IRVINE THE LffiRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE Gift of THE HONNOLD LIBRARY Itoe Cljome UPON THE TREE-TOPS. With 10 Illustrations by J. CARTER BEARD. i6mo, $1.25. A BIRD-LOVER IN THE WEST. i6mo, $1.25. LITTLE BROTHERS OF THE AIR. i6mo, $1.25. Bl RD-WAYS. i6mo, $1.25 ; also in Riverside School Library, i6mo, half leather, 60 cents, net. IN NESTING TIME. i6mo, $1.25. THE FIRST BOOK OF BIRDS. With many Illus- trations, including 8 full-page colored Plates. Square i2mo, $1.00; also School Edition, 60 cents, net. FOUR-HANDED FOLK. Illustrated. i6mo, $1.25; also in Riverside Library for Young People, i6mo, 75 cents. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. BOSTON, NEW YORK, AND CHICAGO. A BIRD-LOVER IN THE WEST BY OLIVE THORNE MILLER BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY Cfee ritocwiUf press, Cambridge 1900 Copyright, 1894, BY H. M. MILLER. All rights reserved. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Electrotyped and Printed by H. O. Houghton & Co. INTRODUCTORY. THE studies in this volume were all made, as the title indicates, in the West; part of them in Colorado (1891), in Utah (1893), and the remainder (1892) in what I have called " The Middle Country," being Southern Ohio, and West only relatively to New England and New York, where most of my studies have been made. Several chapters have appeared in the " Atlan- tic Monthly " and other magazines, and in the " Independent " and " Harper's Bazar," while others are now for the first tune published. OLIVE THORNE MILLER. CONTENTS. IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. nun I. CAMPING IK COLORADO 3 II. IN THE COTTONWOODS 17 Western wood-pewee. Contopus richard- sonii. Western house wren. Troglodytes aedon aztecus. Towhee. Pipilo erythrophthalmus. III. AN UPKOAB OF SONG 32 Western meadow-lark. Sturnella magna neglecta. Horned lark. Otocoris alpestris leucolcema. Yellow warbler. Dendroica cestiva. Western wood-pewee. Contopus richard- sonii. Humming-bird. Troc.hilus colubris. Long-tailed chat. Icteria virens longicauda. IV. THE TRAGEDY OF A NEST 42 Long-tailed chat. Icteria virens longicauda. V. A FEAST OF FLOWERS 52 VI. A CINDERELLA AMONG FLOWERS 60 VII. CLIFF-DWELLERS IN THE CANON 70 Canon wren. Catherpes mexicanus conspersus. American dipper. Cinclus mexicanus. Vl CONTENTS. IN THE MIDDLE COUNTRY. VIII. AT FOUB O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING .... 95 Purple graekle. Quiscalus quiscda. Mourning dove. Zenaidura macroura. Bed-headed woodpecker. Melanerpes ery- throcephalus. Blue jay. Cyanocitta cristata. Cardinal grosbeak. Cardinalis cardinalis. American robin. Merula migratoria. Golden-wing woodpecker. Colaptes auratus. House sparrow. Passer domesticus. IX. THE LITTLE REDBIKDS 113 Cardinal grosbeak. Cardinalis cardinalis. House sparrow. Passer domesticus, X. THE CABDINAL'S NEST 119 Cardinal grosbeak. Cardinalis cardinalis. Bobolink. Dolichonyx oryzivorus. Meadow-lark. Sturnella magna. XL LITTLE BOY BLUE 126 Blue jay. Cyanocitta cristata. XII. STOBT OF THE NESTLINGS 136 Blue jay. Cyanocitta cristata. XIII. BLUE JAY MANNERS 144 Blue jay. Cyanocitta cristata. XIV. THE GBEAT CAROLINIAN 154 Great Carolina wren. Thryothorus ludovi- cianus. Yellow-billed cuckoo. Coccyzus americanus. Crested flycatcher. Myiarchus crinitus. XV. THE WBENLINGS APPEAB 172 CONTENTS. Vli Great Carolina wren. Thryothorus ludovi- cianus. XVI. THE APPLE-TREE NEST 183 Orchard oriole. Icterus spurius. XVII. CEDAR-TREE LITTLE FOLK 194 Mourning dove. Zenaidura macroura. BESIDE THE GREAT SALT LAKE. XVIII. IN A PASTURE 207 Louisiana tanager. Piranga ludoviciana. Green-tailed towhee. Pipilo chlorurus. Magpie. Pica pica hudsonica, XIX. THE SECRET OF THE WILD ROSE PATH . . .231 Long-tailed chat. Icteria virens longicauda. Western robin. Merula migratoria propinqua. Black-headed grosbeak. Hdbia melanoceph- ala. XX. ON THE LAWN 259 Lazuli-painted nch. Passerina amaena. Broad-tailed humming-bird. Trochilus pla- tycercus. House sparrow. Passer domesticus. IN THE EOCKY MOUNTAINS. Trust me, 't is something to be cast Face to face with one's self at last, To be taken out of the fuss and strife, The endless clatter of plate and knife, The bore of books, and the bores of the street, From the singular mess we agree to call Life. And to be set down on one's own two feet So nigh to the great warm heart of God, You almost seem to feel it beat Down from the sunshine and up from the sod ; To be compelled, as it were, to notice All the beautiful changes and chances Through which the landscape flits and glances, And to see how the face of common day Is written all over with tender histories. JAMES KUSSELL LOWELL. A BIRD-LOVER IN THE WEST. CAMPING IN COLORADO. THIS chronicle of happy summer days with the birds and the flowers, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, begins in the month of May, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-two. As my train rolled quietly out of Jersey City late at night, I uttered a sigh of gratitude that I was really off ; that at last I could rest. Up to the final moment I had been hurried and worried, but the instant I was alone, with my " section " to myself, I " took myself in hand," as is my custom. At the risk of seeming to stray very far from my subject, I want at this point to say some- thing about rest, the greatly desired state that all busy workers are seeking, with such varying success. A really re-creative recreation I sought for years, and " I Ve found some wisdom in my quest That 's richly worth retailing," 4 IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. and that cannot be too often repeated, or too urgently insisted upon. What is imperatively needed, the sole and simple secret of rest, is this : To go to our blessed mother Nature, and to go with the whole being, mind and heart as well as body. To deposit one 's physical frame in the most secret and sacred "garden of de- lights," and at the same time allow the mind to be filled, and the thoughts to be occupied, with the concerns of the world we live in year after year, is utterly useless ; for it is not the external, but the internal man that needs re- creation ; it is not the body, but the spirit that demands refreshment and relief from the wear- ing cares of our high-pressure lives. " It is of no use," says a thoughtful writer, " to carry my body to the woods, unless I get there myself." Let us consult the poets, our inspired teachers, on this subject. Says Lowell, " In June 't is good to lie beneath a tree While the blithe season comforts every sense, Steeps all the brain in rest, and heals the heart, Brimming it o'er with sweetness nnawares, Fragrant and silent as that rosy snow Wherewith the pitying apple-tree fills up And tenderly lines some last-year's robin's nest." And our wise Emerson, in his strong and wholesome, if sometimes rugged way, " Quit thy friends as the dead in doom, And build to them a final tomb. HOW TO FIND REST. 5 Behind thee leave thy merchandise, Thy churches and thy charities. Enough for thee the primal mind That flows in streams that breathes in wind." Even the gentle Wordsworth, too; read his exquisite sonnet, beginning, " The world is too much with us ; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers." All recognize that it is a mental and spiritual change that is needed. With the earnest desire of suggesting to tired souls a practicable way of resting, I will even give a bit of personal history; I will tell the way in which I have learned to find re-cre- ation in nature. When I turn my back upon my home, I make a serious and determined effort to leave behind me all cares and worries. As my train, on that beautiful May evening, passed beyond the brick and stone walls, and sped into the open country, and I found myself alone with night, I shook off, as well as I was able, all my affairs, all my interests, all my responsibilities, leaving them in that busy city behind me, where a few burdens more or less would not matter to anybody. With my trunks checked, and my face turned toward the far-off Rocky Mountains, I left the whole work-a-