. n // // // H /, I May 30 11.7 1115.467 + 0-593 -1-0.072 + i-9 10 0.191 1117.851 0.203 2 June I 11.7 I5'839 .491 .0/2 1.895 -305 17.992 '35 3 4 11. 8 15-427 451 .071 1.866 + .201 18.016 139 4 8 11.9 15-431 .420 .070 1.830 + -249 18.000 .296 5 15 n. 2 !5-564 -444 .068 1.768 + -74 18.018 .087 6 16 11.7 1116.310 + 0-399 + 0.068 + 1.760 0.352 1118.185 0.243 7 23 11.6 16.345 379 .064 1.698 - .246 18.240 H3 8 24 1 1. 6 16.584 .380 .064 1.689 -649 18.068 295 9 30 11.4 16.349 .368 .061 1.636 -331 18.083 .187 10 July i 1 1. 3 15.848 370 059 1.627 + -353 18.257 .220 ii Aug. 20 1 1.1 1116.588 + 0.332 + 0.009 + 1.181 O.O22 IIl8.o88 0.164 12 24 9.8 16.383 334 + .004 1.150 + -'59 18.030 .244 '3 26 9.3 16.158 337 -|- .002 1.132 + -464 18.093 3 1 ' 14 28 9.5 16.820 334 .000 1.114 .200 18.068 .246 Iji 2 9 9-5 16.824 335 - 002 1.105 .231 18.031 .087 Concluded Distances of 61 x Cygni from Star (c). 43 No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886-7. Measured Distance of Star (c) to 6l! Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (c) from 61i Cygni. Average Devi- ation . d. h. // // /, // H n // 16 Aug. 30 8.9 1116.645 + 0.338 0.003 + 1-097 O.O42 1118.035 0.162 l l 31 8.8 16.612 338 .004 1.088 + -ISP 18.223 .207 18 Sept. 7 8.6 *6.373 .336 .013 1.026 + .266 17.988 .138 19 10 8.4 16.541 .336 .013 I.OOO + -47 17.911 .I 9 2 20 n 8.5 16.971 335 .017 0.991 .089 18.191 255 21 13 8.4 1117.023 + 0.335 O.02O + 0.973 0.014 1118.297 0.203 22 15 8.1 16.918 -336 .022 956 .180 18.004 .172 23 16 9.8 16.803 332 .023 .946 + -179 18.237 154 24 17 8.1 17.164 -335 .024 938 .200 18.213 .086 25 18 8.0 17.064 334 .026 .929 -293 18.008 305 26 20 9.0 1116.470 + Q-332 0.028 + 0.909 -f 0.206 1117.889 0.260 27 22 9.4 17.081 332 030 893 - -327 17.949 .144 28 27 10.2 17.167 339 .036' .848 -3H 18.004 .205 2 9 29 8.6 16.789 332 038 .831 + -175 18.089 133 3 30 8.4 17.106 332 039 .822 - .196 18.025 .279 31 Oct. 2 8.2 1116.619 + 0.332 O.O4I + 0.804 + 0.078 1117.792 0.227 32 6 9.1 16.787 335 045 .770 + .122 17.969 145 33 13 10.1 16.835 -361 .051 .707 .014 17.838 .208 34 21 7-5 16.831 -332 .058 .636 + .004 '7-745 .162 35 22 7.5 16.768 -332 -059 .627 + -065 17-733 .156 36 Nov. 3 6.6 1116.847 + 0.332 0.066 + 0.522 + 0.049 1117.684 0.097 37 5 8-8 17.013 .361 .067 503 - -165 17.645 .222 38 16 7.5 16.962 349 .071 .406 .005 17.641 .265 39 17 8.3 16.970 372 .071 -398 -39 17.630 -J43 40 18 8.6 17.047 .388 .071 .388 I 73 17-579 .182 4i 23 8.6 1116.982 + 0.409 O.O72 + 0.344 0.028 iti7-635 0.229 42 29 6.9 16.926 354 .072 .292 .002 17.498 -073 43 Dec. i 7.3 16.809 .368 .072 .274 + -070 17.449 '35 44 2 6.8 16.955 354 .072 .265 + -003 I7-505 .208 45 4 6 -4 16.941 349 .071 .248 + -070 17-537 .148 46 7 6.3 1117.215 + 0.353 0.071 + 0.239 0.165 1117.571 0.206 47 9 7-2 16.794 .386 .O7O .203 - .058 I7-255 .083 48 14 6.2 17-377 .361 .069 159 -445 I7-383 .132 49 16 6.2 I7-H5 -367 .068 .142 .221 17-365 .197 50 24 6.2 17.215 .386 .064 .074 - -153 17.458 .250 5 1 87 Jan. 5 6.9 1117.706 + 0.522 ^0.055 0.038 o.66a IH7-473 0.206 52 8 6.4 I7-350 474 053 .064 -349 17.358 -313 53 10 6.7 16.911 545 .051 .082 + -103 17.426 .087 54 12 6.3 17.707 .492 .049 .100 - .604 17.446 .142 55 20 6.4 I7-386 .621 .C 4 I .170 -569 17.227 205 44 Concluded Distances of 61 x Cygni from Star (c). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887. Measured Distance of Star (c) to 61i Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Htar (c) from 61i Cygni. Av rage Devi- ation. d. h. // it // it // // n 56 Jan. 25 6.3 1116.805 + 0.676 0.036 0.215 + 0.153 III7-383 0.262 57 31 6.5 17.301 938 .029 .268 -445 17-497 139 58 Feb. 5 6.0 16.531 .821 .024 303 + -349 '7-374 .240 59 8 5-9 I7-436 9 J 3 .019 339 .494 17-497 135 60 17 17.1 17.426 .847 .007 423 - -338 1 7-505 .207 61 25 17-4 1117.266 + o-593 + O.OO2 0-493 + 0.074 1117.442 O.lSo 62 26 16.9 17-453 705 .004 .502 - .167 1 7-493 .211 63 27 16.9 I7.00 5 734 .005 5" + -339 I7-572 133 64 Mar. 12 16.1 17.494 -677 .021 .625 + .131 17.698 .292 6 5 16 15.7 17.760 705 .026 .660 .286 17-545 .2 4 1 66 23 6. 4 1117.706 + 0.467 + 0.034 0.723 + 0.137 1117.621 0.262 67 27 14.8 17.300 .780 .038 758 + -174 17-534 .125 68 Apr. 2 15.3 17.670 533 .044 .811 + -190 17.626 .270 69 1 6 14.4 I7.86 7 535 057 935 + -174 17.698 139 70 19 14.6 18.308 .472 058 .961 + .018 I7-895 244 7" 20 15.0 III7.6l8 + 0.432 + 0.059 0.970 + 0.502 1117.641 O.260 72 25 13-4 18.046 .621 .063 1.014 - -052 17.666 139 73 26 14.2 18.172 .467 -063 1.023 + -039 17.718 .204 74 29 13-8 18.109 .502 .065 1.049 + .069 17.696 -08 3 75 30 13-8 18.427 .486 06 5 1.058 + .012 '7-932 .III 7 6 May 5 13.7 1118.637 + 0.460 + 0.068 1.103 0.254 1117.808 0.293 77 7 J 3-o 18.640 533 .069 1. 120 .202 17.920 H5 78 9 12.4 18.180 .648 .069 I.I38 - .044 I7-7I5 .207 79 10 12.8 18.666 -538 .070 I.I 4 7 ^05 17.822 .132 80 J 3 i3-o 18.691 477 .O7O I-I73 -375 17.690 .I 9 81 14 12.8 1118.594 + 0.502 + 0.071 I.I82 0.219 1117.766 0.222 82 16 12.8 18.472 .481 .071 1.200 - -035 17.789 -147 83 18 12.8 18.603 457 .071 I.2I8 .208 I7-705 .I6 9 84 20 13.1 18.548 .420 .072 1.236 + .089 1 7-893 257 85 26 13.2 18.606 396 .072 1.289 + .122 17.907 08 3 86 31 u.8 "18.535 + 0.481 + 0.071 1-332 + 0.167 1117.922 0.2T5 Relative Parallax of Q1 1 Cygni and Star (e). TABLE XVI. Equations of Condition formed from the measures of 61 ! Cygni and Star (c). No. Date, 1886. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // H I May 30 11.7 + O.I5I = X +0.5177 7T 0.5908 dfJL + 0.227 2 June i 11.7 + .292 - x + .5401 .5853 + -095 3 4 u.8 + .316 = x + .5726 .5771 + .085 4 8 11.9 + .300 = x + -6134 .5660 + .H7 5 15 ii. 2 + .318 = x + .6776 ^469 4- -125 6 16 11.7 + 0.485 = x +0.6864 0.5442 0.038 7 23 11.6 + .540 = x + .7404 .5250 ~ -073 8 24 ii. 6 + .368 = x + .7474 .5223 .102 9 30 11.4 + .383 = x + .7841 .5059 .101 10 July I 11.3 + -557 = + .7894 -5031 .072 ii Aug. 20 1 1. 1 + 0.388 = x +0.7601 0.3653 + 0.063 12 24 9.8 + .330 = x + .7332 .3556 + .108 *J 26 9.3 + -393 = * + -7!84 -3501 + .038 J 4 28 9.5 + .368 = x + .7026 .3445 f -55 '5 2 9 9-5 + .331 = x + .6945 .3418 + .088 16 30 8.9 + 0.335 = * +0.6866 0.3392 + 0.081 17 31 8.8 + .523 = x + .6780 .3364 .112 18 Sept. 7 8.6 + .288 = x + .6128 .3174 + .091 19 10 8.4 + .211 = X + .5819 .3091 + -'53 20 ii 8.5 + .491 = x + .5716 .3064 -132 21 13 8.4 + 0.597 = x +0.5500 0.3009 0.248 22 15 8-1 + .304 = x + .5279 .2955 + -034 23 16 9.8 + -537 = * + -5!59 -2925 - -205 2 4 17 8.1 + .513 = a? + .5041 .2900 - .187 25 18 8.0 + .308 = x + .4933 .2872 + .014 26 20 9.0 + 0.189 = x +0.4686 0.2815 + O.I2I 27 22 9.4 + .249 = x + .4450 .2761 + .049 28 27 10.2 + .304 = x + .3817 .2623 .036 29 29 8.6 + .389 = x + .3562 .2570 -133 3 30 8.4 + .325 = x + .3430 .2543 -075 3i Oct. 2 8.2 + 0.092 = x +0.3165 0.2488 + 0.145 32 6 9.1 + .269 = x + .2623 .2380 - -OSS 33 13 10. i + .138 = x + .1631 .2185 + .026 34 21 7-5 + .045 - x + .0501 .1969 + .065 35 ' ? 2 7-5 + .033 = x + .0355 .1942 + .070 46 Equations of Condition : Gl l Cygni and Star (c). No. Date, 1886-7. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. i> /; 36 Nov. 3 6.6 0.016 = x 0.1368* 0.1615 dp. + 0.038 37 5 8.8 -055 = x .1668 .1557 + .062 38 16 7.5 .059 = x .3180 .1257 .006 39 17 8.3 .070 = x .3317 .1229 .001 40 18 8.6 .121 = X .345O .I2OI + -043 4i 23 8.6 0.065 = x 0.4094 0.1064 0.043 42 29 6.9 .202 = x .4819 .0904 + .060 43 Dec. i 7.3 .251 = x .5054 .0847 + .097 44 2 6.8 .195 = x .5162 .0820 + -035 45 4 6.4 .163 = x .5384 .0766 .006 46 7 6.3 0.129 = * 0-5704 0.0739 0.056 47 9 7-2 .445 = x .5945 .0628 + -250 48 14 6.2 -317 = x -6393 -0492 + .097 49 16 6.2 -335 = * -6570 .0438 + .108 5 24 6.2 .242 = x .7203 .0219 - .017 5i 87 Jan. 5 6.9 0.227 = * 0.7881 +0.0118 0.069 5* 8 6.4 .342 = x .7995 + .0198 + -043 53 10 6.7 .274 = x .8059 -1- .0253 .031 54 12 6.3 .254 = x .8113 + .0308 - -054 55 20 6.4 .473 = x .8229 -f- .0527 + -157 56 25 6.3 0.317 = x 0.8218 +0.0664 O.OOI 57 31 6.5 .203 = x .8120 + .0829 -"3 58 Feb. 5 6.0 .326 = x .7971 + .0938 -f -015 59 8 5-9 .203 = x .7851 + .1048 .104 60 17 17.1 .195 = x .7335 + .1306 - -093 61 25 '7-4 0.258 = x 0.6740 +0.1526 + 0.007 62 26 16.9 .207 = x .6658 + .1553 -055 63 27 16.9 .128 = x .6572 + .1581 -130 64 Mar. 12 16.1 .002 = X .5292 + .1935 .204 65 16 15.7 .155 = x .4838 + .2044 -033 66 23 16.4 0.079 = x 0.3989 +0.2236 0.075 67 27 14.8 .166 = x .3483 + .2344 + .033 68 Apr. 2 15.3 .074 = x .2685 + .2509 .026 69 16 14.4 .002 = X .0737 + .2891 - .017 70 19 14.6 + .195 = x .0308 + .2973 .196 7 1 20 15.0 0.959 = x 0.0161 +0.3000 + 0.064 72 25 13-4 .034 = x + .0543 + .3137 + .068 73 26 14.2 + .018 = x + .0693 + .3165 + -023 74 29 13-8 .004 = x + .1115 + .3246 + -055 75 30 13-8 + .232 = x + .1256 + .3272 .168 Concluded Parallax : 61 X Cygni and Star (c). 47 No. Date, 1887. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // M 7 6 May 5 13.7 + 0.108 = x + O.I9587T + 0.3410 dfJL 0.015 77 7 i3-o + .220 = X + .2231 + .3465 .116 78 9 12.4 + .015 = x + .2503 + .3519 + .100 79 10 12.8 + .122 = a? + .2639 + .3546 .001 80 13 i3-o .010 = x + .3046 + .3628 + -149 81 14 12.8 + 0.066 = a? +0.3177 +0.3655 + 0.078 82 16 12.8 + .089 = x + .3439 + .3710 + .066 83 18 12.8 + .005 = x + .3699 + .3765 + .165 84 20 I3.I + .193 = x + .3956 + .3820 - .017 85 26 13.2 + .207 = x + .4693 + .3984 + .005 86 31 n.8 + 0.222 = X +0.5267 +0.4120 + 0.017 The formation of the normal equation gives the following result : + 7.3000= + 86.ocoo# 5.6824^ + 3.121571 - 4.8285= - 5.6824 +7-^594 ~ 5-6322 + 13.7118= + 3.1215 5.6322 +24.0247. The values of the unknowns are H x = +0.0581 dfji = 0.1518 TT = +0.4448. The probable error of TTIS +o".O2i2, while the probable error of a complete determination of the distance between this star and 61 x Cygni is +o".iO2. RELATIVE PARALLAX OF 61 2 CYGNI AND STAR (C). TABLE XVII. Concluded measures of 61 2 Cygni from the comparison Star (c). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886. Measured Distance of Star (r) to 61 2 Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (c) from 61 2 Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. n // // // n // ii I May 30 11.7 1105.150 + 0-574 + 0.068 + 1.962 0.189 1107.565 0.283 2 June i 11.7 .5-613 477 .067 1-945 .302 7.800 .296 3 4 1 1. 8 5.118 44 .067 1.916 + .199 7-740 049 4 8 11.9 S-I?^ .411 .066 i. 880 + -247 7.782 .176 ,S 15 11.2 5-217 433 .064 1.817 + ^72 7-703 .091 48 Relative Parallax of 61 2 Cygni and Star (c). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886. Measured Distance of Star (c) to 61 2 Cygni Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (c) from 61a Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. ii ii // n H // H 6 June 1 6 11.7 1106.045 + 0.391 + 0.064 + 1. 808 -0.348 1107.960 0.207 7 23 1 1. 6 6.028 372 .060 1-744 -244 7.960 .170 8 24 n.6 6.204 -373 .060 J-735 ~ .637 7.735 .183 9 30 11.4 5-979 362 .056 1.681 - .328 7-750 .242 10 July I 11.3 5.612 -363 .056 1.671 + "350 8.052 .270 ii Aug. 20 1 1. 1 1106.324 + 0.329 + 0.009 + 1.214 0.021 1107.855 0.1.35 12 24 9.8 6.161 331 .004 1.181 + I 57 7.834 .206 1 3 26 9.3 5-945 333 + .002 1.164 + -459 7.903 .209 H 28 9.5 6.517 331 .OOO I-I45 - .198 7-795 -139 15 29 9-5 6.476 33 .002 I-I35 .229 7.711 .224 16 30 8.9 1 106.370 + -334 0.003 + 1.125 0.042 1107.784 O.242 '7 31 88 6.221 334 .00 4 1.117 + .188 7.856 265 18 Sept. 7 8.6 6.229 332 .OI2 1-055 + .263 7-867 .129 19 10 8.4 6-443 332 .012 1.027 + .047 7-837 -M3 20 ii 8.5 6.694 332 .Ol6 i.oiS .088 7.940 .207 21 13 8.4 1106.461 -ho.33i 0.019 + I. OOO 0.014 1107.759 O.l62 22 15 8.1 6.672 332 .O2I 0.982 - .178 7.787 *93 23 16 9.8 6-344 330 .022 972 + -177 7.801 237 2 4 17 8.1 6.669 332 .023 .963 .198 7-743 .182 25 18 8.0 6.887 33J .024 954 - .291 7.857 '43 26 20 9.0 1106.182 + 0.329 O.026 + 0.935 + 0.204 1 107.624 0.098 27 22 9.4 6.724 330 .028 .917 -324 7.619 -244 28 27 10.2 6.947 337 034 .87. -3" 7.810 39 29 29 8.6 6-4'3 329 035 -854 + -174 7-735 .182 30 30 8.4 6.835 -329 037 -845 - -195 7-777 .267 31 Oct. 2 8.2 1106.311 + 0.329 0.038 + 0.827 + 0.077 1107.506 0.154 32 6 9.1 6.532 333 .042 .791 + .121 7-735 .183 33 13 10.1 6.450 360 .048 .726 .014 7-474 .129 34 21 7-5 6-495 330 055 -655 + .004 7-4 2 9 244 35 22 7-5 6-5*5 330 055 -645 + .06 4 7-499 .192 36 Nov. 3 6.6 1 106.608 + 0.330 O.O62 + 0-537 + 0.048 1107.461 0.264 37 5 8.8 6-749 .361 063 .518 - -I6 3 7.402 -'53 38 16 7-5 6.722 348 .067 .418 .005 7.416 .202 39 17 8.3 6.751 372 .06 7 .409 .039 7.426 .183 40 18 8.6 6.825 .388 .067 -399 - .172 7-373 .074 4i 23 8.6 1106.707 + 0.412 0.068 + 0-353 O.O28 1107.376 O.I26 42 29 6.9 6.675 351 .068 .301 .002 7-257 .305 43 Dec. i 7.3 6.607 367 .068 .282 + .070 7.258 093 44 2 6.8 6.622 354 .068 273 + .003 7.184 .222 45 4 6.4 6-599 -348 .06 7 -255 + .070 7.205 .247 Concluded Distances of 61 2 Cygni from Star (c). 49 No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886-7. Measured Distance of Star (c) to 612 Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (c) from 612 Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. // // n n n H H 46 Dec. 7 6.3 1106.83! + 0.352 0.067 + 0.246 0.163 II07.I99 0.173 47 9 7.2 6.644 .388 .066 .209 - .058 7.II7 139 48 14 6.2 7.269 .360 .064 .164 - -441 7.288 .026 49 16 6.2 6.936 366 .064 .146 .220 7.l64 .244 5 24 6.2 6.974 388 .060 073 -I5 1 7.224 .180 Si 87 Jan. 5 6.9 1107.398 + 0-534 0.052 0.039 -0.656 II07.185 0.045 52 8 6.4 7-37 478 049 .066 -34<5 7-054 .262 53 10 6.7 6.680 550 .048 .084 + .102 7.1 9 9 .312 54 12 6.3 7-374 .498 .046 .102 -599 7- I2 5 .242 55 20 6.4 7.089 .633 039 J 75 - .564 6-944 .183 56 25 6 -3 1106.608 + 0.688 0.033 0.221 + 0.151 1107.193 0.127 57 31 6.5 7.010 .941 .027 .276 - -441 7.207 .205 58 Feb. 5 6.0 6.251 .836 .022 .312 + .346 7-099 .290 59 8 5.9 7.161 .921 .018 349 - .489 7.226 .226 60 17 17.1 7.192 .824 .006 435 -334 7.241 143 61 25 17-4 1107.160 -1-0.574 + 0.003 0.507 + 0.073 1107.302 O.l62 62 26 16.9 7.191 .685 .004 .516 .166 7.198 .191 63 27 16.9 6.693 7*3 .005 .526 + -336 7.221 .083 64 Mar. 12 1 6. i 7- 2 34 655 .O2O 643 + -130 7-396 245 65 16 15.7 7.625 .685 .02 4 .680 .284 7-370 .127 66 23 16.4 1107.603 + 0.455 + 0.032 0-743 + 0.136 1107.483 O.2O9 67 27 14.8 7.024 .842 .036 .778 + .172 7.296 .136 68 Apr. 2 15.3 7.502 .518 .042 834 + .189 7-4 T 7 .172 69 16 14.4 7.699 5*7 053 .961 + -173 7.481 .240 7o 19 14.6 7-875 459 055 .988 + .018 7.419 .099 7i 20 15.0 1107.641 + 0.422 + 0.056 0.997 + 0.497 1107.619 0.183 72 25 13-4 7.940 .600 .059 1.042 - -052 7-55 244 73 26 14.2 7-947 455 .060 1.052 + -039 7-449 .127 74 29 13-8 7-834 47 .061 1.078 + .068 7-372 .262 75 3 13-8 8.089 .472 .062 1.087 + .012 7-548 .240 76 May 5 13.7 1108.527 + 0.449 + 0-064 I-I33 0.251 1107.656 0.139 77 7 J 3-o 8-373 517 .065 1.151 .200 7.604 .166 78 9 I2 -4 8.089 .626 06 5 1.169 -044 7-5 6 7 .227 79 10 12.8 8.412 522 .065 1.178 -302 7-519 193 80 13 13-0 8.708 4 6 5 .066 1.205 -372 7.662 .085 81 14 12.8 1108.447 + 0.487 + 0.067 1.214 0.217 1107.570 0.056 82 16 12.8 8.361 .468 .067 !-233 -035 7.626 .219 83 18 12.8 8.716 451 .06 7 1.251 .206 7-777 .138 84 20 13.1 8-443 .411 .068 1.269 + .088 7-74i .250 85 26 13.2 8.410 .386 .068 !-323 + .121 7.662 .203 86 31 u.8 1108.303 + 0.442 + 0.067 1.369 + 0.166 1107.609 0.097 50 Relative Parallax of 61 2 Cygni and Star (c). TABLE XVIII. Equations of Condition formed from the measures of 61 2 Cygni and Star (c). No. Date, 1886. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // I May 30 11.7 + 0.065 = # -f 0-5369 7T 0.5908 dfj. + 0.203 2 June i 11.7 + .300 = x + .5590 .5853 + .008 3 4 1 1. 8 + .240 = x + .5910 .5771 + -071 4 8 11.9 + .282 = x + .6310 .5660 + .052 5 15 ii. 2 + .203 = x + .6935 .5469 + .160 6 16 11.7 + 0.460 = x +0.7029 0-5442 0.093 7 23 1 1.6 + .460 = x + .7544 .5250 - -073 8 24 1 1. 6 + -235 = x + .7610 .5223 + .'55 9 30 11.4 + .250 = x + .7860 .5059 + .149 10 July i 11.3 + .552 = X + -8009 .5031 .147 ii Aug. 20 i i.i + 0.355 = * +0.7544 -0.3653 + 0.018 12 24 9.8 + -334 = x + .7264 .3556 + -015 13 26 9.3 + .403 = x + .7105 .3501 -053 4 28 9.5 + .295 = x + .6941 .3445 + .048 15 2 9 9-5 + .211 = x + .6857 -34'8 + .128 16 30 8.9 + 0.284 - x + 0.6775 0.3392 + 0.052 17 31 8.8 + .356 = x + .6687 - .3364 .024 18 Sept. 7 8.6 + .367 = x + .6010 - .3174 .066 J 9 10 8.4 + -337 = * + .5692 .3091 - .051 20 ii 8.5 + .440 = x + .5586 .3064 .159 21 13 8.4 + 0.259 = x +0.5365 0.3009 + O.OI2 22 15 8.1 + .287 = x + .5139 .2955 .026 23 16 9.8 + .301 = x + .5016 .2925 .046 2 4 17 8.1 + .243 = x + .4895 .2900 + .006 25 18 8.0 + -357 = * + -47^5 - -2872 .1 12 26 20 9.0 + 0.124 = x +0.4531 0.2815 + 0.109 27 22 9.4 + .119 = x + .4288 .2761 + -'03 28 27 IO.2 + .310 = x + .3646 - .2623 - - TI 7 2 9 29 8.6 + .235 - * + -3387 -2570 -054 30 30 8.4 + .277 = x + .3255 .2543 .101 3" Oct. 2 8.2 + 0.006 = x +0.2981 0.2488 + 0.167 32 6 9.1 + .235 =: X + -2436 .2380 - .097 33 13 10. i .026 = x + .1433 -2185 + -119 34 21 7-5 .071 = x + .0294 .1969 + ."3 35 22 7.5 .001 = x + .0148 -^942 + -036 Equations of Condition: 61 2 Cycjni and Star (c). 51 No. Date, 1886-7. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // // 36 Nov. 3 6.6 O.O39 = X 0.1580 7T O.l6l5 dp O.OO2 37 5 8.8 .098 = x .1880 .1557 + .042 38 16 7-5 .084 = x .3387 .1257 .040 39 17 8.3 .074 x .3522 .1229 .056 40 18 8.6 .127 = X .3654 .1201 .009 4 1 23 8.6 0.124 = x 0.4292 0.1064 0.041 42 29 6.9 .243 = x .5009 .0904 + .046 43 Dec. i 7.3 .242 = x -5241 .0847 + -034 44 2 6.8 .316 = x .5347 .0820 -f .103 45 4 6.4 .295 = x .5564 .0766 + -073 46 7 6.3 0.301 = x 0.5879 0.0739 + 0.064 47 9 7-2 .383 = x .6086 .0628 + -136 48 14 6.2 .212 = X .6552 .0492 .052 49 16 6.2 .336 = a? .6724 .0438 + .060 50 24 6.2 .276 = x .7335 .0219 .029 5i 87 Jan. 5 6.9 0.315 = x 0.7976 4-0-0118 O.O2I 52 8 6.4 .446 x .8079 + .0198 + -105 53 10 6.7 .301 = x .8139 + - 02 53 -043 54 1 2 6.3 -375 = x -8184 + .0308 + -029 55 20 6.4 .556 = x .8271 + .0527 + .204 56 25 6.3 0.307 = x 0.8242 +0.0664 0.046 57 31 6.5 .293 = x .8121 -f- .0829 .056 58 Feb. 5 6.0 .401 - x .7954 + .0938 + -059 59 8 5.9 .274 = x .7822 + .1048 .064 60 17 17.1 .259 = x .7273 + .1306 .058 61 25 17-4 0.198 = x 0.6649 -{-0.1526 0.094 62 26 16.9 .302 = x .6564 + .1553 + -OH 63 27 16.9 .279 = x .6475 + .1581 .006 64 Mar. 12 16.1 .104 = x .5268 + .1935 .132 65 16 15.7 .130 = x .4690 + .2044 .082 66 23 164 0.017 = x 0.3823 4-0.2236 0.160 67 27 14.8 .204 = x .3308 + .2344 + -048 68 Apr. 2 15.3 .083 = x .2498 + .2509 -039 69 16 14.4 .019 = x .0530 + .2891 -023 70 19 14.6 .081 = x .0098 + .2973 + .048 7 1 20 15.0 -{-0.119 = x +0.0049 +0.3000 + 0.102 72 25 J 3-4 + .005 = x + .0757 + .3137 + .018 73 26 14.2 .051 = x + .0907 + .3165 + -070 74 29 13-8 .128 = x + .1330 + .3246 + -164 75 30 13-8 + .048 = x + .1471 + .3272 .006 52 Concluded Parallax : 61 2 Cygni and Star (c). No. Date, 1887. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // // 7 6 May 5 13.7 + 0.156 x + 0.2I747T + 0.3410^ 0.085 77 7 J3-o + .104 = x + .2445 + .3465 .022 78 9 12.4 + .067 = x + .2717 -1- .3519 + -027 79 10 12.8 H- .019 = x + .2853 + .3546 + .080 80 13 i3-o + .162 = x + .3258 -f- .3628 .046 81 14 12.8 + 0.070 = x +0.3389 +0.3655 + 0.05 I 82 16 12.8 + .126 = x + .3649 + .3710 + .006 83 18 12.8 + .277 = x + .3907 + .3765 .130 84 20 13.1 + .241 = x + .4162 + .3820 - .088 85 26 13.2 + .162 = x + .4891 + .3984 + .O2O 86 3 ii.8 + 0.109 = x +0.5456 +0.4120 + 0.097 In this case the resulting- normal equation i // + 2.678 = +86.0000^ 5.6824^+ 2.974671 - 3.1824= - 5- 68: *4 +7- 8 594 + 5-55*8 + 11.4924=+ 2.9746 +5.5518 +25.3062. The values of the unknowns are // x = + 0.0098 dp = 0.0969 TT = + 0.4320. The probable error of TT is + 0".0190, and the probable error of one complete determination of distance of this star from 6i 2 Cygni is +o".o88. The Table containing the parallactic processes of this star with reference to 6 1 Cygni conclude, as in former cases, by exhibiting- the difference in the measured distance for each night of the star (c) from each of the components of 6 1 Cygni. The mean of the measures is 1 0^.247. Test of the Accuracy of the Measures. 53 TABLE XIX. Difference of the measured distances of Star (c)from 61j_ and 61 2 Cygni. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. // // // // n n 1 10.286 0.039 31 10.286 0.039 61 10.140 0.107 2 .192 055 32 234 .013 62 295 .048 3 .276 .029 33 .364 .117 63 .351 .I0 4 4 .218 .029 34 .316 .069 64 .302 055 5 .315 .068 35 .234 .013 65 175 .072 6 10.225 O.O22 36 10.223 0.024 66 10.138 0.109 7 .280 033 37 -243 .004 67 .238 .009 8 333 .086 38 .225 .022 68 .209 .038 9 333 .086 39 .204 043 69 .217 .030 10 .205 .042 40 .206 .041 70 .476 .229 ii 10.233 0.014 41 10.259 O.OI2 7i IO.O22 0.225 12 .196 .051 42 .241 .OO6 72 .l6l .086 13 193 .054 43 .191 .056 73 .26 9 .022 14 273 .026 44 .321 .074 74 .324 .077 15 .320 073 45 332 .085 75 .38 4 137 16 10.251 O.OO4 46 10.372 0.125 76 10.152 0.095 J 7 .367 .120 47 .138 .109 77 .316 .069 18 .121 .126 48 .095 .152 78 .148 .099 *9 .074 ^S 49 .201 .046 79 .303 .056 20 .251 .004 5 234 .013 80 .028 .219 21 J0.538 0.291 51 10.288 0.041 81 10.196 0.051 22 .217 .030 52 304 057 82 IO.I63 .084 23 .436 ,I8 9 53 .227 .O2O 83 9.928 -319 2 4 .470 .223 54 .321 .074 84 10.152 095 25 ^S 1 .096 55 .283 .036 85 10.245 .OO2 26 10.265 0.018 56 0.190 0.057 86 10-3I3 O.o66 27 330 .083 57 .290 043 28 .194 053 58 275 .028 29 354 .107 59 .271 .024 30 .248 .OOI 60 .264 .017 PAEALLAX OF 61j CTGNI AND STAR (D). Concluded measures of ^ Cygnifrom the comparison Star (d). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886. Measured Distance of Star (d) to 61i Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (d) from 61i Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. // // n H a // // I May 30 11.7 9S5-3I7 + 0.427 + 0.058 -2.257 0.163 953.382 0.262 2 June I 11.7 5-396 .366 .058 2-235 - .260 3.325 133 3 4 u.8 4.981 343 .058 2.205 + .171 3348 J 57 4 8 11.9 5.029 325 057 3.163 + .212 3.46o 159 S 15 ii. 2 4-883 339 055 2.090 + .148 3-335 .097 6 16 11.7 955.111 + 0.314 + 0.055 2.o8o 0.300 953.100 0.247 7 23 11.6 4.899 .302 .052 2.006 .210 3-037 .225 8 24 ii C> 6-244 303 .051 I -995 -553 3.050 303 9 30 11.4 5-036 .297 .049 1-933 .282 3.167 .085 10 July i 11.3 4-398 .298 .048 1.922 + -301 3.123 .162 ii Aug. 20 1 1. 1 954.404 + 0.282 + 0.007 J-395 0.018 953.280 0.139 12 24 9.8 4-284 .282 .004 1.358 + -US 3-347 .192 13 26 9.3 3-783 283 .OO2 1-337 + -395 3.126 157 H 28 9.5 4.490 .282 .000 1.316 .171 3-285 244 '5 29 9-5 5-518 .282 O.OOI 1.306 - -197 3-296 .209 16 30 8.9 954.521 + 0.283 O.OO2 - L295 0.036 953.471 0.250 17 31 8.8 3-993 .283 .003 1.285 + .161 3-149 133 18 Sept. 7 8.6 3-959 .282 .OIO 1. 212 + .226 3.245 .182 19 10 8.4 4.406 .282 .Oil E.fSl + .040 3.536 .209 20 ii 8.5 4.382 .282 .014 1.170 .076 3-404 243 21 13 8.4 954-420 + 0.282 0.016 1-150 O.OI2 953-524 0.162 22 IS 8.1 4-573 .282 .018 1.129 .154 3-554 .153 23 16 9.8 4.071 .284 .018 1.118 + -153 3.372 .180 24 17 8.1 4-564 .282 019 1.108 .170 3-549 243 25 18 8.0 4.469 .282 .021 1.097 - .250 3-383 .292 26 20 9.0 954-47 + 0.282 0.023 1.076 + 0.175 953.405 0.227 2 7 22 9.4 4.400 .284 .024 1-055 - .278 3-327 .214 28 27 IO.2 4-369 2 95 .029 I.OOI .268 3-366 139 2 9 29 8.6 4.085 .283 .030 0.982 + .149 3-505 243 3 30 8.4 4.467 .282 .031 0.971 - .I6 7 3-579 .229 31 Oct. 2 8.2 954- 2 38 + 0.282 0.033 -0.951 -f- O.066 953.602 0.183 32 6 9.1 4.164 .289 .036 .909 + .104 3.612 .205 33 13 10.1 4.046 3'7 .041 .835 .012 3-475 .156 34 21 7-5 4.092 .284 047 752 -4- 004 3.53i .147 35 22 7.5 4.171 .284 .048 .742 + .055 3.720 .229 Concluded Distances of 61 X Cygni from Star (d). 55 No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886-7. Measured Distance of Star (d) to 61i Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (d) from 61 1 Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. n // H // n n n 36 Nov. 3 6.6 953-926 -f- 0.284 0.053 0.617 + 0.042 953-582 0.204 37 5 8.8 4.207 .317 .054 595 - .I 4 I 3-734 .153 38 16 7.5 3-95 1 .308 057 .480 .004 3-718 .217 39 i7 8.3 4.032 .338 057 470 -033 3.810 .083 40 18 8.6 4.072 355 .058 459 - .148 3.762 .136 4' 23 8.6 953-984 + 0.383 0.058 0.406 0.024 953-879 0.229 42 29 6.9 3-935 309 .058 345 .002 3-839 .097 43 Dec. i 7.3 3-859 333 .058 324 + .060 3.870 .163 44 2 6.8 3-849 .312 .058 313 + -003 3-793 .242 45 4 6.4 3.810 .306 .058 293 + .060 3-825 .138 46 7 6.3 954-05I 4-o.3io 0.057 0.282 0.141 953.881 0.147 47 9 7.2 3-995 355 057 .240 .050 4.003 .202 48 14 6.2 4.219 .320 055 .188 - -379 3-9 1 ? .190 49 16 6.2 3-9 6 3 331 055 .167 - .189 3-883 -08 3 5 24 6.2 3.808 354 .051 .084 -130 3.897 T 35 5 1 87 Jan. 5 6.9 953-884 + 0.509 0.045 + 0.045 - 0.564 953-829 0.165 52 8 6.4 3.824 .442 .042 .076 .297 4.003 .104 53 10 6.7 3.272 532 .041 099 4- .088 3-950 .221 54 1 2 6.3 3.908 487 .039 .118 -515 3-959 073 55 20 6.4 3-725 634 033 .201 - -485 4.042 .162 56 25 6.3 952.946 + 0.677 O.O29 + 0.254 + 0.130 953-978 0.290 57 3 6.5 3-139 949 .023 317 - -379 4.003 .I8 3 58 Feb. 5 6.0 2.428 -832 .OI9 358 + -297 3.896 .240 59 8 5-9 3-020 .928 .015 .401 - .421 3-9I3 .126 60 17 17.1 3-083 .586 .OO6 .500 .288 3-875 233 61 2 5 J7-4 952.721 + 0.427 + O.OO2 + 0-583 + 0.063 953-796 0.207 62 26 16.9 2.960 497 .003 594 .142 3.912 93 63 27 16.9 2.411 517 .004 .604 + -289 3-825 .162 64 Mar. 12 16.1 2.527 479 .017 739 + .112 3-874 .126 65 16 15.7 2.641 497 .O2I .780 -244 3.695 .301 66 23 16.4 952.277 + 0.352 + 0.027 + 0.854 + O.II7 953-627 0.175 67 27 14.8 2.117 543 .031 .896 + .148 3-735 329 68 Apr. 2 15.3 2.154 391 .036 0-959 + .162 3.702 133 69 16 14.4 1.813 39 .046 1.104 + -MS 3-Soi .027 /o 19 14.6 1.922 355 047 1.136 + -015 3-475 .144 7i 20 15.0 95M77 + o-333 + 0.048 + 1.146 + 0.427 953-431 O.l62 72 25 13-4 2.052 444 .051 1.199 - -045 3-7oi .22 9 73 26 14.2 1-959 352 .051 1.209 + -033 3-604 .304 74 29 13-8 1.823 373 053 1.240 + -059 3.548 143 75 30 13-8 1-955 363 053 1.250 + .010 3-631 .250 56 Relative Parallax of Glj Cygni and Star (d). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887. Measured Distance of Star (d) to 61i Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (d) from 61i Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. // // // // it // // 76 May 5 13.7 95' -993 + 0.345 + 0.055 + I-303 0.216 953.480 0.149 77 7 i3-o 1.790 -391 .056 1.324 .172 3.389 .227 78 9 I2 -4 1.706 .46, .056 1-345 .038 3-530 303 79 10 12.8 1.840 -394 .056 1-355 .260 3.385 .029 80 13 13-0 1.863 359 057 1.386 .320 3.345 .149 81 14 12.8 951.676 + 0-373 + 0-057 + 1.396 0.187 953.315 0.085 82 16 12.8 1-653 .362 .058 1.418 .030 3.461 153 83 18 12.8 1.688 349 058 1-439 -177 3-357 .242 84 20 13.1 I-39 3 325 058 1.460 + .076 3-3ii .270 85 26 13.2 1.367 311 058 1.522 + .104 3-362 .165 86 31 1 1.8 95I-235 + 0.360 + 0.058 + J-574 + 0.142 953-369 0.136 TABLE XXI. Equations of Condition formed from the measures of 61 X Cygni and Star (d). No. Date, 1886. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // // I May 30 11.7 O.2l8 = X 0.6444 "" 0.5908 d fJi 0.090 2 June i 11.7 .275 = x .6642 .5853 .041 3 4 1 1. 8 .252 = x .6926 .5771 - -075 4 8 11.9 .140 = x .7277 .5660 - .192 5 15 u. 2 .265 = x .7806 .5469 - .088 6 16 11.7 0.500 = x 0.7876 0.5442 + 0.135 7 23 n.6 -563 = a? -8284 -525 + .182 8 24 11. 6 .550 = x .8332 .5223 + -167 9 30 11.4 -433 = x .8579 .5059 + .040 10 July I 11.3 .477 x .8611 .5031 + -083 ii Aug. 20 1 1 . 1 0.320 = x 0.7133 0.3653 0.005 12 24 9.8 .253 = x .6774 .3556 .056 13 26 9.3 .474 = x .6582 .3501 + -173 14 28 9.5 .315 = x .6379 -3445 + -023 15 29 9-5 .304 = x .6273 .3418 + -017 Equations of Condition : 61 X Cygni and Star (d). 57 No. Date, 1886-7. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // // 16 Aug. 30 8.9 0.129 = x o.6i737T 0.3392 dfjL 0.154 '7 31 8.8 .451 = x .6065 .3364 + -173 18 Sept. 7 8.6 -355 = * .5265 .3174 + .III '9 10 8.4 .064 = x .4900 -3Q9 1 - .164 20 ii 8.5 .196 = x .4778 .3064 - .027 21 13 8.4 0.076 = x 0.4524 0.3009 0.135 22 15 8.1 .046 = x .4268 .2955 -'55 23 16 9.8 .228 = x .4130 .2925 -f -033 24 17 8.1 .051 = x .4005 .2900 -139 25 18 8.0 .217 = x .3871 .2872 + -031 26 20 9.0 0.195 = x 0.3586 0.2815 + 0.024 2 7 22 9.4 .273 = x .3320 .2761 + -113 28 27 IO.2 .234 = x .2619 .2623 + -104 29 29 8.6 .095 = x .2335 .2570 .023 30 30 8.4 .021 *= X .2182 .2543 .090 31 Oct. 2 8.2 + 0.002 = X O.I90I 0.2488 O.IOI 32 6 9.1 + .012 = 0? .I32O .2380 .086 33 13 10.1 .125 = x .0264 .2185 + .096 34 21 7-5 .019 = x + .0914 .1969 + .040 35 22 7.5 + .120 = x + -!o63 I 94 2 .092 36 Nov. 3 6.6 0.018 = x +0.2802 0.1615 + O.I 2O 37 5 8.8 + .134 = x + .3098 .1557 .018 38 16 7.5 + .118 = x + .4560 .1257 + .060 39 17 8.3 -f- .210 = x + .4689 .1229 .026 40 18 8.6 + .162 = X + .4815 .1201 + .028 4 1 23 8.6 + 0.279 x + O-54H 0.1064 0.064 42 29 6.9 + .239 = x + .6074 .0904 + .005 43 Dec. i 7.3 + .270 = x + .6283 .0847 .018 44 2 6.8 + .193 = x + .6379 .0820 + .064 45 4 6.4 + .225 = x + .6573 .0766 + .040 46 7 6.3 + 0.281 = x + 0.6849 -c>739 0.004 47 9 7.2 + .403 = x + .7028 .0628 .118 48 14 6.2 + .317 = x + .7424 .0492 .015 49 16 6.2 + .283 = x + .7565 .0438 + .026 50 24 6.2 + .297 = x + .8043 -0219 + -033 Si 87 Jan. 5 6.9 + 0.229 = x +0.8458 +0.0118 + O.I 2O 52 8 6.4 + .403 = x + .8502 + .0198 .052 53 10 6,7 + .350 = x + .8519 + .0253 + .002 54 12 6.3 + -359 = x + -8525 + -0308 .005 55 20 6.4 + .442 = x + .8444 + .0527 -093 58 Concluded Parallax: 61 1 Cygni and Star (d). No. Date, 1887. Equations of Condition. Residual d. h. // H 56 Jan. 25 6.3 -f 0.378 = X + 0.8306 7T -f- 0.0664 dfJL 0.032 57 31 6.5 + .403 = x + .8056 + .0829 .067 58 Feb. 5 6.0 -f .296 = x + .7783 -f .0938 + .029 59 8 5-9 + .313 = x + .7587 + .1048 + .005 60 17 17.1 + .275 = x + .6842 -f .1306 + -013 61 25 17-4 + 0.196 = a? +0.6062 +0.1526 + 0.060 62 26 16.9 + .312 = x + .5958 + .1553 .060 63 27 16.9 + .225 = # + .5851 + .1581 + -023 64 Mar. 12 1 6. i + .274 = x + .4307 + .1935 .089 65 16 15.7 + .095 = x + .3782 + .2044 + .068 66 23 16.4 + 0.027 = x +0.2819 +0.2236 + 0.097 67 27 14.8 + -135 = x + - 22 57 + - 2 344 -033 68 Apr. 2 15.3 + .102 = x + .1384 + .2509 .036 69 16 14.4 .099 = x .0683 + .2891 + .071 70 19 14.6 .125 = x .1127 + .2973 + .088 7i 20 15.0 0.169 = x 0.1278 +0.3000 + 0.125 72 25 J3-4 + .101 = x .1997 + .3137 - .174 73 26 14.2 + .004 = x .2148 + .3165 .083 74 29 13-8 .052 = x .2573 + .3246 .044 75 30 13-8 + .031 = x .2714 + .3272 -133 76 May 5 13.7 O.I2O = X 0.3411 +O.34IO O.OII 77 7 13-0 .211 = X .3677 + .3465 + .070 78 9 I2 -4 .070 = x .3943 + .3519 .082 79 10 12.8 .215 = x .4075 + .3546 + -057 80 13 i3-o .255 = x .4467 + .3628 + .082 81 14 12.8 0.285 = x 0.4592 +0.3655 + 0.106 82 16 12.8 .139 = x .4842 + .3710 .050 83 18 12.8 .243 = x .5087 + .3765 + .046 84 20 I3.I .289 = x .5328 + .3820 + .081 85 26 13.2 .238 = x .6008 + .3984 + .002 86 31 n.8 0.231 = x 0.6523 +0.4120 0.027 The normal equation, after the usual treatment, is of the following form 2.4080= +86.0000 x 5.6824^/01 3.688977 + 2.6588= 5.6824 +7-8594 + 5-2392 + 11.7980=- 3.6889 +5-2392 +27.4037 whence the values of the unknowns become x = 0.0064 dfj. = +0.0541 IT = + 0.4193. The probable error of TT is // .0182, and the probable error in the complete determination of distance for one night is o".o8c). PARALLAX OF 61 2 CYGNI AND STAR (D). Concluded measures of 61 2 Cygnifrom the comparison Star (d). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886. Measured Distance of Star (d) to 61z Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (d] from 61 2 Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. // // // // // // // I May 30 11.7 963.059 + 0-445 + 0.059 2.194 0.164 961.205 0.092 2 June i 11.7 3-163 379 .058 2.173 .262 i.i6 S .188 3 4 n. 8 2.6o6 353 .058 2.142 + -173 1.048 .240 4 8 11.9 2.756 335 057 2.102 + .314 1.260 I8 3 5 15 ii. 2 2.706 349 055 2.031 + .149 1.228 .136 6 16 11.7 963.047 + 0.321 + 0.055 2.O2I 0.302 961.100 0.274 7 23 n.6 2.809 .312 052 1-949 .212 I.OI2 .225 8 24 1 1. 6 3.258 3i3 .052 1.940 - 058 I.I25 243 9 30 11.4 2.992 305 .050 1.879 - -285 1.183 .211 10 July i 11.3 2.28l 35 .048 1.868 + -304 1.070 .0 9 6 ii Aug. 20 1 1. 1 962.410 + 0.285 + 0.007 1-35 6 O.OI9 961.327 0.243 12 24 9.8 2.182 .284 .004 1.320 + .136 1.286 .164 13 26 9.3 1.803 .286 .OO2 1.300 + -399 I.I 9 .175 H 28 9.5 2.436 .284 .000 1-279 .172 1.269 .190 15 2 9 9-5 2.483 .284 .001 1.269 -J99 1.298 .I 5 I 16 30 8.9 962.390 + 0.286 0.002 1.259 0.036 961.379 O.206 17 31 8.8 2.175 .286 .003 1.249 + .163 1-372 .264 18 Sept. 7 8.6 2.125 .285 .OIO 1.178 + .228 1.450 083 19 10 8.4 2.199 .285 .OI I 1.147 + .040 1.366 320 20 ii 8.5 2-354 .284 .014 1.138 - -077 1.409 .242 21 13 8.4 962.267 + 0.284 0.016 1.117 O.OI2 961.406 O.I 60 22 15 8.1 2.522 285 .018 1.097 - -155 1-537 .132 23 16 9.8 1.969 .287 .019 i. 086 + "154 '305 083 2 4 17 8.1 2.242 285 .020 1.077 .172 1.258 .125 25 18 8.0 2-537 .284 .021 i. 066 - -2 5 2 1.482 .240 26 20 9.0 961.848 + 0.285 0.023 1.045 + 0.177 961.242 0.203 27 22 9.4 2.245 .287 025 1.025 .281 1. 201 .132 28 27 IO.2 2.319 .297 .029 0.974 - .270 1-343 I 53 2 9 29 8.6 1.879 285 .031 0-954 + -IS' 1-330 .129 30 30 8.4 2.383 .284 .032 0.944 .169 1.522 173 31 Oct. 2 8.2 962.004 + 0.285 0.033 0.924 + 0.067 961.399 0.036 32 6 9.1 1.875 .292 037 .884 + .105 I-35I .183 33 13 10.1 1.936 319 .042 .811 .012 1.390 .272 34 21 7-5 1.918 .289 .047 731 + .004 1-433 .209 35 22 7-5 1.916 .287 .048 .720 + -056 1.491 .138 60 Relative Parallax of 61 2 Cygni and Star (d). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886-7. Measured Distance of Star (d) to 61a Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (d) from 61a Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. // n it // // // 36 Nov. 3 6.6 961.938 + 0.287 0.054 0.6oo + 0.042 961.613 0.163 37 5 8.8 2-053 324 055 578 .142 1. 602 .150 38 '6 7-5 '955 .309 058 .467 .004 x -735 .274 39 17 8.3 i. 860 338 .058 456 -033 1.651 -083 40 18 8.6 2.027 353 .058 .446 - -M9 1.727 .129 4 1 23 8.6 961.854 + 0.380 0.059 0-394 0.024 961.757 O.2OQ 42 29 6.9 1.838 .313 059 -336 .002 -754 .240 43 Dec. i 7.3 1.848 333 .059 .3H + .061 1.869 .130 44 2 6.8 1.830 314 059 305 + -003 1-783 .122 45 4 6.4 i. 808 309 .059 .284 + .061 I-835 .084 46 7 6.3 962.033 + 0.313 0.058 0.274 0.142 961.872 0.053 47 9 7-2 1-853 354 057 233 .050 1.867 139 48 14 6.2 2.108 324 .056 -I8 3 - -383 1.810 .208 49 16 6.2 1-732 330 055 .163 - .191 1-653 .280 50 24 6.2 1-855 351 052 .081 -131 1.942 -143 5 87 Jan. 5 6.9 961.781 + 0.501 0.045 + 0.044 0.569 961.712 0.127 5 2 8 6.4 1.652 .448 .043 .074 -300 1.831 173 53 10 6.7 1.1*0 -526 .041 .094 + .089 1.848 .I6 4 54 12 6.3 1.701 .476 .040 .115 - -519 1-733 .092 55 2O 6.4 1.497 .607 033 .1 9 6 - .489 1.778 255 56 25 6.3 960.854 + 0.663 0.029 + 0.247 + 0.085 961.820 0.139 57 31 6. 5 1.044 931 .023 .308 - -383 1.877 .262 58 Feb. 5 6.0 0.351 .814 .019 .348 + -300 1.794 .138 59 8 5.9 0.960 905 .015 390 -425 1-815 .083 60 17 17.1 0.920 .620 .006 .486 .290 i-73o .170 61 25 17-4 960.675 + 0-445 + O.OO2 + 0.566 + 0.063 961.751 0.184 62 26 16.9 0.856 .522 .003 -576 - .144 1.813 .097 63 27 16.9 0.273 540 .004 .587 + .292 1.696 205 64 Mar. 12 16.1 0.273 .501 .017 .719 + -"3 1.624 .162 65 16 15.7 -475 -521 .O2I 759 - .246 1-530 253 66 23 16.4 960.282 + 0.364 + 0.028 + 0.830 + 0.118 961.622 0.282 67 27 14.8 60.021 574 .031 .871 + -149 1.646 131 68 Apr. 2 15.3 60.059 .406 .036 932 + -164 1-597 .122 69 16 14.4 59.889 .405 .046 1-073 + .15 1-563 *73 70 19 14.6 60.005 367 .048 1.103 + -015 1-538 .119 7i 20 15.0 959-535 + 0.341 + 0.048 + i."4 + 0.431 961.469 0.042 72 25 13-4 9.889 463 .051 1.165 -045 1-523 .130 73 26 14.2 9-738 .364 .052 1-^75 + -033 1.362 .204 74 29 13.8 9.707 .386 .053 1.205 + -59 1.410 .109 75 30 13-8 9.829 376 053 1.215 + .010 1.483 -443 Concluded Distances of 61 2 Cygni from Star (d). 61 No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887. Measured Distance of Star (d) to 61 2 Cygni. Refraction Correction. Aberration Correction. Proper Motion. Correction to Scale. Concluded Distance of Star (d) from 61 2 Cygni. Average Devi- ation. d. h. n // // // n // // 7 6 May 5 13.7 960.010 + 0.360 + 0.055 + 1.266 -0.218 961.473 0.260 77 7 '3-o 959.811 .412 .056 1.286 -174 I-39 1 .132 78 9 12.4 9-565 .482 057 1.306 .038 1.372 155 79 IO 12.8 9.889 .409 -057 1.316 .262 1.409 .127 80 13 13-0 9-825 370 057 1-347 .323 1.276 .208 81 14 12.8 959.701 + 0.386 + 0.058 + I-357 0.188 961.314 0.242 82 16 12.8 9.616 373 .058 1-377 -030 1-394 .I6 7 83 18 12.8 9.761 .361 .058 J-397 - -179 1.398 .209 84 20 I3.I 9.412 334 .059 1.418 + -076 1.299 .230 85 26 13.2 9.318 3 1 7 059 1.478 + .105 1.277 154 86 31 n.8 959.164 + 0-373 + 0.058 + 1-530 + 0.144 961.269 0.205 TABLE XXIII. Equations of Condition formed from the measures of 61 2 Cygni and Star (d). No. Date, 1886. Equations of Condition. ResiduaL d. h. // // I May 30 11.7 0.295 == x 0.620777 0.5908 dp + 0.035 2 June i 11.7 -335 = * -6421 .5 8 53 + .066 3 4 n.8 .452 = x .6704 .5771 + .171 4 8 11.9 .240 = x .7067 .5660 - -057 5 15 ii. 2 .272 = x .7620 .5469 .048 6 16 11.7 0.400 = x 0.7692 0.5442 + 0.077 7 23 ii. 6 .488 = x .8127 .5250 + -146 8 24 11.6 -375 = * -8179 -5 22 3 + -031 9 30 11.4 .317 = x .8450 .5059 .038 10 July i 11.3 .430 = x .8486 .5031 + -073 ii Aug. 20 1 1. 1 0.173 = x 0.7236 0.3653 0.129 12 24 9.8 .214 = x .6899 .3556 - -074 13 26 9.3 .310 = x .6715 .3501 + -030 '4 28 9.5 .231 = x .6519 .3445 .046 15 29 9-5 .202 = X .6420 .3418 - -055 62 Equations of Condition: 61 2 Cygni and Star (d). No. Date, 1886-7. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // // 16 Aug. 30 8.9 0.121 = x 0.632217 0.3392 df* 0.142 17 31 8-8 .128 = x .6219 .3364 .127 18 Sept. 7 8.6 .050 = x .5448 .3174 - - J 75 19 10 8.4 .134 = x .5094 .3091 - -075 20 ii 8.5 .091 = x .4975 .3064 -113 21 13 8.4 0.094 = x 0.4728 0.3009 0.099 22 15 8.1 + .037 = x .4479 .2955 - .219 23 16 9.8 .195 = x .4344 .2925 + .018 2 4 17 8.1 .242 = x .4223 .2900 + -070 25 18 8.0 .018 = x .4092 .2872 - -158 26 20 9.0 0.258 = x 0.3814 0.2815 + 0.104 27 22 9.4 .299 = x .3552 .2761 + -146 28 27 10.2 .157 = x .2862 .2623 + -044 29 29 8.6 .170 = x .2572 .2570 + .069 30 30 8.4 + .022 = X .2444 .2543 - .117 31 Oct. 2 8.2 o.ioi = x 0.2158 0.2488 + 0.018 32 6 9.1 .149 = x .1579 .2380 + -091 33 13 10.1 .110 = x .0534 .2185 + -097 34 21 7-5 .067 = x + .0637 .1969 + -104 35 22 7.5 .009 * x + -0786 I 94 2 + -051 36 Nov. 3 6.6 -f 0.113 = x +0.2520 0.1615 0.006 37 5 8.8 + .102 = X + .2823 .1557 + -030 38 6 7-5 + -235 = x + .4297 -257 -039 39 17 8.3 + .151 = x + .4429 .1229 + -050 40 18 8.6 + .227 = X + 4556 .1201 .020 4i 23 8.6 -f 0.257 = x -1-0.5165 0.1064 0.024 42 29 6.9 -f .254 = x + .5839 .0904 + .008 43 Dec. i 7.3 + .369 = x + .6054 - 8 47 .098 44 2 6.8 + .283 = x + .6152 .0820 + -007 45 4 6.4 + -335 = x + -6352 -07 66 .051 46 7 6.3 + 0.372 = x +0.6637 o-o739 0.075 47 9 7.2 + .367 = x + .6823 .0628 .063 48 14 6.2 + .310 - x + .7205 .0492 + .012 49 16 6.2 + -153 = * + .7384 -0438 + -176 So 24 6.2 + .442 = x + .7894 .0219 .101 51 . 87 Jan. 5 6.9 + 0.212 = X +0.8361 +O.OII8 + o-i59 5 2 8 6.4 + .331 = x + .8419 + .0198 + -043 53 10 6.7 + .348 = x + .8426 + .0253 + .026 54 12 6.3 + .233 = x + .8461 + .0308 + -143 55 20 6.4 + .278 = x + .8418 + .0527 + .096 Normal Equations: 61 2 Cygni and Star (d). 63 No. Date, 1887. Equations of Condition. Residual. d. h. // // 56 Jan. 25 6.3 + 0.320 = x +0.8305-77 + 0.0664 d /A + 0.050 57 3i 6.5 + -377 = x + .8085 + .0829 .Ol6 58 Feb. 5 6.0 + .294 = x + .7836 + .0938 + .056 59 8 5-9 + .315 = x + .7654 + .1048 .027 60 17 17.1 + .230 = x + .6953 + .1306 + .082 61 25 17-4 + 0.251 = x +0.6207 +0.1526 + 0.029 62 26 16.9 + .313 = a? + .6111 + .1553 -037 63 27 16.9 + .196 = x + .6004 + .1581 + -075 64 Mar. 12 16.1 + .124 = x + .4510 + .1935 + .08 4 65 16 15.7 + .030 = x + .3998 + .2044 + .156 66 23 16.4 + O.I22 = X +0.3056 +0.2236 + 0.023 67 27 14.8 + .146 = x + .2503 + .2344 - .02 4 68 Apr. 2 15.3 + .097 = x + .1643 + -2509 .OI2 69 16 14.4 + .063 = x .0405 + .2891 .066 70 19 14.6 + .038 = x .0847 + -2973 .Ol6 7 1 20 15.0 0.031 = x 0.0997 +0.3000 + O.o6o 72 25 J 3-4 + .023 = x .1715 + .3137 - .083 73 26 14.2 .138 = x .1866 + .3165 + .062 74 29 13-8 .090 = x .2291 + .3246 + .007 75 30 J3-8 .017 = x .2432 + .3272 -073 76 May 5 13.7 0.027 = x 0.3131 +0.3410 0.093 77 7 ^-o .109 = x .3400 + .3465 .022 78 9 12.4 .128 = x .3667 + .3519 .014 79 10 12.8 .091 = x .3800 + .3546 -057 80 13 i3-o .224 = a? .4196 + .3628 + .058 81 14 12.8 0.186 = x 0.4323 +0.3655 + 0.015 82 16 12.8 .106 = x .4575 + .3710 - .0 7 6 83 18 12.8 .102 = X .4824 + .3765 .090 84 20 13.1 .201 = a? .5068 + .3820 + .002 85 26 13.2 .223 = x - .5761 + .3984 .OIO 86 31 n.8 0.231 = x 0.6288 +0.4120 0.024 In this, the last of the determinations of the parallax of 6i 2 Cygni with reference to the four stars of comparison, the normal equation is // 0.6610= + 86.00000 5.6824^ 3.726471 + 2.3869=- 5.6824 + 7- 8 594 + 5-55 l8 + 11.5690= - 3.7264 +5.5518 +26.8793 64: Concluded Parallax of 61 2 Cygni and Star (d). whence the values of the unknowns are x = +0.0115 d\L = + 0.0080 TT = + 0.4303, and the probable error of TT becomes + 0".0178, and that of the measure of distance between this star and 6i 2 Cygni is + o".iO4. As in the case of the stars of comparison (a), (), and (c), I append a Table exhibiting the difference of the measures of the two components from the same star (d). The average difference of the measures is 7".93Q. TABLE XXIV. Difference of the measured distances of Star (d) from 61.! and 61 2 Cygni. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. I 7-823 0.107 21 7.882 0.048 41 7.8 7 8 0.052 2 7.840 .090 22 7.983 -053 42 7.915 .015 3 7.700 .230 23 7-933 .003 43 7-999 .019 4 7.800 .130 2 4 7.709 .221 44 7.990 .060 5 7-893 037 25 8.099 .169 45 8.010 .080 6 8.000 0.070 26 7.837 0.093 46 7.991 O.o6 1 7 7-975 045 2 7 7.874 .056 47 7.864 .066 8 8.075 145 28 7-977 .047 48 7.893 037 9 8.016 .086 29 7.825 .105 49 7.770 .160 10 7-947 .017 30 7-943 .013 5 8.045 .115 ii 8.047 0.117 31 7-797 0-133 51 7.883 0.047 12 7-939 .009 32 7-739 .191 52 7.828 .IO2 13 8.064 134 33 7-9'5 .015 53 7.898 .032 14 7.984 054 34 7.852 .078 54 7-774 .156 15 8.002 .072 35 7-771 '59 55 7.736 .I 94 16 7.908 O.O22 36 8.031 O.IOI 56 7.842 0.088 17 8.223 293 37 7.868 .062 57 7.874 .056 18 8.205 275 38 8.017 .087 58 7.898 .032 '9 7.830 .100 39 7.841 .089 59 7.902 .028 20 8.005 .075 40 7-965 -035 60 7-845 .085 Collected Results of Parallax of 61 Cygni. 65 No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. No. Difference of Measure. Difference from Mean. it // tt // // / 61 7-955 0.025 71 8.038 0.108 81 7-999 0.069 62 7.901 .029 72 7-832 .098 82 7-933 .003 63 7.871 .059 73 7-758 .172 83 8.041 .on 64 7.746 .184 74 7.862 .068 84 7.988 .058 65 7-835 095 75 7-852 .078 85 7-9iS .015 66 7-995 0.065 76 7-993 0.063 86 7.900 0.030 67 7.911 .019 77 8.002 .072 68 7-895 035 78 7-842 .088 69 8.062 .132 79 8.024 .092 7 8.063 .133 80 7-931 .OOI Collecting the results which are given at the end of the discussion of each of the eight determinations of parallax, we have the following results : Probable Error Relative Probable of one Star's Name. Mag. Annual Error of Complete Parallax. Parallax. Measure of Distance. 61 X Cygni. D.M. 4- 37, No. 4189 7-9 + 0.4204 + 0.0162 + 0.091 + 38 4336 8.8 + 0.4414 0.0222 + 0.115 + 37 4*75 9.0 + 0.4448 + O.O2I2 + O.IO2 + 38 4348 9-5 + 0.4193 + O.OI82 + 0.089 61 2 Cygni. D.M. + 37, No. 4189 7-9 + 0.4250 + 0.0176 + 0.099 + 38 4336 8.8 + 0.4508 + O.OI9I + O.IOO + 37 4175 9.0 + 0.4320 + 0.0190 + 0.088 + 38 4348 9-5 + 0.4303 + 0.0178 + O.IO4 These results taken in connection with the probable errors, point to almost an identity of parallax, and suggest that all the four comparison stars probably belong to a remote system not containing 61 Cygni : under this view possibly the average of the eight results [o".437] may be a close approximation to the absolute parallax*; but it is a point submitted to the consideration of astronomers whether we are ever justified in adopting a mean of independent results, referred to various stars, as representing the absolute parallax. Assuming, however, this mean (o".437) to represent virtually an absolute parallax, and adopting the period of revolution and the Semi-axis major, assigned in the researches of Prof. Peters f, there results from the combination, * This is further confirmed by the determination of the absolute parallaxes (o".5o) referred to p. 98. f Ast. NacJi., No. 2709. 66 Parallax of /* Cassiopeia. a mass equal to .505 that of the Sun, for the combined mass of the components of the star 6 1 Cygni. There arises naturally the additional question, how far do the distances of the two components of 61 Cygni from each other at a given epoch, as implied in the foregoing results, agree with the same distances, at the same epoch, as obtained by Prof. Peters in his theoretical discussion of the orbit ? On referring for this purpose to Table XXIV, it appears that the (mean) difference of the distances of 6i x Cygni and 6i 2 Cygni from (d) is 7"'93, for Jan. 1887. Also, on applying obvious reductions to the results of Prof. Peters, the same quantity for the same epoch is 7"87. The following short Table (XXV) contains the collected results arising from the application of a similar method to Tables VII, XII, and XIX. TABLE XXV. Distance of 61i to 61z Cygni resolved in the direction joining 61i and 1 1 1. star. The same dis- tances from Prof. Peters' Elements. Difference c o. tf I /' // a 20.29 20.34 0.05 20.59 20.64 + 0-05 c 10.25 10-33 -f 0.08 d 7-93 7.87 O.o6 Taking into account the multiplied considerations on which these com- parisons are founded, the foregoing enquiry exhibits a satisfactory agree- ment between the results of Prof. Peters' investigations, and those in the preceding pages. PARALLAX OF ft CASSIOPEIA. The next star submitted to the photographic method is /x Cassiopeise a star well known for its abnormal proper motion. Independently of this con- sideration, I was influenced in the selection of the star by the fact that its parallax had already been investigated by two eminent astronomers, Bessel and Otto von Struve, with very different results : since, however, the stars of com- parison are different in each case, no conclusion can be properly drawn from the disagreement of the final results. Having in the case of 61 Cygni given every particular requisite for the examination of the work, it is unnecessary to introduce the same amount of detail in the discussion of the parallax of this star. I therefore propose to confine myself solely to furnishing such data as are necessary for tracing the Parallax of /* Cassiopeim. 67 sequences of the operations leading to the final result. These data will embrace the variation in the diagonals of reference (Table I), the original measures of distance and the total amount of correction applied (Table II), and the final equations of condition (Tables III and IV). In the course of the observation of this star there were so many unavoidable interruptions, owing to the rehabilitation of the De La Rue Instrument and other causes, that it was not possible to maintain the series without considerable breaks, and therefore it became necessary to base the parallax, in this instance alone, on not more than two stars of comparison. The two stars of comparison selected are (star 0) .... D.M. + 54, No. 225, Magnitude 7.9 * (star a) .... D.M. + 53,No. 218 8.3 North DIAGRAM SHOWING THE RELATIVE POSITIONS OF THE STARS COMPARED WITH fJ. CASSIOPEIA. The approximate position-angles, and distances of these two stars shown in the diagram are respectively o / // (star a) .... p = 26 56 s = 755 (star b) .... p = 201 52 s = 1356 whence the expressions for computing the factors for parallax are o / (star a) . . ds = .S [9.96649] cos (0333 5) (starfl) . . ds = ^[9-955^3] cos (0 156 14). The proper motion for //, Cassiopeia has been assumed from various authorities inRA. = +o s .388 in Decl n . -i".58i, or 3". 741 in the arc of a great circle inclined at an angle 115 o' to the parallel of declination. These preliminary data will, with the explanatory detail furnished in the case of 6 1 Cygni, permit the whole of the subsequent Tables to be easily followed. * These magnitudes have been determined photometrically, by the Wedge Photometer. This remark applies to the magnitude assigned to all subsequent stars of comparison. 68 Parallax of p Cassiopeice. ' TABLE I. Measures of the diagonal distance of Star (a) from Star (b) for tJie determination, at the times of exposure, of the correction to their measured distances from p Cassiopeice. No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886-7. Measured Distance of (a) to (&) in Arc. Sum of Corrections of Refraction and Aberration. Difference from Assumed Mean (2109".80). d. h. H n n I 86 Oct. 22 8.4 2109.048 + 0.625 + 0.127 2 28 8.7 08.633 .609 + -558 3 29 8.4 08.332 .605 + -863 4 30 8-5 09.721 .601 - -522 5 Nov. 7 7.4 09.317 579 .096 6 10 8.2 2108.890 + 0.572 + o-338 7 ii 8.3 09.366 574 - -137 8 13 7-4 09.581 -566 - -347 9 IS 7-4 08.905 .560 + -335 10 16 7.9 09471 559 -230 ii 18 8.3 2I094I8 + 0.549 0.167 12 29 6.3 09.308 524 -032 3 30 6.6 09.006 523 + -271 14 Dec. 12 7.6 08.892 .492 + .416 15 3 7-5 09.756 .489 - -445 16 21 6.7 2108.923 + 0.476 -|- 0.401 17 2* 7-5 O9.6OI .471 .272 18 87 Jan. 17 7.2 08.971 458 + -371 19 18 7.0 09.382 454 .036 20 Feb. 2 7.4 09.110 515 + -'75 21 4 8.1 2109.534 + 0-589 0.323 22 9 7-4 08.699 0.561 + -544 23 12 9-5 08.385 1.084 + -331 2 4 25 8.3 08.912 0.908 .020 25 Mar. i 9.5 O8.OO4 1.7*1 + -075 26 2 IO.O 2107.950 + 2.303 o.453 2 7 17 10.7 06.455 3.870 -525 28 25 10-5 04.958 4.117 + -725 29 Apr. 4 10.4 06.350 4.112 .662 30 6 9.9 06.130 4-253 - -583 Measures of the Diagonal Distances (a) to (b). 69 No. for Refer- enoe. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887. Measured Distance of (a) to (b) in Arc. Sum of Corrections of Refraction and Aberration. Difference from Assumed Mean (2109".80). d. h. n H // 31 Apr. 25 9.9 2103.713 + 5-556 -fO-531 32 July 31 11.9 09.580 0-745 -525 33 Aug. i 10.6 08.604 775 + -421 34 2 11.4 09.074 -751 -025 35 8 n.a 09.877 750 - .827 36 18 10.1 2108.732 + 0.743 + 0.325 37 20 12.2 09.288 .741 .229 38 24 11.3 09-359 734 ~ -293 39 Sept. 5 1 1.0 09.527 723 - -45 40 7 9- 08.667 .716 + -4 J 7 41 12 9.1 2108.967 + 0.707 + 0.126 42 22 9.2 08.839 .690 + .271 43 28 9.8 09.044 .685 + .071 44 Oct. 4 10.2 09.834 .670 - -704 45 ii 8.6 08.732 .651 + -4^7 46 12 8.8 2108.619 + 0.650 + 0.531 47 13 9.0 09.834 .649 - .683 48 14 9.6 09.617 .647 - .464 49 15 10.4 09.447 .640 - .287 50 17 9.2 08.891 .638 + -271 5i 20 9.2 2108.770 + 0.623 + 0.407 52 22 10.0 09.624 .623 -447 53 2 4 9.4 09.104 .618 + -078 TABLE II. Concluded measures of n Cassiopeice from the Stars of comparison. No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886. Measured Distance of Star (a) to /, Cassiop. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (a). Measured Distance of Star (6) to ju, Cassiopeise. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (6). d. h. " // // it n I Oct. 22 8.4 755-393 + 0.245 755.638 I355- 820 + 0-443 1356.263 2 28 8.7 5.110 .385 5-495 5.607 .712 6.319 3 2 9 8. 4 4.868 505 5-373 5.280 .907 6.187 4 30 8-5 5-663 .008 5.671 6.078 .015 6.093 5 Nov. 7 7.4 5-378 '55 5-533 5-967 .280 6.247 70 Concluded Measures of p Cassiopeia No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1886-7. Measured Distance of Star (a) to fji Cassiop. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (a). Measured Distance of Star (6) to M, Cassiopeise. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (b> d. h. // // // // it n 6 86 Nov. 10 8.2 755-23I + 0.307 755.538 I355.827 + 0-545 I356.37 2 7 ii 8.3 5.242 '37 5-379 5-9 J 7 .250 6.167 8 13 7-4 S.6 7 6 .027 5-703 6.083 .049 6.132 9 15 7-4 5-371 -304 5-675 5-854 -547 6.401 10 16 7.9 5-444 .103 5-547 6.082 .183 6.265 ii 18 8.3 755-430 + 0.242 755.672 1355-825 + 0-435 1356.260 12 29 6.3 5-300 .189 5.489 5-844 339 6.183 13 30 6.6 5-646 .090 5-736 6.191 H3 6-334 M Dec. 12 7.6 5- 6 54 .020 5.674 6.240 -037 6.277 15 *3 7-5 5-376 327 5-703 5-5" .587 6.099 16 21 6.7 755-549 + 0.023 755-572 1356.269 + 0.043 1356.312 17 22 7-5 5-312 -273 5-585 5-851 -469 6.320 18 87 .Tan. 17 7.2 5-453 .038 5-49 i 6.12 I .064 6.185 '9 18 7.0 5-508 .179 5.687 5.846 -323 6.169 20 Feb. 2 7.4 5-403 '35 5-538 6.116 .231 6-347 21 4 8.1 755-371 + 0-344 755.715 1355-651 + 0.600 1356.251 22 9 7-4 5-455 -033 5-488 6.UI .022 6.133 23 12 9.5 5-256 .301 5-557 5.679 495 6.174 2 4 *5 8.3 5-205 364 5-569 5.700 0.617 6.317 25 Mar. i 9.5 5.009 .635 5-644 5.021 1.075 6.096 26 2 IO.O 754-445 + 0.968 755-4^3 1354.537 + 1.748 1356.285 27 17 10.7 4.107 J-57I 5.678 3.983 2-330 6-313 28 25 lo-S 4-498 1.205 5-703 3-849 2.283 6.132 2 9 Apr. 4 10.4 3-905 1.670 5-575 3-39 1 2.776 6.167 30 6 9.9 3-954 1.711 5-665 3.103 3.202 6-305 31 25 9-9 753-972 + 1.481 755-453 1352.710 + 3-428 1356.138 32 July 31 11.9 4-9I7 0.528 5-445 5-375 0-934 6.309 33 Aug. i 10.6 5-179 93 5-374 5-936 0-35 6.286 34 2 11.4 5-159 -348 5-507 5.808 0.617 6.425 35 8 II. 2 5-234 .279 5.513 5-994 0-439 6-433 36 18 10.1 755-239 + 0.226 755465 I355.893 + 0.404 1356.297 37 20 12.2 4.858' .429 5.287 5-561 7S 1 6.312 38 24 11.3 5-052 -452 5-504 5-406 .791 6.197 39 .Sept. 5 n.o 4.914 507 5.421 5-474 .891 6.365 40 7 9- 5.181 193 5-374 6.105 334 6-439 4 1 12 9.1 755.241 + 0.297 755-538 I355-857 + 0.515 1356-372 42 22 9.2 5-324 243 5-567 5-83I 0.416 6.247 43 -28 9.8 5-174 315 5-489 5.682 0-543 6.225 44 Oct. 4 10.2 4-749 584 5-333 5427 J -035 6.462 45 ii 8.6 5.122 .184 5-306 5-823 0.527 6.35 from the Stars of Comparison (a) and (b). 71 No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887. Measured Distance of Star (a) to ju Cassiop. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (a). Measured Distance of Star (b) to M. Cassiopeiae. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (6). d. h. // // // // // // 46 Oct. 12 8.8 755-377 + 0.142 755-5I9 I356.0S3 + 0.232 1356.285 47 13 9.0 5.009 -577 5-586 5.216 1.013 6.229 48 14 9.6 5- I! 5 .518 5.633 5-56I 0.872 6-433 49 15 10.4 5.124 433 S-557 5.627 0-755 6.382 50 17 9.2 5-470 233 5-703 5.869 0.396 6.265 S 1 20 9.2 755-309 + 0.179 755-488 I355- 8 90 + 0.303 1356.193 52 22 IO.O 5.068 .486 5-554 5-475 ,851 6.326 53 24 9.4 5-330 297 5.627 5-737 .512 5.249 . _ NOTES. No. 3. A plate rejected : the film was injured in development. No. 5. Hazy sky : exposure eight minutes. No. 6. Images elongated. Driving-clock went too slowly. No. 7. Sky generally cloudy. Images feeble. No. ii. The measures on one of the plates discordant nearly 3". The plate was rejected, but the cause of the discordance could not be discovered. No. 15. Images faint and elongated in the direction of diurnal motion. No. 17. Sky very foggy : exposure ten minutes ; only three plates taken. No. 20. Images of the stars (a) and (b) faint. One plate could not be measured. Nos. 23 to 31. The exposure was ten minutes in each case, the star being of small altitude. No. 26. A plate rejected for discordance, the source of which could not be detected. No. 29. Images elongated in the direction of diurnal motion. No. 31. Images faint and blurred : it was suspected that the plate was not quite in the focus. No. 38. A plate rejected, the film having been injured. No. 40. Observations repeatedly interrupted by clouds. No. 43. Sky very foggy : exposure was continued for ten minutes. No. 46. Sky very transparent but definition very bad : the images were large and ill- defined. No. 51. Sky generally cloudy: the durations of exposure about ten minutes, but a little uncertain owing to passing cloud. No. 53. Images somewhat elliptical. It is worthy of remark that the imperfections detailed in the above notes are not exhibited in the residuals. TABLE III. Equations of Condition formed from the measures of p Cassiopeice and Star (a) Table II. No. Date, 1886. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // I Oct. 22 8.4 O.l62 = X - 0.4976 7T 0.1952 d(JL 0.082 2 28 8.7 .305 = x .4132 .1788 + .064 3 2 9 8.4 .427 = x .3988 .1750 + .187 4 30 8.5 .129 = x .3841 .1724 .110 5 Nov. 7 7.4 .267 = x .2640 .1504 + .032 72 Equations of Condition for Star (a). Xo. Date, 1886-7. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // 6 86 Nov. 10 8.2 O.262 = X O.2I7O 7T O.I422 d/A + 0.029 7 ii 8.3 .421 = x .2012 .1395 + -189 8 13 7-4 .097 = x .1700 .1340 -135 9 15 7-4 .125 = x .1382 .1285 -105 10 16 7.9 -253 = x .1218 .1257 + .024 ii 18 8.3 0.128 = x 0.0898 0.1203 O.IOO 12 29 6.3 .311 = x .0727 .0903 + .082 13 30 6.6 .064 = x .0565 .0875 - .164 M Dec. 12 7.6 .126 = x + .2919 .0546 - .087 15 13 7-5 .097 = x + .3071 .0519 -"S 16 21 6.7 0.228 = x +0.4249 0.0300 + O.O2I i7 22 7-5 .215 = x + -4394 -0272 + .009 18 87 Jan. 17 7.2 .309 = x + .7492 -|- .0446 + ."5 '9 1 8 7.0 .113 = x + .7584 -f .0473 -077 20 Feb. 2 7.4 .262 = x + .8662 + .0885 + .072 21 4 8.1 O.O85 = X +0.8762 +O.O94O 0.106 22 9 7-4 .312 = X + .8960 + .1077 + -123 23 12 9.5 .243 = x + .9051 + .1158 + -052 24 25 8-3 .231 = x + .9137 + .1515 + -039 25 Mar. i 9.5 .156 = x + .9068 + .1625 -038 26 2 1 0.0 0.387 =- x +0.9043 +0.1654 + 0.193 27 17 10.7 .122 = X + .8358 + .2064 - -077 28 25 10.5 .097 = x + .7759 + .2283 .107 29 Apr. 4 10.4 .225 = x + .6805 + .2558 + -015 30 6 9.9 -135 = + -6592 + .2614 .078 31 25 99 0.347 = x +0.4192 +0.3134 + O.I 2 I 32 July 31 11.9 -355 = x .8602 + .5791 + -050 33 Aug. i 10.6 .426 = x .8659 + .5816 + .121 34 2 11.4 .293 - x .8722 + .5844 .013 35 8 II. 2 .287 = x .9018 + .6008 .021 36 18 10.1 0.335 = * 0-9307 +0.6281 + 0.024 37 20 12.2 -5 '3 = x .9335 + -634 + .200 38 24 II-3 _ .296 = x .9354 + .6448 - .OI 7 39 Sept. 5 n.o .379 = x .9158 + .6777 + -065 40 7 9-o .426 = x -9094 + .6829 + -US 4i 12 9.1 0.262 = x 0.8872 +0.6968 0.051 42 22 9.2 .233 = x .8241 + .7241 .077 43 28 9.8 .311 = x -7743 -i- -7404 + .OOI 44 Oct. 4 10.2 .467 = x .7165 + .7571 + .160 45 ii 8.6 .494 = x .6402 + .7764 + -189 Concluded Parallax: p Cassiopeia} and Star (a). 73 No. Date, 1887. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // 46 Oct. 12 8.8 0.28l = X 0.6282 7T + 0.7788 10, a = 35 15 10, 5 = +88 49 26.1. 6 = + 88 38 45.0. 6= +88 25 21.1. 5 = + 89 2 48.0. The position of these stars with reference to Polaris is shown on the accompanying diagram, which also exhibits the position and eccentricity of the parallactic ellipse. North West East Measures of the two Diagonal Distances. 77 The expressions from which the factors of parallax have been computed are, in the case of these four stars, respectively o / For, ds = ^[9.96123] cos (Q- 82 39) I, ds = ^[9.96413] cos (0-284 i) c, ds -#[9.99906] cos (o 1 68 2,6) d, t 0.044 2 Feb. I 8.5 + .262 - x + .7985 .9140 + -007 3 8 8.7 + .285 = x + .7369 .8949 .020 4 15 8.1 + .366 = x + .6671 - .8757 .107 5 July 31 10.0 + .092 = x ,8509 .4209 + .048 6 Aug. i 11.4 + 0.115 = x 0.8372 0.4154 + 0.626 7 3 "-7 .016 = x .8304 .4127 + .155 8 4 12.2 + .008 = x .8228 .4099 + .134 9 8 11.6 + .237 = x .7912 .3991 - -093 10 25 12.1 + .262 = x .6216 .3525 .106 ii Sept. 7 10.8 + 0.285 = x 0.4505 0.3170 0.114 12 8 II. 2 + .108 = x .4364 .3142 + .064 13 12 11.5 + .208 = x .3791 .3032 .032 14 17 12.2 + .166 = x .3051 .2897 + .016 15 22 9.9 + .132 = x -2307 .2760 + -036 16 24 9-5 + 0.303 = X O.200I 0-2705 0-133 17 28 10.8 + .098 = x .1370 .2595 + .097 18 Oct. 10 1 1. 1 + .262 = x + .0529 .2266 .052 19 II 10.0 + .185 = x + .0681 .2240 + .026 20 12 9.8 + .271 = X + .0838 .2212 -058 86 Relative Parallax of Polaris and Star (b). No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. it n 21 87 Oct. 13 i i.i + 0.244 = x + 0.1002 7T 0.2184 dp 0.030 22 14 9.0 + .134 = x + .1148 .2157 + .081 23 '5 9-5 + .176 = x + .1308 .2131 + -039 24 17 10.3 + .181 = x + .1629 .2075 + -036 2 5 19 10.4 + ,l6l = X + .1937 .2021 + -059 26 20 9.8 -f 0.145 = x +0.2086 0.1993 + 0.076 27 21 I2.O + .165 = x + .2257 .1966 + -058 28 24 II.3 + .306 = x + .2709 .1883 .080 2 9 28 8.6 + .263 = x + .3291 .1774 - .032 30 Nov. i 8.2 + .360 = x + .3871 .1667 - -125 31 4 9-3 + 0.243 = x +0.4304 0.1584 O.OO4 32 14 9.6 + .138 = x + .5631 .1310 + .III 33 15 7-9 + .008 = x + .5746 .1284 + -241 34 23 9- + .284 = x + .6676 .1064 .027 35 29 9-3 + -383 = x + .7283 - .0899 .121 36 30 8.5 + 0.316 = x +0.7374 0.0873 -53 37 Dec. 5 7.4 + -339 - * + -7802 .0737 ~ -073 38 6 9.1 + .203 = x + .7890 .0708 + .064 39 15 9.6 + -323 = * + -8494 -0462 .052 40 16 7-5 + .309 = x + .8543 .0436 .038 4i 17 8.1 + 0-395 = x +0.8596 0.0408 0.123 42 88 Jan. 4 8.2 H- -455 = ar + .9051 + .0092 .180 43 18 9.4 + .213 = x + .8780 + .0477 + .061 44 27 7.8 + -237 = x + .8325 + .0721 + -033 45 Feb. 2 lo.a + .178 = x + .7896 + .0888 + .089 46 6 n.6 + 0.280 = x +0.7473 +0.0999 0.017 47 17 12.8 -f- .151 = x + .6454 + .1301 + -105 48 Mar. i 10.7 + .132 = x + .4864 + .1654 + .in 49 8 8.5 + .248 = x + .3907 + .1844 .013 50 14 9.1 + .388 = x + .3023 + .2009 - .160 5i 16 n. o + 0.177 = x +0.2711 +0.2065 + 0.048 52 21 10.3 + .248 = X + .1950 + .2201 .029 S3 27 IO.2 f- .060 = x + .1017 + .2366 + -152 54 Apr. 3 10.8 + .208 = x .0094 + .2557 - .005 55 6 12.3 + .092 = x .0579 + .2642 + -107 56 ii 9.9 + 0.127 = x 0.1349 +0.2776 + 0.067 57 14 9-8 + .174 = x .1816 + .2858 + .016 58 18 ii. 2 + .172 = x .2442 + .29^0 + -013 59 26 10.3 + .140 = x .3631 + .3187 + -036 60 30 10.8 + .144 = x .4206 + .3297 + -027 Equations of Condition : Polaris and Star (b). 87 No. Date, 1888. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // H 61 May 2 12.2 + 0.236 = X 0.4495 7T + 0.3354 dp 0.067 62 4 11.2 + -US = X -47 6 4 + -3408 + .032 63 8 11.5 + .114 = x .5299 + .3516 + .049 64 10 130 + .089 = x - .5563 + .3574 + .071 65 12 12. 1 + .108 => x .5810 + .3628 + -051 66 17 11.4 + 0.145 = x 0.6402 +0.3762 + 0.009 67 20 13.3 + .247 = x .6747 + .3848 .093 68 24 13.0 + .184 = x .7166 + .3958 - .036 69 25 I 2 -5 + .255 = x .7264 + .3984 - .108 70 28 12.0 + .159 = x .7642 + .4066 .014 7i 29 12.8 + 0.100 = x 0.7734 +0.4094 + 0.044 72 3 1 J 3-3 + .174 = x .7826 + .4149 .031 73 June 7 n.o + .212 = X .8366 + .4338 -074 74 10 11.4 + .113 = x .8570 + .4421 + .024 75 14 12.3 + .139 = x .8804 + .4532 .004 76 17 12.0 + 0.185 = x 0-8953 +0.4614 0.051 77 22 II. 2 + .138 = x .9149 + .4750 .005 78 July I 11.3 .046 = x .9344 + .4996 + .177 79 3 "-9 + .229 = x .9356 + .5051 .098 80 5 12-5 + .134 = x - .9360 + .5107 - .003 81 9 10.8 + 0.132 = x 0.9337 +0.5215 O.OOI 82 12 11.4 + .199 = x .9290 + .5297 .068 83 17 10.6 + .218 = x .9164 + .5434 .085 84 20 II.5 + .117 = x .9053 + .5516 + .016 85 23 12.2 + .061 = x .8919 + .5599 + .074 86 26 II. I + 0.300 = x 0.8768 +0.5681 0.164 Treating- these equations in the usual method, the following normal equations result : + 16.921 = +86.00000 + 3.6042 d fj. 9.005471 0.093= + 3.6042 +11.6258 10.3180 + 0.872= 9.0054 10.3180 +34.5320 whence, by solution, are obtained the values of the unknowns, viz. x +0.205 d\L 0.0023 TT =+ 0.0780. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is +o // .o84, and that the probable error of TT is +o".oi69. PARALLAX OF POLARIS RELATIVELY TO STARS (C) AND (D). TABLE V. Concluded measures of Polaris from the Stars of comparison (c) and (d). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887. Measured Distance of Star (c) to Polaris. Sum of Correc- tions. Concluded Distance of Star (c) from Polaris. Measured Distance of Star (d) to Polaris. Sum of Correc- tions. Concluded Distance of Star (d) from Polaris. d. h. // n // // // // I Jan. 31 7.5 1181.633 + 0.401 1182.034 1634.014 + 0-474 1634.488 2 Feb. i 8.5 81.503 .524 82.027 33-952 .653 34.605 3 8 8.7 81.697 437 83.134 33.972 .540 34-512 4 15 8.1 81.672 384 82.056 34.069 .468 34-537 5 July 31 i o.o 81.806 33 82.137 33.848 .5H 34-362 6 Aug. i 11.4 1181.587 + 0.615 1182.202 1633.563 -f 0.840 1634.403 7 3 ".7 81.588 .672 82.260 33491 .907 34-398 8 4 12.2 81.528 .704 82.232 33-312 .956 34.268 9 8 n.6 81.586 571 82.157 33-430 .770 34.200 10 25 12. i 81-734 .521 82.255 33-525 .685 34-2io ii Sept. 7 10.8 1181.571 -\- 0.669 1182.240 1633.586 + 0.905 1634.491 12 8 II. 2 81.297 .784 82.081 33-249 1.071 34-320 13 12 11.5 81.625 .558 82.183 33472 0.746 34-218 '4 17 12.2 8l. 4 56 .812 82.268 33-332 1.090 34.422 IS 22 9.9 81.772 -385 82.157 33.820 0.512 34-332 16 2 4 9-5 1181.656 + 0.658 1182.314 I633-253 + 0.904 1634-157 i7 28 10.8 81.722 325 82.047 33-964 .425 34-389 18 Oct. 10 1 1. 1 81.793 451 82.244 33.728 594 34-322 19 II 10.0 81.672 .481 82.153 33.719 .642 34-36i 20 12 9.8 81.717 5'7 82.234 33.585 .691 34-276 21 13 II. I 1181.735 + 0.486 1182.221 1633.893 + 0.642 1634-535 22 I 4 9-0 81.766 .488 82.254 33-668 .657 34-325 23 ID 9-5 81.830 .469 82.299 33.856 .629 34.484 2 4 17 10.3 81.530 583 82.113 33-478 .780 34.258 25 19 10.4 81.402 635 82.037 33.676 .852 34-528 26 20 9.8 1181.544 -f 0.619 1182.163 1633-525 -f 0.735 1634.260 2 7 21 12.0 81.551 -565 82.116 33.598 747 34-345 28 2 4 11.3 81.634 .402 82.036 33.897 .518 34-4I5 2 9 28 8.6 81.905 329 82.234 33.9 8 4 .436 34.420 3 Nov. i 8.2 81.447 .689 82.136 33-642 936 34-578 Concluded distances of Polaris, from (c) and (d). 89: No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887-8. Measured Distance of Star (c) to Polaris. Sum of Correc- tions. Concluded Distance of Star (c) from Polaris. Measured Distance of Star (d) to Polaris. Sum of Correc- tions. Concluded Distance of Star (d) from Polaris. d. h. // H // it // // 31 87 Nov. 4 9.3 1181.707 -j- 0.521 1182.228 1633-787 + 0.697 1634.484 32 14 9.6 81.683 SIS 82.2OI 33-750 0.691 34-44 1 33 15 7.9 81.578 593 82.171 33-672 0.804 34-476 34 23 9-o 81.313 753 82.066 33402 I.OI4 34.416 35 29 9-3 81.348 732 82.080 33'344 0.983 34-327 36 30 8.5 "81.573 + 0.530 1182.103 I633-7I7 + 0.706 1634.423 37 Dec. 5 7.4 81.446 .658 82.104 33465 0.894 34-359 '38 6 9.1 81.366 743 82.109 33-418 I.OO2 34.420 39 15 9.6 81.765 SH 82.279 33748 0.692 34-44 40 '6 7-5 81.516 .741 82.257 33.484 I.OO4 34-488 4 1 17 8.1 1181.654 + 0.458 II82.II2 1633.918 ,+ 0.616 1634.534 42 88 Jan. 4 8.2 81.625 .498 82.123 33-74 .670 34.410 43 18 9.4 81.779 330 82.109 33.966 .458 34.424 44 27 7-8 81.921 341 82.262 33.892 465 34-357 45 Feb. 2 10.2 82.081 .049 82.130 33.255 .084 34-339 46 6 1 1.6 1181.894 + 0.156 1182.050 1634.312 + 0.235 I634-547 47 17 12.8 81.858 33 82.161 34-034 .426 34.460 48 Mar. i 10.7 81.632 .428 82.060 34.112 .610 34.722 49 8 8.5 81-933 154 82.087 34-444 237 34-68i 5o 14 9.1 81.984 .109 82.093 34415 075 34.490 5i 1 6 n.o 1181.671 + 0.444 1182.115 1634.113 + 0.625 1634-738 52 21 10.3 81.673 .424 82.097 34- I 34 .603 34-737 53 27 IO.2 81-593 444 82.037 33-904 .580 34.484 54 Apr. 3 10.8 81.370 570 81.940 33-708 797 34.505 55 6 12.3 81.632 484 82.116 33-8i3 673 34-486 56 ii 9.9 II8I.686 + 0.373 1182.059 1634.140 + 0.527 1634.667 57 14 9.8 81.555 577 82.132 33-751 .719 34-470 58 l8 II. 2 81.630 .404 82.034 33-86o 561 34-4 21 59 26 10.3 81.897 .277 82.174 34.060 387 34-447 60 30 10.8 81.720 .410 82.130 33.800 569 34-369 61 May 2 12.2 1181.673 + 0.426 1182.099 1633.942 + 0.433 i634-375 62 4 11.2 81.521 465 81.986 33.746 .645 34-39 1 63 8 11.5 81-553 .484 82.037 33.7 4 -675 34-379 64 10 13.0 81.753 .187 81.940 34.01 2 324 34-336 65 12 12. 1 81.754 370 82.124 33.869 .520 34.389 66 17 II. 4 1181.754 + 0.405 1182.159 1633.980 0.563 I634-543 67 20 13.3 82.033 .099 82.132 34.229 .146 34-375 68 24 13-0 81.834 .292 82.126 34.H3 .421 34-534 69 25 12-5 81.776 .218 81.994 3 4 .028 .320 34.348 JO 28 I2.O 81.606 .424 82.030 33.863 .608 34-47 1 90 Relative . Parallax of Polaris and Star (c). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1888. Measured Distance of Star (c) to Polaris. Sum of Correc- tions. Concluded Distance of Star (c) from Polaris. Measured Distance of Star (d) to Polaris. Sum of Correc- tions. Concluded Distance of Star (d) from Polaris. d. h. // n // // H |p 7 1 May 29 12.8 Il8l.8l3 4- 0.266 1182.079 1^33-993 + 0-393 1634.386 72 31 13-3 81.913 .212 82.125 34-119 .326 34-445 73 June 7 1 1.0 81.678 .380 82.058 33.817 544 34.36i 74 10 11.4 81.695 .436 82.131 33.827 .624 34-451 75 14 12.3 81.894 .162 82.056 34-145 .261 34406 76 17 12.0 1181.683 + 0-434 II82.II7 1633.739 + 0.634 1634.373 77 22 II. 2 81.648 .456 82.104 33-704 .662 34'366 78 July i 11.3 81.623 .486 82.109 33-885 .510 34-395 79 3 n-9 81.637 499 82.136 33.613 -734 34-347 80 5 12-5 81.781 .462 82.243 33-585 .688 34-273 81 9 10.8 "8I.S79 4-0.489 1182.068 1634.077 + 0.418 1634.495 82 12 11.4 81.856 .284 82.140 33.606 .718 34-324 83 17 io.(j 8l.5 9 2 Sii 82,103 33-526 755 34-281 84 20 11.5 81.597 .603 82.2OO 33.568 .889 34-457 85 23 12.2 81.539 .641 82.180 33.662 .742 34-404 86 26 II. I 1181.530 + 0-579 1182.109 1634.051 + 0.356 1634.407 TABLE VI. Equations of Condition formed from the concluded distances of Polaris from Star (c), as given in Table V. No. Date, 1887. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // I Jan. 31 7.5 -f-O.O34 = X 0.7880 TT 0.9168 dfJL 4- 0.074 2 Feb. i 8.5 + .027 = x .7986 .9140 + -079 3 8 8.7 + .134 = x .8644 .8949 .031 4 15 8.1 + .056 = x .9173 .8757 4- .049 5 July 31 i o.o 4- .137 = x 4- .7757 .4209 .040 6 Aug. i 11.4 + 0.202 = X +0.7969 0.4154 0.024 7 3 H-7 4- .260 = x 4- .8065 .4127 .081 8 4 12.2 4- .232 = x 4- .8168 .4099 .052 9 8 11.6 f .157 = x + .8541 .3991 4- .024 10 25 12. i 4- .255 = x 4- .9690 .3525 .068 Equations of Condition: Polaris and Star (c). 91 No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. n // II 87 Sept. 7 10.8 + 0.240 = X + 1.0033 7T 0.3170 dp 0.053 12 8 II. 2 + .081 = x + 1-0040 .3142 + .106 13 12 II.S + .183 = x +1.0035 -3032 + .004 H I/ 12.2 + .268 =s X +0.9963 .2897 .081 I B 22 9.9 + .157 = x +0.9822 .2760 + .028 16 24 9-5 + 0.314 = x +0.9732 0.2705 0.129 17 28 10.8 + .047 = x + .9552 .2595 + .137 18 Oct. 10 1 1. 1 + .244 = x + .8720 .2266 .066 J 9 II IO.O + .153 = x + .8636 .2240 + .025 20 12 9.8 + .234 = X + .8587 .2212 .056 21 13 II. I + 0.221 = X +0.8451 0.2184 0.044 22 14 9.0 + .254 = x + .8364 .2157 .078 23 15 9-5 + .299 = x + .8264 .2131 .123 2 4 17 10.3 + .113 = x + .8061 .2075 + .062 25 19 10.4 + .037 = X + .7851 .2021 + -136 26 20 9.8 + O.I63 = # + 0-7743 0-1993 + 0.009 27 21 I2.O + .116 = x + .7621 .1966 + .056 28 24 1 1-3 + .036 = x + .7278 .1883 + .134 2 9 28 8.6 + .234 = x + .6797 ,1774 - .067 3 Nov. i 8.2 + .136 = x + .6273 .1667 + .029 3* 4 9-3 + 0.228 = x +0.5851 0.1584 0.065 32 14 9.6 + .201 = X + .4356 .1310 .047 33 *5 7-9 + .171 = x + .4211 .1284 .018 34 23 9- + .066 = x + .2901 .1064 + .079 35 29 9-3 + .080 = x + .1885 .0899 + -059 36 30 8.5 + 0.103 = x +0.1748 0.0873 + 0.036 37 Dec. 5 7.4 + .104 = x + .0867 .0737 4- -031 38 6 9.1 + .109 <=* x + .0677 .0708 + .025 39 15 9.6 + .279 = x .0893 .0462 -155 40 16 7.5 + .257 = x .1052 .0436 -133 4 1 17 8.1 + O.I 1 2 = X O.I23I O.O4O8 + 0.01 1 42 88 Jan. 4 8.2 + .123. = a? .4072 + .0092 .016 43 18 9.4 + .109 = x .6292 + .0477 .015 44 27 7.8 + .262 = x .7413 + .0721 .175 45 Feb. 2 10.2 + .130 = x .8072 + .0888 .046 46 6 11.6 + 0.050 = x 0.8457 +0.0999 + 0.032 47 17 12.8 + .161 = x .9294 + .1301 - .084 48 Mar. i 10.7 + .060 = x .9829 + .1654 + .013 49 8 8.5 + .087 = x .9915 + .1844 .015 5 14 9.1 + .093 = x .9870 + .2009 .021 92 Relative Parallax of Polaris and Star (c). No. Date, 1888. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // 51 Mar. 16 n.o -f O.II5 * 0.982917 -fO.2065 J/M 0.044 52 21 10.3 -f- .097 = x .9683 + .2201 .025 53 27 10.2 + .037 = x .9410 + .2366 + .042 54 Apr. 3 10.8 .060 = x .8962 + .2557 + .136 55 6 12.3 + .116 = x .8728 -|- .2642 .039 56 11 9.9 -f- 0.059 x 0.8300 + 0.2776 + O.O2O 57 14 9.8 + .132 = x .8010 + .2858 .052 58 iS II. 2 + .034 = x .7584 + .2970 + .047 59 26 10.3 + .174 = a? .6642 + .3187 - .08 7 60 30 10.8 -|- .130 = x .6119 + .3297 .0 4 I 61 May 2 1 2.2 + 0.099 = * 0-5837 -H 0-3354 O.OO9 62 4 11.2 .014 = x .5568 + .3408 -h -105 63 8 11.5 + -037 = x .4992 + -35 l6 + -057 64 10 13.0 .060 - x .4686 + .3574 -f -156 6 S 12 12. 1 + .124 = x .4391 4- .3628 .027 66 17 11.4 4-0.159 = x 0.3622 4-0.3762 0.048 67 20 13.3 4- .132 = x .3131 + .3848 .029 68 24 13-0 4- .126 - x .2472 4- .3958 .020 69 25 12-5 .006 = x .2324 4- .3984 + ."3 70 28 I2.O 4. .030 =* x .1664 4- .4066 + .080 7i 29 12.8 4-0.079 = x 0.1493 +0.4094 + 0.032 72 31 13-3 + .125 = x .1321 + .4149 .013 73 June 7 n.o + .058 = x .0159 + .4338 + .059 74 10 11.4 + .131 = x + .0351 + .4421 .Oil 75 14 12-3 + .056 = x + .1034 + .4532 + .067 76 17 12.0 + 0.117 = x +0.1534 +0.4614 + 0.009 77 22 II. 2 + .104 = x + .2357 + -4750 + .026 78 July i 11.3 + .109 = x + .3804 + .4996 + .028 79 3 11.9 + .136 x + .4119 + .5051 + .002 80 5 12-5 + .243 = x + .4429 + .5107 .103 81 9 10.8 + 0.068 = x +0.5014 +0.5215 + 0.074 82 12 II.4 + .140 = x + .5450 + .5297 + .004 83 17 ro.6 + .103 = x + .6136 + .5434 + -45 84 20 11.5 + .200 = X + .6537 + .5516 .050 85 23 12.2 + .180 = x + .6917 + .5599 .029 86 26 II. I + 0.109 = x +0.7273 +0.5681 + 0.044 Equations of Condition: Polaris and Star (d). 93 Treating these equations in the usual method, the following normal equations result : + 11.336= + 86.0000 # + 3.6042 d /A + 6.447677 0.062= + 3.6042 +11.6258 5.0828 + 3-73= +6.4476 5.0828 +41.0127 whence, by solution, are obtained the values of the unknowns, viz. #= +0.128 dfji = 0.0224 it- +0.0521. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is +0^.070, and that the probable error of the determination of TT is + o".oii4. TABLE VII Equations of Condition formed from the concluded distances of Polaris from Star (d), as given in Table V. No. Date, 1887. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // I Jan. 31 7.5 + 0.288 = X +0.8173 7T 0.9168 dfA + 0.092 2 Feb. i 8.5 + .405 = x + .8272 .9140 .025 3 8 8.7 + .312 = x + .8872 .8949 + -072 4 15 8.1 + -337 = * + .9339 ~ - 8 757 + -051 5 July 31 i o.o + .162 = x .8085 .4209 + .020 6 Aug. i 11.4 + 0.203 = x 0.8283 0.4154 0.024 7 3 ".7 + .198 = x .8371 .4127 .022 8 4 12.2 + .068 = x .8466 .4099 + -107 9 8 11.6 + .000 = x .8808 .399 1 + .171 10 25 12. i + .010 = x 0.9809 .3525 + -MS ii Sept. 7 10.8 + 0.291 = x 1.0030 0.3170 0.137 12 8 II. 2 + .120 = x 1.0027 -3H 2 + -033 13 12 11.5 + .018 = x 0.9984 .3032 + -135 14 17 12.2 + .222 = X .9865 -2897 .070 15 22 9.9 + .132 = x .9680 .2760 + .021 16 24 9-5 0.043 = x 0-9587 0.2705 + 0.197 17 28 10.8 + .189 = x .9358 .2595 -034 18 Oct. 10 1 1. 1 + .122 = X .8426 .2266 + .041 '9 II 10.0 + .161 = x .8333 .2240 + .002 20 12 9.8 + .076 = X .8236 .2212 + .088 ' Relative Parallax of Polaris and Star (d). No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // 21 87 Oct. 13 ii. i 4-0-335 = X 0.8134 IT 0.2184^/H O.I7O 22 14 9.0 + .125 = x .8039 .2157 + -041 23 J5 9-5 + .284 = x .7930 .2131 .118 24 17 10.3 + .058 = x .7713 .2075 + .110 25 19 10.4 + .328 = X .7489 .2021 - .158 26 20 9.8 + 0.060 = x 0.7376 0.1993 + O.III 27 21 12.0 + .145 - x .7244 .1966 + .028 28 24 II.3 + .215 = x .6883 .1883 .040 2 9 28 8.6 + .220 = X .6378 .1774 .040 3<> Nov. i 8.2 + .378 - * .5830 ~ -1667 " .193 31 4 9-3 + 0.284 = 3 0.5393 0.1584 0.096 32 14 9.6 + .241 = x .3856 .1310 .040 33 IS 7-9 + .276 = x .3707 .1284 .074 34 23 9- + .216 = x .2375 .1064 + .002 35 29 9-3 + .127 = * .1350 .0899 + .096 36 30 8.5 + 0.223 = x 0.1182 0.0873 + 0.001 37 Dec. 5 7.4 + .159 = x .0325 .0737 4- -073 38 6 9.1 + .220 = x .0137 .0708 + .016 39 15 9-6 + .240 = x + .1426 .0462 + -007 40 16 7-5 + .288 = a? + .1584 .0436 .039 ,41 17 8.1 + 0.334 = x +0.1760 0.0408 0.084 .42 88 Jan. 4 8.2 + .210 = X + .4547 + .0092 + .065 43 1 8 9.4 + .224 -= x + .6683 + .0477 + .069 44 27 7-8 + .157 = x + .7738 + .0721 4- -145 45 Feb. 2 10.2 + .139 = X + .8352 + .0888 + .168 46 6 1 1.6 + 0.347 = +0.8706 +0.0999 0.037 47 17 12.8 + .260 = x + .9443 + .1301 + .054 48 Mar. i 10.7 + .522 = x + .9856 + .1654 .205 49 8 8.5 + .481 = x + .9877 + .1844 - .165 50 14 9.1 + .290 = x + .9772 + .2009 + .023 Si 16 ii. o + 0.538 = x +0.9714 +0.2065 0.226 52 21 10-3 4- -537 = x + .9521 + .2201 .228 53 27 10.2 + .284 = x + .9196 + .2366 + .020 54 Apr. 3 10.8 + .305 = X + .8690 + .2557 .006 55 6 12.3 + .286 = x + .8428 + .2642 + .009 56 ii 9.9 + 0.467 = x +0.7963 +0.2776 0.177 .57 14 9-8 + .270 = x + .7651 + .2858 + .016 58 18 n. 2 + .221 = X + .7196 + ,2970 4- -059 59 26 10.3 + .247 = x + .6204 + .3187 + .021 60 30 10.8 + .169 = x + .5660 + .3297 + .094 Equations of Condition: Polaris and Star (d), 95; No. Date, 1888. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // 61 May 2 12.2 + 0.175 = x -{-0.536977 -f 0.3354 d\L + 0.084 62 4 ii. 2 + .191 = x + .5089 + .3408 + .065 63 8 11.5 + .179 = x + .4494 + .3516 + .070 64 10 13.0 + .136 = x + .4182 + .3574 + .110 65 12 12. 1 + .189 = x + .3878 + .3628 + -054 66 17 II. 4 + 0.343 = # +0.3092 +0.3762 0.109 67 20 13.3 + .175 = x + -2593 + -3848 + -053 68 24 13.0 + -334 = a? + -I937 + -39S 8 -"4 69 25 12.5 + .148 = x + .1776 + .3984 + ..074 70 28 12.0 + .271 = x + .in i + .4066 .060 7i 29 12.8 + 0.1 86 = x +0.0939 +0.4094 + 0.023 72 31 13-3 + .225 = x + .0766 + .4149 .017 73 June 7 n.o + .161 = x .0397 + .4338 + -033 74 10 11.4 + .251 = x .0905 + .4421 .062 75 14 12.3 + .206 = x .1583 + .4532 -025 76 17 12.0 + 0.173 = x 0.2078 +0.4614 + 0.002 77 22 II. 2 + .166 = x .2889 + .4750 .OOO 78 July i 11.3 + .195 = x .4306 + .4996 ~ -045 79 3 n-9 + .147 = x .4615 + .5051 .000 80 5 12.5 + .073 = x .4914 + .5107 + .071 81 9 10.8 + 0.295 = x 0.5480 +0.5215 0.158 82 12 11.4 + .124 = x .5899 + .5297 + .008 83 17 10.6 + .081 = x .6557 + .5434 + .043 84 20 11.5 + .257 = x .6939 + .5516 - .136 85 23 12.2 + .204 = x .7298 + .5599 .088 86 26 II. I + 0.207 = x 0.7633 +0.5681 0.094 Treating- these equations in the usual method, the following normal equations result : // + 19.083= +86.00000+ 3.6o426?/x 4.333211 + 1.056= + 3.6042 +11.6258 +10.8332 + 2.235= - 4-3333 +10.8332 +40.3528 whence, by solution, are obtained the values of the unknowns, viz. // x = +0.230 dfjL= -0.0735 TT = +0.0998. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is o".O95, and that the probable error of the determination of TT is 96 Collected Results for Parallax of Polaris. The collected results for the Parallax of Polaris, gathered from the preceding pages, are as follows : Star's Name. Mag. Relative Annual Parallax. Probable Error of Parallax. Probable Error of one Com- plete Measure of Distance. D.M.+ 88 , No. 2 8.2 + O.0837 // 0.0232 // 0.109 ,,+88 9 8-3 + O.0780 + 0.0169 0.084 .. +88 4 6.8 + O.0521 0.0114 0.070 +88 t. 10 9.8 + 0.0998 0.0175 0.095 The difference of the above parallax, relatively to the stars D.M. + 88, Nos. 4 arid 10, is so considerable, and so much greater than their probable errors, that it will be worth while to enquire, whether the relative parallaxes of these two stars of comparison cannot be effectually determined from independent measurements. It will be seen that a similar remark applies in the case of a Cephei. This practical enquiry must, however, be deferred to some early but convenient opportunity. II. Parallax of Stars of the Second Magnitude, derived from observations at selected critical epochs. The time and labour necessarily expended on obtaining- the foregoing 1 results, although probably less than would be required by the application of the Heliometer, are, nevertheless, so considerable, that the thought naturally suggested itself, whether there might not exist some possible modification, whereby the labour could be curtailed, without sensibly impairing the accuracy of the final determination, estimated by its applicability to cosmical enquiries. Accordingly, a selection was made of those observations of 61 Cygni, which necessarily affect the computed amount of parallax in the most sensible degree. Such observations are found on or about those nights, when the positions of the earth are such as to produce the maximum difference of displacement of the principal star in the direction of the star of comparison. Such positions of the earth occur, for the stars (a or b) in reference to 61 Cygni, on or about April 10 and October 10. Taking, then, the observations made during the ten nights nearest to these dates, and treating these twenty results after the same fashion as that adopted for the eighty-nine observations of the whole year, the following results are obtained : ir n 61 1 Cygni and star (a), TT = 0.3669 + 0.0264 61 2 Cygni TT = .4047+ -0238 61 1 Cygni and star (), TT = .3929+ .0319 61 2 Cygni TT = .47 J 3 -3 2 4 while for the whole eighty-nine the following values of TT have been found (P- 63):- // It 6 J i Cygni and star (a), TT = 0.4294+0.0163 6i 2 Cygni it = .4250+ .0176 61 1 Cygni and star (#), TT = .4414+ .0222 61 2 Cygni TT = -45 8 - Ol 9 l Hence then it appears that the differential Parallax, with regard to the stars of comparison, is virtually the same, whether determined from the greater or fewer number of observations, and herein lies the justification of a curtail- ment of the process on the lines suggested. It may further be remarked, that while the limit of error of determination is about 0^.015, from observations made consecutively throughout the year, the limit of error, possibly incurred by this contracted method does not exceed 0^.03 ; an amount which appears to be sufficiently small to warrant the adoption of the results in cosmical enquiries, within the approximations at present available. Moreover, it is an obvious advantage to have the means of rapidly increasing the number of 98 Parallaxes of Stars derived stars whose parallax is sought ; the curtailment in question also has practically received the approval of astronomers of great experience. This contracted method, however, is not necessarily restricted to operations connected with the photographic method, but it applies equally to the Helio- metric process, or in fact to any other micrometrical practice : nor is it to be regarded as the same as that so ably applied by Dr. Ball in his parallactic investigations, made at Dunsink in 1876-8. In the case of the Dunsink investigations, it would appear that while the number of nights devoted to the examination of a single star is possibly sufficient to detect a parallax of ap- proximately a second of arc, still, as a matter of fact, no such large parallaxes were sifted out in the process, and in all probability no such contiguities, as that implied by a parallax of a second of arc, exist in the sidereal system : hence, the meshes of such an astronomical sieve appear too coarse for the object intended. Independently of this coarseness of the astronomical meshes, there is the further difference between the two processes, that the photographic method admits the employment of a very much wider telescopic field than is the case with an ordinary telescope, and it is thus possible to select stars of comparison much more suitably situated for the determination of parallax, than is the case with other telescopes, armed with an ordinary micrometer. Moreover, the stars of comparison themselves may be selected from a much wider range of magnitudes than is the case with object-glasses in general. On the other hand, the curtailed method described by Dr. Gill, wherein he proposes to confine the observations to a couple of nights, repeated at proper intervals during two years, is more delicate than that last described, and may, on trial, prove sufficiently so to rapidly furnish, on a large scale, parallaxes accurate enough to afford an approximate notion of the cosmical distribution of stars. The recent proposition to take photographs at critical epochs, and after retaining them in an undeveloped state, to re-expose them after intervals of six months, seems to me to be well worth a trial, and though attended by risk and difficulty, I propose to try it on a small scale. Very recently, and while writing these remarks, the attention of astro- nomers has been called to a very remarkable and valuable contribution, emanating from the observatory at Pulkova, towards a practical improvement in the method of obtaining stellar parallaxes of an absolute character, from observations made on the meridian at properly selected epochs. If the character of meridional observation be of the highest order of reliability, then it is not too much to say that in the case of many stars, suitably situated, every year's observation of R.A. must implicitly contain the effects of parallax, and in most cases may permit their determination. If this be so, the data for deriving an approximate notion of the arrangement of stars in space, already exist in the annals of our great observatories ; and in any case we have here, from the work of Drs. Wagner and Belopolsky, an indication of the expectations that may be derived from improvements in meridional instruments and meridional methods. Dr. Belopolsky's determination of the absolute parallax of 61 Cygni as derived from eight years' consecutive transit observations at Pulkova is o".5o. from Observations at Critical Epochs. 99 Before proceeding 1 to give the details of this curtailed method, as applied to a Cassiopeiae and other stars of the second magnitude, it may be well here to make a remark which more properly belongs to page 5 of the Introduction. It is to the effect that the average amount of correction here required for the measures of distances, owing to variations in the film, in the .focal length of the mirror, and other causes, known and unknown, is (from a partial enquiry) o".i6 for i coo", whereas in the case of the Cape Heliometer it appears to be o".io for the same distance : a result probably due to the minute, but slightly inconstant, variations of the film. PARALLAX OF a CASSIOPEIA Deduced from Observations at Critical Epochs. The stars selected from comparison are D.M. + 55, No. 14% ... Magnitude 8.7 ... Star a D.M. + 55 , 138 ... 9.2 ... b Anonymous ... ... 10.2 ... c D.M. + 55 , No. 132 ... 9.3 The approximate position-angles and distances of these four stars are Of It for star a ... p = 96 30 ... 8=1042 b ... = 270 46 ... = 849 d ... = 234 44 ... = 1113 The accompanying figure is a diagram, showing the relative positions of these stars with the form and position of the parallactic ellipse. West East South, 100 Parallax of a Cassiopeia derived The parallactic factors in the equations of condition have been computed from the expressions o / Star a ... ds = J2 [9.94968] cos(O 273 3 1 ) b ... ds = 72 [9.96190] cos (O 98 37) c ... ds = R [9-99957] c s (O-39 ) d ... ds = -#[9.99998] cos (O 126 27) The proper motion of a Cassiopeise, after consulting various authorities, has been assumed in R.A. +o s .oo68 in Decl n . o". These preliminary facts will, with the information already afforded, permit the subsequent tables to be easily followed. TABLE I. Measures of the diagonal distances of Star (a) from Star (b), and of Star (c) from Star (d),for the determination, at the times of exposure of the correction to their measured distances from a Cassiopeia. No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887-8. Measured Distance of (a) to (6) in Arc. Corrections for Refrac- tion and Aberration. Difference from Assumed Mean. 1889". 50. Measured Distance of (c) to (d) in Arc. Corrections for Refrac- tion and Aberration. Difference from Assumed Mean. 1779".90. d. h. // // H // // // I 87 Dec. 16 5.0 1888.723 4-0. 4 7 4 + 0.303 1779.441 + 0-439 + 0.020 2 J7 6-3 89.339 435 -274 79-749 .413 .262 3 23 5-2 89.190 .446 - .136 79.887 .416 403 4 27 5.6 89.503 .426 -429 79.717 403 .220 5 88 Jan. 3 5.4 89.581 .424 + -505 79.197 .392 + -311 6 29 6.9 1889.007 4-0.522 O.O29 I779-367 + 0469 4- 0.064 7 Feb. i 6.1 88.848 479 + -173 79-478 431 .009 8 3 6.3 88.271 505 + 724 78.832 .442 4- .626 9 4 6.6 88.732 525 + .243 78.909 .476 + -515 10 10 6.7 89.236 .582 - .318 79.640 530 .270 ii June 22 14.0 1888.734 + -939 -0.173 1779.139 4-0.679 4- 0.082 12 30 13-9 88.369 .887 + -244 79.042 683 + -175 13 July 3 13.4 88.257 934 + -309 78.617 .687 + -596 4 5 13-4 88.852 .913 - .265 79-S25 .686 -3" IJ 9 13-8 89.067 -839 - . 4 06 79-383 .681 - .164 from Observations at Selected Epochs. 101 No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1888. Measured Distance of (a) to (6) in Arc. Corrections for Refrac- tion and Aberration. Difference from Assumed Mean. 1889". 50. Measured Distance of (c) to (d) in Arc. Corrections for Refrac- tion and Aberration. Difference from Assumed Mean. 1779".90. d. h. // // // // // ft 16 Aug. a 12.8 1888.431 + 0.792 + 0.277 I 779-'39 + 0.676 + 0.085 i? 5 1.3-2 88.379 .740 + -381 78.728 .662 + -510 18 6 n.8 88.514 .861 + -125 79.242 .690 .032 '9 7 I2 -7 88.758 .771 .029 79.083 .671 + .146 20 8 12.9 88.932 737 .169 79.520 66 S - .285 21 Dec. 13 6.9 1888.659 + 0.436 + 0.405 1779.113 + 0.415 + 0.372 22 18 7.2 88.789 433 + .278 79.401 403 + .096 23 22 5.8 89.452 431 - .383 80.017 .408 .525 24 26 6.2 89.152 .422 -074 79.886 .398 - .384 2 5 28 7-2 88.817 433 + .250 79.092 43 + 4S NOTES. No. 2. Images diffused : clouds passing at intervals. No. 4. One of the plates rejected on account of discordant measures. No. 7. The images elongated. No. 9. A plate rejected on account of injury to film. No. ii. The exposure was continued for ten minutes on account of haze. No. 13. Clouds passing : the exposures sometimes interrupted. No. 19. The sky very variable from passing clouds : the images large and diffused. No. 21. A plate rejected owing to large discordant measures : no cause could be detected. No. 25. Sky foggy. Exposure continued for ten minutes. TABLE II. Concluded measures of a Cassiopeice from the comparison Stars (a) and (b). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887-8. Measured Distance of Star (a) to a. Cassiopeiae. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (a). Measured Distance of Star (b) to a Cassio- peia}. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (b). I d. h. 87 Dec. 1 6 5.0 it 1042.311 // + 0431 n 1042.742 // 848.906 H + 0-357 it 849.263 2 17 6 -3 42.551 + -085 42.636 49.318 + .074 49-392 3 23 5-2 42.645 + .169 42.814 49.107 + -HO 49.247 4 27 5-6 42.779 .004 42.775 494 J 3 .002 49.411 5 88 Jan. 3 5.4 42.113 + -SO? 42.620 48.771 + .412 49.183 102 Concluded Parallax of a Cassiopeia derived No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1888. Measured Distance of Star (a) to a Cassiopeise. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Htar (a). Measured Distance of Star (b) to a Cassio- peiae. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (b). d. h. // // // it // n 6 Jan. 29 6.9 1042.505 + 0.274 1042.779 849.015 + 0.217 849.232 7 Feb. i 6.1 42.430 .363 42.793 48.986 .288 49.274 8 3 6.3 41.919 .678 42-597 48.869 542 49.411 9 4 6.6 42.354 .288 42.642 49.001 341 49-342 10 10 6.7 42.642 143 42.785 49.060 .109 49.169 ii June 22 14.0 1042.348 + 0-455 1042.803 849.040 + 0.313 849-353 12 30 13-9 42.047 .658 42.705 49.005 475 49.480 13 July 3 13.4 41.916 .7 2 3 42.639 49- OI 3 .526 49-539 H 5 13-4 42.311 392 42.703 49.004 356 49.360 IS 9 13-8 42.367 .271 42-638 49.129 .163 49.292 16 Aug. 2 12.8 1041.967 + 0.626 1042.593 848.934 + 0.445 849-379 ! 7 5 '3-2 42.068 .653 42.721 48958 470 49.428 18 6 1 1.8 42.079 .583 42.662 49.049 .406 49-455 19 7 12.7 42.197 .446 42-643 49.041 .299 49.340 20 8 12.9 42.157 358 42.515 49.204 .225 49.429 21 Dec. 13 6.9 1042.251 + 0.524 1042.775 849.132 + 0-334 849.466 22 18 7.2 42.159 452 42.6ll 48.974 .265 49- 2 39 23 22 5.8 42.839 .087 42.926 49.262 035 49.297 24 26 6.2 42.452 .256 42.708 49- 2 43 .099 49-34 2 25 28 7-2 42.211 439 42.650 49- '57 247 49.404 TABLE III. Equations of Condition formed from the concluded distances of a Cassiopeia from Star (a), as given in Table II. No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // I 87 Dec. 16 5.0 + 0.242 = X + 0.8656 7T 0.0439 dfJi O.OIO 2 17 6.3 + .136 = x + .8678 .0411 + -094 3 23 5-2 + .314 = x + .8756 .0248 .081 4 27 5.6 + .275 = x + .8752 .0138 - .043 5 88 Jan. 3 5.4 + .120 = x + .8642 + .0061 + .III from Observations of Selected Epochs. 103 No. Date, 1888. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // 6 Jan. 29 6.9 -f-O.279 = X + O.7II2 7T + O.O775 d[*> 0.054 7 Feb. I 6.1 + .293 = x + .6834. + .0856 .070 8 3 6.3 + .097 = x + .6636 + .0911 + -125 9 4 6.6 + .142 = tf + .6533 + .0939 + .080 10 10 6.7 + .285 = x + .5883 + .1103 - .065 ii June 22 14.0 + 0.303 = a? 0.9049 +0.4725 0.140 12 30 13-9 + .205 = x .9005 + .4917 .042 13 July 3 134 + .139 = x .8946 + .5026 + -023 M 5 '34 + .203 = x .8894 ' + .5081 .041 is 9 13-8 + .138 = x .8762 -f .5191 + .024 16 Aug. 2 12.8 + 0.093 = x 0.7164 +0.5847 + 0.074 i7 5 13-2 + .221 = X .6858 + .5929 -053 18 6 n.8 + .162 = x .6781 + .5956 + .006 19 7 !2-7 + .143 = x .6676 + .5984 + -025 20 8 12.9 + .015 = x -6571 + .6011 + .153 21 Dec. 1 3 6.9 + 0.275 = x +0.8596 +0.9481 0.062 22 18 7.2 + .in = x + .8710 + .9618 + .102 2 3 22 5 .8 + .426 = x + .8752 + .9728 .214 2 4 26 6.2 + .208 = x + .8754 + .9837 + .004 25 28 7.2 + .150 = x + .8736 + .9892 + .062 Treating these equations in the usual method, the following normal equations result : n + 4.975 = +25.0000 x + 10.6632 dju+ 4.1324:1 + 2.0066= +10.6632 + 7.7764 + 0.1772 + 1.3711= + 4.1334 + 0.1772 +16.0705 whence, by solution, are obtained the values of the unknowns, viz. H X +0.202 dfM = 0.019 TT= +0.0337. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is + 0^.09 1, and that the probable error of 77 is +o".O238. 104 Concluded Parallax of a Cassiopeia from Star (b). TABLE IV. Equations of Condition formed from the measures of a Cassiopeia and Star (b), as given in Table II. No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // I 87 Dec. 1 6 5.0 -|-O.l63 = X 0.8738 7T O.O439 dfJL 0.003 2 17 6.3 + .292 = x .8778 .0411 .132 3 23 5-2 + .147 = x .8943 .0248 + .014 4 27 5-6 + .311 = x .8995 .0138 .149 5 88 Jan. 3 5.4 . + .083 = x .8983 + .0061 + .081 6 29 6.9 + 0.132 = x 0.7755 +0.0775 + 0.044 7 Feb. i 6. i + .174 = x .7506 + .0856 + -004 8 3 6.3 -|- .311 = x .7325 + .0911 .132 9 4 6.6 + .242 = x .7229 + .0939 .063 10 10 6.7 + .069 = x .6624 + .1103 + .114 ii June 22 14.0 + 0.253 = x +0.9249 +0.4725 + 0.033 12 30 13-9 + .380 = x + .9311 + .4917 .091 13 July 3 13.4 + .439 x + .9292 + .5026 .150 4 5 J3-4 + .260 = x + .9266 + .5081 + .029 '5 9 13-8 + .192 = x + .9183 + .5191 + .0 9 8 16 Aug. 2 12.8 + 0.279 = x +0.7844 +0.5847 + 0.013 17 5 13-2 + .328 = x + .7579 + .5929 .036 18 6 1 1.8 + -355 = * + .7492 + .5956 -063 19 7 12.7 + .240 - x + .7377 + .5984 4- -052 20 8 12.9 + .329 = x + .7296 + .6011 .038 21 Dec. 13 6.9 + 0.366 = x 0.8647 +0.9481 O.IO2 22 18 7.2 + .139 = x .8837 + .9618 + -125 23 22 5.8 + .197 = x .8935 + .9728 + .068 2 4 26 6.2 + .242 = x .8993 + .9837 + .024 25 28 7.2 + .304 = x .9005 + .9892 -037 Treating 1 these equations in the usual method, the following normal equations result : // + 5.9210= +25.0000 #+10.6632^ 4.140417 + 2 -9373 = + 10.6632 + 7.7764 + 0.0004 0.1093= 4 I 44 4- 0.0004 +17.6742 whence, by solution, are obtained the values of the unknowns, viz. // x = +0.199 d[i = +0.105 TT= +0.0403. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is o".o87, and that the probable error of TT is +o".oi98. PARALLAX OF a CASSIOPEIA RELATIVELY TO STARS (C) AND (D). TABLE V. Concluded measures of a Cassiopeia from the comparison Stars (c) and (d). tfo. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. | .1887-8. Measured Distance of Star (c) from x Cassiopeiae. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (c) from * Cassiopeise. Measured Distance of Star (d) from a Cassiopeise. 'Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (d) from a Cassiopeiae. d. h. // // // // n n I 87 Dec. 1 6 5.0 667.333 + 0.170 667.503 1112.850 + 0.289 II13.I39 2 17 6.3 7-275 .055 7--330 13.177 .095 13.272 3 23 5-2 7.206 .005 7,211 13.176 .Oil 13.187 4 27 5.6 7.326 .067 7-393 13.241 .114 13.355 5 88 Jan. 3 5.4 7.162 .264 7,426 12.862 .441 I3-303 6 29 6.9 666.899 + 0.198 667.097 1112.894 + 0.338 1113.232 7 Feb. i 6.1 7.168 .l6l 7-329 13.110 257 I3-367 8 3 6.3 6.790 .403 7.193 12.443 .671 13.114 9 4 6.6 6.883 .372 7.-23S 12-573 .620 I3-I93 10 10 6.7 6-333 .098 7--43I 12.241 .164 13.405 ii June 22 14.0 666.996 + 0.291 667.287 1112.894 + 0.468 1113.362 12 30 13-9 6.804 .328 7-132 12.885 529 I3-4I4 13 July 3 13.4 6.808 .487 7.295 12.564 .678 13.242 H 5 I 3-4 7.226 .147 7.373 13-163 .227 13-39 IS 9 13-8 6.946 .203 7-149 12.889 .319 13.208 16 Aug. 2 12.8 666.931 + 0.296 667.227 1112.904 + 0.466 I"3-37 17 5 13-3 6-934 .449 7-383 12.462 .721 13.183 18 6 1 1.8 6.951 -255 7.206 12.821 .401 13.222 *9 7 12-7 6.830 317 7.I47 12.926 .501 I3.4 2 7 20 8 12.9 7.038 153 7.191 I3.225 .225 I3-450 21 Dec. 13 6.9 666.962 f 0.313 667.275 1112.891 4- 0-473 1113.364 22 18 7.2 7-137 + .205 7-342 12-937 + -293 13.230 23 22 5.8 7.252 .025 7.227 .13.274 -095 13.179 2 4 26 6.2 7.370 + .023 7-393 13.166 .013 13.153 2 5 28 7.2 6.967 + .319 7.286 12.885 + .484 I3-369 100 Concluded Parallax of a Cassiopeia from Star (c). TABLE VI. Equations of Condition formed from the concluded distances of a Cassiopeia from Star (c), as given in Table F. No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Kesiduals. < d. h. n // I 87 Dec. 16 5.0 + 0.503 = X +0.701 ITT 0.0439 rf/X 0.191 2 17 6.3 t -33o = a? + -7 I 37 -4" .018 3 23 5-2 .211 = X -\- .7809 .0248 + -103 4 27 5.6 393 = * + .8213 .0138 .078 S 88 Jan. 3 5.4 .426 = x + .8819 + .0061 .109 6 29 6.9 + 0.097 = a? +0.9842 +0.0775 + 0.223 7 Feb. i 6.1 .329 = x 4- .9828 + .0856 .OIO 8 3 6.3 .193 = x + .9804 + .0911 + .126 9 4 6.6 .255 = x + .9788 + .0939 + .063 10 10 6.7 .431 = x + .9627 + .1103 .113 it June 22 14.0 + 0.287 = a? 0.8108 +0.4725 0.036 12 30 13-9 .132 -= x .8851 + .4917 + .Ii6 '3 Jiy 3 13-4 .295 = a? .9087 + .5026 .048 H 5 13-4 373 = * - .9234 + -5081 .128 '5 9 13.8 .149 = a? 0.9495 + .5191 + -095 16 Aug. 2 12.8 + 0.227 = a? 1.0128 +0.5847 + 0.015 17 5 13-2 .383 *= x 1.0095 + -59 2 9 .142 18 6 1 1.8 .206 = x 1.0077 + -5956 + -035 19 7 12.7 .147 = x - 1.0056 + .5984 + -095 20 8 12.9 .191 = x 1.0032 + .6011 + -051 21 Dec. 13 6.9 + 0.275 t= a? +0.6738 +0.9481 + 0.017 22 18 7.2 .342 = x + .7347 + .9618 .048 23 23 5.8 .227 = x 4- .7784 -f .9728 + .069 2 4 26 6.2 393 # + -8190 + .9837 -97 25 28 7.2 .286 = x + .8383 + .9892 + .Oil Treating- these equations in the usual method, the following normal equations result : // + 7.0880= +25.0000 X +10. 6652 d/X+ 3.1 157 7T + 3.8748= +10.6632 + 77764 I.I329 + 1.5984=+ 3.II57 - I.I329 +19.9150 whence, by solution, are obtained the values of the unknowns, viz. // x = +0.287 dp = 0.019 TT = + O.0343. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is + o". J 04, and that the probable error of the determination of TT is + o".0247. Concluded Parallax of a Cassiopeia from Star (d). 107 TABLE VII. Equations of Condition formed from the concluded distances of a Cassiopeia from Star (d), as given in Table V. No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // I 87 Dec. 16 5.0 -j- 0.039 = x 0.7316 TT 0.0439 d IJL + O.II5 2 17 6.3 .172 = x .7435 -0411 .017 3 23 5-2 .087 = x .8074 .0248 + .066 4 27 5.6 .255 = x .8451 .0138 .104 S 88 Jan. 3 5.4 .203 = x .9009 + .0061 .054 6 29 6.9 + 0.132 = x 0.9838 +0.0775 + 0.015 7 Feb. i 6.1 .267 = x .9804 + .0856 .120 8 3 6.3 .014 = x .9763 + .0911 + -133 9 4 6.6 .093 = x .9739 + .0939 + -055 10 10 6.7 .305 = x .9533 + .1103 ~ ^57 ii June 22 14.0 + 0.262 = x +0.8379 +0.4725 -0.045 12 30 i3-9 .314 = x + .9072 + .4917 -95 13 July 3 13-4 .142 = x + .9287 + .5026 + .078 *4 5 !3-4 .290 = x + .9421 + .5081 .070 15 9 13-8 .108 = x +0.9654 + .5191 + .US 16 Aug. 2 12.8 + 0.270 = x +I.OHI +0.5847 0.046 *7 5 !3-2 .083 = x + 1.0055 + -5929 + -HO 18 6 n.8 .122 = X +1.0030 + .5956 + .101 19 7 12.7 .327 = X +1.0002 + .5984 .104 20 8 12.9 .350 = x + 1.9970 + .6011 - .127 21 Dec. 13 6.9 + 0.264 = x 0.7055 +0.9481 0.097 22 18 7.2 .130 = x .7635 + .9618 + .036 23 22 5.8 .079 = x .8048 + .9728 + .086 24 26 6.2 .053 = x .8429 + .9837 + .110 25 28 7.2 .269 = x .8608 + .9892 .106 Treating these equations in the usual method, the following normal equations result: // + 45300= + 25.0000 x+ 10.6633^ 3.275671 + 2.0715= +10.6632 + 7.7764 + 1.0536 + 0.1394=- 3.2756 + 1.0536 +20.4262 whence, by solution, are obtained the values of the unknowns, viz. // x +0.181 dp = +0.012 TT = +0.0352. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is +o // .iO2, and that the probable error of the determination of n is 108 . Collected Results for the Parallax of a Cassiopeia. The collected results for the parallax of a Cassiopeise gathered from the preceding 1 pages, are as follows : Star's Name. Mag. Relative Annual Parallax. Probable Error of Parallax. Probable Error of one Com- plete Measure of Distance. D.M. 55, No. 142 55. No. 128 8.7 9.2 JO 2 // + 0.0337 + 0.0403 -f- O.0343 // + 0.0238 0.0198 ~t~ O O2A7 tt 0.091 0.087 ~t~ o 104 D.M. 55, No. 132 9-3 + 0.0352 0.0239 0.102 There is not, so far as I am aware, any determination of the parallax of this star by any other astronomer. The results here presented seem to be in accordance with the hypothesis that the stars of comparison are in the same group with each other and the principal star, a Cassiopeise. PA&ALIAX OF ft CASSIOPEIA Deduced from Observations at Critical Epochs. The stars selected for the determination of the relative parallax of /3 Cassio- peise are D.M. + 5 8, No. I , ... Magnitude 9 . 2 ... Star a D.M. + 58,No. 10, ... 9.1 ... b D.M. + 58,No. 8, ... 8.3 ... c D.M. + 58, No. 2700, ... 9.2 ... d. The approximate position-angles and distances of these four stars, are Of It for star (a) ... p = 399 47 ... *= 440 W = i53 3 = 13^ (c) ... = 37 20 ... = 664 (d) ... = 229 56 ... = 1475. The accompanying figure is a diagram showing the relative position of these stars, with the form and position of the parallactic ellipse. West } East South The parallactic factors in the equations of condition have been computed from the expressions- Star (a) ... ds = R [9-90879] cos (Q - 59 29) (b) ... ds = E [9.89878] cos (0-197 7) (c) ... ^ = 72 [9.98634] cos (O-3^ 2) (d) ... from Assumed - Mean. 1688".90. Measured Distance of (c) to (d) in Arc. Correction for Refrac- tion and Aberration. Difference from Assumed Mean. 2102".80. d. h^ ' // // n H // // I 87 Oct. 22 10.3 1687.872 + 0.517 + 0-5II 2101.855 + 0.600 + 0-345 2 24 10.8 88.505 .518 .123 02.464 593 - 2 57 3 25 10.2 88.771 5" - .382' 02.830 -591 - .621 4 Nov. 14 9.8 88.508 .488 .096 02.228 553 + -019 5 15 10.5 87:895 0.491 + .5H' 01.506 570 + .724 6 88 Jan. 26 6.7 1686.297 + 2.274 + 0.329 2102.043 + 0.624 + 0.133 7 28 6.4 87-54I 1.772 .413 02.565 .482 ~ .247 8 Feb. i 6.9 86. 7 8 4 2.105 + .Oil 02.368 .561 - .129 9 3 6.4 87.115 1.817 .032 02.275 493 + -032 10 4 6.4 87.559 1.633 .292 02.681 465 - .346 ii Apr. ii 13.9 1689.001 + 0.516 0.6l7 2102.734 + 0.638 0.572 12 H 14-5 88.247 .521 + .132 01.866 644 + .290 13 26 13.2 88.1 1 1 543 + .2 4 6 01746 .740 + -3H 14 May 3 13.2 88.725 555 - .380 02.375 .697 .272 15 4 I3.S 88.247 .556 + .097 02.153 730 -083 16 Aug. 2 13.4 1688.271 + 0.625 + 0.004 2102.036 + 0.736 + 0.028 '7 3 13-9 87.743 645 + -52 01.636 -750 + .4H 18 6 12.9 87.887 .633 + .380 01.556 .741 + -53 9 7 13-4 88.160 .618 + .122 02.106 754 .060 20 8 12.9 88.566 .630 .296 02.376 .766 -342 21 Oct. 19 1 2.1 1688.059 + Q-539 + 0.302 2101.965 + 0.624 + 0.2II 22 30 1 1.0 88-575 530 - -20 S 02.295 .584 .079 23 Nov. 9 94 88.544 489 - -133 02.655 557 .412 24 13 io-3 88.505 .487 - .092 02.513 552 - .265 25 17 10.6 88.521 .491 .112 O2. 201 .560 + -039 NOTES. No. 3. The images of the comparison stars faint. No. 5. One of the plates rejected : the measures being grossly discordant. No. 9. Exposure 10 minutes : sky hazy. No. ii. One of the plates not measured, the film being accidentally injured. No. 14. Clouds passing : the exposures of unequal length. No. 19. The sky very variable from passing clouds : the images large and diffused. No. 21. The images elliptical from inadequate driving. No. 23. One of the plates rejected owing to accidental injury to the film. from Observations at Selected Epochs. Ill TABLE II. Concluded measures of ft Cassiopeia from the comparison Stars (a) and (b). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure . of Plate. 1887-8. Measured Distance of Star (a) from /3 Cassiopeise. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star {a). Measured Distance of Star (6) from j8 Cassiopeiae. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distances of Star (&). d. h. n // it /> // // I 87 Oct. 22 10.3 439.801 + -3 7 2 440.173 1304.882 + 0.691 I305-573 2 24 10.8 40.021 .204 40.225 05.226 + -203 05.429 3 25 10.2 40.108 .132 40.240 05.472 .OOI 05.471 4 Nov. 14 9.8 39.910 .172 40.082 05-384 + .221 05.605 5 15 io-5 39.807 333 40.140 04.680 + '.692 05-372 6 88 Jan. 26 6.7 439.728 -1- 0.504 440.232 1303.370 + 1-959 1305.329 7 28 6.4 40.102 .247 40.349 04.447 o-997 05/444 8 Feb. i 6.9 39.926 391 40.317 03.928 1-574 05.502 9 3 6.4 39-8.S5 .328 40.183 04.051 1.267 05-318 10 4 6 -4 39-993 -f - 2 39 40.232 04.261 o.943 05.204 ii Apr. ii 13.9 44-555 0.183 440.372 1305.291 + O.OO2 I305.293 12 14 14.5 40-575 -f- .008 40.583 04.824 .589 05-4^3 *3 26 13.2 39.496 + -029 40.525 04.488 .704 05.192 H May 3 13.2 40.485 .146 40-339 05.187 .241 05.428 15 4 '3-5 40.519 .022 40.497 04.616 .6lO 05.226 16 Aug. 2 13.4 440.601 0.177 440.424 1304.762 + 0.713 1305475 17 3 13-9 40.312 .050 40.262 04.511 I.oSl 05.59 2 18 6 12.9 40.469 .076 40-393 04.382 I. OOI 05.383 19 7 13-4 40.647 .146 40.501 04.519 0.798 05-3I7 20 8 12.9 40-539 .265 40.274 05.022 0.480 05-502 21 Oct. 19 12. i 440.423 0.221 440.202 1304.340 + 1.129 1305.469 22 30 n.o 40.540 405 40.135 05.050 0.565 05.615 23 \ Nov. 9 9.4 40.782 .411 40-37I 04.987 .615 05.602 24 13 10.3 40.424 .402 40.022 04-777 .647 05.424 2 5 17 10.6 40.488 409 40.079 04.670 .636 05.306 112 Concluded Parallax of & Cassiopeia from Star (a). TABLE III. Equations of Condition formed from the concluded distances of P Cassiopeia from Star (a), as given in Table II. No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // I 87 Oct. 22 10.3 + 0.173 = X 0.7173 7T 0.1939 dp + O.OO6 2 24 10.8 .225 = x .7298 .1884 .049 3 25 10.2 .240 = x .7352 .1856 .065 4 Nov. 14 9.8 .082 = x .7956 .1309 + .O8l .5 '5 10-5 .140 = * .7971 .I28l + .022 6 88 Jan. 26 6.7 + 0.232 = x 0.3121 +0.0692 + 0.027 7 28 6.4 .349 = x .2861 + .0747 - -085 8 Feb. i 6.9 317 = x - 3 32o + -0857 .042 9 3 6.4 .183 = x .2057 + .0913 + .097 10 4 6.4 .232 = x .1920 + .0939 + -051 ii Apr. ii 13.9 + 0.372 = x +0.6516 +0.2781 + 0.078 12 H 14-5 583 = * + -6764 + .2863 .128 13 26 13.2 .525 = x + .7223 + .3192 .061 '4 May 3 13.2 .339 " * + .7887 + .3384 + -137 15 4 I3-S .497 = x + .7925 + .3411 .019 16 Aug. 2 13.4 + 0.424 = x +0.2576 +0.5874 0.056 17 3 13-9 .262 = x + .2443 + .5902 + -105 18 6 12.9 393 = z + -2187 + .5984 -031 19 7 i3-4 .501 = x + .1918 + .6011 -MS 20 8 12.9 .274 = x + ,1780 + .6038 + .080 21 Oct. 19 1 2. i + O.2O2 = X 0.6819 +0.8009 0.021 22 30 u.o 135 = x ^489 + -8310 + .032 23 Nov. 9 9.4 .371 = x .7865 + .8584 .211 2 4 13 10.3 .022 = X .7949 + .8694 + .136 25 17 10.6 .079 = x .7995 + .8804 + .078 Treating these equations in the usual method, the following normal equations result : + 7.152 = + 25.000037 + 8.3720^ 4.092777 + 2.4675=+ 8.3720 +6.0450 -0.9371 + 0.4923= 4.0927 0.9371 +8.9803 whence, by solution, are obtained the following values of the unknowns, viz. // x = +0.321 d\L = 0.0047 TT= +0.2004. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is + o".OQ7, and that the probable error of TT is + 0^.0336. Concluded Parallax of (3 Cassiopeice from Star (b). 113 TABLE IV. Equations of Condition formed from the concluded distances of ft Cassiopeia and Star (b), as given in Table II. No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // I 87 Oct. 22 10.3 + 0.473 = X + 0.7607 7T 0.1939 d fJt, 0.068 2 24 10.8 .329 = tf + .7530 .1884 + -075 3 25 10.2 .371 = x + .7485 .1856 + -033 4 Nov. 14 9.8 .505 = x + .6408 .1309 .116 5 15 10.5 .272 = x + .6339 - I28z + .116 6 88 Jan. 26 6.7 4-0.229 = x 0.2565 +0.0692 + 0.043 7 28 6.4 .344 = x .2824 + .0747 - -75 8 Feb. i 6.9 .402 = x .3337 + .0857 .140 9 3 6.4 .218 = x .3561 + .0913 + -041 10 4 6.4 .104 = x .3705 + .0939 + -155 ii Apr. ii 13.9 + 0.193 = x ^0.7910 +0.2781 + 0.008 12 14 14.5 .313 = x - .7867 + .2863 .112 13 26 13.2 .092 = x .7494 + .3192 + .II 4 H May 3 13.2 .328 = x .7130 + .3384 .117 !5 4 !3-5 .126 = x .7068 + .3411 + .086 16 Aug. 2 13.4 + 0.373 = x +0.3265 +0.5874 0.032 17 3 13-9 .492 = x + .3388 + .5902 ^50 18 6 12.9 .283 = x + .3744 + .5984 + .063 J 9 7 !3-4 .217 = x + .3858 + .6011 + ^30 20 8 12.9 .402 = x + .3977 + .6038 -053 21 Oct. 19 12. 1 + 0.369 = x +0.7766 +0.8009 + 0.026 22 30 ii.o S'3 = * + .7347 + .8310 .124 23 Nov. 9 9.4 .502 = x + .6731 + .8584 .121 2 4 13 10.3 .324 = x + .6425 + .8694 + -053 25 17 10.6 .206 = x + .6087 + .8804 + .168 Treating- these equations in the usual method, the following- normal equations result : + 7.980 = +25.0000 #+8.3720 ^ + 3.449677 + 2.7570=+ 8.3720 +6.0450 +2.0976 + 2.1621 = + 3.4496 +2.0976 +8.9015 whence, by solution, are obtained the following- values of the unknowns, viz. n x = +0.306 dp = 0.0127 TT = + 0.1277. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is +o // .io6, and that the probable error of TT is io' / .o374. PARALLAX OFp CASSIOPEIA RELATIVELY TO STARS (C) AND (D). TABLE V. Concluded measures of ft Cassiopeia from the comparison Stars (c) and (d). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887-8. Measured Distance of Star (c) from 8 Cassiopeise. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (c). Measured Distance of Star (d) from j3 Cassiopeia?. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (d). d. h. // // // // // // I 87 Oct. 22 10.3 663.387 + 0.286 66^.673 1474.250 + 0.717 1474.967 2 24 10.8 63.710 -h -092 63.802 74-833 .290 75-123 3 25 10.2 63-7H .022 63.692 75-023 .031 75-054 4 Nov. 14 9.8 63-529 + .170 63.699 74.481 .440 74.921 5 J 5 70 -5 63479 + -394 63-873 74.098 .948 75.046 6 88 Jan. 26 6.7 663.508 + 0.394 663.902 1474.398 + 0.431 1474.829 7 28 6.4 63-619 .178 63797 74^47 .125 74-772 8 Feb. i 6.9 63.604 .260 63.864 74-686 .220 74.906 9 3 6.4 63-57 1 .251 63.822 74.696 -3l6 75.012 10 4 6.4 63.921 .108 64.029 75.042 .051 75-093 ii Apr. n 13.9 663.858 + 0.028 663.886 1474.974 + 0.139 I475.II3 12 14 14.5 63.618 304 63.922 74.653 -339 74.992 '3 26 13.2 63-435 .336 6377I 74.7I9 .408 75-127 14 May 3 13.2 63.561 .142 63.703 74-999 .204 75-203 15 4 13.5 63.501 .212 63.713 74.738 375 75.H3 16 Aug. 2 13.4 663-358 + 0.22S 663.583 1474.921 + 0.244 '475-165 '7 3 13-9 63-425 .400 63825 74.696 -633 75.329 18 6 12.9 63-387 415 63.802 74.411 .682 75-093 19 7 13-4 63-274 255 63-529 75.006 .308 75-3 14 20 8 12.9 63-390 157 63-547 75-253 .095 75-348 21 Oct. 19 1 2.1 663.522 -fo.071 663.593 '474-757 + 0.365 1475.122 22 30 n.o 63.418 .213 63.631 74-79' + .122 74-9 I 3 23 Nov. 9 9.4 63.650 .105 63755 75-009 - .144 74-865 2 4 13 io-3 63.622 .148 63.770 75.180 .042 75.I38 2 5 17 10.6 63.645 .2 4 8 63.893 74.909 + .183 75.092 Concluded Parallax of @ Cassiopeia from Star (c). 115 TABLE VI. Equations of Condition formed from the concluded distances of } Cassiopeia from Star (c), as given in Table V. No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // I 87 Oct. 22 10.3 + 0.173 = x 0.327277 0.1939 dp. + 0.051 2 24 10.8 .302 = x .2948 .1884 .074 a 25 10.2 .192 = x - 2 79 2 .1856 + .038 4 Nov. 14 9.8 .199 = * + .0033 .1309 + .067 S 15 10.5 373 = x -\- .0206 .1281 .103 6 88 Jan. 26 6.7 + 0.402 = x +0.9186 +0.0692 0.0l6 7 28 6.4 .297 = x + .9273 + .0747 + .090 8 Feb. I 6.9 .364 = x + .9417 + .0857 + .025 9 3 6.4 .322 = x + .9469 + .0913 + .067 10 4 6.4 .529 = x + .9491 + .0939 .140 ii Apr. ii 13.9 + 0.386 = x +0.4780 +0.2781 0.059 12 14 J 4-5 .422 = x + .4338 + .2863 .101 13 26 13.2 .271 = x + .2499 + .3192 + -025 14 May 3 13.2 .203 = x + .1369 + .3384 + .079 15 4 13-5 .213 = x + .1203 + .3411 + .067 16 Aug. 2 13.4 + 0.083 = x 0.9651 +0.5874 + 0.054 J 7 3 !3-9 .325 = x .9681 + .5902 .189 18 6 12.9 .302 = x .9747 + .5984 .161 19 7 13-4 .029 = x .9766 + .6011 + .112 20 8 12.9 .047 = x .9780 + .6038 + .094 21 Oct. 19 1 2. i + 0.093 = x 0.4076 +0.8009 + 0.116 22 30 n.o .131 = x .2345 + .8310 + .099 23 Nov. 9 9.4 .255 = x .0683 + .8584 -003 24 13 10.3 .270 = x .0005 + .8694 - .009 25 17 10.6 393 = # + -0671 + .8804 - -125 Treating these equations in the usual method, the following normal equations result : + 6.576 = +25.00000? + 8.3720^ 0.2811 TT + 1.8663=+ 8.3720 +6.0450 2.5107 + 1.2690= 0.2811 2.5107 +10.1318 whence, by solution, are obtained the following values of the unknowns, viz. x = +0.266 dp = 0.0055 TT= +0.1313. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is 0^.097, and that the probable error of it is 0^.0335. 116 Concluded Parallax of IB Cassiopeia from Star (d). TABLE VII. Equations of Condition formed from the concluded distances of P Cassiopeice from Star (d), as given in Table V. No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // I 87 Oct. 22 10.3 + 0.367 = x +0.0318 IT 0.1939 dfJL + 0.084 2 24 10.8 .523 = x .0035 .1884 .077 3 25 10.2 454 = X .0202 -1856 .Oil 4 Nov. 14 9.8 .321 = x .3092 .1309 + .080 5 15 10.5 .446 = X .3260 .I28l + .046 6 88 Jan. 26 6.7 + 0.229 = * 0.9840 +0.0692 + 0.077 7 28 6.4 .172 = x .9822 + .0747 + -135 8 Feb. i 6.9 .306 = x .9750 + .0857 + .003 9 3 6.4 .412 = x .9697 + .0913 .102 10 4 6.4 .493 = x .9665 + .0939 - -183 TI Apr. ii 13.9 + 0.513 = x 0.1989 +0.2781 o-o73 12 14 14-5 .392 = x .1478 + .2863 + .056 13 26 13.2 .527 = x + .0559 + .3192 -045 H May 3 13.2 603 = x + .1746 + .3384 .102 '5 4 13-5 .513 = x +0.1917 + .3411 - .009 16 Aug. 2 13.4 + 0.565 = x +1.0069 +0.5874 + 0.080 17 3 13-9 .729 = x + 1.0044 -f -59 02 -085 18 6 12.9 .493 = x +0.9956 + .5984 + .150 19 7 13-4 .714 = x + .9922 + .6011 - .071 20 8 12.9 .748 = x + .9883 + .6038 .106 21 Oct 19 12. i + 0.522 = X +O.I2IO +0.8009 0.004 22 30 n.o .313 = x .0675 + .8310 + .176 23 Nov. 9 9.4 .265 = x .2383 + .8584 + -215 24 13 10.3 .538 = x .3053 + .8694 - .084 25 17 10.6 .492 = x .3706 + .8804 .048 Treating 1 these equations in the usual method, the following normal equations result : + 11.650 = + 25.oooo# + 8.372Of/ju 1.302377 + 4.4463=+ 8.3720 +6.0450 + 1.9454 + 1.1330=- 1.3023 + 1.9454 +10.3753 whence, by solution, are obtained the following- values of the unknowns, viz. // x = + 0.456 dfji = +0.0531 TT= +0.1565. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is +o // .io6, and that the probable error of?; is + 0^.036 1. Concluded Parallax of $ Cassiopeice. 117 The collected results for the parallax of /3 Cassiopeiae, gathered from the preceding pages, are as follows : Star's Name, Mag, Relative Annual Parallax. Probable Error of Parallax. Probable Error of one Com- plete Measure of Distance. D.M.+ sS , No. i 9.2 it + 0.2004 // 0.0336 // 0.097 + 58, No. 10 9.1 + 0.1277 0.0374 0.106 + 58, No. 8 8-3 + 0.1313 0.0335 0.097 -f 58, No. 2700 9.2 + 0.1565 0.0361 0.106 There appears to be an indication here that /3 Cassiopeise and the stars of comparison may possibly not belong to the same group. Possibly also the bright stars ft and a are not closely associated. The parallax also is in accordance with the suggestions derived from the comparatively rapid proper motion of the star. I cannot find that the parallax of this star has been determined by any other astronomer. PARALLAX OF y CASSIOPEIA Deduced from Observations at Critical EpocJis. The stars selected for the determination of the relative parallax of y Cassio- peiae are Anonymous ... Mag. 10.6 ... star (a) D.M. + 59,No. 158 ... 9.4 ... (b) Anonymous ... 10.3 ... (c) DJM + 59 ,No. 137 ... 8.9 ... (d). The approximate position-angles and distances of these four stars are o n for star a ... p = 288 6 ... #=1356 b ... = 108 47 ... = 741 c ... = 19 i ... = 464 d ... = 245 5 = i*i- The accompanying figure is a diagram, showing the relative position of these stars, with the form and position of the parallactic ellipse. North East SoutJi The parallactic factors in the equations of condition have been computed from the expressions Star (a) ... ds = E [9.92691] cos (O - 86 6) (b) . t .ds = R [9.92540] cos ( O - 265 23) (c) ... 8 16 6.8 .229 = x + .8285 .0437 -145 9 18 8.2 ,386 = x + .8283 .0381 .OI2 10 23 74 .474 = x + .8230 .0244 .100 ii 88 Feb. 5 6.7 + 0.262 = x +0.5220 +0.0966 + 0.093 12 15 6.8 -55 = * + ^o^ + - I2 4o -157 13 1 6 6.9 .391 = x + .3876 + .1265 .044 H Mar. i 7.1 -377 = # + .1980 + .1651 .041 IS 8 7.1 .203 = x + .0978 +..1842 + .127 16 June 7 13.9 + 0.162 = x 0.8472 +0.4341 + 0.1 10 '7 13 i3-o .314 = x .8550 + .4505 .042 18 14 12.8 ,362 = x .8555 + .4533 .090 19 22 13.4 .293 = x .8504 + .4752 .022 20 30 13-3 .427 = x .8300 + .4971 .155 21 Aug. 14 12.0 + 0.383 = x 0.4626 +0.6202 0.090 22 15 II.2 .273 = x .4507 + .6229 + .026 23 22 II.9 .134 = x .3618 + .6421 + -l6 5 2 4 29 u.6 .405 = x .2683 + -6612 .100 25 31 12.4 .313 = x .2403 + .6667 - .007 Treating these equations in the usual method, the following 1 normal equations result : + 7.980 = + 25.oooo# + 4.245od/u-i.79397r + 1.1978= + 4.2450 43.8515 -2-5741 -0.0458=- 1.7939 -2.5741 +8.7606 whence, by solution, are obtained the values of the unknowns, viz. // x = +0.325 dp = 0.0074 TT= +0.0591. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is +o /r .ii5, and that the probable error of TT is o."o436. PARALLAX OFy CASSIOPEIA RELATIVELY TO STARS (C) AND (D). TABLE V. Concluded measures of y Cassiopeice from the comparison Stars (c) and (d). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887-8. Measured Distance of Star (c) from y Cassiopeise. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (c). Measured Distance of Star (d) from y Cassiopeise. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (d). d. h. n // ii // // n I 87 Aug. 20 IT. i 464-43S + 0.140 464.575 1220.481 + 0-455 1220.936 2 24 12.9 64.578 + -235 64-813 20.459 + -655 21.114 3 25 12.2 64.732 + .010 64.742 21.016 + .046 21.062 4 31 12.6 64-393 -f- .220 64.613 20.425 + -578 21.003 5 Sept. 6 13.1 64.659 -h .038 64.697 20.804 + -093 20.897 6 Dec. 6 8.0 464.603 0.003 464.600 1221.170 0.166 I22I.OO4 7 7 7-2 64.413 + .119 64.532 20.650 4- .312 20.962 8 1 6 6.8 64.764 .000 64.764 21.204 .001 2I.2O3 9 18 8.2 64-S3S + -204 64-739 20.475 -f -537 2I.OI2 10 23 7-4 64-757 -h -130 64.887 20.729 + -346 21.075 ii 88 Feb. 5 6.7 464.806 + 0.030 464.836 1220.747 4-0.136 1220.883 12 15 6.8 64.526 + .286 64.812 20.188 + .837 21.025 13 16 6.9 64.436 + .269 64.705 20.405 + .798 21.203 14 Mar. i 7.1 64.493 + -HO 64-633 20.535 + -529 21.064 15 8 7.1 64.728 .019 64.709 21.003 + .106 21.109 16 June 7 13.9 464.769 0.004 464.765 1221.128 + O.IO2 1221.230 '7 13 i3-o 64-333 + .258 64.591 20.157 + ./65 2O.922 18 14 12.8 64-580 4- .242 64.822 20.217 4- .721 20.938 19 22 13.4 64475 + .108 64-583 20.715 4- .412 21.127 20 30 13-3 64.502 + .268 64.770 20.267 + ,826 21.093 21 Aug. 14 12.0 464-397 + 0.310 464.707 1220.165 4- 0.899 I22I.O64 22 15 II. 2 64-437 + -185 64.622 29.381 + -59 2 20-973 23 22 II-9 64.316 + -213 64.529 20.362 + -630 20.992 24 29 ii. 6 64.643 4- .100 64.743 20.641 + -333 20.974 25 31 12.4 64-574 + .061 64-635 20.668 + -215 20.883 124 Parallax of y Cassiopeice TABLE VI. Equations of Condition formed from the concluded distances of 7 Cassiopeios from Star (c), as given in Table V. No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. //- // I 87 Aug. 20 1 1. 1 + 0.075 = X 0.9152 7T 0.3662 if /A + 0.104 2 24 12.9 .313 = X .9260 .3551 - .'34 3 25 12.2 .242 = x .9279 .3525 - -063 4 31 12.6 .113 = x .9343 .3360 + .066 5 Sept. 6 13.1 .,97 = x .9311 .3195 .019 6 Dec. 6 8.0 + 0.100 = x +0.0706 0.0709 + 0.114 7 7 7.2 .032 = x + .0861 .0683 + .182 8 1 6 6.8 .264 = x + .2291 .0437 - -045 9 18 8.2 .239 = x + .2612 .0381 .019 10 23 7-4 .387 = x + .3372 - .0244 - -163 ii 88 Feb. 5 6.7 + 0.336 = x +0.8377 +0.0966 0.095 12 15 6.8 .312 = x + .8906 + .1240 .070 13 1 6 6.9 .205 = x + .8945 + .1265 + -037 14 Mar. i 7.1 .133 = a? + .9192 + .1651 + -109 15 8 7-1 .209 = x + .9101 + .1842 + -033 16 June 7 13.9 + 0.265 = x 0.1253 +0.4341 0.071 17 13 13-0 .091 = x .2174 + .4505 + .099 18 14 12.8 .322 = x .2326 + .4533 -133 19 22 13.4 .083 x .3520 + .4752 + .101 20 30 13-3 .270 - x .4652 + .4971 .092 21 Aug. 14 12.0 + 0.207 = x 0.8950 +0.6202 0.048 22 15 II. 2 .122 = X .8993 + .6229 + .036 23 22 II.9 .029 = x .9232 + .6421 + .127 24 29 11.6 .243 = x .9339 + .6612 .087 25 3 I 12-4 135 = -9345 + -6667 + .021 Treating these equations in the usual method, the following normal equations result : + 4.924 = + 25.00000 + 4. 2450 dfj. 5.176617 + 0.7427 = + 4-245 +3-8ii5 1.4176 -0.5110=- 5.1766 1.4176 +13.1758 whence, by solution, are obtained the values of the unknowns, viz.-- x = +0.209 dp = 0.0228 If +0.04IO. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is + o".ioo, and that the probable error of TT is + derived from Stars (c) and (d). TABLE VII. 125 Equations of Condition formed from the concluded distances of y Cassiopeia from Star (d), as given in Table V. No. Date, 1887-8. .... Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. M u I 87 Aug. 20 1 1. 1 + 0.136 = x + 0.9185 TT 0.3662 d\L + 0.069 2 24 12.9 .314 = x + .8880 - .3551 .108 3 25 12.2 .262 = x + .8801 .3525 .056 4 31 12.6 , .203 = x + .8259 .3360 + .004 5 Sept. 6 13.1 .097 = x + .7639 - .3195 + .112 6 Dec. 6 8.0 -{-0.204 = x 0-6352 0.0709 + 0.047 7 7 7-2 .162 = x -6477 .0683 + .08 9 8 16 6.8 .403 = x .7551 .0437 .148 9 18 8.2 .212 = x .7775 .0381 + -043 10 23 7-4 .275 = x .8258 .0244 .019 ii 88 Feb. 5 6.7 + 0.083 = x 0.9546 + 0.0966 + 0.176 12 15 6.8 .225 = x .9039 + .1240 + -033 13 16 6.9 .403 = x .8972 + .1265 - .I 4 6 H Mar. i 7.1 .264 = x .7770 -|- .1651 .012 15 8 7-i .309 = x .7153 + .1842 - .0 S 8 16 June 7 13.9 + 0.430 = x +0.6968 +0.4341 0.226 17 13 i3-o .122 = X + .7659 + .4505 + .079 18 14 12.8 .138 = x + .7767 + .4533 + .062 J 9 22 13.4 .327 = x + .8557 + .4752 - .12 9 20 30 13-3 .293 = x + .9192 + .4971 ~ -097 21 Aug. 14 12.0 + 0.264 = x +0.9512 +0.6202 0.070 22 15 II. 2 .173 = x + .9458 + .6229 + .O2I 23 22 II-9 .192 x + .8978 + .6421 + .004 24 29 1 1.6 .174 = x + .8383 + .6612 + .023 25 31 12.4 .083 = x + .8187 + .6667 + .II 4 Treating these equations in the usual method, the following normal equations result : + 5^548 = +25.00000 + 4.2450 d/z+ 4-85337T + 0.8468=+ 4.2450 +3.8515 + 2.8325 + 0.5407= + 4.8532 +2.8325 +I7-33H whence, by solution, are obtained the values of the unknowns, viz. x = + 0.230 dfJL = 0.0102 77 = -0.0315. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is +o".iO2, and that the probable error of TT is +o".o263. 126 Concluded Parallax of y Cassiopeia. The collected results for the parallax of y Cassiopeise, gathered from the preceding pages, are as follows : Star's Name. Mag. Relative Annual Parallax. Probable Error of Parallax. Probable Error of one Com- plete Measure of Distance. Anonymous . . . . ... 10.6 // 0.0179 // + o.o37; // ~f~ O.OQQ D.M.+ 59 , No. 158 9-4 10.3 + 0,0591 + 0.0410 0.0436 + 0.0280 0.115 -f-o.ioo D.M. + 59 ,No. 137 8.9 _ 0.0315 0.0263 0.102 This is the first instance of a negative parallax met with in these researches. Its smallness of amount, notwithstanding its algebraic significance, seems to indicate that the principal star, and the faint stars of comparison are in the same group, although no conclusion can be deduced therefrom as to the comparative remoteness or proximity of the group itself in relation to the Solar System. The brightness, however, of the principal star would in itself indicate a probable proximity. Apart from such considerations, the nature of its bright-lined spectrum points to a constitution quite different from that of other stars in this constellation ; this peculiarity of spectrum, according to Mr. Lockyer's hypothesis, may indicate an as yet unformed condition of the star. The variability also of this spectrum is in accordance with the hypothesis of meteoric collisions in the star, whether periodic or irregular. In making this remark it is not to be understood that I am here adopting, without reserve,, the bold and ingenious hypothesis of Mr. Lockyer ; nor, on the other hand, do- I desire to express a doubt of its legitimacy. I cannot find any determination of the parallax of this star by other astronomers. PARALLAX OF a CEPHEI Deduced from Observations at Critical Epochs. The stars selected for the determination of the relative parallax of a Cephei are D.M. + 6i, No. 2106 ... Magnitude 9.1 ... Star a D.M. + 62 , No. 1936 ... 9.3 ... b D.M. + 6i, No. 2107 ... 9.0 ... c D.M. + 62 , No. 1927 ... 9.1 ... d. The approximate position-angles and distances of these four stars are for star (a) p = 211 2,2 = 47 9 = 267 25 = 81 16 = 989 = 672 = 5" = 878. The accompanying figure is a diagram showing the relative position of these stars, with the form and position of the parallactic ellipse. Hast South The parallactic factors in the equations of condition have been computed from the expressions o / Star (a) ... ds = ^[9.99999] cos (o 103 10) (b) ... ds = 22 [9.99843] cos (0-268 25) (c) ... ds = ^[9.98087] cos (O 49 20) (d) ... ds= ^[9.98400] cos (0235 23). The proper motion of a Cephei, after consulting various authorities, has been assumed, in E.A. +c s .02i8 Decl n . +0^.035. These preliminary facts will, with the information already afforded, permit the subsequent tables to be easily followed. 128 Parallax of a Cephei derived TABLE I. Measures of the diagonal distances of Star (a) from Star (b), and of Star (c)from Star (d),for the determination, at the times of exposure, of the correction to their measured distances from a Cephei. No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887-8. Measured Distance of (a) to (6) in Arc. Correction for Refrac- tion and Aberration. Difference from Assumed Mean 1647".50. Measured Distance of (c) to (d) in Arc. Correction for Refrac- tion and Aberration. Difference from Assumed Mean 1387". 10. d. h. // // // // // I 87 Nov. 14 8.1 1647.093 + 0.436 0.029 1386.375 + 0.412 + 0.313 2 15 6.8 47.426 .421 - -347 86.994 .368 .262 3 17 7-3 46.463 .424 + -613 86.210 385 + -SOS 4 23 6.8 47-36S .420 - .285 86.851 379 .130 5 24 7.1 47.220 .422 - .142 86.679 392 + .029 6 Dec. 6 6.9 1646.691 + o-434 + 0-375 1386.214 + 0.412 + 0-474 7 7 7.0 46.561 .436 + -503 85-97I .420 + -709 8 15 7-5 46.861 499 + -Ho 86.303 .489 + -308 9 16 6.9 47-233 -474 - .207 86.650 447 + .003 10 23 6.7 46.211 474 + -815 86.006 469 + .625 ii 88 May 3 12.6 1647.424 + 0.501 0.425 1386.721 + 0.671 0.292 12 4 "-4 47.281 494 - -275 86.718 .695 - .313 13 8 12.0 46.455 .501 + -544 86.172 .684 + -244 '4 IO 12.2 46.668 5" + -321 86.153 .672 + -275 15 12 II.3 47.260 .502 - .262 86.374 .696 -030 16 June 30 1 2. i 1646.824 + 0.565 + O.III 1386.572 + 0.541 0.013 17 July 3 10.3 46.858 559 + .-083 86.570 592 - .062 18 5 12. i 47.181 561 .242 86.962 493 -355 19 9 11.7 46.944 563 - .007 86.475 .496 + -129 20 12 9.6 46.629 -558 + .313 86.337 .501 + .262 21 Nov. 9 8.7 1647.101 + 0.452 0.053 1386.970 + 0-434 0.304 22 13 7-3 46.908 445 + -147 86.685 .424 - .009 23 16 9.3 47.187 515 .202 86.816 503 .219 2 4 20 8.6 47-334 474 - .308 86.711 463 - -074 25 21 8.9 46-734 .501 + -265 86.207 .492 + -401 NOTES. No. 4. The exposure continued for ten minutes owing to haze. No. 5. The images elliptical, but measurable. No. 9. One of the plates rejected : the measures being grossly discordant. No. II. Clouds passing : the exposures of somewhat uncertain length. No. 17. Clouds passing : the exposures sometimes interrupted. No. 20. Images elliptical, but measurable. No. 24. Exposure continued for eight minutes : the images of the comparison stars very faint. from Observations at Selected Epochs. 129 TABLE II. Concluded measures of a Cephei, from the comparison Stars (a) and (b). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887-8. Measured Distance of Star (a) from a Cephei. Sum of Corrections Concluded Distance of Star (a). Measured Distance of Star (6) from a Cephei. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (6). d. h. // // // tt // // I 87 Nov. 14 8.1 989-377 + 0.255 989.632 672.555 + 0.152 672.707 2 15 6.8 89.549 .158 89.707 72.619 .014 72.633 3 17 7-3 88.869 635 89.504 72.336 .406 72.742 4 23 6.8 89.503 .090 89.593 72.875 .040 7 2 -9'5 5 24 7.1 89.609 .177 89.786 72.613 .104 72.717 6 Dec. 6 6.9 989.159 + 0.483 989.642 672.491 + 0.324 672.815 7 7 7-o 88.964 .565 89.529 72.448 379 72.827 8 15 7-5 89.454 373 89.827 72.429 .264 72.693 9 16 6.9 89.596 .146 89.742 72.801 .105 72.906 10 23 6.7 88.863 .768 89.631 72.259 533 72.792 ii 88 May 3 12.6 989.761 + 0.004 989.765 672.486 + 0.092 672.578 12 4 11.4 89.780 .103 89.883 72442 .200 72.642 13 8 12.0 89.207 587 89.794 72.241 .486 72.727 H 10 12.2 89.144 455 89.599 72.191 .402 72.593 15 12 11.3 89.772 .105 89.877 72.659 157 72.816 16 June 30 12. i 989.568 + 0.346 989.914 672.390 + 0:352 672.742 17 July 3 10.3 89-383 .322 89.705 72.295 -344 72.639 18 5 ".I 89.093 534 89.627 72.699 193 72.892 iQ 9 "-7 89.611 .272 89.883 72.425 -302 72.727 20 12 9.6 89.442 433 89.875 72.224 44 1 72-665 21 Nov. 9 8.7 989.621 4 0.141 989.762 672.454 4-0.286 672.740 22 13 7-3 89.263 + -256 89.519 72.227 366 72.593 23 16 9.3 89.661 + .086 89.747 72.628 -257 72.885 2 4 20 8.6 89.726 .006 89.720 72.419 .197 72.616 2 5 21 8.9 89.261 + -352 89.613 72.427 445 72.872 130 Concluded Parallax of a Cephei TABLE III. Equations of Condition formed from the concluded distances of a Cephei from Star (a), as given in Table II. No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // I 87 Nov. 14 8.1 + 0.132 = x 0.6224 TT 0.1312 dp + 0.032 2 15 6.8 .207 = x .6347 .1284 .044 3 '7 7-3 .004 = x .6611 - I2 3O + .158 4 23 6.8 .093 = x .7338 .1065 + -063 5 24 7-i .286 = x .7454 .1038 .130 6 Dec. 6 6.9 + 0.142 = x 0.8632 0.0710 + 0.006 7 7 7-0 .029 = x .8714 .0683 + -"9 8 IS 7-5 .327 = x .9270 .0464 - -183 9 1 6 6.9 .242 = x .9324 .0437 .098 10 23 6.7 .131 = x .9636 .0245 + .012 ii 88 May 3 12.6 + 0.265 = x +0.5164 +0.3382 0.000 12 4 11.4 383 = x + -5304 + -3409 - .117 13 8 12.0 .294 = x + .5880 + .3518 .024 14 IO 12.2 .099 = x + .6157 + .3573 + -173 '5 12 II.3 .377 = x + .6422 + .3628 .103 16 June 30 1 2. 1 + 0.414 = x +1.0146 +0.4970 0.107 i7 July 3 10.3 .205 = x + 1.0167 + .5050 + .IO2 18 5 12.1 .127 = x +1.0165 + .5107 + .180 19 9 "-7 .383 = x +1.0144 + .5215 .076 20 12 9.6 375 = * +1.0074 + .5295 .069 21 Nov. 9 8.7 + 0.262 = x 0.5642 +0.8580 -0.057 22 13 7-3 .019 = x .6049 + .8688 + -183 23 16 93 .247 = x .6590 + .8770 .049 2 4 20 8.6 .220 = x .7083 + .8880 - .025 25 21 8.9 .113 = x .7205 + .8907 + .082 Treating these equations in the usual method, the following- normal equations result : + 5".376 = +25.0000 x + 7.3504^- 3.249677 + 1.8970=+ 7.3504 + 5- 8 5 61 + i-3 8 49 + 0.4798 = 3.2496 +1.3849 +15.4480 whence, by solution, are obtained the values of the unknowns, viz. // x = +0.214 dp= +0.0373 ir= +O.0729. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is +o".H3, and that the probable error of TT is +o' / .O3O9. from the Stars of Comparison (a) and (b). 131 TABLE IV. Equations of Condition formed from the concluded distances of a Cepheifrom Star (b), as given in Table II. No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // I 87 Nov. 14 8.1 + 0.207 = X + 0-7974 7T O.I3I2 d[L + 0.048 2 15 6.8 .133 = x + .8067 .1284 + .122 3 17 7-3 .242 = x + .8260 .1230 + .014 4 23 6.8 .415 = x + .8778 .1065 - -157 5 24 7-i .217 = a + .8851 .1038 + -041 6 Dec. 6 6.9 + 0.315 = x + -95S2 0.0710 0.054 7 7 7-0 .327 = x + .9590 .0683 - .065 8 IS 7-5 .193 = a + .9802 .0464 + .069 9 16 6.9 .406 = x + .9811 .0437 .144 10 23 6.7 .292 = x + .9813 .0245 .029 ii 88 May 3 12.6 + 0.078 = x 0.7199 +0.3382 + 0.128 12 4 n-4 .142 = x .7313 + .3409 + .064 *3 8 12.0 .227 = x .7777 + .3518 .023 H 10 12.2 .093 = x .7993 + .3573 + .III 15 12 II.3 .316 = x .8198 + .3628 .112 16 June 30 1 2. i + 0.242 = x 0.9972 +0.4970 0.043 17 July 3 10.3 .139 = x .9865 + .5050 + .061 18 5 12.1 .392 = x .9784 + .5107 .192 !9 9 i-7 .227 = x .9625 + .5215 .027 20 12 9.6 .165 = x .9389 + .5295 + .037 21 Nov. 9 8.7 + 0.240 = x +0.7508 +0.8580 + 0.031 22 13 7-3 .093 = x + .7943 + .8688 + - J 79 23 16 9.3 .385 = x + .8245 + .8770 .in 24 20 8.6 .116 = x + .8598 + .8880 + - J 59 25 21 8.9 .372 = x + .8684 + .8907 .097 Treating 1 these equations in the usual method, the following 1 normal equations result : + 5.974 = +25.00000 + 7.3504^ + 4435 8< f + 1.7383= + 7.3504 +5-8561 - 0.9886 + 1.7051 = + 4-435 8 -0.9886 +19.3107 whence, by solution, are obtained the values of the unknowns, viz. H x = +0.227 dp = +0.0181 77= +0.0371. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is +o".io6, and that the probable error of TT is +o".o256. PARALLAX OF a CEPHEI, RELATIVELY TO STARS (C) AND (D). TABLE V. Concluded measures of a Cephei, from the comparison Stars (c) and (d). No. for Refer- ence. Date of Exposure of Plate. 1887-8. Measured Distance of Star (c) from a Cephei. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (c>. Measured Distance of Star (d) from a Cephei. Sum of Corrections. Concluded Distance of Star (d). d. h. // // // tt // it I 87 Nov. 14 8.1 510.815 + 0.290 5II-I05 877.677 + 0.436 878.113 2 15 6.8 10.843 + .060 10.903 78-055 045 78.100 3 17 7-3 10.654 + -35 II.OO4 77.360 543 77-903 4 23 6.8 10.783 -1- -109 10.892 78.046 '39 78.185 S 24 7.1 10.945 + .173 i 1.1 iS 77.987 .212 78.199 6 Dec. 6 6.9 510.722 + 0.340 511.062 877.509 + 0-553 878.062 7 7 7.0 10.518 + .429 10.947 77.614 .699 78-3I3 8 IS 7-5 10.846 + -301 II.I 4 7 77-516 497 78.013 9 1 6 6.9 10.844 + .174 1I.OI8 77.815 .277 78.092 10 23 6.7 10.678 + -412 11.090 77-485 .689 78.174 ii 88 May 3 12.6 5II.CI4 + 0.099 5II-I3 877.701 + 0.282 877.983 12 4 "-4 10.752 + .102 10.854 77.766 .281 78.047 13 8 12.0 10.740 + -302 11.042 77-359 .633 77.992 H 10 12.2 10.867 4- -305 11.172 77.363 .646 78.009 15 12 11.3 JO.SlI -f .202 11.013 77-398 .467 77.865 16 June 30 i a. i 511.063 + O.II9 511.182 877-524 + 0.414 877.938 !7 July 3 10.3 10.931 + .122 "053 77.695 .412 78.107 18 5 ".I 10.995 .028 10.967 77.842 .167 78.009 19 9 n-7 11.045 + .152 11.197 77.689 479 78.168 20 12 9.6 10.864 + -241 11.105 77.222 .627 77-849 21 Nov. 9 8.7 5II.III 0.084 511.027 878.003 + 0.216 878.219 22 13 7-3 11.093 -f- .O2O 11.113 77.693 399 78.092 23 16 9.3 10.915 .032 10.883 77.864 .315 78.179 2 4 20 8.6 11.004 + -005 11.009 77.889 .386 78275 25 21 8.9 10.928 + -194 II. 122 77.400 705 78.105 Parallax of a Cephei from Star (c). TABLE VL 133 Equations of Condition formed from the concluded distances of a Cephei from Star (c), as given in Table V. No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. it // I 87 Nov. 14 8.1 + 0.305 = X 0.9452 7T O.I3I2 dp 0.080 2 15 6.8 .103 = x .9441 .1284 + .122 3 17 7-3 .204 = x .9408 .1230 + .020 4 23 6.8 .092 = x .9243 .1065 + -132 5 24 7.1 .318 = x .9204 .1038 -094 6 Dec. 6 6.9 + 0.262 = x 0.8539 0.0710 0.039 7 7 7.0 .147 = x .8464 .0683 + -077 8 15 7-5 .347 = x .7786 .0464 -I2 4 9 1 6 6.9 .218 = x .7690 .0437 + .005 10 23 6.7 .290 = x .6955 .0245 - .067 ii 88 May 3 12.6 + 0.313 a x +0.9614 +0.3382 0.044 13 4 11.4 .054 = x + .9629 + .3409 + .215 13 8 12.0 .242 = x + .9667 + .3518 + -027 14 IO 12.2 .372 = x + .9670 + .3573 .103 15 12 II.3 .213 = x + .9661 + .3628 + -057 16 June 30 1 2. i + 0.382 = x +0.6229 +0.4970 O.III i7 July 3 10.3 .253 = x + .5857 + -55 + -017 18 S ".I .167 = x + .5587 + -5107 + -103 19 9 11.7 .397 = x + .5184 + -5215 .128 20 12 9.6 .305 = * + -4 6 37 + -5295 ~ .036 21 Nov. 9 8.7 + 0.227 = x 0.9469 +0.8580 + 0.035 22 13 7-3 .313 = x .9454 + -8688 .051 23 16 9.3 .083 = x .9410 + .8770 + .180 24 20 8.6 .209 = x .9315 + -8880 + -054 25 21 8.9 .322 = x .9283 + .8907 .058 Treating these equations in the usual method, the following normal equations result : + 6.138 = + 25.00000 + 7.3504^- 5.737871 + 2.0207=+ 7.3504 +5- 8 56i - 0.2567 -1.0462= - 5.737 8 -0.2567 +18.0845 whence, by solution, are obtained the values of the unknowns, viz. // x +0.234 dp = +0.0518 7T = + 0.0172. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is +o".ioo, and that the probable error of TT is +o".O249. 134 Parallax of a Cephei from Star (d). TABLE VII. Equations of Condition formed from the measures of a Cephei and Star (d), as given in Table V. No. Date, 1887-8. Equations of Condition. Residuals. d. h. // // I 87 Nov. 14 8.1 + 0.313 = X 4- 0.9515 7T O.I3I2 dp 4- 0.031 2 15 6.8 .300 = x 4- .9521 .1284 4- -044 3 '7 7-3 .103 = x 4- .9524 .1230 4- .242 4 23 6.8 385 = * 4- -9465 -I06S .041 5 24 7.1 399 = * + -9442 .1038 -054 6 Dec. 6 6.9 -{-0.262 = x 4~ 0.9059 0.0710 4-0.081 7 7 7-o 5*3 = a; + -8917 .0683 - .171 8 15 7-5 .213 = x 4- .8360 .0464 4- .T2 3 9 16 6.9 .292 = x 4- .8279 .0437 4- .044 10 23 6.7 374 = + .7639 -0245 - .044 ii 88 May 3 12.6 + 0.183 = x 0.9532 +0.3382 0.028 12 4 ".4 .247 = x .9563 4- .3409 -093 13 8 12.0 .192 = x .9672 + .3518 -039 H IO 12.2 .209 = x .9710 4- .3573 - .056 IS 12 II.3 .065 = x .9734 4- .3628 4- .088 16 June 30 1 2. i 4-0.138 = x 0.7030 4-0-4970 4- 0.058 17 July 3 10.3 .307 = x .6691 + .5050 .106 18 5 12.1 .209 = x .6441 4- .5107 .004 19 9 11.7 .368 x .6067 4- .5215 - -158 20 12 9.6 .049 = x .5551 4- .5295 4- -158 21 Nov. 9 8.7 4-0.419 = x 4-0.9458 4-0.8580 4- 0.003 22 13 7-3 .292 = x 4- .9513 4- -8688 4- -130 23 16 9.3 .379 = x 4- -9524 4- -8770 4- -044 24 20 8.6 475 = 4- -9497 4- -8880 .051 25 21 8.9 .305 = x 4- .9484 4- .8907 4- -119 Treating these equations in the usual method, the following normal equations result : 4-6.983 = 4- 25.00000 4- 7-354^M+ 3-i7467r 4-2.2348= 4- 7-354 4-5.^501 4- 0.0183 4-3.0530=4- 3.1746 4-0.0182 4-19.2716 whence, by solution, are obtained the values of the unknowns, viz. // x = 4-0.241 dp= 4-0.0785 TT = 4- O.1186. It further appears that the probable error of one complete measure of distance is +o".iO4, and that the probable error of TT is +O / '.O274. Collected Results for Parallax of a Cephei. 135 The collected results for the parallax of a Cephei, gathered from the preceding pages, are as follows : Star's Name. Mag. Relative Annual Parallax. Probable Error of Parallax. Probable Error of one Com- plete Measure of Distance. D.M. + 6i, No. 2106 9.1 + O.O729 0.0309 n 0.113 +62, 1926 9-3 + 0.0371 0.0256 0.106 +61, 2107 9.0 + 0.0172 0.0249 0.100 +62, 1927 9.1 + 0.1186 0.0274 0.104 The comparatively great difference of one-tenth of a second between the relative parallaxes of this star in respect of the faint stars of comparison (c) and (d\ is very observable, and is even more marked than in the case of Polaris, to which reference has already been made. And yet the brightness of these comparatively faint stars is approximately the same. Moreover, the determination of a parallax of one -tenth of a second is far within the capa- bilities of these researches. It will therefore be a question of interest to ascertain whether the relative parallaxes of the stars (c) and (d) cannot be determined by a direct method. The proper motion of a Cephei calls for no particular remark, nor can I find any other determination of its parallax. Here arises once more the suggestion of an enquiry already partially applied to 6 1 Cygni, viz. as to the effect of a greater or less number of sets of observa- tions on the concluded parallax of a star. Accordingly, I made an additional set of measures of distance during the month of July last, at which time the co-efficient of parallax for the stars (a) and (b) is influential. The addition of this set of five nights in July last, leads to the following normal equations, based on the whole thirty nights : viz. six sets of five nights each : For the Star (a). + 6.916 = +30.0000 x + 14.9756 dp + 1.78597: 17.4854 + 9.0505 9-55 +20.5197. + 4.2466= +14.9756 + 2.0345= + 1.7859 For the Star (b). H + 7.117 = +30.00005? + 14.9756^ 0.248477 + 3.4847 = +14.9756 +17.4854 - 8.1319 + 0.6419= 0.2484 8.1319 +23.7027. The results of the solution of the above equations are // // Star (a) ... TT = +0.0709 0.0305 ... weight 3.710 Star (b) ... TT = +0.03 74 0.0255 weight 4.158. 136 Effect of Altering the Number of Observations. On comparing these results with those already given (page 135) deduced from twenty-five nights, and which are here repeated for convenience / // Star (a) ... TT = +0.0729 + 0.0309 ... weight 3.664 Star (b) ... IT +0.0371+0.0256 ... weight 4.027 it appears that no material alteration has arisen by increasing the number of nights from twenty-five to thirty, either as respects the parallaxes or the ' weights ' attached to them. On pursuing a similar line of investigation as to the effects of reducing the number of the sets of observation, by the omission of the two sets made in the months of November and June, when, for these stars (a) and (#), the co-efficient of parallax was less influential, the following results were deduced : // Star (0) ... TT = + 0.0522 + 0.0463 ... weight 2.277 Star (#) ... TT = + 0.0375 + 0.0466 ... weight 2.444 wherein are exhibited considerable alterations both in parallax and ' weight/ From all the above details, which may be regarded as important and decisive as to the number and distribution of the sets of measures which it is desirable to make, the inevitable conclusion appears to be that the plan of curtailment herein already adopted in these researches is at once economical and satisfactory, and I am thereby encouraged to continue the method with reference to the remaining stars of the second magnitude. I conclude with a summary of the Results, obtained in the foregoing investigations. Summary of Parallactic Determinations. 137 Summary of Results. Star's Name. Magnitude and (Proper Motion) of Star. Designation of Comparison Star. Relative Annual Parallax. Photometric Magnitude of Comparison Star. Approximate Distance of Comparison Star. H II n 61 C ni 4.98 a + 0.429 0.016 7-73 1380 *T 7 (516) b .441 .022 8.67 1003 c .445 .021 8.88 1118 d .419 .018 9-34 953 6 1. Cverni .. 4.98 a + O.425 0.018 7-73 1360 (516) b .451 .019 8.67 1024 c .432 .019 8.88 1107 d .430 .018 9-34 961 IJL Cassiopeiae . . . 540 a + 0.051 0,027 7.89 756 // (3.75) b .021 .023 8.38 1356 Polaris 2.05 a + 0.084 0.023 8.22 1285 (o'.05) b .078 + .017 8.30 1056 c .052 .011 6.84 1182 d 100 .018 9-75 1634 a Cassiopeia ... 2.41 a + 0.034 + 0.024 8.68 1042 (o'.05) b .040 + .020 9.26 849 c .034 + .025 10.19 667 d .035 .024 9-30 1113 /3 Cassiopeia... 2.32 a + 0.200 0.034 9.20 440 (o!'55) b 128 .037 9.14 1305 c .131 .034 8-33 664 d 157 .036 9.24 H75 y Cassiopeise . . . 2 ;/ 9 a -0.018 0.037 10.64 1356 (0.02) b + .059 + .044 9-39 74i c + .041 + .029 10.27 465 d .032 .026 8-93 1221 a Cephei 2-57 a + 0,073 0.031 9.08 9 8 9 (016) b .037 + .026 9- 2 5 673 c .017 .025 8.98 5" d 119 .027 9.11 878 From a survey of the foregoing results an enquiry naturally arises as to the relations between the apparent relative lustre of the stars, their parallaxes, and their proper motions. It is true that the element here last mentioned is imperfectly determined, so long as the motions in the line of sight remain 138 Relation of Parallax to Magnitude and Proper Motion. unknown ; but in the long run it seems probable that the latter do not seriously modify the amount of the final resultant motions themselves. Even on a cursory examination of the foregoing summary, it is evident that no relation exhibits itself between the lustre and the parallax: nor in fact should we expect to find any such relation, if, as we have some reason to suppose, the stars in our system are still in various stages of condensation, and of chemical or even mechanical interactions of their component materials. The case, however, is very different in respect to a relation between parallax, or distance, and the apparent proper motion of a star, as seen by us. Here we should naturally expect to find that the observed motions of stars would be materially influenced by their distance from the point of observation, our earth or the sun, provided there is some systematic connection, as we presume there is, between these proper motions themselves. Dr. Oudemans in a very valuable and interesting memoir just printed in the Ait. Nacfi.,No. 2915, has collected all the reliable parallactic determinations yet made (not yet amounting to fifty), and has tabulated them in five groups of nine stars each, arranged in the order of their proper motions, and the prominent conclusion to be drawn therefrom is, that so soon as the observed proper motion of a star falls below one-twentieth of a second of arc, its parallax may be expected to fall below one-tenth of a second. This concluded relation between proper motion and parallax may indeed be somewhat modified by the fact, that the selection of stars for the determination of parallax has hitherto been greatly influenced by the consideration of their known large proper motions ; nevertheless, this last observation hardly applies to those series of stars, selected for parallactic investigations on grounds quite irrespective of motion, such as the groups of the first and second magnitude stars submitted to observation by Dr. Elkin and myself. It must not, however, be overlooked, that any final conclusion on this subject is necessarily premature on account of the small number of parallactic determinations available for discussion. 4-4 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ; \\ ^ WA i> /vwt