HILLINGDON HALL OR THE COCKNEY SQUIRE PUBLISHER'S NOTE. This, one of the best of Mr. Surtees' works, was originally commenced in the New Sporting Magazine, and illustrated by the inimitable artists, Wildrake and Heath, but was not completed in that Magazine. It was afterwards published complete in a Three Volume edition. The Five Illustrations now added are by John Jellicoe, and illustrate the latter portion of the work not done by Wildrake or Heath. All are coloured by hand. HILLINGDON HALL THE COCKNEY SQUIRE H ftale of Country Xife BY AUTHOR OF 'HANDLEY CROSS," "JORROCKS'S JAUNTS AND JOLLITIES," &c. TKflftb twelve Illustrations BY WILDRAKE HEATH JELLICOE COLOURED BY HAND LONDON JOHN C. NIMMO 14, KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND MDCCCLXXXV1H Saflantpne ^ oOo Stack Annex / 5 .cm TO THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND, THIS VOLUME IS INSCRIBED, BY THEIR OBEDIENT HUMBLE SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. 2032577 PREFACE. IKE Author of this work will not trespass on the indulgence of the reader, in the way of preface, further than to say that the agricultural portion of it is not meant to dis- courage improvement, but to repress the wild schemes of theoretical men, who attend farmers' meetings for the pleasure of hearing themselves talk, and do more harm than good by the promulgation of their visionary views. HODDESDON, HERTS, October 1844. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, COLOURED BY HAND. 1. MR. JORROCKS'S ARRIVAL ASTONISHES THE VILLAGE OF HILLINGDON Frontispiece 2. MR. JORROCKS ACCOSTS HERCULES STRONG . . Face Page 34 3. THE DUKE OF DONKEYTON CALLS ON MR. JORROCKS . . 56 4. THE GUESTS DEPART FROM DONKEYTON CASTLE . . .112 5. THE SURPRISE ..'....... 246 6. THE HARVEST HOME BALL . . ... . . 270 7. "IT'S SIR ROBERT PEEL'S GRAND BOOLE" .... 284 8. THE MARQUIS OF BRAY KISSES KMMA . . . ' . . 330 9. MR. JORROCKS STARTS THE HARE 342 10. THE DUKE'S HORROR AT THE MARQUIS MARRYING A COM- MONER . . . . : 392 11. MR. BOWKER'S PERSONAL CANVASS- . ... . 458 12. MR. JORROCKS ADDRESSING THE CROWD * '-. . . .502 HILLINGDON HALL OR, THE COCKNEY SQUIRE. CHAPTER I. ! Oh, knew he but his happiness, of men, The happiest he who, far from public rage, Deep in the vale, with a choice few retired, Drinks the pure pleasure of the rural life." ILLINGDON HALL was one of those nice old- fashioned, patchy, up-stairs and down-stairs sort of houses, that either return to their primitive smallness, or are swept away for stately man- sions with well-arranged suites of company rooms, leaving perhaps the entrance or a room or two. to disfigure the rest, and show what the edifice originally was. This at least is the fate of most of them. As soon as the last addition or improvement is completed, down comes the whole; and a plausible architect so confuses the owner with indis- pensables things without which " no house can be perfect " that when at length the masons and joiners and painters and plasterers and plumbers have taken their departure, he finds himself the master of quite a different sort of house to what he wanted, and begins to think the old patched house would have served his purpose very well, and been much more comfortable. Hillingdon Hall was quite a specimen of the old-fashioned manor-house. Driving through the neat little village, with its pretty white-washed, rose-covered cottages, a simple portico projecting a little into the street, was all that A 2 HILLIXGDON HALL. denoted a mansion of pretension ; but when the door was opened, and the stranger ushered along a wide but low passage, into a fair-sized hall, with a billiard table in the centre, the numerous carved black oak doors and passages branching off, increased its importance as he proceeded. The old rooms, consisting of a dining and drawing room on either side of the entrance, were of fair dimensions, oak- wainscoted, with deep recesses at either end, closed by sliding shutters, but these had long been converted into a housekeeper's and " master's room," and first one and then another had been added, until a handsome dining, drawing room, and library ranged along the new front. Still there was no attempt at architectural symmetry or display. Each room had been added separately and stuck in, as it were, so as not to interfere with its neighbours, and a verandah accommodating itself to the various angles of the house, and encompassing three sides of it, was the only piece of uniformity about the place ; all the lower windows opened into this, and under its fragrant shade a tolerable share of exercise might be obtained on a wet day. The view from it was beautiful. Beyond an undulating lawn profusely studded with gigantic oaks and ground-sweeping pines, the land stretched away to a high promontory, whose rocky peak was washed by the clear waters of the rapid Dart, which girded the two sides of the angular estate. The fields were large and well divided, and being of that table land frequently found on river margins, showed to the eye as large again as they were. The village with its hall stood about the centre of the angle's base, and diverging from the road, about a mile on the east, there was a sweet saunter along flowery meads up the river's course, until the gradually narrowing hills changed into craggy heights wild and magnificent grandeur with drooping, dark green yews, and brighter broom, or gayer gorse, or mountain ash, springing from the interstices of the unscaleable rocks and craggy steeps. Between these lofty cliffs the rapid river flowed in noisy haste ; now foaming and rushing through water-worn chasms in the massive rock, now pouring in regular flood over some HILLIXGDON HALL. 3 breast-high barrier, now dashing and dividing into a hundred channels, against the fragments of a scattered rock, and now gliding noiselessly away into the tranquillity of deeper water. From the giddy heights of the crag-head, the eye roved over a vast expanse of mountainous wood-clothed country. Following up the water's course, the rocks and banks again gradually receded; the land drooped towards the river, whose gurgling stream sounded soothingly through the spaces between sweeping spruce, whose lofty and luxuriant forms lined either side of a well-kept grassy ride. Here pheasants fed and loitered in the tameness of tranquil security, squirrels spurted up the trees, wood-pigeons cooed wooingly in the branches, blackbirds and thrushes and nightingales, all the feathered tribe, in short, joined in the minstrelsy of the waters : and as the wanderer pursued his way amid the music of nature and the perfume of wild flowers, a sudden turn brought him again in sight of grass fields beyond the road on the other side of the angle's base from whence he had set out. This was its out-of-door or walking aspect. From the windows, though the acclivities of the crag were lost, there wero two peeps of the silvery water at the extreme sides of the angle where the banks were lowest, and an immense tract of forest scenery, extending from the opposite hill and stretching quite over the mountain-brow, broke the sky line with the spiral tops of pines and larches com- mingled with grey rocks and pointed cliffs, scattered in irregular confusion over the wild surface. No sign of habitation appeared save the clear white curl of smoke from the woodmen's cottages, scattered at wide intervals in the deep bosom of the forest. The animation of village life was all behind the Hall. This terrestrial paradise had long been the blissful retreat of Mr. Westbury, a man of infinite talent and learning, and about one of the last of the old-fashioned race of country gentlemen who lived all the year round on their estates. The beauty of the spot might indeed plead in excuse for so uncivilized a proceeding, for Mr. 4 HILLIXGDON HALL. Westbury had ample means of partaking of London plea- sures in the unostentatious style of personal comfort, which, after all, is the truest way of enjoying them. But year after year rolled on, season succeeded season, without the vacuum occurring that required the filling up of London life. Happy in the tranquillity of the country, happy in the companionship of a sympathizing wife, happy in the society of congenial friends, happy in the seclusion of the woods that his hands had planted, or in wandering over the fields and meadows that his skill had fertilized, age succeeded youth, " And all his prospects brightening to the last, His heaven commenced ere the world was past." He was the patriarch of the district the man to whom all disputes were referred, all plans submitted the man by whom all charities were promoted the petty king in fact. The humble inhabitants of the little village looked up to him, the wealthier neighbours were always anxious to consult him ; and when death closed the eyes of the amiable owner of Hillingdon Hall, and his comfortable mansion, with its rich and picturesque domain, its woods and waterfalls, varied and romantic scenery, became the subject of newspaper advertisements, people far and wide regretted the loss, and the inhabitants of the pretty little village felt that the sun of Hillingdon's glory had set for ever. Some time elapsed after the sale before it became known who was the purchaser of the Hillingdon estate ; some gave it to one person, some to another ; the lawyers, as usual, were " mum." ( 5 ) CHAPTER II. "... most delicate fiend ! Who is't can read a woman ? " SHAKSPEARE. |RS. FLATHER and Mrs. Trotter, who had long battled for the honour of being second to the Hall people, and who had only been restrained from downright acts of hostility by the amiable intervention of Mr. and Mrs. Westbury, seemed to have entered into a sort of truce in case the new-comer should require their united opposition. Mrs. Flather was a simple, apparently open-hearted, but in reality double-dealing, half-cunning sort of woman, extremely candid and straightforward when it suited her convenience, and extremely stupid and dull of compre- hension when the reverse was the case. She was the undespairing widow of a clergyman, an old friend of Mr. Westbury' s, like him then recently gone to his last home. Mrs. Flather was a capital figure for a gossip short and dumpy, with a mild, placid, unmeaning sort of countenance, that banished all fear as to what one might say before her. Moreover, by assuming her late husband's undisguised detestation of gossip and twaddle, she rather inveigled people into communicativeness. " Oh, don't tell me any secrets, pray ! " she would exclaim or, " Don't tell me any- thing that doesn't concern myself. I never meddle with other people's affairs," and so on ; by which means she often got possession of secrets that would otherwise never have been intrusted to her. Mrs. Trotter was of the masculine order : a great, tall, stout, upstanding, black-eyed, black-haired woman, with a 6 HILLINGDOX HALL. strong, unturnable resolution ; and a poor, little, henpecked, Jerry Sneak of a husband, who was of no more account in the house than if no such being existed. He was a kind, mild-dispositioned man, who might have been a useful and amiable member of society, had not his wife's magnificent proportions captivated him at the outset of life, and merged his insignificance in herself. Mrs. Trotter was a busy, bust- ling woman, with such a strong sense of " duty " as fre- quently caused her to say and do things that most people would have been glad to leave alone. If she saw an incipient flirtation, she always thought it her " duty " to caution the parties or their friends ; if Mr. Brown called on Mrs. Green oftener than she thought right, she would think it her duty to inform Mrs. Green's hus- band ; if Doctor Bolus hinted that he thought Miss Martin in a delicate way, she would bundle on her bonnet and shawl, and forthwith assure Miss Martin that she thought it her duty to tell her she was going to die, and advise her to prepare accordingly. It would never answer the purpose of any author to allow two such ladies as these to be without the essential requisites of daughters, and we are happy to say that in this instance there is no need of fiction, for Mrs. Flather had her most interesting, well-blown Emma, coming after a couple of sons one at sea, the other ashore, whom we only introduce to dismiss as perfectly intractable in our hands ; while Mrs. Trotter had her Eliza at the head of a graduating scale of little Trotters, ranging from sixteen years to six. Some links had been broken in the chain, but at the time of which we are writing Mrs. Trotter had her six little followers. As, however, there is no occasion to load the reader's mind with people as an omnibus cad does his vehicle, we may here state that Eliza is the only one of the young ones we mean to deal with. Emma Flather was of the middle stature, what would be called a good-sized girl, neither too big nor too little, too fat nor too thin, with well-rounded limbs, and altogether a good armfullish sort of figure. She had a fair, clear, alabaster-like complexion, full, oval face, pale and yet not HILLIXGDOX HALL. 7 sickly, with light brown hair, well-pencilled eyebrows, darkly-fringed, blueish-greyish eyes, rosy lips, and regular pearly teeth. Perhaps we have hardly done justice to her eyes. In repose they were mild and passionless, lighting up, however, when animated, into a radiance that imparted life and intelligence to a countenance that at other times some perhaps might not have called pretty. Still Emma was never worked into anything like glow or excitement. As some one said of Talleyrand, that you might kick him behind without his countenance betraying a change, so a man might have kissed Emma Flather for half-an-hour without raising a blush on her cheeks. Indeed, she was a fine piece of animated statuary and as cold withal. A provoking sort of girl. Not exactly pretty enough to fall in love with for her looks, and yet dangerous with her looks and blandishments combined. She was desperately enthusiastic ; could assume raptures at the sight of a daisy, or weep o'er the fate of a fly in a slop-basin. Moreover, she had a smattering of accomplishments, could sing, and play, embroider, work worsteds, murder French and Italian, and had a knack of talking and pretending to a great deal more talent than she possessed. This taste for exaggera- tion she carried into other matters ; she had a fine fertile imagination frequently fancied herself a great heiress talked of the beauty of her aunt's place in Dorsetshire insinuated that she was to inherit it, with a vast number of other little self-enhancements, plainly showing that her education had not been neglected. Emma was a curious mixture of high-mindedness and meanness of feeling and insensibility. Full of enthusiasm and lofty sentiments compassionate and tender beyond expression when it suited her purpose she was, nevertheless, selfish and insensible to the last degree. Cold, calculating, and cunning, she had all the worldly-mindedness of a well- hackneyed woman of fifty in short, of her mother. As the Frenchman said of his dog, " she was well down to charge," and thoroughly appreciated the difference between an elder son and a younger. She would dismiss the latter at any moment that her mother hinted the probability of any- 8 HILLINGDON HALL. thing better. All this told in her favour, she acquired the character of a model of propriety, and Emma Flather was held up as a pattern girl for all young ladies to imitate. Of course, old mother Flather was extremely anxious to get her married, but not having fallen in with anything exactly to her mind, she had just flown her at minor game and checked her off under pretence of not being able to part with the dear girl. Eliza Trotter was of a different nature. She was warm- hearted, but shy and reserved, and so humble-minded as to be always most anxious to give way to any one that would have the kindness to take it of her. And yet she was a beauty tall, slight, and graceful, with a clear olive com- plexion, and the brightest black eyes and hair imaginable. Emma Flather was not to be compared to her in point of looks ; and yet, by sheer assumption, she always passed for something infinitely superior. Age, perhaps, might have something to do with this, aided by a certain patronising air that the model of propriety invariably indulged in to those whom she condescended to notice. She set up for something out of the common way, and assumption does a great deal ! We trust the reader comprehends these characters. ( 9 ) CHAPTER III. 'Ecce iterum Crispinus." Here's old Jorrocks again, as we live ! Free Translation. *HE sun had sunk behind the distant hills, the whistling ploughman was watering his horses and washing their legs in the pond at the end of the village, and the tired labourers were knocking the clay from their clogs at their rose-entwined porches, preparatory to entering their cottages, when the jingling rattle of a hack-chaise drew all heads to the street. The cobbler dropped his last, the publican his pipe, the basket-maker his willows, and the sempstress her needlework, to look at the destination of so unusual a sound. Amid the chalky dust raised by a pair of lumbering jaded posters appeared the outline of a yellow po'-chay, so enveloped in packages as to leave little but the side panels visible. A well-matted package of apple trees covered the roof, a desperately-dusted boy in a glazed hat clutched the pot of a huge scarlet geranium in one arm, and with diffi- culty kept himself on the crossbar with the other, while the pockets of the carriage were occupied with bundles of carnations, convolvuluses, caper bushes, and cornelian cherry trees, completely screening the passengers from view. Thus it rolled up the street of Hillingdon, like Birnam Wood on its way to Dunsinane, at the best pace the post- boy could muster to dash up to the Hall door. io HILLIXGDOX HALL. " Veil, thank God, ve're 'ere at last ! " exclaimed a fat, full-limbed, ruddy-faced man, in a nut-brown wig, bounding out of the chaise as soon as the door was opened, cutting off the heads of a whole bunch of roses that had been riding most uncomfortably in the back pocket of his grey zephyr. " Oh, Jun, you've done for the roses ! " exclaimed a female voice from the depths of the chaise. " Cuss the roses ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, giving the fallen flowers a kick with his foot. " Votever you do, come out o' the chay ! for I'm sick o' the werry sight on it. Here, Batsay, come out, and then your missis 'ill get turned round for vot vith her bastle, and vot vith her flounce, she really is as big as an 'ouse." Out then came Batsay, stern foremost, exhibiting the dimensions of a well-turned foot and ankle, and altogether a large, stout, well-proportioned figure. Mr. Jorrocks having eased her of her flower-pot on landing, Batsay gave her dusty, bunchy, black ringlets a shake, and then proceeded to help out her mistress. " Now, Binjimin, vot are you a-sittin' perched up there for, like a squirrel in an acorn tree ? " exclaimed Mr. Jor- rocks to the hero in the glazed hat with the geranium- pot in his arm, who still kept his place on the cross-bar. " Don't you see ve're at 'ome, man ? " Benjamin would have been very clever if he had, for he had never seen the place before. The boy then descended, and Mrs. Jorrocks, in a stiff, rustling, amber- col cured brocade pelisse, with a crimson velvet bonnet, and black feathers, having being baled out, the old deaf man who had been left in charge of the Hall having fumbled the chain off the door, and got it unlocked, stood, hat in hand, while the party proceeded to unpack the chaise, and carry the luggage into the house. " Now, gently with them happle trees ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, as the post-boy prepared to roll them off the roof; " and have a care of the lumbagos (plumbagos) and stockleaved 'ound's tongue, for them are exotics, vot don't HILLDxGDON HALL. n grow in*this country. Paid no end of money for them," added he, in a mutter. Out then came box, and bundle, and parcel, and bunches of flowers and moss-tied roots without end ; and all having been carried into the house, Mr. Jorrocks paid the post-boy, and closed the door upon the curiosity of the inhabitants of the village of Hillingdon. CHAPTER IV. " Oli, what a tangled web we weave When first we practise to deceive ! " the new Squire's come at last ! " exclaimed Mrs. Flatter, bursting into the room the next morning, where Emma sat patching and tor- turing a piece of muslin under the pretence of embroidering a collar. Confound those collars ! If women only knew how little men appreciate those flimsy, fluttering, butterfly articles of dress, they would surely betake themselves to some more profitable employment. Embroidering a collar! Spoiling a good piece of muslin, we should say ! We never see what is called a " richly worked collar " without thinking how much better it would have been to have got a new one, instead of hiding the blemishes of the old one with wreaths, flowers, spots, dots, caterpillars, and other curiosities. But to Mrs. Flather and the Squire. " So the new Squire's come at last," was the exclamation of Mrs. Flather, bursting into the room to her daughter ; and as this is to be a regular orderly three-volume work, we may as well describe the locality before we proceed. Mrs. Flather's husband, as we have said before, had held the living of Hillingdon, the next presentation to which had been purchased for a youth not yet fully japanned, and by a hokus pokus sort of conjuration, it was now held by another ; and Mrs. Flather occupied the manse until the new owner, James Blake, was ready to take possession. The manse did not stand in " Neighbour Row," in the village of Hillingdon, but occupied a slightly elevated posi- HILLIXGDON HALL. 13 tion about a mile off, giving the occupant a view of the beautifully proportioned church, and spire rising amid the foliage of gigantic trees, without the addition to the pros- pect of the village. The house itself was of the patchworky order of Hillingdon Hall (of course, on a much smaller scale), for it is observable that the same style of archi- tecture pervades certain districts ; and the manse was partly stone, partly stucco, partly covered with slate, partly with pantile, though the latter was of the diamond pattern and subdued colour of the new national duck-house in St. James's Park. Still it was very pretty, particularly at the season we are now describing, when gay party- coloured roses bedecked the lower parts, covering the bare stems and stalks of the more aspiring vines and fragrant honeysuckle, or commingling with the large-leaved ivy or perfumed jessamine, showing every bright variety of hue, and every tint of sober green. Altogether, it was a pretty, sentimental-looking spot interesting in itself, but doubly interesting as containing the pattern young lady of the place. It combined all the poetry, without the inconvenience of love in a cottage. Now, a third time, we will surely get under weigh. " So the new Squire's came at last ! " exclaimed Mrs. Flather to her daughter. " Indeed ! " replied Emma, with equal excitement. " How do you know ? " inquired she, laying down her collar, and looking anxiously in her mamma's stupid face. " I have it from very good authority," said Mrs. Flather, with an important nod of the head, as she advanced into the room. Fools are always mysterious. " Well, but you surely can tell me" observed Emma pettishly. "Well, I had it from Jane, who's been down for the milk," said Mrs. Flather, after such a pause as she thought would be a sufficient punishment for her daughter's im- petuosity. " And who told her ? " asked Emma after a similar pause, during which she resumed her stitching as though she did not care to hear anything about them. 14 HILLIXGDOtf HALL " She saw them," replied Mrs. Flatter. " Them ! " observed Emma ; " I thought you said ' The Squire.' " " And his wife," added Mrs. Flather. " Oh, he's married, is he ? " observed Emma, with a sneer. " What lies people do tell," added she angrily after a pause. " Every person has been declaring for the last three weeks that he was a smart, handsome young London gentle- man, and half the girls in the country are ready to set their caps at him." " They may save themselves the trouble," observed Mrs. Flather. " He's a regular, steady, old gentleman, in Hessian boots and a brown wig." " So" observed Emma, with a look of disappointment : " perhaps he'll have some daughters," added she, thinking to vex her mamma with a little mistimed propriety. " Sons would be more to the purpose, I think," replied Mrs. Flather, eyeing her daughter with a half angry glance. Emma worked away without the slightest change coming over her alabaster countenance. " If there are sons, there'll be no harm in seeing what they are like, you know, Emma, my dear," continued the old lady coaxingly. " What, and throw James over ? " inquired Emma, look- ing up. James Blake was the third and present rung in Emma's matrimonial ladder. " Ay, but get well on with the new one first, you know ; but I'm sure, my dear, you've so much discretion, that there is no need for me to point out what is right and proper on such an occasion." " Poor James ! " observed Emma, looking intently at an ink spot she had just discovered on her white muslin frock. Emma dressed plainly. Her mother prided herself on her daughter having no taste for finery, declaring she never was so happy as when in her little muslin frocks. A very con- venient doctrine for mammas, and very taking with the men. "James will soon get over it," continued the affectionate parent ; " but that is very careless of you to ink your frock HILLIXGDOX HALL. 15 in that way clean on to-day, too got to serve till Saturday ; but what I was saying was, that no man ever died of love at the same time, I don't wish you to do any- thing hasty or unfeeling James, you know, can always be had keep him in reserve just as you did little Meadows, nothing could be more delicate or lady-like than the way you dropped him. James, no doubt, was a change for the better, just as Meadows was better than Upton. If you can get one* with double James's fortune, why drop him, and so on, always changing for the better if you can, and taking care always to have one to fall back upon. Men are easily managed. They believe things said to themselves that they would laugh to scorn in the case of another. None of them ever suppose any girl can prefer another to themselves ; and if the point of fortune touches them, ridicule riches, say you would rather live with a man you love upon hundreds, than be the mistress of thousands without the endearments of the heart ; in short, my dear, I am sure your fine feelings and sense of duty will prompt you to do what is right." " Oh, I'm sure they will, my own dear mamma ! " exclaimed Emma, rising and throwing her arms round her mother's neck, and kissing her profusely, thinking all the time of half a strawberry tart she had left in the dining-room closet, for, reader, if the model of propriety had a passion, we blush (which is more than she would do) to say it was for eating. This scene of domestic life was suddenly interrupted by the creaking of the green gate as it swung back on its hinges, causing an involuntary exclamation from Mrs. Flather of " Oh dear, here's that horrid Mrs. Trotter! Eun, Emma, and put on your canary-bird collar." " Odious woman, what can she want ? " muttered Mrs. Flather to herself, bustling into the drawing-room, and seating herself on the centre of the ottoman, as though she had been using her best room all the morning. " Mrs. Trotter, inarm" announced the man-boy in buttons, and immediately Mrs. Trotter's majestic figure occupied the portal. " My dear Mrs. Trotter, I am so delighted to see you ! " 1 6 HILLKs T GDO^ HALL. exclaimed Mrs. Flather, jumping up and saluting her with all the empressement in her power. "I hope you leave all at home well." " Quite well, thank you," was Mrs. Trotter's comprehen- sive reply, as she threw a rich black lace veil over her drawn silk bonnet, and displayed the healthy glow of her fine features, and the lustre of her large black eyes. " And Emma ? " added Mrs. Trotter, looking inquiringly round the room, " how is she ? " "Emma's just stepped into the garden to water her flowers," observed Mrs. Flather, casting an eye towards the garden, as she spoke. "Dear child," said Mrs. Trotter, "she's so fond of her flowers, it's quite a treat to see her among them," thinking it would be, for she knew Emma cared nothing about them. After a few commonplaces about the weather, the clean- liness of the roads, and the dirtiness of the lanes, Emma entered, watering-pot in hand as usual, and Mrs. Flather having arranged her collar behind (which the rose-bushes had somewhat deranged), Emma pretending great impa- tience all the time, she burst into most energetic inquiries after all her sweet young friends at Hillingdon, Eliza in particular. Mrs. Trotter answered in the usual full- measured strain, and then, after a little repetition about the weather and a hit at the rose-bushes, conversation came up short. " And have you heard of the new-comers at the Hall ? " at length interrogated Mrs. Trotter. " No, indeed ! " replied Mrs. Flather ; " you know we never hear anything shut up in this little quiet retreat we feel as if the world was bounded within our gates. Nobody ever tells us anything, and I'm sure I never trouble myself to inquire. It can make little difference to us who comes." " Nay, then ! " exclaimed Mrs. Trotter. " I'm sure, now, I'd have thought you'd have liked to have known. How- ever, never mind I dare say you're right, only it would have looked neighbourly to have given them an early welcome." HILLINGDON HALL. 17 " What, they've come then, have they ? " exclaimed Mrs. Flather, with well-feigned surprise. " Come yes surely ! bag and baggage and I've made it my business to ferret out all about them." " And what have you learned ? " inquired Mrs. Flather, merging her indifference in her curiosity. " Why, I've had a good deal of trouble to make ouc anything, to tell you the truth, for the post-boy that drove them put me on the wrong scent at least, so it would seem, from the information our Thomas got of their servant, whom he met at the public-house, though his story doesn't exactly tally with what our Jane got from their lady's-maid however, I gleaned enough to satisfy myself that their name is Jorrocks, and that they have no family." " What, just a couple by themselves," asked Mrs. Flather, with as much indifference as she could muster. "Are they young ? " " No, oldish, I should think at least their man says his master's been Lord Mayor, and they don't make Lord Mayors of boys. The maid says her mistress is a Lady Patroness of Almack's, and that they've a grand housej in the city Great Lombard Street, I think and I can tell Miss Emma they are great florists," added Mrs Trotter, turning to the model of propriety, who sat admiring her fine collar. " Florists are they ! " repeated Emma, looking up. " I am so glad of that. Oh, how I dote on flowers ! " added she, clasping her hands and turning her fine eyes up to the ceiling. " Yes, they brought a great cargo of flowers and trees, and the man-servant says his master is enormously rich, and kept a pack of hounds, and altogether I think we may congratulate ourselves upon the acquisition not that they may perhaps supply the place of poor dear Mr. and Mrs. Westbury but still we might have done a great deal worse, and altogether I think it is a very nice thing, and I shall consider it my duty to pay my respects to them as soon as ever I hear they are in a situation to receive company, and of course you will do the same." " Oh, I shall call, of course," replied Mrs. Flather ; " but B 1 8 HILLINGDON HALL. not in such a violent hurry," inwardly resolving to be before- hand with Mrs. Trotter if she could, adding, " in a week or ten days' time, perhaps." " Well, just as you please about that," replied Mrs. Trotter ; "in the meantime if you have any acquaintance in London^ perhaps you may as well write to them, and see if you can get any further information. I consider it the duty of us mothers to be circumspect." " Not for the world ! " exclaimed Mrs. Flather ; " I have no curiosity of that sort. It's enough for me to take care of myself and my poor dear child here without troubling myself about other people's affairs." " Well, just as you think right about that ; I like always to know who people are ; indeed, I consider it my duty not that I suppose the Jorrockses are other than highly respect- able, but still as a general rule I mean. But I must be off, for I've got to attend a meeting of the Ladies' Anti-Corn- Law Association, and must pop into Mrs. Barber's to give her a hint that her daughter was walking rather late with young Dodd, the blacksmith, last night ; and that reminds me that our Book Club meeting is to-morrow evening, and I've to distribute the prizes at the Sunday School after that, and write to the secretary of the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society into the bargain ; so now, my dearest Mrs. Flather, good-bye. Emma, my sweetest, good day." Thereupon the ladies kissed with all the smackiness of affection. " It wouldn't be a bad plan for you and I to pop down to the Hall while that tiresome woman is on her rambles," observed Mrs. Flather to Emma, as soon as she saw Mrs. Trotter clear of the gate. " You could take your watering- pot in your hand, you know, and say, that hearing they have a taste for flowers, you came to offer them the loan of it till their own arrives, or something of that sort." " Well, mamma, whatever you think right," replied the willing daughter ; " only let me finish my tart before I go, for I'm very hungry." HILLIXGDO^ HALL. 19 " Certainly, my dear, it's always well to eat before you go out, for young ladies should never be seen to indulge ; at least, not to eat as if they were enjoying it. Indeed, that is the only thing I have to find fault with you about; you always eat heartily, as it were, instead of picking and playing with what is set before you. It's all very well at home to stuff and eat, but nothing disgusts men so much as a guzzling girl; so now eat your tart and get a good slice of bread buttered if you like and then wash your mouth out and we will set off." CHAPTER V. " Down with the bread tax ! " COBDEN'S CRY. 'But times are altered ; trade's unfeeling train Usurp the land and dispossess the swain.' 1 GOLDSMITH. |T was a fortunate day which secured to the Anti- Corn-Law League the services of Mr. William Bowker fortunate to the League, for they gained an able and most unscrupulous coad- iutor ; and fortunate to Mr. William Bowker, for he had just lost the best part of his income by the demise of his old master, the celebrated Mr. Snarle, the great conveyancer of Lincoln's Inn. Mr. William Bowker, or Bill, as he was familiarly called, was one of a large class of men about town, who make a very great show upon very slender means. Not that he made any equestrian or vehicular display, but in his person he was a most uncommon swell, gay and gaudy in his colours, glittering in his jewellery (or make believes) faultless in his hat, costly in his linen (or apologies), expensive in his gloves, and shining in his boots. Many a country cousin, and many a one again, has anxiously inquired of his London cicerone " who that smart gentleman was," as Bill has strutted consequentially through the Park on a Sunday, swinging his cane, with the tassels of his Hessian boots tapping the signal of his approach. Many a time Mr. Jorrocks and him have passed for lords as they rolled arm in arm through the Zoological or Ken- sington Gardens, haw, haw, hawing, at each other's jokes, HILLINGDON HALL. 21 looking about at the girls and criticising their feet and ankles. This latter, however, was in short-petticoat times. Mr. Bowker was an extraordinary fellow ; over head and ears in debt and difficulties, he was as light and gay as if he hadn't a care in the world. Not a new fashion came out but Bill immediately had it. If a flight of extraordinary neckcloths alighted in the mercers' windows, the next time you met Bill he was sure to have one on. All the rumbus- tical apologies for greatcoats that have inundated the town of late years had their turns on Bill's back. You seldom saw him twice in the same waistcoat. Variable as D'Orsay, and as gay in his colours. Moreover, there was a certain easy nonchalance about Bill, far different to the anxious eyeings and watchings of the generality of " would-be " swells. He would salute a man immeasurably his superior, with perfect familiarity; offer his richly-ornamented gilt snuff- box, or poke him in the ribs with a smile and a wink, that plainly said " You and I have a secret between us." His looks were in his favour rosy and healthy, as though he had never known care or confinement ; with wavy yellow locks, slightly streaked with grey, giving him the license of age over youngsters ; while his jolly corpulency and plummy legs, filling his bright Hessian, boots, had the appearance of belonging to some swell fox-hunter up at Long's or Limmer's, or some of the tiger traps, for what they call a spree rouge et noir, feathers, hot port, Clarence Gardens, and the Quad- rant. In the language of the sect, Bill had some breeding in him by a lord, out of a lady's-maid and blood will tell in men as well as horses. Hence, whatever his difficulties, or whatever his situation, Bill always retained the easy com- posure of a well-bred man. His address was good, his manner easy, and his language pure. If fortune had neglected to supply him with the essentials, at all events it had not deprived him of the advantages of birth. He was about the gamest cock with the fewest feathers that ever flew. Hundreds will exclaim on reading this sketch, " Lord, I know that man as well as can be ! Have seen him in the 22 HILLINGDOK HALL. Park a thousand times ; " and perhaps no one has caused more " Who's that ? " than our friend Mr. Bowker. Indeed, he was a sort of person that you couldn't overlook, any more than you could a peacock in a poultry yard, for there was a strut and a dazzle about him that almost provoked criticism. Of course Bowker was well known to his own set, but what's a man's own set in the great ocean of London society ? Moreover, even in his own set he was an object of admiration, for he was friendly and jocose, and we don't believe there was a man among them but would rather have enhanced Bill's consequence than attempted to lower him by proclaiming him the clerk to a conveyancer, and keeper of a miserable tobacco shop in the miserable purlieus of Bed Lion Square. Our readers, we dare say, will be anxious to know how Bill managed matters. We will tell them. He lived ty his wits. When old Snarle was in full practice, Bill's fees were con- siderable, and in those days he was nothing but the " thorough varmint and the real swell." As soon as Chambers closed, he repaired, full dress, to a theatre, attended a "free and easy," or some convivial society. Here his jolly good humour ensured him a hearty reception, and the landlords of the houses were too happy to hand him anything he called for in return for the amusement he afforded to his customers. He could sing, or he could talk, or he could dance, or he could conjure, lie through thick and thin in short, do everything that's wanted at this sort of place. He was in with the players too, and had the entree of most of the minor theatres about London. At these he might be seen in the front row of the stage boxes, dressed out in imitation of some of the fat swells in the "omnibus," his elbow resting on a huge bamboo, with a large " Dollond " in his primrose- kidded hand. There he was the critic. Not the noisy, boisterous, self-proclaiming claquer, but the gentle irresistible leader, whose soft plaudits brought forth the thunder of the pit and gallery. He had some taste for acting, and we have read some neatish critiques attributed to him in the Morning Herald and Advertiser. This sort of society brought him, of course, a good deal among actresses, and we have heard that several of his "How d'ye do?" great acquaintance HILLINGDON HALL. 23 arose out of little delicate arrangements that he had the felicity of bringing about. This, however, we don't vouch for ; we will therefore thank our readers not to " quote us " on this point. But to the " baccy " shop. As fees fell off, Bill set up a snuff and cigar shop, and he who had amused so many, sought for the favours of the fumigating public. But Bill had a great mind. He did not stoop to the humble-mindedness of appearing as a little tobac- conist, but leapt all at once into the station of a merchant, and advertised his miserable domicile as BOWKER & Co.'s WHOLESALE SNUFF AND TOBACCO WAREHOUSE. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Whether this latter announcement had the effect of keeping off customers people perhaps supposing they could not get less than a waggon-load of baccy at a time or whether Eagle Street is too little of a thoroughfare, or not sufficiently inviting in its appearance, or whether there were too many Bowker & Co.'s in the trade already, we know not ; but certain it is, no wholesale customer ever cast up, and most of the retail ones were what Bill touted himself or were brought by his friends. The situation, we take it, must have been the thing ; not that we mean to say anything unhandsome of Eagle Street, but we cannot account for the bad success of Bowker & Co.'s establishment upon any other grounds than that the neighbouring shops were not attractive, and a good deal of a tobacconist's trade consists of what is called " chance custom." Doors with half-a-dozen bell-pulls in each post, denoting half-a-dozen families in the house, coal and cabbage sheds united, those mysterious, police-inviting bazaars, denominated "marine stores," with milk shops, corn chandlers, furniture warehouses, and pawnbrokers commingled, do not add much to the appearance of any street, and certainly Eagle Street has nothing to lose in the way of attraction. Yes, the situation must have been the thing, for if any one will take the trouble of walking through the thorough- fares, and casting their eyes into the brilliantly-illumined " divans," they will see men, without a tithe part of Mr. Bowker's ready wit and humour, handing the cigars over 24 HILLLNGDON HALL. the counter as fast as they can fumble them, with women immeasurably Mrs. Bowker's inferior, riveting men with their charms, and sending them away by the score every night with the full conviction that they are desperately in love with them all, and only wanting to get rid of the other chaps to tell them so. That, we take it, is the grand secret of a baccy shop. Keep up the delusion, and you keep up your customers, but then you must have a bumper at start- ing. There's the advantage of a thoroughfare. Fool No. 2 sees Fool I smoking and making eyes at a woman, and in he goes to see what she's like. She's equally affable with him, and while both are striving to do the agreeable in comes No. 3 on a like errand 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 legion, in fact, quickly follow, and they all go on eyeing and fumigating, as jealous of each other as ever they can be, until the smoke obscures their vision, and they leave, each with the determination of seeing what they can do single- handed next night. The shop is then established. Mrs. Bowker, when Bill set up, was a fine, big, dashing woman, with as good a foot and ankle as any in London. She was then on the stage at the Coburg, but marrying Bill for the purpose of getting off it, he found to his sorrow that she was likely to be a dead weight, instead of an assistance in housekeeping and theatrical society, which it was then his ambition to enter. Still there were her looks a clear Italian complexion, large richly-fringed dark eyes, cork- screwy ringlets, swan-like neck and ample bust ; and what with gaslight, and the tinsel of a theatrical wardrobe, Bill hoped to turn his better half to some account in the way of decoy duck at a cigar shop. Mrs. Bowker, however, took badly to it. She was above it in fact, and instead of sitting to display her charms in the gaslight, she was generally sipping brandy-and-water, and reading greasy novels on a sofa in the back shop. Miss Susan Slummers, her sister, also an actress and a fine handsome girl too, was shortly afterwards added to the family circle ; and certainly, if wit and beauty can command success in the baccy line, Mr. Bowker had every reason to expect it. Still, as we said before, we grieve to say it did not come ; and debt, and HILLIXGDON HALL. 25 duns, and difficulties soon beset Bill's path of life in most alarming profusion. Our old friend, Mr. Jorrocks, as kind-hearted and liberal a man as ever stuffed big calves into top-boots, long stood his friend so long, indeed, that the worthy old gentleman had ceased entering Bill's obligations in his books and many people trusted Bill on the strength of the intimacy, who would never have let him into their debt upon the faith of any of his own palaverments. Not that he was a bad hand in that line, but they had had too much of it. In short, Bill was better known than trusted. Thus then matters stood at the time of Bill's enlistment in the League. Old Snarle was dead. The dwindling fees were done. To begin brushing coats and cleaning boots for a new man, in hopes of seeing him rise in the profession, was out of the question to a man with Bill's ideas, and at his time of life. The cigar shop did nothing. Mrs. Bowker did a good deal in the brandy-and-water way. House rent was due their first-floor lodger had left them. Gas rent was in arrear water ditto and poors' rate collecting. Income-tax, we needn't say, he was exempt from. Mr. Jorrocks had retired into the country, and though he had never turned a deaf ear to any of Bill's representations or petitions, still our worthy tobacconist could not help feel- ing that without the aid of the emollient blarney wherewith to pave the way in jolly half-seas-over intimacy, the ominous " no effects " might some day be returned to his epistolatory requisitions, and then what was to become of him ? The law and Mr. Commissioner Fonblanque only knew ! Having now introduced Mr. Bowker, we will let his correspondence with Mr. Jorrocks speak for his situation and arrangements. " EAGLE STREET, EED LION SQUARE. " HONOURED SIR, You'll be glad to hear that your old friend Bill has lit on his legs at last. High time he did, for I really think I was never so nearly stumpt in my life. Old Snarle, as you'll have heard, has cut his stick. Poor old bitch ! Yet let it not be as our great master says 26 HILLINGDON HALL. " ' the evil that men do lives after them ; The good is oft buried with their bones.' " Snarle had his faults, and so have we all, but for 'parties in a hurry,' there never was a quicker hand at a settlement. May his new settlement be to his liking ! "T'other night, as I was sitting in my back shop un- commonly spooney, reflecting on the uncertainty of life, and the certainty of the tax-gatherer calling in the morning, a mysterious big black-whiskered, beetle-browed stranger entered the shop, and asked to have a word with me in private. As soon as we had coalesced behind the scenes, ' Mr. Bowker,' said he, taking off his broad-brimmed hat and gloves, laying them on the table, and sitting down on the sofa, as if he meant to be comfortable. " ' You don't know me ? ' ' Why, you have the advantage of me,' said I. " ' Well,' said he, c I come to advantage you.' " ' Glad of it,' said I, adding aside, ' wonder if it's Joseph Ady?' " ' You are to be depended upon ? ' said he, after a pause. " ' Close as wax,' said I. " ' Well then,' said he, ' you have heard of the great National Anti-Corn-Law League ? ' " ' I have seen their advertising machine,' said I, ' but I never thought more of it than I should of Tosspot's crockery cart, or Warren's matchless blacking van.' " ' I could let you in for a good thing,' observed the stranger musingly. " ' Haste me to know it, that I with wings as swift as meditation or the thoughts of love, may jump at it,' ex- claimed I. " ' I find thee apt,' rejoined the stranger, rising and ex- tending his right arm, saying " ' And duller should'st thou be than the fat weed That roots itself in ease on Lethe's wharf, Would'st thou not stir in this.' " ' Oh, my prophetic soul ! my uncle ! ' exclaimed I, inter- rupting him ; ' if it wasn't for that black pow and those HILLINGDON HALL 27 d d heavy brows, I'd swear you were my old friend Jack Rafferty, late of the Adelphi Theatre.' " ' You have me ! ' said he, pulling off the wig and appurts with one hand and grasping my hand with the other. Sure enough, there stood old bald-headed Jack, with his little ferrety eyes peering at me with the great black brows still above them. Having taken these off and put them care- fully in his pocket-book, he again shook hands, and asking for a squeeze of the old comforter, we stirred the fire, put on the kettle, and prepared for hot stopping. " ' Bill,' said he, as soon as he had got the brew to his liking, and one of my best Woodvilles in his mouth, ' one good turn deserves another.' " ' Undoubtedly,' said I, ' as the tailor observed when he turned the old trousers a second time.' " ' Ah ! ' said he, ' you're just the same old cove that ever you were. How are you off for blunt ? ' " ' D d badly,' said I ; ' should be glad to join you in raising a mortgage on our joint industry.' "'Well, never mind,' said he, chuckling, c you did me a good turn when that wicked bailiff, Levy Solomons, came to take me for the butter bill, and I haven't forgotten it. By Jove! I fancy I hear him blobbing into the rain-water tub at this moment. I've seen queer days since then,' added he thoughtfully; 'been all through the Disunited States, Canada, Columbia, and I don't know where, ship- wrecked twice, gaoled thrice, tarred and feathered besides. Hard life a player's, forced to appear merry when we're fit to cry ; however, that's all done I've turned over a new leaf I'm in the respectable line now, and hearing that your occupation in Lincoln's Inn's gone, why I've just stepped in, as Paul Pry would say, to see if I could do anything for you in the respectable line too. You see,' said he, c the way for talented men like us to prosper is to take the folly of the day and work it. I saw this in the nigger times. Lord, if the compensation money had been taken direct from the pockets of the people, instead of passing through the filtering bag of Parliament, it would have been a good workable subject to this day. John Bull 28 HILLINGDO^ HALL. is a great jackass a thick-headed fool. Unless you empty his breeches pocket before his face, and say, " Now, John, I take this shilling for the window tax, this for the dog tax, this for gig tax, and this for the nigger tax," you can't make the great muddle-headed beast believe he pays any- thing for the nigger tax, and so by making it a parlia- mentary grant, opposition was lost, and with it as fine a field for enterprise as ever was seen. However, it's no use crying for spilt milk. Go ahead's my motto, as they say in the Disunited States. But to business. " ' The new light is the Corn Laws. There's more sense in this than there was in the nigger question, because if you can persuade a man he'll get a fourpenny loaf for two- pence, you show him something to benefit himself, which you couldn't do in the case of the great Bull niggers, that he had never seen or cared to set eyes on. Still John shows his stubbornness, and hangs back as if he thought the Repealers were the only people that would get the four- penny loaf for twopence. It is to rouse the animal, and convince him that for once there is such a thing as pure disinterestedness in the world, that the League is bestirring itself; and now, my old friend Bill,' continued he, 'for the service you did me, by popping the bailiff over head in the tub, I've come to offer to recommend you, as a man of very great talent, eloquence, experience, and I don't know what ; in fact, to supply the vacuum there must necessarily be in the heads of men who are fools enough to subscribe their money to force a benefit on people that they don't want. " ' The League is about to enlighten the country north, south, east, and west from the Orkneys to Portsmouth, from Solway Frith to Flamborough Head all are to be visited by men of mettle like ourselves, and if we don't astonish the natives, why my name is not Jack Rafferty.' " ' Faith,' said I, ' Jack, I'm not nasty particular, and never was about making money, especially at the present time, for to tell you the truth, I'm as near in Short's Gardens as ever I was in all my life ; but the devil and all is, I know nothing about either corn or the corn laws, and hardly know wheat when I see it.' HILLINGDON HALL. 29 " ' That's nothing,' said Jack ; ' you've a quick apprehen- sion and a ready tongue lots of jaw and that's what the League want. You'll have plenty of time to study your part, and rehearsals over and over again. Zounds, man, it's the easiest thing in life ! Instead of appearing in one character on Monday, another on Tuesday, a third on Wednes- day, a fourth on Friday, and a fifth on Saturday, and having to study and cram and rehearse for them all, here you have nothing to do but repeat the same old story over and over again, which comes as pat off the lips as a child's church catechism. " Infamous aristocracy " " iniquitous " " ruin- ous starvation" "landlord-supporting tax" "blasted Quarterly " and all that sort of thing. Whatever is wrong, lay it to the corn tax. If a man can't pay his Christmas bills, attribute it to the bread tax ; say the landlords have grabbed a third of his income. Tell the shipowners their interest is ruined by the monopolists nay, you may even try it on with the farmers, and say you verily believe they would be benefited by the abolition of the corn laws ; that you really think our climate and system so superior, that they would drive foreign grain out , of the market, just as our fat Durhams and Devonshires beat Sir Eobert's Tariff fat cattle out of the shambles. In fact, you may say almost anything you like ; and should any one oppose you, you will always be ready with a cut and dried answer, which, with an easy delivery, will put your cleverest unpre- pared arguer quite in the background.' " Just then, in came Mrs. B. ' Cleopatra, my dear, here's our old friend, Eafferty,' said I. " ' What, Jack ! ' exclaimed she, ' that robbed the treasury at the Adelphi ? ' " ' Hush ! ' cried I. ' Jack's respectable. Encore the brandy.' " Well, the upshot of it was, that the next day I attended a meeting of the League at the British Hotel, in the best apparel I could muster light blue, buff vest, drab tights, best Hessians, tartan cravat. Joey Hume was in the chair, and as soon as ever I saw that, I determined to be stiff. " ' Who have you there, Mr. St. Julien Sinclair ? ' (for 30 HILLINGD03- HALL. that is the name Jack goes by) asked Joe, as we advanced to the table. " ' Mr. William Bowker,' replied he. " ' The same of whom you spoke at our last meeting ? ' inquired Joe. . " ' The same,' answered Mr. St. Julien Sinclair. "Jack had primed me pretty well on the road what I should say, in case they examined me ; but I suppose, being well recommended, or knowing it must come to that at last, they thought it better to dispense with all humbug, and having ascertained that I was perfectly dis- engaged, and ready to embark in the cause, they said that the Council of the League had determined to sectionize the kingdom, to enlighten the lower orders on the mon- strous iniquity of the bread tax, and the great advantages of a free trade in corn. That they had been at it for some time without producing much effect, but they had now got a new dodge which they thought would tell. This was, that instead of single-handed lecturers, like Jack Bafferty, going about doing as they liked, and report- ing what they pleased, that the leaders of the League should take the thing in hand, distribute themselves over the land along with ladies and lecturers, and make a regular crusade against the monopolists. Lecturers, it seems, they had not had much difficulty in getting, indeed I should wonder if they had, for eight guineas a week and one's travelling expenses are not picked up every day but the ladies there had been some trouble about. However, as they thought they could not dispense with the influence of the fair sex, they have accommodated matters by hiring a certain number of females who are to take superior characters, just as Jack Rafferty took the part of Mr. St. Julien Sinclair. To each lecturer, therefore, there is to be attached a leader and a lady; and the company are building a lot of Whitechapels, capable of carrying three with their luggage, and we are to be allowed ten shillings a day for a horse to pull them about. There will be suitable devices, with mottoes, such as ' DOWN WITH THE BREAD TAX ! ' ' FOOD FOR THE MILLION,' &c., &c., along HILLINGDON HALL. 3 1 the sides of the vehicles, which are to be painted sky-blue, with red wheels, picked out with green. They will be labelled behind in statuteable letters " ' GKEAT NATIONAL ANTI-CORN-LAW ENLIGHTENMENT CART.' " c FORMS FOR PETITIONS SUPPLIED ! ' " I think that is all I've got to say, except that I hope your new purchase is to your liking, and that Mrs. Jorrocks approves of the house as much as she did of her mother's at Tooting. Should there be anything I can do for you in town, pray let me know; and after I leave, Cleopatra or Susan will be glad to do their best for either Mrs. Jorrocks or you, to whom we all beg to present our most respectful compliments, and I have the honour to subscribe myself, Dear sir, your humble and obedient servant, "WM. BOWKER, L.G.A.C.L.L.A. " Lecturer to the Grand Anti-Corn-Law League Association." Mr. Jorrocks, it seems, had commenced a letter to Mr. Bowker, before the receipt of the foregoing. We give it entire, throwing, as it does, some light upon his opinions and movements. "HILLINGDON HALL. " DEAR BILL, We've got here at last, and precious glad I was on it. Tiresome work riding three in a chay two fat women and one's fat self. Not that Batsay's werry crummy ; but there's a good lot on her ; and we had sich a lot o' poleyanthus's -aboard, that I was forced either to squeeze her, or squeeze them. " The country is werry different to London ! Lord bless ye ! 'ow small everything looks. Afore we stopped at the first station, I felt I was gettin' out o' my element ; but afore we arrived at the end of the rail, I felt quite flummoxed all bedevilled. Thinks I to myself, 'Now, John, you old jackass, what are you a goin' out o' your own line o' life for, into a land of strangers, with never an 32 HILLINGDON HALL. acquaintance, and all to begin afresh ? Couldn't you have stayed quiet in Great Coram Street, with the run o' the world before you ? ' Then, a little somethin' within whis- pered, ' But you loved the country, John. 'Ampstead 'Eath has always had great attractions for you you love the hair of Greenwich, and Shooter's '111 is dear to your recollection.' ' True,' said I, ' my frind ; and I minds when I started in my prentice prime I loved figs, but I soon found there was sich a thing as getting a surfeit on them.' Howsomever, never mind the country has its charms cheapness for one. Fowls, three shillin's a couple ; a goose with his gizzard and all complete, four and sixpence.' But to proceed with our journey. " The further we went, the stupider people got ; and when we were done with the rail and got into a country inn, I think I never saw such a set of stupexes. Instead of half a little finger fatching one a coach, it took me ten minutes to drum into an ostler's 'ead that I wanted a po-chay and pair. dear, then came sixteen miles of dusty roads, sultry weather, and fat women. I shall never forget it. How- somever, we got here at last ; and certainly, though fright- fully retired, the place is pretty. It will take us some time to get all square, for most of the furniture was sold, and there's nothin' in two rooms but images men with beards men without beards some without neckcloths and two naked Wenuses. Folks about are monstrous purlite will lend us anything from a warmin'-pan to a waterin'-pot. We've had some callers women folk chiefly, who seem to be monstrous taken with us. They are a goodish breed o' women hereabouts large, well-grown 'uns, and werry agree- able. Altogether things are better than they threatened to be, but there's a deal o' sameness, and the evenin's are long. Howsomever, I s'pose we shall get used to it, and when I get started farmin' I shall have more to do. I means to take a hundred or a hundred and fifty acres in hand, and try all the new experiments on a liberal scale guano, nitrate o' soder, bone manure, hashes and manure mexed, soot, salt, sand, everything in fact ; shall lector on agricultur, and correspond with the Royal Society, and so on Mr. HILLINGDON HALL. 33 Jorrocks on buck wheat Mr. Jorrocks on clover Mr. Jorrocks on long 'orns Mr. Jorrocks on short 'orns. " I had written this far when your agreeable favour came to hand, and werry 'appy I am to hear of your luck. If the Leaguers have wot they say (.50,000), you are in for a good thing, but I don't believe it I think it will prove like a lady's fortin', or the dirty dandy's shirts, who began to count at twelve and went up to fourteen they may have 5000 or 6000, and an o is soon added. I've lived a long time in the world a liberal sixty, let us say and I never found money to be had for axin' certainly not from our party, though I believe the Tory calves bleed sometimes. Howsomever, never mind ; 5000 or 6000 will take a deal o' spendin', and if you manage matters well, you'll get them to make another whip when that's gone. The question is better nor the nigger one in some respects, and worser in others. It is better for the subscribers, because they are adwenturin' their money for summut that may profit them- selves ; but then, on the other hand, it choaks off the whole host of grievance-'unters who are only to be moved by imaginary and inwizible wrongs. " In the language of botoney, to which Mrs. Jorrocks is now dewotin' herself, pure philanthrophy is a bush of curious growth. Its tender leaves expand at the pictor of a great naked nigger claspin' his 'ands with ' Am not I your brodder ? ' comin' out of a scroll in his mouth, and yet close at the sight of a needy relation comin' to ax for a little golden hoint- ment. Old women, love-sick damsels, and ringey, ring- lety, guitar-playin' youths, are the great supporters of 'umbuggeries of all sorts ; but then it must be a real useless object to enlist their sympathies a subscription for a Sunday-school on the ivory coast, or a communion service for a chapel among the Copper Indians. Bread is too homely a subject. Wot sentiment is there in a great barley loaf? My maid Batsay would be shamed to be seen givin' a yard o' bread to a beggar if there wasn't a great slice o' beef below. There's where I think the Leaguers will be leaked. They can't show a clear case of sheer useless- ness ; but, on the contrary, there are some strong symptoms C 34 HILLINGDON HALL. of utilitarian self-interest. Who's to be benefited ? The Leaguers themselves. There's the rub ! Will you get Mrs. Sympathizer Green or Miss Puritana Brown to come down with the mopusses to benefit Cobden and Co. ? I think not. P'raps you'll say the Leaguers don't want their mopusses only their tears. Who are they to be shed for ? The labourin' classes? Not they! The labourin' classes don't want them. Bull, as you say, is a great hobstinate beast, but he has some gumption notwithstandin'. This mornin' I walked up the street of our town, dressin'- gowned and slipper'd a la Margate, just, to appetize a bit afore break- fast, and there I fell in with a man called 'Ercules Strong, a-shovlin' on stones with a spade and a barrow. ' Mornin', 'Ercules,' said I. ' Mornin', Squire,' said he. ' Hardish work that,' said I. ' Middlin',' said he, diggin' the pickaxe into the heap. ' Vot do ye get a day ? ' said I. ' Half-a- crown,' said he. ' That's a good deal,' said I. ' Had three shillin' last year,' said he. ' How came they to reduce ye ? ' axed I. ' Things fell in price,' said he, ' and half-a-crown goes as far this year as three shillin' did last/ ' Then the price of labour's regulated by the price o' wittles, is it ? ' axed I. ' Undoubtedly,' said he. " Now, supposin' Cobden (who keeps a print-mill, or print-works, or somethin' o' that sort) employs two or three 'undred 'Ercules Strongs, it's clearly his interest (on the ' grab-all-I-can ' system) to get the price o' wittles reduced, because then he can get his 'Ercules Strongs so much cheaper, and pocket the difference. Time was when the motto of an English merchant was, ' Live and let live,' but them was anti- quated days. These are the ' get-rich-in-a-hurry ' times. " P'raps Cob will say, ' Oh, but then if I get my 'Ercules Strongs at sixpence a day less, I shall be able to let you have my devil's dust goods, or lads, cheaper.' " I doesn't believe that either. I mind, when the leather tax was taken off, sayin' to my bootmaker, ' Now, I s'pose I shall get shod cheaper.' " ' Why, sir,' said he, ' the fact is, I was jest a-goin' to raise the price o' my boots, so this reduction will enable me to keep them as they were.' ^ ' If "' *3-'Tf '"' MR. JORROCKS ACCOSTS HERCULES STRONG. HILLIXGDOX HALL. 35 " Cob would jest be a-goin' to do the same with his devil's dust bads, I guess. " I don't think you can bam the lower orders about bread. The Bull niggers with nothin' but a bishop's apron on, supplicatin' for mercy with chained and uplifted 'ands, aided by Mrs. Sympathizer Green and Miss Puritana Brown, was a fine subject, because there was summut left to the imagi- nation ; and as Tommy Moore or some other popular and poetical gentleman says : ' Disguise thyself as thou wilt, still, slavery ! still thou art a bitter draught ; and though thousands in all ages have been made to drink o' thee, thou art no less bitter on that account.' But a fourpenny loaf sets Apollo and the Muses to flight, jest as Binjimin has set a flock o' crows off my front field. " ' Disguise thyself as thou wilt, still, Cobden,' say I, ' still thou art a great 'umbug ; and though thousands may roll into your beggin' bag, the poor will never eat cheaper on that account.' " It arn't a bad dodge, but I don't think it'll do. There is no elbow-room for the imagination, and the purpose o' the promoters is too apparent on the face on it. It will require a deal o' sleight o' tongue to make Bully believe you're a-workin' for his good. If I was to adwise the workin' classes, I'd say, f Don't you sign no petition nor nothin' o' the sort, unless your masters will hire you for sivin years sartin at present wages.' Ay, Cobden, wot say ye to that ? In short, this is not a good genuine 'ome-brewed grivance, frothin' up at the bung-'ole of discontent, but a sort of sea- kaley, hothouse, forced thing ; a thing that requires mexin' and stirrin' about with a spoon like a seidlitz pooder. No offence to the lectorers in course, who I'm sure are anything but spoons. " But I'm a deviatin' from my text, which ought to be congratilations to you for bein' taken up by the League, instead of denouncin' the 'umbuggery of its ways. In course you, as a traveller o' the concern, will do your best to further its interests and feather your own nest. " So shall you better yourself, and secure the everlastin' esteem of Yours to serve, JOHX JORROCKS." CHAPTER VI. " There shall the flocks on thymy pasture stray, And shepherds dance at summer's op'ning day." PLEASURES OF HOPE. [MALL as Hillingdon appeared after London, and insignificant as were the shops, Mr. Jorrocks soon found that he could get most things he wanted. There were two tailors', three shoe- makers', a milliner's, a straw-bonnet maker's, two inns or public-houses, where they sold grocery, woollen and linen drapery, hats and hardware, or exchanged them with the farmers for poultry, butter, and eggs ; also a beggarly beer- shop, a butcher's, and a bull's-eye or lollypop confectioner's. Besides these, of course there was the doctor's Dr. Claudius Sacker with his white house and green rails, and name properly emblazoned on a bright brass plate, with a " night bell" pull in the doorpost. Most of the cottage property belonged to Mr. Jorrocks ; indeed, the extreme neatness of the buildings, with their old gables, and rose-trees, wood- bine, or ivy creeping up the thatches or stone roofs, or apricot or pear trees nailed against the fronts, plainly bespoke which were included in his purchase and which were the property of other individuals. There was an air of substantiality about all the Westbury now the Jorrocks property. Of course it was the interest of the new landlord to encourage his own people, and accordingly Mr. Jorrocks set about giving an order to each. His swell London clothes he soon found to be inconvenient and unsuited to the country ; and in lieu of his fine blue coat and brass buttons, and buff waistcoat, he devised, in conjunction with HILLIXGDON HALL. 37 Tommy Kumfit, his tailor, a new article of dress, which he purposed calling the Jorrockian jacket. John Brick, one of the mercantile publicans aforesaid, having imported a piece of the queer-figured cotton velvety* looking stuff that we see ladies making gowns of, Mr Jorrocks determined to adopt it as the material for his dress, and accordingly had the requisite quantity, with trimmings, cut off, and sent to old Eumfit's. The colour, we should observe, was brightish brown, with a fine light sea-weedy sort of pattern shot through indeed, we are not sure but it might have been meant to represent wheat-ears like Sir Eobert Peel's present though the word " free " was not apparent in any part of it. Well, this was cut and contrived into something between a jacket of modern and a jerkin of olden times. The collar was a mere hem, turned up ; it did not half cover the nape of his great bull-neck ; Mr. J. was terribly thick about the throat a sad sign of want of breeding. The jacket, or garment, was double-breasted, with slanting pockets on each breast, with very full straight laps meeting, or rather folding over, in front, and reaching about half-way down his thighs. A row of buttons enabled him to fasten them in front. In each lap-front were two tiers of diagonal pockets, the pocket-mouths for holes would ill describe their proportions being edged with nut-brown velvet, and the upper-storey ones a size or two smaller than the lower. In these he purposed carrying his hands, halfpence, and trifles of that sort ; while the lower ones were for his handkerchief, hand-saw, books, and other bulky articles. The back of the garment presented a most extraordinary aspect. There were no buttons at the waist, nor indeed anything to denote where the small of his back would have been if small he had had any but just about his girth the garment swelled out as if inflated. Two downward folds, indeed, there were, and a line of buttons up the middle, as if the laps were buttoned together, but this was all deception or rather attempt at deception for it was apparent to the commonest observer that the garment was of a piece all round. Such * " Peel " or Ancoat Vale velvet. 38 HILLIXGDOX HALL. it was, however, and being made entirely out of Mr. Jorrocks's own head, of course let him have the credit of it ; and such of our readers as think it becoming, we dare say are at liberty to copy it as he has not yet gone to the expense of a patent. The waistcoat was of the same material, with large flaps without any pockets ; and his lower man was clad in drab stockingette tights and Hessian boots. A green neckcloth, a woolly white hat, turned up with green, and a knotty little dog-whip, completed his costume. Eumfit and he thought it extremely fine, and altogether a very good job. Thus attired, Mr. Jorrocks mounted a most imperturbable old Roman-nosed, dock-tailed black cob that he had picked up cheap in the village, and rode about surveying his estate, looking at pigs and cows and sheep, asking foolish questions, and talking a great deal of nonsense about farming. Thanks, however, to the veneration in which townspeople, above all Londoners, are held in the country, the rustics thought some new lights must be breaking in the husbandry horizon never imagining for a moment that the owner of so fine an estate, with such a fine open countenance of his own, knew nothing whatever of what he was talking about. Among the cottagers he did well enough, for he had plenty of small-talk for the old women how many daughters they had ? who they married ? how many children each had ? how many were bowys, and how many gals ? where they got their cat ? whether she was a good mouser ? how the oven baked ? if their water-tubs were full, how much they held ? what they gave for their pig ? how they were off for soap ? and other little family inquiries. Never was such an estate as Mr. Jorrocks expected he had taken possession of, for, in addition to all the tenants being described as most opulent and respectable, Mark Heavytail, the largest, who farmed what was called the " pet farm," was stated by the rural Robins who " did" the printed particulars, to be a man of such respectability and independence of character, as to be above asking or accept- ing a reduction of rent. Glorious man ! There was a HILLIXGDON HALL. 39 tenant ! Mark was a fine specimen of an English yeoman, six feet high, large and stout in proportion, with a great, round, nearly bald head, grey eyes, snub nose, and ample chin. His usual costume was a snuff-brown coat at least when he sported any coat, for it was oftener on a hedge than on his back a striped toilenette waistcoat, broad patent cords, and grey worsted stockings and thick shoes. The pet farm lying round a hillside, and the house being on the top of it, Mark had the wind first hand, and, either from that cause or from having a voice a size too large for his body, Mark always roared as if he was holloaing to a man at the mainmast of a man-of-war in a gale of wind. One of Mr. Jorrocks's earliest visits was to the pet farm, and though he might not, like Miss Waithman,* expect to find all the shepherds with pipes and crooks, or smartly clad dairymaids with cows and syllabubs under the trees, he certainly expected a different reception to what he met with from Mark. Having kicked his pursy pony up the hill, he sat mopping the perspiration from his brow, and looking down upon the village of Hillingdon, with the silvery Dart winding its tortuous course through a wide expanse of rugged picturesque country, when Mark, who was busy cutting hay in his stack- yard, seeing a stranger, who he concluded was the " Squire," put on his coat and proceeded to meet him. "GOOD MORNIN', SIR," roared Mark, as soon as he got within fifty yards of Mr. Jorrocks. " STOP, LET ME OPEN THE GATE FOR YOU;" and Mr. Jorrocks, thinking Mark was deaf, pitched his voice in the same key. The follow- ing dialogue then took place, each bellowing as loud as he possibly could. " GLAD TO SEE YE AMONG us," roared Mark, taking off his hat as Mr. Jorrocks neared the gate. * Theodore Hook used to take great liberties with this lady in the " John Bull." Transplanting her into Hertfordshire from the shawl-shop in Fleet Street, he represented her as encountering a shepherd with his crook, and saying in exultation at the realization of her dreams of rural felicity, "But, shepherd, where's your pipe ? " "Please, marm, I harn't got no baccy," was the reply. 40 HILLIXGDON HALL. "THANK YE, MY GOOD FRIND," replied Mr. Jorrocks; " WERRY 'APPY TO MAKE YOUR PERSONAL ACQUAINTANCE. YOU'VE A WERRY NICE FARM HERE ; DOIN' WELL, I 'OPE&" " WANTS A DEAL OF DOIN' TO," replied Mark. "THEN VY DON'T YOU DO IT ? " inquired Mr. Jorrocks. " BECAUSE IT ARN'T MINE," responded Mark. " THEN WHO'S TO DO IT ? " inquired Mr. Jorrocks. " You, TO BE SURE ! " replied Mark, louder than ever. " ME ! " responded Mr. Jorrocks. " MY VIG ! WHY, THEY TOLD ME THE FARM WAS PERFECTION ; " adding aloud to himself, "There must be some mistake here; this can't be the 'pet farm.'" "PRAY, MY GOOD MAN, VERE DOES MR. 'EAVYTAIL LIVE ? MR. JORROCKS'S 'EAVYTAIL, IN FACT ? " inquired he, after a moment's reflection. " HERE," roared Mark ; " MY NAME'S HEAVYTAIL." " Indeed ! Veil, I thought so ; but some'ow your account don't tally with the auctioneer's description of the pet farm." "I KNOW NOTHIN' ABOUT AUCTIONEERS," roared Mark, " BUT I KNOW OUR BACK KITCHEN 'ILL BE DOWN THIS BACK END IF THERE ISN'T SOMETHIN' DONE TO HER; AND THERE'S NO KEEPIN' THE CATTLE STRAIGHT FOR WANT OF A NEW BIER." " Veil, but I'm a buyer," replied Mr. Jorrocks ; " vot is it you've got to sell ? " " SELL ! WHY, THERE'S NO PRICES TO GET FOR NOTHIN'. DOWN CORN, DOWN HORN! WE'RE ALL BEGGAR'D ; NOTHIN' FOR US BUT THE ONION (UNION) ; YE CAN NEVER KEEP UP YOUR RENTS." " My vig ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, adding aloud to himself, "if this is the crack tenant, I vender wot the rest'll be like." "THE VEAT'S A-LOOKIN' WELL," observed Mr. Jorrocks, after a pause, anxious to get Mark off the grievances Mr. J. looking back on a field he had passed in coming up the hill. " THAT'S BARLEY," roared Mark. " I WISHES THE WHEAT WAS LOOKIN' WELL. PRAY, JUST RIDE THIS WAY AND SEE IT, AND THEN SAY IF IT'S POSSIBLE AT PRESENT PRICES TO KEEP UP PRESENT RENTS." HILLIXGDOX HALL. 41 " Veil, but the clover's a good crop," observed Mr. Jorrocks, not noticing Mark's invitation. " The old land hasn't a ton an acre on it. The land's all sour wants draining." " Faith, I thinks the land's not the only sour thing on the premises," observed Mr. Jorrocks aloud to himself. "WILL YE BE PLEASED TO STEP THIS WAY AND LOOK AT OUR BACK KITCHEN ? " bellowed Mark, after a pause ; " AND REALLY I THINK THE DAIRY'LL HAVE TO BE BUILT NEW FROM THE GROUND, FOR THE WET COMES TUMBLIN 5 IN BY BUCKETFULS FROM ALL QUARTERS." " So much the better," roared Mr. Jorrocks ; " it'll save you the trouble of pampin' into the milk. The Islinton folks always say the Hack cow is the best." " AY, THAT'S VARRY TRUE," rejoined Mark, " OUR PUMP'S ALL GONE WRONG, TOO NOT BEEN A DROP OF WATER COME FROM HER THIS FORTNIGHT." " Oh dear ! oh dear ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, " you seem to be all gone wrong together a bundle o' grivances. If grumblin' makes a good farmer, you certainlie ought to be classed Ai. Good mornin', good mornin'," added he, turning his sluggish cob's head downwards as he spoke, and giving it a good double-thonging as he went. " BUT YE'LL SURELY COME AND SEE THE BACK KITCHEN ! " roared Mark. " I DECLARE IT'S NEVER NO USE " " IT'S NEVER NO USE BOTHERS' ME ! " screamed Mr. Jorrocks, kicking the cob and double-thonging the harder to get out of hearing, adding to himself as he went ; " I'm dashed if ever I see'd sich a perfect 'urricane of a man. Pet farm, indeed ! My vig ! reg'lar spoilt child, I declare ! Come hup, you hugly beast," to the cob, " come up, and get me out o' hearin'." And with the word away they went down the hill, a deal faster then they came up, the whip, and the cob's nose being turned towards home, giving an additional impetus to his movements. CHAPTER VII. ' Neighbour, you are tedious." SHAKESPEARE. ^EUELLY disturbed as Mr. Jorrocks had been by his interview with Mark Heavytail, he had scarcely recovered his usual equanimity before he encountered another tenant who again upset his philosophy. This was Johnny Wopstraw, a civil but very concise man ; and if there is one more provoking thing than another, it is encountering a slow pragmatical matter-of-fact man when one is in a regular state of com- bustion. "Wopstraw was a big, broad-shouldered, broad- faced, sensible, respectable man, but slow in his judgment, and cautious in his utterance. Moreover, he had a provoking way of lengthening each sentence by the unnecessary intro- duction of the phrase of " upon the whole," the word whole being pronounced as if there were a couple of " h's " and two or three " o's " in it. He was busy in the field, but seeing the new Squire, he left his work, and introduced himself in the usual way by opening a gate. "Thank ye, my frind," said Mr. Jorrocks as he approached ; adding, as he looked over the hedge into the next field, " You've a fine crop o' barley there." " That's wheat," replied Wopstraw, taking off his hat ; " upon the who-ole it's tolerable fair. The low end isn't so good as the high, though." " Humph," grunted Mr. Jorrocks, " these corn crops rather bother my vig. And vot do you think o' things in general ? " asked he. This was a fine comprehensive question, and just the last HILLLXGDOX HALL. 43 one that ought to have been hazarded to Wopstraw, for it was sure to last him till nightfall. " Why, upon the who-ole," he began, " things are down, and I fear they'll keep so. Upon the who-ole, I think Sir Robert was wrong in meddlin' with us farmers. We were doin' pretty well upon the who-ole just managin' to scratch on, at least and then he came and knocked the very wind out of our bodies. Upon the who-ole I " " Veil, but 'ave you got ever a bal (bull) to sell ? " inter- rupted Mr. Jorrocks, anxious to turn the conversation, and save himself a political lecture. " I vants a bal, o' the pure Devonshire sort, to give these foreignerin' chaps a quiltin'. It be'oves us to be awake wide awake I may say, sharp as Durham mustard and to drain and dust our land with hashes and bone manure, nitrate o' sober, and all that sort o' stuff. The farmers here seem a long way behind the hintelligence o' the day." " Why, now," replied Wopstraw, scratching his head, and reconsidering all Mr. Jorrocks had said, so as to begin answering at the right end " Why, now, as to a bull, I doesn't know of one that, upon the who-ole, I can recommend. Dick Grumbleton at Hawkstone has one, but he's of the Herefordshire sort ; besides which, upon the who-ole, I don't suppose Dick wants to part with him." " Veil, never mind, then," said Mr. Jorrocks, anxious to be off. " As to drainin'," continued Wopstraw, without noticing Mr. Jorrocks's interruption, " upon the who-ole, I should say it's the foundation of all agricultural improvement. It's like the foundation of a house, and unless that's sound it's no use." " Then you don't know of a Idl to suit me ? " rejoined Mr. Jorrocks, catching impatiently at the cob's head, double- thonging and digging his heel into its side, riding off, and muttering something about " Tiresome chap slow-coach bothersome beggar," and other little censurable epithets. In truth, Mr. Jorrocks found a great difference between London and country people. Bred in City, where his life had been passed, and where " time is money," the contrast 44 H1LLIXGDOX HALL between its quickness and the slowness of the country was strikingly visible. No smartness, no quickness, no question answered before asked, everything seemed to lag and drag its weary way on to-day the same as yesterday, to-morrow as the day before. Ever-varying nature supplies the charms of artificial change, but he that cannot read that book had better remain behind the counter. Yet how many are there panting to repeat Mr. Jorrocks's mistake ! " Hackneyed in business, wearied at that oar, Which thousands, once fast chained to, quit no more, But which, when life at ebb runs weak and low, All wish, or seem to wish, they could forego ; The statesman, lawyer, merchant, man of trade, Pants for the refuge of some rural shade." Mr. Jorrocks soon found he was more at home at the Shades at London Bridge or Leicester Square than in the shades of Hillingdon. It was clear he had a deal to learn. Impressed with the conviction that he was too shrewd to be cheated, and country people too honest to attempt it, he made several very moderate bargains both in the matter of cattle and corn, though the prices were so much lower than in London, that he prided himself upon being very clever, just as Englishmen think they " do " the French when they get five-and-twenty francs some odd sous for a sovereign. Mr. Jorrocks's jobbing and dealing brought him ac- quainted with another gentleman whom we will at once introduce to the reader. Joshua Sneakington was a sort of man to be found in most places a country mischief-maker, a kind of village lawyer a better hand at talking than working. Tall in person, with long thinnish grey locks scattered over a finely shaped head, with a marked and expressive countenance, high forehead, grey eyes, Roman nose, slightly compressed mouth, and trimly kept whiskers and chin, there was an air of respectability about Joshua, which, aided by a low- crowned, broad-brimmed hat, a well-brushed coat, and the unusual appendage of a pair of gloves, bespoke him a remove or so from the common herd. Gloves are very unusual wear in the country the exciseman and Joshua IIILLIXGDOX HALL. 45 were about the only people that sported them, except on a Sunday ; and even on a Sunday they were rare country people don't feel at home in them. Joshua was precise and methodical in his manner, thoughtful in his looks, puritanical in his conversation, and apparently profound in his calcu- lations. He was a native of Hillingdon, a mason by trade, and his misfortune was having been cast in so contracted a circle, for he had all the ingredients of a great rogue, and only wanted room to exercise his talents. As it was, he had cheated everybody, and set the whole parish by the ears long before he had reached the age of fifty. Joshua was in very bad odour among his own craft, for though a neat workman, and also a good judge of work, he always preferred picking holes in other people's to doing any himself. He was plausible and subtle, and his communica- tions were always so close and confidential that they were of little use to his employers, and only served the purpose of transferring his own delinquencies to the shoulders of other people. All this comes out in time in the country, where a bad name is a serious inconvenience to the bearer. The appearance of a fresh fly in the spider's web at a time it was almost deserted, was as great a godsend to Joshua as the Anti-Corn-Law League summons was to Mr. William Bowker. Not that we mean to compare Joshua to Bill in point of respectability, for Bill was immeasurably Joshua's superior, inasmuch as he would have been honest if he could, while Joshua's natural inclinations were for roguery and underhandedness. Bill was a fine, bold, daring, dashing sort of fellow, while the other was a mean cir- cumventing animal, that would rather carry his points by stealth and undermining than by honesty and straight- forwardness. Knowing the advantage of early applications, as well for the purpose of securing success, as of warding off hostile admonition, Joshua very soon contrived to come in contact with Mr. Jorrocks. He knew everything Mr. J. would want, and by anticipating this, pointing out that, and recommending t'other, he soon convinced our worthy friend that he was a " monstrous clever fellow," and might be 46 HILLLNGDOX HALL. extremely useful to him. Indeed, an honest man of this description would have been very much so, for Mr. Jorrocks, as we have already said, was superlatively ignorant of country affairs, and landed property is not quite so manageable as money in the funds. But the worst of Joshua was, he persuaded Mr. Jorrocks that all the people about him were rogues. This even he didn't do openly. He looked grave and solemn, and shook his head, when Mr. Jorrocks talked of employing any one he didn't approve of hinted they were not quite the thing, that he knew some one much better suited, or that they were not first- rate workmen. Among the villagers Joshua announced himself as Mr. Jorrocks's confidential adviser, hinted that Mr. J. would not do anything without his advice, and told them they had better make all their applications through him. Joshua jumped all at once into a great man, and paraded Mr. Jorrocks about the town just as a young lady does a newly caught lover. Then it was, " Sneak " this, and " Sneak " that, and " You must talk to Sneak about it," until Joshua seemed likely to eclipse even the renowned Benjamin Brady himself. ( 47 ) CHAPTER VIII. " What ! is the jay more precious than the lark, Because his feathers are more beautiful ? Or is the adder better than the eel, Because his painted skin contents the eye ? " TAMING OF THE SHREW. as it may seem, Mrs. Jorrocks got on better at first in the country than her husband. Whether this was attributable to her earlier rural recreations at her mother's at Tooting who occupied one of those summaries of London felicity, a paled box containing a pond, a weeping willow, a row of laburnums and lilacs scattered about or that she found herself of more consequence in the village " Hall " than she did in Great Coram Street, we know not ; but certain it is, she took to it much more naturally than our worthy ex- grocer himself, who made a very bungling piece of business of the early days of his squireship. To be sure, Mrs. Jorrocks jumped all at once into active pursuits, furnishing and arranging her house the like by the garden and greenhouse. She was at it all day, pull- ing about carpets, wheeling sofas, doing the becoming by tables and chairs, smelling and tying up geraniums, rowing the gardener, and nailing and training up rose-trees, wood- bine, and ivy. Weeds too were plentiful, and Emma Flather and she always had their hands full of something. Mrs. Flather, though she could not exactly reconcile the Jorrocks's manners and ideas with those of their prede- cessors, saw, nevertheless, that they were very moneyed people, and coming from London the place in her mystified imagination of universal gentility she was inclined to think 48 HILLLXGDOX HALL. the Jorrockses must be the newest fashion, and that the Westburys belonged to a somewhat antiquated day. At all events, she had no doubt the Jorrockses were a desirable acquaintance, and day after day the model of propriety was seen wending her way, watering-pot in hand, to the village Hall. Mrs. Flather thought it "so nice" that there was no young man in the way, so that their disinterested attentions - could not be misconstrued, charging Emma all the time to find out whether there were any nephews, or who the money was likely to go to. Emma was an apt scholar, and even began clipping the Queen's English and taking liberties with her vowels, either from contagion or for the sake of flattering her new friends. " Imitation," says Lacon, " is the sincerest flattery." Joshua Sneakington, too, set up a somewhat similar dialect, and talked to Jorrocks about 'osses, and 'edges, and 'eifers (heifers), and 'ouses, and 'arrowing, and 'oeing, and all sorts of 'usbandry. Indeed, if it hadn't been that Joshua was rayther too keen, having laid so long out of a victim, he would have been quite an acquisition to Mr. Jorrocks at this period, for he knew all the ins and outs of the country, and where to lay hands on everything Mr. Jorrocks wanted. The hundred or hundred and fifty acres that Mr. Jorrocks threatened taking in hand, ot course, was not yet available, the tedious process of half-yearly noticing and out-going cropping having to be gone through with a greater part of it. This, perhaps, was what made Mr. Jorrocks settle less readily than his amiable and accomplished spouse. One of the old wainscoted rooms, that we described as the parlour of the original old house, was taken by Mrs. Jorrocks for her 'boudoir. Not that it came up to her idea of what a boudoir ought to be, but it was conveniently situated for the kitchen ; added to which, she had an eye to the other for a storeroom. Neither were its fittings- np at all to her taste, but these she thought she could rectify. She had the old richly carved stone mantelpiece painted black and yellow, in imitation of marble. The sun, the moon, and all the stars HILLIXGDOX HALL. 49 were made to accommodate themselves in the various compart- ments of the deeply mullioned, richly corniced ceiling, the ground of which was done cerulean blue ; and the gloomi- ness of one side of the oak-wainscoted walls she purposed relieving by all the prints out of " Jun's " Sporting Maga- zines, while the other was to exhibit a triumph of industry in the shape of a papering of old postage-stamps, done in stripes of twopenny blues and penny reds. This of course was to be a work of time, the completion of which depended a good deal upon the kindness of her friends, to whom she applied most assiduously for contributions. Many of them wondered what she meant by writing to ask them to " save their old heads for her." The Gothic oak door, with its massive wrought-iron bands and knocker, did not please her either. She had the bands and knocker taken off; invisible hinges supplied the place of the former ; and a smart brass bell-pull appeared in the door-post instead of the noisy old knocker. The door itself also underwent two or three coats of paint, and shone forth in highly varnished imitation of either mahogany or rosewood : altogether, the old girl made quite a revolution. Out of doors she was equally energetic. The village school, which so long had prospered under the fostering care of the late owners of the Hall, came in for a large share of her attentions. This, however, was not con- ducted in accordance with her ideas of how things should be ; the mop caps and russet brown stuffs of the girls did not meet her approbation, any more than did the corduroys and woollen caps of the boys meet Mr. Jorrocks's. Mr. J. had an idea that the dress had a good deal to do with their learning, and always contended that there were no \>ouys half so cute as those of the red jackets and leather breeches of Islington. It was there, we believe, he got his treasure, the renowned " Binjimin " Brady. Mrs. Jorrocks's chief objection to the girls' dresses was the dowdyness of them. " No style, no smartness, you see," said she to Mrs. Trimmer, the mistress, after she had got her first visit or two over ; " it costs nothin' more havin' them a good colour, and the clothes decently made, than these queer, flat, trollopy-lookin' things," running her parasol down D 50 HILLIXGDON HALL. a girl's back as she spoke " nothin' personal, in course," added she, " to the lady wot does the genteel novels, but a little smartness and fillin' out doesn't do young folks no harm sky-blue now, I should say, would be werry neat, with plenty of flowers or sea-green, or laylack, or lavender, or red, anything in fact better than these dismal-lookin' browns. And as to their learnin' spellin', and cyphering and sewin' is all werry well ; but I'd teach them a little of the genteels braidin' and ornamental sewin' satin stitch ; worsted work too is werry much in wogue." Poor Mrs. Trimmer didn't know what to make of it all ; but of course she concluded the fine London lady knew what was right. Mrs. Jorrocks was very much bothered about the girls' dresses, and many were the consultations Emma Flather and she held on the subject. Emma, however, had had no experience in these matters, never having seen any other school of the sort, and her taste for clothes not descending below silks, satins, and muslins. In this emergency, Mrs. Jorrocks bethought of applying to Mr. Bowker's sister-in- law, Susan, whose theatrical knowledge and taste combined had aided her on former emergencies, and she thought would help her to something smart. Accordingly she wrote her the following epistle : " Mrs. Jorrocks's complaments Miss Slummers, and mam, I'll thank you to see what you can do for me in the way of dressin' my school-girls, as they have at present a very flat, trollopey, dowdey sort of look ; Mrs. Jorrocks does not approve of too much finery for girls, thinkin' it likely to lead their minds astray from the cultiwation of intelligent vays, particular from their reverence and duty to their superiors in every station of life ; but I think, without goin' to any great expense, somethin' smart might be hit upon, that would be neat and not costly or gaudy, and set off their figures a little better to adwantage. " Mrs. Jorrocks will, therefore, thank you to see what you can do for her. " HILLIXGDOX HALL, HILLINGDON. IIILLIXGDOX HALL. 51 Susan and Mrs. Bowker had a long consultation on the subject of this letter; both had a taste for finery, but how to apply it to the exigencies of a country school was rather beyond their ingenuity, besides which they knew Mrs. Jorrocks wanted to cut a cheap dash. All the charity schools in London and the environs were examined for ideas, but they were all more in the check, than in the fan, vanity style. Susan's attention was then turned to stage costume ; all the characters she had appeared in were canvassed, and at length, all things considered, she determined upon recommending a Swiss costume. Her reasons will be best gathered by a perusal of her letter. " KESPECTED MADAM, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, and in conjunction with my sister, have given your wants my best consideration. I have in- spected the dresses of all, or nearly all the scholastic estab- lishments in London and the neighbourhood, but find they all have a tendency to the disfigurement, rather than a development of the person. The colours vary greatly, and the articles of dress slightly differ, but in no one that I have seen is there the slightest attempt at fashion or elegance. At Kensal Green, they have sky-blue gowns, white caps, capes and sleeves, with yellow stockings ; but the girls are one uniform breadth from the shoulders to the heels. At Clapham Eise, they have Lincoln green, with blue stockings ; at Peckham, tartans, with tartan stockings ; at Balham Hill, scarlet, with green stockings, and yellow worsted shawls ; at Pimlico, orange, with orange stockings ; at Parson's Green they are red all over ; and at Turnham Green, all grey. " The result of my examinations and inquiries has been, that though there is a great deal of strong showy material used for dresses at some of these schools, they all seem to have been chosen with a view to extraordinary and incon- gruous effect something to startle and surprise, rather than to please and allure. It may have been the taste of the day in which they were founded, but they have certainly out- lived the fashion very considerably. Under these circum- stances I turned my attention to other countries, first and 5 2 HILLIXGDOX HALL. foremost among which stand the Swiss for originality and variety of female costume. They are an out-of-door people, and though cleanliness and sewing is very properly incul- cated in schools, yet the main object in patronizing them being to make a show through streets up to church, I con- ceived we could not do better than attempt a modification of a becoming Swiss dress. These, as you doubtless know (having seen many on the stage) are various, particularly the head-dress. In one Canton (Appenzell) they wear black caps like butterflies' wings stuck on their heads, while the rest of the dress partakes a good deal of that of an English housemaid short sleeves and long petticoats bodice lacing in front. The Lucernoise are richer and more foreign large flat hats, hair in two long plaits down the back, white collars, with large frills, purple dresses, trimmed with orange, with a square of orange and red let in at the back of the waist, white stockings, and an infinity of chains, beads, and crosses, on a richly embroidered waist of purple velvet and black. This, however, I think, would hardly do, save for the monitors or head-girls of the school, besides which it has the fault which all Swiss dresses have indeed of extreme flatness and want of tornure. I therefore merely describe this dress in case richness and costliness should be what you want. What I would respectfully recommend, would be the costume of the Canton d'Ury. This is a large flat-crowned straw hat, with a wreath of ribbon round the crown, the bonnet placed becomingly on the back of the head. A white sort of bed-gown, well open at the bosom, reaching a little below the waist, with a scarlet petticoat and pink stockings. This, confined at the waist, and well set off with horse-hair petticoats, or even bustles, would have a very stylish, dashing effect, and should you ever think of giving a fite champStre, or any little rural entertainment of that sort, girls dressed in that way might be exceedingly useful and ornamental to the scene. A few lessons in dancing would enable them to go through a figure or two while the servants were laying the table ; or if the entertainment wanted varying after dinner, you might have them in to perform. Again, they might be useful in handing about tea HILLIXGDOX HALL. 53 or cakes ; and altogether the appearance of so many retainers would have the effect of adding consequence to the mansion, and, of course, to the mistress. " Should this suggestion meet your approbation, it will afford me very sincere pleasure to assist in carrying it into effect, and your instructions shall be promptly attended to. My brother and sister unite with me in most respectful compliments to Mr. Jorrocks and yourself, and I have the honour to remain, madam, your most obedient and very humble servant, " SUSAN SLUMMEBS. "EAGLE STREET, EED LION SQUARE, LONDON." Mrs. Jorrocks was charmed at the idea ! She thought it was " the werry cleverest hit that ever was made, combinin' the ornamental with the useful ; " and she wrote to Susan Slummers to get her estimates and proposals for furnishing the requisite quantity of stuff and stockings, also for finding and upholding for twelve months a certain number of horse- hair bustles. The latter was put in competition through the medium of the advertising columns of the Times news- paper in the shape of the following announcement : " HORSE-HAIR BUSTLES. " To be let, the finding, maintaining, and repairing for twelve months certain, five dozen best horse-hair bustles of different sizes, which, with all other particulars, may be had on application to Miss Clarissa Howard, at BOWKER & Co.'s wholesale and retail snuff and tobacco warehouse, Eagle Street, Red Lion Square. " N.B. Just arrived, a large consignment of real havan- nahs. Tobacco and fancy snuffs in the greatest variety. The trade supplied." The schoolhouse underwent an alteration as well as the inmates. This was a modern building of the lattice-window cottage order, entered by a porch, leading into a passage on one side of which was the schoolroom, and on the other the 54 HILLINGDON HALL. master aud mistress's apartment. Its outward appearance bespoke what it was ; and as there was no fear of the little girls getting to the wrong house by mistake, the owner had never thought it necessary to put up an inscription either stating that it was a school, or that it was meant to educate so many children, or even that it was built by so and so in such a year. Things were now about to be done as they ought. Under the auspices of Joshua Sneakington, a tablet was prepared for erection over the door, stating that Mrs. Jorrocks was the foundress, &c. &c., and in order that all things might start together it was arranged that the tablet should be put up on the Saturday night preceding the Sunday on which the " merry Swiss girls " were to parade for the first time in long drawn line up to church. Then, as the village bells rang gaily on a balmy summer's morning, Mr. and Mrs. Jorrocks were seen repairing arm in arm " full fig " with Binjimin with his hands full of prayer-books behind them, to see the grand effect of the new dresses and inscriptions, and walk alongside the children to church ; out the children came, hand in hand, the little ones first, with their great umbrella hats and enormous bustles, each couple laughing at those on before, Mrs. Jorrocks admiring the effect of the scarlet and white, and Mr. Jorrocks spelling aloud to himself the over-true inscription Joshua Sneaking- ton's hurry had caused to be stuck over the door. THIS SCHOOL WAS FOUNDER' D BY JULIA JORROCKS, THE TRULY PIOUS AND BENEVOLENT LADY OF THIS MANOR. ANNO DOMINI 184 . 55 ) CHAPTER IX. " Some country girl, scarce to a curt'sey bred, Would I much rather than Cornelia wed; If supercilious, haughty, proud, and vain, She brought her father's triumphs in her train." hero's shire, like most counties and shires, was divided into Whig and Tory, whereof the Whigs had rather the advantage, owing, per- haps, to the influence of the Lord Lieutenant, who favoured the former politics, and had the usual making of great men, in the shape of magistrates, deputy-lieutenants, and, perhaps, excisemen. Still the Tories ran them close, and every vote was of importance. The late Mr. Westbury, like most right-thinking men, was a Whig, and great anxiety was felt in high quarters as to what the politics of his successor might be. The Lord Lieutenant aforesaid to wit, the Duke of Donkey ton was a muddle-headed, garru- lous old Whig liberal, levelling, and mankind-loving out of doors exclusive, and a bit of a bashaw within. " The greatest good for the greatest number ! civil and religious liberty ! equality ! freedom of the press ! " and all that sort of thing sort of man. The period of which we are now writing was one of great importance to his Grace, inasmuch as the hope of his house the young Marquis of Bray had just attained his majority, and Parliament had shown certain unhealthy symptoms, indicating, in the opinion of the physicians (Peel, Goss, and Co.), no distant dissolution. These considerations made the Duke come down a peg or two in his greatness, and mix rather more with the commonalty, not but that he knew of all that was going on in the country, for every 56 HILLINGDON HALL. great man has his toady his Joshua Sneakington to supply him with tittle-tattle and gossip, but the Duke thought it prudent to unbend a little. Accordingly, the Duchess began carding, and the Duke began dining, all the likely birds in the district. Of course the Tory party turned up their noses, wondered " that so-and-so would let themselves be made cats'-paws of" observing that "it was quite evident what the Duke and Duchess were after ; " " they wouldn't allow themselves to be made a convenience of," and with such like declarations, patiently waited to be called upon by the leaders of their own party. It was with great pleasure the Duke heard that Mr. Jorrocks was a Whig, for what with his farms and what with his shops, he could carry as many as fifteen or sixteen votes to the poll. The consequence was, that not many weeks after Mr. and Mrs. Jorrocks's arrival, a dark claret coach, the wheels picked out in red, with four horses, and postillions in scarlet, and two outriders in dark grey, drew up at the old porch of Hillingdon Hall, much to the astonishment of Binjimin and Batsay, who stood staring at two richly embossed and glazed cards, one bearing the title of " The Duke of Donkeyton, Donkeyton Castle," the other that of "The Duchess of Donkeyton, Donkeyton Castle," until the coroneted coach and its contents had whisked clean out of sight. It so happened that Mr. Jorrocks, on that day, had gone with Joshua Sneakington to look at a "bal," about ten miles off; and Mrs. Jorrocks and Emma had been sent for suddenly, to quell an insurrection in the school, arising out of the unpopularity of the new costume. Mrs. Jorrocks was sadly distressed at being out, for in addition to natural curiosity, Mrs. Trotter had the impudence to assert that the coach contained his Grace's gentleman, and her Grace's maid ; but Mrs. Trotter having once mistaken these personages for the Duke and Duchess, it was just as likely she might mistake the Duke and Duchess for these personages, especially in a large family coach with the windows up. Be that as it may, however, the coach had been there, as the cards could testify. Great was Mr. Jorrocks's astonishment when he saw them. HILLINGDOX HALL 57 " Veil, he thought he never know'd sich a thing in his life called on by a duke ! wonders would never cease." Then he summoned Binjimin to know how it all was. " Veil, Binjimin," said he, jingling a load of keys and halfpence in the upper storey of the Jorrockian jacket, " tell us all about it now vot did you see ? " " Vy," said Binjimin, wiping his nose across the back of his hand, "I vas a scrubbin' and polishin' for 'ard life at your Sunday 'essians, ven all of a sudden there came such a peal at the bell that I thought some waggabone had run away with our new pull ; accordin' I throws down the boot, and, seizin' the big vip, ran as 'ard as ever I could, 'oping for to catch them. Veil, I opens the door, and crikey, there stood a man, for all the world, like Jack the Giant-killer, dressed in a short coat, leather breeches, and top-boots, with a cockade in his 'at, and a precious long vip in his 'and just like one of them great, long, lazy, 'ulking London Johnnies, wot we used to see about the warst end, only a deal bigger, and a coach with sich a sight of 'osses in it, that I think the leaders' 'eads were at the far end of our town. Just like the Lord Mayor's state boobey hutch, only there wasn't no men in harmour about it, or fools in wigs inside. Veil, I was so flummox'd at comin' out with a vip to sich an assortment, that I dare say the Johnny might have been 'ollerin' to me till now to know if you were at 'ome, if Batsay hadn't come and ex- plained that you were away lookin' arter a bull, but her missus was up at the seminary, and she would run for her ; whereupon the great sarcy Johnny, with his up-turned nose, jest shoved the two cards into her 'and, and the coach and all the party were off and bowlin' away out of sight afore one could say Jack Robinson." " My vig ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks in astonishment at the honour. The first blow was speedily followed up by another. Ere the Jorrockses had fully digested the compliment, and settled the order of march for returning the visit, an enormous card larger than one of these pages arrived, done up in a richly gilt and figured cover, sealed with a 58 HILLIXGDON HALL. prodigious seal containing the coronet, crests, arms, and supporters of the Donkeyton family. The card was not less gorgeous. Under a canopy formed by a ducal coronet, surrounded by a glittering halo, a richly coloured royal party sat at a sumptuously spread table ; stars and feathers and orders abounding, while the word " BANQUET," in gilt letters below, denoted the nature of the entertainment, and prepared the receiver for the invitation which followed. Thus it ran, or rather thus it was filled up, the names of the inviters and words of course being printed in gilt letters : " The Duke and Duchess of Donkeyton request the honour of Mr. and Mrs. Jorrocks s company to dine and stay all night on Tuesday the 2 1st of July. " R. S. V. P. "DoxKEYTON CASTLE." There was a go ! Mr. Jorrocks was staggered, and Mrs. Jorrocks dumb- founded. They thought it must be a hoax. The idea of them, whose most aristocratic acquaintance was old Lady Jingle, at Margate, jumping all at once over the heads of baronets, baron lords (as the late lamented Sam Spring used to call them), earls, and marquises, and arriving by one flying leap at a dukedom, was altogether incredible. Couldn't be the case. Must be some mistake. Perhaps a trick of the boys at Dr. Rodwell's academy, who had always been a nuisance to the neighbourhood, as Joshua Sneak- ington avowed. But then the coach and horses and cards ; there was no hoax in them, for both Batsay and Binjimin saw them, as well as every man, woman, and child in the village. No, it must be right. The Duke was a farmer, and had heard of Mr. Jorrocks's fame ; the Duchess was a florist, and had heard of Mrs. J.'s garden. Thus each settled the matter to their own satisfaction. " Honour too ! " observed Mrs. Jorrocks, looking again at the card, " calling it an honour the Duke and Duchess of Donkeyton requesting the honour of Mr. and Mrs. Jorrocks's company." HILLINGDON HALL. 59 " R. S. We. P., too," observed Mr. Jorrocks, taking the glittering pasteboard out of the mistress's hand. " Wot can that mean, I wonder ? R. S. We. P. I have it 1 Remember six werry punctual. So ve vill ! Six o'clock and no waitin' I hates waitin' for my dinner." Mr. Jorrocks, being the penman of the house, having deliberately unlocked his great brass-bound mahogany writing-desk, and drawn forth a sheet of the best superfine double-wove satin post, thus proceeded to answer the in- vitation in a good round old-fashioned hand. "Mr. and Mrs. Jorrocks have the honour of accepting the Duke and Duchess of Donkeyton's inwitation to dinner at six o'clock on Tu " " Ah, but Jun," said Mrs. J., when he had got thus far, " are you sure you're right about the hour ? " " No doubt ! " grunted Mr. Jorrocks ; " vot else can it mean ? " " Vy, S. may stand for seven," replied Mrs. Jorrocks, " as well as six. Remember seven werry punctual." " So it may ! " exclaimed Mr. J., throwing down his pen, and sticking out his legs like a man regularly floored. " Confound these hieroglyphicks. Shall be makin' a hass of myself. Jest like my friend Christopher's clerk, who, when the chap left his P. P. C. card for his master, would have it was a horder for wine, and forthwith despatched a cart with a pipe o' port and , claret. Veil, it's one thing to be green, and another to show it," so saying Mr. Jorrocks tore up the note and wrote another, saying " Mr. and Mrs. Jorrocks would do themselves the honour of dining and staying all night at Donkeyton Castle," and let the R. S. V. P. part alone. News of this sort doesn't keep. In less than an hour after receipt of the card, Mrs. Jorrocks was seen turning out of the Hall in her Sunday hat and shawl, and wending her way " up street," taking the chance of who she might fall in with. As luck would have it, Mrs. Trotter was coming " down," and they met opposite the pond. " Ow dey do's ? " " charmin' weather, &c," being ex- changed, and Mrs. J. having no place in particular to go 60 HILLIXGDOX HALL. to, joined Mrs. Trotter, who was on her way to a district meeting of the Samaritan Society, just for the pleasure of a little of her company that fine day. Mrs. J. very soon broached the subject of the invitation. " Could Mrs. Trotter tell her 'ow far it was to Donkeyton Castle ? " " That she could, for she had been there once, and hoped never to be again : it was just fourteen miles." Mrs. Jorrocks was rather dumbfounded, for she had never met any one high enough up the ladder to be able to sneer at a lord, let alone a duke. Mrs. Trotter, seeing Mrs. Jorrocks's embarrassment, kindly undertook to raise her that she might have the pleasure of knocking her down again. "And so they were going to Donkeyton Castle, were they ? She had heard the Duke's break had been in the town a few days back." " It was the Duke's coach and six," observed Mrs. Jorrocks "the Duke and Duchess were callin' on Mr. Jorrocks and me ; and now they've sent to ax us to stay." " Sooner you than me," observed Mrs. Trotter. " I always pity anybody I hear going there but, however, don't let me prejudice you against it" so saying, having reached the door of the meeting-house, Mrs. Trotter bid Mrs. J. a good morning, and turned in. " Jealous, I guess ! " muttered Mrs. J. to herself " howsomever, she'll not put me out o' conceit on't sour grapes, I guess, as Jun would say." Nothing daunted by Mrs. Trotter's snarlishness, Mrs. Jorrocks wended her way to the Manse, where she found the model of propriety and her mamma in full conclave on the very subject that caused them the honour of her visit. On the parlour table lay a duplicate " banquet card ; " and Miss Emma and her mamma were in full discussion as " to what it meant" not that they were puzzled about the R. S. V. P. or anything of that sort, but in the enlarged womanish sense of the term, they wanted to know what it " meant" And here we may observe that we believe it to be a well-established fact that every young lady, and many young ladies' mammas, consider HILLIXGDOff HALL. 61 at the outset of life that they are destined for duchesses. The model of propriety and the model's mamma were dis- cussing the meaning of the card at the moment. Their argument was this The Duke of Donkeyton and Mr. Flather were intimate because Mr. Flather was a Whig, and Whig parsons are scarce. Moreover, a parson, Whig or Tory, is a sort of a necessary appendage at a great man's table. Then, in addition, Mr. Flather was a man whose judgment was looked up to, and even dukes are sometimes better for a little guidance. Mrs. Flather therefore satis- factorily settled why Mr. Flather and she had been guests at Donkeyton Castle, but then came the question why her daughter and she should be invited now that there were neither politics nor guidance to get in the way of return. The thought seemed to strike them simultaneously. " My dear, dear child ! " exclaimed Mrs. Flather, kissing her daughter profusely. " Oh ! mamma, if I should ! " exclaimed Emma, as a slight tinge of pink passed across her alabaster countenance, like a fleeting cloud before the moon. Just then in came Mrs. Jorrocks. It were needless following these old girls through their open congratulations and hidden disappointments at find- ing each other invited, for, of course, each expected to have the " crow : " suffice it to say, they thought it prudent to coalesce, and see what could be done in the way of mutual accommodation. As to rivalry, Mrs. Flather had nothing to fear from the Jorrockses being invited indeed, she told Emma, all things considered, she didn't know but it was better that they should, for it looked less marked and particular than asking them alone ; and if the Marquis's attentions were not palat- able to her, it would prevent his feelings being hurt by its bruiting abroad ; an overture of that sort being a thing no woman ever thinks of mentioning. Fully impressed with the conviction that the Duke and Duchess of Donkeyton had determined on perpetuating their line through the medium of some artless, guileless, unsophis- ticated country nymph such a one as described in our motto after the manner of divers well-authenticated greasy 62 HILLIXGDOX HALL. novel couples, Mrs. Flather (who was obliging enough to believe us ladies and gentlemen who lie upon paper called authors) most magnanimously ordered her daughter such a rig-out as she thought becoming for the next taker of the title. Not that she went to Youillon and Lawrie, or any of the accredited dispensers of fashionable feathers and fur- belows, but she expended some pounds in the purchase of a piece of uncommonly good blue silk for a morning dress ; which with the aid of Mrs. Smith, the village sempstress, was made to display the fine swelling figure of the new marchioness to great advantage. Nay, more, it imparted a shade of colouring to her eyes, and made them quite blue. A Leghorn bonnet, lined with blue crape, and a white feather tipped with the same colour, did the business, and made the model perfectly killing. Give Emma her due, she was a fine girl straight as a milk-maid, fine drooping shoulders (which she exposed so much when dressed as to make bystanders fear she might be enacting Mrs. Eve), splendid bust, tolerably small waist, and good feet and ankles. Before starting with Emma Flather on her new matri- monial speculation, it may be well " to advertise the reader," as the old writers used to say, as to her past and present position. We have already intimated that she was then in the third step of her matrimonial ladder, in the person of James Blake. The previous ones it is immaterial to mention, further than to say, that Mrs. Flather had made each believe her daughter was desperately smitten with them both, but that a sudden reaction had taken place on finding that neither had anything to live upon. It is wonderful how many people achieve the feat of living upon nothing. James Blake was differently situated, for Mrs. Flather had the advantage of knowing the exact minimum at all events of his fortune. He had been in the dangerous position of a pupil to Mr. Flather, who had been in the habit of putting the finishing touch to young gentlemen before going to College, and Emma and James had been sort of school- fellow playfellows dangerous situation for a young man, especially an orphan as he was. Well, on Mr. Westbury's HILLIXGDON HALL. 63 death, as we said before, tke next presentation of the living had been purchased for James ; and the period of his taking possession drawing nigh, and nothing better having presented itself, Mrs. Flather had fully settled in her own mind that it would be much better both for him and her daughter to marry, and then they could all live together, and she could keep things in order, and save them and herself a world of trouble. In this arrangement Mrs. Flather did not contemplate any difficulty, for James had lived with them long enough for her to know that he was easily led, especially by such a charming conductress as her daughter. Indeed, wiser men than he might have willingly surrendered themselves to such prepossessing guidance. James was not very bright, how- ever, partaking rather of the nature of what is called soft. Just the sort of youth for Mrs. Flather to have to deal with, she being what the Yorkshire people call both soft and hard. Few are so stupid as not to know their own interest. To look at James, though, you would have thought he was wise he was a good-looking young man tallish, with a lofty forehead, bright brown eyes, Eoman nose, and altogether with what ought to have been an expressive sort of counte- nance only it had no exact expression. Still he was what would be called a gentlemanly-looking young fellow ; particu- larly in the country, where the half- buck, half- hawbuck order preponderate. Our readers perhaps will say, " Why, you make both James and Emma rather of the negative order." Perhaps we do however, we can't help it, so there's an end of the chapter. CHAPTER X. Thou know'st how guileless first I met thy flame, When Love approached me under Friendship's name ; My fancy formed thee of angelic kind, Some emanation of the ' All-beauteous Mind, ' Those smiling eyes, attempering every ray, Shone sweetly lambent with celestial day. Guiltless I gazed ; Heaven listen'd while you sung ; And truths divine came mended from that tongue. From lips like those what precept fail'd to move ? Too soon they taught me 'twas no sin to love : Back through the paths of pleasing sense I ran, Nor wish'd an angel whom I lov'd a man." 'HE preparations for the visit to Donkey ton Castle occupied the attention of Mrs. Jorrocks and Mrs. Flather most uninterruptedly. The rose bushes and flowers were left to train and look after themselves, and the household department received little attention. Silks, satins, and sarcenets usurped the place of card -tables, carpets, and counterpanes. Mrs. Jorrocks had a new dress made for the occasion an amber -coloured brocade, with large bunches of scarlet geraniums scattered about, and flounces three-quarters of the way up her middle. Her bonnet was white chip, with an amber- coloured feather tipped with scarlet, above a Madonna-shaped front, plastered down each side of her forehead " Mutton, dressed lamb fashion," as Mr. Jorrocks observed. Mrs. Flather was equally assiduous more so if possible having higher and more important objects in view. Many were the tryings on, and alterings of, Emma's dress a little fulness here, a little tightness there, a little HILLIXGDOX HALL. 65 pinching in the arm, and a little puffing elsewhere. She was regularly fitted out for conquest. Many were the confidential dialogues held between mother and daughter, as to Emma's proceedings, after she had captured the coronet. How she should ride in a coach and six, how she should call on Mrs. Trotter, how she should appear at Court, and how condescending she should be. Poor James Blake was shelved, or seldom mentioned, save as a dernier resort. Emma's appetite was the only thing Mrs. Flather feared. Men she knew marquises she imagined in particular dis- liked guzzling girls ; and she was most anxious that Emma should appear a pure ethereal being a sort of compound of love, sentiment, and omelette soufflee. "I think, my dear, it will be well to take a little bit of something to eat with you," observed Mrs. Flather to the model of propriety as they sat in solemn conclave on the oft-discussed and all-important visit, " and then you can trifle and play with your dinner, and be able to give your undivided attention to whoever happens to sit next you. A great deal may be done at a dinner-table, especially when people are hungry. Suppose we tell Jane to bake you a few buns, and then you can eat some before breakfast as well?" " Oh yes, mamma, and let her put some currants in them," replied the embryo Marchioness. "Pshaw, you. and your currants," observed Mrs. Flather snappishly, " I wish for once you'd give up thinking of eating, and turn your attention to something else consider what a prospect you have before you : " with which admoni- tion Mrs. Flather left the room to look after buns and other matters. The getting to Donkeyton was the next consideration. Mr. Jorrocks swore no power on airth should induce him to ride three in a po-chay again ; and having imported his valuable old rattle-trap fire-engine vehicle, he settled in his own mind that the old Roman-nosed cob should go in it, and convey Mrs. Jorrocks and himself in front, with Binjimin and Batsay stuck up behind. The weather was fine ; the 66 HILLIXGDON HALL. roads were good ; the cob was strong, and what was to hinder them ? Mrs. Jorrocks, however, was the one to hinder them. " She'd jest as soon think o' flyin' as goin' to Donkeyton Castle in a hamber-coloured dress in a one-'oss chay. Wot ! when the Duke and Duchess had come in a chaise and six ! She'd rather not go at all, than not go as she ouglitr Mr. J. was quite willing to let her stay at home. However, there were two to one against Mr. J. there ; three indeed, Mrs. J., Mrs. Flather, and Emma. These cases generally end in a compromise, and so did this. Mrs. Jorrocks of course wanted to get herself there in good order without the derangement to dress and com- plexion consequent upon sultry weather and dusty roads. Mrs. Flather wanted to get Emma there in like manner, and, moreover, would rather ride with Mr. Jorrocks than his wife, so they arranged to hire one of those forlorn attempts at gentility a coachmaker's job carriage with a " neat and careful driver," from the neighbouring town of Sellborough, to which we shall by-and-by have the pleasure of introduc- ing our readers. Between this and the old lire-engine the following distribution of parties was made : Mrs. Jorrocks and Emma inside, with Batsay and Mrs. Flather's boy in buttons on the box, and Mr. Jorrocks, Mrs. Flather, and Binjimin in Mr. Jorrocks's old rattle-trap. Mr. J. wanted to argue that there would be too many for the' cob, and thought it would look better for Batsay to go inside, and Binjimin and the boy in buttons to occupy the box of the l'ob-chaise ; but Mrs. Jorrocks indignantly spurned the idea, and stopped the argument by asking how he could have the imperence to say that, when he had proposed taking her, Batsay, Binjimin and all. Poor Mr. J. was posed. The important morn dawned a lovely summer's day. The sun rose clear and bright. The sky was of azure blue, scarce a cloud obscured the heavens, nor did a breath of wind disturb the leaves. But for the bustle of packing and arranging, with the fear of forgetting, it would have been a day of enjoyment. Mrs. Jorrocks's knuckles got sadly reddened before she had done. Mr. Jorrocks took it " werry easy." The Jorrockian HILLLNGDO:N T HALL. 67 jacket being still in high favour, of course he sported that with drab tights, and Hessian boots. His shave had been accomplished with extra care, and a neat sea-green cravat supported his jolly chin. He got a little help from Binjimin that morning, and the old cob would have gone without his corn but for the timely services of Mr. J. Tiresome work these sort of "jaunts." What with preparing, lounging about waiting for the right time, so as to nick the proper hour for arriving, and, above all, getting a lot of women with their goods under weigh there is no doing anything ; and unless a man has a letter back, or something in his pocket whereon to vent his mind in the shape of an article for a paper or magazine, he's sure to blow up his wife, or the maid. " Now, are you ready ? CWfound it, you're always late ! Didn't I tell you so ? Lauk, what a woman you are ! Now, where's your bag ? D n the bags ! Do come away. We shall never get there. Wish I'd refused the invitation. Never go again, however." The job-chaise a terribly dirty, drab-lined old green, with greasy red leather cushions and back was despatched to the Manse to import Emma and her mamma, and after keeping Mr. Jorrocks dancing about at the door with the white reins of the old cob in his hand a good half-hour, it at last hove in sight, buns and all, and Mr. Jorrocks having moved the fire-engine on a pace or two, it presently drew up at the door. The model of propriety really looked beautiful. It's wonderful what miracles dress accomplishes. We have seen girls who were really quite plain, expand into beauties under the hands of a good milliner. " Expand " we may well say, for they generally make them look about half as big again as they are. Emma, as the reader may remember, did not want any filling up fining down would have been more to the purpose with her. However, that is matter of taste, there being, fortunately, admirers of women in all shapes. Indeed, if it would not shock the delicacy of our male readers, we might mention that Emma had had an extra tug at her stays, and reduced her waist by an inch and a half or so. Emma had a good foot and ankle, pulled her stockings well up, and didn't mind showing her legs a 68 HILLIXGDOX HALL. little. Indeed, pulling up their stockings is a great thing with girls. The finest satin dress that ever was worn, will not compensate for untidy ankles. It is not the value of the article, but the fit and style of the thing that does a man's business. A cotton gown has proved many a man's " fix," as the Americans say. Still, when one's been used to a girl in cotton, the emergence into the radiance of silks has frequently a very favourable effect. So it was with Emma. Mr. Jorrocks a great admirer of beauty, and an excellent judge of the points of a woman albeit he hadn't shown any great taste in his selection of Mrs. J., was struck " all of a heap," as the saying is, with the elegance of Emma's appearance, and could he have been sure that Mrs. J. would have let Emma sit in the middle, he wouldn't have minded riding "three in a chay" again. Nothing would satisfy the old cock but Emma should get out and show herself, an invitation she readily complied with, and having praised the tightness of the sleeve, the breadth of the flounces, and the curl of the feather, Mr. Jorrocks handed her back again, and shoved Mrs. Jorrocks in after. Mrs. Flather and he then mounted the front seat of the fire-engine, Benjamin lett the old cob's stupid head to jump in behind, and yielding the pas to the chaise, they fell in behind just at a sufficient distance to avoid the dust. At the first turn of the road they met Mrs. Trotter ; glorious encounter. Mrs. Jorrocks kissed her hand at her, as if she would never see her more. Mr. Jorrocks pulled up for the double purpose of a little chat, and of letting the chaise get out of sight, for he had a wholesome dread of those little nasty back windows, that coachmakers will stick in behind. " Veil, Mrs. Trotter," said he, after mutual salutations were over, " this is suramut like summer the real unadulterated article, I guess and where are you a travellin' to ? " Mrs. Trotter was bustling about trying for subscriptions for the " Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariner's Benevolent Society ; annual subscription, two and sixpence donations ad libitum ; " and liking Mrs. Flather as little as Mrs. HILLLXGDOX HALL. 69 Flatter liked her, and, moreover, objecting to let her "Donkeyton Castle" her, she hurried away, vowing she hadn't a minute to spare, commenting in her own mind on the abandonment of Mrs. Flather in riding about publicly with another woman's husband. Mr. Jorrocks, who always did everything like a workman or at least what he thought like one having folded a natty new zephyr across his thighs, so as to leave the upper part of his well-filled drab stockingette pantaloons visible between the laps of the Jorrockian jacket, turned a little to his left, and commenced a voluble battery not to say love- making with his fair friend. Our young readers, we dare say, will turn up their noses at this, just as the boarding- school miss did, when she begged her mamma not to marry her to an old man of thirty ; but as we get older we get wonderfully lenient in the matter of age, and see no reason why two old fools should not amuse themselves as well as two young ones. Besides, if our accommodating friends will refer to the first portion of this tale, or whatever they please to call it, they will find that we expressly stated, that Mrs. Flather was an undespairing widow as indeed all widows are, that have anything so there is nothing improbable, though it may be a little improper, in a steady old gentle- man, like Mr. J., doing as we have described. Well, right or wrong, J. did it, and but for the encumbrance of Benjamin, we fear he would have been far worse. First he flopped the nag "There was a goer, neat, clean, straightforward, dartin' action, none o' your lumberin', rollin', dishin' beggars, wot go like crabs, all vays at once, and none in particklar. Took to his collar like a tramp (trump), didn't run arter it all day, never tryin' for to ketch it." Then he gave old Roman- nose another flop " Nice nag ! all over right, he did believe. He called him Dickey Cobden, not out o' com- pliment to him o' the League, but simply because he was wot is called a cob 'oss a useful, underbred nag. If he'd been a dun 'un now, he'd ha' called him Tom Buncombe, but he should have had a trifle more breedin'. Finsbury's pride was werry well bred. Howsomever, all things con- sidered, Dickey did werry well. Some might think him a yo HILLIXGDOX HALL. trifle too old ; but he thought nothin' o' that, age was nothin' either in 'osses or women. Fat, fair, and forty, wos his motto. Binjimin ! " exclaimed he, turning short round as he heard the boy snicker at hearing this oft-repeated assertion, " take the drivin'-seat out from an under me, and make me a comfey place for my back. I'm far too 'igh ; nothin' to rest agin, there, take cushion and all out, and I shall get a nice nest." This arrangement had the desired effect. It brought Mr. Jorrocks a few inches below the level of Mrs. Flather, and enabled his lower notes to ascend to her bonnet without travelling over the back to Benjamin. At least so Mr. J. thought. He then began afresh " Nice day for a drive," observed he aloud, flourishing his whip over his head like a French postillion ; adding, in an undertone, " and rare weather for billin' and cooiii'. I'm dashed if a day o' this sort don't rejuvenate one knocks full five-and-twenty per cent, off one's age. I feels like a four-year-old. Binjimin ! " exclaimed he, " jamp out and see if Dickey hasn't picked up a stone." On Mr. J. drove, keeping the boy running after the carriage, vociferating that Dickey " hadn't done nothin' o' the sort." Mr. J. availing himself of the opportunity to sweetheart Mrs. Flather. " Stones," said he casually, as if he really thought the cob had taken up one, " are bad for the feet and talkin' o' feet," continued he, " wot beautiful feet and ankles your daughter 'as. Now, if I was a young 'un that's to say, a little younger than I am " " There ain't no stone in his foot / v roared Benjamin. " Five-and-thirty or so," continued Mr. Jorrocks, without noticing the interruption, "I'd have a shy at her. She's jest the sort o' figure I fancy clean, full-limb'd, up-standin' sort o' gal ; with as fine a figur-'ead as ever I " " / tells you there ain't no stone in his foot ! " screamed Benjamin, toiling after the dust-raising vehicle, Mr. Jor- rocks jerking the old cob's mouth to keep him going, and prevent Benjamin overtaking them. "Your boy's left behind," observed Mrs. Flather, not exactly comprehending Mr. Jorrocks's manoeuvre. HILLIXGDOX HALL. 71 " Oh ! never mind the bouy," replied Mr. J., " he finds his own shoes." " It's the 'ind foot, Binjimin, I think, the stone's in," holloaed Mr. Jorrocks over his left shoulder ; adding to Mrs. Flather with a wink, a nod, and an emphasis, "Emma's her mother's own child, I calculate like as two peas." " / tells you there ain't no stone in his foot ! " screamed Benjamin again, relaxing from his run into a walk ; and Mr. Jorrocks, guessing he had had about enough, pulled up under the shade of a roadside tree to wait his coming. Meanwhile he busied himself tucking Mrs. Flather into her cloak, and arranging the rug for her feet. " Dear me ! " said he, lifting her gown a little, " them's Emma's feet all over. Werry rum," continued he, half to himself, and half to the tree, " but 'oss maxims often 'old good with women too. No fut no 'oss, no fut no ankle. Never troubles to look at a woman's face if she's clumsy and beefey about the pins. Confound them long pettikits ! There's never no sayin' wot's an under them. I wonders G y B y, or some o' them ' emollit mores ' ladylike legislators, don't bring in a bill to make draggle-tails felony. I declares they drives me parfectly mad. Unless a man spends 'alf his time at 'Owell & James's, or Swan & Hedgar's, or some o' them man-milliner sort o' shop doors, waitin' for to see the gals get into their chays, he has no possible chance o' knowin' wot sort o' understandin's they have." " Come up, Dickey ! " said he to the cob, as Benjamin soused himself sulkily into his seat, and leaned forward to hear what was going forward. On they went. Women in general have no idea about roads, or distances, or places, and will travel the same way over and over again, without making an observation or a landmark of any de- scription on the line. Indeed, some men fox-hunters too are not much better ; and will ride over a country, season after season, without getting a bit better acquainted with it. No wonder Mrs. Flather was not of much assistance in 72 HILLIXGDON HALL. directing the route or timing the journey, when the natural indifference of the sex on these matters, and the exciting nature of her companion's conversation, are taken into con- sideration. The day was fine and pleasant, and the road picturesque. Not that the latter was any great recommen- dation, for Mrs. Flather was own cousin to the ladies Lord Byron met sleeping in the Char-a-banc between Porte St. Martin and Chillon, while Mr. Jorrocks's eye for a country was chiefly directed to the nature of the soil, the quality of the crops, and the advantages it exhibited, either in an agricultural or fox-hunting point of view. " That's nice turnip land ! " he would exclaim in a loud voice for Benja- min to hear, pointing to a field on the right, after indulging in a long murmur of amatory sentiments ; or observing, on looking at another, that he'd " be bund with a good dustin o' nitrate o' sober to make it grow ten quarters a hacre. There's a Balfinch ! " he would say, pointing to a high quickset fence next the road. " Stop Hashton Smith and Craven Smith, and all the Smiths wotever were foal'd. Lord ! 'ow I used to show them the way with the immortal old Surrey. Would lip anything a'most anything that my 'oss could lay his nose on." Then in an undertone he would indulge in a strong panegyric on fox-'unters, ascribing to them every desirable matrimonial quality under the sun, which, by a dexterous adaptation of his subject, he contrived to bend into an exemplification of himself Mr. J. was toler- ably vain. " There's lazy farmin' ! " then he would exclaim " see 'ow the beggar's shirked the fences, as if he thought they'd set fire to the plough. Be bund I'd grow as much grain on the land he's wasted, as would pay a quarter the rint o' the farm. My vig, but that chap wants a lector on agricultur." "That's Donkeyton Castle!" at length exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, breaking off in a long tirade about ladies' legs and the advantages of lime as a manure. " Good," we fancy we hear some cavilling critic, who has dogged us thus far on our path, exclaim, " Mr. Jorrocks, HILLINGDON HALL. 73 who has never seen Donkeyton Castle, pointing it out to Mrs. Flather who has." It was so nevertheless, for no sooner did his eye catch the flag floating on the keep, rising above the octagonal towers among the trees in the distance, as a sudden Derby- shire or Dorsetshire twist of the road brought them full on the valley of Borrowdale, with the broad Dart swelling in the middle, than he immediately pointed with his whip, and exclaimed, " That's Donkeyton Castle ! " as aforesaid. Mrs. Flather thought it was too, and, looking at her watch, expressed her surprise at the hour and astonishment, mingled with something like regret, at the apparent short- ness of the distance. Mr. Jorrocks, ever " wide awake," gave her a gentle nudge with his elbow, and pretending to arrange the apron strap on the splashboard, whispered, sotto voce, " You and I'll ride 'ome together." A change now came over the spirit of their dream. Their minds became occupied with anticipations about their visit, the ceremony of presentation, and the necessary palaverment. The vision of the ducal coronet gracing Emma's brow again returned in full force, as Mrs. Flather looked with an eye of ownership on the proud scarlet flag floating lazily on the evening's breeze. It was a lovely scene. The road wound gently round the lofty river banks, fringed with stately trees in all the luxuriance of full summer foliage, reflecting their gigantic shapes in the crystal-like clearness of the water ; while Donkeyton Castle rose tower above tower in the distance, in all the massive grandeur of feudal pomp and unconquerable strength. The road now bent into the valley, and it required all Mr. Jorrocks's coachmanship to prevent the fire-engine running the old cob off his legs, which began to fail just at the time the hill was steepest. At length they accom- plished the descent, and a short piece of level road brought them to the massive, deeply-ribbed, many-arched bridge across the smoothly gliding Dart; and a few paces further on, and they were at the castellated gates, forming a triumphal arch into Donkeyton Castle Park. The great 74 HILLIXGDOX HALL. black-nailed oak doors were closed, and the rattle and jingle of the fire-engine died out on the pavement, without procuring the attendance of any one. " Now then ! " cried Mr. Jorrocks, in the orthodox London twang, putting his whip in the case, preparatory to making his final arrangements. " Come, Mr. Slowman ! " squeaked Benjamin, as he stood up behind with all the importance of a grenadier ; " look alive ! " added he, without moving his station. " Jest get out, Binjimin," said Mr. Jorrocks quietly, " and give a leetle ' tinctum ndbulum sonat ' to that 'ere bell I sees perched i' the corner." Out Benjamin got, and seizing the chain, rung a peal that made the old entrance echo, and scared the owls out of the ivied battlements. " lV7iat's happen d now ? " inquired a big-bellied, brandy- nosed porter, bustling out of a side-door, dressed in green plush, with a yellow waistcoat, and lace-bedaubed hat ; " no one's allowed to pass through our park." " Pass through our park ! " repeated Mr. Jorrocks, " vy, I'm a-goin' to dine with the Duke I'm Mr. Jorrocks the grocer Mr. Jorrocks of Hillingdon 'All, that's to say " " Beg pardon, sir," replied the porter, all humility, taking off his laced hat and throwing back the massive doors with an ease non-com portant with their heavy appearance. Mr. Jorrocks then passed on a few paces, and drew up under the arch. "Fatch me a lookin'-glass," said he, pulling off his gloves, and putting them into his hat, at the same time diving into one of the lower Jorrockian jacket pockets, and pulling out a hair-brush and comb. Mr. Jorrocks then made a formal arrangement of his wig and whiskers ; and having, by the aid of the glass, wiped the dust from his face and green tie, he handed it to Mrs. Flather, who made a hasty review of her features, while Mr. J. flopped the dust off his Hessians with his handkerchief. HILLIXGDOX HALL. 75 " There, old bouy," said Mr. Jorrocks, handing back the looking-glass to the owner, " there's your mirror, and see vou learn to know a geul'man agin I come this way again ; " so saying, he put Dickey Cobden in motion, and commenced the ascent to the castle. It was a noble place. On a lofty hill in the centre of a large, well-stocked deer park, exhibiting almost every variety of grass on its undulating surface, and profusely dotted with gigantic trees, stood the moss-grey towers and terraces of the ancient castle, foi-ming a feature in the country for many miles around. The clustering trees around its base seemed unable to cope with the towering altitude of the castle. Centuries upon centuries had rolled on since the first part of it was built, but succeeding additions had adhered to the Gothic architecture of the original. " / do believe Dickey Cobden's a-goin' to knock up," observed Mr. Jorrocks, with a shake of the head, as the old nag relaxed into a walk on feeling the collar against the now approaching hill. " Binjimin, jemp out and ease the beggar a bit, or we shall be planted, and then there'll be a pretty kettle o' fish." " That's the worst o' these underbred beggars," observed Mr. Jorrocks confidentially to Mrs. Flather, " they're all werry well so long as the road's 'ard and smooth, but, con- found, them, as soon as ever they get into a difficulty, or the collar begins to pinch, they shut up. Come, Dickey, old bowy," continued Mr. Jorrocks, rubbing the colt's back with the crop of the whip, " be o' good cheer, and sink the old Sussex ploughman for once." Dickey stood still. " Nay, then ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, " it's all U P with us. Ease his bearin' rein, Binjimin ease his bearin' rein, or loose it altogether, and turn his 'ead to the hair block the wheel, or he'll run back with us, and we'll lose wot he's done." " Come, old bouy," resumed Mr. Jorrocks, after a few seconds' pause, during which he sat eyeing the old nag 76 HILLIXGDON HALL. intently, " I vouldn't expose myself afore all these deer, and other signs o' genteelety ; " Mr. J. looking at a herd of deer watching them from a neighbouring clump of trees on a gently swelling hill on the right ; " rouse the spirit o' the cobs, and at it like a man." Dickey shook his head. "Veil, it arn't no use argufyin' with such a muff," observed Mr. Jorrocks, throwing the reins to Benjamin, and sticking the whip in the case ; " he's jest von o' your if he mil, he mil, and if he von't, he von't sort o' beggars, and he played me jest the same trick a-goin' up the 'ill to Mr. 'Eavytail's pet farm t'other day, and neither coaxin' nor quiltin' had the slightest effect upon him so vot do you say, my dear Mrs. Flather ; s'pose you and I get out and valk, and leave Binjimin to follow ven he gets his quadruped out o' the sulks ? " Mrs. Flather readily assented, and divesting themselves of cloaks, shawls, and outer habiliments, Mr. J. handed her out of the fire-engine, and off they set arm in arm for the castle. " It's a deal plisanter walkin' nor ridin'," observed Mr. Jorrocks, kicking his legs out before him on the grass " at least plisanter nor ridin' curled up like a cod-fish as I was. Not but the hutch is a good 'un, comfey hutch I may say, but it don't do, when a lady and gen'lman want to be a leetle confidential, to have a servant stuck in behind, listenin' to all what they say. Lord, I should like nothin' better than to be cast on a barren land, a sort o' Heel-pie island on a large scale, with an agreeable companion -female one, in course," added Mr. Jorrocks in an undertone, squeezing Mrs. Flather's arm, " with no bother o' servants, or nothin' o' that sort. Jest a maid to milk the cows, and another to make the beds and lay the cloth, with a silvery sailin' boat, with a blue streamer at its mast'ead, to come every Satur- day night, with poultry, and pastry, and preserved fruit, and bottled stout, hoysters, marmeylad, eggs, and wermacelli, and may be a few yards o' bombazeen j not that dress would be IIILLIXGDON HALL. 77 any object, for beauty, says I, when unadorned's adorn'd the most," Mr. J. giving Mrs. Flather's arm another hearty squeeze ; " but I'm sick o' the hartificial state o' society the cards, and the compliments, the so glads, and so sorrys, the grinnin', and the gammon and spinnage o' the thing, and my wiggorous 'eart yearns for natur' unalloy'd, and the habolition o' bustles and 'oss-'air pettikits. Cuss me if here arn't Dickey Cobden a comin' again ! " Sure enough there was Dickey Dickey in a canter too, for Benjamin, by the aid of what the old " stage coachmen " called a " short tommy," * had succeeded in getting Dickey into motion, who, with the now much lightened vehicle, came jingling along at a sort of donkey's canter, with Benjamin grinning in the driving-seat. " Cut along, Binjimin ! cut along ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, waving his arm onwards towards the castle ; but Dickey was one of your regular marplots, and came to a standstill immediately opposite his master and fair friend. " Oh, but you're a beast ! " grinned Mr. Jorrocks with vexation, " do get him out o' the way, Binjimin, for the dust he raises is quite obfuscatin', and Mrs. Flather here's got her Sunday gown on, and not never no cloak, nor nothin' to protect it." Benjamin didn't like showing the short tommy to his master, so he hit on another expedient for making Dickey go. Leaning over the splashboard, he took off his hat, and rattling his hand in it, produced a noise like distant thunder at Dickey's tail, who, cocking his ears, set off at a canter which very soon bore him out of sight. "Cute bouy that Binjimin," said Mr. Jorrocks, eyeing the receding vehicle with delight, "he's up to snaff. Nice wehicle, too," continued he, following it with his eye. " Had it a long time done me a deal o' work. Charley Stubbs, wot married my niece Belinda as neat a little * A short, heavy, knotty whip. 78 HILLIXGDO^ HALL. trout as ever you set eyes on christen'd it the fire-engine ; or, rayther, one of them sarcy toll-takers on Vaterloo Bridge christen'd it so ; but, howsomever, they never could put me out o' conceit on it, and there it is, and there it isn't," con- cluded he, as it passed out of sight, where the road wound round a clump of trees. " I reckons the coachmaker's trade's a particklar good 'un," observed Mr. Jorrocks thoughtfully ; " almost equal to the possession o' the philosopher's stone, for they certainfo'e do conwert wood and iron into gold in a most mrakilous manner. Nothin' under a hundred and thirty-eight guineas for elliptics, and a hundred and eighty-five for C springs ; and yet if you takes them a boobey hutch back, they'll hardly give you thirteen for it : offer you ten, p'raps. I gave eight for that ; you couldn't have a nicer one for sweet- 'eartin' in, or no manner o' purpose, though it has neither ornamented lamps, nor a double-compass'd dashin' iron. Crikey, vot a shop ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, breaking off in his discourse, as the whole castle front, with its terraces and towers, stood full before them. " Vot can a man do with so much 'ouse room as all that : I wonder now if he pays winder tax on all them funny little pigeon 'oles, and crosses, and things wot are stuck all about the towers. I reckon the Lumber Troop, or even the City Light 'Oss, would look uncommon blue if they'd been order'd to ' take ' that castle ! Fancy a panful o' 'ot lead comin' down on one's cocoa-nut from one of them 'igh places, such as one reads of in Clarendon's 'istory of the Rebellion, or Marryat's Jacob Faithful, I doesn't mind whether." Mr. Jorrocks stood staring. " Oh ! but the hart o' love's far afore the hart o' war, isn't it, my little dack ? " continued he, moving on again, with a squeeze of the arm of Mrs. Flather. " Them 'ill be the gardens to the left, where I sees all the glass a glitterin' through the trees," observed Mr. Jorrocks, pointing them out to his fair friend. " It don't seem much out of our way now to take them as we go to the castle, and if there's a short cut, I'll be bound to say I find it. Let's see 'ow the enemy goes." HILLIKGDON HALL. 79 Having pulled out his great ticker and forgot to look at it, he felt a sudden conviction that a few gwsberries before dinner would do them both an infinite deal of good, especially himself, having, as he said, a slight tendency to headache, from having incautiously taken a thimbleful of indifferent brandy the previous evening; that's to say, from having had a glass too much. His company was so agreeable that Mrs. Flather could not refuse, so leaving the carriage-road, they struck up a path across the park to the left, leading apparently in the direction of the garden. " Nothin' like fox-'unting," observed Mr. Jorrocks, " for makin' chaps cunnin' about country. Now your reg'lar Cockney chaps never think there's a shorter way than by the road, and go trudgin' jest the same way as they go on 'oss-back. James Green, now, for instance, though he saw the glass a glitterin', would have gone to the castle, knocked at the door, and axed which was the way to the garden, in- stead of settin' off on a woyage of discovery like you and I are a doin'. To be sure an agreeable companion makes any place plisant, and I never thinks of poor Hadam alone in his beautiful garden and plisure grounds, without feelin' a sort o' compassion for him. To be sure he lived in good times, no income-tax no 'oss-'air pettikits ; but then, on the other 'and, he had no 'unting. When you marry again, Mrs. Flather, marry a fox-'unter," said he. " my dear Mr. Jorrocks, I've given up all idea of any- thing of that sort," replied Mrs. Flather who at length got a word in sideways, "my poor dear children occupy my only thoughts in this world." " Fiddle-de-dee ! " replied Mr. Jorrocks, squeezing her arm more violently than before " never say that a nice comely little woman like you for shame of yourself you're any man's money any man's, at least, wot knows the good pints of a woman." " Mr. Jorrocks, you flatter ! " " Never such a thing ! never such a thing ! " retorted our gallant Squire, waxing warm, " I wow" " There ain't no road this way, my old covey," roared a 8o HILLIXGDOX HALL. green and yellow watcher (who, unseen to our friends, had dodged them for some time), right into Mr. Jorrocks's ear. " B your imperence ! " screamed Mr. Jorrocks, doubling his fists, and putting himself into an attitude of defence before his trembling friend. " B your imperence, I say ! you confounded rebellious-looking ruffian, I'll knock you neck and croup into the middle o' the week after next, and spit you like a sparrow afore the fire. Vot do you take me for ? " " Take you for ! " repeated the man, " why, a trespasser to be sure may be a poacher, looking after our leverets. A regular snaring-looking chap," continued the man, eyeing the Jorrockian jacket-pockets. " I'll snarin'-lookin' chap you," roared Mr. Jorrocks ; " stop till I gets to the castle, and I'll let you see who you've been insultin' of " The man looked foolish, and thinking he might have made a mistake, pretended to be taken by the sight of some one else in the distance, and hurried away, with a view of watching their manoeuvres again. Mr. Jorrocks's equanimity was soon restored, and before the keeper was out of sight, his feathers were down, and he was arm-iu-arming it with Mrs. Flather over the green sward as before. The sombre tint of a massive yew-tree-lined walk led the eye onwards to the garden, which they entered by a trium- phal arch through the gardener's house. The garden was an immense place, five or six acres at least within the walls, with forcing and succession houses of every sort and kind. Vineries, pineries, peach houses, melon frames, and cucumber beds, without end. A dozen gardeners were lounging about, some with watering-pots, some with spades, some with fruit, some with vegetables, some with their hands in their pockets. " They must be werry fond o' fruit," observed Mr. Jorrocks, as, Mrs. Flather on arm, he stood eyeing the premises and retinue. " Wegetable diet altogether, one would think, judging by the quantity they grow. S'pose we HILLIXGDOX HALL. 81 have a bunch o' grapes," added he, advancing towards a glass-house. " Oh ! I declare it's a pinery ! real pines a- growin' quite nattural, instead of perched on plates, as one sees them in Common Garden, or Bond Street. Sarcy meat there, I guess a guinea at least howsomever, we'll have our rewenge here, and get one for nothin'." Thereupon our worthy friend opened the door, and having selected an exceedingly fine pine, rejoined Mrs. Flather, who waited his return outside. " Where there's ceremony, there's no friendship, I always says," observed he, diving into the lower pocket of the Jorrockian jacket, and producing a large pruning-knife, wherewith he cut off the bottom of the pine as he held it by the top in the other hand. " There now," said he, paring and presenting Mrs. Flather with a most liberal slice, " eat that, and then we'll take a turn at the gwsberries." Mr. Jorrocks then cut and commenced eating a similar slice himself. "Werry good," said he, munching and eating away. " Werry good indeed fine-flavoured ripe juicy declare the juice's a-runnin' down my chin." A very important-looking personage, who, but for the attendance of a couple of followers with flower sticks and bass matting, Mr. Jorrocks might have taken for the Duke of Donkeyton himself, now bore upon them right up the centre of the walk. "This is Mr. Tuliptree, the head gardener," whispered Mrs. Flather, seeing her companion was rather puzzled. " Indeed ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, resuming his wonted gaiety, and staring most unceremoniously a feat that Mr. Tuliptree was perfectly equal to ; for, making a dead halt before them, he stood making an apparent mental calcula- tion whether the rum-looking figures he saw could possibly be Castle company or not. " Yell, old Cabbage-stalk ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks as they met, " 'ow are you, this fine weather ? 'ow's Mra Stalk, and all the little Sprouts ? " F 82 HILLINGDON HALL. Mr. Tuliptree stared. " You grow grand pines," continued he, holding the half- finished one up to Mr. Tuliptree's nose. " Excellent, I may say ; but there's an old say in', and it's a werry true un, too much puddin' 'ill choke a dog, and too much pine 'ill do the same by a gen'lman, so now show us the way to your best gusberry bushes -not your great overgrown prize sorts, all skin and seeds, what have no more flavour nor a turnip, but some o' the nice little prickly old-fashioned sort, scarlet or green you know wot I mean, old buoy." " Pray, sir, may I ask if you're staying at the Castle ? " inquired Mr. Tuliptree. lt Goin' to" replied Mr. Jorrocks, taking another cut at the pine ; " but first," said he, " give me a bit o' that bass mattin', and get me a cabbage leaf, for I really think I shall be makin' myself sick with this pine, and that would have a werry nasty appearance, you know, old Cabbage-stalk, not to say ungenteel ; there now," said he, when he had got what he wanted, " we'll tie it up, and so keep it fresh, and maybe i' the mornin' I may like to take another cut at it ; " so saying Mr. Jorrocks popped the remainder of the pine into the lower Jorrockian jacket-pocket, leaving the top of it sticking above the diagonal pocket hole. Mr. Tuliptree was posed ; but having seen some queer- looking customers at the Castle, who afterwards turned out to be lords, he thought he had best put on his servitude manners, which he immediately did, and most obsequiously led the way to the gooseberry bushes. Mr. Jorrocks then fell to. " Our old gal 'ill be a-wonderin' wot's got me," observed Mr. Jorrocks at length, gathering a parting handful of gooseberries, and thinking what a wigging he was running the risk of. . " 'Ark !. there's the clock one two three four five six six as I live my vig there's a go they'll be a-sittin' down to dinner without us tempus fuggit, money flies certainly." " Oh, they don't dine till seven," observed Mrs. Flather, HILLINGDON" HALL. 83 " and I think the Castle's not far off there used to be a bridge somewhere about here, between it and the garden, I think, over a brook, if I recollect right." " Ah, yon 'ill be it ! " replied Mr. Jorrocks, pointing to a bridge a little way off, nearly obscured by foliage " the Castle can't be werry far off, or that clock must be own brother to the one at Saint Paul's. Well, I'd a deal rayther walk in these nice shady humbrageous walks with sich a sweet hen-angel as you, nor go and stuff wenison and fizzy with my Lord Dukeship up there deary me now, it's been jest these sort o' summer, sunshiny valks that Dean Swift meant when he talked 'bout the greenest spot on memory's waste. Ah! it must be a plisant waste wot's a covered with sich spots. There's a deal o' plisant sentiment I always thinks in them nice lines o' Peter Pindar's : ' And say, without our 'opes, without our fears, Without the joy wot plighted love endears, "Without the smile from partial "beauty won, O vot were man ? a vorld without a sun ! ' " Ain't there, my darlin' ? " asked Mr. Jorrocks, looking under Mrs. Flather's bonnet, and squeezing her hand as it rested on his arm, a pressure, we are shocked to say, Mrs. Flather slightly returned. Mr. J. then kissed her. " You and I'll ride 'ome together," said the steady old gentleman, beginning to puff as the ascent of the hill announced their approach to the Castle. Presently they were on the terrace. Those who have stood on the ramparts of the city of Berne the Aar at their feet and the setting sun shedding a roseate hue over the snow-clad encircling Alps, can form an idea of the splendour of the scene from the terrace of Donkeyton Castle, inferior of course in magnificence, but wonderful when found in our not over picturesque country of England. Mr. Jorrocks, however, was not much of a man for scenery, and Mrs. Flather was too busy thinking of her reception from the Duchess and other things, to give 84 HILLINGDON HALL. it a thought, so they turned to the massive, richly-carved portico of the Castle to await the answer to the summons of the bell. " The chap must have had a wast o' grandfathers, as D e E e would say," observed Mr. Jorrocks, eyeing the many time-worn shields studding the walls of the centre tower, the arms on some of which were mouldering into decay. " I'd take them old things down if I was the Duke, and put up some pretty images shepherds and shepherdesses, Wenuses, or Diannas, or things o' that sort, summut more in the taste of the times might have them in wood or Mulgrave cement, if he didn't like to go to the expense o' carvin' in marble or stone." A fat porter in state livery his pea-green coat and yellow waistcoat almost concealed with gold lace, and a court bag to his collar, opened the massive door to admit our guests into the hall. Here they were met by two gigantic footmen similarly attired, and the groom of the chamber in full dress. " You cut it fat here, old bony," observed Mr. Jorrocks, handing his hat to the porter and a glove to each footman, " 'ope you don't injure yourselves with work. These chaps," observed Mr. Jorrocks to Mrs. Flatter, " are jest like wot the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs o' London 'ave." " What name shall I say, sir ? " asked the groom of the chamber in the politest manner possible, motioning them across the lofty baronial hall, the stained glass of the deeply mullioned windows casting a variety of shades over the armour, and banner-displaying rafters of the oak ceiling and walls. " MR. JORROCKS, to be sure," exclaimed our hero, " who else should it be? Mr. Jorrocks and Mrs. Flather, in fact." Passing onwards into what would be a large room for a house, though a small one for a castle, the groom of the chamber opened a lofty door on the right, and ushered them into a sixty by thirty feet library, fitted up in the extreme of Gothic style ; old oak chairs, old oak tables, old oak sofas, HILLIXGDOX HALL. 85 old oak screens, old oak wainscoting half up the walls at least half up those that were not covered with old oak book- cases. " Mr. and Mrs. Jorrocks, your Grace," whispered the well-trained menial in the low funereal sort of voice that distinguishes the servants of the nobility from the name- mangling brawlers of High Life Below Stairs, as his Grace reclined in a luxuriously-cushioned, richly-carved black oak chair, taking a skim of the Morning Chronicle. Down went the paper, and up got his Grace. He was a fine, tall, noble-looking man, quite bald, with a little snow- white hair behind, and full whiskers and beard under his chin. Indeed, he looked as though the hair had been scraped off his head and made into a fringe for his face. There was a glow of health upon his countenance, and a straight- ness in his gait that took considerably from his age, which (on the wrong side of sixty) might, with the aid of Persian dye to his " snow wreaths," have passed for five and forty or fifty. He was dressed in a black frock-coat and waistcoat, with drab trousers, and wore eye-glasses affixed to a massive gold chain across his waistcoat. " How do you do, Mr. Jorrocks ? I'm very happy to see you," said his Grace, offering his hand, and bowing very low. " How do you do, Mrs. Jorrocks ? I'm monstrous happy to make your acquaintance," continued his Grace, extending a hand of fellowship to her, his naturally misty memory making him forget that he had greeted Mrs. Jorrocks not very long before, who was since gone with the Duchess to her bedroom. " This is Mrs. Flatlier, your Grace," observed Mr. Jorrocks, after their hands were released, " she's corned with me " adding, with a sly look and shake of his head, " nothin' wrong though, I assure you." "Ah, true ! " exclaimed his Grace, pretending the evening shades had dimmed his vision, and seizing Mrs. Flather again by the hand, " My old friend, Mrs. Flather, to be sure, I'm very glad indeed to see you ; " adding, " and where's my old friend, your husband ; he's coming, I hope ? " 86 HILLIXGDON HALL. " / rayther think not" replied Mr. Jorrocks, with a grin and a wink, pointing downwards with his forefinger. " Ah, true ! " replied his Grace, with a shrug and solemn look " I remember now he died of the " Just then the Duchess, who had piloted Mrs. Jorrocks and Emma to their rooms, returned to see if any more of their dear friends had arrived, and relieved the trio from their embarrassment. " Susan, my dear, here are our good friends, the Jor- rockses," exclaimed the Duke, seeing the Duchess making her way up behind them. "Mr. Jorrocks and Mrs. Flather," observed Mr. Jorrocks with an emphasis, turning short round and making a very low bow " nothin' wrong, my lady, I assure you, only Mrs. Flather likes an open chay, and Mrs. J. don't a little stommach, you understand," added Mr. Jorrocks, tapping his own with his forefinger. Her Grace was delighted to see them of course, and, after a few commonplaces, proposed showing Mrs. Flather her room. The Duke volunteered the same office by Mr. Jorrocks, notwithstanding his assertion that if Mrs. Jorrocks " wasn't long gone he be bund to say he'd run her to ground by her scent, she musked herself so uncommon 'igh when she went to fine places." CHAPTER XI. ** I'll make my heaven in a lady's lap, And deck my body in gay ornaments, And witch sweet ladies with my words and looks." SHAKSPEAEE. (ATSAY, Binjimin, and Mrs. Flather's boy in buttons, not being much used to company- making, thought the visit to Donkeyton was quite as much for their amusement as for that of their master and mistresses ; accordingly, instead of un- packing and laying out the things for the latters' dressing, they contented themselves with carrying the boxes upstairs, and leaving the parties who were to wear the clothes to unpack and sort them out at their leisure, while they, trust- worthy individuals, underwent the ceremony of introduction and acquaintance-making among the servants of the Castle. The consequence was, that what with the time consumed in pulling at bells the confusion attendant upon the influx of a houseful of strangers, and the difficulty of appropriating each peal to the proper servant, our fair friends were hard run in the matter of dressing. Mrs. Flather was in a despe- rate state of excitement, for, independently of only having Batsay's services at second-hand, that rascal Binjimin had smelt the buns and carried them away bodily; and the model of propriety, whose naturally good appetite was greatly heightened by the ride, was really ravenous for want of food. Like many home-made arm-chair projects, the possibility of accomplishing the coronet seemed suddenly to dissolve as they came within sight of it. Still, like a man with a middling race-horse, Mrs. Flather determined to run, and take the chances of luck in the tussle ; she had 88 HILLINGDON HALL. paid her stakes, in fact, in the shape of dresses. The buns, however, were a desperate blow, and the worst of it was, Mrs. Mather durst not ask point-blank, about them for fear of exciting Mrs. Jorrocks's curiosity, and much time was consumed in Batsay's running between Mrs. Jorrocks's room and Mrs. Flather's, inquiring for a "brown paper parcel tied up with blue ribbon." " No, there was nothing of the sort." "Then, perhaps, the blue ribbon had slipped off, and it would just be a brown paper parcel." " No, there was no such thing." Binjimin had taken better care of them than that. The buns were under the cushion of the carriage, and bag in the harness-room fire. The Duke and Duchess of Donkeyton had had weary work all the morning of this important day marshalling the order of their guests according to their ideas of each visitor's importance, and the service they could be of in the event of a contested election. As usual on such occasions, their Graces' ideas, and the ideas of the parties themselves, were greatly at variance ; and the more trouble they gave themselves to please everybody, the further they were from attaining their object. Each guest had an accurate idea of his own consequence, but unfortunately no two tables of ideas tallied. The ingredients of an electioneering Whig party of this description are rather curious. The " don " Whigs, of course, are not asked ; or, at all events, only those who from similar necessities are able to tolerate the nuisance of such gatherings. The guests are generally the exception to the general order of guests. The politics of middle life are chiefly personal. The first great man that is civil to a person generally gets his interest, and Whig or Tory is just a toss up which comes first. We admit, however, there has been a change within these twenty years we might almost say within the last dozen since the passing of " the Bill," in fact. Men that never thought of anything but their shops, now talk of their politics just as their fathers used to talk of their wives, their horses, or their watches. Times HILLI:N T GDO:N T HALL. 8 9 are changed indeed. Whether for the better is another matter not important to this dinner. We leave it to Young England. The guests mustered strong. Their Graces had taken a pair of compasses and drawn a circle of seven miles round the Castle, within which radius the parties were only asked to dine, while those beyond were accommodated with beds. The consequence was, that great anxiety had prevailed relative to the accuracy of the different village clocks and hall timepieces, so as to nick the juste milieu of time, each visitor being duly impressed with the conviction that the eyes of that inquisitive and observant gentleman, " all England," were turned upon him ; and that upon his individual accuracy depended the success or failure of this great party. Indeed, though there was scarcely an appetite amongst them, and though they were all most horribly frightened, there wasn't one who would not have taken it seriously amiss if he or she had been omitted. It is wonderful what pain people will undergo for pride or (what ought to be) pleasure. A tight boot is nothing to it. There was a great stir of one-horse chaises within the seven miles' circle towards the hour of six. Of course the host and hostess were anxious to show every honour to their guests make real company of them in short ; and the best of everything was put in requisition state liveries, first-class china and plate in profusion; the whole brilliantly illumined with wax and oil. His Grace didn't use gas the only piece of sense he was known to be guilty of. A little before seven the Duke and Duchess of Donkey- ton had planted themselves on a sumptuous rug, before a brightly burning wood fire, in a glittering, profusely- mirrored drawing room, fitted up with fawn-coloured satin, with gold coronets worked on the chairs, sofa-cushions, ottomans, screens, and so on. His Grace was in full dress. His star glittered on a richly-buttoned blue coat with velvet collar ; waistcoat and cravat vying with the whiteness of his hair and whiskers; the broad blue ribbon of his " order " crossing gracefully over his chest ; the garter 9 o HILLIXGDOX HALL. relieving the monotony of his breeches and black silk stockings. The visitors then began to arrive. Those who were all nighting in the Castle, walked into the drawing-room with an " at-home " sort of air ; while the dinner guests passed into the presence with an anxious, hurried, sidelong-glance sort of walk, that looked very like wishing themselves back again. Each looked as if he were playing a part. The Duke who was a very loquacious old gentleman, though terribly given to making mistakes received his guests with the easy dignity of high life, and asked each a question or two that he thought would show a familiarity with the parties, and an interest in their concerns ; just as he asked Mrs. Flather after his " good friend, Flather," who had been dead some years. For instance, Mr. Tugwell and the Rev. Mr. Webb having come together, and his Grace recollecting that one was a great farmer, shook hands with Mr. Tugwell, observing it was delightful weather ; and hurriedly turning to the parson said, " Well, Webb, how are you ? How's your bull ? " " Please your Grace, the bull belongs to " " Ah ! dead, I suppose," replied his Grace, shaking his head with a look of concern " sorry for it, indeed ; very Borry excellent man." " By the way, how's your daughter, Mr. Tomkins ? " he asked another almost in the same breath. Mr. Tomkins stared. " Dangerous attack, I heard ? " observed the Duke, shaking his head. " Beg pardon, your Greece ; it was the other Mr. Tomkins's daughter " at length replied Mr. Tomkins " Mr. Tommy Tomkins's." " Ah, true ! you are Mr. Jeems Tomkins glad to hear she's better fine girl ! monstrous fine girl ! " and so he turned away to say something civil to some one else. Our Hillingdon friends having been nearly the last in arriving at the Castle, and having had the difficulties we mentioned to contend with, were the latest of the late, and the Duke had twice taken his repeater out of his waistcoat HILLIXGDOX HALL. 91 pocket to compare it with the French clock on the mantel- piece, when Mr. and Mrs. Jorrocks made their appearance. Mrs. Jorrocks was magnificent. On her head she wore a yellow and gold turban, with a full plume of black ostrich feathers, such as one sees on a mute's head before a great funeral, while long full ringlets (false, of course) streamed down the sides of her fat red cheeks, and rested on her shoulders. Her gown was crimson brocade, stiff and rust- ling, with many flounces of black lace ; and her arms and neck were decorated with a profusion of mosaic jewellery in the shape of bracelets, armlets, chains, brooches, and lockets. Our " Cockney Squire " was in the full-dress uniform of the Handley Cross Hunt sky-blue coat, lined with pink silk ; canary-coloured shorts, and white silk stockings. A good large frill protruded through the stand-up collar ot a white waistcoat, and a roll puddingy white neckcloth re- placed the sea-green silk one of the morning. Altogether they were a most striking couple. Mr. Jorrocks's big- calved, well-shaped legs the feet encased in large gold- buckled, patent leather pumps and the general brightness of his colours, rendered him quite the object of attraction in the room, and threw the " star and garter " of the Duke rather into the shade moreover, most of the guests had seen the " star and garter " before, but they had only heard of Mr. and Mrs. Jorrocks, the new opulent owners of Hill- ingdon Hall. Accordingly, there was a grand stare and nudging as they made their way up the spacious drawing- room, Mr. Jorrocks strutting with his usual bantam-cock air, as much as to say, " There's a pair o' legs for you find fault with them if you can." " Well, Mr. Jorrocks," said his Grace,- not exactly knowing what question to hazard to him, " I hope you feel hungry after your ride ? " "Tol-lol thank ye, your Greece," replied Mr. Jorrocks, squaring himself before the fire, taking a coat lap over each arm, and turning full upon the company "feedin' time's near at 'and, I s'pose wot o'clock may it be by your Greece's gold watch ? " continued he, eyeing the awe-struck 92 H1LLIXGDOX HALL. company around "you're uncommon well lodged here," continued Mr. Jorrocks, staring about without waiting for an answer " excellently, I may say dare say this room is fefty feet if it's a hinch doors o' 'hoggany too," added he, looking at them. " Put up afore Bob Peel's new Tariff came in, I guess. Gilt cornices ! superb mirrors ! and satin damask, I s'pose," added Mr. J., stooping down and nipping one of the sofa cushions. " I likes this room a deal better nor the first one I was in more glitter, more sparkle about it. If I was you now, I'd furnish t'other same way that's to say if you have the tin but don't go tick whatever you do ; things cost jest double when you buy on credit. Tick's the werry divil certainlie," continued Mr. Jorrocks, turning his eyes up to the splendid cut-glass chandelier sparkling from the centre of the ceiling, and jingling a handful of half-crowns in his breeches pocket. " I minds, my Lord Duke, when I was in the tea-trade indeed I'm in it still, only I doesn't attend the shop when your swell 'ouse- stewards or powder-monkey Peters used to come axing the price o' tea, pekoe, hyson- skin, twankay, gunpooder, and so on ; I always used to ax whether they were purchasers or buyers. Purchasers, you see, my Lord Dukeship, are chalkers up ; buyers are money down and discount coves. Well, if they were purchasers I jest doubled the price to cover long credit and the risk o' not gettin' the money at all ; besides which, these confounded fine gen'lemen always expect a compliment for the horder, and a compli- ment when they pay the tin, that's to say, if the 'appy day occurs in their reign, for great folks in general don't keep their flunkies long; but, howsomever, never mind," added Mr. Jorrocks, eyeing the opening door at the end of the room. Mrs. Flather and Emma then entered ; Emma in a well- fitting, pale pink satin, made drapte at the breast. She was a decidedly fine-looking girl, held herself up, and walked with an air. The composition of the party was in her favour, there being nothing but country dowdies; no London-milliner-turned-out lady to eclipse her, as we have seen too many country belles eclipsed in London. Lord, HILLINGDO:N T HALL. 93 what a place London is ! How it takes the shine out of the country conceit girls, horses, equipages, men, and all. We met a friend t'other day at a country fair, who didn't seem much in his element ; accordingly, we asked him what brought him there. " I've got a pony to sell," said he " and by the way," now added he, " as you understand these sort of things, I should like you to see it, for it is, without exception, the neatest and most perfect animal I ever set eyes on a, perfect model. If you had it in London now, and rode it up and down the park, every dealer in the town would be after it. There it comes ! " cried he, pointing to a shuffling, ginger-coloured chestnut (of all colours the most detestable) looking thing, with a full tail and a hog mane, and a great white ratch down its face, a sort of animal that none but Van Butchel, Claudius Hunter, or some such appearance-defying genius, would be guilty of riding. So it is with girls. If a girl has a tolerable figure, and a face not amiss, they immediately set her down for London for the Duke of Devonshire, in fact. " Indeed, Mister Brown," says his amiable spouse, " I don't consider we should be doing Jemima justice if we didn't give her a season in London." " Nonsense, my dear, you know I can't afford it can hardly pay my way as it is." " Then you must just give up your hunters, Mister Brown." " I'll be d d if I do, though ! " says Mister Brown. But suppose Mister Brown is of the " genus Jerry," as Linnaeus would say, and gives in (poor Brown), what does he see when he gets to London ? Why, that every other girl he meets with is quite as good, and many a deuced deal better-looking than Jemima. Take an author's advice, Brown, and stay at home. But let us on to the Duke of Donkeyton's dinner. " Now, Bray, don't you make yourself such a swell," said young Lord Aubrey, entering the Marquis's room, who, with the aid of his valet, was settling himself into one of Jack- son's particulars, blue coat, velvet collar and cuffs, silk facings and linings, with Windsor buttons. Nature meant 94 HILLINGDON HALL. the Marquis for a girl, and a very pretty one he would have made. He had a beautiful pink and white complexion, hair parted down the middle of his head, and falling in ringlets about his ears, blue eyes, Grecian nose, simpering mouth, with a dimple on each side, very regular pearly teeth, and incipient moustache on his upper lip, and a very incipient imperial on a very pretty unshaved chin. In stature he was about the middle height, five feet ten or so, thin, with a deal of action in his legs and backbone ; indeed, he had a considerable cross of the dancing-master in him, and was considered one of the best " goers " at Almack's or the Palace. In short, he was a pretty Jemmy Jessamy sort of fellow. Now, this sort of man is generally desperately disliked by their own sex, particularly by the hirsute, rasping, bull- finching breed of fox-hunters; and just in proportion as men are abused by each other, they are petted and praised by the women particularly if they are marquises, and in the market. Accordingly, our hero stood as an "A I " lady-killer in London ; and that being the case, our readers may imagine what a desperate man he would be in the country. Indeed, these sort of fellows ought not to be allowed to go about unmuzzled (that is to say, without a wife), for country girls are monstrous inflammatory, and having little choice beyond the curate and the apothecary's apprentice, are ready to worry anything in the shape of a man to say nothing of a lord a handsome Marquis beyond all conception. Then the greasy novels put such notions into their heads. We really believe they think the great people go into the country for wives, just as the Cockneys go to Kensington for strawberries and cabbages ; and that there is nothing of the sort to be had in London. Unfortunately for rural belles, London beaux look upon them in quite a different light. They consider them a sort of strop to keep the razor of their palaverment fresh against the return of another London season, and think they may go any length short of absolutely offering ; and that the girls wash the slates of their memories just as they wash their own on passing HILLIXGDO^ HALL. 95 Hyde Park, down Portland Place, or by the Elephant and Castle, on their way back to town. The Marquis of Bray was just one of this sort. He knew perfectly well the Duke would no more think of letting him marry anything below a Duke's daughter, than he would think of sending him off for a trip in one of Mr. Henson's air carriages ; and being well assured of that fact, he thought the girls must know it also, and would just take his small talk for what it was meant. Moreover, the Marquis having had the un- speakable misfortune of being brought up at home, had conceived the not at all unnatural idea that the world was chiefly made for him, and that he might do whatever he liked with impunity. No greater misfortune surely can befall a young man than such an education ; and lucky it is that so few of them get it. Eton knocks and Eton kicks save many a " terrible high-bred " lad (as the Epsom race- list sellers describe the horses) from ruin. But we must get the Marquis downstairs. Behold him, then, in his blue coat aforesaid, with a delicate bouquet in the button-hole a most elaborately-tied white cravat, the folds of the tie nestling among six small point-lace frills of an exquisitely embroidered lawn shirt front over a pink silk under-waistcoat, and diamond studs of immense value, chained with Lilliputian chains his waistcoat of cerulean blue satin, worked with heart's-ease, buttoned with buttons of enormous bloodstones, the surface of the waistcoat traversed with Venetian chains and diminutive seals pink silk stockings, and pumps gliding into the drawing-room, with an airy noiseless tread, and a highly scented, much-embroidered, lace-trimmed handkerchief in his hand. How he bowed ! how he smiled ! how he showed his teeth ! He was so d d polite, you'd have thought he'd got among a party of emperors, instead of among all the John Browns of the neighbourhood. Then the old Duke, like all blunder- headed men, being monstrously afraid lest his son should make mistakes, must needs take him in hand, and introduce him to those he didn't know. " Jeems, my dear ! " cried he, as the elastic back began to slacken in its salaams round the awe-stricken circle, " come here, and let me introduce 96 HILLINGDON HALL. you to our excellent friend, Mr. Jorrocks, who's been kind enough to come all the way from from from to dine with us." " To dine and stay all night, your Greece," observed Mr. Jorrocks to the Duke, letting fall his coat laps, preparatory to offering his hand to the Marquis. The Marquis bowed and grinned, and laid his hand upon his heart, as if perfectly overcome by the honour proudest moment of his life ! "Where I dine I sleep, and where I sleep I breakfast, your Greece," observed Mr. Jorrocks, resuming his position, finding it impossible to compete with the Marquis in bows. "Let me introduce you to Mrs. Jorrocks," said the Duke, taking his son by the arm, and leading him up to the plume, the bearer of which rose and bobbed and curtsied till the Duke and Marquis passed on to Emma, whom the Duke introduced as Miss Jorrocks ; and the Marquis thinking she seemed more like the thing than any one else in the room, continued to bow and simper and shuffle before her, leaving the Duke to finish the circuit alone, and bear up before the now triumphant and all-gratified Mrs. Flather who was listening to the painful recital of how Mrs. Smith's little girl had got two double teeth, and how her brother George had gone through the whole of " Whene'er I take my walks abroad, How many poor I see ! " without a single mistake or wrong pronunciation. The author of " Cecil," we think, says there is nothing so difficult of settlement (except a pipe of port), as a peer's eldest son ; and some other conjurer says, it is less difficult to arrange a party of duchesses than a string of justices' wives. On this occasion it certainly was so. Notwith- standing the Duchess had done all she could to drum into the Duke's dull head how they were to go, his natural obtuseness and self-sufficiency made him confound them all together; and at the moment that the folding-doors were thrown open, and dinner announced, he knew no more than the man in the moon whether Mrs. Hamilton Dobbin's HILLINGDON HALL. 97 husband, or Mrs. Grumbleton's, were first on the commission, or whether Jorrocks or Jenkins had most votes at command. Indeed, he forgot which was Mrs. Jorrocks ; at all events, he went bolt up to Mrs. Flather, who could by no possibility do them any good ; and the Marquis having reconnoitred the room, and satisfied himself that Miss Hamilton Dobbin and all the Miss Smiths were infinitely inferior to the model of propriety, offered her his arm in the most supplicating manner, and tripped through the now greatly agitated group with an air as though he were leading her out to a dance instead of a dinner. Mr. Jorrocks, thinking there seemed likely to be a good deal of bother in the arrangement of couples, very con- siderately tendered his arm to the Duchess, to the exclusion of Lord Aubrey, and a couple of Honourables ; and the two having got in the rear of the flock, drove them " pell mell " before them, some with their neighbours' wives, some with their own, some without anybody's wives at all. The Marquis being much out of practice, was glad of an opportunity of rubbing up his small talk, especially with a girl who did not look sheepish, and be-lord and be-lordship him as country dowdies are in the habit of doing. Indeed, before he had got through his soup, he found that Emma was quite a " half-way meet " sort of girl ; and looking upon everything below a nobleman's daughter as fair game, he began to make play very strong. Of course the conversation began about flowers. Flowers in the country, fancy-balls in London. Fancy-balls are safe specs : they are within the reach of every one. " Was she fond of a garden ? " Oh, Emma doted upon a garden ! Nothing she liked so much as running about with her watering-pot, picking up daisies, pulling up weeds, tying up roses. " Was the Marquis fond of flowers ? " " He adored them ! " at the same time diving his nose into his bouquet. Emma admired them. " Would she allow him to present her with one ? " Emma pressed it to her lips, and put it into her bosom. We forgot to say that the pink satin was made with a peak. G 9 8 HILLINGDON HALL. Then they talked about horses. Was Emma fond of riding ? Oh, nothing she liked so much ! just riding about the country alone, wherever fancy led her. " Alone ! " rejoined the Marquis ; " you should always have a gentleman with you." He liked sauntering along a green lane, with a pretty girl in a nice tight-fitting habit, and a well-set-on hat not those confounded butter-and- eggs-poke sort of bonnets country misses rode the family horse about in. Then he asked Emma to take wine,, and gave her a look as he bowed, that as much as said, "You are the girl for me." Meanwhile the Duke, having exhausted his small talk with Mrs. Flather, and made as many blunders as he could during the time they had been together, began to look up the table to see whom he should inflict his politeness upon. Mr. Jorrocks's sky-blue coat and rubicund visage forming an attractive feature at the top of the table, pro- cured the honour of a holloa from the Duke's voice, who had good lungs, and made free use of them. " Pray, Mr. Jorrocks," roared he, " how old are you ? " " Please your Greece, I'm fefty-five," replied Mr. Jorrocks, knocking half-a-dozen years off at a blow. " Indeed ! " exclaimed the Duke, " quite a young man ! may live these twenty years yet ! " " I intend so, your Greece ! " replied Mr. Jorrocks. " Take a glass of wine, Mr. Jorrocks ! " "With all my 'eart, your Greece champagne, if you " Pray, Mr. Jorrocks, who was your mother ? " inquired his Grace, after he had bowed and drank off his wine. " Please your Greece, my mother was a washerwoman." " A washerwoman, indeed ! " exclaimed his Grace " that's very odd I like washerwomen nice, clean, wholesome people I wish my mother had been a washerwoman." " I vish mine had been a duchess," replied Mr. Jorrocks. Mrs. Flather, who sat on the Duke's right, on the opposite side of the table to that at which Emma and the HILLIXGDOX HALL. 99 Marquis were planted, was in ecstacies at the apparent prosperity of the scheme. Scheme indeed, she thought, it could hardly be called, seeing it was a mutual arrange- ment the Duke taking her, the Marquis taking Emma, and so on. The consequence was, Mrs. Flather felt far more at ease, and underwent far less trepidation than her opposite neighbour, Mrs. Thomas Chambers, who would have given anything to have been restoring her old spangled turban to the band-box, for another twelvemonth's slumber. A country turban lasts for ever. Meanwhile the Duke chattered, and talked, and eat, and drank, and called people by their wrong names ; and as the wine began to operate, confidence began to creep in, and before the sweets com- menced their circuits, neighbours began plucking up courage sufficient to ask each other to wine; and the popping of champagne corks formed a pleasing variety to the chatter and clatter of the table. So the dinner progressed. The Marquis's left-hand neighbour, Mrs. Tomkins, having at length found her tongue, and got into the midst of a most interesting, oft-repeated ramble, about a ragged-coated man, who had knocked at their door, and asked for some cold chicken and punch, the Marquis and Emma went at it harder than ever, a listener always acting as a clog on the free vent of conversation, as Mr. Jorrocks and Mrs. Flather had found in the morning. " Have you much gaiety in your part of the world ? " asked the Marquis ; " many balls, many parties ? " " Oh dear no," replied Emma, " we are shockingly dull." " Short of beaux, perhaps ? " observed the Marquis. " Indeed, we haven't such a thing in our part of the country : there are only five young men at Sellborough, and four of them are engaged." " And you have bespoken the fifth, I suppose." " Not J, indeed" replied Emma, with a toss of the head. " But are there no officers ? surely it's a garrison town." " It's a new regiment," observed Emma ; " besides, you know, we are a good way from the town. We never see such a thing as a redcoat in our little village, except ioo HILLIXGDON HALL. perhaps a stray fox-hunter, now and then asking his way. Do you hunt ? " " G-od forbid ! " replied the Marquis, with a shake of his head and shrug of his shoulders, for he had gone out once, and soon found himself in a wet ditch, with his horse on the top of him. " I hate fox-hunters," observed Emma, half to herself and half to the Marquis. " Horrid fellows ! " ejaculated the dandy. " It seems a sort of uncivilised process, fit only for heavy dragoons, and flying artillery men. By the way, though, your pa is a fox-hunter, is not he ? " continued the Marquis, looking significantly at Mr. Jorrocks. " He's not my pa," observed Emma, somewhat discon- certed, more at the unfavourable aspect it threw on affairs than any shock the insinuation occasioned her feelings. " But didn't my pa introduce you as Miss Jorrocks ? " inquired the Marquis. " It's not the case for all that," observed Emma tartly, "my name is Flather; that is my mamma sitting beside the Duke." " True ! " observed the Marquis, " how stoopid I am. Lor', I know your ma as well as I know myself. Your pa, too, I knew, poor man. Well, but tell me now about the old boy in the sky-blue and yellow shorts the fireman's or Thames waterman's uniform, in fact. Isn't he some relation ? Your uncle, or something ? " " Mr. Jorrocks, allow me the honour of taking wine with you," continued he, seeing his eyeing had attracted our hero's attention. " Champagne, if you please ! " replied Mr Jorrocks. " No, he's no relation whatever," replied Emma, " only a neighbour." " He seems a desperate old quiz," observed the Marquis, putting down his glass, after touching his lips with it. " I wonder what he'd take for his wig." " Vulgar old man," said Emma, " but country life makes us acquainted with strange companions." " You are a great fox-hunter, I understand, Mr. Jorrocks," HILLIXGDOX HALL. 101 screamed his Gi'ace, down the table. " Have you killed many foxes this summer ? " " No, your Greece, we don't 'unt in the summer," replied Mr. Jorrocks, with a slight curl of his upper lip "farm i' the summer, fox i' the winter, that's the ticket." " True ! " rejoined his Grace, " I'm glad you're a farmer am a great one myself prize bull, prize pig, prize ram, prize turnip, prize spade should like to talk to you about farming." " Nitrate o' sober ! guano ! sub-soilin' ! Smith o' Dean- ston ! top dressin' wi' soot, and all that sort o' thing ! ' added Mr. Jorrocks. "Shall be 'appy to take wine with your Greece." " With all my heart," replied the Duke. " What shall we have ? " " Champagne, if you please," said Mr. Jorrocks ; adding, in an audible whisper to himself, " can get sherry at 'ome." "The Duke don't 'unt, I think," observed Mr. Jorrocks to the Duchess, setting down his glass with a thump that almost broke the slender stalk. "Wish he'd got some 'ounds; winter'll be dull without them knows a man with five-and-twenty couple to dispose on fifteen couple o' dogs, and ten couple o' betches no offence, my lady," added he, with a bow and shake of the head, " ketch is female dog." The sweets were now in full swing. Mrs. Flather sat on thorns as the dishes were taken to Emma ; and she helped herself in succession to pastry, jellies, creams, tipsey cakes, and all sorts of trash. Oh, how she grieved for the loss of the buns, and dreaded the effect on the complexion in the morning ! In vain she tried to catch the model's eye she either would not see her, or was too absorbed with the sweets on her plate, or the sweet things the Marquis was saying to her, and eat and crammed away in a most determined way. Fortunately, the Marquis was a spoon-food man, and having been laying back for the sweets, was too busy "dieting" himself, as the Poor-Law people call it, to pay much attention to his neighbour. At length both Emma and the Marquis got surfeited, and the latter having let off the old piece of sentiment " about sweets to the sweet " as Emma magnani- io2 HILLINGDON HALL. mously declined a third offer of Maraingues, again took wine with her ; and laying his napkin across his legs, turned slightly in his chair, and began whispering soft nothings in her ear " Was she fond of dancing ? " " Oh ! she delighted in dancing ! " " Would she be in London next spring ? " Emma feared not oh ! she should like it so much but she had nobody to take her. She should get her ma ; everybody should go to London in the spring, Paris in the autumn, Italy in the winter. Almack's was not what it was, still the rooms were good, and the floor excellent. The little anteroom was so nice for platonics his ma was a patroness. Did she know the Princess of Quackenbruck ? (How could the poor girl ? But these London chaps always fancy that everybody knows whom they do.) Well, the Princess Orel Quackenbruck was going to be married to Lord Plantagenet Hay, the Duke of Drossington's son. Did she know Taget Hay ? (How the devil should she ?) Well, he understood it was all settled. Indeed he knew it was ; for he had it from Storr & Mortimer, who had been sending him down some pattern wristband studs that morning, and the diamonds were ordered there fifteen thousand pounds' worth no great quantity, to be sure, but then she would come in for the family ones at last. His ma's diamonds were worth forty thousand. Emma wondered when they would be hers. "Matrimony seems all the rage just now," observed the Marquis, breaking off in the middle of his strawberry ice, " Lord George Noodleton wants to marry Miss Dumps, the banker's daughter, but his pa won't hear of it unless old Dumps, will come down with a hundred thousand pounds." " Mercenary" creature ! " exclaimed Emma, stuffing her mouth as full as ever it would hold. The Marquis then rehearsed several weddings that had HILLIXGDON HALL. 103 taken place among his friends during the previous year, to all of which Emma listened with the greatest interest ; for though she had never heard the names before, still there is a something about weddings, high or low, that all women like to listen to, and the Marquis having about exhausted his stock of matrimonial reminiscences, observed casually, as he drank off his glass of sherry, that all the world seemed marrying mad, and he supposed it would be "their turn next." Just then the Duchess gave the signal, and Emma rose, with a maiden blush upon her maiden cheeks, having, as she considered, all but captured the coronet. CHAPTER XII. " Look on this picture and on that. 1 " EATHER difficult passage in our history now draws near namely, what the ladies did when they got back to the drawing-room at Donkey- ton Castle. In these points authors disclose their sex. A lady would be great here, whereas we of the breeches, at least legitimately of the breeches, are " quite out." In this dilemma we inquired of a female friend, who happened to be teaing with our grandmamma (a most remarkable old lady of eighty-three, who reads without specs), what ladies did when they retired from the dining- room. " Oh," said she, " they generally go to the fire, dawdle and stand about a little, and then sit down and talk scandal." We will then, gentle reader, with your permission, sup- pose the fire, and standing about part done, and that the ladies are pairing off, or grouping for the scandal stakes. Emma, who could hardly contain herself, and had given sundry nods, and made several significant grimaces at her mamma, all indicative of " I've done it" now got to her, and giving her a most loving squeeze of the elbow, whispered in her ear, "All right" " All right, my dear ! what d'you mean ? " inquired Mrs. Flather. " All right" repeated Emma, with a most triumphant smile. " You don't say so ! " exclaimed Mrs. Flather, in a some- what louder tone. " Has he offered ? " "Have you seen these beautiful views of Copley Field- HILLIXGDOX HALL 105 ing's ? " inquired the Duchess, with one of those bugbears of company-making, a portfolio of drawings. What iniquitous work that is. The Duchess had set three groups to their books, just as a jailor would set his prisoners to their task work. Indeed, we think the prisoners have the best of it, for they see what they have to do ; while, in a case of this sort, you must reckon on having to run the gauntlet of all the portfolios in circulation, without knowing how many more there may be in reserve. Oh, Emma was " so obliged " " there was nothing she liked so much as drawings scenery of all things." So the Duchess, having pushed her into a chair, and placed her mother beside her, went and got Mrs. Hamilton Dobbin to join the party to make up the trio, and left them to the enjoyment of their intellectual treat. How Mrs. Flather wished Mrs. Hamilton Dobbin at home. Here let us leave them for a time. The ladies being comfortably swept out, and the cham- pagne having supplied a certain degree of animation and confidence, the gentlemen drew towards the Duke with less apparent embarrassment than had marked their approaches during the earlier part of the evening. Mr. Jorrocks, whose maxim of " Perfect ease being perfect gentility " never allowed him to feel out of his element, having got rid of the Duchess, took his napkin and large wine-glass (very large it was too), and strutting to the other end of the room, planted himself most consequentially on the right of the Duke, to the great relief of Mr. Thomas Chambers, who, but for him, would have been driven into that dangerous position on the retirement of Mrs. Flather. " Veil, your Greece, and 'ow d'ye feel arter your feed ? " inquired Mr. Jorrocks, sousing himself into one of the soft capacious arm-chairs with which the table was encircled. " I reckon I've had an unkimmon good tuck-out." " Ah ! I'm glad to hear you say so, Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorrocks ; very glad to hear you say so," replied the Duke. " Nice dinner good dinner very good dinner monstrous good dinner, indeed." " And good eatin' requires good drinkin', I always says, 106 HILLIXGDON HALL. your Greece," observed Mr. Jorrocks, jingling his wine-glass against his buttons. " Ah, true ! " exclaimed his Grace, laughing at the hint, and throwing back his white head, " good eating does re- quire good drinking," so saying, he helped himself to a bumper of claret, and passed the bottles. "Here's your good health, Mr. Jorrocks, I'm very happy to see you monstrous happy to see you. And so you are a great fox-hunter ? Glad of that fine amusement fox-hunting monstrous fine amusement. I remember Burke saying he would willingly bring in a bill to make poaching felony, another to encourage the breed of foxes that he would make, in short, any sacrifice to the humour and prejudices of the country gentlemen in their most extraordinary form, provided he could only prevail upon them to live at home. Fine speech of Burke's ; monstrous fine speech." " He was 'ung for all that," observed Mr. Jorrocks to himself, with a knowing shake of the head, as he availed himself of the opportunity of the bottles coming round again to take a " back-hand " at the port. His Grace then had a word or two with Mr. Tugwell and afterwards with Mr. Grumbleton, but being unable to get more than "Yes, my Lord Duke," and "No, my Lord Duke," out of either of them, he soon returned to his voluble neighbour, Mr. Jorrocks. " You're a great farmer, aren't you, Mr. Jorrocks ? " asked the Duke "tell me now, have you an Agricultural Association at your place ? Prize for the best bull, best cow, best ram, best two-year-old tup ? " "Vy, no, I doesn't think we 'ave, your Greece," replied Mr. Jorrocks, " and I think if we had, they'd a been at me for a subscription town and country's werry much alike in that respect never lose nothin' for want of axin' I minds" " Well, but you should get up an Agricultural Associa- tion," interrupted the Duke. " Independently of the good it does in promoting neat and scientific farming, it's a good thing for getting acquainted with the farmers keeping your interest together you understand. Good thing, HILLINGDON HALL. 107 indeed capital good thing monstrous good thing," added the Duke, rubbing* his hands, and laughing at his own cunning. " / twig ! " replied Mr. Jorrocks, with a wink. " True "blue ! Please yourselves, genl'men, but if you don't please ine, I'll make you haw, haw, haw. Bum world this we live in, your Greece werry rum world, indeed. I'll have a Hagricultural 'Sociation though. President, Mr. Jorrocks or say, President, Duke o' Donkeyton. Wice-President, Mr. Jorrocks." " Very proud of the honour, I'm sure," replied the Duke, bowing very low, and shaking his head over his plate as though he were quite overcome " monstrous proud indeed. But I'm getting old, Mr. Jorrocks, I'm getting old suppose you take Jeems it's more in his way." " With all my 'eart," replied Mr. Jorrocks ; " he don't look much like a farmer, though. President, the Markiss o' Bray Wice-President, Mr. Jorrocks that'll sound well, and look well in the papers too ; call it the 'lllingdon 'Sociation, and have it at our place dine in a tent dance in a barn band in open hair school-gals to skip. Or sheep- shearin' i' the mornin', tea i' the evenin' ball for the ladies 'ands across and back again, down the middle and hup again." Mr. Jorrocks suiting the action to the word, bumping about on his chair and crossing his arms as if he were at work. "Very good !" exclaimed the Duke; " extremely good ! monstrous good, indeed but you must instruct as well as amuse encourage science, experiments, chemistry; teach them the virtue and use of manures." " Guano ! nitrate o' sober ! soot ! and all that sort o' thing," interrupted Mr. Jorrocks. " Farmers are a long way behind the intelligence of the day ; a monstrous long way," continued the Duke, " too much of ' what my father did, I'll do ' style about them. They want brushing up. You take yours in hand, Mr. Jorrocks make them drain." " Smith o' Deanston ! Tweeddale tile ! furrow dramin' ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks. los HILLIXGDO:N T HALL. "Apply their land to proper purposes," continued his Grace, " don't force it to grow crops that it has no taste for much may be done in the way of judicious management. For instance, where land won't grow corn, try trees much of the land in this county is too poor for agricultural pur- poses would grow wood well. All the pine tribe flourish in this country and pay well for planting ; very well indeed ; monstrous well." " Grand things they are too ! " observed Mr. Jorrocks aloud to himself, thinking of the pine-apple he'd had before dinner ; " I'll teach them a trick or two," added he, " pine dodge in particklar address them ' Frinds and fellow- countrymen ! ' " throwing out his arm and hitting Mr. Thomas Chambers a crack in the eye, and so closing the conversation for the moment. The Marquis of Bray, not being a great man for his liquor, took advantage of the commotion to throw up his napkin and steal out of the room to the ladies. These he found in full employment : three groups of three, looking at pictures ; the Duchess knitting a purse and superin- tending the portfolios, occasionally addressing a word to her toady, or " companion," as the poor devils are called, in derision one would think, for they are generally less thought of than the lapdog ; while Mrs. Smith inflicted a recital of how her little boy had gone through " Whene'er I take my walks abroad, Ho\v many poor I see ! " without a single error or wrong pronunciation, upon Mrs. Somebody whom she had inveigled into a corner for the purpose. The butterfly Marquis having saluted the Duchess with a kiss, fluttered away to chatter to the ladies ; who all thought it " so nice " of him coming in so soon. The first group was a turbaned one, busy with Colonel Batty's Swiss Views. The Marquis didn't stay long with it, but glided into the middle of the room where Emma sat between her mamma and Mrs. Hamilton Dobbin, turning over a portfolio of water-colour sketches, mother and daughter most heartily HILLINGDON HALL. 109 wishing Mrs. Hamilton Dobbin further. Nor did the Marquis's approach at all disconcert Mrs. Dobbin, for she had known him from a boy, and perhaps had not established to her own satisfaction that he was anything else yet. Living near the Castle, and knowing the awe in which the neighbourhood held the family, the idea of such a thing as the Marquis marrying a girl like Emna Flather never entered her head, or, indeed, the idea of any girl being foolish enough to think of such a thing ; consequently, instead of drawing out her chair to let him into the centre, she merely moved a little nearer Emma, and kept the Marquis outside. Mrs. Flather immediately counteracted the movement by rising and joining another group, and the Marquis presently sidled into her seat. The impertur- bable Mrs. Hamilton Dobbin remained rooted to her chair. The Marquis then began chattering, and turning over the drawings. " Was Emma a painter ? " "Only a very middling one she doted on pictures though." The Marquis dared say she was a very good one. " Oh no, she wasn't ! Nobody about them cared for drawing but her." "Oh, that was a pity," replied the Marquis. His pa and his ma were both great artists. " My pa did that" continued he, holding up a picture. " Oh ! how beautiful ! " exclaimed Emma. " My ma did that" added he, producing another. " Oh ! how beautiful ! " repeated Emma. " My pa and ma did that between them," continued he, producing a third. " Oh ! how beautiful ! " reiterated Emma. Meanwhile the guests came dropping in from the dining- room, each with considerably more confidence than he felt on arriving, and Mr. Jorrocks and the Duke at length were the only two that remained still they talked about farming, until a stranger would have thought they were the only two people that knew anything about the matter, instead of one being a mere theorist and the other a mere fool we beg pardon we mean in farming. Indeed, the no HILLINGDON HALL. Duke of Donkeyton might be called more than a theorist, for he had some most extraordinary notions about farming and the management of property a system so peculiar that it generally ended in beggaring the tenants and impoverishing his estates. Still he chattered and talked so glibly, that poor Mr. Jorrocks was thoroughly convinced he was a most " wide-awake " farmer ; and what with the wine and what with the twaddle, he got a brainful of most confused ideas. The dominant idea, however, was that farmers were all asleep, and scientific farming was the only thing to make money of. " Allow me to give you a toast, your Greece ? " inquired Mr. Jorrocks every time the decanters came to a stand, and his Grace dabbled in his finger glass, or applied the napkin to his lips, symptomatic of going. " With all my heart, Mr. Jorrocks." " I'll give The 'Ulingdon 'Sociation and the 'ealth o' the Markiss o' Bray, again ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks. (This was the third time he had given it.) " Thank ye, Mr. Jorrocks, most kindly Jeems I'm sure will be most flattered when I tell him of this repeated mark of your attachment." " Not at all," replied Mr. Jorrocks, " not at all werry fine young man werry fine young man indeed werry like my frind, James Green, of Tooley Street. Perhaps your Greece doesn't know Green o' Tooley Street." His Grace did not. i " Allow me to give your Greece another toast ? " " With great pleasure, Mr. Jorrocks." " It must be a bamper," observed Mr. Jorrocks, drinking off his heel-taps, and filling his goblet as full as it would hold. His Grace did the like. " I'll give you the 'ealth o' the Duchess o' Donkeyton," observed Mr. Jorrocks. "Her Greece has given us a most capital dinner, and your Greece has given us a most excellent drink : " so saying, Mr. Jorrocks quaffed off his tumbler. HTLUNTGDON HALL. in "Thank ye (hiccup), Mr. Jorrocks," replied his Grace.. "The (hiccup) Duchess, I am sure, will be (hiccup) most proud of the (hiccup) honour, which I'll tell her (hiccup) directly when " " But drink off your lush," observed Mr. Jorrocks, seeing his Grace sat with the bumper before him " wine first speech arterwards " added he, as if in explanation. " True ! " observed his Grace, laughing " thank ye, Mr. (hiccup) Jorrocks, for the hint capital (hiccup) hint monstrous (hiccup) good (hiccup) hint." So saying, his Grace drained off the glass, and set it down with the face of a man who has taken a black draught. " Now, if your (hiccup) Greece has anything to (hiccup) say, we shall be 'appy to 'ear it (hiccup)," observed Mr. Jorrocks. "Thank you, Mr. (hiccup) Jorrocks," replied his Grace. "I can't (hiccup) express the (hiccup) obligation I'm (hiccup) under to you (hiccup). Shall we (hiccup) have a little (hiccup) coffee ? " " Jest (hiccup) bazz the bottle (hiccup) ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, holding it up to the light, " there's (hiccup) only jest a glass apiece (hiccup) ! " So saying, Mr. Jorrocks helped himself and then the Duke, measuring the quantity out most equitably. " There's (hiccup) honesty ! " hiccuped Mr. Jorrocks, banging the decanter down in the stand. " No (hiccup) drucken man (hiccup) could do that (hiccup), I guess." The Duke looked at his glass as if it contained poison, and turned very green. Mr. Jorrocks having drunk his wine off, washed his mouth out, and ran the pocket comb through his whiskers, set off for the drawing-room, leaving the Duke, as he said, to " put the bottle ends away if he liked." " Holloa (hiccup), Mister Jorrocks ! " hiccuped our hero, finding his legs didn't carry him as straight as they ought, and he bumped with his shoulder against the door-post. " Holloa there ! " Mr. Jorrocks then got his land legs and proceeded. ii2 HILLIXGDON HALL. Towards ten o'clock the groom of the chamber whispered a reprieve in the ears of divers of the male guests, who were all suddenly seized with a desire of looking at their watches, and wondering what sort of a night it was. This is a question that great people do not understand, thinking (like the little Princess who wondered that people should starve when there were such nice buns to be had for a penny) that every one keeps a close carriage. If the Duke had gone to the door, he would have seen a curious meUe of half- drunken, three-quarters drunken, whole drunken servants and post-boys, exchanging compliments and civilities with his accomplished domestics. Great men's great men, butlers, and so on, being equal to the conveyance of any given quantity of liquor, measure the capacities of their rural brethren by their own, and without intending to make them drunk or even perhaps thinking of doing so, generally give them what makes them very nearly so. This is a serious inconvenience to those outside the ring or who do not, like Mr. Jorrocks, sleep where they dine, and break- fast where they sleep. There were such cuttings in and jostlings out, such threats of running the shafts into each other's " chays," and such exchange of country jokes among country Johns. Of all abominations, save us from the impertinence of servants ! the open impertinence at least, for few are totally free from it, and talk of their masters and mistresses as though they were something inferior to themselves. The drink fre- quently brings it out. At Donkeyton Castle there was a grand display. If a master had availed himself of the sombre castle shadow reflected in the moonlight for diving into the carriage ring, he might have heard his own char- acter, and perhaps that of his wife, sketched with all the fidelity of a Daguerreotype portrait. Then, when the Jehus got their masters and mistresses cooped into their melon frames and leathern inconveniences, they began putting their boastings of the merits of their respective steeds to the test, by setting off at a pace down hill that perfectly terrified the inmates, and drove all the observations they had made as* to how "things were done at HILLIXGDON HALL. 113 the Castle, clean out of their heads. Mr. Tugwell had been charged by Mrs. Tugwell (who had got the influenza, and could not come) to mind and see whether the butler handed the wine about with a napkin or not ; Mr. Webb had been especially ordered to see whether the footmen took off the bread with a fork or a spoon, also how they got rid of the crumbs ; and divers others had made knots in their minds to pay particular attention to certain points, all of which vanished as the jingling of the rattletraps, and the darting disappearance of roadside objects, convinced them they were getting run away with ; and the horrors of drowning, and quarry tumbling, and dashing to pieces, with sundry acts of omission and commission, darted across their minds, with a velocity equalled only by their movements. Horrible work getting run away with ! There is something humiliating in the idea of getting into a one-horse booby hutch (booby hutches they are well called, for a man does feel like a fool riding in one), and committing oneself, and three per cent. Consols, to the rash indiscretion of a half-fledged three- quarters-drunken yokel, in black velveteens and baggy Berlins. Talk of the jurisdiction of magistrates over husbandly servants! What is the jurisdiction of magis- trates over husbandry servants, compared to what it would be if they had it over their own ? Every large house would have a treadmill, and the parson, the lawyer, and the apothecary, would club for one among them. On this night it would have been in requisition, for Mr. Tugwell's boy, having set down Mr. Webb, very coolly deposited his sleep- ing master in the coach house, where he remained till the morning. There had been fine doings in the servants' hall and housekeeper's room at Donkeyton Castle. Betsey, whose propriety at least sobriety of conduct had never before been impeached, evinced the hospitality of the establishment, by a very confused statement of what a delightful evening she had spent, and how the Markiss's gentleman had shown her great attention, and asked her to wine twice during the supper ; and how the servants upper servants at least had wine twice a day, and how Benjamin had insisted upon II ii 4 HILLINGDON HALL. being among the upper servants swearing he was a " walefc at 'ome ; " and how he had rooked them of their money at cards, and won two pounds nine and sixpence. Indeed, the wine being in, and the wit being out, Benjamin, contrary to his usual custom, could not contain himself for his exploits, and let out all to his master, he (Benjamin) having, in order to sustain his character of valet, gone up to Mr. Jorrocks's dressing-room at the time the other valets went to their masters', under pretence of helping Mr. Jorrocks out of his clothes. Lucky it was that he did so, for Mr. Jorrocks, having soused himself on to a sumptuous sofa, had fallen fast asleep when his trustworthy domestic entered and discovered him. "Veil (hiccup), Binjimin," said Mr. Jorrocks, opening one eye and cocking up a leg, " vot are you arter now ? (hiccup). Marmeylad, I dare say." " Please sir, did you ring ? " inquired Benjamin. " Vy, no, (hiccup) Binjimin I didn't (hiccup) ring at least not that I minds (hiccup) but here, turn (hiccup) about, and let's have my (hiccup) tops off; for this 'ere one's a pinchin' o' my (hiccup) corn ; " Mr. Jorrocks raising a leg for a lever, and lifting the other to put between Benjamin's legs, to make what sportsmen call a new- fashioned boot-jack of the boy. " Pleaz, sur, you harn't got your tops on," replied Benja- min, knowing it was only a hunting day practice. "Ah, (hiccup) veil, never mind (hiccup)," replied Mr. Jorrocks, starting up, thinking he was falling from the sofa. " They're my pamps, are they ? I thought I'd been out an 'unting. Veil, left me up, I s'pose (hiccup) it's about (hiccup) bed-time (hiccup)." " Nigh wn ! " replied Benjamin. " Nigh von ? " hiccuped Mr. Jorrocks ; " impossible, (hiccup) Binjimin ! I've only jest (hiccup) come upstairs (hiccup)." " Nigh von for all that," replied Benjamin. " They keep rum hours at these great shops. Never goes to bed afore midnight." " Queer coves," hiccuped Mr. Jorrocks, sitting up on the sofa. HILLINGDON HALL. 115 " Deed are they ! " replied Benjamin, " but I've put the leak into some o' them great long lazy London Johnnies. Won a 'atful o' money of them ! " " 'Atful o' money 'ave you, (hiccup) Binjimin ? " hiccuped Mr. Jorrocks, "that was (hiccup) werry clever (hiccup) o' you you'll be a (hiccup) great -man, Binjimin (hiccup)." "Yes, sir," said Benjamin. " A werry (hiccup) great man," hiccuped Mr. Jorrocks ; " (hiccup) sobriety and (hiccup) cleanliness are (hiccup) great things in the world. Never (hiccup) degrade yourself, Binjimin, to the (hiccup) level of a (hiccup) beast by intemperance (hiccup). Drunkenness is a shockin' (hiccup) sin. Drink (hiccup) will do nothin' (hiccup) for no man." " Yes, sir," replied Benjamin, looking at his master. "Where (hiccup) moderation dwells (hiccup), the mind (hiccup) expands with mutual (hiccup) ardour (hiccup), and all that sort o' thing (hiccup) ! " " Yes, sir," said Benjamin. " Then (hiccup), Binjimin, 'elp me out o' my (hiccup) coat," rejoined Mr. Jorrocks, rising and extending an arm to the boy. Benjamin took hold of the sleeve, and in the jerk to disengage himself of the garment, Mr. Jorrocks lost his balance, and fell souse on the floor with Benjamin atop of him. CHAPTER XIII. O that men should put an enemy into their mouths To steal away their brains ! " SHAKSPEARE. [HE Duke of Donkeyton had a very bad headache the next day, and could not come down to breakfast. Mrs. Flather was sorely disappointed at this, for she got down early in hopes of a kiss from his Grace, by way of sealing the bargain. This, we believe, is the usual form in such matters. The young people kiss as a matter of course, and the old ones do ditto, at least when both parties are pleased with the match a thing of such un- usual occurrence, as not to have happened in our recollection. Emma had detailed to her mamma, with such few additions as her fertile imagination supplied, all that had passed between the Marquis and herself, particularly the tone, and manner in which he made the observation or declaration, and, above all, the exact degree of warmth with which he squeezed her hand at bed-time. Young ladies, and young gentlemen too, should be cautious in these matters young gentlemen not to give utterance to ambiguous expressions young ladies not to put interpretations upon words they are not meant to convey. Had it not been that Emma, and Emma's " ma," to whom Emma attributed superior sagacity when it suited her convenience, had gone to Donkeyton Castle, with the full conviction that the Duke and Duchess wanted Emma for the Marquis, there would have been some- thing ridiculous in their taking hold of such a commonplace observation as " it will be our turn next," and construing it into an offer of marriage; but when that impression, HILLIXGDOX HALL. 117 together with the rusticity, and the " greasy novelling " of the parties, is taken into consideration, we think our indulgent readers will acquit us of taxing their credulity beyond the stretch of literary latitudinarianship in stating such to have been the case. Moreover, there is another observation we wish to make on the subject. Young ladies and mammas who have only been accustomed to the jog-trot day-book and ledger court- ship of common life, cannot imagine that all the empresse- ments and soft nothings of high life are in fact " nothings" but are apt to take them as the pure current coin of court- ship, and contrasting the earnestness of the one with the snoring sleepy-headedness of the other, fall into a very excusable error in supposing a great deal more meant than is really intended. Fair ladies ; beware of the small talk of young gentle- men in cerulean blue satin waistcoats worked with heart's- ease, and pink pantaloons. Mrs. Flather and Emma had little sleep that night. Everything was talked over three or four times, and the darting rays of the morning's sun found them talking still. Mrs. Flather rose, and drawing the costly curtains, looked out on the lovely landscape, wood and water, hill and dale, with an eye of ownership. What a conquest ! Mrs. Trotter would die of envy. Then Emma talked of the diamonds. Told how the Marquis had said they cost fifty thousand pounds. Then Mrs. Flather wondered how old the Duchess was. If she could get into the library before breakfast she would have a look in the " Peerage." Already the Duke and Duchess began to be looked upon in the light of encum- brances. Mr. Jorrocks, who had one of those remarkable heads that take very little harm from drink, came strutting into the breakfast- room with his hands in the upper tier of the diagonal Jorrockian jacket pockets, and the massive silk tassels of his Hessian boots tapping against the leather as he went, and found Mrs. Flather, bag in hand, pacing up and down pretending to look at the pictures, but in reality waiting for the arrival of the Duke. Mr. J. " was so glad n8 HILLINGDOtf HALL. to see her ! Now that was werry kind of her," and there- upon he gave her such a smack, as caused the footman, who was coming in with the urn, to start and snicker out- right. Mrs. Flather looked very black, inwardly resolving to put the steady old gentleman to rights as soon as ever she became a Marchioness's mother. The guests then came dropping in, and presently the Duchess and Jeems arrived, when salutations became general, together with inquiries after the health of his Greece how each had slept, and unanimous approval of the appearance of the day " splendid weather ! " The guests again ranged themselves to the now much shortened table, each with a new neighbour, like the survivors of a regiment after a battle, and tea and toast, coffee and eggs, became the order of the day. As the breakfast party were in full cry, the Duke of Donkey ton made his appearance, looking very seedy, and having made his circuit of politeness, drew up beside Mr. Jorrocks, who was sitting next the Duchess, giving her a lecture on the varieties of tea and the usual modes of adulterating them, much to Mrs. Jorrocks's annoyance, who sat looking as if she would eat him. " Ah, Mr. Jorrocks, and how do you do ? " inquired his Grace, stopping short at his over-night friend, who had a plateful of cold meat, with a circle of muffin plates, toast racks, sweet cakes, and egg-shells before him. " Tol-lol, thank your Greece ; 'ow are you off for 'ealth ? " replied Mr. Jorrocks, adding, " That last glass was rayther too much for me ; howsomever, never mind I carried it upstairs had a Seidlitz pooder this mornin', and am all right again now. 'Ow's your Greece, I says ? " " Thenk'ee, Mr. Jorrocks, thenk'ee ; I'm middling pretty well, I thenk you I was imprudent enough to eat a little lobster pat6, which I think has rather disagreed with me." " That's a bad job, your Greece," observed Mr. Jorrocks, diving his fork into three or four slices of cold ham, as the footman brought the plate past him. " That's a werry bad job," added he " I s'pose it's a complaint peculiar to 'igh HILLINGD03T HALL. 119 life though, for I see Cockle has almost every great name in the kingdom down as patrons of his antibilious pills I doesn't place much faith i' pills and physic. My frind, Eoger Swizzle, says, eatin' does far more 'arm nor drinkin ' ! Koger tries the drink at 'igh pressure too howsomever you'll be better when you mend, as the nusses say to the children. Here's a werry fine mornin', your Greece one ought to have been among the dandylions, these two hours us farmers should be early." " Ah ! by the way, you're a great farmer," observed his Grace, pricking his ears " delightful occupation, farming monstrous nice occupation wish I'd been born a farmer." " Wish I'd been born a duke," grunted Mr. Jorrocks, as he stuffed a large piece of tongue into his mouth. " Tell me now," continued his Grace, without noticing Mr. Jorrocks's observation, "have you an Agricultural Society about you ? Society for promoting science, agricul- tural chemistry, improved farming ? Best cow, best bull, best two-year-old horse ? " " No, but I intend to, your Greece," replied Mr. Jorrocks, " shall teach them a thing or two farmers are a long way behind the intelligence o' the age, your Greece." " That's just what / say, Mr. Jorrocks ! " replied his Grace ; "that's just what / say ! " repeated he. " Too much of ' what my father did I do,' style about them want brush- ing up : you take yours in hand, Mr. Jorrocks make them drain." " Drainin's a grand diskivery, your Greece. It's the foundation of all agricultural improvement." (Mr. J. borrowed that idea from Johnny Wopstraw.) " That's what / say, Mr. Jorrocks," replied his Grace. "Veil, and I say it too" rejoined Mr. Jorrocks, with a ierk of his head, as much as to say he would not be done out of his idea. He then began his third egg. " Smith o' Deanston should be knighted," observed Mr. Jorrocks, as he put in the salt. " A 'baronetcy wouldn't be too much," replied his Grace ; " greatest benefactor the world ever saw makes two blades grow where one grew before monstrous benefactor." i2o HILLIXGDOX HALL " Guano ! nitrate o' sober ! gipsey * manure ! " continued Mr. Jorrocks. " I see you understand it all ! " observed his Grace. " Trust me for that," replied Mr. Jorrocks, diving deep into the egg. "We'll have sich a Hagricultural 'Sociation. President, John Jorrocks, Esq. Dine in a tent dance in a barn cuss it, there goes the hegg all over my chin. But stop," added Mr. Jorrocks, wiping it off " Didn't we say 1 President, the Markiss o' Bray ? Wice-President, Mr. J. ? ' I think that was the way." " Jeems I am sure will be most happy" replied his Grace, who now began to recollect something of the overnight conversation. Jeems, my dear ! " exclaimed he to young hopeful, who was just cutting Emma a fourth slice of white bread, to the indescribable horror of Mrs. Flather. " Jeems, my dear ! Mr. Jorrocks does you the honour of proposing you for President of his Agricultural Association." " Mr. Jorrocks does me great honour I'm sure," replied Jeems, almost bowing his face into his plate ; adding to Emma, " What a curious old man he is ! " " He'll be rather young in the business, you know, Mr. Jorrocks," observed his Grace sotto voce. " Oh, I'll put him up to it all ! " rejoined Mr. Jorrocks with a knowing wink, and a dig of his elbow into the Duke's ribs ; " give him a lector aforehand South Downs 'Erefords Durhams subsoil plough liquid manure Deanstonizing, and all that sort o' thing. We'll inwent a manure together. The Donkeyton dung or may be a drainin' tile Mr. Jorrocks's tile. We'll be werry famous. Write in Stephens's Book o' the Farm. Mr. Jorrocks on balls. The Markiss on milch cows. We'll make the grass grow, the grass grow, the grass grow, as my 'untsman James Pigg used to sing about his coal barge." If ever there was a man Mrs. Flather more heartily wished further (as people delicately say, when they consign another to the devil), it surely was this loquacious old man, w Query Gypsuin. HHJ3NGDON HALL. 121 Mr. Jorrocks. Fancy the stupid old fellow intruding in the morning at a time he was never wanted, and then mono- polizing the Duke and Duchess in this scandalous manner ! This most delicate and important transaction kept open by the ill-placed garrulity of the old grocer. Never was any- thing so provoking. Never -was a woman so thwarted as Mrs. Mather was did it on purpose too. We certainly must admit it was very trying ; but these sort of interruptions frequently occur just at the critical moment, either of an offer or a declaration. The footman with the coal-scuttle, or a carriage-full of company, grinning and kissing their hands through the window with delight at finding you at home, and the anticipations of spending a long day. From all " long-day spenders, good Lord deliver us ! " At length Mr. Jorrocks's appetite was appeased, and pulling out his watch, he discovered that it wanted but ten minutes to eleven. " Tempus fuggit," said he, putting it up to his ear to ascertain that it had not stopped at that hour overnight. " We must be mizzlin'. Don't do for us farmers to be away too much. Old saying, when the cat's away, the mice will play. Dare say your Greece finds it true." "Well, but there's no great hurry, my good friend," observed his Grace " sorry you're obleged to go. Should like to show you my farm the Duchess's dairy my bull Jeems's rabbits." " Oh, vy you know I'm not forced to go ; only I harn't brought another shirt clean shirt, clean shave, and a guinea in one's pocket, is wot constitutes a gen'leman in my mind. Howsomever, I'll ride over again some day, jest in a friendly pot-luck sort o' way ; meanwhile," added he in a low tone in his Grace's ear, " Mrs. Flather and I are engaged to ride 'ome together, and ven a lady's in the case, your Greece knows the rest." " Well then, Mrs. Flather, you and I ride 'ome together," observed Mr. Jorrocks, strutting down the table to where Mrs. Flather sat in agony, twisting the cord of her bag into a thousand different forms under cover of the table. Mrs. Flather looked very black. " S'pose we order the hutch round in ten minutes, or a 122 HILLINGDON HALL. quarter of an hour. It von't take you long to put on your bonnet, and, " added he, in an under tone, " if we start afore the chay, we shall 'scape all the dust. You twig ? " added he, with a wink. " Say half-an-hour," whispered Mrs. Flather, in agony. " Sorry you're obleged to go, Mrs. Flather," observed the Duke, rising and passing down the table to where Mrs. Flather sat. An example immediately followed by the company, who were now all on their legs together. " I'm sure we are extremely obliged to your Grace " " Not at all," interrupted his Grace, " not at all ; nothing can give us greater pleasure than " "Your Grace's partiality preference" faltered Mrs. Flather " for my daughter is most flattering, and " " Not at all, Mrs. Flather not at all ; she's an extremely fine girl very fine girl indeed monstrous fine girl ! Your husband and I are very old friends, Mrs. Flather most gratifying to the Duchess and myself to renew our intimacy in such a satisfactory way." " I'm sure you do us infinite honour. It is what I never could have expected. I trust my poor child will show her- self worthy of the high honour." "No fear of that, Mrs. Flather none whatever. The Duchess likes her amazingly monstrous fond of her," saying which the Duke shuffled on to Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Dobbin, to express his regret that they too were obliged to go. " Now then ! " said Mr. Jorrocks, touching Mrs. Flather's elbow, " let's be startin', they're all a-goin', and we shall get into the ruck if we don't mind, and ketch all the dust." " Don't be in such a hurry, pray" said Mrs. Flather peevishly. " My vig ! " said Mr. Jorrocks, aloud to himself, drawing back, " shows a little wice I think." " Your carriage is at the door, sir," and " Please to order my carriage round," now became general, and the headachy Duke and complacent Duchess began hugging their departing friends, most heartily glad to get rid of them. " The Markiss and I must have a talk about this 'Sociation eorne day," observed Mr. Jorrocks to the Duke. HALL. 123 " True ! " exclaimed his Grace, who had gumption enough to keep the main chance in view. " Jeems ! " holloaed he to young hopeful, who was pinning a bouquet into Emma's breast, " come here, my dear ! Mr. Jorrocks wants to speak to you." " You and I must have a talk together about this 'ere 'Sociation," observed Mr. Jorrocks, eyeing the butterfly figure before him. Pink-striped shirt, tied with a blue ribbon for a neckcloth, pea-green duck-hunter, pitch-plaister-coloured waistcoat, white jean trousers, pink-striped silk stockings, pumps and buckles. " Ah ! the farming thing ! " replied the Marquis, " true, I suppose we must say something to the people." " You had better drive over to Mr. Jorrocks's, Jeems, and talk it all over," observed the Duke. " Do," replied Mr. Jorrocks ; " and bring your nightcap with you you mustn't come in the coach-and-six though, for I can't put up sich a sight of 'osses." " Whereabouts do you live ? " inquired the Marquis, who had as much idea about the country as a cow. " Oh, twelve or fourteen miles from here," observed Mr. Jorrocks, " nothin' of a ride." " This hot weather though, it would, I think," replied the Marquis, with a shake of the head " however, I should like to pay you a visit " (the Marquis meant Emma), " and I dare say my ma will lend me her brougham ; however, I'll write you word, Mr. Jorrocks : " so saying, he whisked away to jabber and prattle with the ladies. Mrs. Jorrocks having got herself into her bonnet and shawl, the Duke offered his arm to conduct her to her carriage, while the Marquis followed with Emma, telling her how soon he would be over to see her, and kissing her fair hand as she ascended the steps of the carriage, with all the devotion of a lover, sent her away as happy as a duchess. Mr. Jorrocks stuck so close to Mrs. Mather that she could not get a word in sideways, either with the Duke or Duchess at length she yielded to the teasing importunities of the tiresome old man, and resumed her yesterday's place in the i2 4 HILLINGDON HALL. fire-engine, without the anticipated salute from the Duke, and greatly incensed at Mr. Jorrocks for his untimely persecution. How they " rode 'ome together " the reader can guess, nor will it be supposed that Binjimin had any trouble in looking for stones in Dickey Cobden's feet. CHAPTER XIV. Abused by some most villainous knave ! Some base notorious knave, some scurvy fellow ! O heaven, that such companions thou'dst unfold ; And put in every honest hand a whip To lash the rascal naked through the world ! " SHAKSPEAEE. [HE first person Mr. Jorrocks met on his return to Hillingdon Hall was Joshua Sneakington. Joshua was prowling about on his travels, back- biting and making mischief, and occasionally displaying his newly-acquired importance by bullying some unfortunate cottage tenant. Mr. Jorrocks was full of the farming project, and Joshua was just the man he wanted to see. "Veil, Sneak," said Mr. Jorrocks, in his usual free-and- easy-style, when Joshua's broad-brimmed hat regained his finely shaped head after the salute it gave the Squire ; " veil, Sneak, 'ow are you gettin' on here ? " "Why, middling, I think, Mr. Jorrocks can't expect perfection all at once but I strive all I can to keep things right and comfortable. It's really an unpleasant office look- ing after a great estate like this, one gets a deal of ill-will many mischievous ill-disposed people about." "I thought all the ill-disposed people had been in London," observed Mr. Jorrocks. " Oh no, sir," replied Sneakington, with a shake of the head, "town and country's pretty much alike for that, I dare say." " The farmers are a long way behind the intelligence o' the day," observed Mr. Jorrocks, after a pause. 126 HILLINGDON HALL. "Oh, a long way," replied Mr. Sneakington. "'What my father did 111 do' style about them," said Mr. Jorrocks. " Just so," rejoined Joshua. " They have no life about them no energy." " No taste for nitrate o' sober, subsoil, Smith, o' Deanston Smith's the greatest benefactor the world ever saw." " Indeed ! " replied Joshua Sneakington, an answer that may mean anything. " I'm a thinkin'," said Mr. Jorrocks after a pause, during which he kept digging a Suffolk weed-spud into the ground in a fanciful sort of way, " it would be a good thing to get up a Hagricultural 'Sociation here monstrous good thing, I think." " No doubt," replied Joshua. " Put a little life into the farmers," said Mr. Jorrocks. "Teach 'em the use o' manures book-keepin' by double entry rural economy meadow fox-tail grass. Fine thing fox-tail grass 'unters should be fed on it." " Indeed ! " replied Joshua. " You are an intelligent man, Sneak, and enjoy the confidence of the country in a remarkable degree. I wish you would take the thing in hand, and talk to some o' the farmers, and let us get the thing started." " Why, sir, I shall be very happy to do anything to serve you," replied Mr. Sneakington, " and agriculture is a thing I have given my .mind to very particularly ; but the world's ill-natured, Mr. Jorrocks, and perhaps some of the people might think I was taking too much upon me." " Never sich a thing ! never sich a thing ! " replied Mr. Jorrocks ; " you are jest the man Hillingdon 'Sociation President, the Markiss o' Bray ; Wice-President, Mr. Jor- rocks ; Secretary, Mr. Sneakington I tells you, you shall" " Well, sir, what you please," replied Joshua ; " only my time is precious just now, for I have an application from a gentleman in" North Wales to build him a castle, and in course, if I take the secretaryship, I can't build the castle." HILLIXGDON HALL. 127 " Never mind the castle," replied Mr. Jorrocks, " never mind the castle dare say he never meant to pay you for it castle-builders seldom do ; you stir your stumps, and go among the farmers tell them they are all benighted that we want to enlighten them ; give them premiums gold medals ! silver medals lectors ! frinds and fellow- countrymen ! walk in procession ! band o' music ! flags flyin' ! dine in a tent, dance in a barn, tickets for tea, all that sort o' thing, in fact." " Well, sir, what you please, sir," replied Mr. Sneakington, who was now about to undertake the character of agricul- turist at short notice. " What you please, sir. There is no doubt such a society would be a great benefit encourage activity early rising. Your tenants, Mr. Jorrocks, though I shouldn't like it to go further, are a very indolent set of men. Mr. Westbury let them their farms too easy, dare say they would stand raising ten or fifteen per cent, some of them. But then you know it's not my business to interfere, and I shouldn't like to make mischief; but you may rely upon it, your estate should produce a deal more than it does." " Vy," said Mr. Jorrocks, " that's all werry well, I'm glad to hear it. Von we've stuck the new lights into their candlesticks, may be it'll produce twice as much, and then we may get a leetle more tin. Smith o' Deanston should be knighted baronet'd indeed ! greatest benefactor the world ever saw ; makes four blades grow where one grew before. You go, brush up my tenants, tell them to drain, subsoil, guano, nitrate o' sober, and gipsey manure." " If I had a horse," observed Mr. Sneakington, " I should be able to make a survey of each farm, so as to judge of its capabilities, and talk to the tenant at the same time. It doesn't look well to see the agent of a great man going about on foot," added he, seeing Mr. Jorrocks did not exactly relish the proposal. " Vy, as to an 'oss, you know, Sneak, it would only be a bother to you ; for instance, if you came to a field with a large stone wall, and never a way out, you wouldn't know what to do with the nag while you was over a lookin' at i 2 8 HILLIXGDOff HALL. the crop ; and as to leapin' ! vy, you know you'd tumble off!" " Oh, but the tenant would be there to hold the horse you know. There's work enough, I assure you, for a horse to look after all your concerns, and keep things square ; farmers want a deal of looking after. It would be a saving in the end." "Yy, time's tin in the City, certainly," replied Mr. Jorrocks, tinkling his silver in his breeches pocket ; " it's all 'ow d'ye do ? and off again state your case and away you go ; but some'ow the day seems a many 'ours longer i' the country. No one's ever in a hurry here. Howsomever, I've no objection to lend you Dickey Cobden now and then ; only you must mind and not overmark him, for he's only one o' the buttery sort werry soft can stand a deal o' rest you twig." "Thank you, sir," replied Sneakington, who thought riding the Squire's cob would have a grand effect "then if I go to your stable, perhaps you'll tell Mr. Benjamin to let me have it to-morrow. Your rent-day's coming on, and I should like to go my rounds before, so as to make a proper report of the state in which everything is at present." " Jest so," replied Mr. Jorrocks, " and then we shall see what improvement is made. Farmers should keep journals, write down everything they see and do, make obserwations on the weather, and so on signs o' the sky ; be philo- sophers as well as farmers in fact." The next morning Joshua was seen riding Dickey Cobden slowly up the village of Hillingdon, with an armful of plans and a green gingham umbrella for a whip. His low-crowned broad-brimmed Sunday hat was well brushed, he had a clean white neckcloth, and his second-best black coat and waistcoat, and every-day trousers and gaiters on ; also a pair of gloves, an appendage denoting that the wearer is going " from home." The cottagers eyed Joshua with suspicion and astonishment, and Beckey Brown ran into Polly Jones's to ask where Jos could be going to; while sundry of the " betterly people " who kept servants were sorely annoyed at the grievous length of time they stayed at IIILLINGDON HALL. 129 the " well " a sort of rural parliament, where Janes and Marys talk over their masters and mistresses, and tell all the secrets of the house. A little thing makes a great talk in the country. Never did a Lord Mayor ride through Cheapside in his gingerbread coach and six, on his way (like his web-footed brethren the geese) to " take water " to be sworn in at our Lady the Queen's Exchequer, with a more inflated mind than Joshua Sneakington possessed as he rode through the village of Hillingdon on that important morning. Twice he was for turning back under pretence of having forgotten something, but Dickey Cobden had a will of his own, and feeling Joshua had a loose seat, he gave certain indications of dissent that caused Joshua to alter his resolutions, and proceed on his journey rejoicing. It was a fine day, clear and sunshiny, and Joshua's mind partook of the apparent happiness of nature. Firfield Johnny Wopstraw's farm was the first in Joshua Sneakington's circuit, and he timed his visit so as to arrive as Johnny was sitting down to his twelve o'clock dinner, with his wife, children, and servants. Potatoes and bacon, and gooseberry dumplings. Jos, like most lazy dogs, was a good eater, and didn't require a second invitation to induce him to sit down and partake of the frugal meal. After it was over, and the party were dispersing to their respective occupations, Joshua began broaching the subject of his mission. " Well, and how are you getting on in the farming way ? " inquired he. ' , " Oh, why, upon the whoole, middling well ; times are bad, but the land's pretty good, and the situation not amiss, and I hope the Squire will not be over hard with us." " The Squire's a thinking," observed Joshua, with a hem and a stroke of his puritanical chin, " of having a fresh survey made of his estate, and letting the farms according to the times." " So-o-o" replied Wopstraw, wondering how that would cut. " The farmers in this country, he thinks, are a long way I 1 30 HILLIXGDON HALL. behind the intelligence of the day too much of what-my- father-did-I-do style about them." " Just so," observed Johnny Wopstraw. "The Squire you see's a very clever man and has been used to first-rate farming patent ploughs gipsey manure fox-tail grass and he wants to encourage activity and emulation among his tenants. There's a grand discovery just made, for making eight blades grow where one grew before." " So-O'O-o ! " ejaculated Johnny Wopstraw. " And the Squire thinks if he can get the farmers to adopt it there will be like twopence gained to them and a penny to him." " Just so," observed Johnny Wopstraw ; " upon the whoole, I should think it must be a grand discovery." " The man should be made a lord," replied Joshua, rubbing his chin and looking very sagacious as much as to say that he had had a hand in the pie. " Upon the whoole, I think he should," replied Wopstraw. " If you'll bring me out my horse I'll just ride over your farm, now that I have got the plan in my pocket, and then we'll be better able to talk the matter over at our rent day," observed Joshua, drawing on his gloves most con- sequentially. Wopstraw, somewhat astonished at the sudden elevation of the scamp, though not at all surprised at his airs, brought out the nag, and Joshua mounting, desired Wopstraw to take him such a circuit as would lead him on to the next tenant's farm, so that he might not lose time by going over the same ground twice. Off then they set, Joshua on Dickey Cobden, and Wopstraw walking alongside, opening gates, handing up specimens of soil, and replying to Joshua's interrogatories . " Give me a piece of that ! " Joshua would exclaim on entering a fallow ; then he would break the clod, and eye it, just as Master Horner eyed his Christmas pie, to see how much fruit there was in it. " Ah, I see," Joshua would observe thoughtfully, as if to himself, but in reality to Wop- straw " Silicious sand clay calcareous sand carbonate HILLIXGDOX HALL. 131 of lime humus " and thereupon he would make a memo- randum, as if he was entering the quality in his book. Having played at this game over a few fields, and glanced at the crops generally, during which operation he imparted no small degree of astonishment to Johnny Wopstraw's simple mind, he at length observed he had no doubt the farm was capable of very great improvement, particularly if this new system of making ten blades grow where only one grew at present was introduced ; and that he thought it would be well for Mr. Wopstraw to secure a lease, intimating at the same time that the usual custom in farming was to make the steward a present in proportion to the rent and length of the term. A word here to landowners. It has long been remarked that whatever becomes of the owner of an estate, the steward invariably thrives, and we have often heard wonder expressed how this happens. Having made what to us was a discovery, the other day, on this head, we will here impart it to you in case you may be ignorant of it also. We were fishing in the neighbourhood of a water corn- mill, and the trout not being inclined to be taken, we were about shutting up shop, with some half-dozen in our creel, when we encountered an old farmer riding on his cart for a sack of flour. The usual country courtesies, " What sport have you had ? " and " How are you getting on ? " having been exchanged, a conversation sprang up about the farmer's landlord (who was an absentee) and his agent, Mr Jeremiah Jumps. Jumps was a new broom, and, of course, sweeping clean we don't mean to say he was racking the land, but he was displaying a little unusual activity on behalf of an absentee landlord well, the present Jumps brought up the previous Jumps, or whatever his name was, and the present Jumps' activity was contrasted with the indolence of the former, and then the former Jumps' riches came to be talked of. " Ah, he had a grand time of it," said the farmer ; "no trouble no one to check him just did what he liked granted leases to whom he pleased, and every tenant down 132 HILLIXGDON HALL. with his five or ten pounds on each letting, as regular as could be." " The agent got that, then, did he ? " asked we. " Oh, to be sure that's the custom, you know always make the steward a compliment on taking." " Indeed," said we, " that's a wrinkle we weren't up to do us the pleasure to accept these trout two and two's four five and one's six there you are and good morning to you good morning knowledge should not be had for nothing." Reader ! take care your " Jumps " isn't playing you that trick. Willey Goodheart was the next tenant in Joshua's route. Willey was one of the very old-fashioned, tarry-at-home school of farmers neat, careful, prudent, honest, and cheer- ful. He had been on the estate " man and boy," as the saying is, for sixty years, and his little farm was a perfect model of neatness and productiveness. Age had now bowed a once upright manly form, and time had strongly marked the handsome features of his face ; but there was a mild, gentlemanly, patriarchal air about old Willey, corresponding with his manners ; and his venerable grey hair fell in curly locks on the upright collar of his straight-cut, single-breasted, large-buttoned blue coat. On Sundays, his costume partook still more of the character of bygone days, by the addition of a pair of nearly sky-blue worsted stockings, and square-toed shoes, with large silver buckles shoes that must either have been much better than, they make them at the present day, or been devoted exclusively to Sunday wear, for they had seen " square toes " in and out three times since they were bought. Willey seldom went from home except to church. Markets even he did not trouble. His corn was sold to a neighbour- ing miller ; his daughter carried his butter and eggs to the truck shop at Hillingdon, from whence his few wants were also supplied. He was one of the draining, manuring, land- working breed of farmers always some little improvement in hand or in view some hedge to run straight some land to lay better away some slack to fill up or some gate to remove to a more convenient position ; but he knew nothing IIILLIXGDOX HALL. 133 of " guano, nitrate o' sober, or gipsey manure," as Mr. Jorrocks would say. Having in early life been in a gentleman's service at Grampound (Cornwall), an intimacy he had then con- tracted with a fellow-servant had continued, and showed itself by his sending Willey the county papers; but the friend most likely being one of Willey's breed, instead of availing himself of Her Majesty's post for the conveyance of each paper, hoarded them up till he got a year or two's papers in hand, when he transmitted them to Willey per waggon. The consequence was, that Willey read the papers like history, and was generally a year or two behindhand sometimes more, in the harvest time. Farmers and fox- hunters are not great readers in a general way. We knew a fox-hunter, who borrowed the first volume of one of Scott's novels, and, having kept it a long time, his friend asked him if he would not like to have another. " Oh no, thank you, " said he, " that does very well. By the time I get to the end, I've forgot the beginning, so I just begin over again, and it serves my purpose quite as well as a new one." Willey was rather better than this, for he studied the Gi'ampound Gun and Tregony Times, as the paper was called, with a patient and persevering assiduity, beginning with the title, and ending with the printer's name of each number, and remembered what he had read, for he could refer to the file of his authority with great accuracy whenever a difficulty arose in his mind. Indeed, his Bible and the Grampound Gun were the only two works that Willey considered worth having; and, in his younger days, when he mixed more among the farmers, he had acquired the sobriquet of the " Grampound Gun," from generally prefacing his stories or observations with " I see by the Grampound Gun and Tregony Times that " so and so has taken place. Well, on this particular day Willey had been taking a suck at his old friend after his frugal dinner, and the last bundle of Guns was on the table before him, as Joshua's dry cough and the tread of Dickey Cobden's feet arrested Willey's attention. Taking off his tortoiseshell-rimmed spectacles, he hurried to the woodbined porch of his door to greet the visitor. i 3 4 HILLIXGDOX HALL. There sat Joshua, looking as consequential as could be, with a supercilious smile on his hypocritical countenance, that as much as said, " I'll astonish the old man." " Well, Mr. Goodheart," said he, " how do you do to- day ? " " Why, middling, thank ye, Mr. Sneakington," replied Willey, for he didn't like Joshua a bit " middling, thank you mustn't complain cannot work as I used though and I'm nabbut seventy-two. A-dear but this is a bad job in Lunnun, Mr. Sneakington shocking bad job. Do you think he'll be hung ? " inquired Willey, with anxiety depicted on his fine expressive face. " What's the matter now ? " inquired Joshua, who felt himself in a manner connected with London, from his master having come from there. " A-dear, haven't you heard," replied Willey, " of this terrible rascal shooting at the Queen ? A-dear, Lunnun must be a terrible place lucky our Squire's got away from it, I'm sure." " Well, but who's been shooting at the Queen now ? " inquired Sneakington. " A villain called Oxford ! 'ord rot him ; but if I had him I'd strangle him I'd knock the very soul out of him, spifli- cate him," replied Willey, his still bright eyes sparkling as he spoke. " The idea of shooting at a beautiful young lady like that a queen too ! But won't you alight and come in, Mr. Sneakington, and I'll show you all about it ? " " Stuff and nonsense ! " exclaimed Joshua Sneakington, with a sneer and an indignant curl of the lip " that's as old as the hills you're always finding a mare's nest. Good day, old boy ! good day ! " adding to himself as he kicked Dickey Cobden along, " no use bothering with such an old fool as that. He's too far behind the intelligence of the day for me. Leave him for the Squire." Willey then, somewhat shocked at Joshua's want of loyalty, re-entered his house, and resuming the tortoiseshell-rimmecl spectacles, returned to his reading of Oxford's attempt on the life of the Queen. Before Joshua Sneakington had accomplished the hill HILLINGDON HALL. 135 leading up to Mr. Mark Heavytail's farm, Mark having re- turned from his dinner, had stripped off his coat, and was working away in the fields. Josh owed Heavytail a grudge, and he was a great man for paying his debts debts of honour at least. He had done some very indifferent mason's work for Mark, and had charged about double what he ought, which of course made him owe Heavytail a good turn as people say when they mean the contrary for resisting the imposition. Seeing a horse and a low-crowned hat on the sky line of the hill, Mark hurried from his work to greet the Squire as he thought. When he got within hail, and saw it was Josh, he was for turning back. " HOLLOA THEBE ! " exclaimed Joshua, waving his arm for Heavytail to come to him. " WHAT DO YOU WANT ? " roared Heavytail at the extremity of his voice. " Come and open this gate ! " cried he ; "I want to speak to you." " OPEN IT YOURSELF ! YOU CANNOT HAVE A BETTER SAR- VANT, " roared Heavytail. " CONFOUND YOUR IMPITTANCE ! " bellowed Josh, " I've come with a messuage from the Squire." "WELL, AND WHAT DOES THE SQUIRE WANT, THAT HE'S SENT AN 'ARD BRICKLAYER LIKE YE TO TELL ? " " You had better sink all that" replied Josh, with an emphasis and look of authority. " The Squire wishes me to look over his estate preparatory to his rent day, to see that the rotation of crops is properly kept, and give him a report as to ' " YE ! " roared Heavytail, pointing at Josh, and then holding his sides as though he would split with laughter " YE ! " repeated he, " an 'ard bricklayer like ye ! I'd as soon think of setting my 'ard sow to survey an estate haw ! haw ! haw ! he ! he ! he ! haw ! haw ! haw ! " Heavytail's unwonted mirth roused the ire of his dog, who, not exactly understanding matters, but seeing his master was not pleased, at this juncture jumped over the wall with his bristles up, when Dickey Cobden shied off at 136 HILLINGDON HALL. an angle, and, finding his head loose, set off down hill as hard as ever he could lay legs to the ground, with the coiley dog at his heels. Josh lost his umbrella, and scattered his plans as he went, and the impetus gained sent Dickey and his rider clean through the gate at the bottom of the hill with a most ter- rible crash of the timber. ( '37 ) CHAPTER XV. " We think our fathers fools, so wise we grow ; Our wiser sons, no doubt, will think us so." jREAT anxiety prevailed among the farmers to hear the grand discovery the " greatest bene- factor the world ever saw " had made for mak- ing " two blades grow where one grew before ; " a number that increased in the telling till they got it up as high as sixteen sixteen blades, where only one grew before. As Mr. Jorrocks's rent-day approached, anxiety became quickened, and Joshua Sneakington's importance increased, by the mysterious gravity he observed in his rounds among the farmers, and the obscure hints he dropped, that he was at the bottom of the secret. Meanwhile Mr. Jorrocks busied himself reading up any- thing he could lay hold of upon farming, for the purpose of making them a grand oration on the importance of establish- ing an Agricultural Association, and of the virtue of scientific farming in general. And here let us observe, that many people talk as if they imagined theoretical that is to say, book farming is a thing of modern introduction that our fathers had no " Books of the Farm," no " Quarterly Journals," or other experimental trying works in their times. It is quite a mistake our forefathers were quite as well off as ourselves in that respect. We have whole book shelves loaded with farming lore of former times, the property of our grandfather, the husband of the old lady we mentioned before, who, at the age of eighty-three, reads without specs. Indeed, we may add, that the old lady herself thinks very lightly of the virtues of what is called scientific farming. 138 IIILLIXGDOX HALL. " Such farming, indeed ! " she exclaims, whenever we pump her on the past; "why, a hind nowadays is as good as a farmer used to be in your poor grandfather's time driving about in their gigs, with their names painted up behind ; and writing nonsense to the papers instead of ploughing their land." But the wives are what anger her most. " Silks, ay, and satins, and sofas every day ; and pianneys skelping at night. Lauk ! we never heard of such things as pianneys in my time ! " she says. " The churn was the farmer's daughter's instrument, and a precious sight better wives they made, than the fine gadabout be-feathered breed we see nowadays." So much for our granny. But, as we said before, we have yards upon yards of books on every possible subject relating to land, leaving after-comers the chance of starting anything new apparently out of the question. One consolation, however, is, that there are always new farmers coming on to whom the old theories are new as our friend B says, when we tax him with riding the same joke rather often. We have just run our eye along our book-case, and see what a haul we have made in the way of farming literature. Alongside some twenty vols. of the Farmer's Magazine, we have Mills's Husbandry (1762). Du Hamel's ditto. Hunter's Georgical Essays, in numberless volumes. Pott's Farmer's Cyclopaedia, or Agricultural Dictionary of improved Modern Husbandry, in one large quarto. Anderson's Essays. Farmer's Letters to the People of England, containing the sentiments of a Practical Husbandman, on various subjects of great importance (1768). The Farmer's Guide in Hiring and Stocking Farms (1770). The Farmer's Instructor, or the Husbandman and Gardener's useful and necessary Com- panion, being a new treatise of Husbandry, Gardening, and other Matters relating to Country Affairs, by Samuel Trowel], Gentleman (1747). A Philosophical Account of the Works of Nature, printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking-glass, over against Magnus Church, on London Bridge. The New Farmer's Calendar, or Monthly Eemembrancer of all kinds of Country Business, in the New Husbandry, with the Management of Live Stock, inscribed to the Farmers of IIILLINGDOX HALL. 139 Great Britain, by a Farmer and Breeder (1802). Marshall's Agriculture of the Southern Counties, with a Sketch of the Vale of London (1/99). Curwen on Feeding Stock. Cully on Live Stock. Davis on Land Surveying. Bailey's Agri- cultural Survey. Eennie's Essays on Peat Moss. Practical Husbandry, or the Art of Farming with a certainty of Gain, by Dr. John Trusler, of Cobham, Surrey ; together with Directions for Measuring Timber (1780), and no end of pamphlets and letters, and "observations on similar subjects." Let us not, however, be supposed to decry agricultural improvement. Far from it. We are quite sensible of the many defects in our present system, which we believe chiefly arise from the want of capital, energy, and observation ; but we wish to counteract the evil people in high stations frequently do by talking wildly at agricultural meetings, for the mere purpose of astonishing the farmers, without really knowing or caring anything about what they say. They do far more harm than good, for farmers get confused ; and, frightened at their own ignorance, despair of coming up to the mark, and so remain as they were ; or else attempt fan'ciful experiments, which, after endless expense, they find unsuited to their climate or soil, or unproductive of the anticipated ends. The great difficulty under which farming labours, however, is want of capital ; and so long as people look upon it as an exception to all other trades, and requiring no capital to set up with, so long we fear will be the want of energy and taste for improvement. But to our tale. Mr. Jorrocks having determined that his " let off " should be one of great magnitude, resolved upon inviting the principal neighbours to dinner, and winding up the evening with a ball to their wives and daughters. Accordingly, Mr. Jorrocks and Joshua Sneakington went about beating up for recruits, and, as usual on such occasions, were very successful. Indeed, one of the grand differences between town and country is this that invitations cannot be refused without offence. By town and country, of course we mean any place out of London for the latter. Now, in London, Mr. and Mrs. Brown request the honour of Mr. and Mrs. Green's company to dinner, on Tuesday the 26th of June, at MO HILLIXGDOtf HALL. half-past six ; and if Mr. and Mrs. Green either don't like Mr. and Mrs. Brown, or have reason to think that they may get a pleasanter invitation elsewhere, Mr. and Mrs. Green make no bones whatever of saying they are sorry that a prior engagement prevents them the honour of accepting Mr. and Mrs. Brown's kind invitation for Tuesday, June the 26th ; and Mr. and Mrs. Brown never trouble their heads to inquire whether there was any truth in the story or not : but in the country it is quite another thing. Take a small town for instance. Every small town has a " pro- fessed cook," a sort of brandy-bibbing body, who can cook a little when she's sober, but who has not what servants call conduct enough to keep in place, consequently she confines herself to making " blows out " for the party givers, among whom a few days' work will furnish several days' drink, and victuals too, if she is skilful, which most of them are, in carrying away. Well, these sort of people know every movement and every party in the town know exactly beforehand who will be at each feed ; and if Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so are not there, they immediately set to work to ferret out what's happened that Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so are not asked that they never cooked a dinner there before without Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so being there wonder what can have happened that Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so are not there think Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so must have fallen out ; for when people of this sort get a thing on their tongues, there is no end to the repetitions they indulge in. If the servants can't solve the mystery among them, cookey most likely performs the same office of blow-out maker for Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so that she is performing for the present party givers, consequently she can drop in the next day (if she's sober enough to walk) and inquire of their everyday cook, if they had had anybody dining the day before, or if their " people " dined out, and so the story gets afloat, and truth is drawn out of the well. However, this is a capital world for lending or giving things away in, and people need not be much put to, who only want to give others a treat. Mrs. Flather and Emma were the only persons who refused Mr. and Mrs. Jorrocks's HILLIXGDON HALL. 141 invitation. They were sorry that they had a previous en- gagement. Our readers will perhaps remember that Mrs. Flather had been sadly disconcerted by Mr. Jorrocks's attentions at Donkeyton Castle, when she wanted to bring the Marquis " to book," and her anger had not yet subsided. She determined to snub him. Well, as luck would have it, just as her boy in buttons delivered her answer at Hillingdon Hall, a messenger arrived from Donkeyton Castlo with a note from the Marquis. Jeems had taken it into his head that he would like to see Emma, and under pretence of paying Mr. Jorrocks a farming-electioneering visit, he thought to accomplish that object, and either by accident or design had pitched upon the very day our Cockney Squire had fixed for his party. This was the letter : "DONKEYTON CASTLE. " DEAR MR. JORROCKS, My papa and you had some con- versation about a farming thing that you thought would further our interest in your neighbourhood, and my mamma thinks I had better go over to Hillingdon Park and see you about it. If it will be convenient to Mrs. Jorrocks and you to receive me, I shall be very happy to dine and stay all night with you on Thursday next. Pray write me an answer by the bearer, and with compliments to Mrs. Jorrocks, believe me to remain, dear Mr. Jorrocks, yours very truly, " BRAY. "To JAMES JORROCKS, ESQ., Hillingdon Park." Of course Mr. Jorrocks was too happy to see the Marquis, and he wrote him to that effect, adding that he had better come early, in order that they might talk matters over, as he would have some friends to meet him, and they kept early hours in the country. There was also this postscript. " P.S. My name's JOHN, not James. My place is a Hall, not a Park. If you want wenison, you'd better bring it with you." Mrs. Flather's boy in buttons having gone into the kitchen to have a game of cribbage with Binjimin, made 142 H1LLIXGDOX HALL. himself sufficiently acquainted with the " ins and outs " to be able to tell their cook that Jorrocks was either going to Donkeyton Castle again, or that Donkeyton Castle was coming to Jorrocks. This news soon found its way into the parlour, and mother and daughter were uncommonly struck and hurt at the intelligence. Mrs. Flather was sure it would be that the Marquis was coming to the Hall, for she had overheard some of the conversation between the Duke and Mr. Jorrocks at Donkeyton, and she thought she never could sufficiently censure herself for refusing the invitation. How to repair the error was now the consideration. Emma should step down with a bouquet, and see if she could not put matters right. Accordingly, having selected a smart one, she set out on her errand. Mrs. Jorrocks was delighted to see her, and was werry sorry she was not to have that pleasure on Thursday. Emma was very much obliged for their kindness in asking them, so was mamma the latter rather expected an old friend of dear papa's calling that day, and if he did call he might stay dinner ; but Oh, Mrs. Jorrocks " wouldn't wish to interfere in such a case of course, an old friend o' the family must take pre- cedence of them." " If, however, their friend did not come," resumed Emma. " Oh, think no more about it," interrupted Mrs. Jorrocks ; " any other time would be equally agreeable to Mr. Jorrocks and her; indeed, here was Mr. Jorrocks himself," added she, as our hero emerged from a laurelled walk, and came suddenly upon them. Mr. Jorrocks would fain have forgiven the poor girl, but Mrs. J. stood up stoutly, and gave Mr. J. a look that plainly told him he had better be quiet ; so as our farmer friend did not care much about the matter, he left them, and went away to stare at some sheep. We will not trouble our readers with a recital of the pre- parations, the borrowing, and joining, and contriving, and managing, nor will we give a programme of the entertain- ment, but let the thing speak for itself. The great, the important day at length arrived clear, bright, sunshiny, and cloudless a real summer's day one IIILLINGDON HALL. 143 that English people appreciate most thoroughly from the circumstance of their coming so seldom. Mr. Jorrocks bustled about, in a terrible stew, reciting his speech, and bothering and running against everybody. Towards two o'clock, a claret-coloured brougham, with red picked wheels, and a ducal coronet on the panel, drove down the village of Hillingdon, to the astonishment of the natives, who had never seen anything of the sort before. The noble, lofty-actioned iron grey stepped and carried himself with becoming dignity, champing the richly chased bit, and throwing his head about as though he had a bowing acquaint- ance with all the people in the street. In fact, he went just as he may be seen any day of the season going up and down St. James's Street. Horses, unlike dandies, have only one action. Beside the driver, for, we believe, " one-'oss guiders " are not admitted among the fraternity of coachmen, sat the Marquis's French valet a profusely-whiskered much-be- jewelled individual ; and an imperial, containing his lord- ship's clothes, covered the roof of the carriage. Mr. Jorrocks, who had begun to wax uneasy, and had stopped the recital of his speech for some time, listening for the noise of approaching wheels, no sooner heard the sound drum-like roll of the well-built London carriage, than ho shoved his notes into his pocket, and ran to the entrance to greet his guest. The Marquis alighted just as Mr. Jorrocks got to the door. He was dressed in the extreme of the London fashion. A gold-laced, gold-tasselled, blue foraging cap sat jauntily on his well-waxed light brown ringlets ; the ample tie of his rich blue and gold satin cravat, secured with enormous pearl pins, covered the wide opening made by a very broad, roll-collared white waistcoat, loose down to the two bottom buttons, while the narrow hem of a collar to his blue coat barely came up to the nape of his neck, and the nippy waist began considerably higher up than nature had put his own. His trousers of lavender-coloured merino were shaped over the instep, and buttoned under a pair of laced lavender-coloured boots, which would have been stockings but for a morsel of patent leather over the toe and round the soles. He carried a gold-headed cane 144 HILLINGDON HALL. and a richly embroidered lace-fringed handkerchief in his hand. "I'm werry 'appy to see you," exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, greeting his unagricultural-looking guest ; " werry 'appy indeed thought you weren't comin' howsomever you're in plenty of time only I wanted to have a little talk with you afore'and you know as to what you shall say to the chaps. We must be werry knowin' scientific in fact." "True," replied the Marquis, "I've got off part of an agricultural article in the Encyclopaedia by heart, and " "Ah, but they want facts," replied Mr. Jorrocks, "draining science, and steam's the ticket howsomever, come into my sanctum, and I'll talk.it all over with you." " Couldn't we walk, and call on Mrs. Flather, and talk it over as we go ? " inquired the Marquis. " No, no," replied Mr. Jorrocks, " no time to look arter the pettikits. Let's to business this way mind the step now take a chair, sit down, and I'll tell you all about it." The Marquis having complied with Mr. Jorrocks's request, our friend soused himself into his red-morocco hunting-chair, and folding one leg over the other, turned to the Marquis, and began talking with his fingers and tongue. " You see," said he, pressing his forefingers together, " we're come to enlighten these muffs, and a pretty benighted, bewildered, bedevilled lot they are ; and the first thing is to conwince them they are all wrong, and the next to instruct them wot is right. Farmin' in fact's in a benighted sort o' state, and we must break the shell o' their ignorance, and set the boobies at liberty. Now I've got a werry fine composition in my 'ead, if I can only draw it out when the time comes for that's the deuce and all in oratory one's so werry apt to lose the thread, and get carried right up among the clouds, just like a chap on a wet mornin' on the top of Mount Riega ; howsomever, I expect I've got it pretty pat, and, with the aid of cheers, and referrin' to my notes, I dare say I shall get through with it ; and in course, arter I've lathered and soaped the chaps well, I shall want some one to shave them, and there's when I want you to come in. I shall start by 'busin' of them, then do a little instructing and HILLIXGDON HALL. 145 finally finish by flatterin ; of them, and proposin' a 'Sociation for the encouragement of everything relatin' to farmin' with you for the President, and all that sort o' thing with your health three times three one cheer more, and all that sort o' thing. Then in course you'll get up and make them a werry hoiley oration, say whatever you think will be most palatable, pay them all sorts of compliments, and all that sort o' thing." Mr. Jorrocks finished this long sen- tence by releasing his hands and flourishing the right one about in the air. "But that won't suit the speech I've got by heart, Mr. Jorrocks," replied the Marquis, in a state of perturbation at his friend supposing he* could take a part at short notice. " Veil, but vot's your speech about ? " inquired Mr. Jorrocks ; " it'll surely be about farmin'." " Oh, yes, I begin with the antiquity of the thing, show- ing that the greatest poets and generals and statesmen of all countries and times have encouraged agriculture." "Werry good," said Mr. Jorrocks. " Then I take a look at the beautiful harmless simplicity of life it engenders, contrast the robust farmer with the pallid artisan, and their beautiful and rosy offspring with the children of town-bred parents ; talk of the importance of a ' bold peasantry ' to a country's welfare, and finish with the advantages of improving the farmers' condition by putting them in possession of the newest fashions, or what- ever you call the things in farming, and express the great interest I take in this district, and the pleasure I experience in becoming the President of a Society of such praiseworthy people, or something of that sort," concluded the Marquis. . " Werry good," said Mr. Jorrocks, " werry good indeed capital I may say ; nothin' can be better. Folks have a wonderful likin' for what they don't understand, and if you finish by a little that they do understand, they'll take all the rest for granted, and say you are a tre-men-dous clever feller ! I'm a goin' to do a bit of antiquity myself cribbed of course, but that's nothin'. But confound it, I'm for- getting the werry pint wot I wanted to talk to you about. Drainin's the ticket, as I told you before. Stick that into K 146 HILLINGDOtf HALL. them. Let drainin' be the great gun of your discourse. Nothing like drainin' ; say it's the grandest diskivery wot- ever was made that the inwentor, Smith o' Deanston, 's the greatest benefactor the world ever saw ; and finish off by tellin' them 'ow you've turned your attention very extensively to the subject, as applied to this part of the country, and with the aid of a certain degree of geological knowledge, you have inwented a tile that you have no manner of doubt " " But I've done nothin' of the sort ! " exclaimed the Mar- quis, throwing up his hands in alarm, his ma having taught him never to tell fibs. " Never mind that," replied Mr. 'Jorrocks, " never mind that ; I've done it for you I've done it for you and it's as old as the 'ills, that wot you do by another, you do by yourself. Here, see," said he, pulling an old letter back out of his pocket, " here are the component parts of the tile ; and whether they adopt it or not, it will show your great interest in agricultural concerns, and make you poppilar with the farmers ; but I think comin' from you they will adopt it, for it's extonishin' how even the commonest people are led away by great people and great names. Well, how- somever, never mind, this is it (reading). Take of stiff, strong clay two stun (stone) four punds, add to this two stun of fine river or sea gravel, and one stun three punds of finely sifted lime, mex them well together, by stirrin' for a couple hours, and when of a proper consistency add one stun of coarse brown or Muscovado sugar, sluice the whole with 'ot water, and then pour it into the tile shapes, and you will have for, for, for you may say werry little tin, one 'undred werry good tiles. In course," added Mr. Jorrocks, "this calkilation is not quite perfect; indeed I've not had time to work the thing out properly, but you can give it as a werry promisin' experiment, and one that will amply repay further inwestigation." " But I'm afraid I don't sufficiently understand the thing myself, Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorrocks, to be able to explain it to the farmers." " Oh, never mind that," replied our worthy friend, IIILLIXGDOX HALL. 147 " never mind that. No questions axed on these occasions : state broadly and confidently, and unless they've tried the experiment themselves they can't contradict you. In this case I'm sure they haven't tried it." " But the sugar rather puzzles me," observed the Marquis. " Not at all," replied Mr. Jorrocks, " not at all ; at all ewents it only shows you don't rightly understand the natur' o' sugar nothin' so glutinacious as sugar sugar is of four kinds, brown or Muscovado, refined or loaf, sugar- candy, and clayed sugar ; clayed sugar of itself would bespeak a connection with drainin' tiles. The old ancients used to think it was a gum collected from the canes, strong as glue." " But why not use the clayed sugar, instead of the Muscovado ? " inquired the Marquis. "Jest as you please," replied Mr. Jorrocks, "jest as you please ; " adding aloud to himself " only there must le sugar in the concern, or it won't suit my book botherin' my 'ead about it." " Veil then, now you understand," resumed our grocer- farmer Squire ; " you can let off wot you like at startin' talk about Julius Ca3sar, Eomeo Coates, or any of them old codgers, but you must lower your steam down to ordinary levels ; and when you talk about the newest fashions in farmin', you can introduce that tile as one of the newest fashions you have heard of, if you don't like to say it's your own. When you've done that, you can finish with my werry good 'ealth, and refer with satisfaction to the ad wantage of your appearin' before a body o' farmers under the auspices of a gen'lman so distinguished in the annals o' agricultur' as myself you twig ? Sugar again, in fact ! " Just as our farmer friends had got thus far in their arrangements, the " clatter versus patter " of Batsay's tongue and dishes in the kitchen, together with certain savoury smells, caught Mr. Jorrocks's nose and ear, and raising his hand as if in the act of tallyhoing a fox, he exclaimed, " ' Ark ! there's the joyful sound feedin' time's at 'and." " What time is your breakfast ? " inquired the Marquis. " Breakfast ! it's dinner ! " replied Mr. Jorrocks. 148 HILLIffGDON HALL. " What ! dinner at three ? " rejoined the Marquis, taking the most diminutive Geneva watch out of his waistcoat pocket. " You surely wouldn't breakfast at three ! " observed Mr. Jorrocks. " Why, no ; but I thought it was what London people call a breakfast soups, poultry, venison, pastry, everything except fish something between three and seven you know." " Call it vot you like," said Mr. Jorrocks, " I means to make it my dinner and precious 'ungry I am too ; been up since six 'mong the dandylions only had four heggs, two chops, and a kidney : don't do for us farmers to lie long in bed." " I had better be dressing then," said the Marquis. " Dressin' ! Vy, you're smart enough, I'm sure." " Oh, but I can't appear in public in these travelling things ; must be got up properly dress you know is half the battle in speaking. My governess used to tell me that if Tully himself had pronounced one of his orations with a blanket about his shoulders, more people would have laughed at his dress than admired his eloquence." " 'Ang Tully," replied Mr. Jorrocks, in a fidget lest the Marquis should keep his entertainment waiting ; " you can jest wesh your 'ands, and put your fine clothes on arterwards ; I'll bring you a basin and fowl in here, and save you the trouble of goin' upstairs." " Oh, but I want Adolphe ! " " Adolphe ! Who the devil's Adolphe ? " " My valet." "Your walet! Surely your walet don't wash you, does he?" "No, but he arranges my hair it's all out of curl helps me on with my clothes, and saves me a world of trouble ; I'll ring for him, if you please." So saying, the Marquis gave the bell a pull ; and Mr. Jorrocks, seeing there was no alternative, conducted him up to his room, charging him over and over again not to be above five minutes at most. CHAPTER XVI. " When we have stuff d These pipes and these conveyances of our blood With wine and feeding, we have suppler souls Than in our priest-like fasts." SHAKSPEAEE. JOSHUA SNEAKINGTON having persuaded Mr. Jorrocks that he had better leave the receipt of rents and putting off requests and complaints to him, had taken his seat in great form in Mrs. Jorrocks's postage-stamped boudoir, with a portfolio, inkstand, cash -box, and other paraphernalia of money-taking before him. He had each tenant ushered in separately, and was uncommonly pompous and precise with them all. Joshua, like most country people, had just a sufficient know- ledge of farming to be able to put proper questions, and of course he was at home when discussing the state of farm- houses and buildings ; moreover, there was a certain solemn thoughtful manner about Joshua that looked like wisdom and calculation. He would place his elbows on the table, and rest his chin upon his hand, and draw a loquacious tenant on by means of little coughs and monosyllabic re- sponses until he had got everything out of him. His main object was to sift whether they were desirous of leases on the usual terms, of course a handsome douceur to the steward. Joshua having at length dismissed the last tenant, old Willey Goodheart, and replied to a strong expression of fear he had charged his mind with from the Grampound Gun and Tregony Times, relative to the injury the impor- tation of foreign cattle was likely to do farmers, by assuring Willey that his fears were past date, for the cattle had come in and injured none but the importers, and the teeth 150 HILLIXGDON HALL. of those who had tried them ; and having counted the money and found it all right, and put everything away in a style becoming a scientific stone-mason, went to join Mr. Jorrocks, who was now receiving his farmer friends, who were fast assembling with enormous appetites. Mr. Jorrocks was coming the agriculturist in costume the Jorrockian jacket, with a wheat ear and two or three heads of oats in his button-hole, a bright buff waistcoat and gilt buttons, patent cord shorts and rather baggy drab gaiters, showing the whiteness of his stockings and the jolly rotundity of his calves. He received his friends in his usual " hale fellow well met " style, asked after the farmers' wives and daughters, talked of turnips, aftermaths, and potato prospects, wishing all the time the Marquis would come down. At length he appeared ; not with a coronet on his head, as some of them expected to see him, but clad in the height of ballroom fashion, affording a striking contrast to the rural attire of the company around. Dinner, as the country servants say, was then "sarved." It was in the usual style of Jorrockian liberality rounds of beef and saddles of mutton, fillets of veal and sucking-pigs, Avith puddings, pies, custards, jellies, tarts, all crammed on together. There was a novelty in the centre of the table, in the shape of a new horse-pail for an epergne. This was intended to serve a double purpose, an epergne at dinner and a punch-bowl after. It was painted white within and pea- green without, with a plough on each side, and the mottoes, " Speed the plough " and " Live and let live," above and below, while tasteful garlands of real flowers encircled the parts where the hoops came round. Altogether it was a splendid affair and quite novel Mr. Jorrocks is a great man for novelty. The Marquis, of course, was on the host's right, Mr. Trotter was on his left, and down the long table were ranged tenants and neighbours higgledy piggledy, just as they came. The Marquis, who had been the object of attention, was now deserted for the substantial viands heaped before them. At them each man went, with a vigour known only to rural appetites whetted by a long fast. Jorrocks commenced by helping the Marquis to a IIILLIXGDOX HALL. '5* piece of beef that perfectly astounded him. Then there was such ladling in with knives, such calling for ale, such smacking of lips, such runs upon favourite dishes, until at length the human voice divine, rising above the clatter of knives and plates/ announced that nature was knocking under, and in due time the decks began to be cleared. The horse-pail, with a soup ladle for a spoon, having resumed its position in the middle of the table all smoking and reeking with rum punch, and such of the company as were too genteel to drink " grog " being supplied with wine, Mr. Jorrocks ran through the usual loyal and patriotic toasts, as the newspapers phrase them, at a brisk pace, in his usual felicitous manner, and then gathered himself together for his great let off of the day. Having called upon Joshua Sneakington, the vice, and Mr. Heavytail, who sat in charge of the horse-pail, to see that their neighbours charged their glasses, he gave a substantial hem and thus began : " Frinds and fellow-farmers ! lend me your ears ! that's to say, listen to wot I've got to say to ye. O my beloved 'earers, I've come to teach you a thing or two a thing or two wot'll make men instead o' mice on ye if you will but follow my adwice (applause). Believe me, I'm so chock full o' knowledge that I can hardly get it out o' the bung'ole o' my 'ead knowledge o' the purest kind, cull'd in the fairest fields o' farmin' science (applause). Ah, my beloved 'earers, that's to the pint, and your intelligent minds cap forrard to the find. The first step towards knowledge is to be satisfied of your ignorance ! there then you must all join ! write yourselves down jackasses, and John Jorrocks will put you on your legs again. Lord, wot a set o' benighted- lookin' cocks you all are," added Mr. Jorrocks, casting his eye up and down the lines of bald heads all turned towards him. " I dare say there isn't a man among ye wot ever heard o' Columella, or o' Cato, or o' Mr. Warro (Varro), three o' the greatest farmers whatever were foal'd ; Wirgil, too, I dare say you are ignorant on, and Smith o' Deanston, the greatest benefactor the world ever saw monstrous benefactor ! " Here Mr. Jorrocks swigged off his punch, and from a 152 HILLINGDON HALL. bundle of papers before him having selected one, he re- sumed. " Having," said he, " introduced you to Columella, who I take it was a sort o' Eoman Smith o' Deanston, I will read you wot he said about this all-important subject. " ' Many people imagine,' says Columella, 'that the sterility of our lands, which are much less fertile than in times past, proceeds from the intemperance o' the hair, the inclemency o' the seasons, or the alteration o' the lands themselves, that weakened and exhausted by long and continual labour, they are at length incapable of producing their fruits with the same wigour, and in the same abundance as they were wont to do afore. But this is all an error.' * "There, frinds and fellow-farmers," said Mr. Jorrocks, " is the selfsame story that we have nowadays. ' The seasons are changed ! ' says each lazy 'ound, throwin' himself on his bed, or bustin' into tears in a fit o' despair. ' The intemperance o' the hair destroys all one's efforts,' says another, as he sneaks off to the public-'ouse. * The land's worked out ! ' says another, slopin' off t in the night without payin' his rent. " That's all my eye ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks. " I minds the fable o' the dyin' man and his sons, who he summoned about him. ' My sons,' said he, ' I'm a-goin' to cut my stick, wot I leaves behind you'll find buried a foot and a 'alf under ground.' Well, the old gen'lman was as good as his word, and went ; and after they'd got his remainders interred, they set about lookin' for the silver, each with a spade, a diggin' for 'ard life a foot and an 'alf under ground. How- somever, nothin' wotever turned up, and in all 'umane probability the old gen'lman was jest a 'oaxing on 'em to make 'em work the land well, for the consequence of all this diggin' was that they got sich amazin' crops as proved a treasure of themselves. That was werry well done," observed * This is part of Mr. Jorrocks's prigging. It will be found nearly word for word in one of Nimrod's agricultural articles, in the New Sporting Magazine. t " Sloping off" was a new term to us for the old trick of bolting with- out paying the rent, and perhaps it may be so to the reader. H1LLINGDOX HALL. 153 Mr. Jorrocks, handing his glass up for some more punch. " Believe me, beloved frinds and fellow-countrymen, the intemperance o' man has much more to do with the mis- fortins o' the land, than the intemperance o' the hair. The intemperance o' the hair is a mere matter o' inexpensive moisture, but the intemperance o' man is a double drain, a drain on his self and a drain on the soil. Not that J. J. would deny a farmer a cheerful glass, or conwert a ' Bold peasantry, a country's pride,' into a lot o' cantin', lily-livered, water-drinkin' 'umbugs ; but drunkenness and farmin' cannot thrive together, and the sooner a man wot opens a reglar account with the lush crib shuts up shop, the better. " Then as to the land bein' weaken'd and exhausted by continual labour, that too is all my eye. If men, from want o' farmin' knowledge, will force crops upon the soil wot it has no taste for, no doubt you may make the land sick, jest as you might make yourselves so by eatin' figs it you don't like them, or have served an apprenticeship to a grocer. It's jest the same thing. A grocer surfeits his 'prentices with figs at startin', and the youth never wants none after : so if you surfeit your land with wot we French- men called ' toujours perdrix,' goose every day, you can't be surprised if it at length refuse to grow wheats. " Farmers are a long way behind the intelligence o' the day a monstrous long way. They seem to me to travel by the 'eavy Falmouth, instead o' the dartin' rally. By- and-by, when Mr. 'Enson accomplishes flyin', p'raps they'll take to steam. You all go too much in the old track ; wot your fathers did, you do ; confound your stupidity. I want to put some new skylights into your 'eads. There was a great man, his name was Bacon he wore a conical pointed hat, with a frill round his neck, and wrote a book which they call Bacon's Essays, and among other sensible things he put in it was one about peoplin' a country ; says he, In a new country, first look about what kind o' wittle the country yields of itself to 'and, as chestnuts, walnuts, pine-apples, and make use on 'em.' That, gen'lmen, is wot 154 HILLIXGDON HALL. I adwises you to do. If your land won't grow barley, try summut else, pine-apples* for instance. Nothin' pays better nor pine-apples, nor can anything be finer eatin'. Byron, I think, said that ' critics alone are ready made ; ' but there he was wrong, for farmers are also 'eaven-born, thick 'ead and thick shoes seems all that is wanted to make one. There was a gen'lman called Smith, in all 'umane probability he was the father of that now werry numerous family, for his Christian name was Hadam. Hadam Smith, I say, wrote a book, and among other intelligent things he put in it was the following, which I cut out for the purpose of stickin' into my speech. " ' No 'prenticeship has ever been thought necessary to qualify for 'usbandry, the great trade o' the country ; but after what are called the fine arts, and the liberal professions, there is no trade which requires so great a wariety of knowledge and experience.' " Werry true," observed Mr. Jorrocks, swigging off his punch. " Farmin', my frinds, is in its infancy, nay, hardly that. Tou've all seen a butterfly afore it is hatch'd, when in its chrysillis state, dead and inanimate. You are jest like them, and I'm a-goin' to break the shell o' your ignorance, and start you into life ! set you on your legs ! make men instead o' mice o' you ! so give me some more panch. " No one knows what human skill may accomplish," con- tinued he, as soon as his glass was returned. "I've lived a liberal allowance : not that I'm old, far from it ; but I've seen summut o' life, and not gone through the world with my eyes shut ; indeed a man can't travel that way in the City, and I minds the time when steam and gas were thought all my eye and Miss Elizabeth Martin, and coachin' was looked upon as the perfection o' travellin'. A hunt in Surrey was all a Cockney could aspire ; now Mr. Lockhart, that great man wot does the Quarterly Review, says that they can take the * The Duke of Donkeyton, if our readers remember, observed to Mr. Jorrocks, that farmers tried crops that the soil had no taste for ; adding, " that corn did not grow well in their country but wood throve, the pine tribe in particular." Our worthy friend seems to have mistaken pine- trees for pine-apples. HILLINGDO^ HALL. 155 cream o' Leicestershire for their day. 'Stonishin' work ! But that's beside the question ; another pair o' shoes, as we say in France. Farmin' is the subject o' this discourse. There's no sayin' what skilful farmin' may do science, machinery, and the use o' manures. Folks talk o' Peel, but I thinks nothin' o' Peel ; Graham neither. Smith o' Dean- ston's the man ! the greatest benefactor the world ever saw monstrous benefactor ! Who ever 'card o' drainin' afore Smith o' Deanston inwented it ? " Something like murmurs of dissent follow this inquiry. "It is a mistake to suppose that any fool will make a farmer. A farmer should be a philosopher, an astrologer, a chemist, an engineer, a harchitect, a doctor, I don't know what else. " This \verry mornin' I made a remark that may be the foundation of a most important diskivery. As I was a shavin', I looked out o' the window, and there I saw Mrs. J.'s 'ens a scratchin' and scatterin' the new-mown grass with all the regularity of 'ay-makers. Who knows but by the applica- tion of of of application of somethin', those useful birds may be made still more serviceable by conwertin' them into 'ay-makers. Turnin' a whole drove into a field, and making them do on a great scale wot I saw them this morning doin' on a small one. Why shouldn't the cold-water cure be successful in stables, and the homoeopath be tried among cows? " But them are twopenny affairs compared with the great golden sovereign pound-cake of steam and engineerin' skill. I've got an inwention in my 'ead in course I tells you this in strict confidence, lest some unprincipled wagga- bone should filch me of it. But I've got an inwention in my 'ead at all ewents, the notion of an inwention, that I wentures to say will work wonders in the terrestrial globe flabbergaster the world ! It's a steam happaratus or hengine that will do at one c go ' wot now takes I doesn't know how many 'ands, and how many 'osses, or how many hours to accomplish. It is, I say, an inwention so compli- cated in its detail, and yet so simple in its performance, that unless I am half asleep on my pillow o' repose, I am i 5 6 HILLIXGDOX HALL. sometimes bother'd myself to compass its extraordinary capabilities. " Then as I lay all at ease, 'alf sleepin', or 'alf seas over, I sees its every part working away with all the ease imaginable, jest like a thing I've been used to all my life. " Mrs. Ceres and Mr. Morpheus," continued Mr. Jorrocks, casting his eyes with supplicating air up at the ceiling, " look benignantly down and grant your worshipful admirer power to describe to these enduring boobies all wot I have seen in balmy somnifulo, somnifulorum. And you, Mr. Bacchus, or, at all ewents, Mr. Brandy and Water us, give us a left in this most mo-men-tous crisis, to explain this most laudable but werry complicated affair ! I've caught the idea," continued Mr. Jorrocks, " and thinks I can go on. In my mind's eye, I see a ten-hacre wheat-field, yellow as gold, and level as a die, and my monster reaper a-snortin' at the gate. The gate hopens, the steam's hup, and in he comes. Forrod he moves straight up the rig, and, as he goes, the yellow grain is cut by the ground not a hinch o' stubble left and falls upon plates like the receiving plates of a paper mill then it turns suddenly round and ascends the second floor, where the heat o' the biler seasons the grain, and a wop of a flail sends it bang out of the hear. Again, it takes another turn, and behold it's landed on the third floor, all dry and mellow for Teddy the grinder round go the stones, crush goes the grain, and in the twinklin' of an eye, the waving wheat is turned into flour, jest as one sees an old coat in a paper mill go in at one end and come out a sheet o' paper at t'other. Wondrous miracle ! but still more wondrous yet is Mr. Jorrocks's miracle, for the same monster engine wot does all this up- stairs, ploughs the land by machinery down in the area, so that reapin' and sowin' go 'and in 'and, like the Siamese twins, or a lady and gen'lman advancin' in a quadrille, or the poker.* " Oh, but science is the ticket ; neat genuine unadul- * "La Polka," we presume. Printer's Gentleman. HILLINGDON HALL. 157 terated science. Everything now should be done by science. The world's on the wing, and why shouldn't farmers take flight ? Look at Mr. 'Enson ! There's a man o' pith for you. If I had 'ounds, I'd take a great hair ship, and fly to 'Merica, to Jones of Faire Knowe, and give him a good quiltin' for his imperance to me in Jonathan's Magazine ; then I'd 'unt the ' red and grey,' and fly back to my farm surrounded with brushes, all in three days 'three glorious days,' as Monsieur Frog- eater Frenchman would say. Flyin' and farmin' may seem ill assorted, and certainlie you don't look like likely birds ; but there's a deal in 'Enson that may be useful to agriculture. Had he got his machine under way, we should have heard nothin' o' Rebecca and her darters, for farmers would have put their corn, and their pigs, and their poultry, and their charmin' wives and accomplished darters into their flyin' machines, and bilked all the pikes in the land (loud cheers). Ah, my frinds and fellow-farmers, I see you're awakin' from your long trance of indolence to the day-dawn of intellect and sunshiny times. Look again, I say, at science and Mr. 'Enson ! Suppose you alighted at your accustom'd country town, and found the market glutted, and prices fallin', wot would you have to do, but bundle up your traps, take wing again, and cut to other places ? (Renewed cheers.) " No pikes, no tickets, no tolls, no market dues, no mayors, no corporations, no inns, no ostlers, no 'orrid exactions. ' Corn, by the hair, at sight o' 'uman ties Cuts its light stick, and in Mr. 'Enson flies.' (Repeated cheers.) " There, gen'lmen frinds and fellow-farmers, I should say," continued Mr. Jorrocks, as the applause subsided, " I've got your steam up, by the hargumentum ad pocketum. Let us now take a good swig o' punch." The punch having been liberally dealt out, and the bottles having made their movements, our worthy Squire resumed his legs, and again proceeded to address the company. " Having now, my beloved 'earers," said he, " given you an 158 HILLINGDON HALL. insight into the deplorable state of puppy-like blindness in which you've been livin', I now come to the means of improvin' the light wot has bust upon you, and overtakin' science afore it runs clean away from farmin' altogether. You have all doubtless heard of Agricultural 'Sociations, and 'Sociations for the encouragement of Long 'Orns and Short 'Orns, and all that sort o' thing ; and though it would ill become us to follow in the beaten track of seven pund for the best tup, three pund for the biggest pig, or five pund for the man wot has the biggest family of little 'uns ; still we may learn something from the 'sociations in existence, and take their plans for our outline. Poor example, as we say in France, I would elect a President, a Wice-President, a Sec, and a Committee of white wands ; and I would also have shows, and give premiums for best balls, best boars, best black-faced gimmers, with in course dinners for gen'lmen to butter each other at : but I'd extend the scheme, and have punishments as well as prizes. "I knows in these 'umanity, ante-'angin' times, punish- ment is quite out o' fashion, and everything must be done by the noble spirit o' emulation, jest as if you could make a string o' donkeys race like Newmarket 'osses. I heard tell of one o' them peripetetic 'umbugs, wot all administrations pawn on the public, called a commissioner, or Paul Pryer, who was a-goin' about, inquirin' into the management of those modern palaces called gaols, and he stopped at ours to pour his quart of ignorance on the gaoler ; well, he went his rounds into this cell, out o' that cell, up to this apart- ment, down to that apartment, and wonderful to relate, he hadn't a hole to pick. * Werry well manish'd,' said he, takin' a consequential pinch o' snuff, ' werry well manish'd indeed does your beaks great credit werry quiet werry orderly the ladies and gen'lmen whom you 'ave in charge seem werry 'ealthy werry 'appy werry com fey pray wot's your system ? ' ' Oh, the system's simple enough,' replied the gaoler, ' when they don't be 'ave we trounce 'em well/ ' All wrong ! ' exclaimed the commissioner, throwin' up his hands in 'orror, ' all wrong together ! reward should be the incentive o' wirtue, and not the fear of punishment.' A 1 HALL. 159 " ' That may do werry well in ladies' seminaries,' replied the gaoler, ' but it von't act here.' " So much for 'umanity and 'umbug: I really believes much o' this nonsense has been engender'd by the poppilar melody, ' If I had a donkey vot vouldn't go, Do you think I'd wollop him ? oh, no, no ! ' and the hauthor has much to answer for. " It's all my eye apply in' the same rule to everything some may be led, but others must be driven. My frind Willey Goodheart, there, for instance, wants no tellin', he sees all wot's wanted, and does it of himself; but old Tommy Sloggers waits and waits to see if the thing won't do itself, and at length, findin' it doesn't, he either leaves it alone altogether, or does it at the wrong time. Wot- ever may be the season, whatever crops may fail, Tommy Sloggers is sure of one thing, a good crop o' weeds. I found a thistle at his back door t'other day, carryin' its wood from the ground like a hoak, and branchin' out like the genealogical tree of a ducal family. It was a superb specimen o' the genus it must have grown and flourished for weeks ; for it had flowers, and it had seeds, and as many 'eads as a hydra it was well calculated to stock ten hacres o' land, and yet Tommy Sloggers had passed that werry thistle mornin', noon, and night, and had never taken the trouble to give it a back ''ander with his stick. Few men, perhaps, have magnanimity enough to knock thistles off their neighbour's 'edges, but surely one would think they would do so off their own. Not so my frind Sloggers ; he would see them spring, and flower, and seed, and droop, afore he'd be at the trouble of raisin' his 'and. Wot can one do with sich slugs ? Will the brightest medal o' the purest gold, with the most flowering superscription wot- ever was wrote, put life and activity into sich lubbers ? Assuredly not. Then, I say, let us try wot the rewerse will do. Let us add to our premiums and prizes a dis- tinguishin' emblem for the greatest lout in the country. In addition to five or ten sovs. for the best-managed farm, let us i6o HILUNGDON HALL. give somethin' to the worst. Let us strike a medal with the evil gen'lman on one side, and a big thistle on t'other, to be worn round the neck of the fortinate obtainer for one whole year, so that, wherever he goes, to church, or to market, or to the public, where he is most likely to be found, people may pint and say, ' There goes the most slovenly farmer in the county ; ' and let us show to England to Europe show to Europe, Hasia, Hafrica, and 'Merica, that while we foster talent, encourage hemulation and in- dustry, we put our big toe of detestation and obbrobrium on slovenliness, hignorance, and sloth." Mr. Jorrocks sat down amidst loud and long-continued cheering. When the applause had subsided, and our friend had quaffed off a large glass of punch that had been cooling before him, he again rose and said " Gen'lmen, I sat down because I wished to finish my speech with a splash, and hear what quantity of applause my eloquence would obtain. I have now ascertained that ; and I'm bund to say, you have done the genteel by me. I am quite content ; and I now come to wot I should have finished the speech with if I hadn't been desirous of keepin' the two accounts separate. We are honoured this day, as you doubtless all know, with the presence of the distinguished scion of the most noble 'ouse in this county a nobleman young in 'ears, but old in 'usbandry one who, while cultivatin' the classics, has also had an eye to the clay one who looks proudly forward to protectin' your interests in that august assembly called the 'Ouse o' Commons (cheers) one who, moreover, takes sich delight and interest in our doin's as to have signified his intention of becomin' the President of our 'Sociation (loud cheers). Need I after sich an announcement entertain a doubt as to its success ? Oh, surely not ! The sun of science has bust upon us from the portals of Donkeyton Castle, and though no President likes to hear another more loudly cheered than himself, I do assure you from the bottom of my breeches pocket, that I shall not take it the least amiss if you wisit the name o' the Markis o' Bray with the heaviest round o' Kentish fire wotever was issued. HILL1XGDOX HALL. 161 Gen'lmen, I beg to propose, with all imaginable 'onours, the health o' the Marquis o' Bray, the noble President of our '"Sociation." The toast was drunk with tremendous applause, Mr. Jor- rocks acting as fugleman " but as we mustn't over-egg the pudding," as the Yorkshire farmers say, we will reserve the other proceedings of the evening for another chapter. ( 162 ) CHAPTER XVII. " We see no difficulty in organising a College of Agriculture, and we can suggest a few of the probable professorships. Of course there will be a chair of new-laid eggs, which the professor of poultry would be well qualified to occupy. Degrees will be conferred in guano ; and a series of lectures on the philosophy of making hay when the sun shines would, no doubt, be exceedingly popular. "We should propose that, previous to matriculation, every student should be required to undergo an examina- tion on moral philosophy in connection with chaff, and the efficacy of thrashing by hand when the ears are unusually lengthy. Corresponding with the university Masters of Arts, there could be Bachelors of Barley ; and the undergraduates might be brought direct to the Agricultural College from plough, as they are now brought to the universities imme- diately from Harrow." Punch. 'HE last chapter left Mr. Jorrocks and friends at the critical point of drinking and applauding the Marquis's health. When the cheering had subsided, our butterfly friend rose, and with one hand resting on the table, and the other stuck in his side, thus proceeded to address the meeting : " Mr. Jorrocks and Gentlemen, I do not know that I can adequately express the very great pleasure and satis- faction I experience at the flattering manner in which my health has been proposed by my valuable friend," turning to Mr. Jorrocks with, " if he will allow me to call him so." " Certainly" replied our worthy host, "certainly " adding aloud to himself, " wonders who wouldn't." " And," continued the Marquis, " received by this great and enlightened assembly (loud cheers) an assembly com- posed of a class of men second to none in loyalty, attach- ment to the constitution and the crown, and renowned for their intelligence, independence, and spirit." HILLINGDON HALL. 163 Renewed cheers, increased perhaps from the sentence being so unlike the style in which Mr. Jorrocks had addressed them, and the description he had given of them. " Gentlemen, in all times, in all ages, the science of agri- culture has been fostered and encouraged by the greatest of men by all whom the page of history records as famous in the annals of countries (cheers). The greatest statesmen the greatest scholars the greatest generals have each found, in turning from their schemes of government, their studies or the toils of warfare, solace and enjoyment in the harmless simplicity and the interesting relaxation it affords. Every man whose opinion is valuable every man whose breast glows with a genuine feeling of patriotism joins in testifying the importance of agriculture. Columella, the author so happily referred to by our classical and distin- guished host, wrote ably and ardently on this interesting point. He insisted on the importance of agricultural train- ing and scientific improvement. ' I see at Home,' says he, c schools of philosophy, rhetoric, geometry, music, and, what is more astonishing, of people not solely employed in the arts of luxury some in preparing dishes, intended to sharpen the appetite and excite gluttony, and others in making artificial curls for adorning the head ; but not one for agriculture. The rest,' he adds, ' might well be spared ; and the republic have flourished long without any of these frivolous arts ; but it is impossible to dispense with that of husbandry, because upon that life itself depends (applause). Besides,' asks this enlightened man, ' is there a more honest or legal method of increasing a patrimony than by good cultivation of it ? Is the profession of arms of this kind ? Is the acquisition of spoils, dyed with human blood, and amassed by the ruin of our fellow-creatures ? Or can commerce be compared with it, which, tearing citizens from their native country, exposes them to the fury of the winds and seas, dragging them into unknown worlds in pursuit of wealth ? Is the trade of usury more laudable odious and fatal as it is, even to those whom it seems to relieve ? Are any of these occupations to be compared with wise and innocent agriculture, which the depravity of our notions 164 HILLIXGDOX HALL. alone can render contemptible, and, consequently, unprofit- able and useless ? ' We read," continued his lordship, "that Numa Pompilius, one of the wisest of kings, divided the whole Eoman territory into cantons, and had an exact return made of the manner in which each department was cultivated, and the names of the most scientific farmers of that day. Ancus Martius, the fourth king of the Romans, trod in the steps of Numa ; and Hiero the Second wrote a work on agriculture, as did Attilus, king of Pergamus ; whilst Mago, the Carthaginian general, wrote no less than twenty-eight volumes upon fai'ming, which were preserved by Scipio at the taking of Carthage, and presented as a treasure to the Roman Senate. Attilus was found sowing corn when ambassadors from Rome came to invite him to the consulship ; and the story of Cincinnatus being taken from the plough to the dictatorship is doubtless familiar to you all." Cheers followed this piece of confidence in their knowledge. Mr. Jorrocks hemmed and stroked his chin. " If we look at home, who can for a moment doubt the advantages the virtuous simplicity of a country life possesses over the confinement of cities ? Look at the robust offspring of country parents, and compare them with the squalid objects in town streets. Who would barter the wild freedom of rural life for the impure and pent-up atmosphere of the crowded city ? " " It's not so lad, nouther," remarked Mr. Jorrocks aloud, with a shake of his head, thinking of the salubrity of St. Botolph's Lane, where the greater part of his days had been " Gentlemen," continued the Marquis, " can I, with all the bright examples of antiquity before me with all the noble emulation of modern times around me can I re- main insensible to the paramount importance of agricultural energy and improvement ? Can I see the tenfold return of other parts, and not wish to witness the same efforts and the same success at home ? " " Mind the shug" whispered Mr. Jorrocks, in one of his audible whispers. HILLIXGDOX HALL. 165 " And, gentlemen, how is it that so desirable a consumma- tion is to be obtained ? By the co-operation of parties and the communication of ideas ! By Agricultural Associations in fact ! " (Cheers.) " Shiig" repeated Mr. Jorrocks " My noble friend that is to say, my excellent friend on my left with his all-powerful and comprehensive mind, has imparted a discovery to this meeting of which I really am at a loss to say whether the originality of the conception or the boldness of the execution is the most astonishing. My noble friend that is to say, my learned friend that is to say, my excellent friend, is indeed a man to whom a country nay, an universe may well look up with the all-inspiring confidence of perfect security. I know no man so qualified to lead the sons of darkness into the lights of science as our excellent and most distinguished host." (Loud applause.) " Werry good," said Mr. Jorrocks ; " werry good mind the shug " " His monster reaper will make the name of Jorrocks famous wherever farming science spreads, and English honesty is respected. It is by the interchange of ideas such as these that science is promoted, and farming flourishes. Instead of keeping the noble invention to himself and astonishing the country with its performances on his own property instead of amassing wealth as wealth most assuredly must be amassed by such an admirable con- trivance my noble friend that is to say, my agricultural friend, with all the generous openness of confiding liberality, assembles his friends and fellow-farmers here this evening, in all the bounty of old English hospitality, and frankly tells them the discovery he has made. And in what a fine vein of poetic spirit did he make the announcement ! Instead of saying, * I've got a machine that will cut your corn and grind it at the same time ' " " And plough the land ! " roared Mr. Jorrocks. " Instead, I say, gentlemen, of saying, c I've got a machine that will cut your corn and plough your land at the same time ' " " And grind your corn ! " screamed Mr. Jorrocks. 1 66 HILLIXGDON FALL. " Instead, I say, my lords, of saying, ' I've got a machine that will cut and grind your corn and plough the land at the same time ' he invokes the aid of the heathen mythology to describe its performances. And here it is where all after speakers must feel the feebleness of their own resources (applause and cries of " No, no ") ; at all events, other dis- coveries or other communications must sink into insigni- ficance by the side of our excellent host's. His monster reaper swallows all up ! Yet, my lords and gentlemen, there are matters connected with farming, though apparently trifling compared with the topics on which our noble that is to say, our scientific host, has touched with such a master hand, that nevertheless may not be wholly beneath your consideration and attention. Our noble host that is to say, our hospitable host, has glanced with prophetic spirit at the flights by air and steam farming may yet undergo. But leaving those lofty altitudes, so well befitting the soaring genius of his capacious mind, I will venture to request your attention for a few moments while we look at the humbler preparations for calling that noble and comprehensive engine into play, or freighting the car of the aerial ship. It is too trite a truism perhaps to observe, that without proper preparation of the ground, monster engines will have little to reap ; and there is one subject connected with the prepara- tion of the ground for productive sowing that at the present day occupies no small portion of public attention I allude of course to the grand discovery of draining. Draining, gentlemen, I believe, may be looked upon as one of the greatest discoveries of modern times. Moreover, it is not included in the comprehensive performances of our host's monster reaper. Had our forefathers been acquainted with the merits of draining, I think I may venture to say, the land would have been doubly productive at the present day. That operation may be carried on in a variety of ways ; but as there are constantly improvements turning up in this very important branch of domestic industry, if I may so call it, I think it is very important that farmers should be in posses- sion of the latest and most improved invention, because the saying is as old as the hills, that whatever is worth doing at HILLIXGDON HALL. 167 all is worth doing well ; and it would be very provoking to find, after you had gone to a certain degree of trouble and expense about a thing, that if you had made inquiry you would have found there was a process both cheaper and better. The invention, gentlemen, to which I allude, I under- stand is allowed to supersede all others, by reason of an extra- ordinary ingredient that would never enter the head of any but a most scientific and practical chemist to add namely, the glutinacious, saccharine matter, called clayed sugar." " Werry good," observed Mr. Jorrocks, tapping his fork against the table to raise applause and suppress a slight disposition to titter ; " werry good, I say ! " " The recipe, with that exception, gentlemen, is very simple, the ingredients being generally come-at-able clay, river-sand, and gravel, lime, well mixed and stirred up to- gether, and then poured into the shapes, when, for a very trifling expense, you have some very capital tiles." " Werry durable" whispered Mr. Jorrocks. "And very durable also," continued the Marquis; "no small recommendation, I imagine, to any invention." " Werry good," observed Mr. Jorrocks, adding aloud to himself, with a jerk of the head, " the chap has summut in him." " Having now, my lords and gentlemen," continued the Marquis, " trespassed, I fear, already too lengthily on your valuable time, in glancing at the importance of agricultural science, little remains for me to say but to repeat to you my most cordial and heartfelt thanks for the kind and enthusi- astic manner in which the toast of my health has been pro- posed and received ; and allow me to assure the meeting that the cause of agriculture and the farming interest is deeply engraved on my heart's core ; and in whatever situation of life I may be placed, the honour you have conferred upon me, in electing me President of your Agricultural Association, will ever remain the proudest the most gratifying recollection of rny existence, and the farmer's interest and my own will henceforth remain irretrievably interwoven together. " His lordship resumed his seat amidst loud and long-con- tinued applause. 1 68 HILLIXGDOX HALL. The punch and bottles again began to circulate, and the usual criticism of Mr. Jorrocks's speech, that had been averted by the immediate rising of the Marquis, now began to flow, each man turning to his neighbour, or groups of three or four laying their heads together, and discussing what they had heard. " Ah, but he has a grand tongue ! " exclaimed old Willey Goodheart, as he ceased rapping the table with his fork, in mute astonishment. " Ah, but he has a grand tongue ! " repeated he to his neighbour, Johnny Wopstraw. " Why, now, upon the who-o-ole, I should say our Squire's full as fine a talker as him," replied Wopstraw. " Ah, the Squire 's a grand tongue, too," exclaimed Willey ; " I'll lay he'd make a grand speech about anything." "What sort o' things are these pine-apples our Squire talked about ? " asked another of his neighbour. " I never see them mentioned in the papers." " He's all wrong about draining," whispered another to his neighbour ; " it's nothing new my grandfather drained I'd have had all the wet off my farm before now if I had had the money." "I wish these gen'lmen mayn't be o'er-wise for the country," observed Mr. Heavytail, in his usual loud and audible voice, to his opposite neighbour, as he ladled him a bumper of punch ; " I've been a farmer, man and boy, these fifty years, and heard a vast of fine speeches, but I never heard nothing to ekle this about the air carriages. What will my old girl say when I bid her spread her wings and fly to market instead of riding old Dobbin or Smiler ? " " Ah, but the engine's the thing ! " interposed another ; " there'll be no use for horses at all, if we're to plough by steam, and fly to market. I wish I was well shot o' mine, for when this gets wind, nobody will take a horse in a gift." " Dear, what would old Squire Westbury say, if he could rise from his grave, and see all this, poor man ? " observed another. " I'm sure when they got the railway made, I thought that was a wonder that never could be beat ; but now down comes a new Squire with new wonders that quite beat the old wonders out of sight." ILTLLIXGDOX HALL. iC 9 " These Lunnuners are terrible wise people. I'm sure I don't know how I shall carry all home what they've said," observed another, turning a tumbler of punch down his throat, as if to keep the knowledge safe. A loud knocking at the top of the table arrested the noise and conversation ; and Mr. Jorrocks having obtained silence for his noble guest, the latter again rose and addressed the company. " Mr. Vice-Chairman and Gentlemen," said he, " with the permission of the chair. I rise to propose a toast that I feel well assured will meet the enthusiastic approbation of this meeting a meeting composed of friends and neighbours, who must as thoroughly appreciate the amiable, hospitable, and truly patriotic character of which it is the subject a character, permit me to observe, gentlemen, known only in this highly-favoured kingdom, and one which, when it shines forth in its brightest purest light, as in the present instance, needs fear no comparison with coroneted, or even with crowned, heads the character of an English gentleman." (Loud cheers.) " Quite true," observed Mr. Jorrocks aloud to himself; " quite true" repeated he, with an emphasis. " I know no more delightful sight," continued the Marquis, "than to see an English gentleman surrounded by his friends and tenantry dispensing with liberal hand that generous hospitality of which we have all partaken so largely this day, and radiating the minds of all with the lights and erudition that his well-applied means, leisure, and genius enable him to glean and cull in every field of science and information (loud cheers). No one, I feel assured, could have listened to the eloquent language of my noble friend, that is to say, of my honourable friend, without being struck with the perfect mastery he exhibited of his subject a mastery acquired by clear-headed judgment and observation, combined with long experience and practical husbandry. I cannot sufficiently felicitate this country on the acquisition of so truly valuable an ornament (cheers). I feel that under his fostering care, prosperity, bright un- equalled prosperity, will reign triumphant throughout this i ;o HILLIXGDOX HALL vale, and that all eyes will be turned to a man who promises such miracles to farmers. Without trespassing further on your attention, I beg to propose, with all the honours, the health of our excellent host, Mr. Jorrocks." The toast being received with most uproarious applause, amid the bountiful replenishment of the horse-pail, con- siderable time elapsed ere silence was sufficiently restored to enable our worthy Squire to make his acknowledgments. At length he began. "My Lord Markis and gen'lmen," said he, sticking a hand into each breeches pocket, " you have certain^ served me out a considerable deal o' butter and applause, which I feels considerably your debtors for. My Lord Markis has one adwantage over me in the way of talk ; he has his jawin' tackle much handier nor I have, for though I can make you a werry hoiley, beautiful oration when I've time to consider my subject, I'm not quite so good a 'and at reply ; runnin' heel as it were, and observin' on another gen'lman's discourse at least, not unless he's told me afore'and wot he's a goin' to say, which is not the case on the present occasion. Howsomever, it's a deal plisanter to be praised nor abused, and I'm sure I may say I'm always ready for praise, because I thinks I deserves it ; I feels extremely grateful for all the fine things the Markis has said on me. I'm sure he thinks what he says. There's no manner of doubt at all whatsomever, that between us we shall make farmin' a werry different thing to what it has been. The diskivery my noble frind has communicated respecting the drainin' tiles, is worthy the serious consideration and trial of every man. Bein' particular well acquainted with the wirtues o' sugar, I can take upon me to say that it is wonderful well calkilated to accomplish what my noble frind has suggested. It sticks things together uncommon. Howsomever, upon that pint perhaps my Lord Markis and I have said enough. The proof o' the puddin' is in the eatin' ; and talkin' of eatin' reminds me o' drinkin'. We're a goin' to have a little ballet dance this evening 'ands across and back again, down the middle and hup again ; and I think we cannot do better than propose the 'ealth of the ladies (applause) ; IIILLIXGDOX HALL. 171 there'll be sich a bevy o' beauties Mrs. J. in her best bib and tucker, surrounded by her school-girls in their bran new bustles, and I doesn't know what else besides; so without further palaver, let us drink their good 'ealths, and when you've all had as much lush as you can carry, we'll adjourn the meeting and go and help them to foot it." " Will Miss Flather be here ? " whispered the Marquis in Mr. Jorrocks's ear, as the latter sat down after his speech. " Miss Flather Emma ! let us see yes no no, she won't ; got a toothache or summut o' that sort ; werry sorry previous engagement red nose p'raps, or summut o' that sort." " O dear, I'm sorry for that," whispered the Marquis. " Fine gal, Emma," observed Mr. Jorrocks confidentially, " werry fine gal good figure good figure-'ead too, as the sailors say but there'll be quite as cliver a one as her here to-night, darter o' this rum-lookin' little fish on my right," whispered he ; " howsomever, she hasn't taken arter her dad, but arter her dam, who's a real strappin' huzzey great hupstandin', black-'air'd, black-eyed, clean-limb'd wench, nous werrons, as we say in France ; meanwhile I must be giving them another toast." Mr. Jorrocks then proposed, " Honest men and bonny lasses," then " Live and let live," " Speed the plough ; " after that, " Guano," " Nitrate o' sober," " Smith o' Deanston," " Soot," and a variety of local and agricultural toasts. " How far does Miss Flather live from here ? " inquired the Marquis of his host, as soon as he could get a word in sideways. "Oh, close at 'and," replied Mr. Jorrocks, "mile 'alf-a- mile p'raps ; wot are you a-wantin' with her ? " This question was rather a poser, and the Marquis's countenance showed it. " Nothin' wrong in course," continued our friend, " only you know she ha'nt got no dad, and it's my duty as Lord o' the Manor to see that all's on the square you twig. If you wants to marry her, in course that's another thing." The Marquis thought he had better not. The parting rays of the setting sun now shot into the 172 IIILLINGDON HALL. room, imparting an additional glow to the heated faces of the punch-drinkers, while the bright red sky tinged the landscape with its hue, chiding, as it were, the sitters for their depravity. Added to this, the sound of music was borne ever and anon on the gentle evening breeze, and sundry smart bodices had been seen flitting past the windows, diving among the shrubberies and gay flower-beds, betokening the mustering of the dancers. The heat of the room, the smell of the punch, and the feeling of repletion, made even the most inveterate toper wish for fresh air. . At length the host rose, and the folding windows opening from the ground being thrown open, the party streamed out on to the close-shaven lawn, and inhaled the fresh air in deep- drawn hearty gulphs. How different from the tainted atmosphere they had just been breathing ! ( 173 ) CHAPTER XVIII. 1 You, who tlie sweets of rural life nave known, Despise the ungrateful luxury of the town." a spacious hay-rick, pitched beneath what had been a couple of ground-feathering spruce of gigantic size, now trimmed half way up to admit the awning, sat Mrs. Jorrocks in stately pride, decked out like a tragedy queen, surrounded by her school-girls in their Swiss costumes white bedgowns, with scarlet petticoats, set off with large horse-hair bustles, pink stockings, and large flat-crowned straw hats, looking as unlike nature as anything could do. Mrs. Jorrocks wore a splendid red and white turban, entwined with enormous bands of sham pearls, and a bird-of-paradise feather reclining gracefully over the left ear, and sundry mosaic chains, neck- laces, bracelets, and lockets about her shoulders and arms. Her dress was of many-coloured muslin, done in tiers like house-slating ; next her dumpy waist came a pea-green tier, immediately below it a bright yellow, followed by red, then a sky blue, and a white, fringed with broad black lace at the bottom. Each tier was understood to be a separate affair, though, as we did not dissect her, of course we cannot speak confidently on that point. The presumption, however, is that it was so, for she " stood out," looking like a rainbow dumpling. Tea had been liberally supplied to the ladies at their pleasure, some of whom loitered in the tent with Mrs. Jorrocks, instead of taking advantage of the balmy fragrance of the summer's evening, and wandering about in the sweet air, loaded with the perfume of jessamine, roses, and the lime-tree flowers. The little folk, too, had been entertained i 7 4 HILLINGDOX HALL. with amusements becoming their juvenile years, and several bluff little urchins wandered about the shrubberies with stained faces and clothes, got by blobbing in a treacle barrel for halfpence ; while shouts of laughter rent the air from the far side of the enclosure, as boy after boy came sliding down a greasy pole, at the top of which was stuck an inviting leg of mutton, or a soapy-tailed pig eluded the grasp of a clown, and upset a fair lady or two as, grunting, it dived among the crowd. The appearance of the dinner party added fresh impetus to the scene, and a course being formed down a smooth green alley, several of the village nymphs contended in a race for a petticoat, after which Mr. Jorrocks and a select party of friends, being blindfolded, tried their hands at a wheelbarrow race, and either from the novelty of the situa- tion, or the confusion consequent on the drink they had taken, they severally landed at very different places to what they intended. Others then tried their hands with like success, and Joshua Sneakington being inveigled into an attempt, was deluded by the false cries of the boys in a wrong direction, and before he knew where he was, was soused over head in the pond. Out he came like a drowned rat, blowing and spluttering, with a green sort of net all over his person, formed by the slime and the weeds of the surface. Great was the joy at the sight, for Joshua was thoroughly detested. Even Mr. Jorrocks joined in the mirth his appearance created. Twilight now drew on, and the sultry heat of the day was succeeded by a cool refreshing dew. The dining-room having been cleared of its tables and furniture, showed lights in various directions, enticing the company back to the house. The Marquis, who had been in waiting on Mrs. Jorrocks since his appearance in the garden, was now seen wending his way along with her on his arm. The fiddlers were scraping their catgut on the spot where the sideboard recently stood, and the flute-player was sucking and lick- ing the joints of his flute, as if he was extremely fond of it. The appearance of the hostess, followed as she was by a train of her big-bustled girls, was the signal for the HILLIXGDON HALL. 175 musicians to begin, and accordingly they struck up the usual " See the conquering hero comes," though who was the hero, or whom he had been conquering, seemed some- what problematical. " We are to have a dance, are we ? " said the Marquis, as they approached the window ; " I'm glad of that. I wish Miss Flather had been here." " Miss Flather's engaged at 'ome," observed Mrs. Jorrocks, rejoicing that she had done her. " Who would you like to dance with ? " added she, sidling through the sash. "Won't you allow me the honour of opening the ball with you ? " asked the Marquis. " Thank you, my lordship, I'm only a werry poor dancer ; howsomever I'll try my 'and ; only it's werry 'ot work. Jun," said she, going up to her spouse and giving him a shake of the shoulder, " get your partner, and let's set to. Who are you a goin' to dance with ? " Mr. Jorrocks had booked Mrs. Trotter, who, decked in a rich green and yellow Ancoat Yale velvet, made extremely tight, and short at the shoulder, and peaked at the waist with a cord and large tassels, as if to tie her up with, now responded to his summons, and stationed herself next Mrs. Jorrocks. " She's a grand 'un, isn't she ? " asked Mr. Jorrocks in a subdued tone at least a subdued tone for him, with a nudge of the elbow in his lordship's ribs, and a nod of his head forwards. " Clean made, hupright, clever- action'd thing ; what a harm she's got ! you see her step" A long line of dancers had now fallen in, and the Marquis began to be puzzled what to do. Twice the leash of musicians ran over the " White Cockade " without their getting away ; at length Mr. Jorrocks, anxious to foot it, said, " I think you'd better start next time." " I don't know what it is ! " exclaimed the Marquis in alarm. " Yy, a country dance to be sure," said Mr. Jorrocks, " 'ands across and back again, down the middle and hup again ; simple as can be, nothin' simpler, there, see, our ould gal 'ill put you in the way of it ; off you go ! " said Mr. 176 HILLIXGDON HALL. Jorrocks, stamping with his foot and clapping his hands ; Mrs. Jorrocks seizing the Marquis by the hand, and the three setting him a going, just as willing coach horses start a restive comrade, pulling him along in fact. The figure was soon learnt, and the Marquis and Mrs. Jorrocks bumped and danced most vigorously up and down, turning every couple till they got through the last juvenile pair at the end, and our now profusely-perspiring hostess leant against the wall and mopped herself. Presently her place was wanted by another couple, and gradually, by dint of turning and elbowing, they again, accomplished the top of the dance. The Marquis, whose eyes had been attracted in going down by a graceful sylph-like figure, about the middle of the dance, now availed himself of the opportunity of in- quiring who the beautiful dark-eyed girl, in white muslin with a broad blue sash, was. " A tallish gal do you mean," inquired Mrs. Jorrocks, " with werry black eyes ? " " This one," said the Marquis, " with the swan-like head and neck ; just dancing towards us," pointing to a couple approaching from the bottom of the dance. " Oh, that's Eliza," said Mrs. Jorrocks ; " werry pretty gal she is too, good gal too, nice modest gal, beautiful figure, all nattural. P'raps you'd like to dance with her." "Yes, I should very much," replied the Marquis, who now stood admiring her richly-fringed, downcast eyes, and clear Italian complexion. " She certainly is an uncommon pretty girl," observed his lordship confidentially to Mrs. Jorrocks. " And as good as she's pretty," observed our hostess, who, without any particular partiality for the Trotters, was willing to use Eliza for the purpose of extinguishing Emma. We will not make Eliza so unwomanly as to prefer Jack Smith of the Hill Farm, whom she was then dancing with, to his lordship ; but the unexpected demand, and novelty of her situation, drew such a mantling blush over her beautiful features when the Marquis was presented to her as further ingratiated her in his favour. Finding he was HILLINGDOX HALL. 177 nothing very awful, she gradually recovered courage, and turning her large lustrous languishing eyes upon him, she whispered forth such sweet silvery notes as perfectly enchanted him. We will not say how often they danced together. Capricious youth ! Morning's dawn found the finely rounded figure, greyish blue eyes, and alabaster-like com- plexion of Emma Flather banished from the Marquis's recollection at all events, completely eclipsed by the grace- ful form and Italian skin of the beautiful dark-eyed Eliza. That is the worst of these young men ; they are so very fickle, you never know where you have them. Mammas have terrible times with them, for they are scarcely to be trusted out of sight, and the only way of securing them is by tying them up tight (matrimonially of course) as quick as ever they can. They are easily caught, but as easily lost. The Marquis was desperately smitten. This he candidly admitted to himself, and there is no mistake when a man does that. He tossed and tumbled about in bed, bemoaning the inequality that prevented his thinking of her. That was a step beyond what he had got with Emma, his ideas respecting her never having got further than the degree of simple flirtation flirtation that he might be carrying on with half-a-dozen girls in different parts of the country at the same time. The result of the Marquis's musings was that though he knew that it was very naughty and very dangerous too, he would spend that day with Mr. Jorrocks. Accordingly, when Adolphe made his appearance in his bedroom, he in- quired about the state of his wardrobe, and finding that he had about as many clothes as would serve a moderate man a week, he resolved on sounding his farmer friend whether it would be convenient to keep him. Of course it was, and Mrs. Jorrocks, like all women, being uncommonly quick at smelling a rat, as soon as ever she got her tea-caddy locked after breakfast, and the dinner ordered, put on her bonnet and shawl, and went to the Trotters to bid them spend the day and dine at the Hall. Need we say that she went a little further, and dropped in at the M 178 HILLINGDON HALL. Manse ? Assuredly not, for the triumph would not have been complete without. With what eagerness she watched the countenance of mother and daughter as with becoming circumlocution and embellishment she detailed the doings of the previous evening how delightful the Markis had been how genteel he was and her decided conviction that he was desperately smitten with Eliza. Neither could she resist the additional mortification of adding, that she expected her to spend the day to meet the Marquis, which must be an apology for her hurried visit. Poor Mrs. Flather ! Never were such unwelcome tidings conveyed with such apparent indifference ; and it was only a pretty intimate knowledge of the sex that made Mrs. Flather sensible of the cutting cruelty of Mrs. Jorrocks's conduct. A man would have thought it odd, a " curious coincidence," telling a mother whose daughter had had designs on a man ; but ladies know each other better. Cobbett, who understood the sex well, was fully conscious of their discrimination. " Women," he said, " are much quicker-sighted than men ; they are more suspicious as to motives, and less liable to be deceived by professions and protestations ; they watch words with a more scrutinising ear, and looks with a keener eye; and making due allow- ance for their prejudices, their opinions ought not to be set at naught without great deliberation." Still, though all women know this perfectly well, they can't help playing at deceiving each other. Mrs. Flather knew what Mrs. Jorrocks came about just as well as Mrs. Jorrocks knew herself; and Mrs. Jorrocks knew that Mrs. Flather knew that she did, just as well as if she had told her. However, vive la humbug ! Now, Mr. Jorrocks was not at all quick at smelling a rat at least not unless the rat was after some of his bacon ; and moreover, being tolerably conceited, he concluded the Mar- quis had prolonged his visit from sheer enamourment of himself, and cut out quite a different day's work to that of his missis, and quite contrary to what would have suited his lordship. Having got the breakfast disposed of, and the usual stare out of window and lounge about the door that HILLIXGDON HALL. 179 follows that repast in the country, Mr. Jorrocks looked at the Marquis's paper boots, and proposed investing him in a pair of his thick shoes for what he called a " stretch " across country seven or eight miles, to see " a fine ball " a bull being the object of Mr. Jorrocks's ambition at that time. The Marquis was horrified such a walk would be the death of him such a sultry day too. Besides, he knew nothing about bulls, and had talked farming nonsense enough over night to serve him some time better keep himself cool take a stroll about the grounds see the garden, and admire the beauties of the place. Mr. Jorrocks started off alone. Towards the afternoon Mrs. Jorrocks and Mrs. Trotter were seen wending their way up the village of Hillingdon at that usual flirtation-encouraging distance which all mammas know so well how to measure, followed, of course, by Eliza and the Marquis at a proper elbow-touching, side-bumping sort of space. Mind, not arm in arm. What the old women talked about is immaterial perhaps they didn't talk at all, but kept their ears cocked back to try what they could catch from the conversation of the juvenile pair in the rear. It would puzzle a shorthand writer to make sentences of what the Marquis and Eliza said ; it was so mixed, so general, and so broken by such pleasing interruptions from the stares of the villagers and the dazzling novelty of her situation as her luminous dark eyes met the Marquis's flashing blue ones. Suffice it to say, they were both very happy, and their conversation, if not very enlightening, was very agreeable to each other. But let us take a glance at the Manse. Mrs. Flather could have eaten Mrs. Jorrocks whether she could have digested her or not is another thing, for she de- clared she always thought her a disagreeable-looking woman, and now "perfectly disgusting." The conduct of parties has a great deal to do with their looks. If they are for us, let them be ever so ugly, there is always a certain something in their favour; whereas, if they are against us, the best- looking are little better than monsters in our eyes. Mrs. Flather, as we said before, could have eaten Mrs. Jorrocks. i8o HILLINGDON HALL. Emma was desperately hurt too; for though cold- blooded, calculating, and passionless, and willing to jump from one suitor to another, as she would from one dress to another, just as the " turn of the market," as Mr. Jorrocks would say, seemed in his favour, still she could not be insensible of the value of attentions from a man like the Marquis, even though they went no further than " atten- tions ; " but, in her case, she thought she had fair legitimate claims, if not a downright hold upon him. Indeed, the line of policy to be pursued in consequence of what had passed at Donkeyton Castle had occupied mother and daughter many anxious hours both by day and by night, and nothing but the natural pride and delicacy of their sex, of which they both had a large stock in theory, prevented their making a crusade against the Castle. It would have been a grand sight to see the old Duke blundering to a conception of what they were after, and bowing them out with all the dignity of offended pride. "A duchess for- sooth ! " he would say, as he saw them bundling away in their rattle-trap. The question now was, whether to go boldly down and demand the Marquis, or try what a little circumventing would do. Had the engagement been satisfactorily ratified by the Duke and Duchess, Mrs. Flather would have had no hesitation in demanding the Marquis, or, at all events, in writing to his " ma," to bid her come and look after her boy ; but that confounded old marplot, Mr. Jorrocks, if our readers remember, interposed his troublesome old person at the critical moment that Mrs. Flather was bringing the Duke to book. The Flathers clearly saw the mistake in their policy had been snubbing the Jorrockses, by which they had not only set the Jorrockses against them, but had played them into the hands of the Trotters. They censured themselves, but protested nobody could foresee the turn the agricultural concern had taken. They should have nailed the Marquis at the moment, and never given him a chance of getting into the hands of the Trotters ; had a regular understanding with the Duke pocketed their delicacy in fact. Mr. Jorrocks, Mrs. Flather thought, HILLINGDOX HALL. 181 would befriend her ; but time pressed, and perhaps she could not lay hold of him ; and then the affair was more in the ladies' department, and there was little to hope from Mrs. Jorrocks, who had stolen the Marquis from them. The thing was how to get him back ; a man's never fairly lost till he's churched. The only plan was to pique him play some one off against him. In these emergencies, very forlorn hopes are sometimes resorted to in short, anything in the shape of a man. Mrs. Flather and Emma were too good generals to be left totally destitute, and James Blake, whom we have already slightly introduced to our readers, was raked up for the enviable appointment of cat's-paw. James was one of those desperately over-righteous, cushion- thumping, jump- Jim-crow breed of parsons, so sanctified that he could hardly suffer the light of heaven to shine upon him, and he ate cold roast potatoes to save his servant the sin of cooking on the Sunday. Well, James Blake, like many weak young men, was desperately violent. He had preached two sermons that had enraptured all the servant-maids, and astonished the quiet- going people. As the chemist said, " they were full of sulphur." Common people like to be d d in heaps. James was fished up to rescue the Marquis from the clutches of the designing Mrs. Trotter not by the persuasive eloquence of his tongue, or the admonitions of a Christian minister, but simply by being " played off " against his lordship. It may seem an odd game to men, but it is a very popular one among women. Since the visit to Donkeyton, James had been nearly discarded, at least they had commenced the operation of " letting him down gently ; " now, however, they had to draw him up again at short notice, and we hope our fair readers will not close the volume in disgust when we say how they set about it. We know they will say it was very wrong shockingly indelicate improbable! perhaps im- possible ! and we fully agree with them only mind, fair ladies, that you don't do it yourselves some time. Emma dressed herself in what she thought her most bewitching attire white chip bonnet with a bunch of blue 1 82 HILLINGDON HALL flowers inside, and the new blue silk dress she had got for her visit to Donkeyton Castle, with clean white kid gloves, and uncommonly well put on patent leather shoes, and open cotton stockings so smart, indeed, that she a good deal over-did it for the country. Thus attired, with a blue and white Chinese-shaped parasol over her head, mamma and she repaired to James's lodgings, to invite him to take tea with them that evening; and if they happened to find him at home, they or rather Mrs. Flather, for they had a great deal of propriety between them would ask him to come out and take a walk. Emma's dress was not exactly the thing, perhaps, to angle for a tight-laced, sanctified parson in, but then she had higher game in view ; and even as it was, we question whether James, with all his sanctity, would not rather give her absolution for looking so bewitching to him, than have had her come down in a little puritanical print, with a Dunstable straw on her head ; stiff-backed parsons are but flesh and blood, notwithstanding all their thunder, sulphur, and pretension. It so happened that James was mixing his sulphur for Sunday, and was sitting, as many parsons do, in his back-room, sans neckcloth, in his dressing-gown and slippers ; and the stiff tapper of the door not making a greater noise than a crockery vendor or other itinerant merchant might aspire to, he unceremoniously opened it himself, and stood before the beauty and her mamma in all the homeliness of that comfortable costume. The parson blushed to find himself in such a situation, but the offer of Emma's soft ungloved hand, and the bewitching beauty of her smile, put all straight, and drove her right back in his affections. He very soon had on a stiff white starcher, his best black coat and waistcoat, Wellington boots, Sunday hat, and we blush to add a pair of lavender-coloured kid gloves. Altogether he was a very passable swell. Mother and daughter then joined arms, and the mid-day sun being obscured by a passing cloud, Emma put down her parasol, and turned the whole battery of her attractions upon the young parson now trotting by her side. Her eyes HILLINGDON HALL. 183 glistened, her alabaster complexion assumed a slight roseate hue, her pearly teeth shone resplendent between her cherry lips ; and she really looked remarkably handsome and kiss- able. The poor parson was vanquished he forgot all her transgressions ; all her cold looks, all her stiff bows, all her iniquitous piano-playing, all her still more flagrant dereliction in dancing. We really believe he could not have refused to dine with them off hot meat the next Sunday. All- powerful womankind ! Thus they proceeded towards the village of Hillingdon, and as they turned down the street, and Emma's vivacity was at its height, and her countenance more than usually brilliant for hers was a beauty that required lighting up who should they meet but the " Hall " party progress- upwards, as already described. Nothing could be better. They met with all the extra ardour of people cordially detesting each other. Mrs. Jorrocks was so werry sorry Mrs. Flather couldn't come (never having asked her) ; and Mrs. Flather was as much obliged to Mrs. Jorrocks for her kindness in thinking of her ; and Mrs. Trotter smiled as she looked at the Marquis and her daughter ; and Emma clung to the parson, as she greeted his lordship with the freedom of an old friend. Altogether it was a most charming business-like meeting ; and if each had not the satisfaction of thinking they had " done " the other, at all events they had the gratification of feeling they had done their best to attempt it. The sequel is soon told. The next day the Marquis's brougham was seen standing at Mrs. Flather' s door, and no sooner was it gone than Mrs. Flather went down the " town " to tell Mrs. Trotter and Mrs. Jorrocks in " confidence, to go no further of course, for Emma wouldn't like to have it mentioned," that she had reason to think the Marquis was about to become her son-in-law; while Mrs. Trotter was busy paying a similar visit to the Manse, "urged by a strong sense of what was due between friends," to make Mrs. Flather acquainted with a similar conviction on her part. The post-mistress observed that the Hillingdon letter-bag was fuller than usual that evening. 184 CHAPTER XIX. " He's a justice of peace in his country, simple though I stand here." SHAKSPEARE. " The remainder of the crown was settled on the heirs of the Princess Sophia, the Electress of Hanover ; but what this remainder was, when some one else had got it all, we leave our arithmetically-disposed readers to calculate." Punch's " Comic Blackstone," ?X the Marquis's arrival at home, he reported so favourably of the Jorrockses and the pleasure he had derived from his visit to Hillingdou Hall, that the Duke and Duchess of Donkey- ton were quite taken with their conduct. They made no doubt they were most worthy respectable people, with con- siderable influence. A few days afterwards Mr. Jorrocks received the following note from his Grace : " DEAR SIR, I beg to return Mrs. Jorrocks and yourself the Duchess of Donkeyton's and my thanks for your attention to the Marquis of Bray, who I assure you feels extremely gratified by his visit to Hillingdon Park. "In looking at the arrangements of the county, I see there is no magistrate in your immediate neighbourhood since the lamented death of Mr. Westbury ; and it occurred to me that it might perhaps be agreeable to you, and beneficial to the public service, if you were placed in the Commission of the Peace. Should it be so, and you will have the kindness to notify such your desire to me, I beg to say I shall have great pleasure in submitting your name for the approval of the Lord Chancellor. With the repeated expression of our thanks, and with the Duchess's HILLIffGDON HALL. 185 and my compliments to Mrs. Jorrocks, I remain, dear sir, yours very obediently, " DONKEYTON, " Donkeyton Castle. "G. JORROCKS, ESQ., Hillingdon Park." Joy shows itself in various ways. Some people run and kiss their wives, some shout, some sing, some dance, some cry, some kick their hat-crowns out, some get blazing drunk, some throw money about, while a few fall on their knees and return thanks. Mr. Jorrocks's joy generally went off in a few clumsy pirouettes on alternate legs, and then a sudden subsidence into contemplative reflection in his great arm-chair. Our friend having indulged in a few of his usual antics, sunk, letter in hand, into its roomy recesses, and gave his memory a refresher through the bygone days of life. He then rang the bell for Benjamin. " Binjimin," said he, as soon as the latter appeared, with his usual hang-gallows countenance, for he had just been robbing the larder ; " Binjimin," repeated Mr. Jorrocks, not knowing exactly how to begin, " Binjimin," said he, for the third time, " greatness has come down upon me this mornin' in a shower a regular clothes-basketful of honour." " Yes, sir," said Benjamin. " That great man, the Duke o' Donkeyton, has appointed me one of Her Majesty's jestices o' the peace." " Yes, sir," said Benjamin. " And, Binjimin, you have always been an honest, sober, meritorious, and industrious servant, and wirtue shall not be its own reward in your case I'll make you my clerk." " Crikey ! " exclaimed Benjamin, clapping his dirty hands. " But," said Mr. Jorrocks, eyeing his dirty paws, " now that you will 'ave to do with pen and ink and wite paper, you must contrive to keep your hands clean." " Yes, sir," said Benjamin. " Also your mug," observed Mr. Jorrocks. " Yes, sir," said Benjamin. " And talking of mugs," continued Mr. Jorrocks, " now 1 86 HILLINGDON HALL. that we are worshipful, it becomes us to be grave and respect- able-lookin'. You are goin' to be adwanced to a post of honour and distinction above your years, therefore it will be necessary to endeavour to make your years come up to the post, as the post will not come down to your years. I shall therefore get you a Welsh wig, and a pair of green specs, also an usher's gown, so that when you sit below me in the justice-room, you may have an imposin' and wenerable appearance, and may awe the waggabones by your looks." " I think a big vip would be better," observed Benjamin, not relishing being made a guy of. " A big vip's a good thing in its way, Binjimin," replied Mr. Jorrocks, " but a wig's the thing for strikin' awe into the be'older. It's an old sayin', that there were ten men 'ung for every inch they curtailed in the judges' wigs. How- somever, you must wear one," observed Mr. Jorrocks deter- minedly, and Benjamin, knowing it was no use resisting, quietly withdrew, to communicate his elevation to Betsey, leaving his master ruminating in his arm-chair. Joshua Sneakington was next sent for, and after some- what of a similar prologue, was invested with the order of constable an order exceedingly to his mind, as it gave him legal authority to bully the township. Our old friend, Bill Bowker, was next written to, with similar information, and a request that he would rummage the book-stalls for a second-hand copy of Burn, Mr. Jorrocks being determined to do justice in the old-fashioned way substantial justice every man his own clerk. Bill was still touring for 'the " League," on a " diminishing-influence salary." But we have forgotten to give Mr. Jorrocks's reply to the Duke. It was as follows : " MY LOED DUKE, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your agreeable letter, and note the contents. I will not, my Lord Duke, indulge in the episcopal language of mock 'umility, and say, ' nolo beakopari,' but I will use the language of J. J., and say, I shall be werry much obleged to your Lordship to make me a beak. I looks upon a beak as the greatest of men ! He says to number a HILLIXGDOX HALL. 187 hundred and one, f You go and catch me a waggabone,' and forthwith he grabs a man called John Brown. ' Now, John/ says his worship, ' you're an interminable rogue, you've been arter my fizzants and my 'ares, and I'll transport you to all eternity.' Then he axes him what he has got for to say ; and John tells his story, and his worship orders him off to the 'ulks. But I need not inform your Grace of all the greatness that belongs to the grand order of beak ; how they sit with their hats on, how they order people out o' court, and how they return thanks for their healths at farmers' dinners, and expound the grand duties and dignities of beaks. All this I shall be most happy to do, and, therefore, not to trouble your Grace unnecessarily on the subject, I shall only add, that the sooner you makes me a beak, the sooner I shall begin to ' execute jestice and maintain truth.' Not that I thinks the truth will be werry easily maintained, for, betwixt you and I and the wall, people lie uncommon 'ard when they can get anything by it. Howsomever, never mind that : and so with the respectful compliments of Mrs. Jorrocks and myself to her Grace and the Marquis, I have the honour to subscribe myself, my Lord Duke, yours to serve, " JOHN JORROCKS, not G. JORROCKS. N HALL, not PARK." The Duke was rather shocked when he got this epistle, for though he knew Mr. Jorrocks was not very refined, still he did not expect finding him making such a " hash " of himself upon paper. However, the mischief was done ; he had offered to make him a magistrate, and could not now back out without giving offence. Moreover, Mr. Jorrocks was a Whig. In due time an intimation arrived from the Clerk of the Peace that Her Majesty had been pleased to approve of the insertion of Mr. Jorrocks's name in the Commission of the Peace, and that he could take the oaths at any adjourned session, if he would give the Clerk a week's notice. Accord- ingly, our hero returned answer that he was ready to take the oaths immediately, and would attend at the next sessions for the purpose. 1 88 HILLLNGDON HALL. Mr. Jorrocks, many years before, ere fame had marked him for her own, had been " hauled up," as the saying is, for a little poaching trespass, and had imbibed his first impression of a county justice from the one before whom he was taken, or rather before whom the case was ultimately tried at the Croydon Sessions, for our hero appealed against the original conviction. From this suburban beak Mr. Tomkins of Tomkins, near Croydon Mr. Jorrocks drew his first impression what a solemn magistrate should be like, and, overhauling his wardrobe, our worthy friend converted himself as near as he could into the prototype of his great original. First, he floured his wig powder he would not use, because he had no notion of being taxed for his con- sequence ; and he gave his blue coat collar a dash behind, as though it had been done by the rolling of a pig-tail. His blue coat and buff waistcoat were both his best, and a pair of antediluvian leather breeches, much cut and slashed about the waist and knees, met a pair of exceedingly scratched mahogany tops, adorned with a pair of heavy lacklustre spurs. Thus attired, with Benjamin in a suit of plain clothes, converted out of some of his master's cast-offs, beside him, and Joshua Sneakington, in his Sunday apparel, in the seat behind, magistrate, clerk, and constable set off for the ancient town of Sellborough, in the old rattle-trap fire-engine-looking carriage, drawn by Mr. Jorrocks's horse, the renowned Dickey Cobden. Sellborough, as its name would imply, was formerly a parliamentary borough ; but having had the misfortune of being Schedule A'd, it had lost a considerable part of its commerce and consequence. It was a drowsy-looking place a wide, scrambling sort of town, forming something like a square, with little off-shoot streets, starting off in all directions.' There were two churches and two parsonage- houses, enclosed with high walls, among trees, and the usual sort of store-shops grocers selling ribbons and British wines, booksellers dealing in candles and confectionery, and milliners in soap and crockery-ware. Trade there was none, save on a market day, and that was purely agricultural produce, varied, perhaps, by an itinerant hawker and pedlar HILLINGDON HALL. 189 pitching his cart and selling his edgeless knives and point- less needles pointless as his jokes by auction. It had also its two inns Whig and Tory which was about the only vestige of the " good old times " that remained. The " Duke's Head," of course, was the Whig house the " Crown and Sceptre " the Tory. We need hardly say the " Duke's Head " was the Duke of Donkeyton's, for as in London there is but " one Duke," so in the country the " Duke's Head " always denotes the caput of the great man of the district. The " Duke's Head " was then in the ascendant, as appeared by the newly-painted green window- shutters, and a booted postboy lounging about the door in conversation with a crooked-legged ostler. It is very odd how many hangers-on there are about inns with a leg on a curve. Mr. Jorrocks's rattle-trap, bumping and jingling over the grass-grown cobble-stone pavement, drew countless ringlets to the windows, a noise of any sort being a real godsend to the young ladies of Sellborough, who were terribly moped. A race and a new-year's-eve ball were all the gaiety they could raise in the year, and men were lamentably scarce. This is generally the case in towns without trade ; the young men leave them as soon as they are fledged in search of more bustling places, from whence they are seldom suffered to return single. The Court- House was in the centre of the town, raised on stone pillars above the old shambles of the market-place a place containing, perhaps, a dozen stalls ; and hither our hero repaired, after he had seen Dickey Cobden put up, attended by his suite. The Court was in full flower when Mr. Jorrocks entered. The Chairman, a red-hot Tory, sat with his hat on, with three brother Tories on his right, and a solitary Whig on his left. This was Captain Bluster, a most unpalatable magistrate, who had thrown the Tory bench into convul- sions when he appeared, about a year before, to take the oaths. There is nothing so sensitive as a bench of magis- trates. With the exception of those who take their seats as a matter of course, and who elevate the office, rather than the office elevating them, the envy, jealousy, and 1 9 o HILLINGDON HALL. detraction that take place on the appearance of a newcomer is truly ridiculous. Each questionable occupant man feels himself personally injured lowered. Gentlemen who were scouted when they came, now scout with double vigour in return. Captain Bluster was a fine instance of the scouting principle. All eyes were turned up with horror when he came. It was a downright insult to the bench. The Lord-Lieutenant must wish to drive all gentlemen from it. Captain Bluster! late master of a trader now dealer in " pigs, treacle, and all other game," as the song says, to be forced upon them it was not to be borne. They would all resign. "We wonder how many benches have threatened to do the same ? However, Captain Bluster was not to be put down. In- deed, he was one of those coarse-minded, hard-bitten, vulgar beggars, that cannot understand any coolness short of a kick, and had horrified the Sellborough bench so by his forward impudence, that several had left it altogether, and the Captain seemed likely to have it all to himself, when the Lord-Lieutenant intimated that he should be obliged to make some more magistrates if they did not pull better together. This had the desired effect, and the Tory tide was on the return, when Mr. Jorrocks again raised the storm. If a man goes into Guildhall at a session, for in- stance he cannot help being struck with the resemblance there is among the loose purple-robed, white-faced, flabby, live turtle looking things ranged on each side of the chair, called Aldermen or Common Councilmen, that all look as if they were made in the same mould ; and a similar resemblance runs through mankind generally, breaking them into classes. There was a strong sort of likeness between Mr. Jorrocks and Captain Bluster so strong, that any one at a glance would say, " Those men are of the same breed." Not that they were like when you came to compare their faces, but the style and general appearance were the same ; the same bull heads, the same big broad backs, the same great HILLLXGDON HALL, 191 clumsy limbs, the same manner, or want of manner. In point of looks, Mr. Jorrocks had the advantage, the twinkle of his cheerful eye and humorous expression of his coun- tenance giving an air of good nature to his face ; while Captain Bluster's coarse bristly-red hair, stiff scrubbing- brush-looking whiskers under his chin, freckled face, ferrety eyes, broad, flat-ended, snub nose, and thick-lipped mouth, gave him a very bull-dog sort of air. The general harshness of his appearance was heightened by a blue coat and metal buttons, ugly spotted waistcoat on a buff ground, blue trousers, and "high-lows." An evident shudder ran along the Tory end of the bench as Mr. Jorrocks entered at the other, and all eyes were turned upon the new Justice. The Chairman, who was just disposing of a case, made Mr. Jorrocks a very low bow ; and the Clerk having produced a great skin of parchment, and informed their worships that there was a gentleman going to take the oaths forthwith turned to Mr. Jorrocks for the purpose of administering them, amid half-suppressed expressions of disgust from the bench. " Downright insult ! Kesign to-night! Political purpose! Disgrace to the country ! Greasy old chandler ! The Duke must be mad." Mr. Jorrocks, having taken the book in his right hand, proceeded to repeat, after the Clerk, the following oath : " I, John Jorrocks, do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Wictoria : so help me God." And thereupon he gave the Testament a hearty smack." " Please to repeat after me again," said the Clerk " I, John Jorrocks, do swear that I do from my 'eart obor, detest, and abjure, as impious and heretical, that damnable doctrine and position that Princes excommunicated or de- prived by the Pope or any authority of the See of Eome, may be deposed or murthered by their subjects, or any other whatsoever. And I do declare that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state, or potentate, hath, or ought to have, any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence, or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm : so help me God." i 9 2 HILLIXGDON HALL. " No more they ought," observed Mr. Jorrocks, kissing the book. " Now, again," said the Clerk, commencing with a third oath " I, John Jorrocks, do truly and sincerely acknowledge, profess, testify, and declare, in my conscience, before God and the world, that our Sovereign Lady Queen Wictoria " " Not Wictoria. but Ftctoria," observed the Clerk. " Victoria," repeated Mr. Jorrocks, " that our Sovereign Lady Queen Wictoria is lawful and rightful Queen of this realm, and all other Her Majesty's dominions and countries thereunto belonging : and I do solemnly and sincerely de- clare that I do believe, in my conscience, that not any of the descendants of the person who pretended to be Prince of Whales " " Not Wholes, but Wales," observed the Clerk. " I said Whales," observed Mr. Jorrocks, adding, " but I don't know who you're a talkin' about. The Prince o' Whales can't 'ave no heirs, he's only a babby." " Never mind that," replied the Clerk, " you follow me, if you please, sir." "And I do solemnly and sincerely declare, that I do believe, in my conscience, that not any of the descendants of the person who pretended to be Prince of Whales, during the life of the late King James the Second " " I doesn't know nothin' about King James the Second," observed Mr. Jorrocks, breaking off again, with a shake of the head, amid the hearty laughter of the bench. " That's nothing, sir,' observed the Clerk ; " it's a mere matter of form." " Well, but why should I swear agin a gen'lman that I knows nothin' whatever of, and wot has never done me no 'arm?" " Oh sir, it's a mere matter of form," repeated the Clerk. " So chaps always say when they come to get one to accept a bill for them," observed Mr. Jorrocks ; " mere matter o' form / doesn't like these mere matters o' form." " Well, but all these gentlemen on the bench have sworn the same thing. Indeed, you can't be a magistrate unless HILLINGDON HALL. 193 you do. Pray let us go on, for you are not half done yet, and it only wants a quarter to twelve." " And I do solemnly and sincerely declare that I do believe in my conscience, that not any of the descendants of the person who pretended to be Prince of Whales during the life of the late King James the Second, and, since his decease, pretended to be and took upon himself the style and title of King of England " " Never heard of the gen'lman," observed Mr. Jorrocks. " By the name of James the Third, or of Scotland by the name of James the Eighth, or the style and title of King of Great Britain, hath any right or title whatsoever to the crown of this realm " " Certainly not," said Mr. Jorrocks, " it's our Queen's, and I'll stand up for her ! " " Or any other the dominions thereunto belonging," read the Clerk, followed by Mr. Jorrocks, " and I do renounce, refuse, and abjure any allegiance or obedience to any on 'em." " So I do," said Mr. Jorrocks, giving the book another hearty smack. " But that's not all," said the Clerk ; " you must swear a little more yet. Please repeat after me again " And I do swear that I will bear faith and true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Wictoria, and her will defend to the utmost of my power against all traitorous conspiracies and attempts whatsoever, which shall be made against her person, crown, and dignity." " So I vill," observed Mr. Jorrocks, panting for breath. " And I will do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to Her Majesty and her successors all treasons and traitorous conspiracies which I shall know to be again' her or any on 'em." " And 'ow am I to do that ? " inquired Mr. Jorrocks ; " write to her, or how ? " " Oh, just let the Clerk of the Peace know Her Majesty won't trouble you to write to her yourself." " No trouble rayther a pleasure," observed Mr. Jorrocks. " And I do faithfully promise to the utmost of my power H 194 HILLINGDON HALL. to support, maintain, and defend the succession of the crown against the descendants of the said James." " I dare say none o' them will trouble it," observed Mr. Jorrocks. " Very likely not," replied the Clerk, adding, " please to repeat after me "And against all other persons whatever," read on the Clerk, " which succession, by an Act intituled ' An Act for the further limitation of the crown, and better securing the rights and liberties of the subject/ is, and stands limited to the Princess Sophia, electress and Duchess-Dowager of Hanover, and the heirs of her body, being Protestants. And all these things I do plainly and sincerely acknowledge and swear, according to these express words by me spoken, and according to the plain and common-sense understanding of the same words, without any equivocation, mental evasion, or secret reservation whatsoever." " Wait a minute till I get wind," begged Mr. Jorrocks ; " you really run me off my legs, you go so fast." " And I make this recognition, acknowledgment, abjura- tion, renunciation, and promise, heartily, willingly, and truly, upon the faith of a time Christian." " 'Deed do I not" observed Mr. Jorrocks aloud to himself. " So help me God. Kiss the book." Thereupon Mr. Jorrocks kissed it again. Having gulped these, and one or two other similar and equally sensible oaths, our excellent friend sank exhausted on the bench a full-blown beak. Captain Bluster, who had been waiting the completion of the ceremony, now seized him by the hand, and congratu- lated Mr. Jorrocks on " becoming one of them." " Thank'ee," puffed Mr. Jorrocks ; " thank'ee," repeated he, adding, as he looked at the Captain, "you have the adwantage o' me." " My name's Bluster," observed the Captain, " Captain Bluster ; I've heard of you glad to see you on the bench very proper appointment ; " adding confidentially, in a whisper in Mr. Jorrocks's ear, " these Tory beggars want looking after ; we'll keep them in order." HILLIXGDON HALL. 195 " You're one o' the right sort, I s'pose," observed Mr. Jorrocks. " True blue," observed Captain Bluster, with a wink ; " down with the bishops ! " " Civil and religious liberty, the greatest good for the greatest number gover'ment without patronage, as it was in our day," observed Mr. Jorrocks. " You had better put on your hat," observed Captain Bluster; " there's no doing justice with your hat off." " No more there is ! " replied Mr. Jorrocks, sticking it a-top of his wig, and giving it a thump on the crown that sounded through the Court, and sent a shower of flour over his own face. The Clerk having pocketed Mr. Jorrocks's ten pounds for all the oaths he had made him swallow, now called on the next case " Mortimer Green against John Tugwell." The parties being ranged at the bar, the Clerk, taking up the information, addressed himself to the defendant, saying " This is an information charging you with having, on. Friday night last, put your ass into a field of oats belonging to the complainant, Mortimer Green. You will hear the evidence against you." Mrs. Mortimer Green was then sworn " to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." This being Mrs. Green's first appearance before that august tribunal, a bench of magistrates, she was rather nervous ; and Captain Bluster, thinking to show off before Mr. Jorrocks, addressed her fiercely with " Now, ma'am ! why don't you speak ? " " Please, gentlemen, I was going to say " " Going ! Why didn't you say it ? " Mrs. Green stared. " Now, what are you gaping at ? why don't you speak ? who are you ? where do you come from ? what's your name ? what's brought you here ? Tell us all about it ! " " Please, gentlemen," recommenced Mrs. Green, " last Friday no, last Thursday as is gone a fortnight " " Now, whether do you mean Thursday or Friday ? " roared Captain Bluster ; " remember you're on your oath." 196 HILLINGDON HALL " Please, gentlemen, last Thursday as is gone a fortnight, my husband took badly in his stomach " " Good God ! what has your husband's stomach to do with the case ? Why don't you tell us about the ass ? " " I was going to, sir, when you interrupted me," observed Mrs. Green, addressing Captain Bluster. " Me interrupted you ! I never interrupted you ! Why don't you tell us about the ass ? " " Perhaps we had better let her tell the story in her own way," observed the Chairman; "it will, perhaps, save time in the end. Now, my good woman," continued he, address- ing the witness encouragingly, " tell us as shortly as you can what you have to say about this man and his ass." " Please, gentlemen," observed Mrs. Green, gathering her- self together for a third effort, " last Thursday as is gone a fortnight, my husband took bad in his stomach, and I went down to Doctor Bolus's to get a penn'orth of peppermint water peppermint water, you see, gentlemen, is recom- mended in these cases " " Hang your peppermint water," growled Captain Bluster ; " I'll be bound to say you're a regular old thief." " And as the doctor wasn't in when I got there," continued the witness, " I sat down in the back kitchen to smoke my pipe and wait till he came." " Nasty stinkin' old beast," grunted Mr. Jorrocks, who hated tobacco. " It so happened, you see, gentlemen, that the doctor's people had been washing that day, and all the wet clothes were in the front kitchen, or I should have gone in there." " Well, never mind that," observed the Chairman ; " tell us now what happened to you as you sat in the back kitchen ? " " Well, and I hadn't sat there very long, not more than a quarter of an hour at farthest, when just as the young lady of the house that's the third little girl like came in with her kitten, and she asked Susan, that's the cook, for a saucerful of skim milk for it, and " " Oh dear me, can't you tell us about the ass ? " roared HILLIXGDOX HALL. 197 Captain Bluster again, regardless of the Chairman's recom- mendation. " I was going to, sir, when you interrupted me," again observed Mrs. Green. " Me interrupt you ! I didn't interrupt you I never interrupt anybody I can't interrupt anybody." " Well, now, what happened," continued the Chairman, anxious to help the complainant on ; " did the girl go for the milk ? " " That was just what I was going to tell you, gentlemen," observed the imperturbable witness. " Said she, that's Susan said she, that's the third saucerful of skim milk you've asked me for to-day, Miss Elizabeth ; and really if you stuff your cat so full, it'll catch no mice ; however, the young lady was so pressing, that Susan at last consented, and getting the key of the dairy off the kitchen range, just from behind a plate like," continued the witness, running her hand along the rail at the bar, as if in the act of feeling for a key, " she took the empty saucer off the floor, and went away to get it. Well, she hadn't been gone I dare say the length of a minute, when I heard a knock at the door one knock, like that," giving the bar a rap with her knuckles, " and thinking it might be somebody wanting the doctor, I laid down my pipe and went to open it. Well, you see, there was a small chain on the door, which I didn't see at first, and so before I got it open there was another knock. 1 Who's there ? ' said I. ' Open the door,' said some one, * and see ; ' and according/ie I did, and there stood this man, with an arm full of brooms, and an ass laden with more at his side." " Well now," interrupted the Chairman, " we don't want to hear about any bargaining that took place or anything that passed about the brooms, but tell us as shortly as you can when you saw the ass again." " Yes, gentlemen," replied the old lady, evidently discon- certed, and giving her nose a wipe with a folded-up red hand- kerchief. " Well then, but I should tell you that by this time Susan, that is the cook, had got back with the milk the skim milk, and " 198 HILLINGDON HALL. " D n the milk ! " roared Captain Bluster, " didn't you hear the Chairman tell you to stick to the ass ? Do you think we've got nothing to do but sit here and listen to your rambling stories ? " " Well, then, sir, I'm sure you're very welcome to go," replied the old lady with great naivete, producing a burst of laughter from the bench and bystanders. " Can't you tell us about finding the ass in the corn without going into other particulars ? " asked the Chairman. " Well, sir, your worship, what you please." " Nay, it's what you please, only we should like you to get on with your story." " Well then, gentlemen, on Thursday night, or early on Friday morning, my husband took badly in his stomach again, and after trying if the pains wouldn't go off with warm flannels and ginger, he asked me to put on my clothes and go to Doctor Bolus's for another penn'orth of peppermint water. This was just about daybreak; but there was a heavy mist that morning, and it might be rather later than we thought, for our clock had run down, and as we were going to have her cleaned, my husband thought it wasn't worth having her wound up until that was done. Well, as I went down the lane, I saw a pair of long ears bobbing up and down in our corn, and being struck with astonishment, I stood debating whether to go back to my husband or to see to it myself; but thinking of the badliness of his stomach, and the dampness of the morning, I considered I had better face it myself; and so, on I went, and just as I got to the gate at the turn of the road, I saw this villain coming over the hedge, pulling his ass after him through the hedge." Very good," said the Chairman, glad to get to the end of the story. " You swear that you saw a man bringing his ass out of your field, and that this is the man." " Oh, I swear that's the man, for I went up to him, and abused him right well." " We don't doubt that," observed Captain Bluster. " Now, Tugwell," said the Chairman, addressing the de- fendant, " you hear what that witness says. Do you wish to ask her any questions ? " HILLINGDON HALL. 199 " Undoubtedly I do, your worship," replied the man a swarthy, herculean-looking fellow, with corkscrew ringlets, open neck, green plush waistcoat with yellow sprigs, and a double row of blue-bead buttons, cord breeches, dirty white stockings, and heavy laced ankle-boots. " Didn't I forewarn you," with great gravity asked he, "when I saw you at Doctor Bolus's, to make up your gap, otherwise my ass would be getting into your field ? " " Never such a thing ! " screamed the old lady, " never such a thing ! We talked about nothing but the price of the brooms : you said you could sell cheaper than anybody else, for though they all stole their stuff, you stole yours ready made." " That's all gammon ! I'd scorn the action ! " replied the defendant, with an indignant curl of the lip. " I'm noted as the honestest besom-maker on our circuit. Your worships, my character stands too high to be damaged by such an old devil as this." "We can't allow such language here," observed Captain Bluster sharply. " Your defence is, I suppose," said the Chairman, "that the field was not properly fenced, and so your ass got in." " Precisely so, your worship," replied the man, adopting the idea, or rather assenting to it, for it is the usual defence of the brotherhood. " Pray, then, may I ask where you keep your ass ? " inquired the Chairman. " Sometimes in one place, sometimes in another, your worship. Mercantile men like us, your worship, are gene- rally on the move, and we are obliged to put up with such quarters as we can get." , " Ay, but had you, on the night on which your ass is charged with being in Green's corn-field, any place to put him ? " " Why, not exactly, your worships. I was intending to be on the move by daylight, and I just turned the poor beast into the lane, and this stupid old woman persisting in not making up her gap, why, I'm ashamed to say he so far forgot himself as to go in. It's the first time, your 200 HILLINGDON HALL. worships, I assure you, such a thing ever happened, and it will be the last, for, without any disrespect to your worships, I feel this is not a place for a respectable man to be in." The Clerk, on referring to his books, contradicted Tug- well's assertion, by observing that he had been convicted of a similar offence in a clover-field about a twelvemonth before. The Chairman observed that depasturing an animal on a highway was an offence punishable by fine. The justices then considered their sentence. Mr. Brown had no doubt Tugwell was an old offender. Mr. Green would have been better pleased if he had been caught going into the field instead of coming out. The Chairman inquired what state the fence was in, and found it was very good. Captain Bluster thought, if he broke the fence, he might be caught under the Wilful Damage Act. " What does Mr. Johnson think ? " inquired the Chair- man, addressing Mr. Jorrocks. " JorrocJcs is his name," observed Captain Bluster, with a growl. " I beg his pardon," said the Chairman, with a low bow. " Pray, what does Mr. Jorrocks think ? " Mr. Jorrocks then, with great gravity, delivered himself of the following opinion : " Every man wot keeps a jackass is a waggabone," said he very slowly. " Every man wot keeps a jackass keeps a pair of big panniers also, and there's no sayin' wot on airth goes into them." Mr. Jorrocks paused. " Then what do you think should be done to him ? " asked the Chairman. " What punishment shall we inflict upon him ? " " Skin him alive ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, looking as if he would eat the defendant. "I'm afraid that's hardly 'law,'" observed the Clerk, looking respectfully up at his ten-pound friend. " If it's not law, it's what law ought to be," observed Mr. Jorrocks, with great gravity. " A very good observation ! very capital observation ! " HILLIXGDOX HALL. 201 observed Captain Bluster, as soon as Mr. Jorrocks had done ; " you'll make an excellent magistrate." " I think I shall," said Mr. Jorrocks, " I think I shall, as soon as I get up a little law at least." Captain Bluster : " Oh, hang the law ! The less law one has in a justice-room the better. Get Stone's ' Justice's Pocket Manual,' it'll keep you all right as to form ; and if you read ' Sam Slick,' it will do you more good than all the rubbishing stuff the lawyers write put together. Stone for the law Slick for the sense." " Stone for the law and Slick for the sense," repeated Mr. Jorrocks. " Yes ; and the first time you're in London go to the Judge and Jury Court at the "Garrick's Head" in Bow Street, and learn some Latin sentences from Chief Baron Richards Latin tells well from the bench." The Chairman then informed the prisoner that he was convicted, and had to pay to Her Majesty the Queen the sum of one pound over and above the costs of the prosecution and the amount of the damage done by the donkey. The defendant pleaded hard in mitigation. " No," said the Chairman ; " we have dealt very leniently with you." " You are liable to a month's imprisonment, with hard labour, in the- House of Correction," observed another. " One month ! six months ! " rejoined a third ; " this is a second offence." " Whipping also ! " exclaimed a fourth, " this conviction being before a bench of magistrates." The mercantile man then begged for time, his trade being seriously depressed. " By the police protecting the woods, I suppose," observed the Chairman. "You must pay the money down," grunted Captain Bluster, " nullum tempus occurrit Regi. The Queen stands no nonsense." Mr. Jorrocks, on leaving the Court, which he did after hearing a few more cases similar to the foregoing, strutted 202 HILLINGDON HALL. very consequentially down the middle of the street, making the quiet monotony of the place more apparent by the noisy clamour of his boots. He felt like a very great man. He ran his mind through the backward course of life thought of the time when he swept out his master's shop for his meat then when he got a trifle for wages next how he was advanced to a clerkship* how he bought his first pair of top-boots how he stamped out two pair before he got a horse ; his horses then came in chronological order, like kings and queens in a Memoria Technicha. His first, a white one, that tumbled neck and croup with him down Snow Hill, and broke both its own knees and his nose ; his second, a brown, that always tried to kick him over his head when he mounted ; and so he went on through a long list, the recollection of each bringing with it many other interesting associations. Then he thought of the day when he was elected a member of the Surrey Hunt, and of the glories and honours he had reaped in that sporting country. Then of his advancement to the mastership of the Handley Cross Fox- hounds, his short though brilliant reign at the Spa, and now how a whole wheelbarrowful of greatness had been heaped upon him in the shape of a J.P.-ship. "Veil," said he, feeling his chin with one hand, and sliding a whole handful of half-crown pieces down the smooth inside leather of his breeches pocket with the other ; " veil," said he, " for all this I am but mortal man." Just as our friend had indulged in this humble-minded observation, he crossed the street at an angle to get back to the " Duke's Head," and the mail-gig hurrying up at the time, rather drove him from his point, and caused him to land opposite Mr. Pippin, the fruiterer's. Mr. Pippin was a game-seller as well as a fruiterer, and the 1 2th of August drawing nigh, he had stuck a newly gilt and lettered sign to that effect over his door : " Pippin, Fruiterer, and Licensed Dealer in Game," read Mr. Jorrocks, in that vacant sort of way that people read anything that comes in their way. " Pippin, Fruiterer and Game-seller," said he to himself, HILLIXGDON HALL. 203 shortening the sign. " Wonders if he's got any cran- berries." Mr. J. was very fond of cranberries. " Have you got any cranberries ? " asked he of Pippin, who, on the look-out for " squalls," now rushed to the door. " Not any cranberries, sir ; particular nice gooseberries, strawberries, cauliflowers, radishes, fish sauces of all kinds, sir; cucumbers, cigars, pickles expect some peas in to- night, sir step in, sir ; step in." Mr. Jorrocks complied, but oh ! what a sight greeted him on the opposite wall " three brace of grouse hanging by the neck ! " Mr. Jorrocks stood transfixed. " How now ? " exclaimed he, as speech returned, and with staring eye-balls he turned to the shopkeeper. "How now?" repeated he, pointing to the birds, " grouse for sale before the 1 2th of August." "Five shillings a brace," replied Mr. Pippin, quite unconcerned ; " we generally charge six, but the season's coming on, and we shall soon get plenty more." " Plenty more," roared Mr. Jorrocks ; " aren't you 'shamed of yourself ? " " Oh dear no, sir, not at all ; take the whole for fourteen shillings." " Til fourteen you I " repeated Mr. Jorrocks, stamping with rage, " I'll fourteen you, you waggabone. I'm one of Her Majesty's jestices o' the peace ' nullum tempus occurrit' somethin' the Queen stands no nonsense I'll fine yon ! " " What for, sir ? " inquired Mr. Pippin. " For havin' game afore the twelfth I'll summons you directly," added Mr. Jorrocks, hurrying out of the shop. " Please say they're stuffed ! " roared Mr. Pippin after him. ( 204 ) CHAPTER XX. ' ' This done, he took the dame about the neck, And kissed her lips with such a clamorous smack, That at the parting all the room did echo. " "CRAMOLOGY. A science that virtually professes to discover how the interior of a house is furnished, from a mere examination of the inequalities upon the roof of it." [E have not seen anything of our friends the Flathers since the Marquis's brougham drove away from their door, and they contributed their quota (as it is supposed) to the heaviness of the Hillingdon letter-bag. What passed on the occasion of the Marquis's visit we are not at liberty to mention. Indeed we don't know most probably Mrs. Flather would have him a little to her- self at first, during which she would hint at her great esteem for him but her duty to guard her daughter from the risk of forming hopeless attachments ; and then at the proper period Emma would appear suffused in tears, and Mrs. Flather would possibly leave them to themselves a little. All this, however, is chiefly conjecture or at best mere servants' gossip, formed from an outline of what Mrs. Flather's boy in buttons communicated to Benjamin, who detailed it to Betsey for the information of Mrs. Jorrocks. Our readers must therefore just give such credence to the story as they consider it worth. It will be remembered that each party claimed the victory, and each indulged in the usual " crow." The story was for we may as well tell it out now that we have begun that the boy in buttons having taken it HILLINGDOtf HALL. 205 iuto his head to water the myrtle below the window, saw the Marquis with Emma's head on his shoulder, administering consolation to her eyes with his blue bandana. As a justice would say that may, or may not be it may be true, or it may be a lie it may be Betsey's lie it may be Benjamin's lie or it may be the boy in buttons' lie it may be true and yet have nothing in it. The Marquis might merely be doing what any man in such a situation would do, trying to soothe the poor girl. Had she been on his knee, we think the case would have been different. The presumption then would have been that he had got her there at least we hope so. As it was, there was very little but supposition in the case. Our own opinion, however, is that there was something in it, though whether intentional on the part of the Marquis, or merely one of those involuntary, inadvertent, consolatory acts a man sometimes commits when suddenly beset by a pretty girl in tears, is another question. "We dare say the Marquis would be very tender very soft, and very likely say many things he never intended. A pretty girl in tears is a very dangerous thing, more especially when the tears are caused, or supposed to be caused, by one's self. We fear the Marquis said more than was prudent. Very possibly he thought no more of it after he had bowled away in his brougham ; but Mrs. Flather's more than in- sinuation to Mrs. Jorrocks that her daughter and the Marquis were engaged, with the profusion of letters that showered into the Hillingdon letter-box, were presumptive evidence that the words had made some impression on her daughter. A country post-office is a queer place. The post-mistress for they are generally kept by ladies has a sort of intuitive acquaintance with every letter that comes or goes, knows who they are from, and can guess pretty nearly what they are about. There is none of that tranquil easy security one feels, or rather used to feel, when dropping a letter into the well-accustomed depths of a large town post-office, where the variety of writings, the number of letters, the hurry of sorting, put all idea of curiosity out of the question. The country post-office generally 206 HILLIXGDOX HALL. consists of a black pane, with a slit in the middle of it, put into the parlour window with the words " Post-Office," done in white letters, above or below ; and the letter, instead of passing, as the sender perhaps supposes, from all observation until it greets the eyes of the expectant receiver, drops through the hole into a plate or a table in the parlour, or perhaps in the bar of a public-house, where the landlady or her daughters are sewing, or drawing drops of comfort for the customers in the kitchen. Down it glides, and is immediately whipped up ; and if the hand- writing is unknown, and the seal uninforming, the post- mistress has nothing to do but open the sash and look up and down street to see who was the party putting it in. Townspeople wouldn't believe the curiosity there is in the country. But to return to Emma Flather and the Marquis of Bray. The usual answers of congratulation, with the usual amount of sincerity some with good-natured, ill-suppressed wishes that the news might not be too good to be true, or hopes that such an alteration might not injure the head of either party having been received, each party rested on their oars in expectation of a " move " from the Castle. The "cock-a-hoopness" of both mammas was considerably lessened on finding that each had similar expectations, and a thought occasionally glanced across their minds that it might have been better had they waited till they were a little more certain ere they announced the thing. One Marquis for two ladies would do nothing, still we dare say our readers will agree with us that it would not have been natural not to have announced it immediately. Indeed, the Marquis's manner was so truly love-making, that the villagers all set it down as a fixed thing ; and even Johnny Wopstraw, who happened to be passing along on the top of his wain, observed to his wife when he got home that he thought " upon the who-o-ole there was a young gentleman making love to Miss Eliza." The change in the Marquis's costume, and the height from which Johnny overlooked down, prevented him recognising his over-night orator and draining-tile maker. HILLISTGDON HALL. 207 Thus things stood for at least a fortnight, each day adding additional uneasiness to the ladies. Every post delivery was anxiously looked for ; every large seal that passed in review as Mrs. Medler sorted the letters was conjured into the impress of a ducal coronet, or a marquis's at least, with the reverse side directed to Mrs. Flather or Mrs. Trotter. Still it came not, neither was there anything heard of the Marquis, except that he had got a bad cold. This, however, was some consolation, enabling them to account in some measure for his silence. As a set-off against this, however, they had to take into account the Duke's letter to Mr. Jorrocks offering him a J.P.-ship, in which nothing was said of the marriage, or even hinted at. All this was very perplexing. Mr. Jorrocks had now got himself into all his honours. Mr. Bowker had furnished him with a fine old edition ot Burn's Justice ; and Mr. Jones, the bookseller at Sellborough, had supplied him with a copy of Stone's " Pocket Manual " and "Sam Slick," according to Captain Bluster's recommendation ; while Benjamin had been rigged out in a Welsh wig, and a pair of green spectacles with tortoise-shell rims, and a sort of beadle's dress, formed out of Mrs. Jorrocks's old bombazine gowns. Moreover, Mr. Jorrocks being a great believer in phrenology, or bampology as he called it, had furnished himself with a copy of Combe's " Outlines," as also with a plaster of Paris head and phrenological chart, for the purpose of examining such culprits as might be brought before him, and ascertaining their bumps. His sanctum was now con- verted into a justice-room. In the centre, behind a high desk, stood an important old carved black oak arm-chair, on a raised stand : while below the desk were stools and a table, for Benjamin and Joshua Sneakington to sit and cry silence and take the depositions upon. In other respects the sanctum underwent little change ; the old red morocco hunting-chair occupying one side of the fire- place, a sporting picture screen and a coal scuttle the other. Here, as his worship sat in the hunting-chair, thinking first of one thing, then of another when his apples would be ripe, whether he should buy Brown's bull, whether Thompson's wouldn't be better one loud knock at the door 208 HILLINGDON HALL. informed him that Benjamin was there, and before our friend had let his leg down that he had been nursing, in came the boy and stood before him. " Please, sir, you're wanted, sir," said Benjamin. " Vanted, Binjimin," repeated Mr. Jorrocks, pulling his wig straight; "who vants me now, I wonder jestice or gentlefolk ? " Mr. J. had now two sorts of visitors. " Gentlefolk, I thinks," said Benjamin ; " at least, she wants you alone. It's a 'ooman old mother Flather." "Mrs. Flather, you should say, Binjimin; there are no old women in this world. I'll see her in a minute," added he, running to a small mirror, and adjusting his neckcloth and frill. ' My dear Mrs. Flather, I'm werry 'appy to see you," exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, as Mrs. Flather came sidling in past Benjamin, who stood with the door in his hand, arranging the latch so as to see through the key-hole. " Take a chair ; pray take a chair," added he, passing her on to the one he had just vacated, and motioning Benjamin to leave the room. " Here's a werry fine day," observed he, pressing her shoulder to get her to sit down in the hunting chair, at the same time drawing a smaller one close to it. "How's Emma ? " said he. "Pretty well, I thank you," replied Mrs. Flather, throwing up her veil, and setting herself forward, as if for business. "Fine gal, Emma," said Mr. Jorrocks, "fine gal! I always says, though," added he, sotto wee, squeezing Mrs. Flather's arm, " that the gals of the present day ar'nt to be compared to their mothers." Mrs. Flather smiled. " It's a fact" observed Mr. Jorrocks, smacking his lips as he looked at her. " And 'ow's she getting on with the Markis ? I hear there are two on 'em arter him." "That's just what I've come to talk to you about," observed Mrs. Flather in a low tone, laying her hand HILLINGDON HALL. 209 confidentially on Mr. Jorrocks's wrist, as his arm rested on the elbow of her chair. " I want a little of your advice." "Always 'appy to adwise the ladies," observed. Mr. Jor- rocks, " particklar 'appy. We'll jest bolt the door," added he, bundling up and making for it, " and then we shalln't be interrupted. You knows wot Byron said about inter- ruptions," observed he, as he bustled towards it. Having locked it and bolted it too, he resumed his place by the side of Mrs. Flather. " It's a very delicate situation we are in with regard to that young man," observed Mrs. Flather, after a pause ; " he's engaged my daughter's affections, and I really fear he's only making a fool of her." " Werry naughty o' him," observed Mr. Jorrocks, " werry naughty o' him " muttering over the word " affection, affection," wondering if it was in Stone (Mr. Jorrocks did everything judicially now). " Yot's he done ? Kissed her, I s'pose," added he ; " kissed her, kissed her ; no sich title as that ; come under the 'ead of assault, though. Kissin' ar'nt altogether right," added he to Mrs. Flather, " unless, indeed, she consented, and then it is wot us jestices call justifiable kissiside." Mr. Jorrocks turned to Mrs. Flather, for the purpose of demonstrating the law, when one of Benjamin's loud knocks at the door, and attempt to open it, arrested his movement. " Vot's 'appen'd now, Binjimin ? " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, starting back ; " vot's 'appen'd now ? " " A waggabone ! " squeaked Benjamin through the door. " Confound them waggabones," muttered Mr. Jorrocks, thinking how to get rid of the charge without bothering himself. " Wot'un a nob 'as he, Binjimin ? " inquired Mr. Jorrocks ; " wot'un a nob 'as he ? " " I harn't examined his nob," replied Benjamin ; " Jos has only just cotch'd him, Jos has only just cotch'd him !" repeated he. " Oh ! confound it, Binjimin, 'ow can you trouble me in 2 1 o HTLLDTGDON HALL. this 'ere way. Here am I inwestigatin' a desp'rate bugglary, and you comes interruptin' of me, without havin' taken the dimensions of his coacoa-nut. I tells you, never bring a waggabone forrard until you've examined his perrycranium." " Yes, sir," said Benjamin. " Then go and do it." " Yes, sir," said Benjamin, muttering as he went, with a shake of the head, " desperate bugglary, indeed ! I knows better nor that." " Capital thing, that crazeyology," observed Mr. Jorrocks to Mrs. Flather, as he heard Benjamin's footsteps dying away in the passage ; " gives one a capital idea of a waggabone's character; or any one's indeed," added Mr. Jorrocks, looking smilingly at Mrs. Flather, after the frown Benjamin's ill-timed interruption had brought over his good-natured countenance had passed away. " I should say, now," added he, " that your 'ead would pay a bamp- ologist well for examinin'." " Oh, you flatter, Mr. Jorrocks," said Mrs. Flather. " 'Deed I doesn't, though," replied Mr. Jorrocks, " 'deed 1 doesn't, though," repeated he ; "I always says you're the neatest little 'ooman I knows ; neat, pretty little 'ooman." " Oh, fie ! Mr. Jorrocks," said Mrs. Flather, diving into her bag, and producing her best pocket-handkerchief. " Fiddle, O fie ! " replied Mr. Jorrocks, " it's the truth, and that's all how and about it. I always says you're the neatest little 'ooman I know. I likes a little 'ooman." " I thought you'd like big ones," observed Mrs. Flather, looking archly at our friend. " Never such a thing ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, " never such a thing ! Little 'uns for my money." "Well, I'm sure I always thought you admired big women," observed Mrs. Flather. " Quite a mistake," replied Mr. Jorrocks, " quite a mistake ; I says big 'uns are only fit for grenadiers." "Well, that's my opinion," rejoined Mrs. Flather; " especially when they've moustarche," added she, with as sagacious a smile as her unmeaning face could muster. (Mrs. Trotter had a slight pencilling that way.) HILLIXGDOX HALL. 211 " Jnst so," said Mr. Jorrocks, giving her a poke and a wink. " Let's have your nob examined," said he, wishing to turn the conversation before Mrs. Flather made him commit himself further against Mrs. Trotter, a thing our friend had no intention of doing. " I should think," continued he, " you'll have some remarkable fine bamps observin' faculties, knowin' faculties, refl active faculties all sorts o' faculties, in fact." " Oh dear no ! no such thing ! " exclaimed Mrs. Flather, resisting Mr. Jorrocks's untying of her bonnet-string. " Jest me," said Mr. Jorrocks, as if he was nobody. Our friend then divested Mrs. Flather of her bonnet. " We'll begin with number one," said he, getting his outlines, and feeling Mrs. Flather behind the ear. " Bamp of amitiveness," said he, looking at his paper with a great black head at the top, marked into divisions corresponding with a classification below. " Bamp of amitiveness, werry large marriage, love. ijEOM Rome to Terracina, from Capua to Naples," observed the Duke of Donkeyton, travelling with his eye-glass down Orgiazzi's map of Italy, along with young hopeful, the Mar- quis of Bray, with whom he was arranging a route for a tour. The Duke and Duchess had had long and anxious confabs relative to their hopeful scion, caused, not a little, perhaps, by Mrs. Flather's invasion. They thought he would be getting into mischief, and, painful as the separation would be, they had determined to send him abroad for a year, under the superintendence of a steady old file, Professor Yarnington, one of the old straight-cut coat, upright- collared, pig-tailed, silk-stocking, short-black-gaitered breed of tutors ; a most orthodox-looking bear-leader. The Duke and the Marquis had set off on their travels after luncheon, and had advanced as far into the bowels of Italy as indicated in the opening sentence of this chapter, when, just as his Grace, with a twirl of his eye-glass, was throwing himself back in the luxurious depths of his arm- chair to twaddle about the wonders of Naples, and his own exploits there as a youngster, the library door opened, and the groom of the chambers approached at a somewhat hurried pace for a well-trained menial, bearing a rich salver with a black-sealed letter upon it. His Grace broke the seal, and proceeded to read it Thus it ran : HILLIXGDOX HALL. 441 "REFORM CLUB. " DEAE DUKE, Poor Guzzlegoose* has succeeded in kill- ing himself at last. He had been living at the Castle, at Richmond, for a fortnight, and died this morning of a most inordinate dinner. I happen to be passing through town, and despatch a special messenger with this by the evening train, as, of course, no time should be lost. Truly yours, " LOOKALIVE." " God bless us ! " said the Duke, throwing up his white- whiskered head ; " sad thing ! very sad thing ! " handing the Marquis the letter ; " sorry for him, monstrous sorry for him." "Pay the messenger. No answer," added he to the servant. " Poor man ! " said the Marquis, with a laugh, handing back the letter ; "he has long been trying to do it." " Great eater ! monstrous great eater ! " said the Duke. " He was that ! " rejoined the Marquis. " Great drinker ! monstrous great drinker ! " added the Duke. " However, my dear Jeems," continued he, folding up the map of Italy, " we must improve the opportunity be moving ; important event ! monstrous important event ! Kind of Lookalive to send us the intelligence ; monstrous kind of Lookalive to send us the intelligence ! " added he, ramming the map back into its case without regard to the folds. The first thing a great man does is to send for his lawyer. The lawyer is to the mind what the doctor is to the body. The king sends for his chancellor, the duke for his solicitor ; accordingly, a messenger was despatched to Sellborough for Mr. Smoothington ; and the Marquis was recommended to wipe away all trivial fond records of Rome and Terracina, Capua and Naples, from his mind, and prepare for the great struggle of political life. * The county member. 442 HILLINGDON HALL. Mr. Smoothington, though what is called a man of infor- mation that is to say, a great gossip a man who knew everybody's affairs in the county was rather behindhand in getting the news on the present occasion ; and several people had arrived in breathless haste at the Castle to announce the death of Mr. Guzzlegoose ere it reached Mr. Smoothington's ears at his office. Having examined and cross-examined the parties who brought the intelligence, and satisfied himself of the truth of it, he had just sent his clerk footman to order the lofty landaulet, when the Duke's messenger arrived, requiring his immediate presence. It needing no conjurer to proclaim what would be wanted, Mr. Smoothington made a hasty selection of popular addresses, and in his best black suit, with a fresh sprinkling of powder, was soon on his way to Donkeyton Castle. Mr. Smoothington affected the Duke indeed he was generally called " The Duke." He powdered his iron-grey locks, and kept the hair at the back of his head as full as possible ; had a large crop of whiskers under his chin now brushed up in full view. He also wore eye-glasses, though not at all short-sighted. Thus arrayed, he stepped into the lofty landaulet, and sitting well forward, as if fussing in the particular pocket that happened to be next a neighbour's house, he jolted away to the Castle. As he went, he thought of Guzzlegoose recalled his start in life, when, at the Marquis's age, in the bloom of youth, and the plenitude of looks, he was returned for the county. Thought of his maiden speech his early promise his maturer standstill his later failure. Remembered his Grecian nose, when there wasn't a speck upon it his waist when it resembled an hour-glass thought how succeeding sessions had blotched the one and swelled the other could hardly have believed the pale taper lad of one-and- twenty could have filled into the gross, overgrown, rubicund monster of five-and-forty. " No constitution, however strong," said Mr. Smoothing- ton aloud to himself, " can long withstand the united effects of eating and drinking." HILLINGDON HALL. 443 He then looked at his watch calculated what time he would arrive at Donkeyton wondered whether the Duke would ask him to dine. If so, whether he would produce any burgundy ; and, if not, why not, or how otherwise. The man of law was so long in getting to Donkeyton that the Duke began to fidget and think he could almost do without him. " Tiresome man monstrous tiresome man," said he to the Marquis, as he paced hurriedly up and down the spacious library. " Could do it ourselves could do it ourselves do believe we could do it ourselves," observed he to young hopeful. Just as they were preparing pens, ink, and paper, and the Duke and Duchess were busy fussing among a drawer- ful of papers containing the genealogical tree, and the bills and squibs connected with his Grace's first election for the county, the oracle arrived, and, hat in hand, waved his salaams up the room. Smoothington was a great courtier bowed extremely low tried to back out of rooms, an attempt which generally ended in his tumbling over a footstool, or almost cutting himself in two against an open door. When his hands were disengaged, he employed them in rubbing them one over another as if he were washing them. He had a long, pale, but not unpleasant face, and taking him altogether, he would have commanded five-and-forty or fifty pounds as a butler. If he had not kept the Duke waiting, his Grace would certainly have shaken hands with him, strongly symptomatic of electioneering, and a compliment he had not paid him since Mr. Smoothington attended with the eight-and-thirty skins of parchment containing his Grace's marriage settle- ment. As it was, the Duke exclaimed, " Ah, Mr. Smooth- ington, come at last ! come at last ! glad you are ! monstrous glad you are pray be seated! pray be seated ! " bowing him into a vacant chair in the neighbourhood of the throne. " Well," said he, squashing himself into the throne, and wheeling it close up to Mr. Smoothington, "you've heard poor Guzzlegoose is dead sorry for it monstrous sorry for it young man quite young man sure he would kill 444 HILLINGDON HALL. himself ate so much Perigord pie Perigord pie con- tinual Perigord pie." "Yes, he was extremely fond of Perigord pie, your Grace," observed Mr. Stnoothington, with a broad grin on his face, as he deposited his hat under his chair, and began working his hands. "Well, now," continued his Grace, putting a sheet of paper before Smoothington, " the first thing I suppose will be for the Marquis of Bray to issue an address, offering himself to the county." " The first thing for the Marquis of Bray to do will be to issue an address offering himself to the county, as your Grace observes," replied Mr. Smoothington, working away at his hands. " And, perhaps, the less we put in it the better," added the Duke. " The less we put in it the better," bowed Mr. Smooth- ington. " Then just draw up the form of what you think will do," rejoined the Duke, handing Mr. Smoothington a pen. Mr. Smoothington took it looked at the nib held it up to the light took out his knife pruned the feather and thus having collected his faculties, drew the roll of pre- cedents from his pocket." " Whether shall we call them, Freeholders of the county, or Free and Independent Electors ; or address them as the Gentry, Clergy, Freeholders, &c., of the county, does your Grace think ? " inquired Mr. Smoothington, dipping his pen in ink to obey the Duke's dictation. " Freeholders of the county," replied his Grace. " Freeholders of the county, I think," wrote Mr. Smooth- ington ; adding, " we must allude, I suppose, to the death of Mr. Guzzlegoose ? " " Of course," said the Duke. Mr. Smoothington then wrote "To THE FREEHOLDERS OF THE COUNTY OF " GENTLEMEN, A vacancy having occurred in the representation of our county by the lamented death of HILLINGDOX HALL. 445 Mr. Guzzlegoose, I hasten to offer my humble services in endeavouring to supply the loss that melancholy event has occasioned." "Will that do, does your Grace think?" asked Mr. Smoothington, looking up. " I think it will," replied the Duke ; adding, " read it over again." Mr. Smoothington read it over again. " Perhaps we may put in my friend, Mr. Guzzlegoose lamented death of my friend, Mr. Guzzlegoose," observed the Duke. " I think it would be better, your Grace," observed Mr. Smoothington, inserting the words. " Looks as if we identified ourselves with his opinions," added the Duke. " It does, your Grace," replied Mr. Smoothington. " May gain the extreme party," observed the Duke ; adding, " Guzzlegoose went farther than we do." " He did, your Grace," acquiesced Mr. Smoothington ; " rather of the whole hog order." "We had better deal in generalities now, I think," observed the Duke. " I think we had," agreed Mr. Smoothington. " Suppose we say, ' It is, I trust, unnecessary for me to enter into any detailed explanation of the principles by which my public conduct will be governed,' " observed the Duke ; " ' suffice it to say they are those which have been maintained by my family throughout many succeeding generations,'" added he. " Very good" observed Mr. Smoothington, reducing the sentence to writing as quick as possible. " Then," said the Duke, " we might say, ' In those prin- ciples I have been educated, and it is upon my sincere attachment to them that I ground my claim to your support.' " " Admirable ! " exclaimed Mr. Smoothington ; " nothing can be better," writing it down. The Duke then threw himself back in his chair as if 446 HILLINGDON HALL. overcome with fatigue, his whiskered face turned up to the rich fretwork ceiling. " Shall we say anything about a personal canvass, do you think ? " suggested the man of law. " Personal canvass ! " repeated the Duke ; " personal can- vass I don't know what to say about a personal canvass." " We, of the Liberal party, generally make a show of canvassing," observed Mr. Smoothington. "Very true," replied the Duke, "very true; might promise them one no occasion to make it, you know no occasion to make it." " Not unless there were symptoms of an opposition," replied Mr. Smoothington. " No fear of that," rejoined the Duke, " no fear of that. We are popular monstrous popular. Not like as if we were attempting the Tory seat. The seat is ours, you know the seat is ours. We returned Guzzlegoose." "Mr. Guzzlegoose always acknowledged the great obliga- tions he was under to your Grace," observed Mr. Smooth- ington. " Might say that he would take the earliest opportunity, consistently with the decorum to be observed on so melan- choly an occasion, of paying his personal respects to every elector, and affording them an opportunity of ascertaining the details of his political creed, or something of that sort," observed the Duke. " It would look as if Jeems intended doing it, and yet not bind him." " It would," replied Mr. Smoothington. " Canvasses are nasty things," observed the Duke. " Re- member a drunken fish-fag taking me in her arms, and hugging and kissing me before the crowd," added he, with a shudder. " It is a season of great freedom," observed Mr. Smooth- ington. " Might do the same by Jeems," continued the Duke ; "give him the Scotch-fiddle perhaps, or some such nasty complaint. Nasty business canvassing altogether," added he; "should have abolished it with the Keform Bill. However, there's no fear of a contest. No one would be HILLINGDON HALL. 447 fool enough to risk a crusade against our popularity. We are popular monstrous popular, I suppose ? " asked he of the keeper of his popularity. " Oh, very popular indeed" replied Mr. Smoothington, with due emphasis. " Should think so," said the Duke " should think so have subscribed to two organs, two churches, three races, and I don't know what else of late." " The Corn-Law League might trouble your Grace per- haps," suggested Mr. Smoothington. " I think not," replied the Duke " I think not," repeated he. " They don't know but Jeems, the Marquis, may be for immediate and total repeal. That address pledges him to nothing that address pledges him to nothing." " It does not, your Grace," agreed Mr. Smoothington. " I don't think we can do better," added his Grace, after a pause. " Time enough to speak out when we're pressed time enough to speak out when we're pressed." " It is so, your Grace," assented Mr. Smoothington. " Just run over a fair copy of the address, then," said the Duke, " and let us hear how it reads. While you are doing it I'll order you some wine and water, and a biscuit a cutlet, or anything you would like to have." "Not anything, I am much obliged to your Grace," replied Mr. Smoothington ; " I never eat luncheon," added he, making an effort for a dinner. He then made the following fair copy : "To THE FREEHOLDEKS OF THE COUNTY OF " GENTLEMEN, A vacancy having occurred in the repre- sentation of our county by the lamented death of my friend Mr. Guzzlegoose, I hasten to offer my humble services in endeavouring to supply the loss that melancholy event has occasioned. " It is, I trust, unnecessary for me to enter into any detailed explanation of the principles by which my public conduct will be governed. Suffice it to say they are those which have been maintained by my family throughout succeeding generations. In those principles I have been 448 HILLINGDON HALL. educated, and it is upon my sincere attachment to them that I ground my claim to your support. " I will take the earliest opportunity, consistently with the decorum to be observed on so melancholy an occasion, of paying my personal respects to every elector ; and, in the meantime, I have the honour to subscribe myself, gentle- men, with every sentiment of respect and esteem, your very faithful, humble servant, " BRAY." "DOKKEYTON CASTLE." His Grace then took and read it. " That will do very well," said he, returning it. " And now have the kindness to put it in the printer's hands immediately, and let it be advertised and placarded about the county. Much obleged to you for your attendance sorry you can't stay dinner hope we shall be more fortu- nate another time ! " With which tantalising politeness his Grace rose to witness Mr. Smoothington's backward retreat up the room, which he accomplished with a bump against a globe, and upsetting a banner-screen. That modest body, the "Anti-Corn-Law League," no sooner saw the Marquis's address, than they inquired, through their chairman, his lordship's opinions relative to their pet subject the Corn Laws ; an interference that the Duke could not brook from parties unconnected with the county, and therefore desired the Marquis to take no notice of their application. No answer was returned. A second and third letter followed with similar success. This nettled the great law- givers, who pulled the strings in London, and set all their men of weight a going in the county men in whom the greatness of the leaders was well reflected. Eeports of these meetings were duly brought to the Castle, but the Duke's cue being known, the parties underrated them as much as possible. " Contemptible ! monstrous con- temptible ! " the Duke said they were. The next thing was his Grace reading in the Whig paper, The Dozey Independent, or True Blue Patriot, a paragraph announcing that the League had determined upon starting HILLIXGDON HALL. 449 a candidate in the person of " William Bowker, Esq., of Whetstone Park, in the County of Middlesex, a merchant of great weight and respectability in the City of London " respectability in City parlance meaning money. The reader will be astonished how Bill, the " snuff-shop man," could have jumped so suddenly from the humble region of Eagle Street into the magnificence of Whetstone Park, in the County of Middlesex. Some may suppose it was with the League money, while others will put it down as an im- probability. Let any one, however, take his hat, and a cab (if one can get up), and explore the alley running parallel between High Holborn and Lincoln's Inn Fields, consisting, as it does, of a heterogeneous collection of stables, with garrets above, joiners' shops, cobblers' stalls, and tenement houses ; a street or bye street, or back street, a few shades worse than Eagle Street. This wretched alley is dignified by the name of " Whetstone Park," and thither Mrs. Bowker and her sister had taken refuge when their too frequent visitor, the appraiser, came again to seize for rent and taxes. It was a lucky turn, however, for Bill, who now called himself a retired merchant living on his property. His League excursions so far had not benefited him much ; he was too far gone to rally in a short time, and the more money Mrs. Bowker thought he got, the more brandy she drank, and the more mosaic jewellery she bought. But to the Duke. His Grace was dumfoundered when he read this announce- ment, nor did he recover much when, on turning to the front, or advertisement page, he read Mr. Bowker's address, announcing that, in compliance with a numerous and highly respectable requisition, he was induced to come forward to endeavour to supply the vacancy caused by the lamented death of Mr. Guzzlegoose. It then proceeded to denounce all restrictions upon trade, more especially upon that con- nected with the food of man, and concluded by announcing Mr. Bowker's intention of being speedily in the county to make a personal canvass of the electors, and pledging himself to give every man an opportunity of registering his vote in favour of enlightened and rational policy. It 45 HILLLNGDON HALL. concluded, " Believe me to be, gentlemen, with unfeigned esteem, your faithful and sincere friend, "WM. BOWKER. "WHETSTONE PARK." " God bless us ! who ever heard such a thing ! " exclaimed the Duke, dropping the paper lifelessly from his hand. " Who ever heard of such a thing ! " repeated he, with a sigh ; " bearded in one's own county by the Lord knows who ! These are the blessings of the Reform Bill. To think that I should have lived to see such a thing ! Told Grey and Russell, and all of them, that they were going too far. Never thought to get such a return for giving up my boroughs. Oh dear ! oh dear ! what will the world come to ? To think of Jeems being defrauded of his birthright ! " " Shalln't be the case, though," added the Duke, boiling with indignation. " Will spend my last shilling before I'll give up my seat." Thereupon his Grace took another look at the hateful address. " William Bowker ! " said he, with a sneer ; " wonder who the fellow is. Some millionaire some opium smuggler some impudent upstart millowner ! Oh, that Jeems should be brought in contact with such a man. Had it been a member of some old county family, with their bigoted pride and Tory prejudices, one could have tolerated it ; but to be bearded by William Bowker, of Whetstone Park, in the County of Middlesex a man of yesterday a mushroom a nobody, in fact it's disgusting ! " Thereupon his Grace threw the paper on the floor. After a few minutes spent in a reverie, during which the Duke passed rapidly through his mind the political events of his early life, contrasting the comfortable arrangements of those days with the angry struggles of the present, he again roused himself, and determined to do something, though he didn't know what. A man in that situation generally rings the bell, and his Grace did so. " Send Binks here," said his Grace, as a footman answered the summons. HILLINGDON HALL. 451 " Binks is out shooting, your Grace," replied the man. " Out shooting ! " repeated the Duke ; " that's awkward want to see him particularly," his Grace's wishes increasing as the means of gratifying them diminished. " Send a groom up to the valet's covert to desire Binks to come here directly," said his Grace impatiently. " Tell Binks to get on to the groom's horse and ride," exclaimed the Duke, as the astonished footman vanished like lightning. " The valet's covert " was a wood kept exclusively for the amusement of those useful gentry " upper servants," and there not being many strangers in it in the course of the season, it fell more immediately to the share of Binks and the Castle " gentlemen," who were now giving the pheasants a rattling. Binks was the Duke's oracle ; he knew, or pro- fessed to know, everything. Great was Binks's astonishment when the hurrying groom interrupted the "Heigh ! cock I cock ! cock ! " of the beaters, by exclaiming, " Mr. Binks ! Mr. Binks ! come home directly ! come home directly ! the Duke wants you ! the Duke wants you ! " Out came Binks, all bustle and briars, with a face like a turkey-cock, wondering what had happened. " Get on to my horse and ride ! " exclaimed the groom, jumping off and lengthening the stirrups. " What's happened ? " inquired Binks, turning deadly pale ; " the Duke's not ill, is he ? " " I don't know," replied the groom. Off went Binks at a gallop. Arrived at the Castle, he hurried up into the presence, attired as he was, with his whistle dangling at his velveteen jacket button-hole. " Binks," said the Duke, " do you know where Whetstone Park is ? " 452 HILLINGDON HALL. "Whetstone Park!" repeated Binks, standing trans- fixed. " Whetstone Park, in the County of Middlesex/ said the Duke. " Yes, your Grace," replied Binks ; " I should say it's near Isleworth." " Isleworth ! " repeated the Duke. " Isleworth ! Isle- worth ! that's near Sion House." " The Duke of Northumberland's," replied Binks. " Do you know anything of a Mr. William Bowker living there ? " asked the Duke. " Mr. William Bowker," considered Binks " Mr. William Bowker ; can't say I do. Perhaps he's a City man," suggested Binks, as a reason why he should not know him. " He is," replied the Duke ; " the paper here," holding up old Dozey, " says he's going to stand for the county." " Indeed ! " exclaimed Binks, in astonishment. " What ! oppose the Marquis ? " asked he. "So the paper says" replied the Duke, with a shrug of the shoulders. " Must be mad," said Binks, with a toss of the head. " I should think so," rejoined the Duke, with another shrug of the shoulders. " Send for Mr. Smoothington," added he. Binks hurried away to execute the order. The messenger met Mr. Smoothington at the Gothic lodge. That eminent solicitor had been shocked, on awaken- ing in the morning, at finding his whole front covered with enormous placards, containing Mr. Bowker's address, and great bills, printed in blue ink, with " BOWKEK FOR EVER ! " pasted over his nice green door. The town of Sellborough was in a perfect ferment far surpassing anything it had ever seen even in the palmiest days of borough ascendancy. The League didn't spare paper. Every house-end every dead wall was covered with their blue bills. A cartload had been put up during the night. As day advanced, a band paraded the streets, and public-houses were freely opened. Mr. Smoothington was hustled by a party of drunken HILLINGDON HALL. 453 men, shouting " Bowker for ever ! " as he stepped into the rickety landaulet that was again to convey him to Donkey ton Castle. Worse than all, some wicked wag posted a great "BowKER FOE EVER" placard against the back of the carriage. Mr. Smoothington was terror-struck Whetstone Park had told upon him. A man in his frame of mind was ill calculated to advise the Duke, who was just in a state to be turned either way. If Smoothington had shown a bold front, the Duke, who had seen none of the preparations, would have determined to show fight ; as it was, his own inclination being for temporising, Mr. Smoothington's advice would determine him that way. His Grace rose from his easy-chair as Mr. Smoothington entered the library, and welcomed him with a shake of the hand. " Tell us all about it," exclaimed the Duke, hurrying the man of law into a chair. " Tell us all about it," repeated he, resuming his own seat, and drawing his chair close to Mr. Smoothington's. * Who is this Mr. Bowker ? " asked the Duke, before his factotum could get out a word. " Keally, your Grace, I don't know," replied Mr. Smoothing- ton ; " the whole thing has come upon me like a clap of thunder. I certainly did hear that the League people had held meetings in Sellborough ; but knowing the parties, I really looked upon them as too contemptible for notice." " So did I," exclaimed the Duke, " so did I impudent people monstrous impudent people wrote to Jeems to know his opinions took no notice of them took no notice of them. Tell me now what have they done ? what have they done ? " " Your Grace, I presume, has seen Mr. Bowker's address," replied Mr. Smoothington, pulling one of the enormous placards out of his pocket, unfolding, and handing it to his Grace. His Grace read " To the gentry, clergy, freeholders, and other electors of the county of 454 HILLIXGDOX HALL. " GENTLEMEN, In compliance with a numerous and highly respectable requisition " " Ah, this is the same as we have in Dozey" said the Duke, breaking off; "but tell me now," said he, laying it down, " has he arrived ? Does anybody know anything about him?" " He is to make a public entry into Sellborough at three o'clock this afternoon, your Grace," replied Mr. Smoothington, " and the town was in a perfect uproar when I came away." " You don't say so ! " replied the Duke, holding up both hands. " The country the same," continued Mr. Smoothington ; " all along the road the people kept shouting ' Bowker for ever ! ' even the children in the villages ! " " Great heavens ! " exclaimed the Duke. " Quite true, I assure your Grace. Two or three fellows that overtook me bawled into the chaise ' Bowker for ever ! ' as they passed." " You don't say so ? " exclaimed the Duke. "He is a rich man, I suppose," observed the Duke, after a long pause. " I should think so," replied Mr. Smoothington. " At all events he seems inclined to spare no expense. He's taken the whole of the ' Duke's Head.' " Why, that's our house ! " exclaimed his Grace. " How could Tucker ever let him in ? " " There's dinner ordered for six. Champagne in ice wax candles and rose-water saw the order myself," observed Mr. Smoothington. " Indeed ! " said the Duke, with a chuck of the head. " Feather bed atop of the mattress seems a most par- ticular gentleman," added Mr. Smoothington. " Well, what do you think is best to be done ? " asked the Duke, after conning the great placard. "We must do something." "Upon my word it's a critical position," replied Mr. Smoothington. " A contest's a disagreeable thing." " Monstrous disagreeable ! " exclaimed the Duke, with an emphasis. HILLIXGDOX HALL. 455 " This has the appearance of being an expensive one," observed Mr. Smoothington. " Money seems no object. Public-houses opened, and ale flowing like water." " The expense is not the worst of it," replied the Duke. " I dread the canvass ! I dread the canvass ! " " They are nasty things," replied Mr. Smoothington. "Jeems is not strong," said the Duke. " Jeems is not strong ; might knock him up might knock him up." " Very true, your Grace," replied Mr. Smoothington. " Might get insulted," observed the Duke, thinking of the kissing he got from the fish-fag. " He might so, your Grace," assented Mr. Smoothington. " Do you think we could enlarge upon our address so as to meet the views of the League, and get rid of the opposi- tion ? " asked the Duke, after a pause. " Let me see, your Grace," said Mr. Smoothington, pro- ducing a printed copy of the address. " You see there's very little in it," observed the Duke. "Very general, your Grace," replied Mr. Smoothington, conning it over. " I said we'd put as little in it as possible, you know," observed the Duke. " You did so, your Grace," assented Mr. Smoothington ; " and a very prudent and fortunate resolution it was." " The least said soonest mended, always," said his Grace. " The least said soonest mended," repeated Mr. Smooth- ington, working his hands. " Well, now, what do you think ? " asked the Duke, anxious to have something for his three guineas and chaise-hire. " There will be two points to consider," observed the man of law, after a pause ; " first, whether Mr. Bowker wants a seat in Parliament independently of the Corn Laws ; and secondly, whether, by the Marquis of Bray declaring himself against the Corn Laws, he might not stir up an opposition from the landed interest." "Ha!" said the Duke, "I see. The first will be the difficulty getting rid of Bowker; I'm not afraid of an opposition among ourselves. Who's to do it ? Who's to 4 5 6 HILLINGDON HALL. do it ? We are popular monstrous popular ! I suppose, ar'nt we ? " " Very popular indeed'' replied Mr. Smoothington. " I think if we could enlarge our liberality so as to satisfy the League, we might get rid of the opposition," observed the Duke. " / really do" added he. Smoothington now saw which way the wind blew, and prepared to trim his sail accordingly. " If it hadn't been the League, we shouldn't have had an opposition," observed he. " Very true," replied the Duke, " very true." " Get rid of the League get rid of the opposition," observed Mr. Smoothington. "Perfectly correct," said the Duke; adding, "accurate view monstrous accurate view ! " " No time should be lost," observed Mr. Smoothington. " No time should be lost," repeated the Duke. " The thing is how to set about it," observed Mr. Smooth- ington. " There's the difficulty," said the Duke. " If one knew anybody who knew this Bowker that one could set to sound him," observed Mr. Smoothington. "That would be the way," said the Duke, "but I'm afraid that's not possible. London man not likely to have any acquaintance down here." " You might go to him," said the Duke, " with another address similar to the one now in circulation, with the addition of a reference to Free Trade, and pretend that the omission was accidental, and say that you hope, as the Marquis of Bray and himself are quite of the same way of thinking, he will bow to his Lordship's superior claims, and let him in without a contest." " Very good," replied Mr. Smoothington, looking at the Marquis's address, saying, " where shall we add it ? " " Here in the second paragraph," said the Duke, reading " ' It is, I trust, unnecessary for me to enter into any detailed explanation of the principles by which my public conduct will be governed. Suffice it to say they are those which have been maintained by my family throughout HILLLNGDOX HALL. 457 succeeding generations the liberal improvements of our institutions, the enlargement and removal of every obstacle to the extension of our commercial prosperity,' " said the Duke. " Don't name the Corn Laws," said he ; " put it generally, and then the farmers won't be frightened. Then go on again as before. ' In those principles I have been educated, and it is upon my sincere attachment to them that I ground my claim to your support/ " concluded the Duke. " I understand your Grace," said Mr. Smoothington. " Then I must wait upon Mr. Bowker with a copy of it ? " "Just so," said the Duke. "Tell him either that the omission was accidental, or that we left it out for brevity's sake." " I'll do as your Grace desires," observed Mr. Smoothington. " Be civil to the man, you know," added the Duke. " Certainly, your Grace." "The sooner it is done the better," observed the Duke, applying his hand to the bell, saying at the same time " Would you like a little refreshment ? " " Not any, I am much obliged to your Grace," replied Mr. Smoothington, tying up his papers. " Then order Mr. Smoothington's carriage," said the Duke, as the servant answered the summons. " Despatch a messenger the moment you have anything to tell," said his Grace, shaking hands with Mr. Smooth- ington, as that gentleman took his leave. Two shakes in one day. ( 458 ) CHAPTER XLII. When creeping murmur, and the poring dark, Fill the wide vessel of the universe." |T was turning dusk as Mr. Smoothington reached the hill above Sellborough on his way back from Donkeyton Castle, but the wind setting towards him, sounds of music, and drunken revelry were borne on its wings. Mr. Bowker had made a grand entry into the town at three o'clock, amid the most enthusiastic demonstrations from the populace. They met his carriage at the turn- pike gate, on what had been the London, but was now called the Smoke Station road, and, having taken the four panting posters from it, had drawn him through all the principal streets, preceded by numerous splendid banners, and two bands of music. The honourable gentleman had made a most favourable impression. He was dressed in the height of the fashion a mulberry-coloured frock-coat with a rolling velvet collar, and a velvet waistcoat of a few shades brighter colour than the coat ; an extensive flowered satin cravat, with massive electrotype chained pins, fawn-coloured leathers, and Hessian boots. His touring excursions having supplied him with an abundant stock of health, he presented a very different appearance to what the generality of country people imagine a London merchant to be like. Altogether, he created an indescribable sensation ; and as he passed along, standing up in his barouche, bowing gracefully to the ladies, they waved their handkerchiefs, and declared he was " a most charming man." Then, when he HILLLNGDON HALL. 459 got to the " Duke's Head," he appeared in the balcony of the drawing-room, and addressed them on the importance of the privilege they would soon be called upon to exercise. After alluding touchingly to the lamented death of Mr. Guzzlegoose, he called upon them to exercise the elective franchise in such a way as would be beneficial to them- selves, their posterity, and their country at large, when the elegance of his manner, and the graceful flourishes of his lavender-colour kidded hand, carried all before it, and men, women, and children hurrahed, and shouted " Bowker for ever ! " But when he came to expatiate on their wrongs, pointed out the injury they sustained by the operation of the Corn Laws, exposed their exclusive workings for the benefit of the landlords, and called upon them to support a candidate favourable to their immediate and total repeal, the enthusiasm of the mob knew no bounds, and every hand was held up in favour of Mr. Bowker " Big- loaf Bowker," as he christened himself. After partaking of some light refreshment, he then com- menced his canvass, amid the ringing of bells, the rolling of drums, the twanging of horns, and the shouts of the populace ; and if unregistered promises could have brought him in, Mr. Bowker would certainly have been member for the county. Thus he spent the day shaking hands praising and admiring the children, chucking damsels under the chin promising all things to all men. At length, tired of the din and flurry of the proceedings, Mr. Bowker was glad when five o'clock came ; and with his old friend Mr. St. Julien Sinclair, and his committee, Mr. Lishman, a bankrupt baker, Mr. Grace, an insolvent painter, Mr. Moss, a radical school- master, and Mr. Noble, a sold-off farmer, he left the streets to enjoy the evening repast at the "Duke's Head." The landlord, Mr. Tucker, in a white waistcoat, followed by his waiter and boots in their best apparel, met the distinguished guests at the door, and conducted them to the drawing- room. Mr. Bowker, after begging to be excused a few minutes 460 HILLINGDON HALL. while he went and washed his hands (a thing his committee never thought of doing), retired to his bedroom, and made a perfect revision of his costume. When he returned he was in an evening dress, smart blue coat with club buttons and velvet collar and cuffs, white neckcloth, superbly embroidered waistcoat, with black silk tights, and buckled shoes. He dangled a pair of primrose-coloured kid gloves in his hand* "We may as well ring for dinner," observed the florid swell, entering the drawing-room, and surveying the seedy crew sitting round. He gave a pull that sounded through the house. The dinner was quickly served, and as quickly despatched by the hungry guests, several of whom had not tasted meat for a week. Champagne, hock, claret, sparkled on the board, and was swallowed by some whose stomachs were much more accustomed to beer. As evening shades made the sherry indistinguishable from the port or claret, and Mr. Tucker, in obedience to the Squire of Whetstone Park's summons, was bearing a branching candelabra through the passage on his way up- stairs, Mr. Smoothington arrived at the door of the hotel, and begged Mr. Tucker to carry his card up to Mr. Bowker. Accordingly that functionary did so. " Smoothington ! " said Bill, glancing at the gilt-edged pasteboard with the easy indifference of a man accustomed to callers. " Smoothington ! who is he ? " " Smoothington ! " exclaimed the bankrupt baker and sold-off farmer, each of whom were undergoing Mr. Smooth- ington's polite attentions. "Is he an elector?" inquired Bill, considering whether he should see him. " He's the Duke of Donkeyton's solicitor," replied mine host. " Indeed ! " observed Mr. Bowker ; adding, " show him into a room, and I'll ring and let you know when it's convenient for me to see him." IIILLINGDOff HALL. 461 " Yes, sir," said Mr. Tucker. / " Help yourselves, gentlemen," said Mr. Bowker, filling his glass, and passing the bottle. " We'd better cut our sticks, I think," observed the baker, significantly, to the Corn-Law ruined farmer. " I think so too," replied the latter. " And I'll go with you," added Mr. Grace, the insolvent painter, who lived in a house belonging to the Duke. " Oh no, gentlemen," said Bill, " don't disturb yourselves don't disturb yourselves I'll receive Mr. Smoothington in the other room." " We'll go there ! " exclaimed all three " we'll go there ! " thinking to avoid meeting Mr. Smoothington on the stairs. " Take a bottle of wine with you ! " said Bill, pushing the port towards them. " Thank ye we'd prefer glasses and pipes," observed Mr. Lishman. " Ah, you are the right sort, I see," replied Bill ; " nothing like baccy." They all then bundled out. " Just put the table right, and take these dirty plates away," said Mr. Bowker, as the landlord answered the expected summons. "Now, give a couple of clean glasses, and tell Mr. Smoothington I shall be happy to see him," said Bill, twirling the card about. Mr. Smoothington's creaking boots presently sounded on the stairs as he ascended two steps at a time. Another moment, and he was bowing and scraping in the room. "Mr. Smoothington, I believe," said Mr. Bowker, rising and bowing to the stranger. " The same," replied the man of law, making one of his best Donkeyton Castle bows, and laying his hand on his heart. " Pray, be seated," said Mr. Bowker ; " pray, be seated," 46z HILLINGDON HALL. said he, laying his hand on the back of the chair, by the clean glasses and plate. Mr. Smoothington put his hat under the chair, and obeyed the injunction. " Take a glass of wine," said Mr. Bowker, passing the bottle across. " That's claret without the label ; you'll find it better than the port." " Thank you, sir," said Mr. Smoothington, helping himself to the claret. " Confound these country inns," observed Mr. Bowker, " they've no notion of doing things properly. Only fancy ! they sent up champagne without being iced ! " " Indeed ! " exclaimed Mr. Smoothington. " Did, 'pon honour," said Bill, with a shake of the head. " The claret's not what it should be, but the landlord says it's the best he can give. I'm sorry I can offer you no better dessert than these filberts and biscuits," added he ; " but to tell you the truth, I've had the misfortune to lose my footman and part of my luggage." " Indeed ! " exclaimed Mr. Smoothington, with a look of concern. " He's either left behind at a station, or carried past the right one ; at all events, when I wanted him he was not to be found. The worst of it is," added Bill, " he had a couple of pine-apples and some fine grapes, that my gardener poor fellow thought would be a treat for me in the country." " Indeed ! " rejoined Mr. Smoothington ; " that is a loss ; " as much as to say, the footman was nothing. " Why, it is a loss, as things stand," said Bill, " for I should have liked to have offered you a slice. As for myself, I care nothing about them ; but we are supposed to grow the finest in England." " You. are very kind, I'm sure," replied Mr. Smoothington ; adding, " have you much glass ? " "Three houses, I think," said Bill; "three pineries that's to say, three vineries ; peach-house or two. But I care very little about a garden." " Pay more attention to your park, perhaps," observed Mr. Smoothington. HILLINGDON HALL. 463 " Ay, there you have it ! " said Bill, brightening up ; " there you have it," repeated he. " My friend, Lord Scampington, pays me the compliment of saying I've the finest venison in England." " Have you indeed ? " exclaimed Mr. Smoothington, who dearly loved the cut of a haunch, particularly when he could get a glass of Burgundy after it. " Help yourself," said Mr. Bowker, pushing the bottles towards him, thinking his friend would want something to wash the lies he was telling him down with. Mr. Smooth- ington did as desired. Pending the gulp which followed, he bethought him of business. " I hope you are not tired with the exertion of your can- vass," observed Mr. Smoothington, rubbing hand over hand. " Why, not tired," said Bill, with an air of indifference ; " not tired rather bored." " You are on the Eepeal interest, I perceive," said Mr. Smoothington. " Repeal decidedly," replied Bill. " By the way, did you see my little English and big American loaf dangling from the balcony as you came in ? " " It was dusk," replied Mr. Smoothington ; " and there was a great crowd about." " Looking at it, I dare say," said Bill. " The best dodge yet." " The Corn Laws must be repealed," observed Mr. Smooth- ington ; " every thinking man must be satisfied of that. I think, however, it is rather a pity for two champions to start in the same cause when only one can come in." " How so ! " exclaimed Mr. Bowker ; adding, " what ! is there another Richard in the field ? " " The Marquis of Bray and yourself," observed Mr. Smoothington. " The Marquis of Bray's the other way," replied Mr. Bowker. " Pardon me," rejoined Mr. Smoothington. " He wouldn't declare himself, at all events," observed Bill, " and we politicians generally consider those that are not for us are against us." " It was partly out of delicacy to the memory of Mr. 464 HILLINGDON HALL. Guzzlegoose, and partly a mistake of mine ! " observed Mr. Smoothington. " How so ? " asked Bill, filling himself a bumper, and passing the bottle. "Why, I prepared his Lordship's address, the draft of which I now produce," said Mr. Smoothington, diving into the back pocket of his coat, and producing some ominous red-taped papers. " In this draft, as you will perceive," continued he, opening it out, " distinct allusion is made to all restrictions on trade, including, of course, the Corn Laws ; but, by an unfortunate clerical error, that important sentence was omitted, and the bill printed and posted without " " That's very odd," observed Mr. Bowker ; adding, " shows great inattention on " " I was called away at the moment to attend a relation who was dying," interrupted Mr. Smoothington. " Well, but why didn't the Marquis answer the League letters ? " asked Bill ; adding, " great body of that sort is entitled to respect, even from a Marquis." " That was a pity, certainly," replied Mr Smoothington. "If I had been at home it would have been otherwise. These young men, you see, are unused to business inatten- tive. I can answer for it, however, that not the slightest disrespect was meant to the League." " Hum ! " considered Bill. " It certainly seems a pity," continued Mr Smoothington, " that two candidates of the same opinions should offer them- selves for the same seat ; to say nothing of the probability, nay, certainty, of the Tories putting up a man, and getting it from them." " I'm not afraid of the Tories," replied Bill ; " as a party they are contemptible against the League." " Single-handed, they are, I dare say," agreed Mr. Smoothington ; " but if the League interest is split, a very small party will defeat it." " True ! " observed Mr. Bowker, seeing how the thing would cut. "Well, then, the best thing will be for the Marquis of Bray to retire," added he ; " can be no difficulty about that, you know." HILLIXGDON HALL. 465 " Except that the Marquis's interest has always been paramount in the county." " Time there was a change then," observed Bill. " The Keform Bill ought to have put all that right." " I'm afraid I could hardly advise the Marquis to retire," observed Mr. Smoothington, after a long pause. " You can hardly expect me to do it, I think, after all the expense I've incurred," replied Mr. Bowker. " Perhaps we could accommodate matters," suggested Mr. Smoothington, helping himself to the proffered bottles. " The Duke has great interest in the neighbouring borough of Swillington, and a dissolution can't be far off; his interest there might return you comfortably for a long session, with- out trouble or expense." Mr. Bowker sat silent, apparently considering the matter. " County representations are very troublesome," observed Mr. Smoothington ; " people never done asking schools, churches, hospitals, infirmaries, races, plays, farces, devil- ments of all sorts no gratitude either. At Swillington there's nothing but a dinner, and a guinea a-head to the voters ; five hundred pounds would do it." " I should still lose all the expenses I have been at here," observed Mr. Bowker. " That could be accommodated too," replied Mr. Smooth- ington. " Consider the trouble, though," bristled Mr. Bowker. " What can compensate me for my trouble, mental anxiety, and so on ? " " True ! " assented Mr. Smoothington, unable to price it. " Separation from family," urged Mr. Bowker. " Very true," replied Mr. Smoothington. " Leaving one's own comfortable home for a filthy frowsy inn, where they haven't even the common decency, I may almost say, necessary of life, ice for champagne." "This, I fear, is beyond the reach of our control," ob- served Mr. Smoothington, rolling his hands over and over. " Money can't put that right," said Mr. Bowker. Mr. Smoothington shook his head. "It's an unfortunate 2 G 466 H1LLINGDON HALL. thing that the Marquis and you should have come in collision," said he. " It is," said Mr. Bowker, " most unfortunate." " The Duke is a most amiable person," observed Mr. Smoothington ; " so is the Duchess ; you'd like them if you knew them." "Faith, I'm not a great man for the nobility," observed Mr. Bowker. " Am very much of an old friend of mine's way of thinking; who says that they first try to make towels, and then dish-clouts of one." " The Duke of Donkeyton doesn't," replied Mr. Smooth- ington ; " he's always the same." " Good fellow, is he ? " asked Mr. Bowker. " Very" replied Mr. Smoothington. " And the Marquis, what's he like ? " asked Mr. Bowker. " Very fine young man," said Mr. Smoothington. " Indeed ! " mused Mr. Bowker. " Perhaps you'd go over with me and talk to the Marquis ? " observed Mr. Smoothington, after a pause. " Why, I don't know," replied Mr. Bowker ; "I dare say we can do all he could." " No doubt," rejoined Mr. Smoothington ; " no doubt. The Duke will ratify whatever I do." " You are his factotum, I suppose," observed Mr. Bowker. " The Duke does nothing without consulting me," replied Mr. Smoothington, with a self-complacent smile. " It's an awkward business," mused Mr. Bowker ; " com- menced my canvass extremely popular great disappoint- ment enormous expense." " The expense should be no object," replied Mr. Smooth- ington, ." if you could only get over the rest." Mr. Bowker meditated. "Nay, I don't want to drive a hard bargain," at length said he, with an air of indifference. " It's only right you should not be out of pocket," replied Mr. Smoothington ; " indeed, I should consider it my duty to see that you were not, the mistake having originated partly with myself." " Well," said Mr. Bowker, again helping himself, and HILLIXGDOX HALL. 467 passing the bottle, "your proposition appears reasonable fair, I may say." " I am glad you think so," replied Mr. Smoothington ; " there is only one way of dealing with gentlemen like you." " Let me see," said Mr. Bowker, rubbing his hands ; " it is that the Duke returns me for Swillington at the general election, and pays my present expenses that's to say, up to to-night ? " " I'll agree to that on behalf of his Grace," replied Mr. Smoothington, bowing and helping himself. " It may save trouble," said Bill, " if I take a sum down. There are expenses in town as well as here," added he. " As you please," replied Mr. Smoothington. " What shall we say ? " " Put it in at your own figure," said Bill, with a shrug of the shoulders, and an air of indifference. " A thousand ! say a thousand ! " added he. This was a good deal more than Mr. Smoothington expected; but coming from a man with three pineries, and the best venison going, he thought it better to close than to haggle ; especially as he was dealing for a Duke. " Agreed," said Mr. Smoothington. " Help yourself," said Mr. Bowker, again passing the bottle, " and drink success to the Marquis of Bray." Mr. Bowker drank it in a bumper. " His lordship will be much flattered when I tell him the compliment you've paid him," said Mr. Smoothington, filling his glass and doing the same. " You may as well give me a cheque for the money to-night," said Bill, " and let me get out of this noisy place before they resume their racket in the morning." " With all my heart," replied Mr. Smoothington, thinking he had better clench the bargain and get an agreement of resignation at the same time. Pens, ink, and paper being then produced, Mr. Smoothington filled up a cheque for the required sum, and took a memorandum of the agreement from Mr. Bowker, who got a duplicate signed by Mr. S., on behalf of the Duke of Donkeyton. Exulting in his diplomacy, Mr. Smoothington shortly after 468 HILLINGDON HALL. backed out of the room, not, however, without receiving a pressing invitation from Bill to visit him at Whetstone Park. With a somewhat swimming head, Mr. Smoothington descended the inn stairs ; and, after ordering an express to come to his house, as soon as he could get ready, he sat down at his desk at home to write his letter to Donkeyton Castle just as the market-place clock chimed midnight. CHAPTER XLIII. " Thus far our fortune keeps an onward course, And we are graced with wreaths of victory." SHAKSPEARE. R. SMOOTHINGTON felt as if he had performed the greatest feat in his life. Single-handed, he had saved the county from a contest. Thus he announced the victory to the Duke : " MY LORD DUKE, I have the honour to acquaint yoa that, after a long interview with Mr. Bowker, I have at length succeeded in inducing that gentleman to retire from the contest. " I found him most genteel, affable, and urbane ; but his ambition of obtaining a seat in Parliament, and the great expense he had already incurred, together with the popularity he had acquired, made him reluctant to lose his hold upon the electors. After, however, pressing upon his consideration the similarity of the Marquis of Bray's (amended) political opinions and his own, together with your lordship's old family claims upon the county, Mr. Bowker, in the most gentlemanly manner, consented to retire, on the understanding that your lordship affords him your interest at Swillington, at the general election, and pays the costs of the day. These, to save trouble, and for the sake of round numbers, he has put down at one thousand pounds, be the same more or less, for which sum I have given him a cheque on my banker, and I now most sincerely trust that the Marquis of Bray may succeed to the seat of his ancestors without further let, suit, trouble, molestation, hindrance, or delay. 470 HILLINGDON HALL. " I have the honour to subscribe myself, my Lord Duke, with the greatest respect, your much obliged and very humble servant, " PETER SMOOTHINGTON, Sdlborough. " To the most noble, the, Duke, of Dorikeyton, Dorikeyton Castle. " IMMEDIATE. BY EXPRESS. ONE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING." His lordship had retired to rest at his usual hour, hoping to drown in sleep the painful subject that had occupied the Duchess's and his attention since Mr. Smoothington's departure, having first given orders to Binks to send up any letter that might arrive the moment it came. Sleep, how- ever, was banished from his eyelids. The horrible phantom of a monstrous bloated citizen passed continually before his vision, and " BOWKER FOR EVER " sounded in his ears. Sometimes, when just dropping off asleep, he fancied himself in the clutches of the fish-fag, and his efforts to disengage himself awoke him. Twelve, one, two, three, and four o'clock, he successively heard strike, and he began to long for daylight. Towards five, just as he really was likely to succeed, a little, gentle tapping, that could hardly awake a mouse, sounded through the thick oak door, and, in obedience to the Duke's " Come in ! " Jeanette, the Duchess's pretty little French maid, tripped noiselessly into the room, and, by the aid of the rush-light, deposited Mr. Smoothington's letter on the table at the bedside. The Duke was presently at it. " Bravo ! " exclaimed the Duke, as he read the first sentence, announcing that Mr. Smoothington had succeeded in inducing Mr. Bowker to retire. " That's a good job," said he, " however." He then proceeded with the rest of the letter. " Very good ! " said he, " very good ! well done indeed monstrously well done," said he, reading the borough arrange- ment and the thousand pounds. " Smoothington's managed HILLINGDON HALL. 471 that well." So saying, the Duke lit the wax-candles in the dressing-room, and forthwith proceeded to exercise his gratitude by the following letter to his conjurer : " DEAR SIR, I beg to return you the Duchess of Donkeyton's and my very best thanks for the admirable arrangement you have effected with Mr. Bowker. We ratify it in every respect. I enclose an order on Moneyboys & Co. for fifteen hundred pounds, begging your acceptance of the five hundred. With respect, sir, I have the pleasure to be, your obedient servant, " DONEE YTON." Having directed and sealed this, the Duke rang his bell, and, after desiring that the messenger might have it, he turned into bed, and slept like a top until twelve. This being the second time within the four-and-twenty hours that the bow-legged postboy and rat- tailed roan had been at the Castle, the former thought it necessary to refresh his inward man very considerably ; and he drank so much strong ale that he was greatly indebted to his horse's dis- cernment for getting him home. He was stupidly drunk. Daylight, fresh air, and the ride made him staring drunk. He looked like an owl. Great placards met his eyes at intervals as he went, but all he could settle respecting them was that they were not " signs." Gradually his vision improved, and his mind began toying with the letters. The placards were all alike, and the frequency of their appearance so far familiarised him with them, that he blurted out on tumbling from his horse in the inn-yard, " Great fat Duke o' Donkeyton total repealer." After comers saw more clearly. It was market-day at Sellborough, and consternation was depicted on the farmers' faces as they entered the town, and the ominous placard "A GREAT FACT! THE DUKE OF DONKEYTON A TOTAL REPEALER," 472 HILLINGDON HALL. met their gaze at every turn. The League again were prodigal of paper. The farmers stared, and asked each other what it could mean. It must be a hoax it could not be true. The Duke, the bulk of whose income was derived from land, would never cut his own throat. One thought one thing, another another. Mr. Smoothington, like the Duke, indulged in a good snooze after his over-night exertions ; and the morning was far spent ere in the progress of his shave his eye met one of the enormous placards on the opposite wall "GREAT FACT! THE DUKE OF DONKEYTON A TOTAL EEPEALER ! " Smoothington was horror-struck. He saw the error he had committed. He stared and stared and could not finish his shave ; knocks sounded at his door, and rings pealed at his bell ; and when he got downstairs, he found the passage and clerk's office crammed full of farmers. Just then the bill-sticker went by with his paste-can and pole, putting up the Marquis's amended address. Boys were distributing it in hand-bills about the streets, and shouts of " Bowker for ever ! Big-loaf Bowker ! " still sounded in the streets, as " open houses " closed their accounts by turning the topers out of doors. Mr. Bowker 'had taken his departure soon after the bank opened, leaving the English and American loaves dangling from the inn balcony. The drunken, frantic violence of the debauched town populace contrasted with the sober staidness of the farmers. Some people may fancy farmers simple fools ; but where self-interest is concerned, they are quite as sharp as their neighbours. To be sure, they do sometimes make absurd propositions to their landlords, but that is more a sign of their thinking their landlords fools than of their being so themselves. Did any landlord ever know a tenant make a proposition that would tell against himself? HILLINGDOX HALL. 473 Mr. Smoothington could not humbug the farmers. He could not make them believe that the Marquis's fresh address had nothing to do with the League placard, or with Mr. Bowker's departure. Moreover, being plain-spoken men, they frankly told him so. The market commenced, and the effect these proceedings had upon the prices will be best understood by the following extract from that excellent agricultural paper, The Mark Lane Express. " SELLBOROUGH. Our market was well supplied with wheat, for which the farmers expected high prices ; but owing to the unexpected announcement of the Duke of Donkeyton's accession to the Corn-Law League (proclaimed by large placards throughout the town before the market commenced) a panic ensued, and it could hardly be got off at any price. Barley, oats, beans, and peas shared a similar depression." It so happened that this was the monthly meeting day of the farmers' club, when they dined together, smoked, drank, and discussed farming topics. There was a large muster of the body towards two o'clock, at the sign of the " Bull's Head." The subject fixed for discussion " How much more potent lime was when supplied by the landlord than when found by the tenant ? " was forgotten altogether in the excitement caused by the announcement of the morning. Mr. Heavy- tail was chairman of the day, and entered the room in a high state of perturbation, caused by the untoward depression of prices. His voice was heard upstairs before he had well got into the passage below. " AK NIVER KNEW SUCH A THING IN ALL MY LIFE ! FOLKS ARE ALL GONE MAD TOGETHER! HAVEN'T TAKEN AS MUCH MONEY AS WILL PAY MY GATES ! " Johnny Wopstraw came in, greatcoated and overalled as usual, with his canvas sample bag in his hand, declaring " Upon the who-o-le, he was ruined ! " Haycock of Hazledean, Farbridge of Cow Gate, Snewkes of Heckley Heath, Brick of Dobble Heath, Brick of Rushley, Clotworthy of Woolley Grange, Dick Grumbleton of Hawkstone, and some twenty others, all declared the 474 HILLINGDON HALL. same thing. Murmur rose above murmur, till the joints got upon the table, and the meat stopped their mouths. Heavytail was hid behind a baron of beef. The clatter of knives, forks, and plates, the callings for ale and beer, and the thanking each other for further supplies, stopped the grumbling for a time. The cloth being drawn, and the favourite beverage of each man placed before him wine to the wine drinker, spirit and water to the humbler Mr. Heavytail rose and gave the " Health of the Queen " in a tone that plainly told how depressed he was. Her Majesty's health having been drunk, Heavytail presently rose again, and in his usual stentorian voice, exclaimed "UPON MY WORD, GENTLEMEN, I'M SO TROUBLED IN MY MIND, THAT I CANNOT GO ON AS I SHOULD. I THINK I NEVER HEARD SUCH A THING IN MY LIFE, AS FOR A NOBLEMAN LIKE THE DUKE OF DONKEYTON A MAN THAT HALF THE COUNTY BELONGS TO TO GO AND JOIN A DIRTY RUBBISHTN' EADICAL SET OF DIVILS, WITH SCARCE A COAT TO THEIR BACKS " (applause). " OH DEAR, I'M BAD," continued Heavytail, panting for breath, and pressing his stomach with his left hand. " I THINK," continued he, in his roar " GENTLEMEN, I'D BETTER GET THROUGH MY TOASTS, AND THEN WE CAN TALK THE MATTER QUIETLY OVER; SO I'LL PROPOSE THE HEALTHS OF ' PRINCE ALBERT,' ' ALBERT, PRINCE OF WALES,' 'ALL THE YOUNG *UNS,' 'THE QUEEN DOWAGER,' AND 'ALL THE REST OF THE EOYAL FAMILY ; ' " with which compre- hensive toast Mark sat down. Farmers then began laying their heads together in knots of threes and fours. Some thought one thing, some another. All agreed they could not compete with foreigners. " I'VE PUT TWENTY THOUSAND DRAININ' TILES UNDERGROUND THIS YEAR," observed the chairman ; " AND WILL ANY MAN TELL ME THAT I'M NOT CONSARNED IN THE QUESTION ? " " Upon the who-o-o-le," observed Johnny Wopstraw, " I think the farmers are the most so." " And the labourers ! " rejoined Mr. Clotworthy of Wooley Grange. " I employ upon an average eight men upon every hundred acres of arable land, winter and summer ; IIILLINGDON HALL. 475 and I should like to know Low many I should want if it was all in grass." " WE MUST HAVE A MAN THAT'LL PROTECT US ! " observed Mr. Heavytail from the presidential chair. " So we will, so we will ! " exclaimed several ; and there- upon glasses began to dance, and spoons to clatter on the table, with the applause the observation called forth. More wine, more spirit, and pipes, were then called for. " WE MUST SHOW FIGHT, OR THEY'LL FLOOR us ! " observed the oracle again. " We will, we will ! " exclaimed several, amid renewed applause. " Such a man as Squire Wheatfield, or Mr. Hay of the Mount," observed Mr. Brick of Eushley. " Squire Wheatfield don't farm," replied Mr. Farbridge. " Squire Hay don't either," said Mr. Brick of Dobble Heath. Several other Squires were then talked of: Haycock named his landlord ; but the proposition did not meet with much success. Snewkes named another, Brick a third, and Dick Grumbleton objected to them all. "I think, upon the who-o-o-le, we must have Mr. Jor- rocks," observed Johnny Wopstraw. Great applause followed the observation. Mr. Jorrocks next day having got up very early to write an ode to his Bull, was interrupted by the constable coming to say that two men had quarrelled and fought, and each wanted to lay a charge of assault against the other. " Quarrelled and fought ! what about ? " exclaimed our Squire, darting an angry glance at the intruder. " About about nothing, I think," said the constable. " Humph ! " grunted Mr. Jorrocks. " They'll both be in the wrong, I s'pose ? " added he. " Indeed, I don't know, sir," replied the constable ; " they both think themselves in the right at the present time." " That's jest wot conwinces me they are both in the wrong," rejoined the Justice, thinking how he could get rid of the case without bothering himself. 476 HILLINGDON HALL. " Tell 'em," said he, after a pause, " to go to the public- 'ouse, the Jorrocks's Harms, and drink a pint o' hale together, and try to make it hup ; and if they can't, to come back here, and I'll commit 'em both." " Yes, sir," said the constable. " Send 'em to the Sessions," added Mr. Jorrocks. " Yes, sir," replied the constable. " And bind you over to persecute," continued Mr. Jorrocks. " Yes, sir," replied the constable, with a duck of the head. " Troublesome dogs," said Mr. Jorrocks to himself ; "they're always fightiri." " Please, sir, here's Mr. Good'eart wants to speak to you," said Benjamin, entering the sanctum with his usual hang- gallows look, just as Mr. Jorrocks was resuming his poem. " Mr. Goodheart, Binjimin ! " exclaimed the Squire, start- ing up. " I've not seen Mr. Good'eart these six weeks. Show him in." Presently the venerable old man made his appearance, drooping with the weight of years. "Veil, Mr. Good'eart, and 'ow are you?" asked Mr. Jorrocks, in a cheerful tone. " Thank ye, sir, I'm middlin' canna complain not so strong as I was, p'raps am rather gettin' on in years you see I'm turned of seventy-two." " Well, but that's nothin'," observed Mr. Jorrocks. " Why, no, sir ; it's not, sir," replied Goodheart ; " but we are nabbut a short-lived family, you see. My father was cut off in the prime of life at eighty-two." "Poor young man!" exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks; adding, " come, sit down, and tell us all about it. You'll be wanting some fifth o' George the Fourth, I presume." " No, sir," replied Willey, not knowing what the Squire meant. " Your rent raised, then, p'raps," suggested Mr. Jorrocks, acting on Pigg's recommendation of anticipating complaints. "No, 'deed do I not, sir," replied Goodheart, with emphasis ; " us farmers, I think, will all be ruined." HILLltfGDON HALL. 477 " Vot's 'appened now ? " asked Mr. Jorrocks. " They harn't been a firin' of your stack-yard, 'ave they ? " " Far worse than that ! far worse than that ! " exclaimed Goodheart. " I've been readin' in the Grampound Grun of a thing they call a League, for takin' the duty off French corn." " Ah ! " said Mr. Jorrocks, smiling, " you've read up to that, 'ave you ? " recollecting Willey was always a year or two in arrear with news. " To think," continued Willey, " of my ever livin' to see such a thing as the French and English on such terms. I, that hate the French, so that I would never eat a French roll or grow French beans in my garden. Why, sir, I was a volunteer in the times of Bonaparte." " So was I ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks. " So was I ! " repeated he, " in the City Light 'Oss." " But you mustn't allow it," observed Willey, thinking a magistrate could do anything. " You must speak about it," added he. "What's the use of your being a magistrate if you can't stop such work as that ? " " I fear it von't come within the fifth of George the Fourth," observed Mr. Jorrocks aloud to himself. " Please, sir," said Benjamin, coming in again, " here's Mr. 'Eavytail and some more gentlemen want to see you." " More gentlemen ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks. " It must be the ball they want to see ! Confound, that hanimal's werry expensive. Cost me a hocean o' sherry. Shall have to get some Marsala." " Tell Mr. 'Tail and the gen'lmen," said Mr. Jorrocks to Benjamin, "that I'm partickler engaged inwestigatin' a dreadful bugglary but the Markis'll be 'appy to see them, and you go and show him or get Pigg, if you're afeard he'll toss you again." " Yes, sir," said Benjamin, taking his departure. "Please, sir, Mr. Wopstraw says, upon the who-o-ole, it's you they want to see," said Benjamin, entering the room and imitating Wopstraw. " Cuss the chaps," muttered Mr. Jorrocks ; adding, " I never 'ave a moment to myself. Yell, send them in," said he in disgust. 478 HILLINGDON HALL. "YOUR SARVANT, SIR," roared Heavy tail, entering tha room, followed by Wopstraw, the Bricks, Snewkes, Grumble- ton, Haycock, Clotworthy, and a whole host more. " Good mornin', gentlemen," said Mr. Jorrocks, astonished at the number ; " I'm afeard you'll hardly get chairs," added he, looking round the room. "NEVER MIND, SIR, WE CAN STAND," roared Heavytail. " WE'VE COME TO SEE YOU ABOUT THIS PARLIAMENT BUSINESS." " Humph," grunted Mr. Jorrocks ; " and who are you for ? " asked he. " You ! " roared Heavytail. " ME ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks. " Ah, I twig," added he. " You mean you're willin' to wote as I wote. All right and proper much obleged to you." " No, sir," observed Wopstraw. " We think, upon the who-o-ole, we'll have you for Parliament man ! " " Me for Parliament man ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks ; " 'ow can that be ? The Markis is to be Parliament man." " HE WON'T DO FOR us FARMERS ! " roared Heavytail, producing the Marquis's amended address. " I twig," said Mr. Jorrocks. " Goes against the Corn Laws." " Upon the who-o-ole, we must have a man that's for them," observed Wopstraw. " THERE'S BEEN MEETINGS OF THE FARMERS ALL OVER THE COUNTY," roared Heavytail, " AND THEY'RE ALL FOR YOU." " Indeed ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, " that's werry purlite on 'em ; and who'll pay the shot ? Parlument's an expen- sive shop." " WE'LL ALL POLL AT OUR OWN EXPENSE," roared Heavy- tail. " Ay, but the pollin' ar'nt the great damage. Livin' in London ; givin' of dinners ; bespeakin' of plays in the country, and I don't know what else." " Upon the who-o-ole, we think, as you have a house up in London, you can do it cheaper nor anybody else." HILLINGDON HALL. 479 " Veil," said Mr. Jorrocks, " but it's an enormous sacrifice you are a callin' on me to make. Consider 'ow 'appy I am in the country, tendin' my flocks and 'erds, guanoin' and nitrate o' soberin' my land, and all that sort of thing." " BUT THERE'S A DEAL OF HONOUR IN IT," roared Heavytail. " No doubt," replied Mr. Jorrocks ; " no doubt," repeated he ; " and so there should and so there should be ; but honour, you know, may be bought too dear." " Well, but it's no use argufyin' the matter," observed one of the Bricks ; "for you we've fixed upon, and you we'll have." " Veil, but," observed Mr. Jorrocks, after a pause, " you've taken me all aback you've taken me all aback thought you'd come for to see my noble ball there's a deal to con- sider there's a deal to consider Mrs. Jorrocks to consult Mrs. Jorrocks to consult consult Mrs. Jorrocks." "THERE'S NO TIME TO LOSE," roared Heavytail. "LET THE MARQUIS GET A START, AND IT'S ALL OVER WITH us. YOU MAY GIVE YOUR LAND AWAY, IF YOU CAN. GET ANYBODY TO TAKE IT, THAT'S TO SAY." "Oh dear," exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, "that would-be a bad go that would be a bad go. Get little enough as it is. Howsomever, you must give me a leetle time to consider; meanwhile, take a valk, and see the ball, and Mrs. J.'s bantams, and all that sort of thing. Then come back, and have a leetle sherry and seed cake, or something of that sort, and we will talk the matter quietly over, for I declare you've taken me so by surprise, I don't know vether I'm standin' on my 'ead or my 'eels." CHAPTER XLIV. "Bring me no more reports." JEOPLE in castles hear differently to the world at large. The real truth seldom penetrates castles. When the whole country was in a state of ferment at the appearance of the League's " great fact " bill, and the Marquis of Bray's address, the Duke, ensconced within his park walls, fancied all was over and quiet, and that the Marquis had nothing to do but walk quietly in. On the day following the issuing of the bill, his Grace took a saunter up to the model farm to give directions for some new experiments on nature, and hear the result of some recently made. Mr. Jobson had notice of his coming, and the whole establishment were full fig to receive him. Mrs. Jobson had her lavender-coloured silk curtains unbagged, and the drawing-room arranged in apple-pie order, in case his Grace should condescend to take a little refreshment. The important experiments being discussed, the Duke, still full of his admirable diplomacy in putting so little into the Marquis's address as to enable him to get rid of Mr. Bowker by a little enlargement of it, could not resist the temptation of saying a few words relative to the late threatened contest. "All quiet again now, I suppose," observed he to Mr. Jobson, "since that Mr. Bowker took himself off?" " I hope so, your Grace," hesitated Mr. Jobson. " What, is there any doubt about it ? " exclaimed the Duke. " Is there any doubt about it ? " repeated he, alarmed at Jobson's manner. HILLIXGDOX HALL. 481 " Oh no, your Grace," replied Mr. Jobson ; " at least, I dare say not ; what we hear are most likely lies in fact, it does not do to believe everything one hears." " But are there any reports current ? " asked the Duke. " Why, there are reports, certainly," stammered Mr. Jobson, finding the Duke was ignorant of the feeling of the county ; " but I can't trace them to any good authority." " What are they ? " asked the Duke impatiently. " What are they ? " repeated he. " Why, I've heard that the farmers threaten an opposi- tion," faltered Mr. Jobson. " Farmers threaten an opposition ! " exclaimed the Duke. " That's something new. That'll not do, I think," added he ; " not against the Marquis of Bray, at least." " That's what I think," observed Mr. Jobson. " Eidiculous!" observed the Duke ; " monstrous ridiculous. We are popular, I suppose ? monstrous popular ? " " Extremely popular," replied Mr. Jobson ; adding, " it would be very extraordinary if your Grace was not BO." " Well, I think so too," replied the Duke. " I think so too. But tell me, who do they talk of? Who do they talk of?" " I have heard two or three named," replied Mr. Jobson. " Captain Bluster, I think, seems the most likely man." " Bluster ! Captain Bluster ! " exclaimed the Duke. " Why, that's the man with the whiskers on his chin the man I made a magistrate of." " You did, your Grace," replied Mr. Jobson. " Impudent dog ! " said the Duke to himself. " I gave him a bull too ! " added the Duke, after a pause. " No, your Grace Mr. Jorrocks was the gentleman your Grace gave the bull to," observed Mr. Jobson. " True," replied the Duke, " true Jorrocks is the man I gave the bull to Jorrocks is a good fellow Jorrocks is a gentleman Bluster's a blackguard Bluster's a blackguard. Impudent fellow monstrous impudent fellow." "Do you really think there's any truth in it ? " asked the Duke after a pause. " Upon my word I don't know, your Grace," replied Mr. 2 H 482 HILLINGDOK HALL. Jobson, anxious to soothe, but hardly daring to deceive. " Upon my word I don't know," repeated Jobson. " We live in queer times, your Grace." " We do indeed," replied the Duke " we do indeed ; that cursed Reform Bill turned the world upside down always told Russell and Durham, and all of them, that they were going far too far. Well, it can't be helped," added he resignedly, after a pause "it can't be helped. If they prefer Bluster to Jeems, they must have Bluster." So saying the Duke turned from the model farm in disgust, and, letting himself into the park through the little green door in the wall, wandered musingly homeward, without doing Mrs. Jobson the honour of calling on her. He had not been long gone ere the news arrived at the model farm that Mr. Jorrocks had acceded to the wishes of the farmers, and was about to declare himself for the county. Anxious that the Duke should have the earliest informa- tion he could give him on so vital a point, Mr. Jobson ordered his hack to be saddled, and followed the line his Grace had taken across the park. He soon overtook him. " Your Grace ! " exclaimed Mr. Jobson, reining up his thoroughbred, and taking off his hat. " Your Grace," re- peated he, " I've just heard that Mr. Jorrocks is the gentle- man who's coming forward for the county ! " " Mr. Jorrocks ! " exclaimed the Duke ; " Mr. Jorrocks ! That's the man with the whiskers on his chin." " No, your Grace," replied Jobson ; " the man with the bull ; Bluster's the man with the whiskers on his chin." " Ah, true ! " exclaimed the Duke, " the man I gave the bull to. The man I made a magistrate of, eh ? " "Your Grace made magistrates of them both," observed Jobson. " So I did," replied the Duke, " so I did. And do you say that that Jorrocks, the man I gave the bull to the man who can't speak English, is going to have the effrontery to oppose the Marquis of Bray ? " " So they say, your Grace. He's the man they call the HILLIXGDOX HALL. 483 sleeping partner in Mother H's," added Jobson, with a grin Jobson having a cross of the cockney himself. " Audacious dog ! " exclaimed the Duke. " Then it's Jorrocks, not Bluster ? " added his Grace, conning the matter over. " Jorrocks, not Bluster," replied Jobson, with an emphasis on Jorrocks. " Ah, I thought it wouldn't be Bluster," observed the Duke. " Bluster's a good fellow. Bluster's a gentleman. Jorrocks is a blackguard ! Jorrocks is a blackguard ! " Jobson stood silent by the side of his hack. " It's a nuisance," said the Duke, after a long pause ; " monstrous nuisance ; may involve Jeems in a nasty beery canvass." " It may so, your Grace," replied Mr. Jobson. " Couldn't we get rid of this man Jorrocks somehow ? " suggested the Duke ; " he'll most likely have his price," added he, thinking of Bowker and the thousand. " We might try him," replied Mr. Jobson. " You might ride over and sound him," said the Duke. " Put it to his good feeling not to annoy parties who have been so civil and condescending to him. Talk about the bull I gave him, the dinners he's had here, the honours I've conferred upon him. Tell him I hope he'll not give me cause to suppose I have fostered a viper in my bosom." " I will so, your Grace," replied Mr. Jobson. " I'll do all I can." " The sooner the better," observed the Duke. " I'll go directly," said Mr. Jobson, preparing to mount. " Tell him he's not fit for anything of the sort," said the Duke, as Jobson mounted. " I will, your Grace," replied the obsequious Jobson. " You might try him with a deputy lieutenantcy, if you can't get rid of him without," added the Duke, as Mr. Jobson bowed and rode away. 484 CHAPTER XLV. ' Oh, monstrous beast ! how like a swine lie lies ! " ?|IIIED with the exertions of a long day's canvass, Mr. Jorrocks had seated himself in an easy chair, to enjoy a bottle of strong military port, of recent emancipation from the wood, when Mr. Jobson's noisy peal at the bell threw him into alarm. " Cuss them, 'ere's some more on 'em a comin'," exclaimed he, bolting upright, half resolved not to be at home. " Please, sir, here's Mr. Jobson, sir," said Benjamin, opening the door. " Mr. Jobson," repeated Mr. Jorrocks. " Mr. Jobson ! That's the Duke of Donkeyton's farm gentleman ; show him in, and bring candles wax un's, you know, Binjimin ; " adding, with a shake of the head, " expensive work this electioneerin'." Mr. Jobson came bowing and groping his way into the dining-room. " 'Ow are you, my frind ? " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, rising and greeting him with a shake of the hand. " Allow me to solicit the honour of your wote and interest ? " added he, coming out with the usual form. " I am afraid I can hardly give that," replied Mr. Jobson, taking a proffered chair ; " I'm afraid I can hardly do that not but that I'm quite independent, do exactly as I like ; only from what I read of your address, I fear your opinions and mine don't exactly tally." " Humph" grunted Mr. Jorrocks. " Independence is a werry fine thing to talk about ; but there's precious little on't in the world. The only real independence I HILLINGDON HALL. 485 knows on, is the independence of furnished lodgin's, thick shoes, and a shootin' jacket." Benjamin then entered with the candles. " Take a glass o' wine," said Mr. Jorrocks, helping himself, and pushing the bottle to Jobson. " There's sher i' the sideboard, if you prefer it, to blackstrap." Mr. Jobson preferred claret, if there was any out. " Claret I never keeps," replied Mr. Jorrocks. " Can soon make you some, though," added he, " with water and winegar, and a little drop o' port." Mr. Jobson then took port. Mr. Jorrocks drank Jobson's health, and Jobson drank Mr. Jorrocks's. " Fine stuff that," said Mr. Jorrocks, smacking his lips, after the glass of hot, sweet, fruity wine. " And 'ow goes on the farm ? " asked he. " 'Ope Mrs. Job and all the little Job's are well ? " " Quite well, I'm much obliged to you," replied Jobson. " We'll drink Mrs. Jobson's 'ealth," observed Mr. Jorrocks, helping himself, and passing the bottle. Mr. Jobson presently returned the compliment, and proposed the health of Mrs. Jorrocks. "We'll now drink the 'ealth of all the leetle Jobsons," observed Mr. Jorrocks, in due time. Mr. Jorrocks afterwards proposed the health of " The Queen and her stag'ounds," and then of " Prince Albert and his beagles." The glasses being large, another or two apiece finished the bottle. " Port ! " said Mr. Jorrocks, as Benjamin answered the bell. " I've now got a toast to propose'," observed Mr. Jorrocks, as the wine came, and he held the decanter up to the candle, to see that Benjamin had not done him out of any. " I've now got a toast to propose," said he, " that I'm sure will find its way to your 'eart, without any soft sawder from me " (" Hear, hear," exclaimed Mr. Jobson). " It is," con- 486 HILLIKGDON HALL. tinned Mr. Jorrocks, " the 'ealth of one both near and dear to me one wot occupies, wakiu' and sleepin', an unkimmon portion o' my thoughts. Oh ! " continued he, aloud to him- self, " the greatest pang wot I shall suffer in goin' hup to Parliament will be the separation from that henergetic, that hamiable quad I'll give you," said he, turning to Jobson, " the 'ealth of my ball in a bam per ! " " Nay, fill hup ! " said Mr. Jorrocks, as Jobson stopped half way up his glass. "A bamper to the ball, whatever you do ! " Mr. Jobson then filled, and drank as desired. "He's a fine animal," observed Jobson, as, with a wry face, he set down his glass. " He is that ! " replied Mr. Jorrocks, " a real fine animal." " The Duke wouldn't have given him to anybody but yourself," observed Jobson. " Vot, he was particular fond on him, was he ? " asked Mr. Jorrocks. " No, but he had such a high opinion of you," observed Mr. Jobson. " Don't see why he should," muttered Mr. Jorrocks aloud to himself, adding " We'll drink his Greece's 'ealth in a bamper," filling his glass and passing the bottle. " Nay ! no skylights ! " exclaimed he, as Jobson again shirked filling. Jobson then did as desired. " The mention o' that hinterestin', that hamiable hanimal," observed Mr. Jorrocks, as Jobson again accomplished his measure with a shrug, "reminds me of a most hamiable young gen'lman after whom he is called ; one that I'm sure will emulate his ball lordship in his honourable career, and make their common name transcendently wictorious. I'll give you the ' 'ealth of the Marquis o' Bray,' " added Mr. Jorrocks, again filling a bumper. " I suppose you mean transcendently victorious in the coming contest," observed Mr. Jobson, who did not altogether approve of the Marquis's career among the ladies ; particularly about home. " I means, celebrated distinguished," observed Mr. Jor- rocks, tapping the decanter to draw Jobson's attention to IIILLINGDON HALL 487 his duties ; adding, " come, drink your young master in a bam per." Jobson did not like this description of their relative positions ; but fearing Mr. Jorrocks might say something more offensive, coolly submitted. " Nay ; no 'eel-taps ! " exclaimed our friend, seeing Mr. Jobson preparing to fill upon a half-emptied glass, adding " This is liberty 'all, do as you will, Fill wot you please, but drink wot you fill." " But you won't let me do as I will," observed Jobson tartly ; " you will make me fill bumpers." " Bampers in course to toasts," observed Mr. Jorrocks ; " arter we've done drinkin' toasts we shall come to the sentiments, and then you can do as you like, you know." " I wish we were at them," thought the refined claret- drinking Jobson. " In considerin' the toasts we've already drank," observed Mr. Jorrocks after a pause, during which Jobson had been arranging a plan of attack in his own mind, " I'm some- what that's to say, a good deal flabbergasted to find that we've altogether omitted the name of a lady wot ranks werry 'igh in the peerage of the kingdom, and the estima- tion of the county (hiccup). I'm cock sure I need say nothin' to recommend that illustrious (hiccup) lady to your consideration, because livin' under the family you'll know a deal more about her nor me ; but I should be werry (hiccup) sorry to have it (hiccup) said, that one of her servants and I should 'ave passed a conwivial evening together, without so much as drinkin' of her 'ealth ; I therefore beg to pro- pose the ' 'ealth of the (hiccup) Duchess of Donkeyton in a bamper.' " " Oh dear," groaned Jobson, with throbbing temples, as he shirked the filling. " Now, we'll jest 'ave another bottle," observed Mr. Jor- rocks, turning the bottom of that one into Jobson's glass, so as to make him up a bumper, " and then we can drink good evenin' in a glass of (hiccup) brandy and water or two," added he, ringing the bell again. 4 88 HILLINGDON HALL. " I'm afraid that will be trespassing too largely on your time," observed Mr. Jobson. " Time's of no importance with me," hiccuped Mr. Jor- rocks, with an air of indifference. "Indeed!" exclaimed Mr. Jobson; "then you've given up the idea of standing for the county ? " " I did not say that," replied Mr. Jorrocks. " I means night-time's of no walue : can't canvass day and night too." " I was in hopes, from the handsome manner in which you have spoken of our people," observed Jobson, " that you had given up the idea of opposing our friend the Marquis." " No doubt," hiccuped Mr. Jorrocks ; " speak well o' them wot uses one well." " Undoubtedly," said Mr. Jobson ; " and use them well too, I hope." "To be sure," hiccuped Mr. Jorrocks. " Then you don't mean to oppose the Marquis ? " asked Mr. Jobson. " Not if the Markis '11 stand up for us poor farmers," replied Mr. Jorrocks, helping himself out of the fresh bottle, and passing it to Jobson, saying, " Let us drink prosperity to hagricultur," adding, " it's like the hair we breathe if we have it not we die." Mr. Jobson took a little. " Nay, a bamper to that at all ewents," hiccuped Mr. Jorrocks. "I thought you said I might fill as I liked to senti- ments," observed Jobson. " No doubt," hiccuped Mr. Jorrocks ; " but that ar'nt no sintiment ! it's a toast nothin' but a toast ; so take a bamper. Sintiments," hiccuped he, " have reference to the ladies, sich as sweethearts and wives, honest men and bonnie lasses, the fair o' Middlesex (hiccup), or summut o' that sort." " The Duke will take it seriously amiss, I'm afraid," observed Mr. Jobson, " if you put the Marquis to the trouble of a contest." " Can't 'elp that," hiccuped Mr. Jorrocks. " If the Duke has a mind to cut his own (hiccup) throat, can't afford to HILLINGDON HALL. 489 let him (hiccup) cut mine too. 'Elp yourself, and we'll drink his Greece's (hiccup) good 'ealth again," added Mr. Jorrocks, setting the example by filling and passing the bottle. " Bamper toast," hiccuped he. Mr. Jobson eyed his glass as if it were poison. " The Duke will think it very ungrateful, I'm afraid," observed Jobson, raising the glass to his lips and setting it down again. " I don't see that," hiccuped Mr. Jorrocks, adding, " how- somever drink your wine, and show your (hiccup) attach- ment to him." " He made you a magistrate," observed Mr. Jobson. " He did so," replied Mr. Jorrocks, adding " Showed his sense there ; for real, substantial (hiccup) jestice fifth o' George the Fourth sort o' jestice no man can compete with (hiccup) J. (hiccup) J. With your permission, I'll give you a (hiccup) toast a bamper the last bamper I'll (hiccup) call for. I'll give you ' The fifth o' (hiccup) George the (hiccup) Fourth,' real (hiccup) palladium of our (hiccup) rights. That (hiccup) Graham will play the (hiccup) deuce with the (hiccup) fifth o' George the Fourth, if he won't let us jestices do any more (hiccup) jestice at 'ome. Here's 1 The (hiccup) fifth o' (hiccup) George the Fourth,' " con- cluded Mr. Jorrocks, filling a bumper and drinking it off. " That's a sentiment, I presume," observed Jobson, filling a very small quantity. " (Hiccup) toast or (hiccup) sentiment, as you please," observed Mr. Jorrocks, seeing his friend's eyes looking very " I suppose we shall be having the bull back," observed Jobson, after a pause. " What'n ball ? " inquired Mr. Jorrocks. "The bull the Duke gave you," replied Mr. Jobson. " Of course you won't keep it if you oppose the Marquis." " I don't see that at all," observed Mr. Jorrocks, cured of his hiccup at the bare idea of losing his treasure. " I don't see that at all," added he, looking at the decanter as if he saw two. " If the ball," said he, looking very wise, " was presented to me to buy me off-standin', it would be 490 HILLIXGDON HALT. another (hiccup) pair o' shoes altogether; but it was pre- sented to me as a (hiccup) undeniable (hiccup) token of undeniable esteem. With your (hiccup) permission," con- tinued Mr. Jorrocks, " we'll drink (hiccup) his 'ealth, if you please." " We have drunk it already," observed Jobson, sick at the thoughts of another drop. " Never mind that," hiccuped Mr. Jorrocks ; " we (hiccup) drank the Duke's health twice, and we'll drink the (hiccup) Duke's (hiccup) ball's health twice too ; twice two's four, and one's sivin," added he. " No man can say I'm (hiccup) drank, I think." "Then you don't mean to return the bull ? " observed Mr. Jobson, speaking very thick, and pouring the wine over the side of his glass. "No!" roared Mr. Jorrocks, in a tone that startled Jobson, adding " 'Ow can you ax sich a question ? I loves that Markis-ball too well to part with him. It may be wanity on my part, but I flatters my-(hiccup)-self his (hiccup) lordship re-re-re-recip-recipro-reciprocates the (hiccup) sentiment." Mr. Jobson stared, and shortly after, in attempting to reach a piece of biscuit, lost his balance and fell on the floor. Mr. Jorrocks rang the bell. " Tell that (hiccup) Pigg to carry this (hiccup) shockin' drucken chap to (hiccup) bed," hiccuped Mr. Jorrocks ; " and let him 'ave a (hiccup) glass o' (hiccup) sober-water, and a (hiccup) red 'erring in the mornin'." "Yes, sir," said Benjamin, eyeing Jobson's contortions on the carpet. "And 'ave (hiccup) Cobden ready for (hiccup) me at half-past (hiccup) six," added Mr. Jorrocks, lurching off to bed. CHAPTER XLVI. " The farmers are with us to a man." LEAGUE LIE, No. 91. HE bitter, angry personalities of the canvass were at length stopped by the arrival of the writ. The Duke of Donkeyton, after resorting to every expedient to get rid of our pertinacious friend, had at length been compelled to let Jeems undergo the degradation of a canvass, and the latter had endeavoured to counteract the success of Mr. Jorrocks's early start by the splendour of his retinue, the bounty of his expenditure, and the lavish- ness of his promises. Money flew in all directions. He would buy a parrot of an old woman for twenty pounds whose husband was diffi- cult to come over, or outbid Mr. Jorrocks's promised sub- scription to races or hounds by offering to give a gold cup, or to hunt the country himself. He would do anything ! The country was in a complete ferment. The farmers and landowners pulled well together, but the Duke's large interest, backed by the Kadicals and part of the manu- facturing interest, made it fearful odds against our commer- cial Squire. Mr. Smoothington fortunately made light of the matter, and in his daily reports to the Castle, of the success of the canvass, he repeatedly assured the Duke there was not the shadow of a doubt of the Marquis's success. As the canvass advanced he grew more confident ; said that he considered the election as good as over that old Jorrocks would never show at the hustings ; and when that assertion was contra- dicted by one of our friend's facetious addresses, thanking 492 HILLINGDON HALL. the freeholders for their promises of support, and pledging himself to go to a poll, Mr. Smoothington accompanied the document by a return from the Marquis's canvass book, showing a clear majority of three hundred. Our friend, on the other hand, had bet as many as seventy hats that he would win. The accuracy of their respective opinions was now about to be put to the test. On the nomination day the whole country was in com- motion. It rose to a man. It was a time of year when farmers have a little leisure after harvesting, and the fine- ness of the later autumn tempted the denizens of the manufacturing towns to indulge in a holiday on so exciting an occasion. A sharpish frost in the night loosened the fading leaves, leaving them ready to fall at the least breath of wind. Down they dropped, one after another, twirling round and round as they fell leisurely to the ground. At an early hour in the morning of the nomination day, the tide of population began to flow into Sellborough. Not a chaise, not a gig, not a car, not a van, not a horse in the country but what was put in requisition. Farmers' nags stood three in a stall. The nomination was fixed for twelve o'clock, and before that hour the respective candidates had entered the town from different sides, escorted by their friends, and preceded by bands and banners. The Marquis's set-out was most splendid. All the flags from the district committees at the different towns and villages were gathered together, forming a perfect forest of silk and gold, which were stationed before and after the barouche and six in which his lordship rode. His colours were pea-green and yellow, the rosettes and favours being composed of gold tinsel instead of yellow silk. He was accompanied by Mr. Smoothington and his pro- poser and seconder, Captain Bluster and Mr. Prosey Slooman. The latter had made an unsuccessful attempt to grow whiskers under his chin. Captain Bluster's bristled most importantly red. He had been a protectionist, but the judicious repre- sentation by Mr. Jobson of what the Duke had said about his being a " a good fellow and a gentleman," had driven him the other way. Bluster was now a red-hot Leaguer HILLINGDOX HALL. 493 far hotter than his Grace ; who, indeed, was anything but a Leaguer at heart. Mr. Jobson headed the tenantry on horseback; who, with slouched hats and downcast looks, followed the carriage, looking uncommonly sulky. Mrs. Jobson, in a flaming clarence drawn by a pair of the Duke's blood bays, dressed in a beautifully made pea-green pelisse, with a yellow velvet bonnet and a green feather, and a twenty guineas point-lace veil, chaperoned a bevy of country belles ; while the Duchess's pretty little French maid escorted a troop of the household dolly- mops in the break. Altogether it was a splendid procession. The Marquis's colours waved from the balconies, windows, and shops, and appeared on the breasts or the bonnets of the fair occupants ; while beards or whiskers on the chin denoted that the few men who appeared without cockades were for the young duke, as they called the Marquis. Twenty-three young ladies were regularly annihilated by the captivating smiles and bows of the Marquis as he passed slowly through the streets, each fair recipient thinking the smile she got was the sweetest. That old Jorrocks had no chance, was the firm conviction of every one who saw the splendid cavalcade pass along. Mr. Smoothington smirked, and chuckled, and rubbed his hands over and over, at the thoughts of the drubbing they would give him. " The county will be ours for ever and a day," exclaimed he to the Marquis, as they passed under the old archway leading into the market-place. As they entered the spacious arena, tremendous applause rent the air from the front of the spacious hustings on the far side, before which a whole army of drab-coated horsemen were assembled, with some half-dozen bunting and glazed calico flags in the centre. It was Mr. Jorrocks, alighting from his fire-engine, in which he had driven from the house of his proposer, Mr. Hamilton Dobbin, who had been wicked enough to break away from the Duke's ranks, in spite of the dinner he had eaten. " Now, another shout for t'ard Squire ! " exclaimed Pigg, 494 HILLINGDOff HALL. waving the only silk flag they sported, and who acted as fugleman to the party. " Now another ! " repeated he, as Mr. Jorrocks advanced to the candidate's place in front of the hustings. " Hurrah ! Hurrah ! Hurrah ! " shouted the drab coats. Mr. Smoothington's countenance fell as he surveyed the dense mass. "Now three for Squire Dobbin!" exclaimed Pigg, as Mr. Jorrocks's head left off acknowledging the compliment they had paid him. Three cheers were then given for Mr. Jorrocks's proposer. " Now three for ard 'Tail ! " roared Pigg, flourishing his flag with " JORROCKS, THE FARMER'S FRIEND!" upon it. Three hearty cheers followed for Mr. Heavytail, who had been chosen by the farmers to second the nomination. The farmers then bustled away to put up their horses, and get back to secure places in front of the hustings. Mr. Jorrocks availed himself of the opportunity to pull his wig straight, and adjust a large bunch of wheat-ears he had stuck in the Jorrockian jacket button-hole (as emblematical of his creed), and which had got rather deranged in his passage through the crowd from the fire-engine on to the hustings. He then conned over his speech. The Marquis having arrived at the " Duke's Head," where his central committee sat (at least sat towards dinner-time, when they liberally dispensed champagne and everything expensive) ; the Marquis, we say, having arrived at the " Duke's Head," alighted, to add the committee as a tail to the head he had brought with him, and having called for a glass of hock and soda-water, his example was followed by those who durst trust their stomachs with such flatulent compounds. Bluster had a glass of brandy. The party being formed, the Marquis set off for the hustings, walking between his proposer and seconder amid deafening shouts of applause from the dense crowd through which they passed. HILLIXGDOX HALL. 495 Mr. Jorrocks rose to receive his quondam farmer friend, as the Marquis made his appearance at the back of the hustings ; his lordship's dandified garb contrasting strangely with our friend's uncouth attire. " Well, old boy ! " said the Marquis gaily, extending his hand to Mr. Jorrocks, " so you won't be satisfied without a beating ! " " I'm not sich a glutton as all that," replied our friend. " Suppose I give you one instead." " Will you, indeed ! " exclaimed the Marquis. "I'll bet you a 'at I do," replied Mr. Jorrocks, looking very confident. The High Sheriffs appearance at the back of the hustings put an end to the dialogue, and that functionary, advancing to the front, divided the belligerents. Silence was then called for, and at length obtained from the sea of heads in front and the crowd upon the hustings. It was broken occasionally by an observation from Pigg, who, having availed himself of the opportunity afforded by the farmers putting up their horses, to get a few glasses of rum, had now returned with his flag, loquaciously drunk. Johnny Wopstraw, Willey Goodheart, and a few more of Mr. Jorrocks's tenants, clustered round the gaunt fugleman, whose tobacco-streaming mouth was conspicuous above the crowd. The High Sheriff came forward, and, after observing that he had called them together in obedience to Her Majesty's writ, in order that they might choose a fit and proper repre- sentative to supply the vacancy caused by the lamented death of Mr. Guzzlegoose, begged that they would give to every gentleman, however they might differ from him in political opinion, a fair, impartial, and uninterrupted hearing ; and concluded by calling upon any gentleman who had a candidate to propose to come forward and do so. Captain Bluster then presented himself to the notice of the meeting. After looking angrily towards James Pigg, who saluted him with a cry of " Now, Ginger toppin ! " as he took off his hat, the Captain commenced by saying, that unless he had seen it with his own eyes, he could not have 496 HILLINGDON HALL. believed that an almost total stranger to the county could have had the vanity to conceive himself the fittest champion of its battles, and he certainly did not think Mr. Jorrocks was likely to add much to his character by his appearance in opposition to the popular son of the most popular parents under the sun (loud cheers from the whiskerites, and roars of laughter from the drab coats). For his part, he thought Mr. Jorrocks was the last man who ought to have thought of filling such a position he who had received the lavished honours and favour of the parent ought never to appear in opposition to the son (re- newed cheers, mingled with hisses). He who had feasted at Donkeyton Castle eating the Duke's venison and drink- ing his wine, might surely make some better return than attempting to defraud the Duke's son of his birthright. (Renewed applause, with increasing disapprobation.) The Captain then referred to a card which he carried in the palm of his hand for " the word," and again went on. He had the honour of proposing a candidate to fill the vacancy in the representation occasioned by the lamented death of Mr. G-uzzlegoose, and he would not pay the valued friend he was about to put in nomination so poor a compli- ment as to say, that he challenged comparison with the competitor opposed to him (Captain Bluster looking at Mr. Jorrocks as if that gentleman would make him sick) ; but he would fearlessly assert that, look where they would, north, south, east, or west, they could not lay their hands on a gentleman more pre-eminently qualified than his much- beloved and highly-exalted friend (cheers and great uproar, mingled with cries of ' Where's Big- loaf Bowker ? ' from the drab coats). That friend was the nobleman now standing on his right one whose every interest was identified with theirs whose vast possessions must suffer if their interests were injured, and who had, therefore, every reason for advo- cating such measures as would best promote their common prosperity." " Weal done, ard Ginger toppin ! " exclaimed Pigg, flourishing his flag amid roars of laughter. " I see," said Captain Bluster, eyeing the inscription on HILLIXGDON HALL. 497 it, " Jorrocks, tlae farmer's friend, painted on that flag," pointing towards where Pigg stood, with his tobacco- stained mouth gaping wide open to catch every word the Captain said. " I see," repeated he, " Jorrocks, the farmer's friend, painted on that flag." " It's not painted it's geelt ! " exclaimed Pigg, giving it another flourish, amid great shouting. " I see," said Captain Bluster, for the third time, " Jor- rocks, the farmer's friend, in gilt letters on that flag." " Ay, that's it ! " roared Pigg, jealous of the honour of his banner. " But will any man tell me," continued Captain Bluster, " that my noble friend is not as much the farmer's friend as this self-elected champion, John Jorrocks ? Who, let me ask, is Mr. Jorrocks, that he should all at once set up as the champion of the farmers' interests ? What has he done to forward agriculture ? Has he, like my noble friend, the Duke of Donkeyton, a model farm, on which every new machine is exhibited, every new experiment tried ? where every species of manure Hunt's bone dust Hunt's half inch soap ashes rape cake rags new Bristol manure Chie fou guano nitrate of soda " " Hoot ye and your nitrate, o' sober ! " roared Pigg ; " MUCK'S YOUR MAN ! " an exclamation that caused such an outburst of laughter as completely to put the Captain out. The Under Sheriff pointing Pigg out, desired the man with the dirty mouth, and " Jorrocks for ever " round his hat, to hold his tongue, or he would order him into custody. Captain Bluster, after a long pause, again resumed Not only was his dear and noble friend, the Duke of Donkeyton, an active promoter of agricultural improvement, but the noble lord beside him a worthy son of a worthy sire trod in the footsteps of his Grace. The Marquis of Bray was well known to scientific farmers as the inventor of a valuable an unequalled draining-tile. " Never sich a thing ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks ; " I inwented it ! " The Sheriff called Mr. Jorrocks to order. Captain Bluster repeated what he said : he had it on 2 I 49 8 HILLINGDON HALL. the authority of a gentleman behind him (Joshua Sneak- ington), that the Marquis of Bray had invented a most valuable a most durable draining-tile ; and yet, not content with attempting to defraud the noble Marquis of what he (Captain Bluster) designated his birthright the representa- tion of the county, this farmer's champion, because the noble lord had proclaimed the discovery at his (Mr. Jor- rocks's) house, now wanted to filch the Marquis of his draining-tile too. (Great uproar, mingled with hisses, and cries of " Oh, you horrid old cheat ! Oh, you shocking bad man ! " and other symptoms of disapprobation from the whiskerites.) " THAT'S A LEE ! " roared Pigg, who immediately ducked under. He (Captain Bluster) felt satisfied the county would visit such conduct with the punishment it deserved, and with that firm conviction he felt equal pride and pleasure in proposing to the electors, as a fit and proper knight to represent their interests in Parliament, James Frederick Charles Fox Plantagenet Eussell Bolinbroke Bray, com- monly called the Marquis of Bray, of Donkeyton Castle. Mr. Prosey Slooman came forward to second the nomina- tion, with an uncommonly lengthy, well-rounded speech in his pocket ; but unfortunately, when it came to the point, he had studied it so much that he could not let it off; so, after gaping a few seconds at the crowd, he simply seconded the nomination, leaving much good abuse of Mr. Jorrocks unsaid. It was now the turn of the gentlemen at the other end of the hustings, and, accordingly, Mr. Hamilton Dobbin presented himself to the meeting, and was received with cheers from the drab coats, and hisses from the whisker-on- chin-ites. He commenced by saying that he should occupy a very brief portion of their time in proposing the gentleman who had been unanimously adopted by the party he belonged to, to fight the battle of their interests ; because, while he felt his own incompetence to go fully into the question that now agitated their attention, he had every belief that the HILLIXGDON HALL. 499 candidate he had to propose was quite able to do so ; he therefore felt great satisfaction in leaving the arguments in the hands of his esteemed friend Mr. Jorrocks, whom he begged to recommend as a fit and proper knight to represent their interests in Parliament. The nomination was received with great applause from the farmers, and hisses from the whiskerites. Mr. Heavytail then raised his voice to its utmost pitch, and spoke in such a tone as to be clearly audible to several ladies and gentlemen on the church tower across the market-place. " GENTLEMEN," said he, " IF YOU WANT TO CUT YOUR OWN THROATS, YOU'LL VOTE FOR BRAY ; IF YOU WANT TO LIVE AND LET LIVE, YOU'LL VOTE FOR OUR SQUIRE (great applause from the drab coats). I SECOND OUR SQUIRE ! " The High Sheriff then inquired if any other gentleman had a candidate to propose, and being answered by a volley of negatives, he called on the Marquis of Bray to address the meeting. In compliance with the High- Sheriff's requisition, his Lordship then uncovered his well-waxed ringlets, and throwing back his silk-lined blue dress-coat, bowed, and placed his primrose-coloured kid-gloved right hand upon his heart, in return for the deafening huzzas and waving of handkerchiefs, ribbons, and hats, that greeted his appearance. " Ladies and gentlemen," said he, when the applause had somewhat subsided ; " ladies and gentlemen," repeated he, looking sweet at Mrs. Jobson and party, who were drawn up a little on the left, " permit me, in the first place, to return my most heartfelt and cordial thanks for the kind, the flattering reception you honoured me with on my arrival this day ; a reception so cheering, so enthusiastic and ex- hilarating, that we cannot but admire the indomitable courage of my farmer friend on the left the god of corn, as his followers call him " the Marquis looking at our rosy- gilled friend, with his bunch of wheat-ears under his nose ; "we cannot, I say, but admire his indomitable courage in coming here to receive the hearty drubbing his temerity is certain to ensure him." 500 HILLIXGDOX HALL. " Are you a goin' to bet me that 'at we talked about ? " inquired Mr. Jorrocks. " For," continued the Marquis, without noticing the in- terruption, "when I look at the splendid array of beauty an array that I firmly believe no town of this size ever before contained; when I reflect that those bright eyes and sweet looks respond to sympathising hearts arrayed in the cause of the poor man's home, whose interest I stand here to advocate, I say it is morally impossible to doubt, for one moment, what will be the issue of this great and virtuous contest ; a contest in which the legitimate laws of nature are ranged against unnatural monopoly and close-fisted selfishness ! " (Great applause, and renewed fluttering of handkerchiefs, flags, and ribbons.) " But, ladies and gentle- men," continued his lordship, " let me not be led away by those enchanting smiles, and those applauding cheers, from the important duty that has brought us together this day ; and first, let me return my most cordial thanks to my proposer and seconder, for the kind and flattering terms in which they introduced me to your notice; terms that I cannot but feel are infinitely superior to any humble merits of mine, but which will stimulate me to such acts as will render me worthy of your approbation." (Renewed applause, and waving of handkerchiefs.) " Gentlemen," continued the Marquis, addressing himself to the male sex alone, " you are met here this day, as our worthy High Sheriff has told you, to exercise one of the most important privileges of life that of choosing a repre- sentative of your opinions in the House of Conimons ; and in proportion to the magnitude of the occasion ought to be the vigilance and circumspection of your conduct in the exercise of so sacred a trust. (Great applause.) It may appear almost superfluous in one, born and bred among you, whose ancestors have ever been conspicuous in the cause of legitimate improvement and good government, to enter into any lengthened explanation of his political opinions." " Quite superfluous ! quite superfluous ! " exclaimed Mr. Smoothington. HILLIXGDOX HALL. 501 " Quite superfluous ! quite superfluous ! " repeated Joshua Sneakington, and several others behind. " My political opinions," continued the Marquis, " are the political opinions that in bygone days were wont to secure the confidence of the freeholders in those who have gone before me opinions from which no member of my family has ever swerved, and which I trust confidently trust will secure me the honour of your support." (Great cheering.) " True it is," continued his lordship, " that the god of corn," turning towards Mr. Jorrocks, " impelled by the fear of alarmists, and perhaps the mischief of the frolicsome, has decked himself out in wheat-ears and poppies." " There ar'nt no poppies in the case ! " exclaimed Mr. Jorrocks, adjusting his bouquet, adding aloud to himself " who ever see'd poppies at this time of year ? " "Has decked himself out in wheat-ears," bowed the Marquis, " and stands forward as the farmers' friend ; but who, gentlemen, I ask you, is more likely to be truly and sincerely the farmers' friend than the humble individual now addressing you, and whose every interest is identified with agriculture whose best hopes are centred in the soil (tremendous applause). Agriculture, gentlemen, is a pur- suit that has been fostered and encouraged by the greatest men, by all whom the page of history records as famous in the annals of countries (great applause). The greatest statesmen, the greatest scholars, the greatest generals have each found, in turning from their schemes of government, their studies, or the toil of warfare, solace and enjoyment in the harmless simplicity and the interesting relaxation it affords (renewed applause). Every man whose opinion is valuable every man whose breast glows with a genuine feeling of patriotism, joins in testifying the importance of agriculture." Immense applause, followed by Mr. Wopstraw drawling out " Upon the who-o-le, I think I've heard that before." This rather put the Marquis out, and in the hubbub that ensued he got time to collect himself and turn on another tack. 502 HILLINGDOX HALL. " Gentlemen," said he, " the only point of difference, as ^ you are perhaps aware, between my honourable competitor o and myself is that of corn. On all other questions I believe 3 our opinions coincide, and, but for this solitary question, ^ the god of corn would have followed our banner, with most ^o likely the majority of his supporters. Far be it from me, ^3 gentlemen, to treat with levity the honest, conscientious vl fears and opinions of any class of men, unfounded and 3 groundless though I believe them to be. Eecall to your 3 recollection, gentlemen, the panic that prevailed on the ^? importation of foreign cattle ! see how visionary were your ^ views and conjectures then ! The same, I venture to pre- ^ diet, will be the case with the importation of foreign corn. 5 It will come in ; your fears will pass away, or will only be ^" remembered as matter of surprise surprise that you could so blindly have stood in the way of your own interest." (Loud applause from the whisker-chinites, and cries of " No, no," from the drab coats.) " Upon the who-o-le, the climate's against us," drawled Wopstraw. " The farmers are not the only parties called upon to make a sacrifice," continued the Marquis, " if any sacrifice there is to be. Every article of consumption, every article of wear the hat on your head the shoe on your foot will come down in price, and all things accommodate them- selves to the new era (loud applause). If farmers yield the trifling duty on corn, a duty that many of the most intelli- gent of their body consider is no protection whatever, they, in their turn, will have the duty taken off seeds, and they will get their canary-seed, their aniseed, their grass-seed, their mustard-seed, their parsley-seed, and my friend the god of corn will even get his poppy-seed duty free (great laughter and applause). So the housekeeper will get her spices her cloves, her ginger, her mace, her nutmegs, her cinnamon, and her pepper. And you, my fair friends," con- tinued the Marquis, addressing himself to the ladies, " you will get your ermine, your chinchilla, your swanskins without a tax. Silks, velvets, and sarcenets will come in at con- tinental prices ; and gauzes, tulles, crapes, and lawns no IIILLTXGDON HALL. 503 longer continue matters of luxury " (great applause and waving of handkerchiefs). " All things," continued the Marquis, "will be placed upon a new footing, and the dawn of that young and stirring mind which so engages the attention of the public will burst upon the astonished world in all the splendour of meridian day (immense applause). But beyond far beyond all these considera- tions will be the feeling of patriotism the act will engender. You will be the poor man's friend you will invest the poor man's home with plenty you will bring joy and gladness to his humble hearth you will convert the squalid victims of penurious fare into stalwart sons of Albion's isle, and cause the ' Happy tenant of a humble shed, To smile at the storm that whistles o'er his head.'" His lordship concluded amidst the most uproarious demon- strations of applause. When they had subsided, a loud cry was raised for Mr. Jorrocks, who, on hearing the Marquis break off about the greatest statesmen, the greatest generals, and so on, had availed himself of the opportunity for retiring to the back of the hustings to drink a glass of brandy-and-water, and he had now got blocked out. Mr. Heavytail having made way for him, our friend at length showed at the front, and was greeted with loud cheers from his own supporters, and the most discordant yells and hisses from the Marquis's party. Silence being at length restored, he essayed to proceed. " Gen'lmen," said he, looking very indignantly at a knot of hissers who still kept interrupting ; " gen'lmen," said he, " afore I opens my private account with you, I wish to make a few obserwations on a few of the obserwations that have been made upon me. I doosn't like Captain Bluster's speech ; he had no business to speak o' me in the way he did. He looked at me, too, jest as if I was a bag o' guano. It wasn't the ticket at all. I'm sure when we've had anything to transact together, any fifth o' George the Fourth, or anything of that sort, he's always found me quite 504 HILLINGDCMST HALL agreeable quite the lady, and I don't think he had any business to ax in sich a himperent tone who I was. I pays every man twenty shillins in the pund, and I never heard no one's respectability doubted wot did that (applause). I've been brought here at a great personal sacrifice, both of cash and comfort, to fight the battle of the farmers and fight it I will." " That's reet, ard 'un ! " exclaimed Pigg j adding, " Three cheers for t'ard Squire ! " Three tremendous huzzas followed. When they were done, the Marquis's party gave three cheers for the Mar- quis. "I've been brought here," continued Mr. Jorrocks, "by a great lot o' farmers ; they came and 'unted me out at my 'ouse at 'ome, and would have me. That shows the hopinion they 'ave of me. I never axed to be made Par- liament man of. The farmers came and said that they were like to be beggared, and axed if I would stand quietly by and see 'em ? (Loud applause.) I said, the farmers and I rowed in the same boat that wot was bad for them would be bad for me, and wice wersa (cheers). The Captain talked as if the guano and nitrate o' sober dodge was all the Duke's ; but I appeals to those around me, if guano, nitrate o' sober, or any of them hartificial compounds 'ave a more hardent a more enthusiastic supporter nor myself ! " " Upon the who-o-o-le, I should say not," drawled Johnny Wopstraw. " MUCK'S YOUR MAN ! " roared Pigg. " Nay, more," continued Mr. Jorrocks, " I did wot the Duke never did I inwented a machine of a most wonderful capacity. A machine that I really dirsn't set a goin' for fear it should swamp field labour altogether. I mentions that to show that I'm a practical farmer and a friend to the poor. My friend the Markis," continued Mr. Jorrocks, " has made you a werry beautiful hoily oration one wot called forth the applause both of pit and boxes," Mr. Jorrocks looking towards the carriages and balcony in which the ladies were ranged. " It's the privilege of young gen'lmen in ringlets and primrose-coloured gloves to obtain the HILLIKGDOK HALL. 505 plaudits o' the fair sex fine flowery language is sure to find customers with them. Now, I may fearlessly say that the ladies haven't a more hardent admirer nor I am ; but gen'lmen like myself, of maturer years, must rest our claims to public favour upon the broader and better basis of sound sense rather than of heloquence." (Laughter, hisses, and applause, above which Pigg's " Gan it, ard 'un ! Jorrocks for ever ! " rose conspicuous.) " My noble friend for friend I must still call him, for he gave me the most unimpeachable bull wotever adorned ring and chain my noble friend, I say, in the plenitude of his humour, has christened me the god o' corn ; but I will tell my noble friend that hargument is as far above heloquence as corn is afore flowers (cheers). We can do werry well without flowers, but corn we must 'ave. It sounds werry well talking about bein' the poor man's friend, but I say he is the best poor man's friend wot gives him a good day's pay for a good day's work (applause). Vot signi- fies it to the poor man gettin' a heightpenny loaf for fourpence if he has not fourpence to buy it with ? " (Renewed applause.) " Gan it, ard 'un ! " exclaimed Pigg ; adding, with a grin and shake of his head, " a sink, but he's a good 'un to jaw ! " " Then I would like to ax my noble friend," continued Mr. Jorrocks, " 'ow he thinks to improve the breed o' the 'uman race, if he makes us poor farmers lay our land down to grass or pine-apples, throwin' the corn-trade into the hands of mouncheer, and drivin' the chaws into mills and print-works. Wot 'un a man, for instance, would Mr. 'Eavytail 'ave been," asked Mr. Jorrocks, patting Mr. Heavytail's broad back as the latter stood beside him, " wot 'un a man would Mr. 'Eavytail ha' been if he'd been brought up a shuttle-weaver ? " (Loud applause.) " I am old enough, gen'lmen, to remember the time," continued Mr. Jorrocks, "when that great man, Napoleon Bonaparte a man whose werry name worked one wuss nor a whole box o' Morrison's pills I'm old enough, I say, gen'lmen, to remember the time when that great man, in the plenitude of his imperence, climbed up the column on Boulogne 'eights, and shakin' his mawley at England, swore 506 HILLTXGDON HALL. he'd pitch into her like twenty thousand bricks." (Eoars of laughter and applause, Mr. Jorrocks suiting the action to the word, and menacing the crowd with his fist.) " Then, gen'lmen," continued he, " my frind Good'eart and my frind Wopstraw John Jorrocks himself all the true and undeniable tramps rose to a man, and swore we'd be Uank'd if he should ! " Roars of laughter and applause followed this delicate an- nouncement, which were again roused by Johnny Wopstraw drawling out, " Upon the wh-o-o-le, I wasn't a soldier ! " " Who knows," continued Mr. Jorrocks, without noticing the observation, " who knows but the Prince de Johnville or Prince de Tomville, or whatever they call the chap, may brew up another storm, and in the row and racket that ensues, who knows but another Napoleon le grand may turn to the top, who'll swear that we shalln't 'ave another grain o' corn from the Continent ? Then, gen'lmen, if you've laid your land down to grass, and turned your stout yeomanry into stockin' makers, who's to supply us with bread ? and where are you to find Good'earts to wop Johnny Crapaud ? (Thunders of applause, lasting for some seconds.) " Wot consolation will it be to the starvin' population for frind John Bright to point to his many-windowed ware'ouse, and say, ' Oh, never mind, my 'earties ! that's chock-full o' calico at a penny a yard ' ? " (Renewed applause.) " Gen'lmen, I can't eat calico," observed Mr. Jorrocks, with uplifted hands, amidst the most outrageous laughter. " Nor I nouther ! " roared Pigg, stuffing a fresh quid into his mouth. " Gen'lmen," continued Mr. Jorrocks, " cheap bread's a capital cry, but wot's the use o' cheap bread to the poor man, if he harn't got no money to buy it with ? " (Great applause, with cries of " That's the rub ! " " Go it, Jorrocks ! " " Now another ! ") " Bambazeens and sarc'nets, wot the Markis promises so cheap, will not compensate for the want o' wittles ! ' You take my life when you take the means whereby I lives,' observes Hudibras, or some other gen'lman ; and you'll destroy the 'usbandman if you annihilate hagriculture. HILLIXGDOX HALL. 507 " My noble frind talked about the legitimate laws o j natur' and close-fisted somethin'," observed Mr. Jorrocks. " I'm more a fifth o' George the Fourth than a law o' natur' man, but it strikes me if the manufacturers want to try a new system, they should pay the National Debt off, and let's all start fair, as the parson said to the Cornish wreckers as he stole down from the pulpit. " I think, gen'lmen," continued Mr. Jorrocks, after a pause, " that's about all I've got to say to you. It's for you to say whether you prefer the luxtery o' cheap bam- bazeen and carraway-seeds for nothin', or the old English beef and barley loaves of our forefathers. It's true the Markis has some werry pretty gals on his side ; howsom- ever, it's fortinate they haven't got no wotes, otherwise they'd a been sure to have been given in the 'aberdashery line. As it is, we'll have a fair stand-hup fight for it ; and as the great Tom Spring would say, ' May the best man vin ! ' " Mr. Jorrocks concluded an animated address by throwing up his hat amid very general applause. An artisan, in his working dress, with a leather apron tucked round his waist, and a faded green neckcloth about his neck (an active member of the Sellborough Anti-Corn- Law League), here climbed on to the hustings, and inti- mated that he wanted to ask Mr. Jorrocks a few questions. " Questins ! " exclaimed our Squire, eyeing him with surprise. " Questins ! I don't think," added he, pulling out his watch and looking at it ; "I don't think I'm a goin' to answer no questing." " Not answer any ! " repeated the man with surprise. " No," replied Mr. Jorrocks ; adding, " I've got a Mus- covey duck for dinner, and I'm afeard it'll be overdone." " Well," observed the man in astonishment, " I certainly sballn't vote for you ! " " P'raps you wouldn't ha' done that anyhow," replied our Squire. " Upon the wh-o-o-le, he hasn't got a vote," observed Wopstraw. 5o3 HILLINGDON HALL. " Ye come down there ! " cried Pigg, giving the fellow a thump on the head with his flagstaff; adding, "de ye think a Parliament man has nought to de but talk to such rubbish as ye ? Grou whiskers on your chin like Ginger toppin' yonder, if ye maun make yersel conspikious." The High Sheriff then called for a show of hands. A forest of them was immediately held up for the Marquis, amid thunders of applause, waving of handkerchiefs, and rolling of drums. The Sheriff then called upon those who were for Mr. Jorrocks to hold up theirs. A very small number appeared in comparison to what were held up for the Marquis ; and after the roars of applause the triumph produced had subsided, the Sheriff declared the show to have fallen in favour of his lordship. " AR DEMAND A POLL ! " roared Heavy tail, with such a thump of the fist on the hustings as would have felled ( 59 ) CHAPTER XLVII. " For whom do you poll ? " |[N less than an hour the late densely-crowded town was occupied only by its own inhabitants, and the few drunken topers who filled the public- houses men who, at election times, drank from week's end to week's end. The Marquis set off in great glee to Donkeyton Castle, accompanied by the party who attended him in the morning, to tell the victory of the day : and the farmers quietly got their horses, and wended their way home by twos or by threes, as occasion suited. " Upon the who-o-ole I think the Marquis 11 be hard to beat," observed Wopstraw, as he mounted his mealy-muzzled bay. " We mun never despair ! " replied Willey Goodheart. " I always said in Boney's time, it's never no use being afraid. I really believe, if the French had thought we were frightened, they'd have come over and ate us all up ; terrible people for eatin', they say." "We must stir ourselves to a man," said John Brick, clattering away, much to the astonishment of his great black horse. Many a heavy-heeled carter went home at an unusual pace that day. The printing-presses of the respective parties were now hard at full work. It was the eve of publication-day of both papers, and the great " WE'S " of the Dozey Independent and the Church and State Gazette sat in their back rooms, combing and riddling the speeches of the respective candi- 5io HILLINGDOX HALL. dates into. English. Independently of the newspaper reports, each party printed handbills for general distribution, con- taining their own version of the story. The Marquis's procession was detailed in glowing colours. The bands, the banners, the ribbons, the ladies, the enthusiasm that pre- vailed, and the surpassing talent that characterised his address. The Dozey Independent " WE " treated poor Mr. Jorrocks very small. " This curious old codger," said the editor in his leading article, " an amalgamation of a cockney and a countryman, half buck half hawbuck, addressed the assembled multitude with a vehemence and an energy truly surprising for a man of his years, but in a dialect perfectly unintelligible to our reporters. It is lamentable to see a respectable-looking old gentleman, with, we understand, many amiable qualities, making a merry-andrew of himself at the bidding of a desperate and expiring faction. ' Has the old gentleman no friends ? ' was the question we repeatedly heard asked ; and, in sober earnestness, we ask it ourselves has he no friends ? " On the other hand, The Church and State Gazette eulogised Mr. Jorrocks, his sayings and his doings, and made a perfect hero of him. "We heartily congratulate the county on the creditable exhibition Mr. Jorrocks made on the hustings this day. His reasoning, his language, his manner, his dress, his address, was all that could be wished by the most zealous patriot. We never listened with greater pleasure to any speech. It was a perfect masterpiece of impassioned eloquence. Bold, vigorous, and concise, it had all the fervour of a Stanley, with the subdued pathos of a Canning. " We will not detain our readers from the gratification its perusal is sure to afford by any further observations of our own, but conclude by again congratulating the couiity on the fortunate selection it has made." The paper then went on to give the following version of the proceedings, and of Mr. Jorrocks's speech, which we recommend to the notice of all other editors of Church and HILLINGDON HALL. 511 State Gazettes throughout the kingdom, some of whom send their champions out much worse mounted than they find them : " SELLBOKOUGH. " At eleven o'clock to-day, John Jorrocks, Esq., of Hillingdon Hall, one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the county the chosen champion of the agricultural interest made his public entry into our town, attended by an immense cavalcade of yeomanry, and farmers on horse- back. The procession was preceded by numerous rich and beautiful flags, and a full brass band in uniform (three trumpeters in dirty ducks and high-lows). The honour- able gentleman rode in an elegant triumphal car (the old fire-engine), and was attended by his proposer, Hamilton Dobbin, Esq. His seconder, Mr. Mark Heavytail, of the Pet Farm, one of the oldest and most extensive farmers in the county, headed the horsemen. In number they far exceeded a thousand ; some thought two thousand : but, perhaps, fifteen hundred would be about the mark all free- holders ! " Precisely at twelve o'clock the High Sheriff appeared on the hustings ; and the usual formalities having been observed, the respective candidates were proposed and seconded. "The Marquis of Bray addressed the vast assemblage first ; but we regret that the total want of accommodation for the gentlemen of the press prevented our reporter catching a single word of what he said. "Mr. Jorrocks then came forward, and was received with the most deafening applause, accompanied by the waving of handkerchiefs, and general signs of approbation. When silence was at length restored, the honourable gentleman spoke nearly as follows : " ' Mr. High Sheriff and Gentlemen, Before I advert to the important business that has brought us together this day, allow me to notice an inquiry made by the proposer of my noble friend, the Marquis of Bray, as to who I am (cheers). I was in hopes, gentlemen, that the time I have 5 i2 HILLINGDON HALL. now spent among you the intercourse I have had with you, coupled with the interest I have taken in the promotion of agricultural science, and, I trust, the faithful discharge of my magisterial duties, would have exempted me from such an inquiry ; but, gentlemen, lest the unanswered question of the gallant Captain should lead any to suppose that I am an ambitious adventurer standing forward for the mere gratification of my own vanity, or the still baser motives of personal aggrandisement, permit me to say that I am closely connected with the landed interest of this county ; and that I was sought in the retirement of private life by the spontaneous requisition of a large body of my brother land- owners and farmers to fight the battle of our common cause.' (Immense applause, with cries of * So you were ! So you were ! ') " ' The gallant Captain,' continued Mr. Jorrocks, c spoke in glowing terms of the Duke of Donkeyton's devotion to agriculture and the expense he incurred in trying experi- ments, but he (Mr. Jorrocks) fearlessly appealed to the assembled county to say if the farming interest had a truer or more liberal patron than himself!' (Cheers, and cries of ' No, no ! it hasn't ! it hasn't ! ') " ' Without wishing to detract from the merits of the Duke of Donkey ton, he might refer to his own labours in the cause of good farming and scientific improvement. He had invented a machine so curious in its structure, so com- prehensive in its operations, that, trembling at the monster he had called into existence, he had not dared to use it, lest it should supersede manual labour, and so throw thousands of industrious poor out of employment ! (Great applause.) " ' The noble Lord had addressed them with great talent and eloquence. Though opposed to the opinions his Lord- ship had urged, he (Mr. Jorrocks) could not be insensible to the ability with which he had advanced them. If he (Mr. Jorrocks) felt himself unable to compete with the noble Lord in the display of flowery metaphor, he trusted to supply the deficiency by the use of sounder arguments (cheers). He stood there the defender of British agriculture, and, in his opinion, argument was as superior to metaphor HILLINGDO^ HALL. 513 as the yellow waving corn was to the gay parterre. Flowers we could do without, but corn was a matter of vital necessity. The noble Lord talked of his sympathy for the poor, but he (Mr. Jorrocks) yielded to no man in attachment to the lower orders (applause). He wished to see the labouring man fully employed and well paid. What matter did it make to the poor man that he could buy an eightpenny loaf for fourpence, if he had not fourpence to buy it with ? Would it increase the demand for labour to throw all the arable land out of tillage ? He thought not ; neither would it be prudent to depend upon foreigners for food. " ' I am old enough, gentlemen,' continued Mr. Jorrocks, 'to remember the time when that great man, Napoleon Bonaparte a man at whose name princes trembled and empires shook I am old enough, I say, to remember the time when that great man, in the plenitude of his power, menaced England from Boulogne heights, threatening to close the ports of Europe against us. Wars, gentlemen, have been, and wars may be again ; and if a second Napoleon should arise, how should we manage if he were to do what his predecessor threatened ? Would it appease the hunger of the starving millions for Mr. Bright to offer the contents of his warehouse to clothe them ? Again, if the stalwart yeomanry, who in former days joined the flower and chivalry of England, were annihilated, who should we get to fight the battles of our common cause ? Shall we be unmindful of the poet's truism " That a bold peasantry, their country's pride, When once destroyei can never be supplied"? " ' Never, gentlemen ! ' continued he ; ' never ! (loud cheers). Let us not be deluded out of the substance of our national independence by the shadow of foreign advan- tages ; let us adhere to the flag that for a thousand years has " braved the battle and the breeze," and, in the coming contest for this county, let every man remember the emphatic language of Nelson . ct England expects that every man will do his duty." ' 2 K Si4 HILLINGDON HALL. "The honourable gentleman concluded amidst the most enthusiastic demonstrations of applause. " A show of hands was then called for and taken, but our reporter has omitted to supply us with the result. From what we saw, however, we have little doubt it would be greatly in favour of Mr. Jorrocks." Now for the election. The polling commenced with great vigour on both sides, but the result of the first day fully justified the confidence with which Mr. Smoothington had assured the Duke, as they quaffed their Burgundy and Bordeaux after the nomina- tion, at Donkeytown Castle, that the Marquis's success was quite certain. There not having been a contested election in the county since the passing of the Eeform Bill, the machinery was not in very good order, and the returns from the different polling-places were badly made ; but all accounts agreed that the Marquis was considerably ahead, and Mr. Smoothington, taking the highest number that he heard, told the Duke his son was more than a hundred ahead. His Grace was rejoiced was sure "they were popular monstrous popular ! " On the other hand, the agricultural interest, nothing daunted by their candidate's position on the poll, moved heaven and earth to reverse his situation on the second. Agents and canvassers scoured the county during the night, and every voter was looked after that could be got to the poll. The League distributed tons of tracts. A very unusual activity, for a second day's polling, prevailed throughout the county, and drab coats and whisker- on-chin-ites, who had never been looked for, cast up most unexpectedly at the different polling-booths ; many absentees arrived, some out of gaol debtors, of course. Still Mr. Smoothington was confident they couldn't beat the Duke. A splendid chair was fitted up for the chairing green velvet with gold lace ; and a grand procession arranged from the Castle, for the declaration of the poll day. HILLIXGDOX HALL. 515 " We'll annihilate this old Tom Jorrocks," said the Duke, as the lengthening procession drove from the door; "im- pudent man, monstrous impudent man ! " added he, hurrying away to his library. Many rumours were afloat as to the ultimate result of the poll. Mr. Jorrocks's committee had published a state- ment of the first day's one, which left our Cockney Squire in a minority of twenty only; still it was the general opinion that the Marquis was far more ahead. In this opinion our friend participated, and had it not been for the convenience of arranging the payment of his hats, he would hardly have taken the trouble of returning to Sellborough. As it was, the Marquis's dazzling procession had entered, and his Lordship and friends had taken their place on the hustings before the Squire made his appearance. A vast concourse of persons filled the spacious market-place, and compliments passed current while the Sheriff was superin- tending the casting- up of the poll-books. At length he ap- peared on the hustings, and pencils begin to appear to take down the numbers as they issued from his lips. A breath- less silence ensued as he declared the numbers to be For John Jorrocks, Esq. " . ' 2617 For the Marquis of Bray . f "..- 2615 Each party was struck dumb with astonishment. " Impossible ! " " Wrong ! " " Mistake ! " " Can never be ! " issued from the whiskerites ; and " Thame ! thame ! " was lisped by the ladies. A rotten cabbage was thrown at the Sheriff. This roused him from the stupor into which he also seemed to have fallen, and after calling for order, a semblance of which was at length obtained, he declared John Jorrocks, Esq., to be duly elected. Our Cockney Squire stood in a state of apparent bewilder- ment receiving the congratulations of his friends, amidst the greatest uproar from the populace. He did not know what he was about. Many of the public-house mob were perfectly furious, and would have torn the Jorrockian jacket off his back if they could have reached him. 516 HILLIXGDOS" HALL. After some time spent in dumb show by our friend, each party exerting their lungs to the utmost, the Sheriff sent him word, if he wished to address the meeting, he should now do so ; otherwise he would adjourn the court in order to make his return to the writ. Our friend then stood forward, and uncovered, amidst the most discordant yells and a volley of missiles. That being a game at which two can play, a rotten egg speedily closed one of Captain Bluster's eyes, when all hands on the hustings began to be particularly anxious for order. Mr. Jorrocks's friends rallied round him. After some seconds spent in dumb show, he at length articulated as follows " Mr. 'Igh Sheriff and gen'lmen, I'm perfectly flummoxed at the announcement jest made. I can't think it's true. There must be some mistake, the bookkeeper must 'ave cast hup his accounts wrong ! It can never be true that I've beat a Markis." Cries of " No, no ! " " Yes, yes ! " All right ! all right ! " " Howsomever, beat or not beat, I'm quite beat for words. Sich a thing never entered my calkilation. John Jorrocks anM.P.!" " Whe'd ha' thou't it ?" exclaimed Pigg. " Ay, indeed, who would ? " replied Mr. Jorrocks. " Friend ! " exclaimed a Quaker (Mr. Obadiah Brown), " friend ! " repeated he, " thy footman there," pointing to Pigg, " told me an untruth respecting thy habits of life." " 'Ow so ? " inquired Mr. Jorrocks. " He assured me thou wert a teetotaller." " Ne doot ! " said Pigg, " ne doot ! " " How canst thou say so, when thy master was drunk the night before last ? " " Why ! why ! " replied Pigg, " that's nou't again' his bein' a tea-to-taller." " But, friend," continued Mr. Obadiah Brown, appealing to Mr. Jorrocks, " my brother and myself voted for thee on the understanding that thou wert a teetotaller." " Sony you should 'ave 'ad so bad an opinion on me," replied Mr. Jorrocks. HILLIXGDOX HALL. 517 " Bat thou surely wilt not retain the votes ? " rejoined Mr. Brown. " They were obtained under false pretences." " That's a lee ! " roared Pigg. " / say they were" retorted Mr. Brown, with vehemence. " Ar say they warrit /" roared Pigg. "Thou axed me when ar canvassed thee, gin wor ard Squire was a tea-to- taller, and ar said Yis ! " " Then he's not, I say ! " retorted Mr. Brown. " He sells tea ony how," replied Pigg. The High Sheriff called the parties to order, observing that it was Mr. Jorrocks should address the meeting, if he were inclined; otherwise the Marquis of Bray had the privilege. Mr. Jorrocks begged pardon. " He really was so struck iv a heap that he didn't know wot he was about. He would be werry much obliged to any one who would tell him what to say. He was never in such a pucker afore. Yes, once ! No, it wasn't ! It was summut like though. He had arranged a beautiful speech to return thanks for his ball winnin' a prize, instead of which they axed him to return thanks for his losin' it, and he couldn't. It was too much for his feelins. So now he'd come to tell his friends where to apply to for their 'ats, instead of which he had to trouble them for them, and to thank the electors who had so gallantly won them for him. (Loud cheers.) He believed there were seventy of them. As many as would last him his life, he thought. It was, indeed, a great wictory ! The League, too, had gained a great wictory a great moral wictory ! Nothin' could be better. Two great wictories ! Both parties pleased ! They had elected him to Parliament, and he was ready to sacrifice the plisures of retirement and the luxtury of pure country hair, in the enjoyment of which men grumbled if they died afore they were a 'undred. He was ready, he said, to sacrifice these at their biddin'. Ho didn't exactly know who he'd support when he got hup. Young England, at one time, had favour in his eyes ; but they lost it by steeple-chasin' above all, by Conin'sby ridin' a steeple-chase in Hautumn. " ' Upon the who-o-ole,' as his friend Johnny Wopstraw 5i8 HILLINGDOX HALL. would say, he didn't know but he'd support Sir Robert. Ifc was no use doin' things by 'alves. He would go the 'ole 'og over shoes over boots. He'd been a Vig all his life, and thought to have died a Yig ; but inwestin' money in land, and findin' he Avas likely to be done out of his land, had changed his opinions on that pint. He really thought Sir Robert was a downright clever man. He had found the country reg'larly hup the spout, and had now restored it to hunexampled prosperity. If Sir Robert 'ill stick by us poor farmers, I really think I'll stick by him," continued Mr. Jorrocks. " Be wot they call Conservative. ' Tory men with Vig measures/ as Conin'sby says. Sir Robert had played him rayther a dirty trick about his ball, but he could forgive him. He could forgive him, and he believed the generous hanimal could forgive him. Partin' with his ball would give him unmitigated pain, but he couldn't take him hup to Parliament. He must, however, be partin' him- self. It was past two o'clock, and he should like to be chaired, for he'd promised to dine with his neighbour, little Trotter, whose beautiful darter had been married that mornin'. It would be a great surprise to Trot to find him returned to Parliament as well as to dine with him. He should, however, never forget the kindness of the farmers. He would keep a watchful eye on their interest. He would make his trusty Scotch bailiff, James Pigg, manager of his property. He should establish a model farm, like the Duke of Donkeyton's. Guano, nitrate o' sober, Willey's dust, Clarke's compost, petre salt, all scientific mextures should have a fair field and every favour ; and he would come down annually twice a year to lector and report on them ! " " MUCK'S YOUR MAN ! " roared Pigg, as his master bowed his adieus to the meeting. HILLIXGDOX HALL. 519 [ADVERTISEMENT. ] TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. pROFESSOK PIGG, of the EOYAL CALEDONIAN UNIWERSITY, having been appointed by John Jorrocks, Esq., M.P., to manage his extensive agricultural concerns, begs to announce his intention of receiv- ing a limited number of MUD STUDENTS, who will be instructed in the newest and most approved farming mysteries, particklar the use of guano, nitrate of sober, and other hartificial mextures. The young gentlemen's linen and morals will be under the immediate superintendence of Mrs. Pigg, and they will in every respect be treated the same as the little Piggs. For terms and further particklars, apply to the Professor at Hilling- don Hall. THE END. PRINTED BY BALLANTVNE, HANSON AND CO. EDINBURGH AND LONDON. LONDON, if KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND, W.C. JOHN C. NIMM.O'S SPRING LIST OF NEW BOOKS For 1888. 2 L Publications of John C, Nimmo. THE NEW EDITED AND COMPLETE EDITIONS ;%Dramatist0, This is the first instalment towards a collective edition of the Dramatists who lived about the time of Shakespeare. The type will be distributed after each work is printed. One of the chief features of this New Edition of the Elizabethan Drama- tists, besides the handsome and handy size of the volumes, will be the fact that each Work -will be carefully edited and new notes given throughout. ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE (IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, JANUARY 1886) ON THE Eli5abetban Dramatists. " If it be true, as we are told on. high authority, that the greatest glory of England is her literature, and the greatest glory of English literature is its poetry, it is not less true that the greatest glory of English poetry lies rather in its dramatic than its epic or its lyric triumphs. The name of Shakespeare is above the names even of Milton and Coleridge and Shelley ; and the names of his comrades in art and their immediate successors are above all but the highest names in any other province of our song. There is such an overflowing life, such a superb exuberance of abounding and exulting strength, in the dramatic poetry of the half century extending from 1590 to 1640, that all other epochs of English literature seem as it were but half awake and half alive by comparison with this generation of giants and of gods. There is more sap in this than in any other branch of the national bay-tree ; it has an energy in fertility which reminds us rather of the forest than the garden or the park. It is true that the weeds and briars of the underwood are but too likely to embarrass and offend the feet of the rangers and the gardeners who trim the level flower-plots or preserve the domestic game of enclosed and ordered lowlands in the tamer demesnes of literature. The sun is strong and the wind sharp in the climate which reared the fel- lows and the followers of Shakespeare. The extreme inequality and rough- ness of the ground must also be taken into account when we are disposed, as I for one have often been disposed, to wonder beyond measure at the apathetic ignorance of average students in regard of the abundant treasure to be gathered from this widest and most fruitful province in the poetic empire of England. And yet, since Charles Lamb threw open its gates to all comers in the ninth year of the present century, it cannot but seem strange that comparatively so few should have availed themselves of the entry to so rich and royal an estate. Mr. Bullen has taken up a task than which none more arduous and important, none worthier of thanks and praise, can be undertaken by any English scholar." 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W.C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. Volumes now Ready of the new Edited and Complete Editions of the Elizabethan Dramatists. Post 8vo, cloth. Published price, 7s. 6d. per volume net ; also large fine-paper edition, medium 8vo, cloth. The foil mving are Edited by A. H. BDLLEN, B.A. : THE WORKS OF GEORGE PEELE. Two Volumes, THE WORKS OF JOHN MARSTON. Three Volumes. THE WORKS OF THOMAS MIDDLETON. Eight Volumes. THE WORKS OF CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE. Three Volumes. Others in active preparation. SOME PRESS NOTICES. Athenaeum. " Mr. Bullen's edition deserves warm recognition. It is intelli- gent, scholarly, adequate. His preface is judicious. The elegant edition of the Dramatists of which these volumes are the first is likely to stand high in public estimation. . . . The completion of the series will be a boon to biblio- graphers and scholars alike." Saturday Review. "Mr. Bullen has discharged his task as editor in all important points satisfactorily, his introduction is well informed and well written, and his notes are well chosen and sufficient. . . . We hope it may be his good fortune to give and ours to receive every Dramatist, from Peele to Shirley, in this handsome, convenient, and well-edited form. " The Spectator. " Probably one of the boldest literary undertakings of our time, on the part of publisher as well as editor, is the fine edition of the Drama- tists which has been placed in Mr. Bullen's careful hands ; considering the com- prehensiveness of the subject, and the variety of knowledge it demands, the courage of the editor is remarkable." Notes and Queries.". . . Appropriately, then, the series Mr. Bullen edits and Mr. Nimmo issues in most attractive guise is headed by Marlowe, the leader, and in some respects all but the mightiest spirit, of the great army of English Dramatists." The Academy. " Mr. Bullen is known to all those interested in such things as an authority on most matters connected with old plays. We are not sur- prised, therefore, to find these volumes well edited throughout. They are not overburdened with notes." Scotsman. " Never in the history of the world has a period been marked by so much of literary power and excellence as the Elizabethan period ; and never have the difficulties in the way of literature seemed to be greater. The three volumes which Mr. Nimmo has issued now may be regarded as earnests of more to come, and as proofs of the excellence which will mark this edition of the Elizabethan Dramatists as essentially the best that has been published. Mr. Bullen is a competent editor in every respect." The Standard. "Throughout Mr. Bullen has done his difficult work re- markably well, and the publisher has produced it in a form which will make the edition of early Dramatists of which it is a part an almost indispensable addition to a well-stocked library." Pall Mall Gazette. ". . . If the series is continued as it is begun, by one of the most careful editors, this set of the English Dramatists will be a coveted literary possession." Daily Telegraph." The introduction to this new edition of Marston is of exceeding interest, and is honourable to the earnest spirit in which Mr. Bullen is steadfastly pursuing the object set before him in this notable series." 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. In Two Volumes, crown 8vo, with Portrait, cloth, uncut edges, price I2s. nel, Second Edition. The Life of Benvenuto Cellini. NEWLY TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH. By JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS. PUBLISHER'S NOTE. The high appreciation which Mr. Symonds' new and scholarly translation of the Life of Ben- venuto Cellini met with, both from critics and the general public, has induced the Publisher to issue a Second Edition in Two Vols., crown 8vo, but without the etchings and embel- lishments contained in the first, more expensive, and limited, edition. SOME PRESS NOTICES OF THE FIRST EDITION. ' Saturday Review. " An accurate translation of the world-famed autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini has hitherto been wanting. This want has now been supplied by Mr. J. A. Symonds in a very satisfactory way ; the two volumes in which this new translation appears are printed in the most munificent style, and, what is still better, the translation itself is made with an accuracy and force of style which could only have been attained by one who combined Mr. Symonds 1 exceptional acquaintance with Cellini's language and an intimate knowledge of Italian history with a finished literary command of his own tongue. Mr. Symonds has made good use of his many qualifications for the task, and this latest work of his will take rank among the best translations that have ever been made into English." Daily News. "Mr. Symonds was in some sort predestined to this enterprise, and his fulfilment of it deserves the warmest acknowledgment and congratulation. Goethe translated Cellini's autobiography into German with conscientious care ; it has been rather paraphrased than translated into French with con- siderable skill, but we may without undue glorification confidently pronounce the present English version superior to all former attempts to preserve the keen and fiery spirit of the original, with all its daring vehemence and vigour, its reckless abandonment, its picturesque energy, its superb swaggering devilry, its overflowing vitality. The autobiography is a masterpiece, and in this translation it loses none of its irresistible fascination." Notes and Queries. " Mr. Symonds has worthily supplemented his labours in Renaissance litera- ture and art by the completion of his admirable translation of the immortal autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini. A translation better fitted to convey what is characteristic in Cellini's impetuous style is scarcely to be expected. So far as scholarly requirements are concerned, Mr. Symonds' translation may be regarded as final." 14. King William Street, Strand, London, W.C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. SOME PRESS NOTICES continued. Spectator. "The warmest admirer of Benvenuto's genius and the severest censor of his crimes will equally welcome the translation and editing of this famous auto- biography by Mr. Addington Symonds. The students of art and of history, the men of 'lazy literature,' and the mere lovers of handsome, luxuriously printed books, will rejoice in a piece of work so thoroughly done. It may, indeed, be said that the astounding memoirs have been presented for the first time in English in a manner which would have satisfied the egregious vanity of Benvenuto himself, even if, in his vehement fashion, he might have more than demurred to the estimate and explanation of his nature and character with which the volume opens. That introduction is an admirable critical essay upon the man, his book, and his times ; and it comes with some authority from Mr. Symonds, who has profoundly studied and brilliantly portrayed the period. " Scotsman. " It may at once be said that Mr. Symonds' is a full translation of the whole of Cellini's work. As for its accuracy, the only doubts will arise with regard to those passages about the meaning of which dispute will ever exist among Italian scholars. When a book is written, as this is, in a thoroughly colloquial style, and is, moreover, full of dialectic colloquialisms, the difficulty of transla- tion is very great." Athenaeum. " As a piece of workmanship Mr. Symonds' translation deserves to rank amongst the best translations in the English language. Indeed, it may be doubted if anything that Mr. Symonds has yet done merits such unqualified praise. He has reproduced a style whose very simplicity constitutes its diffi- culty, because while it is vivid and forcible it is not precise. He preserves the ease, the flow, and the individuality of Cellini's narrative, while he has scrupu- lously attended to accuracy and truthfulness. His task seems so easy that it takes" a little reflection to perceive its real difficulty. "Moreover, Mr. Symonds has been rewarded for the pains which he has taken with what has evidently been a labour of love. His carefulness as a translator has reacted upon his own style, and the introduction to the ' Life ' is a better sample of English prose than Mr. Symonds has yet written." Manchester Examiner. "Mr. Symonds' mastery of the nuances of the Italian tongue, while his inti- mate knowledge of the history and spirit of the Renaissance period have long been obvious to every cultivated reader. Of the quality of the English style of the new translation we can speak with more confidence, and we should do less than justice were we to speak of it in terms other than those of unreserved praise. The elaborate introductory essay of the translator is specially instruc- tive and interesting, all the more so because, in addition to the general estimate of Cellini's life and work, it brings together a number of substantial and by no means far-fetched reasons for the belief that the popular opinion of Cellini as an essentially unveracious man is altogether erroneous." Manchester City News. " It goes without saying that in Mr. Symonds' hands the work he had before him would be done with the most conscientious care ; and with such fine, critical accuracy as he has now for many years given us the right to expect from him. English readers who do not know Italian may now learn something reliable about Cellini and his times. Mr. Symonds is as painstaking as he is facile in his work ; and in his introduction and in the notes which meet the reader on his way through these volumes, he has given the cue, so to speak, for understanding him and his surroundings, with a completeness not hitherto available to those who have had to rely solely upon any previous publication in our literature." 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C, Publications of John C. Nimmo. In crown 8vo, about 350 pages, cloth, uncut edges, with Map and Thirty-four Illustrations, price 6s. STANLEY TO THE RESCUE! THE RELIEF OF EMIN PASHA. By A. WAUTERS, Of the Royal Geographical Society of Belgium. TRANSLATED BY ELLEN E. FREWER. Ulitb /ifcap and birt=four Illustrations. NOTE. This book will be published immediately on receipt of the latest news of Stanley's Mission. BY THE AUTHOR OF "HANDLEY CROSS," &c. Demy 8vo, 520 pages, Twelve Full-page Illustrations by Wildrake Heath Jellicoe printed on Whatman paper and coloured by hand, price 143. HILLINGDON HALL; Or, THE COCKNEY SQUIRE. A TALE OF COUNTRY LIFE. By R. S. SURTEES, Author of'Uandley Cross," "Jorrocks's Jaunts and Jollities," &*c. NOTE. This, one of the best of Mr. Surtees' works, was originally commenced in the New Sporting Magazine, and illustrated by the inimitable artists, Wildrake and Heath, but was not completed in that Magazine. It was afterwards published complete in a Three Volume edition. The Five Illustrations now added are by John Jellicoe, and illustrate the latter portion of the work not done by Wildrake or Heath. All are coloured by hand. 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. Publications of John C. Nimmo.' In demy 8vo, 350 pages, hand- made paper, price i6s. net. THE PLAYS AND POEMS OF SIR GEORGE ETHEREDGE. EDITED WITH CRITICAL NOTES AND INTRODUCTION, BY A. WILSON VERITY, B.A., Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. NOTE. Only 500 copies will be printed for England and America, each of which will be numbered. IN announcing a new and complete edition of the works of this eminent man of letters of the seventeenth century, the following remarks may be offered. Etheredge is a very impor- tant writer, and is recognised by all competent critics as the forerunner of Wycherley, Congreve, and Sheridan as the founder, in fact, of the English prose school of comedy. Such a writer ought to be accessible, and that his works have not been reprinted during the century appears to be an anomaly. Not only is there no modern edition of his works, but the old editions are scarce, and it may be mentioned that there is no copy of his plays in so large a collection as the University Library at Cambridge, or in the Trinity College Library. It may be said without any exaggeration that to the ordinary student Etheredge is absolutely inaccessible, and a new edition of his Plays and Poems, Annotated and Prefaced by an Intro- ductory Essay on the Writer and on the Contemporary Drama is a distinct desideratum, and will fill an important gap in our literature. 14. King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. NEW ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF DR. DORAN'S GREAT WORK. In Three Volumes, demy 8vo, Roxburghe binding, gilt top, price 545. net. Also large-paper copies, royal 8vo, with Portraits in duplicate. "THEIR MAJESTIES' SERVANTS." ANNALS OF THE ENGLISH STAGE FROM THOMAS BETTERTON TO EDMUND KEAN. By DR. DORAN, F.S.A. Edited and Revised by R. W. LOWE, from Author's Annotated Copy. With Fifty Copperplate Portraits and Eighty Wood Engravings. SOME PRESS NOTICES. Athenaeum. "It is well that in the issue of a new edition of 'Their Majesties' Servants,' which is one of the most esteemed of Dr. Doran's works, the task of supervision and correction has been assigned to one of the best informed and most earnest of our younger writers on dramatic subjects. Some of the most serious inaccuracies of the original are corrected, slight additions from the MSS. of Dr. Doran are supplied, and full indexes are appended to each of the volumes. With its admirable text and its delightful reproductions of old illustrations, it is the most attractive volume upon things histrionic that has yet appeared in England." Saturday Review. " Of all Dr. Doran's works, his ' Stage Annals ' has been the most successful, and both the first and second editions have long been out of print. The first, indeed, has been in great request, especially for the purpose of what is known as book illustration. Such corrections as are made in the second edition Mr. Lowe, in the shape of notes, has incor- porated with the original, and from the papers of Dr. Doran, to which he has had access. The illustrations meanwhile to the new edition enhance remarkably its value. No such collection of theatrical engravings is elsewhere to be obtained. It is difficult to know which most to praise, the views of old theatres and other scenes, &c., which, in the shape of head- or tail-pieces, are given to each chapter, or the portraits, all of which are interesting, and many of them admirable. Some of the scarcest and most desirable of histrionic portraits have been reproduced, and there is not a commonplace or indifferent plate in the series. The task of the publisher has been accomplished with equal care and taste, and the new Doran is a credit to a firm to which are owing many surpassingly handsome books." Manchester Examiner. "Dr. Doran was, in the best sense of the word, a popular writer; his style has the brightness, spontaneity, and picturesqueness which draw us to a book in our least studious hours ; and no one knew better than he the value of a characteristic anecdote, or could tell it with greater crispness and vivacity. In these three volumes his varied gifts are seen at their best, and the book is one which can with pleasure be either read steadily through from beginning to end or taken up in that odd quarter of an hour which it is so difficult to utilise with pleasure and profit." Notes and Queries. "The works of Dr. Doran, with their pleasant blending of antiquarian information and social gossip, are well known. To a portion of them it will be good news that the scarcest and the most popular of these, the 'Annals of the Stage,' first published under the characteristic title of 'Their Majesties' Servants,' has now been reissued. Mr. Lowe's task has been discharged with commendable industry and acumen. His notes are condensed and to the point. They appear few and unobtrusive ; they are, in fact, numerous and important. Difficult indeed is it to conceive a book of this class deserving higher praise or appealing to a larger public. It is pleasant to see an old favourite in so lovely and artistic a dress, and not less pleasant to think that the work is wholly English, and in design and execution owes nothing to a foreign source. ' 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. PRESS NOTICES OF " DORAN "continued. Pall Mall Gazette. " Turning to the illustrations, we can only pronounce them by far the finest collection of English theatrical portraits ever issued in book form. They are well chosen and admirably reproduced. Scarcely any actor or actress of the first rank is omitted, and in almost all cases rare and little known portraits are preferred to the more hackneyed ones. How charming, for instance, are the Colley Gibber and the Mrs. Abingdon ! How characteristic the Quin and Macklin, the George Frederick Cooke and the Robert William Elliston ! How valuable the Mrs. Woffington, the Mrs. Yates, and the Mrs. Pritchard, the Harris as Wolsey, and the Kean as Shylock ! Scarcely less interesting are the small woodcut head-pieces, printed on Japanese paper. They consist for the most part of pictures of old theatres and of scenes and characters from plays, curious as first-hand records of costume and gesture." Birmingham Mail. " Each volume contains a copious and exhaustive index, and the work has been annotated by reference to Dr. Doran 'sown MS. This history may fairly claim to rank as a standard work on the British drama, and no library can be considered complete without it. The previous editions have been long out of print, and command high prices, but Mr. Nimmo, by the care and special features he has lavished on this one, will make it outvie them in importance, and even render them incomplete and unsatis- factory by comparison." The Graphic. " Mr. Robert W. Lowe is already known through his work in connection with the bibliography of the stage, and there is probably no man in London better fitted for the task he has so successfully accomplished. His plan has been to reprint Dr. Doran's work exactly as it stood in the first edition, and to add a series of foot-notes correcting and explaining the text. Though some objection might possibly be taken to the scheme on which Dr. Doran planned his work, it is still the best popular book on the stage, and, with Mr. Lowe's notes, it will be long before it can be superseded." Glasgow Herald. " Dr. Doran was master of a singularly attractive style ; he had studied the Restora- tion drama with a minuteness altogether exceptional, even among stage annalists ; and if he was not lucky enough to discover any great mass of new material, he presented what was known in the most pleasing, orderly, and informing manner. An excellent and characteristic portrait of Dr. Doran is prefixed to the first volume of the 'Annals.' The editor, Mr. Lowe has with commendable taste confined himself for the most part to correcting those errors scarcely to be avoided by even an experienced writer among the confused, inaccurate, and contradictory documents of theatrical history." Bookseller. " The publication of a new edition of Doran's ' Annals of the Stage ' partakes almost of the nature of an event in the world of books, and is one we could scarcely have parsed over without notice. . . . Produced in such a delightful and fascinating shape, readers of Dr. Doran's work will be hard to please if they are not charmed with this edition of ' Their Majesties' Servants.'" Scotsman. " Histories of the stage are not rare : and although, as a rule, these are concerned more with the literature of the theatre than with players, some of them are based upon the biographical rather than the literary interest of their subject. Perhaps the most prominent of such histories is Dr. Doran's ' Annals of the English Stage ; ' it is a store- house of information concerning the theatre as it existed in England during the seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries." North British Daily Mail. "The intrinsic worth of this work has long been recognised, and in this new edition we have not only the revision of a careful editor, but also a series of illustrations of a very attractive character. The portraits are most interesting, and so are the numerous little pictures on Japanese paper ; indeed, with regard to the latter, we have rarely seen anything finer. Altogether, the work in its present form is a most covetable one, and is sure to commend itself to the book-collector. 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. 3V IBxMtotjrapIjff nf C^atrical ICi&ratur*. In demy 8vo, 400 pages, cloth, price i8j. net. Also, One Hundred Copies on fine deckle-edge royal 8vo paper, each numbered. A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF ENGLISH THEATRICAL LITERATURE FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY. By ROBERT W. LOWE. SOME PRESS NOTICES. Athenaeum. "It is a work of much industry and research, and will probably remain the standard bibliography of the stage. What further information is to be chronicled may be grafted on this stock. To the student and the collector the book has real value. The latter will prize the few quotations of sale prices Mr. Lowe has given, and will wish them more numerous." Saturday Review. " Mr. Lowe's bibliographical account of the stage forms a goodly volume of 384 pages, and describes, it may be estimated, nearly three thousand separate^ works. It is admir- ably furnished as regards cross-references and other means of facilitating use, and is a \vorkofmuchlabouranderndition. Further additions and emendations will doubtless be forthcoming. Meantime the contribution Mr. Lowe has made is important and wel- come. His work is convenient in arrangement, and his own observations are pertinent." Daily News. " It is not a mere bibliography, but rather what is known as a 'catalogue Taisonnf* since a large number of the titles are accompanied by serviceable explanatory notes, together with mention of prices for which scarce woiks have been sold at more or less recent sales. It is a gracious task to render homage to the industry and the painstaking care displayed on every page of this volume." Scotsman. "The entries go as far back in point of time as the ' Coventry Mysteries,' and come down so near ihe present day as to include reference to the pamphlet containing the articles from the Saturday Review on the state of the London theatres which appeared last month, and the new edition of Dr. Dpran's ' Annals of the Stage,' which was published last week. The work will be heartily welcomed by librarians and bookmen as a valuable product of bibliographical skill and industry. It is printed in a very elegant fashion, and published in a limited issue, and will probably soon become as scarce and high-priced as many of the books to which its pages give reference." Glasgow Herald. " It consists of about two thousand titles, the great majority of which are taken directly from the works described. These are arranged alphabetically, with exhaustive cross-references. Notes regarding each actor and actress are given, with an account of the occurrences to which particular works refer, special attention being paid to the less known and more curious pamphlets." Pall Mall Gazette. " Mr. Lowe's notes are, as a rule, eminently to the point, and add greatly to the value of his work. It is difficult to estimate the amount of patient labour that goes to the compilation of such a book as this, especially when it is the first of its kind ; and Mr. Lowe's diligence, accuracy, and enthusiasm for his subject deserve the warmest recog- nition. The book is excellently printed and got up. the English edition being limited to 350 numbered copies, while 150 have been printed for America." Manchester Examiner. "This is a book the leaves of which can be turned over with considerable interest and no small amount of instruction by that miscellaneous-minded person, the general reader, Hiid to the student of the special class of literature with which it deals it will be very valuable." 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. "^Folnmc of Post 8vo, hand-made paper, 750 copies, each numbered, price los. 6d. net. Also 250 large-paper copies, in half German calf, each numbered. More Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age. Edited by A. H. B U L L E N, B.A. SOME PRESS NOTICES. Scotsman. "Mr. A. H. Bullen has found a happy hunting-ground for songs in the anthologies of the Elizabethan period. His first collection of lyrics rapidly won the favour of lovers of literature, and brought to the light of print many gems of excellent lustre that had lain hidden in the manuscripts hoarded by collectors. His reprint of ' England's Helicon ' whetted the wholesome appetite for such good songs, and his new volume, ' More Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age, ' will go far to satisfy the demand for more of the same. This collection is issued in the same elegant form as the others a form which reflects the highest credit upon the publisher of the book, and will make the volume prized by collectors of beautiful books." Manchester Examiner. " Mr. A. H. Bullen's new book, ' More Lyrics from the Song- Books of the Elizabethan Age,' is a worthy companion of the volume issued some months ago. Whilst that volume was still in the press the compiler was again gleaning where he had reaped, confident in the success of his first venture. The result 'is a rich store of lyrics which were absolutely unknown to the public, and of many of which even specialists were ign'orant. Mr. Bullen has unearthed a large number of the poems from unique books in the British Museum, the Bodleian Library, the Royal College of Music, Mr. Halliwell-Phillipps' Library at Hollingbury Copse, and unpublished manuscripts." Notes and Queries. "From the same rich sources that have supplied him with the previous volume of ' Lyrics ' Mr. Bullen has dug out yet further treasures. His earlier volume is already prized by the bibliophile and by the lover of poetry. The second forms a worthy companion. All but inexhaustible seems the supply of poetry of the Elizabethan era. Poem after poem that we come upon in these second gleanings is good enough in a later age to have won the writer a place among poets. Men such as Carew, for instance, have obtained a name as poets without writing anything equal to the best of Thomas Campion, whom Mr. Bullen has permanently rescued from practical oblivion." Daily News. " They are beautiful tunable pieces ; they have the accent of that old day, a music like the jargoning of birds, artless trills that our later art ' never can recapture.' Such were our fathers' songs, and why are our modern songs, as a rule, such trash?" 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. A NEW ILLUSTRATED WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF "FLEMISH INTERIORS." In large crown 8vo, with One Hundred Illustrations by R. CAULFIELD ORPEN, cloth elegant, price 73. 6d. 'De Omnibus Rebus." AN OLD MAN'S DISCURSIVE RAMBLINGS ON THE ROAD OF EVERYDAY LIFE. By the Author of "Flemish Interiors." With One Hundred Illustrations by R. CAULFIELD ORPEN. SOME PRESS NOTICES. Saturday Review. " The little sketches scattered throughout are clever." Punch. "' De Omnibus Rebus,' by tbe author of ' Flemish Interiors.' An odd book to be taken up at odd times. Amusing and chatty, with a good deal of shrewd observation. He who rides may read ; and as it is published by Nimmo, this firm in this instance might adopt the old Latin motto, ' " Nimmo " mortaliwn omnibus horis sapit ;' i.e., ' Nimmo is wise to bring out a book for the omnibus hours of mortals.' " Athenaeum. "The author of ' De Omnibus Rebus' may be thanked and congratulated." Manchester Examiner. " The writer, whom we must be content to know as the author of ' Flemish Interiors,' takes a modern omnibus as the scene of his reflections, and occupies the time of his journeys in studying types of character, the idiosyncrasies of his fellow-passengers, the incidents en route, the people in the streets, the attendants, the advertisements, and many other things which furnish an observant mind with food for thought. He has a good store of anecdotes with which to garnish his reflections, and the result is a gossipy attractive book of 350 pages. Some excellent and humorous illustrations are supplied by R. Caulfield Orpen. Morning Post. " ' De Omnibus Rebus' will be read with extreme pleasure in one's spare time, for it is a book which cannot fail to raise the spirits and put one in an amiable frame of mind towards one's fellow-creatures." John Bull. " No one can read this handsome book without conceiving a kindly feeling for its Figaro. "This finely-printed vojume is full of lively and diverting stories and sayings. As may be imagined by the title, it need not be read all at once ; indeed, it is essentially a book to take up when you have half an hour or an hour to spare, and difficult must the man or woman be to please who does not find something in it to laugh at or ponder over. There are no less than a hundred illustrations, some of which are very clever. The author is a man of culture as well as of observation, and ' De Omnibus Rebus 1 deserves to enjoy wide and permanent popularity." 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. 13 ftcto listoriral tfifork bg JF. (g. fee, .g. Large crown 8vo, cloth, price 8s. 6d. REGINALD POLE, CARDINAL ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. AN HISTORICAL SKETCH. WITH AN INTRODUCTORY PROLOGUE AND PRACTICAL EPILOGUE BY FREDERICK GEORGE LEE, D.D. With an Etched Portrait of Cardinal Pole. John Bull. "We must not linger further over Dr. Lee's book. We have already indicated some serious points upon which we can by no means accept his conclusions. But Dr. Lee has, nevertheless, rendered two great and important services. He has done something to correct erroneous but prevalent impressions concerning an important epoch in our history. He has forcibly exposed the evil and wickedness of Christian Disunion, and striven his best, from his particular point of view, to stir men up to seek a remedy. For both of these he deserves our cordial thanks." Third Edition, newly Revised and Corrected, and greatly Enlarged, in 2 vol.=. medium 8vo, cloth, Three Hundred Engravings and Twelve Full-Page Plates, price 2ls. THE ROSICRUCIANS: THEIR RITES AND MYSTERIES. By HARGRAVE JENNINGS. Allen's Indian Mail." Valuable, interesting, and instructive, the work teaches how dangerous it is to condemn what is not understood, or to criticise what is imperfectly realised. Liberality of judgment should be the motto of mankind in these days of intelligence and enlightenment, and a study of the mysterious will clear the path in this direction from many of the notions conceived in intolerance and nurtured in hardness of heart. Read, gentle reader, and be wise ! " Uniform with A. H. BULLEN'S " Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age." Post 8vo, hand-made paper, 500 copies, each numbered, price los. 6d. net. Also 250 copies, large paper, in half-German calf, each numbered. ENGLAND'S HELICON. A COLLECTION OF LYRICAL POEMS PUBLISHED IN 1600. Edited by A. H. BTJLLEN. The Spectator. "With what pleasure would Leigh Hunt, Hazlitt.or Charles Lamb have taken into their hands this new edition of the Elizabethan song-book, ' England's Helicon;' and how gladly would they acknowledge the influence of sixty years, the advance in taste, themselves its leaders, which will win for such a book delight and admiration, rather than 'patronage ! ' The book consists of a collection of lyrical and pastoral poems, and the modern editor, who, one need hardly say, has done his work with perfect (tare and taste, has prefaced the poems with an introduction telling us all we want to know about almost every one of them." 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. 1 4 Publications of John C. Nimmo. ^ $*fo snb ^tautiful bitten of i\t |mitalioit af Christ. In demy 8vo, with Fifteen Etchings, bound in full white parchment, gilt top, price 2 is. net. The Imitation of Christ. FOUR BOOKS. Translated from the Latin by Rev. W. BENHAM, B.D., Rector of St. Edmund, King and Martyr, Lombard Street, London. The text and quaint borders printed in brown ink on fine vellum paper, and illustrated with Fifteen Etchings by L. FLAMENG and CH. WALTNEK, from designs by J. P. LAURENS and HENRY LEVY, printed on Japanese paper, make this, for presentation purposes, one of the most beautiful editions at present to be had. Scotsman. "We have not seen a more beautiful edition of ' The Imitation of Christ' than this one for many a day." Magazine of Art. "This new edition of the ' Imitation' may fairly be regarded as a work of art. It is well and clearly printed ; the paper is excellent ; each page has its peculiar border, and it is illustrated with fifteen etchings. Further than that the translation is Mr. Benham's we need say nothing more." Second Edition, post Svo, cloth elegant, gilt top, price 55. Carols and Poems. FROM THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY TO THE PRESENT TIME. Edited by A. H. BULLEN, B.A. , NOTE. 120 copies printed on fine medium Svo paper, with Seven Illustrations on Japanese paper. Each copy numbered. Saturday Review. " " Since the publication of Mr. Sandys's collection there have been many books issued on carols, but the most complete by far that we have met with is Mr. Bullen's new volume, ' Carols and Poems from the Fifteenth Century to the Present Time.' The preface contains an interesting account of Christmas festivities and the use of carols. Mr. Bullen has exercised great care in verify- ing and correcting the collections of his predecessors, and he has joined to them two modern poems by Hawker, two by Mr. William Morris, and others by Mr. Swinburne, Mr. Symonds, and Miss Rossetti. Altogether this is one of the most welcome books of the season." 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. Publications of John C. Niinmo. gtanbatft Ibistoncal Morfts. Twelve Volumes, demy Sv0, cloth, uncut edges, price ^5, $s. net also in Tree calf, gilt top, Riviere's binding. THE WORKS OF The Right Hon. Edmund Burke. WITH ENGRAVED PORTRAIT FROM THE PAINTING By Sir JOSHUA REYNOLDS. Carefully Revised and Collated with the Latest Editions. NOTE. The publication of this COMPLETE LIBRARY EDITION of the Writings and Speeches of a great Writer and Orator, whose works have been so frequently quoted of late in the British Houses of Parliament, the publisher feels may be opportune to many readers and admirers of one of the greatest of the sons of men. Viewed in the light of the present age, how great is our admiration of that foresight which foretold, and that wisdom which would have averted, the storms which menaced the peace and well- being of his country ! His public labours present a continuous struggle against the stupidity, the obstinacy, and the venality of the politicians of his day. So long as virtue shall be beloved, wisdom revered, or genius admired, so long will the memory of this illustrious exemplar of all be fresh in the world's history ; for human nature has too much interest in the preservation of such a character ever to permit the name of EDMUND BURKE to perish from the earth. CONTENTS. Vindication of Natural Society. The Sublime and Beautiful. Observations on a Late Publication on " The Present State of the Nation." Thoughts on the Cause of the Pre- sent Discontents. Reflections on the Revolution in France. Thoughts on French Affairs. Thoughts and Details on Scarcity. Hints for an Essay on the Drama. An Essay towards an Abridgment of the English History. Papers on India. Articles of Charge against Warren Hastings. Speeches in the Impeachment of Warren Hastings. Miscellaneous Speeches. Letters. Index, &c. 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. 1 6 Publications of John C. Nimmo. STANDARD HISTORICAL WORKS continued. Medium 8vo, fine paper, with Four Etched Portraits, &c., cloth, 213. net. The Autobiography of Edward, LORD HERBERT OF CHERBURY. WITH INTRODUCTION, NOTES, APPENDICES, AND A CONTINUATION OF THE LIFE. By SYDNEY L. LEE, B.A., Balliol College, Oxford. Notes and Queries. ' ' Lord Herbert's autobiography is an absolute masterpiece, worthy of the place assigned it by Mr. Swinburne among the best one hundred books. Quite fascinating are the records of adventure Lord Herbert supplies, and the book, when once the preliminary statement of pedigree, &c., is got over, will be read to the last line by every reader of taste. A new lease of popularity is conferred upon it by the'handsome and scholarly reprint Mr. Lee has given to the world. The volume itself belongs to the series of library reprints of Mr. Ximmo, which are simply the most attractive of the day. Mr. Lee, meanwhile, has executed in the most scrupulous, careful, and competent manner the task of editing." Medium 8vo, fine paper, with Four Etched Portraits, &c., cloth, 2 is. net. The Life of William Cavendish, DUKE OF NEWCASTLE, To which is added the TRUE RELATION OF MY BIRTH, BREEDING, AND LIFE. By MARGARET, DUCHESS OF NEWCASTLE. EDITED BY C. H. FIRTH, M.A. Saturday Review. " The book is, without doubt, a pleasant one. In the midst of the stony- hearted Restoration, its naive enthusiasm, its quaint and embroidered elo- quence, its flavour of a bygone day, give it a curious charm. It is like a Shirley flourishing on into the age of Shadwell and Etheredge." The Scotsman. "It has a distinct value as a contemporary picture of the life, modes of thought, and habits of a great Royalist nobleman, who played a prominent part in some of the most memorable episodes of English history." 14. King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. 17 STANDARD HISTORICAL WORKS continued. Medium 8vo, fine paper, with Ten Etched Portraits, &c., cloth, Two Volumes, 425. net. MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF COLONEL HUTCHINSON. By his Widow, LUCY. REVISED AND EDITED BY CHARLES H. FIRTH, M.A. Athenaeum. " Is an excellent edition of a famous book. Mr. Firth presents the ' Memoirs ' with a modernised orthography and a revised scheme of punctuation. He retains the notes of Julius Hutchinson, and supplements them by annotations corrective and explanatory of his own. Since their publication in 1805, the ' Memoirs ' have been a kind of classic. To say that this is the best and fullest edition of them in existence is to say everything." Medium 8vo, fine paper, Roxburghe binding, gilt top, and Two Etchings, price 155. A Chronicle History of the Life and Work of William Shakespeare. PLAYER, POET, AND PLAYMAKER. By F. G. FLEAY, M.A. From Professor A. W. Ward's Preface to the Second Edition of Marlowe's "Dr. Faustus." " Mr. Fleay's new Life of Shakespeare will, in my opinion, before long be acknowledged as one of the most important works on the history of the Eliza- bethan drama which this age has produced." Extract from a Letter to the Author from Dr. H. H. Furness. "The man himself was always unreal to me, and I never could bring myself to believe that he ever really existed. But your book has left upon me the impression, as deep as it is strange, that such a man did really live, and that he belonged to the noble army of workers. " I had confidence in you and followed holding your hand, at times lost in wonder and admiration over the miraculous memory and indefatigable research of my guide." 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. 2 M 1 8 Publications of John C. Nimmo. STANDARD HISTORICAL WORKS continued. Copyright Edition, with Ten Etched Portraits. In Ten Vols., demy 8vo, cloth, 5, 53. net. Lingard's History of England. FROM THE FIRST INVASION BY THE ROMANS TO THE ACCESSION OF WILLIAM AND MARY IN 1688. By JOHN LINGABD, D.D. This New Copyright Library Edition of " Lingard's History of England," besides containing all the latest notes and emendations of the Author, with Memoir, is enriched with Ten Portraits, newly etched by Damman, of the following personages, viz. : Dr. Lingard, Edward I., Edward III., Cardinal Wolsey, Cardinal Pole, Elizabeth, James I., Cromwell, Charles II., James II. The Times. " No greater service can be rendered to literature than the republication, in a handsome and attractive form, of works which time and the continued approbation of the world have made classical. . . . The accuracy of Lingard's statements on many points of controversy, as well as the genial sobriety of his view, is now recognised." The Tablet. " It is with the greatest satisfaction that we welcome this new edition of Dr. Lingard's 'History of England.' It has long been a desideratum. ... No general history of England has appeared which can at all supply the place of Lingard, whose painstaking industry and careful research have dispelled many a popular delusion, whose candour always carries his reader with him, and whose clear and even style is never fatiguing." The Spectator. "We are glad to see that the demand for Dr. Lingard's England still con- tinues. Few histories give the reader the same impression of exhaustive study. This new edition is excellently printed, and illustrated with ten portraits of the greatest personages in our history." Dublin Review. "It is pleasant to notice that the demand for Lingard continues to be such that publishers venture on a well-got-up library edition like the one before us. More than sixty years have gone since the first volume of the first edition was published ; many equally pretentious histories have appeared during that space, and have more or less disappeared since, yet Lingard lives is still a recognised and respected authority." The Scotsman. "There is no need, at this time of day, to say anything in vindication of the importance, as a standard work, of Dr. Lingard's ' History of England.' . . . Its intrinsic merits are very great. The style is lucid, pointed, and puts no strain upon the reader ; and the printer and publisher have neglected nothing that could make this what it is likely long to remain the standard edition of a work of great historical and literary value." Daily Telegraph. "True learning, untiring research, a philosophic temper, and the possession of a graphic, pleasing style were the qualities which the author brought to his task, and they are displayed in every chapter of his history." 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. STANDARD HISTORICAL WORKS continued. THE MONKS OF THE WEST, FROM ST. BENEDICT TO ST. BERNARD. By the COUNT DE MONTALEMBEBT, Member of the French Academy. Authorised Translation. Seven Volumes 8vo, cloth, 4, 45. net. (Published by Messrs. W. BLACKWOOD & SONS, Edinburgh.') CONTENTS OF THE WORK. Introduction. The Roman Empire after the Peace of the Church. Monastic Precursors in the East. Monastic Precursors in the West. St. Benedict. St. Gregory the Great Monastic Italy and Spain in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries. The Monks under the First Merovin- gians. St. Columbanus The Irish in Gaul and the Colonies of Luxeuil. Christian Origin of the British Isles. St. Columba, the Apostle of Cale- donia, 521-597. St. Augustin of Canterbury and the Roman Missionaries in England, 597-633- The Celtic Monks and the Anglo- Saxons. St. Wilfrid establishes Roman Unity and the Benedictine Order, 634-709. Contemporaries and Successors of St. Wilfrid, 650-735. Social and Political Influence of the Monks among the Anglo-Saxons. The Anglo-Saxon Nuns. The Church and the Feudal System The Monastic Orders and Society. St. Gregory, Monk and Pope. The Predecessors of Calixtus II. Times. " Whatever the Count touches he of necessity adorns. He has produced a great and most interesting work, full of curious facts, and lit up with most noble eloquence." Freeman's Journal. " Of the translation, we must say it is in every respect worthy the original. The nervous style of the author is admirably preserved. It is at the same time spirited and faithful." Standard. " No library of English history will be complete without these glowing pic- tures of the ' Monks of the West.' " NOTE. Very few sets of this important and well-known work are now left for sale. 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W.C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. STANDARD HISTORICAL WORKS continued. THE Lives of the Queens of Scotland. AND ENGLISH PRINCESSES CONNECTED WITH THE REGAL SUCCESSION OF GREAT BRITAIN. By AGNES STRICKLAND. With Portraits and Historical Vignettes. Eight Volumes, post 8vo, cloth, 4, 45. net. Also in full calf and half calf bindings. (Published by Messrs. W. BLACKWOOD & SONS, Edinburgh.) CONTEXTS OF THE WORK. Life of Margaret Tudor, Queen of James IV. Life of Magdalene of France, First Queen of James V. Life of Mary of Lorraine, Second Queen of James V. Life of the Lady Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox. Life of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scot- land. Life of Elizabeth Stuart, First Prin- cess Royal of Great Britain. Life of Sophia, Electress of Hanover. English Review. " Miss Strickland has not only been fortunate in the selection of her subject, but she has sustained to the full her high reputation for research." The Standard. " In 'The Queens of Scotland' Miss Strickland prosecutes her original task with as careful research as in her first work, and with undiminished spirit and unaltered delicacy." The Guardian. " We discern freedom and ease of manner, a judicious selection of materials, an evenly balanced judgment, and the sobriety and decision which are the fruits of wide historical knowledge." Blackwood's Magazine. " Every step in Scotland is historical ; the shades of the dead arise on every side ; the very rocks breathe. Miss Strickland's talents as a writer, and turn of mind as an individual, in a peculiar manner fit her for painting a historical gallery of the most illustrious or dignified female characters in that land of chivalry and song." NOTE. Very few sets of this delightful work are now left for sale. 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W.C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. OCTAVE UZANNE'S ILLUSTRATED WORKS. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Illustrations engraved in colours, price 425. net. The Frenchwoman of the Century. FASHIONS MANNERS USAGES. By OCTAVE UZANNE. Illustrations in Water Colours by ALBERT LYNCH. Engraved in Colours by EUGENE GAUJEAN. Morning Post." Graceful and light as is this book by M. Octave Uzanne, the clever author of ' The Fan ' and ' The Sunshade, Muff, and .Glove,' and other works marked by a rare originality, it affords a more complete insight into the ideas of the women of France of this century and of the influence exercised by them than is apparent on the surface. An idea can be formed of the prodigality and luxury that prevailed at the Court of the First Empire by 'a serio-comic document' circulated in 1807 as 'an account of the annual expense of a female fop of Paris." Its different items amour the sum of ioo,oo< " less well photogra when Balzac dis< with all the brightness of a perfumed summer.' Speaking the truth always, but with native gallantry seeking to conceal its harshness, M. Uzanne tells his countrywomen of to-day that ' the woman of this end of the century reigns despotically still in our hearts, but has no longer the same happy influence on our spirits, our manners, our society.' To account for this, as indeed in writing of the moral aspect of all the different social phases that come within his scope, the author reasons of cause and effect with an able lucidity that skilfully avoids dulness. The illustrations are, without exception, artistic and spirititelle, and contribute to make of this elegantly bound work a veritable ' volume de luxe,' which worthily continues the series of productions from M. Uzanne's brilliant and facile pen." Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, 315. 6d. net. THE FA N . By OCTAVE UZANNE. the sum of ioo,ooofr., or 7600 sterling. The women of fashion of a later period are not less we'll photographed. There are some sparkling pages on those of 1830, at the time when Balzac discovered and sang ' La Femme de Trente Ans,' ' whose beauty shines Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, 313. 6d. net. The Sunshade, Muff, and Glove. By OCTAVE UZANNE. Illustrations by PAUL AVRIL. Art Journal." At first sight it would seem that material could never be found to fill even a volume; but the author, in dealing with his first subject alone, 'The Sun- shade,' says he could easily have filled a dozen volumes of this emblem of sovereignty. The work is delightfully illustrated in a novel manner by Paul Avrii, the pictures which meander about the work being printed in various colours." 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. Charming Editions, Illustrated with Etchings, of Standard Works, suitable for presentation. Crown 8vo, handsomely bound, either in cloth or parchment bindings, price "]s. 6d. per volume. : 1. THE HISTORY OF DON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA. Translated from the Spanish of MIGUEL DE CERVANTES SAAVEDRA by MOTTEUX. With copious Notes (including the Spanish Ballads), and an Essay on the Life and Writings of CERVANTES by JOHN G. LOCK- HART. Preceded by a Short Notice of the Life and Works of PETER ANTHONY MOTTEUX by HENRI VAN LAUN. Illustrated with Sixteen Original Etchings by R. DE Los RiOS. Four Volumes. 2. ASMODEUS. By LE SAGE. Translated from the French. Illus- trated with Four Original Etchings by R. DE Los RIOS. 3. THE BACHELOR OF SALAMANCA. By LE SAGE. Trans- lated from the French by JAMES TOWNSEND. Illustrated with Four Original Etchings by R. DE Los RiOS. 4. VANILLO GONZALES; or, The Merry Bachelor. By LE SAGE. Translated from the French. Illustrated with Four Original Etchings by R. DE Los Rois. 5. WEIRD TALES. By E. T. W. HOFFMAN. A New Translation from the German. With Biographical Memoir by J. T. BEALBY, for- merly Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. With Portrait and Ten Original Etchings by AD. LALAUZE. In Two Volumes. 6. THE OLD ENGLISH BARON: A GOTHIC STORY. By CLARA REEVE. THE CASTLE OF OTRANTO: A GOTHIC STORY. By HORACE WALPOLE. In One Vol. With Two Portraits and Four Original Drawings by A. H. TouRtfiER, Etched by DAMMAN. 7. ROBINSON CRUSOE. By DANIEL DEFOE. InTwoVols. With Biographical Memoir, Illustrative Notes, and Eight Etchings by M. MOUILLERON, and Portrait by L. FLAMENG. 8. GULLIVER'S TRAVELS. By JONATHAN SWIFT. With Five Etchings and Portrait by AD. LALAUZE. 9. A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY. By LAURENCE STERNE. A TALE OF A TUB. By JONATHAN SWIFT. In One Vol. With Five Etchings and Portrait by ED. HEDOUIN. The Times. "Among the numerous handsome reprints which the publishers of the day vie with each other in producing, we have seen nothing of greater merit than this series of volumes. Those who have read these masterpieces of the last century in the homely garb of the old editions may be gratified with the oppor- tunity of perusing them with the advantages of large clear print and illustrations of a quality which is rarely bestowed on such reissues. The series deserves every commendation." 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W. C. Publications of John C. Nimmo. 23 Royal 8vo, cloth extra, printed in colours and gilt top, price I2s. 6d. An elegant and choicely Illustrated Edition of GOLDSMITH'S VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. With Prefatory Memoir by GEORGE SAINTSBURY, And One Hundred and Fourteen Coloured Illustrations by V. A. PoiRSON (Illustrator of " Gulliver's Travels "). Saturday Review. "Goldsmith's immortal tale is here delightfully illustrated in colour, and there is a prefatory memoir by Mr. George Saintsbury, full of delicate criticism and careful research. The illustrations are sketchy, fresh, merry, and in colours perfectly harmonious. Such a book is a boon to the cultivated reader of every age." The Guardian. " A new edition of the ' Vicar of Wakefield ' naturally appears with every fresh variety of the arts of printing or illustration. M. Poirson showed so keen an appreciation of the peculiar humour of ' Gulliver's Travels,' that it was only to be expected that he should try his hand at an even more popular book. Mr. Saintsbury has prefixed an excellent critical memoir, and altogether, if Gold- smith could have chosen the garb in which he would best like his Vicar to appear, his ideas would probably have jumped with those of the present pub- lisher." The Graphic. "They are indeed some of the most excellent specimens of artistic colour- printing now to be seen ; and the book is a wonder of cheapness, seeing it is sold at the low sum of 125. 6d." Notes and Queries. "Among the cherished editions of this great work, for such 'The Vicar of Wakefield' will always be held, this edition, brimming over with coloured designs, innumerable, pretty, fanciful, and fantastic, will hold a place." Daily News. "Anything that makes people read 'The Vicar of Wakefield' is a boon to humanity. A new edition has appeared, a very handsome book, with designs in colour by a French artist, and a biographical preface by Mr. Saintsbury. The pictures are very bright and clever. There is a particularly pretty group on page 63. Mr. Saintsbury's preface is deserving to be read, and he is so original as to call the ' Vicar," not a prose idyll, but a 'satire in miniature, and in oils, not acids.'" Daily Telegraph. "One of the books which never grow out of date is Oliver Goldsmith's ' Vicar of Wakefield. ' The present edition has a prefatory memoir, written by Mr. George Saintsbury, including also within its limits a literary criticism on the work, which Mr. Saintsbury rightly describes as Goldsmith's masterpiece. The edition is excellently got up as well as carefully edited, and is brightened by 120 coloured illustrations of a quaint, antique, and aesthetic order, well befitting the character of the story." 14 King William Street, Strand, London, W.C. 24 Publications of John C. Nimmo. Some Autumn Announcements for 1888. IN PREPARATION. THE MEMOIRS OF COUNT GRAMMONT. By ANTHONY HAMILTON. In One Volume. With the Text Illustrated for the first time. With Thirty-four Etchings from Original Drawings by C. DELORT. THE MEMOIRS OF CHARLES GOZZI. Written by Himself. Now first Translated into English by JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS, and Illustrated with Original Etchings. In Two Volumes, small 410, uniform with the "Life of Benvenuto Cellini." THE REMINISCENCES AND RECOLLECTIONS OF CAPTAIN GRONOW. Being Anecdotes of the Camp, the Court, and the Clubs, at the close of the last War with France. In Two Volumes. With Twenty-five Original Etchings by JOSEPH GREGO, and hand-coloured. THE MIRROR OF THE WORLD. By OCTAVE UZANNE, Author of "The Fan," "The Sunshade," &c. Illustrated with over 160 Illustrations by PAUL AVRIL, and printed in colours. One Volume, royal 8vo. COLLEY GIBBER'S "APOLOGY FOR HIS LIFE." A New Edition, edited and brought down to the date of his death by ROBERT W. LOWE (Editor of Dr. Doran's " Annals of the English Stage "). Illustrated with Full- Page Newly-Engraved Portraits, and numerous Head- and Tail-pieces. In Two Volumes, demy 8vo. THE WORKS OF THOMAS DEKKER, Edited by A. H. BULLEN, B.A., will be the next issue of "The Elizabethan Dramatists." WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER. Edited by JOHN MAJOR. A New Edition, with over Seventy Engravings on Wood and Eight Etchings. Supplemented by a Treatise on Flies. In One Volume, post 8vo. A MAGNIFICENT WORK, ILLUSTRATING THE MOST CHOICE AND UNIQUE KNOWN SPECIMENS OF SEVRES PORCELAIN IN THE WORLD. The Coloured Reproductions are being executed in the highest style of Art, and under the immediate supervision of the Ministry of Fine Arts of France. 14 King William Street, Strand^ London, W.C. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. AU6 1 3 AC MAYO