KZ9 VVORD-BUILDING KELLOGG AND REED ne. 5 WORD-BUILDING FIFTY LESSONS, COMBINING LATIN, GREEK, AND ANGLO-SAXON ROOTS, PREFIXES, AND SUFFIXES, INTO ABOUT FIFTY- FIVE HUNDRED COMMON DERIVATIVE WORDS IN ENGLISH, WITH A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE BY BRAINERD KELLOGG, LL.IX, PROFESSOR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN THE BROOKLYN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, AUTHOR OF "A TtXT-BOOK ON RHETORIC," "A TEXT-BOOK ON ENGLISH LITERATURE," AND ONE OF THE AUTHORS OF " REED * KELLOGG's GRADED LESSONS IN ENGLISH," "HKJHKK LESSONS IN ENGLISH," "ONE-BOOK COURSE IN ENGLISH," AND "THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE," AND ALONZO REED, A.M., AUTHOR OF "INTRODUCTORY LANGUAGE WORK," "WORD LESSONS," AND OK* or THB AUTHORS OF "REED A KELLOGG'S GRADED LESSONS IN ENGLISH," "HIGHER LESSONS IN ENGLISH," "ONE-BOOK COURSE IN ENGLISH," AND " THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE." EFFINGHAJT NEW YORK: EFFINGHAM MAYNARD & Co., PUBLISHERS, 771 BROADWAY AND 67 & 69 NINTH STREET. 1892. THK ( OMPI.1 I USE IN ENGLISH IN. I I I.I - HEED'S I. VTI ^ I. \M,T \<;K WMKK. REED'* WORD LESSON REED A on LESSONS IN BVOUSH, RKH- \ K i.i '- I IK, in i: 1 .1 .\- IN INCI.IMI. RBKD ft KELLOOO'S ONE-BOOK . c-i IN i .N..I.IMI. KKIXOOa A KKKD'8 WoUD-Itril.IMN.. KEI.LOOO & KKKD'S 'I i BVOUSB LAVO1 \ Hi i i .....- I:IHT..IU . KELUK3'8 I.N..I I^M I. n Hi VI i K *| BDmOMI OVSli VKKSIM \it '- Till IN, YltlUIIT, 1898, BT BRAIN EKD KXLLOOO AND ALONZO HBKD. <>f I .1 I.Ktlr * CO. Ptaoe. New York PREFACE. THE Latin derivatives in English exist in families, that which ^unites the members of each family being the root out of which they grow. This root deeply colors the meaning of the derivatives, and largely determines their use. The prefixes and suffixes combining with the roots in the several families are much the same, so that the Latin element in our vocabulary is open to easy study ; the words composing it are readily classified, and even the classes have common dia: teristics. These derivatives should in some way be studied by the pupil. They are not the simple words to be learned with- out study, familiar to one's ear and tongue from child li 1. But one meets these derivatives everywhere as he emerges from childhood into youth. They sprinkle the pages of every book he reads, and they drop from the lips of all pub- lic speakers. The pupil must somehow make the acquaint- ance of these words, must learn to handle them himself. One of the cogent reasons for studying Latin is, that it helps the student to a knowledge of the Latin derivatives in English. But one does not study Latin solely or chiefly to learn its connection with English. The study of Latin in college is always with other aims. We hazard nothing in saying that one utterly ignorant of Latin and Greek would, by a judicious use of the lessons in this little book, learn more of the English derivatives from L:;tin and (ireek roots 2 Preface. than from the ordinary college course in the classical lan- guages. We ask attention, in these lessons, to (1) Tlu> original root-forms treated, and the forms into u hicii ti 1 ;>ncs have changed ; (;?) The simple (levk-e by which the roots and the prefixes in l>ii::ng with them are compactly grouped ; (:>) The separation, by different type, of root from prefix and sullix, and the separation of these from each other by the 4- siirn and the comma ; (4) The threefold work which we exact of the pupil : (5) The emphasis placed upon his finding the metaphori- cal meanings of derivatives ; ( i i The models, remarks, and helps by which we guide him in his work ; (7) The suggestions to teachers to aid them in securing and retaining the interest of pupils ; (8) The fact that in forty-four lessons we lead the pupil to analyze and build up nearly fifty-five hundred words : and, (9) The further fact that by this work the pupil is enabled to comprehend, at a glance, almost any other deri vative word in the language. Had we supposed that the mere giving of lists of deriva- tives, with nothing to indicate root, prefix, or sullix, and with no directions to the pupil as to what he should do or how he should do it, was all the pupil needed, there would have been no call for another book on this important subject. The closing lessons of the book contain a brief history of the Knirlish language. February, WORD-BUILDING ELEMENTARY ENGLISH. ROOTS, OR STEMS, GIVEN UNDEII " KLK.MKMAKY KMJLISM," IN THE SYLLABUS OF THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. INTRODUCTION. I. The Meanings of Hoot and Stem. The word root is u>ed by philologists to denote the simplest and most primitive forms whirh words once had, or to which they can now IK- traced. In this sense of the word its rigidly scientific sense the word root names that monosyllabic form which is the origin and source of all verbal deriva- tives. But usage applies the word as well to later forms of i original and primitive words forms from which, by the u-e of pre- fixed and suffixed syllables, new words are produced nouns, adjec- tives, verbs, and adverbs. Respectable as is the authority for railing these "later forms " steins, what we regard as the prevailing u- leads us to choose roots instead. II. Definitions. A primitive word is one not derived from another word in (lie same language. A derivative word is one derived from another word ; as, nn- man/f/, man being the primitive word. A compound word is one composed of two or more simple \N as, forty-two. Prefixes and suffixes are, with rare exceptions, relies of words once independent, but now run down into mere formative elements. They are used, each with a meaning of its own, to modify the meao 4 M < >t t<> which in i he derivative they are attached : though, when many of them arc used in the same \\ord, it i- >omet ime> diffi- cult to detect in the derivative tin- distinct tot06 of each. I'n: . and sutlixo follow it. In the following paragraph the illuM rative instance exhibits the r,...t jtnnt, the prefixes eon and ihesuffiv-/ and ///.and the six derivative word- formed mbination of the root with these prefixes and snfli III. i:.rj>fy the 4- si-rn. If any two of llu-sr aiv to he taken together and treated a^ a single prefix, these two arc grouped l>y the -i- siuii. The sutlix immediately following the i-oot is to lie united with it. in its combination \vitli each prefix or e done with these singly or in groups, the single suffixes or the groups l.eiim- x-parated from each other by an or in Roman type. The suffix, or the group lakeii as one. between the first or and the second, is to enter into the -ame combination or combinations as did the first suffix. And so i^ the suflix or the group between the second or and the third, etc., and that which follows the last or. For instance, if uiidcrjuncf we had dit+Junct+ion, or ive, or ive + ly, this would mean that the pupil had to do as directed with con+junct + ion. . cou+junct + ive, dis+junct + ive, con+jutn-1 //, Junct + ive+ty ; or, dropping signs and the black letters, with the wurds oiiijuiK-tion, anii:. root found in the infinitive and of that found in tin- j pic. These meanings are given or implied in the definition of t! infinitive which follows the roots them seltes. It isca>\ t>aseertain the meanings of the English words derived from the roots not in p;r thesis. It is not so easy to get at the >ignitication of the root parentheses, and that of the English word- derived from them. Often the etymological sense has faded out of the root : and the words, if metaphorical, do not always suggest the likeness on which the n phor is based. The pupil will sometimes need a hint from the teacher, sometimes he may profitably consult the dictionary. We ha\e thrown in liberally suggestions in parentheses and in Helps for the Pupil; but, where the pupil can seize upon the root idea, and, combining it with the meanings of the modifying prefixes and suffixes, can give the nification of the derivative, he should be allowed to do it. As well do his physical exercise for him as relieve him of the intellect ual labor which he can do alone. The main worth of this work con- sists in the exercise, which it compels, of the pupil's judgment. VI. The Lessons. The length of the Lessons assigned has been determined by the hope that all the work called for by u> can be done. But those teachers able to take up only the root -forms selected by the Regents can perhaps run two or three of our Lessons into one. The root-forms they seek are easily found. They are marked by the asterisk, and are usually the first or the >eend treated by us in the several paragraphs. VII. Direction. The roots are printed in black letters, t!, and suffixes in italics. The prefixes and suffixes are given and defined on the pages immediately following these Lessons under Klemnr English." Find there the meanings of the prefixo and sullixe- D below, find in the Lessons the meanings of the roots with which these prefixes and suffixes combine, and then give the signification of the derivatives formed by the combination. Frame phraentences containing these derivatives properly used. Do not look for the mean- ings of letters within marks of parenthesis and unitaliri. 6 Note the changes, if any. which metaphor has wrought in the mean- g| of words. Tin 1 literal meaning of a word i- not always that which it really hears. From the likeness in position between the upper pan of one's body and the top of a nail, we lran>lVr the name of the one object to the other, and speak of the In ml of a nail. From the real or fancied resemblance in function between one's head and Washington city, we may carry aver capvt, the Latin name of ih,. head, .-MM!, Div- ing it to the city, call Washington the capital of the Tnited States. . We indicate here the way in which the work required in this Direction ma\ lc done. The roots we take are I-*r- LtMOIUJ in " Flemeiitary F.nirlish." for the prefixes and siitti\-. we combine their meanings, found there, with the incaniiii: of the roots in Lesson IX.. give the signification of the derivative-, grouped in that Lesson, and illustrate their i. MODEL. Frangible, capable of being broken a clay pipe-stem is frangible; ibility. state of being frangible, name of the abstract (juality the frangilility of a pipe-stem; , incapable of being easily broken oak is comparatively infrangible; in/rrmgribility, state of being infrangible the infrangibility of the oak; re/reeitgrible, capable of l>eing turned back, or out of a straight conr-c a ray of light is refrangible; re/Vfi/*//ibility, "state of being refraniriblt the refraniribilily of light; fragment, a ])iece broken off a fragment of a tea-cup: /ragrmentary, belonging to a fragment, in fragments a fragnieptary report of the speech ; suffrage (a probable explanation iriven in Lesson IX.) : Introduction. 7 incapable of being easily broken down A ,. nt was irrefragable, irrefutable, a metaphorical u<- of H,. irrc/V<7yal>ly. in an irrefragable manner- he invfrairably established his point in the debate; infringe, to break into one's rights an- infringed by tin- fhi act of infringing the infringement of n,,. tnaty, metaphorical use of tlie word, tfnce a In-aly cannot literally su a breaking into; fraction, state of being broken, a part t lie Tract ion of an hour; /Vacfional, belonging to a fraction fractional currency; fractions, not integers, or whole numbers i and ,', are t'r;i<-ti infract, to break to infract is to encroach upon; , to bend sharply back water refracts the light ; infraction, the breaking the infraction of the rules, a metaphorical use of the word ; refraction, the bending sharply back, half breaking the refraction of light from the oar-blade in the water; refractory, bent away from the proper or natural course the refrac- tory or stubborn child, a metaphorical use of the word: refractoriness, state of being refractory the refractoriness of his child is a grief to the father ; fracture, a break there is a fracture in the plate: fragile, capable of being broken fragile plaything: fragility, state of being fragile the fragility of icicl- frail, capable of being broken down. weak, feehh frail health ..r constitution, metaphorical; frailty and frailness, state of being frail frailty of character, of the intellect. LATIN ROOTS. LESSON I. To the Teacher. Tli is work <>f word-building may be difficult and sl>\\ at first. But it will rapidly become ca-y. Tin- MOM pn -liv- and suffixes are constantly reappearing:. The pupil will soon become familiar with their meanings, and ready in combining' them \\ith the meaning of the root. If necessary, the opening lessons may be divided. To the Pupil. You will find the Model preceding this Lenon helpful to yon. Following that, your work of building up words and illustrating their use would begin and proceed thus : cut, one wh root ag, to do, make (tt/tnt=one who does, e.g., the agent of the firm; /. state of being, function, + root ay, make h."* Ag,* Act, (ig, g, actu), from ag e re, ac tus, to do, move, urge on , put in motion, drive. Aff + ent or ency or He or il\ + ity ; man (see this root, * Roots thus marked are those given in the Regents' frjllulmx for the present year. t The suffixes able, cibile, ance, ate, bule, cule, ence, ibi/r. /////-. //. . ///< t'ze, le, ose, tude, and ure often drop the final c, and become ,//>/, one, at, bul, cul, enc, iUl, ibl, U, in, iv, iz, I, ox, 1u, bil, I, r, ry, bl, ty, y, r. ami 1Mb. Ar\j, ly, mony, ory, and y sometimes change y to i. and a; an, . ori, and i. Elementary English. Lesson XIII.) + ag + er or (e) ; man + ag(v) + able or ///< /// ; ig + ent or ency; 1 nav (see the root, Lesson XVI.) or able + ness ; prod + iy + al <>r tt/+ify;* c*nb + * or (\\)ity ; co( = cnm)+0 + nt/ .r fl irf; iveor ive + ly* or iv-ftVy or ion or i<> or ; counter, en, ex, over, re, re + ni. // - /*, derived from ' iome or or t'o^ or (e) ; rircum + nav+igat+or or or (c). From the frequentative f ^// / ///' //. ^/// / ///' / derived from ^//ryv, come agitat + or <-r /o// or (e) : r/y-h gitiit -\-iun or (e). 8 From ac tit a re, art it it In*. d- rived from (ftjfre, come actttat -\- ion or (e). Helps for the Pupil. We do not in tlirse Helps doi'm.', hut attempt to point to the paths which may lead to definitions. ' , igency, something urging instant action. - I'rodli/d/i/'/. ,-tn MIJ into wasteful extravagance. * Ambiguous, uncertain note thr 1 of ambi. 4 Cogency, the compelling force of the thought. The 5 / A.-S. actively is a hybrid, its parts are from different languages. 6 Cogitate, to think, involving intellectual activity. Alt,* from al tus, high, lofty, Alt + ar (raised); a1t(\)hnlr. From the derivative ex al td re, ex al td tus, to raise, conic ex + alt ; ex -f alt -f cd ; ex -f alta t + ion . Anim,* from animus, mind, intolloct, fooling, spirit, (see this root, Lesson \l.) + ttniin -f //// : ntses a repetition, or an increase, of tin- denoted by the primiti\-. 10 '/- L ------ !i \\1Y.) tntiin : "//.vnr //// ; />//>/// (////\/////x, small, mean) + a Hi HI. + cm* or this meta- phorioalf LESSON II. Remark. If the pupil is ivTi; \ TinN 01 Manage, To do * tin th ing by the }iy authority or personal influence. Ann,* Aimi, Alum, (enni, en), from an ;///>, a jear. .titn + al+ist oral+s; 1 anni + vers + ary ; * II, wtit tj Lesson I\'.), tri, sept (seven). ////// (millr. thousaiul ). per -f enni -f al ; super -f annu + at + ed or at -f \ Elementary English. 11 From an nu A Us, yearly, come annu -\ ] + ly or Helps for the Pupil. . a relation of theetVnUof theywr. - Anni'r, r*,ir,/. tin- intiuinl nfurn of tin- day \\hidi < omm<-inorates some i-vent. Apt *, (att, ept), from ap fas, fit or fitted, UK* p. p. vb., w/> e re, to fasten, join together. or Mfxx ; in \ t ; (fjrf(\) / //,/, ; t : a/ ^dep/, one -sA///rmin-tling ; x , (fo^ss or ment ; , rfe + bas(u) -f ///^y/ / ; frass. ' Helps for the Pupil. ! Bass what part in music? Brev *, (brief), from 6r vis, short. or ^ ; ! brev(\)+ary; ' brh-f (adj.); brief a lawyer's) ; brief -{-h \ From l>rc ri it r<\ l>r<' rl r (e). Helps for the Pupil. ' 7?mv/, applied to a <-mmi to an <.!li. -cr of higher rank than that for \vhii-h lu> nvrivrs pay. - / , a book of the ('hureli. not the missal. cay, eh,ca$H).f\'um <-dd ere, to fall out, to perish, to luppeii. Cad+ence; 1 de + cad + curc or Of wrt 1 or ent+al or riit + al + lij : <>< f //// - ' ' orenf + a?; or MMM or (e) : r />7 "or />7 -}- ic + al or /*/ -f ///. Helps for the Pupil. Add the meaning of al to that of incident, taken as a whole, and the meaning of /// to tncidrnful. taken us a whole. In general, take tin- more simple combinations fust, and use these as wholes in defining other derivatives. l Cadence, u-< d ,,f t} u . voice only. - Incidence, a falling on or wjoon, as of one line upon another. * Jncidcnt, an (x-rurrrnce. 4 Occident the sun apparently /< dlmmx applied to what tn-es, and \\liy? c ( 'hance, a hi ning. 7 An occasion falls out or happens. ' ( 'asute, Aie skilled in cases or questions of conduct inter, pre + c<-pt ; He, ex, per, 1 rr + cept + ion ; /e or 13 Or ; sits -f cept -h Me or ibil -f- //// ; />/v f- fv;>f -f w or r + e** ; rt' +c<'ii>t ; run, \ccit. Ctijttu r(e). From an tic i pa re (anti for /////r), an / and par tic ipd re, /mrticipd ///*, derivatives of capere, come f r/y>f// -h /o// or ory or (e) ; imrti +cij> + nnt : /> derivative of rape re, come oc + cup + y or (i)< / or an/oi or + <-9tiMit + inn. From the frequentativr accept A ceptdtus, come ac + cept; ac+cept+abU or ///>/i. the r/c/ of taking. r taken, through the senses into the mind. Cam *, (carni, charn, car), from cd ro, car His. flesh. Carn + al l or al + ly or al + ity or ^ J ; r//nii f rfi/ a (im- perative va/e, he strong; hence used in farewells) ; cttrni- -f vor (to eat) 4- o?/x ; charn + el ;* rar( r) 4- /ow. From car nd ti o, fleshiness, comes 4 <'r Mice or '//'//; ttn+pre + ced + enl -\-<'ru + ce-," r/r, ##, ^ro, r#, ^e 8 4-ees/ 00, . 4 inter, pro, re, sc, *uc + ce88+ ire + de, tuc -h cess 4- or ; con, ex, suc + cess 4- ice ; ac + cess + ///// < >r (>/// ; /// -f cess -f r//// ; t s//r -f cess +ful or //// 4- /// ; nn ( n{c) 4- crst( - cess) 4- or or r 4- al or r 4- y ; ceas(e) ; cea(e) 4- less or From the frequentative ces sd re, ces sd ///x, \\ Helps for the Pupil. ' CW/f a territory. 2 .4 /ASV/ .s-x. a (.llcction. in any tissue of the body, of pus withdrawn from other i i>sm->. >>/rres$, a following, a result ; now, only a favorable result. 4 Concession, a to a demand. 5 Decease, a going from life, death. Cent,* (centi), from /, a Cent; cent + ur + y wur + ion 1 or enni+al OT en+ary or en + ari + an ; per 4- cent 4- ^e ; 2 centi +ped(e) (see root, Lesson XIX.) or grad(e) 3 (see root, Lesson X.) //. Helps for the Pupil. i^irth for a horse. - an eruption I'/H-itr/iny the Imdy. 3 /W///r/. a district \\ithin certain bounds. 4 Siicrincf, \vithin narrow campa**. concise. Cliii,* (clen, cliv), from L. form of (ik. Mim-in, to IM ml, -lu lean. Clin + ic or ze + Z or ic + *; 1 de + clen + sion ; ac? pro 4 + cHr 4- //#. From in di nd re, in rll m't ///>-, . rec li nd re, rcc li nd tus, we get de, in, re-}- din \ . /// de, in -H7//mM ion : '. In * accliv- Hi/, the tilo/n' is ascending.; in * deeftfofty, descending. 4 J'rodirify, a '// r>/ /. .40, CO-M, : <<>/v 4 ri/r 4- //// ' 4- !//((') : x4 ///'(e) + ///; ^/x + s, in -h>' + ur + ance or < 16 -f a ft + .v + f/r(i'). Cunif -<>r or // or (e) ;* ^\ in +ar + cur + acu. Helps for the Pupil. 1 Security, one / care because of safety. * Curate whose care or duly dors IK- take upon liiin-d!':-' *^lccMra/e correct because of what taken? Curr f * Curs, (curri, corri. cur, cor, court, mrs^ from re re, ctir sus, to run, move quickly. or r/iri/ 1 urt'tit + tt/; con. or -f cnrr\ - ctirri + culum ;* rorrf -h (dor) ; con. i/t. nr, rr + cur : ror;' couri + cr. Cttrn + ory or o // + ///; ^./-, in+ctir8 + ion; ex+cwrt+ion+istj ex + curs + ive or iw + ly ;* pre + curs + or; cours(e) ; cours ~rr or /////. Helps for the Pupil. ] r///r ///// what circulati'x.' ' Curriculum, rae <>f study. :i SIHT-, 7'///-/s, justice), male, pre, val(o) (see Lesson III., under Cam) + rftcf + ^'o^ / contra, /) 3 From the frequentative <7/> /// /v, r//V- /// ///>-, we have /'// -f + ment ; 4 or o/- + (i)^/ or (i)^/-h/# or (e). From
  • . /*. to proclaim, devote, consecrate, we have a, *fr, ///, />/v-M//v, Helps for the Pupil. l Addict. t<> ]>hriv or limits witliin wliich one may f//W///v or apply the law. " />///*;. i or aforesaid * Indictment, tin- *////'/////// in detail ol one's 'iT-ncc. Elementary I 17 L>> n\ VI. ,* (diyni, (l<'i. from < in /// '//// //// //. /// '//// //// ///>, /. -IH, frtf -f <(tt('(v) ; f///r f ^// or ^/ ; ' roy/ -f r/i/r -f //^ or co??, J0, e, re- + due 4- //Vr : urf:* durt-ri/r l or //+////; . ///. ///-o, *r-i-; y/ , /v/ // r^' ///.v. dci'i vat i vc of ln,< ,-, . \\- have c + duwit + io/t or or or r// or /o// -fl or r>y// or r). Helps for the Pupil. ' Dm-at. \\r-\ oinrd in tin- i/urfii/ of Apulia, and ln-arin.y: tin- \vonl tlnt-nlii*. ' />/>/.>. originally a /tr in hnttlr. z Duct, n pf ln-in^ ,/ntn'n .t' 1 (//"./. HOcHs^ ni-jln) 01 or val -\-vnt* or rut + cmr or roc (see root, Lesson XXIV.) 1^ I hW-/*V /////////. in tlu' dc'rivativr noun tf*c////A/x, if -. <-r '////' nr ,//// i- // ; /// 4- /r n//.v -\ ///. From tlu' (li-rivutivr verb r/- y//^' /r. ) : (uL in --H/// + ity or bl + y ; fa + ld<> 2 or bHJ+< f+fa + ble; in+f+ant* or flwr?/ or aut + ili' <>r inulti (see root, Lesson XVI.) +/V/r+(i)w/x; 4 far IT (\)ous* or ious + l or 6 or al + ism* or al+ist or al+ify; pre pre+fa Helps for the Pupil. l A fable (the We of r///M. a-il\ *}><>k>,i (,,. 2 .Fo&fe (the 6/e of bulum), that by \\lnch something is said or taught. 8 Infant, one unable to speak. 4 Multifarious, liirrally. nt. *. Jilility, lirlp. aid), sttt-ri '"// /. root. Lesson X \ 1. ) y/v (\)>f/ or (n -f //<;,/// or ence or (i)^/-// ; /i.-f /o/i 10 or i(m-|-aifo or ion + abl + y; counter, tur (=8tijt> for (furix, out of doors) +/>//. Mtniu ; jnHni- (e) ; f'<'fifttr(v) ; fur +f'<'ittt !(>). l-'rom the derivative adj. / // /x and noun / /////// ; n efect. * Deficit, what is wanting. * Fact, sonu'thini; rfon; hence = truth, as, t'acf. ^Faction, tliost- (/r/i// , r in o{|N>sitii>n t> t! 6 Manufactory, the word remains, tlmu^h nutchin- k n the j.lacc <.f the /////id. 7 Infect, to taint l.y wm noxious. A 8 /a^, as of swiinniinir. * Feasible, that may Ac done. 10 F(i*hin. the maA^ of a thing. n For/fit, that lost by some 12 Affectation, an assumption, a trying i \s lat one ib Word- Building. LESSON \\\\. To the Teacher. The \\unls frequent ly u>ed should be .-elected if not all arc taken. All arc useful. -nine m<>re u>eful lh;n others. Fer,* L,at,* (^///), from f&rre, Id tus, to boar, carry. Cfofi, de, dij\ ///, /w/ ' (///./, ///m, light), "/, /;/>, ( 9 re, suf, trans + f <' r ; circum. con, ///, \\. \\\. \~, applit-*! to Satan. 2 Oblate, pushed, or borne, out at the sides : *jiro/ the process of reasoning or inferring. B Fertile, bearing rielily. Fid,* from fid e re, to trust. Con+fid + ent 1 or ant 3 or atf + lif or en re or o)f-{-(\)(tl or ent + (\)al + ly or (e) ; dif+fid-tcnt* or cnt + hi or /';/ disown or fnith in. to dare. Fin,* riiiil, from y/ ni re,flni tu, to end. /V//(e) ; ' wm, 1 '/>', re + fln Jt(e) de, Jn + de + jlH+able;* fln + ish or //+*. / we have /in - ' : jht / + ly or al+ity. From the derivative fi mi r< . t<> funiisli a tine or tax or subsidy, we have //// +?< or tM/+ ////; fray + nu'nt or ment + ary ; *t*/"-f/Vo0 l (e) ; ir-f r-f- fruy + able or abl + y; in+frinf/(^ : /// +/V'X//>-. to melt, to pour, pour out, shed. Ke+fuH>///. /'" . ,, ,///', ///. pro, *///, //v/// /'//*( i ; /'//> M'"// or //>/ . '///', '/. ///, j>ru, trait* /'//s ; '///', r/i-fusi 111 derivative /// // //.<. pouring forth \ain talk, wo get fut + ile 4 or il+ity. Helps for the Pupil. 1 /. to pnur. Otto pay. Lack. /' to melt, and pour intt> H mould. * Font of t yp- . ain, rmpty. Oeii, liienit, if/r///, y<'ntt. f/r/tit't>, from f/iy H<' >< or yi yen ere), to beget, produce. Gciicr,* from ye tins, yen er /s, kind, race, class, species. ///'//( = ///) f-f/r/* 4-0 ^.s*; ' jtru + ye n+y; ( yeni oral + ity or al + ly or (us) (L.) ; in + geni + ous ;* yenu + im ; in +yritir +OHX* or ous + ness or ?/* + /// or //// : r//-//// (the (/excrescent) -her; m + {/enrf + *r. Genit + in- 7 or /// or or ; /?r0 + yenit -h or ; co/i 4- yenit 4- ^/ ; ycnet + /' 8 or t'c -f "/. Gener + al or /-f iVy or al + ize or al + iz + ft/-* in or fo or ic + al or ic + al + I// or 0w* or o.v-f //// ; r^// f/r//r/\ From the derivative ///'//<, /A'// //>. \v< 1 Iiavr uppo-.-d t. 1. I..DI: to liiirh. nol.]c l.irtli. 10 (it /) : r/- 1 "'/ t- tit f/ri' /v; ,-f/ri'SS i the di'fivat i\c degraddre, " >'>i tns, corae A t ) ; /A 'w/. thai \vliich /-/ '/ression, tin- //'>'/i// out towards, or /, in ho-tility. jra1u. >r (ijowx-f/// .r i MM ; a. <(?< jit t/nifi jit-fit \ i<>n. Kn>m tin- derivative , eome yratulat+wn or ///// oy ( con + yrrs. //os y>/ //.s-. OIK> who cnlrrtaiiis, or a ' urttl+ity* or (tbfr ; host :'' /tost { MA ; host + d or 7i o,tf -f- ^/ -f / // hot + el ; h ost -f / -f r / = o^ -f / 4 Helps for the Pupil. l IIuMjHtul. a Indhliug ; k - //' is/tiffl /iff/, the p-lliTi'l. /'/// .!' u r IH'>l- Ho*!. \\ r. 1/vxtft-r, now Sy-sV/r/-; dice iln- iH't-kfCjtcr. in>\v I lie yroom. LESSON XL Ject*, (jet, jut), Tromjdcere,j/ c^' rr, to lie. we have <"/ ./V/r fry// or e;?6'7/; circum, *i'fn r+Jac-\- -////. l-'mm the tlerivati ^re, COHJfrfux. and cjiirnld, \CUldtUS, \\r have ron+jectur + (d or al + ly or (e) ;* e+,jS'/////rr/ lie mind, or the internal world, in distinction from o/ : rid. / ne*v. t being ottf dot**. *Jet,atht * Jetty, * proj-t,n. as a wharf. * <7o?(y throw out, as a guess. * Ejaculation, .ly. if /','//////>//. Jung, JIIIH (. JIIIM ! in . (join, joint, joitttttr , from ge re, jtiucttis, to bind, connect, unite. Join ; join,+ rr; aid, Outlim \\\ you are using the words collect, recall, recollect, and outline not literally, but iigurat ively. nu-lapliorically.,* see Fer.* Legat, from le gd re, le gd tus, to bring forward, to on an embassy, to depute, to leave by will. egat + <> or (e) ; leg + acy;' / + legat(v) ; a ;r +f<>f/t 4- />//? or (e). 1 Word-lluiltlii Helps for the Pupil. ' / hi/ will. * Delegate, one deputed or appointed. y 7^ stud hack. , Lc<*t, ;: Lwtur, i//r/ f /r.s.s), from /</<' or ilnl + ilif or /W; 1 it + /<^' or /7>/7 -f //// ; r///' I -/iy + cHi or c^.ce or ent + ly. Col, did,' e, //////." /////, ;r + 'W, se + l$ct; col, e, pre + tli* rr + col, se + lect + i'- / --Iwt + ur; less + on. Lectur(o)\ lectur+er; l-tm Helps for the Pupil. J 7>///o/;, a chosen lunly >f men. ' : a collection of persons, a, semiimry. :i Klryanl what would manners or style be? 4 /j^/curf, once, that it/i/wind-il to !><' rnl ; now. a mytliieal story. r> A7 ///*////. /// or ^/+ /'^'; /V-f or ^/4- ////. From the derivative noun Ulicr In*. lil> > ; / ' and l<> one's >elf. trilntjnisl. >ne making his \niro seem to come from some nther than its n-al I. ml. l.u%, from /// or (cr) 0ws -f /y or (cr)ous + w^55. Helps for the Pupil. ! A//n '. toy/A/// ////// in order to deceive. In :< ro////.s/o//, n\e\\ play into eoc/i other's hands. * Illusion, a deceptive apprarar . (niagni)f from //ir/ or ic + al or ic + al + ly. From the derivatives mayixt<'i\ until is trains, come in((r + (i)al or (\)al + lif ; nttisti-r ; tHffstci' + ly or /w/ or sAtp or Z^5 or # ; nttujisti-tit^ ttt<( di <'/ tux, wr ^-t Hi<' in fat twin t<> ivmnrilr. */m, the negate Iflcnt,* from mens, men tis, tho mind. 3/riif 4- a/ or / + ly ; de -f inent -f ed. Ulerc,* (merci, merch, market), from mercdri. >n< red* tus, to trade. or ant + He; com + IH <'*<(?) ; 3fr'rr + wr4-// ! : com 4- utewi +aJoral + ty ; merch + fltt/ or and ( = atif) 4- ?'2;e or unt + dble; ntrh-<'t (from ntcrcat, the ]).}>. root); Helps for the Pupil. T Mercury, tho ^od of ]flerg,* Mer, from merge re, m^rsus, to plunge into, to sink. Merg(e) ; e, im, sub + merg(e) ; e + mcrg + ent or ercce or ' 4- merg 4- m 4- w *'/*< 4- /ow ; //// . sub f Helps for the Pupil. > Emergency, a pressing necessity suddenly LESSON XV. ,* Mitral, from -nti * ; r^ -f //* iss + 72^5 ; ' rt Mixxtif. the mass-hook ///^.s.s from f72isa /-x/ (the congregation is dismissed), with which word> the service closes. 4 Missile, that thrown. llnnixxness, slackness. * Promi*-. to jt^w/, or *nnl forth, a binding declaration. I?Ioii,* Uloiiit, (nionti), from in one re, tn<'nt i tns. to rcinind, warn. J/7 f ///<>// + /V* ; 5w;n H- //*o/* ; ' x///w ! y/*o/* -{-er or 5 ; )n'//> af(l. as it won-, into tin- /mm/*- ! a // '"/ man. .I/'. ';;-/,/.. land held ly ///or///m/r Ix-canic l(-l. <>r ///////. to I IK- mnrl- gagor, on Itn-at-li of tin- condition. : ' Mnrhjiattiun, tin- niftaplirical meaning is rfe//< of ]>ridc. LESSON XVI. To the Teacher. For oral recitation, a Latin root-word. //, for instance, may be put on the l>oard. Different |>upil> may name the several root-forms from this. These may be written in a column U-ncath. Other pupils may IM- a>ked in <:ivr the preti.\e> and the Mif- fixes that unite with each root-form. Write the prefixes in a column to the left of the root-form and the suHixes in a column to the ri-hi. thus: etc, Then l.-t otlier pupils condiine the>e into \\'>nU. explain the mcan- of each prei; Cottn, and Millix. and illuslrate tin- 1186 oi t h words which th-y Jlov, Tlil,* (///ou fn.m IHO r<' !<-. luofus.iu ino\i>. Mav + er or able or /y (see Lesson XX. for the four roots ply, plic, ple$ pli) or y >//< + ?V// or ^e or y>// + ^y or itlic + and or plicat+ion or form (sha})e or form) or form + it y ur fu r + (i)ous. ,* (mon, nuuii). From w/f /*//>-, mii tic ris, a duty, an office, a grift. 7m -h iw // // 4- //// ; ' ro??2 -h W*.M w 4- //,?/ 2 or /x/ or fow or tHOH ; 3 com + won + er or /^ or al + ty <>r y/rx^ or ; / /n* / f//<- + ew^ 4 or /rr 4- ^>// -f /y or ji<*-{-ence. From the derivatives com mit ni care, cow nut ni C(i I"*. and 7*e m?^ fttf ?* ;/, re w?^ HC nt ///>'. wi' Isnvr /vy/y/ -f nuuii<' + ant or ^/y/r ; emu +- nut H h't \- it,ti nr //v or (e) ; + < + imtHi<'(tt + ion or (e): re + HiHiicr + abte ; re+ mum-rat -\-ion 6 or ?>0 or (< Helps for the Pupil. 1 Immunity. <\rf motion from r7w/y. - munift/. nil *hn //////. * Commnn. xlutn-J l.y .///. * Mnn(ii<-mt. inn lavish /////. 5 7/' iftofC, ///'/////. *>\- that gtivn. in :', i \a<*. \al,' \alur, from m/s r/, /m ///s, to he horn. Nasc + ent or e/jcy. 1 Xat + al or ion 1 or ion + <:l or / al+itii or iu/t+al+ize or ire or iv+itt/; ///, r>/// : /m \/<'/>'/-, Helps for the Pupil. ' Nascency, si.-iic nf ////-/A. l-ll \ Minl>i;i ally, hut not in fact, "-nation naim-s a jM-nplr uf tlic W Wr^// nr >toofc * Cognate, born with <>ne. * Nature, i-lyint.l^ically. tin- i.h-a ..r /;//7A predominates, Iav,* from /i-, /// //<; /// //x. we liave no + ble* or bfl + i/i/ or /// j -// or b/c-^ness; i + gno + ble or #/+y or ifo+ I-'rom notdre, no id tus, come iint+dble ' '-Hy or abil+i/t/; itofttf -{ -A/// ; f(tf(<-). l-'nun /J/r nn 1 ni y which a tiling i- 2 Notorious, with us. known for /w/ (juaiitics. 3 Ignoramus, a block- head ; but ivally, amus is the 1st per. plu. indie, ndin- "f L. v.-rl. : 1 1 v i ice ignoramus = ive are ignorant. 4 Noble, known for ^rooci q i ta 1 i JVumer,* IVumerat, (number), from nutue ra re, nu tin- nitus, to count, to or al + ly or 0^5 or ous + ly or 0t + m# or /'r or ic+al+ly ; in + nuiHcr + able; super + H it Htcr + /;' number; nttinbcr + er or Ze^. Xtum-rnt-rion or or or (e); e + minn'rat + ion or (e). Helps for the Pupil. ' Supernumerary, one in excess. , VuiK'ial, (nounc), from //"/< r* f/ /v% tutu ci a to proclaim, report* Nutici -}- (o l ) (It.); a^i, de* e, pro, 3 re + nottn<-(e); an, de, e + nounc(e)+ ment ; pro + noun <-(v) + able ; an, e, re + H it n<'iaj>al Mllfouttkior. * Denounce, \n proclaim tluvjiteningly. * Pnuumnrf. in utt r .-r speak forth. from 6r ?f //f>, eye. or />7 or (tr + 1y ; bin +<>ctt/ From tluMlerivalivi' inocuW r<\ in oc u Id />/*. ire li;i 4-oculat + ion or or or (e). 1 Helps for the Pupil. 1 Inoculate. t> en-raft a l>uart; part + y or 7y; r/, rfe, co?/i-f part + menl; port-}- ion or ion -}- less ; ap + port + ion or iow -f ment ; pro+port + ion 1 or ion + al or ion + able ; j>arti-}- al* or al + ly or al + ity or cle or cul + ar or cul + ar + ize or cul -\-ar-\-ity; par + eel; y>r/r.s(c). 3 l-'rnin par t{ re, par ti tut, to artit + ion + er ; partn+er+ship. ( l-' etc., see C'up.) Helps for the Pupil. Proportion, ivlatiun brl \\vni ///^.Y. hannoni- OUS ;irr;HL r <-FinMit of /^//7x. etc. - r*/ ?/ ri, y>r/s s//.s, to suffer. Com/ in+com+pat+ible or ibil^-ity or t'W-h //; 2 or ent + ly or 6^ce; im+pati + ent or ent + ly a fer, #a ^ r * s ^ father ; pdtria, lather-land. )a7 or (n)ity ; patr + on or on + age or on + ize or on + ess; /xttri+mony; patri + ot or ot + ic or ot+i- or o# + *c + al-\-ly ; com +pfif ri -f r^ + f W or (e). Helps for the Pupil. i Compatriot, a fefoto-WUntryman, LESSON XIX. To the Teacher. In reviews you may give Latin root-words, and require pupils to write or give all the rout-forms from these, used in Knglish. with one or more words in winch each root-form is found. The teacher will sec that a great variety in manner of recitation easily be devised. Ped ? * from pes, pe ills, foot. or esfr + ian or est + al; bi. t/mntru 38 From the derivatives ex pe dire, cxpeditus, to I'm- from, to make easy, and //// /trt/i rt . imjn i */// 4-0w or ency ; ex+pcdit + ion or (i)ous + ly; ! im+ped(v) ; im+pcdi+ment* Helps for the Pupil. l Expeditiously, with hurrying feet. 2 7m- pediment, literally, something by which the /eetf are obstructed; how used metaphorically? Pell,* I Mi K (/>e, pelt), from />e^ te re, ^*U SMS, to drive, push, strike. Pro+pdl + er; com, dis, ex, im, pro, re -{-pel. im, re+pnls(Q); com, ex, im, pro, re+puls + ion or ive ; From the derivative pul sd re, pul sd tus, we have palsat + ion or ive or ory or (e). Helps for the Pupil. l Pulse, the blood driven in beats. 2 Pelt, to beat. Pend,* Pen, from pen de re, pen sus, to hang, rely upon. Ap, de, im, sus+pend; pend + ant or ent or w/ + (um) (L. ) or ul -f ous ; de, in 4- c?e +pend + ent or ence ; ap -f- />^/' '/ -fa^e or la;; 5W5+i>eiicZ + er + 5. Pens + He ; sus+2>ens + ion or (e). Pend,* Pen, (pendi) 9 from pendere, pen sus, to weigh out, consider, pay out. Com,, ex, s ( = dis), sti (slips, a irift irivrn in small com)-f pend ; com +pendi + (um ! ) ( L. ) or ous or ous + ?y ; ^' -f pendi 4- ary. J9w, a 0.? 3 4-^i(e) ; ^ 4-i>eiis 4- tV^ or ^ve 4- ly or tve 4- ness ; pens 4- ton or i'0n -f er or ive * or iV0 4- ty> From the derivatives com pen sd re, com pen sd tus, and dispensdre, dispensdtus, we get com+penfat+ion or (e) ; re+eom+petwfe)] dis+pens + er or able 01 ft'>!e + nes8 orary; 5 in + dis + pens + able or able + ness; dis+pens^f 4- al; im +petn 4- OMS or 0^5 + ?y or ous + we55 or os -f Vy ; re 4- />ff/f ; re+peat + er or eJ or ed + ly. Petit + ion or ion + er or ; com, r^ -{-petit 4- z'o/i ; com + petit + or or tVe ; ^ LESSON XX. Plet,* found in compounds of pie re, to fill. Com, de,' in + com., re* + plet(e) ; com, in + com+pl< 4- ly or ness ; com, de, in 4- com, re +jMet 4- ion ; ex +plet 4- Itte. 3 Helps for the Pupil. Note the force of de and re in ' deplete and ' 2 replete. ' Expletive, used to fill out. Plic,* Plieat, or Plicit, (^c, />, />/y, !>/// y>^// />'' ' from />W ca re, pJi clic + ify ; ac + com +plic(v) ; sim, sup 4- pie ; sim 4- />/* 4-/V / i>?i -I- aw/ or /e or ancy or abil+ift/ or able + ness ; ply ; ap, com, im y mis + ap, MH/ti, re+jtly: 1 ?m+]>/oi/f* em+jrfoy+er or 40 merit; de+pfoi/: tli* />//< .r. Ex* im' + i>fi<'it : ex, itn r ittirit \ /// or MM*. .!/>. '///. ////, ' + ap, imifti, re, sup i>/i<-/irifi/, literally, -late of bein^ .-mule. niicombined, without fold. How dec- il -.-! its meaning of ;il)s-in-i- !' cunning. <>r of sn.iracit y ? How osit((>)\ . com, de, de + com, dis, ex, im, inter, juxta, op, pre, pro, sup, trans + posit + ion; com, de, ex + posit + or ; <1> posit + ory* or ary ; 3 post;* post + al or age; com, im-\ -post: im+post + or 6 or ure. J'ostur(e). Helps for the Pupil. ' Positive, placed, fixed, in opinion. ' My>o.s- itory, the ])laee where tilings are placed; * deposit an/, the one with whom. * Poxt, a stake fixed in the ground; a military station: a position of duly. How a conveyance for letters? '* Inip//. n ant 3 or ance ; de+port + ment ; de, ex, im, trans + ]>orf of the body. - /'i/r/vo/V. m<'an- \\\ carried, tenor of. 3 Important, carrying ^oinethin^ of weight importance, within. Port,* ( porch}, from por fa, a gate or door. fort ; l port + aloreror r + ess or ic + (o) (It); porch. Helps for the Pupil. 1 Port, opening, as in yw/7-hole. LESSOR XXL PON,* from Fr. poser, to place ; Low Latin, pan sa re. ros(v) (attitude); com, de, c.c, im, inter, op, pro, jtt/r. re, sup, trans +pos(z) ; com+pos + er or ure or ed + ly or ed + ness; pro+pos + al ; ex+pos + ure. Prim,* (prin, pri), from pr\ nt us. first. ./'///w(e); z prhn + er or Z or r# or it + ive or > / < age)4^; priu + cip + le or cip + al or cip + al + Ii/ or <-//>4 al + ity or cip + al + ship : prin" + c(e) (c(e) from capere, to take); i>rin + c(v) + ly or c(e)4^om or c + ess; pri+or (ending of the L. comparative) or or + ity or or^. 3 Helps for the Pupil. ! Prime, first in (juality. /'//////. tin- l)erson. 3 Priory, the house jre>iled over ly a prior. Sacr,* (sacri 9 secrat), from sacrdre, sacrdtus, to set apart as sacred, to dedicate. Sacr + ed or ed + ly or ed+ness; >erceive. As, con 9 dis, re + sent; dis + sent + er; s(c)ent; 1 scut + encej* sent +ent + (i) ous* or ent + (\)ous + ly ; re + scut +ment or ful;' senti + ent or ment or ment + alor ment pre + senti + ment. Scns(u) ; sens(u) + less or Elementary Enylixh. 43 less + ly; sens + ible or ibl + y or ibil + ity ; non 4- *ens(o) ; wow 4- sens + ic + al ; sensn 4- / or aZ 4- t7y or o?*s or ows 4- ly. From the derivative adjs. sen sd tus and sens-it if, we have sensat 4- iow oriow + a?or ion + al + ly ; sensit + iveor ive + ftm. Helps for the Pupil. l Scent, snun-tliing perceived by ih< 2 Sentence, containing a thought. * Sententious, wi'iirlity with thought. * Resentful, literally, /*// of the feeling toward out- which In- toward you ; now, full of indignation, auger. LESSOR XXII. Sequ,* ^ecut 9 (sec, sequi, su, sect, suit), from se qui, se en- tus, to follow. Sequ + el or ent or ence ; con + sequ + ent or ence or ly ; sub + sequ + ent or ent + ly; sec + ond 1 ( = und, the ge- rundive suffix=the pres. part.) or ond + ary or ond + ari + ly or o?z^ -{- /i/ ; oZ> + eiyt 4- es or ows a or ous 4- /^ ; ./>//, >y>/>, from spec (or spic)ere, spec tits, to look at, ^ ( =av, from em', bird) + sjtic + es ; l de + spic + able a or abl+y ; s/>/c(e); 3 su + spic + ion ;* su, an, in+au + sjtici + ous* or ous + ly; speci + al or // f-/// or 0s 3 or (e) ; 3 e 4- spec* -f a?; >;"'<'' -f men ; spy ; e + spy ; e -f spi + al or on + #0. ^4 , circum, pro, re, retro,, su + spft-f ; circum, intro, retro + spect -f ion ; Intro, pro, re, retro -f spect + ive ; re + spect + able 1 or abl + y or abil + ity or ful orful + ly. From the derivatives con spic u us, per spic u us, we get con, per 4- spicit + ous or ous-rly or ous + ness ; per + spic tt + ity. From the frequentative spec tare, spectdtti*. \\v get specta + cle (=cule) or cle + s ; spccfftt + or ; ( = spect) ; ex -rpect + #w ; ea- + pectat + ^o/i ; 7 w in + spect + iou or or or or + ship. From the spec ifi cd re, spec ifi cd tus, we get sped -\-fic or /// or a/ or fic + al + ly or flcat + ion. From speculdri, u Id tus, to explore, watch, we get specnlat + ?*ow or ire < r ( c ) . Helps for the Pupil. ' . 1 //.symv-x, OIK-.-, oincii I'l-oin llic flight of ////v/x; inidri- 1 li- tiuspices of=Uli(lT t lie \ ;it roliMLTc of. " lh'x]n'nthli'. deservc(ll\- lonkt-d down upon. :1 ,s/;/Vv, :i x/^r/Vx. :t x/>/-r/r tilings of a /,-/////. d-r/rrsx. liavo generally 7tA:e r/x/A/r t'oi'in-. II.-IKT. /><'/7/< Innkuuj til 45 LESSON XXIII. Spity* Spirit. (spirit, spriyht, sprit}, from spirdre, spi- rit fns, to breathe. A, con, in, per, re, re + i?i, tran + spird ) ; ex (=^pW | /// <.r /// {-ness; spright; spright f /// ent + al + ly or ment + al + ist or ment + al + it)j ; de + strof/;* de + stroy + er. Cov, ///. ob+stntcf. in, ob + struct + ion or /'vr or ire + li/j con, in i struct \ or. Struct it r(a>) ; super + struct ur(c). Helps for the Pupil. ' Ciuixfriir. t. .v/ / in ljil- : 2 m*eswi//.s7/'//^, to s^ //////.vx. tn misunderstand <>r Mis!Tj>ri'.rni. xtrtinit'ut. ;i inarliiiM- fur mnkiiuj 4 />'*//"// '" pull down. Sum,* Sumpt, (sumptu), from sfimere (sub + tme* sump tus, to arrogate, to tako up, to + ing ; con, in + con, pre, re + *um + (tM<". con - >///// er. Jx. r^//, ;^/v, re + ftumjtf + ion ur /'/r ; sumptu -out 1 or 0^5 + J// or r t i/ ; jo;* -h sumptu -f o//x 3 or ows -f / Helps for the Pupil. ' Siuni>ti>us. .r/vnsitr. luxurious. sumptuous, taking liberties unduly, rashly. 43 Word-Building. Tang, Tart," (ting* th + y ; historio Elementary English. 49 (history), lexico (lexicon), topo, t ypo + graph + er ; tele + graph + ic or ist or er; typo -f graph -f ic or ie -f a/. Logti, from logos, a word, speech, science, reason. Zogr -f ic or /c -f / or ic 4- 7 -h ly or tc + i n ; log -f arithms (arithmos, number) ; #wa, /?o, fo'o, chrono (chronos, tin concho (conche, shell), tfrm? (doxa, praise), entomo (entoma, insects), e/t/w0 (etymon, source), //// -fadelph (adelphos, brother) +ta;t or adelph-f (ia) ; ji/*f/ + harmon (harmonia, harmony) +ic ; ;>/*// + log+y or Jo^r 4-t^; j^/i^o-hsoph (sophia, wisdom) -her or soph-fy or soph -h ^ or soph -h ic -f aZ or soph + ize. 4 BO ll vd-Building. ADDITIONAL LATIN LESSON XX. VI. Cera, Cret, (crc), from cernere, cretus, to SPO, to sift, to distinguish, to separate. Con, dis + <('! H ; dis + cern + er or ible or w/// : de + cre(e) ; 56 4- ere -f cy. Dis, in 4- dis 4- cw(v)f ; ,*e f crd ; ' 5e 4- cret -f 7y or ive or ^/'// ; a ex, se -f rrrf -h ion ; 3 e + t-rct 4- fw or (c) : dis + rwt + iun or i. wt- h;i\ c 1-1- ft i :-/// : wrti +j?cftf + ion or Helps for the Pupil. J Secret, separated and hidden. * ('rii:iiially ;i private clerk, one inirusird with secrets. * Secretion, the flftf of secreting, that separated from tin- liluml and made into nc\v sul>- stances. 4 Certain, used when one has si/^ the matti-r thoroughly. t lain. 4 'la ma I . (claini), from da ma, re, da uni fits, to call, to cry out. Clam + or 1 or or + ous or or + ous + ness; cftihn :~ <-hiini + ant; ttn,vn+re+dain*+ed; re + claim -{-able ; ac,' Li>i. Elementary ////////*//. 51 con, c.<\ in, se + clus + ion or ive ; in -f con -f clus + ive ; clot* -\-ure or et ; c7o.s(e) ; 3 elos(o)+ly or /jm; en, in + clos + ure or (e). Knm tiic derivative clam tr urn,, we get r/oi*f + in or imi+al or /<>// f-/// -: /A/ or ion+al + ism or (r). Helps for the Pupil. ! Gregc -..(iaiin- in flocks or herds. J\f/regiou8, out <>J\ or above, the flock, <>r tin- LESSON XXVII. I lab. Habit, (aft, habit it. It Hut ^ from ha be re, hub it us. to, hold, Keep. = 7f aft) -f fo ! or ^ + T/ ; e^, f/i x f f //> ( = hab) 4- /c ; 4- //(i) + metit.* Habit ; :( 7/^ft*7 -h w^/e ; habit n al or ly QY ate ; ex, in, pro + Jtibit; ex, in, pro + hibit + ion ; ex + hibit + or or ory or ion + er ; pro + hibit + ive or ory ; fte+bt 4 ( = hibit) ; de + bt + or. From ha bil i fas, ha bil i td tis, wo get a(=ha)bilU f // ; de + bilit( = habHit}+y; de + biiit(tt(=ltbiHt<. , that due another, /t#d aM>ay /row him that owes. Her, Hex, from herere 9 hcesus, 1o stick. ^4^7, co, in + her(e) ; J, co, in + her + ent or cwcc or , co + hes+ion or ^e or ive + ness. Knnn the frequentative has ltd re, hwsitdtus,WQ have ancy ; l hesitat + ion or (e) ; un -\-hcsitat-\- in'//////>//. :,;; , Nex, from nectere, nexus, to hind or tie. Con, (Us 4- con 4- nect ; con 4- necf 4- to/& or ive or erf or erf 4- l\i ; rf/s 4- con -\- nect 4- /on or erf or erf 4- ly. An \ // <./ .- con 4- we* 4- tVw; an 4- MCJOS 4-0/4- Wtt or 0/ 4- tow 4- 1st. Scan, Scans, (Sccml, Seen*, (scent), in compounds), from .SCVM/ tic re, scan sus, to climb, to pass. Srv/- r/' ///>. to serve, he a slave to. S<*rv(e) ; serv + ant or er or ^e or ice + able or f'fe or V/4- ?7// or ile + ly ; de + serv + ing or ing -{-In or erf or ed + ly or (e) ; fw/s, sub + 8erv(o) ; sub + servi + ent or ent + ly or serf+dom. ticrcit + or or ude. 54 IIW-/////7///////. sitfii, from siy num. a sisrn. ,s/f/u y siy it- 4- tf or 7 4- ize or rtZ 4- ly < >r <7. From the derivative */// ///e or f6i7 4- ^// or i^Z H-yy pr o-r vinci + al* or al + ism. Con, e-rvict ; con, e + vict + ion j vict + or or or + y or or4-(i)ows. Helps for the Pupil. 1 Province, a conquered territory, a
  • fn'H or department. 2 Provincial, pertaining to a province, hcnee not national or cosmopolitan ; a term of reproach. LATIN IMK)TS. LESBOS \ \1.\. To the Teacher. A I in SO many yiggMkmfl 1mm ,, s j n the les- sons under " Klnnentary Kntflish." the. trarhrr max we are to offer him no more. Hut, if allowed, \\v would emph.-i those already mad< especially that. <>ne n-latin^ to the im-laphor 086 of words. The Helps for the Pupil will he continued. hut will heroin.- morr mrau'er as we see thai tin- pupil i- mil -I'owin- the need of them. We jjfive the Latin roots and then the (in-ek. and follow hoth with the An^lo-Saxon the Koots Additional. Apcr, Apcrtiir, from a^ c ri re, ft JH'T tits, to open. Art, (arti, <>rt), from ars, artix, skill, art, mctliod. Art; art + fitl 1 orful + /t/ or fu1+ nrss or lest or A' or hsx + ncxx or i*l or ist+ic or i*l + ir + at or ly or (is) (Fr.) + rt/*/ a /+///<' or ibl + y or //>/r 4- //r,sx ; /// -f aud + iblc or i* or i'Si7 + 17// ; audi + ence ; di's -f ob, ob + edi + ent or Word-Building. /// or >//.v + , o/Hr//: 1 nb + <>is \-an<; . Attait ;* r or (ir + x/ti/i or o/-// or or/ + (urn) Helps for the Pupil. 1 7>/W/r//. die mav ///. or rtf/ta i com- ply, with UK' command heard. * AwliL a hniri/ig. ;lll( l so an e.nit/timt- of account*. \ni\ in !///, or/), from n/f ruin, srold. Aur /'<; aur(e)+dte or ^/(c) 1 (diininutivc); mtri -\-fcr + ous;* ori + <>l 3 (diminutive); Helps for the Pupil. l Aureole, a golden halo. 2 Auriferous, gold- bearing. * Oriel, a recess, or window, gilded with #o/d. 4 Orinlc what is the bird's coZor Bat, from bat ere, popular form of batdercj to liirht. to beat, +ment ; or (te?* or te/'H-^ or tal+f(m; cum + bat; com + bat + ant or ive or ive + ness. I5H . see A.-S. list below. 4 a ii. < 'a ill . (cent), from CIH e re, can, ^/es, to Can- H- or 4- o w or or 4- 0ws 4- ^/ex.v ; ftc 4- cent. 1 From the frequentative m?& ^ re, crn/ /^ ///x, we have 1 cant;* cant + (i)cle or (o) (It.) ; (Zes, re -{-cant; re + cant at 4- fo/i ; 3 jt?re 4- cenf 4- or ; chant ; chant 4- cr or /// or ( i)r/frr (claiTy clear) ; e/i 4- chant ; en + chant 4- er or r 4- 0ss or mi'nt.* From the derivative accentudre, ac centu dtus, conu- r^- \-centu-\-al y ac + centuat -\- ion or (c). Helps for the Pupil. l Accent, the ^one, /;//rA, x//r.s-x of th 8 Cant, affected, hypocritical goodness uttcrin- itself in a xhnj-xong tone. * Recantation, the charm reversed, a declaration retracting a former one. 4 Enchantment, songs of sorcery. /,'//////>//. 57 LESSOR XX X. Cupif , 'i/>if, r*/m-, <-t. <-h(ttt. <-^ i or tn'ti + rt/; chatt+el+8* or el+ism ; witt + h'.* From the derivative capitulum conic <'ai>it+u1-\-ur or ul + ary; rhf + er. From the dim. r f /j) i //// n/it. comes chfi/tit + er. From the verb capit H hi r<\ <-if ti hi ' derived from the diminutive nipihihnn. come <-fij>itu/(tt + IUH ' or (e) ; re + cajritulat + iQn or (e). 8 Froni the deriva- tives r/^ r7^/> / /^' /v. /// a//, i hi ///>-, and [trw dp i hi r<\ /;/t' al: any kind, personal or real. 4 Cattle, investments in lire xtnck t chidly borine. * Capitulation, surrender, the terms of which an .\\M as little heads or headings. * Recapitulate, to ^ro ore/' th of a discourse again. ''Precipitation, headlong haste. "Precipitate, to throw headfirst. Celer, from cler, quick. Celer + ity. From the derivative ac eel e rd re, ar ccl e ni ///*, to has- ten, come ac + celerat + ion or ive or ed or ing or (e). Commocl, see Mod below. 58 II /'(/- />tu'/t/ijiy. < oimiiiin. xrr nun, first list 4 oron. (<-rotrn, corof}, from co ro na,n crown. Coron + al or et ; crotrn ; crotrn + less ; corol + t(i\im.) -f (a) or 1 + ary. 1 From the derivative corona re, corondtus, to crown, come cor on + cr ; 2 coronat 4- ion. Helps for the Pupil. 1 Corollary, something irivrn beyond what is due, as a garland; hence something additional, as an inference. 9 Coroner, officer appointed by the crown. Corpus, torpor, (corps, cors, corpu), from corpus, cor- po ris, body. Corpus -{-de or cul + ar ; cor^s(e) ; eors + //7 <>r r/ ; cor- pn + lent or lent + ly or /eMce or lenc + y. Corpor+al l or al + ly or (t'l + ify. From the derivative adj. corpo re us, and verb cor po r ti- re, corpordtus, come corpore + al or al+ly or al+tty or lY^; iti + corpore-ral ; corporat + ion* or (e) ; iu + cor- porat+ionoi (e) ; corporat(o) + ly, Helps for the Pupil. J CorparaL a noii-coininissiniird ofViccr SMFH-- times in charge of a small /^/// of ////'//. -Corporations consist each of two or more persons, or bodies, united for soim- purpose. Cred, Credit, (ere), from credere, credit its, to believe, trust to* Cred + ence or 0ra or^it<4-(i)eil4- 1 m Me or ibl + y or # or /ft/e -h w-c.s'.v ; cre(c) ^ ; y^/.s -f cr<>. + ai(/.* Credit ; credit -f or 3 or able or aft? + y or able -f M&JS ; ac, dis + end it ; dis + credit -f aft/e. From the derivative adj. credulus, we have cred+ul + ous or ul + ous + ly or ul + oux + ncss or ou& or ul + ous + ly or ul + ity. Helps for the Pupil. > 'W/-//////x. /,;/* that one is entitled to credit. - MixiTfttnf. /ni^c/ifrin;/ ln-ncc, in the . ers, viU. *-Crliir, I In- ant- trusted. I>at, from //>; tra+dU+ion;* tra+dit+ioii+al or / ), sur + ren + d + er ; ren + d+ (ez) + (vous) ; T re + 6^;i + dit (e) ; #/v^ + it +kr. Helps for the Pupil. 1 Date, the given point of *tW. 2 Dative, the case used to express that to or /or which something is done. * Abscond, to place one's self in liidlmj. 4 Edit, to #i'ye forth. * Krfradifiim, the giving up, by one State to another, of an alleged criminal. * Tradi- tion, the giving, or luindin.i; down, across periods of time. 7 Rendez- vous, report or deliver yourself; then the j^/oce at which this is to be done. I.KSSOST XXXI. Dent, (denti, dun), from dens, dentis, tooth. DeHt + fd or /x/ or ixt + ry or (tt + cd ; fri + dent : denfi + /V'/V(e) (frirf/rc. to rub) ; r/r/w -j- efe + lion. * From the derivative dcn-titn*, tlie p. p. of /A'// tf/re, we From tlic derivative />/ ^-// /// r, /// ^A 1 // A/ ?U*, t> not-h. we havi' /// 4- fA j //^ ; /// -I- dv itf - un : ' in -\-//. Helps for the Pupil. ' D^mlr/ion. tlic flower so named from it^ jagged leaves, whose t-dirrs l.ok like row* of lion's teeth. Indenture 60 II n/V/- /////A//. duplicates of contracts once had tlu ir edges notched so that they would tally with rarh t.tlu-r : tin- \\riling8, 80 iiotrhi-il, were callt-d M l>i, from / or or nr f- /*/ : nn'ri(--iHi'7 : /i( s-, lm\v nianv r) wt- L r 't n h > r /mint/ a '/"//. (> n . ilnily. - Journal. mic a d"/" . M /OlfflK V ^a- a A///'.s travel; meaning of both extended m>\f. lloinin. from f/oy// / JI//N, lord ; in or ic + al or (o) or (e) (l><>th Sp.) ; (in Chaucer, etc.); / r-h /'-/ +/Icl-f (CS) ( L. ) Or 0/ 1 nr /// ^ /// nr r// | ////. Helps for the PupiL ' tfujjrrti' |.in- t<> the surface, .!ll. Advanced A'/ /////'>//.- Cl Felu% from felix, felt cis, happy. Felic + ihj or it 4- 0?js or *7 -f ous + ly or iV -f ous -f w0ss ; in+f<'lic+ity or it + oif* or it From /e Z/c / tf# tfws, p.p. of /e /^ / # re, we get feliciftif + ion or (o). Fcs, from fa te ri, fes sus, to own, acknowledge, manifest, show forth. /, pro +f ess; con+fess + or l or ion or ion + al or t-d or ed-\-/i/ ; pro+fess + or* or or + (i)Z or or -{-ship or tow or or ion + al + ly or erf or ed + ly. Helps for the Pupil. 2 Confessor, not the one co>//>.s.s//^/. but 7/f /// whom cunj'i'xxinii /x nxult'. I'mfvxxor, one who openly teaches, or shows fort/i. ;i science, ur hranch of learning. LESSOX XXXII. Form, from forma, fiirure, shape, appearance. rni'tn : fornt+dl or al + ly or ttl + isnr or til + ity or ?// (dim.) + (a) (L.) or nl + ary or nl + at + ion or Hl + afr : .|>. of the dcrival i\ c /)/r ///^' /v. we have fin-unit \-ion or //'". 'Fnun the eoinl)inations of /br- with prepositions, we have /v///, ///, /v, triuix+form ; \-fin +able or abl + y or /V or //// ; ro//. ///,' J /v, /// +fonnnce to forms nl 00reman68, Information^ kin\vlMlu r i rn-rivnl, and regard M! as 'taliln ami //*//// In tin- 62 Word-Builtf* . Tori, i/or//./orr). from /or //>, stroii-, powerful. /'or/: />>// + ; + (ess) (Fr.): forti+ff/ or /ii-/,/. From the derivative /or & r0j to strengthen, ire gel L- rum + fort : l rof/t i-fort + dblu or ttbl + y or /<- or / / ; tf+fort.* Helps for the Pupil. What, -vrr l comforts, strengthens. ' J\ the putting forth of strcnyth. ; 3 Gcr, vc k *f. 4-<^iur. (f//.sY, f/istr.jcsfi, from ytrere, to hciir, or carry on, perform. <;/-r-f "//'/ or t(H>/ : ,/rs/ 4- ^r or i;/// + ///. Yromges fir ?/ /// ///x. p.p. of //r>- /// // /^/ //. l-, p.p. of the derivative exay -jarahMl. 4 Congestion, orovrrl'iiln. 4.r an. <(/r +judicat+ ion or (e). Judicature). Helps for the Pupil. " Judicious, with good judgment. - Prejudice, t, im UK il without full data, and unfavorable. . /tni(/ti . from fingua, language, tongue. Lint/ ii + ul or /x^ or isf + ir or ist 4- ics ; ! langu 4- age. Helps for the Pupil. Linguistics, the science of languages their origin, growth, change. Word-Building. LESSON \\.\Ili. Major. (m a i/or), from nut, /or. greater, comparative of nus, great Major; Major + it y l or ship or gener + til ; mat/or; m a i/or + ship or al 4- ///. Helps for the Pupil. l Majority when dot i > <>nr oome i lii- majority? And what is the diHVivmv iM-twcm a //////o ///_// <>f \ and a plurality f Man. ]?Ian, (mn, main), from mane re, ttuin >//*. in sia\, dwell. Man -{-or or or + (i)a/; per + man + cut nr r///-f/// <>r n 4- ew/ ; ! re + JMM + ant ;* re-}- in a i n ; re + main + s or (d) (Fr.)+^*. MaHs+iu/i. ov-iun + r;i pr (e), Helps for the Pupil. l Immanent, ,*/, a physician. Medic + al or al + Iy or ////' or /// -h/// or /// -\-nMc. From the derivative met/ / rr/ r/. ///^/ / /Y/ ///>, t<> heal, or ////'/// ; nt<'. from ntrtt ri. nun sits, fo measure, e>tiin;it<>. M<-f(i>). 1 Ih f iiH'ns + i*ui ;' it/t { incus 4- //// ; ///* -f meti8(u) ; //// itn'iis(e) + Iy or ne.vx. //// -f im-itstir + ahlc or abil + ity ; nt<'l + y or /// or (<) : //// -f measur + ablc or '//// + // ; tn<' ire, peer), from par, /H r/s, equal. JPr; i> or0rorn^; 1 (ymss is j-iviixcd to the words 00^'. /f/r Helps for the Pupil. * Passenger (the n t-\< r-< , ni), .n- who passes or journeys. * Passing often = dyinj: the " Passing of Arthur." Pen, trompc&na, piinishinent. Pen + al or al + ty or awce. From the derivative ^ew f ^ re, to cause to repent , we get in n it -f ence or ^w^ or ent + 7^ or e?^ + (i)al or e^/ + (i)ary ; l or ence ; re + pent; re + pent + ant or ance. Helps for the Pupil. l Penitentiary, once a b-uildimj where peni- <-onf eased; now one where offenders are confined in Pict, Pictur, (painty piy) 9 from />/'// r/e re, pic tus, to paint. i'i/// -f plac + oit or rW-f /// or e?^e or ency ; 2*leas(e) ; pleas + er or t'w^r or iny + Iy <>r ant or ant + ly or (Dit + ness or (tHf + ryor urc or nr + //* -f /iY or ance ; j>fit/ ; plead + er or /////-f*; pica* I-' roin the allied verh />/// r//' /v, />/// /v/ ///x, we ( iret pllcat + wn or/Vor(<). Helps for the Pupil. ' /'A/r/W. gentle, |M-,-i-i-rul IMM-JUI>U * Plea, a pleading which 6X00060, Advanced /,'//////>//. 67 Plen, (pleni), from pie nus, full. Plen + ary ; re+plen+ish or ish + ment or ish + er; pleni + tude or potent (see below) or potent + (\)ary. From the derivative noun pleti i tas, plenty, we get plent -f//; plenti +ful or fnl + ly or ful+ness ; plente + ous or ous + ly or ous + ness. From the kindred verb pie re, to fill, come com, 1 sup*+ple + ment or ment + ary; im+ple + ment ; 3 com, $up+i>lu. Helps for the Pupil. ! Complement, that which fills out or com- , pletes, as one hemisphere another ; 2 supplement, an addition only. 3 Implement, means for fulfilling or accomplishing, an instrument. Plum, (ptttnti), from pluma, a feather. flutn(e) ; jtfunt +y or //e or ?/// or ic or (e)ous or (e)?i or lin(e) or mJ(e) ; plumbi+fer + ous; plum(m) Helps for the Pupil. What are a ! plumb and a s plummet made of, and what metal does the 2 plumber handle? Pot, I 'ola I. (pois}, from i><> tn re, }>o td tus, to drink. Pot ; ! pot + ion or able or able + ness ; j>ot(i) -t-er or le or erf/ ; pois 4- on 2 or o?i + ous or o^ + ^/*. Pot at + ion or 0/77 ; com +potat -f low or or. Helps for the Pupil. What must a ! pot have been used for in order to get its name, and in what form must * poison have been taken? Potent, (potenc),ihe present part, root of pos stun (=potis + sitm), pds se, to be able. Potent; potent + (\)al or (i)al + ly or (i)al+ itij ; im + 68 H onnti+potriif ; of<>n.c + y ; itn + potenc + y or (e) : of< nr(> \. From the / of ; ' we get p08* + Me or iM + y or j>oss + ibil+ //// ; or ibl+y or ibil + ity. LESSON XXXV. Prehend, Prelicns, (pregn, prent, pris, priz\ from />re // < // re //<'// >//>-. to seize, lay hold of. Ap l y com, 9 re+prehend; im+pwf/H -{-able or (tltl + y or tibif+ifi/; ap+ prent + ice or ice + *1n p. Ap, com, re + preliens + ion or ive or ible or ibl + y ; prehens+ilc ; , com, enter, sur+pris(e) ; op, re, sur+pris + al; pris + vn or on -f cr ; priz(o). Helps for the Pupil. Bring out clearly the difference between 1 apprehend and 2 comprehend. run;:. Punct, Punctur, (poign, punch, point), from re,punctus,to sting, prick, point. 1'tiny + ent or ency ; ex+pung(e) ; ! poign-}- ant or 0*1 or ?^y. Com+punct + ion* or (i)o//< ; point; point + er or edf or ed+ly or ed+ness or From punctum, point, we get pum-fit + al* or al + Iy or al + ity. From the diniiiiutivc /tunrtilln (S]>.), we get |HfltCt4*i7+(i)^ of time. What is it to 4 punctuate? Advanced EnyU.xh. 69 Quadr, (quadru, quadri, quart, quir, quatr, qua t), from quad rtts, ji square, from qudttu or, four. Ouaar + ant or ant + al or enni + al or oon;* quadr + angul(angulus, angle) + ar or ^/////(e) ; quudru+ped or ped+al or pie or plexj quadri + later (lotus, lateris, side) 4- ft/; quart; quart + er or er + ly or etfte or w or (o) (It.) ; quir(e) ; a quatr + r. t<> *"'/,- and .7/7/7? by force. /)/, nee, of surpassing quality. 4 Questor, a receiver <>!' taxes at Ronu . . Quicl, (quit, cot/), from qui es ce re, qui 6 t */.s, to n^t, repose, release, o/fi +esc + ent or ent + ly or ence ; ac + qui + esc + ent or or esc(e). 1 Otiicf ; f H- tV( = ic) 4- (i)ows a or it 4- (i)ows 4- ty. Rap- tur(e) j a raptur -f- ow or ow^ 4- ty ; en 4- raptur(e), Helps for the Pupil. ' Ravine^ H yuryv cut out by ruahiny Hoods. Advanced English. 71 2 Surreptitious, done stealthily and with violence. One in s rapture is caught up and hurried aivay in thought and feeling. Rat, (rati, reas), from re ri, rd tus, to think, suppose, calcu- late, fix, settle. Rat (e) ; * over, under + rat(e) ; rat + able or abl + y or w0ss or tow or (io) (L. ) or ?ow 4- al or tow + al + ly or tow ize or ion + al+ist or ion + al + ist + ic or tow 4- / 4- t'sw or tow 4- al 4- ^y ; rail +fy 2 or /& 4- 0r or float -f tow ; 4- on 3 or ow 4- 0r or ow 4- ing or 0tt 4- ^>fe 4 or on 4- a5? 4- y or 4- able 4- Helps for the Pupil. 1 Hate, the fixed proportion. 2 Ratify, to sanction, approve. 3 Reason, the intellectual faculty which thinks, con- cludes. * Reasonable, having reason, agreeable to the reason. Reg, Reef, (ro//, r/gr, regri, ress, recti], from regere, rc tus, to rule, direct, arrange. 1 or al + ly or al -\-ity or en/ or 0ttc# or tow y swr ; t w 4- sur + g 4- ew/ or ency ; 2 sou + r(=rere>eribed /?//<> . as of />ress, to arrange in frwf, to arrange one's clothes. Ki, from ridtre, risus, to mock, to laimli. to lauirliat. Z)e 4- Hrl(e) ; de + rid + er; ridi + cute or cul + ous. or ibil + ity or ibl + y ; de + ris + ion or u;0 or ive + ly or LESSON XXXVII. Riv, from r/ ///>-. a stream : ///>- ion; de, inter + rogat + ory ; inter, pre + rot/af \ //v. Helps for the Pupil. l Arrogant, /V,////////# for one's self n>\v. mort than one's due. * Surrogate, a substitute, an officer \vlm }n -ides over the probate of Mu7/. * Prorogation, the ending of a session < -I liament and t he postponing of its business. 4 Supererogation. than t/w/y require*. Advanced English. 73 Rupt, Ruptur, (rout, rut) 9 from ////// pe re, rup tus, to break, destroy, burst. Ab, bank 1 (bench), cor, inter + rupt ; cor, dis, e, inter, ir 4- rupt 4- ion ; ab 4- rupt + 1/ or ness ; cor 4- rupt 4- ly or ness or er or ible or ibl + y or ibil + ity or ible + ness ; in + cor + rupt 4- y or wess or ible or /W 4- y ; e, ir 4- 1* *fp 4- f w ; inter, un 4- iw-for 4- rw/tf 4- ed or eo? 4- ly ; fowi 4- rw^f 4- cy ; ro ut ; a e); 3 rout + ine; rut. Huptur(o). Helps for the PupiL 1 Bankrupt, one unable^ pay his debts. At Florence, it is said, the bankrupt had his bench (i.e., money table) broken (Webster). 2 Rout, the lines of the army broken. 3 Route, broken, or cut through. Sal, from sal 9 sd Us, salt. ; sal + ine or ry or ad; sal(t)+er or /sA or ness or Zm or petr(o) (see Lesson XLIIL). From the derivative sa li re, sal sus, we get sauc+y or i 4- Zy or f -f ness or er or (e) ; saus -f a^e. Sal, Salt, (salt, sili, sail, suit, sault), from sa li re, sdl to leap, rush, issue suddenly forth. sal 4- (mon) ; * s/i 4- ent a or ^7i^ 4- ly / 4- ent or ewce ; as 4- ^ / 5 4- st7 4- w^ or able ; de 4- SM/ 4- ory 3 or ori 4- ly or or/ 4- ness ; as 4- .svf n?t. From the derivative sal td re, sal td tus, we get saltat 4- ort/ or ion ; ex 4- ult( = ,s#//f ) ; 4 ea; 4- *# 4- w^ or ing 4- /// ; ex+ultat + ion ; re + suit; re -{-suit-}- ant. Helps for the Pupil. ! Salmon, the fish namer ///^/ + ous + ness; sam-ttt -^.-arii ; saint; saint + 1i/ or like or ed. Helps for the Pupil. ! Sanctimonious, affecting sanctity. Sat, from sa / /> . enough. $a*(is)4-/V r f act + ion or fact -\-ory or /acf + ori+ly ; t(\$) +fy or fact + ion. From the kindred verb sa ^' re, sa ^i /M, come *wf (e) : c? ; saf / + a^Zc ; M + wef * + a^/e or aW + y or able + // or abil + ity ; sat iat -\-ion or (e). From the kindred adj. sd tur, we get satir + ist or ue or ic + al or (e). 1 From the derivative verb sat u rd re, sat u rd tus, we get satur + dbU ; saturat + ion or (e). Helps for the Pupil. ' Satire, originally, a dish filled with ingredients, a medley ; a species of tint holding men or things up to ridicule. Sec, Sect, (seg, &ci, sick), from se cd re, sec tus, to cut. Sec -{-ant; co + sec + ant; seg + ment; sci + on; sick + le. Bi, dis, in, inter, tri + sect; sect -{-or or ion or ion -f al or t*0n-f al + ism; bi, dis, inter, tri, vivi + sect + ion. LESSON XXXVIII. Sen, from se nex 9 old. Sen -{-He or il + ity or esc + ent or i'or (L. comp. ending) or ior 4- tVy. Senior is written also *ire, *tr, seignior. Advanced English. 75 From the derivative noun se nd tus, we get senat + or ! or or + (\)al or or + (i)al + ly or or + ship or (e). Helps for the Pupil. l Senator, etymological ly, an old man. Serv, from ser vi re, to serve, see first list, additional roots. Serv, Servat, from servdre, ser vd tus, to save, protect, give heed to. Con, ob, pre, re -f serv(e) ; con, ob, pre + serv 4- er ; ob -f serv + able or abl + y or ant or ant + ly or ance ; ob, re, un + ob, un + re + serv + ed; re + serv + ed + ly or ed + ness; re + sert; + (oir) (Fr. ) . Gon, ob, pre, re -f servat -f ion ; con, ob -h servat -f or or orz/ ; con, pre -f servat + ive ; con + servat + t'sm. , see Sia below. Son, Son i l (sonn, souri), from so >/ IM < . * pi < . first list. Sta, Stat, (st, stet), from stare, status, to stand. Slant, the present participle form. it, from sis te re, std tus, the causal and reduplicated form of stare. Sta + ble* (bulum) or bl + ing ; con (from comes = cum + ire. to go, = count) + sta + ble; sta + ble (able) or bl+y or ble + ness or bil + ity or bl + ish or mew or min + (a) (L.) ; e-f .?/<* -f #? -f ish or #/ -f iA + ment ; o^> + sta 4- c/e ; a 0^, c?i, /M * + sta+nt (= ant) or nt + ly; equi + di + sta + nt ; circum, 4 di, in, sub b -f sta + nc(=nt) (e) ; con + sta + nc+y ; in + sta + nt + an + (e)ous; circum, sub-\-sta + nt + (i)al or nt + (i)al+ly or w/ H- (\)ate ; tran + ^w^ + sta -h w^ + ion or wtf + (i)a/g ; sub -f f a + nt + ive ; ex-\-ta(= sta) + nt ; sta 4- ft(za) (It. ) ; st a -f n(c\i) + ion; ar + re, contra, re' + st; re + st + ive or ive + ness. Stat(e) e, in, re, re -f in + stat (e) ; stat(z) + ly or /*' + ness; stat + ion or ion + ary or ion + ery or ion + er" 1 or />/ or ^ -f *c -f al or i's + /C5 or ist -f t'c + ian or wre or e(/ ; ob + stet + rix or ric-\-s or ric + al. From the derivative noun sM w , a standing image, we get statu + ary or //0 or ^we or (e). From the derivative verb sta tti e re, sta tu tus, to set up, establish, we get statut -{able or abl+y or ory or (e) ; con, de, in, pro, sub + stitut + ion or (e) ; con + stitu + ent or ency ; con + stitut + ion + al or ion + al + ly or ion + al + ist or ion + al + ism or f if w< -h iow -f a? or i Advanced English. 77 Sis te re, the causal of stare, gives us as, con, de, in, per, re, sub + sist; as, re + sist + ance ; as + sist + ant; con, in, i n + con, per, sub + sist + ent or ence ; con, in + con + sist -f ency ; re, ir -\-re + sist -f Me or ibl 4- y or i W/ + tVy or ible + ness or less or less + ness ; ex + ist(=sist) ; 8 + to + 0ftl or eraee; super + st it i + on 9 or 0^s or ous-\-ly ; art/ti (-or /s, time. Ti-nipor + al or al + ly or al + ity or rr/// or ari + ly or art -\-ness or /2orf + er; cora-f tenipoi' + ary or a^ + (e)o//; ex + f<'tn /><({') l oran + (e)ous or fog; t<-ntj> + le;~ /r//s(c). From thr derivative noun /OH /trx tas, tempcx tnd + er ; pre + tend + er ;* in + tend + ed or ant or ment; super + in 4- tend 4 ent or ence. Tens(e) ; tens 4- ion or He ; in, pre 4- tens(e) ; dis, ex 4- fens 4- ion ; ex 4- fens 4- we or i + ly or fve -f Hess or ible or ifo7 4- ity ; in + fens 4- ive or t ly or i% or (i)/*/ or (i)ficat + ion. Tent ; 4 ^OH, #E, + fenf ; at, con, in, in + at + tent + ion ; at, in +at + tent 4- ive or ive 4- ly. From the derivatives os ten de re, ostensus, and os ten- tit re, os ten td tus, to show, exhibit, display, we have os + tens + ible or ibl + y ; os + tentat + ion or (i)0?/s or (i)oits + ly or (i)ous + ness. Helps for the Pupil. 1 Tend, stretches toward. * Portend, to stretch out fn wards, to point to. 3 Pretender, one who stretches, or lays, to <;/irt# is ?io Ais. 4 Ten^, canvas stretched out with ropes. Test, (testi), from fe"s fis, a witness, one who attests. Testi+fy or fi+er or mow^/ or moni + al. 80 \\nnl-rnnltli, From the derivative tes tu ri. /Vx /d ///.^ss ; joro + ant or ant -{-ism or er; #, ote, ro + t<-stut ion. Tori, Tortur, (tor, tors,tortu), from tor quere, tor f its, to turn, wret, fovist. Torf ; ' con, dis ex, re a + tort ; con, d is -f tort -f ion ; ex + toft + ion or t'ow -f r or ion + #ry or ion -f ate ; ^o/^ + (oise) ; 3 tor -f ment or m^w^ + or or /w0ft + m^ + ly ; tors -h ion ; tort u + ous or ous + ly or ous + ness oros + ity. Tort ttr + able or 0r or (e). 4 Helps for the Pupil. > 7 T or/, a wrongful act, twisted from the r*#M. 2 Retort, a censure returned ; a twisted, or 6e?i/, taie. 3 Tortoise, nuiurd from its bent feet. 4 Torture, writhing pain. Trail, Tract, (trac, trail, train, tray, trait), from /ivf he- re, trdc tus, to draw. Sub + /*/ 4- end. 1 Tract ; 2 fracf 4- ^7e or i7 4- it if < >r /^ // : abs, at, con, de, dis, ex, pro, sub + tract ; abs, at, con, de, dis, ex, pro, sub + tract + ion ; con, de, ex, pro + tract + or ; at 4 tract + able or abil + ity or ive or ive + ly or ive + ness ; fib*, dis, pro 4- fraetf 4 ed or rf 4- /y ; con 4- ^/ wcf 4- 0c? or r^/ /// or ed + ness or t'#Z0 or ible + ness or ibil + ity or He or // i //// ; trc + er or m^ or ery or (e) ; trac(e) + able ; trail ; train ; train + er; por + tray; trait; por + trait; por + trait + ure. From the frequentative trac tare, tract a tus, to handle, manage, we get tract; 3 trftrftt +ble or W-f// or hie + ness or or r + ian ; re + tract ; 4 re + tract 4- ion or ive or Advanced English. 81 He ; tractat(e) ; re + tractat + ion ; treat ; treat + y or ise or ment ; en + treat; en 4- treat + y. Helps for the Pupil. From what is the 1 subtrahend to be drawn, or taken ? 2 Tract, a region drawn or traced ; 3 tract, a short treatise. 4 Retract, to handle again, to withdraw. Trit, (H), from ter ere, tritus, to wear, rub, waste. Trit(e) ; ' trit(e) + fo/ or wess ; #m -f- trit(c) ; 2 cow -f trU(e) + ly; at, con, de + trU + ion; de + trit + (uB) (L.) ; de + fri + ment or ment + al. From the derivatives ^ri'# w Z tfws and /n7 w r^ ^ws, perfect participles of ^ri w Zrf re and ^r// u rd re, we get tribnlat ; 3 triturat + tow 4 or (e) . Helps for the Pupil. ! 7Vt7e, W;O/*AI out by use, hackneyed. 2 Con- trite, thoroughly rubbed, bruised ; hence penitent. 3 Tribulation, an affliction or providence sent to thresh and to separate the corn from the cAajf of our natures, as the tribulum was used in reo threshing. * uration, reducing to grains or LESSOR XLI. Trud, Trus, from trn dere, trn stts, to thrust, push. De, ex, in, ob, pro + trud(e); in, ob + trud+er. De, ex, in, ob, pro + 1 rus + ion ; in, ob, in + ob + trtis 4- ive or ive + /# or ive + ness ; abs -f trus(e) ; #s -f trns(e) l + ly or Helps for the Pupil. * Abstruse, the meaning thrust aside, con- cealed. IJnd, I 'M Ha l, from mi. r?/e or a^ 4 ion or a/ 4 or or (e) ; ww6?er 4 vala(o) ; t 4 vain 4- a We ; a^ j0r0'4- ^at7 ; a 4- v*^ 4- able or ##/ 4- y or dbil 4 tVy ; un + a + vail + m^ or able. Ven, Vent, Veiitur, (veni, venu, ventu), from ^e tti re, ven tus, to come. Con, contra, inter, super + ven(s) ; co+ven+#niorant+ er; con + veni + ent 1 or ent + ly or ewc6; vcitte(e) ; a, re + venu(e). Ad, circum, con, e,* in, pre + vent; con, contra. in, inter, pre 3 f rent 4 ion ; in, pre 4 vent 4 ive ; in 4 rent 4- or or ory ; e 4- I^M -f/wZ ; cow 4- t>en 4 ion 4- #Z or ?'ow 4 a^ -f?y or ion+al + ism or ion+al + ity or (i)c/e; eow, t.- i>su- ) + roi/ or r<'H 4- egyr 4- ic or egyr 4- is or egyr 4- tc 4- J or egyr ; i>aw4-oply (o/?to, armor); ^>aH + acea (aios, cure); jpan -f demon! -f um ; pan 4- dect 4- 5 ; ^a?i -f orama (sight) or oram+ic or creas (flesh); pant o + mim (imitate) 4- (e) or mim 4- ic or mim 4- w^. Petr, (petri), from petra, rock. JPe(e)r; jpefr4-^ 1 or oleum 9 (oil); 0o(t) 4-lefo v (e) ; pefri +fy or ^ 4 er or /ac*f 4- ion or fact 4- ive or ficat 4- ion. Helps for the Pupil. l Petrel, the name given to the bird from its supposed ability to walk on the sea, like St. Peter. * Petroleum, called rocA; oi7 at first. 86 \\nnl- 1 Mi on. (phono), from P/HHH'-. sound. riinn -if or ics; anti + phon; (tuti + phon + y ; eu + phon+y or ic or ic + al or (i)ous or (\)ous + ly ; sym + p/ton + i/in- ist or (i)ous or (i)ous+ly; phon+tt+ioorei + ic + al or e -f tc + al + ly or ^ -f ics or Ics ; y>// o/* <> 4- /i or graph + er or graph + ic or yrj>/t + ic + al or loy + y ur Pliyi 9 (physio), from phtisis, nature. I'/i i/si +c(=ic) or e + a? or c-f al + ly or c + ian or or es; meta+pkysi+cs or c + a? or c + al + ly or y>// //> / o + /ogr 4- y or Jo- , beautiful) 4- eido (eidos,torni), micro (mikros, small), stetho (stethos, breast), stereo(stereos, solid) -f scop(e) ; micro + scop + ic or ic + al ; scept + ic or ic + al or ic + ism. ANGLO-SAXON KOOTS. LESSON XLIV. Bear, bier, bar, bur, from beran, to carry, Bear; bear + able or er or ing ; for, over + bear ; for, over + bear + ing ; for + bear + ance ; bier ; ' bar(r) + ow ; 3 bur + d + en or d + en + some. Helps for the Pupil. What is borne on a ^ier? What on a 8 barrow ? Adrr, from faran, to go travel. .FYfcr(e) ; far(e) + well ; field^ thorough (through), wel -f far(d) ; fer + ry or r^/4-nian or r?/-f boat ; for + d or Grav, grov, grfov, from grafan, to dig, to cut, ; f/ntr + rr or r// or ////; e^ + grrav + er or (e) ; (/rov(e) ; f/rooi<(e). Hal, hail, lieal, hoi, (\v)hol, from 7m/, sound. Hal(e) ; /^^/(IJ + o^ 1 or otr + nut* or o/r + e'en ; i wees, be) -h sail(=hal) ; hail ; heal + //^ or M 4- // or /// -f i + /// or ^A + / + /aess or //^ + /'^/ or /// +// + ly or //* +ful+ n< * or /+>/^'-s- or /+/// or / + day or =/tol + * + but) ; (w)lw^(e) ; ( or sowe + wes^ or so/ne H- /// or sale. Helps for the Pupil. 1 Hallow, to make holy ; that is, spiritually sound. 3 Halibut, a ^/i eaten on holidays. *liear, sliar, hor, *hir, *li-r, scor, from scent H, to cut, or r/* or afcar(e) + holder : plow+Aar(e) : ' shir(v) :' >///>(<) i- t<.\vn : s/tcr(=shir) + itT( reeve) ; s/tcr + d; cor(e). 3 Helps for the Pupil. A l />/o //*// f//v r^//x <>IT the .sV/Vv <-;illrl furrmr. 9 Shirt, tlu- old Knirlish
  • S7/7//r. meat on the end of a stick to be cooked. 3 8tock=p&rt of a gun c;iji- tal=public funds=stump of ?i tree = family. 4 Stocks, for the feet, for th<- building <>!' >liij. Tro\v, tro, tru, from trtowe, true. Trow; tro + th or tt-f plight; be + tro + th or tli tru(e); tru + ly or is/ft or th+ful or th+ful + ly or tf// or ^ or ^4-er or ^-j-ee or st+ful or st+ful + ly or Adoanccd Enylish. 89 st +f til + nets or */-h// or xt + i + ly or st + i + >*e.s.s- or st -f worth + // ; w/5 4- ^rw + st or s +ful. ivis, from witan, to know* ; to wit ; wit + less or less -{-ness or or / + fy or i + ness or i + c + ism; wis(e) ; wis(e)+ty ; wis I'- LATIN PREFIXES. . = out of, from. ag, (it, (tin. extr(t = beyMiid, with. (in, dp, ar, out. (IS, (it) to, against. in (en, i, il, ainbi (amb, iin, ir) = not. din, an > around, on all in ( (tin, n. bene well. upon. bi (bin, bis two, twice. inter (enter. circuui (circu) abound, Intel} = anioni:. be - around. bweeo, contra (con- infro = within. fro, coun- jn.rfd = near to. ter) again>t . in (i fe (mat) = badly, evil, (tint (co, col, or ill com, con. ne, noc ( = no cor, cotm w i t h, to- + (pie, IIC(/) = not. gether, or non ( = nc + adds I'uivr. nnn in) = not. DM! one. de away. down. ob (<>, (H ', of. fro lit . Mi- op, os, o h > = against, upon. adds fuivr. pen (IHPIH-) Almost di (de, deft, per (/Kir, pel * ii Hill tifi. ec (ex) en (tni i epi (ep) eu (< / lie mi met a (met) from, out of, mono (moil) = alone, one. in, on. para (par) = beside. upon. peri = around. well. poly = many. half. pro = before. over. jtsetido = false. under. *///* (>///, s//m, beyond, after, sys, s?/) = with. change. LATIN SUFFIXES. The part of speech formed by the aid of the suffix is indicated by the letter placed before it. n.=noun, v.=verb, . ^adjective, ad.= adverb. Many of these suffixes are much changed in form and in meaning by long sojourn in the French language. cable (abil, abl, ble, bl); ible (ibil, ibl, bil, bl) able to be, fit to be, causing. acious nacy a nal, el, (I) having the qual- ity of, full of. stair or quality of bring. at. Mate of being : act of : t h a t which ; a col- lection of. TtaiiihiL: to ; the act of. a nan, ain, ane, ean, ian = pertaining to ; one who. nance, ancy (anC) ate of l.eiiig : act of. nand, end = L. fut. part. ending. ant See cnf. = pertaining to. (ari) ar=beloiigiiig t : one who ; place where. " r y, er place where ; state of being ; collection ; art of. ?=to grow to or become, denotes female agent. egi*e=8oraewhat, like. l ^of, belonging to. r=of, belonging to. "ftte, et=litt\e (diminutive). ey. See y. ible. See able. <*> nic, ical= pertaining to ; made of ; one who. nice=st&te or quality of being ; thing that. iri=:quality, pertaining to. ier. See eer. <*ile, (7)=able to be ; relating to. (in) = belonging to ; n. end- ing also. "/fm=act of; state of being: that which. fV//f/;= belonging to. ish. See esc. n aite = one v/ho : bcimr. n ity, (^/)=slnt' ur quality of be- ing. aive, (iv)=o\\c, who; that which ; having power or quality. nix, denotes a female. =that which. [give. c ize, (iz), ise, (itt) = to make, to vle 9 (I) (frequentative). ale, n\l). See a/, el. '>lence=SLbui\da,nce of. aletit= abounding in. &t acted upon. = state of being ; act of ; thai which. , (inoni)=st&te of boim:: that which ; that derived from. pertaining to. non, oon, iou=one who. OH. Sec ion. not*=one who ; that which. "or, OH. restate or quality of be- ing: place \\here. (o/'/)=:relating to; place where: thing which. , (os), OM8=full of, having. = onc who. nr=cr or or=one who. rix denotes female agent. si on, son. See ion. Word- 1! nil to. S ntude,(tu/ little (diminuth . u/r -lal. ,. r a, -| ,,r : lluit which. ttrn --belonging 1<>. //. /') Btote <>r bring: that which. ANGLO-SAXON, OR ENGLISH, SUFFIXES. trr -one who. . r !' : to make ; past par. little (diminutive). nei=ono \vh<>: that which. acr=mniv (comparative degree). (frequentative or causative). (adjt-ctive nidi- most (superlative degree). ful= full of, causing. nhead, /i-oocl=j>iate or (juality of /V, y=littlc (diminutives). the act : rout inning. somewliat : like; to make. --little (diminutive). 9 dcnoti- fiv(jucnt action. which. I s.s \\ it Inuit. wJe=little (diminuti -. ^7 hif/=. little (diminutive). , (ft, y) = like. manner, state or (juality inir. of verbs. or 9 denotes possessive case. = state of, office of. "SOMI-f -full ol', eaiisim:. ngt= state of who. of leinr. GREEK in- ^ pertaining t. net =one who. '"'/r/.sv manner. ny. See ie. <*//:= full of. having. " '" l I/. See ///. SUFFIXES. /'.sv. /'.:>' to make: to give, -talc of bring; doctrine. n\ it-ftl jH-rtaining t> : made of : one wliu. , i< s of. >'/.s7-o!le who. ny= state u| l.cin OrtJiography. 95 ORTHOGRAPHY. Vowels and Consonants. DEFINITION. A Vowel is a letter that stands for a free, open sound of the Toice. The vowels are a, e, i, o, u. W is a vowel when it unites with a preceding vowel to represent a vowel sound ; as, new, now ; and y is a vowel when it has the sound of i ; as, by, duty, boy. W and y are consonants at the beginning of a word or a syllable ; as, wet, yet. DEFINITION. A Consonant is a letter that stands for a sound made by the obstructed voice or the obstructed breath.* The consonants are the letters of the alphabet not named above as vowels. Sounds of the Vowels. Diacritical marks used in Webster's Dictionary. 1. a, long, in hate. 2. a, short, in hat. 3. a, Italian, in far. 4. a, broad, in all. 5. a, intermediate, in ask. 6. a, long before r, in care. 1. e, long, in me. 2. &, short, in mSt. 1. I, long, in pine. 2. i, short, in pin. 1. 5, long, in note. 2. 6, short, in n8t. 3. o (like Zongr oo) in do. 1. u, long, in tube. 2. u, sftor*, in tub. 3. u (like short oo) in pulL 4. u (before r) in fur. oi and oy (unmarked = at) in oil, toy. ou and ow (unmarked = aoo) in out, now. //, which represents a mere forcible breathing, it) an exception. 90 One letter used for another. a = 8, as in what 6 = &, as in where, heir. 5 = a, as in eight. = ft (nearly), as in her. i : - e, as in police. T = ft (nearly), as in sir. 6 = ft, as in done. 6 = a, as in form. o (unmarked) = ft, as in worm. <5b = p, as in moon. 06 u, as in wdbL u ss p, as in rude. y -I, as in fly. y = f , as i 1 1 m^th. 9 = u, as in wolf, Remarks. a is between a and a. a represents tin- first, or i.i-li cal," part of fl, touched lightly, without the " vanish/' or e sound, a is nearly equivalent to # prolonged before r. H is between -& and e. Some careful speakers discriminate between & (= o in toorm) and e (= 1), making the former a modification of u anl the latter a modification of . In the *' International Dictionary " (the latest " Webster "), ^, e< i, o, u, represent the long sounds as modified in syllables without accent ; 6.0., senate, event, idea, obey, unite. The ' Intt-niational " often respells instead of using diacritical marks. When one vowel of a diphthong is marked, the othrr is silent. Diacritical marks used in Worcester's Dictionary. a in hate. Z in hat. & in far. & in all. & in ask. a in care. * in met. I in pine. I in pin. o in note. 6 in not. 6 in do. u in tube, u in tub. u in pull, ii in fur. 61, 5$- in oil, toy. fiu, 6w in out, now. Orthography. 6 in where. 8 in her. 1 in police. I in sir. 6 in done. 5 in form. 66 in moon, u in rude. f in fly. ^ in myth. Sounds of the Consonants. Explanation. The two classes of consonants are arranged below in separate columns. Those in "1" are called vocal consonants (voice consonants), and those in "2 " are called aspirates (breath consonants). The letters with dots between them form pairs. Give the sound of the first letter of any pair, and you will find that, as the voice stops, the vanishing sound will be the sound of the other letter. The tongue, teeth, lips, and palate are in the same position for both, the only differ- ence being that in one there is voice, and in the other only a whisper. 1. Vocal Consonants. b 2. Aspirates. d... t c. . . . . . k . . h i. . ch 1 m n. . \. 2. Aspirates. Vocal Consonants. r th (in thine) (th in thin) T f IV y z (in zone). . : s z (in azure) sh C, q, and x are not found in the columns above. C = k or s; q x = ks or gz. Diacritical marks Webster. 9, soft (= s), in 9ent. -e, hard (= k), in -call. ch (unmarked) in child. 9h, soft ( sh), in chaise. -ch, hard (= k), in -chorus. g, hard, in get. g, soft (= j), in gem. s, sharp (unmarked), in 9 ,50/*(=z), in ha?, th, sharp (unmarked), in thin. 4hj soft or vocal, in-lkis. n (= ng) in ink. 98 Wort/-/' Diacritical marks Worcester. 9 in cent. X/, 5 (or JD) in call. ch (unmarked) in child, ch in chaise. JCH, fh (or jch) in chorus. J3, & in get. G, in gem. s In has. th (unmarked) in thin. TH th in this. in exist. RULES FOR SPELLING. RULE I. Final r is dropped before a suffix beginning with a Towel; as, fine, finer; love, loving. Exceptions. Worjls ending in ce and ge retain e before able and ous to keep c and g soft ; as, peaceable, changeable, courageous. Words in oe and ee retain the e unless the suffix begins with e; as, // seeing. RULE II. r after a consonant becomes i before a suffix not beginning with i ; as, witty, wittier ; dry, dried. Exception. Y does not change before ' ; as, enemy's. RULE III. In monosyllables and words accented on tho last syllable, a final consonant after a single vowel doubles before a suffix beginning with a vowel ; as, hot, hotter; b< -/////, Exceptions. The final consonant is not doubled when, in tin- deriv- ative, the accent is thrown from the last syllable of the primitive ; as, refer*, reference. But we have excel', ex'ctlltnt, ex'c< l!> ncc. X, k, and v are never doubled. Remark. To tin liule^ above (and inferences from thorn) there an- a few other exceptions; as, dyeing (coloring), sinifi-imj, tinyriny, mi/cog*., awful, wholly, / f . <\nt ; ,N-//////, drynt**, piteuus ; , transferable, bumbuyytd, crystallize, cancellation. LESSON XLV. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. THE EARLY CONQUESTS OF BRITAIN. THE languages spoken on the earth have been more or less perfectly classified. Above all other classes in importance is that to which our own tongue belongs, namely : I. The Indo-European Family. Of this family there are ten members three Asiatic and seven European. Seven of the ten have long been recognized : (1) The Indian, or San- skrit, used in Hindostan ; (2) the Iranian, or Ancient and Modern Persian ; (3) the Hellenic Ancient and Modern Greek ; (4) the Italic, that is, the Latin and its descendants viz., the Italian, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the French, the Provencal, the Eheto-Romanic, and the Wallaehian : (5) the Slavonic preeminently the Russian ; (6) the Celtic, or Keltic, made up of the Cymric and the Gaelic ; and (7) the Teutonic, subdivided into the (Jothic, the Scandinavian, the High German, and the L>\v (Jerman. Into the Low (id-man the English falls. To these seven, recent scholars have added (8) the Lithuanian, closely related to the Slavonic; (9) the Armenian ; and (10) the Albanian. II. The Celts. This people early occupied the Spanish Peninsula, Gaul when Caesar subdued it, and Britain when Caesar visited it in 55 and in r>4 B.C. The Celts in Britain were at this time broken into many tribes, which seldom united in a common cause. III. The Roman Conquest. The Celts did not make a stubborn resistance to the Unmans, who by 84 A.D. had con- quered as far north as the Firth of Forth. This the Romans joined to the river Clyde by the wall of Antoninus. They subsequently built, as additional protection, the famous wall of Severus, or Hadrian's wall, uniting the Solway tod the Tyne. The Romans did not attempt a thorough conquest of Britain ; but, with their headquarters at Eboracum, now York, held the island by a series of fortified y>os/s, whose sites are now mainly indicated by towns with names ending in Chester, cester, or caster forms of the Latin castra, a camp. But the imperial city whose empire stretched so far. whose armies were largely composed of soldiers drafted from her subject peoples and led by generals of their own blood, WAS menaced by invading hordes, and was forced to recall her legions for her own defence. By 420 the soldiers had all left Britain, never to return, and the Celts were again free. But their freedom, was of short duration. By the middle of the fifth century a more formidable invasion than the Roman had taken place, and a more thorough conquest was begun by IV. The Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes. These peoples were of the Low German branch of the Teutonic stock. They had blue eyes and flaxen hair, were large of frame, fond of adventure on land and on sea, and were fierce and cruel in battle. They were owners and fitters of the so/7, hated cities, knew no kinir. and lived cadi group of related families within its mark, or district, which was bounded by a belt of neutral land from other "farmer common weali The e/f/^-s, we are told, came over under IleniriM and Horsain44 ( J. and settled in Kent. Klla and his i'ollo\\ in 477, and Cerdic with his, in !'.>.">. settled Sussex in the History of the English L ////" 101 ' south and Wessex in the west, and later 'Saacons founded Essex. The ending sex, would of itself suggest the origin of these kingdoms. Three kingdoms north of Thames the largest of which, Northumbria, stretched from the Humber to the Forth were founded by the Angles. Besides North- umbria, East Anglia and Mercia were established. The conquest of the Celts by these Low German invaders proceeded slowly. Not till 607 had the unex terminated Britons taken refuge in the western part of the island. And now for more than two hundred years the conquerors waged fierce war upon one another. The several kingdoms, for war begat the king, contended for the overlordship, till at last Wessex secured it, and Egbert its king ruled from the English Channel to the Firth of Forth. Meanwhile the invaders had been Christianized, Augus- tine and his missionaries arriving from Kome in 597. The Christian temple rose on the site of the pagan fane. By the end of the seventh century, the Church was a single organ- ization. As population increased, the marks coalesced and became shires, of which in Alfred's time there were thirty- two, each with its religious, legal, and political organization. V. The Danish Conquest. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle relates that in 787 the Danes, as all Scandinavians at that time were called, began their invasions. Sweeping up the great rivers that pour into the North Sea, they laid waste the territory adjacent, harried and killed the inhabitants, and settled as they conquered. The very verb hurry is Anglo-Saxon, derived from their name for the dreaded Dan- ish army he-re. What terror this army inspired may be gathered from the prayer that made its way into the Anglo- Saxon litany : " From the incursions of the Northmen, good Lord, deliver us/' These Bcahclihavians were heaten in irreat battles and driven back, but only to return. They were bought oil' with gold ; and finally, on condition that they would eon line themselves within it, they were given the territory to the east and north-east of Wntlhiy Stwf, an old Roman mili- tary road which stretched from near Dover through .London to Chester on the Dee. But they could not be kept within the limits of this territory, called the I> n< lf fourteen English rivers to-day. Esh, meaning the same tiling, designates more than twenty. Esk has entered int.- the names of towns also, as in JS^eter, Axminster, Oxford, and Abridge. Thames, Humber, Wye, Cam, Ouse, and many other river-names are Celtic. Pen or Ben, the usual Celtic name for a mountain, is seen in the name for the range called Pennine, in that of the hills called /Vwtland, in 104 \\'<>nl-Buildit. Jfow-Nevis and /tat-Lo&umd. Dun, a hill-fortress, is found in London, /Jwwbarton, 7^/wdee, etc. Many other Celtic words can be found on almost any map of England, and, indeed, on the maps of Spain, Italy, Switzerland, and (M -r- inany. Besides these geographical terms it is said that the common words Clout, crock, cradle, cart, clown, pillow, barrow, glen, havoc, kiln, mattock, and pool came into the Anglo-Saxon before the Norman Conquest. As other Celtic words appeared later, we will call all tin- whether geographical or not, entering the Anglo-Saxon and continued on into English, the Celtic, or AV///V, of f/t<> rirst Period. II. Latin of the First Period in English. But in the Celtic vocabulary foreign words had found a lodgment. The Romans held most of the island for hundreds of years. Many of their words filtered down into the speech of the subject Celts. Some ef these, seven it is said, forced their way up into the language of the Anglo-Saxon conquerors. Castra, a camp, appears in the names of towns ending in Chester, caster, and cester, as Manchester, Lancaster, and Leicester ; strata, paved streets, in Stratford, Streat\\nm, etc. ; colonia, a settlement, in Lincoln and Colne ; fossa, a trench, in Fossw&y and jPosbridge ; portus, a harbor, in Portsmouth and Brid/wrtf; vallum, u rampart, in wall; and mile. These seven now in English we call Latin of the rirst l'< rio mark this. \\e have refrained from calling the dominant people of the island, or their speech, before 1066, by any other term than Anglo-Sawn. But after the union of the peoples and of the languages, a new word is needed to denote new things : and this term we have in the word Knglish. As we use it, English denotes always the race resulting from the marriage of the two peoples, or the speech resulting from the union of the two tongues. But we must guard against supposing that either the two peoples or the two tongues were welded into one instantane- ously. They grew together, and this growth was slow. The Two Peoples Side by Side. Any yoke of conquest would be galling to the liberty-loving Anglo-Saxons, but there are special reasons why this was so. The conquerors were of alien blood, and national animosity existed between them and the conquered. William confiscated the entire soil. He parceled out the land, upon condition of militarv service, among a score or more of great vassals, among Home hundreds of inferior crown-vassals, and among the higher clergy. "The meanest Norman rose to wealth and power in the new dominion of the Duke." Shoals of Norman ecclesiastics came across the Channel, and the people were forced to receive even religious consolation from foreigners. Another language than their own prevailed in all places of authority in the palace and among the nobility, in law courts, in the schools. To their painful consciousness of social and political degradation was added their keen sense of the scorn with which the Norman regarded their lack of culture and their " harbarous tongue." , Mut the influences operative through all these years were; not wholly those of repulsion. 'These two peoples living together had to meet each other in the iield and in the town. History of the English Language. 107 The}? were forced to buy of each other and to sell to each other. The subject race gradually acquired definite rights. The serf was struggling to become a copyholder, and the copyholder to be a freeholder. The military power of the nobles was waning. The courts of the feudal baronage were shorn of their power. The feudal system was giving way. The Anglo-Saxons were improving in education as in ma- terial things. They and the Normans intermarried. A strong national feeling was springing up before which their mutual antagonism was yielding. This feeling was aided by the fact that the English kings had vast possessions in France, partly hereditary and partly acquired by mar- riage. To hold these against the French kings required a united people. And to make head against the encroach- ments of their own kings the nobility were forced to make common cause with the people. To what extent the barons identified the cause of the commons with their own may be seen from the celebrated provisions of the Great Charter extorted from King John in 1215. LESSON XLVII. THE ENGLISH. ITS n>M POSITION. CONTINUED. V. Latin of the Third Period in English. Continued. Yet how slowly the Anglo-Saxon and the French were blending in the vocabulary of writers, at least, may be seen in the fact that Layamon's Brut, a poem of thirty-two thousand lines, written in,1205, does not contain a hundred and fifty French words; and that in the Ormulnm. a poem of twenty thou- sand lines, appearing in the year of Magna Charta, scarcely fifty French words are found. 108 \\'nri/-/;ni/t/iiig. The Two Languages Side by Side. But during this period tlu i fint/iiistic di/Jtcu/th's in the way of a coalescence were gradually / This period was for the subject race one of great and general depression. Their speech was no longer cultivated. The standards in it were all forgotten. Anglo-Saxon was no longer taught in schools, spoken at the palace and in the castles of the nobles, or used in courts of law. Few were writing in it. It was left in the care of those ignorant of the literature in it and of its grammar, and familiar only with the vocabulary employed in speech upon the commonplace topics of the household, the farm, the street. The effect of all this upon the language can easily be in- ferred. A l&rge fraction of the vocabulary, the more digni- fied and scholarly portion, fell into neglect and then into ohlivion. Of the words kept in circulation, so much of .each as we call its grammatical inflections, denoting case, person, number, tense, almost entirely perished. These in- flections would be retained only by those aware of their im- portance. When, then, this Anglo-Saxon speech had forced itself upon the Normans, as it fairly succeeded in doing by the second half of the fourteenth century, it was far <">/>/ to tmtstcr than it would have been immediately after HMJlJ. It is estimated that nearly one-half of the words in the vocab- ulary before the Conquest dropped out of it in the three hundred years immediately following, and we certainly know that, the grammar had been vastly simplified. Instruction Revolutionized. We said that by 1350 the con- quered had forced their tongue upon their conquerors. We have it upon the authority of John of Trevisa, that, after the great pestilence of 1349, the instruction of youth was revolutionized. John Cornwall changed the instruction in the grammar-school from French into Knglish, and Kichard History of the English Language. 109 Pencrich and others followed his lead, so that in 1385 in all the grammar-schools of England the children had abandoned I'Yench and were taught in English. In 1362 French was exchanged for English in the courts of law. An act of Parliament was passed in this year, ordering that in all the courts " all pleas . . . shall be pleaded, shewed, defended, answered, debated, and judged in the English tongm." Great writers had now arisen Wyclif, 1324-1384, in prose*; Chaucer, 1340-1400, in poetry. They wrote in English, and their influence upon the plastic language of their time, and upon all English writers succeeding, is simply incalculable. The Norman-FrenchCorrupt, We may add that the adoption of Anglo-Saxon by the Norman was greatly facili- tated by the fact that the French he was ttsi ns<. ghoul, hazard, horde, jar, lemon, lilac, mummy, orange, rice, sash, shawl, and veranda. From the Hindu, such as : Banyan, calico, chintz, jungle, pagoda, shampoo, sugar, and toddy. 8 114 Word-Building. From the Turkish, such as : Bey, janissary, ottoman, and tulip. From the Malay, such as : Bamboo, bantam, gong, gutta-percha, mango, rattan, and sago. From the Polynesian, such as : Boomerang, kangaroo, taboo, and tattoo. From the Chinese, such as : China, junk, nankeen, serge, silk, tea, and typhoon. From the Arabic, such as : Alcohol, algebra, alkali, candy, chemistry, cipher, cotton, crimson, elixir, gazelle, magazine, nadir, sofa, tariff, zenith, and zero. From the North American Indian, such as : Hominy, moose, raccoon, skunk, squaw, tomahawk, and wigwam. From the West Indian, such as : Buccaneer, cannibal, canoe, hammock, maize, potato, and tobacco. But, after all, the great component elements of English are the Anglo-Saxon and the Latin the Latin mostly that of the Third and Fourth Periods, of course. It is from the Anglo-Saxon that the English derives all the grammar it has. The grammatical forms of the English noun, pronoun, and verb are those not sloughed off during the centuries immediately succeeding the Norman Conquest. Some, like the 8 for the plural and for the possessive singular of nouns, had a footing in the Anglo-Saxon, and have been universalized by the influence of the Norman-French. But the Norman-French can hardly be said to have introduced anything new into our grammar. o w A 2 3 History of Jhe English Language. 115 1. Anglo-Saxon. (Of the First Period. Of the Second Period. 2 ' Lat 1 Of the Third Period. Of the Fourth Period. 3. Greek. 4. Indo-European. i Of the First Period. 5. Celtic - Of the Second Period. x ( Of the Third Period. 6. Scandinavian. . (Of the First Period. { Of the Second Period. 1. Hebrew. the Italian 9 the Spanish, tin- Portuguese (these three Latin in origin), the Dutch, the Germ tut. 8. ?4ft other Lan- guages as liic Slavonic, the Persian, the Hindu, the Turkish, the $T- the Polynesian, the the Arabic, the North American Indian, and the Indian. LESSON XLIX. THE AXOLO-SAXOtf AND THE LATIN IN OUR VOCABULARY. The Norman words. Lathi as we have seen, came iuto English (1) to supply the demands of the blended peoples for terms to denote things and express thoughts which the Saxons never had, and so had no words to denote. They 116 !!"// came (2) to fill the gap caused by the loss of words which tin- Anglo-Saxons before the Conquest did have. 'They came (3) as contestants for the places already filled by the Anglo- Saxon. In this contest the Latin (a) sometimes dislodged the Anglo-Saxon. Labor and (oil do duty now instead of swi/t c(i// % and mice has supplanted stefen. Often in the struggle the Latin (b) divided the ground with the Anglo- Saxon. Color exists side by side with ///// or lnu\ and juy with tliss. But oftener, perhaps, the Anglo-Saxon (c) held their positions, and the Latin words never secured the cov- eted footing in the language. Latin words have come in, in great numbers, since, to satisfy the demands of our ever-increasing knowledge and higher development. For little attempt has been made to meet these insatiable requirements by any effort to com- pound into new vocables the old Anglo-Saxon material pre- served. These, too, have entered into contest with the Anglo- Saxon for the places occupied by them. We may say that the pronouns ; the numerals ; the irreg- ular verbs (except strive), including the auxiliaries ; the prepositions and the conjunctions (excepting save, exec/if, concerning, and because, and a few others) are An ( irlo-Sa.\on. A slight percentage of the other words are Indo-European ; some are Celtic, some Scandinavian, some Greek, some He- brew, and some have been adopted from the peoples with whom the Knirlish have h,-id intercourse. The remainder are Anglo-Saxon and Latin. It is of this remainder, the bulk of the vocabulary, more than ninety per cent, of it, that we wish now to speak. And we should speak more plainly if we could speak specifically, if we could throw these words into classes and look at them there. This History of the English Language. 117 we cannot o!<> In- re, but we can give the results reached by us in work of this kind done elsewhere results which not unfaithfully picture the functions of the Anglo-Saxon and of the Latin in the English vocabulary. What Words Belong to the Anglo-Saxon. The names of such things (1) in the animal and vegetable worlds as were native to the island, and generally known before the Norman Conquest ; the names (2) of the outward parts of the animal body, and of those internal organs that easily reveal their presence ; (3) of common buildings and their necessary ] >arts ; (4) of the household equipment that families living in such houses must have ; (5) of such farm implements as a people rude in arts and agriculture could make and use ; (6) of occupations mainly manual ; (7) of the essential divisions of time ; (8) the verbs that express many of the customary acts in the material world and operations in the mental ; and (9) adjectives that denote obvious sensible qualities, and the obtrusive attributes of the intellect, of the emotional nature, and of character ; these are mainly Anglo-Saxon. What Words Belong to the Latin. But to name (1) things in the animal and vegetable kingdoms seen by travel; (2) to denote buildings higher and more complex than the common dwelling, and to mark those parts of them and those belong- ings to them unfamiliar to the Anglo-Saxons, but needful, we should think, even for comfort ; (3) to indicate those parts of the body and their functions which science has dis- closed ; to denote (4) the longer or the more minute divisions of time, and the occupations that indicate higher culture ; and (5), generally, to mark the less ordinary physical acts, requiring, many of them, plan and combination, and to de- note the less obvious objects and qualities of objects in the outward world ; to do these things we draw largely upon 118 the Latin element of the laniruaire. And when we turn to the words in Knirlish expressive (iisf itf/i/ appearing. r<'tfjt/H'firinitl>li< (tisrottrsi; as well as in colloquial speech, over against 180 Word-Building. a per cent, of Anglo-Saxon ranging only from 23 r % to 33^. This is the showing if each word is counted but once. The general belief (1) that for ordinary communication we make the heaviest drafts upon the Anglo-Saxon ; (2) that the words coming most frequently to the tongue and often- est repeated on the page are Anglo-Saxon; and ('.}) that, while on social or business topics we can construct whole paragraphs without a word of Latin, it is all but impossible to frame a sentence without the Anglo-Saxon ; this belief the figures of the comparison do not disturb. And this is much to confess; for it is an acknowledgment that our dependence upon the Anglo-Saxon is absolute, so far as it extends. Nor do these figures (4) give the number of the Anglo-Saxon and of the Latin words in our vocabulary, or settle their ratio to each other, or (5) decide the question whether, had our ancestors of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries imitated the ancient Greeks or the modern Ger- mans, and formed new words by compounding native mate- rial, we might not now be using a vocabulary all of a piece, and yet ample for our utmost needs. Our Need of Both Anglo-Saxon and Latin. But from the exhibit made by the comparison above we think we are warranted in claiming that we cannot do without the Latin words in our English ; that, when we rise above the com- monplace in matter and in manner, we find such words indispensable. We say indispensable; for, while the ferry- boat that takes us daily to our place of business is indis- pensable, the transatlantic steamer that bears us to Europe is not less so, even though we go but once. It would seem that these two classes of words, mingling freely in the current of every English sentence, have dwelt BO long and pleasantly together, that we should cease to call History of the English I,(unjnage. 121 either class foreign, alien. Often we cannot, without close scrutiny, tell which words are Latin and which are Anglo- Saxon. By some ear-marks, perhaps, hut certainly not by their length, hy their strangeness, or by his inability to handle them deftly, would one of but average culture suspect that the following nouns, adjectives, and verbs belong to the Latin : Age, art, case, cent, cost, fact, form, ink, line, mile, pain, pair, part, pen, piece, price, rule, sound, ton, tone, and vail; apt, clear, cross, crude, firm, grand, large, mere, nice, pale, plain, poor, pure, rare, real, rich, round, safe, scarce, siire, vain, and vast; add, aid, aim, boil, close, cook, cure, fail, fix, fry, mix, move, pay, save, serve, try, turn, and use. These, and hundreds of other short Latin words, as well understood as the simplest Anglo-Saxon, are mostly without Saxon equivalents. But even those with Saxon duplicates are necessary ; they give to our speech a rich synonymy that aids us in making and in expressing the finer distinctions in thought. The Latin are often (1) the most forcible words in English. What Anglo-Saxon verb of teaching matches in vigor incul- cate to drive in with the heel ? What other adjective denoting health has the strength of robust oaken ? Such words, unfortunately, are pregnant with meaning mainly to the etymologist. In this they differ from what the vigor- ous, self-explaining Anglo-Saxon words would have been had that element been fostered. They give (2) conciseness to ex- pression ; like canals across isthmuses they shorten the route witness mutual, reanimate, circumlocution. Of tenor than the Anglo-Saxon they are (3) metaphorical, and flash upon the thought a poetic light ; as, dilapidated, applied to for- tune or dress ; ruined, to character ; luminous, to expression. They impart (4) grace and smoothness to style are the mnxi- mL Mclodinux, and mclUjluunx words of the language.. Thev irive (5) pomp and stateliness to discourse, and make possible the grand manner of Sir Thomas Browne, of Milton, and of De Quincey. A vocabulary like ours, duly compounded of the Teutonic and the Romance, has a manifoldness and an affluence of wealth that adapt it to every kind of writing, and are wonderfully stimulative of it. And so while the literatures in other languages excel, each in some single department, ours is confessedly eminent in all. While it is difficult to exaggerate the work and the worth of the Anglo-Saxon in English, we deprecate what has been called the "violent reaction" that has set in, in favor of it a reaction which, carried to the extreme, would practically disinherit us of vast verbal possessions. But, without any wish or effort to champion the much decried Latin element, we may safely say that this reaction cannot be carried to the extreme. We are glad to find the wise Alexander Bain breaking out, on the opening page of his work, On Teaching /-Jnt/tixh, into, " To write continuously in anything like pure Saxon is plainly impossible. Moreover, none of our standard English authors, whether in prose or in poetry, have thought it a merit to be studiously Saxon in their vocabulary." The words chosen should be appropriate to the topic, and level to the comprehension of those addressed. This much we may properly insist upon ; but it would be unwise to encourage our pupils to seek for such words in the Anglo- Saxon element alone. RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (415)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW NQV17199Q Rrturrwd NOV28lS9u RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 202 Main Library 642-3403 LOAN PERIOD 1 2 3 456 LIBRARY USE This book is due before closing time on the last date stamped beJow DUE AS STAMPED BELOW LIBRA" LG 61979 KT/> UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6A, 20m, 1 1 /7Q BERKELEY, CA 94720