GIFT OF No. 1711 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MOUNTING, USING, AND CARING FOR DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE L. F., MODEL OF 1905 Mil AND 6-INCH GUNS MODELS OF 1905 AND 1908 {EIGHT PLATES) JANUARY 14, 1914 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 No. 1711 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MOUNTING, USING, AND CARING FOR DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE L. F., MODEL OF 1905 Mil AND 6-INCH GUNS MODELS OF 1905 AND 1908 {EIGHT PLATES) [ ' ■ ^ ' ^- ^^•'y>- advice cslepi. , JANUARY 14, 1914 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 i ' « ^» ,>' ,,w, •^••S TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. List of plates 5 General description 7 Emplacement 7 Carriage 7 Action of carriage 8 Principal parts 8 Base ring , 8 Traversing roller system 8 Racer 9 Dust guards 9 Azimuth circle and pointer 9 Chassis and transoms 10 Vertical guides 10 Top carriage 10 Recoil rollers and roller cages 11 Counter-recoil buffers 11 Buffer valve 12 Gun levers and axle 14 Crosshead and counterweight 14 Recoil sylstem 16 Retracting system 18 Retracting clutch and brake 19 Tripping gear 20 Elevating system 20 Traversing system : 22 Sighting platforms 24 Sight 24 Electrical equipment 24 Lighting circuits 25 Firing circuits 25 Shot trucks 27 Shot tongs 27 Grease cup 27 Implements 27 Instructions for asembling the carriage 28 General remarks 28 Instructions for assembling 29 Base ring 29 Leveling 29 Distance ring and traversing rollers 29 Racer 29 Front clips 30 Chassis and guide frames. . : 30 Piston-rod beam 30 Vertical guides 30 Front and rear transoms 30 Bottom plate 30 (3) Instructions for assembling the carriage— Continued. Page. Recoil cylinder 30 Counterweight 30 Crosshead 30 Retracting and tripping gear 30 Piston rod and upper cylinder head 30 Counter-recoil buffers and roller cages 30 Top carriage 30 Gun levers 30 Gun with elevating band " 30 Important points ^ 31 Care of carriage '; 32 General instructions ^i 32 Cleaning hydraulic cylinders 32 Removing packing from stuffing boxes. ..1. 33 Repacking stuffing boxes V 34 Filling cylinders : 34 Service condition (lubrication, etc.) 34 Condition "in ordinary " 35 Oil holes 36 Compression grease cups 36 Oils and grease 36 Painting 37 List of implements furnished for 6-inch gun, models of 1905 and 1908 37 Annual allowances of material for cleaning and preservation 37 List of articles packed in armament chest 37 Names of parts, location, and material 39 LIST OF PLATES. Plate No. Drawing No. I. Platform 15-7K-1 II. Longitudinal section 7-15-2 III. Assembled views : . 7-15-2 IV. Assembled mechanism 7-15-3 V. Recoil cylinder and valve 15-0-18 VI. Electrical equipment 7-15-22 VII. Electrical equipment 7-15-23 VIII. Wiring diagram ; 7-15-24 (5) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation INSTRUCTIONS FOB MOUNTING, USING, AND CARING FOR DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, L F. MODEL OF 1905, Mil AND 6-INCH GUNS, MODELS OF 1905 AND 1908. (Eight plates.) (The parts in italics are of particular importance or concern the safety of the carriage and should be specially noted.) GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The Emplacement (Plate I). — Emplacements for these carriages are entirely of concrete, and can be arranged for a maximum field of fire of 170°. This limitation is not due to the inability of the car- riage to traverse through 360°, but to the requirements of parapet pro- tection for the material and cannoneers. The anchor bolts are set in the concrete during the construction of the emplacement, the depres- sions for the thrust plates being also provided in the top surface. Access to the counterweight well is given by a vertical shaft in the rear and outside of the base ring. The Carriage (Plates II, III, IV). — These carriages are num- bered from No. 20 up; they differ from models of earher dates for mounting the same cahber guns chiefly in having the following features, viz, a single vertical recoil cylinder, increased preponderance of counterweight, a counter-recoil system independent of the recoil system, gears on the recoil roUers. Stops can be arranged so as to permit traversing either 60, 70, 90, or 110° either side of the ^^ front" of the battery, and the piece can be elevated from 5° depression to 15° elevation, stops being arranged to limit the depression to either horizontal or 2.5° when the height of the parapet requires it. When, in the execution of mechanical maneuvers, it may become necessary to traverse the piece breech to the front, which can be done with the gun in battery, the fixed stops must be removed and care exercised that the weights do not foul the flexible conduit in the pit and that the carriage is traversed back to the same side so as to take out the half turn given by the breech to the front. (7) The elevating system is so constructed that the gun is at an angle of about 5° elevation when recoiled to the loading position from any angle of elevation in battery. Action of Careiage. — ^Upon firing the piece the gun-lever axle is moved to the rear by the recoiling energy of the gun, carrying the top carriage with it. The lower ends of the levers move vertically upward, being constrained by the crosshead and bottom plate travel- ing on the vertical guides. The trunnions of the gun move downward and to the rear in the arc of the ellipse. The energy of recoil is absorbed partly by raising the counterweight and partly by the movement of the masses up the inclined chassis rails, but principally by the resistance of the recoil cy Under; and when the gun comes to rest it has the proper loading angle. After loading, the pawls are released by the tripping gear, and the excess of the moment of the counterweight over the moment of the gun, etc., enables it to raise the gun to the firing position. Principal Parts. — The carriage consists of the following principal parts, namely, base ring, traversing roller system, racer, dust guards, azimuth circle and pointer, chassis and transoms, vertical guides and supporting brackets, top carriage, recoil rollers, counter-recoil buffers, buffer valve, gun levers and axle, crosshead and counterweight, recoil system, retracting gear, tripping gear, elevating system and counterbalance device, traversing system, sighting platforms, sight, lighting apparatus, firing apparatus, and grease cups. The acces- sories consist of shot trucks, shot tongs, and implements. Base Ring. — The base ring, 11 feet in diameter, is made of iron cast in one piece and is held in position on the foundation by twelve 1.75-inch bolts. Twelve screws for leveling the base ring are set against steel plates through which the foundation bolts pass. The base ring, in addition to having the lower roller path on its upper surface, has an annular flange near its inner edge forming the pintle for the carriage. This flange has near its top edge a Up inward under which the three clips engage, and on its top edge the azimuth circle. The inner upper edge of the lip is rabbeted to receive the inner dust guard. The outer annular flange on the ring projects upward outside of the traversing roUers. The cavities on each side of the roller path are drained into the pit. Tapped holes can be found inside of the pintle flange for attaching the traversing stops in any required position. The base ring is marked ''front'' in raised letters cast on the outer annular flange. Traversing-roller System. — The racer rests, and is traversed, upon a circle of 24 live, conical traversing rollers whose axes are maintained in the radial position by bearings bolted to the distance ring. The rollers are of forged steel, solid, with a journal beyond each end and with flanges on their inner, small ends. The distance ring is of cast steel, in four sections, bolted together. The bearings for the traversing rollers are formed with a loop on top by means of which any roller with its bearings can be lifted out of the ring through the two holes in the top of the racer. The system is kept concentric with the pintle by the flanges on the rollers in centrifugal contact with the inner edge of the roller path on the base ring. The inner edge of the path on the racer is of a larger diameter so as not to come in contact with the flanges. Racer. — The racer is made of iron 10 feet 3 inches in diameter, cast in one piece. It is of box section, and in addition to having the upper roller path on its under surface, has an annular flange lined with bronze near its inner edge and fitting over the pintle, with 0.04 inch diam- etral clearance. Upon its top surface the chassis and transoms are bolted, doweled, and keyed. An opening sufficiently large for removing a traversing roller is provided at each side of the racer. These holes are habitually kept covered by steel plates provided for the purpose. Four oil holes, passing through the racer, are provided for oiling the pintle surfaces and 14 for oiling the traversing-roller bearings. Two steel clips secured to the racer near the front and one in the rear engage under the lip inside the pintle of the base ring to prevent possible overturning. The rear clip extends downward, forming also the stop lug engaging the traversing stops and providing a bearing for the traversing pinion shaft. Dust Guards. — The outer dust guard consists of a steel angle in four sections with its horizontal flange bolted to the outer part of the base ring. To the vertical flange is clamped a projecting strip of felt which bears against a finished surface on the underside of the racer. The inner dust guard is formed similarly by a strip of felt clamped to the inner upper portion of the base-ring pintle. These guards exclude dust from the traversing rollers and roller paths. The dust-guard sections with their felt strips are easily removed. Azimuth Circle and Pointer. — ^A brass azimuth circle, attached by countersunk screws to the top of the pintle of the base ring, is graduated in degrees, the numbers of which are to be added after the carriage is erected in its emplacement. The top of the racer is cut away on the right side to expose the azimuth circle and the microm- eter pointer and the subscale, fastened to the racer. The subscale has slotted holes to give it a lateral motion for adjustment, after 9979—17 2 10 which it is fixed in position by two screws. It is graduated and stamped in decimals of a degree, the least reading being 0.1 of a degree. The micrometer screw, actuating the pointer, is graduated to a least reading of 0.01 of a degree. The subscale and pointer are protected by a hinged bronze cover. To adjust the azimuth pointer, point the gun by the bore sights on a target, the exact azimuth of which is known, set the pointer to read the hundredths of a degree in the azimuth reading, loosen the securing screws, move the pointer bodily until the reference mark on its moving part exactly coincides with a degree mark on the azimuth circle, then secure in position. The degree mark should be stamped with the number indicating the azimuth bearing in degrees and the remainder of the azimuth circle should be stamped with numbers from this point as a reference. Chassis and Transoms. — ^The chassis of cast iron are bolted, dow- eled, and keyed to the racer and are united at their front and rear ends by cast-steel transoms, also bolted to the racer. The rear tran- som carries the elevating slide and gearing. The upper surfaces of the chassis form the recoil-roller path and slope 1 degree and 20 minutes to the front to facilitate the return of the piece to the firing position, thus reducing the necessary preponderance of the counter- weight. Four forged-steel racks, in which the gears on the recoil rollers engage, are secured to the upper surfaces of the chassis, one on each side of each roller path. These racks are not to he removed. The chasis also provide the necessary bearings or supports for all the mechanism and, with the racer, supports for all the minor attach- ments. Vertical Guides. — A cast-iron guide frame is bolted to the under- side of each chassis opposite the counterweight. The lower ends are joined by the piston-rod beam. The inner faces of the guide frames and chassis form continuous finished surfaces, to which are bolted two vertical guides for the crosshead and bottom plate, which extend above the chassis and are supported by brackets bolted to it. Top Carriage. — ^The top carriage is of cast steel, in one piece. It consists essentially of two side pieces, united by a transom. Two bronze-bushed bearings for the gun-lever axle are formed in the upper part, to which the axle caps are bolted. On the underside are two roller paths. Four steel racks, in which the gears on the recoil roUers engage, are secured by screws to the underside of the top car- raige, one on each side of each roller path. Tliese racks are not removable. Recesses are cast in each side of the top carriage near the front, in which pinch bars, inserted through openings in the guide brackets 11 can be engaged to force the top carriage forward against the stops, if for any reason it should fail to return fully into battery. Recoil Rollers and Roller Cages. — The top carriage rests on 18 live recoil rollers on each side, held in alignment by steel roller cages. They move to the rear with the top carriage at half its speed. The recoil rollers are of forged steel and each alternate one has flanges which serve as guides. Each flanged roller is provided with gears which engage in the racks on the top carriage and chassis and which prevent skidding of the top carriage during recoil. Counter-Recoil Buffers. — ^A counter-recoil buffer is fitted to the forward end of each chassis roller path. The buffer cylinder is securely bolted to the chassis, and on the rear face of the cylinder casting a stop is machined, against which a corresponding machined surface on the forward end of the top carriage abuts when the gun is fully in battery. Each end of the counter-recoil buffer cylinders is closed by a stuff- ing box fitted with hydraulic packing. Twenty-four rings of pack- ing are furnished for each carriage, five for each stuffing box and four rings for replacements. Each cylinder is provided with a fiUing plug located on the top, in front of the piston head in its rear position. A bronze plate, with instructions as to filling the cylinder, is secured by screws near the filling plug. ' Two holes extend through the wall of the cylinder from the lowest element of the bore, at an angle of 45° downward. To these openings are coupled the pipes connecting with the buffer valve. The openings are located longitudinally, one just in front of the rear stuffing box, so that it is always in rear of the piston head; the other 2.125 inches in rear of the front stuffing box. The piston extends through both stuffing boxes. The piston head, located approximately in the middle of the piston rod, is bronze lined and has a diametral clearance in the bore of 0.008 inch,' which fact necessitates the passage of oil from one side of the piston head to the other during rapid movement, principally by way of the buffer valve, and very little directly past the piston head. On the exterior of the buffer cylinder at its forward end are cast two lateral horizontal lugs, one on each side. Annular projections are formed on their rear faces, centering and supporting the buffer-spring covers and buffer springs, which extend to the rear alongside the hydraulic cylinder. In the center of these projections are holes through which the buffer-spring rods pass. The buffer-spring rods, of steel, are both attached at their forward ends to a buffer yoke, of cast steel, which is attached at its middle to the forward end of the buffer piston. 12 The rear ends of the spring rods are attached to buffer-spring sup- ports, which consist of steel sleeves, inclosing the rods, with flanges at their rear ends fitting easily in the interior of the spring covers and supporting the rear ends of the springs. Collars are machined on the buffer-spring rods, which, by seating against the front face of the buffer-cylinder casting, limit the rearward movement of the piston and parts connected to it. A piston movement of 9 inches is provided for. The action of each- counter-recoil buffer is as follows : When the gun is out of battery, the buffer springs, acting against their fixed sup- ports in front, force the spring supports, spring rods, yoke, and piston rod to the rear until stopped by the collars on the spring rods. The buffer piston head in this position is 0.75 inch in front of the rear stuffing box. The rear end of the piston rod projects 9 inches in rear of the stop of the top carriage when in battery. When the gun rises into battery the top carriage strikes the pro- jecting end of each piston rod and forces it to the front, compressing the buffer springs. For the first 7.5 inches of piston movement the oil in front of pis- ton, being displaced, passes through the forward opening in the bot- tom of the bore to the buffer valve and returns to the cylinder through the rear opening. The forward opening is at this point closed by the piston head and for the remaining 1.5 inches of piston movement the cylinder acts as a dashpot, it being possible for oil to escape only around the piston head. Unless the energy of the top carriage, etc., is too great at the end of 7.5 inches of movement, due to the buffer valve not being correctly set, they will be brought to rest against the stops without jar to the carriage. If for any reason the retracting clutches should fail to retain the gun out of battery after recoil, it is necessary, to prevent jar to the carriage, that the buffer pistons reach their rearward position before the top carriage strikes them, in order that they may do the full amount of work of retardation. The buffer springs have been de- signed to accomplish this, assuming that the stuffing boxes do not offer an unreasonable frictional resistance. It is therefore important to screw up the glands only sufficiently to prevent lealcage. From the foregoing description it is evident that it will be necessary to tighten the front stuffing box more than the rear one. Buffer Valve. — Both counter-recoil buffers are joined to the bilffer valve, the different settings of which enable the energy of counter recoil to be absorbed without shock to the carriage under varying conditions affecting the velocity of counter recoil. Aside from mechamical difficulties and those due to differences in the ele- ments of loading, the following sources of variation may be mentioned: Atmospheric temperature, affecting the oil in both recoil and buffer 13 cylinders; specific gravit}^ of this oil (prescribed 0.85), and the load- ing position. The equalizing and throtthng pipes serve to connect the buffer valve to the buffer cylinders, to equalize the pressure in the buffer cylinders, and to facilitate filling them. Four plugs are furnished to close the buffer cylinders in case these pipes are damaged in action. The buffer valve is located at the top of the oval opening in the front transom, to which it is attached by two bolts. It is accessible ^rom the front of the carriage. It consists essentially of a valve body, gland, disk, and handle of bronze, and a stem of steel and bronze. The body which supports the other parts and provides means for attachment to the front transom has two T-shaped chambers. The horizontal branches are coupled to the equalizing and throttling pipes, the upper leading to the forward ends of the buffer cylinders and the low^er to the rear ends. The vertical branches overlap, that of the upper chamber being in front of that of the lower chamber. A hori- zontal hole extends from the front of the body through the vertical branch of the upper chamber and through the wall between the two branches to the rear chamber. In the hole through the wall between the chambers is screwed a steel valve seat which has a central hole enlarging in the front face into a conical seat for the point of the valve stem. The larger part of the oil displaced in the counter-recoil buffers during counter recoil passes through this hole. Just in front of the front and upper chamber, the hole is threaded to receive a corresponding threaded portion on the valve stem. So that if the stem be turned clockwise, its conical point wiU bear on the valve seat and close the valve; if the stem be turned counter- clockw^ise, the opening about its point will increase and may reach a maximum of about 0.056 square inch. The disk is fixed to the body concentric with the stem. On the front face is an annular flange with 82 internal teeth, in which 3 corre- sponding teeth on the handle engage in order to retain the valve at any desired setting. The teeth on the disk are numbered counterclock- wise from to 80 at intervals of 5 teeth. A pin set in the face of the disk prevents the handle being turned more than 360 degrees. The handle is a bar with a rectangular hole in the middle which fits on a corresponding portion of the stem. At one end is a pointer with teeth which engage in the teeth of the disk. An index line on the handle permits accurate setting at any desired tooth. The rec- tangular portion on the stem is so laid out that the handle engages at of the disk w^hen the valve is closed. The handle can be moved along the stem to permit disengaging the teeth when changing the setting. A padlock is provided in order that the valve setting may not be tampered with by unauthorized persons. 14 When the carriage has been erected at the fortification and a thor- ough knowledge obtained of its characteristics in counter recoil, under all conditions, the disk should be stamped, under the direction of the Ordnance Department, at the proper points of the annular space provided for this purpose, with the words "Very hot," '^Hot," '^ Warm," "Medium," "Cool," "Cold," and "Very cold," to facilitate setting the buffer valve. A stuffing box is formed in the body around the stem, in which four rings of packing are placed. An emptying plug is located at the bottom of the valve body which serves to drain the buffer cyhnders. The setting of the buffer valve is best determined by trial. The setting of the recoil valve should be considered in setting the buffer valve. With a higher setting of the recoil valve, counter recoil will be more free, and consequently the buffer-valve setting should be lower. The following data are given as a rough guide in setting the buffer valve before more definite knowledge has been gained by trial: Atmospheric temperature, °F. Buffer-valve setting. to 30 80 to 45 30 to 60 45 to 20 60 to 80 20 to 15 The counter recoil should he regulated hy settings of the counter-recoil buffer valve and not hy adding or removing counterweight. Gun Levers and Axle. — The gun levers support the gun at its trunnions in bronze-bushed bearings at their upper or rear ends; and the crosshead, counterweight, bottom plate, and recoil cyUnder in bushed bearings at their lower or forward ends. The arms of the axle pass through the bores in the gun lever, project beyond them, and rest in the bearings of the top carriage. Crosshead and Counterweight. — ^The crosshead is a steel casting which serves to attach the counterweight to the gun levers, and through the guide chps bolted to both sides of it, together with similar clips cast on the bottom plate, constrains the counterweight to move vertically, preserving the aUgnment of the recoil cylinder. The gun-lever pins of forged steel are inserted from the inside of the crosshead through the bearings in the gun lever. A key covers a segment of the inner end of each, and is secured at both ends to the face of the bearing in the crosshead, serving to prevent the gun-lever pin from working out of place. A tongue on this key rests in a groove in the gun-lever pin and prevents rotation. Each pin is tapped axially at its inner end to receive the extractor used to with- draw it. The guide chps are keyed longitudinally to the crosshead, and are secured by bolts pinned and permanently finished in place. 15 On the front face of each guide cUp is machined a rack in which pawls pivoted to the chassis rails engage, thus preventing the gun from returnmg to the firing position after recoiling or being retracted. There is a finished hole in the center of the crosshead in which the upper end of the recoil cylinder fits closely for alignment. In each comer of the crosshead are bored vertical holes through which the four suspension rods depend. These rods are secured to the crosshead by castellated nuts with split pins which draw the shoulders on the rods firmly against the finished under surface of the crosshead. In a similar manner there is attached to the lower ends of the rods the bottom plate, on which rests the counterweight and to which is attached the recoil cylinder. Guide clips are cast on the bottom plate which correspond to those attached to the crosshead. On the bottom plate is piled the counterweight, consisting, when mounting 6-inch gun, model of 1905, of eleven cast-iron weights; six are about 4,000 pounds each, forming the first six layers. The seventh layer consists of three weights, a total of about 2,000 pounds, the inner placed under the crosshead with an outline and upper sur- face corresponding to the rods on the crosshead, and two outer ones held in place by T slots, which engage over similar projections cast on the front and rear sides of the crosshead. The eighth layer of about 1,500 pounds consists of two weights in front and rear of the crosshead of the same shape as the outer weights of the seventh layer and held in place by projections on the bottom, which seat in depressions on the upper surface of the weights below. The eighth layer and the outer weights of the seventh layer can be removed without disturbing the crosshead; the others can not. It is not intended that counterweigJit should he removed or added to regulate counter recoil, and none is provided for this purpose. The total weight attached to the gun levers, including crosshead, counterweight, bottom plate, and recoil cylinder filled with oil, is about 35,000 pounds. The counterweight alone is approximately 27,000 pounds. The preponderance of the weight of the counter- weight, etc., over the weight of the gun is approximately 14,000 pounds. When 6-inch gun, model of 1908 (wire wrapped), is mounted, only four weights are used, viz., the first three layers, and a special layer, the latter having the snme outline but less depth. The fourth layer weighs about 2,800 pounds. The total weight attached to the gun levers, including crosshead, counterweight bottom plate, and recoil cylinders filled with oil, is about 22,600 pounds. The counterweight alone is approximately 14,600 pounds. The preponderance of weight of the counterweight, etc., over the weight of the gun is approximately 10,000 pounds. 16 Recoil System (Plate V). — The energy of recoil is absorbed prin- cipally by a single vertical hydraulic cylinder moving with the coun- terweight and a piston and rod secured at its lower end to the middle of the piston-rod beam. Recoil is varied to meet varying conditions of atmospheric tem- perature, velocity of projectile, etc., by means of a recoil valve con- tained in the piston rod. The principal parts of the recoil system are: The recoil cylinder, the upper and lower cylinder heads with stuffing boxes, drain plug, filling plug, piston and rod, valve stem and body, locking disk, hasp and hasp bracket, piston-rod bracket, and recoil indicators. The recoil cylinder has two throttling bars bolted to its inner surface at opposite ends of a diameter. The bars are of variable cross section in order to oppose a constant resistance to the energy of recoil of the carriage. The piston is slotted to receive the throttling bars; the area of the orifice will vary with the position of the piston. The two ends of the cylinder are closed by the upper and lower cylin- der heads. Narrow copper gaskets ^ inch thick, seated in recesses at both ends of the cylinder, are compressed in securing the cylinder heads sealing the joints against oil pressure. Around the bore of each cylinder head a stuffing box prevents the escape of oil by the piston rod. Each stuffing box requires 6 rings of hydraulic packing 0.5 by 0.5 inch square. Eighteen rings are issued with each carriage, 6 being for reserve. In the lower cylinder head is a recess 5.25 inches in diameter. On the piston below the head is a corresponding enlargement which enters this recess with slight clearance. If at the end of recoil the energ}^ has not been normally absorbed, these parts, acting as a dash pot, provide a safeguard against possible injury to the carriage. The filling and drain holes are in the upper and lower cylinder heads, respectively. The filling plug is in the form of a tap bolt; one additional is supplied. The drain plug is so arranged that the oil can be withdrawn from the cylinder without unscrewing the plug more than a few turns. A brass gutter is bolted to the piston-rod beam under the plug for the purpose of conducting the oil within reach of the receptacle. The piston and rod are of forged steel in two pieces, the lower part of the rod being formed in one piece with the piston. ITie lower end passes through a hole in the piston-rod beam. Two nuts engage on threaded portions of the rod above and below the beam, cylin- drical portions on them seating in counterbores in the beam, thus aligning the rod. The upper nut is secured by a taper pin; the lower is castellated and secured by a split pin. 17 The upper end of the rod is bored axially to receive the stem and body of the recoil valve. At the piston two grooves surround the bore. Four holes radiate from each of these grooves, one set open- ing on each side of the piston. Oil can therefore pass from one side of the piston to the other in three ways, namely, by the outside of the piston head, through the diametral clearance of 0.02 inch, through the orifices between the throttling bars and the slots in the piston, and through the two sets of radial holes. Passage through the radial holes is restricted by the recoil valve body. This is a bronze bar fitting closely in the piston-rod bore opposite the piston. It has a diametral slot 0.4 inch wide, 1.625 inches long, and 1.375 inches from the lower end. With the recoil valve open this slot reaches from one groove to the other. As the valve body is withdrawn upward the portion of the slot open to the lower groove decreases to zero, when the passage between the two sets of radial holes is closed. At the upper end of the piston a bronze valve-stem nut is screwed into the bore and secured by a nut-locking screw. A slot in the upper end of this nut affords means of removing and inserting it with the tit wrench provided for this purpose. The valve stem is a steel rod connecting the valve body with the valve-stem nut for the purpose of actuating the former. The upper end of the valve stem has a flatted portion, over which the locking disk is seated and on which the wrench for the recoil valve engages. This wrench is provided on one end of the tit wrench for the valve- stem nut. In order to remove the valve, the valve-stem nut must be taken out. The locking disk is of steel, 3.5 inches in diameter, and has 11 notches on its circumference to indicate the open, closed, and nine intermediate positions of the recoil valve. The notch corresponding to the closed position of the valve is stamped ^^ Closed." The remain- ing 10 notches are equally spaced and numbered counterclockwise from 1 to 10. When the shoulder on the valve stem stops against the lower end of the valve-stem nut, the '' closed" notch is toward the front of the carriage and opposite the hasp and the bottom of the slot in the valve- stem body is 0.25 inch above the lower groove in the piston-rod bore. When the disk is turned clockwise 90°, the valve stem descends 0.25 inch and brings the bottom of the slot to coincidence with the upper edge of the lower groove. A further movement of 18° uncovers the lower groove 0.05 inch, or an area of 0.02 square inch, and brings the first notch of the locking disk opposite the hasp. Similarly each additional notch opens the passage through the piston 0.05 inch. When the tenth notch is opposite the hasp, the lower groove is un- covered 0.5 inch, and the valve is open. 9979—17 3 18 The upper end of the piston rod is flatted to retain it in a fixed position with respect to rotation. A piston-rod bracket of cast steel maintains the upper end of the piston rod in alignment. The hasp bracket is bolted to the piston-rod bracket in front of the piston rod, seating against the flatted portion on the latter. The hasp, by engag- ing in notches on the locking disk, retains the recoil valve at any desired setting. A flange on the top of it prevents the locking disk from moving vertically when the hasp is engaged. A slot in the hasp passes over a lug on the hasp bracket, after which a padlock is secured to the lug, preventing any unauthorized change in the setting of the recoil valve. A filling-plug instruction plate is secured to the crosshead near the filling plug, so as to be visible from the front of the carriage. The normal recoil is 47.8 inches; 4.2 inches additional recoil is provided for. During this additional recoil, the recoil buffer pre- viously described would act to bring the carriage to rest without shock. A bronze scale 32 inches long is secured to an angle iron on each side of the crosshead joining the guide clip with the bottom plate. Numbered graduations are cast upon it at intervals of 1 inch, from 25 to 52, inclusive. A pointer to indicate the recoil is secured to the inside of each chassis. The pointers and scales are visible through round openings in each side of the chassis. The recoil valve is the only means provided for varying the length of recoil, arid no attempt should be made to use other means for this purpose. Although the setting of the recoil valve slightly affects counter- recoil, it should not he used to regulate the latter movement. When more definite data are not available, the valve setting for the first round at full charge should be: Atmospheric Recoil-valve temperature. setting. Below 30° F 9 30° to 70° F 8 Above 70° F 7 A careful record should be kept of recoil-valve settings for each car- riage in a form convenient for their study for guidance in future firings. For firings with all charges, the recoil cylinder should he filled to the level of the filling hole with the oil issued for this purpose, and frequent inspections should he made of the lower stuffing box during firing to guard against lealcage of oil. If escape of oil occurs, the cylinder should be refilled and the cause of leakage remedied. Retracting System. — The retracting system enables the gun to be retracted from the firing to the loading position when desired. The effort required is least at the start and steadily increases. 19 Retraction is by hand power only, power being applied to cranks on each side of the carriage. The extremities of the shaft on which the cranks engage are flat on three sides, and the cranks are secured by two split-pin fastenings, making them easily removable. The retracting cranks should he removed and placed on the chassis hooks provided for them when they are not actually in use. The retracting crank shaft actuates, through a train of two pairs of spur gearing, two drums, to which are fastened by corrugated clamps two wire ropes, which wind upon the drums. A ratchet and pawl on the right end of the retracting crank shaft prevents the load from overhauling the gearing. From the drums these ropes pass around guide pulleys in the rear ends of the chassis, and are hooked to the upper end of the gun levers. These ropes remain with the carriage, and when not in use are wound upon the drums mitil the ropes project but a short distance beyond the guide-pulley brackets. In hauling down, care should be taken to see that the ropes are under equal tension. After taking up the slack in the ropes, and putting some strain on them, they should be vibrated slightly, and if found to be unequally loaded adjustment should be made at the rope clamps on the driuns. After the loop of the rope is passed over the hook on the upper end of the gun lever, and while winding up the slack, especial care should be taken that the rope is guided to the pulleys without any kinks or any slack and that the coils lie smoothly upon the driuns without crossing the ridges between the grooves. The wire ropes should always be detached from the gun-lever hooks before tripping. Bearings of the shafts of the retracting gearing are provided with roller bearings. Longitudinal motion is in general prevented by thrust collars pinned to the shaft and having grooves fitted with felt to protect the bearings from dust. Ample means of lubrication are provided, and it is important that parts of the retracting gearing be kept well lubricated. Retracting Clutch and Brake. — To permit the most rapid overhauling of the wire ropes possible there is provided a spring engaging claw clutch for rotating the drum shaft from the drum shaft gear in retracting. With the clutch disengaged the ropes can be drawn out quickly, revolving the drums and drum shaft rapidly in the drum -shaft gear. The clutch is disengaged by pushing in the loop handle on the left and giving it a quarter turn, which locks the clutch out with the spring compressed. In order to prevent overrunning and injury to the ropes a band brake is added, gripping a brake wheel keyed to the drum shaft upon lifting a brake lever. This is on the left of the carriage. When enough rope has been overhauled the brake handle is raised to stop the shaft, the loop handle is given a quarter turn back to permit the 20 clutch to engage, and the sprmg moves the clutch on its feathers in the drum shaft to engagement. Tripping Gear. — The tripping gear is for the purpose of releas- ing the pawls from the racks on the guide clips, permitting the gun to return to the firing position; of automatically holding the pawls released until the counterweight has descended sufficiently for the top of the racks on the guide clips to be below the pawls; and of automatically releasing the pawls, permitting them to reengage when the gun recoils or is retracted. The tripping gear consists of the following principal parts: Trip- ping lever and shaft; tripping crank and link; locking lever and link; tripphig-lever latch; safety latch; safety-latch dog (on front face of left guide clip, to right of rack); and pawls. The tripping lever is located outside of the front end of the left chassis, and is keyed on the end of the tripping-lever shaft. This shaft extends across the front of the carriage and rests in bronze bushed bearings in each chassis. Vertical rotation upward of the tripping lever is limited by the safety latch. Downward rotation of the tripping lever is limited by a stop bolted to the racer. To prevent injury to the carriage from tripping the gun when the buffer pistons have not been returned to the rear by the buffer springs, a tripping-lever latch is provided, which is connected through the locking lever and link to the buffer yoke. The latch engages the trip- ping crank and prevents lifting the tripping lever till the buffer yoke has completed 7 inches of the 9-inch movement to the rear, when the latch is disengaged and the gun may be tripped. To trip the gun the lever is moved upward as far as it will go, which will bring it about horizontal. This disengages the pawls from the racks, and the safety latch, catching the end of the pawl lever, holds the pawls away from the racks during the descent of the counterweight till released by the dog on the left guide clip. The safety latch is not released till the tops of the racks are below the pawls. When the dog releases the safety latch, the tripping lever is returned by its own movement to its normal position against the stop. The pawls are then ready to engage the racks when they again rise. The Elevating System (Plate VII). — The gun is moved in ele- vation by turning an elevating handwheel, located on the left side of carriage, which is connected through its shaft and bevel gears to a screw fixed to the rear transom. A moving nut on the screw is connected with the lower end of the elevating arm, whose upper end is attached to the gun 66 inches in rear of the trunnion. The elevating system consists of the elevating band and arms, slide, slide nut, slide spring, screw, shaft gear, shaft and handwheel; also pinions, intermediate gear, intermediate pinions, elevation disk 21 gear, elevation disk pointer, spiral spring, and the counterbalance device. The elevating band seats in a groove in the gun. On the extremi- ties of a horizontal diameter are band trunnions which are inserted after the elevating arm is in position. The elevating arm is connected at its lower end to the elevating slide by means of the elevating pin, which is inserted through bronze bushed bearings in the shde and through a hole in the elevating rod; at its upper end it is connected to the elevating band. The elevating slide consists of two side pieces connected by tran- soms. Along the lower edges are bronze-Hned flanges. In the rear transom are planed guideways for these flanges. The slide is held in place by two cast-steel gibs bolted to the rear transom. To the side of the right guideway is bolted the elevating stop. Due to the severe downward shock received through the elevating arm when the gun is fired, the thrust is transmitted from the elevat- ing slide to the slide nut by a helical spring surrounding the shde nut. It is compressed between the flange on the lower end of the nut and the upper transom of the elevating slide. In order that the ele- vating shde and slide nut shall have the same relative position at all times, except when the spring is compressed by firing, a spring-con- pressing nut is screwed into the lower transom of the slide, with its upper end bearing on the bottom of the slide nut. The spring-com- pressing nut is set up so as to give the spring an initial compression, which will positively return the compressing nut to a bearing against the slide nut after the spring is compressed by firing. This initial compression is given during the shop test of the carriage, and a taper pin is inserted in the elevating shde through a hole in the flange on the head of the compressing nut. In case the nut should later he removed, care must he exercised that it he returned to exactly its orig- inal position, as the of the elevation scale will otherwise he thrown out of adjustment. The elevating shaft is located at the rear and left side of the car- riage. It rests in three roller bearings, one in the left chassis and two in lugs cast on the middle of the top of the rear transom. To the outer extremity is keyed the elevating handwheel shaft of wrought iron with cast-iron hub. Between the two inner bearings of the shaft is keyed a forged steel elevating shaft bevel pinion engaging in the gear on the elevating screw. The elevation disk and pointer are for the purpose of indicating the elevation of the gun, both in degrees and yards of range, for a given weight of projectile and muzzle velocity. It consists princi- pally of a German silver disk, range and elevation scales, pointer base, pointer, and spring. 22 The elevation disk of German silver is graduated in yards of range, service velocity, on its outer circumference; on its inner cir- cumference appear graudations for yards of range with subcaUber ammunition; the elevation scale is graduated at 5° intervals, the graduations being between the two range scales. The interval of graduations for range scales is 20 yards; range scales to be gradu- ated after piece is mounted in emplacement, from data furnished by the Ordnance Department; elevation scale to be graduated in shop by use of cHnometer. The elevation disk is secured to the face of the elevation disk gear by 24 German silver screws, and is rotated by means of the train of gears upon changing the elevation of the gun. A spiral spring, assembled under tension, takes up all back-lash in the gears. The pointer base is bolted to the left chassis, and serves as a sup- port for the pointer. The latter is of bronze, with an approximately rectangular opening for viewing the scales. Three German silver strips for zero marks are dovetailed and pinned in place. A correc- tion screw with knurled head, turning in a seat in the pointer base, engages teeth on the outer circumference of the pointer, thus pro- viding a means of correcting the scale by shifting the index. The counterbalance device tends to equalize the force required for elevating and depressing, with the gun in the loading as well as in the firing position. A cast-iron cylindrical weight of 580 pounds is sus- pended by means of an equalizing bar fork extending through it axi- ally from the equahzing bar. To the extremities of the latter are attached the ends of the rope. Its bight passes over two pairs of guide sheaves to the upper end of the guideways of the rear transom, thence to the lower end of the elevating slide nut, to which it is secured by two clamps bolted to the slide nut. The weight descends vertically into the counterweight well as the gun is depressed. All gears of the elevating system are provided with cast-iron gear covers in halves bolted together. Oil plugs in them provide easy means of oiling the gears. Roller and other bearings are also pro- vided with ample means of lubrication. Traversing System. — The traversing system enables the racer and parts supported by it to be easily and quickly moved in azimuth on the traversing rollers, either from the working platform or from the sighting platform. Traversing is accomplished by rotation of the traversing pinion, which is attached to a vertical shaft at the rear of the carriage and engages in a steel rack fixed to the interior of the base ring. The traversing system consists principally of gearing for rapid movement from the working platform at the right side of the car- riage and of slow-motion gearing for smooth slow movement, as in 23 following a target. It is composed of traversing rack, pinion, pinion shaft, crank shaft, and gears. The traversing rack is of six sections joined in such a manner that they can be easily removed individually and secured to the base ring by 60 screws set below the surface of the bottom of the teeth. Trav- ersing pinion is keyed and secured by a castellated nut to the trav- ersing pinion shaft. The latter has two roller bearings and one ball-thrust bearing in the rear clip and traversing bracket, which is a steel casting bolted to the rear transom and to the racer. It also provides two roller bearings for the traversing crank shaft, to which is keyed a forged steel traversing crank shaft bevel pinion, which engages in a cast-iron gear keyed and secured by castellated nut to the upper end of the traversing pinion shaft. A traversing crank is secured by a split pin to the right extremity of the crank shaft out- side of the chassis. The traversing crank is easily removable, and hooks for it when not in use are provided on the chassis. The slow-motion traversing gearing consists essentially of a hand- wheel, shaft, and gears ; intermediate shaft; clutch gears, plunger, rod, fork, and fork lever; foot lever; spring stirrup and spring, and the necessary bearings. The handwheel is attached to the right end of its shaft, which is connected to the traversing intermediate shaft. The intermediate shaft is keyed to a bevel gear, which engages in a pinion secured to the handwheel shaft near the handwheel. The upper end of the intermediate shaft is supported by a ball-thrust bearing in the upper traversing bearing, which is bolted to the sight standard. The lower end of the intermediate shaft passes through a bushing in the lower traversing bearing which is bolted to the left chassis at the traversing crank shaft. There is keyed to its lower extremity a forged-steel clutch bevel pinion. The cast-iron gear in which it engages is bronze bushed and is free to rotate on the travers- ing crank shaft. The traversing clutch is a bronze collar having a sHding fit over two keys on the crank shaft to the left and outside of the clutch gear. Six 30° lugs on its right end engage between corre- sponding ones on the left end of the hub of the gear. The clutch mechanism is for the purpose of moving the clutch in and out of engagement with the clutch gear. When engaged the rotation from the sighting platform of the clutch gear is transmitted to the crank shaft and traversing pinion ; when disengaged the crank shaft can be rotated in the bushing of the clutch gear without move- ment of the slow-motion gearing. It is operated from the sighting platform by pressure of the foot on a plunger which actuates a series of levers, moving the clutch into engagement; releasing the foot pres- sure causes the disengagement under the action of the clutch-rod spring, which returns the plunger to its original position. 24 All gears of the traversing system are provided with gear covers. Oil holes are provided for lubrication. Sighting Platforms. — Two sighting platforms are provided, one on each side of the carriage. Means for traversing only are provided by a handwheel operated from the left platform. Sight. — The sight with which carriages Nos. 20 and 21 are equipped is the 3-inch telescope sight, model of 1904, which, together with its cradle and sight arm, is described in Form 1955. The sight arm is mounted on a sight-arm bracket, which is in turn mounted on the upper end of the sight standard. The sight standard is of cast steel. The upper end of the sight standard is turned to a diameter of 6.497 inches for a height of 6 inches, below which is a flange with two set screws in front screwed into lugs 2.5 inches apart. The sight-arm bracket is of cast steel with a socket at the rear bored to fit the upper end of the sight standard. An arm projects to the front 25.44 inches, having at the extremity a double bearing for the sight-arm bracket pin which passes through the hole in the forward end of the sight arm. A lug at the base of the sight-arm bracket is engaged by the set screws of the sight stand- ard, which enables the Hne of sight to be brought into exact parallel- ism, with the bore of the gun with respect to azimuth. To make the adjustment, point the gun at a distant object (about 6,000 yards away, if practicable) by means of a bore sight, set the deflection scale of the telescopic sight at 0, then bring the sight on the target by means of the set screws. Four tap bolts are screwed into the sight standard through holes in the flange at the base of the sight-arm bracket. These holes are 0.188 inch in diameter larger than the bolts, which allows sufficient play to make the desired adjustment, after which the screws should be tightened and the adjustment verified. Two lugs project upward from the rear of the sight-arm bracket and afford a double bearing for a second sight-arm bracket pin pass- ing through the sight arm. In this case the cradle movement in elevation is merely for the purpose of bringing the target into the field of the telescope. Carriages after No. 21 are equipped with 3-inch telescopic sight,, model of 1912, described in pamphlet No. 1959. The cradle yoke is mounted on the sight bracket, which is in turn mounted on the sight standard. The sight standard for these carriages is capped by a round flange 12 inches in diameter, to which the cast-steel sight bracket is bolted. The cradle yoke is bolted to the sight bracket, and adjustment in azimuth for bore sighting is provided for by elongated bolt holes in the rear end of the sight bracket. Electrical Equipment (Plates VI and VII). — Plates VI and VII show the plan of the electrical equipment and the wiring diagram. 25 Lighting Circuits. — The power for lighting is obtained from the power mains of the emplacement through lead-covered cables which enter a terminal box at the rear of the pit. From that point it is distributed by insulated wires with flexible metallic and insulated wrought-iron pipe conduits to four 8-candlepower lamps, one at the azimuth pointer, one at the elevation pointer, one at the recoil valve, and one at the buffer valve; to three 16-candlepower lamps, one on each chassis and one at the rear transom; to one portable 16-candle- power lamp at the rear end of the right transom; and to two 2-candlepower lamps on the telescopic sight. The 2-candlepower lamps are for the illumination of the cross wires and the deflection scale. All lamps are 110 volts, in parallel. Where emplacements are equipped with power at 220 volts, lamps are placed in parallel series of two lamps each. The azimuth and elevation pointer lamps and the buffer and recoil valve lamps, as well as those for illuminating the sight, are controlled by a single snap switch on the lamp fitting of the elevation pointer lamp at the rear of the carriage; the chassis lamps and the lamp at the rear transom are provided with key sockets for their control. The portable lamp has a snap switch on its base. Cross wires of the sight are provided with a mechanical dimmer, by which the lamp is occulted to any desired degree. The portable water-tight lamp is for general use within the limit of its reach. The lamp itself is covered by a globe of heavy glass seated in a bronze base, to which is attached a handle. The flexible steel conduit containing the conductors passes through this handle. A substantial wire guard surrounds the globe and is attached to the base. Firing Circuits. — The gun may be fired either electrically or by lanyard. The current for firing electrically is obtained either from a battery of dry cells carried in a box supported in a bracket attached to the underside of the sighting platform, in which case the firing circuit is closed through a firing pistol mounted on a bracket bolted to the upper traversing bearing, above the left sighting platform, or from a hand-operated alternating current magneto mounted on the firing-pistol bracket in place of the firing pistol, the dry-cell battery being dispensed with. When using the battery the gunner may determine whether the circuit is complete without actually firing a primer by pressing a projecting button on the pistol, thereby closing the firing circuit through a coil of high resistance, which, with the voltage ordinarily used, permits the passage of sufficient current to operate a buzzer, but not sufficient to endanger the firing of the primer. A circuit breaker on the breech of the gun prevents the possible firing of the gun electrically except w^^en the breechblock is fully 9979—17 4 26 closed whether the gun be in the loading or in the firing position. A safety firing switch on the carriage prevents the possible firing of the gun electrically except when fully into battery or nearly so. This device consists of a double-pole, single-throw switch, the parts of which are separated by the recoil, one part being attached to the chassis, the other part to the top carriage. The part attached to the chassis is so arranged that when the top carriage recoils it drops out of position, so that on counter recoil contact is not made until this part is raised into position by a lever on the outside of the left chassis. The gun is fired by lanyard from the loading platform. A safety device has been added to prevent the possible firing of the gun by lanyard except when fully in battery or nearly so. The device con- sists of a short lanyard running from the primer to a ring at the end of a copper cable wound on a reel. The reel is carried in a housing attached to the rear face of the elevating band on the gun. One end of the firing lanyard is attached to the ring on the copper cable^ the other is held by the cannoneer who is to fire the piece. The short lanyard can be pulled to the rear so as to fire the primer only by first imwinding the copper cable from the drum. This is prevented while the gun is from battery by the action of a pawl which engages a ratchet on the drum. When the gun rises into battery, this pawl is auto- matically tripped by a cam attached to the rear face of the elevating arm. This permits the reel to be unwound and the pull to thus come upon the short lanyard attached to the primer. The reel is provided with a spiral spring which causes it to rotate and wind up the copper cable as soon as the pull upon the lanyard is released. The initial tension of this spring should be such as to cause the copper cable to be wound up with certainty with the lan- yard attached. Should the initial tension be much in excess of the proper amount, the spring may become woimd solid before sufficient cable has been unwound to permit the firing of the primer. Too much tension on the spring is otherwise objectionable, since it brings un- necessary strains on the parts when the reel automatically winds up. Should the tension of the spring require adjustment, it may be done as follows: Loosen the nut on the spring shaft projecting from the center of the case; hold with a screw wrench the square end of the shaft to prevent the spring from unwinding; remove the spring shaft pin, and, by means of the wrench, turn the spring shaft in such direction as to increase or decrease the tension as required. Holes are provided wherein the pin may be inserted at any quarter turn of the shaft. A safety device on the firing mechanism proper prevents possible firing of the primer by lanyard until the breechlock is locked, whether the gun be in the loading or in the firing position. 27 Shot Trucks. — Four shot trucks are furnislied with eacli carriage for bringing projectiles to the gun. Each truck carries six projectiles. They are to be taken from the truck and inserted in the gun by hand. All shot-truck wheels are equipped with rubber tires, set in grooves on the wheels, and vulcanized in position. Shot Tongs. — Each battery is provided with one pair of shot tongs with each shot trolley installed, and a reserve of two pairs for the battery. In order to provide tongs having a small height over all and thus to increase the amount of possible hoist in the galleries of the emplacement, the tongs are designed with a lock which must be operated by hand before they will grip a projectile. This lock consists of a dog, the inner end of which presses against the top of the projectUe while the outer side is held by a U-shaped piece rotated into position after the tongs have been placed on the projectile. Grease Cups. — ^Ten grease cups are provided for lubricating the heavy bearings of the gun levers and the front and rear bearing sur- faces of the vertical guides, with the heavy grease necessary for this purpose. The grease cup consists essentially of a body for carrying the grease and a cap carrying a piston actuated by a coiled spring. When the cap is screwed down over the body of the cup, the piston bears against the grease. By further movement of the cap the spring in rear of the piston is compressed, thus putting a sustained pressure on the grease. This cap should habitually he Tcejpt screwed down so as to maintain a clearance of about 0.25 inch between its face and the face of the nut on the projecting piston, affording a visible indication that the grease is being forced into the bearing. Implements. — Each carriage is equipped with the wrenches, screw drivers, lifting hooks, pinch bars, and oil cans required for its mount- ing and care. These parts, except those too large, are stored in an armament chest, together with the necessary implements for the gun. INSTKUCTIONS FOR ASSEMBLING THE CARRIAGE. General Remarks. — ^The carriage is dismounted for shipment, the heavy parts being separated, the finished surfaces slushed and cov- ered with boards. The chassis and transoms are sometimes shipped assembled. The small parts are disassembled sufficiently for boxing them conveniently. Except where impracticable on account of the size or other characteristics, each part bears a piece mark shown on the drawing near the designation of the part. The first number of this piece mark indicates the drawing on which the part is detailed. Where it is possible to assemble the parts in more than one way, they are sometimes marked to indicate the way in which they were assem- bled during shop test — as, for instance, the two ends of two distance ring sections which adjoin are marked with the same number. The shipping list itemizes the contents of each box. The following approximate weights are given as a guide in assem- bling and handling the parts: Part. Weight. Base ring, with traversing rack Distance ring, four sections, without rollers Racer Chassis Front transom Rear transom Guide frame, each , Piston-rod beam Vertical guide, each Guide bracket, each Sight standard Top carriage One roller cage, with rollers Bottom plate Counterweight, largest piece Recoil cylinder, with cylinder heads Piston rod .' Crosshead, with guide clips Sighting platform Elevating arm Elevating band Gun levers, axle, yoke, etc Counter-recoil buffer, assembled Gears, shafts, brackets, cranks, and other parts not mentioned above, about Total weight (unboxed), about Pounds. 8,000 1,000 6,000 6,000 925 2,200 1,000 750 600 550 1,050 2,600 350 3,300 4,200 970 350 3,200 550 650 320 6,400 350 7,500 92,000 In assemhling the carriage no part sJiould he directly strucTc with a steel hammer or sledge. A wooden buffer should he used on the part to he struck, or soft-metal drifts or hammers should he used. In han- dling parts, care must he exercised that machined surfaces do not hecome hurred. All hearing surfaces should he clean, smooth, and well lubri- cated prior to being brought together. (28) 29 The assembling of the carriage requires the use of such blocking, way plank, hydraulic jacks, ropes, and pulleys as are usually found at seacoast forts. In addition to these a derrick or shears capable of safely lifting 4 or 5 tons will be found very useful. Instructions for Assembling. — Carriages should be mounted under the immediate supervision of an ordnance machinist famihar with the work, so that the following instructions are intended to be general only. Base Ring. — Move the base ring into position over the pit by means of the derrick or by skids and rollers, placing the part marked *' Front" in the axis of the emplacement. Place a thrust plate on each holding-down bolt in such position as to receive the thrust from the leveling screws. Clean and oil the threads of the holding- down bolts, then lower the base ring, exercising great care not to burr these threads. The base ring should be supported by the leveling screws so as to leave an opening underneath sufficiently wide for satisfactory grouting. Leveling. — The base ring should be carefully leveled by means of an accurate straightedge and a well-adjusted machinist's level. The straightedge should be used on the roller path by resting it on the inner edge with no blocks or other supports. The level should be reversed in every position and the mean position of the bubble taken as the correct one. Preliminary leveling may be done from the azimuth circle by sup- porting one end of the straightedge on blocking in the center of the pit, but the final adjustment should be verified by readings taken on the roUer path as described above. At the conclusion of the leveling, moderately tighten all holding-down bolts, verify the level, then add a grouting of neat Portland cement. Care must be exercised that this completely fills the entire space under the base ring. No weight should be added to the base ring until the grouting has thoroughly set. The leveHng screws should then be backed off two turns. Distance Ring and Traversing Rollers. — Carefully clean all parts, assemble the roUers in their bearings, with the distance ring in place, and run the system around by hand to see that aU parts operate freely. Racer. — ^Move the racer into position, clean the roller path and pintle surface, then carefully lower into position on the traversing rollers. Care should be exercised not to injuriously rub or cramp the pintle surfaces during the lowering. Assemble the outer and inner dust guards and the covers for openings in racer in order to prevent the possible entrance of dirt or metal chips. The racer should then be run around by hand to determine whether it be entirely free in its operation. 30 Front Clips may now be bolted in place. Chassis and Guide Frames. — Place either chassis in position, dowel, key, and bolt it to the racer. The rear of the racer may be identified by its being beveled for the rear transom. Lower its guide frame into position and bolt it to the underside of the chassis. Pro- ceed similarly for the other chassis and its guide frame. PiSTON-RoD Beam should then be attached to the lower ends of the guide frames. Vertical Guides are then added. A series of circles about J inch in diameter are located on the center of the right-hand guide about 2 feet apart, as measuring points for paraQelism of guides. The Front and Rear Transoms are bolted in place. Bottom Plate. — ^Place blocking in the counterweight well to within 18 inches of the base ring, being careful to leave the center of the bottom plate uncovered as well as the holes for the four suspen- sion rods. The bottom plate should be laid on this blocking, the clips on it engaging the vertical guides. It should be carefully leveled to prevent distortion of the bronze gibs. Recoil Cylinder, with the lower cylinder head, should be placed on the bottom plate and secured to it. Counterweight is then piled and the suspension rods inserted and secured to the bottom plate. Crosshead is then added from above. If the upper end of the re- coil cylinder 'is found not to be exactly in position with respect to its bore in the crosshead the bottom plate should be tipped slightly as necessary by means of jacks applied to its underside. Retracting and Tripping Gear. — The retracting and tripping gear are then assembled. After this is done, the crosshead may be attached to the counterweight by means of the suspension rods. No attempt should be made to lift the counterweight with the re- tracting gear before the gun is in place. Piston Rod and Upper Cylinder Head are then placed. Counter-Recoil Buffers and Roller Cages should now be added, the latter being so placed that the zero marks on rack teeth and recoil roUer teeth coincide. Top Carriage should be lowered into its forward position from above so that the gears will all engage properly. Gun Levers are then added, the top carriage being run rearward for this purpose, and the lower ends secured to the crosshead by the gun-lever pins. The Gun with Elevating Band attached is then put in place. The remaining parts of the carriage may now be assembled as con- venient, including the elevating arm, slide, etc. ; guide brackets, sight standard, piston-rod brackets, elevating and traversing gearing, sight platform, sights, electrical equipment, recoil and buffer valves. 31 After the gun and elevating arm are in place, the gun may be re- tracted slightly, freeing the blocking under the counterweight, the blocking removed, and the carriage run slowly into battery by means of the retracting cranks. This will permit the attaching of those parts which require the gun to be in battery. Important Points. — ^After the carriage has been completely as- sembled and the gun mounted, the recoil and buffer cylinders filled, and the valves set as indicated in the description of the carriage, the following points should be noted, namely: 1. Traverse the carriage to the extreme position in both directions to see that it moves freely and that traversing stops are properly located. 2. Elevate and depress the gun to the extreme limits to see that the parts operate freely and that the depression stop is properly located. 3. Retract the gun while in its extreme positions against the azi- muth stops to determine whether there be any interferences for recoil in such positions. 4. Examine and clean out all oil holes, noting that they have oil plugs. 5. See that there is not a hard bearing between the rimbases of the gun and gun levers. 6. See that the elevating arm and band are properly assembled, the clearances on each side being the same, and the arms not sprung or twisted. 7. See that the chassis rails and guide clips have not been burred. 8. See that the dust guard does not bear against the distance rings or racer. 9. Adjust the buffer valve until the gun rises as promptly as pos- sible into battery without striking the stops with force. 10. See that the pawls engage simultaneously and that the re- tracting gearing, tripping gearing, and the safety latches function properly. 11. Set the elevation pointer by the use of a clinometer supported by a rest in the muzzle of the gun, dowel pin it in position, and verify the graduation. 12. Orient the gun, add numbers to the degree marks on the azi- muth circle, adjust azimuth pointer to indicate correct azimuth, and dowel pin it in position. Muzzle at true south is degrees in azi- muth and numbers are placed around clockwise to include 359. 13. Adjust the sight-arm brackets so that the telescope will be parallel to the bore of the gun, as described previously in connection with the sight. 14. See that the electrical connections have been properly made, by trying the lights and firing the primer. CARE OF CARRIAGE. General Instructions. — Carriages should be traversed from time to time throughout their entire allowed movement. They should not be allowed to stand for long periods at a particular azimuth, as this might cause uneven settling of the platform. The habitual position of guns on disappearing carriages is '^from battery," but at intervals the gun should be allowed to rise to the firing position and be elevated and depressed within the limits of the stops. It is required that all parts of carriages he Icept free from rust at aU times. If this be allowed to accumulate, its removal from bearing parts, and especially piston rods, requires particular attention, in order that clearances may not be unduly increased. The use of sand- paper for this purpose is forbidden, and emery cloth No. 1 should be used, the rust being softened, if necessary, by kerosene. The retracing wire ropes should at all times be kept well oiled with raw linseed oil. If any leakage occurs from the hydraulic recoil system, it should be immediately remedied, calling if necessary upon the district arma- ment officer for the services of skilled labor. The repacking of stuffing boxes may be done, when necessary, by trained enhsted men under the supervision of an officer, but will preferably be done by skilled labor. Before removing a cylinder head containing a stuffing box, or drawing a piston rod through a stuffing box, the pressure of the pack- ing on the rod should be released by unscrewing the follower or gland several turns. The copper gaskets between cylinders and their heads should be in good condition, and consequently should be replaced whenever neces- sary in order to prevent leakage. Cleaning Hydraulic Cylinders. — Recoil and buffer cylinders should be emptied and refilled at least every three months, and thor- oughly cleaned every six months. For cleaning, a plumber's hand force pump is supplied to each Coast Artillery post, with about 10 feet of suction hose and 15 feet of discharge tube. The following operations are outlined for cleaning the recoil cylinder : (a) Retract the gun sufficiently to afford room for working below the recoil cylinder, remove the oil from the cylinder and the glands and followers. (32) 33 (b) Kemove the piston-rod bracket, locking disk, and the upper cylinder head. Remove the lower piston-rod nut, screw the upper nut downward, raising the rod until the nut is removed. Allow the rod to rest on a block over its hole in the piston-rod beam. (c) Run the gun slowly into battery by means of the retracting cranks, raising the ratchet pawls, and give the gun its maximum elevation. Raise the piston rod vertically until its upper end strikes the gun, then incline it to one side and remove it from the cylinder. {d) Thoroughly clean the cylinder from its upper end with kero- sene oil forced in with the hand pump, then wipe dry with clean cotton waste. Clean also the cylinder heads, glands, and followers; and the piston rod inside and out, removing the recoil valve. (e) After the removal or evaporation of all kerosene oil, reassemble the parts and refill the cylinder with hydrolene oil, carefully inspect all parts which were dismounted, and complete the retraction of the gun. The following operations may be outlined for cleaning the buffer cylinders : (a) Remove the glands, stuffing boxes, and pistons; and also the gland, valve stem, and emptying plug of the buffer valve. (b) Clean the cylinders as described for the recoil cylinder. The equalizing and throttling pipes should also be thoroughly cleaned by forcing the oil into them with the pump, permitting it to run out through the emptying hole. (c) After the removal or evaporation of all kerosene oil, reassemble the parts and refill the cylinders with hydrolene oil, after which close the buffer valve to its normal setting. Removing Packing from Stuffing Boxes. — ^A packing extractor for removing packing from the stuffing boxes of the recoil cylinder is issued to each post at which these carriages are mounted. To use the extractor, the gun must be retracted sufficiently to afford access to the stuffing boxes. Close the extractor around the piston rod and insert the locking pin, turn the extractor counter-clock wise, pressing it against the packing until the needles are firmly engaged. Draw the packing out, turning slowly counter-clock wise. Extractor bars are provided for use in starting the packing from its seat by inserting the toes of the bars in the rack teeth and prying over the edge of the box, being careful not to injure it. The packing of the buffer cylinders and of the buffer valve can generally be removed with any pointed instrument by merely remov- ing the glands. In case of difiiculty, the stufiing boxes of the former can be removed and the packing taken out with the finger; and in the latter, the valve stem may be removed. 34 Repacking Stuffing Boxes. — ^Examine the old packing and dis- card all unfit for use. If any of the old packing is used, it should be put in after the new. To repack a stuffing box after the packing has been removed, insert one ring of packing and force it well to the bottom of the box by a wooden stick and mallet. Treat each layer of packing in a similar manner, being careful that successive rings break joints. Six rings of packing are required for each stuffing box of the recoil cylinder, five rings for each stuffing box of the buffer cylinders, and four rings for the buffer valve. In screwing up the glands or followers, no other tools should he used than those provided for the purpose, nor should excessive force he applied to them, such as the addition of a pipe to the handle of the wrench. Care should be exercised in tightening the glands to advance all of the bolts evenly so as not to throw the gland out of alignment. It will be found necessary to tighten the glands of the buffer cylinders but slightly. Attention is invited to the caution given in regard to this under the description of the counter-recoil huffers. It is to be expected that a slight amount of oil will soak through and drip from boxes of carriages when not in use. Also when tightening the followers a slight amount of oil will squeeze out of the saturated packing. This oil should be caught and not allowed to render the carriage unsightly. Filling Cylindeks. — To fill the recoil cylinder, remove the filhng plug and pour clean hydrolene oil into it through a funnel until the oil overflows. Allow any air that may he present to escape, then pour in more oil until the cylinder is again filled. About 7.5 gallons are required. The cylinder should be filled with the gun slightly out of the recoiled position. To fill the buffer cyfinders, remove both filling plugs and pour clean hydrolene oil through a funnel into one cylinder, allowing the air to escape from the other, until both cylinders are filled. AUow any air that may he present to escape and pour in more oil until the system is again filled. A full gallon of oil is required. Service Condition (Lubrication, etc.). — When the carriage is to be kept in readiness for service, and is in daily or frequent use, aU bearing parts must be kept thoroughly cleaned and lubricated. Especial attention should be given to the lubricating of trunnion beds, roUers, pintle surfaces, shaft bearings, and sliding surfaces; gun-lever axle beds, gun-lever pins, elevating screw, elevating band trunnions, crosshead guides, and the elevating, traversing, tripping, and retracting mechanisms, including the teeth of all gears. The ahove parts should he lubricated at frequent intervals, whether the carriage is maneuvered or not. When carriages are in use for 35 daily drills a thorougTi lubrication twice each weeJc should he sufficient for all hut the most severely used parts. Proper lubricating and cleaning of the traversing rollers and their paths are essential to free working of the carriage. The dust guards should be removed to clean the upper roller paths. By removing the cover plates on the racer the traversing rollers may be lifted out with their bearings for cleaning and for cleaning the lower roller path. Four oil plugs are screwed into steel tubes in the upper surface of the racer, outside of the front and rear of each chassis, which are provided with passages to the pintle surface. Eight oil plugs, two at each of the above points, are also provided, connected to brass tubes reaching down to the oil grooves of the distance ring, thus pro- viding lubrication for the bearings of the rollers. Six additional of such oil pipes are also provided, two each at the front, right, and left of the racer for exceptional use in lubricating the roller bearings. They are closed by countersunk screws. For oiling the rollers or pintle through these holes the carriage must he traversed in order to distribute the oil through the entire circumference. It will occasionally be necessary to examine all ball and roller bearings to see that the dust guards are in proper place and that the rollers themselves are clean. If they be found dirty, they may be flushed with kerosene oil; but care must be taken to fill the bear- ings with synovial oil after the kerosene has drained away. If the rollers have rusted, they must be well removed and cleaned. Condition '^In Ordinary'^ (Not Ready for Immediate Service). — If the carriage is to remain unused for a time, all un- painted surfaces should be covered with a thin coat of hght slushing oil. It can be applied as in painting, using sash tool No. 6, except in cold weather, when it should be applied by stippling, i. e., light tapping, with the brush held perpendicular to the surface to be covered. In all cases it should he applied in a thin coat, as this is all that is needed to give good protection. This oil is easily removed by the use of burlap or waste dipped in kerosene oil. In order to save oil, the thickest of the slushing oil should be well removed by a scraper before applying the kerosene. Before applying the slushing oil, the surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned, so as to be entirely free from rust, water, kerosene, or lubri- cating oil, as the first three would cause rusting underneath, and the latter would cause it to run off when heated. Rollers and roUer paths should be cleaned and slushed from time to time and the dust guards examined to see that the felt strips are in order and make the openings dust tight. Experience has shown that hydraulic cylinders should not remain empty, as in that case the interior waUs soon become rusty. 36 Oil Holes. — Oil holes should be cleaned out frequently to keep them free from sand and grit, and should habitually be kept closed by the screw plugs provided, except when in the act of oiling. Before removing the 'plug from any oil hole carefully wipe off any dirt or grit near the opening that might he carried into the hearing with the oil. Compression Grease Cups. — Where compression grease cups are provided similar precautions against dirt and grit must be observed. When adding grease to these cups do not fill them completely, but fill only to the bevel at the top of the cup; if too full, the leather packing will become inverted and will not act effectively. In putting on the cap see that the leather packing enters the cup without being caught or bent by the edge of the cup. Screw the cap down on the cup until the spring rod projects about 0.25 inch above the top of the cap. The cap should be screwed down from day to day as required to maintain about this projection for the rod. When the cap is screwed nearly home the cup should be refilled. Oils and Grease. — The Vacuum Oil Co.'s No. 4^ lubricant is issued for use in the compression grease cups; it will not be used for lubricating any other parts, nor will any other oil be used in its place. Light slushing oil is provided for covering impainted surfaces on the gun and carriage, as well as the bore of the gun, when they are not in current use. Engine oil should be used to lubricate the bearings where oil holes and oil plugs are provided. It will also be used as a lubricant for breechblock threads. No other lubricant will be used on such threads during firings. Kerosene oil is issued by the Ordnance Department for cleaning purposes only. A special grade of neutral oil called ^^hydrohne," having a specific gravity of about 0.85, is furnished for filhng the recoil cylinders. A barrel of this oil should be kept on hand to replace leakage. The different kinds of oil, etc., will be kept in receptacles plainly marked with their contents. The enlisted men should be carefuUy instructed in the use of the several kinds of oil, grease, etc., and should be taught to distinguish one from another. Oils must always be kept in closed receptacles to prevent contami- nation by water, dirt, etc. Oils which have been used for any purpose should not be used again without being filtered or carefuUy strained. They should never be returned to receptacles containing new oils. A suitable receptacle should be kept by each battery in which oil from cylinders can be placed and allowed to stand undisturbed imtil all sediment in it has settled. In removing the oil great care should be taken that no sediment is included. 37 Mere discoloration does not affect the serviceability of the oil. Painting. — In general, three coats of paint will be given car- riages the first year; two coats annually thereafter will probably suffice, the actual needs depending somewhat upon the climate and local conditions. Before painting, surfaces should be rubbed smooth and made perfectly clean and dry. As soon as the carriage is com- pletely assembled and the piece mounted, all parts which have been marred in transportation will be primed, after which one complete coat of olive paint will be applied. All steel and iron nonbearing surfaces, both covered and exposed, will be painted. This includes the exposed parts of shafts (except squared ends), the exterior of the recoil cylinder, and springs. Large bronze pieces, including the web and spokes of wheels, and cylinder heads should also be painted. The following parts are not painted: All wearing or bearing sur- faces, including the handles of handwheels and cranks, teeth of all gears, the rollers and the surfaces on which they travel, the piston rods, and the vertical guides, etc. List of implements furnished for 6-inch gun, models of 1905 and 1908. 1 rammer head and staff. 1 sponge head and staff in three sections; head to be made to fit bore or chamber by wrapping with burlap. 1 breech cover. 1 combined tompion and muzzle cover. 1 slush brush to connect with sponge staff. 1 wire cleaning brush and coupling to fit sponge staff. For allowances of cleaning and preserving material, see Form No. 1869. TAst of articles packed in the armament chest for 6-inch guns, models of 1905 and 1908, on 6-inch disappearing carriages, models of 1905, 1905 Mi, and 1905 Mii. [Note.— All articles marked * are carried loose in chest.] For guns, model of 1905-1908: 1 box for firing mechanism.^ 3 brushes, cleaning, for primer seat. 1 cloth, emery, No. 00, 1 quire. 1 drift, bronze, large. 1 drift, bronze, small. 1 drill, gunner's. 3 files, pillar. No. 6, 6-inch.2 3 files, three-cornered. No. 4, 6-inch. ^ 3 files, half-round, smooth, 8-inch. ^ 3 files, round, smooth, 8-inch. ^ 1 file, flat, dead smooth, 8-inch. 1 file, round, second-cut, 8-inch. 1 For use only with 6-inch wire-wrapped gun, model of 1908. 2 For use on bruised breechblocks. No other files to be used thereon. 38 For guns, model of 1905-1908— Continued. 1 file, half-round, smooth, 8-inch. 1 file, three-cornered, 8-inch. 1 hammer, boilermaker's. 1 hammer, copper. *1 lanyard, gunner's. 1 mallet, hand. 1 mallet, long handle. 1 pliers, cutting, 7-inch. *1 pouch, gunner's. 1 punch, gunner's. 1 punch, pin. 1 reamer, cleaning, for primer seat. 1 scraper, metal, ''''l pair sleeves, gunner's. *3 sponges, wagon. *4 balls twine, assorted. ■^10 pounds cotton waste. *2 pounds wire, copper No. 12. *2 pounds wire, copper No. 16. 1 wrench, monkey, 12-inch. 1 wrench, monkey, 15-inch. 1 wrench, tit, for obturator. *1 screw driver, bar, for spindle key, gear segment screws, etc.^ Implements for carriage: 1 extractor, gun-lever pins. 2 hooks, counterweight. 2 hooks, traveling roller. 2 oilers, half-pint. *1 oiler, locomotive — '1 quart. 2 pinch bars. 1 screw driver, commercial, 3-inch blade. 1 screw driver, commercial, 5-inch blade, ''^l screw driver and socket wrench. ^ 1 wrench, double, 0.375 and 0.5 inch nuts. 1 wrench, double, 0.625 and 0.75 inch nuts. 1 wrench, double, 1 and 1.25 inch nuts.^ 1 wrench, double, 1.5 and 1.75 inch nuts. 1 wrench, double, 2.5 and 2.75 inch nuts. 1 wrench, single, 3-inch nuts. 1 wrench, single, 0.75-inch nuts. 1 wrench, throttling valve, and nut. *1 wrench, buffer gland (for model of 1905 only). *1 wrench, single, piston rod. *1 wrench, spanner, for recoil and buffer followers (models of 1905-Mi and 1905-Mii). 1 extractor, piston rod and valve stem. 2 extractors, cylinder, cylinder head and retraction clutch shaft. 1 extractor yoke, cylinder and cylinder head. *1 wrench, "throttling bar bolts." (Model of 1905-Mii only.) 1 For lanyard attachment. 2 To be used for latch-plate screws on gtin. 3 Wrench to be used on drain plug for models of 1905-Mi and 1905-Mji. 39 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage, L. F., model ofl905-Mii, their piece marls, location, and material of which they are made. The parts are listed alphabetically under the following headings: Carriage proper; counter-recoil sys- tem; azimuth pointer; the electrical equipment; shot trucks; shot tongs; and grease cup. When referrmg to a part, always mention its piece mark, where given on the list. Meaning of the abbreviations in the column of material. A Ash. Br Brass. Bz Bronze. C Copper. CI Cast iron. CS Cast steel. F Felt. FS Forged steel. GI Galvanized iron. GS German silver. HR Hard rubber. SR Soft rubber. Mgl Magnet iron. MI Malleable iron. Comm Commercial. MM Molded mica. S Steel. SB Sheet brass. SS Sheet steel. SpS Spring steel. VF ^ Vulcanized fiber. VR Vulcanized rubber. WI Wrought iron. GWHP Garlock waterproof hydraulic pack- ing. FVF Flexible vulcanized fiber. PHBZ Phosphor bronze. GP Garlock packing. R Rubber. 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905 Mn. Piece Num- mark. ber. 7A1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 H6M 1 H6L 1 H23K 1 H23L 1 ni6H 2 H16P 2 H3D2 1 H4C1 48 9FA 1 H4L 4 6N 2 6Q 2 H6J 8 8R 4 9D 6 19M1 2 19N 1 H3C 6 H4K 96 H4M 104 H4N 24 4H 14 5D 14 H15E 2 H15F1 24 6A 4 6D 8 6T 2 6U 18 6X 3 7B 8 7B 8 7B 8 7T 4 8N 4 9A 8 9J 18 9S 2 lOE 4 H12P 2 H13B 2 IIR 2 13F 4 16A 4 Name of part. Location, Material. Remarks. Angles Angle (front).. Angle (inside). do Angle (rear)... do Angle (outside) do Axle cap (left) Axle cap (right) Ball thrust bearing do Band tnmnions Base ring Bearings Body Bolts, special with nuts. do On guide clips Right sighting platform . do Left sighting platform. . . Right sighting platform . Left sighting platform... do Right sighting platform . On top carriage do Traversmg gear Elevating band (H16J1) Elevating band (H16Q1) ... . On concrete platform On traversing rollers Interior of piston rod (9BA), Outer dust guard , In front transom Bolts, special. do Bolts, special tap Bolts, special with nuts. Bolt, special with nut.. . Bolts, tap do do do do do do do do do In axle caps (H6L) (H6M) . In cap squares (8K) (8L) . . . . In lower cylinder head through counterweight. In sight standard do. do- do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.... do.... do.... In traversing stops In bearings (H4C1) Inner and outer dust guard. . Outer dust guard Inricht chassis In left chassis In piston-rod bracket In guides In elevating screw support. . In front clips and rear tran- In rear transom In elevating gibs In front transon In angles (7A1) In bottom plate gibs In guide cUps In keys (7M) In gun lever yoke In cylinder head (9Q) In recoil cylinder (9G) In oil gutter (9U) In recoil pointers In rope clamps (H12F) (H12G). Rear clip and traversing bracket. In pointer base (llQl) In trough brackets In upper traversing bearing. S S S S s s s s CSNo. CSNo. s s FSNo. FSNo. CI No. BzNo. BzNo. S S s s s S 3 by 3.5 by 0.3125. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 0.5 by 1.375. 1.25 by 9.625. 1.25 by 12.875. 1.5 by 6.5. 1.125 by 5. 1.5 by 10.0625. 2 by 8.375. 0.5 by 1.875. 0.375 by 0.75. 0.5 by 0.75. 1.25 by 3. Do. 0.75 by 2. 1 by 6.75. 0.75 by 1.5. \ 1.25 by 3. 1.25 by 6.25. 1 by 2.5. i 1.25 by 3.25. 0.75 by 1.25. Do. Do. 1 by 1.75. 1.5 by 3. 1 by 2.5. 0.75 special. 0.375 by 0.75. 0.75 by 2. 0.5 by 1.5. 1.25 by 3. 0.75 by 1.75. 40 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1905 Mil, their piece marks, location, and material of which they are made — Continued. 6-lNCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905 Mil— Continued. Piece mark. 16Q 17AA 18V 19A 19G 19J 9V 20D 25B 25C 25E 26C 7J 7K 7L 7V1 H4P H4Q H15B H15P H15M 6M 6P1 68 6W 8J H16M H16N H13F 13E 13G 13V 13Z H18R H18S 16C 16E 16F 16G 16N 16R 17T 17W 19K 19R 19W 19X 20G 20P 20Q 20V 20DA 20FA 20GA 20HA 20JA 20MA 20A 20BA 20L 20M 18HA 18EA1 18J 18H 16V 16M 16J 16B N18N Num- ber Name of part. Bolts, tap. do do do do do do .do. Bottom plate. Bottom plate i do Bottom plate liners . Bolts, with nuts — .do. do Bolts, with nuts, counter- sunk. do Bolts, with nuts do do do do .do. Bolt, with crown nut. Bolts, with nuts do do do Braces, comer. do Brace feet Brace pins Bushings do do do do Location. In lower traversing bearing. In shoulder brackets , In tripping lever stop In sight arm bracket (19D). In guide brackets In racer plates In guide brackets In sighting platform frame . In spring retainer bracket . . -do. In spiral spring retainer (25D). In retracting drums Under counterweight On bottom plate (7J) do Distance ring. do In chassis In piston rod bracket In piston rod beam In rear transom In front transom , In rear transom In front transom , In gun levers Elevating band (H16Q1) . . . . Elevating band (H16J1) Rear clip and traversing bracket. In rope trough do Retracting shipper Retracting crank shaft bracket. In elevating gear cover do Traversing hand wheel shaft gear cover. Traversing clutch gear cover do .do. Traversing crank shaft gear cover. In lower traversing bearing. In shoulder brackets In firing pistol bracket In guide brackets do do In sight standard (19L1) ... Subcaliber platform In post feet (20N) do In ladder sides (20W) (20X) In sighting platform floor... In ladder brace (20E A) .do. In platform brackets do... In sisihting platform Sighting platform do Subcaliber platform In brace feet (20L) In tripping lever latches In locking levers ( 18C A2) .... In pawls (18K1) In pawl levers (18R2) (18Q2). In upper traversing bearing. . In lower traversing bearing.. In upper traversing bearing . U])per traversing bearing In traversing clutch gear . Material. S S S S S S S S S S CS No. 1 Bz No. 4 BzNo.4 Bz No. 4 S FS FS Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz [ BzNo.2 Remarks. 0.75 by 2.5. 0.375 by 1.125. 0.75 by 1.25. 0.75 by 2.125. 1 by 3.5, 0.5 by 1. 1 by 14.125. 0.75 by 1.25. 0.375 by 1.125. 0.5 by 1.25. 0.5 by 2.25. With oil grooves. Without o i grooves. 0.875 by 3.625. 0.875 by 2.625. 1.25 by 5.375. 0.75 by 3.875. 1.25 by 4.875. 1.25 by 7.625. 1.25 by 11.125. 1.25 by 9.875. 1.25 by 7.875. 1.5 by 6.375. 1.75 by 11.75. 1.75 by 13.875. 1.25 by 4.125. 0.75 by 1.375. 0.75 by 3.8125. 0.5 by 1.375. 0.5 by 4.125. 0.5 by 3. 0.5 by 1.5. 0.5 by 2. 0.5 by 6.625. 0.5 by 2.125. 0.75 by 3.75. 0.75 by 7.125. 0.625 by 2.125. 1.5 by 13.75. 1.5 by 10.5. 1 by 10. 0.75 by 3. 0.625 by 1.625. 0.625 by 1.875. 0.625 by 2.25. 0.75 by 1.625. 0.625 by 2.25. 0.75 by 1.875. 0.75 by 2.125. 1.25 by 10.75. 1.25 by 10.25. 0.5 by 1.375. On right side. 1.25 inside dij,rii eter. 1 inside diameter. 41 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage, L.F., model of 1905 Mil, their piece marks, location, andmat£rial of which they are made — Continued. 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905 Mil— Continued . Piece mark. Num- ber. Name of part. Location. Material. Remarks. 13R 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 36 36 1 2 10 6 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 6 1 2 2 S Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz BZNo.4 Bz BZ No. 4 BZ No. 3 BZ No. 3 Bz Bz BZ No. 2 Bz Bz Bz Bz BZ No. 3 BZ No. 3 FSNo.3 CS No. 2 CS No. 2 CI No. 2 CI No. 2 s s FS FS FS S FS FS S s s s Bz Bz S Bz S S Bz Bz Bz S s s Bz Bz S Bz Bz Bz CI CI CI CI CI s FS FS 12\A do In clutch sleeve do . Elevation disk gear H13H .. .do In upper guide sheave In lower guide sheaves H13G .do H16G do 9GA H12E do do In lower cylinder head (9V).. In elevating slide 9P do In upper cvlinder head (9Q) . In upper end of gun levers. . . In lower end of gim lever — In rollers (HeF) 8G .do In halves. 8A do . . H6C do H6B do In rollers (H6D) 6L do . In transom cap (6K) In elevating screw support.. 6C 5A do .do 4G do In right chassis 4F .do .do H6S Right, in halves. Left in halves. H6T do .do H6W1 On front of top carriage On upper end of gun lever... 8K Cap square Right. 8L .do Left. 5C3 Chassis, left 4A Chassis, right .do H4E Hold section to- IIBA Clamping screw In pointer base .... gether. Clevises . For rope of counterbalance device. In guide clips Attaching rope to equalizmg bar (H13N). Long. Short. 7R Clip bolts, with special nuts, do . 7S do 17N Clutch fork OnT)inQ6L') - Attached to clutch 17L Clutch rod . . Attached to lever (17 J) On clutch rod (17L) rod. 17M Clutch rod end: 12Z1 Clutch sleeve Retracting drum shaft Lower guide sheave axle On intermediate stud (IIF) . On stud (UG) H13L Collars HE do IIH do UN .do llU do do (Jo llDA 12L .do Retracting intermediate shaft. Retracting drum shaft (Jo 12M .do 12W do 12X do do 12CA .do Retractmg crank shaft do 12DA do 13B .do 13RA do On retracting brake lever stud. On traversing crank shaft . . . do 14A .do : 14C do Provided with felt 14M do On traversing intermediate shaft. Onpin(16L) washers. 16 P do do 18Z On shaft (18X) .. . 12J Collar, inner Retracting intermediate shaft, do 12K Collars, outer 7D Coimterweight pieces of eighth layer. Counterweight pieces, side, of seventh layer. Counterweight inside piece of seventh layer. Counterweight special layer. Counterweights, first to sixth layers, inclusive. 7E do 7F do 7G do Used with model 7H do - 1908 gun. 11L2 12GA Crank hooks In chassis . . . For cranks when 12HA Crank handle hooks do not in use. 42 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1905 Mii, their piece marks, location, and material of which they are made — Continued. 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905 Mn— Continued. Piece mark. Num- ber. Name of part. Location. Material. Remarks. 20T 7C 7V 7AA1 7Q 14F 14L 14P 14T lis 6V 9V 9Q H4A2 H23W H23Z H23BA H23CA H23S H23T H23V 9T1 16U H4D H16F H16J1 H16Q1 11A2 11D3 H18T H18X 6F 6G IIZ H16E H12A 6B IIY H18E H18F H12D1 H12H H12J H12N1 20R H13N H13D1 H13P H13A 8M H6Q 9F 17X H4H 17D Crosshead Crosshead gibs . do Crosshead liners. Crown nuts .do. .do. -do. Cylinder head, lower. Cylinder head, upper. Distance ring Direction plates do Direction plates, filling plug. do Direction plate, retracting . Direction plate, traversing. Drain plug Dust guard, outer. Elevating arm Elevating band do Elevation disk gear Elevation disk Elevating-gear cover do Elevating gib, right Elevating gib, left Elevating, handwhecl, commercial. Elevating pin Elevating screw Elevating-screw support. Elevating shaft Elevating-shaft gear Elevating-shaft pinion . . . Elevating slide Elevating-slide nut Elevating-slide spring Elevating-slide stop Elbows Equalizing bar Equalizing-bar fork Equalizing-bar pin Eyebolts do do Filler pieces do Filling plugs Firing pistol bracket Fish plates Foot piece 6E 2 Front clips. Sighting-platform railing Above coimterweight In guide clips rear surface, interior. In guide clips front surface, interior. In guide clips On sight arm bracket pins (19C). On retracting brake lever stud. On traversing handwheel shaft. On traversing intermediate shaft. On traversing pinion shaft. . On elevating shaft On suspension rods (7U) — On studs (6H) Lower end of recoil cylinder (9G). Upper end of recoil cylinder (9G). Between racer and base rmg On elevating handwheel On buffer cylinders On crosshead Retracting crank shaft bracket. do..: On right chassis In lower cylinder head (9V). . In traversing crank shaft gear cover. Attached to base ring outside roller path. Between elevating slide and band. On gun do On stud (IIG) On elevation disk gear Over elevating-shaft gears. . . do In rear transom do On elevating shaft Elevating arm In rear transom Bottom of rear transom In left chassis On elevating screw On elevating shaft In rear transom In elevating slide On elevating-slide nut On rear transom Platform railings On equalizing-bar fork In weight (H13E) In equalizing bar In weight (H13E) In cap squares (8L) (8K). . . In axle caps (HBL) (H6M). . Subcaliber platform Sighting platform In upper cylinder head (9 Q) On upper traversing bearing Outer dust guard (H4D) . . . Onshank(l7E) On racer over lips of base ring. MI CS No. 1 BZ No. 4 BZNo.4 BZ No. 4 S S s s s s FSNo.3 S CS Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz FSNo.3 Bz CS No. 2 CSNo.1 CS No. 1 CI GS CI CI s s CI and WI FSNo.3 FSNo.3 CS FS CI No. 1 FSNo.2 CS No. 2 BZNo.4 S FS MI S FS FS S s s s s Bz Bz S Bz CS No. 2 0.735 thick. 0.485 thick. In 4 sections. Depress. Elevate. Ciu-ved for surface of cylinder. Right. Left. In 4 sections. For gun model 1905. For gun model 1908. Range scale. Upper half. Lower half. Spokes cast in hub. 0.1875 thick. 0.3125 thick. 1 extra. Part of clutch plunger. 43 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1905 Mil, their piece marks, location, and material of which they are made — Continued. 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905 Mn— Continued. Piece Num- mark. ber. 17B 1 20K 2 2 18 H6A1 36 9M 1 9N 1 19T 1 19S 1 7P1 1 7N1 1 H15N2 1 H15L2 1 H13K 2 HI 3 J 2 H13S 1 H13T 1 H15H1 1 H15J1 1 8H 1 8Q 1 8P 1 7Z 2 ST 1 9DA 1 9Y 1 13EA 2 13C 2 llBl 1 lie 1 IIF 1 2 2 HloQ 2 7M 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 14V 1 2 1 2 18Y 2 1 12H 1 12P 2 12Q 1 12T 1 12V 1 20EA 2 20X 2 20W 2 20U 8 17G1 1 17BA 1 18LA 2 18W 1 17.T 1 H3E 12 9L 1 Name of part. Fulcnim . Fulcrum pins . Gaskets do :.. Gasket Gears Gland do Guide bracket, left . . . Guide bracket, right . Guide clip, left Guide clip, right Guide frame Guide sheaves, lower. Guide sheaves, upi)er Guide sheave axle, lower. Guide sheave axle, upper. Guide, vertical do Gun lever axle Gun lever, left Gun lever, right Gtm lever pins Gim lever yoke Hasp Hasp bracket Idler sheaves Idler sheave pins Intermediate gear Intermediate pinion Intermediate stud Keys do do do do do do.: .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Key, square gib. Ladder braces Ladder sides, left. . . Ladder sides, right. Ladder steps Latch Latch pedal.. Latch springs . I^ ver Leveling screws . Liner Location. Underneath left sighting platform. In platform fulcrums (20H) (20J). Under upper cylinder head (9Q). On bolts (9J) On lower cylinder head (9V) On rollers (H6D) In upper cylinder head (9Q) In lower cylinder head (9V). On left chassis On right chassis On crosshead do Under chassis do Rear clip and traversing bracket. Rear transom Rear clip and traversing bracket. Rear transom On chassis and guide frame. do On top carriage On gun lever axle do In crosshead Between gun levers On hasp bracket (9Y) On piston rod bracket In rope sheave brackets do On stud (IIF) do In left chassis In right chassis In left chassis In chassis and guide frame. On crosshead (7C) Elevating screw Elevating shaft Retracting intermediate shaft. Retracting drum shaft . . ^ . . do In rope sheave pins (13A) In traversing shaft pinion . . . In traversing crank shaft do In traversing handwheel shaft. In traversing intermediate shaft. In shaft (18X) do Retracting intermediate shaft. Retracting drum shaft Retracting crank shaft do For ladder sides (20W) (20X) Sighting platform do Between ladder sides (20W) (20X). In spring stirrup (17F) On latch (17G1) In spring bracket (18MA) (18NA). On shaft (18X) In fulcrum (17N ). In base ring In lower cylinder head (9V). Material. Bz FS C C FS No. 3 BZNo.4 BZNo.4 CSNo.2 CS No. 2 FSNo.3 FS No. 3 CI No. 2 CI No. 2 CI No. 1 CI No. 1 FS FS FSNo.2 FSNo.2 CS No. 3 CS No. 2 CS No. 2 FSNo.2 CS No. 2 S Bz CI FS CI Bz FS No. 3 FS No. 2 S FS No. 3 S S s s s s s s s FSNo.3 FSNo.3 S s s s s s SpS FS S S BZ No. 4 Remarks. Riveted in. Right. Left. Right. Left. 0.5 square, staked in. Riveted in. 0.5 square, staked in. Staked in. Riveted in. 0.5 square. Staked in. 6.5 long. 3.625 long. For operating latch. For tripping. 44 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1905 Mii, their piece marks, location, and material of which they are made — Continued. 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905 Mu— Continued. Piece mark. 9W H12C H12B 18S 9CA 18CA2 18BA1 18B 18L 18M 18AA1 9R 13GA 9B 9C H12M H13C1 H6X 17R H6V 9U Q3C Q3B 18K1 18G 18R2 18Q2 20CA 17K 17H 17C 16L 13MA 13 KA 13FA 13CA 13Y H16K Num- ber. 125 17 1 Name of part. Liners Liner, left Liner, right Link pins Locking disk. . Locking levers. Locking lever pins . Locking links Locking link pins . do Locking lever pin collars . Lock screw Loops Name plate No. 1 , Nut do do do do do do.. do do do Oil gutter Oil plugs, 0.375 standard . Oil plugs, 0.25 standard . . Padlock, Yale, standard. No. 853. Pawls Pawl fulcrums . Pawl lever, left. Pawl lever, right. Packing rings . . . Pinch-bar hooks. Pins do do do Location. On piston and rod (9B A) Elevating slide do... In tripping links (18P) On top of piston rod (9BA). On locking lever pins (18BA1). In chassis Buffer Yokes (H7BA1) (n7CAl). In locking links (18B) do On locking lever pins (18BA1). In piston and rod (9B A) On retracting rope On top carriage On piston rod Elevating slide stop EquaUzing bar fork On safety latch pin (18A) . . . On buffer rod cups (HeWl). On roll pins (17Q) On pawl fulcrums (18G) On locking lever pins (18BA1) On roller axles (H6K1). . . On piston rod beam For carriage do On hasp bracket . Material On pawl fulcrums (18G). In chassis On pawl fulcrum (18G).. .do. In recoil cylinder (9G) On side of sighting platform . In bushings (18HA) In bushings (18EA) In bushings (18.T) In bushings (18H) In lever (17 J) and clutch rod (17L). In latch (17G1) In fulcrum (17B) In bushings a6B) (16V) In bushing (161) In bushing (16M) In lower traversing bearing. . In bushings (H18N) In retracting rope In shipper handle In retracting shipper In retracting brake lever In retracting shipper Retracting drum shaft gear. . In bushings (12A) In strips on pointer (llPl) . . In pointer (11 PI) Instud(llG) In elevation disk gear and chassis. In intermediate gear (llBl). For rope of counterbalance device. In bushings (H13G) (H13H). In bushing (m6G) Elevating band Rope clamps (m2F) (H12G) Elevating slide stop In bushings (H12E) BZ No. 4 BZNo. 2 BZ No. 2 BZ No. 3 Bz FSNo. FSNo. S Bz Bz S FS Bz FSNo. 3 FS No. 3 S S s S s s s s Bi Bz Bz Comm FSNo. A FS No. 3 [FSNo. 2 i or |CSN0.2 (FSNo. 2 { or CSNo.2 GWHP FS Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz FSNo. 3 Bz S S s s s s Bz GS Bz S S Bz Bz S Bz Remarks. Connecting yokes to locking lever. 1.8125 long. 0.5 by 0.75. For oil in recoil cylinder. Including extras. Do. For recoil valve. For racks on' head. extra. 0.5 by 4. For spiral spring (IIM). 45 Names of 'parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage^ L. F., model of 1905 Mil, their piece marls, location, ana material of ichich they are made — Continued. 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905-Mn— Continued. Piece Num- mark. ber. Name of part. Location. Material. Remarks. 4C llJl 9BA H15C H15G H14G 20PA 20NA 20Z 20LA1 20KA1 20C2 20B 20J 20H 20F 20E 20Y 18QA 18F2 18PA IIP! IIQI 20N 9E H14A H14B 19F 19H 19P 4E H6H1 4D H6G1 H6E 4B H13M1 9G lOFl lOG 13PA 13SA iSTA 13QA 13NA 12R1 12S 12G 12FA . 12JA 12EA Pins. . .do- .do- .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Pinion Piston and rod Piston rod beam Piston-rod bracket Plates Platform braces Platform bracket, left . . . Platform bracket, right. Platform floor, left Platform floor, right Platform fulcrum, left. . . Platform fulcrum, right . Platform frame Platform plate Platform supports Plugs Plungers Plunger springs . Pointer Pointer base . Post feet Plug Racer Racer liner Racer cover plates . . . . Racer plate, right Racer plate, left Racks, left Racks, right do Rack retaining screws. do Railing pieces.. Railing posts Rear clip and traversing bracket. Recoil cylinder Recoil pointers Recoil scales Retracting brake lever — Retracting brake lever stud. Retracting brake lever stop. Retracting brake strap — Retracting brake wheel Retracting clutch Retracting clutch spring. . . Retracting crank shaft pinion. Retracting cranks Retracting crank fasten- ings. Retracting crank shaft Inbody (9EA) Inplug(9E) In bushings (H6C) For rack retaining screws (H6E). In gears (H6A1) In clip bolts (7R), (7S) In bushing (6L) In bushing (60) For bushing (5A) For bushing (4G) For bushing (4F) For rack retaining screws (4B). On elevating shaft ^ . . . In recoil cylinder (9G) Between guide frames On front transom In racer Sighting platform do Subcaliber platform On left chassis On right chassis Sighting platform do SubcaUber platform do Sighting platform In plungers (18F2) In pawl levers (18Q2), (18R2). On plungers (18F2) In pointer base On left chassis .• Sighting and subcaliber plat- forms. In upper cylinder head (9Q). On traversing rollers On racer do do... do On chassis On top carriage On chassis On top carriage In top carriage In chassis Sighting and subcaliber plat- forms. do, On racer In counterweight On chassis On guide clips On retracting brake lever stud. In left chassis .do. Bz S S S s Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz S s FSNo.3 CS No. 2 CS CI CS CS s s FS FS s s Bz S Bz CS or FS S CI No. 2 Bz S S s FS No. 3 FS No. 3 FS No. 3 FSNo.3 S S WI WI CS No. 1 FS No. 3 Bz Bz FS Riveted. On retracting brake lever . On retracting drum shaft — i CI No. 2 Retracting drum shaft j CS No. 1 do. Retracting cranks. In chassis . SpS FS ps No. FS S FSNo.3 Leaded in. Left side. Do. Complete. 0.25 plate. Do. Complete. 0.125 plate. For subcaliber platform. For elevation and range scale. In 4 sections. 0.375 plate. Do. Around retracting brake wheel. Complete chain and pin. 46 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1905 Mii, their piece marhSy location, and material of which they are made — Continued. 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905 Mil— Continued. Piece mark. 13AA 12U 26A 12Y 26B 12N 12F 12B 13L 13H 13K 13BA 13X 13JA 13U H6D H6F 17P H6K1 H23B H23C H23E H23D H23H H23J H6N H6P 17Q H13R 13HA1 26D H12G H12F 13M 13N 13DA 13A H13Q 13P 13Q 18C 7W 18A llAAl IICA H23U 19B 17CA Num ber. 2 118 Name of part. Retracting crank shaft brackets. Retracting drum shaft . . . Retracting drum., right. . . Retracting drum, right gear. Retracting drum, left Retracting intermediate shaft. Retracting intermediate shaft gear. Retracting intermediate shaft pinion. Retracting pawl Retracting pawl lever Retracting pawl shaft Retracting ratchet Retracting shipper Retracting shipper rod . . . . Retracting shipper swivel, Rivets do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do do Rivets, countersunk . do do do Rollers do do... Roller axles Roller bearings do do .do. -do. Roller cage side frames. do Roller pins Rope Ropes Rope clamps Rope clamp, left Rope clamp, right Rope sheave bracket . . do Rope sheaves Rope sheave pins Rope socket pins Rope trough do Safety latch Safety latch dog Safety latch pin Screws do Screws, countersimk . . do do Location. On chassis . In chassis On retracting drum shaft Retracting drum shaft On retracting drum shaft — | CI No. 2 In chassis FS No. 3 Material. CI rSNo.3 CI No. 2 CI No. 2 On retracting intermediate shaft. do On retracting pawl shaft do In right chassis On retracting crank shaft Attached to rear transom.... On retracting shipper Retracting shipper In retracting drum shaft In brake lever strap In traversing crank shaft In fulcrum (17B) and spring stirrup. In spring brackets (18MA), (18NA). In plungers (18F2) SubcaUber and sighting platforms. In ladder sides (20W), (20X) . Sighting platforms In railing post feet In subcaliber platform braces. In bottom plate liners Outer dust guard * . . . In liners (9W) Inhasp(9DA) In recoil scales In liners (H12B),(H12C).... Under top carriages Under top carriage On roller pins (17Q) In rollers (M6D), (H6F) Elevating gear Traversing gear do Retracting gear .do. .do. For roller imder top carriage . For rollers under top carriage In clutch fork (17N) For counterbalance device. . . For retracting On retracting drum? On elevating slide do On chassis do In rope sheave brackets Rope sheave brackets In clevises Inside chassis do On safety latch pin On guide clip (7P1) In left chassis Elevation disk In pointer base In direction plates In racer cover plates In latch pedal (17BA) CI No. 2 FS No. 3 FS FS S FS FS FS Bz S g s s Br Bz S S S s Bz WI Br S Bz Br FS No. FSNo. Bz FSNo. S S s s s FS No. 2 FSNo. 2 S s s FS s s CI CI CI FS FS s s cs s BzNo.3 GS Bz Bz S S Remarks. Left-hand groov- ing. Right-hand groov- ing. For retracting clutch. For keys. 0.375 diameter. Do. 0.125 diameter. 0.375 diameter. Do. 0.5 diameter. 0.25 diameter. Do. 0.375. For clutch fork. Without sleeve on shaft. Do. Do. Inside. Outside. Right. Left. Right. Left. On left side. For safety latch. 0.25 by 0.75. 0.375 by 0.718. 0.25 by 0.625. 0.5 by 1. 0.375 by 0.75. 47 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1905 Mil, their piece marks, location, and material of which they are imade — Continued. 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905 Mil— Continued. Piece mark. Num- ber. H16D 9X 8S 8C H6R 7BA 7X H14F H14C 9Z H18H H16A 19E 13W 18X 17E 13LA 17V 17U 17S 19D 19L 19L1 19C 14J IIX Mamc of part. Location. Screws, countersunk. ...-do Screw eyes . Screws, flat-head cap. Screws, fillister head . .do Washers (H16B), (H16C)... In hasp bracket (9Y) In bushings (8G). In washers (8B) In axle bed bushings (H6S), (H6T). In safety latch dog (7W) . . . In crosshead gibs In racer In racer liner Retracting cranks In name plate No. 1 In upper end of piston and rod. In traversing rack Set screws i In lower end of elevating j arm. — do I In sight standard Special screws I Retracting shipper Shaft j Through chassis Shank In spring stirrup (17F) Shipper handle Shoulder bracket, left . . Shoulder bracket, right. Shoulder rest Sight-arm bracket. Sight standard On left chassis. do do Through chassis. On shoulder rest do In traversing handwheel shaft gear cover. On sight standard Sight-arm bracket pins j In sight-arm bracket (19D). Sleeve Traversing handwheel han- dle, do Elevating handwheel handle Split pins . do do. do. do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do- .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. In crown nuts (6V). For crown nuts. Innut (9B) In taper pin — Innut(H12M). In taper pin ;aper Inpin(H16K).. In nuts on bolts. In taper pins Innut(H13Cl) In equalizing bar pin In rope socket pin In taper pins Upper guide sheave axle (H13T). In taper pin ..--do In crown nuts (US) Elevating shaft Retracting intermediate shaift. Retracting crank shaft Retracting drum shaft In taper pins do Inpin(13Y) Inpin(13CA) Inpin(13FA) In retracting shipper rod . Material. Bz S Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz Bz S Bz S S S s s s Bz Bz Bz FS CS No. 1 cs CS Bz Bz S s s s s s s Remarks. 0.375 by 1. 0.5 bv 1.125. 0.375 by 0.625. 0.5 by 1.125. 0.5 by 1.375. Do. To close oil holes. 0.5 by 1. Holding chain o fastenings. 0.25 by 0.375. 0.375 by 0.5. 0.5 by 1. 0.75 by 2.75. For pivot. Part of clutch plimger. On retracting ship- per rod. Not used on car- riages after No. 21. For carriages after No. 21. Not used on car- riages after No. 21. In suspension rod. In nut (90). For elevating screw. For • spring com- pressor nut. For elevating bandt For band trun- nions. For collars (H13L). Rear clip and trav- ersing bracket. For collar (HE). For collar (IIH). For collars (13B). Idler sheave pins. Retracting pawl shaft. 48 Names of parts of 6-inch disappeariTig carriage, L. F., model of 1905 Mii, their piece marks, location, and material of which they are made — Continued. 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905 Mil Continued. Piece Num- mark. ber. 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 IIM 25D 25F 18NA 18MA 18KA 25A 17F 17A H12K •2 10 12 9EA 1 UV 1 UK 1 13J 1 17Z 2 3 H4G 1 H4J 1 4 1 6H 2 IIG 1 8D 4 8E 4 8F 4 7U 4 4J 2 5B 2 1 1 2 2 1 Name of part. Split pins . Location. In taper pin. do In retracting break lever stud. In taper pin In crown nuts (14F) In crown nut (14L) In taper pin In crown nut (14P) In crown nuts (14T) In taper pin In pin (170) Inpins(17K) In clutch-rod end (17M) In taper pin In crown nut In locking link pins (18L) (18M). In taper pin In link pins (18S) . In taper pin do do Spiral spring Spiral spring retainer Spiral spring retainer (for gear). Spring bracket, left Spring bracket, right Spring plungers Spring retainer bracket Spring stirrup Spring Spring compressing nut . . . Staples do In plungers (18F2) . . In crown nuts In brace pins (20M) . In taper pin do Material. do. Stem.. do. Stop.. Strips. do do do do do Studs do Studs with nuts.. do do Suspension rods. . Taper dowel pins . do •- Taper pins do do.... do do do Elevation disk gear On spring retainer bracket . . On elevation disk gear On locking lever (18CA2).. . . do In spring brackets (18MA) (18NA). On left chassis Under left sighting platform. In spring stirrup (17F) In elevating slide For bottom plate (7J) For seventh and eighth lay- ers of weights (7E) (7F). For 6 large weights In piston rod (9BA) Elevating handwheel handle Traversing handwheel han- dle. In right chassis On shoulder brackets In pointer (llPl) Outer dust guard (H4D) Inner dust guard Outer dust guard Inner dust guard In rear transom In left chassis In gun levers do For counterweight In right chassis In left chassis Innut(9C) In elevating screw Spring compressor nut In band trunnions In collars (H13L) For rear clip and traversing bracket. Bz Bz Bz CS Bz S FSNo. 3 FS FS FS S S S S Bz GS S s F F S S s s s FSNo. 3 S S s s s s s s Remarks. For retracting brake wheel. For collar (13RA). For traversing crank shaft. For collar (14M). For collar (16P). For shoulder rest. For bolt (17T). For tripping cranks. For lever (18W). For collar (18Z). For locking lever pin collars. For sight arm bracket pins. For retracting drum (left). For footpiece (17D). For carriages Nos. 20 and 21. With washer. Holding tube; (17Y). Pinned in place. In 4 pieces. In 4 sections. 1.125 by 4.875. 1.5 by 6.375. 1.5 by 6.75. 1.5 by 6. 49 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carrmge, L. F., model of 1905 Mn, their piece marks, location, and material of which they are made — Continued. 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905 Mn— Continued. Piece Num- mark. ber. 1 1 6 1 1 4 2 2 2 4 2 20S 9H1 H3F 12 H6U2 6K 6RI 6J1 14R MS H18A H18B H18Q2 H18P H18W1 16H 16T 16S 16K 16D H18V H18U 14E 14H 14N 14B H18G 14U H18J 1 H3B 2 H3A 18 H4B 24 18N1 2 Name of part. Location. Material. Remarks. Taper pins . do ..--do do Tees Throttling bars Thrust plates Top carriage Transom cap Transom, front Transom, rear Traversing crank TraA-ersing crank fasten- ing, complete. Traversing crank shaft gear. Traversing crank shaft pinion. Traversing clutch gear Traversing clutch pinion. . Traversing clutch Traversing clutch gear cover. Traversing crank shaft gear cover. Traversing bearing, lower.. Traversing bearing, upper. Traversing handwheel shaft gear cover. Traversing handwheel shaft gear. Traversing handwheel shaft pinion. Traversing handwheel shaft. Traversing handwheel Traversing intermediate shaft. Traversing crank shaft Traversing pinion Traversing pinion shaft . . . Traversing rack Traversing stops Traversing stop bolt hole plugs. Traversing rollers In collar (HE) In collar (IIH) Elevating shaft In pointer base In collar (IIDA) Retracting intermediate shaft. Retracting crank shaft Retracting drum shaft In collars (13 B) In idler sheave pin Retracting pawl shaft In retracting brake wheel In collar (13R A) In collars (14C) In collar (14M) In traversing crank shaft pinion. In traversing handwheel shaft pinion. In collar (16P) In shoulder rest In foot piece (17D) In tripping cranks (18N1) . . . In lever (18W) In collar (18Z) In locking lever pin collar . . . In retracting drum (left) Platform railings In recoil cylinder (9G) Under base ring On chassis On rear transom Between chassis do On traversing crank shaft . . . Traversing crank On tra\:ersing pinion shaft. On traversing crank shaft . . do On traversing intermediate shaft. On traversing crank shaft . . . Over traversing clutch gears. Over traversing crank shaft gears. On left chassis On sight standard Over traversing handwheel shaft gears. On traversing intermediate shaft. On traversing handwheel shaft. In upper traversing bearing. On traversing handwheel shaft. In traversing bearings Tripping cranks. Through chassis On traversing pinion shaft... In rear clip and traversing bracket. On base ring do In base ring Between racer and base ring. On shaft (18X) S S S S s s s s s s s s s s s s s MI FS No. 2 S CS No. 2 CS No. 1 CS No. 1 CS No. 1 FS S CI No. 1 FSNo.2 S FS No. 2 BZNo.4 CI CI CI CI CI CI No. 1 FSNo.2 FS No. 1 Bz FSNo.l FS No. 1 FSNo.2 FS No. 1 S S s FS No. 3 FSNo.2 or CSNo.2 For traversing- crank shaft. Held in by split pin. Consisting of split. pin, chain, screw eye. Provided with felt washer. Do. In halves. ' Do. Do. Provided with|felL washer Do. In 6 sections. 50 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1905 Mii, their piece marls, location, and material of which they are made — Continued. e-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905 Mn— Continued. Piece mark. Num ber. Name of part. Location. Material. Remarks. 18T 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 12 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 3 2 6 2 4 2 4 4 1 Tripping crank stop Tripping links In left chassis S s FSNo.2 FS No. 2 %l C R Br Br S Br BZNo.4 S s s s F F s F F Bz S Bz Bz F F F F F F F F F S F S Bz Bz Bz S CI 18P Attached to tripping cranks (18N1). On locking lever pin (18BA1 do Connecting to pawl levers. 18GA1 ISFAl Tripping lever latch, left. Tripping lever latch, right. Tripping lever stop Trough brackets 18U On racer 13D On chassis . 9K Tubes In upper cylinder head (9Q). In shoulder brackets 17Y do To rest shoulders against. 14Q Tubings On traversing crank 12BA do H14D Tubes, oil In racer HUE do do 9AA Valve stem nut In piston rod (9BA) H12L1 Washers do On pin (H16K) 11 Kl do In correction screw IIW do Elevating handwheel handle Retracting intermediate shaft gear. In collar do do... Retracting drum shaft. do On retracting shipper rod . . . In retracting brake wheel . . . In retracting ratchet On traversing handwheel shaft. On traversing crank do do do do do H18C On traversing crank shaft . . . With felt washer. H18D do Do. do Traversing pinion (H18G)... Traversing clutch gear (H18Q2). Traversing handwheel shaft gear. In washer (H18C) do do do . . do In washer (H18D) do Traversing crank shaft gear (H18A). In collar (14C) .. do Retracting crank shaft. Retracting inter- mediate shaft. Rivpfprl nn do .. . do On retracting cranks do llEA ... .do On bolts (IIR) H16J H16B ... do do 8B In lower end of gun levers . . . Outer dust guard . H4F do H13E Weight For counterweight device . . . COUNTER RECOIL SYSTEM 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL 1905 Mn. lOD 4 lOE 2 H7P 8 H7M1 1 H7L1 1 H7D2 4 H7Z 4 H7J 2 H7H1 2 H7K 4 H7B 4 H7A 4 H7E 4 H7F2 4 H7C 4 Bolts, tap. do. do. Buffer cylinder, left Buffer cylinder, right . . Buffer followers Buffer glands Buffer piston liners Buffer pistons and rods. Buffer springs Buffer spring covers. Buffer spring rings . . Buffer spring rods Buffer spring supports . Buffer stuffing boxes. . . In clamps (IOC) In buffer valve body Buffer cylinders On chassis do Buffer stuffing boxes (H7C) . Inside buffer followers On buffer pistons In buffer cylinders On each side of buffer cylin- ders. Surrounding buffer springs (H7K). Inside buffer spring covers (H7B). In buffer springs (H7K) On end of buffer spring rods (H7E). In ends of buffer cylinders , . CS No. 1 CS No. 1 FS No. 2 BZNo.3 BZ No. 3 FS No. 2 Br FS FS FS BZ No. 3 0.5 by 1. 0.75 by 2. 1.25 by 2.875. Riveted on. Seamless drawn tube. Provide a seat for buffer spring. 51 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1905 Mil, their piece marks, location, and material of which they are made — Continued. COUNTER RECOIL SYSTEM 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL 1905 Mn-Contd. Piece mark. Num- ber. H7CA1 H7BA1 IOC H8D H7R H8C H8J lOA lOB H7Q H8E H8T H8K1 H7AA H8G H8A1 H8L H8B H8H Name of part. Buffer yoke, left... Buffer yoke, right. Clamps Collars.... Couplings. Cylmder plugs . Disk. Emptying plug Equalizing and throttling pipes. do Filling plugs . Followers Gaskets Gland Padlock, Yale standard, No. 853. Location. On buffer piston rod . Inside front transom . Pipe connections Equalizing and throttling pipes to buffer valve. Buffer cylinders , Material. Buffer valve. .do. Connects buffer cylinders to buffer valve. Packing rings. Pins Rings Rivets Screw pins — Split pm do do Studs, with nuts. Taper pins do -do. Valve body . . Valve handle. Valve seat — Valve stem... "Washer Buffer cylinders , Equalizing and throttling pipes. Around valve stem (H8B). . Pipe connections Filling plugs , Buffer stuffing boxes (H7C) Around valve stem (H8B). . Through hole in valve stem (H8B). Buffer valve Buffer cylinders Indisk(H8C) In buffer piston liners. Pipe connections In valve stem Indisk(H8C) In valve stem (H8B).. In taper pin do do CSNo.l CSNo.l C FSNo.l Buffer cylinders Buffer spring supports. In buffer yokes .do. On front transom Buffer valve do In valve body (H8G). do Remarks. Bz BZNo.2 FSNo.l C Bz BZNo.4 Bz FVF FVF C Bz Comm GWHP GWHP Bz Bz S Bz S S s BZNo.4 BZNo.2 FSNo.2 Connected to buf- fer spring rods. Do. For holding equal- izing and throt- tling pipe. To replace equaliz- ing and throttling pipes to continue piece in action after their injury. Graduated to indi- cate valve set- ting. To empty counter recoil system. Each piece approx- imately 47 inches long. Each piece approx- imately 63 inches long. Including 2 extra. Connect to buffer cylinder. To prevent change in setting of buf- fer valve. 1 extra. 4 extra. Riveted in. Do. 0.1875 diameter. 0.25 by 0.625. Buffer yokes. Do. For buffer spring supports. 1.25 by 4.5. Through piston rods. Through spring rods Seat for valve stem. 1 shank BZ No. 4. 1 tip FSNo.l. AZIMUTH POINTER 6-INCH DISAPPERAING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905 Mn. I H5P 1 H5C1 1 H5J 1 H5G 1 1 H5A 1 2 H5F 1 H5E 1 H5S 1 1 H5D 1 H5N 2 Azimuth circle j On top of base ring Azimuth pointer body j In opening of racer Collar j On screw (H5K) Coaming i On racer D owel For scale ( H5 D ) Index I In azimuth point body. Index marks ! Azimuth pointer body . Lid ! On coaming (H5G). Nut - - Pin do Scale Screws do On screw (H5K). In coaming ( H5G) In sleeve (H5L) In azimuth pointer body. Br Bz Bz CS GS GS GS CS Bz S GS GS Br In 6 sections. Graduated. Attached to slide (H5R). Soldered on covers. Azimuth pointer. Carries slide(H5R). 0.5 by 1.125. 52 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1905 Mil, their piece markSy location, and material of which they are made — Continued. AZIMUTH POINTER 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905 Mii-Contd. Piece mark. Num- ber. Name of part. Location. Material. Remarks. H5K 1 1 12 42 1 1 1 1 Screws In azimuth pointer body In index (H5A) Bz GS Br GS GS Bz GS H5B Screw, countersunk .do 0.25 by 0.625. 0.5 by 1. 0.25 by 0.75. Graduated H5H In coaming (H5G) H5Q do Sleeve, left In azimuth circle H5M On screw (H5K) , H5L Sleeve, right do.. Do H5R Slide In azimuth pointer body In sleeve (H5M) Taper pin ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRLA.GE, MODEL 1905 Mil. T88H V27K V27W V27T V27X V27H V27AA E20C T91R H24E V27G T91R T88F E12AA E14D T24T T24S T25CK T25C T25BL1 T88C T88A T88B T25CH T88R H24M H24H T85S V23MM V23BM V23EM V23AM E12U E12X E13AJ1 T85M T85U Azimuth lamp bracket. . . Base Bolts Bolts, expansion. Bolts, tap do .do. .do. .do. Bolt, with nut. Bracket Bolts, with nuts. Bracket Braces, lower. Braces, upper. Bushing -do. On elbow (T85Q). In gun outlet box . Bushing, 1 by 0.5 In cross (V23Br) . . Bushings, 1 by 0.75 do Bushing, .75 by 0.5 j In plug box (E20B) . Bushings On 0.5 conduit In racer In terminal box Under condmt (V27R) . For terminals (V27S) . Inbase(V27W) For terminal box In strap (V27Y) Inplugbox(E20B).. In strap (T91E) For braces (H24H) (H24M). For terminal box In straps (T91L) (T91E) (T91J) (T91N) (T91Q) (T91C) (T91G). In bracket (T88R) For twisted hooks (E12Y)... For hook (E14C) Injunction box cover (T24Q) In junction box (T24V1) In conduit support (T24U). . In shade support (T25CJ) . . . In shades (T25BT2) In junction box (T25CB). . . . In brackets (T88B) In counterweight well on piston-rod beam. In shade (T25CG) On left chassis .do. Bolt, with nut > In conduit support (T24U). . Cable, lighting I From plug connection to lamps at sight. Cable thimbles ' On cable to sight Candelabra receptacles ' For lamps (E12NA) and (E9H). Attached by chain to elbow (T85Q). In plug casing (T85L) Cap Chuck, in halves. Conduit. -do. .do. .do. From flexible conduit in counterweight well to junction box (T24V1). From junction box (T24V1) to junction box (T25CB). From jimction box (T2D) to cross (V23BF). From coupling (V23BA) to junction box (T25CB) to coupling (V23BA) at Cross (V23BF). Bz Slate S Bz S S s Bz Comm Comm Comm Comm Bz S c GI Comm Bz Bz S Azimuth lamp. Part of conduit strap. 0.25 by 2.125. 0.625 by 1.75. 0.625 by 1.125. 0.25 by 0.875. For carriages with telephone. 0.625 by 1.5. Do. 0.5 by 1. Do. 0.375 by 0.625. 0.5 by 1.25. 0.5 by 0.75. 0.5 by 1.25. 0.5 by 1. 0.5 by 0.875. 0.5 by 1. 0.5 by 2.75. 0.5 by 1. 0.5 by 1.75. 0.25 by 0.75. To support swntch (E13AE3). For carriages with telephone. Do. Part of plug con- nection. |Pi| For carriages with telephone. At buffer and re- coil valves. 0.5 by 2. Part of plug con- nection. 1 inch loricated. S Do. i S I Do. S I 0.75 inch loricated. i 53 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage, L. F, model of 1905 _Mii, their piece marks, location, and material of which they are mac/e— Continued. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL 1905 Mu— Contd. Piece mark. V27N V27R T24U V23AA V23BA V23JA E12V V23JA V27P V27C V23BF T85Q V23CL V23BJ T25BK E13P V27E Num- ber. Name of part. E14C T88U T2D T24V1 T24Q T2B T25CB T24CA E12NA E20A E9H E13AK E13AL E13W1 E9B1 E9G1 E12Q1 Conduit. .do. .do. Conduit, in two pieces. do Conduit fittings Conduit, flexible metallic. Conduit support Couplings, 0.5. . Couplings, 0.75. Couplings,! — Couplings, 0.5. . Couplings,!... Coupling nuts. Cover Crosses,! Elbow. Elbows, side outlet. Elbow, 0.75 90° Location. From cross (V23BF) to coupling (V23BA) on left From elbow (V23CL) to tee (V23AE) on left chassis. From coupling (V23BA) at junction box (T24V) to coupling (V23B A). From cross (V23BF) into racer. From coupling (V23AA) on front transom to coupling (E!2U) on piston rod bracket. From coupling (V23AA) to plug connection on sight standard. From coupling (V23AA) at junction box (T25CB) to !6-candlepower lamp on rear transom. From coupling (V23AA) to coupling (E!2V) near ele- vation disk lamp. From tee (V23AC) on left chassis to tee (V23AC) on front transom. From junction box (T25CA) topiugbox(E20B). From tee (V23AE) to tee (V23AC) on left chassis. On conduit (V27R) In counterweight well On piston rod bracket (HISG). On 0.5 conduit On 0.75 conduit On 1 conduit On 0.5 conduit On ! conduit. Gasket do do Gun outlet box. On conduit (V27R) , For terminal box On left chassis and under- neath right chassis. On 0.5 conduit on sight standard. On left chassis Inside rear transom near junction box (T25CB). For junction box (T25CB).. For switch (E13AE3) , For terminal box , Onleft chassis — Hook I On right chassis Insulation tube I Inracernearazimuth pointer Junction box I On left chassis , do 1 LTnder right chassis Junction box cover ! For jimction box (T24V!) . . , do For junction box (T2D) Junction box and cover. . . On racerinfront of rear tran- som. do On right chassis , Lamps , candelabra At elevation scale, azimuth pointer and buffer and re- coil valves. Hung from right chassis Lamp and cable, portable. Lamps, 2-candlepower | At telescopic sight Lamps, l&-candlepower...j At right and left chassis and I inside rear transom. do I do Lamp fitting For switch (E13AE3) Lamp holders For lamps (E9H) Lamp holder springs I On lamp holders (E9B!) Lamp springs j For lamps (E12NA) Material. Remarks. s 0.75 inch loricated. S Do. -S Do. s 0.5 inch loricated. s Do. s s Bz S s Comm Comm Comm Bz Comm Bz CI Comm Bz Comm Comm SR SR GP Bz HR CI CI CI CI CI CI Comm Comm Comm Comm CI Bz Br PhBz Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Right and left. Do. Do. At elevation scale lamp. For carriages with telephone. Part of plug con- nection. Fiu-nished by Sig- nal Corps. For portable lamp. 8 candlepower. Furnished by En- gineer Depart- ment. For 110- volt main. For 220-volt main. 54 Names of parts of G-inch disappearing carriage, L. F , model of 1905 Mil, their piece marks ^ location, and material of which they are made — Continued. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL 1905 Mn— Contd. Piece mark. Num- ber. Name of part. Location. I Material, V23AU V23KU V23LT V23UT V23MT V23AT V23BT V23HT V23HT V23FT V23GT E12T1 E13H V27V E12T1 V27D V27Q V23B V23C V23A V27L V27Z T85AA E20B T85L T85W E12P2 T25BM T88J V27B V27M T25BM T85V T25CG T25BT2 T25CJ T25BY T85BA E13AF E13AH E13AG T85X T91L T91J T91N T91Q Nipple, 2.5 long. Nipple, 3 long. . . Nipples, close... do do Nipples, short. .do. Nipple, short.. Nipples, short. Nuts. do Pad Pins Pipe fittings Pipe plugs, 0.75. Pipe plugs, 1 Pipe plugs, 0.5. . Plate Plates, marking. . .do. Socket holders.. Socket insulator. Straps do do do Intee(V23AC) Intee(V23JC) In tee ( V23AC) and junction . box (T25CA). In elbow (V23CL) Intee(V23JC) In tees (V23AE) and junc- tion boxes (T2D) (T25CB). In elbows (V23BJ) and (V23CL) andcross (V23BF). In Junction box (T24V1) In bushing (V23MM) In junction box (T2D) and in coupling (V23AA). In cross (V23BF) and tees (V23.TC). Part of fittings of lamps (E12NA). For switch (E13AE3) On bolts (V27T) On bushing (T85S) For terminal box In pipe fitting (V27Q) On conduit (V27R) In tees (V23JC) (V23AE). . . . In cross (V23BF) and ter- minal box. In junction box (T25AC) and tees (V23AC). For terminal box Comm Comm Comm Comm Comm Comm Comm Comm Comm Comm Comm Bz Bz Bz Bz SR S Bz Comm Plugs Plug box Plug casing Plug insulator Reflectors Screws Screws, fillister head Screws, round head do do do , Separator Shade Shades, complete , Shade support Sleeves , Sockets , On wire inside plug insula- tor (T85W). On right chassis for portable lamp. Innut(E12Tl) Comm Br Br Bz Bz In plug casing (T85L) ! HR For lamps (E12NA) In junction box (T25CA). . . . In azimuth lamp bracket . . . For terminal ])ox For plate ( V27L) Injunction-box cover (T2B). In junction box (T25CB). . . . In plug casing (T85L) For lamp inside rear transom On right and left chassis On rear transom Under junction box (T25CB) On wires inside socket insu- lator. For 16-candle power lamps . . Attached to candelabra re- ceptacle (E13AJ1). For 16-candle power lamps. . In bushing (T85S) On 0.75 conduit on left chassis. On 1-inch conduit on right guide frame. On 0.5 conduit on left chassis. On 0.5 conduit on front transom. Br S s Bz Br S S HR S CI Bz Comm Bz Bz HR Insulation lined. Do. Right and left. Insulation lined. Do. Right and left. For carriages with telephone. Right and left. Do. Part of plug con nection. Commercial. Marked Ordnance Department "wires" and Signal Corps "wires." Marked "L,""P," or "T." Part of plug con- nection. Furnished by En- gineer Depart- ment. Part of plug con- nection. Do. 0.25 by 0.5. 0.375 by 1.25. 0.375 by 1. 0.1875 by 0.375. 0.25 by 0.75. 0.25 by 0.5. Part of plug con- nection. Ends riveted in by 0.25 rivets. Pro\ided with thumb nuts. Forshade(T25CG). Part of plug con- nection. For lamps (E12NA). Part of plug con- nection. 55 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1905 Mil, their piece marks, Location, and material of which they are made — Continued. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL 1905 Mn— Contd. Piece Num- mark. ber. Name of part. Location. Material. Remarks. T91G T91C T91E V27Y T91E E13M E13H E13J2 E13A1 E13Q1 E13AE3 T85T V23AC V23HC V23AE V27S 12 V27A 1 V27J 1 E12Y 2 E12Z 2 V27F 2 V27U 12 T85Y 1 Straps. -do. -do. -do. -do. Switch button, complete . Switch cover Switch key Switch, Perkins No. 2220. Switch, Russell Switch, watertight, com- plete. Taper sleeve Tees, 0.5 Tees, 0.75 Tees, reducing, 0.75 to 0.5. Telephone Terminals Terminal box Terminal-box fitting . Twisted hooks "Washers Wire, 200 feet . On 0.75 conduit on inside right chassis. For 0.5 conduit On 1-ineh conduit on racer . . On conduit (V27R) On 1-inch conduit from gun outlet box. For switch (E13AE3) Part of switch (E13.\E3) . . . . For swit-ch (E13AE3) Inside switch (E13AE3) On left chassis. In plug casmg (T85L) On 0.5 conduit on left chassis and front transom. On 0.75 conduit on right chassis. On front transom and left chassis. On left chassis For terminal box U nder base ring On conduit at terminal box. For holding cable thimbles. . For twisted hooks (E12Y)... For terminal box Onbolts(V27T) In elbow (T85Q) In conduit for lighting circuit rVFand Bz Bz Comm Comm Bz Comm Comm Comm Comm C CI Bz S s Bz Bz HR For carriage with telephone. For elevating scale lamp. Part of plug con- nection. Furmshed by Sig- nal Corps, car- riage No. 20 and above not equip- ped with tele- phone. Part of plug con- nection. Insulated. SHOT TRUCKS (4 PER CARRIAGE), 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL 1905 Mn. AIL AIT AlU AlK AIJ AlP AlCl AIX AIS AIR AlB AlE AIQ Q3C AlF AlH Angles . Angles, left . Angles, right AxU ' e brackets, main. Axle, main wheel. Bolts, with nuts. . Braces, left Braces, right Bushings do Handle Nuts, crown Oil phigs, 0.375 standard. Pins, caster wheel Rivets Rivets, round head. do Bolted above main axle brackets (AlP). Join angles (AIJ) and (AlK) at top of truck. Join angles (AIJ) and (AlK) above caster wheels. Front and rear vertical frames. do At middle of truck Shot support, left Top of truck On main axle brackets (AlP) In main axle brackets (AlP). Join front and rear vertical frames to main axle brack- ets. do Main wheels ( AlA) Caster wheels (AID) Rear end of truck On main wheel axle In wheel Supported in bearing in lower end of angles (AIJ) and (AlK). For handle Angles ( Al) to shot supports. At various joints S cs FS S S s Bz Bz Ash S Bz S 1.75 by 1.75 by 0.1875 inches, an- gles. 1.5 by 1.5 by 0.1875 inches, angles. Do. Do. Do. Bolted between (AIL). 0.5 bv 1.625. 1.5 by 1.5 by 0.1875 inches, angles. Do. 0.25-inch diameter. 0.5-inch diameter. 0.375-inch diam- 2 by 2 by 0.25-inch angle. 56 Names of parts of 6-inch disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1905 Mil, their piece marks, location, and material of which they are made — Continued. SHOT TRUCKS (4 PER CARRIAGE), 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL OF 1905 Mil— Continued. Piece mark. Num- ber. Name of part. Location. Material. Remarks AIG 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Shot support, right Top of truck S S S s s s s VR VR s cs CS 2 by 2 by 0.25- inch angle. In caster wheel pins do do In crown nuts On main axle AIN Stop, left AIM Stop right . . do In main axle brackets Caster wheels AlW Tires .':':::':":':':': AlV do Washers AID On caster wheel pins. Front and rear of truck. On main axle AlA Wheels main SHOT TONGS, MODEL OF 1904 (7 PER CARRIAGE) A8N1 ASP ASS AST A8Q 3 2 A8R 1 2 2 1 1 Claw, inner . Claw, outer. Dog Pin, center. . Pin, shackle. Separators. . Shackle... Split pins . do Spreader . . do Opposite outer claw (ASP) . . Pivoted on center pin (AST) . { do For pivot of claws and dog . . . ; In upper of extremity of outer claw. j Between 2 parts of inner j claw. I Between 2 parts of outer claw. j On shackle pin (ASQ) ! In shackle pin i In center pm ! In iimer claw ( A8N1) i In outer claw (ASP) 1 In two parts. Do. Riveted to claw. Do. Do. GREASE CUPS (10 PER CARRIAGE) 6-INCH DISAPPEARING CARRIAGE, MODEL 1905 Mil. A2A A2B A2D1 A2E1 A2G A2H A2F A2C1 Body Cap Cup, leather Gaskets Pin Plunger.... Plunger nut Screw SpUt pin — Spring Washer Screwed into carriage j Bz Onupperendofbody(A2A).| Bz Underneath plunger Leather . Between body (A2A) and C oil pipe when grease cup is seated. In plunger Bz Inside grease cup Bz Secures plungertocap(A2B). Bz Secures cup leather to * Bz plunger. ] In plunger nut j S Between cap and plunger ... 1 S Under cup leather : Bz 0.125 by 0.5 driven. 5 coils. War Department, Office of the Chief of Ordnance, Washington, January 14, 1914. Form No. 1711. Ed. Aug. 24-17—1,000. . *- J .. « .. 4l \ I ^ ipi iljifHijgil iipil iii iiH: iipi: ill 111 iil iiii iiiiiiili iiii jjljljiltiijlj] Hi Iii! IHi'tiiiiili iiiiiplilii iiiiiiji iil ill Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N.Y. PIT. m 21 >is<« YC MS'Dc