955 di \838 UC-NRLF B 3 3Efi ^5M 4 SKETCHES YOUNG GENTLEMEN J^elriratelT to ti^e Young Hatiirs. AVITH SIX ILLUSTRATIONS "PHiz; SECOND EDITION. LONDON : CHAPMAN AND HALL, 186, STRAND. MDCCC.XXXTUI. LONDON : BBADBDRT and EVANS, PRIKTERS, WHITfFRIARs. CONTENTS. /r3: DEDICATION . . . , THE BASHFUL YOUNG GENTLEMAN THE OUT-AND-OUT YOUNG GENTLEMAN THE VERY FRIENDLY YOUNG GENTLEMAN THE MILITARY YOUNG GENTLEMAN THE POLITICAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN THE DOMESTIC YOUNG GENTLEMAN THE CENSORIOUS YOUNG GENTLEMAN THE FUNNY YOUNG GENTLEMAN THE THEATRICAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN THE POETICAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN THE THROWING-OFF YOUNG GENTLEMAN THE YOUNG LADIEs' YOUNG GENTLEMAN CONCLUSION PAGE V 14 20 28 33 39 44 49 55 60 66 74 918 TO THE YOUNG LADIES OF THE ilftuitelr ilingtiom of (great Britain anti Jrelanli ; ALSO f THE YOUNG LADIES OF THE PRINCIPALITY OF WALES, AND LIKEWISE THE YOUNG LADIES RESIDENT IN THE ISLES OF (Suerusej), Jersrg, ^Itierneg, ants ^arfe, THE HUMBLE DEDICATION OF THEIR DEVOTED ADMIRER, Sheweth, — That your Dedicator has perused, with feel- ings of virtuous indignation, a work purporting to be " Sketches of Young Ladies ;"" written by Quiz, illustrated by Phiz, and published in one volume, square twelvemo. VI DEDICATION. That after an attentive and vigilant perusal of the said work, your Dedicator is humbly of opinion that so many libels, upon your Honour- able sex, were never contained in any previously published work, in twelvemo or any other mo. That in the title page and preface to the said work, your Honourable sex are described and classified as animals; and although your Dedicator is not at present prepared to deny that you are animals, still he humbly submits that it is not polite to call you so. That in the aforesaid preface, your honour- able sex are also described as Troglodites, which, being a hard word, may, for aught your Honour- able sex or your Dedicator can say to the con- trary, be an injurious and disrespectful appella- tion. That the author of the said work applied himself to his task in malice prepense and with wickedness aforethought; a fact which, your Dedicator contends, is sufficiently demonstrated, by his assuming the name of Quiz, which, your DEDICATION. Dedicator submits, denotes a foregone con- clusion, and implies an intention of quizzing. That in the execution of his evil design, the said Quiz, or author of the said work, must have betrayed some trust or confidence reposed in him by some members of your Honourable sex, otherwise he never could have acquired so much information relative to the manners and customs of your Honourable sex in general. That actuated by these considerations, and further moved by various slanders and insinua- tions respecting your Honourable sex contained in the said work, square twelvemo, entitled " Sketches of Young Ladies," your D edicator ventures to produce another work, square I twelvemo, entitled " Sketches of Young Gen- Itlemen,'' of which he now solicits your accept^ ance and approval. I That as the Young Ladies are the best com- panions of the Young Gentlemen, so the Young Gentlemen should be the best companions of the Young Ladies; and extending the comparison Vlll DEDICATION. from animals (to quote the disrespectful language of the said Quiz) to inanimate objects, your Dedicator humbly suggests, that such of your Honourable sex as purchased the bane should possess themselves of the antidote, and that those of your Honourable sex who were not rash enough to take the first, should lose no time in swallowing the last, — prevention being in all cases better tlian cure, as we are informed upon the authority, not only of general acknow- ledgement, but also of traditionary wisdom. That with reference to the said bane and antidote, your Dedicator has no further remarks to make, than are comprised in the printed directions issued with Doctor Morison's pills ; namely, that whenever your Honourable sex take twenty-five of Number 1, you will be pleased to take fifty of Number 2, without delay. And your Dedicator shall ever pray, &c. SKETCHES YOUNG GENTLEMEN. THE BASHFUL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. We found ourself seated at a small dinner party the other day, opposite a stranger of such singular appearance and manner, that he irresistibly attracted our attention. This was a fresh -coloured young gentleman, with as good a promise of light whisker as one might wish to see, and possessed of a very velvet-like soft- looking countenance. We do not use the latter term invidiously, but merely to denote a pair of smooth, plump, highly-coloured cheeks of capacious dimensions, and a mouth rather remarkable for the fresh hue of the lips than for any marked or striking expression it presented. His whole face was suffused with a crimson blush, and bore that downcast, timid, retiring look, which betokens a man ill at ease with himself. There was nothing in these symptoms to attract B 2 THE BASHFUL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. more than a passing remark, but our attention had been originally drawn to the bashful young gentle- man, on his first appearance in the drawing-room above-stairs, into which he was no sooner introduced, than making his way towards us who were standing in a window, and wholly neglecting several persons who warmly accosted him, he seized our hand with visible emotion, and pressed it with a convulsive grasp for a good couple of minutes, after which he dived in a nervous manner across the room, over- setting in his way a fine little girl of six years and a quarter old — and shrouding himself behind some hangings, was seen no more, until tlie eagle eye of the hostess detecting him in his concealment, on the announcement of dinner, he was requested to pair off with a lively single lady, of two or three and thirty. This most flattering salutation from a perfect stranger, would have gratified us not a little as a token of his having held us in high respect, and for that reason been desirous of our acquaintance, if we had not suspected from the first, that the young gentleman, in making a desperate effort to get through the ceremony of introduction, had, in the bewilder- ment of his ideas, shaken hands with us at random. This impression was fully confirmed by the subse- quent behaviour of the bashful young gentleman in question^ which we noted particularly, with the THE BASHFUL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 3 view of ascertaining whether we were right in our conjecture. The young gentleman seated himself at table with evident misgivings, and turning sharp round to pay attention to some observation of his loquacious neighbour, overset his bread. There was nothing very bad in this, and if he had had the presence of mind to let it go, and say nothing about it, nobody but the man who had laid the cloth would have been a bit the wiser ; but the young gentleman in various semi-successful attempts to prevent its fall, played with it a little, as gentlemen in the streets may be seen to do with their hats on a windy day, and then giving the roll a smart rap in his anxiety to catch it, knocked it with great adroitness into a tureen of white soup at some distance, to the unspeakable terror and disturbance of a very amiable bald gentle- man, who was dispensing the contents. We thought the bashful young gentleman would have gone off in an apoplectic fit, consequent upon the violent rush of blood to his face at the occurrence of this cata- strophe. From this moment we perceived, in the phraseology ; of the fancy, that it was ';' all up " with the bashful young gentleman, and so indeed it was. Several benevolent persons endeavoured to relieve his em- barrassment by taking wine mth him, but finding B 2 4 THE BASHFUL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. that it only augmented his sufferings, and that after mingling sherry, champagne, hock, and moselle together, he applied the greater part of the mixture externally, instead of internally, they gradually dropped off, and left him to the exclusive care of the talkative lady, who not noting the wildness of his eye, firmly believed she had secured a listener. He broke a glass or two in the course of the meal, and disappeared shortly afterwards ; it is inferred that he went away in some confusion, inasmuch as he left the house in another gentleman's coat, and the footman's hat. This little incident led us to reflect upon the most prominent characteristics of bashful young gen- tlemen in the abstract ; and as this portable volume will be the great text -book of young ladies in all future generations, we record them here for their guidance and behoof. If the bashful young gentleman, in turning a street corner, chance to stumble suddenly upon two or three young ladies of his acquaintance, nothing can exceed his confusion and agitation. His first impulse is to make a great variety of bows, and dart past them, which he does until, observing that they wish to stop, but are uncertain whether to do so or not, he makes several feints of returning, which causes them to do the same ; and at length, after a great THE BASHFUL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. O quantity of unnecessary dodging and falling up against the other passengers, he returns and shakes hands most affectionately with all of them, in doing which he knocks out of their grasp sundry little parcels, which he hastily picks up, and returns very muddy and disordered. The chances are that the bashful young gentleman then observes it is very fine weather, and being reminded that it has only just left off raining for the first time these three days, he blushes very much, and smiles as if he had said a very good thing. The young lady who was most anxious to speak, here inquires, with an air of great commiseration, how his dear sister Harriet is to- day ; to which the young gentleman, without the slightest consideration, replies with many thanks, that she is remarkably well. " Well, Mr. Hopkins ! " cries the young lady, " why, we heard she was bled yesterday evening, and have been perfectly miserable i about her." '' Oh, ah," says the young gentleman, I " so she was. Oh, she's very ill, very ill indeed." ;, The young gentleman then shakes his head, and j looks very desponding (he has been smiling per- I petually up to this time), and after a short pause, gives his glove a great wrench at the wrist, and says, with a strong emphasis on the adjective, " Good morning, good morning." And making a great number of bows in acknowledsment of several little b THE BASHFUL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. messages to his sister, walks backward a few paces, and comes with great violence against a lamp-post, knocking his hat off in the contact, which in his mental confusion and bodily pain he is going to walk away without, until a great roar from a carter attracts his attention, when he picks it up, and tries to smile cheerfully to the young ladies, who are looking back, and who, he has the satisfaction of seeing, are all laughing heartily. At a quadrille party, the bashful young gentleman always remains as near the entrance of the room as possible, from which position he smiles at the people he knows as they come in, and sometimes steps forward to shake hands with more intimate friends : a process which on each repetition seems to turn him a deeper scarlet than before. He declines dancing the first set or two, observing, in a faint voice, that he would rather wait a little ; but at length is ab- solutely compelled to allow himself to be introduced to a partner, when he is led, in a great heat and blushing furiously, across the room to a spot where half-a-dozen unknown ladies are congregated toge- ther. " Miss Lambert, let me introduce Mr. Hopkins for the next quadrille." Miss Lambert inclines her head graciously. Mr. Hopkins bows, and his fair conductress disappears, leaving ]Mr. Hopkins, as he THE BASHFUL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. / too well knowsj to make himself agreeable. The young lady more than half expects that the bashful young gentleman will say something, and the bash- ful young gentleman feeling this, seriously thinks whether he has got anything to say, which, upon mature reflection, he is rather disposed to conclude he has not, since nothing occurs to him. Meanwhile, the young lady, after several inspections of her bouquet, all made in the expectation that the bashful young gentleman is going to talk, whispers her mama, who is sitting next her, which whisper the bashful young gentleman immediately suspects (and possibly with very good reason) must be about him. In this comfortable condition he remains until it is time to " stand up," when murmuring a '^ Will you allow me?" he gives the young lady his arm, and after inquiring where she will stand, and receiving a reply that she has no choice, conducts her to the remotest corner of the quadrille, and making one attempt at conversation, which turns out a desperate failure, preserves a profound silence until it is all ■over, when he walks her twice round the room, deposits her in her old seat, and retires in confusion. A married bashful gentleman — for these bashful gentlemen do get married sometimes ; how it is ever brought about, is a mystery to us — a married bashful gentleman either causes his wife to appear 8 THE OUT-AND-OUT YOUNG GENTLEMAN. bold by contrast, or merges her proper importance in his own insignificance. Bashful young gentlemen should be cured, or avoided. They are never hope- less, and never will be, while female beauty and attractions retain their influence, as any young lady will find, who may think it worth while on this confident assurance to take a patient in hand. THE OUT-AND-OUT YOUNG GENTLEMAN. Out-and-out young gentlemen may be divided into two classes — those who have something to do, and those who have nothing. I shall commence with the former, because that species come more frequently under the notice of young ladies, whom it is our province to warn and to instruct. The out-and-out young gentleman is usually no great dresser, his instructions to his tailor being all comprehended ir the one general direction to '^make that what's-a-name a regular bang-up sort of thing.' For some years past, the favourite costume of the out-and-out young gentleman has been a rough pilot- coat, with two gilt hooks and eyes to the velvet collar; buttons somewhat larger than crown-pieces ; a black or fancy neckerchief, loosely tied ; a wide-brimmed hat, with a low crown ; tightish inexpressibles, and ^(i :>A)I\ —J^H/Z. . I^^'K /(/■' a//>. ■,J^' THE OUT-AND-GUT YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 9 iron-shod boots. Out of doors he sometimes carries a large ash stick, but only on special occasions, for he prefers keeping his hands in his coat pockets. He smokes at all hours, of course, and swears considerably. The out-and-out young gentleman is employed in a city counting-house or solicitor's office, in which he does as little as he possibly can : his chief places of resort are, the streets, the taverns, and the theatres. In the streets at ev ening time, out-and-out young gen- tlemen have a pleasant custom of walking six or eight abreast, thus driving females and other inoffensive persons into the road, which never fails to afford I them the highest satisfaction, especially if there be I any immediate danger of their being run over, which I enhances the fun of the thing materially. In all I places of public resort, the out-and-outers are careful ' to select each a seat to him.self, upon which he lies (at full length, and (if the weather be very dirty, but ^not in any other case) he lies with his knees up, and 'the soles of his boots planted firmly on the cushion, so that if any low fellow should ask him to make iroom for a lady, he takes ample revenge upon her dress, without going at all out of his way to do it. He always sits with his hat on, and flourishes his stick in the air while the play is proceeding, with a dignified contempt of the performance ; if it be 10 THE OUT-AND-OUT YOUNG GENTLEMAN. possible for one or two out-and-out young gentlemen to get up a little crowding in the passages, they are quite in their element, squeezing, pushing, whooping, and shouting in the most humorous manner possible. If they can only succeed in irritating the gentleman who has a family of daughters under his char<:c, thev are like to die with laughing, and boast of it among their com})anions for a week afterwards, adding, that one or two of them were "devilish fine girls," and that they really thought the youngest would have fainted, which was the only thing wanted to render the joke complete. If the out-and-out young gentleman have a mother < and sisters, of course he treats them with becoming, contempt, inasmuch as they (poor things !) having no notion of life or gaiety, are far too weak-spirited and moping for him. Sometimes, however, on a birth-day or at Christmas time, he cannot very well help ac- companying them to a party at some old friend's, with which view he comes home when they have been dressed an hour or two, smelling very strongly of tobacco and spirits, and after exchanging his; rough coat for some more suitable attire (in A\diiclii however he loses nothing of the out-and-outer), getsi into the coach and grumbles all the way at his own good-nature : his bitter reflections aggravated by the recollection, that Tom Smith has taken the chair at THE OUT-AND-OUT YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 11 a little impromptu dinner at a fighting man's, and that a set-to was to take place on a dining-table, between the fighting man and his brother-in-law, which is probably '' coming off" at that very instant. As the out-and-out young gentleman is by no means at his ease in ladies' society, he shrinks into a corner of the drawing-room when they reach the friend's, and unless one of his sisters is kind enough to talk to him, remains there without being much troubled by the attentions of other people, until he espies, lingering outside the door, another gentleman, whom he at once knows, by his air and manner (for there is a kind of free-masonry in the craft), to be a brother out-and-outer, and towards whom he accordingly makes his way. Conversation being soon opened by some casual remark, the second out- and-outer confidentially informs the first, that he is one of the rough sort and hates that kind of thing, only he couldn't very well be off coming ; to Avhich the other replies, that that's just his case — "^and I'll tell you what," continues the out-and-outer in a whisper, " I should like a glass of warm brandy and water just now,'' — " Or a pint of stout and a Bipipe," suggests the other out-and-outer. The discovery is at once made that they are sym- itjpathetic souls ; each of them says at the same mo- 12 THE OUT-AND-OUT YOUNG GENTLEMAN. ment, that he sees the other understands what's'what : and they become fast friends at once, more espe- cially when it appears, that the second out-and-outer is no other than a gentleman, long favourably kno\Mi to his familiars as " Mr. Warmint Blake,'' who upon divers occasions has distinguished himself in a man- ner that would not have disgraced the fighting man,, and who — having been a pretty long time abouti town — had the honour of once shaking hands with the celebrated jMr. Thurtell himself. At supper, these gentlemen greatly distinguish themselves, brightening up very much when the ladies leave the table, and proclaiming aloud theii intention of beginning to spend the evening — a pro- cess which is generally understood to be satisfactorily performed, when a great deal of wine is drunk and a great deal of noise made, both of which feats the out- and-out young gentlemen execute to perfection Having protracted their sitting until long after tht host and the other guests have adjourned to tlu drawing-room, and finding that they have drainec the decanters empty, they follow them thither witl complexions rather heightened, and faces rathei bloated with wine ; and the agitated lady of th< house whispers her friends as they waltz together, t( the great terror of the whole room, that " both Mr Blake and Mr. Dummins are very nice sort of youni j THE OUT-AND-OUT YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 13 'men in their way, only they are eccentric persons, land unfortunately rather- loo wild! " I The remaining class of out-and-out young gentle- men is composed of persons, who, having no money )3f their own and a soul above earning any, enjoy ■similar pleasures, nobody knows how. These respect- ■ ible gentlemen, without aiming quite so much at the ^ i)ut-and-out in external appearance, are distinguished tfoy all the same amiable and attractive characteristics, ,n an equal or perhaps greater degree, and now and ^■;hen find their way into society, through the medium ; bf the other class of out-and-out young gentlemen, Mvho will sometimes carry them home, and who >Sisually pay their tavern bills. As they are equally i; i^entlemanly, clever, witty, intelligent, wise, and J veil-bred, we need scarcely have recommended them t!o the peculiar consideration of the young ladies, if it BjVere not that some of the gentle creatures whom we Ii-kold in such high respect, are perhaps a little too klpt to confound a great many heavier terms with the ec light word eccentricity, which we beg them hence- tiiorth to take in a strictly Johnsonian sense, with- larut any liberality or latitude of construction. ,^ 14 THE VERY FRIENDLY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. We know — and all people know — so many speci- mens of this class, that in selecting the few heads our limits enable us to take from a great number, we have been induced to give the very friendly young gentleman the preference over many others, to whose claims upon a more cursory view of the question we had felt disposed to assign the priority. The very friendly young gentleman is very friendly to everybody, but he attaches himself particularly to two, or at most to three families : regulating his choice by their dinners, their circle of acquaintance, or some other criterion in which he has an immediate interest. He is of any age between twenty and forty, unmarried of course, must be fond of children, and is expected to make himself generally useful if pos- sible. Let us illustrate our meaning by an example, which is the shortest mode and the clearest. We encountered one day, by chance, an old friend of whom we had lost sight for some years, and who — expressing a strong anxiety to renew our former, intimacy — urged us to dine with him on an early day, that we might talk over old times. We readilyj assented, adding, that we hoped we should be alone: " Oh, certainly, certainly," said our friend, " not THE VERY FRIENDLY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 15 soul with US but Mincin." " And who is Mincin ?" was our natural inquiry. '* O don't mind him," replied our friend, "^ he's a most particular friend of mine, and a very friendly fellow you will find him ;" and so he left us. We thought no more about Mincin until we duly presented ourselves at the house next day, when, after a hearty welcome, our friend motioned towards a gentleman who had been previously showing his teeth by the fire-place, and gave us to understand that it was Mr. Mincin, of whom he had spoken. It required no great penetration on our part to dis- cover at once that Mincin was in every respect a very friendly young gentleman. ' I am delighted,'' said Mincin, hastily advancing, and pressing our hand warmly between both of his, 1 am delighted, I am sure, to make your acquaint- ance^ — (here he smiled) — very much delighted in- deed— (here he exhibited a little emotion) — I assure you that I have looked forward to it anxiously for a very long time : " here he released our hands, and rubbing his own, observed, that the day was severe, but that he was delighted to perceive from our ap- pearance that it agreed with us wonderfully ; and then went on to observe, that, notwithstanding the coldness of the weather, he had that morning seen in the paper an exceedingly curious paragraph;, 16 THE VERY FRIENDLY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. to the effect, that there was now in the garden of Mr. Wilkins of Chichester, a pumpkin, measuring four feet in height, and eleven feet seven inches in circum- ference, which he looked upon as a very extraordinary piece of intelligence. We ventured to remark, that we had a dim recollection of having once or twice before observed a similar paragraph in the public prints, upon which Mr. Mincin took us confidentially by the button, and said. Exactly, exactly, to be sure, we were very right, and he wondered what the editors meant by putting in such things. Who the deuce, he should like to know, did tliey suppose cared about them ? that struck him as being the best of it. The lady of the house appeared shortly afterwards, and Mr. Mincin's friendliness, as will readily be sup- posed, suffered no diminution in consequence ; he ex- erted much strength and skill in wheeling a large easy-chair up to the fire, and the lady being seated in it, carefully closed the door, stirred the fire, and looked to the windows to see that they admitted no air ; having satisfied himself upon all these points, he expressed himself quite easy in his mind, and beg- ged to know how she found herself to-day. Upon the lady's replying very well, IMr. Mincin (who it appeared was a medical gentleman) offered some general remarks upon the nature and treatment of colds in the head, which occupied us agreeably until THE VERY FRIENDLY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 17 dinner-time. During the meal, he devoted himself to complimenting everybody, not forgetting himself, so that we were an uncommonly agreeable quartette. ''I'll tell you what, Capper," saidiNIr.Mincin to our host, as he closed the room door after the lady had retired, " you have very great reason to be fond of your wife. Sweet woman, Mrs. Capper, sir !" " Nay, Mincin — I beg," interposed the host, as we were about to reply that Mrs. Capper unquestionably was particularly sweet. " Pray, Mincin, don't." " Why not.?" exclaimed Mr. Mincin, "why not.? Why should you feel any delicacy before your old friend — our old friend, if I may be allowed to call you so, sir ; why should you, I ask ? " We of course wished to know why he sliould also, upon which our friend admitted that Mrs. Capper was a very sweet woman, at which admission Mr. Mincin cried " Bravo ! " and begged to propose Mrs. Capper with heartfelt enthu- siasm, whereupon our host said, " Thank you, Min- cin," with deep feeling ; and gave us, in a low voice, to understand, that Mincin had saved Mrs. Capper's cousin's life no less than fourteen times in a year and a half, which he considered no common circumstance — an opinion to which we most cordially subscribed. Now that v/e three were left to entertain ourselves with conversation, Mr. Mincin's extreme friendliness became every moment more apparent ; he was so c 18 THE VERY FRIENDLY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. amazingly friendly, indeed, that it was impossible to talk about anything in which he had not the chief concern. We happened to allude to some affairs in which our friend and we had been mutually engaged nearly fourteen years before, when Mr. INIincin was all at once reminded of a joke which our friend had made on that day four years, which he positively must insist upon telling — and which he did tell ac- cordingly, with many pleasant recollections of what he said, and what Mrs. Capper said, and how he well remembered that they had been to the play with orders on the very night previous, and had seen Romeo and Juliet, and the pantomime, and how Mrs. Capper being faint had been led into the lobby, where she smiled, said it was nothing after all, and went back again, with many other interesting and absorb- ing particulars : after which the friendly young gentleman went on to assure us, that our friend had experienced a marvellously prophetic opinion of that same pantomime, which was of such an admirable kind, that t^\'o morning papers took the same view next day : to this our friend replied, with a little tri- umph, that in that instance he had some reason to think he had been correct, which gave the friendly young gentleman occasion to believe that our friend was always correct ; and so we went on, until our friend, filling a bumper, said he must drink one THE VERY FRIENDLY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 19 glass to his dear friend Mincin, than whom he would say no man saved the lives of his acquaintances more, or had a more friendly heart. Finally, our friend having emptied his glass, said, " God bless you, Mincin," — and Mr. Mincin and he shook hands across the table with much affection and earnestness. But great as the friendly young gentleman is, in a limited scene like this, he plays the same part on a larger scale with increased eclat. Mr. Mincin is in- vited to an evening party with his dear friends the Martins, where he meets his dear friends the Cappers, and his dear friends the Watsons, and a hundred other dear friends too numerous to mention. He is as much at home with the Martins as with the Cappers ; but how exquisitely he balances his attentions, and divides them among his dear friends ! If he flirts with one of the Miss Watsons, he has one little Martin on the sofa pulling his hair, and the other little Martin on the carpet riding on his foot. He carries Mrs. Watson down to supper on one arm, and Miss Martin on the other, and takes wine so judi- ciously, and in such exact order, that it is impossible for the most punctilious old lady to consider herself neglected. If any young lady, being prevailed upon j to sing, become nervous afterwards, Mr. Mincin leads I her tenderly into the next room, and restores her with port wine, which she must take medicinally. If any c 2 20 THE MILITARY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. gentleman be standing by the piano during the pro- gress of the ballad, Mr. JMincin seizes him by the arm at one point of the melody, and softly beating time the while with his head, expresses in dumb show his intense perception of the delicacy of the passage. If anybody's self-love is to be flattered, Mr. Mincin is at hand. If anybody's overweening vanity is to be pampered, Mr. Mincin will surfeit it. What wonder that people of all stations and ages re- cognise I\Ir. ]\Iincin's friendliness ; that he is uni- ; versaily allowed to be handsome as amiable ; that ; mothers think him an oracle, daughters a dear, , brothers a beau, and fathers a wonder ! And who would not have the reputation of the very friendly young gentleman ? THE MILITARY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. We are rather at a loss to imagine how it has ^ come to pass that military young gentlemen have' obtained so much favour in the eyes of the young ladies of this kingdom. We cannot think so lightly of tlieni as to suppose that the mere circumstance of a man'sj wearing a red coat ensures him a ready passport to] their regard ; and even if this were the case, itl would be no satisfactory explanation of the circum- THE MILITARY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. '21 Stance, because, although the analogy may in some degree hold good in the case of mail coachmen and guards, still general postmen wear red coats, and thei/ are not to our knowledge better received than other men ; nor are firemen either, who wear (or used to wear) not only red coats, but very resplendent and massive badges besides — much larger than epaulettes. Neither do the twopenny post-office boys, if the result of our inquiries be correct, find any peculiar favour in woman's eyes, although they wear very bright red jackets, and have the additional advantage of constantly appearing in public on horseback, which last circumstance may be naturally supposed to be greatly in their favour. We have sometimes thought that this phenomenon may take its rise in the conventional behaviour of captains and colonels and other gentlemen in red coats on the stage, where they are invariably repre- sented as line swaggering fellows, talking of nothing but charming girls, their king and country, their honour, and their debts, and crowing over the infe- rior classes of the community, whom they occasion- ally treat with a little gentlemanly swindling, no less to the improvement and pleasure of the audience, than to the satisfaction and approval of the choice spirits who consort with them. But we will not devote these pages to our speculations upon the 2'J THE iMILITARY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. subject, inasmuch as our business at the present moment is not so much with the young ladies who are bewitched by her IMajesty's livery as with the young gentlemen whose heads are turned by it. For '' heads" we had written ^'brains;" but upon con- sideration, we think the former the more appropriate word of the two. These young gentlemen may be divided into two classes — young gentlemen who are actually in the army, and young gentlemen who, having an intense and enthusiastic admiration for all things appertain- ing to a military life, are compelled by adverse for- tune or adverse relations to wear out their existence in some ignoble counting-house. We will take this latter description of military young gentlemen first. The whole heart and soul of the military young gentleman are concentrated in his favourite topic. There is nothing that he is so learned upon as uni- forms ; he will tell you, without faltering for an in- stant, what the habiliments of any one regiment are turned up with, what regiment wear stripes down the outside and inside of the leg, and how many but- tons the Tenth had on their coats; he knows to a fraction how many yards and odd inches of gold lace it takes to make an ensign in the Guards ; is deeply read in the comparative merits of different bands, and the apparelling of trumpeters ; and is very lumi- THE MILITARY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 23 nous indeed in descanting upon '^ crack regiments,"' and the " crack" gentlemen who compose them, of whose mightiness and grandeur lie is never tired of telling. We were suggesting to a military young gentle- man only the other day, after he had related to us several dazzling instances of the profusion of half-a- dozen honourable ensign somebodies or nobodies in the articles of kid gloves and polished boots, that possibly "cracked" regiments would be an improve- ment upon " crack," as being a more expressive and appropriate designation, when he suddenly inter- rupted us by pulling out his watch, and observing that he must hurry off to the Park in a cab, or he would be too late to hear the band play. Not wish- ing to interfere with so important an engagement, and being in fact already slightly overwhelmed by the anecdotes of the honourable ensigns afore-men- tioned, we made no attempt to detain the military young gentleman, but parted company with ready good- will. Some three or four hours afterwards, we chanced to be walking down Whitehall, on the Admiralty side of the way, when, as we drew near to one of the little stone places in which a couple of horse soldiers mount guard in the day-time, we were attracted by the motionless appearance and eager gaze of a young 24 THE MILITARY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. gentleman, who was devouring both man and horse with his eyes, so eagerly, that he seemed deaf and blind to all that was passing around him. We were not much surprised at the discovery tliat it was our friend, the military young gentleman, but we were a little astonished when we returned from a walk to South Lambeth to find him still there, looking on with the same intensity as before. As it was a very windy day, we felt bound to awaken tlie young gentle- man from his reverie, when he inquired of us with great enthusiasm, whether " that was not a glorious spectacle," and proceeded to give us a detailed ac- count of the weight of every article of the spectacle's trappings, from the man's gloves to the horse's shoes. We have made it a practice since, to take the Horse Guards in our daily walk, and we find it is the custom of military young gentlemen to plant themselves opposite the sentries, and contemplate them at leisure, in periods varying from fifteen minutes to fifty, and averaging twenty-five. We were much struck a day or two since, by the behaviour of a very promising young butcher who (evincing an interest in the service, which cannot be too strongly com- mended or encouraged), after a prolonged inspection of the sentry, proceeded to handle his boots with great curiosity, and as much composure and indifference as if the man were wax-work. THE MILITARY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 25 But the really military young gentleman is wait- ing all this time, and at the very moment that an apology rises to our lips, he emerges from the barrack gate (he is quartered in a garrison town), and takes the way towards the high street. He wears his undress uniform^ which somewhat mars the glory of his outward man ; but still how great, how grand, he is ! What a happy mixture of ease and ferocity in his gait and carriage, and how lightly he carries that dreadful sword under his arm, making no more ado about it than if it were a silk umbrella ! The lion is sleeping : only think if an enemy were in sight, how soon he'd whip it out of the scabbard, and what a terrible fellow he would be ! But he walks on, thinking of nothing less than blood and slaughter ; and now he comes in sight of three other military young gentlemen, arm-in-arm, who are bearing down towards him, clanking their iron heels on the pavemient, and clashing their swords with a noise, which should cause all peaceful men to quail at heart. They stop to talk. See how the Haxen-haired young gentleman with the weak legs — he who has his pocket-handkerchief thrust into the breast of his coat — glares upon the faint-hearted civilians who linger to look upon his glory ; how the next young gentleman elevates his head in the air, and majestically places his arms a-kimbo, while the 26 THE MILITARY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. third stands with his legs very wide apart, and clasps his hands behind him. Well may we inquire— not in familiar jest, but in respectful earnest — if you call that nothing. Oh ! if some encroaching foreign power — the emperor of Russia, for instance, or any of those deep fellows, could only see those military young gentlemen as they move on together towards the bil- liard-room over the way, wouldn't he tremble a little! And then, at the Theatre at night, when the per- formances are by command of Colonel Fitz-Sordust and the officers of the garrison — what a splendid sight it is! How sternly the defenders of their country look round the house as if in mute assurance to the audience, that they may make themselves com- fortable regarding any foreign invasion, for they (the military young gentlemen) are keeping a sharp look- out, and are ready for anything. And what a con- trast between them, and that stage-box full of grey- headed officers with tokens of many battles about them, who have nothing at all in common with the military young gentlemen, and who — but for an old- fashioned kind of manly dignity in their looks and bearing — might be common hard-working soldiers for anything they take the pains to announce to the contrary ! Ah ! here is a family just come in who recognise the flaxen-headed young gentleman; and the flaxen- THE MILITARY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 27 headed young gentleman recognises them too, only he doesn't care to show it just now. Very well done indeed ! He talks louder to the little group of mili- tary young gentlemen who are standing by him, and coughs to induce some ladies in the next box but one to look round, in order that their faces may undergo the same ordeal of criticism to which they have sub- jected, in not a wholly inaudible tone, the majority of the female portion of the audience. Oh ! a gen- tleman in tlie same box looks round as if he were disposed to resent this as an impertinence ; and the flaxen-headed young gentleman sees his friends at once, and hurries away to them with the most charm- ing cordiality. Three young ladies, one young man, and the mama of the party, receive the military young gentleman with great warmth and politeness, and in five minutes afterwards the military young gentleman, stimulated by the mama, introduces the two other military young gentlemen with whom he was walking in the morn- ing, who take their seats behind the young ladies and commence conversation ; whereat the mama bestows a triumphant bow upon a rival mama, who has not succeeded in decoying any military young gentlemen, and prepares to consider her visitors from that moment three of the most elegant and superior young gentlemen in the whole world. 28 THE POLITICAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. Once upon a time — 7iot in the days when pigs drank wine, but in a more recent period of our his- tory — it was customary to banish politics when ladies were present. If this usage still prevailed, we should have had no chapter for political young gentlemen, for ladies would have neither known nor cared what kind of monster a political young gentleman Avas. But as this good custom in common with many others has " gone out," and left no word when it is likely to be home again ; as political young ladies are by no means rare, and political young gentlemen the very reverse of scarce, we are bound in the strict discharge of our most responsible duty not to neglect this natural division of our subject. If the political young gentleman be resident in a country town (and there are political young gentle- men in country towns sometimes), he is wholly absorbed in his politics ; as a pair of purple spec- tacles communicate the same uniform tint to all objects near and remote, so the political glasses, with which the young gentleman assists his mental vision, give to everything the hue and tinge of party feeling. The political young gentleman would as soon think of being struck with the beauty of a THE POLITICAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. OQ young lady in the opposite interest^ as he would dream of marrying his sister to the opposite member. If the political young gentleman be a Conserva- tive, he has usually some vague ideas about Ireland and the Pope which he cannot very clearly explain, but which he knoAvs are the right sort of thing, and not to be very easily got over by the other side. He has also some choice sentences regarding church and state, culled from the banners in use at the last election, with which he intersperses his conversation at intervals with surprising effect. But his great topic is the constitution, upon which he will declaim, by the hour together, with much heat and fury ; not that he has any particular information on the subject, but because he knows that the constitution is some- how church and state, and church and state somehow the constitution, and that the fellows on the other side say it isn't, which is quite a sufficient reason for him to say it is, and to stick to it. Perhaps his greatest topic of all, though, is the people. If a tight takes place in a populous town, in which many noses are broken, and a few windows, the young gentleman throws down the newspaper with a triumphant air, and exclaims, " Here's your precious people ! " if half-a-dozen boys run across the course at race time, when it ought to be kept clear, the young gentleman looks indignantly round. 30 THR POLITICAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. and begs you to observe the conduct of the people ; if the gallery demand a hornpipe between the play and the afterpiece, the same young gentleman cries "■ No " and '' Shame " till he is hoarse, and then in- quires with a sneer what you think of popular mode- ration noiv ; in short, the people form a never-failing theme for him ; and when the attorney, on the side of his candidate, dwells upon it with great power of eloquence at election time, as he never fails to do, the young gentleman and his friends, and the body they head, cheer with great violence against the other people, with whom, of course, they have no possible connexion. In much the same manner the audience at a theatre never fail to be highly amused with any jokes at the expense of the public — always laughing heartily at some other public, and never at them- selves. If the political young gentleman be a Radical, he is usually a very profound person indeed, having great store of theoretical questions to put to you, -with an infinite variety of possible cases and logical deductions therefrom. If he be of the utilitarian school, too, which is more than probable, he is par- ticularly pleasant company, having many ingenious remarks to offer upon the voluntary principle and various cheerful disquisitions connected with the population of the country, the position of Great THE POLITICAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 31 Britain in the scale of nations, and the balance of power. Then he is exceedingly well versed in all doctrines of political economy as laid down in the newspapers, and knows a great many parliamentary speeches by heart ; nay, he has a small stock of aphorisms, none of them exceeding a couple of lines in length, which will settle the toughest question and leave you nothing to say. He gives all the voung ladies to understand, that Miss Martineau is the greatest woman that ever lived ; and when they praise the good looks of Mr. Hawkins the new member, says he's very well for a representative, all things considered, but he wants a little calling to account, and he is more than half afraid it will be necessary to bring him down on his knees for that vote on the miscellaneous estimates. At this, the young ladies express much wonderment, and say surely a Member of Parliament is not to be brought upon his knees so easily ; in reply to which the political young gentleman smiles sternly, and throws out dark hints regarding the speedy arrival of that day, when Members of Parliament will be paid salaries, and required to render weekly accounts of their proceedings, at which the young ladies utter many expressions of astonishment and incredulity, while their lady-mothers regard the prophecy as little else than blasphemous. 32 THE POLITICAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. It is extremely improving and interesting, to hear two political young gentlemen, of diverse opinions, discuss some great question across a dinner-table ; such as, whether, if the public were admitted to Westminster Abbey for nothing, they would or would not convey small chisels and hammers in their pockets, and immediately set about chipping all the noses off the statues ; or whether, if they once got into the Tower for a shilling, they would not insist npon trying the crown on their own heads, and loading and firing off all the small arms in the armoury, to the great discomposure of Whitecha})el and the IMinories. Upon these, and many other momentous questions which agitate the public mind in these desperate davs, they will discourse with great A'ehemence and irritation for a considerable time together, both leaving off precisely where they began, and each thoroughly persuaded that he has got the better of the other. In society, at assemblies, balls, and playhouses, these political young gentlemen are perpetually on the watch for a political allusion, or anything which can be tortured or construed into being one; when, thrusting themselves into the very smallest openings for their favourite discourse, they fall upon the unhappy company tooth and nail. They have re- cently had many favourable opportunities of opening -^J'ni^'-f • .y^c:^£?ma^^^ J^^^ta. ,^^ / .-.'.Mm.rCru^r.-.dr, JC:/{aajM.Sr, THE DOMESTIC YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 33 in churches, but as there the clergyman has it all his own way, and must not be contradicted, whatever politics he preaches, they are fain to hold their tongues until they reach the outer door, though at the imminent risk of bursting in the effort. As such discussions can please nobody but the talkative parties concerned, we hope they will hence- forth take the hint and discontinue them, otherwise we now give them warning, that the ladies have our advice to discountenance such talkers altogether. THE DOMESTIC YOUNG GENTLEMAN. Let us make a slight sketch of our amiable friend, Mr. Felix Nixon. We are strongly dis- posed to think, that if we put him in this place, he will answer our purpose without another word of comment. Felix, then, is a young gentleman who lives at home with his mother, just within the twopenny- post office circle of three miles from St. Martin le Grand. He wears India-rubber goloshes when the weather is at all damp, and always has a silk hand- kerchief neatly folded up in the right-hand pocket of his great-coat, to tie over his mouth when he goes home at night ; moreover, being rather near-sighted, D 34 THE DOMESTIC YOUNG GENTLEMAN. lie carries spectacles for particular occasions, and has a weakish tremulous voice, of which he makes great use, for he talks as much as any old lady breathing. The two chief subjects of Felix's discourse, are himself and his mother, both of whom would appear to be very wonderful and interesting persons. As Felix and his mother are seldom apart in body, so Felix and his mother arc scarcely ever separate in spirit. If you ask Felix how he finds himself to-day, he prefaces his reply with a long and minute bulletin of his mother's state of health ; and the good lady in her turn, edifies her acquaintance with a circumstan- tial and alarming account, how he sneezed four times and coughed once after being out in the rain the other night, but having his feet promptly put into hot water, and his head into a flannel-something, which we will not describe more particularly than by this delicate allusion, was happily brought round by the next morning, and enabled to go to business as usual. Our friend is not a very adventurous or hot- headed person, but he has passed through many dangers, as his mother can testify : there is one great story in particular, concerning a hackney coachman who wanted to overcharge him one night for bringing them home from the play, upon which Felix gave the aforesaid coachman a lojk which his mothii THE DOMESTIC YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 8.1 thought would have crushed him to the earth, but which did not crush him quite, for he continued to demand another sixpence, notwithstanding that Felix took out his pocket-book, and, with the aid of a flat candle, pointed out the fare in print, which the coachman obstinately disregarding, he shut the street door with a slam which his mother shudders to think of; and then, roused to the most appalling pitch of passion by the coachman knocking a double knock to show that he was by no means convinced, he broke with uncontrollable force from his parent and the servant girl, and running into the street without his hat, actually shook his fist at the coachman, and came back again with a face as white, IMrs, Nixon says, looking about her for a simile, as white as that ceiling. She never will forget his fury that night. Never ! To this account Felix listens with a solemn face, occasionally looking at you to see how it affects you, and when his mother has made an end of it, adds that he looked at every coachman he met for three weeks afterwards, in hopes that he might see the scoundrel ; whereupon Mrs. Nixon, with an exclama- tion of terror, requests to know what he would have done to him if he had seen him, at which Felix smiling darkly and clenching his right fist, she ex- claims, '' Goodness gracious ! " with a distracted air^ D 2 36 THE DOMESTIC YOUNG GENTLEMAN. and insists upon extorting a promise that he never will on any account do anything so rash, which her dutiful son — it being something more than three years since the offence was committed — reluctantly concedes, and his mother, shaking her head pro- phetically, fears with a sigh that his spirit will lead him into something violent yet. The discourse then, by an easy transition, turns upon the spirit which glows within the bosom of Felix, upon which point Felix himself becomes eloquent, and relates a thrill- ino- anecdote of the time when he used to sit up till two o'clock in the morning reading French, and how his mother used to say, " Felix, you will make yourself ill, I know you will;" and how he used to say, " Mother, I don't care— I will do it ;" and how at last his mother privately procured a doctor to come and see him, who declared, the moment he felt his pulse, that if he had gone on reading one night more — only one night more — he must have put a blister on each temple, and another between his shoulders ; and who, as it was, sat down upon the instant, and writing a prescription for a blue pill, said it must be taken immediately, or he wouldn't answer for the consequences. The recital of these and many other moving perils of the like nature, constantly harrows up the feelings of JMr. Nixon's friends. THE DOMESTIC YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 37 ^Irs. Nixon has a tolerably extensive circle of female acquaintance, being a good-humoured talka- tive, bustling little body, and to the unmarried girls among them she is constantly vaunting the virtues of her son, hinting that she will be a very happy person who wins him, but that they must mind their P's and Q's, for he is very particular, and terribly severe upon young ladies. At this last caution the young ladies resident in the same row, who happen to be spending the evening there, put their pocket-handkerchiefs before their mouths, and are troubled with a short cough ; just then Felix knocks at the door, and his mother drawing the tea- table nearer the fire, calls out to him as he takes olf his boots in the back parlour that he needn't mind coming in in his slippers, for there are only the two Miss Greys and ]\Iiss Thompson, and she is quite sure they will excuse him, and nodding to the two Miss Greys, she adds, in a whisper, that Julia Thompson is a great favourite with Felix, at which intelligence the short cough comes again, and IMiss Thompson in particular is greatly troubled with it, till Felix coming in, very faint for want of his tea, changes the subject of discourse, and enables her to laugh out boldly and tell Amelia Grey not to be so foolish. Here they all three laugh, and ]\Irs. Nixon says they are giddy girls; in which stage of 38 THE DOMESTIC YOUNG GNETLEMAN. the proceedings, Felix, who has by this time refresh- ened himself with the grateful herb that ''cheers but not inebriates," removes his cup from his countenance and says with a knowing smile, that all girls are ; whereat his admiring mama pats him on the back and tells him not to be sly, which calls forth a general laugh from the young ladies, and another smile from Felix, who thinking he looks very sly indeed, is perfectly satisfied. Tea being over, the young ladies resume their work, and Felix insists upon holding a skein of silk while Miss Thompson winds it on a card. This I)rocess having been performed to the satisfaction of ;; all parties, he brings down his flute in compliance 1 with a request from the youngest i\Iiss Grey, and j j)lays divers tunes out of a very small music-book till supper-time, when he is very facetious and talk- ative indeed. Finally, after half a tumblerful of warm sherry and water, he gallantly puts on his goloshes over his slippers, and telling Miss Thomp- 1 son's servant to run on first and get the door open, escorts that young lady to her house, five doors off: the Miss Greys who live in the next house but one stopping to peep with merry faces from their own door till he comes back again, when they call out " Very well, Mr. Felix," and trip into the passage with a laugh more musical than any flute that was ever played. THE CENSORIOUS YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 39 Felix is rather prim in liis appearance, and per- haps a little priggish about his books and flute, and so forth, which have all their peculiar corners of peculiar shelves in his bed-room ; indeed all his female acquaintance (and they are good judges) have long ago set him down as a thorough old bachelor. He is a favourite with them however, in a certain way, as an honest inoifensive, kind-hearted creature ; and as his peculiarities harm nobody, not even him- self, we are induced to hope that many who are not personally acquainted with him will take our good word in his behalf, and be content to leave him to a long continuance of his harmless existence. THE CENSORIOUS YOUNG GENTLEMAN. There is an amiable kind of young gentleman going about in society, upon whom, after much ex- perience of him, and considerable turning over of the subject in our mind, we feel it our duty to affix the above appellation. Young ladies mildly call him a '^ sarcastic" young gentleman, or a '' severe" young gentleman. We, who know better, beg to acquaint them with the fact, that he is merely a censorious young gentleman, and nothing else. The censorious young gentleman has the reputation 40 THE CENSORIOUS YOUNG GENTLEMAN. among his familiars of a remarkably clever person, which he maintains by receiving all intelligence and expressing all opinions with a dubious sneer, accom- panied with a half smile, expressive of anything you please but good-humour. This sets people about think- ing what on earth the censorious young gentleman means, and they speedily arrive at the conclusion that he means something very deep indeed ; for they reason in this way — " This young gentleman looks so very knowing that he must mean something, and as I am by no means a dull individual, what a very deep meaning he must have if / can't find it out !" It is extra- ordinary how soon a censorious young gentleman may make a reputation in his own small circle if he bear this in his mind, and regulate his proceedings ac- cordingly. As young ladies are generally — not curious, but laudably desirous to acquire information, the censori- ous young gentleman is much talked about among them, and many surmises are hazarded regarding him. '^ I wonder," exclaims the eldest Miss Greenwood, laying down her work to turn up the lamp, " I wonder whether Mr. Fairfax will ever be married." " Bless me, dear," cries Miss Marshall, " what ever made you think of him ? " *' Really I hardly know," replies Miss Greenwood ; " he is such a very mys- terious person, that I often wonder about him." THE CENSORIOUS YOUNG GENTLEMAN, 41 '* Well, to tell you the truth," replies Miss Marshall, '^ and so do I." Here two other young ladies profess that they are constantly doing the like, and all pre- sent appear in the same condition except one young lady, who, not scrupling to state that she considers Mr. Fairfax " a horror," draws down all the opposi- tion of the others, which having been expressed in a great many ejaculatory passages, such as '• Well, did I ever !" — and ''Lor, Emily, dear !" ma takes up the subject, and gravely states, that she must say she does not think Mr. Fairfax by any means a horror, but rather takes him to be a young man of very great ability; '* and I am quite sure," adds the worthy lady, " he always means a great deal more than he says." The door opens at this point of the discourse, and who of all people alive walks into the room, but the very Mr. Fairfax, who has been the subject of conver- sation ! " Well, it really is curious," cries ma, "we were at that very moment talking about you.'' " You did me great honour," replies Mr. Fairfax ; "^ May I venture to ask what you were saying ? " " Why, if you must know," returns the eldest girl, '^ we were remarking what a very mysterious man you are." " Ay, ay!" observes Mr, Fairfax, *' Indeed!" Now Mr. Fairfax says this ay, ay, and indeed, which are slight words enough in themselves, with so 42 THE CENSORIOUS YOUNG GENTLEMAN. very unfathomable an air, and accompanies them with such a very equivocal smile, that ma and the young ladies are more than ever convinced that he means an immensity, and so tell him he is a very dangerous man, and seems to be always thinking ill of some- body, which is precisely the sort of character the cen- sorious young gentleman is most desirous to establish ; wherefore he says, " Oh, dear, no," in a tone, obviously intended to mean, " You have me there," and which gives them to understand that they have hit the right nail on the very centre of its head. When the conversation ranges from the mystery overhanging the censorious young gentleman's be- haviour, to the general topics of the day, he sustains his character to admiration. He considers the new tragedy well enough for a new tragedy, but Lord bless us — well, no matter ; he could say a great deal on that point, but he would rather not, lest he should be thought ill-natured, as he knows he would be. " But is not JNIr. So and So's performance truly charming?" inquires a young lady. " Charming !" replies the censorious young gentleman, " Oh, dear, yes, certainly ; very charming — oh, very charming indeed." After this, he stirs the lire, smiling con- temptuously all the while : and a modest young gentleman, who has been a silent listener, thinks what a great thing it must be, to have such a critical THE CENSORIOUS YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 43 judgment. Of music^, pictures, books, and poetry, the censorious young gentleman has an equally fine con- ception. As to men and women, he can tell all about them at a glance. " Now let us hear your opinion of young Mrs. Barker," says some great believer in the powers of Mr. Fairfax, " but don't be too severe." ''I never am severe," replies the censorious young gentleman. " Well, never mind that now. She is very lady-like, is she not ?" " Lady-like \" repeats the censorious young gentleman (for he always re- peats when he is at a loss for anything to say) ; " Did you observe her manner ? Bless my heart and soul, i\Irs. Thompson, did you observe her manner.^ — that's all I ask." " I thought I had done so," rejoins the poor lady, much perplexed ; " 1 did not ihserve it very closely perhaps." " Oh, not very flosely," rejoins the censorious young gentleman, triumphantly, " Very good; then /did. Let us talk 210 more about her." The censorious young gentle- man purses up his lips, and nods his head sagely, as he says this ; and it is forthwith whispered about, that Mr. Fairfax (who, though he is a little prejudiced, imust be admitted to be a very excellent judge) has observed something exceedingly odd in Mrs. Barker's manner. 44 THE FUNNY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. As one funny young gentleman will serve as a sample of all funny young gentlemen, we purpose merely to note down the conduct and behaviour of an individual specimen of this class, whom we happened to meet at an annual family Christmas party in the course of this very last Christmas that ever came. We were all seated round a blazing fire which crackled pleasantly as the guests talked merrily and the urn steamed cheerily — for, being an old-fashioned party, there was an urn, and a teapot besides — when there came a postman's knock at the door, so violent and sudden, that it startled the whole circle, and actually caused two or three very interesting and most unaffected young ladies to scream aloud and to exhibit many afflicting symptoms of terror and dis- tress, until they had been several times assured by their respective adorers, that they were in no danger. We were about to remark that it was surely beyond post-time, and must have been a runaway knock, when our host, who had hitherto been paralysed with wonder, sank into a chair in a perfect ecstacy of laughter, and oifered to lay twenty pounds that it was that droll dog Griggins. He had no sooner said THE FUNNY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 45 this, than the majority of the company and all the I children of the house burst into a roar of laughter I too, as if some inimitable joke flashed upon them " simultaneously, and gave vent to various exclama- : tions of — To be sure it must be Griggins, and How like him that was, and What spirits he was always in ! , with many other commendatory remarks of the like nature. Not having the happiness to know Griggins, we became extremely desirous to see so pleasant a fellow, the more especially as a stout gentleman with a powdered head, who was sitting with his breeches buckles almost touching the hob, whispered us he was a wit of the first water, when the door opened, and Mr. Griggins being announced, presented him- self, amidst another shout of laughter and a loud clapping of hands from the younger branches. This welcome he acknowledged by sundry contortions of countenance, imitative of the clown in one of the new pantomimes, which were so extremely success- ful, that one stout gentleman rolled upon an otto- man in a paroxysm of delight, protesting, with many gasps, that if somebody didn't make that fellow Griggins leave off, he would be the death of him, he knew. At this the company only laughed more boisterously than before, and as we always like to accommodate our tone and spirit if possible to the 46 THE FUNNY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. humour of any society in which we find ourself, we' laughed with the rest, and exclaimed, " Oh ! capi- tal, capital I " as loud as any of them. ■: When he had quite exhausted all beholders, Mr. Griggins received the welcomes and congratulations of the circle, and went through the needful intro- ductions with much ease and many puns. This ceremony over, he avowed his intention of sitting in somebody's lap unless the young ladies made room for him on the sofa, which being done, after a great deal of tittering and pleasantry, he squeezed himself among them, and likened his condition to that of love among the roses. At this novel jest we all roared once more. '' You should consider yourself highly honoured, sir,"' said we. *^ Sir," replied Mr. Griggins, " you do me proud." Here every- body laughed again ; and the stout gentleman by the fire whispered in our ear that Griggins was making a dead set at us. The tea things having been removed, wc all sat down to a round game, and here IMr. Griggins shone forth with peculiar brilliancy, abstracting other peo- ple's fish, and looking over their hands in the most comical manner. He made one most excellent joke in snuffing a candle, which was neither more nor less than setting fire to the hair of a pale young gentle- man who sat next him, and afterwards begging his THE PtTNNY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 47 pardon with considerable humour. As the young gentleman could not see the joke however, possibly in consequence of its being on the top of his own head, it did not go off quite as well as it might have done; indeed, the young gentleman was heard to murmur some general references to " impertinence,'' and a '* rascal," and to state the number of his lodgings in an angry tone — a turn of the conversation which might have been productive of slaughterous conse- pences, if a young lady, betrothed to the young gentleman, had not used her immediate influence to jring about a reconciliation : emphatically declaring in an agitated whisper, intended for his peculiar edification but audible to the whole table, that if he went on in that way, she never would think of him otherwise than as a friend, though as that she must ilways regard him. At this terrible threat the 70ung gentleman became calm, and the young lady, ivercome by the revulsion of feeling, instantaneously 'ainted. Mr. Griggins's spirits were slightly depressed for I short period by this unlooked-for result of such a larmless pleasantry, but being promptly elevated by he attentions of the host and several glasses of wine, ie soon recovered, and became even more vivacious •Lan before, insomuch that the stout gentleman ireviouslv referred to, assured us that although he 48 THE FUNNY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. had known him since he was that high (something smaller than a nutmeg-grater), he had never beheld him in such excellent cue. When the round game and several games at blind man's buff which followed it were all over, and \ve were going down to supper, the inexhaustible ]\Ir. Griggins produced a small sprig of misletoe from his waistcoat pocket, and commenced a general kissing of the assembled females, which occasioned great com- motion and much excitement. We observed that seve- ral young gentlemen — including the young gentleman witli the pale countenance — were greatly scandalised at this indecorous proceeding, and talked very big among themselves in corners ; and we observed too, that several young ladies when remonstrated with by the aforesaid young gentlemen, called each other to witness how they had struggled, and protested vehe- mently that it was very rude, and that they were surprised at ]Mrs. Brown's allowing it, and that they couldn't bear it, and had no patience with such im- pertinence. But such is the gentle and forgiving nature of woman, that although we looked very nar- rowly for it, we could not detect the slightest harsh- ness in the subsequent treatment of Mr. Griggins. Indeed, upon the whole, it struck us that among the ladies he seemed rather more popular than before ! To recount all the drollery of I\Ir. Griggins at THE THEATRICAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 49 supper, would fill such a tiny volume as this, to the very bottom of the outside cover. How he drank out of other people's glasses, and ate of other people's bread, how he frightened into screaming convulsions a little boy who was sitting up to supper in a high chair, by sinking below the table and suddenly reappearing with a mask on; how the hostess was really surprised that anybody could find a pleasure in tormenting children, and how the host frowned at the hostess, and felt convinced that IMr. Griggins had done it with the very best intentions; how Mr. Griggins explained^ and how everybody's good-humour was restored but the child's;— to tell these and a hundred other things ever so briefly, would occupy more of our room and our readers' patience, than either they or we can con- veniently spare. Therefore we change the subject, merely observing that we have offered no description of the funny young gentleman's personal appearance, believing that almost every society has a Griggins of its own, and leaving all readers to supply the defi- ciency, according to the particular circumstances of tijeir particular case. !»' i THE THEATRICAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. All gentlemen who love the drama — and there are few gentlemen Avho are not attached to the most in- E 50 THE THEATRICAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. tellectual and rational of all our amusements — do not come within this definition. As we have no mean relish for theatrical entertainments ourself, we are disinterestedly anxious that this should be perfectly understood. The theatrical young gentleman has early and im- portant information on all theatrical topics. '' Well," says he, abruptly, when you meet him in the street, " here's a pretty to-do. Flimkins has thrown up his part in the melodrama at the Surrey.'' — ''And what's to be done ? " you inquire with as much gravity as you c;iii counterfeit. " Ah, that's the point," replies the tliea- trical young gentleman, looking very serious; "Boozic declines it ; positively declines it. From all I am told. I should say it was decidedly in Boozle's line, and that he would be very likely to make a great hit in it ; but he objects on the ground of Flimkins having been put up in the part first, and says no earthly power shall induce him to take the character. It's a fine part, too— excellent business, I'm told. He has to kill six people in the course of the piece, and to fight over a bridge in red fire, which is as safe a card^, youknov> , as can be. Don't mention it ; but I hear that the last scene, when he is first poisoned, and then stabbed, by Mrs. Flimkins as Vengedora, will be the greatest thing that has been done these many years." With this piece of news, and laying his finger on his lips as jLj THE THEATRICAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 51 i a caution for you not to excite the town with it, the theatrical young gentleman hurries away. The theatrical young gentleman, from often fre- quenting the different theatrical establishments, has pet and familiar names for them all. Thus Covent- Garden is the garden, Drury-Lane the lane, the I Victoria the vie, and the Olympic the pic. Actresses, loo, are always designated by their surnames only, as Taylor, Nisbett, Faucit, Honey ; that talented and lady-like girl Sheriff, that clever little creature Horton, and so on. In the same manner he prefixes Christian names when he mentions the actors, as Charley Young, Jemmy Buckstone, Fred. Yates, Paul Bedford. When he is at a loss for a Christian name, the word " old " applied indiscriminately answers quite as well : as old Charley Matthews at Vestris's, old Harley, and old Braham. He has a great knowledge of the private proceedings of act- resses, especially of their getting married, and can tell you in a breath half-a-dozen who have changed their names without avowing it. Whenever an alter- ation of this kind is made in fhe playbills, he will remind you that he let you into the secret six months ago. The theatrical young gentleman has a great reve- li rence for all that is connected with the stage depart- J £ 2 0'2 THE THEATRICAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. ment of the different theatres. He would, at any time, prefer going a street or two out of his way, to omitting to pass a stage-entrance, into which he always looks with a curious and searching eye. If he can only identify a popular actor in the street, he is in a per- fect transport of delight ; and no sooner meets him, than he hurries back, and walks a few paces in front of him, so that he can turn round from time to time, and have a good stare at his features. He looks upon a theatrical-fund dinner as one of the most en- chantins: festivities ever known ; and thinks that to be a member of the Garrick Club, and sec so many actors in their plain clothes, must be one of tlie hiffhest "-ratifications the world can bestow. The theatrical young gentleman is a constant half- price visitor at one or other of the theatres, and has an infinite relish for all pieces which display the fullest resources of the establishment. He likes to ])lace implicit reliance upon the play-bills when he goes to see a show-piece, and works himself up to such a pitch of enthusiasm, as not only to believe (if the bills say so) that there are three hundred and seventy-five people on the stage at one time in the last scene, but is highly indignant with you, unless you believe it also. He considers that if the stage be opened from the foot-lights to the back wall, in THE THEATRICAL YOUNG GENTLEMAN. 5-3 any new play, the piece is a triumpli of dramatic writing, and applauds accordingly. He has a great notion of trap-doors too ; and thinks any character going down or coming up a trap (no matter whether he be an angel or a demon — they both do it occasion- ally) one of the most interesting feats in the whole range of scenic illusion. Besides these acquirements, he has several vera- cious accounts to communicate of the private man- ners and customs of different actors, which, during the pauses of a quadrille, he usually communicates to his partner, or imparts to his neighbour at a sup- per table. Thus he is advised, that IMr. Liston always had a footman in gorgeous livery waiting at the side-scene with a brandy bottle and tumbler, to administer half a pint or so of spirit to him every time he came off, without which assistance he must infallibly have fainted. He knows for a fact, that, after an arduous part, j\Ir. George Bennett is put between two feather beds, to absorb the perspira- tion ; and is credibly informed, that Mr. Baker has, for many years, submitted to a course of lukewarm toast- and-\\'ater, to qualify him to sustain his fa- vourite characters. He looks upon Mr. Fitz Ball as the principal dramatic genius and poet of the day ; but holds that there are great writers extant besides him, — in proof whereof he refers you to 54 THE THEATRICAL YOUNG GKNTLEMAN. various dramas and melo-dramas recently produced, of which he takes in all the sixpenny and three- penny editions as fast as they appear. The theatrical young gentleman is a great advo- cate for violence of emotion and redundancy of ac- tion. If a father has to curse a child upon the stage, he likes to see it done in the thorough-going style, with no mistake about it : to which end it is essential that the child should follow the father on her knees, and be knocked violently over on her face by the old gentleman as he goes into a small cottage, and shuts the door behind him. lie likes to see a blessing invoked upon the young lady, when the old gentleman repents, with equal earnestness, and accompanied by the usual conventional forms, which consist of the old gentleman looking anxiously up into the clouds, as if to see whether it rains, and then spreading an imaginary tablecloth in the air over the young lady's head — soft music playing all the while. Upon these, and other points of a similar kind, the theatrical young gentleman is a great critic indeed, lie is likewise very acute in judging of natural expres- sions of the passions, and knows precisely the frown, wink, nod, or leer, which stands for any one of them, or the means by which it may be converted into any other : as jealousy, with a good stamp of the right foot, becomes anger ; or wildness, with the J : /A^y ^'(?s/ica/y . AST- LEv's GREENWICH FAIR PRIVATE THEATRES VAUXHALL GARDENS BY DAY EARLY COACHES OMNIBUSES THE LAST CAB-DRIVER AND THE FIRST OMNIBUS CAD THE HOUSE OF COMMONS PUBLIC DINNERS THE FIRST OF MAY BROKERS AND MARINE STORE SHOPS GIN SHOPS — THE PAWNBROKERS THE CRIMINAL COURT NEVVGATE. CHARACTERS. SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT SOME PEOPLE A CHRISTMAS FAMILY DINNER A NEW year's party MISS JEMIMA EVANS THE PARLOUR ORATOR THE HOSPITAL PATIENT MR. BOUNCE, THE WIDOWER THE MISTAKEN MIL- LINER THE DANCING ACADEMY SHABBY GENTEEL PEOPLE MAKING A NIGHT OF IT THE PRISONERS VAN. 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It is steeped in natural pathos, and delicate imagination, and in the spirit of that religion whose first principle is love." — Tail's Muguzine. In one vol. square l6mo, price Ss. neatly bound, THE JUVENILE BUDGET; OR, STORIES FOR LITTLE READERS. BY MRS. S. C. HALL. WITH SIX ILLUSTRATIONS BY H. K. BROWNE. " These stories are chiefly collected from the Juvenile Forget-me-Not, and long since received our word of commendation ; but thus collected they form a very pretty and pleasant volume, and will be a most welcome present to our young friends." — Atheticeum. In one vol. small 8vo, price 5.s-. neatly bound, A VISIT TO THE BRITISH MUSEUM; Containing a Familiar Description of every Object of Interest in the Various Departments of that Establishment. WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS. Skcond Edition, corrected, one vol. royal l6mo, neatly bound, 5s. 6d. 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