BRITISH FAOTA. vnmrs . HRJ S VMPIIIBL VORMS BIOLOGY UBRARY BRITISH FAUNA, CONTAINING A COMPENDIUM OF The ZOOLOGY OF THE BRITISH ISJLANJDS: ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE LINNEAN SYSTEM. By W. TUIITON, M. D. F. L. S. VOL r. INCLUDING THE CLASSES M A M M ALIA, BIRDS, AMPHIBIA^ FISHES, and WORMS. Comultum tamcn erit hoc prinitipio, Domi magis auam font. nti, ne inmitata rcrnm. a'dmirxtio ni.niam igmrwtiam pro- rfamtw, el sic nostrarh rteUdflety ^'ponamiu cuntemptui et ptui ritui exterorum . LIN N'L T . SWANSEA: BY J. EVANS, WIND-STREET LIBRARY G PREFACE PERFECTION, says the scholiast, is the first in inten- tion and the last in execution, To Man r " the last and best of all God's works," has alone been committed the power of collection, arrange- ment, discrimination, and description. Whatever materials- conjunetly compose the whole of the globe he inhabits, are individually, the objects of in- vestigation to the philosopher and the naturalist: for as the whole is composed of the parts, the most humble and minute of created substances holds its effective rank in this great and august assemblage. The various subjects of creation are arranged into the three KINGDOMS of ANIMALS, VEGETABLES and MINE- RALS. These several Kingdoms are distributed into CLASSES, which are reduced into ORDERS : the orders are divided intd GENERA or families, ultimately sub- divided into SPECIES or individuals, with their accidental varieties. Local arrangements, systematically exhibited, have ever been considered as highly subservient to a general know- ledge of natural history; inasmuch as by the contempla- tion of a smaller range, the various objects contained in it may be more accurately examined and described. The Fauna of the British Islands, has hitherto bee* only attempted, according to the Linnean system, in the imperfect Synopsis of Berkenhouf. '*."*: , PREFACE. The Author has therefore gathered together in a confo- j>endious and portable form, whatever he has had an op- portunity autopsically to examine and describe, or collect from the labours of modern individuals and societies. Xo alteration line been made in the amended classifica- tion of Limv/, except tliat the Worms are placed before the Insects, l;fih kg Irving a more natural uiliancc with the preceding dunnes, aud as ibnniug a more commodious di- vision of the work. It is the intention of the author, mimine concedente, as his leisure and opportunities will allow, to proceed in the same form and manner with the remaining departments in the natural history of *hese Islanclsjof Insects, Vegetables, and Minerals ; and which will probably be comprised im tiiree more volumes. Finis Creationis cst gloria Dei ex opere Naturce, per Hoi&inem solum. n. 1, 1807, CLASS I. MAMMALIA. Animals suckling the young* ORDER I. PRIMATES, Front-teeth 'formed "for cutting : luslcs one on each side t)l each jaw: teats 2, seated on I he breast. 1. HOMO. Front-i((:th4 in each jaw, placed close .tosT> ther: cqnine-tqitfi placed close to and of equal lenglh with tlie rest: grinders obtuse. 2. VESPErtMLio. Teeth all erect, pointed, placed close together : fore-feet palmate with a membrane which surrounds the body and gives the powep of flight. ORDER II. Front teeth gtntralb) 6 t;i cachjenc, rather conic: canine-iceth one or more on each aide in each jaw: grinders tcith cmitb projections : feet armed' with sharp claws. . 3. PHOCA. Front-teeth in the upper-jaw 6, the outer-ones larger; in the lower-jaw 4, more obtuse, and equal : canine-teeth one each side in each jaw,, longer and larger than the rest, the upper-ones distinct from the . cutting teeth, the lo wee-ones from the grinders : grinders 5 each side- above, 6 below, narrow, tricuspi- datc: Idnd-fett pkced at the extremity of the body, ,'md uniting'intd a fin, 4. CANIS. . Front'teeth in the upper-jaw 6, the lateral- ones longer and distant, the inferined fate-ones lobed ; in the lower-jaw 6, tha lateral -ones lobed : canine-teeth one in each jaw each side, incurved : grinders 6 or 7, or more than in the other genera of this order. 3. FELIS. Front-teeth 6, the intermedia terones equal: grinders 3 on each side': tongice armed with prickly protuberances pointing fyackMurds ~.cfaics retractile. 6. YIVERRA. Frcni-Ueth 6, rather acute : caninc-tctth - longer than the others : grinders more than 3 each side: tong ue smooth or j>rickly : body, long and" slen~ der : feet not : webbed. 7. LUTRA. Front-teeth 6, rather acute : canine-teeth lon- ger than the others : grinders more than 3 each *ide : tongue smooth : feet webbed. 8. (JRSUS. Front-teeth in the upper-jaw 6, hollowed within; in the lower-jaw 6, the two lateral-ones lon- ger than the rest and lobed, with smalle'r-ones at their 6 MAMMALIA base internally ; canine-teeth solitary : grinders 5 or 6 each side, the first placed close to the canine-teeth : tongue smooth : snout prominent: eyes furnished with a nictitant membrane. 9. TALPA. Front 'teeth in the upper-jaw 6, unequal; in the lower-jaw 8 : canine-teeth solitary, the upper-ones larger: grinders 7 in the upper-jaw, 6 in the lower. 10. SOREX. Front-tffth in the upper-jaw 2, long, cloven; in the lower-jaw 2oi 4, the intermediate-ones shorter: canine-teeth several each side : grinders cuspidate. J 1 . JKii i N A CEI; s. Front-ted h in the upper-jaw 2, distant ; in the lower-jaw 2, close together : cminc-tetih 5 each side in the upper- jaM 7 , and 3 in the lower: grinders 4 each side in each jaw : body covered with spines on the upper parts. ORDER III. GLIRES. front-teeth 2 in, each jVitr, close together, remote from the grinders : canine teeth none. J2. CASTOR. Front-teeth in the upper- jaw truncate, and hollowed in a transverse angle ; in the lower-jaw transverse at the tips : grinders 4 on each side : tail long, depressed,, scaly : clavicles or collar-bones per- fect. 13. Mus. Front-teeth of the upper-jaw wedge-shaped : grinders 3 each side, rarely only 2 : clavicles perfect. 14. SCIURUS. Front-teeth of (he upper-jaw wedge-shaped, of the lower acute : grindery 5 each side in the upper- jaw, 4 in the lower: clavicles perfect: tail spreading towards each side. 13. MY oxu s. Front-teeth of the upper-jaw wedge-shaped, of the lower compressed: g--inde:-s 4 in each jaw: whiskers long : tail round y hairy, thicker towards the tip : legs of equal length : fvre.feet 4-toed, 16. LEPVS. Front-teeth of the upper-jaw furnished with two smaller ones placed behind them. ORDER IV. FECORAj Front-teeth wanting in the upper-jaw ; in the loicer 6 or 8, eery remote from the grinders : feet with cloven hoofs. 37. CERVUS. Horns solid, branched, annual, covered while young with a hairy skin : front-teeth in the lower-jaw 8 : canine-teeth none, or a single one in the upper -jaw. 78. CAPRA*. Horns hollow, pointing upwards and turned fciick; compressed; rough; nearly close together at the MAMMALIA. 1 base : front-teeth in the lower-jaw &: canine-;reth none: r/iz'n of the male bearded. 19. Ovis. Horns bellow,, wrinkled, turned backwards and spirally twisted inwards : front-teeth in the lower-jaw 8 : canine-teeth none. 20. Bos. Horns hollow, smooth, turned outwards and forwards, crescent-shaped : front-teeth, in, the lower- juw 8 : canine-teeth none. ORDEtl V. Front-teeth obtuse, truncate : feet hoofed. 21. EQLCS. Front-teeth in the Upper-jaw 6, parallel ? in Hie lower-jaw 6, rather projecting : tusks one each side in each jaw r remote from the rest : hoofs un- divided. 22. Srs. Front-teeth in the upper-jaw 4, converging ; in the lower 6 > projecting : tuajts hi the uj>nrr-jaw 2, rather short; in the lower !^, lonp, and at length exserted : hoofs cloven. ORDER VIv ETE. With' spiracles, or breathing holes, on the forepart vf the head: feet none : pectoral fins without dates : tail placed hori- zontally. 23. MONODO-S. Head furnished with one or two long spirally twisted teeth,, projecting straight forwards, like ho rns> through the upper lip: spiracle on the head. 24. BALJ2NA, Teeth none, instead of which are horny laminai in the upper-jaw : spiracle with a double ori- fice, on the top of the head. 25. PHYSETER. Teeth visible in the lower-jaSv only : spiracle on the head or snout. 26. DELPHINUB, Teeth visible in each jaw: spirack on the head. MAMMALIA. PRIMATES. 1 5 <3, CLASS I. MAMMALIA. ORDER I. PRIMATES,, 1. HOMO. Man. The i;nage of his creator. 2, V-ES'PERTILIO, But. V. auritm. Front-teeth in the upper-jaw 4, in the lower 6: tailed-; nose without appendages: ears double, larger fchan the hearl. Long-eared B:>t. Pennant Zool'. tab 13. . 40. , Length barely 2 inc>e.s : expansion of the.wings 7 inches, , Body reddish mouse-Polour : ears more than an inch long, round-- *d at the ends, with sm.ilier supplemental ones within thn$parent, V. nmrinus.' Front-teeth in the upper-jaw 1, in the -i-ower6; tailed; nose without appendage: ears less than the head. Common Bat. Edwards, tab. 201. /. 2. Length 2 i'nchcs and 'a half, ?x.t-nt<.) inches. Body mouse-coloured with a red tinge : wixgs and eafi blackish : ears small, rounded. V. Noctula. Froiit-teetb'in tlitvupper-jaw 4, in the lower 6: tailed; nose without appendage : ears oval, witli small valves. Great Bat.' Perm Brit. Zool. tab. 13. . 38. Length 4 inches and a half : extent 14 or 15 inches. Body chesnut, glossy, : nose slightly s-lobed : mouth simple: chin \vith a. in mute wart; ears smalt, rounded. V. Kqfbflstettus. Front teeth in the upper jaw 4, iij the lower 6: tailed; cheeks tumid, hairy : ears large, angular near the f'ase : forel'.cud f)ald- P>arbastellc Eat. ' Soitfrby Erit. 'Mis'cel. tab. 5. tt*gth e inehe^ extent of win^s at(put 10. fiody dusky-brown, paler beneath : teeth aH notched, except the canine: fore-htad flat and bald: smooth and concave: ears nearly surrounding the eyes, as long as the head, notched at each edge, undulate on the outer margin, hai-ry on the back, appendagcd within. V. Ftrrum eqidnum. Front-teeth in the upper-jaw none, in the lower 4 : nOse horse-shoe-sliaped : ears without appendage, as long as the head: tail half , as long as the body. Horse-shoe Bat. Pennant. Brit. Zool. tab. 14. n. 39. Length 3 inches and a half, extent of wings 14. Body deep cinereous on the upper parts, whitish below : nose for- uished with an upright membrane shaped like a horse-shoe : ears large, acute, broad at the base r remote from the eyes, inclining backwards, not appendaged within^ tail pointed. ORDER II FERJ3, 3. PHOCA. Seal. Ph. viMina. Brown, without ears ; head and BC4;Jf smooth, MAMMALIA. FERJE. 4, 5, 6. 9 ommon Seal, Sea Calf. Br. Zcol. tab* 12. Shaw Zool. i. tab. 70. l?0i(y 5 or 6 feet long, tapering from the shoulders, various shades of brown, often spotted, clothed when young with thick-set hair ;. head short, large and round, furnished with whiskers each side the mouth and over the eyes r the hairs of which have alternate con- tractions and dilatations: eyes large, black, famished with a nk- titant membrane : external ears none, in the place of which are two small orifices : tongue cloven: legs short,. \vehbed, ,5-tocd, with strong Uender claws slightly incurved at their tips ; the hinder-ones point- ing backwards and placed close togteher : tail shorter than the hind legs. 7. Ph. barbata. Blackish, without ears : head smooth. Great Seal. Sha:u Zool. t. 74. Phil. Trans, n* 469. t. i. Greatly resembles the last, but grows to the length of 12 feet, and iiofaji uniformly blackish colour. 4. CANIS. Dog. 8. C.familiaris. Tail bent backwards, and leaning to- wards the left. Found 'of many sizes and varieties, the original animal of whicj* is supposed to be the Shepherd's dog, distinguished by its erect ears, and tail very wooly underneath. Head carinate on the crown : lower-lip hid by the upper, in- dented and naked at the sides : whiskers in 5 or 6 rows ; nostrils turned outwards into a sernilunar furrow ; ears, the upper margin reflected, anterior 3-lobed, posterior doubled : face with 7 hairy \varts : teats 10, 4 of which are on the breast : fur with 8 ridges t on the neck, breast, fore-legs, belly, eyes, loins, ears, and near the anus: feet slightly palmate, with sometimes u. spurious toe or two behind. 9. C. Lupus. Pale yellowfeh-grey : tail bent inwards, bushy, tipt with black. Wolf. Pennant Brit. Zool. i: tab. 6. Body about as large as a Greyhound, pale brown with a yellow- ish tinge: head and neck cinereous : head long: nose pointed: ears sharp, erect : teeth large : legs long : hair rather long. 10. C. Vulpes. Yellowish-brown, whitish beneath: tail straight, bushy, tipt with white. Fox. Schreber 3. p. 345. tab. go. Head broad, forehead flat : nose sharp : ears erect, sharp, tipt with, black : eyes rather oblique : lips whtte : f&re-feet black- 5. I ELIS. Cat. 11. F. Catus. Tail long, barred with distinct rings: forehead with 7 stripes between the ears. Cat. Jo/ins. Quadrup. t. 72.. Bujfon 6. p. 20. t. i. Body ivhen in a wild state yellowish-grey with blackish stripe*, 3 disposed longitudinally on the back, those on the sides spiral : tip of the nose and lips black : ears smooth, rounded : soles of thtfeet black i claws horn-colour, curved. 6. VIVERRA. Weesd. 12. V. Fwi. Blackish chesnur ; fhroat and breast white. Martin. Brit. Zool. tab. 6. . 15. 1,5 BoU. D. Orca. Body thick : snout spreading upwards : teeth obtuse. Grampus. Shaw Zool. tab. 232. Body 1825 feet long, very thick, black on the back, with a large white spot on each shoulder, marbled on the sides with black and white, snow-white on the belly : head abrupt : nose flat, turned up at the end : lower-jaw much wider than the upper : teeth 30 in each jaw, the frpnt ones slenderer and more obtuse: spiracle flat, of 2 cells, on the top of the neck ; pectoral-fins very broad: dorfal-fn . acute, 5 or 6 feet long. 61. D. bidens. Wiih 2 teeth in the front of the upper-jaw. Bottle-nose Whale. Uurd. P.'ii/os. trans. 77. tab, 19. Body 21 feet long, resembling the Dolphin, but the snout is much shorter -.front bulging out very much : teeth only 2, placed in front of the upper-jaw : pectoral and dorwl-jins very small, the latter placed near the tail. . B 3 1* AYES. BIRDS. CLASS II. AVES. BIRDS. Animals clothed with feathers, and furnished with two wings and two legs. A. LAND-BIRDS. ORDER I. ACCIPITRES. fi ill more or less incurved, the upper-mandible cither dilated towards the point, or armed with a tooth-like process each side : legs short, with 3 toes forwards and one backwards : toes warty underneath, 1. FALCO. TttL' hooked, covered with a naked cere at the base : nostrils placed in the cere : tongue cloven : middle-toe connected with the outermost as far as the 1 first joint. 2. STRIX. Bill hooked, without cere : nostrils oblong, covered with recumbent bristles : tongue cloven : head, ears, and eyes large : outmost toe capable of being turned backwards : exterior web of the outer quill-feather serrate. 3. LAMUS. Bill straight, hooked at the end, with a tooth each side of the upper mandible near the tip, naked at the base : tongue jagged at the end : outer- toe connected to the middle-one as far as the tirst join I. ORDER II. PICJ2. Rill sharp-edged, convex above, without the tooth-like process on the upper mandible. 1. With 2 toes before and one behind. 4. CORVUS. Bill mostly straight, strong, pointed : nos- trils covered with recumbent bristles : tongue cloven at the end ; outer-toe connected to the middle-one as far as the first joint. 5. CORACIAS. Bill straight,, slightly incurved at the point: tongue cloven: nostrils narrow, destitute of bristles : toes all divided to their origin. 6. ORIOLUS. Bill conic, a little convex, very acute, straight; the upper mandible a little longer, and slightly cRiarginate : tongue cloven, acute : nostrils at the base of the bill, partly covered : middle-toe con- nected near the base to the outermost. 11. SITTA. Bill straight, strong, pointed, the upper mandible a little longer, compressed and angular at the tip : nostrils covered with recumbent bristles : tongue short, with a horny jagged point : middle-toe closely connected to the others at the base ; the back toe as Janre as the middle-one. BIRDS. . 19* 13. UPUPA. Bill long, slender, slightly compressed, a little bowed: tongue arrow-shaped*: nostrih small, near the base of the bill : iniddte-toe connected to the.- outmost at the base. 14. CERTHIA.. BzM slender, bowed, acute: tongue shorter than the bill,. pointed: tail of 12 stiff pointed feathers: hind-toe very large : claws long, hooked. 10. AI.CEDO. mil triangular, straight, strong, pointed : nostrils covered with feathers : tongue very short, flat, acute: middle-toe connected by the Slower-joints to the outermost. 12. MEROPS, BUI somewhat quadrangular, a little in- curved, tapering to a point : nostrils small, at the base of the bill: tongue slender, jagged at the end: middle- toe connected as far as the middle joint to the outer- most. 2. With 2 toes before and 2 behind, all divided to their origin. 1. CUCULUS. Bz'^ roundish, weak, a little bowed : nostrils bordered by a narrow rim: tongue arrow-shaped, short, pointed : tail of 10 long wedge-shaped feathers. 8. YUNX. Bill roundish, slightly curved, weak : nostrils concave, without feathers: tongue very long, slender, cylindrical, with a horny point : tail of 10 even soft rounded feathers. 9. Picus. Bill angular, straight, strong, wedge-shaped at the tip : nostrils covered with recumbent bristles : tongue very long, cylindrical, with a horny jagged point : tail of 10 stiff pointed feathers. ORDER III. PASSERES. jtiill conic, pointed : nostrils oval, pervious : toes slender, 3 before and 1 behind : claics slender, curved. 1 . With a thick conic bill. 18. LOX.IA. Bill strong, convex, above and below, very thick and rounded at the base; the lower mandible bent in at the edge : nostrils small, round, at the base of the bill : tongue entire, truncate. 19. EMBERIZA. Eill strong, conic; the sides of each mandible bending inwards ; the upper-one narrower, with a hard gibbosity in the roof: tongue, pointed, covered with a hard scale at the end. 20. FRINGILLA. Bill perfectly conic, slender towards the end,, pointed : tongue covered at the end with a hard scale. 2. Upper mandible a little bent at the point. 26. HIRUNDO. Bill short, small and a litte incurved at the point, broad and depressed at the base : nostrils 20 BIRDS. open: tongue short, broad, cloven: gape larger t'.ian the head : wings long : tail forked. 27 CAPRIMULGUS. JBzVJ short, a little incurved at the point, depressed at the base, with a row of stiff bris- tles at the base of the upper-mandible : nostrils tubu- lar, a little prominent : tongue small, entire : tail en- tire, of 40 feathers : toes connected as far as the first joint ; the claw of the middle-one broadish and serrate. 3. Upper mandible slightly notched near the point. 16. TURDUS. Bill nearly straight, a little bending to- wards the point; nostrils oval, naked: month with a few slender hairs at the corners : tongue slightly jagged at the end: middle-toe connected to the outer as far as the first joint. 17. AMPELIS. Bill straight, a little convex, bending to- wards the point : in**tri!s hid in reflected bristles : tongue sharp, cartilaginous, cloven: middle-toe con- nected to the outer at the bae. 21. MUSCICAPA. BiV/ tfatlish at the base, nearly trian- gular, beset wiih bristles at the base : tongue clo\cis > rough on the sides : tots divided to their origin. 4. Bin straight, taper, entire. 15. STI:IIM;S. Bill subulate, angular, depressed, rather obtuse ; the edges of the upper-mandible a little spreading: nostrils surrounded with a rim: tongue cloven, acute: middle-tec connected to the outer as iar as the first joint. 22. ALAUDA. Bill straight, slender, a little curved at the point : nostrils partly covered with feathers and bristles: tongue cloven, acute: toes divided to their origin ; the hind-claw very long and more straight. 23. l\loi AC ILL A. .Bill straight, weak, slender, slightly. notched at the end: nostrils covered wit h, bristles ; tongue lacerated at the point: wings short: tail very long: 24. SYLVIA. .Bill straight, weak, slender: nostrils obo- vate, a little depressed : iongue cloven: middle-toe con- nected underneath to the outer-one at the base. 23'. PARUS. Bill strong, pointed, a little compressed : nostrils round, covered with reflected bristles : / truncate, bristly at the end : toes divided to their ori- gin, the back-toe large and strong. ORDER IV. COLUMKJE. Bill nearly straight, tumid at the bate : legs short : iocs '3 be- fore and 1 behind, divided to their origin. CoLUiiEA. Bill weak, slender, descending to.wiuk BIRDS. 21 the point : nostrils oblong, lodged in a soft protube- rance : tongue entire. ORDER V. GALLINJS. Hill convex ; the upper-mandible arched over the lower : nos- trils arched over with a cartilaginous membrane : toes rough underneath^ divided to their origin. 29. PHASIANUS. Kill short, strong : cheeks more or less ^covered with caruncled flesh bare of feathers : hgs generally armed with a spur. 30. "TETRAD. Bill short, strong: head covered with a warty skin bare of feathers over the eyes: nostrils small, hid in the feathers : tongue pointed : tegs fea- thered down to the toes. 31. PERDIX. Bill short, strong : head without the naked skin over the eyes, but often warty : nostrils covered above with a prominent callous rim : legs bare of fea- thers below the knees, often armed with spurs : tail short. 32. OTIS. Bill a little convex : nostrils ovate, open : legs bare of feathers above the knees: toes only 3, all placed forwards. B. WATER-BIRDS. ORDER VI. GRALLJ3. . Bill more or less cylindrical : legs long, naked above the, knees? toes divided to their origin, or connected by a membrane at the base. 33. PLATALEA. Bill long, flattish, dilated and rounded at the tip: nostrils small, at the base of the bill: tongue short, acute : ftet 4-toed, semipalmate. 31. ARDEA. Bill long, straight, acute, a little compressed, with a groove from the nostrils towards the tip: nos- tfila linear : tongue acute : feet 4-toed, the toes con- nected at the base. 35. TANTALUS. Bill long, subulate, nearly cylindrical, a little curved : face bald : tongue short : jugular pouch naked: feet 4-toed, palmate at the base. 36. NUMENIUS. 'Rill long, curved: face covered with feathers : nostrils linear, near the base of the bill : tongue short, acute : feet 4-toed, the toes connected as far as the first joint. 37. SCOLOPAX. Kill slender, straight, weak, obtuse, longer than the head: nostrils linear, lodged in a, groove: tongue acute : feet 4-toed, the toes slightly connected or cloven to their origin ; back-toe small. 38. TRINGA. Bill straight, slender, as long as the head : nostrils small : tongue slender : ftst 4-toed, divided to 22 BIRDS. their origin, or slightly connected; back-toe weak, and often raised from the ground. 39. CHARADRIUS. Bill straight, slender, obtuse: nostrils linear: feet 3-toed, all placed forwards. 40. CURSORIUS. Bill roundish, acute, slightly curved at the point : gape very large : nostrils ovate : tongue acute : legs very long, with 3 toes all placed for- wards. 41. H/EMATOPUS. -S/'/Hong, straight, compressed, wedge- shaped at the end : nostrils linear : tongue short ; toes 3, all placed forwards, the middle-one connected to the outer as far as the lirst joint. 42. RALLUS. z7/ slender, compressed,, slightly incurved: nostrils small : tongue rough at the end : body com- pressed : wings and tail short : feet 4-toed, cloven to their origin. 43. GALLINULA. Bill thick at the base, sloping to the point ; the upper-mandible reaching far up the fore- head, where it becomes membranaceous : body com- pressed : wings and tail short : feet 4-toed, cloven to their origin.. ORDER VII. PINNATIPEDES; Sill more or less cylindrical : legs long, naked above the knees : fats divided to their origin ^ Kith a membrane running down their whole length each side. 44. PHALAROPUS. Bill straight, slightly inflected at the point : nostrils minute : feet 4-toed ; the toes furnished with pinnate or toothed membranes. 45. FULICA. Bill short, strong, sloping to the point, running far up the forehead which is bald : nostrils ob- long, pervious : body compressed : tail short : toes 4, furnished with a scalloped membrane. 46. PODICEPS. 'Bill straight, slender, pointed : nostrils linear: tongue slightly cloven : lores bare of feathers : body a little depressed: tail none: legs compressed; the shanks with a double row of serratures behind : toes 4, connected at the base, furnished with a simple membrane : claws flaf, rounded. ORDER VIII. PALMIPEDES. Toes connected with each other by a web. 47. RECURVIROSTR A . Rill long, slender, very weak, de- pressed, bowed upwards : nostrils oblong, pervious : tongue short: toes 4, with deeply lunate webs; the back-toe small, lax, raised above the ground. 48. ALCA. 'Bill strong, thick, convex, compressed, often grooved : nostrils linear, placed near the edges BIRDS. 23 of the mandible : tongue nearly as long as the bill : toes 3, all pieced forwards. 49. URIA. Bz7/ strong, slender, pointed; the upper man- dible slightly bending towards the point, covered with short feathers at the base : nostril* linear, in a hollow at the base of the bill : tongue nearly as long as the bill : toes 3, all placed forwards. 50. COLYMBUS. Bill strong, straight, pointed; upper- mandible longer, the edges of each turning inwards : nostrils linear: tongue long, pointed, toothed each side near the base : legs thin, flat : toes 4, the outer- one longer; back-toe small, connected by a small membrane to the inner-one : tail short, of 20 or more feathers. 51. STERNA. Bill straight, slender, pointed, a little compressed : nostrils linear : tongue slender, pointed : wings very long: toes 4, slender; the back-toe very small, and unconnected with the rest: tail mostly forked, 52. LARUS. Bill strong, straight, bending down at the point, with an angular prominence on the under part 'of the lower mandible : nostrils linear, broader on the forepart, placed in the middle of the bill: tongue slightly cloven : legs naked above the knees ; toes 4 ; the back-toe small, unconnected. 53. PROCELLARIA. Bill a little compressed, hooked at the point : nostrils cylindrical, contained in a tube : legs naked a little above the knees : toes 3 , placed forwards, with a spur pointing downwards instead of the back-toe. 54. MERGUS. Bill slender, a little depressed, with a crooked nail at the point; the edges of the mandibles with sharp scrratures: nostrils small, somewhat ovate, in the middle of the bill : toes 3 forward, the outer- one longer, and one behind, furnished with a web. 55. ANAS. Bill broad, depressed, obtuse, with a nail at the point; the mandible edged with lamellate obtuse serratures : nostrils ovate : tongue broad, obtuse, fringed on the edges near the base : toes 3 forwards, the middle-one longer, and one behind unconnected. 56. PELECANUS. IM/long, straight, with a hooked nail at the point : nostrils concealed in a furrow : face anil gullet bare of feathers : tots 4, all webbed together* 34 BIRDS. ACCIPITRES. I. Falco, ORDER I. ACCIPITRES., 1. FALCO. Falcon. A. Legs feathered down to the toes. 1. F. fulvus. Dark rusty-brown: bill blackish horn-co- lour: cere and toes yellow : tail with a white baud. Ring-tail Eagle. Lewen. t. 3. Walcot. i. t. 4. Length 2. feet 9 inches : extent of wings 7 feet. 5///and claws black- ish : irids hazel : head and neck inclining to rufous : front between the eyes and nostrils naked : breast marked with triangular spots : tail white for two-thirds of its length, black at the ends. "2. F. chrysaetos. Dark brown with ferruginous variations: bill deep blue : cere and feet yellow : legs clothed with yellow-ferruginous feathers : tail blackish, with grey undulations at the base. Golden Eagle. 3r. Zool. t. 16. Le:uen t. 2. Wale. t. 3. Length 3 feet : extent 7 feet 4 inches : weight iz pounds. Eves dark, brown : iris hazel : head and neck rich ferruginous- brown : plumage brown with tawny edges : quill-feathers cho- colate-brown;: tail blackish-brown, with cinereous undulations, white at the roots : claws black. 3. F. Lagopus. Variegated brown and whitish : head and neck yellowish-grey, with oblong brown marks : cere and feet yellow : tail-feathers brown, the upper half and tips white. Rough-legged Falcon. Br. Zool. app. t. \ Leiuen t. 14. Length 2 feet 2 inches. Bill dusky, tipt with black : iris yellow : breast yellowifh-grey with brown marks : belly dusky-brown : feathers of the legs pale dull yellow with brown fpots; tail-cocerts white with brown ftreaks: claws blackish. B. Legs feathered to the knees or a little below. 4. F. Albidlla. Head and neck pale ash-colour: body dark ash-colour clouded with brown : bill cere and legs yellow: tail-feathers white, the middle-ones tipt with black. Cinereous Eagle. Br. Zool. \. t. t'8. Lewen t. 4. Walcot t. i. Lfngth 2 feet 9 inches : extent of wings 7 feet : weight In Cumberland and the Scotch Islands. /?;'// y cl low if h horn-colour, elongated at the bafe : iris pale yellow : between the eyes and nos- rrih a bluish fpace, naked except a few bristles : quill-feathers very dark : taz'/dn-sky at the bafc, white e;:ccpt the tips of the middle feathers : legs feathered a little below the knees : claws black. 5. F. ossifragm. Ferruginous brown : bill bluish horn- colour : cere and legs yellow ; tail-feathers white on the inner- webs. Sea Eagle. Br. Zool. t. 17. Leiuen t. i. Donovan t. 105. Length 3 feet 4 indies : expansion 8 or 9 feet. Maritime Woods. Orbits yellow: iris light hazel : feathers of the head and upper- part of the neck dull brown at the tip:, tawny below the middle, and white at the base : chin with a few bristle-like hairs : throat breast \\ni\belly with a few white irregular patches : tail-coverts mottled with white : legs feathered below the knees, female, entirely dark- rusty-brown. BIRDS. ACCIPITRES. 1. Falco. 2 6. F. HaHaetos. Abov r e brown, beneath white with a few brown spots : hind head and neck whitish : cere and legs blue. Ofprey. Lewin t. 5. IValcot i. t. 5. Donovan t. 70. Length 25 inches : extent^ feet 4 inches : weight 62 ounces. Moun- tainous lakes. flzV/black : iris yellow : head small, flat, the feathers brown with white margins : the back-part throat and neck white mixed with brown : from the eye is a brown band reaching nearly to the shoulder : feathers of the back and wings dull-brown edged with white : breast and belly white with rusty-brown spots: legs feathered just below the knees : 2 middle tail-feathers dusky-brown, "the rest alternately barred on their inner webs with brown and white : claws black. 7. F. Milvus. Ferruginous-brown : head and chin grey with brown lines : cere and legs yellow : tail deeply forked. Kite. Lewin. t. 10. Donovan t. 47. Walcot i. t. 10. Length 27 inches : extent 5 feet and an inch : weight 44 ounces. Woods. Bill horn-colour : iris pale yellow : neck and breaft ferru- ginous, the middle of the feathers black : belly ferruginous with, fewer fpots : back ferruginous, the feathers dark above in the mid- dle with pale edges : outer quill-feathers dusky-black with obscure bars : tail bright ferruginous, the outer-feathers nearly black : tegs feathered to the knees : claws black. $. F. Buteo. Above brown : breast and belly dirty white with rusty-brown spots : cere and legs yellow : tail with dusky bars. Buzzard. Brit. ZooL t. 25. Lewin t. 6. Donovan t. 11. Length 22 inches : extent 52 : weight 32 ounces. Woods. Bill lead-colour, tipt with black : iris white, tinged with red: head and upper part of the breaft pale ferruginous ; lowcr-breaft with dirty-white blotches : throat and back of the head white with yellow-brown ftreaks : fcapulars and wing-coverts tipt with pale ferruginous and dirty white* the two laft coverts with an edge of the fame : belly white, With a few ferruginous fpots : thighs deep ferruginous with deeper bars : inner-webs of the primary quill- feathers white towards the bafe : tail with blackish and cinereous bars, dull-white at the tip : legs feathered below the knees : claws black. 9. F. apivorus. Above deep brown, beneath white with red-brown transverse spots: head cinereous: cere dusky : legs dull yellow : tail with 2 'dusky-brown bars. Honey Buzzard. Lewin t. 7. Albin i. t. 2. Length 23 inches : breadth 4 feet i : weight 30 ounces. Woods. Bill black : 'iris yellow: chin yellow-white with narrow brown longitudinal ftreaks : breaft and belly with tranfverfe fpots of white and red-brown : tail fometimes with a single cinereous band, and tipt with white : legs feathered below the knees : cfaws dusky. 10. F. tzruginosus. Chocolate-brown: crown and throat yellowish or whitish; cere greenish yellow: legs Ion?, yellow. Moor Buzzarrf. Brit. ZooL t. 27. Lewin t. 8. Walcot. t. 8. Length 21 inches : extent 4 feet 3 : weight 20 ounces, Moors. Bill black : iris yellow : body chocolate-colour, with a ferruginous tinge : crown and throat varying to yellow whitish or rufty-brown. ; legs long, slender, feathered to the knees : c/aa-s black. r... u 26 BIRDS. ACCIPITRES. t. Falco. 11. F. palumba* ius. Deep brown above, white with nu- merous transverse black lines underneath; cere yel- lowish green: legs yellow: over the eyes a white stripe : tail with 4 or 5 blackish bands. jGoshawk. Brit. Zool. t. 24. Lewin t. 9. JValcot t. 9. Length 22 inches or more. Woods. Bill blue tipt with black : iris yellow : neck with a broken patch of white at the sides : wings reaching very little beyond the bafe of the tail : tail long, cinereous, with 4 or 5 dusky bands : legs feathered a little below the knees : claws black. 12. F. gentilis. Brownish-grey, with longnudinal brown spots : cere and legs yellow : tail with 4 blackish bands, tipt with white. Falcon gentil. Br. Zool. t. 21, 22. Lewin t. n. JValcot t. 11.. Something larger than the laft. Bill lead-colour: iris yellow : head pale ferruginous, with oblong darker fpots : back brown: quill-feathers dusky, with dark bars on the outer webs, and white- ones on the lower parts of the inner webs : wing-coverts andfcapu- lars brown with a ferruginous edge : all the parts underneath yel- lowish-white, with oblong dusky fpots, which in the young bird are transverfe : tail with alternate black and grey bands, tipt with white : legs feathered a little belo the knees : claws black. IS. F. iilam'icuti. Whitish with brown spots : cere and legs blue. Jer falcon. Br.ZobLt. 19. Lewin t. 16. Walcot t. 15. Length 2 feet ; extent 4 feet : weight about 3 pounds : North of Scotland. Bill bluish tipt with black, (yellow Penn.} iris blue : whole plumage white., with dusky Ipots lines or bars : Ugs feathered below the knees : claws blackish. 14. F. pengiinus. Above bluish, beneath whitish with transverse blackish streaks: cere and legs yellow: crown black : tail with brown bars, tipt with white. Peregrine Falcon. Br. Zool. t 20. Lew/fit. 12. Donov+t. 53. Size of the Moor Buzzard : weight between 2 and 3 pounds. Bill Short strong, bluish tipt with bUrk : iris dusky : crown round the fore-part and under the eyes bla;s hazel : from the base of the bill through the tyes a blackish .'-tripe. : upper-part of the back dusky: win^-coverts dusky : from the chin downwards yellowish-white : tail-feathers blackish, the mare.i is nl tips whitish, except the 2 middle-ones : jfgs dusky, female, head and neck reddish with browji .tranfvcrfe lines, beneath dirty-white with brown curved tranfverfe lines : tail iddish-brown, with a dark band near the end, and tipt with icU. ORDER II. PICJ3. A..CORVUS* Crow. 3$. C. Contx. Deep black; the upper-parts with a bluish i;Jos-; : f; il a little rounded. Raven., Lewni t. 32. Albinv.t.w. Wulcot t. 32, Length nearly 2 feet: extent 4 feet : weight 3 pounds. jSjY/blacJvish, strong, thick, nearly 3 inches long : nostrils covered ivith bristles reaching halfway down the bill: iris dusky : under- parts dusky, without glofs : legs black. Sometimes found pied> or entirely white. 36, C. Corcnc. Deep black, with a bluish gloss all over: tail rounded, with the feathers pointed. Carrion Crow. Br. Zool. t. 34. lewin t. 33. Walcot t. 33. Length 18 inches : extent 26 inches : weight 20 ounces. Sill black, a little convex near the tip : nostril* covered, with bris- tles : iris dusky : plumage black, with a. violet-blue glofs, Icjs shi- ning underneath : legs black. 37. d ffi'g'degus. Deep black, with a bluish gloss above: front bare of feathers anil grey: tail a little rounded. Rpok. J.ewin t. 34. Albin 2. f. 22. Walcot t. 34. Rather larger 'than the last. Bill black, gradually tapering : iris hisky : nostrils without briales i abave th,e bs BIRDS. PIC.E. 4, Corvus. 31 tween that and the eyes, and thence to the rhin, whitish fcurfy and bare of feathers in the old birds : legs black : inner-edge of the middle-daw fer r ate . 38. C. Coijiijc. Light ash-colour: head, throat, wings, and tail glossy bluish-black. Hooded crow, Lewin n. 3,5. Donovan t. 1 17. Walcot t. 3,5. Length 2.2 inches : exte-itt nearly 3 feet : weight 22 ounces. Bill a little convex : heady under-side of the neck, point of the breast, wings tail and legs, gl-ofsy violet-black,, the other parts pale cinereous. Female with the throat bluish-grey. 39. C. Momdula. Pale blui*h-biack : hind-head and back of the neck grey : front, wings, and tail black. Jackdaw. Lewin t. 36. Albin \.t. 14. Wukott. 36. Length 13 inches : extent 28 inches : weight 9 ounces. Bill a little curved at the point : iris light-grey : tail slightly rounded: legs blackish. Is fometimes found without the grey on the head and neck, fometimes mixed black and white, or entirely white. 40. G. glandarius. Vinaceous buff-colour: head white with black strokes : wing-coverts with blue and Mack bars : tail black. Jay. Lewin t. 38. Donovan t. 2. 34. Walcot t. 37. Length 13 inches : extent 21 inches : weight 7 ounces. Bill dusky : iris whitish : under the eyes a broad black streak from the angles of the mouth: chin whitish : crow it with long fea- thers, capable of be ing erected into a crest: greater wing-coverts, blue with tranfverfe black and white lines ; lesser-ones bay, the rest black : greater quill-feathers dusky, grey on the outer-webs, except the first ; 6 fecondary-ones black, the outer-webs white near the bafe, and tinged with blue ; 2 next black ; thofe next the body are tipt with black : rump and tail-coverts white : legs pale brown : claws dusky. 41. C. Pica. Black, with a blue green and purple gloss : scapulars, breast, and upper part of the belly white : tail long, wedge-form. Magpie. Lewin t, 40. Donovan t. 95. Walcot t. 39. Length 18 inches : extent 22 inches : weight about 9 ounces. Bill dusky : eyes dark-brown : vent black: 10 first quill-feathers . white on the middle of the inner-webs; tail 9 inches and a half long, and like the wings with a rich variable glofs of blue, green, and purple : legs and claws black. 42. C. caryocataclts. Rusty-brown, with triangular white spots : crown and wings blackish : tail blackish, tipt with white, the middle fealhers as if worn. Nutcracker. Br. Zoo/, app. t. 3. Lewin t, 37. Donovan t. 80. Lengthy inches: extent 21 inches 'weight Bill dusky : iris hazel : upper-part of the head and nape black- ish : vent white : tail rounded : legs dusky : claws black. 43. C. Graculus. Black, with a violet gloss : bill and legs orange- ted. Red-legged Crow. Chough. Br. Zool. t. 35. Lewin t, 39. Wale. t. 40. Length 16 inches : extent 33 inches : weight 13 ounces Bill nearly 2 inches long, curved, slender, sharp-pointed : iris ha- zel : bristles at the bafe of the bill not covering the noftrils : legs long, slender ; claws black. 5. CORACIAS. Rvller. 44. .C. garmla. Head, neck, breast and belly pale bluish green: back and scapulars red-brown: coverts on 32 BIRDS. PICJE. 6-9. the ridge of the wing, lower-part of the quills and rump rich blue: upper-part and tips of the quilh dusky. Roller. Br. ZeoL app. t. 2. Lewint, 41. Donov. t. 33. Length 12 inches and a half: size of the jay. Bill dusky, with briftles at the bafe, not covering the nostrils : irif- light hazel : orbits rather bare of feathers : coverts on the ridge of the wing rich blue, beneath them pale green : tail forked, light blue, the outer-feathers ftriped with black above, beneath with deep blue ; the reft dull green : legs dirty-yellow : claws blackish. 6. ORIOLUS. Oiiole. 45. O. Galbula Golden yellow : lores black : wings black with a yellow patch in the middle : tail black, the oiHer-feaihers }ellow on the lower half. Golden Oriole. Br. Zool. app. t. 4. Lewin. t. 42. Donovan, t. 7. Length 9 inches and a halt : fize of the black-bird. Bill brownish-red : iris red : wings with yellow marks near thg back ; 2 middle tail-feathers black, inclining to olive at the bafe, tipt with yellow : legs lead-colour : claws black. Female dull green-brown where the male is yellow : wings dusky: tail dirty-green, whitish at the ends, except the 2 middle-feathers. 7. CUCULUS. Cuckow. 46. C. canorus. Brownish-grey : neck and breast whitish with transverse undulate blackish streaks : tail round- ed, blackish ; the outer feathers spotted with white. Common Cuckow. Br. Zool. t. 36. Lewin t. 44. Donovan t. 41. Length 14 inches : extent 25 inches : weight 5 ounces. Bill yellow with a dusky tip : iris yellow : margins of the eyelids, gape, and palate faffron-red : wings reaching nearly to the end of tine tail; the feathers dusky, with oval white i'pots on the inner-webs : tail of 10 very unequal feathers, the 2 middle-ones blackish, all tipt with white : legs very short, yellow : daws dusky. female with the neck and breast tawny-brown, with dusky birs : wing-coverts with pale rusty fpots. Young bird brown, the feathers edged with white. 8. YUNX. Wryneck.. 47 . Torquilla. YUNX. Wryneck. Lewin t. 51. Donovan t. 83. Walcot t. 44. Length 7 inches : extent 1 1 inches : weight 10 drachms. Bill pale lead colour : tongue 2 inches and a quarter long, mifsile, cylindrical : iris light hazel : top of the head and back divided by a list of black and ferruginous strokes : upper part of the head and neeh, back, rump; and upper tail-coverts cinereous, with dusky tranf- verfe undulate lines ; chin and forepart of the neck yellowish-white, with tranfverfe dusky lines : lower-part of the breast belly, and sides whitish, with triangular dusky fpots : iving-ccverts dull rufous, with grey fpots: greater quills dusky, with quadrangular ferruginous fpou on the outer-webs: tail rounded, cinereous, with 4 dusky bars: legs brown : claws dusky. 9. PICUS. Woodpecker. 48. P. martins. Black, the crown of the head rich scarlet. Great black Wood-pecker. Lewin t. 45. Donovan t. 13. Wakat /. 4 j. Length 17 inches and a half: size of a jackdaw. Bill dark-grey, whitish- on the sides: iris pale yellow: tail-fea- thers pointed, the 2 middle-ones longer : legs lead colour, covered on the fore-part with feathers half their length : claws black. Ftmale rusty-brown, the hind part oi the head only fcarlet. BIRDS. PICvE. 9. Picus. S3 49. P. major. Variegated with black and white : vent bright crimson : male with a bar of crimson across the nape. Great fpottecl Wood-pecker. Ltwin t. 48. Walcot t. 48. Length 9 inches : extent 16 inches : weight 2 ounces and 3 quarters, Bill dusky: irh red-hrown : front dirty-white: crown glofsy- black : cheeks white,, with a black, line beneath from the corner of the mouth to the back, of the head, and another running down each *ide from the middle of it and nearly meeting on the breast : n a ck with a black fpot each side : throat and breast yellowish-white : belly white : vent and hind-part of the thighs fine crimfon : back, rump, and tail-coverts and lefser wing-coverts black : scapulars and coverts next them white : quills black, with white round fpots on each \\ r eb : 4 middle tail-feathers bla-. k, the rest white towards the points with black fpots : legs lead-colour : claws black. Female without the crimfon bar on the nape. 50. P. medius. Variegated with black and v/hite : crown anrl vent bright crimson. Middle-fpotted Woodpecker. Br. Zoo!, t. 37. Lewin t. 49. Length 8 inches and a half: less than the laft. Differs from the former, of which it is probably the young bird, in having the whole crown red, and the white about the eyes and neck larger, aud the breaft inclining to brown. 51. P. minor. Variegated with black and white: crown in the male crimson, in the female white : vent dirty white. Lefser fpotted Woodpecker. Br. Zool. t. 37. Lewin tr$o. Length nearly 6 inches : extent 11 : weight not an ounce. Bill lead-colour : iris red : front, throat, breaft and belly dirty-white: fores white, bounded each side by a black line running down to the shoulders, which are black : back and wings with black and white bars .- 4 middle tail-feathers black, the reft more or lefs white fpotted with black : legs lead-colour ; claws black. 52. P. villosus. Variegated with white and black ; white underneath : down the middle of the back a stripe of white hair-like feathers : 2 outer tail-feathers white : male with a red band across the hind- head. Hairy Woodpecker. Lewin t. 47. Walcot. t. 47. Length 8 inches and 3-quarters : weight a ounces. Sill lead-colour : iris dull red ; head black, with 2 white lines each side from the mouth, one over the eye, the other under it : upper parts of the body black ; the back divided by a lift of loofe-webbed hair-like white feathers ; wings fpotted wtih white : 4 middle tail-feathers black, the next obliquely white at the tips, the laft but one white with a black bafe, the outer-ones wholly white : legs lead-colour : claws black. Female without the red band acrofs the head. 53. P. Viridiv. Green: head grey, with scarlet spots : tail with dusky bars. Green Woodpecker. Lewin t. 46. Donovan t. 37. Walcot. t. 46. Length 13 inches : extent 20 and-a-half .- weight-6 ounces and a half. Bill, legs and claws horn-colour : iris whitish : orbits black, beneath which in th-: male is a fcarlet fpot bordered with black : bodybc- neath pale green : rump yellow green: quill-feathers dusky, with round white fpots on each web, the corner-ones green on the euter webs : edges of the wings variegated black and white : tail with green and dusky bars, the tip dusky. Female without the fcarlet on the chin* 34 BIRDS. PICJE. 10-11. 10. ALCEDO. Kingsfisher. 5.4. A. ispida. Crown and wing-coverts blackish green, with bright azure lines: lores reel-orange : (dim and spot each side the neck white : b^ck and rump bright azure : breast and belly dull rufous. Kingsfisher. Brit. ZooL t. 38. Lewin t. 53. Donovan t. 100. Length 7 indies : extent 1 i inches : weight an ounce and a quarter. Bill 2 inches long, black, tinged with orange at the bafe of the lower mandible : iris hazel ; arroTs the eyes, a reddish band, under which is a dark-blue ftripe .- throat buff-colour : fcapttlars and upper tail-coverts bright azure : tail short, deep blue : leps red-oranse claws blackish.. 11. SITTA. Nuthatch.. 55. S. Europfea. Bluish-grey, beneath pale rufous : lore black ; 4 lateral tail-feathers black, white toward the tip. Nuthatch. Er. Zcol. t. 38. Lewin t. 52. Donovan t. 81. Length nearly 6 inches : breadth 9 inches : weight 6 drachms. Sill black, whitish at the bafe of the lower mandible : iris hazel : from the upper mandible acrofs the eyes a black ftripe turning abruptly down the neck : chin and cheeks whitish : quills dusky : vent varied white and ferruginous : tail short, 2 middle-feathers bluish-grey, the reft black, more or lefs marked with grey and white ; legs yellowish-grey : daws large, dusky. 12. MEROPS. Bee-eater. 56. M. (ipiaster. Head and back chesnut : lores black : throat yellow : breast and belly green-blue : 2 mid- dle tail-feathers of the male longer. Bee-eater. Ltwin t. 43. Sowerby Mifc. t. 69. Length 10 inches. Bill blackish : iris dull red -.front blue green, behind it green : throat divided from the breaft by a curved black, line : sides of the back golden-yellow, with a clicfnut tinge : shoul- ders orange shaded with green : finaller wing-coverts green, fome of the greater edged with blue, the reft chefnut tipt with black : quills rich blue : rump blue : tail fea-green, the 2 middle-feathers in the male nearly an inch longer than the reft : legs short, pale-red : claws blackish. 13. UPUPA. Hoopoe. 57. U. Epops. Variegated with black, white, and pale rufous : head with a pale rufous crest, tipt with black: tail black, with a white band. Hoopoe. Br. ZooL t. 39. Lewin t. 54. Donovan t. g. Length 12 inches : extent 19 inches : weight 3 ounces. Bill 2 inches and a half long, blackish : iris dark hazel : creft of a double row of dull orange feathers tipt with black : sides of the head, neck and breaft pale rufous, in the young bird the breaft and belly fpottcd with black : upper part of the back brown : quill- feathers- black, with white bands : rump, lower-part of the belly and vent white : tail of 10 feathers, the outer-ones white on the outer edges, except the tip : legs short, black. 14. CERTHIA. '"Creeper. 58. C. familiaris. Tawny-grey, beneath white : head with black and yellow-brown streaks : wings brown- ish, 10 of tbe feathers with a white spot. Creeper. Brit. Zool. t, 39. Lewin t. 55. Walcot t. 54. BIRDS. PASSERES. 15. 16. SS Le**th 5 inches : extent 7 and a half: weight 5 drachms. fill brown : iris hazel : above the eyes a Itroke of white : quills 4usky, tipt with white, variegated with black : shoulders and lel'ser coverts tawny fpotted with white: rump tawny : tail tawny, of 13 ftiff pointed feathers : legs brown, ORDER III. PASSERES. 15. STURNUS. Stare. 9. St. vulgaris. Bill yellow: bo-iy glossy-black, with yellowish-whte spo's. Starling. Br. Z&ol. t. 46. Lewi it t. 56. IValcot t. 19.3. Length 8 inches 3 quarters ; extent 14 inches : weight 3 ounces. J5/// in the young bird bluish at tne bafe : iris hazei : head, n~ctt, and upper parts of th,e back black, with a purple and green glofs : lo.ver part of the back, breaft, wing-covert* and ru -p bLtck, with a dark- green shade : quill-feathers and tail dusky, the former edited with yellow on the outer-web, the latter with dirty white : legs reddish- brown. Young bird dusky brown. 16. TURDUS. Thrush. 60. T. viscivorns. Above brown, beneath yellowish-white with duskv spots ; 3 outer tail-ieaihers tipt with white, Mifsel Thrush. Lewfn t.6i, Albin i. t. 33. Wakot t. 197. Length n inches : extent 16 and a half: weight near 5 ounces. Bill dusky, the bafe of the lower-mandible yellowish : iris hazel : head, back, and lesser wing-coverts olive brown ; lower part of the back with a yellow tinge : sides of the head and throat whitish, with blackish fpots : larger wing-coverts tipt with white : quills brown, with a mixture of grey on the outer-webs : legs pale yellowish* brown : cla:us dusky. 61. T. musicus. Above brown, beneath yellowish-white, with blackish arrow-shaped spots : quill-feathers fer*- ruginous on the inner base. Throftle, Song Thrush Lewfn t, 62. Walcot t. 198. Length. 9 inches : extent 13 and a half: weight 3 ounces. Differs from the laft in having the upper-parts more uniformly brown, the fpots underneath arrow-shaped and pointing upwards, and the inner-wing-coverts yellow. 62. T. Eiiceloruni. Above brown, beneath yellowish- white, with blackish arrow-shaped spots : across the eyes a blackish stripe. Heath Thrush. Lewin's Brit, birds, ii. tab. 63. Refembles the laft, but is heavier ; the neck not fo long, the chin whiter, acrofs the eyes a short blackish ftripe, and the tail is half an inch shorter. 63. T. iliacus. Above brown, beneath whitish, with blackish spots : over the eyes a whitish line : under- parts of the wings and sides reddish-oranpe. Red-wing. Lewin t. 64. IValcot. t. 199. Albin i. t. 35. Length 8 inches and a half: weight near 2 ounces and a half. .BzV/ blackish, with a dusky bafe : .iris hazel : under the eyes a dusky patch : lower part of the belly and vent white, 64. T. piiaris. Head grey, spotted with black : back and wings chesnut-brown : breast reddish-yellow, spotted with black : tail black, the outermost feathers whit- ish on the inner-margin at the tip. 36 BIRDS. PASSERES, 17. 18. Field fare. Lewin. t. 65. Albin i. t. 36, ll'alcot t. 200. Length 10 inches : extent 17 imhes ; weight about 4 ounces. Pill yellowish, tipt with black : eyes h' and vent white : niiddle tail-feathers with a mixture of grey : legs dusky. 65. T: nientla* Black: bill and evlges of the eyelids ye Mo w. Blackbird, Ouzel. Br. Zeel. pi. 47. Lewin t. 60. W&lcot t. 201.. A^ove 10 ini hes long. Male, when full grown, deep-black, witk the bill, eyelids and month yellow; the legs yellowish. Female and young bird dark rusty-brown, with the bill and eye- lids dusky It is fome times varied with black and white, and fometimes entirely white. 66. 1. toryuatuis. Dusky-black; breast with a white patch, extending towards the neck : eyelids dusky. Ring ouzel. Lewin t. 59. Donovan t. 61. Walcot. t. 202. Length i i inches : extent 17 inches : weight Bill black ih yellow : iris hazel : plumage black, with a grey edge legs female with the patch on the breaft, light brown. Jn the young birds it is wanting. 61. T. Cindus. Blackish brown: cheeks, throat, and breast white : upper- part of the belly reddish-brown, lower-part and tail blackish. Water ouzel, Lewin *. 57. Donovan t. 24. Walcol t. 196. Length abo^e 7 inches : extent u : weight 2 ounces and a half. Sill black : iris hazel : head and neck blackish-brown : plumage of the back and wings edged with dark grey : legs on the fore-part and toes whitish, dusky behind. In the young bird the belly is white, (58. T. roseus. Head slightly crested behind : body pale rose-colour: head, neck, wings, and tail, glossy black Rofe-coloured Ouzel. Brit. Zool. app. t. 5. Lewin t. 58. Length 8 inches : lefs than the blackbird. Bill dirty flesh-colour, tipt with black : iris pale : head, crtjl, neck, wings and tail black, glossed with a changeable blue purple, and green : back, rump, shoulders, breast and belly pale "rofy, with a few bluck fpots : legs dirty orange : claws hooked, brown, 17. AMPELIS. Chatterer. 9. A. garndus. Head slightly crested behind j body reddish-grey : back and wings dusky : throat and tail black : secondary quill-feathers with a mem- branous vermilion tip, Waxen Chatterer. Br. Zoal. t, 48. Lewin t. 66, Donovan t. 1 1 , Length 8 inches ; size of a ftarling, Bill black : iris reddish : lores black : front reddish : chin black, edged with white above : middle of the bach and shoulders dusky tuing-coverts tipt with white : quills black, 3 first tipt with white $ 6 next edged with yellow on the outer edge, and with white on the inner ; 6 or 8 of the fccondaries with the shafts ending in flat membranous fine red appendages : rump and vent grey : tail black, whitish at the end, tipt with yellow, the undeivcoverts ehefiUU J legs blackish, 18. LOX1A. Grosbeak, 10. L. curvirostra. Mandibles crossing each other : body variegated with orange, yellow and green : wings and forked tail dusky. BIRDS, PASSERES, 18, Loxia. 37 Crofs-bill. Br. Zool. t, 49, Lewin t, 67, Donouant,^g, Length 7 inches : extent 13 inches : weight near 2 ounces. Bill dusky, the mandibles hooked and crossing each other : iris dusky : head and neck variable red orange and yellowish : bach and wing-coverts more or lefs olive-green, with dusky marks 5 rump orange: vent \\-hitish: under tail-coverts with dusky fpots j legs dusky : claws black. Female dull olive-green where the male is" red ; wings and tail dull brown : belly palish-green. 71. L. falcirostra. Mandibles crossing each other i body crimson, with a whitish mixture : wiugs hlack, with 2 white bands; the secondary feathers tipt with white: tail black. White-winged Crossbill. Dixon Voy. t*p. 356. Shot near Belfast, in Jan. 1802. Linn. Trans. -]., 309, Length 5 inches 3 quarters : size of a goldfinch. Bill dusky, with a ftreak of brown from the bafe to the eye: plumage vvhite, with broad crimfon margins, having the appearance of aa undulate mixture of both colours : rump pale crimfon ; vent dirty white : wings with an oblique white band from the shoulders, and a fecond short one below : fecondary quill-feathers tipt with white : legs brown, female brown above, beneath and vent yellowish : chin pale. 72. L. Coccothraustes. Chesnut brown, beneath purplish- grey : chin black : wings with a white stripe : the middle-feathers rhombic at the points : tail-feathers black at the base on the thinner side. Haw finch. Lewin iii. t. 66. Donovan t, 43. Walcot t, 206. Length 7 inches ; extent 13 : weight near 2 ounces, i??7/very ftrong and thick, pale dull pink : iris grey : orbits black j sides and back of the neck grey : rump pale chefnut : middle quill- feathers truncate, angular, curled at the edges, dark blue : greater- ones black, marked with white on the inner-webs : lesser wing* coverts white : tail short, black, tipt with White on the innerwebs j legs red-brown : elaws black. 73. L. Enucleator, Crimson, with black spots on the back and shoulders: belly and vent cinereous : wings black, with 2 white stripes ; tail blackish, with a whitish margin. Pine Grosbeak. Br. Zool. t. 49. Lewin t. 68. Donov.t.i?, Length above 7 inches : weight more than 2 ounces, Bill dusky : iris hazel : head, neck, breaft and rump crimfon j fea* thcrs of the back and lesser wing-coverts black with a reddish border: quills dusky, with a dirty-white outer edge: tail 9. little forked i legs short, dusky, female greenish-brown, with, here and there a reddish or yellowish tinge. 74. L. chloris. Yellowish-green i outer quill-feathers bright yellow on the outer-webs; tail dusky, the x>uter-featherg yellow on the outer-webs, Green finch, Lewin t. 70. Albin i. t. 58. Walcot t, d8, Bill pale horn-colour i iris hazel j sides of the ntct inclining to grey : belly greenish-white : wing.coverts grey rump yeUovish r legs flesh-colour, female dusky-green, 75. L. Pyrrhula, Crown, front and chin, wings and tail black : neck and back grey ; wing-coverts with a white line : rump and vent white ; breast and belly x>f the male red, of the female rusty-brown. 38 BIRDS. PASSERES. 19. Kinborixa, Bulfinch. Lewin t. 6g. Albin t. 59. 6. Wnlcot. t. 200, Hardly 6 inches long. Bill black : iris dusky : orbits blac/i - wing-coverts tipt with white, forming H line above the quills. Female' dirty brown : crown black rVurrtp white. 19. EMBERIZA. Bunting. 76. E. Niualis. White: front pale chesnut : back black, with pale chesnut spots : outer webs of the primary quill-feathers, and middle tail-fearhers black. Snow Bunting. Br. Zool. t. .50. 'Lewin t. 81. Wnlcot. t. 211. Weight about an ounce and a quarter : size of the ch-iffinc h. Bill yellowish, tipt with black : Hi's brown : orbits yellowish : front pale chesnut: body above with oblong blackish fpots: rump and beneath white : greater qnills black, white at the bafe ; fecondariej white, with a black fpot on the inner-webs : outer tail-feathers white, with a dusky fpot near the end : legs blackish. Female dull chefnut: brown above, paler underneath. 2. Head, nec'<, cheeks and bac' tawny, with Mack fpots : breast pale chefnut : lesser wing-coverts brown with white tips: greater white with black tips : quills dull black. Tawny Bunting. Lewin t. 81.* Donovan t, 27. Walrot. t. an. 3. Nee'-- and back grey with hlac' spots : throat white : breast and belly with flame-colour waves : at the fetting on of the wings grey: .5 first feathers blackish-brown, the rest white with a little brown at the point : 3 outer tail-feathers white, the rest d;ir^ -brown. Mounting Bunting. Mart. North, t. 13. /. i. H\ilcot. t. 210. Obs. Thefe 2 varieties have been considered as distinct fpecies ; but till future obfervations shall clearly eftablish them as fuch, we muft with Dr. Latham, consider 2 as the youug male bird, and 3 a very old bird of E. Nivalis. 77. E..dtrinella. Crown, throat and belly yellow : tail- feathers blackish, the 2 outer-ones with an acute white spot, on the inner side. Yellow hammer. Br. Zool. t. 50. Lf.cin. t. 84. Donovan. /. ug. Length 6 inches : extent 10 inches : weight 7 drachms. "Bill bluish iris hazel :. back part and sides of the head tinged with green: back and shoulders yellow-brown, with, dark4>ro.wn fpots : rump dull orange: win^-coverts chefnut, wfth bl ick fpots : quills dusky, the primaries edged with greenish-yellow on the outer-webs, fecondaries with rusty-brown : tail a little forked, dusky with a greenish-yellow edge : legs pale brown. Female dull brown. 2. Head and neck olive-green : breast brown : belly pale greenish- brown : tail dusky, Green^headed Bunting. Lewin. I. 84.* Brown, ill. t. 30. 78. E. Cirhis. Above varied, beneath yellow, spotted on the breast: over the eyes a yellow stripe: 2 outer tail-feathers with a white wed^c-shaped spot. Cirl Bunting. Montague Ornith, Diet. i. tib'. frontlfp. Length 6 inches and'a half: wfl^ht aboi-it 7 drachms. Sill bluish, pale beneath : iri.s hazel : cro;vn, napr, and upper-part of the breast olive-green, the first with dusky streaks : acrofs the eye a dusky streak, with a yellow one above and beneath it : throat black, with a bright-yellow band below : bach and fcapulars chefnut, the first with dusky streaks : rump olive-brown : 1-fser wing-coverts olive-green, greater dusky with tbeirouter webs chefnut: greater quills dusky, edged with green on the outer-webs ; lesser chefnut, dusky down the middle : breast chefnut mixed with yellow: 2 mid- ,dle tail-feathers chefnut, the Test black, the -2 'outer-ones with an oblique white bar, the oiitmoft white on the outer-web: 'legs brown* female beneath with blackish fpots : chin and vent whitish. HIRUS. PASSERES. 20. Fringilia, 3D 79. E. miliaria. Pjle olive-brown with blackish spots, - beneath yellow, sh-whitc with oblong dusky spots: orbits rufous-brown. Common Hnhtin-s dusky, \vith paler edges : tail a little forked, dusky, the pale : /tfgs dull yellow. SO. E. 'Sckawidus. Head and throat black : back and wings reddish-brown with black spots : underneath whitish : 1 2 outer taii-feathcrs with a while wedge- shaped spot. Reed Bunting. Levain t. 82. Walcott. 214. Albin ii. t, 51. Length 6 iirches ; weiglit nearly 5 drachms and a half. Bill dusky : iris haxel ; from the corners of the mcutJi a white ftripe encircling the head: breast and belly whitish, the sides darker, with a few brown lines : feathers of the back blackish, with broad reddish-brown borders : shoulders thefnut : quill-feathers dusky, with tawny borders : tail blackish, 2 middle-feathers with broad rufous borders, the others tawny on the outer-webs, 2 outer-ones ^vith a white oblique i'pot towards the ends : legs reddish-brown. Female head rufous with dusky streaks, without the white circle round the nape, and brownish beneath. 20. FRINGILLA. Finch. 31. F. domestica. Body black and s^rey, a white mark behind the .eyes: wings and tail biT'vn, the former with a single white band. Ilouie Sparrow. Br. Zoo/. ..51. Lewin t. 71. Donovan t. 8-3. Length about 6 inches : weight nearly 7 drachms. Bill dusky : iris ha;:el : crown and cheeks grey : round the eyes and from them to the bill black : throat black ; nape and neck chefnut : back and wing-co-jrts mixed rufous and black ; lefscr coverts tipt with white forming a band acrofs the wings : belly grey : tail dusky, edged with grey : legs brown. Female dull brown, with a white line above the eye, without the black near the eye and on the throat. Is sometimes found entirely white. S2. F. montana. Body black and grey : head and nape chesnut : wings and tail brown, the former with a double white band. Tree Sparrow. .Er. Zool. t. 52. Lewi a t. 72. Donovan t. 88. Lefs than the laft. Bill dusky: iris hazel : chin black : behind the eyes a black fpot : cheeks and sides of the head white ; back and shoulders rufous-brown, with black fpots: wing-coverts rufous, edged with black : quills blackish with rufous borders : breast and belly dull white: tail dusky rufous, edged with chefnut: legs pale-red brown. Female without the black on the chin and sides of the head. 83. F. ccelebs. Wings and tail blackish : quill-feathers marked with white on both webs at the base : outer- most tail-feathers obliquely marked with white. Chafrinch, Lew in t. 73. Albin i. /. 63. U'alcot t. 217. Lefs than the Sparrow. Bill bluish, tipt with black: iris hazel : front black: crown, nape and sides of the nee A Mulsh-grey; chfn, throat and breast dull orange : back dull chefnut; shoulders white ; fecondary wing-coverts tipt with white: quills dusky, with a green- ish yellow edge on the outer-webs : middle tail-feathers edged and tipt with grey; rump greenish : belly dirty white ; /^j brownish. 40 BIRDS. PASSERES. 20. Fringilla. Female without the grey on the head and neck, and the throae and breast dirty white. 84. F. Montifringitta. Black with rufous and grey spots : belly awl rump white: throat, breast and shoulders pale rufous:- lateral tail-feathers blackish, edged with, white on the outer webs. Mountain Finch, Brambling. Lewin t. 74. Walcott. 218. Length about 6 inches : rather larger than the Chaffinch. Bill yellowish, tipt with black: iris dusky : head, nape, throat and back black, the feathers more or lefs with an orange-buff edge : lesser wing-coverts pale rufous, greater-ones black with orange tips: quills black, edged with yellow on the outer-webs, the first 3 or 4 with a white mark on the outer-webs, forming an oblique white bar : belly and rump whitish : sides with a few black fpots : tail black, the 2 middle-feathers with a grey edge and tip : legs brownish. Female grey on the head and nape, with 2 dusky lines from the latter : plumage dusky with pale yellow edges, and with- out the orange or yellow. 85. F. Car duel is. Crown black: front and chin orange : quill-feathers rich yellow on the outer webs, except the outermost : 2 outer tail-feathers white in the middle, the middle-ones tipt with white. Goldfinch, Thistlefinch. Lenin t. 75. Donovan t. 103. Length 5 inches apd a half: extent of wings 9 inches. Bill white, tipt with black : iris dusky : from the bill to the eyes a black stripe : cheeks white, bounded by a black line reaching half- way round the neck : back brown : breast whitish in the middle : tides, lower part of the breast and belly pale brown: fiat white : greater wing-coverts black, with pale tawny tips ; lesser-ones tipt with yellow : quilts blackish, tipt with white : tail black, more or lefs marked with white: legs pale brown. Female with the fea- thers at the end of the bill brown, and the black and yellow paler. Young bird with the crown grey, and without the fcarlet front and chin. 86. F. Spinus. Greenish-yellow, with dusky spots : quill- feathers yellow in the middle, the first 4 immaculate : tail-feathers yellow at the base, tipt with black. Siskin, Aberdevine. Br. Zeal. t. 53. Lewin t. 76. Length 4 inches 3 quarters : size of the linnet. Lill white, tipt with' black : crown black : rump yellowish : shoul- ders with a broad yellow band : throat, breast and cheeks greenish- yellow : belly whitish, with afev/ black marks : quills blackish, the outer edges yellow : 2 middle tail-feathers black, the rest rich yellow on the upper half and tipt with black : legs blackish. Female, head and back greenish-grey with brown marks : throat and sides whitish. 87. F. Linota. Chesnut-brown, beneath yellowish-brown: wings with a longitudinal white band : tail-feathers dusky with white edges. Linnet. Lewiu. t. 77. Albint.p.^i. IValcol t. 221. Length 6 inches .- extent of wings about 10 inches. Bill dusky: iris hazel: front dusky, with a few dull red fpots: head and cheeks grey with paler lines : back dark chefnut, with dusky fpots : throat and belly yellowish-white : breast more or less blood red : vent white : outer-webs of the quills white nearly their whole length : 2 middle tail-feathers bordered with dull red : legs dark-brown. Female and young bird without the red on the breast, which is marked with brown lines. Is probably only a. variety of the next. BIRDS. PASSERES. 21. 22. 41 88. F. cannal'itia* Chesnut brown, beneath rufous- white : front and breast more or less red : wings with a lon- gitudinal white band : tail-feathers dusky, edged with white, Greater Redpole. Br. ZoeL t. 54. Lewin t. 78. Walcot t. 222.. Length 6 inches : extent nearly 10 : weight 5 drachms. Bill bluish : iris hazel : head and neck grey ; front and breaft with rofy fpots : belly pale rufous : vent whitish : quills more or lefs white .on the outer-webs: 4 middle tail-feathers dark brown : legs brown. Female and young bird without the red on the front and 89. F. Una) in. Above rufous-brown with dusky spots : chin black : front and breast red : wings with a dou- ble white band. Lesser Redpole. . Br. Zoo!, t. 54. . Leuiint.jg. Donovan t. 114. Length 5 inches : extent 7 and-a-half : weight 2 drachms and a half. Bill dull yellow: iris hazel: throat and belly whitish : sides with brown lines : wing-coverts dusky tipt with white, forming 2 bars on the wings : quill and tail-feathers edged with dull white : legs dusky. Female faffron on the front, and without the red on the breast^ 90. JT. Mantium. Above rufous with dusky marks, be- neath whitish : feathers of the lower part of the neck black in the middle : wings with a whitish band : rump red. Twite. Br. Zool. t. 53. Lewin t, 80. Walcot. t. 216. Length nearly 6 inches : rather larger than the linnet. Bill yellowish, with a dusky tip : iris hazel : crown and rump red : feathers of the upper-parts dusky, edged with rufous : throat pale rufous with blackish fpots : eyes with a pale brown fpot above and below : lesser -^ing-coverts with a dull white edge : quills and tail- feathers with dull white outer-webs : legs blackish. female dull brown, without the red- on the rump. 21. MUSCICAPA. Flycatcher. 91. M. Gtisoia. Above grey-brown, with dusky spots on the head ; beneath dull white, with dusky spots on the breast and sides : rump inclining to rufous. Spotted Flycatcher. Lewin t. 93. Walcot. t. 224. Length not quite 6 inches : size of a titlark. Bill dusky, broad at the bafe, carinate down the middle : iris hazel: mouth yellow within: sides under the wings with a dull rufous tinge : wing-coverts and tail-feathers dusky, with paler edges : legs black. Male with a whitish ring round the neck. 92. M. .alricapilla. Above black, beneath white: front and large patch on the wings white : outermost tail- feathers white on the outer-webs. Pied Flycatcher. Lewin t. 94. Donovan t. 22. Walcot. t, 223. Length nearly 5 inches : size of the Linnet. Bill black : iris hazel : cheeks black : wings dusky : upper tail- coverts mixed black and white ; legs back : Female dusky-brown where the male is black, and the white more obfcure and hardly visible on the front. 22. ALAUDA. Lark. 93. A. arvfinsis. Rufous-brown spotted with black: chin, belly^ and vent yellowish-white : 2 outer tail-feathers white down their outer-webs, the middle-ones with light rufous margins. *2 BIRDS. PASSERES. 22. Alauda, Sky-lark Levin t. 86. Albin t. 41. Walcot. t. 189. Length abo^e 7 Indies : in t. y>. Length 6 inches and 3 quarters : larger than the Skylark. Bill dusky above, yellowish beneath : iris ha/el : crest compofed of 7-12 feathers nearly half an inch in length : neck and shoulders grey-chefnut : wing-coverts brownish-Hack-, with a chefnut edge : throat and breatt pale yellow, with a few black spots : tail about 2 inches long : legsbro\vn : hind-claw long. 101. A. cristatelfa. Head crested: above brown with black- ish spots ; beneath pale ferruginous : over the eyes a pale line : quill and tail-feathers brown : legs reddish. Lesser crested Lark. Lewin t. 87. PI. enlum. ,503, f. 2. Lefs than the last. Bill dark horn-colour : iris hazel : crest lon- ger : wing-coverts rich-brown with buff edges : throat and breast pale brown, with oblong blackish fpots : belly and vent dull white : short, the outer-feathers edged with white : legs and tacs short, slender : hind-claw long, slightly curved. 23. MOTACILLA. Wagtail. 102. M. alba. Chin, lower part of the neck and breast black : 2 outer tail-feathers obliquely white for moie than half their length. White Wagtail. Br. Zool. t. 55. Lewin t. 95. Donovan t. 5. Length 7 inches and a half: weight nearly 6 dracltms. Bill black : iris dusky : front, cheeks, and sides of the neck white : crown and upper and under sides of the neck black : buck greyish- black : belly and vent white : greater wing-coverts black, tipt with white : tjuills dusky, the inner-ones bordered with white on the outer-webs: tail black, except the outer-feathers: legs black. . Female dusky where the male is black, and more grey abo-ve. In the autumn there is only a black crefcent-like mark on the breaft. 103. M. BoaraTa. Above dark grey, beneath buff yellow: vent anil ramp pale yellow: outmost tail-ieaUiers entirely white, secondaries on the inner- webs. 44 BIRDS. PASSERES. 24. Sylvia. Grey Wagtail. Lewin Donovan t. 40. Length near 8 inches : extent 10: weight about 5 drachms. Bill brown : iris dark hazel : cheeks dark grey : chin and throat bufl in the winter becoming black in the i'ummer : rump and vent rich yellow : wing-coverts and quills blackish, with pale margins : mid- dle tail-feathers dusky, with a yellow edge towards the bafe : legs pale brown. 104. Above pale olive-green, beneath rich yel- low : across the eyes an olive-green stripe : Pouter tail-feathers obliquely white for more than half their length, Yellow Wagtail. Pr. Zool. t. 53. Lewin t. 97. Donovan t. 15. Length near 7 inches : extent 10: weight about 5 drachms. Bill black : iris hazel: over the eyes a yellow streak; throat, in the fummcr, with black fpots : quill-feathers dusky, with paler edges: 2 outer tail-feathers obliquely black and white, the rest xlusky : legs blackish. Female lefs bright in the colours. 24. SYLVIA. Warbler. 105. S. Luscinia. Above reddish-brown, beneath pale yellowish-ash : tail deep tawny-red. Nightingale. Lewin iii. t. 99. Donovan t. ic8. Walcot t. 229. Length 7 inches : extent 10 inches : weight 6 drachms. Bill dusky : iris hazel : quills and coverts reddish-brown, with paler margins : vent whitish : knees grey : legs long, light brown. 106. S. hortetmy. Above light olive-brown, beneath dirty-white : from the bill over the eyes a whitish streak : tail-feathers brown with a grey brown outer margin, the outmost obliquely half white. Greater Pettichaps. Lewin t. ici. K'a/cot. t. 230. Length 6 inches : extent 9 inches : weight 5 drachms. Sill dusky, the bafe of the lower mandible yellowish : iris hazel : mouth red or yellow within : head darker than the back : quilh. dark-brown with paler margins : belly and vent white : legs lead- colour. 107. S. Hippolais. Above greenish-brown: throat and breast dirty yellowish white : breast and belly silvery white : above and below the eyes a yellowish streak : quill -and tail-feathers dusky, with a dirty yellow margin. Lefser Pettichaps. Lewin t. 102. Donov. t. 14. Length 5 inches : extent nearly 6 inches : weight near 3 drachms. Bill dusky ; iris hazel : chin whitish : lower wing-coverts yellov ish : legs dusky 2. Paler above : thighs brown : tail brown : eyebrows white. 108. S. sylvicola. Yellow-green : throat and cheeks yel- low : belly and vent pure white : from the bill over the eye a bright brimstone streak. Wood Wren. Linn. Trans. 11. p. 245. tab. 24. Length 5 inches and a quarter : weight near 3 drachms, , Bill dusky : iris hazel : through the eyes a bright fulphur ftreak, but not under them us in the laft : upper-part of the breaft yellow- ish-white : quill-feathers dusky, edged on the outer-webs with yellow-green; tail-feathers dusky, edged with green on the outer- webs except the first, and with white on the inner: legs horn-colour. J09. S. atricapilla. Crown black, of the female chesnut : body above grey greenish-brown, of the female in- clining to olive : beneath cinereous. BIRDS. PASSERES. 24. Sylvia. 45 B'lack-cap. Lewin. t. 100. Walcot t. 234. Length 6 inches : extent 10 inches : weight half an ounce. .Bill brown : iris dark hazel : cheeks and neck greyish-brown : chin whitish ; quill and tail-feathers dusky, with a greenish-brown mar- gin : belly and vent whitish : legs lead-colour. 110. S. arundinacea. Above olive-brown, beneath yel- lowish-white : lores aud orbits whitish-brown : -wings "with a tawny-yeilow band in the middle underneath : tail brown, some what werl^e-form. Reed Wren. Lewin t 113. Gent. Mag. Vol. 55. t. p. 640, Length hardly 5 inches and a half: weight 3 drachms. Bill dusky above, yellowish beneath, broad at the bafe : iri s hazel : sides inclining to rufous-brown : from the bill to the eye a lightish streak : quilt and tail-feathers dusky, with olive-brown margins ; legs dusky : foles greenish-yellow. 111. S. modulatis. Above grey-brown, with dusky spots: wing-coverts greyish at the tips: throat and breast bluish-grey. Hedge Sparrow, Lewin t. 103. Albin i. .'59. Walcot t. 2^2. Length Cinches and a half: extent near 9 : weight 6 drachms Bill dusky: iris hazel: chin and sides of the neck greyish: quill and tail-feathers dusky, with dull rufous margins : belly dirty white: legs dull flesh-colour. 112. S. Phcenicurus. Front white : chin and throat black: head and back bluish-grey : breast, rump, and tail rufous. Redstart. Lewin t. 104. Donovan t. 82. Walcot t. 233. Length 6 inches : extent 9 and a half : weight near 4 drachms. Bill black : iris dark hazel : cheeks black : sides rufous : quills brown with pale edges : vent whitish : 2 middle tail-feathers bro\vn, with a rufous margin : legs blackish. Female, chin whitish, and the rufous colour lefs bright. 113. S. cinerea. var. Above brown-grey, with a rufous shade ; beneath white, with a reddish tinge : outmost tail-feathers entirely white on the outer-web, and half way down the inner. White-throat. Lewin t. 105. Albin t. 58. Walcot t. 235. Length near 6 inches : extent near 9 : weight about 4 drachms. Bill dusky, whitish beneath : z'rz's hazel : wing-coverts dark-brown, with a dull rufous margin : quills dusky, edged with grey-brown : throat white : breast and belly with often a rofy tinge : tail dusky : legs pale brown, 114. S. Syluiella. Head and rump grey : back, wings and tail grey-brown : beneath dirty white : 2 middle tail- feathers shorter and subulate. Lesser White-throat. Lewin t. 106. Donovan t. 86. Length ,5 inches and a quarter : weight 3 drachms and a quarter. Bill dusky; iris yellowish : quill and tail-feathers darker than the back, w.ith a grey edge ; the outer-feather of the latter white on the outer-web, and more than half of the inner : from the chin to the vent pure white : legs brown lead-colour. 115. S. Locwtella. Olive-brown with dusky spots; be- neath yellowish-white, darker on the breast; tail wedge-shaped, with pointed feathers. Grasshopper Warbler. Lewin t. 98. Br. Zeol.foL t. O.f. 5. Length 5 inches and a half: weight 3 drachms and a quarter. Bill dusky above, pale beneath : iris hazel : from the bill to the eyes a yellowish streak : breast and sides inclining to brown, with a 46 BIRDS. PASSERES. 24. Sylvia. few dark ftreaks : quills and tail dusky olive-brown with paler outer margins : legs pale brown. 116. S. salicaria. Yellowish-brown with dusky spots, beneath dirty white: tail-coverts pale tawny: o\ ti- the eye a white stripe. Sedge Warbler. Lewin t. 107. Doiiou. t. 48. Sill black, pale beneath : cheeks pale brown : over the eyebrows a black stripe : breast and sides darker : quills and tail dusky, the former edged with olive-brown : tail a little wedge-form : legs dusky. 117. S. Dartfordiensis. Deep rufous-brown, beneath fer- ruginous : belly white in the middle : iris and eyelids red : legs yellow. Bartford Warbler. Lfwin. 1. 108. Br. Zoo!, t. 56. Donovan. /. 10. JfrY/blafk, whitish at the bale of the upper mandible : throat with A few whitish fpots : cheeks dark grey : qitilis dttsky, edged with dark grey : fpurious ming white : wedge-forin, brown, the oiitmoit feathers white on the outer edge. 118. S. rubecula. Greyish-brown, belly white : front, chin throat and breast deep orange. Red-breast Lewin t. 109. Donovan t. 123. Walcot. t. 238. Length 6 inches .- extent of wings g inches. Bill black : it is dark hazel : body above brownish-ash, with a tinge of green : wings darker, Xvith paler margins : legs dusky. 119. S. rubicola. Deep tawny spotted with black, beneath dull rufous : throat black : sides of the neck and spot on the wings white. Stone chat. Lewin t. no. Donovan t. 92. Walcot. t. 239. Length 5 inches and a half: extent near y : weight half an ounce. Sill black: iris dusky : head and throat, of the male black : each side the neck a broad band of white : quill and tail-feathers dusky, with tawny edges : rump, of the male, white : belly pale rufous : vent whitish : legs black. 120. S. Rubetra. Dull rufous spotted with black, throat and breast ferruginous : over the eyes and from the chin down the sides of the neck a white stripe : wings with two white spots, \Vhin chat. Lewin t, 111. Donov, t. 60. Walcot. t. 240. Length 5 inches : extent g inches : weight 4 drachms and a half. Bill black : iris hazel : cheeks black : quills dusky, with rufous margins : tail blackish, white on the lower part except the 2 mid- dle feathers : belly and vent whitish, with a ferruginous tinge ; legs black. 121. S. (Enanthe. Head and back bluish-grey: cheeks black : over the eyes a dirty-white stripe : breast and belly yellowish-white : rump and base of the tail white. Wheat-ear. Lewin t. 112. Albin t. 54, 55. Walcot. t, 241. Length above 6 inches : extent near 12 : w e ight near 7 drachms. Bill black ; iris, hazel : from the bill a black stripe, forming a black patch round the eyes : front dirty white : win^s and coverts dusky, with reddish-brown edges : breast with a reddish tinge : vent white: 2 middle tail-feathers white with a black bu!e, the rest white tipt with black : legs blackish. 2. Mixed fulvous and whitish : lower part of the neck with grey fpot-r; 2 middle tail-feathers entirely black. 122. S. Troglodytes. Reddish-brown, crossed with ob- BIRDS. PAS9ERES. 25. Parus. 47 scure dusky lines : throat and breast paler : over the eyes a pale reddish-white stripe. Wren. Lewin t. 115. Albin t. 53. R. Walcct t. 242. Length abo^e 4 inches : extent 6 and a half : weight not 3 drachms. Bill and legs dusky : iris dark hazel: chceAs marked with dirty white mixed with ferruginous : quill-feathers with black and red- dish white undulate lines: tail crossed with dusky lines. 123. S. Regulus. Greenish, beneath dirty white: crown orange, of Hie female bright yellow : secondary quill* leathers yellow on the outer margin, white iu the middle. Golden-crested Wren, lew in t. 116. Donov.t. 4. Wakot. t. 243, length 3 inches and a half: extent 5 : weight 76 grains. Bill blackish : iris haxel ; crown orange in the middle, light yellow each side, bordered with black : hind-head and neck greyish-green : front, chin and cheeks whitish : quills dusky edged with green, the coverts tipt with white : tail dusky, the feathers edged with yel- lowish-green : legs yellowish. 124. S. Trochilus. Greenish yellow-brown, beneath white tinged with yellow : over the eyes a yellowish stripe: wing-coverts yellow. 2. Front, wings, and underneath pale yellow : back and tail pale brown. 'ficitc'h wren. Edzu. t. 278. /. 2. Yellow Wren. Lewin t.\i. Donovan t. 14. Hayes t. 38, Length 5 inches : weight above 2 drachms and a half. Bill dusky above, yellowish beneath : iris hazel : breast with a few yellowish streaks : vent white : quills and tail-feathers dusky edged with yellow: iegs^ yellow-brown. 95. PARUS. Titmouse. ?25. P.cristatus. Greenish-brown, belly and vent dirty- white : heart crested, black spotted with white : throat and collar black. Crested Titmoufe. Lewin 1.117. Donouant.ift. Albin t. 57. Length nearly ,5 inches : weight 2 drachms and a half. JJiV/ blackish : iris dark hazel -.front ahd crows white with black waved lines :. crest pointed black, edged with white : cheeAsvthite 9 with black marks : from the eves a black stripe acrofs the cheeks, meeting another which passes down the sides of the neck : quill and tail-feathers darker than the back, with paler edges: /^.r lead-colour. 126. P. major. Olive-green, beneath green-yellow with a broad black stripe down the middle : head and throat black : cheeks white : wings with a white band. 2. Olive-brown, beneath dirty yellow : head black ; temples grey: mandibles crossing each other, lewin i. t. frontifp. Great Titmoufe. lewin t. 117. Donovan t. 69. Length near 6 inches : extent 9 : weight 10 drachms. Bili black .- iris hazel : nape yellowish : rump bluish-grey : quill* feathers dusky : coverts bluish, the larger tipt with white : tail~ feathers dusky, all bluish on their outer-webs, except the outmoft which are white : vent white : legs lead-colour. 127. P. aler. Bluish-grey, beneath yellowish white : head and throat glossy black : cheeks and patch on the hind-head white : wings with 2 white bars. Cole Titmoufe. Br.Zool. t. 57. Lewin t. 119. IValcot. t. 79. Length 4 inches : extent 7 : weight above 2 drachms. Sill black : inV hazel ; rttmjt greenish : lower part of the belly and 48 BIRDS, PASSERES, 26. Hirundo, vent white : sides yellowish ; greater and lesser wing-coverts Upt 'With white; quills dusky with paler outer margins: legs lead- colour. 128. P. palustris. Rusty-grey, beneath dirty white : head and chin black : cheeks, sides of the neck and throat while. Marsh Titmoufc. Br. Zool. t. ,57. Lewin t. 120. Walcot t. 247, Length 4 inches and a half : extent near 8 : weight 2 dr. and a half. Bill black : iris hazel ; head hlack, but not glossy : chin often spotted with white : wings with or without a grey band or two : quill and tail-feathers dusky-grey with paler outer margins : legs lead colour. 129. P. caruleus. Crown, wings and tail blue: front and cheeks white : across the eyes and on the sides of the neck a black stripe : back yellowish-rgreen : breast and belly yellow. Tom-tit. Brit. Zool. t . 57. Lewin t. 121. Walcot t. 245. Length 4 inches and a half: extent above 7 : weight 3 drachms. Bill blackish ; iris dark hazel : crown bounded by a circle of white : wings with a white bar ; the primary quills white on the outer* margin : legs lead-colour, 130. P. caudalm.. Purplish, with a broad black band down the back, beneath pale rosy : crown white, surrounded by a black band passing through the eyes: tail longer than the body. %ong-tailed Titmoufe. Lewin f. 122. Donovan t. 16, Length near 6 inches : extent near 7 : weight about 2 drachms, Sill short, thick, black : iris hazel, edges of the eye-lids yellow? head and cheeks white, with a few dark feathers : sides of the back dull purple : throat and under part of the neck white : greater wing- coverts brown, with a dull rofy edge, tipt with white : quills dusky, the inner-pnes white on the outer edge : tail 3 inches long, the fea- thers very unequal in length, the 4 middle-ones black, the next with a white mark near the tip, the rest obliquely white on the outei*-webs : legs blackish. 131. P. biarmicus. Rufous, chin and throat white : head hoary : beneath the eyes a tuft of black feathers pointing downwards : vent black : tail as long as the body. Bearded Titmoufe, Lewin t, 123. DoKov.t. i. Walcot t, 248. Length 6 inches and a quarter : weight 2 drachms apd a half. Bill orange, a little curved : iris yellow : breast flesh-colour : quills dusky with pale edges, the inner-^webs of the primaries white fecondaries with rufous edges : tail wedge-form, 3 inches long, the outer feathers more^ or lefs white : legs black, female without the black tuft under the eyes : vent white, 26. HIRUNDO. Swallow, 132. H t rustica. With 3 toes forwards : above black with a purplish gloss, beneath whitish : front and w chin ferruginous : tail-feathers, except the 2 middle ones, w r ith an oval white spot. Chimney Swallow. Br. Zool. t. 58, Lewin t. 124. Walcott. 251. Length near 7 inches : extent above 12 : weight near 6 drachms. Bill black : iris hazel : breast and belly white, in the male with a tinge of red : tail much forked : legs dusky. 133. H. urbica. With 3 toes forwards; rump and iu> tlerneath white : tail-feathers entirely black. BIRDS. PASSERES. 27. Caprimulgus. 40 Houfe Martin. Lewin t. 12,5. Albin t. 56. a. Walcot t. 252. Length 5 inches and a half: extent 10 : weight about 5 drachms. Bill black : mouth yellow within : iris hazel ; tail much less forked than in the i wallow ; legs covered with short white down: claws white. 134. 11. n'paria. Willi 3 toes forward : mouse-bro\vn, beneath white : a broad mouse-brown band across the throat. Sand Martin. Lewin t. 126, Albin t. 56. b. Walcot t. 253. Length hardly 5 inches : extent about 10 inches. Bill dusky : iris hazel : tail with a slight cinereous edge: legs dusky, a little feathered behind. 135. H. Apus. With the toes all placed forwards : above and underneath sooty-black : chin whitish. Swift. Br. Zool. t. ,58. Lewin t. 127. Walcot t. 254. Length near 8 inches : extent above 17 : weight an ounce. Bill black: iris hazel : quill and tail-feathers with dusky margins t legs very short, clothed to the toes with dusky feathers : claws black. Female less, and more inclining to brown. 27. CAPRIMULGUS. Goatsucker. 136. C. eiiropaus. Variegated with black, brown, ferru- ginous and white ; beneath reddish-brown, with nu- merous dusky transverse lines. Night Swallow. Br. Zool. t. 59.. Lewin t. 128. Donovan t. 67. Length 10 inches and a half: extent 22 : weight 2 ounces and a half. Sill dusky, short, weak: eves large: ins hazel: body elegantly varied with black, grey, dark brown, ferruginous and white, dii- pofed in fpots lines and bars : tail rounded : legs short, fcaly, fea- thered below the knees. Male with a large white oval fpot on the inner-web of the 3 first quill- feathers, and at the end of the 2 outer tail-feathers. ORDER IV. COLUMBJ3. 28. COLUMBA. Dove. Pigeon. 137. C. CEnas. Pale bluish ash-colour: neck and breast with a green and copper gloss : lower part of the back whitish : wings with 2 black bands : tail tipt with black. Stock Dove. Br. Zool.t. 4.5. Lewin t. 120. Donovan t. 107. Length near 14 inches : extent 22 : weight 11 ounces. Bill and legs red : iris bright yellow : greater quill-feathers dusky, with a whitish edge : breast inclining to clarety purple : sides whitish : belly and vent pale ash-colour : tail dark bluish-grey, with fometimes a black bar near the middle; the outer-feathers white on the outer-webs near the bafe. 138. C. Patumbus. Deep bluish ash : each side the neck a glossy-white patch : angles of the wings and outer quill-feathers edged with white : tail black at the end. Ring Dove, Quest. Lewin t. 130. Walcot t. \%-j. Length near 18 inches : extent 30 : weight 20 ounces. Sill yellowish ; iris bright yellow : back inclining to brown : greater quills blackish, the outer-ones white on the outer edges : fpurious wings nearly black, with a white line down to the quills : lower-part of the belly and vent inclining to white : tail dark ash- colour, black on the lower part: legs purplish-red, feathered be- low the knees. 50 BIRDS. GALLIN/E. 29-30. 139. C. Turtur. Back brownish-ash ; breast reddish- white : sides of the neck with a black patch spotted with white : tail tipt with white. Turtle Dove. Br. ZcoL t. 45. Lewin t. 131. Walcot. t. 188. Length 12 inches : extent 21 inches : weight 6 ounces. Bill dusky : ms yellow : beneath and behind the eyes purplish-red j head and neck blue-grey : bach and wings reddish-brown, the fea- thers with paler edges; the fore-part of the latter bluish-grey: chin and belly whitish : quills dusky, with paler margins : tail black, the 2 middle-feathers not tipt with white, the outmost white on the outer edge ; legs purplish-red, ORDER V. GALLING. 29. PHASIANUS. Pheasant. 140. P. colchicus. Reddish chesnut spotted with black: head and part of the neck, of the male, blue, with a violet and green-gold gloss : tail wedge-form : cheeks warty. Pheafant. Lewin t. 132, Albin t. 25. 26. Walcot t. 178. Length 3 feet : breadth 2 feet 8 : weight near 3 pounds. Bill pale horny: iris yellow : cheeks crimfon fpeckled with black, granular: plumage a rich assemblage of red and black, with a fine glofs of green gold blue and violet changeable in the various shades of light : feathers of the tail very unequal, the 2 middle-ones 18 or 20 inches long : legs dusky ; toes connected at the bafe ; fpur 3 quarters of an inch long. Female brown, with a mixture of grey, reddish and black : sides of the head covered with feathers, 30. TETRAO. Grow*. 141. T. UrogaHus. Rufous-brown: head and neck cine- reous : chin and belly blackish ; axils of the wings white. Cock of the Woods. Lewin t. 133. Br. Zool. t. 40. 41, Donov. t. 89. Length 2 feet 8 : extent 3 feet 10 : weight 12 or 13 pounds. Bill horn-colour : iris hazel : cheeks red : body marked with miunte tranfverfe black lines : breast glossy black-green ; belly and vent tnarked with white : tail black, with a few white fpots : legs co- vered with brown feathers : edges of the toes pectinate. Female lefs : throat red : head, neck and back, with tawny and rd bars : belly with pale orange and black, bars : tail dark ferru. ginous, with black bars, tipt with white. 142. T. Tetrix. Glossy blue-black : spot near the shoul- ders, 2 bars on the wings, and under tail-coverts white: tail forked. Fein, larger, with reddish spots on the neck, breast, wings and thighs. Black Grous. Brit. Zool. 1.42, Lewin t. 134. Donov. t. 97, Length i foot 10 : extent 2 feet 9 : weight near 4 pounds. Bill dusky: ms hazel: coverts dusky-brown: 4 first quill-feathers black, the next white at the bottom ; lower half of the fecondaries and under-covcrts white : thighs and Jegs clothed with dusky fea- thers, with a few white fpots on the former : tail much forked, the outer feathers bending outwards ; the under-coverts pure white. Female much less, tranfverfely variegated with ferruginous black and grey : tail-feathers straight and even at the end, 143. T. Lagopus. Varied with grey and white : legs woolly : wings white, with black shafts : 2 middle BIRDS. CALLING. 31. Perclix. 51 tail-feathers white, the rest black more or less tipt wiih white. Ptarmigan. Br. Zool. t. 43. Lewin t. 135. Donovan t. 12. Length 15 inches : extent 23 : weight 19 ounces. Kill black : iris ha/el: pluma*c p/>. t. 9. Lew in t. 143. Length 40 inches : extent 52 : weight 3 pounds and a half. Bill 7 inches long, 2 inches wide in the broadest part, brown or black, with an orange fpot near the^tip of the upper mandible, rough towards the bafe : tongue shorl, heart-shaped : iris grey, or reel : orbits nearly bare, black : chin f^mctimes black : plumage white, w.ith sometimes the tips of the quills black : legs 6 inches long, black, naked half way up the thighs. 34. ARDEA. Heron. 152. A. Grus. Body cinereous : hind-head bare of fea- , BIRBS. (5&ALL&. 34. Ardeaf. 53 thcrs, warfy : crown, forepart of the neck and quills black : from the pinion of the wings a tuft of loose laccra-ed cusle i feathers. Crane. P.r. ZooL app. t. 6. Levin, t. 144. Walcot t. 124. Length 5 feet or more : wfigtit about 10 pounds. J5/7/4 inches long, olive-green -.front covered with black down or bristles : back of the head bald, red, beneath this a grey fpot ; sides of the head and bark of the perk whitish : tail grey, tipt with black, nearly covered with the loofe leathers irom the pinions of the wings : /, horn-colour inclining to green at the bafe: iris yellow : crown and (pot at the corners of the mouth black -. feathers on the hind-head, neck and breast, long and loofe : legs pale green : inner-edge of the mi ddle-claw ferrate. 156. A. niwuta. Head without crest : crown, hack, quills and tail gTccnish-biac'k : neck, breast, and wing- coverts bull-colour. Fern, above brown, the feathers with pale rufous margins ; beneath paler : crown, back, quills and tail black. Little Bittern. Br. ZooL app, t.S. Leu'in t. 148. Donovan t. 54. : Length from the tip of the bill to the end of the toe 30 inches. Bill 2 inches and a half long> greenish-yellow : belly and vent white : hind part of the neck bare : shoulders with a large bay fpot: larger ^ing-coverts whitish, lesser yellow-buff: thighs feathered to the, . knees ; legs dusky-green -.middle- claw ferrate on the inner side. Ffmati. front furrounded by a bay line. 157. A. comata. # Heq,d without crest : body white ; upper-par of the. head, hind-part of the ueckj breast, and back inclining to rufous. Squacco Heron. Linn. Trans, iii. p. 335. PI. enl. 910. Length 21 inches. Bill yellow, between which and the eyes bare: S4r. BIRD9. GRALL/E. 35. Tantalus* and grey : ra?/i with fotne long feathers hanging over it inclining. to rufous ; wing-coverts with a rufous tinge ; legs yellow. 158. A. cinerea. Hind-head with a black pendent crest: body cinereous : neck willi a.blaejt line underneath: breast with a black band. Fern, hind-head smooth,^ black: back bluish, beneath whitish: breast with oblong black spots. Common Heron. r Zapt; t. 6t. /, Lewin t. 149. M. Length 3 feet 2 : extent 5 feet 4 : weight 3 pounds and a half. Bill near 6 inches long, dusky above, yellowish beneath : iris yellow , round the eyes a bare greenish skin -.front and crown white: neck white on the upper-part, the fore part with a double row of black fpots : back clothed with down, covered with the fcapulars, which are grey and white, and like the feathers on the lower-part of the neck are narrow long and loofe : wings with a white ridge, the coverts bluish-grey, the primary quills and bastard wings black : sides black : breast and belly white : tail bluish-grey : thighs dirty white: /^j dirty-green : middle-claw ferrate inwardly. Female, head bluish-grey. 59. A. GardenL Above dusky with white spots, beneath whitish with longitudinal dusky lines : greater quills edged and tipt with white : tail dusky. Cardenian Heron. Linn. Trans, v. p, 276. PI. enlum. 939. Length about iip inches : size of the Rcok. Pill dusky, green-yellow beneath : lores greenish : back without fpots on the lower part : lesser-coverts with yellowish fpots, greater ones with a white fpot at the tip, forming 2 bands on the wings : legs dirty yellow : middle-claw ferrate inwardly. 160. A. Garzttta. Hind-head crested: body white : bill greenish black; lorep and legs olive-green. Little Egret. Br. Zoc-L app. t. 7. Le win t . \ 50. Donov. t. 98. Length to the end of the legs 32 inches -.'weight a pound. Kill slender : iris yellow : plumage fplendid white : crest consisting of feveral short and 2 long pendent feathers : feathers of the breast &\t A fcapulars long, loofp, pendent, lacerated, reaching beyond and covering the tail : claws dusky! the middle-one ferrate inwards. 161. A. alba. Head without crest: body white : bill greenish-yellow: lores green : legs black. XVhite Heron. Br. Zool. t. 62. Lewin t. 151. Length 53 inches : extent 60 inches : weight 40 ounces. Bill nearly 6 inches long : iris and edges of the eyelids yellow : middle-claw ferrate on the inner-edge. 162. A. caxpica. Hind-head somewhat crested, black: body grey : chin white : neck breast and belly ferru- ginous, the former with three black lines running clown if. African Heron. Ltwin t, 152. Walcot. t. 131. Length about 3 feet : smaller than the common Heron. Bill 7 inches long, dusky yellow with a blackish point : head and greater part of the neck pale ferruginous : crest of black long fea- thers : feathers of the breast and rump long, loofe, mixed grey and ferruginous : back and wings deep grey : quills and tail black : belly pale grey-ferruginous: legs dull yellow, the fore-part and claws black ; middle-claw ferrate on the inner-edge. 35. TANTALUS,, Ibis. 163. 1\ linens. Head and neck black, the feathers fringed with white : orbits white : body glossed and variegated with blackish, blue, green and claret-red.. BIRDS. GRALL.E. 36, 37. 55 Glossy Ibis. Lewin t. 153. Donovan t. Ji8. JValcot t. 132. Length 2 feet. Hill ,5 inches long, roundish, curved, greenish- blue : iris olive : eye. //^ brown : beneath the chin a loofe bald dila- table skin : guill and tail green-gold with a red and violet gloss: Itgs long, bright green : claws black, hooked. 164. T. Faldnellus. Face black; head and neck pale ferruginous: chin .with transverse white lines: body dark chesnut mixed with green above, beneath paler : wings and tail dusky. Bay Ibis. Sowerby Brit, niscel.p. 35. tab. 17. Length 2 feet 6 : extent 3 feet 2 : weight 18 ounces. Bill 5 inches long, horn-colour, dusky towards the bafe : iris dusky : face naked : plumage dusky-chefnut, with a green aod purple gloss, beneath duller : legs bluish horn-colour : middle-claut pectinate on the inner-edge. 36. NUMENIUS. Curlew. 165. N. Arquata. Greyish-white with black streaks: wings blackish with snowy spots : legs bluish-grey. Curlew. Br. Zcol. t . 63. Lew in" t. 154. Walcot t. 133. length 2. feet : extent 3 feet 3 : weight 25-30 ounces. Bi!l dusky, 4 inches and a half long : iris hazel : head, neck, sca- pulars and wing-coverts brown-grey, the featlicrs black in the middle : chin, rump, belly and vent white, with dusky fpots : tail reddish-white, with dusky bars : legs bluish : toes flat and broad. 166. N. Phccopus. Greyish- white with dusky spots, those on the back and wing-coverts rhomboidal: quill- feathers dusky, the borders of the inner-webs barred with white : legs dusky-blue. Whimbrel. Br. Zool. t. 64,. Lewin t.i^^. Donovan t. 72. Length 18 inches : weight about 13 or 14 ounces. Very much reiembles the last, except in size ; and the fpots on the back and wings are larger and of a more rhombic form, and the quill-feathers are dusky and fpotted with white on their inner- webs only. 167. N. Guarauna. Head and neck brown with whitish spots ; back and belly chesnut-brown : wing-coverts rump and tail bright brown, with a green gloss. Brasilian Whimbrel. Will. Ornith. p. 292. t. 53. Shot a year or two since in Angle! ea. Dilluiyn. Body 21 inches long. Bill 4 inches long, arched, brown with a yellowish bafe : feathers of the head and neck brown with a whitish margin : fcapulars, rump, upper and under tail-coverts and tail bright brown with a green gloss : luing-coverts the fame, the greater-ones brown within : quills brown, the outer-ones with a green glois ; legs grey-brown : claws black ish. 168. N.pignuzus. Above variegated with brown, ferru- ginous and white ; beneath and vent white : quills and outer tail-feathers edged with white. 37. SCOLOPAX. Stipe. 169. Sc, ritfft'wfc. Variegated with ferruginous black and 50 BIRDS. CRALL.E. 37. Scolopax. grey, beneath reddish-grey with dusky bars : lores black : thighs feathered nearly to the knees. Woodcock. Br. ZooL t. 65. Lewin t. 157. U'alcot, t. 136. Length 14 inches : extent 26 : weight about 13 ounces. Liil 3 inches and a half long, dusky towards the tip, furrowed along the side of the upper-mandible : iris hazel : front and chin grey : from the bill to the eyes a black stripe : tail short, dusky, the A ouicr-webs ferrate with rufous, the tips grey : legs pdic brown. 170. Sc. major. Above testaceous variegated with black and grey, beneath dirty-white spotted with black : crown M'ith a testaceous stripe down the middle, and a black one each side of it. Great Snipe. Lewin t.i^S. Walcct t. \yj. Weight Bounces. Bill black, yellowish at the bafe : above and beneath the eyes a testaceous streak : head and neck fpotted with black : bacft,fcapulars and coverts varied with testaceous black and. grey : breast and bellv with heart-shaped fpots : sides undulate with- black : tail ferruginous, barred with black : legs blackish. 171. Sc. Gailinago. Kill tubercled : body variegated with hlaekjsh and fulvous, beneath white: front with 4 brown lines. |f Common Snipe. Br, Zcol.t. 68. Lewin t. 159. Jl'alcott. 138. Length a foot : extent 18 inches : weight about 4 ounces. Bill 3 inches long, dusky, flattish and rough at tiic end ; head with, 4 brown lines, between which are 3 ferruginous ones : lores dusky : throat white: neck and breast fpotted with black: belly and vent \vhite: quills black, the first edged with white : back black, with tawny bars and pale buff lines : tail-feathers black at the bafe ; legs lead-colour or brown, 172. Sc. GalUnula. Bill tubercled : above variegated, with a green and purple gloss : from the shoulders to the tail 2 deep buff stripes : lores brown ; legs greenish. jtiek Snipe. Br. ZooL t. 68. Lewi fit. 160. Walcot t. 1 39. Length 8 inches and a half : extent 15 : weight about 8 ounces. Bill lead-colour, black at the end : iris dusky : crown black, with, a yellowish border : over the eyes a yellowish streak : neck varied with whitish, brown, and pale red : rump glossy bluish-pur.ple : wing-coverts bordered with grey and brown : belly and vent white . tail-feathers pointed, brown with tawny borders. 173. Sc. lapponica. Bill a little bending up wards,, yel- lowish : head, neck and breast reddish-ferrugiiiGUs : outer tail-feathers half white : legs blackish. Red Godwit. Br. ZooL t. 67. Lewin. t. 161. IValcot t. 140. Length 18 inches : weight about la ounces. Bill dusky at the point : iris hazel : body dusky above with ferrv*- frinous fpots : head bright ferruginous with dusky lines : breast and sides with blackish tranfverfe lines; quills blackish, tipt with white : belly and vent white, with dusky and pale ferruginous marks : tail-feathers, except the a middk-ones, partly black partly white. 174- Sc. trgocephala. Bill very slightly bending upwards; body grey, more or less tinged with pale ferruginous, with dusky spots : belly and vent white : tail with dusky bars. Common Godwit. Ltwin t. 162. Donovan ..75. Length about 16 inches ; weight it ounces or more, BIRDS. GRALL^E. 37. Scolopax. 57 fill dusky at the point: iris hazel: from the bill to th'e ey,e a broad white stripe: chin white, fometimes fpotted : neck, breast, and back, with or without a ferruginous tinge : quill- feathers dusky, more or lefs tipt or edged with white : tail-coverts mostly white ; l-'^s dusky or bluish* 175/Sc. limosa. Bill slightly bending upwards-, body grey-brown with a mixture of ferruginous : belly, vent, and rump white : quills white at the base, ex- cept the 4 first : tail white at the base. jadreka Snipe. JLewln t. 163. Bitffon 7. p. 500. t. 27. Length 17 inches : extent 28 inches : weight 9 ounces. Kill yellowish at the bate, and furroumlcd with reddish feathers j iris whitish; checks reddish: over the eyes a white line ; ( ',,r/i brown : first 3 gititt^atlurt with a white shaft j wings with a white line; a middle tail-feathers black, the rest more and more white j legs dusky. 176. Sc. Glottis. Grey-brown with blackish spots : eye- brows, lower part of the back, and under parts white : tail white with dusky bars : legs dusky- green. Greenshank. Leiuin t. 164. Walcot, t. 142. Wilt t . 55. Length 14 inches : extent 28 inches : weight about 6 ounces. Bili dusky, slender, the upper-mandible curved a little downwards at the tip, the lower upwards : head and neck with dusky lines : over the. eyes a. white line : uing-coverts,fcap>jlars t and fome of the inner quills with a gloss of green : quills dusky, with white fpots on the inner-webs : legs long, slender. 117. Sc. Totanus. Blackish with white spots: breast white with fine black lines: belly and vent white: lateral tail-feathers whitish with blackish bars: legs red. Spotted Snipe. Lewin t. 163. Albin ii. t. 71. Size of the last. Bill reddish at the base : iris reddish : head pale ash with black streaks : back dusky, with triangular white fpots: wing-coverts ash-colour, with triangular white fpots : quills dusky ; middle tail-feathers grey. It8. Sc. canescens. Variegated with cinereous and white : throat and breast whitish, the latter with cinereous spots : tail with cinereous bars. Cinereous Godwit. Pennant Brit. Zoo/, ii. n. iBc. t. 66. Size of S. Glottis, but the bill is black and much thicker, and the legs ash-colour. 119. Sc. Cantabngensis. Grey-brown, beneath white : wing-coverts and tail-feathers with blackish bars : leg's orange-red. Cambridge Godwit. Penn. Brit. ZooL \\. p. 447. n. 185. Larger than S. Calidris. Lesser iving-co^erts brown, edged with dirty white, and barred with black ; primaries dusky, whitish on their inner sides; fecondarics barred with dusky and white : under side Of the neck and breast dirty while : belly and vent white : tail with cinereous and black bars. ISO. Sc. Calidds. Variegated white brown and grey : bill red : legs orange-red : over the eyes a white line : secondary quill-feathers tipt with white. Redshank. Brit. ZooL t . 6,5. Levin t. 166. Donov. t. 1 12. Length 12 inches : extent 22 : weight 5 ounces and a half. $itl with a black tip : iris hazel : head and neck grey-brown with 53 BIRDS. GRALL/E. 38. Tringa. dusky fpots : back and fcapulars greenish-brown with dusky fpot.r; quills dusky, fome of them tipt with white : lores dusky : chin ami neck dirty white with dusky streaks: belly, vent and rump white with dark fpots : tail with black bars. 1.81. Sc. grisea. Grey-brown clouded with black: wings brown: back dark brown edged with grey and ru- fous-brown : belly white : rump and tail barred with black and white. Brown Snipe. Montague Ornilh. Diet. Length \ i inches : weight 3 ounces and a quarter. Bill dusky, lighter at the bafe, rough near the tip : iris dusky: lores dusky, with a white line over them: greater yiu'lls dusky, inner-ones slightly tipt with white : sides of the vent and under tail-coverts rufous-white with dusky bars : legs yellowish-green. 38. TRINGA. Sandpiper. 182. T. pugnax. Bill aadjegs yellow-buff : face covered with yellow pimples : wing-coverts grey-brown : middle tail-feathers barred with black, the 3 outer- ones plain grey brown. Ruff and Reeve. Br. Zool, t. 69. Lewin t. 167. Donovan t. 33. Length about a foot : extent of wings' nearly 2. Bill fometimes black : iris hazel : general plumage very variable, but commonly brown with black and white marks, and the under parts more or less white. The Male in the fecond year is adorned with a fpreading ruff of feathers on the neck, which falls off in moulting time. Female pale brown, fpotted with black on the back: tail brown, the middle-feathers fpotted with black. I S3. T. Vanellus. Crown glossy-black with a long pen- dent crest : back and wings glossy-green : breast black : legs orange. Lapwing, Pewit. JLetuin t. 168. DOKOV. t. 25, Walcot. t. 146. Length 13 inches : extent 30 inches : weight about 8 ounces. Bill blacJk : iris hazel : head with a green gloss : crest of unequal ' feathers, a little turning up at the end : sides of the head and neck white : over the eyes a whitish streak, and a black one beneath them : lower-part of the neck before, and breast black ; the hind- part brown mixed with white : belly white : vent and tail-coverts: pale rufous ; back and u>ing-ccvert& dull green with a purple and blue gloss : quills black, the 4 first tipt with white ; fecondaries white on the upper half: tail black on the lower half tipt with white, the outer feathers nearly all white. 184. T. Gambetta. Bill reddish, a little curved upwards: body variegated dusky-grey and pale buff, beneath whitish with a few dusky streaks : legs yellow. Gambet. Br. Zool. t. 70. Lewin t. 160. Allin ii. t. 68. Size of S. Glottis, /////black at the point: iris yellowish : head, bach and breast grey-brown with dull yellow fpots : covtrts and Jcapulars grey, edged with dirty yellow ; zutngs longer than the tail., the first feathers dusky bordered with yellow. 185. T. Squatarola. Bill black : body grey with dusky spots, beneath white : tail barred blacli and white : legs dull green. Grey Sandpiper. Lewin t, 170. Walcot. t. 146. Length 12 inches : extent 24 inches : weight 7 ounces. Feathers of the head, back and coverts dusky edged with grefnish- ash, and some with white : cheeks and throat white with a few dusky streaks: quills black, the inner-webs more or less white: rump white : back-toe very small. BIRDS. GRALL.E. 3S. Tringa. 53 186. T. nigricans. Base of the bill and leg's red : head and neck dusky black : back and scapulars purple black, with cinereous edges ; chin and middle of the belly whife. Purple Sandpiper. Transact. Linn. Soc. 4. j&. 40. tab. 2. a. Bill yellow at the bafe. Linn. Trans. 4. p. 22. t. i. Length 8 inches and a half : extent above 15 : weight 2 oz. & a half. Bill black at the point: eyelids whitish : back and shoulders with. ;: purplish tinge : wing-coverts black tipt with white : primary -(/'lilts dusky with white shafts and edges; fecondaries paler with white tips, inner-most nearly white : chin whitish : neck and breast dusky with white lines: sides with dusky fpots : middle tail- feathers black, the outer-ones dark grey. 1ST. T. ochropus. Bill dotted at the point: back and scapulars brown with a green gloss, with roundish white spots : chin, belly, and outmost tail-feathers white : legs dull green. 'Green Sandpiper. Lewin t. 171. Linn. Trans. i../>. 130. t. 2. Length full 16 inches : extent 18 : weight 3 oz. and a quarter. Bill dusky : iris hazel : crown and nape dusky-grey : face dusky t over the eyes a dirty white streak : neck and breast with dusky streaks : sides dusky with angular white lines : wing-coverts brow with a green gloss : quills dusky : tail-feather?,) except the outer- ones, barred with black : the coverts white. r!88. T. Glareola. Bill smooth : above dusky with white- ish spots, beneath white : neck cinereous. Wood Sandpiper. Arct. Zool \\.p. 482. G. Length 9 inches : weight 2 ounces and a quarter. Bill dull green at the bafe, black towards the point : iris dusky : from the bill to the eyes a dusky streak, over which is a white-one : ears dusky : neck dusky with grey lines: chin and throat white: quills black, some of them tipt with white: tail barred black and whitish : legs long, olive-green. -189. T. grenovicensis. Variegated with dusky, grey, and pale ferruginous : neck pale grey beneath : belly, vent, and sides of the rump white. Greenwich Sandpiper. Lewin t. 181. Walcot. t. 154. Length 12 inches and a half: weight nearly 8 ounces. Bill black : crown reddish-brown with black streaks: cheeks and neck pale grey with dusky shafts : feathers of the back, shoulders, and coverts dusky with pale ferruginous margins : quills dusky, the shafts more or lefs white : tail brownish-grey, clouded and tipt with pale ferruginous : legs dusky-green. ,190. T. cinerea. Grey, with white and dusky crescent- like spots : throat and belly white : rump white with undulate black bars : tail-feathers edged with white. Ash-coloured Sandpiper. Lewin t. 172. JValcott. 147. Length 10 inches : extent 20 inches : weight 5 ounces. Bill black : head and neck ash-colour fpotted with black : back artd shoulders grey, with dirty-white curved marks : outer-quills dusky, more or less edged with white : breast and sides white fpotted with black : legs dusky-green : toss edged with a narrow finely fcalloped membrane. :J91. T. maritima. Variegated dusky ash-colour and grey, beneath white : throat and tail dusky : feathers of the breast fringed with white : 4 lateral tail-feathers edged with white. 60 BIRDS. GHALLJ2. 38. Tringa, -ea Sandpiper. Transact. Linn. Soc. iv.p. 22, t. i. Length near 9 inches : extent near 16 : weight 2 oz. and a half. Bill yellow at the bafc, black towards the point : primary quilt* i^usky, with white shafts; fccondary lighter, with white tips; hinder-ones nearly white : 4 middle tail-feathers dusky and longer than the rest ; sides, thighs and vent, with a few dusky fpoU : legf yellow. 192J T. fusca. Pale brown spotted with black, beneath white : neck with black streaks underneath: wing- coverts dusky edged with dirty white : tail cine* reous. Brown Sandpiper. Br.Zool. ii.^.463. . 195. Size of the Jack Snipe. /?/// and legs black, 193, T. lincolniemis. White, wiih grey and dusky spots above, and oblong brown and black spots beneath : % middle tail-feathers entirely black. Black Sandpiper. Br.ZcoL ii. p. 464. n. 197. SUe pf a Thrush. Bill short, dusky and obtufe at the .point r nostrils black : iris yellow ; head small, flattened at top : wings' long; quills black, crossed with a white line near the bafe : tail short, entirely white, except the a middle -feathers : legs reddish- brown, 19k T. Ifypolcucos. Bill smooth: above grey with a greenish gloss and dusky transverse lines, beneath white: over the eyes a whitish stripe: legs datfk Common Sandpiper. Br. ZooL t. 71. Lewint. 173. IValc. t. 148. Length 7 inches and a half: extent 13: weight a ounces. Bill brown : iris hazel : back and scapulars with a greenish-gloss j wings greenish brown, crossed with narrow dusky undulate lines ; quills dusky, with a white ipot on the inner-web, except the out- most : tail with a greenish glofs, the 4 middle feathers crossed with dusky bars, the 2 next tipt with white, the rest fpotted or barred -r ( \vith white ; legs dull green, 195, T, mactilarifi. Base of the bill and legs reddish: body spotted above and beneath : over the eyes a white stripe : wings with 2 white bars. Spotted Sandpiper. Lewin t. 174. Walcot t. 149. Length near 8 inches : breadth 14. Size of a Thrush. Bill dusky towards the point i body above greenish-brown with ^triangular dusky spots, becoming larger and more rounded down. \vardSiplain oii the rump; beneath xvhite with roundish dusky fpots ; 2 middle tail-feathers greenish-brown, the rest white with dusky bars. Female without fpots on the belly. 196, T. Cinclus. Bill and legs black: lores whiter b0dy and rump mixed grey and brown ; tail-feathers with light edges, JPurre. Br.ZaoLt.7i> Lewin t. 17,5. Donov.t.^z. Length 7 inches : extent 13 : weight an ounce and 3 quarters. Jris dusky : body above dark grey, with dusky ftreaks : greater coverts tipt with white ; first quills dark brown, fecondaries with a. white f pot in the middle and tipt-with white: fore-part of the neck mixed with brown : breajt and belly white, female larger, and the plumage lighter, 197, T, alpina. Bill and legs dusky-ferruginous with dusky spots : breast and belly with blackish blotches* tail-leathers grey edged with white. BIRDS. GRALL^E. 38. Tringa. 61 Dunlin. Lewin t, 177. Watcot.t. 151. Length 8 inches : extent 15 : weight an ounce and a half. Ins dusky : head and nape with dusky ftreaks : lores brown, with 'a white stripe over them : quills blackish, the inner-ones more or lefs whitish on the inner-webs : vent with a few dusky streaks : 2 middle tail-feathers dusky edged with white. 198. T. piisilla. Bill and legs dusky : brown with black- ish spots, beneath dirty white : quills dusky tipt with white : outmost tail-leathers with a white shaft : rump variegated. i Little Sandpiper. Penn, Gen. of birds, t. 12. Lewin t. 176. Length barely 6 inches : extent 12 : weight 6 drachms. Bill black at the point : plumage of the upper-parts brown, edged with blackish and pale rufous: greater coverts dusky tipt with white : breast and belly dirty white : tail dusky with paler edges : legs blackish. 199. T.flavipes. Base of the bill and legs yellow : above grey-brown with dusky spots, beneath and rump white : beneath the spurious wings a white patch. Yellow-le.gged Sandpiper. Montague ornith. Diet, append. Length 11 inches and a half. Bill black towards the point : iris light yellow : head and neck cinereous with dusky streaks : primary quills dusky, the h'rst with a white shaft ; secondaries white on the lower half; tail grey brown, the under-coverts with dusky specks: legs orange-yellow. 200. T. islandica. Bill and legs brown : above brown with dusky and grey variations, beneath ferruginous: secondary wing-coverts edged with white. Red Sandpiper. Lewin t. 178. Br. Zool. t. 72. 2. Breast reddish-brown, mixed with dusky : belly and vent \vhite. Aberdeen Sandpiper. Brit. Zaol. n. 203. Length 10 inches. Bill a little bent at the point: crown fpotted black and ferruginous : lesser wing-coverts cinereous : quills dusky, the fecondaries tipt with white : breast and belly with a few blackish fpots : 2 middle tail-feathers dusky, the rest cinereous. 201. T. Canutus. Above grey with dusky-grey spots, be- neath white with dark spots : rump white with dusky crescents: primary quill-feathers serrate: outmost tail-feather whitish, immaculate. Knot. Lewin t. 197. Flor. Scot. i.p. 34. t. 3, Edw. t. 276. Length 9 inches : extent 20 : weight 4 oz. and a half. Bill smooth, dusky-grey; iris hazel: lores dusky : head and neck grey with obfcure dusky lines : wings with a white bar, the greater quills with white shafts : tail ash-colour^ the outmost fea- thers whitish : legs bluish-grey. 202. T. Interpres. Legs red : body variegated black, white, and ferruginous : fore-part of the neck black : chin, breast and belly while. Turnstone, Sea Dottrel. Lewin t. 180. Walcot t. 152. Fl. Scot. t. 3. 2. Body grey : breast black -. tail blackish, white at the bafe. Br. Zool. n. 199. Wale. t. 152. Length g inches : extent 16 inches: weight about 4 ounces. Bill black, a little turned upwards : iris hazel : frant white : head mostly with brown fpots: upper-part of the neck white : cheeks and lores black : over the eyes a white stripe : breast crossed on the upper part by a broad black band : quills dusky, the fecondaries tipt with white: upper tail-coverts white with a black band : ' tait black, tipt with white except the 2 middle-feathers ; .legs orange, F 62 BIRDS. GRALL^E. 39. 40. 39. CHARADRIUS. Plover. 203. Ch. pluuialis. Blackish with yellowish-green spots ! fron% belly and vent white : legs blackish. Golden Plover. Brit. Zool. t. 72.. Lewin < t. 182. Wale, t, 158. Length above 10 inches : extent 24 inches : weight 9 ounces. Bill dusky: iris dull reel: orbits and chin whitish: quills dusky, slightly edged with grey at the ends : belly sometimes black, or mixed black and white : tail with dusky and yellowish bars : feet with sometimes a small toe behind. 204. Ch. 'Canlianus. Grey-brown, beneath, front, and throat white : crown crossed by a black baud : hind- head ferruginous : bill and legs blackish. Kentish Plover. Lewin t. 186. Lath. Stiff 1. 2. p. 316. Size of the last, from which it differs in having the bill and legs blackish, in wanting the broad black collar beneath the whke one, in having a broad black patch near the shoulders, in the hind-head being of a pale ferruginous, and in having the end of the tail black, and more pointed, 205. Ch. Calidfii. Bill and legs blackish : lores and rump greyish : head and back grey, with slight dusky streaks : front and body beneath white, immaculate. Sanderling, Curwillet. Br.ZooLt.^^. Lewin t. 184. Length 8 inches : extent 15 inches : weight near 2 ounces. Bill an inch long : iris dusky ; cheeks and over the eyes white body above grey with dusky shafts : quills dusky, the fecondaries grey tipt with white : tail shorter Irian the wings, grey with paler margins. Female with a ferruginous tinge. Young bird with large black angular fpots on the back. 206. Ch. Hiaticula. Grey-brown, beneath white : crown crossed by a black band : neck with a white collar, beneath which is a broad black-one : legs orange. Ringed Plover. Lewin t. 18,5. Dottov. t. 18, U'alcot, t, 161. Length 7 or 8 inches : extent 16 inches : weight nearly 2 ounces, BUI ora.nge, tipt with black : iris ha/.el ; from the bill to the eyes a black stripe ending in a broad black patch ; front white : hind-head grey-brown : greater wing-coverts partly tipt with white ; quills dusky : tail black towards the end, tipt with white; 207. Ch. Morinellus. Breast dull orange, over which is a white band, and above that a black one ; across the eyes a white stripe : legs blackish. Dottrel, Br, Zool. t. 73. Lewin t. 187. Donovan t. 42. Length near to inches : extent 18 t weight about 4 ounces. Bill dusky, depressed in the middle : Jront dusky and grey : hind- head blackish : cheeks and chin white: back and wings brownish- olive, with pale ferruginous margins : middle of the belly blackish, reddish. white beneath : quills dusky, the outer-web of the first white : tail olive-brown, with a blackish band near the end, tiut with white, 40. CURSORIUS. Courser, 208. C. Jlimantopm. Bill longer than the head; body white, with glossy black back and wings ; legs red. Charadrius Himantopus. Linn, Syst. lath, Synops, Long-legged Courfer. Lewin t. 183. Donovan t. 5,5, Walc.t,\^g. Length from the end of the bill to the end of the tail 13 inches, to the end of the claws 18 : extent 2 feet 6 : weight 5 ounces, Bill black, 2 inches and a half long, tapering to a point, the up. c'r mandib!ua i . Above dusky-brown with white lines anl specks, beneath white : neck with a chesnut- re?i patch on the fore-part. Red-throated Diver. 7?r. Zoo/, t. 85 Z/ie 33 ounces. BIRDS. PALMIPEDES. 53. 54. Bill yellow, with an orange or black fpot on the lower mandi- ble : ins yellow : eyelids red : head and neck white : quills dusky. The young are mottled as in the last. 250. L. canus. White, back and wings grey : first quills black at the extremity, the fourth and fifth with a black spot at the tip, the outmost black on the outer-web. Common Gull, Sea Mew. Br. Zool. I. 89. Lewin t. 216. 2. Grey, fnowy beneath : head white with brown fpots : neck brown above : wings variegated : tail white with a black band. Winter Mew. Er. Zool. t. 86. Lewin t. 21 1. Donovan t. 77. Length 18 inches : extent 3 feet 8 : weight about a pound. Bill pale yellow or greenish, with a dusky point : iris ha7rl ; head and neck white, with more or lefs a tinge of grey : wing-( averts tipt with white : behind the eyes fometimes a dark grey f^ot: legs dirty-white with a yellowish tinge. A variety, or probably a new species, has been ta' en and de fcribed by L. W. Dillwyn, diSering in having the bill of equal length, but not halt fo stout : neck the lame breadth : Caddie in- ternally twice as broad ; and the gizzard twice as large. 251. L. t, idactyiua. White, buck and wings grey : out- most qu.lls black on the outer web : tail white : back- a mere knob. Kittiwake Er. Zool. t.Sg. Lewiat.zi^. Walcott, 108. 2. Neck with a dusky Ipot or two: tail tipped with black, ex- cept the outmost feathers. Tarrock. Lewin t, 214. H'alcot. t. icg. Length 15 inches : extent 3 feet : weight 7 cr 8 ounces. Bill greenish-yellow or dusky : ins dusky : mouth orange on the inside : head and neck white : fecondary quill* tipt with black : Ifgs dusky. 53. PROCELLARIA. Petrel. 252. P. glacialis. White, back and wings grey: quills dusky : bill and legs yellowish. Fulmar Petrel. Leuiin t. 218. Walcot t. 89. About the size of Larus canus. l'.ill much hooked at the end : nostrils placed both in one cylinder : back-toe a mere fpur. 253. 'P. fujjtor. Crested, grey : head and upper-part of the neck ferruginous : clun, ends of the middle quill- fea'hers and belly white. Dun Diver, Br. ZooL t.yz. Ltwin t. 233. Donovan t. 65. Length 27 inches : extent 35 : weight near 3 pounds. Bill orange, with a black nail : iris purplish : chin and throat whitish: breaft and lower-part of the neck before grey-buff; greater quills black : legs orange. 257. M. Serrator. Crest of the male pendent : head and upper parts of the neck and hack glossy-black : neck with a white collar : breast ferruginous mixed with black : rump with grey and brown screaks. Hed-breasted Merganfer. Br. Zoo!, t. 93. Lewin t. 234. Length 21 inches : extent 28 : weight near 2 pounds. Bill and legs dull orange : iris red : louver-part of the neck white forming a collar : lower-part of the back, tail-coverts and vent grey with dusky undulate lines : fcapulars and wing-couerts mixed black and white: belly white. Female hardly crested: the head and upper-part of the neck dull rufous : back and fcapulars dark grey. 258. M. Albellus. Crest pendent : hind-head, upper-part of the back and temples black : body white : wings black and white. Female, head hardly cres'ed, tawny-grey : across the eyes a black band, under which is a white spot. Smew, White Nun. Lewin t. 235. Walcot t. 82. 2. Head and upper-part of the neck ferruginous : cheeks \rithout the oval black fpot : above grey-brown, beneath and chin white j wings with a white fpot before and behind. Minute Merganfer. Lewin t. 236. Donovan t. 52. Length 18 inches : extent 26 : weight 2 pounds. Bill black : nape under the crest with an oblong black mark : on the lower-part of the neck 2 black stripes pointing forwaids : tail grey tipt with black : legs lead-colour. Female, bill lead-colour, breast clouded with grey, back dusky mixed with grey. 55. ANAS. Duck. 259. A. Cygnus. Bill semicylindrical, black: cere yel- low : body pure whife. Wild Swan. Br. Zool.fol. 149. t. addend. Edw. t. 150. Walcot t. 55. Length 4 feet 10 : extent j feet 3 : weight 13-16 pounds, Bill between 4 and 5 inches long, black at the end, yellow towards the bafe, and bare of feathers up to the eyes : iris yellow : plumage with a few grey or rusty marks in the young birds: legs black : ribs only 1 1 . 260. A. Olor. Bill red, black at the nail and sides, with a black fleshy tubercle at the base : body pure white. Tame Swan. Br. ZooLfol. 149. t. add. Walcot i. 56. Edw. t. 150. Much larger than the last : plumage cinereous till the fecond year* legs dusky : ribs 12. 261. A. rujicollis. Bill dusky with a black nail: above black, beneath white : neck rufous, with a longitu- dinal white stripe each side : before the eyes an oval white spot. Rd-breasted Goofe. Pali. spic. vi. p. 21. tab. 4. gr br 33 BIRDS. PALMIPEDES. 55. Anas, Length i\ inches: weight about 3 pounds, Jris yellow : crown black : front and cheeks mixed with white : bf tween the bill and eyes an oval white fpot : over which is a black line : chin and throat black : breast with a black and white band r sides with black stripes : tail-coverts white : legs black. 62, A. Anser. Bill semicyiindrical, flesh-colour with a white nail : body above grey, beneath paler niixed. with grey : neck striate longitudinally, Grey-lag Goofe, Walcott. 61. sUkiri \.t, go, Length 2 feet g : extent feet : weight 8 or 9. pounds. H'aJ and neck grey with an ochraceous mixture : fcapulars edged yith white; wings various shades of grey with paler margins; quills more or less dusky at the ends : rump and vent white : wings without the coloured fpot : tail tipt with white ; legs ilesh.colour. Vaiies much in its colours by domestication, g63. A. Albifrons, Bill flesh-colour, with a white nail ; body grey mixed with brown and white ; front white. /White-fronted Goofe. Br. Zoo/, t. 94. i. Donov t. toe. Wale, t, 64, Length 2 feet 4 - extent 4 feet 6 : weight 4 to 5 pounds. Bill with an orange fpot at the bale : iris dusky : body above brown edged with grey : breast and belly with large bla-'k and white patches: quills dusky, the primaries grey on the outer-webs : rump and vent white; tail dusky, edged with white; legs orange- yellow, 264. A. Segetum, Bill pale red with a blackish nail : body grey-brown, beneath paler : wings grey, the larger coverts and secondary quills tipt with white. Jlean Goofe. Br. ?ool. (. 94. 2. Walcot t. 65, Length 2 feet 7 : extent 4 feet 11 ; weight 5-7 pounds. Bill dusky at the bafc, much compressed at the end : iris hazel; front mixed with white, behind which the feathers are dusky: greater quills blackish, with grey outer-webs, fecondarie-8 grey with black outer margins : tail edged with white : legs dull orange. J265, A, esythropus. Bill black, with a tiesh-colour spot each side ; body grey, undulate above with black and white : neck black : face and belly white, Jiernacle Goofe. Hayes t. 24. Walcot t. 62. Length 25 inches : extent 4 feet 5 ; weight 5 pounds. Front, chin, and cheeks white : from the bill to the eyes a black line ; crown, neck and upp//f near v_j ounces. 7?rc(jj/ purplish, with often black 1'pots : />f/7)> white : wir^-ffot blue-green, black before and behind : w'in<-toverts brown, foJiietiiiies varied with white : quill* dusky tipt with black : 2 middle tail- feathers longer than the rest, dusky : tlic rest gicy cit8 oun< es. Breast with a broad black band meeting at the back: quills dusky* lelly white, with dusky lines; tail dusky, mixed with grey ; ie^s lead-colour. 282. A. acnta. Bill black, bluish on the side* : head rufous-brown, with a longitudinal white stripe each side from the hind- par! : back with grey and black undulate lines : 2 middle tail-feathers very long, pointed, black. Pintail Duck. Wakot t. 72. Albin t. 94.95. U'iU. Angl. t. 75. Length 28 inches : extent 3 feet 2 : weight 24 ounces. Head with a purple tinge behind the ears : nape with a purple gloss ; neck white on the lower-part befoie: belly white.- uings brown : uiing-Jpot violet-green, ferruginous before, white behind : tail, except tbe middle feathers, dusky edged with white : tent black : legs lead-colour. Female, head ferruginous with dusky streaks, wing-coverts brownish edged with grey. 283. A. gladalis. Bill black, orange in tbe middle : body black, beneath white : front and sides of the head reddish-grey ; 2 middle tail-feathers very long, narrow, pointed. Youngling body white: temples, breast, back and wings black. Female, blackish varied with rufous and grey : back black : collar and lower-part of the belly white. Long-tailed Duck. 7;r. ZooL t. y8. *.Dnov t. 1 1 i. li'a/c. t. 73. Length 22 inches : extent 29 : si/.e of the \Vig< on. Iris red : nape and neck before and behind white, the latter with. 76 BIRDS. PALMIPEDES. 53. Anas. a longitudinal dusky bar down the sides : fcapulars white, long, pointed: wings black chelnut: 4 middle tail-Jeatliers black, a oi them very long, the rest white : legs dull red. 284. A. ferniginea. Bill pale blue, dilated : head, neck, and body above reddish-brown : throat, breast, and belly paler. Ferruginous Duck. Br. Zoo/, ii. n. 185. t. 99. Weight 20 ounces : legs pale blue, with black webs. 285. A. Clangula. Bill back : body varied black and white : head tumid, black with a green and violet gloss : at the corners of the mouth a white spot. Golden eye. Walcot t. 69. Albin t. 96. Witt. Atigl. t. 73. length 18 inches : extent 2 feet 6 : weight 2 pounds. Iris bright yellow : back, rump, and upper tail-covertr black ; black and white : wings with 2 white patches : quills black, fecondaries white : breast and belly white : tail black : le%t orange. Female, head rusty-brown, neck with a grey ring, breast mixed dusky and grey, legs yellowish with dusky webs. 286. A. Glaucion. Bill yellowish-brown : body blackish with white lines : head dull ferruginous : neck with a white collar, and a grey one beneath it : wings with a white line. Morillon. Wale. t. 70 Brit. Zool. \'\,p. 588. n. 277, Less than the last, of which it may be only the young bird. Iris golden : back and coverts dusky with a few \vhite lines : greater coverts dusky with a few large white fpots . primary quills black, fecondaries white : breaft and belly white : sides black : tail dusky : legs yellow. 287. A. Fuligula. Bill blue-grey tipt with black : head with a pendent crest : body black : belly and wing- spot while. Tufted Duck. Albin i. t. 95. Hayes t. 26. Walcot t. 78. length 17 inches : extent 2 feet 4 : weight 25 ounces. Bill broad : iris yellow: head and crest with a violet and green glofs : fcapulars with minute grey fpecks, vent black : tail black : legs dusky, with black webs; Female, without the crest, and the plumage inclining to brown. 88. A. Nyraca. Bill bluish tipt with black: head, throat, breast, and flanks chcsnut : back and wings blackish-olive : belly whitish : vent and wing-spot white : rump black. Olive tufted Duck. Sowcrby Brit. Mifcel. \.p. 43. /. 21. Length 16 inches. Iris whitish hazel: belly varied whitish and brown : head hardly crefted. Female, without crest, back inclining to rufous, dirty reddish where the male is chefnut, belly clouded. 289. A. Querquedula. Bill black: over the eyes a broad white stripe : breast with semicircular brown and black lines : wing-spot green. Garganey. Br. Zool. t. 101. Wale. t. 75. Donovan t. 21. Length 17 inches : extent 28 : weight Crown brown with dusky lines : chin black : cheeks and upper- part of the neck purplish, with white longitudinal lines: belly dirty-white, with a few dusky streaks: wing-coverts grey, the larger-ones tipt with white : fcapnlars black white and grey : wing- spot white above and btneath : tail dusky : legs lead-colour. Female, without the green fpot on the wings, above brown with dusky streaks. BIRDS. PALMIPEDES. 56. Pelecanus. 7T 290. A. Crecca. Bill black : above and beneath the eyes a white line : breast with roundish black spots: wing- spot green. Teal. JValcot t. 76. Hayes t. 29. dlbini.t. 100. 2. Bill and legs grey : over the eyes a white line : \ving-fpot variously coloured : belly with black {"pots. Anas Circia. Linn.fyft. Albin. ii. t. 103. 104. Length 1,5 inches : extent 23 : weight 12 ounces. Iris hazel: head and neck reddish-bay : behind the eye s a broad green patch : body above with black and white undulate lines : jbellyi white : vent black : u-ing-spot obliquely edged above with black, beneath with white: q^uilis dusky, fecondaries black : tail brown : legs dusky. Female, variegated whitish and brown, vent white, \ving-fpot green. 56. PELECANUS. Pelecan. 291. P. Carlo. Bill toothless, black : head slightly crest- ed : chin dirty- white : body black : tail rounded, of 14 feathers. Corvorant. Walcott. 92. Albin t. 81. Will. Any,!, t. 63. Length 3 feet 4 : extent nearly 5 : weight near 8 pounds. Bill 5 inches long, hooded, bald and yellow round the bafe : iris green: head and neck generally with white longitudinal lines: back glossy greenish-black, the feathers with deeper margins : chin with a patch of white : thighs with fometimes a white fpot : legs black. t>92. P.. Graculus. Kill toothless, dusky : body glossy greenish-black, black-brown beneath : tail rounded, of 12 feathers. Shag. Walcot t. 93. Will. Angl. t. 63. Length 29 inches : extent 3 feet 10 : weight about 4 pounds. Bill near 4 inches long, bald and yellow with black fpecks or, the chin : body above black with a purple and green glofs, mar- gined with deep black : legs dusky ; meddle-daui ferrate. ^93. P. cristatus. Bill toothless, blackish : head crested: body dark glossy-green with purplish-black edges, beneath dusky. Crested Shag. Brit. Zoo/, t. 102. Much refembles the last, except in having the feathers at the sides of the head elongated into a crest, of which it may be only the full grown bird or other fex : tail of 12 feathers : legs dusky. 294. P. Bassanus, Bill serrate, yellowish- white : face bald, blue : body diry-white : primary quills black. Gannet, Soland Goofe. Br. Zool. t. 103. Walcot t. 94. Length 3 feet : extent 6 feet : weight about 7 pounds. Bill 6 inches long, nearly straight : iris pale yellow : round the tyes a naked blue patch : chin bald, dusky : crown pale buff: lesser zuing-covertf black : tail of 12 feathers : legs black, greenish before, she middle-claw fen ate. The young birds are dusky mixed vritJa white. 78- AMPHIBIA. REPTIUA. CLASS III. AMPHIBIA. Animals highly tenacious of life, and having the power of respiring both on land and under water. ORDER I. REPTILIA. Furnished with feet. 1. TESTUDO. .Bo dy tailed, covered above and beneath with a bony horny or coriaceous shell, or with scales above: upper-mandible closing over the lower, like the lid of a box. 2. LACERTA. Body 4-footed, slender, tapering to a tail. 3. HANA. Body 4-footcd, without tail or any covering but the skin : . hind-legs longer than the fore. ORDER II. SERPENTES. Without feet. 4. COLUBER. With undivided plates on the belly, and divided scales below the tail. 5. AN GUIS. With divided scales on the belly, and below the tail. ORDER 1. REPTILIA. Ibftile*. 1. TESTUDO. Tortoise. T. cvriacect. Feet fin-like: body above brown, be- neath paler : shell coriaceous, with 5 longitudinal tub.ercled ribs. Coriaceous Turtle. Br. Zool. in. t. i. Shaw Zool.'\\i. /. 21. Body growing to 6 or 7 feet long, 3 or more wide, and to the weight of 8 hundred pounds : upper-jaw forked, and receiving the extremity of the lower-one ; fore-fins much longer than- the 'hind- ones, covered, with a tough leathery skin : tail 'short,' pointed. . T. ijnbricata. Feet fin-like: body ovate, with 13 im- bricate plates in the disk, and serrate rouad the margins. Hawks-bill Turtle. Shatu Zool. t. 26. Phil. Trans, n. 222. On the Orkney Isles; and in the Spring of 1774 was taken in the Severn and placed in the fish-ponds of the Author's father, where it lived till the winter. Body growing to a large size, roundish-ovate, slightly heart- shaped, slightly carinate down the back : head fmall, prominent, with the upper-bill curved over the lower : legs with 2 claws on each : plates of the disk rather fquare, femitranfparent, variegated ; of the circumference 25, pointed and incumbent on each other in a ferrate manner : tail a mere notch. AMPHIBIA. REPTlLIA. 9. Lacerta. 79 2. LACERTA. Lizard. A. Sorfy, mth round wh&rled tails : feet all 5-toed, with nai!s. 3. L. agilis. Above light brown with longitudinal stripes of black and white spots, beneath yellow or dirty white. ScaJy Lizard. Br. Zool. iii. t. 2. Shaw Zool. iii. t. 72. Length 6 inches and a half. Bach with a line qf irregular black fpots down the middle, next a stripe fpottcd alternately with black and white, then a brown ftripe with a line, of black and white fpots: tail beneath dirty white, often mottled with black : legs fpotted above with white on the sides. 4. L. CEdura. Above dark-brown wi.'h longitudinal stripes of black andyellow spots, beneath yellow or .dirty-white spotted with black: sides mottled black and While. Swellcd-tail Lizard. Shepperd Linn. Trans, vii. p. r } ~. Length 4 inches and a half. Head above fpotted with black, be- neath mottled with black: back with a black stripe clown the middle, then a brown one each side with a line of black fpots, next a stripe of alternate yellow and black fpots, beneath this a brownish black stripe with a line of yellow fpots : tail fwelling-out a little below the bafe, ash-colour with a few long black marks at the end, at the bafe underneath a large red or yellowish mark ; Itgs black and white on the sides. 5. L. anguiformis. Above light-brown with black-brown and yellow longitudinal stripes, the lower-one each side with a few yellow spots, beneath yellowish-white with a few black spots. Viperine Lizard. Sheppard Linn. Trans, vii. p. 51. Length 7 inches or more. Head with 4 dark fpots : back with a black line down the middle, each side this a dark brown one, next a yellow stripe, then a dark brown-one with a few yellow fpots : tail barred with black at the end : legs dark brown fpotted with black. B. Without scales : tail compressed sideways : forefeet 4 -toed, without nails. Newts. 0. L. vulgqris. Above yellow-brown with minute darker spots and longitudinal deep brown stripes, beneath red with a few black dots. Common Newt. Br. Zool. iii. t. 2. Shaw Zool. iii. t. 83. Length 4 inches : upper eyelids dark brown, lower dull yellow : tail ribbed at the sides with dark bTown. '7. L. palustris. Above warty and black-brown spotted with black, beneath orange bordered with large black spots : sides light brown with white spots. Warty Newt. Br, Zool. iii. t. 3. Shaw Zool. iii. t. 83. Length 6 inches. Head black above, beneath light brown with \vhite fpots or warts : tail pointed, with an obfolete white mark on the sides. 8. L. maculata. Above greenish-brown with 2 longitu- dinal brown lines, beneath bright red with dusky spots : sides with lines of brownish-black spots. Spotted Newt. Shfppard Linn. Trans. vii./, 53. Length 4 inches. Head with 2 lines of black dots above, beneath yellowish-white with dark brown fpots : upper eyelids prominent : 80 AMPHIBIA. SERPENTES. 3, 4. iris orange, pupil black : nofe with a slight longitudinal indenture, in which is a yellowish mark : tail pointed, the upper-edge black, under-edge orange: legs greenish-brown. 3. RANA. Frog. 9. R, Bitfo. Lurid-brown with rufous-brown tubercles, beneath paler. Common Toad. Shaw ZocL iii. t. 40. Hody tubercled, fometimes obfcnre olive-brown above, palej and irregularly fpotte4 beneath. 10. R. Jluhftra. Body tubercled, above dirty yellow clouded with "brown, beneath paler with black spots : back with a yellow line. Natterjack Br* Zoal.ui. p. 19. n. 5. Body 2 inches and a quarter long, one and a quarter broad : fore- feet 4-toed : hind-feet 5-toed, a little webbed. 11. R. temporaria. Yellowish-brown spotted with black, beneath the eyes an elongated brown patch. Common Frog. Shaiu Zool, iii. /. 28, 29, 30. Body fometimes dull ferruginous, beneath pale greenish-yellow obfcurtly fpotted and variegated : back llattish and more or lels angular. 12. R. esculenta. Olivergreen spotted with black : back with 3 longitudinal yellowish lines : belly whitish. Efculent Frog. Shaw Zoo.L iii. t. 31. Body larger than the last, marked with roundish black patches, beneath whitish-green with brown marks : liinhs tranfverfely barred with black : fronu the tip of the riofe down the bach are pale yellow stripes, the middle-one slightly depressed, the othets strongly elevated : hind-feet palmate. ORDER II. SERPENTES. SERPENTS. 4. COLUBER. Viper, Snake. 13. C. Berus. Grey-brown, with a large lobed spot on the head : down the back a connected chain of black spots. Common Viper. Br. Zcol. iii. t. 4. Shaw Zool. iii. f. ici. Body from a foot and a half to 3 feet long: fometimes tawny- brown or blackish : iris orange, pupil black : lips variegated black and grey : sides with a row of dusky fpots : belly, blackish with a bluish glofs, fpotted with black : scales carinate : plates of the belly 146, scales below the tail 39. 1-i. C. caeruleus. Light-brown with an angular dark-brown spot on the head : down tlxe back a string of dark- brown rhomboidal spots : belly light blue spotted with white. Blue-bellied Viper. Shfppard Trans. Linn. vii. p. 56. Length 22-25 inches. Head with a fpot refembling the letter V, the fcales of the under-part yellowish-white edged with dull red : iris red, pupil brownish-black : fcales on the edge of the upper-jajv yellowish-white edged with brown : sides fpotted with dark brown : fcales of the belly fpotted with white, fome of the first row edged with white : tail the first part blue edged with red, the end, yellow f not ted with white. ' AMPHIBIA. SEUPENTES. 5. Anguis 81 15. C. Prester. Entirely black, with a jet-black indented band down the back. Black Viper. Shaw Zool. iii./>. 375. Much refembles the last, except in colour and number of fcalea : lips fpeckled with white : plates of the belly 153 ; scales below the tail 34. Obs. Thefe 3 have a great affinity \vith each other. 16. C.natrix. Olive-brown or bluisb, with a black and a yellow patch each side the neck : down the sides a row of narrow black spots : belly dusky, or yel- lowish. Ringed Snake. Brit. Zool. iii. /. 4. Shcxv Zool. \\\.p. 447. Bodv 3-5 feet long : head clothed with large plates : mouth marked \s'ith black bars at the sides : scales of the back carinatc : belly v.'hitish yellowish or brownish, with an irregular longitudinal black stripe, beginning at the ijjth plate : plates of the belly 170: scales under the tail 63. 17. C. Dumfrisiensis. Pale brown, with reddish-brown transverse llexuous bands in pairs. Dumfries Snake. Sow. Brit. Mifcell. i.p. 5. tab. 3. Body with reddish-brown fpots on the sides between the bands : scales of the back not carinate : platet ol the belly iO.ii fialcs under the tail about 80. 5. ANGUIS. Slow-worm. 18. A..fragilis. Rufous-grey, with 3 longitudinal brown lines down the back : belly lead-colour. Blind-worm. Br. Zool. iii. t,-^. Borl. Corn. t. 28. a. Of a darker colour: fcales of the belly 126; under the tail 136. Aberdeen Snake, ffr. Zool. iii. p. 33. Body 10 or 12 inches long : head fmall, covered in front with large fcales : sides fometimes streaked with black and white : fcales fmall, foft, clofe-fet; of the belly 135, under the tail 135. 8-2 FISHES. CLASS IV. PISCES. FISHES. Animals inhabiting waters, furnished with gills for the purpose of breathing, and fms for swimming. ORDER I. APODES. Bony fishes, without ventral fins, \. ANGUILLA. Head smooth: nostrils tubular : eyes co- vered with*, the common skin: gill-membrane 10- rayed: body roundish, smooth, mucous : dorsal, caudal, and anal-fins united : apiradts behind the head or pectoral tins. 2. Onus. Habit of the Anguilla, but the tail is without (in at the end, causing the dorsal and anal tins to be distinct. 3. ANARICIIAS. Head rounded, obtuse: front-teeth in each jaw, 6 or more in number, conic, strong, diver- gent : grinders in the lower-jaw and palate, rounded : gill-membrane G-raycd : body roundish : caudal-fin distinct. 4. AMMODYTES. Head compressed, narrower than' the body ; upper-lip doubled ; lower-jaw narrow, pointed: teeth small, very sharp : gill-mimbretne 7 -rayed : "body 'long, square, rourided at the' sides, with very minute scales : caudal-fin distinct. 5. OPHIDIUM. Head somewhat naked : teeth in the jaws, palate, and throat : gill-membrane 7-raycd : body ens i form. 6. LEPTOCEPHALUS. Head small, narrow: body very thin and flat: pectoral fins none. 7. XiPiiiAs. Head with the upper-jaw ending in a long sword-like projection: mouth without teeth: gill- membrane 8-rayed : body roundish, without apparent scales. ORDER II. JUGULARES. Bony fishes, with the ventral fins placed before the pectoral. 8. GALLIOKYMUS. Upper-lip doubled up : eyes vertical. approximate : gill-covers closed, with a small aper- ture each side the neck; the membrane 6-rayed : body naked : ventral-fins very remote. 9. TRACHINUS. Head compressed, a little rough : gill- membrane 6-rayed ; the covers prickly, the lower piece serrate : body compressed : vent near the breast. 10. GADUS. Head smooth: gill-membrane with 7 cylin- drical rays : body oblong, clothed with deciduous FISHES. 8.3 scales : fins all covered with the common skin; dorsal anil anal generally more than one, the rays unarmed : ventral-fins slender, ending in a point, 6 or 7 rayed. 11. BLESMUS. Head sloping: gill-mtmbrane 6-rayed : body lanceolate, a little compressed, lubricous : ventral Jiiis 2, .'], or 4-rayed, unarmed. ORDER III. THORACICI. Bony fishes, icilh the ventral fins placed directly under the pectoral. 12. CEPOLA. Head short, roundish, compressed: teeth curved, sharp, in a single row : gill-membrane 4-6 rayed : body very long 1 , compressed, naked : belly ex- tremely short. 13. EcuitXEis. Head furnished at top with a flat oval transversely grooved shield : gill- membrane 9 or 10- rayed : -body witlvout scales. 14. Gonius. Head small: eyes approximate, with 2 pu nctures between them: gill-membrane 4-rayed: body compressed, clothed with small scales, witha tubercle behjnd the vent : dm^sal fins 2 : ventral-fun united into a funnel-like oval. 15. COTTUS. Head broader than the body, spinous : eyes vertical, furnished with a nictitant membrane: gill- membrane 6-rayed : body round, generally without scales, tapering to tbe tail: dorsal-Jim often 2. 16. ZEUS. Head compressed, sloping down; upper-lip arched by a transverse membrane : tongue mostly su- bulate : gill-membrane with 7 perpendicular rays, the lowest transverse : body compressed, thin, broad, somewhat rhombic : first dorsal-fin generally furnished with projec f lng filamentous rays. \T. PLEURONECTES. Head small: eyes both on the same side of the head, and near each other: mouth arched: jams unequal, toothed : gill-membrane 4-7-rayed : I)ody flattened, one side a little convex and coloured, representing the back; the other flat and paler, re- presenting the belly : vent near the head, 18. SPARUS. Teeth strong, disposed in one or more rows: grinders convex, smooth, disposed in range.?, and forming a kind of pavement in the mouth: gill-mem- brane 4-6-rayed; the covers smooth, unarmed,, scaly : lips thick : body compressed : pectoral .fttis pointed : tail forked . 19. LA.BRUS. Teeth strong, rather sharp: lips thick: gill-membrane 4-6-rayed; the covers unarmed and scaly : 'pectoral-fins and fa** rounded. 84 FISHES. 20. PERCA. Jaws unequal : teeth sharp, incurved: gill' membrane 7 -rayed ; the covers scaly, of 3 pieces, the upper-piece serrate: lateral-line arched with the back: scales mostly hard and rough : dorsal-fin spi- nous on the fore-part : vent nearer the head than the tail. 21. SCOMBER. Head compressed, smooth: body oblong smooth, sometimes carinate by the lateral line: gill- membrane 7-rayed : between the dorsal-Jin and tail arc mostly several spurious Jins. 9%, GASTEROSTEUS. Jaws armed with minute teeth . gill-membrane 3, 6, or 7-rayed; the cover of 2 pieces, rounded and striate; body somewhat lengthened: lateral-line straight : dorsal*fin single, with distinct spines between it and the head : ventral-fins spinous : belly carinate or shielded on the iides, and bony beneath. 23. MULLUS. Head compressed, sloping, scaly: eyes oblong, approximate, vertical, furnished with a nicti- tant membrane : nostrils double, minute : palate armed with small teeth : mouth bearded : gill~membrane 3-rayed; the ; cpvers of 3 pieces, very finely striate : body clothed with large deciduous scales. 21. TRIGLA, Head large, mailed, marked with rough lines: eyes large, round, vertical: palate and jatrs armed with sharp teeth: gill-membrane 7 -rayed; the cover of a single radiate spinous piece : back straight, with a longitudinal spinous groove each side : pectoral-fins with generally finger* shaped pro-* cesses placed before them, ORDER IV. ABDOMINALES, y tcith the ventral fins placed behind the pectoral, 25. COBITIS. Head small, oblong, naked : month gene- rally bearded : eyes seated in the upj>er-part of the head : gill-membrane 4-6-rayed : the covers of one piece, closing beneath: body of nearly equal thick- ness from head to tail, covered with mucus and small . thin easily deciduous scales : back straight, with % single fin : vent nearer the tail : tail rounded. $6. SALMO. Head smooth, compressed: tongue cartila- ginous, moveablc : teeth in the jaws and on thetongue: gill-membrane 4-12-raycd; the cover of 3 'pieces: body compressed : back convex, furnished on the hind-part with a fleshy fin without rays : straight, nearer the back, FISHES. 95 i;7*. Ksox. Head somewhat flattened above : moitt h wide: tongue broad, loose: teeth sharp, in the jaws, palate, and tongue : nostrils double, near the eyes : gill- membrane 7-12-rayed : body lengthened, compressed : lateral-line straight, nearer the back, hardly visible : dorsal and anal fins short, and mostly opposite. 28. ARGENTINA. Teeth in the jaws and on the tongue gill-membrane 8-rayed : vent near the tail : ventral-Jinn many rayed. 29. ATHERINA. Upper-jaw a little flattened: gill-mem- brane 6-rayed: body marked on the sides with a silvery stripe. SO. MUG ii-. Lips membranaceous, the lower-one cari- nate within : teeth minute : mouth with an inflected callosity at the corners : gill-membrane with 6 curved rays ; the covers smooth and rounded : body fleshy, with large scales : dorsal-fins two. 31. EXOCCETUS. Head scaly: mouth without teeth ; the jaws connected on each side : gill-membrane 10- rayed: belly angular : pectoral-fins very large and Jong, giving the power of flight. 32. CLUPEA. Head compressed : mouth rough within: upper-mandible with the side-plates serrate : gill- membrane 8-rayed, the covers of 3 or 4 pieces ; gills internally .setaceous : lateral-line near and parallel with the back : belly sharp, and generally serrate : ventral-fns about 9-rayed : tail forked. 33. CYFRINUS. Mouth small, without teeth; teeth in the throat; gill-membrane 3-rayed : ventral-fins mostly. 9-rayed. ORDER V. CARTILAGINEI. Fishes with a cartilaginous sceleton. 34. PETROMYZON. Body eel-shaped : mouth placed un- derneath, with numerous teeth in circular rows : spiracles 7 on each side the neck, and one on the nape: pectoral and ventrat-Jins none. 35. GASTOBRANCHUS. Body eel-shaped : mouth placed underneath, bearded with numerous pectinate teeth : spiracles 2, beneath the belly. 36. RAJA. Mouth placed underneath, transverse, armed with teeth: spiracles 5 each side, placed obliquely and beneath near the neck : body thin, flat, more or less rhombic. 37. SQUALUS. Mouth placed underneath the anterior part of the head, armed with numerous teeth disposed in rows : spiracles 4-7, semilunar, on the sides of the neck : body oblong, more or less cylindrical. 86 FISHES. 38. CHIM^ERA. Head pointed: spiracle solitary, 4- parted, under the neck : mouth placed beneath, with the upper-lip 5-cieit : cutting-teeth 2 in front, both ahove and below. 39. ACIPENSER. Snout bearded underneath : mouth placed beneath the head, oval, retractile, without teeth : aperture of the gills on the sides of the head : body elongated, mailed above by bony tubercles. 40. LOPHIUS. Head depressed : teeth sharp, numerous : tongue broad, armed with teeth.: gills 3, with a late- ral simple aperture : pectoral^jins broad, more or less resembling feet ; dorsal and anal opposite, and near the tail : vent in the middle of the body. 41. CYCLOPTERUS. Head obtuse : mouth placed in front: teeth in the jaws : tongue short, thick ; gill-membrane 4- rayed, the cover of one piece : body thick, without scales : ventral-fins united into, a circle, forming an instrument of adhesion, 42. CEPHALUS, Jmesbony: aperture of the gills linear or oval : body terminating abruptly, so as to resemble the head of a fish cut oft*. 43. TETRODON, Jaws bony, divided at the tip : aperture of the gills linear : body rough with prickles under- neath ; ventral-Jins none. 44. SYNGNATHUS, Snout long, cylindrical, with the mouth at the end, furnished with a lid : gitt-covers large, striate, closed : spiracle tubular, on the nape : body elongated, jointed, mailed : ventral-fins none. 45. CENTRISCUS. Snout long, without lid : mouth with- out teeth : aperture of the gills repand : body compressed, carinate along the belly : ventral-fins united. FISHES. APODES. 1-4. 81 ORDER I. APODES. APODAL. 1. ANGUILLA. JEW. 1. h.vulgaris. Olive-brown, more or less silvery under- neath : lower-jaw longer than the upper. Common Eel. Shaw Zool. \\ . p. 15. tub, i. Body in stagnant waters blackish, yellowish beneath, fometimes varitd with brcnvn lines, very slippery : head i'mnll, narrowed on the forepart : nostrils fmull, round, with another lengthened one beneath each eye : teeth fmall, sharp, numerous : iris golden, pupil blackish: aperture of the gills femihmar : jaws with feveral minute pores each side : trunk a little compressed : lateral-line straight : skin covered with foft oblong fcales : pecloral-Jins fmall, oval, paler, with about 19 rays : dorsal, caudal, and anal united. 2. A. Conger. lirown, silvery beneath : lateral line speckled with white : lower-jaw rather shorter thaa the upper. Conger Eel. Shaw Zoo!, iv. /. i. Will, ichth. t. G. 6. Much refembles the last, except in being of a larger size, fome- times growing to 10 feet long and weighing 100 pounds and up- wards : body with whitish patches on the sides : lateral-line \>roa.<( j iris silvery : edges of the dorsal and anal tins black : pectoral-Jins 19 rayed. 3. A. Myrus. Dusky, with elongated snout: fin surrounding the body whitish edged with black. Rondeletian Eel. Arted.-Gen. 24. syn, 40. Head narrowed on tbe fore-part : sides marked with a few yellow specks: u^ptr-lip with 2 s!;ort tentacula : each side the neck a branchial uriiicc. 2. OPIIIS. Sea Serpent. 4. O. maculuta. Silvery, with dark-brown spots. Spc-tted Sea Serpent, {ihaiu Zool. iv. p. 22. lab. 2, Block t. 154. Body 3 or 4 fc-et long, slender, silvery-white with a triple row oX dark-brown oblong {'puts : hfad slender : eyes moderate : mouth wide: teeth curved inwards : pectoral-fins fmall, white ; tail naked, round, jointed. Berkcnhout. 3. ANAIUCIIAS. Wolf-fah. 5. A. Lupus. Livid brown, with transverse darker bands kavenous Wolf-fish. Brit. Zool.\\\. t. 24. Donovan's Fishes, t. 24. Body 4-7 feet long, tapering, compressed : hfad strong, sloping ; mouth wide : tteih 5 or 6 in each jaw, conical, and standing far out, with lesser-ones within them ; grinders cloi'e to the canine teeth in the upper-jaw, but detached in the lower : eyes oblong, iris silvery, pupil black : shin slippery : vent large, nearer the head : pe ctoral-fn j8-raycd : dorsal reaching from the hind-part of the head nearly to the tail, yy-rayed ; extending as far as the dorsal, 46-niyed . tail rounded of 13-18 rays. 4. AMMODITES. Launce. 6. Ammodites Tobianm. >and Launce. Br. Zucl. iii. t. 25. Donovan's Fishes t. 30. Lody 9 or 10 inches long, slender, fquare, rounded at the sides : lower- juiu longer than the upper : throat with 2 oblong rough bones: eyes i'mall, iris> iiivcry, pural black : ^ill-cover silvery, of 4 pisccs ; &8 FISHES. APODES. 5. 6. 7. nostrils double, between the eyes and mouth : back blue varied with green, with a furrow for receiving the dorfal fin: sides and belly silvery ; lateral-lhte straight, with another above and below it : dorsal-fin nearly as long as the back, of 58 f oft rays : pectoral-Jin fmall, i2-rayed: vent near the tail, with a brown fpot near it: anal-Jin reaching from the vent to the tail, 28-rayed : tail slightly forked, with rounded lobes, i6-rayed. 5. OPHIDIUM. 7. O. barbatum. Lower-jaw with 2 long bifid cirri. Bearded Ophidium. Shaw Zool. iv. p. 68. tab. 7. Body whitish, with a dusky tinge above, reddish beneath, covered with fmall dusky fpecks, long, thickish, covered with fmall fcales : head fmall, without fcales : upper-jaw rather longer : lips thick : teeth fmall : iris golden with a tranfparcnt nictitant membrane, pupil black : lateral-line brown, straight : vent nearer the head : pectoral-fins fmall, brown at the bafe, edged with grey : dorsal-fin beginning above the middle of the back, united with the caudal and anal, narrow, white edged with black : tail pointed. 8. O. imberbe. Jaws without cirri : tail rather obtuse. Bcardlefs Ophidium. Rr. Zool. iii. app. tab. 93. Body oblong, slender: head a little compressed, rounded : upper- jaw rather longer: iris broad, silvery: gill-covers angular on the upper-part, with a strong sharp point over the valve : lateral-line near the back : vent nearly in the middle : pecloral-jins rather large, lanceolate : the rest all united, the ventral one as long as the dorfal. 6. LEPTOCEPHALUS. Morris. 9. Leptocephalus Mori^ii. Anglefea Morris. Br. Zool. iii. t. 2,5. Shaw Zool. iv. f. 10. Body about 4 inches long, flat, thin, nearly tranfparent, growing slenderer towards the tail and pointed : eyes large : teeth very fmall f in both jaws : lateral-line straight, decussate with oblique striae : aperture of the gills large : pectoral, ventral, caudal-fins none : dorfal- fn low, thin, extending the whole l.ength of the back to near the tail : anal-fin reaching to near the tail : tail pointed. 7. XIPHT AS. Sicord-fish. 10. X. Gladius. Dorsal-fin falcate, tapering: behind. Common Sword-fish. Br. Zool. iii. t. 26. Shaw Zool. iv. t. 14, ' Body growing to 20 feet long, round, taper -.head flattish, sloping, steel-blue : jaws both pointed ; the upper-one 4 times as long as the lower, flattish above and beneath, acute at the sides, with a furrow down the middle : nostrils double, near the eyes ; aperture of the gills large, the cover of 2 pieces: back bluish-black : sides and belly silvery white : lateral-line a ferics of black fpecks : dorsal- Jin brown, fuddenly sloping, arched, with an elevated procefs near the tail, 42-rayed : pectoral yellowish, ly-raycd : anal falcate, cine- reous, i8-rayed: tail femilunar, with a fin-like procefs each side before it. ORDER II. JUGULARES. JUGULAR. 8. CALLIONYMUS. -Dragonet. 11. C Lyra. First ray of the first dorsal fin as long as the body. Gemmeous Dragonet. Br. Zool. iii. t. 27. Donou. Fish. t. g. Body about a foot long, variegated rich blue yellow and white : head oblong, broad, above convex and brown, beneath flat, fpotted FISHES. JUGULARES. 9. 10. 89 with blue at the sides : throat black : eyes approximate, vertical, oblong ; pupil dark blue : aperture of the gills narrow, tubular, the cover of one piece, with a 3-forked fpine at the end : back straight, brown, yellow at the sides, white towards the belly with 2 inter- rupted blue lines : lateral-line straight : vent near the middle of the body : first dorsal-Jin 4-raycd, the first ray arched and very long fecond ic-rayed : pectoral-fins brown, j8-rayed: ventral ^-rayed ; anai blue ; lo-rayed : caudal long, round, ic-rayed. 12. C. Dracunculus. First ray of the first dorsal fin shorter than (he body. Sordid Dragonet. Br. Zool. iii. t. 28. Donov. t. 84. Body 6 inches and a half long, taper, dirty yellow with white and dusky fpots, white on the belly: head broad, compressed, slop- ing : eyes large, oval, vertical ; iris reddish, pupil black : upper- jaw longer : back longitudinally grooved, with 4 pei forations be- fore the first fin : lateral-line hardly visible : vent nearer the head: first dorsal-fin white before, black behind, 4-rayed ; fecond yellow- ish with paler lines, lo-rayed; /xfctoru/light-browu, i6-rayed ; ven- tral broad, grayed ; anal lo-rayed : tail rounded, long, 8-rayed. 9. TRACHINUS. Weei'er, Stingbull. 13. Tr. Draco. Silvery, with oblique transverse yellow- ish bands : first dorsal-fin 5-rayed, black. Common \Veever. Br. Zoo!, iii. /. 28, 29. Donovan t. 23. Bodv 10 or 12 inches long, elongated, compressed, covered with fmall deciduous fcales, with a dusky tinge on the upper parts .- undei-jaw longer, sloping much towards the throat: mouth large, oblique : eyes vertical, iris yellow, pupil black : aperture of the gills large, the covers tipt with a strong fpine : back straight, yel- low-brown : lateral-line straight : first dorsal-Jin armed with strong fpines, lodged when clofed in a hollow of the back ; fecond reach- ing almoft to the tail, 25-rayed : pectoral 1 5-rayed : ventral 6-rayed : anai 2^-rayed : tail rather rounded, 24-rayed. 10. GADUS. Codfish. A. With 3 dorsal ftns : mouth bearded. 14. G. Morhua. Cinereous, with yellowish spots : jaws and tail nearly even : first anal ray spinous. Common Cod. Shaw Zool. iv. t. 22. Jonst.pisc. 8. t. <*../. i. Body generally 2 or 3 feet long, taper, with a prominent belly : mouth large : jaws nearly equal, the lower-one with a single beard : scales rather large : lateral-line broad, whitish, straight till it reaches the vent : vent nearer the head : first dorsal-Jin with 14 rays, fecond 19, third 21 : pectoral 18 : ventral 6-ra.yed : first anal-fin with 20 rays, fecond 16 ; tail 44-rayed, the first on each side short and bony. 15. G. JEgkfmus. Whitish, tail forked: upper-jaw lon- ger : beyond the pectoral-fins a large black spot. Haddock. Donovan's Fishes, t. 59. Block t. 62, Body hardly 2 feet long : head sloping : eyes large; iris silvery, pupil black : mouth narrow: lower-jaw with a single beard: scalef small, firm : lateral-line nearer the back, black : back with a dusky cast : fins bluish, first dorsal with 16 rays, fecond 20, third 19; pectoral ig-rayed ; ventral 6 : anal 21, 22; caudal 27-rayed. 1$. G. Callarias. Cinereous, beneath white : head and body spotted with brown : tail forked : upper-jaw longer. Borfe. Block t. 63. lomt.pifc. t. 46.7. 4. ft than the last ; head fjaalkr, marked with fcveral fp<>?5 TO FISHES. JUGULARES. 10. Gadus. which are brov\ n the Cummer and black in the winter : scald < , -raye. 7. ('. Lusctis. Back olive, sides yellowish: first ray of the ventral fins long 1 , setaceous : tail bordered with black. Bib. P.rit. Zool. iii. t . 3-). Donovan Fhh. t. 19. Body about A foot long, white beneath, prominent on the back and belly : fcales larger, deciduous : chin with a single beard : ana/- fin dusky edged with white: dorfal-fins 12, no, ic-raycd ; pectoral 16; ventra/6; ana/ 13, 18; tail 17-rayecl. 18. G. punctf/tn*. Pale brown with golden spots, be- neaih while thickly covered with minute dusky specks : upper-jaw longer. Speckled Cod, Taken frequently in the \Vcirn at Swanfea. Pody 18 inches long, slightly arched on the back, a little promi- nent on the belly, covered above with numerous gold-yellow ronrdish fpots, beneath with dusky fpecks which are stellate under a glafs : head large, gradually sloping : teeth fmall, in feveral rows in the upper-jaw, in the lower a single row : nostrils double : iris reddish, pupil black : chin with a single beard : nape with a deep longitudinal groove: lateral-line nearer the back, curved as far as the middle of the fecond dorfal-fin, growing broader and whiter towards the end : upper-fins and ta?7brown, with obfcure yellowish fpots, and darker towards the ends ; lower-ones tinged with green : ventncar the middle of the body : scales fmall, all of them under a glafs minutely fpeckled with brown : gill-covers of 2 pieces : lower - jcnv with 5 obfcure punctures each side: dorsal-fins 14, 20, i8-rayed; f>>'<-((>rt)/ 18 ; ventral 6, the first ray shorter than the fecond and di- vided a little way down ; anal 19, 16 ; tail even, 36-rayed. Differs from G. Morhua in not having the first anal ray fpinous, and in the lower-jaw being considerably longer ; from G. Lufcus in the first ray of the vcntral-iin being shorter than the fecond ; from G. barbatus in wanting the 7 distinct punctures on the lower-jaw, in its fmall fcales, and in the first dorfal-fin not ending in a long fibre ; and from G. Callarias in not being spotted with brown, and in having the lateral-line white. 19. G. barbutm. White, with brownish back and fins : lower-jaw with 7 punctures each side. \Vhiting-potit. Blocht. 166. Br. Zool. iii. p. 183. Body about a foot long, much arched and carinate on the back : gill-cover of many pieces : lateral-line broad, white, crooked: first dorsal-fin triangular, ending in a long fibre : pectoral-fins with a dusky fpot at the bottom : vent nearer the head : dorfal-fins 12, 20, 20-rayed ; pectoral 18 : ventral 6 ; anal 19, 19 ; fa//4O-rayed. 20. G. minutus. Silvery, with the back brownish : upper- jaw longer: each side the lower-jaw 9 punctures: vent in the middle of the body. Poor. Br. Zool. iii. t. 30. Bloch t, 67. /. i. Body about 6 inches long, with dusky fpots on the sides : head ra- ther sharp : iris silvery, pupil black lowef-jaw with a single beard : lateral-line straight, narrow : tail a little forked : belly black within: dorfal-fins 12, 19, 17-rayed ; pectoral 13; ventral 6; anal '27, 17; caudai i8-tayed. FISHES. JUGULARES. 10. Gadus. 91 B. With 3 dorsal fins : jaws beard' ess. 21. G. Merlangus. Silvery, above brownish with yellow spots : at the base of the pectoral fins a black spot : upper-jaw longer. Whiting. Donovan's Fishes t. 36. Block t. 65. Body about a foot long, taper, clothed with fmall round thin fcales : head narrowed in front : teeth in the upper-jaw numerous, the fore ones long ; in the lower-jaw a single row : lower-jaw with 9 or 10 punctures each side : lateral-tin: nearly straight, yellow : dorsal-fins white, 14, 38, 2o-rayed ; pectoral blackish, ao-rayed ; ventral white ; anal edged with white, 30, 20 ; tail blackish, a little forked, 31 -rayed. 22. G. Carbonarius. Blackish, beneath silvery-white : lower-jaw longer : lateral-line straight white. Coal-fish. Donovan's Fishes t. 13. F.r. Zool. iii. t. 31. Body above 2 feet long, covered with thin oblong fcales : head narrow, pointed: iris yellow with a black fpot : mouth black within: tongue silvery : fins black, lower-part of the ventral and anal white : tail forked: dorsal-fins 14, 20, 22-rayed ; pectoral 18 ; ventral 6; anal 22, jg ; caudal ao-rayed. &*j. G. Pollacliim. Rather silvery, with brown back and fins : lower-jaw longer : lateral-line curved, blacic. Pollack. Donovan's Fishes, t. 7. Ploch t. 68. ffc^ about 18 inches long, above dusky-brown, gradually whiten- ing towards the belly, marked with yellow lines beneath the lateral line : head narrowed in front : eyes large, pupil black, iris yellow fpotted with black : scales fmall, thin, oblong, edged with yellow : dorsal-fins 12, 19, 15-rayed ; pectoral 19; ventral 6 ; anal 23, 16: tail slightly forked, 42-rayed. C. With too dorsal fins. ?4. G. 'Merlucdus. Whitish, greyish on the back : ttiouth beardless : lower-jaw longer. Hake. Donovan's Fishes t. 28. Block t. 154. Bod\ one and a half to 2 feet long, elongated : head large, broad and flattish, compressed : jaws with a double row of sharp teeth, and a single row each side on the palate : near the eyes 4 fmall per- forations : lateral-line straight nearer the back, beginning with fe- veral fmall tubercles near the head : vent nearer the head : first dorsal-fin, pectoral and ventral pointed : tail even : dorfal-Jins 9, 38- rayed ; pectoral 15; ventral 8 ; anal 36; caudal i8-rayed. 25. G. Molva. Grey, beneath whitish : mouth bearded : upper-jaw longer : tail rounded, with a dusky bar. Ling. Shaw Zool. iv. t. 23. Elech t. 69. Body 3 or 4 feet long, slender, roundish, covered with thin oblong fcales : head flat : iris white, pupil black : chin with a fmall beard : tongue white, thin, pointed: lateral-line straight : fins edged with white, all blackish except the ventral which are white : dersal-Jins J 5> 65-rayed ; pectoral 15 ; ventral 6 ; anal 67 ; caudal 4C-rayed. 26. G. Lota. Yellowish-olive, yariegated with black : mouth bearded : jaws equal : tail rather oval Burbot. Shaw Zool. iv. /. 23. Donovan t. 92. Body growing to 3 feet long, slender, roundish, covered with fninute soft thin fcales : head broad, flattened : eyes fmall, lateral : iris yellow, pupil blue: chin with a beard or two, and 3 on the nofc : tongue broad, brownish-yellow : lateral-line straight : vent in th'e 'middle of the body: dctftal-fni u,6i-rayed; pe cloral 1 6 ; -JtrrtraI6;-ana/5o; caudal sj-rayetf. f)2 FISHES. JUGULARES. 11. Elcimiizs. 27. G. Mustela. Olive-brown, beneath whitish : mouth with 4 beards on the upper-jaw, and I on !he lower : first dorsal-iin obsolete, lodged in a furrow, with a, cirrus before it. Five-bearded Cod. Brit. Zool. iii. t. 33. Donovan'* Fishes t. 14. Body about 19 inches long, with a yellowish tinge above, covered with mucus and very fniall fcalcs : head i'mall, silvery with a violet tinge : iris golden, pupil black : mouth large ; upper-jaw longer : lateral-line obfolete : tail rounded: dorsal-fini 1,42-raycd: putcra/ 14.; ventral j ; anal 40 ; caudal z^-rayed, 28. G. fn'cirratus. Reddish-yellow with dark-brown spots: mouth \vifh 2 beards on the upper-jan and I on the lower : first dorsal-fin obsolete, lodged in ;i furrow, without the cirrus before it. Three-bearded Cod, Rockling. Brit. Zool. t. 33. Donovan t. 2. Fody long, slender, compressed : teeth numerous, fniall, difpofed. along the jaws in the form of a broad plate : palate with a triangu- lar fet of fmall teeth ; fins all fpotted, the ventral reddish : lateral- line bent till the middle of the body : dorsal-fin* i, 56 ; pectoral 18 ; ventral 6; ana! +6 ; caudal 20 rayed. D. With a single dorsal-fin. .29. G. Broa-me. Lower-jaw with a single beard : ventral- fins fleshy, ending in 5 cirri : tail rounded, and with the dorsal and anal fins edged witli white. Torsk. Br ZooL t. 34. Donovan's Fishes t. 70. Body about 25 inches long, above yellow-olive, beneath wH f -, a little compressed, prominent on the belly ; head dusky, -with i deep furrow reaching to the dorfal-fin which is rounded on the fore-part : lateral-line curved, whitish : vent in the middle of the body: dorsal, anal, and caudal-fins fpotted: pectoral tinall, ye Haw, rounded : dorsal-Jin 49-rayed ; pectoral 21 ; ventral 5 ; anal 37 caudal 35-raycd. 11. BLENNIUS. Blcnny* . 30. B. Gattorugine. Whitish, with transverse brown un- dulations : over each eye and on the nape a palmate cirrus. Gattorugine. Br. Zool. iii. t. 35. Donovan t t 86. Body 8-10 inches long, compressed: eyes vertical, prominent; iris reddish, pupil black : teeth fmall, clofe-fct : palate Imooth : on the head 2 pair of branched membranes : nostrils near the eyes : gill-cover of one piece : lateral-lint straight, nearer the back: vent nearer the head : dorsal-Jin with generally a few black fpots, the first 16 rays fpinous, the hindmost very long : dorsal-Jin 32-rayed ; pectoral 13 ventral 2 ; ana! 20 ; caudal i2-raycd. ?l. B. Galcrita. Yellowish-brown, speckled with black : between the eyes a transverse triangular crest edged with red. Crested Blenny. Br. Zool. iii. i. 35. . Body 4 or 5 inches long, compressed, slender, slippery : head fur- nished with a skinny appendage which may be railed or depressed, and between the eyes a triangular, prominence pointing backwards : vent behind the pectoral fins : dorjal-jin shallow, reaching from the head nearly to tlie tail, 6o-xayed, of which 50 are spinpus.^ pectoral -ic,; ventral fmall, short, 2; awL^G- tail rounded., )6-rayecU FISHES. JUGULARES. 11. Blennius 93 32. B. Phyds. Grey-brown, with the nostrils slightly crested : lower-lip with a cirrus : back with 2 fins. Hake Blenny. Forked Hake. Br. ZooL iii. f. 193. *. 82. 2. Body about half the size, black, fmooth. Body about a foot long : palate with a triangular bed of fin all teeth : lateral-line curved : vent in the middle of the body : dorfal- fins 10, 6i-rayed, the first triangular with the first ray long and slender, fecond commencing just behind the first and reaching nearly to the tail ; pectoral 15 ; ventral 2-rayed, joined at the bottom and forked towards the end ; anal 57 ; tail rounded, 3o-rayed. 33. B. trifurcatus. Brown, with white lips : ventral-fins of 3 distinct cirri Trifurcated Blenny. Br. ZooL \\\.p. 196. t. 32. Body about a foot long, deep brown, except the foldings of the lips which are fuowy ; compressed from the pectoral-fins, and fud- denly tapering to the tail : lower-jaw with a fmall beard : head broad, depressed : eyes large, iris yellowish : palate with a femi- lunar row of fmall curved teeth : tongue none : back with a cavity at the beginning, in which is the rudiment of the first dorfal-fin; fecond dorsal-Jin reaching to the tail, the aa/correfponding : above the pectoral-fin each side a row of tubercles, from which commences the lateral-line which is abruptly curved in the middle : tail rounded. 34. B. Pholis. Olive-green, marbled with blackish and whitish clouds : lateral-line curved sub-bifid. Smooth Blenny. Brit. Zool. iii. t. 36. Donovan t, 78. Body 7 or 8 inches long, olive, dark-brown or green, variously clouded, with orange fins: head thick: mouth large : jaws armed with a row of sharp teeth, the upper-one longer : lips whitish : nostrils with 4 fibres : eyes large, iris red, pupil black : 'longuc fmooth : palate rough : vent nearer the head : dorfal : fin long, ap- pearing as if divided in the middle, 3i-rayed ; pectoral rounded, 12 ; ventral divided at the ciid, ?; anal 20, the ends of the rays pure white; tail rounded, i3-rayed, 33. B. Gunnelus. Yellowish-brown, with deeper specks; dorsal. fin with about 10 round black spots, each sur- rounJed with a paler ring. Spotted Blenny. Brit. Zool. iii. t. 33. Donovan Fishes t, 27. Body 8 or 9 inches long, slender, much compressed, white be- neath : head fmall : mouth sloping obliquely downwards : lower-jauu longer : iris white, pupil black : lateral-line straight, obfolete : vent nearer the head : dorsal-Jin nearly as long as the .body, with 9-12 ojcllate fpots, 77-rayed ; pectoral fmall, 12; ventral 2 ; anal orange, fpotted with brown at the bafe, 43 ; tdil yellow, rounded, i6-rayed. 36. B. iiuiparus. Olive, with dusky bars down the sides, beneath white : nostrils tubular : dorsal caudal aai anal-fins united. Viviparous Blenny. Br. ZooL iii. t. 37. Donovan t. 34. Body about 12 inches long, taper, yellowish-olive with dusky bars acrofsthe hack, covered with minute oblong white fcales edged with black : head finall : upp>r-jdjj longer : ve-nt nearer the head : lateral-line straight, obfolete : yellow : dorfal-fin with a deep indenture near the tail, ga-rayed ; pectoral yellow, 48 ; ventral 2; anal yeilo.v 63; caaJal iS-raycd. 94 FISHES. THORACICI. 12-15. ORDER III. THORACICI. THORACIC. 12. CEP.OLA. Band-fish. 37. C. rubescens. Pale red^ with silvery undulate trans- verse lines : tail lanceolate. Red Bandfish. Montague Linn. Trans, vii. p. 291. tab. 17; Body 10 inches long, tapering to a point : head not larger than thfc body : jaws armed with a row of distant curved teeth : eyes large, iris silvery mixed \\ T ith crimfon, pupil blue-black : gill-covers sil- very, of 2 pieces, the membrane 4-rayed : dorsal, caudal, and anal Jins united, reaching nearly all round the body ; pectoral, rounded, i6-rayed; ventral whitish, clofe together, rather before the pecto- ral, oval, 6-rayed, the first ray spinous, with a filament before them longer than the rays : lateral-line a little curved near the head : vent near the breast. 13. ECHINEIS. Sucking-fish. 38. E. Remora. Dusky-brown, with about 18 bars on the shield : tail slightly forked. European Sucking-fish. Shaw Zool. iv.p. 201. t. 31. Taken by the Author, in Swanfea, from the back of a Cod-fish, in the fummer of 1806. Body 12 or 14 inches long, without fcales, marked with nume- rous impressed dots ; head rounded in front, jaws \vith numerous sharp teeth, the lower-one longer : shield margined, divided down the middle, with 16-19 more or lefs curved grooves armed with 2 or 3 rows of fmall fpines : tongue and palatebefet with fmall teeth: near the upper-lip are 2 pores each side : aperture of the gills large, the cover of one piece : lateral-line bent at the end of the pectoral- fin : vent nearer the tail : dorsal-Jin 22-rayed ; pectoral 22 ; vet.tral 4 ; anal 20 ; tail femilunar, 2C-rayed. 14. GOBIUS. Goby. 39. G. nigcr. Variegated whitish and brown : second dorsal-fin with about 14 rays. Black Goby. Br. Zool. iii. t. 3%. Shaw Zool. iv. t. 34. Body 5 or 6 inches long, covered with hard grey fcales> foft, mucous ; jaws equal, with the teeth in 2 rows : cheeks inflated : from the head to the first dorfal-fin a fmall cavity : dorsal and anal-fins pale blue fpeckled with black : belly vellowishS lateral line obsolete: vent in the middle of the body : dorjal-jins 6, grayed : pectoral 16 or 17, the middle-ray longest : ventral united in a fort of funnel 12 (inali$' t tail rounded, ly-rayed. 40. G. minutus. Whitish, with ferruginous spots : eyes blue : fins with obscure ferruginous streaks. Spotted Goby Donovan s British Fishes, tab. 28. Eody about 3 inches long : hmd depressed : tongue \zr%t : teeth in both jaws: eyes large, prominent; iris fapphirine-blue : dorjal-fms remote, 6, ii-rayed ; pectoral 20.- ventral 19 ; anal 11 ; tail even, i6-rayed. 15. COTTUS. Bu'lhead. 41. C. Gobio. Smooth, yellowish -olive, spotted with black, beneath whitish": gill-covers each with 2 curved spines. River Bullhead. Miller's Thumb. Pr. Zool. t. 39. Donov. t. 80. P.ody 5 or 6 inches long, taper : head very large : eyes fmall, in the middle of the head, iris yellowish, pupil black : jauji equal : FISHES. TIIORACICI. 16. 17. 95 teeth in the jaws and palate : tongue loofc, fmooth : gill-cover of one piece : lateral-line in the middle : vent about the middle of" the body; fins variegated with brown : dorsal-fins 8, grayed; pectoral 11 ; ventral^; anal 12 ; tail rounded, i'2-raycd. 42. C. Scoi-piua. Brown, variegated with white : head armed with several spines : upper-jaw rather longer. Father Lasher, Br. Zool. iii. /. 40. Donovan t. 35. BoJv 9 or 10 inches long, taper, covered with minute tubercles : head with numerous large sharp fpines, and a 1 oblong {"oft ones be- fore the eyes : eyes large, vertical, iris pale yellow, pupil black: mouth and palate armed with teeth : gill-cover of a pieces : fins with a reddish tinge, barred with deep brown ; lateral-line straight, nearer the back : vent in the middle of the body : dorsal-fins 8, 14-rayed; pectoral scalloped, 9; ventral 3; anal 11; tail even, 14-rayed. 43. C. cataphractus. Brown, beneath whitish : body mailed : snout with 2 cloven tubercles : lower-jaw and throat bearded. Armed Bullhead, Pogge. Br. Zool. t. 39. Donovan t. \6. Body about 5 inches long, covered with strong bony crusts, di- vided into pieces, the ends of wlvich project into a sharp point forming prickly lines down the back and sides : back with 3 or ^ dusky fpots: head large, bony, cugtjed : lateral-line straight, in the middle : vent nearer the head : dorfal-fint 5, j-rayed; pectoral 18 ' t ventral 3 ; anal 6 ; tail rounded, to-rayed. 16. ZEUS. Doree. 44. Z, Faber. Tail rounded : sides marked with an oval dusky spot in the middle : dorsal and anal-tins 2. John Doree. Br. Zool. iii, t. 41. Donovan t. 8. Shaw t. 41. Body fometimes a footer more long, dusky green, with a gilded tinge, and blue and white variations: head deformed, with a large projectile fnout, and a deep cavity before the eyes: gill-covers of 2 pieces : chin and shoulders with 2 fpines : back and belly ferrate with fpines: lateral-line curved: first dorsal-fin with fpinous rays which end in long filaments: dorfal-fins 10, 24-rayed ; pectoral rounded, 14 ; ventral 7 ; anal 4, 22 ; tail rounded, 14-rayed, 45. Z. Luna. Tail lunate : body red, green, or pur- ple, with oval white spots : dorsal and anal-fins solitary. Opah, King-fish. Br. Zool. t. 42. Sow. t. 22. Donov. t. 97. Body about 3 feet long, very deep from the back to the chest, and fuddenly tapering to the tail : head short, rounded : back and tides silvery green blue or gold, with silver or gold fpots, without fcales: tongue thick, rough with prickles pointing backwards : fins fcarlet, the dorsal and anal ones falcate, pectoral and ventral pointed : tail erefcent-shaped. 17. PLEURONECTES. Flat-fish. A. Eyes both on the right side of the head. 46. PI. Hippoglossus. Body perfectly smooth, elongated, brown above, white beneath : tail lunate. 96 FISHES. THORACIC!. 11. Pleuroneele*. the bafe : . dorsal-Jin 101 -rayed ; pectoral 14; ventral 5; anal 73; caudal i7-rayed. 47. PL Platessa. Smooth, brownish with round fulvous spots : head with a row of 6 tubercles reaching to the lateral- line. Plaise. Donovan's Fishes t. 6. Shaw ZooL iv. t. 43. Body growing to 15 or 16 pounds weight, clothed with thin foft fcalcs, and marked with numerous dark orange fpots : head covered with firm fcalcs, each placed in its proper bed : mouth fmall, lower-jaw longer : teeth finall, obtufe : lateral-line straight, in the middle: ana\-Jin with a large fpine before it : tail rounded; fcaly at the bafe, the rays longer than the membrane ; dorsal-Jin 72- rayed ; pectoral 10; ventral 5; anal 54 ; caudal i8-rayed. 48. PI. Limanda. Brownish, with rough scales : lateral- line arched over the pectoral fin. Dab. Donovan's Fishes t. 44. Block t. 46. Body 3 or 4 pounds weight, with foft oblong fcales, pale brown, beneath white : head fmall : eyes large : dorsal-Jin 73-rayed ; pec- toral 11 ; ventral 6 ; anal 53 ; tail nearly even, 15 rayed, 49. PI. microcephulus. Dark brown, with rather smooth scales: head small, mouth diminutive: lateral-line a little curved over the pectoral fin. Smear-dab. Donovan's Fishes tab, 42. Body above dusky-brown, beneath white, without fpots : mouth very minute, with the lips a little protruded :fns yellowish-brown; dorsal go-rayed; pectoral 7; ventral 6; anal 73; tail rounded, i7-rayed. 50. PI. tens. Yellowish-brown, with quite smooth scales : beneath white with 5 dusky spots. Smooth Dab. Br. Zool. n. 105. Ray syn.pisc. 162. /. i. Body afoot and a half long, 11 inches broad, light brown obfcurely fpotted with yellow : head fmall : eyes near each other : mouth filled with fmall teeth: lateral-line much curved over the pectoral fin ; dorsal-fin 79-rayed. 51. PI. Fltsus. Brown, with the lateral-line rough : at the base of the fins a series of asperities. Flounder. Block t. 44. Donovan t. 94. Body growing to 5 or 6 pounds weight, covered with thin oblong fcales, above dull brown with lighter or rofy vaiiations, beneath dirty-white : month fmall, the lower-jaw longer : gill-covers ending in an obtufe fpinc ; lateral-line with aiowof fmall fpines, curved ov^r the pectoral fin : fins mostly fpotted with black, between the anal and ventral a strong fpine : dorsal-Jin ^-rayed ; pectoral u ; ventral 6; anal 39 ; tail a little rounded, i Stayed. 2. Body rofo-colour, with pale yellow-brown fins. Rofe-coloured Flounder. Shaw ZooL iv. f. 43*. Bodv about 9 inches long, with a slight yellowish tinge in fotne parts, in others with silvery white, beneath nearly white, without fcalcs, but marked with minute fcalc-like reticulations, and without roughnefs : lateral-line neatly straight : dorsal-fin 6o-rayed ; pec- toral 12 ; ventral 7 ; anal 42 ; tail a little rounded, zorayed. 52. PI, Solen. Brown, oblong, with rough scales : upper- jaw longer : upper pectoral fin tipt with black. Sole. Donovan's Fishes t. 62. Bloch t. 45. Body fometimes growing to 2 feet long, above olive-brown, be- neath white, covered with fmall oblong fcales ending in numerons fpines : jaws bearded with fmall white cirri, the upper lunate, Jowcr with fmall moveable teeth : gill-cover rounded of one piece : lateral-line straight, nearer the back : vent nearer the head : rays of FISHES. THORACICI. 18. Sparus. 97 the dorfal and anal fins covered with fcales nearly to the middle : dorfal-fin 97-rayed ; pectoral 10 : ventral 8; anal 83; tail rounded, 17-rayed. a3. PI. Arnoglossus. White, transparent, very thin, with small very deciduous scales. Smooth Sole. Pernant Brit. Zoo 1. iii. p. 233. a. 108. B. Eyes both on the left side of the head. 54. PI. tubercnMus. Body nearly circular, grey-brown with blackish variations, rough with horny tu- bercles. Turbot. Donovan's Fishes t. 46. Shaw Zoo\. iv. t. 45. Body growing to a large size, covered with obtufe spinous tuber- ties: head broad, lower-jaw longer: lateral-line in the middle, arched over the pectoral-fin : fins yellowish, with black marks: dorsal-Jin 6orayed ; pectoral 12; ventral 6 anal 43; tat! rounded, 17-rayed. 55. PI. Rhombus. Rhombic, brown with dusky and white spots, smooth: 4 first rays of the dorsal-fin rami- fied, with the membrane lacerated between each branch. Pearl, Brill. Sowerby Brit. Mifcel. t. 50. Donovan t. 95. Body refembling the Turbot, but is of a fmaller size, and without the fpinous tubercles; the fcales are alfo larger: dorfal-fin 71- rayed ; pectoral 12 ; ventral 6 ; anal 57 ; tail rounded, i6-rayed. 36. PL Megastoma. Oblong, livid-brown with black marks : mouth large , the lower-jaw protruded : la- teral-line much curved over the pectoral-fin. Whiff. Donovan's Fishes iii. tab. 51. Body thick, with large rough fcales: head elongated : tongue su- bulate-conic, white : iris yellowish, pupil black : mouth full of finall teeth : fins wider in the middle, fpotted with black ; dorfal-fin S^-rayed ; pectoral 13; ventral 5; anal 6 1 tail rounded, fcaly at the bafe, ig-rayed. 57. PI. Cyclops. Brown with dusky ocellate spots : dor- sal and anal-fins pointed in the middle: lei i eye placed in the angle of the head, and visible on both surfaces of the body . Cyclops Flounder. Donovan's Fishes tab. 90. Body roundish, fmooth, brown with dusky fpots inclofed in a whitish circle : lateral-line much curved over the pectoral-Sn : middle-rays of the dorsal And anal-Jins longer than the rest, and end- ing in a point : left eye vertical, and visible on the under side of the body : dorsal-Jin 66-rayed ; pectoral 11 ; Central 7 j anal 32 : tail rounded, i6-rayed. 18. SPARU8. Gilthead. ."is. Sp. Aurata. Over the eyes 2 pale semilnnar spots edged with gold : behind the head each side a blackish-purple round spot intersected 1>y the late- ral line. Lunulated Gilthead. Donovan t. 89. Block t. 266. Body growing to 6 or 8 pounds weight, silvery inclining to red on the back : iris silvery : head glossed with gold, especially at the lower futures of the gill-covers : tail with fometimes a black fpot near it: dorsal-fin 4-rayed ; pectoral ji; ventral 6 ; anfl 14; caudal i6-rayed. t 08 FISHES. THORAC1CI. 19. Labrus. 59. Sp. Pagnts, Rose-red, with longitudinal stripes of a deeper red : near the gill covers each side 2 black spots. Red Gilthcad. .fir. Zool. K. 113. Block t. 267. Body about the size of the last, covered with large fcales ; eyes large, silvery : skin at the end of the dorfal and anal fins gathered up and hiding the last rays : mouth and tongue fine red : belly silvery, slightly marked with longitudinal yellowish streaks; tail forked. 60. Sp. Dentcx. Body reddish varied with brown: in each jaw 4 teeth larger than the rest. Four-toothed Gilthead. Donovan's Fishes t. 73. Body growing to a large size, varying much in colour, fometimes fpotted and streaked with black : back reddish : tail fcaly at the bafe : dorfaX-fin 20-rayed ; pectoral 12; ventral 5; anal io ; caudal ig-rayed. 61. Sp. niger. Above black, beneath silvery : back with a silvery stripe along the base of the dorsal-fin : dor- sal and anal-fins clothed with silvery scales. Toothed Gilthead. Br. Zool t. 43. Linn. Trans. 7. p. 292. Taken in Swanfea Bay Nov. 12, 1836. Body 2 feet long, 9 inches deep, very much compressed, rounded on the forepart of the back, covered with large firm angular fcales placed in an hexagonal manner : head much rounded and sloping in front : mouth oblique downwards : jaws nearly equal : teeth a single row of incurved larger-ones and a row or two of fmaller-oes in each jaw, besides a short longitudinal mafs of obtufe ones on each side in the palate of the upper-jaw: eyes very large, distant ; iris \vhite : gill-covers of 2 pieces ; the apertures very large, membrane y-rayed : lateral-line obfolete : vent in the middle, between the ven- tral and anal-fins : fins all covered with silvery fcales at the,bafe : dorsal falcate, the first 7 rays very high, 34-rayed, and like the anal clothed with silvery imbricate fcales placed longitudinally; the rays ending in short fafcicular processes : pectoral pointed, so-rayed : Central pointed, 6-rayed, with a. fmaller Supplemental one at the sides covered with silvery fcales : anal fcmewhat falcate, 28-rayed : the rays ending in short fafcicular processes : tail black, forked, with pointed lobes, 2^-rayed. 19. LABRUS. Wrasse. 63. L. gibbns: Variegated blue and orange : dorsal and anal-tins green spotted with black. Gibbous Wrasse. Penn. Brit. Zool. iii t. 46, Body about 8 inches long, size of a perch, but more gibbous on the back, covered with large fcales : head sloping ; above each eye a dusky femiluuar fpot : first gill-cover finely ferrate : pectoral-fins yellow, tranfverfely striped with red at the bafe : ventral and caudal fea-green : dorfal-fin 2^-raycd ;. pectoral 13 ; ventral ' 6 . anal 13; tail large, 15-rayed. 63. L. Tinea. Yellowish, variegated with blue, c*nd spotted with red : fins red, spotted with white : lips reflected : dorsal-fan ramentaceous. Ancient Wrasse, Old Wife. Br, Zool. t. 44. DoMto.'t.&fr Body 15-18 inches long, of a rather hulky form, with a dusky hue D n the back, and variegated with fefu'e red and ye-llow : /inx edged With brown: lips large, reflected, reli, tile t.:eth in 2 lows, the first row conic : ^ill-covers with radiate d-pr.-ssions under the fcales- above the nofe a deep fur-'.-v: threat with two tuUercled bones above, and one below : dor/ai-Jin ao-rayed ; pectoral 14 J *- tralQ', anal iej tail i^-rayed. FISHES. TIIORACICI. 19. Labrus. 99 64. L. Julis. Back green, sides blackish with a longitu- dinal indented fulvous stripe : "2 front- teeth longer. Indented striped Wrasse. Donovans Fishes, t. 96. Body 7 or 8 inches long, elongated, changeable blue-green \vitli the indented stripe fulvous and silvery, belly silvery : jaiLS equal : ' dorfal-fin with a black spot at the top, iz-rayed : pectoral is ; vtntrald; anal 1^5 ; tail i3-rayed. 65* L. variegates. Red with 4 longitudinal grccnish-olire stripes each side, and as many blue-ones. Striped Wrasse. Br. ZooL iii. t. 4,5 Donovan.t. 21. Bodv oblong, about 10 inches long, cohered with large fcales : lips large, doubled : gill-membrane ^-raycd, the covers grey stuped with yellow : throat almost yellow : at the bafe of the pect orul -fine adark olive fpot : dorfal-fin inaiked at the beginning with a broad band of rich blue, the middle part white, the rett red : anal and ventral-fins edged with blue: dotfal-Jin 31 -rayed; pectoral 15- ventra\ 6 ; anal 15; tail blue on the uupcr half, yellow on the' lower. 66. L. bimaculatus. Grey, with a brown rounded spot each side on the middle of the body, and another near the tail. Bimaculated Wrasse. Penn. Brit. ZooL iii. p. 247. n. 117. Body rather deep, of a light colour : gill-membrane 6-rayei : 1- teral-line curved: dorsal-Jin 26-rayed ; pectoral 1,5; ventral 6 j anal 12. 67. L. trimacalaius* Red, with large scales, and 3 blacK spots towards trie end of tho back. Trimaculated Wrass*. Br. ZooL t. 46. Donovan's Fishes t. 49. Body oblong, about i a inches in length, above orange-red, palef beneath, with 4 rose-coloured fpot? alternating with the bluck ones ; gill-membrane 5-rayed : fins fome of them edged with bliu : lateral' line nearly straight: dorfal-Jin 3c-rayed ; pectoral \ 6 - ? nitlrul 6^i unali^: tail 14-rayed. 58. L. Comber. Slender, red, beneath yellow : beneath the lateral-line a longitudinal silvery stripci Comber Wrasse. Br. ZooL iii. p. 252. t. 47. Back, fins, and taii red : belly yellow : silve**-slr?pe parallel^ fmooth, even : dorjal-fin si-rayed ; pectoral 14 ; ventral 5 ; anal 10. 69. L. Coquus. Slender, purple and dark blue, beneath-, yellow. Cook Wrasse. BT. ZooL iii. n. 123. Ray. Pifc. 163 ./. 4. Body., refembling the last : back purple and dark blue: belly yellow^ 70. L. cornuMcus. Variegated green brown and yellow: near the tail a round brown spot : anal-fin yellow, oblique- ly barred with brown. Coldfinny. Donovan's Fishes tab. 72. Br. ZooL iii. t. 47. Body about a palm long, shaped like L. Tinea : lips doubled ; jaiut and gill-covers rich yellow : belly yellowish-white : dorsal-fin green- ish, with dusky clouds : pectoral and ventral-fins yellowish-white : dorsal-Jin 25-rayed ; pectoral 12: vetral 7; anal 13; tail green, 14-rayed. 71. L. lineatus. Greenish beneath yellowish, with nume- rous parallel longitudinal yellowish lines. Streaked Wrasse. Donovan's Brit. Fishes, tab. 74. Body 7 inches long, with green head back and fins, the sides pale : .iris yellow, pupil black : lateral-line curved : dorsal-Jin 3>rayed : p.ectoral 14 ; ventral 8 j anal 11 ; tail i^-rayed. I X UK) FISHES. THORACICI. 20. 21. 20. PERCA. Perch. A. With 2 distinct dorsal-fins. 72. ~P.Jluviatilis. Brownish-olive, with short dusky trail*-, verse bands on the sides : dorsal-fins pale violet- brown, the rest red. 1 2. Back much raifed, curved and distorted near the tail. Common Perch. r. Zool. iii t. 48. Donovan t. 52. Body fometimes growing to a large size, with a gilded tinge on the sides, whitish towards the belly ; nostrils near the eyes, dou- ble, with 4 pores before them : mouth large : jaws nearly equal t teeth fmall, in the jaws and on the roof; tongue short, fmooth : first dorfal-fm with 15 fpinous rays, marked with a roundish black fpot accompanied with a fmaller-one ; fecond with 15 foft rays : pecto- ral 14 ; ventral 8 ; anal 12 ; tail a little forked, 21 rayed. 73. P. Lab fax. Back dusky with a blue tinge, belly sil- very : second dorsal-fin with 14 rays. Basse. Br. Zool. iii. t. 49. Donovan's Fishes t. 43. Body shaped like a falmon, and growing to the weight of 15 pounds ; mouth large, filled with fmall teeth, with a triangular rough fpace in the roof: eyes laige, reddish, iris silvery ; when young the fpace above it is marked with fmall black fpots ; gill- covers ending in a sharp point : dorsal-fins bro'.vn, the first g-rayed, . fecond 14 ; pectoral brownish, i8-rayed ; ventral reddish-white, 6-rayedj tail slightly forked, brown, 2i-raycd. B. With a single dorsal-fin. 74. P. cermia. Olive-brown with blackish dots : dorsal- fin 27-rayecl, the first 15 of which are spinous. Ruffe. Donovan's Fishes t. 39. Shaw tool. iv. t. 79. Body about 6 inches long, slender, mucous, yellowish-olive on the sides, blackish on the nape and back, whitish on the breast and belly, covered with numerous dusky fpots on the body pectoral Uori'al and anal fins : lateral-line a little curved : head thick, flattish t eyes large, pupil blue, iris brown with a yellow mark : jaws equal c Jins yellowish; dorsal sy-rayed ; pectoral 13; ventral 6j anal 7; tail sharply-forked, ig-rayed. 21. SCOMBER. MaekreL ?5. c. SctfwJer. Blue green, with numerous transverse black Hues : belly silvery : 5 spurious fins above ajid below. Common Mackrel. Br zoo!, iii. t. 51. Shaw zool. iv. t. 34. Body 1-2 feet long, dark-green varied with blue and crossed with black bands above the lateral-line : headlong: eyes large, covered at first with a white film ;' mouth large ; the lower-jaw longer : tongue loofe, pointed, fmooth : teeth in both jaws and round the edge of the palate : gill-covers of 3 pieces, silvery r fcates fmall oval, tranfparent : lateral-line nearer to and parallel with the bat!-, with generally fome dusky fpots along it : f pur i OK s -Jins fmall, grey : dorsal-fins 12, i e -rayed ; pectoral 20,; ventral 6; anal 13; tail forked, ao-rayed. 76. Sc. Colias. Varied with rich green and blue : spuri- ous fins 5 both above and below. Coly Mackrel. Will, ichth.p. 182. Syst. Nat. p. 824. Found frequently in the Weirs about Swanfea, and very much refembles the last, except in size which feldom exceeds 6 or 7 inches in length. Its colours are much vichcr, and it (iocs not ap pear to come in shoals. FISHES, TITOH^ClCl %SW# ' 101 77. Sc. Thynnw. Above brotniish-bliie, beneath silvery : spurious fins about 10, both above and below. Tunny. Dr. Zcol. iii. t. ,52. Donovan t. 5. lto>1. G. Spinachia. Olive spotted with black: along tfce sides of the jaws a silvery stripe : lateral-line promi- nent, shielded : back with 15 spines. Fifteen-fpined Stickleback. Brit. Zool. t. 50. oaovan t. 45. Body 6 or 7 inches Jong, very slender and lanceolate toward* jrfv* tail r head lengthened, cylindrical ; lower-javr longer : iris silver^ : trust fomewhat ^-skled : lateral~iine compofed of a row of plate* j dorsal-spin-es placed in a cavity and bent back : dorral-fin 7-rayed i jxtteml oblong, 10 ; ventral of 2 fpinous rays : anal with a fpinc before it ; tail rounded, with an elevated line abov.jU)d beneath, 12-rayed. 23. MULLUS. Surmullet: -82. M. barbatws. Red > with an olive tinge above and a silvery one beneath. Red Surmullet. Pennant Br. Zool. iii./. 271. n. 13$. Body 12-15 inches long, covered with thin decichiOBi fcale, under which it is of a bright red : lower-jatwilh 2 cirri j t .7, o-rayed .; pectoral 15 ; ventral 6} s cinereous, the dorfal placed behind the centre of gravity, cauMi;^ the head to fall down when held by it : laleral-inx hardly visible : belly sharply carinate, but hardly ferrate : dorja\-fin i8-iayed ;. fcc- toral 18 ; ventral^; ana! 17 ^ tail i8-rayed. 111. Cl. Pilcurdus. Silvery, dusky-green on the back: lover-jaw rather shorter, the tipper ascending : dor- sal-lin placed in the centre of gravity : scales very large, adhering firmly. Pilchard. Br. ZocL /.-C8. Donovan t. 69. Shazv v. t. 119. Padv rather less than the Herring, thicker and more rounded, the $ack more elevated, and the belly not fo sharp : head more obtule .- dorsal-fin i8-rayed ; pectoral 16 ; ventral 8 ; anal 17 ; tail 32-raycd. 11^. Cl. Aloaa. Silvery, dusky on the back: along thi 4 sides a row of rounded black spots : belly serrate. Shad. Br. Zool. t. 69. Donov. t. 57. Shaiv v. t. 120. Body. 2 or 3 feet long, dusky-green or bluish on the back, convex above and below : fr.out bifid ; upper-jaw a little longer, toothed at , \.l\s edge : ^ill-covers striate, silvery at the edge : fcales large, dcci- FISHES. ABDOIMINALES. 33. Cyprinus. 10T tUious : Jins cinereous, the ventral with pointed appendages : dorfat** fin 2o-r probably a. variety of the next./ 136. R. Rubiis. Yellowish, with dusky spots : snout short, pointed : back with a single row, and tail with a triple row of spines. Rough Ray. Donovan's Brit. Fishes, tab. 20. Body growing large, with feveral other fpines about the eyes and on the back, besides the row of larger-ones : eyes placed far back, pupil bluish, iris black : mouth wide, with numerous wedge-shaped teeth : ventral and anal-fins short, the former 3-rayed, the latter 6, and near thefe in the male are 2 long fin-like appendages : tail slen- der, nearly as long as the body with 2 fins, the last terminal. 137. It. chagrinea. Above grey-brown and tubercled i snout and tail with a triple row of spines. Shagreen Ray. Br. Zool. iii. p. 87. Shaw Zool. v. p. 281. Body growing large, covered with minute shagreen-like tubercles* snout long, sharp : pupil faphyrine, with a femicircular row of fpinrs at the corner: tail with 2 rows of slender f mall fpines reaching a little up the back. 138. It. Miraletus. Grey-brown, spotted, with a large ocellate spot each side: eyes with a single row, and tail with a triple row of spines. Mirrour Ray. Donov. Brit. Fishes t. 103. Shaw v. t. 139. Body about the size of the Thornback, grey-brown and rough above, with brown and bine fpots : snout taper, pointed : pectoral-fins each marked with a large ocellate fpot lurrounded with a dark* brown ring, the iris of which is whitish or pale blue, the pupil dark-brown : eyes with a single row of fpines on the inside ; tail with two rounded-oblong lins at the end. C. Body rhombic, with blunt teeth. 139. R. clavata. Yellowish-grey, spotted : snout rather pointed : body covered with clavate prickles, besides a single row of claw-like* ones down the back and tail. Thornback. Br. Zool. t. n. 12. Donovan t. 26. Shaw v. t. 139. Body growing to 12 feet long, brownish with white fpots. or whitish with dusky i'pots, tubercled, clothtd with fpines above and underneath, which when they fall off leave a white fpot: belly crossed with a strong fcimiunar cartilage: head rather long', pointed : tetth final], round : iris femilunar, brown : tail longer K 2 m FISHES. CARTILAGINEI. 37. Squalus. than the body, obtufe, with 2 fins near the end, and feveral clavate fpines besides the claw-like-ones : ventra\-Jins pointed, 3-rayed ; anal rounded, 6-rayed. 140. R. Pastinaca. Yellowish-olive, smooth: tail slen- der, pointed, without fin, armed near the middle with a long spine serrate hoth sides. Sting Ray, Fire-flaire. fir. ZooL iii. p. 95. Donovan t. gg, Body about 3 feet long, a little gibbous on the back, mucous, paler near the sides: head short, pointed: iris white : teetk granulate: back fomet imes armed with a ferrate fpine : ventral-fins none ; the pectoral-ones rather rounded: spine on the tail very long, fiat, sharp, ferrate in a reverfed direction. 37. SQUALUS. Shark. A. With orifices on the temple, and anal-fin. 141. Sq. Canicula. Rufous-grey, with dusky ocellafe spots : nostrils surrounded with a lobe and vermiform appendage : ventral-mis distinct. Spotted Dog-fish. Br. ZooL iii. t. 15. Shaw v. /. 152. Body 3 or 4 feet long, white beneath : head fmall, rather pointed : tye-s oblong, pupil fea-green: iris white : nostrils covered with a large angular flap : mouth wide, oblong, with 4 rows of teeth : donal-jins placed much behind, the fecond opposite the tail i tail narrow, obliquely truncate. 2. Lobes of the nostrils double. Edwards Glean, t. 289. Body with larger and fewer fpols:fnout rather longer: tails. little shorter ; dorsal-jins equal. 142. 8q. Catulus. Reddish-grey, with numerous small dusky spots : nostrils surrounded with a lobe and vermiform appendage : ventral-fins united. Lesser f potted Dog-fish. Br. ZooL iii. t. 15. Donov. t. 55. Body about 2 feet long, white underneath : liead large, rather ob- tufe in front : eyes oblong, pupil black, iris white ; teeth in 4 rows, ferrate, tricufpidate, curved inwards : dorsal-fins placed far behind : tail fmall, slightly lunate, oblique. 143. Sq. Galeus. Cinereous, paler beneath: nose long, flat, pointed : teeth nearly triangular, serrate on the inner- edge. Tope. lonst. pise. t. 8./. 4. Will. icth. t. R. 6.f. i. Body about 3 feet long or more : nofe fcmitranfparent beyond the nostrils : nostrils near the mouth, partly covered by a flap: tnnporal- orifices very fmall : teeth fmall, numerous, in 3 rows : vent beforq the middle of the body : tail large, a-lobed. 144. Sq. Mustelus. Brownish, beneath whitish: teeth sm iH, numerous, obtuse : pectoral-fins smaller than the dorsal, pointed. Smooth Hound. Br. Zeo\. iii. t. 16. Shaw v. r. 153. Body about 2 feet long, slender, fometimes varied with white fpots, silvery beneath r head lengthened, a little sharpened, covered with mucous pores : first dorfal-fin large, nearly triangular, placed near the middle of the back.; fccond twice as large as the anal which is fquare : ventral and anal-fins very fmall: tail forked, one of the lobes twice as long and slightly lunate. 145. Sq. Tafpes. Lead-colour, beneath whitish: head short, conic: upper-lobe of the tail as long as the bo;ly. Long-tailed Sharl", Sea-fox. Pr. ZooL iii. tab. 14. Body including the tail 13 feet long, co\ered with minute fcales : FISHES. CAHTILAGINEI. 37. Squalus. 113 eyes large, placed near the corners of the mouth : tttlh in 3 rows, sharp, compressed, not ferrate : first dorjal~jin large, triangular, in the middle of the back, with a triangular hollow behind it; the fecond opposite the anal and fomewhat 2-lobed : upper lobe of the tail 6 times as long as the lower and slightly falcate at the end. B. with the anal-fin, but no temporal orifices. 146. Sq. glaucus. Blue-green, slender, beneath white : snout conic, poinied : upper-lobe ot the tail 3 times as long as the lover. Blue Shark. Shaw Zoo!, v, t. 151. Block t. 86. Body 8 or 10 feet long, very slender, fmooth : eyes fmall, round- ish ; iris yellowish-white : mouth wide, placed tar beneath : tetth in 3 or 4 rows, nearly triangular, sharp, not ferrate : vent near the tail : first dorfal-fin about the middle of the back, glaucous, nearly triangular: pectoral large, long, emarginate : anal white : tail glau- cous, 2-lobed, the upper-lobe above twice as long as the lower and pointed. 147. Sq. Cornubicvs. Deep blue, beneath white: body thick, rou ml, depressed and angular towards the tail : snout conic, prominent : lobes of the tail nearly equal. Probeagle Shark. Borl. Cornw. t. 26. Linn. Tran.r. 3. p, 80. /. 15. Body about 4 feet long, with numerous fmall pores from the nofe to the eyes each side : eyes large, pupil black, iris white : nostrils lunar: upper-jaw with 2 or 3 rows of teeth, the 2 middle-ones in front standing single; lower-jaw with a triple row in front, the . inner-row bent inwards, the rest turned outwards : teeth sharp, 2- edged, with an acute procefs at the hafe -both sides : fins bluish be- fore, whitish behind : first dorfal-fin triangular, opposite the pecto- ral ; the fecond, ventral and anal very fmall; between the ventral- fins a longitudinal aperture: tail lunate, the upper lobe a little longer, \vi.tb a raifed ridge each side the body near it, and a lunate hollow just above it with the points turning downwards. 2. Beaumaris Shark. Br, Zool. in. p. 118. tab. 17. Body entirely lead-colour, thicker and not tapering so much at the .extremities : tail slightly lunate, with the horns unequal, and a tranfverfe indentation above and below. 148. Sq. Muximus. Deep lead-colour, beneath white: teeth numerous, small, conic-subulate, not serrate. Basking .Shark. Br. Zool. iii. t. 13. Shaw-v. t. 149. 150. Body growing to a vast size, rough, tapering to both ends, the upper-jaw much longer and rather obtufe : teeth a little incurved at top : dorsal-Jin very large, rather nearer the head, the fecond op- posite the ventral : anal-fin very fraaJl : fczz'/Junate, the upper horn much longer than the Ipwer. 149. Sq. Carcharias. Pale-grey with rather acute snout : teeth triangular, serrate. White Shark. Shaw Zool. v.t. 148. Will, ichth. p. 47. f. B. 7. This most dreadful inhabitant of the ocean grows to a vast size : tody rough, a little darker on the back : head depressed, broad, end- ing in a short and rather pointed fnout : mouth vast, furnished with about 6 rows of strong moveable teeth : eyep oblong, greenish, half covered with a membrane : nostrils double, half covered with a membrane : fins rather dusky, the pectoral of vast size, nearly triangular and fomewhat falcate: first dorsal-fin very large, before the middle of the body, rather rounded on the upper-part; the fecond before the anal, and placed midway between the ventral and 114 FISHES. CARTILAGINE1. 38-40. tail: ventral and anal fmall : tail 2-lobed, the upper lobe rather pointed, the lower fomewhat rounded. C. Without the anal-fin. 150. Sq. Acanthias. Grey-brown, beneath white : dorsal* fins with each a strong triangular spine before it. Picked Dog-fish, Donovan's Fishes, tab. 82. Block t. 85. Body 3 or 4 feet long, slender, fometimes with a few white fpots t head flat, slender, obtufe in front; eyes lateral, oblong, bluish-white with a temporal orifice behind each, near which are 4 rows of moist pores : nostrils double : teeth numerous, fmall, sharp, in a or 3 rows : fins dusky : tail forked, pointed, the upper-lobe twice as long as the lower. 151. Sq. Squatina. Head flat, rounded in front: mouth terminal : nostrils bearded : down the back a prickly tubercled line. Angel Shark. Br. Zool. t. 12. Donov. t. 19. Shaw v. f. 155. Body growing to a large size, rough and pale grey above, white be- neath : head nearly circular, broader than the body: mouth broad, with protrusile jaws : teeth sharp, in numerous rows : tongue broad, pointed, fmooth, thin: nostrils placed at the edges of the jaws, co- vered with a membrane, and each with 2 beards before them : eyes fmall, glaucous, iris yellow, with afemilunar temporal orifice be- hind each : pe ctoral-fins very large, notched in front: v entral near them and rather lefs : dorsal fmall , both placed near the tail : tail slightly lunate, oblique. 38. CHIM^ERA. 152. Ch. monstrosa. Silvery, varied with brown above ; snout with porous folds. Sea Monster. Shaw Zool. v. t. 157. Berkenh. syn. p. 61. Body 3 or 4 feet long, compressed, tapering to the tail : head large conical, with a fringed tuft-like procefs at top in the male : month with a pair of broad plates in each jaw, notched along the edge, with tranfverfe undulations and pores reaching round the eyes and con- tinued upwards along the side of the head, and branching off on the nape behind the eyes : eyes large ; iris white, pupil glaucous, lateral-line whitish with brown edges : _fins yellowish-brown with darker shades : first dorfal-fin triangular, with a long fpine before it, ferrate on the inside ; fecond shallow ; third clofe to this and running down the tail ; pectoral and ventral-fins large, nearly triangular; the latter with a cylindrical rough process at the baf of each in the male : tail continued into a slender filament, longer than the body. 39. ACIPENSER. Sturgeon. 153. A. Sturio. Grey with dusky variations, beneath white : body rough, with 5 rows of spinous tubercles : lips cloven. Common Sturgeon. Br. Zool.t. 19. Dontv. t. 65. Shaw t. 1,59. Body growing to 18 or 19 feet long, slender, j-sided, rough witl.i fmall tubercles ; fnout lengthened, rather obtufe, with the beards nearer the tip than the mouth : head clothed with long plates : mouth bordered with thick cartilaginous lips : gill-covers a single radiate bone : larger tubercles bony, pointed, radiate, in 5 rows, one down the back, one down each of the sides, and one each side the edge of the belly : belly flat : dorsal-fin single, fmall, near the tail : pecloral-fins oval : ventral and anal, just above and below the dorlal t (ail forked, the upper-lob longer and pointed. FISHES. CARTILAGINEL 40.41. U5 40. LOPHIUS. Angler. 154. L. piscatorius. Brownish, beneath whitish, depressed, simply fringed round the edges of the head and sides. Frog-fish, Sea Devil. Br. ZooLt. 18. Shaw v. f. 161. Donov. t. 101. Body 4 or 5 feet long, very thick and large in front, tapering to the tail : head rounded in front, the lower-jaw longer, the upper with a horny bristle before the eyes, and furnished with feveral long cirri : eyes large, iris radiate with white and brown : teetk sharp, numerous, both in the jaws palate and tongue : dorfal-fin on the lower part of the back, lo-rayed ; pectoral large, rounded, fcolloped, 24-rayed ; ventral short, rigid, palmate, white, 5-rayed ; anal near the tail, g-rayed : tail rounded, 8-rayed. 41. CYCLOPTERU8. Sucker. 155. C. Lumpus. Blackish-olive, beneath red: body angulate by 7 rows of sharp bony tubercles. Lump Sucker. Br. Zool. t. 21. Donovan, t. 10. Shaw v. t. 106. a. Back very high, pyramidal. Shaw. Zool. v. t. 166. 3. Blue, silvery-green, and rofy. Nat. Miscell. t. 10, Body 18 or 19 inches long, rough with tubercles, deep and thick, sharp and raised on the back, flat on the belly : head short, sloping : iris, lips, mouth and tongue red : nostrils single, tubular, near th mouth: orb of adhesion oval, furrounded with thread-like appen- dages : fins reddish; dorfal near the tail 11 -rayed; pectoral zc. ; ventral 6 ; ana/io; tail nearly even> i2-rayed. 156. C. Liparis. Brownish with blackish spots, beneath white : first ray of the ventral-fin elongated , pecto- ral ventral and anal united. Unctuous Sucker. Br. Zool. iii. t. 21. Shaw v. 1. 166. 2. Chefnut, with whitish undulate lines. Donov. t. 47. Body about 5 inches long, taper, foft unctuous and femitranfpa- rent, foon dissolving, brown with darker lines: belly protuberant above the vent : upper-lip with 2 short cirri, a little longer than the lower : nostrils double : orb of adhesion round, bluish, with 12 ra- diate fpots : fins brownish ; dorsal 36-rayed ; pectoral 32 ; ventral 6 ; anal 26; tail rounded, 12-rayed. 167. C. Montacuti. Conical, transparent, rosy with round- ish brown spots : ventral and anal-tins not reaching to the tail. Diminutive Lump Sucker. Donovan** British Fishes, t. 68. Body hardly an inch long, pale with a pink tinge, marked with .numerous distinct roundish purplish-brown fpots : head large, ra- ther inflated about the gills, contracting a little in front, gradually decreasing to the tail : fupitblack ; iris silvery : gill-covers dusky ; orb of adhesion ovate, radiate: dorsal and anal'Jtns long, reaching nearly to the tail; pectoral 17 or i8-rayedr anal about 32; tail rounded, with 2 dark bands, i^-rayed. 158. C. bimaculatus. Pale rosy,with a purple spot sur- rounded by a white ring on each of the sides : head flattish, rather pointed in front: Bimaculated Sucker. Br. Zool. t. 22. Donov. t 78. Body about an inch and a half long, pink and white in minute fpots: head broad, tapering in front and to the tail : mouth fmall : teeth fmall, regular: eyes large, pupil dark-blue, iris pink with a fold inner circle : dorsal-Jin short, nearer the tail, $-raycd ; pectoral 116 FISHES. CARTILAGINEI. 42, 43. 44. broad, i i-raycd ; ventral 4; anal opposite the dorsal, 5 ; tail narrow, slightly rounded, i2-rayed. 159. C. ocellatusi Livid-brown with obscure spots, tape- ring behind : snout projecting : before each eye a pair of beards : nape with 2 large ocellar spots. Ocellatcd Sucker, Jura S. Br. Zool. iii. t. 22. Donov. t. 76. Body about 4 inches long, fometimes paler with the spots more distinct : head broad, tapering to the fnout which is obtufc and red : iris blue, with a deep red cirri under each eye : nape with 2 large obovate purplish fpots, each inclofed within a broad pale ring, and having a blue pupil in the centre : dorfal and anal-fns reaching clofe to the tail, red, the former ii-rayed, the lattei 10 ; Pectoral pale , 17 ; tail red, a little rounded, 6-rayed. 42. CEPHALUS. Sun-fish. 160. C. brcvis. Brown, beneath silvery: body nearly as deep as it is long : aperture of the gills ovate. Short Sun-fish. Br. Zool. t . 1 2. Donovan t. 25. Shatuv.t. 175. Body growing to a large size, nearly orbicular, rough with small tubercles, edged behind with a shallow fin : mouth finall, projecting, iilled with fmall obtufe unequal teeth in the lower-jaw : eyes black : iris yellow : aperture of the gills oval, with the rounded pcctoral- linsjust behind ; dorfal and anal-fins opposite and joined to the tail : dorfal-fin J3-rayed; anal 16; pectoral 12; tail furrounding the hind-part of the body, i^-rayed. 161. C. oblongus. Dusky, beneath silvery: body nearly thrice as long as it is deep : aperture of the gills semi lunar. Oblong Sun-fish. Br. Zool. iii. t. 19. Donovan, t. 61. Body refembling the former, but is of a more lengthened shape, refembling a fish cut off in the middle, and between the eyes and pectoral-fins are a few dusky streaks pointing downwards : the aper- ture of the gills is alfo lunate, and not oval ; dorfal-fin 12-rayed; pectoral 14; anal 15 ; tail i7-rayed. 43. TETRODON. 162. T. stdlatus. Above blue, beneath silvery : prickles of the belly arising from a stellated root of 4 rays. Stellated Tetrodon. Br. Zoo\. t. 20. Donovan t. 66. Shaw t. 177. Body about 12 inches long, taper, capable of dilating the belly to a great size : prickles of the belly orange, sharp, covering the whole space of the belly as far as the anal-fin : dorsal Jin opposite the anal, u-rayed ; pectoral 14 ; anal 10; tail even, with a slight projection in the middle, with 6 branched rays. 44. SYNGNATHUS. Pipe-fish. 163. S. Acm. Body 7-sided, yellowish-white with trans- verse brown bands : tail radiate, snout narrower than the head. Needle-fish. Br. Zool. t. 23, Shaw v. t. 179. Body 12 to 15 inches long, very slender, quadrangular at the tail, covered with finely striate plates : fnout a. little compressed, notfo broad as the head : nape carinate, the aperture of the gills on the right side: belly strongly carinate, making the body distinctly 7-sided : vent nearer the head : dorsal-fir, fpotted, 38-rayed : pectoral 14; anal 6 ; tail rounded, to-rayed. 164. S. Ti/phle. Body 6-sided : tail radiate : snout as wide as the head. FISHES. CARTILAGINEI. 45. Centriscus 1U Shorter Pipe-fish. Br. Zool.t. 23. Donovan t. 56. Shaw f. 179. Refembles the last, but is shorter, the belly but slightly carinate r giving it the appearance of being 6-sided only ; the fnout broad and compressed ; and the dorfal-fin is not fpotted: dorfal-fin 41 ; pec- toral 12 ; anal minute, 3 ; tail i2-rayed. J65. S. pelagicus. Yellow-brown, with narrow transverse brown bands : body 7-sided, without anal-fin : tail radiate. Pelagic Pipe-fish. Donovan's Brit. Fishes, t. 58. Body 5 or 6 inches long, linear : snout narrow : dorfal-fin 2J rayed; pectoral 14 ; tail minute lorayed. 166. T. barbarus. Body 6-sided, without anal fin or radi- ate tail. Little Pipe-fish. Br. Zool. iii. tab. 23. n. 61. Body olive-brown, with bluish longitudinal lines j refemblej the Jast, except that the tail tapers to a point and has no radiate fin : dorsal-Jin 4O-raycd ; pectoral very minute, la-rayed. 167. S. Ophidian. Body nearly cylindrical, without pec- toral or anal-fin, or radiate tail. Sea Adder. Br. Zool. iii. t. 23. n. 62. Shaw v, t. 179. Body slender, tapering to a point, dull greenish-grey, with a short turned up fnout. 45. CENTRISCUS. 188. C. Scolapax. Red, beneath golden^ rough with pointed scales : first-ray of the first dorsal-fin very long, and serrate on the inside: Snipe-fish, Trumpet-fish. Donovan's Brit. Fishes, tab. 63. Body 6 or 7 inches long, of a longish-oval shape, more or Itfs red with a golden tinge on the ides and belly, rough with hard pointed clofely imbricate fcales : snout a little recurved, ending in a narrow mouth: eyes large, lateral; iris pale red: nostrils double, near each other: first dorsal-fin 4-rayed ; the first ray thick, long, ferrate on the inside, and placed in a fmall hollow ; the fecond g-rayed ; ventral fmall, concealed in a long hollow, 7 j anal opposite the dorfal, 13; fnzV rounded, i^-rayed. 118 WORMS. CLASS V. VERMES. WORMS. ORDER I. INTESTINA. Naked simple animals, without limbs. A. Found within other animals : without eyes. 1. ASCARIS. Body round elastic, tapering: towards each end : head with 3 vesicles : intestines pellucid, white, spiral. 2. TRICHOCEPHALUS. Body round, elasic, variously twisted, much thicker in front and furnished w ith a slender protrusile proboscis : tail long, capillary, tapering to a fine point. 3. FILARIA. Body round, filiform, of equal thickness, quite smooth : mouth dilated, with a roundish concave lip. 4. ECHITVORINCHUS. Body round : mouth with a cylin- drical retractile proboscis, crowned with hooked prickles. 5. FACIOLA. Body flattish, with an aperture or pore at the head, and generally another at a distance beneath. 6. TAENIA. Body flat, composed of numerous joints: head with 4 orifices for suction a little below the mouth : mouth terminal, generally crowned with a double series of retractile hook*. B. Not inhabiting the bodies of other animals. a. Furnished with a lateral pore. 7. LUMBRICUS. Body round, annulate, with generally a fleshy belt near the head, mostly rough with minute concealed prickles placed longitudinally. 8. SIPUNCULUS. Body round, elongated : m outh cylindri- cal, terminal, narrower than the body : aperture at the side of the body, wart-like. 9. PLANARIA. Body flattish, pointed behind, gelatinous,. with a double ventral pore, proceeding with a slow and uniform motion : mouth terminal. 10. HIRUDO. Body oblong, truncate at each end, cartila- ginous, unarmed, moving by dilating the head and tail and contracting itself into an arch. b. Without the lateral pore. H.'LIKEUS. Body a little depressed, linear, smooth: mouth longitudinal, placed underneath. 12. GORDIUS, Body round, filiform, of equal thickness, smooth. WORMS. 119 ORDER II. MOLLUSCA. \aked simple animal*, furnished with limbs. 13. ACTINIA. Body fixed by the base, warted, contractile, with a single terminal mouth above surrounded by numerous cirri. 1.4. ASCIDIA. Body fixed by the base, smooth roundish, apparently issuing from a -sheath," with 2 terminal apertures, one placed beneath the other, and radiate with simple cirri. 15. DERRIS. Body detached, cylindrical, composed of articulations: mouth terminal: head with 2 simple cirri at top, 16. HOLOTIIURIA, Body detached, cylindrical, open at the extremity : mouth terminal, surrounded by branched cirri. 17. TEHEBCLLA. Body oblong, creeping, often inclosed in a tube, furnished with lateral fascicles and bran- chiae : mouth terminal, with lips but no teeth, pro- truding a clavatc proboscis, and surrounded by nume- rous ciliate capillary cirri, 18. LIMAX. Body oblong, creeping, with a fleshy shield above, and a longitudinal flat disk beneath : aperture placed on the right side, within the shield : feelers 4, above the mouth, with an eye at the tip of each of the larger-ones. 19. APLYSIA. Body creeping, covered with reflected membranes, with a membranaceous shield covering the lungs : aperture on the right side : vent above the extremity of the back: feelers 4, resembling ears. 20. DORIS. Body creeping, oblong, flat beneath: mouth placed below, on the fore-part : vent behind the back, surrounded by a fringe : feelers 2 or 4, seated above in front, retractile within their proper receptacles. 21. NEREIS. Body creeping, long with numerous la- teral peduncles or feet each side : feelers simple, rarely none : eyes 2 or 4, rarely none. 22. APHRODITA. Body creeping, oblong, covered with scales, and furnished with numerous bristly fascicled feet each side: mouth terminal, cylindrical, retractile : feelers 2, setaceous, annulate : eyes. 4. 23. AMPHITRITE. Body projecting from a tube, annu- late, furnished with numerous small feet each side : feelers 2, approximate, feathered : eyes none. 24. SPIO. Body projecting from a tube, jointed and fur- nished with dorsal fibres : peduncles or feet rough with bristles and placed towards the back : feelers 2, long, simple : eyes 2, oblong. m> WORMS. 25. NAIS. Body creeping, long, linear, depressed, pellu cid : feet with small bristles each side : feelers none : eyes 2 or none. 26 . LERNAEA. Body oblong, roundish, naked, with 2 or 3 round tentacula or arms each side by which H attaches itself: ovaries 2, projecting like tails from the lower extremity. 27. SEPIA. Body fleshy, receiving the breast in a sheath, with a tubular aperture at its base : amis 8, beset with numerous warts or suckers, and in most species 2 peduncled feelers : head short : eyes large : mouth resembling a parrot's beak. 28. TRITON. Body oblong: mouth with an involute spiral proboscis: arms 6 each side, divided nearly to the base, the hind-ones cheliferous. 29. MEDUSA. Body gelatinous smooth, orbicular, gene- rally flat or concave underneath : mouth underneath, central. SO. ASTERIAS. Body depressed, covered with a coriaceous muricate crust, grooved underneath, furnished with feelers : mouth underneath, central, 5-valved. 31. ECHINUS. Body more or less orbicular, covered with a bony sutured crust, and generally clothed with moveable spines : mouth underneath, 5-valved. ORDER III. TESTACEA. SHELLS. The calcarious covering of Molusca. A. With more than two valves. 32. CHITON. Inhabitant of the sbell a Doris: shell con- sisting of several plates or valves disposed transversely down the back, and incumbent on each other at their anterior edge. 33. BALANUS. Inhabitant a Triton : shell affixed by the base, of many erect unequal valves. 34. LEPAS. Inhabitant a Triton: shell affixed by a fleshy peduncle, of several unequal valves connected by a cartilage. 35. PHOLAS. Inhabitant an Ascidia : shell with 2 large valves open at each end, and smaller accessory-ones at or near the hinge. B. With 2 valves. 36. MYA. Inhabitant an Ascidia : shell generally gaping an one end : hinge mostly with a strong thick broad tooth not inserted into a groove in the opposite valve. 37. SOLEN. Inhabitant an Ascidia : shell oblong, open at both ends : hinge with a reflected subulate tooth, often double, not inserted into a groove in the opposite valre. WORMS. U>i 38. TELLIXA. Inhabitant a Tethya : shell generally slop- ing and somewhat curved on one side : hinge with generally 3 teeth, the lateral-ones in one valve flat or nearly obsolete. 39. CARDIUM. Inhabitant a Tethys : shell of equal con- vex valves, ribbed or striate longitudinally, toothed round the edges . hinge with 2 teeth near the beak, and a larger remote one oil each side, each locking into the opposite valve. 40. MACTRA. Inhabitant a Tethys: shell with equal valves, unequal at the sides : hinge with the middle tooth complicated, with a small hollow each side; the lateral-teeth remote and locking into the oppo- site valve: 41. DONAX. Inhabitant a Tethys : shell with the ante- rior margin very obtuse and generally crenulate : hinge with 2 teeth in the middle, and a single remote late- ral one. 42. VENUS. Inhabitant a Tethys j shell with the anteri- or margin of the lip of one valve generally incumbent on the other : hinge with 3 teeth, all Close together, the lateral-ones diverging from their tips. 43. CHAM A; Inhabitant a Tethys : shell strong, rather coarse ; hinge rugged, gibbous, the teeth obliquely locking into the opposite valve. 44. ARCA. Inhabitant a Tethys: shell of equal valves : hinge with numerous sharp teeth alternately locking between each other. 45. PECTEN. Inhabitant a Tethys: shell of unequal valves, mostly ribbed or striate longitudinally, with an ear-like process on one or both sides the hinge : hinge without teeth, but furnished with a small some- what triangular hollow. 46. OSTREA. Inhabitant a Tethys: shell of unequal rugged or plaited valves without the ear-like pro- cess : hinge without teeth, with a transverse striate cavity. 47. ANOMIA. Inhabitant not reducible to any genus of Mollusca: shell of unequal valves, one of them flattish and mostly perforated near the base, the other convex at the base with a produced beak : hinge a transverse linear prominence on the flat valve connected by a strong cartilage under the beak of tlio opposite valve. 48. MYTILUS. Inhabitant allied to an Ascidia : shell generally affixed by a beard of silky filaments : kings without teeth, marked by a longitudinal groove which is sometimes crenulate. 49. PINNA. Inhabitant allied to an Ascidia: 122 WORMS. gile, gaping at one end, fixed by a beard of silky fila- ments: hinge without teeth, the valves connected on one side iiearJy the whole length. C. With a single valve, and more or less spiral. 50. NAUTILUS. Inhabitant obscure, shell divided info several compartments or cells communicating with each other by a small aperture. 51. CYPRJEA. Inhabitant, a Limax : shell involute, ra- ther ovate, smooth, obtuse at each end: aperture linear, extending the whole length of the shell, and toothed on both sides. 52. BULLA Inhabitant -d\\\M\ to a Limax: shell convolute, without teeth : aperture more or less contracted, lon- gitudinal, oblong, entire at the base : pillar oblique, smooth. 33. VOLUTA. Inhabitant a Limax : shell spiral: aperture longitudinal, reaching nearly the whole length of the shell, without beak : pillar twisted or plaited, without perforation or interior lip. 54. Bucci>iUM. Inhabitant a Limax: shell spiral, gib- bous : aperture ovate, ending in a short canal leaning to the right, with a retuse beak or projection. 55. STROMBUS. Inhabitant a Limax : shell spiral: aper- ture much dilated, the lip expanding and produced into a canal leaning to the left. 56. MUREX. Inhabitant a Limax: shell spiral, mostly rough with membranaccous folds or knobs : aperture, oval, ending in a straight entire canal, sometimes slightly reflected. 57. Tuocnus. Inhabitant a Limax: shell spiral, more or less conic : aperture somewhat angular or rounded, transversely contracted : pillar placed obliquely. 58. TURBO. Inhabitant a Limax: shell spiral, solid: aperture contracted, orbicular, entire. 59. HELIX. Inhabitant a Limax : shell spiral, more or less transparent, brittle . aperture contracted, round- ish-oval, or semi lunar. 60. NERITA. Inhabitant a Limax : shell spiral, gibbous, llattish beneath : aperture semiorbicular : pillar-lip transverse, flattish and truncate. 61. HALIOTIS. Inhabitant a Limax : shell dilated, ear- shaped, with a longitudinal row of orifices along the disk : spire lateral, flat upon the shell. D. With a single valve, and idthout spire. C2. PATELLA. Inhabitant a Limax : shell more or less conic, shaped like a bason, mostly without spire. 63. DENTALIUM. Inhabitant a Terebella : shell tubular, detached, -straight or slightly curved, not divided into chambers, pervious, and open at both ends. WORMS. 123 61- VERMICULUM. Inhabitant allied to a Tcrebella : shell variously sh;?ped, not attached to other bodies. 65. SEHPULA. Inhabitant a Tcrebella : shell tubular, affixed to other bodies, general I } separated internally by divisions at irregular distances. 66. TKHKDO. Inhabitant allied to a Terebella : shell cy- lindrical, taper, liexuous,. .lodged .in. wood, with 2 tes- taceous heinispluerieal \alves covering the head of the animal and truncate anteriorly, and 2 lanceolate- ones near the tail. 67. SABHI.F.A. Inhabitant various: shell tubular, com- posed of particles of sand, broken shells, and other substances, united by a glutinous cement. ORDER IV. ZOOPHYTA. Composite animals, efflorescing like vegetables. A. With a hard calcaiijus stem. Lithophytes. 68. MA DUE FOR A. minimal resembling a Medusa: coral with lamellar star-like cavities. 69. MII.T.EPORA. minimal a Hydra or Polype: coral mostly branched, and covered with cylindrical turbi- nate pores. 70. CELI.EPORA. Animal a Hydra or Polype : coral somewhat mem 1 l)ranaceous, composed of round cells.' 71. Isis. minimal growing in the form of a plant: stem stony, jointed; the joints striate longitudinally, united by spongy or horny junctures, and covered with *i soft porous cellular flesh or bark : mouths beset with oviparous polypes. B. With a softer stem. Zoophytes. 72. Go RGO N IA. Animal growing in the form of a plant : .s/fm coriaceous, corky, woody, horny or bony, com- jK)sed of glassy fibres; or stony, striate, taper, dilated ar the base,. covered with a vascular or cellular flesh or bark", and becoming spongy. and: friable when dry : mouths or /lords covering the surface of the stem and polype -bearing. 73. AI.CYOXI-UM. slnimal generally growing in the form of a plant: stem fixed, lle.shy, gelatinous, spongy ; or coriaceous, covered with polype-bearing stellate cells. 74. SPO\ { GIA. Animal fixed, flexile, torpid, of various forms, composed either of reticulate fibres or masses of small spines interwoven together, and clothed with a gelatinous flesh full of small mouths on its. surface, by which it absorbs and rejects water. 75. F LUSTRA. Animal a Polype proceeding from porous ceils : stem fixed, foliaceous, membrauaceous, consist*- L2 J24 WORMS. ing of numerous cells united together and interwoven like a mat. 76. TUBULAR i A'. Stem tubular, simple or branched, fixed by the base : animal proceeding from the end of the tube, and having its head crested with teutacuki. 77. CORALLINA, Animal growing in the form of a plant: stem, fixed, with calcarious subdivided bran- ches, mostly jointed. 78. SERTULARIA. Animal growing in the form of a plant : stem branched, producing polypes from cup- shaped denticles or minute cells* 79. PENNATULA. Animal detached, of various shapes, supported by a bony part within, naked at the base, the upper-part with generally lateral ramifications furnished with rows of tubular denticles producing radiate polypes from each tube. 80. HYDRA. Animal fixing itself by the base, linear, gelatinous, naked, contractile, furnished with setace- ous tentactila or feelers, inhabiting fresh waters, and producing its deciduous offspring or eggs from the sides. ORDER T. INFUSORIA. Minute animalcules, seldom visible to the naked eye, 81. BRACK ION us. Body contractile, covered with a shell, and furnished at the head with ciliate rotatory organs. 2. VORTICELLA. Body contractile, without shell, fur- nished with ciliate rotatory organs. 83. TRICI-IOOA. Body invisible to the naked eye, trans- parent, hairy or horned. 84. CERCARIA. Body invisible to the naked eye, trans- parent, furnished with a tail. 86. LEUCOPHRA. Body invisible to the naked eye, every where ciliate. . S6. BURSARIA. Body quite simple, membranaceous, hollow like a purse. 87. GONIUM. Body invisible to the naked eye, quite sim- ple, flat and angular. 88. COLPODA. Body invisible to the naked eye, quite simple, transparent, flat and sinuate. 89. PARAME'CIUM. Body invisible to the naked eye, quite simple, flattened, oblong. 90. CYCLIDIUM. Body invisible to the naked eye, quite simple, transparent, flat, orbicular or oval. 91. VIBRIO. Body invisible to the naked eye, quite simple, cylindrical and elongated. 62. BACILLARIA. Body consisting of cylindrical straw- WORMS. 125 like filaments, placed parallel with each othtir, 'and frequently changing their position. 93. ENCHELIS. ttody invisible to the naked eye, quite simple, cylindrical. 94 VOLVOX . Hotly invisible to the naked eye, quite sim- ple, transparent, spherical. 95. MONAS. Body invisible to the naked eye, most sim- ple, transparent, resembling a point. ORDER I. INTESTINA. INTESTINE. 1. ASCARIvS. Ascarides. 1. A vernticulans. Head subulate: skin at the sides of the body very finely crcnulate or wrinkled. Barbut's Warms, t. i.f..6*rMem. Lond. Med. Soc. v./>. 230. t. 2. In the human intestines. Body .a,hout half an inch long, a, little dilated in the middle and wrinkled at the sides, pellucid and an- gular : fund nodofe, divided- into '-three vefcicles, in the middle of each of which there is an aperture or mouth : tail gradually taper- ing to a point : vent below the middle. Female with a fitiall per- foration a little below the head, through which the young are protruded.. 2. A. lumbricoides.. Head slightly incurved, with a trans- verse contraction beneath it: mouth triangular. Barbut's Worm j, t. i ../. 7. Mem. I.oiid..Mra. Sac. v.t. i. In the human intestines. < Jr 12-1/5 inches long, tranfparcnt, light yellow with a faint line down the side, differing from the eartfh- worm in wanting the fleshy ring below thie head, and in having 3 vesicles: head 3-lobed, with a triangular aperture between them: trunk a little wrinkled, with a circular depression about the mid- dle, in which is a small punctiform aperture: tail Tubulate : vent large, below the middle of the body. 3. A. Canis. Head flattened, winged each side with a membrane : spermatic vessels curled : tail pointed. In the intestines of the Dog. Kedi. Cfusc. 3. t. 17. /. 3. \. fftlis. Head with a greyish-while oblong vesicle each side, which is obtuse and pellucid on the hind- part. In the Cat. Rtdi axim. VKJ. in an. triv. t. 13 /. 8. 4. A. Cati. Head without the -oblong vesicles eaeh side. In the intestines of the Cat. Goeze Einvtu,, p. 80. 5. A. Equi. Body whitish, cylindrical, large, taper. In the Horfe. G&eze Eingew. p. 62. t. i,/. 1-3. Body often a foot and a half long, and as thick as a man's little finger, fometimes marked with large brown patches. 6. A. Carbonis In the crop of the Pelecanus Carbo. Tranfact. Linn. Society v.p. 14. Body yellowish-brown, coiled ap into a ball or mafs. T. A. Pelecanus. In the crop of the Pelecanus crUtatus. Refembks the last.. Trans, Linn. Soc. v. /. 24, S. A. marina. Body filiform, whitish, smooth, twisted spirally and lying flat : intestine tubular. In marine ftsh. Br. Zati. iv, tab, 20. /. 3. Gordius, 126 WORMS. INTEST1NA. 2-6 9. A. Incmtris. Body lying flat, spirally twisted, tapering to both extremities. In the intestines of the Stickleback, and liver of the Pike. 2. TKICHOCEPHALUS. 10. Tr. Homiuis. Body slightly crenatc above, smooth underneath, very finely stria! e OH the fore-part. In the human intestines. Mem. Land. Med. Soc. v. /. 3. Body about 2 inches long, pale: head obtufe, furimhcd with a ;ery slender probofcis, which it can protrude and retract at pica- uire : tailor thinner-part twice as long as the thicker end, termi- nating in a fine hair-like point. 11. Tr. E(/ui. Found in the intestines of the horse. Goeze Eingetv. p. 118. tab. 6.f. 8. Refembles the last but is fomething longer. 3. FILARIA. 12;' F. ScarafHPi. Funnel in the Scarabasus fiuictariu*. Philosophical Transact, i. p. 49, 13. Y.Carabi. Found in the Carabus. Litter Philosop. Trans, n. 81. 4. ECH1NORINCHU8. M. E. candid . Body pale, opakc, slightly wrinkled. In fish. Mull. Zool. Dan. i. p. 139. t. "$!<./. 7-10. Body about 3 inches long, and nearly of equal thickness, pale grey, yellowish, saffron, brown, fulvous, reddiih or violet, accord- ing to the different fpecies in which it has been nourished : probofcis with 9-15 rows of hooks, each row of 9-16 hooks. 5. FASCIOLA. Fluke. Gourd-worm. 15. F. Ilepatica* Body ovate, ending in a short tube on the fore-parr, with a tubercle beneath it containing a triangular cavity. Linn. Trans. c. /. 25. /. 17, 18, 19. Darbut t. i.f. j. In ditches, and the liver of sheep and dogs. Body about an inch long, pointed behind, with generally a white line down the middle and fpot in the centre : back a little convex, and marked with about H longitudinal grooves in 2 series. 16 F.intcstinalis. Body oblong, cylindrical, tapering and at the base : neck round, slightly incur- ved. Mull. Zool. Dan. t. 2./. 10. 11. Barbut Worms, t. <2.f. 2. In the intestines of Breams and Sticklebacks. Body white : la- ', teraf-ffre feated at the bafc of the neck : ovidi^cts oblong, brown. 6. T^ENIA. Tape-worm. A . Month armed : body with a vesicle behind. 17. T. visceralis* Pisiform, inclosed in a vesicle, broad on the fore- part and pointed behind. Phil, Trans. 43. p. 305 /. 18 Goeze Ring. t. GO. S.f. 12. a. b. In the liver, placenta, fack containing the hydropic fluid and other morbid tumours of mankind : fometimes iblitary, fometirhes many together in the fame vesicle. 18. T. cdhdosfp. Solitary, inclosed in a cartilaginous vesicle and 2-tailed tunic. If ' Verm, irtttft.p. 2. t. i./fc. t 8. in the -cellular covering of the human mufele, and is vefy fcna* WORMS. INTESTIXA. G. Tienia. H7 cious of life abovit an inch long, half as broad, and a fourth thick : head furnished with obtuse hooks. B. Mouth arm-ed : terminal vesicle. 19. T. Solium. Articulations long 1 and narrower, wiih marginal mouths, one on each joint and generally alternate : ovaries arborescent. Linn. Trans. 2. t. sij./. 18. Mem Land. Mtd. See. v. t. 4. In the intestines of mankind, folitary or in considerable numbers. body from 3 to 50 or 60 feet long, consisting of a number of distinct joints appearing as if sheathed in one another, each joint with a lateral marginal pore by which it attaches itself to the intestines : hr-ad with a terminal month surrounded with a rows of radiate hooks or holders, and a little beneath on the flattened fur face ? tubcr- clcd orifices, or suckes each .side : tail ending in a feiuicirculur joint without aperture. 20. '\\vulgmis. Articulations short and broader, with a mouth in the centre of each: ovaric* stellate round (he mouth. US-em. Land. MeJ- Sec. v. tab. 5. Nat Miff f I. 7. t. 24 1 . In the human intestines. Body from i to 5 yards lon^, often found 3 or 4 together, broader in the middle and tapering to both ends : joints much shorter and broader than the last, finely striate longitu- dinally and wrinkled tranf\ erfcly at the sides : head narrower and fmaller than the last : /a/Vending in a rounded joint : ovaiiej stel- late or coral-like, placed round the mouths of the joints. 21. T. catenifvnuis. Articulations oblong-elliptic, with single marginal mouths. i. canina. Radii of the head not reaching to the margin. In the intestines of the Dog. Linn. Trans, z. t. 25. f. g. 2. Felis. In the Cat. Linn. Trans. 2. t. 25. /. 1 1. RefemblesT. Solium, but the joints are of a more elliptic form, and the mouths mostly opposite. 22. T. cerebrals. Minute, numerous, aggregate, united by their base to a large common vesicle distributed about the surface. Batch. Bandw.p. 84. /. 34 36. Goeze Eingew. t. 20. a.f. 15. In the brain, or fpinal marrow immediately beneath the brain of sheep, occasioning the difeafe known by the name of the Durtt or Rickets. Body not larger than a grain of fand, attached by 2 liga- ments, armed on the head with 32-36 hooks by which they affix themselves to the brain or its coats. C. Mouth unarmed '. 23. T. lota. White, with very short and broad joints knotty in the middle, with a single central inouth in " each. In the human intestines. Linn. Trans. 2. t. 25. f. 1214. Body i8--i2O feet long, more opake thicker and broader than. T. vulgaris : joints often half an inch broad, and not more than a line and a half long, very finely stirate tranfverfely : oyaw^difpofed in in a rofo-like form. 24. T. ovina. Articulations very short and narrow, roun- ded at the ends: lateral vessels pellucid, distinct, with double marginal opposite mouths. 2. In the intestines of the Ox. Linri. Trans. 2. t. 25. /. 15, 16. Body very long , capillary on the fore-part: mou th* one on each edge of each joint : ovariu radiate, and running tranfverfely over each joint. 128 WORMS, INTKSTINA'. 7. 8. 9. 7. LUMBRTCUS. Earth-worm. 25. L. terrestris Body red, with 8 rows of prickles. Dew-worm. Br. Zool. iv. f. 19. /. 6. Barbitt t. i.f. 8. 2. About half the size. Br. Zool. iv. t. ig.f. 6. .V. In the foil. Body dull rod, with about 140 rings, each containing 4 pair of most minute prickles, convex each side-. when expanded, ilattish when contracted, with a red canal down the whole body : belt wrinkled and porous : mouth placed beneath the probofcis. 26. L. marinus Red, with 2 rows of bristly tubercles down the back. Lug, Lob-worm. Br Zool. iv. t. ig./. 7. Barbui t, \.f. 9. Sandy Shores. Body pale red, foft, annulate with larger and fmaller rings, the larger with 2 tufts of short bristles : mouth round. 27. L. Thalassema. Body striate, dirty-red with shining red spots, beneath grey: mouth surrounded with a funnel -like tube, which is wrinkled within and plaited at the margin. Pall. Miscel. Zool. t. u.f. 9 . Sfic. Zoo/, t.i.f. 6. On tfee shores of Cornwall. Body glabrous, mucous, thicker "at one end, a little pointed at the other : mouth placed above, with a faffron funnel. 38. L. oxynrus. Body whitish-livid, very sharp at the hind extremity, obtuse before, with a cylindrical retractile and exsertile proboscis. On the Sufsex Coast- Pail. Misc. Zool. t. \ ./. 7. 8. Body about an inch and a half long, annulate with very fine striae : fnout truncate, very finely granulate, with a fcarcely visible pore at its bafe. 8. SIPUNCULUS. Tube-wrm. 29. S. midus. Body covered with a close skin, smooth, of equal thickness at the lower extremity. The Ocean. Br. Zool. iv.f 20. /. 10. Buriut t. Q..J. 3. Body dirty-white, about 8 inches long, fomewhat conic, deeply striate longitudinally and tranfverfely, and reticulate : mouth tube- like and projectile, armed with fleshy 2-pointed papillae, beneath which is an oblong tranl'verfe aperture furrounded by a prominent lip. 30. S. saccattts. Body covered with a loose skin, smooth, globular at the lower extremity. Barbut t. a,/". 4, Linn. Trans. 7. p. .7.5. Body larger than the lad. inclofed in 'a loofe membranous diaph- anous skin, dilated at the lower, end, and is'no't contlteiedlovyfc&ls the middle. 31 . S. stromo'us. Body covered with a close skin, warty below the vent* Montague Linn. Trans. 7. p. 74. Body 3 or 4 inches long, livid, furrounded with short feelers at the mouth: refembles S. nudus, but is shorter, warty fora con- siderable fpace behind the vent, not fo fuddenly decreasing in size above the vent, and tke feelers round the mouth longer, 9. PLAN ARIA 32. PI. nigra. Black, depressed, linear, with a semi- pellucid whitish spot above the tail. O.n aquatic plants. Linn. Trans.. 2. p. 317. Hirudo. Body deep velvet-black above and bclo\v, circular vrhen at rest, WORMS. INTESTINA. 10. Hirudo. 129 and feldom above aline long, linear when in motion and extending to about 3 lines in length. 33. Pi. alba. White with bro\vn ramifications, depressed, curled at the margin, rather pointed at the end. On aquatic plants. Linn. Trans .2. p. 316, Hirudo. Body ovate when at rest, linear and 6 or 7 lines long when in mo- tion, tranfparent on the margin: eyes 2 : ovary oblong, pointed at the ends, with ufually 2 livid'fpots. 34. PI. viridis. Green with a transparent margin, de- pressed, oblong, pointed at the tail. Cold Streams Linn. Trans, i.p. 93. tab. 7. Hirudo. Body about the eighth of an inch long, grafs-green, nearly circular when at rest : eyes 2, black : eggs 5 or 6, oblong, deep brown. 10. HIRUDO. Leech. 35. H. sanguisuga. Elongated, olive-brown, with an ochre-yellow marginal band. Stagnant waters. Barbut Worms, p. 20. tab. z.f. 6. Body 4 or 5 inches long, deprefsed, fmooth, glofsy, above -dull olive-black with a dirty yellow margin each side, beneath paler with often a few black fpots : ta?7 thicker than the head. 36. H. 'medicinalis. Elongated, olive-black, with 6 yel- low-ferruginous lines above, and spotted with yellow beneath. Stagnant waters, Barbut Worms, p. 19. t. 2./. 5.' Horse-leech. Body about 2 inches long, compofed above of numerous annular wrinkles, and marked with longitudinal variegated stripes: mouth fmaller than the .tail, armed with 3 cartilaginous teeth : tail com. pofed of an annular mufcle by .which it attaches itfelf, 37. H. octoculata. Elongated, yellow-brown, with 8 eyes in the form of a crescent. Stagnant waters. Act. Stocfth. 1757. t. 6,f. 58. Body about an inch and a half long, fometimes immaculate, feme- times marked with variously coloured fp,ots or lines : eyes often 9. 38. H. stagnate. Elongated, whitish with grey dots, plaited at the sides : eyes 2. Wet hollows. Act. Stockh. 1757. t. 6. /. 9-11. Body about 9 lines long, pellucid : eggs about 401 furrounded by a tranfparent circle, grey becoming brown. 39. H. compldnata. Dilated, grey, with a double tuber- cled line on the back, serrate at the sides. Slow Streams. Act. Stockh. 1757. tab.6,f, 121.4. ' Body about 4 lines long, with tranfverfe bands compofed of 3 pale lines;, whitish at the edges: head pointed, white : eyes 6 : tail orbi- cular. 40. II. geometra. Elongated, yellowish-green, with a longitudinal row of white spots. Shallow Streams Br. Zool, iv. t. 20. /. 13. Barbut t. a./. 7. Bodv about 8 lines long, fometimes brownish, varying in colour, tapering before, very broad at the tail : eyes 4 : bach carinate when in motion". 41. H. circulate. Oblong, pointed towards the head, con- vex above, Hat beneath, dull red. The Thames. " Sowerby's Brit. Mifc. tab. 76. Body about an inch long when extended, convex and obscurely striatc on the upper side, flat and paler beneath. 42. II. crentita. Slightly depressed, greenish-grey, sub- J30 WORMS. MOLLUSCA 13. Actinia. oval, with transverse annular striw, crenulatc at the sides. Shallow Streams. Linn. Trans. 2. />. 318. tab. up. Body about half an inch long, broad and rounded on the hind-part, tapering like a pear before, convex on the upper-furface, flat be- neath : eyes 2, approximate. 43. II. muncata. Round, taper, annulate and tubercled, - with 2 short horns on the head. The ocean. Br. Zoo/, iv.f. ao./. 14. Bat butt. e./. 8. Body 2 or 3 inches long, strongly annulate, and tuberrled on the rings : head larger than the tail, which is much dilated. 11 LINEUS. Line-worm. 44. L. Isngssimus. The ocean. Somerby Miscel. t. 8. Eorl. Ccrmu. t. 26.. /. 13. Body many feet long, slightly tapering downwards, the third of an inch broad, black towards the head, becoming light brown with paler longitudinal streaks : head. broader and tapering jnto.a fnout, emarginate, marked with a trunfverfe femicircular -line. 12. GORDIUS. Hair-worm. 45. G. aguaticus. Pale-brown, with dark extremities. Boggy places. Barbut Worms, tab. t ,f. i . Body 10 or 12 inches long, not much thicker than~a horfe-hair, twistingjitfelf into various knots and contortions, fmooth, glofsy, rarely a little slenderer at one end^: mouth small, horizontal, with equal obtufejaws. 46. (i. tn'gUlaceus. Body uniformly pale yellow. Jn clay. Barbut Worms, tab. i.f. 2. Body hardly distinguishable, from the last, except in being of an uniformly yellowish colour. 47. G. annutalus. Garnet-red annulate with white, with a white line down the hack and another on each side. The ocean. Montague Linn, Trans j. p. 74. Body 6 or 7 inches long, rounded and white at the posterior ex- tremity, with 2 rows of minute white fpots between the white lines encircling the trunk ; front, except the upper-lip, white. ' ORDER II. MOLLUSCA. 13. ACTINIA. 48. A. equina. Greenish, with a rosy foramen or mouth : cirri pale rosy, with ai) aperture at the end of each. The ocean. Soiverbv Brit. Mifc. p. 7. tab. 4. Bodv greenish above, varied with orange stripes and covered- with minute white f pecks ; roundish when clofed, warted, flat at the bale- with a narrow rirn, grey beneath : mouth foft, red, furroundcd by 138 cylindrical obtufe cirri with a. red line near the bafc of each: ttomach light brown, plaited. 49. A. crassicornin. Red, with fli irk conic cirri. Barbnt Worms, t. 5, t. 6. Shaw Nat, Mifc. f. 330. Body pale red, tranfverfcly wrinkled ; ciYri whitish at their tips. 50. A., plumosa. Tentacula small : the margin surrounded with pellucid cirri. Barbut Worms, tab. r t .Jig. 5 . Body nearly cylindrical, tranfvcrfely wrinkled, varying in colour, red, browu chesnut, yellow-brown, yellow-green, or white ; fome- WOLIM8. MOLLUSCA. 13. Actinia. 131 limes opake, often pellucid: divisions of the aperture white, rufous, or orange. 51. A. ejftetn. Nearly cylindrical, angularly grooved longitudinally, crenatc at the base, with numerous pointed cirri. A. maculata. Linn. Trans* v, />> 8> Body dull red below, transparent white above with red fpot, mor expanded at the bafe. 52. A. antnwnoides. Nearly cylindrical, rather short, red : interior tentacula ramified, outer-ones conic, obtuse, Rocky coasts, Shaw Nat. Mi fee I. tab. 26, 27. Body with a triple concentric row of tentacula, of a yellow colour varied with red ; stomach pale yellow, with red and pale fea-green stripes. 53. A. truncate Pale reddish-yellow, conic, pellucid, glabrous. The ocean. Dicquem Philofoph. Trans. 63. t, 17. /. 13, 51. A. Caryop/iillns. Red-brown, with small pencil-form tentacula. Martin's Marine Worms, i.p. i.Jig.i* 55. A. Ccreus. Brown, longitudinally grooved; cirri nu- merous, slender, unretractile, sea-green with rosy tip*. Cornish coaft. Phitofoph. Trans. 52. tab. i.f.t. Body marked with trifurcated grooves, pale chefnut : cirri long, slender, from 120 to 200 in number. 56. A. Btllis. Red with while warts : head resembling the calyx of a flower: cirri short, retractile, varie- gated. Cornish coast. Phil. Trails. .52. tab. i.f. 2. Stem fmooth, foft, inclining to carnation, with white warts chan- ging towards the border of the cup into purple and at last dark brown : cirri in feveral rows, pellucid, unequal, of various colours ; disk stellate, compofed of variegated rays of brown yellow grey and white. 57. A. gemmacea. Pale red, longitudinally striate, with numerous miliary glands down the stria3 : disk sur- rounded with short petal-like projections which are invested with cirri. Cornish coast. Phil. Trans. 52. tab. i.f. 4. Body cylindiical, pale red near the bafc, the rest yellow mixed with grey : glands of the middle row white, the others the colour of the stem : tentacula retractile, whitish, varied at the upper-part with feveral brown tranfverfe lines and brown fpots 58. A. Mesembryantfiemum. Dull crimson, short, thick smooth, with retractile cirri ; the edge of the disk surrounded with a single row of tubercles. Rocky shores. Phil. Trans. 52. tab i.f. ,5. Body whcnclofed refembling a button : cirri red, blue, white, or variegated ; tubercles shining, varying in colour. 59. A. Dianthm. Smooth, nearly cylindrical; the disk 5-lobed and foliaceous, with small white cirri : mouth elevated ahd striate. Rocky coasts. Phil. Trans. 57. tab. 19. t. 8. Body feated on a short thick st*lk, peodulous, and when clefed (efembling a fin all whitish Jig. 132 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 14-18.- 14. ASCIDIA. 60. A. rustica* Oblong 1 , brownish with flesh-colour aper- tures, rough at the extremities, smooth in the middle. The ocean. Br. Zool, iv. t. 23. /. 3.5. Barbut t. 5. /. 4. Body nearly cylindrical, flat underneath, turned up at one end , about 2 inches long* 61. A. mamillariit. Somewhat parallelipiped, whitish: apertures terminal, of the same colour as the body. Cornish coast. Pall. Spirit* Zocl. 10. p. 24. /. i./ 15. Body very irritable, variously shaped, wrinkled and gibbous, here and there fprinkled with foft bristles, dirty white,coriaceous; nipplf of thJ apertures hemifphserical) rich fcarlet within, 15. DERRIS. 62. D. sanguinea. Pembrokeshire coast. Linn. Trans. 3. /. ig./L i. 2i Body cylindrical, mostly tapering to a point behind, jointed and capable of great flexibility, covered with a membranaceons tranf- parent coat through which the internal parts are visible : head ex- tended beyond the outer skin, lefs than the anterior part of the body, to which it is connected by a membranaceous covering form- ing a neck -.feelers white, feated on the top of the head, capable of being raifed or deprefsed at pleafure : mouth with 2 lips, the upper- one hooked andjnoveable, the lower straight and fixed. 16. HOLOTHURIA. $3. H. Pentactes. Body with 5 longitudinal rows of tu- bercles, and 10 ramified tentacula. The ocean. Br. Zool. iv. f. 26. /. 41. Barbut t. 6,/. 6. Body about 6 inches long, cylindrical, a little incurved, greenish brown : tubercles hollow, in pairs, with a fmall retractile filament from each : tentacula elegantly ramified, yellow and filver, reddish at their tips. 17. TEREBELLA. 6i. T. conchilega. whitish, with numerous filiform cirri round the mouth j the upper-ones very long : bran- chiaa rich red. Pall. MiscelL Zool. t. g.f. 17. Br. Zool. iv. ft. 24. Within the fabella conchilega, about 5 inches long* Body flat, tapering towards the tail, pellucid, above reddish : heal armed with 4 fcales beneath : tube or case taper, straight, compofed of minute particles of agglutinated fand, about the si2e of a goofe- quill, and nearly half a foot long. 18. LTMAX. Snail, Slug. 65. L. ater. Body black, furrowed and wrinkled. Woods, Gardens, &c. Barbut t. 3./. 1. Body about 3 inches long, narrower at each end> cofivex on the back, paler and flat beneath : shield rough with numerous dots. 66. L. rufus. Above dull reddish, beneath whitish. Damp shades. Barbut. tab. 3 ./, 2. Body hardly 2 inches long, slightly furrowed, withot fpots or belt : large r feelers black above 67. It.Jlavus. Amber-colour, with whitish spots. In herbage Barbut. tab. Q.f. 4. Bodyzn inch and a half long, prominent oh th* back hollowed underneath, slightly wrinkled. WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 19. 20. 133 68. L. maximus. Cinereous, with or without spots. Damp places. Barbut t. $./. 3. Body 4 or 5 inches long, reticulate on the head with black, fome- times With 3 longitudinal pale lines down theback, and 4 dusky one? fpotted with black. 69. L. agrestis. Whitish, with blackish feelers. 2. Whitish with a yellowish shield. Gardens and groves. Linn. Trans, iv. p. 85. t. 8./. 1-4, Body 2-9 lines long, varying a little in colour. 10. L. lanceolatus. Linear-lanceolate, very sharp at each end, surrounded with a meinbranaceous border : feel- ers none. Pall. Spicil. Zool. 13. p. 19. tab. \.f.\\. On the Cornish coast, of a very uncertain Genus. Body 2-lobed and grooved on the margin beneath, marked on the sides with obfolete ftriae oblique on the forepart, and recurved ia an angle near the back. 19. APLYSIA. 71. A. depilans. Of an uniform leaden or purple colour. The ocean. Sow, Misc. t. 53. Br. Zool. t. 21. /. 21. Barb. t. 3./. 5. 6. Body 2 or 3 inches long, apparently a mif-shapen mafs enveloped in aloofe skin which folds over and nearlymeets on the back, tapering towards each end: shield pale, nearly in the middle of the back, oval : eyes placed behind the longer and hindmost pair of feelers. 72. A. viridis. Green, beneath pale : below the head a dilated wing-like membrane each side. Montague Linn. Trans. 7. p. 76. tab. j.f. i. Body formed in front like a common Limax,"grafs green, with a few frnall azure fpots on the upper part of the fins, and more nume- rous-ones beneath, depressed, with 2 membranous fins gradually de- creasing in size : front bifid : lips with a black margin ; feelers 2, flat, behind each of which is a whitish mark in which is placed a fnaall black eye : shield not visible. 20. DORIS. Sm lemon. 7j. D. Argo. Pale red, oval, smooth, with 2 small feel- ers at the mouth : vent surrounded by a ramified fringe. Sea coasts. Br. Zool. t. 22. /. 22. Barbut t. \.f. 4. Body 3 or 4 inches long, rounded at each end, convex in the middle, 11 marked with fulphur fpots and black dots : vent furrounded by an elegantly ramified fulpbur fringe dotted with black : feelers 4, white dotted with red at the tips. T4. D. vermigera. Oblong-oval; reddish-grey, covered on the back with numerous vermicular appendages. Taken on the Mumble rocks, by the Author, April 24, 1807. Body an inch and half long, oblong-oval, white and flat under- neath ; reddish-grey and hemispherical on the back, clothed with roundish taper foft flexile appendages about 3 lines long, variegated grey and purplish-brown : feelers 4, 2 taper white-ones below the mouth, and 2 short conic brown ones on the top of thq head. Re- fembles D, clavigera of Muller Zool. Dan. but the pedicels are wot clavate, and they are longer and more flexible ; aad it has 4 feelers. 75. D. verrucosa. Body covered with tubercles qn the upper-side. Sa coasts. Br. Zool. t. 21. /. 23. Barbut t. \.f. i. Sody oblong, nearly cylindrical, convex and rounded at thc^cxtrer H 134 WORMS. MOLUJSCA 21. Nereis. mities, with the lateral margins deflected : feelers 2, besides 8 short ones furrounding the mouth : pedal-limb oval, oblong, with a ilat margin. 7(3. D. bilamdlata. Oval, covered with a rough punc- tured plate. Sea coasts, Brit. Zoo/, t. 24,7. 24. Barbutt. 4.7.2, Body the size of a fnail, abrubt in front, glabrous, above pale brown with grey dots, beneath white : flute with fulphur dots above, white beneath: feelers brown: vent tranfverfe, furrounded with 6 fulphur plumes. 77. D. pinnatifida. Body elongated, pinnate down the sides with conic clusters of ovate imbricate papillae. Montague Linn. Trans, -j.p. 78. t. 7.7 2. 3. Body 3 lines long, green and rufous : front rounded : tentacula 2, trumpet-shaped, ending in a retractile filiform appendage : clusters opposite, consisting of 5 or 6 rows of imbricate ovate blue-grey papillae tipt with black. 78. D.c&rulea. Body elongated, covered with clavate simple vesicles placed in whorls. Montague Linn. Trans. 7. p. 78. t, 7f. 4. 5 Body a quarter of an inch long, green : feelers 4, fomewhat fili- form : eyes at the bafe'of the hinder feelers: tubercles blue, tipt with orange, with 2 pink oval vefcicles on the back between the fecond and third whorl. 79. D. j/rtu. Body elongated, tapering to a point be- hind: vent on the back, surrounded by 7 feathere'd appendages, below which are 2 long simple fusiform ones. Montague Linn. Trans. 7. p. 79. t. 7-7-6. 'Body half an inch long, white with orange spots : feelers 4, long, pointed, orange, with 2 erect wrinkled ones on the top of the 'head: vent nearer the lower end. &0. D. macuiata. Body slender, tapering, with several pairs of subclavate pedunqles down the back lobed at their tips. ^Montague Linn. Trans. 7. p. 80. /. 7. f. 8-9. Body 3 lines long, pale yellow fpeckled with pink : front obtufe r feelers 2, trumpet-shaped, with a filiform appendage from the cen- tre of each : peduncles mostly 4 pair, with a single one behind, 5 or 6-cleft at top. 81. D. marginata. Body oval, surrounded with a thin membranaceous undulate margin : froot obtuse, cre- nate. Montague Linn. Trans. 7. /;. 79. t. j.f. 7. Body a quarter of an inch long and nearly as much broad, white tinged with pink in the middle '.feelers 2, wrinkled or slightly feathered : vent furnished with feathered membranes. 21. NEREIS. : 82. N. noctiluca. Blue-green, invisible to the naked eye, with 23 segments. The Ocean. Amain. Acad. 3. t. 3. Barbut tab. 4. f. 8. Body phofphorefceht, illuminating the fea by night, very minute and agile, shining with a blue-green splendor. $3. N . pectinata. Smooth, prismatically coloured^ with 14 rich gold tentacula and legs each side. In the Sabella tubiforwisi Swerfy Brit. Mifcct* t, ^ WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 21. Nereis. I35 r Body about an inch long, with numerous brown- papillae about tbe lip : textacula simple : legs rompofcd of tufts of hairs. 34. N.pelagica. Tawny, with a scarlet line down the back, convex above, with cirrate and warty pedun- cles. The Ocean. Br. Zool. iv. t. 25. /. 33. N. rufa. Body 4 or 5 inches long, compoled of numerous articulations t jaws blackish-brown : head with a triangular white fpot between the eyes, and 2 others at the sides : bristles ferruginous : cirri ot' the front sides and tail whitish : /a/Vending in 2 cirri. 85. N. ccerulea. Qlabrous, depressed, blueish-grcen, se- m transparent. The Ocean. Br. Zool.\\-. * 25./. 32. Barbut t. \.J. n. Body shining, about 4 inches long, with a groove along the belly: segments about 184. 86. IS' . viridis. Green, depressed : peduncles with lance- olate lamellae or scales. The Ocean. MulLWurm. t. n./. 1-6. Linn. Trans, v. p. 8. Body 2 or 3 inches long, filiform, grass-green, with about 130 equal fegments : head with 3 feelers each side : eyes 2, black : pro- boscis clavate, which it protrudes when touched-; tail with 2 short cirri. The young are reddish, with snowy head, feelers, cirri, and fcales. 87. N. lamelliger'a. Ochraceous, round tapering to both" ends: proboscis stellate with 4 fleshy points: pe- duncles compressed, furnished with a semilunar scale above, and a larger semicordate-one beneath. The.Ocean. Sow. Brit. Mifc. t. 30. Shaw Mifc. t. 311. Body nearly a foot long, ochre with a dark line down the middle of the bejly, consisting of 200-550 fegments : head with 4 feelers ; eyes 2, black : .tail bifid. 88. N. tricolor. Orange-green, pmmatically coloured, orange-red at the lower extremity : feelers and eyed none. Montague Linn. Transact. 7. p. 82. .&wf}/ about 3 feet long,, nearly round, purplish-red near the an- terior end : upper-lip fomewhat protruded, whitish, with 4 tranf- verfe black dots at the bafe : tail fuddenly tapering to an obtufe point: fegments about 390, with as many tubercles and tufts each side. 89. N. Margarita. Changeable and greenish-brown, with a purple streak down the back : head 3-loded. Montague Linn, Trans. 7. p. 82. Body 5 or 6 inches long, convex above, a little tapering, with about 74 fegments and tufts : head 3-lobed, the 2 outer ones larger with a tubercle at their ends and 2 feelers at their bale, the middle* one ending in 2 feelers : mouth beneath, prottusile, with a circle of numerous black fpecks : tail ending in 2 ^laments. 90. N. lintata. Depressed, yellow, with numerous purple spots disposed in 6 lines. Montague Linn. Trans. 7 . p. 83. Body an inch and a half long, with about 120 fegments : feelers 6: tail ending in 2 short appendages. 91. N. octtntaxMlata. Depressed, red r with a purple line along the back and a yellow spot at each segment. Montague Linn. Trans. T. p. 84, M 2 I3t> . "WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 22. 23. Body 3 inches long, with between 80 and go fegments and tafts j feelers 6, short, red, letaceous : eyes 4, one pair over the other. 22. APHRODITA. Sea Mouse. 92. A. aculeata. Oval, brown, beneath fle sh- Colour ; with long silky changeable gold-green hair each side the body. The Ocean. Br. ZooL iv. t. 23. /. 25. Barbut t. \.f. ,5. Body 4 or 5 inches long, convex above and clothed with short brown fir, beneath covered with a naked skin a little prominent in, the middle : vent covered with 2 fcales : mouth placed beneath : feet 30-36 each side, each compofed of a tuft of 5 or 6 strong black spines intermixed with long gold-green hairs. 93. A. annulata. Pale yellow, oblong, tapering to both ends, smooth, annulate, with a minute spine on each ring running down the back. Pennant Brit, ZooL iv.p. 45. n. 28. t, 24. /. 28. Body 2 inches and a quarter long : feet fmall. 94. A. scdbra. Oblong, with 2 rows of alternate scales down the back : mouth projecting, cylindrical. Br. ZooL iv. t. $.f. 27. Barbut t. ^.f. 7. , Body about an inch long, with 29 alternate fcales and about aj many feet each side. 95. A. squamata. Oblong, with 2 rows of large opposite rough ochraceous scales dotted with black. Brit. ZooL iv. t. 23. /. 26. Barbut t. 4.7. 6. Body about an inch long, refembling an Oniscus, clothed each side with 24 fcales and furnished with as many feet : belly and mid- dle of the bach naked -.feelers cloven: mouth concealed in an aper- ture : tail ending in a few short bristles. 96. A. Upidota. Oblong, with a red stripe down the back, and clothed with minute imbricate scales. Br. ZooL t. 24. /. 29. Easier subs. t. 4. /. 3. A-C. Body net an inch long, tapering towards the tail, with about 14 pair of very finely dotted fcales, and 16 feet each side -.feelers un- divided. 23. AMPHITRITE. 97. A. volutacornis. Feelers yellow-brown with chesnut spots, convolute, with doubly ciliate fibres : probo- scis none. Montague Linn. Trans. 7. p. 81. tab. j.f. 10. Body. about 5 inches long, with a dark purple indented membrane behind the head edged with white -.feelers with numerous fibres on 2 fpiral stems: fcutel of 10 joints, yellow with purple sides : body dark purple., of about 80 fegments, tongue-shaped at the end, with 4 rows of plates above and a slight groove down the middle. *^. A. Vmtilabmm. Feelers pale with purple spots, their fibres ciliate on the inner margin ; one with 54 tibres, the other with 35 : proboscis none. Sowerby Mifcell. t. 12. Shaw Uifcell. t. 324. Body pale red, with about 150 yellow peduncles each side, in- clofed in a clay-coloured tube compofed of 2 coats which are cartilaginous, the outer-coat darker and rougher. 99. A. rosea. Feelers white with crimson spots: body brown, with shining golden tufted peduncles : probo- scis none. WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 24-26. 131 Sowerby Brit. Mifcell. tab. 67. Body hardly 2 inches long, inclofed in a brown cafe, yellowish towards the head : feelers of about 12 fibres each. 100. A. campamdata. Feelers pale with black spots: botly striped red and yellow, with white peduncle* : proboscis bell-shaped at the end. In the Serpula triquetra. Sowerby Miscell. t. 31. Body about an inch long, yellow with red stripes, furnished with about 6 feet each side : feelers with each 10 or n fibres : proboscis white, ending in a bell-shaped tube which projects a bifid tongue. 24. SPIO, 101. Sp. seticornis* With thin capillary striate feelers. The Ocean. Buster cp. subsc. 2. /. 134. tab. j 2.f, 2. Body about 3 inches long, whitish with a tinge of green* with a. red line down the middle of the back, blackish-grey on the fore- part with transverse white striae, seagreen behind : / 25.. NAIS. 102. N. serpentiiui.. Body serpentine, with red spiral intestines and triple black collar. Stagnant Waters. Shaw Miscfll. t. 270. Body about 9 lines long : peduncles warty*, wkh 3 hooked bristles. 103- '^proboscidea. With single lateral bristles, and very long proboscis. Stagnant Waters.. Shau^Miscell, t. 379.. Body. 3 lines long, hyaffhe, with a blackish flextiou^ intestine^ each fegment with a single longish bristle each side ; head forked,. armed with a mouth and tongue : i/erit terminal. 404. N.digUata. With single lateral bristles : tail armed, with 6 unequal retractile processes. Stagnant Waters. Shaw Mifcell. t, 452. Body 4 lines long, with a reddish vein down the middle,' furnished beneath witha double row of mirwje ciliate protuberance* : rye* 01 tail rounded.. 26. LERN^BA. 105. L. Cyprituicea. Body obclavate: thorax cylindrical forked : tentacula lunate at top. X)n the Car.p and. Roach. Barbut t. -j.-f. 3.. Body about half an inch long, hardly larger than a.. straw, pale and fome what pellucid, thruft out of a kind of sheath, with 3 obtufe tubercles towards the. other extremity: mouth, with a foft fleshy procefses near it, and on each side another loft lunate procefs. 106. L. Salmonea. 'Body obavate : thorax, inversely heart-shaped : arms approximate, linear. On the Salmon. Barbut t.j.f. 4. Body 6 lines long, foft, pale : head fmall, oblong,. rather convex,, with horizontal lips, the upper-lip armed with 2 rigid movaable hooks, the lower shorter and cloven: abdomen obovate, broader than the last: ovaries whiter, c^lindricalj granulate within, a&. large as the whole animal. 107. L. Spratti. Body oblong^ red : head with 2 barbs ^ neck notched : ovaries linear, green. On the Sprat, Sowerby Brit, Miscdl. tab. 68. Body about 2 inches long, shaped like an oat, obliquely truncate fechuid ; nuh long, bai bed ; mwth rather large, undr the hcad^ 138 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 27. 28. 29. 108. L. Encrasicoli. Body cylindrical, born-colour; head with 2 barbs : ovaries filiform, white. Found attached to the bodies of the Clupea Encrasicolus and Sprattus, frequently in Swansea bay. Body differing from the last in not tapering to the extremities,, in being of a brown-horn-colour, and in having the oviducts very long, filiform, and clear white. 27. SEPIA. Cuttle-Jish. 109. *S. octopus. Body without tail or appendage: pe- dunculated tentacula or longer arms none : arms be- set with a double row of suckers. Br. Zool. iv. t. 44. Sow. Mifcell. t. 48. Barbut t. 8./. i. Body growing to a great size, short, inflated at the bafe : arms as long as the body, tapering to a point, clothed with 2 rows of alter- nate fuckers on the inside: fuckers shaped like the cup of an acorn, furnished with numerous hooks. 110. S. ojpcinalis. Body without tail, with a crenate margin each side : peduucled tentacula 2 : arms be- set with 4 rows of suckers. frit. Zool. iv.p. 55. Barbut t. 8./. 2. Body ovate j the margin interrupted at the bottom: ttntacula or longer arms 4 times as long as the others, their tips fpatulate anct furnished within with numerous fuckers : arms shorter than Uie body, ovate, pointed. 111. S. media. Body cylindrical tapering to a point : tail pointed, finned and carinate each side : pedun^ cled tentacula 2.. Br. Zool. iv. t. 39. /. 45. Barbut t. 8. /. 3. Body ending in a point, famished with a winged membrane c.ick side commencing below the middle of the body,, gre.enish or brown : eyes blue. 112. S. Loligo. Body cylindrical, furnished with a flat- tish rhombic sharp-edged membrane at the tail : peduncled tentacula 2. Brit. Zool. iv. t. 27. Barbut t. 8./. 4. Body reddish-brown, differing from the laft in not gradually ta- pering to a paint : eyes blue : dorfal-bone lanceolate, tranfparent,. shaped like a pen. 11 3. S. Sepiola. Body rounded at the base, with a roun- ded wing-like process at the base each side : pedun- cled tentacula 2> Brit. Zool. t. eg./. 46. Barbut t. 8. /. 5. Body not longer than the head and neck: tentacula as long as the body ; wings nearly circular. 28. TRITON. 114: Tr. littoreus. Barbut. t. 7. /. 2. Philos. Trans. 50. /. 34./. A. Body oval, dilated and lobed at the lower end r head oblong, rounded, not comprefsed, terminated by a tough membrane con- necting all the arms at bafe : mouth placed at the bafe of the tentacula : probofcis long, tapering to a poir.-, annulate, cartilagi- nous : arms 6 'pair, the 3 lower-pair furnished with a moveable thumb, all jointed, involute and ciliate on the inner-margin, 29. MEDUSA. i WORMS. MOLLUSC A; so- Asterias. &9 115. M. fusca. Body with 16 brown rays, and a brown circle in the middle ; the circumference edged with alternate oval tubercles and crooked fangs. Borl. Cornw. p. 256. t. 25,7. 7. 8. Br. Zool. n. 48. Rays pointing from the circumference to the centre : tentacula 4, jagged, a little longer than the body. 116. M. purpurea. Body with pale purple rays, and a light purple cross in the middle,, between each bar of which is a deep purple horse-shoe-shaped mark. Borl. Cornw. p. 257. t. 25. /. 9. 10. Br. Zool. 4. 49. Rays diverging from the circumference : tentacula 4, short, thick, not longer than the body. 117. M. tuberculata. With 15 brown rays meeting at the centre, and small oval tubercles round the margin. Bor-l. Cornw. t. i^f. n. 12. Barbut t. g.f. 8: Tentacula 4, plain, much longer than the body. 118. M.undutata. Margin undulate, with fangs on the projecting parts ; beneath 4 orifices, between which is a stem divided into 8 ragged tentacula. Borl. Cornw. t. 25../. 15. Barbut. t. g.f. g. 119. M. lunulata, Margin tubercled ; beneath 4 conic appendages forming a cross, with several leaf-like serrate-ones surrounding it. Borl. Cornw. t. 25. /. 16. 17^. Br. Zool. iv. n. 52. Tentacula 8, not exceeding the edges of the body, between each, of which is a femilunar aperture. 120. M. simplex.. With a plain circumference and 4 aper * tures beneath : tentacula none. Borl. Cornw. t. 25.7. 13. 14.. Br. Zool. iv. n. 5$. 121. M. crutiata. Margin fringed with fine fibres j the disk marked with a white cross, each arm of which has a blackish spot.. The Sussex coast. Barbut Worms, t. g.f. \. Body like a tranfparent colourlefs jelly, furrounded at the edge with a fringe of fibres. 122. M. capillata. Margin with 16 indentures; beneath with 16 rays meeting at the centre, where they are surrounded by numerous fibres. Kentish coast. Barbut Worms t. g. f. 3. Body whitish* femipellucid, convex, fragile, flat beneath with a rough circle j the margin divided into 8 portions, each of which is emarginate. 3 0. ASTERIAS. Star-fish. A. With 5 stellate rays. 123. A. rubens. Pale orange, with lanceolate convex rays every where clothed with small spines. Br. Zool. t. 30. /. 58. Basterfubs. t. 12. /. 1-6, Body 14 inches in diameter, varying in colour, but generally lemon-colour marbled with dark brown, beneath whitish : fpine* white. . 124. A. spinosa. Rays lanceolate, of nearly equal thick* ness, beset with numerous spines or tubercles, Refembles the last, but the rays are not convex, Moil, Cornw, t, 2$/ 8, Br, Zool, iv. n, 60. 140 WORMS. MOLLUSCA. 3f> Asterias. 125. A. membranacea. Rays broad, membranaceous, very thin : beneath with 5 convex ribs. Br. Zool. iv f. 3i.y. 59. Linck. stell. mar. t. \.f. a Body flat, with a broad membrane between the rays> 126, A. gibbosa. Brown, very convex y covered with a rough skin r with short broad rays slightly project- ing. Sort. Cornw. tr 25. f. 25. 26. Linck. t. 3. n. 20. 227. A- dfithrata, Rays short, thick, cancelled above, hirsute underneath. Linck, t. 14. n. 23. t. 7. n. 9. Br. Zool. iv. n. 55. 128 A. oculata. Purple, with smooth dotted or punctu- red rays divided nearly to the base. Br. Zool. t. 3o./. 56. Linck. t. 36. n, 62. 129. A. equestris. Disk tubercled : margin with oval plate*, with 3-6 tubercles on each : tentacula rather clavate. Sowerby. Miscell. t. 63. Linck. t. 12. n. 21.. t, 26. n^ 42.. Body red : rays a little projecting : plates on the margin fur roiinded with fmall stud-like protuberances : feelers flattish, rather ctavate. l30 A. glacialis. Disk with tubercles disposed in a cir- cle : rays angular r tlie angles with prickly protube- rance^. Linck. t. 38. 39. n. 69. Br. Zool- iv. n. 54. Body when alive rufous undulate with white, fometijnes grey>. brown, or green : rays thick, lanceolate, -with 5 or 7 prickly an- gles: tentacula numerous,, pellucid, \vitha row of fmall pinnule*, each side. B. "With 5 radiate or filiform rays. 131. A. Caput Medusa. With divided and repeatedly sub- divided rays: disk and rays granular: mouth de- pressed. Bdrbut t. 10. f. 12. Shaw Mifcell. t, 103. Body pale red: rays divided, each of the divisions branching Into 2 others, which mode of fubdivision is continued to a vast extent, gradually decreasing in size^ till at length the ramifications amount to many thoufands, forming a beautiful net-work. 132. A. Ophiura. Disk scaly : rays quadrangular, with a single row of scales down each . r. Zool. iv,t. 32,yV62. Barbttt^t. to./.g. Body fmall, glabrous, white, grey, or reddish, orbicular, entire : rays like a ferpents' tail, 4 times as long as the body, clothed with a row of divergent folid fcales. 133. A. minute. Body round, entire, with long slender hirsute rays. Tenby Coast. Brit. Zool. iv. n. 61. 134. A. brachiata. Body nearly circular, covered above with oval scales in 10 alternate broad and narrower rays : rays jointed r spinous- down the sides. Montague Linn. Trans. 7. p. 84. Body hardly half an inch in diameter, the rays 7 or 8 inches long, purplish-brown, rqugh between the arms witjii minute warts : rays furnished at the $idjes wUh f 9 or 9 in a row* \VORMS. MOLLUSCA. 3i. Echinus, 141 135. A. sph&rulala. Body 5-lobed, glabrous above the aperture; beneath 5-pointed, with a small globular head between each ray : rays jointed, hirsute down their sides. Anglesea. Erit. ZooL iv. tab. 32. fig. 63. 136. A.varia. Body circular, entire, with TO alternate broads r and narrower radiate stripes; the narrow-ones with lozenge-shaped extremities : rays hirsute, annu- late with red. Borl. Cornw. t. a^./. 21. Br. Zool iv. n. 65. 137. A. aculeata. Body circular, entire, with 10 alter- nate broader and narrower radiate stripes, all of them simple at the ends, rays hirsute. Borl. Cornw. t. 25. /. 19. Br. Zool. iv. n. 66. J38. A.Jissa. Body circular, with 5 deep notches, and 5 pale radiate stripes : rays hirsute. Borl. Cornw. t. .25. /. 20. Br. Zool. iv. n. 68. 139. A. hastata. Body somewhat pentangular, indented, brownish-red with 10 alternate broader and narrower ochraceous stripes, all broader at their extremities : rays jointed, hirsute. Borl. Cornw. t. $/. 22. Br. Zool. iv. n. 67. 140. A. nigra. Body pentangular, black, with 5 white radiate stripes; rays hirsute, olive, tessellate with deeper shades. Port. Cornw. t. 25, /. 23. Br. Zool. iv. . 69. 141. A. pentaphylla. Body in 5 ovate lobes : rays hirsute down the sides, tessellate above and below with greea or blue. Borl. Cornw. t. 25. f. 24. Br. Zool. iv. n. 64. C. With more than 5 rays. 142. A.papposa. Body with 12-14 lanceolate rays, sur- rounded at the edges with short fascicular processes : body muricate. JBarbut. t. to.f. 2. Shaw. Miscell t. 418. Body above ferruginous fpotted with \yhlte, the rays paler at the ends : rays shorter than the body, with black grooves underneath. 143. A. peclinata. With 10 pinnate filiform, rays, and as many short simple ones underneath. Br. Zool. iv. t. 33. Barbut. t. lo.f, ti. Body fmall, red, coveredabove with 5 unequal valves : aperturtlt e, one at the confluence of the valves, the other in the largest valve : longer-rays with numerous short ramifications, furnished beneath with hollow tubes, from which isjue fmall tranfparent filiform flexible bodies; shorter-rays ending in an incurved claw. 31. ECHINUS. Sea-egg. Sea Urchin. Obs. Such of this genus as have been hitherto found in a fossile state. only, will be defcribed under the genus Helmintholithusi among the petrifactions. A. Vent vertical. 114. Ech, esculentus. Nearly globular, with 10 porous su- 142 WORMS. TE8TACEA. 32. Chiton. tures ; the pieces covered with small tubercles sup- porting the spines. $r. Zool. I. 34. Barbut. t. 1 1 ./. j . Shaw. Misc. t. 223. Shell reddish or yellowish : fpines short, violet, losing their colour and falling off when dead : pores in about 3 rows : tubercles pale, furrounded with a circle of lefser-ones: vent clofed by a co- riaceous membrane covered with fpines. 2. Lefs, deprefsed at top, with narrower futures. faster, cp. subs. 3. p. \ 1 2. t. 1 1 .f. 2-8. Shell with fewer tubercles, and a ferrate line down the middle of the pieces : pores of the futures in alternate rows of 2 or 3 foramina. 145. Ech. Cidaris. Hemisphasrical, depressed, with 5 flexuous linear sutures ; the pieces alternately bifari- ous. Scotland. Sowetby Brit. Miscell. t. 44. Shell a compressed globe : the pieces granulate, with 2 rows of alternate protuberances furnished with perforated papillae, fur- rounded with a circle or two of granulations, and feparated by a groove running round them : fpines elongated, granular, in 2 rows, with 2 rows of fmaller-ones at their bafe : mouth covered with im- bricate obtufe fpines. B. Vent underneath. 146. Ech. lacunosus. Ovate, heart-shaped, gibbous, with 5 depressed ovate porous sutures placed in a stellate manner. Er. Zool. iv. t. 35. Barbut. t. 1 1./. 8. Shell purple at top ; the fpaces between the futures tubercled ia vraved rows; beneath studded and' divided by 2 fmooth fpaces ; fpines very long, mixed with shorter-ones. l4t." Ech. Spatagus. Ovate, a little heart-shaped, gib- bous, with 4 depressed porous grooved sutures pla- ced in a stellate manner. Er. Zool. iv. t. 34#/. 75. Barbut. t. \\.f.-j. Sheltextremely brittle, gibbous at one end, and marked by a deep gfoove instead of the fifth future at the other, tubercled beneath: fores in a double row along each side of the grooves : fpines slen- der, bristle-like. ORDER III. TESTACEA. SHELLS. A. With more than two valves. 38. CHITON. 148. Ch. marginatus. With 8 smooth valves, reflected and serrate on the margin, carhiate down the back. Br. Zool. t. 36.7. 2. Barbut, t. i.f. 4. Shell 6 lines long and 4 broad, grey or brown, fometimes mottled, oblong-oval, rough on the furface : valves imbricate over each other in a point, 149. Ch. tevis. With 8 smooth valves, even on the mar- gin, carinate and beaked on the back. Brit. Zool. t. 36.7.3- Shell oblong, half an inch long and a quarter broad, deep rufous- 'brown, fometimes mottled with yellowish-white, with mostly a pale line down the back, fometimes finely striate tranfverfely ; the iriaVgin broad and finely reticulate : valves beaked in the centre. WQKMS. TESTACEA. 33. Balauas. 143 loO. Ch. cincreus. With 8 valves, nearly smooth, oval, carinate, beaked on the back, slightly ciliate on the margin Chemn, Conch. 8. tab. 96. /. 818. Mont. Shells, p. 3. Shell a quarter of an inch long, cinereous, reddish when alive, comprefsed, a little reflected on the hinder angle at the bafe, with a rather broad margin. 151. Ch. albus. With 8 valves, smooth, oval, not cari- nate ; the first valve notched on ihe hind-part. Barbnt. t. i.f. i. Chemn. Conch. 8. t. 96. /. 817. Shell less than the lait, pure white. 152. Ch. J'uscicu'tirij. With 8 v 7 alves, nearly smooth, slightly carinate, surrounded at the margin with tufts of hairs. Chemn. Conch. 10. t. 173. /. 1688. Moxtag. Shells. p. 5. Shell cinereous, slightly carinate. 153. Ch. crinitus. With 7 valves, thickly clothed with short hairs. About 6 lines long. Br. Zool. iv. t. 36. /. i. It is probable that thcfe hairs are a fpecies of marine Conferva. 154. Ch. discors. W 7 ith.7 valves, curjiafe, strongly beaked; the 5 middle-valves divided transversely from the an- terior base to the beak Salcomb iiay. Montague Brit. Shells. p. 3. n. 3. Shell half an inch long, oblong : values finooth or faintly striate on the upper-part, very fine shagreen on the lower, the end-ones rufous-brown, the rest dark cinereous: beaks frequently rufous: margin moderately broad, faintly reticulate. 33. BALANUS. Acorn-shell. 155. B. communis. Conic, ribbed : lid of 4 valves, stri- ate transversely, with a longitudinal groove on the 2 longest. Br. Zool. t. 37. /. 4, Donovan, t. 30. /. i . Shell fometiuies an inch in diameter, and nearly 3 quarters high, grey-brown, rugged, compofed of about 6 valves : lid pointed. 156. B. batanoidei. Somewhat conic, smooth, ribbed : lid of 4 valves; the 2 upper-slightly striate transversely, the other smooth. Br. Zool. t. 37. /. 5. Donovan, t. 36. /. 2. 3. Da Cost. t. 17. /. 7. Shell half the size of the former, fometimes much depressed and dilated at the bafe, white, fmooth, often deeply grooved at the bafe, of 6 valves divided by a deep furrow : lid more obtufe. 157: B. punctatus. Slightly conic, rugged, ribbed : lid 4- valved, the upper longitudinally striate, the edges of the upper and lower closely united at top, indented, and locking into each other. Devonshire. Montague Brit. Shells, tab. i.f. 4. Shell about a quarter of an inch broad, and not much higher, dull brown, very rugged, obtufely ribbed: lid of 4 valves, the upp^r- one with a few longitudinal ridges, the rest punctured. 158. B. rugosus. Nearly cylindrical, grooved; lid of 4 rough angular erect valves, forming 4 distinct slightly reflected points. Lepas boreaUs. Donovan Brit* Shells, tab. 166. 144 WORMS. TESTACEA. 33. Lepas. Shell about half an inch high, and lefs in diameter, generally di- vided into 6 compartments by farrows which become broad to- wards the top, where it fpreads into ^angular points, wrinkled or ftriate longitudinally., fomelimes fraooth, white or purplish-red : aperture large, the lid tranfverfe'ly ribbed. 159. B. elongatus. Elongated, clavate, with 3 wide and 3 narrow compartments, wrinkled longitudinally, faintly striate transversely. Sr. ZooL t. 37. f. 5. a. Donovan, t. 36. /. 3. Shell 2 inches long, 4 lines broad at the bafe* white, cylindrical* cloven above the lid, with obtufe compartments. 160. B. Tinlinnabulum* Conic, obtuse, with 3 raised com- partments contracting to a point up ward sand longitu- dinally striate, and 3 depressed-ones contracting to a point downwards and transversely striate. Donovan t. 148. Barbut t. i. f> 6. Shell nearly a inches long, lefs in diameter, purplish varied with white and red, angular : lid obtufe, of nearly equal valves. 161. B. costatus Somewhat conic, with numerous equi- distant ribs diverging from the aperture. Donovan Brit. Shells, i . tab, 30. f. z., whitish, with about 18 ribs. 162. B. conoides. Conic, smooth, finely reticulate, witk pointed compartments : aperture very harrow. Donovan Brit. Shells, i. tab. 36. f. ^ Shell about. 4 lines wide, purplish; valves divided at top., and pointed : aperture very fmall. 163. B. intertextus. Slightly depressed, with interwoven obliquely striate valves ; the margin at the base irre- gularly serrate . Br.'Zool.\v.t. $%.f. \. Donovan t. 36. j". i. Lepas striatus. Shell hardly a quartet of an inch wide, white, strongly and obliquely ribbed : aptrture oblique, clofed by the lid. 16 i. B. Diadema. Somewhat compressed, with 6 promi- nent longitudinally ribbed valve*, alternating with as many depressed transversely striate ones. Donovan Shells t. 56. /. 1.2. Da Costa t. 17. /. 2. 2. 2. Shell an inch high, and about 2 wide, roundish, dirty-white, with tranfverfe strias on the sides of the valves : aperture funnel-form, 6-sided within : bafe concave, furnished with divisions or cells in a radiate manner. 34. LEPAS. Bemade. 165. L. anaiifera. With 5 valves, smooth; the dorsal* valve rounded at the sides, and slightly carinate. Br. ZooL iv. t. 38. /. 9. Donov.t.j. Da Cost. t. \jf. 3. Shell an inch and a half long, bluish-white, comprefsed : valves yellow at the margins, obfcurely ftriate ; the 2 larger-ones trian- gular, the 2 top-ones about half the size, the dorfal-one long, cuived, narrow,- rounded on the back, inclosing the others : fe- duncle long, wrinkled and darker towards the shell. 166. L. anserifera. With 5 valves, strongly striate in a radiate manner; dorsal-valve compressed at the sides* sharply carinate. Donovan t. i66./. 2. Lister t. 44O./. 283. Shell about an inch long, refembling the laft, except in beinfj ftrongly striate and fomewhat reticulate, the valves sharper and WORMS. TESTACEA. 35. Pholas. 145 more pointed, the sides of the dorfal-one compresjea and brought to a fine carinate edge down the middle. 167. L. fasdcularis. With 5 valves, striate ; dorsal valv6 much spread out and forming a sharp prominent an- gle at the base. Ellis. Zooph. p. \gi.t. is-/. 6. Donovan t. 164. Shell with the upper-valves pointed and turning back at the tip, a little convex in front; the dorfal-valve dilated at the bale intd an acute angle. 168. L. sulcata. With 5 valves, strongly ribbed ; dorsal- valve, somewhat compressed, longitudinally gtriiitc, with a smooth slightly carinate edge. Montague Brit. Shells. p. 17. tab. i.fig. 6. Shell about a quarter of an inch long, dirty white, nearly trian- gular : lower -i' (lives with 15 strong ribs ; upper-ones pointed at top, narrowing to a point downwards, with 7 or 8 ribs and fmaller intermediate-ones : peduncle short, dusky. 169. L. Scalpellum. With n valves, roughish ; dorsal- valve compressed, running into a sharp process about half way up. Montague p. 18. t. \.f. 4. Donovan Shells, t. i66.f. i. Shell 6 lines long, light brown, not striate, covered with short liatrs, much comprefsed, obliquely truncate at top : valves re- fembling fcai&s, 6 each side; dorfal-one rounded at the edge at the bafe : peduncle very short, annulate, hairy. 35. PHOLAS. 170. Ph. Dactylus. Oblong, rough, with reticulate murt- cate stria? on the anterior end; hinge reflected form- ing several cells at the back. Br. Zocl. t. 39-/. 10. Donovan Shells t. 118. Shell more than an inch long, above 3 broad, white, thin, brittle, a little reticulate, ending in a beak forming a large gape, with 4 ac- cessory valves. 171. Ph. parva. Ovate, rough, reticulate, muricate at the anterior end : hinge reflected, without cells . Sr. Zoo!, t. 40./. 13. Montague Shells t. i.f. 7. 8. Shell half an inch long, an inch broad, ending in a kind of beak at. the larger end, with a single plate at the back but none below the hinge : tteth slender, curved, with a knob at the bafe. 172. Ph. crispata. Somewhat oval, reticulate on the an- terior half and separated from the plain half by a broad furrow down the middle. Br. Zool iv. t. 40. f. 12. Donov. t. 62. 69. Shell nearly 2 inches long, 3 broad, gibbons, whitish, obtufe, very open at both ends, striate tranfverfely : hinge reflected, fmooth : teeth long, curved, without the knob at the baie. 173. Ph. Candida. Oblong, muricate on all parts with de- cussate striae : one valve with an additional tooth- like process. Br. Zool. iv. t. 39. /. 11. Donovan Shells t. 132. Sh'll near an inch long, an inch and a half broad, thin, brittle, whitish, slightly muricate at the larger end, with an accessory valve at the hinge : hinge reflected, fmooth : teeth slender, incurved, with, aa erect procefs in one valve on the margin above the tbottt. N 146 WORMS. TESTACEA. 36. Mya. 174. Ph. striata. Somewhat conic, strongly reticulate on the upper part, irregularly striate oif the lower. Donovan's Shells t. 117. Chemn. Conch. 8. t. 102. /. 864-866. Shell half an inch long, 3 quarters broad, white, the striae here and there decussate, the part about the hinge i'mooth, the lower-end gaping ; tooth long, slender, much curved* B. Bivalves. 36. MY A. 175. M. Glycemeris. Oblong-oval, coarse, lamellar, with transverse wrinkled stria?, gaping at both ends, obliquely truncate before and behind the beak : pri- mary tooth of the hinge very thick. Donovan t. 143. Lister t. 414. y. 258. Shelf 5 inches long, 8 or 9 broad, grey or ochraceous, with an ir- regular margin : beak nearly central, slightly indented both sides : hinge with a lesser tooth and a feries of wrinkles. 176. M. truncata. Suboval, truncate and much gaping at the smaller end : tooUi broad, thick, very obtuse, projecting, erect. Br. Zool. t. 41. f. 14. Donovan t. 92. Da, Cost. t. 16. f. i. Shell 2 inches and a half long, 3 arid a half wide, covered with a yellowish skin, white under the skin, marked with concentric wrinkles. 177. M. arenaria. Oval, rounded behind: tooth broad, thick, very obtuse, projecting, erect, with a small lateral-one. Donovan t. 85. Br. Zoo/., iv. t. 42. Shell 2 inches and a half long, 3 wide, covered with a brown skin, concentrically wrinkled : refembles the Jast, except in not being truncate at the gaping end ; tooth with a projection near the bafe. 178. M. margaritifera. Oblong, slightly kidney-shaped, decorticated near the hinge, with a single tooth in one valve locking into a forked one in the other. Donovan t. 73. Br. ZcoL t. 43. Da Costa t. 15. /, 3. Shell 2 inches long, ,5 broad, a little contracted in the middle at the thinner end, thick, covered with a black skin which is worn oft on the protuberant parts near the hinge, transverfely wrinkled, pearly. greenish within; teeth strong. 179. M. Pictontm. Oval, in each valve a broad crenate tooth, with 2 lateral laminae in one valve, and one in the opposite locking into each other. Donovan t. 89. Brit. Zool. tab. 43. /. 17. .Shell nearly 2 inches long, and 4 broad, dull green, nearly black at the fmaller end, concentrically wrinkled, pearly within : beak near the larger end. 180. M. ovalis. Oval-oblong, rounded at both ends: teeth crenate, a single one and lateral lamina in one valve, and a forked one and 2 laminae in the other Donovan t. 174. Chemn, Conch. 6. t. i.y/6. Shell an inch long, nearly 2 wide, olive-green, concentrically wrinkled, a little indented in front, pearly within : beak near one end : hinge nearly straight. 181. M. dubia. Oval, thin, brittle, gaping, light rufous, with the rudiment of a tooth in one valve projecting inwards. WORMS. TESTACEA. 37. Solen. 147 JBi'it. Zool, t, 44. /". 19. Donovan t. ic8. Shell not an inch long, shaped like a piftachia nut, with a large oval gape opposite the hinge, concentrically striate, fometimes \vith yellowLsli rays, sloping at the anterior end, \vhite within: beak near one end. 182. M. ineqtiivalvia. Somewhat triangular, strong j white, with the under- valve much larger. ALontnep.a8. Walk. min. S/uth.f. 35'.' Cardium. Shell A lines wide, thick, opake, tranfvericly striate, often co- vered with a hroviii skin ; the upper-valve not half the size of the other and ohfciuelv striate, the under-valve deep : beak central, very prominent: tooili strong, erect, slightly recurved, without lateral-ones. 183. M. suborbicularis. Nearly orbicular, yellowish-white: in one valve a single tooth locking into a double one: in the other, with a laminate tooth in each vahe be- hind the beak. Monte, a ue British Shells, p. 39. n. 8. Shell 4 lines long, and about 5 broad, fo me what pellucid, often covered with a brown skin, faintly striate tranl'vcrfely : beak fmall, pointed, turning to OIK: side ; valves clofed. 184. M. dedivis. Ova!,, thin, brittle, suddenly sloping near the gaping end : valves with each a broad tooth- like plate projecting inwards. Donovan, t. 82. Montague p. 48. . 9. M. pubefcens. Shell about 2 inches broad, i and a quarter long, whitish, trun- cate at the finaller end, slightly striate concentrically, one valve turning up behind the slope and embracing the edge of the other : beak nearly central, turning a little sideways. 185. M. prcetenuis. Oval, flat, thin, brittle, a little gap- ing : valves with a single tooth in each, hollowed in the mid-Jdle y projecting horizontally inwards, and closing over each other. Montague Brit. Shells, tal. \. f. 2. Donovan, t. 176. Shell an inch broad, half as much long, whitish, with a few con- centric striae, riot truncate : beak fmall, pointed, turning to one side, nearly central. 186. M. difilorta. Oval, thin, brittle, convex, rugged, distorted : valves with a broad subtriangular tooth in each, hollo wed in the middle, projecting hori- zontally inwards. Montague Brit. Shells, p. 42. tab. i.Jig. i. Shell an inch broad, nearly as much long, oval more or Icfs in- dining to orbicular, white, indented at the margin and variously distorted, not truncate: beak projecting, nearly central, not turn- ing to one side. 181. M. bidentata. Suboval, thin, compressed, smooth : hinge with 2 broad erect laminate teedi in one valve standing obliquely, and none in the other. Montague Brit. Shells, p. 44. Shell the eighth of an inch long, rather more broad, dirty white, without striae : beak fmall, near one end, a little reclined* teeth ra-' ther distant from each other, with a fmali hollow between them. 37. SOLEN. Razor-sheath. 188. S. SUiyua. Linear, straight : hinge with a single N. a.. US WORMS. TESTACEA. 37. Soles. tooth in one valve, and a lateral lamina; in the other valve two, with a lateral inclined lamina. Br. Zool. t. 45. y. 20. Donovan, t. 46. Da Cost. t. 17. f. 5. Shell an inch long, 8 broad, truncate at one end, a little rounded at the other, olive-brown, grey with purplish bands when worn* divided diagonally by a conoid cinereous mark, one part striate longitudinally the other tranfverfely '.hinge near one end. 189. S. Novacula. Linear, straight : hinge with a strong obtuse curved tooth in each valve, without lateral laminae. Montague Brit. She/Is, ^47. Shell refembling S. Siliqua, except in the teeth. 190. S. Ensii. Linear, a little bowed: hinge with a single tooth and lateral lamina in one valve, locking into two teeth and a double lamina in the other. Br. Zool. t. 45. f. 22. Donovan t. 50. Lister t. 41 i.f. 257. Shell hardly am inch long, about 5 broad, coloured divided and striate like S. Siliqua, truncate and a little rounded at both ends : hinge at one end. 191. S. Vagina. Linear, straight, a little reflected at the end next the hinge : in each valve a single compres-* sed tooth without lamina?. Br. Zool. t. 46. f. 21. Donovan, t. no. Barbut t. ?../. 4. Shell 3 quarters of an inch long, about 4 broad, orange-yellow, striate longitudinally, rather truncate at both ends : hinge clofe to one end. 192. S. pellutidm. Oblong, slightly bowed, pellucid : hinge with a single tooth in one valve locking into 2 in the other, with a lateral lamina in each. Brit. Zool. t. 46./. 23. Donovan, t. 153. Skill a quarter of an inch long, about an inch broad, thin, brittle, covered with a greenish skin, rounded at each end. 193. S. Legumen. Straight, linear-oblong : hinge the middle, with a single tooth in one valve, and the other, and a hook-like process in each, pointing towards the cartilage. Br. Zool. t. 46. f. 24. Donovan t. 53. Shell nearly an inch long and 3 broad, thin, white or covere 1 with a yellowish skin, rounded at both ends, radiate from the hinge to the margin. 194. S. antiquatus. Oblong, a little contracted opposite the hinge: hinge central, a single subulate tooth in one valve, locking between two in the other. Donov. t. 114. Br. Zool. t. 46.7. 9.5. S. CultelliiF. Shell near an inch long, 2 broad, thin, white or covered with a yellowish-brown skin, femitranfparent, concentrically striate, rounded at the ends : teeth projecting beyond the margin, in one valve a single fubulate one, in the other two, one of which is iubu- late, the other broad. 195. S. minutus. Suboral, transversely wrinkled : valves with each 2 rows of concave spines running from (lie beak. Montague. Brit. Shells, t. \.f. 4. Chemn. conch. 6. t. 6./. 51. 52. Shell* quarter of an inch long, half an inch bi^ad, whitish, trun- cate clofe to the hinge, with generally dissimilar valves. 190, S. v&*ptrtinu$. Oval-oblong with pak* purple rays -. WORMS. TESTACEA. 38. TelHna. 149 hino:c nearly central with a single tooth in one valve locking between 2 in the other, and a projecting lami- na in each. Dr. Zool. t. 47. f. 27. Donovan t. \\-f- 2. Tellina. Shell An inch and a quarter long, nearly 2 and a half wiilc, white or pale flesh-colour, radiate with purple from the beak, concen- trically striate, purplish within. 191. S-. stpiamosus. Nearly orbicular, flat, thin, pellucid, minutely punctured:* hinge .! central,, with 2 double teeth diverging each side. Montague Brit.^hdls. f. 565. Shell 4 lines long, half an inch broad, white with a few concen- tric strix, within with obfcure rays from the hinge : teeth erect, a furrow on the margin dividing each into two laminoe nearly to the beak, where they unite arfd form an acute angle. 198. S. Pinna. Subovnl, pellucid, semicircular opposite the hinge : hinge running straight from the beak and connecting the valves nearly to the end : in each valve a blunt tooth running straight from the beak. Montague Brit. Shells, p. 566. tab. i6./. 3. Shelly lines long, 3 quarters of an inch broad, thin, brittle, white, strongly wrinkled concentrically, fmaller and declining a little to- wards the beak : valves one a little convex, the other fomewhat concave : beak fmall, near the. fmaller end : teeth not locking, into one another. . 38. TELLINA. 199. T. Ferroensis. Oblongroval, flat, radiate with red and white and finely striate transversely : hinge with- out lateral teeth. Da Costa t. \.f. i, Donovan, t. 60. T. trifasciata. She II 3 quarters of an inch long, an inch and a half broad, more produced and obliquely truncate on the fore-part : teeth 2, oblique, in each valve : beak fmall, nearly central, with an oblique elevated ridge running down to the end where it forms an angle. 200. T. squalida. Sub-oval, flat, pointed at the small end,paleyellowish, faintly striate concentrically: hinge with 2 teeth in one valve and 3 in the other, the lateral- one remote and laminate at the base. Donov. t. 1 63. Montague Brit. Shells, p. 56. Shell an inch long, an inch and 3 quarters bfoad, thin, foinetimc^ covered with a brown skin; one valve reflecting a little at t>r fmall end and forming a depression on, the furface, the other turning inwards to correfpond..: beak fmall, central. 201. T. l&ta. Oval-oblong, flat, equilateral, with strong concentric strise : hinge with 3 teeth and a remote lateral lamina, the outer tooth on. the antcrio? side cloven. Donovan t. 123. Tvinequistriata. T. punicea. Gmat." Shell 3 quarter*. of an inch long, an inch and 4 lines broad, yel- lowish-white or pale rofy, unequally, striate, equivalve.: beaA fmall, pointed : hinge in the middle. 202. T. donacina. Sub-oval, flattish ? much sloping on the anterior-end, nearly smooth, semipellucid : bingo with 2 teeth in one valve, and one in the other, Chsm, Cvnch, 6. f, 12. /, 119. JLinm Trans, vrii. t, i. /, 7, J50 WORMS. TESTACEA. 38. Tellina. Shell half an inch long, 3 quarters broid, .yellowish radiate \vith red, obfcurelv striate : beak final 1, nearer to one end : teeth in one valve 2, that behind the beak extending into a lateral lamina. 203. T. tcnuis. Sub-oval, Hat, thin, glossy, slightly stri- ate, somewhat pointed at the anterior end : hinge with a lateral laminate tooth in one valve. Donov.t. ig.f. 2. Br.Zoot.l.^S.f.zy. T. planata. an inch long, 3 quarters broad, feniipcllucid, brittle, \vhitish, yellow, or red, with a few concentric otriae and lighter bands : beak fmall, nearly central. 204. T. striata. Suboval, flat, thin, scmipellucid, finely striate, rosy white: hinge with a lateral laminate tooth in both valves. Chemn. Conch. 6. t. 12. /. 117. Montague. Brit. Shells, p. 60. Shell an inch long, 6 lines broad, rofy-white, within rofy white round the margin, indented at the slope : beak fmall, pointed, nearly central : differs from T. tenuis in its regular tranfverfe strioe, and its thick lateral teeth. 205. T. Fabula. Oval, compressed, a little produced at one end, one valve obliquely striate longitudinally, the other smooth : beak turning a little to one side. Donovan, t. 97. Montague p. 61. . 7. Shell 6 lines long, an inch broad, bluish-white or yellow, thin, pellucid, rounded at one end, produced to a point at the other, contracted at the margin near the frnaller end : beak fmall, nearly central, pointed, turned a little to one side : hinge with 3 teeth in one valve and 2 in the other. 206. T. slmilis. Oval, compressed, rounded at both ends, both valves obliquely striate longitudinally five-sixths of their surfaces : beak not curved. Sowerby Brit. Miscell. ii. tab. 75. SA?//refembling the last, except in having both valves diagonally striate over nearly the whole furface, in not being produced to a point at the fmaller end and not contracted near it, and in having the beak straight. 207. T. solidula. Suborbicular, a little convex, produced at one end ; hinge with 2 small teeth in each valve. Br. Zoo!, tab. 4Q./. 32. Da Costa t. 12./. 4. Montag.p. 63. Shell 3 quarters of an inch long, rather more broad, strong, white or red, with often intermediate shades, often variegated with con- centric red yellow or whitish bands: within glabrous, red, white, or yellow: beak nearly central. 208. T.fausla.. Suborbicular, rather compressed, semi- pellucid, finely striate: hinge with strong lateral teeth, the primary one in each valve cloven. Donovan tab. 98. Linn. Trans, viii. t. \.f. 8. Shell 3 inches long, a little more broad, white, with a bend at the posterior margin : beak fmall, nearly central, not turning to one side. 209. T. crassa. Suborbicular, fiat on the upper-valve, strong, thick, closely striate : hinge with 2 teeth in each valve, one of which is cloven, and 2 lateral teeth in the deeper valve. Br. Zool. t. 48.7. 28. Doneu. t. 103. T. rigida. Shell* inches long, an inch and a half broad, yellowish-white with pale pink rays, the lower-valve convex. 210. T, reticulata. Suborbicular, subdiaphanous, com- WORMS. TESTACEA. 38. Tellina. 151 pressed, finely reticulate : hinge with 2 small central teeth, and broad lateral laminate ones. Barbut Shells, t. 3.7. 6. Linn. Trans, viii. t. i.f. 9. Shell an inch and a quarter long, a little more broad, yellowish white, with numerous raifed concentric striae crossed by fainter ones : beak fmall, prominent, nearly central, turning a little one way. 211. T. Radula. Suborbicular, a little convex, rough with numerous sharp concentric striae : hinge with 2 teeth is each valve, without lateral ones. Montague t. 'i.f. 1.2. Donov. t. 130. Venus borealis. Slieil an inch and a half long, nearly as much broad, white, with fometimes rofy bands, with a heart-shaped cavity under the beak,, and a flexuous one at the posterior end : beak central, turning a little to one side. 212. T. bimaculata. Subtriangular, rounded, faintly stri- ate, with a deep red spot each side the beak: hinge with primary and lateral teeth. Donovan t. ig./. i Lister, t. 38 j./. 232. Shell half an inch long, 6 lines broad, whitish, with the red fpots deeper on the inside, fometimes marked with a few purple rays : beak a little oblique : teeth large. 213. T. lactea. Orbicular, thin, convex, irregularly srri- ate, white : hinge with 2 teeth in one valve ana one in the other,, and a deep lateral groove in each valve. Montague t. 2./. 4. Petiu. Gaz. t. 93. /. 18. Shell 3 quarters of an inch long, about as much broad, with a few irregular wrinkles : beak fmall, oblique. 214. T. rotundata. Orbicular, rather convex, thin, subpel- lucid, obscurely striate : teeth 2 in each valve, one of them cloven, the other slightly diverging. Montague Brit. Shells, p. 71. tab. z.f. 3. Shell about an inch wide, white, rather glossy, fometimes a little narrower at one end : beak fmall, oblique. 215. T . flexuosa. Suborbicular, convex, thin, pellucid, finely striate, with a groove across ending in an indenture in the margin : hinge with an obsolete tooth. Donovan Brit. Shells, t. 42. /. 2. Venus sinuosa. Shell not half an inch acrofs, white, with a groove from behind the beak running parallel with the cartilage slope and forming a flexure in the margin : beak much produced, oblique : hinge with a groove along the margin. 216. T. carnaria. Suborbicular, a little produced at one end, pale rosy, striate in a concentric oblique and transverse direction : I hinge with 2 teeth in one valve, one of which is cloven, and one in the other. Donovan t. 47. Chemn Conch. 6. f. 13 f. 126. Shell above half an inch long, a little more broad, often marked with deeper concentric belts, within rofy, finely striate in 3 di- rections : beak nearly central, rather oblique: hinge with, remote lateral laminate teeth. 217. T. inequivalvis. Oblong, much produced towards the beak, one valve nearly flat, the other hinge with 2 teeth, without lateral ones. 152 WORMS. TESTACEA. 39. Cardium. Donovan t. *\\.f. i. Cliemn. Conch 6. t. n.f. 9.z6.a~d Shell half an inch long, an inch broad, white, fub-pellucid, arched along tbe cartilage slope, rounded at the larger end. 218. T. maculata. Subovul, thickish, decussately striate, with irregular spots. Adams Linn. Trans, iri. p. 252 Shell with the fpots dissimilar in different fpccimens, but per- fectly alike in both valves, 39. CARDIUM. Cockle. 219. C. aculeatum. Convex, slightly truncate and pro- duced on one side, with about 21 ribs grooved down the middle and beset towards the margin with strong spines. Br. Zool. t. 50. /. 37. Donovan t. 6. Rarbitt t. %.f. 10. Shell about 4 inches wide, yellowish-brown with rufous bands or marks, rounded and tuberclcd on the anterior side, a little trun- cate on the other : fpincs increasing in size towards the larger end, 220. C. spinosum. Convex, tender, abruptly truncate and produced at one end, with 20 prominent ribs armed with long flat sharp spines. Sawerby Brit. Miser//, i. tab^z. Shell refcmbling C. aculeatum, but is more tender and abruptly truncate, pale rufous : fpints prickly, fomewhat flattened longitu- dinally with the shell, the larger-ones furrowed, those on the nar- row side curved towards the hinge, thoCe of the broader side curved from the hinge. 221. C. echinatum. Convex, rounded, with about IS carinate ribs beset with numerous close-set convex spines. Donovan t. 107. /. i. Da Cvsta t. ^\.f. ?. Shell 2 inches and a half wide, differing from C. aculeatnm in l>trng quite rounded and in not having the ribs grooved, and from C. fpinofum in not being truncate raid in having tlve fpines shorter and more obti:fe. 222. C. ciliare. Orbicular, thin, with about 18 sharp 3-sided ribs beset with short flat pointed spines. Donovan t. 32. /. 2. Br. Zool. iv. t. 50. /. 39. tf/KvY about 3 quarters of an inch long, "brittle, whitish, with flat grooves. 223. C. tiiberculatum. Convex, strong, thick, with about 20 obtuse tubercled transversely striate ribs. Donovan t. 107. f. 2. Lister. Couch, t. 320. Shel! convex, ponderous, generally brown with darker band.?; the ribs fprinkled with a few knobs. 2^4. C. noilosum. Flat, suborbicular, with 24 ribs co- vered with close-set obtuse tubercles. Montague Brit. Shells, p. 81. . 6. Shell 3 quarters of an inch wide, reddish-white, strongly toothed on the margin, glossy-white within. 225. C. l&vigatum. Somewhat oval, strong, with obso- lete longitudinal stria?, and a few transverse wrinkles concealed by a thin cuticle. Br. Zcol. t. 51. /. 40. Donov. t. 54. Da Cost. t. 3 WORMS. TESTACEA. 41. 42. 41. DOXAX. 250. D. Tnmculus. Oblong, glossy, finely striafe longi- tudinally, with transverse purple bands, within purple with crenate margins. . Br. ZooL t. 55. f. 45. Donovan, t. 29. f. i. Shell 6 lines long, an inch and a quarter broad, yellowish with brown and purple bands : be-ak fmall, near the abrupt end, 251. D. denticulata. Somewhat wedge-form, strong, thick, much truncate at one end, longitudinally stri- ate with the interstices punctured, denticulate on the margin. Br. ZooL t. 55. y. 46. Doxovan tab. 24. D. crcnulata. Shell 7 lines long, an inch broad, brown yellowish or purple, variously banded and rayed, much sloped at the larger end, purple within : beak nearer the larger end : hinge with a lateral tooth each side the middle-ones. 252. I), complanata. Oblong, smooth, glossy, yellowish with white streaks or spots, and a broad white ray from the beak to the margin. Montague t. ./. 4. Lister t. 384. /. 227. Sliett 6 lines long, an inch and a quarter broad, yellowish or pur- plish, often covered with a polished skin, rarely with a few ohfo- letc tranfverfe stria:, within purple with the margin fmooth : beak near one end. 203. D.plebeia. Oblong, suboval, thick, smooth, glossy, yellowish horn-colour with 2 browu rays from the beak : teeth both strong. Montague. Brit. Shells, p. 107. t. r } ,f. 2. Shell about half an inch long. 3 quarters broad, strong, with a few distant concentric striae, pale and glofsy within, the margin smooth : beak nearer one end : hinge with a lateral tooth. 254. D. casfanea. Strong, thick, with a few irregular transverse ridges, chesnut with a darker curved ray from the beak : one of the teeth small. Montague Brit. Xftetis. afp. p. 573. t. 17. f. 2. Shell a quarter of an inch long, 3 eighths broad, chesnut and glofsy within with the margin smooth : beak obtuse, rather leaning to the longer side : hinge with a large and a small tooth in each valve, without lateral-ones, 255. D. Jrus. Sub-oval, whitish, with transverse waved rncmbnmaceous reflected ridges finely striate longitu- dinally between the interstices. Donovan t. 29. /. 2. Da Costa t. ij./. 6. Shell about the size of a frnall kidney-bean, fometimes nearly cir- cular or oblong, opake, rugged, within white or Mesh-colour with the margin fmooth : beak fmall, oblique : teeth cloven, one exceptcd. 42. VENUS. 256. \.faticiuta. Somewhat heart-shaped, with large broad depressed ridges of equal thickness at both ends : beaks much curved. Donovan t. 170. Da Costa tali 13. f. 3. tilu-li 10 lines long, an inch broad, variously rayed and banded with brown red or yellow, refemblcs V. Paphia, but is mor- rounded, and the ridges are more flattened and not gfowing obfo- WORMS. TESTACEA. 42. Venus/ 15T lete towards the extremities : beak central, with a heart-shaped depression beneath it. 2dT. V. vtrrucosa. Suborbicular, convex, with strong rai- sed ridges forming membranous protuberances to,- wards the outer margin which is crenulare. Jbonov. t. 44. /?r. Zool. I. 54. /. 48. Da Cost. t. i-z.f. i. Shell about 2 inches long and as much broad, dirty-white with often a rufous tinge, within white, fmooth", crenulate at the margin, rugged with wrinkled knohs at the sides, in the young shell fometimes faintly striate longitudinally, Donov. t. 115 : beak central) curved, beneath which is a heart-shaped depression. 258. V. Gallina. Somewhat heart-shaped, with obtuse recurved concentric striae and 3 or 4 rufous-browa stripes from the beak : hind-tooth minute. 2?r. Zool. t. 56. /. 50. Donov. t. 68. Linn. Tr. vi. t. 17. /. 7. 8. Shell about an inch long, one and a quarter broad, foraetimes whitish brown and plain, often with rufous fpots, but moft com- monly with 3 or 4 broad stripes which are ufually marked with eigzag darker lines, within white with a crenulate margin : beak curved, with a heartshaped depression under it 259. V. islandica. Suborbicular, convex, strong, irregu- larly striate, covered with a brown skin, within pure white : beak without the depression under it. Donov. t. 77. Br. Zool. t. 53./. 47. Da Costa t. i$.f. 5. Shell 3 inches 3 quarters long, 4 and a quarter broad, whitish co- vered with a glossy yellow-brown skin, within white with a plain margin : beak curved to one side : teeth 3, the middle-one double, the lateral-one linear oblique, crenulate. 260. V. Chione. Somewhat hearted, strong, faintly wrin- kled, covered with a smooth glossy chesnut skin, with faint darker rays. Donovan t. 17. Da Costa t. \$.f. 7. Shell 3 inches long, near 4 broad, within glossy-white, with a plain margin : beak oblique, turned sideways, with a heart-shaped depression beneath it: teeth 4, the 2 middle-ones approximate and lanceolate, the a lateral-ones divaricate. 261. V, exoleta. Orbicular, strong, with regular close- set striae, generally pale with obsolete broad rays. Br. Zool. t. 54. f. 49. t. 66. f. 49. Donovan t. 42./1 i. Shell 2 inches wide, fometimes white and plain, oftener with broad or narrower pale rays, within fmooth white with a plain margin : beak curved, with a short heait-shaped depression under it. 262. V. undata. Orbicular, thin, convex, with fine irre- gular striae ; the margin undulate. Br. Zool, t. 55. /. 51. Donov. t. 121. Linn. Tr. vi. t. 17. /. 17. 18. Shell an inch and quarter broad, a little more in length, white with a yellowish tinge, within glossy with a plain margin: beak a little carved, without depression under it. 263. V. Casino. Suborbicular, with transverse acute re- curved ridges, crenulate on the hind-margin, slightly channelled behind the depression. Linn. Trans, viii. t. a./, i. Br. Zool. t. 54. /. 48. A. Shell an inch and a half wide, refembling V. verrucofa, but the ridges are more acute, and do not form protuberant knobs at the outer margin, white with angular brownish lines : plaits broader or narrower^ nearly uniting : hinge thick. 264. V.lactea. Orbicular, thick, flattish, with regular 158 WORMS. TESTACEA. 42. Vends. thick obtuse raised striae, slightly truncate ante- riorly. Donovan's- Brit. SMfs v. tab. 149. Shell about an inch and a half wide, white, with very thick ob- tufe ridges,. a little truncate on one side: beak curved. 265. V. tigerina. Orbicular* thin, flat, white* striatc longitudinally and crossed with numerous fine traus- verse one*. Montague p. iig_ t. \.f. i. Lister t. 337. /. 174. Shell 3 quarters of an inch long, near an inch broad, with fume- times a purple tinge on the edges, reticulate, glossy-white withiu with a plain margin : bta-h pointed, a little curved. 266. V. sinuosa. Thin, convex, with a very-deep sinuosi- ty on the* margin in front 5 , the edges of which are obtuse. Pennant Bf it. Zool. iv. tab. 55 r /. 51. A. Shell 3 quarters of an inch broad, about half an inch long* 287. V.ovata. Subo.val, somewhat compressed* opaque, brown, strongly striate longitudinally -with finer trans- verse ones, Br. ZooL t. 56. f. 56. Walk. min. sh.f.. 12. Cardium. Shell 4. lines long, half an inch broad, reticulate, white or flesh- colour \Vithio with the margin slightly crenate : beak nearly cen- tra!,, a little curved. 268. Y. minima* Suborbicular, glossy, with broad con- centric striae, flesh-colour with a red streak each side in the middle near the margin. M&Adtgue Brit Shells p. i at. tab. $./. 3. Shell a quarter of an inch long, rather more broad, rather cnm- pressed, generally with 2 shortened white lines like the letter V, the point of which is at the beak, and at the ends of which is a red streak pointing towards the margin, within glossy-white with the margin plain : beak prominent, a little curved. 269. V. subcordata. Somewhat heart-shaped, strong, white, with strong longitudinal ribs crossed by remote tfansverse ones, much sloping on the anterior side from the beak. Montague Brit, SheJls.p. i2t. tab. $./. t. Shell a. quarter of an inch wide, reticulate, with the interstices a long fquare, within glossy-white slightly crcnate- on the margin: beak nearer one end, much carved. 270. V.granulata. Suborbicular, thick, whitish with chocolate and livid marks, strongly ribbed longi- tudinally and striate transversely, crenate ou the margin. JDonovan. t. 83. Che m. Conch. 6. *. 30. /. 3,1 3. Shell 8 lines long, an inch broad, strongly reticulate* variegated with purple and livid fpots and lines, dark purple within : beak curved, with a heart-shaped depression beneath it. 271. V. deflorata. Suboval, thin, semipellucid, with undulate longitudinal striae crossed by a few wrin- kles, whitish faintly radiate with purple. Br. Zool. t. sj.J. 54. Chem, Conch. 6. t. g./. 79. Shell an inch long, one and 3 quarters broad, white with a yel- lowish or purple tinge, purplish within; beali nearly central' and straight*. WORMS, TESTACEA. 42. Venus. 159 232. V. defussat-a. Somewhat oval, strong, reticulate, somewhat angular and produced at the anterior side, brown, within while with purple spots near the hinge. Donovan t. 67. Br. Zaol. t. 57-/. 53, V. litterata. Shell i inches long, 3 broad, often marked with dark, zigzag characters or lines, strongly reticulate at the ends : btak oblique, beneath which is a lanceolate depression : hinge, with 3 teeth, 2 of them cloven. 273. V. PuUastra. Suboval, finely and regularly decus- sate, somewhat truncate at the anterior end, brows with zigzag lines or rays. linn. T ran/act, vi. f. j 7 ,/. 13. M . Shell very much refembling the last, but fmaller, and tfi tri are finer and more regular, the cicatrix running down more than half the breadth of the shell, and is constantly marked with grey brown or purple zigzag lines : teeth 3, approximate, pectinate. ^If4. V. per/orans. Sub rhombic, transversely striate, Winkled on th anterior skte, light-brown : 2 of the teeth long, slender, recurred, the middle-one a little cloven. Montague Brit. Shells p. 127. tab- 3./. 6. Shell about 4 lines long, and 6 broad, with rarely e. longitu- dinal striae; white within with a plain margin, and generally tinged with purple at the truncate end: beak f mall,, a little oblique. 275. V. vu-ginea. Suboval, strong, transversely striate with a few deeper furrows, rounded at both ends: middle tooth cloven. Er. Zool. n. 55. t. 55. jS. 95. tab. 3>f. 3. Shell resembling the last, bu.. is more gibbous, and not quite equilateral, withia white with a crenulate margin: teeth about 10, transverse. 284. A. lactea. Rhombic, yellowish- white, covered with a brown hairy skin, closely and regularly striate longitudinally with a few concentric ridges. Donovan t. 135. Br. Zool. t. 58. /. 59. Shell an inch and a half long, 3 quarters of an inch broad, some- times reticulate, sometimes rounded at both ends, sometimes a WORMS. TESTACEA 45. Pecten. 161- little truncate, within white with a plain margin : beak nearly central, incurved. 285. A. No 63. *. With the spires reversed. Walk. /. 64. Shell minute, white covered with a brown skin, criasson when the inhabitant is alive, convex above, fiat beneath, with 10 grooved joints in the first spire. 325. N. crjspus. Spiral, with the aperture semi cordate : outer whorl with about 20 flexuous crenate joints. Adams Micr. 1. 14.7. 30. Wolk. mi*. Shells, f. 65. 4Af// minute, opake, white, granulate and marked with flexuoui strias, the outer edge carinate ; umbilicabe each side, wilh a central siphon. 36. N. lavigatulus. Spiral, semipellucid, white, glossy, with smooth joints. AdamtMicrt.t. 14-/.32. Walk.f.fy. Miaute. 3S7. N. rotatus. Spiral, smooth, with a semicordate apperture, and 6 joints marked with raised flexuous striae ; the keel very entire. Montague Brit. SkeUs. t. 1 5. /. 4. N . C al car. 328. N. dcpressulus . Spiral, opake, white, subumbili- cate both sides, with numerous depressed joints. Adams Micr. t. 14. /. 33. WalA.f.CS. Minute. ^29. N. umbilicatula^ Spiral, opake, white, umbili- cate, with grooved joints. ddams Micr. t. \\._f. 34. Walk.f. 69. .Minute. 330. N. crassulua. Spiral, thick, white, umbilicate both sides, with fine joints. Adams Micr. t. 14. /. 35. ll'alk.f.TQ. Minute, 33 [. N. lacustris. Spiral, smooth, pellucid, horn-colou with 4 whorls bordered on the outer edge with an opake whitish spiral line. P.hilot. Trans. 76 t. i. Montague t. 6. f. 3. Shell about 2 lines broad, comprefsed, slightly carinate, some- times rufous brown, with 3 joints in the outer whorl, Hat and' deeply umbilicate beneath : aperture semidvate. 332. N. lobalulus. Spiral, lobed, flattish, confluent, warty, with semilunar very thin partitions. Adams Microfc. p, 642. tab. 14. f. 36. Shell minute, white or yellowish, more or less orbicular or ob- long, convex above, flat underneath, with 6-8 parallel lobes : aper- ture very narrow. 333. N. carinatnlus. Whitish, transparent, carinate, with a narrow oval aperture. Adams Microfc. t. i.f. 37. Walker /. 72. Minute. WORMS. TESTACEA. 51. Cypraea. 16T Shell minute, arched on the back, with 7 joints. 334. M . semililuus; Opaie, brown, elongated, slfghlly arched, incurved at the tip> witli raised joints: uper- tare with a small produced siphon. Adams After, t. 14.7, 3^ Walker I. 73, Minute. 335. N.Legwnen. Subconic, nearly straight, compressed, jointed, margined on one side, with a lateral siphon. Montag,ue Br. Shells, supplemen. tab ig.f.6. Shell minute, cultrate at the tip on one side, slightly curved oa the other. 33$, N. rectus. Opake, brown* nearly straight, smaller at the end; with smooth depressed joints: aperture a small siphon, Walker minute sfreiis f. 74. Montagu* p. 197. 33! N. Radicula. Opake, brown, stibconic, nearly straight, with 8 or 9 smooth subglohular joints. Montague Erit. shells, t. \\.-f* 6. t. 6*f. 4. Shell with sometimes from 2 to 5 joinst, the terminal-one sometimes much produced, sbmetinues short : aperture a small siphon. 333. N. sbarcuatus. Glossy- white, pellucid, subcylin- drical, slightly curved, with 3 globular joints, the rest hardly denned. Montague Brit, Shells. p. 198. t. 6./. 5. Minute. Shtll often covered with a brown skin, and varying in having sometimes 10 distinct.joints. 339. N. jugosus. Opake, brown, subcylindrical, slightly curved, with 9 subglobular ridged joints. Montague Brit. Shells, t. 14. /. 4. Minute. 310. N. costatus. Subcylindrical, straight, with 12 raised joints furnished with 4 equidistant strong ribs running the whole length of the shell. Montague t. 14-. f. ,5. Joints sometimes only 6. 51. CYPR/EA. Cowry, 3-11. C..Pedicuhis. With numerous transverse furrows, some of which are forked. Nun* Borl. Cornw. t, 28./. 12. Donov. t. 43. Da Cofta t. %./ 6. 2. Smaller, pale, purplish or flesh-colour, without spots. Borl. Cornw. t. 28. /. 13. Br. Zool. t. 70. /. 82. Shell above half an inch long, glofsy, tumid on the back, pale purple or whitish, and generally marked with 2 or 3 dark spots down the back, but sometimes without them, crofsed with transverse raised striae some of which are divided by interrae- ' diate shorter-ones. 342. C. bullata. Smooth, white, thin, pellucid, slightfy produced at the top into 2 or 3 small convolutions. Ifontaguc Brit, Shell f. p* 202. tab. 6. /. i . Shell reiembling the last, sometimes without transverse striae ; sometimes faintly striate half way from the back to the inner- lip, the other half finely striate longitudinally ; margin of the outer lip not thickened. 168 WORMS. TESTACEA. 52. Bulla. 52. BULLA. : 343. B. lignaria. Ohovate, thin, yellowish-brown, with numerous pale transverse striae ; the crown narrower and slightly umbilicate. Sr. Zool. t. 70. /. 83. Donovan t. 9.7. Da Costa t. i. /. g. Shell nearly a inches long, with a very large aperture which is contracted at top, white within : pillar flexuous and visible up to the crown. 344. B. Ampulla. Oblong-oval, smooth, glossy, whitish mottled and varied with light-brown; the crown narrower and slightly umbilicate. Montagne Brit. Shell, p. 206. tab. "j.f. \. Shell hardly half an inch long, with a wide aperture at bottotta : pillar not visible to the end: spire none. 345. B. patula. Oblong, glossy white, smooth, length- ened at each end into a canal, slightly umbilicate at top. Br. Zool. tab. 70. /. 85. A. Donov. t. 142. descrip. t, 143. Shell about an inch long, involute, the aperture narrower to- wards the top, produced at both ends, one end more elongated, with a flat margin: : pillar twisted* 346. B. aperta. Suborbicular, pellucid, white, faintly striate, almost entirely open. Donovan t. 120. /. i. Da Costa tab. 2. /. 3. Shell about half an inch long thin, brittle : pillar small, slightly involute, visible to the end. 341, R. Haliotoidea. Suboval, pellucid, white, slightly striate; the aperture closed at the top where it is twisted sideways into 2 whorls. Montague t. "j.J", 6. Vign. 2. f. 6. Shell 3 quarters of an inch long, half an inch broad, thin, very open but closed and twisted obliquely at the top. ^48. B. Plumula. Ovate-oblong, depressed, pellucid, yellowish-white, concentrically wrinkled, almost en- tirely open, rounded and convolute with a single turn at top. Montague tab. 15. /. g. fign. a,/. 5. Shell half an inch long, a quarter broad, and nearly as broad at top, tinged with brown at one end, Wrinkled Within, open over the whole shell : pillar-lip slightly turned in. 349. B. Cattna. Ovate, white, pellucid, transversely striate, almost entirely open, obtuse at top with a. single turn. Montague t. 7. /. 7. Linn. Trans, v. t. i.f. 6-8.? Shell minute, With chain-like striae, slightly umbilicate. 350. B. emarginata. Pellucid, smooth, gibbous, with the aperture emarginate and the lip slightly arched. Adams Linn. Trans, v. tab. i.^f. 9. 10. M. Minute. 351. B. denticulata. Oblong, white, pellucid, nearly equal, obtuse, smooth; the aperture at top ending in a very acute tooth. Adams Lion. Trans, v. tab. i.f. 3. 4, 5. Minute. 352. B. Hydatis. Oval, brittle, subpellucid, tumid, \VORMS. TESTACEA. 52. Bulla. 169 slightly wrinkled longitudinally, umbilicate at top without volution. MentagueFign. i.f. 1-5. Da Costa t. i.f. 10. Donovan t. 88. She U an inch long, 3 quarters broad, very open but contracted at the upper end, greenish or yellowish-horn-colour, fometimes finely striate tranfverfely : pillar not visible to the end. g5j. B. Akera. Oval, membranaceous, horn-colour, with a convolute truncate channelled crown. Donovan t. 79. B. resiliens. Shell about 3 quarters of an inch long, nearly half broad, pellucid elastic, slightly wrinkled tranfveri'ely, white within: aperture much contracted at top : pillar visible to the end. g54. B. cylindracea. Cylindrical, slender, smooth, white, deeply umbilicate; aperture very narrow, a little dilated at the base. Br. Zool. 85. Donovant. 12O./. 2. Mont, t. j.f. 2. Shell about 6 lines long, 2 broad : pillar a little indented, without volutions, but only deeply umbilicate : aperture linear, a little wider at the baCe. 355. B^ umbilcata. Oblong-oval, smooth, white, rounded and umbilicate at the top; aperture very narrow, a little dilated at, the base. Montague Brit. Shells p. 222. tab. 7*f. 4. Minute. Shell refembling the last but is not fo cylindrical, and its breadth is about one half its length. 356. B. retusa. Subcylindrical, opake, white, longitudi- nally striate on the upper-part, truncate and umbili- cate at top; aperture very narrow, a little dilated at the base. Mantague t. -j.f. 5. Linn. Trans, v. tab. i.f. i. 2. 5 hell minute, with confpicuous involutions. fcoT. B. obtusa. Subcylindrical, opake, white, longitu- dinally wrinkled, convolute and obtuse at top ; aper- ture narrow, dilated at the base. Montague tab. j.f. 3. Walker min. Shells J. 62. ,Sfe// ; about 3 lines long, half as much broad, often covered with a chefnut skin, with 4 or 5 slightly produced whorls ; aperture a little compressed in the middle, not reaching quite to the top. j58. B. diaphana. Suboval, smooth, pellucid, white, ven- tricose, with 3 or 4 somewhat pointed whorls at top; aperture closed at top, very open below. Montague. t. j.f. 8. Br. Zool. t. 7 i.f. 87 ? ShfU about 4 lines long, 3 broad, slightly .produced to a point at top : pillar plain, not visible to the end. 359. R. fontinalis. Oval, pellucid, light ^horn-colour, ventricose, with 4 or 5 reversed, hardly produced obtuse whorls ; aperture oblong, 3 fourths of it* length. Da Costa p. 96. tab. 5. j~. "6X Turbo adversus. Shell half an inch long, a quarter broad, fometimes with a fe\V longitudinal and tranfverfe -ridges ; the terminal whorls very fmall. 3g0. B. rivalis. Oval, pellucid, yellow horn-colour, with 4 or 5 reversed whorls tapering to a fine point : aper- ture oval-oblong* 170 'WORMS-. TESTACEA. 53. Volute; Chemn. Conch. g. tab. 103. /. 877. 878. Shell half an inch long, a quarter broad, yellow, very brittle, ra- fembling B. fontinalis, but is generally larger, exactly oval, -the whorls are very obtuie, and the aperture more contracted toward* the top. 36!. B. Hypnorum. Oval, glossy, pellucid, horn-colour, with 5 or 6 reversed whorls tapering to a line point, aperture ovate-lanceolate. Lister t. 1059.7. 5. Walk. min. She Us f. 54. Turbo. Shell above half an inch long, a quarter broad: refembles B. fon- tinalis, but the body is not ib ventricofe, the upper-whorls are produced to a fine point, and the aperture is shorter and narrower. 53. VOLUTA. Mitre. A. With the aperture entire. 362. V. tornatilis. Oval, pointed at each end, spirally striate and banded : pillar with a single fold. Br. Zool. t. 7 1./. 86. Donovan t. 57. Da Costa t. 8./. 2. Shell hardly an inch long, pale red with 2 white bands and nu- merous longitudinal minute striae : whorls 8, the first very large : aperture contracted, long. ' 363. V. denticulata. Oval, semipellucid, brown, with a raised rather pointed spire ; pillar with 3 or 4 plaits ; the lip denticulate Denov. t. 138. Montague Suppl. tab. 20. f. 5. Shell nearly half an inch long, horny-brown, with a purplish top: whorls 7 or 8 : aperture oblong-oval, half the length of the shell ; the outer-lip with 2 or 3 tubercles. The younger shells have a single fold on the pillar-lip, and the lip is without the tubercles. 364. V. alba. Oval, white, opake, finely striate longitu- dinally, with an obtuse spire of 4 whorls, and long narrow aperture. Adams Murosc. t. 14. /. 7. Walker min. Shells/. 61. Shell one tenth of an inch long, with obtuie whorls. 365. V. unidendata. Conic, smooth, glossy white, with 5 or 6 hardly raised whorls: pillar with a single tooth. Montague Brit. Shells. p. 324. Turbo unidentatus. 366. V. spiralis. Conic, glossy white, with 4 or 5 whorls; the largest with transverse spiral ridges half way from the base:; the rest finely ribbed lon- gitudinally. frlontagne Brit. Shell, f. 323. tab. -\i.f. g. Turbo fpiralis. Shell minute, pellucid, glabrous, rather obtufe at top: whorLs flattish, well feparated by a fine fpiral ridge : aperture fuborbicular : pillar with a single fpiral fold. 367. V. intcrstincta. Taper, glossy-white, with 5 flattish finely ribbed whorls : pillar with a single small tooth. Montague Brit. Shells, p. 324. t. 12./. 10. Turbo. Shell minute, obtufe at top : whorls w_ith longitudinal ribs, pa- pillous towards the feparating line : aperture fuboval. 368. V.plicata. Slender, glossy white, with 6 smooth nearly flat whorls : pillar with a single tooth-like fold. Montague Br. Shells, p. 325. Suppl. t. 21. /. 2. Turbo. Shell minute, taper, fubpcllucid, with a fine feparating line, ob- WORMS. TESTACEA, 51. Buccinum. 171 tfe at top: whorls- not ribbed: aperture fr.boval, contracted a little to an angle at the upper-part: refernbles V. unidentata, but is more obtufe, and the pillar instead of a tooth is furnished with a single fold on the inside. 369. V. ambigua. Rather taper, white, with 6 or 7 flat- tish whorls : pillar with an obscure fold: aperture suborbicular. Montague p. 325. Suppl. t. 21. /. 4. Turbo pallidus.- Sheil minute, rather pointed, with a well defined feparating line: outer-lip arched : pillar With a fmull umbilicus formed by the re- flection of its lip. 370. N.pallida. Cylindrical, smooth, white, obtuse and hardly whorled at top : pillar with 4 folds. Donovan t. 66. Da Cost, t. a./. 7. Bulla. Shell half an inch long, a quarter broad, oblong-oval, pure white, the upper-whorl extremely finall : aperture narrow, reaching nearly the whole length. Refembles Bulla cylindracea, but has an evident fpire and plaited pillar. $71. V. catenata. Oblong-oval, smooth, white, with 4 opake white bands dotted with red : pillar with 4 folds. Montague Br. Shells p. 236. tab. 6./. a. Sheila, quarter of an inch long, fubpellucid, with 4 opake bands of white oblong fpots connected in a chain-like manner by fmall rufous fpots or streaks : fpire hardly visible, very obtufe : outer-lip dilated, not margined, thick : aperture narrow, reaching nearly the whole length. 372. V. tews. Oval, quite smooth, swelling, with a very short spire : pillar with 2 folds : outer-lip gibbous, slightly denticulate. Donovan t. 165. Montague p. 203. t. 6.f. 7. Cypraea. Shell hardly half an inch long, greenish or yellowish-white, with fometimes a rofy tinge, rounded and a little reflected at the bot- tom, gibbous towards the top, with about 3 very short whorls : aperture narrow, the whole length of the shell. 54. BUCCINUM. Whelk. 373. T&.undatum. Oblong, coarse, with deep transverse undulate striae : whorls 7 or 8, undulatcly ribbed. r* Zoo!, t. 73./. 90. Donov. t. 104. Da Cost. {. 6./. 6. 2. Without the undulate ribs. Br. ZooL t. 74. /. 91- Shell about 5 inches long, generally with a rufous tinge, rough : aperture oblong-oval. 374. B. glaciate. Oblong-oval, nearly smooth or finely striate transversely : whorls 7 or 8, undulately ribbed, the lower one slightly carinate. Donovan Brit. She/is v. tab. 154. Shell refembling the last, but is more elongated and faintly striate, the outer-lip fmooth, the larger whorl fomewhat carinate, and the plaits are visible a little way only beyond the junctures of the whorls : aperture oval ; outer-lip thick, fpread, finely striate. 375. B. Lapillus. Oval, pointed, rugged, spirally ridged: pillar-lip broad, flattish, impressed near the top. Br. Zool. t. 72. /. 89. Donov. t, n. Da Costa t. -j.f. 1-4. Shell about 2 inches long, with 5 or 6 whorls, white or yellow, with fometimes a fpiral yellow or pale chefnut band or two, when young entirely rough with raifed hollow membranaceous fcales, which difappear on the larger whorl in its advanced stage ef p 2 m WORMS. TESTACEA. 54. Buccinuia growth, When old covered with longitudinal fcales : apetture oval t outer-lip thin, slightly crenate, with fometimes 5 tooth-like pro- jections on the inside one over the other: pillar-lip tranfverfely rugged on the outside, with a slight impressed hollow near the top, and projecting into an angle in the middle within. $76. B. reticulatum. Oblong-oval, strongly reticulate; the outer-lip toothed, not thickened at the back. r. Zool. t. 72. f. 92. Donov. t. 76. Da Costa t. ?./. 10. Shell nearly an inch and a half long, brown or varying in colour, strongly ribbed tranfverfely and longitudinally, pointed : outer-lift rarely without teeth Br. Zool. t. 72. /. 88 ; inner-lip broad* glossy : npetture oval. 377. B. Macula. Oval, reticulate, outer-lip toothed, gib- bous at the back : a small dark-purplish spot at the outer edge of the canal. Montague Br. Shells t. 8.f. 4. Br, Zool. t. 79. Shell about half an inch long, varying in colours: affrture fubor* bicidar ; inner-lip broad, faintly denticulate. 378. B. ambiguum. Subconic, thick i ochraceous, faintly striate transversely, with strong distant ribs swelling into tubercles at the junctures : outer-lip thickened, slightly denticulate. Montague Brit. Shells p. 242. tab. p,/. 7. Shell about half an inch long, with 11-15 longitudinal ribs, gene-, rally rising into tubercles at the top of each fpire, fometimes varied with a few ferruginous fpots : inner-lip folded back, with a tooth-like ridge on the upper part. 379. B. bilineatum. Oval, smooth, whitish, with bands of brown spots; the larger-whorl with a double row of tubercles. Br. Zool. t. 79. Lister t. 6g8/. 63. B. decussatum. Shell about 2 inches long, with 2-4 bands ; upper whorls fmoothr aperture fuboval ; outer-lip slightly toothed, inner rugged and granular. 380. B. hepaticum. Oblong-oval, pointed, brownish,. strongly ribbed, tubercled near the junctures of the whorls : inner-lip with a tooth-like ridge. Montague p. 234.**. 8./. i , Lister t. 975. /. 50. Shell an inch long, and 5 eighths broad, tapering to a fine point, liver-colour with generally a White band : whorls 7 or 8, strongly ribbed, with a tranfverfe depression near the top of each whorl, cutting the ribs into fmall knobs : outer-lip plaited, thick. 38!. B. Perdix. Suboval, tumid, yellowish-brown undu- late with white, with flat transverse ridges ; aperture without, teeth. Montague tab. 8./. 5. Lister C&nch. t. 984. /. 43. Shell about the size of a nut, fpotted and marbled With white, with broad flat ribs: whorls 5 or 6 : pillar slightly umbilicate j outer-lip thin, not reflected, expanded. 382. B. lineatum. Conic, pointed, smooth, with alter- nate chocolate-brown and white spiral bands. Donovan tab. 15. Da Costa tab. 8./. 5. Shell a quarter of an inch long, varying in number and difposition of the bands ; outer-lip marked by the brown bands on the margin. 383. B. cinctum. Conic, white, ribbed, with a filiform rufous brown line round the middle of. each spire. WORMS. TESTACEA. 55. 56. 173 Montague Brit. Shells p. 246. tab. i^.f. i. Shell hardly a quarter of an inch long, clofely ribbed and ob- fcurely striate tranfverfely : outer-lip denticulate within, with a fmall rufous fpot on the edge, and another at the upper-angle of the aperture : aperture contracted. 38A. B. minimum. Conic, chesnut-brown, ribbed, and decussate by transverse stri tubercled by the strong ribs being crossed by raised striae : aperture oval, ending in a very long straight canal. Montague Brit. Shells p. 262. tab. g.f. 2. SW/half an inch Jong, white with a flesh-colour or greenish WORMS. TESTA CEA. 56. Murex. IT3 tinge, generally covered with an orange-redskin: whorls a little protuberant : aperture with the canal longer than the rest of the shell : outer-lip sharp, toothed at the edge ; margin crenulate Within. 401. Tiirricula. Taper,.whUe, ribbed, striate transversely,, with the whorls flattened at top : aperture narrow- oblong ; the outer-lip angular at top. Montague Brit. Shells tab. 9. fig. i. Donovan t. 156. Shell 3 quarters of an inch long, white, rather glossy, ending in a fine point, with 7 whorls riiing perpendicular over each other ; the ribs angular at top : pillar-lip frnooth. 402. M. rufus. Taper, pale rufous-brown, with 15 or 16 small ribs, striate transversely: aperture narrow, oblong. Montague Brit. Shells, p. 263. n. 9. . Shall 3 quarters of an inch long, with 6 whorls, fomctitnes of a chefnut colour : pillar-lip fmooth. 403. M. sinuosus. Taper, white, or pale with a white band, with 7 strong ribs, striate transversely : aper- ture oblong-oval, with a deep cavity at the upper- angle of the canal. Montague Brit. Shells tab. g./. 8. Donovan t. 169. /. 2. Shell 3 quarters of an inch long, thick, with 6 whorls: euter~lip thickened by a rib; inner-lip replicated. 40 1. M. fiainflius. Vcutricose, white, with 12 or 13 acute longitudinal ribs, not striate transversely : beak a little reflected. Donovan Brit. S/;?//j- v. tab. 160. f. i. Shell above an inch long, whitish, strongly ribbed, but not striate tranfverfcly, the first whorl very large; canal a little recurved: aperture, oval. 105. M. costafus. Oblong, tuper, with 6 whorls and 8 or 9 very obscure longitudinal ribs, not striate trans- versely : beak a little reflected. Donovan t. 91. Da Costa t. 8. /. 14. Shell not a quarter of an inch long,, purplish-brown, chocolate, or yellowish-white, with often deeper tranfverfe bands : aperture oblong ; the outer-lip thickened : beak hardly any. 406. M. attenuatus. Slender, tapering to a very fine point, yellowish-white, with 8 whorls and 9 longi- tudinal ribs : aperture narrow-oblong. Msntague Brit. Shells p. 266. t. g.f. 6. 5/re//halfan inch long, not striate tranfverfely, with the whorls hardly raifed : aperture very narrow, ending in a canal. 407. M.gracilis. Slender, yellowish-brown, with 9 or 10 flattish whorls and 13 ribs, striate transversely : aperture oblong-oval. Montague Brit. Shells, p. 267. tab. 15. /. 5. Shtll-A.n inch long, with generally a white band rourid the larger xvhorl, and purplish brown between the junction of the whorls ; outer-lip slightly crenate within. 403. W. Nebula. Taper, with 8 ribbed whorls, finely reticulate; the whorls hardly raised above the line of separation : aperture oblong-oval, oblique. 'Montague Brit, Shells p. 0.67. -tab* \,f. 6, 1T6 WORMS. TESTACEA. 56. Murex. Shell about half an inch long, very sharp-pointed, yellowish, white, purplish-brown, pale rofy, or rufous, fometimes with the reticulations white : whorls feparated by a fine thread-like line : aperture narrow ; the canal turning a little to one side ; outer-lip sharp. 409. M. septangularis. Taper, pale brown, with 1 or 8 strong smooth whorls and 1 longitudinal ribs : aper- ture oval-oblong. Montague Brit, shells tab. 9 /. 5. Donov. t. 179. /. 4. Shell 5 eighths of an inch long, with 7 angular ribs hardly inter- rupted by the feparating line: outer lip sharp, contracted to an angle at the upper-part, where the margin is a little indented ; beak very short. 410. M. fuscatus. Taper, yellowish-brown, with 10 or 12 very short, tubercled whorls; the volutions with 3 or 4 crenulate striae between the tubercled spiral ridges. Lister tab. i2i./. 17. Br. Zool. t. 82. /. 111*? Shell about an inch and a half long : apetture fmall, oval, ending " in a fmall canal ; the bafe fpirally striate. 411. M. tubercularis. Taper, chesnut-brown, with 9 or 10 tubercled whorls separated only by a slight de- pression : aperture small, oval. Montague Brit. Shells. p. 270. n. 17. Shell a quarter of an inch long, pointed : aperture fmall, ovalj ending in a canal, fomewhat inclofed by the pillar turning inward. 412. M. adversus. Taper, pointed, light-brown, with 10 or 11 reversed tubercled spires : aperture oval. Donovan t. 159. Adams Micr. t. 14. /. 12. Turbo. Shell hardly half an inch long : whorls hardly defined by the fepa- rating line, with 3 rows of tubercles on each ; the middle row fmaller : aperture ending in a slight straight canal ; the bafe with 2 or 3 fpiral ridges. 413. M. reticulatus. Taper, rufous brown, with 11 or 12 strongly reticulate whorls : aperture oval, angular at the upper part, contracted into a slight canal at the lower. Da Costa Brit. Shells p. 117. tab. 8 /. 13. Shell above half an inch long, strong, with 4 fpiral r4dges on each whorl crossed by longitudinal rather oblique -furrows, with fome- times a strong rib or two crossing fome of .the whorls : aperture contracted into a very slight canal ; outer-lip a little indented j bafe not reticulate. 414. M. minutissimus. Taper, pellucid, with 5 spirally striate whorls and remote ribs : beak closed. Adams Linn. Trans, iii. p. 65. Minute. 415. M. contrarius. With 4 reversed swelling whorls, marked with doubled striae : aperture oval, with a dilated canal. Lister t. 950.7. 44. I, c. Chem. Conch. g,f. 894. 895. Shell about 2 inches and a half long, oval, with rounded whorls : Aperture oval, ending in a dilated straight canal. 0&jr. Dr. Lister having marked this fpecies as British, declaring it to have been found at Harwich by Dr. Dale, there no question of the propriety of its place here* WORMS. TESTA CEA 57. Trochus. ITT 57. TllOGHUS. Top Shell. 416. Tr. zkiphinus. Conic, irn perforate at (lie base spirally striate, the edge of each whorl with a raised smooth margin. r. Z00/. /. 8s./. 103. 104.. Donov.t. 5*. Da>Ct>fta t. &/. 3. 4. Shell an inch long, nearly as much broad, .pointed, with 7 or 8 -A'horls, livid or pale red varied with darker lines and wave?, within iridefcent: aperture angular: bafe ilattish, with circular strfae, without fpots. 117. Tr. tennis. Come, imperforate at the base,, spirally granulate, no f margined at the edge of the whorls. Montague Bfit. Shells, t. io./. 3. Denovan t. 127. Shell an inch and a quarter long, rather less broad, brown or jeddish with deeper marks : whorls with feveral rows of minute granulations, but without the raited ridge at the edge : base with feveral circles of fmall reddish fpots. 418. Tr. exiguus. Conic, imperforate at the base, spi- rally crenate, the edge of each whorl with u raised tubercled margin. Donovan t. 8../. 2. Da Dosta t. Costa t. 7.f. it. Shell an inch and a half long, whitish, fometimes mixed with brown or ferruginous : wkorls rounded, feparated by a deep groove : aperture margined. 43!. T. Clathratulus. Taper, with 5 or 6 whorls and about 15 approximate longitudinal ribs. Mams Microsc. t. 14. /. 19. Walk. min. Shells f. 45. Shell minute, white, opake, refemhling the last, except in size, number of whorls and difposition gf the ribs : aperture margined. 43^. T. niiidissimns. Taper, acute, pellucid- white, with 9 smooth much raised and rounded whorls. Montague Br. Shell F p. 299. tab. i2.y. i. Shell one tenth of an inch long, very slender, with the whorli much fwollen and feparated by a deep depression. 433. T. unicus. Taper, acute, pellucid white, with 9 rounded and raised whorls finely striate longitudi- nally. Montague t. 12./. 2. Walker f. 40. Adams t. \\.f. 7. Shell 2 tenths of an inch long, with the striae fomewhat undulate, the intermediate fpaces with extremely fine tranfverfe ones: aper- ture inclining to oval. 43 i. T . dupticatm. Taper whitish, with 1 4 or 1 5 whorls each marked with 2 prominent acute transverse ridges. Br. Zool, t,-8i.f. 112. Donovan t. 112. Da Costa t. 6./. 3. Shell 2 inches and a half long, finely striate acrofs between the ribs : aperture-fubov&l. 435. T. subtruncatus. Tapering to an obtuse point, pellucid yellowish-white, with 6 or 7 swollen smooth whorls. -Montague Br. Shells f. 300. tab. io./. i. Shell 2 tenths of an inch long, fometimes with a few faint lon- gitudinal striae : aperture inclining to oval. 436. T. truncatus. Cylindrical, glossy, pellucid, horn- colour, with 4 smooth swollen whorls, abrupt as if truncate at the point. Montague Brit. Shells p. 300. tab. to./. 7. Shell 2 tenths of an inch long, rarely with a few longitudinal striae, or crenulate in the futures : whorls feparated by a deep line : aperture slightly margined, fuborbicular. 437. T. littoreus. Suboval, pointed, spirally striate ; the first whorl very large: outer-lip thin and spread- ing. Perriwinkle. Br. Zool. t. 81. /. 109, Donovan t. 33. /. i. 2. 'Shell about an inch long, with about 5 whorls feparated by a fine line, various shades of red brown or yellow, plain or fpirally banded with various colours : aperture fuborbicular, 438. T.jugosus. Suboval, tumid, with 4 spirally grooved whorls ; the first very large : outer-lip thin, slightly crenate. Montague Suppl. t. 20. /. 2. L. Trans, viii. t. $./. 7. Shell 3 eighths of an inch long, not much pointed, dull yellow or fulvous, with fometimes a greenish or purple cast, with white grooves : pillar broad, fmooth. 439. T. tenebrosus. Subconic, rather obtuse, dark choco- 1St> ^VORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Turbo, late 'brown, with 5 striate whorls, the first very muck inflated. Montague Br. Shells. Supp/em. 4. Shell a (quarter of an inch wide, dark chocolate brown,, within dark purplish brown: whorls- tumid, the first occupying half' the shell : lips thin. 440. T. pttrtLm. Conic, acute, purplish-brown, with 5 faintly and irregularly wrinkled whorls : Aperture pear-shaped. * Montagiit Brit, Shells p. 403. ; HeItK petrira-, Shell above a quarter of an -'inch tengj vvithih'dec^ 'glossy purple; the first whorl very much fwollc-n and occltpying two-thirds of the shell. It is fometiroes variegated w-ith white or rufous. 441. T. Ziczae. Subconic, rather acute, slightly striatc, hlueish, with 5 or 6 whorls ; the larger-one carinate at the base. Linn, Transact, \\ii.p. 6o. tab. \.f. 14. Shell a quarter of an inch long, white towards,the lip : aperture suborbicular, contracted towards the tip. 412. T. ritdis. Suboval, smooth or faintly striate, with 5 distinct tumid whorls : lip thick, glossy within. Donovan (. 33.7. 3. Linn. Trans. viii./y. 159. t. 4.7. 12, 13; Shtil about 3 quarters of an inch long, dirty yellow or brown, refembling the last, but the whorls are feparated by a deep line : aperture nearly orbicular. 44:*. T. mammillatus. Suboval, striate with raised'dots, and sightly angular by a few of the striae, the dots of which are larger. Donovan. Brit. Shell* v. tab. 173. Shell hardly an inch long, yellovnsh-white, with fometimes % deep band or two, elegantly striate and marked with raifed dots : aperture orbicular. 444. T. striatulus. Suboval, slightly cancelled ; the whorls striate on the upper-part, and marked with 3 raised membranaceou* ridges on the lower. Da Costa t. 8. /. 10. Montague t. io./. 5. S/K// hardly a quarter of an inch long, white; \vith 4 or 5 whorls, each ending in a flattop, striate longitudinally : apcrtur* fuborbi- cular, angular at the upper-pan, 445. T. vinctus. Conic, smooth, sub pdlucid, rufous horn- colour with purplish-brown or chesnut bands : whorls 6, rounded. Montague Brit; Shells pi 307. n. 14, Shell about 3 eighths of an inch long, fometimes light horn- colour with faint bands, fometimes plain ; the low-er-whorl with commonly 4 or ,5 bamls, the 2 next with each two : tip fin all, not pointed : zer./j/>. thick,. white, ending in a narrow channel. 446. T. auriculans. Con, smooth, subpeHucid, light horn-colour, with.5 much rounded whorls : lip much reflected, tbrming an angle about the middle. Montague Rrit. Shells p, 308, n. 15, i'/ic 1 // 3 eighths -of an inch long, rather pointed, the whorls di- vWed by a deep line: aperture fuboval,.or ear-shaped: inner-lip much reflected, with a narrow channel behind the angle, 447. T. crassior. Conic, thick, pointed, yellowish-white, with 5 rounded whorls : pillar-lip wrinkled. WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Turbo- 181 tf'alter min. Shells /. 24. Montague p. 309. Shell half an inch long, often covered with a thin yellowish- brown skin, beneath which arc a few obscure striae on the larger v;liorl : Up and inside white. 417. T.patlidus. Conic, thick, pale, with 5 rounded slightly bicarinate whorls : pillar smooth. Donovan Brit. Shells, v . tab. 178. /, 4. Me// half an inch long, with the lower-whorl swelling : aperture suboval, margined. 4t8. T.parvus. Conic, strong, with 5 or 6 rounded coarsely ribbed whorls. Vonau. t. go. Linn. Tr. t. 13.7. 29.30.7. 15. iG.var. Shell about an eighth of an inch long ; white, chefnut, or pale rufous, often variegated, sometimes ribbed on the lower whorl only, sometimes worn smooth : aperture suborbicular. .419. T. costatus. Glossy-white, with 4 or 5 much : raised whorls with strong longitudinal ribs and fine trans- verse striae : lip bordered by a prominent grooved rim. Montagjff't. to./. 6. Linn. Trans. Hi t. \%f. 13. 14. Shell about the eighth of an inch long, rather obtuse ; aperture suborbicular with a ridge at the upper angle running, transversely backward : lip bordered by a strong prominent grooved rim, striate in the depression. 450. T. striatus. Pellucid, glossy- white, with 6 rather rounded whorls transversely striate and faintly ribbed on the upper-part : aperture suboval, margined. Linn. Trans, iii. t. 13.7 25. 26. Walk. min. Shells, f. 49. Shell about an eighth of an inch long, sometimes covered i/pith a brown skin, rather pointed, finely and regularly striate across i tip hardly acute. 451. T. Bryercus, Conic, strong, glossy- white, with 7 smooth finely ribbed whorls : pillar-lip smooth. Montague Brit. Shells tab. 15. /. 8. Donovan t. 178.7. 3. Shell nearly a quarter of an inch long, resembling T. costatus, but i& double the size, has more numerous and finer ribs, and is Without the transverse striae : Up not margined, 452. T.coniferus. Taper, white, rather obtuse: whorls 6, with about 12 strong undulate ribs, somewhat pa- pillous at the line of separation. Montague Brit. Shell, p. 314. te-A.'5./. 2. Shell*, quarter of an inch long, thick, with about 12 undulate ribs, the tops of which at the sutures have the interftices formed into fmall cavities giving them a warty appearance, very finely .triate acrofs : apei lure oval, oblique, strongly margined. 453. T. denticulatus? Conic, white, obluse : whorls 6, with 9 or 10 oblique ribs denticulate at the line of separation. Montague Btit. Shells, p. 315. n, 23. Shell a quarter of an inch long, fubpellucid, refembling the last, but has only 9 or 10 ribs not undulate nor striate between : aperture fuborbicular, not margined, but thickened at the rib, 454/ T. Ct'meo:, Oblong-oval; white, strongly decussate, forming the interstices into raised dots. Donovan t. z.f. i. Da Costa t.B.f,6.g. SheU an eighth of an inch long, thick, rather obtufe, with 4 Q 182 WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Turbe. strongly cancelled whorls : nurture fuboval, with a thick margin . the outer-lip crenatc within. 455. T. ventrosus. Conic, smooth, thin, horn-colour, with 6 much rounded whorls : aperture suboval, with an entire margin. Montague Brit. Shells. p. 317. tab. !2./. 13. Shell zn eighth of an inch long, pale horn-colour, pellucid, rather pointed : aperture orbicular-oval. 456. T. U(v&. Conic, pointed, thick, rufous-brown, with 6 or 7 "hardly raised whorls : aperture subova), with a slight depression behind. Br. Zoot. t. 86. /. 120- Montague p. 318, Shell about a quarter of an inch long, opakr, with the whorls feparated by at mall line : inner-lip reflected, forming a fmall de- pression behind. 457 . T. sukumbUicatw. Conic, smooth, rather obtuse, yellowish-white, with 4 or 5 very tumid whorls : aperture exactly oval, with a slight umbilicus. Montague p. 316. Pu.'tn. Dorset, t. i8./. 12. b. Shell an eighth df an inch long, differing from ttie two last in hiving the aperture exactly oval, from T. ulvae in having the whorls very much fwollen, and from T. ventrosus in having the inner-lip a little reflected and forming a .slight umbilicus or groove. 458. T. Pullus. Oval, smooth, with 4 or 5 much roun- ded whorls: aperture large, suborbicular, a little produced on the fore part, Donovan t. a./. 2-6. Da Costa t. B../. 1-3. Shell 3 eighths of an inch long, gloisv, white with red or pur- plish marks variously difpofed in bands fpoti or lines ; the first whorl very large. 459. T. ruber. Conic, smooth, pointed, reddish-brown, with 5 rounded whorls : aperture suborbicular, a little reflected on the pillar. 4dams Linn. Trans. 3. tab. \3.f. i. 43. 2. White, perfectly tranfparent. Montague p. 321. Shell an eighth of an inch long or rather more, with rounded whorls divided by a -fine feparating line. 460. T. reticulatus. Conic, pointed, light-brown, with 6 much raised strongly feticulate wherls: pillar subumbilicate. Adams Linn. Trans. 3. ft. 66. tab. 13./. 19. 20 Shell the tenth of an inch long, whitish-brown, opakc : aperture suborbicular, margined : inner-lip fpreading on the pillar, forming a groove or slight-umbilicui. 461. T. scmicostatus. Conic, short, white, with 4 or 5 rounded whorls, the largest of which is faintly ribbed and obscurely striate transversely. Montague p. 326. Suppl. tab. 21 ./. 5. Shell half a line long, obtusely-pointed, with the ribs not exten- ding to the lower part of the whorl where the transverse striae commence: aperture suborbicolar : pillar-Up a little reflected ; pillar smooth 462. T. unifasdatus. Conic, short, smooth, with 5 flattish whorls, the larger of which arc marked with a pur- plish-brown ban^l or two. WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Turbo. 183 >:>>r.tjgueSuppl. t. to./. 6. L. Trans. 5. t. i./. 13. 14. ,>/Zc/;an eighth of an inch long, with the bands near the junctions el the whorls, seldom extending to the third : aperture suboval ; iimcr-lip spreading, unpcrforate. 463. T. niuosus. Rather slender and obtuse, smooth, white, with 5 or 6 much rounded whorls : inner-lip and pillar quite smooth and even. MonUgue Brit. SheMt. p. 326. n. 39. Shell about a line long, glofsy, with a suboval aperture: resem- bles Voluta interstincta, but is without the tooth and the ribs. 464. T.lafnoaus. Subconic, pointed, pale horn-colour, with 1 or 8 flattish whorls ; the 3 larger ones with 15 or 16 obscure ribs. Montague Brit. Shtlls. t. i3-/. 7. Helix labiosa. Shtll about a quarter of an inch long, fubpcllucid, with frequently a purplish tip, within white : aperture oval : outer-lip thin, slightly reflected, generally purplish-brown, a little gibbous on the back ; pillar undulate within, forming a fmalltooth-like elevation. 4G5, T. Cingiltus. Conic, with 6 flat whorls marked with alternate bauds of horn-colour and chesnut* brown, obscurely striate. Montague t. is./. 7. Donovan t. 178. /, i. T. vittatuc, Shell above the eighth of an inch long, fubpcllucid, pale brown at the tip, with generally 3 chefnut bands on the larger whorl, not visibly striate in the older ones : aperture fuboval, contracted at the upper-part : cuter-lip thin, not turning outward* : inner-lip a little thickened. 460. T. quadiifusciatus. Subconic, smooth, white, with mostly 4 faint brown bands : v hurls 4, the iirst very large and slightly carinate. Montague p. 328. Supplem. tab. 2O./. 7. Shell hardly a quarter of an inch long, fometimes plain White, fornetimes with two of the bands on the fccond whorl, fometimej with the bands united and forming a broad ones: aperture fubor. buular: lip thick, with an acute margin : pillar broad, sinuate, umbilicate. Refembles Helix can*lis, but is thicker and more opakc, has an angular appearance at the bafc cf the larger whorl, and the outer-lip is thick. 467. T. interraptus. Subconic, pellucid, smooth, with 5 slightly raised whorls, white with longitudinal interrupted ochrriceous streaks. Montague Supplem. t. ao./~. 8. Donovan t. ijS.y. a. Shell the eighth of an inch long, rather pointed, pale horny or white : aperture fuborbicular ; inner-lip reflected, 468. T. rctiformis. "White, opake, with 4 tumid reticu- late whorls : aperture suboval. Wa\ker minute Shells /. 37. Minute. 469. 'l.sti-igalus. White, opake, with 3 whorls; the first with 3 transverse ridges : aperture suboval. Walker minute Shell, f. 38. Minute, 410. T. carinatuius. White, opake, taper, carinate, with 1 whorls, and contracted margined aperture. Adams blurt sc. t. 14. /. 8. Walk, mi it. Shrllsf. -54. 471. T. Sandriceims. White, pellucid, with 3 reticuli.te whorls, and oval 1- toothed aperture. Adorns Mierotz, t. 14, /. 23. Walker f. ^5. 181 WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Turbo. 472. T.fulgidus. Subconic, pellucid, smooth, with *j whorls, the first very large, variegated white and bronze. Montague p, 322. Adams Linn. Trans, iv.p. 531. She/I half a line long, glossy, variegated white and bronze, ufually in bands, with a fmall obtufe point : aperture fuborbicular, with a thin margin. 473- T. albulus. Opake, with 5 longitudinally ribbed whorls : aperture roundish not margined. Adams Linn. Trans, m./i. 66. tab. 13. f. 17. 18. 47 i. T. scriptus. Smooth, opake, with 3 whorls marked with brown lines resembling characters : aperture roundish. Adams Linn. Trans. \\\.p. 65, tab. 13. /. n. 12. The lines exactly refemble thofe on the Lichen scriptus. 415. T. subarcuatus. White, pellucid, a little curved towards the tip, with 10 longitudinally ribbed \vhorls, Adams Linn. Trans. \\\. p. 66. tab. 13. /. 27. 28. 476. T. Adamm. Pellucid, with 6 spirally striate whorls remotely ribbed : aperture oval. Adams Linn. Irons. 111. f, 13. /. 31. 32. T. elegans. 477. T. divisus. White, pellucid, with 4 whorls, the up- per-half of each smooth, the lower-half spirally striate : aperture suboval. Adams Linn. Trans, iii. p. 254. 478. T.subrufus. Smooth, opake, with 5 whorls some- what angular above, dull red, with a white trans- verse band on the upper-part of each whorl. Adams Linn. Trans, v. />. 3. tab. i./. 18. 19. B. Lund and fresh water , icith regular wreaths. 479. T. Muscontm. Oval, obtuse, smooth, yellowish- brown, with 6 whorls : aperture margined, tooth- less. 2. Pillar-lip with a single tooth. 3. Half the size, toothlefs : aperture not margined. Donovan t. 80. Da Costa p. 89. t. $./. 16. Shell above the eighth of an inch long, pellucid, brown when filled with the inhabitant : aperture fuborbicular, with a white margin a little reflected, forming a depression. 480. T. sexdentatits. Oval, obtuse, smooth, brown-horny, with 5 rather rounded whorls : aperture 6-toothed. Montague Brit. Shells p. 337. t. 12. /. 8. Shell a line long : aperture fubangular, with mostly 4 teeth on the outer lip and 2 on the inner : the young shells have only 4 teeth. 481. T. t ride us. Subcylindrical, smooth, obtuse, light brown, with 6 or 7 hardly raised whoris : aperture 3-toothed. Montague Brit. Shells p. 338, tab. 1 1 ./. 2. Shell* quarter of an inch long, pejlucid, with a single tooth on the margin and 2 near the bale of the pillar, and iornetimes 2 finaller alternate ones : aperture fmall, curved. 482. T. Curychium. Subconic, white, pellucid, obtuse, faintly stria'e longitudinally, with 5 rounded whorls : aperture with 2 teeth and the rudiment of a third. WORMS. TKSTACEA. 58. Turbo. 183 Montague Brit. Shells Suppl. t. 2-2. /. 2. &r//hardly a line long : aperture fuboval, contracted, margined ; outtr-lip thickened inwards in the middle by a knob : pillar-lip with ii teeth, and generally the rudiment of a third above the other. 483. T. Jumped. Subcylindrical, obtuse, opake, brown, with 8 or 9 obliquely striate whorls : aperture 7- toothed. Montague Brit, Shells p. 340, tab. is,/. 12. Shell above a quarter of an inch lung, with the whorls slightly raifed : aperture fuborbicular, margined, reflected, white, with 3 ridge-like teeth on the outer-lip, and 4 on the pillar: behind the pillar lip at the bafe is a large cavity. 481. T. elegans. Suboval, grey with a purple tinge : whorls 5, tumid, strongly striate spirally and crossed \f\l\\ faint longitudinal-ones. r. Zool. t. 82. /. nc. Donovan t. 59. Da Costa t. 5. /. 9. b/W/ 5 eighths of an inch long, fohietimes marked with inter- rupted bands or longitudinal streaks of purplish-brown, often purple at the tip which is rather ohtufe : aperture orbicular, slightly reflected, the margin faintly striate, covered with a horny fpirally striate lid : pillar-Lib with an obfolete cavity behind it. 1S.3. T.fontinalls. Subconic, thin, horn-colour, tinibt- Jicate, with 4 or 5 much rounded smooth or very finely wrinkled whorls. Donov. t. ic'-i. Montague Suppl. t. 22. /. 4. Shell about a quarter of an inch long, fubpellncid, with very protuberant whorls, very minutely striate longitudinally, rather obtufe ; aperture quite orbicular: pillar with a fuiall per- foration. 486. T. nautileus. Pellucid, light horn- colour, with 3 or 4 whorls hardly rising one above the other, annulate across, and crested on the hack. Transact. viii./>. 169. tab. .f. 4. Shell \.\\t eighth of an inch wide, generally covered with a brown skin, furnished with distant raised annotations, which rise on the back into short crests or spines, flat and urnbihcate underneath : aperture truncate, orbicular. 487. T. cristatus. Siibpellucid, pale horny, flattish above, umbilicate underneath, with 3 or 4 cylindrical whorls. Walker Minute Shells /. 18. Shell the tenth of an inch wide, fiat t top, vith the \vhorls very faintly striate : aperture circular. 488. T. depressus. 8ubpellucid, slightly rugged, pale horn-colour, umbilicate underneath, with 4 whorls : aperture circular. Montague Brit, Shells p. 439. t. 13 /. 5. Helix. Relembles the fast but is less, more solid and opake, and is without fpire : tip more prominent. 489. T.fuscus. Brown, opake, with 5 striate whorls, and suboval aperture. Walker minute Shells f. 42. Minute. 490. T. Rivulus. White, opake, with 4 striate whorls, and an oval margined aperture, Walfor minute SMI*/. 57, 186 WORMS. TESTACEA. 58. Turbo, C. With the whorls turning in a contrary direction. 491. T. bidrns. Taper, smooth, brown, pellucid, with 10 or 11 whorls slightly crcnate in the suture : aperture 2-tood two on the pillar, with a protuberance at the anglf of the lip ; fometimes with 6 teeth, and even with the rudiment? .flf ft feycnth- sptrtxre slightly margined, \r}. H. Spirorbis. Horn-colour, flat, concave on both skiesj with 5 or 6 cylindrical whorls. Mentdgus frit, Shells f. $$$. 5/0/ t. 23. /. 2, 188 WORMS. TESTACEA. 59. Helix. /;,*// 3 tenth-: of an inch wide, pellucid, yellowish-horny, equal and concave on both sides : apfrture oval. 505. H. contort a. Chesnut, liar, equal both side??, slight- ly umbilicatc : aperture linear-lunate, acute at the ends. Donovan t. 99. Da Costa t . .4. /. 1 1 . Shell 2 tenths of an inch wide, horn-colour or rufous, with ^ or 6 whorls concave each side : aperture refenibling the moon in its first quarter. 506. H. alba. Pale horn-colour, flatfish,, finely striate,. umbilicate both. side* : aperture dilated luuuie. Montague Krit. shells p. 459. Suppl. t. 25. /. 7. Simlt a quarter of an inch long, pellucid, covered with a hrown skin, above Battish beneath convex: zvltorls 4, cylindrical, minutely striate longitudinally and acrofs. 507. Il.fontana.. Horn-colour, flafy obtusely carinafe,. umbilicate at the base, with 3 whorls coin ex on both sides : aperture semiovate. Montague Brit. Shells, p. 462. tab. 6./. 6". Skell hardly 2 tenths of an inch wide, perfectly fmooth, refc rn- bling the Nautilus lacustris, but is less convex on the upper-sidt , and is without the partitions within : aperture half oval, pointed at top, dilated towards its connection with. the shell. 508. H. pnlwlosa. White, smooth, flat, umbilicatc, a little convex above: aperture nearly orbicular,. with a thick reflected margin. Linn. Tranfact. viii./>, 193. tab. \.f. 5.. 2. With the whorls striate or membranaceously annulate. iightfoot Philos. Trans. 76. t.^.f. 1-4. Turbo. Sheila, tenth of an inch wide, with 4 whorls, fubpellucid, with a clear white opake margin to the aperture. 509. H. Ericetorum. Fiat, whitish with a brown splra 1 band or bands, and very large perforation. J3r. Zool. t. 85. /. 12?. Donov. t. 151. /. 2. Da Costa t. $.f. 8. Shell 3 quarters of an inch broad, one quarter high, white or yel- lowish white, with fometimes feveral bands on the large whorl : aperture fuborbicular, with a thin margin hardly reflected. 510. H. cingenda. Yellowish-white with brown spiral bands, with a convex obtuse spire, slightly umbili- cate : aperture suborbicular. Br. Zool. t. 8,5./, 133. Montague Suppl. t. 24. /. 4. Shell 3 quarters of an inch wide, half an inch high, fmooth, with 5 whorls, the larger-ones a little flattened at top ; the upper-part with broad bands, and numerous darker interrupted ones ; beneath with a single ciiiate band ; mhorls a little raised, finely reticulate, dark chocolate-brown at top: aperture with a thin margin. 511. XLvirgata. White with a purplish brown band, convex: aperture suborbicular, with a fine white raised line round the margin within. ST. Zool. t. 85. /. 133, A t . Donovan i. 65. Da Corta t. \.f. 7. SM! hSf an inch wide, with a single fpiral band from the bafe to the tip, and ?feveral circular lines of the fame colour round the bafc, within pale purplish-brown with a white raifed thread-lik* line round the margin; fometimes rufous or pale with a white band : perforation narrow, deep. 512. II. caperaia. White with purplish-brovwi bands, WORMS. TESTACEA 59. Helix. 1&9 tipt with black, striate longitudinally, slightly marinate and depressed. Montague Brit. Shells p. 430. tab. 1 1. f. 1 1. Skett nearly half an inch wide, a quarter high, regularly striate longitudinally, with a purplish-brown band above, often inter- rupted with white, beneath with lines of the fame colour; fome- times dark-brown or grey with a white belt and fpots : aperture lunate, with a thin lip. 513. H. rufescens. Rufous-brown, slightly wrinkled, somewhat carinate and depressed : aperture semi- lunar. Er. Zoo!, t. 85.7". 127. Donovan t. itf.f. t. Da Costa t. $.f. 6. Shell half an inch wide, with numerous longitudinal striae or obfcure wrinkles, with 4 or 5 whorls, the first with an obfcure palci ridge : outer-lip thin, a little reflected at the lower angle : perfora- tion large, very deep. 514. H. Cantiana. Pale rufous with a blueish tinge, slightly striate and depressed : aperture suborbi- cular. Donovan t. 157. /. 2. Montague Supp!. tab. 23. /. i. She Ll 3 quarters of an inch wide, refembling the last, but differs in colour and size, in wanting the slight keel on the back of the first whorl, in the place of which is frequently a pale band, in having a fmaller perforation, and in being obfcurely striate. 515. H. nitens. Fulvous horn-colour, pellucid, slightly striate, depressed : aperture large, lunate. Linn. Trans, viii. t. .f. 7. Montague Suppl. t. 23. f. 4. Shell nearly half an inch wide, thin, brittle, glossy, whitish or greenish at the bafe : aperture with a thin margin, not reflected : perforation deep. . 516. H. raditUa. Pale horn-colour, with transverse chesnut rays, slightly carinate and depressed, closely striate, convex beneath. Montague Suppl. t. 'L\.f. 3. Da Costa t. \.f. 15. 16. Shelf a quarter of an inch wide, thickly fet with dark brown waves or rays : aperture lunate ; perforation deep. 517. II. hispida. Light horn-colour, diaphanous, clothed with thick-set whitish hairs, convex : aperture roun- dish-lunate. Donou. t. 151. f. i. Da Costa t. 5. f. 10. Shell about a quarter of an inch Wide, with 5 rounded whorls, rlothed with short stiff hairs, finely striate acrofs : lip thin, slightly reilected at the angle near the perforation. 518. H. wnbilicatu. Dark horny-brown, subconic, fine- ly striate across, with 5 rounded whorls : perforation large and deep. Montague Brit. Shells, p. 434. tab. 13. f, 2. Shell the tenth of an inch >Vide, rather conic ami obtufe, with 5 much rounded and deeply divided whorls: aperture lunate, not reflected*. 519. H. trocftiformis. Horn-colour, pellucid, subconic, with 6 rounded smooth whorls : aperture somewhat lunate, transversely compressed. Montague Rr. Shells p. 427. tab. il,f. g, Shelf an eighth of an inch wide, and about as much high, some- times with a rufous tinge, with 6 whorls deeply divided : Up thin, a little reilected, and forming a slight perforation, 190 WQ&MS:.TESTACEA. 59. Helix. 520. H. Lacuna. Pale horn-colour, subglobular, with 4 tumid smooth whorls : pillar grooved with a long canal. Montague Brit. Shells, p. 428. tab. 13. /. 6. Shell a quarter of an inch wide, about as much high ; the 2 upper - \vhorls placed rather laterally ; pillar lip thick, white, grooved perforation small, deep. 521. 11. spinulosa. Brown-horny, subconic, with 5 convex whorls surrounded with sharp membrana- ceous rings and cariiiatc with small spines on the back. Montague t. n.f. 10. Phi!. Trans. 76. t. 2./. 1-5. S/ieti the tenth of an inch wide, covered with a:i tigged 'and spt- nous skin : aperture suborbicular., 522. II. Pomatia. Dirty-white, with mostly 3 rcddish- bro\vn bands on the larger whorl, subovate, obtuse, languid inally striate : aperture round-lunate. Br. ZooL t. 84. /. 128. Donov. t. 84. Da Cosla t. 4 ./. 14. She!! 2 inches \vide, lubglobular, with- 3 or more bands round the larger whorl, one of which continues round the reft : aperture large, the margin a little thickened aud reflected; pillar-lip reflec- ted : perforation small. 523. 11. Arbustorum. Mottled grey brown yellowish and chcsnut, convex, pointed : aperture suborbieular, with a reflected margin, elongated on the fore- part. Br. ZooL t, 85. /. 130. Donov. t. 136. Da Costa t. 17/. 6. 5Arf/h4rdl? 3 quarters of an inch wide, slightly umbilicate, pale or yellow-chelnut marbled with oblong brown spots, and generally with a single fpiral brown ba:n!, within chefnut with a b/oad pure white, border. 524. II. resupinata. Horn-colour, glossy, with a large oval aperture, and the whorls ol 1 the tip reversed. Walker Minute S/uitsf. 24. Minute. 525. 11. globosa. White, opake, glossy, round, with 2 smooth whorls, and roundish aperture. Walker minute Shells- /. 25. 526. H. rtticulata. White, pellucid, reticulate, subum- bilicate, with a single whorl,, and rounded margined aperture, Walker minute Shf!hf. 26; Adams Microsc. t. i^.f. 12. 527. H. wiispiralis. White, o|>ake, smooth, umbilicnte both sides, with a single spire,, and rounded aper- ture. Walhei minute Shell, tab. \.f. 27. 528.. 11. slduta. Greenish-Mbite, pellucid,, striate, with 3 whorls -reflected on the back- : aperture subo\al. W.a\her minute Shells f. 2q. Adams Microsc. t. 14. /. 13. 529. H. cuarctata. White, pellucid, with 2 whorls: aperture roundish, contracted near the umbilicus. Walker Minute Skills f. 30. 530. H.tubulata. With 3 longitudinally striate whorls, and a margined protruded tube at the base. Adams Linn. Tram, iii.j>.6;. f. 13. f. 35. 36. WORMS. TEStACEA. 59. Helix. 191 S //// with a margined tuhc extending beyond the furfacc of the she! I, in the place of an umbilicus. 531. \i. fa-sriata. White with 3 transverse rich ma rone belts on the 1m t whorl, smooth : whorls 3, the first more tumid. Adams Linn. Trans, v. I. I./. 20. 21. S/W/ slightly mnbilicate, pellucid, with 3 belts, the middle-one broad, the two lateral-ones narrow. 532. II. niiidimma. Horny, glossy, with 2 whorls, very finely striatc transversely. Adams Linn. Trans, v. t. i-fig. 22-24. 533. II. bicolor. Slightly umbilicate, smooth, with '2 whorls. Adams Linn. Trans v. tab. \.f. 25-27. Shell differing from the last, in being perfectly smooth, entirely devoid of glofsiness, and in having the inside of the shell white. C. Wilh rounded whorts, impcrf orate. 534. IT. vu'-para. Yellowish-olive, with 3 brown hands, suhconic, obtuse, lincly striate : aperture subor- hicular. Br. Zoo!, t. 8.j./. 132. Donov. t. 87. Da Costa t. 6./. 9. Shell an inch and a half long, an inch wide, with 6 tumid whorls, the larger one with 3 narrow bands, the rest with 2, within ftnooth white banded : ap;rtitre contracted a little at the upper-part j pillar reflected, 535. II. nemorali. Subglobular, diaphanous, variously ban Jed : aperture roundish-lunate. i. Citron flefh-colour, or tawny, without visible bands: lips brown. Da Costa t. 5. fig. i. 2.8. e. Citron, greenish-yellow, or flesh-colour, with a single brown band : lips brown. Da Costa t. $.f. 3. Donov. t. 13. Upper ami middle fig. 3. Citron, greenish-yellow, or flesh-colour, with numerous broa- der or narrower brown bands : lips brown. Da Costa t. f } .f. 4. 5. Donov. t. 13. 3 lower fig. 4. Variously coloured and banded, lefs : lips white and thick- rhed. Chemn. Conch, g. t. \\%.f. 1199. 1201. SA<7/about an inch wide, with 5 much lonnded whorls, obtuse, smooth or slightly striite : aperture broader than it is long. 536. H: hortensis. Yellowish, with 4 tawny bands inter- rupted by white spots: lip pure white. Br. Zoo I. t. 84. /. 129. Donov. t. 131. Da Costa t . 4 /. i. Shell an inch and a half wide, whitish or yellowish, with 4 interrupted bands, the third of which in broader, a little rugged with minute dots: whorls 4, with obscure plaits : lip margined, white. 537. H. fufca. Rufous horn-colour, pellucid, nearly smooth : aperture lunate. Montague Brit. Shells p. 424, tab. 31, /. i. Shell about 3 eighths of an inch wide, hardly a quarter of an inch high, with 5 or 6 very slightly wrinkled whorls : lift thin, a little reflected at the lower margin. Resembles H. rufescens, but is lefs rugged, and has no trace of umbilicus. 538. H. viriegata. SubpoliuciJ, smooth, with 4 whorls marked with rei lines ; the lirst whori tumid. 199 WORMS. TESTACEA. 59, Helix. Jdams Linn. Trans, ill. p. 67, Shell imperforate, aperture with a much fpread margu.,, D. Taper. 539, H. elegantisaima. White, glqssy, tapering to a fine point, with oblique equidistant grooves: aper- ture a little angular below. Montague t. io,J. 2, Donovan t. i"jg,f, \. Turbo, Shell about a quarter of an inch long, often covered with a brown skin, with 9-13 flattish whorls, the ribs of which arc broader than the grooves ; aperture fuborbicular ; inner lip a little reflected, 540. H, dtcussata. White, tapering to a fine point, finel/ decussate: aperture angular at both ends, Montague Brit. Shells f. 399. tab. 15, f. 7. Shelly tenths of an inch long, with 8 or 9 slightly raifed whorls> strongly striate longitudinally., and crossed by very fine lines : aperture fuboval, contracted at both ends : lip slightly reflected. 541. H, subulata. Pale flesh-colour, with testaceous 6r chesnut spiral bands, tapering to a fine point, smooth ; aperture ovaL Da Costa p. 117. Donovan t. 172. Turbo. Shell 3 quarters of an inch long, glossy., fometimes white or reddish, with about 10 tlat whorls, marked with lighter or darker bands ; aperture Kiuch rounded at top, and contracted at bottom. 542, H. polita. White, quite smooth, tapering to a point, imperforate : aperture oval. J?r, Zool. t. 79, 'upper fig, Donovan t, 177. Turbo. Shell about half an inch long, polished, with 9-13 flat whorls t aperture ending in a sharp point ; inner-lip reflected, 543. H. bifacinta. White, with an interrupted brown band, oblong, slightly wrinkled and umbilicate: aperture oval, $r, Zooi. t. 82. /, 119, Donov. tab. 18. * Turbo. Shell nearly 3 quarters of an inch long, with rather rbunded whorls, and brown or chesnut streaks forming a band or two at the base : Up a little reflected, forming a s^naU perforation, 544, H. octona. Pale horny, with 8 rounded finely striate whorls, very slightly umbilicate ; aperture roundish. linn. Transact, viii. p. 211. tab. ^f. 10. Shell about the size of a grain of rye, with 8 tumid whorls; perforation so fmall as hardly to be diftinguished : aperture near- ly orbicular, 545. H. octanfracta. Horn-colour, with 8 flattish finely striate whorls, imperforate : aperture oval. $r. Zoolt. 86. /. 135. Montague, tab, i,/. 8, Shell above ,5 eighths of an inch long, often covered .with a blackish skin : differs from the last in being of a wore conic form, without the least trace of perforation, and in the whorl* not being fo distincly feparated, 546, H. Lackhecmensis,. Rusty-brown, oval-oblong, a little rugged, slightly perforated : aperture rouwdish-lu nate, with a reflected margin. Montague Brit. Shells p. 394, tab, u^/, 3. Shelf 3 quarters of an inch long, rusty-brown varying to horn, colour and grey, with 7 flattish whorls : aperture whitish, with often a purplish tinge : lip reflected, and forming a linear cavity, WORMS. TESTACEA. 59. Helix. 193 547. II. obscura. Brown-horny, opake, oval-oblong, with 5-7 rather rugged whorls, slightly perforated : aperture roundish-lunate, with a white lip. 2.i an. Trans, viii. t. $./, n. Montague suppl t. 22. /. 5. Shell 3 eighths of an inch long, rather obtuse, with rather rotin- . ded whorls : refembles the laft, but is about half the size, and more opike. 518. H. lubrica. Horn-colour, smooth, rather taper, with 6 somewhat rounded whorls, impcrforate : aperture oval. Linn. Trans, viii. t. 5. f. 12. Br. Zool. t. 8i./. 118. She II a quarter of an inch long, glossy, with a fulvous or yellow- ish tinge, rather obtufe : lip thickish, generally reddish-brown. 549. H. vitrea. White, smooth, subcylindricai, with 4 rounded whorls : aperture oval, contracted, at one end. Montague Brit. Shells. p. 321. tab. is./. 3. Turbo. Shell an eighth of an inch long, pellucid, rather obtufe : aperture not margined. 550. H. Punctura. Yellowish-white, conic, with 6 globular reticulate whorls: aperture suborbicular. Montague Br. Shells p. 320. tab. 12./. 5. Turbo. Shell the tenth of an inch long, very minutely decussate, rather taper. 35!. H. arenaria. White, conic, with 5 rounded whorls strongly striate longitudinally and very finely decus- sate : aperture oval. Montague p. 322. /. 12./. 4. Turbo decussatus. Shell hardly the eighth of an inch long, rather glossy, not much pointed : lip thin : differs from the last in being more cylindrical, in its stronger longitudinal strix, and in having the aperture con- tracted towards one end. E. Oval, imperf orate. 552. H. stagnalis. Horny, oval tapering to a point, somewhat angular : aperture oval, large. Br. Zool. t. 86. /. 136. Donovan, t. 51. /. 2. Da Costa t. 5.7. u. Shell nearly 2 inches long, whitish, grey or dusky, very thin, with 6 or 7 whorls, the first very large and marked with a few irre- gular tranfverfe ridges, the rest fuddenly tapering to a fine point ; aperture vei*y large ; lip thin. 553. H. fragilis. H orn-colour, oval tapering to a point, cylindrical, pellucid: aperture oval oblong. Montague Brit. Shel/. p. 369. tab. i6./. 7. Shell extremely tender, pellucid, rcfembling the last, but the whorls turn more obliquely, the larger not fo tumid, and the aper- ture is fmaller and more oblong. 554. H.palusti-is. Brown, horny, oblong, with 6 rather rounded whorls : aperture oval. Br. Zool. t. 86. /. 136. B. Dtaov. f. 175,7. i. 2. Mont. t. i6./. to. Shell about 3 quarters of an inch long, grey or covered with a brown skin, minutely striate longitudinally and acrofs, purplish or brownish within : differs from S. stagnalis in being lefs, not fo brittle, not tapering to fo fine a point, and in the larger whorl being lefs tumid : lip reflected. i 194 WORMS. TESTACEA. 59. Helix: 355. H .fossaria. Horn-colour, suboval, with 5 or 6 rounded deeply divided whorls : aperture oval. 'Montague, t. 16. / g. Linn. Trans viii. t. $./, 9. Shell 3 [eighths of an inch long, thin, pellucid, refembles the laft but is much smaller, the whorls are more deeply divided and very rarely wrinkled acrofs, and the aperture is more oval. 556. H. detrita. "Conic, white with a rufous spiral band or more : aperture oval. Montague Brit. Shells. p. 384. lab. n.f.i. Shell 3 quarters of an inrh long, with 6 slightly rounded whorls, a little wrinkled longitudinally, generally marked with a single band, fometimes with 3 on the larger whorl the middle one of which is narrower; inner-lip a little reflected, and forming a small deprefsion. 557. H. sitccinca. Oblong, acute, fulvous,, diaphanous, with 3 whorls: aperture oval. Montague t. 16. /. 4. Donov. t. i68./. i. II. putris. Shell hardly half an inch long, very -thin and brittle, amfeer- colour, with the first whorl very large but- not tumid: aperture reaching over more than half the shell : lip very thin. 558. H.pufris. Oval, obtuse,ylloM r , with 4 whorls; aperture oval. Br. Zocl. t. 86. /. 137. Montague t. 16. /. 3. ' H. peregra. '.-.. With a white thick lip. L. Trans, viii, t. $.f. 8.* Shell an inch long, often covered with a dusky-brown skin, thin, with numerous oblique striae ; whorls 4, the first large and tumid r aperture reaching over 3 fourths of the shell. 559. H ttntaculata. Conic, obtuse, yellowish- white, with 5or 6 rounded whorls : aperture oval. Br. Zool. t. 86./. 140. Donov. t. 93. Da Costa t> 5 /. 12. Shell half an inch long, diaphanous, with deeply divided whorls, rather obtufe : aperture fuborbicular, clofed with a concentrally wrinkled lid. 560. H. canalis. Conic* horn-colour, with 5 smooth rounded whorls : aperture suborbicular ; pillar with 4i groove. Montague Brit. Shells p. 309. f. 12./. 11. Turbo. Shell 3 eighths of an inch long, pellucid, acute, with the first whorl large : aperture fubangular ; outer-lip thin ; pillar broad, white, grooved, ending in a fmall depression. 561. H. auricularis* Conic, smooth, yellowish-white, obtuse, with a short acute spire : aperture dilated, ear-shaped. Br. Zool. t. So./. 138. Donov. t. 51 ./. i. Da Costa t. 5.7. 17. 2. Montague p. 381. t. \6.f. i. H. limofa. Shell an inch or more long, often covered with a brown skin, with 4 whorls, the first very large and tumid and finely striate acrofs, within yellowish : lip much extended, a little reflected, fometimes projecting into an angle above. 562. H. glutinosa. Yery tumid, yellow horn-colour, with 3 whorls ending in an obtuse spire : aperture oval, very large. Montague Btit. Shells, p. 379. tab. i6./. 5. Shell above half an inch long, very thin and brittle, fmooth or faintly wrinkled, fometimes covered with a glutinous skin; afer ture reaching nearly to the tip. WORMS. TESTACEA. 60. Nerita. 195 563. 11. lutea. Suboval, dull orange, with about 3 whorls ending in an obtuse spire : aperture oval, very wide. Montague Brit, Shells f. 380. t. 16 /. 6. Skell nearly half an inch long, finooth ; the first whorl very large : tip a little fpread : rcfembles H. auricularia 2. but is less, not fo tumid, and- thicker and stronger. 56i. H. la-oigaia. Flesh-colour, very obtuse, with 3 whorls ? the first very large aud wide, the others minute and placed laterally. Br. Zool. t, 86. f. 139. Donovan tab. 105. Shell about the size of a pea, suborbicular, yellowifh or reddish flesh-colour, very thin and brittle, pellucid, with the fmaller whorls placed laterally and hardly raifed, finely striate longitudi- nally and wrinkled transversely, often covered with a thick brown skin: aperture very wide and rounded, thin, within whitish or or purplish-brown. 565. H. bulloides. Horn-colour, oval, smooth, glossy, with 3 reversed whorls : aperture oval. Donovan's Brit. Shells, v- tab. i68./. 2. Shell 3 eighths of an inch long, dark horn-colour, brittle, obtuse ; the first whorl very large but not-much inflated. 60- NERITA^. Nerite. 566. N. Canrena. Smooth, with a slightly raised and pointed spire, and gibbous cloven umbilicus. Donovan's Brit. Shells, v. t. 167. N. intricata. Shell about the size of a hazel nut, whitish, with yellowish or ferruginous zigzag marks spirally disposed : aperture wide, semi- circular : per/oration deep, cloven. 567. N^glaudna. Smooth, with a rather obtuse spire: umbilicus partly closed by the thick white reflected lip. Br. Zoot.t. 87. /. 141. Doncv. t. BO./, i. Da Costa t. $./. 7. Shell about half an inch long, white, grey, reddish or livid, with generally a chain of zigzag short bluish or chefnut lines round the futures of the whorls ; spire obtuse, a little pointed : aperture roundish-lunate. 568. N. Mammilla. Oval, smooth, white or yellowish : umbilicus nearly closed by the reflected lip : aper- ture oval. Donovan Brit. Shells, tub. 144. N. nitida. Shell about half an inch long, polished, oval-oblong, .with a short spire, the sutures of which are nearly obliterated : aperture oval ; lip toothless,, gibbous beneath : -perforation nearly closed by the reflected lip. 569. N.fluviatilis* Suboval, rugged, imperforate : lips toothless. with an orange lid. 570. N. paVddula. Yellowish horn-colour, smooth, with a large umbilicus : aperture semilunar, much spread. R 2 196 WORMS. TESTACEA. 61. 6*?. Donovan t. \6.f. i. Da Costa p. 51. t. .f. 4. 5 . A*// near half an inch long, convex, \vith the fpire a little pro- minent, covered with a brown skin, the first whorl very large r fometimes faintly wrinkled : lip thin, fringed by the skin pillar thick, white. 571. N.littoralis. Globular, thick, smooth with a flat spire : lips toothless. Br. Zool. t. 87. /. 143. Donov. t. zo.f. 2. Da Costa t. 3.7. 7. Shell 3 quarters of an inch high, nearly as much broad, thick, strong, various shades of yellow red or brown, often variegated in numerous varieties, fometimes banded, with 4 or 5 whorls, the first very large : aperture fuborbicular, or inclining to oval, with the margin thickened within. 572. N. pellucida. Pellucid, smooth, with 3 whorls. Adams Linn. Trans. \\\.p. 67. Minute. 2. Subpellucid, fmooth, with 2 whorls. Adams Linn. Trans, in. p. 67. N. alba. The two last may probably be only the young shells of N. glaucina. 61. HALIOTIS. Sea ear. 573. H.Juberculata. Dull rufous-brown, suboval, trans- versely nigged and tubercled on the back. Br. Zool. t. 88. /. 144. Donov. t. 5. Da Dosta t. 2. f. i. 2. Shell 3 or 4 inches long, 2 or 3 wide, ibmetimes mottled, striate longitudinally, wrinkled tranfverfely, with a few raifed tubercles, perlaceous within, open near the whole length, with a thin irre- gular outer margin : lip white, inflected : spire a little raifed : f smopth, slightly curved, inflated near the larger end. Montague Brit. Shells, p. 496. tab. \$.f. 7. Shell hardly 3 eighths pf an inch long, nearly straight, contracted at the larger end, with a rather sharp point. 592. D. striatulum. Green tipt with white, slightly curved, with 8 angles, and as many ribs. Donovan Brit. Shells, v. tab. 162. Shell about an inch and a half long, sometimes grey-white, with the larger aperture angular, and the snialler-one very narrow and orbicular. 593. D. imperforatum. Whitish, slightly curved, cylin- drical, transversely striate, truncate At tbe wilier eud WORMS. TESTACEA. 64. Vermiculura. 199 Walker. Min. shells./. 15. Adams Microsc. t. 14. /. 8. Shell the eighth of an inch long, white or cinereous, a little con tracted at the margin, with the smaller end closed and furnished with a small round protuberance. 594. D. Trachea. Ferruginous, cylindrical, curved, with numerous close-set strong annulations, truncate and imperforate at the smaller end. Montague Brit, Shells- p 497. tab. 14. f. 10. Shtll rather more than the eighth of an inch long, with a small round protuberance at the closed end : differs from the laft, in being more curved more strongly and regularly wrinkled, and in haying the margin of the aperture not contracted. j95. D. glabrum. Glossy-white, cylindrical, curved, quite smooth, closed rounded and slightly margined at one end. Mfintague Brit. Shells p. 497. n. 6. M. tab. i6./. d. d i. D. i. When fresh of a bright orange colour and full of gelatinous flesh, when dry whitish and light, and if broken refembles the crumb of bread : if rubbed on the hand it stings and raifcs blisters like Cowhage. 670. Sp. compacta.. Tubular, branched, compact, brittle, composed of minute spiculae crossing each other. Sowerby Brit. Mis/cell, p. 85. tab. 42. Resembles the last, but is of a greyifh cast, more branched; with diftinct prominent tubes, each ending in an opening. 671 . Sp. pulchella. Smooth, soft to the touch, generally compressed and broad, composed of very fine reticu*, ' lations. Sowerby British Miscellany p. 87. tab. 43. Sponge very irregular in shape, sometimes rather fan-shaped, sometimes palmate or digitate, pale brown, yellowish or reddish . brown, without visible pores or tubes. 672. Sp. stuposa. Soft like - tow . covered with fine poin- ted hairs, with cylindrical branches. Philosoph. Transact, 55. p. 288. tab. 10. /. C. About 3 inches high, of a pale yellow colour. 673. Sp. cristata. Flat, erect, soft, with rows of small rather projecting pores alon^ the top. Philos. Transact. 55.^. 288. tab. n./. G. 'WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 75. Flustra. 209 Ab'out 2 or 3 inches high, yellowish, growing something in the shape of a Cock's comb. 674. Sp. palmata. Palmate, with finger-like divisions round the surface, \vooly : pores a little prominent, irregularly disposed. - Soland. and Ellis Zooph fr. 189. . 10. tab. 58. /. 6. Reddifh inclining to yellow, soft and woolly, with the divifions a little subdivided at the top. 675. Sp. botryoides. Very tender, branched, consisting of clusters of oval tubercles open at the top. Soland. and Ellis Zooph. p. 190. n. 12. t, ^B.f. 1-4. Bright shining white, in irregular mafses, like bunches of . - Jf a P c s ; the surface when highly magnified, appearing a$ if covered with mafses of 3-rayed spihous stars. 676. Sp. lacustris. Uniform, creeping, brittle, with erect cylindrical obtuse branches. Spongiaramosa fluviatilis. Ray Hist. 81. At the bottom of lakes, covered with scattered pores, in which are sometimes found, during the ''Autumn, fmall shining bluish globules, about the size of the seeds of thyme, which glitter in the llatne of a candle. Thefe are probably extraneous bodies. 75. FLUSTRA. Hornicrack. Sea Mat. 677. Fl. foliacea. Foliaceous, branched, with rounded wedge-shaped divisions. llis Corall. p. jq. t. zg.jig. a. A-E. Adhering to shells, about 6 inches high, pale yellowish, porous on both furfaces, with' rounded 4-toothed cells. 678. Fl. truncata. Foliaceous, branched, with linear truncate subdivisions. Ellis Corall. p. 69. tab. <&.jig. a. A. B. About 5 inches long, pale yellowish-brown, with slender branches, porous both sides, with oblong-fquare cells. 679. Fl.pilosa. Foliaceous, variously branching, with a setaceous tooth on the lower part of each pore. llis Corallines p. 7 3. tab. 31. Found incrusting various Fuci and Sertulariae, whitish, porous both sides, with round cells-. 680. Fl. chartacea. Papyraceous,, branched, with cells on bdth sides ; the tops of the .branches truncate like the edge of an axe. Splander and Ellis Zoophytes p. 1 3. ft. 4. Thin, semitranfparent, like fine paper, very light straw-colour; the tops of the branches fometimes digitated, iouietimes irregu- larly divided: cells oblong-fquare, swelling out a little in the middle each side, defended by a helmet-like figure. 681. Fl. carbasea. /. Foliaceous, subdivided, with the cells in single layers. Soland. and Ellis Zooph. p. 14. n. 5. tab. $.f. 6. 7. Thin like a piece of lawn, yellowish-brown: cells large, ovate above truncate beneath, the walls furrounding them appealing to be formed of a slender tube. 082. Fl. dentata. Foliaceous, parasitical, with shining oval cells in single layers, each witli an jnglined toothed mouth. ' jt 73. trit $$ / P D Ji E t 210 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 76. Tubularia. Adhering to Fuci and other marine fubstances, white, femitranf- parent, with 4-toothed cells. 683. Fl. avicularis. Foliaceous, with fascicled palinat truncate branches, smooth on , one side, with .opake beaked capsules near the edge farmed like a parrot's beak : ceHs on one side, armed with branched , spines.' Sower by' s British Miscellany ii. p. ei.\ B'lacki.rti, about 2 inches across, forming a fphacrtcal mass : celts alternate, referabling articulations, furroundcd with long .fpine's : capsules sessile. 6^4. Fl. membranacea. Parasitical, membranaceous, with oblong-quadrangular cells pointed at the upper projecting angles. Mull. Zobl. Dan. .'/. 163. tab. 117. /. i. 2. Adhering to Fuci and shells, very thin, grey or whitish. 7^ TUBULARIA. 685. T.indivisa* CJusjtered, -with undivided joiatetl stems tapering to the base. Ellis Corallines p. 31. tab. 16. /. c. Stems 2 or 3 inches high, adhering to rocks and shells, straw- colour, interwoven with each other, with very narrow joints barely twisted ; bodies ot the polypes pale red, their heads bright crimfon. 686. T. muscoides. Clustered, simple or sligtly forked, here and there wrinkled their whole length. Ellis. Corallines, p. 30. tab. 16. /. b. Refembles the last, but is about half the size and height and of equal thickness throughout, is fometimes simply branched, with the joints twistqd.hsre and there, and lhe polypes are rich crinifon. 687. 'T. ramosa. Solitary, much branched, equal, with the branches twisted at the forks.' Ellis Corallines p. 31. tab. i6./. a. r. 17. f. a. A. Stems 3 or 4. inches high, repeatedly forked, pale grey with crimfon heads, very slender, twisted at the infcrtion of the branches, and a little below them, 688. T .Jistulosa. Repeatedly forked ,, with short cylindri- cal joints covered with lozenge-shaped impressed cells. Ellis Corallines p. 46. tab. 23. About 3 inches- high, and about as thick as a piece of whipcord i stem's ending in slender roembranaceous tubes, the terminal branches clavate. ' 689^ T. "Cmma. Slightly branched, filiform, papyra- ceous, jointed, wrth ovate pointed caosules perfo- rated with a dilatable mouth, and terminated by cy- lindrical armed tentacula. Catrtn. Pall. Spicil Ztol. 10. p. 40. tab. 4.7". 8. Adhering without tubular radicles to Fuci and Sertulariar, fandy or deep red, narrow at the bafe, without head or retractile tenta- cula : capfules perforated over the whole furface, protruding the hyaline tentacula globular at th end, and producing eggs at the bafe. 690, A. fljtjfefr, Simple, slightly aimulate, soft* WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. IT. Corallina. 211 tapering tentacula surrounding the retracUle papil- lary mouth. Pall, spicil. Zool. 10. p. 36. ^.tab. 4. /. 9. Resembles the last : capsules with muricate tentacula, prodifc- cing eggs at the bafe. 691. T. campamdata. Tentacula disposed in the form of a crescent: body projecting beyond the sheath: orifices of the sheath annulate: tube simple or palmate. Nat. Miscell. t, 354. Adams microfc. t. ti.f. 32. In stagnant waters, soft, transparent, inclofed in a bell-shaped case, the plume with about 60 tentacula. 692. T.flabelliformii. With fascicled parallel tubes dis- posed in separate radiate bundles. Adams Linn. Transact. v.f>. 12. t. 2.f. 1204. Oji the Conferva rubra, minute : stem cylindrical, a little dilated at the bafe, and becoming fuddenly dilated into a compressed fan- shaped form, from which proceed 8 rays, each compofed of feveral equal very minute cylindrical tubes. 77. CORALLINA. Coralline. 693. C. auricularifrformis. Stcmless, spreading like a parasitical fungus, lobed, imbricate. Soiuerliy Brit. MisCtllany i. p 119. tab. ^6. Found fometimes incrusting other corallines, yellowish or red- dish, in fomewhat circular patches, fmooth on both furfaces, with minute cells in tranfverfe rows. 694. C. sqnamata. Trichotomous ; the joints of the stem roundly compressed and wedge-shaped, those of the branches flatly compressed, term'mal-ones flattish and sharply 2-edged. Ellis Corallines p. 49. tab. 24, n. 4-/. c. C. On the Cornish toast, of a fea-green colour. 695. C. elongata. Trichotomous; the joints of the siem roundish-wedge-shaped, those of the branches cylin- drical, terminal-ones rather obtuse and some of them capitate. EUis Corallines p. 49. tab. 24. n. 3. Coral reddish or purplish, very slender, drooping, longer and finaller than C. officinalis. 696. C. officinalis. Doubly pinnate or trichotomous ; > joints of the stem somewhat wedge-shaped or turbi- nate, .those of the branches round, some of ,tbc terminal-ones capitate. Ellis Corallines p. 48. tab. 24. /. a. A. Mat, Misc. t. 158. Coral growing in clustered tufts, 2-5 inches long, about the thickness of a large thread, erect, white, greenish, yellowish, or , purple, fometimes a mixture of all the colours. 697- C. rubens. Dichotomous, riliform, flat-topped the joints of the stem round, those supporting the divisi- ons clavate ; some of the lower-ones 2-horned. Ellis Corallines p. 50. tab. 24. n. $./. e. E. About 2 inches long, red : terminal-joints notched. 698. C. cristata. Dichotomous, filiform, in crested tufts, with roundish joints, those supporting the last suUdi* visions elevate. 212 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 18. Sertularia. Ellis Corallines p. 51. n. 7. tab. 24. /. f. F. About one or two inches long, difpofed in crest-like clusters, red, purple, white, green or yellowish; the lower-joints not horned, terminal-ones simple. 699. C. spermophoros. Dichotomous, filiform, with roun- dish joints; those supporting the 2 last subdivisions clavate, terminal-ones long, setaceous, jn pairs. Ellis Corallines p. 51. . 8. tab. 24. /. g. G. About an inch long, milk-white, and more loofe and fpread than the last. 700. i3. Stem about 3 inches long, pale horny, consisting of numerous united tubes, channelled and indented, with large protuberances opposite fome of the branches: denticles (cited in a focket, with a short fpine on the lower .part. 115. S.falaita. Stem flexuous, with alternate pinnate branches: denticles all on one side, imbricate, trun- cate ; vesicles oblong-oval. 214 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 78. Sertularia. Ellis Corall. p. 12. tab. j. n. n./. a. A. About 3 inches long : denticles in a single row. 716. S. Pluma. Branches alternate, pinnate, lanceolate ? denticles all on one side, imbricate, campantilate, toothed at top: vesicles gibbous, toothed on the margin.* Ellis Corallines-p. 13. tak 7. , 12. /. b. B. % Climbing up Fuci : branches jointed, twisted : denticles supported in front by a fmall holk>w, fpine : vesicles with 4 or * oblique crested ribs. 717. S. antennina. vStems simple or slightly branched: denticles whorled, in fours, setaceous : vesicles obliquely truncate, in whorls. fit's Coral, p. 15. tab. g. a. A. Near a foot high, yellow, with very fine capillary yellowish radi- cles : stems furrounded at thejoints with whorls of fmall incurved bristles, on the upper-sides- of which ane rows of minute cup-* shaped denticles : vesicles on short pedicels, obliquely open to- wards the 'stem, and placed round it at the insertion of the branches. ?18. S. vertitillata. Branches alternate : denticles cam- panulate, toothed round the rim, on long twisted pedicels, and placed in . fours round the stem: vesicles oval, ending in a tube. llis Corallines p. 23. tab. 13. n. io./. .a. A, Stem ribbed, loofely branched : vesicles nearly erect, glutinous. 719. S.volubilis. Branches alternate: denticles cam* panulate, toothed round the rim, on long twisted pedicels, placed alternate];' : vesicles oval. Ellis t. 14. a. A. Solander and Eiifs n. 22. t. .f. e. E. f, F. Whitish, minute, climbing up other corallines; resembles the last, but the denticles are not ^placed in whorls, and the pedicles are longer and twisted round the stem : vesicles fometimes wrinkled acrofs. 720. S. Syringa. Branches filiform, alternate : denti- cles cylindrical, obliquely truncate at top, mostly alternate,,, on. twisted pedicels shorter than the denticles. Ellis Corall. p. 27. tab. 1-4. a. 21. b. B. V On shells, or creeping up other corallines : vesicles unknown. 721. S. Cuscnta. Branches opposite, simple: denticles obsolete : vesicles oval, axillary. ///s Corall. p. 28. f. 14. n. 26. /. c C. Climbing up Fuci : vesicles fmall, axillary. 722. S.pustulosa. , Stem with alternate dichotomous branches, covered with prominent pustules with each a point in the middle. Ellis Corallines p. 54. tab. ^J.fg. b, B. Stem rising into alternate forked branches, with fmall pustule- like denticles towards the tips, having "a circular rim with a point in the middle of each. 723. S.frutcscens. Branches alternate, pinnate: denti- cle* cylindrical, campanulale, placed in a single row on the inside of the branches. Soiand, and Ellis Zooph. p. 55. n, 29, t t 6./, a. A. . -WORMS. 20OPHYTA. 78. Sertularia. 215 Stem hard, blackish, compofed of fmall united tubes : branches lanceolate, brown : denticles truncate, slightly pointed on one side. -"24. S. Filicula. Stem zigzag, with alternate branches : denticles opposite, ovate, with a single erect one at the junctures of the branches : vesicles obovate, with a tube in the centre. Ssland. and Ellis Zooph. p. 57. n. 32. tab. 6.f. c. C. Very tender,- much branched ; the branches nearly horizontal. 725. S. Evamii. Branches opposite : denticles shorf, opposite : vesicles lobed, arising from opposite bran- ches, which proceed from the creeping adhering tube. Soland. and Ellis Zooph p. 58. n. 44. Creeping on Fuci, about 2 inches high, very slender, bright yellow: vesicles fulvous, with opposite lobes. -726. S. muricata. Stem jointed, interwoven at bottom: A denticles pedicelled, proceeding alternately from the . joints : vesicles pedicelled, oval, spinous. Solander and Ellis Zooph. p. 59. K. 36. tab. j.f. 3. 4. Vesicles full of pointed fpines from arched crested ribs. 721. S. Uva. Slightly branched, with alternate divisions : denticles obsolete : vesicles oval, closed, clus- tered. Ellis Corallines, p. 27. n. 25. tab. \$.f. c. C. I'escicles tranfparent, with a white nucleus. '728. - S. Icndigera. Siem and branches jointed : denti- cles cylindrical, truncate, in a single row along the branches and growing gradually less. Ellis Corallines p. 27. n. 24. tab. 15. f b. B. Brandies fubdivided and irregularly interwoven : denticles placed in parallel ranks along the inside of the branches, and growing gradually shorter towards the tops of thejoints : vesicles unknown. 729. S. geniculata. Stem branched, jointed, flexuous : denticles twisted, alternate, at the base of the vesicles: vesicles obovate, with a tube in the centre. Ellis Corallines p. 22. n. 19. tab. 12 f. b. B. - Creeping up Fuci : joints clavate at top. '730. S. dichotoma. Stem dichotomous, flexuous, twisted at the joints : denticles campanulate, on annulate -stalks: vesicles obovate, axillary, on twisted pedi- cels. Ellis Corahp. 21. n. 18. tab. 12. /. a. A. c. C. Near a foot long, tough, pliant, white, but becoming testaceous by age. 731. S. spinosa. Branches forked, ending in spinous points : denticles distant, on the same side 9 obsolete : vesicles linear-oval. Ellis Corallines p. 20. n. 17. tab. 11. /. b. d. 'B. C. D. Stems compofed of interwoven tubular fibres : 'branches flexuous, loofe, forked, with pointed tips. 732. $..pinnata Stem simple, lanceolate, pinnate : denti- y cles campanulate, all on one side : vesicles oval, clustered, with a coronet of tubercles round the mouth. Ellis. Corallines, p, 19, n 16, tab. u./ a, A 216 WORMS. ZOOPHYTA. 78. Serfularia. Stem about' 3 inches high, alternately pinnate: dtntictcs near together, femiorbicular. 733. S. setacen. Stem simple, oblong, pinnate : denticles obsolete, remote, along the upper-side of the bran- ches : vesicles oblong, axillary. llis Coral, t. 38.7. 4. Shaw Nat. Miscelt. t. 71. About half the size of the former: branches a little curved downwards : vesicles erect, tubular, at the angles of the branches. 134. S. polyzonias. Stem loosely branched : denticles alternate, ovate-oblong, undulate round the top : vesicles obovate, with concentric wrinkles. Ellis Coral, p. 5. n. 3. tab. 2./. a. A. b. B. St. 51. tab. 25. Stem long, reddish-grey, ending at top in a bony substance, witll very short ramifications. 80. HYDRA. Polype. 751. H.viridis. Green, with about 10 arms shorter than the hody. Adams. and Kanm. Microfc. p. 364, tab. 21. f. 5. In ftagnant waters and slow ftreams, generaJly on the under sur- face of aquatic plants, appearing like a tranfparent green jelly when contracted.; when expanded it is a linear body, fixed at one end, and furrounded at the other by 8-10 tentacula or arms pla- ced in a circle round the mouth, and gradually producing its young from the sides, which at first feem small protuberances, increasing in length, till they afsumc the form of the parent, and then drop- ping off. Like all its tribe, it has the power of reproducing parts which have been deftroyed ; and if cut or divided in any direction, each feparate part will become a perfect polype. 752. H. grisea. Yellowish-grey, with about 7 arms longer than the body. Adams and Ktznm. Microfc. p. 364. tab. i\.f. 6. In rivulets and ftagnant waters, tapering towards the bafe, with fometimes 12 arms or tentacula. 153. H./wsca. Grey-brown, with about 8 arms, many times as long as the body. Adams and Kanm. Microfc. p. 363. tab. 21. /. 7. 8. In fresh waters, a little tapering to the bafe, with very fine feta- ccous and long tentacula or arms. ORDER V. INFUSORIA. 81. BRACHIONUS, 754. Br. urceolaris. Univalve, bell-shaped, with the shell many-toothed at top, and rounded at the base : tail long, cloven at the end. Adams Microfc. p. 568. /. 22. /. 36-38- '- 27-/- 5 6 - 57- Vorticella urceolaris. Donovan Br. Ins. t. \-j.f. 1.2. In stagnant waters, appearing to the naked eye as a fmall white fpeck : rotatory organ double, which can be protruded or con- cealed at pleafure. 755. Br. stnatus. Univalve, with an oval striate s " 6-toothed at top and -entire at the base; without tail. 4Jams Microfc. p. 36"4' tab. 27 .Jig. 04- 65. In fait water, tranfparent, crystalline, truncate on the f< and rounded behind: shell varying in form, with 12 longitudi- tfSfjI^Bi- 1 . $ Tripus. Bivalve, with the shell unarmed at ' the top and 3-horned at the base? tail double. Adams Microfc. p. 566. tab. 27. f. 59. In waters which have been kept fome time, very tranfparent and ntarly triangular, with a double rotatory organ. WORMS. INFUSORIA. 82. Vorticella. 219 75T. Br. uncinutus. Bivalve, with the shell unarmed and rounded at the tip, 1-toothed at the base; tail with 2 bristles. Adams Microfc. p. ^67. tab. 27. /. 55. In ditch water : shell rounded and capable of being opened at both ends, armed with a hook on the fore-part ; tail coniisting of 4 or 5 joints. 758. Br. mucronatus. Bivalve, with the shell 2- toothed at the top and bottom ; tail with a double spine. Mutter Verm. i. i./>. 134. n. 145. In stagnant water: shell crystalline, rather oblong, truncate at both ends : tail with moveable tranfparent fpines : rotatory-organ mucronate in the middle. 759. Br. calydjlurus. Simple, calycled, with the shell crenate behind ; upper-lip of the mouth 4>toothed. Baker Microfc. p. 304. tab. 10. /. 4-6. In putrid and fresh waters. 760. Br. quadridentatus. Shell inflated, 4-toothed at top; rotatory organ double; the base 2-horned ; tail long, ending; in 2 short points. Adams and Kccnm. Microfc.p. 569. tf,b. 27. /. 58. In stagnant waters moving with great celerity, and often at- taching rtfelf to duckweed by means of its tail : shell very tranfparent, 761. Br. Patina. Shell orbicular, unarmed, entire, with a double rotatory organ, and short simple tail. Vorticella circularis. Shaw A'a.'. Mis. t. 199. In stagnant waters abounding in aquatic plants. 82. VORTICELLA. A. Seated on a pedicel or stem, 762. V , Polypina. Compound, bell-shaped, with a retor- tile much branched stem. Adams Microfc. t. 27. /. 61. Nat. Misc. t. 278. In sea water, adhering to Fuci, appearing to the naked eye like a white point, and has a double fpontaneous motion. 763. V. anaslatica. Compound, bell-shaped, with an oblique mouth, and scaly rigid stem. Adams Microfc. p. 397. tab. 21. /. 13-16. In frcsli waters, forming a cluster branching out in various di- rections : ovaries ieated on the stems in the form of bulbs, which detach themselves from the steins, and fix themfclves to other substances, producing anew cluster. 764\ V.pyraria. Compound, branched, with inversely conic naked florets, and 2 double tcmacula. Adams Microfc. p. 400. mi. 22. /.. 25. 26. In stagnant waters, long, fetaccous, rigid, pellucid at the bafe, truncate at top. with 2 lateral arms each side. 765. V. opercuiaria. Compound, branched, with oval naked florets closed with a fringed lid. Adams Microfc. p. 401. tab. 22. f. 29. In stagnant waters : stem much branched, jointed. 766. V. tuberosa. Stem forked, with turbmate florets, each with 2 or 3 tubercles. Baker Microfc. p. 350. tab, 13. /. 10-13. MO WORMS. INFUSORIA. 82. Vortieella- In stagnant waters : rigid, with the tubercles of the florets con-- vex and radiate. 767. V.umbellaria. Simple, globular, i?ith bluekiih granulations, and a rigid stem. Adams Microfc. p. 402. tab, 29. /. 30. In stagnant waters, .resembling a fpot of mould ; kcadf yellowifh, with distinct opake dots : braitckts forked : cluslert flat-topped. 768. V. berberina. Simple, oval, with a branched rigid stem, and white granulations. Adams 'Microfc. p, 406, Roes. bis. 3. t. 99, In fresh water : branches tranfparcnt, and when clustered toge- ther appearing of a changeable violet colour. 769. V. nebulifera. Simple, oval, with a reflexilc stem. Adams Miscrofc. p. 560. tab. 27. /. 66. On the Conferva polymorpha, invisible to the naked eye j J!ore4f narrow at the bafe, truncate and margined when open, oval when shut. 770. V. Convallana. Simple, bell-shaped, with retoriile stem. Adams Microfc. t. 22. /. 39. Nat. Mifc. tab. 31 2. In fresh waters, .on other fubstances, appearing to the naked eye as fo many white points: stemt contracting fuddenly in a fpiral manner, and in a moment expanding themselves again. ; 7 \ . V. lunaris. Siuipic, hemisphierical, with a crescent- shaped aperture, and retort.ile stem. Mams Micr. t. 27. /. 54. Donovan Ins. t/S^f. 1-3, , ....." In stagnant waters.: Jlortt cup-shaped, w ith. a protuberant mar- gin ciliaieeach side with undulating hail*. ^72. \.titrina. Simple, variously shaped, with a con- tractile mouth, and equal stem, Adams Microfc. p. 558. tab. 27. /. 53. In stagnant water : head large, tranfparent, with grecnish-yelloy fpecks : ftem curved 1 . Ifc, Furnixluulttith a tail. Ifr. Furnixluurteith a tail. 77$. V.Jloscitlosa. Clustered, oblong-oval, with a dila- ted pelhicid disk. AJnmt MicroCcobe 6. ^<^i. t. 27. /. AJ. .62. . n, fmooth, or ruggecj with annulatipns. . .socfts. Clustered,, ciavate, with an ohliquQ disk and rough surface. icroc. . .. , disk and rough surface. Hydra fociaHs. Adams Microfc. p. 395. t. 21 ./. 1 1 . In ditches, growing in clusters on the Ceratophymim, and united by their finall thin tails to a common centre; head fame-. times contracting into. an almost globular form. v vtrnini-en. Simnlp. trinnrjet-shaned. with a cili- it globular form. trumpet-shaped, with a cili- , Baher Microfc. p. 302. tab. 12. /. -2. Scattered, oblong) tapering into a. tail. WORMS. INFUSORIA. 82. Vorticclla. 221 777. V. Catulus. Cylindrical, with a plain aperture, and reflected cloven tail. Adorns Microfc. p. 325. tab. 27. /. 50. In marsliy waters, thick, mufcular, variously folded : head con- nected by a short neck : tail short, ending in 2 short bristles," and exferted or concealed at pleafure : rotatory-organ very minute. 77g. V. macronra. With a double rotatory organ, and slender tail ending in a triple spine. Baker Microfc. p. 380. tab. i2./. i. In marshy waters} referable* V. rotatori:*, but is entirely tranf- parent. 779, V. rotatona. Cylindrical, with a double rota- tory organ, and long tail furnished with 4 points.' Adams Microfc. p. 548. t. 26. f. 1-3. 6. 7. 1 123. t. 27. f. 46-49. In stagnant waters, appearing to the nak^tl eye like a ycllowiihr dot, and in rain water which has stood some time in gutters and cisterns ; it frequently changes its form and posture, from a long taper body to a short broad flat one; the rotatory organs turn like wheels with considerable velocity : tail consisting of about 3 retractile joints, and terminated by 4 minute hooks. 780. V.laciijLulatai Inversely conic, with the aperture Jobed : tail furnished with 2 small bristles. Adams Microfc. p. 547. tab. 27. /. 45. In pure water, transparent, cylindrical, with molecular intes- tines : moving with velocity in an oblique direction. C. Without stem or tail. 78!. V. Ampulla. Contained in a bottle-shaped pellu- cid bag>: head divided into 2 lobes. Adams Microfc. p. 544. tab. 26. /. 4. 5. flag in the shape of a common water-bottle, in -which the ani- malcule is placed, sometimes at the bottom, sometimes nearly ftllii.g it. 782. V. cratcegaria. Subglobular, clustered, and some- times united by a very minute stem or tail. Adims Microfc. p. 400. tab. 22. /. 40. Found in muddy waters in the mouth of April, generally hea ped together in a sphaerkalform, and often united by a common . stalk. 788. V. nasuta. Cylindrical, with a projecting point ia the middle of the mouth. Adams t. 27-/. 38. 39. Donov. Ins, i. /. 29./. 2. lu stagnant waters, invisible to the naked eye, transparent, quick in motion, and perpetually changing its form, rounded at the base, hairy at the mouth each side : 7 otatory-organ surrounding the mid- dle of the body. 784. V. crateizformis. Nearly square, with ciliate tufts behind. Adams Microfc. p. 543. tab. 27.7, 40. 41. Common in infufions of grafs, very vivacious and pellucid, with the internal molecules easily seen, round, longer than it is broad* with the sides convex. 785. V. tnmcciteUa. Cylindrical, truncate at top with..- short crowded fringe* Hill Hist, anim.p. 6. tab. i. In frefh water, transparent, full of blackish molecules, obtuse at the bafe, tbc margin of the mouth entirely surrounded -with, *. fringe, 222 WORMS. INFUSORIA. 83. Trichotte. 786. V. limacina. Cylindrical, truncate, with 2 pairs of rotatory organs. . Adams Microfc. p. 543. tab. 27. /. 60. In stagnant waters, about the mouths and feelers of testaceous animals, transparent, invisible to the naked eye. 787. V. ilisrina. Orbicular, with a ciliatc margin and a kind of convex handle on the hind part. Adams Microfc, p. 542. tab. 26. f. 8-10. 788. V. cincla: Trapexiform, blackish-green, opake. Adams Microfc, p. 539. tab. l".f. 30. In marfhes, invisible to the" naked eye, fofnetimes oval and ap- pearing as if surrounded with a tranfverfc keel in the middle, cil- late on all sides. 7.89. V. polymorpha. Of many forms, green, opake, granuious-. Adams Micrafc. p. 539. tab. 27. /. 33-35. Appears to the naked eye like a green point, moving with great, agility, and perpetually changing into a variety of forms: body. granulous. 790. V.viridis. Cylindrical, uniform, green, opake. Donov. his. t. 39. /. 3. Adams Alter. I. 27. /. 31. In fresh water, appearing to the naked eye like a green point, moving circularly or in a straight direction, obtuse at both extre- mities. 791. V. bursata. Green, with a truncate ; mouth and central papillary projection. Adams Microfc. p. 537. tab zj.f. 32. In saltwater, round, prominent, filled with molecules. 792. V. nigra. Top-shaped, black. . l)oov. Ins, t. so./. 3. Adams Microsc. t. a;/. 36. 37. In water which has stagnated on meadows, appearing to the naked eye like a black speck: body conical, opake,' obtuse at, one end, pointed at the other. 83. TRICHODA. A. Hairy. 793. Tr. Cometa. Sphasrical, hairy on the fore-part, with <-;n appendant globule or two behind. Donovan Inj. t. 26. /. i. Adams Micr. t- 25. /. 46. 47. In pure water; a pellucid globule with bright molecules, and furnished with an appe-ndant lesser globule or two behind. 7^1. Tr. granata. Sphaerical, with an opake centre, hairy round the periphery. Adams Micr. p. 507. tab. 25. f. .48. In ftagnanf waters: an opake globule, with a pellucid margin surrounded with short hairs. 795. Tr. Sol. Globular* ev.ery where radiate with short hairs. Adams Microfc. t. 25. /. 6,5. 66. Nat. Misc. t. 4,53, In water which has been kept some time: body round, crystalline, dilatable and contra'ctile, full, of molecules, and best: t with nume- rous "divergent rays of hairs longer than the diameter of the body. 796Tr. Bamla.. Changeable, pellucid, yellowish, with a few dispersed hairs on ihe fore- part. Adiimj Micr.jt, .509. tab. 2.3. /, 67, 68. WORMS. INFUSORIA. S3- Tnchoda.. 223 In stagnant water, yellowish with paler molecules, moving with velocity, and assuming various shapes. 797. Tr. trigonq. Convex-conic, ciliate on the fore- part, lobed behind. Adams Micr. p. 510. tab. 25. f. 63. In fresh water ; triangular, convex on both sides. 798. Tr. pubes. . Oval-oblong, gibbous, depressed on the fore. part. Adams Micr.p. 511. tab. bfj.f. 61 . fa. ' In clear water : body rounded, behind, the fore-part with a thick short dilatable neck furnished with extremely short hairs. 799. Tr. Proteus. Oval, obtuse behind, with along con- tractile neck. A Jams Micr. p. 512. tab. 25. f. 56-60. In animal and vegetable infusions, afsuming a great variety of shapes, from orbicular to nearly linear, but generally ellip- tical, pointed at one end, with a long neck ending in a knob at the other.. 800. Tr. gibba; Oblong, gibbous in the middle and on the back,, both ends obtuse, hairy oil the fore- part. Adams, Micr.p. 513. tab. 25. /. 5.5.. Body pellucid, with numerous. obscure molecules.. 801. Tr. paie\ts'. Long:, round, with an oblong aperture on the fore-part, (he edge* of which are ciliate. Adams. Micr, p. 5 1 4. tub, 25. /. 54. . In salt water : body lo-ig, cylindrical, a little taper at the ends, and filled with molecules. 802. Tr. Uvula. Flattish, elongated,, of unequal size, hairy on the fore-parti Banov. Ins. t. Q.f. 4. Adams Micr. t. 25. f. 53. In vegetable infusions ; long, flat, fiexuous, nearly of equal size, filled vvjth blackish molecules and lucid globules near the middle. 803. Tr. Anas. Elongated, clavate, hairy underneath at the top of the neck. Adams Micr. .p. 518. tab.. 25. f. 49. In pure water; fmooth, filled with darker molecules. 801. Tr. Farcimcn. Long, thick, surrounded with small bristles. Adams Micr. p. 518. tab. 25* f, 50-52. Body round, pellucid, thicker at. one end, covered with lucid vesicles. 805. Tr. Linter. Oval, oblong,, a little prominent at each end. Adams Micr. p. 519. tab. 25. f. 51.. In infusions of grafs; varying in shape, with sometimes a rota- tory motion. 806. Tr. vermicularis . Cylindrical, clavate, with a short hairy neck. Donov. Ins. t. 17. f. 3. .Adams. Micr. f. 27.y. i. a-e. In river water ; gelatinous, dilating and contracting i t eel f, pel- lucid before, filled with molecules behind. 801. Tr. Melit&a. Oblong, ciliate, with a dilatable neck globular at the end and surrounded with hairs. Donovan Ins, t. 29. /, x. Adams Mierofc, t, 2JT./. 3 2*4r WORMS. INFUSORIA. 83. Trichoda. In salt water : body larger on the hind -part. SOS./L'r.Jimbnata. Obovate, hairy at the tip, obliquely tnvacate and serrate on tlie hind-part. Adams Micr. p. 520. tab. 27. /. 2. Body pellucid, tilled with small molecules. 809. Tr. Rattus* Oblong, .carinate, hairy on the fore- part, with a very long; bristle behind. Adams Micr. p. 521. ta6. c ^.f 4* In stagnant waters; the intestines visible in a gibbosity on the back.. 810/ Tr. innata. Sheathed in a cylindrical hag, with a small pedicel projectile beyond it. Adams Micr. p. 526. tub, 27. f. \\. In salt water ; funnel-torn:, contractile. 811. Tr. Cydidium. Oval, gaping at the tip, hairy at the base. Adams Micr. p. 527. tab. ay./. .i. In vegetable infusions ; pellucid, filled with globules on the hind- part. 812. Tr. Pulex. Oval, with an incision on the fore- part, hairy on the front and base. Adams Micr. p. 51?.. tab. 27. /. 12. In fresh water ; erect, a little convex, pellucid, filled with dark molecules, obtufe in front with a few fcattered hairs. 813. Tr. Lynceus. Nearly square, with a hooked beak and hairy mouth. Adams Micr. p. 528. tab. 27. /. 16. In water which has been kept- some time, mcrnbranaceous, comprefsed, with the intestines eminently visible. 814. Tr. Charon. Boat-shaped, grooved, hairy at both, ends. Adams Micr. f>. 529. tab. ay./, >7 18.- In sea water ; oval, hollowed on the upper-part, convex and furrowed beneath. 815. Tr. Cimex. Oval, with a lucid margin, hairy be- fore and behind. Jdams Micr.p. 529. tab. ay./. 19. In vegetable infusions; convex on the back, flat beneath, with an incision on the margin in front. 81.6. Tr. Pocillum Oblong, truncate and hairy before, . -with a jointed tail divided into 2 bristles. Donov. Ins. tab. \\. Adams Micr. t. 17. / 5. 6. in marshes ; cylindrical, margined : mouth wheoi closed appearing terminated by 2 spines: tail With 2 pair of bristles, one on the second joint, the other on, the last. 817. Tr. Musculu*. Oval, hairy on the fore-part, with a projecting tail beneath on the hind-part. Adams Micr. p. 523, tab. 2y,/. 7. In old infusions of hay ; smooth, with a double margin or line beneath, narrow and furnished with short hairs before, and a small > pointed tail beneath on the hind-part. 818. Tr. Delphinus. Oblong, hairy on the fore-part, end- ing behind in a reflected truncate tail. . Adams Micr. p. 526. tab. 27. /. 8. In infusions of hay ; smooth, pellucid, egg-shaped. . 19. Tr. Pincis. Oblong, hairy before, ending behind a very fine slender tail. WORMS. INFUSORIA. 84. CerCaria. MS JddHts Micr, p. 525, tab, 27, /. 13, 14, in waiei ; kept some time $ smooth, pellucid, Jmigef thafl it \& broedr filled with ydlew.ffleletwles, obtuse in ffetit, 820. Tr. tongicaudu, Cylindrical, truncate and surroun- ded with hairi in front, tail long, with g painti and Sbmtlei. Adams Micn/cepe, p, 535, tab. a;,/, ie^ B. furnished with cirri. 821 . Trv Marus. Round r tumid, cirratc behind, pointed before. Adamt Microfcope p, $34, tab,t>},f, 97. In freih water 5 pear-shaped,, full of black molecules, the tip pellucid and radiate with 4 long curved foft tendrils, 822. Tr. Ludio. Gibbous, cirrate on one edge and hairy on the other; tail forked stretched forward. Donovan Int. t. ao,/. a. Adams Micrafoju t. 27. /, a6. In stagnant water; ftnooth, pellucid, elavatc, lull of fmall pointr cirri placed at top and in the middle. C. Horned. 823. Tr. Histno. Oblong, with mucronate points on the fore-part, and longitudinal tin-like bristles be- hind. Adam* Microfcope p. 531. tab.^.f, ao. Body membranous; pellucid, with 4 or 5 black points on the fare-- part, the middle with clofe black f pecks and a few large white fpot ; near the lower-part a few longitudinal bristles, not reaching beyond the body. 824. Tr. Cyvris, Pear-shaped, sinuate towards the hind- part, hairy on the lore-parti. Adams Micrnfcope p. 53 1 . tab . 27 . /. 2 1 . ' In ditch water; comprefsed, rounded behind. 825. Tr. Patella. Covered with an univalve shell, emar- ginate and homed in front, with pendulous flexile bristles behind. Adams Misrofcope p. 531. tab. ay./. 22. 23. In marsh water; comprefsed, rounded behind. 826. Tr. Pullasier. Oval, sinuate on the fore-part with; a crest in front, hairy at the base.. , Adams Microfcope p. 532. tab. 27. /. 24. 25. In ditches; pellucid with shining molecules, truncate and fur rounded with, hair in front, si,nuous on the fore-part. 827. Tr. Mytilus. Oblong-, broader at each extremity; transparent, ciliate and horned; Adams Microfcope p. 532, tab. 27. _/". 29. In marsh water, pellucid, white and rotinded at both ends, dark, in the middle with black intcl'tines mixed with a few white mole- cules, ciliate and armed with a horns in front, ctliate behind and furnished with 2 briftles reaching beyond the margin. 84. CERCARIA, 828. C. Gifrinus. Round, with a sharp-pointed tail. Baker Microfe. expl. lab. ic.f. i ? In animal infusions; white, gelatinous, nearly globular on the fore-part. 226 WORMS. INFUSORIA. 85. Leucopbra; 829. C. inquicta. Changeable, convex, with a smooth tail. Adams Micrefccpe p. 493. Lab. 25. /. 31.' In fall-water ; white, gelatinous, changing its shape into a fphaerical long or oval figure, but always preferving its Mil. 830. C. Lemna. Changeable, somewhat flattened, with an annulate tail. Adams Microfc. p. 494. tab. 25.7. 33-35. In ditch wat^r ; changing to oblong, triangular, or kidney-form; tail short^ thick, annulate, or long, llexile, without rings. 831. C. iurbo. Globular, contracted in the middle, with a setaceous tail. Adams Microfcope p. 494. tab. 25. f. 30. Bedy pellucid, partly oval, partly fphasrical, appearing compofed of 2 unequal globular bodies: tail fomclimes straight, fometime* reflected. 832. C. Podura. Cylindrical, taper, pointed and slightly cloven behind. Adams Microfcope p. 494. tab. 25.7. 36. 37. In marshy places; pellucid, with black molecules on the trunk: head rounded, -with a contraction a little below it. 833. C. mutabilis. Changeable, cylindrical, red or green, with a pointed slightly cloven tail. Shaw Naturalist's Mifcellany tab. 107. In stagnant pools, in fuch innumerable myriads as to cover the whole surface with a sheet of green or red, giving it sometimes the appearance of being tinged with blood ; varies its posture from a long cylindrical body, larger in the middle, to a nearly globular-one : the extremities are pellucid, 831. C. Lupus. Cylindrical, thick, elongated, the tail ending in 2 spines. Adams After, p. 497. tab. 25. f. 39- In stagnant water: bead truncate, divided from the body by a. " contraction : taz'/uiuch narrower than the body, ending in 2 bright moveable fpines. 835.. C. vermteularis. Cylindrical, annulate, with an exser- tile proboscis, .and forked tail. Adctms Microfcope p. .497. tab. 25. /. 40, In stagnant water ; clivicjed into 8 or 9 annulations, tapering towards the tail, the tip either obtufe or lunate. 836. C. Tripus. Nearly triangular^with a pointed refleo ted arm each side, and straight tail. Adams M icrojc cpe p. 498. tab. 25. f. 38, In fait water : body ilat, pellucid. 85. LEUCOPHRA. 837. L. Conflictor. Spiiajrical, subopake, with moveable intestines. Ba/ier employ m. Mic.. tab. 3. n. 3. In clear water ; yello.wifh with dark ed"ges, and filled with most minute molecules in continual violent agitation 838. L. vtsiculifera , Oval, with vesicular intestines. Adams Micr.p. 502. tab. 25.7.41. Body pellucid, with a dark grey edge, the middle frequently ap- pearing of a blue Cast. WORMS. INFUSORIA. 86-89, 321 830. L. cornuta. Inversely conic, green, opakc. Adams Microfcoptp 506. tab. 25. /. 42. 43. In marshy grounds; broad and truncate in front, with a small spine each side, pellucid and pointed behind : sometimes it ap- pears oval or kidney-shaped, and when the water which contains it evaporates, it breaks- into molecular vesicles. 810. L. /leteroctita. Cylindrical, obtuse in front, furnish- ed behind with a double crested exsertile organ. Adams Mia. p. 506. tab. 25.7. 44. 45. To the naked eye appearing as a white point ; intestines visible. 86. mJUSARlA. 841. B. Hinmdinetta. Oval, pointed at-each end, with a sharp iin each side. Donovan Ins. t. $.f. 2. Adams Micr. t. 25. /. 19. In ditch and marsh water: a pellucid hollow membrane, mov- ing forwards like a bird in flight. $42. B. duplelta. Elliptic, with the edges folded over, leaving a narrow longitudinal hollow, Adams Microfcope p. 492. t. 25. f. 18. Among Duck-weed, without visible intestines. 87. GONIUM. 84j G. pectorals. Quadrangular, pellucid, with 1 6 spoor rical molecules. Adams Miciofcope p. 489. t. ?./. 17. In pure water : molecules oval, nearly equal in size, fet in a quad- rangular membrane like diamonds in a ring, the lower-ones a little krger than the rest. 88. COLPODA. $44. C. Meleagris. Changeable, with the fore-part hook- ked, the hind- part folded up. Donov. fns. t. 32. /. 2. Adams Micr. t. 25. /. 22. In water impregnated with vegetables: membrane dilated, finely folded, variously bent every moment; the fore-part clear and bright, the hind-part variously plaited and full of moleculcs-j the margin sinuate. 845. 'C. Cucullns. Oval, inflated, with an incision be- neath 'he tip. Adams micr. p. 487. tab. $.$./. 23. In various vegetable infusions: pellucid, with an irregular margin, filled with bright molecules; generally oval, with the top bent into a kind of beak, sometimes oblong but usually obtuse, with 824 bright molecules $46. C. Pi/rum. Convex, oval, produced in front into a beak Adams Micr. p. 4^89, tab.2$.f. 20. 21. Body uniform, transparent, pale, filled with molecules ; the neck rather long and a little bent. 89. PARAMECIUM. 847. P. Aurelia. Compressed, longitudinally platted towards the fore- part, acute behind. Kill Aain. i.t. 3. Herman. Naturf. 20. r. 3./. 41. a. In ditch-water and infusions ; raeinbranateous, 4 times as long 228 WORMS. INFUSORIA. 90. 91. as it is broad ; the fore-part obtufc, hyaline.; the hind-part filled with molecules ; the fold reaching from the middle to the tip, 848. P. Chrysalis. Cylindrical, longitudinally plaited on the fore-part, obtuse behind. Adams Microfcope p. 483. tab. 25. /. -26. -In fait water ; refembling the laft, but is more obtufe behind ; the margins filled with black globules. 849. P.ociferum. Depressed, with large oval molecules within. Adams Microfcope p. 4^3. tab. 25. f. 25. Body oval, pellucid, with black grains. $50. P. marginatum. Depressed, grey,, with a double margin. Adams Microfcope p. 483. tab. 25. f. 24. at, elliptical, with a clear fpiral intestine. 90. CYCLIDIUM. $51. C. Bulla. Orbicular, transparent. Hill Anim.t. t. a. Wrisb.infus.f. x. b. Jn infusions of hay ; pellucid, white, with the edges a Httlq darker : motion slow and circular. 852. C. radians. Oval, with distinctly visible intes- tines. Hill Hist. anim. tab. \.f. 3. . In vegetable infusions ; fmooth, pellucid, with a blue canal . within branching into 2 arms, and 2 tranfvcrfe lines just beneath the middle of the body. $53. C, Nucleus. Oval, ending in a point behind. Hill Hi st. anim. tab. i . /. 4 ? In vegetable infusions, refembling a grape-feed; intestines visi- ble, the fore and hind-part dark each side. 854. C. Pediculus. Oval, convex above, flat beneath. .Trtntbley Polyp. \.p. 282. tab."j.f. 10. 11.^ On the arms of the Hydra fufca : gelatinous, whitish, each end deprefsed and truncate, fometimes cloven at one end. 91. VIBRIO. 855. V. Lunula. Bow-shaped, pointed at each end. Adams Microjcope p. 458. tab. 25. /. 16. Body green, with a few globules difpofed longitudinally, 856. V. Serpeniula. Ol'an^quai size, rather pointed at the ends. Mill Anim. t. i. Spallanz. Microfc.p. 189.7. 2. 12. In vegetable infusions of several weeks standing : whitish, frequently convolute and drawn into various forms, marked with a longitudinal row of white dots. $57. V. Aceti. Rather rigid, with a tapering pointed tail, and a retractile protuberance at the base. Adams micr. t. \\.f. 7. Bak. Micr. t. to:/. 8. t>. In vinegar and other mild acids-. very fertile, pellucid, and active; is both viviparous and oviparous, 858. V. Glutimt. Filiform, with a dark shield on the back surrounded with a while ring : head ob- tuse. Adams Micr, p. 462. tab.. M./, 6. 8, 9. o. WORMS. INFUSORIA. 92. 93. 229 In paste and other viscid substances which have been kept some time ; resembles the last, but is much slower, shorter, and less pointed at the tail. B59. V. dnguilula. Somewhat rigid, tapering both ways. Mams Micr. t. 1 1 ./. 4. 5. Nat. Mhcell. t. 431 . In paste, vegetable sediments, and infusion* of grain, and in sea water ; pellucid, with hardly visible intestines, but sometimes a transverse line in the middle, and rarely a longitudinal row of glo- bules : it is ovipaious. 860. V. Anser. Elliptic, with a long neck, and a tubercle on the back. Adams Micr. p. 477- '**. 25-/-. 2 7- *9 In water where Duck-weed grows; elliptic, round, full of mole- cules, produced into a bending deck longer than the body on the fore-part, sharp and bright behind. 861. V. Olor. Elliptical, with a very long neck clavate at the end. Donov. Ins. t. 23. /. t. Adams Micr. t. 25. /. 28. In water replete with decayed vegetables ; tnembranaceou*, dilatable, continually moving the neck, eomewkat pointed behind. 862. V. Proteus. Gelatinous, shooting out into a fine point. Donovan Ins. t. 32. /. 3. 4. Adams Microfc. t. 25. /. 4. 5. lu river water, pellucid, filled with black molecules, changing its form continually, but always ending in a point. 92. BACILLARIA. 863. Paradoxa Bacillaria. Adams Micro/cope t. 25. /. 13-15. Nat. Mifcell. t. 436. On the Ulva latifsitna : body compofed of 5-40 linear yellowish short filaments united together, forming themfelves into afquare, eigzag, or extended line, but always preserving .their parallclifm and resting in a fcjuare. 93. ENCHELIS 864. E. punctifcra. Green, subcylindrical, obtuse before, pointed behind. Adams Micr. p. 443. tab. a^./. 8. In marshes; opake, with a pellucid pot containing 2 black 'dots on the fore-part, and a double dark band in the middle^ 865. E. caudata. Elongated, obtuse before, tapering to a tail behind. Adams Microsc. p. 447. tab. **>/. 9. Body grey, pellucid, covered with globular molecules, obtwe before, tapering to a transparent tail behind. 8G6. E. retrograda. Transparent, narrowed before, with a globular tip. Adams Micr.p, 448. tab. 25. /. ti. 12. Gelatinous, without visible inteftines, moving sideways, and fometisie* retrograde, 867. E. Truncus. Cylindrical, with a dilated round head. Adams Micr. ^.450. ttb. *.$./. 10. Body large, mucous, grey, rather opa^e, globular in fronf, obtufe behind, with sometimes 3 teeth protruded from the middle V 230 WORMS. INFUSORIA. 94. 95. on one side, filled with globules : motion slow, from rieh^ to left. 94. VOLVOX. 868. V. Spharula. Sphaerical, with similar round molecules. Adams Micr.p. 439. tab. 2^./. 6. In ftagnant waters; compofed of about 60 pellucid homogeneous white or greenish-yellow points ; moves slowly, about a quarter of a circle from right to left, and then back again from left to right. 869. V. Lunula. Hemisphaerical, with similar crescent- shaped molecules. Sphaerical, membranaceous, with 95. M0NA& 871. M . Atomus. Whitish, with a variable point. Adams Alter, p. 431. tab. 25. /. i. In fea water kept a long time : body a white point, fomewhat oval, with a minute black dot variable in its pofture, rarely with 2. 872. M. P'mctum. A solid opake black point, Adams Micr. p. 43 > 3- In fetid infusions of pears : body round, moving in a slow waver- ing manner. 873. M. Mica. Transparent, with an oval movebte cir- cle in the middle. Adams Micr.p. 433- 6 - Common in purer waters : tody a lucid point, variable in its motions, and encompassed by a beautiful halo, 874. M. Lens. Transparent, with sometimes a greenish margin. Baker Micr. 1. 1 o./. i -3. Hill. Anim. f . i . i . Found in all water , a round pellucid dot, frequently in mafscs, without the leaft veftige of inteftines. 875. M. Termo. A most minute simple gelatinous trans- parent point. Adams Micr. p. 430. n. i . In inoft animal and vegetable infusions ; of all known animals the moft minute and simple, being fo extremely delicate and tranfparent, as often to elude the moft highly magnifying powers, blending as it were in the water in whicu it fwims. INDEX, INDEX. Aberdevine , . Page 40 Bafte . . . , Pag* 8 Acorn-Skeli . Actinia . . 3o Beaver , . . . 11 Alauda 4* Bee-eater . , . 34 Alca . 66 Bernacle . . 72. 144. Alcedo 34 Bib . . 9 Alcyonium 207 Bittern f 53 Ammodites 87 Ampelis . . . 36 Black-cap . . , Amphitrite . . . 136 Bleak ... 109 Anarichas . . 87 Blennius . . . . 92 Blertny . . . . t 92 Anchovy^ , . 107 Blind-worm 81 Angler Bos . Anguilla . . . . 87 Bracbionus . , . 218 Anguis . . . 81 BrambliHg 40 Anomia 162 Bream . . 108 Aphrodita . . . . 136 Aplysia . : 133 Area. Ark-shell . . 160 * 3* Ardea 5* Bulla . ... . 168 Argentine , . . . 105 Bull-head . .- .. 94 . 125 3* Afcidia . 132 Burfaria . 227 Ass . 15 Bustard 5*. After ias . . . 39 Butcher-bird Buzzard 30 Atherinc . 105 Auk . 66 c. Avocet . . . 66 Cachalot . . ifi B. Callionymus . 88 Bacillaria . . . . 5.29 Canis . . , 9 Badger ... . JO Capra *4 Salsena . 15 Caprimulgus . . 4f Balanus H3 Cardium ... t fand-Jish ... 94 Carp .... . JO/ Marbsl . 170 Cat . 2. INDEX. Ccllepora . . Cellepore Centrifcus . . Cephalui . . Cepola . Cercaria . Certhia . Cervus . . Chaffinch . Chama . . Page . 205 . ao 5 117 . 116 94 223 : 34 J3 39 . 160 62 Curforiui . . , Curtvillet . . , Cuttle-fish . Cyclopterus . Cyclidium . . . Cypraea . Cyprinut . . * D. Dab . fk^ . 62 . 6 , 138 . J3 . aaS . 167 . 107 96 6i _ Chimxra . . . . to . **4 Dead Man's Hand . w>7 * Chough 31 7 Clupca Coal-fish . Cobitis . . Cock of the Woods . 106 9 . 103 5 Derris . . Deui'worm . . , Didapper . . Diver . 13* . 118 . 65 67 Cod-fish . Colpoda . Coluber . . . . 9 . 227 . 80 Dog-fish . . . Dolphin Donax . "4 >7 * >5* Columba . . /w 49 Colymbus . . Comber . . . . 67 99 Dormoufe . Dorfe . , , 3 , 89 Conger 87 Coot . . . . 64 Dragonet . . , Duck .... 88 Coraciat . , Coral . Corallina . 31 206 . . 211 Dun-diver * . Dunlin . . % 7* . 63 Corvorant 77 E, 8 Courser .. Cow . . . 62 14 167 Echincij . * . Echinorinchua . . Echinus . . . 94 . 126 Crake . . . 63 lei 87 Creeper Crofs-bili . 34 37 Emberiza . . . Enchelii . . . 33 * *2 9 Ci usian . 108 Erinaceut . . M Cuchouf . Curlew 3* 55 Efox .... Exoccctus . . . 05 . toi IND EX. ia Page Page F. Grampus * . , . 17 Faloo. Falcon . Fafciola . 24 . 126 Grayling . t . . 104, 109 64 Father-lasher Felis .... 95 Green-finch , * 37 Field-fart . Filaria , , 9 36 . 126 Green-shank . Grosbeak , . 57 . . 3 5 Fitch ... 39 Groundling . . . . 103 tin-fish Grous . . Gudgeon . . Guillemot . , . .50 . 107 . . 67 Fitchet 10 Flat-fish Flounder ... 95 96 Gull . . , Gurnard . . 68 102 Fluke .... 126 Giuyniud . . - 104 Flustra . . 209 Fly-catcher . . . 41 ri* Flying-fish . . 106 Haddock . . . 89 Fox .... Haematopus Hag-fish . . . . no Fringilla . . . 39 frog '. 80 J/a/r worm Frog fish . . i . 115 fla^tf . ... Fulica . . 64 G* Haw-finch . . 37 Gad us . . 89 Hawk . . . . 28 Gadiuall 74 Hedge-hog . . . 11 Callinula . . - 63 Helix . . 187 Gallinule . . 63 Hen-harrier . . . . 27 Cannot 77 Herring . . . 106 Garganey . . . 76 ./fc'aiiy 15 Gar-fish . . . 105 Hirudo . 129 Gafterofteus . . 101 Himndo . . . . 48 Gaftrobranchus *>. . . no 28 Gtittorugine 92 Gilt-head . J 97 Holibut . - , 95 Holothuria . 132 8 Goat-sucker ... 49 Gobius. G0y . . Godwit . t 94 . 56 H&rn-wrack . 209 Golden-eye \ . . Gold-jlnch . . . . Gold-finny . : 76 4 99 Hound-fish . , 112 Gold-fish . . 108 Hydra ~ , . 2l8 Goofander . 70 J/ Gorgonia . . . . 206 Courts-worm , , 126 .j/f''* . 8 Planaria . '11 P'atalea , . Plcuronectes : % fi 126' 35, 95 62 3 Oriole 3 * Pochard 75 '' Podiceps . . . 64 Ostrea . . . . ^162 r 7"' 95 Otis . .fOifcat . 10 Otter , 52 Pollach . 9 1 Ovi . 10 -Polype . , 218 . Ouzel . Owl .... Ox 36 Porpesse . 28 p^i . ; ; ; 90 17 no Oyster .. Oyster-catcher . . 14 Procellaria l62 Ptarmigan . . 6 3 Puddi^- W ed .. 70 51 207 I. Puffin" . 66 . P;rt? . . -60 jParamecftjm . . 227 ' Partridge . 5' Q. Parus -Patella Pearl . . 47 gaiV . . '9<5 g W f 97 : 5* 49 Pecten 161 . ,o Pelecanus . x\ft 77 Pelecan , Rabbet . , 3 i 217 Ra J a ' .' -Perca . 63 'Perch . . < 63 Perdix Rana . 83 1 Perriuiinkle '79 *" ' ' ' Petrel '* Raven . 33 Petromyzon . . Pett'ichapt . io 9 **y - 4 * Razor-bill . . 110 6(5 , i8 R^zor-sheath . . 147 * Phalaropus . ' t 64 Recurvirostra . 66 Phalarcpe . . . 64 Red-breast . . . . 46 'Pha'sianufc . : 50 Red-fole . 41 Pheasant 50 Red-shank . 51 Pho'ca . . 3. Redstart ' 45 , , 45 Redwing . 35 - Phyfeter . . 94 Piciis . ' , 32 Ring-tail . 27 Pigeon , . t ^ 2 Roach . . . ic8 Pike .'.,-. . 1C5 \/?0fa ]*.*." Pilchard t . , ic6 r Rockling _ . * * 9 Pinfia , . . 165 /?<3f. Roebuck f . . 14 Pin-tail . . 75 /20// . ' . ' . JArtp .'.*.. H Swallow . * . 58 Shevoen ' ' . ' . . 103 ShieldraAe . 74 Shi f -verb . v . . 202 INDEX. Vll Page ., Sword-fish . , 88 V. age Sylvia 44 Syngnathus . . 116 Venus . . , Genus's fan . 206 T. Vermiculum . . , 99 Vespertilio . . 8 Taenia ... . 126 Vibrio . 228 80 Tantalus . . . 54 Viverra . . 126 9 Teal . Tellina Voluta . 170 Tench .... Terebella . . 108 132 Upupa . . t Urchin . 219 34 . 11 Teredo . . 2C2 Tern . . . 68 Ursus . . , ' ia Testudo 78 Tetrao 50 TV. Tetrodon . . 116 Wagtail 43 Thistle-finch . 40 Weesel 9 Throstle 35 Weever . 89 Thrush . . , . 35 Whale Titmouse . . , 47 Wheat-ear ... ! 4 6 Toad . 8 Whelk. 17L 73 Tomtit 48 Whiff 97 Whimbrel . 55 Top-shell . Whinchat . . 46 Tooth-sheU . 198 White-bait . 109 Torpedo 45 Tortoise ... 78 Whiting-pout 90 Trachinus . . Wigeon . 75 Trichocephalus . . . 126 Wolf . 9 Trichoda . . . 222 Wolf-fish . . 87 Trigla . , . Tringa . 58 Woodcock . . . . 56 Triton . 138 Wood-pecker 32 Trochus . 1 77 Wrasse ... Trout . 103 Wreath-shell ! 178 Trumpet-fish 117 Wren 47 Tube-worm . . 128 Wryneek . 32 Tubulaiia . 210 X. Tunny Turbo . 1 7 8 Xiphias ... 88 Turbot ... 97 Y. Turdus 35 Yellow-hammer . . 3* Turn-stone . Yunx . Turtle > o Turtle-dove . 78 z. Twite .... 50 .Zeus .... 95 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS, P. 10. Under Talpa europtea, insert Var. 2. White, with rusty red throat and belly. = Var. 3. Spotted black and white. Both thefe varieties were taken, in the fpring 1807, at Kyllc- maenllwyd in Caermarthenshire, the feat of John Rees, Esq. P. 25. After Turdus iliacus, insert 63.* T. gularis. Above dusky-brown, beneath white with a dusky bar across the bottom of the throat: vent rusty -yellow, with black bars; Penrith Ouzel. Latham Synops. \'\. p. 177. n, 2. Body larger than T. Cinclus, above dusk-y- brown : chin and throat white, with a dusky bar at the bottom of the latter : breast, belly, and thighs white, with short black streaks pointing downwards, more numerous towards the lower belly and thighs: vent yel- lowish, barred with black : legs rusty-yellow. Obs. This fpecies is added by Dr. Latham, from Mr. Pennant's notes of a Journey from Downing to Alston Moor, in which is- painted a figure of the bird. Title-page in the quotation, for prinicipio read principle. Page 15, line 32, for blaek read black. 1 5t 34 > f r lobes read lobes. 35, 9 from the bottom, for reddtsh-oranpe rd. reddish-orange 87, 4 from the bottom, for t. 32 read t. 33. 103, 5, for unarmed read head unarmed. 107, 41, for Shaw Zvol. read Shaw Zcol. 108, 5 from the bottom, for co- read covered. 118, n. 5. for FACIOLA read FASCIOLA. 118, n. 10. place HIRUDO in the division b. Without the later*} pore. . Page 124, last line, for 62 read 92. 129, line 25, Horse-leech place under H. sanguisuga. 138, 7 from the bottom, for r. 8.f. 5. read t. "],f. 2, HI* 3> f r -A-. sphcerulala read A. spharttlata. 167, 19, for joinst read joints. 17 1 36, tor aperture read aperture. 204, 17, for psrtitiom read partitions. .f. EVANS, PRINTER, Wind-Street. Turton.W British fauna. June 8 f f 17 y i Zoo. Dept QL2' OGY jpj^i ,-L IMERUBRARYtOA MR * 5 Jttiv 357918 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY