mo/. .^MINIVERS'/A A*clOS-ANCFl^ ? ... ^ ^ ^-^ & ns s t- 3 ^ 5 'Allfl 1^1 KI sWi * * ff. CHESS SPARKS ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY PRESS CHESS SP ARKS SHORT AND BRIGHT GAMES OF CHESS COLLECTED AND ARRANGED J. H. ELLIS, M.A. Those oft are stratagems which errors seem, Nor is it Homer nods, but we that dream. POPE'S Essay on Criticism. Little sticks kindle a fire, great sticks put it out. LONDON LONGMANS, GKEEN, AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1895 TO C. E. E. FOR TWENTY-NINE HAPPY YEARS THE QUEEN OF MY BOARD. llth August, 1895. PREFACE. A SPARK must, of course, be brief as well as bright, and so these Chess Games are limited to twenty moves before a winning position is obtained. It may be thought that such games cannot be worth atten- tion, because they must be necessarily more or less badly played. This may be partly true, but it is equally true that the length of a game affords no proof of the soundness of the play. A game without any mistake on either side is generally dull and uninteresting. Moreover, it may be just as useful, and some- times nearly as difficult, to detect the error in a short game as in a long one. Some of these games are given merely as amusing curiosities, but a large proportion of them have been played by first-class players in important Tournaments and Matches. Many are old friends, such as Anderssen's two immortal games, which no chess player will ever find tiresome ; and though nearly all have been previously printed, many have been gathered from sources not readily accessible. The first player is always denoted by White, and the second player by Black ; and the Diagrams are always placed with the white pieces at the bottom. The Chronicle of Tournaments and Matches was compiled for my own use, before meeting with Bachmaun's Schpch- chronik in the third part of his Geistreiche Schach-partien, published at Ansbach in 1894. This is a very comprehensive record of chess events, beginning at 3000 B.C. and including the publication of most of the principal books on chess. There is also a short summary of Tournaments in the Article on Chess in the Ninth Edition of the Encyclopaedia, Britannica, by Mr. W. N. Potter, but it only extends to the year 1876, and does not include any Matches. J. H. E. 29 COLLINGHAM GARDENS, S.W. CHESS SPAEKS. 1. t^ 10 Q-R 5 ch K-B sq ir HBxP Q-Kt2 THIS game affords the earliest in- 12 P-B 4 PxQP stance on record of a kind of mate, 13P-B5 PxPch of which many examples will be 14 K-R sq Px P found in the following pages. It was played by M. de Kermur, 15 BxKt PxR (queens) 16 P-B 6 Sire de Legal, who was born in 1702, and at the age of 85 was and Black resigns. still the best Chess player in France, after his pupil Philidor. * LS* White gives Q Book. Played between 1780-1795. M. de Legal. Philidor gives Count Bruhl the QKt 1 P-K4 P-K 4 in exchange for Pawn and move. 2 B-B4 P-Q 3 Philidor. Bruhl. 3 Kt - KB 3 Kt - QB 3 4 Kt-B3 B-Kt 5 1 P-K 4 P-Q 4 ^ 2P-K5 B-B4 5 Kt x P B x Q 6BxPch K-K2 3 P - KKt 4 B - Kt 3 4P-KR4 P-KR4 7 Kt mates. 5Kt-KR3 Q-Q2 ,*> Played at/ the Castle of Mont- morenci in 1760. 6Kt-B4 B-B2 7P-Kt5 Q-B4 8P-Q4 Q - K 5 ch 9 Q-K 2 QxR 10P-Kt6 P-K3 Giuoco Piano. 11 Q-Kt 5 ch Kt-Q 2 J. J . ilousseau. Prince de Conti. 12 PxBch K-Qsq 1P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt - KB 3 Kt - QB 3 13 P x Kt queens R x Q 14 KtxPch K-Bsq 15 B-K 3 QxRP 3 B-B 4 B-B 4 16 QxQP B-K 2 4P-B3 Q-K2 5 Castles P - Q 3 17 B-QR6 R-QKtsq 6P-Q4 B-Kt 3 See Diagram on next page. 7 B-KKt 5 P-B 3 18Q-B6 B-Qsq 8B-R4 P-Kt4 19 B-KKt 5 9 KtxKtP PxKt and wins. CHESS SPAKA'S. After White's 17th move. Bruhl. Philidor. 4. A game from Mr. Cazenove'f selection, published in 1817. Muzio Gambit. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 P-KB4 PxP 3 Kt - KB 3 P-KKt 4 4 B-B4 P - Kt 5 5 Castles PxKt 6 QxP Q-B3 7 P-QB3 Kt - QB 3 8 P-Q4 KtxP 9 PxKt QxPch 10 K-Rsq QxB 11 BxP P-Q3 12 Kt-R3 Q-K3 13 Kt-Kt 5 K-Qsq 14 Q-QB3 Kt-B3 15 B-Kt5 B-K2 16 RxKt Q-K4 17 QxPch K-Ksq 18 KtxPch BxKt 19 QxPch K-Qsq 20 R x B mate. 5. Played about 1832. Eoam Gttmbit. A. M'Donnell. White gives the i 1 P - K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 B-B4 4 P-QKt 4 5 P-B3 6 Castles 7 Q - B 2 8 B - R 3 9 P-Q4 10 PxQP 11 PxP 12 QR-Qsq 13 RxKt 14 BxPch 15 R x B ch 16 Kt-Kt 5 ch 17 Q mates. Knight. P-K 4 Kt-QB3 B-B4 BxP B-K4 Kt-B3 Castles R-Ksq P-Q4 KKtxP KtxBP KtxR B-Q2 KxB QxR K - Kt sq 6. Played in 1834. Bishop's Gambit. A. M'Donnell. De la Bourdonnais. P- P- B- K- P- 6 Q- 7 Bx 8 Q- 9 Qx 10 Qx 11 Kt- 12 P- 13 K- 14 B- K4 KB 4 B4 Bsq Q4 Q3 Pch Kt 3ch P R -QR3 KKt3 Ksq K3 See D-iagram cm 15 QxRP 16 QxBP 17 B-Q 2 P-K 4 PxP Q - R 5 ch P-Q3 B-Kt5 Kt - QB 3 KxB K-Kt3 KtxP Kt-KB3 P-B6 B - R 6 ch Q-Kt 5 P-Q4 next page. Kt-QB3 P-Q5 QxPch CHESS SPARKS. 18 K-Qsq P-B7 19 KtxB Q-B6ch 20 K - B sq Q x R ch and wins. After Black's 14th move. De la Bourdonnais. M'Donnell. 7. Played about 1835. Muzio Gambit. A. M'Donnell. R. White gives the Q Rook. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 P-K 4 P-KB4 Kt - KB 3 B-B4 Kt - B 3 Castles QxP P-K-5 BxPch P-Q4 B-K3 BxP Kt-K 4 B-Kt5 Q - R 5 ch Kt-Q 6 ch 17 R-Ksqch 18 B mates. P-K4 PxP P - KKt 4 P-Kt 5 PxKt P - QB 3 Q-B3 QxP KxB QxPch Q-Kt 2 Kt - KB 3 B-K 2 R - Kt sq Q-Kt 3 K-K3 KxKt I/ 8. Played in 1837. Giuoco Piano. B. Horwitz. L. Bledow. P-K4 Kt-KB3 B-B4 P-B3 P-Q4 P-Q5 B-K2 P-KR3 B-KKt5 10 QKt-Q2 11 Kt-R4 12 KtxP 13 BxQ 9 P-K 4 Kt-QB3 B-B4 B-Kt3 Q-K2 Kt - Q sq P-Q3 P-KB4 Kt-KB3 Castles PxP KtxKt mate in two. M. De la Bourdonnais plays blind- fold against M. Jouy, about 1838. Salvio Gambit. Jouy. 1 P-K4 2 P-KB4 3 Kt - KB 3 4 B-B4 5 Kt - K 5 6 K - B sq 7 KtxKBP 8 P-Q4 P-QB3 KtxR 11 PxQP 12 Q-Ksq 13 B-Q 3 14 KxP 15 K-Ktsq 16 QxKt ch 17 BxQ 9 10 De la B. P-K4 PxP P - KKt 4 P-Kt5 Q - R 5 ch P-B6 Kt - QB 3 B-Kt2 Kt - KB 3 P-Q4 Kt- K 5 P-Kt6 PxPch B-R6 ch KtxQP QxQ Kt mates. 1 10. (/ Played about 1840. Bishop's Gambit. White gives the Q Rook. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2P-KB4 PxP CHESS SPAKKS. 3 B - B 4 Q - R 5 ch 10 QBxP PxKt 4 K-B P-KKt 4 11 RxP B-K 3 5 Kt-QB3 B-Kt2 12 P-Q 5 B-Kt5 6 P-Q 4 P-Q3 13 PxP BxR 7 Kt-Kt5 B - Kt 5 14 PxP QxKP 8 Q-Q3 K-Q2 15 PxR (queens) QxQ 9 KBxP Kt - KR 3 16 BxPch K-Bsq 10 P-KKt 3 B - R 6 ch 17 BxKt RxB 11 K - B 2 Kt - Kt 5 ch 18 BxPch K-K sq 12 K-K sq Q-R3 and White mates in three-moves. 13 Q-B4 14 KtxB Kt - QB 3 QxKt 12 l/ 15 Q-K 6ch K - Q sq JUB< 16 KtxQP R - QKt sq Played about 1840. 17 B-K8 Scotch Game. After White's 17th move. and wins. 11. Played in Berlin about 1840. King'* Gambit. J. Cochrane. P-K 4 Kt-KB3 P - Q 4 KtxP B - QB 4 Kt x BP B x Kt ch Castles B-K 3 P-KB4 P-B5 12 P-QB4 13 BPxKtP 14 Kt-QB3 15 P-K 5 16 P-B6 PxP P - B 7 ch Q - Q 4 ch 17 18 19 H. Staunton. P-K 4 Kt -- QB 3 KtxP Kt-K 3 P - QB 3 KxKt KxB K-B2 Kt-K 2 P-Q4 K - Kt sq P - QKt 4 PxP B-Kt 2 P-Kt5 PxP Kt-Kt 3 K-Kt 2 and wins. Von der Lasa. Hanstein. 13. *^ 1 P-K4 P-K4 Played about 1840. 2 P-KB4 3 Kt-KB3 4 B-B4 PxP P-KKt 4 B-Kt 2 King's Bishop's Opening. J. Cochrane. H. Staunton 5 Castles P-KR3 1P-K4 P-K4 6 P-Q4 P-Q3 2 B-B 4 B-B4 7 P-B3 P-QB3 3P-Q4 BxP 8 Q-Kt3 Q-K2 4 Kt - KB 3 Kt - QB 3 9 P - KKt 3 P-Kt5 5 Castles Kt - B 3 CHESS SPARKS. 6 KtxB 7 P-KB4 8 PxP 9 B - KKt 5 10 BxB 11 QxQ ch 12 BxKt 13 RxP 14 Kt-B3 15 R-Q sq 16 K-Rsq 17 R-B5 18 RxBP 19 KR-Bsq and Black mates 14. L. Kieseritzky gives the QKt to Her- sent, about 1840. Cnnn im/h am Gam bit. L. K. H. KtxKt P-Q3 PxP B-K 3 KtxB RxQ PxB Kt-B5 R-Q7 Rx P ch KR - Kt sq P - KB 3 Kt-R6 in two moves. 1 P-K 4 2 P--KB4 3 Kt-KB3 4 B-B 4 5 P - Kt 3 6 Castles 7 K - R sq 8 BxP 9 B x P ch 10 Kt-K 5 ch 11 Q-R5 P-K 4 P x P B-K 2 B - R 5 ch PxP P x P ch P-Q4 B-R6 KxB K-K 3 Q-Kt 4 After Black's llth move. 12 Q-B7 ch 13 Q - Q 5 ch 14 R-B7 ch R - B 8 ch R - K 8 ch 15 16 K-Q3 K-K 2 K-K sq K-K 2 KxR and White mates in two moves. 15. " Played about 1840. King's Bishop's Opening. G. Walker. J. Cochrane. 1 P - K 4 P-K4 2 B-B4 B-B4 3 P - QB 3 Q - K 2 4Kt-KB3 P-Q3 5P-Q4 B - Kt 3 6 Castles Kt - KB 3 7 Q - Q 3 Castles 8 B-KKt5 P-KR3 9 B-R4 P-KKt 4 10 B-Kt 3 PxP 11 P-K 5 Kt-R2 12 Q-Kt 6 ch K-Rsq 13 QxRP B-K 3 14 KPxQP BPxP 15 BxP and wins. 16. Played about 1840. Bishop's Gambit. Daniels. 1 P- 2 P- 3 B- 4 K- 5 Kt -.6 P- ? Kt 8 Kt 9 P- 10 Kt 11 K- 12 Kt 13 P- 14 B- 15 P- 16 B- K 4 KB 4 B4 B sq -KB 3 Q4 -QB3 -QB KR 4 -QB3 -Kt sq -Ksq KKt 3 K 3 Q5 Kt 3 P-K 4 PxP Q - R 5 ch P-KKt4 Q-R4 B - Kt 2 P-Q 3 K Q sq P - KR 3 Kt - K 2 P - Kt 5 P-B6 QKt - B 3 B - K 3 Kt - K 4 B-Q2 CHESS SPAKXS. 17 Q-Q4 KKt-Kt3 18 Kt -Q3 R- KKtsq 19 Q-Kt 4 KtxKt 20 QxKtP...(a) Q-K 4 After Black's 20th move. 18 B-B4 Kt-R3 19 QR-Qsq ch Kt-Q 2 and Whito gives mate in twotuovct*. 18. Played before 1841. 21 K - R 2 and Black gives mate in three moves. () If 20 P x Kt then Q-K 21K-B2 P-K/4 22 Kt x P Q x Ifch, etc. Played about 1841 at Berlin. Scotch Dr. L. Bledow 1 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 P-Q4 4 B-QB4 5 P - B 3 6 KtxP 7 ^ - Kt 3 8 B-QKt5 9 Q-R4 10 QxR 11 Castles KtxP P-K 5 PxP 15 R-Ksq ch 16 PxPch 17 Q-Kt8 12 13 I i M. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 PxP P-Q3 PxP P - KR 3 Q-Q2 P-R3 PxB Kt - Kt 5 Kt-QR3 Kt - B >3 Kt-Q 4 Kt -Kt3 K-Qsq Ktx P QxKt (in me. I. Cochrane. 1 P - K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 P-Q4 4 B-QB4 5 P - B 3 6 Castles 7 QxP 8 Q - Kt 3 9 B-Q 5 10 B- KKt 5 11 B x Kt ch 12 Kt-B3 13 P-K 5 14 Kt-K 4 15 KIl-K sq 16 Q-B2 17 Kt-Q4 Popert. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 P x P B-Kt5ch PxP P-B7 P-Q 3 Q-K 2 B-QB4 Kt-KB3 PxB Castles PxP B-R3 QR - Kt sq B-Q3 After White's 17th move. 18 19 20 21 Kt - KB 5 KtxP B x Kt ch Kt-Kt5 and wins Q-K 3 KxKt K - Kt sq CHESS SPARKS. 19. Played about 1841. Queens Pawn Counter Gambit. J. Cochrane. H. Staunton. 1 P-K 4 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 P-Q 4 3KtxP Q-K2 4P-Q4 P-KB3 5 Kt - QB 3 P x Kt 6 Kt x P Q - B 2 7 B-QB4 B-K 3 8 Castles P - QB 3 9 P-KB4 PxKt 10 BP x P Q - Q 2 11 KPxP BxP 12 P-K 6 Q-QB 3 13 Q-R5 ch P-Kt 3 14 QxB Kt-K 2 15 Q-K5 QxB 16 QxR Kt-B4 17 B-R 6 Q-Kt 5 18 QxBch QxQ 19 BxQ KxB 20 P - KKt 4 resigns 20. Mr. Staunton gives Pawn and two moves, about 1841. Zytogorski. H. Staunton. P-K 4 P-Q 4 B-Q3 PxP Kt-B3 B-K 3 Kt-K 2 Castles P-QR3 P - QKt 4 KxB 12 K-Ktsq and Black gives moves. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 P-K3 P-QB4 Q - R 4 ch QxP Q - QR 4 B-Q 3 Kt-KB3 Castles BxPch Q - R 4 ch Kt - Kt 5 mate in two more 21. Mr. Staunton gives moves, about 1841. Zytogorski. 1 P-K 4 2 P-Q4 3 Kt-KB3 4 P - QB 4 5 Kt-B3 6 P-K 5 7 B - KKt 5 8 P - QR 3 9 PxB B-K 2 Castles BxP B-KR4 B - KKt 3 Q-Kt3 10 11 12 13 14 15 Pawn and two H. Staunton. Kt - QB 3 P-K 3 B - Kt 5 ch P-Q4 KKt-K 2 Castles B x Kt ch Q-Ksq Q-R4 PxP B-Q2 Kt-Q4 Kt x QBP RxKt After Black's 15th move. 16 PxR QxBP 17 BxPch K-Rsq 18 QR-K sq KtxQP 19 Q-B 4 B-B 3 and Black wins. 22. Played about 1841. Evans Gambit. H. Staunton. J. Cochrane. 1 P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt - KB 3 Kt - QB 3 3B-B4 B-B4 < V//i.S\V SPAKXS. 'V P - QKt 4 6 P - I 6 CilStlcH r, its 7 9 10 PxP P-K 5 11 Q-Kt3 12 Px 1' 13 PxKt 14 KK-K sqch 15 B-K 7 ch 16 PxP 17 B-B6ch 18 BxQ 19 PxKt BxP B-K 4 B-Kt3 P-Q3 PxP Kt - B 3 Px P Q-Q2 Kt-QR 4 KtxQ K-Qsq K - K sq K-KKtsq Q - K 3 BxB and wins. 23. Mr. Staunton gives the QB, about 1841, Giwwt Piano. H. Stiiunton. 1 P-K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 B - B 4 4 P - B 3 5 P - Q 4 6 P - QKt 4 7 PxP 8 Kt - B 3 9 Castles 10 P-Kt5 11 Q-Q3 12 P-K 5 13 B-Kt 3 14 KtxQP 15 Q x Kt and White mates 24. P-K 4 Kt-QB3 B-B4 P-Q3 PxP B-Kt 3 Kt-B3 P - KR 3 Castles Kt-K 2 Kt-Kt 3 P-Q4 Kt-R2 P - QB 4 P x Q in two moves. Played about 1841. Evans (if ambit. White gives QR. H. Staunton. 1 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 B-B4 4 P - QKt 4 5 P-B3 P-K 4 Kt-QB3 B-B4 BxP B-B4 6 Castles P - Q 3 7 P - Q 4 PxP 8 KtxP KtxKt 9 PxKt B-Kt3 10Q-Kt3 Q-K2 1 1 P - K 5 PxP 12 B-R3 Q-B3 13 PxP Q-Kt3 14 B-Kt5ch P-B3 15 Q-Kt 4 and wins. 25. Played before 184 4. Giwjco Piano. M. Popert. 1 P - K 4 Kt - KB 3 B-B 4 P-B3 Castles P-Q4 B-K 3 8 QKt-Q2 9 P - Q 5 BxB 10 11 Q-B2 12 P-KR3 13 K-R 2 14 Kt-KKtsq 15 Q-Qsq 16 PxP 17 P-KKt4 After White's 17th move. J. Cochrane. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 B-B 4 Q-K 2 P-Q3 B - Kt 3 Kt-B3 B-Kt 5 Kt - Q sq RPxB Kt-R4 B-Q 2 Castles P - KB 4 Q-B2 QxP and Black gives mate in three moves. CJfESS SPAXKS. 26. Played before 1844. Giuoi-o Piano. A. G. Perigal. 1 P-K4 P-K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 B-B4 Kt - QB 3 B-B4 4 P-B3 5 Castles P-Q3 B - KKt 5 6 P - Q 4 PxP 7 Q - Kt 3 8 PxP 9 PxKB 10 QxKtP...(a) 11 QxR ch 12 B-Kt 5 ch Q-Q2 QBxKt Kt-Q5 Q - KKt 5 K-K 2 Kt - B 3 13 PxPch K-Q2 14 P-KKt 3 Q-R6 and White resigns. (a) In another game won by Mr. Perigal the following variation occurred here : 10 B x P ch K - Q sq 11 QxKtP and Black mates in four moves,, 27. Played before 1844. Cunningham Gambit. Von der Lasa. Jaenisch. P-K 4 P - KB 4 Kt - KB 3 B-B4 P - Kt 3 6 Castles 7 K-Rsq Kt-K 5 BxPch P-Q4 11 PxB 12 Kt-QB3 13 B-KB4 P-K 5 PxKt B-K5 RxP 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 P-K4 PxP B-K2 B - R 5 ch PxP PxP ch B-B3 Q-K2 K-Qsq BxKt QxP Kt - KB 3 Q-K2 QxB PxP R - KB sq Q-Kt2 After Black's 17th move. Jaenisch. Von der Lasa. 18 BxP ch K-K sq 19 Q-K2 ch Q-K 2 20 QR - K sq Kt - B 3 and White mates in two moves. 28. Played before 1844. Greco Cormier Gambit. C. Mayet. P-K 4 Kt - KB 3 KtxP P-Q4 Kt - QB 4 6 Kt - QB 3 7 P-Q5 B-KB4 P-KR3 Q-Q4 P-QR4 Castles 13 BxQP 14 Kt x P ch Kt x KtP P-Q6 8 9 10 11 12 16 16 Hanstein. P-K 4 P-KB4 Q-B3 P-Q3 PxP Kt-K 2 Q-KKt 3 B-KB4 P-KR4 P-QR3 Kt-Q 2 Kt-KB3 PxB K-Q2 Kt - QB sq K-K sq See Diagram mi next page. 17 Q-K 5 ch K-Q 2 18 B-Kt 5 ch PxB 19 QxPch K-K 3 20 Kt mates 10 CHESS SPARKS. Aftor White's 16th move. Hanstcin. 29. Played at Brighton in 1845. Captain Kennedy gives KKt. 1 P - K 4 2 B-B4 3 P - Q 4 4 PxP 5 Castles P-K 4 Kt-KB3 KtxP KtxP KtxQ White mates in two moves. 30. 13 R-K sqch B-K 2 14 Kt-K 6 R-R2 15 Kt-Q5 KtxKt 16 Qx P Q-B 3 and White gives mate in three moves. 31. I/ A game in a match played at Liverpool about 1846. Cinui hnjliniii finnililt. A. Mongredien. P-K 4 PxP B-K 2 B - R 5 ch Q x Kt ch Kt-KB3 Kt - QB 3 Kt - Q 5 Kt - Kt 5 Kt - K 6 ch Kt-B6 ch Spreokley. P-K 4 P-KB4 Kt-KB3 B-B4 KtxB 6 K-Bsq 7 Q-B3 8 P-Q3 9 Q - Q sq 10 Q-Q2 11 K - Kt sq 12 PxKt and Black gives mate in four moves. I/ 32. Played about 1846. King 1 * Einhoffe Opening. W. Schulten. B. Horwitz. *s 1 P - K 4 P - K 4 Played at Newcastle alxmt 1846. 2 B-B4 Kt-KB3 Kiexeritzky Gambit. 3 Kt - QB 3 P - QKt 4 4BxP B-B4 Silas Angas. Little. 5P-Q3 P-B3 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 6 B-QB4 Q-Kt 3 2 P-KB 4 PxP 7Q-K2 P-Q4 3 Kt-KB3 P-KKt 4 8 PxP Castles 4 P - KR 4 P - Kt 5 9 Kt - K 4 Kt x Kt 5Kt-K5 Q-K2 10 PxKt BxPch 6 P-Q4 P-KB4 11 QxB Q-Kt5ch 7 B-QB4 Kt-KB3 12 B-Q2 QxKB 8Kt-QB3 P-Q3 13 Q-B3 P-KB4 9 Kt-B7 R-Ktsq 14 KPxP BxP 10 Kt- KKt 5 R-Kt2 15 Q-QKt3 11 Castles P-KR 3 See Difiyram on next page. 12 KPxP Q-Q 2 and Black gives mate in three moves CHESS SPARKS. After White's 15th move. Horwitz. Schulten. 33. Played about 1847. Scotch Game. Elijah Williams. W. P. 1P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt - KB 3 Kt - QB 3 3 P-Q4 PxP 4B-QB4 B-B4 5P-B3 P-Q6 6 P-QKt4 B-Kt3 7P-QR4 P-QR4 8P-Kt5 Q-K2 9 Castles Kt - K 4 10 Kt x Kt Q x Kt 11 QxP Kt-K 2 '12 K-R sq Castles 13 P-KB4 Q-KR4 14P-K5 P-Q3 15 PxP Kt-B4 16 PxP R-Ksq 17 Kt-R3 B-K 3 18 BxB RxB 19 Kt-B4 See Diagram mi next column. Black now makes a very beautiful rnovej which at once decides the game. After White's 19th move. W. P. Williams. 34. Played by correspondence be- tween two Dublin chess-players, about 1847. Bixhop's Gambit. 1 P-K 4 2 P-KB 4 3 B-B4 4 K - B sq 5 Kt - QB 3 6 P-Q4 7 P - K 5 8 Kt - Q 5 9 PxP Kt - KB 3 B-Q2 KtxKt B - Kt 4 ch Q-Q5 15 B-QKt5 16 Kt-Q4 17 R-Qsq 10 11 L2 13 1 1 iP-K 4 PxP Q - R 5 ch P - KKt 4 B-Kt 2 P-Q3 PxP K-Qsq B-Q2 Q-R4 Kt-K 2 KxKt K-Ksq B-QB3 Q-Kt3 P-QR4 PxB See Diagram on next page. and White gives mate in three moves. 12 Cf/ESS SPAKKS. After Mliu-k'h 17th move. I i i A'i 35. Mr. Stauuton gives the Qltook alxnit 1847. Sicilian Opening. H. Staunton. W. 1 P-K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 P-QB3 4 B-B4 5 Kt - Kt 5 6 P x P 7 KtxKBP 8 Q - B 3 ch 9 P - Q 4 10 Castles Q-K4 B-Q3 Q-K 2 B - B 4 ch P-KB4 PxP 17 Q-K 3 18 Kt-QB3 19 P-KR3 20 Q - Kt 3 11 12 13 14 15 16 P - QB 4 Kt - QB 3 P-K 4 Kt-B3 P-Q4 KtxP KxKt K-K 3 BP x P B-K 2 Kt-R4 Kt - KB 3 Kt-QB3 K-Q3 P-K5 B-KKt5 Q-Kt3 P-QR3 B-Q2 Kt - KR 4 See Diagram on next column. and White announced mate in four moves. After Black'n 20th move. W. i i * I & 'Mik i ft .U,, 2. A - LL Staunton. 36. Played in a match at New Orleans about 1848. Queen's Gamlrit declined. E. Rousseau. C. H. Stanley. 1 P-Q4 2 P - QB 4 3 P - K 3 P-Q4 P - K 3 Kt-KB3 4 Kt-KB3 Kt-B3 5 Kt - B 3 Kt-K 2 6 B-Q3 7 Castles Kt-Kt 3 P-B3 8 R - K sq 9 P-QR3 10 P-B5 B-Q3 Castles B-B2 11 P-QKt4 12 BxKt P-K 4 BPxB 13 KtxP BxKt 14 PxB Kt- Kt 5 15 P-B3 16 PxKt 17 K-Rsq 18 Kt-K 2 Q-R5 Q - B 7 ch BxP BxK^/ and White resign^ 37. Mr. Staunton gives Capt. Kennedy the Pawn and two moves, about 1848. H. A. Kennedy. H. Staunton. 1 P-K 4 CHESS SPAXXS. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 P-Q4 B-Q3 P x P Kt~B3 Kt-K 2 Castles Kt-Kt3 P - QR 3 P - Kt 4 B - KKt 5 KKt - K 2 K - R sq B-R4 Kt - R 4 After Black's P-K 3 P-QB4 Q - R 4 ch BxP Kt - QB 3 Kt-B3 Castles Q-Qsq B-Kt 3 B-Q5 B-Kt 3 Kt-K 4 QKt - Kt 5 KtxKP 15th move. i 16 BxQ KKtxPch 17 K -Kt sq Kt-R 6 ch 18 K-Rsq QKt-B7 ch 19 RxKt KtxRch 20 K - Kt sq B - K 6 21 Q-Ktsq and Black mates in three moves. 38. (/ Played in a match at the Divan about 1848, Mr. Buckle giving Pawn and move. Mr. Bird states in his Modern Cftess that he won every game of the match, and that this was the last occasion on which he received odds. H. E. Bird. 1 P-Q4 H. T. Buckle. P-K 3 2 P-QB4 3 Kt-QB3 4 Kt-B3 5 B-KKt5 6 P - K 4 7 BPxP 8 PxP 9 B - Kt 5 ch 10 Castles 11 Kt-K 5 12 Q-B3 13 KR-K sq 14 KtxB 15 B-R6ch 16 B-KB4 17 KtxQP 18 QR-Bsq 19 QxP 20 R - K 6 and White finishes three moves by 21 39. Played about 1849. Queen's Pawn Counter Gambit. Baron de Remioulle. F. Deacon. P-Q4 Kt - QB 3 QKt - K 2 P - QB 3 P - KKt 3 PxP PxP B-Q2 B-B3 Q B 2 Kt-R 3 Castles P x Kt- K - Kt sq R-Q 3 PxKt Q-Kt3 KKt-B4 QxB the game RxR. 3 P - K 4 Kt"- KB 3 Px*P 4 Q - K 2 5 Kt - Q 4 Kt - QB 3 Q-K3 KtxP Kt - KB 3 10 Kt-QB3 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 B-B4 Castles P - Q 3 Kt - KKt 5 B-Kt 3 P - KR 3 Q - Q 2 Kt-K 4 K - R sq Q-B4 P-K 4 P-Q 4 P-K 5 Q-K2 P - KKt 3 B-Kt 2 Q-K4 Kt-K 2 QxP Q - Q sq Castles QKt - QB 3 B - Kt 5 Kt-Q 5 P-KR3 KKt - KB 4 B-R 4 B-B6 Q-R5 and Black gives mate in three moves. qaEss SPARKS. 40. & Played alnmt 1850. Gambit. \V. Sfhultuii. L. Kieeeritiky. 1 P-K 4 2 P-KB4 3 B-B4 4 K - B sq 5 BxP 6 Kt-gB3 7 Kt-R3 8 Kt - g 5 9 KtxPch 10 KtxR 11 P - g 3 12 B-gB4 13 BxP 14 g-Ksq 15 KxP After White's P-K 4 PxP g - R 5 ch P-gKt 4 Kt-KB 3 Kt - Kt 5 Kt - g 3 Kt - g 5 K - g Kq P-B6 P-KB3 P -g 4 B-g3 PxPch g x Kt ch 15th move. 16 Kxg 17 K-R4 18 K-R5 Kt - K 6 ch Kt - B 6 ch B mates 41. Played about 1850. Gamliit. W. Schulten. 1 P-K 4 2P-KB4 3B-B4 L. Kieseritzky. P-K4 PxP g-R5ch 4 K- 5 Bx 6 g- 7 Kt 8 P- 9 Kt 10 K- 11 P- 12 gu 13 Bx 14 Kt 15 g- 16 Px 17 gx is g x 19 K- 20 K- 21 K- Bsq I' K 2 -KB 3 V, ;; Kt Kq KKt4 x P Pch - K 5 ch Kt 4 ch P Q Kt Bsq K 2 and Black p-gKt 4 B-Kt2 Kt-QK.3 g - R 3 Kt-KB3 Kt-KR4 P-KKt 4 P x P (111 Ktxgp KxB K - B sq P-B4 B-B4 Kt - K 3 ch P - Kt 7 ch Kt - B 5 ch R-gqch wins. 42. Played about 1850. Greco Counter Gunilrit. B. 1 P-K 4 2 B-B4 3 P-Q4 4 BxKt 5 PxP 6 g - R 5 ch 7 PxP 8 Kt-KB 3 9 P-KR3 10 B-KB4 11 B-KKt3 12 gKt-g 2 13 Castles 14 P-Kt3 15 K-Kt2 16 PxR 17 KxB 18 K -Ktsq 19 g-B 5 ch 20 KtxP and Black mates in S. Boden. P-K4 P-KB4 p x gp RxB Kt-B3 P-Kt3 RxP B-K 2 B-K 3 g-g2 Castles BxgRP p-g4 RxB g-gs g - R 6 ch Kt - Kt 5 K - Kt sq three moves. CHESS SPARKS. 43. Played about 1850. Bishop's Gambit. M. Wyvill. Captain Kennedy. 1 P-K4 2 P-KB4 3 B-B4 4 Q-K 2 5 K-Bsq 6 Q x P ch 7 Kt-KB3 8 BxKt 9 Kt-B3 P-Q4 11 QBxP 12 Q-K 3 13 QR-K sq 14 P-Q5 15 PxPch 16 Q-K 2 10 P-K 4 PxP P-KB4 Q - R 5 ch PxP B-K 2 Q-R4 RxB P-QB3 P-Q3 B-KB4 K-Q2 KR-K sq Kt-R3 PxP B-KR5 After White's 16th move. 17 QxKt and Black gives mate in four moves. 44. Played at Ries' Grand Divan about 1850. French Defence. H. T. Buckle. Brown. White gives QR. 1 P-K 4 P-K 3 2 P-Q4 3 P-K 5 4 P - QB 3 5 Kt-KB3 6 B-Q 3 7 PxP 8 Castles 9 R - K sq 10 Kt-QB3 11 Kt-KKt5 12 Kt-R3 13 Kt-B4 14 KKtxQP 15 P-K 6 16 RxBch 17 BxBP After Black's P-Q4 . P-QB4 Kt - QB 3 B-Q2 PxP P-KB3 Kt-R3 P-KB4 R-B sq Kt-B2 P-KR4 P -KKt 4 PxKt BxP K-Q2 Kt - R 3 17th move. i 18 R - Q 6 ch KxR 19 Kt-Kt 5 ch K-K 2 20 Q - K sq ch and White gives mate in three more moves. 45. (/ Played in 1850. Greco Counter Gambit. H. E. Bird. 1 P-K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 B - B 4 4 P-Q 4 5 PxKP 6 Kt - Kt 5 C. F. Smith. P-K 4 P-KB4 Q-B3 PxKP Q-K2 Kt-KR3 i6 CHESS SPARKS. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 II 15 Castles KtxRP KtxB P-KKt 3 Kt- Kt Kt-R 4 Ktx Kt Kt-R 4 K - R sq :in 46. Played in (ierniany alxmt 1851. Von dcr (Joltz. P-K 4 Kt-KH3 P-Q4 B - QB 4 KtxP Q x Kt 7 Q - B 3 8 Castles 9 B - Kt 5 ch 10 P-K 5 11 R-Qsqch 12 QxP 13 B-Kt5ch 14 RxB 15 QxP B-KB4 Kt-B3 R-Qsq and Black resigned. M. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 PxP P-Q3 KtxKt Q-B3 B-K 2 Q-KKt3 K-Q sq PxP B-Q3 B-Q 2 P-B3 PxR Q-B2 Kt - R 3 Q-K 3 47. Played about 1851. Philidor's Dr.fvnr.e. x P (en i>.) QxP 8 PxP KtxP 9 Castles KKt-K 2 9 KtxBP KxKt 10 Kt-Kt 5 Castles 10 Q-B3ch K-K 3 11 B-g3 B-KB4 11 B-R3 B - Kt 3 12 Bx H KtxB 12 R-Ksq Kt - R 4 13 B-K3 Q-Kt3 13 RxPch Kxli 14 BxK QxKt 14 P-Q 4ch K-K 3 15 B-K3 PxP 15 P-Kt4 P - Kt 3 16 B-Bsq Q - Kt 3 16 Q-K 4 eh K-B2 17 B-B4 R - g sci 17 BxKtch K-Kt2 1H Q-B 2 QKt - g 5 18 B-K 7 R - K sq 19 g-K4...() Kt - Kt G and White mutes in five moves. After Black's 19th move. Black wins. (a) If 19 R - Q sq then Kt - K G 20 Q x Q Kt - K 7 ch 21 K - R sq R x R mate 64. One of six blindfold games played at New Orleans in 1858. Kcans Gambit. P. Morphy. Dr. A. B. Forde. 1 P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt - KB 3 Kt - QB 3 65. One of six blindfold games played at New Orleans in 1858. Tiro P. Morphy. P - K 4 Kt - KB 3 B-B4 p-g4 Kt - Kt 5 PxP Castles Kt x BP 9 g - B 3 ch 10 Kt-B3 11 R-Ksqch 12 B-B4 13 BxKt 14 RxBch 15 R - K sq ch 16 BxKt 17 g-g3ch 18 P-Kt4ch and White mates ' Defence. N. O. P-K 4 Kt - gB 3 Kt-B3 PxP P-g4 KtxP B-K 2 KxKt K-K 3 PxKt Kt-K 4 B-B3 BxB KxR K-g5 R-Ksq. ..(<' K - B 4 KxP in five moves. (a) If 16... Q x B 17 Q x P mate, and if 16...PxP mate follows in five moves. CHESS SPARKS. 66. Played at Weihnachteu in 1858. Evans Gambit. Max Lange. 1 P - K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 B-B4 4 P - QKt 4 5 P - B 3 6 P - Q 4 7 Castles 8 PxP 9 P-Q 5 10 Q-Q4 11 P-Q 6 12 B-R3 13 QxP 14 Kt-Kt5 15 Kt-QB3 16 QR-K sq 17 RxB 18 B-Kt 5 19 Kf-K 4 L. L. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 B-B4 BxP B-R4 PxP Kt-B3 KtxKP Kt - Kt sq Kt - KB 3 PxP Kt-B3 Kt-K 2 R - KB sq BxKt BxR Kt - Kt sq P - KR 3 P - QR 3 After Black's 19th move. II I I i und White announced mate in five moves. 67. / Played at Venice in 1858. Giuocfj Piano. General L. B. Suhle. 1 P - K 4 P - K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 B-B4 4 P - B 3 5 P - Q 3 6 Castles 7 B - K 3 8 B x B 9 P - KR 3 10 QKt-Q 2 11 KtxB 12 Q-K 2 13 P-KKt3 14 K-Kt 2 15 KKtxP 16 PxKt 17 K-B3 After White : Kt - QB 3 B-B4 Kt - B 3 P-Q 3 Castles B-Kt 3 RPxB B - K 3 BxB Kt-K 2 Kt - Kt 3 Q-Q2 Kt - R 4 Kt - B 5 ch Kt x P ch s 17th move. and Black gives mate in eight moves at most. 68. Played at Bonn in 1859. Evans Gambit. B. Suhle. Kronenberg. 1 P - K -t P - K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 Kt - QB 3 3 B - B 4 B - B 4 4 P - QKt 4 B x P 5 P - B 3 B - 11 4 6 P - Q 4 PxP 7 Castles Kt - B 3 8B-R3 P-Q 3 9 P - K 5 Kt - K 5 CHESS SPARKS. 10 Q-B 2 11 PxP 12 R- K sq ch I.". 14 la 16 17 IS Kt - Kt Ktx HI* Kt x Kt Kt-K 4 Ktx K Kt - B 7 19 QKt-Q 6 20 R x R 21 Kt x B anil wins. Clul 69. Played at the New May, 1859. York Chess Sc-otch Game. P. Morphy. White gives F. Perrin. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 P-K 4 Kt - KB 3 P-Q4 B-QB 4 Castles P - QKt 4 P - Kt 5 Ktx Kt P-B4 K-Rsq B x P ch P x P ch 13 Q-B 3 14 Q-B 7 ch 15 B-Kto 16 QR-Qsq 17 RxP ch and White mates 70. Played at New York in 1859. Evans Gambit. P. Morphy. T. J. Bryan. White gives the QKnight. 1 P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 QKt. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 Px P B - B 4 P - Q 3 B - Kt 3 Kt-K 4 PxKt P - Q 6 eh Q-Q5 Kx B K - K sq Kt-K 2 K - Q sq Q x P QxB B-Q2 in two moves. 3 B-B4 4 P - QKt 4 5 P - B 3 6 Caution 7 P-Q4 8 PxP 9 Q - Kt 3 10 B-QKt 5 Q-R4 B - Kt 5 BxKKt BxKt KtxP Kt x P ch P - K 5 P-KR4 After Black's II 12 13 I ! 15 16 17 18 B-B4 BxP B-B4 P - Q 3 B-Kt 3 Px P Q-B 3 B - K 3 Kt-K 2 Q - Kt 3 KxB PxB Q-B 3 K - B sq Q Kt 4 Q - Kt 5 18th move. ind White gives mate in geven moves. 71. Played at New York in 1859. Philidor's Defence. P. Morphy. H. P. Montgomery. White gives the QKnight. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 P-Q3 3 P-Q4 PxP 4 B - QB 4 B-K 2 5 P-B 3 P-Q6 6 Q - Kt 3 B-K 3 7 BxB PxB CHESS SPARKS. 2 5 8 Kt - Q 4 ! 9 KtxP 10 P-KB4 11 P-K 5 PxP Castles Kt x KtP teh B - Kt 5 Kt - K 6 ch Kt - B 5 PxKt K-Rsq 12 13 1 I 15 L6 17 is I!) 20 RxKt B-B3 Q-Bsq Kt-QB3 PxP BxP Kt-B3 K-Qsq Q-Q2 K-K 2 Kt-Q 5 QxPch QxKt BxR After Black's 20th move. w. mm mm mm, and White announced mate in eight moves. 72. Played at Vienna, about 1859. King's Bishop's Opening. Mandolfo. J. Kolisch. Black gives QRook and move. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 B-B 4 Kt-KB 3 3 Kt - QB 3 P-QB3 4 P-Q3 P - QKt 4 5 B-Kt 3 P-QR 4 6 P-QR 4 P-Kt5 7 Kt - R 2 P-Q4 8 PxP PxP 9 Kt - KB 3 Kt-B3 10 Q-K 2 B-KKt5 11 Castles B-QB4 12 B-KKt5 13 P-R3 14 PxB 15 KtxKP 16 Q-K sq P-R3 P-R4 PxP Kt-Q 5 Kt-K 5 After Black's 16th move. 17 BxQ Kt-Kt6 18 Kt-Kt6ch Kt-K 7 ch 19 Q x Kt ch KtxQmate. 73. / Played at New York in 1859. Phil! dor's Defence. P. Morphy. J. Thompson. White gives QKnight. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB 3 P - Q 3 3 P - Q 4 Kt - QB 3 4 P - QB 3 Kt - B 3 5 B - Q 3 B-Kt 5 6 Castles PxP 7 PxP BxKt 8 PxB Kt x QP 9 Q - R 4 ch Kt - B 3 10 B-QKt5 Q-Q2 11 R-Qsq P-QR 3 12 P-K 5 Kt-R4 13 B-Kt 5 P-R3 14 QR-Bsq R-Bsq 15 Q-K 4 P-B 4...( 16 PxP(m^.)ch K-B2 26 CHESS SPARKS. 17 B-B 4 ch P-Q 4 18 Rx P Resigns. (a) If 15... P x KB a probable continu- ation would bo 16 P x P ch B-K2 17 PxB Q-K3 ISQxKtch I .,> 19 R-Q8ch, etc. [Dr. Max Lai 74. Played in Paris, 1860. Scotch G'ante. J. Kolisch. A. Anderssen. 1 P - K 4 P - K 4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 3 P - Q 4 PxP 4B-QB4 B-B4 5 Castles P - Q 3 6 P-B3 B-Kt5 7 Q - Kt 3 B x Kt 8 BxPch K-Bsq 9 Bx Kt RxB 10 PxB P-KKt4 11 Q-Qsq Q-Q 2 12 P-QKt 4 B-Kt3 13B-Kt2 P-Q6 14 QxP Kt-K 4 15Q-K2 Q - R 6 16 Kt-Q2 P-Kt5 and White resigns. 75. Played at Brighton about 1860. Giiwco Piano. Paul Foskett. H. T. Buckle 1 P - K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 Kt - QB 3 3 B-B4 B-B4 4 P - B 3 Kt-B3 5 P-Q4 PxP 6 P-K 5 P-Q4 7 B - QKt 5 Kt-K 5 8 KtxP Castles 9 BxKt PxB 10 Castles B-R3 11 13 R - K (| B - K 3 ' P-KB3 PxP Kt-K f, B x B After Black's 13th move. PxB KtxR K-Rsq Kt-R3 PxKt Q-B3 Q - B 7 ch RxKt Kt - Kt 6 ch R-B3 and White resigns. 14 15 16 17 18 76. Played at Paris in 1860. Evans Gambit. A. De Riviere. P. Journoud. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 B-B4 Kt-QB3 B-B4 4 P - QKt 4 5 P-B3 BxP B-R4 6 P-Q4 7 Castles PxP Kt-B3 8 B-R3 9 P-K 5 P-Q3 PxKP 10 Q-Kt3 11 R-Ksq 12 QKt-Q 2 13 KtxKP Q-Q2 P - K 5 BxP B x KR 14 RxB 15 QKt-Kt5 16 Kt-K 5 K-Qsq Kt - QR 4 KtxQ CHESS SPARKS. 27 After Black's 16th move. Journoud. IJL A mi*. Iff A f | V i fl| i M00XM -My///M '/Mt?'///M V De Riviere, and White gives mate in four moves. 77. Played at New York in 1860. Evans Gambit. P. Morphy. J. Thompson. White gives QKnight. 1P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 3 B-B4 B-B4 4 P - QKt 4 B x P 5 P-B3 B-R4 6 Castles Kt-B3 7 p_Q 4 p x P 8 B-R3 BxP 9Q-Kt3 P-Q4 10 PxP Kt-K 2 11 QR-K sq BxR 12 RxB Kt-Kt sq 13 P-Q6 PxP 14 BxPch K-Bsq 15 Kt-Kt 5 Kt-R3 16 B-K 6 Q-Kt 3 17 Q-B3ch QKt-B4 18 BxKt BxB 19 Kt-K 6ch K-Ktsq 20Q-Q5 Q-B3 and White mates in four moves. 78. Played at Breslau in 1860. Evans Gambit. A. Anderssen. 1 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 B-B4 4 P - QKt 4 5 P - B 3 6 Castles 7 P-Q4 8 PxP 9 P - Q 5 10 B-Kt2 11 B-Q 3 12 Kt-B3 13 Kt-K 2 14 Q-Q2 15 Q-Kt 5 16 PxB 17 K-Rsq P-K4 Kt - QB 3 B-B4 BxP B-B4 P-Q3 PxP B-Kt 3 Kt-R4 Kt-KB3 B-Kt 5 P-QB3 Castles R-Bsq...(a) BxKt PxP Kt-B5 18 R-KKtsq Kt-Ksq and White announced mate in five moves. Black here (a) In another game moved 14 Kt - Q 2 and then 15Q-B4 B-R4 16 Kt - Kt 3 B - Kt 3 17 QR- Qsq , PxP 18 PxP \tft-B4 19 Kt - B 5 ' Kt x B and White mates in four moves. 79. Played at New York in 1860. Evans Gambit declined. P. Morphy. J. Thompson. White gives QKnight. 1 P-K 4 P-K4 2 Kt - KB 3 Kt - QB 3 3 B-B4 B-B4 4 P-QKt4 B-Kt 3 5 P - QR 4 P - QR 3 6 P-Q4 PxP 7 P-B3 P-Q 6 8 Castles P - Q 3 28 CI/ESS SPAKKS. 9 Q-Kt3 10 P-R5 11 P-KtS 12 QxP 13 P-K 5 14 B-H3 15 QR-Qs*| 16 BxQP 17 I'-H G! HxQ KR - K sq R-Q5 After Black's 18 19 20 Q-K 2 B-R2 PxP Kt - B 3 PxP Q-Q2 P-K 5 Q-B4 QxQ Kt - Q 2 P - K B 4 Kt-K 2 20th move. a IJL A i i i i MKK |i, and White now forces the game in a few moves by 21 PxP. so. (/ Played about 1860. Evans Gambit. J. Kolisch. Maude. White gives QKt. 11 1 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 B-B4 4 P-QKt4 5 P - B 3 P-Q4 Castles PxP B-Kt 2 P-K 5 B-R3 P-K4 Kt-QB3 B-B4 BxP B-B4 PxP P-Q3 B-Kt 3 Kt-B3 PxP B-K 3 12 BxB 13 Q-R4 14 QR-Ktsq If) KR-Qsq 16 QR-Bsq Ktx I' RxKt 19 Rx P PxB B x QP B-Kt 3 Kt - Q 2 Kt - Q 5 P-QB3 BxR Q-B3 After White's 19th move. ii 20 R - B 8 oh and mates next move. 81. Played in Berlin, 1860. Sicilian Defence. C. Mayet. P. Hirschfeld. 1 P - K 4 2 P-QB3 3 P-Q4 4 KPxP P - QB 4 P-K 3 P-Q 4 KPxP 5 B-K 3 6 Q-K 2 7 P-KB4 8 P - B 5 Q-Kt3 B-K 3 Kt-Q2 BxP 9 PxP 10 P-QKt4 11 Q-Kt5 ch 12 K-B2 Q-K 3 Kt-K 4 Kt-B3 Kt - B 3 13 P-KR3 Kt-K 5ch 14 K-B3 Castles 15 B-KB4 P-Kt4 16 P-Kt4 PxB CHESS SPARKS. 29 17 PxB Kt-Q7ch 18 KtxKt and Black mates in six moves at most. 82. C/ Played about 1860. Giuoco Piano. Hoffmann. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 P-K4 Kt-KB3 B-B4 P - B 3 P-Q 4 P-K 5 B-Q5 KxKt K - Kt 3 BxP Kt - Kt 5 KtxBP 13 KtxQ After White : Petroff. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 B-B4 ,Kt-B3 PxP Kt - K 5 Kt x KBP PxP ch PxP Kt - K 2 Kt x B Castles s 13th move. and Black mates in eleven moves. i/ 83. Played in America about 1861. Scotch Game. Dr. Marburg. L. Paul sen. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 P-Q4 4 B-QB4 5 Kt - Kt 5 6 Q-R 5 7 P-KB4 8 P-KR3 9 Castles 10 BxP 11 B-Kt 3 12 R-Qsq 13 PxKt 14 B-K 6ch 15 B-Kt 4 16 PxKt 17 K-R 2 18 Kt -QB3 19 Kt-Q 5 20 Kt - K 6 21 Q-R 3 and Black announced Kt - QB 3 PxP B-B4 Kt-R3 Q-B3 P-Q3 B-Q2 Castles (QR) Kt-K 4 B-Kt 4 B-K 7 PxP K - Kt sq KtxB P - Q 6 ch BxR PxP Q-B7 B-B6 mate in five 84. Played about 1861. PI i Hid or' # D<> fence. Dr. Beek. 1 P - K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 P-Q4 4 QPxP 5 Kt - Kt 5 P-K 6 P-KB3 PxP PxP Kt - QB 3 11 QKt-K4 12 B-Q 2 13 KtxB Kt-Kt 3 B-K 2 BxKt B-Q2 6 7 8 9 10 18 Q - B sq Max Lange. P-K 4 P-Q3 P-KB4 BPxP P-Q 4 Kt-KRS B-QB4 Castles R-B4 R - K 4 ch RxQP BxP Q - R 5 ch R - K 4 ch R x Kt Kt - R 3 R-Q sq CHESS SPAKKS. After White's 18th move. and Black announced mate in seven moves. 85. The following game, pU^ed about 1861, is one of the earliest in which Louis Paulson adopted his new de- fence (5 B - Kt 2) in the Kieseritzky Gambit. 1 P - K 4 2 P-KB4 3 Kt-KB3 4 P - KR 4 5 Kt - K 5 6 KtxKtP PxP K-B2 K-B3 Kt-B2 KtxB KxKtP K-R3 KxR 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 and Black wins 86. L. Paulson. P-K 4 PxP P-KKt4 P - Kt 5 B-Kt 2 P-Q4 Q - K 2 ch B - Q 5 ch P-KR4 B - Kt 5 ch P x Kt ch Kt - B 3 ch RxPch Kt - K 5 ch the ic Qi/een. V Played about 1861. French Defence. W. Steinitz. Czarnowsky. 1 P-K4 P-K3 2 P-Q4 3 Kt-QR3 4 Kt-B3 5 B - Q 3 6 BxP 7 B-Q3 8 Castles 9 B - K 3 10 Q-Q2 11 P-KR3 12 Kt-K 2 13 P-QB4 14 P-QKt4 < ) I ' x P PxP KKt - Q 4 B-B2 B-R4 KR-Qsq After Black's 15 16 17 18 19 20 P-Q4 P (JB 3 B-Kt 5 PxP Kt - B 3 P-KR3 (jKt - Q 2 B-Q3 Q-B2 P - QKt 3 P-KKt4 B-Kt2 P-B4 Px P BxP R-Qsq R-KKt s K-K 2 Kt - Kt 3 20th move. 21 Kt-B6ch and White wins. V 87. Played about 1861. Bidiop's Gambit. G. W. Steinitz. 1 P-K 4 2 P-KB4 3 B-B4 4 BxP 5 K-Bsq P-K4 PxP P-Q4 Q - R 5 ch Kt-K 2 CHESS SPARKS. 6 Kt-QB3 7 Kt - B 3 8 P-KR4 K - Kt sq Kt-Q 4 PxP QxP 13 K-Bsq 14 Q-B6 15 Q-B4 16 KtxKt 17 KtxPch 18 KtxR After White's P - KKt 4 Q-R4 P-KR 3 P-Kt5 P-B6 PxP R - Kt sq ch B-KKt 5 Kt-Q 2 KtxB B-QB4 K - Q sq B - R 6 ch 18th move. I nn. 'mm, mm . 19K-Ksq B-Q3 20 Q x B Q x P ch 21 K-K 2 and Black gives mate in fo 88. in roj*r Played in America, about 1862. G. H. Derrickson. 1 P - K 4 2 B-B4 3 Kt-KB3 4 Castles 5 P-Q3 6 B-Kt 5 7 P-KR 3 8 PxB 9 Kt - R 2 10 Kt-KB3 11 BxQ P-K 4 Kt-KB3 Kt-B3 B-B4 P-Q3 B-Kt 5 P-KR 4 PxP P - Kt 6 Kt-KKt 5 BxPch 12 RxB 13 K-Bsq 14 K-K2 15 KKt-Q 2 PxRch R - R 8 ch RxQ Kt - Q 5 ch After White's 15th move. 16 KxR Kt-K 6ch 17 K-B sq Kt mates. 89. Played at Leipsic about 1862. Vienna Game. Max Lange. v. Drygalski. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "7 8 9 K) 11 12 13 P-K 4 Kt-QB 3 P - B 4 Kt-B3 B- B4 P-Q4 Castles B x P ch Q - R 5 ch Q - Kt 4 ch BxP RxQ B-Kt 5 14 Kt-Q 5 15 P-K 5 16 Q-R 5 ch 17 Kt-B4ch 18 Q-B7 P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 PxP P-KKt4 P-Kt5 P x Kt PxP KxB K-Kt 2 K-B 2 P x R queens ch Kt - KB 3 B-K 2 R - KKt sq P - KR 3 K - K 3 K-B4 R x B ch CHESS SPARKS. After White's 18th move. 19 Kt-Kt 2ch K-K 5 20 It mates. 90. Played at Berlin in Giuoco Piano. (. R. Neumann. B. v. Guretzky-Cornitz. 1 P - K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt - QB 3 3 B - B 4 B-B4 4 P - B 3 Kt-B3 5 P-Q4 PxP 6 Castles KtxP 7 PxP B-K 2 8 P - Q 5 Kt - Kt sq 9 R - K sq Kt-Q 3 10 B-Kt3 Castles 11 Kt-B3 Kt - K sq 12 P-Q 6 PxP (a) 13 RxB QxR 14 B-KKt5 Kt-B3 15 Kt-Q 5 Q-Qsq 16 Q-Q4 Kt-B3 17 Q-KR4 Resigns. (a) If 12 .... Kt x P then 13 RxB QxR 14 B - KKt 5 Q-Ksq 15 Q - Q 3 16 R - K sq, etc. and if 12 .... B x P 13 B - Kt 5 Kt-B3 14 Kt - Q 5 P-B3 15 Kt x Kt ch PxKt 16 QxB PxB 17 R-K7, etc. 91. Played at Schwurin in 1 6 Scotch dame. A. Kliefnth. l>r. Schlieniann. 1 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 P-Q4 4 B-QB4 5 Kt - Kt 5 6 Q - R 5 Castles B - Kt 3 P-KR3 P-KB4 P-B5 12 K-Rsq 13 Kt-QB3 14 Kt-Q5 15 P-B6 7 8 9 ID I I P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 Px P B-B4 Kt-R3 Q-K 2 Kt-K 4 P - Q 3 B-Q2 Kt - Kt 3 P - Q 6 eh PxP Kt-K 4 Q-Qsq Castles After Black's 15th move. At this point White should have con- tinued with 16 Kt - K 7 ch and if K - R sq mate follows in ten moves ; thus 17 P x P ch K x P 18 Q x Kt ch K x Q 19 Kt-K 6 ch K-R4 20R-B5ch K-R5 21 B - Kt 5 ch K - Kt 6 (best) 22 QR - KB sq P queens, or B - B 7 23 R - B 3 ch Kt x R 24 Kt mates. or if 22 P x Kt 23B-B4ch K-R5 24 P - Kt 3 ch K x P 25 R - R 5 ch K - Kt 5 26 R mates (Theorie und Praxis.) CHESS SPARKS. 33 The game as actually played was continued thus 16 PxP . 17 KtxRP 18 KtxR 19 Kt-KB 6 20 Q - Kt 5 ch 21 Kt-R5 ch 22 RxPch KxP Kt (R 3) - Kt 5 QxKt Q - KR sq Kt - Kt 3 QxKt and Black resigned. 92. Played about 1863. King's Kniyhfs Opening. J. Watkinson. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 93. Played at Breslau in 1863. Kieseritzky Gambit. Prof. Rosanes. A. Anderssen. P-K4 Kt-KB 3 B-B4 P-B3 P-Q4 P-K5 Castles KtxP Q-Q3 Q-Kt6 KtxP Kt x B ch Kt - Kt 6 mate. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 P-KR3 Kt-B3 PxP Kt-R2 PxP B-K 2 Castles P-Q 4 PxQ K-Rgq 1 P-K4 P-K 4 2 P - KB 4 PxP 3 Kt - KB 3 P - KKt 4 4 P-KR4 P-Kt5 5 Kt - K 5 Kt - KB 3 6 B-B4 P-Q4 7 PxP 8 P-Q4 9 B - Kt 5 ch B-Q3 Kt-R4 P-B3 10 PxP PxP 11 KtxQBP 12 BxKtch 13 BxR KtxKt K-Bsq Kt - Kt 6 14 R-R2 15 B-Q5 16 Kt-B3 17 K-B2 18 Kt-R4 19 Kt-B3 After Black's B K R Q Q B 19th -KB4 -Kt 2 - K sq -Kt3 -R3 -K 4 ch 20 P - R 4 and Black announced mate in four move*. 94. Played about 1863. Bishop's Gambit. F. Burden. 1 P-K 4 P-K4 2 P-KB4 PxP 3 B-B4 Q - R 5 ch 4 K-Bsq P - KKt 4 5 Kt - QB 3 B-Kt 2 6 P-Q4 P-Q3 7 Kt - B 3 Q-R4 8 P-K 5 Q-Kt3 9 P - KR 4 P-KR3 10 Kt-Q 5 K-Qsq 11 PxKtP P x KtP 12 RxR BxR 13 KtxKtP QxKt 14 QBxP Q-R5 15 Q-B3 Kt - QB 3 16 PxP B-Kt 5 17 PxPch K-Bsq 18 Q-K4 B-K 3 and White gives mate in three moves. 34 CHESS SPARKS. 95. Played at the Divan in 1 s ",.;. Pttroff's Defence. W. Steinitz. Amateur. 7 6 KtxKBP 1 P - B 3 P-Q3 B-Kt3 8 P - Q 4 9 B - Kt 5 10 Castles B-Kt5 K - B sq Kt-K 4 White gives QKook. : P-K 4 1 Kt-KB3 3 P-Q4 4 P-K 5 5 Q x P 6 B-QB4 7 Q - K 4 8 Castles 9 Kt - Kt 5 10 KtxBP 11 Kt-Q6ch 12 Q-R 4 After Black's P-K 4 Kt-KP, 3 PxP Kt-Q4 P-QB3 Q - Kt 3 B - B 4 Kt - K 2 P-KKt3 11 - B sq K-Qsq Q-B2 12th move. and White gives mate iu four moves. 96 V Played at the Divan in 1863. Vienna Game. W. Steinitz. Amateur. White gives QBook. 1 P - K 4 2 Kt-QB3 3 P - B 4 4 Kt-B3 5 Kt - Q 5 P-K 4 Kt-QB3 PxP B-Kt5 B-R4 After Klack'n 10th move. 11 KtxKt BxQ and White mates in two aioves. 97. tWO UK Played, about 1864, in Paris. King's Gambit. J. Kolisch. W. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I White gives the 1 P-K 4 P-KB4 Kt - KB 3 B-B4 P-Q4 P - KR 4 PxP RxR Q-Q3 P-K 5 PxP 12 Q-R7 13 B-Q 2 14 Castles 15 Q x Kt ch 16 B-R5ch 17 Kt-Q4ch 18 Q - Q 8 ch Q Knight. P-K 4 PxP P-KKt4 B - Kt 2 P-Q3 P - KR 3 PxP BxR Q-B3 P x P Q-K2 Q - Kt 5 ch QxB QxRP K-Q2 K-B3 K-Q2 KxQ CHESS SPARKS. 35 19 Kt-B6 ch 20 R mates. K - K sq . L^ 98. Played ^rt Berlin in 1864. Ecuins Gambit. G. R. Neumann. A. Anderssen. 1 P-K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 B-B4 4 P-QKt4 5 P - B 3 6 P - Q 4 7 Castles 8 Q - Kt 3 9 P - K 5 10 KtxP QxB B-R 3 13 KR-K sq 14 B-Q 5 15 P-K 6 After Black's 11 12 P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 B-B4 ExP B-R 4 PxP PxP Q-B3 Q - Kt 3 ExKt Kt - Q sq Kt-R3 P - QKt 3 B-Kt 2 BxB 15th move. and White gives mate in three moves. 99. V Played at Berlin in 1864. Riiy Lopez. G. R. Neumann. A. Anderssen. 1P_K4 P-K4 2 Kt - KB 3 Kt - QB 3 3B-Kt5 Kt-B3 4 P-Q 3 B-B4 5 P - B 3 Castles 6 BxKt KtPxB 7 Kt x P P - Q 4 8 Castles PxP 9P-Q4 B-Q3 10 KtxQBP Q-Ksq 11 Kt-R5 Q-Kt4 12 Kt-Kt3 B-KKt5 13 Q-Q 2 BxPch 14 KxB QxR 15 Q- KB 4 B-B6 16 PxB QxPch 17 K-Rsq PxP 18 Q-R 2 Q-K 8 ch 19 Q-Ktsq P-B 7 and White resigns 100. Played blindfold with three other games at Leipsic in 1864. Evans Gambit. L. Paulsen. H. Schneider. 1 P - K 4 P - K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 Kt - QB 3 3 B - B 4 B - B 4 4 P - QKt 4 B x P 5P-B3 B-B4 6 Castles Kt - B 3 7 P - Q 4 PxP 8 P x P B - Kt 3 9 P - K 5 P - Q 4 10 PxKt PxB 1 1 P - Q 5 Q x BP 12 PxKt QxR See Diagram on next page. and White, after considering about twenty minutes, announced mate in eleven moves. One variation thus worked out is as follows : 13 R - K sq ch 14 Q - Q 7 ch 15 RxB 16 K - R sq 17 PxP 18 P x R queens ch 19 Q - K 4 B-K3 K - B sq B x P ch P-KR3 P-Kt4 K-Kt 2 Q-B3 CHESS SPARKS. After Black's 12th move. Schneider. i i i i Paulson. 20 R x Q R - KB sq 21Q-K7 B-B4 22 R x RP and mates nex move. f" Lehrbuch des Schachsgfels." Bar- deleben u. Mieses.] 101. Played at Simpson's Divan, 1864, Centre Gambit. Andrews. 1 P-K 4 2 P-Q4 3 Kt - KB 3 4 B-QB4 5 Castles 6 KtxP 7 QxKt 8 P - KB 4 9 P-K5 10 B-Kt5ch 11 PxKt 12 R-K sq ch 13 PxPch 14 P x R queens Janssens. P-K4 PxP Kt - QB 3 Kt-B3 B-K 2 KtxKt P-Q3 P - QKt 3 P-Q4 B-Q2 B-QB4 K-Bsq K - Kt sq and mates 102. Played in Paris, 1864. Evans Gambit, P. Hirschfeld. J. Kolisch. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 B-B4 4 P - QKt 4 5 I' - B 3 Can ties P-Q4 PxP Kt-B3 10 B-QKt 5 11 P-K 5 12 P-Q 5 B x B ch KtxP Q - R 4 ch B-B4 P-Kt4 KR - K sq BxKt L3 1 I 15 if, 17 18 L9 Kt - QB 3 B-B4 BxP B-B4 P-Q3 PxP B-Kt3 B-Kt5 B-Q2 PxP QKt - K 2 QxB Q-B4 K-Qsq Kt-Kt 3 Q-Bsq KtxKt P-KB3 After Black's 19th move. *->! and White either wins the Queen or mates in six moves. 103. Played in Paris, 1864. Kieseritzky Gambit, J. Kolisch. P. Hirschfeld. P-K 4 P-KB4 Kt - KB 3 P-KR4 Kt-K5 B-B4 P-K4 PxP P-KKt 4 P-Kt5 Kt - KB 3 P-Q4 CHESS SPARKS. 37 7 PxP B-Q3 13Q-B2 KxB 8 P-Q4 Kt-R4 14P-K5 P-Kt3 9 B - Kt 5 ch P-B3 15P-K6ch BxP 10 PxP PxP 16 Kt-Kt 5ch K-B3 11 KtxP KtxKt 17 P-Q5 B-KB4 12 BxKtch B-Q2 18 QKt - K 4 ch B x Kt 13 BxR Kt - Kt 6 19Q-B3ch K-B4 14 K-B2 Kt x R ch 20 P - Kt 4 ch 15 QxKt Q-K2 and mates next move. 16 Kt-B3 Castles 17 B-Q5 P - Kt 6 ch 105. 18 K-Bsq 19 KtxB B - Kt 4 ch Played at Berlin in 1864. After White's 19th move. Black gives mate in eight moves. 104. [/ Played in Paris, 1864. Evans Gambit. P. Hirschfeld. 1 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 3 B-B4 4 P - QKt 4 5 P-B3 6 Castles P-Q4 PxP Kt-B3 Q-R4 11 Q-Kt 3 12 BxPch 7 8 9 10 J. Kolisch. P-K4 Kt-QB3 B-B4 BxP B-R4 P-Q3 PxP B-Kt3 B-Kt5 B-Q2 Kt-R4 K-Bsq Evans Gambit. V. Knorre. 1 P-K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 B-B4 4 P - QKt 4 5 P-B3 6 Castles 7 P-Q4 8 PxP 9 Kt - B 3 10 B-QKt5 11 Kt-K 2 12 P-K 5 13 B-R3ch 14 KtxP 15 Kt - QB 3 16 Kt-K 4 17 Kt-B5 Kt x B ch P - KKt 3 Q-R5 18 1!) 20 and White wins the in four moves. 106. Played about 1865. Evans Gambit. A. Lichtenstein. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 B-B4 BxP B-B4 P-Q3 PxP B-Kt 3 B-Kt 5 K-Bsq Q-B3 PxP QKt-K 2 B-K 3 R-Q sq Q-B5 P-QB3 PxKt QxQP Kt-R3 Queen or mates Max Lange. 1 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 B-B4 4 P-QKt4 5 P-B 3 A. Anderssen. P-K4 Kt - QB 3 B-B4 BxP B-R4 CHESS SPARKS. 6 P-Q4 7 CoMtluH 8 P - K 5 9 B-gKt 5 10 KtxP 11 QKtxKt 12 KtxKt 13 P-K 6 14 Kt- K 5 15 Q- It 5ch 16 KtxP 17 QxPch 18 B-B4 19 QR- Bsq 20 g - Kt 7 ! PxP Kt-B3 P - Q 4 Kt - K f> Ktx^MP Bx Kt M| 17 BxR 18 P-KKt 3 19 P-KR4 P - K r> B-B4 (Jastlos Q-Q4 Ktx Kt Q-K 4 B-KKt B-B6 B-Q3 Q-R4 QxP After White's 19th move. White gives mate in five moves. () If 20...B-Q 2, then 21 Q x QP and wins. 20 PxQ Kt-Kt5 and Black mates next move. 108. / Played about 1865. B-ixltop's Gambit. 107. v A. Anderssen. P. Journoud. Played in New York about 1865. 1 P-K4 P-K 4 2 P-KB 4 P x P Two Knights' Defence. 3 B-B4 P-Q4 Zerega. G. H. Mackenzie. 4 BxP 5 Kt - QB 3 Kt - KB 3 B - QKt 5 1 P-K4 P-K 4 6 Kt - B 3 P - QB 3 2 Kt - KB 3 Kt - QB 3 7 B - Kt 3 BxKt 3B-B4 Kt-B3 8 KtPxB KtxP 4Kt-Kt5 P-Q4 9 B-R3 Kt - Kt 4 5 PxP Kt-R4 10 Castles Kt x Kt ch 6 B - Kt 5 ch P - B 3 11 QxKt B-K 3 7 P x P PxP 12 BxB PxB 8 B--R4 P-KR3 13 Q-R5ch K-Q2 CHESS SPARKS. 39 14 R x P K - B sq 15 R-Q4 Kt-Q2 16 QR-KBsq Q-Ksq 17R-B7 Kt-B3 18 B-Q 6 Kt-Q 4 19 RxKt BPxR 20 R - B 7 ch and Black resigns. io9. r Played about 1865. titaunton's Opening. W. Wayte. 1 P - K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 P - B 3 4 P-Q 4 5 B-QKt5 6 KtxP 7 Q - Kt 3 8 Q x QP 9 QxKtP 10 QxRch 11 PxKt 12 B-K 3 13 QxR 14 K-Q2 and Black gives mate 11O. C. E. Rank en. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 Kt - B 3 P - Q 4 KtxP B-Q2 Kt x Kt Q-K2 BxB K-Q2 QxP B-QB4 Kt x KBP in three moves. I/ Played in London, 1865. Muzio Gambit. W. Steinitz. White gives Q Knight. 1 P-K 4 P-K4 2 P-KB4 PxP 3 Kt -.KB 3 P - KKt 4 4 B-B4 P - Kt 5 5 Castles P x Kt 6 QxP 7 P - K 5 8 B x P ch Q-B3 QxP KxB 9 P-Q4 10 B-K 3 11 Q-R5 ch 12 RxPch QxP ch Q - KB 3 Q - Kt 3 Kt - KB 3 13 RxKt ch KxR 14 B-Q 4ch K-B2 15 R-Bsqch K-Ktsq After Black's 15th move. 16 Q-K 5 B-Kt 2 17 Q-Q5ch Q-K 3 18 Q-KKt 5 Q-KR3 19 Q-Q 8 ch B-Bsq 20 Q-K 8 and White mates in five more moves. 111. Played on the Continent, about 1865. French Defence. J. H. Zukertort. W. Schulten. 1 P-K 4 P-K 3 2 P-Q 4 P--Q4 3 Kt - QB 3 B-Kt5 4 B-Q 3 . Kt-K 2 5 Kt-B3 Castles 6 Castles Kt - Kt 3 7 P - K 5 P - KB 3 8 Kt - K 2 PxP 9 KtxP Q-B3 10 P-KB4 P-QB4 11 P-B3 B-R4 12 Kt-Kt3 B - Kt 3 13 Q-R5 PxP 14 KtxKt PxP ch 15 K - R sq PxKt 16 BxP R - Q sq 4 o CHESS SPARKS. 17Q-R7ch K-Bsq 2 P-KB4 P-Q4 18 Kt-R5 Q-Qfr 3 PxP PxP 19 PxP QxP/ 4 P-Q4 Kt - KB 3 and White gives mate in th/ee moves. 5 Kt - KB 3 B-Q3 . / 6 B - Q 3 Castles 112. 7 Castles Kt-K 5 Played in Paris about 1865. 8 Kt-B3 9 PxKt KtxKt P-QB4 King's Bishop s Opening. 10 B x P ch KxB J. Kolisch. F. 11 Kt-Kt 5ch K- Kt3 White gives the QKnight. 12 P-B5 ch 13 RxB BxP KxR 1 P-K4 P-K 4 14 Q-R5 K-B3 2 B - B 4 P - QKt 4 15 KtxP BxPch 3 BxP P-KB4 16 K-Rsq Q-Kt3 4 PxP Kt-KB3 17 B-Ktoch K-K3 5 P-KKt4 B-Kt2 18 R-Ksqch K-Q2 6Kt-B3 B-Q3 19 R-K 7 ch K-Bsq 7P-KR3 Kt-B3 20 Q - R 3 ch Kt-Q2 8P-Q3 Kt-Q5 21 RxKt 9 KtxKt BxR and Black resigns. 10 Kt - K 6 Q - Kt sq 11 KtxKtPch K-Bsq / 12 B-QB4 KxKt 114 After Black's 12th move. White announced mate in seven moves. 113. V Played in New York, about 1865. 'French Defence. G. H. Mackenzie. T. Lichtenhein. 1 P-K4 P-K3 Played on the Continent, about 1865. King's Gambit declined. R. Hein. 1 P-K4 2 P-KB4 3 PxQP 4 B - Kt 5 ch PxP B-B4 P-Q3 B-K3 Kt - QB 3 B-Q2 KKt-K 2 PxKt P-KR3 PxB 15 Kt-Q4 16 QKt-K 2 17 KtxR 18 Q-K2 19 R-Qsq 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 E. Schallopp. P-K 4 P-Q4 P-K5 P-B3 PxP Kt - KB 3 QKt-Q2 Kt - Kt 3 B - QKt 5 B-Kt5 KtxB Q-Kt3 Castles (QR) KtxP P-KB4 RxKt QxKt QxKtP R-Qsq CHESS SPARKS. After Black's 19th move. and White 115. Played at the Divan about 1865. French Defence. 1 8 9 10 II 12 13 11 L5 16 17 18 P. T. Duffy. 1 P-K 4 2 P-Q4 3 PxP 4 Kt-KB3 5 B-Q 3 6 Castles R - K sq ch B-B5 Kt-K 5 Kt - Kt 6 RxB BxP ch Kt-B3 B-KB4 Rx KKt B - B 7 ch B - B 5 ch R x Kt ch F. G. Janssens. P-K 3 P-Q4 PxP P-QB4 Kt - KB 3 P-KR3 B- K 3 Q-Kt3 B-K2 PxKt Kt-B3 K-Qsq PxQP PxKt Q-Q5 K-Q2 KxB PxR 19 Q x Q and wins. 116. Played about 1865. Bishop's Gambit. Dr. Wilson. G. White gives QR. 1P-K4 P-K4 2 P - KB 4 3 B-B4 4 K-Bsq P-K 5 Q-B3 PxKt QxP QxPch P-Q4 P-K 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PxP Q - R 5 ch Kt-KB3 Kt-K 5 Kt - Kt 6 ch QxR B-B4 K-Qsq B-K2 R-B sq After Black's llth move. w, mm. mm. mm. 12 B-KKt5 RxQch 13 PxR P-Q 4 14 P queens ch K-Q 2 15 Q x B ch and wins. n<>. W. Bayliss. 1 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 P-Q 4 4 B - QB 4 5 P-J33 6 B - KKt 5 B-R4 KtxP BxP B-Q5 KtxP KxB 7 8 9 10 11 12 J. Wisker. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 PxP B-B4 Kt-B3 P-KR3 P - KKt 4 PxKt Kt-K 4 PxP BxPch KKt - Kt 5 ch 4 8 7-:.s.S SPARKS. 13 K-Ktnq 14 Q-K 2 15 BxR 16 Q-K sq 17 Px Kt 18 K-Kt 2 1!) K-Kt3 20 K - R 3 QxB P - QKt 3 ! B-R3 Kt - B 6 cb Q - B 4 ch Kt - K 6 ch R - Kt s<| ch Q - R 4 ch and mates in two more moves. 134. Played at Dundee, aboiit 1868. Scotch Game. G. B. Fraser. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 TxP "6-64 Q-B3 KKt-K 2 Kt x QKt P-Q3 Q - Kt 3 Castles R-K sq Kt - Kt 5 RxP RxKt B- 1 P - K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 P - Q 4 4 KtxP 5 Kt - B 5 6 Kt ~ QB 3 7 Kt-Q5 Q x Kt B - KKt 5 B - QKt 5 P - KB 4 12 Castles (QR) 13 Q-Q2 Kt-K 7ch BxR 9 10 I I 1 I 18 and White resign Compare Game 135. Mr. Thorold gives Mr. Fenton the odds of the Exchange (QR for KKt), in Bath, about 1868. Centre Gambit. E. Thorold. Fenton. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 P-Q4 PxP 3 B - QB 4 B - Kt 5 ch 4 P-B3 PxP 5 PxP B-K2 6 P-KB4 P-Q3 7 Kt - KB 3 Castles 8 P-B5 Kt-B3 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 B- B4 P-KR4 K-B2 B x P ch B - Kt 5 B-Q5 QKt-Q 2 P-KKt 4 Kt-K 4 PxP Kt - R 4 ! B - B 3 R-Ksq RxP K-Bsq QBx P R-Ksq P-KR3 B x KtP PxB B-K 4 Kt-K 2 KtxB 20 QxB After Black's 20th move. and White wins thus : 21 Q - B 5 ch Kt - B 3- 22 PxKt BxKBP and White mates in three moves. 136. I/ Played in London, 1868. Centre Gam/sit. W. N. Potter. Matthews. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 P-Q4 PxP 3 B - QB 4 P-QB4 4 Kt-KB3 P-Q3 5 Castles Kt - QB 3 6 P-B3 P-Q6 7 R - K sq B-Kt5 8 P-K 5 KtxP 9 KtxKt BxQ 10 B - Kt 5 ch K-K2 C&SS SPARKS. 11 12 13 B - Kt 5 ch Kt - Kt 6 ch Kt x R mate. 137. P-B3 K-B2 Played at Leipsic about 1868. Ruy Lopez. * J. Minckwitz. Dr. Max Lange. P-K 4 Kt - KB 3 B-Kt 5 B-R4 Castles P-Q4 B-Kt 3 Kt x P PxKt B-K 3 Kt-Q2 BxKt Q - R 5 P-KB4 15 QR-K sq 16 P-QB3 17 B-QB 2 18 Q-R3 19 P-B5 20 P - B 6 10 11 ll' 13 14 P-K 4 Kt-QB3 P-QR3 Kt-B3 KtxP P - QKt 4 P-Q4 KtxKt B-Kt 2 B-K 2 KtxKt Castles Q-Ksq K-Rsq QR - Q sq P - QB 4 P - KKt 3 P-Q5 P-Q6 PxB After Black's 20th move. 21 B-Kt 5! B-Q3 and White gives mate in five moves. 138. iX Herr Harrwitz gives the QRook to Mr. Storey, about 1868. King's Gambit declined. D. Harrwitz. 1 P-K 4 2 P - KB 4 3 PxQP 4 Kt - KB 3 5 Kt - B 3 6 PxP 7 B-B4 8 QxB 9 P - Kt 3 10 KtxKt 11 P-B3 12 P-Q 4 13 B-R6 14 PxB Storey. P-K 4 P-Q4 B-QB 4 B-KKt5 Kt-KB3 KtxP BxKt Q - R 5 ch QxB Kt-B3 Castles BxP QR - K sq KtxQP After Black's 14th move. White announced mate in seven moves. 139. Played in a tournament at the New York Chess Club, aboiit 1868. Philidor's Defence. G. H. Mackenzie. F. Perrin. 1 P-K 4 P-K4 2Kt-KB3 P-Q3 3P-Q4 P-KB3 C//ESS SPARKS. 4 B - QB 4 5 Castles 6 Kt - QB 3 Kt-Q5 P-B3 PxP KKtxKt KtxKBP H mates. oh Q - K 2 Kt - QB 3 B-KKt5 Q-Qq KKt-K 2 KtxP BxQ PxKt 140. Played in Philadelphia in 1868. Evnns Gambit. (}. Reichhelni. F. White gives the QRook. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 3 B-B4 B-B4 4 P - QKt 4 B x P 5 P-B3 B-B4 6 Castles P - Q 3 7P-Q4 PxP 8 PxP B-Kt3 9 R - K sq B - Kt 5 10 Q-R4 BxKt 11 P-Q5 B-Kt5 12 PxKt PxP 13 P-K 5 P-Q 4 HQxPch B-Q2 15 QxQP B-K 3 16Q-B6ch B-Q2 17 BxPch KxB 18 P-K 6 ch K-Bsq See Diagram OH next column. White announced mate in fourteen moves. In another game at the same odds White at move 9 played Kt - B 3, and the game was continued thus : 9 Kt-B3 10 R - K sq 11 Q-R4 12 P-Q5 13 PxKt 14 P - K 5 15 R - Q sq ! 16 Q x P ch 17 E - R 3 ch P-KR3 B-Kt5 BxKt B-Kt5 PxP PxP BxR K-Bsq Kt-K2 After Black's 18th move. F. Reichhelm. 18 Kt - Q 5 Q - K sq 19 B x Kt ch K - Kt sq 20Q-Kt6 PxQ 21 Kt mates. 141. Played about 1868. Giutjco Piano. A. Steinkuhler. J. H. Blackburne. P-K4 Kt-KB3 B-B4 P-B3 P- Q4 PxP 7 B-Q 2 8 KKtxB Castles Kt - Kt 3 11 QxKt 12 R-Ksq 13 P-K 5 PxP BxP ch P-Kt3 Kt-B3 K-Kt2 B-Q5 K-Rsq 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 P-K4 Kt - QB 3 B-B4 Kt-B3 PxP B - Kt 5 ch B x B ch QKt x P P-Q3 KtxKt Castles Kt-R4 Q-Kt4 Kt-B5 K-Rsq PxP Kt - R 6 ch Q-B3 Q x BP ch CHESS SPARKS. After White's 20th move. Blackburne. Steinkuhler. Black mates in three moves. 142. One of nine blindfold games played by Herr Zukertort at Berlin, in De- cember, 1868. Centre Gambit. F. L. J. H. Zukertort. 1 P - K 4 P-K 4 2 P-Q4 PxP 3 B - QB 4 B - Kt 5 ch 4 P-B3 PxP 5 PxP Q-B3 6 B x P ch QxB 7 PxB Q-K2 8 Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3 9 B - Kt 5 Castles 10 Q - Kt 3 ch P-Q4 11 BxKt QxB 12 Q x P ch B-K 3 13 Q-Q2 Kt-B3 14 Kt-B3 QR - Q sq 15 Q-Kt 2 B-B5 16 R-QBsq Kt - Q 5 ! 17 P-K 5 QxKt 18 R-KKtsq QxKtP and White resigns. 143. Mr. F. H. Lewis gives the QKnight, about 1869. Ruy Lopez. F. H. Lewis. 1 P-K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 B - Kt 5 4 B-R4 5 B-Kt3 6 Castles 7 P-Q4 8 R - K sq 9 Kt-Kt5 10 KtxBP 11 RxKt 12 Q-R5ch 13 BxPch 14 B-Kt5 15 RxB 16 Q-R 6 and White mates P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 P-QR3 P-QKt4 Kt-B3 KtxP PxP P-Q4 B-K 2 KxKt R - K sq K - Kt sq K-R sq P-Kt3 RxR QxB in three moves. * -T 144. Played about 1869. Muzio Gambit. 1 P - K 4 P-K 4 2 P-KB4 PxP 3 Kt - KB 3 P-KKt4 4 B-B4 P-Kt5 5 Castles PxKt 6 QxP Q-B3 7 P-K 5 QxP 8 P-Q 3 B-R3 9 B-Q2 Kt-K 2 10 B-B3 Q - B 4 ch 11 K-R sq Castles 12 Kt-Q 2 P-Q4 13 QR-K sq QKt - B 3 14 P-QKt 4 KtxP 15 Q-R5 Kt-B4 16 RxP P-Q5 17 R-Kt 4ch B-Kt2 18 BxP Kt - Kt 6 ch CHESS SPARKS. After White's 18th move. Kolisch. 19 RxKt QxB and White mates in three moves. 145. I Played December, 1869. Ruy Lopez. H. E. Bird. S. Boden. P-K 4 Kt-KB3 B - Kt 5 B-R4 Castles P-Q4 P-K 5 8 P - QB 3 9 R - K sq 10 B - B 2 11 BxP 12 Kt-B3 13 Kt-Q 5 14 Kt-B6ch PxB 15 16 17 18 19 Q-Q2 Q-R6 RxKt Kt - Kt 5 and wins. P-K 4 Kt-QB3 P - QR 3 Kt - B 3 B - K 2 PxP Kt - K 5 PxP Kt-B4 PxP Kt-K3 Castles P - QKt 4 BxKt P-KKt 3 K-Rsq R - Kt sq QPxR 146. Played ulxmt 1869. Ruy A. Kempe. 1 P -- K 4 Kt - K K 3 B-Kt5 P-Q4 Kt x Kt QxP B-Q3 Castles P - KB 4 10 Q-B2 11 B-K 3 Q-B3 B - B 4 ch Q-R5 R - B 3 G. S. 12 13 1 I 18 After Black's P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 KKt-K 2 KtxP PxKt P-QB3 P - Q 3 Kt - Kt 3 P-KB3 B-K 2 P -QB4 Castles K-Rsq B-Q2 B-K sq 15th move. White gives mate in ten jnoves. 147. V The Rev. G. A. Macdonnell gives the QKt, about 1869. Muzio Gambit. G. A. Macdonnell. Mr. White. 1P-K4 P-K4 2 P - KB 4 P x P 3 Kt-B3 P-KKt4 4B-B4 P-Kt5 CHESS SPARKS. 53 Castles RxP P-Q4 P-B3 9 Q - Kt 3 10 QBxP 11 QR-KBsq 12 KxB 13 K - Kt sq 14 BxPch B-K 6 B-Kt8 P-K5 R - B 8 ch R x Kt ch 15 16 17 is 1!) and White mates in PxKt Q-B3 B-R3 P-Q3 Kt-QB3 BxB B x P ch Q - R 5 ch KKt - K 2 K-Qsq Kt-Kt 3 B-Q2 PxP KtxR K-K 2 three me 148. Played about 1869.^ Danish Gambit. Dr. Lindehn. 1 P-K 4 2 P-Q 4 3 P - QB 3 4 B - QB 4 5 BxP 6 Kt - B 3 7 Kt - K 2 8 Castles 9 KtxKt BxB R - K sq ch P-B4 B x KtP 14 Q-Kt 4 15 B-B 6 ch 16 Q x R mate 10 11 12 13 P. Maczuski. P - K 4 PxP PxP PxP B - Kt 5 ch Kt - KB 3 KtxP KtxKt BxKt Q-Kt 4 K - Q sq QxP R - Kt sq Q-Q3 QxB 149. I/ Played at the Westminster Chess Club, July, 1869. Mr. De Vere gives the odds of the Exchange (QR for KKt) to Mr. Lawrence. Kinr/'s Gambit. C. De Vere. Lawrence. 1P-K4 P-K4 2 P-KB4 3 Kt - KB 3 4 PxP 5 P-Q4 6 B-Q 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Castles KtxP RxP K-Rsq Kt - QB 3 Kt-KB 3 B x RP ch Kt - Kt 5 ch Q - Q 3 ch Q-KR3 After Black's PxP P-Q4 B-Q3 P-QB4 Castles PxQP B-QB4 QxP Kt - QB 3 Q-K4 Q-B2 KxB K-Kt3 P-KB4 Q-K4 16th move. 17 QKt-K 4! PxKt 18 Q-R 7 ch Kx 19 P-R.4 mate. 150. Played in Vienna, about 1869. Vienna Game. Hampe. Dr. Meitner. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt-QB3 B-B 4 3 Kt - R 4 BxP ch 4 KxB Q - R 5 ch 5 K - K 3 Q - B 5 ch 6 K-Q3 P-Q4 7 K-B3 QxKP 8 K - Kt 3 Kt-QR3 9 P - QR 3 Q x Kt ch 54 CHESS SPARKS. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 KxQ K-Kt4 KxKt B-Kt5ch B-B6 K-Kt5 KxKt... (") K-Kt5 K-B6 Kt - B 4 ch P - R 4 ch Kt-K 2 K-Qsq P - Kt 3 ch KtxB B - Kt 2 ch B - R 3 ch and Black draws by perpetual check. (a) If 16 K - R 4, then Kt - Q 5, and Black mates next move. And if 16 P-B 3, then B-Q 2 also plating. 151. Played in Berlin about 1870. fitaunton'x Opening. H. Munk. J. H. Zukertort. P-K 4 Kt-KB3 P-B3 B - Kt 5 KtxP Q-R4 KtxKt 8 Castles 9 R - K sq 10 BxKt 11 QxKP 12 P-KKt 3 13 P-Q4 Q-Q3 B-K 3 Kt-Q2 1 I 16 16 P-K 4 Kt-QB3 P-Q4 PxP Q-Q4 Kt - K 2 KtxKt B-Q3 Castles PxB Q-KR4 B-KKt5 B-B6 QR - K sq R-K5 and Black gives mate in three moves. 152. V Played before 1870. Bishop's Gamlnt. E. Lepge. Saalbach. 1 P-K 4 P-K4 2 P-KB4 PxP 3 B-B4 Q - R 5 ch 4 K - B sq P-KKt 4 5 Kt-QB3 B-Kt2 6 P-Q4 Kt - K 2 7 Kt-B3 8 P-KR4 9 K - Kt sq 10 PxP 11 RxR 12 P-K 5 13 Kt-QKt 5 14 KBxP Kt x KtP 15 16 17 Q-R4 P - KR 3 Q-Kt3 PxP BxR QKt - B 3 K-Qsq QxB Q-KB4 Q - R 5 Kt - Kt 3 B x P P - QR 3 After White's 17th move. 18 R-KBsq PxKt 19 Kt-B7ch QxKt 20 B - Kt 5 ch Q - K 2 and White mates in two moves. 153. J Played about 1870. Ruy Lopez. J. H. Zukertort. A. Anderssen. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 B - Kt 5 Kt-QB3 KKt-K 2 4 P-B3 5 P - Q 4 6 Castles P-Q3 B-Q2 Kt-Kt3 7 Kt - Kt 5 P-KR3 8 KtxP KxKt 9 B - B 4 ch K-K 2 10 Q-R5 Q-Ksq...(a) CHESS SPARKS. 55 11 Q-Kt5ch PxQ 9 B-B4 Q-KB4 12 BxP mate. 10 Q-Kt 3 Kt - Kt 3 (a) If 10 . . . B - K sq then follows 11 B - Kt 5 ch P x B 11 QxP 12 Castles KtxP Q - B 4 ch 12QxPch K-Q2 13 P-Q 4 QxB 13 Q - B 5 ch 14 QxR B-B4 and mates next move. y 154. 15 QxR 16 B-K 3 17 QxKtP KtxQP Q-K7 Played at Copenhagen in 1870. Greco Counter Gambit. S. A. Soerensen. From. 1 P-K4 P-K 4 2 B-B4 P - KB 4 3 P - Q 3 Kt - KB 3 4 Kt - KB 3 P-B3 5 Kt-B3 B-Kt 5 6 B-KKt5 P - KR 3 7 BxKt QxB 8 Castles P-Q3 9 Kt - K 2 P-KKt 4 10 P-QB3 B-R4 11 P-Q 4 PxQP 12 PxBP P-Q4 13 BxP PxB 14 Q-R 4 ch * Kt-B3 15 QKtxP B-Kt 3 16 QR-K sqch K-Bsq 17 Q-R3ch K-B2 18 KtxKt PxKt 19 Kt-K 5 ch K - Kt 2 20 Kt-Kt 4 Resigns. 155. Plaved in the Challenge Cup Tourney, 1870. Ruy Lopez. J. H. Blackburne. A. Burn. P-K 4 Kt-KB3 B-Kt 5 P-B3 KtxP Q-R 4 P-KB4 KtxB P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 KKt-K 2 P-Q4 PxP Q-Q4 B-Q2 KxKt After White's 17th move. Black mates in four moves. 156. &/ Played in a handicap tourna- ment at the City of London Chess Club in 1870. French Defence. A. Burn. P-K 4 P-Q 4 PxP B-Q3 Kt-KB3 Castles 7 R - K sq ch 8 B-B5 9 BxB 10 R x P 11 P-QB4 12 PxR 13 RxB 14 K-Rsq C. De Vere. P-K 3 P-Q 4 PxP B-Q3 Kt - QB 3 Kt-B3 B-K 3 Castles PxB Kt-K 5 RxKt Q-R5 Q x BP ch KtxR CHESS SPARKS. 15 PxP R-K w 16 B-Q 2 R-K 7 jind White resigns. 157. Played about 1870. Scotcli Game. P. Maczuski. 1 P - K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 P - Q 4 4 KtxP 5 Kt-QH3 6 Q-Q3 7 KtxKt 8 B-Q2 '. MxB 10 Q-Q4 11 Castles 12 P-B4 13 B-Q2 After Black' J.. Kolisch. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 PxP Q-R5 B-Kt5 Kt-B3 QP x Kt BxKt KtxP Q-K2 Q - Kt 4 ch Q x P ch Q-Kt5 13th move. White mates in three moves. 158. \J Played at the Vienna Chess Club in 1870. Bishop's Gambit. J. Kolisch. Hampe. 1 P-K 4 P-K4 2P-KB4 PxP 3 B - B 4 4 P - Q 4 5 P-KK4 6 Kt-(JB3 7 BxP 8 PxP 9 KtxP 10 RxR 11 Q-R5 12 Kt-KB3 13 KtxP 14 BxP 15 Q-R7 16 P-Kt4 17 PxQ 18 KtxP 19 QxKt 20 P - R 6 21 Kt-Kt 6 ch 159. P-KKt4 B-Kt2 P-KR3 P-Q4 P-QB3 PxB PxP BxR BxP Kt-QB3 Kt-K 4 B-Kt5 Q - R 4 ch Castles BxR KtxKt B-Q2 PxP Resigns. V Played, about 1870, by Mr. Blackburne against Mr. Clare and Mr. F. G. Janssens in consultation. Sicilian Opening. J. H. Blackburne. Clare ifc Janssens. 1 P-K 4 P-QB4 2 P-Q4 PxP 3 P-QB3 PxP 4 KtxP P-K 4 5 B - QB 4 Kt-KB3 6 Q - Kt 3 Q-K2 7 B-KKt5 Kt-B3 8 Kt - Q 5 Q-Q3 9 Castles Kt - Q 5 10 RxKt PxR 11 P-K 5 QxP 12 Kt-KB3 Q-Q3 13 R-Ksqch K-Qsq 14 Kt-K 5 Q-K3 15 KtxKt Q-KB4 16 KtxPch K-B2 17 Kt-K 8ch K - Kt sq 18 Q-KKt3ch P-Q3 19 KKtxP Q-QB4 20 Kt - Kt 5 ch B-Q3 21 QKtxBand wins. CHESS SPARKS. 57 160. Played at the Baden Congress in 1870. French Defence. S. Winawer. C. De Vere. 1 P-K4 2 P-Q4 3 Kt - QB 3 4 B-Q3 BxP Kt - K 2 KtxP PxB Q-B3 B x KtP QxB K-K 2 QxR 14 R-QKt sq 15 K-K sq 16 Q-Kt7 and White 161. Played in 1871. Ruy Lopez. J. Wisker. A. Burn. P-K 3 P-Q4 B-Kt5 PxP P-QB4 PxP B x Kt ch Q-R4 Kt-KB3 BxB QxP ch QxKt Castles Q - B 5 ch Kt-B3 Kt-Q 5 resigns. 1 P-K4 P-K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 B-Kt 5 Kt -- QB 3 KKt - K 2 4 P-B3 5 KtxP P-Q4 PxP 6 P-Q4 7 Q-B3 8 KtxKt PxP (en p.) B-K 3 KtxKt 9 B x Kt ch PxB 10 Q x P ch 11 Q-B3 12 Castles B-Q2 B-Q3 Castles 13 QxP 14 Q-B 2 15 P-KB4 R - Kt sq Q-R5 KR - K sq After Black's 15th move. Burn. See Diagram on next column. 16P-B4 B-B4ch 17 K - R sq R - K 8 i JL Wisker. 18 Kt-Q 2 Q-B 7 19 Q-Q 3 and Black mates in two moves. 162.^ Played at Pursell's about 1871 Centre Gambit. W. N. Potter. 1 P-K 4 2 P-Q4 3 B-QB4 4 Q-K 2 5 P-K5 6 B-KKt 5 7 B-Q 3 8 Bx Kt 9 Q-R5 10 P-KKt4 11 Kt-KB3 12 KtPxP 13 R-Kt sq ch 14 Kt-R4 15 Kt-Kt 6 ch 16 PxR 17 P-Kt 7 ch 18 Q x P ch and wins. D. P-K4 PxP IU-KB3 B-B4 Castles P-Q4 P - QB 3 PxB P-KB4 Q-K2 P - KB 3 PxP K - R sq R-B3 RxKt P-K 5 K - Kt sq CffESS SPARKS. 163.' Played nt Havana, B3 13 Q-K 2 14 Castles 15 PxB 16 K-Rsq 17 B-Q2 18 BxQ Black mates 187. Played at Norwich about 1874. Giuoco Piano. J. H. Blackbume. P-Q3 Kt - Q 2 P - K 4 PxP KKt-B3 B-QB4 Q-K 2 Kt - Kt 3 B-(^2 Castles (QR) B-B3 B-Kt5 BxKt Q - B 4 ch QxP Kt x KP in two moves/ 1 P-K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 B-B4 4 Castles 5 P-Q3 6 P-KR3 P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 B-B4 Kt-B3 P-Q3 Kt-K 2 CHESS SPARKS. 67 7 B - KKt 5 8 B-K 3 9 Kt - B 3 10 Q-Q2 11 B-Kt 3 12 QR-Qsq 13 Kt-R2 14 BxB KxB K - R sq P - Kli 3 R-B2 K - Kt sq P-Q4 After White's 15 16 17 18 19 20 P-B3 B-Kt 3 Kt - Kt 3 B-K3 Castles Q-Q 2 BxRP B x KtP Kt-B PxB KKt - R 4 Kt - Kt 6 ch Q-R6 20th move. 5 ch Black gives mate in two moves. 188. x Played at Manchester in 1874 Mr. Steinitz gives the QKnight. King's Gambit. W. Steinitz. Fish. P - K 4 P-KB4 Kt-KB3 B-B4 Castles P-Q4 7 P - QB 3 8 P - KKt 3 9 QBxP 10 K - R sq 11 KtxP P-K 4 PxP P - KKt 4 B-Kt 2 P-KR3 Kt - K 2 Castles PxP PxP ch PxB Kt-B 4 12 RxKt P-Q 4 13 Q-R5 BxR 14 PxB QxKt...() 15 QxQ PxB 16 P-B6 and mates next move. (a) If Black play 14 R- K sq, then 15 Q x P ch 16 P- B6 17 Q x R ch 18 Q - R 5 ch 19 Kt - B 7 ch 20 R - B sq K-Rsq QxP B covers B covers K - Kt 2 Q - Kt 3 21 Q - K 5 ch and wins. (The Field.) 189. Played about 1874. King's Gambit declined. 0. Howard Taylor. 1 P-K4 2 P - KB 4 3 PxQP 4 Kt-QB3 PxP B-K 2 P-Q4 Kt-B 3 Castles B-Q2 B - Kt 5 ch 12 Q-K2 13 Kt-Q5ch 14 QxBch o 6 7 8 9 10 11 P-K 4 P-Q4 QxP Q-K3 QxP ch B-K 3 Q-QR4 B-Q 3 P-KI53 B - QKt 5 P - B 3 K - K 2 PxKt KxQ After Black's 14th move. 68 CHESS SPARKS. White forces mate in nine moves The game was continued thus : 15 QR-Ksqch 10 Kt-Kt5ch 17 B - K 8 ch 1H Kt-B7ch 19 H-K5ch 20 Kt x P ch 21 Kt-KGch 22 R - R 5 mate. K-B2 K-Kt3 K-R3 K-R4 P-Kt4 K -R8 BxB 190. Played at Simpson's Divan in 1874. Bishop'* Gamlrit. C. E. Ranken. .1. H. Zukertort P-K4 P-KB4 B-B4 BxP 5 K-Bsq 6 P-Q4 7 B-Kt3 8 Kt-KB3 9 Kt-B3 10 Kt-QKt 5 11 P-Q5 12 QKt-Q4 13 QxKt 14 QxR 15 Q-B3 16 K-Ksq 17 PxKt 18 K-Q2 and White P - K 4 PxP P-Q4 Q - R 5 ch P-KKt4 Kt-K 2 QKt - B 3 Q-R4 B-Kt5 Castles P - QR 3 KtxKt BxKt Kt-B4 Kt - Kt 6 ch BxKtP QxR ch B-B6 resigns. 191. Played in 1874. Mr. Hoffer gives Pawn and two moves. S. 1 P-K4 2 P-Q4 3 Q - R 5 ch 4 QxP 5 P - QB 3 6 Q-Kt5 L. Hoffer. P-QB4 P-Kt3 Kt-QB 3 P-K 4 P-QR3 7 Q - Q 3 PxP 8 PxP P-Q4 9 P-K 5 B-KB4 10 Q-Qsq R-Bq 11 Kt - K H 3 Q - Kt 3 12 Q-Kt 3 KtxP 13 QxQ After White's 13th move. Black mates in four moves. 192. Played in Philadelphia, 1874. King's (ramJu't (If dined. J. Mason. J. El son. 1 P-K 4 2 P-KB4 3 Kt-KB3 4 P - B 3 5 B-B4 6 P - Q 4 7 Castles 8 K-Rsq 9 KtxP 10 PxB 11 B-K 3 12 P-B5 13 PxKt 14 PxPch 15 P-B4 16 Kt-Q5 17 P-Kt4 18 P-B5 P-K 4 B-B4 P-Q3 B - Kt 5 Kt - QB 3 PxP PxPch Kt - Q 5 BxKt Kt-K 2 Kt-K 3 BxB Castles K-Rsq Kt - Kt 3 B-B4 B - Kt 3 Kt-K 4 CHESS SPARKS. 69 19 Q-R5 Q-Q2 20R-B4 QxP After Black's 20th move. White mates in four moves. 193. Played in a tournament at the Cafe de la Regence in Paris, 1874. Irregular Opening. Baron d'Andre. Mr. Cousins. 1 P-KB4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 P-K4 4 B - QB 4 5 P - Q 3 6 P - QR 4 7 PxP 8 B-R2 9 Castles 10 Kt-QB 3 11 Q-K sq 12 RxB P - QB 4 Kt - QB 3 P - K 3 B-K 2 P - QR 3 P-Q4 PxP Kt - KB 3 Castles B-KKt5 BxKt Kt-Q 5 See Diagram mi nc.rt column. 13 R-Kt3.. KtxBP 14 Q-K 5 15 R - Kt sq 16 K-Rsq P - B o B - B 4 ch R-K sq and White resigns. () If White play R-B 2 and then attempt to avoid the loss of the Ex- change. Black would win the Queen ; thus: After Black's 12th move. Cousins. fir. i'-fli d'Andre. 13 R-B 2 Kt-Kt5 14R-Q2 B-R5 15 Q - Q sq Kt - K 6 16 Q-R5 P-KKt 3 17 Q-K5orR6 R-Ksqor Kt-B4 (Field.) 194. Herr Rosenthal gives the QKnight to Count Isonard, about 1874. Muzio Gambit. S. Rosenthal. Count Isonard. 1 P - K 4 P-K 4 2 P-KB 4 PxP 3 Kt-KB3 P-KKt 4 4 B-B4 P - Kt 5 5 Castles P x Kt 6 QxP 7 P - K 5 8 B x P ch Q-B3 QxP KxB 9 P - Q 4 10 BxP Q-B3 B - Kt 2 11 Q - R 5 ch 12 B-Q 6 ch 13 Q-K 5ch 14 QxB 15 QR-K sq ch 16 Q mates. Q - Kt 3 K-K sq Q-K 3 QxB Q - K 2 C/fESS SPAKKS. 195. Played in London alxnit 1874. Emm Gamhit. J. H. Znkertort. 15 QxKtch 16 KtxBPch KxQ K-R4 After Black's 16th move. White gives the QKnight. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 3 B - B 4 B-B4 4 P-QKt4 BxP 5 P-B3 B-B4 6 Castles P-Q3 7 P-Q4 PxP 8 PxP B - Kt 3 9 11 - K 8(j Kt - B 3 10 P-K 5 PxP 11 B - R 3 BxP... () 12 Q-Kt3 Q-Q2 13 QR-Qsq Kt - QR 4 14 KtxB KtxQ 15 RxPch K-Qsq 16 B-K 7ch QxB 17 Kt-B6ch K-Ksq 18 R-Q 8 mate. (a) Mr. Zukertort notes that this is one of the rare cases where a move, correct in an even game, becomes un- sound when receiving odds, f 196. \J Played at the Hague in 1874. Scotch Game. J. H. Blackburne. H. W. B. Gifford . 1 P - K 4 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt - QB 3 3 P-Q4 PxP 4 B-QB4 B-B4 5 Kt-Kt5 Kt-R3 6 Q-R5 Q-K2 7 P-KB4 Castles 8 Castles P-Q3 9 P-B5 P - Q 6 ch 10 K-Rsq PxP 11 Kt-QB3 Kt-K 4 12 Kt-Q 5 Q-Qsq 13 P-B6 Kt - Kt 3 14 PxP KxP White announced mate in five moves. 197. A game in a friendly match played at Clifton in 1875. Scotch Game. E. Thorold. J. I. Minchin. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt - QB 3 3 P-Q4 PxP 4 KtxP Q - R 5 5 Kt - Kt 5 B - Kt 5 ch 6 B-Q 2 QxPch 7 B-K 2 K-Qsq 8 Castles BxB 9 QxB P - QR 3 10 B-B3 Q - Kt 3 11 Kt-Q 4 KKt-K 2 12 R-K sq Kt x Kt 13 QxKt Kt-B4 14 Q-QKt4 Kt - Q 3 15 Kt-B3 R - K sq 16 Q-R4 ch P-B3 17 Rxllch KtxR 18 R-Ksq Kt - Q 3 19 Kt-Q 5 P - QB 3 20 Q - QKt 4 and Black resigns. CHESS SPARKS. 198. Played about 1875. Bishop's Gambit**-* ' F. Riemann. A. Andersseu 1 P - K 4 2 P-KB4 3 B-B4 4 K - B sq 5 BxP 6 Kt-QB3 7 P - K 5 8 PxKt 9 Kt - B 3 10 Q-K 2ch 11 Q-B4 12 BxKBP P-K 4 PxP Q - R 5 ch P - Q 4 Kt-KB3 B-QKt 5 BxKt BxP Q-R4 K-Qsq R - K sq After White's 12th move. Black mates in five moyes. 199. Played at the West End Chess Club, about 1875. Cunningham Gambit. J. H. Zukertort. P]hrlich. White gives the QKt. 1P-K4 P-K4 2 B-B4 B-K 2 3 P-B4 PxP 4 Kt - B 3 B - 11 5 ch 5 P - Kt 3 P x P 6 Castles P x P ch 7 K - R sq Kt - KR 3 8 P-Q4 P-Q4 9 BxP Castles 10 BxKt PxB 11 Kt-K 5 P-QB3 12 KtxKBP RxKt 13 BxRch K-Rsq 14 B-Kt 3 Q-K 2 15 Q-R5 1U-R3 16 QxB QxQ White mates in seven moves. 200. Played in London, 1875. Kieseritzky Gambit. G. A. Macdonnell. P-K 4 P - KB 4 Kt-KB3 P - KR 4 Kt-K 5 Kt x KtP PxP P-Q4 K-B2 10 QxB 11 QxBP 12 Q-B5 13 B-Kt5ch 14 R - K sq 15 K-B3 16 Q-B8 ch 17 QxR P-K 4 PxP P - KKt 4 P-Kt5 P - Q 3 P - KB 4 BxP Q - K 2 ch BxKt Kt-KB3 B-R3 BxB P-B 3 Kt - Kt 5 ch QxR K-K 2 Kt - R 7 'mate. 201. Played in one of Mr. Blackburne's Blindfold Matches at the City of London Chess Club in April, 1875. Evans Gambit. H. Blackburne. V. C. Peyer. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt - QB 3 3 B-B4 B-B4 4 P - QKt 4 BxP 5 P - B 3 B-R4 CHESS SPARKS. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 Castles l'-Q4 H - R 3 P-K5 R - K sq H - Kt 5 Ktx Kt Ktxl' (} x B (Jlt-Bsq Q-QR4 RxKt KR-QB q B-R6 Q - Kt 5 After Black's Kt - B 3 Px I' P - Q 3 Kt-K 5 P - Q 4 KtxljBl' BxKt BxKt B-K 3 Q-Q2 K - Q sc, K - B s 15 Kt-Kt 4ch K-Kt 4 278. fi/ 16P-R4ch K-R4 Played at the Nuremberg Tourna- ment, 1883. 17 Kt-Q3...(a) BxP After White's 17th move. Ruy Lopez. I ft JL*' I Max Weiss. E. Schallopp. 1P-K4 P-K4 ^ m - ^: till,, mm 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 jjm 3 B - Kt 5 P - QR 3 laP^^f^p^^i^p^^^^^Er 4B-R4 Kt-B3 ^ pft 5Kt-B3 B B 4 & HHP ' wmfc '" wn%% 'wMfc 6 Castles P - QKt 4 A 7B-Kt3 P-Q3 /5\ 8 P-Q 3 B-KKt 5 ^^J^J Wm^, f 9Kt-K2 Q-Q2 & j i 10 Kt-Kt3 Kt-Q5 PUP ^^P 1 ^^^^^^^'^^ 11 P-B3 BxKt 1 i\ T"J T"i T7" A. T~ Si mm. mm. Jim 12PxB KtxB 13 PxKt P-KR4 18 P-Kt4ch K-Kt 3 14 B-K 3 P-R 5 19P-R5ch K-R3 15Kt-K2 Q-R6 20 P - Kt 5 ch K x P 16 Kt-Bsq P-Kt4 21P-B4ch K-R3 17 K-Rsq P-Kt5 22 Kt mates. 18 R-KKtsq BxB (a) The mate is now forced whatever 19 PxB PxP Black play. 20 Q - B sq Kt - Kt 5 and White resigns. / 28O. 279. (/ One of six games played blindfold by Herr Fritz at Frankfort about 1883. Played at St. Petersburg!* in 1883. Ruy Lopez. Muzio Gambit. A. Fritz. A. Prince Dadian. Col. Boutourlin. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 1 P - K 4 P - K 4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 2 P-KB4 PxP 3 B - Kt 5 P - QR 3 3 Kt-KB3 P-KKt 4 4 B - R 4 P - QKt 4 4 B - B 4 X P-Kt5 5B-Kt3 Kt-B3 5 Kt - B 3 P x Kt 6 Castles B - B 4 6 Castles B - B 4 ch 7 KtxP BxPch 7P-Q4 B-Kt3 8 R x B Kt x Kt 8 QB x P PxP 9 P - Q 4 Kt - B 5 9 BxPch K-Bsq 10 P-K 5 Kt-K 5 10 R-B2 Kt-KB3 11 RxP KxR C//ESS SPARKS. 12 Q- B 3 ch . K -K 8(, 13 Qx Kt R -QKt q 14 Kt-Q 2 B -Kt 2 15 P- Q -K 2 16 Kt xKt P xKt 17 Qx P K -Qsq 18 B- B4 R -QBs q 19 P- K 6 P -Q 3 20 R- KBsq K KB sq 21 B- Kt5... (a) and wins. (a) If 21...RxR ch, 22 QxR: and if 21...R - B 3, 22 B x R, P x B, 23 QxQ 18 B-K 7 mate. 291. Played at Cheltenham, about 1884. Evans G'tmlrit. Dr. Philson. D. E. H. Noyes. P-K 4 Kt-KB3 B - B 4 4 P-QKt 4 5 P - B 3 6 Castles 7 P-Q4 8 PxP 9 Kt - B 3 P-K 4 Kt-QB 3 B-B4 B x P B-B4 P-Q 3 PxP B-Kt 3 B-Kt 5 io 4 CHESS SPARKS. 10 P-Q5 11 B-Kt5ch 12 PxP 13 KtxKt...( Kt -KB 3 P- K 3 3 Kt -B3 P- Q4 4 Px P Px P 5 B-Kt 5 ch B- Q2 6 Q-K2 ch B- K 2 7 Kt xP Kt -QB 3 8 P-Q3 P- QR3 9 B-QB4 B- Kt 5 io6 CHESS SPARKS. 10 11 12 13 14 15 P-B3 B-Kt3 KtxB QxB Kt-B6 PxKt 16 Castles 17 R-K sqch 18 Q x Kt P-QKt4 Kt-R4 BxKt KtxB Q-Bsq Kt - B 3 Q-Kt2 K-Bsq PxQ After Black's 18th move. White announced mate in four moves. 298. Played at St. Petersburg in 1885. . ' Bishop's Gambit. Prince Dadian. Boulitchoff. P-K 4 P-KB4 B-B4 BxP Kt-KB3 PxKt Castles Kt-B3 P-Q4 BxP BxB Kt-K 4 Kt-K5 14 Q-R5 15 Kt-Kt5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 P-K 4 PxP P-Q4 Kt-KB3 KtxB QxP B-K 3 Q-Q2 P-QB3 B-Q3 QxB Q-B2 Castles P-B3 PxQKt 16 RxRch 17 R-Bsq ch 18 R-B7ch 19 QxBch 20 Kt mates. KxR K-K 2 BxR K-Q3 I / 299. Played with four other games blindfold at Amit-ns on 27th April, 1885. Evans Gambit declined. J. H. Zukertort. Bouzon. 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 3 B-B4 4 P - QKt 4 5 P - Kt 5 KtxP BxPch P-Q4 BxKt B-Q5 P-KB4 12 PxP P-K4 Kt - QB 3 B-B4 B-Kt3 Kt-R4 Q-B3 K-Bsq P-Q3 PxKt BxP BxR Q-R 5ch. .(a) After White's 12th move. 13 P-Kt3 Q-Kt5 14 Castles ch K - K sq 15 B-B7ch and Black resigns. (a) If 12... Q x P, then 13 R - B sq ch, K-K 2, 14 B-R 3 ch, K-Q sq, 15 B - Kt 8 ch, and 16 R mates. If White in this variation play 13 CHESS SPARKS. 107 Castles ch he would lose, as Black could then interpose the Queen ch on move 15. (Chess Moqfihly.) 300. One of twenty-six simultaneous games played by Herr Englisch at the Vienna Chess Club in 1885. Queeris Pawn Opening. B. Englisch. Oscar von Hofmansthal. 9 10 11 12 13 H 15 16 17 1 P-Q4 2 P - QB 4 3 Kt - QB 3 Kt-B3 BPxP PxP P-K3 B-Q3 Castles B-K 2 KtxP BxB PxB QxQ B-K 2 R - Kt sq R-Kt3 18 B-R6 19 B-Kt7 P-K3 Kt - KB 3 P-Q4 P-B4 KPxP BxP Castles Kt-B3 B - KKt 5 P-Q5 BxKt BxKt Kt-K4 KR*Q QR - B sq P - QKt 3 Kt-K5 R-B3 After White's 19th move. and Black gives mate in five moves. 301. Played in a Correspondence Tour- ney in America, 1885. Petroff's Defence. Ferris. Narraway. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 Kt - KB 3 3KtxP P-Q3 4 Kt - KB 3 Kt x P 5 P-Q4 P-Q4 6 B-Q 3 B-Q 3 7 Castles Castles 8 P-B4 B-K 3 9Q-B2 P - KB 4 10 Q - Kt 3 PxP 11 QxKtP Kt-Q2 12 BxKt R-Kt sq 13 QxRP PxB 14 Kt-Kt5 B-Q 4 15Q-R5 Kt-B3 16 Q-B3 P-R3 17 Kt-KR3 Kt-Kt5 18 P-KKt3 R-B6 19Q-Ksq P-K6 '20 BxP After White's 20th move. Black announced mate in ix moves. 302." Played by Correspondence in 1885. Ruy Lopez. J. C. Wisbey. A. J. Hambliu. 1 P-K 4 P-K4 io8 CHESS SPARKS. Kt-KB3 B - Kt 5, KtxKt Castles P-Q3 Q-R5 B-Kt5 9 B-QB4 10 Kt-Q 2. ..(a) 11 P-B4 P-B5 P-B6 P-K5 Kt-K 4 12 L3 1 l LB Kt - QB 3 Kt-Q 5 PxKt B-B4 Kt-K 2 B - Kt 3 Castles P - KH 3 P-Q3 B-K3 BxB PxB B-K3 B - KB 4 After White's 15th move. i I * >..* 16 RxB 17 QxP 18 R-KBsq 19 RxKt 20 PxP 21 Kt - B 6 ch KtxR R-Ksq RxP Q - KB sq QxP K - B sq and the game is drawn. (a) If 10... P x B, 11 Kt - B/8 threaten- ing 12 Kt x P. 303.1 Played in the Hamburg Tourna- ment, July, 1885. Centre Gambit. W. Paulsen. E. Schallopp. 1 P-K4 P-K4 2 P- 3 Qx 4 Q- 5 P- 6 P- 7 <> 8 Qx 10 B- 11 K- 12 Kt- 13 P- 14 Px 15 Px 16 K- 17 K- 18 K- enhauH. Colchester. P-K 4 P-KB4 Kt-KB3 B-B4 PxP Kt - QB 3 7 QP x Kt 8 Castles KtxKt B x P ch B mates. 9 10 11 P-K 4 P-Q3 B - Kt 5 Kt-KB3 Ktx P Ktx Kt Kt - B 3 Ktx P BxQ K-K -1 315. Played about 1887. King's Bishop's Opening. W. H. K. Pollock. F. Lee. 1 P-K4 2 B-B4 3 Kt - KB 3 4 BxP 5 PxKt 6 Kt - B 3 7 Castles 8 R-Ksq 9 Kt - QKt 5 10 KtxKP 11 RxKt 12 R-Q5 13 Q-R5ch 14 Q-K2 15 QxB 16 R-Q8 17 RxQR 18 Kt-Q 4 19 QxP 20 Kt - B 3 and Black obtains a can only play P-K 4 Kt - KB 3 P-Q4 KtxB QxP Q-Q3 B-K 2 Kt-B3 Q-Q2 KtxKt P-KB3 Q-B3 P-Kt 3 Castles R-K sq B-Q2 RxR Q-Q4 R^Ksq QxKt draw, for White 21 PxQ 22 Q - Q 8 B-R6 BxQ CHESS SPARKS. 316. 2 Kt - KB 3 Kt - QB 3 Played at Vienna in 1887. 3 P-B3 4 B-Kt5 P-Q4 PxP Muzio Gambit. 5 KtxP Q-Q4 Dr. S. Gold. Dr. v . Kochanowsky. 6 Q-R4 Kt-K 2 7 KtxKt PxKt 1 P-K 4 2 P-KB4 3 Kt - KB 3 4 B-B4 5 Castles 6 QxP 7 P-Q3 8 Kt - B 3 9 QBxP 10 QxB 11 RxQ 12 QR-KBsq 13 BxP 14 KtxKt 15 QR-B3 P-K 4 PxP P - KKt 4 P-Kt5 PxKt B-'R3 Q-B3 Kt-K 2 BxB QxQ Castles P-Q4 KtxB Kt-R3 B-K 3 8 B - K 2 P - KKt 3 9 P - KB 3 Q - KKt 4 10 Castles Q-B 4 ch 11 K-Rsq PxP 12 BxP R-QKtsq 13Kt-R3 B-K3 14P-Q4 Q-Kt3 15 B-KKt5 B-Kt2 16 QR-Ksq P-KR3 17 BxKt KxB 18 BxP QxKtP 19 P-Q 5 BxP 20 Q - KB 4 B x R and White wins in two moves. 16 R-Kt 3 ch K- R sq 17 Kt-B6 R - KlCt sq 318. 18 R-R4 19 R-Kt 5 R - Kt 2 QR - KKt sq *-j.i_ __ Played at the British Chess Club about 1887. After Black's 19th move. ....M. HHt Queen's Pawn Opening. I. Gimsberg. Sellon. White gives KKt. White mates in two moves. 317. Played at Berlin in 1887. Stawitoris Opening. Max Harmonist. Dr. B. Lasker. 1P-K4 P-K4 1 P - Q 4 2 P-QB4 3 P-K 3 4 P - QKt 3 5 B - Kt 2 6 P - QR 3 7 QPxP P - QKt 4 P-B5 B-Q3 PxP 12 Kt-Q 2 13 R-QBsq 14 KKt-B3 15 Castles 16 RxKt 17 Kt-Q 4 18 Q-R5 19 Q-R6 8 9 10 11 P - K 3 P-Q4 P-QB4 Kt - QB 3 Kt - B 3 B-K 2 BxP B-K 2 Castles P - QKt 3 QxP B-Kt 2 QR - QB sq Kt - K 5 B-B3 RxR R-B2 P-Kt3 B-Kt 2 CHESS SPAKXS. After Black's 19th move. i m i ^ ; 4 i I 1 1 White mates in three moves. 319. ^ Played at St. Petersburg in 1887. Muzio Gambit. A. Fadceff. P-K 4 PxP P - KKt 4 P-Kt5 PxKt B-R3 Kt-QB3 KtxP KxB K-Kt 2 BxB Kt - R 3 K-Kt 3 Kt-B2 KxR R-KBsqch K-Kt 3 P-R5ch K-R3 R - B 6 ch and wins. Prince Dadian. 1 P-K 4 2 P - KB 4 3 Kt-KB3 4 B-B4 5 Kt - B 3 6 QxP 7 P-Q4 8 Castles 9 B x P ch 10 Q-R5ch 11 BxP 12 RxB 13 Q-K5ch 14 P-KR4 15 RxKt 16 17 18 320. Played at St. Petersburg in 1887 French Di-fetice. Prince Dadian. A. Fadeeff. 1 P-K4 P-K 3 2 P-Q4 P-Q4 3 Kt-C^B3 4 B-KKt5 5 P - K 5 6 BxB 7 Kt-Kt5 8 P-QH3 9 Kt-KB3 Kt - R 3 Kt - B 2 P-KR4 Kt-K 3 P-R5 P-KKt 4 KtxP R-KKtsq Kt-Kt5 After White's 11 12 13 1 \ L6 16 17 18 Kt - K B 3 B-K 2 KKt-Q2 QxB Kt-Bw| Kt - Kt 3 P-QR3 P-QB4 Cautlen P-B5 P-B4 Kt - R sq PxP Q-B2 QxP Q-Kw| 18th move. 19 Kt - B 6 ch R x Kt 20 P x R PxP and White wins in a few moves. 321. Played at Warsaw in 1887. Steinitz Gambit. S. T aubenhaus. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 P-B4 P-Q4 K-K 2 6 PxP Heilpern. P-K 4 Kt-QB 3 PxP Q - R 5 ch P-Q4 B - Kt 5 ch CHESS SPARKS. 7 Kt-B3 8 PxB 9 K - Q 3 10 K-B4 11 B-R3 12 K-Kt3 13 R-K sq 14 QxKt and White gives moves. 322. Played in the Frankfort Tourna- ment, 1887. French Defence. Max Harmonist. A. Burn. B x Kt ch Q - K 2 ch Kt - Kt 5 ch P-QB3 PxPch Kt - QB 3 Kt x P ch QxR mate in seven 1 P-K 4 2 P-Q 4 3 Kt - QB 3 4 B-KIU5 5 P - K 5 6 BxB 7 Q-Q2 8 Kt - Q sq P-K 3 P-Q 4 Kt - KB 3 B-K 2 KKt - Q 2 QxB Castles P-KB 4 9 P x P (en past.} Q x P 10 B-Q3 11 PxP 12 Kt-K 2 13 P-QB3 14 K-Bsq 15 KxB 16 K-Ktsq 17 K-Bsq P-K 4 KtxP P-B4 B-R6! BxP ch Q - B 6 ch Q - Kt 5 ch Q - R 6 ch and White resigns. 323. Played at Leipzig in 1887. King's Gambit. von Gottschall. F. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 P-KB 4 PxP 3 Kt - KB 3 P-KKt 4 4 P-Q4 P-Kt 5 5 Kt - K 5 Q - R 5 ch 6 P-Kt3 PxP 7 QxP P - Kt 7 ch 1-2 13 8 QxQ 9 B-K 3 10 Q-B4 11 Kt-QB3 Castles PxP 14 B-QB 4 15 BxP ch 16 P-K 6 17 P-K5 Kt-Q5 KtxB Q-B6 18 1!) 20 P x R queens B-K 2 Kt - KB 3 P-Q3 PxKt KKt-Q 2 Q-Kt7 K-Qsq B-Q3 B-K2 Kt - QB 3 KtxKt R-Bsq After Black's 20th move. White gives mate in six moves. 324. Played in the seventh round of the Frankfort Tournament in 1887. Petrojf's Defence. L. Paulsen. E. Schallopp. 1 P-K4 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-KB 3 KtxP P-Q3 4 Kt - B 4 KtxP 5 P-Q4 P-Q4 6 Kt-K 3 B-K 3 7 B - Q 3 P-KB 4 8 Castles Q-R5 9 P-KKt 3 Q-B3 10 P-QB 4 P-B3 11 PxP PxP n6 CHESS SPARKS. 12 Kt-B3 13 PxKt 14 R-Ksq 15 Kt-Kt2 16 Q-K 2 17 R-Ktsq 18 R x P ch 19 B-R6 KtxKt Q-B2 B-K 2 P-KKt4 K-Q2 R-Ksq K-Bsq and Black resigns. 325. Played in the Nuremberg Club Tournament, 1887. K. Meiser. Dr. S. Tarrasch. Black gives 1 P-K4 P-Q4 B-Q3 PxP B-KKt5 Kt - KB 3 Castles 8 Kt - Q 2 9 B-R4 B-Kt3 K-Rsq Kt-B 4 BPxKt 14 Q-Ksq 15 P-QR3 16 PxP 17 RxB R-B5 Kt-K 3 R - KB sq 10 11 12 L3 18 19 20 and move. P-Q3 Kt - KB 3 P-K 4 PxP B-QB4 Kt-B 3 B-KKt5 P-KR3 P - KKt 4 Kt-KR4 Q-K2 Kt x B ch Castles (QR) P-KR4 P-R5 BxKt P-Kt5 RxP QR - R sq Black announced matejin six moves. 326. Played at the British Chess Club in 1887. Buy Lopez. F. H. Lewis. A. 1 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 B-Kt5 4 Castles P-K4 Kt - QB 3 Kt-B 3 KtxP 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 P-Q4 BxKt PxP Kt-B3 Kt-K 4 Kt - Kt 3 Kt-Q4 P-Kt4 13 Kt(Q4)-B5 14 Kt-R5 15 Kt(B5)xPch 16 Kt-B6ch 17 B-R3ch Q - Kt 4 ch Kt - R 5 Kt - B 4 ch 18 19 20 Kt-Q3 KtP x B Kt-Kt2 B-K2 P-Q4 Kt-B 4 B-Q2 Kt-K 3 BxP B-B6 KtxKt K-K 2 K-K 3 Kt-B 4 R - KKt sq KxP After Black's 20th move. White gives mate in six uioves. 327. Played at Hooton in October, 1 887. Irregular Opening. Rev. J. Owen. A. Burn. 1 Kt-KB3 P-Q4 2 P-Q4 B-KB4 3 P-K 3 P-K-3 4 Kt - B 3 Kt-KB3 5 P - QR 3 P-QB4 6 B - Kt 5 ch QKt-Q2 7 Kt-K 5 B-Q3 8 P-KKt4 BxKt 9 PxQB B-Q3 CHESS SPARKS. 117 10 PxQBP 11 P-Kt4 12 B-Kt2 Q-Q4 BxKt Kt x P ! 13 14 16 BxP B-Q3 R - QB sq Castles QxB Kt-Ksq After White's 15th move. 16 Kt-B6 ch PxKt 17 R-Kt sq ch K - R sq 18 QxPch and mates next move. 328. Played before 1888. Pliilidor'n Dr feme. W. Steinitz. 1 P-K 4 2 Kt - KB 3 3 P-Q4 4 QPxP 5 Kt - Kt 5 6 P-K 6 7 Kt - QB 3 8 KKtxKP 9 Q - R 5 ch 10 Q-K 5 11 B-KKt5 12 R-Q sq! 13 B-QB4 14 BxQ and Black Rainer. P*-K 4 P-Q3 P-KB4 BP x P P-Q4 Kt - KR 3 P-B3 PxKt P-Kt 3 R-Kt sq Q-Q3 QxP Kt - Q 2 resigns. 329. Mr. Bird plays twenty-one games simultaneously at Newport on 16th February, 1888. Scotch Game. Hutchins. H. E Bird. P-K 4 Kt - KB 3 P-Q4 KtxP Kt x Kt B-Q3 Castles Q-B3 P-KR3 P - K 5 11 Q xQBPch 12 QxR 13 B-KB4 P - KKt 3 9 10 1 1 P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 PxP Q-R5 KtP x Kt Kt - B 3 B-B4 P-KR4 P-Q 3 Kt - Kt 5 K - Q sq Q-Kt 6 QxB BxP ch After White's 14th move. QxKtP B-Kt 2 Q-R7mate. 15 K-Rsq 16 Q-Kt 2 17 RxB 33O. Played at firaz, January, 1888. Vienna (-fame. Prof. Berger. Frolich. 1 P-K 4 P-K4 2 Kt-QB3 Kt-QB3 I IS CHESS SPAXA'S. 3Kt-B3 P-Q3 2 P-KB4 PxP 4 B-Kt5 B-Kt5 3 Kt - K H 3 P-KKt 4 5 Kt-Q5 KKt-K 2 4 B - H 4 P-Kt6 6 P-B3 P-QR3 5 Castles I'xKt 7 H - R 4 P - QKt 4 6 QxP Q-B3 8B-Kt3 Kt-R4 7 P-K5 QxP 9 KtxKP BxQ (a) 8 B x P ch KxB 10 Kt-B6ch PxKt 9 P-Q4 Q x P ch 11 B x P mate. 10 B-K 3 Q-B3 (a) Equally fatal would be 9 KtxB / 11 Q-K 4 12 QxPch Q-K3 Kt-B3 10 Kt x B Kt x R 13 B-Q4 B-Kt2 11 Kt-B6ch PxKt- 12 Kt mates 14 Kt - B 3 15 QR - K sq R-Bsq Q-QB3 331. 16 Kt-K 4 K - Kt sq Played at Dresden in 1888. 17 KtxKtch 18 Kt-Q5 K-Rsq Scotch Game. E. Flechsig. 1 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 3 P-Q4 4 P - B 3 5 B - QB 4 6 KtxP 7 Q-Kt3 Kt - KKt 5 B-Kt 5 P-B4 P - KR 3 B-K 2 B-K 3 14 Castles (QR) 15 P-Kt4 16 P-B5 17 RxKt 18 K-Ktsq 19 KtxQP 20 B - Kt 5 ch and White wins ii 8 9 10 11 12 13 Dresel. P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 PxP PxP Kt - B 3 P-Q3 Q-Q2 Kt-K 4 P-B3 QKt - Kt 5 Kt - R 3 B-K 2 Q-B2 P-Q4 PxP Kt-Q4 PxR P-B3 Q-R4 K-Bsq three or four u v en . 332. W (From Bird's Modern Chess.") Played about 1888. Muzio Gambit. A. E. Studd. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 After White's 18th move. and White mates in a few moves. 333. The second game in a match played at New York in 1888. Scotch Game. E. Delmar. S. Lipschiitz. 1 P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt - KB 3 Kt - QB 3 3 P-Q4 PxP 4 KtxP Kt-B3 5 KtxKt KtP x Kt 6 B-Q3 P-Q4 7 P-K5 Kt-Kt5 CHESS SPARKS. 119 8 Castles B-QB4 and Black announced mate in three 9 P-KR3 KtxKP moves. 10 R-Ksq Q-B3 4^ 11 Q-K 2 Castles 12 QxKt QxP ch 335. 13 K-Rsq 14 PxB BxRP Q - B 6 ch Played 1888. at Pursell's. 16th May, 15 K-R2 B-Q3 16 QxB Q - B 7 ch Alia aier-Thwold Gam/jit. and White resigns. / 334. Played at Nuremberg in 1888. K. Eckart. Dr. Tarrasch. Black gives Pawn and move. P-K 4 P-KB4 Kt-KB3 B-B4 P-Q4 KtxKt 7 K-Bsq 8 PxP B - Kt 5 ch PxP PxPch B - B 6 ch Q-Q3 14 Q-Kt5ch 15 Q-Kt7 ch 16 Kt-B3 After White's 9 10 11 12 13 Kt - QB 3 P-K 4 PxP B-B4 Ktx P Q - R 5 ch P-Q4 B-KKt5 P-B3 Castles KxP K-Kt 3 RxKt K-B2 K-Q3 16th move. L. Van Vliet. Sheppard. P-K 4 P-KB4 Kt-KB3 P-KR4 Kt - Kt 5 KtxP P-Q4 BxP B - B 4 ch B - K 5 ch 11 Castles 12 Q-Q2 Kt-B3 Q-K3 PxKt KtxP 17 Q-QB3 18 RxR 19 R-Bsq ch 20 R - B 7 ch 9 10 13 14 15 16 P-K 4 PxP P - KKt 4 P-Kt 5 P-KR3 KxKt P-Q4 PxP K-Kt 2 Kt-B3 B-K 2 R - B sq Kt-B3 KtxB Kt-Q2 KtxP B-Q3 KxR K-K 2 KtxR After Black's 20th move. and White mates in five moves. 120 CHESS SPAJtKS. 336. Played in America in 1888. Muzio Gambit. Captain Michaelis. E. L. Whitehouse. 1 P - K 4 2 P-KB4 3 Kt-KB3 4 B-B4 5 Castles 6 QxP 7 P-Q3 8 Kt-B3 9 BxP 10 QxB 11 RxQ 12 QR-KBsq 13 RxP 14 RxR 15 RxQPch 16 R-Q 8ch 17 RxB 18 RxPch 1 9 R x P and wins 337. Played in the Tournament of the British Chess Association in 1888. Ruy Lopez. C. D. Locock. I. Gunsberg. P-K 4 PxP P-KKt4 P-Kt5 PxKt Q-B3 B-R3 Kt-K 2 BxB QxQ Castles Kt - Kt 3 RxR Kt-K 4 KtxB K-Kt2 Kt-Kt3 QKt-Q2 1 P-K4 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 3 B - Kt 5 / Kt - QB 3 Kt-B3 4 Castles B-K 2 5 P-Q4 6 Q-K 2 7 BxKt Kt x KP Kt - Q 3 KtPxB 8 PxP Kt - Kt 2 9 Kt - Q 4 10 Kt-QB3 11 R-Ksq 12 P-QKt 3 13 Kt-B5 Castles Kt-B4 R - Kt-sq Kt-K 3 B-Kt5 14 Q-K 3 16 P x P(enpass.) P-Q 4 PxP 16 B-Kt2 R-Kt2 17 Kt-K 4 BxR 18 Kt-B6ch K-Rsq After Black's 18th move. 19 Q-R6...(a) PxQ 20 Kt - R 5 ch P - B 3 and White resigns. (a) A fatal error, but scarcely dis- entitling the game from ranking as a masterpiece. White has at this point a splendid winning coup by 19 Kt x KtP. The leading variations are as follows I. 19 Kt x KtP K x Kt 20Q-Kt3ch K-Bsq 21Q-Q3 BxPch 22 K x B Q - Kt 3 ch 23 K-Bsq Kt-Kt 4 24 Kt - Q 5 ch and wins. II. 19 Kt x KtP Kt x Kt 20 Q - R G and wins. III. 19 Kt x KtP B x P ch 20 QxB KtxKt 21 Q-R4 B-B4 22Q-R6 R-KKtsq 23R-Ksq R-K2 24 RxR QxR 26 P - KR 4 Q - B sq 26 P - R 5 27 Q - Kt 5 winning presently by P - R 6. IV. 19 Kt x KtP B x P ch 20 Q x B Q - Kt 3 21 QxQ PxQ 22 Kt-B5 P-Q4 23 Kt - Q 7 ch and wins. [Note by W. H. K. Pollock in British Chess Magazine.'] CHESS SPARKS. 121 338. Played in an International Cor- respondence Tourney, about 1888. Ruy Lopez. J. H. Blake. G. B. Fraser. P-K4 Kt - KB 3 B - Kt 5 "P-Q3 Kt-B3 B-QB4 P-KR4 Kt - KKt 5 PxP 10 KtxQP 11 Q-B3 12 KtxB B - Kt 5 ch B - Kt 5 ch 15 Q x P ch 16 B-Q 2 17 B-Kt4ch 18 B-B3 ch 19 Q-KB7 9 13 14 P-K4 Kt - QB 3 Kt-B3 Kt-K 2 P-B3 Kt - Kt 3 P - KR 4 P-Q4 PxP KtxKt B-K 3 PxKt K-K 2 Kt-B3 K-Q3 P-K 5 K-K4 K-B5 Kt-K 2 and White announced mate in five moves. 339. Played at Vienna about 1888. J. Kohn. J. H. Bauer. Black gives Pawn and move. 1 P-K4 P-K 3 2 P-Q 4 P-Q4 3 P-K5 P-QB4 4 B - Kt 5 ch Kt-B3 5 P - QB 3 Q-Kt 3 6 B x Kt ch PxB 7 Kt - B 3 B-R3 8 Kt - Kt 5 PxP 9 KtxKP P-B4 10 KtxB Kt-K 2 11 KtxP RxKt 12 PxP PxP 13 Q-B2 R - B sq 14 Q-Q2 RxP After Black's 14th move. 15 RxR 16 R-R 8 ch 17 P-K6ch 18 R-R 6 ch 19 K-Qsq 20 Q - K sq Q-Kt4 K-Q2 KxP P-Kt 3 Q - B 8 ch B - K 7 ch and wins. 340. v Played, October, 1888. Three Knights Game. W. Donisthorpe. G. M. Salter. 1 P-K4 P-K 4 2 Kt-KB3 Kt - QB 3 3 Kt - B 3 B-B4 4 KtxP KtxKt 5 P-Q4 Q-B3 6 Kt - Q 5 Q-Qsq 7 PxB Kt-K 2 8 B - KB 4 KKt-Kt3 9 Q-R5 P-Q3 10 PxP B-Kt 5 11 KtxPch K-Q2 12 B-Kt5 ch K - B sq 13 BxKt BxQ 14 P-Q 7ch QxP 15 BxQ ch KxB 16 B-Kt 3 QR - QB sq 17 P-KB3 Kt-K 2 18 Castles (QR) ch K - B 3 19 R-Q 6 ch K-B4 122 CHESS SPARKS. 20R-Q7 Kt-B3 and White won in five moves, thus- 21 KR-Qsq B-Kt3 22 KR - Q 5 ch K - B 5 23 P-Kt3ch K-Kt5 24B-Q6ch K-B6 26 Kt - Kt 5 mate. i mi 888. 341 Played at Havana Evans Gambit. A. C. Vasquez. G. Lopez. White gives QRook. 1 P-K 4 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 3 B-B4 Kt - QB 3 B-B4 4 P - QKt 4 5 P-B3 BxP B-B4 6 Castles Kt-B3 7 P-Q4 8 PxP PxP B-Kt3 9 P - K 5 10 PxKt P-Q4 PxB 11 R-K sq ch 12 B-R3 ch 13 P-Q5 14 PxKt 15 PxP K-Bsq K - Kt sq B-Q2 QBxP KxP 16 B-Kt 2 ch P-B3 17 Q-Bsq 18 Q - Kt 5 ch 19 Kt-K5 R - KB sq K-Rsq PxQ After Black's 19th move. White mates in two moves. 342. I/ The fourth game in the match played at Havana in 1888. French Defence. W. Steinitz. C. Golmayo. 1 P-K4 P-K 3 2 P-Q4 P-Q4 3 Kt-QB3 Kt - KB 3 4 P-K 5 KKt-Q2 5 P-B4 P - QB 4 6 PxP BxP 7 Kt-B3 Castles 8 B-Q3 Kt-QB3 9 P-KR4 P-B3 10 Kt-KKt5 Px Kt 11 BxPch KxB 12 PxPch K - Kt sq 13 Q-R5 KKtxP 14 PxKt R-B4 15 P-KKt4 RxPch 16 K-Qsq B-K 6 17 BxB RxB 18 Kt-Kt5 R-B6 19 P-Kt6 K-Bsq and White gives mate in four moves. 343. Played by correspondence America about 1889. Steinitz Gambit. W. J. Kennard. E. P. Wires. 1 P-K 4 2 Kt-QB3 3 P-B4 P-Q 4 K-K 2 PxP Kt-B3 K-B2 KxB B - Kt 5 ch PxP BxPch R-Ksq 14 QxKt 15 BxP 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 P-K 4 Kt - QB 3 PxP Q - R 5 ch P-Q4 B - Kt 5 ch Q - K 2 ch BxKt Kt - Q sq P-B3 PxP KtxB Kt x P ch QxR Q-K3 CHESS SPARKS. 123 After Black's 15th move. 16 R-Ksq 17 Q-R4ch 18 Q - R 5 ch 19 Q-QKt5ch 20 Q - QB 5 ch QxR K-Qsq K-Ksq K-K 2 K-B3 and White wins. 344. ]/ Played about 1889. Centre Counter Gambit. E. Schallopp. 1 P - K 4 2 PxP 3 P - QB 4 4 Q-QR4 5 PxP 6 Q - QKt 3 7 Q-B3 8 P-KB4 9 Q-Q3 10 Q-KKt 3 11 QxP 12 K-K 2 13 KxQ P-Q4 Kt - KB 3 P-QB3 B-Q2 KtxP Kt - Q 5 P- K 4 B-QKt5 B-KB4 Kt-K 5 Kt - B 7 ch Q - Q 6 ch Kt-Kt 6 mate. 345. i/ Played at Pittsfield, U.S.A., about 1889. King's Gambit. W. E. Tucker. H. H. Ballard. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 2 P-KB4 3 Kt - KB 3 4 B-B4 5 Castles 6 P-Q4 7 P-B3 8 P-KKt3 9 PxQP 10 Q-Kt3 11 PxP 12 BxP 13 BxPch 14 B-Kt6 15 QxB 16 Kt-Kt 5ch 17 R-B7 ch 18 Kt-K 4ch 19 R-B5ch and White mates PxP P - KKt 4 B-Kt2 P-KR3 P-Q3 Kt-K 2 P-Q4 KtxP P-QB3 PxP KtxB K-Bsq B-K 3 KtxQ K-K 2 K-Q3 K-Q4 KxKt in four moves. 346. U Played at Nuremberg about 1889. French Defence. Dr. Tarrasch. K. Eckart. 1 P-K4 2 P-Q 4 3 Kt - Q 2 4 P-K5 5 B-Q 3 6 P - QB 3 7 Kt - K 2 8 Kt-B3 9 Castles 10 Kt-B4 11 Q-B2 12 PxP (en pass.) 13 Kt-Kt 5 14 BxP 15 Q x P ch and White mates in 347. Played at Nuremberg about 1889. Evans Gambit. Dr. Tarrasch. C. Kelz. 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 P-K 3 P-Q4 Kt - KB 3 Kt-Q2 P-QB4 Kt - QB 3 Q-Kt3 B-K2 Castles Kt - Q sq P-B4 KtxP P-Kt3 PxB K-R sq three moves. 124 CHESS SPARKS. 2 Kt - KB 3 3 B-B4 4 P-QKt4 5 P-B3 6 P-Q4 7 Castles 8 Q - Kt 3 9 P - K 5 10 KtxP 11 B-R3 12 Kt-Q5 13 BxKt 14 P-K 6 15 BxKt 16 Kt-K 5 17 Q-^Kt3 18 Q-Kt5 19 QR-Q sit. J. H. Ellis. H. Noyes. White gives Q Knight. P-K 4 Kt-KB3 B - B 4 Castles P-QKt 4 P - B 3 Kt-Kt 5 P - KB 4 9 PxQP 10 K - R sq 11 PxP P - K 4 Kt - QB 3 Kt - B 3 B-B4 Bx 1' H - R 4 Castles P-Q 4 B - Kt 3 ch Kt - QR 4 Kt - Kt 5 142 CHESS SPARKS. 12 P-Qi KtxB 399. 13 P-K 6 Kt-K 6 14 BxKt KtxB Played at Hasting* in 1894, lo Q-R5 P-R3 against two amateurs consulting. 16 RxP! QBxP Centre Gambit. After White's ICtb move. 17 Q-Kt6 QxKt...(a) White mates in two moves. (a) If 17 . . . B x B then 18 Q - B 7 ch, K-B sq, 19 KtxB ch, K moves, 20 KtxQ, K or BxKt and White wins another piece. 398. ' Played at Mineapolis Chess Club, about 1894. Muzio Gambit. P-K 4 P-KB4 Kt-KB3 B-B 4 5 B x P ch 6 Kt-K 5ch 7 Q x P ch 8 P - Q 4 ch 9 P-QKt4 10 P-B3 11 KtxB 12 B-Kt2ch 13 Q-K 2ch 14 K-B 2 mate. P-K 4 PxP P-KKt4 P-Kt5 KxB K-K 3 KxKt KxQP BxPch BxPch KxKt KxB KxR [Illustrated ^porting and Dramatic News.] Amateurs. J. H. Blackburue. P-K4 P-Q4 QxP Q-K3 B-Q2 6 Kt-QB3 7 8 9 10 II Castles P-B4 PxP B-B4 B-Kt 3 12 KtxKt 13 Q-KB3 14 P-B3 15 B-B4 After Black's P-K 4 PxP Kt-QB3 P-KKt.3 B-Kt2 KKt-K 2 Castles P-Q4 Kt - Kt 5 B-B4 KKtxP KtxKt Q-B3 Kt - Kt 5 Q-R3! 15th move. 16 P-Kt 4 QxRP 17 B-K 3 BxQBP and White resigns. 400. Played at Hamburg in 1894. Ruy Lopez. Dr. Frensdorff. Max Bier. 1 P-K4 P-K 4 CHESS SPARKS. J 43 2 Kt - KB 3 Kt-QB 3 13 Castles TBxKt 3 B-Kt5 P-QR3 14 BxPch PxB 4 B-R4 Kt-B3 15 Q x P ch Q-Q2 5 Kt - B 3 B-B4 16 QxR B - Q 5 ch 6 KtxP KtxKt 17 K-Rsq Castles 7 P-Q4 B-Q3 18 Q-B3 B-Kt2 8 P-B4 Kt - B 3 19 Q-K 2 Kt-K 5 9 P-K 5 B-Kt5 20 B - K 3 10 P-Q5 Kt-K 5 and Black either wins the Queen or 11 Q-B3 Kt-B4 mates in four moves. 12 PxKt QPxP iiiiiiii SOLUTIONS. Game 16. 17. 20. 25. 30. 55. 57. 59. 64. 66. 1 ... Q x P ch 1 Q x B ch The mate can be delayed till the third move. 1 ... Q x KBP ch lQ-Kt8ch K-Q2 2 Q - Q 8 ch BxQ 3 Kt - B 8 mate. Q - B 8 ch Q-K7 KtxQ etc. QxPch B x P ch, etc. Q - R 7 ch Kt-Q Gch.etc. Q x Kt ch B x P ch Q - Q 8 ch, etc. K moves KtxQ 3 B - K 7 mate. IB- Kt 5 ch Kt covers 2 B x Kt ch P x B 3 Q x P ch, etc. IQxPch KxQ 2 B - B 5 ch K - K sq 3 B-Q 7 ch, etc. 1 B x B ch K - R 4 2 B - B 5, etc. 1 Q - K 5 ch K - R 3 2P-Kt5ch K-R4 3 B - B 3 ch B - Kt 5 4 Q - Kt 3, etc. 1 B - B 5 P x B or (A) 2 Q x Kt cli Q x Q 3 Kt - Q 6 ch K - Q sq 4 B - Kt G mate. (A) Q - R 4 2 Kt - B G ch P x Kt 32. 1 33. ]<. 34. 1 Q- Q8 ch 35. 1 P- B 5ch 2 B- B4ch, 39. 1 2 Q- R2 42. 1 2 K moves 43. 1 50. 1 2 Rx B 51. 1 Kt xPch 2 Q- BGch Game 3 R x Kt ch K - Q sq 4RxPch K-Ksq 5 R - Q 8 mate. 67. 1 ... QxPch 2 K x Kt P - Kt 4 ch 3KxP P-B3ch, etc. 70. 1 Q - R 3 ch K - Kt sq 2 Kt - K 7 ch K - B sq 3 Kt - Kt 6 ch K - Kt sq 4 Q - B 8 ch, etc. 71. 1 R - K sq ch K moves 2 Q - K 6, etc. 77. 1 Kt - Q 8 ch, etc. 78. 1 QxPch KtxQ 2 R x Kt ch K - R sq 3R-Kt8ch KxR 4 R - Kt sq ch, etc. NOTE. 1 Q-RG Q-B3 2 B x Q, etc. 79. 81. 82. 21 PxP BxP 22 RxKt B x P ch 23 K x B RxB 24 R - QB 7 ch K-B2 25 RxP Resigns. 1 ... Q - K 6 ch 2 K - Kt 4 R - Kt sq ch 3 K-R5 P - B G, etc. The mate can be delayed till the twelfth move. The Black Kt on Kt square should be Black King. 1 ... B - B 7 ch 2 K-R3, best P-Q3ch 3 P - K G Kt - B 5 ch 4 K - Kt 4 Kt x P 5 P - Kt 3,bcst Kt x Kt ch G K - Kt 5 7 K-Kt4 8 K-R4 9 K - Kt 5 10 K - R 5 11 K-RG R - B 4 ch R - B 3 ch R - B 5 ch Kt - K 3 ch P - Kt 8 cb R -R5cb 146 SOLUTIONS. Game <;.nm- 12 P x R B-KG mate. 106. This should read, White niatoH or 9 Q - Kt 4 R x Q ch in five moves, or winn the 10K-R8 RxPch Queen. 11 K-R4 R-R6ch IRxBch PxR 12K-Kt5 B-KG mate. 3 QxPatB7chK-Q4 If Black play 5 Kt-Q 5 ch, then G K - R 4 and the mate 3R-Qsqch K-K5 4P-B3ch K-B4 is further delayed. 5 Q - B 7 mate. 83 1 ... Q - Kt 8 ch 109. 1 ... B x B ch, etc. 2K-Kt3 Q-K8ch 112. lB-R6ch KxB 3K-R2 B-Kt8ch 2 Q - Q 2 ch, etc. 4 K - R sq B - B 7 ch, etc. 119. 1 B-R5ch 84. 1 ... R x B ch 2 R - Q 4 ch, etc. 2KxR Q-Kt5ch 123. 1 Q-Kt5ch, etc. 3 K - B sq R - B sq ch 124. 1 R x Kt ch, etc. 4K-Ksq B-B7ch 5 K - B sq B x Kt ch 127. 1 . . . Kt-Q6ch 2 K - Kt 3 B - Q 3 ch, etc. G K - Kt K(\ B - B 7 ch 7 K-Bsq Q-QB5 mate. 131. 1 Q - Q 8 ch, etc. The mate is not forced if 137. 1 Q- RG R-Ktsq White gives up his Queen. 2 R-B 4 3 Q x P ch, etc. 87. 1 ... QxPch 2 K - B 2 R - Kt 7 ch 3K-Bsq R-K7ch 4RxB Q-Kt7 mate. 138. 1 Kt - B 6 ch K - R sq 2BxPch KxB 3Kt-R5ch K-R3 4Q-B6ch KxKt 93. 1 ... Q - B 8 ch 5 P-Kt4ch, etc. 2QxQ BxPch 140. The mate can be effected in 3 B covers R x B, etc. twelve moves. 94. 1 Q x QB ch P x Q 1 B - R 3 ch B covers 2 Kt - Kt 6 ch P x Kt 2 B x B ch Q covers 3 B x P mate. 3PxB K-B2 (best) 95. 1 Q x Kt ch K x Q 2 B - Kt 5 ch R covers 3 P x R ch, etc. 4Q-Q5ch K-Kt3 5 B x Q Kt x B (best) 6Q-K6ch K-R4 7 R - K 5 ch P - Kt 4 96. 1 Kt - Kt 6 ch, etc. 8 P - Kt 4 ch, etc. 98. 1 PxQPch KxP 141. 1 . . . Q-Kt8ch 2 R-K7ch, etc. 2RxQ Kt-B7ch 102. 1 B x QBP ch K x B 3 K moves B - R 6 mate. 2 Kt - Kt 5 ch K - Q sq 143. 1 Q - B 8 ch Q - Kt sq 3Kt-Q6 Q-Q2 2 B - B 6 ch, etc. 4R-K8ch Q x R 144. 1 QxBPch K-Rsq 5 Q x Q ch K-B2 2QxRch BxQ 6 Kt - Kt 5 mate. 3 R - Kt 8 mate 103. 1 ... R-Ksq 146. 1 Q x P ch K x Q 2BxPch KxB 2 R - R 3 ch Kt covers 3 Kt x B ch Q x Kt 3 R x Kt ch B covers 4 B-Q 2 QxP 4 R x B ch K - Kt 3 5B-Ksq Q-K6 5P-B5ch KxR 6Q-R3 Q-K7ch 6B-K2ch K-R5 7 K - Kt sq Q x B ch 7 P-Kt3ch K-R6 8 R x Q R x R mate. 8 B - B sq ch K - Kt 5 105. 1 QR - Q sq Q - B 3 9 K - Kt 2, etc. 2RxRch BxR 151. 1 . . . QxPch 3 Kt - Q7 ch K moves 2 K x Q R - R 5 ch, etc. 4 Q mates. 155. 1 . . . Kt-B6ch,etc. SOLUTIONS. Game Game 157. 1 Q - Q 8 ch, etc. 222. IRxBch PxR 164. 1 Q - R 5 ch Q covers 2 B-B5ch, etc. 2 Q - B 7 ch, etc. 225. 1 KtxKtch K moves 168. IQxPch KxQ 2 Kt - K 5 ch K moves 2B-R3ch K-B5 3 Kt - B 7 mate. 3B-Kt5ch KxP 227. 22 Kt - Kt 6 ch P x Kt 4 R mates. 23 Q x Q R x Q 173. 1 Kt - K 5 ch P x Kt (best) 2KtxBch K-K2 24P-R7 P-B5 25B-B4 B-Q3 3Q-Q8ch K-K3 26 R - R sq, etc. 4 Q - Q 5 ch K-B3 229. lQ-R6ch KxQ 5Kt-Q7ch K-K2(orKt3) 2 Kt (R 4) - B 5 ch B x Kt 6 B - R 3 ch, etc. 3 Kt x B ch K - R 4 174. 1 B - R 6 ch K - Kt sq 2QxPch QxQ 4P-Kt4ch KxP 5 R - Kt 3 ch K - R 4 3 R-K8ch, etc. 6 B - K 2 mate. 184. 187. 1 Q x Kt ch, etc. 1 . . . Q-Kt7ch,etc. 236. 1 Q - R 3 ch P-B4 2 Q x P ch K-Q2 3 R - K 7 ch, etc. 192. 1 Q x P ch, etc. if 1 K-Q 2 196. lB-K2ch K-R5 2 Q - B 5, and mates next move 2P-Kt3ch K-R6 238. 1 Kt - K 7 ch K - R sq 3 Kt B 4 ch Kt x Kt 2 Kt x P ch R x Kt 4 R x Kt, etc. 3R-Q8ch R - B sq 198. 1 ... Q x Kt ch 4RxRch BxR 2PxQ B-R6ch, etc. 5 B - K 5 ch, etc. 199. lR-B8ch K-Kt2 243. 1 Q - B 8 ch KxQ 2R-Kt8ch K-B3 2 B - R 6 ch, etc. 3 R - KB sq ch K - K 2 244. 1 Q x Kt ch KxQ 4R-B7ch K-Q3 2 R-Qsq, ch, etc. 5 P - K 5 mate. 250. IRxPch K-Rsq 201. 1 R x P B x Q, or (A) 2 R - Kt 8 ch, etc. 2RxPch QxR 3 B - Q 6 ch, etc. 254. 1 P - R 4 ch K - Kt 5 2B-K2ch K-Kt6 (A) QxR 3Q-Q3ch KxP 2QxPch QxQ 4 Q - R 7 ch, etc. 3 B - Q 6 ch, etc. 255. 1 ... Kt - K 7 ch 209. IBxPch K-K2 2 K-Rsq QxPch, etc. 2 Kt - Kt 8 ch K - K 3 3Q-K7ch K-Q4 4Q-B5ch K-K3 262. 1 Q - B 7 ch Kt x Q 2 Kt - B 6 ch K - Q sq 3 Kt x Kt mate. 5P-Q5ch KxKt 6B-Kt7ch K-B5 263. 1 QxRch KxQ 7 Q - K 3 ch K - Kt 5 2 B - B G ch, etc. 8 Kt - B 6 ch Q x Kt 267. 1 R x R ch 9 B x Q, etc. 2 Kt x P mate. 210. 1 Kt - R 7 ch 273. 1 ... Kt - K 7 ch 2 P - Kt 5 mate. 2 K-Rsq RxPch, etc. 221. The mate can be effected in 282. 1 B - R G ch K - K 2 seven moves. 2Q-Kt7ch K-K3 lQ-B5ch K-Ksq 2 Q - B 8 ch K-B2 3 Q - B 7 ch K x Kt 4 Q - Q 5 mate. 3 Q x P ch K - Kt 3 289. lP-K5ch BxP 4QxPch K-R4 2 R-Q sq ch, etc. 5Q-RGch K-Kt5 294. 1 Q - Kt 4 ch B - Kt 2 6 Q - K 6 ch and mates next 2 Q x B ch KxQ move. 3 B - R G ch, etc. 148 SOLUTIONS. Game Game 296. 1 . . . Q- R5ch 334. 1 . . . Q - B 7 ch, etc. 2 Q - B 8 Q x P ch, etc. 338. 1 QxKP Kt-B4 297. 1 B - R 6 ch K - Kt sq 2Q-K5ch K-Kt5 2 R - K 8, etc. 8 I - Q 4 Kt x HP 300. 1 . . . Kt-B6ch 4 R x Kt ch, etc. 2 PxKt R-Kt8ch 345. 1 Kt - Q 2 ch K - K 6 8 K - R sq Kt x P ch 2 R-B8ch KxKt 4 RxKt R-Q8ch, etc. 8 R-B2ch, etc. 301. 1 . . . Q-R5, etc. 346. 1 Q-RGch K-Ktsq 309. 1 B - B 7 ch Kt x B 2 Kt - Kt 6, etc. 2 Q - K 6 ch, etc. 360. 1 Kt(Q5)-B6ch PxKt 310. 1 R-KBsq QxB, or (A) 2 B - R 6 ch P x Q 2 Kt - K 7 ch K - Kt 2 3 Kt x P mate. 3 R - B 7 mate. 369. 1 . . . QxKtch (A) R - K sq 370. lB-B7ch K-K2 2 Kt - K 7 ch R x Kt 2 Q x Kt ch K x Q 3 R - B 8 mate. 3Kt-Q5ch K-K4 318. 1 Q x B ch, etc. 4 Kt-KB3ch KxP 320. 1 Kt - K 4 ch K - B sq 5 Kt - B 3 mate. 2 KtxP 372. 1 Kt - B 6 ch B x Kt 321. 1 Q - R 4 ch P - Kt 4 2 B x B, etc. 2 Q x P ch K-K2 3Q-Q7ch K-B3 4KtxPch K-K4 374. 1 . . . P-R5ch 2 QxP P-B5ch, etc. 5BxPch K-Q5 377. 1 QxKtch KxQ 6 Kt-B3ch K-B4 2 R x P ch K - Kt 2 7 Kt - R 4 mate. 3 PxKt R-B4 323. 1 Q x Kt ch K x Q 4 B x B, etc. 2 R x Kt ch B x R 378. lQ-Q4ch K-Bsq 3 B-B5ch, etc. 2 B - K G ch K - Kt sq 325. 1 ... R x P ch 2 K - Kt sq B x Kt ch 3 QxB P-KtG 4 Q x Kt P Q - B 4 ch, etc. 3 Kt - Q 7 ch K - B sq 4 Kt-B5ch K-Ktsq 5 Kt - R 6 ch P x Kt 6 Q - Kt 4 mate. 326. 1 R-Ksqch BxR 380. 1 Q x P ch, etc. 2RxBch K-Q5 386. 1 . . . R-R6ch, etc. 3 Kt - K 6 ch, etc. 400. 1 ... Kt - Kt 6 ch 331. 1 Kt x B P x Kt (Kt 5) 2PxKt Q-R6ch 2 Kt - Kt 6 ch, etc. 3 K - Kt sq B x B ch, etc. 1. CHRONICLE OF CHESS TOURNAMENTS AND MATCHES. 1824-28. Correspondence Match London v. Edinburgh, won by Edinburgh, 2 to 1, and 2 draws. 1834. Match at Westminster M'Donuell v. De la Bourdonnais, 4 or 5 Matches played, and all won by De la Bourdonnais. Total result, De la Bourdonnais, 44 ; M'Donnell, 28, and 13 draws. 1834-36. Correspondence Match Paris v. Westminster, won by Paris, 2 to 0. 1836. Match in London Saint-Amant v. G. Walker, won by Saint-Amant, 5 to 3, and 1 draw. 1841. Match Staunton v. Popert, won by Staunton. 1843. Match at Paris Staunton v. Saint-Amant, won by Staunton, 11 to 6, and 4 draws. 1843. Correspondence Match Liverpool v. Armagh, won by Liverpool, 1, 0, 1. 1843-46. Correspondence Match Paris v. Pesth, won by Pesth, 2 to 0. 1845. Match by Telegraph between London and Portsmouth undecided. 1845. Match in America Stanley v. llousseau, won by Stanley, 15 to 8, and 8 draws. 1846. Match Staunton r. Horwitz, won by Staunton, 14 to 7, and 3 draws. 1846. Match Kieseritzky v. Horwitz, won by Kieseritzky, 7 to 4, and 1 draw. 1846. Match Staunton v. Harrwitz Staunton, giving P and 2, won 4 to 3. ,, P and 1, won 1 to 6 and 1 draw. ,, playing even, won 7 to 0. 1846. Match Harrwitz v. Horwitz, won by Harrwitz, 6 to 5, 1 draw. 1847. Match Buckle, giving P and 1, v. Bird, won by Buckle, 9 to 7. 1848. Match at Breslau Anderssen v. Harrwitz, 5 each. 1848. Match at Paris Buckle v. Kieseritzky, won by B., 3 to 2, and 3 draws. 1848-52. Correspondence Matches London v. Amsterdam. Both Matches won by London. 1849. Match at Brighton Harrwitz v. Horwitz, won by Harrwitz, 7 to 6, and 2 draws. 1850. Match at Vienna Hamppe v. Lowentlial, won by Lowenthal, 5 to 4. 1850. Match at Vienna Hamppe v. Falkbeer, won by Hamppe, 16 to 15. 1851. Tournament in London played in heats, the losers being thrown out. 1 Anderssen, 2 Wyvill, 3 Williams, 4 Staunton, 5 Szen, 6 Kennedy, 7 Horwitz, 8 Mucklow. 1851. Match Buckle v. Lowenthal, won by Buckle, 4 to 3, and 1 draw. 1851. Match Auderssen v. Lowenthal, won by Anderssen, 5 to 2. 1851. Match Lowenthal i: Williams, won by L. , 7 to 5, and 4 draws. 150 CHRONICLE OF TOURNAMENTS AND MATCHES. 1861. Match Horwitz v. Bird, won by Horwitz, 7 to 8, and 4 draws. 1851. Match Staunton (giving 8 games) r. Williams, won by Williams, 7 to 6, and 8 draws. 1851. Match Stauuton v. Jaonisch, won by Staunton, 7 to 2, and 1 draw. 1852. Match at Hull Lowonthal v. Horwitz, won by Lowenthal, 4 to 1. 1853. Match Lowonthal v. Harrwitz, won by H., 11 to 10, and 12 draws. 1857. Tournament at Manchester 1 Lowonthal, 2 Anderssen. 1857. First American Congress at New York 1 Morphy, 2 L. Paulsen, 8 Lich- tenhcin, 4 Raphael. 1858. Match in London Morphy (giving P and 1) v. Owen, won by Morphy, 5 to 0, and 2 draws. 1858. Match in London Morphy v. Lowenthal, won by M. , 9 to 3, and 2 draws. 1858. Congress at Birmingham 1 Lowenthal, 2 Falkbeer. 1858. Match in Paris Morphy v. Harrwitz, won by Morphy, 5 to 2, and 1 draw. 1858. Match in Paris Morphy v. Anderssen, won by Morphy, 7 to 2, and 2 draws. 1859. Match in Paris Morphy v. Mongredien, won by M., 7 to 0, and 1 draw. 1859. Match at New York Morphy (giving Kt) v. Lichtenhein, won by Morphy, 6 to 4, and 1 draw. 1859. Match at New York Morphy (giving Kt) v. Thompson, won by Morphy, 5 to 3, and 1 draw. 1860. Tournament at Cambridge 1 Kolisch, 2 Stanley. 1860. Match at Paris A. de Riviere v. Journoud, won by R., 7 to 2, and 1 draw. 1861. Match in London Anderssen t. Kolisch, won by A., 4 to 3, and 2 draws. 1861. Congress at Bristol 1 L. Paulsen, 2 Boden. 1861. Match in London L. Paulsen v. Kolisch. Drawn Match. P 7, K 6, and 18 draws. 1862. Tournament in London played on the system adopted in all succeeding Tournaments by which each player contests one or more games with every other competitor. 1 Anderssen, 2 L. Paulsen, 3 Owen, 4 Mac- donnell, 5 Dubois, 6 Steinitz. 1862. Match Mackenzie v. Macdonnell, won by Mackenzie, 6 to 3, and 2 draws. 1862. Match in London Anderssen v. L. Paulsen, 3 to 3, and 2 draws. 1862. Match in London Steinitz v. Dubois, won by S., 5 to 3, and 1 draw. 1863. Match Steinitz v. Blackburne, won by Steinitz, 7 to 1, and 2 draws. 1863. Match Steinitz v. Deacon, won by Steinitz, 5 to 1, and 1 draw. 1863. Match Steinitz v. Mongredien, won by Steinitz, 7 to 0. 1864. Match Steinitz v. V. Green, won by Steinitz, 7 to 0, and 2 draws. 1864. Match at Paris Kolisch v. Rosenthal, won by Kolisch, 7 to 1. 1865. Tournament at Dublin 1 Steinitz, 2 Macdonnell. 1865. Match Steinitz (giving P and 1) v. De Vere, won by De Vere, 7 to 3, and 2 draws. 1866. Match at New York Mackenzie v. Reichhelm, won by Mackenzie, 5 to 0, and 1 draw. 1866. Match in London Steinitz v. Anderssen, won by Steinitz, 8 to 6. 1866. Match Steinitz v. Bird, won by Steinitz, 7 to 5, and 6 draws. 1866. British Chess Association Challenge Cup won by De Vere. 1867. Match Steinitz (giving P and 1) v. Fraser, won by S., 7 to 1, and 1 draw. 1867. Match Burden v. De Vere, won by De Vere, 5 to 0. 1867. Match in Paris Rosenthal v. Mortimer, won by Rosenthal, 7 to 2. 1867. Tournament in Paris 1 Kolisch, 2 Winawer, 3 Steinitz, 4 Neumann. 1867. Tournament at Dundee 1 Neumann, 2 Steinitz, 3 De Vere and Mac- donnell (tie). CHRONICLE OF TOURNAMENTS AND MATCHES. 151 1867. Match at New York Mackenzie v. Reichhelm, won by Mackenzie, 7 to 0, and 2 draws. 1867-8. Matches at Paris Neumann v. Rosenthal. Result Neumann 11, Rosenthal 2, and 9 draws. 1868. Match at Berlin Anderssen v. Zukertort, won by A., 8 to 3, and 1 draw. 1868. B. C. A. Challenge Cup won by Blackburne. 1869. Correspondence Match Berlin v. Vienna, won by Vienna, 2 to 0. 1869. Congress of North German Association 1 Anderssen, 2 L. Paulsen. 1869. Congress of West German Association 1 Anderssen. 1870. Match Steinitz v. Blackburne, won by Steinitz, 5 to 0, and 1 draw. 1870. Tournament at Baden 1 Anderssen, 2 Steinitz, 3 Blackburne and Neumann (tie). 1870. Counties Chess Association at Newcastle 1 Thorold. 1870. B. C. A. Challenge Cup tie between Burn and Wisker, won by Wisker. 1870. Match in London Wisker v. Rosenthal, won by R., 3 to 2, and 4 draws. 1871. Match at Berlin Anderssen v. Zukertort, won by Zukertort, 5 to 2. 1871. Counties Chess Association at Malvern -1 Skipworth. 1871. West German Association at Crefeld 1 Anderssen, L. Paulsen and Minckwitz (tie). 1871. Second American Congress at Cleveland 1 Mackenzie, 2 Hosmer, 3 Elder, 4 Judd, 5 Ware. 1872. Tournament in London 1 Steinitz, 2 Blackburne, 3 Zukertort. B. C. A. Challenge Cup won by Wisker, who retains it. 1872. Match in London Steinitz v. Zukertort, won by S., 7 to 1, and 4 draws. 1873. Match Bird v. Wisker. Four matches played, of which Bird won 2, Wisker 1, and 1 was drawn. Total score of games won Bird 25, Wisker 23. 1873. Counties Chess Association at Clifton tie between Burn and Skip- worth won by Burn. 1873. Tournament at Vienna 1 Steinitz, 2 Blackburne, 3 Anderssen, 4 Rosen- thai. 1872-74. Telegraphic Match City of London Club v. Vienna, won by London. 1874. Third American Congress at Chicago 1 Mackenzie, 2 Hosmer, 3 Judd. 1874. Match Macdonnell v. Wisker, won by Wisker, 7 to 4, and 4 draws. 1874. Match at New York Mason v. Martinez, won by Mason, 4 to 3, and 3 draws. 1874. Counties Chess Association at Birmingham 1 Burn. 1875. Match Burn v. Owen, won by Burn, 10 to 4, and 3 draws. 1875. Match Thorold v. Minchin, won by Thorold, 15 to 11. 1875. Match Potter v. Zukertort, won by Zukertort, 4 to 2, and 8 draws. 1875. Match at New York Mason v. Bird, won by Mason, 11 to 4, and 4 draws. 1875. Counties Chess Association at Glasgow 1 Fisher. 1876. Match Steinitz v. Blackburne, won by Steinitz, 7 to 0. 1876. Tournament at Divan 1 Blackburne, 2 Zukertort, 3 Potter. 1876. Tournament at New York 1 Mackenzie, 2 Alberoni, 3 Bird and Mason (tie). 1876. Tournament of Mid- German Association at Leipsic 1 Anderssen, 2 Goring and Pitschel (tic). 1876. Match at Leipsic Anderssen v. L. Paulsen, won by P., 5 to 4, and 1 draw. 1876. Counties Chess Association at Cheltenham 1 Burn. 1876. Fourth American Congress at Philadelphia 1 Mason, 2 Judd, 3 Bird. 1877. Tournament at Leipsic (Anderssen's Jubilee) 1 L. Paulsen, 2 Anderssen and Zukertort (tie). 1 52 CHRONICLE OF TOURNAMENTS AND MATCHES. 1877. Match at Leipsic Andorssen v. L. Paulson, won by P., 5 to 3, and 1 draw. 1877. Counties Chess Association at Birmingham 1 Jenkin. 1878. Tournament at Paris 1 Zukertort, 2 Winawer, 8 Blackburne, 4 Mac- kenzie, 5 Bird, 6 Anderssen. . 1878. West German Association at Frankfort 1 L. Paulson, 2 Schwarz, 3 Anderssen, 4 Minckwitz. 1878. Counties Chess Association at King's College, London 1 Thorold. 1878. Match Zukertort v. Owen, won by Zukertort, 8 to 0, and 3 draws. 1879. Match Potter v. Mason. Drawn Match, 6 each, and 11 draws. 1879. Match Blackburne v. Bird, won by Blackburne, 5 to 2. 1879. Tournament at Leipsic -1 Englisch, 2 L. Paulson, 3 Schwarx, 4 Bier. 1879. Match at Leipsic L. Paulsen v. Schwarz, won by Paulsen, 5 to 2. 1879. Match at New York Delmar v. Barnes, won by D., 7 to 4, and 2 draws. 1880. Fifth American Congress at New York 1 Mackenzie, 2 Grundy, 3 Mohle, 4 Sellman, 5 Judd. 1880. Match Rosenthal v. Zukertort, won by Zukertort, 7 to 1, and 11 draws. 1880. Tournament at Wiesbaden 1 Blackburne, Englisch and Schwarz (tie), 4 Schallopp. 1880. Telegraphic Match Liverpool v. Calcutta, won by Liverpool. 1881. Match Blackburne (giving 2 games) v. Gunsberg, won by Blackburne, 7 to 6, and 3 draws. 1881. Match at New York Mackenzie v. Max Judd, won by Mackenzie, 7 to 5, and 1 draw. 1881. Match Blackburne v. Zukertort, won by Zukertort, 7 to 2, and 5 draws. 1881. Tournament at Berlin 1 Blackburne. 2 Zukertort, 3 Tschigorin and Winawer (tie), 5 Mason and Wittek (tie). 1881. Counties Chess Association at Leamington 1 Ranken. 1882. Tournament at Vienna 1 Steinitz and Winawer (tie), 3 Mason, 4 Mackenzie and Zukertort (tie), 6 Blackburne. 1882. Counties Chess Association at Manchester 1 Fisher and Thorold (tie). 1882-3. Match at Philadelphia Steinitz v. Martinez. Three matches all won by Steinitz ; 7 to ; 3 to 1, and 3 draws ; 9 to 0, and 2 draws. 1882. Match at Philadelphia Steinitz r. Sellman, won by Steinitz, 3 to 0, and 3 draws. 1883. Match at New York Steinitz v. Mackenzie, won by S., 3 to 1, and 2 draws. 1883. Match at Havana Steinitz v. Golmayo, won by S., 8 to 1, and 1 draw. 1883. Tournament in London 1 Zukertort, 2 Steinitz, 3 Blackburne, 4 Tschigorin, 5 Euglisch, G Mackenzie, 7 Mason, 8 Rosenthal. 1883. Tournament at Nuremberg 1 Winawer, 2 Blackburne, 3 Mason, 4 Berger, 5 Bardeleben, 6 Bird and Riemann (tie), 8 Schallopp. 1883. Match at Paris Tschigorin v. De Riviere, won by T., 5 to 4, and 1 draw. 1883. Counties Chess Association at Birmingham 1 Thorold. 1884. Match at Baltimore Zukertort v. Sellman, won by Z., 3 to 1, and 1 draw. 1884. Match at Philadelphia Zukertort r. Martinez, won by Zukertort. 9 to 3, and 1 draw. 1884. Match at St. Louis Zukertort v. Max Judd, won by Zukertort, 3 to 0, and 2 draws. 1884. Counties Chess Association at Bath 1 Wayte. 1884. Match Wayte v. Thorold, won by Wayte, 7 to 5, and 4 draws. 1884. Correspondence Match Edinburgh v. Glasgow, won by Glasgow. 1884. Correspondence Match Paris v. Vienna, 1 game each. 1885. B. C. A. Tournament 1 Gunsberg, 2 Bird and Guest (tie), 4 W. H. K. Pollock, 5 Macdonnell and Loman (tie). CHRONICLE OF TOURNAMENTS AND MATCHES. 153 Tournament at Hamburg 1 Gunsberg, 2 Blackburne, Englisch, Mason, Tarrasch and Weiss (tie), 7 Mackenzie, 8 Blemann and Schallopp (tie). 1885. Counties Chess Association at Hereford 1 Blackburne, 2 Schallopp and Bird (tie), 4 Mackenzie. 1886. Match in America Steinitz r. Zukertort, won by S., 10 to 5, and 5 draws. 1886. Tournament at British Chess Club 1 Blackburne, 2 Bird and Gunsberg (tie), 4 Mason. 1886. Match Bird v. Burn. Drawn Match, 9 each. 1886. Match Bird r. Gunsberg, won by Gunsberg, 5 to 1, and 3 draws. 1886. B. C. A. Tournament 1 Blackburne, 2 Burn, 3 Gunsberg and Tauben- haus (tie), 5 Mason. 1886. Counties Chess Association at Nottingham 1 Burn, 2 Schallopp, 3 Gunsberg and Zukertort (tie). 1886. Match Mackenzie r. Burn. Drawn Match, 4 each, and 2 draws. 1887. Match at New York Mackenzie r. Lipschtitz, won by Mackenzie, 5 to 3, and 5 draws. 1887. Match at Havana Mackenzie v. Vasquez, won by Mackenzie, 5 to 1. 1887. Match at Havana Mackenzie v. Golmayo, won by M., 5 to 2, and 2 draws. 1887. Match Blackburne r. Zukertort, won by Blackburne, 5 to 1, and 8 draws. 1887. Tournament at Frankfort 1 Mackenzie, 2 Blackburne and Weiss (tie), 4 Bardeleben, 5 Berger and Tarrasch (tie), 7 Englisch, 8 L. Paulsen and Schallopp (tie). 1887. Counties Chess Association at Stamford 1 Blake, 2 Mills, 3 Bird, Pollock and Thorold (tie). 1887. Match Blackburne v. Gunsberg, won by Gunsberg, 5 to 2, and 6 draws. 1887. B. C. A. Meeting 1 Burn and Gunsberg (tie), 3 Blackburne. 1888. Match at New York Delmar v. Lipschiitz, won by Delmar, 6 to 2. 1888. Match Donisthorpe v. Gattie, won by Donisthorpe, 5 to 4. 1888. Correspondence Match British Chess Club -i: St. Petersburg, won by St. Petersburg. 1888. Match at Liverpool Owen r. Burn, won by Owen, 5 to 3. 1888. Tournament at Nuremberg 1 Tarrasch, 2 Mieses and Gottschall (tie), 4 L. Paulsen and Harmonist (tie). 1888. B. C. A. Tourney at Bradford 1 Gunsberg, 2 Mackenzie, 3 Bardeleben and Mason (tie), 5 Burn, 6 Blackburne and Weiss (tie). 1888. Match Blackburne v. Bird, won by Blackburne, 4 to 1. 1889. Match at Havana Steinitz v. Tschigorin, won by S., 10 to 6, and 1 draw. 1889. Match Gunsberg v. Bird, won by Gunsberg, 3 to 2. 1889. Tournament at Dublin 1 Burn, 2 W. H. Pollock, 3 Mason. 1889. Sixth American Congress at New York 1 Tschigorin and Weiss (tie), 3 Gunsberg, 4 Blackburne, 5 Burn, 6 Lipschiitz, 7 Mason. 1889. Tournament at Breslau 1 Tarrasch, 2 Burn, 3 Mieses, 4 Bardeleben, Bauer, Gunsberg and L. Paulsen (tie). 1889. Tournament at Amsterdam 1 Burn, 2 E. Lasker, 3 Mason, Van Vliet and Gunsberg (tie). 1889. B. C. A. Tourney in London 1 Bird and Gunsberg (tie), 3 Lee, Mason, Miniati and Miiller (tie). 1890. Match at Leipsig E. Lasker ?'. Mieses, won by L., 5 to 0, and 3 draws. 1890. Match at Havana Gunsberg v. Tschigorin. Drawn Match, 9 each, and 6 draws. 1890. Tournament at Vienna 1 Weiss, 2 Bauer, 3 Fleissig, 4 Englisch. 1890. Tournament at St. Louis 1 Showalter, 2 Pollock, 3 Lipschiitz, 4 Haller. U i 5 4 CHRONICLE OF TOURNAMENTS AND MATCHES. 1890. Match E. Laskcr r. Bird, won by Lasker, 7 to 2, and 8 draws. 1890. Match at Now York Lipncluitz r. Delmar, won by L., 7 to 3, and 3 draws. 1890. Match at St. Louis Max Judd r. Showalter, won by Judd, 7 to 3. 1890. Counties Chess Association at Cambridge 1 Gunston, 2 Blake. 1890. Match Blackburno v. F. Lee, won by Blackburne, 6 to 2, and 7 draws. 1890. B. C. A. Tournament at Manchester 1 Tarrasch, 2 Blackburne, 3 Bird and Mackenzie (tie), 5 Gunsberg and Mason (tie), 7 Alapin, Scheve and Tinsley (tie). 1890. Match at Vienna Lasker r. Englisch, won by Lasker, 3 to 1, and 1 draw. 1890-91. Correspondence Match Steinitz r. Tschigorin, 2 games at special open- ings, both won by Tschigorin. 1891. Match at New York- Steinitz r. Gunsberg, won by S., G to 4, and 9 draws. 1891. Match at Havana Blackburne . Golmayo, won by B., 5 to 3, and 1 draw. Match at Havana Blackburuo v. Vasquez, won by Blackburne, 5 to 1. '1891. Match Tinsley v. Mtiller, won by Tinsley, 7 to 0, and 3 draws. 1891. Tournament at Simpson's 1 Loman, 2 Van Vliet, 3 Bird, 4 Mortimer. 1891. Match at Berlin Schallopp v. Walbrodt, won by W., 5 to 3, and 1 draw. Match at Berlin Walbrodt r. Bardeleben, won by W., 3 to 2, and 7 draws. 1891. Match at New York Delmar r. Pollock, won by Delmar, 5 to 3. 1891. Match at Berlin Walbrodt r. Scheve. Drawn Match, 4 each, and 2 draws. 1891. Tournament at Simpson's 1 Bird, 2 Tinsley, 3 Miiller, 4 Loman and Jasnagrodsky. 1891. Counties Chess Association at Oxford 1 Blake, 2 Skipworth. 1891. Match at St. Louis Showalter v. Max Judd, won by S., 7 to 4, and 3 draws. 1892. Match Bird r. Loman, won by Bird, 4 to 2. 1892. Match at Havana Steinitz v. Tschigorin, won by S., 10 to 8, and 5 draws. 1892. B. C. A. Tournament 1 Lasker, 2 Mason, 3 Loman. 1892. Tourney of five players 1 Lasker, 2 Blackburne, 3 Mason, 4 Gunsberg, 5 Bird. 1892. Match at New York Lipschutz v. Showalter, won by Lipschiitz, 7 to 1, and 7 draws. 1892. Match Blackburne v. Lasker, won by Lasker, 6 to 0, and 4 draws. 1892. Match at Berlin Walbrodt v. Bardeleben, won by W., 5 to 0, and 3 draws. 1892. Tournament at Dresden 1 Tarrasch, 2 Makovetz and Forges (tie), 4 Marco and Walbrodt (tie), 6 Bardeleben and Winawer (tie). 1892. Counties Chess Association at Brighton 1 Blake, 2 Wilson. Match at Newcastle Bird v. Lasker, won by Lasker, 5 to 0. 1893. Match North of England v. South (106 players a side), won by S., 39 to 38, and 29 draws. Match at Kokomo Lasker v. Showalter, won by L., 6 to 2, and 2 draws. 1893. Match at New York Walbrodt v. Delmar, won by W., 5 to 3, and 3 draws. 1893. Match Bird v. Jasnagrodsky. Drawn Match, 6 each, and 3 draws. 1893. Counties Chess Association at Woodhall Spa 1 E. O. Jones, 2 Skipworth. 1893. Tournament at New York 1 Lasker, 2 Albin, 3 Delmar, Lee and Show- alter (tie). Match Teichmann v. Loman, won by Teichmann, 5 to 0, and 2 draws. Match at St. Petersburg Tarrasch v. Tschigorin. Drawn Match, 9 each, and 4 draws. Tourney at New York 1 Pillsbury, 2 Hodges, 3 Showalter. 1894. North of England v. South (108 players a side), won by the South, 49 to 28, and 31 draws. CHRONICLE OF TOURNAMENTS AND MATCHES. 155 1894. Match at New York Hodges v. Showalter, won by S., 7 to 6, and 4 draws. 1894. Match Loman v. Trenchard, won by Loman, 7 to 4, and 2 draws. 1894. Correspondence Match Berlin v. Leipsig. Both games won by Berlin. 1894. Match in America Steinitz v. Lasker, won by Lasker, 10 to 5, and 4 draws. Match at Berlin Walbrodt v. Mieses. Drawn ; 5 each, and 5 draws. 1894. Match at New York Hodges v. Showalter, won by H., 5 to 3, and 1 draw. 1894. Match at Now York Albin v. Delmar, won by Albin, 5 to 2, and 1 draw. 1894. Match at Nuremberg Tarrasch v. Walbrodt, won by T., 7 to 0, and 1 draw. 1894. Tournament at Leipsig 1 Tarrasch, 2 Lipke, 3 Teichmann, 4 Blackburne and Walbrodt (tie), 6 Janowsky and Marco (tie). 1894. Correspondence Match Paris v. St. Petersburg. 1 game each. 1894. Correspondence Match Liverpool Club v. Steinitz, won by Steinitz, 1 to 0, and 1 draw. 1894. Tournament at New York 1 Steinitz, 2 Albin, 3 Hymes and Showalter (tie). 1894. Match at New York Showalter v. Albin, won by S., 10 to 7, and 8 draws. i i i i INDEX OF PLAYERS. Alapin, 81, 139. Alexandra, 84. Anderssen, 17, 19, 26, 27, 33, 35. 37, 38, 41, 42, 54, 71. Andre (Baron d'), 69. Andrews, 36, 61. Angas, 10. Anthony, 88. Ascharin, 81. Askew, 88. Aspa, 83, 104, 110. Auber, 58. Ayre, 91. Baddeley, 85. Ballard, 123. Barbour, 91. Barnes, 79. Bauer, 102, 121, 127. Bayersdorfer, 60. Bayliss, 47. Beek, 29. Belaieff, 64. Berger, 105, 117, 126. Bernal, 58. Bier, 87, 98, 142. Bilenkin, 134. Bird, 13, 15, 43, 46, 52, 61, 63, 79, 96, 117, 139. Birdsall, 103. Birks, 138. Bitcham, 128. Blackburne, 50, 55, 56, 62, 66, 70, 71, 72, 77, 79, 85, 94, 110, 125, 135, 142. Blackmar, 100. Blake, 121, 131, 132, 136, 137. Bledow, 3, 6. Block, 85. Boden, 14, 16, 52, 61. Bolt, 110. Boulitchoff, 93, 106. Bourdonnais (De la), 2, 3. Boutourlin, 99. Bouzon, 106. Brackenborough, 105. Brien, 18, 19. Brown, 15 Browne, 66, 74. Bruhl, 1. Bryan, 24. Buckle, 13, 15, 26. Burden, 33. Burn, 55, 57, 66, 73, 115, 116, 125. Capon, 64. Carpenter, 95. Cassio, 81. Cazenove, 2. Chilton, 76. Clare, 56. Coates, 73. Cocbrane, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Coker, 83. Colchester, 112. Conill, 58. Conti (Prince de), 1. Cordel, 85. Courel, 131. Cousins, 69. Crake, 91. Crosara, 102. Czarnowsky, 30. Dadian (Prince), 44, 92, 93, 99, 106, 114, 128. Daniels, 5. Davidow, 134. Deacon, 13. Deighton, 137. Delmar, 118. Derrickson, 31. Desdechado, 62. De Vere, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60, 72. Donisthorpe, 121, 129, 135. Dresel, 118. Drygalski, 31. Dubois, 46. Duffy, 41. Dufresne, 19. Eckart, 119, 123. Ehrlich, 71. Ellis, 141. Elson, 68, 82. INDEX OF PL A YERS. Elwoll, 128. Hicks, 88. K n i.l. !!. 138. Hirschfcld, 28, 36, 37, 92. Englisch, 107. Hirechler, 138. Esling, 87. Hoffer, 68, 86, 89. Ettlinger, 132. Hoffman, 29. Hofmansthal, 107. Padeof, 114. Hooke, 132. Falkbeer, 47. Horwitz, 3, 10. Farr, 103. Hunter, 90. Fazan, 134. Hutchins, 117. Fenton, 48, 140. Ferris, 107. Isouard (Count), 69. Fish, 67. Fisher, 65, 73, 86. Jackson, 135. Flechsig, 118. Jaenisch, 9. Fleissig, 61. Janssens, 36, 41, 56. Ford, 77, 133. Jenkin, 66. Forde, 22. Journoud, 26, 38. Foreest, 104, 109. Jouy, 3. Foskott, 26. Fraser, 48, 64, 121, 124. Kelz, 123. Frensdorft, 142. Kempe, 52. Fritz, 93, 98, 99. Kennard, 122. Frolich, 117. Kennedy, 10, 12, 15. From, 55. Kieseritzky, 5, 14, 17. Kliefoth, 32. Galbreath, 90. Knapton, 100. Gifford, 70. Knight, 21. Gilchrist, 66. Knorre, 37. Globus, 102. Kochanowsky, 113. Gocher, 47. Kohn, 121. Goetz, 129. Kolisch, 25, 26, 28, 34, 36, 37, 40, 44, 51, 56. Gold, 113. Kronenberg, 23. Goldsmith, 87. Kurschner, 133. Golmayo, 122. Goltz, 16. Lambert, 137. Goring, 58, 65, 78. Lange, 23, 29, 31, 37, 49. Gossip, 63, 130. Lasa (von der), 4, 9. Gottschall, 115. Lasker (JB.), 113, 136. Grimwood, 62. Lasker (E.), 127. Gross, 102. Lawrence, 53. Grundy, 132. Leather, 96. Guest, 109, 136, 137. Lee, 112. Gunsberg, 100, 111, 113, 120, 125, 130. Legal, 1. Guretzky-Cornitz, 32. Lepge, 54. Leverson, 110. Hall, 129. Lewin, 134. Haller, 131. Lewis, 51, 116. Hamblin, 107. Lichtenhein, 40. Hammacher, 86. Lichtenstein, 37. Hammond, 75. Lindehn, 53. Hamppe, 53, 56. Lipschiitz, 118, 125, 132. Hanstein, 4, 9. Little, 10. Harmonist, 113, 115, 126. Locock, 104, 120. Harrwitz, 47, 49. Loman, 140. Hayward, 62. Lopez, 122. Heilpern, 114. Lowenthal, 18, 19, 46. Hein, 40. Hersent, 5. M'Donnell (Alexander), 2, 3. Hewitt, 109. Macdonnell (G. A.), 52, 63, 71, 112. Heywood, 138. Mackenzie, 38, 40, 49, 75, 82, 83, 90, 95, 108. INDEX OF PLA YERS. 159 Maczuski, 53, 56, 75. Mandolfo, 25. Marache, 21. Marburg, 29. Marco, 135, 136. Martinez, 124. Mason, 60, 68, 82, 98, 101. Matthews, 48. Maude, 28. Maurian, 42. Mayet, 9, 17, 28. Mazzonali, 75. Meiser, 116. Meitner, 53. "Mephisto," 83, 94. Meyer, 61, 98. Michaelis, 120. Minchin, 59, 70, 80, 89, 112. Minckwitz, 49, 58, 65. Mocatta, 139. Mongredien, 10. Montgomery, 21, 24. Moriau, 140. Morphy, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 42. Morpurgo, 94. Mortimer, 96, 129. Moucka, 103. Miiller, 132. Mundell, 135. Munk, 54. Narraway, 107. Nash, 104. Neill, 89. Neumann, 32, 35. Neustadl, 127. Newham, 104. Noyes (D. E. H.), 103. Noyes (H.), 141. Oppenheim, 86. Owen, 66, 73, 85, 96, 116. Paulsen (L.), 29, 30, 35, 98, 115, ]26. Paulson (W.), 108. Payne, 101. Perigal, 9. Perrin, 24, 49, 60, 96. Petroff, 16, 29. Peyer, 71. Philidor, 1. Phillips, 88. Philson, 91, 103. Pierce, 104. Pinsent, 139. Pollak, 137. Pollock, 112, 129, 131. Popert, 6, 8. Forges, 102. Potter, 48, 57. Pouskine, 92. Prange, 109. Rainer, 117. Ranken, 39, 65, 68, 78, 84, 104. Raphael, 21. Ray, 141. Reichhelm, 50, 81, 91. Remouille ^Baron de), 13. Rhodes, 43. Richardson, 87. Richter, 97. Riemann, 71. Ritter, 45. Riviere (de), 26. Romberg, 139. Rosanes, 33. Rose, 111. Rosendal, 141. Rosenfeld, 109. Rosenthal, 69, 94. Rothberger, 61. Rothschild (Baron), 137. Rousseau (E.), 12. Rousseau (J. J.), 1. Rowe, 74. Rudge, 77. Saalbach, 54. Salter, 121. Salvioli, 102. Schallopp, 40, 78, 99, 108, 111, 115, 123 126, 130. Schleich, 60. Schliemann, 32. Schneider, 35. Schriitzler, 84. Schulder, 16. Schull, 85. Schulten, 10, 14, 17, 39. Schwann, 141. Schwarz, 97. Sellman, 90. Sellon, 113. Sheppard, 119. Shipley, 126. Showalter, 125. Simons, 20. Simpson, 47. Skipworth, 84. Sloper, 101. Smith, 15, 18. Soerensen, 55. Soffe, 86. Soyres (De), 84. Spreckley, 10. Stanley, 12. Staunton, 4, 7, 8, 12. Steel, 94. Steinitz, 30, 34, 39, 43, 46, 64, 67, 70, 73, 88, 100, 105, 111, 117, 122. Steinkuhler, 50, 76. i6o INDEX OF PL/fYERS. Stephany, 93. Stirling, 64. Storey, 49. Stosch, 59. Studd, 118. Suhle, 23. Szymanski, 16. Tarrasch, 97, 116, 119, 123, 130, 132, 133, 130 139 Taubenhaus, 112, 114, 129, 130, 132. Tay, 88. Taylor, 64, 67, 74, 76. Thompson (C.), 128. Thompson (J.), 25, 27. Thorold, 43, 48, 76, 77, 93. Tinsley, 133. Tonetti, 81. Tschigorin, 92, 124, 134. Tucker, 123. Turnbull, 124. Valenta, 127. Van Vliet, 119, 127, 140. Vasquez, 80, 122. Vecqueray, 104. Vicario, 80. Walker, 5. Walton, 104. Ward, 66, 74. Watkinson, 33. Waytc, 20, 39, 43, 46, 78, 80, 84, 135. Webber, 80. Weil, 45. Weiss, 99, 126. White, 52. Whitehouse, 120. Whiteman, 82. Whitner, 81. Wibray, 100. Williams, 11, 18, 20. Wilson, 41. Winawer, 57, 92. Wires, 122. Wisbey, 107. Wisker, 47, 57. \V61deren, 141. Wormald, 18. Wurm, .100. Zerega, 38. Zukertort, 39, 41, 42, 45, 51, 54, 58, 59, 60, 63, 68, 70, 71, 76, 86, 88, 92, 101, 106. Zytogorski, 7. ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY PRESS. July, 1895. H Classifieb Catalogue OF WORKS IN GENERAL LITERATURE PUBLISHED BY LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON, E.G. AND 15 EAST i6iH STREET, NEW YORK. INDEX OF AUTHORS. Page Page Page Poet Abbott (Evelyn) - - 2, 13 i De la Saussave (C.) - 24 Lear (H. L. Sidney) - 22 Ronalds (A.) g (T. K.) - - - 10 j Deland (Mrs.) - - 15, 20 Lecky (W. E. H.) - 3, 14 Rooseveh (T.) - - 3 (E. A.) - - - 10 Dent (C. T.) - - 8 Lees (J. A.)- - - 7 21 Rossetti (M. F.) - - 21, 23 Acland (A. H. D.) - 2 De Salis (Mrs.) - - 21 Lemon (Ida) 16 Saintsbury (G.) g Acton (Eliza) 21 De Tocquevilie (A.) - 3 Leonard (A. G.) - 23 Scholler (L. W.) 24 Acworth (H. A.) - - 14 Devas (C. S.) - - ii Lewes (G. H.) ii Scott-Montagu (Hon. J.) 9 jEschvlus - - - 13 Dougall(L.)- - - 15 Lodce (H, C.) - 3 Seebohm (F.) - - 4, 5 Allingham (W.) - - 14, 22 Dowell (S.) 12 Lofti'e (W. J.) - 3 Selous (F. C.) - - 8 Anstey (F.) - - - 15 Doyle (A. Conan) - 16 Longman (C. J.) - 8, g, 23 Sewell (Eliz. M.) - - 17 Aristophanes 13 Ewald (H.) 3 Longman (F. W.) 9 Shakespeare - - 15 Aristotle - - - 10 Falkener (E.) - - 9 Lubbock (Sir John) - IS Shand (A. J. I.) - 6 Armstrong (E.) - - 2 Farnell (G. S.) - - 13 Lvall (Edna) 16 Sharpe (R. R.) - 4 (G. F. Savage) - 14 Farrar (Dean) - - 12, 16 Lyttelton (Hon. R. H.) 8 Shearman (M.) - - 8 . (E. J.) - 5, 14, 22 Fitzpatrick (W. J.) - 3 Lytton (Earl of) - 14 Sheppard (Edgar) - 4 Arnold (Sir Edwin) 6, 14, 20 Fitzwygram Sir F. 7 Macaulay (Lord) - 4, 14, 21 Sinclair (A.)- - - 8 (Dr. T.) - - 2 Ford (H.) 9 Macdonald (George) - 24 Smith (R. Bosworth) - 4 Ashley (W. J.) - - 12 Fowler (Edith H.) - 16 Macfarren (Sir G. A.) - 23 (W. P. Haskett) - 7 Astor (J. J.) - - - 15 Francis (Francis) - 9 Mackail (J. W.) - 13 Solovyoff (V. S.) - - 23 Atelier duLvs (Author of) 20 Freeman (Edward A.) - 3 Macleod (H. D.) - -12, 21 Sophocles - - - 13 Babington (W. D.) - 13 Froude (James A.) 3, 5, 7, 16 Macpherson (H. A.) - 9 Soulsby (Lucy H.) - 19 Bacon - - - - 5, 10 Furneaux (W.) - - 17 Maher (M.) - ii Stanley (Bishop) - - 18 . Bagehot (W.) - 5, 12, 22 Gardiner (Samuel R.) - 3 Marbot (Baron de) 5 Steel (A. G.) - - 8 Bagwell (R.) - - . 2 Gerard (D. ) - - 16 Marshman (J. C.) 5 U-H.) - - - 7 Bain (Alexander)- - 10 Gibson (Hon. H.) - g Martineau (Tames) 24 Stephen (Sir James) - 6 Baker (James) 15 Gilkes (A. H.) - - 16 Maskelyne (J- N.) 9 (Leslie) - - 7 (Sir S. W.) - - 6, 8 I Gleig (G. R.) - - 6 Maunder (S.) 19 Stephens (H. Morse) - 4 Balfour (A. J.) - - 8, 24 I Goethe - - - - 14 Max Miiller (F.) n, 12, 23, 24 Stevens (R. W.) - - 23 Ball (J. T.) - 2 Graham (P. A.) - - 17 Mav (Sir T. Erskine) - 4 ' Stephens (W. W.) - 6 Baring-Gould (S.) - 22 Graves (R. P.) 5 Meade (L. T.) - 19 Stevenson (R. L.) - 17, 19 : Barnett (S. A. and Mrs.) 12 Green (T. Hill) - - 10 Melville (G. J. Whyte) 16 Stock (St. George) - ii Battye (Aubyn Trevor) 22 Greville (C. C. F.) - 3 Mendelssohn (Felix) - 23 ' Stonehenge ' - 7 Baynes (T. S.) - - 22 Grey (Mrs. W.) - - 20 Merivale (Dean) - 4 Stuart- Wortley (A. J.) 9 Beaconsfleld (Earl of) - 15 Grove (F. C.) - - 8 Mill (James) ii ! Stubbs (J. W.) - - 4 Beaufort (Duke of) - 8 Gwilt (J.) - - - 22 (John Stuart) - u, 12 Sturgis(J.) --- 15 Becker (Prof.) - - 13 Haggard (H. Rider) - 16, 20 Milner (G.) - 23 Suffolk & Berkshire (Earl of) 8 Beesly (A. H.) - - 14 Halliwell-Phillipps (J.) 5 Molesworth (Mrs.) 19 Sullivan (Sir E.) - - 8 Bell (Mrs. Hugh)- - 14 Hapgood (Isabel) - 7 1 Montague (F. C.) 4 1 Sully (James) - - ii Bent (J. Theodore) - 6 Hart (A. B.) - - 22' Moore (J. W.) - 4 Sutherland (A. and G.) 5 Besant (Walter) - - 2 Harte (Bret) - - 16 Murdoch (W. G.Burn) 7 Suttner (B. von) - - 17 Bickerdyke (J.) - - 9 Hartwig (G.) - - 17, 18 Murray (R. F.) - 15 Swinburne (A. J.) - ii Boase (C. W.) - - 3 Hassall (A.) . - - 5 Nansen (F.) - - - 7 Symes (J. E.) - - 12 Boedder (B.) - - n Hawker (Col. Peter) - o Nesbit (E.) - 15 Thomson (Archbishop) ii Boulton (Helen M.) - 15 Hayward (J. M.) - - 18 O'Brien (W.) 4 Todd(A.) --. 5 Boyd (A. K. H.) - 5, 22, 24 : Hearn (W. E.) - - 3 Oliphant (Mrs.) - 16 Toynbee (A.) - - 12 Brassey (Lady) - - 6 ', Heathcote (J. M. &C. G.) 8 Onslo%v (Earl of) - 8 Trevelyan (Sir G. O.) - 5 (Lord) - - 2, 6, 8, 12, Helmholtz (Hermann von) 18 Osbourne (L) 17 Trollope (Anthony) - 17 Brav (C. and Mrs.) - 10 , Herbert (W. V.) - - 3 Parr (Louisa) 22 Tvrrell(R. Y.) - - 13 Bright (J. F.) - - 2 Hiilier (G. Lacy) - - 8 Payn (James) 16 Van Dyke (J. C.) - - 23 Buckle (H. T.) - - 2 ! Hodgson (Shadworth H.) 10 Payne-Gallwey (Sir R.) { , 9 Verney (Frances P. and Bull (T.) - - - 21 ! Hooper (G.) - - - 5 i Peary (I. and R.) - 7 ; Margaret M.) - - 6 Burke (U. R.) - - 2 1 Hornung (E. W.) - le.PeeMH.) - - 15 Virgil - - - 13 Burrows (Montagu) - 3 Howitt (W.) - - 7' Phillips (M.) 24 Wakeman (H. O.) - 5 Burv (Viscount - - 8 ! Hudson (W. H.) - - 18 1 Phillipns-Wolley (C.) - 8, Butler (E. A.) - - 17 j Hume (David) - - 10 Piatt (S. & J. J.) - i6 Walford (Mrs.) - - 6, 17 15 \ Walker (Jane H.) - 22 (Samuel) - - 22 , Hunt (W.) - - - 3 Pole (W.) - 9 Walpole (Spencer) - 5 ' Campbell-Walker (A.)- 9 ' Hutchinson (Horace G.) 8 , Pollock (W. H.) - 8 Walsingham (Lord) - 8 Chesney (Sir G.) - 2 j Ingelow (Jean) - - 14, 20 1 Poole (W. H.and Mrs.) 22 Walter (J.) ... 6 Cholmondeley-Pennell (H.) 8 i James (C. A.) - - 22 Poore (G. V.) 23 Watson (A. E. T.) - 8, 9 Cicero - - - - 13 Jefferies (Richard) - 21, 23 1 Prendergast (J. P.) 4 Webb (S. and B.) - 12 Clarke (R. F.) - - ii Johnson (J. & J. H.) - 23 ; Pritchett (R. T.) - Clegg (J. T.) - - 15 ! Joyce (P. W.) - - 3 Prince (Helen C.) 8 Weir (R.) ... 8 i6jWest (B. B.) - -17,23 Clodd (Edward) - - 13 Justinian - - - 10 Proclor (R. A.) - 9, 18, 23 (C.) - - - 22 Clutterbuck (W. J.) - 71 Kalisch (M. M.) - - 24 Raine (James) 3 Weyman (Stanley) - 17 Comyn (L. N.) 20 Kant (I.) - - - 10 Ransome (Cyril) - 2 Wh'ately (Archbishop)- ii Cochrane (A.) - - 14 Kendall (May) - - 14 j Rhoades (J.) - 13, Conington (John) - 13 Killick (A. H.) - - 10 ! Rhoscomyl (O.) - ii. Wi1cocks (J. C.) - - 9 16 1 Wilkins (G.)- - - 13 Conybeare(\V.J.)How- Kitchin (G. W.) - - 3 ! Rich (A.) i 3 iWilIich(C. M.) - - ig son (J. T.) - - 20 Knight (E. F.) - - 7, 21 Richardson (Sir B. W.) 23 Wilson (A. J.) - - 12 Cox (Harding) - - 8 Kostlin (J.) - - - 5 Rickaby (John) - ii .Wolff (H. W.) - - 5 Crake (A. D.) - - 19 Ladd (G.'T.) - - ii (Joseph) ii Wood-ate (W. B.) - 8 Creiehton (Bishop) - 2, 3 Lang (Andrew) Riley (J. W.) 15 : Wood (J. G.) - - 18 Curzon (Hon. G. N.) - 2 3, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 23 Robertson (A.) - 16 \Vvlie (J. H.) - - 5 Cults (E. L.) - - 3 Lascelles (Hon. G.) - 8, 9 Roget (Peter M.) - -12, 19 ' Youatt (W.) --- 7 navirlsnn (W T.^ - in T> Laurie (S. S.I - 22 Romanes (G. T.} - i-, Zeller CO.'S STANDARD AND GENERAL WORKS. 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