Ifl ! INSTITUTES OF LATIN GRAMMAR. BY JOHN GRANT, A.M. Atque ut Latine loquamur, non solum videndum est, ut et verba efferamus ea qua? nemo jure reprehendat ; et ea sic et casibus, et temporibus, et genere, et numero conserveraus, ut nequid perturbatum ac discrepans aut prgeposte- vum sit ; sed etiam lingua, et spiritus, et vocis sonus est ipse moderandus. Cic. de Orat. lib. in. SECOND EDITION, ENLARGED. LONDON : / PRINTED FOR G. AND W. B. WHITTAKER, AVE-MARIA-LANE. . 1823. Printed by Richard Taylor, Shoe- Lane, London. TO THE REEVREND ALEXANDER CROMBIE, LL.D. THE PRESENT WORK IS WITH THE GREATEST RESPECT INSCRIBED, AS A GRATEFUL THOUGH INADEQUATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HIS LONG AND DISINTERESTED FRIENDSHIP, AND A SM iLL TESTIMONY OF THE HIGH ESTIMATION IN WHICH THE AUTHOR HOLDS HIS EXTENSIVE AND TRULY CRITICAL ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE LATIN LANGUAGE, BY HIS MUCH OBLIGED AND MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT, J. GRANT. 393 ' THE PREFACE. 1 HE Latin Grammars commonly used in schools are so well established, and, in general, so deservedly ap- proved, that any attempt to supersede them would justly be thought to savour of temerity or presump- tion. A new Latin grammar on a small scale could not be. essentially different from most of them ; and one upon a more extended plan would not be calcu- lated for the purpose of initiation, to which they are chiefly adapted. It has, however, been a prevailing sentiment among teachers of Latin, that, notwithstanding the acknow- ledged utility of our common grammars as initiatory books, something is still wanting to facilitate the im- provement of the more advanced student Ruddi- man's larger grammar, a work supplementary to the Rudiments, though truly a valuable production, is de- fective in several particulars. These deficiencies are partly supplied in his largest grammar ; but the last is now difficult to be procured, and it treats merely of Etymology and Syntax. To furnish, therefore, a grammar, which shall combine a more minute and correct detail of the mere elements, than is to be found in our common grammars, with an ample elucidation of the higher and more difficult principles, has been the writer's leading object in the present work. In a 3 VI the prosecution of it, he has directed his chief atten- tion to the improvement of the senior scholar ; and has, therefore, thrown the Etymology into tables anc synopses, which, he hopes, will be useful in imparting a clear and comprehensive idea of the mechanism o the language. In treating of Syntax and Prosody the two divisions on which he has expended most at tention, he has laboured to combine the importan requisites of conciseness, comprehension, and perspi cuity. Much novelty of matter is not to be expected in s work of this nature. Some explanations, however and critical remarks, are here given, which are not t< be found in any grammar with which the author i acquainted. But novelty is a merit which it is far fron the intention of the writer to claim. If, by an ample and, as he trusts, a correct digest of the Latin rules with a copious enumeration of anomalies and excep tions, he has furnished the senior scholar with usefu instruction, and the master with a convenient bool of occasional reference, he will have completely at tained his aim. How far he has succeeded, it does not become him nor will he be permitted, to determine. The work such as it is, he submits to the candour of the public He has not the presumption to suppose, that, while i professes to correct some errors, and to supply som deficiencies, it is itself free from faults and imperfec tions, either in plan or in execution. Conscious, how ever, that he has been actuated by an earnest desir to promote the improvement of the learner, and to fa cilitate the labour of the teacher, he indulges the hop of a liberal reception. And he begs leave to assur Vll those who may adopt the work, that, should it be so favourably received, as to arrive at another edition, he will gratefully avail himself of every judicious sugges- tion offered for its improvement. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE favourable reception which this work has expe- rienced, is truly gratifying to the. author ; and has encouraged him to employ his best efforts, to render the present edition more worthy of attention. The whole has been carefully revised, and, he would hope, considerably improved. It will be found to be aug- mented by a variety of information on interesting to- pics, to a much greater extent than is indicated by the mere number of additional pages. Defects and inadvertencies, almost necessarily incidental to such a publicatibn, he fears, may still be discoverable ; but, while he trusts they are but few, he anticipates, with well-grounded confidence, that they will experience the same indulgence as was so kindly shown to those of the former impression. CROUCH-END, Feb. 18, 1823. By the same Author. Lately published by SHERWOOD, NEELY, and JONES," Paternoster-Row. 1. A GRAMMAR of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, c taining a complete Summary of its Rules, with an Elucida of the general Principles of Elegant and Correct Diction : compained with Critical and Explanatory Notes, Questions Examination, and appropriate EXERCISES. Price 6s. boi 2. An ABRIDGMENT of a GRAMMAR of the ENGLI LANGUAGE ; for the Use of the Junior Classes. Price Is. boi 3. A KEY to the EXERCISES in the GRAMMAR of ENGLISH LANGUAGE; with Notes and Explanations, tended chiefly for private Learners, or such Persons as are tl own Instructors. Price 3s. bound. THE CONTENTS. Page. OF ORTHOGRAPHY .... 1 OF ETYMOLOGY ..... 4 Of a Noun 4- Of a Pronoun 53 Of a Verb 65 Of an Adverb 140 Of a Preposition 144 Of a Conjunction 156 Of an Interjection 158 Of the Figures 159 OF SYNTAX 161 Of the Four Concords 162 Of Government 173 Of the Government of Substantives 173 Of the Government of Adjectives 178 Of the Government of Verbs 193 Of the Construction of Circumstances . . . . 24-5 Of the Construction of Adverbs 260 Of the Construction of Prepositions .... 263 Of the Construction of Interjections .... 266 Of the Const mction of Conjunctions .... 267 (Of Qui and the Subj. mood) 275 Lists 285 Of Neuter Verbs variously construed under the same signification 289 Of Verbs sometimes employed, as Active or Neu- ter , in the same or a similar sense .... 295 Of Neuter Verbs rendered Transitive by a Pre- position 306 Remarks on the classification of certain Verbs . 307 Of Verbs "which vary their construction, accord- ing to their Sense . 310 Of certain Verbs Deponent 312 ' Of Verbs Passive used as Deponents . . . . 314 Of Verbs Common 315 Of 'certain Participles . . 317 Page. Of the Arrangement or Position of Words in a Sentence 3 1 8 Of Figurative Syntax 325 Of Ellipsis 325 Of Pleonasm 327 OfEnallage 328 OfHyperbaton 332 Of the Tropes and Figures of Rhetoric 333 OF PROSODY 340 The four General Rules 341 Of 'the initial S, X, Z, (Note) 344 Special Rules 350 For the First and Middle Syllables of Deriva- tives, Compounds, Preterites, Supines, and Participles 350 Of certain Greek Words .... (Note) 358 For the Increments of Nouns . . . . . . 362 For the Increments of Verbs 370 An Appendix containing the Qiiantity of the First and Middle Syllables of certain other Words 374 (On the arrangement of Tenses, a Note) . . . 374 For Final Syllables and Monosyllables . . . 378 Of Accent 398 Rules for the Accents, with observations . . . 398 On Accent, Quantity, Emphasis, Rhythm, a t in which the d must be sounded very softly. j is sometimes reckoned among the double letters ; but in words of Greek origin it is, in reality, a vowel ; as liison, lapetuS) not Jason, Japetus ; and also in such words as Troja and Ajax, although, in these, pronounced as the English j. OF DIPHTHONGS. A diphthong consists of two vowels forming one syllable, and pronounced by one impulse of the voice. The diphthongs are, eight, ee or ae, as (Etas ; ce or oe, as ccena ; au, as aurum ; eu, as euge ; ei, as hei / al, as Mala ,- oi, as Trola / ui or yi, as hide, harpuia, or harpijia. Of these, two are called improper, because the sound of the first letter is lost, ce and ce, pronounced like e. The others are called proper, because, in pronouncing them, the sound of each letter may be distinguished. OF THE PRONUNCIATION. c, before e, i, y, ce, ce, is pronounced like 5 ; before #, 0, U) and consonants, like Jc. ^^^ g, before the vowels a, o, flPl u, and also before conso- nants (itself sometimes excepted), has the hard or guttural sound, as in the English words give, gone ; before e, I, and y, or another g followed by e, it is pronounced like j ; as gemma, glgno, gytyis, agger; excepting some Hebrew words, as Gethsemane, s6me Greek words as G-yges, and a few Latin, as gibber, gilvus, in which it has its proper hard sound. ch is pronounced like k. ti, before a vowel, sounds like si or ci ; as ratio, pruden- tia ; excepting Greek w r ords, as asphaltion words in which it is preceded by s or x, as istius, tnixtio ; words beginning with ti, as tiara ; and infinitives formed by pai agoge, as flectier, mittier. u has but little sound, when, with any other vowel, it fol- lows g, q, or s ; as sanguis, lingua, aqua, qui, suadeo, in which its sound resembles that of w 9 or of u in the English word persuade. OF THE DIVISION OF WORDS INTO SYLLABLES. A syllable is one distinct sound. It may be either a vowel, a diphthong, or one or more consonants with a vowel. There are five rules for the division of words into sylla- bles : 1. A single consonant between two vowels must be joined to the latter, as a-mo, le-go / except x^ which is joined to the first vowel, as ex-ul. 2. Two consonants between two vowels are to be sepa- rated, as //-/ &I 1 Will B*i 1 .S3 '8 . i ^ |8fltf ftfli 1 'G If lit * 3 a a |j| 1 1 <^ ,S3 i * S U fi _- T ^^ *9 ||1| J * 1 H - -es G. I ai I IS IS us u el n D. o as 5 III u el el A. um am em, (im) um u em V. e, "r a 'uin - -- us u es Ab.o fi 4 e, i e I u u N. I ^ a es a', la us uS es G. orujft arum orum um, ium um, ium mini tium erum ^It^A Is* is ibus ibus ibiis, iibus* ibus ebus &.. OS as a es a,ia us uu es .^V. I 1 es a, la us ua es r Ab.Is Is* Is ibiis ibiis ibiis, iibus * ibiis ebus M. F. N. M. F. N. Thus, Bonus 7 rencr J " a Likewise meus, tuus, suus, nos- er, vcster. Tuus, suus. wester, wan Vocat. Meus has meus or w Voc. masc. Adjectives in er drop e in de- clining, except tener, alter (ms) 7s/w, carter, vesper, gibber, lacer 'iber (free), mixer, prosper. Ibei 'm), also compounds of fcro and gero. Dexter has dextra seldom dextcra. See Note I. on irregulars. All Participles in us. Thus, felix, mitis, mitior, ail adjectives of one termina- tion, or of two; the pronouns nostrcis, vestras, cujas. For adjectives having in the ablative only; or e and i; c only, and for those which in the plural have a, or in, um, or ium, see Rule VI. For comparatives see Rule VII. Participles, Rule VIII. For acer, alacer, &c. see Note 1. on Adjectives. All participles in ns. H GENERAL RULES. "I. Nouns of the neuter gender (which are generally of the second and third declension) make the nominative, the accusative, and vocative singular alike; and these three cases, in the plural, end always in a *, II. The vocative plural is the same as the nominative plural ; and the vocative singular, as the nominative singu- lar, except in nouns of the second declension, in us, which have e ; in proper names in i-us, which throw away us ; as also in geni-us, and Jili-us ; in Deus, which makes Deus ; and in Greek nouns, which drop the s of the nominative, as Thomas, vocat. Thoma ; Paris, vocat Pari\. III. The dative and ablative plural are always alike*, IV. Proper names, used as such, want the plural. IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES. Note I. The following adjectives are of the first and se- cond declension, but make their genitive singular in lus^ (but alter, ms) and dative in i: unus, totus , solus, ullus, nullus, uter, neuter, alter, alms, iste, ille, ipse, of which the three last are pronouns. Alius, iste and ille have d in the neuter gender instead of m. * In attending to the mechanical structure of language, it is not unworthy cf being remarked, that, except in neuter nouns, the ablative singular of every declension is formed from the accusative, by dropping m : thus musam, musa ; lapidem, la\ride ; navcm, navim, nave, navi ; gradum, gradu ; rem, re. The second declension may appear an exception to this remark ; but it is to be remembered, that the antients wrote the nominative, in os, as dominos, avos, atovos ; and the accusative, in om } as dominom, avom, asquom ,- and hence, in this declension likewise, was the ablative formed, by dropping the m. It may be likewise observed, that, in the two first de- clensions, the dative and ablative plural end in is ; but that the dative singu- lar in i forms bus, which happens to the third declension, and to the fourth and fifth, which are but varieties of the third. f The poets sometimes use us in the vocative of some substantives, and adjectives, after the Attic dialect ; as Jilius, Jtuvius, patricius, jwpulus (people). \ In prose. In poetry the i is common. But the i of altcrius is always short, that of alius (which is a contraction for aliius] always long. Totus, having ius, should be distinguished from totus, so great, which is regularly declined. Some of these adjectives, as totus, nuUvs, solus t neuter t form their genitive and dative regularly, in some old authors, 12 Units, totus, solus, istc, Hit', ipse^ have vocatives. Con- cerning the vocatives of the others, grammarians are di- vided. THIRD DECLENSION. This has the greatest number of varieties in its cases. They are chiefly in the genitive, accusative, and ablative singular; and in the genitive plural. I. The genitive singular ends in is without increase, or with increase, after the following manner : Genii. is. is. otis. oris*. yis, yos. bis. pis. itis. tis. tis. cis. But to these are the following exceptions. Norn. Genit. Nom. 1 a, -atis. 13 es, 2 e, is. 14 is, 3 i, -itis. 15 os, 4 y, yos. 16 us, 5 6 7 8 o, do, (fern.) go, (fern.) c, d, 1, -onis. inis. inis. -is. 17 ys, (bs, 18^ ps, (.ut, 9 10 n, en, (neut.) -is. inis. 19J ns ' \rs, 11 r, -is. 20 x, 12 as, atis. A. Abies, etis, Accipiter, tris, Acer, (adj.) acris, Acus, eris, Adeps, ipis, JEs, seris, Alacer, (adj.) alacris, Allobrox, ogis, Ales, itis, 13 Anio, enis, 11 Antistes, itis, 11 Anceps, itis, 16 Apollo, inis, 18 Arbos, -or, oris, 13 Areas, adis, 13 As, assis, 20 Aquilex, egis, 13 5 13 18 5 15 12 12 20 * It would have been as well to say us, eris, for the greater number have eris; as, acus (chaff), fceduSjfunus, genus, glomus, latus, munus, olus, onus, o]rus t pondus, rudus, scelus, sidus, vellus, Venus, vetus, viscus, ulcus, vulnus. These have (5m ; pecus, tergtis, focnus, lepus, nemus, frigus, penus, 2>ignus, pectus t stercus, decus, dcdccus, littus, tcmpus, corpus. 13 No?n. Genit. Norn. Genii. Aries, gtis, 13 Dives, itis, 1 3 Astyanax, actis, 20 Duplex, icis, 20 Auceps, upis, 18 E. B. Ebur, oris, 1 1 Bes, bessis, 13 Eques, itis, 13 Bibrax, actis, 20 F' Biceps, itis, 18 . Biturix, igis, 20 Far, farris, 1 1 Bos, bovis, 15 Fel, fellis, 8 Femur, oris, 1 1 . Fidicen, nis, 9 Campester (adj.) tris, 11 Flamen, a priest, mis, 9 Cardo, iiiis, (m. or f.) 5 Flos, oris, Caro, carnis, 5 Fcedus, eris, 16 Capis, idis, 14 Forceps, ipis, 1 8 Cassis, idis, 14 Fraus, audis, 16 Celeber, (adj.) bris, 11 Frons, a leaf, ondis, 1 9 ; but Ceres, eris, 13 Frons, ontis, the forehead, Chamaeleon, tis, 9 regular. Charon, tis, 9 Frux, ugis, 20 Chlamys, yo! s > yd is, 17 Funus, eris, 16 Charis, itis, 14 Chremes, is, etis, 13 G. Cinyps, yphis, 18 Genus, eris, 16 Concors, dis, Ccelebs, ibis, Conjux, ugis, I Cor, cordis, 19 18 20 11 Gigas, ntis, 12 Glans, glandis, 19 Glis, gliris, a dormouse, 14, but Crates, a man's name, Crenis, Idis, etis, 13 14 Glis, glidis, mouldiness, 14 Glomus, eris, i, 16 Cres, etis, 13 Glos, otis, oris, 15 Crus, cruris, Cucumis, is, eris, 16 14 Graphis, idis, 14 Grex, egis, 20 Cupido, inis, (m. or f.) 6 7 O Grus, gruis, 16 Cuspis, idis, Custos, odis, 14 15 Gryps, yphis, 1 8 H. D. Harpax, agis, 20 Dares, etis, is, 13 Hebes, etis, 13 December, bris, 11 Hagres, edis, 1 1 Dido, us, onis 6 Hepar, atis, 1 1 Dis, itis, 14 Heros, ois, 1 5 ^ofli. Genit. Norn. Genit. Hipponax, actis, 20 Limes, ids, 13 Hseresis, eos, los, is, 14 Lis, Utis, 14 Homo, mis, 5 Locuples, (adj.) etis, 13 Honos, -or, oris, 15 Horizon, ontis, 9 . Hylax, actis, 20 Margo, m.(orf.) inis, 5 I, J. *" w Manceps, ipis, 18 lapyx, igis, 20 Jaspis, idis, idos, 14? Jecur, oris, 1 1 Magnes, etis, Mansues, ~tis, Mas, maris, 13 13 12 lens, (part.) euntis, 19 compounds also, but Ambiens, tis, regular. Imber, bris, 1 1 Incus, udis, 1 6 Mater, tris, Mendes, etis, Merces, edis, Merges, itis, Metropolis, eos, ios, is, 11 13 13 13 14 Index, icis, 20 Miles, itis, 13 Indiges, (adj.) etis, 13 Interpres, etis, 13 Intercus, (adj.) utis, 16 Iter, itineris, 1 1 Minos, ois, Misericors, dis, Municeps, ipis, Munus, eris, T* If * 15 19 18 16 Judex, icis, 20 Mos, mons, 15 Jupiter, Jovis, 1 1 Mus, uris, 16 Jus, juris, 16 N. Juventus, utis, 1 6 Nefrens, dis, 19 L. Nemo, inis, 5 Labos, -or, oris, 15 Nerio, enis, 5 Lac, lactis, 8 Nesis, Idis, 14 Laches, etis, is, 13 Nix, nivis, 20 Lampas, adis, 1 2 November, bris, 11 Laomedon, tis, 9 Nox, noctis, 20 Lapis, idis, 14 Lar (or Lars) tis, a man's . name, 1 1 Obses, idis, 13 Lar, laris, a household god, 1 1 October, bris, 11 Larynx, yngis, 20 Oedipus, odis, 16 Latus, eris, 1 6 Olus, eris, 16 Laus, laudis, 1 6 Onus, eris, 16 Lens, lendis, a nit, 19, but Onyx, ychis, 20 Lens, lentis, pulse^ regular. Opois, oentis, 14 Lex, legis, 20 Opus, eris, voork. 16 Libripens, dis, 1 9 Opus, untis, a town ,16 Ligus, -ur, uris, 16 Ordo, inis, m. 5 15 Norn. Genit. Norn, Genit, Orpheus, eos, 1 6 R Os, oris, the mouth, 1 5 MM Os, ossis, a bone, 1 5 Remex, igis, 20 Robur, oris, 11 P. Ros, roris, 15 Pallas, adis, a goddess, 12 Pallas, antis, a ma?i's name, 1 2 Rudus, eris, Rus, uris, 16 16 Palus, udis, 16 S. Pater, tris, 1 1 Palmes, itis, 13 Paries, etis, 13 Salamis, mis, Salubeiv(adj.)bris, H 11 Paris, idis, 1 4? Sal us, utis, 16 Particeps, ipis, 1 8 Pecus, udis, a sheep, 16; but Pecus, oris, cattle, regular. Pecten, mis, 9 Samnis, Itis, Sanguis, inis, Scelus, eris, Sedes, words derived 14? 14- 16 from, Pelamys, ydis, ydos, 17 Pes, pedis, 13 idis, Seges, etis, 13 13 Perpes, etis, 13 Phalanx, gis, 20 Semis, issis, Senectus, utis, 14? 16 Phorcys, 'ynis, ynos, 17 Phosphis, Idis, 14 Phryx, ygis, 20 Pixis, idis, (Pyxis) 14 Plus, uris, 16 Senex, is, September, bris, Servitus, utis, Sidus, eris, Silvester, (adj.) tris, 20 11 16 16 11 Pollex, icis, 20 Simois, entis, U Pondus, eris, 16 Simplex, (adj.) icis, 20 Praeceps, itis, Princeps, ipis, 1 8 Praepes, etis, , Praes, sedis, 1 3 Sospes, (adj.) itis, Sphynx, gis, gos, Strix, igis, Subscus, udis, 13 20 20 16 Prseses, idis, 13 Promulsis, idis, 14? Supellex, ectilis, Supplex, (adj.) icis, 20 20 Pubes, eris or is (adj.) 13 Puls, tis, the only noun in Is. Sus, suis, Syrinx, gis, 16 20 Pulvis, eris, 14- > Pus, uris, 16 T. Pyrois, oentis, 14- Tapes, etis, 13 Teges, etis, 13 Q. Tellus, uris, 16 Quies, etis, 13 Teres, (adj.) etis, 13 Quiris, itis, H Termes, itis, 13 1G Nom. Genit. Nom. Genit. U, V. 13 Vas, vadis, a surety, 12 14 Vas, vasis, a vessel, 12 15 Veles, itis, 14- 16 Vellus, eris, 16 9 Venus, or is, 16 19 Vetus, (adj.) eris, 16 17 Viscus, ris, 16 16 Virtus, utis. 16 16 Ulcus, eris, 16 15 Unedo, m. onis, 6 9 Volucer, (adj.) eris, 11 13 Vomis, eris, 14 5 Uter, utris, 11 14 Vulnus, eris, 16 Thales, etis, is, Themis, id is, Thos, ois, Thus, fins, Tibicen, mis, masc. Tiryns, ynthis, Trachys, ynis, ynos, Trapezus, untis, Tripus, odis, Tros, ois, Tubicen, mis, masc. Tudes, itis, is, Turbo, inis, Tyrannis, idis, (The figure refers to the termination to which its respec- tive word is an exception. By means of the figure, all the exceptions may be collected, and classed according to their termination ; which is the way in which they ought to be learned. Their present state is most adapted to occasional reference.) II. The accusative of masculine and feminine nouns ends in em ; but some have em and im, and these have e or i in the ablative singular, others have im or in, and these have i only. (See the list.) III. Neuters ending in e, al, ar, have i in the ablative singular ; ia in the nominative plural ; and ium in the geni- tive. Except^r, par (a pair, neut.) jubar, nectar ; hepar, with proper names in e, which have e in the ablative. Neu- ters having e in the ablative make their nominative and ge- nitive plural, in , and um. (For a different distinction with regard to par, supported by some grammarians, see Par in the following list.) IV. Nouns ending in es and is, not increasing in the geni- tive singular, and in ns, make the genitive plural in ium. Except votes, canis,juvenis, panis, strigilis, (because formerly strigil,} volucris, par ens, opes pi. which have um. Apum from apis, (or apes plural,) vokicrum, parentum, are used, as many others, by syncope, instead of the regular apium, vo- lucrium, parentium. To nouns having ium, may be added the names in as, from countries, as Arpinas, -dtium : nostras, vestras, -atium. Utilitatium, and utilitatwn ; civitatium and cimtatum ; affinitatium and qffinitatum ; h&reditatium 17 and h&reditatum, are both found, but the latter form is much preferable. Optimatium, and, by syncope, optimatum, are both used. V. Nouns of one syllable in as, is, and s and x after a consonant, make turn in the genitive plural ; as as, assium ; Us, litium ; urbs, urbium ; merx, mercium. To these may be added caro, cohors, cor, cos, dos, faux, lar, linter, mus, nix, nox, os (ossis), Quiris, Samnis, uter, venter, arid the compounds of as and uncia , as bes, sextans, septunx. Ex- cept gryps, gryphum , lynx, lyncum ; sphinx, sphingum, and some similar Greek words. The obsolete nominative ops, (in the plural, opes,) though belonging to the rule, has opum. Obs. The following words are not found in the genitive plural ; and many of them have no plural : Pax, fax, fax, nex, pix, lux, mel,fel, os (oris), sol, glos, pits, ros, vicis, labes, soboles, and proles. To these may be added crux and plebs, although, in some authors, crucum or crucium, and plebium, are found. VI. Adjectives having e in the nominative singular neuter, have i only in the ablative ; but adjectives of one termination have e or i ; both having ia and him in the plural. (There are some which have e only in the ablative, and urn in the genitive plural, which in the following list are noted with *. There are others having i, or e and i, which likewise have um, and they are denoted by f . Adjectives having e or i, when used as substantives, generally prefer the termination e. Par and memor 1 have i only in the ablative. Compar, impar, dispar, have e or i.) VII. Comparatives have i, or more commonly e, in the ablative singular, and therefore a in the neuter of the nomi- native, accusative, and vocative plural, and um in the geni- tive. Vetus likewise has veteri, vetera, veterum. VIII. Words of three genders, ending in ns, have e or i in the ablative. When used in an absolute sense, as parti- ciples, they generally prefer e. As adjectives, they have e or i. Such words often suffer a contraction in the genitive plural, as prudentwn for prudentium ; sapientum for sapi- entium / parentum for parentium ; adolescentum for ado- lescentium. IX. The genitive plural of words having no nominative 1 Memor was formerly declined memoris, memore / hence the ablative memori. c 18 singular, or no singular, is formed, by analogy, as if they had one, or, from some obsolete nominative. Thus, Mcenia, -ium, from mcene, by R. III. Ccelites, -urn, from ccelis, or cedes, by inference from R. IV. Penates, -turn, frompenas, or, rather penatis, by R. V. Primores, -urn, from primor, by R. VII. Saturnalia, "him, (& -orum) from saturnale / TTT Florealia, -ium, (& -orum) from Jloreale, These two last, and others of a similar kind, had formerly another nominative, in urn, and therefore they had a geni- tive in orum, from the second declension ; but in the dative and ablative they are of the third declension only. OBSERVATIONS ON CERTAIN UNCOMMON CASES. (1.) The genitive singular of the first declension formerly ended in as, after the manner of the Greeks, which is still retained mfamilias, when compounded with pater and ma- ter ; to which t filius and Jilia have been added. Paterfa- milias is likewise used. The antients likewise formed it in ai, which is sometimes used by the poets, with a diaeresis ; thus dives pictdi vestis Virg. Thus also lunai Pers. terrai, aquai, &c. When the genitive of the second declension ends in zY, the last i is often cut off by the poets ; as tuguri for tugurii. The genitive of the fourth formerly ended in is as hoc fructi pro Idbore ab his Jero Ter. ; also in tits, after the manner of the third, as ejus anuis causa Ter. The genitive of the fifth is found in es , as rabies unde ill(B IICKC germina surgunt Lucret. ; sometimes in ii, when the nominative ends in es pure, as quorum nihil pernicii causa Cic. pro Rose. ; sometimes in e, as vix decima parte die reliqua Sail. The genitive plural of the first four declensions is some- times contracted, especially by the poets ; thus ccelicolum for ccelicolarum ; deum for deorum , mensum for mensium ; cur- rum for curruum. (2.) The dative singular of the third declension is found in a few instances in e, as viro sitiente Juv. to her thirsty husband ; morte mece Propert ; tibi sene Catul. 19 The dative of the fourth is found in u, by Apocope ; as parce metu Virg. ; curruque vola?is dat lor a secundo-*-ld. ; thus also impetu, exercitu, for impetui, exercitui. The dative of the fifth is found in e, as uti cedas die Plaut. ; prodiderit commissaJidelAor. (3.) The accusative plural is found, in the third declen- sion, in is and els, when the genitive ends in ium ; as puppeis, adis Plaut. Amph. 1. 1. 194?. Omnis homines decet Sail. Cat. 1. (4.) The ablative singular of the third declension has been shown to be in many nouns the same as the dative singular. From the resemblance of many cases of the fourth and fifth declensions to those of the third, it is evi- dent that they may be considered as varieties of the third declension. PECULIARITIES IN THE GENDER OF CERTAIN ADJECTIVES. (1.) Masculine gender redundant. The following have a double masculine in the nominative and vocative singular, acer, alacer, celer, celeber, campester, equester, palmier, Sylvester, pedester, saluber, volucer : as nominative, vocative, masculine, acer or acris ; feminine, acris ; neuter, acre. Their ablative singular is in i only. (2.) Masculine gender deficient. Cater (of the first and second declension) is not used in the masculine, singular. Victrix and ultrix are feminine in the singular, seldom neuter ; and, in the plural, they are feminine and neuter. Such verbals in ix partake of the nature of substantives and adjectives. They correspond, as feminines, to mascu- lines in or: thus, victor, victrix ; ultor, ultrix ; fautor, Jautrix. They have their ablative in e or i s but when added to a neuter noun, i is preferred : Thus, victor exerci- tus ; victrix mulier ; ferro victrici ; bella, arma,fulmina, $c. victricia. (3.) Neuter gender deficient. Adjectives ending in er, or, es, os, fex, are seldom found in the neuter, singular, or nominative, accusative, vocative plural: such as pauper, puber, degener, ubcr, memor, dives, locuples, sospes, superstes, compos, artifex. Also, comis, inops, insons, impubis, pubis, intercus, particeps, princeps, supplex, sons, vigil. Except, hebes and feres singular, the adjectives in No, 1, and others of three endings, ca (4.) Masculine and feminine deficient. Plus (the comparative of multus) has only the neuter gender in the singular, being declined as a substantive; it wants the dative and perhaps the vocative, and has e or i in the ablative ; in the plural, plures masculine and feminine, and plura (or pluria, rarely), and, in the genitive, plurium. Its compound, complures, has no singular. A LIST OF SOME OF THE IRREGULARITIES MENTIONED IN THE FOREGOING RULES, AND OF SOME OF THE EXAMPLES WHICH WERE NOT PARTICULARIZED. A. Gen. PL tium, rather turn. Ace. Sing. Abl. Sing. Amnis, ......... e or i raro. Amussisj ...... e or i. Aqualis, Araris, im, or em,,.. i or e. e As and corn- e or i. Adjectives. Ales, f .. Anceps, 4- ...... e or i, ...(.... Artifex, 4* ...... e ori, ......... B. Bcetes, 1! , im or in, ... i or e. Bilbilis, im* i. Bipennis, .... i. Bos, Buris, im, . . i. C. Canalis, Cannabis, em, .. im, i. i or e. i or e. Centussis,.,.... un. mm. itum. itum, (ia, nom.) um. bourn, (bo- bus, dat.) mum. Ace. Sing. Abl. Sing. e or i. e or i. Clavis, im, em, ..... i or e. Cor, Cos, Collis, e or i. Cucumis, Cutis, irn, iiBj .......... i. i or e. Adjectives. Capio, comp. of e or i, Caput, comp. of e or i, ......... Ccelebs,* e, . e or i, Color, comp. O f * . Corpus, comp. of in ~or ^ e. . i or e. rarely* D. Decussis, im. Adjectives. e or i, e or i, Cj sometimes i. F. i or 6. Febris, im, em, i, e. i, e. Fustis, e. i. Facio, comp. of Gen. PL tmm. dium. tium. um. um. um. urn. um. um. um. um. um. um. ium. tmm. um. um. um. cium. cmm. um. 22 G. Gausape (perk. Ac, Sin,. Abl Sing, e. Gen. PL rium. um. um. tium, um, ium sel- dom. um. um. um, um. um. ium. ium. tium. um, ium sel- dom. um. rium 1 . urn- Glis, im i. Genus, comp. of in -er, H. Hseresisj ...... im, in, i. ite. I. ' e or L e or i. Infans, R. IV. iure, . Adjectives. ote. . e or i, ere. , L. e or i. Lar, . Lens, dm, tern, ... ti, te. M. e or 1, * . im, ......... i. e or i. i. e or i. Molaris, ^ ..... Memor, adj. f (olim Memo ris), , i, Scmel apud Ciccronem muru/n. N. XTof a 1ic f . Ace, Sing. Abl Sing. i or e. i or e. Navis, Nix, im, em, November(tf?z pes, vas (vadis), &c., words increasing short, is corrected. Other errors are likewise corrected. Those doubtfuls that have an m marked over them are commonly masculine ; those having an^ feminine. The words which are common in sense and gender, are thus marked*. The others are common in sense, but not in gender.] 28 Note 1. Some have thought, that, from twenty to an hundred, if two numbers be coupled, the less should be put before the greater ; but to this there are many exceptions. Cicero says viginti et quatuor. 2. After centum, the inferior number is put with or with- out a copulative ; as centum et duo, or centum duo ; centesi- mus secundus, or, centesimus et secundus. 3. For octodecim and novemdecim, duodemginti and unde- mginti are elegantly used ; in the same way duodetriginta for twenty-eight. Also for decimus octavus, and decimus nonus, are used duodevicesimus and undevicesimus. In the distributive numbers also ; as duodeviceni. 4. Instead of primus, and secundus, we often find unus and duo before vicesimus, tricesimus, &c. ; as uno et octoge- simo anno Cic. So too in English. 5. The cardinal and distributive numbers may be thus distinguished : The cardinal express a number absolutely ; as one, two, &c. The distributive are those which distribute to every single person of many, the same number. Example : Dedit iis tres asses, He gave them three pence (to be di- vided among them). Dedit ternos asses, He gave them three pence each. But poets, and sometimes prose writers use the distributive for the cardinal numbers. The multiplicative numbers also are sometimes used for the cardinal by the poets ; as Duplices tendens ad sidera pal' mas, instead of duas palmas. 6. Unus, when used as a numeral, takes de or e, or ex, after it, and seldom the genitive plural; as unus ex iis, one of them. But when used for solus it takes the geni- tive plural ; as Lampedo unafceminarum, Lampedo the only woman. GENDERS OF NOUNS. GENERAL RULES. By the Signification. I. Names of males, and nouns denoting general employ- ments of men, are masculine ; as, Mars, Numa, pater, scriba, maritus. 29 II. Names of winds, months, rivers and mountains, are mas- culine. Names of mountains often follow the gender of the termination. Rivers likewise. III. Names of females are feminine ; as Venus, Anna, soror, Jilia. IV. Names of trees, plants, countries, cities, ships, islands, gems, and poems, are feminine; as alnus, nardus % bolus, Epirus, Lacedcemon, Centaurus, sapphirus, eu- nuchus. EXCEPTIONS. Trees. Masculine; Rhamnus, spinus, and those ending in -ster. Herbs. Masculine; Intybus, helleboitis, raphanus, seldom fe- minine : if feminine, planta is under- stood. Trees. Doubtful ; Larix, lotus, rubus, cupressus. Two first rather feminine. Herb. Doubtful; Cytisus ; but rather masculine. Trees. Neuter ; Siler, suber, robur, thus, acer ; those end- ing in um, as buxum. Cities. Masculine ; Sulmo, Pontus, Parisii, Agragas. Neuter; Argos, Tibur ; nouns in e and um, as Pr&neste, Ptestum. Anxur is mascu- line and neuter. Gems. Masculine ; Carbunculus, pyropus, opalus, beryllus, smaragdm ; if feminine, gemma is un- derstood. LILY'S THREE SPECIAL RULES. By the ending of the Genitive Case. [Those words whose genders are so easily ascertained by the general rules, are omitted, such as mulier, anus, socrus, soror, uxor, Tros, Areas, Ligur, satrapa, athletes, &c. The error of placing in the 2nd special rule, sus, grus, scrobs, mas, pes, vas \vadis], &c., words increasing short, is corrected. Other errors are likewise corrected. Those doubtfuls that have an m marked over them are commonly masculine ; those having an t /J feminine. The words which are common in sense and gender, are thus marked*. The others are common in sense, but not in gender.] 30 THE FIRST SPECIAL RULE. Nouns not increasing in the genitive, as nubes, nulls, are feminine. EXCEPTIONS. MASCULINES. Nouns in nis are masculine; (Greek nouns feminine.) Cum callis, cassis, caulisqae, cometa, planeta, Axis, cenchris, collis, follis, fastis, aqudlis, Fustis, mensis, piscis, postis, sentis, et ensis ; Orbis, torris, vectis, vepres, vermis, et unguis. To these may be added Adria ,- nouns from the Greek in as, as tiaras ,- in es, as acinaces ,- and the compounds of as, as centussis, (and pandect & pi.) (a) Nouns in er and us are masculine. Except these fe- minine : Vannus, acus, jfausque, colusque, domusque, manuscyjiQ, Carbasus, atque tribus, portions, alvus, humus : with words of Greek origin ; as Abyssus, antidotus, atomus, dialectus, diphthongus, eremus, methodus, periodus, pharus, &c. [Note. These feminine nouns, though exceptions to this part of the rule, are regularly feminine according to the first special rule.] NEUTERS. Nouns in e of the third declension are neuter. Nouns in um are neuter. Nouns undeclined are neuter. Virus and pelagus are neuter. Vulgus masc. and neut. Likewise, Cacoethcs, hippomanes, nepenthes, panaces, neuter. DOUBTFULS EXCEPTED. f. f. m. m. These are doubtfuls : talpa l , dama, canalis, cytisus, bala- m. in. m. m. f. f. nus, Jinis*, clunis, penus 3 , amnis, pampinus, corbis, linte) m. m. m. m. torquis, specus 3 , anguis, phaselus, grossus, paradisus, bitus, palumbes. 1 Talpa and dama are masculine in two instances in Virgil. 2 Fines, borders or territories, is always masculine. 3 Penus and sjiecus, of the third declension, are neuter. 31 COMMONS EXCEPTED, Nouns compounded of verbs, ending in a ; as agricola, from colo ; advena from venio. Add senex, auriga, verna, sodalis, vates*, extorris,patruelis*, qffinis*,juvenis*,testis*, civis*, cams*, hostis *, perduellis, conviva*. THE SECOND SPECIAL RULE. Nouns increasing long in the genitive, as virtus, virtutis, are feminine. EXCEPTIONS. MASCULINES. Nouns in er, or, and os, are masculine (except cos and dos, which are feminine). Nouns of more than one syllable in n, ens, as antis, and the names of numbers and substances in o, are masculine. Add, Sol, ren, splen, fons, mons, pons, mus, as, bescpie, merldi- es, dens, sermo, lebes, magnes, thoraxque, tapesque. The compounds likewise of as, as quadrans, dodrans. NEUTERS. Nouns of more than one syllable in al, and ar. Add Crus, jus, pus, rus, thus, f el, mel, vas (yasis), et halec, jEs, spinther, cor, lac, far, ver, os (or is, et ossis). Sal (salt) is masc. rarely neut. Sales (plural), always mas- culine. DOUBTFULS EXCEPTED. ra. m. m. These are doubtfuls: Arrhabo, serpens, lubo, rudens, * I I* perdix, lynx, Umax, stirps 1 , when it signifies a trunk of a tree, and calx* a heel. Dies is doubtful in the singular, and masculine in the plural. Animans is of all genders. COMMONS EXCEPTED. Par ens*, auctor*, hifans*, adolescent, dux*, illex, hares*, exlex: derivatives from from, asbifrons,- alsocustos*, bos*, fur, sacerdos*, cliens*, pras*. But custos (a shoot) is masculine. 1 Stirps parents, or children, always feminine. 2 Calx lime, femiuine. 32 THE THIRD SPECIAL RULE. Nouns increasing short in the genitive, as sanguis, san- gumis, are masculine. EXCEPTIONS. FEMININES. Nouns of more than two syllables in do and go are femi- nine. All nouns in as adis, and in is idis, (except lapis, masc.) Junge pecus (pecudis), coxendix, trabsque, supellex, Appendix, crux, fax, nex, nix, mix, pixqae, Jilixque, Grando, Jides, compes, forceps, seges, arbor, hyemsqae. Scobs, carex, forfex, res, spes, sandyxque, tegesque. NEUTERS. Nouns in a, ar, en, put, ur, us, and names of plants in er, are neuter (except pecten and furfur, both masculine). His quoque marmor, ador, neutris jungasque cadaver. His cequor, tuber ! , verber, et uber, iter. DOUBTFULS EXCEPTED. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. in- Cardo, margo, cinis, obex, scrobs, pumex, imbrex, cortex, m. f. m. m. m. f. pulvis, grus, adeps, culex, natrix, silex, and onyx 9 , (with its m. m. compounds), varix, hystrix, and rumex. COMMONS EXCEPTED. Vigil, pugil, exul, pr&sul, homo, nemo*, martyr*, augur*, antistes*, miles*, pedes, interpres*, comes*, hospes, ales, prases, princeps*, auceps, eques, obses*, conjux*, judex*, vindex*, opifex, aruspex, sus*, municeps*. Note. To the Second Special Rule may be added these masculine exceptions. Spadix, ids, m. a certain colour. Volvox, ocis, m. a vine-fretter. Solar, dris, m. a young salmon. 1 Tuber, a mushroom, or wen, neut. ; name of a tree, fera, ; the fruit, * Onyr, a gem, fern. ; marble, or a vessel, masc. 33 To the Third Special Rule, feminine exceptions. Tomcx, ids, f. a cord. Merges, itis, f. a handful of corn. Sniilax, ads, f. a yew-tree, or herb. THE EXCEPTIONS ARRANGED, WITH A FIGURE REFERRING TO THE RULE TO WHICH THEY BELONG. A. Abyssus, s! 9 a bottomless pit, f; 1 () Adnaces, is, a scimitar, m. 1 . Acus, us, a needle, f. 1 (a) Adcps, ipis, fatness, d. 3. m. Adolesccns, tis, a young man or woman, c. 2 * Ador, or is, wheat, n. 3. Adria, &, a sea, m. 1. Advena, ce, a stranger, c. 1. JEquor, or is, the sea, n. 3. /2&, 5, 0^55/5, eight ounces, ??z. 2. Bifrons, tis, double-faced, c. *2. Bos, bovis, an ox or cow, c. 2* J3woo, o/5, an owl, d. 2. TH. C. Cacoethes, is, a bad habit, w. 1. Cadaver, eris, a carcase, w. 3. Callis, is, a path, w. 1 . CVzr, cw, the heel, , z>, a citizen, r. 1 * D 34. Cliens, tis, a client, c. 2 * Clunis, is, a buttock, d+ 1. m. Collis, is, a hill, m. 1. Coins, i, or us, a distaff, / 1. Comes, itis, a companion, c. 3* Cometa, a, a comet, ?#. 1. Compes, Mis, a fetter, / 3. Conviva, cc, a guest, c. 1 * Conjux, iigis, husband, or wife, c. 3 * Cor, d/s, the heart, n. 2. Corbis, is, a basket, d.l.f. Cortex, ids, a bark, c?. 3. m. Coxendix, ids, the hip, f. 3. Crws, Sm, a leg, n. 2. Crux, uds, a cross, / 3. Culex, ids, a gnat, 5. 3. m. Custos, odis, a keeper, c. 2 * Cytisus, i, hadder, d 1. m. D. Dama, cc, a deer, d. I. f. Dens, tis, a tooth, TTZ. 2. Dialectus, i, a dialect,/ 1 (a) Dies, ei, a day, c?. 2. plural, 77Z. Diphthongus, i, a diphthong, / 1 (a) Dodrajis, tis, nine ounces, w. 2. Domus, i, or zfo, a house, / 1() Dw^r, uds, a guide, c. 2 * E. Ensis, is, a sword, ?w. 1. Eques, itis, a horseman 0> -woman, c, 3. Eremus, i, a wilderness, / lr/r, legis, a lawless per- son, Extorris, is, a banished per- son, c. 1. Exul, ulis, an exile, c. 3. F. Jfor, f arris, bread corn, ??. 2. Fasds, is, a faggot, ;w. 1. Fax, ads, a torch, f. 3. JH, /e//w, gall, n. 2. 2^'cw5, /, or ?1s, a fig, / 1 (a) Fides, ei, feith, / 3. r, zcw, fern, / 3. , an end, d. 1. m. Follis, is, a pair of bellows, m. 1. jPow5, ^>, a fountain, m. 2. Forceps, ctpis, a pair of tongs, /3. Forfex, ids, a pair of shears, /3. Fur, furls, a thief, c. 2. Fustis, is, a club, w. 1. G. Grando, mis, hail, f. 3. Grossus, i, a green fig, c?. 1. Gms, iiis, a crane, 6?. 3. f. H. Halec, eds, a herring, n. 2. Hacres, edis, an heir, c. 2 * Hippomanes, (indecl.) a poi- son, rc. 1. Plomo, mis, a human being, c. 3. Hospes, itis, a guest, c. 3. Hostis, is, an enemy, c. 1 * Humus, i, the ground,/ 1 (#] Hyems, emis, winter, / 3. Hystrix,ids, a porcupine, , a stump, d. 2. Supdlex, -lee fili s, furniture, f. 3. 5?^, 5W75, a SOW, C. 3 * T. Talpa, 5, -is, Tertia); in -o fonna? muliebria singula Quartae. ^ Titan, splen, delphin, Mcmnon, Chremes, Euriput ; adamas, Simo'is; Sappho, Echo. 38 Et vox in -nis, ut ignis ; item sanguis, lapis, et glis, Fomiscpie et vomer, mugilcpie et mugilis ,- atque As cum compositis in -is omnibus ; ut centussis. Sic pars assis in -#ws, vel in -e ns, vel in unx ; itidem bes. Addefrutex, caudex, codex, cimexque, latexcpie, Grex, murex, pollex, pulex, sorexque, culexque, Ramex, et vertex, et apex, jbrnixcpie, His plura inveniet tyro, sed rarius, usu. 2. FCEMINEA. Vannus, humus, facit i ; tribus -its ; sic portions, Idus, Sic acus, et manus : unica sed domus, -i facit aut -its. Additur his caro : qugeque a tails, lalio, nata est. Arbor ; cos, dos ,- cum tellure, solus, palus, incus ; Servi -que -tus, virtusque, juventus, atque senectus. 3. NEUTRALIA. Suber, acer, siler, uber, iter, ver / junge cadaver, Tuber, item cicer, et piper, et siser, atque papaver ,- jjEquor, marmor, cor ; as ; vas -is ; et os -sis, et os -ris. Omne etiam nomen casu invariabile ; ceu fas. 4. COMMUNIA 1 . Omnibus his commune genus ; plerumque sed hsec sunt Mascula ; adeps, Jinis, torquis, pidvis, cinis, anguis, Vepres, linter, margo, rudens, scrobs, pampiims, obex, Index, calx, cortex : Ha3C foeminea ; ut coins, alvus, Grando, silex, co?*bis, rubus, et lux, carbasus, imbrex : Plura, utriusque notae, genera in diversa feruntur. Sunt, quae de'ficiunt, generum adjectiva duorum ; Qualia in -es sunt ; ut locuples : neutralia raro. Foemineum in -trix plurali solo ordine neutrum est. SPECIAL RULES BY THE TERMINATION AND DECLENSION. FIRST DECLENSION. (1) Nouns of this declension ending in as and cs are mas- culine ; and in a and e, feminine. 1 The words named common^ in these verses, are, properly, denominated doubtful. The nouns that are common are contained in the following lines ; COMMONS. Conjux atque parens, infans, patruelis et haeres, Affinis, vindex, judex, dux, miles et hostis, Augur, et antistes, juvenis, conviva, sacerdos, Muni^w m. 1, the Adriatic sea. Ames, itis, m. 4, a stake. Adamas, antis, m. 4, a dia- mond. Acinaces, is 9 m. 4, a scimitar, zs, m. 4, an axle-tree. is 9 m. 4> 9 a water- pot. ~ax 9 Greek nouns in, m, 4; as Abac l 9 ac'iS) m. 4, a desk. Apex 9 iciS) m. 4, a top. As, assis 9 m. 4, a pound- weight. its compounds and parts, m. 4, except uncia, f. Alvus, z, f. 2, the belly. AntidoiiiS) t,f. 2, an antidote. AbyssziS) i, f. 2, a bottomless pit. Arctus, i> f. 2, a certain con- stellation. Arbor, oris, f. 3, a tree. Aedon 9 oniS) f. 3, a nightin- gale. ^6ws, w^, f. 6) & needle : but ACM, I, m. a sea fish, and ) eris, n. chaff. , oris, n. 3, the sea. Ador 9 oriS) n. 3, fine wheat. JEs, ceris., n. 4, brass. -as, Greek nouns ending in, n. 4. Augur, uris, c. g. s. an au- gur. Antistes, itis, c. g. s. a chief priest. Auctor, oris, c. g, s- an au- thor. Adolescens, tis, c. g. s. a youth. Affinis, is, c. g. s, a cousin. Advena, tc, c. s. m. a stran- ger. Agricola, ce, c. s. m. a hus- bandman. 1 And such words as nyctictirax, acts, (m.) an owl ; thryrar, aris, the bfcast; dropax, am, (M.) a certain ointment; storax, acts, a gum, Abax is hardly La- tin, but Abacus is used. Auriga, a, c. s. m. a chari- oteer. Auceps, upis, c. s. m. a fow- ler. Aruspex, ids, c. s. m. a sooth- sayer. Ales, itis, d. a bird. Adeps, ipis, d. fat. Anguis, is, d. a snake. Amnis, is, d. m. a riven Atomus, i, d. f. an atom. Animans, tis, m. f. n. an ani- mal. B. Bombyx, Ids, m. 4, a silk- worm: but Bombyx, f. the finest cotton. Bidens, tis, m. 4, a fork: but Bidens, f. a sheep. Bodily substance, words in io denoting, m. Bos, bovis, c. g. s. an ox or cow. Balanus, i, d. an acorn. Barbilos, i, d. a lute. Bubo, onis, d. m. an owl. C. Comcta, fc, m. 1, a comet. Callis, is, Til. 4, a path. Caulis, is, m. 4, a stalk. Collis, is, m. 4, a hill. Caudex, ids, m. 4, a stock of a tree. Cidex, ids, m. 4, a gnat. Cimex, ids, m. 4, a bug. Calix, ids, m. 4, a cup. Calyx, yds, m. 4, the cup of a flower. Cocajx, ygJSy ds, m. 4, a click ;o\v. 1 Gustos, a shoot, is masculine. * Cupldo, mis, m. the god of rlcsire : hut Cupldo, frm's, jT. desire i Horace used cujrido sordidus for desire Chalijbs, jjbis, m. 4, steel. Cardo, mis, m. 4, a hinge. Cw^o, ow/5, TW. 4, a fur cap. Curculio, onis, m. 4, a mite. Carbasus, i, f. 2, fine linen, Coins, i, f. 2, a distaff. Cos, co/s, y] 3, a whetstone. C'aro, ms, t /.' 3, flesh. Chaos, -oDat. n. 3, confusion. Cadaver, en's, n. 3, a carcase. Cicer, eris, n. 3, a vetch. Cor, ?w, 7i. 3, the heart. Cacoethes, (indecl.) n. 4, a bad habit Conviva, &, c. g* s. a guest. Custos*) sobolcs, proles, E 50 to, os (0m). Necum and necilus are scarcely ever found. Chaos, melos, (cpos l \ are Greek nouns neu- ter, increasing in the genitive singular, and therefore belonging to the third declension. They have N. A. V. singular; and, as if from masculines of the second, chaos and melos have sometimes chao and melo in the dative or ablative. Melos has mele in the nom. ace. voc. pi. ; and it is sometimes found to have melos mas- culine in the accusative plural. The word satias is said not to be found in the genitive singular. It is a contraction of satietas, -dtis. (See Declensions R. V. obs.) Vis seldom has the dative singular; vires, -ium, -ibus, plural complete. (See the Declension of Irregular Adjectives, note 1.) Nemo wants the vocative singular; and has no plural. Such words as quails^ quantus^ quotus, &c. have no vocative. 2. DEFECTIVES IN NUMBER. These have only the Singular' 3 * Proper names, most names of places (except those which have only the plural), most names of virtues, vices, herbs, liquors, metals, abstract qualities, and many others which may be known by the sense : as Hector, Dido, Italia, jus- 1 See Triptotes. a This is the general rule, but it must be confessed to be tery vague ; for many words belonging to these classes hare the plural, such as : 1. Avena, deer, Jaba, far, frumenlum, faseolus, glans, hordeum, lupinus, pi- sum, vicia, most of which, however, are used in the singular when quantity is signified. Acus (chaff), farina, lomentum, furfur (bran), are generally sin- gular. Furfur (a disorder) has the plural. Palea has the plural, though used, in the singular, for a quantity. Pollen has the plural. Piper and zin- ztber, with other names of spices, are singular only, except cinnamum* 2. Tlie following names of herbs are found in the Plural. Abrotonus biblus cytisus lapsana sagmeu absinthium brassica eruca linum sampsuchuna acanthus bulbus fill* lolium satureium aconitum carduus foanum malva serpillum alga casia gramen melissophyllon sesamum allium centaureum helleborus mentha stupa amomum cepe intybum nasturtium thymus anagallis cicuta intybus ocymum tribulus anthyllis colocasium inula papaver verbena asparagus coriandrum juncus porrus ulpicum betonica corruda lactuca radix urtica. beta cunila lappa ruta titia, luxiiSs hyssopuS) triticwn^ oleum., lac^ aurum^ macics, butyrum^ Aer humus omasum sitis aether jubar penum or supellex album justitium penus tabes argilla lardum pelagus tabum barathrum lethum piper venia cestus limus plebs ver coenum lues pontus vespera crocum lutum prolubium veternum or diluculum mane pubes veternus fimus meridies pulvis virus glarea mundus (ap- pus viscum or gelu parel) sabulum -o viscus (glue) giastum muscus sal (neut.) vitrum salum vulgus zinziber. gluten -inum nectar gypsum hepar hesperus These, and some others^ are sometimes found in the Plural. nemo m'hilum nitrum salus sanguis senium Aer bilis cholera cutis fama fames gloria labes lux mel pax pituita pulvis pix quies ros sopor talio tellus. [Nouns of the 5th declen- sion are seldom found in the plural.] Caryophilli, croci, hyacinthi, roste, violce, refer to the flowers. Plants yield- ing roots for food, often have the plural ; Inulce, napi, pastinacte, rapa, ra- phani, siseres, are in Pliny. 3. Arena, cinis, lana ; aqua, aura, cruor, fcx, Jluor, latex, liquor, mel, mucus, mustum, oesypum, saliva, spuma, sudor, vimtm, ulva, urina ; adeps, balsamum, cera, gummis, medulla, pingue, used substantively, resina, thus; ces (for things made of that metal), electrum, orichalcum, stannum, bitumen, cccmentum, cbur, fumus, glarea, lignum, marmor, rubigo, sucdnum, sulfur, pecunia has pecunia (sums of money), nummus (money or coin). 4. The names of many affections of the mind ; as algor, ardor, angor, color, candor, contemptus, fastits, fervor, furor, horror, languor, livor, metus, mceror t pavor, pudor, terror, vigor ; to which may be added, fragor, odor, stridor, nitor, pallor, pqdor, rigor, splendor, squalor, tenor (tone or accent), tepor, tumor, and many words of the like nature. 5. And although every abstract quality, metaphysically considered, must be singular ; yet being considered as existing in a variety of subjects, their names are occasionally used in the plural number : hence, ambitio, avaritia, amaritudo, astutia, bonitas, elegantia, dementia, fortitudo, formido, gloria, ira, malitm, mors, sanctitas, savitia, stultitia, vita, and many more of a similar kind, are found in the plural. E2 The following have only the Plural. The names of several cities, books, feasts, and sciences : also most adjectives of number ; as Athenae, Thermopylae, Parisii, Bucolica, Georgica ; Baechanalia, Otympia / mu- sica, grammatica , ambo t duo, tres, &c., pauci, singuli, bini, 3 Add the following : Acta facilitates (re- lustra [dens) principia (for adversaria sources) majores - the tent) antes antae -iae fasces (a badge) manes fasti and -us manubiae pugillares quisquiliae apinae facetiae magalia, -ium reliquiae argutiae feriae minae repotia arma fines(territory) minores rostra (the eestiva flabra minutiae court) Bona (goods) fortunae (es- mcenia, -ium sales (witti- branchiae tate) multitia cisms x ) brevia, -ium furfures(scwr/ ) munia salinae bellaria gerrae natales (birth) scalae calendae hyberna nonae scatebrae cancelli idus nugae scopae can! ilia, -ium nundinse scruta castra (camp) incunabula nuptiae sponsalia, -ium celeres infer! off'uciae (tricks) stativa clitellffl induciae opes (riches) super! codicilli induviae orgia talaria, -ium comitia insecta pandectae tenebrae crepundia insidiae parietinae tesqua cunae justa parapherna thermae cunabula lactes penates tori (muscles) dirae lamenta plagae (nets) transtra 3 divitiae lapicidinae poster! tricag j excubiae lautia phalerse trigae exequiae lemures praecordia valvae exta lendes prcebia vergiliae exuviae luceres primitiae vindici^e. 1 Cicero uses sal in this sense. Sales sometimes signifies salt. * Transtro is found in Perseus. 53 These and some others are sometimes found in the Singular. Angustise crates mapalia quadrigse decimae nares salebraa artus aedes bigae charites copiae cibaria fores operae (work- tempora (tem- fori men) pies) furiae prim ores plerique fruges proceres vepres. literse (an epistle) praestigiae It may be observed that many of the foregoing are ad- jectives; such as bona, cani, adversaria, dirce, infer 7", super i, justa, majores, minores, posteri, stativa, &c. PLURALS SIGNIFYING SINGULARLY. The indefatigable Mr. R. Johnson has given, in his ex- cellent Commentaries, the following list, confirmed by pro- per citations, of words which are sometimes found (espe- cially among the poets) in the plural number, with the sig- nification of singulars : Alta (the sea), animi, auras ; ca- rinte, cervices (the neck), colla, comce, connubia, corda 9 cor- pora^ crepuscida, currus ; exilia , frigora ; gaudia, guttura / hymenai ; jejunia^ judicia^ igncs, inguina^ jubte ; limina^ littora; mensts (a course or service of dishes); numina; odia, ora, ora (plur. of os), ortus, otia ; pectora ; rictus (jaws of one creature, or of more), robora ; silentia, sinus (the plait of a garment); tadce, terga, tempora (time), thalami, tori, viae, vultus, thura, amores (sweetheart), &c. SINGULARS USED PLURALLY. Certain nouns are sometimes elegantly used in the singu- lar, with a plural signification, such as, miles for milites (the soldiery); eques for equites; ttoma?ius for Romani; pedes for pediteS) &c. The adjective multus likewise; as in the examples, Quis multa gracilis te puer in rosa Hor. Quam multo repetet Gratia milite Hor. i. e. 6n many roses, or a bed of roses; with many soldiers, or a large army. PRONOUNS. A pronoun is a word used, through necessity or for con- venience, instead of a noun : it has gender, case, and num- ber. Pronouns are divided into four classes, viz. 1. Demonstratives; ego, tit, sut\ 2. Relatives; ille, ipse, iste, hie, is, quis, qui. 3. Possess! ves ; meus, tuus, suus, nosier, vester. 4. Gentiles or Patrials ; nostras, vestras, cujas. Qiiis and cujas are called also Interrogatives. The declension of all these has been shown, except that of ego, tu, sui ; and hie, is, quis and qui. Ego, tu, sui, are substantives ; they have no gender of their own, but assume the gender of the noun for which they are placed. They are thus declined : Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur. Sing. $ Plur. N. ego, nos, tu, vos, G. me7, nostrum, I, tui, vestrum, -i, SUI, D. mihT, nobis, titf, vobls, sibT, Ac. me, n5s, te, vos, se, V. tu, vos, Ab. me, nobis. te, v5bis. se. The preposition cum is put after these ablatives. The compounds egomet, tutemet, suimet, are regular. T/iese are Monoptotes. Nom. tute. Ac. sese, tetc, the simple pronoun being doubled. Hie, Is, Qui and Quis, are thus declined : M. Sing. F. N. hoc, N. hie, hc, G. hujiis, D. huic 1 , Ac. hunc, hanc, hoc, Ab. hoc, hac, hoc, Sing. M. F. N. N. is, eS, id, G. ejiis, Z). ei, Ac. Sum, earn, id, V. Ab. eo, ea, eo, M. Plur. F. N. hi, hs>, horum, hiirum, horum, his, hos, has, his. Plur. F. M. F. N. ii, eS, ea, eorum, earum, eorum, ns, vel ^Is, eos, ^iis, ea, iis vel Is. Or hnYc, but less 55 M. Sing. F. G. D. N. (quid or quod), quod, Qui, Cujiis, Quern, quam, quod (quid), Ab. Quo, qua, qu5. M. Plur. F. N. Qui, qusc, qu&, Quorum, quorum, qu5rum> Quibus vcl queis, Quos, quas, qu&, Quibus vel queis. Qui is put for the ablative singular in all genders, rarely ab- lative plural. Cum is put after the ablatives of qui and quis. COMPOUND PRONOUNS. ( 1 ) Compounds of hie are : N. isthic, isthac, isthoc vel isthuc. Ac. isthunc, isthanc, isthoc vel isthuc. Ab isthoc, isthac, isthoc. So illic. Hicce has all the cases that end in c or s, before ce* ; and hiccine all the cases having c before cine. (2) The compound of is is, idem, eddem, idem, which, like quidam, changes m before d into n. (3) Compounds of quis formed by prefixing ne, ?mm 9 ec, si and all (alms) to quis ; or adding nam, quam, que, piam 9 or doubling quis, are : nequis, numquis, ecquis, siquis, ali- quis ; quisnam, quisquam, quisque, quispiam, quisquis. The compounds of quis, when quis is put last, have qua in the nominative singular feminine and neuter plural. Siquis and ecquis have qua or qucc. Quisquis is thus declined : N. quis-' quis, quidquid, or quicquid. Ac. quidquid or quicquid. Ab. quoquo, quaqua, quoquo. Quisquam has qu&quam, quod- quam, and quidquam or quicquam : Ace. sing, quenquam, the feminine wanting. The plural is seldom used. Some are doubly compounded ; as ccquisnam, used in the nominative only, and unusquisque, which wants the plural. (4-) The compounds of qui are quidam, qndcunquc, quivts, and quilibet, which are regular. All these pronouns want the vocative. Queis is not used in composition. MONOPTOTES. Gen. Ejusce, cujusce, hujusmodi, ejusmodi, cujusmodi, hu- jusccmodi. Ac. Eccum, eccam ; eccos, eccas (from ecce, and is). Ellum, dlam ; dlos, ellas (from ecce and tile). 1 Or citf, but less common. - This is a common rule j but hice may be fomjd in Terence, Etui. 2. 2. 38. Horuncc and haruncc, and, by apocope, Iwrunc and harunc may likewise be found ; but they are uncommon. 56 Abl. Pte is put after the ablatives med, tud, sud, nostrd, vestrd, and sometimes after the masculine of these. Observations on some pronouns. (1) Aliquis and Quidam may be thus distinguished: the former denotes a person or thing indeterminately; the latter, determinately. (2.) Uter refers to two, and is therefore joined to compa- ratives. (3) Quis may refer to many, and is therefore joined with superlatives. (4) Hie and Ille are often found to refer to two words going before them. Hie refers to the latter; Hie to the former ; but in a few instances, where no ambiguity is oc- casioned by it, this distinction is reversed *. (5) As demonstratives, Hie refers to the person nearest to me ; Iste to the person nearest to you; Ille to any inter- mediate person. In the same manner Hie is for the first person ; Istic for the second; Ulic for the third. Is may re- fer to a person absent^ (6) Ipse and Idem are joined to any person. Ipse is often joined to the primitives ego, tu, ille, sui. It may agree with these; but when the nominative, and the word governed by the verb, refer to the same person, it is better to be put in the nominative ; as, Mihi ipse placeo ; Te ipse laudas ; Cato se ipse occidit. It is often used emphatically, for per se ; as, Ipse prcefuit exercitui> He commanded the army in person. (7) Ille denotes honour; Iste contempt. (8) Tuus is used when we speak to one; as, Sumne, Co* riolane, in tuis castris captiva, an mater-? Vester, when we speak to more than one; as, Cives, miseremini cceli vestri. (9) Omnis, Quisque, and Utcrque, have been thus distin- guished : Omnis and Qiiisque are generally used when we speak of more than two ; Uterque always when we speak of two. (10) Alter is in general applied to one of two; Alius to one of many. But Cicero uses Primus, Secundus et Alter. In general Alter when repeated is to be translated by the one and the other ; but there is a passage in Cicero, in which the former Alter refers to the last antecedent ; viz. Ut enim cum civi alitcr contendimus, si est inimicus, aliter si compe- titor : cum altcro (competitore] certamen honoris, cum altero capitis et famce. De Off. lib. 1, 12. Alius is, in Caesar, 1 In such instances as pontus et rtcr, Fluclibus hie tumidus, nubibus ille minar Ovid. Sic deus ct mrgo eat ; hir. spc cclcr, ilia (iniorc Ovid, the rela- tive situations of the objects may have been regarded, not the position of the nouns in the sentence. 57 applied' to one of two; as, -Ducts leges promulgavit ; unam qua mercedes habitationum annuas condiictoribus donavit ; all am tabularum novarum. Cies. 3. Bel. Civil. Alter is sometimes used like Alms. When in a sentence alius is repeated, it is expressed in English by different terms cor- responding with each other; such as one, another ; some, others. &c. Thus, Alii domos, alii monies petebant, Some were going to their homes, and others to the mountains. Quorum alms, alia causa illata, petebat, Of whom one as- signing one cause, another, another, asked ; or Each of whom assigning a different cause, asked. (11) Quivis, any whom you please; Quisqvam, any one; and Ullus, any, are thus used : Quivis affirms ; as, Quidvis mild sat est, Any thing pleases me. Quodvis pati mallem, I would rather suffer any thing. Ullus never affirms, but asks or denies, that is, it may be used in an interrogative sentence, or in a sentence negatively expressed: as also Quisquam. Thus, Nee ulla res ex omnibus me angit Cic. Nor does any thing of all these things distress me. Nee quisquam eorum te novit, Nor does any one of them know you. In an interrogative sentence; as, An quisquam dubi- tabit ? Cic. Will any one doubt it ? Ullus is used in the same way. (12) Met, tui, sui, nostri, vcstri, the genitives of the pri- mitives, are generally used when passion, or the being acted upon, is denoted ; as amor met, means, the love wherewith I am loved. (13) Metis, tuus, suns, noster, vester, the possessives, de- note action, or the possession of a thing ; as amor meus, is the love which I possess and exert towards somebody else. But these two distinctions are sometimes reversed: thus the first; Nam neque tud negligentidj neque odio id fecit tuo Ter. Neither did he do it out of neglect towards you, nor of hatred towards you ; in which the possessives tud and tuo are used instead of tui, denoting the neglect with which you are neglected, and the hatred with which you are hated. The second; Ex unius tui vita pendere omnium Cic. That the lives of all depend upon your life ; in which tui is put instead of the possessive tud. Cicero uses insidice alicujus, passively, for the snares which are laid against a man, not for those which a man lays. (14-) Adjectives, participles, and verbs, which have a ge- nitive after them, take that of the primitives ; as, Similis mci ; memor noslri ,- obscrvans tui ; in di get is mci. (15) Partitives, numerals, comparatives, and superlatives 58 take after them nostrum, vest rum ,- as, utcrque nostrum , primus vcstrum ,- major, maximum veslrum. But Cicero, in his Orations, pays no regard to this distinction. (16) The possessives often take after them ipshis, solius, unius, duorum, trium, &c., omnium, plurium, paucorum, cu- jusque, and the genitives of participles likewise ; which words have a reference to the primitive understood ; as, Dixi mea unius opera rempublicam esse salvam Cic. I said that the state was preserved by the service of me alone, Meum solius peccatum corrigi non potest Cic. The offence of me alone cannot be amended. - Scripta cum mca nemo legal, vul- go recitare timenlis Hor. Since nobody reads the writings of me, fearing to rehearse them publicly. De tuo ipsius studio conjecturam cepcris Cic. You may conjecture from your own study. In sua cujusque laude prcestantior Erasm. More excellent each in his own skill. Nostra omnium me- moria Erasm. In the memory of us all. Vcstris pauco- rum respondet laudibus Cic. He answers to the praises of you few. It is evident, that to all these the primitive is understood: thus, Meum solius peccatum is the same as Mei solius pecca- ; but, as meum was expressed, mei became unnecessary. RECIPROCALS. (17) Sui and Sutis are called reciprocals, because they al- ways refer to some preceding person or thing, generally the principal noun in the sentence : thus, Ctzsar Ariovisto dixil, turn scse (C&sarem) Gallis, sed Gallos sibi (Ccesari) bellum inlulisse, Caesar told Ariovistus, that he had not made war upon the Gauls, but the Gauls upon him ; in which se and sibi refer to Caesar, the principal noun. But when different persons are spoken of pronominally, other pronouns are ne- cessary for distinction's sake : thus, Cato confesses that he (Cato) has erred, Cato se peccdsse fatetur. Cato thinks ill of Caesar, and says that he (Caesar) aims at a revolution; De Casare male sentit Cato ; eum studere novis rebus arbi- tratur. Cato killed himself with his (Cato's own) sword; Suo se gladio conjecit Cato. He killed himself with his sword (that is, with the sword of any body else); illius gladio se confecit* These distinctions will be more fully explained by the following remarks : I. When he or his refers to the case which precedes the verb, sui and suits are used : as, Homo Justus nihil cuiquam> quod in sc transferal dclrahcL Cic, : in which sc refers to 59 homo. Pythius pisca fores ad sc (Pythium) convocavit, et ab his petivit, ut ante suos (Pythii) hortulos piscarentur Cic. Had the fishermen's gardens been intended, the expression would have been ante ipsorum hortulos. Change the nomina- tive ; Piscatores erant a Pythio rogati, ut ante suos hortulos piscarentur : here suos refers to piscatores ; and if his is to refer to Pythius, it must be expressed by ante ejus hortulos. The noun preceding the verb is sometimes in the accusative: as, Dicunt Cererem antiqiiissimam a C. Verre ex suis templis esse sublatam Cic. ; in which suis refers to the accusative Cererem, which is virtually a nominative, and resolvable into quod Ceres &c. If I say C. Verres sustulit Cererem ex tem- plis suis, suis refers to Verres the nominative ; and if I wish to apply the pronoun to Ceres, I must say ex templis ejus. In such sentences as, Pater jussit Jilio 1 , ut iret in cubicu- lum suum, and, Verres rogat Dolabellam, ut de sua provincia decedat, in which there are two verbs, and two third persons, we must distinguish by the context which is the principal person, in order, generally, to refer the reciprocal to this as its proper nominative. II. The reciprocals may likewise be applied to the word which follows the verb, provided that it is capable of being turned into the nominative, without altering the sense: thus, Trahit sua quemque voluptas Virg. ; in which sua refers to quemque, the object of the verb, because it may become the subject, as in the equivalent expression, Quisque trahitur a voluptate sua. In the same manner, Regis est gubernare suos ; in which suos refers to regis, because we may say, Regis qfficium est ut (rex] gubernet cives suos. Hunc sui cives eje- cerunt Cic. Sui refers to hunc, because we may say, Hie ejectus est a suis civibus. III. Provided no ambiguity should arise, the reciprocals may be used instead of relative pronouns ; and especially when the first or second person is used : as, Gratias mihi agunt quod se (eos) med sententid reges appcllaverim Cic.; Suam rem sibi salvam sistam Plaut.; in Which ejus and ei might be used; Timet ue deseras se, or, earn Ter. Relatives may be used instead of reciprocals : as, Omnes boni, quan- tum in ipsis (or se) J'uit, Ccesarem occiderunt Cic. ; Per- suade nt Rauracis ut una cum Us (or secum) proficiscantur Caes. Perfuga Fabricio pollicitus est, si prcemium ei (or sibi, 1 This is an uncommon construction ; for although Tacitus says, Ubi Bri- tannieo jussit exurgere, jubco has commonh the accusative and infinitive mood after it. 60 viz. perfuvtc) proposuisset, se Purrhum veneno necaturum Cic. Qiiapropter non petit iit ilium (se) miserum putetis, nisi et innocens fuerit Quinct. ( 1 ) Sometimes sui and ipse are applied to 1 the same per- son, in the same sentence : as, Abisari Alexander nunciari jussit, si gravaretur ad se (Aleccandrwii) venire, ipsum (Alex- anti-rum) ad eum esse venturum Curt. Ei legation! Ariovis- tus respondit) si quid ipsi (Ariovisto] a Cccsare opus csset, sese (Ariovistum) ad cum venturum Juisse ; si quid ille (Ccesar} a se (Ariovisto) velit, ilium (Ccesar em) ad se (Ariovistum} ve- nire oportere Caes. Sometimes the reciprocals refer, in the same sentence, both to the primary and secondary noun, especially when the latter becomes important, and no ambi- guity is thereby produced. Thus Ariovistus tells Caesar, Neminem secum sine sua pernicie contendisse ; that no one had contended with him, without suffering his own ruin. Secum refers to Ariovistus / sud to nemincm. It is evident that Ariovistus laid great stress on sua pernicie ; and that these two words must refer to neminem, since it was Ario- vistus himself who was then speaking, and whose destruc- tion, consequently, could not, at that time, have taken place. (2) Sims, Is, or Ipse, may likewise be used, indifferently, in certain cases. ^Ve may say, Cepi columbam in nido suo, or, in nido ejus, or ipsius. The first is equivalent to, Co- Iwnba a me capta cst in nido suo. And ejus or ipsius may be used, because nidus can refer to columba only. Suus may likewise be used for other pronouns, when its use cannot, from the sense, cause any ambiguity ; as, in Virgil, when, speaking of Dido's nurse ; he says, Namque suam patria^ an- tiqua dim ater kabcbat, in which suam cannot refer to cinis ater, either according to the sense, or the gender used, but evidently to her nurse. Sui also ; as, Diomjsius Jilias suas tondere docuit, instituit- que ut candentibus juglandium putaminibus barbam sibi, et capillum adurerent Cic. Here sibi cannot refer to his daiigh- ters, although they are the nominative to adurcrent., but to Dionysius himself since his daughters, it is presumed, had no beard. Had the sentence been, Dionysius instituit ut Ji- litc su sil vestrior, * . vestris, J Supinus, supinior,*f . Superus, superior,* supremus, summits. Vetus, veterior,* veterrimus. ulterior, ultimus. Words marked * are regularly compared. Those marked f are not often found. ADDITIONAL SUPERLATIVES WANTING. Most adjectives in His and dlis, and in bilis ; as j 1 Nequam forms its comparison as if from neyui the genitive. 2 Satins only, I believe, is found. 64 iS) capitalist regalis, tolerabilis. Add also, arcanus, de- ) prodivis, longinquus, propinquns. COMPARISON WANTING. Participles in rus and dus^ adjectives in bundus, imus 9 inns, iciis, and 2/5 after a vowel (except -qum\ diminutives ill lus (which are in reality a sort of comparison); as ama- turus, amandus 9 pudibundus, limits, matutinus, odorus, famcli- cus, tenellus, dubim, have no simple comparison. Add to these, most nouns in ivus, and adjectives compounded of verbs and nouns ; as Jugitivtis, versicolcr, tardigradus, de- gener, consonus, pestifer, armiger ; and almus, mirus, egenus, lacer, memor 9 sospes. (1) Some adjectives in us pure, are found, having simple comparison, such as arduus, assiduus, exigims, plus *, perpe- tuus, strenuus, vacuus, to which add tennis ; but they have generally compound comparison, by magis and maxime. The comparison of substantives, as Nero, Neronior ; of pronouns, as ipse, ipsissimus ; of words already compared, as proximus 9 proximior ; postremus, postremissimus, is not to be imitated. (2) When the adjective does not vary its termination in comparison 2 , and the sense admits further intension, tl is is done by prefixing magis (more), and maxime (most); or, for diminution, minus (less), and minime (the least). The compa- rison of eminence denoted by very (in adjectives likewise that are susceptible of terminational comparison) is made by valde and vuknbdum, or by de 9 per, or pr& prefixed ; as d.e- parcus, very sparing; per- or prde-facilis 9 very easy ; permttltiy very many ; perpauci, very few 3 . In this state they admit no 1 Pienlissimus is found in inscriptions. * It may be more a metaphysical than a grammatical remark, that, pro- perly speaking, no words, but such as admit of further intension, can be com- pared. But, in English, the word perfect, and, in Latin, jierfectus, plenttf, satur, &c., are compared. It is evident, that nothing can be more perfect than perfection, nor more full than fulness. These words, therefore, do not increase upon the absolute sense of the positive ; but, being compared, indicate a com- parative increase over something not possessing the full quality implied in the positive, in its absolute and complete sense ; and must, therefore, denote ap- proximation or tendency. Thus, "One thing is fuller than another," must mean, that one thing approadies nearer to fulness than the other, and presup- poses that neither is absolutely full. In nearly a similar way may be explained, the manner in which certain comparatives seem greater than superlatives, in the following quotations from Cicero : " Ego aii tern hoc sum miserior quam tu, quce es tniserrima." " Persuade tibi te mihi esse charissinnuu, sed vnulto fore cfiariorem, si &c." In these sen- tences the superlative is to the comparative, as a sort of positive, upon which the comparative is formed. 3 Adjectives compounded with certain prepositions increasing or diminishing the signification of the simple noun, if the simple noun be in use and admit comparison, are seldom compared ; such are pradivet, pradurus ; deparcvs 65 simple comparison, although the word perpaucissimi^ a very very few, is found. (3) When the superlative is wanting, the comparative is sometimes used in its stead : as, Adolescentiores apum, The younger or youngest of the bees. Juniores patrum, The youngest of the senators. In such instances, the bees and the senators are divided into two parties ; and then the com- parative is strictly applicable. For the comparison of adverbs^ see Adverbs. OF THE VERB. A Verb has been defined to be " that part of speech which signifies to be, to do, or to suffer : " or, more correctly, " that part of speech which predicates some action, passion, or state of its subject : " as, amo 9 vulneror, sto. Its essential ser- vice consists in affirmation, and by this property it is distin- guished from every other part of speech. To the verb belong, conjugation, voices, moods, tenses, numbers, and persons. OF THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF VERBS. Verbs are either simple, as amo ; or compound, as redamo. Primitive, as lego ; or derivative, as lectito. Regular, as arno or irregular, as volo ; defective, as inquam ; or redundant, as edo, I eat. Their termination is in o, as amo; in or, as amor; or in m, as sum. Verbs have been likewise divided into substantive, and ad- jective. A substantive verb denotes the affirmation of being or existence : as, sum, Jio 9 existo. An adjective verb denotes existence, but with the addition of some attribute or quality belonging to the subject: as, lego, edurus ; subhorridus, subtristis, &c. Except preedarus, which has both a com- parative and a superlative. But pr&stans, prcestabilis, &c. which come imme- diately from verbs, admit comparison ; to which add prcesens, whose simple noun is not in use, and prcefractus, -for, in which the signification of the simple noun is changed. The compounds of per derived from verbs follow the ame rule as those with pra : thus may be found perquisitior, pervagatior, per* vagatissimus, perjurior, perjurissimus, from perquiro, pervagor, perjuro or pejero. But when, for the sake of intension, per is prefixed to adjectives admitting comparison, it is joined only to the positive ; as in percarus, perdiligens, per- pulcher; nor are such words as percarior, -issimus, found. Vossius and Ursinus however, contend that the superlative also admits per, from the supposed oc- currence of perpaucissimus in Columella, R. R. iii. 20 ; of pertenuissimus, Senec. N. Quaest. ii. 10; of peroptimus, Plaut. Mostell. iii. 1. 143; of perdif- JpcilKmut, Liv. xl. 21 ; of perplurimum, Plin. ii. 54. But better editions have, in these places, tenuisrima t optinw, per difficillimnm, plurimum. F 06 I read, or am reading. In regard to their having a person as their subject, or not admitting one, they are divided into personal, and impersonal. Personal verbs are divided into active, passive, neuter (and neuter passive), deponent, and common. A verb active is that which affirms that the person or no- minative before it is doing something : as, amo, loquor, cur- ro 9 I love, I speak, I run. A verb passive denotes that the person or nominative, is suffering, or in the condition of being acted upon : as verbe- ror, I am beaten. A verb neuter denotes the state, posture, or quality of its no- minative: as,palleo, Iampale;sM?o, I sit; gaudeo, I am glad. The verb active may be considered as either transitive, or intransitive. When the energy or action passes from the agent to something else, the verb is transitive : as, amo^ I love. Every active transitive verb is necessarily placed be- tween two substantives, the agent or nominative, and the object or accusative. Thus when w r e say, "Achilles slew," our conception of the meaning is incomplete, till we supply " Hector," or some other object on which the agent acts ; which, in Latin, is always expressed in an oblique case ; as, Achilles interfecit Hectorem. Sometimes a clause or sentence supplies the place of this last: as Superbia Jecerat, Pride had occasioned, What ? ut heec tiberta$ esset Itetior Liv. When the energy does not pass from the agent to any extrinsic object, the verb is intransitive : as, curro, I run. This class contains verbs of loco-motion : as, co, redco, am- bulOy &c. ; verbs of internal or involuntary motion: as, stillo 9 cado, cresco, &c. ; >verbs denoting certain employments : as, bajulo, fceneror^ regno, &c. These are sometimes classed with neuter verbs. It may be here observed, that some intran- sitive verbs, which, as such, cannot have an accusative after them, may be rendered transitive, and in this case have a pas- sive voice, by means of a preposition prefixed to them, which gives to the verb a direction of its energy. Thus some of the compounds of eo : as, adeo (used passively chiefly in the third persons), ambio, circwneo, coeo (used chiefly with so- cietas\ ineo, obeo, prater eo, subeo, transeo. Some compounds of venio : as, circumvenio, invenw, prcEvenio, and convenio 9 which last is generally intransitive, and used passively chiefly in the perfect participle ; with some others *. 1 Some of those intransitive verbs which seem to be rendered transitive, by a preposition, govern either an accusative, or the case of the preposition : as, Egres* *usJines-~Sy.\]. & Cscs. EgrediveritalemmT\, Urbe, tectis egredi-*~Ci<:, & OY. 67 A neuter-passive verb is partly active, and partly passive, in termination ; and is passive or neuter in signification : as, Jio,/actus sum, to be made: or neuter; as, audeo, ausus sum, to dare ; gaudeo, gavisus sum, to rejoice ! . A deponent verb has a passive termination, with an ac- tive, or neuter signification : as, loquor, I speak ; morior, I die. It is a verb active, or a verb neuter, in or. It is called Deponent, from its having deposed or forsaken the active form. A common verb has a passive termination, with an active and passive signification : as, criminor, I blame, or am blamed. It is generally considered as deponent, excepting in the per- fect participle, which, in some verbs, has either an active, or a passive, signification. Verbs receive different names, according to their various natures or tendencies. Frequentatives denote frequency of action, and are formed from the supine of the primitive, by changing in the first conjugation, atu into ito , and in the other conjugations, u into o ; as clamito, dormito, pulso, from claino, dormio, pello? . Inceptives denote an action begun, and going on, and are formed from the second person singular of the primitive verb : thus, caleo, cales, calcsco 3 * 1 Flo, with vapulo and veneo, words which, under an active termination, have the signification and construction of passive verbs, are sometimes named neuter-passives, and sometimes passive-neuters. To them have been added exulo, nubo, and liceo ; but these do not, as the former three, admit after them an ablative of the efficient cause with a or ab. Indeed, the real signification of nubo may perhaps be considered as active ; and the other two seem to de- note rather an accidental state, than actual suffering. 2 Frequentatives end in to, so, xo, and, when deponent, in or : as, damito, jndso, ncxo, minltor. Nato, which comes from no, natu, is irregular in forma- tion. Scitor, or, more frequently, sciscitor, comes from scio, scitu, or from scisco. Pavito from paveo ; sector from scquor ; loquitor from loquor, are formed as if the primitives had pavitu, sectu, loquitu. Qucerito, fundito, agito, and Jluito, are formed from quceris, fundis, agis, and Jims, or, perhaps, from obso- lete supines. Some seem to be formed by changing u into ito : thus, from actu comes actito ; from heesu, hasito ; lectu, lectito ; scriptu, scriptito, &c. But perhaps these may be formed from other frequentatives now obsolete ; indeed, lecto and scripto are both in Horace. From frequentatives are formed others: as, gero, gcsto, gestito ;jacio,jacto,jactito, &c. They are all of the first conju- gation. 3 Inceptives are also derived from nouns, by changing the last vowel of the genitive into Cisco or csco : as, pucrasco, ignesco, dulcesco, from puer, ignis t dulcis. They are neuter, and of the third conjugation. Those which are formed from nouns want the preterite and supine ; the others borrow them from their primitives. F2 68 Desideratives or meditatives denote desire, or an attempt, to do a thing, and are formed from the last supine of the primitive, by adding rio : as, esurio, I desire to eat, from edo, esu ; ccenaturio, I desire to sup, from cceno, ccenatu. Diminutives generally end in Ho, and diminish the sig- nification of the primitive: thus, cantillo, I sing a little, from cano ; sorbillo, I sup a little, from sorbeo. There are some verbs in sso, derived from other verbs, whose precise import and signification are not ascertained among grammarians : such as, capesso, facesso, petesso, a?*- cesso, incesso, lacesso. Capesso and facesso are termed in- choatives, or words importing the commencement of going ,- thus, capesso, I am going to take ; facesso, I am going to make ; to which some add viso, I am going to see. Ursinus calls them, with greater propriety, intensives : thus, capesso and facesso mean, I am taking, or doing, a thing in an ear- nest or urgent manner ; thus also, petesso, I very much de- sire. Incesso and lacesso may be reckoned frequentatives. Ar- cesso, incipisso, vibrisso, have nearly the same signification as their primitives. OF VOICES. A voice is that accident of a verb, which denotes whether an action or energy is confined to the agent or nominative : as, cado, I fall ; or is exerted by the nominative upon an ex- ternal object, as Amo virum, I love the man ; or is exerted by an external object upon the nominative, as Vir amatur, The man is loved. As only active transitive verbs exert an energy on extrinsic objects, and cause suffering, so these only admit a passive voice. The voices are two, the active and passive ; the one in o, as amo ; the other in or, as amor. As an active verb denotes that the nominative to it is doing something, and a passive verb, that it is suffering ; hence, to distinguish whether an English verb is to be ren- dered, in Latin, in the active or passive voice, nothing more is necessary than to consider whether the nominative be doing or suffering; Exa. John is building, Joannes as amatus, visus, ftexus ; the other in dus, as amandus. Neuter verbs have two participles : as sedens, sessurus. Active intransitive verbs have frequently three: as carens y cariturus, carendm ; and sometimes four, as jurans, juratu- rus, juratus, jurandus. Neuter-passive verbs have generally three : as gaudens, gavisus, gavisurus; audens^ ausus, ausurus from gaudeo and audeo. Audendus is found in Livy. Fido has orityjfdens and Jisus ; soleo, solens and solitus. Fio, though ranked among these, is a passive verb, and has four participles *. Deponent verbs of an active signification have generally four participles; as secptens, secutums, secutus, sequendus, from scquor. Those of a neuter signification have generally but three ; as labensy lapsus^ lapsurus, from labor. But fruendus, fun- gendus 9 gloriandus, medendus, potiundus, vescendus, utendus y ai'e found; the reason of which is, that their verbs originally governed an accusative, or were considered as active. Common verbs have generally four participles : as dtg- ?ia?is, dignaturus, dignatus^ dignandus^ from dignor. Their perfect participle sometimes signifies actively, and sometimes passively : as, Adeptus victoriam^ Having obtained the vic- tory, or Victoria adepta^ The victory being obtained. All participles are adjectives ; those ending in ns of the third declension ; the rest, of the first and second. Gerunds and supines come from active, neuter, and de- ponent verbs : as, docendum, currenditm, loquendwti ; lectum^ lectu ; cubitum, cubitu , deprecatum, deprecatu from doceo, lego, cubo 9 deprecor. ^ ' Diomcdes mentions _ficns as the present participle of Jlo. Fio is now con- sidered as the passive voice offacio, which has two active and two passive par- ticiples, , faciens, facturus, factus, faciendus, the two last being formed from the antient factor. 72 OF THE USE AND SIGNIFICATION OF THE TENSES. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. Amo. 1. The present tense denotes that an action is going on : as, cedificat) he builds ; domus (Edificatur^ the house is build- ing. Historians and poets sometimes describe past actions, in this tense, in order to give animation to their discourse, by bringing them, as it were, under immediate observation. Thus Livy ; Ad. equites dictator advolat obtestans ut ex equis descendant, Dicto paruere> desiliunt ex equis, provolant in primum, et pro antesignanis parmas objiciunt. The dictator flies forward to the cavalry, beseeching them to dismount from their horses. They obeyed; they dismount, fly forward to the front, &c. It may be observed that both present and past tenses are used together; as paruere in the last sentence. 2. Any general custom, if still existing, may be expressed in this tense: thus, Apud Parthos signum datur tympano, et non tuba Justin. Among the Parthians the signal is given by the drum, and not by the trumpet. 3. Those truths which are at all times true, are generally expressed in this tense: as, Ad pcenitendum properat, citb quijudicat. He hastens to repent, &c. 4. In Latin, as in English, this tense may express futu- rity : as, Qudm mox navigo Ephesum -Plaut. As soon as I sail, or shall sail, &c. Preterimperfect tense. Amabam. 1. The preterimperfect expresses an action as passing, some tune ago, but not yet finished ; as he was building ; domus (zdificabatur, the house was building. Ibam forte via sacra Hor. I was going accidentally, &c. Irrue- rant Danai, et tcctum omne tenebant. And were, at a cer- tain time referred to, in possession of the house. 2. It likewise denotes what is usual or customary : as, le- gebat, aiebat, he was wont to read, he was wont to say. In agmine nonnunquam equo, scepius pedibus anteibat Suet He was wont to go, or in the habit of going ; or, as it is some- times expressed in familiar language, he would go before, &c. 3. It is sometimes used instead of the imperfect subjunc- tive : as, Anceps certamcn erat, ni cquitcs supervehtsscnt, The battle had been, or would have been, esset. 73 Preterperfect tense. Amavi. 1. When we mean to say that an action was completed in past time without particular reference to the present, a circumstance which is expressed in English by a perfect ge- nerally ending in ed ; or that an action was finished in any portion of a space of past time which is bounded by the present, and not supposed or considered to be interrupted by any intervening circumstance, which is expressed in En- glish by have and the perfect participle, we use the preter- perfect tense: as, amavtt, he loved, or has loved. Ora- tionem hujuscemodi habuit Sail. He made a speech, &c. Turn freta diffudit, rapidisque tumescere ventis Jussit, et ambitce circumdare litora terrte Ov. Then he poured out and ordered, &c. Themistocles ad te veni. I Themistocles have come to you. Hujus ad memo- riam nostrum monumenta manserunt duo Nep. Have re- mained, &c. The indefinite time of this tense is sometimes coupled with the passing time of the imperfect : as, Conticuere om- nes 9 intentique ora tenebant Virg. All preserved silence, and were keeping &c. Themistocles units restitit ; et uni- verses pares esse aiebat; disperses testabatur perituros Nep. Although the action implied in both perfects may have existed prior to that which is contained in the imperfects, (which tense may be used to show that the action was continued and progressive,) yet it appears, that afterwards^ notwith- standing the diversity of tenses, the progression of the ac- tion of both is contemporary. 2. This tense is sometimes used, like the present, to ex- press an action of that kind which may be mentioned in any time : as, Neque ille aut doluit miserans mopem, aut invidit habenti ; in which the feelings resulting from the principles of a Stoic, at all times the same, are here expressed by Virgil, in past time. 3. It is sometimes used instead of the pluperfect indica- tive: as, Qua postquam evolvit, cascoque exemit acervo^ Dissociata locis concordipace ligavit Ov. Which after he sorted (had sorted) and took (had taken) from the confused mass, &c. 4?. It is poetically used instead of the imperfect, or plu- perfect subjunctive : as, Nee veni nisi fata locum sedemque dedisscnt Virg, Neither would I have come, venissem. 5. In verbs in 0r, this tense is double: as, amatus swn 9 vcl fuL It has been generally supposed that the former of these two expressions is used when we mention an action past, without any regard to the precise time : as, Domus est cedifi- cata, The house was built ; and that sometimes it expresses time just past, and consequently bounded by the present: and that Domus cedificata fuit implies that the house was built, that is, was finished at some remote period of time ; but many instances can be produced of the promiscuous use of these two forms ! . Thus, Filius huic Jato diwim prolesque virilis nutta fuit> primaque oriens erepta juventd est .ZEn. Was snatched away, &c. Occisus est 45 imperil anno Eutr. He was slain. In quibus es venata montibus Ov. Have you been hunting. Tune es qusesita per omnes, nata, mihi terras Ov. Have you not been sought for, &c. As- suetus studiis mollibus ipse fui Id. I have been accustomed, &c. Janua sed nullo tempore aperta fuit Ov. Has been. Neque vero non fuit apertum Nep. Was it evident, &c. But some of these may be considered as adjectives. In some verbs the distinction seems to be maintained. Linacer says that pransus sum denotes an action imme- diately past ; pransus fui, an action past at some distance of time. And Cicero uses the expression, Qui in patria Junditus delenda occupati et sunt, et fuerunt. Who are em- ployed, or have been employed (up to the present time), 1 The promiscuous interchange of several tenses which appear to be differ- ent in their nature and conformation, may have arisen from a variety of causes. 1. From the impossibility of fixing a standard, by a reference to which the different kinds and minute gradations of time might be ascertained. All kinds of time are relative, and to be ascertained by some fixed boundary. The present time has been adopted as this boundary, that which is on one side being called past time, and that wjiich is on the other, future time. But it happens, that, as time cannot be arrested, this boundary itself is every moment shifting, and what was future the last moment, is present this moment, and is, at the com- mencement of the next, added to the past; the fact being that present time, (although we speak of the present moment,) like a mathematical point, can have its momentary existence in idea only. 2. In relating past events it sometimes happens, that this portion of time which we denominate present, and by which other times are to be ascertained, is supposed fixed at different periods. We sometimes relate past actions, as if, while we are speaking, we were transferred back, and were present during the time of their being carried on ; or, which is nearly the same, we bring them forward, and relate them in present time, as if they were happening during the time of recital. 3. When the sense has not been rendered ambiguous by the use of one tense instead of another, they may have been used promiscuously ; but this does not prove the identity of their significations. 4. An inaccuracy in ascertaining the real import of some Latin tenses may have arisen from the ambiguous, or various ways, in which we express the import of certain tenses, in our own language. Thus, amor is expressed by I am loving, I am a-loving, I am in-loving (all understood passively, in tbe same way as, when we say, He is training, or in -training, we mean that the person is under a certain regimen), I am in the stale of being loved, and, usually, I am loved, &c. Amctiar has been expressed, as the former, I waa 75 and who were employed (at some remote time past). It has been remarked that sum and eram with the perfect participle are commonly used to constitute the perfect and pluperfect, passive ; Jut and Jucrajn, very seldom. The Preterpluperfect tense. Amaveram. 1. When we mean to say that an action was completed, before some other action took place, which also is past, we use the preterpluperfect tense: as, ffdificaverat) he had built. Before the succours arrived, he had conquered the enemy hostes superaverat. 2. It is sometimes used among poets, and prose writers too, for the perfect indicative, and pluperfect subjunctive : as, Dixeram a principle, ut de republicd silerctur Cic. I have said, &c. Si mens non Iceva fuisset, impulerat, &c. JEn. He would have impelled, impulisset, or, according to the same idiom in English, had impelled, &c. 3. In verbs in or this tense is double : as, amatus eram, vel Jueram, the former denoting that I was loved at some time past ; the latter, that I had been loved before some time past. But like the compound perfect, both forms (of which the first is the more common) are used promiscuously, accord- ing to the common signification of the pluperfect. 4. In some instances the participle seems to be considered as little different from an adjective, and then eram is trans- loving, I was in-loving, I was being loved, I was in the state, or custom, of being loved, I was loved, &c. Now, it is evident that, in such expressions as I am loved, the house is built, he was loved, loved and built refer to an action completed, and are inapplicable to an action incomplete and progressive, such as must be predicated in that tense which expresses action going on, and not finished ; for, in amor, the suffering is unfinished, progressive and present, and not perhaps to be clearly expressed in English by the perfect participle, without circumlocution. Amabar likewise denotes an action that was passing ; but in / was loved, as in / am loved, the suffering is finished, the one in past time indefinitely, and the other in past time connected with present time. The progression of action can be indicated only by the participle in ing : as, The house is building, Domus ecdificatur. But as this participle has both an active and a passive signification, its use in this way often becomes ambiguous, and the meaning is then to be discovered by an examination of the context. In- deed, if we say The man is teaching, is murdering, or is esteeming, we are in- variably inclined to consider the man as acting, not acted upon ; for whether it arises from habit, or from something in the nature of this participle, it is dif- ficult to be reconciled to the use of it in a passive sense, when the subject is a person ; and, as has been already observed, if we use loved, esteemed, we do not mark progression exclusively. But, when the historian is relating past actions, in present time, he uses with great propriety the perfect participle : thus, In quo facto domum revocatur, accusatus capitis absolvitur ; multatur tamen pe~ cunil, $-c. Nep. He is recalled home, he is acquitted, fined, &c. For some further remarks on this subject, see Grant's English Grammar, pp. 57, 64, 65, 85, 86. It would, there, appear, that the perfect participles of verbs ing imply progression, or do not necessarily indicate cessation. 76 lated was : as, Neque id tarn Artaxerxi, quam c&teris erat apertum Nep. Neither was that evident, &c. Fimtusque norxEJam labor artis erat Ov. And the labour of the new art was now finished. Primd luce ex superioribus locis, qiue C&saris castris erant conjuncta, cernebatur equitatus Cass. Which were next to, or adjoining to. The Future tense. Amabo. 1. This tense is used when we mean to express that an action will be going on, some time hence, but not finished : sha as Ccenaboy I shall sup, or be supping; Domus cs The house will be building. 2. In Latin, as in English, the second person of this tense is used imperatively; as in the divine precepts, Non De- cides, non furaberis, &c. Thou shalt not kill, steal, &c. It is used by profane writers likewise : as, Tu kcec silebis ; Cice- ronem puerum curabis, et amabis Cic. You will keep these things secret ; you will take care, &c. The tense, as used in this last sentence, seems half impe- rative, and half future; the former, as conveying, very faintly and delicately, a desire that the things may be done ; and the latter, as intimating the idea or belief that they will be done. ADDITIONAL REMARKS ON THE TENSES, AND ON THE IDIOM OF CERTAIN ENGLISH TENSES. The present, the imperfect, and the future tenses, are used when we mean to express that an action is, was, or will be, going on. The perfect, pluperfect, and perfect fu- ture (sometimes called the second future, and sometimes, though improperly, the future subjunctive, under which title it will be hereafter explained) are used when we mean to ex- press the perfection of an action. According to the idiom of the English language, it some- times happens that those actions which, in English, are pre- dicated ip the three latter tenses are expressed, in Latin, by the three former : thus, when we mention that an action has existed for some time, and. is still continuing, we use, in En- glish, the perfect ; but in Latin, the present. And if, in En- glish, the pluperfect has been used, in Latin the imperfect is used. Thus, I have been, and still am, is expressed in Latin by the present. I had been, and, at a particular time, was, is expressed by the imperfect '. Exa. Plus jam sum 1 It is not improbable that this peculiarity in the English tenses arises from the nature of the auxiliaries. For, although haw joined to been, or to any perfect participle, constitute:- a past tciibc, have is the present tense of a verb, 77, libera quinquennium Plaut. I have been free more than five years. Una cum gente tot annas bella gero j5n. I have been waging war (and now am), &c. Audiebat jam- dudum verba querentis Liber Ov. Had heard, or been hearing, and, at a certain past time, was hearing. Te annum jam audientem Cratippum Cic. You who have been at- tending to (and are still attending to) Cratippus. Huic le- gioni et Casar indukerat prtzcipue, et propter virtutem con- fidebat maxime Caes. He not only may have had great confidence in it, but still did confide in it. The tokens of esteem and kindness which he might have shown, had oc- curred some time ago. They were transient and occasional; but his confidence was still existing, and was permanent and habitual. A similar analogy exists in regard to the future ; for that action which, in English, is expressed in the perfect future, is expressed, in Latin, by the future : as, Tomorrow we shall have been three months in town. Cras erimus tres menses in urbe. To the foregoing observations there are very few excep- tions. OF WHAT HAS BEEN TERMED THE FALSE SUBJUNCTIVE. In Latin, some indefinite words and adverbial conjunc- and denotes present possession. In the same manner, had, which, with a per- fect participle, constitutes the pluperfect, is, in itself, the perfect of the verb have, and denotes merely past possession : thus, I have been free more than five years, means I now possess the action expressed by been-free, i. e. the ac- tion, or rather the condition, of liberty, the existence of which is perfected. I had been free more than five years, when a certain event happened, means I possessed, as in the former example, the perfected existence of more than five years' liberty, and at a time too identical with that of the other event Erara liber. Tomorrow I shall have been five years free, means I shall possess the perfected existence of five years' liberty Ero liber. The idiom of the German is the same as that of the English, in which have and had, and, in some verbs, am and were, with the participle, constitute the perfect and pluperfect, as our have and had. Thus, How long have you been in London ? Wie langt sind sie zu London gewesen ? How long had you been in London, when Wie lunge waren sie zu London gewesen, da The idiom of the Greek is the same as that of the Latin : thus, n^i *A^^ ytviirfai, \yu lipi, John viii. 58, translated, according to the Greek idiom, Be- fore Abraham was, I am ; but expressed according to the English idiom, it should be, Before Abraham was [born], I have been, or I have existed. The modern languages, derived from the Latin, follow, I believe, the Latin idiom. Of the Spanish and the French, I can speak with a little certainty. Thus, How long have you been employed in this business? is expressed in Spanish by, Quanta tiempo ha que esta Vm. empleado en este asunto ? In French by, Combicn y a-t-il que rous etes employe dans c.ette affaire ? How long had you been employed in this business, when ? In Spanish, Quanta tiempo habia que estaba Vm. empleado en este asunto, quando ? In French, Com- bien y avoit-il que vans etiez employe dans cette affaire, quand < ? 78 tions may govern the subjunctive, when the sense is uncon- ditionally assertive, or indicative. Certain conjunctions also require the subjunctive mood after them, independently of the sense. In English, conjunctions, as has been remarked by Dr. Crombie in his learned and ingenious treatise on the Etymology and Syntax of the English Language, govern no mood, the sense alone determining the mood that should follow them. Hence it happens, that, in Latin, certain in- definite words and adverbial conjunctions l may, and certain conjunctions must, govern the subjunctive, when, in the English, the use of the subjunctive would, according to the nature of the language, be inconsistent with, or not clearly expressive of, the meaning intended to be conveyed ; and from these circumstances, arising from contrasting the dif- ferent ways of using the same mood in the two languages, has originated what has been improperly named, in Latin, the false subjunctive. The following are examples : Rogas me quid tristis ego sim. Ter. Why I am sad. Quam dulcis sit libertas., bre- viter proloquarPhdzdr. how sweet liberty is. Quum C&sar Jicec animadvertisset. Had observed. Adeo benevolus eraty ut omnes amarent. That all men loved him. In all these examples the verb is really subjunctive. In many in- stances the meaning may be sufficiently obvious, whichever mood may be used in English: thus, Vehementer eos incusat; primum quod, aut quam in partem^ aut quo consilio duceren- tur, sibi quccrcndum, aut cogitandum, putarent Caes. Into what part, or with what design, they were, or might be, con- ducting (being conducted). POTENTIAL AND SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present tense. Amem. The present tense expresses contingency going on either in present or future time. It has generally the signs may, 1 It appears to me that, strictly speaking, the real government of conjunc- tions is seen only in what is termed the false subjunctive. In such expressions as, Lego ut discam, Oro ut redeat, it is evident, that, independently of the con- junction, the sense requires the potential mood. Not so, in such expressions as, Adeo benevolus erat ut omnes amarent, That all men loved him ; for here the sense is purely assertive, or indicative, and yet the conjunction ut, by its own power, causes the verb to be put in the subjunctive; and indeed, although, in speaking of these two moods, their names are generally used indifferently, their terminations being the same, this seems the real character of the subjunc- tive, its proper English being indicative :thus we say in the present also, Tarn dives es ut nescias, You are so rich that you know not not that you cannot , or may not, know. 79 might, could, can> Would, should : and in many instances is equivalent to the verbs debeo, possum or licet, and volo, with an infinitive, either in interrogative, or declarative sentences. Mediocribus, et quis ignoscas vitiis teneor Hor. Which you may excuse. Quam sanctc jurabat, ut quivis facile pos- sit credere Ter. Might ! believe ; not may. Or at a Ccc&are ut det sibi veniam Caes. He begs of Caesar that he would give him leave. Debeo implied. Quid me ostentem ? Cic. Why should I boast ? Possum. Plures reperias ad discendum promptos. You may find many ready, &c. Tamen ea faciatis e quibus appareat vo- luptatem vos, non officium, sequi. By which it may appear that ye pursue pleasure, &c. Non habcs quid arguas Cic. You have nothing which you can blame. This tense has this meaning, when the clause of the po- tential signifies end, or purpose, with ut, quo, ne : as, Lego ut discani, I read that I may learn. Volo. Quod si liccc urbs vocem emittat, non hoc pacto loquatur ? Would it not speak ? This tense may be used, 1st. -When the clause of the relative is the predicate : as, Erunt qui audaciam ejus reprehendant Cic. There will be persons who will censure (or blame) his boldness. Here the verb is subjunctive. 2dly. When the clause denotes the end or effect of some former verb : as, Nunquam efficies ut judicem. You will never cause me to judge. Sdly. When the clause is indefinite : as, Ncscio ubi sit. I know not where he is. 1 May denotes present liberty ; might and might have, past liberty. Can denotes present ability ; could and could have, past ability. Would and should^ the preterites of will and shall, denote, the one, past volition, and the other past obligation. But might, could, would, and should, though preterites, are used to denote present time likewise ; but in this case congruity in the tenses must be observed. Thus I may say "I may go if I choose," or, " I might go if I chose." In the former, the liberty and inclination are each expressed as present. In the latter, although liberty and inclination be expressed in the preterite, present time is implied. Thus also in Latin, the imperfect potential expresses present time : as, Irem si vellem, I might go if I chose. The de- pending action, which, in English, is expressed by an Infinitive, is future, or subsequent to the time expressed by the auxiliary; hence it is, that the poten- tial mood implies, in regard to execution, futurity. The modal time, however, depends upon the leading words which are implied in the signification. 80 4thly. When the clause signifies a probable consequence of a conditional or contingent event : as, Nam si altera ilia magis wstabif, forsitan nos rejiciat Ter. He perhaps will (may) reject us. 5thly. It is used elegantly after fore or futurum esse, and when the following verb wants the future participle: as, Con- Jido fore ut utamur olio genere literarum. I trust that we shall use another kind, &c. In spem veniebat, fore, uti per- tinacid desisteret Caes. That he would desist. 6thly. It is generally used in interrogative sentences, when in English we employ shall, a sign of the future tense. Thus eamne ? Shall I go ? Quid si non veniet, maneamne usque ad vesperum ? Ter. Shall I remain ? The reason of this usage seems to be that shall, originally equivalent to / owe or / ought, is implied in this tense. Thus, Quid faciam ? i. e. Qiiid facere debeo ? What shall I do ? or, what ought I to do ? Non earn ? Nonne ire debeo ? Should I not go ? Ought I not to go ? When the present potential implies volo, the will is ge- nerally signified as present, and the execution as future; and, therefore, the thing may be expressed in the present poten- tial, or in the future indicative. in regard to such examples as Rogo ut facias, I request that you will do it, it may be observed, that, although the execution of the request must be future in regard to the re- quest itself, yet as the one may be supposed immediately to follow the other, so as in the mind of the speaker to be al- most contemporary events, the Latins expressed it in the present tense. Preterimperfect tense. Amarem. The imperfect is used to signify a contingent passing event, either in past, present, or in future time. Si fata fuissent, ut caderem, meruisse manu Virg. If it had been my fate that I should fall. Utinam jam adesset Cic. I wish he were now present. Si possem, sanior essem Ov. If I could, I would be wiser. Adolescenti ipsi eriperem oculos : post hcec prtsdpitem darem Ter. I would tear out the eyes of the young man himself, and afterwards would throw him down headlong. It likewise seems in some instances to imply possum, volo, and debeo. . Possum. Putares nunquam accidere posse, ut verba mihi deessent Cic. You might think. 81 Volo. istuc facerem ? Would I do that ? De.beo. Non venirem ? Should I not come ? The use of this tense, as well as of the present, depends upon the tense of the preceding verb. If the clause depend upon a verb implying past time, or upon a future infinitive governed by a verb of past time, this tense is used : as, Rogavi ut faceres, I requested you to do it. In spe?n veniebat fore ut desisteret, He was in hopes he would desist. The sense will point out the exceptions ; as, Mortuus est ut nos vivamus, He died that we may live. When the sense of the leading verb is present-perfect, the present subjunctive sometimes follows : as, Ea ne (ut non) me celet, consuefeciJiUum Ter. I have accustomed. If the preceding verb be present or future, the present of the sub- junctive must be used; as, Moneo ut caveas, I advise you to take care. Legam ut discam, I will read that I may learn. Confido fore ut utamur, I trust we shall use. But these rules are sometimes infringed ; as, Dumnorigi, ut idem conaretur, persuadet Cses. Non puto te expectare quibus verbis eum commendarem Cic. Yet on another occasion he says, Nihil jam opus est te expectare quibus verbis eum commendem. Subjunctively, Quo factum est, ut brevi tempore illustraretur Nep. became famous. Preterperfect tense. Amaverim. This tense denotes a contingent action which may be al- ready past, or which will be past at some future time 1 . The common signs are may, might, would, or should, have. Errarim fortasse Plin. Perhaps I might be in an error. Injussu tuo, imperator, extra ordinem nunquam pugnaverim, non si certam victoriam videam Liv. I never would fight. 1 The author of the article, Grammar, in the Encyclop. Brit, seems to deny this tense the power of expressing past contingency, which indeed he thinks cannot exist. In adducing this opinion, he a] -pears to me to confound two things perfectly distinct, viz., objective, and subjective contingency. That there can be no objective contingency in a past action, is sufficiently obvious. What is past, is certain, and, therefore, cannot be contingent. A past action, however, may be considered as an object of subjective uncertainty, or contin- gency. Thus I may say, " Perhaps I may have written such words, but, if I hare, I have no recollection of it." Forsan ita scripserim. It is, doubtless, true that I must either have written, or not have written, and, therefore, th affirmative, or the negative, is objectively certain. But, subjectively, it is not so ; it is to me as uncertain as any contingent future event. This distinction is familiar to every logician. See Watts's Logic, part 2, chap. 2. Crombie on Necessity, p. 127. G Quis hunc vere dixerit divitem ? Who would truly call him rich ? Videor sperare posse, si te viderim, et ea qu& premant, et ea qua impendeant mihi, facile transiturum Cic. If I can see you, or When I shall be able to see you. It is not commonly used to express past contingency ; for, as John- son observes, Videris, si officer is, would not be used for, You might have seen it, had you been there ; but Vidisses si qf- Juisses. This tense is often used by writers when they declare their own opinion : as, De Menandro loquor, nee tamen ex- cluserim alias Quint. Nor do I (would I) exclude others. In verbs in or, this tense is double, amatus sim \elftieiim, as in the indicative mood. It is sometimes used in concessions : as, Parta sit pecunia Cic. Suppose the money were gotten. Or as an impera- tive, as will be hereafter mentioned. Preterpluperfect tense. Amavissem. This tense is used to express a contingent event, to be completed in time past ; which contingency is generally fu- ture as to some past time mentioned in the context. The usual signs are ; had, might have, would have, could have, should have, or ought to have. Si jussisset, paruissem. If he had commanded, I would have obeyed. Mortem pugnans oppe- tisses, Thou shouldest have met death, righting ; or oughtest to have met. Boni vicissent, The good might have con- quered. Quid tibi cum pelago ? terra contenta fuisses Ov. You might have been content, Verum ancepsfuerat pugnce fortuna ; fiiisset -Virg. It might have been so ; suppose that it had been so. It must often ye expressed, in English, like the imperfect subjunctive. Mtilta pollicens, si conservasset Nep. Pro- mising many things, if he would preserve him. Responde- runt sefacturos esse, cum ille vento Aquilone Lemnum venis- S et Nep. They answered, that they w r ould do it, when he should come &c. Si se consulem fecissent, brevi tempore Jugurtham in potestatem P. R. redacturum, If they would make him consul, that he would soon reduce &c. Dixerunt sefacturos esse qiKecunque imperasset, They said, they w r ould do whatever he should command. In such examples, when, at a certain past time referred to, a thing is represented as future, and yet to be completed before another thing which is also represented 'at that time as future, took place, this tense is used. The past time re- ferred to is expressed by dixerunt, they said. When they snid so, tkeir doing what he should command, and also the 03 command itself, were future. But as the command must have been given before they could execute it, the verb im- pe-ro is rendered pluperfect, and facto is put in the future of the infinitive. They said that they would do it then, when he should have commanded it. Subjimctively, Quum Caesar kac animadvertisset Caes. had observed. Accusatus proditionis, quod a pugnd deces- sisset Nep. had come off. Johnson observes that this tense is commutable with the imperfect : as, Hem praecliceres or praxlixisses. At tu dictis, Albane, maneres or mansisses *. In verbs in or, this tense has three forms : as, amatus essem, fuissem, or for em. Et felicissima matrum dicta foret Niobe, si non sibi visa esset Ov. Might have been called, had she not seemed. Future tense. Amaverp. This tense is improperly named the future subjunctive ; for it is a tense of the indicative, and seems to have the same relation to the future of the indicative, as the perfect definite has to the present ; on which account it has been named, with more propriety, the perfect future. When we mean to express that an action will be finished before another action, which is also future, take place, we use this tense. The usual sign is shall have, but it is often omitted. Quum eo stultitia pervenero, de me actum erit 9 When I arrive (shall arrive, have arrived, shall have arrived) at that pitch of folly, I shall be undone. Cum ccenavero, proficiscar, When I sup (have supped, shall have supped) I will go. From these examples, it may be seen that this tense is not very different from the perfect subjunctive ; and that, in many instances, it is immaterial to the signification, whether the action be expressed as absolutely future perfect or con- tingently future perfect. Mr. R. Johnson, in opposition to Vossius, contends that we may use this tense, in speaking of a thing future, without regard to its being finished before another thing also future, and produces this among other examples : Si te Dicet J Dicit Dicebat me Dixit lectinum < Dixerat esse, Dicet Dicit \ Dicebat me Dixit * lecturum < Dixerat fuisse, Dicet $9 is at this moment in the act of being taught by the former; but a man on whom, in a time previous to the present, the act has been perfected, and whose suffering is completed, vir doctus, a man already taught ; and, consequently, the passive voice has no present participle. But there are not wanting instances, in which, from the nature of the verb, whose action seems susceptible of con- tinuation, it appears that the action of the perfect participle is continued into present time ; and in these the perfect par- ticiple has the force of a present participle passive : or, in some instances, is to be considered as an adjective, denoting the existence of some quality, the result of past action, but divested of time. Thus: Notus evolat Tetribilem piced tec- tus caligine vultum Ov. Not merely having been veiled, (and possibly having ceased to be veiled,) but veiling his countenance, or having it, at that moment, veiled. Ster- nuntur segetes, et deplorata coloni Vota jacent Ov. Not merely having been lamented, or despaired of, but at that moment despaired o desperate, or hopeless. Perfection does not in all cases necessarily imply cessation. It is not inconsistent with the foregoing explanation, to say that these participles are joined to verbs in all times, and this too without losing their distinctive time and significa- tion. For amans denotes an action which is present at die time represented by the leading verb of the sentence, whe- ther that verb be past, present, or future. In the same manner, amatus represents an action which is past, in regard to the time expressed in the context, whe- ther past, present, or future. When divested of time, these participles are called participials, and may govern a geni- tive: as, Patiens frigus, one bearing cold. Patiens frigoris, one patient of, or able to bear, cold. In the latter, patiens is a participial, and denotes a qua- lity belonging to some person, and not a transient act Doc- tus Latinam linguam, one taught the Latin language. Doc- tus lingua Latins, one skilled in the Latin language. As participials, they admit comparison : as, Servantissimus ccqui Virg. A very strict observer of equity. Future Participle Active, Amaturus, about to love. This participle not only implies future time, but also some- times denotes intention, or inclination : as, Lecturus sum, I am about to read, or I intend to read. Joined to cro 9 it is translated as if it constituted another form of the future : as, Mergile me Jttictiis, quum reditunis 90 ero Mart. I shall be returning. Nihil ego ero till datu- ras Plant. I shall give. Tu procul absenti cura futurus eris Ov. Quo die ad Sicam venturus ero Cic. Joined to esse or juzsse, it forms the future of the infini- tive active, agreeing, like an adjective, with its substantive ; amaturum esse, to be about to love; amaturum Juisse, to have been about to love. Future Participle Passive, Amandus, to be loved. This participle, coming even from verbs in or, signifying actively, has always a passive signification. In conjunction with the verb sum, it denotes that a thing must be done, or ought to be done : and, hence, by inference it likewise im- Elies futurity. Dixi literas scriptum iri ab eo, I said that a jtter would be written by him. Dixi literas scribendas esse, I said that a letter should, or ought to, be written. The former is the future of the infinitive, and implies bare futurity ; in the latter sentence, duty or necessity is implied. Delenda est Carthago Cato. Must be, ought to be, is to be, destroyed. Legatos mittendos censuit senatus Liv. Should be sent. In the following examples, it is said to denote bare futu- rity ; Ut terrain invenias, quis earn tibi tradet habendam Ov. Dido ./En. To be possessed. Facta fugis ; facienda petis Ov. Dido /En. Things that will hereafter be done. It is also used as a gerundive adjective : as, Cur adeo dv~ lectaris criminibus inferences ? Why are you so pleased with bringing accusations ? Aliter inferendo crimina. His enim legendis, redeo in memoriam morluorum Cic. By reading these ; h&c legendo. Ad accusandos homines duci pnemio. To accuse men, or, to the accusing of men. QIKC ante con- ditam, condendamve urbem traduntur Liv. Before the city was built or building : In this example, it has some- what of the force of a present participle passive ! , in regard to the progressive action of its building ; and of the future participle, in reference to the intention of that action. All participles are found with all tenses of sum. 1 There are many instances in which the participle in dus seems to have the import of the present : thus, quas ubi vidit audicilqnc sencx, vdut si jam agendis fju(E aitdiebat iniercsSet Liv. i. e. the things while they were doing. Thus also, volvenda dies en attulit ultra Virg. Perizonius is of opinion that it was ori- ginally a participle of the present tense passive, and lays some stress on its he- ing uniformly derived from the present participle active, following even its irregularity in the only one which is irregular: thus, tens, cnniis, eundus. Dr. Crombie (Gymnasium, 2nd ed. vol. Si. p. 363) likewise contends, and, it appears to rne, successfully, that thi* word is a present participle of the pas- sive voice j and that it does not, by its own power, ever express futurity, or 91 OF CONJUGATION AND FORMATION. Conjugation is the regular distribution of the inflexions of verbs, according to their different voices, moods, tenses, [numbers, and persons, so as to distinguish them from one another. There are four conjugations of verbs, distinguished by the vowel preceding re of the infinitive mood. The first conjugation makes are long : as, Amdre. The second conjugation makes ere long: as, Monere. The third conjugation makes ere short : as, Regere. The fourth conjugation makes ire long: as, Audlre. There are four principal parts of a verb, whence all its other parts are formed, viz. o of the present, i of the pre- terite, um of the supine, and re of the infinitive : as, Amo 9 amavi 9 amaium, amare ; and these are sometimes called its conjugation. It has been customary to form, from the infinitive, the present participle, the future participle in dus, and the ge- runds ; a formation which cannot be considered as correct, in regard to verbs in io of the third conjugation, since those verbs have not in their infinitive the i which belongs to those parts ; and even in the fourth conjugation, they are formed with greater propriety from the present. For simi- lar reasons, the method which excludes the infinitive is equally objectionable. The following formation is not liable to such objections, and seems preferable to the other two methods, for reasons, which will be found in the annexed explanation, the obligation either of necessity or duty. In such phrases as tcmpus petendce pads, neither futurity nor obligation is expressed, the expression being equi- valent to tempus petendi pacem, tempus quo pax pelatur, tempus petere pacem* In volvenda dies en attalit uttro Virg., volvenda is clearly a participle of the present tense passive, equivalent to sese volvens, or dum volvitur, and expressing neither futurity nor obligation. In such expressions as permisit urbem diripi- eiuLam, he contends that it is purpose, not futurity, that is directly expressed. He does not, however, deny that the participle in dus, whqn joined to the verb sum, uniformly denotes moval or physical obligation ; but he contends, that, in such phraseologies, there is no word expressive of futurity or obligation, al- though the combination of the two words lias by usag^acquired this significa- tion, in the same manner as in English, such expressions as " Is a man to be jmnisked for what he could not prevent? " in which there is no word expressive of duty, obligation, or futurity, are reckoned equivalent to " Ought a man to be punished ? " He agrees with Pcrizonius in consideringybrc to be understood in Movebatiir iglt-iir misericordia civium, quos intcrficiendos vidcbal Csos. Be- cause he saw that many of his countrymen must fall, or would necessarily be slain, if he encountered the enemy in another battle. 92 The Formation of the Tenses of Verbs, from the Present, the Perfect, the Supine, and the Infinitive. I. From -o are formed, Names of the Tenses. -bam, Imperf. Indie. , f Fut. Indie, of the 1 st and 2d 5 \ Conjugation. f Pres. Subj. of the 2d; Pres. - O) 0) J fi I I Cj L PS ?o S CN 10) >0> en en -73 T3 -3 G G G G ld> icu IO 10 e s i-< ?O Eseseese a a x > c ^ X< HH* ^ ^3 w ^ I .1 J 3 ti 03 Ji* i^ o^ I" a" P-l HH h-5 I '2 )a> >aj i s t/J CO ^ C/J c/5 *"* l-i |^ |r H '5 >B 'S CS CJ a 'S

rt .d >3 *-> 4-J recturiis 1 tf &5 X> 33 bfi bD -O> CT 1 *~* o ^ monueram monuerim moniiero monuissem monuisse Monitum monitu momtus moniturus Monere mone monerem S a 103 S rfj 1 1C3 1 mavero mavlsse] mavlsse a Cfi S )d -*-> 4-> IC3 IC3 w )3 C i3 *- .1 '1 ,1 ^s C3 c3 cs 05 C3 ^^ C3 TO ra ^^ cs S 96 CO 00 GO GO GO CM s> * 35 I ^ IP cs "o 10 i ITS C 2 2 "*"* -S o ^ ^ Q , 03 10 >S iS ^Q >3 G5 *S ^ & < 2 > > ,,4 >0 rO CO CO 00 00 CO CN CN * ^ ~ ,2 18.5 c 9 i3 E g C tO 1 ^H 3^ i PH 3^ fi a G c , C3 10) ,p iu i^ * *- -fcJ -4-J lO 'O i i S ,*; . ^sI'N S i'li'i' 1 till a IV > f V >n 'l H 98 i ^ > : S a. i S- S6SS6SS >S 50 I -c >T '1 s s I 99 * ** * co co GO CO 80 00 CM CM CM CM CM rH rH i < r* i - 33 4-> 2 33 "5 a ID >D , J2 | v. ,* >3 2 2 fc, i* 3=J A 2 S 5^ a >?" ^R 5 2 , ID i=5 j2 ^ ^ ID 3 M i3 G ID G 53 "3 **** & 5-( . 1 >s ' 'i 3O *=? g F ^P i i^ 103 ID it! i3 -< IH j5 G '2 ,3,5 g g 3 2 3 S g 5 2 J S il J g ID jfl ,S ja ^D ID MOOD 1 ID amim remini MOOD. f ID I \ 1 o H M W * Ki INDICATIV fa 33 ICtf A H H ^ > H fllljl ID 5 S i5 ^2 ,12 ( g3 UBJUNCTI a ID 11 | 1 ID eamur I 1 05 *""* 33 ^ ifSigSSg ^ is ID ^S w*a ja iS M *>' 3=3 3=5 S I.-S ID >a i ^^ bo 3D 3 C 3 S 3 5 S ' ^ IOJ ID 3D iS ^2 ^2 >D > D 103 Is irt iw 3D ,s - h 30 ^ ,5 3C3 30 ^ "" 3O W 3O jS ^2 rQ 303 JJ e PH I HH H2 100 OBSERVATIONS ON THE FOUR CONJUGATIONS. (1) The future of the infinitive, active, is composed of the accusative of the future participle in rus, and esse vel fuisse ; the former of which has been termed by some the future imperfect ; the latter, the future perfect. (2) In looking over the scheme of the conjugations, it may be observed, that there is very little difference among them, except in their characteristics. The future indicative of the two first ends, in the active, in bo ; in the passive, in bor : of the two last, in the active, in am ; and in the passive, in ar. The present subjunctive of the first ends, in the ac- tive, in em ; in the passive, in er : that of the three last, in the active, in am ; and in the passive, in ar. The following are the general terminations of the Indi- cative and the Subjunctive, in the ACTIVE. Sing. Plur. 23 123 5, t; mus, tis, nt. The 2nd person singular perfect indicative is an excep- tion, being isti. PASSIVE. Sing. Plur. 23 183 T i s } 9 Y tur; mur, mini, ntur. re,f (3) In the imperative mood, both active and passive, the second form of the third persons singular and plural, and the first person plural, are evidently the same persons of the present subjunctive of their respective voices. The termi- nation -minor, of the second person plural, passive, is but little used. (4) In the first conjugation the verb do alone has its in- crease short. Verbs of the first conjugation ; of the second and third, having evi for the perfect ; and of the third and fourth, having zW, suffer a contraction, by syncope, of v, or of v and the following vowel, in certain persons of the perfect of the indicative, and in parts formed from it : also verbs in io of the third conjugation, and verbs of the fourth, in the imper- fect of the indicative. The quantities of which contractions are as follows ; 101 Conjugation. Ind. Perf. astl\ astis, drfint. Plup. dram, &c. Sub). Perf. flnwz, &c. Plup. dssem, &c. Fut. aro, c. Inf. Perf. The second and third conjugations, having cvi, are con- tracted and marked the same as the first, the e being long like the a. The third and fourth in ivi. Ind. Imperf. ibam, &c. Passive, Ibar, &c. Perf. u, ilstl isti, lit it ; ilstis istis, urunt tere. Plup. leram, &c. Subj. Peril lerim, &c. Plup. ussem issem, &c. Fut. iho, &c. Inf. Perf. Tisse isse. Observe, that in those verbs in / * specie , fodio, fugio, cupio, sapio, pario, quatio ; gradior y patior, orior, morior, and compounds, those of pario excepted, which be- long to the fourth. 8 Lambo and scaoo have no supines. Offi-cio t likewise. Glubi jacio, and in many others, when compounded, will be hereafter explained in a connected summary; as these, and the others, undergo similar changes, in a state of composition. a Thus the compounds, except elicio which has elicui, elicitum. 6 Its compounds belong to the fourth conjugation. Partum contracted for paritum is the more usual. The participle pari- turus is found in Cicero, Ovid, &c. Ill Quatio, * qiiassi, quassum, to shake. Rapio, rapui, raptuin, to snatch. Sapio ', sapui, , to be wise. *Specio 9 , *spexi, *spectum, to see. Jo. Mejo, minxi, mictum, to make water. L,o 3 makes -ui, -itum : as, molo, molui, moUtum, to grind. EXCEPTIONS. Alo, alui, alitum, reg. to nourish. (altum, by syncope) * Cello*, *cellui, *celsum, to beat ', excel. Colo 5 , colui, cultum, to till. Consulo, consului, consultum, to advise, or consult. Fallo, fefelli, falsum, to deceive. Pello, pepiili, pulsum, to beat. Psallo, psalli, , to play on an instrument. Sallo, salli, salsum, to salt. Tollo 6 , sustuli, sublaturn, to lift up. Velio 7 , velli, vulsum, to pull. vulsi, The usual perfect is sapui; but it had sapivi and sapii; whence its compounds resipio and desipio had also -ivi or -ui, but the lat- ter is preferable. Resipisse and sapisti, formed by syncope, are found, the one in Terence, and the other in Martial. This verb is obsolete ; but its compounds are thus formed. Conspicor and suspicor, formed from it, are deponents of the first conjugation. 3 Noloy volo, malo, refello, have no supine, Attollo and recella no perfect or supine. Ante- ex-prtz- cello, no supine. 4 Celsus the adjective is used. Ante- ex- prce- cello, -cellui. Ex- celsus and prtecelsus seem to be adjectives. The dictionaries give recello a perfect, without sufficient authority, Percello has per- culi, perculsum. Perculsi seems unwarranted. * Thus its compounds, and occulo, which changes o into u. Accolo and circumcolo have no supines. Incidtus does not come from incolo, but is a compound of the participle cultus. 6 The perfect and supine of tollo come from sustollo. They are likewise borrowed by suffero. In the same way extuli and elatum, from extollo, are lent to effero, when it is used in a similar signifi- cation. T Thus, a- con- e- inter- pr to roar. EXCEPTIONS. Como 9 , comsi, com turn, to deck. Demo 2 , demsi, demtum, to take away. Emo, emi, emtum, to buy. Premo, pressi, pressum, to press. Promo, promsi, promtum, to bring out, Sumo, sumsi, sumtum, to take. No forms variously : as, Cano, cecini, cantum, to sing, comp. -cinui and -centum, Cerno 3 , crevi, cretum, to see. Gigno*, genui, genitum, to beget. Lino 5 , levi, Iitum, to daub. livi, lini, Pono, posui, positum f ', to place. Sino 7 , sivi, situm, to permit. Sperno, sprevi, spretum, to despise. Sterno 8 , stravi, stratum, to lay Jtat. Temno 9 , *temsi, *temtum, to despise. 1 Tremo and its compounds have no supine. * The perfects and supines of como, demo, promo, sumo, temno, and the supine of emo, are commonly written with a p ; thus, compsi, emptus, &c. It has been wished to appropriate -psi and -ptum to verbs in -po. The latter mode of spelling is certainly the more common, but the former may be more consonant with analogy. 3 Thus, de- dis- ex- in- se- cerno. Cretum is but little used, nor crevi, denoting seeing; but it is used when it means, to declare one's self heir, to decree, or to enter upon an estate. * Gigno borrows its perfect and supine from the obsolete geno. * The usual perfect is levi. Lini is said to be in Quintilian. Levi may come from * leo. Livi is in Columella. 8 Repostus for repositus is a frequent poetical contraction ; also compostus, for compositus. 7 Sivi is sometimes contracted into sii, especially in the com- pound : as, desino, desivi, but oftener desii. Sini is found in an- tient authors. Some dictionaries give sinitum, but I find no autho- rity for it. 9 Consterno is of the first conjugation, when it denotes mental agitation ; when it is applied to body, it is of the third ; but this distinction is not rigidly observed. The same remark is applicable to exstemo. The perfect and supine of this verb are not used out of composi- tion; but contemno, contemsi, contemtum. See note 2. 113 Po makes psi, ptum : as, carpo, carpsi, carptum^ to pluck. EXCEPTIONS. Rumpo, rupi, ruptum, to break. Strepo, strepui, strepltum, to make a noise. Quo. There are only two in quo ; Coquo, coxi, coctum, to boil. Linquo 1 , liqui, *lictum, to leave. Ro 9 makes ssi, stum : as, gero, gessi, gestum, to carry. EXCEPTIONS. Curro, cucurri, cursum, to run. Fero, tuli, latum, to bear. Quaero, quaesivi, quaesitum, to seek. *Sero 3 , *serui, *sertum, to lay in order. Sero*, sevi, satuin, to sow. Tero, trivi, tritum, to wear. Verro 5 , verri, versum, to sweep. 1 De- re- dere- linquo, ~liqui, -lictum. * Furo and sujffero have no perfect or supines. This is said ofsuffero, signifying bearing or suffering; but when it signifies to carry away, it borrows sustuli and sublatum from tollo or sustollo ; yet, some grammarians deny a preterite and supine to sujfero, in any sense, and always refer sustuli and sublatum to tollo. Indeed, there seems some disagreement among grammarians, in regard to these verbs ; many, guided by a certain analogy, asserting that the preterite and supine commonlyassigned to tollo, come from sitffero. In the same way, they refer extuli and datum to effero, which, they say, lends them to extollo. It seems clear to me, that tuli and la. turn (said to be a contraction oftolatum,) are borrowed byfero it- self from tolo or tulo ; and that, if borrowed by the original, sim- ple verb, they must still be considered as borrowed by its com- pounds. Attuli and allatum are, however, generally referred to affero, as they are not used in the signification ofattollo, which, in course, is said to be without preterite or supine. s The compounds of sero that denote arranging or linking to- gether, are thus formed ; being As- con- de~ dis- edis- ex- in- inter- sero. 4 Those that denote planting or solving, thus : as, as- con- circum* de- dis- in- inter- pro- re- sub- tran- sero t -sevi, -situm, a being changed into i t in the supines. * Some give verro the perfect versi ; but verri is far prefe- rable. I So makes sivt> sltum : as, arcesso *, arcessivi, arcessltum, to send for. EXCEPTIONS. Depso 9 , depsui, depstum, to knead. Incesso, incessi, , to attack. Pinso, pinsi, pinsitum, to bake. pinsui, pinsum, pistum, Viso 3 , visi, , to visit. To forms variously : thus, Flecto, flexi, flexum, to bend. Meto, messui, messum, to reap. Mitto, misi, missum, to send. Necto, nexui, nexum, to tie. nexi, Peto, petivi, petitum, to seek. Pecto, pexi, pexum, to comb. pexui, Plecto*, plexui, plexum, to plait. plexi, Sisto, stiti, statum, to stop (active). Sisto 5 , , , to stand (neuter). Sterto, stertui, , to snore. Verto, verti, versum, to turn. 1 Arcesso, capesso, facesso, lacesso, are said by some to have ii and i, by Syncope. The syncopated perfect is the only one left to incesso, Incessui is once found. 8 Some grammarians give depso no supine. The dictionaries give it depsitum, which, by syncope, becomes depstum ; and hence the participle depsius, which Cato uses. 3 Reviso and inviso are said by some to have supines ; but since visum is denied to viso t as being the supine of video, whence viso itself is formed, upon the same principle inmsum and revisum are to be referred to invideo and revideo. 4 Whether in the sense of plaiting or of punishing, either pre- terite is very uncommon. 5 'Sisto (neuter) is said to borrow steti, statum from sto The compounds, have -stiti, -stitum: as, as- circuin- con- de- ex- in~ inter- ob per- re- sub- sisto, -stiti, -stitum. Absisto has no supine ; nor'are the supines of the others authorized. 115 Uo l makes ui, utum : as, tribuo, tribui, tributum, to bestow. EXCEPTIONS. Fluo, fluxi, fluxum, to flow. Ruo-, rui, ruitum, to rush. Struo, struxi, structum, to build. Fo 3 makes vi, utum: as, volvo, volvi, volutum, to roll. EXCEPTION. Vivo, vixi, victum, to live. Xo* makes ui, turn: as, texo^ texui^ textum, to weave. THE FOURTH CONJUGATION. The fourth conjugation makes wi, Itum : as, audio 5 , audivi 6 , auditum> to hear. 1 These have no supines : metuo, pluo, congruo, ingruo, respuo, annuo, abnuo, innuo, renuo. Luo has lui (luitum, seldom). Its compounds, lutum : as, diluo, dilui, dilutum. Batuo and duo have no supines ; but the verbs themselves have become obsolete. Fluo seems to have had jluctiim, as well asjluxum ; hence the verbal fiuctus. 2 The compounds have -rutum. Corruo and irruo are not found in the supine. Eruiturus is found as well as eruturus. Ruiturus is in Lucan. 3 Calvo, calvi, calvere ; and calvor t calvi, are obsolete. * Nexui and nexum come rather from necto than nexo. Nexo belongs to the first conjugation. But some grammarians write nexo, nexis, nexui, nexum, nexere. ' Eo and queo are the only simple verbs in eo that belong to this conjugation, and both have itum in the supine. The com- pounds likewise ; except ambio, ambitum. These want the su- pine ; ccecutio, gestio, glocio, dementio, ineptio, ferocio. Obedio (perhaps ob-audio) is a neuter verb; and consequently not used in the passive voice, but as an impersonal verb, hence obeditum est, in Livy. It has obediturus, as if from obeditum, the supine usually given to it. There is not sufficient authority for the su- pines of as- circum- sub- pro- silio ; but the verbs assulto and sub- sulto ; arid the nouns assultus and subsultus are found, formed from a supine. Aio andferio want perfect and supine ; but aio has the 2d persons of the perfect. Likewise verbs denoting desire, and ending in -urio ; except esurio, -im, itum ; parturio -ivi, but for this last there is only modern authority, and perhaps nupturio ivi. Nupturisse Apuleius. Esuriturus Ter. Parturiit Buchanan. 6 In one instance Cicero is said to have usedpunitus es, instead o? punivisti ; -Cujus tu inimicissimum multo crudelius punitus es. 12 116 EXCEPTIONS. Amicio, amicui, amictum, to cover. amixi, (seldom,) amicivi, (male,) Cambio, campsi, campsum, to change money, (obs,) Farcio, farsi, fartum, to cram. Fulcio, fulsi, fultum, to support. Haurio 1 , hausi, haustum, to draw out. (seld. hausum,) Raufcio, rausi, rausum, to be hoarse. Salio 2 , salui, saltum, to leap. Sancio 3 , sanxi, sanctum, to ratify. sancivi, sancitum, Sarcio, sarsi, sartum, to mend. Sentio, sensi, sensum, to feel. Sepelio, sepelivi, sepultum, to bury. Sepio*, sepsi, septum, to inclose. sepivi, (seld.) Singultio 6 , singultivi, singultum, to sob. Veneo 6 , venii, , to be sold. Venio, veni, ventum, to come. Vincio, vinxi, vinctum, to bind. 1 Hauriturus is found. Hausurus, Virgil. Hausturus, Cicero. a Salio makes salui or salii, but for the former there are superior authorities. The compounds have -silui or -silii, -sultum. As- circum- sub- pro- sultum, are unauthorized: but some verbs are found which seem formed from assultum and subsultum. See note 5, in the preceding page. 3 Sancivi is sometimes contracted into sancii, as sancitum is into sanctum ; and hence the participle sanctus. Sanxi is almost uni- versally used ; and sanctus is much more common than sancitus, and rests on much better authority. 4 Sepivissent is in Livy ; or rather perhaps sepissent. But Gro- novius conjectures that sepsissent ought to be read. The passage is XLIV. 39. 5 Singultum, formed, by Syncope, from singultitum, as sepultum is from sepelitum, is preferred to singultitum t on account of the noun singultus derived from it, but neither is common. * Some give veneo a supine, venum ; but this is considered as a noun, which, compounded with eo, forms veneo itself. Venii may be contracted from venivi. 117 Compounds ofpario, a verb of the third conjugation. 1 DEPONENT VERBS. To form the perfect of a deponent verb, suppose an ac- tive voice ; from the supine of which, formed by preceding rules, comes the participle in -tus, -sits, or -xus, which, added to sum or fui, constitutes the perfect : thus, gratulor, gratu- latus sum, as if from gratulo, gratulavi, gratulatum, FIRST CONJUGATION. In the first conjugation all the deponent verbs are formed regularly. SECOND CONJUGATION. The second conjugation has the following Exceptions. Fateor, fassus sum, to confess. Misereor, misertus sum, to pity. miseritus, (Liv. and others.) Reor, ratus sum, to think. THIRD CONJUGATION. Exceptions. Apiscor 3 , aptus sum, to get. Comminiscor, commentus sum, to devise. Expergiscor, experrectus sum, to awake. 1 Thus also the double compounds, adaperio, adoperio, coope- rio. Comperi, not compertus sum, is found as the preterite of corw- perior. Comperio and reperio are perhaps compounds of the ob- solete perio or perior, whence periculum, peritus, and experior, are formed, rather than of pario. 8 The verb sarrio or sario belongs to this conjugation. It is formed regularly by -ivi, -itum. It has also sarrui ; and Mr. R. Johnson quotes two instances from Cat. c. 3, in which sarseris is used as a part of this verb ; but may it not come rather from sarcio? Columella uses sarrivisse, xi. 2. Sarueris is said to be found in Cato; but some read sarrieris. In regard to the supine, sarritura is found in Columella ; sartura is in Pliny, xviii. 27> which implies the existence of sartum, as well as 4 sarritum. 3 Apiscor is but little used : its compounds are adipiscor and in. dipiscor, -eptus* 118 Fruor 1 , fruitus sum, to enjoy. fructus, Gradior, gressus sum, to go. (ol.) grassus, Irascor 9 , iratus sum, to be angry. Labor, lapsus sum, to slide. Loquor, locutus sum, to speak. loquutus, Morior 3 , mortuus sum, to die. Nanciscor, nactus sum, to get. Nascor*, natus sum, to be born. Nitor 5 , nisus sum, to endeavour. nixus, Obliviscor, oblTtus sum, to forget. Orior*, ortus sum, oriri, to rise. Paciscor, pactus sum, to bargain. Patior, passus sum, to suffer. Proficiscor, profectus sum, to go. Queror, questus sum, to complain. Sequor, secutus sum, to follow. sequutus, Ulciscor, ultus sum, to revenge. Utor, usus sum, to use. The verb potior has potiri, and belongs to the fourth con- jugation ; but is used, by the poets, in the 3d and 4th, who, however, prefer potttur of the third 6 . FOURTH CONJUGATION. Exceptions. Metior, mensus sum, to measure^ metitus, (male.) 1 Fruitus is said to be the more common ; notwithstanding, from fructus come the noun fructus, and the participles perfructus and Jructurus. Lucretius uses fructus sum, iii. 953. Petfructus is at- tributed to Cicero. Fruitus sum is in Seneca, epist. -93. * Iratus is considered as an adjective. 3 The infinitive ofmorlor is mori; sometimes, as in Plautus and Ovid, moriri. Emoriri is in Terence. The participle is moriturus. * The future participles active of nascor and orior are also nas- citurus and oriturus. In the imperfect subjunctive orirctur is uni- versally found instead oforeretur; also in the compounds. la any other parts, it is seldom found to follow the fourth conjugation. * Con- in- ob~ re- sub- nitor, -xus oftener than -sus. Annitor -xus, and -sus, promiscuously. Enixus is generally applied to a birth ; otherwise, enisus. 6 Pofitur, Virg. Poteretur, V. Flacc. Poteremur, Ovid. Poterentur, Propert. 119 Ordior 1 , orsus sum, to begin. Experior, expertus sum, to try. Opperior*, oppertus sum, (Ter.) to wait for. opperitus, (Plant.) COMPOUNDED VERBS. GENERAL RULE. Compounded verbs form their perfect and supine in the same manner as the simple verbs : thus, red-amo, red-amavi, red-amatum^ to love again. But the following changes, which happen to the preposi- tion, and to the simple verb, in a state of composition, merit attention. A, Ab 9 Abs. A is used in composition before m and r. Ab before vowels, and d 9 f, k, j, /, n, r, s. Before fero and fugio, it becomes au : as, aufero, aufugio. Abs is used before c and t : as, abscedo, abstuli. Ad. Ad changes d into the first letter of the simple, beginning with c 9 f, gy /, 7i 9 p 9 r, s 9 t : as, accurro^ afficio 9 aggero. In some writers it remains unaltered, as adficio. Am (ambe or ambi from a^j, circum). Am, before c, q, f 9 h, is changed into an : as, anquiro, an- helo. Sometimes it assumes its own b : as, ambio. Circum. Circum remains unaltered. The m is sometimes changed : as, circundo for circumdo ; omitted : as, circueo for circumeo. 1 Some give ordior, orditus, when it signifies to weave ; but this rests chiefly on modern authority. a The following have no perfect ; vescor, liquor, medeor, remi- niscor, irascor, ringor, pr g> m 9 P> r: as > succedo, suffero, suggero. Submitto and sum- mitto; submoveo and summoveo, are both used. Trans. Trans is generally contracted into tra, before d,j, n : as, trado, trajiciO) trano ; and sometimes before I and m : as, traluceo, trameo. Post becomes pos in postuli. Few if any changes take place in the other prepositions. Other pre- fixes consist of verbs, as in calefacio, of caleo , of adverbs, as in benefacio, of bene ; of participles and adjectives, as in mansuefacio, magnifico, ofma?isuetus and magnus; of substan- tives, as in significo, of signum ; of a preposition and noun, as in animadvertOy of ad and animus. 121 OF THE PRESENT. The following simple verbs, when in composition, change a into e : Arceo fallo , lacto patro *cando farcio mando sacro capto 1 fatiscor pario scando carpo gradior partio spargo damno jacto patior tracto. But we find amando 9 prcemando, prtedamno 9 ablacto (sel- dom), desacrO) pertracto, retracto. Parco makes comparco or comperco. Paciscor makes depeciscor. Canto changes a in occento. Halo with ex remains unaltered ; as, exhalo ; but we find anhelo. These change , CE and e 9 into i. Cado habeo quaero statuo caedo laedo rapio taceo cano lateo salio, to leap, tango egeo placeo sapio teneo. But we find com- per- placeo ; post- ante- habeo. Prce* habeo becomes prcebeo ; oc- re- cano are sometimes found. These change a and e into i 9 in the present only. Ago fateor pango *specio, apiscor frango premo capio jacio rego emo * lacio sedeo Except coemo, cogo (for con-ago) 9 dego (for de-ago\ circum- sat- per- ago. Sursum-erigo (e-rego) becomes surgo 9 and per-rego* becomes per go. 1 Such words as the following may be formed at once from the supine of the primitive compounded, viz. accepto from acceptum ; delecto from delectum, the supine of the obsolete delicio. * I was at a loss to determine whether I should consider pergo as a compound of rego, or of ago. From its having an x in the perfect it seems to come from rego. But it may be observed, that x is composed of gs, or of cs, and that the latter of these is some- times omitted ; that^czo, although in fed it uses but one of these letters, yet mfaxim and^^o (facsim andfacso) uses both; that lego, in some of its compounds, has the g only, and in others, the gs or x ; and that ago, in the language whence the Latin ago is probably derived, has an a; () in some of its parts ; so that the coincidence of the perfects in regard to rego and pergo, does not seem satisfactorily decisive of the derivation of the latter. To 122 Antecapio and anticipo ; superjacio and superjicio are both used. Circum- super- sedeo ; de- ob- re- pango. Facio com- pounded with a preposition changes a into i as, afficio, interjicio. Such compounds have the imperative in e ; and form their passive regularly, by adding r to o. The other compounds with verbs, nouns or adjectives, do not change the a, and have the imperative in c, throwing away the e : and their passive voice is like Jio : as, calefacio, calefac, ca- lefio. Some compounds with nouns and adjectives, throw away the i which precedes o, and are of the first conjuga- tion: as, significo, Itftifico, magnifico 1 . Specio forms some compounds in the same way ; as, con- spicoi* and suspicor, deponents of the first conjugation. Lego, compounded with con, de, di, e, inter, nee, se, changes e into i : as, colligo, deligo ; but at- pr defendo, offendo, aspicio, conspicio^ experior, compe- rior, expedio, impedio, doleo, imbuo, compcllo- as^ appello -as, incendo, accendo, ingruo, congruo, infligo, qffligo, con- jligo, instigo, impleo, compleo, renideo, connweo^ percello, im- e- pra- mineo, alUcio, illicio, induo, exuo, and some others. OF VERBS DEFECTIVE IN THEIR PRIMARY PARTS. The following lines contain a connected view of the prin- cipal verbs that are defective in perfects or supines. SUPINES. These have no supines : The compounds of nuo and gruo. Those of cado ; except incido, occido, recido. Neuters in -veo ; and arceo 8 . Neuters in eo, ui ; except caleo, careo, coaleo, doleo,jaceo, lateo 3 , liceo, merco, noceo, oleo, pareo, -placco, taczo 3 , valeo. The rest are comprehended in these verses : 1 In the compounds only that change a of the present into t. a This word does not appear to have a supine. 3 See arceo, lateo, taceo, iu the second conjugation, luo in the third, and mico in the first. Several additional remarks on simple and compound verbs will be found under their respective conju- gations. 124- Algeo cum timeo, sic urgeo, lugeo, fulgeo, Frigeo, cum sileo, sic turgeo, luceo, strideo ; Ango, clango, luo 1 , disco, compesco, quinisco, Dego, lambo, mico 1 , dispesco, posco, refello, Incesso, metuo, ningo, cum prodigo, psallo, Stride, scabo, pluo, sido, cum respuo, rudo, Sterto, tremo, sapio, satago, cum veneo, viso ; Csecutit, glocio, dementio, gestit, ineptit, His et prosilio 2 , pariterque ferocio jungas. These have neither perfect nor supine. Verbs in -sco, that signify to grow, or to begin ; Verbs in -urio, signifying desire ; except parturio, esurio, and nupturio. Also Flaveo, cum scateo, liveoque, renideo, polleo, Nexo, aveo, denseo, glabreo, cum lacteo, mcereo; Ainbigo, sisto 3 , furo, ferio, labo, vergo, recello, Divertor, plico, praevertor, liquet et reminiscor, Piffiteor, ringor, medeor, vescorque, liquor^. Verbs 'which borrow tenses from others : Inceptives in -sco borrow their perfects from their primi- tives: as, tepesco, tepui, from tepeo : their supines also: as, abolesco, -evi, -itum, from aboleo. Ferio, percussi, percussum, from percutio ; Fero, tuli, latum, from tulo ; Furo, insanivi, insanitum, from insanio ; Meio, minxi, mictum, from mingo ; Sido, sedi, sessum, from sedeo ; Sum, fui, futurus, from fuo, obsolete , Tollo, sustuli, sublatum, from suffero, or rather sustollo ; Liquor, liquefactus sum, from liquefio ; Medeor, medicatus sum, from medicor, deponent ; Reminiscor, recordatus sum, from recorder ; Vescor, pastus sum, from pascor*, &c. 1 See note 3, in the preceding page. See salio, in the fourth conjugation. 3 Sisto neuter. See sisto, third conjugation. 4 Whether, strictly speaking, all these perfects and supines can be said to be really borrowed by the defective verbs, or to be used instead of their defective tenses, it is perhaps impossible, nor is it of much importance, to determine. At any rate, they are used in the same, or nearly the same, signification, in which the defective tenses would have been used ; but still, it may be, that they are used, not as upon loan, but chiefly as tenses of their own verbs, with whose signification that of the defective verbs happens to coincide. 125 NEUTER.PASSIVE VERBS. Audeo, gaudeo, soleo, Jido, and Jio. The first four, neuter 1 verbs, though they have an active termination, have a pas- sive preterite ; and hence their name. Th simple tenses are active in termination, the compound, passive. They are thus conjugated. Audeo 1 , ausus sum, audere, to dare, "1 - , ^, Gaudeo, gavisus sum, gaudere, to rejoice, f on - Soleo 2 , solitus sum, solere, to use, ) " Fido 3 , fisus sum, fidere, to trust of the 3d. Fio*, factus sum, fieri, to be made of the 3d or 4-th. The following peculiarities happen to words which are not commonly deemed defective, nor very irregular in their termination. Neither dor nor der*, the presents passive of do, nor for nor fer are used; we say daris vel dare, &c. ; faris velfare, &c. But in composition we find addor, condor, &c. Effbr and affbr are scarcely used. Furo is not used in the first person singular of the present indicative. Sci, the second person singular of the imperative of scio, is obsolete. Die, due, fac, fer, are used as imperatives instead of dice, duce, &c. Face, adduce, abduce, dice, edice, addice and Mice are found, but very seldom. The compounds offacio, that change a into i, as has been formerly mentioned, retain the e ; as, office, infice, perfce. ABUNDANTS. Of the abundants, some abound in signification, being 1 Audendus is used by Livy ; and auderi is used by Cornelius. * Soluerat is attributed to Sallust. 9 Thus confido, and dijfido. Confido has confidi also, accord- ing to Livy ; and diffidi is in Quintilian. 4 Thus the compounds offacio with nouns, verbs or adverbs. Fio is the passive voice offacio. To these, some add mcereo, mcestus sum, mcerere. Mcestus sum belongs also to mcereor ; and by some mcestus is considered merely as an adjective. Exulo, liceo, vapulo, and veneo, are neuter verbs, and, because expressed in English by the passive voice, have been termed neuter-passives. Liceor is a deponent verb, and has an active signification. 5 Deris and demur, and the other parts ofjaris (except fatur, fare of the imperative, fans, fatus nndfandus,fandi andfando) seem obsolete. Virgil uscsfabor. Jfcn. i. 261. 126 either neuter, or active : as, maneo, I remain, or I wait for ; some have an active or passive signification : as, criminor, I blame or am blamed. Others abound in termination : as, assentio and assentior. Others in conjugation : as, of The Jirst, Lavo, lavas; of the third, rarely, Lavo, lavis. The second, Ferveo, ferves; Fervo, fervis. Strideo, strides; Stride, stridis. Tueor, tueris; Tuor, tueris. Tergeo, terges ; (used in both) Tergo, tergis. Fulgeo, fulges; Fulgo, fulgis. The third, Fodio, fodts; ofthefourth,rarely,Yo&o, fodis. Sallo, sallis ; Sallio, sallis. Morior, moreris; M orior, morlr is. Orior, oreris ; Orior, orlris. Potior, poteris; Potior, potiris. Note That orior and pot tor are always of the 4th, in the infinitive. Others abound in certain tenses. Thus the following are said to have a perfect of an active or a passive termination ; juro, nubo, placeo, punio, suesco. The abundant impersonals will be found among the Impersonals. Edo, an abundant, will be found among the Irregulars. Among abundants (but it is a misapplication of the term), have sometimes been reckoned verbs which, in some of their principal parts, re- semble each other; but which differ in their signification, and often in their conjugation. 1 . Some agree in the present : as, Aggero, -as, to heap up. Aggero, -is, to bring together. Appello, -as, to call. Appello, -is, to arrive. Compello, -as, to address. Compello, -is, to compel. Colligo, -as, to bind. Consterno, -as, to astonish. Effero, -as, to enrage. Fundo, -as, to found. Mando, -as, to command. Obsero, -as, to lock. Volo, -as, tojly. Some change their quantity likewise : as, Colo, -as, to strain. Colo, -is, to till. Dico, -as, to dedicate. Dico, -is, to say. Educo, -as, to educate. Educo, -is, to bring out. Colligo, -is, to collect. Consterno, -is, to strew. Effero, -iers, to bring out. Fundo, -is, to pour out. Mando, -is, to chew. Obsero, -is, to sow over. Volo, vis, to will. 127 Lego, -as, to send. Lego, -is, to read. Vado, -as, to wade. Vado, -is, to go. 2. Some agree in their perfects : as, acui, to be sour. Acuo, acui, to sharpen. Cresco, crevi, to grow. Cerno, crevi, to see. FrigeOy.frixi, to be cold. Frigo, frixi, to fry. Fulgeo, fulsi, to shine. Fulcio, fulsi, to prop. Luceo, luxi, to shine. Lugeo, luxi, to mourn. Paveo, pavi, to be afraid. Pasco, pavi, to feed. Pendeo, pependi \ to hang. Pendc, pependi, to weigh. 3. Some agree in their supines : as, Cresco, cretum, to grow. Cerno, cretum, to see. Maneo, mansum, to stay. Mando, mansuni, to chew. Sto, statum, to stand. Sisto, statum, to stop. Succenseo, -censum, to be Succenck), -censum, to burn. angry. Teneo, tentum, to hold. Tendo, tentum, to stretch. Verro, versum, to sweep. Verto, versum, to turn. Vinco, victum, to conquer. Vivo, victum, to live. IRREGULAR VERBS. (1) The verbs commonly reckoned irregular are sum, eo 9 queo, volo, edo 9 fero 9 fa, and their compounds. (2) The compounds of sum are ad.- ab- de- inter- in-pra- ob- sub- super- pro- pos- sum. Insum wants the perfect and the parts formed from it. Prosum takes in a d after pro, whenever sum begins with an e. Possum (which is Potsum, for potis- or pote- sum.,} changes the t when it is followed by an $ 9 into s. In other respects the t is retained, but they of sum is thrown out ; as, potui, potueram, &c. Potessem and potesse are contracted into possem and posse. Potestur is found in the passive. (3) The compounds of eo are all conjugated like eo 9 ex- cept ambio, which belongs to the fourth conjugation. Trans- eo and pratereo have sometimes -iam in the future indica- tive. In the compounds, ivi, ivisti, &c. are generally con- tracted into ii 9 iisti, &c. 1 To these may be added the compounds of sto and of r.isto: thus, consto, constiti; consisto, constiti ; inslo, instiii ; insisto, in- stiti, &c. Some have added the compounds of fero and tollo : as, confero, contuli ; contollo, contidi; effero, extuli; extollo, extuli ; profero, proiuli ; protollo, protuli. But these preterites are better referred tofero, exclusively. Concerning sustuli, which some re- fer to suffero, and some to "tollo, or sustotto, mention has already been made. 128 (4) Queo and nequeo are conjugated like eo ; but have no imperative mood, or gerunds, and seldom participles. Quitus, queuntur, queatur : nequeor, nequitur are rarely found. (5) The compounds of volo are nolo (non volo} and malo (magis volo}. Their gerunds seem to rest on no good au- thority. (6) Edo, although reckoned among the irregulars, is a regular verb of the third conjugation ; but in some parts in which it seems to fall in with stim, it is abundant. Its com- pounds are conjugated like it. Estur, in the passive, is found as well as editur. (7) Fero borrows tidi 9 and latum (supposed to be con- tracted for tolatum or tulatum) from the obsolete tulo. Its compounds are conjugated like it. (8) Fio is commonly considered as the passive of facto 1 , some of the compounds of which have their passive in ^fio 9 and others in ^ficior^ as has been explained under the Com- pounded Verbs. 1 The ingenious author of an excellent little Grammar observes, that " fio is absurdly supposed to be the passive voice of facio ; whereas it came from Qua, which gave birth to fui, the perfect of sum." Is not this remark rather harsh ; and does it not involve the very circumstance which the intelligent author wishes to reprehend ? It is certainly true that fio comes from Qva ; hence the obsolete fuo which gives to sum, fui, fueram, forem (or fuerem) t fuerim, fuissem, fore ( probably fuere},fuisse. Fuat occurs in Virgil, JEn. x. 108. Indeed, to complete the Latin verb of existence, another verb is pro- bably added. "Eipi sum, and ttptt eo, seem to be kindred verbs, both apparently derived from 'iu, to go, to come into existence, to be. The Latin sum is formed either from 'hfti, or from iraftai, the future of 'tea. According to Varro, the ancients used to say esum, and esumus, estis, esunt. Eram, essem, ero, esse, ap- pear, too, to come from the original eo or do. Eram is, by termination, ob- viously a pluperfect, denoting, I had come into existence, I was ; essem, a plu- perfect subjunctive or potential, denoting I had come into existence, / was, or I would have come into existence, / would be ; ero, a future perfect, I shall have come into existence, / shall be ; esse, a perfect of the infinitive, to have come, to be come, to be. The word escit occurs in Lucretius, and the com- pound superescit, in Ennius. Escunt, too, is said to occur in a passage of the 12 tables. The author of the P. Royal Grammar observes, that "escit is used for erit." We ought, probably, however, to read essit ; for the ancients formed their perfect subjunctive in ssim, as negassim for negaverim : others, however, doubtless contemplating the obvious relation between sum and eo, conceive that exeo, exit, have been corrupted into esceo, escit, and that, in Lucretius escit, exit, is used merely in the sense of est. We have little doubt, that a com- mon affinity exists generally, in language, between verbs of existence, going, becoming, standing, living, eating, birth, &c. Indeed, in the very terms in which we speak of sum, and some other verbs, as verbs of existence (ex sisto) or as substantive (sub sto} verbs, we imply the relation of standing. In Latin, sto is sometimes used substantively, or as a connecting verb, in a way little dif- ferent from sum ; and in Spanish, estar, the verb denoting to be, or, etymolo- gically, to stand, is always used, under certain established conditions, particu- larly that of variability in the predicate, as the verb of existence. We say in Latin, qmtm placidum ventis staret mare, when the sea stood (was) tranquil ; and here, too, the use of sto seems to be regulated by the same circumstance as that of the Spanish esto , for were quietness a property or usual attribute of 129 Their Conjugation. (9) Sum and its compounds cannot be classed under any conjugation. It borrows its perfect and future participle from the obsolete fuo of the third. I (10) Eo and queo are irregulars, from the fourth. (11) Volo, nolo, malo, fero, from the third. (12) Fio, whose infinitive was originally JJhL and imper- fect subjunctive jvrem, may be referred to the fourth. Their Formation. (13) They are all regular in the formations from the per- fect, supine, and infinitive. Their principal irregularity, be- sides their deficiency, is in the formation from the present, and in the terminations belonging to the present, and to the formation from it, as has been already mentioned in the Rules for the Formation of Verbs. The following is a Synopsis of the Irregular Verbs. the sea, it is not probable that sto would be employed. If a Spaniard means to say, " He is at present in ill health," he uses the substantive verb estar, to be, equivalent to the Latin stare; thus, " El esta malo." If he speaks of a man that is habitually or inlierently wicked, he employs the substantive verb ser, corresponding to the Latin esse ; thus, " El & malo," he is a bad man, K "Xi u < ^ S 0) O o 8 3 3 s M e>.. r\ ** P* S S S 1 P 1 3 - 2 | $ S w g W H d HO E ^ . M ^ o o X" o ^ ., r '^ ^r -^ ^ | J* ^r G g s" 3 = 111 9 .1 ! S g S =S >3 W5 C/3 CQ O o. a, I 1 3 O > s 3 N c -a -fi S S 4J s s t f * I I >M I tf 1 1 f 1 1 f I .9 > H V t& G .'s i *O -4-* * :r JS ST 1 f 1 P. - 1 1 I a , .* 'i! S o > 525 K2 . .2 o A r . Vi < ^^ S <3 Es- ., 02 S S S 2 -3 g g HJIJM 111 2 * l8|93.1"8"'i -s ^ PHp^^^^Sw (g PH f^ r co- ^ , , , ^ . -^ '?'? f '?-f-f I f f f " T S S" -r r? c -- g - C ifgiiij i i O;-icSa>O^2 r c5 o> .S 1> ^^ CLj Cla] ^^" >^J i^^ [jta) p^J Cjj p^ 43 05 1 1 a 15 w- !z; ^3^3 oT g 133 IMPERSONAL VERBS. Impersonal verbs are not declined in the first or second person, but only in the third person singular; they never ad- mit a person as their nominative ; and, when literally trans- lated, have, in English, the word it before them. OF THEIR VOICE, CONJUGATION, AND INFLECTION. (1) There are impersonals in both voices. Some belong to the first conjugation : as, constat, juvat, prastat. Some to the second : as, decet, oportet, pcenitet. Some to the third : as, accidit, conducit, fugit. Some to the fourth : as, convenit, expedit. Some are irregular : as, interest and other compounds of sum, Jit, pr&terit, nequit, subit, confert, refert, &c. The regular impersonals are inflected like the third per- sons singular of their respective voices and conjugations ; the irregular, like the third person singular of those personal verbs, whence they ar^e formed, or with which they are com- pounded. But in the perfect, miseret has misertum est ; tcedet has tacduit, and the compound perttfsum est ; placet, libet, licet, pudet, piget, -uit and -itum est. Liquet has no per- fect. (2) Impersonals of the active voice have of the infinitive the present and perfect only ; they want the imperative, (in- stead of which is used the present of the subjunctive,) and generally participles, gerunds, and supines. Passive impersonals have all the infinitive. (3) The first supine of the personal verb, or the neuter gender of the perfect participle, with the verb sum, consti- tutes the compound tenses of the passive voice. PERSONALS USED IMPERSONALLY. (4-) Many personal verbs are used as impersonals, with an infinitive after them, or the subjunctive mood and ut : as, delecto, juvo, appareo, attineo, incipio, conduce, expedio, con- venio, &c. But it is to be observed, that, although many of these are used personally : as, Tu mihi places ; Filius patrem delectat ; yet they are always used impersonally when fol- lowed by an infinitive, or subjunctive mood. For we do not say Si places audire, but Si placet tibi audire ,- not Ego con- tigi esse domi, but Me contigit esse domi ; not Ille evenit mori, but Ulum mori evenit, or ut ille moreretur. 134- The following is a rule for ascertaining when these and similar verbs are to be used personally, and when imperson- ally. Observe, That if the person mentioned in English as con- stituting the subject of these verbs be active, that is, doing any thing, a personal verb must be used : as, I please you, Placeo tibi. But, if the person be suffering, an impersonal verb must be used : as, I please to hear, or I am pleased to hear, Placet mihi audire, i. e. to hear pleases me. If an infinitive follows in English, the verb is impersonal; if not, it is generally per- sonal. IMPERSONALS USED PERSONALLY. (5) On the other hand, impersonals are sometimes, though rarely, used as personal verbs : as, Athenienscs, sicut primi defecerant, ita primi pcenitere cceperunt Justin, instead of primos pcenitere ccepit. Non te h&c pudent Ter. Quo in genere multa peccantur Cic. This happens particularly with some adjectives of the neuter gender : as, Aliquid pec- catur vitio prcecipientium Sen. Ne quid in eo genere pec- cetur Cic. TWO SUPPOSED KINDS OF IMPERSONALS. (6) Miser et, piget, pudet, pcenitet, taedct; lucescit, vesper- ascit, pluit, tonat, Jidgurat, fulminat, Jlat, ningit, rorat, .hyemat, serenat, lapidat, gelat, grandinat, and the like; and neuter and active verbs used impersonally : as, curritur, vi- vitur, itur, turbatur, agitur, &c., are said to involve their no- minatives in themselves ; although it may be observed, that Miseret me tui is not essentially different from Ego tui mise- reor ; nor Poznitet me conditionis, from the words of Plautus, Conditio me pcenitet , and Pcenitet me hoc fecisse is not dif- ferent from Hoc factum me pcenitet. The same thing may be said of Non me hoc dicer e pudebit ; so that, strictly speak- ing, only those impersonals mentioned above, denoting cer- tain operations of nature, and passive impersonals, formed from active or neuter verbs, can be said to contain their no- minatives in themselves ; and even to these, some would supply DeuSy Natura> or the matter of the verb, as their no- minative. (7) Other verbs, as, oportet, libet, liquet, licet, est and its compounds, rcfert, decet, delectat, jiwat^ &c., are supposed to have hoc, illud, or id, referring to the words following, 135 understood, as a nominative, or the infinitive mood, or part of a sentence *. (8) The infinitive mood of both kinds is used imperson- ally: as, Terra multifariam pluisse nunciatum cst Liv. Qitum multitude .... resisti posse Appio crederet Id. THEIR ENGLISH. (9) Although, in a literal translation, impersonal verbs have it before them, it is better, according to the English idiom, to adopt the person as the nominative : as, Licet mihi, It is allowed to me ; rather, I am allowed. Pcenitet me, I repent. Pugnatur a me, a te t ab illo, &c., I fight, thou fight- est, he fights, &c. THEIR NOMINATIVE. (10) There have been great disputes among grammarians about the nominative understood before impersonal verbs, when it cannot be obviously supplied by some pronoun un- derstood, infinitive mood, or part of a sentence. Some have supposed res, negotium, natura, &c., or a nominative of cog- nate signification with the verb, to be understood. None of these suppositions is found applicable in every instance. The truth, perhaps, is, that no nominative is, or ever was, un- derstood ; but that such impersonals, before the distinctions in language arising from the analysis of a proposition into its constituent parts of a subject and predicate, (the latter comprehending the copula, or word of assertion, and the at- tribute) were attended to, originally constituted a compen- dious and simple method of expressing, -in one word, an en- tire event in the aggregate, especially in regard to those operations of nature, beyond human power, and in which the subject or agent is invisible ; and that pluit, in itself, is fully equivalent to It rains, Rain is or falls, Imber dccidit, or Tcmpestas cst pluvialis. But they have never been supposed to have a person as their nominative, and hence arises the name, Impersonal. This observation may be extended further, lor they do not admit as a nominative the name of any animated being. 1 Caesar says, Ccssari quum id nunciatum esscl, eos per promn- dam nostram iter Jacere conari ; in which id is the nominative to the verb, and refers to the words which constitute the real subject, or nominative, eos per provinciam nostram iter Jacere conari. Whe- ther or not nunciatum est be here considered as impersonal, the insertion of id seems unnecessary. 1 en jr a "ox i "1 C*N .a .f o C5 i- i ^ (2 PH I j ^ ? ^ i 1 E-5 i i) 1 I "I 1 1 1 1 jf 1 1 !! 1 w i^ tfjf II 1 ! >> > e s ii s! "* S H 1 3 f | 30; I0> TO 2 "it 1 } "3 * .1 cS | ^ | | ^.f 1 I 1 ! 1 +r tf ^ .2 -a -2 111 .1-1 x "- 1 |D f ^o ^ .JT / * A ^ 5- ^ *S rVT '^ *- J-i C/5 . ; ii) c/3 j^ ^ F^ Q> < Q<| 5^ "^*J3*S*C* .1* .s ." ^ 1 c\ | i I Cj 1 "' III ||l 1 d ! t!fi 0-^ . . CH fcn QJ O j p^ ^~i r^i p"^ ^4| *3 n i n i It 1 " If 3$ > 00 A '! HM '3 g oJ *>- 00 If II 2 pr-i 1 , "a -" s a en GO - CO GO ^ S'S ' S 13 13 '^g^ 11^ S ^ A 5 W .J i O* C I 1 r ! Cfi 3 i :>: 3 Cfl cr itf a " en ^T j a cr * 1| ci2 o ^C :i .# *w 15 o 1 1 C7 1 w . 1 aT 52 D 8 ^ )0) O M w . 8^ o i!? c i SH , O^ , i^ H PH C JE t t-H 1 1 8 M ^ 1 HH a -d **3 GO 4) -2 a . OJ ^ ll c. 2 O to C I 3 cu O .s I o 2 140 THE PRETERITIVE VERBS, (1) So called from their having little more than preterites and the formation from these, are odi, memini, and ccepi. They have, in their perfects, the signification of the present also 1 : in the pluperfect, that of the perfect also; and in the future of the subjunctive, that of the future indicative also. It is because novi sometimes signifies / know, that it is ranked among these, for it is the perfect of the verb nosco, which is complete. (2) Odi has the participle osus, which signifies actively, and the future participle osurus. Its compounds perosus and exostis are used, but not perodi or exodi ; and they sig- nify actively, and sometimes passively. (S) Memini has also the imperative, in the second per- sons singular and plural, namely, memento, mementote. (4) Ccepi has also its perfect participle cceptus, which sig- nifies passively ; and the future participle ccepturus. (5) Oditur, odiaris, odiatur, odientes ; meminens ; ccepio, ccepiam, cceperet, cceptu, are sometimes found. CONTRACTIONS. The poets sometimes use sis for si vis ,- sultis for si vultis ; sodes for si etudes ; capsis for cape si vis, or perhaps for ce- peris ; to which may be added abisis, videsis, cavesis, apa- gesis, in which sis seems to be added to diminish the harshness of the imperative. ADVERBS. The principal thing to be considered in an adverb, is its signification. Adverbs are joined to verbs, participles, ad- jectives, or to other adverbs, to express some circumstance, or the quality and manner of their signification. Some are primitive: as, eras, jam, ubi, temere. They are, however, generally derivatives from nouns, pro- nouns, verbs, participles, and prepositions. 1. From nouns; as, viritim from vir ; docte from doctus. Many of the words deemed adverbs are nouns ; as words in um and o, primum, primo, mutuo, modo, &c. ; comparatives, as, amplius, melius, &c. ; and tempori, luci, vesper i, antient ablatives; rite for ritu, diu, noctu, forte, &c.; alias may be alias res; una, una opera : recta, recta via. In forming adverbs from adjectives or par- 1 It is doubtful, whether ccepi ever denotes present time. From ccqri comes occcejri, found in Terence and Tacitus. Occepi and incepi t of occipio and in- cipio, are formed, not from ccepi, but the kindred verb capio. Odcrit and odcrint are sometimes used imperatively j as Oderinl, dum meiuant. Vide Cic. off. i. 28, and Sencc. dc ira, k 16. HI ticiples, the o of the ablative seems to be generally changed into e, as, recte. To the ablative in te, r is added, to i is added ter ; as, diligenter, fortiter. But facile, as well as faciliter } simul, together, as well as similiter^ from similis; omnino, from omnis; and repente, from repens. From firmus, too, we have Jirmiter and fame. 2. From pronouns ; as, hie, eo, qui, from hie, is, quis. Most of these end in c, a, or o, as, hue, ca, quo, many of which are really pronouns. Quam, than, is an accusative ; and quum or cum, when, is quern or quom, which appears to have been applied to all gen- ders. Quo, whither, is said to be an antient dative singular, or accusative plural, to which may be added eo and illo. Qid, how, is an ablative, said to be used in both numbers, and in every gender. 3. From verbs; as, ccesim, punctim, from qado, pungo. These generally end in im, and seem to come from the supine or perfect participle. 4. From participles ; as, amanter, simulate, merito, &c. 5. From prepositions ; as, intro, citro, ultro, clanculum, from infra, citra, ultra, clam. They are likewise formed by composition, in various ways; as, hodie, today, from hoc die ; postridie, the following day, from poster o die ; scilicet, namely, from scire licet ; quam- obrem, wherefore, from ob quam rem, &c. The numerous classes into which they are divided, may be left to be learned by practice. The following distinction in adverbs of place should be attended to. In, To, Towards, From, By a place. Hie, hue, horsmn, hinc, hac. illic, illuc, illorsum, illinc, iliac. istic, istuc, istorsum, istinc, istac. ibi, eo, > inde, ea. ubi, quo, quorsum, unde, qua. alibi, alio, aliorsum, aliunde, alia. ibidem, eodem, indidem, eadem. 5 ubilibet, quolibet, , undelibet, qualibet. alicubi, aliquo, J alicunde, aliqua. foris, foras, , foris. intus, intro, introrsum, intus. Adverbs are compared : as, Positive. Comparative. Superlative. Diu, diutius, diutissime. Satis, satius, . Secus, seciusor sequius, . Saepe, saepius, saepissime. Tuto, tutiiis, tutissime. Penitus, .,,.,,.... penitius, ..,,,,,,.. penitissime. They are generally compared like the adjectives, from which they are derived : as, Acriter, acrius, acerrime, from acer ; bene, melius, optime, from bonus ; celeriter, celerius, celerrime, from celer; facile, facilius, facillime, from facilis ; male, pejiis, pessime, from malus ; parum, . > fminime, 1 minus, < . . x > ^minimum, J from parvus ; multum, plus, plurimum, from multus ; prope, propius, proxime, from propior ; valde, for valide, valdius Jt /0r valid ius, Jvalidissime, from validus ; ultra, ulterius, ultimo -urn, from ulterior. Positive wanting. Magis, maxime ; ocyus, ocyssime ; prius, primo, or pri- mum ; potius, potissimum. Potissime is found. Comparative wanting. Paene, paenissime; nuper, nuperrime; nove and noviter, novissime; merit(\ meritissimo. Superlative wanting. Excusate, excusatius; tempore, or tempori, temporuis; satis, satius; secus, secius. (Obs. 1) Instar and ergo, not being declined, are ranked among adverbs, but the one may be considered as a triptote, and the other a monoptote. That instar is used as a noun may appear from the following : Unus ille dies milii quidem immortalitatis instar fuit Cic. Cujus equi instar pro cede Veneris dedicavit Suet. Instar montis eqiium Virg. Ad instar is attributed to later writers. (2) Some indeclinable words are said to change their part of speech, according to their signification. Cum, when, is considered as an adverb ; although, a conjunction ; and cum, with, as a preposition. (3) Before, when joined to a verb, is expressed by the ad- verbs of time, antequam, priusquam. Before^ joined to an oblique case of a noun, is made by ante, ad, apud, cor am, &c. The same distinction is to be observed between post- quam, ubi, cum, ut ; and the prepositions, a, ab, de, ex. (4-) The neuter gender of adjectives, both in the singu- lar and plural number, is sometimes used adverbially : as, dulce-ridens, sweetly-smiling; suave-rubens, sweetly-blush- us ing; torva-tuens, sternly-looking; acerba-sonans, harshly- sounding. (5) Tantum, tantb, quantum, quanta, veriim, verb, solum, cceterum, modb, primum, primb, certb, minus, tempore, re- vera, brevi, profectb (pro facto), and such like, whether ad- verbs or conjunctions, are in most sentences obviously re- solvable into the nominatives, accusatives, or ablatives, of the nouns or adjectives whence they are supposed to be de- rived. Partim is an old accusative, the same as par tern. (6) Adverbs sometimes connect, like relatives: as, In Hispania ubi (i. e. quo in loco) nullus consul erat, In Spain where there was no consul ; Non qucesivit, ubi ipse viveret tutb, sed unde prcesidio posset esse civibus, r He did not look out for a place in which he himself might be safe, but one from which he might be of service to his countrymen. (7) Adverbs of time, place, and order, are often used for each other : as, ubi, where, or when ; inde, from that time, or from that place. (8) Some adverbs denote either past, present, or future time: as, jam, already, now, or by and by ; olim, formerly, or hereafter. (9) Interrogative adverbs doubled, or compounded with cunque, answer to the English soever : as, ubiubi, or ubi- cunque, wheresoever. Likewise, some other interrogatives : as, quotquot and quotcunque, how many soever; quantus- quantus, and quantuscunque, how great soever. (10) In English the same word is sometimes an adverb and an adjective ; it is necessary, therefore, in turning it into Latin, to ascertain to which part of speech it belongs : thus, if we say " He was only rich," only is an adverb, and the Latin expression is Hie solum erat dives. But if we say " He only was rich," only is an adjective, and this sentence will be expressed in Latin by Ille solus erat dives. (11) In Latin, as in English, two negatives in the same clause destroy each other, and render the sense affirmative: as, Haud ignara mali, Not unacquainted, (or, acquainted,) with misfortune. Non sum nescius, I am not ignorant, (or, I know). But in many instances they convey the assertion more faintly than an affirmative mode of expression ; as, Non par ere noluit Nep. He did not refuse to obey. Among old authors two negatives are sometimes used to render the negation stronger : as, Neque ille haud objiciet mihi Plaut. Special or particular negations do not destroy the general negation : as, Nulla neque amnem libavit quadrupes, nee gra- minis attigit herbam~~Virg. Neminem neque suo nomine, nee 144- subscriber, accusavit Nep. In these, neque and nee ntust be translated in English by either and or. PREPOSITIONS. A preposition is an indeclinable part of speech, generally placed before nouns and pronouns, which it governs, am of which it shows the relation to some other word. Th< various ways of expressing, in English, their general mean- ing, will be seen in the following examples. PREPOSITIONS GOVERNING THE ACCUSATIVE. Ad, to : as, omnes ad unum, all to a man. At : as, ad prce- stitutam diem, at the appointed day. According to : as, ad, cursum tunce* according to the course of the moon. After : as, aliquanto ad rem avidior, a little too greedy after money. For : as, rebus ad profectionem comparatis, things being ready for a march. Before : as, ductus est ad magistratum, he was taken before the magistrate, or to the magis- trate. Apud, at or near : as, apud forum, at the forum. Among : as, apud Sequanos, among the Sequani. With : as, potior apud. exercitum, in greater credit with the army. Before : as, causam apud regem dicere, to plead before the king. Ante, before (in respect to time or place, and opposed to post) : as, ante, non post, Jioram decimam, before, and not after, ten o'clock ; ante aciem, non post seu pone aciem, before, and not behind, the army. Adversus, 1 against : as, adversus hostem, against the ene- Adversum, J my. Towards : as, pietas adversus deos, piety towards the gods. To : as, de ilia adversus hunc loquet^e, speak to him of her. Contra, against : as, contra naturam, against nature. Op- posite to : as, Carthago Italiam contra, Carthage opposite to, or over against, Italy. Circa, 1 about, applied to time, place, persons and things; Circum, /generally to place. It is sometimes rendered with : as, paucce circum illam, the few with her, or about her. Circiter, about, applied to time, place, and number. H5 Cis, 1 on this side: as, cis Euphratem, on this side the Citra, j Euphrates. Without : as, citra necessitatem, without necessity. Erga, towards : as erga arnicas, towards his friends. Before, opposite to : as, qua modo erga cedes habitat, who lives now before our house. Extra, without, opposed to intra : as, extra, hand intra, scholam, out of, not in, school. Beyond : as, ex- tra modum, beyond measure. Besides : as, extra famulos, besides the servants ; extra jocum, some- times for sine joco. Infra, under, below, beneath : as, infra se, beneath himself. Inter, between, among : as, inter fratrcs, between brothers. At, or, in time of: as, inter ccmam, at, in time o during, supper. Intra, within : as, intra decem annos, within ten years. Juxta, near : as, juxta viam, by the way. Ob, for : as, ob qumtum, for gain. Before : as, ob oculos exitium versatur, destruction is before my eyes. Phrase, Ob industriam, on purpose. Propter, for : as, propter usum meum, for my use. Near to : as, propter patrem cubantes, lying near their fa- ther. The moving cause, or motive: as, propter me, by my means ; propter misericordiam, out of pity. Per, during: as per diem, during day time, or, each day. By or through : as, per vim, by force ; per compos, through the fields. In : as, per ludum et jocum, in sport and jest. Per denotes the instrumenta- lity, or subordinate agency : thus, per eunuchum epistolam misit. Pone, behind : as, pone cedem, behind the temple. Prseter, beyond, except : as, neminem prceter Lucullum vides, you see no one except Lucullus. Beyond : as, proe- ter spem, beyond expectation. Contrary to : as, prater" tequum et bonum, contrary to what is just and reasonable. Before : as, prceter oculos, before my eyes. Without : as, prteter rationem, without reason. Penes, in the power of: as, penes Pompeium, in Pompey's power. Possession : as, quern penes est virtus, who is possessed of virtue. Phr. Penes te es ? are you in your senses ? Post, after : as, post multos annos, after many years. Since : as, post hominum memoriam, since the memory of L H6 man. Behind : as, post tergum, behind or at the back. Secundum, according to : as, collaudavi te secundum facta, I praised you according to your deeds. Along : as, secundum littus, along the shore. Near, hard by : as, duo vulnera in capite, secundum aurem, ac- cepit, he received two wounds in the head, near his ear. Next after : as, secundum te, next to you. For : as, secundum te decrevit, he gave judgment for you. Supra, above : as, supra lunam, above the moon. Phr. JEcce supra caput homo sordidus, lo a man extremely sor- did. Cum hostes supra caput sint, since the ene- mies are at hand. Trans, over, on the other side : as, trans maria, beyond seas. Ultra, beyond: as, ultra Britanniam, beyond Britain. Ad- verbially, nihil possit ultra, nothing can exceed it. (Note 1.) Prepositions, when the word which they would govern is suppressed, are often considered as adverbs, al- though, in reality, they do not cease to be prepositions. (2.) Many of the rules of syntax arise from a preposition understood. The ablative after comparatives is governed by prcK understood ; the ablative of cause, manner, and in- strument, is governed by a preposition : as is perhaps the ab- lative absolute, with many similar examples. (3.) The preposition is sometimes, however, omitted in some examples, in an unusual manner : as, devenere locos l&tos, supply ad ; " maria aspera juro, supply per ; ut se loco mover -e non possent, supply e or de ; si reipublicce commodo facere posset, supply cum. PREPOSITIONS GOVERNING THE ABLATIVE. A, ab, abs, from : as, ab ovo usque ad mala, from beginning to end. By reason of: as, vir ab innocentid cle- mentissimus, a man very mild by reason of his in- nocence. After : as, hujus a morte, after his death. Against, from or because of: as, a f rigor e, against, from, or because of, the cold. For : as, a mendacio contra verum stare, to stand for a lie in opposition to truth. Phr. A studiis (minister understood), a director of one's studies ; a pedibus, a footman ; a rationibus, an accountant. Absque, without: as, absque causa, without cause. But for: as, absque te esset, but for you. Coram denotes nearness, and refers to persons : as, coram 147 rege, in the presence of the king, or before the king. Coram is nearly synonymous with in con- spectu. Cum, with : as, cum exercitu, with the army. At : as, cum primd luce, at break of day. In : as, dum esses cum imperio, while you were in authority. Phr. Cum bond venid audire, to hear patiently ; cum primis, m the first place. De, of, concerning : as, de hominibus, of, or concerning, men. According to : as, de sententid med, according to my opinion. After : as, somnus de prandio, sleep after dinner. From : as, de loco superiore, from the higher ground. Phr. De integro, afresh ; de im- proviso, unawares; de industrid, on purpose; de transverso, across ; de mco, at my cost. For : as, ecquid nos amas dejidicina isthac ? do you love us for that musical girl ? E, ex, out of, from : as, e Jlammd, out of the fire. Accord- ing to : as, status e naturd, a condition according to nature. By : as, ex consilio patrum, by the ad- vice of the senators. For : as, magnd ex parte, for the most part. Since : as, ex eo die, since that day. Amongst : as, ex lusionibus multis, amongst many diversions. Palam, openly : as, palam omnibus, before all the world. Prae, in comparison : as, pra nobis, in comparison to us. Because of: as, prte muliitudine, because of the multitude. Before : as, prce oculis, before the eyes. Through, out of (some passion of the mind): as, pro? metu, through fear. Pro, instead of ; or in exchange for : as, pro illo, instead of him hence, in defence of. According to : as, pro merito, according to his merit. Before : as, pro castris, before the camp. Considering : as, pro no- strd amicitid te rogo, I ask you in consideration of our friendship. Fw : as, pro me est, it makes for me. In defence of: as, pro aris et focis, in defence of (for) God and one's country. As: thus, libertatem pro pr&mio dederunt, they gave him his freedom as a reward. Sine, without (not having), opposed to cum, with : as, sine pondere, without weight Tenus, as far as, up to : as, capulo tenus, up to the hilt. Crurum tenus, up to the legs. It follows the ge- L 2 us nitive when the word is plural. Also the ablative plural : as, pectoribus tenus, up to the breasts. PREPOSITIONS GOVERNING TWO CASES* Clam, unknown to, governs either the accusative or abla- tive, but more frequently the ablative. In, into, sub, under, and super, above, govern the accusative when motion to a place is signified. But when motion or rest in a place is signified, in and sub govern the ab- lative: as, Ctesar in hibernd exercitum deduxit Gees. Magna met sub terras ibit imago Virg. Super agmina incidit Virg. Ego in portu navigo Ter. Recubans sub tegmine fagi Virg. Super governs either case, when motion or rest in a place is signified : as, Super M&nandrum amnem pomit castra Liv. Stratoque super discumbitur ostro Virg. When it is particularly opposed to subter, it almost always governs the accusative. Subter governs either case, but most frequently the accusa- tive, whether motion or rest be denoted : as, Subter fas- tigia tecti j%2nea?i duxit Virg. Ilia subter C&cum vulnus habes Pers. Subter densa testudine Virg. PREPOSITIONS VARYING THEIR CASE ACCORDING TO THEIR MEANING. In, put for erga, contra, per, ad, usque ad, apud, super, go- verns the accusative : as, Amor in patriam Cic. Impie- tatem in deos Cic. Crescit in singulos dies hostium nu- merus Cic. Siletur in noctem Virg. Studebat in ccence tempus Plin. &c. In, for inter, governs either the accusative or ablative ; the accusative, when motion to, or towards, is implied, and the ablative, when motion or rest is denoted : thus, Ex- ercitum in Bellovacos ducit Caes. i. e. He leads his army among (into the territories of) the Bellovaci. Postquam in vulgus militum elatum est Cass. After it was made known among the common soldiers. In his fuit Ariovis- tus Caes. Among these was Ariovistus. Sub, for circa, or paulo ante, or paulo post (about), governs the accusative: as, Sub noctem naves solvit Caes. i. e. paulo ante. Sub dies festosQc. i. e. paulo post. Sub idem tempus Liv. i. e. circa or per idem tempus. Super, for ultra, prcvter, inter, governs the accusative; but J49 for de, pro or ob, the ablative : as, Super et Garamantas et Indos Proferet imperium Virg. Punicum exercitum super morbum etiam fames affecit Liv. De ejus nequitid omnes super ccenam loquebantur Plin. Hdc super re scrt- bam ad te Cic. Nee super ipse sud molitur laude labor em Virg. His accensa super Virg. i. e. ob hcec. Tenus and versus, and sometimes penes and usque, are set after the case which they govern ; and when the word is plural, tenus generally governs the genitive ; also, when we speak of things of which we have naturally but two ; as, crurum tenus, up to the legs. Prope, versus, usque, procul and circiter may be considered as adverbs : they seem to govern a case by means of a preposition which is generally understood, but sometimes expressed. Clam may perhaps be added ! . Observe, that A and e are used before consonants. Ab and ex, generally before vowels. Abs is generally placed before q and t.* 1 Several prepositions seem to have had originally the nature of adverbs : such as, adversus, juxta,propter t secus, secundum, the ac- cusative which followed them being supposed to be governed by ad. Some of these are found governing other cases, and some- times without any regimen. Palam and pone have likewise been excluded from the list of prepositions, the word which they seem to govern being supposed to be governed by coram or post under- stood. Other words generally considered as adverbs are found governing the accusative or ablative, like prepositions ; or some- times the genitive. Intus is found with the genitive, the accusa- tive, and the ablative. Foras, with the ablative, in Lucretius ; and with the accusative, in the Vulgate. Commits is found with an accusative. Retro also. Seorsus or seorsum is found with an ab r lative in Lucretius. Simvl is found with an ablative in Horace and Ovid. Desuper and insuper are found governing the accu- sative, like the simple super. In such instances, either a prepo- sition is understood, or the adverbs are used, after the manner of the Greeks, as prepositions. To these might be added several more ; but it may be observed that, in general, such constructions appear to be elliptical. That circiter is, in reality, an adverb, may be inferred from its construction, when there is no ellipsis sup- posed : as, Circiter pars quarto, armis instructa erat Sail. When it is followed by an accusative, ad, understood, is the governing word. It is sometimes followed by the ablative also : as, Ipse hord circiter diet quarta Britanniam attigit Caes. ; in which in may be understood, or the ablative may be referred to the question by quando, which will be noticed in Syntax. * Ab is often found before consonants, especially those of a softer sound ; such as, l y n, r, d, s, and j : as, ab legatis, ab nullo, 150 A few instances are found in which in, signifying motion to a f)lace, governs the ablative ; and in, signifying rest, the accusative: as, Cum divertissem a Cumis in Vestiano Cic. Venit in senatu Cic. Esse in amicitiam ditionemque popul i Romani Cic. Cum talem virum in potestatem haberct Sail. [These observations properly belong to Syntax ; but the division of the prepositions, according to their government, naturally suggested their introduction here. The subject will be afterwards resumed.] Prepositions are either primitive : as, ad, apud, ante, &c. ; or derivative : as, adversum, from the adjective adversus ; se- cundum, from secundus. They are either simple: as, ad, ante, abs ; or compound : as, exadversnm, absque. There are certain prepositions named inseparable, be- cause they are always found prefixed to a word. The other prepositions also are sometimes used in this way. Their in- fluence, as well as that of the inseparables, am, dis, re, se, con, ve, will be seen in the following examples : PREPOSITIONS IN COMPOSITION. A, abs, ab, from or away : as, avcrto, I turn away ; abstineo, I abstain, or keep from : ajifugio, I fly away. A is likewise added to nouns as a privative , as amens, mad. Ad, to, or near to : as, accipio, I take to myself. It in- creaseth : as, adamo, I love much ; adbibo, I drink much. Am, about, around: as, amburo, I burn all about; anquiro, I seek about, or seek diligently ; anceps, that may be taken both ways. Ante, before : as, anteeo, I go before ; antemissus, sent be- fore. De, from, down, much, or ceasing : as, dehortor, I dissuade from; depono, I Jay down; deamo, I love much ; dedoceo, I unteach; despcro, I despair; demens, mad; decolor, discoloured. ab Romanis, ab ducibus, ab senatu, ab Jove. Ex is often used by Cicero before consonants. In certain expressions e is generally used, and in others ex: as, e longinquo, e regione, e vestigio, e re med est t &c. In like manner, ex prceparato, ex parte, ex compacto, ex toto, ex sententia, ex tempore, &c. Abs is sometimes found be- fore s: as, Abs Suessa nunciaium est Liv. Non abs re erit, in which abs is used before r, is a common mode of expressing Not foreign from the purpose. 151 Dis, di 5 separation, or denial : as, distraho, I pull asunder ; diffido, I distrust; disputo, I think differently, I dispute. By separating, it implies distinction : as, dijudico, I judge distinctly. Con, (fen' cum) together : as, concurro, to run together ; con- tendo, to strive together, or to contend, to exert or stretch (nervos) together ; congredior, to come together; hence, to engage in battle. E, ex, from, away, greatly, negation : as, expello, I drive away ; exoro, I beg earnestly ; exuro, I burn up ; exsanguis, bloodless; exanimis, lifeless. In, in, into, upon, over or against : as, indo, I put in ; in- jicio, I cast into or upon ; incipio, I take upon me, I begin ; impono, I put over, I impose ; irruo, I rush upon or against. It sometimes increases : as, infringO) I break in pieces ; induro, I harden much. In some participials or adjectives it is either intensive, or privative : as, infractus, unbroken, or broken in pieces ; invocatus, called upon, or unbid- den ; impotens, weak, or overmighty ; iiifrcenatus, bridled, or unbridled ; immutatus, changed, or un- changed. With adjectives it is generally privative : as, ingrains, ungrateful. Inter, among or between: as, inter jicio, I cast between. Some- times it increases : as, interbibo, I drink up all. Ob, against, before, about : as, oppono, I place against or be- fore, I oppose ; obambulo, I walk up and down : intensive, used for ad : as, obedio, I obey. Per, signifies through, entirely, very muck : as, perlego, I read through : perficio, I finish ; peradolescens, very young. It is sometimes privative : as, peifldus, per- fidious ; perjurus, perjured. Prae, before, or over : as, prtepono, I place before, I prefer ; prccvaleo, I prevail ; prcepolleo, I surpass. In ad- jectives it augments : as, prtefacilis, very easy. Pro, forth, forwards, to a distance : as, produce, I lead forth ; prosilio, I leap forwards ; prospicio, I see at a di- stance ; prohibeo, I ward off, I prohibit. Some- times it is privative : as, prof anus, profane : in- tensive : as, procurvus, very crooked. Post, after : as, posthabeo, I account after, I postpone. Re, back again, or against : as, repono, I place again ; re- luctor, I struggle against; rccipio, I take again, I receive. It sometimes increases : as, redundo, I 152 run over, I redound. It is sometimes negative: as, retcgo, I uncover ; recludo, I unlock. Se, apart, or aside : as, sevoco, I call aside ; secludo, I shut up. Sub, under, a small degree, or privily : as, subjicio, I cast un- der ; subinvideo, I envy a little ; subtristis, some- what sad : surripio, I steal, or I seize privily. Super, upon, or over : as, superscribe, I write upon. Subter, under, privily : as, subterfluo, I run or flow under ; subterfugio, I escape privily. Trans, over : as, transfero, I carry over, I transfer. Ve, is privative : as, vecors, foolish ; vesanus, sickly. It is intensive : as, vehemens ! , vehement or violent, hav- ing strong passions or feelings. It is sometimes both in the same word : as, vegrandis, very great, or very slim. Other prepositions in composition have nearly the same signification a$ out of composition. For the changes which, for the sake of sound, prepositions undergo in being pre- fixed, see Compounded Verbs ? The Manner of expressing in Latin certain English Par- ticles, some of which are denominated Prepositions, and some, the Signs of Cases. Of, after a substantive (or 's), is the sign of the genitive: as, the father of the king, or the king's father, pater regis. Of, before an adjective of praise or dispraise, joined to a substantive, shows that it may be put in the genitive or ablative : as, a man of no integrity, homo nidlius Jidei, or nulla fide. Of, after adjectives of plenty or want, is the sign of the ge- nitive or ablative: as, full of wine, plenus vini or vino. Of, after worthy, unworthy, need, descended, born, is the sign of the ablative : as, worthy of praise, dig?ms laude ; there is need of action, opus est facto ; born of a king, natus rege. Of, after comparatives, superlatives, partitives, and certain numerals, is the sign of the genitive : as, the elder of the brothers, senior fratrum ; or it may be made by de, e, ex, or inter : as, the elder of the two sons, ex duobus Jiliis natu major. 1 Vctus et vehement, says Stephanus, " alterum ab cstaiu mag- nitudine, alterum a mentis vi, compositum." 153 Of, signifying the matter of which a thing is made, is ex- pressed by de, e, or ex : as, a buckler of gold, clypeus ex auro. Of, for concerning, is expressed by de : as, a story of you, fabula de te ; for by or from, by , ab, e, ex: as, I received the book of (from is more common) the master, librum a prceceptore accept ; perhaps you had heard of somebody, audisti ex aliquo fortasse ? Of, after verbs of accusing, condemning, acquitting, and / repent (pcenitet me), I am ashamed (pudct me), lam weary (t&det me), it irketh (piget), is a sign of the genitive: as, he accuses me of theft, accusat me furti ; it irketh me of (I am grieved for) my folly, me piget stidtiticz mea. Of, after mereor, is made by de : as, he deserves praise of you, de te laudem meretur. Of, after verbs of unloading and depriving, is the sign of the ablative : as, he robbed his friend of his character, amicum famd spoliavit. Of is sometimes included in the Latin verb : as, beware of intemperance, intemperantiam cave. To and for are signs of the dative when they come before a noun, and signify to the use or hurt of any person or thing : as, pleasant to his friends, jucundus amicis. To, after it belongs (attmet, pertinet), it regards (spectat), and after some verbs of calling, exhorting, inviting, and provoking , such as, voco, loquor, hortor, invito, lacesso, is made by ad : as, he invited me to supper, ad ccenam me invitavit. To and for, signifying motion, and after born, Jit, prone, ready, are made by ad or in : as, prone to peace, ad pa- cem promts. To is sometimes the sign of the genitive : as, time to write, tempus scribendi, i. e. time of writing. To is expressed, according to circumstances, by different parts of a verb : as, I came to dine, veni pransum ; a boy about to write, puer scripturus ; I desire to be loved, cu- pio amari ; god to be worshipped, deus colcndus ; a man worthy to be loved, dignus amatu. To is sometimes included in the verb ; as, see to your health, valetudinem cur a ; pray to the gods, precare deos. For ; See the prepositions pro and pra, ob, propter, de, ad, in, per. For, denoting the cause, is a sign of the ablative : as, worse for liberty, liccntid deterior. For, before the price, is the sign of the ablative : as, all things are sold for gold, omnia venduntur auro. For, in the beginning of a sentence, is made by nam, enim, denim, &c. For is sometimes part of the noun or verb: as, a certain look- ing-for of judgment, qu&dam expectatio judicii ; he sends for a physician, medicum accersit. With is found before the cause, manner and instrument, and is a sign of the ablative : as, he killed him with his own hand, manu sud occidit. With, denoting in company with, or together with, is made by cum : as, he entered with a sword, cum gladio ingressus est. With, after verbs of anger, comparing, meeting, is the sign of the dative : as, I am angry with you, tibi irascor ; to compare great things with small, parvis componere magna. With, applied to a person with regard to situation, is made by apud : as, he is with me, or at my house, apud me est. With is sometimes the same as concerning, and is made by de : as, what have you done with that horse, quid de isto equofecisti ? With, after verbs signifying to begin, is made by a or a b : as, I had a mind to begin with that, ab eo exordiri volui. With is sometimes part of the verb : as, he goes on with his villany, prosequitur suum scelus. From ; See the prepositions a, ab, abs, e, ex, de. From, after verbs of taking away, is the sign of the dative : as, he took a book from me, eripuit mihi librum. From, after a verb of hindering or withholding, is expressed by the infinitive mood, or ne, quo minus, and quin, with the subjunctive: as, they hinder them from carrying, eos Jerre prohibent ; he rescued himself from pleading his cause, ne causam diceret, se eripuit ; weakness kept you from coming, infirmitas te tenuit quo minus venires; I can scarcely refrain from flying in his face, viz me contineo quin involem in capillum. From, before the name of a town, is the sign of the ablative : as, he came from London, Londino venit. From is sometimes part of a verb : as, conceal this matter from your wife, cela hanc rem uxorem. In ; See the prepositions in, apud, ad. In, referring to time, is made by in, de, per, intra, inter : as, 155 thieves rise by (or in the) night, de node surgunt lalrones; in the tune of the truce, per tempus induciarum. In, for by or after, is the sign of the ablative of manner : as, he did it in this way, hoc modo fecit. In is sometimes a part of the verb : as, they are held-in by reason, a ratione retinentur ; i. e. restrained. By ; See the prepositions a, ab, e, ex, per, propter. By, signifying near, is made by ad, apud, juxta, prope, se- cundum and sub ; which see. By denotes the ablative of manner or cause : as, by force and arms, vi et armis. By, after verbals in bills and dus, after passive verbs and perfect participles, among the poets, is the sign of the da- tive : as, a grove penetrable by no star, lucus nulli pcnetra- bilis astro ; nor is he seen by any one, neque cernitur ulli (ab ullo). By, before the name of a town, is the sign of the ablative ; as, he came by London, Londino, or, per Londimim venit. By is sometimes included in the verb : as, I was by, ego ad- eram. At, near, ad, apud; during, in, inter, which see. At before names of towns, see Syntax. At, after verbs of anger, is the sign of the dative : as, he is angry at me, mlhi succenset *. At denotes the ablative of cause: as, I come at the command of Jupiter, jussu Jovis venio. At denotes the ablative of time : as, at one o'clock, hard primd. At denotes the ablative of price : as, he lives at an extrava- gant rate, profusis sumptibus vivit. At is sometimes part of the verb : as, I laugh at, derideo. On, upon, a word of place, meaning near, a, ab, ad. On, a word of rest, in or super : as, on horseback, in equo. On, a word of motion, in : as, they leapt on the targets, in scuta salierunt. On, after to depend, or to beget, is made by a, ab, de, e, ex, (but otherwise by in or super) : as, this depends upon you, hoc a te pendet. On, before time, musical instruments, condition, terms, food, 1 The English now say " angry at a thing," <{ angry with a person." It was not so formerly. 166 &c. is the sign of the ablative : as, on that day, eo die ; he plays on the harp, lyrd modulatur ; on this condition, hac lege. On, after verbs of pity, is the sign of the genitive : as, take pity on so great misfortunes, miserere laborum tantorum. On, after verbs of bestowing, wasting, or losing, is made by in : as, he bestowed kindness upon me, in me beneficium contulit. On is sometimes part of the verb : as, he employed his time on his studies, tempus studiis impendit ; I am thinking on a different thing, aliam rem cogito. Than after the comparative degree is the sign of the abla- tive, or it is made by quam and a nominative : as, I never saw a man more valiant than Caesar, nunquam vidi homi- nem fortiorem quam Ciesar est, or C&sare, or quam Ccc- sarem ; which last is governed by vidi 9 or is said to be coupled by quam to hominem, CONJUNCTIONS, A conjunction is an indeclinable word, having no gov< ment of nouns ; but which connects words and sentences, and shows their dependence upon one another. Conjunctions are divided into primitive : such as, ef, ac 9 sed 9 nam, &c., and derivative : as, quod from quis, verum and verb from verus. From their structure, some are called simple : as, at 9 nam, &c. ; others are called compound : as, atque, namque. According to their meaning and use, they are divided into numerous classes : as, copulative, et, ac, atque , disjunctive, jiut, vel, seu, sive, which two last have been called subjunc- tive or explanatory : as, Diana sive Luna ; C&sar sive Dic- tator, both words having the same application : concessive, as, etsi 9 etiamsi ; conditional : as, si?i, si, du?n, dwmnodo ; with many other classes not necessary to be mentioned. According to their position in a sentence, they are divided into prepositive, or those which are placed first : as, nam 9 quarc, at, ast, atque, neque; subjunctive, or postpositive, which are not placed first: such as, quidem, quoque, autem, vero, enim ; and the enclitics, (so called because they throw the accent upon the preceding syllable of the word to which they are always annexed,,) viz. que, ne, and ve. The follow- ing arc either prepositive or postpositive, and are therefore 157 named common : etiam, equidem, licet, quamvis, quanquam, tamen, attamen, namque, quod, quia, quoniam, quippe, utpote, ut, uti, ergo, ideo, igitur, idcirco, itaque, proinde, propterea, si, ni, 7iisi. Quamvis, quanquam, quod, quia, ut, uti, si, ni, nisi, are generally placed first : tamcn and igitur, second. The same word in English having sometimes different meanings, and, according to the sense, being referred to different parts of speech, it will be expedient for the young learner, in turning English into Latin, to attend to such di- stinctions as the following. ( 1 ) The word but has two significations. In the first it is equivalent to be-out, and is the same as without, or unless, or sine and nisi, the former of which is a preposition, and the latter a conjunction. But, which in this sense is an ex- ceptive, or word of exclusion, is synonymous with prater, pr&terquam or nisi : as, I saw nobody but John, Vidi nemi- nem nisi, or prceter, Joannem. In the second, it means add, or moreover, and is synonymous with at, ast, (probably con- tractions for adsit,) autem, ccetcrum. In this sense it is, in English, a copulative, serving to connect what follows it, with a sentence, or part of a sentence, going before : as, nunc omitte, qu&so, hum; caeterum posthac si quicquam, nihil precor. But hereafter if he shall do &c. i. e. add this, or another thing, or one thing more, viz. if he shall do any thing. But, when equivalent to that, is made by quin : as, there is no doubt but , non cst dubium quin ; to only, by tan- tum, modo, solum : as, they disagree but about one thing, in re una solum dissident ; to than, by quam or nisi ; as, she does nothing else, but grieve, nil aliud facit, qudm dolet. (2) The word whether, though, in reality, always a pro- noun, is considered as sometimes a pronoun, and sometimes a conjunction, because it corresponds to Latin words refer- red by grammarians to these two species : thus, whether is the richer, uter est ditior ? It is also expressed by ne, utrum, an, num, &c. ; as, llomcene, an Mitylenes, mattes vivere, Whether would you prefer to live at Rome, or at Mitylene? Utrum inscientem eum vultis contra feeder a fecisse, an scien- tem? The same remark is applicable to the definitives, or adjec- tives, either and neither : as, I am not so strong as either of you, Minus habeo virium quam vestrum utervis. Either two or none, Vel duo, vel nemo. Neither is very blamable, Neu- ter est valde reprehcndendus. I neither bid you, nor forbid you, figo nequc te jtibeo, neque re to. 158 (3) Both, followed by and, is made by et : as, Both Cse* sar and Scipio, Et Ccesar et Scipio. Both the orators (Se- parately), is expressed by Uterque orator. Both the Scipios (together), Ainbo Scipiones. This last distinction has not always been attended to. (4) For, in the beginning of a clause, implying a reason, is made by nam, enim, etenim. For, before an oblique case, implying a purpose or inten- tion, is made by the prepositions ob, propter, ad, in ; imply- ing an exchange, by pro. But for is made by absque : as, But for him I should have looked well to myself Absque eo esset, recte ego mihi vidis- sem. (5) As, denoting manner, similitude or comparison, is ex- pressed by ut, sicut, uti, ac ,- thus, As in looking-glasses, Uti in speculis. As miserable as I am, Miser ceque ac ego. As, when equivalent to since or because, is expressed by quoniam, quia, quippe, quod. (6) Cum and turn, or turn repeated, and tarn and quam, are often used in instances in which emphasis or contradi- stinction is intended: as, He embraces not only all the learned, but particularly Marcellus, Amplectitur cum erudi- tos omnes, turn imprimis Marcellum. He hates both learning and virtue, Odit turn literas, turn virtutem. I love you as much as myself, Tarn te diligo, quam meipsum. The adverb qua repeated is sometimes used in a similar way: as, Famous both (as well) for his father's glory and (as) his own, Insig- nis qua paternd gloria qua sud. INTERJECTIONS. Interjections are indeclinable words, without any govern- ment, and expressing in a brief manner some affection or emotion of the mind. They have been divided into the fol- lowing classes expressive of 1. joy; as, evax, hey, brave. 2. grief; as, ah, hei, heu, elieu, ah, alas, woe is me. 3. wonder ; as, papte, oh, strange ; vah, ha. 4. praise ; as, euge, well done. 5. aversion ; as, apage, away, begone. 6. exclamation ; as, o//, proh, O. 159 7. surprise or fear ; as, at at, ha, aha. 8. imprecation; as, vac, woe. 9. laughter; as, ha, ha, he. 10. silencing; as, au, 'st, pax, silence, hush, *st. 11. calling; as, eho, io, ho, so, ho, soho, O. 12. derision; as, hui, away with. 13. attention; as, hem, ha. Some of these are merely instinctive or mechanical sounds ; others have an intrinsic meaning : as, apage, and pax ; for both nouns and verbs are sometimes used as if they w r ere in- terjections : thus, malum ! with a mischief! turpe, shameful; sodes, amabo, qiifsso, prithee. The same interjection some- times expresses different passions : thus, vah ! may express either joy, sorrow, or wonder. OF THE FIGURES. Changes in the form or position of words, (which are named metaplasm] are produced by Prosthesis, Epentkesis, Paragoge, Diaeresis, Crasis, Apharesis, Syncope, Apocope, Antithesis, Metathesis, commonly called the Figures of Ety- mology, but belonging to Prosody likewise; to which may be added Anastrophe and Tmesis, generally used for the sake of the metre ; and Archaismus and Hellenismus. PROSTHESIS adds a letter, or syllable, to the beginning of a word : as, gnatus for natus ; tetuli for tuli ; eduram for du- ram. Virg. Geo. iv. 1 4-5. Perhaps, however, natus and tuli may be considered as formed by Aphaeresis, from gnatus and tetuli, the former derived from the obsolete ge.no, or from y<- voju,ai, and the latter having an augment, after the manner of the Greeks. EPENTHESIS inserts a letter, or syllable, in the middle of a word: as, navita, Timolus, alituum, for nauta, Tmolus, ali- tum. PARAGOGE adds a letter, or syllable, to the end : as med, 1 amarier, docerier, avellier, audirier, for me, amari, doceri, avelli, audiri. DIAERESIS is the division of one syllable into two: as, auldi for aulce ; siliice for silvte. Vossius is of opinion that etiam is formed a trisyllable by this figure, from et jam. CRASIS or SYN/ERESIS is the contraction of two vowels 1 The antients often added d to a word; thus in the laws of the 12 tables, SED. FllAVDED. ESTOD. i. i-. .* (<* sin^ frawte eXo. 160 belonging to different syllables, into one syllable : as, vent-ens for vehemens ; prendo for prehendo. This and the preceding figure are confined to the poets chiefly. APH^RESIS cuts off the first letter, or syllable, of a word : as, brevist, opust, similist, rhabo, in Plautus, for brews est, opus est, similis est, arrhabo; and tender ant, in Seneca, Here. fur. v. 538, instead of tetenderant. See Prosthesis. SYNCOPE strikes a letter, or syllable, from the middle of a word : as, oraclum, poplus, vinclum, calda, valdius, aspris, repostus, extinxem, dixti, objecsem, collexem, percmti, surrexe^ amantum, deiim, &c. ; instead of oraculum, populus, vincuhtm, calida, validius, asperis, repositus, extinxissem, dixisti, obje- cissem, collegissem, (is being struck out, and gs turned into x } ) percussisti, surrexisse, amantium, deorum. APOCOPE takes away the final letter, or syllable, of a word : as, inert, Antony tuguri, puer, prosper ; for mene, Antonii y tugurii. t ptierus, prosperus. ANTITHESIS substitutes one letter for another: as, olli and ollis, for illi and ittis ;faciundum for faciendum; optumus for optimus ; publicus for poplicus, or populicus ; vult, vidtis, for volt, voltis, contractions of volit, volitis. METATHESIS changes the order of letters in a word : as, pistris farpristiss Lybia for Libya. ANASTROPHE inverts the order of words : as, dare circum, Virg. ^En. ii. 792; erit super, Ovid. Fast. v. 60Q;facit are, Lucr. vi. 692; instead of circumdare, supererit, arejacit. Thus also, Jows cum fulmina contra, in Virgil ; and also Transtra per et remos. TMESIS separates compounded words, in order to put an- other word between them : as, Quce me cunque vacant terrce Virg. Super tibi erunt Virg. Scptcm subjecta trioni Virg. Inque salutatam Virg. Ob esse sequentemPlaut. Dum re non sit tamen apse Lucr. ; instead of qucecunque, supererwit, septemtrioni, insalutatamque, obsequentem, reapse, i. e. reipsa. The insertion of que is frequent in Lucretius : as, conque-globata, conque-gregantur, disque-sipatis, inqiie- gravescunt, perque-plicatis, &c. ARCHAISMUS is the old way of writing : as, aulai, vids, omneis or omnis, ornati, senati, anuis, curru, die, scibo, au- dibo, prohibesso, negassim, duim, siem, expugnassere, impe- trassere, capsimus, adaxint, mwiri, fuat, here, quase, donz- cum, nenu, endo or indu ; instead of aulce, vite, omnes, orna- tus, senatus, anus, currui, diet, sciam, audiam, prohibuero, negaverim, dem, sim, expugnaturum, impetraturum esse, cepe- rimus, adegerint, mori, sit, heri, quasi, donee, non, in. 161 HELLENISMUS is an imitation of the Greek termination, or declension : as, Helene, Crete, Nymphe, instead of Helena, Creta, Nympha. Also Antiphon, Demiphon, Milon, for An- tipho, Demipho, Milo. Thus likewise in the first declension, Gen. auras ; in the second, Gen. Orpheos, Dat. Orphei, Ace. Orphea ; in the third, Gen. Pallados, Ace. Pallada, Dat. pi. Troasin, Ace. Troadas. The following lines contain a concise explanation of the Figures properly so called. Prosthesis apponit capiti, sed Aphteresis aufert. Syncopa de medio tollit, sed Epenthesis addit. Abstrahit Apocope fini, sed dat Paragoge. Constringit Crasis, distracta Diuresis effert. Litera si legitur transposta, Metathesis exit. Antithesin, mutata tibi si litera, dices. OF SYNTAX 1 . SYNTAX is the arrangement 2 of words in a sentence, ac- cording to the established rules of Concord and Govern- ment. Concord is the agreement of one word with another in certain accidents, as in case, gender, number, or person : thus, Cicero orator, Cicero the orator : Ego amo, I love. Government is the power which one word has in deter- mining the state of another : as, Ego virum amo, I love the man. 1 Such as prefer an English Syntax, will find Mr. Ruddiman's plain, con- cise, and yet comprehensive. The numerous notes subjoined to it deserve an attentive perusal. An abstract of these rules is now given, with a consider- able collection of such notes and observations, as, it is trusted, will be found not undeserving of attention. Those who prefer the Latin Syntax, in the Eton Abridgment of Lily, will find in these notes many things explained, which are either wholly overlooked, or but slightly noticed, in that Syntax. Each of these two syntaxes, both of which are extremely popular, having a useful system of exercises adapted to it, is one great reason that induced me not to make any material alteration in this division of grammar, either in re- gard to the subject, the arrangement, or the number, of the rules. One thing is, however, very obvious, that many of what are accounted rules of syntax might be referred to the figures of apposition, ellipsis, &c. 8 The arrangement, or order of words in a sentence, will hereafter be no- ticed. M 162 I. OF CONCORD. The Concords arc four ; 1. Of an Adjective with a Substantive. C 2. Of a Verb with a Nominative. 3. Of a Relative with an Antecedent. 4. Of a Substantive with a Substantive. RULE I. An adjective agrees with a substantive in gen- der, number, and case : as, Vir bonus, A good man. Fcemina casta, A chaste woman. Dulce pomum, A sweet apple. Note 1. Thus also, Namtua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardetHoi:. An Adjective is often joined in the same case with a personal pronoun : as, Ut se toiurn ei traderet Nep. Ipse ceger ago Virg. i. e. ipse ego. Note 2. Under adjectives are comprehended adjective pronouns, and participles. Note 3. The substantive is often omitted ; and in this case the adjective takes the gender of the substantive understood ; as, Per immortales ; supply deos. The substantive thing (negotium) is usually understood, the adjective being put in the neuter gender : as, Triste lupus stabulis Virg. Note 4*. Adjectives are often used substantively; and sometimes substantives are used adjectively : as, Fortunate senex Virg. Po- pulum late regem Virg. i. e. regnantem. Note 5. Several adjectives may agree with one and the same substantive : as, Etiam externos midtos claros viros nominarem Cic. Note 6. An adjective joined with two substantives of different genders generally agrees with that one which is chiefly the subject of discourse ; as, Dein Puteoli, colonia Diccearckia dicti Plin. This refers chiefly to such adjectives as appellatus, habitus, credi- tus, visus, &c. It sometimes agrees with the nearest substantive, although it may not be the principal one ; as, Non omnis error stultitia est dicenda Cic. But if the principal substantive be the name of a man or a woman, the adjective agrees with it: as, Semi- ramis puer esse credita est Justin, not creditus. A few instances occur in which the relative agrees with the appellative ; but they are not to be imitated. In such phrases as Maxima pars vulnerati Sail. Pars injugam effusi simt Liv. the adjective seems to agree with some general word implied in the sense; as, milites or homines. In some instances, the female seems the leading gender: as, Ille meas trrare boves permisit~Virg. 163 Note 7. Part of a sentence may supply the place of a substan- tive, the adjective being put in the neuter gender : as, Audito regent Doroberniam projidsd Eton Gram. Excepto quod non simul esses, ccetera l&tus Hor. RULE II. A personal verb agrees with its nominative, in number and person : as, Ego lego, I read. Tu scribiS) Thou writest. Preceptor docet, The master teacjieth. Note 1. Thus also Quid ego cesso Plaut. Sol ruit, et monies um- brantur Virg. Note 2. Ego and nos are the first persons ; tu and vos the se- cond ; and all nouns belong to the third. Note 3. The nominative of pronouns, especially of the first- and second person, is seldom expressed ; as, Nonfallam-*-Cic. Quod te dignum est. Jades Ter. But they are not omitted, when em. phasis or a distinction of persons is intended : as, Tu dominus, tu mr, tu mihi f rater eras Ovid. Nos, nos, dico aperte, nos consules desumus Cic. Ego reges eject, vos tyrannos introduces Auct. ad Herenn. Note 4. Aiunt,dicunt,ferunt, sunt, narrant, tradunt, and thfe like, often have their nominative understood, when it is a person : as, Aiunt solere senes repuerascere Plaut. Sunt quosjuvat Hor. homines is understood. For it is to be observed, that every no- minative must have a finite verb, and every finite verb a nomina- tive, expressed or understood; thus, in Di meliorat Virg. dent may be understood ; in Nam Polydorus ego Virg. the verb sum. Note 5. The nominative is sometimes found with the infini- tive ; in which case ccepit or cceperunt is generally supposed to be understood : as, Invidere omnes mihi Ter. Caesar JEduos fru- mentumjlagitare Caes. But in some instances, other verbs may be supposed, according to the sense, to be understood ; and in others, the infinitive seems to be of the same import as the im- perfect of the indicative. Note 6. The infinitive mood, or part of a sentence, may be the nominative of the third person ; as, Non est mentiri meum Ter. Incertum est quam longa nostrum cujusque vita futura sit Cic. E ccelo descendit, Nosce teipsum Juv. The adverb or antient accusa- tive, partim, sometimes appears as a nominative : thus, Sed eorum partim in pompd, partim in ade illustres esse voluerunt Cic. But such constructions may be elliptical. Note 7. In Latin, as in English, the person speaking, and the person addressed, are sometimes put in the plural, but in the for- mer, perhaps, with some allusion to more than one : as, Nos da- bimus quod ames Ovid, Heroid. xvi. 85, i. e. ego dabo. Vos, M2 164 Calliope, precor, adspirate canentiVirg. JEn. ix. 525. There are instances in which the person speaking of himself uses, one while the singular and another the plural, in the same sentence. RULE III. Substantive verbs, verbs of naming and ges- ture, have a nominative both before and after them, belong- ing to the same thing : as, Ego sum discipulus, I am a scholar. Tu vocaris Joannes, You are named John. Ilia incedit regina. She walks [as] a queen. Note 1. Thus also, Ira est Juror Hor. Ego incedo regina Virg. Note 2. This rule seems to arise from the nature of the figure Apposition, and may be thus expressed generally : Verbs which serve as copulcs t uniting the predicate with its subject, have a no- minative before and after them. Note 3. Substantive verbs are sum, Jlo, forem, and existo. Verbs of naming comprehend such passives as appettor, dicor, vocor, nominor, nuncupor,jeror, perhibeor, censeor, existimor, vi- deor, habeor, creor, cognoscor^ inventor, &c. Verbs of gesture or of posture are eo, incedo, venio, cubo, sto, jaceo, sedeo, evado,Ju- gio, dormioy maneo t &c. Note 4, The rule is not confined to these verbs only ; for any verb may have a nominative before and after it, belonging to the same thing : as, Audim hoc puer Cic. Sapiens nil facit invitus Cic. Note 5. When a verb comes between two nominatives of differ- ent numbers, it usually agrees with the first, which may be sup- posed to be the subject of discourse: as, Ossa lapis Jiunt Ovid. It sometimes, however, takes the number of the last : as, Aman- tium irce amoris integratio est Ter. Pectus quoque roborajiunt Ovid. Note 6. If a vocative precede, such verbs or their participles are generally followed by the nominative : as, Esto, tu C&sar, amicus Mart. v. 20. But the poets often use another vocative : as, Quibus, Hector, ab oris Expectate Denis Virg. for expectatus. Lee- tule divitiisjacte beate meis Propert. Hence also, Made virtute esto, for mactus. RULE IV. The infinitive mood has an accusative before it: as, Gaudeo te valere, I am glad that you are well. Note 1. Thus also, Credunt se negligi Ter. Miror tenonscri- lere Cic. Note 2. The word that, either expressed or understood, coming between two English verbs, is the usual sign of this construction. 165 Note ?. This accusative may be often turned into a nominative preceded by quod or ut, the infinitive being changed into the in- dicative or subjunctive: thus, Equidem scio jam Jilius quod amet meus Ter. forjilium meum amare. Volo vos bene sperare, or ut bene speretis. Note 4f. Me, te, se, ilium, are often understood : as, Sed reddere posse negabatVirg. i. e. se posse. Note 5. Esse ovfuisse is frequently omitted after participles : as, Sed de ea re legatos missuros dixerunt Nep. i. e. esse. Note 6. Sometimes the accusative and infinitive are omitted : as, Pollidtus sum suscepturum Ter. for me suscepturum esse. Note 7. If the verb following that have no future participle, the expression may be varied thus : In spem veniebat,fore, utipertina- da desisteret Cses. Nunquam putavifuturum, ut pater meus libc- ros odisset Senec. Note 8. Care should be taken in using this construction not to render the meaning ambiguous, as in the famous .answer of the oracle ; Aio te, JEacida, Romanos sincere posse, in which it could not be ascertained from the mere words, which party was to prove victorious. The ambiguity might be prevented by changing the active into the passive voice. Further observations on quod t ut, and the infinitive mood, will occur under the Construction of the Infinitive Mood, and under Conjunctions. RULE V. Esse has the same case after it that it has before it: as, Petrus cupit esse vir doctus, Peter desires to be a learned man. Scio Petrum esse virum doctum, I know that Peter is a learned man. Mihi negligenti esse non licet, I am not allowed to be neg- ligent. Note 1. Thus also, Qui volet esse plus Lucan. Licet illis esse timidis Liv. Note 2. This rule may be better expressed thus : Substantive verbs, and most verbs neuter and passive, have the same case after them as before them. Note 3. When the leading verb governs the dative, such as li- cet, cxpedit, datiir, concedo, the case after the infinitive may be ei- ther the dative, or the accusative : thus, Vobis necesse estjbrtibus esse viris Liv. Da mihi fatter e, da justo sanctoque videri Hor. Expcdit bonas esse vobis Ter. Si dm Romano licet esse Gadita- num Cic. It is evident that this construction and its varieties depend upon apposition ; for if we say Licet illis esse timidis, ti~ midis agrees with illis t the word to which it refers, and which it 166 qualities. If we say Licet illis esse timidos, the accusative illos seems to be understood before esse, to which, in like manner, ti- midos refers. The former seems to be a Greek construction ; the latter accords with the nature of the Latin language. Note 4. After aio, refero, puto t ncscio, sentio, and the like, with esse, the poets sometimes use the nominative instead of the accu- sative : as, Phaselus ille, quern videtis hospites, aitfuisse navium ce- lerrimus Catull. Retuht Ajax esse Joms pronepos Ovid. Uxor invicti Jovis esse nescis Hor. Sometimes the infinitive is omit- ted : as, Sensit medios delapsus iji hostes Virg. for se delapsum esse. In these examples, it may be observed that the pronoun is not expressed before the infinitive. Note 5. This rule extends only to the nominative, dative and accusative; on which account we cannot say Interest Ciceronis esse eloquentis, but eloquentem, in which eloquentem refers to a personal pronoun understood before esse. RULE VI. The relative qut, qua, quod, agrees with the antecedent, in gender, number, and person : as, Amo virum qui pauca loquitur^ I love the man who speaks little. Ego qui doceo, I who teach. RULE VII. If no nominative come between the relative and the verb, the relative shall be the nominative to the verb: as, Preceptor qui docet, The master who teacheth. RULE VIII. But if a nominative come between the rela- tive and the verb, the relative shall be of that case which the verb or noun following, or the preposition going before, uses to govern : as, Deus quern colimus, God whom we worship. Cujus munere vivimus, By whose gift we live. Cut nullus est similis, To whom there is none like. A quofacta sunt omnia^ By whom all things were made. Note 1 . Thus also, Levejlt onus quod (onus} benefertur Ovid, Literal, quas (literas) dedi Cic. Note 2. The antecedent is the substantive going before the re- lative, to which the latter refers, and which is again understood to the relative. The relative may, therefore, be considered as placed between two substantives (which are the same), whether expressed or understood ; with the former of which it agrees in gender, number, and person; and with the latter, in gender, number, and case, as an adjective: thus, Dieindicunt, qua (die) adripam Rho- dani omnes conveniant Caes, Erant omnino itinera duo f quibus (itincribus} domo exire possent CJES. Note 3. in the former notc^ there arc two examples in which 167 the antecedent is repeated by Caesar ; but this is uncommon, as it is naturally implied in the relative : thus, Animum rege, qui, (scil. animus] nisi paret, imperat Hor. Note 4-. Sometimes the substantive is omitted in the case which it strictly assumes as an antecedent, and expressed in that case which, though always understood, is generally suppressed ; as, TJrbem quam statuo vestra est Virg. i. e. urbs quam (urbem) statuo. Eunuchum quern dedisti nobis, quas turbas dedit Ter. i. e. Eunu~ chus, quern (eunuchum) dedisti, &c. This seems an imitation of Greek construction: as, 'Axyera^ $s 6 'Hpw^^, elrtzv, ov lyw aVsxe- 4>aA/tra 'Iwavv/yv, 5ro$ sri, i. e. roV 5~Jv 'loudvvys , ov 'Icudvvyv lyco &c. Mark vi. 16. The antecedent is omitted in two ways ; 1st, by putting the substantive after the relative, and, consequently, in the same case with it: as, Popido ut placer ent, quas Jecisset fa* hulas Ter. 2dly, by putting, through the figure anastrophe, the substantive before the relative, but in such a manner that, in reality, it does only supply the place of the following word, as it is still in the same case as the relative : thus, Naucratem quern convenire volui, in navi non erat Plaut. Note 5. Sometimes both the antecedent and the subsequent sub- stantive implied in the relative are omitted ; as, Sunt quos juvat collegissc Hor. i. e. sunt homines quos (homines') &c. Qualis esset natura montis, qui cognoscerent misitCaes. Note 6. When the relative is placed between two nouns of dif- ferent genders, it may agree with either ; but its agreement with the antecedent is according to the analogy of Latin construction: thus, Her culi sacrificiumjecit in loco, quern (locum) Pyram appellant Liv. Unus erat toto natures vultus in orbe, Quern dixere Chaos Ovid. The agreement with the consequent is an imitation of Greek construction : thus, Animal providum et sagax quern vocamus ho- minem Cic. Ad eum locum qua appellatur Pharsalia applicuit Caes. Note 7. If part of the sentence be the antecedent, the relative is of the neuter gender: as, Ego quoque unaperco, quod mihi est carius Ter. i. e. quodnegotium. Sometimes the pronoun id is elegantly placed before quod: thus, Catilina, id quod facillimum erat, om- nium flagitiorum atquejacinorum circum se catervas habebat Sail. Note 8. Sometimes the antecedent is implied in the possessive : as, Omnes laudarejbrtunas meas, qui haberemTer. i. e.Jbrtunas mei. Note 9. The relative sometimes refers to the sense of tlie pre- ceding words, or to some other substantive than that which goes before, with which last it sometimes differs in gender and number: as, Inter alia prodigia eiiam carne pluit, quern imbrem ingem mi' merits avium intervolitando rapuissejertur Liv. i. e. pluit imbrem carne, quern (imbrem) &c. Daret id catenisjatale monstrum, quce generosius perire qucerem &c. Hor. in which quce is feminine, not in regard to the antecedent monstrum, but to Cleopatra of whom the poet is speaking. 168 Note 10. Sometimes it refers to an antecedent of a different number from that which is expressed : as, Si tempus est ullumjure hominis necandi, qua multa sunt Cic. i. e. tempora. Inter ea ser- vitia repudiabat, cujus initio ad eum magnte copies concurrebant Sail. i. e. servitii. Note 11. Sometimes it agrees in gender with a word of similar import to the antecedent : as, Ego te, Euclio, de alia re rescivisse censui, quod ad me attinet Plaut. in which quod seems to refer to negotium understood rather than to its real antecedent re. De- lectu rebusque aliis dimnis humanisque quce (supply negotia) perip- sos agenda erant, perfectis Liv. Note 12. The relative is sometimes omitted : as, Est in secessu longo locui ; insula portum Efficit objectu laterum Virg. Est lo- cus: Hesperiam Graii cognomine dicunt Virg. in both which quern may be supplied after locus. Note 13. Sometimes the word is added to the antecedent, which belongs to the clause of the relative; as, Cum venissent ad vada Vo- laterrana quce nominantur Cic. for vada quce nominantur Vola- terrana. As the original quotation stands, quce nominantur may be translated, as they are named. Note 14. The relative sometimes appears to agree in case with the antecedent : as, Cum scribas, et aliquid agas eorum quorum consuestiCic. Nonpro sud, aut quorum simulat ^ injuria Sail. Frag. This construction may be elliptical ; and perhaps such ex- amples are to be supplied thus : Aliquid agas eorum, quorum (all- quid agere) consuesti. Pro injuria eorum,pro quorum injuria simu- tat, scil. se arma cepisse. This is an imitation of Greek construc- tion, and may arise from what is called attraction : thus, Ka< Itft- reucrav fy y/aapjj, xa) ftp Aoyoy, w siifsv 6 'Iy not reginas et ductrices. Note 10. To the preceding four concords some add a fifth, that of the Responsive, generally agreeing in case with its Interrogative. But this depends entirely upon the nature of the figure ellipsis ; for if we say Quis herus est tibi ? Amphitruo Ter. to this last no- minative are understood the words est herus mihi. When words of different construction are used, the Responsive and Interroga- tive disagree: as, Cujumpecus? an Melibcei? Non, verum JEgonis Virg. Cujus est liber ? meus, not mei. Cuja interest ? Regis. But even in some of these, if the elliptical words be supplied, the constructions do only seem to disagree : thus, if we say Cujus in- terest ? and reply mea t tua, &c. the full sentence may be, Cujus negotia interest , or Inter cujus negotia est ? Mea negotia interest t II. OF GOVERNMENT. 1. Of Nouns. 2. Of Verbs. 3. Of Words indeclinable. THE GOVERNMENT OF NOUNS. OF SUBSTANTIVES. RULE XI. One substantive governs another signifying a different thing, in the genitive : as, Amor Dei, The love of God. Lex nature The law of nature. 174 Note 1 . That is, when two substantives come together, signi- fying different things ; or in which the latter limits or defines the general signification of the former, and expresses some particular relation belonging to it, it must be put into the genitive : as, Amor nummi Juv. Initium est salutis notitia peccati Senec. Note 2. The substantive in Latin, which is to be put into the genitive, is that which corresponds with the English word follow- ing of, or which ends in 's. Note 3. The governing substantive is sometimes omitted : as, Ubi ad Dianas veneris Ter. i. e, templum or cede-in. Note 4>. The latter substantive is sometimes understood : as, Tritici decies cent am millia, el horde i quingenta, indicantes se ad mare devecta habere Liv. i. e. modium. Note 5. The pronouns hujus, ejus, illius, cujus, &c. are used as substantives, the word with which they agree being generally un- derstood: as, Liber ejiis. Libri eorum. Supply hominis and ho- minum. The personal pronouns, having the nature of nouns, are governed by a noun : as Languet desiderio tui. Note 6. The genitive may have either an active or a passive signification : thus, in Nee sese JEnece jactavit vulnere quisquam Virg. vulnere JEnece denotes the wound which ^Eneas had received; Et vulnere tardus Ulyssi Virg. refers to the wound which Ulysses had given. Note 7. The substantive governed may govern another signify- ing a different thing : as, Fratris hicjilius erat regis Liv. Note 8. Sometimes two genitives depend upon the same go- verning substantive: as, Hujus civitatis est longe amplissima aucto- ritas omnis ores maritime regionum earum Caes. Here, indeed, there are three genitives, but the third is governed by the second. .Note 9. Sometimes the word governing and the word governed exchange cases : as, Sex dies ad earn rem conficiendam spatii pos- tulant C^s^i. e. spatium sex dierum. Note 10. The genitive, signifying possession, is often changed into an adjective: as, Domus paterna Cic. for Domus patris. Note 11. The genitive is sometimes changed into the dative: as, Fratri cedes fient pervice Ter. forfratris. Or, into an accu- sative or ablative with a preposition : as, Odium erga Romanos Nep. Cura de salute patria Cic. If the former substantive be derived from a neuter verb, the latter often follows the construc- tion of that verb : as, Colloquia cum amicis Cic. as well as Col- loquia amicorum Cic. Sibi successor em Suet. Justitia est obtem- peratio scriptis legibus institutisque populorum Cic. In old Lati- nity especially, the dative and accusative are sometimes found after a substantive derived from an active verb : as, Traditio alteri Cic. Quid istum tibi tactio est Plaut. In such phrases as Domum reditionis spe sublata CPCS. in which the case of domus 175 is erroneously ascribed by some grammarians to the government of reditio ; the accusative, or the ablative, depends entirely upon the nature ofdoi&us, which is governed by a preposition generally understood. Note 12. Pars is omitted after such adjectives &sprimus> medius, ultimas, extremes, Difimus, imus, summits, suprcmus, reliquus, cce- terus; thus Media noxCses. signifies the middle (part of the) night. In summo monte, On the top (or highest part) of the hill. In such examples the adjective must agree with the substantive. [Certain observations on the nature and construction of pro- nouns, usually referred to this rule, will be found in Etymo- RULE XII. If the latter substantive have an adjective of praise or dispraise joined with it, it may be put in the geni- tive or ablative : as, Vir mmmce prudently \ f A man of the greatest vel summa prudcntid^ ) \ wisdom. Puer vrobce indolis* veil /. i v protAindok, } A boy of a good deposition. Note 1. That is, when the second substantive expresses a qua- lity belonging to the first, having also an adjective joined to it, expressing some degree, accident, or property belonging to that quality, it may be put in the genitive or ablative : as, Ingenui vul- tuspuer Juv. Es nulld t fide~Cic. Magnopondere saxum Virg. Mulier estate Integra Ter. Note 2. The genitive seems to depend upon the former substan- tive taken possessively ; and the ablative is governed by some pre- position generally understood, but sometimes also expressed : as, Amicus cum magna Jide Plaut. Trin. iv. 4-. 4?. Note 3. Prose writers use the ablative more frequently than the genitive, especially after a substantive verb. Note 4. In such instances as the following, the genitive is the more common : Magni formica laboris Hor. Testimonium nul- lius momenti Cic. Nulli (nullius) consilii sum Ter. Rosaju- cundi odoris Plin. Note 5. In such as the following, the ablative only is used : Bo?io anitno es Ter. Quantofuerim dolore Cic. Mira sum ala- critate ad litigandum Cic. Credens se minore invidiajbre Nep. Note 6. Sometimes both constructions are found in the same sentence : as, Lentulum, eximia spe, summce virtutis, adolescentetn fac erudiasCic. Note 7. Sometimes the adjective agrees with the former sub- stantive, or the subject of discourse, and the latter substantive is put in the ablative : as, Vir gravitate ct prudentia prcestans Cic. Vir prcetfantis ingenii, pr&stanti ingenio, pr cegram ut tc adsimules Plaut. Note 6. The word governed by it is often omitted : as, Si opus sit, accurras Cic. in which the word accurrere may supply the place of the ablative of the thing wanted, or may be considered as the nominative to sit, opus being then reckoned equivalent to ne- cessarium. Note 7. The ablative after these words seems to be governed by the preposition in. Utor formerly governed an accusative, as well as an ablative; and as there are not wanting instances to prove that verbal nouns sometimes governed the case of their verbs, this consideration may, perhaps, be satisfactory to some, in regard to the origin of the government of usus. OF ADJECTIVES. RULE XIV. Verbal adjectives, or such as signify an af- fection of the mind, require the genitive : as, Avidia gloria, Desirous of glory. Ignams fraudis, Ignorant of fraud. Memor beneficiarum. Mindful of favours. Note 1 . Or, verbal adjectives, by which are meant verbals in T osus, and idus, with panicipials in ns; and adjectives signifying an affection of the mind, by which are meant those which denote de- sire or disdain, knowledge or ignorance, innocence or guilt, or the like, require the genitive: as, Timidus deorumOvid. Jmperitus rerum Ter. Fraterni sanguinis insons Ovid. To this rule belong 1st. Verbals in ax, and participials in Jis: as capax, edax,fugax, pervicax, tenax, &c., amans, appetens, cupiens, negligens,'metuem sciens, &c. : as, Tempus edax rerum Ovid. Alieni appetem Sail. To these may be added certain participials in us; as consul tus, doctus, expertus, inexpertus, insuetus, insolitus : as, Juris con sultus Cic. 2dly. Adjectives denoting affection : as, 1 . Desire and disdain ; cupidus, avarus, avidus, jastidiosus, c riosus, studiosus, incuriosus, &c. with many other words belonging to verbals in idus and osus : as, Laudis avidi- Sail, Literarw 179 2. Knowledge and ignorance ;peritus 9 gnarus t prudens, caltidus t docilis, certus, memor, &c. ; ignarus, improvidus, wiprudens^ insolitus, &c. : as, Conscia mens recti Hor. Nescia mens fati Virg. 3. Innocence and guilt ; innocens, innoxius, insons, &c., noxius, reus, suspectus, compertus, &c. as, Consilii innoxius Curt. Reus avarit'HC Cic. 4. To the foregoing may be added a vast multitude of other adjectives, of which Johnson and Ruddiman have given lists. But the greater part of these belong to the above-mentioned classes, and some may be referred to other rules ; such are the following. Abjectior animi ApuL or Liv. Confirmatus animi Apul. Absonum fidei Liv. (perk, dot.) Confusus animi Liv. Abstemius vini Auson. Conterminus jugi. Acer militiae Tac. Credulus adversi Sil. Admirandus frugalitatis Senec. Spesanimicredulamutui-Hor. Adversa domuum. animi Liv. ingenii Sil. /Equal es aevi Sil. JEquus absentium Tac. Alienum dignitatis. Al tern us animse Sil. Ambiguus pudoris Tac. Amens animi Virg. Anhelus laboris Sil. Anxius furti Ov. Ardens animi. Argutus facinorum Plant, Assuetus tumultus Liv. Atrox odii Tac. Attonitus serpentis Sil. Audax ingenii Stat. Angustior animi ApuL A versus animi Tac. Benignus vini Hor. Bibulus Falerni Hor. Blandus precum Stat. Bonus fati. Caecus animi Quinct. Callidus temporum Tac, Captus animi Tac. Catus legum Auson. Celer nandi Sil. Certus destinations Tac. Clamosus undae. Clarissimus discipline Pater c. Commune omnium. Compos animi Ter. voti. Liv. Expertus belli Virg. Confident animi Sueton.. Expletus animi Apul. N2 Cumulatissimus scelerum . Plant. Damnandus fact! Sil. Deformis let! Sil. Degener artis patria3 Ovid. Despectus taed^e. Devius &qui Sil, Discolor lanae. Discors patris Veil. Pat. al. patri. Disertus leporum Catul. Dispar sortis SU. Diversus morum Tac. Ditior animi Stat. Dissoliienda tristitise pectora Tibul. Divina futuri Hor. Docilis modorum Hor. Doctus virgae Sil. Dubius animi Virg. Dulcissimus Durus oris Liv. Durior oris Ovid. Effusissimus munificentiae Pa terc. Egregius animi Virg. Enuntiativi corporum Senec. Ereclus animi Sil. Exact us morum Ovid. Exiguus animi Claudian. Eximius animi Stat. Exosa hujus vita? Boet. 180 Exsors culpae Liv. Exsul patriae Hor. Externatus animi Apul. Extorris regni Stat. Exutus formae Sil. Facilis frugum Claudian. Fallax amicitia? Tac. Falsus animi Ter. Eatigatus spei Apul. Felix cerebri Hor. Ferox animi Tac. Fervidus ingenii Sil. Fessus rerum Virg. Festinus animi Apul. Fidens animi Virg. Fidissima tui Virg. Firmatus animi Sail. Firmus propositi Paterc. al. proposito. Flavus comarum Sil. Floridior aevi Sil. Fluxa morum Sil. Fcetae novales Martis Claud, Formidolosior hostium Tac. Fortunatus laborum Virg. Fractus animi, opum. Frequens silvae mons Tac. Frustratus spei Gel. Fugitivus regni Flor. Furens animi Virg. Gaudens alti Stat. Gravis morum Claudian. Gravidam Amathunta metalli Ovid> I Ilex animi ApuL Impavidus somni Sil. Impiger militiae Tac. (perhaps the dative.) Impos anirai Plant. Improba connubii Stat. Incautus futuri Hor. Indecora formae foemina Tac. Indocilis pacis Sil. Inexplebilis virtutis Liv. Infelix animi Virg. Infirmus corporis Apul. Ingens animi Tac. Inglorius militise Tdc. Ingratus salutis Virg. Innoxius consilii Curt. Insanus anirai Apul. Insatiabilis rerum Senec. Insolens infamiae Cic. Insolitus servitii Sail. Frag. Insuetus laboris Cces. Integer animi, vitas Hor. Interrita leti mens Ovid. Intrepidus ferri Claud. Invictus laboris Tac. Invidus laudis Cic. Irritus incepti Sil. Laetus laboris Virg. Lapsus animi Plant, al. Lassus animi. Lassus laboris, maris, militiae Hor. Laudandus labortim Sil. Lentus coepti Sil. Levis opum Sil. Liber laborum Hor. Liberalis pecuniae Sail. Lugendus formae Sil. Macte animi Mart. Madid us roris Apul. Manifestus criminis Tac. Maturus aevi Virg. Maximus sevi Sil. Medius pacis et belli Hor. Melior fati SU. Miser animi Plant. Modicus pecuniae Tac. Mollior sui Apul. Munificus auri Claudian. Mutabile mentis genus Sil. Mutatus animi Apul. Nimius imperii Liv. Nobilis fandi Auson. Notus fugarum SU. Novus dolor is Sil. al. dolori. Nudus arboris Ovid. Occultus odii Tac. Onusta remigum Hirt. j Afr. Optimus militiae Sil. Otiosi studiorum Plin. Pares aetatis mentisque Sil* Pavidus offensionum Tac. Pauper aquae Hor. Perfida pacti gens Sil* 181 Periclitabundus sui Apul. Perinfames disciplinae Apul. Pertinax docendi Apul. Pervicax irae Tac. Piger pericli Sil. Potens lyrae Hor. Praeceps animi Virg. Praecipuus virtutis Apul. Praeclarus fidei Tac. Praestans animi Virg. Pravus fidei Sil. Procax otii Tac. Profugus regni Tac. Promptus belli Tac. Properus oblatae occasionis Tac. Proprke deorum voluptates. Prospera frugum Hor. Pulcherrimus irae Sil. Purus sceleris Hor. Recreatus anirai Apul. Rectus judicii Senec. Resides bellorum Stat. Sanus mentis Plant. Satiatus caedis Ovid. Saucius famse Apul. Scitus vadorum Hor. Secors rerum Ter. Secreta teporis corpora Lucr. Segnis occasionum Tac. Seri studiorum Hor. Similis tui Plant. Sinister fidei Sil. Solers operum Sil. - lyrae Hor. Solliciti reruan. Solutus operum Hor. Spernendus morum Tac. Spreta vigoris Sil. Strenuus militiae- Tac. Stupentes animi Liv. Summus severitatis Tac. Superior sui Tac. Superstes bellorum. Surdus veritatis Col. Suspensus animi Apul. Tantus animi Apul. Tardus fugae V. Flac. Tenella animi Apul. Tenuis opum Su. Territus animi Liv. Timidus deorum Ovid. Trepidi rerum Liv. Truncus pedum Virg. Turbatus animi Sil. Turbidus animi Tac. Vafer juris -OvtW. Vagus animi Catul. Validus animi Tac. Vanus veri Virg. Vecors animi Apul. Venerandus senectae-r-SzY. Versus animi Tac. Versutus ingenii Plin. Vetus regnandi Tac. Victus animi Virg. Vigil armenti Sil. Viridissimus irae Sil. Unicus rerum fessarum Sil. Utilis medendi radix Ovid. Heroid. Y. 147. al. medenti. But of these many are with much more propriety referred to other rules : such as, abstemius, compos, impos, liber, made, mo- dicus, potens t impotent, purus ; also cumulatus, explehis, exsors, exsul) extorriS) foetus, frequens, gravidus, munificus, and the like, which are usually referred to adjectives of plenty or want. Note 2. Many of the adjectives enumerated in the previous part of this rule are construed variously: as, Patiens frigus, One suf- fering cold at this moment. Patiens frigoris, A person capable of bearing cold. Doctus grammatic dispar> dissimilis^JiduSfJinitimus, par t proprius, similis, superstes, and some others, are oftener construed with the dative than the genitive. Superior takes generally the ablative. Alienus takes frequently the ablative with a or ab : as, Humani nihil a me alienum puto Ter. But these and innume- rable other varieties may be safely left to observation. Note 8. Grammarians differ a little about the nature of this go- vernment. It may, however, be observed, that, in many instances, the adjectives are used substantively : thus, that Amans mrtutis is the same as Amator mrtutis. Other adjectives are supposed to be followed by a genitive governed by such words as in re, in causa, in negotio, understood : as, Non anxius causa sui. Reus gratia JurtL RULE XV. Partitives, and words placed partitively, com- paratives, superlatives, interrogatives, and some numerals, govern the genitive plural : as, Aliquis pkilosopkorum, Some one of the philosophers, Senior fratrum^ The elder of the brothers. Doctissimus JKomanorum, The most learned of the Ro- mans. Quis nostmm ? Which of us ? Una musarum, One of the muses. Octavus sapientum. The eighth of the wise men. Note 1. That is, adjectives denoting apart of a number govern the genitive plural, which may be resolved into an ablative with de, e, ex, or in, or an accusative with inter, To this rule belong : 1. Partitives, whether nouns or pronouns; idlus, nuttus, solus, uterque, utercunque, uterms, ulcrlibet, alter, alteruter, neuter, 183 alms, aliquis, quidam, quispiam, quisquis, quisquc, unusqutsque, aliquot, cceter, reliquus ; to which are added omnis, cunctus, and nemo : as, Quisquis deorum Ovid. Nemo mortalium Plin. Ves- trum utcrvis Cic. 2. Words used partitively: as, Canum dcgeneres Plin. Nigrce lanarum Plin. Sancte deorum Virg. Expediti militum Liv. Vulgus Atheniensium Nep. 3. Comparatives and superlatives : as, major juvenum Hor. Villosissimus animalium lepus Plin. 4. Interrogates ; quis, quisnam, quisve, uter > quot, quotus, quo- tusquisque : as/ Quis mortalium Sail. 5. Numerals, comprehending both cardinals and ordinals ; unus, duo, tres, &c.; primus, secundus, tertius, &c. ; also the partitive or distributive, singidi; with multi, pauci, plerique, medius: as, Equi- tum centum quinquaginta interfecti Curt. Sapientum octavus- Hor. Multce arborum Cic. Quarum quce media est Ovid. Sin- gulos vestrum Curt. Note 2. If the substantive be a collective noun, the genitive singular is used : as, Prtestantissimus nostrce cimtatis Cic., i. e. nostrorum civium. Totius Grtedts doctissimum Cic., i. e. omnium Gracorum. Note 3. The genitive is governed by de, e, or ex, numero, which is often expressed : as, Ex numero adversariorum cirdter sexcentis interfectis Caes. Note 4-. Instead of the genitive, the ablative is often found, go- verned by de, e, ex, or in ; or the accusative with inter or ante : as, Unus e Stoicis Cic. But unus put for solus governs the genitive : as, Lampedo una Jeminarum Plin. Lampedo the only woman. Acerrimus ex sensibus Cic. Ipse ante alios pulcherrimus omnes "Virg. Croesus inter reges opulentissimus Senec. Ordinals are often construed with a or ab : as, Tertius ab JEnea. Secundus, denoting inferior to, governs the dative : as, Nee sunt tibi Marie secundi Ovid. Note 5. The partitive is sometimes understood : as, Fies noli- Hum tu quoquefontium Hor. od. 3. 13. 13. Supply unus. Note 6. The partitive takes the gender of the substantive go- verned, when there is no other: as, Nulla sororum Virg., i. e. Nulla soror e numero sororum. But if the noun governed be a col- lective, the partitive takes the gender of the noun understood, which the sense will determine : as, JEtatis sues doctissimus ; i. e. doctissimus vir. Note 7. If there be another substantive expressing the chief sub- ject of discourse, the adjective generally takes the gender of that substantive, and not of the following genitive : as, Indus, qui est omnium Jluminum maximus Cic. Sometimes the former is not ex- pressed : as, Quid (tu) agis didcissime rcrum Hor. Omnium rc- rum mars est extrcmum Cic., i,e. ncgotiunt* 184- Note 8. Sometimes the substantive of partition and the parti- tive are put in the same case : as, Maxima pars morem hunc homi- nes habent Plaut. Milites^ equites, and pedites are often thus used : as, Ex eodem exercitu pedites quindecim millia, et equites quingenti Liv. Note 9. The comparative and the superlative with the genitive of partition are used, when the things compared are of the same nature, class, or description : as, Dextra estfortior manuurn. Pol' lex estfortissimus digitorum. Hence there is an error in the im- precation of the Roman Ultimus suorum moriatur, Let him die the last of his relatives ; for it is evident, that it is improper to speak of him as one of his own friends or relatives. Hence also the impropriety of Qua socer Omatius, magnorum major avorum Sidon. And the impropriety in English of Milton's The fairest of her daughters Eve. In such instances, the comparative should be used, followed by a Latin ablative, or, in English, by than: as, Omatius major magnis avis. Fairer than her daughters Eve. Note 10. The comparative with the genitive of partition is used when two persons or things, or two aggregates, are compared to- gether; the superlative, when more than two: thus, Majorfratrum refers to two brothers : Maximusjratrum, to three or more. Ju- niores patrum Liv. is spoken of in contradistinction to the aggre- gate of the seniores. These two rules are very general, few viola- tions of them occurring either in Latin or English. Note 11. Uter, alter, neuter refer in like manner to two ; quis f alms, nullus, to more than two. But there are exceptions to this observation. Uterque is also applied to two ; quisque and omnis to more than two. But there are a few instances in which quisque and omnis refer to two only. Note 12. Nostrum and vestrum are used after partitives ; not nostri and vestri : as, Quam vestrum utervis Cic. but, in his Ora- tions, Cicero pays no regard to this distinction. RULE XVI. Adjectives signifying profit or disprofit, like- ness or unlikeness, require the dative : as, Utilis bello, Profitable for war. Perniciosus reipublicfz. Pernicious to the commonwealth. Similis patri, Like his father. Note 1 . That is, adjectives signifying utility or inconvenience, benefit or damage, pleasure or displeasure, and the like, are fol- lowed by a dative of the object to which their quality is directed: as, Incommodusjilio Cic. Felix tuis Virg. Conveniens homini Ovid. Color contrarius albo Ovid. Si fads, ut patrice sit idoneus, utilis agris Juv. To this rule belong adjectives signifying 1. Advantage or disadvantage ; bcnignus, bonus, commodus,fc- prosper, salubcr, utilis ; also calamitosus., 185 damnosus, dims, exitiosus, Junestus, incommodut, inutilis, malu$ y noxius, perniciosus, pestifer. 2. Pleasure or pain ; acceptus, dulcis, gratus, gratiosus,jucundu$ t l&tus, suavis ; also acerbus, amarus, insuavis, injucundus, ingratus, molestus, tristis. 3. Friendship or hatred; addictus, tequus, amicus, benevolus, blandus, earns, deditus, Jidas, Jidelis, lenis, mitis, propitius ; also adversus, asper, crudelis, contrarius, infensus, infestus, infidus, and the like. 4. Perspicuity or obscurity ; apertus, certus, compertus, conspi- cuus, mantfestus, notus,perspicuus ; also ambiguus, dubius, ignotus, incertus, obscurus. 5. Propinquity ',jtnitimus,propior,proximus,propmquus, socius, vicinus, qffinis. 6. Fitness or unfitness ; aptus, appositus, accommodatus, habilis^ idoneus, opportunus ; also ineptus, inhabilis, &c. 7. Easiness or difficulty \facilis, levis, obviiis, pervius; also dif- Jicilis, arduus, gravis, laboriosus, periculosus, invius. To these add pronus, proclivis, propensus, promptus, paratus. 8. Equality or inequality ; cequalis, cequatvus, par, compar, sup- j)ar ; also incequalis, impar, dispar, discors.^ Likeness or unlike- ness ; similis, cemulus, geminus; also dissimilis, absonus, alienus, di- versus, discolor. 9. Many compounded with con ; cognatus, communis, concolor y concors, confinis, congruus, consanguineus, conscius, consentaneus, consonus, conveniens, conterminus, contiguus, continens (as Huic Jundo continentia qucedam prcedia mercatur Cic. i. e. adjoining, or contiguous to), &c. 10. To these may be added a greet number of adjectives that cannot be easily reduced into distinct classes : as, obiwxius, sub- jectus, supplex, superstes, credulus, absurdus, decorus, deformis, prceslo, secundus, &c. To this rule might also be referred, verbals in bills and dus. Note 2. Some substantives, especially those signifying any affec- tion, or advantage or disadvantage, are followed by the dative : as, Namque erit ille mihi semper Deus Virg. Matres omnesjiliis in peccato adjutrices Ter. Thus also, Ad similitudinem deopro- pius accedebat humana virtus Cic. Caput Italic omniLi\. But, perhaps, the dative is governed by the substantive verb, expressed or understood, or its obsolete participle ens. Note 3. Of the adjectives denoting friendship or hatred, or other affection, to a person, some generally take the dative: as, nffabi- lis, arrogans, asper, cams, difficilis,Jidelis, invisus, iratus, ofen- sus, suspectus. But we find also In liberos difficilis. Poe'ta vet. ap. Cic. Nat. Deor. iii. 29. Fidelis in jUios Justin. Apud militares inmsum esse nomen Romanum Liv. To the above-mentioned ad- jectives add dexter, exitialis,fahiloqmts,ferus, hospitus, inhospitus, insodabilis, intolerans^jucundus, lav us, morigcrussnortifer, odiosus> 186 placidus, propitius, scelestus, supplex, tranquillus, trux : as, Dexter Pcenis deus Sil. Senijuit jucundissimus Nep. Sontibus esse tru- cem Ovid. Some are followed by in and an accusative : as acerbus, animalus, beneJiGus,gratiosus, injuriosus, liberates, rnendax^ misericors, qfficiosus, plus, impius, prolixus, severus, sordidus, tor- vus, vehemens. We also find Animatus erga principem Suet. Lijuriosus adversus patrem Senec. Misericors adversus bonos Senec.; with a few more varieties. Acer, aquabilis, mtemperans, ingratus, and a few others are found with in. Some are found with a dative, or an accusative governed by in, erga, or adversus : as coniumax, criminosus, durus, exitiabilis, grams, hospitalis, im- placabilis, inexorabilis, intolerabilis, iniquus, scevus, Alicui or in aliquem. Benevolus, benignus, molestus, Alicui or erga aliquem. Mitis, comis, Alicui, or in, or erga aliquem. Permcax adversus aliquem. Crudelis in aliquem, seldom alicui. Amicus, cemulus, infensus, injestus, Alicui, seldom in aliquem. Gratus Alicui, or in, erga*, adversus aliquem. The noun vulgus with the preposi- tion in, follows many of these adjectives : as gratus, ingratus, ac- ceptus, ignotuSj &c., in vulgus. Id in vulgus gratum esse sentimus, Cic. Note 4. Affinis, similis, communis,par,proprius,jinitimus,Jidus, conterminus, superstes, conscius, (equalis, contrarius, adversus, some- times govern the dative and sometimes the genitive. Of these, par, Jidus, adversus, conterminus, superstes, contrarius govern the dative generally : conscius commonly the genitive, that is, of a thing, but always the dative of a person. Affines facinori Cic. rerum Ter. Somnio similis Curt, tui Plaut. Omni tetati com- munis Cic. mrtutiim Cic. Par delicto sit pcena Ovid, hujus Lucan. Propria est nobis mentis agitatio Quinct. Oratoris pro- prium Cic. Falsa veris Jlnitima Cic. Fluvii hujus Jinitimi Justin. Fida sorori Ovid. Tuijidissima Virg. Fonti conter- mina O v id . Jugi conterminos locos Apul. Mihi superstes Ter. dignitatis Cic. Conscium facinori Cic. Atque ego peccati vellem mihi conscius essem Ovid. JEquali-s sibi Plin. temporum illorum Cic. Honestati contrariamCic. virtutum Cic. Adversus nemini Ter. illustrium domuum- Tac. Similis auddissimilis,it is observed, are followed by the genitive when they refer to man- ners ; and by the dative, when to shape orjbrm. JEqualis is fol- lowed by a genitive, when it refers to time or age : otherwise, by a dative; but these distinctions are sometimes disregarded. Note 5. Alienus is construed with a genitive, or dative, or, more frequently an ablative governed by a or ab : as, Alienum dignitatis Cic. illi causce Cic. a me Ter. The preposition is sometimes omitted: as x Alienum nostra amicitia Cic. Diversus is generally construed in like manner ; it does not, however, admit a genitive, unless in a different sense. Note 6. To adjectives governing the genitive or dative are added amicus, familiar is, cognatus, propinquus, vicinus, socius, cemulus, germanus, inimicus, invidus, necessanus; but when they govern the 187 former case, it will be generally found that they are used sub- stantively. Note 7. Some adjectives vary their construction : as Similes, dissimiles, pares, dispares, cequales, communes, inter se. Thus also, JEtate et forma hand dissimili in dominum Tac. Alpina corpora habent quiddam simile cum nivibus suis Flor. Note 8. Par and communis, either with or without a dative ; consentaneus and discors, only when without a dative, take an ab- lative with cum : as, Erant ei qu&dam ex his paria cum Crasw Cic. Quern tuparem cum liberis, regnique participemjecisti Sail. Locupletibus Jere cum plebe communiaCic. Illud cum adolescen- tia esse commune Cic. Quod erat consentaneum cum us literis Cic. Civitas secum discors Liv. Note 9. Idem among the poets sometimes governs the dative : as, Invitum qui servat, idemfacit occidenti Hor. In prose, it is construed with qui, et, ac, atque : as, Peripatetici quondam iidem erant qui academici Cic. Dianam et Lunam eandem esse putant Cic. Animus erga te idem ac fuit Ter. Pomarium seminarium ad eundem modum atque oleagineum Jacito Cato. In like man- ner alius is construed with ac, atque, and et ; and with an ablative: as, Neve putes alium sapiente bonoque beatum Hor. Cicero some- times uses idem ut : as, In eadem sunt injustitia ut si in suam rem aliena comiertant Off. i. 14-. It is sometimes construed with cum; as, In eodem consilio erat cum Besso Curt. But it is improper to use cum, when speaking of the same object under different names : as, Paulus est idem cum Saulo, since Paul and Saul are names of the same person. Sometimes similis and par are con- strued like idem, that is, with ac, atque, and et. Note 10. Certain adjectives signifying use,Jitness, and the con- trary, are construed either with the dative, or the accusative with ad : as, Ad nullam rem utilis Cic. Ad civium usus haud inutile Cic. But when the object is a person,, the dative only is used : thus aptus, opportunus, utilis mihi, not ad me. Note 1 1 . Adjectives denoting motion or tendency to a thing, are construed with the accusative and ad, rather than with the dative, such as celer, tardus t velox,piger, impiger, lentus,prteceps, rapidus t segnis, declivis, inclinabuis, proclivis, promts, propensus ; also pa- ratus, promptus, profugus : as, Piger ad pcenas princeps, ad mce- mia velox Ovid. Ad aliquem morbum proclivior Cic. Ad om- nejacinus paratus Cic. Ad lubidinem proclive Ter. In is some- times used: as, Celer in pugnam Sil. Note 12. Propior and proximus, in imitation of their primitive, prope, have either a dative, or an accusative without the preposi- tion's being expressed : as, Quodpropius vero est Liv. Proximus. hide Virg. Vitium propius mrtutem erat Sail. Proximus Pom- peium sedebamC\c. N ote 13. The dative, according to grammarians, is not, strictly 188 speaking, governed either by nouns, verbs, or any part of speech, but is subjoined to a word, when acquisition, advantage, or the reverse of these, or when destination in general is denoted. RULE XVII. Verbals in bills and dus govern the dative : as, Amandus vel amabilis omnibus, To be beloved by all men. Note [. That is, verbals in bills, and future participles passive are followed by the dative, which may be resolved into an abla- tive governed by a or ab : as, Multis ille bonis Jlebilis occidit ; Nullijlebilior, quant tibi, Virgili Hor. Restat Chremes, qui mihi exorandus est Ter. Note 2. Perfect participles passive are sometimes followed by the dative: as, Dilecta sorori Virg. Ego audita tibi put dram Cic. It is observed by Alvarez, that this construction is most fre- quent with participles which assume the nature of adjectives: such as notuSj perspectus> contemptus, probatus, dilectus, &c. This da- tive may likewise be resolved into the ablative with a or ab : as, Vexati a civibus Cic. A me amatus Quinct. Indeed, passive verbs themselves are often construed, especially by the poets, with a dative, instead of the ablative of the agent : as, Vix audior ulll Ov. for ab ullo. Note 3. Johnson refers to this rule not only verbals in bills t but other adjectives having a passive signification, such as invius, ob- vius, pervius, impervius, &c. : as, Troja obvia Graiis -Virg. Nee Cereyi terra indocilis, nee inhospita Baccho Sil. To this rule he likewise refers facilis and ulills construed with the dative of a per- son : as, Facilis rogantibus Ovid. Note 4. Verbals in bills are seldom construed but with the da- tive. The following constructions are, however, to be referred to the ablative of instrument or cause ; Nullo penetrabile telo Ovid. Nullojbrabilis ictu Ovid. Verbals in bills have generally a pas- sive signification, only a few instances being found in which they signify actively. Note 5. Participles in dus are often followed by the ablative with a or ab : as, Admonendum a me Cic. Note 6. Perfect participles are generally followed, especially among prose writers, by an ablative with a preposition : as, Mors Crassi est a multis defleta Cic. Proditus a socio est Ovid. In such examples as the last, the dative seems altogether inadmis- sible. . Note 7. The English preposition by is the usual sign of this dative. RULE XVIII. Adjectives signifying dimension govern the accusative of measure : as, Columna sexaginta pedes alta^ A pillar sixty feet high. 189 Note 1. Or, adjectives of dimension, such as hngus, latus, eras- sus, prqfundus, altus, densus, are generally followed by the accu- sative, but sometimes by the ablative or genitive, of the words de- noting measure, such as digitus, palmus, pes, cubitus, ulna, passus, stadium, milliare : as, Muris ducenos pedes altis, quinquagenos latis Plin. Fossam sex cubitis altam Liv. Later a pedum lata tri- cenum Plin. Ablative and genitive together; Quidam dupondio et quadrants altum sulcum, latum pedum quinquefaciunt Colum. The genitive is used in the plural only. Note C 2. The excess or the deficiency of measure is put in the ablative only l : as, Sesquipede est quam tu longior Plin. Novem pedibus minor Plin. Quanta doctior, tanto submissior Cic. Su- perant capite Virg. To this note are referred the ablatives tanto, quanto, quo, eo, hoc, aliquanto, multo,paulo, nihilo, &c., frequently joined to comparatives, and sometimes found with superlatives or verbs. Note 3. Verbs of dimension, such aspateo,cresco,&c., are con- strued like the adjectives : as, Patettres ulnas Virg. But these will be noticed hereafter, under the Distance of Place. Note 4. The accusative is governed by ad or in understood, but sometimes expressed ; the ablative, by a, ab, tenus, or in ; the genitive, by ad mensuram or spatium*. Note 5. In Latin, as in English, the adjective is sometimes changed into the substantive : as, Transtra digiti pollicis crassitu- dine Caes. in which the ablative is governed by in understood. RULE XIX. The comparative degree governs the abla- tive, which is resolved by qudm : as, Dulcior melle, Sweeter than honey. Prczstantior auro, Better than gold. Note 1. That is, when quam after a comparative is omitted, the substantive following is put in the ablative : as, Thymo dukior Virg. Glaciefrigidior Ovid. i. e. quam thymus, quam glades. It is sometimes resolved by ac or atque : as, Amicior mihi nullus vi* vit atque is Plaut. Note 2. The positive with magis or minus is sometimes followed by the ablative : as, O luce magis dilecta sorori Virg. Hoc nemo fuit minus ineptus Ter. Note 3. When the comparative is followed by quam, the ob- jects compared must be put in the same case : as, Ego hominem callidiorem vidi neminem quam Phormionem Ter. i. e. vidi. It 1 The measure of excess is sometimes expressed by tantum, quantum, all- quantum. See Rule XIX, Note 9. 2 This seems an imitation of Greek construction ; thus v^u/<:> understood, or expressing cause cr instrument. 197 Sail. But here the infinitive of turn is understood. To this rule may perhaps be referred the elegant phrase, Esse audientem dicto alicui. Si proton dicto non audiens esset Liv. Note2. The English of those passages, in which this Rule takes place, would naturally refer them to Rule III, or X, and, indeed, they may be so rendered : as, Ipse caierisfuisset exemplum Curt. Amor exit ium est pecori Virg. in which the substantive following the verb, and expressing the thing, is put in the same case with the word going before, the dative of the person being under the government of the noun or verb immediately preceding. But, as the latter nominative is followed by a noun having in English the sign of the Latin dative, both the nouns following the verb are ele- gantly put in the dative : as, Hie multisfuit exemplo Curt. Thus also, JEthiopicis laus datur Plin. and, elegantly, Metello laudi da- tum est Cic. Sometimes both the nouns significant of one and the same subject follow the verb : as, He sends up the cohorts to assist (as an assistance to) the cavalry, Submittit cohortes equitibus subsidioC&s. in which cohortes and subsidio refer to the same thing. Thus likewise Dare dono and donum ; Relinquere regnum prtfdce and prcedam. Other forms are sometimes used : as, Ad laudem vertere. In crimen vertere. In gloria ducere, &c. Note 3. To this rule are sometimes referred such forms of naming as the following, in which the nominative, the genitive, and dative are used ' ; Nominative, Mihi nomen est Sosia Plaut. Fons, cui nomen Arethusa est Cic. Genitive, Nomen Mercurii est mihi Plaut. Dative, Nomen Arcluro est mihi Plaut. Asca- nius, cui nunc cognomen lulo additur Virg. The following ex- pressions may likewise be added: Esse cordi, usui, derisui. prad tibi eidem et metis Plaut. Mihi quidem Scipio vivit, vivetque semper Cic. This is a rule of very great extent ; but, in a mere par- ticular manner, are referred to it, verbs signifying, 1. To profit or hurt; as prnjicio,placeo, commodo, prospicio, ca- veo, metuo, timeo, consulo, (to provide for or against); also, noceo, 1 The genitive is seldom used ; the dative is esteemed the most elegant ; thus also P. Scipio, rui posted Africaiui cognomen fwt Sail. No example be- longs to the rule, iu which there are not two datives, 198 qfficio, incommode, displiceo, insidior: thus, Neve tnihi noceat, quod vobis semper, Achivi, Profuit ingenium~-O\ld. 2. To favour or help, and the contrary; a$Javeo,gratulor, gra- t if cor, grator, ignosco, indulgeo,parco, studeo, adulor, plaudo, blan- dior, lenocinor, palpor, assentor, supplico, subparasitor ; also, aux- ilior, adminiculor, subvenio, succurro, patrocinor, medeor, medicor, opitulor; also, derogo, detraho, invideo, cemulor-, thus, Favete inno- centia Cic. Succurrere communi saluti Cic. 3. To command, obey, serve, and resist ; as impero, prcecipio, mando, moderor (to restrain); also, pareo, ausculto, obedio, obse- quor, obtempero, morigeror, obsecundo ; &\o,Jamulor, servio, inser- vio, ministro, ancillor; and repugno, obsto, reluctor, renitor, resisto, refragor, adversor t and, poetically, pvgno, certo. bello, contendo, concurrO) luctor ; thus, Imperare animo nequivi, quin Liv. Pug- nabis amori? Virg. 4. To threaten, or be angry with; as minor, comminor, inter' minor, iroscor, succenseo ; thus Mihi minabatur Cic. 5. To trust ; asjido, conjido, credo ; also diffido, despero : thus, Ulli reijidere Liv. Despemre saluti Cic. 6. A great number of other verbs that are not easily reduced to distinct classes; such as nubo, excetto, hcereo, supplico, cedo 1 , operor, prcestolor, prtevaricor, recipio (to promise), pepigi (I have promised ) , renuncio ( to give over) , respondeo ( to satisfy ) , tempero (to abstain), vaco (to study, or attend to), convicior, &c. 7. The compounds of sum, except possum : as, Nee sibi, nee alteri prosunt Cic. Vir abest miki Ovid. 8. Verbs compounded with satis, bene t male: as, Pulchrumest benefacere reipublicce Sail. 9. Many verbs compounded with ad, ante, con, in, inter, ob, prce, sub, super. Ad ; as acctdo, accresco, accumbo, acquiesco, adno, adnato, ad- equito, adhcereo, adsto, adstipulor, advolvor, nffulgeo, allabor, an- nuo, appareo, applaudo, appropinquo, arrideo, aspiro, assentior, assideo, assisto, assuesco, assurgo : thus, Annue cceptis Virg. Ante ; as anteceUo, anteeo, antesto, anteverto : thus, AnteceUere omnibus Cic. Con ; as colludo, concino, consono, convivo : thus, Paribus coUu- dere Hor. In ; as incumbo, indormio, inhio, ingemisco, inhareo, innascor, innitor, imideo, insto, insuto, insudo, imulto, invigilo, illacrymo, illudo, immineo, immorior, immoror, impendeo ; thus, Imminet his aer Ovid. 1 Cedo put for locum dare governs the dative. When an accusative is joined to it, as in Cedere locum alicui, Perizonius is of opinion, that this accusative is governed by quod ad understood, since cedo is a neuter verb. Its usual con- struction is with the ablative : as, Postquam Tusculand villa creditoribus cesserat Suet. 111. Gramm. Cedere seilli regno profitetnr Justin. Nisi sibi horlorum possessione cessisset Cic. The preposition de, which in these instances is un- derstood, is expressed in others : as, Cedo de republics, de fortund, de dignitate Cic. We also find, Cedere ab oppido, ex civitate, &c t 199 Inter; as intervenio, intermico, intercede, intercido, inlerjaceo ; thug, Nox pr&lio intervenitLiv. Ob ; as obrepo, obluctor, obtrecto, obstrepo, obmurmuro, occum- to, occurro, occurso, obsto, obsisto, obvenio : thus, Occumbere morti -Virg. Prae; as pracedo, prcecurro, praeo, pr&sideo, prceluceo, prceni- teo, prcesto, prcevaleo, prcevertor : thus, Majoribus prceluxi Cic. Sub ; as succedo, succumbo, stifficio, sujfragor, subcresco, suboleo, subjaceo, subrepo : thus, Miseris succurrere Virg. Super; as supervenio, supercurro, supersto: thus, Timidis super- venit Virg. But most verbs compounded with super govern the accusative, through the preposition: as, Deas supereminet omnes Virg. Supervenio also governs the accusative, but in a sense somewhat different from that in the preceding example : as, Crura loquentis Terra supervenit Ovid. In the former example, it seems to denote she comes to the assistance of: in the latter, the earth simply came over. Supcrsedeo is sometimes joined with the dative : as, Adversaries pitgnce supersedere animadvertit Hirt. B. Afr. but oftener the ablative : as, Supersedeas hoc labore Cic. In these instances its meaning seems to be to omit or leave off-, it is found also with an accusative, in its literal acceptation of sitting upon, but even in this sense, the dative, or perhaps rather the ablative, is more common. A few verbs might be added, compounded of ab, de, ex, circum, contra , but these generally take the case of the preposition. EXCEPTIONS. Jubeo, offendo, laedo, juvo, delecto, guberno, govern the accusa- tive : as, Dextraque silentia jussit Lucan. But the accusative following jubeo is generally supposed to depend upon some infini- tive understood, such as facere, Jieri, esse or dari. It is gene- rally found with the accusative and the infinitive ; sometimes with a dative and the infinitive; and seldom with an accusative and da- tive together: thus, Fuscum salvere julemus Hor. Hcc mihi liter & Dolabeilce jubtnt ad pristinas cogitationes reverti Cic. Pacem jubebo omnibus Stat. But, as this verb is used in the passive voice, not merely impersonally, but after the manner of active verbs, whose accusatives then become nominatives, it may be ob- served, that its proper and regular government in the active, is the accusative. Impero, a verb of like signification with juleo t is followed by an accusative of the thing demanded : as, Imperare tributum, pccuniam, arma, equites, which some grammarians, con- ceiving impero to be neuter, consider as dependent upon dari, prce- leri, or the like, understood. By others, however, it is regarded as active, governing of itself the accusative, and having a regular passive voice, the accusative becoming the nominative to the verb: as, Imperaturei pudicitia Just. Imperatce pecunice Caes. Naves imperatae sunt Curt. Obsidibus imperalis. COBS. Illi se, qua? im- perarentur, facere dixerunt Caes, Indeed, it appears that it once 200 admitted an accusative, of the person commanded, as we find Ego imperor Hor. Epist. 1, 5, 21, instead of mi hi imperatur. In re- gard to the construction of this verb, 1 am decidedly of opinion, that there is no ellipsis, but that it is followed by the dative of the person commanded, and governs the accusative of whatever is commanded or demanded, which last case becomes the nominative to the passive voice: thus, Equites imperare civitaiibus Caes. Nup~ tias imperare alicui Quinct. Suis, ut idemfaciant, imperat Caes. in which the words ut idemfaciant supply the place of the accusa- tive of the thing commanded. Malo imperari quam eripi mortem mihi Senec. In such expressions as Equitatum procedere imperat Ca?s. equitatum expresses neither the persons commanded, nor the command itself, but the words equitatum procedere, taken to- gether, stand for an accusative expressing the thing commanded. Ego imperor for mihi imperatur is entirely poetical. The govern- ment of the other five has never been a subject of doubt : thus, Cur ami cum offendam in nugis Hor. Also, OJfendere aliquem, or aliauia, for to find; in re aliqud, for to transgress. Injuste neni- nem Iccsit Cic. Juvit facundia causam Ovid. Lilris me delecto Cic. Omnia gubernes Cic. Note 2. The greater part of the verbs hitherto mentioned as governing the dative are neuter. Many active verbs govern a da- tive with the accusative, as will be hereafter noticed. It is likewise to be observed that the greater part of the verbs compounded with ad, ante, con, &c. do not govern the dative : such as acco/o, antegredior, ineo, invado y inlercurso, oppugno, obsideo, postvenio, prcevenio, subsilio, supernaio, &c. ; and, that, besides those which have been mentioned, there are many, signifying profit, assist- ance, favour, and the contrary, which are construed with the ac- cusative, or otherwise ; such as levo, erigo, alo, nutrio, amo, diligo, vexo, crucio, aversor, &c. , Note 3. Many of the verbs which have been enumerated as be- longing to this rule, are found differently construed, while their signification remains the same; and many vary their meaning; of both which, lists will be given at the end of the Syntax. Note 4. To this rule are referred many verbs which, among the poets chiefly, are construed with a dative, after the manner of the Greeks, but which are commonly found with the ablative and a preposition, according to Latin construction ; as verbs of 1. Contending; contendo t cento, lello, luctor, pugno alicui for cum aliquo. Solus till ctrtet Amyntas Virg. We also find Con- tendere contra or adversus aliquem Cic. Ccr tare inter se Cic. Pugnare contra or adversus Quinct. Plin. inter se Curt, in aii- quem Liv. 2. Differing ; as distare, dissentire, discrepare, dissidere, differ re rei alicui, for a re aliquot. Paulum sepultce distat inertias Celata virtus Hor. We also find distant, dissentiunt, discrepant, dissi- dent, diffirunt inier.se-~-Cic. JDistare meta .Ovid, Dissentire, dis- 201 sidert cum aliquo Cic. Differt inter opiidonem meam ei luam Cic. 3. Coming together, and mixing; as coeo, concurro, concnmlo, ml ceo: thus, Placidis cocant immitia Hor. Concurrere hosti Ovid. Conculuisse dece Propert. Mista Deo mulier Virg. in- stead of cum placidis, cum hoste, &c. We also find Coire, concur- rere, inter se Virg. and Liv. Mhcere vinum aquce, or cum aqud, or uqud, &c. 4. Keeping or driving away ; as Arcelis gravido pecori Virg. Solstitium pecori defendite Virg. But these belong to verbs of taking away, which govern two cases, and will be hereafter no- ticed. 5. Passive verbs : as Non inteUigor ulli Ovid, for al ullo. Ne- que cernitur ulli Virg. Nott 5. Verbs of calling, or exhorting ; as voco, hortor, invito, provoco, lacesso, anijno, stimulo, with specto, pertineo, attineo, con- formo, and some other verbs denoting tendency to motion, are followed by an accusative with ud : thus, Eurum ad se vocal Virg. Ad. ccenam hominem invitavit Cic. Ad arm a res spectant Cic. Provocdsse ud pugnam Cic. Me conjormo ad ejus volunlatem Cic. &c. Note 6. Verbs of local motion ; as eo, vado, curro, propero,fes- tino, pergo } fugioj also porto, fero, lego, -as, prcecipito, toilo, traho, cfwco, verto, &c. and incito, tuscito, tendo, vergo, inclino, and the like, are followed by an accusative with ad or in: as, In jus nun- quamiit Nep. Vergimurin senium Stat. Fergit ad sepiemlriones Caes.- But the poets sometimes use a dative : as, It clamor ccelo Virg. Jnferret deos Latio Virg. The verb propinquo is generally construed with the dative : as, Propinquare castris, Jbri- l:us, scopulo Virg. campis, littori, &c. Tacit. Sallust writes Propinquare amnem ; in which, ad may perhaps be understood. It is found however with an accusative, but in an active sense: as Tu rite propinques avgurium Virg. Mortem licet anna propin- quent Sil. Note 7. Verbs compounded with ad are variously construed. Some generally govern the dative only ; as assideo, assurgo, ad- versor, alicui. Plautus uses Adversariadversus sententiam Some generally have an accusative with od or in - } as accio, accurro, ad- hortor, advoco, allicio, alligo, attrahu, &c. Some have either construction ; as accedo, accido, adhceresco, adrepo, uffluo : also ac- cingo, accommodo, addo, odfero, adhibeo. adjicio, vffigo, alfido, oppono, adnato, adsto, advigilo, alludo, aspiro, &c. several of which, being active verbs, have an accusative with a dative, as will be hereafter noticed Some, the accusative, without the preposition's being repeated; as advehor, affor, alloc/uor, alluo, attono Some, the accusative with or without a preposition ; as, adeo, advetio, adven- to, aggredior, ascendo, aspicio Some, the dative, or the accusa- tive without a preposition ; as adcquito, adjacco, adno, adstrepo, 202 adsulto Some, the dative, or the accusative with or without a preposition; as Advolvi gen ibus, genua, ad genua. Thus also ao cedo, advenio, advolo, allauor, appropinquo, for which see the lists. Note 8. The verb occurro, signifying to come together, or run, is frequently followed by ad : as, Ad consilium occurrere Liv. but it is generally followed by the dative : and it has been ob- served, that, when it signifies to meet, it is not used in the first person singular, but that the English objective case is turned, in Latin, into the nominative, and the nominative into the dative : as, Meus pater mihi occurritl I met my father. Note 9. Even verbs governing two cases have a dative, by this rule : as, Accuso teilli, as well as apud ilium, or coram illo, magni sceleris, or de magno scelere. Note 10. When the passive form of an English verb is to be expressed by a Latin neuter, or deponent, the phrase must be varied : thus, I was favoured by fortune, Fortuna mihi favelat. A master ought to be loved and respected by his scholars, Dis- cipuli debent amare et revereri prceceptorem. Thus also, the neu- ter may be used in the passive voice, but impersonally ; as I am favoured, Mihifavetur. RULE XXVIII. A verb signifying actively 1 governs the accusative: as, Ama Deum, Love God. Reverere parentes, Reverence your parents. Note 1. That is, verbs transitive, whether they be active, de- ponent, or common, govern an accusative of the object to which their energy passes : as, Animum rege Hor. Agrum depopulates est Liv. Imprimis venerare Deos Virg. Note 2. Sometimes there is an ellipsis of the governing verb : as, Quid multa? Cic. i. e. dicam or loquar. Note 3. The accusative is frequently understood : as, Solus Sannio servat domi Ter. i. e. res qiue sunt domi t or res domesticas. That all verbs whose signification is active and extends to an object, do not govern the accusative, may be seen by a slight examination of the preceding rule. There is the same kind of action and of communication of action in noceo as in laedo ; and yet we say Noceo tibi, and Lcedo te. We may also say Tu laderis, in which the pronoun following the active voice, becomes the nomina- tive ; but we cannot say Tu nocms, (but nocetur tibi,} because noceo, though a verb of an active signification, is considered in regard to government as neuter. I am aware, that, in the dictionaries, noceo is denominated active, in reference both to its signification and government ; and that there are a few instances in which it seems to be used passively ; but, its true syntactical character is neuter, and, as such, it cannot be used passively, but in the third person singular, and that impersonally, the object of its active signification still remaining in the dative, instead of becoming a nominative, as happens after the passive tenses of active transitive verbs. It is needless to observe, that such active intransi- tive verbs as eo, venio, curro, &c. signify actively ; but, that, as their action is limited to the subject or agent, they are necessarily precluded from governing an accusative. 203 Cumfadam vituld* Virg. i. e. sacra.. Nox pr&cipitat Virg* i.e. se. Eolavatum Hor. i. e. me. The accusative of the pronoun is frequently understood to many verbs, which, on this account, have been named absolute, or have been, without sufficient rea- son, considered as intransitive ; such as abstineo, celero, dedino, and many others, which will be noticed, at the end of Syntax, after the list of verbs construed actively andneuterly . Note 4. The infinitive, or a sentence, sometimes supplies the place of the accusative : as, Reddes dulce loqui Hor. i. e. dulcem sermonem. Fed e servo libcrtus ut esses mihi Ter. i. e. te liber- turn. Vereor ne a doctis reprehendar Cic. i. e. doctorum repre- hensionem. Note 5. Some active verbs are variously construed : as, Colerc, incolere, habitare locum, and in loco ; Confiteri crimen, and de cri- mine Cic. Intueri aliquem, and in aliquem Cic. Respicere, spec- tare , visere, revisere aliquem, and ad aliquem. Declmare locum, and a loco. In some of these constructions, the active verb either imitates the nature of the neuter verb, or has se, or some similar word, understood to it. OF NEUTER OB ABSOLUTE VERBS. Note 6. Neuter verbs admit after them an accusative of their own or a kindred signification : as, Vitam vivere Plaut. Fu- rerejurorem Virg. Noxam nocuerunt Liv. Servitutem serviat Plaut. This phraseology seeqps of Greek origin, for the last ex- ample is equivalent to the Greek foXe&fy flsAe/av. It is also com- mon in English : as, to live a life. Thus also, Ire viam Virg. Somnum humanum quievi Apul. When taken in a metaphorical or active sense, they have sometimes an accusative : as, Corydon ardebat Alexin Virg. i. e. ardenter vel vehementer amabat. Nee vox hominem sonat Virg. i. e. nor does the voice bespeak or show the person to be the man. Thus also ; Olet hircum Hor, Abo- lere maculam Justin. Morientem nomine clamat Virg. Omnes una manet nox Hor. i. e. awaits. Note 7. Instead of the foregoing accusatives, an ablative is fre- quently subjoined : as, Ire nostris ilineribus Cic. Morte obiit repentina. Ludere alea Hor. These are governed by a prepo- sition understood. Note 8. The poets use the neuter gender of adjectives, cither 1 The accusative after certain active verbs, generally when they are used in some figurative sense, is governed, not by the verb, but by some preposition understood, the accusative which is the real object of the verb, being under- stood ; thus Ferire, icerc, percutere fasdus, is put for Ferire, iccre, $c. porcum ad sanciendum fcedus. Conserere pr&lium, for Conserere manum ad prcelium faciendum. Plangere funera, damna, for Plangere lacertos or pcctus ad funera, ad damna. In English, too, we say, To strike a bargain ; but there is little doubt, that, here, the bargain is not the real object of the action contained in the verb strike, but that this is, in some way, or from some custom, an indica- tion of a bargain's being agreed upon. 204 singular or plural, adverbially or instead of adverbs : as, repente clamatVirg. for torve. Et pede terrain Crebra Jerit Virg. for crebrb. This use of the neuter gender after neuter verbs or their participles is almost peculiar to the poets ; but Ta- citus writes, Tiberius torvus aut falsum renidens vultu Ann. iv. 60. 3. The following from Horace is quoted as an instance of a neuter gender used adverbially after the participle of a verb hav- ing an active signification ; Lalagen amabo dulce loquentem ; i. e. sweetly ; in which, however, dulce, having some substantive un- derstood to it, may, perhaps, be governed by loquentem ; but this renders the meaning somewhat different from what it is if dulce be considered as used for dulciter, and as qualifying the participle. Note 9. The accusatives hoc, id, quid, aliquid, quicquid, nihil y idem, illud, tantum, quantum, multa, pauca, alia, ccetera, omnia, are often subjoined to neuter verbs, circa, ob, propter, orsecundum (or Kara,) being understood : as, Num id lacrumat virgo ? Ter. Scto quid erres Plaut. Quicquid delirant reges, plectuntur Achi- oi Hor. Illud cave dubites Cic. Other accusatives may be found after such verbs as abnuo tt fastidio, horreo, ardeo, caleo, tepeo, la- tro, sibilo,palleo,paveo,tremo, trepido,pereo, depereo, doleo,gemo, fao,ploro, lacrymo, ambulo, curro, eo, procedo, vado, venio,juro, vigilo, dormio, nato, navigo, equito, &c, but they are governed by some preposition understood. Such constructions as the follow- ing are to be referred to the licentia poetica, or to an imitation of it : Via ambulatur, nai-igatur mar?, Bellum hoc tibi militabitur Hor. Pugna pugnata Cic. Dormitur hyems Mart. Vivitur cetas 1 Ovid. &c. Note 10. Certain verbs, which in their simple form are intransi- tive, govern an accusative, through the preposition with which they are compounded : as, Adeopatrem ; Villain prater eo Ter. Flumen prceterfluit muros *Liv. Evaditque celer ripam irremeabi- lis undce Virg. Excedere modum. It is true that e and ex go- vern the ablative ; but it is supposed that they are put for extra : as prce, which also governs the ablative, is for prceter, in Volucrem fuga prcevertitur HebrumVirg. Vado likewise, when compound- ed with in, becomes transitive : as, Vitam hominum invasisse Cic. Cicero has also repeated the preposition : as, In mult as pe- cunias invasit. Various verbs of motion are influenced in like manner 2 . In all the preceding remarks concerning the accu- sative, it is a fundamental rule, that every accusative must be go^ verned by a transitive verb, or a verb used transitively, or by a preposition, if not expressed, at least, understood. The same remark is applicable to adjectives, or participles, in regard to an 1 In Sed maximam partem lacte atque pecore vivuntCses. there is evidently an ellipsis of quod ad, or *a-ra. tt A similar thing occurs in English ; as go, intransitive j undergo, transitive j eome, intransitive j overcome, transitive, &c. 205 ellipsis of a preposition in such constructions as Crinem soluta- Virg. i. e. secundum. Humeros amictus Hor. i. e. circa. RULE XXIX. Recorder, memini^ reminiscor, and oblivis- cor, govern the accusative or genitive : as, Recorder lectionem vel lectionis, I remember the lesson. Obliviscor injuriam vel infurus 9 I forget an injury. Note 1. That is, the above-mentioned verbs, denoting remem- brance andforgetfulness, are followed by a genitive or an accusa- tive: as, Meminisse labor urn Virg. Numeros memini Virg. Me- mineram Pauttum Cic. Although it be evident by the last quo- tation, that memini may govern the accusative of the person, contrary to the opinion of Vossius, who, in his smaller grammar, asserts, that we can say only Memini Ciceronis, not Ciceroncm ; yet it is better to say Memento mei, nostri, than me, nos ; and also Oblitus ne sis nostri, than nos. Obl'misci injtirias Cic. Est proprium stultitice aliorum vitia cernere, oblivisci suorum-Clc. c. Note 2. Memini, when it signifies to make mention, is followed by a genitive, or de : as, Neque omnino hujus rei usquam meminit poeta Quinct. Achillas, cuj us supra meminimus Cses. De qui- bits multi meminerunt Quinct. Recorder, when it signifies to .make mention, is, perhaps, construed with an accusative only : as, Externa libentias in tali re, quam domestica recordor Cic. Note 3. Recordor and memini, denoting memoria teneo (I re- member), are sometimes construed with de : as, Tu si meliore .memoria cs, velim scire ecquid de te recordereCic. De Planco memini -'Cic. Note 4. The phrase Venit mild in mentem, denoting remember- ing, is variously construed : as, Venit miki in mentem htzc res, hujus rei, de hac re. Mihi veniebat in mentem ejus incommodum Ter. Mihi solet venire in mentem illius te.*>poris Cic. In mentem venit de speculo Plaut. Note 5. All these may be construed with the infinitive or a part of the sentence, instead of the respective cases : as, Virgi- ncm memini videre Ter. Memini Antiochum sententia destitisse Cic. Nee venit in mentem quorum consederis arms Virg. Or with an ablative with or without a preposition : as, Si cum animis ves- tris recordari C. Staleni vitam et naturam volucritis Cic. Facile memoria memini Plaut. Note 6. The nature of this construction is variously explained by grammarians. Some contend, that, when recordor, memini, and rerniniscor are followed by a genitive, this is governed by me- moriam or recordationem understood ; and that to Venit in men- tern, memoria or recordatio is understood. Others contend that quod ad negotium, or in negotio, is understood to all. In regard to the accusative, they say, that, as these verbs are neuter, ( Pe- rizonius is inclined to let memini pass as active, in certain exprcs- 206 felons,) this case must be governed by ad, quod ad, xara under- stood. It has been doubted by some, whether the correspond- ing English verbs, / forget, I remember, with many others de- noting mental operations, as / hear, I see, I feel, 1 understand, be active transitive verbs or not. This may be more a metaphysi- cal than a grammatical question. That these verbs admit an ac- cusative after them in Latin, English, and in other languages, is well ascertained ; and, therefore, although in all of these ope- rations the mind may not be active, but passive, and it may be difficult to point out what passes from the agent to the object j yet, in a grammatical point of view, there can be little impro- priety in considering them as active transitive, and in asserting that the accusative following them is governed by them. In speaking of such English verbs, it is observed by Dr. Crombie, (Etymol. and Synt. of the Eng. Lang. 2d Ed. p. 118,) that, if the point in question be metaphysically considered, it would be easy to demonstrate, that, though in sensation the mind be pas- sive, in perception it is active. ACTIVE VERBS GOVERNING ANOTHER CASE TOGETHER WITH THE ACCUSATIVE. RULE XXX. Verbs of accusing, condemning, and ac- quitting, with the accusative of the person govern also the genitive of the crime : as, Arguit mefurti) He accuses me of theft. Meipsum inertia condemno., I condemn myself of lazi- ness. Ilium homicidii absolvunt. They acquit him of man- slaughter. Note 1 . These verb", govern the accusative, according to Rule XXVIII, and are followed by a genitive of the crime or punish- ment. The former has been named their Direct Regimen ; the latter, their Indirect. To the rule belong verbs of Accusing ; accuso, ago, appello, arcesso, anquiro, arguo, coar- guo, capto, increpo, increpito, urgeo, incuso, insimulo, interrogo, postulo, alligo, astringo, defero, compello . as, Qui allerum incusat probri, eum ipsum se inlueri oporiet Plant. Cum capitis anqui- tissent Liv. Dolabellam repetundarum postulavit Suet. &c. Acquitting; absolvo, libero, purgo, to which perhaps soluo may be added : as, Judex absoluit eum injuriarum Auct. ad Herenn. Liberavit ejus culpce regem Liv. Me omnium purgnvi Apul. Hanc tetram immanemque belluam. . . . solvit subito tegum consul -Cic. Cum J am u Us operum salutisHor. Condemning ; damno, condemno, infamo, noto, to which may be added, convinco, prehendo, deprehendo,judico, plector: as, Scelerls condemnat generum suum Cic. Vatem scelcris damnare Ovid. 207 Te convinco inhumanitatis~~Cic. Perduellionis sejiidicare C* Ful- vio dixit Liv. To these may be added such constructions as Quern ego capitis perdam Plant. Castigat se ipsum dementice Lactant. Me capitis periclitatum memini Apul. Note 2. The genitive of the crime may be put in the ablative with de, chiefly after accuso, arguo, defero, postulo, appello, absol- vo, damno, condemno, purgo : as, Accusare de negligentia Cic. De eo crimine quo de arguatur Cic. Qui de perduellione anquire- rent Liv. De proditione appellalus Liv. In is sometimes found : as, In quo te accuso Cic. j and a or al after libero : as, A scelere liberati sumus Cic. Note 3. The crime or punishment is sometimes put in the ab- lative without a preposition's being expressed, after absolvo, li- bero, damno, condemno, &c. : as, Consulem regni suspicions absol- verent Liv. Nemo sapientiam pauper tate damnavit Senec. Dam- nalis tu votis Virg. also voti Nep. Liv. To the preceding verbs may be added, accuso, alligo, anquiro, appello, arcesso, ar- guo, arripio, astringo, compello, -as, insimulo, multo, noto, obligo, obstringo, postulo, teneor. Crimen quo argui posset Nep. Hoc crimine compellabatur Nep. Teneri pcend Cic. &c. Note 4. Accuso, incuso, insimulo, sometimes take two accusa- tives : as, Si id me non accums Plaut. Qua? me incusaveras Ter. Sic me insimulare falsum facinus^ Plaut. One of these ac- cusatives, which is generally id, illud, quod, or the like, is go- verned by circa or quod ad understood. Note 5. The nouns crimen and caput are either put in the ge- nitive, or in the ablative generally without a preposition : as, Ho- minem tantorum criminum postuldsset*Apul. An cornmotce cri- mine mentis absolves kominem Hor. Capitis damnatus est Suet. Nee ob earn rem capite damnarer Cic. Capite plectere or punire, not capitis ; also Capite anquiri, damnari, plecti, without a pre- position. Argui de crimine is attributed to Cicero, but such words as crimen and scelus, being general, that is, not referring to any specific crime, are used without a preposition. Multo is con- strued with an ablative, the preposition being always omitted : as, Multare pasna, pecunid, &c. l Note 6. The genitive, strictly speaking, is not governed by the verbs mentioned in this rule, but by some ablative understood, such as poem, crimine, scelere, peccato, actione, multd f nomine, re, 1 Valla and others say that thee words, altero, neutro, utro, utroque, ambo- bus (to which Linacer adds superlatives, and some other words, as nullo, aho, omnibus) ought to be used in the ablative only : thus, Teneturne sacrilegii, an furti, an utroque, vel ambobus, vel neutro ? Also Accusesne huncfurti, an sacri- legii, an ince&ti, an omnibus, vel, an nullo, vel, an maxima ex us ; and not utri- itsque, amborum, omnium, &c. The Eton Grammar has a similar observation, borrowed, probably, from Linacer or Lily ; but, since neither is supported by examples from the writings of the antients, they are entitled to little consider- ation. 208 causa, ergij : as, Accuso te (crimine) furti. And these, or other ablatives, are governed by de or in, expressed or understood. Note 7. The following verbs of accusing, c. are not construed with the genitive, calumnior, carpo, corripio, criminor, culpo, cx- cuso, mulcto, punio, reprehendo, sugillo, taxo, traduco, vitupero : as, Potentiam alicujus invidiose criminari Cic. Also, Excuso tibi tardilatem meam, Multo te exsilio, and not Excuso me tiii tardita- tis, Multo le exsiiii. This construction is found even with some of the verbs which have a genitive or ablative : as, Ejus avaritiam perfidiamque accusarat Nep. Ago tecum furti, injuriarum, and not Ago te furti, injuriarum, is a peculiar mode of expression. Note 8. Where there is a variety of constructions, authority is the only criterion. It may, however, be better to say Increpare alicujus avaritiam, Nolare incuriam alicujus, Castigare suam demen- ti am, than Increpare aliquem avaritice Suet. Notare aliquem in- cur ice Gell. Castigare se dementice Lactant. Liber are aliquem culpd, Purgare se apud aliquem, vel alicui de re aliqud, may be better than Liberare aliquem culpce Liv. Purgare dicti factique hostilis civitatem Liv. It is to be observed also that Urgeri male administrates provincicB, Interrogari facti alicujus, Infamari temeritatis, Plecti falsce insimuLutionis, Perdi capitis, Captare im- pudicilicE; Qamnatus Longi laboris, although they may be found in their respective authors, Tacitus, Seneca, Apuleius, Plautus, &c., are by no means to be imitated. VERBS OF ADMONISHING. Note 9. Under this rule, (or Rule XXXII,) may be mentioned, moneo, admoneo, commoneo, commonefacio, which with the accu- sative of a person take the genitive of the thing : as, Grammati~ cos officii sui commonemus Quinct. Note 10. Instead of the genitive, they sometimes take an ab- lative with de : as, De quovos admonuiCic. Note 11. They have sometimes two accusatives: as, Sed eoi hoc moneo Cic. Passively, the latter: as, Afulta in extis admone- mur Cic. One of these is generally a pronoun, as hoc, id, quod, &c. or some word referring to number or quantity, as unum, duo, trio,, multa, nihil, nonnihil. Ovid, however, writes, At virgo scit se non falsa montri Met. x. 427. The accusative of the thing is governed by some preposition urderstood, as, quod ad, or the like. To verbs having this construction some add hortor and cohortor : as, Quod tejamdudum hortor Cic. Pauca pro temp ore milites hortalus Sail. But these two are much more frequently construed with ad : as, Hortor te ad virtutem, Cohortor ad pacem. Note 12. The genitive of the thing after verbs of advising is supposed to be governed by causd, or in re, or negotio. Note 13. These verbs are construed with the infinitive, or the 209 subjunctive with ut or ne : as, Pietas erga parentes officium con- servare monet Cic. Sed te illud moneo, ut te ante compares, quo- tidieque meditere, resistendum esse iracundice Cic. Immortalia ne speres, monet annus Hor. RULE XXXI. Verbs of comparing, giving, declaring, and taking away, govern the dative with the accusative : as, Comparo Virgilium Homero, I compare Virgil to Homer. Suum cuique tribuito. Give every man his own. Narras fabulam surdo^ You tell a story to a deaf man. Eripuit me morti, He rescued me from death. Note 1. That is, verbs signifying comparison, acquisition, or giving, loss, or taking away, refusal, application, information, and the like, in addition to their direct regimen of the accusa- tive, govern also the dative ; thus verbs of Comparing ; comparo, compono, confero, cequo, cequipa.ro ; also verbs of Preferring or Postponing; antepono, antej'ero, prcepono, prcefero-j postpono,posthabeo,postfero,&c.: as, Parvis componere magna Virg. Posthabui tamen illorum mea seria ludo Virg. Giving ; do, tribuo, largior, pratbeo, minislro, suggero, suppedi' to ; also verbs of Restoring ; as, reddo, restituo, retribuo, rependo, remetior ; of Acquiring ; qucero, acquiro, paro, pario ; of Promis- ing ; promitto, polliceor, recipio, spondeo ; also debeo, solvo, assero, vindico, mitto, relinquo, and innumerable others ; thus, Amorique nostro plusculum etiam, quam concedet veritas, largiare Cic. Quce tibi promitto Cic. &c. Declaring; narro, dico, memoro, loquor, nuncio, refero, declaro, aperio, expono, explico, significo, indico, monstro, ostendo, &c. ; of Denying ; nego, inficior ; of Confessing ; fateor, confiteor, &c. : as, Postquam diem operi dixerat Cic. Neget quis carmina Gallo Virg. Taking away ; aufero, adimo, eripio, eximo, demo, surripio, de- traho, excutio, extorqueo, &c. : as, Mea miki ademerunt Cic. , To these may be added a great number of active verbs com- pounded with ad, in, ob, prce, sub ; as addo, adfero, adjicio, ad- jungo, infigo, injungo, inscribo, insero, irrogo, oppono, offero, of- fundo, objicio, prcecludo, prceffcio, prceparo, prceseribo, subdo, sub" jugo, submitto, suppono. In short, most active verbs may govern the dative with the accusative, when together with the thing done, is also expressed the object to or for which it is done : as, Facto tibi injuriam. Doce mihi filium. Miscere alicui mulsum Cic. Note 2. The accusative is sometimes suppressed : as, Ignoscere ' alteri j i. e. culpam or delictum. Detrahere alicui -, i. e. laudcm. Nubere alicui ; i. e. perhaps, se or vultum. Note 3. Comparo, compono, and confero, are often found with cum and an ablative : as, Ut hominem cum homine comparetis P 210 Cic. Dicta cumfactis lomponere Sail. Conferte hanc pacem cum iilo bello Cic. We also find Comparare res inter se Cic. Ne comparandus hie quidem ad ilium est Ter. This last construc- tion is said to be used, when there is 720 comparison between the objects, when the difference between them is very great ; in any other case, illi or cum illo. frote 4. Verbs of Taking away, instead of the dative, have often the ablative, with a, ab, de, e, ex : as, Auferre ab aliquo triginta minas Ter. Eripite nos ex miseriis Cic. De magnis divitiis si quid demas Plaut. The preposition is sometimes suppressed : as, Sudque eripere cede Deam Ovid. Vagindque eripit ensem Virg. The following verbs have commonly an ablative, and ge- nerally with the preposition expressed ; abduco, deduco, decutio, deripioy detraho, eximo, extraho ,- also segrego, sejuugo, sepono, se- moveo, removeo, submoveo. "Note 5. Many verbs vary their construction : as, Afflare alicui venenum Auct. ad Herenn. aliquem veneno Virg. Ovid. As- pergere lalem alicui Cic. aliquem lab e Cic. Donare alicui rem Hor. aliquem re Cic. Induere sibi vestem Cic. se veste Cic. Intercludere alicui commeatum Plaut. aliquem commeatu Caes. Prohibere alicui rem Plaut. aliquem re Cic. Committere se alicui Cic. in Jidem alicujus ler. aliquem cum aliquo Tac. omnes inter se Suet. Imponere onus alicui Cic. in aliquem Plaut. Accingere se operi, and ad opus Virg. Liv. Admovere tur- res muro Liv. aliquid ad corpus Cic. Adscribere aliquem civi- tati, in dvitatem, et civitate Cic. Assumere aliquid sibi Cic. aliquem in societatem Liv. Mittere^ scribere, epistolam alicui, or ad aliquem. Imprimere aliquid animo, in animum, in animo. In- cider e teri, in ccs, in cere. Intendere telum alicui, et in aliquem. Rescribcre literis and ad lileraswith innumerable others. RULE XXXII. Verbs of asking and teaching admit two accusatives, the first of a person, and the second of a thing: as, Posce Deum veniam, Beg pardon of God. Docnit me grammaticam, He taught me grammar. Note 1. To this rule are generally referred, Celo : as ; Celo te hanc rem Ter. Verbs of Asking or Entreating ; as rogo, interrogo, oro, exoro, olsecro, precor, percontor, posco, reposco, Jlagilo : thus, Rogo nummos Mart. Te hoc obsecratCic. Horace construes laces in this sense, with two accusatives : as, Nikil wtora deos lacessc Car. II. 18. 11. Verbs of Teaching ; as, doceo, edoceo, dedoceo, erudio : thus, Te liter as doceam Cic. Te leges prceceptaque erudiit Stat. Dai nosasque (eum) erud.it artes Ovid. This last is a poetical con- struction. To these have been commonly added verbs of Arraying ; 211 vestio, induo, cingo, accingo -, but, although the poets may write Induilur vestem, Quidlilet indutus, Cingiturferrum, and the like, it is not to be thence inferred that Induii se vestem, Cingit sefer- rum are correct. Such verbs have generally the ablative of the thing without a preposition. Exuo and induo have frequently the accusative of a thing and the dative of a person. Note 2. The construction of the preceding verbs is often va- ried : as, Id Alcibiadi celari non potuit Nep. Bassus noster me de hoc libro celavit Cic. Note 3. Verbs of Asking often change the accusative of the person into the ablative with a, ab, or als : as, Non delelam abs te has literas poscere Cic. Veniam oremus ab ipso Virg. Peto, exigo, qucero, scitor, sciscitor are always followed by a pre- position : as, A te peto Cic. Gradere et scitabere ab ipso Ovid. Percontor, qucero, scitor, sciscitor are generally construed with ex : as, Epicuri ex Velleio sciscitabar sententiam Cic. Also, Qucero de te, for als or ex te Liv. Peto als te, never ex te. Note 4. Verbs of Teaching frequently change the accusative of the thing into the ablative with de : as, De itinere hostium se- natum edocet Sail. This is the case, chiefly when they denote to warn, or to give information of. We also find Doctus ad legem Cic. Erudire ad modestiam Cic. Erudire alicjuem in jure civili Cic. Doctus, eruditus, literis Greeds Cic. ; but, scarcely, if ever, Doceo te de grammaticd. Note 5. Instruo, formo, instituo, informo aliquem artibus, are generally used without a preposition. We also find In hoc sit in- structus Quinct. and Instruere ignorantiam alicujus Plin. Insti- tuere aliquem ad lectionem Quinct. ad turpitudines Cic. artem aliquam Cic. Also, Formare ad studium Virg. meniem studiis Hor. studia alicujus Quinct. Imbuo aliquem artibus vel prceceptis ; seldom in or ab artibus. Note 6. Other verbs are sometimes found with two accusatives : as, Argentum, quod hales, condonamus te Ter. Scin* quid ego te volelam Ter. Many verbs are sometimes used in this way, such as cogo, circumduco, defraudo, eludo, emungo, interverto,juvo, ad- juvo, adjuto, oljurgo, remitto ; and it is observed, that the accusa- tive of the thing is generally some pronoun, or word of number or quantity ; thus, Quid non mortalia pectora cogis ? Virg. Id, amalo, adjuta me ler. Multa prius de salute sud Pomtinum ol- leto/iw Sail. Note 7. Many verbs may be found with two accusatives refer- ring to the same object : as, Praesla. te vlrum Cic. Africam Grceci Libyam appellavere Plin. Petit hanc Saturnia munus- Ovid. Many such constructions may be referred to apposition, or to an ellipsis of ewe. Note S. The accusative of the thing, in this Rule, is not, strictly speaking, governed by the verb, but by ad, quod ad, secundum, P 2 212 circa, ob, understood : thus in Rogare patrem veniam, veniam may be governed by ad, circa, or propter. Also, Objurgabat hcec me pater ; \. e. ob hcec. In such expressions as Si quid me. voles, Qute te aliquidjuleant, we may suppose either a similar ellipsis, or that oi'facere. Thus also, Doceo te (quod ad) literas, or, per- haps, scire literas. In such expressions as Trajicit Jluvium exer- citum, it is evident that the one accusative is governed by trans in composition. The third accusative in Objurgare hcec me nodes et dies Plaut. is evidently governed by per understood. RULE XXXIII. The passives of such active verbs as govern two cases, do still retain the last of them : as, Accusor furti, I am accused of theft. Virgilius comparatur Homero, Virgil is compared to Homer. Doceor grammaticam, I am taught grammar. Note 1. That is, The passives of verbs of Accusing, Condemning, and Acquit- ting, retain the genitive or ablative : as, Damnatus est ambitus Cic. Ausoluti sunt majestatis Cic. Arguimur crimine pigritice Mart. The passives of verbs of Admonishing likewise retain the genitive, sometimes the accusative : as, Commonefiat sceleris Cic. Multa in extis monemur Cic. The passives of verbs of Comparing, Giving, Declaring, and Taking away, retain the dative : as, Parva magnis conferuntur Cic. Res nunciatur hostibus Cses. Eripitur nobis puella Pro- pert. Celor, and the passives of verbs of Asking and Teaching, re- tain the accusative of the thing : as, Nosne hoc celaios tarn diu ? Ter. Celor, the dative too : as, Id Alcibiadi celari non potuit Nep. Is rogatus est senientiam Liv. Segetes alimentaque debita dives poscelatur humus Ovid. Motus doceri gaudet lonicos matura virgoHor. All these accusatives are governed byquodad (xar understood. Verbs passive of Clothing, such as induor, amicior, cingor, ac- cingor j also exuor, discingor, and their participles, although their actives do not govern two accusatives, have often, according to the poets, an accusative of the thing put on, but with others an ablative : as, Induitur faciem cultumque Diance Ovid. Non canas vestita nives Claudian. Sometimes also an accusative of the thing covered : as, Pinuque caput prcecinctus acutd Ovid. Veste Aralicd induitur Curt. Cingitur gladio Liv. Exutus omnibus fortunis Tac. Vrlor, tegor, calceor, coronor, spolior, are generally construed with the ablative. In all these the accusative is governed by ad, quod ad, or per, understood ; the ablative, by cum. In the same manner are to be explained, Magnam partem in his occupati sunt. Cic. Omnia Mercurio similis vocemque, &c. Virg. Expleri mcntem n^tti/- Virg. Nodoque sinus collecta 213 Jluentes Virg. ; with many other similar instances found among the poets chiefly ! . Note 2. It deserves observation, that, in conformity with this rule, whatever is the accusative after the active verb, must be the nominative to it in the passive voice; thus, Tibi librum do; Tibi liber datur. Narras jabulam surdo ; Surdo falula narratur, Ca- pitis eum condemndrunt ; Capitis itle est condemnatus. Pateram vino implevit ; Vino patera est implela. And where there are two accusatives, that of the person becomes the nominative : thus, Pueros grammaticam docebat ; Pueri docebantur grammaticam. On the subject of this rule, I am indebted to the critical dis- cernment of the friend to whom this little work is dedicated, for the following observations. " The rule of lluddiman (he ob- serves) is extremely vague. It contains no precise information ; nor have I seen any Grammar, in which the principle seems rightly understood, or clearly elucidated. In respect, indeed, to the phraseologies, which maybe comprehended under this, or a more correct rule, there are few modern Latin writers who are not chargeable with repeated violations of that usage, which Cicero, Caesar, and Livy uniformly adopt. Thus we read Ut equidem per- suasus sim Xenoph. Mem. Leunclav. p. 729. Me persuaso Eurip. Phceniss. King, p. 464. Persuasus vales mendacia locutus sit Oed. Tyr. Johnson, p. 534. Hoc mirum videtur, persuaderi cjuosdam potuisse Xenoph. Mem. c. 11, 1, Simpson 8 . These and similar incorrect expressions might have been avoided, had the writers attended to this simple rule, That whatever is put in the accusative case after the verb, must be the nominative to it in the passive voice, while the other case is retained under the go- vernment of the verb, and cannot become its nominative, Thus, * I persuade you to this or of this,' Persuadeo hoc tibi. Here, the person persuaded is expressed in the dative case, and cannot, therefore, be the nominative to the passive verb. We must, there- fore, say Hoc till persuadetur, * You are persuaded of this ;' not Tu persuaderis. Thus also Caesar. His persuaderi, ut diutius mo- rarentur, non poterat. * He trusted me with this affair,' or l He believed me in this,' Hoc mihi credidit. Passively, Hoc mihi ere- ditum est. ' I told you this,' Hoc tibi dixi. * You were told this,' Hoc tibi dictum est 3 , not Tu dictus es. Is then the phraseology 1 This rule is applicable also to the passives of verbs of Valuing, which re- tain the genitives magni, parvi, nihili, &c. To the passives of verbs of Filling, Loading, Binding, Depriving, &c. which retain the ablative. All these are to be noticed hereafter. * To the examples here adduced may be added, Si persuasus auditor fuerit Auct. ad Herenn. ], 6. NUiil erat difficile persuader? pcrsuasis mori Jus- tin. II, 11. Jamdudum persuasus erit Ovid. Art. Ill- 679. 3 I may be permitted to observe, in addition to the remarks with which I have been favoured by this ingenious critic, that it is the more necessary to at- tend to this rule, and to these distinctions, as the idioms of the two languages do not always concur. Thus, Hoc tibi dictum est means not only " This was told to you," but " You were told this." Liber mihi a patre promissus est means Tu dictus cs inadmissible ? Certainly not : but, when this expres- sion is employed, tu denotes the subject of discourse, or the per- son of whom, not the person to whom, information is given. Thus, Ille dicitur esse vir sapiens. Here, ille is the subject spoken of, not the person to whom any thing is told. Thus also Credo tibi, ' I believe you,' that is, I give credit to what you say, in which sense we must say in the passive voice, Tibi creditur, and not Tu credcris ; for the latter of these two expressions would imply not that credit is given to the words f the person, but that he is the object or the subject of belief. In short, it is to be remembered that nothing but that, which is in the accusative after the active verb, whether denoting a person or a thing, can be the nominative to the verb in the passive voice. Hence it is, that, if a verb does not govern the accusative in the active voice, it can have no passive, unless impersonally ; thus we say Resisto tibi, and cannot, there- fore, say Tu resisteris, but Tibi resistitur. It is to be observed, however, that the poets have frequently transgressed this rule. Thus Virgil, speaking of Cassandra, says Credita Teucris y where Cassandra denoting the person believed, or to whom credit is given, and which, after the active verb, would be put in the da- tive case, is made the nominative to the verb in the passive voice. If we consult, however, the purest models of Latin prose, Cicero and Caesar, or Livy and Sallust, we shall never find this phrase- ology. Nor is the rule here given, and to which the practice of the best prose writers is strictly conformable, the mere result of arbitrary usage. It contributes to perspicuity. If Ego credor be employed to signify, not only that I, as a person speaking, am believed, but also, as a person spoken of, obscurity or ambiguity must frequently follow. 1 have observed also, that no verb can be regularly used in the passive voice, unless it govern the ac- cusative in the active voice. The practice of the purest Classics justifies this observation. The poets are less scrupulous. Thus, Horace says Bactra regnata Cyro, where the verb regno, which does not govern the accusative case in the active voice, admits a nominative as a regular passive verb. Thus also Gentes regnan- lur Tac. The best prose writers never employ this phraseology." RULE XXXIV. The price of a thing is put in the ab- lative, with any verb : as, Em i librum duobus assibus^ I bought a book for two shillings. Vendidit hie auro patriam, This man solcj his country for gold. Demosthenes docuit talento, Demosthenes taught for a talent. both, " A book was promised (to) me by my father," and " I was promised a book." Is primum rogalus est sentcntiam, " He was first asked for his opi- nion," and " An opinion was first asked of him," in which last the accusative of the person becomes, in Latin, the nominative in the passive voice. Note 1. That is, not only verbs which plainly denote Buying or Selling, but those likewise which refer thereto, are followed by an ablative : as, Viginti talentis unam orationem Isocrates ven- didit Plin. Non emam vitiosd mice Plaut. Piscines cedijican- tur magno Varro. Multo sanguine et vtdneribus ea Pcenis victo- ria stetit Liv. Note 2. The verb valeo, when it refers to Price, has generally the ablative ; as Ita ut scrupulum valeret sestertiis vicenis Plin. It is seldom found with an accusative ; Denarii dicti f quod denos ceris valebant ; quinarii quod quinos Varro. Note 3. Magno, permagno, parvo, paululo, minimo, plurimo, are often found without their substantive : as, Frumentum suum quam plurimo venditurus Cic. To these are added plure, vili, nimio : as, Plure venit Cic. To all these pretio, are, or the like, is understood. It is sometimes expressed: as, Vendere aliquid parvo pretio Cic. ' Note 4. The ablative is not, strictly speaking, governed by the verb, but by pro understood : as, Dum pro argenteis decemaureus units valeret Liv. Emere ad viginti minas, Ad earn summam erne- re, Ad earn summam ojferre, are mentioned by Johnson, who at- tributes the first two to Cicero. RULE XXXV. These genitives, tanti, quanti, pluris, minoris, are excepted : as, Qitanti constitit ? How much cost it ? Asse ct pluris, A shilling and more. Note 1. This is merely an exception to the preceding rule. To the above-mentioned genitives may be added their compounds quanticunque, quantiquanti, tantidem, and also majoris : as, Non concupisces ad libertatem quanticunque pervenire Senec. Multo majoris atapce mecum veneunt Pha?dr. Note 2. If the substantive be expressed, these words must be put in the ablative: as, Authepsa ilia quam tanto pretio mercatus est Cic. Pretio minore redimendi captivos copia Liv. This re- mark does not refer to tantidem, which has no ablative. There is a distinction between Emi equum magno or parvo pretio and Emi equum magni or parvi pretii, the former denoting the price of the horse, the latter his intrinsic or real worth. 1 To these ablatives some grammarians add multo, pauco, dimidio, duplo, paulo, maximo, and immenso ; but they are without authorities. In the fol- lowing instances, Multo minoris vendidit fjudm tu Cic. and AmbtdaLiuncida props dimidio minoris conslabit isto loco Cic., multo and dimidio are the ab- latives of detect, rather than of price. Curo cmpta, attributed to Quiuctilian, is a doubtful reading, care being most probably the word intended. But Diomedes does not hesitate to consider cnro andvtft as adverbs of valuing. Horace writes I.uscinias solid impetiso prandcrc coemptas-~" Sat< ii. 3. 1'45. arc being understood. 216 Note 3. To the genitives magni, pluris, tanti, quanti, &c. eeris pretio or pondere, or, inversely, pretii or ponderis cere, is said to be understood. RULE XXXVI. Verbs of Valuing, besides the accusa- tive which they govern, admit such genitives as these magni) parvi, nihili : as, JEstimo te magni, I value you much. Note 1. That is, verbs of Valuing admit after them, besides tanti, quanti, pluris, minoris, the following also, magni, parvi, maxi- mi, minimi, pluriwi, with assis, nihili, nauci, Jlocci, pili, teruncii, hujus, pensi. Note 2. The verbs of Valuing are cestimo, existimo, duco, facto, hdbeo, pendo, puto, taxo, to which may be added sum and jio, taken for astimor, which are followed by the genitive of value, but which do not take the accusative : as, Magni cestimabat pecu- niam Cic. Quis Carthaginiensium pluris fuit Annibale consilio Cic. Ut quanti quisque se ipsefaciat, tanti Jiat ab amicis Cic. It is to be observed, that pili, teruncii, and hujus are con- strued wiihfacio only ; nauci, with facio and habeo ; assis, with facio and cestimo ; nihili, with facio and pendo; Jlocci, with facio, pendo, and existimo. Pensi is generally preceded by non, neque, or nihil : as, Neque id quibus modis assequeretur , quidquam pensi habebat Sail. Nee pensi duxerat Val. Max. Note 3. To this rule may be referred the phrases sEqiii bonique Jacio, or JEqui boni Jacio, and ' Boni consulo: as, Isthuc cequi bo- nique facio Ter. Hoc munus, rogo, boni considas Senec. Note 4. JEstimo sometimes takes these ablatives, maguo, per- magno, parvo, nihilo, nonnihilo : as, Data magno cestimas, accepta parvo Senec. Quia sit nonnihilo (Bstimandum Cic. Note 6. The substantive understood to the adjectives magni , parvi, &c. is pretii, ceris, ponderis, momenti, or the Jike ; and the construction may be thus supplied : JEstimo te magni, i. e. esse hominem ma^ni pretii, or pro nomine magni pretii. JEstimat pe- cuniamparvi, i. e. esse rem parvi momenti, or pro re parvi momenti. In like manner, Isthuc cequi bonique facio, i. e. facio isthuc rem ccqui bonique hominis, or animi, or negotii. Consulo boni, i. e. interpreter esse boni animi or viri munus ovfactum And nearly in a similar way, QUCE ille universa naturali quodam bono fecit lu- cri Nep. i. e. fecit rem lucri. Pro nihilo habeo, puto, duco, are common phrases : as, Istam adoptionem pro nihilo esse haben- dam Cic. Cicero uses Qua: visa sunt pro nihilo ; but here there may be some ellipsis, of haberi perhaps. RULE XXXVII. Verbs of Plenty and Scarceness for the most part govern the ablative : as, Abundat divitiis, He abounds in riches. Caret omni culpa^ He has no fault. 217 Note 1 . To this rule belong verbs of Plenty : as abundo, exubero, redundo, scateo, qffluo, circumftuo, diffluo, superfluo : as, Amore abundas Antipho!ei'. Want or Scarcity : as, careo, egeo, indigeo, vaco (to want), with deficior and destituor : thus, Carere delet omni vitio Cic. Rations deficitur Cic. Note 2. Egeo and indigeo frequently take the genitive : as, Ut medicines egeamus Cic. Non tarn artis indigent, quam laboris Cic. Also, among the more antient writers, scateo, and careo : as, Terra scatet Jerarum Lucret. Tui carendum erat Ter. Lucilius has Abundemus rerum, but the genitive is more frequent after abundant. Sometimes careo and egeo take the accusative: as, Id careo Plaut. Multa egeo Gell. Note 3. The ablative is not, strictly speaking, governed by the verb, but by some preposition understood, as a, ab, de, ex, or zn. After some verbs it is frequently expressed : as, Hcec a custodibus classium loca maxime vacabant Caes. Deficior prudens artis ab arte mea Ovid. And when any of these verbs are followed by the genitive, some ablative, such as re, negotio, causa, prcesentui, ope, copia, or the like, with a preposition, is understood : thus, Careo tui> i. e. ope or prcBsentifi. To this rule may be referred Verbs of Filling, Loading, Binding, Depriving, Clothing, and some others, which, with the accusative, have also an ablative case : thus verbs of Filling ; as, impleo, cornpleo, expleo, repleo t saturo, obsaturo, sa- tio, refercio, ingurgito, dito, and the like : thus, Implevit mero pale- ram Virg. Loading ; as onero, cumulo, premo, opprimo, obruo : Unloading : as levo, exonero; thus, Naves onerant auro Virg. Tefasce levabo l Virg. Binding ; as astringo, alligo, devincio, impedio, irretiu, illaqueo, &c. Loosing ; as solvo, exsolvo, Libero, laxo, expedio : thus, Ser- vitutem astringam testimonio sempiterno Cic. Solvit se Teucria Iwtu Virg. Depriving; as privo, nudo, orbo, spolio t fraudo, emungo : thus, Nudavit ab ea parte aciem equestri auxilioLiv. Add also, vacuo, evacuo, exhaurio, exinanio, depleo. Clothing; as vestio, amicio, induo, cingo, tego, ve/o, corowo, calceo; and their contraries, exuo, discingo: thus, Sepulchrum vepribus 1 The inexperienced learner should be careful to distinguish between such phrases as Lcvflbo te fasce, in which levo denotes to ease or disburden, and the ablative belongs to this rule ; and such as Saepe sitis opibus inopiam eorum pub- licam levavit Nep. Auxilioque levare viros Virg. Levaverant animos reli- gione Liv. in which levo signifies to help or relieve, and the ablatives do not belong to this rule, but are to be referred to those of cause, manner, and in- strument. In numberless instances, however, such is the nature of the verb or the phrase, that it is not easy to distinguish the ablative of the one rule, from that of the other. 218 vestire Cic. Teque his exue monstris Ovid.- To these may be added many others, such as muto, dono, munero, remunero, com- munico, pasco, beo, impertior, dignor, qfficio, prosequor, assequor, consequor, insequor, spargo, incesso, insector, oblecto: with verbs of Mixing, as misceo, permisceo, tempera ; such verbs as orno, honoro, honesto, decoro, venusto, coto, excolo, dehonesio, dedecoro, fcedo, in- quino, polluo: verbs of Teaching ; asformo, informo, doceo, erudio, instruo, imbuo : verbs denoting Excess,, as antecedo, antecello, ex- cello, supero, &c. : verbs of Bounding, Measuring, and Recom- pensing; Sisjinio, deJiniOj termino, metior, dimetior, penso, compenso with numberless other verbs which, without an accusative, ad- mit an ablative of the cause, manner, or instrument, as possum, polleo, valeo, vivo, &c. Note 1. Impleo, compleo, and expleo sometimes take the genitive: as, Ne ita omnia Tribuni potestatis suce implerent Liv. Erroris illos et dementias complebo Plaut. Animum explesse juvabit ul- tricis flammce Virg. And, among the more antient writers, aJso saturo and obsaturo : as, Hce res vittz me saturant Plaut. Istius olsaturalere Ter. Note 2. The verb induo is variously construed : as, Ex ejus spo- llis sibi et torquem et cognomen induitCic. Pomis se fertilis ar- bos induerat Virg. Note ?). Verbs of Liberating are often followed by a or ex : as, Arcem ab incendio liberavi Cic. Solvere belluam ex catenis Auct. ad Herenn. Verbs of Clothing are sometimes followed by a or db, among the poets : as, Gelicis si cingar ab armis Ovid. Note 4?. The preposition cum is sometimes expressed after pro- sequor: as, Decedentem cum favor e ac laudibus prosecuti sunt Liv. Note 5. The ablative after mltto is the thing taken in exchange: as, Muto librum pecunia j but, by the figure Hypallage, it may be Muto pecuniam libro*. Note 6. Many verbs vary their construction : as, Universosfru- mento donavit Nep. and Prcedam militibus donat Cses. Asper- gere sale carnes, or Aspergere salem carnibusPlm. Impertire ali- fjuem salute Ter., or alicui salutem Cic. Communicare rem all- quam cum aliquo; seldom, aliquem re aliqua; and never rem ali- quam alicui. Cum altero rem communicavit Cic. Communicalo te semper mensa med Plaut. Abdicare magistratum Sail. Se ma- gistralu Cic. Note 7. The accusative is governed by Rule XXVIII ; the ab- lative by some preposition, or it may be frequently referred to that of cause, manner, or instrument, which also is governed by some preposition. 1 The preposition is sometimes expressed after muto : as, Mutare bcllum pm yacc Sail. Cum pcdibusyuc maims, cunilongis brachia tnutat cnmbusOrid. 219 RULE XXXVIII. Utor, abutor, fruor, Jungorj potior, vescor, govern the ablative : as, Utitur fraude, He uses deceit. Abutitur libris, He abuses books. Note 1. That is, the above-mentioned verbs, to which may be added nitor, innilor, epulor, nascor, creor, glorior, Icetor, defector, gaudeo, vivo, victito,Jido, confido, exulto, sto 1 , consto, eonsisto, cedo, supersedeo, laboro, are followed by an ablative: as, Utere sorte tud Virg. Pace frui Cic. Functus est munere Cic. Filio niti- tur Cic. Glande v escuntur Cic. Sunt, qui piscibus, atcjueovis avium vivere existimantur Caes. Gaudet patientia duris Lucan. Fortes creantur fortibus Hor. &c. To these may be added the compounds, deutor, once used in Cornelius Nepos for abutor, and perfruor, defungor, perfungor. Fido, confido, innitor, and cedo, have been noticed under Rule XXVII. Note 2. Under this, or the preceding rule, are usually enume- rated, assuesco, ampLector, comprehendo, conflictor, periclitor, pas- cor 2 , which are found with an ablative of a thing: as, Atsuescere latore Cic. Complecti benevolentid Cic. Such ablatives may be referred to those of cause, &c. Pascor, deponent, often takes the accusative: as, Pascuntur silvas Virg. Note 3. Potior yfungor , vescor, epulor, sometimes take the accu- sative: as, Potiri summam imperil Ne A x Homlnum officia fungi Tac. Qui regnum adeptus ccepit vesci singular Phaedr. Pul- los epularl Plin. Also, among the more antient writers, utor, alutor) fruor : as, Ccetera quceque volumus uti Plaut. Cperam abutitur Ter. Ingenium frui Ter. Note 4. Potior frequently admits the genitive: as, Potiri regni Cic. urlis Sail, hostium Sail. Potiri rerum, and not res, nor rebus, is always used in the sense of to rule or govern : as, Dum civitas Atheniensium rerum potita est Cic. Note 5. With some of the verbs a preposition is frequently ex- pressed ; as consto, laboro, nitor, glorior : thus, Cum constenms ex anirno tt corpore Cic. Laborare ex pedikus, ex renibus Cic. Cujus in vita nitebatur salus civitatis Cic. In virtute gloriamur Cic. 1 Some, led away by the English idiom, according to which we say " To stand to an agreement," have supposed that it is the dative which follows sto ; hut this is a mistake, as may he seen in the following examples ; TJterqnc cen- sor censor is opinione standwn non putavitCic. Etsi priori fcedere starelur- LiV. Hence, also, Stare decrcto, promissis, conventis, conditionibus, which are not datives, and, in Ovid, Stemus, ait, pacto. Maneo seems to be sometimes construed in a similar way ; as, Tu modo promissis maneas Virg. At tu dic- tis, Albane, maneres Virg. But Cicero expresses the preposition : as, Ma~ ncre in conditione atque pacto ; and, in like manner, Postquam in eo quod con- vcnerat, non mancbalur Mela. - Depasco and depctscor have the accusative only : as, Luxuricm scgetum tcncru. dcpascit in Ac/'fro Virg. Miseros morsu dcpascitur art its Virg. 220 Note 6. Ovid has once construed the active creo with an ablative, without expressing the preposition -, but, in general, among prose writers, at least, creo, creor, nascor, and other verbs of descent, as orior, gigno, genero, procreo, are followed by a preposition ex- pressed: as, Principium exstinctum nee ipsum ab alio renascetur, nee a se aliud crealit Cic. Generari et nasci a principibus fortui- tum est Tac. Note 7. The ablative after the others is likewise governed by a preposition. After ulor, fruor, vescor, epulor, victito, nascor t creor, de or ex is understood ; after potior, a or ab j with 5/0, periclitor, in, &c. The genitive is governed by such words as re, negotio, imperio, or the like, understood. OF IMPERSONAL VERBS. RULE XXXIX. An impersonal verb governs the dative: as, Expedit reipublicce, It is profitable for tbe state. Licet nemini peccare, No man is allowed to sin. Note 1. Thus also, Non cuivis homini contingit adire Corinthum Hor. Liceat mihi vera referre Ovid. Note 2. Along with the dative is generally joined an infinitive mood, or part of a sentence, which is supposed to supply the place of a nominative to the verb: as, Peccare licet nemini Cic. Omnibus bonis expedit salvam esse rempublicam Cic. In the last, the words salvam esse rempublicam, equivalent to salus rei- publicce, or their representative hoc, are as a subject or nominative to expedit. Quoniam tecum ut essem non contigit Cic. in which the dative is understood, and the preceding words supply the place of the nominative. Note 3. The dative is often suppressed : as, Faciat quod lubet Ter. i. e. sibi. Note 4. Id, hoc, illud, quod, multum, &c., may be prefixed as a nominative to some impersonals : as, Aliquid peccatur vitio praci- pientium Senec. Sin tibi id, minus libebit Cic. The plural number is in this manner admissible in certain words : as, Quo in genere multa peccantur Cic. Cetera item qua cuique libuissent Suet. Note 5. In the following instances, the infinitive mood of im- personal verbs supplies the place of a noun : as Terra muUifariam pluvisse nunciatum est Liv. Non potest accedi Cic. Note 6. Conducit and expedit, instead of the dative of a thing, haye sometimes an accusative with a preposition l : as, Quod in rein 1 We say Conducit tibi ad salutem, hut cannot say Conducit ad te. The reason Is obyious; the purpose is expressed by ad; and, consequently, the accusative after these verbs, is that of the thing. 221 recte conducat tuam Plaut. Non quo minus quidquam Ccesari ex- pediat ad diuturnitatem dominationis Cic. In these, there are two nominatives, quod and quidquam ; but they are of such a kind as, according to Note 4, may sometimes precede verbs that are used impersonally. Note 7'. An impersonal passive may be used for any person ac- tive of the same mood and tense : thus, Statur a me, a te, ab illo; a nobis, a vobis, ab ittis, are equivalent to sto, stas, stat, &c. Cce- pit, incipit, desinit, debet, solet, potest, videtur, and perhaps some others, (volo, nolo, malo, audeo, cupio, and the like, never,) joined to impersonals, become impersonal : as, Pigere eumfacti ccepit Justin. Tot res circumvattant, unde emergi non potest Ter. i. e. a nobis, for emergere non possumus. Tcedere solet avaros impendii Quint, for avari solent. In the infinitive also, when another verb precedes : as, Si Volscis ager redderetur, posse agi de pace Liv. Yet, we find, Ita primi pcenitere cceperunt Justin. Cum miser eri mei debent Cic. Note 8. The verbs belonging to this rule, are such as accidit, contingit, evenit, conducit, expedit, lubet, libet, licet, placet, displi- cet, vacat, restat, prtzstat, liquet, nocet, dolet, sufficit, apparel, &c. the dative with which they are followed being that of acquisition, according to Rule XXVII. Neuter verbs, and active intransitive verbs are often used impersonally in the passive voice : as, Non invidetur illi tetati, sed etiamfavetur Cic. RULE XL. Refert and interest require the genitive : as, Refert pair is, It concerns my father. Interest omnium, It is the interest of all. Note 1 . Thus also, Hwnanitatis plurimum refert Plin. Inter- est omnium rectefacere Cic. Note 2. Refert and interest admit likewise these genitives, tanti, quanti, magni, permagni, parvi, pluris : as, Magni interest mea t una nos esse Cic. Instead of majoris, maximi, &c. magis, max- ime, multum, plurimum, minus, minimum or minime, interest or re- fert , is used. Tanti, quanti, parvi ; or tantum, quantum, parum refert or interest, are used indifferently. Juvenal uses Minimo dis- crimine refert; and hence the common expression Parvo discrimine refert. Note 3. They are sometimes used personally, and admit not only the nominatives quid, quod, id, &c., but others also: as, Tua quod nihil refert , percontari desinas Ter. Illud mea magni interest Cic. Plurimum refert soli oujusque ratio Plin. Non quo mea in- teresset loci natura Cic. Note 4. The adverbs, or adverbials tantum, quantum, multum, plurimum, infinitum, parum, with nihil, maxime, minime, and the like, are often joined with them : as, Multum refert Mart. Pin- rimum intererit Juv. 222 Note 5. When the word following them is a thing, it is often put in the accusative with ad: as, Ad honorem nostrum interest Cic. Quam ad rem isthuc refert Plaut. Sometimes when it is a person : as, Quid id ad me, aut ad meam rem refert Plaut. Plu- rally ; Percontari volo quce ad rem referunt Plaut. Seldom the dative : as, Quoi rei id te assimulare retulit Plaut. Quid referat viventi Hor. Acino plurimum refert Plin. But some of these constructions are altered in certain editions. Note 6. They are sometimes used absolutely, that is, without their regimen's being expressed : as, Neque enim numero compren- dere refert Virg. Interest enim, non quce (Etas, neque quid in cor- pore intus geratur, sed quce vires Cels. Note 7. The construction is elliptical, and may be supplied thus : Refert pair is, i. e. refert se ad negotia pair is. Interest om- nium, i. e. est inter negotia omnium. RULE XLI. But mea, tua, sua, nostra, vestra, are put in the accusative plural : as, Non mea refert, I am not concerned. Note 1. That is, instead of using mei, tui, sui, nostrum, vestrum, the genitives of the substantive pronouns, the accusative plural, neuter gender, of the corresponding pronominal adjectives, is used : as, Et tua et mea maxime interest Cic. Tanti illud refert mea Plaut. Note 2. Cuja, and cujus interest are used indifferently : as, De- tur ei cuja interfuit, non ei cuja nihil interfuit Cic. Quis enim est hodie, cujus intersit istam legem manere ? Cic. Note 3. The constructions of this and the preceding rule some times occur in the same clause : as, Mea et reipublicce interest. Magni interest Ciceronis, vel mea potius, vel utriusque, me interve- nire discentiCic. In the first part of the last example, occur the genitive of estimation or value, and the genitive of the person; afterwards, the accusative plural. Whether we can use Mea unius interest, Tua solius refert^ Nostra ipsorum interest, Mea oratoris interest, Mea Ciceronis interest, and the like, is not ascertained. At any rate, it is better to say Mea refert, qui sum natu maximus Plin.j than mea natu maximi; and in the case of a person's speak- ing of himself, as in Mea Ccemris refert, it is better to omit the proper name. When the discourse is directed to a second person, it is more elegant to use the vocative : thus, Magis nullius interest quam tua, Tite Otacili Liv. Vestra, commilitones, interest Tacit. Alvarez prefers Nostrum omnium interest, to Nostra om~ nium interest, in which omnium is governed by interest, and nos- trum by omnium, i. e. all of us equivalent to us all. Note 4. Some have supposed mea, tua, &c. to be the ablative singular feminine, with causa, gratia, or re understood. Others $23 contend that they are the accusative plural, neuter gender; which case we have adopted. It is unnecessary to recapitulate the argu- ments used on either side. - Perizonius is of opinion, that Interest mea is Interest inter mea negotia, or perhaps, Est inter tnea negotia; and that Refert tua is Refert se ad tua negotia. Thus Plautus says Quid id ad me, out ad meam rem refert. Cicero, Omnia ad suam utilitatem referre. The author of the Comp. Synt. Erasm. seems inclined to steer a middle course, and to think that mea, tua, &c. are ablatives after refert, and accusatives after interest. These are all the possible varieties ; but it is a matter of very little conse- quence to ascertain which of them comes the nearest to the truth. The genitives magni, parvi, tanti, &c. may be accounted for, in the same manner as was done after verbs referring to price or value. RULE XLII. These five, miseret, pcenitet, pudet, and piget, govern the accusative of a person, with the geni- tive of a person or thing : as, Miseret me tui, I pity you. Pcenitet me peccati, I repent of my sin. Tcedet me vita, I am weary of life. Note 1 . Thus also, Miseret te aliorum, tui te nee miseret, nee pudet Plaut. Eos ineptiarum pceniteret Cic. Me civitatis morum piget ttzdetque Sail. Miserescit may be joined : as, Inopis nunc te miserescat mei Ter. Note 2. The infinitive or part of a sentence sometimes supplies the place of the genitive : as, Te id puduit facere Ter. At nos puduit, quia cum catenis sumus Plaut. Non pcenitet me quantum profecerim Cic. Note 3. The accusative is sometimes omitted ; and sometimes the verbs are used absolutely : as, Scelerum si bene pcenitet -Hor, i. e. nos. Nisi piget, consistite Plaut. Note 4. These verbs are sometimes used personally, especially with the pronouns hoc, id, quid, &c.: as, Me quidemhcecconditio nunc non pcenitet Plaut. Ipse sui miseret Lucr. Non te hcec pudent Ter. Ira ea tcedet, qua invasit Senec. Nimio id quod pudet Jacilius fertur, quam id quod piget Plaut. Here perhaps fecisse mjieri may be understood, and quod may be the accusative case. These few examples, opposed to the general practice, can be considered but as peculiarities of the writers. - It is observed that the participles of these verbs are in every respect like other participles : thus, Nee multo post pcenitensfacti Suet. Hie ager colono est pcenitendus Colum. Nulla parte pigendus erit Ovid. Note 5. The genitive is supposed to be governed by some sub- stantive, such as negotium, factum, res, respectus, or the like, un- derstood : as, Miseret me tui, i. e. negotium tui mali miseret me; or respectus tui miseret me. Non te horum pudet, i, e. negotium or co- 224 gitatio* Or a more particular word may be supplied : thus, Mise- ret me ejus, i. e. miseria or calamitas. Plum me ad te scribere pu- det is equivalent to Pudor habet me, or, pudor est mihi, me plura ad te scribere. Vitce tcedet me, i. e. res vitce, this being equivalent to vita, in imitation of the Greeks, who sometimes use TO %^ rwv WKrwv, for htea nox or hoc noctis. The accusative they go- vern, as verbs transitive. RULE XLIII. These four, Decet, delectat, juvat, opor- tet, govern the accusative of the person with the infinitive: as, Non decet te rixari, It does not become you to scold. Delectat me studwe, I delight to study. Note 1. Thus also, Orator em irasci minime decet, simulare non dedecet Cic. Me pedibus delectat claudere verba Hor. Meju- vatcoluisse Propert. Mendacem memorem esse oportet Quinct. The first three govern the accusative, as transitive verbs ; but as oportet is neuter, being equivalent to opus est, or necesse est, the accusative following it is not governed by it, but depends upon the infinitive mood following. Note 2. Decet sometimes takes the dative : as, Ita nobis decet Ter. But this seems a Graecism ; TJJOUV vptnei. Juvat and opor- tet likewise seem to have been formerly construed with a dative. Note 3. Oportet is elegantly joined with the subjunctive mood, ut being understood : as, Ex rerum cognitione efflorescat, et redun- det oportet oratio Cic. Also with perfect participles, esse, or fuisse, being understood : as, Adolescenti morem gestum oportuit Ter. Note 4. Fallit, Jugit, prceterit, latet, when used impersonally, have an accusative, and generally with the infinitive : as, Fugit me ad te scribere Cic. Sometimes, instead of the infinitive, is used a finite verb with some particle: as, Ittud alterum quam sit difficile, non tefugit Cic. Latet me, and latet mihi, do not rest on very high authority. Note 5. Attinet, pertinet, and spectat, have an accusative with ad : as, Perdat, pereat, nihil ad me attinet Ter. Ad rempublicam pertinet me conservari Cic. Spectat ad omnes bene vivere Incert. but this last is uncommon. Attinet me is sometimes used for at- tinet ad me. Note 6. Decet, delectat, juvat, are often used personally, and oportet sometimes : as, Parvum parva decent Hor. Thus also dedecet, condecet and indeed : as, Quarum me dedecet usus Ovid. Ornatus me condecet Plaut. Juvenes adhuc confusa qucedam et quasi turbata non indecent Plin. Literce me delectarunt Cic. Otia me somnusque juvant Mart. Hcec Jcicta ab illo oportebant Ter. DelectOf and juvo used for auxilior, frequently occur in 225 the first and second persons Specto, used personally for perti- net mtendit, takes an accusative with ad: as, Res ad arma spectat Cic. When it refers to place, the preposition may be either expressed, or omitted : as, Spectat ad meridiem Caes. Spectare Hispaniam Plin. But pertinet, as in Pertinet ad Hehetios, ad arccm Caes. in^which it is equivalent to tendit or vergit, is never used without a preposition. Note 7. The nature of this construction is sufficiently evident. These impersonals, as they are called, govern the accusative, being transitive verbs, oportet alone excepted. The infinitive mood which follows them, or other words in the sentence, supplies the place of a nominative to them. Of Passive Verbs, and others admitting an Ablative 'with a Preposition. * RULE XLIII. The principal agent, when following a verb of passive signification, is governed by a, ab, or abs : as, Laudatur ab his, culpatur ab illisULor. Omnis ora maritima depopulata ab Achtzis erat Liv. Testis in eum rogatus, an ab reo fustibus vapuldsset Quinct. Opera fa- bant a legionibus Hirt. B. Afr. Respondit a cive spoliari se matte, qudm ab hoste venire Quinct. Note 1. Neuter verbs, (especially those whose signification re- sembles that of passives,) and deponents also, admit an ablative with a or ab : as, Ne vir ab hoste cadat Ovid. Rem atrocem Macedo a servis suis passus est Plin. Note 2. Passive verbs sometimes take the dative, especially among the poets : as, Quia non inteliigor ulli Ovid, for ab ullo. Nullaque laudetur mihi Ovid, for a me. Videor, used in the sense of / seem, always governs the dative : as, Mihi videbor es&e restitutus Cic. In its primary signification of / am seen, it is sometimes thus construed ; but generally with the ablative and a preposition : as, Sum visus ab illo Ovid. Note 3. The secondary agent, means or instrument, following an active, passive, or neuter verb, is governed by per, or is ex- pressed in the ablative : as, Per me defensa est respublica Cic. Naluram expellasfurcd Hor. Note 4k The preposition a or ab is sometimes suppressed : as, Desertaque conjuge ploret Ovid. Colitur linigerd turbd Ovid. Scriberis Vario Hor. Note 5. Some verbs are found, in the same sense, construed either with the dative, or the ablative and a preposition : as, Ne- que populo neque cuiquam bono probaiur Cic. Meumjactum pro* ban ads te, triumpho gaudio Caes. ad Cic. Note "6. A great many other verbs take also the ablative with Q 226 a or ab referring to the source or origin of their action ; such as verbs of, 1. Receiving; as accipio, capio, sumo, mutuor ; also adipiscor y consequor, impetro, &c. thus, A majoribus morem accepimus Cic. 2. Distance, Difference, and Dissention ; as disto, differo, dis- sentio, dis&ideo, discrepo, discordo : thus, Cum a veris falsa non distent Cic. 3. Desiring, Intimating, and Inquiring; as pet o, expeto, posco, percontor, sctior, sciscitor, rogo, oro, obsecro, precor, j)osti(lo,jla- gito, contendo, exigo, &c.: as, A te opem petimus Cic. 4. Cessation ; as cesso, desisto, quiesco, requiesco, tempero : thus, A prceliis cessare Liv. 5. Expecting; as expecto, spero, &c.: thus, Ab alio exspectes, alteri quodfeceris P. Syr. Ab uno exspectes quod a multis sperare nequeas Buchan. Perhaps in such instances there is an ellipsis of a verb of receiving. 6. Taking away and Removing; as, aiifero, rapio , surripio , fu- ror, tollo, removeo, arceo, prohibeo, pello, repello, propulso, revoco ; also contineo, cohibeo, refrceno, defendo, munio, tego, tueor, dejicio, descisco, degenero, to which may be added verbs compounded with a or ab ; as abigo, abstineo, amoveo, abduco t abrado, amitto for di- mitto, avello, avoco, &c. : thus Minas triginta ab illo abstuliTer. Cohibere animum ab alieno Cic. 7. Dismissing, Banishing, and Disjoining ; as dimitto, relego* disjungo, divello, segrego, separo : thus, Eumab se dimittit Caes. 8. Buying ; as emo t mercor,fceneror, conduco : thus, A piscato- ribus jactum emerat V. Max. 9. Many other verbs of various significations ; as caveo, declino, deflecto ; discedo, recedo ; qffero, do, reddo,fero, reporto ; incipio, ordior ; servo, custodio, vindico ; timeo, metuo,Jbrmido, &c. : thus, Tibi ego, Brute, non solvam, nisiprius a te cavero Cic. Note 7. Many of these vary their construction. Aiifero, adi- mo, eripioi &c. generally govern the dative ; also sometimes verbs of Defending, Difference, and Distance. We say Interdicere all- cui aliquam rem, aliqua re, and, according to Cicero, Prcetor in- terdixit de vi hominibus armatis. Timere, metuere ab aliquo, and aliquem. Verbs of Asking have generally two accusatives. Pro- hibeo, cesso, desisto, are often followed by the infinitive. By the subjunctive and ut or ne, verbs of Intreating, Asking, and Fear- ing ; with ne, prohibeo, interdico, and caveo (the last generally without ne) ; and also with quin and quo minus, interdico, and prohibeo. Verbs of Asking are often followed by an, num,utrum, & c . Again ; Verbs are often followed by other prepositions : as, Differre discrepare, dissentire cum aliquo, for ab aliquo. Emo, redimo, declino, deflecto de. Haurio, sumo, habeo, percontor, scitor, sciscitor t ex. Audio, moveo, dimoveo^pello, aufero, tollo, ccdo, colligo, qncero ( signifying fo inquire) de or ex. Arceo, prohibeo, interclu* do, moveo, petto, cedo, desisto, sepono, submoveo ; also abdico and supersedeo, an ablative without a preposition. The last two never have the preposition expressed. Note 8. In like manner, certain adjectives of Diversity and Or- der, such as alms, alter, alienus, diversus ; secundus, tertius, c. take an ablative with a or ab : as, Quicquam aliud a libertate Cic. Tu nunc eris alter ab illo Virg. Ut sacerdos ejus Dece, ma jestate, imperio et potentia secundus a rege habeatur Hirt. B. Alex. Or alins without a preposition : as, Neve putes alium sa- piente bonoque beatum Hor. Quod si accusator alius Sejanojb- retPhsedr. Note 9. Verbs of Striving ; as, contendo, certo, bello, pugno : of Joining'or Coming together ; a&jungo, conjungo, concumbo, coeo, misceo, take an ablative with cum; as, Mecum certasse feretur- Ovid. Salutem meam cum communi salute conjungere discrevi Cic. Consilia cum illo non miscuerant Tac. To these add confe- ro, comparo, compono, and contendo used for comparo, with com- munico and participo. But of these the construction is often varied ; for we say Contendere, certare, &c. contra or adversus all- quern ; also inter se, and, poetically, alicui. Jungo and conjungo have also the dative usually; and poetically, concumbo, coeo, and misceo. We also find Jungere se ad aliquem Cic. Jungi, coire t misceri, inter se, are common. Note 10. Mereor,facio, Jit, erit,Juturum est, take an ablative with de : as, Ita de populo Romano meritus est Cic. Mereo also ; as, Si bene quid de te merui Virg. Indicium dejide ejusjecisti Cic. Quid de me fat? Ter. But generally the preposition is omitted: as, Quid hoc homine faciatis Cic. Quid te Juturum censes? Ter. Sometimes the dative is used: as, Quid huic tu hominijaoies Cic. Quid mihijiet Ovid. 1 Note 11. Verbs of Perceiving and Knowing; as intelligo, sen- tio f cognosco, conjicio, disco, per cipio, cottigo, audio, take the abla- tive with e or ex : as, Ex gestu tuo intelligo quid velis Cic. Ex tuis literis statum rerum cognovi Cic. Hoc ex illo audivi Cic. Note 12. A variation in the construction, or in the prepositions, often alters the sense : thus, Audire ex aliquo refers to the source of information. Audire de aliquo generally refers to the object concerning which information is given. Yet, Cicero uses S&pe hoc audivi de patre et de socero meo ; for ex patre, ex socero. Cog- noscere ex aliquo, i. e. to discover from one. De aliquo, i. e. to judge of him. Mereri aliquid, i. e. to deserve a thing. De ali- quo, i. e. of one. Sentire cum aliquo, i. e. to be of one's opi- nion. De aliquo bene vel male, i. e. to think well or ill of him. Timere, metuere aliquem, or ab aliquo, i. e. to be afraid of one. Timere, metuere alicui, or pro aliquo, i. e. to be afraid or concern- ed for him. 1 Quid tibi fiet, and Quid de tefiet, have no other difference than " What will be done to you ?" and " What will become of you ?" Q2 228 Note 13. Passive impersonate are either used absolutely; as, Quid agitur? Statur Ter. Or they take after them the case of" their personals, the accusative of the active voice excepted : as, Ut majoribus natu assurgatur, ut supplicum miser eatur Cic- Nee mihi parcatur Ovid. Note 14. The accusative of the active voice constituting the nominative in the passive, it follows, that verbs which govern the dative only, can be used passively in the same sense as imperso- nals only ; thus instead of Ilia cetas non invidetur, sed favetur, we should say Non inmdetur illi atari, sed favetur Cic. instead of Noceor, Nocetur mihi. The converse of this is in general true : that whatever verb is used in the first and second persons passive, its active admits an accusative after it. Very few examples oc- cur to the contrary. Note 15. Passive impersonate, coming from neuter verbs, some- times become personal, taking a nominative of the same or of a kindred signification : thus, Cursus curritur, Vita vivitur, &c. be- cause we can say, in the same manner, actively, Curro cur- sum, Vivo vitam. Pugna ilia quce pugnata est Cic. Omne mill- tabitur bellum Hor. Jam tertia vivitur cetas Ovid.. Many neuter \ erbs taken in an active sense, or in a sense different from their primary signification, are found in the passive voice, used as if they came from active verbs ; these will be found in one of the annexed lists. OF THE INFINITIVE, PARTICIPLES, GERUNDS, AND SUPINES. RULE XLIV. One verb governs another in the infini- tive : as, Cupio discere, I desire to learn. Note 1. Or, when two verbs come together, without a conjunc- tion expressed or understood, one of them is put in the infini- tive : as, Qui mentiri solet, pejerare consuevit Cic. Incipit appa- rere Virg. Note 2. The infinitive is frequently subjoined to adjectives, especially among the poets : as, Insueto vera audire ferodor ora- tio visa est Liv. Audax omnia perpeti Hor. Dignus amari Virg. Note 3. The infinitive, with, or without, an accusative ex- pressed, frequently depends upon nouns and verbs : as, Et jam tempus equum Jumantia solvcre colla Virg. Utrum melius esset ingredi Cic. Se semper credunt negligi Ter. Non satis est pul~ chra essepoemata Hor. Note 4<. Sometimes the accusative is turned into the dative : as, Quid est autem tarn secimdum naturam, quam scnibus emori Cic. 229 Cato maj Perhaps the whole sentence may be Quid csl tarn se- cundum naturarn, quam (est secundam naturam) senibus, (series t ) emori. Note 5. The governing word is sometimes understood : as, Mene inccpto desistere victam Virg. i. e. decet or par est. Ego illnd sedulo negare fact urn Ter. i. e. ccepL In such forms as Videre est, Animadvertere est,facultas, potestas, copia, or the like, is understood. Thus also, Neque est tejhltere cuiquam Virg. Note 6. The infinitive itself is sometimes suppressed : as, Ei proviuclam Numidiam popidits jussit Sail. i. e. dari. Socratem fidibus docuit Cic. i. e. canere. Note 7. It has just been mentioned that the infinitive is often dependent upon ccepi understood : but many instances occur in which this idiom cannot be rationally explained upon the sup- position of such an ellipsis : as, Verum ingenium ejus haud absur- dum : posse versus Jacere, jocum movere Sail. Note 8. When the infinitive mood is governed by a preceding verb, it supplies the place of a substantive, since it is the object of the action, energy, or affection denoted by the governing verb ; thus in Cupio discere , discere is the object of the affection denoted by cupio, in the same manner as in English, to learn or learning, is the object of I desire, when we say I desire to learn, or I desire learning. The infinitive mood may, therefore, be considered as a substantive. Its gender is neuter ; it is of the singular num- ber ; and is used in all cases. It is governed by nouns, verbs, and prepositions ; and adjectives and pronouns agree with it, as will be seen in the following examples : 1. It is used as a nominative to a verb personal : as, Vtinam emori fortunis meis honestus exitus esset Sail. As a nominative following a verb substantive ; thus, Sive illuderatsinefunereferri Ovid. As a nominative to a verb sometimes esteemed imper- sonal : thus, Cadit in eundem et misereri et invidere Cic. As a case in apposition to a preceding nominative : thus, Res erat spec- iaculo digna, videre Xcrxem in exiguo latentem navigio Justin. It is true that, in this last example, videre, the infinitive, is, as in a preceding example, the nominative to the substantive verb ; but the sentence is usually translated, " It was a thing worthy of being seen to behold, or observe, Xerxes," &c. 2. It is used after some substantives and adjectives as a geni- tive, often convertible into the gerund in di : as, Tempus est abire Cic. for abeundiy or abitionis. Est animus nobia effundere vi- tam Ovid. Non defuit animus adoriri Suet. Soli cantare pcriti Arcades Virg. for cantandi, or cantus. 3. It is used as a dative : thus, Et -oos servire magis, quam im- perarc parati estis Sail. i. e. serviiuti magis quam imperio. 4. As an accusative : thus, Da mihi fallere Hor. i. e. artem follendi. Terram cum primnm aranf, proscindcre appellant ; cum itcrum, offringere dicuutVarr. After a preposition : as, Nihil 230 interest inter dare el accipere Senec. Prceter plorare Hor. Prater loqui Liv. 5. As a vocative, in vivere nostrum, for vita nostra. 6. As an Ablative: thus, Et erat turn dignus amari Virg. for amore. Ne operam perdas poscere Plaut. i. e in poscendo. As an ablative case absolute, either with, or without, a preceding accusative expressed : thus, Hand cuiquam dubio opprimi posse Liv. Audito regem in Sicilian tendere Sail. 7. It admits an adjective or pronoun to agree with it : as, To- tum hoc displicet philosophariCic. Sed ipsum Latine loqui est illud quidem in magna Laude ponendum Cic. Scire tuum nihil est Pers. The poets often join an adjective with the infinitive, which may be considered either as an adverb, or as an adjective agreeing with it : thus, Datur ordo senectce Admeto, serumque mo- ri Stat. Reddes dulce loqui, reddes ridere decorum Hor. 8. It is found with the genitive of a pronoun after it, like a noun: as, Quid est hujus vivere ? din mori Sen. F. Maximus ; cujus non dimicarefuit vincereVal. Max. Note 9. The infinitive is used as an accusative, after verbs of an active signification : as, Desidero te videre, for conspectum tuum: and this chiefly when there is no suitable noun : as, Nescio men- tiri. Likewise, when the infinitive may be resolved into quod, ut, ne, quin, &c. with some finite verb : as, Non dubitabo te monere Cic. i. e. quin te moneam. It is sometimes used when convertible into the participle in dus : as, Loricam donat habere viro Virg. i. e. habcndam, or ut habeat. It supplies the place of an accusa- tive with ad, propter, or ob: as, Nam te emere coegit Cic. i. e. ad emere or ad emendum. Plorat aquam proflindere Plaut. i. e. ob aquam projimdendam. The infinitive is generally used in En- glish and in Greek, when the intention is to denote the final cause ; this is not common in Latin, but a few instances of it oc- cur: as, Non tefrangere persequor Hor. i.e. ut frangam. In~ troiit videre Ter. Proteus pec us egit altos viscre monies Hor. This may be considered either as '\ poetical license or a Graecism, and is not to be imitated. Note 10. The infinitive mood and its accusative case (which form is equivalent to quod or ut with a finite verb) often supplies the place of a case : as, Scin me tuum esse herum Plaut. Te ac- cepisse meas literas gaudeo Ter. in which the neuter verb may be supposed to be followed by the preposition Kara or propter. Note 11. The infinitive has been termed Nomen Verbi, or the noun of the verb : and whenever the verb following that interven- ing between two verbs, is convertible, according to the sense> into a cognate noun, the noun and verb following that may gene- rally be put in Latin, the one in the accusative, and the other in the infinitive, omitting the Latin of that : thus, Audivieum ve~ nisse, I heard that he had arrived, is equivalent to ejus adventum, of his arrival. Scrip-sit se cupcrc, to suam cupiditatcm. The in- 231 finitive is, however, sometimes turned into a finite verb followed either by quod or ut, although these two are not, but very seldom, mutually convertible : thus, 1. The infinitive mood, or sometimes quod followed by the in- dicative or subjunctive, is put after verbs of sense ; as sentio, ani- madverto, intelligo, audio, censeo, scio, credo, obliviscor, &c. : verbs of affection ; as gaudeo, lector, doleo, cegrejero, miror, &c. except verbs of desire and fear, which require ut : verbs of speaking and showing ; as, dico, aio, perhibeo, rejero, nuncio, nego, ostendo, dcmonstro, promitto, polliceor, spondeo, voveo, &c. : (but after the following the infinitive is used, but never quod ; solet, cccpit, inci-, pit, potcst, quit, neguit, est for licet, debet, &c.) . as, Miror te a/ me nihil scribere Cic. Scio se promittere folso Ovid. Scio jam Jilius quod amet meus Ter. forjilium meum amare. Scribis miki, mirari Ciceronem, quod nihil significem de suis actis Brut, ad Att. ap. Cic. This subject will be further noticed under Conjunc- tions, where an alphabetical list will be given of the principal words usually followed by quod, ut, or the infinitive. 2. The infinitive, or the subjunctive with ut, may be subjoined to verbs of willing ; as volo, nolo, malo, cupio, opto, permitto, sino, patior, &c. (these rather take the infinitive :) to verbs of com- manding ; as impero, mando, prcccipio, edico, &c. ; to verbs of in- treating ; as oro, rogo, postulo, peto, Jlagito, prtzcor, &c., (but these oftener take the subjunctive with ut or ne : ) also to verbs de- noting something future ; as paro, cogo, impello, urgeo, decerno, tlatuo, constituo, facio, studeo, &c. ; and to certain impersonals, or words used impersonally ; as libet, licet, decet, oportet, expedit, conducit, prodest, obest, nocet, refert, interest, prcestat, scquitur, &c. to which may be added such expressions as JEquumest, Par est, Cerium est, Fas est, Nejhs est, but these seldom take the sub- junctive with ut. Thus, Vis me uxorem ducere. ? Ter. or ut uxo- rem ducam. Non aliter cineres mando jacere rneos Mart, or, ut cineres meijaceant. His orat vigiles incumberc curas--Va\. Flac. or, ut his vigiles euro* incumbant. Modo liccat vivere, est spes Ter. or, ut vivamus.lt is observed that the subjunctive with ut or ne, is more common after verbs of commanding, than the infinitive ; but that the infinitive generally occurs after a dative or an accusative, the subjunctive, after a dative only : as, Cadmo perquirere raptam [jUiam] Imperat Ovid. Equitatum procedcre imperat Cses. Suis, ut idem faciant, imperat Caes. It is likewise observed, that, after the following words, the conjunc- tion is often omitted, volo, nolo, malo, rogo, precor, censeo, cavco, suadeo, licet, oportet, jubeo, and similar words, moneo, and the like; after die used for jube, after sine,fac or Jacito, esto, (suppose, grant ;) and after necesse est, inscitia est, dare operam : as, Syro ignoscas volo Ter. Nee medeare miM sanesquc n&c vulnem man- do Ovid! Tu fac bono magnoquc animo sis Cic. Inscitia est, adversum slimnliun calces Ter. Lice! adjicias Var. Iliad monco, casira habeas Nep. Esto, populus mallet Hor. The verb of in- 232 treating is sometimes omitted : as, Ut isthunc di, deccque pe.rd.anl. Precor, or a similar word, is understood. Note 12. Dubito and dulium est are sometimes followed by the infinitive, but oftener by the subjunctive with an, num, utrum, and (if non goes before) qmn : as, Non dubito fore plerosque Nep. Periisse me una hand dulium est Ter. Non dulium est, quin uxorem -nolitjilius Ter. Din dubitavit, impcrium deponerel, an bello register et Justin. It is to be observed, that such phrases as Dubito an, Hand scio an, Nescio an, although from their very nature they imply some doubt, are, notwithstanding, generally used in a sense almost affirmative : thus, Si per se virtus sine foriu- nd ponderanda sit, dubito an hunc primum omnium ponam Nep. i. e. for aught I know he may be placed first, or I am inclined to place him first. Alque hand scio an cjuce dixit vera sint omnia Ter. denotes that he is inclined to believe all that had been said, to be true. Elor/uenlid quidern nescio an parem habuisset neminem Cic. implies that he supposed he had no equal. A few in- stances might be mentioned in which such phrases are to be in- terpreted negatively. Note 13. Verbs of fearing; such as timer*, metuo, vereor, paveo, are used affirmatively with ?ie, but negatively with ut or ne. non : thus, Timet ne deseras se Ter. She is afraid that you may forsake her. Paves ne ducas uxorem Ter. denotes you are afraid to marry. Paves ut ducas Ter. You are afraid lest you should not marry her. Fereor ne exercitumjirrnum habere possit Cic. I am afraid lest he should have a good army. Intellexi te vereri ne superiores literce mihi redditte non e&sent Cic. 1 understood you were afraid, that I had not received your last letter. Timeo ne non impetrem Cic. I am afraid I shall not carry the point. In explanation of this, it may perhaps be observed, that such Latin verbs have in themselves something of a negative nature, that, ex. gr. timeo has in it something of the nature of non spero, expectation being, in a certain sense, the basis of both ; that, therefore, seeing they are negative themselves, it follows that, when they are followed by ne, which is another negative, the sense must be, on the whole, affirmative, since two negatives destroy each other; and that when the)' are followed by ut, which is no negative, or by ne non, which, being two negatives, is equivalent to an affirma- tive, they are still negative, as they are followed by nothing capa- ble of destroying their own negative signification. Thus also if we use two words of a negative nature, as in Non vereor ut id Jiat, or, which is the same thing, four negatives, as in Non ve- reor ne non id fiat, the meaning is affirmative, and the same in * both, namely, that we are almost certain, that we expect, or sus- pect, that the thing we wish for will happen ; and, therefore, that we are not afraid that it will not come to pass. Thus Cicero, Ne verendum tjuidem est ut tenere se possit, et moderari. We have no reason to be afraid of his containing and governing himself; or, although the expression is somewhat stronger, we have reason to 233 believe, of to expect, that he will, &c. Non vereor ne hoc officium meum Servilio non probem. I am not afraid, or I hope, that I shall be able to justify my conduct to Servilius. There is, it is ob- served, a distinction between Vereor ne, and Vereor ut, in the for- mer's being used to denote our fear that something may happen, which we do not wish; and in the latter 's implying our fear that something may not happen, which we wish to happen. The infinitive is but seldom used after these: thus, Metuit tangi Hor. i. e. ne tangatur. Sed vereor tardce causa fuisse morce Ovid. i. e. ne causa fuerim. But in such expressions as Metuit tentare, Timet venire, ftreor dicere, He is afraid of trying, or to try, &c. the in- finitive only is used, because in these the reference is to a simple, positive action ; in the others, to one which is contingent. Note 14s After such verbs as cxutima, puto, sporo, affirmo, sus- picor, &c. the place of the future of the infinitive may be ele- gantly supplied by fore orfuturum esse, the verb being put in the subjunctive with ut: as, Existimabant pleriquefuturumfuisse t ut oppidum amitteretur Cses. Nunquam putamfore ut ad te supplex veniremCic. When the verb has no future participle, this phra- seology becomes necessary. Note 15. The English infinitive following any part of the verb am is expressed in Latin by the future participle : as, Rationem redditurus est, He is about to give an account. Ratio reddenda est Cic., An account is to be given. It may sometimes, as after video, sentio, audio, be expressed in Latin by the present participle ; as, Vidi eum ingredientem, I saw him enter, or entering. Sensi ilium lacrymas effundentem, I saw him shed tears. The General Rule for the Government of 'Participles, Gerunds^ and Supines. RULE XLV.- Participles, Gerunds, and Supines, govern the case of their own verbs : as, Amans virtutem. Loving virtue. Gsrerujraude, Wanting guile. Note 1. Thus also, Quidam nominatus poeta Cic. Regni re- rumque obliti Virg. Indulgens sibi hi/drops Hor. Non inferiora secutus Virg. Virum pecunid indigentem l V. Max. Parcendurn estteneris Juv. Consilium Lacedcemonem occupandi Liv. Uten- dum est cetate Ovid. Aut Gratis servitum matribus ibo Virg. Legati venerunt questum injurias, et exfcedere res repetilum Liv. Vaticinatus est madefactum iri Grceciam sanguine Cic. 1 We find Egcns omnibus Cic. and Omnium honestarum rerum egens~SaM. Abundant is likewise thus construed, but the ablative is the more frequent. Jndigens is also construed with a genitive. Such constructions may be re- ferred to this rule, since cgco, abundo, and indigco, are found with a genitive. Some, however, refer them to Rule XXI, and others refer the genitive to Rule XIV, 234? Note 2. Government belongs to the first supine only. Note 3. Verbal nouns sometimes govern the case of their verbs: as, Justitia est obtemperatio scriptis legibusCic. Insidice consult non procedebant Sail. In these, perhaps, some participle may be understood, as prcestitus orjactus. Ignis aquce pugnax Ovid. Gratulabundus patrice Justin. Vitabundus castra Jiostium Liv. Note 4. The gerund in di, in imitation of a substantive, some- times governs, instead of the accusative plural, the genitive plu- ral : as, Nominandi istorum erit copia Plaut. Neque sui colligendi hostibusfacultatem relinquunt Cses. This is most common with pronouns; but we also find Facidtas agrorum condonandi Cic. Exemplorum eligendi potestas Cic. &c. If the genitive singular be found, and this is very uncommon, it happens when the pro- noun is of the feminine gender : as, Quoniam tui videndi est copia Plaut. Ego ejus videndi cupidus recta consequor Ter, Few instances can be adduced of its governing any other singular ge- nitive than that of pronouns feminine. Note 5. Exosus, perosus t and often also pert&sus, signify active- ly, and govern the accusative : as, Tcedas exosa jugales Ovid, Plebs consulum nomenperosa erat Liv. Pertcesus ignaviam suam Suet. Pertcesus, used impersonally, governs the genitive also: as, Pertasum levitatis Cic. thalami tcedceque Virg. Exosus andperosus, signifying passively, are said to be found with a dative ; as, \jermani Romanis perosi sunt. Exosus Deo et sanctis Lily. Exosus universis Eutrop. Note 6. Do, reddo, volo, curo,Jacio, habeo, with the accusative of a perfect participle, are often used by way of circumlocution, instead of the verb of the participle: as, Effectum dabo Ter. i. e. cfficiam. Me missumjhce Ter. i. e. mitte. Inventas reddam Ter. i. e. inveniam. In certain instances there is an evident difference between the simple tense of the verb, and the periphrasis corre- sponding to the manner in which it is usually interpreted in En- glish : thus, if we say Gladius quern abdiderat, or Gladius quern ab- ditum kabebat, the translation of either is, The sword which she had concealed. The latter is the phraseology of Livy, describing the suicide of Lucretia, and implies the actual possession of the dag- ger, at the time ; the former does not. In the others, the peri- phrastic form is said usually to denote greater emphasis than what is contained in the simple tense of the verb. Note 7. CurOy habeo, mando, loco, conduco, do, tribuo, accimo t mitto, relinquo, and the like, as edico, deposco, suscipio, rogo, trado, permitto, instead of the infinitive, the subjunctive, or sometimes the gerund in dum with ad, are elegantly construed with the par- ticiple in dus, agreeing with a substantive in gender, number, and case : as, Funus ei satis amplum faciendum curavi Cic. for Jieri or utjieret. Demus nos pJiilosopfiice excolendos Cic. Edico dird helium cum gente gcrendum Virg. Q? laudcm gloriamque P. AJricani luendam conscrvandamquc suscepitQc* Atiribuit nos 235 trucidandos Cethego ; ceeteros cives interjidendos Gabinio ; urbem i)iflammandam Cassio ; totam Italiam vastandam diripiendamque Catilince Cic. in which the gerund in dum might be used, as ad truddandum, ad interficiendum , &c. GERUNDS. RULE XL VI. The gerund in dum of the nominative case, with the verb est, governs the dative : as, Vivendum est mihi recte, I must live well. Moriendum cst omnibus. All must die. Note 1. That is, the gerund in dum of the nominative case, de- noting necessity or obligation, with the third person singular of any tense of sum, or with Jbret, governs the dative of the object with which the necessity or obligation lies : as, Dolendum est tibi ipsi Hor. Multa novis rebus prcesertim quum sit agendum Lucr. Etiamsi cumpluribus dimicandumforet Liv. In these last, how- ever, the dative is understood. Note 2. The dative is often understood : as, Orandum est, ut sit mens sana in corpore sano Juv. supply tibi. Note 3. Neuter verbs, denoting posture or gesture, which have a nominative before and after them, may have after this gerund two datives : as, Tibi in tud pace armato vivendum est Senec. equivalent to Tibi in tud pace armato [vel armatum~\ vivere necesse est. Note 4. After another verb, this gerund is turned into the ac- cusative with esse or fore, expressed or understood : as, Quotidie meditere resistendum esse iracundice Cic. Quibus rebus quam ma- turrime occurrendum (esse) putabat-^-Cses. Rursus ab Senatu ei postulandumjbre Liv. Note 5. This gerund may be resolved into the infinitive, or the subjunctive with ut generally understood, such words as necesse est, oportet, debeo, going before : as, Cuique manendum est, into Qtiisque debet manere. Moriendum est, into Homini necesse est mori, or ut moriatur. Ei postea non credendum, into Ei credi postea non oportet Cic. When the verb is neuter, it is not con- vertible into the participle in dus ; but when it is active, it may be thus varied : as, Habendum est canes, i. e. Oportet habere canes ; ovHabendisunt canes, i. e. Oportet canes haberi. The latter is said to be the more frequent construction, when there is a passive voice ; but the former is not, on that account, to be reckoned an antiquated form of expression. The antients frequently varied this construction by the substantive verb, and a verbal noun in io: as, Quid tibi hanc curatio est rem Plant. Cavcndum est may be changed into Cautio mihi est, Cautio mea est ! , Debeo cavere, Ne- 1 In these two forms, the duty, necessity, or obligation, does not appear so evident as in the others. 236 cesse esL mi/ii cave re, Necesse est or Oporiet me cavere, Neccsse li beo cavere, Caveam oportet or necesse est. Note 6. Grammarians have differed in their explanation of the construction of gerunds, some considering them as the participle in dus, and others, as verbal nouns governing a case. That they are not participles, is inferred chiefly from the two considerations, that they have no substantive expressed, with which they agree, and that neuter verbs in o, which have no participle in dus, have, notwithstanding, the verbal noun or gerund. Taking them as nouns, this construction may be thus explained ; Eundum est mild, I must go, i. e. Eundum est (opus) mihi, Going is needful or ne- cessary for me. Orandum est, ut sit &c. i. e. Orandum, ut sit &c. est (opus nobis;) equivalent to opus est, ut oremus. If dum be con- sidered as coming from the participle in dus, such examples as the last may be thus explained passively ; Hoc est orandum, ut sit &c. It is to be observed that the gerund in dum, while it is followed by a dative, governs at the same time the case of its verb : thus, in the last example, if orandum be taken in an active sense, the words ut sit metis sana &c. supply the place of an accusative to it : thus also Utendum est (nobis) estate Ovid. In regard to their signi- fication, there has been a considerable difference among gramma rians, some asserting that it is active, and some, passive. 1 believe it will be generally found, that they have the same signification as their verbs, that is, when these are active, they are active ; and when these are neuter, they are so likewise. It may be inferred from their government of other cases, besides the dative which all gerunds in dum with the verb est govern, that they have an active signification, those which come from neuter verbs being excepted. That they may be turned into the passive participle in dus is no decisive argument in favour of their being passive, since, although the general meaning in both forms may be similar or nearly so, yet there is a difference in the precise mode of the respective expres- sions. Thus, if we say In percipiendojructus, the meaning is ac- tive, and is equivalent to Cumpercipiasfructus. If we say In per- cipiendisfructibus, the turn of expression seems passive, Cumfruc- tus percipiantur. As active verbs are sometimes used absolutely, or as neuters, so their gerunds are sometimes found having an ab- solute or apparently neuter signification : thus, Pueros ante urbem lusus causd exercendique producers Liv. Quum Jugurtha Tisi- diumad imperandum vocaretur Sail. In the former a personal pro- noun may be understood ; and in regard to the latter, which some explain by considering ad imperandum as equivalent to adimperari^ or ut ei imperaretur, it may be observed that it seemed to the Ro- mans themselves so contrary to analogy, that Cicero writes " Quare ades ad imperandum, sen parendum potius: sic emm antiqui lo- quebantur. Ep. 9. 25. Thus also,- if we say Memoria cxcolendo, sicut alia omnia, augeturQuinct. the meaning may be not si co- latur, but si colas. Yet, if there are some who consider such ex- amples as passive, it is a matter of little consequence. The foJU 237 lowing are the principal instances which I have seen adduced to prove their passive signification ; Athenas quoque erudiendi causd missus Justin, i. e. for the sake of being instructed, or for the sake of instruction ; but this may be interpreted actively, ut eum aliquis erudiat. Carpit enim vires paulatim, uritque viden- do femina (bos) Virg. generally rendered by being seen, or as equivalent to dum vidctur ; but may not the real meaning be by seeing him? Thus also Charta emporetica inutilis scribendo Plin. Aqua utilis bibendo Plin. Res ad judicandum difficilis Cic. These, however, although the meaning does appear passive, may be interpreted actively. Indeed, no ambiguity arises, in En- glish, from giving them what is, at least mjbrm, an active interpre- tation ; thus, we may say,paperfafor writing, orjfa to write upon, while we mean, Jit for being written upon ; water jit for drinking, or to drink, or Jit to be drunk; a matter difficult to decide, &c. That the English gerund, participle, or verbal noun, in ing, has both an active and a passive signification, there can be little doubt. Whether the Latin gerund has precisely a similar import, or whether it is only active, it may be difficult, and, indeed, after all, it is not of much moment, to ascertain. RULE XLVII. The Gerund in di is governed by substan- tives, or adjectives : as, Tempus legendi, Time of reading. Cupidus discendi, Desirous to learn. Note 1. The substantives are such as amor, causa, gratia, stu- dium, tempus, occasio, ars, Jacidtas, otium, cupido, voluntas, con- suetudo, locus, licentia, venia, vis, &c. ; thus, Amor habendi Cic. It is observed, that gratid and causd are generally placed after the gerund: as, Pabulandi causa Goes. Purgandi gratia Caes. Mala et impia consuetudo, est contra deum disputandi Cic. but that, when used in any other case than the ablative, they may be placed before : as, Equitatum per causam pabulandi emissum Caes. Note 2. The adjectives are chiefly such as denote desire, know- ledge, remembrance, and their contraries ; as peritus, imperitus, cu- pidus, insuetus, certus, rudis, &c. belonging to Rule XIV : thus, Docendi peritus Quinct. Certus eundi Virg. Insuetus navigan- cft-Caes. Note 3. The infinitive is sometimes used for this gerund, espe- cially by the poets ; as Tempus abire, Occasio scribere, &c. for ab- eundi, scribendi. Studium quibus arva tueri Virg. Tempus sol- vere colla Virg. Sometimes the gerund in dum with ad : as, Fa- cultas ad dicendum Cic. equivalent to Facultas dicendi. Note 4. The governing substantive is sometimes understood : as, Cum haberem in animo navigandi Cic. i. e. propositum. This sometimes happens to participles or gerundives : as, Regium impe- 238 rium quod initio conservandae libertatis atque augenda reipullicce fuerat Sail. i. e. causa. Note 5. This gerund is sometimes followed by the genitive plu- ral, instead of the accusative. See Rule XLV, Note 4. RULE XLVIII. The gerund in do of the dative case is governed by adjectives signifying usefulness or fitness : as, Charta utilis scribendo, Paper useful for writing. Note 1. Thus also, Charta emporetica est inutilis scribendo Plin. Ferrum habile tundendo Plin. Note Q. The adjective is sometimes suppressed: as, Tu non sol- vendo eras Cic. Radix ejus vescendo est Plin. Supply par, ha bilis, aptus, or some similar word. Note 3. This gerund sometimes depends upon a verb : as, Epi dicum qucerendo operam dabo Plaut. Ut nee triumviri accipiundo nee scribes referundo sitfficerent Liv. Is censendo Jinisfactus est Liv. Note 4. Sometimes the gerund in dum with ad is used instead o this construction : as, Qua pecude, quod erat ad vescendum homi- nibus apta, nihil genuit naturafcecundius Cic. Note 5. This gerund is governed not only by adjectives signify, ing usefulness, fitness, or the contrary, but by other adjectives also: thus, Illud ediscendo, scribendoque commune est Quinct Dat operam ne sit reliquum poscendo atque auferendo Plaut. Te- lum, utfodiendo acuminatum pariter, et sorbendo Jistulosum esset- Plin. RULE XLIX. The Gerund in dum of the accusative case is governed by the preposition ad or inter : as, Promptus ad audiendum, Ready to hear. Attentus inter docendum, Attentive in time of teaching. Note 1. It is likewise sometimes governed by ante, circa, or ol: thus, Ad ppenitendum properat qui citb judicatPubl. Syr. Age, Tityre, et inter agendum. . . . caveto Virg. Ante domandum In- gentes tollent animos Virg. Plus eloquentia circa movendum valet Quinct. A quo pecuniam ob absolvendum acceperis Cic. Note 2. As the gerund in dum is the nominative before est, so, consequently, it is the accusative before esse expressed or under- stood : as, Qui dicerent dignitati esse serviendum, reipullicce (esse) consulendum Cic. See Rule XLVI, Note 4. Note 3. This gerund is sometimes construed with haleo : as, Quum enitendum haberemus, ut (juod parentibus datur, et orbis pro- laretur Plin. When the accusative is added, the gerundive or participle in dus is used : as, Ut nihil discendum haleres tempore docendi Plin. 8*1 RULE L. The gerund in do of the ablative case is go- verned by the prepositions a, ab, de, e, ex, or in : as, Pcena a peccando, absterret, Punishing frightens from sinning. Note 1. Thus also, Aristotelem non deterruit a scrilendo Cic. He transeundo in EptrumCic. Ab revocando ad indtandos hor- tandosque versus milites Liv. .r assentando Ter. file quident in recusando perstabat Liv. It is, though seldom, governed by pro or cum: as, Pro vapulando abs te mercedem petam Plaut. Ratio recte scribendijuncia cum loquendo est Quinct. Note 2. The gerund in do, says Mr. Seyer, is found governing a genitive: as, Cujus autem in dicendo aliquid reprehensum est Cic. Here I am inclined to concur in opinion with Dr. Crombie, whose words I take the liberty to use. ' * That possessive adjectives, and, " consequently, the genitive singular of nouns substantive, are " joined with verbals in io, there can be no question. Thus we ic say, dictio mea, ejus dictio, &c. That, for the sake of euphony, " the gerund is sometimes found governing the genitive of the pa- " tient, or subject of the action, is likewise unquestionable: thus, " Studio videndi patrum vestrorum. But I recollect no example, " where the gerund is joined with a possessive adjective, or geni- " tive of a noun substantive, where the person is not the patient, " but the agent ; as dicendum meum, ejus dicendum, cujus dicendum. " In truth, these phraseologies appear to me, not only repugnant (< to the idiom of the language, but also unfavourable to precision " and perspicuity. The example, which Mr. Seyer has adduced, 1f of the gerund governing the genitive of the agent, does by no " means authorize his conclusion ; for cujus may evidently be go- " verned by aliquid. Nihil ejus, nihil cujus, aliquid ejus, aliquid " cujuSy * nothing of his,' ' nothing of whose/ ' any thing of his,' " c. are expressions which I need not justify by any quotations; " because to every classical scholar they must be perfectly fami- " liar. " Mr. Seyer has likewise said that the gerund is in signification " the same with the infinitive, or the verbal in io. No two words " can be considered as synonymous, or precisely the same in sig- " nification, unless they be in all cases interconvertible terms. " Now we may say legere est facile, lectio est facilis, but not legen- " dum est facile. To explain the distinction between the gerund " and the infinitive or the verbal in io, is beside the present pur- " pose. It is sufficient to observe that they are not used indis- " criminately." Note 3. This gerund may be found, contrary to the opinion of L. Valla, after verbs of motion : as, Ipse a dicendo refugisti Cic. The gerundive also : as, Non videor omnino a defendendis homini- lus sublevandisque discedere Cic. 240 RULE LI. Or, the Gerund in do may be used without a preposition, as the ablative of manner or cause : as, Memoria excolendo augetur Quinct The memory is im- proved by exercising it. Defessus sum ambulanda Ter. I am wearied with walk- ing- Of the Changing of Gerunds into Gerundives or Participles in dus. RULE LII. Gerunds governing the accusative may be elegantly turned into the participles in dus, which agree with their substantives, in gender, number, and case : as, Petendum est pacem, into Petenda est pax. Tempus petendi pacem, Tempus petendre pacis. Ad petendum pacem, Ad petendam pacem. A petendo pacem, A petenda pace. Note 1. Thus also Ejicienda est hcec mollities Ter. for Ejici- endum est hanc mollitiem. Inita sunt consilia urbis delendce Cic. for urbem delendi. Reparandarum classium causd Suet, for re- parandi classes. Rerum suarum referendarum secum dominis jusfiebat Liv. From the two last examples, (and many more might be cited,) it is evident that Valla and Farnabius committed a mistake, when they asserted that, on account of the noisy sound, the gerund in di is seldom changed into the genitive plural of the gerundive ! , but that either the accusative is retained, as in Studio patres vestros videndi, or that the substantive, and not the gerund, is put in the genitive plural, as in Patrum vestrorum videndi studio Dummodo perpetiendo labori sit idoneus Colum. for perpetiendo lalorem. Quce valeant ad gloriam adipiscendamCic. for adipiscen- dum. His et qua taceo duravi scepeferendis Ovid, fovhcecferendo. Note 2. This rule takes place, only when the verb may govern an accusative : if it governs any other case, the gerund must be used : as, Veritus ne relir/uos populares metus invaderet parendi sibi Sail. Plus penc parcendo metis quam vincendo, imperium auxisse Liv. There is, however, an exception in regard to the verbs utor, (perhaps also, abutor,) fruor, fungor, and potior, which, although they do not govern the accusative, (they did so for- merly,) are construed according to this rule : thus, JEtas adhces utenda idonea Ter. Justitice fruendce causd Cic. In omni mu- nere fungendo Cic. Urbis potiundce cupido Justin. Note 3. The gerundives must be in the same case as the gerunds would have been, preserving, however, the gender and number of the substantives. 1 When a relative follows, the gerund is used ; as Hie dies attulit initium di* cendi qua vellemCic. not dicendorum eorum qua vellem. Note 4-. Although the form of expression in which the gerun- dive is used be the more common, yet examples of the other form frequently occur in Cicero, and in other writers of the best age and authority : thus, Visendi demos potestas Liv. Petendi con- sulatum gratia Sail. Venit ad, recipiendum pecunias Var. Nunc purgando crimina, nunc qucedam fatendo - - - nunc monendo etiam Patres Conscriptos Liv. Nullo loco deero, neque ad consolandum neque ad levandumfortunam tuam Cic. Romam videndi causa Virg. with many similar instances. .E^ nos lavando operam dede- runt Plaut. is a very uncommon construction. Note 5. Of the signification of gerunds sufficient notice has been taken in Rule XL VI. And, although a few more instances might be added, tending to confirm the opinion of their passive acceptation, yet there is no doubt that they in general have an active signification, although it is certain there are not wanting examples in which they have, or seem to have, a passive one. The gerund in dum of the nominative case, is construed by Rule II ; the dative following it, by Rule XXV ; that in di by Rules XI and XIV : in do of the dative case, by Rule XVI ; in dum of the accusative case, by Rule LXVIII ; and that of the ablative, by Rule LXIX, LXXI, or LV. OF SUPINES. RULE LIII. The Supine in um, is put after a verb of mo- tion: as, Abiit deambulatum, He is gone to walk. Note 1. The supine in urn, like the gerund, is a verbal noun ; and being, generally, placed after a verb of motion, it denotes the nature of that action to which the motion tends. It commonly retains the signification of the verb in o, whether active or neuter, whence it comes, and governs the same cases: thus, Omnes lonos perditum eunt Sail. Ut cubitum discessimus Cic. Note 2. There are a few expressions in which the supine in um follows a verb not strictly denoting motion, though motion may be considered as implied ; such are Dojlliam nuptum Ter. Pam- philam cantatum provocemus Ter. Cohortes ad me missum facias Cic. Vos ultum injurias horlor Sail. Coctum ego> non vapu- latum, dudum conductus fui Plaut. It is likewise put after par- ticiples : as, Patriam defensum revocatus Nep. Spectatum ad- vnissi Hor. Note 3. There have been various disputes concerning the nature of supines, and the part of speech to which they ought to be refer- red. The general opinion seems to be, that they are mere verbal nouns ; and some think that, although only two cases are com- monly mentioned, um of the accusative and u of the ablative, the former used after a verb of motion, and the latter after an adjec- tive noun, they are found in other cases likewise, and even, it is R 242 said, in the plural number. Thus in such phrases as Cautum est ! , fantum est, Pugnatum /, Comurrectum est, in which the verb is said to be used impersonally, it is asserted that the nominative is used. Horrendum auditu, Miralile visu, Collocare nuptui, are said to contain the dative of the supine. In Eo spectatum y Vtmimus qiicesitum, and the like, the accusative is used, governed by ad> which is found sometimes expressed. Dictu opus est Ter. ; Mi- grain difficilia Liv. ; Parvum dictu, sed immensum cestimatione Plin. ; are considered to contain the ablative governed by in un- derstood. In regard to their signification, likewise, there have been differences of opinion. The general opinion seems to be, that the supine in um signifies actively, when it comes from an active verb, governing the same case as the verb ; but that there are a few instances in which it ap- pears to have a passive signification, such as Coctum ego, non vapu- latum dudum conductus fui Plant, i. e. ut vapularem, sive verbe- rarer. But this cannot, I think, be reckoned a decisive instance, since the supine has here only the passive signification which in . the active voice the verb itself possesses. Mulier quce usurpatum isset Gell. i. e. quoe usurpatafuisset. The supine in u is said to have an active signification, chiefly when it comes from neuter and deponent verbs : thus, Foedum inceptu,foedum exitu Liv. i. e. Cum incipit, cum exit. Quia C. The supine in um with the verb iri constitutes the fu- ture of the infinitive passive : as, Brutum, ut scrilis, visum iri a me puto Cic. It never varies its termination ; for we do not say Illos occisos iri, but illos occisum iri. Thus used its signification is said by some to be passive; see, however, page 87. It is to be ob- served, that the future signification arises neither from eo, nor from the supines, but from the connection of both ; and that, as the one action depends upon the other, it must necessarily be con- sidered as contingent or future : thus, in Amatum ire and Amatum iri, the former of which some grammarians have considered as present, and the latter, as future, the time of going, as denoted by ire or iri, is present, and as it precedes the action denoted by arnatum, it follows that the loving is subsequent or future. In the same way it is, that, by inference, the form " I will love," which is composed of the present tense / will, and the infinitive to love, is considered to express future action in regard to the loving, the performance of the action willed being necessarily subsequent or future to the present action of willing it. For this reason, Cur te 25 perditum ? Ter. is not to be esteemed equivalent to Cur te per- dis? the former implying future destruction, thus, " Why are you about to destroy yourself?" " Why are you going to destroy your- self?" "Why are you acting in such a manner that the consequence will be your destruction?" the latter denoting present destruction, ' Why are you destroying?" or " WTiy do you destroy yourself?" Note 5. The supine in um may be resolved into a finite verb with ut -, thus, Spectatum veniunt, i. e. ut spectent. Postr/uam au- dierat non datum iri Jilio suo uxorem Ter. i. e. fore ut uxor non daretur; or, perhaps, rather, fore ut uxorem non darent. Note 6. This supine may be varied by different constructions: thus, Fenit oratum opem. Fenit opem orandi causa or gratid 1 . fe- nit opis orandcz causa or gratid. Fenit ad orandum opem. Venit ad orandam opem. Fenit opi orandae (uncommon). Fenit opem oraturus. Fenit qui or ut opem oret. Fenit opem orare (poetical). To these forms have been added Fenit opem orans, and Fenit de oranda ope, both supported by classical authorities. But the for- VVhere the substantive may be used in the plural, the genitive may be substituted for the accusative ; thus, Fenit spectandi ludorum causa. See Rule XLV, Note 4. R2 244 mer does not appear to me to be precisely equivalent in sense to y^nit oratum opem or to the others, as it simply denotes " He comes begging assistance," which does not imply that the intention or purpose of the coming is to beg assistance, but merely that the coming and the begging are concomitant or co-existent acts. RULE LIV. The Supine in u is put after an adjective noun: as, Facile dictu, Easy to tell, or, to be told. Note 1. Thus also, Nee visufacilis, nee dictu qffalilis ulli Virg. Quod optimum factu videbitur, fades Cic. Note 2. It is sometimes, but rarely, found after fas, nefas, and opus: as, Hoc fas est dictu, Cic. Nefas visu Ovid. Ita dictu opus est Ter. Scilu opus est Cic. Prudentius has used see/us in like manner : as, Quod dictu scelvs est. It may be observed that these have the force of adjectives, and are equivalent to licitum, illicitum, necessarium, scelestum. Note 3. It is sometimes put after verbs signifying motion from a place : as, Primus cubitu surgat, primus cubitum eat Cato. It is likewise found after other verbs. Those, however, who make a distinction between supines and verbal nouns of the fourth de- clension, will be inclined to refer such forms to the latter deno- mination. Note 4. It seems to be sometimes used for a dative case: as, Aut mala tactu Vipera delituit Virg. Omnia postremo bima sen- sibus et mala tactu Lucr. Hcec res neutiquajn neglectu est mihi Ter. These may be considered either as the supines, or abla- tive case governed by a preposition understood, or they may be datives, as if is well known that the dative of the fourth declension antiently ended in u. Note 5. The supine in u, as has been already mentioned, is in reality the ablative of a verbal noun governed by a preposition un- derstood ; and it generally follows adjectives governing either the dative or ablative, such as ajj'abilis, bonus, dignus, indignus,facilis, difficilis, jucundus, injucundus, pulcher, utilis,foedus, turpis, rarus, horrendus, gravis, asper, &c. Thus, Res horrenda relatu Ovid, may be horrenda in relatu. Culitu surgat may be a cubitu. Quin- tilian uses in the same sense Nee in receptu difficilis. Virgil has Vesper e pastu vitulos ad tecta reducit, in both which the preposi- tion is expressed. , Note 6. This supine is convertible into the infinitive : thus, Ar- dua imitate, cceterum cognosci utilia Val. Max. for utilia cognitu. Indeed, as the second supine is used absolutely, that is, does not govern a case, the infinitive is commonly used when the energy of the verb is intended to pass to an object. Into the gerund in dum with ad : as, Illud autem facile ad credendum est Cic. It is observed that this form is chiefly preferred either when there is no supine, or when, if there be one, it cannot be used on account of the words dependent upon the action of the verb. Into a verbal noun: thus, Opus proscriptione dignum Plin. After verbs of mo- tion it is observed that the verbal noun is much more frequently used than this supine: as, A declines legionis cokortatione profectus Caes. Jam JEtoli a populatione Acarnamcc Stratum redierant Liv. Indeed, in these the supine could not be used, on account of the genitives depending upon the verbals, since the supine, as such, governs neither a genitive like a substantive, nor any case as part of a verb. The verbals are also used in the dative : as, Aqua potui jucunda Plin. Or in the accusative with ad: as, Tant/uam me- diocritas prceceptoris ad intellectum atyue imilationem sit jacilior Quinct. Note 7. The supine in urn commonly follows verbs of motion; the infinitive, other verbs ; the gerund in dum with ad, follows ad- jective nouns. This last form is, however, frequently met with after verbs of motion ; and the poets use also the infinitive after adjec- tives. The supine in u and the present infinitive passive are thus distinguished : the former has generally an adjective before it; the latter has not, unless sometimes among the poets. Indeed, gerunds, supines, and the infinitive, being considered as verbal nouns substantive, it is not wonderful, that, in many instances, the one noun may be used for the other, as they are all derived from the same original. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF CIRCUMSTANCES. Circumstances are five; CAUSE, MANNER, INSTRUMENT, PLACE, and TIME; and they are common both to verbs and nouns. The Cause, Manner, and Instrument. RULE LV. The Cause, Manner, and Instrument, are put in the ablative : as, Palleo melU) I am pale with fear. Fecit suo more, He did it after his own way. Scribo calamo, I write with a pen. Note 1. Thus also, Cause; as, Pallet amore Hor. To this refer such expressions as Insignis piciate, Major et maximus nalu, Natione Syrus, &c. Qppidum nomine Bilrax Caes. Naturd tu Hit pater, consiliis ego Ter. Some of these may be referred to the Manner. Manner: as, More majorum Sail. Lento gradu ad vindictam sui divina procedit ira Val. Max. Instrument : as, Naturam expetlas fared Hor. Ccesus est virgis Cic. Some refer to the Instrument, the means, as in Ami-cos vbscrvantid } rein 246 parsimonid retinuit Cic. but such ablatives are better referred to the Cause or Manner. Note 2. The Cause is known by putting the question Why? or Wherefore? The Manner, by How? And the Instrument, by Wherewith ? Note 3. The Cause sometimes takes the prepositions per, prop- ter* ob ; de, e, ex, pros: as, Depulsus per invidiam Cic. Ea sus- picio propter hanc causam fuitCic. Ob adulterium cccsi Virg. Indeed, in some cases the preposition seems almost indispensable: thus we should say Colo te ob vel propter virtutem, rather than vir- tute. When the cause is a person, this preposition must be general- ly used: as, Non est aquum me propter vos decipi Ter. Fessus d e v id Cic. Vacillare ex vino Quinct. Nee loqul prce mcerore potuit Cic. Sometimes a or ab is used : as, Animus tumidajer- vebat ab ird Ovid, but these refer to the word considered rather as the agent, than as the cause. Note 4. The Manner is sometimes expressed by o, ab, cum, de, ex, per : as, Quern celer adsuetd vcrsat ab arte puer Tibul. Cum videret oratores cum severitate audiri, poetas autem cum voluptate Cic. Diadema gesiavit de more rituque priscce religionis Suet. Id non Jleri ex verd vitd, nec/ue adeo ex cequo et bono Ter. Quud iter per provinciam per vim tentdssentCses. 1 Note 5. The Instrument, properly so called, scarcely ever ad- mits the preposition : thus we do not say Interfecit eum cum gladio, but gladio only. But, when the Instrument is spoken of not strictly as material but as equivalent to the cooperating weans, cum may be used : as, Cum meis copiis omnibus vexavi Amanienses Cic. 2 Among the poets, however, a or ab is sometimes used : as, Pectora trajectus ab ense Ovid. Other prepositions, as sub, de, or in t are sometimes prefixed to the instrument : as, Exercere solum sub vornere Virg. De manu cibos et aquam prcebere Co- lum. But in this last, manu does not so much denote the instru- ment by which the thing is done, as the place whence it is given. The Vulgate has Vmiabo in virgd peccata eorum, and the like, which are Hebraisms. Sanctius observes, that cum is not placed before the Instrument, lest it might occasion ambiguity. Thus, if we were to write Tetigi eum cum kasta, it might be doubtful whether the meaning were, "I touched him with (and) the spear," or, "I touched him with (i. e. he was touched by me with) a spear." For this reason cum is omitted, unless when the meaning is along with, and the examples cited to prove the contrary either are suspicious, or imply a different sense. Note 6. The ablative of the Instrument is to be distinguished from the ablative of concomitancy , which is generally expressed 1 Sallust has Midta'Cum suo animo volvcbat and Cum animo rejmtans* " It was noticed, under the construction of passive verbs, that;> the means or secondary cause, a or ab to the source or original cause ; us in Per Tlvaxybulum Lycijilium, ab cxcrdlu rcdpitiir Nep. 247 wither///// as, Desinant obsidere cum gladiis curiam Cic. 1 To this may be referred certain expressions in which the Instrument, used in a general sense, the Manner, the Adjunct, or the like, is denoted: as, Quid incipit facere cum tantis minis Plaut. Cognovi te Romam venisse cum febri Cic. Ira procul absit, cum qua ni- hil recte fieri potest Cic. Cum curd legere Plaut. Cum Jide persolvere Suet. But in such instances the preposition is some- times omitted : as, Multitudine Numidarum castra circumvenit Sail. Sese omnibus armis Influvium dedit Virg. Note 7. To this rule are referred the ablatives of the adjunct, the matter of which any thing is made, and of the part affected : as, Lepore, et humanitate, omnibus prcestitit Soaraies Cic. &re cavo clypeus Virg. JEger pedibus Quinct. And also many other constructions, which have been mentioned under other rules : such as dfficere aliquem honore, Persequi odio, Gnudere equis, Delibutus gaudio, &c. It is to be observed, however, that the adjunct sometimes takes a preposition ; and that the matter is gene- rally put in the ablative with de, e, or ex: as, Interea cum Musis nos delectnbimus Cic. Templu*n de marmore Virg. Candela- Irum factum e gemmis Cic. Naves totce factce ex robore Caes. Sometimes the matter is put in the genitive : as, Nummus argenti; crateres argenti Pers. in which the genitive may be governed by ex re, or ex materia, understood. This seems an imitation of the Greek construction, according to which they write Tov Mtpgov iTfolya-sy lcr%vp(ov v\wv Xen. i, e. He built a chariot of strong wood ; in which the genitive is, in reality, governed by l?c or diro, understood, but sometimes expressed. Note 8. The- ablatives of this rule, though used without a pre- position, are governed by one understood, as is sufficiently mani- fest from observing the construction of the vulgar languages, in which it is always expressed. Of Place. RULE LVI. The name of a town is put in the genitive, when the question is made by Ubi, [Where] : as, Vixit Roma, He lived at Rome. Mortuus est Londini, He died at London. Note 1 . That is, the continuance or abode in or at a town is put in the genitive, if the name be of the first or second declension : as, Quid Romce faciam Juv. Is habitat Mileti Ter. It is ob- served, however, that when the name is of the first declension, and ends in e, it is better to change the termination into a, and to say Negotiatur Mitylence, than Mitylenes, or, supplying the ellipsis, in urbe Mitylenes. 1 Czcsar writes, Casar mbscyucbatttr omnibus copiis. 21-8 Note C 2. Humi 1 , militice and belli (domi will be hereafter noticed ) are also construed in the genitive, when the question is made by ubi, the words in solo, in loco, or tempore, being understood: as, Et humi nascentia fraga Virg. i. e. in solo. Prosternite humi juvenem Ovid. i. e. ad solum vel terrain, in which it is to be ob- served, that humi answers to the question Quo, denoting motion to a place. Una semper militia et domifuimus Ter. It is like- wise to be observed, that domi militicsque is the usual form and order of the expression. Belli domique agitalatur Sail, in which in loco seems understood. To these may be added duelli, terrce and foci, which are said to be found, very rarely however, used in this way : thus, Quce domi duellique male fecisti Plaut. Cum vellet terrce procumbere Ovid. Here, however, terrce may be the dative. Domi fodque Ter. But these are not to be imi- tated. Note 3. The names of towns belonging to this rule are some- times, though very rarely, expressed in the ablative : as, Hujus exemplar Romd nullum habemus Vitruv. for Romtz. Rex Tyro decedit Justin, for Tyri. Pons, quern ille Alydofecerat Justin. Note 4-. It is observed, that, when at denotes near or about a place, the preposition ad is used : as, Bellum quod ad Trojam ges- serat Virg. Note 5. This rule is elliptical, in urbe, in oppido, or the like, being understood. On which account, we cannot say Natus est Romcc urbis Celebris, but Romce in celebri urbe, or in Romce cele- Iri urbe, or in Romd celebri urbe; or, (but not so often,) Romcs celebri urbe, which several forms are sanctioned by classical autho- rity. RULE LVII. But if the name of the town be of the third declension, or of the plural number, it is put in the ablative : as, Habitat Carthagine, He dwells at Carthage. Studuit Parisiis, He studied at Paris. Note 1 . Thus also, Alexander Babylone mortuus est Cic. Car- thaginefuit Cic. Quoniam Delphis oracula cessant Juv. It has appeared to some grammarians, that nouns of the third declen. sion are sometimes put in the dative, by the figure Antiptosis, be- 1 Mr. Jones (Lat. Gram. p. 96) observes, that " the nouns humi, domi, belli militite, were originally written humoi, domoi, belloi, militiai ; but, by dropping the preceding instead of the last vowel, they became by accident the genitive instead of the ablative, humo, domo, bdlo, militia, which the sense requires.' To form the ablative of the last, the final i must be removed, or supposed sub- scribed. Domo is certainly found where the usual rule requires domi ; ant names of towns, belonging to this rule, may be found in the ablative. May not, then, originally, these names of towns have been generally expressed in the ablative, which seems their natural or appropriate case, as well as those be- longing to the third declension, or of the plural number? 24-9 cause we find Convento Antonio Tiluri Cic. Nulla Lacedccmoni tarn est nobilis vidua Nep. Ego aio hoc fieri in Grcecid et Cartha- gini Plaut. But these are old ablatives similar to ruri for rurc. Note 2. The ablative is governed by the preposition in, which is sometimes expressed: as, In Philippis Thessalus ijuidam ei de futurd victoria nunciavit Suet. Complures [naves'] in Hispalifa- ciendas curavit Caes. RULE LVIII. When the question is made by Quo, [Whither,] the name of a town is put in the accusative: as, Venit Romam, He came to Rome. Profectus est Athenas, He went to Athens. Note 1. That is, Motion to a town is put in the accusative : as, Carthaginem rediit Cic. Et inde primum Elidem, deindc Thebas venit Nep. Capuam iterjiectit Liv. Note 2. The dative is seldom found : as, Carthagini nuncios mil- tarn Hor. Note 3. Names of towns are sometimes put after verbs of tell- ing and giving, words which imply a sort of motion : as, Romam erat nunciatum Cic. Messanam literas dedit Cic. Note 4. It has been observed by Sanctius and Scioppius, that Quo is an antient accusative similar to ambo and duo, and still con- tinued in quocirca, quoad, &c., so that when we say quo vadis, in or ad is understood. Hence, the government of the accusative of this rule is obvious. The preposition is often expressed : as, Consilium in Lutetiam Parisiorum transfert Cfes. Ad doctaspro- ficisci Athenas Propert. It is almost needless to reply to the ob- jection, that ad signifies merely at, and that in means only in, since it is so well known, thai, although this be the case, when something is denoted as situated near or in a place, they are like- wise used to denote motion to a place. RULE LIX. If the question be made by Unde, [Whence,] or Qua [By or through what place,] the name of a town is put in the ablative : as, Discessit Corintho, He departed from Corinth. Laodiced iter faciebat, He went through Laodicea. Note 1. Thus also, Accepi Roma literas Cic. Multisvirisfor- tlbus Tolosd, Carcasone, et Narbone nominatim evocatis Caes. her Laodicedfaciebam Cic. Qucesitis Samo, 7/zo, Erythrii, per Afri- cam etiam ac Siciliam et Italicas colonias, carminibus Sibyllce Tac. Note 2. When the question is made by r/ua, per is frequently used, in order to avoid ambiguity : as, Cum iter per Tkebos face- ret Nep. But when the verb is compounded with trans, it may 250 be omitted: as, Cum Gracchus Pomcetium transiretCic. in which the accusative is governed by the preposition in composi- tion. Note 3. The ablative is governed by a or al, or by in denoting a sort of continued or protracted motion equivalent to that which is expressed by through. Note 4-. The foregoing rules concerning names of towns may be thus recapitulated : the name of a town after in or at is put in the genitive, unless it be of the third declension or plural number, for then it is put in the ablative ; after to or unto, (the latter pre- position is obsolescent, ) it is put in the accusative ; and after^rom or through, in the ablative. i n Of Domus and Bus. RULE LX. Domus and Rus are construed the same way as names of towns : as, Ubi ? Manet domi, Where ? He stays at home. (Rule LVI.) Vivit rure or neri 9 He Jives in the country. ( Rule LVIL) Quo ? Domum revertitur, Whither ? He returns home. (Rule LVIII.) Abiit rus, He has gone to the country. Vnde? Domo arcessilus sum, Whence? I am called from home. ( Rule LIX.) Rediit rure, He has returned from the coun- try. Note 1. Thus also: Ubi? Domi industria, foris justum imperi- um Sail. Rure ego viventem, tu dicis in urbe beatum Hor. Huri agere vitam Ter. Rttri is more frequently used than rure ; but both are used, in prose as well as in poetry, by the best classical writers. Quo? Ite domum Virg. Also, after verbs in which motion is not so evidently expressed : as, Cum dabis posthac aliquid domum literarum mci memineris Cic. Rus ibo Ter. Cum rus ex urbe evolavissent Cic. -Unde? Nun- cius ei domo venit Nep. Qui se domo non commoveruntCic. Consilium domo petere Cic. Metuo pater ne rure redierit Ter. N)te 2. D ) mi, does not admit any adjectives to be joined to it, but mecKj tuce, suce, nostrfr, vest-fee, alienee: as, Apud eum sic fui, tanquam domi mccu Cic. Multos annos domi nostr Whither ?< to Latium, to a ci- (^ ad urbem, &c. J (^ ty, &c. C Rediit ex Italia, ^ f He is returned from Unde ?le Latio, ex urbe, > Whence ?< Italy, from Latium, (^ &c. ) (^ from a city, &c. {Transiit per~*\ f He passed through Italiam, per I Through what j Italy, through La- Latium, per \ place? | tium, through a urbem, &c. j L C ^} T ? & c ' Note 1. That is, The preposition is commonly expressed be- fore the names of the larger places, such as countries, provinces, islands, and the like : before the proper names of villages, moun- tains, rivers, seas, woods, &c. ; and before appellatives : as, Ubi ? In Italia Cic. In Lemno Ter. In FormianoCic. Lucus in urbefuit Virg. Quo ? Nobis Her est in Asiam Cic. Te in Epirum venisse gaudeo Cic. Annibal ad portas venisset Cic. Unde ? Al Europd petis Asiam j ex Asia transis in Europam Curt. Ex urbe tu rus habitatum viigres Ter. Qua ? her in Ci- liciam facto per Cappadociam Cic. Per totum terrarum orbem manavit V. Max. But these are sometimes expressed with- out a preposition : as, Ubi ? Septimumjam diem Corey rat tenebamur Cic. Quce mihijam Sami, sed mirabilew. in modum Ephesi, prcesto fuit Cic. Numidice facinora ejus mcmorat Sail. Quo ? Inde Sardiniam cum classe venit Cic. Navigare JEgyptum pergit Liv. At nos hinc alii sitientes ibimus Afros ; Pars Scythiam, et ra- pidum Cretcc veniemus Oaxen, Et penitus toto divisos orbe Britannos Virg. Lavinaque venit Liltora Virg. Verla refers aures non pervenientia nostras Ovid. Unde? Literce deinde Macedonia al- latae Liv. Ut Juded profecti rerum potirentur Suet. Turn po~ terat manibus summd tellure revelli Ovid. Atque imo Nereus ciet cer/uora fundo Virg. Qua ? Totd Asia vagatur Cic. Manat totd urbe rumor Liv. Ibam forte vid sacrd Hor. Sometimes the accusative is found, per, or some other preposition, being un- derstood : as, Ino ctiam prirnd terras cetate vagata est Propert. Tyrrhenum navigat cequor Virg. But, notwithstanding the really intransitive nature of the verbs, such accusatives are sometimes said to be governed by them. 253 Note 2. It has been seen in the preceding rules, that the names of towns are generally found without a preposition : but it is very often expressed : as, Ubi ? In Stymphalo mortuus est Terentius Suet. Dum apud Zamam certaturSa]\. Quo ? Postquam hinc in Ephesum alii"- Plant. Profectus sum ad Cupuam Cic. Gram- marians mention a difference between Venit Romam and Venit ad Romam\ The former, they say, denotes that he entered Rome ; the latter, merely that he came to it. But there are not wanting instances to show that ad is sometimes used also when entrance is intended : as, Magni interest, quamprimum ad urbem me venire Cic. iu which it is most probable that entrance is referred to. He also says, Brundusium veni, vel potius ad moenia accessi, in which it is evident, from the words following, that access only is intend- ed ; Urlem unam mihi amicissimam declinavi s and that, otherwise, if ad always denoted vicinity, it would have been sufficient to say Ad Brundusium veni. But, however, the distinction is generally observed : as, " Quum ad me venissent in castra ad Iconium Cic." Unde? Ex Epheso hue ad meum sodalem literas mist Plaut. A Brundusio nulla Jama venerat Cic. When the ques- tion is made by unde, the preposition is very often expressed. Grammarians mention a difference between Venit Rojnd, and Vc- nit a Romd, asserting that the former denotes coming from the inside, the latter from the outside or vicinity ; but this distinction is often neglected. It has been already mentioned, that, when the question is made by Qua, the preposition per is generally used. 'With respect to the names of towns, it is to be observ- ed, that, if an adjective or an appellative be added, the preposi- tion is generally expressed : as, Magnum iter ad doctas projicisci cogor AthenasPropert. Ad Cirtam, oppidum iter constituent Sail. In Hispali oppido Plin. But even in such cases, the poets sometimes omit it : as, Tyrid Carthaginequi mine Exspcctat Virg. It is also with propriety omitted by prose writers, when other words are depending upon the adjective, or when a possessive pronoun is used : as, Capuamjlectit iter, luxuriantem longa felicitate &C.T Liv. Malo vel cum timore domi esse, quam sine timore Athenis tuif Cic. It is sometimes omitted, and sometimes expressed, before compound names of towns ; as, Inde Carthaginem Novam iu hi- lerna Annibalem concessisse Liv. In Alba Helvia inventa est vitis Plin. It has been already mentioned, that prepositions are frequently added to domus and rus ; and that ad is generally used when vicinity is denoted. It may be added, that a similar remark is applicable to apud', but that, although these two are often used indifferently, the former denotes more particularly juxta, or in proximo loco, close ly ; the latter circa or prope, about or near. From this, and the preceding Note, it appears, that the *practice of the best writers, in regard to the use of prepositions before the proper names of places, is very capricious; that, be.- fore the names of provinces, countries, &c. with which they are 254 generally expressed, they are sometimes understood, and before those of towns or cities, with which they are generally omitted, they are sometimes expressed '. Note 3. It is almost unnecessary to observe, that, although peto is used before the names of towns, in the signification of going, yet, as it is an active verb, denoting to seek, it governs the accu- sative without a preposition : as, Vento petiere Mycenas Virg. JEgyptum petere decrevit Curt. He resolved to go to jgypt, or, literally, He resolved to seek ./Egypt. Thus also, with an appellative, Scev&que petunt Tritonidis arcem Virg. Note 4. The adverb versus, when used, is always put after the names of places, sometimes with, but oftener without, the prepo- sition ad or in : as, Ad Oceanum versus proftcisd julet Caes. In Ilaliam versus navigaturus eral Cic. Amanum versus profecti sumus Cic. Note 5. The abverb usque is frequently joined to the names of places, when the question is made by Quo, or Unde, the prepo- sitions ad, a, ab, e, ex, de being sometimes expressed and some- times understood; as, Usque ad Numantiam Cic. Usque Ennam profecti Cic. Usque e Persid Plaut. Usque Tmolo petivit Cic. Thus also, with in and trans : as, Utque in Pamphiliam Cic. Trans Alpes usque transferri Cic. Instead of usque ad y and usque ab, the poets sometimes say adusque, abusque : as, Adusque columnas, Abusque Pachyno Virg. and Tacitus has Ani- tnaiia marts Oceano abusque peliverat Ann. xv. 37, 2, in which the compound word is put after the ablative which it governs. Of Space, or the Distance of Place. RULE LXII. The distance of one place from another is put in the accusative ; and sometimes in the ablative : as, Jam mille passus processeram, I had now advanced a mile. Abest ab urbe quingentis millibus. passuum, He is five hundred miles distant from the city. Note 1. Thus also, Cum abessem ab Amano'iler unius diel Cic. Ventidius bldui spatio abest ab eo Cic. To this rule may be re- ferred such expressions as Ire viam longam, Sept'mgenta rnillia passuum ambulare, Tres pateat cosl'i spatium non amplius ulnas Virg. &c. 1 Servius, taking notice that the rules of grammar require prepositions to be joined to the names of provinces, but not to the names of towns, adds Sci- endum tamen usurjmtum ab autoribus ut vel addant, vel dctrahant prceposiliones. It may, however, be observed, that the rules of grammar can require nothing beyond the usage of axithors, (by which he, doubtless, means prose writers as well as poets,) since grammar was rather formed from them, than for them. Si volet usus, Quern penes arbitrium est, ctjus, et nvrma loquendi~ Hor. 255 Note 2. One of the substantives, expressing the distance, is sometimes omitted : as, Castra, quce alerant bidui Cic. i. e. spa- tium, iter, viam j or spatio, itinere, vid. Note 3. When the place where a thing is done, is denoted only by its distance, the distance is either expressed in the ab- lative generally without a preposition, or in the accusative with ad; as, Millibus passuum duolus ultra eurn castra fecit Cses. Non jam a tertio lapide, sed ipsas Carthaginis portas obsidione quatiebat Flor. Cum ad tertium milliarium consedisset Cic. But these last seem to denote rather the place itself, than the distance of one place from another. Note 4. The excess of measure or distance is put in the abla- tive only : as, Superat capite et cervicibus altis Virg. See Rule XVIII. Note 2. Note 5. The word of distance is governed in the accusative by ad or per understood, and in the ablative, by a or ab. All these are sometimes expressed, except perhaps the first : as, Per tola, novem cmjugera corpus porrigitur Virg. A miUibus passuum mi" nus duolus castra posuerant Caes. But it may be observed, that, in the last, the question is made as well by ubi, (where,) as by quanta intervallo, at what distance. . Of Time. RULE LXIIL Time is put in the ablative, when the question is made by Quando [When ?] : as, Venit hora tertid, He came at three o'clock. Note 1. That is, the noun denoting a precise term of time, and answering to the question, When ? is put in the ablative : as Noc- te latent mendce Ovid. Initio per internuncios colloquitur Nep. To which may be referred mane, diluculo, noctu: sero, raro, primo, postremo, (tempore being understood,) quotannis, &c. words gene- rally deemed adverbs, and also the old ablatives luci or lucu, tern- port, vesperi. In the antiquated phrases, die quinti, seplimi, pris- tini, crastini, there is probably an ellipsis of soils 1 . Note 2. When the question is made by Quanta tempore, or In- tra quantum tempus, (in what time?) time is put in the ablative: as, Triduo audietis Cic. Quatuor tragosdias sexdecim diebus aib- SQlvisse cum scribas Cic. Quod oppidum panels diebus, quibus eo ventum erat, expugnatum cognoverant Cses. This is little different from the question by cjuando. Note 3. The part of time is frequently expressed by the prepo- sitions 27Z, de, ad, per, intra : as, In tempore ad earn veni Ter. Utjugulent homines, surgunt de nocte latrones Hor. Prcestofuit ad horam destinatam Cic. Duo fuerunt per idem tempus Cic. 1 A word, when it implies time, falls within this rule ; as Pcllo Allobrogum proximo Ca-s. 256 Consul intra paucos dies moritur Liv. It is likewise expressed with other prepositions, such as circa, circiter, prope, cis, in with the accusative, ante, post) sub, cum t due attention being paid to their several meanings. Note 4?. Abhlnc is found with an accusative, or ablative, with- out a preposition, ante being understood to the former, and in, to the latter : as, Hoc factum est abhinc liennium Plaut. Quo tempore ? Abhinc annis quatuor Cic. Note 5. The English in is sometimes expressed by post : as, He will return in six years, Post sexennium redilit Cic. But, when the in can be omitted, without altering the sense, the noun of time is put in the ablative : as In the following month, or The following month, Mense proximo. In such expressions as one, two, three o'clock, &c., the ordinal numbers are used instead of the cardinal : as, At one o'clock precisely, Hord ipsa prima, and the same change may be made in such expressions as, He had been consul three years before : thus, Tertio is ante anno consul fuer at. Note 6. In such phrases as Profectus est id temporis Cic. Ist- huc atatisTer. Illud horce Suet, used for eo tempore, isthac relate, ilia hora, there seems to be an ellipsis of ad or circa, and of some general substantive, such as negotium or tempus. Note 7. It is evident that the ablative is governed by some pre- position understood, and which, as has been already shown, is often expressed. RULE LXIV. When the question is made by Quamdiu, [How long ?] time is put in the accusative, or ablative ; but oftener in the accusative : as, Mansit paucos dies, He staid a few days. Sex mensibus abfuit 9 He was absent six months. Note 1. That is, Words denoting the duration of time, and answering to the question, How long ? are put in the accusative, or ablative, but generally in the accusative : as, Duces diliguntur, qui una cum Sertorio omnes annos fuerant Cses. Quatuor horis neutro inclinata est pugna'Liv. To this rule is referred the ques- tion by Quamdudum, [How long ago?] in such examples as Al- hinc triennium commigravit hue vicinios Ter. 1 Note 2. The prepositions per, ad, in, intra, inter, are frequently expressed : as, Quern per annos decent aluimus Cic. Si ad cen- tesimum annum vixisset Cic. In diem vivere Cic. In dies, in singulas koras, in posterum, in ceternum, &c. It is observed, that, in such instances with ad and in, the prepositions cannot be omitted ; and that they particularly mark the boundary or extent of time, answering rather to the question Quousque, Till what time, than to the question Quamdiu. Qui intra annos quatuor- 1 It is observed, that, in examples answering to the question by Quamdu- dum, Quampridem, or A quo tempore ; the particle abhinc is usually expressed. 257 decim tectum non subierintCsea. Qute inter decent annos nefarie fiagitiosiequefacta sunt Cic. The difference between Intra decent annos, i. e. Within ten years, and Inter decem annos, i. e. During ten years, seems to be, that the former does not imply the whole ten years, but within or less than that space, while the latter de- notes the entire period. Note 3. The manner of supplying the ellipsis in the following, and in similar expressions, should be attended to : Annos natus unum et vigintt Cic. i. e. ante. Tyrus septimo mense, quam op- pugnari ccepta erat, capta est Curt. i. e.post. Minus diebus tri- ginta in Asiam reversus est Nep. i. e. quam in. Siculi quot annis tributa conferant Cic. i. e. tot annis quot or quotquot sunt. It is observable, that the words answering to more, before, or after, am- plius,ante, or post, do not influence the case of time : as, Tertium amplius annum docet. Fit paucis post annis Cic. i.e. quam per annum ; and in annis. Note 4?. It has been observed, that the continuance of time may be found in the genitive, as in Trium me.nsium molita cibaria sibi quemque domo ajfferre jubent Caes. But it appears to me, that, although duration may be here inferred, the genitive ex- presses only its usual relation ; thus " food belonging to three months," " food for three months," or " the food of three months." If this be not allowed, there is an ellipsis of pro tem- pore or pro spatio. Note 4?. This construction is elliptical, the accusative depend- ing upon per, in, inter, intra, or ad understood, but sometimes expressed, and the ablative, upon in understood, but which is scarcely found expressed. Of the Ablative Absolute. RULE LXV. A substantive and a participle whose case depends upon no other word, are put in the ablative abso- lute: as, Sole oriente, fu- \ f The sun rising, (or, while the sun giunt tenebr&t J \ riseth,) darkness flies away. Opere peracto, lti~ 1 f Our work being finished, (or when demus, j \ our work is finished,) we will play. Note 1. That is, When two parts of a sentence respect diffe- rent persons or things, or, when one event referring to another is not connected with it by proper particles, but is expressed by a noun and a participle constituting the subject of no verb, these are put in the ablative absolute : as, Hac oratione habita, consi- lium dimisit Caes. Suffragante Theramene, plebiscite restituitur Nep. Ccesare venturo, Phosphore, redde diem Mart. When the participle in dus, or rather the gerundive, is found in the ab- lative vvith a noun, it arises from the construction ofwHwraer, ra- ther than from the nature of this -rule. 8 258 This ablative is named absolute, because, grammatically, it depends upon no word expressed in the sentence; for, if the substantive with which the participle is joined be the nominative to some following verb, or be governed by any word going before, then this rule does not take place. The usual signs, in English, of this ablative, are whilst, "when, after, having, being, or some other word in ing ; sometimes, however, the participle in ed, be- ing being understood : as, " The enemy conquered, we sliall live." Note 2. The antient ente or existente is frequently understood, another noun or pronoun being joined in concordance : as, Quid sine imperatore, adolescenhdo duce, efficere possent Caes. i. e. ex- istente, a stripling (being] their leader. Nikil te ad me scripsisse postea admirer, prcesertim tain novis rebus Cic. Me suasore at- que impulsore, hoc Jactum Plaut. Thus also, Deo duce, Jnvita Minerva, &c. Note 2. Sometimes the participle only is expressed, in which case the sentence supplies the place of the substantive, or nego- lio, or some other word, is understood : as, Excepto, quod non si- mul esses, ccetera l&tus Hor. Uxorum Hagitatione revocantur, per legatos denuntiantibus, ni redeanl, subolem se exjinitimis qua;- situras Justin, for denuntiantium. But this construction, in which uxoribus or ipsis is understood, seldom occurs, and is not to be imitated. There is one instance in Sallust, in which a no- minative seems to be placed absolutely ; Exercitus, amisso duce, ac passim multis sibi quisque imperium petentibus, brew dilabitur Jug, 18, 3. But it is conjectured that quisque may be used for qmsque or quibusque. A few similar anomalies might be mentioned. Note 4. In such antiquated phrases as Nobis prasente Plaut. Absente nobis Ter. in which some grammarians consider the par- ticiple as an indeclinable word, or a preposition, it may be ob- served, that, if the sense is not correctly expressed, the rules of Syntax seem to be still less regarded. Note 5. When the verb is passive, having is necessarily changed into being : as, Cicero having said these things, sat down, Cicero, his dictis, consedit, literally, Cicero, these things being said, sat down ; in which, as the pronoun is neither governed by any word, nor the nominative to any verb, and as the proper English of die- tus is being said, both the pronoun and participle are put in the ablative absolute. But, when the English is having and the verb deponent, no such change is necessary, since the two parti- ciples precisely correspond to each other ; thus, Cicero hcec locu- tus consedit, Cicero having said these things sat down, the proper signification of locutus being having said. It is observed, that the participles of Common verbs may either agree in case with the substantive before them, like the participles of deponent verbs, or may be put in the ablative absolute, like the participles of pas- sive verbs : as, Romani adepti libertatem Jloruerunt : or Romani, libertate adeptd, Jloruerunt. But, as the participles of Common 259 verbs are seldom used in a passive signification, they are very rarely found in the ablative absolute. Note 6. It often happens, that, when in English two distinct events are expressed by two finite verbs connected by and, the conjunction is omitted in Latin, and the noun and verb preceding it are put in the ablative absolute : as, " He made the signal, and attacked the enemy," Signo dato, hostes invasit. Sometimes the prior or contemporary event, which is usually expressed in the ablative absolute, is made the object of the action of the follow- ing verb, when the cases following both verbs denote an identity in regard to the object : as, " He conquered the enemy and," or, " Having conquered the enemy, he compelled them to surren- der," may be expressed by, Hostes victos in deditionem redegit, or, passively, Hostes victi in deditionem redacti sunt. Thus also Ovid, Et (boves) occultat abactas. Note 7. This ablative may be resolved into a nominative with cum, dum, quando, postquam, si, quoniam, &c. and a verb of the indicative or subjunctive mood : as, Augusto imperante, or dum Augustus imperabat. Lectis literis, or postquam literce sunt lectce. Me duce, or si ego dux ero. Note 8. This ablative, although named absolute, is not only de- pendent, in sense, upon a verb, but is, in reality, governed by some preposition understood, such as sub, cum, a, ab, in, which are sometimes expressed : as, Sub te (existente) magistro Virg. Cum diis berie jwvantibus arma capite Liv. who elsewhere says, Ut diis benejuvantibus bellwn incipiamus, omitting the preposition. Moremque sinistrum sacrorum Druidce positis repetistis ab armis Lucan. In quo facto domum revocatus, capitis accusatus, absolvi- tur Nep. Sole sub ardenti Virg. In the last example, it seems doubtful to me, whether ardenti is to be considered as an adjec- tive, or a participle, since it is to be observed, that the termina- tion in e is almost universally used, when the ablative is abso- lute. Note 9. It was observed, in Note 1, that this ablative is used, when two parts of a sentence respect different persons or things : this is generally true, but there are not wanting instances, in which the same person, being spoken of in a diversity of time or condi- tion, is the ablative to the participle, and the nominative to the verb : as, Me duce ad hunc voti Jtnem^ me milite, veni Ovid. Nobis vigilantibus, et midtum in posterum promdentibus, populo Romano consentiente. erimus prqfecto liberi brevi tempore Cic. But, generally, in such instances, the nominative is used : as, lens in Pompejanum bene mane hcec scripsi Cic. Interrogate incolce non patiuntur errare Senec. rather than me eunte, inter- rogatis incolis. S "2 260 OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF WORDS INDECLINABLE. OF ADVERBS. RULE LXVI. Adverbs are joined to verbs, participles, nouns, and other adverbs : as, Bene scribit. He writes well. Fortiter pugnans, Fighting bravely. Servus egregieJZdelis, A servant remarkably faithful. Satis bene. Well enough. Note 1. Thus also; Bonis quod benefit, haud peril Plaut. Male parta, male dilabuntur Cic. Vir apprime nobilisTer. Homerus plane orator Cic. Admodum pueila Liv. Adverbs are seldom joined to substantives ; and in the last example, the substantive seems to be used as an adjective. Tu vero Platonem nee nimis valde unquam, nee nimis scepe laudaveris Cic. They are also found with pronouns, and prepositions : as, Plane noster, Longe ultra tcrminum, &c. Note 2. It is observed, that the intensive words apprime, ad- modum, vehementer, perquam, valde, &c. are generally joined to positives ; likewise per, in composition ; sucli phrases also as in primis, cum primis, ante alios, &c. ; and quam subjoined to other intensives : as, Gratum admodum Jeceris Cic. Prceterquam pauci Cic. But some of these are sometimes found with the superlative. Note 3. Tarn and quam generally connect positives, seldom superlatives, and seldomer comparatives : as, Nemo orator tarn multa scrtpsit, quam multa sunt nostra Cic. Quam quisque pes" sinie fecit, tarn maxime tutus est Sail. Non tarn in bellis et in prcsliis, quam in promissis Jlrmiorem Cic. When it denotes wonder, pity, or interrogation mixed with wonder, quam is ge- nerally joined with positives ; when used for quantum, how much, it is joined to positives : as, Quam sint morosi qui amant, vel ex hoc intelligi potest Cic. ; but when used for quantum, the verb possum following, it is generally joined to superlatives : as, Quam maximis itineribus potest, in Gallium contendit Cses. ; used for wide, it is elegantly joined to superlatives : as, Utatur verbis quam usitatissimis Cic. Perhaps, here, possum may be implied. Note 4. Parum, multum, ?iimium > tantum, quantum, aliquantum, are generally joined to positives, sometimes also to comparatives : as, Socer hujus vir multum bonus est Cic. Forma viri aliquan- tum amplior humana Liv. Note 5. Paulo, nimio, aliquanto, eo, quo, hoc, impendio, nihilo, are generally joined to comparatives: as, Eo gravior est dolor, 261 quo culpa major Cic. Tanlo, quanto, multo, to comparatives or superlatives : as, Omne animi vitium tanto conspectius in se Crimen habet, quanta major qui peccat habelur Juven. Tanto pessimus omnium poeta, quanto tu optimus omnium palronus Catull. Mul- to potentiusSenec. Multo jucundissimus Cic. Note 6. Longe is generally joined to superlatives, sometimes to comparatives, but seldom to positives : as, Suevorum gens est longe maxima et lellicosissima Germanorum Caes. ; with adjectives of diversity also : as, Longe mihi alia mens est Sail. Pedilus longe melior Lycus Virg. Longe opulentus Apul. Note 7. Facile, used for haud dulie, is joined to superlatives, or to words of similar import : as, Vit unus totius Grades facile doctissimus Cic. Homo regionis illius virtute facile princeps Cic. The nature of two negatives in the same clause, or in different clauses, has been noticed in Etymology ; and the government of adverbs, in regard to moods, will be noticed under that of Con- junctions. RULE LXVP. Some Adverbs of Time, Place, and Quan- tity, govern the genitive : as, Pridie illius diez, The day before that day. Ubique gentium. Every where. Satis est verborum. There is enough of words. Note 1 . The Adverbs of Time are Interea, postea, inde, tune : as, Te interea loci cognovi Ter. Postea loci Sail. Inde loci Lucr. Tune temporis Justin. Note 2. The Adverbs of Place are Ubi and quo, with their com- pounds, ubique, ubicunque, ubiubi, ubinam, ubivis, aliubi, alicubi, quocunque, quovis, aliquo, quoquo ; also eo, alibi, hue, huccine, wide, usquam, nusquam f longd, ibidem, &c. : as, Ubi terrarum sumus Cic. Quo hinc nunc gentium aufugiam Plant. Eb audacice pro- vectus est Tac. Tu autem abes longe gentium Cic. &c. Note 3. The Adverbs of Quantity are Abunde, qffhtim, largiter, nimis, quoad, sat, satis, parum, minime : as, Se jampridem poten- ticz gloriceque abunde adeptum Suet. Divitiarum qffatim Plaut. Auri et argenti largiter Plaut. Nimis insidiarum Cic. Quoad ejusjacere potuerisCic. * Sat rationis Virg. Satis eloquenlice, 1 Dr. Crombie, however, has clearly shown, that quoad is uniformly an ad- verb, incapable of government, and that when it appears with an accusative, it is a corruption of quod ad, when with a genitive, a corruption for quod. In the following example from Livy, Quod stipendium serius quoad diem prersta- rct, Cellarius reads quam ad diem, and Gesner observes, " Et monuit olim Vorstium Gronovius, melius legi quam ad diem ; licet vulgatam librorum lec- tionem et ipse, et nunc Drakenborchius, servavcrint." JNoltenius also calls ?uoad with an accusative pravum parliculcc usurn. Tursellinus says "Quoad hoc, quoad illud, Latine dici non videtur ; sed quod ad hoc spectat, quod ad U- \lud pcrtiiict>" Perizonius observes, that in the passages in which quoad ejus oc- 262 sapientice parum Sail. Minime gentium Ter. Several of these seem to have the force of substantives. Note 4s Ergo, denoting for the sake, instar, and partim, usu- ally enumerated among adverbs, are real substantives, and, as such, govern the genitive. Note 5. Pridie and postridie take the genitive or accusative ; as, Pridie ejus diet Cic. Postridie ejus diet Caes. Pridie Quin- quatrus Cic. Postridie ludos Cic. Thus also, Pridie andpost- ridie, kalendas, nonas, idus ; rather than kalendarum, &c. Note 6. In regard to such constructions, it may be observed that Interea loci may be Inter ea negotia loci ; Eb, quo, and the like, are supposed to be the old datives eoi, quoi, with loco or negotio understood ; or they may be accusatives plural ; others, as abun- de, ubi, longe, have the force of nouns. Pridie ejus diei may be die priore ante tempus ejus diei ; and when pridie and postridie are followed by an accusative, ante or post is understood. Note 7. En and ecce take the nominative or accusative : as, En causa, cur dominum servus accusat Cic. En Paridis hostem Senec. Ecce nova turba Cic. Ecce rem Plaut. Hem, used for ecce, is construed with an accusative : as, Hem astutias Ter. It is observed, that when these words are used, merely for the purpose of showing, they are commonly followed by a nomina- tive ; but that when they express scorn, contempt, reproof, or blame, they are commonly construed with the accusative. The nominative is supposed to be dependent on such words as adest, or existit, understood ; and the accusative is thought to be governed by some part of video, or the like, understood. RULE LX VII. Some derivative Adverbs govern the case of their primitives : as, Omnium clegantissime \ ( He speaks the most elegantly loquitur, ) \ of all. Vivere convenienter \ /To live agreeably to na- natura, J \ ture. Note 1. Thus also, Omnium optime Cic. by Rule XV. Thus too, Scepissime omnium, diutissime omnium, although the superla- tives, whence the adverbs come, are not used. Congruenter naturae convcnienterque vivere Cic. Huic obviam civitas proces- smrtCic. Rule XVI. Alftpedem Colum. Altt tribus pe- dibus Pallad. Rule XVIII. Quam proxime potest hostium cas- trls castra communit Caes. Quiproxime Rhenum incolunt Caes. curs, the latter word is under the government of aliquid understood; a con- jecture supported neither by example nor analogy. On the contrary, Dr. Crombie contends for the substitution of yuod ejus, as being a reading which i- consistent with the sense and the rules of analogy, and in several instances approved by editors of the greatest erudition. 263 The accusative is the more common case, and it is governed by ad understood, in which way propior and proximus are sometimes construed: the dative^ belongs to Rule XVI. Amplius opinione morabatur Sail. Prius tud opinione hie adero Plaut. Rule XIX. Thus also, Diutius expectatione, although diutior does not exist. Vossius adds Clanculum patres Ter. considering clanculum as a derivative from clam, which, being itself rather an adverb than a preposition, admits an accusative or an ablative after it, through certain prepositions understood. Such elliptical expressions as Plus duo millia, Minus quadringenti. Plus quingentos colaphos, Amplius sexcenti, Amplius octingentos equos, sometimes referred to this Rule, have been noticed tinder Rule XIX ; and Vossius ob- serves, in regard to them, that it is doubtful whether the compa- ratives be adverbs or nouns. Note 2. To complete some of the preceding constructions, the adverbs require the same ellipses to be supplied after them, as their adjectives. OF PREPOSITIONS. RULE LXVIII. The prepositions ad, apud, ante, &c. go- vern the accusative : as, Ad patrem, To the father. RULE LXIX. The prepositions #, ab, abs, &c. govern the ablative : as, A patre, From the father. RULE LXX. The prepositions in, sub, super, and sub- ter, govern the accusative, when motion to ar place is signi- fied 1 : as, Eo in scholam, I go into the school. Sub mcejiia tendit Virg. He goes under the walls. Incidit super agmina Virg. It fell upon the troops. Ducit subterfastigia tecti \ J* He brings him under the Virg. J \ roof of the house. 1 It is observed, that in denoting motion to a place is expressed, in English, by to or into ; and in denoting motion or rest in a place, by the English in ; and this is generally true. But, in the phrase In bonam partem acdpcre Cic. in which there certainly is motion to, the English idiom requires in " To take in good part." We also say " They hid themselves in the woods," mean- ing they retired into the woods for concealment, Sese in sylvas abdiderunt Caes. Sese in sylvis abdiderunt would imply that they Were in the woods pre- viously to their concealment. Thus also " To givem marriage," Dare in ma" trimonium Cic. ; " To speak in (to the) praise," Dlccrt in laudcm Aul. Gtil. ; *' In future," In fiilurum ; " In a wonderful manner," Mirum in modum. con- sunt omnium mentesC&n, ; In Junonis honorem Her. In honour, or to the honour." 264 RULE LXXI. But if motion or rest in a place be signi- fied, in and sub govern the ablative, super and subter either the accusative or ablative : as, Sedeo, vel discurro, in 1 J I sit, or run up and down, in sckold, J \ school. Recubo, vel ambulo, sub \ f I lie, or walk, under the sha- umbrd, ) \ dow. Sedens super arma Virg. Sitting above the arms. Fronde super viridi Virg. Upon the green grass. Vena subter cutcm di- \ ( The veins dispersed under the spersa Plin. J \ skin. Subter littore Catull. Beneath the shore. Note 1. Such instances as Esse in potestatemCic. for in po- testate, are rare 2 . For such, and other remarks on prepositions, the learner is referred to Prepositions, in Etymology, to which it seems unnecessary to make any additional remarks. RULE LXXI I. A preposition often governs the same case in composition, that it does out of it : as, Adeamus scholam^ Let us go to school. Exeamus schola, Let us go out of school. Note 1. Thus also, Casar omnem equitatum pontem transducit Caes. Hie ut nam egressus est Nep. Supersedes hoc labore itineris Cic. Note 2. The preposition is often repeated : as, Quod talem vi- rum e cimtate expulissent Nep. Nunquam accedo ad te> quin abs te abeam doctiorT&c. Note 3. Some verbs never have the preposition repeated after them : as, Affaris, attoquor, allatro, alluo, accolo, circumnenio^ cir- cumeO) circumsto, circumsedeo, circumvolo, obeo, preetereo, abdico t effero, everto, &c. The compounds of trans sometimes repeat the preposition. Some of the compounds with inter , as Interci- no, intererro, ivterfluo, interfuro, interluo, intermeo, interstrepo, and i In castra venissetCces. J}. G. lib. ii. 17, is in certain MSS. in castris / and In conspect um agminis nostri venissent Cses. B* G. lib. iv. 9, is in certain MSS. in conspeclu. Those who wish to see the latter phraseology explained and defended, are referred to Clarke's Casar, Hell. Gall. lib. iv, 9 ; or page 76. I have perused the note, attentively, but do not feel myself perfectly convinced by the arguments there adduced. Venire in castris Caes. may mean, as Clarke says, Venire et considere (two verbs very different in their sense) in castris ; and Ve~ nit in senatu Cic. may denote Venit et consedit in senatu ; yet, although the action of coming may be followed by silling down, it seems a strange supposi- tion, that the latter is implied in, or expressed by, the former. Esse in potes- tatem y attributed to Cicero, may, perhaps, upon the same principle, be explain- ed to ' mean " To be [come] in [to] the power." Such readings are, perhaps, spurious. If not, the constructions may be regarded as anomalies; or, may, probably, denote, in such examples, the result of the aclion of as expressed by the English verb arrive* See Note, p. 12S. 265 almost all verbs compounded with prater, commonly omit the preposition. Interjaceo, interjicio, intercede, interpono, repeat it, or omit it : or, otherwise, like intermico, intervenio, take the da- tive. The compounds of in, ob, and sub generally take the da- tive ; those of super, generally the accusative. Note 4. There are other verbs which appear to be always con- strued with a preposition ; as Accurro, adhortor, incido, avoco, averto, &c. Attineo is generally thus construed. Note 5. Some either admit or reject it, as Abstineo, decedo, ex- pello, aggredior, perrumpo, ingredior, induco, aberro, evado, ejicio, cxco, extermino, extrudo, exturbo ; also adeo, accedo, incumbo, in- sulto, increpo, incurso, pervado, Uludo,peragro, abalienor, abhor- reo, avetto, &c : thus, Ingredi orationem, or in orationem Cic. Exire cere alieno-r-Cic. ^Jlnibus suis Goes. Pervadere urbem Liv. per agros Cic. Avellere templo palladium Virg. aliqucm a se Ter. &c. Many of these admit after them other preposi- tions of similar import to those in composition: as Dehortor, de- Jicio, desclsco, &c. ab aliquo ; Abire, demigrare loco, or a, de, ex, loco ; Exire a patria Cic. Excidcre manibus, de manibus, &c. Note 6. Many are construed with the dative, or otherwise : as, Assurgere alicui ; Accedere urbem, ad urbem, urbi ; Inesse rei ali- cui, and in re aliqua ; Abalienare aliquid alicujus for ab aliquo Cic. &c. Note 7. Some verbs compounded with e or ex, are followed by an accusative, or ablative : as, Exire limen Ter. septis Virg. Egredi veritatem Plin. portubus Ovid. Some words compound- ed with prce, take an accusative: as, Tibur aquce prcsfluunt Hor. Asiamque potentem prccvehitur Lucan. Thus also Praesidere Ita- llam, prceminere cccteros, prcestare omnes, &c. In some of these examples the accusative may be supposed governed by prccter or extra understood, and sometimes expressed, as Extra jines et ter- jninos egredi Cic. Note 8. This rule takes place chiefly when the preposition may be separated from the verb : as, Alloquor te Virg. i. e. loquor ad te. Classis circumvehitur arcem Liv. i. e. vehitur circum arcem. Excrcitum Ligcrim transducit Caes. i. e. ducit exercitum trans Ligerim. But, in regard to active verbs compounded with pre- positions governing the accusative, it generally happens, that the preposition is'repeated, as in Cccsar se ad neminem adjunxit Cic. ; or a dative is used, as in Hie dies me valde Crasso adjunxit Cic. Note 9. It may be here added, that an ellipsis of prepositions is frequent : as, Devenere locos Virg. i. e. ad. Nunc idprodeo Ter. i. e. ob or propter. Maria aspera juro Virg. i. e. per. Ut se loco movcre non possent Cic. i. e. e or de. Quid illo Jciclas? Ter. i. e. de. Ut patrid pelleretur Nep. i. e. ex. Sometimes the word to which the preposition refers, is omitted: as, Circum concordice Sail, i, e* adem. And this occurs most frequently 266 after prepositions in composition : as, Emltiere servum Plaut. i. e. manu. Evomere virus Cic. i. e. ore. Educere copias Caes. i. e. castris. When prepositions are joined with cases which they do not govern, there is always an ellipsis supposed : as, Campum Stellatem divisit extra sortem ad viginti mUlilus civium Suet. i.e. civium millilus ad viginti millia* To which may be added such expressions as Anno ante, Longo post tempore, in which the abla- tives are those of time, some word being understood as the regi- men of the prepositions. See R. LXIV, Note 3. OF INTERJECTIONS. RULE LXXIII. The interjections O, heu, and proh, go- vern the vocative, and sometimes the accusative : as, Oformose puer ! O fair boy ! Heu me miserum ! Ah wretch that I am ! Note 1. These interjections are found with the nominative or vocative, and sometimes with the accusative : as, O virfortis, at- que amicus Ter. Heu vanitas humana ! Plin. Proh dolor ! Liv. O Dave t itane contemnor als te Ter. Heu miserande puer / Virg. Proh sancte Jupiter ! Cic. O prceclarum custodem ! Cic. Heu me infelicem ! Ter. Proh deum hominumyue Jidem I Cic. It is observed that when O is used as a particle of ex- clamation, it takes either the nominative, accusative, or vocative j that when any vehement affection is denoted, it is generally fol- lowed by an accusative ; and that when the affection is gentle, it is generally omitted. When used in addressing a person, it is al- ways followed by the vocative: in this sense it is generally under- stood. ! Note 2. Eheu is construed in a similar way to the others : as, Eheu Palcestra atque Ampelisca ! uli estis nunc Plaut. Eheu me miserum / Ter. Eheu conditionem hujus temporis Cic. Note 3. Sometimes there is an ellipsis of the case usually fol- lowing these particles: thus, O miserce sortis Lucan. i. e. homines. Proh deum immortalium Ter. i. e. Jidem. ^ Sometimes, by a Hellenism, the nominative is used instead of the* voca- tive ; as Projice iela munu, meus sanguisVirg. It may here be observed, that, in the decline of the Latin language, meus was sometimes joined to the voca- tive of a noun ; as domine meus, a phraseology adopted by Sidonius, Salvianus, and others. Mi (the usual vocative, formed by apocope from the antient mie of miiis) was also used in the other two genders ; as mi parens, mi conjux Apul. for mea mater, mea uxor ; mi SM/MS Apul. for meum. Testor, mi Paulla Hieron. Scaliger would read Vive diu, mi dulds anus Tibull. 1, 7, 69 ; but it has been shown by others, that such expressions did not prevail in the Au- gustan age, and mihi has been restored from more correct MSS. and editions. Mi, however, is sometimes used for mihi. Mi was said to be employed, even as the vocative plural ; as Mi homines, mi spectatoresPloMt. mi hospites Petron. But here mt seems to be a contraction of mci, or of the antient mii r like sis used for suis, sos for suos, by the more antient writers. 267 Note 4. Such constructions are deemed elliptical, as interjec- tions do not seem to govern any case. The vocative may be said to be placed absolutely, or to be governed by no word. O vir fortis may be O quam es virfortis. Heu me infelicem may be Heu quam me infelicem sentio. In Proh deum hominumque jidem, there may be an ellipsis of imploro or obtestor : and so, of the rest. RULE LXXI V. Hci and Vce govern the dative : as, Hei mihi ! Ah me ! V& vobis ! Woe to you ! Note 1 . Thus also, Hei mihi ! quails erat Virg. Vcs tili, cau- sidice Mart. Thus used, they seem to have the import of nouns, the expressions being equivalent to Malum est mihi, Omnia fu- nesta sint till. Note 2. Heus and Ohe, to which may be added, Au> Eho, Eho- dum, Ehem, Heia and /o, are followed by the vocative only : as, Heus SyreTer. Ohe libelleMart. Au mi homo ! Ter. Eho- dum, lone vir, quid ais ? Ter. But in these examples, either O is understood, or, rather, the vocative is put absolutely. Note 3. Ah and Vah are followed by the accusative, or voca- tive : as, Ah me miserum ! Ter. in which sentio or experior seems to be understood. Ah virgo infelix ! Virg. yah inconstantiam I Incert. Vah salus mea I Plaut. Note 4*. Hem is followed by the dative, accusative, or vocative: as, Hem tili Ter. Hem astutias Ter. in which vide, or videte, seems understood. Hem mea lux! Cic. Note 5. Hui is found with an accusative: as, Hui tarn graves rastros, quaeso Ter. supply tractas. Note 6. Apage and cedo are sometimes added : as, Apage te, cedo puerum Ter. but these are verbs. Note 7. It may be generally observed, that the nominative is the subject of some verb understood ; that the dative is the dative of acquisition ; the accusative is governed by some verb under- stood ; and the vocative is used absolutely. Note 8. Most of the other interjections, and frequently also those mentioned, are thrown into discourse without any case sub- joined to them: as, Eheu ! fugaces laluntur anni Hor. Ah! tan- tam rem lam negligenter agere Ter. OF CONJUNCTIONS. RULE LXXV. The conjunctions et, ac, atque, aut, vel, and some others, couple like cases and moods : as, Honora patrcm ct matrem, Honour your father and mother. Nee scribit) nee legit^ He neither writes nor reads. 268 Note 1 . It is the opinion of many writers on Latin and on English grammar, that conjunctions unite only sentences or affir- mations, and not single words or cases. Of this opinion are Scaliger, Sanctius, Vossius, Ursinus, and the author of the New Method. On the other hand, Perizonius and Ruddiman contend that they sometimes unite single words. Among the moderns too, Mr. Harris, the learned author of Hermes, asserts that the chief difference between prepositions and conjunctions is, that the former couple words, and the latter, sentences. The respect- able author of a useful Latin grammar observes, that " it would perhaps be more rational to say that conjunctions join sentences. They always suppose an ellipsis. Thus in the example, Pulvis et umbra sumus Hor. the full sentence will be Sumns pulvis et su- 7tius umbra; and in Aut prodesse volunt, aut delectare poetce Hor. it will be, Aut prodesse volunt poet It is observed, that etsi, tametsi, and quanquam, when they stand in the beginning of a sentence, usually have the indicative after them; and that etiamsi and quamvis are oftener joined with the subjunctive. Tamenetsi is construed as tametsi. But, when the verb is contingent in sense, or when the verb in the principal member of the sentence is contingent, the verb which follows the preceding particles must be in the subjunctive mood : as, Etsi ne disccssissem e tuo conspectu, nisi me plane nihil ulla res adjuvarei Cic. Nee ille, etiamsi prima prospere evenis- sent, imbellem Asiam qucesisset Liv. Putaram te aliquid novi, .... quamvis non ciirarem quid in Hispaniajieret, tamen te scrip- iurum Cic. Gaudeo tibi meas literas prius a tabellario quam ab ipso redditas ; quanquam te nihil Jefellisset Cic. Non crederem, tametsi vulgb audirem Cic. (5) Si, sin, ni, nisi, siquidem : as, Si vales, bene est Cic. Ut si s&pius decertandum sit, ut erit, semper novus veniam Cic. Si ilium relinquo, ejus vitce timeo ; sin opitulor, hujus minas Ter. Sin autem ad adolescentiam perduxissent amicitiam, dirimi tamen interdum contentione dicebat Cic. Mirum nidomiest Ter. Pom- peius Domitium, nisi me omniajfallunt, deseret Cic. Nee JustiticB nee Amidtice omnino esse poterunt, nisi ipsce per se expetantur Cic. Ni seems to be a contraction of nisi ; indeed, si?i and nisi seem to be only si with a negative ; it is no wonder, therefore, that their construction is similar. Siquidem is but si quidem. Robur et soboles militum interiit, siquidem, qucz nuntiantur f vera sunt Cic. These being kindred or similar words, it is unnecessary to multiply examples. It is observed, that si used for quamvis, re- quires the subjunctive: as, Redcam? non, si me obsecret Ter. in which, however, the sense is evidently contingent. Si is some- times omitted, and, then, the verb is generally in the subjunctive: as, Tu quoque magnam partem opere in tanto , sineret dolor, Icarc, habercs Virg. Thus also in the phrase Absque eo esset for Si 1 I suspect that a few of the examples which are adduced, of the subjunc- tive mood, do, in reality, involve the potential ; thus, Tametsi nullus moneas does not mean "though you do not," but "should not admonish;" Non si me obsecret, not "if she beseeches," but "if she beseech" or "should beseech me." Indeed, from the sameness of the forms, it is not always easy to distin- guish these two moods, more especially, as the indicative and potential phra- seologies are, in English, sometimes employed in the same, or nearly the same sense, and the second form of the Latin verb sometimes admits, consistently with the sense, an interpretation, by the one, or the other. T 274- absque eo esset, (Had it not been for hin^) the English idiom ad- mitting also the ellipsis of if. When the sense is contingent, it is needless to repeat, that, after all such words the subjunctive is used : as, O morem prceclarum, quern a majoribus accepimus, si- quidem teneremus Cic. It is obvious that the member of a sen- tence, which is preceded by si and the like, is dependent upon another, which may be considered as the principal member. If the verb in the principal member be contingent, then the verb following si, and the like, must be in the subjunctive, and the tenses of the one member must, according to the sense, be ac- commodated to those of the other : thus, for Present Time, Si Jbret in terris, rideret Democritus Hor. Nee si rationem siderum ignoret, poetas intelligent Quinct. Si ex habitu novce fortunes spec- tetur, venisset in Italiam Liv. For Past Time; Et habuisset res fortunam, nisi unus homo Suracusisfuisset Liv. Si meum consi- lium valuisset, tu hodie egeres Cic. Dixit hostes fore tardiores, si animadverterent Nep. Docet eum magnofore periculo, si quid adversi accidisset Nep. Placebat illud, ut si rex amicis tuisjidem suamprcestitisset, auxiliis eum tuis adjuvares Cic.- For Future Time ; Redeam ? non, si me obsecret Ter. Ita geruntur apte, ut si usus Jbret) pugnare possintCic. Aufugerim potius quam re- deam, si eo mihi redeundum sciam Ter. Etfacerent, si non ccra repulsa sonent Tibull. In this last, congruity, perhaps, required facerent .... sonarent, or faciant .... sonent. The verb in the principal member is sometimes in the indicative, instead of the subjunctive mood, but still the verb following si must be in the subjunctive : as, Si per Metellum licitum esset, matres illorum ve- niebant Cic. Si mens non l&va fuisset, impulerat ferro Argolicas fcedare latebras Virg. Nee veni, nisi fata locum sedemque dedis- sent Virg. In poetry, both verbs may be found in the indica- tive: as, Atfuerat melius, si te puer iste tenebat Ovid. (6) Quod, quia, quoniam, quippe (because), seem generally to be joined to the indicative or subjunctive mood indifferently: as, Senatusconsulta duo facia sunt odiosa, quod in Consulem facia pu- tantur Cic. Mihi quod defendissem, leviter succensuit Cic. It is observed that quod, used for cur or quamobrem, with the verb est 9 is construed with the subjunctive: as, Est quod te visam Plaut. AliiSy quia defit quod amant, cegre est Ter. Vides igitur, quia verba non sint, nihil videri turpe Cic. Quoniam non potest idjieri quod vis, Id velis quod possit Ter. Latiumque vocari maluit, his quoniam latuisset tutus in oris Virg. Quippe id est homini natu- rale Quinct. Non ignorat voluptatem Epicurus, quippe qui testi- Jlcetur Cic. 1 Quippe, when used for riant, it is observed, takes the indicative : as, Quippe vetor fatis Virg. When quatenus is 1 It is observed that quippe used for utpote, and, as in this example, followed by qui, generally takes the subjunctive : and when followed by cum, always : as, Quippe, cum ea sine prudentia satis habeat auctoritatis, prudentia sinejustitiA nihil valeatCic. Followed by quod, it takes the subjunctive ; by quia or quo- niam, the indicative : as, Multa de mea sentcntia quccstus est Ceesar, yuippe quod 275 used for quoniam, it is construed as quoniam. If the principal member of a sentence be contingent, the word following these particles must be in the subjunctive : as, Se videre ait, quod panels annis magna accessiofacta esset, Philosophiam plane absolutamjbre Cic. Neque quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum, quid dolor sit, amet Cic. Quoniam fractce vires hostium fore nt, Domitianum inter- venturum Tac. When quod is used in the same connective or relative signification as ut, it may have an indicative or subjunc- tive mood after it : as, Apparet, quod aliud a terra sumpsimus, aliud ab honore Cic. Cato mirari se dicebat, quod non rideret aruspeXf aruspicem cum vidisset Cic. (7) Quasi, ceu, tanquam, perinde, when they denote likeness, are joined with the indicative, but when they denote pretence or irony, with the subjunctive : as, Fuit olim, quasi ego sum, senex Plaut. Quasi de verbo, non de re, laboretur Cic. Adversi rupto ceu quondam turbine venti Conjligunt Virg. Ceu verb nesciam ad- versus Theophrastum scripsisse etiam Jceminam Plin. Tanquam philosophorum habent discipline ex ipsis vocabula Ter. Tanquam Jeceris ipse aliquid Juveri. Hcec omnia perinde sunt, ut aguntur Cic. Perinde ac satis Jacere etjraudata restituere vellent Caes. (8) With respect to the construction of qui with the subjunc- tive mood, it should be observed, that when the English is ex- pressed contingently or potentially, or when contingency is con- veyed, as it frequently is, by the English indicative, the second form of the Latin verb, or potential mood, is required by the sense. And it is only when the English indicative, used in a sense unconditional, requires a Latin subjunctive, that, strictly speak- ing, this mood can be said to be governed by qui, or indeed by any other word. 1st. When the subject is introduced indirectly with periphrasis, whether affirmatively, negatively, or interroga- tively, the verb in the relative clause is usually subjunctive, pro- vided this clause constitutes the predicate. Thus, instead of say- ing, Nonnulli dicunt, we say, Sunt, qui dicant, there are persons, who say. Fuerunt, qui censerent Cic. who thought. Inventi autem multi sunt, qui vitam profundere parati essent Cic. Nemo est, qui hand intettigat Cic. who does not understand. Nulla pars est corporis, quce, non sit minor Cic. Quis est enim, cut non perspicua sint ilia ? Cic. to whom those things are not clear ? An est quisquam, qui dubitet Liv. These, and similar phraseo- logies, admit the three following forms ; thus we say, They ran through every flame, or There is no flame, through which they did not run, or What flame is there, through which they did not run ? Per omnem Jlammam cucurrerunt. Nulla est Jlamma, per quam non cucurrerint. Qucznam est Jlamma, per quam non cu- etiam Crassum ante vidisset Cic. Quifjpt quia magnarum scape id remedium ergritudinum est Ter. Insanabilis non est credendus (morbus) qnippe quoniam et in muftis sponte desiit Plin. Quod, quia, and quoniam, seem to be redundant in these examples. Tfi 276 currerint ; which last is the expression of Cicero. Under this rule may be comprehended those cases in which qui is joined with the subjunctive mood after such words as unus and solus, when they are employed to restrict what is affirmed in the relative clause, ex- clusively to that particular subject mentioned in the antecedent clause. The relative clause, therefore, is the predicate; thus, Vah! solus hie homo est, qui sciat dimnitus Plaut. This is the only man that knows, equivalent to Hie solus scit. Sapientia est una, qua mcestitiampellatexanimis Cic. The restrictive term may be merely implied; as, Mens est, qui diros sentiat ictus Ovid. It is the mind (alone) that feels. The observance of this rule is, in some cases, essential to perspicuity ; for, otherwise, the subject may be mis- take^ for the predicate. If we say Sunt boni, qui dicunt, to ex- press They are good men, who say, and also, There are good men, who say, the expression is evidently ambiguous. This ambiguity- is prevented by expressing the former sentiment by Sunt boni, qui dicunt, in which case the relative clause is the subject, and the antecedent clause the predicate; and by expressing the latter sentiment by Sunt boni, qui dicant, where the antecedent ^clause is the subject, and the relative clause the predicate. 2ndly, The relative is joined to the subjunctive, when the relative clause ex- presses the reason or cause of the action, state, or event. Thus, Male fecit Hannibal, qui Capuce hiemarit, or quod Capuce hiemavit, Hannibal did wrong, in wintering, or, as we sometimes express it, to winter, at Capua, that is, because he wintered. Ccesarem mag- nam injuriam facere, qui suo adventu vectigalia sibi deteriorafa- ceret. Caes. In such phraseologies, the relative seems equivalent to quoniam ego, quoniam tu, quoniam ille. This construction of the relative, as in the preceding rule, recommends itself, by its subserviency to perspicuity. If we say Male fecit, qui hiemavit, we impute error to the person who wintered ; but do not express the error as consisting in his wintering. When we say qui hie- marit, we signify, that he erred because he wintered. When the relative possesses a power equivalent to et cum is, et quod is, et quoniam is, et quia is, these adverbs in the antecedent clause being joined with the subjunctive, the relative also, in conformity with this rule, is joined with the subjunctive ; thus, Cum autem pulchritudinis duo genera sint, quorum in altero venustas sit, in al- tero dignitas Cic. Here the relative clause is equivalent to et cum eorum in altero venustas sit. Under this rule may be com- prehended those cases, in which qui is joined with the subjunc- tive mood, namely, when the relative clause states some circum- stance belonging to the antecedent, as accounting for the princi- pal fact, or as contributing to its production ; thus, Illi autem, qui omnia de republicd prcedara, atque egregia sentirent, sine ulla mord, negotium susceperunt Cic. They, as being persons who en- tertained the most noble sentiments. When ut, utpote, quippe, are expressed with the relative, they sufficiently mark the influ- ence of the relative clause; and as all ambiguity is thus prevented, 277 the relative is sometimes joined with the indicative, but much more frequently, agreeably to the general rule, with the subjunc- tive ; thus, Prima luce ex castris projiciscuntur, ut quibus cssetper- suasum Caes. Egressi Trojani, ut quibus nihil superesset Liv. as being persons to whom nothing remained. Quippe qui videam Liv. Prater ejus, utpote qui peregre depugnavit Cic. This is the reading of Ernesti ; but most of the early editions give dcpugnd- rit. 3dly. The pronoun qui is joined to the subjunctive mood, when the discourse is oblique or indirect, that is, when the rela- tive clause does not express any sentiment of the author's, but refers it to the person or persons of whom he is speaking. Thus, Dixerunt unum petere, ac deprecari, si forte pro sud dementia ac mansuetudine , quam ipsi ab aliis audirent, statuisset Atuaticos esse conservandos, ne se armis despoliaret Cres. Here it is obvious, the relative clause expresses a sentiment delivered by the speak- ers, and is not to be considered as an observation of the author's, the expression quam audirent being equivalent to quam ipsi audi- visse dixerunt ; whereas ipsi audiebant would imply an observa- tion of Caesar's, equivalent to quam ego (scil. Ccesar) eos audiisse dico. The same principle is applicable to ubi used relatively for in quo loco, to quod used as a conjunction, and likewise to cum, quia, quam, quando ; thus, Quare ne committeret y ut is locus, ubi constitissent, ex calamitate populi Romani nomen caperet Caes. Quo also for ad quern locum, and unde for e quo loco, are construed in a similar way. Non minus libenter sese recusaturum populi Ro- mani amicitiam, quam appetierit Cses. It may be observed, that, whenever the future perfect would be employed in direct state- ment, the pluperfect is necessary in the oblique form. We find the direct expression, used by Ovid, Dabitur quodcumque optaris, expressed under an oblique form by Cicero, Sol Phacthonti Jilio facturum se esse dixit, quidquid opt asset. 4thly. When qui is taken for ut ego, ut tu, ut ille, ut nos, &c., it is joined with the subjunc- tive ; thus, Atque ittcc dissensiones erant hujusmodi, Quiritcs, quae non ad delendam, sed ad commutandam rempublicam pertincretit Cic. The dissensions were such, that, or of that kind, that, &c. Nee ulla vis imperii tanta cst, quce possit Cic. It is frequently thus used after dignus, indignus, idoneus, and quam following a comparative; 5thly. Qui, taken foryzws, is generally joined with the subjunctive; thus, Sentiet qui mr stem Ter. Care should be taken not to mistake the interrogative pronouns used indefi- nitely, for the relative pronoun. If we say, I know not what arts he was taught, the latter clause expresses the subject, and re- ceives the action of the verb. Nescio quibus artibus sit eruditus. Here we evidently express our ignorance, to which of the arts his studies were directed. The pronoun, therefore, is the inter- rogative, and being indefinitely taken, is joined with the subjunc- tive. But if we say, I know not the arts in which he was in- structed, it is not the latter clause which receives the action of the verb, but the word arts. Aries hand novi } quibus ille cst cm- 278 ditus. Here we express our ignorance of those arts in which he was instructed ; and the pronoun is the relative, and joined with the indicative mood. 1 (9) 'Ubi, ubicunquc, ubi ubi, quo, quocimque, qua, quacunque, adverbs of place, may be followed either by the indicative or the subjunctive when the signification of the verb is indicative : as, Portions hcec ipsa, ubi ambulamus Cic. Petentibus, ut ab Norbd, ubi parum commode essent, alio traducerentur Liv. Omnes cives Romani, qui ubicunque sunt, vestram severitatem desiderant Cic. Nunc ubi ubi sit animus, certe in te est Cic. It is needless to mul- tiply examples in regard to the compounds of ubi, as they natu- rally follow the construction of their primitive. Ubi neque noti esse Us, quo venerunt, neque semper cum cognitoribus esse possunt 'Cic. Sect quocunque venerint, hanc sibi rem prcesidio sperant fu~ t erat, utpote (jui mogno exercitu sequeretur Sail. Meincommoda valetudo, ut- pote cum sine febri labordssem, tenelat Brundusii Cic. O mihi prosteritos referat si Jupiter annos Virg. Utinam lilerorum mo- res nen perderemus Cic. Utinam ea res ei voluptati sit Cic. Ut ilium dii deceque perdant Ter. Indeed, utinam is only a variety of ut or uti, which is used in the last example for utinam, a word of wishing being understood in all such instances. Utinam ex- presses a wish either for the present, past, or future, and always requires the subjunctive. For the present, the preterimperfect subjunctive is used : as, Uiinam pro decor e nolishoc tantum, et non pro salute, esset' certamen Liv. For the past imperfect, the preferimperfect is used : as, Utinam istuc verlum ex animo diceres Ter. For the past perfect, the preterpluperfect : as, Fecisseni- que utinam Virg. For future time, the present subjunctive : as, Utinam ilium diem videam Cic. In the former case, utinam is sometimes omitted by the poets ; and in the latter, oftcner than it is expressed : as, Me quoque quafratrem mactdsses, improbe, dex- tra Ovid. Dii te eradicent Ter. Quod bene vertat passim. 1 Si is sometimes used for o si, or utinam : as, Si nunc sc nobis ille aureus arborc ramus Ostendat nevwre in lanto Virg. Qudm vcllem is likewise used in the sense of wishing : as, Qudm vellem Roma; mansisscs Cic. in which, however, ut is understood. Sometimes even the particle and verb are both understood : as, Tecum ludere, sicut ipsa, possem Catull. i. e. opto ut, or uti- nam, possem. To these may be added such expressions as Ne sim salvus, Ne vivam, (may I die,) which may be thus completed -J7a precor, ita voveo, ut ne sim salvus, tit ne vivam. Thus also utinam ne ; as, Utinam ne innemorc De~ lio securibus Casa cecidissct abicgna ad terram trabes Enn. ap. Cic. Instead of which some employ utinam non. Cicero uses both : as, Illud utinam ne vere scriberem Fam. v. 17. Heec ad te die natali mco scripsi ; quo utinam susccptus non esscm, aid nc quid ex eadcm malrc postea nalum cssct -Attic, xi. 9. extr. 282 The ellipsis of utinam is the foundation of what is called the op- tative mood. But its omission not being allowable in all tenses, nor common in any but the present, it seems scarcely admissible to consider this as a distinct mood. For the future perfect, when it is intended to wish that a future action may be completed, the preterperfect or the preterpluperfect is used : as, Utmam hie sur- dus, aut hcec muta facta sit Ter. Utinam (inquit C* Pontius) ad ilia iempora mefortuna reservavisset, et tune essem natus si quando Romani dona accipere ccepissent : non essem passus diutius eos im- perare Cic. in which reservavisset implies a wish for past time, and essem natus for future. But ut used forpostquam, quam, quo- modo, and as an adverb of likeness (see also Note 4), is followed by the indicative ; and ne, as an adverb of hindering, by the im- perative or subjunctive : as, Ut sumus in Ponto, terfrigore consti- tit Ister Ovid. Utfalsus aniini est ! Ter. Ut tute es, item om- jies censes esse Plaut. Sometimes, also, the future subjunctive : as, Ut sementemfeceris, ita metes Cic. Abi, nejura, satis credo Plaut. Ne fugite hospitium Virg. Ne post conferas culpam in me Ter. Non, in a forbidding sense, is always joined with the future indicative, and not with the imperative or subjunctive. In- deed, it is most likely, that ne is, like non, always a mere nega- tive adverb, and that the subjunctive following it is governed by ut understood, which is also frequently expressed : thus, Eisque prcedixit, ut ne prius Lacedamoniorum legatos dimitterent, quam ipse esset remissus Nep. Sed tamen ita velim, ut ne quid properes Cic. Ut non is likewise used forut ne : as, Utplura non dicam, 7ieque aliorum exemplis confirmem Cic. Or, for quin : as, Potest igitur,judiceSj L. Cornelius damnari^ ut non C. Marii facturn con- demnetur Cic. We also find quo ne with a comparative : as, Cautum erat quo ne plus auri, et argentifacti domi haberemus Liv. (7) Dummodois joined with the subjunctive: as, Ornnia ho- nesta negligunt, dummodo potcntiam consequantur Cic. Also dum, when used for it : as, Oderint, dum metuant Cic. Note 6. When the English that is not commonly considered as a pronoun, or definitive, and when at the same time it comes be- tween two verbs, it is, in Latin, expressed by ut or quod with a finite verb following, or the noun after it is put in the accusative, and the verb, in the infinitive mood 1 . Ut is commonly used after, 1st, Verbs signifying to intreat or request. 2dly, After verbs signifying to decree, happen, order or command, but seldom after juleo, unless signifying to decree. 3dly, After verbs signifying to advise or persuade, generally. 4thly, After verbs signifying to cause, effect, or bring to pass. 5thly, The articles of every agreement are expressed by ut. 6thly, All intensive words, as adeo, ita, talis, tantus, the pronouns is and hcsc^ &c. are followed 1 It was originally intended (see page 88) to introduce here the whole of v the discussion relative to that. That part of it, however, which refers to thq infinitive or ut or quod, will be found explained under Rule XLI V. 283 by ut. This word ' is generally used to express the final cause, or end proposed ; quod, the moving or impelling cause i thus, "Scholam petere solebat,non qubdliterarum studiosus erat, sed ut patri morem gereret," He went to school, not that he was desirous of learning, but thatliQ might comply with the humour of his father. Thus also, Gaudeo quod te interpellavi Cic. Cursorem miserunt, ut nunliaret Nep. But in such phrases as Fulurum sensif, ut cce- teri sec/uerentur Nep. and Inde Jit, ut raro reperire queamus Hor., ut does not denote the final cause, but serves rather to point out the connexion or relation subsisting between the pre- ceding verb and the following member of the sentence, and an- swers to the question by what ? Neither does ut, when used after intensives, indicate the final cause, but the manner, as in Nullum tarn impudens mendacium est, ut teste careat Plin. In regard to such sentences, it is to be observed, that the intensive is sometimes implied, as in Full disertus (he was so eloquent) ut in primis dicendo valeret Nep. and that, instead of ut after in- tensives, and after dignus, indignus, idoneus, major, ejusmodi, &c,, qui is often used : as, Quis est tarn Lynceus, qui tantis tenebris ni- hil oflendat, nusquam incurrat Cic. Qui ilium decreverunt dig- num, suos cui liberos committerent Ter. Itane tandem idoneus Till videor esse, quern tarn aperie fallere incipias dolis ! Ter. Ma- jor sum, quam cui possit For tuna nocere Ovid. Genus belli est ejusmodi, quod maxime vestros animos excitare debetCic. Missi sunt, qui (or ut} consulerent Nep. Indeed, it may be added, that in some instances, quod does not denote a moving or im- pelling cause, but is used merely connective!}', when a simple event is expressed, as depending upon a preceding verb ; thus Sciojamjilius quod amet meus Plaut. forjilium meum amare. Ne is the same as ut ne or ut non ; quominus is similar to ne, for quo is used with comparatives instead of ut, and minus is merely a negative ; and quin, which is qui ne, is used for quominus, quod non, or ut non; so that ut, or the sense of it implied, seems the basis of most of these particles.' As it is impossible to class all words with the respective methods of expressing that after them, and as many verbs are followed by different forms, sometimes without any visible difference in the meaning, I shall subjoin to this Rule, from Seyer, an alphabetical list (though not a complete one, one half of the examples of which is, he says, taken from Gesner's Thesaurus) of words followed by the accusative and in- finitive, or by certain particles and finite verbs; premising, how- ever, that, upon an examination of his instances, quodis evidently often used for quia or quoniam, and that several words appear to be followed by ut, not through .their own particular nature, but by means of the verb with which they are connected, or some in- tensive word expressed or implied in the preceding member of the 1 Ut, denoting the final cause, seems equivalent to the Greek 'i*y, eo fine, in huiicjincm, eo consilio ; and, when used connectively, to on; whence, as will hereafter he noticed, it is probably derived. Quod may, perhaps, claim the i>ame origin. 284 sentence; and that all the different forms are not always to be used indifferently, but with a general reference to the several ex- planations which have been given of the nature and use of the in- finitive mood, and of the precise meaning and use of quid and ut. For instance, we may say, Gaudeo te valere, I am glad that you are well, which is equivalent to, Gaudeo tua salute, or valetudine lond ; or Gaudeo quod tu vales, or valeas, both being expressions of similar meaning; but we cannot, in this sense, say Gaudeo ut tu valeas, because this would be supposed to mean I am glad (in order) that you may be well. And although we may say Vis me uxorem ducere, Do you wish me to marry, or my marriage, or Vis ut uxorem ducam, Do you wish that I should marry, we cannot use quod in this sense. We may say Suadeo till fugere, or utfu- gias otium, if the intention, aim, and final cause of advising be to induce you to shun idleness ; but we cannot say Suadeo till ut (nor quod) rex venerit, if we mean to convey information, the verb not admitting this sense. When persuadeo denotes to persuade, that is, advise thoroughly, or with effect, it is commonly followed by ut j thus, He persuaded me to be, Mihi persuasit, ut essem. But when it signifies to persuade, or to convince, it is followed by the infinitive ; thus, He persuaded me, that I was, Mihi persuasit, me esse. In like manner moneo, when it signifies to apprize, by way of counsel, of any truth or fact, requires the infinitive ; monenti- lus amicis, cavendum esse Mutium Suet. His friends telling him by way of caution. But when advice to action is implied, ut is used. The same author says, Monitus est, ut vim multitudinis ca- veret. But although we have endeavoured to point out the prin- cipal and prominent difference between quod and ut, it must be observed, that, in some instances, the shades of difference become so faint, that their respective significations very much approxi- mate each other. We find even quod used for ut : as, Prcemoneo nunquam scripta quod ista legat Ovid. Mos veterum fuit, quod praetor soleret pronunciare Ascon. in Verrin. This is not so re- markable in the last example, since, had ut been used, it would have been but as a definitive or connective. Ut for quod: as, Juro ut ego rempullicam non deseram Liv. Si verum est ut populus R. omnes gentes virtute superdrit Nep. But notwithstanding these and similar instances, there is a distinction generally observed between quod and ut ; for, as Ursinus observes, were we to say Die quod veniat, we simply relate that the thing is doing ; if Die ut venial, we mean, that it may be done : if we say Audivi quodfuerit prcelium, we simply declare or specify the thing heard ; if Audivi utfuerit prcetium* we refer to the manner of the action. We like- wise sometimes find qui used as if equivalent to quia or quod, and as well as quo, used also for ut 1 ; and, indeed, it is possible that 1 Thus, Nam in prologis scribendis operam abutitur, Non qiti argumcntum nar- ret, sedqut malevoli Veteris po'etce malcdictisrcspondeat Ter. prol. And., in which qui is supposed to he equivalent to ut. Stnltus es, qui hide credas, in which it is reckoned equivalent to quia or quod. You arc a fool for believing him, or 285 ut, quod, id, all denoting that, may bear some affinity to one an- other, since ut, originally written uti, may be QTI, and quod, KO.I orfi, qu' otti, quoddi, quodde, (hence quod,) for we know that, in etymology, k and q, and t and d are respectively esteemed con-' vertible letters. Indeed, or/, in whatever way it may be used, is, in reality, the neuter gender of os~i$, as will be evident by ob- serving the way in which it is sometimes used at the end of a sentence : thus, 'AAX' OUK &ffow(ret$ t d!& oft Aristoph. " But you will not restore it, I know that-" or, as we often express the same assertion, " But I know that you will not restore it." When it does not receive the action of the verb, and signifies that or to the end that, like the Latin ut or uti, it is still consi- dered as the pronoun, but governed by &' or ta, thus Sid on, for that, or for that purpose. And in this way, it likewise denotes the moving or impelling cause, like the Latin quod. Even when the Latin ut or uti is used as an adverb of likeness, denoting as, it may still be considered as having the import of a definitive, since this last is supposed to be the German es, signifying that, it, or which: thus, ILli, ut erat imperatum, circumsistunt, i. e. They surround him, as (or that) had been ordered. And, in English, the that which was formerly denominated a conjunction, is now almost universally considered as an adjective, a definitive, or de- monstrative, and is, like quod, easily resolvable into a relative pronoun, being, as such, a word connecting two parts of a sen- tence. Thus, if we say Benefacis, quod me adjuvas, You do well that you assist me, we may resolve it into Adjuvas me, que id lene fads, You assist me, and that, or rather for that (que ad id or ob id, quod being equivalent to que id,) you do well 1 . But whether quod be generally the relative; or whether it originally come from the same source as ut, since the respective imports of these two are so generally considered as greatly dissimilar, are matters con- cerning which perhaps too much has already been said, as they are subjects rather of curious than of beneficial investigation. A LIST of Words having quod, ut, &c., or the Infinitive Mood) after them 2 . Abnuo ace. and inf. Absum ut, quin. Abstineo quominus. Accedo ut, quod. to believe him. Qui huic credis would denote simply, You, who believe him, are a fool. Neque enim hoofed, quo tibi molestus essem Plin. in which qua is equivalent to ut. See also Note 5, (5). 1 There are a few instances in which quod seems redundant : thus, Quod si- mulatque Gracchus perspexit fluctuare populum Auct. ad. Herenn. iv. 55. Quod utinam ilium eadem hcec simulantem videam Sail. Jug. 14. 21. a The classical instances, and their authorities, are here omitted, that the list might not extend beyond the limits necessarily prescribed to a work of this description ; but this circumstance is, comparatively, of no great importance, 286 Accido ut, ace. and inf. Accipio, ace. and inf. Acerbum est, ace. and inf. Addo quod, ut. Admoneo, see Moneo. jEquitas quae ut. jflistimo ut. Affirmo, ace. and inf. Ago ut, ne, ace. and inf. Alieno quin. Alius quam ut, nisi ut. Ambigitur quin. Ango, ace. and inf. Aniraadverto quod, acc.and inf. Annuo, ace. and inf. Apparet quod, ace. and inf. Appello quod. Arguo, ace. and inf. Argumentum quod, ut, ne, ace. and inf. Assequor ut. Assentior, ace. and inf., ne. Assevero, ace. and inf. Audio, ace. and inf. Auctor est ut, ne, ace. and inf. Autumo, ace. and inf. Bonum, melius, optimum est, ut. Cadit ut. Cano, Canto, ace. and inf. ut. Caput est ut. Caveo, Cautio, ut, ne.. Cavillor, ace. and inf. Causa est, quod, ut, quin. Censeo ne, ace. and inf. Cerno ut (how), ace. and inf. Clamo and comp. ut,acc. and inf. Cogitalio ea ut. Cogo ut. Cognosce quod, ace. and inf. Committo ut, Comperio, ace. and inf. Competit ut. Complector ut. Concedo ut, ace. and inf. Conditio ista est ut. Conficio ut. Confido ut, ace. and inf. Confirmo ut, ace. and inf. Confiteor, ace. and inf. Congruo ut. Conor quomirius. Consilium esse ut. Consentio, ace. and inf. Consentaneum est, ace. and inf. Consequor ut ne. Constantiajnconstantia quse ut. Constituo ut, ace. and inf. Contendo ut, ne, aoc. and inf. Contineo quin. Contingit ut. Convinco, ace. and inf. Convenit ut, ne. Credo, ace. and inf. Custodio ne. Cura, Curo ut, quod, ne. Decerno ut. Decet, Dedecet, ace. and inf. Declare, ace. and inf. Deduco quominus. Definio, Definitio \\scc ut, quo- minus. Defugio, see Fugio. Demonstro, ace. and inf. Denuntio ut, ace. inf. Deploro, see Ploro. Deprecor ne, ut. Despero ace. and inf. .Deterreo ne. Devito ne. Dico-is, ace. and inf., ut and quod seldom. Dignus est ut. Do ut, ace. and inf. Do ceo, ace. and inf. since the nature of the infinitive mood, and that of quod, ut, &c. have been so fully explained. And, for the same reason, the list itself might have been altogether omitted, without much loss or inconvenience. Indeed, upon a minute inspection, it appears to me both redundant and defective ; and, in some respects, so likely to perplex a learner, that I would advise him to rely chiefly on the general rule, and on his own observation. Some of the other lists occupy n considerable space, but their insertion could not, with propri- ety, be avoided. 287 Doleo quod, ace. and inf. Dubium est quin. [ Dubito, an, num, utrum, ace, and inf. Duco (to lead), Adduce ut. Edico ut, ne, ace. and inf. Edictum ne. Efficio ut, ne, ace. and inf. En undo, ace. and inf. Eripio quin. Erro quod. Error hie ut. Evenio ut, quod. Evinco ut. Excipio ut, ne. I Excogito ut. Excuso quod (for quia). Exigo ut. Existimo, ace. and inf. Exoro ut, ne. Expecto ut. Experior ut. Explore, ace. and inf. Extremum est ut. Facio ut, quod. Fallo, ace. and inf. Falsum esse ut. Fama pervenit, ace. and inf. Fateor, ace. and inf. Fero ut, ace, and inf. Fides est, ace. and inf. Fingo, ace. and inf. Fit ut; Fiebat, factum est, &c, ut. Fleo, ace. and inf. Fremo, ace. and inf. Fugio, Defugio ne, quin. Fugit quin. Gaudeo quod, ace. and inf. Glorior, ace. and inf. Gratia quod vivo. Gratulor quod, ace. and inf. Habeo hoc ut. Hortor, Cohortor ne, ut. Impedio ne, quominus. Impello ut. Impetro ut, ne. Inclamo ut. Incline ut. Induce ut, ne, quominite. Injicio mentem ut. Instituo ut. Insto ut, ne. Insuesco ut. Integrum erat ut. Intercede ut ne, quominus. Intelligo, ace. and inf. Interdico ne., Interest ut, ace. and inf. Invite ut. Irascor, Succenseo quod. Jubeo ut, ace. and inf. Jure, Adjuro, ace. and inf. Jus hoc ut. Juvo, ace. and inf. Lahore, Elaboro ut, ne. Lsetor, ace. and inf. Laus est, ace. and inf. Largior ut. Lege ea ut. Licet ut, ace. and inf. Liquet, ace. and inf. Mando ut ne. Memini, ace. and inf. Mente ea ne. Mentior, ace. and inf. Metuo, see Timeo. Minor, ace. and inf. Mirer, mirus &c. quod, ut, quin, ace. and inf. Molior ut. Moneo, Adraoneo ut, ne, ace. and inf. Mos est ut. Mora est quin. Moror quominus, ace. and inf. Munus est quod, ut. Narro ut (for quemadmodum ) . Nascor ut. Necesse est ut, ace. and inf. Nego, Denego, ace. and inf. Negotium dat ut. Niter, Connitor ut, ne. Nosco, ace. and inf. ; ut (how). Nuntio, Nuntius, ace. and inf. Objicio quod. Obliviscor, ace. and inf., ut^br quemadmodum. 288 Obsecro ut, ne. Observe ne. Obsisto, Obsto ne. Obtestor ut, ne. Obtineo ut. Obtrecto ne. Officium primum est ut. Omitto quod. Opinio, (with ea, ut) ace. and inf. Operam dare ut. Opto ut. Oportet ut, ace. and inf. Oro ut, ne. Ostendo quod, ace. and inf. Paciscor &c. ut, ne. Parum est quod, ut. Par est, ace. and inf. Paro ut. Pateo, ace. and inf. Patior ut, quin, ace. and inf. Paveo, see Timeo. Peccatum quod. Percipio ut, ace. and inf. Perduco ut. Perficio ut. Permit to ut. Perpello ut. Perse vero ut. Perspicuum est, ace. and inf. Peto, Postulo, Precor, &c. ut. Ploro, Deploro quod, ace. and inf. Polliceor, ace. and inf. Praecipio ut, ne. Praedico, -as, ace. and inf. Praedico, -is ut, ne,, ace. and inf. Praescribo ut, ne. Praesto ut, ace. and inf. Praetereo ut, ne, quin, ace. and inf. Praetermitto as Prsetereo. Praevertor quod. Probo ut, quod, ace. and inf. Profiteer,, ace. and inf. Prohibeo ne, quin, quominus, ace. and inf. Promitto, ace. and inf. Prope erat ut. Propositum tertium est ut. Propono ut, ace. and inf. Proprium est civitatis ut. Prospicio, ace. and inf. Prodest quod, quin, ace. and inf. Provideo ne. Pugno ut. Puto, ace. and inf. Quain with comp. degree ut. Queror quod (because}, ace. and inf. Rarum est ut. Recuso ne, quin, quominus. liefero quod. Relipquitur ut. ReKquum ut, quominus. Rehuntio, ace. and inf. Reor, ace. and inf. Repeto ut. Restat ut. Resisto ne. Respondeo ut. Rogo ut, ne. Sancio ne, ace. and inf. Sapientia quod. Scelus est quod. Scio ( quod rarely), ace. and inf. Scribo ut, ne, ace. and inf. Senatus consultum ne, ut. Sententia una ut. Sequitur ut, ace. and inf. Signum ne, arc. and inf. Simulo, ace. and inf. Sino ut. Spero, Spes ut, ace. and inf. Statuo ne, ace. and inf. Sto ne, quominus. Struo ut. Studeo ut. Stupeo, ace. and inf. Suadeo ut, dat. and inf. Subeo, Succurro, ace. and inf. Sum, Est ut, (inde est quod,) ace. and inf. Supplex ut. Suscipio ut. Suspicor ut ne, ace. and inf. Tango ut. 289 Tempus est ut. Teneo ut, ne, quin. Tento ut. Testis quod. Tester, ace. and inf. Timeo &c. ne, ut, quin, ace, and inf. Trado, ace. and inf. Tribuo ut. Vereor ne, ut. Verisimile est ut, ace. and inf. Verum est ut, ace. and inf. Veto ne, quominus, ace. and inf. Video, ace. and inf. Visurn est mihi ut. Video for Caveo, ne, ut. Vinco. Vicit sententia ut, ace. and inf. Vis parva naturae est quod. Vim hanc habuit ut. Vitiura est quod. Volo ut, ace. and inf. Utilis ut ne. LISTS. Neuter Verbs variously construed wdei' the same Signification. Accedere muris, LzV. ad urbem, Adequitare portae, Plin. ade- Sall. in oppidum, Cic. acce- quitare Syracusas, Liv. dere domos infernas, Virg. Adesse pugnae, i. c. praesentem accedere alicui, i. e. assentiri, esse, Cic. in pugna, Sail, ad Quinct. Accidit auribus, Plin. ad aures, exercitura, Plaut. adesse ami- cis, i. e. auxiliari, Cic. Liv. genibus, Id. ad genua, Adhaerere lateri, Liv. ad turrim, Suet, in te isthuc verbum, Cces. in me, Cic. fronte, pro Ter. in fronte, Ovid. Sic. Accubare horreis, Hor. scor- Adhaerescere justitiae, Cic. ad turn, Plaut. alicui in convi- saxum, Id. in hanc materiam, vio, Cic. apud aliquem, Id. Id. Sic. Accumbere epulis, Virg t in epu lo, Cic. Acquiescere rei alicui, Sen. ali- Adhinnire equae, Ovid, equam, Plaut. ad orationem, Cic. Adjacere mari, Liv. mare, Nep. qua re, Cic. at scepius, in all- Adnare navibus, Liv. naves, qua re, Id. Cces. Adambulare lateri alicujus, Adnatare insulae, Plin, ad ma- Apul. ad ostium, Plant. num, Id, 1 Also, in the same sense, Accedere ad sententiam alicujus' Plaut. But when the noun denotes a person, the dative is used ; for with an accusative of a person and ad, uccedo signifies to go. When it signifies to be added to, either construction may be used : as, Hoc accedit da?nnis-Ovid. Ad IKEC mala hoc mihi accedit. In this sense, also, the dative of a person is usually preferred. When it denotes to happen to, the dative only is used : as, Huic nihil possit qffensionis accedere Cic. To arrive at, the accusative with ad : as, GUI'S ita ad vsnustatem JEsovi accedat. u 290 Adrepere virorum animis, Tac. ad amicitiam alicujus, Cic. Adstare mensis domini, Mart. trabes, V. Flac. ad Achillis turnulum, Cic. in eonspectu, Id. Adstrepere alicui, Tac. aures alicujus, Plin. Adsultare vallo, Sil- moras por- tarum, Slat. Advenire alicui, Tac. urbem, Virg. ad urbem, Quid. Sic. Adventare alicui, Tac. portis, Slat, locum, Tac. ad Italiam, Cic. Adversari alicui, Cic. aliquem, Tac. Advigilare alicui, Tib. ad cus- todiam ignis, Cic. Adulari alicui, Curt, aliquem, Cic. Col. Tac. Advolare rei, vel homini, Plin. Virg. ad equites, Liv. advo- lat rostra Cato, Cic. Afflare alicui rei vel personae, Hor. aliquem re/, aliquid, Virg. aliquid alicui, Virg. Affluere alicui,, Owe/, ad aliquid, Cic. Allabi oris, Virg. ad exta, Liv. aures alicujus, Virg. All at rare alicui, Aur. Viet. aliquem scspius, Liv. Plin. Col. Alludere alicui, Plin. ad mulie- rem, Ter. Anniti hastae, Virg. ad aliquid, Cic. aliquid, i. e. conari perfi- cere, Plin. Antecedere alicui rei, Cic. ali- quem, Id. antecedere aliquem aetate, nobi\itate, magnificen- tia, Justin. Suet, raro alicui. Antecellere alicui, Cic. rarissime aliquem. Anteire alicui, Cic. aliquem, Tac. alicui aetate, Cic. om- nes gloria, Sail, caeteros vir- tute, Cic. Antestare cseteris virtute, Cell. caeteros robore, Apul. Antevenire rei alicui, Plant, ali- quem, Sail, tempus, Claud. Antevertere alicui, i. e.anteeum venire, Ter. Sic. antevertere damnationem veneno,f .e. prae- venire, Tac. At, antevertere rem rei, est pragponere, Plant. Apparere alicui, i. e. officii aut obsequii causa praesto esse: ut, Lictores apparentConsulibus, Liv. Apparent ad solium Jo- vis, Virg. l Appropinquare Britanniae, Cces. portam, Hirt. ad portam, Id. appropinquat alicui posna. Cic. Arridere alicui, i. e.placere,Hor. Arridere ridentibus, Id. ali- quid, Gell. Aspirare coeptis, Ovid, ad ali- quem, i. e. pervenire, Cic. ad laudem, i. e. contendere, Id. in curiam, Id. Assidere segro, Senec. Assidet insano, i. e. proximus est, Hor. Assidere aliquem, Sail. Assistere alicui, Plin. ad fores, Cic. super aliquem, Virg. contra aliquem, Cic. Assistere equos, t. e. sistere, Slat. Assuesco, assuefacio,assuefio, re aliqua: Genus pugnae quo as- sueverant, Liv. Puro sermo- neassuefactadomus, Cic. As- suescere rei alicui, Liv. Operi assuefecit, Id. Assuescere ad homines, Cces. In hoc assues- cat, Quinct. animis bella, Virg^. Attendere Caesari, Plin. juri, Suet, aliquem, Cic. res hos- tium, Sail. animum, Ter. auimum ad rem aliquam, Cic. 1 When it denotes to be conspicuous, or to be clear, it is generally followed by the dative only : as, Apparet mihi res Hor. Cui non apparere, affectare turn imperium in Latinos Liv. Auscultare alicui, Ter. aliquem, Plaut. Blandiri sensibus, Cic. igneara sae.vitiam, Colum. Colludere alicui, Hor. cum ali- quo, Cic. Confido, Vid. Fido. Congruere alicui, Ter. cum re aliqua, Cic. inter se, Id. Constare sibi, Cic. secum, Id. Constat inter omnes, Nep. Res mihi cum aliis constat, Auct. ad Her. Consuescere alicui, Ter. cum ali- quo, Plaut. libero victu, Co- lum. juvencum aratro, pro consuefacere, Id. Consulere alicui, Ter. famae ali- cujus, Cic. de salute sua, Id. durius in aliquem, Tac. in longitudinem, Ter. in com- mune, in medium, in publi- cum, Ter. Lucan. Plin. Convenire alicui, Cic. cum re aliqua, Id. Convenit in eum haec suspicio, Id. Cothurnus convenit ad pedem, Id. Con- veniunt mores, Ter. Majestas et amor non con veniunt, Quid. ^Etatem aliam aliud factum convenit, Plaut. Aliquid mi- hi convenit cum adversariis, Auct. ad Her. Convenimus inter nos, Plaut. Inter omnes convenit, Cic. Saevis inter se convenit ursis, Juv. Deh'ciunt mihi vires, Gees, me vires, Cic. Deficior viribus, Senec. omnibus rebus, Col. ab arte, i. e. destituor, Ovid. Degenerare patri, Claud, ali- quem, Ovid, a virtute, Cic. Derogare alicui, Cic. legi, Auct. ud Her. de lege, Cic. ex aequi- tate, Id. fidem alicui, Id. de fide alicujus, Id. Desperare saluti alicujus, Cic. de republica, Id. pacem, Id. rempublicam, Id. Desuescerehonori,&7. Desueta bello agmina, Pirg. At hoc dativo an ablativo dictum, in- cerium, Desunt verba dolori, Ovid. In Antonio defuit hie ornatus, Cic. Paucae ei centuriae ad Consulatum defuerunt, Id. Dominari cunctis oris, firg. 1 in caetera animalia, Ovid, in civi- tate, Cic. Excellere alicui dignitate, Cic. in aliqua re, Id. super alios, Liv. aliter, inter, praeter cae- teros, Cic. inter aliquos, Id. Facere ad aliquid, pro prodesse vet convenire, Ovid, et alii frequenter. Raro hdc notione, facere alicui, Prop. Hor. Fidere, confidere rei alicui, Virg. Cic. re aliqua, Id. in re ali- qua, Hirt? Gratulor tibi hanc rem, Cic. hac 1 Some have supposed this case to be the dative ; and some the ablative. Alvarez conceives it to be the dative, and in the following it certainly is this case ; Toti dominabere mundo Claudian. Diomedes and Vossius have ima- gined it to be the ablative. Alvarez considers such expressions as Dominatus cst Alexandria, Victis domitmbitnr Argis, as similar to Natus est Romce, Athenis. Dominor is often followed by inter. * When the following noun is a person, the dative only is used ; as, Confido tibi, not te, unless te depend upon some infinitive. Fido is often followed by the dative, and often by the ablative, but perhaps by the latter oftener. Con- fido is construed in like manner : as, Sibi confidere Cic. causee Cic. Jlrmi- tate cordons Cic. in which last there is an ellipsis of in. It is often construed with the infinitive : as, Confido fore ; and thus also diffido. When this last de- notes to distrust, it governs the dative only : as, Prudentice alicujus diffidere~ Cic. But we say Confidere or Diffidere de salute alicujus, and the like, in which the former seems to denote to have hopes of, and the latter to despair of. U2 292 re, Gael. ap. emd. de hac re, Cic. in hac re, Id, Haeret lateri, Virg. curru, Id. alicui in visceribus, Cic. 1 Ignoscere alicui, Ter. vitio, Ovid, peccatum suum alicui, Plant. Illudere alicui, Virg. aliquem, Ter. aliquid, Virg. in ali- quem, Ter. in aliquo, Id. Illabi rei alicui, Virg. in rem aliquam, Cic. Perniciesillapsa civiuni aniraos, Id. ad eos il- labi, Id. Illuxit dies alicui, Liv. aliquem, Plant. Imminere rei alicui, Ovid, in fortunas alicujus, Cic.' Immorari rei alicui, V. Max. in re aliqua, Quint. Immori studiis, Hor. in vino, Plin. Impendere alicui, Cic. aliquem, Ter. in aliquem, Cic. Incessit cura, cupido, timor ali- cui, Liv. V* Max. Sail, aliquem, Liv. Tac. in aliquem, Ter. Incubare ovis, Col. ova, Plin. pecunias, thesauris, Cic. Liv. Incumbere toro, Virg. gladium, Plant, in gladium, Cic. labo- ri, Sil. ad laudem, Cic. ad studia, Id. in studium, cu- ram, cogitationem, Id. 3 Incurro et incurso rei alicui, Snet. rem aliquem, Liv. in rem aliquam, Cic. Jndulgeo illi, Ter. me, Id. ali- quid alicui, &uet. Ingemcre,ingemiscere rei alicui, Liv. re aliqua, Curt, in re ali- qua, Cic. Ingemuere jacentem Inachidae Stat, interitum, Virg. Inhaereo et inhaeresco rei alicui, Ovid, in re aliqua, Cic. Inhiare auro, Flor. bona alicu- jus, Plant. Virg. Innare aquae, Liv. fluvium, Virg. Jnnasci rei alicui, Ter. in re ali- qua, Cic. Innati eodem solo, Just. Innatare flumini, Plin. undam, Virg. in concham, Cic. Inniti rei alicui, Stat. re aliqua, Liv. in re aliqua, Cic. in ali- quem, Plin. Insidere rei alicui vel personae, Virg. collem, Plin. locum, Liv. in memoria, in animo, in medullis, i. e. firmiter in- haerere, Cic. Insidunt apes floribus,' Virg. pardiinsidunt condensa arbo- re, Plin. Insilire rei alicui, Lncan. in e- quum, Liv. tauros, Suet, su- pra lignum, Phesdr. Insistere cure rerum, Plin. ves- tigiis alicujus, Cic. \iarn, Ter. via, Id. in re aliqua, Cic. in dolos, Plant, negotium, Id. Instare operi, firg. victis, Liv. rectam viam, Plant, currum Marti, i. e. instanter fabrica- re, Virg. unum, i. e. instanter urgere, Ter. 1 H&rere in amorem Plaut. Ad radices linguae h&rens stomachusClc. In Hceret pede pesVirg. either pede is an old dative, or it may be an ablative governed by cum or some other preposition. 2 Also, Imminere Jbrtunis Cic. ad cesdem Id. 3 When this word is not used figuratively, the dative according to Valla is used : as, Incumbere remis, not in remos nor ad remos. Incumbere alicui, in ilium and in illo, referring to a person, are all mentioned as having been used. But when, figuratively, the mind is referred to, it is followed by an accusative with ad or in .- as, Omni studio ad bellum incumbereCic. Incumbe in hanc curam Cic. In this signification it hardly admits a dative : but Incumbere philosophise, vel Juris studio, and a few similar expressions are noticed. 293 Inspuere rei alicui, Plin. all- quid, Id. in aliquid, Id* Insuere rei alicui, Ovid, pelle juvenci, Id. culeo, y. Max. in culeura, Cic. Insuescere rei alicui, Tac. re aliqua, Colum. Insultare alicui rei vel personse, Suet. Cic. fores, Ter. patien- tiara alicujus, Tac. in miseriam alicujus, Auct. ad Her. bonos, Sail. Insum rei alicui, Sen. in re ali- qua, Cic. Insurgere regnis alicujus, Ovid. in miseros, Slat. Jnsusurrare alicui, Cic. in aurem alicujus, Id. Intercedit mihi tecum amicitia, Cic. internes, Id.^ Interdicere alicui provincia, Suet, aqua et igni, Cic. foe- minis usura purpurae, Liv? de vi hominibus armatis, Cic. Jnteresse rei alicui, Cic. in re aliqua, Id. 3 Interjaceresulcis, Col. duasSyr- tes, Plin. Haec inter earn et Rhodum interjacet, Id. Intervenire alicui rei, Tac. cog- nitionem, Id. Invasit timer improbis, Cic. Vis avaritiae in animos invaserat, Sail. Invadere urbem, Virg. in fortunas alicujus, Cic. in arcem causse, Id. Invidere honori alicujus, Cic. honorem alicui, HOT. aliquem, Ovid, in re aliqua, Cic.* Latet res mihi, Lucan. Latet me, Virg* Mederi alicui, Cic. cupiditates, Ter. contra serpentum ictus, Plin. Medicari alicui, Virg. ictum cuspidis, Id. Moderari animo, Cic. gentibus, Sail, navim, Cic. omnia, Id. Nocere alicui, Cic. rarissimeali- quern, Plant. Nubere alicui, Cic. in clarissi- mam familiam, Id. Nupta 1 It is sometimes used absolutely : as, Unus et alter dies intercesscrat Cic. i. e. inter hoc ct illud factiim ; or, as we say in English ,had intervened. Sena- tds auctoritas intercessit Cic. i. e. medium se interposuit, vel, impcdivit : in which last sense it seems that Seneca says Quoties potent, sapiens fortunes in- tercedet. Whether we can use intercedere pro aliquo, for to supplicate in behalf ef, or to intercede for, seems questionable. * Intcrdico te hoc re is very uncommon ; but this case seems to be sanctioned by such phrases as Philosophi urbe et Italia intcrdicti aunt Gell. Its usual con- struction seems to be with the dative, and an ablative : as, Vos interdicitis pa- tribus commercio plebis Liv. Interdirit histrionibus scenam is written by Sue- tonius ; and Omni Gallid Ro7nanas interdixisset is attributed to Caesar ; but some read Romanis. Interdicor aqua ct igni does not seem to be sanctioned by authority. And in Cicero's lit M. Tullio aqua et ignis interdicatur ; and Ut mihi aqua et ignis inter 'dicerelur, it is thought by the best critics that aqua and ignis are mistaken for aqua et igni. 3 Here intersum signifies to be present ; but when it signifies to come between or to differ, a different construction is used : as, Inter primuni et sextum con- sulatum 46 anni inteifuerunt Cic. Hoc pater et dominus interest Ter. Stulto intelligens quid interest ? Ter. 4 This verb is commonly construed with the dative of the person, and the accusative of the thing. That it may have been construed, especially by the antients, with the accusative of the person, appears from Horace's Ego cur ac- qtdrere pauca Si possum, mvideor. * Latet has commonly the dative in Cicero ; as Xifiil maUris quod mihi la- tcrt. valeat ; and this case seems more consonant with the analogy of the Latin language than the accusative, which seems an imitation of Greek construction. 294- cum aliquo, Id. Una nupta apud duos, Gell. 1 Obambulare muris, Liv. ante portas, Id. ^Etnam, Ovid. Obequitare castris, Liv. agraen, Curt. Obrepere alicui, Cic. in animos dormientium,/(rf. ad honores, Id. Taciturn te obrepet fames, Plant. Obtrectare alicui, Cic. laudibus alicujus, Cic. vires, V.Max. Obversari oculis, Liv. ante ocu- los, Id. ad aures, Lucr. som- no, Liv. in somnis, Id. Obumbrat sibi vinea, Plin. Ob- umbrant Solem nubes, Id. Occumbere morti, Virg. mor- tem, Cic. morte, Liv. Palpari alicui, Plant. Palpare aliquem, Juv. Parcere alicui, Cic. labori, Ter. pecuniam, Plant. Ut parce- rent sibi vitam, Gelt. Talenta natisparcetuis, Virg. Utacae- dibus parceretur,Lzz;. Parcite oves nimium procedere^zYg. Pepigit mihi aliquid, Ovid. Pe- pigit cum aliquo, Suet. Pepi- gerunt inter se, Auct. ad He- renn. Sic. Paciscor alicui, Cic. cum aliquo, Id. Pacisci vitam ab aliquo, Sail, vitam pro laude, Virg. Praecedunt vestraefortunaemeis, P/aw/.Praecedere aliquem vir- tute, Goes, omnes in re aliqua, Plin. Prsecedere agmen, Virg. Praecurrere alicui, Cic. aliquem, Id. ante omnes, Cces. Praeire alicui, Slat. i. e. praecede- re aliquem. Praeire alicui verba, sacramentum, Liv. Tac. i. e. dictare. Praeire verbis, Plant. voce alicui, Cic. descripto,P/m. Praejacens Asiae vastum mare, Plin. Praejacere castra, Tac. Praeminere omnibus, Sen? ma- los, Tac. Praesidere urbi, imperio, Cic. exercitum, Italiam, littora Oceani, Tac. Praestare alicui, Cic. omnibus humanitate, Id. omnes elo- quentia,, Nep. s Praestolari alicui, Cic. aliquem, TV. 4 Praevertere al iquid rei alicu i, Liv. uxorem prae republica, Plant. Cursu pedum praevertere ven- tos, Virg. Et passive, Prae- vertihoc certumest rebus aliis omnibus, Plant. Ut bell urn praeverti sinerent, Liv. Vo- lucremque fuga praevertitur Hebrum, Virg. Procumbere terrae, Ovid.* geni- bus alicujus, Id. ad genua, Liv. ante pedes, Ov id. in ar- mos, Mart. Providere rei frumentarice, Cces. rem frumentariam, Cces, de re frumentaria. Cess. Quadrare alicui, Cic. in ali- quem,/^. admulta,/(i. acer- vum, i, e. in quadrum redi- gere, Hor. Respondere alicui, Cic. his,CV&?. ad haac, ad postulata, Id. ad nomen,Z,;. votis alicujus,, i.e. satisfacere,^zrg.ad spem,Lfv. Servire, inservire aliciu, Hor. 1 Tlius also Denubere alicui Tac. And Denubere in domum alicujus Tac. It is very probable, that as nubo seems to signify properly vdare, to cover, or to veil, an accusative is always understood to it. 2 Some read prcenitere. 3 Also, Preestitit inter suos tcquales Cic. 4 Cicero often construes this verb with a dative ; but almost every other writer uses the accusative. 5 Terrce may here be perhaps the genitive, as in Procumbit humi bos, in solo being understood to both. 295 Cic. rarissime aliquem, Plant. Turpil. Studere alicui rei, i, e. operam dare, Cic. literas, Id. aliquid, 2. e. cupere, Cic. in earn rem, Quinct. in ea re, Gdl. Stude- re alicui, i. e. favere, Cic. Subesse rei alicui, Cic. in re ali- qua, Id. Subire muro, Vug. feretro, Id. Subeunt mihi cunctarum fas- tidia, Ovid. Subire tecta, Virg. limina, Id. ad moenia, Liv. ad portas, Id. in locum alicu- jus, Ovid, in ceelum, Plin. sub acumen styli, Cic. Subi- bat me, viros fmxisse caecam esse fortunam, Apul. At sub- ire onus, labores, pcenam, periculum, &c. item-, subiit a- nimum, mentem, fere semper dicuntur. 1 Subjacere monti, Plin. ad ali- quid, Quinct. Succedere penatibus, F?rg. mu- ro, Liv. murum, Sail, ad ur- bem, Liv. sub primam aciem, CMS. in pugnam, Liv. Suc- cedere alicui et in locum ali- cujus, Cic. Superstare alicui rei, Liv. ali- quem, Virg. Supervenire alicui, Liv. Unda supervenit undam, Hor. Venire alicui, Ovid, multb fre- quentius ad aliquem, Cic. sub- sidio alicui, Cic. suppetias, Hirt. B. AJ. adversum alicui, Plant, sub ictum telorum, Liv. To these may be added the following List of Ferbs sometimes employed as Active or Neuter 2 , in the same Sense, or in one a little different from the primary Signification. Abhorreo, N. (usually.) A. Om- nes ilium abhorrent et asper- nantur, Cic. Abnuo, Annuo. N. Annuit his Juno, jfin. 12, 84-1. A. Jain abnuentes omnia, fiall. Jug. Omen abnuit ^Eneas, sEn. 5, 531. Cceli quibus annuis arcem, ^En. 1, 250. Aboleo. A. Corpus nonigni abo- litum, Tac. N. Memoria cla- dis nondum aboleverat, Liv* perhaps se understood. Adolesco or Adoleo. A. Igne puro altaria adolentur, Tac. hist. 2, 3, 5. N. Adolescunt ignibus ara3, Georg. 4>, 379. And in a different seme, Si- mul atque adoleverit aetas, Hor. sat. 1, 9, 34-. Adulor.N. Potenti adulari, Nep. 25, 8, 6. A. Adulari fortu- nam alterius, Cic. de divin. 2. plebem, Liu. 23, 4. JEquo. A. (us. } N.Libros^qui jam illis fere aequarunt, studiose legas, Cic. off. 1, 1, al. 3. Ita signis carpentisque et spoliis ferme sequabat, Liv. 33, 24. perhaps se is understood. 1 Subeo is often used absolutely : as, Subiit cogitatio, mcmoria, cura, Sec. in which animum or mentem is understood ; indeed, it is generally expressed. In the same sense, Subiit regem sera pcenitcntiaCurt. and, with the accusa- tive suppressed, Subiit cart gentians imago Virg. In this sense the dative is found: as, Subeant animo Latmia saxa tuo Ovid. 8 In the same manner we sometimes find, in English, such expressions as " To cease a noise," for " To make a noise cease." Thus also " To rurt a horse," "dance a child," " sleep away sorrow, a surfeit, &c.," with many si- milar examples. 296 JEmulor. A. Pindarum quisquis studet aemulari, Hor. od. 4, 2, 1. N. Tanquam mihi ab infimo quoque periculum sit, ne mecum aemuletur, Liu. 28,43. /Estuo, Exaestuo. N. (us.) A. Pisaeumque domus non ae- stuat annum, Stat. (i. e. sestu- ando exhibet annum.) Omnes exaestuat aestus, Lucr. 6, 816. But this is a cognate Ace, Ambulo. N. (us.) A. Ambulare inaria, Cic. de Jin. 2, ad Jin. Si ambulantur stadia bina, Plin.23, I. Anhelo. N. (us. ) A. De pectore frigus anhelans, Cic. nat. d. 2. Anhelare crudelitatem, Auct, ad Herenn. 4, 55. An- helatiignes, Ovid. Her. 12, 15. Appello, -is. A. (iw.)N. Eo anno Alexandrumin Italiam classe appulisse constat, Liv. 8, 3. perhaps se understood. Appeto. A. (us.} N. Jam appe- tebat tempus, Liv. 25, 2. Applaudo. N. (us.) A. Applau- dit manu caput, Nemes. eel. 3, 33. Cavis applauso corpore palmis, Ovid. met. 4, 352. Ardeo. N. (us.) A. Corydonar- debat Alexin, Virg. Arrideo. N. (us.} A. Quum aut non adhibeantur ad causas,aut adhibiti derideantur : nam si arrideantur, esset id Attico- rum, Cic. de. opt. gen. orat. Ascendo. A. Ascendere jugum, Cezs. 1. G. 1, 21. N. Ascen- disset ad h on ores, Cic. de cl. orat. 241, c. 58. Assuesco, Consuesco, Insuesco. N. Ut aliis parere eonsuesce- rent, Cic. de inv, 1, 2. A. Consuescere rusticos circa la- rem domini epulari, Colum. 11, 1. Sic insuesci debent, Colum. 1 . ( See the preceding List.) Audeo. N. Aude, hospes, con- temnere opes, JEn. 8, 364. But here hoc seems understood, or contemnere opes supplies the place of an accusative. A. Periculum audebant, Tac. ann. 3, 76. In regnis hoc ausa tuis, JEn. 5, 792. Cachinno or Cachinnor. N. (us.) A. Exitium meum cachinnat, Apul met. 3. Careo. N. (us.) A. (antiquated) Collum collaria caret, Plant. Carendus is used by the best writers: as, Virque mihi dempto fine carendus abest, Ov. pen. ul. But this is no proof of its being active. Caviller. A, Tribunes cavillans, Liv. 2, 58. N. Saepe cum populo cavillatus est, Suet. Tit. 8. Cedo, Concede. A. Earn pro- vinciam collegae cessit, Val. Max. 4. Perizonius imagines quod ad understood. Con- cedere dolorem, Cic. N. Tu ne cede malis, Virg. C once- darn hinc intro atque expec- tabo, Ter. Celero. N. or, rather, absolutely. CeJerarestatuit, Tac. Siacce- lerare volent, Cic. Cat. 2, 4. A. (us.) Celerarefugam,f?rg. Iter accelerare, Cas. b. G. 3, 39. magistratum, Tac. Itine- ribus celeratis, Ammian. 31, 11. Certo. N. (us.) A. Si res certa- bitur unquam, Hor. Certare rem, Sedig. ap. Gell. 15, 24. Certatam litedeorum Ambra- ciam, Ov. met. 13, 713. Thus also, Concertare quid, Ter. Ad. 2, 2, 2. Quae non sunt concertata, Cic. part. c.28. Cesso. N. (us.) It is used pas- sively only as an impersonal, or in the perfect participle : 297 thus, Largaque provenit ces- satis messis in arvis, Ov.fast. 4, 617. Bui this is no proof of cesso leing active. Clamo, Clamito, and comp. N. (us. ) A. Clamare morientem nomine, Mn. 4, 674. Con- clamat socios, Ov. met. 13, 73. Inclamavit comitem su- um, Cic. inv. 2, 4. Exclamat uxorem, Plant. Amph. In- clamitor quasi servus, Plant. Epid. 5. 2, 46. Clamitare calliditatera vidcntur, Cic. pro Rose. com. 20, 7. Clamata palma, Ov.fast. 5, 189. Cor- pora conclamata, Lucan. 2, 22. Coeo. N. (us.) A. Coire societa- tem, Cic. Phil. 2, 10. Socie- tas coitur, Cic. pro Sext. Rose. c. 7. Societas and societatem are the only words thus used. Cceno. N. (us.) A. Ut aprum coenem ego, Hor. sat. 2, 3, 235. Eum odorem cosnat Ju- piter, Plant, pseud. Cogito. A. (us.) N. Mihi de amicitia cogitanti, Cic. Amic. 1. De me cogites, Ter. Run. 1, 2, 1 14. In these it is only absolute. Conflagro. N. (us.) A. Confla- gravit Semelen Jupiter, //y- gin.fab.l c 29. Urbs incendio conflagrata, Auct. ad Herenn. 4, 8. But neither these nor the deflagrata domus in Caesar Strabo ap. Prise. 6, will prove the zweq/'conflagror awc/defla- gror, nor an active significa- tion in flagro. Contingo. A. (us.) N. (and per- haps impers.) Id in magnis anirnis contingit, Cic. off. 1, 74, c. 22. Consisto. N. (us.) A. (for con- stituo) Et per quae vitam pos- suntconsistere tutam, Lucr. 6. Contendo. A. (us.) N. Plato in contendit, Cic. Contendere armis, Cic. Att 7, 9. nobilitate, Lucr. It ap- pears to me always active, cursum, iter, or nervos, being, according to the sense, under- stood. Convenio. N. (us.) In urbem crebro convenio, Plant. True. 3, 2, 14. i. e. fgo. A. Pue- rum conveni, Ter. And. 2, 2, 31, i. e. I met. Nonestisa me con vent us, Cic. Att. 15, 1, i. e. met. Pax conventa, Sail b. Jug. 112, i. e. agreed upon. (See the preceding and the following List.) Corusco. N.Flamma inter nubes coruscat, Cic. de orat. 3, 155, c. 39. It is said to be usually Neuter; but may not the re- flective pronoun be understood? A. (In the sense of to bran- dish or shake.) Strictumque coruscat mucronem, &n. 10. Coruscare hastam, JEn. 12, 431. Also neuter or absolute in the same sense : as, Longa coruscat sarraco venienteabi- es, Juv. 3, 254. Coruscandis nubibus, Apul de deo Socr. p. 675. Crepo, Concrepo. N. Quando esurio, [intestina] crepant, Plant. Men. 5, 5, 26. Sed ostium concrepuit, Ter. Hec. 4, 1,6. A. Sulcos et vineta crepat mera, Hor. ep. 1, 7, Si, 2. e. chatters of. Con- crepat aera, Mart, i e. makes them ring, or jingle. Digi- tos concrepare, Petron. i. e. to snap the fingers ; al. digi- tis. Credo. A. Num puero summam belli, num credere niuros. JEn. 10, 70. N. Crede mihi, bene qui latuit bene vixit, Ov. Credo is followed also by a ge- nitive : ay, Duarum rerum ere- 298 dere, Plaut. True. 2, 2, 52, i. e. quod attinet. Nimium ne crede colori, Virg. eel. 2, 17. Cunctor. N. (us.) A. Ut du- bium et pugnas cunctantem Eteoclea vidit, Stat. 11, 268. Curro and comp. N. (us.) A. ( but generally cognate accusa- tive.) Currit iter tutum, JEn. 5, 862. stadium, Cic. off. 3. Cuncta decurrere possum, Firg. vitam, Prop, inceptum laborem, Virg. Geo. 2, 39. Recurrere cursum, Plant. Cist. 2, 3, 50. Ccelum trans- currere, Mn. 9, 110. cursum, Cic. de cl. oral. 281. divisio- nes, Quinct. 4, 2, 2. Decursa setas, Cic. pro Quinct. c. 31. Decline. A. Urbem unam decli- navi, Cic. pro Plane. 97. v. 41. me, Plant. Aul. 4, 8. De- clinantur contraria, Cic. nat. d. 3, 13. N. Declinare a proposito, Cic. orat. 40. Se seems understood. Desino. N. (us.) A. Mulierte- lam desinit, Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 64. Artem desinere, Cic. fam. 7, 1 . Orationes legi de- sitae, Cic. Brut. c. 32. Despero. N. (us.) A. Pacem desperavi, Cic. Alt. 7, 20. Desperabantur praelia, Mart. Sped. 22. Despicio. A. (us.) N. Nequein vias sub cantu querulae de- spice tibiae, Hor. od. 3, 7 5 29. Differo. A. Rem differre et pro- crastinare cceperunt, Cic. pro Sex. Rose. 9. N. (in a diffe- rent sense.) Cogitatione diffe- runt, re copiilata sunt, Cic. Tusc. 4. Doleo. N. (us) A. Meum ca- sum doluerunt, Cic. pro Sext. c. 69. Pcena dolenda, Ovid. Her. 5, 8. Dubito. N. (us.) A. Turpe est dubitare philosophos, quae ne rustici quidem dubitant, Cic. Dubitare aliquid, Quid. met. 6, 194. Ne auctor dubitare- tur, Tac. ann. 14, 7, 1. Duro. A. Frictio durat corpus, Cels. 2, 15. N. Asinius pene ad extremum duravit, Cic. dial, de orat. 17, i. e. lasted. Ebullio. N. Ubi ebullit vinum, Cato. A. Virtutes ebullire et sapientias, Cic. Tusc. 3, 18, i. e. to vaunt of. Animarn ebullit, Sen. in ApocoL Edormio. N. (us.) A. Edormi crapulam, et exhala, Cic. Phil. i. e. sleep off or away. Emerge. N. (us.) A. Quibus ex mails ut se emerserat, Nep. Attic. 11, 1. Ex fluorine emersus, Cic. div. 2, 68. Emineo. N. (us.) A. Moles a- quam eminebat, Curt. 4. Equito. N. Equitare in arun- dine, Hor. A. Atque etiam [cameli] equitantur, Plin. 8. Erumpo. N. Erumpunt portis, yirg. A. Erumpere stoma- chum in aliquem, Cic. Att. 16, 3. Portis se erumpunt, Cces. I. c. 2. May not se be understood in the JIT st exam- ple? Prorumpit ad sethera nubem, &n. 3, 572. Erupti ignes, Lucr. 1, 724. Erro. N. (us.) Errata retrorsum littora, Mn. 3, 690. But neither does this, nor the im- personal erratur, prove erro to be active, or errare terras to be allowable. Erubesco. N. (us.) A. Affines te erubescunt, Cic. Erubes- cendi ignes, Hor. amores, Sen. controv. 2. Evado. N. In loca tuta evasit. Liv. 28. A. Me evasit, Suet. Tib. Evasum se esse, Liv. Evigilo. N. Evigilavitinundis, Stat. sylv. 5, 3, 128. A. Quos 299 studium cunctos evigilavit idem, Ov. trist. 1, 1, 108. Evigilata consilia, Cic. Attic. 9, 12. Exeo. N. Postquam e portu pi- ratae exierant, Cic. Verr. 5, 71. A. Jam ut limen exirem, Ter. Hec. 3, 3, 17, lut this is unusual. It is used in the sense of to avoid, with an ac- cusative: as, Corpora tela modo atque oculis vigilanti- bus exit, Mn. 5, 438. Exerceo. A. (us) Exercentes and Exercendo are used ab- solutely : as, Exercentes e- phebi, Suet. Aug. 98. Exhalo. N. Exhalant vapore al- taria, Lucr. A. Exhalant flu- mina nebulas, Ov. met. 13, 602. Exbalata anima, Ov. met. 11,43. Exubero. N. Pomis exuberet annus, Firg. Georg. 2, 51 6. A. Qua? herbaefavorum ceras exuberant, Colum. 9, 4. Facesso. A. (us.) Matris prae- cepta facessit. Georg. 4, 548. And it is found especially in old writers in the signification of to take away. Dictum fa- cessas tuum, Plaut. Men. 2, 1 , 24. Facesse hinc Tarqui- nios, Liv. I, 47. And hence the following. N. Ni faces- serent propere urbe finibus- que, Liv. 4. Haec hinc faces- sat, 7>. Phorm. 4, 3, 30, i. e. go away. Perhaps se is un- derstood. Fastidio. A. Si te hie fastidit, Virg. Dum nullum fastiditur genus, Liv. N. Fastidit rnei, Plaut. Aul. 2, 2, 67. Factis saepe fastidiunt, Cic. pro Mi- Ion. 43. Festino.N. Festinate, viri, ^En. 2, 373. A. Festinare vestes, Ovid. Met. 11, 575. Festi- nare in se mortem, Tac. aun. 4, 28, 3. Ammo cupienti ni- hil satis festinatur, Sail. Jug. 64,6. Fleo. N. (us) A. Flere funera, Ovid, aliquem, Mn. 7, 760. Longo quod flebitur aevo, Sil. 5, 187. Flo and comp: N. Belle nobis flavit Auster, Cic. Att. 7, 2. Etsi Etesiae valde reflarint, Cic. Att. 6, 6. A. Flaret e corpore flammam, Lucr. 5, 984. al. efflaret. Laetos effla- rathonores, Firg. Tibia fla- tur, Ov.fast. 4, 841. Aer ducitur atque reflatur, Lucr. 4, 936. Sufflare ignem, Plin. 34, 8. Sufflata cutis, Plin. 8, 38. Fugio and comp. N. Fuge, nate, propinquant, JEn. 2. Eftugit rex e nianibus, Cic. pro L. M. c. 9, 22. A. Fugere ali- quem, Ovid. met. 3, 384. Paupertas fugitur, Lucan. 1, 165. Effugere periculum, COBS. I. G. 4, 35. Defugere administrationem reipublic. CCBS. I.e. 1,32. Gemo, Ingemo. N. (us.) A. Gemere casum alicujus, JEn. 1, 221. Hie status gemitur, Cic. Att. 2, 18. Ingemuisse leonesinteritum,^zrg. Glades ingemiscenda, Ammian. 30, 7. Gratificor. A. Decus atque li- bertatempotentiae gratificari, Sail. Jug. 3. tibi hoc, Cic. f am. 1 , 10. N. Aliis gratificari vo- lunt, Cic. fin. 5, 15. But, prolally, an accusative is un- derstood. Habito. A. Centum urbeshabi- tabcint, JEn. 3, 106. N. or Absol. Habitabant vallibus imis, JEn. 3, 110, i. e. they lived in. Duabus urbibus ha- bitabat populus idem, Liv. 8, 22. But, perhaps, in these a/iU; the sense is inhabit, do- 300 mos, or some such word, being understood, Hiemo. N. Atrum defendens pisces hieinat mare, Hor. A. Decoquunt aquas - t mox et illas hiemant, Plin 19, 4. Hiemato lacu, Plin. 9. Horreo. N. (us.) A. Horrere pauperiem, Hor. sat. 2, 5, 9. conspectum, Cic. Horrenda diluvies, Hor. car. 4?, 14, 27. Nomen horrescunt, Apul. 6. Increpo. N. (vs.) A. Soniturn increpuit tuba, JEn. 9, 503. socios, JEn. 10, 830. Quae in victoriam Sullanam incre- pabantur, Sail. ep. de rep. ord. 1,5. Jneo, Ingredior. N. Intra muni- tionesingredi, Cces. I: G. 5, 9. Ineunte aetate, adolescentia, &c. passim. A. Colles ingredi- tur, Ov. met. 14-, 846. Taurus init ccelum, Ov.fast.5, 617. Inolesco. N. (us.) A. Inolevit nobis natura amorem nostri, Gdl. 12, 5. In moribus in- olescendis, Gell. 12, 1. Insanio. N. (us.) A. Insanit a- mores, Prop. 2. Quam me stultitiam insanire putas, Hor. So Bentley reads j others have qua stultitia. Irascor. N. (us.) A. (with an accusative of the thing) Istud dictum tibi irascor, Plant. Merc. 4, 5. Nostram ne vi- cem irascaris, Liv. 34, 32. Irrumpo. N. In castra irrupe- runt, Cces. b. G. 4, 14. A. Milites oppidum irrumpe- rent, Cces. b. G.I. 27. Juro, Adjuro. N.or Absol. (us.) A. (with an accusative of the thing sworn by ) Stygias jura- vim us undas, Ov. met. 2. Jurare Jovem, Cic. fam. 7, 12. Arae jurandae, Hor. ep. 2, 1, 16. An accusative of the ih'uig sworn to -, Qui dc- negatetjuravitmorbum, Cic. Att. And with hoc id &c. : as, Hoc idem jurant reliqui, Cces. b. c. 3. Haec adjurarent, Liu. 43, 16. Laboro. N. (?ts.) A. Ad quid laboramus res Romanas, Cic. Att. arma tibi, Slat. Theu. 3, 279'. Propter quae haec labo- rantur, Cic. fam. 3, 1 3. Ves- tes arte laboratae, Virg. Lacrymo, Lacrymor. N. (us.) A. Lacrymare casum alicu- jus, Nep. 7, 6, 4. Casum col- lacrymavit, Cic. pro Sext. Lacrymata3 cortice myrrha?, Ov.fast. 1,339. Lapido. A. (us.) N. Reate im- bri lapidavit, Liv. 43, 13. // is here used impersonally. Latro. N. (us. ) A. Latrent il- ium canes, Hor. epod. 5, 57. Hunchabentesnegant latrari a canibus, Plin. 25, 10. Luceo. N. (us ) A. Lucebis novaenuptaefacem,P/aM/.C'a?. Ludo. N. (us.) A. Luderealeam, Suet. Aug. 70, 5. bella latro- num, Mart, civem bonum, Ccel ad Oic. 8, 9. Luditur alea pernox, Juv. 8, 10. Maneo. N. or Absol. (us.) A. Manere aliquem, Liv. 10, 35. Manebat a?tas negligentiam, Ter. Phorm. 4, 1. ^Etas ma- nenda, Lucr. 3, 1088. Mano, Emano, Stillo. N. or Ab- sol. (us.) A. Manat picem, Plin. lacrymas, Ov. met. 6, 3 1 2. Calor per man at argen- tum, Lucr. 1 , 495. Emanare saniem, Plin. 23, 3. Stillabit ex oculis rorem, Hor. ar. poet. 429. Electra de ramis stillata, Quid. met. 2, 364. Mature. N.or Absol. Maturant- que celeriter, sicut morus, Plin. 16, 25. A. Maturate fugani, Mn. 1, 137. Matu- ratur opus, Justin. 2, 15, 7. 301 Mentior. N. or Absol. In virum bonum mentiri non cadit e- molumenti sui causa, Cic. off. 3, 20. A. Mentiri auspi- ciura, Liu, 10, 40. colores, Virg. Mentitae sortes, VaL Ft. 3, 618. Metuo, Timeo. A. Calamitatem metuo, Cic. Verr. 3. Et quae sibi quisque timebat, JEn. 2. N. Syre tibi male timui, Ter. Hei ! rnetui a Chryside, Ter. And. 1, 1, 79. But here some accusative is certainly understood. Moderor. N. Qui non modera- bitur irse, Hor. ep. 1, 2. 59. A.Moderari cantus numeros- que, Cic. Tusc. 5, 104, c. 36. Mcereo. N. Dolore alterius mce- rere, Cic. fam. 4, 5. A. Filii mortem mcereret, Cic.Tusc.l. Muto. A, (us.) N. or Absol. Mortis metu mutabant, Sail. Jug. 28. Mores populi R. quantum mutaverint, Liv. Nato. N (us.) A.Natareaquas, Mart. 14, 196. Aquae na- tantur, Ov. art. 1, 48. Navigo. N. (us.) A. Navigare aequor, &n 1, 67Enavigare Indum, Ptin. 6, 17. Oceanus navigatus est, Plin. 2, 67. Enavigatus sinus, Plin. 9, 3. Unda omnibus enaviganda, Hor. od. 2, 14, 11. Nitor. N. (us.) A. Alternoslon- ga nitentem cuspide gressus, JEn. 12, 386. Obeo. A. Is obiit mortem, Ter. And. ], 3, 18. diem supre- mum, Nep. Dion. Morte obi- ta, JEn. 10, 641. N. Obiit morte, Suet. Aug. 4. morbo, Plin. 11, 37- Obstrepo. N. Obstrepere laudi alicujus, Senec. Here. fur. 1031. A. Avium vox obstre- pit aures, Virg. CuL 104. Oleo, Redoleo. N. (us.) A. Ce- ram et crocum olere, Cic. Olentilla supercilia malitiam, Cic. Redolet antiquitatem, Cic. de cl. or at. 21. Palleo. N. (us.) A. Pallere co- lores, Prop. 1. Et scatentem belluis pontum mediasque fraudes palluit audax, Hor. od. 3. Fontis qui non expal- luit haustus, Hor. Palpo, Palpor. N. Observatote quam blande mulieri palpabi- tur, Plaut. A. Quern munere palpat Carus, Juv. 1, 35. Virginea palpanda manu pec- tora, Ovid. met. 2, 867, at. plaudenda. Pascor. N. Pascitur in vivis li- ver, Ovid. A. Pascuntur syl- vas, Georg. 3, 314. Artus de- pascitur, JEn. 2. Paveo. N. Et pavet pectus, Ov, met. 9,581. A.Paverepug- nam, Lucan. 7 lupos, Hor. Pavescere prodigia, Sil. Penetro. Absol. Tumultus e castris et in urbem penetrat, Liv. Se seems understood. A. Nihil tamen Tiberium magis penetravit, Tac. 5. Penetrant se in fugam, Plaut. Ut peni- tus nequeat penetrari, sc. In- dia, Lucr. 2, 539. Pereo, Depereo. N. (us.) A. Tres unam pereunt adoles- centes mulierem, Plaut.Truc. Ilium deperit impotente a- more, Catull. Puppis pereun- da est probe, Plaut. Epid. 1, 1,70. Pergo. N. (us.) A. Pergo prae- terita, Cic. Alt. Perrepo, Perrepto.N. (us.) A. Tellurem genibus perrepere, Tibull. 1, 2, 87. Perreptavi usque omne oppidum, Ter. Ad. 4, 6, 3. Persono. N. Cum domus cantu personaret, Cic. in Pis. 10. A, Personate aures vocibus, 302 Cic.fam. ep. 6, 19, G.regna, JEn. 6, 417. Persevere. N. (us.) A. Quatri- duo perseverata est inedia, Justin. 12, 6, 15. Persevera diligentiam is quoted ly Ges- nerfrom Symmachus, but such an accusative has no classical authority. Perseverare ali- quid, Cic. pro Quinct. c. 24. Pervolo, Pervolito. A. Pervoli- tat loca, JEn. 8, 24. Pervo- let urbem, Juv. 6, 397. N. Per dissepta domorum saxea voces pervolitant, Lucr. 6, 952. Animus velociiis in hanc sedem pervolabit, Cic. Somn. Scip. 21, 9. Plaudo. N. (us.) A. plaudere fratrem, Slat. Silv. 5, 3, 140. choreas, JEn. 6. Explosit hoc genus divinationis vita communis, Cic. divin. c. 41. Histrio exploditur, Cic. Pa- rad. 3, 2. Supplodo and Cir- cumplaudo are active; but whether they are ever neuter , does not appear. Nemo pe- dem supplosit, Cic. de orat. Quaque ibis, manibus cir- cumplaudere tuorum, Ovid. Ploro. N. or Absol. Date puero panem, ne ploret, Quinct. Deplorare apud aliquem de miseriis, Cic. Verr. 3, 45. A. Juvenem raptum plorat, Hor. od. 4, 2, 22. Deplorare cala- mitates, Cic. Phil. 1 1 , 6, c. 2. Quae de altero deplorantur, Cic. deorat. 2, 211. Pluo. N. (us.) A. Haec ilia est tempestas mea quam mi- hi amor et cupido in pectus perpluit meum, Plant. Most. 1, 2, 30. Lacrymas depluit, Prop. 2. Et camera pluit, Liv. 3, 10. Other MSS. have carne. That loth con- structions were in use, see Drakenlorch ad Liv. 3, 10. Praevenio. N. in the sense of to come before. A. in the sense of to prevent. Praevenire desiderium plebis, Liv. 8., 16. Miles praeventam gloriam in. telligit, Tac. hist. 1, 5, 2. Prandeo. N. (us .) A. Si pran- deret olus, Hor. Luscinias soliti impenso prandere co- emptas, Hor. Propero, Appropero. N. (us.) A. Properare arnaa alicui, JEn. 12, 425. Haec prope- rantur, Juv. 3, 264. Inter- cisis venis, mortem apprope- ravit, Tac. ann. 16, 14, 5. Propinquo. N. (us.) A. Propin- quare augurium, JEn. 10, 254. mortem, Sit. 2, 281. Prorumpo, Perrumpo. A. A- tram prorumpit ad asthera nubem, JEn. 3, 572. Pro- ruptum mare, ^En. 1, 246. Ut rates perrumperet, Cccs. l.c.l, 26. N. Fiuvio Tibe- rinus amceno - - - in mare prorumpit, JEn. 7> 32. Per- rumpere per aciem, Liv. 3, 70. in vestibulum, Liu. 3, 18. Provoco. A. Crispinus me pro- vocat, Hor. N. Provoco ad populum, Liv. l.i.e.l ap- peal. Pulvero. A. (us.) N. Nolohoc pulveret, Plaut. ap. GelL. 18, 12, i. e. be dusty. Quadro N. Conjunctionem ver- borum numerose cadere, et quadrare, et perfici volumus. Cic. orat. 3, 44. A. Quadra- re acervum, Hor. ep. 1, 6, 35. Quadrandae orationis in- dustria, Cic. orat. c. 56. This word signifies both to make square, and to become square, or perfect. Quiesco, Requiesco. N. (us.) A. Quiescent laudes tuas populi, Senec. Here. Oct. 15. Quieta urbs, JEn. 12, 558. 303 Et mutata suos requierunt flumina cursus, Virg. eel. 8, 4. Kequietus ager, Ovid. art. 2. 351. Requietis militibus, Satt. Queror, Conqueror. N. Saepe de luxuria questus sum, Sail. Cat. 52. A. Aadivi Milonem queri injuriam meam, Cic. Att. 5, 8. Conquer! fortunam adversam decet, Cic. Radio. N. (us.} A. Scuta sed et galeae gem mis radientur et auro, Ov. Pont. 3, 4, 103. Redundo. N. (us.) A. Redun- dat talia raucis faucibus Vul- turnus, Stat. silv. 4, 3, 71. i. e. profert, loquitur. Redun- datas flumine cogit aquas, Ovid, trist. 3, 10, 52. But these are not sufficient autho- rity for red undo active. Regno. N. (us.) A. Trans Lygi- os Gothones regnantur, Tac. Germ. 25, 4. Terra regnata Philippe, Ovid. Pont. 4, 15, 15. Albam regnandam, JEn. 6, 770. But these are not suf- Jicient authority for regno ac- tive. Resideo. N. (us.) A. Venter gutturque resident esuriales ferias, Plant. Capt. 3, 1, 8. 1. e. sedendo agunt. Denica- les feriae a nece appellatae sunt, quia residentur mortui, Cic.de leg. 2,22. Respicio. A. (us.) N. Et quum Latinisstudebimus literis,non respiciamusadGraecas,Qewc. 2, 12. Resulto. N. (us.) A. Saxacau- tesqueparilem sonum resulta- rent, Apul. met. 5. Rideo. N. (us.) A. Ridere ali- quem, Cic. Jam. 2, 9. por- tenta Thessala, Hor. Ridear, Ovid. Pont. 4, 12, 16. Roro. N. (us.) A. Lacrymis oculi rorantur obortis, Ovid. Her. 15, 97. Rorata mane pruina, Ovid. fast. 3. Ruo, Proruo, Corruo. Trruo. N. Quid si ccelum mat, Ter. Ipsa vi molis et irae proruit, Vol. Flac. 7, 600. Corruit in vul- nus, Virg. A. Cseterosrue- rern, Ter. Ad. Ruere cumu- los arenae, Virg. georg. 1. 105. Ruta caesa ap. J. Ctos et Cic. orat. 2, 55. Multa proruet integrum cum laude victorem, Hor. od. 4, 4, 66. Corruere divitias, Plant. Rud. 2,6,58,z'.e.congregare Spicae corruuntur in corbem, Varro. Vide ne ille hue intro se irru- at, Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 11. Rumpo. A. (us.) N. Gesso hue intro rumpere, Ter. Eun. 5, 6, 26. Rutilo. N. (us.) A. Rutilare ca- pillos cinere, Vol. Max.^ 1, 5. comam, Suet. Cal. 47. Promissae et rutilatse comae, Liv. 38, 17. Salto. N. (us.) A. Cheironomon Ledarn molli saltante Bathyl- lo, Juv. 6, 63. Carolina nostra saltari scribis, Ovid, trist. 5. 7, 25. Poemata saltata, Ovid, trist. 2. Satisfacio. N. (us.) A. (obsol.) Donicum pecuniam satisfe- cerit, Cato r. r. c. 149. Sa- tisfacto jurejurando, Gell.7, 18. It is conjectured from this last, that the antients said satisfacerejusjurandum. Pe- rizonius is of opinion, that, in such constructions there are ttvo accusatives, of which one, satis, is governed by the verb, the other by K&fd, or quod ad, understood. Sibilo, Exsibilo. N. [Serpens] sibilat ore, JEn. 11,754. A. Populus me sibilat, //or, Ver- 304 ba anguina exsibilat, Prudent. Peristeph. 5, 175. Histrio exsibilatur, Cic. Parad. 3, 2. Sileo. N. (us.) A. Silere rem aliquara, Senec. Hipp. 876, Ea res siletur, Cic. pro Flac. c. 3. Sitio. N. (us.) A. Sitire sangui- nem, Cic. Phil. 5, 7. honores, Cic. Aquae sitiuntur, Ovid, fast. 1,215. Somnio. N. Nee mihi magis us- quara videor somniare, Cic. de divin. 2, 142, c. 68. A. Me somnies, Ter. Eun. 1,2, 114. Somniare ineptias, Coin. ], 8. Sono, Insono, Circumsono, Re- boo. N. (us.) A. Sonatvitium fidelia, Pers. 3, 21. Alcyo- num questus ad surdas tenui voce sonantur Aqo*s,Albinov. cleg. 1, 108. Verberaque inso- nuit, JEn. 7, 451, where Ser- vius notes pro verberibus in- sonuitaz^ per verbera. Fini- timis quamvis circumsoner armis- Ovid. Scopulique om- nes ac lustra ferarum Pirenen reboant, Sil. 3, 439. Specto. A. Spectat acervos,//or. od 2, 2, 24. N. Spectare in septentriones, Cess. b. G. 1, 1. ad concordiam, Cic. Spiro, Expire, Suspiro,Respiro. N. or Absol. Arae spirant flo- ribus, Stat. silv. 2, 2, 27. Inter primam curationem ex- piravit, Liv. 2, 20. Jngemit, et tacito suspirat pectore, Ovid. ep. 21, 201. Respi- raro, si te videro, Cic. Alt. 2, 24. To some, at least, of these, an accusative is under- stood. A. Tetrum odorem spirare, Colu, 1, 6. deam, Ov. met. 3. Honainem tri- bunatum spirantem, Liv. 3, 46. Confixi animas expirant, JEn. 11, 883. Suspirat a- mores, Tibull. 4. Eandem- que [animam] a pulmonibus respiret et reddat, Cic. de nat. de. 2, 135. Stupeo. N. (us.) A. Parsstupet donum, jEn. 2. Stupenda penetralia, Nazar. paneg. Constant, c. 6. Subsisto. N. (us.) A. Et post- quara Romanum nee acies subsistere ullas nee castra nee urbes poterant, Liv. 9, 31. Sudo. N. (us.) A. Sudent elec- tra myricae. Virg. eel. 8, 54. Thura balsamaque sudantur, Tac. Germ. 45, 9. In sudata veste durandum, Quinct. Sufficio. A. Ipse pater Danais animos viresque secundas suf- ficit, JEn. 2, 617- In ejus locum sufFectus, Liv. 5, 31. N. Sufficere laboribus, Plin. jun. Necsufficit umbo ictibus, JEn. 9, 810. Suppedito. N. Ea quse suppedi- tant advictum, Cic. off. 1, 4. Cui si vita suppeditavisset, Consul factus est, Cic. Per- haps an accusative is under- stood. A. Sicilia frumentum suppeditat, Cic. Ver. 2, 2. Fistulis aqua suppeditabatur templis, Cic. pro Rabir. per- duell. c. ult. Supero. A. (us.) Phoebum supe- rare canendo, Virg. eel. 5, 9. N. Et captae superavimus ur bi, jEn. 2, 643, i. e. out- lived. Supero signifies not only to come over and to over, come, and is used for vincere, but to be over or remain, as equivalent to superesse or su- perstitem esse. In the former sense it governs the accusative , in the latter it takes the da- tive. Surgo. N. (us.) A. (obsol.) 30.* itlt. Surrecto mucrone, Liv. 7, 10. &uspicio. A. Et castra suspexi- mus, Cic. Tusc. 1, 63, c. 25. N. Suspicere in coelum, Cic. Somn. Scip. 1. Taceo, Obticeo. N. (us.) A.Ta- ceo te, Plant. Mil. multa, Cic. Amor tacetur, Ovid. amor. 2, 18, 36. Et queri- tur nugas obticuisse meas, .. Mart. 10, 17. Tardo. A. (us.) N. An tardare et commorari te melius esset tibi, Cic. ad Brut. 18. Mark- land says that this is the only example of tardo being used intransitively in Cicero or in any other classical writer, ex- cept once retardando the ge- rund in a neuter sense in Cic. nat. d. 2, 20. It was com- mon, he observes, in the de- cline of the language. This is one of his arguments against ike authenticity of the Ep. to Brutus. It is, at best., but a suspicious example. Tempero. A. Temperat iras, Mn. 1, 61. N. Usque mihi temperavi. Cic. f am. ep. 10, 7. Quis temperet a lacrymis, JEn. 2, 8. Tendo.A Jter ad naves tendebat Achates, Virg. N. Tendimus in Latium, JEn. 1, 205. But here iter, or a similar word, may be understood. Illic Ja- cides, illic tendebat Ulysses, Ov. Pen. Uly.i. e. encamped ; and here perhaps tentorium is understood. Tono, Intono. N. (us.) A. Ter- centum tonat ore deos, Virg. Laudes tonas, Plin. prof. Cum haec intonuisset, Liv. de Virginia. Minas intonare, Ov. amor. 1, 7? 46. Tremo. N. (us.) A. Tremere varios casus, Senec. Troad. 262. Tremendi oculi, Ovid, met. 3, 577. Unde pericu- lum fulgens contremuit do- in us Saturni veteris, Hor. Non contremiscamusinjurias, Sen. ep, 66. Transgredior. A. Ut Alpes transgrederer, Cic. f am. 11, 20. Transgressus Danubium, Tac. ann. 2, 63, init. N. Inde in Latinam viam transgres- sus, Liv. 2, 39. Transgredior ad vos, Tac. hist. 4-, 66, 4. Transvolo, Transvolito. A. Transvolat in medio posita, Hor. N. Transvolat inde in partem alteram, Liv. 3, 63. Et clausa domorum transvo- litant, Lucr. I, 355. Trepido. N. (us.) A. Actrepi- dant divina praesagia, Apul. met. 6. Triumpbo. N. (us.) A. Terram triumphavit, Lactant. 6, 23. Triumphatae gentes, Virg. georg. 3, 33. Triumphatis dare jura Medis, Hor. od. 3, 3, 43. But notwithstanding these two examples, an accusative of the thing conquered is not found in any author truly classical. Turbo, Conturbo. A. (us.) N. or Absol. Turbant trepida ostia Nili, JEn. 6, 800, where Servius notes turbant^ro tur- bahtur. Indeed, where tur- bans seems to be used for tur- batus, and turbo^br turbor, there seems to be an ellipsis of some accusative. Contur- bo, used absolutely, signifies toi>e distressed in circum- stances, or to have one's af- fairs in confusion : thus, Pedo conturbat, Matho deficit, Juv. 7 1 29, in which probably there is an ellipsis ofrationes. 30G Vagor. N. (us.) A. Terras va- gari, Prop. 2, 28, 19. Vaporo. A, Et templum thure vaporant,^. 11,481. Vapo- ratas aras, Virg. Oculos va- porari praecipiunt, Plin. 28, 11. N. Aquae vaporant et in ipso mari, Plin. 32, 2. Velio, Inveho, Gesto. A. (us.) N. The participles vehens, in- vehens, gestans, are often used absolutely in the same sense as vectus and invectus : thus, Ei consul! pater pro- consul obviamin equo vehens venit, Gell.2, C 2. Triton natantibus invehens belluis, Cic. nat. d. \ , 28. Idem classi praefectus circumvehens Pe- loponnesum classem eo- rum fugavit, Nep. Timoth. Lectica per urbetn vehendi jus, Suet. Claud. 28. Simul gestanti, Suet. Domit. 1 2. It probably arises, from this manner of using veho, that its derivative vector signifies not only a carrier but a passen- ger. Vergo. N,(w5.) A. (in the sense of pouring) Vergere venena, Lu- Among the foregoing will be found several Neuter Verbs, 'which arc rendered transitive, through the Preposition with which they are compounded : of the same Description are the following. cret. 5, IOCS. Frontiquein- vergit vina sacerdos, JEn. 6, 244. Spumantes mero paterae verguntur, Stat. Th. 6, 211. Vescor. N. (us.) A. Ut infir- missirnos suorum vesceren- tur, Tae. Agr. Qui absin- thium vescuntur, Plin. 11. Vigilo, Evigilo, Pervigilo. N. (us.) A.Vigilarenoctes, Hor. sat. 1, 3, 17. Vigilatae noc- tes, Ov. art. 1, 735. Noctes vigilanturjOv. Med. J as. (See Evigilo in List.) Pervigilare noctem, Cic. pro S. Rocc. c. 85. In mulco nox est pervi- gilata mero, Ovid. Jast. 6, 326. Ululo. N. (us.) A. Ulularunt tristia Galli, Lucan. 1. He- cate triviis ululata, JEn. 4, 609. Undo, Inundo. N. or Absol. Adcoelum undabat vortex, JEn. 12,673. Inundant san- guine fossae, JEn. 10, 24. A. Quuni tuus^Eacides sanguine undabit cainpos, Stat. Achil. 1, 86. Sanguine Enna inun- dabitur, Liv. 24, SO. Afflo. Afflat vittas anhelitus oris, Ovid. met. 5, 617. Af- flata est tell us, Ovid. met. 6, 707. Adeo. A dire aliquem, Virg. JEn. 3, 456. Adiri praetores non potuerunt, Cic. ad Q. Fr. 1,2. Anteeo. Anteirenivescandore, Mn. 12, 84. Ne ab aliis an- teirentur, Tac.hist.2, 101,2. Circumeo. Circumire hostem, Curt. 3, .8, 27. Se belli fluc- tibus circumiri maluit, Cic. Phil. 13, 9. Circumsono. Circumsonat or- bem Nereus, Ovid. met. 1, 187- Geticis circumsonor arm is, Ovid, trist. 5, 3, 11. Circumsisto. Circumsistunt hostes impeditum, Cces. b. G. 5, 43. Ne ab omnibus circumsisteretur, CCES. b. G. 7, 43._ Circumsideo. Circumsidere ur- bem, Tac. ami. 3^ S. Cum 307 a se Caecilius circumsedere- tur, (sedeo) Cic. Alt. 14, 9. Circuiustrepo. Circurastrepen- tibus vitam humanam tot minis, Senec. de vit. beat. c. 11. Vedius clamore seditio- sorum circumstrepitur, Tac. hist. 2, 44, 3. Circumvenio. Circumvenireali^ quern, Sail. Cat. 58. Circum- venior judices, nisi subveni- tis, Cic. Brut. c. 75. Incubo Incubare ova, Plin. 9, 10. Ova incubantur, Plin. 10,54. Perarabulo. Perambulat artus frigus, Ovid. Her. 9, 135. Perambulat us Niphates, Si' don. car. 23, 93. Percurro. Percurrere polurn, Hor. car. 1, '28, 6. Ques- tiones percursas, Cic. de orat. 2, 31. Pererro. Pererrare locum, JEn. 5, 441. Orbe pererrato, Ovid, met. 3, 6. Permeo. Permeare orbern, Lu- can. 2, 418. Permeato am- ne, Ammian. 24, 2. extr. Pervado. Pervasit urbem fama, Lit). 2, 23 Pervasa urbe, Ammian. 24, 2. Prastereo. Praeterit iramodum, Ovid. fast. 5, 304. Cum bo- nus vir suffragiis praeteritur, Cic. Tusc. 5, 19. Subeo. Subire pericula, Ovid. Her. 20, 175. Inimicitiae subeantur, Cia. Verr. 5,71. Supersedeo. Supersedere ope- ram, Cell. 2, 29. Istis super- sessis, Apul. Florid. 18. Transeo. Transire flurnen, Cic. Att. 8, 12. Rhodanus vado transitur, Cces. b. G. 1,6, &c. Some grammarians have denied the existence of neuter verbs ; others have termed every verb neuter, which is used, as active verbs often are, without its regimen's being ex- pressed : and hence, in a great measure, it arises, that we have been furnished with s\ich ample lists of verbs used as active and neuter. It was this consideration which pre- vented me from transcribing, according to my original in- tention, Sanctius's list De Verbis falso neutris, along with Vossius's two lists. From the definitions which have been given of active and neuter verbs, and from some remarks which have been made in regard to their construction, under Rules XXVIII. and XXXIII., the learner will have little difficulty to ascertain, when he considers the na- ture and essential signification of a verb, whether it be really active, or apparently neuter ; and, although he may find, moveo, servo, ago., and many similar verbs, charac- terized, not only as active, which they unquestionably are, but as neuter also, because there are such constructions as Postquam ille Canusio moverat Cic. Solus Sannio ser- vat domi Ter. Agere inter homines desiit Tac., yet, let him attend to the nature of the subject, and his own mind will suggest the elliptical words to which the energy of these words passes, and he will easily perceive to what descrip- X 2 SOS tion of verbs they really belong. Nor, on the other hand* are those verbs to be considered as real active verbs, which admit after them an accusative of the same, or of a cognate signification ; nor such as are followed only by the accu- satives hoc, id, quod, nihil, aliquid, &c. These have been generally omitted in the preceding list. The learner should likewise distinguish between real neuter verbs, and such active verbs as are often used in an absolute manner, which happens, especially, when the sense requires only the mere energy of the verb to be, generally, expressed, without any application of it to a specified object, as, when speaking of reading and writing, generally *, we say Nee legit^ nee scri- bit. Sometimes part of the sentence supplies the place, of an accusative ; sometimes, also, the reciprocal se, the pro- noun me, or some similar word, is omitted after an active verb 8 , w r hen, from the sense or the nature of the action, its insertion is altogether unnecessary : as, Turn prora avertit rVirg. Tresque vibrant lingua Ovid. The active verb incipio has been denominated neuter, because we may say Ver incipit, in the same way as Virgil says Vix prima in- ccperat cestas, and, in the same manner, in English " The spring begins," or "The summer had begun." But, I have little doubt, that, in such instances, se is understood. In speaking of this phraseology, an intelligent writer on the Syntax of the Latin verb, remarks, that in the sentence " The moon turns, round its axis," the verb turn is neuter, and adds, " that he should make it a question, which was the more antient kind, the verb active, or the verb neuter." Such verbs I consider as active, or, as some have named them, reflective. Moon and spring, though inanimate sub- jects, undergo a sort of personification, and are so generally considered to be vested with a self-influencing power, that it is unnecessary to particularize themselves as the objects upon which that power is exerted. And, although the 1 Thus Coesar says, in his laconic epistle, Veni, vidi, vici, in which two ac- tive verbs follow a neuter verb, with no object or regimen expressed to them. The reason is obvious. Coesar did not wish to say whom he conquered, but to intimate that wherever he came, conquest, generally, was the immediate con- sequence. But such verbs are not, for this use of them, to be characterized as neuter, since it is in the very nature of tilings, that if there be a person who sees or conquers, there must be objects ichich he sees or conquers. A verb is not neuter, because it may not be followed by an object, but because it gene- rally admits none. 2 Indeed, I will not assert that some of the verbs in the preceding list, which have been exemplified as neuter, may not, even when they appear to be thus used, be still in reality active, some pronoun, or other word, being un- their regimen. 309 agent and object be one and the same, and although, con- sequently, the action does not, in a strict sense, pass from the agent, yet it is evident that the subject is spoken of in two distinct characters, as agent-) and recipient of action ; and, therefore, the verb has precisely the same import and nature which it would universally be allowed to possess, were they individually different and distinct 1 . The same kind of phraseology obtains in languages derived from the Latin, with this difference, however, that the reciprocal is not so frequently omitted in them. Thus, in French, they say " Les jours commencent a s' alonger," the days begin to lengthen (themselves). In Spanish, " Se acaba la riha," the quarrel ends (itself). And in both, " Le soleil se couche," " Se pone 2 el sol," the sun sets (itself 'or himself). All such verbs, in English, as well as in Latin, have been denominated, by some, neuter verbs, as may be seen, by referring to Dr. Johnson's English Dictionary, passim, and to the numerous lists made by Latin grammarians. Indeed, were I inclined to hazard a conjecture, it would be the re- verse of the opinion which seems to be sanctioned by the ingenious writer alluded to above, and I should say, that, the substantive verb, perhaps, excepted, active verbs were the first invented, and that most verbs, if not all, were, very probably, originally active, that is, admitted after them an objective or accusative case of some kind or' other. The Spaniards, whose language, as has been just mentioned, is derived from the Latin, construe, as active, verbs which we consider as neuter or intransitive : thus they say " Tu tc duermes," thou fallest (Ihce) asleep. " Tu te paseas," thou walkest (thee). " Tu te ibas," thou wast going (thee) away. The French, too, say " II s' endort," he sleeps. " II se promene," he walks. I am aware, however, that, although some of these verbs are interpreted neuterly, their original, etymological signification, may, perhaps, have been active. Why the accusative is usually omitted, after such verbs, in 1 To express such actions seems to have been the original character of the Greek middle voice. When an action had a double relation to the same sub- ject or object, that is, when the same person was both active and passive, this voice was generally used. But in other languages, the verb retains its active form, se, himself, or a similar word, expressed or understood^ denoting the subject of the verb, in its passive character, as acted upon. * The pronoun is often omitted after the Latin pono : as, Quilm venli po- siicre Virg. TEn. 7, 27. Jam vcntiponcnt Ov. Did. Thus used, this seems a sea term. Indeed technical phrases are generally elliptical ; thus solvo is used absolutely, for to set 'sail, or weigh anchor, as in jVos ro die cccnati solvi- mus Cic. fain. ep. 16, 9, Naves cr snpcriurc porttt win-runt Cws. J3. G. 29, the- accusative anchoras being, probably, understood, 310 Latin, and in some other languages, it would not be diffi- cult to determine ; perspicuity does not require its continu- ance; and philologists are well acquainted with the ten- dency to abbreviation, so easily discoverable in most lan- guages. In the foregoing list, the use of a passive voice is ad- mitted as a proof of the active signification of verbs in o, except with respect to passive impersonals, such as cumtur, favetur, &c. But a perfect participle must not be deemed unquestionable evidence of the existence of a passive voice, for we find Ventum est^ standwn, pugnatum est, &c. although there are no such words as venior., stor, pug?ior. The pas- sive voice of verbs usually neuter is very uncertain ; and even, although there be authority for the third person, the other persons are not, on that account, allowable. Verbs which vary their Construction according to their Sense. Accedo tibi, / assent. Accedo ad te, / come or go to you. ' Hue accedebat, to this luas ad- ded. /Emulor tibi, 7 envy you. JEmulor te, / imitate you. Animadverto aliquid, 7 observe a thing. Animadverto in aliquem, 7 pu- nish one. Ausculto tibi, 7 obey you. Ausculto te, 7 hear you. Caveo tibi, I take care of you, or for you, as my friend. Caveo te, 7 am on my guard against you, avoid you, as my foe. Cavere de realiqua, to give cau- tion or security concerning*. Cedere alicui, to give place to, to comply with one. Cedere suo jure, toyield or give up his right. Consulo tibi, 7 consult your in- terest 3 . Consulo in te, 7 am contriving for or against you. Consulo te, 7 consult you, ask advice. Consulo boni, 7 take in good part. 1 Cavere aliquid alicui Plaut. To watch over the preservation of any one, that no harm may happen to him. Obsidibus de pecunia cavere Cass. To give security for the money, by hostages. Pecuniam alicui cavere ; i. e. To give security for its payment. Obsidibus inter se cavere Cees. To consult their security by mutual hostages. Milii tccum cavendum est Plaut. i. e. There must be a proper surety in this suit which I have with you. Nisi prius a te cavero Cic. Unless I shall first get security from you. * Consulo tibi never denotes, (unless among writers of inferior authority,) I give you advice. In this sense, suadco tibi, or auctor sum tibi are usually em- ployed. 311 Convenit hoc milii, this suits me. Convenit mihi cum illo, I agree with him. Conveniam hominem, / will meet, or accost, the man. Cupio tibi, I favour you. Cupio aliquid, / desire some- thing. Deficit mihi, it is wanting to me. Deficit me, it forsakes or leaves me. Deficere ab aliquo, to revolt. Detrahere alicui,o detractfrom, backbite, depreciate. Detrahere aliquem, to lower, to take one down (in reference to place]. Do tibi literas, I give you a let- ter (not for yourself). Do ad te literas ', I give a letter for you, or 7 write to you. Fcenero or fceneror tibi, 7 lend out to you at usury. Fceneror abs te, I borrow from you at usury or interest. Horrere alicui, (PUn.) to shud- der for one. Horrere aliquem, to be much afraid of one as an enemy. Imponere alicui, to deceive one, put a trick upon one. Imponere aliquid alicui, to put one thing upon another ; or, to lay any thing as a burden upon any one. Manere, to tarry, stay, or abide. ( Absolute. ) Manere aliquem. to wait for one, or expect one. Metuo tibi, lam afraid for you, anxious about you y as my friend. Metuo te, or a te, I dread you, or fear you, as my foe. Peto aliquid alicui, I ask some- thing for (to be given to) some one. Peto abs te, I ask of or from you. Petopcenas de aliquo, I inflict punishment upon one. Peto aliquem gladio, I strike or attack one with a sword. Peto locum, 7 go to, or direct my steps to, a place. Praeire alicui, (literally) to go before one ; (figuratively] to excel, (seldom.) Praeire verba, to speak jirst what may afterwards be rehearsed by another. Praestare alicui silentium,bene' volentiam, to afford silence, show kindness. Praestare aliis or alios virtute, to excel others in virtue or courage. Praestare se virum, to show or prove himself a man. Praestare culpam or damnum, to take on himself the blame or loss. Praestabo eum facturum, I will engage that he shall perform. Prospicio, provideo, tuae saluti, 7 provide for, take care of, your safety. Prospicio, provideo periculum, I foresee danger. Recipio tibi, 7 promise you. Thus also, Recipio in me, 7 undertake. Recipio me in locum, 7 betake myself to a place. Refero tibi, 7 relate to you. 1 Thus, Do servo literas ad tc, I give your servant a letter for you. Dare fidcm denotes to give a pledge, assurance, or solemn promise. In one or two instances, unworthy of imitation, the phrase is used for fidcm, qffcrre, to add credibility to a thing ; but it is never employed, by any classical writer, for fidcm habere, or credere, to give credit, or believe. Dare pcenas denotes to suffer, not to inflict, punishment. Dare vrrba alicni, to impose on, or deceive. 342 ilefero ad scnatum, Hay before the senate (for discussion'}. Referre aliquem, to resemble one. Renuncio muneri, hospitio, to renounce or refuse a present ,. or act of kindness. Renuncio consulem, I declare y proclaim, or announce as con- sul. Solvo tibi aliquid, / pay you something. Solvo aliquem - 1 , to discharge or liberate one. Sufficere alicui, to be sufficient for one, to satisfy. Sufficere alicui arma, to fur- nish or supply one with arms. Sufficere aliquem, to choose or put one into the place of an- oilier. Temperate linguae, manibus ; to restrain, or keep zuithin bounds, the tongue or hands. Temperare csedibus, or a caedi- bus, to abstain or refrain from murders. Temperare orbem, vires, ra- tem, to govern the world, ; to moderate strength, might or power ; to regulate or direct a ship. Timeo tibi, / am afraid for you as my friend. Timeo te, I fear you as anf&e- my. (Same as Metuo 2 ). Vacare rei alicui, in, or ad ali- quam rem, to study or apply to a thing. Vacare ab officio, to be exempt from, or to leave off, business. Vacare culpa, to be without fault. Vacat mihi, / am at leisure. s Deponent, ivhich use the voice in o, in the same sense. [The following Lists are taken from Vossius de Analogia, lib. 3, to which work the learner is referred for the examples.] Adulo for Adulor, Attius, Lucr., c. Alterco^or Al- tercor, Pacuv., Ter. Assen- tio and Assentior are both used, according to Gell., Amplec- tofbr Amplector, and Am- plexo for Amplexor, Q. Claud,, Cic., Attius. Aucupo for Aucupor, Titin., Plaut., J Solvere obsidionem urbis, et urbem obsidione Liv. To raise a siege. Sol- vcre foedcra Virg. To break a league. Solvere fidem Ter. is not, as inter- preted by Ainsworth, Stephanus, and Turner in his Exercises, to break a pro- mise ; but, according to Ruddiman, to discharge, fulfil, or perform a pro- mise, in which sense, he_says, Pliny uses Fidcm exsolverc, and Suetonius Fi- dem liberarc. This last is also used by Cicero in the same sense. But sol- vere fidem Cic. is rendered, in Pasini's Ital. Diet, by mancar di parola, to fail in his word, or break his promise Abstractly considered, the phrase ap- pears to me to denote merely to get rid of a promise or obligation, without any express reference to the mode, either as honourable or dishonourable. 2 Formido mi/il Plaut. I am afraid for myself, that is, lest some harm be- fall me. Formidat auro Plaut. He is afraid for the gold, that is, lest it should be stolen. Forniidare cilicujus iracundiam, ctliyucm, and ab aliyuo, that is, To dread his passion, or him, are attributed to Cicero. 313 Pacuv., &c. Auguroy^r'Au- guror, Att., Enn., Virg., &c. Auspico for Auspicor, ac~ cording to Priscian, Cato, . Naevius. Auxilio for Auxi- lior, Gracchus. Cachinno, Lucr. Cachinnor, Cic. Cohortoyor Cohortor, Quadrigarius. Comito for Comitor, Ovid. Commento for Comraentor, according to Priscian. Commisereo, Com- miseresco. SeeMiseret. Com- plectofor Complector, Pom- pon. Congredio for Con- gredior, Plaut. And Progre- diojbr Progredior, Novius. Consoloybr Consoler, Varr. Contemplo for Contemplor, Att., Naev., Enn., &c. Con- vivo for Convivor, Enn., Pompon. Criminoybr Cri- minor, Enn. Cuncto for Cunctor, Att., Enn. Demolioybr Demolior, Alfenus. Delucto. See Lucto. Digno for Dignor, Pacuv., Attius. Ejulo for Ejulor, according to Priscian. Expergisco, Pom- pon. Exsecroyor Exsecror, Afranius. Frustro for Frustror, Pom- pon., Plaut., Caes. Frutico, Colum , Plaut. Fruticor, Cic. Horto for Hortor, according to Priscian. Imito for Imitor, Liv. trag., Varr. Impertio and Imper- tior, Cic. Insidioyorlnsidior, Callistratus. Jurgoy^r Jurgor, Lex 12 tab. Lachrymo, Ter., Ov. Lachry- mor, Cic. Lacto for Lsetor, according to Prise. Largio ybrLargior, Sail., Lucil., Ca- to. Lucto for Luctor, and Luctitoyor Luctitor, accord- ing to Priscian, Ennius. Lu- diiico, Plant. Ludificor, Plaut., Ter., Cic , Liv. Lux- urio, Tubero, Virg. Luxu- rior, Colum., Plin. Medico, Virg. Medicor is used both actively and passively. Mereo for Mereor, Plaut., Turpil., &c. Thus also Pro- mereo, Plaut. Minito for Minitor, Naev., Plaut. Mi- rofor Miror, Varr. Pompon. Misero^br Miseror, Attius. So Misereo and Misereor, tvkence Miseret and Misere- tur. So also Miseresco, Virg., and Commiseresco, Enn. Modero t /br Moderor, Att., Pacuv., Plaut , Ulpian., and according to some MSS. 9 Sal- lust. Molioybr Molior, ac- cording to Priscian. AndDe- niolio, Varr,, Naev. Movofor Moror, Naevius. Muneroybr Muneror, Turpil. Mutuo for Mutuor (to borrow), Cae- cilius. Obsono and Obsonor, active, according to Priscian. Opino for Opinor, Plaut., Pacuv., Enn., Cecil. Opitulo, Liv. trag. Osculo, Titin. Pacisco, Naev. Palpo, Juv. Pal- por, Lucil., &c. So Expal- por, Plaut. Partio for Par- tior, Lucil., Plaut., Att., Enn. So Impertio for Impertior. Patio for Patior, Naev. Per- contofor Percontor, Novius, Naev. Polliceoyor Polliceor, Varr. Populo^or Populor, Plaut., Caecil., Enn., &c. Praelio for Praelior, Enn. Praestoloyor Prasstolor, Tur- pil., Liv. trag. Proficisco, Turpil. Progredio. See Con- gredio. Promereo. See Me- reo. Recordo, Quadrig. Kcfrago for Refragor, according to 'Nonius. Suflraoor Suffra-? gor, Siscrina. Reminisco. Rufus, Sanct. August. Re- \ertofor Revertor, Pompo- nius. This is common in clas- sical writers. Rhetorico for Rhetoricor, Novius. Rixo for Rixor, Varr. Rumino, Virg. Scrutator Scrutor; Perscruto for Perscrutor, according to Nonius, Plaut. Sortio for Sortior, Enn. Stipulo, Gloss. Cyrill. Suavioyor Suavior, Pompon., Nov. Suffrago, See llefrago. Testojbr Testor, according to Priscian. Tuto for Tutor, Plaut., Noev., &c. Vagofor Vagor, Plaut., Seren., Prudent., &c. Velifico, Plin., Propert. Juvenal has velifi- catus Athos passively. But Cicero uses Velificor as a de- ponent. Veneroyor Veneror, Plaut. Vociferoyor Vocife- ror, San. Bonifac. Verbs Passive used as Deponents. There are some verbs passive (having a regular active voice) which are used, or were antiently used, as deponents, i. e. in an active signification. Affectorybr Affecto. Affecta- tits est regnum, Varro. Bellory?;r Bello. Pictis bellan tur Amazones armis, Virg. Censeorybr Censeo, Es tinier co- mites Martia censa suos,Ovid. Communicor for Communico. Cum quibus spem communi- cati sint, Liv. Copuloryipr Copulo, according to Prise, and Non. Adeunt, consistunt, copulantur dex- ter as, Plaut. Erumporyor Erumpo. Vis ex- agitataforas erumpilur.'Luci'. FabricorJ/or Fabrico. Capilolii Jhstigium - - - necessitas ipsa fabricata est, Cic. Feneror t /or Fenero, Gell. Fluctuor^/br Fiuctuo, Fluctu- atus animofuerat, Liv. Juratus sum for Juravi. Judici demonstrandum est, quid ju- ratus sit, Cic. Multor/or Multo. Rebellantcs graviorc multatus est pee- na, Suet. Muneror tefor Munero, accord- ing to Gell. and Diomed. So Remuneror t /c>r Rcmunero. Murmuror/or Murmuro, Apul. Nutriorybr Nutrio. Hoc pin- guern et placitam pad nutri- tor olivam, Virg. Nutricorybr Nutrico. Mundus omnia nutricatur, Cic. Objurgor^/or Objurgo. Curio- nem objurgatus, COB! ad Cic. Peragror. Peragratus est regi- onem. Vellei. Perlinor for Perlino. Ab inns unguibus sese totam ad usque summos capillos perlita, Apul. But neither this instance* nor that of copulor above, is es- teemed sufficient proof. Pigneror^or Pignero, Gell. and Non. Praevertor/or Praeverto, Plaut , Liv., Curt., Tac., Apul Virg. But only the prccter- perfect active, pr&verti, is used, there being no pra? versus sum. Punioryor Punio, Cic. in three places. Quiritor, Varr. Quirito, Plin., Quinct. Ruminor, Varr., Liv. Andron. Rumino, Virg. Sacrificor for Sacrifico, Varr. Spector for Specto. Speclalus est sitem, Varr. Significor for Significo, accord- ing to Gellius. To these may be added, Adjutor, Conver- ter, Emungor, Excalceor, Fatiscor, Fociilor, Fruticor, Gliscor, Ignescor, Labascor, Ludificor, Manducor, Com- manducor, Commurmuror, Palpor and Expalpor, Praesa- gior, Spolior, Urinor, all 'which Nonius confirms by an- tient authorities. Verbs Common, and such as were formerly Common. It may be questioned whether any of these were used pas- sively in the ordinary language of the classical age. Abominor. Verrius Flaccus. Abominatus (passive.) Liv., Hor. Adipiscor (passive.) Boeth , Justinian., Fab. Max., &c. Adminiculor. Adminiculali (passive ) Varr. Admiror (to be admired. ) Ca- nutius. Adorior. Adortos (attacked.) Aurel. Adulor. Adulati crant (they were flattered.) Cassius. Aggredior (passive.) Cicero. Aggressus (undertaken.) Ter. Maur. Amplector (to be embraced. Pe- tron., Lucil. Antestor (passive.) Liv. Arbitror (passive.) Coel., Gell. Arch\tector.Architectata(built.) Nep. Argumentor. Argumentata rti~ rwSevra. Aufusius ap. Prise. But, perhaps , he wrote A. Fu- rius. Aspernor (to be despised ) Cic. Assector (to be followed.) Enn., Alpheus philol. Auguror (to be foretold.) Luc. Caes. Virgil uses the active auguro, to foretell; and Ci- cero, auguror, in the same sense as a deponent. Auxilior. Auxiliatus (assisted.) Lucil. Blandior. Blanditus Qe}$. Verrius. Calumnior (to be blamed.) Sta- verius de proportione. Carnificor (to be tortured.) Si- senna. Caviller. Cavillatus, (teased.) Appul. Cohortor. See Hortor. Comitor(passive.) Justin., Ovid., Virg. Commentor. Commentus TTE- rtXatrpsvos. Appius Caecus. Complector (passive.) Virg., Cic., Scaevola. Confiteor (passive), according to Priscian. Confessus (pas- sive.) Optatus Afer. Consequor, Consector, (to be followed.) Orbilius, Varr., and Laverius. Consolor( passive.) Quint. Mc- tell. Numid., and Asinius Pollio. Conspicor (to be seen.) Plant., Varr., Sail. Contestor (passive.) Contestatur ffviqMprvpsirat. P. Aufidius. Criminor (passive.) Cic., Ap- pul., and Boeth. Demolior, Immolior (passive.) Curio pater, Liv. Delargior, (passive.) C, Grac- chus. Depeculor (to be plundered,) Lucius Coclius. 316 Despicor (to be despised.} Qu. Pompeius. Detestor (to be hated.) Apul. Apol. Detestata (hated.) Hor. Dignor (to be thought worthy.) Cic. and Gell. Dignate (pas- sive.) Virg. Dilargior. See Largior. Dominor (to be ruled.) Nigidius Figulus, poet. vet. ap. Cic. Ementior (passive.) Emcniila ^V 332 the verb referring to the whole of the subsequentpartof the sentence : as, Ego tejaciam ut miser sis Plant, forfaciam ut tu. 5. When the Nominative, instead of the Accusative, is used after esse, and similar infinitives : as, Acceptum refero versibus esse nocens Ovid. for me esse nocentem. 6. When the Dative, answering to the an- tecedent, is used with the verb esse, and the like, instead of the Accusative : as, Penelope licet esse tibi sub Principe NervaMart. for Penelopen. 7. When to Nouns is added an Infinitive, the Latin language requiring a different form of expression : as, Fruges con- sumere nati Hor. for ad fruges consumendas. 8. When the accusative of part, or of the adjunct, is used after Adjectives or Verbs: as, Fractus membra Hor. Expleri mentem Virg. 9. When the neuter gender of Adjectives is used adverbially: as, Accrba tuens Virg. for acerbe. 10. To Greek construction may be referred such ellipses as Urbem quam"statuo vestra est Virg. for urbs quam (urbem). 11. The following expressions of Horace may be considered as Graecisms : Mammce putres, Equina quales ubera, for qualia. Also, Animce quales neque candidiores Terra tidit, for qualibus. To Hellenism may likewise be referred many of those changes noticed under Heterosis and Antiptosis. Archaism is when an obsolete construction is used : as, Quid tibi hanc curatio est rem Plaut. When Utor, abutor, fruor, go- vern an accusative. When the Future Participle active, and per- fect passive, are used as ir.declinables, with esse : as, Hanc sibi rem prcesidio sperant Juturum Cic. Likewise when such ex- pressions are used as Absente nobis, Prcesente testibus. OF HYPERBATON. Hyperbaton is, in a general sense, a transgression of the com- mon order and position of words or sentences. There are seven kinds of it ; viz., Anastrophe, Hysteron proteron, Hypallage, Syn- chysis, Tmesis, Parenthesis, and Hyperbaton, strictly so called. Anastrophe is the placing of those words last (chiefly preposi- tions), which ought to precede : as, mccum for cum me, Collo dare brachia circum Virg. for circumdare. Hysteron proteron changes the natural order of the sense : as, Valet at q ue vivit Ter. Hypallage is an interchange of cases : as, Dare classibus Austros Virg. for Dare classes Austris. Synchysis is a confused arrangement of words : as, Saxa vocant It ali mediis Quce injiuctibus Aras Virg. for quee saxa in mcdiis Jiuctibus It ali oocant Aras. Tmesis divides a compound word : as, Per mihi gratumjeceris Cic. f o r pergratum . Parenthesis is an interruption of the sense, by the insertion of some word, or words : as, Tityrc, dum redeo, (brevis est via,)pasce capellas Virg. Hyperbaton, strictly so named, is, when the principal verb in a sentence is put at rather a great distance from its nominative : as, Si Interea reges : ingenti mole Latinus Quadrijugo vehitur curru, cui tempora circum Aurati bis sex radii Julgentia cingunt, Solis am specimen : bigis it Turnus in albis, Bina manu lato crispans hastilia ferro : Hinc pater JEneas Romans stirpis origo, Sidereojlagrans clypeo et ccelestibus armis ; Etjuxta Ascanius magnce spes altera Romce : Procedunt castris ------- Virg. in which, between the nominative reges and the verb procedunt, there are seven whole verses and a hemistich : in some editions, however, the period is concluded at ferro, vehuntur being su}> posed understood after reges ; so that JEneas and Ascanius are then considered as the only nominatives to procedunt. I shall conclude this explanation of the figures of syntax with a brief account of the principal TROPES AND FIGURES OF RHETORIC '. A Trope is the elegant turning of a word, for the sake of illus- tration, from its natural and genuine sense, to one that is relative or secondary. A Figure conveys some beauty, or expresses some passion, by a mode of speaking different from, and more beautiful and em- phatical than, the usual way of expressing the same sense. PRIMARY TROPES. 1. A Metaphor is a simile without formal comparison, and puts a word of likeness for the proper word : as, Cceptis aspirate Ovid. i. e.favete. 2. A Metonymy changes names, or puts a noun of relation in- stead of the proper word ; as the cause for the effect, the subject for the adjunct, the antecedent for the consequent, &c. : as, Mars for bellum ; Lyceus for vinum. Implentur veteris Bacchi Virg., old wine. 3. Synecdoche puts the whole for the part, or vice versa: it like- wise confounds the singular and plural : as, Animaque litandum Argolica Virg. for homine Argolico. Armato milite complent Virg. for militibus armatis. 4. Irony or Dissimulation thinks one thing and expresses another, yet so that the real meaning may be discovered ; thus it blames when it seems to commend, commends when it seems to blame, &c. : as, salve, bone custos, curasti probe ! Ter. You have taken extraordinary care, my trusty keeper ! Egregiam vero lau- dem et spolia ampla refertis, Tuque puerque tuus Virg. 1 The tropes and figures properly belong to the art. of Rhetoric ; yet, as they may be classed under that branch of syntax which is called Jignrative, it i* not inconsistent with the nature of grammar to give some account n>f them. 334 SECONDARY TROPES. These are so named because they may, generally, be compre- hended under the primary tropes. 1. Catachresis is a bolder or harsher metaphor, as when we say a Wooden tombstone, a Glass inkhorn, &c. : Vir gregis ipse caper deerraverat Virg. The husband of the flock, i. e. dux gregis. 2. Hyperbole magnifies or lessens beyond the strict bounds of credibility : as, Rivers of blood. Candidior cycnis Virg. Ocyor Euro Virg. 3. Metalepsis is the advance, or continuation of a trope, through successive significations : as, Post aliquot aristas Virg. in which arista (a beard of corn) is put for seges, seges for messis, and mes- sis for annus, i. e. after some years. Hinc movet Euphrates, illinc Germania bellum Virg. in which Euphrates is put for Mesopo- tamia, which is washed by it, and Mesopotamia for the inhabitants. 4-. Allegory is a chain of tropes : as, Claudite jam rivos, pueri, sat prata biberunt Virg. Swains, stop now your streams, the meadows have drunk their fill, i. e. Leave off' your songs, there has been sufficient entertainment. 5. Antonomasia puts a proper name for a, common one, and vice versa ; as when we call a debauched person, a Sardanapalus ; a grave man, a Cato ; a poor man, an lints, a beggarly attendant on Penelope's suitors. Irus et est subito, qui modo Croesus erat Ovid. 6. Litotes affirms more strongly, by denying the contrary : as, Non laudo Ter. 1 blame you much. Est qui nee veteris pocula Massici spernit Hor. There are persons fond of a glass of old Massic wine. 7. Onomatopoeia coins words from sound : as rush, squeak, hiss, crash. Thus also in Latin, arma stridentia ; tinnitus aeris ; rugitus leonum; grunnitus porcorum, c. 8. Antiphrasis is a species of irony depending upon one word, names being given contrary to the nature of the things, as calling a dwarf 'a giant ; a grove lucus, because, perhaps, non lucet. 9. Charientismus gives soft words for harsh : as, Bona verba qutzso Ter. 10. Asteismus is a witty jest, or facetious jeer : as, Qui Bavium non odit, amet tua carmina, Mcevi ; Atque idem jungat vulpes et midgeat hircos Virg. Who hates not Bavius, may it be his curse to love thy verses, Msevius ; and may the same person yoke foxes, and milk he-goats. 11. Diasyrmus reflects upon a living enemy : as, Si cantas, male cantas ; si legis, cantas Quintil. 12. Sarcasmus insults any one in a malicious manner : as, Iver- bis virtutem illude superbis Virg. 13. Parcemia is a proverbial form of expression: as, Many hands make light work. Lupum auribus teneo Ter. I know not how to act. 14. ^Enigma is a sort of obscure allegory., or an ingenious riddle: 335 as, Die quibus in ierris, et eris mihi magnus Apollo^ Tres paleat cceli spatium non amplius ulnas Virg. EIGURES LYING IN THE LANGUAGE. 1. Antanaclasis is the use of the same word in different senses: as, Quis neget Mnece natum de stirpe Neronem ? Sustulit hie ma- trem, sustidit ille patrem Epigr. The latter took off (that is killed) his mother; the former 4ook off (affectionately removed from danger) his father. Let the dead bury their dead Matt. viii. 22. i. e. them that are dead in sin, bury those that are naturally dead, or lifeless. 2. Place is the repetition of a proper name, or of another noun, in a way in which the quality of the subject is denoted : as, His wife is a wife indeed. Ex illo Cory don, Cory don est tempore no- bis Virg. 3. Anaphora begins different sentences, or clauses of the same sentence, with the same word : as, He pines, he sickens, he de- spairs, he dies Add. Cato. Te, dulcis conjux, Te, solo in littore secum ; Te, veniente die, Te, decedente, canebat Virg. 4. Epistrophe is a repetition of the same word, at the end of different sentences or clauses : as, Are they Hebrews ? so am I. Are they Israelites ? so am I 2 Cor. xi. 22. Namque ego, crede mihi, si te quoque pontus haberet ; Te sequerer, conjux, et me quo- quepontus haberet Ovid. It is sometimes called Epiphora. 5. Symploce is a complication of the two last, beginning the several clauses with one word, and ending them with another : as, Quis legem tulit ? Rullus : Quis majorem populi partem siiffragiis privamt? Rullus: Quis comitiis prcefuit? Idem Rullus Cic. 6. Epanalepsis begins and ends a sentence with the same word : as, Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say, rejoice Phil. iv. 4. Multa super Priamo rogitans, super Hectore multa Virg. 7. Anadiplosis ends one clause, and begins another, with the same words : as, For whether we live, we live unto the Lord ; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord Rom. xiv. 8. Quamdiu quisquam erit, qui te defendere audeat, vives : et vives, ita ut nunc Cic. Hie tamen vivit: Vivit? imo vero etiam in senatum ve?iit Cic. 8. Epanados repeats in an inverted order the same words, in a second clause : as, Crudelis mater magis, an puer improbus ille ? Improbus ille puer, crudelis tu quoque, mater Virg. 9. Epizeuxis repeats the same word, for the sake of emphasis: as, Ah Corydon, Corydon, quce te dementia cepit Virg. Excitate, excitate eum, si potestis, ab inferis Cic. 10. Climax is an amplification by steps, in which each part of a sentence, arising above the former, begins with the conclusion of the former, and in this respect it is a continued Anadiplosis : as, Quce reliqua spes manet libertatis, si illis et quod libet, licet ; et quod licet, possunt ; et quod po&sunt, audent ; et quod audent, vo- 33(5 Us molestum non est Cic. When the sense advances without a strict climax, it is called Incrementum ; when the sense is gradu- ally heightened, it is called Anabasis ; and when it falls or de- creases, Catabasis. 1 1 . Polyptoton uses the same word in different cases : as, Jam clypeus cli/peis, umbone repellitur umbo ; ense minax e?isis, pedepes, et cuspide cuspis Stat. The same kind of figure may be applied to genders and tenses. 12. Paregmenon uses several words of the same origin, in one sentence : as, Abesse non potest, quin ejusdem hominis sit, qui im- probos probet, probos improbare Cic. 13. Paronomasia plays upon the sound of words : as, Who dares greatly, dies greatly. Amor et melle etfelle estfcecundissi- mus Plaut. Tibi parata erunt verba, huic verbera Ter. 14. Homoioteleuton ends several clauses, with the same sound : as, Ccesar, dando, sublevando, ignoscendo, gloriam adeptus est Sail. 15 Parachesis, or Alliteration, uses letters or syllables of the same sound : as, Neu patrice validas in viscera veiiite vires Virg. The various kinds of alliteration will be noticed under the remarks on the Hexameter verse. FIGURES LYING IN THE SENTIMENT. 1. For Proof. usly ex- 1 . JEtiologia assigns a reason for a proposition previous _ pressed : as, Spcrne voluptates : nocet empta dolore voluptas Hor. 2. Inversion, or the turning of an argument, is when an orator makes that for his own advantage which was alleged against him: as, Atfratres meos, inquit, quod erant conscii, in vincula conjecit : cum, igitur, eos vinciret, quos secum habebat ; te solutum Romam mittebat, qui eadem scires qua. illos scire dicis Cic. 3. Prolepsis anticipates objections : as : Verum anceps pugnce f uerat fortuna : fuisset : Quern, metui moritura ? Virg. The ob- jection is called Hypophora. The answer is called Anthypophora : and if the objection is turned against the adversary, it is named, as in the last, Inversion or Antistrophe. 4. Epitrope, or Concession, concedes a point to an adversary, in order to confute him more effectuall}' : as, Sint^sane, quoniam ita se mores habent, liberates ex sociorumjbrtunis; sint misericordes infuribus ccrarii : ne illi sanguinem nostrum largiantur Sail. 5. Mimesis refutes an adversary by repeating his own arguments, with a sneer, as unworthy of a *serious answer : as, Nunc augur Apollo, nunc Lydce sortes, mine et Jove missus ab ipso Interpres Divumjert horridajussa per auras Virg. 2. For Explanation. 1 . Paradiastole, or Contra-distinction, explains more forcibly 337 by comparing opposites : as, Non sapiens, sed asiutus. Non for- mosus erat, scd eratfacundus Ulysses Ovid. 2. Antimetabole or Antimetatkesis is a kind of Epanados, repeat- ing opposites in an inverted order : as, Poetna est pictura loquens, mutum pictura poema. Vide Hor. Art. Poet. 361. 3. Antithesis places contraries in opposition to each other : as, Fiectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo Virg. Hujus oratio- jiis difficilius est exitum quam principium mvenire Cic. 4. Oxymoron is a seeming contradiction, uniting contraries toge- ther: as, Concordia discors Hor. Cum tacent, clamant Cic. Shu is dead, while she liveth 1 Tim. v. 6. 3. Hypotyposis gives a lively image or description : as, Obstu- pui, steteruntque comae, et vox faucibus hcesit Virg. 6. Dialyton, or Asyndeton, omits conjunctions: as, Ferte cili flammas^ date vela, impellite remos Virg. The want of the con- junction denotes celerity of action. See Ellipsis. 7. Polysyndeton is the reverse of the last, being the use of many conjunctions : as, Somnus, enim, et vinum, et epulce, et scoria, bal~ neaque, corpora atque animos enervarunt Liv r . See Pleonasm, 8. Gnome is a general sentiment properly introduced : as, /m- lellium est, verbis non armis, lellum gerere. 9. Noema is an elegant application of such a sentiment to a par- ticular purpose : as, Athenienses quidem literis verbisque lellum ad- versut Philippum gerebant Liv. 10. Epitheton, or Epithet, is an adjective joined elegantly to a substantive, for the purpose of expressing some peculiar circum- stance : as, Arma diu senior desueta trernentibus cevo Circumdat ne- quicquam humeris et inutile Jerrum Cingitur Virg. 3. For Amplification. 1. Incrementum is an amplification without a strict climax, rising or decreasing in terms of increasing energy : as, Facinus est vincire civem Romanum ; scelus verberare ; prope parricidium necare ; quid dicam in crucem tollere ? Cic. 2. Synonymia uses different words, or forms of expression, having the same import : as, Quern si fata virum servant, si vesci- tur aura jEtherea, neque adhuc crudelibus occubat umbris Virg. for if he liveth. 3. Paralipns pretends to omit a charge, in order, thereby, to render it more observed ; as, Nonne eliam alio incredibili scelere hoc scelus cumuldsti ? quod ego prcetermitto et facile patior sileri ; ne in hac civitate tanti fadnoris immanitas aul extitisse aut non vin- dicata esse videatur Cic. 4. Periphrasis uses many words in description, where fewer would be sufficient, often expressing an object by circumstances ; as, Fabricator mundi, for Deus. I must put off' this tabernacle 2 Pet. i. 14?. that is, / must die. Et jam summa procul villarum culmina fumant, Majoresque cadunt altis de montibusumbrce -Virg. for it is near sunset. z 5. Paradigma draws a comparison from some historical exam- ple: as, Saxa et solitudines voci respondent ; lestice scepe immanes cantuflectuntur aique consistunl : nos instiluti rebus optimis non potf- tarum voce moveamur ? Cic. 6. Parabola, or Simile, enforces an argument by a judicious comparison : as, Repente enim te, tanquam serpent e latibulis, oculis eminentibus, inflate collo, tumidis cervicilus, intulisti Cic. 7. Merismus, or Epimerismus, instead of mentioning the whole, enumerates the parts : as, Senatus odit te; videre te equites Roma- ni non possunt j plebs Romana perditum cupit : Italia cuncta exse- cratur Cic. 8. Diapkora illustrates by comparing or contrasting things un- like : as, Dissimilis est pecuniec debitio et gratice : nam qui pecu- niam dissolvit, statim non habet id, quod reddidit ; qui autem delet, is retinet alienum : gratiam autem et qui refert, habet; et qui habet, in eo ipso quod habet, refert Cic. 4-. Pathetic Figures. 1. Erotesis, or Interrogation, asks a question in an earnest or urgent manner : as, Creditis avectos hostes ? aut ulla putatis Dona carere dolis Danaum ? sic notus Ulysses ? Virg. 2. Ecphonesis, or Exclamation, shows some violent transport of the mind : as, My God ! My God ! why hast thou forsaken me ? Matth. xxvii. 46. O tempora ! O mores ! 3. Epanorthosis, or Correction, recalls a word, in order to place a stronger or more significant one in its stead : as, Filium unicum adolescenlulum habeo: ah! quid dixi? me habere? Imo habui Ter. 4-. Aposiopesis, or Suppression, leaves the sentence unfinished, through some violent agitation of mind : as, Quos ego sed prce- stat motos componere Jluctus Virg. 5. Epiphonema, or Acclamation, is a grave reflection on some- thing said before : as, Tantcene animis coelestibu sires ? Virg. Tan- turn Relligio potuit suadere malorum ! Lucret. 6. dnaccenosis, or Communication, is, when, relying on the ex- pediency or merits of the cause, a forcible appeal is made to the adversary's own conscience : as, Si vos in eo loco essetis, quid aliud fecissetis Cic. 7. Aporia doubts what is to be said or done : as, Quos accedam, aut quos appellem ? Nationesne an reges Sail. Revocat; redeam ? non, si me obsecret Ter. When a Figure thus objects and an- swers, it is said to be in Dialogismo -, otherwise in Logismo. Apo- ria is sometimes named Diaporesis. 8. Apostrophe, or Aversio, is, when, to excite strong attention, the narrative is interrupted by an appeal suddenly made to some person or thing : as, Vi potitur : Quid non mortalia cogis r Auri sa- cra fames Virg. 9. Prosopopoeia, or Personification, represents inanimate objects as living and speaking. Thus Ovid introduces the Earth saying to 339 Jupiter, Hosne mihi fructus, hunc fertilitatis honoretn, Officiique refers, &c. According to this figure, an absent person may be introduced speaking, or one who is dead, as if he were alive and present. This and the preceding figure are sometimes conjoined : as, Trojaque nunc stares ; Priamique arx alia maneres Virg. Other jfgureS) less common, and of inferior note, might be enu- merated ; instead of which a few general remarks shall be added, on the beauties and blemishes of style. 1 . Purity of style is violated chiefly by a Barbarism or a Sole- cisnt. Barbarism is the use of a word not Latin ; as stavi instead ofsteti, the preterite of sto. Solecism is a construction contrary to the rules of syntax ; as, Acuta gladius : Faveo te : Scrilo cum calamo. It is further violated by Archaism, Neoterism, and Idi- otism. Archaism is the use of obsolete words or constructions ; and has been already noticed. Neoterism is the use of words or phrases not used by authors living in the best ages of Latinity ; as brevia- rium instead of summarium ; usualis for solitus or vulgaris : Ple- num vino: Adulari alicui; instead of which the best writers used Plenum vlni : Adulari aliquem. Jdiotism is the use of words or phrases not purely Latin, but conformable to the usage or idioms of other languages. 2. Perspicuity of language requires that it should be clear and intelligible, and free from ambiguity and amphibology in words and construction ; such as HeriJUius ad me venit. Aio te, &aci* da, Romanes v'mcere posse. 3. Equality of language consists in using neither more nor fewer words than the subject requires. When the same thing is repeat- ed in different words, this error is called Tautology: as, Ipse egomet venio. Where a superfluous addition is made, it is called Perisso- logy : as, Ibant qua poterant ; qua non poterant non ibant. Tapi- nosis is saying less than the subject requires : as, Saxea verrucca in svmmo montis vertice. 4-. Propriety uses suitable words. This is violated by Acyrolo- gia or Catachresis; as sperare for timere, in Juvenal, Jam quar- tanam sperantibus cegris. Vir gregis ipse caper Virg. vir being applicable only to the human species. 5. Harmony consists in the use of such letters and syllables as are grateful to the ear. This is destroyed by Cacophaton or the dis- agreeable position or repetition of letters ; as conlaudo for collaudo. Sola mihi tales casus Cassandra canebat Virg. in which ca is thrice repeated ; and by Cacosyntheton, or a bad arrangement of the words : as, Fersdque juvencum Terga fatigamus hastd Virg. 6. Simplicity consists in the avoiding of affectation. It is op- posed by Cacozelia, or an excessive desire of elegance ; as in Au- reus axis era/, temo aureus, aurea summce Curvatura rota?, radio- rum argenteus ordo Ovid. Z2 3*0 OF PROSODY. PROSODY is defined to be that part of Grammar, which treats of the quantity of Syllables ! ; of their tone or accent ; and of Versification. THE QUANTITY OF SYLLABLES. By the quantity of a syllable is meant, the duration or continuance of the voice, in pronouncing it. A syllable is either short, long, or common. A short syllable is sounded rapidly, like the a in the En- glish word orator, or the e in the Latin word legere ; and is thus marked, orator, legere. A long syllable is pronounced slowly, and occupies twice the time used in pronouncing a short one, as in the a of the English word mediator, or of the Latin word orator ,- and is thus marked, mediator, orator. A common or doubtful syllable may be made long or short, at the option of the poet, as in the first syllable of patres, or the middle syllable of tenebrce and volucris, which are pronounced either patres or patres ; tembrac or tenebrces voliicris or volucris : and when they are marked as common 1 The quantity of syllables merits the chief attention. The ac- cents are little attended to, being now used chiefly in a way, in which they denote the distinction of words, or the difference of quantities, rather than variation of tone ; but the common rules for placing them will hereafter be given. The question has been much agitated lately, whether Latin poetry should be read chiefly according to quantity, or accent j and it is as yet very far from being determined. Some, however, seem in favour of reading by quantity j while others, perhaps not without reason, incline to the opinion, that quantity may be observed, without the utter neglect of accents, the observance of which, they contend, pro- duced, both in the Greek and Roman languages, the same me- trical effect as those prominent syllables (which are commonly called accented) do in the English language, and in other mo- dern languages. But, as Quintillian observes of accents, Exem- pla eorum tradi scripto non possunt. 341 or doubtful, it is done by a conjunction of the two preceding marks, thus patres^ teiiebrce, vofucris. In prose, however, these are short. The quantity of a syllable is either natural, that is, depen- dent on the intrinsic nature of the vowel itself, as the re of ?'esisto, in which the e is short by nature ; or accidental, as the re in restiti, which becomes long, because it happens to be followed by two consonants. The quantity of syllables is determined by certain esta- blished rules, or, when they fail, by the authority of the poets. Rules are either General, that is, applicable to all syllables, whether first, middle, or last; or Special, that is, applicable to particular syllables. GENERAL RULES. RULE I. A VOWEL BEFORE A VOWEL. A vowel before another (or, which is the same thing, before an h followed by a vowel, or before a diphthong) in words of Latin origin, is short : as, piier, nihil, egregitz. O Melibcee, deus nobis haec otia fecit Virg. De nihilo nihil, in nihilum nil posse reverti Pers. Ipse etiam eximta laudis succensus amore Virg. Exceptions. 1. The i ofjio is long, when it is not followed by e and r ; asfiuntyftebant 1 . Omnia jam f tent, fieri quae posse negabam Ovid. 2. The e of the genitive and dative of the fifth declension, when it comes between double i, is long ; as faciei. Ventum erat ad Vestaa quarta jam parte diei Hor. It is sometimes found long, when not preceded by i; as Ipsius rei rationem reddere possis Lucret. Ille vir haud magna cum re, sed pl&nu'Jidei Ennius. These cases were probably written either e - i or ei - i ; hence the different quantities. 1 In some lines it is long, when, by the general rule, it should be short ; Injurium est, nam si esset, unde idfieret, Faceremus. Ter. 3. The i is common in genitives in ius ; but the i of al- terim is always short, of alius always long ! . Uriius ob noxam, et furias Ajacis, Oi'lei Virg. Navibus (infandum !) amissis, uriius ob iram Virg. 4. The penultimate (or last syllable but one) is long in aural, aula'i, terra'i, and other old genitives of the first de- clension ; and the a or e before i is long in proper names in ams or ems, as Cams, Pompeius (probably written originally with a double i}, as also in Grams, Ve'ius, &c. j^Ethereum sensum, atque aurai simplicis ignem Virg. Accipe, Pompet, deductum carmen ab illo Ovid. Per vigil in pltima Caius, ecce, jacet Mart. 5. Aer, Dius, eheu, and, in general, Io, a proper name, have the first syllable long. Ohe and the interjection io have their first common. Proximus est der illi levitate, locoque Ovid. ^ si Candida jusserit Io Juv. Ohe ! jam satis est, ohe, libelle Mart. Quas tibl causa fugae ? quid, Io, freta longa pererras ? Ovid. For Greek words it is impossible to give a certain rule. In many the first vowel is short; as in Danae, idea, sopMa, Simois, H jades, prosodia, symphonia. In many it is long; as in Lycdon, Sperchlus, Achelous, Enyo. 1. Words ending in ais, eis, and ois, generally lengthen the first vowel, as Ndis, Briseis, Hindis ; in aius, eius, and oius, as Grains, Cdius, Nere'ius, Pompeius, Minoms, Troms : in aon and ion, as Machdon, Ixlon s the compounds of Aaof, as Ldodice, Laertes, Arclielaus. But Thebais, Plicion, Aon, Deucalion, Pygmalion, and many others, shorten the former vowel. In Ner~eis, Orwn and Gerybn it is said to be com- mon; but Orion is long, although, in Greek, sometimes short. Geryon is short. Troius ^Eneas Libycis ereptus ab undis Virg. 2. Greek genitives in eos, and accusatives in ea, from nominatives in eus, generally shorten the e -, as, Orpheos, Orphea, but these may be lengthened by the Ionic dialect, thus Orpheos, Orphea, Ilionea. 1 Solius, alterutrius, and neutrius are said to be generally long in approved authors. For alius, see R. IV. There is a sufficient reason for the long quantity of alius, but I know of none for the constant short quantity of alterius. It occurs long in Terent. Maurus, and Ennius, and is probably common, like the others. But allerms would be inadmissible in a dactvlic verse. 343 Jlionea petit dextra Virg* Idomenea ducem --------- Virg. 3. Those words which, in the Greek language, are writ- ten with 13 or co, are long; as De'iphobus, Deianira, Troe's, heroicus, &c. Eos and eous have their first common, be- cause written either with >j or e ; and are generally long at the beginning of a line, and short at the end. Deiphobum vidit lacerum crudeliter ora Virg. Portus ab eoo fluctu Virg. gentes aperi- mus eoas Lucan. 4. Those words which, in Greek, are written with ei be- fore a vowel, and in Latin with e or i 9 have the e or i long; as, JEneas, Cassiopea, Cytharea, Centaurea, Penclopea, Ga- latea, Laodicea, Medea, Mausoleum. Also, Basillus, Darius, Clio, Elegia, litanla, politla, &c. Chorda, platea, Malea, canopeum, Dicma, and perhaps acadeima, are common. At pater JEneas casu concussus acerbo Virg. Non mihi sunt visae Clio, Cllusve sorores Ovid. duxere choreas Ovid. Pars pedibus plaudunt choreas Virg. There are no rules for the quantities of foreign or barba- rous words introduced into the Latin language. Prudentius lengthens the first a in Baal, Sedulius shortens it. Sido- nius lengthens the penultimate of Abraham, Arator short- ens it. The a in ael of Israel, Michael, Raphael, is some- times long and sometimes short. RULE II. A VOWEL BEFORE TWO CONSONANTS. A vowel before two consonants, one or both of which are in the same word with it, or before any of the double con- sonants j 1 , x, z, being likewise in the same word with the vowel, is long by POSITION ; as drma, Errabdt silva In mag' na ; axis, patrizo ; cujus. 1 In reality, in such cases, j is a vowel, and, with the preceding vowel, constitutes a diphthong ; thus mai-oribus. In the same manner, arises the quantity of such words as ejus andpejtts, which, according to Priseian, the antients wrote eiius and peiius ; thus ei-us, pei~us, one of the is being elided, or supposed to be elided, in the pronunciation. In rejicio, too, the e is considered long, thej uniting with it, so as to form a diphthong, ra - icio. When j stands at the beginning of a word, it has no power of lengthening a short final vowel. Even mjurejurando, the e is short, this being in fact two distinct words. (See the following note.) 3-H Pdscere oporiet oves, deductum dicere carmen Virg. Nee myrtus vincet corylos, nee, laurea Phoebi Virg. Indomitique Dab as, et pontem indignatus Ardxes Virg. Nobilibus gdzis, opibusque cubilia surgant CL Nate dea, nam te mdjoribus ire per altum Virg. Utjugulent homines, surgunt de nocte latrones Hor. Exceptions. 1. The compounds of jugum have the i short before j; as Mjugus,, quadrijugus '. Martis equi bijtiges, et magni currus Achillis Virg. Quadryugo vehitur curru, cui tempora circum Virg. Annotations. 1 . If the former word ends in a short vowel, the next word beginning with two consonants, or a double conso- nant (x or z\ the vowel often remains short. Tu poteras virides pennis hcbetare smaragdos Ovid. Jam medio apparet fluctu nemorosa 2 Zacynthus Virg. 1 These words were formerly written biiugus and quadruuguz, the j being the same as i, whence also ajo, and, as Cicero is re- ported to have written it, aiio, instead of aio ; and one of the is being elided, or supposed to be elided, for the sake of the sound, there remains bmgus ; or the^' being sounded, as it is by the Ger- mans and other adjacent nations, like our y before a vowel in the same syllable, the word becomes bi-yugus, in the same way as, in English, opi-ni-on becomes opin-yon. The Spaniards write, mayor, for major, greater ; and in English we have also mayor from major ; they likewise write yugo forjitgum, a ^oke ; but the y they pronounce in a way peculiar to themselves. 2 The rule has been controverted, in cases where any of the following consonantal combinations in the beginning of a word follows a short vowel, namely, sc, sp, sq, or st. Numerous exam- ples, however, occur, in which the final short vowel before these combinations continues short : thus, in Horace, prcemia scribes ; mala stultitice ; mihi Stertinius ; velatumque stola ; scppv stylum verlas ; in Ovid, curvamine spince ; considers scamnis ; olentia stagna ; tua stat ; inamabiU stridet, &c. But it is observed that many of these examples are removed by better readings given in MSS. and editions; and that the doctrine of syllables remain- ing short before s, and another consonant, is not confirmed by unquestionable authority. The line Pontte : spes sibi quisque; sed haec, quam angusta, videtis jn. xi. b09. is rejected by the ablest writers, as an interpolation. Virgil, however, who has adopted such licenses as Julius Hyacintho $ an qui amant, quc enclitic, has lengthened the short syllable but in one line, 345 OF A VOWEL BEFORE A MUTE AND A LIQUID. 2. A vowel naturally short, followed by a mute and a li- Ferte citi ferrum, date tela, scandite muros. Many of those short vowels which are found long before two consonants beginning the following word, are lengthened by Cae- sura ; as in Occul-ta spolia, et plures de pace triumphos Juv. It is, however, the opinion of several respectable critics, that, if the two consonants be at the beginning of the following word, the preceding vowel is long : although the poets have frequently neglected the rule. In the writings of the antients, instances of violation are comparatively rare, although it must be allowed that the balance of actual practice seems against the rule; while in modern poetry, the syllable is generally found short. Mr. Burgess, in his edition of Dawes's Miscellanea Critica, has laid down the rule, " Quotiescumque ultima, quse brevis sit, vocabuli praecedentis, partem ejusdem cum st, sp,sc, &c. pedis constituat, toties earn esselongam, nisi in scriptis comicis iisque quse sermoni propiora sunt." Hence, we may infer that, if the preceding short syllable terminate a foot, it may remain short; and if it do not terminate a foot, it becomes long, except in scriptis co- micis &c. This is, perhaps, generally correct ; it must, however, be observed, that Horace, Ennius, and Propertius, furnish ex- amples in which the vowel remains short, although it does riot terminate a foot ; a circumstance which tends to sanction the opinion of those who are inclined to think, that the initial s and a consonant have the same power over a preceding short vowel, as a mute and a liquid have over a preceding short vowel in the body of a word, that is, that they render it common. It is very evident, from a coHection of the examples involving the colloca- tion in question, (see Nos. 1 and 2 of the Classical Journal^) that even among the antient poets, as Lucretius, Propertius, Horace, Ovid, Seneca, &c., the vowel is oftener found short than long. That, however, in many of those instances, the sound of the s was suppressed, is very probable ; indeed, in a line from Lucretius, terminating with miscere smaragdos, some MSS. have maragdos. Reasoning from analogy, and the authority of those poets, who, unless in their sermoni propiora, have but sel- dom or never introduced the final short syllable before s and another consonant, it is thought that there are good grounds for consi- dering a vowel to be long before the two consonants, whether in the same word, or in the next; although, in the composition of verses, it may, perhaps, be expedient, considering the diversity of opinion on this disputable point, to avoid the latter colloca- tion altogether. Lucretius, who shortens the vowel, it is said, was perhaps compelled, by the nature of his subject, to take th@ utmost liberty he could at all defend, and was afterwards followed by Horace in the sermoni propiora. But, in the Odes, we see no- thing of the kind, nor is the practice in the least degree sane- 34-6 quid, both in the following syllable, is common ; as a-gris, phare-tra. Et primo similis volucri, mox vera volucris Ovid. tioned by Catullus or Virgil. These are the three greatest au- thorities in Roman verse. Propertius is, perhaps, of inferior au- thority. Tibullus shortens the vowel, only before sm, in smarag* dos, in which probably the s was dropt in writing or in pronun- ciation. Virgil has not admitted the short vowel in his Georgics. In the ^neid, it occurs but once (Ponite: spes sibi quisque), in a line which has been deemed corrupt. Horrida squamosi in his Culexj (if indeed he was its author,) and nisi Scylla in his Ciris 9 two early attempts, have not much weight. Catullus, in but one solitary instance, undo, Scamandri, has violated the law, by fol- lowing Homer. The name, however, is written Kaju-avfyof in ancient Greek MSS. Several instances occur in Ovid, of the short vowel ; but it may be observed, that some of them admit, and have received, different readings. It is worthy of remark, too, that in compound words, sc, sp, st, have the power of length- ening a preceding short vowel ; as rescindo, respuo, restinguo. We shall only add, that neither the letter s, nor the liquid m f seems to have been considered, by the Roman poets, so firm and indissoluble a consonant as the rest. The former was frequently elided by the earlier poets, not only before a vowel, but even be- fore a consonant. The syllable that terminates with the latter, almost always falls before a vowel. Although, in Greek, exam- ples of final short vowels lengthened before J and are numerous, it is difficult to find an unquestionable example, in Latin, of such a circumstance ; but x and z may have possessed such a power. Where a short vowel occurs before these letters, the sound may have been softened, or they may have been pronounced like d : thus, Danthus for Xanthus ; Dacynthus for Xacynthus. The rule for lengthening the final short vowel before s and another consonant, is rigidly enforced in some of our public schools, and in others totally disregarded. Little or no attention, I be- lieve, is paid to it at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge ; nor has it been observed by the modern poets of England, Hol- land, Germany, or Italy. And if we consider the few examples in which we find the syllable short in antient poetry, compared with those of modern occurrence, and the still smaller number in which it is lengthened, there seems reason to conclude, that the antients, in general, studiously avoided the collocation. Virgil, it is observed, does not, like Horace, employ the word scefcstw, but scctcratus; which, it has been thought, he would have done, if he would not have been compelled to place a short syllable be- fore it : but a different reason might be assigned. In conclusion, we would observe, that, influenced solely by the unquestionable preponderance of instances in which the vowel occurs short, even after all the disputed lines are excluded, and taking into considera- tion, that the practice is sanctioned by almost all the best rno- 347 Natum ante ora patris, patrem qui obtruncat ad aras Virg. Et vos agrestum praesentia numina Fauni Virg. l inter agrestia regem Virg. dern poets, we might be justified in considering the vowel before st &c. as generally short. Reasoning, however, chiefly from the delay naturally produced by two such unyielding consonants, if both are distinctly sounded, and relying on the confirma- tory authority of the few undisputed examples in which the vowel occurs long, we might be inclined to deem a vowel, so si- tuated, long, and combining the two preceding conclusions, the general inference would be, that, as the vowel is found some- times short, and sometimes long, it should be regarded as com- mon. But judging from the comparatively rare and limited oc- currence of the collocation in question, in the writings of the antient poets, I have little hesitation to say, that it should be avoided, if not altogether, yet. as much as possible. Many in- teresting observations on the subject of this Note, and, it needs scarcely be added, on every subject connected with classical lite- rature, may be found in the Classical Journal. See also some ingenious remarks on this question, in Dr. Carey's valuable trea- tise on Latin Prosody. 1 It is, however, short in prose. To produce this kind of po- sition, which is reckoned weak (debilis), and is not to be used without some limitation, three things are necessary. 1 . That the mute precede the liquid. 2. That the mute and the liquid be both in the following syllable ; or otherwise, this rule cannot take place ; as in ab-luo, ob-ruo, in which the a and o, short by nature, are made long by the usual rule of position, and cannot be made short. 3. That the vowel preceding the mute and liquid be short by nature ; for, if it is long, it cannot be made short. Hence the a in acris, and matris, is always long, because the a in acer, and mater, is long. In like manner, the penultimate of sa- lubris, and ambulacrum, is always long, because they are derived from salus, salutis ; and ambulatum, both long. L and r are the only liquids found in Latin words preceded by a vowel and a mute. L,, r t and also m, n, have the same force in Greek words, when the preceding vowel is naturally short ; as Cyclopes, pharetra, Te-cmessa, Da-phne. Pars laeves humero pharetras, it pectore summo Virg. Virginibus Tyriis mos est gestare pharetram Virg. Et baccis redimita daphne, tremulaeque cupressus Pet. Primus amor Phrebi Daphne Penei'a, quern non Ovid. Martial has imitated the Greeks in shortening a syllable before g<, Sardonychas, smaragdos, adamantas, iaspidas uno. This rule, as has been already mentioned, is to be followed with some degree of limitation. Vossius has observed, that he would not be inclined to lengthen the penultimate of gemirix. 348 RULE III. OF DIPHTHONGS. A diphthong is long in Latin and Greek words : as, durum, fcenus, jffineas, Etibcea, Harpy i a ! . And it may be seen, from some of the examples which have been given, that words of three syllables, as volucris, pharetra, tenebrce, having the first short, and the middle deemed common, never have their penultimate long but at the end of a line. It may likewise be observed, that words of three syllables, as agrestes, cyclopes, &c., having the first common, and the second long, sel- dom have the first short but at the end of a line; thus, misera- tus agrestes Virg. Such words as tonitrua, tonitribus, and ludibria, have the antepenultimate long in the latter part of a line ; as tomtrua mentes Ovid, ludibria ventis Virg. Indeed, the two first could not be admitted into any part of a heroic line without a long antepenult, and in them the emphasis also tends to strengthen the doubtful syllable. Ovid and Virgil generally make the first syllable oflacryma short; Horace, common. Lu- gilbris is generally long, but is made short by Horace at the end of a lyric verse. Ludicra has generally the penult short. Patris and some others may perhaps be varied in any part of a line. Catullus sometimes lengthens a final short syllable followed by a mute and a liquid ; but this is a liberty very rarely used, without the influence of the Caesura. These is nothing arbitrary in the principle which regulates the quantity of a short vowel before a mute and a liquid. When the liquid precedes the mute, it requires a distinct, full sound, and thus, the syllable is rendered long; asjert. When, too, the mute precedes the liquid, and they are in different syllables, the liquid acquires, from this circumstance, a more marked, distinct pronunciation, so as to render the preceding vowel long ; as sub- ruo. But when, as in the terms of the rule, the mute precedes the liquid in the same syllable, the latter glides or trills so rapidly in the pronunciation, that a preceding vowel, short by nature, although it may be rendered somewhat longer than a short one, still remains rather shorter than a long one. As, therefore, its length, comparatively considered, seems to be equally remote from a short and a long quantity, it may in poetry be referred to either; in other words, be deemed common. When the vowel was lengthened, probably the two consonants were sounded in different syllables; aspat-ris, instead ofpa-tris. It should be re- marked, that the letter f, though commonly accounted a semi- vowel, has, when followed by a liquid, the same influence as a mute, upon a preceding short syllable ; that is, the syllable most commonly remains short. Vossius and Alvarus seem inclined to consider it as a mute. * But u and a vowel following q, are not to be considei jred as a 349 Thesauros, ignotumjargenti pondus et ami Virg. Infernique lacus, JE&cEque insula Circes Virg. Miratur molem JEneas, magalia quondam Virg. Euridicenque suam jam tuto respicit Orpheus Ovid. Et patrio insontes Hat-pyias pellere regno Virg. Exceptions. 1. Prcc in composition is short before a vowel; as prce- ustus, prceeunte, pr which has is necessarily short, by one vowel's preceding another, as in hi/ems, the derivative sometimes becomes long, after the removal of a vowel ; as in hiberna, hiberno, hibernacula, Liquidus is supposed to have its first common, (as it may be derived from the depo- nent verb liquor, or from the neuter, Uqueo, ) on the following authority : Crassaque conveniunt liquidis, et liquida crassis Lucret. For the difference in quantity between many derivatives and their primitives no plausible conjecture can be given ; such ano- malies must be left to observation. Of this description are some of the following ; Ambitus (subst.), ambitio, ambitiosus from am- bitum ; arena from areo ; aruspex from ara ; dicax from dlco ; lucerna from luceo ; nato, natas, from natu ; sopor from sopio ; vadum from vado, &c. Chius from chios ; como, -is, from coma, hair ; humanus from homo ; regina, rex, regis, regula, from rego ; secius from secus ; sedes, sedile, from sedeo ; tegida from tego ; vox, vocis, from voco, &c. Words may be sometimes distinguished by a difference in quantity ; thus corno, -is, corno, -as ; duco, ducis, dux, ducis ; rego, regis, rex, rcgis. 3:33 the i short ; but the substantives ambitus and ambttio have the ? short, like itum ! . Porto meis, nullo dextram subeunte bacillo Juv. Imbecillus, iners, si quid vis ? adde propino Hor. Jussit et ambltcE circumdare litora terras Ov. Et properantis aquae per amoenos ambitus agros Hor. 3. Connubium, from nubo, has the u common 2 . Connubio jungam stabili, propriamque dicabo Virg. Hectoris Andromache ! Pyrrhin' connubia servas Virg. RULE III. OF PREPOSITIONS IN COMPOSITION. Prepositions have generally the same quantity in compo- sition as out of it : thus amitto and deduco have the first syllable long, because a and de are long. Aboleo and per- imo have the first short, because db and per are short. Expediam, prima repetens db origine, famam Virg. Nee poterit ferrum, nee edax dbolere vetustas Ovid. Exceptions and Annotations. 1 . A preposition ending in a vowel, although out of com- position it may be long, becomes short by the first general rule, if followed by another vowel ; as dvosculor, prohibeo. And if a short preposition end in a consonant, and be fol- lowed by another consonant, it becomes long, by the second general rule : as admitto, ptrccllo. K coelo tactas memini praedicere quercus Virg. A media coelum regione dehiscere coepit Ovid. ad auras Virg. admiscere saporem Virg. Note. Sometimes the preposition, instead of becoming long by position, loses its final consonant, and remains short ; as omit to, operio. Quod petiit spernit, repetit quod nuper omisit Hor. 2. Pro, when used as a Greek preposition, for ante, is short ; as propketa, prologus, propontis : but pro, a Latin preposition, is generally long ; as prodo, prdveho, promitto. 1 Ambitum perhaps by crasis of ambe itum. Or it may come from the regular ambio, ambltum, formed from ambi the old form of the inseparable am, still visible in ambidexter ; and there may have been also ambeo, ambitum a compound of eo. 2 It is contended by some that the u is always long, and that connubio and connubiis, although supposed to have u short in Virgil, are to be considered as trisyllables, by the figure Synizesis or Synecphonesis ; thus con-nitb-yo ; in which case the first foot becomes a spondee instead of a dactyl. 2 A 354 furtumque Promethei Virg. Qua3 tarn festa dies, ut cesset prodere furem Juv. But in many Latin words pro is short ; as profundus^ pro- fugio, profugus, pronepos, proneptis, profestus, profari^ pro- fiteer, prZfanuS) profectb, procus, procella, protervus, propero, and propago, signifying lineage ; but propago signifying a vinestock, is long l . Contremuit nemus, et sylvae intonuere pwfundce Virg. In some it is common; ospropino,, propago (the verb),^?r<>- fundo, propello, p?-opulso, procuro, Proserpina (in reality a corruption of Persephone). Nee ratione fluunt alia, stragemque propagant Lucret. Hi propaganda ruerant pro limite regni Claudian. exin corpus propellit, et icit Lucret. quse provehat atque propellat Lucret. 3. The inseparable preposition re is short ; as remitto, repello, refero 2 . But re (which here is supposed to be an ablative) is long in the impersonal verb refert, "it concerns." Quid tamen hoc refert, si se pro classe Pelasga Arma tulisse refert Ovid. Posterius ferri vis est aerisque reperta Lucret. 4. The inseparable prepositions, se and di 9 are long ; as, separOy diduco, diversus. But di is short in dirimo and di- sertus. Separat Aonios Actaeis Phocis ab arvis Ovid. Dlversos ubi sensit equos, currumque referri Virg. Hanc Deus et melior litem natura diremit Ov. In causa facili cuivis licet esse diserto Ov. 1 Notwithstanding such distinctions propago, whose significa- tion is always essentially the same, may be considered among the doubtfuls; to which class procumbo is likewise added by some, probably, on the authority of Lucretius, who uses it short, IV, 950. But the passage stands differently in Wakefield's edi- tion. As, however, some of the compounds with pro are reckoned long, because it happens that they are found long among the poets ; and, for a similar reason, some are reckoned short, and others doubtful, it is not improbable, that, in all compound Latin words, the poets may have used^ro, long or short, as it suited their verse. * Re is sometimes found lengthened, by doubling the following consonant ; as in relli^io, reppulit : but this duplication is gene- rally omitted, except in the verb reddo, so that religio t reliquice, reliquus, repent, retulit, repulit, reducere, are found long, and with only one consonant. Neu populum antiqua sub relligione tueri Virg. Religione patrum multos servata per annos Virg. Et prius est rrpertitm in equi conscendere costas Lucret* 355 OF THE FINAL VOWELS OF FIRST WORDS IN COMPOSITION. The vowels E, I, O, U, and Y, ending the Jirst *wwd of a compound^ are generally short. A is long. RULE IV -- A. Words ending in a in the former part of a compound are long ; as qudre, quapropter, quatenus ; also trd (trans), as in trado, traduco, trano. Qiiure agite 6 proprios generatim discite cultus Virg. 1. Except eadem, unless it be the ablative, hexameter, and catapulta. RULE V. - E. Words ending in e in the first part of a compound are short ; as,, in the first syllable, nefas, nefastus, liefandus, nt- Jarius, neque ; also tredecim, trecenti, cquidem : in the se- cond, valedico, madcfacio, stuptfacio, tremefacio, and the like : in the third, hujuscvmodi, ejuscemodz. Credebant hoc grande nefas, et morte piandum Juv. Insolito belli tremefecit murmure Thulen Claud. Exceptions. 1. The first is long in words compounded of se for sex or for semi., as sedecim, semestris, semodius, (but in sclibra it is found short) ; in nequis, nequicquam., nequam, nequitia^ ne- qitando, liemo^ credo, memet, mecum, tecum^ secum ,- in words compounded of the inseparable preposition se, as secedo ; and in the second of veneficus and videlicet. Nequicquam seros exercet noctua cantus Virg. Note, That liquefacio, tepefacio, tabefacio, and patefacio have their second syllable sometimes long. Rarefacio and rarefio also have the e generally long. Vossius observes that Virgil shortens the e in such words, and that Lucretius and Catullus lengthen it, the former without caesura. In- deed, it is probable that in these words it was generally considered common. Sic mea perpetuis liquefiunt pectora curis Ovid. Tabe liquefactis, tendens ad sidera palmas Ov. Et rarefecit calido miscente vapore Lucret. Intremuit, motuque sinus patefecit aquarum Ovid. Atque patefecit, quas ante obsederat ater Lucret, The e of videlicet may be found short, probably, by poetic license. 2 A2 356 RULE VI. /. Both Latin and Greek words shorten the final i of the first word of a compound ; as om?npote?is, bivium, tnvium, triceps 1 , siquidem, fatidicus, unigenitus, agricola, vaticinium, significo ; architectus, dimeter, trimeter, Iplngenia. Omnipotens genitor, tanton* me crimine dignum Virg. Archilochi, non res, et agentia verba Lycambem Hor. Exceptions. 1. Those compounds in which the i is changed in declin- ing, are long; as quldam, qulvis, quilibet, &c., quanfivis, quantlcunque, tantldem, unicuique, eldem, reipubliccK, quail- cunque. Jure mihi invideat qulvis, ita te quoque amicum Hor. 2. The final i is long in those compounds which may be Separated without destroying the sense, that being their re- gular quantity ; as ludlmagister, or ludl magister ; parvi- pcndo, or parvi pendo ; lucrlfacio, or lucrifacio ; slquis, or si quis : thus also agrlcultura. Ludi-magister, parce simplici turbae Martial. 3. Those words which, in joining, undergo a crasis or syncope, are long ; as tibwen, for tibiicen : blgte, trigce, &c. for byugtf, trijuga, &c. ; llicet for ire licet ,- scilicet for scire licet ; to which add blmus, trimus, quadrimus ; but tulncen, which has suffered neither, is short by the general rule. llicet ignis edax summa ad fastigia vento Virg. 4. Idem masculine is long ; but neuter, short. Identi- dem has the penultimate short. The first i of rilmirum, the i of ubique, utroblque, and the second in ibidem, are long. Ubi'vis and ubi cunque (and probably most of the compounds of ubi and ibi?} may be found common. amor omnibus Idem Virg. Invitum qui servat, idem facit occidenti Hor. , nee quicquid ublque est (Gentis Dardaniae) Virg. Clamat : io matres audite ulncunque* Latinae Virg. Seryor, ubicunque est ; uni mea gaudia servo ? Ov. 1 ^Words derived from trlginta must not be confounded with the compounds of tris or tres, short by this rule ; for tricesimus, trigesimus, trlceni, are long, because trlginta is long, ginta being no distinct word, but a termination. Bis jam pene tibi consul trigesimus instat Mart. 2 Al. ubi quceque. This is the usual reading. , 357 5. The compounds of dies have the final i of the first word long ; as biduum, triduum, merldies, prldie, postndie. These two last are long by Exception 3d, being priori die and posteriori die. Si totus tibi trlduo legatur Mart. Nam vita morti propior est quotldie Phaedr. Quotidie, and quotldianus, are said to have the i some- times short ; but this is not satisfactorily ascertained, since the lines adduced in proof may, by the figure synizesis, be differently measured : thus, Conjugis in culpa flagravit quotfidiand Catull. or quottid-ya-na. It must however be confessed, that, thus read, the line is harsh, and is unnecessarily rendered spondaic. RULE VII. O is short in the first word of a Greek or Latin com- pound; as Argoiiauta, Arctophylax, areopagus, bibliotheca, pkilosophus, Timotheus ; bardocucullus, sacrosanctus, duo- decim, duodeni, hodie, words compounded of two nouns. Non nautas puto vos, sed Argonautas Martial. A tergo nitet Arctophylax, idemque Bootes Manil. Non dices hodie, quorsum haec tarn putida tendant Hor. Exceptions. 1. Words compounded with intro, retro, contro, and quando; as intrdduco, mtromitto, retrocedo, retrogradu^ con- troversia, controversus, quanddque, quandoctmque. To which may be added alioqui?i 9 utroque, cteteroquin, utrobique ; the compounds of qiio, as quomodo, quocunque, quominus, quo- circa, quovis, qudque, and similar ablatives. Quandoquidem, and quoque, the particle, have the o short. Ipse retrdversus squalentia protulit ora Ov. Quod mcechus foret, aut sicarius, aut alioqum Hor. Dicite; quatidoquidem in molli consedimus herba -Virg. damnabis tu quoque votis Virg. 2. Those words, which in Greek are written with an ome- ga, have the o long; as Geometra, Minotaunts, lagojms. Minotaurus inest, Veneris monimenta nefandai Virg. RULE VIII. 17 and Y. U, and Y in Greek words, are short ; as, in the first syl- lable, ducenti, dupondium', in the second, quadriipes, cen- 358 tuplcx, Trojitgena, cornupcta; also Poli/darus, Polydamas, Polyphemus, doryphorus. l 1 It may be useful to beginners, and to the mere English scho- lar, if we subjoin a few of those words, which are often incor- rectly pronounced, some of them even by our best English poets. Andromcus, Cleomcus, Stratomcus* Polynices-, Tkessalomcaj &c. have the penultimate long, because the first syllable of'v/xij, vie- loria, whence, probably, they are derived, is long ; /SouAsro v/xijv II. vii. 21. The first syllable of irayoj (a hill) is short: there- fore we say, Areopagus. Bellerophon was so named, in conse- quence of having slain one Eellerus, the second syllable of which, like the second of the former, is short. Milton has improperly accented it. Many of our English poets improperly lay the em- phasis on the second of Geryon, contrary to ancient usage. Geryone extincto, &c. Virg. vii, 662 : viii, 202. Hor. ii, 14?, 8. Some writers produce the authority of Claudian, for lengthening the second syllable. See Grad. ad Parnas. Smetii Prosod. Hoc neque Geryon triplex, nee turbidus orci Claud. But the proper reading is Gerjjo-nes, by which the true quantity is preserved. The second syllable in Gramcus, in Homer, Hesiod, Ovid, &c. is always long : 11. xii, 21. Gramco nata btcorni Ovid, xi, 763. In the Greek and Latin poets the penultimate of Helena, Gr. 'EAsvij, is invariably short. But it is vulgarly pronounced long in the name of the island St. Helena, said to be discovered on the day dedicated by the Romish church to St. Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great. The English accent or syllabic em- phasis is improperly laid on the a of Heractitus. Herad'dus init &c. Lucr. i, 639. Shakespeare and others pronounce Hyp- rion with i short, contrary to the custom of the Greek and Latin poets. Hypenone menso Metamorph viii, 64. In the Greek and Latin poets, the penultimate of Iphigcma is always long. Dryden and others pronounce it as a word of four syllables. IphigenHa mora, Prop. Homer and Virgil make the penultimate of Laodama long; many of our poets accent the antepenulti- mate. Laodamia sinus Ovid. Several of our English poets throw the emphasis on the penultimate of Pharnaces ; yet Lucan and others make it short. Pharnacis et gelido, &c. Phars. The best Greek and Roman poets lengthen the penultimate of Scrap-is. Vincebant, nee quae turba Serapin amat Mart, ix, ,'*!. Mar- tianus Capella, and some others, unwarrantably shorten the se- cond. It may be observed that the first syllable in Apis, which is supposed by some [see Gesn. Thes.] to be the same ^Egyp- tian deity, is uniformly long. Mactabitur Apis. Luc. ix, 169. We sometimes lind in English an improper quantity given to triumviri, decemviri, centumviri, and the like, words having their third syllable short. Read JEoltis, Antipodes, Herodotus* Tim- cydtdesy Archimedes* Amphlon* Tisiphone, Terpsichore, Miltiades, Alcibiadcs, Amphltritc, Anlidai, Anon, Arsaces, Ccesarca, Cleo- 359 Nam full hoc vitiosus ; in hora ssepe ducentos Hor. Nam qualis quantusque cavo Polyphemus in antro Virg. Except judico, long in its first syllable. Et sapit, et mecum facit, et Jovejudicat sequo Hor. menes, Darius, Deiphobus, Demosthenes, Diomedes, Eplrus, Erato, Euphrates, Hecate, Hermlone, Agesilaus, lulus. Ixlon, Leucate, Longimanus, Mausolus (hence mausoleum,) Medea, Nerttos, Nicomedes, Omphale, Osiris, Pachynus, Pactdlus, Persephone, Philomela, Pisistratus, Proserpina, Sardancipalus , Acrisione, Thalia, Thrasjjbulus, Tomyris, asylum, Pantheon, Orion, panacea, Oreades, Antiochia, Pandion, Philostratus, Galatea, Bellovaci, Andreas, Philadelphia, (the name of a town, Gr. but Hymen -vnis. Credit, et excludit sanos Helicone poetas Hor. Et velut absentem certatim Actamia clamant Ov. JEg&ona suis immania terga lacertis Ov. Audierat duros laxantem JEgceona nexus Stat. Quodque magis mirum est, auctorem criminis hujus Mart. Concitat iratus validos Titanas in arma Ov. Tollere consuetas audent delphlnes in auras Ovid. RULE XXIII. R. 1. Ar neuter lengthens am; as calcar -aris. 366 Except. These neuters shorten ctris ; bacchar, jubar, nec- tar, -arts, to which add hepar -atis ; also the adjective par, parts, with its compounds ; as impar, imparts ; dispar, dis- parts, &c. 2. These nouns ending in r lengthen the increment ; as Ndris , Car, Carts ; fur, furis ; ver, verts ; Recimer, Recimeris ,- Byzer, Byzeris ; Ser, Scris ; Iber, Iberis, as well as Iber, Iberi, of the second declension. 3. Greek nouns in ter lengthen teris ; as crater -eris ,- character -eris ; spinther -eris. Except tether -eris, the pe- nultimate short. 4. Or lengthens oris ; as amor, timor, -oris : also^verbal nouns, and comparatives ; as victor, melior, -oris. Except. 1. Neuters; as marmor, ceqttor, -oris. 2. Greek nouns in or ,- as Hector, rhetor, -oris. 3. Arbor, -oris, femi- nine, and the adjective memor (formerly memoris], memoris. Ador forms adoris, or adoris, the penultimate being com- mon, whence adoreus, in Virgil, Horace, and Claudian. Decoris, long, is said to come from decor; decoris short, from decus. 5. Other nouns in r, not mentioned, shorten the penulti- mate : thus ar, aris, masculine ; as C&sar -aris ; lar, laris : er, eris, of any gender, as aer, aeris ; mulier 'eris ; cadaver, -eris ; also tier (formerly itiner), itineris, and verberis from the obsolete verber : ur, uris, and oris, as vultur, murmur, furfur, -uris ; femur, robur, jecur l , ebur, -oris : yr, yris, as martyr, martyris. Seu spumantis equi foderet calcdribus armos Virg. It poYtisjubare exorto delecta juventus Virg. Ardentes auro, et paribus lita corpora guttis Virg. Velleraque ut foliis depectant tenuia Seres Virg. Indulgent vino, et vertunt crateras ahenos Virg. Inque dies quanto circum magis (Ether is sestus Lucr. Quo magis aeternum da dictis, diva, leporem* Lucr. Multa super Priamo rogitans, super Hectore multa Virg. Si nigrum obscuro comprenderit dera cornu -Virg. Aspice, ventosi ceciderunt murmuris aurae Virg. RULE XXIV AS. 1. Latin nouns in as lengthen the increment; as Maece- nas, cetas, pietas, -atis ; vas, vdsis, a vessel. 1 Andjecinoris. * Distinguish lepor om ? (elegance), from lepus.oris, (a hare). 367 Except anas, anatis : mas, maris ; and vas, vadis, (a se- curity), their penultimate being short. 2. Greek nouns in as shorten adis, dtis and anis; as Pallas, lampas, -adis ; artocreas, artocreatis , Melas, Melanis. Insignem pietate virum tot adire labores Virg. Tyrtaeusque mares animos in martia bella Hor. Instar montis equum divina Palladis arte Virg. RULE XXV. - ES. js shortens the increment; as miles, militis; seges, segetis; prases, prtzstdis ,- obses, obsidis ; Ceres, Cereris ; pes, pedis, Except locuples, quies, mansues, -etis ; hares, merces, -edis : also Greek nouns which have etis ; as lebes, Tholes, tapes, magnes, -etis, all with the penultimate long. Metiri se quemque suo modulo acpede, verum est Hor. Ascanium surgentem, et spes hceredis liili Virg. Viginti fulvos operoso ex sere lebetas Ovid. RULE XXVI. -- IS. Nouns in is shorten the increment; as lapis, Phyllis, -i cinis, cineris ; sanguis, mngumis. Except. 1. Glis, gliris, and vires, the plural of vis, which have the penultimate long. 2. Latin nouns which have itis; as dis, dltis ; Us, lltis ; Quiris, Samnis, -itis. But Charis, a Greek noun, has Charitis short. 3. Crenis, Crenldis; Nesis, Nesidis ; Psophis, Psophidis, lengthen the penultimate, but the last has it once short in Statius. 4. Greek nouns in is, which have also the termination in ; as Salamis, or Salamin, -mis. Immolat et pcenam scelerato ex sanguine sumit Virg. Sic fatus validis ingentem viribus hastam Virg. Insequeris tamen hunc, et lite moraris iniqua Hor. Tres fuerant Charites, sed dum mea Lesbia vixit Auson. Sylvaque, quae fixam pelago Nes'ida coronat Stat. Tyburis umbra tui, Teucer Salamlna patremque Hor. RULE XXVII, - OS. Os has its increment long; as nepos, nepotis ; Jlos, Jloris ; os, oris ; custos, odis ; also Greek nouns in os ; as rhinoceros -otis ; Tros, heros, -dis. Except. Three have their increment short, bos, bovis; com- pos, impos, -otis. Qui legitis Jlores, et humi nascentia fraga Virg. Egressi optata potiuntur Troes arena Virg. Perpetui tergo bpvis, et lustralibus extis Virg. 368 RULE XX VII I. ~US. Nouns in us shorten the increment; as lepus, carpus, vellus -cris ; tripus -odis. Except. 1. Those nouns which have udis, uris, or utis, lengthen the penultimate ; as incus, incudis ; tellus, telluris ; salus, saliitis. But these three are short ; Liguris from Ligur or Ligus ; pecudis from the obsolete pecus ; and intercutis from intercus. 2. Comparatives in us lengthen the penultimate, preserv- ing the same quantity as in the masculine and feminine gen- ders ; as melius, melioris. Ut canis in vacuo leporem cum Gallicus arvo Ovid. In medio : sacri tripodes viridesque coronae Virg. Fas etjura sinunt : rivos deducere nulla Virg. Non ego te, Ligurum ductor fortissime bello Virg. Perge, decet, forsan miseros meliora sequentur virg. RULE XXIX. YS. 1 . Ys shortens the increment ijdis, or ydos ; as chlamys -ydis or -ydos. 2. Ys lengthens jjnis ; as Trachys -ynis. In medio, chlamyde, et pictis conspectus in armis Vir I Herculea Trachy?ie jube, sub imagine regis Ovid. RULE XXX. BS, PS, MS. Nouns in s preceded by a consonant, shorten their incre- ment ' ; as ccelebs -ibis stips, stipis , Lcelaps -apis , Cecrops, Dolops, -opis ; auceps -cupis ,- hiems -emis : also, anceps -cl- pitis ; biceps, bicipitis, and similar compounds of caput, in which both increments are short. Except. The following lengthen their increment: Cy- clops -opis ; sepgy sepis ,- gryps -yphis ; Cercops -opis ; plebs, plcbis ; hy drops -opis. Hie Dolopwn manus, hie saevus tendebat Achilles Virg. Ad matres primo anctjntes, oculisque malignis Virg. Antiphatae memores immansuetique Cyclopis rOvid. Fortunam, et mores antiquae plebis, et idem Hor. 1 That is, when a single consonant comes between the incre- ment and the termination. If two consonants intervene, the pe- nultimate is necessarily long by position ; as excors, excordis ; pars, partis. 369 RULE XXXI. T. Nouns ending in t shorten the penultimate of itis ; as wput, capitis ; sinciput^ sindpitis. Magna fuit quondam capitis reverentia cani Ov. RULE XXXII. ,X. 1. A noun in x shortens the vowel before gis in the ge- nitive; as tiarpax -agis ; grex, gregis ; aquilex -Kgis ; Biturix -rgis ; Styx -ygis ; Allobrox -ogis; conjux -ugis ; Phryx -ygis. Except. Lex, legis ; illex, exlex, -legis ; rex, regis ; coc- cyx -ygis, mastix -igis ,- and frugis from the obsolete frux, are long. Quinque greges illi balantum, quina redibant Virg. Ad Styga Taenaria est ausus descendere porta Ovid. Prima dedit leges -> Ovid. 2. A noun in ex shortens ids , as vertex -ids ; pontifex -ids. Except vibex (rather vibix) -Ids, long. , Qualem virgineo demessum pollice florem Virg. 3. Other nouns in x generally lengthen the increment : thus nouns in ax ; as pax, pads ; fornax -ads. Except. Abax, smilax, Atrax, dropax, anthrax, fax, At ax, climax, panax, opopanax, styrax, colax, the compounds of phylax and corax, as Arctophylax, Nomophylax, nycticorax, phala- crocorax, all have ads short. In ex ; as vervex -eds. Except. Nex, neds; vids and precis, wanting nominatives ; also fcenisex, resex, -eds ; and supellex -ectilis, have the penultimate short. In ix ; as radix, dcatrix, felix, nutrix, victrix, altrix, and, probably, (notwithstanding a line in Lucilius) following the usual analogy 'stf verbal nouns, natrix -ids. Except. Ap- pendix, fornix, coxendix, chcenix, Cilix, calix, pix, illix (a decoy), hystrix, varix, t filix, salix, larix, -ids ; and nix, mvis, and mastix ichis (JJL gum), which have the penultimate short. Mastix -Igis (a Greek noun), a whip, is long. In ox ; as vox, vods ,- velox -ods, Except. Cappadox, prxcox, -ods, short. In ux ; as lux, litcis , Pollux -luds. Except, jyux, crux, mix, trux have uds short. In yx ; as bombyx -yds. Except onyx -ijchis ; Eryx -yds ; calyx -yds; Nary x- yds, which have the penultimate short. Note. Syphax*, sandy x and Bebiyx have the penultimate of the genitive common. 1 The short quantity of Syphax may be doubted. The line from Claudian, quoted by Smetius, as an instance, lias been deemed incorrect. 5 B 370 Fraternaeque fidem pads petiitque, deditque Ovid. Dicitefellces aniraae, tuque, optime vates Virg. ~EA,jilicem curvis invisam pascit aratris Virg. Contritumque simul cum mastwhe confer anethum Seren. Voce vocat Virg. Mancipiis locuples, eget aeris Cappadocum rex Hor. Lucis egens aer Ovid. Annibalis spolia, et victi monumenta Syphacis Prop. Bebrycis et Scythici procul inclementia sacri Val. Flac. Possessus Baccho saeva Bebrycis in aula Sil. Ital. PLURAL INCREMENTS. A y E, 7, 0, U. RULE XXXIII. 1 . A, e, 0, in plural increments, are long ; as musarum, dominorum, ambabus, rebus. Moenala transieram latebris horrendayerarwB Ov. Sunt lacrymse rerum, et mentem mortalia tangunt Virg. Sic ubi dispositam, quisquis fuit ille dedrum Ovid. Exin se cuncti divinis rebus ad urbem Virg. 2. / and u are short ; as sennombus, tribus, qmbus, artibus from ars ; verubus, lacubus, artubus from artus. Montibus in liquidas pinus descenderat undas Ov. Pars in frusta secant, verubusque trementia figunt Virg. Bobus, or bubus, has been already noticed as a contraction, from bovibus ; and, consequently, is long. Nescia, nee quicquam junctis debentia bobus Ovid. INCREMENT OF VERBS. When any part of a verb exceeds in number of syllables the second person singular of the present indicative, active, the excess is considered as the increment or increase. As in nouns, the last syllable is never reckoned the increment ; so that when there is onJy one increment, it must be the pen- ultimate. i i i Da mus, fie tis, sci res have one increment, because i 2 das, jles> and scis are monosyllables. A ma ba mus, i 2 a ma bi tis have two increments, because they exceed 123 amas by two syllables. A ma ve ri tis has three 1234 increments. Au di e ba mi ni has four increments, because it has four syllables more than audis. In deter- mining the increments of deponent verbs, an active voice i may be supposed; thus co na tur has one increment, 371 1 ' 2 123 co na ba tur 9 two, co na re mi ni, three, because conas of the fictitious active voice has but two syllables. The increments of these may also be regulated by other verbs of the same conjugation, which have an active voice. RULE XXXIV. -- A. A is long in the increments of verbs ; as stabam^ ama- rem, legebamus, audiebdmini, bibamus, veneramus. Stabat in egregiis Arcentis films armis Virg. Exceptions. 1 . Do and its compounds of the first conjugation have a short in their first increment ; as ddmus, ddbunt, dare , also circunddmus, venundabo, &c., the penultimate being short. But in any other increment, do, like its compounds of the third conjugation, is long ; as dabamus, dederatis, circundd- credamus. Haec ego vasta dabo, et lato te limite ducam Virg. Luce palam certum est igni circunddre muros Virg. RULE XXXV. -- E. E is long in the increments of verbs ; as amemus, ama- remus, amavissetis, docebam,, docerem^ legebat, legerunt, le- geris, legere, both of the future passive, audiemus, &c. Flebant, et cineri ingrato supreme Jerebcmt- Virg. Sed qui pacis opus citharam cum voce moveres Ovid. Exceptions. 1. E before r is short in the first increment of any pre- sent and imperfect of the third conjugation ; as legeris or legere of the present indicative, passive ; legere, the present infinitive active, and imperative, passive; legerem and le- gerer, the imperfect subjunctive, active and passive. But reris and rere, in the third, and in other conjugations, are long ; as legereris, legerere amareris, amarere ; docereris, docerere, &c. An quia, cum legeret vernos Proserpina flores Ovid. Nostra, neque ad sedes victor veherere paternas Virg. 2. Beris and bere are every where short ; as amaberis, amabere ; doceberis, docebere ; and among the antients, lar- giberis, experibere, of the fourth Excepting where the b belongs also to the termination of the present, scriberis, and scribere, of the future, passive, being long by the gene- ral rule. Hoc tamen infelix miseram solabere mortem Virg. 2 B2 372 3. E, before ram, rim, ro, and the persons formed from them, .is short 1 ; as amaveram,amaveras, amaverim., amavZro, docueram, eram, fueram*, potero, potuero, &c. Vincere, nee duro poteris convellere ferro Virg. By Systole, the poets sometimes shorten e before runt ; as Obstupui, steteruntque comae, et vox faucibus hsesit Virg. Di tibi divitias dederunt, artemque fruendi Ilor. RULE XXXVI. /. 7 is short in any increment of verbs ; as amabimus, doce- bitur, legimus, cupitis, aggredimur, audiremini, audirmni, au- diebammi. Linqtiimus Ortygiae portus, pelagoque volamus Virg. Vemmus* ; et latos indagine cinximus agros Ovid. Exceptions. 1 . These have i long ; simus, vellmus, nollmus, with the other persons coming from them and their compounds ; as sitis, velitis, nolltis ; nollte, nolltote ; maltmus, malitis ; pos- slmus, possitis, &c. Et gratam sortem, tutas modo simus, habemus Ovid. 2. / before vi 9 in preterites, is always long ; as pefivi, quteswi, audivi ; and also in the other persons ; as petlvisti, qiicesivit, audlvimus, &c. Cessi, et sublato montem genitore petlvi Virg. 3. The first increment of the fourth conjugation is long 3 ; as audlmuS) auditis, attditur, audit o, aud/rem, scimus, sclre; also in the antient audibo, and hi audibam sometimes found contracted, and the usual ibam and Ibo of eo. When a vowel follows, the i is short by position, as audmnt, audie- bam. Omnibus auditur. Sonus est, qui vivit in ilia Ovid. Tu ne cede malis ; sed contra audentior ito Virg. Ibimus in poenas Ovid. Observe, That imus in every preterite, and in that of the 1 This is applicable only to verbs in their natural state, and not to such as have suffered contraction. 2 In such verbs of the fourth conjugation as have, in the first persons plural of their present and perfect indicative, the same words in regard to spelling, there is a distinction by the quan- tity ; the penultimate of the former being long, as vemmus, re- perimns ; that of the latter short, as vemmus, reperimus. 3 In Qrfturque miserrima csedes Virg. the verb is of the 3d conjugation. 373 fourth conjugation also, is short; as juvimus, vidimus, fe- cimus, veriimus, the first increment being short ; amavimus, adolevimusy pepercimus, munimmus the second being short. Bis sex Nelidaefuimus conspecta juventus Ovid. (See the preceding note.) Rimus and Ritis. Rimus and ritis in the preterite subjunctive are short. Egrerimus, nosti ; et nimium meminisse necesse est Virg. Rimus and ritis in the perfect future (future subjunctive) are common \ Videritis Stellas illic, ubi circulus axem Ovid. Dein cum millia multefecerimus Catull. Cum maris lonii transieritis aquas Ovid. RULE XXXVII O. in the increments of verbs is always long ; as amatote, Jacitote, itote. Hoc tamen amborum verbis estate rogati Ovid. 1 In regard to the quantity of the terminations rimus and ritis of the subjunctive, the antient grammarians were divided ; and it is not an easy matter to ascertain it. Diomedes, Probus and Ser- vius thought the future long : Vossius seemed to incline to the same opinion, though he owned that there were authorities for its being considered short. Diomedes and Agroetius thought the preterite short ; Probus, long. It is not always easy to distin- guish these two tenses, since, without materially altering the sense, they may be, in many instances, interconvertible. The perfect of the potential seems to be both past- perfect contingent and future- perfect contingent. The perfect future has also so great an affi- nity to the preterperfect potential that often a word may, consis- tently with the sense, be suppposed to belong to either. As these tenses are usually interpreted in English, there is a great resem- blance in their structure, as well as in the ideas which they ex- press. Both are composed of verbs in present time, the one a verb of present liberty or the like, the other of present intention or ob- ligation; of an infinitive denoting subsequent or depending pos- session ; and a participle significant of the perfection of the ac- tion denoted by the verb : thus, " I may have written," " I shall have written." We find by A. Gellius, 18, 2. that it was a sub- ject of dispute at Rome whether the tense in rim ought to be set down as past or future, or both. Such disputes may, perhaps, have arisen from the accessary circumstances which are implied, besides the immediate action of the verb ; in the same manner as, in English, two forms precisely the same in their structure and reference are characterized by certain grammarians under diffe- rent times, namely, " I may write," and " I shall write," the for- 374 RULE XXXVIII.- U. U in the increments of verbs is short ; as possumtis, w- y siimus, qiwesumus. Qui dare certa ferae, dare vulnera possumus hosti Ov. For the penultimate of unts, see Rule XIV. AN APPENDIX. Concerning the Quantity of the First and Middle Syllables of certain other Words. I. Patronymics masculine, in IDES, or ADES, generally have the penultimate short ; as Priamides, Atlantiades. Except those formed from nouns in eus ; as Pelldes ; also Befides, Lycurgldes, Amphiaraides, Japetiomdes, which lengthen it. Atque hie Priarmdem laniatum corpore toto Virg. Par sibi Pelldes : nee mania Tartara sentit Ovid. II. Patronymics, and those a-kin to them, in AIS, EIS, ITIS, ois, OTIS, INE and ONE, generally lengthen the pen- ultimate; as Achdis, Ptolemais, Ckryseis 9 Jx/n&i 9 Memphi- tis, Oceamtis, Miriois, Latdis, Icariotis, Nildtis, Nerme, Acrisione. But Thebais and Phocais shorten the penulti- mate. Nereis is common. mer being named, from the accessary idea, a present, and the lat- ter, from the depending action, a future ; while, in reality, if w< apply the same criterion to them, they are either both present o both future*. Indeed, it has been contended that the future had the termination rim as well as ro ; so that it is reckoned not im- probable that both may originally have been but one tense, which had both a past and a future reference. In addition to the au- thorities for reckoning rimus and ritis common, there is likewise reason to consider ris of the future at least, as common ; and this is an argument, founded on the analogy observed in other tenses between the quantity of the final syllable of the second person singular, and the penultimate of the first and second persons plu- ral increasing a syllable, for considering the following rimus and ritis also common. Ris, rimus and ritis of the preterite are commonly accounted short ; but it is exceedingly probable, that, whether referred to the preterite, or perfect future, they still might be used as common. a The principle of arrangement, here briefly intimated several years ago, the present writer afterwards adopted, and partially explained, in his arrangement of what are termed the English tenses. See an English Grammar (published m 1813), Preface; pp. 82, 3, 4, &c, ; 210, 11, &c. ; 219, &c. In a small tract, i 375 Protinus ^Egiiies, rapta Minoide, Dian Ovid. Thebaides jussis sua tempora frondibus ornant Ovid. III. Adjectives in ACUS, icus, IDUS, and IMUS, generally have the penultimate short ; as JEgyptiacus, dtemoniacus ; academicus, aromaticus; calUdus, perftdus, lepidus ; Jinifimus, legitimus ; also superlatives, pulcherrtmus, fortissimus, opti- mus, maximus, &c. Except meracus, opacus ; am'zcus, apricus, pudlcus, mendicus, posflcus ; fidus, infidus / bimus, trimus, quadrimus, patrimus, matrimus, opmus ; and the two super- latives, Imus, and primus. appended to Ruddiman's Rudiments, (first published, I believe, in 1820,) Dr. John Hunter, the learned and justly respected Professor of Humanity in the University of St. Andrew's, has made the same principle the basis of a new arrangement and explication of the Latin and Greek moods and tenses. The leading principles upon which he proceeds are, 1st, " By separating the time " from the other circumstances involved in those forms of the Latin verb, " called the tenses of the indicative and the subjunctive mood" [potential?] and, 2nd, By assuming that, as the auxiliary verbs in English employed to ren- der the tenses of the subjunctive mood, are all indicative, " it follows, that the " tenses of the Latin subjunctive, or potential, or optative, as in certain instances " it has been called, as well as the subjunctive and optative of the Greek verb, " which involve these auxiliaries, and are rendered into English by means of them, are also INDICATIVE." Conformably to these principles, Dr. H. thus classes the Latin tenses : Presents. Pasts corresponding. Indie. Pres. Scribo, Indie. Imperf. Scribebam, Perf. Scripsi, Plup. Scripseram. In the preceding arrangement, it appears that Dr. H., guided solely by the auxiliaries implied, and not regarding the simple energy of the tense, has omitted to dispose of the tense scripsi, "I wrote." As scribebam, "I was writing," corresponds as a past to scribo, "I am writing," as a present; so, it appears to me, does scripsi, " I wrote," correspond to scribo, " I write." Had we not seen this little tract most ostentatiously lauded, in a number of the New Edinburgh Review, (No. V.) which Jas just come under our notice, in an article evidently written by a zealous disciple and advocate, but, at the same time, an acute critic, as exhibiting something new and highly important, we should not have deemed it worth while to prefer any claim to a novelty, if it be such, which, as far as regards the learned languages, we never did think, and do not even now think, of much practical utility ; nor to assert, that, nei- ther to Dr. Hunter, whom we never had the pleasure of seeing or hearing, nor to any other person, have we been, in any way whatever, indebted for a single hint or suggestion on this important subject, had not the critic stated his having " seen so many of Dr. Hunter's peculiar doctrines plagiarised, and palmed upon the world as original discoveries, by those who had enjoyed the benefit of his prelections at St. Andrew's." As, however, neither Dr. H., nor the Reviewer, seems to have attempted an explanation of the principle, and although this may not be the proper place for it, we shall endeavour, by a few imperfect hints very hastily thrown together, in some degree to sup- ply the omission. That all propositions, whether certain or contingent, or whatever their forms may be, or whatever may be the grammatical designation of the words in which they are enunciated, are either sententially indicative, 376 Utque suum laqueis, quos callidus abdidit auceps Ov. Fidum .ZEneas afFatur Achaten Virg. IV. Adjectives in ALIS, and almost all in ANUS, ENUS, ARUS, ivus, ORUS, and osus, have their penultimate long; as conjugalis, dotalis ; montdnus^ urbunus ; terrenus ; aMurus, av'trus ; cestwus, fugitivus ; canorus, decants , arenosus, per- niciosus. But the penultimate of barbarus, opiparus and oviparus is short. or logically resolvable into simple assertion, has long been considered an esta- blished truth. Hence, in conformity with the nature of our ideas, only one mood, the Indicative, is absolutely necessary for the communication of thought. There is, in English, only this mood ; and yet, although it contains but two tenses, we possess suitable means of denoting, explicitly and distinctly, pos- session, power, obligation, volition, liberty, contingency, and every mode and circumstance of thought that are associated with action, in the various moods and tenses of the learned languages. With respect to tenses or times, it seems equally true, that, whatever may be their number or variety in these languages, there are, in the nature of things, as in English, but two, a past, and a present. In speaking of present time, we here wave altogether the metaphysical con- sideration of the nature of duration. Brief and fleeting as the present moment is, consisting of a portion of time just passed, and a portion just come or coming, there is an assumed period of time, deemed present, whether it be termed the present moment, hour, or day ; and all past time was once what we term present. Verbs, we conceive, have their essence in motion or rest ; and these two must exist in time. Now, only three sorts of time can be con- ceived, past, present, and future. Of these, the first has had an existence ; the second is said to have an existence; but the third is a sort of non-entity ; it is purely ideal, an object of mental contemplation. No action, therefore, can have existed, or can exist, in it. A past action has been before us ; it has been present ; we know, therefore, that it has had an existence ; and we have a right to record it, as having existed, as being past. But an action, contemplated as future, has had no existence, and may never exist ; it is a mere contingency. Every action, therefore, or energy of the mind, must come into existence, in the time deemed relatively present. As far, then, as the accessary part of a verb is concerned, and it is with this part alone of a complex tense, that the subject of the verb comes into direct and immediate contact, no future tense ever existed, or, in the nature of things, could exist, in any language, antient or modern. The execution, or action implied in the radical part of the verb, if future, is so merely by inference ; because the action is, necessarily, poste- rior to the volition or obligation from whence it emanates ; but the volition or obligation must first exist in present time. The accessary idea is, as it were, the medium, or connecting word between the subject or nominative, and the radical part of the verb, whether this be regarded equivalent to a noun, a par- ticiple, or an infinitive. From these few hasty remarks, I think, we may fairly infer, 1st, That all moods are, in sense, essentially Indicative ; and, 2ndly, That, as far as regards the time of a simple tense, and, in complex tenses, as far as the accessary or leading idea is concerned, all tenses, in all languages, whether they be simple or complex, are, in sense and signification, Present or Past, Futurity, when implied or involved, being inferred, not specially ex- pressed. We shall only add, that tenses may also be arranged, as definite or indefinite, in respect of action or time. When a tense denotes the mere name or simple energy of the verb, as write, plough, it is indefinite in action. When it denotes progression or perfection as indicated, respectively, by writing, ploughing, or by written, ploughed, it is definite. All tenses, we apprehend, are indefinite in point of time, specific portions of it requiring to be ascertained by the addition of appropriate terms. This subject is noticed, at considerable length, in the writer's Eng. Gram. pp. 65, 66, 83, 84, &c. 377 Adjecisset opes, animi irritamen avuri Ovid. Pictus acu tunicas, et barbara tegmina crurum Virg. V. Verbal adjectives in ILLS shorten the penultimate ; as agiUs, faciliS) fusiliS) ufilis, &c. But those adjectives which are derived from nouns are generally long ; as amlis, cimlis, herHis, &c. to which may be added emits, and subtilis ; also the names of months, Aprllis, Quinctilis, Sextilis. Except humilis, parilis, and siniilis, a word of uncertain origin, whose penultimates are short. But all adjectives in ATILIS, whether derived from verbs or nouns, have the penultimate short; as plicatiliS) versatilis, volatilis, fluviatilis, &c. Nee tibi deliciddfaciles, vulgataque tantum Ovid. At qui umbrata gerunt civlli tempora quercu Virg. Et cognoscenti siniilis fuit Ovid. VI. Adjectives in INUS, derived from living things, and de- noting possession; also numeral distributives, proper names, and gentile nouns, lengthen the penultimate; as Agmnus, ca- riinus, lepormus; JBlnus, trinus, qulnus; Albmus, Cratlmts, Jus- tinus ; AlexandriniiS) Latmus, Venuslnus, &c. To these may be added certain adjectives having a reference to animal ac- tions ; as adulterinus, festinus, gelaslnus, genulnus, libertmus, mediastlnuS) opinus, and inopltws, paupertlnus, peregrinus, su~ plnus. Also, adjectives of place ; as colllnus, marmus, vici- nus ; and those derived from nouns denoting time ; as matu- tlnus, vespertinus ; and lastly these few, not reducible to a class, Austrmus, Caurinus, cisterninus, clandestmus, repentl- nus. Sicaniam peregrma colo Ovid. Et matutini volucrum sub culmine cantus Virg. VII. Adjectives in INUS, derived from inanimate things, such as plants, trees, stones, and from other nouns generally denoting matter ; also from adverbs of time, or from substan- tives denoting the four seasons of the year, have their pen- ultimate short ; as Amaracmus, crocmus, hyacintlnnus ; ce- drinus, fagmus, oleagmus j adamantmus, amethysfinus, sma- ragdinus , corallmus, crystallmus, murrhinus ; Crastmus, diu- tinus, perendinuS) pristinus, serotinus ; Earinus, oparmus, cliimerinuS) thcnnus ; also annotmus, hornotmus. To which add bombycinuS) elephantinus, which seem to refer rather to the silk, and ivory, than to the animals themselves. Et lux cum primum terris se crastina reddet Virg. Mens tantum pristma mansit Ovid. VIII. Diminutives in OLUS, OLA, OLUM, and ULUS, ULA, ULUM, shorten the penultimate; as iirceolus, Jiliola, musceo- 378 lum ; Lectulus, ratiuncida^ corculmi, &c. Nouns in ETAS and ITAS ; as pietas, civitas. Ante fugam soboles, si quis mihi parvulus aula Virg. IX. Adverbs in TIM lengthen the penultimate ; as oppi- datim, dietim, virltim, tributim. Except qffatim and per- petim ; also statim, which has however been lengthened by poets living in an age of degenerate Latinity. Et velut absentem certdtim Actaeona clamant Ovid. Stulta est fides celare quod prodas statim (Iamb.) X. Latin denominatives in ACEUS, ANEUS, ARIUS, ATICUS, ORIUS ; also verbals in ABILIS; and words in ATILIS, what- ever their derivation may be, lengthen their antepenultimate; as cretaceus, testaceus; momentaneus,subitaneus ; cibarius, her- bdrius ; aquaticus, fanaticus ,- censorius, mcssorius ; amabilis, revocabilis ; (except stabilis, from statum, of sisto ; ) pluvia- tilis, plicatiliS) &c. Aiunt, cum sibi sint congesta cibaria, sicut Hor. Calcavere pedis, nee solvit aquaticus Auster Ovid. Sic erat instabilis tellus, innabilis unda Ovid. XI. Adjectives in icius, derived from nouns, shorten the i of the antepenultimate ; as gentiticius, patricius> tribumcius. Except novicius or ruw/tius. But those which come from su- pines, or participles, lengthen the i of the antepenultimate ; as advecftciuS) commendatlcius, suppositions^ &c. Patmcios omnes opibus cum provocet unus Juv. Jam sedet in ripa, tetrumque novicius horret Juv. Hermes supposiftcius sibi ipsi (Phal.) Mart. The quantity of the first and middle syllables of foreign or barbarous words introduced into the Latin language, cannot be determined, unless when they fall within the general rules. Those first and middle syllables which cannot be ascer- tained by the preceding rules, must be determined by the practice or authority of the poets. SPECIAL RULES FOR LAST OR FINAL SYLLABLES', AND FOR MONOS YLLABLES. OF THE VOWELS. One general quantity of a is not ascertained. E is, ge- nerally, i/, always, short. / is, generally, u, always, long. O is generally common. 379 RULES I. and II. A final. I. A final, in words declined by cases, is short; as musa, tcmpld, Tyded, lampada. Musa refert : Dedimus summam certaminis uni Ovid. Templa petebamus Parnassia. Ovid. Hectoris hie magni fuerat comes : Hector a circum Virg. Quo teneam vultus mutantem Protea l nodo Hor. Exceptions. 1. The ablative singular of the first declension is long; as Me musa, hoc JEnea. 2. The vocative singular from Greek nouns in as, is long; as O JEnea, O Palld, from JEneas, Pallas. But Greek vo- catives in a from nominatives in tes (changed to ta, in some parts of the Doric dialect) are short ; as Orestd, JEeta, from Orestes, JEetes. Prospiciens, summa placidum caput extulit unda Virg. Quid miserum, JEnea, laceras? Jam parce sepulto Virg. Fecerunt furiae, tristis Orestd, tuae Ovid. II. A final, in words not declined by cases, that is, in verbs and particles, is long; as ama,frustra, prater ea, posted, post- ilia, ergd, infra, a. Et pete quod fas est; et ama, quod fceraina debes Ovid. Interea magno misceri murmure pontum Virg. Extra fortunam est, quidquid donatur amicis Mart. Exceptions. 1 . The particles ltd, quid, ejd, and putd put adverbially, shorten a ; and after the same manner Sidonius shortens hallelujd. 2. The prepositions contra and ultra, and numerals in ginta are sometimes found short; but approved authors lengthen the a 3 . 1 In the following line the accusative Orjjkea may be consi- dered either a dactyl or spondee ; Orpheaque in medio posuit, syl- vasque sequentes Virg. But in the following, it is evidently a spondee; Non tantum Rhodope miratur, etlsmarus Orphea Virg. 2 Antea is found long in Horace and Catullus. Contra is long in Virgil ; short in Ausonius and Manilius. Postilla is long in Ennius and Catullus. Postea is long in Plautus ; short in the be- ginning of a line in Ovid; but in this last, Vossius says it should be read post ca ; or, perhaps it may be used there as a dissyllable formed by Synaeresis, t\\\*& postea. Posteaqnam is also used by Vic- torinus in the beginning of a line. An able critic in the Class. Journ. Vol. XV, p. 347, (Mr. Carson, we believe, the learned 360 Turn sic affatur regem, atque itd turbidus infit Virg. Trigintd capitum foetus enixa jacebit Virg. RULE III. E final. Words ending in e are generally short ; as nate, cubile, patre, curre, nempv, ante. I?2cipe, parve puer, risu cognoscere matrem Virg. Ante mare et tellus, et, quod tegit omnia, coelum Ovid. Exceptions. 1. All words in e>, of the first and fifth declension, are long; as Calliope, Ancliise^ fide ; also fame, originally of Rector of the High School, Edinb.) seems to contend, and it would appear successfully, that the pronouns used long in com- position, in such words as antea, postea, posteaquam, postilla, in- terea, &c. are not, as is generally supposed, accusatives, which would require a short quantity, but, like hac in antehac and post- hac, ablatives singular feminine, the prepositions being employed absolutely, and the pronouns referring elliptically to some cir- cumstance implied ante andpos, for instance, in antea andpostea, having the same kind of relation to the unspecified time probably .represented by ea, as, when associated with horis, mensibus, annis, multo, paulo, &c , they bear to the time thus specified; and that, therefore, the a of ea and ilia, in such compounds, is long, like that of ablatives of the first declension. In the line from Ovid, post ea is evidently the proper reading, as marking, without any immediate reference to time, merely the succession of events. Poste.aquam, in the line quoted by Smetius from Victorious, Posteaquam rursus speculatrix arva patere, was probably intended for a trisyllable, the ea being sounded as one syllable, by Synae- resis, like aured in Virgil, 7En. i. 698. Puta,?or videlicet, is found short in Persius in the line, Hoc puta non justum est, &c. ; but some re&dputo Ultra is long in Horace, Juvenal, Persius and others, and there is hardly a respectable authority for considering it short. Juxta, which is long in Virgil and others, is once short in Catullus. But a better reading has juncta. The termination sinta is found short in some of the old poets, and in those of a later date, as Ausonius, Manilius and others; but those who flou- rished during the purity of the language always made it long. In Greek, however, the termination whence it is derived is short. Quid is long in a line of Phaedrus: Ego primam tollo, nominor quiz leo. But some would read quid nominor leo. 1 Achille is found short in Propertius, by Apocope, for Achilleu: Quique tuas proavus fregit Achille domos. But in this line amended, Achille becomes an Ablative. The Doric vocatives, ' as Ulyssu and Achille, are long. 381 the fifth. Thus also, re+ die, and their compounds quare, hodie, pridie, postridie, quotidie. Hanc tua Penelope lento tibi mittit, Ulysse Ovid. Objicit : illefame rabida tria guttura pandens Virg. Et quamquam saevit pariter rabiequefameque Ovid. Nunc eadem, labente die, convivia quserit Virg. 2. All nouns wanting the singular ; as cete, mele, Tempe, pelage, being Greek contractions. Silva : vocant Tempe. Ovid. At pelage, multa, et late substrata videmus Lucret. 3. The second person singular of imperatives of the se- cond conjugation ; as doce, mane. But cave, vale, vide, re- sponde and salve 1 , have e common. Vade, vale, cave ne titubes, mandataque frangas Hor. Idque, quod ignoti faciunt, vale dicere saltern Ovid. Responde, quibus amissas reparare queam res Hor. Quid sis nata vide, nisi te quoque decipis ipsam Ovid. Si quando veniet ? dicet ; responde, poeta Mart. Auriculas? Vide, sis, ne majorum tibi forte Pers. Lector salve. Taces, dissimulasque ? Vale Martial. 4. Monosyllables are long ; as e, me, te, se, ne, (lest or not). Except the enclitics que, ne, ve, and the syllabic ad- jections pte, ce, te ; as suapte, hujusce, tute. Vera, inquit ; neque me Argolica de gente negabo Virg. Me miserum ! ne prona cadas, indignave laedi Ovid. Nostrapti culpa facimus Ter. Hinc omnis pendet Lucilius. Hosce secutus Hor. 5. Adverbs in e, coming from nouns of the second de- clension, are long; as placide, pulchre, valde (or valide], &c. : also all adverbs of the superlative degree; as doctissi- me, maxime, minime. But bene, male, superne, inferm, magt, the same as magis, and impune (two words whose immediate derivation is not clearly ascertained), have their last syllable short ; also the adverbs here, and Hercule. Pr mine dc grege natus habendus Met. 1. 660. In the last t/r is long, merely by its position. 391 Exceptions. 1. Greek nouns, and such as have en's in the genitive, with the penultimate long, are long ; as crater, stater, ver, Ser, Rccimcr, -eris ; also Ibcr, which has Ibcris as well as Ibcri ; and acr and atlier, which have the penultimate of their genitive short. CdtiUer, a compound of Ibcr, is common. Vcr erat asternum, placidique tepentibus auris Ovid. Si tibi durus Iber> aut si tibi terga dedisset Lucan. Aer a tergo quasi provehat atque propellat Lucret. Dacit ad auriferas quod me Salo fe^tr -oras Mart. Nunc Ccltiber es : Celtiberia in terra Catull. Legit Eois Ser arbor ib us Seneca. 2. These monosyllables are long, far, Mr 1 , Ndr, cur, fur, and par 1 with its compounds, compdr, dispdr, impdr. Par aetas, par forma fuit ; primasque magistris Ovid. Ludere par impdr, equitare in arundine longa Hor. Exagitant et Lar, et turba Diania fures Ovid. Cur, inquit, diversus abis ? hue dirige gressum Virg. RULE XV. AS final. Words ending in as are long ; as mas, vas, pictds, Pallas (PaUantis), Thomas, mcnsas, legds, amds, fords. Quid meus JEneas in te committere tantum ? Virg. Has autem terras, Italique hanc littoris orarn Virg. Et pete quodjas est, et ama, quod focmina debes Ovid. Coiicilias : tu das epulis accumbere divum Virg. Hinc Pallas instat et urget Virg. Exceptions. 1. Greek nouns whose genitive ends in ad is or ados are short ; as Pallas, Areas, lampas, Ilicis, -cidis. To which add the Latin noun, anas, and Latin nouns in as, formed after the manner of Greek patronymics ; as Appias. Pallas Erichthonium, prolem sine matre creatam Ovid. 1 It has been disputed whether par and Lar ought to be con- sidered long, since their increase is short, and since ar of the no- minative is short in other nouns which increase short, and even in those which increase long. Par and its compounds arc certainly generally found long, and although this may arise from diastole, it does not appear safb to change the quantity usually assigned them. Par, impar, and dispar are found long in Horace. The latter two are, however, short in Prudentius. Yet notwithstand- ing this authority, and that also of Martianus Capclla and Avic- nus, added to the argument founded on analogy, it is safer, as already observed, to consider the last syllable of these words a:> loner. 392 Et pictis anas enotata, pennis Petron. Appias expressis aera pulsat aquis Ovid. 2. Also the accusative plural of the third declension of Greek nouns ; as crater as, Cyclopas, heroas, Troas, hero'idas, Hectoras. Jupiter ad veteres supplex hero'idas ibat Ovid. Existunt montes, et sparsas Cycladas augent Ovid. RULE XVI. ES final. Words ending in es are long; as Alcides, Circes, Pene- lopes, quies, hccres, locuples, sermones, res, ames, doces, leges, esses, decies, posses, amavisses- the nominatives and vocatives plural of Greek nouns originally written with e<; contracted from ss; ; as hereses, crises, phrases ; the antient genitive of the fifth declension, as rabies. An, quae per totam res est notissima Lesbon Ovid. Si modo des illis cultus, similesque paratus Ovid. Quodcumque est, rabies unde illoec germina turgent Lucret. Exceptions, 1. The nominatives and vocatives plural of Greek nouns increasing (not in eo$) short in the singular, are short ; as Amazones, Arcades, Delphines, Naiades, gri/phes, Phrygcs 1 . To which may be added Greek vocatives singular in es coming from nominatives in es not formed from eus of the Doric dialect, and having their genitive in eos', as Demo- sthenes, Socrates. Pamphagus, et Dorceus, et Oribasus ; Arcades omnes Ovid. Troades ; et patrioe fumantia tecta reliquunt Ovid. 2. Es from sum is short 2 , and in the compounds; as ades, , prodts, poles, &c.; and in the preposition perns. Quisquis es, hoc poteras meciun considere saxo Ovid. Cui deus, At conjux quoniam mea noi\ potcs esse Ovid. 1 These nouns, when they assume, in the accusative plural, the Latin termination es, instead of as, have it long, according to the quantity of Latin syllables. 2 Vossius, following Servius, asserts that cs ofedo, being a con- traction ot'edis, is long ; but he cites no authorities. The es of sum, and the es of edo, notwithstanding the latter's government of a case, in such examples, as Est Jlamma medullas Virg. bona Plaut. olivas Hor. animum Hor. are, without doubt, one and the same word, and consequently both short. Amiens, too, is used by Lucretius, V. 397, in the sense of ambcdcns. 393 Quern penes arbitrium est, et jus, etnorma loquendi Hor. 3. Greek neuters in es , as cacoethes, kippomanes. Scribendi cacoethes, et aegro in corde senescit Juven. 4. Latin nouns of the third declension in es, whose ge- nitives have a short increment; as hebes, ales, pedes, limes, obtes. But es is long in these following; Ceres, paries 1 , aries 1 , abies 1 , pes\ and compounds; as bipes, alipes, tripes, sonipes, to which some add pr&pes, a derivative of pr&peto. Myrmidoiium, Dolopumve, aut duri milts Ulyssei Virg. jjEtherea quos lapsa plaga Jovis ales aperto Virg. Hie farta premitur angulo Ceres omni Mart. PCS etiam et camuris hirtae sub cornibus aures Virg. Stat sonipes et frsena ferox spumantia mandit Virg. RULE XVII. 75 final. Words ending in is are short; as turns, Jovis, militis ; as- 2ncls, creditis ; magis, cis, bis ; is and qiiis, nominatives. Sangws hebet, frigentque effcetae in corpore vires Virg. Tu in Ins ad occasum, bis se convertit ad ortuin Ovid. Sed qitis Olympo Virg. Exceptions. 1. All plural cases in is are long: aspennls, nobis, vobis ; omnls and urbls, for omnes and urbes ; qu~is, and queis, for qnibus. Sed pater omnipotens speluncls abdidit atris Virg. Atque utinam ex vobis unus, vestrique fuissem Virg. Quis ante or a patrum Trojse sub moenibus aids Virg. 1 Wherever paries, aries and abies are found long, there hap- pens to be a caesura ; and perhaps Ceres and pes are long by dia- stole ; so that it is not very improbable, on the principle of analogy, that all of them may belong to the general Exceptions. Ausonius shortens bipes and tripes ; and Probus observes that alipes and so- nipes are likewise short. The contrary, however, appears in Vir- gil, Lucan, and Horace ; but it is to be observed, that some of the above-mentioned words could not be introduced into heroic verse, without the influence of a figure to lengthen their final syllable. Prtepes is short in Virgil; it comes not from pes y but from TfpfjTfsrr^) prcevolans. Acer, anhelanti similis; quern prcepes ab Ida. Tigres, ascribed to Ovid, is rejected by the best critics. Ac- cording to Greek analogy, some would read tigris ; Quis scit, an hxc sarvas insula tigris habet ? Ep. 10, 86, the Greek is in such cases being short. This line has been written thus ; Quis scit, an haec ssevas tigridas insula habet Ed. Burman. 391 2. The nominative in is is long', when the genitive ends in Iljs 9 Inis 9 or cntis, with the penultimate long; as Us, $#/- , Salamzs, Simdis. Grammatici certant, et adhuc sub judice Us est Hor. Samnis in ludo ac rudibus cuivis satis asper Lucil. 3. Is is long in the adverbs gratis andyprls 1 ; in the noun glis ; and in vis, as a noun and verb. Igne'a convexi vls 9 et sine pondere cocli Ovid. Si vis esse aliquis. Probitas laudatur et alget Juv. 4. All second persons singular in is are long ; when the second persons plural have Itis with the penultimate long ; as els, audls, abls,fls, possis, sis. Is, velis, noils, &c. Nescis, hen ! nescis dominae fastidia Romae Mart. Qua3 tibi causa viae : cur sis, Arethusa, sacer fons Ovid. His of the perfect is commonly considered short ; 775 of the future is by some considered short also, and by others, with more reason, common ; but the same observations as were made on the quantity of rimus and ritis are applicable to ris 9 and probably to the last syllable of ausis and jtofe likewise. From the usual import of the two tenses, and from analogy, it 'may be inferred that they were all common. Dixens egregie notum si callida verbmn Hor. Quas gentes Italum, aut quas non or aver is urbes Virg. Quemcumque miserum videris hominem scias Seneca. Si thure placarls et horna Hor. Da mihi te placidum ; dederls in carmine vires Ovid. Miscuerls elixa, simul conchylia turdis Hor. . But the objection of caesura may be brought against the last two examples, and against most of the others which I have seen. Still, however, when it is considered that the ri 1 It is not improbable that gratis andforis may be ablatives: and, consequently, they arc long by Exception 1. The former is long in Martial, the latter in Horace, with caesura ; but if that be considered as an objection, it is one which, rigidly insisted on, would destroy the authority of many of the examples to be found in works on Prosody, for establishing the quantity of final syl- lables. Phaedrus, however, furnishes an example ; Gratis anhe- lans, multa agendo nil agens. In making the preceding remark, however, we do not mean to intimate, that, if the short quantity of a syllable is properly established, and it is found long only in caesura or position, its quantity is common ; it is, in this case, de- cidedly short. But such is sometimes the structure of a word, that it may be impossible, at least in Hexameter verse, whence, for obvious reasons, authorities are usually adduced, to exem- plify ^acknowledged long quantity of the syllabic, without the coincidence of caesura. 395 in rinuis and ritis is found long, we are authorized to con- clude, from the analogy between the two numbers in regard to quantity, that ris is long or common in its own nature, and not by caesura 1 . RULE XVIII. 05 final. Words ending in os are long ; asjlds, nepos, honos, heros, Minds, viros, bonds, nos, vos, os (0m), Tros. Flos apprima tenax Virg. Vos agitate fugam Virg. Os homini sublime dedit, coclumque tueri Ovid. Tros, ait, Arabisve Virg. Culpetne, probetne Ovid. 2 the pronouncing the words] of a verse, so as to give, as much as possible, its due quantity, in real time, to every syllable. In as much as to this mode of reading we can add an attention to ac- cent, emphasis, cadences and pauses, whether metrical or senten- tial, in so much, doubtless, will the pronunciation be the more correct, graceful, and harmonious. How the antients pronounced the vowels, whether as we do, or, which is more probable, as they are pronounced on the Continent, it is now difficult to de- termine. One thing, however, is certain, that they did not give a long sound to a short vowel, nor a short sound to a long vowel. In whatever way we sound the vowels, we ought to attend to their quantity. I shall only add, that a syllable long by nature was sounded more fully, being a reduplication of the same vowel, as diicere, maalus, an apple-tree, poopulus, a poplar-tree. Whereas the syllable long by position, had no other length than its being sustained by the two following consonants, as dixi. It is proba- ble also that a syllable short by nature preserved more of its na- tural quantity than a syllable sliort by position only. Such words as volucris have the accent, in prose, on the antepenulti- mate, but, in verse, we should place it on the antepenultimate when the penultimate is considered as short, and upon the pen- ultimate when it is regarded as long ; thus, Et primo similis volucri, mox vera volucris Ovid. 1 This is, unquestionably, true when the penultimate is long, as siderisque. But it admits some doubt, when the penultimate ends with a short vowel, as in sideraque. Should we not, there- fore read Pronaque cum spectent animalia caetera terrain Ovid. With respect to the accentuation of words introduced from other languages, there seems to be scarcely any general rule, or uniform practice. 2 It does not happen, however, that que and ne, at the end oi words, are always to be considered as enclitics ; and when they are not, the words are accented according to the general rules , as utique, denique, undique, &c. ; likewise such words, used inter- rogatively, as niccine, siccine, &c. Priscian says that in calefacio, calcfacis, and calefacit, the accent is on the same syllable on which it falls in the simple verb, namely the second a, although in the two last it be the penultimate, and also short. And in the same manner, calefio, calefis, calefit, as in the simple verb. Accord- ing to Donatus, siquando had the accent sometimes on the ante- penultimate ; according to Serous, exinde likewise; and, to Gel- 403 The accentual marks are seldom used but for distinction's sake. Thus the adverbs aliqub^ continub, paldm, docte, una y and the like, are marked with a grave accent. Ablatives of the first declension ; genitives of the fourth ; nostrum and vestnfan from nos and vos ; ergo used for causa, are written with a circumflex on the last syllable ; and sometimes those words which have suffered syncope or synaeresis are cir- cumflected ; as poetd, fructus, a^ndsse^Jlesti^ dis. The cir- cumflex is put over the nominative nostrds^ instead of which, nostratis was formerly used ; likewise over genitives in zY, when one i is cut off by apocope ; as Pompilt regnum, Tar- quini fasces Hor. instead of Pompilii, Tarqidnii. The three preceding rules are, I believe, those usually given for the position of the Latin accents. Whether the word accent, as employed in them, was originally intended to be received in the sense of tone, or of emphasis or ictus, it may, perhaps, be con- sidered difficult to determine ; but, notwithstanding the previous definitions of the accents, as consisting in elevation and depres- sion of voice, I have little doubt, that these rules refer, solely or chiefly, to the situation of the ictus or syllabic emphasis. One thing clearly appears, from an inspection of the 2nd and 3d rule, the only rules, indeed, by which the pronunciation seems to be particularly affected, that our usual ictus or syllabic force, if not identical with the accent there intended, at least uniformly coin- cides with it on the same syllable ; as in Roma, homo, insons, em- phatic on the first syllable ; Romanus, imperator, parentes, ama- verunt, emphatic on the penultimate ; dominus, Virgilius, on the antepenultimate. It is almost needless to add, what is so well known, that the enclitics naturally incline our syllabic emphasis to the syllable immediately preceding them ; as amat, amatque. With respect to the nature of Accent, and indeed, generally, in all discussions regarding the nature and mutual relations of the accidents or properties essential to a note of speech, much diver- lius, exadversum and ajfatim. To these are added enimvero, dun- xaty and some others which may be seen in Priscian, Lipsius, or Vossius. Vossius observes, that although the accent may be on the antepenultimate in perinde and deinde, we are not to con- clude that it may be so in deinceps, and the like, where the last is long ; for that no word can be accented on the antepenulti- mate, when the two last syllables are long. The penultimate of vocatives in ius is accented, although it be short ; as Ovtdi, Vir- gili, Mercuri ; the reason of which is, that these words formerly had e after the z, which although they have dropped, they retain the accent on the same syllable as before. To these might be added a few others, as mulieris, which, according to Priscian, has the accent on the penultimate though short. 2D2 404 sity of opinion is known to prevail. The subject, it must be con- fessed, is intricate, and involved in considerable difficulty. If, therefore, in the following humble attempt to elucidate some dis- puted points, and correct some prevailing misconceptions, it should be found, which he fears is not unlikely, that the writer himself has inadvertently lapsed into obscurity or error, he will have some claim on the reader's indulgence. Most of the errors, and contradictions, that so frequently oc- eur in discussions relative both to ancient and modern prosody, 1 have reason to believe, may be traced chiefly to the following sources : 1st. An imperfect knowledge, and a consequent confusion, of the three distinct properties essential to a note of speech, namely : 1. Quantity, time, or dimension, comprehending the relative proportions denominated long and short , open and close. 2. Qua- lity, force, or emphasis, comprehending the properties denoted by the terms loud and soft, forte and piano, strong and feeble, em- phatic and remiss, or un emphatic, thetic, and in arsis ; the essence, we know, of rhythm, in all modern tongues. And, indeed, as the organs of speech cannot be supposed to vary, and, conse- quently, the process of verbal utterance, in all ages, must have been uniformly the same in kind or manner, we entertain not the smallest doubt, that the same prominent, unavoidable, and alter- nately or periodically obtrusive properties, constituted also the essence of rhythm in all the antient languages. 3. Tone, tune, or accent, comprehending ilie pitch, and the rising or the Jailing inflections, of words and syllables, termed the high and the low notes, the acute and the grave accents ; an accident in which chiefly consists the melody of speech. A note of speech, then, must be of some time ; and, whether it be long or short, it must be either emphatic or remiss; and, whether long or short, em- phatic or remiss, it must have some musical pitch, and be either an acute accent or a grave accent, that is, a rising inflexion or a falling inflexion, or a combination of the two; variations, however, which, in speech, do not commonly succeed each other, as is ge- nerally the case in music, per saltum, or at intervals, but in con- stant and almost imperceptible slides or undulations. Every vocal and articulate sound, therefore, possesses these three accidents. According, however, to the different genius of different languages, any one of the three may so far predominate, in the usual mode of speech, over the others, as to seem, from its prominence, the principal, if not the only, accident ; and, in a faulty or unna- tural pronunciation of a language, any one of the accidents may occasionally acquire undue preponderance. But we are not hence to infer that any one of them is utterly extinguished. Quan- tity, it is probable, may have obtained, at some period, most at- tention in the pronunciation of the antient languages, as quality now has in that of the modern tongues. Hence it may be, that the poetry of the former is regulated chiefly by a certain regard to 405 long syllables and short ; and that of the latter by a similar re- gard to emphatic syllables and unemphatic. 2d. The want of a distinct and specific notation for each of the, three accidents. 3d. The circumstance, that length of quantity, emphasis, and the rising inflexion, are found to coincide most frequently on the same note; a coincidence for which it would not be difficult to assign a satisfactory reason. 4th. The utter impossibility of recovering an accurate know- ledge of the accentual, or even of the cmphatical, pronunciation of a dead language 5 or, indeed, of fixing, by rule, the tones or accentuation of any language. 5th. The notion that quantity, emphasis, and tone, necessa- rily interfere with and influence each other ; but yet that it is possible to read ivcll by quantity, without any observance of em- phasis or of tone ; or to read well according to emphasis, with- out any regard to tone or to quantity ; in other words, that it is possible to read the ancient languages well, neglecting, or sink- ing altogether, one or two of the accidents. 6th. The want of a special, appropriate, and univocal proso- dical nomenclature. Hence, 1. The misapplication, at least among the moderns, of the term accent, to designate syllabic em- phasis ; a circumstance which has contributed to the almost uni- versal confusion of the two distinct qualities properly denomi- nated by these two different terms. 2. The common use of the term high, to designate the property of loud, and vice versa. 3. The general acceptation of the word /ow>, as a correlative term both to loud and high. 4. The prevailing error in the grammars ot^ modern tongues, and in the writings of modern authors, of terming an emphatical syllable, a long quantity, and anunempjia- tical syllable a short quantity. 6. The two fold application to such words as voice, vox ; syllabic, syllaba ; of such verbs as lower, depono, demitto, dcprimo ; raise, elevo, acuo, attollo ; in re- ference either to the vocal slides or inflexions, or to the distinc- tions merely of softness or loudness sometimes in reference to quantity; see also Lily's 2d and 3d special rule. 6. The va- rious interpretations and acceptations of the ancient terms arsis and thesis, some authors referring them respectively to acuteness and to gravity of note ; some, in like manner, to loudness and softness ; and others, in both respects, just reversing the refe- rences ; some uniformly assigning the first part of a foot, with- out considering whether it be the beginning or the middle of a bar, to the arsis, and the last to the thesis ; and others, with si- milar incaution, uniformly placing the thesis first, and the ar.ns last ; opposites, if considered as general rules, without doubt, equally incorrect. 7. The undefined nature of the terms ictus and percussio, some referring both to the accident of ton^ or ac- cent, others to that of quality or emphasis ; some considering them as denoting identical, and others dissimilar effects ; and 406 some contending that the former denotes only a part of what is denominated by the latter, but without furnishing a clear ex- planation of the precise nature either of the part or the whole. Reasoning from the principles and practice of ourown tongue, we should not deem it unlikely, that the ictus may have been gene- rally intended to designate the usual emphatic or thetic influ- ence, falling alternately or periodically on one or more of the syllables of every hypermonosyllable ; and that the percussio may have distinguished the preeminently emphatic or thetic syllable of the longer polysyllables, or perhaps of compound or polysyl- labic feet. 8. The various uses of the word ccesura, which is sometimes used to denote the cutting or separation of a word, the syllable separated, and the pause of separation ; and is ap- plied, too, to whole verses and to single feet, Its synonym tome, also, is used for the separation of a verse, and seems to be some- times applied to the first part of the verse separated, or to any equivalent combination of syllables. 9. The different accepta- tions of the word cadence, which is used to denote the fall of the voice, with regard either to tone or to force, and the rhythm, flow, or general harmony of an expression. 10. The unquali- fied application of the names belonging to the ancient feet, re- gulated by quantity, to the modern feet, regulated by quality ; a circumstance which has led some to suppose that both ancient and modern poetry are directed precisely by the same principles. 1 1 .The various imports ascribed to such terms as Ju^eXsia, lypufyuu'a, melo- dy, harmony, modulation, &c. 12. The various senses in which the term tone is employed. It denotes sometimes the mere sound or voice itself, a note of speech or song, the musical gradations of a series of sounds, and sometimes the peculiar intonation of a pro- vince or country. 13. The lax sense of the ancient term rkythmus. (1.) It was sometimes spoken of as synonymous with foot ; thus Dionysius, of Halicarnassus, says, ro 5'auro xaXo; tro'^a Ka.1 puQfjwv (De Struct. Orat. sect. 17.) And Aristidcs, pvQp.o$ rolvuv Iri t Kpovwv Kcurd TWO. fdfyv (rwyxEifAsvwv. (De Musica, 1. i. p. 31 . ) Rhythm is a system of times put together in a certain order. (2.) Again : not the same order, but the same quantity, of times, was denoted ; for example, the dactyl and the anapa?st are in the same rhythm, because they each consist of the same times. So, Quintilian, Rhythmi, id est, numeri, spatio temporum constant. (De Inst. Orat. 1. ix. c. 4. p. 479.) The truth probably is, that, as insulated feet or separate metres, a trochee and an iambus, and a dactyl and an anapa?st, must be considered respectively as the reverse of each other ; but that in succession, the trochaic and the iambic rhythm, and the dactylic and the anapaestic, are respectively considered the same. (3.) The word rhythmus sometimes denotes the measure, or a number, of movements, agreeably united, of which the ear is to be the judge. So, Cice- ro, Quicquid est enim quod sub aurium mensumm aliquam cadet, ctiamsi abest a versu, numerus vocattir, qui Grace pvop "" 5 107 (Dc Orat.} Here the word seems to refer to the concintiitas, or general harmony of period, which results, not so much from any minute attention to a certain succession of feet or syllables, as from the choice, order, proportions, and arrangement of its constituent words, clauses, and members. Nothing is more per- plexing, or a greater source of error and of captious dispute, than the vague, indefinite, or equivocal use of technical terms. Were writers more careful in defining, and in using such words, there would be fewer disputed points, and these would much sooner, if not more satisfactorily, arrive at their natural conclu- sion. We feel no hesitation to declare our belief, that the com- lete practice of ancient prosody is irrecoverably lost ; nor, we o assert, will its mere theory ever be intelligibly discussed by modern critics, till the real meaning and import of its technical terms shall have been precisely ascertained. I shall now proceed, without restricting myself to any parti- cular order, to exhibit, with occasional remarks and illustrations, some of the misconceptions on the subject both of ancient and modern Prosody. That learned critic, Isaac Vossius, affirms (in his work De Poc- inatum cantu et viribus Rhythmi) t that we have no rhythm at all in our poetry ; that we mind nothing but to have a certain num- ber of syllables in a verse, of whatever nature, and in whatever order ; that there is nothing but confusion of quantities in the mo- dern odes ; that the moderns have no regard to the natural quan- tity of syllables ; and have introduced an unnatural and barbarous variety of long and of short notes, without any regard to the sub- ject and sense of the verse, or the natural pronunciation. Nothing can be more untrue than the substance of these remarks. That the accident of quantity is not much regarded in English poetry, nor in that of other living languages, is a fact which no one con- versant with the subject will be inclined to question. For a mo- dern verse is regulated neither by the mere measure, nor by any particular order, of times. But doubtless the same care that the ancients devoted to the regular arrangement of their longs and shorts, the moderns devote to that of their emphatics and unem- phatics ; in the due and natural observance of which consists the essence or rhythm of their poetical compositions. Rhythm, then, the English language does possess, similar in its nature, we will venture to assert, to that of the ancients, the essence of both con- sisting, not in the mere drawl of quantity, nor in the fluctuating and fugitive tones of syllables, but in the prominent, natural, and regularly varied distinction of syllabic emphasis and remission. Trissino, a famous Italian poet, justly observes "that, as the an- cient feet were determined by the quantity of the syllables, so in his language they are determined by the accent," (i. e. syllabic emphasis.) "This (adds Pemberton, in Observ. on Poet.) is equally true in our tongue ; and for this reason, that, whereas the ancient accent is represented to be only a variation in the tone, 408 and had no relation to the quantity of the syllable, ours is coiv stantly attended with an emphasis which implies greater length in the syllable." Here there appear to be at least two blunders, the confusion of accent and emphasis, and the assertion that syllabic emphasis implies greater length of syllable, which is not always the fact. But in some points regarding this subject, Dr. Arthur Browne seems to have erred even more than his fallible predeces- sors. He observes (7th vol. of Irish Transact.) that "the mo- dern Greeks make accents the cause of quantity ; they make the syllable long on which the acute falls ; and they allow the acute accent to change the real quantity. They always read poetry, as well as prose, by accent." That either the acute accent, or the syllabic emphasis, (two things, however, widely different,) may fall most frequently on a long syllable, is not at all unlikely ; but that, in any language, either accent or emphasis can be " the cause of quantity," is a most unnatural supposition, one which will obtain credit from no person that has any clear conception, of the distinct natural properties belonging to a note of speech. No such relation subsists between them. The truth however is ? that Mr. Marsh, the learned translator of Michaelis, asserts the contrary ; he states that he heard a Greek priest distinctly mark, in his pronunciation, both accent and quantity. But he appears to say nothing respecting the syllabic emphasis, which is much to. be regretted ; for, since so prominent an affection could not be overlooked, a suspicion may remain, that, while he imagined he was remarking the accent, his attention was arrested merely by the more commanding quality of syllabic emphasis. It is indeed tea true, that, from the circumstance of our syllabic emphasis being commonly termed accent, even our most intelligent writers, on the subject seem to forget, or not to know, that there really does exist such a quality as accent or tone, altogether different from that of emphasis falsely termed accent. Still, however, his assertion would prove the correct observance of syllabic emphasis and quantity. Indeed I am inclined to think that Dr. Browne himself, when he wrote, did not understand the difference between accent and emphasis. When he employs " accent" or the " acute accent," he appears to mean syllabic emphasis. " They always (he says) read poetry, as well as prose, by accent," And were they ever read correctly, otherwise ? He probably then meant to say, that, in their poetry, syllabic emphasis has the same predominance that it possesses in our own, and in that of other modern tongues. " In the English language (adds Dr. Browne) accent and quantity always agree." Nothing can be more untrue, whether, by the term agree, he refers to their identity, or to their coincidence on the same note or syllable; or whether by accent he means tone or merely syllabic emphasis. An acute syllable, an emphatic syllable, and a long syllable, are widely different one from another ; nor do the qualities always coincide on the same syllable. The first syllables of tyrant, private, and of tyranny, privy, arc both emphatic ; and ^ 409 yet the first syllable of each of the former two is long or open, while that of the latter two is short or close. Their tones too are probably dissimilar. There is little doubt that both Primatt and Browne, in their conceptions, that the rhythm of verse consists in a due regard to accent, have mistaken one property of speech for another, or, at least, have improperly employed one term for an- other. With respect, however, to the nature of modern verse, and the accidents of a note of speech, the French grammarians seem to have carried their absurdities to the greatest extent. The French language is said to have no accent, meaning, I suppose, syllabic emphasis. Their philologists prescribe as a universal rule, that, "pour bien parler Francois, il ne faut point avoir ^'accent;'" zmd they contradistinguish our language from theirs by calling the English " une langue cadencee." Moreover, it would seem that their poetry is independent on accent, emphasis, or quan- tity ; for as to a verse, " il ne consiste quen certain nombre de syllabes." Such remarks, and such definitions, are altogether incorrect. The French certainly ought to be the best judges of their own language ; but, if I can trust to my ear, I think that they do, and, ir to my judgment, that they must, have some degrees of syllabic emphasis and remission. That in their lan- guage there is more of lenity (if I may so use the word), or of relative weakness, than in others ; and that in their polysyllables they have not, as in English, one emphatic syllable regularly ren- dered pre-eminent, are circumstances which I do not mean tQ question. But, were any Frenchman to attempt to point out in- telligibly the difference between the English word impossible, and the French impossible, the result, I imagine, would be, that almost the same eminence which the English assign to their syllable poss, the Frenchman will give to the second i of the French word. That the French language then possesses syllabic emphasis, and that the regularity and harmony of their verses consist in the alterna- tion of emphasis and remission, are facts that appear to me abun- dantly evident. The following lines, for example, from Racine, are in the even cadence, being iambic hexameters, with the even sylr lables generally thetic or emphatic : Celui qui met un frein a la fureur des flots, Sait aussi des medians arreter ies complots. In the following lines the cadence is evidently anapaestic: II faut nous s'entre-aider, c'est la loi de nature. Ce monarque, protecteur d'un monarque, comme lui. On precisely the same principle are the verses of other modern languages constructed : thus, in the Spanish, the following is an iambic pentameter, hypercatalectic, the emphasis being on the even syllables : Pastores que dormis en la majada. Thus also the Italian ; as in the following couplet, which likewise has in each line a hyperrhythmical syllable : 1-10 Che viver piu felice e piu beato, Che ritrovarsi in scrvitu d'amore ! And here it is worthy of observation, that on the first syllable of ritrovarsi and of servitii is placed, as happens in English words, the inferior emphasis, the primary being on the third syllable. It is needless to exemplify the principle by reference to the English language. It is surprising then that Mr. Mitford, the learned and elegant historian, should observe (Harmony of Language) that " he often gave his attention, at the Paris theatre, to the decla- mation of the best actors, with the particular purpose of gathering the nature of French verse j but that he ever remained ignorant what it is that, under French rules, can make a French verse, with the requisite number of syllables, a more or less harmonious verse." The general inferiority of their emphasis is probably one reason why, to mark clearly the boundary of the line, their verses are generally concluded with very full rhymes. If in the preceding French rule real accent or tone were meant, then we must ob- serve thai the French have accent and variety of accent, that every vocal or articulate sound proceeding from a Frenchman's mouth has some musical pitch, and is a note either of speech or song. The French language therefore is not, as writers have stated it to be, an exception to the principle that to every language be- long accent, quality, and quantity. The late Bishop Horsley, in his elaborate and valuable treatise " On the Prosodies of the Greek and Latin Languages," seems to have confounded real accent or tone with syllabic emphasis, or our modern accent. " It appears (ho says) that the acute, which is a sharp stroke of the voice upon some one syllable of the word, is in truth the only positire tone. The grave consists merely in a negation of that acuteness." "The natural tendency of the acute (he adds), contrary to the prejudice of the English ear, is to shorten the syllable upon which it falls," while, on the other hand, Primatt asserts that it makes a short syllable be- come a long one. And, although he observes, with approbation, that " the Halicarnassian says that the circumflex was a mixture of the acute and the grave," yet he doubts whether " circum- flexion be a different thing from acuteness," and considers the circumflex accent " as a compound mark of accent and quan- tity." What he means by " a sharp stroke," he does not seem to have clearly explained. It is pretty evident, however, that he means nothing essentially different from what is termed ictus, or syllabic emphasis. Now, it is almost needless to observe, that an acute accent is in reality a rising inflexion, and has no necessary connexion with any stroke of the voice, since it may affect either an emphatic or an unemphatic syllable. Besides, the definition of circumflexion, which he appears to approve, is not very consistent with his ex- planation of the two simple accents, which, as far as tone is con- cerned, would form a combination of something ami nothing, of I'll a positive quality and its mere negation. While professing to re- gulate accent or tone, which we suspect never was, and never could be, completely subjected to rules, the learned author, doubt- less, was unconsciously laying down rules merely for syllabic em- phasis. There are few subjects connected with language, on which wri- ters have been more divided in opinion, than on the nature of an- cient rhythm, and the manner in which antient poetry ought to be pronounced. In contrasting the Latin position of his sharp stroke, as in ifpoo-stpy, with the Greek, as in ^poo-tyy, in the follow- ing line, Toy ' drta.u,ioiLvos Tfpoy with its true length of sound. " True, (observes a Monthly Reviewer, vol.xxv. 256,) but he will also ieel himself compelled to lengthen the sound of Trpo$-, and, indeed, we believe it impossible to pronounce two consecutive short syllables with the same brevity." Either way, I see little danger to quantity. By the former mode, the word, in regard to emphasis and quan- tity, will pretty much resemble the English word prostitute or sub- stitute, the noun attributes, enterprise, runaway; by the latter, such English words, as the verb attributes. For my own part, in reading this line, I should feel no hesitation to lay i\\c-ictus or em- phasis on the last syllable of the word, as I would on our English word entertain. I consider a dactyl or a spondee as a metrical cadence or complete rhythmical pulsation, including thesis and arsis, equivalent to a musical bar, and constituting an aliquot part of the verse, the first syllable of each being thetic or emphatic, and the remainder of the foot being in arsis or remiss. Feet may be regarded, so far perhaps as melepy is concerned, as a poet's words; and, therefore, in reciting a hexameter verse, I would uni- formly lay the emphasis on the first syllable of a dactyl and spon- dee. The last syllable however of the dactyl, though in arsis, will, of necessity, not be equally weak with the middle syllable. And in such a mode of recitation, unless too great a pause be made between the feet, there will be no danger whatever, either by metrical connexions or separations, of destroying the intelli- gibility of the words. In reciting the following English line, Ah ! | come not, | write not, | think not j once of | me, the two monosyllables have the precise effect of a dissyllabic ; and yet no hearer, possessing a competent knowledge of the lan- guage, would misunderstand either the words or their meaning. Our longer words too are perfectly intelligible, even although, by receiving two distinct emphases, they may seem, in a deliberate recitation, to be broken into two distinct words. It is chiefly by a sort of staccaf" utterance, by making an unnecessary long pause 412 after each foot, and by erroneously laying our syllabic emphasis on its last syllable, that in reading ancient hexameter, as it is termed, by quantity, we seem to scan, rather than to read, de- stroying the integrity of the words, and, as far at least as empha- sis is concerned, to convert dactyls into anapaests, and spondees into iambuses. Let the dactyl be pronounced, in regard to time and force, somewhat like our English word curious or warily, and the spon- dee like timepiece or 'warlike ; and, I apprehend, neither will quan- tity be much falsified, nor will emphasis be essentially injured. In this way, two out of the three accidents of speech will be tolerably preserved. But then it may be asked, what becomes of real ac- cent or tone ? The complete practice, I answer, if not, also, even the theory, of the Greek and Roman accentuation, is irretriev- ably lost. But, if a line be read in the way which we have ven- tured to recommend, not with the monotonous drawl of a child learning to read, but with our natural and unaffected pronuncia- tion, and a due regard to sense and pause, it will be found to pos- sess, at least, all the melody or accentual music of English speech, (which cannot be different in kind from that of Greece or Rome,) arising from variety of pitch and inflexion, every syllable, whether long or short, emphatic or unemphatic, having been uttered in some accent, or combination of accent, commensurate with the time of the syllable, the acute or rising inflexion coinciding mos frequently with the long and emphatic quantity. By a regular adjustment of the syllabic emphasis, tha Jypfyua will be regarded ; in the natural accompaniment of tones, the ^V^EXSKX, will not be. altogether lost ; and, by a due observance of the relative time of each note or syllable, the perfection of both will be most essen- tially promoted. But Dr. Horsley's object was certainly a rational one, viz. n< to supersede quantity, nor to annihilate accent or emphasis, but to preserve both ; to prescribe rules for accent (syllabic empha- sis), so as to render it " not destructive of quantity, but subser- vient to it." And yet, doubtless, even ten general rules could not be necessary to ascertain the proper position of the syllabic em- phasis in hexameter verse, or in any other species of verse, an- tient or modern ; and ten times the number would be insufficient to fix the accentuation of any language. Although, however, his rules in regard to the changes which he " conceives the tones of connected words to have undergone," may not be deemed un- objectionable, no one will deny that many of this eminently learn- ed prelate's remarks are well entitled to the notice of every els sical scholar. While grammarians, whether antient or modern, are laying down rules for Jixing the accentuation, it is probable that they mean by accent, nothing but syllabic emphasis. Accen- tuation, in any language, never was, nor could be, fixed ; for the accents must always have been liable to variation, according to the position of the words, whether in question or in answer, in 413 suspended, or in a final sense ; since tone consists in the natural modulation of the voice, which accompanies the verbal expression of our sentiments and emotions. Dr. Horsley's treatise was attacked with some ability, and not a little flippancy, in the postscript to a work entitled Matron ariston, ascribed to Dr. Warner, and most extravagantly and unwarrantably panegyrized by the Monthly Reviewers and other critics. The object of this publication is to support the princi- ples of Adolphus Mekerchus, who, in his commentary De veteri et rectd pronuntiatione linguae Grcecce, was a strenuous advocate for reading every syllable, according merely to its quantity. A strange project truly ! There can, in truth, be no rational ob- jection to reading by quantity ; but we deny the possibility of reading by quantity alone. As emphasis cannot be neglected, why should it not be put under some sort of regulation ? But we further remark, that, while Dr. Warner conceives that he is read- ing by quantity alone, it is quite evident that he is really reading chiefly with attention to a particular position of the syllabic em- phasis, since he assimilates his favourite mode of pronouncing Greek and Latin verses, with " the modulation observed in the English, with which his examples are associated in similar mea- sure ;" ex. gr. Ades, Fortu With glit Lenes When lads Pater supreme, Thy head with glo | ry beamy ! na no mutat ter and | with names que sub | noctem to meet j their lass genus, what fuss ! susurri, es hurry. Now, what is this bwt reading chiefly according to syllabic em- phasis, the predominating accident in the composition of our own poetry ? But we are far from objecting to this mode; our objection lies chiefly against the inapposite terms in which the doctrine is couched, one accident of speech being evidently mis- taken for another, and against the pompous manner in which it is introduced as communicating " a new pleasure." Dr. Warner, however, does not stand alone in this misconception. Almost every modern advocate for ancient quantity, of whom we have any knowledge, seems to regard a long quantity as precisely identical with an emphatical syllable ; and to imagine that, while he is recommending, in reality, nothing else but a particular ad- justment of the emphasis, he is strenuously supporting the cause of much-injured quantity. It is certainly 'true, however, that, in all languages, strength and extension of sound, and perhaps, we may add, acuteness too, more naturally, and, therefore, more fre- quently, coincide on the same note or syllable : hence, probably, the almost universal confusion of the really distinct properties of emphasis (quality), quantity, and tone. It would seem, that the particular state of organic tension, necessary for the production of the emphatic impulse, is peculiarly adapted, not only for pro- 414 traction of sound, but perhaps also for elevation of note. Even Mekerchus himself, in allusion to what he terms reading by quan- tity, observes, Si hoc modo pronuntiaris, servatd syllabarum quan- titate, etiam ut versus non digeras in pedes, quis tamen apcriv et SECHJ non audiatj et suavissimd horum versuum gravitate non capiatur f Now, although a proper attention to quantity may be the moi likely mode of ensuring the proper rhythm, as indicated by ars and thesis, and vice versd; we do maintain, that reading by mei quantity, were it practicable, would not of itself produce tho$ varieties indicated by arsis and thesis, in as much as the essenc of rhythm does not, and cannot, consist in an observance of mere quantity. We do not, however, mean to deny that time is necessary to rhythm, but to assert that the essence of rhythm does not con- sist in time. That arsis and thesis may be observed in the pro- posed mode of reading, is likely enough; but then it will found, that, in the recitation of Mekerchus, Dr. Warner, am " the learned ecclesiastic," with whose pronunciation the lattei was so fascinated, their long syllables are fully as much charac- terized by emphasis, as by extension of sound. Emphasis, not quantity, we conceive to be the true pulse of speech. Time itself, in a mere continuation of longs and shorts, cannot, we apprehend, be the time-measurer or time-beater. Syllables of equal length can, of themselves, impress no charac- ter of cadence. Without the variety produced by some other accident than quantity, whence could arise the rhythm of a drawl- ing succession of monochronous syllables, whether termed spon- dees or pyrrhics ? The most exact pronunciation, indeed, of longs, and shorts, in any possible order, would, otherwise, be nothing but mere nerveless and exanimate syllabification, Cicero observes, " Numerus in continuations nullus est; distin< tio, et aequaliurn et saepe variorum intervallorum percussio, nume- rum conficit." It is by the alternation of emphasis and remission, that intervals and proportions of time are duly discriminated and audibly indicated. The prominent variation of syllabic force and feebleness must have been generally known before tones could be analysed, or quantities were clearly ascertained, and must have been instinctively and irresistibly Jelt, as the vital principle both of speech and song. It is not conceivable that an accident of speech, which constitutes almost the sole regulating principle of modern versification, could have been overlooked, or should not have been deemed a consideration of the highest importance, in the composition and recitation of ancient poetry. Its existence needs not to be proved by authorities, since it is founded in the very nature of things, in the action and powers of the organs of speech. Without an intervening pause, it is physically impossi- ble to pronounce two consecutive syllables, whether long or short, with the same strong syllabic emphasis ; there must be i re-action of the primary organ of syllabic impulse, either during 415 a pause, or on a remiss note or two, for speech is effected, not by continuous, but reiterated action : and, in the utterance of even two consecutive weak syllables, it will be found, that there is not the same degree of weakness; hence the alternate or periodical nature of emphasis and remission, which we conceive to be the essence and governing principle of rhythm, and believe to hare been visibly indicated by the action of thesis and arsis. It is upon this principle, that every English word of two syllables, has ?ie- cessarily an emphatic impulse upon one of them. The longer words may have two or three impulses, their syllabic position be- ing generally determined by the seat of the primary or pre-eminent emphasis. In this manner 4 are English and other modern lan- guages enunciated. Thus also are Greek and Latin now pro- nounced. And in a similar manner must they always have been pronounced, unless, indeed, the Greeks and Romans had theiror- gans of speech differently constructed, or differently gifted, from those of modern times. We entertain not even the smallest doubt, for example, that the pronunciation, so far at least as concerns emphasis, of the ditrochee, comprobavit, a cadence or close, with which, we are told, by Cicero and Quintilian, that the Asiatics were wonderfully delighted, was precisely similar to that of our word approbation) a cadence, perhaps, equally agreeable to mo- dern ears: that, in point of emphasis, (the present part of the question does not regard quantity,) it consisted, like the latter, of a weak and a strong modern trochee ; or, to speak more cor- rectly, that, as, in the English word, the inferior emphasis was laid on the first syllable com, and the stronger on a, the penulti- mate. In regard both to emphasis and quantity, it is certain, that each word furnishes a fine flowing cadence. True then it doubtless is, in one respect at least, although often questioned, that rhythmus est metro potentior. There is nothing in the na- ture ot things, to determine whether the two syllables of a dissyl- lable shall be both long, both short, or one of each kind. Far otherwise with respect to emphasis. And hence it probably is, that in the composition of verse, to the almost utter neglect of passive quantity, rhythm, or the unavoidable pulsation of alter- nate emphasis and remission, still survives, and may be said to reign supreme lord of the ascendant. We again repeat it, Is it rational to suppose that such a connate principle in human ut- terance could have been overlooked by the antients ? Presuming that it could not be overlooked, we would ask, In what terms have they characterized its effects on speech, if these are not to be regarded as the essence of the antient rhythm ? We are well aware of the discrepancies observable among the ancient writers, and among the modern too, on the nature of the ancient rhythm. We presume, however, to think, that the au- thority of Aristides, who was not only a grammarian, but a mu- sician, is entitled to the highest credit. He writes, (Meibomius, vol. 2, p. 49,) TOY (Jt^sv pvfyw Y apysi xou SEOTEI rr t v 8aj, xa) %u>fn$ (ToXXaf^ OVK civ Msrpw. 'O h'Pufyto; ylvsfcn KM ev o-UAAa?a"$, ymtcu # 417 jf KO.} ya.p iv xpdrw. Longin. Fragm. Metre differs from rhythm ; for syllables are the material or metre, and without syl- lable there can beoo metre: but rhythm may exist either in syl- lables, or without them, for strokes (as in beating a drum) are sufficient to produce rhythm us. I am not ignorant either of the artificial polysyllabic feet men- tioned as existing in ancient prosody, or of the alleged intricacy of the ancient rhythmus. It is, however, stated as the opinion of Austin, that a foot ought not to exceed four syllables. Dio- nysius (de Struct. Orat. sect. xvii. ad fin.) says, that it should not be less than two, nor more than three. Cicero (Orat. 218,) says, '' Paeon, quod plures habeat syllabas quam tres, numerus a qui- busdam, non pes habetur." And Quintilian seems to be of the same opinion : " Quicquid enim supra tres syllabas, id ex plunbus est pedibus." (Inst. 1 . 9.) But, be this as it may, the natural foot or step must have consisted of, and been measured by, one arsis and one thesis. There could not have been, we apprehend, more than two, or, at most, three syllables in arsis. And when, ac- cording to the particular quantities which it measured, the hand or the foot had performed the appropriate motions, the natural foot must have been complete; with a renewal of these motions, another foot or rhythmus must have commenced. With respect to rhythm, I must confess, that I know of but two kinds, existing in nature, usually, I believe, termed common time, and triple time ; and these, I apprehend, must always have been the same, whether in speech or in song. Much, however, as we would contend for the importance and influence of emphasis in the recitation of ancient verse, we can- not coincide in the literal interpretation of those words in the Scholiast, which have been so often commented on, namely, *O pufyuof, w$ /SouAsrcu, sAxe; rou; xpovovg. IloAAax^ y&v xa< TOY iBpoi^vv "Ypww totst paKpov. The meaning has been supposed to be this, that, when a short syllable occurred, where a long one was required, the rhythmus would require a following inane or rest ; so that, although the syllable would not in reality be length- ened, the proper time of the line would thus be completed. To the preceding strange dogma, Marius Victorinus has added, that " rhythm will often make a long time short." We know that, in reading English verse, we are sometimes compelled, if we yield to the drift of the rhythm, to give an emphatic utterance to a syl- lable not naturally emphatic, and to pass remissly over syllables naturally entitled to syllabic force. All, then, we suspect, in- tended to be intimated in the preceding words is, that the posi- tion of the syllabic emphasis commonly observed in prose, was not always regarded in poetry, or that the rhythm gives an em- phatic utterance to a short, a doubtful, or an unemphatic syllable, or to a natural short quantity in position, if in the verse it should happen to occupy an emphatic situation. Emphasis, though often mistaken for length of quantity, with which it most frequently 2 E 418 coincide*, is not quantity ; nor can it, strictly speaking, impart that which it neither is, nor essentially possesses. But we do not mean absolutely to deny, that, in compositions in which there ex- isted variety of feet, occasional modifications of quantity, without,* however, altering its specific character, and occasional pauses, might have been necessary to make the metre keep a due pace with the rhythm. An instance of the application of the preceding principle, it is probable, we have in Virgil's pecudes, pictaeque volucres. Georg. iii, 243. JEn. iv, 525. in which the middle syllable of volucres, commonly unemphatic, and naturally short, though it may be deemed long by position, becomes emphatic, by being put into the place of thesis. On this line, Quintilian observes, "Evenit ut metri quoque conditio mutet accentum, nam volucres, media acuta legam ; quia, etsi brevis na- tura, tamen positione longa cst, ne faciat lambum, quern non re- cipit versus heroicus." Whether, by accentus, Quintilian really refers to accent, properly so termed, or tone, or to our accent or syllabic emphasis, I shall not, notwithstanding the " media acuta" in the context, attempt to determine. It is indeed not unlikely, that the accentuation of the middle syllable may vary, with the change of the syllabic emphasis, and the decision of the quantity. I agree, however, with Mr. Steele, in thinking, that the liberty which was taken by Virgil in this place, was not, strictly, what the words of Quintilian might imply ; but was, precisely, the put- ting the syllable lu in thesis, whereas it, naturally, should have been in arsis ; or, in other words, Virgil put it into a place where it must be pronounced emphatically, though by its nature it was unemphatic. Such liberties, as the preceding one, we may add, occur most frequently towards the end of a line ; and this cir- cumstance may perhaps have arisen from the idea, that, in such a position, the syllable is the less likely to evade the dycoyy /Suflpxifc fcpttWMrft or drift of the rhythmical emphasis. Similar pecu- liarities, observable in other antient poets, may, probably be ac- counted for on the like principle. In the versification of Ho- mer, a vowel, naturally short, sometimes occurs as the first syl- lable of a foot, whether at the beginning of a verse, or in the middle of a word, the syllable, which is thetic, being rendered sufficiently prominent, under the drift of the rhythm, for the gene- ral harmony of the verse, by the ictus metricus or syllabic em- phasis, 1 * This long Note, which may perhaps be deemed a very unimportant one, hastily transcribed aad chiefly from memoranda, which had been lying by me for several years, was sent, at once, to the M.mth. Mag. for insertion, and be- gan to appear in the year 1814. There is an evident coincidence between the concluding sentence of it, and an opinion, previously published, of Professor Dunbar's, in elucidation of the versification of Homer ; with this difference, however, that those syllables which the learned Professor considers to be in arsis, I have considered as in thesis, tbe emphatic syllable being, in my opinion, 419 OF THE FIGURES OF PROSODY. The syllables of words in verse are affected in eight dif- ferent ways : By Caesura ; by Synaloepha, and Ecthlipsis ; Synaeresis, and Diaeresis ; by Systole, and Diastole ! ; and by Synapheia ; which are commonly called the Figures of Prosody. OF CAESURA. When, after finishing a foot, there remains one syllable of the word, this circumstance is called ctesura ; a term which is also sometimes applied to the syllable itself thui cut off, and which forms the first part of the following foot, There are commonly reckoned four species of caesura ; the tfiemimeriSy penthemimeris, hephthemimeris> and ennemi- merls; or, according to the Latin, the semiternaria, semi- yuinaria, semiseptenaria, and seminovenaria ; so named 1 By some, caesura is not enumerated among the figures ; sy- stole and diastole are referred to poetic license ; and ecthlipsis and synaloepha are included under the general term of elision.* The term ccesura is sometimes applied to that separation, or short pause, which, under the influence of the rhythmical movement, naturally occurs, in reading a verse ; dividing the line, as it were, into two members. As in English, and other modern poetry, its place in the line seems to be determined, rather by the dig. position of the syllabic emphasis of the words, in connexion some- times with the sense, than by the mere feet or quantity. In Heroic poetry, it occurs chiefly after the penthemimeris ; as Tityre, tu patulne [ recubans sub tegmine fagi Virg. Sometimes after the two first syllables of the third foot. Effigiem statuere | nefas quae triste piaret Virg. and in other positions. The rhythmical caesura, at the end of the second foot, does not seem to contribute to the harmony of the line, especially when followed by a spondee. Conjugium vocat | hoc proetexit nomine culpam Virg. This intermediate or rhythmical pause will be further noticed in the Observations on Hexameter Verse. It occurs in the mid- dle of Pentameter. and that, while he conceives the syllable to lie lengthened by 1 ascribe to the ictus no such power, merely conceiving that, by being placed in thesis, a short or doubtful syllable may, thus, be rendered sufficiently strong and prominent for the intended rhythm. Previously, however, to the publi- cation of Mr. Dunbar's valuable " Inquiry into the Versification of Homer," which, I believe, first appeared, anonymously, in the Class. Journ. for June, 1 8 1 4, the present writer's opinions respecting these subjects had been intimated, with sufficient clearness, particularly under the Articles on Syllabic and Bmpkasis, Cadence, &c. in an English Grammar, printed in the year 18 12. 2 K 2 420 from the places in which they are found in scanning a verse, which the antients frequently did by half-feet. 1. The Triemimeris is, when, after the first foot, or two half-feet, there remains a syllable terminating a word, or a third half-foot. 2. The Penthemimeris is, when, after two feet, or four half-feet, there remains a terminating syllable, or Jifth half- foot. 3. The Hephthemimeris is, when, after three feet, or six half-feet, a syllable remains, which is the seventh half-foot. 4-. The Ennemimeris 1 is, when, after four feet, or eight half-feet, a syllable remains, which is the ninth half-foot. The first three caesuras are in the following line, Silves-trem \ tenu-i \ Mu-sam \ meditaris avena Virg. All are in the following, Ille la-tus j nive-um \ mol-li \ful-tus \ hyacintho\iYg. The preceding may be named syllabic caesuras, or pauses. To these may be added the trochaic caesura, as it has been named by some grammarians, and by Mr. Pickbourn ; and ' the monosyllabic pause, which is also noticed by Mr. Pick- bourn, and of which some mention is made in Versification, under the Great Alcaic. The trochaic caesura is formed either by a trochee remain- ing at the end of a word, after the completion of a foot, or by a word consisting of a trochee : thus, Cuncta prius ten-tata ; \ sed immedicabile vulnus Ovid. Infandurn, re-gm^, | jubes renovare dolorem Virg. Per connubia nostra-, \ per incceptos Hymenaeos Virg. A similar pause to that which is caused by the usual caesura of a syllable sometimes arises from a monosyllable; thus, De grege nunc \ tibi vir, \ nunc de \ grege natus haben- dus Ovid. The general effects of caesura are twofold : 1. They give smoothness, grace, and sweetness to a verse, since they connect the different words harmoniously together. 2. They often cause a syllable, naturally short, to be rec- koned long, especially after the first, second, or third foot; and this circumstance, perhaps, arises from the pause, or sus- pension of the voice, which then, usually, ensues. 1 To these some have added the Hendechemimeris > which is, when, after five feet, or ten half-feet, there remains a syllable, which is the eleventh half-foot ; as, Vertitur interea ccelum, et ruit ocea-no \ nox Virg. Parturiunt monies, nascetur ridicu-lus \ mus Hor. But such instances are very rare, and to be imitated with great dis- cretion. 421 After the first foot : as \ Pectori-bus \ in/nans, spirantia consulit exta Virg. After the second : as, Omnia vincit am-or , et nos cedamus amori Virg. After the third: N^S, Dona dehinc anro gi-avi-d 1, sectoque cleplianto Virg. After the fourth : as, Grains homoinfectos linquens profu-gus \ hymenceos Virg. Of all the metrical pauses 9 , the final one has been regarded as the most important; since it is said to possess the power of lengthening a final short syllable*, in every species of poetic composition. 1 The learner should remember that the first pause arising from caesura is in the second foot ; the second, or common pause, in the third; the third pause, in the fourth; and the fifth pause, in the last foot. He should also observe that, in using the caesural mark, I have sometimes placed it at the cutting off] that is, before the syl- lable cut off, but oftener, especially in speaking of the consequent pause, after the syllable cut off. Either way, the syllable cannot be mistaken, being the last of a word. 8 These are all merely pauses of suspension ; and, in reciting verses, do not require either elevation or depression, or any altera- tion in the tone of voice, unless they coincide with sentential pauses, (pauses in sense,) which are of a very different nature. Metrical pauses are carefully to be distinguished from sentential ones ; for not only the caesural, but even final pauses, frequently occur, where there is no stop in the sense ; even between the noun and its adjective, and the nominative case and its verb : as, Ignea convexi \ vis ct \ sine ponder e ccdi Emicuit. Here the noun vis is separated from its adjective ignea by a cse- sural pause, and from its verb emicuit by both a caesural (monosyl- labic) and a final pause. Pickbourns Dissert, on Metr. Pauses. 3 We do not iniagine, however, that any pause really changes the quantity ; but suppose that it only prolongs the time of reci- tation strictly belonging to the line, on the score of mere syllabic quantity. The pause, although it may extend the time of recita- tion, can have no effect on the syllable itself, for the general time is not liable to modification from any power, except, perhaps, that of rhythm. Now. the pause itself must obey the same power ; and, therefore, will probably be shorter at the end of a verse which ter- minates in a long syllable, than where the final syllable is a short one. We are aware, that eminent critics, and among them, the learned Dr. Clarke, entertain an opinion somewhat different, with respect to the effect of the pause. He asserts (II. i. 51 ) that " the last syllable of every verse is universally, not common, as gramma- rians pretend, but al ways, of necessity, long, proptcr pausam istam, 425 OF SYNALCEPHA. piia cuts off the final vowel or diphthong of a word, when the following word begins with a vowel or diphthong, as in the following lines, Terra antiqua, potens armis atque ubere glebes. Qiiidve moror, si omnes uno ordine habetis Achivos. Dardanidce infensi pcenas cum sanguine poscunt Virg. in which terra, clique, si, uno, ordine lose their last vowel, in scanning, and Dardanidce its diphthong, because the follow- ing words begin with vowels, (h being considered a mere aspiration,) and are thus scanned ; Ter* antiqua potens armis atqu y uberc glebce. Quidve moror, s' omnes un' ordin' habetis Achivos. Dardanid? infensi pcenas cum sanguine poscunt. Note 1. Synalcepha is sometimes omitted. (1) Regularly, as in the interjections o, heu, ah, proh, v parts of the metre ; but no pauses can, we apprehend, be reck- oned parts of the metre, except those which accompany short syllables, when they occupy the places of long ones, and which may, therefore, be considered as metrical. The caesural pause also, while it conduces to the better discrimination of the feet from the words, affords rest to the organs of speech, and pro- duces delay in the recitation. And even if the syllable itself be not lengthened, yet, standing at the beginning of the next foot, it will be rendered sufficiently prominent, by receiving, from the ictus or syllabic emphasis, such an energy of sound as will fully enable it to sustain the following syllables of its own foot. It may be remarked, particularly in a deliberate utterance, that, inde- pendently of any caesural pause, a very short intermission of voice necessarily precedes every strongly emphatic syllable ; and this pause, too, will count in the aggregate time of the line. 423 Posthabita coluisse Samo : hie illius arma. Stant etjuniperi, et castanece hirsute Virg. Tliis, which is called in Latin a hiatus, is not to be admitted without some reason into a verse. It sometimes, however, happens, if the preceding vowel is short, especially at the end of a sentence, where, in course, a pause takes place ; as in the following line, Et vera incessu patuit dea. Ille ubi matrem Virg. Note 2. Long vowels and diphthongs, when they are not cut off, become common. They are short in the following lines, InsuUe lonio in magno, quas dira Celaeno. Credimus ? an qiti amant, ipsi sibi somnia fingunt. Victor apud rapidum Simoenta sub Ilio alto Virg* They are long in the following, Ante tibi Eoae Atlantides abscondantur. Amphion Dircaeus in Actceo Aracyntho. Lamentis gemituque zkfcemineo ululatu Virg. Jactari quos cernis in lonio immense- Ovid. Sometimes an instance of their being long and short oc- curs in the same verse ; as, Ter sunt conafi imponere Pelio Ossam. Glauco et Panopei, et Inoo Melicertse Virg. OF ECTHLIPSIS. Ecthlipsis cuts off the final m and the preceding vowel, the following word beginning with a vowel : as, Leniter ex merito quicquid patiare ferendum est -Ovid, O curas hominum, o quantum est in rebus inane Pers. which are to be thus read, in scanning, Leniter ex merito quicquid patiareferend* est O curas homin' 6 quant' est in rebus inane- Note 1. The antients sometimes retained the m and the vowel, which they made short : as, Corporum officiuin est quoniam premere omnia deorsum Lucr. But the urn of officium is elided. Note 2. S was formerly elided, not only before a vowel, with tl?e loss of a syllable; but before a consonant also, with- out the loss of a syllable, as in Turn lateral? dolor, certissimtf nuncitf mortis Lucil. Nam, si de nihilo fierent, ex omnibrf rebus Lucret At fixus nostris, tu dab? supplicium CatulL Note 3. Under the influence of Synapheia, both synaloepha 424- and ecthlipsis are found in the last syllable of a verse, where the elision takes place through the vowel at the beginning of the following verse, provided no long pause intervenes at the end of the line, by which the voice is suspended : as, Sternitur infelix alieno vulnere, ccelumque Adspicit, et dulces moriens reminiscitur Argos Virg. Jamque iter emensi, turres ac tecta Latinomm Ardua cernebant juvenes, murosque subibant Virg. ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS ON SYNALO2PHA AND ECTHLIPSIS. 1. These figures fall more pleasantly before a long sylla- ble: as, Turn quoque nil fecit, nisi quodfacere ipse coegi Ovid. Postquam introgressi, et coram data copia fandi Virg. But the elision of a long syllable is harsh, when it is followed by a short one : as, Troja, nefas ! commune sepulchrum Europe ', Asi&que Catu'J. 2. The Synalcepha has a particular sweetness, if it falls on the same vowel as begins the following word : as, Hie ego qui quondam gracili modulatus avena Virg. Ergo omnis longo solvit se Teucria luctu Virg. 3. Care must be taken that the sound arising from the use of these figures be not harsh and disagreeable ; as in Quis me uno vivit felicior, aut mage nostra Me Catull. Quod cum it a sit, nolim statuas me mente maligna Ca- tull. 4. Elisions should not be frequent, nor, without some par- ticular reason, should there be more than two in one verse, especially in an elegiac, which requires great smoothness. On the contrary, in a heroic verse, several synaloephse some- times occasion dignity and majesty ; and, as in the following line, a particular sweetness, Phyllida amo ante alias : nam me discedere flevit Virg. But in the following lines, horror is produced by elision, Momtrum horrenti-urn, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademp- tum Virg. Tela infer media, atque horrentes Marte Latinos Virg. 5. Nor should elision commonly happen at the beginning of a verse, as in Nam ut ferula csedas meritum majora subire Hor. But Virgil has made an elision at the beginning, not, how- ever, without a reason, or without beauty : as Si ad vitulam spectes, nihil est quod pocula laudes. 425 6. Elision is harsh at the beginning of the sixth foot of a heroic; as in Loripidem rectus derideat, JEthiopem albus^Juv, Nunquid de Dacis audisti ? nil equidem, ut tu Hor. 7. Also after the first hemistich of a pentameter ; as in Herculis, Antique, Hesperidumque comes Propert. 8. Elision is harsh in the last syllable of the fifth foot of a heroic verse ; as in Difficile est longum subito deponere amor em Catull. 9. Also in the last dactyl of a pentameter ; unless it is used with great discretion ; as in Quadrijugos cernes saepe resist ere equos Ovid. It is not, perhaps, easy to determine how the antients treated their elided syllables, whether, as in English, a slight, imperfect sound of them might have been distinguishable, or whether, as in the usual mode of scanning, they were wholly omitted. It has been already noticed that all long syllables are not equally long, nor all short syllables equally short. Mr. Pickbourn is inclined to think that the elided syllables were, in some degree, heard * ; and observes that if we suppose the quantity of a dactyl or spondee to be equal to sixteen, I think we may be allowed to conjecture that the length of each individual syllable might probably be not very different from that which is marked in the fol- lowing lines : *" 6 5^ 3_ 8 89 3 57 89349 ^ Notitiam primosque gradus vicinia fecit. 9:14 81 717 9 7 _8 93 4 97 Littora : .multum ille et terris jactatus et alto." OF SYNTHESIS. Synaeresis is the contraction of two syllables in the same word, into one syllable. There are two kinds of contraction, Synteresis, strictly so called, and Synecphonesis. Synseresis, properly so called, is when the two vowels re- maining become a diphthong ; as ae changed into <#, in Phaton instead of Phaeton ; e'i into ei 9 as in the genitives 1 In regard to m elided, Quinctilian's words are clear ; " Eadem litera, quoties ultima est, et vocalem verbi sequentis ita contin- git, ut in earn transire possit, etiara si scribitur, tamen parum ex- primitur" See Quinct. lib. ix. cap. 4. He says, " non eximi- tur, sed obscuratur." Indeed, according to the etymology of the word, Synalcepha conveys the idea of two syllables or vowels blended into one, rather than of the elision of one of them. 426 The&ei, Chphci^ Persei used as dissyllables, AckiUti, Oilei, as trisyllables. Thus also oi in proinde, as a dissyl- lable ; ei in reice formed by syncope from rejice ; id in huic 9 cuiy &c. used as monosyllables. Cum te flagranti dejectum fulmine Ph&ton Varro. Notus amor Phaedrae, nota est injuria TJiesei Ovid. Proinde ton a eloquio, solitum tibi - Virg. Tityre, pascentes a flumine reice capellas Virg. Filius huic contra, torquet qui sidera mundi Virg. In some names of Greek origin, as Tk^odotus, T/i?odo- sius, &c. synaeresis is sometimes accompanied with a change of one of the vowels, agreeably to the Doric dialect, as T/teu- dotus, Theudosius. Quam tulit a saevo TJieudotus hoste necem Ovid. Theudosii, pacem laturi gentibus, ibant Claudian. Synecphonesis (named also Episynalcepha and Synize- sis) is when one of two vowels in the same word is cut off, or absorbed in the pronunciation ; as in aured, Junto, used as dissyllables ; and quoad as a monosyllable. Aured percussum virga, versumque venenis Virg. Nos miranda quidem, sed nuper consule Junto Juv. Haeredes voluit ; quoad vixit, credidit ingens Hor. E and / are the chief letters elided by Synecphonesis. I. The letter E. (1.) Before a ; as mea, ea, considered as monosyllables by the comic writers ; antehac, eddem, as dis- syllables ; anteambulo, alvearia, as words of four syllables. Quod si forte fuisse antehac eadem omnia credis Lucr. Una eademque via sanguisque anim usque feruritur Virg. Sum comes ipse tuus, tumidique anteambulo regis Mart. Seu lento fuerint alvearia vimine texta Virg. (2) Before another e ; as in deest, a monosyllable, decro, deerit) prehendo, vehemens, dissyllables, mehercute 9 a trisyl- lable. Vilis amicorum est annona, bonis ubi quid deest Hor. Divitis uber agri, Troiaeve opulentia deerit Virg. Prendere quae possis oculorum lumine aperto Lucr. Vehemens et liquidus puroque simillimus amni Hor. Noli vereri ; at ille, facerem mehercule Phaedr. (3) Before i : as in dein, dekinc, monosyllables ; deinde^ deinceps, aureis, ferret, anteit, dissyllables ; and in anteire, anteirent, and anteactus, trisyllables. Dem clamore pari concurritur, et vice teli Juv. Deinde torus junxit, nunc ipsa pericula jungunt Ovid. Ferreique Eumenidum thalami, et discordia demeni Virg. 427 Te semper anteit dira necessilas (Alcaic) Hor. Ergo anteire metus, juvenemque exstinguere pergit Flacc. Qui candore nives anteirent, cursibus auras Virg. Nam si grata fuit tibi vita anteacta priorque Lucr. Note, however, that the e of de is not in all such cases subject to synasresis, or synecphonesis, for we find dehinc, delude, &c. and it is found with its original quantity in de- Jtortatur, and in deest, in two passages, one quoted from Ennius by A. Gellius, and in one from Statius. Annibal audaci curn pectore dehortatur 1 . Deest servitio plebes, hos ignis egentes. (4-) Before o ; as in meo, eo, used as monosyllables by the eornic writers ; eodem, eosdem, alveo, seorsum, deorsum, as dissyllables ; Euristheo, graveolens, as trisyllables. Uno eodemque igni, sic nostro Daphnis amore Virg. x, Eosdem habuit secum, quibus est elata, capillos Prop. Cum refluit campis, et jam se condidit alveo Virg. Nam per aquas quaecunque cadunt atque ae'ra deorsum Lucr. Et seorsum varies rerum sentire colores Lucr. Rege sub Euristheo, fatis Junonis iniquae Virg. Inde ubi venere ad fauces graveolentis Averni Virg. (5) Before U; as in meus, meum, eum, which are likewise considered by the comic writers, as monosyllables. II. The letter /. (1) Before ,- as in omnia, a dissyllable; vindemiator and semianimis, as words of four syllables. Bis patriag cecidere manus : quin protinus omnia Virg. Vindemiator, et invictus, cui saepe viator Hor. Caedit semianimis Rutulorum calcibus arva Virg. (2) Before e : as in vietus, a dissyllable ; and semiermis, a trisyllable. Quis sudor wetis, et quam malus undique membris Hor. Semiermemque manum sternendam objecerat hosti Sil. (3) Before another i- as in dii, dizs, it, Us, monosylla- bles ; itdem, iisdem^ dissyllables ; denariis, a trisyllable. Di meliora veliht, quanquam non ista precanda Ovid. jpreecipitatur aquis, et aquis nox surgit ab isdem Ovid. Dsnariis tamen hoc non emo, Basse, tribus Mart. Such genitives as consili and imperi occur in Horace. The forms consilii, servitii, auxilii, &c. are not found in Virgil, but frequently occur in Ovid. ( 4) Before o ; as in semihomo, fuvionim, considered as in a different reading, the c is elided. words of three syllables, and tenuiore, considered as a word of four. Semihominis Caci facies quam dira tenebat Virg. Fluviomm Rex Eridanus, camposque per omnes Virg. Ortus, et instantem cornu tenutore videbat Stat. In such words it is not improbable that i may have the same sound as y, in the English word yore ,- thus rtnu- yorc. (5) Before u ; as in totius, regarded as a dissyllable ; in promontorium, as a word of four syllables ; and, perhaps, in certain genitives plural ending in turn. Magnanimosque duces, totiusque ex ordine gentis Virg. Inde legit Capreas, promontoriumque Miner vae Ovid. Flos Veronemium depereunt juvenum Catul. A, o, u, are less frequently elided, or, in the language of grammarians, absorbed in the pronunciation. III. A is elided, in contraire ; as, Tigribus ? aut saevos Libyse contraire leones ? Stat. IV. O is sometimes found absorbed before another o ; as in cohonesto) used as a trisyllable ; and in cooperiunt, and cooluerint, used as words of four syllables, by Lucretius, ii. 1060, and vi. 490; but in Mr. Wakefield's edition of this poet, coaluerint is read instead of the latter word. Tandem coaluerint ea, quse, conjecta repente. V. U is sometimes elided before other vowels ; as in tua, sua, tuo, suo, dutf, considered as monosyllables by the comic writers ; in suapte, patrui, as dissyllables ; and duellica, as a trisyllable. In these the u seems to have a similar pro- nunciation to that of the u in suadeo, suetus, or of the w in the English dwell, or of the u in persuade. Et simili ratione animalia suapte vagari Lucr. Nocturnique canum gemitus et limina patrui- Stat Lanigerae pecudes, et equorum duellica proles. To Synecphonesis may likewise be referred the changing of the vowels i and u into the consonants^" and u, (which were then probably sounded somewhat like the English y in you, and w,) by which two syllables are contracted into one ; as in genva, tenvis, dissyllables ; arjetat, tenvia, abjete> pitvitaf trisyllables; and parjetibus, Nasidjenus, words of four syllables; instead of genua, tennis., arietat, tenuia, &c. Propterea quia corpus aquas naturaque tennis Lucr. Genva labant, gelido concrevit frigore sanguis Virg. Arjetat in portas et duros objice postes Virg. Velleraque ut foliis depectant tenvia Seres Virg. ^Edificant, sectaque intexunt dbjete costas Virg. 429 Praecipue sanus, nisi cum pitvita molesta est Hor. Parjetibusque premunt arctis, et quatuor addunt Virg. Ut Nasidjcni juvit te coena beati Hor. Note 1. Sometimes Synalcepha and Synecphonesis meet together : as in Uno eodemque tulit partu, paribusque revinxit Serpentum spiris Virg. Scan thus, Un* odemque tulit, &c. Note 2. In the following words, Huic, cut, Dii, Diis, iidem, iisdem, dein, deinde, proinde, deest, deeram, deessem, deero^ deesse, anteambulo, anteit, antehac, semihomo, semi- animis, and a few others, a contraction of the two sylla- bles is more common among the best poets, than a separa- tion. Synteresis and Synecphonesis differ from Crasis, in this, that they take place properly in poetry, the last, also in prose. OF DUERESIS. Diaresis (which is also called Dialysis] is the splitting of one syllable into two syllables. This is done in three different ways ; I. By the division of a diphthong into two syllables ; as aulai, aurai, instead of aulce^ aura ; Orpheiis, Perseus \ Troice, trisyllables ; Namdum, Harpy'ias, words of four syllables. Aulai in medio libabant pocula Bacchi Virg. Et finitur in Andromeda, quam Perseus armis Manil. Misit infestos Troice minis (Sapph.) Senec. j'Egle Naiadum pulcherrima, jamque videnti Virg. Circumsistentes reppulit Harpyias (Pentam.) Rutil. The Ionic dialect in Greek frequently resolving the di- phthong ei and >j into ijV, the Roman poets have sometimes availed themselves of that license in Greek words origin- ally written with a diphthong ; thus Annuit, atque dolis risit Cytherea repertis Virg. : Exigit indicii memorem Cythereid poenam Ovid. II. By resolving the consonants j and v into the vowels i and u~, as in silua, soliiit, for silv solvit ; subiecta, a word of four syllables, instead of subjecta. Aurarum et silucs metu (Glycon.) Hor. Quod zonam soliiit diu ligatam (Phaleuc.) Catull. Si qua ferventi subiecta Cancro est (Sapph.) Senec. 1 In this case, Perseus and Orpheus are considered as of the second declension ; but it is better to refer them, in poetry, to the third, according to which, Greek proper names in eus (gen, eos) have the eu a diphthong. 430 The first vowel of silva, whether it be supposed to be de- rived from the Greek, or from the Latin sileo, may be con- sidered as naturally short, but for the position ; and like- wise the first o of solvo and volvo and their compounds, as is visible in their participles solutus and volutus, in which the position is removed. This figure is very common in the compounds of solvo and volvo : as, Stamina non ulli dissoliienda Deo (Pen tarn.) Tib. Debuerant fusos evoliiisse suos (Pentam.) Ovid. Indeed it is not improbable, that in many lines, in which silv-, solv- 9 and volv-, are usually supposed to constitute the latter part of a spondee, the resolution of them into sttu, solu, and volu> as the two last syllables of a dactyl, may pro- duce an assonantia verborum more adapted to the nature of the subjects to be represented, as in the following lines ex- pressive of the waving of trees, the rolling of a stone, and the shivering of the limbs of ^neas. Et claro slluas cernes Aquilone moveri Virg. Saxum ingens voluunt alii, radiisque rotarum Virg. Extemplo JEneae soluuntur frigore membra Virg. When the nature of the verse does not prevent it, a di- aeresis of the syllable containing^' may likewise be some- times suspected in other words ; as in liilius, for Julius ; lilno for Juno ; liipiter for Jupiter / lildice for Judice^ since it is well known that jam is used by the comic writers as a dissyllable, and that etinm^ which is only et jam 9 is always acknowledged as a trisyllable ; thus, Sed Proculus longa veni\ebat i\fllius Alba Ovid. Grammatici certant; et ad\huc sub i\Tulice lis est Hor. III. By giving an explicit and distinct sound to u sepa- rated from the following vowel, (which, without this figure, becomes mute, or, rather, has the sound of the English w, after g, q, and s ;) as in aqii < tzcus) a lon^, a short, or a Cretic, 1 i ' , ' ' . and a lon; as . ca , . - . _ long; as . casMas. 7. A Bacchic, (Bacchim) a short, and two long; as ...... legcbant. 8. An Antibacchic, (Antibacchius) two long, and one short ; as ..... audlrc. There are sixteen compound feet, of four syllables. Of these, four are the same foot doubled ; four are a com- bination of contrary feet ; and there are four in which long syllables predominate ; and four in which short syl- lables predominate. TJic same, foot doubled. 1. "| A Proceleusmatic, (Proceleusmaticus) ^ 2 Pyrrhics; as ... homimbus. 2. { A Dispondee, (Dispondeus) 2 Spon- J dees ; as . . . . confiixenint. 437 3.^ A Diiarnbus, (Diiambus} 2 lam- > buses; as .... amavrranf. 4.J A Dichorec, (Dichoreus) 2 Chorees; as c'omprobavit. Contrary feet. 5.") A great Ionic, (lonicus major) a Spon- 1 dee and a Pyrrhic ; as . . celslssimus. 6. (A small Ionic, (lonicus minor) a Pyr- J rhic and a Spondee ; as . propcrabunt. 7.~) A Choriambus, (Ckoriambus} a Cho- l ree and an Iambus ; as . . terrifwant. 8. [An Antispast, (Antispastus} an lam- J bus and a Choree ; as . . adluzslssc. . Feet in which long syllables predominate. 9.~j First Epitrit, (Epitritus primus} an ( Iambus and Spondee ; as . . amaverunf. 10. [Second Jipitrit, (Epitritus secundus) a J Choree and Spondee ; as . concitarl. 11. ] Third Epitrit, (Epitritus tcrtius} a I Spondee and Iambus ; as discordias. 12. [Fourth Epitrit, (Epitritus quartus) a J Spondee and Choree ; as . . cxpectare. Feet in which short syllables predominate. 1 3.~) First Pason, (Pceon primus) a Choree ( and a Pyrrhic ; as . . tvmporibus. 14?. | Second Paeon, (P. 439 Sometimes the fifth foot is a spondee, whence the verse is named Spondaic / and this generally happens when the description is intended to be grave, majestic, slow, mourn- ful, or the like, as Cam Deiim soboles, magnum Jovis incrcmentwn Virg. Projcimus huic, longo sed proximus intervallo Virg. Constitit, atque oculis Phrygia agmina circiimspexit Virg. This species of the verse has generally a dactyl as the fourth foot ; and is commonly ended by a word of four syl- lables, as in the above-cited examples. But it is sometimes found otherwise ; as in Aut leves ocreas lento duciint argento Virg. Saxa per, et scopulos, et depresses convalles Vir Silvestrem tenui \ musam meditaris avena Virg. Nee tarn prtcsentcs \ alibi cognoscere divos Virg. Julius a magno \ demissum nomen liilo Virg. Likewise, when it occurs on the fifth half-foot, the sense being finished ; as Arma vinimque cano, \ &c. Virg. And also, if the sense includes some emphatic assertion ; as, Omnia vincit amor l | Stat sua cuique dies \ Or, at least, when, the line containing two distinct clauses, the caesura includes one of them ; as Nos patritfjines ! , | et dulcia linquimus arva Virg. Fluminibus salices, \ crassisque paludibus alni Virg. After the first foot the neglect of the caesura is no blemish, provided that foot be a dactyl ; as Annuity atque dolis visit Cytherea repertis Virg. Horndd tempestas ccelum contraxit ; et imbres Hor. Nor after a spondee is it much felt, more especially if it be an emphatic word ; as Tandem progreditur, magna stipante caterva Virg. Acres esse viros, cum dura pra^lia gente Virg. The first and second feet are often connected by the tro- chaic caesura ; thus Orba pa,\rtnt% suo quicumque volumina trnctas Ovid. Nor is the want of a syllabic caesura felt, after the second foot, if it be a spondee concluding with a monosyllable : as Ah quoti\es per \ saxa canum latratibus acta est Ovid. The caesura in the second foot, (observes Mr. Pickbourn,) 1 In such instances, the beauty seems to me to consist chiefly in the coincidence of the builcntial with the rhythmical 442 although much more frequently neglected than that in the third, is scarcely ever omitted without the intervention of proper names, compound words, &c., or, in a few cases, by such long words as the following; crudcles, aquales, ambages, solenni, mugitus^ &c. In almost all cases the word which in- terrupts the first caesura is of sufficient length to comprehend likewise the second ; as Dixerat, Herculea bicolor cum populus umbra Virg. Nos, tua progenies^ cceli quibus annuis arcem Vim. And, when the last syllable of such a word is elided, the se- cond caesura is often formed by est, et, &c. joined to it : as, Quod facit, auratum cst, et cuspide fulget acuta Ovid. llegna Libernorum, et fontem superare Timavi Virg. This rule (he adds) admits very few exceptions ; nor do I re- collect a single instance, in Ovid or Virgil, where the second foot is a word constituting a spondee, unless it is formed by the preposition intra 9 or inter 9 followed by a pronoun : as Maximus intra ?w sura is generally of sufficient length to include the third ; as mori; quui sorlUus non pertulit ullos. Virg. 443 The third caesura is not so often omitted as the first, by Virgil, but more frequently by Ovid ; and it sometimes hap- pens without the intervention of compound words ; thus Vina dabunt animos : et prima pocula pugna. Non datur : occulta nee opinum perde sagitta Ovid. The place of this caesura is often occupied, bywords length- ened by declension or conjugation ; thus At pater omnipotens ingcntia mocnia cceli Ovid. Lumina nam tcneras arcebant vincula palmas Virg. Syllabic caesuras are seldom introduced after the fourth foot ; they are generally unnecessary, and, when they occur, the verses are not harmonious ; as Omnes innocuae ; sed non puppis | tua, Tarchon Virg. Vertitur interea ccelum, et ruit oceano | nox Virg. In some cases, when formed by a monosyllable, they are not ungraceful ; as Explorare labor : mihi jussa capesserejfas est Virg. Circumagi : quendam volo visere, non tibi notum Hor. If the verse be spondaic, they are not jobjectionable ; as Persolvit, pendens e verticibus | pran*uptis Catul. It should be observed that when the verse is spondaic, the fourth foot ought generally to be a dactyl, otherwise the he- mistich is rendered dull by the succession of three spondees. The first pause seems to be interrupted nearly as often as the third. When there is but one caesura in a line, it is ge- nerally the second ; as Ad mea perpetuum | deducite tempora carmen Ovid. Sometimes, however, it is the third ; as Cum sic unanimem alloquitur | malesana sororem Virg. The trochaic caesura has nearly the same metrical effect as the syllabic, and although another caesura is introduced, the former seems to be sometimes the principal one ; as Ulla mora#i | fecerc, || neque Aonia Aganippe Virg. Et nova factaque nuper || habebunt verba fidem si Hor. When it is in the third foot, it is generally attended by two others, and the principal pause is in the fourth foot; as Ponderibus | librata | suis : j| nee brachia longo Ovid. It may agreeably take place in the fourth and filth feet ; as Ergo desidiam quiciimque | vocavit | amorem Ovid. And it may be advantageously employed twice in other parts of the verse, provided that one or more feet of different structure intervene ; as Nee victoria | her! tetigit captlva | cubile Virg. 444 It frequently occurs in the fifth foot, and makes the verse end in a smooth and agreeable manner ; as Qui modo sa3vus eram, supplex ultroquc rogavi Ovid. Exigat, et pulchra faciat te prolS parentem Virg. But here, perhaps, it should not be considered as retaining its general nature of a pause. The same remark is applicable to the monosyllabic caesura ; for, when it is introduced in the fifth or sixth foot, it does not seem to retain any thing of the nature of a pause. In lines, where different caesuras are introduced, some- times the principal one is formed by a monosyllable; thus, Et conferre | manum, et || procurrere longius audent Virg. Si pietas | ulla est || ad me | Philomela redito Ovid. ! The intermediate or rhythmical pause seems to be some- times removed from the middle to the end of the fourth foot, that foot being made to consist of a dactyl or spondee formed by the last syllables of a word. The introduction of these spondaic and dactylic divisions of a line, at the end of the fourth foot, makes a pleasing variety, and occasions a great diversity not only in the modulation, but also in the length of the latter hemistich of a heroic verse. It may consist of the following varieties : Two feet and a short syllable. Et mea sunt populo saltata | poemata saepe Ovid. Two feet and a long syllable. Frigida pugnabant calidis | humentia siccis Ovid. Two feet and two short syllables. Cara deum soboles, magnum ] Jovis incrementum Ovid. Three feel and a short syllable. Confusae sonus urbis, | et illaetabile murmur Virg. Three feet and a long syllable. Conticuere omnes, | intentume ora tenebant Virg. Three feet and two short syllables. Ducite ab urbe domum | mea carmina, ducite Daphnini Virg. 5. A great beauty consists in suiting the feet to the ex- pression of the objects to be described. Thus the great la- bour and slowness of the Cyclops in lifting up their heavy 1 For some of the preceding remarks on pauses, I arn indebted to Mr. 1'ickbourn's ingenious Dissertation on this subject. 44-5 hammers are beautifully expressed in the following line by slow spondees; llli Inter sese magnet vl brachia tollunt Virg. The gravity of an old man in the following ; Olll sedato rcspondit corde Lett inns Virg. The delay of Fabius, by which he saved the commonwealth, in the following; Units qul noils clmctdndo restituis rcm Virg. On the other hand, the swiftness or rapid flight of a pigeon is expressed by dactyls, as in the following; ll'ldlt //CT llquldum, celeres neque commovet alas Virg, Or the flight of Tnrnus, as in the following; Ni jUga subsidio subedit : fugit ocyor Euro Virg. And to express the fury of the winds and tempest, Virgil puts two dactyls at the beginning; as in Qua dcitii porta riiunt fncubuere mar? < I?ifoniiere poll 6. The sound, too, of the words is often accommodated to the nature of the objects to be represented : thus in the two following lines, in the first of which the whistling of the winds is expressed by words in which the hissing 5 frequently occurs, as in the second the cries of the sailors and the crash- ing of the rigging are, by words in all of which will be found the jarring r. Luctantes ve?itos, tempestatesque sonwas. Insequitur clamorque vimm, stridorque riidcntwn Virg. 7. It is also a beauty, as will again be noticed, when the sense does not finish with each line, but when one expres- sion or more are thrown back to the following line, provided the stop be introduced at the close of the fourth or fifth, or, at the furthest, of the sixth line ; as Quid faciat laetas segetes ; quo sidere terrain VcrterL\ Maecenas, ulmisque adjungere vites Conveniat ; qua? cum bourn, qui cultus habendo Sit pecoriy atque apibus quanta experientia parcis Virg. A word of three long syllables, when it forms an image, or paints an object, is often thrown back ; as Carmine quo captae, dum fusis mollia pensa DevolvFmf. Virg. Diripiuntque dapes, contactuque omnia foedant Immundo. Virg. But a monosyllable alone is not commonly thrown back, 446 nor a word of two syllables, unless it be to express some- thing sad, difficult, grand, or frightful ; as Extinctum Nymphae crudeli funere Daphnin FUlant. Fundimur, et telo lumen terebramus acuto -Virg. II. On the contrary, in this kind of verse, those lines are reckoned rather harsh ; 1. Which end in a monosyllable ; as Praelia rubrica picta ant carbone ; velut si Hor. Cui pulchrum fuit in medios dormire dies, et Hor. Except, t yrs/f, when another monosyllable goes before it; as, Principibus placuisse viris, non ultima lam est Hor. Ne qua meis esto dictis mora. Juppiter liac statVirg. Except, secondly, when a particular beauty accrues to the verse, from the use of a monosyllable ! ; as - procumbit humi bos- Virg. - et mole sua stat Virg. Isne tibi melius suadet, qui ut rein facias, rem Si possis recte : si non, quocumque modo rent ? Hor. 2. Those lines which end with several dissyllables ; as Insano posuere ; v clut silvis, ubi passim Hor. Semper, ut inducar, llandos offers mihi vultus Tibull. 3. Those which end in a word of more than three sylla- bles ; as Augescunt alia? gentes ; alias minuuntur Lucr. Quisquis luxuria, tristive superstitionc Hor. Except,^*/, the verse be spondaic, as already noticed. Except, secondly, when the last word is a proper name ; as Amphion Dircaeus in Actaeo Aracyntho Virg. Hirtacidae ante omnes exit locus Hippocoontis Virg. Quarum quae forma pulcherrima De'iopeiam Virg. Except, thirdly, when this position contributes to the ex- pression of some particular passion, or there is any peculiar Leauty in introducing such a word, at the end the line ; as in Per connubia nostra, per incceptos hymenccos Virg. Seu mollis violae, seu languentis Jiyacinthi Virg. The verse is usually concluded with a dissyllable, or a trisyllable, both, of course, emphatic on the penultimate. 1 Or when an anticlimax is intended, as in the well-known line of Horace, Parturiunt montes, nascetur ridiculus mus, in which, one of the longest words is placed first, and a monosyl- lable, at the conclusion. 447 4. Those lines in which there is no caesura, or but few; as in lionise moenia terruit impiger Hannibal armis Enn. Has res ad te scriptas, Luci, misimus, /Eli Lucil. Sive quod Appula gens, seu quod Lucania belluni Hor. Poste recumbite, vestraque pectora pellite tonsis Enn. Sparsis hastis longe campus splendet et horret Enn. 5. Those in which the elisions are too frequent, or grat- ing to the ear ; as Primum nam inquiram, quid sit furere hoc ; si crit in te Hor. Illam ancillam ego amo ante alias, atque ipsi cro amandus. 6. Lastly, certain critics object to lines, (named Leonine, as some suppose from Leo, the name of a monk who brought them into vogue, or, according to others, from some imaginary analogy to the Lion's tail,) in which there is 11 rhyme, especially when it includes the vowel w r hich pre- cedes the caesural syllable ; as Trajicit. I vcrbis virtutem illude supcrbis Virg. Si Lfoysfatis aliquid restare putatis Ovid. Ipse ego librorum video delicta mcorum Ovid. And they reckon them less objectionable when there is an elision ; as in JEneamftmdantcjn arces et tecta novantcm Virg. Such rhymes, however, are not without their admirers, and considering what poets have used them, and how often^ as will hereafter be noticed, that criticism is perhaps too hasty, which condemns them to unqualified reprobation. Some of the divisions of certain lines, however, in which rhyme is supposed to exist, may, perhaps, be regarded as merely homotclcut-iC) the rhyme being rendered imperfect, or counteracted, in a correct pronunciation ofjcet, by a diversity in the position of the syllabic emphasis. And where rhyme does really exist, the circumstance may, pro- bably, be sometimes accidental, and not intended. But, in regard to a thorough knowledge of the beauties and defects of hexameter verse ; and of w r hat position in a line any particular word of a certain quantity, and certain number of syllables, may properly and advantageously oc- cupy, these are objects that can be attained only by prac- tice, by a due regard to the rhythm, as connected with, or dependent upon, emphasis, and a minute attention to the works of such authors as have written in this kind of verse. 1 shall, therefore, conclude this sketch with a few re- marks on the poetry of Virgil, as comprised under the fol- lowing particulars. 448 1. Tlie Varying of the Pause. It has been already ob- served, that the common pause takes place in hexameter after the first fi\e halt-feet, that is, after the first syllable of the third foot ; as in Ante mare et tellus \ et quod tegit om?iia, ccdum, Unus erat toto \ Nature vultus in orbe. Quern dixere Chaos \ rudis indigestaque moles ; Nee quicquam, nisi pondus iners ; \ congestaque eodem Non bene June tar um \ discordia semina rerum Ovid. These lines have the pause in the same place, the fourth excepted ; and in this kind of measure is the Metamorphosis generally written. But it will be found, that Virgil endea- vours as much as possible to avoid the common pause, as in the following lines : Quidfacerem ? \ ncque servitio \ me exire licebat Eel. Fertesimul \ Faunique pedem \ Dryadesque puelltf Georg* Inde toro \ pater jfcneas \ sic wsus ab alto. Haec secum : \ mene incepto \ desistere vie tarn ? JEtU. In a few instances he likewise omits the first caesura ; as Nee minus interea extremam \ Saturnia bello TEn. There i, perhaps, not an instance in which Ovid omits both the first and second pause. In this consists the prin- cipal difference between the versification of Ovid and that of Virgil. The former scarcely ever omits the second pause ; and hence the uniformity or general sameness so easily observable in his versification. The latter, on the contrary, by his frequent neglect of it, imparts greater va- riety to his numbers, and, sometimes also, greater strength to his expression. 2. The Inversion of the Phrase. In this consists a ma- terial difference between the general style of prose and that of poetry; and it is one of those means which are artfully employed to create delay, suspense and interest. The fol- lowing is an instance ; Anna virumque cano, Trojcc qui primus ab oris Italiam (fato profugus] Lavinaque venit Littora. Here, by the inversion of the phrase, the whole matter, with the parenthesis fato profugus^ precedes the principal verb, venit, the word littora excepted. Thus also ; Vix e conspectu SiculdS telluris in altum Vela dab ant 3. The adapting of the Sound to tlie Sense. Few are ig- norant of the beauty of Quadmpedante^ &c., and Hli inter sesc, &c., but in Virgil such instances are innumerable. 469 How does the verse labour, when strong, heavy land is to be ploughed ! Ergo, age, terras Pingue solum, primis extemplo a mensibus anni Fortes invertant tauri How nimbly does it move, when the turning over of very light ground is represented ! < Sub ipsum Arcturum, tenui sat erit suspendere sulco. How does the boat bound over the Po hi the following words ! ^ 1 Levis innatat alnus Missa Pado Nothing can be rougher than the following line ; Inseritur vero exfcetu nucis arbutus horrida, in which the prevalence of the rough r is visible ; nor can water itself be more liquid than the following, in almost every word of which, are both the trilling / and the hissing s ,- Speluncisque lacus clauses, lucosque sonantes. How soft and harmonious, and well adapted to the sense, does the prevalence of the letter a render the following lines ! Mollia luteold pingit vaccinia caltha. Omnia sub magnd labentia jftumina terra* Lanea dum nivea circumdatur infula vitta. 4. The mixing of the Singular and Plural Number. This is a great beauty, which is particularly attended to by Vir- gil ; and but seldom observed by Ovid, or any other Ro- man writer in the time of Augustus. The following are instances, Camposque et flumina late Curva tenent : ut molle siler, lentaeque genista, Populus, et glauca canentia fronde salicta. Pars autem posito surgunt de semine : ut altae Castanet ; nemorumque Jovi quae maxima frondet Esculus, atque habitse Graiis oracula quercus. There is a beautiful passage of this kind in the Georgics ; in which the thing to be done and the instrument with which it is to be done are varied alternately ; Quod nisi et assiduis terram insectabere rastris, Et sojiitu terrebis aves, et ruris opaci Fake premes umbras, votisque vocaveris imbrem. Terram rastris , sonitu aves ; falce umbras ; and votis im- brem. In Ovid nothing of this kind is to be found : thus, Ante mare et tellus et (quod tegit omnia) cerium, 2 G 4-50 Unus erat toto naturae vultm in orbe, Quern dixere chaos ; rudis indigestaque moles, Nee quicquam nisi pondus iners. In which are seven nouns in the singular, and not one in the plural, amongst them. 5. The uncommon Use of the Particles et and que. Of this the following are instances : Multum ille et terris jactatus et alto ; Multa quoque et bello passus -- Et premere et laxas sciret dare jussus habenas. And more frequently in his most finished piece ; Quid tibi odorato referam sudantia liguo, , et baccas Si vero viciamque seres, vllemque faselum. This manner of using the connecting particles gives strength to the verse, and, by retarding the sense, raises sus- pense and produces attention. For, in the last example, the sense is not concluded, till the rest of the line is read, vilemque faselum while, had the poet written, si vero vici- am seres, and the verse would have permitted it, the reader would have understood him without going any further, and the line would have been very flat, compared with what it now is ! . This use of corresponding particles is particularly observ- able in Homer ; as Atridesque rex virorum, et nobilis Achilles. Redempturus<7W filiam, ferensgw infimtum pretium libe- rationis. Clarke's Transl. 6. The Collocatio Verborum. Of this the following is an example ; Vox quoque per lucos vulgo exaudita silentes Tngens --- In which the isolated position of the heavy spondee has a striking effect, making the melancholy voice groan, as it were, through the grove. 7. The changing of the common Pronunciation ; as Stridere apes utero, et ruptis effervere costis. 1 It is observed, that enclitics are usually joined to the first word of a clause, unless sometimes when the first word is a mo- nosyllabic preposition ; as Sub pedibus^we videt nubes et sidera Daphnis Virg. Instances, however, are not uncommon, in which this rule is not observed. Horace furnishes one ; Flebili sponsac juveuemve raptum Lib. iv. ocl. 2. 151 The open genitive?, as consihY, servitzV, auxibV, &c. do not appear in the hexameters of Virgil, though evidently coir- modious to the verse, and though Ovid not long afterwards used these forms without reserve. In Horace, too, the forms consilz and impen occur, iii. 4, 65. iv. 15, 14*. 8. Alliteration. This is of several kinds ; the initial, single, and double ; sometimes treble, or more frequent ; sometimes mixt, that is, both in the first letters of the words, and in the following syllables. The following are examples of the single alliteration. Quid faciat lastas segetes, quo sidere terram Verier e, Maecenas, ulmisque adjungere vites, Conveniat ,- quae cur a bourn ; qui cultm habendo. Again ; Asia longe Pulsa palm. Of the double initial alliteration, this is an example ; Totaque thuriferis Pancha'ia pinguis arenis. Of the treble, and more frequent, initial alliteration, the following is an instance ; Et sola in sice a secum spatiatur arena. The mixt alliteration will be found in the following ; Hlas ducit amor trans Gargara, transque sonantcm Ascanium : superant montes, etjlumina tranant. In which two lines, the vowel a occurs fourteen times. 6. The Allusio Verborum, of which the following are in- stances ; Nee nocturna quidem carpentes pensa puellce* Hoc metuens, molemque et montes insuper altos. Stat sonipes, acfrmcos Hor. It sometimes admits a spondee instead of a dactyl, before the last foot ; in which case, to prevent the line from being too prosaic, the second foot ought to be a dactyl ; Menso\rem cohi\bent^ Ar\chytd Hor. 6, 7. The Pherecratian Trimeter, consisting of the last three feet of a hexameter, the first foot being a spondee; and the Adonic dipodia, (consisting of the last two,) will be here- after described, 8 The Alcmanian Tetrameter, Catelcctic. Consisting of one long syllable, or two short syllables ; and then a dactyl, or spondee ; afterwards a dactyl ; and lastly a spondee : thus, Qui se volet csse po tentem.) Am mos domet Illc fc roccs ; Nee victd K bidine colla Fee dis sub mlttat M bcnis Boet. urn volet I us fruti \cibus, 454 9. .The Alcmanian Tetrameter, Hypercatalectic. Consist- ing of a heroic penthemimer, i. e. having, in the first and second place, either a dactyl, or spondee, with a long sylla- ble ; and then an Adonic, that is, a dactyl and spondee ; as 1 _ __2 3*4 Heii quam prcecipiti mersa pro\ fundo, Mens hebet, et propri a luce re\ltcta, Tendit in exter nas ~tre te\nebras Boet. This verse seems to consist of two segments of the heroic hexameter, the latter half of the third foot, and the whole of the fourth, being excluded ; thus Tityre tu patulac tegmine fagi. It is little different from the Asclepiadic, and has been termed the Alcmanian Choriambic. It may be scanned also as a pentameter deficient by a semifoot. 1 0. The Ithyphallic, or Priapeian, Tetrameter, Acatalectic ; consisting of three dactyls and a Pyrrhic, or iambus ; as Qul sere re 'ingenu Liber at arva pri Falce ru bos fill cemque re\secat Boet. This consists of the last four feet of the hexameter miurus ; and has been termed the tetrameter miurus. The dactyl seems to have been preferred in the first three places, though the Spondee was admissible in the first and second. 1 1 . The Bucolic Hexameter, having, in the fourth place, a dactyl ; as Ab Jove principium, Musce , Jo vis omnia plena Virg. Fortunatianus mentions, that Theocritus observed this rule in his Pastorals, and that Virgil often neglected it 1 . 1 Some antient grammarians call all divisions of a verse at the end of the fourth foot Bucolic caesuras. Bede says, Bucolice tome ubi post quatuor pedes non aliquid remanet. These, observes Mr. Pickbourn, are formed, not only by spondaic and dactylic divi- sions, but in various other ways. Sometimes by a long or a short monosyllable, added to the third caesura ; as *Sive dolo, seu jam Trojae sic fata ferebant Virg. Parce precor nostrum ianiatur in arbore corpus Ovid. In other cases, they are made by a Pyrrhic, and in a few instances by two short monosyllables following the third caesura ; as Inferretque Deos Latio : genus unde Latinum Virg. Vix oculos attollit humo : nee ut ante solebat Ovid. Priscian, when he enumerates the caesuras in the first lines of the twelve books of the j^Eneid, takes no notice of these divisions of a verse at the end of the fourth foot : but Diomede mentions them, and seems to rank these with common caesuras; for he says the following line of Virgil contains three caesuras: Talibus Ilianeus I cuncti I simul I ore fremebant. Mr. Pick. 455 1 2. The Hexameter which is named Miurus or Teliambus^ having as its last foot an iambus instead of a spondee; as Dirige odorisequos ad cceca cubilia canes Liv. Andron. 13, 14-. The two Alcaics will be noticed hereafter. OF PENTAMETER. Pentameter verse consists of five feet, of which the first two are indifferently dactyls or spondees ; the third foot is always a spondee, (the first semifoot being almost invaria- bly a final syllable, long, independently of caesura), and the fourth and fifth anapests ; thus Natulrce seqw\tur se mina quls qm succ Propert. - Y.-J7-- -! -_ j- . _v/_ S ' L 'v v-r /~V 1 Carmmnbus vllves tern Qui dedc\rit pri\mus os ciila vie pus in o mne meis Ovid. erlt Ovid. In the last line, there is a short syllable in the caesura ; a very rare occurrence. That this was the manner of scanning it among the an- tients, appears from the words of Quinctilian, " in penta- metri medio spondee*" (Inst. ix. 4.) and " Anaptestus . . . qui .... pentametrijinis" (Ibid.) But, among the moderns, it is generally scanned diffe- rently. The verse is divided into two hemistichs, or penthe- mimers. In the first hemistich, are contained two dactyls or two spondees, or one of each indiscriminately, and a long syllable as a caesura ; in the latter hemistich, two dactyls, with another caesura, or common syllable ; thus Natu\ne sequ1\tur Carmlm\bus vllves Qui dede\rit primus semma tempus m osciila qulsque su\&. omne me\is. victor e\rit. Mr. Pickbourn gives the following as the result of a patient ex- amination of 3000 verses in Virgil and Ovid. In 1500 lines, taken from different parts of Virgil's works, he counted 811 Bucolic cae- suras, viz. 161 formed by spondees, consisting of the two last syl- lables of a word; 99 formed by dactyls, consisting of the last three syllables of a word ; 179 formed by Pyrrhics ; and 372 by mono- syllables. In 1500 lines, taken from different parts of Ovid's Me- tamorph. he counted 802 Bucolic caesuras, viz. 226 formed by spondees, 173 by dactyls, 192 by Pyrrhics, and 211 by monosyl- lables. He adds that 500 of these lines were taken from Virgil's Eclogues, where Bucolic caesuras occur more frequently than they do in the ^Eneid. Had they been all taken, he says, from the lat- ter poem, the numbers would not have exceeded, perhaps scarcely equalled, those in Ovid. Upon the whole, the principal difference is, that Ovid abounds more in Bucolic caesuras formed by spondees and dactyls, and Virgil, in such as are formed by Pyrrhics and mo- nosyllables. 455 A pentameter line subjoined to a hexameter constitutes an elegiac distich ; so named from sXeyof, lamentatio, be- cause it was first used in sad and plaintive compositions ; and hence the two following lines of Ovid, which may like^- wise serve as a specimen of it ; Flebilis indignos, Elegeia, solve capittos. Ah nimis ex vero nunc tibi nomen erit ! The JEolic Pentameter consists of four dactyls preceded by a spondee, a trochee, or an iambus ; as Cordi \ quandofulsse sibl canit atthidd Terent. Edi-\-dit tuba terrtbrlem sonitum procul Terent. '<9f oiv-\-$pcav $pevat$ svpotpsws yTroSa^vaTaj Theocrit. The twenty-ninth Idyl of Theocritus is in this metre ; Sometimes the first foot was a dactyl. OBSERVATIONS ON PENTAMETER AND ELEGIAC VERSE. 1. In Pentameter, the first hemistich ought to end with the entire word, that the caesura belonging to the penthe- mimer may take place; for there is a blemish in a line want- ing this caesura ; as in Hcec quoque nostrte sententia mentis erat Diomed. 2. An elision immediately after the penthemimer is harsh ; as, Mi misero eripuisti omnia nostra bona. Ilium affligit odore, iste perit podagra. Troja vinim et virtutem omnium acerba cinis Catull. Which verses are likewise rendered more harsh by the synaloephae or ecthlipses in the other feet; and this harsh- ness is still more obvious in the following line ; Quam modo et mise.ros \ llbtra \ mors veliit Seneca, 461 Note 2. Single feet are elegantly composed of complete words; as Quassas, I indocilis I paupenem I pati Hor. Magnum \ pauperits \ opprobrium, \ jubet Hor. Note 3. The first choriambus, or the caesura, falls inele- gantly on the middle of a word ; as Non ln\cendia Carth\aginis im\pi(Z Hor. Unless there be an ecthlipsis or synalcepha ; as Exe Audi gl monumen\tum are peren tdm moderelre drbonbus nius Hor. fidem Hor. Or, the word be a compound ; as Dum t fla\gra7itia dejorqutt ad os\cula Hor. But such lines are somewhat harsh, and not rashly to be imitated. There are likewise the following varieties in choriambic verse. 1. The Aristophanian Choriambic Dimeter, Acatalectic, consisting of a choriambus, and a Bacchic or an amphibrac ; as Lydia die \ per omnes Hor. 2. The Alcaic Pentameter, Acatalectic, consisting of a spondee, three choriambi, and a Pyrrhic ; as Seu plu | res h^ ernes \ seu tribuit \ Jupiter ul\fimam Hor. 3. The Alcaic Epichoriambic Tetrameter, Acatalectic, consisting of the second epitrit, (a choree and a spondee) two choriambi, and a Bacchic ; as Te Deos o\ro Sybarin \ cur properes \ dmando Hor. OF THE GLYCONIC. 4. The Glyconic (so named from its inventor Glyco or Glycon) consists of three feet, a spondee, a choriambus, and a Pyrrhic ; as Mens re\gnum bona pos\sidet Senec. Others scan it by a spondee, and two dactyls ; thus Mcns re\gnum bona \ possidet. Note. The first foot is sometimes an iambus or a trochee; as Piiel Ice et pUeri ~in tegri Catul. Magnd \ progemes Jams Catul. Horace has but once admitted the trochee ; Ignis | Iliacas domos Od. i. 15, 36. To which may, perhaps, be added the twenty-fourth line of the same ode, which, according to old editions, runs thus : Teucer \ et Sthenelus sciens, instead of Tcuccrque, et &c. or, probably, Teuccr, te Sthenelus &c. 462 5. See the Pherecratic, which may be classed either with Choriambics or Dactylics. OF THE SAPPHIC AND ADONIC. The Sapphic, so named from the poetess Sappho, con- sists of five feet ; the first a trochee, the second a spondee, the third a dactyl, and the fourth and fifth trochees. Sap- pho accompanied every three of these verses with an Adonic (a measure used in lamenting the fate of Adonis) which con- sists of a dactyl and a spondee; and in this she has been imi- tated by Horace, Catullus and others, but not by Seneca, who, in the choruses to his tragedies, often gives a conside- rable number of successive Sapphics without any Adonic. The Sapphic is a Trochaic pentameter, Acatalectic; the Adonic, a Dactylic dimeter. Inte\ger vi\t< scele\nsqUL' Non e\get Mau\rl jacu\Us nee gittis* Hor. Necvelnena \tlsgravi\da sa Fiisce, pha\retra. Boethius has many of these last successively ; as Gaudia pelle ; Nubila me?is est, Pelle timorem : Vinctaque frcenis^ Spemque fugato ; Haec ubi regnant. Nee dolor adsit. L. 1. de Con. Phil. Note 1. The caesura penthemimeris gives beauty to Sap- phic verse ; for those lines which are without it do not flow very harmoniously; as Concines major e po'e'ta plectro. Phoebe silvarumque potens Diana Hor. Note 2. A trochee, or, it is said, a dactyl, is sometimes found in the second place ; as Pauca | nunci \ ate mea puellce Catull. Quceque ad. \ Hesperi\as jacet or a metas Senec. Sumere \ wnumelras solititmji,guras Senec. unless the two last words are read as trisyllables. But these liberties should be sparingly used. Note 3. These verses are sometimes found redundant, (Hypermetrt); but, in this case, the last vowel is elided, be- cause the following verse begins with a vowel ; as Plorat, et vires, animumque, moresque Aureos educit in astra, nigroque Invidet Oreo Hor. Note 4?. Those lines have been sometimes considered as rather harsh, in which the first syllable of a .word belongs to the preceding verse, and the remainder to* the following; as 463 Grosphe, non gemmis, nequc purpurd ve~ -nale, nee auro. Also ; Labitur rtpd, Jove non probante, u- -xorius amnis Hor. In the composition, however, of the Sapphic stanza, it has been observed, that a word may be divided so that the former part of it shall close the third line, and the remain- der shall form the beginning of the fourth, or Adonic. The ancient poets afford no instance of such a division at the ter- mination of the first, second, or fourth verse *. Thus Gallicum Rhenum, horribilesque ulti- -mosque Britannos Catull. Labitur ripd, &c. Hor. ex edit. Bentl. Grosphe, non gemmis, &c. Hor. ex ed. Bentl. There are two other instances, which are of a different class : Thracio bacchante magis sub intei*- -lunia vento Hor. i. 25, 11. Pendulum zond bene te secutd e- -lidere collum Hor. iii. 27, 59. In these, the prepositions are allowably detached from the words, as they often are in other metres ; a circumstance which has been noticed by Bentley, and subsequently by Dawes, in his Misc. Critic. In the last example, the com- mon reading is te secuta L&dere collum. This divisio vocis injine versus does not occur in the Sap- phics of Seneca, Statius, Ausonius, Prudentius, Sidonius Apollinaris, or Boethius ; and it is admitted, as already no- ticed, only at the close of the third and beginning of the fourth, by Catullus and Horace. The elision of the final vowel is observable in the former, at the end of the third verse ; and, in the latter, at the end of the first 2 , second, and third. See Note 3, and Synapheia. 1 Month. Rev. Jan. 1798. 2 But this elision appears to me to receive little confirmation from the example, Pindarum quisquis studet semulari, Me, Hor. iv. 2, 1, since, if the word lule be pronounced as a dissyllable, which it may be, the two lines will remain unconnected in their metre. The observation with respect to the elisions, appears to be not very important. Final elisions have been generally avoided; for the ancients paid particular attention to the metre and rhythm 464 A continuation of sense from stanza to stanza^ if not oc- curring frequently, is permitted ; but it is deemed harsh and awkward to open a new sentence with the Adonic verse* of which the first and natural use is to close^the metre with an agreeable rest. (See Class. Journ. xviii." 378.) In all the odes of Horace, in this metre, one only, a light composi- tion, even seems to yield any pretence for such a disjunction. Est mihi nonum superantis annum Plenus Albani cadus ; est in horto Phylli, nectendis apium coronis ; Est hederae vis [in horto] Multa, qua crines religata fulges. Ridet argento dooms: &c. Lib. iv. 11. Catullus never offends against this rule. It is possible, indeed, that the third Sapphic line, and the Adonic, might have been considered as forming one verse ; Metrum asy- 1 narteton, ex Epichoriambico trimetro catalectico, et Choriam- bico penthemimerL OF THE PHALEUCIAN. The Phaleucian, or, rather, Phalaecian verse, so named from the inventor, Phalaecus, ( 7th, and 9th seem to be the emphatic syllables. In the third line, to which alone the ca- nons apply, the emphatic syllables, if we read it according to the feet, appear to be the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th, the verse beginning, to use the terms of mo- dern music, in the middle of a bar, with either a long weak, or a short weak syllable, but generally with the former, thus, in feet, Lenes\que sub \ noctem \ susur\ri. At the same time, it can scarcely escape notice, that, in the choice of words, [we are now referring to ivords and syllabic emphasis, not to feet and quantity] Horace, for the most part, prefers trisyllables, in our usual prosaic pronunciation, emphatic on their middle syllable, or a part of a word, or a combination of words or syllables, naturally receiving, or readily admitting such an emphasis ; as Audita \ musarum \ sacerdos. \ Lenesque \ sub noctem \ susurri ; or arranged in what has been termed triple time ; thus Lenes\que sub noc\tem siisur\ri. Audi\ta mu\sarum sacer\dos, there being, as is frequently the case in this measure in English, a deficient syllable at the beginning, and a supernumerary one at the end. And this preference seems to have been observed particularly at the close of the line. The chief difference between the poetic and the prose rhythm of the line, lies in the third foot, where the spondee, in the former, emphatic on its last syllable, sometimes consists of a word, or a part of a word, in our common prosaic cadence, emphatic on the penultimate, as noctem, mu-\sdru.m. In fact, it appears to me, that the two canons might be correctly enough generalised thus: The three first syllables of the verse, and the three last, should be such as naturally receive, or readily admit, the syllabic emphasis on the middle syllable. And I see no good reason, why the same principle should not be applied, though certainly much less ri- gidly, to the three middle syllables of the verse, even notwithstanding the little diversity that seems sometimes to exist between the prosaic, and what is sup- posed to be the poetic, rhythm, in the third foot. The first division consists most frequently, and, we think, most harmoniously, of a trisyllable ; or of a dissyllable preceded by a monosyllable ; or of a dissyllable followed by a syl- lable or monosyllable ; and less frequently of two first syllables preceded by a monosyllable, or of three first syllables. The second division, in like manner, consists most commonly of a trisyllable. It is formed also by the three first or three last syllables of a word ; or oftener, by a dissyllable, or two first syl- lables, preceded by a monosyllable ; or by a dissyllable, or two last syllables, followed by a monosyllable, seldomer a syllable; and, like the first division, in a few other ways perhaps, less frequent, as well as, in our mode of pro- 478 (1) No instance occurs of a final monosyllable following a hyperdissyllable, except in cases of elision. In the soli- tary instance in which a word of one syllable closes the line, nouncing, less agreeable to the ear of a modern. An initial penthemimer is succeeded by a monosyllable; thus Te belluosus qui remotis- iv. 14, 47. The only exceptions are the dissyllables and quadrisyllables. A final penthemimer is preceded by a monosyllable ; thus Consulque non unius anni iv. 9, 39. There is but one exception, Hunc Lesbio &c. Instead of a monosyllable, a dissyllable under elision may precede, as in In majus ; idem odere vires iii. 4, 67, but is inadmissible after, the penthemimer. A final penthemimer, in a single word, would be repugnant to the second canon. Among the most un- harmonious lines, appear to be those, altogether, terminating with two dissyl- lables. But, as* occasional variations from what may seem to be the more usual, strict rhythm, such deviations ought not to be regarded as blemishes. Whatever the moderns may think of these and a few other lines, (and it must be confessed that they have a very imperfect knowledge of the subject,) Horace was not likely, without a sufficient reason, to deviate from what appears to have been his more usual practice. A strict and unfailing regularity in tone, pause, or emphasis, has never been regarded as a poetical beauty. But be these things as they may, whether the line is read with metrical, or with prosaic cadence, it is evident, from a very cursory inspection of the third division, that, either way, the verse closes with two very weak or unemphatic syllables having an emphatic one between them. 1. To produce such a close, no word can be better adapted, than a trisyllable emphatic on its middle syl- lable, a word which invariably has its extremes very weak, and equally so ; such as ambres, Sabina, parentes, procella:, nocentem, ciqrressos, &c. with which kind of words most of the lines conclude. 2. The next conclusion, in point of harmony, is, probably, that of a dissyllable followed by an enclitic, which, in effect, thus becomes a trisyllable emphatic on the middle syllable, and equally unemphatic on the extremes, as gduve, gcretque, gravesque. The prin- cipal objection to any other monosyllable, after a dissyllable, than an enclitic, as in the solitary instance, Depone sub lauru mea, nee, seems to be, that such words have not the same influence, as enclitics, in inclining the syllabic em- phasis to the syllable immediately preceding them, and do not so intimately cohere with it. 3. Similar to this conclusion, but, perhaps, somewhat infe- rior in coherence, is that ending, which consists of a dissyllable preceded by an enclitic not following a monosyllable, or by a monosyllable, or the final weak syllable detached from a hyperdissyllabic word, as, verecundumywe-6acc/mm, fortunate dulci ; in-agros, sub-arcto, per-artes ; sacra.re-plectro, derivato clades. Such weak syllables, before the dissyllable, are sufficiently attracted by the contiguous emphasis of the dissyllable, so as to form with it one word ; but no syllable, except an enclitic, can follow, because no other syllable has the power of inclining the emphasis from the first syllable of the dissyllable to the se- cond. 4. Next may be placed, the three quadrisyllable endings, occurring in Horace ; and we are inclined to think, that, if the distinguished scholar, who first propounded the valuable canon against quadrisyllables, had minutely ad- verted to the particular conformation and rhythm of these three words, which militate against it, he would have allowed such quadrisyllables to form a sort of exception to his well-grounded canon. They are all of the same quan- tity and syllabic emphasis ; and the second syllable of each consists of a vowel followed by the letter r, a syllable, which when followed, as in these words, by one that is long and emphatic, is among the weakest of unemphatic syllables. This circumstance, common to the three exceptions, ought not, perhaps, to be considered as merely accidental. The last three syllables of these words have precisely the same effect, as trisyllabics long and emphatic on their middle syllable ; and we are confident, that the modern poet, who should conclude his verse with a quadrisyllable of precisely the same description, would not mar its rhythm, or incur the censure of any liberal critic. It may be said, 479 a dissyllable precedes : Depone sub lauru med ; nee ii. 7, 19. As to elisions, in i. 35, 11, there is barbaromm et ,- and in the same ode, retusum in 39. In ii. 13, 23, piorum et. In iii. 3, 71, and iii. 6, 3, deorum e> and iii. 29, 3, rosarum that such a close occurs but thrice in Horace. To this, it may be replied, that such words are not very numerous, and, even were they more so, that the subject or sense might not require the introduction of a greyer number of them. Still it must not be denied, that Horace seems uniformly to avoid quadrisyllable endings, or what may amount to them, such as a trisyllable fol- lowed by a monosyllable ; or two dissyllables : decidedly preferring a trisyl- lable, or that combination which most readily becomes trisyllabic. 5. We have no hesitation to say, that the most inharmonious of all the conclusions is, that of two dissyllables, as sive flamma. Here we have, alternately, a strong, a weak ; a strong, and a weak syllable. The second or weak syllable of the first dissyllable is so firmly attracted by the preceding emphatic syllable of its own word, that, without unnatural violence to speech, it can never be sepa- rated from it, and be made to coalesce with the second dissyllable, so as to form any thing like a trisyllabic verbal conclusion. Even with two such dis- syllables as centum, viri, both emphatic on thei* first syllable, there seems no mode of perfect union, without a change of the emphasis. These observa- tions are offered, merely in the way of conjecture. Should they be found to be generally correct, the application of the principle upon which they are founded, may be extended to other kinds, and to all the parts, of verses ; for we have little doubt, that the antients, in providing for the rhythm of their poetical, and, it may be added, of their prose compositions, had a regard as well to the quality or strength, as to the quantity or length, of the syllables which they employed. Till the nature and influence of syllabic emphasis shall have received due attention, neither, we apprehend, will ancient rhythm be even tolerably understood, nor some apparent anomalies in ancient pro- sody be satisfactorily elucidated. Mr. Tate, the eminent scholar to whom, I believe, we are indebted for the valuable Observations on the Stanza of Ovid, observes, that " if the ridiculous- ness only of the following scheme of scansion for the Alcaic stanza can be for- given ; its avowed purpose must be the better answered from the impossibility of forgetting it, when it has once caught the ear." Quis barbarorum, Tityre, Tityre, Qm's barbarorum, Tityre, Tityre, Quis barbarorum, barbarorum, Tityre, Tityre, barbarorum. We, of course, do not object to the quadrisyllable in the third line, though one of that sort of words proscribed by the second canon. It is one of die three quadrisyllables employed by Horace himself; and few words seem bet- ter adapted for the supposed rhythm. They have a slight, or what may be termed, the secondary, emphasis on their first syllable; the second syllable is altogether weak ; the third has the predominating emphasis or percussio vocis ; and the fourth is equally weak with the second. The primary emphasis be- ing on the third, it readily attracts the preceding syllable, so as to render the three last syllables perfectly equivalent to a trisyllable. The following imi- tation, though, perhaps, not quite unobjectionable, particularly in the third line, may be quoted as no bad exemplification, in English, of what might eem to be the Horatian rhythm of the Alcaic stanza. Justum et tenacem propositi virum, &c. No civic ardor, madly tumultuous, No frowning tyrant, fierce and implacable, Can shake the just man's righteous purpose, Firmly to hold an approving conscience. Nor all the whirlwind's rage on the Adria, Nor Jove's dread thunder, rending the firmament, Though Heaven itself seems falling round him, Fearless, he waits the impending ruin. Odell. 480 eL In iii. 1, 39, triremi et. There is also in iii. 4, 59, Ju- no et ; and in iii. 29, 7, arvum et. (2) With respect to quadrisyllables, there are only three instances, all in the first and second book. Regumque matres barbarorum, et i. 35, 11. Ab insolenti temper atam ii, 3, 3. Nodo coerces viperino ii, 19, 19. (3) There are only eight instances of the admission of two dissyllables at the end of the verse ; and these occur, too, in the first and second book ; thus Sive Jlammd i. 16, 4. Necte fares 26, 7. Posse rivos 29, 11. Gran- de munus ii. 1, 11. Dura navis 13, 27. Sive reges 14,11. Parce, Liber 19,7. Atque truncis 19,11. It may be added, that only one line occurs/ Depone sub lauru &c., which closes with a dissyllable followed by a monosyl- lable not an enclitic. No exception to these rules occurs in the third or fourth book. Those verses will be the best, and will approach nearest to the rhythm that Horace appears to have intended, which are considered by the writer in composing them, as con- sisting of three feet or divisions, an Antibacchius, (sometimes an Amphibrachys) a Molossus^ and a Bacchiits ! , each com- prehended in a distinct word, thus : 1 2 3 Audlta | musarum | sacerdos. In the third division, he admits the following varieties. First, It is composed of a trisyllable ; as Deprome quadri- mum Sabind i. 9, 7. Secondly. Of a dissyllable followed by an enclitic ; as Silvae laborantes geluve i. 9, 3. Thirdly. It is composed of a dissyllable preceded ( 1 ) by a monosyl- lable, or (2) by an enclitic, or (3) by a final short syllable at the end of a hyperdissyllabic word ; thus ( 1 ) Portare ventis ; quis sub arcto i. 26, 3. (2) Morem, verecundum- que Bacchum 27, 3. (3) Hunc Lesbio sacrari plectro 26, 11. In the first and third division of this class, also, must be numbered the following examples of an elision at the end of this verse ; (1) Sors exitura, et nos in seternw??z Exilium ii. 3, 27. (3) Cum pace delabentis Etrusc^^?^ In mare iii. 29, 35. Of the forms not directly or indirectly forbidden in the fore- going canons, the following scheme will show, in what fa- 1 Dr. Burney, following Terentian, had reversed the names, terming the Bacchius an Antibacchius , and vice vcrsd ; they are here employed in their more usual acceptation. 481 vour each stood with Horace, and how certain forms pre- vailed with his more cultivated ear, to the exclusion of others. I. II. III. IV. A. oj| 1| u 68 80 148 B. ||o ||o 28 27 55 C. o|| o || 4 41 45 D. || w o |j 3 4 7 G. o H ||w 26 15 41 H. || ~ o || ^ 2 4 6 I. (I- w o || 1 1 The form C seems to have been studiously sought or preferred in the third and fourth books. The form D occurs so rarely perhaps, only because the words or sets of words going together are rare, which should constitute the syllables o o The same may be said of forms H and I. Of the form G, it is obvious to remark, that occurring much oftener in the 1st and 2nd books, than in the 3d and 4th, it must have been less sought by Horace, in the latter, or rather less readily admitted. With respect to the structure of the fourth line, no form seems quite objectionable, but that in which every word constitutes a distinct foot. Oraque || jungere i| quaerit || ori, has no parallel in Horace. The following scheme will show the forms principally adopted by Horace, and in what proportion. I. II. III. IV. A. o o I) o o ^ || 58 67 125 B. o w _|| u ^__||^ 25 29 54 D. ou H oo ||o 15 19 34 Aa, ^o H^o [I ^11 3 27 30 C. ^ ^ H ^ o o || 20 7 27 Ac. ^ o || w <-/ || o 5 6 11 E. o || ^ o w || o 6 4 10 More than two-thirds commence with o ^ |j Sec. Next in number are those which commence with o o || o -> 1| &c. There remain yet to be noticed, two kinds of verses, which were not mentioned in the preceding enumeration, because not considered as very common, viz. the Pyrrhic verse, and the Ionic ; and lastly, Mixt verses. OF THE PYRRHIC* There is but one kind of Pyrrhic verse, consisting of two or more Pyrrhics, such as that of Ausonius, Parental. 27 ; 2 I 482 1234567 Eta Cui mita brevi- Vent a me- ria \propt la mo dlfi- nitr \8bit: ca re-\cmo 9 Cinis Utl placi- dula supe ra vilgeat, Cele- ripes ade- at lo ca ta cif firebi. Of these strange verses, one at least, the last, does not seem quite correct I am inclined to think, that, with any view to harmony or effect, such lines must have been con- structed with a regard to the distinction arising from sylla- bic emphasis, rather than to that arising from mere quan- tity. By pronouncing all the syllables in precisely the same way, it is evident, that neither words, feet, nor ca- dences, could possibly be produced. Without some know- ledge of the rhythm intended, their metrical arrangement must be in a great measure arbitrary. They may be con- sidered as either pyrrhics, tribrachs, or proceleusmatics. OF THE IONIC. 1. The pure Great Ionic Tetrameter, Acatalectic; con- sisting of four great Ionics; thus 1 2 _3 4- Fecit stitis | ccgrum rabi\em qui domu\it fenun& Scalig. 2. The impure Great Ionic, or Sotadean ; consisting of three great Ionics, and a spondee ; thus 1 2 3 _4- Tuto marts \ iras videt \ e littorc \ nauta. Note 1. This kind of verse oftener admits in the third place a dichoree instead of a great Ionic ; thus 1 234- Has cum genii Saturne, ti na compedc bi Zoilus dcdicat catenas, annulos pri\ores Mart. Note 2. It is said to admit also, in all the places, except the last, not only a dichoree, but the second paeon, and the second epitrit. Note 3. In almost all the places, a long quantity may be resolved into two short quantities, both the long syllables, however, not being resolved at the same time ; thus 1234 des qute pue'iros docint ma-\gistri Ter. M.delit.v.l. Vocalis ut Quumdicola -\ . . illam late-\re e.x utroqne co\arctct Ibid. v. 83. vor, dicon''-ves, pluvifi, no vales Ibid. v. 95. nullo Ibid. v. 179. Diversa va\lent, alia do\cent, or dine This verse, without the dichoree, and the resolution of quantities, seems to be a species of choriambic. It may be formed from the Ionic a minore tetrameter, by removing the 483 two first syllables, when there will remain three great Ionics and a spondee, constituting the Sotadean verse ; thus | vino Iave\re 9 aut exam\mari metu\entes. It seems almost unnecessary to add, that dactylics, tro- chaics, and great ionics, although, as commencing with a long syllable, they may seem their opposites, are, respectively, in the same cadence, with anapestics, iambics, and minor ionics, which begin with short quantities. The ionics appear to have the ictus on the alternate long and short syllables ; that is, on the first of both the spondee and the pyrrhic ; and the others will be found, I believe, to have their long syllables gene- rally thetic or emphatic. Hence we may infer, that dac- tylics and anapestics are in what is termed the triple ca- dence ; and the others, in the even. In speaking of the measure of Horace's ode, iii. 12, the Delphin editor ob- serves, " Metrum singulare. Sotadicum vocant aliqui. Alii Rhythmicum, quod fere nullus pedum numerus insit" A very odd reason, surely, for terming it rhythmicum. There can be no doubt about its quantity ; with respect to its rhythm, we have offered a probable conjecture, and, in the present day, little more can reasonably be expected. 3. The Small Ionic ; so named, because, in every place, it uses this foot. It is either trimeter, or tetrameter. Thus Ho- race, Carm. iii. 12, after two trimeters places a tetrameter : 1 234? ftlis^rdrum est, neque amorl dare ludum^ Neque dulci mala vino lavere ; aut ex- animari metuentes I patruce verberallnguce. Note. The learned Bentley has, however, shown that this composition of Horace's runs on in ten small Ionics, with- out any pause ; and that, therefore, the whole of the ode is finished in four decapodia of this kind. It would appear that the Ionic a minore is not confined to a definite number of measures, but may, like the dime- ter and tetrameter anapestics, be extended to any length, provided that the final syllable of the measure or foot be naturally long, or, influenced by the law of Synapheia, be made long by the concourse of consonants ; and that each sentence or period terminate with a complete measure having the spondee for its close ; rules observed by Horace in this ode. It consists of forty measures, and has been divided by Mr. Cuningham and others, into ten verses, each a te- trameter, the line Simul unctos Tiberinis humeros lavit in undis being placed after Studium aufert, Neobule, Liparm nitor Hebri, contrary to the opinion of the Delphin editor, 2 I 2 4S4- but with manifest advantage to the sense, and without de- ranging the order of things or altering the grammatical con- struction l . For other modes of arrangement, see Carmen Dicolon Tristrophon. Although the Ionic a minor e 9 like the Anapestic, may be regarded as a continued series, and be scanned as one line, by Synapheia; yet, if divided into several verses, the arrangement into tetrameters seems pre- ferable to any other. OF MIXT VERSES. Verses are said to be Mixt, (the Greeks named them '^\dnt pruyncc Claudian. 8. The Trochaic-Dactylic; of which the first division is a Trocha'ic Penthemimer, that is, in the first place there is 486 a trochee, in the second a spondee, or dactyl, with an ad- ditional syllable ; and the second part is an Adonic, that is, ' a dactyl and a spondee ; as 12 34 SI qms Cum rii Arctu mis cell' ri || si d era res\\explicet nescit. ortus Boet. 9. The Iambic-Dactylic ; of which the first part is an Iambic Penthemimer, consisting of two iambuses, with along syllable, but oftener in the first place, a spondee, and some- times in the second, a tribrac : and the last part, as in the preceding, an Adonic ; thus 12 34 Propih Mergdt qua sum\nid \\cardinc que sc\ras\7e~f/2iore Stupet qm subi\tis \\ mobile lab?. gammas, vulgus Boet. To the above-mentioned verses, which have received their names from the feet which are used with the greater pro- priety in them, others have been added ; such as the Spon- daic, Molossic, Pteonic, Antispastic, &c. But as scarcely any poem is now found written in these verses, they are omitted. Among the Mixt might have been enumerated some of those which have been explained under different divisions or heads. Thus the Saturnian (see Iambics, No. 5,) might have been denominated an Iambic-Trochaic; of which the first part may be an Iambic Dimeter, Catalectic ; and the second part, a Trochaic Dimeter, Brachycatalectic ; in this manner 1 2 3 456 Dabunt \ malum \ Mctcl\U\\ Navi\o Po\etce. In the same manner, the learned Bentley divides the Alcaic Epichor iambic (see Choriambics, No. 3,) into two parts, of which the first may be an Archilochian Trochaic Dimeter, Acatalectic, with the second foot a spondee, and fourth an iambus ; and the second part, an Archilochian Trochaic (or Iambic) Dimeter, Catalectic, consisting of a trochee, and two iambuses, with an additional syllable; thus, 1234 56 7 Te de\os o'rdy Sy\bari?i\\cur pro\peres \ aman\do. The foregoing enumeration contains a full, and, it is hoped, an accurate account of the principal kinds of verses, that have been employed, more or less frequently, in what is termed the Carmen Simplex l sen Monocolon ; that is, in poems consisting of lines of similar metre or quantity, and 1 One compound has been introduced; the Carmen Homtianum. 487 commonly divided, according to the subject, into epic, satire, epistle, tragedy, comedy, ode, epigram, &c. The usual names and arrangement have been adopted. They are, however, sometimes divided into Hexameters, and such as are composed of similar feet; into Iambics pure and mixt; and into Lyrics, including all not contained in the two pre- ceding classes. But the most natural and rational division of them is that, founded on the prevalence, or greater pro- priety in the use, of particular feet in their construction, into Pyrrhics, Dactylics, Anapestics, Iambics, Trocha'ics, Chori- ambics, Ionics, and to these may be added the Mixt ; a classification which we have rendered perfectly obvious, by the insertion of occasional references. Thus, for example, Hexameters, Pentameters, and those of similar construc- tion, are Dactylics. The Asclepiadic is a Choriambic Tetrameter, Acatalectic. The Glyconic is a Choriambic Trimeter, Acatalectic. The Sapphic is a Trochaic Pentameter, Acatalectic. The Adonic is a Dactylic Dimeter, a part of a Hexameter. The Phaleucian is a Trochaic Pentameter, Acatalectic. The Pherecratic is a Dactylic Trimeter, a part of a Hex- ameter. The Scazon or Choliambus is an Iambic Trimeter, Aca- talectic. The Anacreontic is an Iambic Dimeter, Catalectic. The Horatian is composed of (1) and (2) the Alcaic Dac- tylic Tetrameter, Hypercatalectic ; (3) The Archiloclrian Iambic Dimeter, Hypercatalectic ; (4) The Alcaic Dactylic Tetrameter. Acatalectic. Compositions, in one sort of verse, consist more frequently of Hexameters, in which are written heroic poems ; of Iam- bic trimeters, adapted to tragedy ; Scazons ; Trocha'ics, es- pecially tetrameters, much used by Plautus and Terence in comedy ; Asclepiadics ; Phaleucians ; and Anapestics ; less frequently, of Iambic dimeters, and tetrameters cata- lectic ; Glyconics ; Sapphics ; and Archilochians ; and very rarely, of Pentameters or Adonics, a few successive lines of the former occurring in Martianus Capella and Ausonius, and of the latter, in Ter. Maur. and Boethius. OF COMPOSITIONS IN WHICH THE VP;RSE JS VARIED. It has been already observed, that, when only one sort of verse is used in any ode or poem, such ode or poem is called Carmen Monocolon. When more than one kind are 4-88 used, the composition is named Potycolon, and this is ge- nerally distinguished in two ways : 1. By the variety of verses which are used in it. 2. By the number of verses of which it consists previous to the completion of one strophe or stanza, that is, before the poem returns to the same kind of verse with which it commenced. First) According to the variety of verses, a composition is named Polycolon ; or, more precisely, if there are two different kinds of verses, Dicolon, or bimembre ; if three, Tricolon, or trimembre. There is likewise the term Tetra- colon ; but the ancients did not advance further than to Tri- colon. Secondly, According to the number of verses in one stro- phe, the poem is named Carmen Distrophon, Tristrophon, Tetrastrophon, or Pentastrophcn. Distrophon is when the poem returns, after the second verse, to the same verse with which it began. And the other three respectively denote the return of the poem to the pr^ mary verse, after the third, fourth, andjfyik line. Indeed, beyond the Tetrastrophon the Latin stanza sel-* dom reached. Catullus, however, has written one of five line.s, consisting of four Glyconics, and a Pherecratic. By a combination of the preceding terms, a poem in which the stanza consists of two verses of different kinds, is named Dicolon Distrophon , when the stanza contains three verses, but only of two sorts, one sort being repeated, it is named Dicolon Tristrophon ; when the stanza has four verses, but only of two sorts, one being thrice repeated, it is named Dicolon Tetrastrophon ; when the stanza contains jive lines, of two sorts, one being four times repeated, it is named Dicolon Pentastrophon. When the poem contains three verses each of a different kind, in one stanza, it is termed Tricolon Tristrophon ; and when in a stanza there are four verses, but of only three different kinds, one verse being repeated, Tricolon Tetrastrophon. Hence it appears that there are six different kinds of com- position consisting of a combination of various kinds of verses 5 and in each kind there are generally several varieties. I. Of the Carmen Dicolon Distrophon. 1. The Elegiac, or Dactylic Heroic Hexameter, with a Pactylic Pentameter; already explained. (See Pentameter.) Sponte sud numcros carmen veniebat ad- aptos : Et, quod tcntabani diccrc, versus crat Ovid, 489 2. The Dactylic Hexameter, with an Archilochian Dac- tylic Dimeter, Hypercatalectic. (See Hexameter, and No. 1, under it.) Diffugere nives, redeuntjam gramina campis, Arboribusque comce Hor. 3. The Dactylic Hexameter, with an Alcmanian Dac- tylic Tetrameter, Acatalectic. (See Hexameter, and No. 4.) Tune me discussa liquerunt node tenebrcz^ Luminibusque prior rediit vigor Boet. 4. The Dactylic Hexameter, with the Alcmanian Dac- tylic Tetrameter, Acatalectic. (See Hexameter, and No. 5.) Laudabunt alii claram Rhoden, aut Mitylenen, Aut Ephesum, bimarisve Corinthi Hor. 5. The Dactylic Hexameter, with an Alcmanian Dactylic Tetrameter, Catalectic ; or, as others name it, a Partheniac Anapestic Tetrameter, Catalectic. (See Hexameter, No. .8, arid Anapestics, No. 2.) qui perpetuis orbem moderaris habenis, Placidos bonus exsere vultus Buchan. Ps. 68. 6. The Dactylic Hexameter, with an Iambic Dimeter, Acatalectic. (See Hexameter, and Iambic Dimeter.) Nox erat, et ccelo fulgebat lima sereno Inter minora sidera Hor. 7. The Dactylic Hexameter, with an Iambic Trimeter. (See Hexameter, and the Iambic Trimeter, in Iambics.) Alter a jam teritur bellis civilibus cetas ; Suis et ipsa Roma viribus ruit Hor. 8. The Dactylic Hexameter, with an Archilochian Ele- giambic. (See Hexameter, and Mixt verses, No. 2.) Te regem Dominumque canam, dum lucida volvet Lucidus astra polus, et unicum colam Deum Buchan. Ps. H5. In this manner ought the lines to be written, according to the opinion of the famous Bentley, but Buchanan himself has divided them into three verses. 9. The Dactylic Hexameter, with an lambo-Elegiac. (See Hexameter, and Mixt verses, No. 5.) Horrida tempestas ccelum contraxit^ et imbres Nivesque deducunt Jovem : nunc mare, nunc siliice Hor. 10. The Alcmanian Dactylic Trimeter, Hypercatalectic, with a Pherecratic Dactylic Trimeter, Acatalectic. (See Hexameter, No. 2, or 3, and the Pherecratic verse.) Omne hominum genus in terris Simili surgit ab ortu Boet. 11. The Alcmanian Dactylic Tetrameter, Acatalectic, 4 dumfruimur Sole volubili Prudent. VI. Of the Carmen Tricolon Tetrastrophon. 1. Two Alcaic Dactylic Tetrameters, Hypercatalectic, (that is Great Alcaics ;) an Archilochian Iambic Dimeter, Hypercatalectic ; and an Alcaic Dactylic Tetrameter, Aca- talectic, (or Small Alcaic.) (See Carmen floi^atianum^ and Iambics.) JEquam memento rebus in arduis Si'rvare mentem, non secus ac bonis Ab insolent i temper atam Lcctitid : moriture Delli Hor. 2. Two Asclepiadic Choriambic Tetrameters ; a Phere- cratic Dactylic Trimeter ; and a Glyconic Choriambic Tri- meter. (See Asclepiadic, Pherecratic, and Glyconic.) Prima node domum claude, neque in vias Sub cantu querulce despice tibiae : Et te scepe vocanti Durum, difficilis mane Hor. There is likewise a third sort, formed by a certain ar- rangement of Ode 1 2. lib. 3. of Horace ; for which see the Carmen Dicolon Tristrophon^ No. 3. I SHALL conclude this system of Prosody with the me- thod of scanning the different Metra Horatiana, all of which, along with some slight variations observable in them, have already been fully particularized. Should any one wish for a comprehensive view of the different kinds of verse used in their compositions by most of the Latin poets of any cele- brity, either ancient or modern, he will find it in the works of the learned and accurate Ruddiman, to whose industry and talents I have been particularly indebted, in regard to the present subject. Horace uses twenty kinds of verse, and chiefly in com- binations, as will appear in the following SYNOPSIS. (1) Lib. I. 1. III. 30. IV. 8, are Asclepiadic Tetrame- ters, Acatalectic. (See the Asclepiadic verse.) (2) Lib. I. 2, 10, 12, 20, 22, 25, 30, 32, 58. Lib. II. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16. Lib. III. 8, 11, 14, 18, 20, 22, 27. Lib. IV. 2, 6, 11, and Carmen Secular e, me DicolaTetrastropha, No. 2; 496 consisting of three Sapphic Hendecasyllabics, and an Ado- nic Dimeter. (3) Lib. I. 3, 13, 19, 36. III. 9, 15, 19, 24, 25, 28. IV. 1, 3, belong to the Dicola Distropha, No. 28; and consist of a Glyconic Choriambic Trimeter, and an Asclepiadic Choriambic Tetrameter, both Acatalectic. (4) Lib. I. 4, belongs to the Dicola Distropha, No. 31 ; and consists of the Dactylic-Trochaic Septenarius, with an Archilochian Iambic Trimeter, Catalectic. (5) Lib. I. 5, 14, 21, 23. III. 7, 13. IV. 13, belong to the Tricola Tetrastropha, No. 2 ; consisting of two As- clepiadic Choriambic Tetrameters, a Pherecratic Dactylic Tripodia, and a Glyconic Choriambic Trimeter. (6) Lib. I. 6, 15, 24, 33. II. 12. III. 10, 16. IV. S, 12, belong to the Dicola Tetrastropha, No. 4 ; and consist of three Asclepiadic Choriambics, and a Glyconic Cho- riambic. (7) Lib. I. 7, 28, and Epode 12, belong to the Dicola Distropha, No. 4 ; and consist of a Dactylic Hexameter, with an Alcmanian Tetrameter, Acatalectic. (See Hexame- ter, and No. 5.) (8) Lib. I. 8, is a Dicolon Distrophon, No. 27 ; consist- ing of an Aristophanian Choriambic Dimeter, Acatalectic, with an Alcaic Epichoriambic Tetrameter, Acatalectic. (9) Lib. I. 9, 16, 17, 26, 27, 29, 31, 34, 35, 37. Lib. II. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20. Lib. III. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 21, 23, 26, 29. IV. 4, 9, 14, 15, belong to the Tricola Tetrastropha, No. 1 ; consisting of two Great Alcaics ; an Archilochian Iambic Dimeter, Hypercatalectic; and a small Alcaic. This, from the number of odes written in it, appears to have been Horace's favourite strain, and is, therefore, named the Carmen Horatianum. (10) Lib. I. 11, 18. IV. 10, are Monocola, (See Cho- riambics, No. 2,) and consist of Alcaic Choriambic Penta- meters, Acatalectic. (11) Lib. II. 18, is a Dicolon Distrophon, No. 19; con- sisting of the Euripidean Trochaic Dimeter, Catalectic, and . the Archilochian Iambic Trimeter, Catalectic. (See Tro- cha'ics, No. 3 ; and Iambics, No. 3.) (12) Lib. III. 12, is either Dicolon Tristrophon, or Tri- colon Tetrasfrophon. (See No. 3, of the former; see also Ionics, No. 3.) 497 (13) Lib. IV. 7, is a Dicolon Distrophon, No. 2; con- sisting of a Dactylic Hexameter, with an Archilochian Dac- tylic Penthemimer. (14) Epod. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, are Dicola Di- stropha, No. 15 ; consisting of an Iambic Trimeter, and Di- meter, both Acatalectic. (15) Epod. 11, is either Dicolon Distrophon, No. 16; consisting of an Iambic Trimeter, Acatalectic, and an Ar- chilochian Elegiambic; or it is a Tricolon Tristrophon, No. 3; consisting of an Iambic Trimeter, Acatalectic ; and Archi- lochian Dactylic Penthemimer; and an Iambic Dimeter, Acatalectic. (16) Epod. 13, is either Dicolon Distrophon, No. 9; con- sisting of a Dactylic Hexameter, and an lambo- Elegiac; or Tricolon Tristrophon, No. 2 ; consisting of a Hexameter ; an Iambic Dimeter, Acatalectic ; and an Archilochian Dac- tylic Penthemimer. (17) Epod. 14, 15, are Dicola Distropha^ No. 6; con- sisting of a Dactylic Hexameter, and an Iambic Dimeter, Acatalectic. (18) Epod. 16, is a Dicolon Distrophon, No. 7; consist- ing of a Dactylic Hexameter, with an Iambic Trimeter, Acatalectic. (19) Epod. 17, 18, are Monocola ; consisting wholly of Iambic Trimeters, Acatalectic. (See Iambics.) (20) Satires, Epistles, and De Arte Poetica^ are all Mo- nocola, consisting of the Dactylic Hexameter. (See Hexa- meter.) FINIS. 2K %* Page 413, line 25, read non. 477, line 36, read mtisalrum. kt.MHH f\*IAMM.\M. RICHARD TAYLOR, PRINTER, SHOE-LANE. LATIN CLASSICS Published by G. and 7F. B. WHITTAKER, Ave Maria Lane, London. 1. T. 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