b THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^„S"> J purchas^ by H.M.S.O. for SX). 8 mIr office, .0^ THE TEMPLE PRIMERS THE WORKING CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM AND ITS OUTGROWTHS By LEONARD COURTNEY (LORD COURTNEY OF PENWITH) All rights reserved TheWORKlHG COnSTiTuTiOR KIDGDOm ■asj A.nD • ITS'®® OUTGROWTHS BYLEOns^.RD COURTriEY 1916 * BEDFORD ' STREET / T4DON First Edition Reprinted . • 1905 1909, 1911, 1916 ^ C88uj' PREFACE ^ This primer is an adaptation of a work bearing the same „ title published in 1901. The necessary reduction in size % has been achieved by the omission of the historical portions, a and of the account given of local government, the land laws, "* education, etc., in Part 11. of the larger book. One or two chapters have been somewhat condensed, whilst, on the other hand, the portions dealing with the Civil Departments, and J with Protectorates, and Chartered Companies, have been 3 expanded. As a consequence of these changes the order H of the chapters has undergone considerable rearrangement, \ but in all other respects the text of the primer is substantially * that of the larger edition. The labour thus described has been effected by Mr. George Unwin, to whose assistance I was so much indebted in the preparation of the original work ; and Mr. Unwin ^owes a number of valuable suggestions to the kindness of SMr. Graham Wallas. S Leonard Courtney. C/telsea, Afril I, 1905. ;j 29) 38 ,, ,, , its composi- tion, 3, 10 „ „ ,its privi- leges, 41-6 „ „ ,its proce- dure, 55- 73 Commonwealth of Australia, 167-71 Comptroller and Auditor- General, 33 Conservative Party, 16 Consolidated Fund, 32 Consular service, 131 Contempt of Court, 98 Councils, Colonial, 35, 154-9, 163 County Councils, 121 „ Court, 97 Crown, the, 2, 83-5, 108, 128 Customs and Excise, 31, 61, 115 Customs Union, 174 Cyprus, 155 Darling, Sir C., 35-6 Death Duties, 32 Debates, report of, 42 Demerara, 156-8 Departments of State, 107 et seq. Diplomatic Service, 131 Dismissal of Ministers, 7 Disraeli, 5, 56, 85 Dissolution, 6-7 District Councils, 122 Divorce, 74, 98 East Africa, 143-4 East India Company, 145 Ecclesiastical Commission, 79 Education, 123 Egypt, 144 Eldon, Lord, 85 Elections, 20-4 Electoral Reform, 9-15, 19, 25-9 Embassies, 132 Empire, future of, 173-8 Equity, 99 Estimates, 58-9, 115 Expenditure, 32, 60 Federation, 164-71, 174-8 Finance Bill, 32 Fiscal policy, 162, 174 Foreign Office, 131 Franchise, 10-13 Frere, Sir Bartle, 8 General Election, 20-8 ,, warrants, 94 Gibraltar, 154 Gladstone, 5, 30, 86, 88, 91 Governor-Generals, 147, 165, i68 Governors of colonies, 8, 35, 154-9 Guardians of the poor, 120 Guernsey, 138 Gully, Mr., 56-7 Habeas Corpus, 94 Harcourt, Sir W. , 32 Hare on representation, 25-6 High Court, 98, 100, 104 Home Office, ii6 Home Rule Bill, 70 Hong Kong, 156 INDEX igi Hudson Bay Company, 164 Hybrid Committee, 77 Impeachment, 54 Imperial Federation, 174-8 Income tax, 30 India, 126, 145 Ireland, 49, 102-5 Isle of Man, 138-40 Jamaica, 158 Jersey, 137 Jewish disabilities, 40 Joint Committee, 77 Judges, 93, 99-100, 104 Judicial Committee, 92, 170 Juries, 94, 97, 99, 102, 104 Justices of the Peace, 94-5, iC2 King. See Crown King's Bench Division, 98 King's Speech, 57 Labour Party, 17 Land, expropriation of, 74 Land system of India, 150 Law Lords, 51 Law of arrest, 94 Legislative Assemblies, 6, 35, 155, 158, 163 ,, Councils, 35, 147, 154-9, 163 Liberal Party, 16 Lieutenant-Governors, 137, 140, 148, 165 Light Railway Act, 78 Local Acts, 75 Local Government Board, 119- Lord Advocate, 124 ,, Chancellor, 50, 52, 85, 95, 97, 99, 100, 102, 105 ,, Chief Justice, 98, 99 ,, High Steward, 55 ,, Justice-Clerk, loo-i ,, Justice-General, loo-i Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 115 ,, President of Court of Ses- sion, ICO ,, ,, Privy Coun- cil, 89 ,, Privy Seal, 89 Lords, House of, its composition, 3, 48-52 ,, „ , its origin, 47 ,, ,, , its powers, 3, 33. 37. 39- 40,54 ,, ,, , its procedure, 67, 76 Madras, 145, 148 Magistrates, English, 94, 96, 119 ,, , Irish, 102, 104 Malta, 154 Manitoba, 166 Marines, 123 Master of the Rolls, 99, 105 Mauritius, 156 Melbourne, Lord, 8 Metropolitan police, 95 Military law, 108-9 ,, organisation, 110-12 Militia, m Mill, J. S., 26 Ministers and House of Com- mons, 5 ,, , dismissal of, 7 ,, , resignation of, 5-6 ,, , responsibility of, 84, 130 ,, , solidarity of, 89 Money Bills, 32, 34, 37, 58-61 Municipal Government, 120 Mutiny Act, 108 Natal, 163 National Debt, 32 Navy, 59, 112-14 New Brunswick, 8, 164-5 Newfoundland, 167 lS2 INDEX New South Wales, 163, 167 New Zealand, 163 Niger Company, 143 Nova Scotia, 164-5 Obstruction, 68 O'Connell, 52 Officers of army and navy, iii, 113 Ontario, 165 Opposition, the, 16, 62 Order in Council, 137 Palmerston, 130 Paper duty, 31 Parish, the, 119, 123 Parliament, course of business in. 55 ,, , dissolution of, 7 ,, , supremacy of, 2, 107, 133, 161 ,, of Australian Com- monwealth, 167 ,, of Canadian Do- minion, 164 Parliamentary Commissions, 79 Parties, 15 Patronage of Crown, 84, 106 Peel, Sir R., 8, ii, 30, 31, 52, 85, 90 Peerages, 47-52 Petitions, election, 44, 82 ,, to Parliament, 71 Petty Sessions, 95 Pitt, 84, 146 Plenipotentaries, 132 Police, 95, 103, 116 Poor Law, 119 Post Office, 116 Presbytery, 106 Prime Minister, 90 Prince Edward Island, 164 Private legislation, 74 Private members' Bills, 64 Privilege, 41 Privy Council, 86 Probate Division, 98 Procedure, 58-79 Proportional Representation, 14, 19, 26-9 Protectorates, 143 Provisional Orders, 74, Proxies, 53 Punjab, 148 Quarter Sessions, 96, 103 Quebec, 165 Queensland, 163, 168 Questions in Parliament, 70 Quorum of Lords, 53, 170 Railway Bills, 75-8 Railway and Canal Commission, 81 Reform Acts, 9-10 Regency Bill, 84 Report stage, 66-7 Reports of debates, 42 Representation, 10-15, ^5-9 Representative peers, 49 Resignation, 5-6 Responsible government, 84 130, 140, 160 Revenue, Indian, 149 ,, , Inland, 115 ,, of Isle of Man, 139 Rosebery, Lord, 21 Royal Commissions, 133 Rural District Councils, 122 Salisbury, Lord, 21, 39, 8S Sanitary reform, 121 Sciiools, 123 Scotland, Church of, 106 ,, , Judiciary of, 100 ,, , Secretary for, 124 Secretary of Admiralty, 112 ,, , Colonial, 127 ,, , Home, 1 16 ,, , Indian, 126 ,, , Irish, 125 ,, , War, 109 INDEX 183 Select Committee, 66 Selection, Committee of, 67 Senate, Australian, 168-9 ,, , Canadian, 164-5 ,, , United States, 129 Session of Parliament, 55 ,, , Court of, 100 Sessions, Petty and Quarter, 96, 103 Sheriff, loi South Africa, 57, 143-4, 171 South Australia, 167 Speaker, 46, 56 Standing Orders, 64, 68 Stipendiary magistrates, 96 Straits Settlements, 156 Succession to Crown, 83 Supply, 63 Suspension of M.P., 46 Synods, 106 Tariffs, Colonial, i6i Taxation, 30, 61 Telegraph service, 117 Telephone service, 117 Town Councils, 120 Trade, Committee of, 66 Treasury, 60, 115 Treaties, 128, 132 Trevelyan, Sir G., 55 Trial by jury, 95, 99 Tynwaid, 139 Union, Acts of, 47-8 Unions, Poor Law, 120 United States, 129, 171 University Commissions, 80 Urban District Councils, 122 Viceroy of India, 147 ,, Ireland, 125 Victoria, Colony of, 35, 167 Votes on account, 58 Voting, methods of, 14, 26-9 War, Articles of, 109 ,, , declaration of, ifS ,, Office, 109 ,, , supplies voted for, 57 Warrants, 94 West Africa, 155 ,, Australia, 167 ,, Indies, 157 Whigs, 16-17 Wilkes, 45 Witnesses, 42 Woman suffrage, 12 Writs, issue of, 44 ,, summoning peers, 47 Yeomanry, 112 Zemindars, 150 THE END TeMFte pu-es." leTCH'^rOCLTH ^ gNGLA.ND The Temple Cyclopaedic Primers Small volumes of condensed information introductory to j^reat subjects, written by leading authorities both in England and abroad, adapted at once to the needs of the ordinary public, and forming introductions to the special studies of scholars and students. Price Is. net each volume. The /blloTving are ready : — ARCHITECTURE, ENGLISH GOTHIC. By Rev. P. H. Ditch- field, M.A. AUSTRALASIA. By Arthur W. Jose. BYZANTINE EMPIRE. By N. JoRGA. CHEMISTRY, MODERN. 2 Vols. By Prof. Ramsay, D.Sc, F.R.S. CHILD, THE. By W. H. Drummond. 2nd Ed. CHURCH.THE ENGLISH. ByVery Rev. H. D. M. Sfence. 2nd Ed. DANTE. By E. G. Gardner, M.A. 4th Ed. EAST, CIVILIZATION OF THE. By Dr. Fritz Hohmkl. ENGLISH DRAMA. By Prof. A. S. Rappoport, Ph.D. ENGLISH LOCAL GOVERN- MENT. By R. C. Maxwell. ETHNOLOGY. By Dr. M. Haber- LANDT. 2nd Ed. FIRST AID TO THE INJURED. By Dr. H. Drink\vati:r. 2nd Ed. FOOD IN HEALTH AND DIS- EASE. By Dr. H. Drinkwater. FORESTRY. By Prof. Schwappach. FRENCH HISTORY. By Arthur Hassall, M.A. FRENCH LITERATURE, MEDI- AEVAL. By Gaston Paris. GOVERNMENT OF GREATER BRITAIN. By W. F. Trotter, M.A. GREEK ANTIQUITIES, A MANUAL OF. By Prof. Maisch. GREEK DRAMA. By L. D. Bar- nett, M.A. and Ed. GREEK HISTORY. By Prof. H. 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SCIENCE, AN INTRODUCTION TO. By Dr. Alexander Hill. 2nd Ed. SCULPTURE OF THE WEST, THE. By Dr. Hans Stegmann. SOUTH AFRICA, HISTORY OF. By W. Basil Worsfold, M.A. 2nd Ed. TENNYSON. By Morton Luce. VENETIAN REPUBLIC, THE. By Horatio F. Brown. WEA 1 HER, OUR. By W. Marriot and J. S. Fowler. WELSH HISTORY, AN ANALY- SIS OF. By W. J. Griffiths. WORKING CONStlTUTION, THE. By Leonard Courtney. London : J. M. DENT & SONS, Ltd., Bedford Street, W.C. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below 2to-10,'48(B1040)470 ORNIA LOS Ai\G>JLE]S LIBKARY JN 223 C88w 1916 UCLA-Young Research Library JN223 .C88w 1916 y L 009 511 201 7 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 277 175 4