UN'VMSITY O CALIFORNIA Check List of Books ON Angling, Fish, Fisheries Fish-Culture, Etc. IN THE Library of DANIEL B. /FEARING L ]\ Member of Suffolk Club, South Haven, L. I.; West Island Club, R. I.; Triton Club, P. Q., and Life Member of the American Fish Guitarists' Association. NEWPORT, R. I. NEW YORK Printed for Private Distribution I 90 I JOHN POLHBMUS PRINTING COMPANY, 121 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. DASE 8 &rr AJLUSUS <^UPX&-6 .*A , . / NOTE. >HE collecting of books treating on special subjects has been prevalent for a long series of years. I doubt if any subject lias given more pleasure to the collector, than that afforded the seeker after works on Angling, Fish, Fishing, Fish-Culture, Fisheries, and kindred subjects. The numerous writers on the Art of Angling from the earliest times to the present, testify to its fascination and popu- larity. No other branch of out-door sport has ever called forth such efforts in its praise, such minute directions for its pursuit, nor in such quantity, as has been given to the " gentle art." This collection, commenced in 1890, has grown steadily, till it now numbers over two thousand titles. No attempt has been made to collect the many editions of that famous pastoral, " The Complete Angler," by Walton and Cotton. Yet enough are included to represent their contribution to the literature of Angling. Some of the titles included here will be searched for in vain in other collections. This list has been made to have in a convenient form a check against duplication while searching for new titles. Twenty-five copies only printed for private distribution. NEWPOET, E. I., April, 1901. CHECK LIST. ABBOTT (CHAS. C.) A Naturalist's Rambles About Home. 12mo. v^ N. Y.: D. APPLETON, 1884. ABBOTT (CHAS. C.) Waste-Land Wanderings. 12mo. N. Y.: HAEPER y BEOS., 1887. ABBOTT (CHAS. C.) Days Out of Doors. 12mo. N. Y.: D. APPLE- jx TON & Co., 1889. ABBOTT (CHAS. C.) Outings at Odd Times. 16mo. N. Y.: D.APPLE- \S TON CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 19 BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD. Lake Sunapee. Illustrated. Sq. 8vo. Boston : PASSENGER DEPT., 1897. BOUCHON-BRANDELY (M.) Rapport au Ministre L'Instruction Publique sur L'Etat de la Pisciculture en France et dans les Pays Yoisins. 8vo. Paris: 1873. * Three pamphlets by same author in this Volume. BOUSSUETI (FRANCISCI). Svrregiani-Doctor is Medici, de Natura Aguatilium Carmen. Quarn de PISCIBTIS MARINIS SCKIPSIT HISTOEIAM, ETC. Fine old engravings of Fish, etc. Sq. 8vo. LUGDUNI : APVD MATTHIAM BONHOME, 1558. BOWDEN (REV. J.) The Naturalist in Norway. With Some Account of the Principal Salmon Rivers. Illustrated. 12mo. London : L. REEVE & Co., 1869. BOWLKER (RICHARD). The Art of Angling. Improved in all its Parts. Especially Fly-Fishing. First Edition. 21mo. "Worcester: PRINTED BY M. OLIVERS, IN HIGH STREET, N. D. [1758 ?] BOWLKER (RICHARD). The Art of Angling. 24mo. Worcester : PRINTED BY M. OLIVERS, m HIGH STREET, N. D. [1758 ?J * With four more pages than the above described copy. BOWLKER (CHAS.) Art of Angling. Third Edition. Frontispiece mounted. 16mo. Birmingham : PRINTED BY AND FOR SWINNEY & EVETTS. N. D. BOWLKER (CHAS.) Art of Angling. Front. Fourth Edition. 16mo. Birmingham and London : 1786. BOWLKER (CHAS.) Art of Angling. Frontispiece, Fifth Edition. 16mo. Birmingham and London : M. SWINNEY, 1788. BOWLKER (CHAS.) Art of Angling. Frontispiece. Sixth Edition. 16mo. Birmingham and London : SWINNEY & WALKER, 1792. BOWLKER (CHAS.) Art of Angling. Frontispiece (mounted). A New Edition. 16mo. Birmingham : SWINNEY & HAWKINS, N. D. BOWLKER (CHAS.) Art of Angling. Front. A New Edition. (Seventh). 16mo. Ludlow : H. PROCTER, 1806. BOWLKER (CHAS.) Art of Angling. Front. A New Edition. (Eighth). 24mo. Ludlow : H. PROCTER, 1814. BOWLKER (CHAS.) Art of Angling. Front, of Colored Flies. Ninth Edition. 16mo. Ludlow : PROCTER & JONES, 1826. BOWLKER (CH IS.) Art of Angling. Front, of Colored Flies. Tenth Edition. 16mo. Ludlow : PROCTER & JONES, 1829. 20 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. BOWLKER (CHAS.) Art of Angling. Front. Flies. Eleventh Edition. 16mo. Ludlow : K. JONES, 1833. BOWLKER (CHAS.) Art of Angling. Front, of Flies. Twelfth Edi- tion. 16mo. Ludlow : K. JONES, 1839. BOWLKER (CHAS.) Art of Angling. Front, of Flies. A New Edi- tion Revised. 16mo. Ludlow: R. JONES, 1854. BOYS' OWN BOOK. First American Edition. Illustrated. Sq. 24mo. Boston : MUNEOE & FKANCIS, 1829. BOYS' OWN BOOK, Extended. Illustrated. Sq. 24mo. Boston: MUNROE & FRANCIS, 1851. BOYS' OWN BOOK. Illustrated. Sq. 16mo. Louisville : MORTON & GRISWOLD, 1854. BOY'S OWN JOLLY ANGLING BOOK. Illustrated. 16mo. London: N. P., N. D. BOY. EVERY BOY'S BOOK. Illustrated. A New Edition (Second ?) 12rao. London and New York: ROUTLEDGE, 1862. BOYS' HANDY BOOK OF SPORTS, Pastimes, Games and Amuse- ments. Illustrated. 12mo. London: WARD LOCKK & Co. (1863?) BOYS' TREASURY OF SPORTS, Pastimes and Recreations. Nearly 400 Engravings. Third American Edition. 16mo. Boston: J. P. HILL, 1848. BOYCE (W. D.) A Strike. Portrait and Illustrations. Sq. 8vo. Chicago: 1894. BOYLE (HoN. R.) Occasional Reflections Upon Several Subjects. 16mo. London: PRINTED BY W. WILSON FOR HENRY HERRINOMAN, 1665. BOYLE (HoN. R.) Occasional Reflections Upon Several Subjects. Port- rait of the Author Eng. ~by Vander Oucht. Second Edition. 16mo. London : H. HERRINGMAN, 1669. * Bound in at end " A Meditation Upon a Broomstick." London : Printed for E. Curll, 1710. Attributed to Dean Swift. BRABAZON (WALLOP). Deep Sea and Coast Fisheries of Ireland. Illustrated ly W. Cooper. First Edition. 8vo. Dublin : 1848. BRADFORD (CHAS. BARKER). The Brook Trout. Illustrated. 16mo. New York (1900). BRADLEY (TOM). Yorkshire Rivers. No. 1. The Wharf. Birtfs-Eye View of 'the River. Second Edition. 12mo. Leeds : 1890. BRADLEY (TOM). Yorkshire Rivers. No. 2. The Nidd. jBird's-Eye View of the River and Roads Adjoining. 12mo. Leeds : 1890. CU* -4nt6r04e.~aa***., CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 21 BRADLEY (TOM). Yorkshire Rivers. No. 3. The Ure. View of Roads and River Adjoining. 12mo. Leeds : 1890. BRAITHWAITE (GEO. FOSTER). Salmonidse of Westermorland. Frontispiece. 12mo. London and Kendal : 1884. BREVOORT (JAS. CARSON). Notes on Some Figures of Japanese Fish. Colored Plates. 4to. Washington: 1856. BRITISH FISHES. A Familiar History of. Illustrated. 16mo. Lon- don : SOCIETY FOB PROMOTING XIAN. KNOWLEDGE. N. D. BRITISH FISH AND FISHERIES. 24mo. London : RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY. N. D. BRITISH FISHERIES DIRECTORY 1883-4. 16mo. London: 1883. BRITISH MUSEUM. List of the Specimens of Fish in the Collection of the British Museum. 16mo. London : 1851. BROCCHI (P.) Traite de Zoologie Agricole Compenant des Elements de Pisciculture, etc. 603 Figures in Text. 8vo. Paris : 1886. BROCCHI (DR.) La Pisciculture dans les Eaux Douces. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris : N. D. BROMLEY-DAYENPORT (W.) Sport, Fox-Hunting, SALMON-FISHING, etc. Illustrated. First Edition. Sq. 8vo. London : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1885. BROMLEY-DAVENPORT (W.) Sport. Illustrated. New Edition. 8vo. London: 1886. BROMLEY-DAVENPORT (W.) Sport. Illustrated. New Edition. 12mo. London: 1888. BROOKES (R.) A New and Accurate System of Natural History. Illus- trated. First Edition. (Vol. III. is on Fishes.) 6 vols., 16mo. Lon- don : PRINTED FOR J. NEWBERY, 1763. BROOKES (RICHARD). Art of Angling. Illustrated with 133 Cuts. First Edition. 16mo. London : JOHN WATTS, 1740. BROOKES (RICHARD). Art of Angling. 133 Cuts. Second Edition. 16mo. London : J. WATTS, 1743. BROOKES (R.) Art of Angling now Improved with Additions and Formed into a Dictionary. 135 Cuts. First Edition in this shape. 16mo. London: T. LOWNDES, 1776. BROOKES (R.) Art of Angling. 135 Cuts. Third Edition, with great improvements. 16mo. London : T. LOWNDES, 1770. BROOKES (R.) Art of Angling. 135 Cuts. Fourth Edition. 16mo. London : T. LOWNDES, 1774. 22 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. BROOKES (R.) Art of Angling. 135 Cuts. Fifth Edition. 16mo. London : T. LOWNDES, 1781. BROOKES (R.) Art of Angling. 135 Cuts. Sixth Edition. 16mo. London: "W. LOWNDES, 1T85. BROOKES (R.) Art of Angling. 135 Cuts. A New Edition. 16mo. London : "W. LOWNDES, 1793. BROOKES (R.) Art of Angling. 135 Cuts. A New Edition. 16mo. London: W. LOWNDES, 1799. BROOKES (R.) Art of Angling. 135 Cuts. A New Edition, Corrected. 16mo. London: W. LOWNDES, 1801. BROWN (ABBIE FARWELL). The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts. Illustrated. 12mo. Boston and New York : 1900. [BROWN (JOHN J.)] The American Angler's Guide. Engravings. By An American Angler. First Edition. 24mo. New York : BUR- GESS, STRINGER & Co., 1845. [BROWN (JOHN J.) ] American Angler's Guide. Engravings. By An American Angler. Second Edition. 24mo. New York : BUR- GESS, STRINGER & Co., 1846. [BROWN (J. J.)] American Angler's Guide. Third Edition. Illustra- ted. 12mo. New York: 1849. [BROWN (J. J.)] American Angler's Guide. Illustrated. Fourth Edi- tion. 16mo. N. Y., 1849. [BROWN (J. J.)] American Angler's Guide. Illustrated. Fourth Edi- tion Revised, with a SECOND PART. W Engravings of Angle Fish and Illustrations on the Margins of tlie Leaves. 12 mo. New York : 1850. [BROWN (J. J.)] American Angler's Guide. Fourth Edition. W En- gravings of Angl-e Fish, etc. 12mo. New York : D. APPLETON & Co., 1857. BROWN (J. J.) American Angler's Guide. Illustrated. Fifth Edition, with the addition of a third part. 25 Engravings of the Principal Angle Fish. 8vo. New York : 1876. The first Edition, with the name on Title as Author. BROWN (J. J.) Angler's Almanac for 1848. Illustrated. 8vo. New York: 1848. BROWN (J. J.) Angler's Almanac for 1849. Illustrated. 8vo. New York: 1849. BROWN (J. MORAY). Stray Sport. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo. Edin. and London: 1893. * CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 23 BROWN (THOS., KT.) Certain Miscellany Tracts. 12mo. London : CHAS. MEARNE, 1684:. BROWN (WM.) Natural History of the Salmon. Illustrated. 16mo. Glasgow and London : 1862. BROWNE (J. EOSS). Etchings of a Whaling Cruise. Engravings. 8vo. New York: 1846. BROWNE (MOSES). Piscatory Eclogues. FIRST EDITION. Front, from the 3d Edition inserted, the first to haw one. 12mo. London: FEINTED BY C. ACKERS, 1729. BROWNE (MOSES). Poeins on Several Subjects. Frontispiece En- graved ~by J. Basire after H. Gravelot. 12mo. London : EDWARD CAVE, 1739. BROWNE (MOSES). Angling Sports in Nine Piscatory Eclogues. Front. Third Edition. 16mo. London : PRINTED FOR EDWARD AND CHAS. DILLT, 1773. BUCHAN (JOHN). Musa Piscatrix. Illustrated. 12mo. London : JOHN LANE, 1896. BUCHANAN (REV. JOHN LANNE). A General View of the Fishery of Great Britain. 8vo. London : PRINTED FOR THO. KAY, 1794. BUCHANAN (ROBERT). The Land of Lome. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo. London : 1871. BUCKLAND (FRANCIS T.) Curiosities of Natural History. Front. First American Edition, from the Fourth London Edition. 12mo* New York: 1859. BUCKLAND (FRANCIS T.) Curiosities of Natural History. First Series. Front. Tenth Edition. 16mo. London : BENTLEY, 1858. BUCKLAND (FRANCIS T.) Curiosities of Natural History. Second Series. Front. 12mo. New York: 1860. BUCKLAND (FRANCIS T.) Cariosities of Natural History. Second Series. Front. Sixth Edition. 16mo. London: 1867. BUCKLAND (FRANCIS T.) Curiosities of Natural History. Ittus- trated. Third Series. Second Edition. 16mo. London: BENTLEY ? 1868. BUCKLAND (FRANK T.) Fish Hatching. 12mo. London : 1863. BUCKLAND (FRANK). Manual of Salmon and Trout Hatching. 12mo. London: 1864. BUCKLAND (FRANK). Log-Book of a Fisherman and Zoologist. Illustrated. First Edition. 12mo. London : 1875. 24 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. BUCKLAND (FRANK). Log-Book of a Fisherman and Zoologist. Illustrated. Sixth Thousand. 12mo. London : 1891. BUCKLAND (FRANK). Natural History of British Fishes. 1 llustrated. 12mo. London: (1880). BUCKLAND. Life of Frank Buckland, by his Brother-in-Law Geo. C. Bompas. Portrait. Sixth Edition. 8vo. London: SMITH, ELDER &Co., 1885. BUCKLAND (FRANK). Familiar History of British Fishes. Illus- trated. 12mo. London : J. TEUSCOTT & SON, N. D. BUCKLEY (ARABELLA B.) The Winners in Life's Race, or the Great Backboned Family. Illustrated. 12mo. New York : 1893. BUFFON (LECLERC DE). Histoire Naturelle, General et Particuliere des Poissons. Edited by C. S. Sonnini. Portrait and a series of finely colored plates. 14 vola. 12mo. Paris: F. DDFAET, An. XI.- XII., (1811-1812). BU1ST (ROBERT). The Stormontneld Piscicultural Experiments, 1853- 1866. Illustrated. 16mo. Edin.: 1866. BULGER (GEO. E.) Leaves from the Records of St. Hubert's Club. * 8vo. London : L. BOOTH, 1864. BULLEN (FRANK T.) The Cruise of the Cachalot. Illustrated. 12mo. New York: 1899. BULLETIN of The U. S. Fish Commission, 1881-1899. 18 vols. 8vo and4to. "Washington: 1881-99. BURGESS (J. T.) Angling : A Practical Guide to Bottom Fishing, &c. Illustrated. 16mo. London : WAENE, (1867). BURGESS (J. T.) Angling and How to Angle. Revised and brought down to date by R. B. Marston. Portrait and Illustrations. 12mo. London: WABNE, 1895. BURGESS ( J. T.) Angling and How to Angle. Revised by R. B. Mar- ston. 70 diagrams and illustrations. 12mo. London : WAENE, 1898. BURKE (ULICK J.) The Boy's Walton. Illustrated. 16ino. London: WAED & Co., 1878. BURN AND (F. C.) Round About My Garden ; the Incomplete Angler, &c. 16mo. London : BEADBUEY, AGNEW & Co., 1876. BURN AND (F. C.) The Incomplete Angler. After Master Izaak Wal- ton. Illustrated. 8vo. London : BEADBUEY, AGNEW & Co., 1887. BURROUGHS (JOHN). Locusts and Wild Honey. First Edition. 16rno. Boston: 1879. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 25 BURROUGHS (JOHN). Writings. Riverside Edition. Illustrations. 5 vols. 12mo. Boston and New York : 1895. BURTON (GENL. E. F.) Trouting in Norway. Illustrated. 12mo. Carlisle and London : 1897. BURTON (RICHARD F.) The Lake Regions of Central Africa. Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. New York : HARPERS, 1860. BUSHNAN (J. S., M.D.) Natural History of Fislies. 33 colored plates. 16mo. Edin.: LIZARS, 1840. * Jardine's Naturalist's Library. BUTLER (BENJ. F.) Address to Protect American Fisheries Against British Aggression. 8vo. Lowell : 1870. CABINET (THE) OF NATURAL HISTORY AND AMERICAN ', RURAL SPORTS. Colored plates. 2 vols. and Four Parts (all published) bound in 2 vols. 4to. Phila.: PUBLISHED BY J. & T. DOUGHTY, 1830-1834. CADMAN (HENRY). Harry Druidale, Fisherman from Manxland to England. Illustrated. 8vo. London : 1898. CALIFORNIA. Report (Sixth) of the Commissioners of Fisheries. S. of California, year 1880. 8vo. Sacramento : 1881. CALL (RICHD. E.) Ichthyologia Ohiensis, or Natural History of the Fishes Inhabiting the River Ohio and its Tributary Streams. By C. S. Rafinesque. Portrait. 8vo. Cleveland: 1899. * Reprint of the Edition of 1820. CALL (RICHD. E.) The Life and Writings of Rafinesque. Author's Edition. Portraits and facsimiles. Folio. Louisville: J. P. MOR- TON & Co., 1895. CAMPBELL (LADY COLIN). A Book of the Running Book. 16rao. London: 1886. CAMPBELL (LADY COLIN). A Book of the Running Book 16mo. New York : O. JUDD Co., 1886. CAMPBELL (LiEUT.-CoL. JAMES). Excursions, Adventures and Field- y Sports in Ceylon. Maps, colored plates, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. London : T. & W, BOONE, 1843. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Fishing Resorts Along The. No. IV. Sq. 16mo. Montreal: 1887. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Fishing and Shooting. Illus- trated. Tenth Edition. 8vo. Montreal : 1898. 26 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Fishing and Shooting. Illus- trated. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Montreal : June, 1900. CAPEL (CHAS. C.) Trout Culture. First Edition. 16mo. London : HARDWICKE & BOGUE, 1877. CAPEL (CHAS. C.) Trout Culture. Illustrated. Second Edition. 12mo. London and Brighton : 1885. CAPPER (JOHN). Old Ceylon. Illustrations ly Ceylon Artists. 8vo. London and Aberdeen : 1878. CAKBONNIER (PIERRE). Guide Pratique des Pisciculture. Vignette. 16mo. Paris: 1864. CARTER (ROBT.) A Summer Cruise on the Coast of New England. 12mo. Boston: 1864. CARROLL ("W.) Angler's (The) Vade Mecum, Containing a Descriptive Account of "Water Flies. 12 Colored Plates. First Edition. 12mo. Edin.: A. CONSTABLE & Co., 1818. CARPENTER (WM.) The Angler's Assistant. Illustrated. First Edition. 16mo. London : DAVID BOGUE, 1848. CARPENTER (WM.) The Angler's Assistant. Front, of Colored Flies and other illustrations. Second Edition. 16mo. London : G. ROUT- LEDGE & Co., 1852. CARPENTIER (JULES). La Peche Raisonnee et Perfectionnee du Pecheur Fabricateur Toutes Lignes, etc. 92 engravings. 12mo. Paris: 1879. / [CARTWRIGHT (REV. W.)] Rambles and Recollections of a Fly- Fisher. Illustrated. By " Clericus." First Edition. 12mo. London : 1854 [CARTWRIGHT (REV. W.)] Facts and Fancies of Salmon Fishing. With Original Illustrations. By " Clericus." 12mo. London : CAB- SELL, 1874. CARUS (VICTOR). Histoire de la Zoologie Depuis L'Antiquite" Jusqu' au XIX e Siecle. 8vo. Paris : 1880. CARVER (JONATHAN). Three Years' Travel Throughout the Interior Parts of North America. 16mo. Walpole, N. H.: ISAIAH THOMAS & Co., 1813. CATALOGUES. A Bibliographical Catalogue of English Writers on Angling and Ichthyology. 12mo. London : JOHN R. SMITH, 1856. CATALOGUES. ALEXANDER (L. D.) Large and Valuable Library. Angling portion, pp. 31-99. Field Sports, etc., pp. 209-254. 8vo. New York : BANGS & Co., 1895. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 27 CATALOGUES. AMERICAN AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Angling, pp. 20-24. 8vo. Boston : CHAS. F. LIBBIE & Co , 1899. CATALOGUES. BA1LLIERE & FILS. Poissons-Rep tiles, etc. 8vo. Paris: 1893. CATALOGUES. BARTLETT (JOHN). Books on Angling. Includ- ing Ichthyology, Pisciculture, Fisheries and Fishing Laws. Sq. 8vo. Cambridge: 1882. * The Supplement is included. 100 of each printed. CATALOGUES. THE BARTLETT COLLECTION. A List of Books , on Angling, Fishes, and Fish Culture. In Harvard College Library, w^ By Louise Rankin Albee. 8vo. Cambridge, Mass.: 1896. CATALOGUES. BENJAMIN (W. E.) Catalogue of Angling and Sporting Books. N. Y.: 1888. CATALOGUES. BIBLIOTHECA 1CHTHYOLOGIA ET PISCA- 7 TORIA. Catalogus. D. Mulder Bosgoed. 8vo. Haarlem: 1874. , CATALOGUES. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Books upon Ang- ^ ling. 16mo. London : W. PICKERING, 1836. CATALOGUES. CLARKE & CO. (ROBT.) Angling, Hunting, Shoot- ing and Kindred Subjects. 8vo. Cincinnati, O.: 1888. CATALOGUES. COTTON (REY. H. S.) Yery Interesting and Singu- larly Curious Collection of Books on Angling. 8vo. London: S. LEIGH SOTHEBY, 1838. CATALOGUES. DODD, MEAD & CO. (No. 9.) A Collection of Books Principally on Angling and Sporting. 8vo. New York : N. D. CATALOGUES. EXHIBITION OF WALTONIANA. At the Row- fant Club. (Finding List.) 12mo. Cleveland, Oct. 26, 27, 28, 1896. CATALOGUES. EYTON (T. C.) Fishing Literature. 12mo. Wel- lington, Salop.: 1871. CATALOGUES. FISHING BOOKS. Drawings of Field Sports, etc. * ./ 8vo. London : MB. SOTHEBY, 1828. CATALOGUES. GOSDEN (T.) Engravings and Books on Angling and Field Sports. 16mo. London : 1825. CATALOGUES. HASTIE (PETER) AND TRACY (E. H.) Library \^ of. Angling, Lots 6268-6309. 4to. New York : LEAVITT, 1877. CATALOGUES. HAWORTH (RICHARD). Very Curious Collection of Works on Archery, Hunting and Fishing. 8vo. London : MB. SOTHEBY, 1826. CATALOGUES. HAYES (FRANCIS B.) Library. Angling Books, pp. 173-185. 8vo. New York : BANGS & Co., 1898. 28 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. CATALOGUES. HIGGS (WM. S.) Collection of Works on Angling. 8vo. London : ME. SOTHEBY & SON, 1830. CATALOGUES. HOLLINGS (FEANK). Books on Sports and Pas- times. Illustrated cover. No. 17. Sq. 32tno. London: Holborn, W. C., N. D. ~ CATALOGUES. JONES (JAS.) Old Angling Books. 32ino, paper. London: E. (No. 2. 1883.) CATALOGUES. LEGGAT BEOS. Angling, Boat Building, Ornith- ology, Natural History and Sporting. 8vo. New York : N. D. Y CATALOGUES. LOCKWOOD & COOMBES. John E. McEwan's Col- lection Angling, Shooting and Field Sports. No. 7. 12mo. June, 1888. New York. CATALOGUES. [LOWEEY (JOHN A.)] Library of A Weil-Known New York Collector. Angling, etc. 8vo. New York: BANGS & Co., 1888. ^T CATALOGUES. LUYSTEE (A. L.) A Special Catalogue of Books on Angling, Shooting, Field Sports, Natural History, etc. 12mo. New York: 1885. (/ CATALOGUES. MAESH (J. C.) Books on Angling. 12mo. Lon- don : N. D., (1898.) v S CATALOGUES. [MAESTON (E. B.)] A List of Books Eelating to ]/ Fish, Fishing and Fisheries, to Supplement the Bibliotheca Piscatoria published in 1883. Interleaved. 8vo. London: SAMPSON Low, 1901. \/ CATALOGUES. MATHEE (FEED.) Fish and Fisheries, etc. 8vo. New York : BANGS & Co., 1900. v S CATALOGUES. MAUEICE & CO. (A.) A Choice Collection of Books on Angling. Principally from the Library of E. F. Snow. 8vo. London : N. D. CATALOGUES. MAUEICE & CO. (A.) Eare and Curious Sporting Books. 8vo. London : N. D. CATALOGUES. MILLEE (HENRY). Choice Collection of Books on Angling, Hunting, Natural History, etc. 8vo. New York : N. D. CATALOGUES. MILLEE (WM.) Angling, Sporting, etc. No. 11. Kingsland, N.: 1880. CATALOGUES. PICKEEING & CHATTO. The Book-Lover's Leaf- let. (About 400 rare Angling Books.) 12mo. London : 1893. CATALOGUES. PICKEEING & CHATTO. Old and Eare Books. (Angling and Sporting.) 12mo. London : 1894. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 29 CATALOGUES. PICKERING & CHATTO. Illustrated Catalogue of Old and Bare Books. (Angling, pp. 12-18.) 8vo. London: 1898. CATALOGUES. QUARITCH (B.) Interesting Books Relating to Games, Sports, etc. 870. London : 1899. CATALOGUES. RICHMOND & CO. (G. H.) Angling and Sporting BOOKS. 8vo. New York : 1898. CATALOGUES. RYER (FREDERICK R.) Sporting Literature. 8vo. New York : BANGS & Co., 1889. CATALOGUES. SABIN (JOSEPH). A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Waltonian Library belonging to the Estate of Robt. W. Coleman, deceased. 8vo. New York : 1866. * Only 75 copies printed. CATALOGUES. SABIN (W. W.) 1,001 Books on Angling, Being the Description of a Most Complete Collection. 12mo. London : 1882. * The Grego Collection bought by Dean Sage. CATALOGUES. SABIN (W. W.) Books on Angling, with some few on Ichthyology. (Contains Nos. IV., VII., IX. and X.) 8vo. Lon- don : 1883-1887. CATALOGUES. SAGE (DEAN). A Catalogue of Books on Angling. Frontispiece. Square 8vo. New York : DE VINNB PEESS, 1896. * Only 50 copies printed from the type. No. 22. (Another copy, No. 10.) CATALOGUES. SATCHELL (THOMAS). The Bibliography of Izaak Walton's Complete Angler. Portrait. Sq., 8vo. London : 1882. CATALOGUES. SCRIBNER & WELFORD. Rural Sports, Pastimes, etc. 12mo. New York : N. D. CATALOGUES. SNOW (EDWIN F.) Valuable and Extensive Library of Books on Angling. 8vo. London: SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 1898. v / CATALOGUES. SOTHERAN & CO. Books on Angling. 8vo. London: 1899. \S CATALOGUES. SUTTON (ALBERT). Sports and Pastimes, Includ- ing Angling, Fishing, Fly-Making, etc. Illustrated Cover. 8vo. Manchester: 1899. V' CATALOGUES. THORPE (HENRY). Angling, Hunting, Shooting, Natural History, etc. (Nos. 1-2.) 8vo. Brooklyn, N. Y.: 1879-1880. CATALOGUES. TOOVEY (JAMES). English Sports and Pastimes. 12mo. London : N. D. CATALOGUES. WALTONIAN LIBRARY. By the American Editor. [G. W. Bethune.] 12mo. N. P., N. D. (N. Y., 1847.) 30 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. . / CATALOGUES. WALTON TERCENTENARY. 1593-1893. Angling and Fishing Literature. 8vo. Manchester : ALBERT SUTTON, 1893. * Only 25 copies printed of this edition. / CATALOGUES. WALTONIAN COLLECTION in Lenox Library. v\/ 8vo. New York : PRINTED FOB THE TRUSTEES, 1893. CATALOGUES. WALTON & COTTON. Chronological Hand-List of Various Editions of the Complete Angler, etc. 1593, 1893. 16mo. New York : GROLIER CLUB, 1893. * 450 copies printed. CATALOGUES. WATEKS (B. S.) A Catalogue of his Angling Library, Typewritten, from Henry Thorpe's MS. Folio. Jamaica, L. I.: 1898. /CATALOGUES. WESTWOOD (T.) A New Bibliotheca Piscatoria. Angling and Fishing Literature. 16mo. London : 1861. CATALOGUES. WESTWOOD (THOS.) Bibliotheca Piscatoria. Waltonian Library. Sq. 8vo. New York: J. W. BOUTON, 1873. CATALOGUES. WESTWOOD (T.) and SATCIIELL (T.) Bibli- otheca Piscatoria. Books on Angling, etc. 8vo. London: W. SATCHELL, 1883. CATALOGUES. WESTWOOD (T.) and SATCHELL (T.) Bibli- otheca Piscatoria. 4to. London : W. SATCHELL, 1883. * Large Paper Copy. \/ CATALOGUES. WESTWOOD (T.) and SATCHELL (T.) A List of Books Relating to Fish, Fishing and Fisheries, to Supplement the Bibliotheca Piscatoria published in 1883. 8vo, paper. London : SAMPSON Low, 1901. * Compiled by R. B. Marston and issued with the English Catalogue of Books for 1900. CATALOGUES. WESTWOOD & SATCHELL. Interleaved Copy of a List of Books Relating to Fish, Fishing and Fisheries, to Supplement the Bibliotheca Piscatoria of E. Westwood and T. Satchell. Published in 1883. 8vo. London: SAMPSON Low, 1901. CATON (JOHN DEAN, LL.D.) A Summer in Norway. Second Edition. With Map and Portrait. 8vo. Chicago : 1880. CALLOW (AGNES). Drops of Water. Colored Plates. Sq. 16mo. London: 1851. CATS (JACOB). Alle de Wercken, etc. 4to. Amsterdam : JAN JACOBO SCHIPPER, 1655. CATS (JACOB). Alle de Wercken, etc. Fol. Amsterdam : JAN JACOBO SCHIPPER, 1665. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 31 CAUX (J. W. DE). The Herring and the Herring Fishery. 12mo. London: 1881. CHAMBERS (E. T. D.) The Ouananiche and its Canadian Environment. Illustrated. 8vo. New York: HAKPEES, 1896. CHAMBERS (E. T. D.) The Angler s Guide to Eastern Canada, Sq. 16mo. Quebec : MORNING CHRONICLE OFFICE, N. D. CHAPMAN (ABEL). Wild Norway. Illustrated by the Author. 8vo. Edward Arnold, Publisher to the India Office, London and New York: 1897. CHAMPON (CONSTANTIN). La Peche en Eau Douce Ouvrage Indes- pensable aux Pecheurs. Illustrated. 16mo. Paris : N. D. CHARLES (UNCLE). The Boy's Book of Sports and Games. Illustra- tions by Henry Sears. (COLORED). 24mo. London : HENRY ALLMAN, 1850. CHARLETON (T. W., R. N.) Art (The) of Fishing. A Poem. 8vo. North Shields : PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, 1819. CHARLETON I (GUALTERI). Onomasticon Zoicon. Plerorumque Animalinm Differentias et Nomina Propria Pluribus Linguis Expo- nens. Plates. Sq. 12mo. Londini : J. ALLESTRY, 1668. CHARLETONI (GUALTERI). Exercitationes de Defferenties et Nominibus Animalium. Plates of Birds and Fishes Inserted. Folio. Oxionse : E. T. SHELDONIANO, 1677. [OHASSERESSE (DIANE).] Sporting Sketches. Illustrated. 12mo. London : MACMILLAN, 1890. CHASSES et Peches Anglaises Varietes de Peches et de Chasses. Illus- trated. 8vo. Paris : N. D. CHATTERTON (G. J.) An Essay on Fly-Fishing. 12mo. Printed ly Hasell, Watson & Viney. London and Aylesbury : N. D. [CHATTO (WM. A.)] Angler's (The) Souvenir. By P. Fisher, (pseud.} Illustrations by Beckwith & Topham. FIRST EDITION. 16mo. Lon- don : CHAS. TILT, 1835. [CHATTO (WM. A.)] Angler's Souvenir. r A New Edition. Illustrated. 12mo. London : WARNE & Co., N. D. [CHATTO (WM. A.)] Angler's Souvenir. A New Edition. Plates India Proofs. Sq. 8vo. London : WARNE & Co., N. D. [CHATTO (WM. A.)] Rambles in Northumberland. By Stephen Oliver, the Younger, (pseud.) Illustrated. 16mo. London : 1835. [CHATTO (WM. A.)] Scenes and Recollections of Fly-Fishing. By Stephen Oliver, (pseud.) Illustrated. 16mo. London : 1834. 32 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. CHEEK (J.) The Young Angler's Guide. Illustrated. Second Edition. 8vo. London: 1839. CHEEK (J.) The Young Angler's Guide. Engravings. Third Edition. 8vo. London: 1839. CHEEK (JOHN). The British Angler's Instructor. Gratis. 32mo. London : HOWLETT & SON, 1855. CHEEYER (REV. HENRY T.) The Whale and his Captors. Engrav- ings. 18mo. New York : 1850. CHESSHYRE (E.) Posthumous Songs, etc. Silhouette Portrait. 12rao. Manchester: HENRY JONES, 1837. [CHETHAM (JAMES)]. The Angler's Yade Mecum. A Compendious^ yet full, Discourse of Angling. By a Lover of Angling. First Edi- tion. 24mo. London : Printed for THO. BASSETT, 1681. [CHETHAM (JAMES)]. The Angler's Yade Mecum. The Second Edition. Illustrated with Sculptures and very much enlarged. 16mo. London : FEINTED FOR T. BASSET, 1689. [CHETHAM (JAMES)]. The Angler's Vade Mecum. Third Edition. Illustrated with Sculptures. 16 mo. London : PRINTED FOR WILLIAM BATTERSBY, 1700. .- [CHETHAM (JAMES)]. The Angler's Yade Mecum. Third Edition. 16mo. London : PRINTED FOR WILLIAM BATTERSBY, 1700. CHITTY (EDWARD). The Illustrated Fly-Fisher's Text-Book. By Theophilus South, Gent. 23 Engravings (and 10 Woodcuts inserted). 8vo. London : BOHN, 1845. CHURCH (A. J.) Isis and Thamesis. Illustrated. First Edition. 4to. London : SEELEY & Co., 1880. * Edition de Luxe with etched title. CHURCH (A. J.) Summer Days on the Thames. I llustrated. Second Edition. Sq. 8vo. London : SEELEY & Co., 1890. I CHURCHWARD (JAMES). A Big Game and Fishing Guide. Map and Illustrations. 8vo. Bangor, Maine : 1898. * Issued by The Bangor & Aroostook R. R. CLARK (GEORGE). The Game Laws, from King Henry III. to the Present Period. 16mo. London : PRINTED FOR J. FIELDING, 1786. CLARK (FRANK E.) Our Yacations. 24mo. Boston : (1874.) CLARK (N. W.) Pisciculture. An Address on the Artificial Breeding of Fish, etc. 8vo. Detroit: 1875. ft /!U4 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 33 \/ [CLAKKE (CAPTAIN).] The Angler's Desideratum Some New and Valuable Inventions by the Author, from a Practice of Nearly Half a Century. 16mo. Edinburgh: M. ANDERSON, 1839. CLAKKE (KIT.) Where the Trout Hide. Illustrated. 24mo. New York : BKENTANO'S, 1889. CLAKKE (KIT.) Practical Angler. Illustrated. 16mo. New York : 1892. CLAYE (J.) La Peche et la Pisciculture : COSTE. Sur les Moyens de Kepeupler toutes les Eaux de la France par 1'eclosion Artificielle des Oeufs de Poisson : Pouchet (Geo.) La Pisciculture en France. (3 pamphlets in one volume.) 8vo. (Paris) Y. D. * From " Revue de Deux Monde." CLEMENTS (L.) Shooting, Yachting, and Sea-Fishing Trips. Second Series. By " Wildf owler." 2 vols. 8vo. London: CHAPMAN & HALL, 18T7. CLEMENTS (L.) Shooting and Fishing Trips. By Wildf owler." "SnapShot." Second Edition. 8vo. London: CHAPMAN & HALL, 1878. CLIFFE (CHAS. F.) The Book of South Wales. Maps and Engravings. Third Edition. 16mo. London : 1854. CLIFFE (JOHN HENRY). Notes and Recollections of an Angler. First Edition. 12mo. London: 1860. CLIFFE (JOHN HENRY). Notes and Recollections of an Angler. Second Edition. 12mo. London : 1870. [CLINTON (DE WITT).] Letters on the Natural History and Internal Resources of the State of New York. By Hibernicus. (pseud.) 12mo. New York : E. BLISS & E. WHITE, 1822. CLOQUET (HIPPLYTE) (sic.) Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles. Planches (85, beautifully colored) of Fish. 8vo. Paris : F. G. LER- KAULT, 1816-1830. [CO AD (J.)] Angling (The) Excursions of Gregory Greendrake, Esq. (pseud.), in Ireland. Second Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Dublin : ELLIS & ALCOCK, 1826. [CO AD (J.)] Angling Excursions of Gregory Greendrake, Esq. (pseud.) Fourth Edition, front. 12mo. Dublin: GKANT & BOLTON, 1832. COBBOLD (T. SPENCER). On the Destruction of Fish and Other Aquatic Animals by Internal Parasites. 8vo. London : CLOWES, 1883. CODFISH. A History of the Emblem of the Codfish in the Hall of the House of Representatives. 8vo. Boston : 1895. 34 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. COLE (RALPH). The Young Angler's Pocket Companion. Folded Frontispiece in three parts. First Edition. 24mo. London : PBINTED FOB R. BASSAM, 1795. COLE (RALPH). The Young Angler's Pocket Companion. Frontispiece. (four men angling). 32mo. London : PKINTED FOB W. LANE, 1795. COLE (RALPH). The Young Angler's Pocket Companion. Frontispiece, (man fishing). 24mo. London: "W. MASON, N. D. * Third Edition. With Chapter on "Smelt Fishing" which all copies do not contain. COLLIER (J. H.) and HOOPER (J.) American Parlor Aquarium. Illustrated. 12mo. New York : J. H. COLLIER, 1866. COLQUHOUN (JOHN"). The Moor and the Loch. Illustrated. First Edition. 8vo. Edin. and London : BLACKWOOD & SONS, 1840. COLQUHOUN (JOHN). The Moor and the Loch. Illustrated. Second Edition. 8vo. London : J. MUBEAY, 1841. COLQUHOUN (JOHN). The Moor and the Loch. Illustrated. Third Edition. 8vo. Edin. and London: BLACKWOOD & SONS, 1851. COLQUHOUN (JOHN). The Moor and the Loch. Portrait and Illus- trations. Sixth Edition, enlarged. 2 vols., 12mo. Edin. and London: W. BLACKWOOD & SONS, 1884. '- -y/ COLQUHOUN (JOHN). Rocks and Rivers. 12mo. London : MTJEBAY, 1849. COLQUHOUN (JOHN). Salmon-Casts and Stray Shots. 16mo. Edin. and London: BLACKWOOD, 1858. COLQUHOUN (JOHN). Sporting Days. 12mo. Edin. and London : BLACKWOOD, 1866. COLLINS (A. S.) The Impregnation of Eggs in Trout Breeding. 8vo. N. P., N. D. * From the American Naturalist. Vol. IV., p. 76. COMPLETE (The) FAMILY-PIECE: and COUNTRY GENTLE- MAN, and Farmer's Best Guide. In Three Parts. Third Edition, improved. 16rno. London : C. RIVINGTON, 1741. COMPLETE (The) Fisherman; or Universal Angler. Frontispiece. First Edition. 16mo. London : FIELDING AND WALKEB, N. D. (1778). CONCORD AND MONTREAL RAILROAD. Lakes, Ponds and Streams. Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. Concord : 1892. CONNECTICUT (STATE OF). Report of the Commissioners Concern- ing the Protection of Fish in the Connecticut River, &c. May Session, 1867. 8vo. Hartford : 1867. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 35 CONNECTICUT. Keport (First Annual) of the Commissioners on Fisheries to the General Assembly. May Session, 1868. 8vo. New- Haven : T. J. STAFFORD, 1868. CONNECTICUT. Fourth Report. Commissioners of Fisheries, 1870. 8vo. Hartford: 1870. CONNECTICUT. Sixth Report. Commissioners of Fisheries, 1872. 8vo. Hartford: 1872. CONNECTICUT. Seventh Report. Commissioners of Fisheries, 1873. 8vo. Hartford : 1873. CONNECTICUT. Eighth Report Comrs. of Fisheries, 1874. 8vo. Hartford: 1874. CONNECTICUT. Ninth Report of the Fish Comrs., May Session, 1875. 8vo. Hartford: 1875. CONNECTICUT. Tenth Report Fish Comrs., May Session, 1876. 8vo. Hartford: 1876. CONNECTICUT. Eleventh Report of the Comrs. on Fisheries, 1877. Svo. Hartford: 1877. CONNECTICUT. Twelfth Report Comrs. on Fisheries, 1878. Svo. Hartford: 1878. CONNECTICUT. Sixteenth Annual Report Fish Comrs., Jan. Sess., 1882. Svo. Hartford : 1881. (Sic.) CONNECTICUT. Seventeenth Report Fish Comrs., Jan. Session, 1883. Svo. Hartford : 1883. CONNECTICUT. Eighteenth Report Fish Comrs., Jan. Sess., 1884. 8vo. Hartford: 1884. CONNECTICUT. Nineteenth Report Fish Comrs., Jan. Sess., 1885. 8vo. Hartford: 1885. CONNECTICUT. Twenty-First Report Fish Comrs., Jan. Sess., 1887. Svo. Hartford: 1886. (Sic.) CONROY (THO8. J.) Handbook for Sportsmen. Oblong Svo. N. Y.: 1889. CONROY (THOS. J.) Illustrated Retail Price List and Handbook for Sportsmen. Fishing and Camping. Svo. New York : N. D. CONWAY (JAMES). Letters from tho Highlands. Illustrated. 12mo. London : E. LAMLEY, 1859. CONWAY (JAMES). Forays Among Salmon and Deer. 12mo. Lon- don: CHAPMAN AND HALL, 1861. 36 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON A-NGLING. CONWAY (JAMES). Forays Among Salmon and Deer. New Edition. 12mo. London : SIMPKIN, N. D. [COOK (CHAS. H.)] The Book of the All-Round Angler. By John Bickerdyke. 150 Engravings. 8vo. London: L. U. GILL, 1888. [COOK (CHAS. H.)] The Book of the All-Round Angler. WO En- gravings. 12mo. London: GILL, N. D. [COOK (CHAS. H.)] Days in Thule. By John Bickerdyke. lUustra- p&fy ted. 16mo. Westminster: 1894. [COOK (CHAS. H.)] Days of my Life. By John Bickerdyke. Illus- trated. 12mo. London: 1895. [COOK (CHAS. H.)] Thames Rights and Thames Wrongs. By John Bickerdyke. Illustrations. 16mo. Westminster : 1894. [COOK (CHAS. H.)] Sea Fishing. Illustrated. By John Bickerdyke. Sq. 8vo. London: LONGMANS, 1895. *Badminton Library. Large Paper. [COOK (CHAS. H.)] Wild Sports in Ireland. By John Bickerdyke. *(:A Illustrated. 12mo. London: L. U. GILL, 1897. COOK (MARC). The Wilderness Cure. 12mo. New York : 1881. COOKSON (RICHARD). The Goosnargh Rambler. By Richard Cookson, of Goosnargh. 16mo. London : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & Co., 1850. *The only copy known. "Angling," pp. 125-127. "The Art of Angling," pp. 137-146. COOPER (SARAH). Animal Life in the Sea and on the Land. Illustrated. 12mo. New York: HARPERS, 1890. COPE (E. D.) The Homologies of the Fins of Fishes. Illustrated. 8vo. N. P., May 28, 1890. *From Am. Naturalist. COQUET AND THE ALWINE, The Marriage of the. 12mo. New- castle-upon-Tyne : HODGSON, 1817. CORBALLIS (JAS. HENRY). Forty-Five Years of Sport. Illustrated. 8vo. London : BENTLEY, 1891. CORBET (HENRY). Practice (The) of Angling as Regards Ireland. Portrait. By O'Gorman. (pseud.) First Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Dub- lin : CURRY, 1845. CORBET (HENRY). Practice of Angling in Ireland. By O'Gorman. (pseud.) Second Edition. Colored Front, of Grayling. 2 vols. in 1. 16mo. Dublin: CURRY, 1855. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 37 COENISH (J.) A View of the Present State of the Salmon and Chan- nel Fisheries. 8vo. London : LONGMANS, 1824. COKY (CHAS. B.) Hunting and Fishing in Florida. Illustrated. Sq. 8vo. Boston: 1896. COSMOPOLITE. The Sportsman in Ireland. By a Cosmopolite. (pseud.} Illustrated. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo. London : H. COLBUKN, 1840. COSTE (M.) Instructions Pratiques sur la Pisciculture, etc. 4 folded plates. 12mo. Paris: YIOTOR MASSON, 1853. COSTE (M.) Instructions Pratiques sur la Pisciculture. Deuxieme Edition. Illustrated. 16mo. Paris: 1856. COSTE (M.) Voyage D'Exploration sur le Littoral de la France et de L'ltalie. Deuxieme Edition. Illustrated. 4to. Paris : 1861. [COTTON (CHARLES).] The Compleat Angler. Part II. 24mo. London : PRINTED FOR RICHARD MARRIOTT AND HIMY BROME, 1676. *The First Edition of Charles Cotton's Contribution to the Compleat Angler. COUCH (JONATHAN). A History of the Fishes of the British Islands. Colored Plates. 4 vols. 8vo. London : BELL & SON, 1877. COUNTRY (The) GENTLEMAN'S COMPANION. By A Country Gentlemen. First Edition. 2 vols. 16mo. London: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, 1753. COUNTRY NOTES. A Journal of Natural History and Outdoor Observations. 7 Parts. 4to. Manchester : 1882. * Reprinted from The MancJiester City News. COX (I. E. B.) Facts and Useful Hints relating to Fishing and Shoot- ing. Illustrated. First Edition. 12mo. London : HORACE Cox, 1866. COX (I. E. B.) Angler's Diary and Fisherman's Guide. 12mo. London: H. Cox, 1871. COX (I. E. B.) Angler's Diary and Fisherman's Guide. 12mo. London : " THE FIELD " OFFICE, 1877. COX (I. E. B.) Angler's Diary and Tourist Fisherman's Gazetteer. 12mo. London : H. Cox, 1899. COX (I. E. B.) Angler's Diary and Fisherman's Guide. 12mo. London : " THE FIELD " OFFICE, N. D. COX (NICHOLAS). The Gentleman's Recreation. In Four Parts, viz.: Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing. Illustrated. Second Edition. 12mo. London : PRINTED BY J. C. FOR N. C., 1677. COX (NICHOLAS). Gentleman's Recreation. Illustrated. Fifth Edition. 12mo. London : PRINTED BY F. COLLINS FOR N. C., 1706. 38 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. COX (NICHOLAS). Gentleman's Recreation. Illustrated. Sixth Edition. 12mo. London: PKINTED FOB N. C. by J. WILCOX, 1721. COXON (HENRY). A Modern Treatise on Practical Coarse Fish Angling. Illustrated. 8vo. Nottingham : 1896. CRANE (STEPHEN). A Fishing Tillage [pp. 71-77 in The Philis- tine," Aug., 1899]. Sq. 24ino. East Aurora, N. Y.: 1899. CRAWFORD (J. H.) Wild Life of Scotland. Illustrated. 8vo. Lon- don : J. MACQUEEN, 1896. CRAWFURD (OSWALD JOHN FREDERICK). Country House Essays. By John Latouche. (pseud.). 16mo. London : WARD, LOCK & TYLOR, (1876). CRAWFURD (OSWALD, Editor.) A Year of Sport and Natural History, Fishing, etc. Illustrated. 4to. London : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1895. CRAWHALL (JOS.) A Collection of Right Merrie Garlands for North Country Anglers. 12mo. Newcastle-on-Tyne : G. RUTLAND, 1864. CRAWHALL (JOS.) A Collection of Right Merrie Garlands for North Country Anglers. Illustrated. 4to. Newcastle-on-Tyne: G. RUT- LAND, 1864. * Only 50 copies printed. No. 27. CRAWHALL (JOS.) Chaplets from Coquet-Side. Colored Head and Tail Pieces, etc. 8vo. (Newcastle-on-Tyne) 1873. CRAWHALL (JOS.) Border Notes and Mixty-Maxty. Facsimile MS. and Colored Engravings. Sq. 8vo. Newcastle-on-Tyne : 1880. * Fifty printed and plates destroyed. [CRAWHALL (JOS.)] The Compleatest Angling Booke that euer was writ. Adorned with Sculptures. 4to. N. P. (1881). CRAWHALL (JOS.) The Compleatest Angling Booke that euer was writ. Colored and other illustrations. 4to. N. P., 1881. * Of this Edition only 109 copies were printed. CRAWHALL (JOS.) Izaak Walton, His Wallet Booke. Colored cuts taken from old wood blocks. 16mo. London : FIELD . ITW' CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 73 KEMP (JOHN). Shooting and Fishing in Lower Brittany. Map. 12mo. London : LONGMAN, 1859. KENDALL (SIDNEY C.) Among the Laureutians. 12mo. Toronto : WM. BRIGGS, 1885. KENNARD (EDWARD). Norwegian Sketches. Fishing in Strange Waters. Illustrations printed by the Automatic Engraving Co. Oblong 4to. London : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1889. KENNARD (EDWARD). Norwegian Sketches. Fishing in Strange Waters. FINELY ILLUSTRATED. 8vo. London and Norway : 1889. KENNARD (Mas. EDWARD). Landing a Prize. (Pictured Cover bound in.) 16mo. London : F. V. WHITE & Co., 1891. [KENNEDY (J. P.)] The Blackwater Chronicle. A Narrative of an Expedition Into the Land of Canaan in Randolph Co., Virginia. By "The Clerke of Oxenforde." Illustrated. First Edition. 12mo. New York : REDFIELD, 1853. KENNEDY (CAPT. W. R.) Sport, Travel and Adventure in New- foundland and the West Indies. Illustrations. 12mo. Edin. and London : BLACK WOOD, 1885. KENT (W. SAVILLE). Hand-Book of the Marine and Fresh Water Fishes of the British Islands. Illustrated. 8vo. London : WM. CLOWES & SONS, 1883. KILBOURNE (S. A.) Game Fishes of the United States. Text by G. Brown Goode. Large 4to parts in Portfolio Complete. W colored figures of Fish. New York: SCRIBNERS, N. D. KING (JOHN LYLE). Trouting on the Brule River. Map. 12mo. Chicago : CHIC. LEGAL NEWS Co., 1879. KING (JOHN LYLE). Trouting on the Brule River. Map. 12mo. New York : ORANGE JDDD Co., 1880. KING (MAJ. W. ROSS). The Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada. Colored Plates and Woodcuts. 4to. London : HURST & BLACKETT, 1866. KINGSLEY (CH AS.) Glaucus ; or, the Wonders of the Shore. Third Edition. Colored Illustrations. 16mo. Cambridge : MACMILLAN, 1858. KINGSLEY (REV. CHAS.) Prose Idylls, New and Old. Second Edition. 12mo. London : MACMILLAN, 1874. KINGSLEY (CHARLES). His Letters and Memory of His Life. Edited by His Wife. Abridged from the London Edition. Portrait. 12mo. New York : CHAS. SCRIBNER'S SONS, 1884. 74 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. KINGSLEY (GEO. HENRY). Notes 011 Sport and Travel. Memoir by His Daughter. Portrait. 8vo. London : MACMILLAN, 1900. KIPLING (RUDYARD). u Captains Courageous." A Story of the Grand Banks. Illustrated. 12mo. London : MACMILLAN, 1897. KIRKBRIDE(JOHN). The Northern Angler; or, Ex-Fisher's Com- panion. Steel Front, and Woodcut. 16mo. Carlisle : C. THURMAN, 1837. KLEIN (JACOBI THEO.) Historise Piscium Naturalis Promovendse. Missus Primus de Lapillis Eorvmque Numero in Cranis Piscium, etc. 54 Fine Plates (1 inserted), 5 parts in 1 vol., 4to. Editio Secondo. Lipsiae, IN LIBRARIA GLEDITSOHIA, 1802. KNIGHT (CHAS.) A Volume of Yarieties. By the Editor of the Weekly Yolume. 24mo. London : CHAS. KNIGHT & Co., 1844. K NOBEL (EDWARD). The Fresh Water Fishes of New England. Illustrated. Oblong 24mo. Boston : BKADLEE WHIDDEN, (1896). KNOX (DR.) Fish and Fishing in the Lone Glens of Scotland. Illustrated. 12mo. London : ROUTLEDGE, 1854. KNOX (A. E.) Autumns on the Spey. 4 Illustrations, Tinted. 12mo. London : J. VAN VOORST, 1872. KOLTZ (M. J. P. J.) Traite de Pisciculture Pratique ou des Proce"des de Multiplication et D'Incubation Naturelle et Artificielle. Troisieme Edition. Illustrated. 16mo. Paris: 1866. KRESZ (C.) Le Pecheur Francais, Traite de la Peche a la Ligne en Eau Douce. Deuxie'me Edition. Portrait and Plates. 16mo. Paris: 1830. L(F.) A Treatise on the Art of Taking Pike, Perch, Chub, etc., with t the Trimmer. By F. L. A. Sussex, Fisherman. Sq. 8vo. Lon- don, &c., N. D. * This is in manuscript, on 28 Sq. 8vo pages, written very neatly on one side of leaf only with two original water color drawings. LABRADOR. Salmon Angling in the Streams of the Far North. Season 1901. Narrow 12mo. Montreal : ST. LAWRENCE STEAMSHIP Co., 1901. LADY. The Accomplished Lady's Delight. (Part VI. The Female Angler.) Eleventh Edition. 24mo. London : PRINTED FOR JOHN [ ] AND JOSEPH BADDINGTON, N. D. (1720.) * Name of first printer missing. LAING (SAMUEL). Journal of a Residence ir Norway, during the years 1834, 1835, and 1836. Second Edition. 8vo. London: LONG- MAN, 1837. CHECK LIST OP BOOKS ON ANGLING. 75 LAKELAND (R.) The Teesdale Angler. 16mo. Barnard Castle : E. \) I k $7 BAEKEK, 1858. LAKE SIDE LIBRARY. Fish and Fishing. By Thos. Alexander. Illustrated. Folio. Chicago : DONNELLY, LOYD & Co., 1877. LAMBERT (M.) Nouveau Manuel Complet du Pecheur Praticien. New Edition. % folded and other illustrations. 24mo. Paris : DE ROEET, 1870. LAMBERT (OSMUND). Angling Literature in England. 16mo. Lon- don : SAMPSON Low, 1 881. LAMONT (JAS.) Seasons with the Sea-Horses. Map and Illustrations. 8vo. New York : HAKPEES, 1861. LAMY (ISIDORE). Nouveaux Elements de Pisciculture. Second Edition. 12mo. Paris and Chartres : 1866. LANG (ANDREW). Grass of Parnassus. Rhymes Old and New. 8vo. London : LONGMANS, 1888. * Large Paper. LANG (ANDREW). Lost Leaders. 8vo. London : KEG AN PAUL, 1889. *Large-paper copy. No. 63 of 100 printed. LANG (ANDREW). Old Friends. Essays in Epistolary Parody. 8vo. London: LONGMANS, 1890. * Large-paper copy. Printed on Japan paper of which only 150 were done. No. 49. LANG (ANDREW). Angling Sketches. Three Etchings and Numer- ous Illustrations. 4to. London: LONGMANS, 1891. * Large-paper copy. 150 copies printed. No. 10. LANG (ANDREW). Angling Sketches with 3 Etchings and Other Illustrations. 12mo. London : LONGMANS, 1891. LANG (ANDREW). Letters to Dead Authors. Etched Portrait and four additional letters. 8vo. New York : CHAS. SCEIBNEE'S SONS, 1893. LANG (ANDREW). The Tercentenary of Izaak Walton. Illustrated. 4to. London : PRINTED FOB PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY, 1893. * Limited to a few Impressions. LANMAN (CHAS.) Essays for Summer Hours. 12mo. Boston : HIL- LIARD, GRAY & Co., 1841. LANMAN (CHAS.) Essays for Summer Hours. Second Edition with a Frontispiece. 12mo. Boston and London : 1842. [LANMAN (CHAS.)] Letters from a Landscape Painter. 16mo. Boston : JAS. MONROE & Co., 1845. 76 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. LANMAN (CH AS.) A Summer in the Wilderness. 12mo. New York and Phila.: 1847. LANMAN (CHAS.) Adventures of an Angler in Canada. Portrait and Illustrations. 12mo. London : R. BENTLEY, 1848. LANMAN (CHAS.) A Tour to the Eiver Saguenay. 12mo. Phila.: CAEEY & HABT, 1848. LANMAN (CHAS.) Letters from the Alleghany Mountains. 12mo. New York : G. P. PUTNAM, 1849. LANMAN (CHAS.) Haw-Ho-Noo ; or, Kecords of a Tourist. 12mo. Phila.: LIPPINCOTT, GKAMBO & Co., 1850. LANMAN (CHAS.) Adventures in the Wilds of North America. Edited by C. R. Weld, 2 parts. 12mo. London : LONGMANS, 1854. LANMAN (CHAS.) Adventures in the Wilds of the United States and British American Provinces. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Phil.: J. W. MOOSE, 1856. LANMAN (CHAS.) The Eed Book of Michigan. 8vo. Detroit and Washington: 1871. LANMAN (CHAS.) Recollections of Curious Characters and Pleasant Places, front. 8vo. Edin.: D. DOUGLAS, 1881. LARBAL^TRIER (ALBERT). Traite Manuel de Pisciculture D'Eau Douce. 64 Illustrations. Deuxieme Edition. 12mo. Paris : 1886. [LASCELLES (ROBERT).] Angling (being the first part of a series of Familiar Letters on Sporting), signed Piscator. frontispiece. 8vo. London : W. WILSON, PEINTEK, (1818). Dated London, Feb., 1811. This is the Second Edition. See imprint at end for change in name of Printer. [LATHY (THOS. PIKE).] The Angler. A Poem by Piscator. Por- trait and Vignettes. First Edition. 16mo. London: W. WEIGHT & M. ILEY, 1819. LATHY (T. P.) The Angler; A Poem. Portrait and Vignettes. Second Edition. 16mo. London: J. H. BURN, 1820. LATHY, (T. P.) The Angler ; A Poem. Portrait and W Woodcuts. Third Edition. 12mo. London : SHERWOOD, NEELY & JONES, 1822. LATHY (T. P.) The Angler; A Poem. Portrait and Woodcuts. 16mo. London : SHEBWOOD, GILBEET & PIPES, 1841. [LA TOURETTE (GUY SEGUINE)]. A North Jersey Jaunt. 16mo. [New York : J. W. PEATT, 1874, or 1875.] %h\- MC /&> CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 77 LA VIE A LA CAMPAGNE. Chasse, Peche, Courses, Haras, Nou- velles, Beaux- Arts, etc. Pisciculture Kegates, etc. Illustrated with Etchings, etc., of Fish, some beautifully colored. 11 vols. Roy. 8vo. Paris: 1861-1867. LEE (MRS. R.) Anecdotes of the Habits and Instincts of Birds, Reptiles and Fishes. Illustrated. 16mo. London : GRANT & GRIFFITH, 1853. LEPFINGWELL (WM. BRUCE). Hunting and Fishing Along the North-Western Line. Illustrated ly W. L. Wells. 8vo. Chicago: RAND, MORALLY & Co., 1895. LEHIGH VALLEY R. R. Hunting and Fishing. Illustrated. Narrow 8vo. Philadelphia : N. D. LE MOINE (J. M.) Maple Leaves. Second Series. 8vo. Quebec: FOB THE AUTHOR, 1864. LE MOINE (J. M.) Maple Leaves. New Series. 8vo. Quebec : AUGUSTIN COTE & Co., 1873. LE MOINE (J. M.) The Explorations of Jonathan Oldbuck in Eastern Latitudes. 8vo. Quebec : L. J. DEMERS & FREBE, 1889. LENNOX (LORD WM.) Merrie England: Its Sports and Pastimes. 8vo. London : T. C. NEWBT, 1857. LENNOX (LORD WM.) Recreations of a Sportsman. # Frontis- pieces. 2 vols. 12mo. London: HURST & BLACKETT, 1562. LENNOX (LORD WM. PITT). Sport at Home and Abroad. 2 vols. 12mo. London : HURST & BLACKETT, 1872. LEREBOULLET (A.) Recherches D'Embryologie Comparee sur le Developpement de la Truite, du Lezard et du Limnee. Illustra- tions. 4to. Paris: 1863. LES RUSES INNOCENTES DE LA CHASSE ET DE LA PESCHE. Avec Les Plus Beaux secrets de la Peche dans les Rivieres et dans les Etangs. Illustrated. 16mo. Amsterdam: CHEZ DANIEL DE LA FUEILLE, 1695. LEVINE (CAPTAIN R. G. A.) Echoes from the Backwoods. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo. London : H. COLBURN, 1846. LEWES (GEO. HENRY). Sea-Side Studies. Illustrated. 8vo. Edin. and London : W. BLACKWOOD & SONS, 1858. LEYLAND (JOHN). The Yorkshire Coast Illustrated. 8vo. Lon- don : SEELEY & Co., 1892. * Large Paper. 250 printed. No. 198. LIDDLE (HON. and REV. ROBT.) The Lay of the Last Angler. Illus- trated. 12mo. Kelso : J. & J. H. RUTHERFURD, 1884. 78 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. LIGER (SIETJR). La Nouvelle Maison Rustique ou Economie Gen- erale. Onzieme Edition. Engravings. 2 vols. 4to. Paris : CHEZ DESAINT, 1777. LITTLE'S (G.) Anglers' Annual. Illustrated. Sq. 8vo. London : G. LITTLE & WM. GATE, (1882). LITTLE'S (G.) Anglers' Annual and Fishing Directory. Edited by H. B. Bromhead. 8vo. London : G. LITTLE & Co., 1883. LITTLE'S (G.) Anglers' Annual and Directory. Edited by H. B. Brom- head. 8vo. London : G. LITTLE & Co., 1885. LITTLE (G.) The Anglers' Complete Guide and Companion. Illus- trated. 12mo. London : BY THE AUTHOR, N. D. LIVERMORE (REV. S. T.) A History of Block Island. First Edition. 12mo. Hartford : CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD Co., 1877. LIVINGSTONE (DAVID). Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. Illustrated. 8vo. N. Y. : 1858. LLOYD (L.) Field Sports of the North of Europe. Illustrated. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London : H. COLBURN & R. BENTLEY, 1831. LLUELLIN (M., Student of Ch. Ch. in Oxon.} Men-Miracles. With other Poems. 24mo. London : PRINTED, & ARE TO BE SOLD BY PETER PARKER, 1679. * " Song Against Fishing," pp. 53-64. LOCARD (ARNOLD). La Peche et les Poissons des Eaux Douces. A vec Figures mtercalees dans le texte. 16mo. Paris : 1891. LOCH. By the Loch and River Side. Thirty-nine Liihographio Plates depicting Fishing. Signed with Initials K. J. F. Oblong 4to. Edin. burgh : EDMONSTON & DOUGLAS, 1866. [LOCKE (JAS.)j Tweed and Don. Front. 16mo. Edin. and London : W. P. NIMMO, 1860. [LOCKE (JAS.)] Tweed and Don. Front. Second Edition. 16mo. Edin. and London : 1860. LOCKWOOD (EDWARD). Natural History, Sport and Travel. Illus- trated. I2mo. W. H. ALLEN & Co., 1878. LONDON (The) Fishery Laid Open. Sq. 8vo. London : PRINTED BY D. HENRY AND R. CAVE, 1759. LONDON ALMANACK. 1864. Illustrated with colored and plain Engravings. 4to. London : ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS OFFICE, (1864). LONSD ALE'S (LORD). Salmon Hall Fishery. Map of River Der- went. 8vo. London : G. E. EYRE & W. SPOTTISWOOD, 1868. ~w f? CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 79 LORD (JOHN" KEAST). The Naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. London : R. BENTLEY, 1866. LORD (JOHN KEAST). At Home in the Wilderness. By " The Wan- derer." Illustrated. 12mo. London : R. HARDWICKE, 1867. LORD (W. B.) Sea Fish and How to Catch Them. Illustrated. 16mo. London : BRADBURY, AGNEW & Co., N. D. LORD (W. B., R.A.) Sea Fish and How to Catch Them. Illustrated. Second Edition. 16mo. London : BRADBURY & EVANS, N. D. 'LOUGH FOYLE FISHERY CASE REPORT. 8vo. London: ARTHUR TAYLOR, 1857. LOVELL (M. S.) Edible Mollusks. Colored Plates. 12mo. London : REEVE & Co., 1867. LOW SON (G.) The Modern Farrier : Sporting and Fishing, etc. En- gravings. 8vo. London : JONES & Co., N. D. LOWTH (W. S.) Angling, Angling Dodges and Match Fishing. 8vo. Newport, Hull : W. S. LOWTH, (1860). LUBBOCK (REV. RICHARD). Observations on the Fauna of Norfolk. Map. 8vo. Norwich : CHAS. MUSKETT, 1845. MACK AY (CHAS.) The Thames and Its Tributaries. I llustratf-d. 2 vols. 8vo. London : R. BENTLEY, 1840. MACKENZIE (ALEXANDER). Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Lawrence, etc. Portrait and Maps. 2 vols. 12mo. London : T. CADELL & W. ADAMS, etc., 1802. MACKENZIE (MURDO). View of the Salmon Fishery of Scotland. 8vo. Edin. and London : W. BLACKWOOD & SONS, 1860. MACKINTOSH (ALEXANDER). The Driffield Angler. Portrait, 16mo. Gainsborough : FOR THE AUTHOR, (1800). MACKINTOSH (ALEXANDER). The Modern Fisher; or, Driffield Angler. Second Edition. 16mo. Derby: HENRY MOZLEY, N. D. MACKINTOSH (ALEXANDER). The Modern Fisher; or, Driffield Angler. Front, and Fig. Third Edition. 16mo. Derby: HENRY MOZLEY, 1821. MACLOC (J.) New, Complete and Universal Natural History. From the last London Edition of J. Macloc. 57 Copper Plates. 16mo. Phila.: J. POUNDER, 1821. MAC VINE (JOHN). Sixty-Three Years' Angling. 12mo. London : LONGMANS, 1891. 80 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. MACY (OBED). History of Nantucket, The Whale Fishery, etc. Plate. 12mo. Boston : HILLIARD, GKAY & Co., 1835. MACY (OBED). History of Nantucket. Map and Plate. Second Edi- tion. 12mo. Mansfield : MACY & PRATT, 1880. MACY (CAPTN. W. H.) There She Blows ! or, The Log of the Arethusa. Illustrated. 16rao. Boston : LEE & SHEPASD. N. Y.: C. F. DILLING- HAM, 1877. MAGAZINE TROUT STORIES. (List of Contents in each volume.) 3 vols. 8vo. N. P.: 1896, 1897, 1898. MAGAZINE FISH STORIES. Yol. IY. 8vo. 1900. MAGRATH (T. W.) Authentic Letters from Upper Canada. Edited by Rev. T. Radcliff. Etchings ~by Samuel Lover. 12mo. Dublin : WM. CUEEY, JR., & Co., 1833. MAINE (STATE OF). (First) Report Commissioners of Fisheries. (47th Legislature, Sen. No. 7.) 800 ordered printed Jan. 20, 1868. N. P. STEVENS & SAYWARD, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. MAINE. Reports of Commissioners of Fisheries, Years 1867 and 1868. 8vo. Augusta: 1869. MAINE. Third Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries, State of Maine, 1869. Front. 8vo. Augusta : SPBAGUE, OWEN & NASH, 1870. MA.INE. Fourth Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries, Year 1870. Plans. 8vo. A.ugusta: SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH, 1870. MAINE. Fifth Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries, Year 1871. 8vo. Augusta : SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH, 1872. MAINE. Sixth Report Commissioners of Fisheries, 1872. 8vo. Augusta: 1873. MAINE. Seventh Report Commissioners of Fisheries, Year 1873. 8vo. Augusta: 1874. MAINE. Eighth Report Commissioners of Fisheries, Year 1874. 8vo. Augusta: 1874. MAINE. Ninth Report Commissioners of Fisheries, Year 1875. 8vo. Augusta: 1875. MAINE. Report Commissioners of Fisheries and Game, 1880. 8vo. Augusta: 1880. MAINE. Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries and Game, 1882. 8vo. Augusta: 1882. MAINE. Report Commissioners of Fisheries and Game, Year 1883. 8vo. Augusta: 1883. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 81 MAINE. Report Commissioners of Fisheries and Game, Year J 884. 8vo. Augusta: 1884. MAINE. Report Commissioners of Fisheries and Game, Year 1886. 8vo. Augusta: 1886. MAINE. Report Commissioners of Fisheries and Game, Year 1888. 8vo. Augusta: 1888. MAINE. A Memorial Relating to the Destruction of the State Fisheries, Presented to Congress, March 9, 1892, by the Commission of Sea and Shore Fisheries. 4to. Washington: 1892. MAINWARING (Hox. W. F. B. MASSEY). The Preservation of Fish Life in Rivers. 8vo. London : "W. CLOWES & SONS, 1888. MAITLAND (SiB J. RAMSAY GIBSON). The History of Howie- toun. A Description of the Various Hatching Houses and Ponds, etc. Illustrated. 4to. Stirling : J. R. GOT, 1887. MALET (H. P.) New Pages of Natural History. 8vo. London: T. CAUTLEY NEWBY, 1868. MANBY (GEO. WM.) Journal of a Voyage to Greenland in 1821, with Graphic Illustrations. Second Edition. 8vo. London : G. & W. B. WHITTAKER, 1823. MANCHESTER 'ANGLERS' ASSOCIATION. Anglers' Evenings. Papers by the Members. Three Series. 3 vols. 8vo. Manchester and London : 1880-1894. MANCHESTER ANGLERS' ASSOCIATION. Anglers' Evenings. Papers by the Members. Second Series. Illustrated. LARGE PAPER. 4to. Manchester and London : 1882. MAN LEY (J. J.) Notes on Fish and Fishing. Illustrated. 12ino. London : SAMPSON Low, 1877. MANLEY (J. J.) Notes on Fish and Fishing. Illustrated. Cheaper Edition. 12mo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1881. MANLEY (J. J.) Literature of Sea and River Fishing. 8vo. London: W. CLOWES & SONS, 1883. MARBURY (MARY ORVIS). Favorite Flies and their Histories. Thirty-two Colored Plates of Flies, six Engravings and eight repro- ductions of Photographs. Sq. 8vo. Boston and New York : RIVER- SIDE PRESS, 1892. MARCH (J.) The Jolly Angler. 80 wood engravings. First Edition. 16mo. London : J. MARCH, 1833. MARCH (J.) The Jolly Angler. 80 wood engravings. Second Edition. 16mo. London : J. MARCH, N". D. 82 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. MARCH (J.) The Jolly Angler. 80 wood engravings. Third Edition. 12rao. (London) J. MARCH, (1836). MARCH (J.) The Jolly Angler. SO wood engravings. Fourth Edition. 12mo. London : J. MARCH, N. D. MARCH (J.) The Jolly Angler. 80 wood engravings. Fifth Edition. 16mo. London : J. MARCH, N. D. MARCH (J.) The Jolly Angler. 80 wood engravings. Sixth Edition. 16mo. London : J. MARCH, N. D. MARCH (J.) The Jolly Angler. SO wood engravings. Seventh Edition. 16mo. London : J. MARCH, (1850). lv MARCOU (JULES). Life, Letters and Works of Louis Agassiz. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo. New York and London : MACMILLAN, 1896. MARKHAM'S (GERYASE). Farewell to Husbandry. Sq. 12mo. London : PRINTED BY WM. WILSON FOR JOHN HARISON, 1649. *By the same author (bound in), "A New Orchard and Garden." 1648, With illustrations. MARKHAM (GERVASE). Country Contentments ; or, The Husband- man's Recreations. Ninth Edition. Sq. 12mo. London: PRINTED BY WM. WILSON FOR GEO. SAWBRIDGE, 1660. [MARKHAM (GERVASE).] Cheap and Good Husbandry. Eleventh Edition. Sq. 12mo. London : PRINTED BY W. WILSON FOR GEO. SAWBRIDGE, 1664. MARSH (GEO. P.) Report on the Artificial Propagation of Fish. 8vo. Burlington, Yt. : FREE PRESS PRINT, 1857. MARSHALL (CHAS.) A Plain and Easy Introduction to the Knowl- edge and Practice of Gardening, with Hints on Fish Ponds. Third Edition. 16mo. London : F. & C. RIVINGTON, 1800. [MARSTON (EDWARD).] An Amateur Angler's Days in Dove Dale. 24mo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1884. [M ARSTON (ED WARD). ] An Amateur Angler's Days in Dove Dale. Engraved title. 16mo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1884. [MARSTON (EDWARD).] Frank's Ranch. Illustrated. 16mo. Boston and New York : RIVERSIDE PRESS, 1886. [M ARSTON (EDWARD).] Fresh Woods and Pastures New. 16mo. London : SAMPSON Low, 188T. [MARSTON (EDWARD).] Fresh Woods and Pastures New. 12mo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1887. * Large Paper. [MARSTOJSf (EDWARD).] Days in Clover. By The Amateur Angler. 24mo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1892. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 83 [MARSTON (EDWARD).] Days in Clover. Illustrated. 16rao. London : SAMPSON Low, 1892. * Large Paper. No. 20 of 250 printed. [MARSTON (EDWARD).] By Meadow and Stream. India proof illustrations. 16mo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1896. * No. 153 of 250 printed on Van Gelder's hand-made paper. [MARSTON (EDWARD).] " On a Sunshine Holyday." Illustrated. 16mo. London: SAMPSON Low, 1897. [MARSTON (EDWARD).] " On a Sunshine Holyday." India proof illustrations. ]2mo. London: SAMPSON Low, 189 7. * No. 240 of 250 printed on Van Gelder's hand-made paper. [MARSTON (EDWARD).] An Old Man's Holidays. Japan proof illustrations. 12mo. London: SAMPSON Low, 1900. * No 73 of 250 printed on Van Gelder's hand-made paper. [MARSTON (EDWARD).] An Old Man's Holidays. Illustrated. 16mo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1900. MARSTON (R. B.) Walton and Some Earlier Writers on Fish and Fish- ing. 16mo. London : ELLIOT STOCK, 1894. * Printed on antique paper, cloth, beveled edges. MARSTON (R. B.) Walton and Some Earlier Writers on Fish and Fishing. 12mo. Roxburghe, London : ELLIOT STOCK, 1894. * Only 250 printed on hand-made paper. MARSTON (R. B.) Walton and Some Earlier Writers on Fish and Fishing. Sq. 8vo. London: ELLIOT STOCK, 1894. * Large Paper Edition on hand-made paper. MARTIN (EDWARD A.) A Bibliography of Gilbert White. Front. 12mo. (London) THE ROXBUEGHE PRESS, N. D. [MARTIN (J.).] The Angler's Guide to the Horse and Groom, Lea Bridge and White Horse Fisheries, etc. Map. 24mo. First Edition. London : H. BEOWN, ENGRAVER, etc., 1840. MARTIN (REV. JAMES). The Angler's Guide. Front. 16mo. Lon- don: H. Cox, 1854. MARTIN (J. W.) Float Fishing and Spinning in the Nottingham Style. Illustrated. 12mo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1882. MARTIN (W. S.) and ROW (B. P.) Tonbridge: for The Resident, The Holiday Maker, and The Angler. Illustrated. 12mo. Ton- bridge, London : N. D. MARYLAND (STATE OF). Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries of Maryland, Jan. 1876. 8vo. Annapolis : 1876. 84 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. MARYLAND. Report of a Commissioner of Fisheries of Maryland, Jan. 1887. 8vo. N. P.: KING BROS., PRINTERS, 1877. MARYLAND. Report of a Commissioner of Fisheries of Maryland, Jan. 1878. 8vo. Baltimore : 1878. MARYLAND. Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries of Maryland, Jan. 1880. 8vo. Annapolis: 1880. MARYLAND. Report of T. B. Ferguson, a Commissioner of Fisheries of Maryland, Jan. 1891. 8vo. Hagerstown : 188]. MASANIELLO. The Fisherman of Naples. History of His Rise and Fall. Front. 16mo. London : J. BROWNE, 1768. MASCALL (LEONARD). A Book of Fishing With Hook and Line. Sq. 8vo. London : W. SATOHELL & Co., 1 884. MASSACHUSETTS (STATE OF). Reports of the Commissioners on the Zoological Survey of The State. 8vo. Boston : 1838. MASSACHUSETTS. Report of Commissioners Appointed Under Re- solve of 1856. Chap. 58, on Artificial Propagature of Fish, etc. 8vo. Boston: 1857. MASSACHUSETTS. Report of Commissioners Concerning the Artificial Propagation of Fish, etc. 8vo. Boston : 1857. MASSACHUSETTS. Report Joint Special Committee upon the Subject of the Obstruction to the Passage of Fish in the Connecticut, Merri- mack and Saco Rivers. 8vo. N. P.: April 6, 1865. MASSACHUSETTS. First Report, Commissioners of Fisheries. Nov. 30, 1866. 8vo. N. P.: 1866. (House No. 3.) MASSACHUSETTS. Report of Commissioners concerning the Obstruc- tions to the Passage of Fish in the Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers. (Senate No. 8.) 8vo. Boston : Jan. 10, 1866. MASSACHUSETTS. Report of the Commissioners appointed under the Resolve of May 3, 1865, ' ' Concerning the Obstruction of Fish in the Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers." (Senate No. 8.) 8vo. Boston : 1866. MASSACHUSETTS. An Act for Encouraging the Cultivation of Useful Fishes. (Senate No. 91.) 8vo. N. P.: N. D. (1869.) MASSACHUSETTS. (Second) Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries. Year ending Jan. 1, 1868. 8vo. Boston : 1868. MASSACHUSETTS. Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries. Year ending Jan. 1, 1869. 8vo. Boston: 1869. MASSACHUSETTS. Report (Fourth) of the Commissioners of Fisheries. Year ending Jan. 1, 1870. 8vo. Boston : 1870. v JecZ/. /S CHECK LIST OP BOOKS ON ANGLING. 85 MASSACHUSETTS. Fifth Annual Keport of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries. Jan. 1871. 8vo. Boston : 1871. MASSACHUSETTS. Sixth Annual Keport, Commissioners on Inland Fisheries. Year ending Jan. 1, 1872. 8vo. Boston : 1872. MASSACHUSETTS. Seventh Annual Report, Commissioners on Inland Fisheries. Year ending Jan. 1, 1873. 8vo. Boston: 1873. MASSACHUSETTS. Eighth Annual Report, Commissioners on Inland Fisheries. Year ending Jan 1, 1874. 8vo. Boston : 1874. MASSACHUSETTS. Ninth Annual Report, Commissioners on Inland Fisheries. Year ending Jan. 1, 1875. 8vo. Boston : 1875. MASSACHUSETTS. Tenth Annual Report, Commissioners on Inland Fisheries. Year ending Jan. 1, 1876. 8vo. Boston : 1876. MASSACHUSETTS. Eleventh Annual Report, Commissioners on Inland Fisheries. Year ending Jan. 1, 1877. 8vo. Boston : 1877. MASSACHUSETTS. Twelfth Annual Report, Commissioners on Inland Fisheries. Year ending Jan. 1, 1878. 8vo. Boston : 1878. MASSACHUSETTS. Thirteenth Annual Report, Commissioners on Inland Fisheries. Year ending Sept. 30, 1878. 8vo. Boston : 1879. MASSACHUSETTS. Fourteenth Annual Report, Commissioners on Inland Fisheries. Year ending Sept. 30, 1879. 8vo. Boston: 1880. MASSACHUSETTS. Fifteenth Annual Report, Commissioners on In. land Fisheries. Year ending Sept. 30, 1880. 8vo. Boston: 1881. MASSACHUSETTS. Sixteenth Annual Report, Commissioners on In- land Fisheries. Year ending Sept. 30, 1881. 8vo. Boston : 1882. MASSACHUSETTS. Seventeenth Annual Report, Commissioners on Inland Fisheries. Year ending Dec. 31, 1882. 8vo. Boston : 1883. MASSACHUSETTS. Eighteenth Annual Report, Commissioners on In- land Fisheries. Year ending Dec. 31, 1883. 8vo. Boston: 1884. MASSACHUSETTS. Nineteenth Annual Report Commissioners on In- land Fisheries, year ending Dec. 31, 1884. 8vo. Boston: 1885. MASSACHUSETTS. Fish and Game Protective Association. An Ad- dress. By Edward A. Samuels, Prest. 12mo. Boston : 1888. MASSACHUSETTS. Annual Report of the Massachusetts Fish and Game Protective Association, 1892. 8vo. Boston : 1892. MASSACHUSETTS. Walter L. Gilbert, Vice Commissioner of Massachusetts, in the Matter of the Trout Supply. Points for the Defendant. 8vo. Boston: A. C. GETCHELL, 1893. 86 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. MASSACHUSETTS. Laws Kelating to Inland Fisheries in Massachusetts, 1623-1886. 8vo. Boston: 1887. MASSACHUSETTS. Remarks of Col. Theodore Lyman, Commissioner of River Fisheries (on the Fishery Act), March 11, 1869. 8vo. N. P. MASSACHUSETTS. Arguments on Sea, Coast and River Fishing. 8vo. Boston: 1879. MASSACHUSETTS. Manchester vs. The Commonwealth of Massachu- setts on the Fisheries of the Marine Belt. Argument by Jos. H. Choate. 8vo. Fall River : N. D. MASSAS (CHAS. DE). Le Pecheur a la Mouche Artificielle et le Pecheur a Toutes Lignes. Quatrieme Edition. 80 vignettes, 12mo. Paris : N. D. MAST (REV. ISAAC). The Gun, Rod and Saddle. 16ino. Phila.: M. E. BOOK AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, 1875. MATHER (FRED.) Memoranda Relating to the Adirondack Fishes. 8vo. Albany: 1886. MATHER (FRED.) Men I Have Fished With. Portraits. 8vo. New York : FOKEST AND STREAM, 1897. MATHER (FRED.) In the Louisiana Lowlands. 12mo. New York: FOEEST AND STREAM, 1900. MATHER (FRED.) Modern Fish Culture in Fresh and Salt Water. Illustrated. 12ino. New York : FOREST AND STREAM, 1900. MAUNDER (SAMUEL). Treasury of Natural History. 900 illustra- tions. New Edition. 16mo. London: LONGMANS, 1849. MAXWELL (SiE HERBERT). Memories of the Months. Illustrated. 12mo. London and New York: E. ARNOLD, 1897. MAXWELL (SiR HERBERT). Memories of the Months. Tinted Plates. 8vo. London : ED. ARNOLD, 1900. " [MAXWELL ( W. H.)] Wild Sports of the West. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo. London : R. BENTLEY, 1832. [MAXWELL (W. H.)] Field Book. Illustrated. 8vo. London: EFFINGHAM WILSON, 1833. MAXWELL (W. H.) Wanderings in the Highlands and Islands. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. London : A. H. BAILY & Co., 1844. [MAXWELL (W. H.)] Wild Sports of the West. Third Edition. 2 rols. 12mo. New York : HARPERS, 1847. MAXWELL (W. H.) Wild Sports and Adventures. Front, and Vignette. 16mo. London : ROUTLEDGE, 1853. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 87 [MAXWELL (W. H.)] Field Book. Illustrated. 8vo. London: W. TWEEDIE, N. D. MAYER (ALFRED M.) Sport with Gun and Rod. India Proof and other Illustrations. 4to. New York : CENTURY Co., 1883. MAYER (ALFRED M.) Sport with Gun and Rod in American Woods and Waters. India Proof and other Illustrations. 4to. New York: CENTURY Co., 1883. MAYER (JOHN). The Sportsman's Directory, frontispiece. Third Edition. London : BALDWIN, CRADOCK & JOY, 1819. MAYER (JOHN). Sportsman's Directory. Sixth Edition. Illustrated. 16mo. SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & Co., 1838. MAYER (JOHN). Sportsman's Directory. Seventh Edition. Illus- trated. 16mo. London : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & Co., 1845. MCCARTHY (EUGENE). The Leaping Ouananiche. Map and Illus- trations. Sq. 8vo. New York: FOREST AND STREAM, 1894 MCCARTHY (EUGENE). Familiar Fish, Their Habits and Capture. Illustrated. 12mo. New York: D. APPLETON & Co. , 1900. MCCARTHY (EUGENE). A Tale of Lake St. John. Illustrated. Sq. 16ino. Montreal : DESBARATS & Co., N. D. McCLELLAND (H. G.) The Trout Fly Dressers' Cabinet of Devices. 80 illustrations. 16mo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1899. McCORMICK (LEWIS M.) Descriptive List of the Fishes of Lorain Co., O. Illustrated, 8vo. Oberlin, O.: 1892. McCULLOCH (LEWIS). Observations on the Herring Fisheries upon the North Coast of Scotland, etc. 8vo. London : W, RICHARDSON, 1788. McGAFFEY (ERNEST). Poems of the Gun and Rod. Illustrated. Sq. 8vo. New York: CHAS. SCRIBNER'S SONS, 1892. McGREGGOR (J.) The Rob Roy on the Baltic. Maps and Illustra- tions. 16mo. Second Edition. London : SAMPSON Low, 1867. McLELLAN (ISAAC). Poems of the Rod and Gun. Etched Frontis- piece. 12mo. New York: HENRY THORPE, 1886. MED WIN (THOS.) Angler in Wales. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. London : R. BENTLEY, 1834. MEEHAN (WM. E.) Fish, Fishing and Fisheries of Penna. Illus- trated. 8vo. Harrisburg: 1893. MELVILLE (HERMAN). Moby-Dick ; or, The Whale. 12mo. New York : HARPERS, 1871. 88 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. MENHADEN (THE) Fishery of Maine. Illustrated. Svo. Portland : B. THURBTON & Co., 1878. MENNIER (VICTOR). Les Grandes Peches. Oumage Illustre de 85 Vignettes. 12mo. Paris: 1868. MEREDITH (LOUISA ANNE). Tasmanian Friends and Foes. Col ored Plates. Second Edition. Sq. 8vo. London: MARCUS WARD & Co., 1881. MERRIFIELD (MRS.) A Sketch of the Natural History of Brighton. Map and Front. 12rao. Brighton : "W. PEARCE, 1860. MERIONETHSHIRE (THE) Angler. 12mo. Barmouth: OWEN JONES, N. D. METCALFE (REV. FRED'K). The Oxonian in Norway. Map and Illustration. Second Edition. 12mo. London : HURST & BACKETT, 1857. MICHIGAN (STATE OF). First Report of the Commissioners on State Fisheries, 1873-4. 8vo. Lansing : 1875. MICHIGAN. Second Report State Comrs. and Supt. State Fisheries, 1875-6. 8vo. Lansing: 1876. MICHIGAN. Third Report Supt. State Fisheries for 1877-8. 8vo. Lansing: 1879. MICHIGAN. Fourth Report State Comrs. and Supt. State Fisheries, 1879-1880. Svo. Lansing: 1881. MICHIGAN. Fifth Biennial Report Supt. State Fisheries for 1881-2. 8vo. Lansing: 1883. MICHIGAN. Sixth Biennial Report State Board Fish Comrs., 1883-4, ending Dec. 1, 1884. Svo. Lansing : 1885. MICHIGAN. Seventh Biennial Report State Board Fish Comrs. , Dec. 1, 1884; Dec. 1, 1886. Svo. Lansing: 1887. MICHIGAN. Eleventh Biennial Report State Board of Fish Comrs., Dec. 1, 1892; Dec. 1, 1894. Svo. Lansing: 1895. MICHIGAN. Forests, Streams, Lakes, etc. of Northern Michigan. Map and Front. 8vo. Marquette : L. P. CRARY, 1884. MILES (HENRY DOWNES). Book of Field Sports. Plates of Col- ored Flies, etc. 2 vols. 4to. London : Itf. D. MILFORD (JOHN). Norway and Her Laplanders in 1841. Svo. Lon- don: J. MURRAY, 1842. * Large Paper. MILLARD (E. E.) Random Casts, etc. From an Angler's Note Book. By E. M. E. 16mo. New York: DERBY BROS., 1878. Cfor.-fa&J $%* /7t 4Ltfi&* t ^l CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 89 MILLER (JAMES WILLIAM). Poems and Sketches. 12mo. Bos- ton: EASTBUEN'S PEESS, 1830. MILLER (THOS.) Beauties of the Country. 26 2 [lustrations. 12mo. London : VAN VOORST, 1837. MILLER (THOS.) Rural Sketches, 23 Illustrations. 12mo. London: VAN VOORST, 1839. MILLER (THOS.) Sports and Pastimes of Merry England. 21 Illustra- tions. 12mo. London : DARTON & Co., N. D. MILLS (JOHN). The Sportsman's Library. Portrait and Engravings. 8vo. Edin.: WM. PATERSON, (1845). MILLS (JOHN). The Sportsman's Library. 12mo. Phila.: LEA & BLANCHARD, 1846. [MILNER (WM. JR.)] An Authenthic Historical Memoir of the Schuyl- kill Fishing Company of the State in Schuylkill. By a Member. 1 llus- trated. 8vo. Original Cloth. Phila.: PUBLISHED BY JITDAII DOBSON, 1830. MILNER (WM. JR.) A History of the Schuylkill Fishing Company of the State in Schuylkill, 1732-1888. Illustrated. 4to. Phila. : PUBLISHED BY THE MEMBERS, 1889. MINNESOTA (STATE OF). First Annual Report State Fish Comrs. of Minnesota. 8vo. St. Paul : 1875. MINNESOTA. Fourth Annual Report of the State Fish Comrs. of Minnesota, year ending Dec. 31st, 1877. 8vo. Minneapolis: JOHN- SON, SMITH & HAERISON, 1878. MINNESOTA. Fifth Annual Report of the State Fish Comrs. of Min- nesota, year ending Dec. 31st, 1878. 8vo. Minneapolis : JOHNSON, SMITH & HAERISON, 1879. MINNESOTA. Sixth and Seventh Annual Reports of the Minnesota State Fish Comn, years 1879-80. 8vo. St. Peter : J. K. MOORE, 1881. MINNESOTA. Game and Fish Laws of Minnesota. 24mo. St. Paul : PIONEER PEESS, 1897. MISSOURI (STATE OF). Third Biennial Report of the Fish Com- mission. Years 1883-84- 8vo. Jefferson City : 1885. MISSOURI P. R. W. CO. Notes on the Scenery, Game and Fish of Arkansas. Illustrated. 12mo. St. Louis, Mo. : 1898. [MITCHELL (DONALD G.)] Wet Days at Edgewood. 12mo. New York : CHAS. SCEIBNEE, 1865. [MITCHELL (DONALD G.)] Wet Days at Edgewood. 12mo. New York : CHAS. SCBIBNER'S SONS, 1884. 90 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. MITCHELL (S. WEIR). When all the Woods are Green. Portrait. 12mo. New York : CENTURY Co., 1897. MITCHELL (WM. ANDRE W). On the Pleasure and Utility of Angling. Vignette. 12mo. Newcastle-on-Tyne : FOR THE WAL- TONIAN CLUB, (1824). MITCHELL ( W. STEPHEN). On the Place of Fish, in a Hard Work- ing Diet, and Fish as a Food. By Sir H. Thompson. 8vo. London : W. CLOWES & SONS, 1884. MODERN (TiiE) ANGLER. Water-colored Engravings of Fish. Nar- row 12mo. Derby: THOS. RICHARDSON, N. D. MOFFAT (A. S.) The Secrets of Angling. Illustrated. 12mo. Edin- burgh : A. & C. BLACK, 1865. MONRO (ALEX.) New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Maps. 8vo. Halifax, N. S.: RICHD. NUGENT, 1855. MONTPETIT (A. N.) Les Poissons D'Eau Douce du Canada. Illus- trations (some colored). 4to. Montreal : 1897. MOORE (GEO. H.) Washington as an Angler. Portrait inserted. 12mo. New York: FOR THE AUTHOR, 1887. MORE (SlR J.) England's Interest, or the Gentleman and Farmer's Friend. Third Edition. 24rno. London : PRINTED AND SOLD BY J. How, 1705. [MOREAU (F. A.)] Recherches Physiologiques sur la Yessie Natatoire Role Hydrostatique de cet Organe. Plates. 8vo. Paris : 1877. MORICEAU (A.) Le Guide et les Droits des Pecheurs a la Ligne. Plates. 12mo. Paris: 1882. MORGAN (GEO.) The New Complete Sportsman. Front. 16mo. London : ALEX. HOGG, (1747). MORIN (A. B.) and MANDUIT (J). Guide Pratique du Pecheur. Illustrated. 16mo. Paris: 1877. MORRIS (JOS. E.) Surrey's Capital. A Handbook for Guildford. Chapter on Angling. Illustrated. 12mo. Guildford and London : N. D. MORRIS (ROBT. T.) Hopkins's Pond and other Sketches. Front. 12mo. New York and London : G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, 1896. MORTON (HON/ LEVI P.) Fisheries and Fish Culture, Speech of Hon. L. P. Morton, February 4, 1880. 8vo. Washington : 1880. MOSER (JEFFERSON F.) Salmon and Salmon Fisheries of Alaska. Illustrated. 4to. Washington: 1899. Ou CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 91 MOTILE (THOS.) Heraldry of Fish. Illustrated. 8vo. London: YAN VOORST, 1842. MULBRTT (HUGO). How to Cook Fish. Second Edition. 16mo. Cincinnati : H. MULERTT, 1887. MUFFETT (THOS.) Heath's Improvement, or Rules Comprising and Discovering the Nature, Method and Manner of Preparing All Sorts of Food. Corrected and enlarged by Chris. Bennet. Sq. 12mo. Lon- don : PRINTED BY THO. NEWCOMB FOR SAML. THOMSON, 1655. MUNRO (A. G.) Rochester and Chatham with Pen and Camera. Map and Illustrations. 12mo. Rochester : T. OLDROYD, N. D. MURDOCH (W. G. BURN). From Edinburgh to the Antarctic. Sketches during the Dundee Antarctic Expedition 1892-93. Illus- trated. 8vo. London : LONGMANS, 1894. MURRAY (WM. H. H.) Adventures in the Wilderness. Illustrated. 16mo. Boston : FIELDS, OSGOOD & Co., 1869. MURRAY (WM. H. H.) Adventures in the Wilderness. Illustrated. 16mo. Boston : FIELDS, OSGOOD & Co., 1870. MURRAY (W. H. H.) Adirondack Tales. Illustrations. Sq. 12mo. Boston : GOLDEN RULE PUBLISHING Co., 1877. MURRAY (W. H. H.) How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whitney Kept New Years. Illustrated. 12mo. St. Johnsbury, Vt: CALE- DONIA COUNTY PUBLISHING Co., 1887. MURRAY (WM. H. H.) Daylight Land. 140 designs in colors. 8vo. Boston : CUPPLES & HURD, 1888. MURRAY (W. H. H.) Lake Champlain and its Shores. Portrait. 12mo. Boston : DE WOLFE, FISKE & Co., (1890). MURRAY (WM. H. H.) Adventures in the Wilderness. Illustrated. 16mo. Boston: DE WOLFE, FISKE & Co., N. D. MURRAY (W. H. H.) (ADIRONDACK). Cones for the Camp Fire. 12mo. Boston : DE WOLFE, FISKE & Co., N. D. MURREY (THOS. J.) Oysters and Fish. 16mo. New York : F. A. STOKES & BRO., 1888. NAPLES. Guide to the Aquarium of the Zoological Station at Naples. Fourth Edition, with 175 Illustrations. 8vo. Leipzic : BREIT- KOPF & HARTEL, 1896. NAPLES. Guide pour L' Aquarium de la Station Zoologique de Naples. Quatrieme Edition. 167 Illustrations. 8vo. Naples: 1898. 92 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. NAPLES. Guida per L'Acquario della Statzione Zoologica di Napoli. Quarta Edizione. 175 Illustrations. 8vo. In Modena : 1898. NATIONAL (THE) Fish-Culture Association of Great Britain and Ireland. By-Laws. 8vo. London : 1883. NATIONAL FISHERY ASSOCIATION. Organization, Platform and By- Laws, Gloucester, Mass., Feb., 1887. 8vo. PRINTED AT THE CAPE ANN ADVERTISER OFFICE, 1887. NATURAL (A) History of Fishes. 40 Engravings. 24mo. Alnwick : W. DAVISON, N. D. NEEDHAM (T. H.) Complete Sportsman. 12mo. London : W. SIMP- KIN AND R. MARSHALL, 1817. NEGRI (LUIGI DE). La Pesca e la Societa di Piscicolture Italiana. Charts. 4to. Paris: 1874. NEIL'S (A.) Complete Angler. Front. Seventh Edition. 16mo. London : A. NEIL, N. D. NEIL'S (A.) Complete Angler. Front. Tenth Edition. 12mo. London : A. NEIL, N. D. NEIL'S (A.) Complete Angler. Front. Fourteenth Edition. 12mo. London : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY A. NEIL, 1804. NEIL'S (A.) Complete Angler. Frontispiece of Fish. Fifteenth Edition. 12mo. London : T. HUGHES, N. D. NEIL'S (A.) Complete Angler. Colored Front. Twentieth Edition. 12mo. London : PRINTED FOR T. HUGHES, N. D. NELSON (WM.) The Laws Concerning Game ; of Hunting, Hawking, Fishing, Fowling, etc. Sixth Edition. 1 6mo. London : PRINTED BY E. RICHARDSON AND C. LINTOR, 1762. NETTLE (RICH'D). The Salmon Fisheries of the St. Lawrence. 12mo. Montreal : I. LOVELL, 1857. NEW BRUNSWICK RAILWAY. Angling and Hunting. Illustrated. Sq. 8vo. Camden, Me.: GEO. H. HAYNES, N. D. NEWFOUNDLAND FISHERIES. Correspondence Respecting, 1884-90. FRANCE, No. 1. Folio. London : N. D. NEW HAMPSHIRE (STATE OF). Report of the Comrs. of Fisheries, June Session, 1870. 8vo. Manchester : 1870. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Report of the Comrs. of Fisheries, June Session, 1871. 8vo. Nashua: 1871. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Report of the Comrs. on Fisheries, S. N. H., June Session, 1872. 8vo. Manchester : 1872. H: ff r? fr t r t /f ft ff // fr fr fr sr Jr.f. . fr, 3 yjr t, ft If ff rf si ff It 'f ff ff tf ff t-f ff ff ff ff r ff i, /r ff f, '( f/ r/ /r f, f, 'I '/ f ( 'f fr f ff ff ff ff ff i fr t f tf fr fr f '/ ^/ li ff S/ f f '/ If & tf ff ff 'f ff // ASi Sfc CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 93 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Report of the Comrs. Fisheries, S. N. H., June Session, 1873. 8vo. Nashua : 1873. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Report of the Comrs. on Fisheries, June Session, 1874. 8vo. Concord: 1874. NEWHOUSE (S.) The Trappers' Guide. Second Edition, with new Narratives and Illustrations. 8vo. Wallingford, Ct: PUB. BY ONEIDA COMMUNITY, 1867. NEW JERSEY (STATE OF). Second Annual Report, Comrs. of Fish- eries, 1872. 8vo. Trenton : 1872. NEW JERSEY. Third Annual Report, Comrs. of Fisheries, 1872. 8vo. Trenton: 1872. NEW JERSEY. Fourth Annual Report, Comrs. of Fisheries, 1873. 8vo. Trenton: 1873. NEW JERSEY. Fifth Annual Report, Comra. of Fisheries, 1874. 8vo. Trenton: 1874. NEW JERSEY. Sixth Annual Report, Comrs. of Fisheries, 1875. 8vo. Trenton: 1875. NEW JERSEY. Seventh Annual Report, Comrs. of Fisheries, 1876. 8vo. Trenton: 1876. NEW JERSEY. Eighth Annual Report, Comrs. of Fisheries, 1877. 8vo. Trenton: 1877. NEW JERSEY. (Ninth) Report, Comrs. of Fisheries, 1878. 8vo. Trenton : 1878. NEW JERSEY. Report of the Comrs. of Fisheries, 1879-1883. 8vo. Trenton: 1883. NEW JERSEY. Report of the Comrs. of Fisheries, 1884-5. 8vo. Trenton: 1886. NEWLAND (REV. HENRY). The Erne, its Legends and its Fly Fish- ing, front, of Colored Flies and other Illustrations. First Edition. 12mo. London : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1851. NEWLAND (REV. HENRY). Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden. Illustrated. First Edition. 12mo. London: ROUTLEDGE, 1854. NEWLAND (REV. HENRY). Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden. Illustrated. Second Edition. 12mo. London : ROUTLEDGE, 1855. NEWPORT. A Hand-Book of Newport, Rhode Island. Front, of the " Old Stone Tower." 16rao. Newport, R. I.: C. E. HAMMETT, JK., 1852. NEWPORT. Natural History Society. Proceedings of 1891-1899. Number IX. 8vo. Newport, R. I.: F. W. MAESHALL, 1900. 94 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. NEWSPAPER, and Other Kinds of Trout Illustrations, and Clippings of Fish and Angling Articles from Newspapers, etc. 3 4to volumes. N. P., N. D. NEW YORK (STATE OF). Report, in part, of Samuel L. Mitchell, M. D., on the Fishes of New York. 16mo. New York : PRINTED BY D. CARLISLE, Jan. 1, 1814. NEW YORK. Transactions of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York. 4to. N. Y.: VAN WINKLE & WILEY, 1815. * Contains Fishes of New York by Samuel L. Mitchell. NEW YORK. Report of the Committee on Agriculture in Relation to the Petition of Robert L. Pell, Concerning Salmon Fisheries in the State. 8vo. Albany: 1857. NEW YORK. First Annual Report Com'rs of Fisheries, March 9, 1869. 8vo. Albany: 1869. NEW YORK. Second Annual Report Com'rs of Fisheries, March 11, 1870. 8vo. Albany: 1870. NEW YORK. Third Annual Report Com'rs of Fisheries, Feb. 28, 1871. 8vo. Albany: 1871. NEW YORK. Fourth Annual Report Com'rs of Fisheries, March 19, 1872. 8vo. Albany: 1872. NEW YORK. Report Com'rs of Fisheries (Fifth), Feb. 12, 1873. 8vo. Albany : 1873. NEW YORK. Sixth Annual Report Com'rs of Fisheries, Feb. 5, 1874. 8vo. Albany: 1874. NEW YORK. Seventh Annual Report Com'rs of Fisheries, Feb. 1, 1875. 8vo. Albany: 1875. NEW YORK. Eighth Annual Report Com'rs of Fisheries. Year ending Dec. 31, 1875. 8vo. (Albany), 1876. NEW YORK. Tenth Annual Report N. Y. Fishery Com'rs. Year 1877. 8vo. Albany: 1878. NEW YORK. Eleventh Report Com'rs of Fisheries, for two Years, end- ing Dec. 31st, 1879. 8vo. N. P.: April 1, 1880. NEW YORK. Annual Report of the Com'rs of Fisheries (Twelfth). Year 1881. 8vo. Albany: 1882. NEW YORK. Thirteenth Report Com'rs of Fisheries (Biennial). 8vo. Albany: 1884. NEW YORK. Thirteenth Report of the Com'rs of Fisheries. Biennial Report. Feb. 1,1884. 8vo. Albany : 1884. ~^J&4^ CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 96 NEW YORK. Fourteenth Report Com'rs of Fisheries. Biennial Re- port. May 10, 1886. 8vo. Albany , 1886. NEW YORK. Seventeenth Report Com'rs of Fisheries. Jan. 10, 1889. 8vo. Albany: 1889. NEW YORK. Nineteenth Report Com'rs of Fisheries. Jan., 1891. 8vo. Albany: 1891. NEW YORK. First Annual Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries, Game and Forests of the State of N. Y. 4to. Albany : 1895. NEW YORK. Second Annual Report of the Comrs. of Fisheries, Game and Forests of the State of N. Y. Illustrated. 4to. Al- bany : 1897. NEW YORK. Third Annual Report of The Comrs. of Fisheries, Game and Forests of The State of New York. Colored and Plain Il- lustrations. 4rto. Albany : 1898. NEW YORK. Fourth Annual Report of the Comrs. of Fisheries, Game and Forests. Colored and plain Illustrations. 4to. Albany: 1899. NEW YORK. Fisheries of the State of New York. Years 1869-1891. 3 vols. 8vo. Albany: 1869-1891. NEW YORK STATE Association for the Protection of Fish and Game. Illustrated. 4to, cloth. Brooklyn, N. Y. : L. I. SPORTSMEN'S ASSN., 1881. NEW YORK TRIBUNE BOOK of Open-Air Sports. Edited by Henry Hall. Illustrated. 8vo. New York : TRIBUNE ASSN., 1887. NEW YORK STATE GAME LAWS. 8vo. New York and Albany : BANKS BROS., 1892. NEW YORK, Ontario and Western Railway. Hunting and Fishing. Illustrated. 8vo. New York : 1898. NEW YORK AQUARIUM. Official Guide. Illustrated. 12mo. New York: G. E. JENNINGS, 1899." NICOLS (ARTHUR). The Acclimatisation of the Salmonidse at the Antipodes. 12mo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1882. [NOBBES (RO.)] The Compleat Troller; or, The Art of Trolling. By a Lover of the Sport. First Edition. 24mo. London : PRINTED BY T. JAMES FOR THO. HELDER AT THE ANGEL IN LITTLE BRITAIN, 1682. NOBBS (ROBERT). The Compleat Troller; or, The Art of Trolling. 16mo. H. K. CAUSTON, PRINTER, BIRCHIN-LANE, CORNHILL, N. D. * N. P. or date on title. Imprint as above at foot of last page. 96 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. NOEL (EUGIENE). Pisciculture Pisciculteurs et Poissons. 12rao. Paris: 1856. NONNIUS. Ludovici Nonni Medici Ichtyophagia Sive De Piscium esv Commentarius (printers device on title.) 16mo. Antverpioe. APUD PETKUM AND IOANNEDR BELLEEOS. M.DC.XVI. NORDHOFF (CHARLES). Whaling and Fishing. Frontispiece. 16mo. Cincinnati: MOOKB, WIISTACH, KEYS & Co., 1856. NORRIS (THAD.) The American Angler's Book. Eighty Engrav- ings. 8vo. Phila. : E. H. BUTLER & Co., 1864. NORRIS (THAD.) American Angler's Book. 80 Engravings. New Edition with a Supplement. 8vo. Phila. : E. H. BUTLER & Co., 1865. NORRIS (THAD.) American Fish Culture. Illustrated. 12mo. Phila.: PORTER & COATES, (1868.) NORRIS (THAD.) American Angler's Book. 80 Engravings. 8vo. Phila. : PORTER & COATES, N. D. * Memorial Edition with a fine portrait of the Author. [NORTH (HoN. ROGER).] A Discourse of Fish and Fish Ponds. Done by A Person of Honour. 16mo. London : PRINTED FOR E. CURLL, 1713. NORTH (HoN. ROGER). A Discourse of Fish and Fish Ponds. 4to. N. P., N. D. NORTH-COUNTRY ANGLER, (The); or, The Art of Angling as Practised in the Northern Counties of England, frontispiece of a Fish. First Edition. 1 6mo. London : Printed for the Editor / AND SOLD BY J. RICHARDSON, 1786. NORTH-COUNTRY ANGLER. Vig. 12mo. London : LONGMAN, 1817. NORTH-COUNTRY ANGLERS. A Collection of Right Merrie Gar- lands for North Country Anglers. Illustrations ~by Bewick. 12mo. New Castle : PRINTED FOR EMERRON CHARNLEY, 1842. NORTHRUP (A. JUDD). Camps and Tramps in The Adirondacks. 16mo. Syracuse, N. Y. : DAVIS, BARDEEN & Co., 1880. NORTH WOODS WALTON CLUB. I2mo. Utica: CURTISS & WHITE, PRINTERS. N. D. NOTICE HISTORIQUE sur L'Etablissement De Pisciculture De Huningue. 4to. Strasbourg: 1862. NOTIZIE DEI PESCI Delle Provincie Di como E Sondrio E del Can- tone Ticino. Seconda Edizione. 16mo. Como : 1864. tfuj %t*r. tyji &i/*, . /Z-o AwrbL ft, ftgafafa, CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 97 NOVA SCOTIA. List of the Fishes of. Corrected to date, 1879. By J. Matthew Jones. 8vo. N. P.: N. D. NOVICE. The Anglican Friar and the Fish He Took. By A. Novice, A. F. & F. Illustrated. 12mo. London : J. & A. A. DARLING, 1851. O'BRIEN (A. H.) Ontario Game and Fishing Laws. Fourth Edition. Sq. 16rao. Ottawa: DESPATCH & AGENCY Co. And Toronto: 1892-99. O'CONNOR (R.) An Introduction to the Field Sports of France. Illus- trated. 12mo. London : JOHN MURRAY. Paris : STASSIN ET XAVIER, 1846. ODD (THE) VOLUME. Illustrated by Two Odd Fellows Bolt. Sey- mour and Robert Cruikshank. 16mo. London : VV. KIDD, N. D. OGDEN ON FLY TYING. Photo -Portrait of the Author, and of Angler's at the Bull Inn, Fairford, and other illustrations. 12mo. Cheltenham : J. T. NORMAN, 1879. OGDEN ON FLY TYING. Illustrated. 12mo. Cheltenham : J. T. NORMAN, 1879. OHIO (STATE OF). First Annual Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries. Year Ending Dec., 1873. 8vo. Columbus : 1874. OHIO. First Annual Report of the Ohio State Fish Commission to the Governor. Years 1875 and 1876. 8vo. Columbus : 1877. OHIO. Second Annual Report Ohio State Fish Commission. Year 1877. 8vo. Columbus: 1878. OKE (GEO. C.) A Handy Book of the Game and Fishery Laws. Second Edition. 12mo. London : BUTTERWORTHS, 1863. OLDFELLOW (ALFRED). Uncle Nat. Portrait and Woodcuts. 16mo. New York : 1865. O'NEILL (J. W.) Glimpses of Animated Nature. Descriptions of Fishes, etc. Illustrated. 8vo. Phila.: 1 878. ONGARO (ANTONIO). Alceo Favola Pescatoria Di Antonio Ongaro. Nuova Edizione Dedicata All' Illustrissima Signora Madama Elisabetta Griffith Lady Rich. 24mo. Londra : APPESSO TOMMASO EDLIN, 1737. OPPIAN. HALIEUTIKA. De Natura Seu Venatione piscium lib. V. [Gr.] Florentise in sedibus Ph. Juntse, 1515. n*. 64. 16mo. OPPIAN. De Piscibus, L. Lippio interprete, lib. V. [Greek and Latin]. Venetiis. 24mo. IN ^Eoisus ALDI ET ANDREWS SOCERI, 1517. OPPIAN. De Venatione lib. IV., depiscatu lib. V. Cum Interpretatione Latina et Commentariis Studis et Opera Conr. Rittershusii. [Gr. and Lat] 16mo. Lugd. Bat.: 1597. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 99 PAGE (I. E.) Angling Days and an Angler's Books, by Jonathan Dale. Illustrated. Cheaper Edition. 12mo. London : E. STOCK, 1898. PAIJKULL (C. W.) A Summer in Iceland. Trans, by Rev. M. R. Barnard. Illustrated. 8vo. London : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1868. PARLOA (Miss M.) Camp Cookery. 24mo. Boston : ESTES & LAUR- IAT, (1878). PARTHENII (NICOLAI). Grannettasii Neapolit Soc. Jesu. Piscatoria et Nautica. Editio Altera. fine Engravings. 16mo. Neapoli : TYPIS REGIS, 1686. PASKE (DEPUTY SURG.-GEN'L. C. T.) and Aflalo (Fred'k G.) The Sea and the Rod. Illustrated. 12mo. London : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1892. PATTERSON (JAS.) A Treatise on the Fishery Laws of the United Kingdom. 12mo. London and Cambridge : MACMILLAN, 1863. PATTERSON (JAMES). Judgment regarding Lord Lonsdale's Salmon Hall Fishery. 8vo. London : EYRE & SPOTTISWOOD, (1869). PATON (DR. NOEL, EDITOR). Investigations on the Life-History of the Salmon in Fresh Water. Illustrated. 8vo. Glasgow : JAB. HEDDERWICK & SONS, 1898. PAULIN (M. G.) Nouveau Manuel Complet Du Pecheur. D'Eau Douce Et De Mer. New Edition. Vignettes, etc. 16mo. Paris : RORET, 1864. PAYNE-GALLWEY (SiR RALPH, BART.) The Diary of Col. Peter Hawker. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. London and New York : LONG- MANS, 1893. PEACHAM (HENRY). The Compleat Gentleman. Engraved Title by Er. Delaram, and Coats of Arms, etc. Third Impression. Sq. 12mo. London : PRINTED BY E. TYLER FOR RICH'D THRALE, 1661. PEARD (WM.) A Year of Liberty. Map. 12mo. London : H. Cox. 1867. PEARD (WM.) Practical Water-Farming. 16mo. Edinburgh : EDMON- STON & DOUGLAS, 1868. PEARSON (EDWIN). Anglers' Garland for 1870. Woodcuts ly T. Bewick. Sq. 8vo. Westminster : EDWIN PEARSON, 1 870. PEARSON (EDWIN). Anglers' Garland for 1871. Woodcuts ly T. Bewick. Sq. 8vo. Westminster: BICKERS & SON, 1871. PEEK (HEDLEY). The Poetry of Sport. Illustrated. Sq. 8vo. Lon- don : LONGMANS, 1896. * Badminton Library. Large Paper. 100 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. PEEL (E. LENNOX). A Highland Gathering. 31 Illustrations. 12mo. London : LONGMANS, 1885. PELL (ROBERT L.) Edible Fishes of New York. 8vo. N. P., N. D. [PENN (RICHARD).] Maxims and Hints for an Angler. Drawings on Stone. First Edition. 16mo. London : JOHN MURRAY, 1833. PENN (RICH'D.) Maxims and Hints for an Angler. Woodcuts. A New Edition, (Second). 16mo. London : J. MURRAY, 1839. PENN (RICH'D) Maxims and Hints for an Angler. Woodcuts. A New Edition. 16mo. London : J. MURRAY, 1842. [PENN (RICH'D).] Maxims and Hints for an Angler. Humorous Engravings. First American Edition. 16mo. Phila.: F. BELL, 1855. [PENN (RICH'D).] Maxims and Hints for an Angler. Humorous Engravings. 16mo. Phila.: CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, 1868. PENNANT (THOS.) British Zoology. (Fish in Vol. III.) Illustrated. 4: vols. 4to. Warrington : PRINTED BY WM. EYRES, 1776. PENN ELL (H. C.) Spinning Tackle. With a few words on Fine- Fishing. 16mo. London : HARRISON, 1862. PENNELL (H. C.) Spinning Tackle. Second Edition. J6mo. Lon- don : HARRISON, 1862. PENNELL (H. C.) The Angler-Naturalist ISO Wood Engravings. 12mo. London : J. VAN VOORST, 1863. PENNELL (H. C.) The Angler-Naturalist. 150 Wood Engravings. 12mo. London and New York : ROUTLEDGE, N. D. PENNELL (H. C.) The Fisherman's Magazine and Review. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. London : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1864-1865. PENNELL (H. C.) The Book of the Pike. Illustrated. 12mo. London: R. HARDWICKE, 1865. PENNELL (H. C.) The Book of the Pike. Illustrated. Second Edition. 12mo. London : F. WARNE & Co., N. D. PENNELL (H. C.) The Book of the Pike. Illustrated. Third Edition. 12mo. London : ROUTLEDGE, N. D. PENNELL (H. C.) Fishing Gossip, Front and Vignette. 12mo. Edinburgh : A. & C. BLACK, 1866. PENNELL (H. C.) The Modern Practical Angler. Fifty Engravings, Front, of Colored Flies. 12mo. London: F. WARNE & Co., 1870. PENNELL (H. C.) The Modern Practical Angler. Fifty Engravings. 12mo. London : ROUTLEDGE, N. D. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 101 PENNELL (H. C.) Fly-Fishing and Worm-Fishing for Salmon, Trout and Grayling. Illustrated. 12mo. London : ROUTLEDGE, N. D. (1876). PENNELL (H. C.) Trolling for Pike, Salmon and Trout. Illustrated. 12mo. London : ROUTLEDGE, N. D. (1876). PENNELL (H. C.) Fishing. Salmon and Trout, Pike and Other Coarse Fish. Illustrated. 2 vols. Sq. 8vo. London: LONGMANS, 1885. * Badminton Library. Large Paper. PENNELL (H. C.) The Sporting Fish of Great Britian. 16 Litho- graphs of Fish in Gold, Silver and Colors. 8vo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1886. PENNELL (H.C.) Fishing. Salmon and Trout, Pike and Other Coarse Fish. Fifth Edition Revised. With Numerous Additional Illustra- tions. 2 vols. 12mo. London : LONGMANS, 1889. * Badminton Library. (2nd vol. Boston and London, 1885.) PENNELL (H.C.) Modern Improvements in Fishing Tackle and Fish Hooks. 250 Wood Engravings. 12ino. London : SAMPSON Low, N. D. PENNELL. Directions for Making Pennell's Flies, etc. Manuscript of seventeen pages. Sq. 8vo. N. P.: N. D. PENNSYLVANIA (STATE OF). Report Comrs. for Restoration of the Fisheries of the Susquehanna, Year 1868. 8vo. Harrisburg : 1869. PENNSYLVANIA. Report of the Comr. for the Restoration of the Inland Fisheries, Year 1870. 8vo. Harrisburg : 1871. PENNSYLVANIA. Report of the Comr. for the Restoration of the In- land Fisheries, Year 1871 (Including Report on Fish Ladders). 8vo. Harrisburg: 1872. PENNSYLVANIA. Report of the State Comrs. of Fisheries, Year 1873. 8vo. Harrisburg: 1874. PENNSYLVANIA. Report State Comrs. Fisheries, Year 1874. 8vo. Harrisburg: 1875. PENNSYLVANIA. Report of the State Comrs. of Fisheries, Year 1876. 8vo. Harrisburg : B. F. MEYERS, 1877. PENNSYLVANIA. Report of the State Comrs. of Fisheries, Years 1879 and 1880. 8vo. Harrisburg : 1881. PENNSYLVANIA. Report State Comrs. of Fisheries, Years 1881 and 1882. 8vo. Harrisburg: 1883. PENNSYLVANIA. Report of the State Comrs. of Fisheries, Years 1883 and 1884. Illustrations. 8vo. Harrisburg : 1885. PENNSYLVANIA. Report of the State Comrs. of Fisheries, Years 1885 and 1886. Illustrated. 8vo. Harrisburg : 1887. 102 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. PENNSYLVANIA. Report of the State Comrs. of Fisheries, for the Year 1896. Colored Plates. Svo. N. P.: C. M. BUSCH, 1897. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. A Paradise for Gunners and Ang- lers. Illustrated. Sq. 12mo. Phila.: 1883. PERCY (SHOLTO AND REUBEN). The Percy Anecdotes. Pastime. ( Salmon Hunting," etc.) 24mo. London : T. BOYS, 1821. PERLEY (M. H.) The Fisheries of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 4to. Fredericton: 1849. PERLEY (M. H.) Sea and River Fisheries of New Brunswick. Svo. Fredericton : J. SIMPSON, 1850. PERLEY (M. H.) Catalogue [in part] of the Fishes of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Svo. Fredericton: J. SIMPSON, 1851. PERLEY (M. H.) The Sea and River Fisheries of New Brunswick. Second Edition. Svo. Fredericton : J. SIMPSON, 1852. PERLEY (M. H.) A Hand-Book of Information for Emigrants to New Brunswick. Map. 12mo. St. John, N. B.: H. CHUBB & Co., 1854. PERLEY (M. H.) A Hand-Book to New Brunswick. 12mo. London : E. STANFORD, 1857. PESCADOR (MARTIN). Piscatorial Patches. 12mo. London: F. V. WHITE & Co., 1897. PETIT (G. ALBERT). La Truite de Riviere Peche a la Mouche Arti- ficielle. Illustrations. Svo. Paris: 1897. PHILLIPS (HENRY). The True Enjoyment of Angling. Portrait and Music. 12mo. London : "W. PICKERING, 1843. PHILLIPS-WOLLEY (OLIVE). A Sportsman's Eden. Svo. Lon- don : R. BENTLEY & SON, 1888. PHILLPOTTS (EDEN). Folly and Fresh Air. 12mo. New York: HARPERS, 1892. PHIPSON (EMMA). The Animal Love of Shakespeare's Time. Front. 12mo. London : KEGAN PAUL, 1883. PIERCE (S. S. CO.,) Sportsmen's Special Limited. Illustrated. Nar- row Svo. Boston : S. S. PIERCE Co., N. D. PIGOREAU (C. B.) Nouveau Traite de la Peche dan les Fleures et Riviere Navigables. Revuet Augmente du Vade-Mecum du Pecheur etc., Par C. Kresz Aine. 16mo. Paris: 1828. PINCKNEY (FRANK S.) The Tarpon or Silver King. Map and Illustration. 16mo. New York : ANGLERS PUBLISHING Co., 1888. PISCATOR. Observations on the Public Right of Fishing by Angle or Net, in Thames, etc. Svo. Marlow : FOR THE AUTHOR, 1826. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 103 PISCATOR. Handy Guide to the Fishing in the Neighborhood of Bath. 12mo. Bath.: WM. LEWIS & SONS, 1ST. D. (1886). PIZZETTA (JULES). La Pisciculture Fluviale et Maritime en France. Culture de L'Ecrevisse et des saugsues. Illustrated. 16mo. Paris : 1880. PLAN FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE BRITISH FISH- ERIES, &o. 4to. Brunswick and London : J. BUDD, 1803. PLANT SYSTEM. Rod and Gun on the West Coast of Florida. Illus- trated. 12mo. N. P.: N. D. PLAN VERN AY (B. DE). La Peche A la Ligne. Au Lac du Bourget. 24mo. Aix Les Bains: G. BERNARD, 1898. PLATTS (W. CARTER). Angling Done Here. 12mo. London: JARROLD & SONS, 1897. PLATTS (W. CARTER). A Few Smiles. Illustrated. 12mo. Lon- don: JARROLD & SONS, 1898. POEMS. A Collection of Original Poems by Scotch Gentlemen. 16mo. Edinburgh : A. DONALDSON, 1762. POEY (FELIPE). Conspectus Piscium Cubensium. 4to. Habana: 1861. *Extract from "Historic Natural de la Isla de Cuba." POITEVIN (M. B.) L'Ami du Pdcheur. Traite Pratique de la Peche a Toutes Lignes. Avec 98 gravures et 4 planches hors texte. 8vo. Paris : G. MASSON, EDITEUR, 1873. POITEVIN (M. B.) L'Ami du Pecheur. Traite Pratique de la PSche a Toutes Lignes. Sixieme Edition. With 98 engravings in text and four full page. 12mo. Paris: N. D. POLLARD (RICHARD). The New and Complete Angler. Cuts of Fish. 16mo. London : ALEX. HOGG, N. D. POLLOCK (FREDERICK). The Fishery Laws. 8vo. London : WM. CLOWES & SONS, 1883. POLLOCK (COLONEL). Incidents of Foreign Sport and Travel. Illus- trated. 8vo. London: CHAPMAN & HALL, 1894. [POND (FRED. EUGENE).] Wild wood's Magazine, An Illustrated Monthly of Out-Door Recreation. 8vo. Chicago : May-Oct. 1888. POND (FRED. E.) The Sportsman's Directory compiled by Will Wildwood [F. E. Pond]. Portrait. 8vo. Milwaukee, Wis. : 1891. POND (FRED. E.) The Sportsman's Directory and Year Book. Illus- trated Second Annual Edition. Compiled by Will Wildwood. Por- rait. 8vo. Milwaukee, Wis.: POND & GOLDEY, 1892. 104 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. PORTER'S (WM. T.) Spirit of the Times, vols. 1-4. From Sept. 6, 1856, to Aug. 28, 1858 inclusive. Illustrated. 4to. New York : 1856-58. PRACTICAL NOTES on the Legislation for the Fisheries of the St. Lawrence. By Publicus. 8vo. Quebec: "MOKNING CHRONICLE" OFFICE, 1864. PRESBYTERIAN. Log of the 9th Annual Cruise of the Second Presbyterian Fishing Club. 12mo. Philadelphia: ALLEN, LANE & SCOTT, 1879. PRICE (MAJ. SIL: ROSE LAMBERT). The Two Americas. Illus- trated. 8vo. Philadelphia: J. B. LIPPINCOTT Co., 1877. [PRIME (WM. C.)] Owl Greek Letters. By W. First and Only Edition. 12mo. New York : BAKER & SCEIBNER, 1848. [PRIME (WM. C.)] The Old House by the River. First Edition. 12mo. New York : HARPERS, 1853. [PRIME (W. C.)] The Old House by the River. Second Edition. 12mo. New York : HARPERS, 1854. [PRIME (W. C.)] The Old House by the River. Third Edition. 12mo. New York : HARPERS, 1859. [PRIME (W. C.)] Later Years. First Edition. 12mo. New York: HARPERS, 1854. PRIME (W. C.) I Go A-Fishing. First Edition. 8vo. New York: HARPERS, 1873. PRIME (W. C.) I Go A-Fishing. First English Edition. 12mo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1873. PRIME (W. C., LL.D.) Along New England Roads. 16mo. New York: HARPERS, (1892). [PRIME (W. C., LL.D.)] Among the Northern Hills. 16mo. New York : HARPERS, 1895. PRIME (SAMUEL IREN^EUS). Under the Trees. 8vo. New York: HARPERS, 1874. PRITCHARD (W.) Angler's Guide to the Rivers and Lakes of Wales. Maps. First Edition. 12mo. Wrexham: N. D. PR1TT (T. E.) North-Country Flies. Eleven plates of hand-painted Flies ) etc. Second Edition. 8vo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1886. PRITT (T. E.) The Book of the Grayling. Three illustrations in Chromo- Lithography. 4to. Leeds : GOODALL & STJDDICK, 1888. PRITT (T. E.) An Angler's Basket. Portrait. 12mo. Manchester: A. HAY WOOD & SON, 1896. . JffW. 2v. 7" CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 105 PROCTER (GEO. H.) The Fisherman's Memorial and Record Book. Illustrated. Svo. Gloucester: PROCTER BROS., 1873. PROCTER BROS. The Fisheries of Gloucester from the First Catch by the English in 1623 to the Centennial Year, 1876. Illustrated. Svo. Gloucester: 1876. PROCTER BROS. The Fisherman's Own Book. Illustrated. Glou- cester : PROCTER BROS., N. D. (1882). PROUTY (LORENZO). Fish: Their Habits and Haunts. Photo- Portrait. Sq. Svo. Boston : CUPPLES, UPHAM & Co., 1883. [PULMAN (G. P. R.)] Rustic Sketches. Being Poems on Angling. By Piscator. First Edition. 16mo. Taunton : 'W. BRAGG, 1842. PULMAN (G. P. R.) Vade-Mecum of Fly-Fishing for Trout. Illus- trated. 16mo. London: LONGMANS, 1851. PULMAN (G. P. R.) Rustic Sketches. Being Poems on Angling. Second Edition. 12mo. London : JOHN GRAY BELL, 1853. PULMAN (GEO. P. R.) The Book of the Axe. Illustrations and a Map. 12mo. London: LONGMANS, 1854. [PULMAN (G. P. R.)] Rambles, Roamings and Recollections. By JOHN TROTANDOT. (pstud.) Portrait. 12mo. London : LONGMAN, 1870. PULMAN (G. P. R.) Rustic Sketches. Being Rhymes and " Skits." Third Edition. Sq. I2mo. London: J. R. SMITH, 1871. PYE (JAMES). The Sportsman's Dictionary. The Fifth Edition. 17 Plates. 4to. London : JOHN STOCKDALE, 1807. Q C. Life in the Adirondacks. By one of the Q. C. Svo. N. P.: 1876. QUEBEC. Lake St. John and the New Route to the Far Famed Saguenay. By E. T. D. Chambers. Illustrated. Narrow Svo. Montreal : DESBARATS & Co., 1808. QUEBEC and Canadian Game Laws and Customs Regulations. 12mo. Ottawa : THE MORTIMER Co., N. D. RAMSBOTTOM (ROBERT). The Salmon and its Artificial Propa- gation. Engraving of Salmon on title. 8vo. London and Man- chester, 1854. RAPPORT. Sur la Pisciculture et la Peche Fluviales en Angleterre, en Ecosse et en Irlande. Illustrated. 4to. Strasbourg : 1863. 106 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. RAYMOND (REV. OLIVER). The Art of Fishing on the Principle of Avoiding Cruelty. 16mo. London: LONGMANS, 1866. REBUS. Official Introduction to Bahamas Fisheries, By Rebus. 8vo. London : W. CLOWES & SONS, 1883. RECREATION. A Monthly Magazine devoted to everything that the name implies. G. O. Shields (Coquina) Editor and Manager. From Oct., 1894, to June, 1900. Profusely illustrated. 12 vols. in 11. 8vo. New York : 1895-1900. RtSGUIS (J. M. F.) Essai sur L'Histoire Naturelle des Vertebrates de la Provence. Illustrated. 4to. Marseille : 1882. RE MY (J.) Guide du Pisciculteur. Recueillis, Redig6s et Publics Par Le Dr. Haxo. 12mo. Paris: 1854 RENAULD (L. P.) Le Parfait Pecheur a la Ligne au Filet, etc. Illustrated. 16mo. Paris: 1873. RENE ET LIERSEL. Traite de la Peche a la Ligne et au Filet. Illustrated. 12mo. Paris, N. D. RENNIE (JAMES). Alphabet of Scientific Angling. Illustrated. 16mo. London : WM. ORE, 1833. RENNIE (JAMES). Alphabet of Angling. Illustrated. Second Edition. 24mo. London : OKB AND SMITH, 1836. RENNIE (JAMES). Alphabet of Angling, for the use of Beginners. Illustrated. 16mo. London: H. G. BOHN, 1849. RENOIR (EDMOND). La Peche Mise a la Portee Tous, etc. Colored and plain illustrations. 12mo. Paris : N. D. RfiVOIL (BENEDICT H.) Chasses et Peches de L'Autre Monde. 16mo. Paris: 1856. RfiVOIL (BENEDICT HENRY). Shooting and Fishing in the Rivers, Prairies and Backwoods of North America. 2 vols., 12mo. London : TINSLET BEOS., 1865. REYMOND (LEON). La Peche Pratique en eau Douce a la Ligne et au Filet. Illustration T)y Gus. Dore, &c. 12mo. Paris: 1883. REYNARDSON (C. T. S. BIRCH). Sports and Anecdotes of By- gone Days. Colored illustrations. 8vo. London: CHAPMAN & HALL, 1887. REYNOLDS (CHAS. B.) Laws of the United States and Canada relat- ing to Game and Fish Seasons. Illustrated. 8vo. New York : FOREST AND STREAM, 1895. REYNOLDS (J. M. D.) Peter Gott, The Cape Ann Fisherman. Fourth thousand. Front. 12ino. Boston : 1856. tetftlfaA^ U&*s*y Qi /Tas CflaW &/ CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 107 [REYNOLDS (J. H.)] Sporting. Embellished by large engravings and vignettes illustrative of British Field Sports. Edited by Nimrod. Folio. London : A. H. BAILY & Co., 1838. EHODE ISLAND (STATE OF). .Report on the Fisheries of Narragansett Bay. May session A. D. 1870. 8vo. Pawtucket: 1870. RHODE ISLAND. Report of the Commissioners of Internal Fisheries. February, 1872. 8vo. Providence : A. C. GREENE, 1872. RHODE ISLAND. Third Annual Report of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries. January session, A. D. 1873. 8vo. Providence : PROV. PKESS Co., 1873. RHODE ISLAND. Report (17th annual) of the Joint Special Com- mittee to examine into the question of Trap, Fyke and Pound Fishing. January session, A. D. 1887. 8vo. Providence : E. L. FREEMAN & SONS, 1887. RHODE ISLAND. Twentieth Annual Report Commissioners of Inland Fisheries. January session, 1890. 8vo. Providence : 1890. RHODE ISLAND. Annual Report (23rd) of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries. January session, 1893. 8vo. Providence : E. L. FKEEMAN & SONS, 1893. RHODE ISLAND. Annual Report (24th) of the Commissioner* of Inland Fisheries. January session, 1894. 8vo. Providence : E. L. FREEMAN & SONS, 1894. RHODE ISLAND. Annual Report (25th) of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries. January session, 1895. 8vo. Providence : E. L. FREEMAN & SONS, 1895. RHODE ISLAND. Twenty-sixth Annual Report of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries. January session, 1896. 8vo. Providence, R. I. : E. L. FREEMAN & SONS, 1896. RHODE ISLAND. Annual Report (27th) of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries. January session, 1897. 8vo. Providence : E. L. FREEMAN & SONS, 1897. RHODE ISLAND. Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the Commis- sioners of Inland Fisheries. January session, 1898. Svo. Providence : E. L. FREEMAN & SONS, 1898. RHODE ISLAND. Twenty-ninth Annual Report Commissioners of Inland Fisheries. January session, 1899. Svo. Providence: 1899. RIOLS (J. DE). Le Parfait Pecheur a la Ligne au Filet, etc. Illustrated. 16mo. Paris: N. D. 108 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. ROBERTS (SiR RANDALX The Rivers Side; or, The Trout and Grayling. 16mo. London : H. Cox, 1866. ROBERTS (SIR RANDAL). Glenmahra ; or, The Western Highlands. Illustrations by the Author. 12mo. London : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1870. ROBERTS (SiR RANDAL H.) The Silver Trout and Other Stories. 12mo. London : W. H. ALLEN & Co., 1888. ROBERTS (T. R.) The Spas of Wales. Illustrated. 12mo. London: JOHN HOGG, N. D. ROBERTSON (H. R.) Life on the Upper Thames. Illustrated. 4to. London : VIRTUE SPALDING & Co., 1875. ROBERTSON (J. LEITH} Angling Streams and Angling Quarters. Maps. 16ino. Edinburgh : JOHN MENZIES, 1859. ROBERTSON (JOHN). Hand-Book of Angling for Scotland. Map. 16mo. London : HOULSTON & WRIGHT, 1861. ROBERVAL (THE) Fish and Game Association. Map and Illustra- tions. Sq. 8vo. New York : CENTURY PUBLISHING Co., N. D. ROBINSON (PHIL.) Fishes of Fancy. 8vo. London : W. CLOWES & SONS, 1883. ROBINSON (ROWLAND E.) In New England Fields and Woods. 12mo. Boston and New York : 1899. ROCKWELL (REV. CHAS.) The Catskill Mountains. Illustrated. 12mo. New York : TAINTOR BROS., 1867. ROCKWOOD (CAROLINE W.) In Biscayne Bay. Illustrated ly T. A. Nine. 8vo. New York : DODD, MEAD & Co., 1891. RONALDS (ALFRED). Fly-Fisher's Entomology. Illustrated by (19) Colored Representations of the Natural and Artificial Insect. First Edition. 8vo. London : LONGMANS, 1836. RONALDS (ALFRED). Fly-Fisher's Entomology. Second Edition. With W Copperplates (Colored}. 8vo. London : LONGMANS, 1839. RONALDS (ALFRED). Fly-Fisher's Entomology. Fourth Edition. 20 Colored Plates. 8vo. London : LONGMANS, 1849. RONALDS (ALFRED). Fly-Fisher's Entomology. Sixth Edition. 20 Colored Plates. 8vo. London : LONGMANS, 1862. RONALDS (ALFRED). Fly-Fisher's Entomology. Ninth Edition. W Colored Plates. 8vo. London : LONGMANS, 1883. ROOPER (GEO.) Flood, Field and Forest. Fourth Edition. Illus- trated. 16mo. London : W. ISBISTER & Co., 1874. , /%.* Jlty . CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 109 ROOFER (GEO.) A Month in Mayo. 12mo. London: R. HARD- WICKE, 1876. ROOFER (GEO.) The Autobiography of a Salmon. New Edition. Illustration on Cover. 12mo. London : J. S. VIRTUE & Co., 1886. ROOFER (GEO.) Thames and Tweed. 12mo. London and New York : CASSELL, N. D. [ROOSEVELT (ROBERT BARNWELL)]. Game Fish of the North- ern States of America. Illustrated. By Barnwell. First Edition. 12mo. New York : CARLETON, 1862. ROOSEVELT (R. B.) Game Fish of the Northern States and British Provinces. Illustrated. 12uio. New York : CARLETON, 1865. ROOSEVELT (R. B.) Superior Fishing. Illustrated, 12mo. New York : CARLETON, 1865. ROOSEVELT (R. B.) Game Fish. Illustrated. 12mo. New York: CARLETON, 1866. ROOSEVELT (R. B.) Game Fish. Illustrated. Fourth Edition. 12mo. New York : CARLETON, 1869. ROOSEVELT (R. B.) and Green (Seth). Fish Hatching and Fish Catching. 12mo. Rochester, N. Y. : 1879. ROOSEVELT (R. B.) Superior Fishing. Portrait and Illustrations. 12mo. New York : ORANGE JUDD Co., 1884. ROOSEVELT (R. B.) Love and Luck. 16mo, pictured boards. New York : HARPERS, 1886. ROOSEVELT (R. B.) Fertility in Hybridization. 8vo. New York : N. D. *From Vol. 39, Part II. Proceedings of American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. Salem : 1885. RORER (MRS. S. T.) Fifteen New Ways for Oysters. 24mo. Phila.: ARNOLD & Co., (1894). RORET. Nouveau Manuel Complet du Peeheur Praticien, etc. Illus- trated. 16mo. Paris: 1881. ROSCOE (E. S.) Rambles with a Fishing-Rod. 16mo. Edin. and London : W. BLACKWOOD & SONS, 1883. ROSS (W. A.) A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark and Sweden. Front. Second Edition. 12mo. London : H. COLBURN, 1849. ROUTLEDGE'S Handbook of Fishing. Illustrated. 16mo. London : ROUTLEDGE, 1867. ROWAN (JOHN J.) The Emigrant and Sportsman in Canada. Nap. 12mo. London : EDWARD STANFORD, 1876. 110 . CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. ROXBY (ROBT.) The Lay of the Reed water Minstrel. Vignette. 12mo. Newcastle : T. & J. HODGSON, 1832. RUDDIMAN (THOMAS). A Collection of Scarce, Curious and Valu- able Pieces. 16mo. Edinburgh: T. RUDDIMAN & Co., 1785. RULES, ORDERS and ORDINANCES for the Fisheries in Thames and Medway. 12mo. London : AKTHDB TAYLOR, 1835. * First Edition. RURAL ALMANAC and SPORTSMAN'S Illustrated CALENDAR. 4to. N. P.: 1858. RUSSELL (ALEXANDER). The Salmon. 8vo. Edinburgh : EDMON- STON & DOUGLAS, 1864. RUSSELL (ALEX. J.) The Red River Country. Map. 8vo. Ottawa: 1869. RUST (MARGARET). The Queen of the Fishes. A Fairy Tale of Valois. 12mo. Epping : VALE PRESS, 1894. * Strictly limited to 150 copies, of which 120 are for sale. No. 114. S(J.) The True Art of Angling. 24mo. London: PRINTED FOR 9 ONESIMUS USTONSON, 1770. SAGE (RUFUS B.) Wild Scenes in Kansas and Nebraska, the Rocky Mountains, etc. Third Edition. Illustrated. 12mo. Phila.: G. D. Miller, 1855. SABINE (LORENZO). Report on the Principal Fisheries of The American Seas. 8vo. Washington : ROBT. ARMSTRONG, 1853. ST. JOHN (CHAS.) Short Sketches of the Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands. 16mo. London : J. MURRAY, 1846. ST. JOHN (CHAS.) A Tour in Sutherlandshire. Woodcuts. 2 vols. 12mo. London : J. MURRAY, 1849. ST. JOHN (CHAS.) Short Sketches of the Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands. 16mo. London : J. MURRAY, 1849. ST. JOHN (CHAS.) Sketches of the Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands. Illustrated Edition. 12mo. London: J.MURRAY, 1878. ST. JOHN (CAPT. H. C.) Notes and Sketches from the Wild Coasts of Nipon. Illustrated. 8vo. Edin.: DAVID DOUGLAS, 1880. ST. JOHN (HON. FERDINAND). Rambles in Germany, France, Italy and Russia, in Search of Sport. Colored plates. 12mo. London : LONGMANS, 1853. * CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. Ill ST. LOUIS AND SAN FRANCISCO R. R. Feathers and Fins on the Frisco. Illustrated. 12mo. St. Louis : 1898. S ALA (GEO. AUG.) Echoes of The Year Eighteen Hundred and Eighty- Three. Portrait. 8vo. London : REMINGTON & Co., 1884. SALIS (MRS. DE). Oysters A La Mode, or The Oyster and Over 100 Ways of Cooking It. 16mo. London : LONGMANS, 1888. SALMON FISHING. Drawn and Lithographed by R. O. C. Oblong 4to. London : PUBLISHED BY R. & A. ACKERMAN, (1867). [SALTER (ROBERT).] The Modern Angler, etc. In a Series of Letters to a Friend. Frontispiece. First Edition. 24mo. Owestry : PRINTED FOB THE AUTHOR BY J. SALTER, N. D. SALTER (ROBERT). The Modern Angler, in a Series of Letters. Frontispiece. Second Edition. 16mo. Owestry : PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY W. EDWARDS, 1811. SALTER (T. F.) Angler's Guide. Second Edition. Engravings. 8vo. London : FOR THE AUTHOR, 1815. SALTER (T. F.) The Angler's Guide, Being a Complete Practical Treatise on Angling, etc. Illustrated. Third Edition. 8vo. London : PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, 1815. SALTER (T. F.) The Angler's Guide. With, 25 Engravings and Cuts. Third Edition. 16mo. London : SHERWOOD, JONES & Co., N. D. SALTER (T. F.) Angler's Guide. Fourth Edition. Engravings. 16mo. London : FOR THE AUTHOR, 1816. SALTER (T. F.) Angler's Guide. Fifth Edition. Engravings. 12mo. London, FOR THE AUTHOR, N. D. (1823.) SALTER (T. F.) Angler's Guide. Sixth Edition. Engravings. 12mo. London : SHERWOOD & Co., 1825, SALTER (T. F.) Angler's Guide. Sixth Edition. Engravings. 8vo. London : SHERWOOD & Co., 1825. * Large Paper. SALTER (T. F.) Angler's Guide. Seventh Edition. 88 fine outs. 12mo. London : JOHN WICKSTEED, 1830. SALTER (T. F.) Angler's Guide. Eighth Edition. 88 fine cuts (new engraved title). 12mo. London : JOHN WJCKSTEED, 1833. SALTER (T. F.) Angler's Guide. Ninth Edition. 88 cuts. 12mo. London : JAS. MAYNARD, 1841. SALTER (T. F.) Troller's Guide, Illustrated. First Edition. 12mo. London : CARPENTER & SON, 1820. 112 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. S ALTER (T. F.) Troller's Guide. 8 cuts. Third Edition. 12mo. London : JAS. MAYNARD, 1841. SAMUELS (EDWARD A.) With Fly-Rod and Camera. 150 plates. Sq. 8vo. New York : FOREST AND STREAM, 1890. SANDEMAN (FRASER). By Hook and By Crook. Illustrated. Sq. 12mo. London : HENRY SOTHERAN & Co., 1892. SANDEMAN (FRASER). By Hook and by Crook. Illustrated. 4to. London : SOTHERAN & Co., 1892. *Only 100 copies printed. No. 32. SANDEMAN (FRASER). Angling Travels in Norway. Illustrated, and colored Salmon Flies by the Author. 8vo. London: CHAPMAN & HALL, 1895. SANDEMAN (FRASER). Angling Travels in Norway. Illustrated. 4to. London : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1895. SANDERS (J. MILTON). The Crystal Sphere. Reflections on a Drop of Water. Colored Front. Sq. 16mo. London : HIPPOLYTE BAIL- LIERE, 1857. SANNAZARO (JACOPO). Opera Omnia Latine Scripta. 16mo. Venetiis, in cedibus hceredum A. Manutii, 1535. SANTE FE ROUTE. A Colorado Summer. Illustrated. Sq. 8vo. Chicago : CORBETT & BUTTERFIELD Co., 1898. [SAUNDERS (FREDERICK).] Salad for the Solitary and the Social. By an Epicure. 52 Original designs ly Am. Artists. Engraved by Boblett & Matthews. Sq. 8vo. New York : DE WITT C. LENT & Co., 1872. SAUNDERS (FREDERICK). The Story of some Famous Books. Sq. 8vo. London : ELLIOT STOCK, 1887. * Large paper copy. The Book Lover's Library. Edited by Henry B. Wheatley, F. 8. A. SAUNDERS (JAMES). The Compleat Fisherman. Collected from the Best Authors. Folded frontispiece. 16mo. London : Printed for W. Mears and S. TOOKE, 1724. SAUVAGE (DR. H. E.) La Grande Peche les Poissons. 7 Illustra- tions. 12mo. Tours: 1890. SAUVAGE (H. E.) AND D'HERCULAIS (J. K.) Les Poissons et les Crustacea Edition Francais. Numerous plates. 4to. Paris : J. B. BALLIERE ET FILS, N. D. SCAMMON (CHARLES M.) Marine Mammals of the N. W. Coast of N. America, with an account of American Whale-Fishery. Illustrated, 4to. San Francisco : 1874. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 113 SCHOMBURGK (ROBT. H.) Natural History of The Fishes of Guiana. 66 colored plates. 2 vols. First Edition. 16mo. Edin.: "W. H. LlZ ABB, 1841. SCHOOL OF WISDOM ; or, Repository of the most Valuable Curiosities of Art and Nature. 16mo. Gainsbrough : Printed by JOHN MOSE- LEY, 1776. SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.) Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi and Itasca Lake in 1832. Map. 8vo. New York : HARFEKS, 1834. SCHREINER (VVM. H.) Sporting Manual. Fishing, Fowling and Hunting. Illustrated. 16mo. Phila.: 1841. SCHULTES (HENRY). An Essay on Aquatic Rights. Law relative to Fishing. 8vo. London : "W". CLARKE & SONS, 1811. SCHWATKA. (FREDERICK). Nimrod in the North. Hunting and Fishing adventures in the Arctic Regions. Sq. 8vo. New York : CASSELL PUBLISHING Co., (1892). SCHWATKA (FRED'K.) A Summer in Alaska. Illustrated. 8vo. St. Louis, Mo.: J. W. HENRY, 1893. SCHWATKA (FREDERICK). Along Alaska's Great River. Illus- trated. 8vo. Chicago: HENRY PUBLISHING Co., 1898. SCORESBY ( W., JUN.) An account of the Arctic Regions, with a history arid description of the Northern Whale-Fishery . 24 engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh : A. CONSTABLE & Co., 1820. SCOTLAND. The Golfers and Angler's Holiday Guide to Scotland. Illustrated. 12mo. Inverness : 1897. SCOTT (GENIO C.) Fishing in American Waters. 170 Illustrations. First Edition. 12mo. New York : HARPERS, 1869. SCOTT (GENIO C.) Fishing in American Waters. A New Edition containing parts six and seven. Illustrated. 8vo. New York: AMERICAN NEWS Co. N. D. (1875). [SCOTT (DR. THOMAS).] The Anglers. Eight Dialogues in Verse. 16mo. London : PRINTED FOR E. DILLY, 1758. SCOTT (WM. HENRY). British Field Sports. Fishing, etc. Illus- trated. 8vo. London : SHERWOOD, NEELY & JONES, 1818. [SCOTT (WM. HENRY).] The Sportsman's Calendar. By the Author of the British Field Sports. Vig. 16mo. London : SHERWOOD, NEELY & JONES, 1818. SCRAP BOOK OF FISH ADVERTISEMENTS. 4to. N. P., N. D. 114 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. SCRAP BOOKS. Fishing scraps. Newspaper clippings on the subject of Fishing and Kindred subjects mounted in 3 Sq. 8vo books. 3 vols., N. P., N. D. SCROPB (WM.) Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the Tweed. Illustrated. Second Edition. 8vo. London : JOHN MURRAY, 1854. SCROPE (WM.) Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the River Tweed. Illustrated. 8vo. London and Glasgow : 1885. SCROPE (WM.) Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the River Tweed. Illustrated by Lithographs and Wood Engravings. Plate of two Young /Salmon beautifully colored as Frontispiece. Sq. 8vo. London : EDWARD ARNOLD, 1898. SCUDDER (CHAS. W.) List of Publications of the U. S. Fish Com- mission, 1871-1896. 8vo. Washington : 1896. [SEARS (GEO. W.)] Woodcraft. By "Nessmuk." Engravings. 16mo. New York : FOREST AND STREAM, (1884). SEARS (GEO. W., " Nessmuk."} Forest Runes. Portrait. 8vo. New York : FOREST AND STREAM, 1 887. SEASIDE LIBRARY. Fish and Fishing. By Thos. Alexander. Il- lustrated. Folio. New York : GEO. MTJNRO, 1879. SEELE Y (H. G.) The Fresh Water Fishes of Europe. 214 illustrations. Sq. 8vo. London : CASSELLS, 1886. " SENECA." Hints and Points for Sportsmen. Compiled by " Seneca." Illustrated. 16mo. New York : FOREST AND STREAM, 1889. SENIOR (W.) Waterside Sketches. Front. 12mo. London: GRANT & Co., 1875. SENIOR (W.) By Stream and Sea. 12mo. London : CHATTO & WIN- DUB, 1877. SENIOR (W.) Travel and Trout in the Antipodes. Portrait. 12mo. London : CHATTO & WINDUS, 1880. SENIOR ( WM.) Angling in Great Britain. 8vo. London : W. CLOWES & SONS, 1883. SENIOR (WM.) Waterside Sketches. (Cheap Edition.) 24mo. Lon- don : SAMPSON Low, 1885. SENIOR ( WM.) Near and Far. 12mo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1888. SENIOR (WM.) The Thames from Oxford to the Tower. Illustrated. with 30 Original Painter's Etchings by F. S. 'Walker. 4to. London: J. C. NIMMO, 1891. [SENIOR (W.)] A Mixed Bag. By " Red Spinner." 16mo. London: H. Cox, 1895. d , ff (J&J /fo&-/tcj iirt6> <** ** 2 "/"" y t f&^&lf^ ' a^ ^? * CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 115 SENIOR (W.) Pike and Perch. With Chapters by " John Bickerdyke " and W. H. Pope. Cookery by Alex. I. Shand. Illustrated. 12mo. London: LONGMANS, 1900. SENIOR (WM.) By Stream and Sea. A New Edition. 16mo. Lon- don : CHATTO & WINDTTS, N. D. SEYMOUR (E. S.) Sketches of Minnesota. Map. 12mo. New York : HARPERS, 1850. SHAW (GEORGE). General Zoology or Systematic Natural History. FISHES. With plates principally engraved by Wm. Heath. 2vols., 8vo. London : PRINTED FOB G. KEATCSLEY, 1803. SHAW (JOHN). Development and Growth of Salmon-Fry. Plates. 4to. Edin.: A. & C. BLACK, 1840. SHELTON (F. W.) Up the River. Illustrated. 12mo. New York : CHAS. SCRIBNEE, 1853. SHEPHERD (RICH'D. HERNE) Waltoniana. Inedited Remains in Verse and Prose of Izaak Walton. 12mo. London : PICKERING & Co., 1878. SHIELDS (G. O.) Rustlings in the Rockies: Hunting and Fishing. Illustrated. 12mo. Chicago : BELFORD, CLARKE & Co., 1883. SHIPLEY (M. A.) Artificial Flies and How to Make Them. Illus- trated. 16mo. Phila.: 1888. SHIPLEY (MALCOLM A.) A Dictionary of Trout and Bass Flies. Oblong 24mo. Phila.: 1898. SHIPLEY (WM.) A True Treatise on the Art of Fly-Fishing, Trolling, etc. Edited by Edward Fitzgibbon. Illustrations. 8vo. London : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & Co., 1838. SHIRLEY (THOMAS). The Angler's Museum ; or the Whole Art of Float and Fly Fishing. Portrait of John Kirby and cut of fish. 16mo. London : JOHN FIELDING, 1784. [SHIRLEY (THOS.)] The Angler's Museum. Second Edition. Por- trait and cut offish. 16mo. London : JOHN FIELDING, N. D. * The Author's name is left off title and preface in this Edition, and prefixed is "The Sermon of St. Anthony to a Miraculous Congregation of Fishes." [SHIRLEY (THOS.)] The Angler's Museum. Portrait and cut offish. Third Edition. 16mo. London : JOHN FIELDING, N. D. SHRUBSOLE (EDGAR S.) Long Casts and Sure Rises. 12mo. Lon- don : REMINGTON & Co., 1893. 116 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. SIM (G.) Food of Fishes, Both in Fresh and Salt Water. 12mo. Lon- don : W. CLOWES & SONS, 1884:. * Bound with above : Forest Protection and Tree Culture on Water Frontages ; Providing Water, Food, Shade, etc. for Freshwater Fish. By D. Howitz. SIMEON (CORNWALL). Stray Notes on Fishing and Natural His- tory. Illustrated. 12mo. Cambridge : MAOMILLAN, 1860. SIMMONDS (P. L.) The Commercial Products of the Sea. 3% Illus- trations. 12mo. New York : APPLETON & Co., 1879. " SIXTY-ONE" Reminiscences of the Lews. By " Sixty-One." Portrait of the Author and Illustrations. Second Edition. 12mo. London: BICKERS & SON, 1873. SKIOLDEBRAND (A. F.) A Picturesqe Journey to the North Cape. Tinted Engravings. 8vo. London : V. M. RICHARDSON, 1813. SLACK (HENRY J.) Marvels of Pond Life. Second Edition. WITH colored plates and wood engravings. 12mo. London : GROOMBRIDGE & SONS, 1871. SLACK (J. H.) Practical Trout Culture. Illustrated. 12mo. New York : GEO. E. WOODWARD, 1872. SLACK (J. H.) Practical Trout Culture. Illustrated. 12mo. New York : AMERICAN NEWS Co., N. D. SLATER (J. HERBERT). Illustrated Sporting Books, with an Appen- dix of Prints Relating to Sports of the Field. 12mo. London : L. U. GILL, 1899. SLAUGHTER (FRANCES E.) The Sportswoman's Library. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo. Westminster : A. CONSTABLE & Co., 1898. SLOSSON (ANNIE TRUMBULL). Fishin' Jimmy. Illustrated. 12mo. New York : A. D. F. RANDOLPH & Co., (1889.) SLOSSON (ANNIE TRUMBULL). Fishin' Jimmy. With Illustra- tions by Alice Barber Stephens. 12mo. New York : CHAS. SCRIB- NER'S SONS, 1898. SMALL (H. BEAUMONT). Animals of North America. Series II. Fresh-Water Fish. 8vo. Montreal : M. LONGMORE & Co., 1865. SMALL (H. B.) Canadian Hand-book and Tourist's Guide. Edited by J.Taylor. Photo-Illustrations. 12mo. Montreal: M. LONGMORE & Co., 1866. SMILES (SAMUEL). Life of a Scotch Naturalist. Portrait and Illus- trations. 12mo. New York : HARPERS, 1877. SMITH (ALBERT). Wild Oats and Dead Leaves. 12mo. London : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1860. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 117 SMITH (ARTHUR). The Thames Angler. Illustrated. Second Edition. 12mo. London : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1860. S. [MITH] (A. W.) and M. W. H. [ALLETT]. The Thames Angler. Third Edition. Frontispiece. London: WHITTAKER & Co., 1846. SMITH (GEO. PUTNAM). The Law of Field Sports. 12mo. New York : O. JTJDD Co., 1886. SMITH (HELEN AINSLIE). Birds and Fishes. JVearly WO Illustra- tions. 4rto. New York and London : (1886). SMITH (H. PERRY). The Modern Babes in the Woods ; or, Summer- ings the Wilderness. Engravings. 12mo. Hartford : COLUMBIAN BOOK Co., 1872. SMITH (JEROME V. C.) Natural History of the Fishes of Massa- chusetts. Illustrated. 12mo. Boston : ALLEN & TICKNOB, 1833. SMITH (JEROME Y. C.) Natural History of the Fishes of Massa- chusetts. Illustrated. SECOND EDITION. 16mo. Boston : 1843. [SMITH (JOHN).] The True Art of Angling. By J. S., Gent. A Brother of the Angle. Frontispiece. Narrow 32mo. London . PRINTED FOR GEO. CONYERS, 1696. [SMITH (JOHN).] The Compleat Fisher ; or, The True Art of Ang- ling. By J. S., A Brother of the Angle. Frontispiece. Fifth Edition. Narrow 32mo. London : PRINTED FOR G. CONTERS, 1725. [SMITH (JOHN).] The Compleat Fisher; or, The True Art of Ang- ling. By J. S. A Brother of the Angle. Sixth Edition. Frontis- piece. Narrow 32mo. London : PRINTED FOR G. CONYERS, N. D. SMITH (LAURA ALEXANDRINE). The Music of the Waters. Songs set to Music, etc. 8vo. London : KEEGAN PAUL, 1888. SMITH (THOMAS). Every Man His Own Fisherman. 32mo. Lon- don : PRINTED FOR C. MORAN, N. D. SMITH (Rev. THOS.) Naturalist's Cabinet (Yol. 5 containing the part relating to Fishes, &c.) Fine Engravings. 16mo. Albion Press Printed. PUBLISHED BY JAMES CUNDEE. N. P.: 1807. SMITH (WM.) Official Paper on the Fisheries of Canada. 8vo. Chicago : WORLD'S FAIR, 1893. SMITH (W. ANDERSON). Benderloch; or, Notes from the West Highlands. 12mo. Paisley : ALEX. GARDNER, 1882. " SNAFFLE." Gun, Rifle and Hound, in East and West. Illustrated by If. Dixon. 8vo. London : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1894. 118 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. [SNART (CHAS.)] Practical Observations on Angling, in the Kiver Trent. By a Resident in the Neighbourhood. 16mo. Newark : S. and I. RIDGE, 1801. [SNART (CHAS.)] Selection of Poems. 2 vols. First Edition. 12mo. Newark : M. HAGE, 1807. SNART (R.) Elegant Extracts in Yerse. 2 vols. Several Poems on Angling, etc. 12mo. Newark : M. HAGE, 1813. SNELL (P. J.) The Country of the Wild Red Deer. Illustrated. 12mo. Dulverton : B. BAYLEY, 1900. SOLTAU (G. W.) Trout Flies of Devon & Cornwall. Colored Plates of Flies. 12mo. London : LONGMAN & Co., 1847. SONGS OF THE CHACE, ETC. Second Edition. Frontispiece. 16mo. London : SHERWOOD, NEELY & JONES, 1811. SONNENSCHEIN (WM. SWAN). A Bibliography of Arts, Trades and Sports. 4to. London : 1897. SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. Shooting and Fishing in the South. Illustrated. Sq. 8vo. New York : FRANK PRESBREY, 1898. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Hunting and Fishing in the South. Illus- trated. Sq. 8vo. Washington : W. A. TURK, (1900). SPANGLER (A. M.) "Near By," Fresh and Salt Water Fishing. Map and Illustrations. Sq. 12mo. Phila.: 1889. SPEEDY (THOS.) Sport in the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland, with Rod and Gun. Illustrated. 8vo. Edin. and London : W. BLACKWOOD & SONS, 1884. SPEEDY (TOM). Sport in the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland. Illustrated. Second Edition. 8vo. Edin. and London : W. BLACK- WOOD & SONS, 1886. SPENDER (ED WARD). Fjord, Isle and Tor. Front. 12mo. London: CHARLTON TUCKER, 1870. SPORT. The Encyclopaedia of Sport. Edited by the Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, Hedley Peek and F. G. Aflalo. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. London : LAWRENCE & BULLEN, 1897. SPORT. The Encyclopaedia of Sport. Edited by the Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, Hedley Peek and F. G. Aflalo. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. New York and London : G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, 1898. SPORTING ALMANAC, 1839. 12 Engravings. 16mo. London ; E. CHURTON, 1839. SPORTING ALMANAC and Oracle of Rural Life for 1842. 12 Illus- trations, Fourth Year. 16mo. London : A. H. BAILY & Co., 1842. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 119 SPORTS. A New Book of Sports. Reprinted from the Saturday Review. 12mo. London : R. BENTLEY, 1885. SPORTS. The Old Sports of England. 24mo. London : CHAS. KNIGHT, 1835. SPORTSMAN'S DICTIONARY ; or, the Gentleman's Companion, for Town and Country. Capper Plates. 4to. London : FIELDING & WALKER, 1778. SPORTSMAN'S PORTFOLIO OF AMERICAN FIELD SPORTS. Illustrated. Oblong 8vo. Boston : M. M. BALLOTJ, 1855. STACY-WATSON (C.) The Silvery Hosts of the North Sea. Illustrated. 12mo. London : " HOME WORDS " OFFICE, N. D. STARK (JOHN). Elements of Natural History. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh : 1828. J3TEELE (SIR RICHARD). An Account of the Fish-Pool. By Sir Richard Steele and Mr. Joseph Gillmore. Portrait Inserted and Cuts. 8vo. London : H. MEERE, 1718. STEELE (THOS. S.) Canoe and Camera. Illustrated. Sq. 12mo. New York : ORANGE JUDD Co., 1880. STEELE (THOS. SEDGWICK). Paddle and Portage from Moosehead take to the Aristook River, Maine. Over 60 Illustrations. 8vo. Boston : ESTES & LAURIAT, 1882. STEVENS (CHAS. W.) Fly-Fishing in Maine Lakes. 24mo. Boston : FRANKLIN PRESS, 1881. STEVENS (CHAS. W.) Fly-Fishing in Maine Lakes. Illustrated. 16mo. Boston: CUPPLES, UPHAM & Co., 1884. STEVENS (WILLIAM). How to Angle ; including Trolling and Spin- ning. Engraving. 24ino. London : W. STEVENS, FAMILY HERALD OFFICE, N. D. * Issued as " Family Herald Handy Book." No. VIII. STEVENSON (ROBERT LOUIS). The Graver and the Pen. Illus- trated. 24mo. Edinburgh : S. L. OSBORNE & Co., N. D. * Fac-simile Edition. Contains Poem "The Angler and The Clown." STEVENSON (WM., M.D.) Original Poems on Several Subjects. 2 vols. 16mo. Edinburgh: A. DONALDSON, 1765. STEWART (W. C.) The Practical Angler. First Edition. 16mo. Edin- burgh : A. & C. BLACK, 1857. STEWART (W. C.) The Practical Angler. Second Edition. 16mo. Edinburgh : A. & C. BLACK, 1857. 120 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. STEWART (W. C.) The Practical Angler. Third Edition. 16mo. Edinburgh : A. & C. BLACK, 1857. STEWART (W. C.) The Practical Angler. Fourth Edition. 16mo. Edinburgh : A. & C. BLACK, 1861. STEWART (W. C.) The Practical Angler. Fifth Edition. 16mo. Edinburgh : A. & C. BLACK, 1867. STEWART (W. C.) A Caution to Anglers. 16mo. Edinburgh : A. & C. BLACK, 1871. STIRLING- (J.) The Propagation of the SaJmonidse. [Prize Essay.] 8vo. London : "W. CLOWES & SONS, 1884. * Other Essays in same cover by T. Andrews, W. O. Chambers, and Sir J. R. G. Maitland. STODDARD (S. R.) The Adirondack. Illustrated. 12mo. Albany: WEED, PARSONS & Co., 1874. STODDART (THOS. TOD). The Art of Angling as Practised in Scot- land. Illustrated. First Edition. 16mo. Edinburgh : W. & R. CHAMBERS, 1835. STODDART (THOS. TOD). The Art of Angling as Practised in Scot- land. Illustrated. Second Edition. 16mo. Edinburgh : "W. & R. CHAMBERS, 1836. STODDART (THOS. TOD). Angling Reminiscences. Illustrated. 16mo. Edinburgh : EDIN. PRINTING & PUBLISHING Co., 1837. STODDART (THOS. TOD). Songs and Poems. In Three Parts. 8vo. Edinburgh : W. BLACKWOOD & SONS, 1839. STODDART (THOS. TOD). Angler's Companion to the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland. Front. First Edition. 12mo. Edinburgh and London : W. BLACKWOOD & SONS, Ib47. STODDART (THOS. TOD). Angling Reminiscences. Illustrations. 16mo. London : RE-PUBLISHED BY HENRY WASHBOURNE, 1848. STODDART (THOS. TOD). Angler's Companion to the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland. Front. Second Edition. 12mo, Edinburgh and London : W. BLACKWOOD & SONS, 1853. STODDART (THOS. TOD). An Angler's Rambles and Angling Songs. Vignette. 12mo. Edinburgh : EDMONSTON & DOUGLAS, 1866. STODDART (THOS. TOD). Angling Reminiscences of the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland. 12mo. London and Glasgow : 1887. STODDART (THOS. TOD). Angling Songs. Memoir by Anna M. Stoddart. Portrait. 12mo. Edinburgh and London: W. BLACK- WOOD & SONS, 1889. 0) CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 121 STODDART (THOS. TOD). Angler's Companion. A Popular and Practical Hand-Book to the Art of Angling. Third Edition. 12mo. London : SIMPKIN, 1892. STONE (LIVINGSTON). Domesticated Trout. Illustrated. 16mo. Boston : JAS. R. OSGOOD & Co., 1872. STONE (LIVINGSTON). Domesticated Trout. Illustrated. Third Edition. 12mo. Charlestown, N. H.: 1877. STONE (LIVINGSTON). Domesticated Trout. Illustrated. Fourth Edition. 16mo. Charlestown, N. H.: 1891. STONE (LIVINGSTON). Domesticated Trout. Illustrated. Fourth Edition. 16mo. Charlestown, N. fl.: 1896. STOREK (D. HUMPHREYS) and Peabody (Wm. B. O.) Reports on the Fishes, Reptiles and Birds of Massachusetts. Illustrations. 8vo. Boston : DUTTON & WENTWOETH, 1839. STORER (D. H.) A Synopsis of the Fishes of North America. 4to. Cambridge: 1846. STORER (DAVID HUMPHREYS). A History of the Fishes of Massachusetts. Plates. 4to. Cambridge and Boston : 1867. STREET (ALFRED B.) Poems. Complete Edition. 8vo. New York: CLARK & AUSTIN, 1845. STREET (ALFRED B.) Woods and Waters ; or, The Sanaracs and Racket. Illustrations. 12mo. New York: M. DOOLADY, 1860. [STREET (ALFRED B.)] Woods and Waters. 2 Illustrations. 12mo. New York : HURD & HOUGHTON, 1865. STREET (ALFRED B.) The Indian Pass. 12mo. New York: HUED & HOUGHTON, 1869. STREETER (EDWIN W.) Pearls and Pearling Life. Illustrated. 8vo. London: G. BELL & SONS, 1886. STRETTON (CHAS.) Sport and Sportsmen. Front, and Engraved Title. 8vo. London : HURST & BLAOKETT, 1866. STRICKLAND (MAJOR). Twenty-seven Years in Canada West. -2 vols. 12mo. London : R. BENTLEY, 1853. STRICKLAND (W. P.) Pioneers of the West. Illustrated. 12mo. New York : CARLTON & PHILLIPS, (1856). STRUTT (JOSEPH). Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. Engravings. Second Edition. 4to. London : T. BENSLEY, 1810. SUCKLEY (GEO.) On the North American Species of Salmon and Trout. (Written in 1861.) 8vo. (Washington : 1874.) 122 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. SUPPLING (EENEST R.) The Land of the Broads. Map. 12mo. London: L. U. GILL, 1885. SUFPLING (ERNEST R.) The Land of the Broads. Illustrated Edition with large Colored Map. 12mo. Stratford, Essex : BENJ. FEBEY, N. D. SUMMER SAUNTERINGS in Northern Wisconsin. Illustrated. 16mo. Milwaukee: CBAMEB, AIKINS & CRAMER : 1881. SWAIN SON (WM.) Natural History and Classification of Pishes, Am- phibians and Reptiles. Illustrated. 2 vols. 16mo. London: LONGMANS, 1838-39. TAN DON (MONS. MOQUIN). The World of the Sea. Translated by Rev. H. M. Hart from"Le Monde de la Mer." Illustrated. 8vo. London : CASSELL, N. D. TAPLIN (WM.) Sporting Dictionary and Rural Repository of General Information. Steel Engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. London : THOS. MAIDEN FOE YEENOE & HOOD, 1803. TAYLER(JAS.) Red Palmer. A Practical Treatise on Fly-Fishing. Third Edition. 12mo. Folkestone : T. KENTFIELD, 1893. TAYLOR (JOHN). Canadian Hand-Book and Tourist's Guide. Fishing and Shooting. Photo-Illustrations. 12mo. Montreal : M. LONG- MOOEE & Co., L86T. TAYLOR (DR. J. E.) Half Hours at the Seaside. Illustrated. New Edition. 12mo. London : W. H. ALLEN & Co., 1890. TAYLOR (SAMUEL). Angling in All Its Branches. 12mo. London : LONGMAN, 1880. TAYLOR (SAMUEL). Angling in All Its Branches. 8vo. London : LONGMAN, 1800. * Large Paper. TAUNT (HENRY W.) Map and Guide to the River Thames. Illus- trated. Second Edition. Oblong 16mo. Oxford : H. W. TAUNT, 1873. TAUNT'S (H. W.) Map and Guide to the Thames. Pocket Edition. Map of River, etc. Sq. 32mo. Oxford : N. D. TEATINO (DEL P. D. P. C.) Fauna Biblicse ovvero Spiegazione Degli Animali, Menzionati Nella Sacra Scrittura Opera. Plates. Sq. 8vo. Palermo: 1880. TENISON-WOODS (REV. J. E.) Fish and Fisheries of New South Wales. Illustrated. Narrow 8vo. Sydney : THOS. RICHAEDS, 1883. THALLATA. A Book for the Seaside. First Edition. 12mo. Boston : TICKNOE, REED & FIELDS, 1853. fsr($.$id,) frctjii** a^fasA*?* I t7r.<& CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 123 THAMES ANGLING PRESERVATION SOCIETY. 48mo. Twick- enham : W. H. CUKTIS, PRINTER, 1840. THAMES ANGLING PRESERVATION SOCIETY, Established 1838. Annual Report and List of Subscribers for 1863-4. 16mo. London : PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY ARLISS & Co., 1 864. THAMES ANGLING PRESERVATION SOCIETY, Instituted 1838. Annual Report and List of Subscribers for 1866-7. 16mo. Burslem : PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, 1867. THAMES ANGLING PRESERVATION SOCIETY. The "Blue Book " of. Useful Information for Thames Anglers. 16mo. Houn- slow, Middlesex : GOSDEN, 1879. THAMES ANGLING PRESERVATION SOCIETY. The Blue Book of the. The Annual Report, etc. 16mo. London : 1881. [THEAKSTON (MICHAEL).] A List of Natural Flies that are Taken by Trout, Grayling and Smelt, in the Streams of Ripon. Plates of Colored Flies. First Edition. 16mo. Ripon : "W. HARRISON, 1853. [THEAKSTON (MICHAEL).] A List of Natural Flies that are Taken by Trout, Grayling and Smelt, in the Streams of Ripon. Illustrated. 16mo. Ripon: W. HARRISON, 1853. [THEAKSTON (MICHAEL).] British Angling Flies. Revised and Annotated by Francis M. Walbran. Illustrated. 12mo. Ripon and London : N. D. THOMAS (HENRY SULLIVAN). The Rod in India. Illustrations of Fish and Tackle. 8vo. Mangalore : C. STOLZ, 1873. THOMPSON (C. WYVILLE). The Depths of the Sea. Maps and Illustrations. Second Edition. 8vo. London : MACMILLAN, 1874. THOMPSON (FRANCIS BENJ'N.) Dipple's Hand-books. Angling, etc. Illustrated. (7 Parts.) 12mo. London : EDWIN DIPPLE, N. D. THOMPSON (GIBSON). Wolfe^Land. A' Hand-book to Westerham. Illustrated. Second Edition, 12mo. Westerham : J. A. HUGHES, N. D. THOMPSON (MAURICE). Boys' Book of Sports. Illustrated. Sq. 8vo. New York : CENTURY Co., 1896. THOMPSON (WINFIELD M.) In the Maine Woods. A Guide-Book for Sportsmen. Map and Illustrations. 8vo. Bangor : BANGOR & AROOSTOOK R. R., 1900. THOMSON (JAMES). The Seasons and Castle of Indolence. Front, and Vig. 24mo. London : C. & L. RIVINGTON, 1826. 124 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. THOMSON (JAS.) The Yalue and Importance of the Scottish Fish- eries. 12mo. London : SMITH, ELDER & Co., 1849. THOREAU (HENRY D.) Walden ; or, Life in the Woods. Vignette. First Edition. 12mo. Boston : TIOKNOR & FIELDS, 1854. THORNBURY (WALTER). Cross-Country. Front. 12mo. Lon- don : SAMPSON Low, 1861. THORNE (JAM ES). Rambles by Rivers. The Thames, Avon, Duddon, etc. Illustrations by the Author. 4 vols. 24ino. London : 1844-1849. THORNTON (CoL. T.) A Sporting Tonr Through the Northern Parts of England and Great Part of the Highlands of Scotland. 16 Engrav- ings. 4to. London : YEBNOR & HOOD, 1804. THORPE (COL. T. B.) The Hive of " The Bee-Hunter." Illustrated. 12mo. New York : D. APPLETON & Co., 1854. THOUSAND (A) Notable Things on Yarious Subjects, etc. 16mo. London: GK & T. WILKE, 1793. THRASHER (HALSEY). The Hunter and Trapper. Illustrated. 12mo. ORANGE JUDD Co., (1868). THREE ANGLERS. How to Catch Trout. By Three Anglers. Illus- trated. 16mo. Edin. : DAVID DOUGLAS, 1888. THREE ANGLERS. How to Catch Trout. Illustrated. Fourth Edition. 16mo. Edin. : D. DOUGLAS, 1889. THREE ANGLERS. How to Catch Trout. Illustrated. New Edition. 16mo. Edin. : D. DOUGLAS, 1895. THREE IN NORWAY. By Two of Them. Map and Fifty-nine Illustrations. 12mo. London : LONGMANS, 1882. THREE IN NORVYAY. By Two of Them. Map and Fifty-nine Illustrations. Third Edition. 12mo. London : LONGMANS, 1887. TIMBS (JOHN). Knowledge for the People ; or, the Plain Why and Because. Illustrated. 16mo. Boston : LILLY & WAIT, 1832. TIMES TELESCOPE FOR 1829. Naturalist's Diary, etc. Engravings. 12mo. London : SHERWOOD & Co., 1829. TOCQUE (P.) A Peep at Uncle Sam's Farm, Fisheries, etc. Illus- trated. 12mo. Boston: CHAS. H. PEIRCE & Co., 1851. TOD (SUETONIUS M.) Sea and Trout Fishing in the Isle of Man. 16mo. N. P.:N. D. * " Corrected for Glover's Illustrated Guide," 1870. TOLFREY (FREDERIC). Sportsman in Canada. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo. London : T. C. NEWBY, 1845. . /2s CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 125 TONKIN (J. C.) and ROW (PRESCOTT). Lyonesse : A Hand-book for the Isles of Scilly. Illustrated. 12mo. London: ST. BRIDES PRESS, 1900. TOURICB (MAC). Les Secrets de la Peche a la Ligne. 24mo. Paris : N. D. TOURISTS' ILLUSTRATED HAND-BOOK. For Ireland. Maps and Illustrations. 12mo. Dublin: 1853. TOWNSHEND (J. K.) Sporting Excursions in the Rocky Mountains. # Frontispieces. 2 vols. 12mo. London : H. COLBURN, 1840. TRAHERNE (JOHN P.) The Habits of the Salmon. 12mo. Lon- don : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1889. TRAVERS (H.)- Miscellaneous Poems and Translations. 12mo. London : PRINTED FOR BENJ. MOTTE, 1731. TRAYERS (H.) Miscellaneous Poems and Translations. 12mo. York: PRINTED by C. WAED AND R. CHANDLER, 1740. TREASURES OF THE DEEP. Illustrated. 12mo. London : T. NEL- SON & SONS, 1876. TRITON FISH AND GAME CLUB, QUEBEC. Prospectus, By- Laws, Notices, etc. 8vo. Quebec : 1898. TROLLOPE (ANTHONY, Editor). British Sports and Pastimes, 1868. 12mo. London: YIETUE & Co., 1868. TROUT AND THE BLACK BASS. A Special Illustrated Edition of " The American Angler." 4to. N. Y. : May 1st, 1887. TTJGWELL (REV. GEORGE). On the Mountain. % colored litho- graphs. 12mo. London : R. BENTLEY, 1862. TUPPER (MARTIN F.) Heart: a Social Novel, etc. 12mo. London: R. BENTLEY, 1844. TURNER (L. M.) Contributions to the Natural History of Alaska. 26 plates of Fish and Birds. 4to. Washington : 1886. TURTON (JOHN). The Anglers' Manual. Front. 16mo. London: R. GROOMBBIDGE, 1836. TYSON (T.) Angling : An Illustrated Book on Bottom Fishing, etc. Illustrated. Sq. 24mo. Sheffield: E. E. WESTON, (1888). UNITED STATES. Catalogues of the United States Exhibit at the International Fisheries Exhibition, London, 1883. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington: 1884. UNITED STATES CENSUS June 1, 1890. Statistics of Fisheries. 16mo. Washington: 1890. 126 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. UNITED STATES Comn. of Fish and Fisheries, Keports on. 25 vols. 8vo. Washington: 1873-1900. UNITED STATES FISH COMN. of Fish and Fisheries. Proceedings and Papers of the National Fishery Congress, Tampa, Florida, Jan. 19-24,1898. Illustrations. 4to. Washington: 1898. UNITED STATES Comn. of Fish and Fisheries. The Preservation of Fishery Products for Food. By Chas. H. Stevenson. Illustrated. 4to. Washington: 1899. UNITED STATES Comn. of Fish and Fisheries. Investigations of the Aquatic Resources and Fisheries of Porto Rico in 1899. Colored and Plain Plates. 4to. Washington : 1900. UNIVERSAL ANGLER; or, The Art Improved Especially in Fly- Fishing. Cuts of tJie Fish. First Edition. 16mo. London : Printed, AND SOLD BY ALL THE BOOKSELLERS IN TOWN AND CoUNTKY, 1766. UP DE GRAFF (THAD. S.) Bodines ; or, Camping on the Lycoming. Illustrated. 16mo. Phila. : J. B. LIPPINCOTT Co., 1879. UP DE GRAFF (THAD. S.) Camping in the Alleghanies; or, Bodines. Illustrated. Second Edition. 16mo. Phila. : J. B. LIPPINCOTT Co., 1883. VALENCIENNES. Cartilages des Poissons. Colored Plates. Folio. Paris : N. D. *Prom " Archives du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle." VALLOT (J. N.) Ichthyologie Fra^aise ou Histoire Naturelle des Poissons D'Eau Douce de la France. Portrait. 8vo. Dijon: E. FRAUTIN, 1837. VALUABLE SECRETS Concerning Arts and Trades. Art of Fishing, Angling, etc. 16mo. Dublin : JAS. WILLIAMS, 1778. VALUABLE SECRETS in Arts and Trades. Art of Fishing, Etc. 12mo. London : PRINTED FOB J. BARKER, N. D. VAN BENEDEN (P. J.) Animal Parasites and Messmates. 83 Illus- trations. Second Edition. 12mo. London: H. S. KING & Co., 1876. VAN DOREN (LOUIS O.) The Fishes of the East Atlantic Coast, Florida. By S. C. Clarke. Illustrated. 8vo. New York : AMER- ICAN ANGLER, 1884. VAN DYKE (THEO. S.) Flirtation Camp. Rifle, Rod and Gun in California. First Edition. 12mo. New York : FORDS, HOWARD & HULBERT, 1881. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 127 VAN DYKE (HENRY). Little Rivers. Illustrated. 12mo. New York : CHAS. SCEIBNEB'S SONS, 1895. VAN DYKE (HENRY). The Builders and Other Poems. 12mo. New York: CHAS. SCEIBNEB'S SONS, 1897. VAN DYKE (HENRY). Fisherman's Luck. Illustrated. 12mo. New York : CHAS. SCEIBNER'S SONS, 1899. VAN DYKE (HENRY). Fisherman's Luck. Walton Edition. Japan Proof Illustrations. 8vo. New York : CHAS. SCBIBNEB'S SONS, 1899. * Limited to 150 copies on Van Gelder paper. No. 23. VAN NEST (REV. A. R., D. D.) Memoir of Rev. Geo. W. Bethune, D. D. Portrait. 12mo. New York: SHELDON & Co., 1867. VANIERII (JACOBI). Prsedium Rnsticum. Nova Editio Eseteris Emendatior. Frontispiece. 16mo. Paris : Jos. BABBOU, 1774. VANIER. Fishing. A Translation from the Latin of Vanier. Book XV, Upon Fish. By Rev. John Duncombe. 8vo. London : PEINTED FOB R. TEIPHOOK, 1809. " VTATES." The Sporting Oracles and Almanack of Rural Life. 12 Illus- trations. 16mo. London : A. H. BAILY, 1841. VENABLBS (COL. ROB'T.) The Experienced Angler; or, Angling Im- proved. Cuts. Fourth Edition. 24mo. London: PBINTED FOB RICHABD MABEIOT, 1676. VENABLES (CoL. ROB'T.) The Experienced Angler. Title Engrav- ed and Used as a Frontispiece and Cuts. Fifth Edition. 24mo. London : PBINTED BY B. W. FOB B. TOOKE & THOS. SAWBEIDGE, 1683. VENABLES (CoL. ROB'T.) The Experienced Angler. Engravings of FisJi. 12mo. London : T. GOSDEN, 1727. VENABLES (CoL. ROB'T.) The Experienced Angler. Engravings of FisJi. 16mo. London : S. PBOWETT & T. GOSDEN, 1825. VENABLES (CoL. ROB'T.) The Experienced Angler. Engravings of FisU. 12mo. London : T. GOSDEN, L827. VERMIN (THE) KILLER. Being a Compleat and Necessary Family Book. 16mo. London : PBINTED AND SOLD BY W. OWEN. [Circa, 1754.] VERMIN (THE) Killer. Also " The Art of Taking all Kinds of Fish and Fowl, " etc. 8 vo. Preston : PEINTED AND SOLD BY W. SEBGENT, N. D. VERMONT (STATE OF). Report of Commissioners Relative to the Restoration of Sea-Fish to the Connecticut River and its Tributaries. Annual Session, 1866. 8vo. Montpelier : 1866. 128 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. VERMONT. Report of the Fish Commissioners of the State of Vermont. By A. D. Hager and Chaa Barrett, 1869. 8vo. Montpelier : 1869. [VICARY (JOHN FULFORD).] A Danish Parsonage. By An Angler. 12mo. London : KEEGAN PAUL, 1884. VILLIERS-STUART. Adventures Amidst the Equatorial Forests and Rivers of South America. 1 llustrations and Maps. 4to. London : JOHN MURRAY, 1891. VIRGINIA (STATE OF). Report Fish Commissioners to the Governor of Virginia. Mid-Lothian, Jan. 4, 1872, by Wm. B. Ball. (Sen. Doc. No. VIII.) 8vo. N. P. : 1872. VIRGINIA. Annual Report of the Fish Commissioners, 1875. 8vo. Richmond: 1875. VIRGINIA. Annual Reports of the Fish Commissioners. Years 1875-6 and 1876-7. Illustrations. 8vo. Richmond : 1877. VIRGINIA. Annual Report of the Fish Commissioners, State of Vir- ginia. Year 1877. 8vo. Richmond : 1877. VIRGINIA. Annual Report of the Fish Commissioner. Year 1878. 8vo. Lexington, Va.: 1878. VIRGINIA. Annual Report, Commissioners of Fisheries for Virginia, 1883. 8vo. Richmond: 1884. VOX PISC1S: or, The Book-Fish. Contayning Three Treatises which were found in the belly of a Cod-Fish in Cambridge Market, on Mid- summer Eve last, Anno Domini 1626. Frontispieee. 24mo. London : PRINTED FOR JAS. BOLER AND ROBERT MILBOVRNE, 1627. WADE (HENRY). Rod-Fishing in Clear Waters, by Fly, Minnow and Worm. Colored Plates of Flies. 16mo. London : BELL & DALDY, (1860). WADE (HENRY). Halcyon ; or, Rod-Fishing with Fly, Minnow and Worm. Eight Colored Plates. 12mo. London: BELL & DALDY, 1861. WALBRAN (FRANCIS M.) Piscatorial Hints, with Catalogue of Sal- mon, Trout and Grayling Flies, Rods, Reels, etc. Illustrated. Fourth Edition. Sq. 8vo. Leeds : 1890. WALBRAN'S (FRANCIS M.) Angler's Annual, 1894. Illustrated. Sixth Edition. Sq. 8vo. Leeds : 1893. WALES. Gossiping Guide to Wales. 34 Maps, Plans^ etc. 16mo. New York : HENRY BLAOKWELL, WOODSIDE, LONG ISLAND, 1889. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 129 WALKER (PATRICIUS). Rambles. Vignette, Queen's Bower. 12mo. LONGMANS, 1873. WALLACE (E. R.) Descriptive Guide to the Adirondacks. Revised. Maps and Illustrations. 12mo. New York and Syracuse : 1875. WALLWORK (JAMES). The Modern Angler. Copper Engravings. 12mo. Manchester : JAS. CHEETHAM, 1847. [WALSH (JAS. HENRY).] Angling. By Stonehenge." (From British Rural Sports, Seventh Edition, pp. 260-310.) Sq. 12mo. London : F. WARNE & Co., 1867. WALTER (JOHN). Hints to Young Sportsmen ; or, the Gun, Saddle and Rod. 8vo. London: R. BARRETT & SONS, 1870. WALTON (IZAAK) and COTTON (CHAS.) The Compleat Angler. 16mo. London : H. KENT, 1750. * First Moses Browne Edition. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. Third Hawkins Edition. 8vo. London : RIVINGTON, 1775. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. Fifth Hawkins Edition. 12mo. London : F. & G. RIVINGTON, 1792. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.} The Complete Angler. Seventh Hawkins, First Bagster Edition. 8vo. London : S. BAGSTER, 1808. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. Chiswick Edition. Reprint of 1797 edition. 2 vols. 24mo. Chiswick: C. WHITTINGHAM, 1824. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. 16mo. London : WM. COLE, K D. (Circa, 1828) WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. 2 vols. 4to. London : WM. PICKERING, 1836. * Extended to 4 Vols. by the insertion of 366 extra plates. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. Fourth Ren- nie Reprint of 1833 Edition. 16mo. London: ALLAN BELL & Co., 1836. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. 2 vols. in 1. 32mo. London : CHAS. TILT, 1837. * " Tilt's Miniature Classical Library." WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. Edited by John Major. Fourth Edition. 16mo. London: D. BOGUE, 1844. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. Sixth Rennie Edition. 16mo. Manchester: S. JOHNSON & SON, 1844. 130 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. First Bethune Edition. 12ino. New York : WILEY & PUTNAM, 1847. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. Third Bethune Edition. 8vo. New York : WILEY & PUTNAM, 1852. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. Edited by "Ephemera.'' Second Edition. 12mo. London : N. COOKE, 1854. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. Keprint of Bonn's 1856 Edition. 12mo. London : BOHN, 1861. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. 16mo. Bos- ton : TICKNOK & FIELDS, 1866. WALTON and COTTON'S ANGLEE. Index to the Original and In- serted Illustrations to Pickering's (1836) Edition. 4to. New York : PRIVATELY PRINTED, 1866. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. 8vo. Boston: LITTLE, BKOWN & Co., 1866. * Large Paper. Only 100 printed. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. 16mo. Bos- ton : LITTLE, BEOWN & Co., 1867. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. 12mo. Lon- don: A. MURRAY & SON, 1869. WALTON (I. ) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. Edited by E. Jesse and H. G. Bohn. 12mo. London : BELL & DALDY, 1870. WALTON (IZAAK). The Compleat Angler. Facsimile Keprint First Edition, 1653. 12mo. London : ELLIOT STOCK, 1876. * Large Paper. WALTON (IZAAK). The Compleat Angler. 16mo. London: E. STOCK, N. D. (1880) * Facsimile Edition. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. 2 vols., 8vo. New York : WILEY & SONS, 1880. * Bethune's Edition, Corrected, Large Paper. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. 8vo. Phila- delphia: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., (1881) * Edition of 250. No. 42. WALTON (IZAAK). The Compleat Angler. 16mo. London : WILLIAM GKIGGS, (1881) * Facsimile of the First Edition. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. Major's Edition. 4to. London : NIMMO, 1885. * Large paper. Only 120 printed. No. 86. (/ CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 131 WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. 12mo. London : CHATTO & WINDUS, 1887. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. 2 vols. 4to. London : SAMPSON Low, 1888. * Lee & Dove Edition, Demy 4to., 500 printed, No. 132. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. 8vo. London : NIMMO, 1889. WALTON (I.) and COTTON (C.) The Complete Angler. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston : LITTLE, BROWN & Co., 1889. * Lowell Edition. 500 printed No. 257. WALTON (IZAAK). The Complete Angler. 16mo. New York : BAKER & TAYLOR, 1889. * Facsimile of First Edition. WALTON (IZAAK). The Cornpleat Angler. A New Edition. Edited with an Introduction by Andrew Lang. Illustrated by E. J. Sullivan. 12mo. London : J. M. DENT & Co., 1896. WALTON (IZAAK). The Compleat Angler. Portrait and Outs of Fish. Miniature Edition (l-$x2-jV inches). London: HENRY FROWDE, N. D. WALTON (IZAAK). Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert and Sanderson. 16mo. London : J. MAJOR, 1825. WALTON (IZAAK). Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert and Sanderson. Portraits. 48mo. London : W. PICKERING, 1827. WALTON AND COTTON CLUB. Rules and Regulations. Illus- trated. Sq. 12mo. London : 1840. WALTON AND COTTON CLUB. Rules and Regulations. Instituted 19th March, 1817. Revised 8th April, 1840. Plates inserted. Sq. 12mo. London: 1840. [WALTON (R.)] A Tour on the Banks of the Thames from London to Oxford. By a Pedestrian. 16mo. London : HORD, 1834. WARNER (CHAS. DUDLEY). In the Wilderness. 16mo. London : SAMPSON Low, 1878. WARNER (CHAS. DUDLEY). In the Wilderness. 24mo. Boston : HOUGHTON, OSGOOD & Co., 1879. WARNER (CHAS. DUDLEY). In the Wilderness. 16mo. Boston and New York. HOUGHTON, M. & Co., 1886. WARREN (MATTHEW H.) Lecture on Newfoundland and Its Fisheries. 8vo. St. Johns : 1853. WARREN (T. ROBINSON). Shooting, Boating and Fishing. Illus- trations. ]2mo. New York: CHAS. SCRTBNER & Co., 1871. 132 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. WASHINGTON COUNTY RAILROAD MONTHLY. 2vols. Narrow 8vo. Calais, Maine : 1899-1901. WASHINGTON NUMBER OF MAGAZINE OF AMERICAN HISTORY. Illustrated. Edited by Mrs. Martha J. Lamb. Sq. 8vo. New York: 1888. * Contains " Washington as an Angler." WATERTON (CHAS.) Wanderings in South America. Engraving of a Nondescript. Fourth Edition. 16mo. London : B. FELLOWES, 1839. WATERTON (CHAS.) Wanderings in South America. New Edition. Edited by Rev. J. G. Wood. 100 Illustrations. 12mo. London: MACMILLAN, 1879. WATKINS (REV. M. G.) In the Country. 12mo. London: W. SATCHELL & Co., 1883. [WATMOUGH (EDMD. C.]) Scribblings and Sketches, Diplomatic, Piscatory and Oceanic. Second Edition. 12mo. Phila.: C. SHERMAN, 184-4. WATSON, (A. E. T., Editor). The Year's Sport for the Year 1885. 8vo. London : LONGMANS, 1886. WATSON (B. A.) The Sportsman's Paradise ; or, The Lake Lands of Canada. Illustrations and Map. 8vo. Phila.: J. B. LIPPINCOTT Co., 1888. WATSON (JOHN). Sketches of British Sporting Fishes. Front. 12mo. London : CHAPMAN & HALL, 1890. WAYTH (C.) Trout Fishing; or, The River Darent. 8vo. London: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & Co., 1845. WEBBER (C. W.) Romance of Sporting. Colored illustrations. 4to. Phila.: I. W. BRADLEY, (1851.) WEBSTER (DAVID). The Angler and the Loop-Rod. Portrait and Illustrations. 12mo. Edin. and London: W. BLACKWOOD & SONS, 1885. [WEIDMEYER (M. C.)] American Fish and How to Catch Them. By an Old Angler. Sq. 12mo. New York : F. P. HARPER, 1885. WELD (CHAS. RICH'D). Vacations in Ireland. Frontespiece. 12mo. London : LONGMANS, 1857. , WELLS (HENRY P.) Fly-Rods and Fly Tackle. Illustrations Sq. 12mo. New York: HARPERS, 1885. WELLS (HENRY P.) Fly-Rods and Fly-Tackle. Illustrated. Sq. 12mo. London : SAMPSON Low, N. D., (1885). CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 133 WELLS (HENRY P.) The American Salmon Fisherman. Illustrated. Sq. 12mo. New York: HARPERS, 1886. WELLS (HENRY P.) Fly-Rods and Fly-Tackle. Illustrated. Sq. 12mo. New York : HARPERS, N. D. WELLS (JOSEPH). The Temperance Fishing Book; or, The Con- templative Angler. Second Edition. Front, of Hooks. 24mo. Sheffield : PRINTED AT THE INDEPENDENT OFFICE, 1853. WELLS (WM. V.) Explorations and Adventures in Honduras. Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. New York : HARPERS, 1857. WEST BUCKLAND Year Book and Kalendar for 1857. Illustrations. 8vo. South Molton : W. TUCKER, 1857. WEST WOOD (THOS.) The Chronicle of the " Compleat Angler." Sq. 8vo. London : WILLIS & SOTHERAN, 1864. WESTWOOD (THOS.) The Chronicle of the " Compleat Angler." A New Edition with additions by Thos. Satchell. Sq. 8vo. London : "W. SATCHELL, 1883. WESTWOOD (T.) In Memoriain. Izaak Walton, Obiit 15th December, 1683. Twelve Sonnets and an Epilogue. Sq. 8vo. London : W. SATCHELL, N. D. WHEATLEY (HEWETT). Rod and Line; or, Practical Hints and Dainty Devices for the Sure Taking of Trout, Grayling, etc. Colored plates of Flies. 16mo. London : LONGMANS, 1849. WHEELDON (J. P.) Angling Resorts near London. Portrait inserted. 12mo. London : TRUBNER, 1878. WHEELDON (J. P.) Angling Clubs and Preservation Societies of London and the Provinces. 8vo. London : W. CLOWES & SONS, 1883. * Bound in "Angling Clubs, by J. Skinner," Prize Essay. London : 1884. WHEELDON (J. P.) Practical Lessons in the Gentle Craft. 8vo. (London: 1888). WHEELDON (J. P.) Sporting Facts and Fancies. 12mo. London: FOR THE AUTHOR, 1894. WHEELER (OLIN D.) Wonderland '98. Illustrated. Sq. 8vo. St. Paul : NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY, 1898. [WHEELWRIGHT (HORACE WM.)] Sporting Sketches at Home and Abroad. By the Old Bushman. Illustrations. 12mo. London: F. WARNE & Co., N. D. WHISTLE-BINKIE. A Collection of Songs for the Social Circle. Five series in 2 vols. 24mo. Glasgow : DAVID ROBERTSON, 1842-46. 134 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. WHITCHER (W. F.) Nepigon Trout. An Ottawa Canoeist's experi- ence on the Northern Lake Superior. Illustrated. Sq. 16mo. Montreal : CANADIAN PACIFIC R. R., 1887. WHITE (REV. GILBERT). A Naturalist's Calendar. Never before published. Frontispiece of the curious Hybrid Bird, colored. 8vo. London: B. & J. WHITE, 1795. WHITE (REV. GILBERT). Natural History of Selborne. A New Edition, with engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. London : WHITE, COCHEANE & Co., 1813. WHITE (REV. GILBERT). Natural History of Selborne. A new Edition. Notes by Edward Blythe. Illustrations. 16mo. London : ORB & SMITH, 1836. WHITE (REV. G.) Natural History of Selborne. 40 engravings. 16mo. London: H. G. BOHN, 1851. WHITE (REV. G.) Natural History of Selborne. Notes by Rev. J. G. Wood. Engravings. 16mo. London : ROUTLEDGE, 1854. WHITE (REV. G.) Natural History of Selborne. Edited by E. Jesse. Engravings. 12mo . London : G. BELL & SONS, 1878. WHITE (REV. G.) Natural History of Selborne. 16mo. London : ROUTLEDGK'S WORLD LIBRARY, 1886. WHITE (REV. G.) Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne. Re- vised, with notes by J. E. Harting. Seventh Edition. Engravings by Bewick, etc. 8vo. Philadelphia : GEBBIE & Co. 1889. WHITE (REV. GILBERT). Natural History of Selborne. Edited with Notes by G. Christopher Davies. Illustrated. 12mo. London and New York : F. WARNE & Co., N. D. WHITE (J.) Hocus Pocus ; or, A Rich Cabinet of Legerdemain, Curiosities, etc. 40 Curious Cuts. 24mo. London : SOLD AT THE RING IN LITTLE BRITAIN, etc., N. D. [WHITE ( ).] Sporting Scenes and Country Characters. By Martin- gale, (pseud.) Illustrations. Sq. 12mo. London: LONGMANS. 1840. [WHITE ( ).] English Country Life. By Martingale, (pseud.) 12mo. London : R. BENTLEY, 1843. WHITEHURST (FRED FIELD). On the Grampian Hills. Salmon and Trout Fishing etc. 12mo. London : TINSLEY BROS., 1882. WHITNEY (JOHN). The Genteel Recreation ; or, The Pleasure of Angling. A Poem. 16mo. London : PRINTED IN THE YEAR 1700. * One hundred copies for J. H. Burn, 1820. CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 135 WHOLE (THE) Art of Fishing and the Laws of Angling. Frontispiece. 12mo. London : PRINTED FOR E. Curll, 1714. WILCOCKS (J. C.) The Sea-Fisherman, or Fishing Pilotage. Over 100 Engravings. First Edition. 12mo. Guernsey : S. BARBET, 1865. WILCOCKS (J. C.) Sea-Fisherman. Second Edition. Almost entirely rewritten, and enlarged. Illustrated. 12mo. London : LONGMANS, 1868. WILCOCKS (J. C.) Sea-Fisherman. Fourth Edition. Illustrated. 12mo. London : LONGMANS, 1884. WILCOX (WALTER DWIGHT). The Rockies of Canada, (her 40 Photogravures and other 1 llustrations. 8vo. New York and London : PUTNAMS, 1900. WILLARD (CAPT'N. BEN' J. J.) Captain Ben's Book. Pilot and Stevedore. Illustrated. 8vo. Portland, Me.: 1895. WILLIAMS (F. T.) Angler's Pocket Diary and Monthly Guide. Vig- nette of the Silver Trout. 16mo. London: 1867. WILLIAMSON (JOHN). The British Angler: or, A Pocket-Companion for Gentlemen-Fishers. Copper Plates. 16mo. London : J. HODGES, 1740. WILLIAMSON (CAPTAIN THOS.) Oriental Field Sports, drawings by Samuel Howitt (COLORED.) 2 vols., 4to. London. E. ORME. 1807. WILLIAMSON (Captain T.) The Complete Angler's Vade Mecum. Engravings. 8vo. London : PAYNE & MACKINLAT, 1808. WILLIS (N. P.) Al'Abri, or the Tent Pitch'd. 12mo. New York: SAM'L COLMAN, 1839. WILLIS (N. PARKER). Rural Letters. First Edition. 12mo. New York : BAKER & SCRIBNER, 1849. WILLIS-BUND (J. W.) Salmon Problems. 12mo. London: SAMPSON Low, 1885. WILMOT (SAMUEL). Report on Fish-Breeding Operations in the Dominion of Canada during the year 1881 . 8vo. Ottawa : MACLEAN ROGER & Co., 1882. WILLOUGHBY (FRANCIS). De Historia Piscium Libri Quator, Jussu and Sumptibus Societatis Regiee Londonensis Editi. Old En- gravings. Folio. Oxonii: E. THEATRO SHELDONIANO, ANNO DOM., 1686. WILSON (ANDREW). Sketches of Animal Life and Habits. 1 llus- trated. 16mo. London and Edinburgh: 1877. 136 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON AKGLING. WILSON (JAS.) An Introduction to the Natural History of Fishes. From the 7th Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Plates. 4to. Edin. A. & C. BLACK, 1838. WILSON (JAMES). The Rod and the Gun. Engravings. 12mo. Edinburgh : A. & C. BLACK, 1840. WILSON (JAS.) A Voyage Round the Coasts of Scotland and The Isles. Illustrations, 1 Map. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. Edinburgh : A. & C. BLACK, 1842. WILSON (JAS.) The Rod and the Gun. New Edition. Illustrations. 12mo. Edinburgh : A. & C. BLACK, 1844. WILSON (JOHN). The Isle of Palms and other Poems. First Edition. 8vo. Edin.: LONGMANS, 1812. WILSON (JOHN). Poems by. A new Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Edin. and London : 1825. [WILSON (PROF. JOHN)]. The Recreations of Christopher North. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh and London: 1842. WILSON (PROF. JOHN). Noctes Ambrosianae. Revised Edition. Memoirs and Notes, by R. Shelton MacKenzie. Portrait. 5 vols. 12mo. New York : W. J. WIDDLETON, 1863. WILSON (SIR SAMUEL). Salmon at the Antipodes. Map and Front. 12mo. London: E. STANFORD, 1879. WISCONSIN CENTRAL RAILROAD. Noted Pleasure and Summer Resorts of "Wisconsin and Lake Superior. Illustrated. 12mo. Milwaukee : N. D. WOOD (ARNOLD). A Bibliography of "The Complete Angler" of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. 4to. New York : CHAS. SCRIBNEK'S SONS, 1900. *Of this Edition on Van Gelder paper, only 102 copies were printed, No. 29. WOOD (J. G.) Illustrated Natural History. Reptiles, Fishes, Molluscs, etc. Illustrated. 4to. London and N. Y. (1863). WONDERS of Marine Life. %5 Illustrations. 12mo. Boston and New York : D. APPLETON & Co., (1894). WOODCRAFT MAGAZINE. Yol. 1. 8vo. New York : FOREST AND STREAM, 1900. WOODCRAFT. Game Laws in Brief and Woodcraft. Illustrated. Yol. II. 8vo. New York : FOREST AND STREAM, 1900-]. WOOLSEY (CHAS. WM.) A Fishery Imbroglio. Sq. 16mo. New York: ART AGE PRESS, 1886. ( CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. 137 WORLYDGE (J.) Systema Agriculture. Second Edition. Frontis- piece. 4to. London: 1675. WRIGHT (W.) Fishes and Fishing. Artificial Breeding of Fish, etc. Illustrations. 16mo. London: T. C. NEWBY, 1858. WYATT (THOS.) A Synopsis of Natural History. Plates of Fish, etc. 8vo. Phila.: 1839. YARRELL (WM.) A History of British Fishes. Illustrated by nearly JfOO Woodcuts. 2vols. 8vo. London : J. VAN VOORST, 1836. YARREL (WM.) On the Growth of the Salmon in Fresh Water. Six Colored Illustrations of the Fish. Oblong 4to. London : J. VAN VOOEST, 1839. "YELLOW BODY." Angling Days on Scotch Lochs. By "Fellow Body. " 12mo. Edinburgh : J. MENZIES & Co., 1884. YOUNG- (ANRDEW). The Natural History and Habits of the Salmon. 16mo. London : LONGMANS, 1854. YOUNG (ANDREW). Angler and Tourist's Guide. Map. 24mo. Edin.: A. & C. BLACK, 1857. YOUNG (ARCHIBALD). Angler's and Sketcher's Guide to Suther- land. Map. 16nio. Edinburgh : W. PATERSON, 1880. YOUNG (ARCHIBALD, Advocate). The Angler's and Sketcher's Guide to Sutherland. Map. Second Edition. 16mo. Edinburgh : WM. PATERSON, 1881. YOUNG (LAMBTON J. H.) Sea-Fishing As a Sport. Illustrated. 12mo. London : GROOMBRIDGE & SONS, 1865. YOUNG (L. J. H.) Sea-Fishing As a Sport. Colored Plates of Fish, etc. Second Edition. 12mo. London : GROOMBRIDGE & SONS, 1872. YOUNG (THE) Angler, Naturalist, etc. 98 illustrations. 16mo. Lon- don: ROUTLEDGE, 1860. YOUNG (THE) Angler's Companion. 50 Engravings. Printed and Published by Jas. March. 16mo. London : N. D. YOUNG (THE) Angler. Containing Instructions for Preparing Rods, Lines, Reels, Hooks, Baits, etc. Illustrated. 16mo. New York : N. D. YOUNG (THE) Fisherman, A Complete Guide to Angling. 12mo. Lon- don : H. ELLIOT, N. D. 138 CHECK LIST OF BOOKS ON ANGLING. YOUNG SPORTMAN'S Miscellany in Hunting, Shooting, Eacing, Coursing, Angling, Cocking, etc. Including a reprint of Barker's Scarce Tract on Angling. Front and 22 fine Woodcuts. 24mo. London : COMPTON & RITCHIE, 1826. YOUNGER (JOHN). On River Angling for Salmon and Trout. First Edition. 32mo. Edinburgh: "W. BLACKWOOD & SONS, 1840. YOUNGER (JOHN). River Angling for Salmon and Trout. Portrait. 16mo. Kelso : J. &. J. H. RUTHERFURD, 1860. YOUNGER (JOHN). River Angling for Salmon and Trout. Portrait. 16mo. Kelso : J. & J. H. RUTHERFURD, 1864. 2/ y RE L< LC RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg, 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STA BELOW 12,000(11/95) |