THE I-DID-IT CLUB UCSB LIBRARY THE I-DID-IT CLUB Published by The Menu Committee (Brtfttrmt Club of JanBljtngtojt, B. C. THE NEW WILLARD DECEMBER NINTH 1916 COPYRIGHT 1918 BY THE GRIDIRON CLUB OF WASHINGTON. D. C. PRESS OF W. P. ROBERTS CO WASHINGTON. D. C EVERY LITTLE FISH WOULD BECOME A WHALE Old Danish Saying PREFACE D HE I-DID-IT CLUB was organ- ized as the polls were closing on November 7, 1916. It was dis- banded shortly before midnight on the same day and reorganized on the morn- ing of November 8, 1916. It has mem- bers in every State and Territory of the Union and in several foreign countries. Membership blanks may be obtained at any first- or second-class post office. Menu Committee CLIFFORD K. BERRYMAN Chairman JOHN P. RYAN Vice-Chairman C. C. BRAINERD W. E. BRIGHAM F. G. CARPENTER J. F. ESSARY P. S. HEATH J. P. HORNADAY J. C. O'LAUGHLIN F. A. RICHARDSON A. J. STOFER EMBERSHIP ACTIVE and IMAGINARY I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB HOW I-DID-IT CLUB FARMERS YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I I-DID-IT CLUB SHUSH! DOMT START ANYTHING UNTIL. I-DID-IT CLUB MY' WHAT A LOT Op PEOPLE: VOTED I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB rO?^ 5f3p.: I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB YOU'VE GOT TO SHOW IT WASN'T THE HOUSE'S I-DID-IT CLUB IN I^O^ I SAID HEWOU JP.S T f * POLITICAL' *>J^ Ja> - EBSw fe/ i^ /S?*v y ^^^ ' I-DID-IT CLUB YouU NEVER. KNOW HOW MUCH THIS HELPED I-DID-IT CLUB You HINKTHlS LITTLE ACT DID N'T HELP I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB AND SHORT OF IT "OUR. TARIFF BILL DIP IT* I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB u I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB HE. SIMPLY COULD N'T R.ESI5T LINE op I-DID-IT CLUB ^^*WT f**T*Y JoST I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB fl32IVOA 3IATTIM(M I-DID-IT CLUB WHO GOT OUT ME-o VOTE-' I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB HE b>CoUiD NY HAVE WOK WITHOUT THIS I- D I D-I T CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB KNOW WHO DID IT' I-DID-IT CLUB I-DID-IT CLUB Acsortatr fHembrrs FRED B. LYNCH JAMES M. Cox Minnesota Governor-elect, Ohio A. O. STANLEY EDWIN O. WOOD Governor of Kentucky Michigan SENATOR HENRY CABOT LODGE Massachusetts SENATOR JAMES D. PHELAN California EDWARD N. HURLEY Illinois Contributing CLEVELAND H. DODGE FRANCIS S. PEABODY- New York Chicago W. C. DURA NT New York THOMAS L. CHADBOURNE, JR. New York B. M. BARUCH New York $fan-&*stik*nt Contributing JAMES W. GERARD WILLIAM G. SHARP Berlin Paris JOSEPH E. WILLARD Madrid FREDERICK COURTLAND PENFIELD Vienna I-DID-IT CLUB tilembtr JEREMIAH O'LEARY New York JHemb*r OSWALD GARRISON VILLARD New York (Eljsrtrr iff&tmbtr DUDLEY FIELD MALONE New York for fttrmbersliip CHARLES F. MURPHY New York ROGER C. SULLIVAN Illinois THOMAS TAGGART Indiana The President of the United States The Secretary of State The Secretary of the Treasury The Secretary of War The Attorney General The Postmaster General The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Interior The Japanese Ambassador The Bolivian Minister Franklin Adams, Pan-American Union Felix Agnus, Baltimore American Milton E. Ailes, Washington, D. C. Maclyn Arbuckle, Waddington, N. Y. Henry H. Armstead, Idaho Edwin G. Baetjer, Baltimore, Md. Admiral George W. Baird, U. S. N. (Retired) Bernard N. Baker, Baltimore, Md. Elbert H. Baker, Cleveland Plain Dealer William Barnum, Carnegie Institution John Barrett, Director Pan-American Union B. M. Baruch, New York City Wingrove Bathon, Washington Evening Star Robert L. Berry, Commander, U. S. Navy Howard M. Biscoe, Boston and Albany R. R. Francis C. Bishop, New York City General William M. Black, Chief of Engineers, U. S. A. Tiffany Blake, Chicago Tribune Arthur Blanchard, Washington, D. C. Thomas P. Bones, Washington, D. C. Charles H. Boynton, New York City J. A. Breckons, Salt Lake Tribune Frank H. Briggs, Washington, D. C. Hilton U. Brown, Indianapolis News Barry Bulkley, Washington, D. C. John Burnham, Chicago, 111. William M. Calder, Senator-Elect from N. Y. D. J. Callahan, Washington, D. C. Robert Callahan, Washington. D. C. Joseph G. Cannon, Representative from Illinois Howard Carroll, New York City John H. Carroll, St. Louis, Mo. Thomas L. Chadbourne, Jr., New York City John H. Clarke, Asso. Justice, Supreme Court, U. S. Murray Cobb, Washington, D. C. Ira C. Copley, Representative from Illinois W. S. Corby, Washington, D. C. James M. Cox, Governor-Elect of Ohio Robert Grain, Baltimore, Md. Cy Cummings, Chevy Chase, Md. James B. Curtis, New York City Dr. Francis H. Davenport, Boston, Mass. Frederick L. Devereux, New York City Lew Dockstader, Long Beach, N. Y. Henry L. Doherty, New York City W. C. Durant, New York City Howard Elliott, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Jackson S. Elliott, Associated Press George Ellis, Jr., New York City Fred E. Emery, Associated Press W. B. Emmert, Washington and Old Dominion R. R, Frederick W. Estabrook, New Hampshire James A. Farrell, New York City James W. Faulkner, Cincinnati Enquirer Rudolph Forster, Washington, D. C. Dr. Joseph I. France, Senator-Elect from Maryland Nathan Frank, St. Louis, Mo. Joseph S. Frelinghuysen, Senator-Elect from N. J. Thomas M. Gale, Washington, D. C. John N. Garner, Representative from Texas Peter Goelet Gerry, Senator-Elect from R. I. D. L. Gillespie, Pittsburgh, Pa. Charles C. Glover, Washington, D. C. C. A. Goodnow, Chicago, 111. L. R. Goshorn, Pittsburg Dispatch Eugene G. Grace, Bethlehem, Pa. Dr. Gary T. Grayson, Washington, D. C. I. Haldenstein, New York City Robert N. Harper, Washington, D. C. Col. George Harvey, North American Re-view Jay G. Hayden, Detroit News William E. Hazen, New York City Clarence A. Hebb, Brooklyn Eagle Samuel G. Henry, Washington, D. C. Frank C. Henry, Washington, D. C. Judge Ernest C. Heppenheimer, New Jersey R. Herman, Detroit, Mich. J. Philip Herrmann, Washington, D. C. Alvin T. Hert, Louisville, Ky. W. B. Hibbs, Washington, D. C. Dr. D. Percy Hickling, Washington, D. C. Frederick C. Hicks, Representative from New York James H. Higgins, Boston Herald David Jayne Hill, Washington, D. C. Frank H. Hitchcock, New York City Hale Holden, C, B. & Q. R. R. Erie C. Hopwood, Cleveland Plain Dealer Beale R. Howard, Washington Evening Star Clark Howell, Atlanta Constitution Louis Howland, Indianapolis News William Hughes, Senator from New Jersey Leigh Hunt, Washington, D. C. Edward N. Hurley, Federal Trade Commission E. F. Hutton, New York City Ollie M. James, Senator from Kentucky C. Francis Jenkins, Washington, D. C. Herbert F. Jenkins, Boston, Mass. Arthur Johnson, The Columbus Dispatch William C. Johnson, Washington, D. C. James K. Jones, Washington, D. C. Ralston P. Jones, Washington, D. C. R. M. Kauffmann, Washington Evening Star Victor Kauffmann, Washington Evening Star John L. Kaul, Birmingham, Ala. Frank R. Kent, The Sun, Baltimore James Kerney, Trenton Times Dr. Harry Hyland Kerr, Washington, D. C. Clarence P. King, Washington, D. C. John O. La Gorce, National Geographic Magazine George M. LaMonte, Bound Brook, N. J. Wilton J. Lambert, Washington, D. C. Charles F. Lanman, Washington, D. C. Henry Lansburgh, Washington, D. C. Henry Harrison Lewis, Washington, D. C. Charles Linkins, Washington, D. C. E. S. Little, New York City James M. Little, Washington, D. C. Louis Lombard, Switzerland Robert S. Lovett, Union Pacific System Fred B. Lynch, Minnesota G. A. Lyon, Washington Evening Star Martin B. Madden, Representative from Illinois James R. Mann^ Representative from Illinois Thomas O. Marvin, The Protectionist James McAndrews, Representative from Illinois V. S. McClatchy, Sacramento Bee Medill McCormick, Representative-Elect from Illinois Vance McCormick, Harrisburg, Pa. Lanier McKee, New York City Kenneth D. McKellar, Senator-Elect from Tennessee William B. McKinley, Representative from Illinois W. L. McLean, Philadelphia Bulletin W. Y. Morgan, Lieutenant-Governor of Kansas Herndon Tudor Morsell, Washington, D. C. Alexander Mosher, Jr., Rockville, Md. George Fleming Moore, Washington, D. C. Charles J. Murphy, Washington, D. C. T. Percy Myers, Washington, D. C. Harry Norment, Washington, D. C. Frank B. Noyes, Washington Evening Star Theodore W. Noyes, Washington Evening Star H. T. Newcomb, Washington, D. C Geo. T. Oliver, Senator from Pennsylvania Eugene W. Ong, Boston, Mass. Dr. S. Logan Owens, Washington, D. C. Joseph Medill Patterson, Chicago Tribune Francis S. Peabody, Chicago, 111. James D. Phelan, Senator from California Henry Havelock Pierce, Boston, Mass. Edwin G. Pipp, Detroit News Frank L. Polk, Counsellor for the State Department John Poole, Washington, D. C. George F. Porter, Chicago, 111. Stephen G. Porter, Representative from Pennsylvania Frank E. Potter, Provincetown, Mass. A. H. S. Post, Baltimore, Md. Samuel J. Prescott, Washington, D. C. James D. Preston, Washington, D. C. James B. Regan, New York City James B. Reynolds, Washington, D. C. R, G. Rhett, Pres., Chamber of Commerce, U. S. A. Joseph L. Rhinock, New York City Stacy C. Richmond, New York City Victor F. Ridder, New Yorker Staats-Zietung Edward G. Riggs, New York City Joseph G. Ringwalt, New York City E. E. Roberts, Representative from Nevada Charles A. Rook, Pittsburg Dispatch Harry Rosenfeld, New York City Walter A. Rosenfield, Rock Island, 111. Victor Rosewater, Omaha Bee Dr. Sterling Ruffin, Washington, D. C. Clive Runnells, Chicago, 111. Mkmsignor Russell, Washington, D. C. John D. Ryan, New York City A. B. Schmidt, Chicago, 111. W. H. Seif, Pittsburgh, Pa. L. Y. Sherman, Senator from Illinois Charles H. Sherrill, New York City Edmund C. Shields, Lansing, Mich. Dr. John E. Shrady, New York City John F. Sinnott, Jr., Newark, N. J. John A. Sleicher, New York City C. Albert Small, New York City Courtland Smith, American Press Association James E. Smith, St. Louis, Mo. John Lewis Smith, Washington, D. C. Lyman Spalding, New York City Lee W. Spratlen, C. B. & Q. R. R. A. O. Stanley, Governor of Kentucky O. G. Staples, Washington, D. C. Edward J. Stellwagen, Washington, D. C. Warren S. Stone, Gr. Chief Locomotive Eng. William J. Stone, Senator from Missouri Cornelius J. Sullivan, New York City F. deC. Sullivan, New York City Howard Sutherland, Senator-Elect from West Virginia W. L. Swormstedt, Washington, D. C. L. Stoddard Taylor, Washington, D. C. William B. Thompson, New York City Charles A. Towne, New York City Joseph P. Tumulty, Secretary to the President F. D. Underwood, Erie R. R. Frederic W. Upham, Chicago, 111. William C. Van Antwerp, New York City John W. Van Dyke, Philadelphia, Pa. William S. Vare, Representative from Pennsylvania Oswald Garrison Villard, New York Evening Post Herman Waldeck, Chicago, 111. Hugh C. Wallace, Tacoma, Wash. Harry Wardman, Washington, D. C. Lewis E. Waring, New York City James E. Watson, Senator from Indiana John W. Weeks, Senator from Massachusetts Oscar Wells, Birmingham, Ala. George W. White, Washington, D. C. Robert Frederick Whitehead, Washington, D. C. Daniel Willard, B. & O. R. R. Joseph E. Willard, Ambassador to Spain Walter Williams, Columbia, Mo. William R. Willcox, New York City William P. Wilson, Wheeling, W. Va. Dr. J. T. Windell, Louisville, Ky. James O. Winston, Richmond Times-Dispatch Edmund S. Wolfe, Washington, D. C. Robert F. Wolfe, The Columbus Dispatch Christian R. Wolters, Jr., Newark, N. J. Edwin O. Wood, New York City Robert S. Yard, Washington, D. C. Cbe Gridiron Club OF WASHINQTON, IXC. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 191O President, LOUIS W. STRAYER Vice-President, IRA E. BENNETT Secretary, J. HARRY CUNNINGHAM Treasurer, JAMES P. HORNADAY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (IN ADDITION TO THE OFFICERS) ARTHUR W. DUNN, PERRY S. HEATH LEROY T. VERNON ACTIVE MEMBERS fllll ALLEN, BEN. F Cleveland Plain Dealer UlUBARRY, DAVID S The Providence Journal | BENNETT, IRA E Washington Post BERRYMAN, C. K Washington Star BLYTHE, SAMUEL G..Phila. Saturday Evening Post BRAINERD, CHAUNCEY C Brooklyn Daily Eagle BKIGHAM, WILLIAM E. .Boston Evening Transcript BROWN, HARRY J Portland Oregonian BUSBEY, L. WHITE 2336 Massachusetts Ave. CARPENTER, FRANK G Carpenter's Syndicate CLARK, EDWARD B Chicago Evening Post CUNNINGHAM, J. HARRY 48 Post Building CURTIS, SUMNER M The Woodley DAVIS, OSCAR KING 1863 Wyoming Ave. N.W. DODGE, ARTHUR J. .Chamber of Com. Bldg., Denver DUNN, ARTHUR W American Press Association ESSARY, J. FRED Baltimore Sun GARTHE, Louis Baltimore American HALL, HENRY Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph HEATH, PERRY S 2100 S St. N.W. HENNING, ARTHUR S Chicago Tribunt HOOD, EDWIN M The Associated Press HORNADAY, JAMES P Indianapolis News JERMANE, W. W Seattle Times JOHNSON, PHILANDER C Washington Star KAUFFMANN, RUDOLPH Washington Star KEYSER, CHARLES P St. Louis Globe-Democrat LEUPP, FRANCIS E 1813 i6th St. N.W. LOGAN, THOMAS F Philadelphia Inquirer McKEE, DAVID R 1732 K St. N.W. MESSENGER, N. O Washington Star MILLER, GEORGE E Detroit News MONK, JOHN E St. Paul Pioneer-Press OULAHAN, RICHARD V New York Times O'LAUGHLIN, JOHN CALLAN Chicago Herald RANDOLPH, CHARLES C Arizona Republican RICHARDSON, F. A Baltimore Sun RYAN, JOHN P Philadelphia Press SCHROEDER, REGINALD N. Y. Staats-Zeitung SINNOTT, ARTHUR J Newark Evening News SNYDER, EDGAR C Omaha Bee STRAYER, Louis W Pittsburg Dispatch STOFER, ALFRED J Birmingham (Ala.) Newt VERNON, LEROY T The Chicago Daily Nevis WALKER, ERNEST G Springfield Republican WYNNE, ROBERT J....p/5 Rhode Island Ave. N.W. YOUNG, JAMES RANKIN 1204 K St. N.W. bt Gridiron lub OF WASHINGTON, I). C. LIMITED MEMBERS IBRAHANY, THOMAS W White House JKAISER, J. HENRY 602, The Plaza MOHSELL, HERNDON 1410 i$th St. N.W. MOSHER, ALEX. . . .Patent Office, Washington, D. C. NOLAN, JOHN H 624-25 Munsey Bldg. SMALL, J. HENRY i$th and H Sts. N.W. SOUSA, JOHN PHILIP / W. 34th St., New York STEVENS, M. HARRY. . . .nij Columbia Road N.W. XANDER, HENRY Wardman Courts, South ASSOCIATED MEMBERS I ADAMS, WALTER E. . . .South Station, Boston, Mass. JBARRETT, E. W Age-Herald, Birmingham, Ala. BONE, SCOTT C.. .Post-Intelligencer, Seattle, Wash. BROWN, HARRY S The Herald, New York COOLIDGE, L. A Boston, Mass. CORWIN, JOHN ADAMS. .Modes' Hotel, Wash., D.C. CRIST, HARRIS M Brooklyn Eagle DsPuY, FRANK A The Tribune, New York FEARN, RICHARD LEE, 209 St. Louis St., Mobile, Ala. GAVIT, JOHM P New York Evening Post GIBSON, E. J 18 3d St. S.E., Washington, D. C. KEEN, ED. L United Press, London, England KROCK, ARTHUR B., Louisville Courier-Journal-Times MILLER, ALBERT. 2401 Cimarron St., Los Angeles,Cal. MILLER, JOHN P 165 Audubon Ave., New York O'BRIEN, ROBT. LINCOLN .The Herald, Boston, Mass. OHL, J. K The Herald, New York PATCHIN, ROBERT H 64 Stone St., N. Y. City PRESBREY, FRANK 456 4th Ave., New York STEALEY, O. O Ocean Springs, Miss. STEVENS, W. B., Jefferson Memorial, St. Louis, Mo. THOMPSON, CHARLES WILLIS, The Times, New York WEST. HEMRY L 31 Pine St., N. Y. City Cbe Gridiron Club OF WASHINC5TON. D. C. "*u Committees for iaie: o Vicc-President BENNETT and Secretary CUM- N INCH AM are ex-officio members of all committees entertainment VERNON, Chairman yice-Chairtnan ALLEN BERRYMAN BLYTHE Bs At NERD BUSBEY CARPENTER CLARK COOLIDGE CORWIN CURTIS DAVIS DODGE DUNN GARTHB HALL JOHNSON KAUFFMANN LOGAN MESSENGER MONK MORSELL MILLER (G. E.) OULAHAN PATCHIN SNYDER VERNON WALKER WEST Aueic XANDER, Chairman ALLEN BRAHANY BROWN (H. J.) ESSARY HENNING JERMANK KAISER KAUFFMANN KEYSER MILLER (G. E.) MONK MORSELL MOSHER NOLAW RANDOLPH SlNNOTT SMALL SNYDER STEVENS (M. H.) STOKER VERNON WALKER WEST YOUNG Cbc Gridiron Club OF -WASHINGTON. D. C. Committees for 1910: Initiation raft Inauguration DUNN, Chairman CLARK, Vice-Chairman BARRY BROWN (H. J.) BRIGHAM RysBEY CURTIS DODGE ESSARY GARTHS HALL HEATH HENNING HOOD HORNADAY JERMANE KEYSER LOGAN McKEE MESSENGER O'LAUGHLIN OULAHAN RANDOLPH RYAN SCHROEDER SlNNOTT WALKER WYNNE flDenu BERRYMAN, Chairman RYAN, Vice-Chairman BRAINERD BRIGHAU CARPENTER ESSARY HEATH HORNADAY O'LAUGHLIN RICHARDSON STOFER Reception LEUPP, Chairman YOUNG, Vice-Chairman GIBSON HOOD McKEE RICHARDSON SCHROEDER WYNNE UCSB LIBRARY