t> ROMAIN ROLLANi: Ex Libris THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT ABOVE THE BATTLE "The fire smouldering in the forest of Europe was be- ginning to burst into flames. In vain did they try to put it out in one place : it only broke out in another. With gusts of smoke and a shower of sparks it swept from one point to another, burning the dry brushwood. Already in the East there were skirmishes as the prelude to the great war of the nations. AH Europe, Europe that only yesterday was sceptical and apathetic, like a dead wood, was swept by the flames. All men were possessed by the desire for battle. War was ever on the point of breaking out. It was stamped out, but it sprang to life again. The world felt that it was at the mercy of an accident that might let loose the dogs of war. The world lay in wait. The feeling of inevitability weighed heavily even upon the most pacifically minded. And ideologues, sheltered beneath the massive shadows of the cyclops, Proudhon, hymned in war man's fairest title of nobility. . . . :; " This, then, was to be the end of the physical and moral resurrection of the races of the West ! To such butchery they were to be borne along by the currents of action and passionate faith ! Only a Napoleonic genius could have marked out a chosen, deliberate aim for this blind, onward rush. But nowhere in Europe was there any genius for action. It was as though the world had chosen the most mediocre to be its governors. The force of the human mind was in other things so there n>as nothing to be done but to trust to the declivity down which they were moving. This both governors and governed were doing. Europe looked like a vast armed vigil." Jean-Christophe, vol. x (1912). [English translation by Gilbert Cannan, vol. iv, p. 504.] ABOVE THE BATTLE TRANSLATED BY C. K. OGDEN, M.A. (Editor of The Cambridge Magazine) LONDON : GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN LTD. RUSKIN HOUSE 40 MUSEUM STREET, W.C. First published in 1916. (All rights reserved.) College Library 1 INTRODUCTION ' Over the carnage rose prophetic a -voice, Be not disheartened, affection shall solve the problem of freedom yet. ( Were you looking to be held together by lawyers ? Or by an agreement on a paper? or by arms? Nay, nor the world, nor any living thing, will so cohere.} " THESE lines of Walt Whitman will be recalled by many who read the following pages : for not only does Rolland himself refer to Whitman in his brief Introduction, but, were it not for a certain bizarrerie apart from their context, the words " Over the Carnage " might perhaps have stood on the cover of this volume as a striking variant on Au-dessus de la Melee. Yet though the voice comes to us over the carnage, its message is not marred by the pas- sions of the moment. After eighteen months of war we are learning to look about us more calmly, and to distinguish amid the ruins those 7 Introduction of Europe's intellectual leaders who have not been swept off their feet by the fury of the tempest. Almost alone Remain Rolland has stood the test. The two main characteristics which strike us in all that he writes are lucidity and commonsense the qualities most needed by every one in thought upon the war. But there is another feature of Rolland's work which con- tributes to its universal appeal. He describes our feelings and sensations in the presence of a given situation, not what actually passes before our eyes : he describes the effects and causes of things, but not the things themselves. Through his work for the Agence Internationale des prisonniers de guerre, to which one of the articles now collected is largely devoted, he is, moreover, in a position to observe every phase of the great battle between ideals and between nations which fills him with such anguish and indignation. And with his matchless insight and sympathy he gives permanent form to our vague feelings in these noble and inspiring essays. It will not, however, surprise the vast public who have read Jean-Christophe to find that while so many have capitulated to the madness of the terrible year through which we have passed, Rolland has remained firm, and has surpassed 8 Introduction himself. He was prepared. As the extract placed at the beginning of this volume shows, he was one of the few who realised only too well the horror he was powerless to prevent. Yet he made every effort to open the eyes of Europe and especially of the young, so many of whom had learned to look up to him as a leader. To these young men, one of the finest essays in the present collection is primarily addressed O jeunesse heroique du monde. . . . Eighteen months have passed and they still endure the terrible ordeal, the young men of Germany and France, whom he had striven so hard to bring together ; on whose aspirations and failings Jean-Christophe is a critical com- mentary. The movements and tendencies of society were there given a dramatic embodi- ment, permeated for Rolland by the Life Force that struggle between Good and Bad, Love and Hatred, which makes life worth living. All is set down with the clear analysis of feeling natural to a musical critic. But in spite of his burning words on the destruction of Rheims, Rolland, as is clear from his other critical and biographical writings, is more interested in men than in their achievements. And the men of to-day interest him most passionately. "Young 9 Introduction men," he has said, "do not bother about the old people. Make a stepping-stone of our bodies and go forward." And above all it is the permanent things in life with which he is concerned. As Mr. Lowes Dickinson puts it, " M. Holland is one of the many who believe, though their voice for the moment may be silenced, that the spiritual forces that are important and ought to prevail are the international ones ; that co-operation, not war, is the right destiny of nations ; and that all that is valuable in each people may be main- tained in and by friendly intercourse with the others. The war between these two ideals is the greater war that lies behind the present conflict. Hundreds and thousands of generous youths have gone to battle in the belief that they are going to a ' war that will end war,' that they are fighting against militarism in the cause of peace. Whether, indeed, it is for that they will have risked or lost their lives, only the event can show." The forces against such ideals are powerful, but Holland is not dismayed. " Come, friends ! let us make a stand ! Can we not resist this contagion, whatever its nature and virulence be whether moral epidemic or cosmic force." And 10 Introduction he appeals not only in the name of humanity but in the name of that France which he loves so dearly " la vraie France " of which Jaures wrote (in the untranslatable words which Hol- land has quoted), "qui n'est pas resume'e dans une e*poque et dans un jour, ni dans le jour d'il y a des siecles, ni dans le jour d'hier, mais la France tout entiere, dans la succession de ses jours, de ses nuits, de ses aurores, de ses crepuscules, de ses monte'es, de ses chutes, et qui, a travers toutes ces ombres melees, toutes ces lumieres incompletes et toutes ces vicissi- tudes, s'en va vers une pleine clarte qu'elle n'a pas encore atteinte, mais dont le pressentiment est dans sa pensee ! " But though his love of France inspires every word that Holland has written, the significance of the present volume is not less apparent to English readers. Some of the articles and letters now collected have already appeared in English, for the most part in the pages of The Cain- bridge Magazine, from which they have been widely quoted in the press. For help in render- ing the translations as adequate as possible I may also take this opportunity of acknowledging my special indebtedness to Mr. Roger Fry, 1 who 1 For translating "The Murder of the Elite." II Introduction has just issued through the Omega Workshops a striking translation of some of the most recent French poetry inspired by the war ; to Mr. James Wood, who has himself done part of the translation, particularly " Pro Aris " ; and to Mr. E. K. Bennett, of Caius College, whose version of " Above the Battle " has already been quoted by the Archbishop of Canterbury and others. For the most part, the articles here collected have not appeared in English before ; and they have been almost inaccessible even in French, as their author explains in his Preface. C. K. OGDEN. MAGDALENE COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, January 1916. CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION BY THE TRANSLATOR . , . 1 PREFACE . . . . . . .15 I. AN OPEN LETTER TO GERHART HAUPTMANN 1 9 II. PRO ARIS . . . . . -23 III. ABOVE THE BATTLE . . . -37 IV. THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS . . 56 V. INTER ARMA CARITAS . . . -75 VI. TO THE PEOPLE THAT IS SUFFERING FOR JUSTICE . . . . .92 VII. LETTER TO MY CRITICS . . . .96 VIII. THE IDOLS . . . .106 IX. FOR EUROPE (SPAIN) . . . .121 X. FOR EUROPE (HOLLAND). . . .126 XL LETTER TO FREDERIK VAN EEDEN . .135 XII. OUR NEIGHBOUR THE ENEMY . . .141 XIII. LETTER TO THE " SVENSKA DAOBLADET " . 150 XIV. WAR LITERATURE . . . .152 XV. THE MURDER OF THE ELITE . . .167 XVI. JAURES . . . . . .180 13 IT is my pleasant duty to thank the brave friends who have defended me during the past year, in the Parisian press : at the end of October 1914, Amedee Dunois, in rHumanite, and Henri Guilbeaux, in the Bataille syndicaliste ; in the same paper, Fernand Depres ; Georges Pioch, in the Homines du Jour\ J. M. Renaitour, in the Bonnet Rouge ; Rouanet, in PHumanite ; Jacques Mesnil, in the Mercure de France, and Gaston Thiesson, in the Guerre Sociale. To these faithful comrades in the struggle I express my affectionate gratitude. R. R. October 1915. PREFACE A GREAT nation assailed by war has not only its frontiers to protect : it must also protect its good sense. It must protect itself from the hallu- cinations, injustices, and follies which the plague lets loose. To each his part : to the armies the protection of the soil of their native land. To the thinkers the defence of its thought. If they subordinate that thought to the passions of their people they may well be useful instruments of passion ; but they are in danger of betraying the spirit, which is not the least part of a people's patrimony. One day History will pass judgment on each of the nations at war ; she will weigh their measure of errors, lies, and heinous follies. Let us try and make ours light before her ! Children are taught the Gospel of Jesus and the Christian ideal. Everything in the educa- tion they receive at school is designed to stimulate in them intellectual understanding of the great human family. Classical education makes them see, beyond the differences of race, the roots and the common trunk of our civilisa- 15 Preface tion. Art makes them love the profound sources of the genius of a people. Science makes them believe in the unity of reason. The great social movement which renews the world, reveals the organised effort of the working classes all round them to unite their forces in the hopes and struggles which break the barriers of nations. The brightest geniuses of the earth chant, like Walt Whitman and Tolstoi, universal brother- hood in joy and suffering, or else as our Latin spirits, pierce with their criticism the prejudices of hatred and ignorance which separate indi- viduals and peoples. Like all the men of my time I have been brought up on these thoughts ; I have tried in my turn to share the bread of life with my younger or less fortunate brothers. When the war came I did not think it my duty to deny these thoughts because the hour had come to put them to the test. I have been insulted. I knew that I should be and I went forward. But I did not know that I should be insulted without even a hearing. For several months no one in France could know my writings except through scraps of phrases arbitrarily extracted and mutilated by my enemies. It is a shameful record. For 1(5 Preface nearly a year this has gone on. Certain socialist or syndicalist papers may have succeeded here and there in getting some fragments through, 1 but it was only in the month of June 1915 that for the first time my chief article, the one which was the object of the most violent criticism, " Above the Battle," dating from September 1914, could be published in full (almost in full), thanks to the malevolent zeal of a maladroit pam- phleteer, to whom I am indebted for bringing my words before the French public for the first time. A Frenchman does not judge his adversary unheard. Whoever does so judges and condemns himself: for he shows that he fears the light. I place before the world the texts they have slandered. 2 I shall not defend them. Let them defend themselves! 1 One article only, "The Idols," may, I think, have been published in its entirety in La Bataille syndicaliste, - I leave my articles in their chronological order. I have changed nothing in them. The reader will notice, in the stress of events, certain contradictions and hasty judgments which I would modify to-day. ... In general, the senti- ments expressed have arisen out of indignation and pity. In proportion as the immensity of the ruin extends one feels the poverty of protest, as before an earthquake. "There is more than one war," wrote the aged Rodin to me on the ist of October, 1914. " What is happening is like a punish- ment which falls on the world." I B Preface One single word will I add. For a year I have been rich in enemies. Let me say this to them : they can hate me, but they will not teach me to hate. I have no concern with them. My business is to say what I believe to be fair and humane. Whether this pleases or irritates is not my business. I know that words once uttered make their way of themselves. Hope- fully I sow them in the bloody soil. The harvest will come. ROMAIN HOLLAND. September 1915. 18 AN OPEN LETTER TO GERHART HAUPTMANN Saturday, August 29, 1914.' I AM not, Gerhart Hauptmann, one of those Frenchmen who regard Germany as a nation of barbarians. I know the intellectual and moral greatness of your mighty race. I know all that I owe to the thinkers of old Germany ; and even now, at this hour, I recall the example and the words of our Goethe for he belongs to the whole of humanity repudiating all national hatreds and preserving the calmness of his soul on those heights " where we feel the happiness and the misfortunes of other peoples as our own" I myself have laboured all my life to bring together the minds of our two nations ; and the atrocities of this impious war in which, to the ruin of 1 A telegram from Berlin (Wolffs Agency), reproduced by the Gazette de Lausanne, August 29, 1914, has just announced that " the old town of Louvain, rich in works of art, exists no more to-day." 19 Above the Battle European civilisation, they are involved, will never lead me to soil my spirit with hatred. Whatever pain, then, your Germany may give me, whatever reasons I may have to stigmatise as criminal German policy and the means it employs, I do not attach responsibility for it to the people which is burdened with it and is used as its blind instrument. It is not that I regard, as you do, war as a fatality. A Frenchman does not believe in fatality. Fatality is the excuse of souls without a will. War springs from the weakness and stupidity of nations. One cannot feel resentment against them for it ; one can only pity them. I do not reproach you with our miseries ; for yours will be no less. If France is ruined, Germany will be ruined too. I did not even raise my voice when I saw your armies violating the neutrality of noble Belgium. This flagrant breach of honour, which incurs the con- tempt of every upright conscience, is quite in the political tradition of your Prussian kings ; it did not surprise me. But when I see the fury with which you are treating that magnanimous nation whose only crime has been to defend its independence and the cause of justice to the last, as you Germans yourselves did in 1813 ... that is too much! 20 Letter to Gerhart Hauptmann The world is revolted by it. Keep these savageries for us Frenchmen, your true enemies ! But to wreak them against your victims, against this small, unhappy, innocent Belgian people . . . how shameful is this ! And not content to fling yourselves on living Belgium, you wage war on the dead, on the glories of past ages. You bombard Malines, you burn Rubens, and Louvain is now no more than a heap of ashes Louvain with its treasures of art and of science, the sacred town ! What are you, then, Hauptmann, and by what name do you want us to call you now, since you repudi- ate the title of barbarians ? Are you the grand- sons of Goethe or of Attila? Are you making war on enemies or on the human spirit ? Kill men if you like, but respect masterpieces. They are the patrimony of the human race. You, like all the rest of us, are its depositories ; in pillaging it, as you do, you show yourselves unworthy of our great heritage, unworthy to take your place in that little European army which is civilisation's guard of honour. It is not to the opinion of the rest of the world that I address myself in challenging you, Haupt- mann. In the name of our Europe, of which you have hitherto been one of the most illustrious 21 Above the Battle champions, in the name of that civilisation for which the greatest of men have striven all down the ages, in the name of the very honour of your Germanic race, Gerhart Hauptmann, I aMu you, I challenge you, you and the intellectuals of Germany, amongst whom I reckon so many friends, to protest with all your energy against this crime which is recoiling upon you. If you fail to do this, you will prove one of two things : either that you approve what has been done and in that case may the opinion of mankind crush you or else that you are powerless to raise a protest against the Huns who command you. If this be so, by what title can you still claim, as you have claimed, that you fight for the cause of liberty and human pro- gress ? You are giving the world a proof that, incapable of defending the liberty of the world, you are even incapable of defending your own, and that the best of Germany is helpless beneath a vile despotism which mutilates master- pieces and murders the spirit of man. I am expecting an answer from you, Haupt- mann, an answer that may be an act. The opinion of Europe awaits it as I do. Think about it : at such a time silence itself is an act. Journal de Geneve, Wednesday, September 2, 1914. 22 II PRO ARIS September 1914.* AMONG the many crimes of this infamous war which are all odious to us, why have we chosen for protest the crimes against things and not against men, the destruction of works and not of lives? Many are surprised by this, and have even re- proached us for it as if we have not as much pity as they for the bodies and hearts of the thousands of victims who are crucified ! Yet over the armies which fall, there flies the vision of their love, and of la Patrie, to which they sacrifice themselves over these lives which are passing away passes the holy Ark of the art and thought of centuries, borne on their shoulders. The bearers can change. May the Ark be saved ! To the elite of the world falls the task of guarding it. And since the common treasure is threatened, may they rise to protect it ! 1 Written after the bombardment of Rheims Cathedral. 23 Above the Battle I am glad to think that in the Latin countries this sacred duty, has always been regarded as paramount. Our France which bleeds with so many other wounds, has suffered nothing more cruel than the attack against her Parthenon, the Cathedral of Rheims, " Our Lady of France." Letters which I have received from sorely tried families, and from soldiers who for two months have borne every hardship, show me (and I am proud of it for them and for my people) that there was no burden heavier for them to bear. It is because we put spirit above flesh. Very different is the case of the German intellectuals, who, to my reproaches for the sacrilegious acts )f their devastating armies, have all replied with me voice, " Perish every chef-(?ceuvre rather than German soldier ! " A piece of architecture like Rheims is much more than one life : it is a people whose centuries vibrate like a symphony in this organ of stone. It is their memories of joy, of glory, and of grief ; their meditations, ironies, dreams. It is the tree of the race, whose roots plunge to the profoundest depths of its soil, and whose branches stretch with a sublime elan towards the sky. It is still more : its beauty which soars above the struggles of nations is the harmonious response made by the 24 Pro Aris human race to the riddle of the world this light of the spirit more necessary to souls than that of the sun. Whoever destroys this work, murders more than a man ; he murders the purest soul of a race. His crime is inexpiable, and Dante would have it punished with an eternal agony, eternally renewed. We who repudiate the vindictive spirit of so cruel a genius, do not hold a people responsible for the crimes of a few, The drama which unfolds itself before our eyes, and whose almost certain dtnoue- ment will be the crushing of the German hege- nomy, is enough for us. What brings it home to us most nearly is that not one of those who constitute the moral and intellectual elite of Germany that hundred noble spirits, and those thousands of brave hearts of which no great nation was ever destitute not one really suspects the crimes of his Government ; the atrocities committed in Flanders, in the north and in the east of France during the two or three first weeks of the war ; or (one can safely wager) the voluntary devastations of the towns of Belgium and the ruin of Rheims. If they came to look at the reality, I know that many of them would weep with grief and shame ; and of all the short- comings of Prussian Imperialism, the worst and 25 Above the Battle the vilest is to have concealed its crimes from its people. For by depriving them of the means of protesting against those crimes, it has involved them for ever in the responsibility ; it has abused their magnificent devotion. The intellectuals, however, are also guilty. For if one admits that the brave men, who in every country tamely feed upon the news which their papers and their leaders give them for nourishment, allow themselves to be duped, one cannot pardon those whose duty it is to seek truth in the midst of error, and to know the value of interested witnesses and passionate hallucinations. Before bursting into the midst of this furious debate upon which was staked the destruction of nations and of the treasures of the spirit, their first duty (a duty of loyalty as much as of common-sense) should have been to consider the problems from both sides. By blind loyalty and culpable trust- fulness they have rushed head-foremost into the net which their Imperialism had spread. They believed that their first duty was, with their eyes closed, to defend the honour of their State against all accusation. They did not see that the noblest means of defending it was to disavow its faults and to cleanse their country of them. . . . I have awaited this virile disavowal from the 26 Pro Aris proudest spirits of Germany, a disavowal which would have been ennobling instead of humiliating. The letter which I wrote to one of them, the day after the brutal voice of Wolffs Agency pompously proclaimed that there remained of Louvain no more than a heap of ashes, was received by the entire 61ite of Germany in a spirit of enmity. They did not understand that I offered them the chance of releasing Germany from the fetters of those crimes which its Empire was forging in its name. What did I ask of them? What did I ask of you all, finer spirits of Germany? to express at least a courageous regret for the ex- cesses committed, and to dare to remind unbridled power that even the Fatherland cannot save itself through crime, and that above its rights are those of the human spirit. I only asked for one voice a single free voice. . . . None spoke. I heard only the clamour of herds, the pack of intellectuals giving tongue on the track whereon the hunter loosed them, and that insolent Manifesto, in which without the slightest effort to justify its crimes you have unanimously declared that they do not exist. And your theologians, your pastors, your court-preachers, have stated further that you are very just and that you thank God for having made you thus. . . . Race of Pharisees, what chastise- 27 Above the Battle ment from on high shall scourge your sacrilegious pride ! ... Do you not suspect the evil which you have done to your own people ! The mega- lomania, a menace to the world, of an Ostwald or an H. S. Chamberlain, 1 the criminal determina- tion of ninety-three intellectuals not to wish to see the truth, will have cost Germany more than ten defeats. 1 When I wrote this, I had not yet seen the monstrous article by Thomas Mann (in the Neue Rundschau of November 1914), where, in a fit of fury and injured pride, he savagely claimed for Germany, as a title to glory, all the crimes of which her adversaries accuse her. He dared to write that the present war was a war of German Kultur "against Civilisation," proclaiming that German thought had no other ideal than militarism, and inscribes on his banner the following lines, the apology of force oppressing weakness : " Denn der Mensch verkilmmert im Frieden, Miissige Ruh ist das Grab des Mitts. Das Gesetz ist der Freund des Schivachen, A lies will es nur eben machen. Mochte gern die Welt verflachen, Aber der Krieg lasst die Kraft erscheinen. ..." (Man deteriorates in peace. Idle rest is the tomb of courage. Law is the friend of the weak, it aims at levelling all; it would reduce the -world to a level. War brings out strength.} Even so a bull in the arena, mad with rage, rushes with lowered Jiead on the matador's sword, and impales himself. 28 Pro Aris How clumsy you are ! I believe that of all your faults maladresse is the worst. You have not said one word since the beginning of this war which has not been more fatal for you than all the speeches of your adversaries. It is you who have light-heartedly furnished the proof or the argument of the worst accusations that have been brought against you ; just as your official agencies, under the stupid illusion of terrorising us, have been the first to launch emphatic recitals of your most sinister devastations. It is you, who when the most impartial of your adversaries were obliged, in fairness, to limit the responsibility of these acts to a few of your leaders and armies, have angrily claimed your share. It is you who the day after the destruction of Rheims, which, in your inmost hearts, should have dismayed the best amongst you, have boasted of it in imbecile pride> instead of trying to clear yourselves. 1 It is you, wretched creatures, you, representatives of the spirit, who have not ceased to extol force and to 1 As one of these 'pedants of barbarism' (so Miguel de Unamuno rightly describes them) writes, " one has the right to destroy, if one has the force to create " (Wer stark ist zu schaffen, der darf auch zerstoren). Friedr Gundolf : Tat und Wort im Krieg, published in the Frankfurter Zeitung, October nth. Cf. the article of the aged Hans Thoma, in the Leipzigcr Ilhtstrierte Zeitung of October ist. 29 Above the Battle despise the weak, as if you did not know that the wheel of fortune turns, that this force one day will weigh afresh upon you, as in past ages, when your great men, at least, retained the con- solation of not having yielded to it the sovereignty of the spirit and the sacred rights of Right ! . . . What reproaches, what remorse are you heaping up for the future, O blind guides you who are leading into the ditch your nation, which follows you like the stumbling blind men of Brueghel ! What poor arguments you have opposed to us for two months ! 1. War is war, say you, that is to say without common measure with the rest of things, above morals and reason and all the limits of ordinary life, a kind of supernatural state before which one can only bow without discussion ; 2. Germany is Germany, that is to say with- out common measure with the rest of nations. The laws which apply to others do not apply to her, and the rights which she arrogates to herself to violate Right appertain to her alone. Thus she can, without crime, tear up written promises, betray sworn oaths, violate the neutrality of peoples which she has pledged her- self to defend. But she claims in return the right to find, in the nations which she outrages, 30 Pro Aris "chivalrous adversaries," and that they should not be so, that they should dare to defend them- selves by all the means and the arms that remain to them, she proclaims a crime ! . . . One recognises there indeed the interested teaching of your Prussian masters ! Great minds of Germany, I do not doubt your sincerity, but you are no longer capable of seeing the truth. Prussian Imperialism has crushed down over your eyes and conscience its spiked helmet. "Necessity knows no law." . . . Here is the eleventh commandment, the message that you bring to the universe to-day, sons of Kant ! . . . We have heard it more than once in history: it is the famous doctrine of Public Safety, mother of heroisms and crimes. Every nation has re- course to it in the hour of danger, but the greatest are those who defend against it their immortal soul. Fifteen years have passed since the famous trial which saw a single innocent man opposed to the force of the State. Fifteen years have passed since we French affronted and shattered the idol of public safety, when it threatened, as our Peguy says, "the eternal safety of France." Listen to him, whom you have killed ; listen 3* Above the Battle to a hero of the French conscience, writers who have the keeping of the conscience of Germany. " Our enemies of that time" wrote Charles P6guy, " spoke the language of the raison d'Etat, of the temporal safety of the people and the race. But we t by a profound Christian movement, by a revolutionary effort, at unity with traditional Christianity ', aimed at no less than attaining tlic heights of sacrifice, in our anxiety for the eternal salvation of this people. We did not wish to place France in the position of having committed the unpardonable sin" You do not trouble yourselves about that, thinkers of Germany. You bravely give your blood to save the mortal life, but do not bother about the life eternal. It is a terrible moment, I grant. Your fatherland as ours struggles for its life, and I understand and admire the ecstasy of sacrifice which impels your youth, as ours, to make of its body a rampart against death. " To be or not to be," do you say ? No, that is not enough. To be the great Germany, to be the great France, worthy of their past, and respecting one another even while fighting, that is what I wish. I should blush for victory if my France bought it at the price for which you 32 Pro Aris will pay for your temporary success. Even while the battles are being fought upon the plains of Belgium and amongst the chalky slopes of Champagne, another war is taking place upon the field of the spirit, and often victory below means defeat above. The conquest of Belgium, Malines, Louvain and Rheims^ the carillons of Flanders, will sound a sadder knell in your history thanj the bells of Jena ; and the conquered Belgians have robbed you of your glory. You know it. You are enraged because you know it. What is the good of vainly trying to deceive yourselves? Truth will be clear to you in the end. You have done your best to silence her one day she will speak ; she will speak by the mouth of one of your own in whom will be awakened the conscience of your race. . . . Oh, that he may soon appear and that we may hear his voice the pure and noble voice of the redeemer who shall set you free ! He who has lived in the intimacy of your old Germany, who has clasped her hand in the twisted streets of her heroic and sordid past, who has caught the breath of her centuries of trials and shames, remembers and waits : for he knows that even if she has never proved strong enough to bear victory without wavering, it is in her hours of trouble 33 C Above the Battle that she reforms herself, and her greatest geniuses are sons of sorrow. September 1914. * * # Since these lines were written I have watched the birth of the anxiety which little by little is making its way into the consciences of the good people of Germany. First a secret doubt, kept under by a stubborn effort to believe the bad arguments collected by their Government to oppose it documents fabricated to prove that Belgium had renounced her neutrality herself, false allegations (in vain repudiated four times by the French Government, by the Commander- in-Chief, by the Cardinal and the Archbishop, and by the Mayor of Rheims) accusing the French of using the Cathedral of Rheims for military purposes. Lacking arguments, their system of defence is at times disconcerting in its naivete. "Is it possible," they say, "that we should be accused of wishing to destroy artistic monu- ments, we, the people above all others who venerate art, in whom is instilled this respect from infancy, who have the greatest number of text books and historical collections of art and the longest list of lectures on aesthetics? Is it 34 Pro Aris possible to accuse of the most barbarous actions the most humane, the most affectionate, and the most homely of peoples?" The idea never strikes them that Germany is not constituted by a single race of men, and that besides the obedient masses who are born to obey, to respect the law all the laws there is the race which commands, which believes itself above all laws, and which makes and unmakes them in the name of force and necessity (Not . . .) It is this evil marriage of idealism and German \ force which leads to these disasters. The ideal- ism proves to be a woman ; a woman captive, who like so many worthy German wives, worships her lord and master, and refuses even to think that he could ever be wrong. It is, however, necessary for the salvation of Germany that she should one day countenance the thought of divorce, or that the wife should have the courage to make her voice heard in the household. I know already several who are beginning to champion the rights of the spirit against force. Many a German voice has reached us lately in letters protesting against war and deploring with us the injustices which we deplore I will not give their names in order not to com- promise them. Not very long ago I told the 35 Above the Battle " Fair " * which obstructed Paris that it was not France. I say to-day to the German Fair, " You are not the true Germany." There exists another Germany juster and more humane, whose ambition is not to dominate the world by force and guile, but to absorb in peace everything great in the thought of other races, and in return to reflect the harmony. With that Germany there is no dispute ; we are not her enemies, we are the enemies of those who have almost succeeded in making the world forget that she* still lives. October 1914. Edition des Cahiers Vaudois ro e cahier, 1914 (Lausanne, C. Tarin). 1 Jean-Christophe, part v, " La Foire sur la Place." In vol. iii of the English version. TRANS. Ill ABOVE THE BATTLE O YOUNG men that shed your blood with so generous a joy for the starving earth ! O heroism of the world ! What a harvest for destruction to reap under this splendid summer sun ! Young men of all nations, brought into conflict by a common ideal, making enemies of those who should be brothers ; all of you, marching to your death, are dear to me. 1 Slavs, hastening to the aid of your race ; Englishmen fighting for honour and right ; intrepid Belgians who dared to oppose the Teutonic colossus, and defend against him the Thermopylae of the West ; Germans fighting to defend the philosophy and the birthplace of Kant against the Cossack avalanche ; and you, above all, my young compatriots, in whom the generation of heroes of the Revolution lives again ; you, who for years have confided your 1 At the very hour I wrote these lines, Charles Peguy died. 37 Above the Battle dreams to me, and now, on the verge of battle, bid me a sublime farewell. Those years of scepticism and gay frivolity in which we in France grew up are avenged in you ; your faith, which is ours, you protect from their poisonous influence ; and with you that faith triumphs on the battlefield. " A war of revenge " is the cry. Yea ! revenge indeed ; but in no spirit of Chauvinism. The revenge of faith against all the egotisms of the senses and of the spirit the surrender of self to eternal ideas. One of the most powerful of the young French novelists Corporal X. writes to me : " What are our lives, our books, compared with the magnitude of the aim? The war of the Revolution against feudalism is beginning anew. The armies of the Republic will secure the triumph of democracy in Europe and com- plete the work of the Convention. We are fighting for more than our hearths and homes, for the awakening of liberty." Another of these young people, of noble spirit and pure heart, who will be, if he lives, the first art critic of our time Lieutenant X. : " My friend, could you see our Army as I do, you would be thrilled with admiration for our people, for this noble race. An enthusiasm, like an outburst of Marseillaise, \ thrills them ; heroic, earnest, and even religious. I have I seen the three divisions of my army corps set out; the men of active service first, young men of twenty marching with firm and rapid steps, without a cry, without a gesture, like the ephebi of old calmly going to sacrifice. After them 38 Above the Battle come the reserve, men of twenty-five to thirty years, more stalwart and more determined, who will reinforce the younger men and make them irresistible. We, the old men of forty, the fathers of families, are the base of the choir ; and we too, I assure you, set out confidently, resolute and unwavering. I have no wish to die, but I can die now without regret ; for I have lived through a fortnight, which would be cheap at the price of death, a fortnight which I had not dared to ask of fate. History will tell of us, for we are opening a new era in the world. We are // dispelling the nightmare of the materialism of a mailed 1 1 Germany and of armed peace. It will fade like a phan- t torn before us ; the world seems to breathe again. Re- assure your Viennese friend, 1 France is not about to die ; it is her resurrection which we see. For throughout history Bouvines, the Crusades, Cathedrals, the Revolution we remain the same, the knights-errant of the world, the paladins of God. I have lived long enough to see it ful- filled ; and we who prophesied it twenty years ago to unbelieving ears may rejoice to-day." my friends, may nothing mar your joy ! Whatever fate has in store, you have risen to the pinnacle of earthly life, and borne your country with you. And you will be victorious. Your self-sacrifice, your courage, your whole- hearted faith in your sacred cause, and the un- shaken certainty that, in defending your invaded 1 Alludes to a Viennese writer who had told me, a few weeks before the declaration of war, that a disaster for France would be a disaster for the liberal thinkers of Germany too. 39 country, you are defending the liberty of the world all this assures me of your victory, young armies of the Marne and Meuse, whose names are graven henceforth in history by the side of your elders of the Great Republic. Yet even had misfortune decreed that you should be van- quished, and with you France itself, no people could have aspired to a more noble death. It would have crowned the life of that great people of the Crusades it would have been their supreme victory. Conquerors or conquered, living or dead, rejoice ! As one of you said to me, embracing me on the terrible threshold: "A splendid thing it is to fight with clean hands and *a pure heart, and to dispense divine justice with one's life." You are doing your duty, but have others done theirs? Let us be bold and proclaim the truth to the elders of these young men, to their moral guides, to their religious and secular leaders, to the Churches, the great thinkers, the leaders of socialism; these living riches, these treasures of heroism you held in your hands ; for what are you squandering them? What ideal have you held up to the devotion of these youths so eager to sacrifice themselves ? Their mutual slaughter ! A European war ! A sacrilegious conflict which shows a maddened Europe ascending its funeral 40 Above the Battle pyre, and, like Hercules, destroying itself with its own hands ! And thus the three greatest nations of the West the guardians of civilisation, rush headlong to their ruin, calling in to their aid Cossacks, Turks, Japanese, Cingalese, Soudanese, Senegalese, Moroccans, Egyptians, Sikhs and Sepoys bar- barians from the poles and those from the equator, souls and bodies of all colours. 1 It is as if the four quarters of the Roman Empire at the time of the Tetrarchy had called upon the barbarians of the whole universe to devour each other. Is our civilisation so solid that you do not fear to shake the 'pillars on which it rests ? Can you not see that all falls in upon you if one column be shattered ? Could you not have learned if not to love one another, at least to tolerate the great virtues and the great vices of the other? Was it not your duty to attempt you]aaM&Jlver_ attempted it_in sincerity- to settle amicably the questions which divided you the problem of peoples annexed against their will, the equitable division of productive labour and the riches of the world ? Must the stronger for ever darken the others with the shadow of his pride, and the others for ever unite to dissipate it ? Is there no 1 See note, p, 193 41 Above the Battle end to this bloody and puerile sport, in which the partners change about from century to century no end, until the whole of humanity is exhausted thereby? The rulers who are the criminal authors of these wars dare not accept the responsibility for them. Each one by underhand means seeks to lay the blame at the door of his adversary. The peoples who obey them submissively resign themselves with the thought that a power higher than man- kind has ordered it thus. Again the venerable refrain is heard : " The fatality of war is stronger than our wills." The old refrain of the herd that makes a^god of its_ feebleness and bows down before him. Man has invented fate, that he may make it responsible for the disorders of the universe, those disorders which it was his duty f*o regulate. There is no fatality ! The only .tality is what we desire; and more often, too, hat we do not desire enough. Let each now :peat his mea culpa. The leaders of thought, the Church, the Labour Parties did not desire war. . . . That may be ... What then did they do to prevent it ? What are they doing to put an end to it ? They are stirring up the bonfire, each one bringing his faggot. The most striking feature in this monstrous 42 Above the Battle epic, the fact without precedent, is the unani- mity for war in each of the nations engaged. An epidemic of homicidal fury, which started in Tokio ten years ago, has spread like a wave and overflowed the whole world. None has resisted it ; no high thought has succeeded in keeping out of the reach of this scourge. A sort of demoniacal irony broods over this conflict of the nations, from which, whatever its result, only a mutilated Europe can emerge. For it is not racial passion alone which is hurl- ing millions of men blindly one against another, so that not even neutral countries remain free of the dangerous thrill, but all the forces of the spirit, of reason, of faith, of poetry, and of science, all have placed themselves at the disposal of the armies in every state. There is not one amongst the leaders of thought in each country who does not proclaim with conviction that the cause of his people is the cause of God, the cause of liberty and of human progress. And I, too, proclaim it. Strange combats are being waged between metaphysicians, poets, historians Eucken against Bergson ; Hauptmann against Maeterlinck ; Hol- land against Hanptmann ; Wells against Bernard Shaw. Kipling and D'Annunzio,. Dehmel and de 43 Above the Battle Rdgnier sing war hymns, Barres and Maeterlinck chant paeans of hatred. Between a fugue of Bach and the organ which thunders Deutschland ilber Alles, Wundt, the aged philosopher of eighty-two calls, with his quavering voice, the students of Leipzig to the holy war. And each nation hurls at the other the name " Barbarians." The academy of moral science, in the person of its president Bergson, declares the struggle undertaken against Germany to be " the struggle of civilisation itself against barbarism" German history replies with the voice of Karl Lamprecht that " this is a war between Germanism and barbarism, and the present conflict is the logical successor of those against the Huns and Turks in which Germany has been engaged throughout the ages'' Science, following history into the lists, proclaims through E. Perrier, director of the Museum, member of the Academy of Sciences, that the Prussians do not belong to the Aryan race, but are descended in direct line from the men of the Stone Age called Allophyles, and adds, "the modern skull, resembling by its base, the best index of the strength of the appetites, the skull of the fossilised man in the Chapelle-aux- Saints most nearly, is none other than that of Prince Bismarck ! " 44 Above the Battle But the two moral forces whose weakness this contagious war shows up most clearly are Chris- tianity and Socialism. These rival apostles of religious and secular internationalism have sud- denly developed into the most ardent of nationalists. Herve is eager to die for the standard of Austerlitz. The German socialists, pure trustees of the pure doctrine, support the bills of credit for the war in the Reichstag. They place themselves at the disposal of the Prussian minister, who uses their journals to spread abroad his lies, even into the barracks, and sends them as secret agents to attempt to pervert Italy. It was believed for the honour of their cause for a moment that two or three of them had been shot rather than take arms against their brothers. Indignant, they protest ; they are all marching under arms ! Liebknecht, forsooth, did not die for the cause of socialism ; J but Frank, the principal champion of the Franco- German union, fell under French fire, fighting in the cause of militarism. These men have courage to die for the faith of others ; they have no courage to die for their own. 1 Liebknecht has since gloriously cleared his honour 01 the compromises of his party. I here express my admira- tion of his attitude. (R. R., January 1915.) 45 Above the Battle As for the representatives of the Prince of Peace priests, pastors, bishops they go into battle in their thousands, to carry out, musket in hand, the Divine commands : Thou shalt not kill, and Love one another. Each bulletin of victory, whether it be German, Austrian, or Russian, gives thanks to the great captain God unser alter Gott, notre Dieu as William II or M. Arthur Meyer says. For each has his own God, and each God, whether old or young, has his Levites to defend him and destroy the God of the others. Twenty thousand French priests are marching with the colours ; Jesuits offer their services to the German armies ; cardinals issue warlike man- dates ; and the Serb bishops of Hungary incite their faithful flocks to fight against their brothers in Greater Serbia. The newspapers report, with no expressions of astonishment, the paradoxical scene at the railway station at Pisa, where the Italian socialists cheered the young ordinands who were rejoining their regiments, all singing the Marseillaise together. So strong the cyclone that sweeps them all before it ; so feeble the men it encounters on its career and I am amongst them. . . . Come, friends ! Let us make a stand ! Can 46 Above the Battle we not resist this contagion, whatever its nature and virulence be whether moral epidemic or cosmic force? Do we not fight against the plague, and strive even to repair the disaster caused by an earthquake ? Or must we bow ourselves before it, agreeing with Luzzatti in his famous article x that " In the universal disaster, the nations triumph""* Shall we say with him that it is good and reasonable that "the demon of international war, which mows down thousands of beings, should be let loose," so that the great and simple truth, " love of our country," be understood ? It would seem, then, that love of our country can flourish only through the hatred of other countries and the massacre of those who sacrifice themselves in the defence of them. There is in this theory a ferocious absurdity, a neronian dilettantism which repels me to the very depths of my being. No ! Love of my country does not demand that I shall hate and slay those noble and faithful souls who also love theirs, but rather that I should honour them and seek to unite with them for our common good. You Christians will say and in this you seek consolation for having betrayed your Master's 1 Recently published in the Corriere della Sera and trans- lated by the Journal de Geneve, September 1914. 47 Above the Battle orders that war exalts the virtue of sacrifice. And it is true that war has the privilege of bringing out the genius of the race in the most commonplace of hearts. It purges away, in its bath of blood, all dross and im- purity ; it tempers the metal of the soul ; of a niggardly peasant, of a timorous citizen it can make a hero of Valmy. But is there no better employment for the devotion of one people than the devastation of another ? Can we not sacrifice ourselves without sacrificing our neighbours also ? I know well, poor souls, that many of you are more willing to offer your blood than to spill that of others. . . . But what a funda- mental weakness ! Confess, then, that you who are undismayed by bullets and shrapnel yet tremble before the dictates of racial frenzy that Moloch that stands higher than the Church of Christ the jealous pride of race. You Christians of to-day would not have refused to sacrifice to the gods of Imperial Rome ; you are not capable of such courage! Your Pope Pius X died of grief to see the outbreak of this war so it is said. And not without reason. The Jupiter of the Vatican who hurled thunderbolts upon those inoffensive priests who believed in the noble chimera of modernism what did he do against those princes 48 Above the Battle and those criminal rulers whose measureless ambition has given the world over to misery and death? May God inspire the new Pontiff who has just ascended the throne of St. Peter with words and deeds which will cleanse the Church from the stain of this silence. As for you socialists who on both sides claim to be defending liberty against tyranny French liberty against the Kaiser, German liberty against the Tsar, is it a question of defending one despot- ism against another? Unite and attack both. There was no reason for war between the Western nations ; French, English, and German we are all brothers and do not hate one another. The war-preaching press is envenomed by a minority, a minority vitally interested in main- taining these hatreds ; but our peoples, I know, ask for peace and liberty and that alone. The real tragedy, to one situated in the midst of the conflict and able to look down from the high plateaus of Switzerland into all the hostile camps, is the patent fact that actually each of the nations is being menaced in its dearest possessions in its honour, its independence, its life. Who has brought these plagues upon them ? brought them to the desperate alternative of over- whelming their adversary or dying ? None other 49 D Above the Battle than their governments, and above all, in my opinion, the three great culprits, the three rapacious eagles, the three empires, the tortuous policy of the house of Austria, the ravenous greed of Tsarism, the brutality of Prussia. The worst enemy of each nation is not without, but within its frontiers, and none has the courage to fight against it. It is the monster of a hundred heads, the monster named Imperialism, the will to pride and domina- tion, which seeks to absorb all, or subdue all, or break all, and will suffer no greatness except itself. For the Western nations Prussian imperialism is the most dangerous. Its hand uplifted in menace against Europe has forced us to join in arms against this outcome of a military and feudal caste, which is the curse not only of the rest of the world but also of Germany itself, whose thought it has subtly poisoned. We must destroy this first : but not this alone ; the Russian autocracy too will have its turn. Every nation to a greater or less extent has an imperialism of its own, and whether it be military, financial, feudal, republican, social, or intellectual, it is always the octopus sucking the best blood of Europe. Let the free men of all the countries of Europe when this war is over take up again the motto of Voltaire : " Ecrasons VinfAme ! " 50 Above the Battle When the war is over ! The evil is done now, the torrent let loose and we cannot force it back into its channel unaided. Moreover crimes have been committed against right, attacks on the liberties of peoples and on the sacred treasuries of thought, which must and will be expiated. Europe cannot pass over unheeded the violenc done to the noble Belgian people, the devastation of Malines and Louvain, sacked by modern Tillys. . . . But in the name of heaven let not these crimes be expiated by similar crimes ! Let not the hideous words " vengeance " and " retaliation " be heard ; for a great nation does not revenge itself, it re-establishes justice. But let those in whose hands lies the execution of justice show themselves worthy of her to the end. It is our duty to keep this before them ; nor will we be passive and wait for the fury of this conflict to spend itself. Such conduct would be unworthy of us who have such a task before us. Our first duty, then, all over the world, is to insist on the formation of a moral High Court, a tribunal of consciences, to watch and pass impartial judgment on any violations of the laws of nations. And since committees of inquiry formed by belligerents themselves would Above the Battle be always suspect, the neutral countries of the old and new world must take the initiative, and form a tribunal such as was suggested by Mr. Prenant, 1 professor of medicine at Paris, and taken up enthusiastically by M. Paul Seippel in the Journal de Geneve. 2 " They should produce men of some worldly authority, and of proved civic morality to act as a commission of inquiry, and to follow the armies at a little distance. Such an organisa- tion would complete and solidify the Hague Court, and prepare indisputable documents for the necessary work of justice. . . ." The neutral countries are too much effaced. Confronted by unbridled force they are inclined to believe that opinion is defeated in advance, and the majority of thinkers in all countries share their pessimism. There is a lack of courage here as well as of clear thinking. For just at this time the power of opinion is immense. The most despotic of governments, even though marching to victory, trembles before public opinion and seeks to court it. Nothing shows this more clearly than the efforts of both parties 1 Le Temps, September 4, 1914. 2 Issues of September 16 and 17, 1914 : La Guerre et le Droit. 52 Above the Battle engaged in war, of their ministers, chancellors, .sovereigns, of the Kaiser himself turned journalist, to justify their own crimes, and denounce the crimes of their adversary at the invisible tri- bunal of humanity. Let this invisible tribunal be seen at last, let us venture to constitute it. Ye know not your moral power, O ye of little faith ! If there be a risk, will you not take it for the honour of humanity ? What is the value I/ of life when you have saved it at the price of II all that is worth living for ? ... Rt propter vitam, vivendi perdere causas. . . . But for us, the artists and poets, priests and thinkers of all countries, remains another task. Even in time of war it remains a crime for finer spirits to compromise the integrity of their thought ; it is shameful to see it serving the passion of a puerile, monstrous policy of race, a policy scientifically absurd since no country possesses a race wholly pure. Such a policy, as Renan points out in his beautiful letter to Strauss, 1 "can only lead to zoological wars, wars of extermination, similar to those tn which various species of rodents and carnivorous beasts fight for their existence. This would be the end of 1 Letter dated September 15, 1871, published in Reforme intellectuelle et morale. 53 Above the Battle that fertile admixture called humanity, composed as it is o/ such various necessary elements" Humanity is a symphony of great collective souls ; and he who understands and loves it only by destroying a part of those elements, proves himself a barbarian and shows his idea of harmony to be no better than the idea of order another held in Warsaw. For the finer spirits of Europe there are two dwelling-places : our earthly fatherland, and that other City of God. Of the one we are the guests, of the other the builders. To the one let us give our lives and our faithful hearts ; but neither family, friend, nor fatherland, nor aught that we love has power over the spirit. The spirit is the light. It is our duty to lift it above tempests, and thrust aside the clouds which threaten to obscure it ; to build higher and stronger, dominating the injustice and hatred of nations, the walls of that city wherein the souls of the whole world may assemble. I feel here how the generous heart of Switzer- land is thrilled, divided between sympathies for the various nations, and lamenting that it cannot choose freely between them, nor even express them. I understand its torment ; but I know that this is salutary. I hope it will rise 54 Above the Battle thence to that superior joy of a harmony of races, which may be a noble example for the rest of Europe. It is the duty of Switzerland now to stand in the midst of the tempest, like an island of justice and of peace, where, as in the great monasteries of the early Middle Ages, the spirit may find a refuge from unbridled force ; where the fainting swimmers of all nations, those who are weary of hatred, may persist, in spite of all the wrongs they have seen and suffered, in loving all men as their brothers. I know that such thoughts have little chance of being heard to-day. Young Europe, burning with the fever of battle, will smile with disdain and show its fangs like a young wolf. But when the access of fever has spent itself, wounded and less proud of its voracious heroism, it will come to itself again. Moreover I do not speak to convince it. I speak but to solace my conscience . . . and I know that at the same time I shall solace the hearts of thousands of others who, in all countries, cannot or dare not speak themselves. Journal de Geneve, September 15, 1914. 55 IV THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS: PANGERMANISM, PANSLAVISM I do not hold the doctrine expounded by a certain saintly king, that it is useless to enter into discussion with heretics and we regard all those who do not agree with our opinions as heretics nowadays but that it is sufficient to brain them. I feel the need of understanding my enemy's reasons. I am unwilling to believe in unfairness. Doubtless my enemy is as passion- ately sincere as I am. Why, then, should we not attempt to understand each other ? For such an understanding, though it will not suppress the conflict, may perhaps suppress our hatred ; and it is hatred more than anything else that I regard as my enemy. However much I may feel that the motives actuating the various combatants are not equally worthy, I have yet come to the conviction, after 56 The Lesser of Two Evils reading the papers and letters which, during the last two months, have arrived in Geneva from every country, that the ardour of patriotic faith is everywhere the same, and that each of the nations engaged in this mighty struggle believes itself to be the champion of liberty against barbarism. But liberty and barbarism do not mean the same thing to both sides. Barbarous despotism, the worst enemy to liberty, is exemplified for us Frenchmen, English- men, men of the West, in Prussian Imperialism ; and I venture to think that the register of its methods is plainly set forth [in the devastated route from Liege to Senlis, passing by way of Louvain, Malines, and Rheims. For Germany, the monster (" Ungeheuer" as the aged Wundt calls it) which threatens civilisation is Russia, and the bitterest reproach which the Germans hurl against France is our alliance with the Empire of the Tsar. I have received many letters reproaching us with this. In the Munich review, Das Forum, I read only yesterday an article by Wilhelm Herzog challenging me to explain my position with regard to Russia. Let us consider the question, then. I ask nothing better. By this means we shall be able to weigh the German danger and the Russian 57 Above the Battle danger in the balance, and thus show which of the two seems the more threatening to us. Of the actual events of the present war between Germany and Russia I will say noth- ing. All the information we have comes from Russian or German sources, equally unreliable. To judge by them it would appear that the same ferocity exists in both camps. The Germans in Kalish were worthy companions of the Cossacks in Grodtken and Zorothowo. It is of the German spirit and of the Russian spirit that I wish to speak here, for this is the im- portant thing and of this we have more definite knowledge. You, my German friends for those of you who were my friends in the past remain my friends in spite of fanatical demands from both sides that we should break off all relations know how much I love the Germany of the past, and all that I owe to it. Not less than you, yourselves, I am the son of Beethoven, of Leibnitz, and of Goethe. But what do I owe to the Germany of to-day, or what does Europe owe to it? What art have you produced since the monumental work of Wagner, which marks the end of an epoch and belongs to the past ? What new and original thought can you boast 58 The Lesser of Two Evils of since the death of Nietzsche, whose magnifi- cent madness has left its traces upon you though we are unscathed by it ? Where have we sought our spiritual food for the last forty years, when our own fertile soil no longer yielded sufficient for our needs? Who but the Russian writers have been our guides ? What German writer can you set up against Tolstoi and Dostoievsky, those giants of poetic genius and moral grandeur? These are the men who have moulded my soul, and in defending the nation from which they sprang, I am but paying a debt which I owe to that nation as well as to themselves. Even if the contempt for Prussian Imperialism were not innate to me as a Latin, I should have learned it from them. Twenty years ago Tolstoi expressed his contempt for your Kaiser. In music, Germany, so proud of its ancient glory, has only the successors of Wagner, neurotic jugglers with orchestral effects, like Richard Strauss, but not a single sober and virile work of the quality of Boris Godunov. No German musician has opened up new roads. A single page of Moussorgsky or Strawinsky shows more originality, more potential greatness than the complete scores of Mahler and Reger. In our Universities, in our hospitals and Pasteur Insti- 59 Above the Battle tutes, Russian students and scholars work side by side with our own, and Russian revolution- aries who have taken refuge in Paris mingle their aspirations with those of our socialists. The crimes of Tsarism are continually on your lips. We, too, denounce these crimes ; for Tsarism is our enemy, and what I wrote but recently, I repeat now. But it is likewise the enemy of the intellectual elite of Russia itself. This cannot be said of your intellectuals, who are so slavishly obedient to the commands of your rulers. A few days ago I received that amazing " Address to the Civilised Nations " with which the Imperial army-corps of German intellectuals bombarded Europe ; meanwhile the army-corps of German Commerce (Bureau des Deutschen Handelstages) shelled the markets of the world with circulars ornamented by the figure of Mercury, the god of lies. This mobilisation of the forces of the pen and of the caduceus, with which in good truth no other country could compete, has given us additional reason to fear the Empire's powers of organisation, no reason to respect it more. "Civilised Nations" read, not without amazement, that Address, the truth of which was vouched for by the names of the most distinguished scientists, thinkers, and artists in 60 The Lesser of Two Evils Germany by Behring, Ostwald, Roentgen, Eucken, Haeckel, Wundt, Dehmel, Hauptmann, Sudermann, Hildebrand, Klinger, Liebermann, Humperdinck, Weingartner, etc. by painters and philosophers, musicians, theologians, chemists, economists, poets, and the professors of twenty universities. They learned, not without surprise, that "it is not true that Germany provoked the war, it is not true that Germany criminally violated the neutrality of Belgium, it is not true that Germany used violence against the life or the belongings of a single Belgian citizen with- out being forced to do so, it is not true that Germany destroyed Louvain " (destroyed it ? no indeed, she saved it !), " it is not true that Germany " It is not true that day is day and night is night ! I confess that I could not read to the end without that feeling of embarrassment which I felt as a child, when I heard an elderly man whom I respected make false statements. I turned aside my eyes and blushed for him. Thank God ! the crimes of Tsarism never found a defender amongst the great artists, scholars, and thinkers of Russia. Are not Kropotkin, Tolstoi, Dostoievski, and Gorki, the greatest names in its literature, the very ones who denounced its crimes ! Above the Battle Russian domination has often been cruelly heavy for the smaller nationalities which it has swallowed up. But how comes it then, Germans, that the Poles prefer it to yours ? Do you imagine that Europe is ignorant of the monstrous way in which you are exterminating the Polish race? Do you think that we do not receive the con- fidences of those Baltic nations who, having to choose between two conquerors, prefer the Russian because he is the more humane? Read the following letter which I received but lately from a Lett, who, though he has suffered severely at the hands of the Russians, yet sides ardently with them against you. My German friends, you are either strangely ignorant of the state of mind of the nations which surround you, or you think us extremely simple and ill-informed. Your imperialism, beneath its veneer of civilisation, seems to me no less ferocious than Tsarism towards everything that ventures to oppose its avaricious desire for universal dominion. But whereas immense and mysterious Russia, over- flowing with young and revolutionary forces, gives us hope of a coming renewal, your Germany bases its systematic harshness on a culture too anti- quated and scholastic to allow of any hope of amendment. If I had any such hope and I once 62 The Lesser of Two Evils had it, my friends you have taken great pains to rob me of it, you, artists and scholars, who drew up that address in which you pride yourselves on your complete unity with Prussian Imperialism. Know once for all that there is nothing more over- whelming for us Latins, nothing more difficult to endure, than your militarisation of the intellect. If, by some awful fate, this spirit were triumphant, I should leave Europe for ever. To live here would be intolerable to me. Here, then, are some extracts from the in- teresting letter which I have received from a representative of those little nationalities which are being disputed between Russia and Germany. They desire to maintain their independence, but find themselves obliged to choose between these two nations, and choose Russia. It is good to hear them speak. We are too much inclined to listen only to the Great Powers who are now at war. Let us think of those little barques which the great vessels draw in their wake. Let us share for a moment the agony with which these little nationalities, forgotten by the egotism of Europe, await the final issue of a struggle which will decide their fate. Let England and France heed those beseeching eyes which are turned towards them ; let young Russia, herself so eager 63 Above the Battle for liberty, help generously to shed its benefits abroad. October 10, 1914. * * # LETTER TO ROMAIN ROLLAND y>th September, 1914. SIR, I desire to thank you for your article, "Above the Battle." . . . Although by my edu- cation I am more akin to the civilisations of Germany and Russia than to the civilisation of France, yet I respect the French spirit more, for I am convinced, more than ever to-day, that it will furnish the greatly needed solution of the problems of national rights and liberty. In your article you quote the words of one of your friends, a soldier and a writer, who says that the French are fighting not only to defend their own country but to save the liberty of the world. You can hardly imagine how such words re-echo in the hearts of oppressed nations, what streams of sympathy are to-day converging from all corners of Europe upon France, what hopes depend upon your victory. And yet many doubts have been expressed with regard to these French and English asser- tions because both nations have allied them- 64 The Lesser of Two Evils selves with Russia, whose policy is contrary to the ideas of right and liberty ; and Germany herself maintains that it is precisely those ideas for which she is fighting against Russia. It would be interesting to discover what German writers and professors really mean when they speak of a Holy War against Russia. Do they wish to assist Russian revolutionaries to dethrone the Tsar? Every revolutionary party would refuse indignantly to accept assistance from Prussian militarism. Do they wish to set free the neighbouring countries, such as Poland, which are oppressed by Russia, by incorporating them with the German Empire? It is well known that the Poles who are German subjects have suffered much more ignoble treatment than the Russian Poles, though even they have every reason to complain. The Baltic provinces of Russia alone remain, and here the Germans have for centuries had their pioneers among the large landowners and the merchants in the bigger towns. These, no doubt, Russian subjects but of German nationality, would welcome the German armies with enthusiasm. But they form only a caste of nobles and of the wealthy middle-classes, numbering at most a few thousands, whereas the bulk of the population, the 65 E Above the Battle Lettish and Esthonian nations, would regard the absorption of these provinces into Germany as the worst of calamities. We know well what German domination means. I am a Lett and can speak with authority, for I know the deepest feelings and hopes of my own countrymen. The Letts are akin to the Lithuanians. They inhabit Courland, Livonia, and a part of the province of Vitebsk. Their intellectual centre is Riga. There are colonies of them in all the principal towns of Russia. Last year the Annales des Nationalitis of Paris devoted two numbers to these two sister nations. Owing to the geographi- cal situation of their country, which is only too desirable, they had the misfortune to be under the yoke of the Germans, before they were under the yoke of the Russians. To understand how much they suffered under the former it will be sufficient to say that, in comparison with the Germans, we think of the Russians as our libera- tors. By sheer force the Germans kept us for centuries in a state equivalent to slavery. Only fifty years ago the Russian Government set us free from this bondage ; but, at the same time ; it committed the grave injustice of leaving all our land in the hands of German proprietors, Nevertheless, within the last twenty or thirty 66 The Lesser of Two Evils years, we have succeeded in reclaiming from the Germans a part at least of our land, and in reaching a considerable level of culture, thanks to which, we are considered, together with the Esthonians and the Finns, as the most advanced people in the Russian Empire. German papers often accuse us of ingratitude, and reproach us with our lack of appreciation of the advantages of the culture which they boast of having brought us. We listen to such accusa- tions with a bitter smile, and in writing the word Kulturtrager (bearer of civilisation) add an ex- clamation mark afterwards, for the behaviour of the Germans has brought the expression into contempt. We have acquired our culture in spite of their opposition, and against their will. Even to-day it is the German representatives in the Russian Duma who veto the occasional suggestions on the part of the Government to make reforms in the Baltic provinces. These provinces are ad- ministered in a manner that differs, and differs for the worse, from that adopted in the other provinces of Russia. We still submit to laws and regulations which no longer exist in other parts of Europe laws which were made in the feudal ages and have been rigorously maintained amongst us, thanks to the exertions of the big 67 Above the Battle German landowners, who are always sure of a hearing at the Imperial Court of St. Petersburg. Formerly, when we were striving in vain to reconcile our sympathy and admiration for German thought and art with the narrow, haughty, and cruel spirit of its representatives amongst us, we explained it all by saying that the Germans in our provinces were of a peculiar type, and had little in common with other Germans. But the crimes of which they have been guilty in Belgium and in France show us our mistake. Germans are the same everywhere in the work of conquest and domination wholly without humanitarian scruples. In Germany, as in Russia, there are two distinct tendencies the one, provoked by the ideas of Pangermanism and Panslavism, is to seek national glory on the field of battle and in the oppression of the personalities of other nations ; the other is to achieve the same end in the peaceful realms of thought and artistic creation. Just as the culture of which Goethe was typical has nothing in common with Prussian militarism, so Tolstoi may be considered as the representative of that other Russia which is so different from the one represented by the Russian Government of to-day. Certainly the gulf between these two tendencies is less deep 68 The Lesser of Two Evils in Germany than in Russia, and this is due to the immense size of Russia, which contains vast numbers of poor and ignorant human beings whom the Russian Government oppresses with the utmost brutality. But it is entirely unjust always to allude to the Russians as barbarians ; and the Germans who invariably make use of this word when they speak of Russia have less right than any one to do so. No one who knows the intellectual world of Germany and Russia will venture to say that the former is much superior to the latter they are simply different. And I would add that the one fact which makes us feel more drawn to the intel- lectual world of Russia than to that of the Germany of to-day, is that it would never be capable of justi- fying and approving the brutal conduct of its Government, as the German intellectuals are doing now. It has often been constrained to keep silence, but it has never raised its voice in defence of a guilty Government. Let not my testimony in favour of the Russians lead any one to believe that I am idealising them, or that my people, the Letts, have enjoyed any special privileges under their government. On the contrary ! I have suffered more at their hands than at the hands of the Germans, and my nation knows only too well how heavy is the hand of 69 the Russian Government, and how suffocating the atmosphere of Panslavism. In 1906 it was the Lett peasant and intellectual classes who enjoyed most frequently the privilege of being flogged ; it was amongst these classes that the greatest number of unfortunates were shot, hanged, or imprisoned for life. And since that dreadful year there are to be found in all the principal towns of Western Europe colonies of Letts, formed of refugees who succeeded in escaping from the atro- cities of the punitive expedition sent by the Russian Government against my country. But this fact is significant : at the head of the majority of the military bands commissioned to punish the country were German officers who had asked for this employment, and showed so great a zeal in shooting down men and setting fire to houses, that they went even beyond the intentions of the Russian Government. In those days the places might count themselves fortunate which were visited by dragoons commanded by officers of Russian nationality ; for where Riissian officers would have ordered the knout, German officers habitually inflicted a sentence of death. If my nation had ever to choose between a German and a Russian government it would choose the latter as the lesser of two evils. I see in the 70 The Lesser of Two Evils Lett newspapers that the reservists of my country left for the war with enthusiasm. I do not imagine that this enthusiasm is due to the thought that they are fighting for the glory of a nation which, by every means in its power, seeks to hinder our national development, by forbidding instruction in our native tongue in primary schools, by attempting to colonise our land with Russian peasants, by compelling our own people to emigrate to Siberia and America, by excluding all Letts from any share in Government employ- ment, etc. This enthusiasm nevertheless exists, and it is because the war is being waged against Germany, and because the Letts know that the Germans have long been aiming at the possession of the Baltic provinces. To prevent this we are prepared to make any sacrifice. We, who love our national civilisation and know well what Panslavism and Pangermanism mean, are of opinion that, of the two, Panslavism is less fatal to the civilisations of small nations. This is really due to' the character of the two races. German oppression is always systematic, hence always efficacious. In addition to this> their arro- gant contempt for everything that is not themselves, the calm and calculated method in which they carry Above the Battle out their system of persecution wherever they dominate, all this makes them intolerable. Russians are less logical by nature ; their minds are not so regulated and they are more inclined to obey the dictates of their hearts ; for this reason they are less to be feared as oppressors. The blows which they strike are often extremely cruel and painful, but they can repent from time to time. Their manners are rougher and more brutal (I speak here more especially of civil and military officials), but on the whole they are more humane than the Germans, who often conceal feelings of fierce savagery under the mask of perfect courtesy. In the year 1906, when there were executions in Russia on a large scale, there were many cases of suicide amongst Russian officers who could not reconcile their profession of soldiers with that of a hangman. The officers of German nationality, on the other hand, carried out their orders with enjoyment. Nevertheless, Russian domination, though pre- ferable to German, is still very oppressive. I hear the news of Russian victories with mingled feelings, rejoicing in so far as they are victories for the Allies, yet dreading the triumph of Russia. After the defeats of the Russo-Japanese War, when the Russian Government was weak- 72 The Lesser of Two Evils ened, it conceded certain liberal measures and then revoked them almost entirely as its strength returned. What have we to expect from a victory for Tsarism, especially we who are not Russians, but a savage revival of the crushing ideals of Panslavism ? This is the agonised question which the nations subject to Russia are asking now. I read in your article that the turn of Tsarism will come after that of Prussianism. In what sense is this to be understood? Is it your opinion that another war will presently break out against Tsarism, or will it be struck down by the blows of an internal revolution ? Is it even possible that France and England obtained the promise of a reform in the internal politics of Russia before allying themselves with her ? And is the proclamation to the Poles evidence of this ? Will it have any real effect after the war ? And those other nations oppressed by Russia the Finns, the Letts, the Lithuanians, the Esthonians, the Armenians, the Jews . . . will they too have justice done them ? These questions are probably devoid of any political significance. Yet without perceiving in what manner France and England can set us free, we do direct our hopes towards them. We 73 Above the Battle believe that in some way or other they will take care in future that their Russian ally shall show herself worthy of them and of the ideas for which they are fighting, lest the blood of those who have died in the cause of freedom go to feed the strength of the oppressors. Thus, sir, I have ventured uninvited to set forth rather fully to you the hopes and fears of a nation which has developed itself on a narrow strip of land between the two abysses of Pan- germanism and Panslavism. Whilst ardently desiring the destruction of the former, we have everything to fear from the latter. Yet we do not aspire to political independence. We seek only the possibility of developing freely our intellectual, artistic, and economic powers, with- out the perpetual menace of being absorbed by Russia or Germany. We believe that, in virtue of the civilisation we have acquired in the face of obstacles, we are worthy of the liberties and rights of man ; we are convinced that as a nation we have qualities which will fit us to play a valuable part in the great symphony of civilised peoples. Journal de Geneve, October 10, 1914. INTER ARMA CARITAS ONCE more I address myself to our friends the enemy. But this time I shall attempt no dis- cussion, for discussion is impossible with those who avow that they do not seek for but possess the truth. For the moment there is no spiritual force that can pierce the thick wall of certitude by which Germany is barricaded against the light of day the terrible certitude, the pharisaical satisfaction which pervades the monstrous letter of a Court preacher who glorifies God for having made him impeccable, irreproachable, and pure, himself, his emperor, his ministers, his army, and his race ; and who rejoices beforehand in his " holy wrath " at the destruction of all who do not think as he thinks. 1 1 Open letter of Dr. Ernst Dryander, the First Court Preacher and Vice-President of the Higher Ecclesiastical Council, to C. E. Babut, Pastor of Nimes, September 15, 1914 (published in FEssor for the loth October and the Journal de Geneve, i8th October). 75 Above the Battle True, I am very far from thinking that this monument of anti-Christian pride represents the spirit of the better part of Germany. I know how many noble hearts, moderate, affectionate, incapable of doing evil and almost of conceiving it, go to make up her moral strength ; amongst them are friends that I shall never cease to esteem. I know how many intrepid minds work ceaselessly in German science for the conquest of the truth. But I see on the one hand these good people so over-confident, so tractable, with their eyes shut, ignorant of the facts and unwilling to recognise anything but what it is the pleasure of their Government that they shall know ; and on the other, the clearest minds of Germany, historians and savants, trained for the criticism of texts, basing their conviction on documents which all emanate from one alone of the parties concerned, and by way of peremptory proof referring us to the ex-parte affirmations of their Emperor, and of their Chancellor, like well-behaved scholars, whose only argument is Magister dixit. What hope remains of convincing such people that there exists a truth beyond that master, and that in addition to his White Book we have in our hands books of every kind and of every colour, whose testimony demands the attention of an impartial 76 Inter Arma Caritas judge? But do they so much as know of their existence, and does the master allow his class to handle the manuals of his enemies ? Our dis- agreement is not only as regards the facts of the case ; it is due to difference in mind itself. Between the spirit of Germany to-day and that of the rest of Europe there is no longer a point of contact. We speak to them of Humanity ; they reply with Uebermensck, Uebervolk, and it goes without saying that they themselves are the Uebervolk. Germany seems to be overcome by a morbid exaltation, a collective madness, for which there is no remedy but time. According to the view of medical experts in analogous cases such forms of madness develop rapidly, and are suddenly followed by profound depression. We can then but wait, and in the meantime defend ourselves to the best of our ability from the madness of Ajax. Certainly Ajax has given us plenty of work to do. Look at the ruins around us ! We may bring aid to the victims yet how little can we achieve ? In the eternal struggle between good and evil the scales are not evenly balanced. We need a century to re-create what one day can destroy. The fury of madness, on the other hand, endures only for a day ; patient labour is our lot 77 Above the Battle throughout the years. It knows no pause, even in those hours when the world seems at an end. The vine-growers of Champagne gather in their vintage though the bombs of the rival armies explode around them and we, too, can do our share ! There is work for all who find themselves outside the battle. Especially for those who still can write, it seems to me that there should be something better to do than to brandish a pen dipped in blood and seated at their tables to cry " Kill ! Kill ! " I hate the war, but even more do I hate those who glorify it without taking part. What would we say of officers who marched behind their men? The noblest role of those who follow in the rear is to pick up their friends who fall, and to bear in mind even during the battle those fair words so often forgotten Inter Anna Caritas. * * * Amidst all the misery which every man of feel- ing can do his share to relieve, let us recall the fate of the prisoner of war. But knowing that Germany to-day blushes at her former senti- mentality, I carefully refrain from appealing to her pity by whinings, as they call them, about the destruction of Louvain and Rheims. " War is war." Granted ! then it is natural that it drags 78 Inter Arma Caritas in its train thousands of prisoners, officers and men. For the moment I shall say only a word about these, in order to comfort as far as possible the families who are searching for them, and are so anxious about their fate. On both sides hateful rumours circulate only too easily, rumours given currency by an unscrupulous press, rumours which would have us believe that the most elementary laws of humanity are trampled under foot by the enemy. Only the other day an Austrian friend wrote to me, maddened by the lies of some paper or other, to beg me to help the German wounded in France, who are left without any aid. And have I not heard or read the same unworthy fears expressed by Frenchmen as regards their wounded, who are said to be maltreated in Ger- many ? But it is all a lie on both sides ; and K-o those of us whose task it~Ts To receive the true information from either camp must affirm the contrary. Speaking generally (for in so many thousands of cases one cannot, of course, be sure that there will not here and there be individual exceptions) this war, whose actual conduct has provoked a degree of harshness which our know- ledge of previous wars in the West would not have allowed us to expect, is by contrast less cruel to 79 Above the Battle all those prisoners and wounded who are put out of the battle line. The letters that we receive and documents already published especially an interesting account which appeared in the Neue Ztircher Zeitung of October i8th, written by Dr. Schneeli, who had just been visiting the hospitals and prisoners' camps in Germany show that in that country efforts are being made to reconcile the ideals of humanity with the exigencies of war. They make it clear that there is no difference between the care bestowed by the Germans on their own wounded and those of the enemy, and that friendly relations exist between the prisoners and their guards, who all share the same food. I could wish that a similar inquiry might be made and published on the camps where German prisoners are concentrated in France. In the meantime accounts which reach me from indi- viduals disclose a similar situation, 1 and there is 1 The newspapers of both countries give publicity only to prejudiced stories unfavourable to the enemy. One would imagine that they devote themselves to collecting only the worst cases, in order to preserve the atmosphere of hatred ; and those to which they give predominance are often doubt- ful and always exceptional. No mention is made of any- thing that would tell in a contrary direction of prisoners who are grateful for their treatment, as in the letters which 80 Inter Arma Caritas plenty of reliable evidence that in Germany and France alike the wounded of both countries are living in terms of friendship. There are even soldiers who refuse to have their wounds dressed or receive their rations before their comrades the enemy have received similar attention. And who knows if it is not perhaps in the ranks of the con- tending armies that the feelings of national hatred are least violent? For there one learns to appreciate the courage of one's adversaries, since the same sufferings are common to all, and since where all energy is directed towards action there is none left for personal animosity. It is amongst those who are not actively engaged that there is developed the harsh and implacable brand of hatred, of which certain intellectuals provide terrible examples. The moral situation of the military prisoner is therefore not so overwhelming as might be im- agined, and his lot, sad as it is, is less to be pitied than that of another class of prisoners of we have to transmit to their families in which, for example, a German civil prisoner speaks of a pleasant walk, or of sea bathing, he has been allowed to enjoy. I have even come across the case of an entomologist who is peacefully absorbed in his researches, and profiting by his enforced sojourn in the South of France to complete his collection of insects. 8l F Above the Battle whom I shall speak later. The feeling of duty accomplished, the memory of the struggle, glorifies his misfortune in his own eyes, and even in those of the enemy. He is not totally abandoned to the foe ; international conventions protect him ; the Red Cross watches over him, and it is possible to discover where he is and to come to his assistance. In this work the admirable Agence Inter- nationale des prisonniers de guerre, most provi- dentially established some two months after the commencement of the war, has caused the name of Geneva to be known and blessed in the most remote corners of France and Germany. It only needs, like Providence itself, to gain the co-operation of those over whose interests it watches, that is to say, of the States concerned which have been somewhat slow in supplying the lists we need. Under the aegis of the International Committee of the Red Cross, with M. Gustave Ador as president and M. Max Dollfus as director, some 300 voluntary workers, drawn from all classes of society, are assisting in its charitable work. More than 15,000 letters a day pass through its hands. It daily trans- mits about 7,000 letters between prisoners and their families, and is responsible for the safe 82 Inter Arma Caritas dispatch of some 4,000 francs on an average. The precise information which it is able to communicate was very meagre at the start, but soon increased, until a thousand cases could be dealt with in the course of a single day ; and this number rapidly increased with the arrival of more complete lists from the Governments concerned. This renewal of intercourse between a prisoner and his family is not the only beneficial result of our organisation. Its peaceful work, its im- partial knowledge of the actual facts in the belligerent countries, contribute to modify the hatred which wild stories have exasperated, and to reveal what remains of humanity in the most envenomed enemy. It can also draw the attention of the different Governments, or at least of the general public, to cases where a speedy understanding would be in the interest of both parties as, for instance, in the ex- change of men who are so seriously wounded, that they will be quite unable to take further part in the war, and whom it is useless and inhuman to keep languishing far from their friends. Finally, it can effectively direct public generosity, which often hesitates for want of guidance. It can, for instance, point out to 83 Above the Battle neutral countries, who are so ungrudging in their anxiety to aid the sufferings of the com- batants, where help is most urgently needed for the wounded prisoners, convalescents leaving the hospital without linen or boots, and with no claims on the enemy for further support. 1 Instead of showering gifts (which, no doubt, are never superfluous) on the armies who can and should be supported by the peoples for whom they are fighting, neutrals might well reserve the greater part of their generosity for those who are most destitute, those whose need is the greatest, for they are feeble, broken, and alone. * * * But there is another class of prisoners on whom I would like interest to be specially con- centrated, for their situation is far more precarious, unprotected as they are by any international convention. These are the civil prisoners. They are one of the innovations of this unbridled war, which seems to have set itself to violate all the rights of humanity. In former wars it was only a question of a few hostages arrested here and there as a guarantee of good faith for 1 On this point, I would echo the appeal in the article cited above, from the Neue Ztircher Zeitung. 84 Inter Arma Caritas the pledge of some conquered town. Never until now had one heard of populations taken bodily into captivity on the model of ancient conquests a custom actively revived since the beginning of this war. Such a contingency not having been foreseen, no conventions existed to regulate the situation in the laws of war, if the words have any meaning. And as it would have been awkward to formulate fresh laws in the midst of the struggle, it seemed more simple to overlook them. It has been as though these unfortunates did not exist. But they do exist, and in thousands. Their number seems about equal on both sides. Which of the belligerents took the initiative in these captures? At present certainty is im- possible. It seems clear that in the second half of July Germany ordered the arrest of a number of Alsatian civilians. To this France replied the day after her mobilisation by de- claring prisoners Germans and Austrians then to be found on her territory The casting of this vast net was followed by similar action in Germany and Austria, though, perhaps, with less result. The conquest of Belgium and the invasion of ~the North of France brought about a redoubling of these measures aggravated by 85 Above the Battle violence. The Germans, on retiring after their defeat on the Marne, methodically made a clean sweep in the towns and villages of Picardy and Flanders of all persons capable of bearing arms 500 men at Douai, at Amiens i, 800 summoned before the citadel on some apparently harmless pretext, and carried off without even the possibility of returning for a change of clothes. In many cases the captures had not even the excuse of military utility. In the village of Sompuis (Marne) on September loth, the Saxons seized a helpless village priest of seventy-three, scarcely able to walk, and five old men of ages from sixty to seventy, one of whom was lame, and took them away on foot. Elsewhere women and children are taken, happy if they can remain together. Here a husband, mad with grief, searches for his wife and son aged three, who have disappeared since the Germans passed through Quievrechain (Nord). There it is a mother and her children taken by the French near Guebwiller ; the children were sent back, but not the mother. A French captain, wounded by the bursting of a shell, saw his wife also wounded by German bullets at Nomeny (Meurthe-et-Moselle) ; since when 86 Inter Arma Caritas she has disappeared, taken he does not know where. An old peasant woman of sixty-three is taken away from her husband near Villers-aux- Vents (Meuse) by a company of Germans. A child of sixteen is seized at its mother's house at Mulhouse. Such action shows an utter lack of human feeling, and is almost more absurd than cruel. It really appears as though people had been deliberately separated from all who were dearest to them ; and of those who have so dis- appeared no trace remains by which they can at present be found. I am not speaking of Belgium ; there the silence is as of the grave. Of what is taking place there nothing has been heard in the outer world for three months. Are the villages and towns still in existence? I have before me letters from parents (in some cases belonging to neutral nations) begging for news of their children of twelve or eight years of age, detained in Belgium since hostilities broke out. I have even found in the lists of these vanished children doubtless prisoners of war youthful citizens of four and two years of age. Are we to understand that they too could have been mobilised ? We see the anguish of the survivors. Imagine 87 Above the Battle the distress of those who have disappeared, deprived of money or the means of obtaining any from their families. What misery is revealed in the first letters received from such families interned in France or Germany ! A mother whose little boy is ill, although rich cannot procure any money. Another, with two children, requests us to warn her family that if after the war, nothing more is heard of her, it will mean that she has died of hunger. These cries of misery seemed in the noise of battle to fall on deaf ears for the first two months. The Red Cross itself, absorbed in its immense task, reserved all its help for the military prisoners, and the Governments seemed to show a superb disdain for their unfortunate citizens. Of what use are such as cannot serve ! Yet these are the most innocent victims of this war. They have not taken part in it, and nothing had pre- pared them for such calamities. Fortunately a man of generous sympathies (he will not forgive me for publishing his name), Dr. Ferriere, was touched by the misfortunes of these outcasts of the war. With a tenacity as patient as it was passionate, he set himself to 'construct in the swarming hive of Red Cross workers a special department to deal with their 88 Inter Arma Caritas distress. Refusing to be discouraged by the innumerable difficulties and the remote chances of success, he persevered, limiting himself at first to drawing up lists of the missing, and trying to inspire confidence in their anxious friends. He then attempted by every means in his power to discover the place of internment, and to re-establish communications between relations and friends. What joy when one can announce to a family that the son or the father has been found ! Every one of us at our table for I, too, had the honour of sharing in the work rejoices as though he were a member of that family. And as luck would have it the first letter of this kind which I had to write was to comfort some good people in my own little town in the Nivernais. Great progress has already been made. The most pressing needs have obtained a hearing. The Governments have agreed to liberate women, children under seventeen, and men over sixty. Repatriation began on October 23rd through the Bureau of Berne, created by the Federal Council. It remains, if not to deliver the others (we can- not count on this before the end of the war), at any rate to put them in communication with their families. In such cases, as in many others, 89 Above the Battle more can be expected from the charitable efforts of private individuals than from Govern- ments. The friends with whom we communi- cated in Germany or Austria as in France have replied with enthusiasm, all showing a generous desire to take part in our work. It is such questions transcending national pride which reveal the underlying fellowship of the nations which are tearing each other to pieces, and the sacrilegious folly of war. How friends and enemies are drawn together in the face of common suffering which the efforts of all humanity would hardly suffice to alleviate ! When after three months of fratricidal struggle one has felt the calming influence of this wide human sympathy, and turns once more to the field of strife, the rasping cries of hate in the press inspire only horror and pity. What object have they in view ? They wish to punish crimes and are a crime in themselves ; for murderous words are the seeds of future murder. In the diseased organism of a fevered Europe everything vibrates and reverberates without end. Every word, every action, arouses reprisals. Him who fans hatred, hatred flares up to consume. Heroes of officialdom ! bullies of the press ! the blows which you deal very often reach your own 90 Inter Arma Caritas people, little though you think it your soldiers, your prisoners, delivered into the hands of the enemy. They answer for the harm which you have done, and you escape the danger. We cannot stop the war, but we can make it less bitter. There are medicines for the body. We need medicines for the soul, to dress the wounds of hatred and vengeance by which the world is being poisoned. We who write let that be our task. And as the Red Cross pursues its work of mercy in the midst of the combat, like the bees of Holy Writ that made their honey in the jaws of the lion, let us try to support its efforts. Let our thoughts follow the ambulances that gather up the wounded on the field of battle. May Notre- Dame la Misere lay on the brow of raging Europe her stern but succouring hand. May she open the eyes of these peoples, blinded by pride, and show them that they are but poor human flocks, equal in the face of suffering; suffering at all times so great that there is no reason to add to the burden. Journal de Geneve, October 30, 1914. VI TO THE PEOPLE THAT IS SUFFERING FOR JUSTICE (For King Alberfs Book.*} BELGIUM has just written an Epic, whose echoes will resound throughout the ages. Like the three hundred Spartans, the little Belgian army confronts for three months the German Colossus ; Leman-Leonides ; the Thermopylae of Liege ; Louvain, like Troy, burnt ; the deeds of King Albert surrounded by his valiant men : with what legendary grandeur are these figures already invested, and history has not yet com- pleted their story ! The heroism of this people, who, without a murmur, sacrificed everything for honour, has burst like a thunderclap upon us at a time when the spirit of victorious Germany was enthroning in the world a conception of political realism, resting stolidly on force and self-interest. It was a liberation of the op- 1 Published by the Daily Telegraph, London, 1914. 92 People Suffering for Justice pressed idealism of the West. And that the signal should have been given by this little nation seemed a miracle. Men call the sudden appearance of a hidden reality a miracle. It is the shock of danger which makes us best understand the character of individuals and of nations. What discoveries this war has caused us to make in those around us, even among those nearest and dearest to us ! What heroic hearts and savage beasts ! The inner soul, not a new soul, reveals itself. In this fearful hour Belgium has seen the hidden genius of her race emerge. The sterling qualities that she has displayed during the last three months evoke admiration ; it should not surprise any one who, in the pages of history, has felt, coursing through the ages, the vigorous sap of her people. Small in numbers and in territory, but one of the greatest in Europe in virtue of her overflowing vitality. The Belgians of to-day are the sons of the Flemings of Courtrai. The men of this land never feared to oppose their powerful neighbours, the kings of France or Spain now heroes, now victims, Artevelde and Egmont. Their soil, watered by the blood of millions of warriors, is the most 93 Above the Battle fertile in Europe in the harvests of the spirit. From it arose the art of modern painting, spread throughout the world by the school of the van Eycks at the time of the Renaissance. From it arose the art of modern music, of that polyphony which thrilled through France, Ger- many, and Italy for nearly two centuries. From it, too, came the superb poetic efflorescence of our times ; and the two writers who most brilliantly represent French literature in the world, Maeterlinck and Verhaeren, are Belgian. They are the people who have suffered most and have borne their sufferings most bravely and cheerfully; the martyr-people of Philip II and of Kaiser Wilhelm ; and they are the people of Rubens, the people of Kermesses and of Till Ulenspiegel. He who knows the amazing epic re-told by Charles de Coster : The heroic, joyous^ and glorious adventures of Ulenspiegel and Lainine Goedjak, those two Flemish worthies who might take their places side by side with the immortal Don Quixote and his Sancho Panza he who has seen that dauntless spirit at work, rough and facetious, rebellious by nature, always offending the established powers, running the gauntlet of all trials and hardships, and emerg- 94 People Suffering for Justice ing from them always gay and smiling realises also the destinies of the nation that gave birth to Ulenspiegel, and even in the darkest hour fearlessly looks towards the approaching dawn of rich and happy days. Belgium may be invaded. The Belgian people will never be conquered nor crushed. The Belgian people cannot die. At the end of the story of Till Ulenspiegel, when they think he is dead, and are going to bury him, he wakes up : "Are they'' he asks, "going to bury Ulen- spiegel the sou^ Nele the heart of mother Flanders ? Sleep, perhaps, but die, no ! Come Nele." And he departed, singing his sixth song. But no one knows where he sang his last. 95 VII LETTER TO MY CRITICS ' November 17, 1914. THERE has reached me, after much delay, at Geneva, where I am engaged on the International work of Prisoners of War, the echo of attacks against me in certain newspapers, roused by the articles that I have published in the Journal de Geneve^ or rather by two or three passages arbitrarily chosen from those articles (for they themselves are scarcely known to anybody in France). My best reply will be to collect what I have written and publish it in Paris. I would not add a word of explanation, for there is not a line that I did not think it my right and my duty to set down. Moreover, I think that there is better work to do at this moment than to defend oneself ; there are others to defend, the thousands of victims who are 1 The editor of a great Paris paper having offered to publish my reply to those who attacked me, I sent him this article, which never appeared. 9 6 Letter to My Critics fighting in France. Time devoted to polemics is like a theft from these unfortunates, from these prisoners and families, whose hands seeking each other across space we are trying to unite at Geneva. But not content with attacking me personally, they have attacked ideas and a cause which I believe to be that of the true France ; and since my friends expect me to defend these thoughts which are also theirs, I profit by the hospitality which is offered me to reply distinctly and frankly in good French. I have published four articles : a letter to Gerhart Hauptmann, written the day after the devastation of Louvain, "Above the Battle," " The Lesser of Two Evils," and " Inter Arma Caritas." In these four articles I have stated that of all the imperialisms which are the scourge of the world, Prussian Military Imperialism is the worst. I have declared that it is the enemy of European liberty, the enemy of Western civilisation, the enemy of Germany herself, and that it must be destroyed. On this point I imagine we are agreed. To what do my critics take exception ? With- out entering into the discussion of certain points of detail, such as the appeal made by the Allies to the forces of Asia and Africa of which I 97 G Above the Battle disapprove, and still disapprove because I see in it a near and grave danger for Europe and for the Allies themselves, and because this danger is already materialising in threats of disturbance in the world of Islam exception is taken essen- tially on two grounds : 1. My refusal to include the German people and its military and intellectual rulers in the same denunciation. 2. The esteem and friendship which I have for the individuals in the country with which we are at war. I will reply first of all without ambiguity to this second reproach. Yes, I have German friends as I have French, Italian, and English friends, and friends of every race. They are my wealth : I am proud of it and keep it. When one has had the good fortune to meet in this w*>rld loyal souls with whom one shares one's most intimate thoughts, and with whom one has formed bonds of brotherly union, such bonds are sacred, and N not to be broken asunder in the hour of trial, He would be a coward who timidly ceased to own them, in order to obey the insolent summons of a public opinion which has no right over the heart. Does the love of country demand this * unkindness of thought which is associated with 98 Letter to My Critics the name Corne'lienne ? Corneille himself has given the answer : Albe vous a nommc, je ne vous connais plus. Je vous connais encore, et c'est ce qui me tue. Certain letters, which I shall reproduce later, will show the grief, sometimes almost tragic, that such friendships mean in these moments. Thanks to them, we have at least been able to defend ourselves against a hatred which is more murderous than war, since it is an infection produced by its wounds ; and it does as much harm to those whom it possesses as to those against whom it is directed. This poison I see with apprehension spread- ing at the present moment. Amongst the victim populations, the cruelties and ravages committed by the German armies have brought to birth a desire for reprisals. This, when once in existence, is not for the press to exasperate, for such a desire runs the risk of leading to dangerous injustice dangerous not only for the conquered but above all for the conquerors. France has, in this war, the chance of playing the nobler part, the rarest chance that the world has ever seen. A German wrote to me a few weeks ago : " France has won in this war a prodigious 99 Above the Battle moral triumph. The sympathies of the whole world are drawn towards her ; and, most extra- ordinary of all, Germany herself has a secret leaning towards her enemy." All should wish that this moral triumph may be hers to the end, and that she may remain to the end just, straightforward, and humane. I could never distinguish the cause of France from that of humanity. It is just because I am French that I leave to our Prussian enemies the motto : " Oderint, dum metuant" I wish France to be loved, I wish her to be victorious not only by force, not only by right (that would be difficult enough), but by that large and generous heart which is pre-eminently hers. I wish her to be strong enough to fight without hatred and to regard even those against whom she is forced to fight as misguided brothers who must be pitied when they have been rendered harmless. Our soldiers know it well, and I say nothing here of letters from the front which tell us of compassion and kindness between the com- batants. But the civilians who are outside the combat, who do not fight, but talk, who write and embroil themselves in a factitious and lunatic agitation and are never exhausted ; these are delivered over to the winds of feverish 100 fc Letter to My Critics violence. And there is the danger. For they form opinion, the only opinion that can be expressed (all others are forbidden). It is for these that I write, not for those who are fighting (they have no need of us !). And when I hear the publicists trying to rouse the energies of the nation by all the stimulants at their disposal for this one object, the total crushing of the enemy nation, I think it my duty to rise in opposition to what I believe to be at once a moral and a political error. You make war against a State, not against a people. It would be monstrous to hold sixty-five million men responsible for the acts of some thousands perhaps some hundreds. Here in French Switzerland, so passionately in sympathy with France, so eager both in its sympathies and in the duty of restraining them, I have been able for three months, by reading German letters and pamphlets, to examine closely the conscience of the German nation. And I have been able thus to take account of a good many facts which escape the greater part of the French people. The first, the most striking, the most ignored, is that there is not in Germany as a whole any real hatred of France (all the hatred is turned against England). The especial pathos of the 101 Above the Battle situation lies in the fact that the French spirit only really began to exercise an attraction upon Germany some two or three years ago. Germany was beginning to discover the true France, the France of work and of faith. The new gene- rations, the young classes that they have just led to the abattoir of Ypres and Dixmude, numbered the purest souls, the greatest idealists, those most possessed by the dream of universal brother- hood. If I say that for many among them the war has been a laceration, " a horror, a failure, a renunciation of every ideal, an abdication of the spirit," as one of them wrote on the eve of his death if I say that the death of Peguy has been mourned by many young Germans, no one would believe me. But belief will be a necessity the day I publish the documents which I have collected. It is somewhat better understood in France how this German nation, enveloped in the network of lies woven by its Government, and abandoning herself thereto with a blind and obstinate loyalty, is profoundly convinced that she was attacked, hemmed in by the jealousy of the world ; and that she must defend herself at all costs or die. It is among the chivalrous traditions of France to render homage to the courage of an adversary. 1 02 Letter to My Critics One owes it to that adversary to recognise that in default of other virtues the spirit of sacrifice is, in the present instance, almost boundless. It would be a great mistake to force it to extremes. Instead of driving this blind people to a mag- nificent and desperate defence, let us try to open their eyes. It is not impossible. An Alsatian patriot, to whom one could not impute indul- gence for Germany, Dr Bucher of Strasbourg, told me not long since, that even though the German is full of haughty prejudices carefully fostered by his teachers, he is at any rate always amenable to discussion and his docile spirit is accessible to arguments. As an example, I would instance the secret evolution that I see in progress in the thought of certain Germans. Numbers of German letters that I have read this month begin to utter agonised questionings as to the legitimacy of the proceedings of Germany in Belgium. I have seen this anxiety growing, little by little, in consciences which at first reposed in the conviction of their right. Truth is slowly dawning. What will happen if its light conquers and spreads ? Carry truth in your hands ! Let it be our strongest weapon ! Let us, like the soldiers of the Revolution, whose heart lives again in our troops, fight not against our enemies, but 103 Above the Battle for them. In saving the world, let us save them too. France does not break old chains in order to rivet new. Your thoughts are fixed on victory. I think of the peace which will follow. For however insistently the most militarist among you may talk, venturing as did an article to hold out the delightful promise of a perpetual war " a war which will last after this war, indefinitely. . . . " * (it will come to an end, nevertheless for lack of combatants !) . . . there must come a day when you will stretch out the hand of friendship, you and your neighbours across the Rhine, if it were only to come to an agreement, for the sake of your own business. You will have to re- establish supportable and humane relations : so set to work in such a manner as not to make them impossible ! Do not break down all the bridges, since it will ever be necessary to cross the river. Do not destroy the future. A good open, clean wound will heal ; but do not poison it. Let us be on our guard against hatred. If we prepare for war in peace according to the wisdom of nations, we should also prepare for peace in war. It is a task which seems to me not un- worthy of those among us who find themselves 'iPaul Bourget 104 Letter to My Critics outside the struggle, and who through the life of the spirit have wider relations with the universe a little lay church which, to-day more than the other, preserves its faith in the unity of human thought and believes that all men are sons of the same Father. In any case, if such a faith merits insult, the insults constitute an honour that we will claim as ours before the tribunal of posterity. 105 VIII THE IDOLS FOR more than forty centuries it has been the effort of great minds who have attained liberty to extend this blessing to others ; to liberate humanity and to teach men to see reality with- out fear or error, to look themselves in the face without false pride or false humility and to recognise their weakness and their strength, that they may know their true position in the universe. They have illumined the path with the bright- ness of their lives and their example, like the star of the magi, that mankind may have light. Their efforts have failed. For more than forty centuries humanity has remained in bondage I do not say to masters (for such are of the order of the flesh, of which I am not speaking here ; and their chains break sooner or later) but to the phantoms of their own minds. Such servitude comes from within. We grow faint in 1 06 The Idols the endeavour to cut the bonds which bind mankind, who straightway tie them again to be more firmly enthralled. Of every liberator men make a master. Every ideal which ought to liberate is transformed into a clumsy Idol. The history of humanity is the history of Idols and of their successive reigns ; and as humanity grows older the power of the Idol seems to wax greater and more destructive. At first the divinities were of wood, of stone, or of metal. Those at any rate were not proof against the axe or against fire. Others followed that no material force could reach, for they were graven in the invisible mind. Yet all aspired to material dominion, and to secure for them that dominion the peoples of the world have poured out their best blood : Idols of religions and of nationality : the Idol of liberty whose reign was established in Europe by the armies of the sans-culotte at the point of the bayonet. The masters have changed, the slaves are still the same. Our century has made the acquaintance of two new species. The Idol of Race, at first the outcome of noble ideas, became in the laboratories of spectacled savants the Moloch which Germany hurled herself against France in 1870 and which her enemies now wish to use 107 Above the Battle against the Germany of to-day. The latest on the scene is that authentic product of German science, fraternally allied to the labours of in- dustry, of commerce, and of the firm of Krupp the Idol of Kultur surrounded by its Levites, the thinkers of Germany. ** The common feature of the cult of all Idols is the adaptation of an ideal to the evil instincts of mankind. Man cultivates the vices which are profitable to him, but feels the necessity of legitimising them ; being unwilling to sacrifice them, he must idealise them. That is why the problem at which he has never ceased to labour throughout the centuries has been to harmonise his ideals with his own mediocrity. He has always succeeded. The crowd has no difficulty here. It sets side by side its virtues and its vices, its heroism and its meanness. The force of its passions and the rapid course of the days which carry it along cause it to forget its lack of logic. But the intelligent few cannot satisfy them- selves with so little effort. Not that they are, as is often said, less readily swayed by passion. This is a grave error ; the richer a life becomes 108 The Idols the more does it offer for passion to devour, and history sufficiently shows the terrifying paroxysms to which the lives of religious leaders and revolutionaries have attained. But these toilers in the spirit love careful work, and are repelled by popular modes of thought which perpetually break through the meshes of reason- ing. They have to make a more closely woven net in which instinct and idea, cost what it may combine to form a stouter tissue. They thus achieve monstrous chefs-d'oeuvre. Give an in- tellectual any ideal and any evil passion and he will always succeed in harmonising the twain. The love of God and the love of man- kind have been invoked in order to burn, kill, and pillage. The fraternity of 1793 was sister to the Holy Guillotine. We have in our time seen Churchmen seeking and finding in the Gospels the justification of Banking and of War. Since the outbreak of the war a clergyman of Wiir- temberg established the fact that neither Christ nor John the Baptist nor the apostles desired to suppress militarism* A clever intellectual is a 1 The Evangelical pastor Schrenck in an article on " War and the New Testament," quoted with approval by the Rev. Ch. Correvon in the Journal religieux of Neuchatel, November I4th. A 109 Above the Battle conjuror in ideas. " Nothing in my hands nothing up my sleeves" The great trick is to extract from any given idea its precise contrary war from the Sermon on the Mount, or, like Professor Ostwald, the military dictatorship of the Kaiser from the dream of an intellectual internationalism. For such conjurors these things are but child's-play. Let us expose them, by examining the words of this Dr. Ostwald, who has appeared during the last few months as the Baptist of the Gospel of the spiked helmet. Here is the Idol to begin with Kultur (made in Germany}, with a capital K " rectiligne et de quatre pointes, comme un chevel de frise" as Miguel de Unamuno wrote to me. All around are little gods, the children of its loins : Kulturstaat, Kulturbund, Kulturimperium. . . . " / am now " (it is the voice of Ostwald^} "going to explain to you the great secret of Germany. We, or rather the Germanic race, have discovered the factor of Organisation. Other peoples still live under the regime of individualism while we are under that of Organisation. The stage of Organisation is a more advanced stage of civilisation? 1 In a declaration to the editor of the Swedish paper Dagen. IIO The Idols It is surely clear that, like those missionaries who, in order to carry the Christian faith to heathen peoples, secure the co-operation of a squadron and a landing party which straightway establish in the idolatrous country commercial stores protected by a ring of cannon, German intelligence cannot without selfishness keep her treasures to herself. She is obliged to share them. " Germany wishes to organise Europe, for Europe has hitherto not been organised. With us everything tends to elicit from each individual the maximal output in the direction most favourable for society. That for us is liberty in its highest form? We may well pause to marvel at this way of talking about human " culture " as though it were a question of asparagus and artichokes. Of this happiness, and these advantages, this maximal output, this market-garden culture, this liberty of artichokes subjected to a judicious forcing process, Professor Ostwald does not wish to deprive the other peoples of Europe. As they are so unenlightened as not to acquiesce with enthusiasm : " War will make them participate in the form of this organisation in our higher civilisation" Thereupon the chemist-philosopher, who is also in Above the Battle in his leisure hours a politician and a strategist, sketches in bold outline the picture of the vic- tories of Germany and a remodelled Europe a United States of Europe under the pater- nal sceptre of his mailed Kaiser : England crushed, France disarmed, and Russia dismem- bered. His colleague Haeckel completes this joyous expose by dividing Belgium, the British Empire, and the North of France like Perrette of the fable before her pitcher broke. Unfortu- nately neither Haeckel nor Ostwald tell us if their plan for the establishment of this higher civilisation included the destruction of the Halle of Ypres, of the Library at Louvain, of the Cathedral at Rheims. After all these conquests, divisions, and devastations, let us not overlook this wonderful sentence of which Ostwald certainly did not realise the sinister buffoonery, worthy of a Moliere : " You know that I am a pacifist." However far the high priests of a cult may allow their emotion to carry them, their pro- fession of faith still retains a certain diplomatic reserve which does not hamper their followers. Thus the Kulturmenschen. But the zeal of their Levites must frequently disturb the serenity of Moses and Aaron Haeckel and Ostwald by its intemperate frankness. I do not know 112 The Idols what they think of the article of Thomas Mann which appeared in the November number of the Neue Rundschau : " Gedanken im Kriege." But I do know what certain French intellectuals will think of it. Germany could not offer them a more terrible weapon against herself. In an access of delirious pride and exasperated fanaticism Mann employs his envenomed pen to justify the worst accusations that have been made against Germany. While an Ostwald endeavours to identify the cause of Kultur with that of civilisation, Mann proclaims : "They have nothing in common. The present war is that of Kultur (i.e. of Germany) against civilisation." And pushing this outrageous boast of pride to the point of madness, he defines civilisation as Reason (Vernunftt Aufkldrung\ Gentleness (Sittigung, Sanftigung), Spirit (Geist, Auflosung), and Kultur as " a spiritual organisation of the world " which does not exclude " bloody savagery." Kultur is " the sublimation of the demoniacal " (die Sublimierung des Ddmonischeri). It is "above morality, above reason, and above science." While Ostwald and Haeckel see in militarism merely an arm or instrument of which Kultur makes use to secure victory, Thomas Mann affirms that Kultur and Militarism are brothers their 113 H Above the Battle ideal is the same, their aim the same, their prin- ciple the same. Their enemy is peace, is spirit ("/, der Geist ist zivil> ist bilrgerlich "). He finally dares to inscribe on his own and his country's banner the words, " Law is the friend of the weak ; it would reduce the world to a level. War brings out strength." Das Gesetz ist der Freund des Schivachen, Mochte gem die Welt verflachen Aber der Krieg lasst die Kraft crscheinen . . . In this criminal glorification of violence, Thomas Mann himself has been surpassed. Ostwald preached the victory of Kultur, if necessary by Force ; Mann proved that Kultur is Force. Some one was needed to cast aside the last veil of reserve and say "Force alone. All else be silent." We have read extracts from the cynical article in which Maximilian Harden, treating the desperate efforts of his Government to excuse the violation of Belgian neutrality as feeble lies, dared to write: " Why on earth all this fuss ? Might creates our Right. Did a powerful man ever submit himself to the crazy pretensions or to the judgment of a band of weaklings ? " What a testimony to the madness into which 114 The Idols German intelligence has been precipitated by pride and struggle, and to the moral anarchy of this Empire, whose organisation is imposing only to the eyes of those who do not see farther than the fagade ! Who cannot see the weak- ness of a Government which gags its socialist press and yet tolerates such an insulting con- tradiction as this ? Who does not see that such words defame Germany before the whole world for centuries to come? These miserable intellectuals imagine that with their display of infuriated Nietzcheism and Bismarckism they are acting heroically and impressing the world. They merely disgust it. They wish to be be- lieved. People are only too ready to believe them. The whole of Germany will be made responsible for the delirium of a few writers. Germany will one day realise she has had no more deadly enemy than her own intellectuals. * * * I write here without prejudice, for I am cer- tainly not proud of our French intellectuals. The Idol of Race, or of Civilisation, or of Latinity, which they so greatly abuse, does not satisfy me. I do not like any idol not even that of Humanity. But at any rate those to 115 Above the Battle which my country bows down are less dangerous. They are not aggressive, and, moreover, there remains even in the most fanatical of our in- tellectuals a basis of native common sense, of which the Germans of whom I have just spoken seem to have lost all trace. But it must be admitted that on neither side have they brought honour to the cause of reason, which they have not been able to protect against the winds of violence and folly. There is a saying of Emer- son's which is applicable to their failure : " Nothing is more rare in any man than an act of his own" Their acts and their writings have come to them from others, from outside, from public opinion, blind and menacing. I do not wish to condemn those who have been obliged to remain silent either because they are in the armies, or because the censorship which rules in countries involved in war has imposed silence upon them. But the unheard-of weakness with which the leaders of thought have everywhere abdicated to the collective madness has certainly proved their lack of character. Certain somewhat paradoxical passages in my own writings have caused me at times to be styled an anti-intellectual ; an absurd charge to 116 The Idols bring against one who has given his life to the worship of thought. But it is true that Intel- lectualism has often appeared to me as a mere caricature of Thought Thought mutilated, de- formed, and petrified, powerless, not only to dominate the drama of life, but even to under- stand it. And the events of to-day have proved me more in the right than I wished to be. The intellectual lives too much in the realm of shadows, of ideas. Ideas have no existence in themselves, but only through the hopes or experiences which can fill them. They are either summaries, or hypotheses ; frames for what has been or will be ; convenient or necessary formulae. One cannot live and act without them, but the evil is that people make them into oppressive realities. No one contributes more to this than the intellectual, whose trade it is to handle them, who, biassed by his pro- fession, is always tempted to subordinate reality to them. Let there supervene a collective passion which completes his blindness, and it will be cast in the form of the idea which can best serve its purpose : it transfers its life-blood to that idea, and the idea magnifies and glorifies it in turn. Nothing is more long-lived in a man than a phantom which his own mind has 117 Above the Battle created, a phantom in which are combined the madness of his heart and the madness of his head. Hence the intellectuals in the present crisis have not been overcome by the warlike contagion less than others, but they have them- selves contributed to spreading it. I would add (for it is their punishment) that they are victims of the contagion for a longer period : for whilst simple folk constantly submit to the test of everyday action and of experience, and modify their ideas without conscious regret, the intel- lectual finds himself bound in the net of his own creation and every word that he writes draws the bonds tighter. Hence while we see that in the soldiers of all armies the fire of hate is rapidly dying down and that they already fraternise from trench to trench, the writers redouble their furious arguments. We can easily prophesy that when the remembrance of this senseless war has passed away among the people its bitterness will still be smouldering in the hearts of the intellectuals. . . . Who shall break the idols ? Who shall open the eyes of their fanatical followers ? Who shall make them understand that no god of their minds, religious or secular, has the right to force himself on other human beings even he who 118 The Idols seems the most worthy or to despise them ? Admitting that your Kultur on German soil produces the sturdiest and most abundant human crop, who has entrusted to you the mission of cultivating other lands? Cultivate your own garden. We will cultivate ours. There is a sacred flower for which I would give all the products of your artificial culture. It is the wild violet of Liberty. You do not care about it. You tread it under foot. But it will not die. It will live longer than your masterpieces of barrack and hot-house. It is not afraid of the wind. It has braved other tempests than that of to-day. It grows under brambles and under dead leaves. Intellectuals of Germany, intel- lectuals of France, labour and sow on the fields of your own minds : respect those of others. Before organising the world you have enough to do to orgatiise your own private world. Try for a moment to forget your ideas and behold yourselves. And above all, look at us. Champions of Kultur and of Civilisation, of the Germanic races and of Latinity, enemies, friends, let us look one another in the eyes. My brother, do you not see there a heart similar to your own, with the same hopes, the same egoism, and the same heroism and power of dream which for ever 119 Above the Battle refashions its gossamer web ? Vois-tu pas que tu es mot? said the old Hugo to one of his enemies. . . . The true man of culture is not he who makes of himself and his ideal the centre of the universe, but who looking around him sees, as in the sky the stream of the Milky Way, thousands of little flames which flow with his own ; and who seeks neither to absorb them nor to impose upon them his own course, but to give himself the religious persuasion of their value and of the common source of the fire by which all alike are fed. Intelligence of the mind is nothing without that of the heart. It is nothing also without good sense and humour good sense which shows to every people and to every being their place in the universe and humour which is the critic of misguided reason, the soldier who, following the chariot to the Capitol, reminds Caesar in his hour of triumph that he is bald. Journal de Geneve, December 4, 1914. 1 2O IX FOR EUROPE MANIFESTO OF THE WRITERS AND THINKERS OF CATALONIA NATIONAL passions are triumphant. For five months they have rent our Europe. They think they will soon have compassed its destruction and effaced its image in the hearts of the last of these who remain faithful to it. But they are mistaken. They have renewed the faith that we had in it. They have made us recognise its value and our love. And from one country to another we have discovered our unknown brothers, sons of the same mother, who in the hour when she is denied, consecrate themselves to her defence. To-day, it is from Spain that the voice reaches us, from the thinkers of Catalonia. Let us pass on their appeal which comes to us from the shores of the Mediterranean, like the sound of a Christmas bell. Another day the bells of Northern Europe will be heard in their turn. And soon 121 Above the Battle all will ring together in unison. The test is good. Let us be thankful. Those who desired to sepa- rate us have joined our hands. R. R. December 31, 1914. MANIFESTO OF THE FRIENDS OF THE MORAL UNITY OF EUROPE A number of literary and scientific men at Barcelona, as far removed from amorphous inter- nationalism on the one hand as from mere parochialism on the other, have banded them- selves together to affirm their unchangeable belief in the moral unity of Europe, and to further this belief as far as the suffocating conditions resulting from the present tragic circumstances permit. We set out from the principle that the terrible war which to-day is rending the heart of this Europe of ours is, by implication, a Civil War. A civil war does not exactly mean an unjust war ; still, it can only be justified by a conflict between great ideals, and if we desire the triumph of one or the other of these ideals, it must be for the sake of the entire European Common- wealth and its general well-being. None of the belligerents, therefore, can be allowed to aim at the complete destruction of its opponents ; and 122 For Europe (Spain) it is even less legitimate to start out from the criminal hypothesis that one or another of the parties is de facto already excluded from this superior commonwealth. Yet we have seen with pain assertions such as these approved and deliriously spread abroad ; and not always amongst common people, or by the voices of those who speak not with authority. For three months it seemed as if our ideal Europe were shipwrecked, but a reaction is making its appearance already. A thousand indications assure us that, in the world of intellect at any rate, the winds are quietening down, and that in the best minds the eternal values will soon spring up once more. It is our purpose to assist in this reaction, to contribute to making it known, and, as far as we are able, to ensure its triumph. We are not alone. We have with us in every quarter of the world the ardent aspirations of far-sighted minds, and the unvoiced wishes of thousands of men of good will, who, beyond their sympathies and personal preferences, are determined to remain faithful to the cause of this moral unity. And above all we have, in the far distant future the appreciation of the men who to-morrow will 123 Above the Battle applaud this modest work to which we are devot- ing ourselves to-day. We will begin by giving the greatest possible publicity to those actions, declarations, and manifestations whether they emanate from belligerent or neutral nations in which the effort of reviving the feeling of a higher unity and a generous altruism may become apparent. Later we shall be able to extend our activities and place them at the service of new enterprises. We demand nothing more of our friends, of our press, and of our fellow-citizens than a littte attention for these quickenings of reality, a little respect for the interests of a higher humanity, and a little love for the great traditions and the rich possibilities of a unified Europe, BARCELONA, November 27, 1914. EUGENIO D'ORS, Member of the Institute; MANUEL DE MONTOLIU, Author; AURELIO RAS, Director of the Review Estudio; AUGUSTIN MURUA, University Professor ; TELESFORO DE ARANZADI, University Professor; MIGUEL S. OLIVER ; JUAN PALAU, publicist ; PABLO VILA, Director of Mont and Le"on Bloy, and reproductions of the works of Daumier, Delacroix, Cezanne, Matisse, and R. de la Fresnaye : (cubism flourishes in this Berlin review). The issue of October 24th is devoted to Peguy, and contains, as frontispiece, Egon Schiele's portrait of the man, who is honoured by Franz Pfemfert, the editor, as " the purest and most vigorous moral force in French literature of to-day." Let us hasten to add, however, that, as is often the case on the other side of the Rhine, they are carried away by their zeal in deploring his death as of one of their countrymen, and in proclaiming themselves his heirs. But the pride which admires is at least superior to the pride which disparages. The most important of these young reviews is Die Weissen Blatter ; important on account of the variety of questions it deals with, and the value and number of its contributors, as well as for the broad-mindedness of its editor Rene Schickele. 159 Above the Battle An Alsatian by birth, he belongs to those who feel most acutely the bitterness of the present struggle. After an interval of three months Die Weissen Blatter ; which almost corresponds to our Nouvelle Revue Franfaise, reappeared in January last with the following declaration, akin to that of the Revue des Nations, at Berne : " // seems good to ^ls to begin the work of reconstruction, in the midst of the war, and to aid in preparing for the victory of the spirit. The community of Europe is at present apparently destroyed. Is it not the duty of all of us who are not bearing arms, to live from to-day onwards according to the dictates of our conscience, as it will be the duty of every German when once the war is over ? " By the side of these disinterested manifestoes about actual politics, appear lengthy historical novels ( Tycho Brahe by Max Brod) and satirical comedies by Carl Sternheim, who continues to scourge the upper classes of German society, and the capitalists, for Die Weissen Blatter is open to all questions of the day. But in spite of the actual differences which must necessarily exist between a German and a French review, we cannot but point out the frankly hostile attitude of these writers to all the excesses of Chauvinism. The articles of Max Scheler, " Europe and the 160 War Literature War," show an impartial attitude which is entirely praiseworthy. The review opens its columns to the loyal Annette Kolb, who, as the daughter of a German father and of a French mother, suffers keenly in this conflict between the parts of her nature, and has lately raised a tempest in Dresden, where in a public lecture she had the courage to admit her fidelity to both sides, and to express her regret that Germany should fail to understand France. In the February number, under the title " Ganz niedrich haengen!" there appeared a violent repudiation of the Krieg mit dem Maul (the war of tongues) ; "If journalists hope to inspire courage by insulting the enemy, they are mistaken we refuse such stimulants. We dare to maintain our opinion, that the humblest volunteer of the enemy, who from an unreasoned but exalted sentiment of patriotism, fires upon us from an ambush, knowing well what he risks, is much superior to those journalists who profit by the public feeling of the day, and under cover of high-sounding words of patriotism do not fight the enemy but spit upon him" Of all these young writers who are striving to preserve the integrity of their minds against the force of national passions, the one whose per- sonality has been most exalted by this tempest, i6r L Above the Battle the most eloquent, courageous, and decided of all is Wilhelm Herzog. He is the editor of the Forum at Munich, and like our own P6guy, when he began to publish his Cahiers de la Quinzaine> he fills almost the whole of his review with his own burning articles. The enthusiastic biographer of H. von Kleist, he sees and judges the events of his own time with the eyes of that indomitable spirit. The German censor attempts in vain to silence him and to forbid the publication of the lectures of Spitteler and of Annette Kolb ; his indignation and cries of vengeful irony spread even to us. He attacks bitterly the ninety-three intellectuals who "fancy they are all Ajaxes because they bray the loudest" those politicians of the school of Haeckel, who make a new division of the world, those patriotic bards who insult other nations ; he attacks Thomas Mann mercilessly, scoffs at his sophistry, and defends France, the French Army, 1 and French civilisation against him ; he points out that the great men of Germany (Griinwald, Diirer, Bach, and Mozart amongst others) have always been persecuted, humiliated, and calumniated. 2 In an article entitled "Der neue Geist," 3 after having 1 Die Uberschaetzung der Kunst (December 1914). * Von der Vaterlandsliebe (January 1915). 3 December 1914. 162 War Literature scoffed at the banality that has reappeared in the German theatres, and the literary mediocrity of patriotic productions, he asked where this "new spirit" may be found, and this gives him an opportunity to demolish Ostwald and Lasson. " Where is it to be found f In the Hochschulen f Have we not read that incredibly clumsy (unwa- hrscheinlich plumpen) appeal of the 99 professors f Have we not appreciated the statements of that double centenarian (des zweihundertjaehrige Mum- melgreises) mummy Lasson f When I was studying philosophy as an undergraduate at the University oj Berlin, the theatre in which he lectured was a place of amusement (Lachkabinett) for us nothing more. And to-day people take him seriously ! English, French, and Italian papers print his senile babblings against Holland, as typical of the Stimmung of the German intellec- tuals. The wrong that these privy councillors and professors have done us with their Aufklarung- sarbeit can hardly be measured. They have isolated themselves from humanity by their inability to realise the feelings of others" In opposition to these false representatives of a nation, these cultured gossips and political ad- venturers, he extols the silent ones, the great mass of the people of all nations who suffer 163 Above the Battle in silence ; and he joins with them in " the in- visible community of sorrow." " One who is suffering and knows that his sorrow is shared by millions of other beings, will bear it calmly ; he will accept it willingly even, because he knows that he is enriched thereby, made stronger, more tender, more humane" x And he quotes the words of old Meister Eckehart : " Suffering is the fastest steed that will bear you to perfection" * # At the close of this summary review of the young writers of the war, a place must be found for those whom the war has crushed they counted amongst the best. Ernst Stadler was an enthusiastic admirer of French art and of the French spirit He translated Francis Jammes, and on the eve of his death, in November, he was writing to Stefan Zweig from the trenches about the poems of Verlaine, which he was translating. The unfortunate George Trakl, the poet of melancholy, was made lieutenant of a 1 Hymnt auj den Schmerx (January 1915). It is to be noted that the Forum is read in the trenches, and that it has received many letters of approval from the front. (Der Phrasenrausch und seine Bekaempfer, February 1915.) 164 War Literature sanitary column in Galicia, and the sight of so much suffering drove him to despair and death. And there are many hidden tragedies, still un- revealed. When they are made known, humanity will tremble in contemplating its handiwork. I reflected, as doubtless many of my French readers have also done, in reading through these German writings inspired by the war writings through which from time to time there passes a mighty breath of revolt and sorrow that our young writers are not writing "literature." Instead of books they give us deeds, and their letters. And in re-reading some of their letters I thought that ours had chosen the better part. It is not for me now to point out the position that this heroic correspondence will occupy, not only in our history but also in our literature. Into it the flower of our youth has put all its life, its faith and its genius : and for some of those letters I would give many of the finest lines of the noblest poems. Whatever be the result of this war, and the opinion as to its value later, it will be recognised that France has written on paper, mud-stained and often blotted with blood, some of its sublimest pages. Assuredly this war touches us more nearly than it does our adversaries, for who of us would have the heart to write a play 165 Above the Battle or a novel whilst his country is in danger and his brothers dying? But I will make no comparisons between the two nations. For the present the essential thing is to show that even in Germany there are certain finer minds who are fighting against the spirit which we hate the spirit of grasping imperialism and inhuman pride, of military caste and the megalomania of pedants. They are but a mino- rity we have no illusions about that and we ought to redouble our efforts on that account to vanquish the common enemy. Why then should we trouble to make these generous but feeble voices heard ? Because their merit is the greater for being so little heeded ; because it is the duty of those who are fighting for justice to render justice in their turn to all those men, even when they dwell in a country in which the state repre- sents the violation of right by Faustrecht, who are defending with us the spirit of liberty. Journal de Geneve, April 19, 1915. 166 XV THE MURDER OF THE ELITE THE phrase is not new-coined to-day ; J but the fact is. Never, in any period, have we seen humanity throwing into the bloody arena all its intellectual and moral reserves, its priests, its thinkers, its scholars, its artists, the whole future of the spirit wasting its geniuses as food for cannon. A great thing, doubtless, when the struggle is great, when a people fights for an eternal cause, the fervour of which fires the whole nation, from the smallest to the greatest ; when it fuses all the egoisms, purifies desire, and out of many souls makes one unanimous soul. 1 I take the phrase from M. Lucien Maury in an article written before the war: (Journal de Geneve) March 30 1914. This is quoted ecently by M. Adolphe Ferriire who, in his remark.ible Doctor's thesis, La lot du Progrh attempts to solve the tragic problem of the part played by the elite. 167 Above the Battle But if the cause be suspect or if it is tainted (as we judge that of our adversaries to be), what will be the situation of a moral e"lite which has preserved the sad and lofty privilege of perceiving at least a part of the truth, and which must nevertheless fight and die and kill for a faith which it doubts? Those passionate natures that are intoxi- cated by fighting or are voluntarily blinded by the necessities of action are not troubled by these questions. For them the enemy is a single mass ; nothing else exists for them but this, for they have to break it ; it is their function and their duty. And to each his special duty. But if minorities do not exist for such men, they do exist for us who, since we are not fighting, have the liberty and the duty to see every aspect of the case we who form part of the eternal minority, the minority which has been, is, and always will be eternally oppressed. It is for us to hear and to proclaim these moral sufferings ! Plenty of others repeat or invent the jubilant echoes of the struggle. May other voices be raised to give the tragic accents of the fight and its sacred horror ! I shall take my examples from the enemy camp, for several reasons : because the German 168 The Murder of the lite cause being from the first tainted with injustice, the sufferings of the few who are just, and the still fewer who have spiritual perceptions are greater there than elsewhere ; because these evidences appear openly in publications whose boldness the German censorship has not per- ceived ; because I bow with respect to the heroic discipline of silence which France in fighting im- poses on her sufferings. (Would to God that this silence were not broken by those who, trying to deny these sufferings, profane the grandeur of the sacrifice by the revolting levity of their silly jests in newspapers which are without either gravity or dignity.) * * I have shown in a recent article that a part of the intellectual youth of Germany was far from sharing the war-madness of its elders. I cited certain energetic reproofs delivered by these young writers to the theorists of imperi- alism. And these writers are not, as one might think from an article in the Temps (though I gladly pay a tribute to its honesty), merely a small group as narrow as that of our symbolists. They count among them writers who appeal to a large public and who do not 169 Above the Battle set out in any way (except for the group of Stefan George) to write for a select few they wish to write for all. I stated, too, that the boldest review of all, Wilhelm Herzog's Forum, was read in the German trenches and received approbation thence. But what is more astonishing, this spirit of criticism has possessed some of the combatants and even made its appearance among German officers. In the November-December number of the Friedens- Warte, published in Berlin, Vienna, and Leipzig, by Dr. Alfred H. Fried, there occurs " An appeal to the Germanic peoples," addressed, at the end of October, by Baron Marschall von Biberstein, Landrat of Prussia and captain in the 1st Foot Guards reserve. This article was written in a trench north of Arras, where on the nth of November, Biberstein was killed. He expresses unreservedly his horror of the war and his ardent desire that it may be the last : " That is the conviction of those at the front who are witnesses of the unspeakable horrors of modern warfare." Even more praiseworthy is Biberstein's frankness when he decides to begin a confession and a mea culpa for the sins of Germany. " The war has opened my eyes" he says, " to our terrible unlovableness (Unbeliebtheif). Everything has its 170 The Murder of the lilite cause ; we must have given cause for this hatrtd ; and even in part have justified it. . . . Let us hope that it will not be the least of the advantages of this war that Germany will turn round on herself, will search out and recognise her faults and correct them" Unfortunately even this article is spoiled by Germanic pride which, desiring a world peace, sets out to impose it on the world. Herein it recalls in some respects the bellicose pacifism of the too celebrated Ostwald. But another officer (of whom I spoke in my last article) the poet Fritz von Unruh, first Lieu- tenant of Uhlans on the western front, has written dramatic scenes in verse and prose. These have appeared recently under the title Before the Decision ( Vor der Entscheidung). It is a dramatic poem in which the author has noted his own impressions and his moral trans- formations. The hero, who is like himself, an officer of Uhlans, passes through various centres of the war and remains everywhere a stranger ; his soul is detached from murderous passions, he sees the abominable reality until his sufferings from it amount to agony. The two scenes repro- duced by the Neue Ziircher Zeitung show us a muddy and bloodstained trench, where German 171 Above the Battle soldiers, like beasts in a slaughter-house, die or await death with bitter words and officers get- ting drunk on champagne around a 42 mm. mortar, laughing and getting excited till they fall beneath the weight of sleep and fatigue. From the first scene I take these terrible words of one of those who wait in the trenches under fire of the machine guns, a Dreissigjcehriger (man of thirty). In my village they are laughing they drink to each victory. They slaughter us like butcher's cattle and they say " It's war ! " When it is over, they are no fools, they will feast us for three years. But the first cripple won't be grey headed before they will laugh at his white hairs. And the Uhlan, possessed by horror in the midst of the massacre, falls on his knees and prays : Thou who gavest life and takest it how shall I recognise Thee? In these trenches strewn with muti- lated bodies I find Thee not. Does the piercing cry of these thousands suffocated in the terrible embrace of Death reach not up to Thee? Or is it lost in frozen space ? For whom does Thy Springtime blossom ? For whom is the splendour of Thy suns ? For whom, O God ? I ask it of Thee in the name of all those whose mouths are closed by courage and by fear in face of the horror of Thy darkness : What heat is left within me? What light of truth? Can this massacre be Thy will? Is it indeed Thy will? (He loses consciousness and falls.) 172 The Murder of the felite A pain less lyrical, less ecstatic, more simple, more reflective, and nearer to ourselves marks the sequence of Feldpostbriefe of Dr. Albert Klein, teacher in the Oberrealschule at Giessen and Lieutenant of the Landwehr, killed on the I2th of February in Champagne. 1 Passing over what are, perhaps, the most striking pages from the point of view of artistic quality and power of thought, I will only give two extracts from these letters which are likely to be of special interest to French readers. The first describes for us with an unusual frankness the moral condition of the German army : Brave, without care for his own life ! Who is there among us that is that ? We all know too well our own worth and our own possibilities ; we are in the flower of our age : force is in our arms and in our souls ; and as no one willingly dies, no one is brave (tapfer) in the usual sense of the word : or at least such are very rare. It is just because bravery is so rare in life, it is just for that that we expend so much religion, poetry, and thought (and this begins already at school), in celebrating as the highest fate death for .one's fatherland, until it attains its climax in the false heroism which makes such a sensation about us in newspapers and speeches and 1 The review Die Tat, published by Eug. Diederichs at Jena, prints long extracts from them in its issue for May 1915. 173 Above the Battle which is so cheap and also in the true heroism of a small number who do risk themselves and lead on the others. . . . We do our duty, we do what we ought ; but it is a passive virtue. . . . When I read in the papers the scribblings of those who have a bad conscience because they are safely in the rear when I read this talk which makes every soldier into a hero, I feel hurt. Heroism is a rare growth, and you cannot build on it a citizen army. To keep such an army together the men must respect their superiors, and even fear them more than the enemy. And the superiors must be conscientious, do their duty well, know their business thoroughly, decide rapidly, and have control of their nerves. When we read the praises which those behind the line write of us, we blush. Thank God, old-fashioned, robust shame is not dead in us. ... Ah ! my dear friends, those who are here don't speak so com- placently of death, of disease, of sacrifice, and of victory as do those who behind the line ring the bells, make speeches, and write newspapers. The men here accus- tom themselves as best they may to the bitter necessity of suffering and of death if fate wills ; but they know and see that many noble sacrifices, innumerable, innumerable sacrifices have already been made, and that already for a long while we shall have had more than enough of de- struction on our side as well as the other. It is precisely when one has to look suffering in the face as I have that a tie begins to be formed that unites one to those over there, on the other side (and one that unites you too with them, my friends ! Yes, surely you feel it too, don't you?) If I come back from here (which I scarcely hope for any more) my dearest duty will be to soak myself in the study and the thoughts of those who have been our enemies. I wish to reconstruct my nature on a wider basis. . . . And I believe that it will be easier after this war than after any other to be a human being. 174 The Murder of the The second fragment is the account of a touching encounter with a French prisoner : Yesterday evening I was strangely touched. I happened to see a convoy of prisoners and I talked to one of them, a colleague of mine, Professor of classical philology in the college of F . Such an open-minded, intelligent man, and with such a fine military bearing, like all his fellows, although they had just been through a terrible experience of machine-gun fire. ... It was a proof to me of the senselessness of the war. I thought how much one would have liked to be the friend of these men, who are so near us in their education, their mode of life, the circle of their thought and their interest. We started talking about a book on Rousseau and we began to dispute like old philo- logists. . . . How much we are alike in force and worth ! And how little truth there is in what our papers tell us of the shaken and exhausted conditions of the French troops ! As true, or rather as untrue, as what the French newspapers write about us. ... My French colleague showed in his remarks such a balanced mind and such understanding and admiration of German thought ! To think that we were made so clearly to be friends and that we had to be separated ! I was altogether overcome, and sat down crushed by it. I thought and thought and could not escape my mood by any sophistry. No end, no end to war, which for nearly six months now has swallowed in its gulf men, fortunes, and happiness ! And this feeling is the same with us as with the other side. It is always the same picture : we do the same thing, we suffer the same thing, we are the same thing. And it is precisely for this reason that we are so bitterly at enmity. . . . The same accent of troubled anguish, together with a despair which at moments nearly reaches 175 Above the Battle to madness, and at others breathes a religious \ fervour, are seen in the letters of a German soldier to a teacher in German Switzerland. (We have known of these at the Prisoners' Agency for three or four months and they were published in Foi et Vie of April 15th. 1 They have been passed over in silence, so we shall persist in calling attention to them, for they thoroughly deserve it). In these letters, which cover from the second fortnight of August to the end of December, we see from the 25th of August onwards the evidence of a desire for peace among the German soldiers. We all, even those who were hottest for the fight at the beginning, want nothing now but peace, our officers just as much as ourselves. . . . Convinced as we are of the necessity to conquer, warlike enthusiasm does not exist among us ; we fulfil our duty, but the sacrifice is hard. We suffer in our souls. ... I cannot tell you the sufferings I endure. . . . September 2Oth. A friend writes to me : " On the 2oth to 25th of August I took part in big battles : since then I suffer morally even to complete exhaustion, both physical and spiritual. My soul finds no repose. . . . This war will show us how much of the beast still survives in man, and this revelation will cause us to make a great step out of animalism : if not, it is all up with us ! " November 28th. (A splendid passage where one almost hears the voice of Tolstoi?) What are all the torments 1 With an introduction by C. E. Babut. 176 The Murder of the lite of war compared to the thoughts that obsess us night and day? When I am on some hill from which my view commands the plain, this is the idea which ceaselessly tortures me : down there in the valley the war rages ; those brown lines which furrow the landscape are full 01 men who are facing one another as enemies. And up there on the hill opposite you there is, perhaps, a man who, like you, is contemplating the woods and the blue sky and perhaps ruminating the same thoughts as you, his enemy ! This continual proximity might make one mad ! And one is tempted to envy one's comrades who can kill time in sleeping and playing cards. December I7th. The desire for peace is intense in every one ; at least, in all those who are at the front and who are obliged to assassinate and be assassinated. The newspapers say that it's hardly possible to restrain the warlike ardour of the fighters. . . . They lie -consciously or unconsciously. Our chaplains in their sermons dispute the legend that our military ardour is slackening. . . . You can hardly believe how such tittle-tattle annoys us. Let them be silent, and let them not talk about things of which they can know nothing ! Or better still, let them come not as almoners who keep to the rear, but into the firing-line, rifle in hand ! Perhaps then they will get to know of the inner changes which take place in so many of us. Accord- ing to these chaplains, any one who is without warlike enthusiasm is not a man such as our age demands. To me it seems that we are greater heroes than the others, we, who without being upheld by warlike enthusiasm, accomplish faithfully our duty, while hating war with our whole souls. . . . They talk of a holy war ... I kno-.v of no holy war. I only know of one war which is the sum of all that is inhuman, impious, and bestial in man ; it is God's chastisement and a call to repentance for the people that throws itself into war or lets itself be drawn 177 M Above the Battle into it. God sends men through this hell so that they may learn to love heaven. For the German people this war seems to me to be a punishment and a call to repent- ance, and most of all for our German Church. I have friends who suffer at the idea of being unable to do any- thing for the fatherland. Let them stay at home with a calm conscience ! All depends on their peaceful work. But let the war enthusiasts come ! Perhaps they will learn to keep silent. *** " Why publish these pages ? " I shall be asked by some people in France. " What good is it, when once war is let loose, to arouse pity for our adversaries, at the risk of blunting the ardour of the combatants ? " I answer, because it is the truth, and because the truth substantiates our judgment, the judgment of the whole world against the German leaders and their policy. What their armies have done we know ; but that they were able to do it containing as they did such elements as those whose confessions we have just heard, incriminates still more deeply their masters. From the depths of the battlefield, these voices of a sacrificed minority rise up as a vengeful condemnation of the oppressors. To the accusations drawn up against predatory Empires and their inhuman pride, in the name of violated right, of outraged humanity by the victim peoples and by the combatants, is added the cry of pain 178 The Murder of the lilite of the nobler souls of their own people whom the bad shepherds who let loose this war have led and constrained into murder and madness. To sacrifice one's body is not the worst suffering, but also to sacrifice, to deny, to kill one's own soul ! You who die at least for a just cause, and who, full of sap and loaded with faith, fall like ripe fruit, how sweet is your lot beside this torture ! But we shall so act that these sufferings shall not be vain. Let the conscience of humanity hear and accept their complaint ! It will resound in the future above the glory of battles ; and whether she wills or no, History will place it on her register. History will do justice between the hangmen and their peoples. And the peoples will learn how to deliver themselves from their hangmen. Journal de Geneve, June 14, 1915. 179 XVI JAURES BATTLES are being fought under our eyes in which thousands of men are dying, yet the sacrifice of their lives does not always influence the issue of the combat. In other cases the death of a single man may be a great battle lost for the whole of humanity. The murder of Jaures was such a disaster. Whole centuries were needed to produce such a life ; rich civilisations of North and South, of past and present, spread out on the good soil of France, matured beneath our Western skies. The mysterious chance which combines elements and forces will not easily produce a noble spirit like his a second time. Jaures is a type, almost unique in modern times, of the great political orator who is also a great thinker, and who combines vast culture with penetrating observation, and moral grandeur with energetic activity. We must go back to antiquity 1 80 Jaurs to find one who, like him, could stir the crowd and give pleasure to the few ; pour out his over- flowing genius not only in his speeches and social treatises, but also in his philosophical and historical works ; * and leave on all things the impress of his personality, the furrow of his robust labour, the seeds of his progressive mind. I have listened to him often in the Chamber, at socialist congresses, at meetings held on behalf of op- pressed nations ; he even did me the honour of presenting my Danton to the people of Paris. Again I see his full face, calm and happy like that of a kindly, bearded ogre ; his small eyes, bright and smiling ; eyes as quick to follow the flight of ideas as to observe human nature. I see him pacing up and down the platform, walking with heavy steps like a bear, his arms crossed behind his back, and turning sharply to hurl at the crowd, in his monotonous, metallic voice, 1 His principal philosophical work is his Doctor's thesis : La realite du monde sensible (1891). Another thesis (in Latin) dates from the same year : Des origines du socialisms allemand, in which he goes back to the Christian socialism of Luther. His great historical work is his Histoire sociale de la Revolution. Very interesting is his discussion with Paul Lafargue on T Idcalisme et le matcrialisme dans la con- ception de Phistoire. 181 Above the Battle words like the call of a trumpet, which reached the farthest seats in the vast amphitheatre, and went straight to the heart, making the soul of the whole multitude leap in one united emotion. What beauty there was in the sight of these proletarian masses stirred by the visions which Jaures evoked from distant horizons, imbibing the thought of Greece through the voice of their tribune ! Of all this man's gifts the most fundamental was to be essentially a man not the man of a single profession, or class, or party, or idea but a complete, harmonious, and free man. His all- comprehensive nature could be the slave of nothing. The highest manifestations of life flowed together and met in him. His intelligence demanded unity, 1 his heart was full of a passion for liberty, 2 and this twofold instinct protected him alike from party despotism and anarchy. His 1 " The need of unity is the profoundest and noblest of the human mind " (La realite du monde sensible). * " This young democracy must be given a taste for liberty It has a passion for equality ; it has not in the same degree an idea of liberty, which is acquired much more slowly and with greater difficulty. We must give the children of the people, by means of a sufficiently lofty exercise of their powers of thinking, a sense of the value of man and consequently of the value of liberty, without which man does not exist." (To the teachers, January 15, 1888.) 182 Jaurs spirit sought to encompass all things, not in order to do violence to them, but to bring them into harmony. Above all, he had the power of seeing the human element in all things, and this universal sympathy was equally averse to narrow negation and fanatical affirmation. All intoler- ance inspired him with horror. 1 He had put himself at the head of a great revolutionary party, but it was with the desire "of saving the great work of democratic revolu- tion from the sickening and brutal odour of blood, murder, and hatred which still clings to the memory of the middle-class Revolution." In his own name, and in the name of his party, he demanded " with regard to all doctrines, respect for the human personality and for the spirit which is manifested in each." The mere feeling of the moral antagonism which exists between man and man, even when there is no open conflict, the sense of the invisible barriers which render human brotherhood impossible, was painful to him. He could not read those words of Cardinal Newman in which he speaks of the gulf of damnation, 1 " As for myself, I have never made use of violence to attack beliefs, whatever they may be ; nay, more, I have always abstained even from that form of violence which consists in insult. Insult expresses a weak and feverish revolt, rather than the liberty of reason." (1901.) 133 Above the Battle which, even in this life, is fixed between men, without having " a sort of nightmare. . . . He saw the abyss ready to gape beneath the feet of fragile and unhappy human beings who think themselves bound together by a community of sympathy and suffering " the sadness of this thought obsessed him. To fill in this abyss of misunderstanding was his life-work. Herein lay the originality of his standpoint, that although he was the spokesman of the most advanced parties, he became the con- tinual mediator between conflicting ideas. He sought to unite them all in the service of progress and of the common good. In philosophy he united idealism and realism in history, the past and the present in politics, the love of his own country and a respect for other countries. 1 He refrained from denouncing that which has been, in the name of that which is to be, as many so-called free-thinkers have done ; and far from condemning, he upheld the theories of all those who had been fighters in past centuries, to what- 1 " The true formula of patriotism is the equal right of all countries to liberty and justice ; it is the duty of every citizen to increase in his own country the forces of liberty and justice. Those are but sorry patriots who in order to love and serve one country, find it necessary to decry the others, the other great moral forces of humanity." (1905.) 184 Jaur&s ever party they might have belonged. "We reverence the past," he said. " Not in vain have blazed the hearths of all the generations of man- kind but it is we who are advancing, who are fighting for a new ideal, it is we who are the true inheritors of the hearth of our ancestors. We have taken the flame thereof, you have preserved only the ashes." (January 1909.) In his Introduction to PHistoire socialiste de la Revolution, in which he attempts to reconcile Plutarch, Michelet, and Karl Marx, he writes : " We hail with equal respect all men of heroic will. History, even when conceived as a study of economic forms, will never dispense with individual valour and nobility. The moral level of society to-morrow will be determined by the standard of morality of conscience to-day. So that, to offer the examples of all the heroic fighters who for the past century have been inspired by an ideal and held death in sublime contempt, is to do revolutionary work." In everything he touches he achieves a generous synthesis of life ; he imposes his grand panoramic conception of the universe, the sense of the mani- fold and moving unity of all things. This admir- able equilibrium of countless elements presupposes in the man who achieves it magnificent health of body and of mind, a mastery of his whole being. 185 Above the Battle And Jaures possessed this mastery, and because of it he was the pilot of European democracy. How clear and far reaching was his foresight ! In years to come, when the record of the war of to-day is set down, he will appear therein as a terrible witness. Was there anything he did not foresee ? One needs only to read through his speeches during the last ten years. 1 It is yet too early, in the midst of the conflict, to quote freely his predictions concerning the coming retribution. Let us recall only his agonised presentiment, ever since the year 1905, of the monstrous war which was imminent; 2 his consciousness "of the an- tagonism, now muffled, now acute, but always profound and terrible, between Germany and England" (November 18, 1909)53 his denuncia- tion of the secret dealings of European finance and diplomacy, dealings which are encouraged by the " torpor ot public spirit " ; his cry of alarm 1 Or the extracts given by Charles Rappoport in his excellent book Jean /auns, Fkomme, le penseur, le sodaliste (1915, Paris, P Emancipatrice\ with an introduction by Anatole France. See also the pamphlet by Rene Legand, Jean Jaures. From this book are quoted the passages referred to in the notes which follow. Jean Jaures, a brochure by Rene Legand, should also be read. 2 Rappoport, op. ctt., pp. 70-77. 3 Rappoport, p. 234. 1 86 Jaures at " the sensational lies of the press, actuated by the rotten system of capitalism, sowing panic and hatred, and playing cynically with the lives of millions of men, through mere financial considera- tions or delirious pride " ; his contemptuous words for those whom he calls "the jockeys of his country " ; his clear perception of all responsi- bilities j 1 his foreknowledge of the domesticated attitude which would be adopted in case of war by the Social-democratic party of Germany, to whom he showed, as in a mirror (at the Amster- dam Congress in 1904) their haughty weakness their lack of revolutionary tradition, their want of parliamentary strength, their " formidable power- lessness"; 2 of the attitude which certain leaders of French Socialism, too, and amongst others Jules Guesde, would maintain in the conflict between the great States of Europe; 3 and, look- ing even beyond the war, his premonition of the consequences, near and remote, national and inter- national, of this conflict of nations. How would he have acted had he lived ? The 1 In his speech at Vaise, near Lyon, July 25, 1914, six days before his death, he said : " Every people appears through- out the streets of Europe carrying its little torch ; and now comes the conflagration." * Rappoport, p. 61. 3 Rappoport, p. 369-70. 187 Above the Battle proletariat of Europe looked to him for guidance, and had faith in him Camille Huysmans has said so in the speech delivered at his grave in the name of the Workers' International. 1 There can be no doubt that when he had fought against the war until all hope of preventing it was gone, he would have yielded loyally to the common duty of national defence and taken part in it with all his might. He had announced this point of view at the Congress in Stuttgart, in 1907, in full agreement therein with Vandervelde and Bebel : " If, whatever the circumstances, a nation were to refuse from the outset to defend itself, it would be entirely at the mercy of the Governments of violence, barbarism, and reaction ... A unity of mankind which was the result of the absorp- tion of conquered nations by one dominating nation would be a unity realised in slavery." On his return to Paris, in giving an account of the Congress to French Socialists (September 7, 1 "Throughout the world there are six millions of us, organised workmen, for whom the name of Jaures was the incarnation of the noblest and most complete aspiration. ... I remember what he was for the workmen of other countries. I see still the foreign delegates who awaited his words before forming their final opinions ; even when they were not in agreement with him they were glad to approach his point of view. He was more than the Word : he was the Conscience." 1 88 Jaures 1907, at the Tivoli Vaux-Hall), he impressed upon them their double duty war against war, so long as it is only a menace upon the horizon, and in the hour of danger war in defence of national inde- pendence. For this great European was also a great Frenchman. 1 Yet it is certain, too, that the firm accomplishment of his patriotic duty would not have prevented him from maintaining his human ideals, and watching with untiring eyes for every opportunity of reconstructing the shat- tered unity. Certainly he would not have allowed the vessel of socialism to drift, as his feeble successors have done. # # * He has passed from us. But the reflection of his luminous genius, his kindness in the 1 Who has spoken more nobly than he of the eternal France, "the true France, that is not summed up by an epoch or by a day, neither by the day of long ago, nor the day that has just passed, but the whole of France complete in the succession of her days, of her nights, of her dawns, of her shadows, of her heights and f her depths ; of France who, across all these mingled shades, all these half-lights and all these vicissitudes, goes forward towards a brilliance which she has not yet attained, but which is foreshadowed in her thought!" (1910.) See his masterly picture of French history, and his mag nificent eulogy of France, at the Conference of 1905, which he was prevented from delivering in Berlin, and which Robert Fischer read in his place. 189 Above the Battle bitter struggle, his indestructible optimism even in the midst of disaster, shine above the carnage of Europe, over which the dusk is gathering, like the splendour of the setting sun.i There is one page which he wrote, which cannot be read without emotion an immortal page in which he represents the noble Herakles, resting after his labours on the maternal earth : " There are hours," he says, " when in feeling the earth beneath our feet, we experience a joy deep and tranquil as the earth herself. How often on my journey along footpaths and across fields I have realised suddenly that it was in- deed the earth on which I trod, that I belonged to her, as she belonged to me ! Then without thinking I went more slowly, because it was not worth while to hasten across her surface, because I was conscious of her and possessed her at each step I took, and my soul was moving within her depths. How many times at the fall of day, as I lay by the side of a ditch, my eyes turned towards the faint blue of the eastern sky, I have suddenly realised that the earth was speeding on her journey hastening from the fatigues of the day and the limited horizons which the sun illumines, and rushing with prodigious force towards the 190 Jaures serenity of night and unlimited horizons, and bearing me with her. I felt in my body as in my soul, and in the earth herself as in my body, the thrill of this journey, and a strange sweetness in those blue spaces which opened out before us, without a shock, without a fold, without a murmur. Oh ! how much deeper and more intense is this kinship of our flesh with the earth, than the vague and wandering kinship of our eyes with the starry heavens. How much less beautiful the night with its stars would be to us, did we not feel ourselves at the same time bound to the earth." He has returned to the earth that earth which belonged to him, that earth to which he belonged. They have again taken possession of each other, and his spirit is even now warming and humanising her. Beneath the torrents of blood shed upon his tomb the new life and the peace of to-morrow are already springing. It was a favourite and often repeated thought of Jaures, as of Heraclitus of old, that nothing can interrupt the flow of things, that " peace is only a form or aspect of war, war only a form or aspect of peace, and what is conflict to-day is the beginning of the reconciliation of to-morrow." R. R. Journal de Geneve, August 2, 1915. 191 NOTES To PAGE 19 ("LETTER TO GERHART HAUPTMANN") The letter to Gerhart Hauptmann, written after the destruction of Louvain, and in the stress of the emotion aroused by the first news, was provoked by a high-sounding article of Hauptmann which appeared a few days previously. In that letter he rebutted the accusation of barbarism hurled against Germany, and returned it ... against Belgium. The article ended as follows : "... I assure M. Maeterlinck that no one in Germany thinks of imitating the act of his 'civilised nation.' We prefer to be and to remain the German barbarians for whom the women and the children of our enemies are sacred. I can assure him that we never thoughtlessly massacre and make martyrs of Belgian women and children. Our witnesses are on our frontiers ; the socialist beside the bourgeois, the peasant beside the savant, and the prince beside the workman : and all fight with a full realisation of the object, for a noble and rich national treasure, for internal and external goods which aid the progress and the ascent of humanity." To PAGE 41 ("ABOVE THE BATTLE") My enemies have not failed to make use of this passage to attribute to me sentiments of contempt with regard to the peoples of Asia and Africa. This charge is all the less 193 N Notes justified in that I have precious friendships amongst the intellectuals of Asia, with whom I have remained in correspondence during this war. These friends have been so little misled as to my real thought that one of them, a leading Hindu writer, Ananda Coomaraswamy, has dedicated to me an admirable essay which appeared in the New Age (December 1914), entitled "A World Policy for India," but 1. Asiatic troops, recruited amongst races of professional warriors, in no way represent the thought of Asia, as Coomaraswamy agrees. 2. The heroism of the troops of Africa and Asia is not under discussion. There was no need for the hecatombs, which have been made during the past year, to evoke admiration for their splendid devotion. 3. As regards barbarism, I am glad to confess that now the " white-skins " can no longer reproach " skins black, red, or yellow" in this respect. 4. It is not the latter but the former whom I blajne. I denounce to-day once more with as much vigour as fourteen months ago, the short-sighted policy which has introduced Africa and Asia * into the quarrels of Europe. The future will justify my indictment. R. R. 1 The terms Asia and Africa have not, of course, a geographical but an ethnological signification. Turkey is not, and never has been, European ; and it is difficult to decide up to what point certaia of the Balkan Powers are European. 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