. 6.
Index Testaceologicus;
BY W. WOOD, F.R.S. & L.S.
THE arrangement of the following Catalogue has not
the slightest claim to originality. It owes its birth to Bonn's
Hortus Cantabrigiensis, the plan of which seems equally
calculated for a Catalogue of Shells, as for that of plants ;
and it is hoped, that as the one has proved so highly useful
to the botanist, the other may not be found without its ad-
vantages to the conchologist.
In the beginning of the year 1817, a Descriptive Cata-
logue of Recent Shells was published, in two thick volumes
octavo, by Mr. Dillwyn. This is a work of considerable
labour, and great utility. It contains all the decided species
that are to be found in Gmelin, besides those that have
been more recently discovered. Much has been attempted
by the author towards correcting the errors of others, and
a 2
great attention has been paid to the Synonymy. The pre-
sent small production can by no means interfere with the
larger work, it being confined to the names only, and not
extending to the descriptions of shells.
That the purpose of this volume might not be defeated
by too great an extension, the references to each shell have
been limited to a few of the principal authors, whose
figures have an established character for accuracy.
The figures in the conchological division of the Ency-
clopedic Methodique have for the most part been referred
to their respective species, since, owing to the death of
M. Bruguiere, the plates, except the last eighty, have
been published without any explanation or means of di-
stinguishing one figure from the other. It is somewhat
remarkable that in the work, (which as far as relates to
the figures of shells is now concluded,) no notice whatever
has been taken either of the genus Argonaut a, or Patella.
Lamarck, in a printed prospectus to the eighty-fourth Li-
vraison, says, " Le volume de planches qui fait partie de
cette livraison, termine ce qu'il restoit d'essentiel a publier
sur les mollusques, et particultirement sur les different
genres decoquilles qui appartiennent aux animaux de cette
class e." This is a sufficient acknowledgement that nothing
more is to be expected on the subject, and that the omitted
genera are not considered by him as essential to the series.
A regular reference has been made to Gmelin as far as
relates to the distinct species; and the Catalogue will serve
also as an Index to Lister, Gualtieri, and Martini and
Chemnitz, the letter C. denoting the united labours of the
latter authors.
The figures of Donovan and Montagu, with the de-
scriptions also of the latter, have been constantly quoted
for the British Shells. It must be observed, that where
the species is confined to Britain, the word alone is men-
tioned. If it occurs also in other parts of the world, it is
denoted by " Britain, &c." Thus all the shells that have
hitherto been observed on our coasts will be immediately
A. . * . Adanson's Senegal.
B Born, Testacea Musei Caesar ei.
Br. E. M. . . Bruguiere in Encyclopedic Methodique, art. Vers.
B. E. C. . . . Burrow's Elements of Conehology.
C Martini et Chemnitz, Historia Conchy liorum.
D Donovan's Natural History of British Shells.
E. M. . . . Encyclopedic Methodique, art. Vers testaces.
Fab. F. Gr. . Fabricius, Fauna Groenlandica.
F. Favanne, Conchy liologie, ou Histoire Naturelle des
F. T.M. . . Fichtell et Moll, Testacea Microscopies.
Geoff. . . . Geoffroy, Traite Sommaire des Coquilles.
Gm Gmelin, Systema Nature Linnei.
G. Z. . . . . Gronovius, Zoophylacium.
G Gualtieri, Index Testarum Conchy liorum.
Kam. Cab. Rudolst. Kammcrer, Die Conchylien, fyc.
Kl. Ost. . . . Klein, Tentamen Methodi Ostracologica.
K Knorr, Les Delices des Yeux et de V Esprit.
L. Z. M. . . Leach's Zoological Magazine.
L. F. S. . . . Linnajus, Fauna Suecica.
L. M. . . , Linne", Mantissa altera.
L. M. U. . . Museum Ludovicte Ulrica Suecite Reginf.
L.S.N.. . . Systema Nature. Ed. 12.
L. T. . . . . Linnean Transactions.
L Lister, Historia Conchy liorum.
M. 17". C. . . Martyn's Universal Conchologist.
M. .... Montagu's Testacea Britannica.
M. Suppl. . . Supplement.
M. Z. D. . . Muller, Zoologia Danica.
M. V. . . . Vermium Terrestrium et Fluviat ilium.
P. M. Z. . . Pallas, Miscellanea Zoologica.
P. S. Z. . . . Spicilegia Zoologica.
P Petiver, G azophylacium.
P. Amb. . . . Amboyna Shells.
JR Rumphius, Thesaurus Imaginum Piscium Testa-
S. Conch. . . Schreiber's Conchy lienkenntnis$.
S. Einl. . . . Schroter, Einleitung in die Conchylien.
S. Erd. . . . Erdkonchylien.
S. Fluss. . . . Flussconch.
S. N. M. . . Shaw's Naturalist's Miscellany.
W. M.S. . . Walker's Minute Shells.
W. .... Wood's General Conchology.
Fr. w. . . . Fresh water. ^ . .
I These abbreviations occur in the
L. ..... Land.
U. Unknown.
J fifth column.
Linn, names. Gm. EngL names. Synonyms. Habitat.
1 squamosus 3203 scaly P
EM. 1. 162^.5,6.
JT.f.1,/1. America.
2 bistriatus 2-striated C. 8, t. 94,/. 788-91.
W>.7. u.
3 fulvus tawny C. 10, #. 173,/. 1691.
EM. ^.161,/.4,5.
W^.7, *.l, /.2. S. America.
4 piccus 3205 pitchy C. 8, t . 96,/. 807-10.
E.M. t, 163, f. 3-5.
Linn, names. Gin. E>igl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
5 granulatus 3205 granulated C.8,*.96,/. 806. W.
p.9. W.Indies.
6 aculeatus 3202 prickly C. 10, M73,/". 1692.
E. M. t. 163 J. 16.
W.p.9. Asia.
7 fasciatus 3203 /5 banded C. 8, *. 95, /. 801.
JE.M.M62,/. 1,2.
TF./.l,/.4,5. S. Amer.
8 marmoratus 3205 marbled C.8, .P5,/. 803-5. E.
III. /. 162 J'. 11,12.
H>.10. W.Indies.
9 maculatus 3205 spotted C. 8, /. 95,/. 802. IF.
10 tunicatus coated IF.^.ll., /J,/.l.
11 Gigas 3206 gigantic C.8, *.96,/819. E.M.
t. 161, /. 3. IF.
p. 12. Cape of Good Hope.
12 amiculatus 3206 kidney-sh. W.pAS. Kurile Islands.
13 castaneus chesnut W.pAS,t .2,/. 2,3. &
14 ruber 3203 red C.8, t. 96 J! 813. W.
pA4. North Sea.
15 punctatus 3203 punctured ]F./>.14. Asia, Eur., cS: Amer.
16 Indus 3205 Indian C.8,*. 96,/. 811. IF.
p. 15. West Indies.
17 viridis green C. 10, t. 173, /. 1689.
E. M. t. 162,/. 9.
lF.j>.15, u.
18 lineatus striped If j?.15, f.2, /.4,5. u.
Linn, names. Gnt. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
19 fascicularis S 202 tufted C. 10, t. 173, f. 1688.
E.M.t. 1-63, f. 15.
M.p. 5,*.27. W.p. 16,
f.2,/- 6 - Britain, &c.
20 sulcatus furrowed PT.p.16, f 3,'/l. S. Seas.
21 bicolor 3204 2-colour'd C. 8, f.91,/794,5. TT.
p. 17. Indian Seas.
22 cerasinus 3204 cherry C.8, . 94, /. 796. IF.
J9.17. U.
23 magellanicus3204 Magellanic C. 8, ^. 95, f. 797-8.
.E. M. f.l60,/.4,5.
Wt.3,f.G. Str. of Magellan.
24 fuscus 3204 brown C. 8, . 95,/. 799,800.
E.M.t. 160, f. 6,7.
W.p.18. East Indies.
25 minimus 3205 mealy C.8, t. 96, / 814. W.
p.l9. Norwegian Sea.
26 Cimex 3206 bug C. 8, . 96,/815. W.
p.W. Coast of Norway.
27 Asellus 3206 millepede C.8,^.96,/816. E.M.
t. 161, /. 12. PF,
p. 19. North Seas.
28 icelandicus 3206 Iceland W.p.ZQ. Iceland.
29 albus 3204 white C.8, #.96,/817. L.T.
8,f.l,/.4. W.p.20. Britain, &c,
30 marginatus 3206 bordered M.p A. L.T.8,t.l,J.Q.
IF.p.21, t.3jA.
31 cinereus 3204 ash-colour'd C.8,#.96,/818. E.M.
*.16l,/.ll. M.p.3.
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
32 kevis 3206 smooth M p.2. Wy&l. Britain, &c.
33 tuberculatus 3202 tuberculatedTF.^.22. S. Amr.r.
34 tessellatus
35 crinitus 3206 hairy
tessellated C. 10, t. 173, /. 1690.
E. M. t. 162,/. 10.
TF.p.23. Isle of St. Thomas.
E. M. 1. 163,/. 13,14.
M.pA. W.p.<23. Scotland.
36 hispidus 3202 hispid S. Em/,3, p. 493, t.9,
/.18. W.p.%4. America.
37 thalassinus 3206 sea-green JF.p.24. u.
38 spinosus spiny E.E.C.;>.185,.26,/.4. u.
39 porosus porous JB.E. C. p. 189, t. 28,
40 larvzeformis
/.I. u.
larva-shaped-B.E.C. p. 191, t. 28,
1 tracheseformis windpipe W. p. 31, t. 4*, /. 1,
2,3. On S. Sea whalea,
2 Diadema 3208 turban L. t. 445, /. 288. G.
3 balsenaris ,3208 whale
/.1 3, 14. W.p. 33,
#.4. North. Ocean on whales.
P.*.l,/ll. C.8,*.99,
N. Sea, on whales.
5 Tintinnabu- 3208 bell
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
4 testudinaria 3209 turtle G. t. 106,/. M. C. 8,
*.99,/ 847-8. E.M.
t.!65,f. 17,18. W.
p. 37, t.5,/A. Backs of turtles,
L. t. 443,/. 385. C. 8,
t. 97, /. 828-31.
.E.AO.164,/5. D.
1. 148. M. p. 10. W.
p. 38, *.6,/. 1 2 . East Indies,
6 Scotica Scottish TF.p.40,.6,y.3. Scotland.
7 rugosa wrinkled Mp.8. L.T.SJ.lJ'.S.
W.pAl,t.6,f.4>. Britain, &o.
8 angustata 3212nar.-mouthedC.8,*.98,/835. E.M.
9 conoides
10 laevis
t.6,f.5. Mediterranean,
eonic M.p.1%. W.pAI. Britain,
contracted C.8, f.97,/.822.E.M
M64,/.2. East Indies,
11 Balanus 3207 common i.f.443,/. 286. C.8,
f.97,/.820. E.M.
*.164,/.l. D.t.30,
f.l.M.p.Q. W.pA3,
t.7,f. 3. Britain, &o.
i.f.444,/. 287. C.8,
#.97,/.826. E.M.
12 balanoides 3207 smooth
13 clavata 3203 club-shapedC.8,f.98,/838. E.M,
t. 164, / 7,8. M.
pAO. W,p,5,t,7,
O L E P A S.
Linn, names. Cm. EngL names. Synonyms. Habitat.
14 punctata punctured M.p. 8, t. l,f. 5. W.
pA6. Britain, &c.
15 costata ribbed M./7.11. D.t.SQ, f. 2.
16 spongiosa sponge M. Suppl.t. 17 \fA,5, 6.
17 galeata 3209 helmet .60,/.10,/2. Mediterranean.
35 Scalpellum 3210 pen-knife G.^.K)0,/.C. E.M.L
M.p.l8,t.l,f.3. W.
p.6l, t.W,f.3. Britain, &c.
36 fascicularis bladder E. M. 1. 166, f. 4. D.
p.62,t.lO,fA. Britain.
37 anserifera 3210 striated L.tAW,f. 283. C.8,
t. 100, /'. 856. M.
p.lQ. W.p.64, t.10,
f.b. Britain, &c.
38 anatifera 3211 duck G.*.26,/.E.C.8,f.8o3
-5. .Af.M65,/.l.
D.t.7. M.p.15. W.
t.i.1. - -
S9 villosa downy E.M. t.!66,f. 2. W.
p.67. Mediterranean.
40 dentata toothed I.*.439,/.282. E.M.
P H O L A S.
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms.
41 sulcata furrowed M.p.17, t.l, f. 6. W.
p.6Q, t.!2,f.l. Britain.
42 dorsalis Musquito E. M.t. 166, f.5. Musquito coast.
43 vittata ribbon H r ./>.69,M2,/.2,3. Atlantic.
44 membranacea membranousM.Sw/?/;/. p. 164. W.
p. 70. Britain.
45 aurita eared C. 8, t. 100,/. 857-3.
JF#.70,M2,/4. North Seas.
1 Dactylus 3214 prickly
2 orientalis 32 1C Indian
3 Candida
4 costata
3215 white
3215 ribbed
L. t . 433,/ 267. G.
t. 105,/. D. C. 8,
t. 10 1,/. 859. D.
.118. .M./>.20. T^.
p.77, #.13. Britain, &c.
Z..431,/247. C.8.
.101,/.860. E.M.
f.168,/. 10. 1^.78,
.14,/.l. Indian Ocean.
X. f. 435,/. 278. G.
f. 105, /. E. C. 8,
<. 10 1,/. 861. /).
#.132. M.p.25. If.
p.79, #. 14, /. 3,4. Britain, &c.
i. #. 434,/. 277. G.
#. 105,/.G. E.M.
t. 169,/ 1,2. C. 8,
/.863. W.p.80,t.l5,
J\ 1,2. E. Indies & America.
P H O L A S.
Linn, names.
5 crispata
6 pafva
7 striata
8 falcata
9 cordata
10 Chiloensis
11 hians
12 Teredula
Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
3216 curled .f.436,/.279. E.M.
*.169,/.4,5. C.8,
t. 102,/. 872-4. D.
f.62. M.J9.23. W.
),y.3-5. Britain, &c.
3215 striated G. 1. 105, /. F. E.M.
M70,/. 1,2,3. C.8,
*.102,/.867-71. D.
Ml 7. M.p.26. W.
jt>.83, M6,/.l-4. India&Amer.
hooked PT.p.84, M6,/.5-7. u.
3216 heart-shaped E. M. t. 169,/. 8-10.
W.p.85. In corallines.
3217 Chili TF.^.85. Chili.
3217 gaping C. 10, t. 172,/. 1678,
1681. TT.j9.85. America.
3217 Teredo W.p.86. Belgic shores.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms.
1 truncata
3217 abrupt
2 arenaria 3218 sand
). E.M.
t.229,/. 2. C.6, f.l,
/I. M.p.32. TF.
p.90, #.17,/.1,2. Britain, &c.
.*.418,/262. E.M.
t .229,/.l. C.6, #.1,
/.3,4. D.f.85. -M.
#.30. TF.p.91,^.17,
I. Britain.
3 couvexa convex
4 declivis sloping
5 prsetenuis spoon-hingeD..176. M.p.4l, t.\ t
/.I. TF.p.94, f.24,
6 anatina 3221 duck
7 globosa
3 arctica
#.229,/3. TT.^.94. Africa.
globular W.p.95, #.24,/.4-6. u.
3220 arctic W.p.95. North Seas.
. 25.
M Y A. 11
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
9 edentula 3220 toothless W.p.96. u.
10 picea pitchy C. 11, M98,/. 1934.
W.p.96, *.22,/.5. u.
11 Nicobarica 3221 Nicobar C.6,*.3,/.17,18. W.
p. 97. Nicobar Islands.
12 rostrata beaked C. 11, p. 198,/C.D.
W.p.97. Bergen.
13 Norwegica 3222 Norway C. 10, t. 170,/. 1647,
1648. Norway.
14 membranncea3222 membranous W.p. 98. Iceland.
15 distorta deformed M.p.42, M,/.l. Britain.
16 bidentata double-toothed M.pA4. W.p.99.
17 dcussata decussated M. Suppl. p. 20, t. 28,
/.I. T^.99. Scotland.
18 purpnrea purple M. Suppl. p. 21. IP.
^.100. Britain.
19 ferruginosa rusty M. Suppl. p. 22, . 26,
/.2, W^j.100. Scotland.
20 nitens glossy M. Suppl. p. 165. TP.
21 prismatica prismatic M. $?//>/;/. p. 23, f. 26,
f.3. W.p.101.
22 substriata substriated M. Suppl. p. 25. W.
.p. 102. Britain.
23 dubia dubious D.t.WQ. M.p.%8. W.
24 nitida 3222 white W.p.W3. Norway.
Lmn. names. 'Grm. Engl. names. Synonyms. 'Habitat.
25 Batava 6utch C.6, *.l,/.6. D.M74.
/.1,2. Britain, &c.
26 Pictorum painters L. 1. 146, /. 1, & 147,
D.t.89. M.p.34.W.
27 ovata oval D. #.101. Mp.34&
563. W.p.105, f.19,
28 crassa thick FP.j3.106, #.20,21. China. Fr.w.
29 nodulosa knotted TF.106, *.22,/.l-4. u.
30 margaritifera3219 pearl L.t.l49,fA. C.6, M,
D.t.73. M.p.33. W.
p. 107, J.23,/.l-3. Britain, &c.
31 dorrugata 3221 wrinkled C.6, .3,/.22. E.M.
#.248,/8. TT.^.108,
.24,^.1-3. Coromandel. Fr.w.
32 radiata 3220 radiated C.6,*.2,/.7. E.M.
t. 348, /. 5. W.
p. 109. Malabar. Fr.w.
33 rugosa 3222 rough C. 10, t. 170, f. 1649,
.M.f.249,/.3. W.
jp.109. Coromandel.
34 nodosa 3222 knobbed C. 10, t. 170,/. 1650.
' <;.,; ,-Ji.M
35 spuna 3222 spurious W.p.%10. Iranquebar. Fr.w.
36 syrmatophora3222 angular TT.p.210. Guinea. Fr.w.
S O L E N.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat,
37 suborbicalaris roundish M.Suppl.t.26,f.6. Britain.
38 variabilis variable L. T. 10, t . 24, f. 4-7.
TF.p.lll. SouthAmerica. Fr.w.
39 labiata lipped L. T. 10, t. 24,/ 1-3.
TF.p.112. South America.
40 inequivalvis unequal-valved E.M. t. 230, /. 4. M.
p. 38. Suppl. t. 26,
/.7. TF.jp.113. Britain, &c.
41 Glycimeris 3222 great I. t. 414,/. 258. C.6,
*.3,/. 25. D.f.142.
T'T..lU ^.25. Mediterranean.
1 Siliqua 3223 pod i.f.409,/255. E.M.
*.aS8,/.. C.6, ^.4,
/.29. M.p.46. IT.
p.118, f.26,/.l,2. Britain, &c.
2 Novacula CarmarthenshireM.p.47. TT.j9.119. Britain.
3 Vagina 3223 sheath L. t. 410,/. 256. D.
t. 110. W.p. 119,
4 truncata truncated G.t . 95, f. D. E.M.
M22./.1. C.6,f.4,
/.28. W r ./?.121,f.26.
/.3,4,/.27,/.2. American Seas,
5 Hnearis slender C. 11, *. 198,/ 1931,
1932. TF. p. 121,
f.27,/3. Indian Seas.
S O L E N.
fiinn. names.
6 En sis
Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
3224 sword i.*.411,/.257. E.M.
t. 223,/. 2,3. C.6,
t. 4,/. 30. D. .50.
M.p.48. W.p.122,
*.28,/.l,2. Britain, &c.
7 pellucidus
transparent C. 11, t. 198,/. 1940.
D. t. 153. M.p.49.
TF.p.123, f.28,/3.
8 Legumen 3224 peascod
9 Cultellus 3224 kidney
10 antiquatus
11 fragilis
L. t. 420,/. 264. G.
#.91, /A. E.M.
#.225,/3. C.6,#.5,
/.32-S4. D.#.58. M.
p. 50. W.p. 124, #.28,
/.4,5. Britain, &c.
G. #. 90,/. E. JE.AT. \
#.223,/.4. C.6,#.5,
/. 36,37. W.p. 125,
#.29,/.l,2. Amboyna.
antiquated C.6,#.6,/.45.D.#.114.
M.p.52. TF.p.125, .
#.29,/3. Britain, &c.
C. 11, #. 198,/. 1939.
W. p. 126, #. 29,
/.4,5. Southern Ocean.
3225 strigilated X. t. 416,/. 260. G.
#. 91,/.C. E.M.
#.224,/.3. C.6,#.6,
/. 41,2. W.p. 127,
Linn, names.
13 anatinus
14 radiatus 3225 rayed
15 Guineensis
16 maximus
17 magnus
18 inflexus
19 minimus
20 Macha
21 virens
22 Diphos
23 roseus
24 striatus
25 castrensis
26 biradiata
Gin. Engl. names. Synonyms.
3225 duck-bill C.*.6,/.46-8. E.M.
tf.228,/.3. TT./>.128,
f.30,/,2-4. Indian Ocean.
L. Z.422,/ 266. G.
*.91,/. B. E.M
f.225,/.2. C.6,^.5,
/. 38-40. Tf>. 128,
f.31,/.l,2. Amboyna.
Guinea C. 11, t. 198,/. 1937.
W.pA29. Coast of Guinea.
largest W 7 .p.l29,*.31,/3. Sandwich Is.
great C. 6, f . 5,/. 35. W.
J9.130. Coast of Nicobar.
inflected TF.^.131, #.32,/.l,2.
3227 little C. *. 5,/31. a.b. TF.
j^.131. Tranquebar.
3226 Molini's W.p.132. Chili.
3226 green TF.p.132. Java.
3226 violet C.6, #.7,/.53-4. Item
11, t. 198, /. 1933.
W. p. 133, f. 32,
y.3. Indian Ocean.
3227 rose-colour. C. 6, #. 7,/. 55. W.
p.133. Red Sea.
3227 striated C. 6, *.7,/. 57,58. IP.
p. 134. Nicobar Islands.
zig-zag C.f.l98,/.1935-6. PF.
p. 134. Coast of Guinea.
double-rayed TT.p.135, #.33,/.l. u.
Linn, names. Grn. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
27 vespcrtinus 3228 variable C. t. 7, /. 59,60. D.
*.41,/.2. M.p.54.
W. p. 135, t. 33,
/.2,3. Britain, &c.
28 sanguinolen- 3227 sanguine L.t.397,f. 236. E.M.
tus f.227,/. 1. C.6,f.7,
/.56. W.pA 36,^.33,
/.4,5. Jamaica, &c.
29 occidens 3228 spotted C. 6, . 7, / 6 1. TT.
J3.137. Western Ocean.
30 Spengleri 3228 Spengler's W.p.137.
31 Amethystus amethystine^. 6, 1. 12,/. 2. C. 6,
*.10,/.93. W.p.138,
t.34,f.l. India.
32 variegatus variegated W. p. 139, t. 34,/. 2-
33 rainutus 3226 minute C.t. 6,/.50,51. E.M.
*.234,/4. M.^.53,
M,/.4. I^./>.139,
*. 34,/.5,6. Britain.
34 squamosus scale-like M.p.565. TT.j9.140.
3,5 Pippj* semj-oval M.p.566,t.l5,f.3. W.
1 Gargadia 3228 toothed C.6,*.8,/.63,64.a.b.
W.pA44. Indian Ocean.
Linn, names.
2 Lingua felis
3 virgata 3229 striped
4 interrupta
5 angulata 3229 angular
6 Gari
7 fragilis
8 rugosa
9 inflata
10 crystaliina
11 multangula
12 papyracea 3231 paper
IS.gibbosa 3231 gibbous
Gm. Engl, names. Synonyms. Habitat.
3229 cat's tongueG. t. 76, /. B. E. M.
t. 289, /. 6. C. 6, t. 8,
/.65. W.p. 144, *. 40,
f. l l, 3. Indian Ocean.
G.t.86,f.G. E.M.f.288,
/.2. C.6,f.8,/.66-72.
TF.p.145. Atlantic.
L. t. 399, /. 238. JB.Af.
t. 288, /. 7. C. 6, t. 8,
/. 73. TF.p. 146,*.36,
y.3. S. America & India.
X. . 406,/. 252. E.M.
f.290,/. 3. C.6, . 9,
./'.I. Indian Ocean.
K.6,*.12,/.2. C.6, MO,
/92. W.p.U7.
C.6,*.9,/.84. W.p.148.
Eur. Ocean & Caspian Sea.
C. 6, f. 8,/. 62. E. M.
f.290,/. 1. JF.p.148,
tA\,f.2,3. India & S. Amer.
C.6,#.9,/.76. TF.p.149. u.
C. 11, . 199,/. 1947-8. u.
3230 multangularC. 6, t. 9, /. 77. W.
p. 150. Tranquebar.
C. 6, . 9, /. 78. E. M.
f. 290,/14. W.p. 150.
Coast of Guinea.
G.f.77,/.Q. W.p. 151. u.
3229 varying
3230 brittle
3230 rugged
3230 inflated
T E L L I N A.
Linn, names. Gm . Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
14 inajquilatera 3231 uneq.-sided G. f.88,/0. TF.plSl. u.
15 Knorrii 3231 Knorr's JK.5,f.21,/.5. W.pASl. u.
16 pusilla 3231 minute W.p.lbS. Europe. Fr.w.
17 obliqua oblique W.p.W2, f.41,/.4,5. u.
18 maculata spotted L.!T.3,j9.252. 1^.153. Britain.
19 amnica river G.t.7,f.C.C. C.6,f.l3,
/.1 34. -DJ.64,/2. M.
;>.86. TF.p. 153,^.47,
y.6. Britain. Fr.w.
20 foJiacea 3232 foliaceous C. 6, . 10,/. 95. E. M.
t. 287,/.4. Tf.p.154,
^. 36,/. 1. Indian Ocean.
21 albida 3231 whitish E. Af. f. 228, /. 2. W 7 ".
p. 154. Europe.
22 tenuis thin .L.f.405,/251. C.6,f.l2,
/117. D.f.19,/2. AT
J9.59. TF.^. 155, .44,
/.3,4. Britain, &c.
23 fabula S239sen}i-striatedD.*.97.-M^.61. TF.j?.156,
*. 45,/4.
24 planata 3232 flat G.*.89,/.G. W.p.157. u.
25 acuta sharp-edged TF.;>.157,.44,/.1. West Indies.
26 radiata 3232 rayed Z.f.393,/. 240. G. t. 89,
/. 1. JE.lf. t. 289,/. 2.
C. 6, t. ll,/. 102. IF.
p.!58,?.38,/.2,3. S.Apierica.
27 sanguinea red TF.p.159, f.44,/2.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
28 rostrata 3232 beaked L. J.382,/ 225. G.f.88,
/.T. E.M.t. 289,/.l.
C. 6, #. ll,/. 105. W.
p.159, .37,/.3> Indian Ocean.
29 tavigata 3232 smooth ..387,/234. C.6, if.12,
/.111. W 7 ^. 160, *.41,
/.I. Europe and India.
30 trifasciata 32323-handed C.6, t. 12, f, 114, a.b. W.
p.161. European Ocean.
31 donacina 3234 Donax G.f.88,/.N. M.p.58. W.
^.161,^.45,/.5. Britain, &c-
32 truncata 3234 truncated W.p.WZ. Java.
33 trilatera 3234 triangular C.6, .10,/.85. W^.162.
34 oblonga 3234 oblong C.6, t. W,f.87. W.p,163. Europe.
35 Spengleri 3234 Spengler's L. t . 398, /. 237. E.M.
t.%87,f.5. C. 6, .10,
/.88-90. W.p.W3,t.37,
f.%. Indian Ocean.
36 Ferroensis 3235 carnation i.#.394,/.241. C.6, MO,
/.91. D.#.60. T^.p.164,
tA5,f.l. Britain,&c.
37 operculata 3235 blushing Jf.6,M2,/.l. C.6, Ml,
/. 97. W. p. 165, t . 42,
/.I. Indian Ocean.
38 alba 3235 & white C.6, Ml,/ 98. u.
39 hyalina 3235 glassy C.6,*.l l,/99. W.p.WQ. I.Ocean.
40 lanceolata 3236 lance-shap. C.t. 11./.103. W^.p.107,
^.46,/2. lodia.
-11 opalina 3236 opaline C.6, #.12,/.107. TF.^.167.
Linn, names. Gm.
42 coccinea 3236
43 calcarea 3236
Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
scarlet C.6,.12,/.1Q9. Mediterranean.
chalky C. 6, t. 13,/. 136. W.
p. 168. Irish Sea.
44 pectinata 3236 Lister's L. t. 300, /. 137. W.
p.169. East Indies.
45 angusta 3236 narrow L.f.383,/226,. Scotland?
46 Madagasca- 3237 MadagascarL..386,/.233. Madagascar.
47 punicea 3239
48 depressa 3238
49 purpurascens3237
50 aspera 3237
51 triangularis 3237
52 lata 3237
53 Jamaicensis 3237
54 albicans 3238
55 rufescens 3238
56 fasciata 3238
57 striata 3238
58 rosea 3238
59 Adansoni 3239
60 cancellata 3239
61 strigosa 3239
flat-striated D. t. 123. M. p. 57. W,
p.170, /.39,/.l. Britain, &c.
depressed G. t.88,f.L. C. 6, t. 10,
/.96. LU.163. M.p.56.
purple JL..391,y.230. W.p.\T2. u.
rough W.p.172. U.
subcuneatedL.f.401,/. 244. W.p.173. u.
bro;id X.<.407,/.253. W.p. 173. Nor way.
Jamaica L. t. 408, /. 254. W.
p.173. Jamaica.
whitish G.*.77,/.H. W.p.174. u.
reddish G.f.85,/.C. W.p.174. u.
banded G..89,/.B. T^.p.174. U.
striated G.*.89,/.C. M.p.60. W.
p.175. Britain, &c.
rosy X.5,*.9,/3. W.p.175. u.
Adanson's W.p.176. Africa,
reticulated W.p.176. Island of Goree.
fasciated W.pA77. Moluccas^
Linn, names.
62 nivea
63 sulcata
64 angulosa
65 Laskeyi
66 balustina
Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Halitat.
snowy TF./>.177,f.46,/l. America,
sulcated W.p.178, f.47,/1. u.
3244 angular C. 10, t. 170, /. 1654-5. ,
W.p.178. U.
Laskey's M.Suppl.t.28,f.3. Frithof Forth.
3239 pomgranateTF.p.180. Mediterranean,
67 scobinata 3240 rasp
68 Isevis
69 Remies
70 reticulata
71 radula
72 scabra
73 muricata
74 fausta
3239 waved
3240 lattice
i.f.203,/143. G.t.76,
/.E. -E. M. t. 291,/. 4.
C.6, MS,/. 122-4., W.
|>.180,.35,/.l. Indian Ocean.
i.f.266,/102. C.6, M2,
/. 112. TT.p.181, t.37,
/I. West Indies.
C.6,M2,/113. TF.p.182,
/.38,/.l. India & America.
C.6, M2,/. 118. M.^.66.
TF! p. 182, t. 42, /. 2, v
3. Britain, &c.
thread-girdedP. t. 130. M. p. 68, t. 2,
/1, 2. IT. p. 183, t. 42,
rough C. 1 1, t. 199, / 1943-44.
W.p.lQ*. W. Indies.
prickly C. 11,*. 199,/. 1945-46.
obsolete E.M.f.290,/2. D.f.98.
M.p.64. TF.p.185. Britain^cc.
T E L L I N A,
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat <
75 crassa thick _L..299,/. 136. D. .103.
M.p.65. W.p.l86,tAQ,
f.\. Britain, &c.
76 lactea 3240 milky G. f.71,/. D. C. 6, 1. 13,
/.1 25. M.pJO,t.2,f.4.
W.p.lQT. Britain.
77 rotundata round Af./>.71,f.2,/.S. JT.p.lsr. -
78 flexuosa crooked D.^.42,/^2. M.p.7%. W.
79 carnaria 3240 fle8h-colour.Lj.339 ?< /:i76. C.6,M3,
/. 126. D. #. 47. Af.
j). 73. I^.p. 189,^.40,
/.4,5. American Ocean,
80 polygona 3244 polygonal C. 10, f.170,/. 1650-3. Al.
SM/>/>/. *. 28, /. 4. TT.
p. 190. Indian Ocean,
81 decussata decussated 1F./>.190, ^.43,/.2,3. u.
82 cordiforrais heart-shapedC.ll, ^.199,/. 1941-2. IF.
^.191, f.43,/4,5. W.Indies.
83 bimaculata 3240 double-spot.C.6, 1. 13, f. 127. D.M9,
.45,/.6,7. Britain, &c.
84 solidula ' solid i.f.405,/.250. C.6,t.l2,
/. 110. M. p. 63. IF.
85 Balthica 3241 Baltic C. 6, t. 13, /. 123. W.
p.194. Baltic Sea.
86 pisiformis 3241 pea F".j?.194, Eur. mouths of rivers.
T E L L I N A.
Linn, names.
87 divaricata
88 dentata
89 digitaria
90 cornea
GOT. EngL names. Synonyms.
3241 obliquely
3241 digital
91 lacustris 3242 lake
92 Iberica
93 sinuosa
94 Gallica
95 Senegaleusis
96 limosa
97 insequivalvis 3233 unequal-
. t. 301, / 142. E.M.
f.289,/.4. C.6, t. 13,
/. 129. W.p.195, t.46,
f.6. Mediterranean.
W.p.195, .46,/.7. u.
C. 6, t. 12,/ 121. E. M.
.292,/6. TT.p.196. America,
3241 horn-colour. L.tA 59, /. 14. GJ.7,/.C.
C. 6,t. 13, f. 133. a. b.
E. M. t. 302,/. 5. D.
t.95. M.p.36 1^.196,
*.46,/.3, Britain, &c. Fr.vv,
C. 6, t. 13,/. 135. E.M.
#.302,/6. M.p,89. W.
p.197, t.4T,f.5.
W.p.198. Shores of Spain.
G.t.77,f.D.E. W.p.198.
W.p. 199. River Marne, France.
W.p.199. Africa.
W. p. 199, t. 46, /. 4,
5. S. America. Fr.tr.
C.6, Ml,/. 106. a-d. D.
tA\,f.\. M.p.75. W.
^.201,f.47,/.2-4. Britain, c.
3243 Spanish
3243 sinuous
3244 French
3244 Senegal
24 C A R D I U M.
Linn. names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms.
1 aculeatura 3247 spiny
2 cchinatum 3247 thorny
L. t. 321,/. 158. G..72,
/.A. E.M.f.298,/. 1.
C.6, *. 15,/. 155-7. H
f.6. Jf.j9.77. TF.p.207,
f.51,/1. Britain, &c.
L. t. 324, f. 161. JE. -M.
f.298,/. 3. C.6,f. 15,
^! 158. D. <. 107 ,/. 1.
M.p.78. W.p.208, t.49,
3 ciliiire
3248 fringed
JL.f.325,/.162. Gr. f.72,
/.C. C.6, *.17,/.171-2.
D. f. 32,/. 2. M.p.79.
4 tuberculatum3248 tuberculatedi. f.329,/. 166. G.t.7\,
/.M. C.6,M5,/.17S,
& M9,/.191. -D.^.107,
/.2. M.J9.79&568. W.
5 medium 3246 marbled
6 exiguum
7 nodosum
8 rubruni
3255 pigmy
L. t. 316, f. 153. JE. M.
t. 296,/. 1. C.6,f. 16,
/. 162-4. D.f.32,/. 1.
M.p.83. W.p 21 1, *.50,
/.3. India and America.
X.*. Sir,/ 154. D.f.32,
/3. 3f.p.82. TF.p,212. Britain.
Af.jp.81. TF.j7.212.
. Tf^.213. :
C A R D I U M. 25
Hun. names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
9 arcuntum waved M. p. 85, t. 3, f. 2. W.
^.213. Britain.
10 discors pea M.p.Ql. W.p.214. ?
11 elongatum lengthened M.p.82. 1^.214.
12 muricatulum microscopic M.p 85. W.p. 2 15. - -
13 fasciatum banded M.Suppl. p. 30, t. 27,/.6.
W.p.Zlo. ,
14 inuricatura 3250 prickly Z.f.322,/159. Jf.4, .14,
f.5. C.6, t. 17, f. 177.
W.p.2l6,t.51,f.2,3. W.Indies.
15 Isocardia 3249 imbricated Z.f.323,/160. C.6,M7,
/. 174-6. E. M. t. 297,
/. 4. W. p. 217, t. 52,
/.1,2. E & W. Indies.
16 glaucum 3253 greenish W.p.ZiQ. Mediterranean.
17 maculosum mottled ir.p.218, <.52,/.3. u.
18 ringens 3254 toothed L. t. 330, /'. 167. K. 4,
1. 14, / 3. C- 6 V . 16,
/.170. E.M^.296,/. 3.
TT.j9.219,i.53,/.l,2. Africa.
19 ventricosum prominent L. t. 328, /. 165. E.M.
Coast of Campeachy.
20 magnum 3250 great XJ.331,/168. C.6, J.17,
l,^.53,/3. W.Indies.
21 laevigatum' S251 smooth Z. ^. 332, v /. 169. D.t.54.
M.p.80. W.p.M2,t.54,
/.1, 2. Britain, &c.
C A R D I U M.
Cm. Engl. names.
Linn, names,
22 citrinutn 325 J citron
23 oblongum 3254 oblong
fiavum 3251 yellow
25 rusticuin 3252 banded
Synonyms. Habitat.
G.f.82,/. A. C.O,/.-18,
/189. IF./;. 22S./.44,
jT.3. India and S. America.
C. 6, t. 19, / 190. .E. M.
*.28,/.5. JF. j;. 223,
.55, /.I. Mediterranean.
&7*. 2, f.7,/. ll.a.b. IF.
j>.224. Coast of Coroinanclel.
C.^,f.l9,/197. IF./J.225,
t.5ij 7 j'.2,3. European Seas.
26 edule 3252 com: ma i. f. 334,/. 171. G.f.71,
/. F. C. 6, t. 19 ,/. 194.
jL'. 37. . 300,/ 5. D.
t. 124. M. />. 76. W.
_p.226, t.Mj'A. Europe.
27 Icelandicura 3252 Iceland C. 6,t. 19,/.195-G. E.M.
t.300,f.8. IF.;;.227. Iceland.
28 Greenland!- 3252 Greenland C. 6, f. 19,/. 198. E.M.
cum t.SOOJ'.l. W.p.2'27.
29 regulare equal-sided. IF.y?.223. West Indies.
30 pectinatum 3253 pectinated G.t.l5,f.A. "E.M.t.296,
f.4. IF.^.229. Mediterranean.
31 Auricula
32 Lima
3253 eared
3253 Asiatic
.33 papyraceum 3254 paper
JF.7J.229. Arabia.
E.M. t. 292, /. 1. a. b.
C. 6, t. 15, /. 153-4.
W.p.WO. Indian Ocean.
.6,M8,/.184. JF.p.230,
C A R D I U 31.
Cm. Engl. names.
3241 ribbed
"Linn, names.
34 costatum
35 apertum
36 soleniforme 3226 solcn
[6*. lullutus.]
37 pecteniforme
38 Donaci forme
39 fimbriatum
Synonyms. Habitat.
L.t. S27,/. 164. G.f.72,
/.D. C.6, f. 15, /.1 5 1-2.
E. M. t. 293,/. 1. IF.
p. 231, *.56,/.1. Africa,
gaping C.6, t. IS,/. 181-3. E.M.
t. 296,/ 5. TF. p. 232,
f.56,/2. Asia& S.America.
L.t.SW.f. 179. G.f.85,
/.H. JE.JW.f.296,/6.
C.6, f. 6,/. 49,50. T 1 /.
;?.233, /.56,/3. S.America.
pectcn G.t.7\,f.\l. C.6, M7,
/.ISO. IF.jj.233. U.
Donax C. 6, t. 16, /. 165. IF.
p.%3i. Indian Ocean.
furbelowed TF./7.234, f.56,/.4,5.
40 .Eolicum 3254 Janus
41 rigidum
42 latum
3354 broad
43 flexuosum 3255 flexuous
44 rubiginosum 3256 rusty
45 albidum 3256 whitish
46 virescens 3256 greenish
47 lineatum 3246 streaked
48 roseum 3245 rose
). C.6,M8,
/.1 87-8. 1F.J9.235, *.57,
/".I. India and China.
TF.p.236,*.57,/.l,2. U.
C. 6, t. 19,/. 192-3. JF.
_p.236,f.57,/.4,5. Ind. Ocean.
JL*.S43,/.180. U.
G.*.83,/.D. tF./?.238. U.
G.t. 8Sff.il. TF./>.238. u.
G.^.84,/.A. 1F.J9.238. u.
E.M..298,/.6. lF.p.239. u.
E.A/.#.294,/.2. C.6,M4,
Nicobar Isl, & Gulf qf Bengal.
28 M A C T R A.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
49 hemicardium3246 triangular G. #.83,/.c. EM. .295,
/.2. C.6,#.16,/.159-61.
TF.;j.240, <.57,/.7,8. E.Indies.
50 Fragum 3249 strawberry L.t. 315,/. 152. G. #. 33,
/.E. C.6, M6,/.166-7.
E. M. f. 295,/. 3. IF.
jo.241^.58,/1,2. Indian Seas.
51 Unedo 3250 white straw-i.f. 135,/. 151. G. #.83,
berry /.A. C.6, M6,/. 168-9.
E. M. t. 295, /. 4. TF.
p. 242, #.58, /.3. Amboyna,
52 retusura 3245 Diana-heartC.6>.l_2,/.139-42. E.M.
. 24 9,/. 3. TF.J5.243,
*.58,/.4,5. East Indies.
53 Cardissa 3245 spiny-keeled i. .318,/. 155. G.Z.84,
/.B.C.D. E.M. #.293,
/.3. C.6, #.14,/. 143-4.
IF.j?.244, #.59,/. 1,2.
54 hunrmnum smooth-keeled L.t. 2 19,/. 153. C.6,#.14,
/. 145-6. E. M. #. 294,
Indian Ocean & Persian Gulf.
1 Spengleri 3256 Spengler's C. 6, #. 20, /. 199-201.
E.M.*.252,/.3. C.ofG.Hope.
2 plicataria 3257 plaited C.6,f.20,/.202-4. Ind. Ocean.
3 papyracea 3257 paper C.6, *.2S,/.231. Nicobarlsl,
M A C T R A. 29
Linn, names. Cm. Etigl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
4 vitrca brittle C.9, .200,/.l 959-60. Ceylon.
5 striatula 3257 striated G. t. 85,/. F. C. 6, t. 21,
/. 205-6. E. M. t. 251,
/.I. West Indies.
6 cygnea 3260 swan C.6, .21,/.207. Tranquebar.
7 maculata 3<60 spotted C.6, #.21, /. 208-9. E.M.
/.254,/.3. Nicobar Islands.
8 turgida 3260 inflated C.6, .21,/.210-12. Tranquebar.
9 violacea 3260 violet C.6, *.22,/.213-4.
10 cuneata 3260 wedge -shap-C. 6, t. 22,/.215. E.M.
11 rotundata 3257 roundish i..263,/.99. U.
12 glabrata 3258 smooth L. t. 263,/. 99. G..71,
/.A. C.6, *.22,/.2 16-7.
African Ocean,
13 nitida 3258 pellucid S.Einl.3, *.8,/.2. u,
14 corallina 3258 wh.-banded G. t. 71, /. B. C. 6, *. 22,
/.218-9. Mediter. & Guinea;
15 lactea 3258 milky C.6, *.22,/. 220-21. Tranquebar.
16 striata 3257 striated C.6, i.22,/.222-3. u.
17 radiata rayed D.f.161. Britain *
18 Stultorum 3258 simpletons' L. t. 251, /. 85. G. t. 71,
/.C. C.6, .23,/.224-7.
E. M. t. 256,/. 3. M.
p.94. Britain, &c.
19 grandis 3259 large simple-C.6, f.23,/.228. New Jefsey.
30 M A C T II A.
Linn, names. i3m. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
20 achatina variegated C. 11, t. 200,/. 1957-3.
21 solida 3259 strong i.f.253,/87-8. C.6, .23,
/. 229-30. D. .61. M.
;>.92. Britain, &c.
22 solidissima 3259 thick C.10, M70,/1656. N. America.
[solida, var./3.]
23 subtruncata abrupt i. t. 253,/. 86. Mp. 93 f
Suppl.t.M,f.l. i.T.8,
M,/.1J. Britain.
24 australis 3221 southern C.6,f.3,/.19,20. New Zealand.
25 Listeri 3261 Lister's L. t. 253,/. 83. C. 6, t. 3,
/21. E.M.Z.257,/. 4.
D.f.64,/1. M./J.96.
Mouths of rivers, Britain, &c.
26. tennis thin M.p.572,t.l7,f.7. Britain.
27 Bovsii Boys's M. p. 98, #. 3,/. 7. JL.T.6,
28 triangularis triangular M.p.99, t.3,f.5.
29 minutissima minute M.Suppl.p.37. .
30 glanca 3260 red-rayed C.6, .23,/. 232-3. E.M.
^..125. M.
p. 571. Spain. Britain?
31 pellucida 3260 transparentC.6, i.24,/234. Guinea.
32 fragilis 3261 brittle C.6,t. 24,/.235. M.p.95,
t.5,f. 1. [M.dealbata.]
Britain, &c.
33 rugosa 3261 rugged C.6,f.24,/.236. Mediterranean,
D O N A X. 31
Linn, names. Gm. Ei/g/. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
34 /Egyptiaca Egyptian C.ll, #.200j/.l 955- 6. Red Sea.
35 complanata 3261 flat C.6, #.24,/.238-9. E. M.
#.258, /.4. Tranquebar.
36 lutraria 3259 large i.#.415,/.259. C.6, #.21,
/. 240-1. E. M. t. 258,
/.3. D.#.58. M.p.100.
Britain, &c.
37 hians gaping G. t. 90, lower/. A. D.
#.140. Mjj.lOl. Britain.
1 scortum 3262 beaked I,.#.377,/.220. C.6, #.25,
/ 242-7. E. M. t. 260,
/2. East Indies.
2 pubescens 3262 spiny C. 6, #. 25, /. 248. JE.Ml
#.260,/. 1. Amboyna.
3 rugosa 3262 wrinkled i.^.375,/. 216. G. #. 89,
/.E. C.6,#.25,/.250. S.Ocean.
4 Serra crenatcd C.6, #. 25, / iol-2. E.M.
#.2GOJ'.3. Tranquebar.
5 Trunculus 3263 yellow i.#. 376,/. 217. G.,#.88,
/.O. C.6, #.26,/253-4.
E. M. #. 262,/ 1. D.
#.91,/.l. ^f.jy.103. Britain,&c.
6 compiaiiata single-rayed i.#.384,/. 227. Jl/.^.106,
#.5,/4. Britain.
. 7 striata 3263 striated L.#.376,/219. C.6, #.26,
/. 255. E. M. t. 261,
/.9. West Indies.
Linn, names. Gin. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
8 denticulata 3263 toothed L.t. 376, /. 218-9. C. 6.
.26,/.256-7. D.t.24.
M.p.104. Mediterranean.
9 plebeia horn-colour.L.*.389,/.228. M.p.W7,
t.5, /.2. Britain.
10 castanea chesnut M.p.573, t.l7,f.2.
11 spinosa 3265 decussated C.6, .26,/.258. Tranquebar.
12 incarnata 32G5 flesh-colour. C.6, .26,/.259.
13 cuneata 3263 compressed jL.f.392,/231. C.6, .26,
/. 260. E. M. t. 261,
f.5. East Indies.
14 laevigata 3265 smooth C.6, .25,/.249. Tranquebar.
15 scripta 3264 lettered L. t. 379, /. 222 & 380,
/.223. G..88, f.Q. C.
6, /.26,/. 261-5. E.M.
t. 261, f. 2-4. Eastlndiesf
16 Faba 3264 bean-shapedC. 6, t. 26, / 266. E. M.
.261,/.7. Coast of Malabar.
17 radiata 3266 two-rayed S.Einl.3,p.l04, t.8,f.3.
18 muricata 3265 prickly L.S.N.p.llZQ. Indian Ocean.
19 straminca 3266 straw-col. S.Einl.3,p.l05,t.8,fA. u.
20 Candida 3266 white S.EinL 3,p.lQ6,t.8,f.5.
21 Irus 3265 foliated G. t. 95, f. A. C. 6, t. 26,
/. 268-70. E.M. .262,
/. 4. D. 1. 29, /. 2. M.
p. 108 & 573. Britain, &c.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
1 Dione 3266 prickly- L.t. 307, /. 140. G. t. 76,
mouthed /.D. C.6, .27,/.271-3.
.E.M.f.275,/1. S.America.
. *.279,/. 116. G.t.85,
/.A. C.6, .27,/.274-6.
E.M.t.275,fA. West Indies.
thick-ribbed L.t.W5,f. 132. C.6, #.27,
/. 277-8. E. AT. t. 276,
/.2. D..170.M.p.llO. Britain.
3282 grooved L.Af.p.546. U.
3268 American C.6, .27,/.282-6. E. M.
*.275,/.2. American Seas,
girdled i.^.378,/.115. C.6, .28,
/. 237-90. E.M. f. 268,
/.I. M.Suppl.pA2. W. Indies.
3268 ribbed L.^.277,/. 114. C.6, t. 28,
/.291-2. E.M.t.275,
f.5. E. Indies.
turban G.*.88,/. D. C. 6,^.27,
/. 27 9-81.
3276 plaited C.6, f.28,/. 295-7. jB. Jlf.
f.275,/3. Levant.
3269 excavated S.Einl.3,pA67,t.8,fAO. u.
2 Papliia 3268 wrinkled
3 fasciata
4 succincta
5 Marica
6 cingenda
7 Dysera
8 Tiara
9 plicata
10 excavata
11 spinifera
12 verrucosa
spiny M.p.577, tA7,f.l. Britain.
3269 warty JL t. 284,/. 1 22. G. t. 75,
/ H. C. 6, #. 29,/^99-
300. IU.44. M.J9.113.
Britain, &c.
Linn, names.
13 rigida
14 casina
15 cancellata
16 subcordata
17 minima
18 sulcata
19 Montagu!
20 Scotica
21 Danmonia
22 reflexa
23 Gallina
Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
rigid C.6, #.29,/303. W. Indies.
3269broad-ribbedZ.#.286,/.123. C.6, #.29,
/. 301-2. D.#. 149. Af.
p.47. Britain, &c.
3270 channeled C.6, #. 29,/. 304-7. -E.Af.
*.267,/.7. _D..115.Af.
p. 574. Indian Ocean.
subcordate Afp.121, #.3,/l. Britain?
red-streakedAf.p.121, #.3,/3.
furrowed M.p.lol. Scotland.
Montagu's M.Suppl.p.43,t.26,f.l.
3285 Scottish C.7, #.39,/413. M.pA4>.
irealis.] L.T.8,p.8l,t.2,f.3.
Devonshire M.Siwpl.pAS, #.29,/.4. Britain.
3290 reflected G. #. 75,/ O. Af. Suppl.
/K40&168. .
Z.#.295,/.131. C.6, #.30,
/. 308-10. .D.#.68. Af.
p.113. Britain, &c.
C.6, #.30,/. 311-12. Af.
Suppl. pA8&168. C. of Guinea.
3270 hen
24 circinata 3288 compass
25 Caliste 3277 sordid white5.En/.3, p. J56,#.8,/.8. Red Sea.
26 compressa 3282. compressed L.M.p.546. u.
27 exalblda whitish C.ll,#.201,/1974. Falkland Isl.
28 petulca clouded. i.5.JT.p.H31. S. of Europe,
29 granulata 3277 grained C.6, #.30,/313. D. #.83.
3f.j9.120. W.Indies. Britain?
SQ ovata oval Af.j^. 120. Z. T. 8 ; p. 85,
#.2,/4, Britain,
V E N U S.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
31 paupercula despised C.ll, #.202,/.19?7. Corbmandel.
32 flexuosa 3270 fiexuous G.t.83,f.I. C.6, #.31,
/. 333-4. E.M. t. 266,
/.6. West Indies.
33 Mactroides 3278 Mactra Z.#.251,/85. C.6, #.31,
[Corbicuta.] f.326. E.M.t.Q6Q,f.3.
34 tripla 3276 triple Z. #. 252,/. 86. G. t. 75,
/.Q. C.6,#.31,/330-2.
E.Jlf.#.269,/.4. Africa.
35 triangularis triangular JVf.;?.577, tA7,f.*3. Britain.
36 Malabarica 3277 Malabar C.6, #.31,/.324-5. Malabar.
37 flammea 3278 brown-band. S.Einl.3,p. 200,^.8, /.12. RedSea.
38 Erycina 3271 polished L.*.268,/104. C.6, #.32,
/. 337-9. E. 7IJ. f . 364,
/.3. Europe & Asia.
39 costata ribbed C.lt, #.202,/.1975. Cejlon.
40 mercenaria 3271 mercenary L.t. 271, /. 107. C. JO,
f. 17 1,/. 1659-60. E. M
f .263. North America.
41 Icelandica Icelandic L. t. 272,/. 108. G. /.58,
/.B. C.6,*.32,/.341-2.
D.t.77. M.p.114.
Britain, &c.
C.6, f.32,/336. Ceylon.
42 coaxans
43 lusoria
44 Chione
3278 Ceylon
3272 smooth-
C.6, f.32, /340> Amboyua.
L. t. 269,/. 105. G. #.86,
/.A. C. 6, t. 32,f. 343.
JE. M. t. 266, /.I. D.
#.17. M.p.115. Britain, &c.
Linn, names.
45 maculata
46 casta
47 Meretrix
48 paradoxa
49 Iteta
3278 globose
50 opima
3279 plump
51 triradiata
3279 three-raj
52 nebulosa
3279 clouded
53 conterata
3279 shabby
54 recens
55 Japonica
3279 Japan
56 striata
3279 striated
57 castrensis
3273 eastern
58 Pectunculus 3287 painted
59 Lorenziana
60 ornata
Cm . Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
3272 spotted L. t. 270,/. 106. G. t.86,
/ I. C. 6, t. 33, f. 345.
E.M.t.265,f.4. W. Indies.
3278 chaste C.6, .33,/.346. E. Indies.
3273 lipped G.t.76,f.C. C.6, t.33,
f. 347-52. E.M. .268,
f.G. Indian Seas.
JB.p.66, .4,/.l2,13. Peru?
G. t. 88, f. V. C. 6, t. 34,
f.353-4. Mediterranean.
C.6, t .34,/.355-7. E. Indies.
C.6, .34,/.356-8. Tranquebar.
C.6, .34,/.359-61.
C.6,*.S4,/36$-3. Malabar.
C.ll,.202 7 /.l979. Coromandel.
C. 6,.34,/364. E.M.
t. 267, f.G. Tranquebar.
C.6, f .S4,/. 365-6. Nicobar Isl.
L. t. 262,/. 98. G. t. 82,
/H. C.6,*.35,/367-
70. E.M. t.273,f. 1.
Amboyna, &c.
L.t. 254-7. G.f.82,/.G.
C.ll, ^.202,/.1693-4.
Red Sea, &c.
Lorenzo C.1 1, *.200,/. 1961-2. Ceylon,
adorned L.t. 259, f. 95. C. 6, .35,
/ 380-1. E.M.t.273,
/.2. Tranquebar.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
61 Phryne 3274 Phryne P.f.18,/4. Southern Ocean.
62 Meroe 3274 Meroe' Z.f.378,/221. C.6, .43,
/.450-4. East Indies.
63 Callipyga 3282 Arabian C.I 1^.20 1,/. 1968-70. Red Sea.
64 deflorata 3274 purp.-streak.L.^. 425,/. 273. G. t. 86,
/.B.C. C.6,*.9,/.79-83.
E.M. *.231,/.3,4. W. Indies.
65 fimbriata 3275 fringed
66 rcticulata
L. 1. 1056,/. 1. G. t. 75,
/.C. C.7,f.43,/.448-
9. East Indies.
JL/.335,/. 172. G.*.83,
/. F. C.7, ^.36,/382-4.
Ceylon and New S. Wales.
67 Puerpera 3276 spotted
G.t.76,f.G. C.6, #.36,
/ 388-9. E. M. t. 278,
E. Indies.
68 crenulata
69 radiata
70 cincta
71 squamosa
72 lapicida
73 divergens
74 pluiubea
3279 crenulated X.^.283,/. 11. C.6,
3280 rayed C.6,.36,/386. u.
3286 girdled C.6, t .36,/387. U.
3275 scaly G. t. 83,/. G. C. Q,t. 31,
y.335. Amboyna.
3269 rock C.10, ^.172,/1664-5. W.Indies.
3269 zig-zag C. 10, .17 2,/. 1666-7.
3280 leaden ' C. 7,f.69,/. A-D. . M.
^.259,3. New Zealand.
Linn, names. Gm.
75 tigerina 3283
76 Sinensis 3285
77 prostrata 3283
78 Pensylvanica3283
79 Jamaicensis Jamaica
80 spuria 3284
81 punctata 3284
S2 sinuata 3285
83 exoleta 3284
84 concentrica 3286
js>* *.>;>,- }./i. .
85 juvenilis
86 Eistrio 3287 map
Engl names. Synonyms. Habitat.
tiger Z. t. 305, /. 138. G. t. 77, I &
/.I. C. 6,37, /. 390-1.
JE. M.f.277,/4. W.Indies.
China C.10, #.171,/.1663. China,
compressed C.6, #.29,/.298. Tranquebar.
PensylvaniaZ.#.305,/138. C.7, .37,
/. 394-6. .E.M./.284,
/I. America.
G.*.88,/B. C.7,f.S9,
/.408. E.M.^.284,/. 2.
Z.f.296,/. 133. C.7, #.38,
/399. North Seas.
G.t.75,f.D. C.7, #.37,
^397-8. Amboyna.
Z.#.294,/.130. C.7,^.38,
/. 400-1. E.M.t. 279,
./* Tranqaebar.
antiquated Z. #. 291, / 127 & 293,
/. 129. .M.#.279,/5.
C.7, f. 38,/ 402-4. D.
#.42,/.l. M.p.iW. Britain,&c.
concentric Z.f. 288,/. 124. G.I. 76,
/.F. C.7, *.37,/.293.
E.M.#.279,/.2. Jamaica.
Z.i.295,/131. C.7, #.38,
/. 405. . JW. #. 280,
./2. Indian Seas.
C.7,#.38,/.407 .11.
f,20,/.l. E. Indies.
Linn, names.
87 unclata
88 tumidula
89 aculeata
90 pectinata
91 discors
92 dispar
93 equivoca
94 divaricata
Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
waved D.f.121. L.t.6,t.l7,f.l7,
18. M.p.117. Britain.
3285 gibbous L.M.p.546. u.
3293 acute ribbedS.E^/.3,/?.200, *.8,/. 13. U.
3285 pectinated L. t. 3 IS,/. 149. G. .72,
/.E.F. C.7, f.39,/415-
16. JS.Af.f .271,/.4. Araboyna^
3292 toothed X.#.312,/.148. C.7, f.39,
/. 418-19. E.M. i.271,
/.I. China.
unequal C. 11, f. 202, /. 1981-2.
E.M.<.271,/2. South Seas:
equivocal C.11, f.202,/.1980. JB.M.
.371,/.3. E.Indies.
3277 divaricated i.*.S10,/.146. C.6, #.30,
/.S16. E.Af,*.271,/.5. Ceylon;
3277 contrary C.6,f.30,/3 17-19. JB.M.
.259,/2. W. Indies.
corrugated C.7, f.39,/.410-ll. Red Sea.
3286 written G. *. 77,/. C. C. 7, f.40,
/. 420-6. E. M. f. 274,
/.I. Amboyna^
98 edentula 3286 toothless Z.f .260,/. 96. C. 7, #.'40,
/. 427-9. E.Af. #. 284,
/.3. Jamaica.
C.7,*.40,/.430-31. JE.M.
*.85,/.l. Red Sea.
95 contraria
96 corrugata
97 scripta
99 globosa 3287 globose
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
100 gigantea 3282 gigantic C.10,*.171,/.1661. -E.AL
*.280,/.3. W. Indies.
101 literata 3293 lettered i.*.402,/.246. G. t. 86,
/.F. C.7,*.41,/.432-4.
.E.M".f.280,/.4. Amboyna.
102 geographica 3293 geographic G.f. 86,/. H. C.7, .45,
y.440. Mediterranean.
103 rotundata 3294 rounded C, 7, t. 42,/, 441. E, JW.
f.281,/3. Ceylon.
104 Textile 3280 tissue Z.f.400,/.2S9. C.7,*.42,
/. 442-3. E. M. t. 283,
/i. Red Sea.
105 corrugata 3280 wrinkled C.7, ^.42,/.44i. Mediterranean.
}06 Senegalensis 3282 Senegal A.p.M7,t.l7,f.ll. Senegal.
107 decussata 3294 intersected ..423,/ 271. G. .85,
/.L. C.7,f.43,/. 455-6.
DJ-67. M.p.124. Britain, &c.
108 perforans boring Jlf.^.127, t.3,f.6. Britain,
109 pullastra Sandwich M. p. 124. L. T. 6, t. 17,
/.lS,14&8,f.2,/7. ^
J 10 virginea 3294 maidenly L. t. 403, /. 247 & 404,
/.248. C.7, f.43,/. 457.
E. M. t. 283,/. 2. JVf.
p. 128. L.T.8, t.2,f&.
Britain, &c.
Ill aurea 3288 golden X.f.404,/ 249. G. t. 85,
/. I. C. 7, * f 43,/. 458.
Af.p.119. Britain,
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
112 monstrosa 3280 uneq.-valvedC.7, *.42,/.445-6. Nicobarlsl.
113 fluminalis 3242 ventricose C. 6, t. 30, f. 320. E. M.
[Tel.] f.301,/2. Euphrates. Fr.w.
114 fluminea 242 heart-shap. C.6, .30,/.222-3. China. Fr.w.
115 fiuviatilis 3243 river C.6, .30,/.321. Canton. Fr.w.
116 hermaphro- 3278 triangular C.6, f.31,/327-9. Guinea. Fr.w.
1 Gaedaropus 3296 red thorny L. t. 206,/. 40. G. t. 99,
/.F.&G. C.7,*.44,
/.459-62. E.M. ^.190-
195. Amboyna.
2 regius 3298 royal ,C.7,f.46,/471. India.
3 plicatus 3298 spineless L. t. 210,/. 44. G. t. 99,
/.E. C.7,f.47,/479-
82. W. Indies.
4 citreus citron A.t.20,fK.
1 Cor 3299 heart L. t. 275,/. 111. G.f.71,
/.E. C. 7,*. 48, / 483.
E. M. t. 232,/. 1. D.
M34. Jkf.j!>.134. Britain, &c.
C H A M A.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
2 Gigas 3299 giant L.t.351,f. 189. G. t. 92,
/. B. F. C. 11, t. 204,
/. 1997-8. E.M. .235,
/.2-4.&*.236,/.l. Amboyna.
3 Hippopus 3300 spotted L.t.350,f. 188. G.t. 93,
/.A. C.7,^.50,/498-9.
4 antiquata
5 Moltkiana
6 plumbea
7 Ajar
8 trapezia
9 semiorbicu
10 calyculata
11 cordata
12 satiata
13 rugosa
14 oblonga
3300 antiquated Gr.f.71,/. I.L. C.7,f.48,
/.488-91. E.M. .233,
y!2. Mediterranean.
3303 Moltkian C.7, <.48,/. 484-7. E.M.
.233, /.I. China.
leaden C.ll,.203,/.1991-2. S. Sea.
Ajar C.7, *.48,/. 490-1. E.M.
*.233,/.3. Mouth of the Niger.
3301 trapeziform i. t. 344, /. 181. C. 11,
f.204,/ 2005-6. E.M
<.234,/.7. Norway.
3301 brown C.7, .50,/. 502-3. .M.
*.233,/.4. Arabia.
3301 variegated i. f.S47,/. 184. G. f.90,
2000. E.M.*.233,/.6.
Indian Seas.
3301 heart-shap. L.S.N.p.1138. u.
3301 obsolete L.S.N.p.1138. u.
3305 rugged L.M.p.546. u.
3302 oblong C. 11, t. 203, /. 1993-4.
E.M.f.234,/.2. Guinea.
Linn, names. Gin. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
15 concamerata 3304 chambered C. 7, t. 50,/. 506. E.M.
f.234,/.6. W. Indies.
16 Pectunculus peduncle L.t. 347, f.\ 85. u.
17 coralliophaga3305 coral-rock C.10, M72,/.1673-4. E.Indies.
18 Lazarus Lazarus C.7, t. 51,/.507-9. E.M.
19 gryphoides 3302 gryphus
20 cornuta
21 sessilis
3303 horned
Z.*.212,/.47. G.M01,
/.D.E. C.7,f.51,/.510-
13. E. M.f.196,/4,5. Africa.
L.t. 214, /. 49. G. *. 101,
f.G. C.7,f.51,/.507-
9. .E.M. M96,/6.
22 foliacea 3304 leafy
23 punctata
24 sinistrorsa
25 Arcinclla
i.<.213,/48. C.I 1,^.203,
/. 1995-6. E.M. M96,
/.2. West Indies.
G..101,/.C. C.7, ^.52,
/.521. E.M.*.197,/.2. I/.
E. M. #. 197,/. 3. Guadaloupe.
C.9,#.116,/.992-3. E.M.
#.196,/.S. West Indies.
3303 hedge-hog i.f.355,/192. C.7,f.52,
/. 522-3. E. M. *. 197,
/.4. East Indies.
44 A RCA.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
1 tortuosa
2 Nose
3 barbata
4 imbricata
5 navicularis
6 plicata
7 Candida
8 complanata
9 Magellanica
10 lacerata
11 bicolorata
12 ovata
13 cancellata
3305 twisted G.t. 95, /. B. C. 7, t. 53,
/. 424-5. E. M. Z.305,
jf.1. Amboyna.
3306 Noah's L.t.368,f. 208. G. #. 87,
/. H. C.7, .53,/.529-
Red Sea. Britain?
3306 bearded L. t. 231, /. 65. G. .91,
/. F. C. 7, *. 54,/. 535.
E.M.t.309,f.L. Mediter.
imbricated L.t.367,f. 207. G. . 87,
/.F.G. C.7, .54,/.532.
E.M.t.305 } f.3.b. Africa.
boat C.7, f.54,/.533. St. Domingo,
plaited C.ll, *.204,/.2008. Red Sea.
3311 white i.f.229,/. 64. C.7,*. 55,
/. 542. E. M. t. 229,
/.64. West Indies.
compressed C.7, .55,/.544-5. Guinea.
3311 Magellanic C.7, <.53,/.539. St. of Magellan.
hairy C.7, .54,/.536-7. E. M.
f.309,/2. E.Indies.
2-coloured C.ll, #.204, /.2007. Red Sea.
3307 oval C.7, .54,/.538.
3308 channelled )S.Em/.3,p.294,.9,/.2.Curacoa.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
14 fusca brown D. 5, t. 158, /. 3, 4.
M.Suppl.p.51. Britain.
15 Modiolus 3307 muscle i.#.365,/.205. C.8, #.84,
/754. Mediterranean.
16 Cucullus 3311 chambered C.7, #.53,/. 526-8. E.M.
#.304. Nicobar Islands.
17 antiquata 3409 antiquated L. t. 230,/. 64. G.t.87,
/.B.C. C.7, #.55,/548-
9. W. Indies, &c.
18 granosa 3210 grained L. t. 241, /. 78. G. t. 87,
/.E. C. 7, #. 56,/. 557.
_E.M.#.307,/.l. Tranquebar.
19 rhomboidea 3314 rhomboid L. t. 244,/. 75. G.t.87,
f.A. C.7,#.56,/553.
E.Af.#.307,/.3. E. Indies.
20 senilis 3309 rugose L. t. 238,/. 72. G.t.87,
f.D. C.7, #.56,/.554-6.
.E..M.#.308,/. 1. Jamaica.
21 Indica 3312 Indian i.#.232,/.66. C.7, #.55,
/. 543. E. M. t. 305,
/.3.b. Coromandel.
22 Corbicula 3310 basket i.#.234,/68. C. 7, #.56,
/ 558. E. M. t. 309,
/.5. Cape of Good Hope.
23 Senegalensis 3312 Senegal J.;;.248, #.18,/.6.
Mouths of the Niger.
24 lactea 3309 milky .#.235,/. 69. C.7, #. 55,
/. 547. D. #. 135. M.
/).138. Britain, &c.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
25 reticulata 3311 reticulated _L..233,/.67. C. 7, t. 54,
/540. W. Indies.
26 pellucida 3308 transparent C. 7, *. 54,/. 541. E.M.
*.309,/8. Nicobar Islands.
27 Pella 3307 brittle C. 7, . 55,/. 546. E.M.
t.309,f.9. Mediterranean.
28 Campechen- 3212 Campeachy L. t. 237, / 71. E. M.
sis .310, f.l. Bay of Campeachy.
29 Pectunculus 3313 pectuncle L. t. 239,/. 73. G. t. 72,
/.H. C.7, #.58,/568-9.
E.M.#.ll,/5. S. America.
30 pectinata 3313 comb-like L.t .243,/. 74. C.7, #.58,
/. 571-2. E. M. f. 311,
/.6. W. Indies.
31 decussata 3310 decussated C. 7, . 57,/. 561. E.M.
f.311,/.l. E.&W.Tndies.
32 aequilatera 3311 equilateral C.7, f .57,/562. W.Indies.
33 pallens 3311 pale S.Einl.3, p.270, .9,/,l.
34 angulosa 3315 angular JL/.245,/.76. C. 7, #.57,
y.567. Jamaica.
35 undata 3312 waved G. *.72,/.G. C.7,/.57,
36 Glycymeris orbicular X. #.247,/ 82. G. #. 82,
/.C.D. .M.#.310,/3.
C. 7, #. 57,/. 564. Z/r.
8, #.3,/.3. Britain, &c.
37 pilosa 3314 downy i. #. 240,/. 77. G.t.77,
/.A. C.7,*.57,/. 565-6.
E. M. *. 310,/. 2. Jlf.
/?.136. X.T.8, #.3,/.4.
Linn, names.
38 stellata
39 scripta
40 nummaria
41 striata
42 Nucleus
Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms.
44 mmuta
45 tenuis
3289 starred
3314 coin
3308 thickly
3314 silvery
43 rostrata 3308 beaked
3309 minute
A.p.%53, .18, f.W. Africa.
L.t.<2 16, f.80. B..6,/.l.
E.M.t'3\\,f.8. St. Domingo.
Z..239,/81. C 7, .58,
/. 572. E. M. .311,
fA. Mediterranean.
C.7,.58,/.573. Red Sea.
G. .88,/. R. C. 7, t, 58,
/.574. E.M.#.3ll,/.3.
D.^.63. M.p.141. Britain,&c.
C.7,*.55,/550-l. E.M.
t. 309, /. 7. M. Suppl.
J9.55, f.27,/.7. Scotland, &c.
D.t.78. M.p.UO. Britain, &c.
M.Suppl.p.56,t.Q9,f.l. Scotland.
1 maxima 3315 greatest L. t. 161,/ 1. G. t. 98,
/.A.B. C.7, .60,/.585.
E. M. t. 209,/. 1. -D.
.49. M./7.143. Britain, &c.
2 Jacobaea 3316 lesser
C. 6, ^. 60, /. 588-9.
E. A/. /.209, f. 2. D.
.137. M./>.144.
Mediterranean. Britain ?
48 O S T R E A.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
3 Zic-zac 3316 zig-zag L.t. 168,/.5. C. 7, t. 61,
/. 590-2. E. Jkf. t. 207,
/! W. Indies.
4 striatula 3316 16-rayed M. L. Z7.^.524, No. 101.
Indian Ocean.
5 minuta 3317 minute M.L.U.p.524-, No. 102.
6 Pleuronectes 3317 sole G. t. 73, f. B. C. 7, . 61,
/. 595. . M. *. 208,
f* 3. Amboyna.
7 Japonica 3317 Japan C. 7, t. 62, f. 596. E. M.
*.208,/.4. Japan.
8 Laurentii 3317 Lorenzo's C.7,.61,/593. S.America.
9 Magellanica 3317 Magellanic C. 7, t. 62, f. 597. E.M.
*.208,/.5. Str. of Magellan.
10 hybrida 3318 hybrid L.tA73,f. 10. C.7, . 63,
/601-2. Norway.
11 Radula 3318 rasp L.t. 175,/. 12. G.t.74,
/.L. C. 7, f . 63,/. 599,
600. JOf.*.208,/2.
12 imbricata 3318 imbricated C.7, ^.69,/G. Red Sea,
13 Plica 3318 folded C.7,.62,/.598.ll,f.57,
/2041. Amboyna.
14 Pes-lutra 3339 OtterVfoot L. t. 171, /. 8. G. . 74,
/C.C. u.
15 Pallium Ducal mantlei. 1. 187,/. 25. G. . 74,
/. F. C. 7, f.64,/.607.
-E.M.^.210,/1. India.
O S T R E A. 49
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
16 sanguinolenta3322 red spotted C.7, f.64,/.608. Red Sea.
17 palliata 3331 varic-atcd K.I, f.19,/2. Mediterranean.
18 nodosa 3322 knobbed L. t, 186,/. 24. G. t. 99,
/.C.D. C.7, f.64,/609-
11. E.M.f.210,/2.
Africa & America.
19 Pes-felis 3323 cat's-foot C.7,f.64,/.612&f.65,
613. Africa.
20 histrionica 32'26 Harlequin C.7, f. 65,/. 614. E. M.
f.210,/4. U.
21 Islandica 3326 Iceland
22 senatoria 3327 senator
23 citrina 3327 citron
L. t. 1057,/. 4. G. ^. 73,
/.R. C.7,#.65,/.615-6.
North Seas.
C.7, *.65,/618.
24 pellucens 3323 pellucid i.J.184,/. 21. C.7, t.66,
f. 625-7. E. M. f.213,
/.6. W. Indies.
C.7, .66,/ 622-4. Moluccas.
C.ll,.207,/.2031-6. N. Ocean.
C.ll, <.207,/.2039.
C.ll, ^.207,/2037-8. Red Sea.
i.M85,/.22. C.7, t. 66,
/628 f W. Indies.
30 porphjrea 3328 porphyry C.7, *.66,/.632. Red Sea.
25 obliterata 3323 worn
3327 tiger
3327 Fucus
26 tigerina
27 Fuci
28 exotica
29 sanguinea 3323 scarlet
Linn, names.
31 varia
32 sauciata
33 Pusio
34 sinuosa
35 miniata
36 vitrea
37 obsoleta
38 iaevis
Cm. Eiigl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
various L.t. 180, 181, & 189. G.
f. 73,/. C. I. N. C. f,
t. 66, f. 633-4. E. A/.
Britain, &c.
Red Sea.
3328 uneq.-rayedC.7, .69,/.H.
3324 wrinkled G.f.74,/.A.H. C.7,f. 67,
/.635-6. Nicobar Islands.
3319 distorted .M72,/9. D.J.34. M.
J9.148. Britain.
3321 vermilion B.p.W4,t.7,f.l. u.
3328 glassy C.7, f.67,/637. a. N. Ocean.
3328 obsolete IU.l,/.2. M.p.149. Britain.
smooth E.M.t.214-,f.6. Mp.lSO,
t. 4,/. 4. i. r. 8, t. 3,
39 triradiata 3326 three-rayed C.I 1/.207,/2043. E.M.
40 Solaris
41 glabra
42 Proteus
43 opercularis 2325 painted
C.7, f.67,/638.
3324 glabrous G. t . 73,/. II. C. 7, t. 67,
f. 641-5. JE. M. t. 213,
y.2. Mediterranean^
variable C.ll, ^.207,/.2042. -
JL.M82,/. 19. C.7,t.67,
/ 646. E.M.t. 213,
/.3. D.M2. Af.^.145.
Britain, &c.
Linn, names. Gin. En<*l names. Synonyms. Habitat.
44 lincata 3319 lineated L. t. 170,/. 7. D. t. 116.
45 Tranqucba- 3328 Tranquebari. t. 179, /. 16. G. t. 73,
46 gibba
48 snlcata
49 flavicans
50 fasciata
51 inflata
52 fragilis
53 hians
54 Lima
55 scabra
3325 gibbous
47 turgida 3327 turgid
3325 sulcated
3331 yellowish L.S.N.p.llM.
3331 banded
/.L.M. .E.AI.f.212,/4.
E. Indies.
G.t.73,f. D.F. C.7, *.65,
/ 6 19-20. E.M.t.21'2,
y.3. S. America.
L.t. 169,/. 6. C. 7, t. 65,
/.621. a.b. E.Indies.
C.7, #.63, /.603-4. Malabar.
3321 inflated
3332 brittle
3332 gaping
3332 file
3332 rough
glacialis 3332/3 glacial
S. Ocean.
L. t. 177, f. 14. G. f. 88,
E.M.*,206,/5. W.Indies.
C. 7, *. 68, /. 649. b.
M.Suppl.p.63, #.29,/2.
C.7, f.68,/.650. Nicobar Isl.
5.p.S32, #.9,/4. Norway.
G. *. 88,/. F. C. 7, *. 68,
/651. E. M. ^.206,/4.
L.^.176,/. 13. C.7, *. 68,
/.652. KM. J.206,/2.
W. Indies.
C. 7, f. 68,/. 653. .JW.
57 excavata 3332 excarated C.7, t.68,f.
H 2
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
58 Malleus hammer L. t. 219,/. 54. G. t. 96,
/.D.E. C.8,*.70,/.655-
6. E.M.f.l77,/.12,13.
59 anatina 3333 duck C. 8, t. 70, /. 658 & 71,
Nicohar Islands,
60 fornicata 3335 vaulted C. 8, t. 71, f. 667. E.M.
f r !78,/.6,7. Red Sea.
61 orientalis eastern C. 8, . 7 1,/. 660. E.M.
*.184,/.4. E. Indies.
62 Folium 3324 corrugated C. 8, f. 71,/. 662. JB.M.
f.184,/. 10-14. Amboyna.
63 plicatula 3336 plaited G.f.104,/. A. C. 8, .73,
/.674. VV. Indies.
64 Sinensis 3335 China C. 8, t . 72, f. 668. E. M.
M84,/i. China.
65 cristata 3337 crested .B.p.112, t.7,f.3. u.
66 Forskalii 3336 Forskael's C. 8, t. 72, f. 671. E. M.
f.J81,/.5. Egypt.
67 rostrata S336 beaked Cr.f.103,/. D. C. 8,. 73,
/.676. Mediterranean.
68 Virginica 3336 Virginian L.t.200,f. 34. C. 8, . 73,
/. 677. E. M. t. 180,
y.1-3. Virginia.
69 Cornucopia 3336 cornucopia C. 8, t. 74, f. 679. E. M.
1. 182, f. 1,2. Africa.
70 orbicularis 33S4 orbicular G.M04,/.G. C. 8, t. 74,
/.680. East Indies.
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
71 arborea 3336 tree C. 8, t. 74, f. 681. E. M.
[parasitica.] M85,/.l-3. Ea&t Indies.
72 Senegalensis 3337 Senegal J.^.202, M4,/.5. Senegal.
73 denticulata toothed C.8,f.73,/. 672-3. E.M.
M83,/.l-4. C. of G.Hope-
74 edulis 3334 eatable L. t. 193-4 & 202-3. G.
*.202,/.A.B. C.8,*.74,
/682. Ocean.
75 spondyloidea3335 spondyloid C.8, .72,/.669-70. .E.M.
*.178,/.l. Indian Seas.
76 ovalis 3337 oval S.Em/.3,p.378,*.9,/8. U.
77 semiaurata 3335 half-eared S.Ew/.3,;?.365,f.9,/.6. Mediter.
78 Perna 3338 oblong L. t. 199, /. 33 & t. 228,
/63. C. 7, t. 59, / 597-
80. E.M.t.l75,f.l.
W. Indies.
79 Isognomon 3338 long-hinged C. 7,t. 59,/. 584. E. If.
.176,/.l. Amboyna.
80 Ephippium 3338 saddle L.t .227,/. 62. C. 7, .58,
/ 576. E. M. t. 176,
y.2. Tranquebar.
81 alata 3339 winged C.T, f.59,/581. West Indies.
82 picta 3339 muscle-shap.C.7, f.58,/.575. Red Sea.
83 Legumen 3339 pod-shaped C. 7, f . 59,/. 578. E. M.
M75,/.2,3. Nicobar Islands.
84 Vulsella 3219 tongue-shap.X. M055,/. 10. G. t. 90,
/.H. E.M.M78,/.4,5.
C.6, ^.2,/.8-ll. Amboyna.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl.name*. Synonym. Habitat.
1 craniolaris 3340 cranium C.3,#.T6,/.687.a-f. E.M.
#.17 1,/. 1-7. Philippine Isl.
2 turbinata 3721 top-shaped M.Z.D.l,pA4,t.5. Norway.
[Patella anomalaJ\
3 Ephippium 3340 orbicular L. t. 204, /. 38. G. #. 97,
/.B. E. M#.169,/.6,7.
C.8, #.76,/. 692-3. D.
# 26. M./U55. Britain, &c.
4 Cepa 3341 onion C.8, #.76,/. 694-5. E.M
5 electrica 3341 small amberL.#.205,/.39. C.8, #.76,
/. 691. E. M. #.171,
/3,4. Mediterranean.
6 punctata 3346 dotted C. 8, #. 77,/. 698. E.M.
#.171,/.8,9. Fcrroelsl.
7 aculeata 3346 prickly- C.8, t. 77, f. 702. E.M.
valved #.171,/. 10. M.p. 157,
#.4, f.5. Britain, &c,
8 muricata 3346 inuricated C.8,p.65,/. A.D. E.M.
#.171,/ 12-15. Guinea,
9 undulata 3346 striated i.#.202,/.36. C.8, #.77,
/. 699. E. M #. 171,
/. 16,17. D. #.45. M.
Britain, &c.
JO patelliformis 3342 limpet-shap.C.8, #. 77,/. 700. E. M
/.in,/. 18,1 9. Norway,
A N O M I A. 55
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
11 Squama 33-16 scaly C.8, t. 77, /. 697. E. M.
f.171,/22-3. Norway.
12 pectinata 3340 comb-like C.8,f.76,/.689-90. E.M.
M71,/.20,21. Mediterranean.
13 cylindrica 3349 cylindric M.Suppl.p.Q^. L.T.8, t.3,
f.6. Britain, &c.
14 scobinata 3342 rough C. 8, t. 78, f. 704. E.M.
f.213,/,.9. Mediterranean.
15 aurita 3342 eared G.f.96,/.B. U.
16 retusa 3342 blunt L.S.N.pA151. Norway.
17 truncata 3343 truncated C.8, .77,/.701. Mediterranean.
18 Capensis 3347 Cape C.8, *.77,/703. C. of G.Hope.
19 detruncata 3347 scmicircularC. 8, t. 78, /. 705. E.M.
*.243,/.10. Mediterranean.
20 pubescens 3344 downy G.f.96,/.C. E.M. f.246,
/.8. Norway Seas.
21 sanguinolenta3347 scarlet-ray. C.8, f.78,/.706. E. Indies.
2.2 Caput-ser- 3344 snake's-headC. 8, t. 78,/ 712 & 11,
Jjentis .203,/.2013-4. E.M.
f.241,/2. Norway Seas.
23 Terebratula 3344 TerebratulaKY. os*. f. 1 1,/ 74. E.M.
/.239,/.l. Mediterranean.
24 vitrea 3347 brittle C.8, f.78,/.707-9. Norway.
25 cruenta blood-red L.Z.M.l,p.76, t.33. S.Seas.
26 dorsata 3348 keeled C.8, *.78,/.7 10-11. E.M.
f.242,/1. Str. of Magellan.
27 psittacea 3348 parrot-beak. Z-'-21 1,/. 46. C. 8, f.78,
/.713. E.M.^.244,/3.
N. Seas.
Linn, names. Cm. EngL names. Synonyms. Habitat.
28 tridentata 3348 3-toothed C. 8, t.p. 65,/F.G. Mediter.
29 Placenta 3345 cake I..f.225,/.GO&2Gl,/.Gl.
C.8, <.79,/716. E.Uf.
f.173,/1-3. Tranquebar.
30 Selia 3345 saddle G.J.104, /! B. C. 8, t. 79,
/.714. E.JH.f.174,/1.
31 flexuosa 3349 flexuous S.Einl.3,pA18, t.9,f.ll.
Norway Seas.
32 spondylodes 3348 spondylus Z.#.211,/.45. u.
1 Crista-galli 3350 cock's-combG.f. 204,/.E, C. 8, t. 75,
/.G83-4. Red Sea,
2 Hyotis 3350 horned G.f.103,/. A. C. 8, t. 75,
/. 685. E. M. t. 186,
3 Frons
3350 leaf
X.M97,/.32& 198,32.a.
6. W. Indies.
4 margaritife- 3351 pearly L. t. 221,/. 56. G. t. 84,
rus /. E. F. G. C. 8, , 80,
/.717. E.M.U77,/.!,
2&4. Amboyna.
M Y T I L U S.
Linn, names.
Q Unguis
7 lithophagus
8 uristatus
9 rugosus
10 coral linpha-
1 1 pracisus
12 fuscus
13 arborescens
14 plicatus
15 vulgaris
16 niveus
17 bilocularis
18 exustus
19 striatulus 3358 striated
20 niger
21 edulis
22 pellucidus
23 ungulatus
Gm. Engl. nnmea. Synonyms. Habitat.
3351 nail M..t7.539.No. 131. Meditcr.
3351 burrowing XJ.427,/. 268. G. . 90,
/.D. C. 8, . 82,/. 729-
30. -E.M.f.221,/6,7.
E.& W.Indies,
cross-beak. A.p.%67, M9,/2. Senegal.
3352 rugged C.8, t 82,/.735. D.M41.
M.p.16*. Britain, &c.
3359 coral-boringC. 8, t. 84,/. 75'2. E. M.
*.219,/.4. E.&W. Indies,
truncated A/.^.165, ^.4,/.2. Britain.
3359 brown i.f.3.59,/.197. E.Indies,
dendritical C. 1 1, f. 198, /. 2016-17.
E.M.f.221,/2. W.Indies.
3358 plaited C.8, #.82,/733. Nicobar Isl.
3358 small C. 8, ^. 82,/ 732. E. M.
218,/4. W.Indies.
3358 snow-white C.8, f.82,/.734. Nicobar Isl.
3352 two-celled C.8,#.82,/.736-7. Indian Ocean.
rose-colour.L.^.366,/206. C.8, .83,
f.744. Tranquebar.
S. EinL 3, p. 449, t. 9,
f.\Q. Northern Ocean.
J./J.211, #.15,/3. Africa.
i.*.362,/.200. C.8, ^.84,
/. 750-1. D.M28. M.
p. 159. Britain, &c.
D.t.Ql. M.p.lQO. Britain.
C.8, f .84,/.756. , West Indies,
3362 black
3353 eatable
3354 ox-hoof
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
24 latus broad C. 8, t . 84,/. 747. E. M.
_ !2. New Holland.
25 elongatus 3361 lengthened C.8,<.83,/.738. Str. of Magellan.
26 sraaragdinus 3359 green-coat. C.8,.83,/.745. Tranquebar.
27 lineatus 3359 wedge-shap.C.8,.84,/.753. u.
28 bidens 3354 double- L..356,/.193. W.Indies.
29 puniceus 3362 ventricose -4./>.210,M5,/.2. Goree.
30 demissus silvery i..358,/196. America.
31 Modiolus 3354 great L. t. 359, /. 198 & 1057,
/. 5. G. t. 91, f. H. C.
8, f.85,/ 557-9. KM.
f.219,/.l. D.f.23. M.
p. 163. Britain, e.
32 Cygneus 3355 swan i..156,/.ll. G
33 Anatiaus 3355 duck
C.8,#.85,/.762. E.M.
#.201,^.1. D.^.55. M.
p. 170. Britain, &c. Fr.w.
X.^.153,/8. G.t.T,f.E.
C. 8, *.86,/.763. .M.
#.202,/.l. D.^.llS.M.
34 Avonensis Avon M.p.172. L.T. 8,t.3. A.
f.4. Britain, Fr.w.
35 fluviatilis 3359 river JL*.157,/.12. N. America.
36 dubius 3363 doubtful ^.p.234, t.l7,f.21. Senegal.
37 ruber 3356 red L.S.N.p.1158. Southern Ocean.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
38 discrepans compartmentC.8, #.86, f. 766-7. E.M.
2.204,/.4. Af.p.l69.&
Suppl.p.65, #.26,/4. Britain.
39 discors discordant C. 8, t. 86,f. 764-5. D.
t.25. M.pA67. Britain, &c.
40 impactus wool-coatedC. 8, t. 86,/. 768. E.M.
.204,/.5. New Zealand.
41 Faba 3359 bean C.8,<.85,/761. Greenland.
42 Hirundo 3357 swallow L. t. 220,/. 55. G. t. 94,
/.B. C. 8, t. 81,/. 722.
JE.M.M79,/.9. W. Indies.
43 Mono mulberry C.ll,*.205,/.2018-9. RedSea.
44 Ala-corvi 3357 crow's-wing C. 8, t. 8 1,/ ?27. E.M.
t.!77,f.6. S. Sea Islands.
45 Lingua tongue C. 10, t. 172, /. 1675-6.
E. M.f.250,/.l. Amboyna.
46 Camellii Camelli's Sh.N.M.9,t.315. Japan.
47 Canaliculus 3363 channelled M.U.C.2,t.78. New Zealand.
48 incurvatus incurved M^.160. L.T.8,t.3,f.7. Britain.
49 umbilicatus umbilicated D. 2, t. 40. M. p. 164. &
Suppl.p.7\. '
1 rudis 3363 rough i.f.373,/. 214. G.t.79,
/.C. C. 8, .88, /. 773.
E.Af.f.l99,/.S. W. Indies.
Linn, names.
2 nigra
3 ingens
4 pectinata
5 inflata
6 carnea
7 rigida
8 nobilis
9 muricata
10 exusta
11 Vexilluin
12 squamosa
13 rotundata 3365 giant
14 bicolor
15 incurva
16 vitrea
Gin. Ertgl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
black G.t.Sl,f. A. C. 8, .88,
/T74. E.M.M99,/.!.
Red Sea.
Britain, &c.
great .M.p.180. Suppl.p.TZ. Scotland.
3363 spiny-ribbedG.f.90,/. A. E.M.t.WO,
f.5. C. 8, f. 87,/.770.
D. 1, 1. 10. M. p. 178.
inflated C.8, f.87,/771. Nicobar Isl.
3365 flesh-colour.C.8,Z.92,/.785. M./}.183,
rigid C.8, t.89,f.775.
3364 sharp-scaled G. t. 78,/. B. C. 8, f. 99,
f.776-7. Mediterranean.
3364 prickly L. t. 370, f. 210. G.*.79,
/.D.C.8,.91,/781. E.Indies.
3366 pear-shapedC.8, #.91,/.782. New Zealand.
3366 banner C.8, f.91,/.783. Indian Seas.
3365 scaly L.t 374,/. 215. G. t. 78,
/.A. C.8, f. 92,/. 784.
JE.M.f.200,/1. Mediter.
G.t.80,f. A. C. 8,*. 93,
/.787. E.M.^,200,/2. - -
3366 two-colour. C.8, ^.90,/780. Red Sea.
3366 incurved C. 8, t. 90, /. 778. E. AT.
.200,/.3. Amboyna.
3366 brittle G. f. 78,/ C. C. 8, t. 87,
/.772. Indian Seas.
PINNA. fjl
Linn, names. Gin. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
17 papyracea 3367 paper C.8,.93,/.786. Indian Seas.
18 saccata 3365 satchel- i.f.371,/.212. C.8, #.90,
shaped /779. Mediterranean.
19 digitiformis 3365 finger-shap. L.S.N.p.1160. Indian Ocean.
20 bulhta 3367 studded G.t.79, /.C. u.
21 lobata 3366 lobed L.S.N.p.ll60. Indian Ocean.
Linn, names. Gin. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
1 Argo 3367 oriental L.t.556,f.7. G.*.12,/.A.
C.I, t. IT,/. 157. Mediter.
2 tuberculata tuberculatedG. t. 12,/. B. C. 1, . 17,
/.156. Amboyna.
3 hians gaping G. 1. 12,/. C. C. 1, 1. 17,
/.158-9. China.
C.I, f.18,/160. Mozambique.
C.l,j?.221,/2. E. Indies.
C.I, MB,/. 163. Amboyna.
4 Gondola boat
5 Haustrum bucket
6 vitrea 3368 brittle
7 Cymbiotn 3368 minute G.M2,/.D.
8 Cornu 3368 horn C.10, .137,/.1271-3.
C. of Good Hope.
9 arctica 3368 arctic Fab.F.G.p.386. Greenland.
10 bullata studded G.*.79,/.C. u.
11 Cornu horn-shapedF.T.M.f.l. C. of Good Hope.
Linn.names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
1 Pompilius 3369 great-cham-Z./.550,/. 1-3. G.J.17&
bered 18. C. 1, f.18,/. 164 &
19, /. 165-7. E. M.
f.471,/.3. Amboyna.
2 scrobiculatus sunk-spire JL.552,/.4. C. 10,?. 137,
/. 1274-5. New Guinea.
3 lacustris 3624 lake M.p.l9l,t.6,f.3. Britain.
[JET. nitida.}
4 Calcar 3370 spur G. 1. 19,/. C. C. 1, t. 19,
/.1 68-9. F.T.M. t.\\,
12 & 13. Adriatic.
5 rotatus wheel C.I, t. 19, /. 180-1. M.
p. 189, *.15,/.4. Britain, &c.
6 lasvigatulus smooth M.Sw^/>/.p.75/.18,/.7,8.Britain.
7 depressulus compressed M Suppl.p. 79, .18,y.9.
8 crispus keel-edged G.M9,/. A.D. C.I, ^.20,
/. 172-4. F. T. M.t.4,
/.a-c. M.p. 187, *.18,
/.5. Britain, &c.
9 Beccarii 3370 Beccaria's C. 1, t. 20,/. 175-7. M.
p. 186. SuppLp.74ft.18,
10 Balthicus 3370 Baltic S.J3*W.l,p.20,f.l,/.2. Baltic.
11 crassulus strong M. p. 191. Suppl.t.18,
/.2. Britain.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
12 umbilicatulus umbilicated M. p. 191. Suppl. p. 78,
M8,/.l. Britain.
13 lobatulus lobed L.T.8,pA\7.
14 rugosus 3371 rugged S.EinlA,pA2. Southern Ocean.
15 umbilicatus 3371 oblique- S Einl. 1, p. 12. Croatia.
16 Spirula 3371 ram's-horn i.f.550,/.2. G.tA9,f.E.
[Spicula.] C. 1, t. 20, f. 184-5.
E.M.f.465,/.5. W. Indies.
17 Spengleri 3371 Spengler's F.T.M.tA4,f. d-i,& 15,
/. a-h. E. M. t. 470,
/". 4. Sands in India.
18 unguiculatus 3372 nail-sliaped
19 semilituus 3372 half-crozier C. 1, t. 20, f. 186-7. M.
p.\96. Suppl.t.l9 t f.l. Britain.
20 Lituus 3372 crozier Red Sea.
21 carinatulus keeled M.^.195. L.r.8,p.ll8. Britain.
22 obliquus 3372 obliquely- G..19,/ N. M. p. 1. 14,
striated J'A.jugosus.
23 Raphani- 3372 12-striated S.EinlA,p.1.5. Mediterranean.
24 Raphanus 3372 17-striated G. t. 9,/. L.M. C.I,/;. 1,
25 costatus ribbed M.pA99, /.14,/.5. Suppl.
p.83, M9,/.2. Britain.
26 Granum 3372 8-striated S.EinlA,pA6. Mediterranean.
27 Radicula 3373 bulhous- C.l,p.l,/.G.g. M.pA97,
jointed f.6,/.4.&M4,/6. Britain.
N A U T I L U S.
32 inaequ-.iliH 3373 unequal
33 siphunculus 3373 ringed
34 Legumen 3373 Pod
i. names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
28 spinnlosus spinous-jointedM.&/p/>/./>.86, .19,/5. Britain.
29 subarcuatus sub-arcuated M.p.l 98, /. 6, f.5. , .
30 bicarinatus two-keeled M.Suppl.p.86.
31 Fascia 3373 banded G. t. 19,/. O. C. 1, p. 1,
/.D.d. Adriatic.
Red Sea.
G..19,/R.S. C. \ t p. l,
/.F.ff.f. Sicily.
G. t. t9,/. P. C. I,JP. 1,
/. E.e. M.Suppl. p. 82,
*.19,/6. Britain, &c.
M.Suppl.p.8T,t.30,f.9. Scotland.
M. p. 197. Suppl. p. 82,
f.!9,/.4&7. Britain,
thick-smooth JP.jT.M#.2,/.a-c.Mediterranean,
wheel-shap. F.T.MJ.3,f. a-c. JE. M.
starred F.T.M.t. 3,f. e-h. E.H.
^.406,/10. .
thickened F.T.M.t A, f.*-c. C. of Elba.
white-rayed F.T.M.t. 5,f. c-g. E.M.
tA70,f.3. Adriatic Sea.
f.470,/.l. Arabian Shore,
35 linearis
36 rectus
37 Pompilioides
38 repandus
39 asterizans
40 incrassatus
41 strigilatus
42 craticulatus
43 striato-punc-
44 ambi<;uus
doubtf.il F.T.M.t.9,f.d-f,
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
45 macellus 23-ribbed F.T.M.t. W,f.e-k. Mediter,
46 papillosus pimpled F.T.M.tA4t,f.fcC. Adriatic.
47 planatus flat F.T.M.t A6,f. a-i. E.M.
tA67, /.1,2.
48 Cassis lobster's-tailF.T.M. 1. 17 & 18,/. a-c.
49 Galea Helmet F.T.M.t. 18,/.d-f, E.M.
tA67,f.6. Etruria.
50 acntauricu- sharp-eared F.T.M.t AS, f. g-i. E. M.
laris tA67,f.7. Mediterranean.
51 Faba bean-shaped F.T.M.t. 19, /.a-c. Rimini.
52 Scapha boat-shaped F. T.M.t.l9,f.d-f.
53 Crepidula Slipper F.T.M.t. 19, f. g-i.
54 Auricula ear-shaped F.T.M.t.%0,f.d-f.
55 tuberosus punctured F.T.M.t.20,f.g-k.
56 orbiculus orbicular F.T.M.t. 21. JE.M.#.468,
57 angulatus angular F.T.M.t.22. E.M. t. 468,
/.3. Arabian Gulf,
58 aduncus . crooked F.T.M.t.23. E.M.tA68,
C O N U S. 67
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
1 marmoreus 3374 marbled L. t. 787, f. 39. G. t. 22,
/.D. C.2,f.62,/685-6.
E..M. f. 317,/5, 6.
E.& W.Indies.
2 Nicobaricus yellow-throatedC.10,.139,/.1292. E.M.
*.318,/9. E.Indies.
3 arachnoideus3388 spider-web C.2, t.6l,f. 676. E.M.
f.318,/7,8. Tranquebar.
4 zonatus zoned C. 10, t. 139, f. 1286-8.
E.M.f.318,/4. AsiaticOcean,
5 imperialis 3374 imperial L. t. 766, f. 15. G. #. 22,
/.A. C.2, f.62,/.690-2.
E.M.*.319,/.1,2. Amboyna.
6 fuscatus brownish C.2, .62,/.692-3. E. M.
*.319,/.S. New Zealand.
7 literatus 3375 lettered G. t. 20,/. O. i. #. 770,
/.17. C. 2, #. 60,/.668.
E.M.t.3%3,f.l. Amboyna.
8 eburneus square-spottedG. t. 22,/. F. C. 2, f. 61,
/.674. E.MJ.324,/1,
2. East Indies.
9 tessellatus mosaic L. t. 767, f. 17. G. . 21,
/H. C.2,f.59,/653-4.
African Ocean.
C O N U S.
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyrfts. Habitat.
10 generaiis 3375 general L. t. 786,/. 35. G. t. 20,
/. G. C. y, t. 58,/645-
52. .E.AJ. *.325,/:i-6.
A in boy na.
11 canaliculatus grooved C. 11, t. 181, /. 1748-9.
E.M.t.3'25,f.9. Ceylon.
12 radiatus 33:30 radiated C. 2, . 53, /. 584 & 587.
E.M.t.M7j\3. W. Indies.
13 Virgo 3376 Virgin L. t. 754,/. 2.& 758,/. 3.
G.*.20,/B. C. 2,^.53,
/. 585-6. E.M. ^. 326,
14 niveus 3392 white ./>.150, L7,/.9.
15 Capitaneus 3376 Captain i..78,/.27. G.?.22,/.M.
C. 2, /. 59, /. 6GO-2.
.M'.^.327,/.1,2. Amboyna.
16 Chemnitzii Chemnitz's C.ll, ^.182, /.1764-5. Ceylon.
17 mustelinus weasel C. 10, t. 138, /. 1280.
E.A/J.327,/.6. Batavia.
18 Hyaena Hyena C. 11, t. 181, /. 1750-1.
New Zealand.
19 Miles 3377 Soldier L. t. 786, f. 34. G. t. 20,
/.N. C.2,f.59,/.663-4.
E.M.t.3 c 29,f.7. Amboyna.
20 Tribunus 3377 Tribune C.2, t .59,/655. West Indies.
21 spurms 3396 spurious G. t. 22,/. E. C. 2,f. 56,
/. 626-8. . M. ^. 334,
C O N U S. 6{J
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
22 leoninus 3386 Lion L. t. 772, /. 18. G. *. 21,
/. D. C.2, t. 55, f. 607.
E.M.t.3'35,f.5. Amboyna.
23 character!- character-spottedC.ll,^. 182,/.1760-1. W.Indies.
24 caerulesccns blueish C.ll,.182,/.1762-3.
25 Priuceps 3378 Persian robeC.10,. 158, /.1276. E.M.
f.318,/.3. Asiatic Ocean.
26 Janus Janus L. t. 782, / 29. G. /.25,
/.T. C. 2,f. 52,/.581.
27 Guinaicus Guinea F. t. 16, / F 1. & F 2.
-E.M..337,/.46. Guinea.
28 fulmineus 3388 lightning C. 2, f.53,/*. 644. E. M.
#.337,/.3. Africa.
29 Lorenzianus Lorenzo's C. 11, ^. 181, /. 1754-5.
JB.3f J.336,/1. E. Indies.
30 Amadis 3388 Amadis C. 10, t. 142, /. 1322-3.
.E.lf.f.335,/1,2. Java.
31 acuiuinatus sharp-pointedF. . 17, /. N 1. E. M.
f.336 ; /3,4. Amboyna.
32 Thomae 3394 St.Thomas'sC.10,M43,/.1331. E.M.
f.339,/3. Asiatic Ocean.
.33 Ammiralis 3378 Admiral Z.f.759,/.4. G.t.21,f.L.
t C.2, l.6\,f.678. E.M.
t.328,f. J, 2,7,8&9.
34 Archithalas- granulated C.2,_p.26,/.l. JS.M.f.328,
sus .34.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
35 Cedonulli 3378 Cedonulli C. 2, t. 57, f. 633. E. M.
.316,/.l-9. Caraccas.
56 aurantius
37 leucosticus 3388 marbled
L. t.775,f. 21. G. t. 20,
f.L. C. 2,f.61,/.6?9.
E. M. *. 317, f. 7.
Philippine Islands.
G. t. 21, f. L. C.2,f. 61,
/.678. E.M.f.317,/1,
4&9. W. Indies.
38 vitulinus
F.t.l5,f. R. E.M. .326,
/.3. Martinique.
39 polyzonias 3392 depressed- B.t.7,f. 13. E.M. .326,
spire /.4 & 8. Guinea.
40 Senator 3381 Senator C. 2, . 59,/. 659. E. ill
41 Catus Cat C.2,.55,/.609-10. E.M.
*.332,/.3,4&7. C. of G.Hope.
42 nobilis 3381 notable C. 2, . 62, /. 689 & 10,
t. 141, /. 1312. E. Jll
f.339,/.7,8. Amboyna,
3 Siamensis Siam E.^.16,/.B. China.
44 genuanus 3381 butterfly- L. t.767,f. 16. G.t. 22,
winged /.H. C.2,*.56,/.624-5.
E.M.f.329,/.5 ; 6. E. Indies.
45 papilionaceus Papilio
L.t.773,f. 19. G. f. 22,
/. C. C.2, f. CO,/. 660.
E. M. t. 330, /. 1, 2.
5&8. W.Indies
C O N U S.
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
46 Prometheus Prometheusi. t. 771, f. 17. G. t. 22,
/.B. E.A/.f.S31,/.5. Java.
American- L.t,76S,f. 12. C. 2, .57,
flag /632 & 10, . 144, /. m
n. -E.M..319,/.5. Africa.
Music E.M.f.322,/4. China,
millet E.Mf.319,/6. .
47 tasniatus
48 Musicus
49 miliaris
50 glaucus
338? little bluish C. 10, t. 138, /. 1277-8.
JOO.329,/3. Arnboyna.
51 Suratensis Surat C. 11, t. 181, /. 1752-3.
.E.M.f.329,/4. East Indies.
52 Monaclius 3387 Agate C. 2, . 55,/. 614. . M.
[nebulosus.] *.329,/.l,2. China.
53 Ranunculus Ranunculus E.M.t. 33 l,y.l. Araer. Ocean,
54 achatinus
55 Luzonicus
56 Rusticus
57 Nisus
58 livid us
59 Mus
Tulip C.10,#.142,/1317. E.M.
#.330,/.6 & 9. Batavia.
spotted velvetF. 2, p. 678, t. 17, /. C.
.E.M.J.338,/6. Philippine Isl,
3383 rustic I.#.765,/. 14. C. 2, #.52,
/. 578 & 11, t. 183,
/. 1776-7. E.M. #.331,
f.7. Amboyna,
C.ll, #.133,/.1781-5. E. Indies.
C.2, #. 63,/.694-5. E.M.
#.321,/.5. C. of G. Hope,
C O N U S.
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
60 distans wide-lined C.10,*.138,/.1281. E.M.
*.321,/.1I. S. Seas.
61 Caledonicus Caledonian E.M.t.3 c 2l,f 10. NewCaledonia.
62 Coffeae 3383 Coffee C. 2, t. 56, f. 613. E. M.
t.336,f.7. American Seas,
.E.Af.f.335,/.3. Asiatic Ocean.
G.f.21,/.C. C. 11, .183,
/. 1786-7.
68 vittatus
64 Classiarius
. #.335,
65 Mercator 3383 net-work Z.^.788,/41. C.2, t.56,
/. 619-20. E.M.t.333,
f.7. C. of G.Hope.
06 betulinus 3383 birch-bark L. t. 769, f. 11. G. f. 21,
/. B. C.-2, . 40, f. 665.
E.MJ .333,/5 &8.Amboyna.
67 figulinus 3384 brown-band. L. t. 785,/. 32. G. t. 20,
/.E. C.2,^.59,/. 656.
.E.M..332,/.1,2. Malabar.
C. 2, . 69,/. 657. E. M.
*.332,/.6. C. of G.Hope.
C.10,f.l38,/.1285. E.M.
/.326,/.2. Philippine Isl.
68 Querciiius 3378 Oak
69 lineatus
70 Eques
71 ermineus
Chevalier F. 2, p. 606, t. 14, /. Fl.
JS.M.f.335,/9. New Zealand.
ermine C. 2, f . 57, f. 630-1 & 10,
f. 14Q,/. 1298. E. Jlf,
^.338, /.8. E. Indies.
72 Vexjllum 3397 Banner
,/. M. & f.21,/.E,
C.ll,^.182 ; /.1758-9 Batavia.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
73 testudinarius Turtle C. 2, t. 55, f. 605. E. M.
*.335,/6. W.Indies.
74 venulatus veined F.2,^.604, M4,/.D. 1 &
2. E.M.t.337,f.9.
American Seas.
75 Namocanus Ash-wood .JW.f.338,/.5. S.Sea.
76 costatus ribbed C. 11, 18 1,/. 1745-7.
S. Sea & China.
77 ebraus 3384 Hebrew L. t. 779. G. t. 25, f. T.
C.2, /.56,/6l7. E.Af.
*.321,/.8,9. E.Indies, &c.
78 Stercus mus- 3385 black -and- Z.*.757,/.9. G.t.Q5,f.O.
carum white dotted C. 2, . 64, /. 711-12.
E.M.^.341,/6. Amboyna.
79 arenntus sandy L. . 76 1,/ 10. G. #. 25,
/.P. C. 2, f. 6S,/. 696.
j;.M.#.320,/.3, 6&7.
80 pulicarius flea-bitten i. t. 774, f. 20. G. . 21,
/.G. C.M.63,/.698.a.
JS. Jkf. f.320,/1,2.
Friendly Islands.
81 Zeylanicus 3389 Ceylon C.10,^.142,/1318. E.M.
^.S20,/.8. Ceylon.
82 punctatus fawn-co- C.10,M39,/.1294. E.M.
loured f.319,/8. E.Indies.
83 cancellatus trellised E.M.t.338,f.l. Owyhee.
84 rarius 3386 Chagrin C.10,.138,/.1284. E.M.
^.321, /.3,4. W. Indies.
74 c o N u s.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
85 Portoricanus granulated E.MJ.338,/4. Porto Rico.
86 Tinianus red, cloudedE.MU.338,/.2. Isle of Tinian.
87 coronatus 3389 crowned C.2, .63,/.703-5. EM.
#.322, /.2. East Indies.
88 Barbadensis white-band. E.AI.f.322,/8. Barbadoes.
89 roseus rose-colour. C. 2, t. 63,/. 707. E. M.
*.322,/.7. Antilles.
90 coccineus 3390 scarlet C. 2, *. 61,/.680. E.M.
*.322,/6. W.Indies.
91 citrinus 3389 citron-col. C.2, .61,/.681. Cura9oa.
92 sponsalis pink spottedC. 11, t. 182, /. 1766-7.
E.M..322,/1. S. Seas.
93 Taitensis blackish E.lO.336,/.9. Otaheite.
94 scabriusculus roughish C.ll,.182,/.1768-9.
Coast of Guinea.
95 puncturatus groove-puncturedE.M..322,/.9. Botany Bay.
96 Ceylonensis zig-zag E.M.f.322,/.10. Ceylon.
97 pusillus dwarf C. 11, t. 183, /. 1788-9.
E.M.t.331,f.8. C. of Guinea.
98 lamellosus plaited-spire.M,*.322,/.5. Ceylon.
99 Rattus Rat-skin E. M. f.338,/.7. America.
100 Jamaicensis three-band. E.JV/.^.335,/.4. Jamaica.
101 Mediterra- olive-cloudedE.M..330,/.4. Mediterranean.
102 ^Vlonachus 3382 red dotted G.f.22,/. no. 2. C.2,*. 55,
/. 612, b. & 10, t. 140,
/. 1305. E. M, t. 331,
f.2. West Indies.
C O N U S.
Linn, names. Gm. EngL names. Synonyms. Habitat.
103 Mauritianus Mauritian E.M.t.33Q,f.9. Africa.
104 sulcatus grooved E.M^.321,/6. \V. Indies.
105 verrucosus warty L.t. 756, f. 8, C. 2, t. 55,
/612.c.d. E.M.t.333,
/.4. Africa.
106 Colutnba rose dove F. 2, p. 572, t. 18,/. K.I.
E.M.t.334,f.3. I. of France.
107 Madurensis green cross F. 2, p. 617, t. 15, f. E.I.
E.M. t. 333,/. 3.
Asiatic Ocean.
108 Jaspidcus 3387 Jasper C. 2, *. 55,/. 612. E.M.
f.334,/4. W. Indies.
109 Japonicus orange-mottled E. M.f 330,/.3. Japan.
110 Mindanus white-mottledE.M.<.330,/.7. Philippine Isl.
111 festivus festive C.I 1, M82./.1770-1. Moluccas.
112 Clavus 3390 yel.-veined i.f.744,/. 34. C.2,f.52,
/.. 570 & 10, f. 143,
/. 1327. E. M. t. 346,
f.3. East Indie?.
113 aureus golden E.M..346,/.4. China.
114 affinis 3391 Comman- C. 2, t. 52,/. 571. E.M.
dant <.342,/.4,5. E. Indies.
115 tendinous chocolate i.f.745,/36. C.10,M43,
/. 1330. E. M. t. 342,
/6. Africa.
116 australis Southern C.ll,#.183,/.1774-5.
New South Wales.
317 laevis 3391 smooth C.3, f.52,/.572. Africa.
C O N U S.
Linn, names.
118 ochroleucus
119 strigatus
120 mitratus
121 Glans
122 tenellus
123 Nussatella
124 granulatus 3391 grained
125 Fusus
126 aurisiacus
127 Terebellum
128 Raphanus
129 Adansoni
130 Augur
131 Magus
Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
yellowish C. 2, t. 52,/. 573. E. M.
.343,/.6. America,
pale violet E.M .342, /.I. Indian Seas.
Mitre EM.t.342,f.3.
Acorn C.10,f.l43,/ 1331. E.M.
.342,/.7 & 9. Africa,
delicate C.ll,Z.183,/.1782-3. Moluccas.
3390 clouded wh.C. 2, t. 51, /. 567. E. M.
& yellow f.342,/2&8.
Island of Nussatella.
L. .760, /. 5. C. 2, .52,
/. 574-5. E. M. t. 339,
y.9. S. America.
3390 Spindle i..768,/.17.A. C.2/.52,
/. 576. E. M. t. 341,
/.7. W. Indies.
3392 Orange C.2,.57,/. 636-7. E.M.
.339,/.4. Amboyna.
3390 Wimble F. 2,p. 662, 1. 17,/ K. 2.
C.2, *.52,/.577. E.M.
Z.339,/.l,2. Batavia.
Radish E.M.^.341,/.1,2. Asiatic Ocean.
Adanson's A. p. 95, t. 6,f. 6. E. M.
#.433,/.7. Senegal.
L. t. 755, /. 7. C. 2, f . 58,
/. 641. E. M. . 333,
/.6. Ceylon.
C.2, *.52,/.579-80. E.M.
*.341,/.8. Amboyna.
C O N U S.
TJnn. names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
132 strmtus 3393 striated L.t.760.f.6. G..26,/.D.
C. 2, t. 64, f. 714-16.
E.M.*.340,/.l-3. Moluccas.
133 Gubernator Governor E.M.f.340,/.4,5,6.AsiaticOcean.
134 Gloria maris Glory of the sea C. 10, t. 143, /. 1324-5.
E.M.t.347,f.7. E. Ind. Ocean.
135 pyramidalis pyramidal F. 2, p. 645, t. 18,/. C.I.
jE.M.f.S47,/5. Torrid zone.
136 Textile 3373Goldbrocadei. t. 78B,/. 40. O. #.25,
/.A.A. C.2,#-54,/.598,
600. E.M.#.344,/.5.
E. & W. Indies.
137 Abbas Abbot C. 10, #. 143,/. 1326. b.c.
E.M.#.345,/3. I. of France.
138 Archiepisco- Archbishop C. 2, *. 54,/. 602. E. Af.
pus ^.346,/.l&7. E.Indies.
139 canonicus canonical E.M.t.34>5,fA. Indian Seas.
140 Episcopus Bishop X.#.790,/.43. C. 2, #.53,
/. 591. E. M. *. 345,
141 Praelatus Prelate F.2,p. 639, #. 18,/. B 7.
C.2,f.54,/.601. E.M.
#.345, /.4.
142 pennaceus pluraous JB.#.7,/.14. E.Af. #.344,
y,4. Amboyna.
113 rubiginosus orange-brown P. 2, p. 644, . 18,/ C.4.
C. 2, #. 54, /. 593-4.
Linn, names. Gm.
144 Omaria
145 Aulicus 3394 Brunette
146 elonatus
C O N U S.
Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
pearl-brown .F. 2, p. 652, t. 18,/.C.5.
C.2, f.54,/596. E.M.
*.S44,/3. New Guinea.
U. 25,/Z. C. 2, .53,
/.592, .M.f.343,/3
&4. Amboyna.
lengthened C. 10, . 144. A./, i &k.
JE.M.f.3S7,/.2. Guinea.
147 Spectrum 3395 Spectre L.t.7Q3,f. 30. C. 2, *.53,
/. 582-3. JE.M. f.341,
f.9. Amboyna.
148 informis misshapen F. 2, p. 700, . 79 upper
/. N. C. 10, t. 144, A.
/.g.h. E.M.*.337,/.8.
New Zealand.
149 ventricosus 3397
150 bullatus
151 Timorensis
152 nimbosus
153 rosaceus
154 Tulipa 3395
ventricose E.M.t.3S7,f.5. Africa.
bubble G.f.26,/C. C.10, ^.142,
/.1315-16. E.MJ.339,
f.Q. Moluccas.
E.M.^.341,/3. E.lnd. Ocean.
C.ll, M81,/. 1756-7.
L.t. 764,/. 13. G. t. 26,
/.G. C.2,*.64,/.718-
19 & *. 65, /. 720-1.
155 geographicus3396 geographic L. t. 747, f. 41. G. t. 26,
/.E. C.2, #. 64,/.717.
.Af.f.322,/12. Amboyna.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
1 Exanthema 3397 spotted L.t.697,f. 44 to 699,
/.46. G.t.\6,f.O. C.I,
Mappa 3397 Map
3 Arabica
300. E.M..349&353,
J'.3. American Ocean.
.F.*.29,/.A.3. C. M.25,
/. 245-6. E.M. t. 352,
/.4. Arnboyna.
iJ.658,/3. G.*.16,/.V 7 .
>. Madagascar.
4 Histrio 3403 Harlequin L. t. 659,/. 3. a. C. 10,
M45,/.1346-r. Amboyna.
5 Argus 3398 Argus L. t. 705, /. 54. G. 1. 16,
/.T. CM, J.28,/. 285-6
& 10, *. 145,/. 1344-5.
6 testudinaria 3399 Tortoise- i.f.689,/. 36. C. 1,^.27,
shell /. 271-2. E. M. f.351,
/2. Ceylon.
7 stercoraria 3399 livid, speckl.i.f.687,/.34. C.I 1,M80,
/.1739-40. E.M.^.354,
f.5. Guinea.
8 Aurantium 3403 Orange JF./.30,/.S. C. 11,*. 180,
/. 1737-8. Friendly Islands.
9 carneola 3400 flebh-colour.i.f.664,/8. G.^.30,/.H.
C. 1, t. 28, /. 287-8.
E.M.*.354,/.3. Amboyna.
Linn, names. Gm.
10 Talpa 3400
11 lurida
3401 lurid
12 Vanelli 3402
13 lota
3402 white
14 guttata 3402 dotted
15 sanguinolenta3406
16 undulata 3406
17 teres 3405
18 achatiua
19 Caput ser- 3406
Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
Mole L. f.668,/. 14. G. M6,
/.N. C.I, f.27,/273-4.
E.M.t.353,fA. Asia.
G. t. 13,/. E.T. C. 1,
.30,/.315. E. AU.354,
y.2. South America.
.*.684,/.31. C. l,f. 25,
/.250-1. Barbadoes.
G.t. 16,/C. C. 1, .30,
/.322. Sicily.
i. #. 676,/. 23. G. t. 16,
/.I. C.l,*.25,/.252-3. U.
sanguine C.I, .26, /*. 265-6. E.M. >
^.356,/.12. u.
C.10, f. 144, /. 1337. Mauritius.
S.Ein/.l,p.l61, M,/7. u.
M.Z7.C.1, M4. Otaheite.
i.*.702,/.50 & 704,/.53.
G.f.l5,/.I.O. C.l,f.30,
/.316. E.M.t.354,fA,
20 Mauritiana 3407 blackish- L. t. 703,/. 52. G. t. 15,
brown /.S.T. C.l,f.30,/.317.
E. M. *.350,/.2.a.b.
Mauritius, Amboyna.
21 Vitellus 3407 white-spot- i. f. 693,/. 40. G. t.13,
ted / T.V. C. f. 23,/228.
JE.M.f.354,/6. Amboyna.
G Y P R jE A.
Linn, names.
22 Mus
23 Tigris
Cm. Engl. names.
3107 Mouse
3408 Tiger
24 pantherina Panther
25 Lynx 3409 Lynx
Synonyms. Habitat,
F.t.30,f. A. C.I, f.23,
/. 222-3. E. M. t. 354,
J'.l. Amboyna.
L. t. 682,/. 29. G.. 14,
/.G.IJL C.I,*. 24,
/. 232-4. -E. M. . 353,
L. f.681,/. 28. G. f. 14,
/.II. C.l,f.24,/. 235-6.
Z.683,/30. G. f.!3,/.Z..
C. 1, . 23, /I 230-1.
E.M.f.355,/8. Mauritius.
26 felina 3412 feline L.t.6SO,f.7. C. 1, f. 28,
/.2S3-4. Maldives.
27 cinerea 3402 ash-colouredL.?.667,/.ll&670,/.16.
G.M6,/.M. C.I, .25,
/.254-5. W.Indies.
28 Isabella 3409 yellow Z.f.660,/4. C. 1, *. 27,
/.275. jB.M..355,/.6.
29 cylindrica 3405 cylindrical E.f.8,/.10. u.
30 Scurra 3409 green-spot. C. 10, 1. 144, /. 1338. a.b,
jE. Af.f.352,/3.
Eastern Ocean.
31 Onyx 3410 Onyx ..657,/2. G.f.l5,/.N,
C.l,f.26,/.269-70. Asia.
,52 subBava 3413 yelloyvish G.M3,/.D. u,
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
33 zic-zac 3410 zig-zag L. t. 661,/.5. C.I, #.23,
/. 224-7. E. Af. #. 356,
/.ll. E. Indian Ocean,
34 zonaria 3414 zoned C.10,#.115,/.1342. Guinea.
35 Hirundo 3411 Swallow L.t.674,f. 20. C.I, #.28,
/.283. JE.M.f.S56,/6.
36 Ursellus 3411 brown-spot. G. #. 15,/. L. C. 1,#. 24,
/.241. u,
37 lutea 3414 yellow G..#.19,/.17. S.Einl.l,
J9.168. V,
38 Asellus 3411 3-banded i. t.666,f. 10. G. #. 15,
/.M. C. 1, #. 27,/. 280.
E.Af.#.356,/.5. Amboyna,
39 Errones 3411 olive-mot- C.I, #.27,/. 278-9. E.Indies,
40 Pyrum 3411 Pear G.#.14,/.E. C.l,/.267-8.
41 punctata 3414 dotted C.I, #.28,/. 290-1. E.Tkf,
#.355,/10. u.
42 cribraria 3414 umbilicatedZ.#.695,/. 42. C.I, #.31,
/.336. E.JW.#.355,/5. China.
43 Moneta 3414 Money L. t. 709, f. 59. G. #. 14,
40. E.M.#.356,/.3. E.Indies,
44 Annulus 3415 ringed G.#.14,/. 1,2. C.I, #.24,
/. 239-40. E.Jkf.#.356,
CYPR^A, 83
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
45 Caurica 3415 thick-edged L. t. 677, f. 24. G. t. 15,
/.A. A. C.f.29,/. 301-2.
EM.t.356,f.lO. Madagascar.
46 stolida 3416 angular- B. t. 8,/. 12. C. 1, t. 28,
marked /292-S. Amboyna.
47 cruenta 3420 ferruginous G.t. 15, f. E. C. 1, *. 29,
48 erosa 3415 bordered L. t. 692,/. 39. G. t. 15,
/.H. C.l,f.SO,/.320-l.
E.M.t.355,fA. Mauritius.
49 spurca 3416 narrow- C.l,f.31,/.335. Mediterranean.
50 rubiginosa 3420 square-spot. F. t. 29,/. S. C. 1, f. 29,
/. 305 & 11, t. 180,
jf. 1743-4. Eastern Ocean.
51 tabescens glaucous L.t.678,f. 25. C.I,/. 28,
/.294-5. Amboyna.
52 angustata 3421 narrow G.*.13,/.Q.Q. u.
53 helvola 3417 star i. f . 691,/. 38. G.t A3,
/B.B. C.l,#.30,/326-
7. .M^.356,/.13. Amboyna.
54 ocellata 3417 eyed i. f.696,/. 43. .F. *. 29,
4. JE.M*.355,/.7.
Indian Ocean.
5o poraria 3417 white-spot, i.f.694,/. 41. C. l,f.2~4,
/. 237-8. E.M. f. 356,
y.4. Jamaica.
56 gangraenosa 3417 gangrene C.I, f.30 ; /.324-5. China t
[jporaria *.]
c Y P R JE A.
Linn, names.
57 fimbriata
58 Oniscus
59 sulcata
60 Pediculus
61 Madagascar
62 Nucleus
63 puttulata
64 staphylea
65 Cicercula 3419 Vetch
66 Margarita
67 Globulus
68 minuta
Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms.
3420 fimbriated C.f.26,/263-4. U.
Wood-louseL. t. 706, f. 35. JP. t. 29,
/.H.3. C.l,f.29,/.306-
8. Adriatic.
3418 sulcated L. t. 706, f. 56. G. t. 15,
/.R. C.l,f.29,/.3 10-11.
J2.M.f.356,/.l.a. W. Indies.
3418 Sea-louse L.t.7ffT,f. 57. C.I, t. 29,
/. 309. Z>. 2, t . 43. M.
p. 200. E. M. t. 356,
/. 1 .b. Britain.
3419 MadagascarL.f.710,/61. Madagascar.
3418 wrinkled G. t. U,f. Q. R. S. C. 1,
t. 29, /. 312. E. M.
*.355,/.3. Isl. of Nussatella.
Pustule i./.710,/.62. China.
i.?.78,/.58. G.t.U,f.T.
C. 1, . 29, /. 313-14.
JB.JW.<.356,/.9. E. Indies.
Z..710,/.60. C. 1,?. 24,
/. 243-4. . M. t.355,
J'.l. Ambojna.
G.f.l4,/.M. C. 1, f. 24,
/. 242. J2. M. *. 356,
3419 globular G.t.l4,f.N. C.10,M45,
/.1 339-40.
3406 minute S.EM.L .65,no.l21. u.
3419 groove-
&ULLA. 8.5
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
1 Ovum
2 imperialis
3 Volva
4 carnea
5 lepida
6 birostris
7 Secale
.8 pattila
9 Spelta
10 vernicosa
3422 Egg L.t.7ll,f.65. G. L 15,
/A.B. C.l,f.22,/.205-
6. E.M.t.358,f.l. Amboyna.
crumpled M.U.C.t.60. Friendly Islands.
3422 Weaver's- L. t. 71 1,/. 63. F. t. 30,
shuttle /K.2. C.l,/.23,/218-
19. E.Mf.357,/3. Japan,
3434 flesh-colour.E.M./.357,/2. Africa.
orange-colouredP.G.f.66,/2,3. Leghorn.
34t'3 lesser-shut- F.t. 30, /'.K.I. C. 1, *.24,
tie /.217.a.b. JE.M. 4.357,
/.l.a.b. China.
Rye-shaped L.t.711,f.66. West Indies,
patulous D.4, t. 142. Afy.207. Britain.
3423 oblong
3423 warty
11 gibbosa 3423 belted
12 Naucurn 3424 Sea-nut
C.#.23, /:215-J6. Meditcr.
L. t.71 ( 2,f.67. G. t. 16,
/. F. C. ^. 32,/. 220-1.
E.M.t.357,f.5. Amboyna.
L.t.71\,/.64. G. t. 15,
/.3. C.I, i.22,/21 1-14.
E.M.t.357,f.4. Brazil.
L. t.7U,f. 73. G.f. 13,
/G.G. C.l,<.22,/200-
86 B tf L L A>
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat*
13 ferruginosa 3432 rust-spottedC.l, #.22,/.209-10. u.
14 aperta 3424 wide C. 10, #. 146, /. 1354-5.
D. 4, t. 120. JVf.j9.208.
f%rc.2,/.l-4. Britain, &c
15 Catena Chain .M.^.215, #.7,/.7.
16 Plumula Feather M. p. 214, #. 15, /. 9. &
Fig.2,/.5. Britain.
17 Hydatis 3424 Paper G.#.13,/.D.D. C.I, #.21,
/. 119 & 11, #. 118,
18 Ampulla 3425 Pewit's egg L. t. 713,/. 69 & #. 1056,
f*\ C* t 19 f "F f~* 1
t. 2 1,/. 188-93. JB.Af.
#.358,/.3.a.b. Amboyna,
19 Amygdalus 3425 Almond Z. #. 714,/. 72. G. #. 12,
/.F.I. C.l,#.22,/.202-4.
JS.M.#.358,/.2.a.b. M.
W. Indies.
20 lignaria 3425 brown- i.#.714,/.7l. C. 1, #. 21,
striated /. 194-5. .E. M. #. 359,
/.3. Af._p.205. Britain, &c.
21 pectinata pectinated
C. of Denmark.
22 soluta 3434 unsealed C. 10, #.46,/. 1359-61. Ceylon.
23 Akera 3434 elastic C. 10, #. 146,/. 1358. D.
#.79. 37.^.219. Britain, &c.
24 Physis 3425 striped G.M3,/.F.F. C. 1, #. 21,
/. 196-7. JE,M.#. 359,
/4. E. Indies,
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms.
25 nitidula brittle Z..715,/74. C.l,p.274,
/.4,5, W. Indies.
26 Amplustre 3426 banded
27 Velum
28 scabra
29 Ficus
3433 zoned
3434 rough
3426 Fig
C. 10, t. 146, / 1350-1.
E.M.t.359,f.2. China.
C, 10, t. 146, /. 1348-9.
E.M.t. 359,/. l.a,b.
C.10, M46,/. 1352-3. Java.
L. f. 750 & 751. G.f.26,
/.M. C.3,.66,/.733-5.
.E.M.f.432,/.l,2. Amboyna.
I. *. 877,/. 1. C. 3, f. 66,
30 Pyrum Pear
31 Rapa 3426 turnip-shap.C.3, f.68,/.747-9. China.
32 canaliculata 3427 channelled L.S.N.p.1185. U.
33 conoidea 3427 conoidal L.S.N.p.1185. U.
34 Voluta 3433 volute C.9, t.\ 17,/.1009-10. U.
35 Dominicensis3433 nine-whirledC.9, .117,/.1011. St.Domingo.
36 crassula reversed L.^.135,/35. C.9,M03,
/.879-80. W. Indies,
37 fontinalis 3427 freshwater . t. 134, /. 34. G. t. 5,
f.C.C. D.5,M68,/2.
M./?.226. Rivers in Britain,&c % '
38 rivali* civer J.*.61,/.E.6. C.9,M03,
/.877-8. M.Suppl.p.97.
Britain, &C r
Linn.names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
39 Hypnorum 3665 slender Z.*4059,/.5. C.9, .103,
/. 882-3. a. b. c. M.
p.128. L.T.8,t.4,f.3.
Britain, &c. Fr.\v.
40 gelatinosa 3428 gelatinous S.Fluss.p.%93 Denmark. Fr.\v.
41 Terebellum 3428 awl-shaped L.t.736,f. 30-1. G..23,
/. O. C.2, f.51,/568-9
&10, t.UQ,f. 1362-3.
42 Cypraea cowryrform C.2, t.65 ) f.731. Mediterranean.
43 ventricosa ventricose Z.i.746,/.40. U.
44 ampla 3467 wide-mouth C.2, Z.65,/.722. U.
45 virginea 3429 Hbbon X./.15,/. 10. G.t.Q,f. A,
C.9/.117,/.1000-3. W.Indies.
46 fasciata 3430 banded L.tA2,f.7. G.t.6,f.C.T).
C.9, f.117,/. 1004-6.
E.& W.Indies,
..47 strigata 3430yel.-streaked.M.F.2, J9.148. u.
48 striatula 3430 striated Br.E.M.p.SW. u,
49 exarata 3431 wrinkled C.9,.120,/.1031-2. Guinea.
50 truncata 3434 truncated C.9, M20,/. 1028-30. u.
5J. Priamus Priam Br. E. M. p. 360. C.9,
*.120,/.1026-7. W. Indies.
52 Zebra 3431 Zebra X..580,/.34. C.9, 1. 118,
'',*', /.1015-16. Guinea,
V GLUT A. 89
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
53 achatina 3132 broad-strip. L. t. 579, f. 34. G. t. 45,
/.B. C.9,/.118,/.1012-
13. E. Indies.
54 purpurea 3433 purple- L.t.581,f. 35. C.9,M18,
mouthed /. 1017-18. Africa.
55 bicariuata double-keeledi.J.37,/.36. C. 9, 1. 103,
/.875-6. U.
56 cylindrica 3433 cylindric .F.f.27,/.F.5. C.10,M46,
f. 1356-7. E.M. t.360,
/.2. S. Sea.
57 cylindracea cylindrical Z.f.714,/70. D.4,.120,
/.2. M./>.221,f.7,/.2. Britain.
58 uinbilicata umbilicated M./>.222, t.7,fA.
59 retusa blunt M.t.7,f.5 L.T.8, p. 128
60 obtusa obtuse M./>.a23, t.7,f.3.
61 haliotoidea Venus' ear C. 1, . 16 . /! 151-3. M.
jo.211,^.7,/. 6. i,T.8,
1 Auris Mid 3435 Midas' ear L. t. 1058,/. 6. G t. 55,
/.G. C.2, f.43,/.436-8.
E..U/.-46o,/:c. E. Indies.
2 Auris Judce 3437 Judas' ear i. t. 32, / 30. C. 2, *. 44,
/.449-51. Malacca,
V O L U T A.
Linn. names. Grn. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
3 Australis Southern C.9, *.121,/.1039-40.
New Holland.
4 Auris Malchi3437 Malchus'earC.9, .1 2 1,/. 1037-8. . U.
5 glabra 3436 smooth C.2,f.43,/447-8. U.
6 Auris Sileni 3436 Silenus' ear B.t.9, /I 3,4. C. 9, *. 176,
/. 1701-2. E.M. f.460,
fA. U.
7 fasciata banded C.9, f.121,/1041. Australasia.
8 Auris virginis Virgin's ear JL.f.24,/. 22. C. 9, 1. 121,
/.1042. E.Indies.
Fox's ear C.9, *.210,/.2086-7. St.Helena.
Cat's ear C.0,*.177,/.1711-12. u.
9 Auris vulpina
10 Auris cati
11 tornatilis
12 flammea
13 solidnla
14 livida
15 Coffere
16 miniita
3437 double-band.i.f.835,/. 58. C. 2, t. 43,
/. 442-3. E. M. it. 452,
/.3.D.2,.57.M./>.23i. Britain.
3435 variegated i.J.814,/. 24. C. 2, .43,
/.439. jE.M.f.452,/.l. U.
3437 strong C.2, f.43,/.440-l. China.
3438 livid Gr.f.25,/.B. Africa.
3438 coffee-col, i. *. 834,/. 59. -F. . 65,
/. H. 7. C. 9, *. 121,
/. 1043. E. M. . 460,
f.5. Barbadoes.
3436 minute
17 flava 3436 yellow
18 denticulata toothed
L. t. 8S4,/. 60. F. t. 65,
C.2, f .4S,/.444. E. Indies.
M.p.234, <.20 ; /.5. Britain.
V O L U T A.
Linn, names. Gw. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
19 triplicata 3-toothed D. 4, t. 138. M. Suppl
p.99. Guernsey.
20 pusilla 3436 small oval F.t.65,f.llA. C. 2, t, 43,
/.446. U;
double-toothed M.%>/>A/>.100,.30,/.2. Britain.
white W.M.Sf.61. M./>.225.
pellucid W. M.SfA6. Mj.12,/6.
single-toothed L.T.8, p. 131.
divided L. T. 3, t. 13,/. 23-4. M.
21 bidentata
22 alba
23 pellucida
24 unirlentata
25 interstincta
26 insculpta
27 plicata
28 ambi.835,
/.I.2. C.2, f.50,/556.
42 tigrina Tiger ..72 1,/. 6. C.2, #.46,
/. 493-4. E. M. t. 368,
jftl. Eastern Ocean.
43 Carneola 3443 Cornelian E. 2, p. 829, *. 19,/. H 2.
C.2, #.46,/495. E.M.
#.365,/5. Moluccas.
44 micans little L.t.73S,f.M. E.2, p.837,
#.19,/.H.l. C.2, #.50,
/. 543-4. E. M. t. 363,
Linn, names.
45 nitidula
4G Oryza
47 Dactylus
48 fenestrata
49 crenulata
50 texturata
51 Conus
52 Miliaria
53 Monilis
54 exilis
55 Persicula
56 cingnlata
Cape Verde.
57 guttata dotted C.2, .42,/.4l7-18. Jamaica.
58 Porcellaria 3449 Porcelain C. 10, . 150, /. 1419-20.
E. Af.f.377,/5. Ind. Ocean.
Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
delicate C.2, t.50,f. 545-7. E.M.
/.363,/4. Moluccas.
llice C.2, *.50,/.548. U.
3443 six-plaited i..813,/.23. C.10,.150,
fA4 11-12. E.M.t37 l 2,
f.5. India.
eight-plaitedG.f.28,/. P. -E.M.J.372,
3452 crenulated L. t. 313,/ 23. a. C. 10,
M50,/. 14 13- 14. E.M.
.372,/.4.a.b. E. Indies.
four-plaitedL. t. 819, f. 36. G. . 28,
/.O. E.M.372,/2. U.
3349 cone-shapedL. t. 814 ? /. 23. b. C. 10,
#.150,/.1415-16. E.M.
2. U.
3443 Millet C.2,?.42,/.428. Mediterranean.
3443 Necklace C.2, *.42,/426. China.
3444 hrowi)-hand.C.2, /.42,/.427. Senega!.
3444 red spotted L. t. 803, / 10. G. t. 28,
/. C.D.E. C. 2, f. 42,
/.421. E.MJ.377,/3. Africa.
red lined i..803,/.9. G.#.25,/.C.
C/2, #. 42, /. 419-20.
Linn, names.
59 pallida
60 catenata
61 kevis
62 marginata
63 Faba
64 glabella 3445 polished
65 picta
66 Castanea
67 btrigata
68 Prunum
69 elegans
70 bullata
71 reticuiata
Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
3444 pallid L. t. 714, / 70. E. M.
f.384,/4. D.t.66. M.
p.232. Britain, &c.
chain-spotted M;>.236,f.6,/.2 & Suppl.
p. 104. -
smooth D.5,^.165. Mt.6,f.7. --
3449 margined F.t.29,f.E. C. 10,/. 150,
/ 1421. E. M. t.MQ,
/9. Guinea.
3445 Bean i.f. 812,/. 22. G. ^. 28,
/.Q. C.2, f.42,/432-3.
JS.M.^.377,/.8. Bombay.
L.t.8]8,f. 29. C.2, i.42,
/429. E.M.t.37T,f.6.
a. I). Guinea.
C.2, i.42,/434-5. E.M.
f.377,/.2. Brasil.
C.2,^.42,/.430. --
wave-stripedC. 10, t. 150, f. 1423-4.
E.M.t.3?7,f.7. Guinea.
3446 blueishgreyC.2,^.42,/. 422-3. E.M.
<.376,/.8. Island of Goree.
C.2,M2,/.424-5. u.
.*.80S,/.ll. C.10,f.l50,
/. 1409- 10. E.M.t.376,
/5. E. Indies.
3446 reticulated L.t.830,f. 52. C.3,M21,
f. 1107-8. E.M.t.375,
/S. W. Indies.
3448 elegant
3452 bubble
Linn, names. GUI. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
72 Ziervogelii 3457 thick-lippedC.10,.14a,/.1406. E.M.
t. 375,/. 9. u.
L. t. 824, f. 43. G.t.43,
73 raercatoria 3446 clouded
E.M.t.375,f.4. Mediter.
74 rustica 3447 rustic L. t. 824,/ 44. G. t. 43,
/.C.E.G.H. C.2, #.44,
/. 462-468-471. E.M.
L. t. 819,/. 35. G. . 15,
/.L. C.4,.149,/'.1386-
7&10,*. 150,/. 1417-
18. E.M.i.372,/8.
Magpie C. 11, t. 178, / 1721-2.
E. M. t. S72,/. 7.
Island of St. Bartholomew.
75 paupercula 344,8 Zebra
76 Pica
77 ferrugata bellied C. 4, *. 150, /. 1398-9.
E.M.t.375,f.1i. u.
78 patriarchalis 3460 Patriarch C. 10, t. 150, /. 1425-6.
4,1. East Indies.
79 mendicaria 3448 black and X. . S26,/. 47. G. .52,
white /.E. C.2, ^.44,/.460-l.
80 nana dwarf C.2, *.44,/.459. -
81 tnicrozonias white-bandedE.M.#.374,/.8. Indian Ocean.
82 cancellata 3448 latticed L. .830, /. 53-4. G. .48,
/. D.E. . 11, t. 179,
/. 1727-8. Mediterranean,
95 VO LUT A.
Linn, names. Cm. E-tigl. ncnnes. Synonyms. Habttat.
83 Nassa 3464 ribbed GX48,/.B.C. C.4,.124,
f. 1172-3. Guinea.
84 nucea 3449 nut G.Z.t.l8,f.ll. U.
85 Tj-inga 3449 decorticated!, t. 825, f. 45. G. t. 45,
/.B. E.M.^.374, /.10.
86 Cornicula 3449 horn-colour.G.f.43,/.N. C.ll, .179,
/. 1731-2.
87 Schroeteii Schroder's C. 11, t. 179, / 1735-6.
JS.M.f.371,/2. Guinea.
88 acuminata 3454 sharp-point. C.4,#.150,/.403-4. Trauquebar.
89 Virgo 3450 Virgin L.S.N.p.1192. Hay man.
90 filaris 3457 narrow L.Mant.p.548. U.
91 filosa 3465 threaded G.t.53,f.l}. F.t 31,/.C.7.
C.4, ^.149,/. 1388-9 ik
1391. E. Indies.
92 fissurata straw-coloured.M./. 37 !,/.!. u.
93 Barbadensis 3455 striped iJ.819 ./.33. E.MJ.372,
^6. Barbadoes.
94 Clathrus 3457 cancellated S.zW.l,p.296. X.3,#. 27,
/.3. China.
95 crenifera crenulated E.M.t.370,f.3. Indian Seas.
96 scabricula roughly striated&..53,/.D. C.11,^.179,
/. 1729-30. E.M.t.371,
/.4,5. China.
97 exasperata 3453 ;ranulous C. 10, .15 1,/. 1440-1. E.Indies.
98 costata 3458 ribbed S.EinlA, p.302, M,/.7. u.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms.
99 granosa 3453 grained C. 10,*. 15 1,/. 1442-3.
E. Indian Ocean.
100 nodulosa 3453 nodulous G.J.52,/.F.G. C.4,*.149,
/.1385 & 1390. W. Indies.
101 spadicea 3454 live-plaited C.4, .150,/.1392. u.
102 decussata 3434 decussated C.4, t.\5Q,f. 1395. C.
103 Iluflina 3450 reddisb-yel.L. t. 822, f. 40. G. t. 54,
/.G. C.4,f.l47,/1361.
.E.M.f.369,/5. E. Ocean.
104 variegata 3457 variegated Jt.5, .18,y.G. Lr.
105 Suiiguisuga 3450 Leech L. t. 821, /.38. G.t.53,
/.F. C'.4/.148,/.1373-
4. E.M.f.373,/.10. Amboyna.
106 Caffra 3451 CafTre G.t.52,f.E. E.M.t.373,
J'A. C.4,M48,/13C9-
70. Africa.
107 Leucozonias 3453 \vh.-striped C.4, /.148,/.1371-2. u
108 Morio 3451 tawny L.S.N.p.lW3. West Indies.
109 Vulpecula 3451 foxy G.t. 54, /. B.C. E.M.
t.373,f.5. C.4, t.U8,
J. 1364-6. Amboyna.
110 costellaris chequered Gj.54,/.D. E.M.t.S73,
f. 3. C. 10, *. 151,
/.1436-7. E.Indian Ocean.
111 subdivisa 3453 subdivided E.M.t.373,f. 1. C. 10,
.15 1,/. 1434-5.
112 melongena fine-ribbed jE.AT.f.373,/9.
113 polygnna 3454 polygonal C.4, M50,/ 1401-2.
V O L U T A.
Linn, names.
114 taeniata
115 plicaria 3452 folded
116 rugosa 3456 rugose
117 cruentata
118 turrita
119 spiralis
120 aurantia
121 vitulina
122 scutulata
123 nigra
124 casta
125 Acus
126 maculosa
127 biplicata
128 turricula
129 lineata
130 sulcata
131 discors
132 striata
133 laevigata
Gin. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
Taenia C. 10, t. 151, /. 1444-5.
E.7W./.373>/.7. Bombay.
L. t. 820,/37. G. .54,
/. F. C. t. 148,/. 1362-
3. E.MJ.373,/.6. China.
G.t. 54,/.A&E. E.M.
.373,/.8. Indian Ocean.
3453 knottyribbedC.10, M51, /".1438-9. E. Indies.
3456 turreted L.t.836,f. 62. C.4,M41,
/.13J7-18. U.
3464 spiral R.Mtts.t.29,f.X. Indian Seas.
3454 orange E. M. t. 375, /. 5. C. 4,
t.l50,f. 1393-4. U.
white-bandedC.4,.149,/. 1380-1. Ind. Seas.
3452 scutcheon C. 10,f. 151,/. 1428-9.
3452 black C.10,*.151,/.1430-l. Guinea.
3453 brown-band. C. 10, p. 174, /.C.D. Amboyna.
3451 Needle C.4,<.157,/.1493-4. U.
3453 spotted C.4, *.149,/1377. U.
3454 two-plaited C.4, M49,/. 1375. u.
3454 tower C.4, ^.149,/.1376. U.
3454 white lined C.4, <.149,/. 1378-9. Tarentura.
3455 sulcated C.4, f.150,/. 1407. Tranquebar.
3455 discordant C.4, t.l5,f. 400. W.Indies.
3455 striated C.4, *.15,/. 1405-6. Minorca.
3455 smooth C.4, *.150,/.1408. W.Indies.
V O L U T A,
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
134 ocellata 3455 eyed C.4,*.15,/. 1409. Mediterranean.
135 nasuta 3155 black-spot. C.4,M5,/.14lO.
136 marmorea 3455 marbled C.4,f.l50,/1411.
137 Abbatis Abbot C.ll,.177,/.1709-10. E.Indies.
138 serpent! na serpentine E.M.t.370,fA.
139 olivaria two-banded E.M.J.371,/3. u.
140 nubila 3450 clouded C.ll,f.l77,/.1705-6.
Friendly Islands.
141 pertusa 3458 punctured I,.^.838,/.65.E.M.^369,
[Cardinalis.] f.\. C.4,.147,/.1358-
9. E. Indies.
143 digitalis digital
L. t. 839,/ 66. G. t. 55,
/.G. C.4,^.147,/1360.
ti3 episcopalis 3459 Mitre
Asiatic Ocean.
Ill papalis 3459 Papal MitreL. f.839,/. 67. G. .53,
/.I. C.4, *.147,/.1353-
4. E.M.^.370, /'.I. Amboyna.
145 Thiara Thiara X. t. 840, / 68. G. t. 53,
/.I. C.4,.147,/. 1355-
6. E.M..370,/.2.
116 coronata Crown E.M. t. 37 1,/. 6. C. 11,
M78,/. 17 19-20. W. Indies.
147 Musica 3460 Music L.t. 805, f. 14. G. #.28,
/.Z. C.3, f.96 J'.927-9.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
148 virescens greenish E. M. t. 379, f. 1&381,
/.3. C.3,f.79,/.932-3. Guinen.
149 plicata plaited C.10,.149,/.1403-4. E.Indies.
150 Vexillum 3461 Banner F.t.SS,f.Q.l.E.M.t.2G\,
f.\. C,10,p.l52./. A.
B. Amboyna.
151 Vespertilio 3461 Bat i..807,/.16&808,/.17.
G.f .28,/. F.G.l.M. C.
E.M.f.382,/2. W. Indies.
152 iraperialis imperial C.3, *.97,/934-5. E.M.
f.382,/.l. Str. of Malacca.
153 Pacifica 3461 nodulous C.ll.f.l78,/.173-4.
[Arabica.] Pacific Ocean.
154 Ebrjea 3461 Hebrew JL.J.809,/18. E.M^.380,
character /.2. C.3, *.96,/. 924-6.
155 Turbinellu^ 3462 turbinated i. f. 811,/. 20. F. /.24,
/.C.2. C.3,*.99,/.944.
156 Capitellum 3462 ridged G. t. 37, /. A. F. . 24,
/.C.3. C.3,f.99,/.947-8
Indian Ocean.
157 Rhinoceros 3458 Rhinoceros C. 10, *.150,/. 1407-8.
New Guinea.
158 muricata prickly JLf.810,/. 19. C.3, t. 99,
/.949-50. W. Indies.
159 Ceramica 3462 horned L. .829,/ 51. G. .55,
/.D. C.3,.99,/.943.Mo'uccas.
Linn, names. Cm. fingt. names. Synonyms. Habitat .
160 Py rum S403 pear-shape.! L. f. 815,/. 25. G.l.W,
/.C. .3, t. 95,/.91G.
E.Af./.390,/2.a.b.c. Ceylon.
161 gravis solid C. 3, f. 95, f. 017. J-'.M.
f.390,/1. Str. of Malacca.
162 globosa globose C.11,M78,/.1715-16. u.
163 Lnpponica 2463 wave-lined F. f.33,/. P. C. 3, f. P5 f
/. 020-21. E.M. /.381,
/.3&J.431. bis/.l.
American Ocean.
164 Zebra Zebra L.Z.M.l,t.M,f.1. N. Holland.
165 flavicans 3464- yellowish C.3, f.05,/922-3. E.Indies.
166 undulata undulated S.N.MA7,t.702. Australasia.
167 rupestris 3464 rock E.M.f.381,/2. C.3,#.93,
/.041-2. . Japan.
168 Magellaniea 3465 Magellanic F.^.28,/.E. C. 10, /. 148,
/. 1383-4. E.M.t.38l,
/1&3. Str. of Magellan.
160 Volva 3157 whitish C.10,M48,/.1S89-90. Guinea.
170 Jnnonia sqijair-spotted F/.79,/A. C.11,M77,
/.1703 4. S. Pacific Ocean.
171 nivosa snow-spotted S.IO/.21/.912. New Holland.
172 Scapha 3468 Libtnin L.t.799,f.6. G 28,/S.
C.S,t. 72, f. 77 4 & 73,
f. 77 5-6. E.M.t.391.
C. of Good Hope.
173 ma^nifica ma^nific C.ll,M74-5. New Holland.
174 Colorynthis Coloquint C.I 1, *.176,/.1695-6. Brazil.
10-2 VALUTA.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat-
175 ^Ethippica 3465 TEthio.pie L, *.797,/.4. C. 3, t. 74,
/.781. E.M. .387, /.I,
2&388,/.l-3. Amboyna.
176 Coro,na ducal crownC.10, M48,/.1387-8. E.Indies.
177 Cymbiola 3468 lesser Cym- C.10,f.l48,/. 1385-6.
178 Cymbium 3466 Cymbal i.f.796,/.3. G.f.29,/.B.
C. 3, t. 70, /. 762-3.
E.M..386, t /.3. Guinea.
179 porciua keel-margin E.M.Z.386,/.2. C.3,*.70,
180 Olla 3466 Melon i.f.794,/.l. G..29,/.A.
C.3, f.71,/766. E.M.
#.385,/2. W. Indies.
181 Neptuni 3467 Neptune*s L. t. 802,/. 8. G. t. 27,
/.A. A. C.3,*.71,/.767.
E.M.t.386 t f..l. Persian Gulf.
182 Navicula 3467 Gondola L. t. 795,/. 2. C. 3,^.71,
/.768-71. Guinea.
183 Glans 3468 reddish-yel. C.10, .148,/. 1393-4. Africa.
184 Praepytium 3468 Nipple .f.798,/.5. C.10, M48,
f. 1891-4. Coromandel.
184 Indica 3467 Indian C.3,*.72./.-772-3. E.M.
.389 ; /.l. China.
186 clathrata 3445 \vqrn X.f.819,/34. Barbadoes.
B U C C I N U M. 103
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
1 Oleariura 3469 Tun
J.44,/T. C.3, <.117,
/. 1076-7. E.M.t,403,
/.I. E. Indies.
2 Galea 3469 brown Tun L. t. 898,/. 18. G. t.4<2.
C. 3, 't. 116, / 1070.
-E.M.f.403,/,1. Mediter.
3 Perdix 3470 Partridge i. f. 984,/. 43. G. *. 51,
Tun /.F. C.3,#.117,/.1078-
80. M.p.244, f.8,/5.
Britain, &c.
4 Pomum 3470 thick-lippedi. t. 792, f. 45. G. t. 51,
Tun /.C. C.2, *.36,/.370-t.
-E.M*.403,/.2. Amboyna.
sul cosum flat-ribbed F.t. 27, f. B. C.8,f. 118,
/.1081. Coromandel.
6 Dolium 3470 spotted Tuni. f.899,/. 19. G. #.39,
/.E. C.3,f.1l7,/.l073-
4. E.Af.<.403,/3. Amboyna.
7 Chinense Chinese TunC.ll,M88,/. 1804-5. China.
8 caudatum 3471 beaked Tun C.3, f.118,/. 1083-4. U.
9~Echinopho- 3471 tuberculatedl.f.1003,/ 68. G. .43,
rum /.3. C.2, *.41,/.407-8.
E.M.^.405,/3. Mediter.
10 nodosum belted i.MOil,/.7I. u.
Ji U C C I N U M.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
11 Tyrrhenum 3478 rugged .f.lOn,/.71.e. G.t.43,
f.1. C.10,M53,/.14G1-
2. .Af.*.405,/.l. Tuscany.
12 abbreviatum 3468 shori-beakedC.10^.153,/. 1463-4. Ind.Ocean.
13 plicatum 3472 plaited L.M002,/.67. G.,'. 40,
/.C. C. 2, . 37,/.379-
80. Jamaica.
14 coniutum 3472 horned L. I. 1006,/. 70 & 1008,
/.35,/362. Aiaboyna.
15 rufum 3473 red G. t. 40, /. F. F. t. 26,
/.D.2. C.2,*.32,/.34l
& .33, /.346-7. Madagascar.
16 tuberosurn 3473 Casket G. t. 41. F. J. 25,/. B. 2.
C. 2, f. 38, /. 381-2.
. ^. t. 406,/. 1-3, &
West Indies.
17 flammeum 3473 triangular L. t. 1004,/. 69. JP.^.25,
Casket /.E. C.2,f.34,/.353-4.
18 Testiculus 3474 Bonnet L. t. 1001,/. 6. G. /. 39,
Casket /.C. C.2, *.37,/.375-<5.
19 decussatum 3474 decussated i. ^.IGOO,/. 65. G. . 40,
/.B. C.2,f.35,/.360-1.
20 Areola 3475 small dice L. t. 1012,/.76. G. f.29,
E.M.tA07,f.3. Araboyna.
B U C C I N U M. 105
Linn, names. Cm. Engf. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
21 strigatum 3477 yellow- L. M014,/78. F.t.24,
striped /. D. C. 10, t. 153,
/. 1457-8. Indian Seas.
22 aclmtinum agate E.M.*.407,/.l. New Holland.
23 saburon gray casket L.M012,/. 76. G. t. 39,
/.G. Mediterranean.
24 granulatum granulated L. . 1056, /. g. F.t.25,
/.A.4. C.2,*.32,/344-
5. & 34,/.350-2. W. Indies.
25 undulatum 3475 undulated _L. t. 996, f. 61. G. ^. 39,
/. B. C. 11, *. 186,
f. 1794-5. Mediterranean.
26 inflatum inflated S.N.M. 22, t. 959. C. 11,
*.186,/.1792-3. Indian Sea?.
27 tessellatum 3476 tessellated i. f.997,/. 62. P. t. 26,
/.B.I. C.2, #.36,/.369.
28 bilineatum 3476 smooth, Hel-i.^.998,/63. M.p. 244. Britain.
29 cicatricosum 3475 cicatrix G..M9,/1,2. Indian Ocean.
30 recurvi- 3477 recurved- i.f.1016,/75. Barbadoes.
rostrum beak
31 Cassis 3477 Helmet C. 10, *.152,/.1456. B. of Naples.
32 Erinaceus 3478 Hedgehog L.t. 10 15,/. 73. G. f.39,
/. D. & I. C. 2, t. 35,
/.363. Amboyna.
33 nodulosum 3479 knobbed S. Einl.l, p.383, ^.2,/.9. u.
34 Fimbrk 3479 bordered F.f.25,/.D.4. C.10^.153,
jt f. 1459-60. E.Indies.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
35 glaucum 3478 glaucous L. t. 996,/. 60. G. t. 40,
/.A. C.2, *.32,/.342-3.
36 Vibex 3479 agate casketG. t. 39, /. F. F. t. 25,
/.H.I. C.2, #.35,/364-
3f papillosum 3479 prickly-lip. L. t. 969, f. 23. G. t. 44,
/.G. C.4,#.125,/.1204-
5. E.JW.#.400,/2. Java.
38 Clans 3480tbread-girded #.981,/. 40. JF. t. 33,
/.L. C.4,M25,/.1196-
8. E.M.#.400,/5.
Asiatic Ocean.
59 foliosum 3493 leafy L. t. 975,/. 30. G. t. 44,
/.B. C.2, #.38,/.387-8.
40 Arcularia 3480 broad-lippedL. t. 970, f. 24. G. f. 44,
/.O.Q&R. C. 2,*. 41,
/.409-12. E.M. #.394,
/1,2. China.
41 coronatum crowned S.EinlA,p. 329, t. 2,/.4.
r. E.M.p.277. Madagascar.
42 hepaticum small-knobbed M.p. 243, f.8,/.l. L.T.B,
J9.135. Britain.
43 Pullus 3481 small kofferZ. . 970,/. 25. G. #.44,
/.N. Str. of Malacca.
44 Thersites pale olive i..971,/.26. C.2, #.41,
Asiatic Oeean.
B U C C I N U M.
E. Indies.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms.
45 verrucosum warty X..972,y.27.
46 gibbosulum 3481 hunchback. Z.f.973,/. 28. C. 2, f.41,
/.414-J5. Mediterranean.
47 mutabile 3497 changeable G..44,/.R. F.t.33,f.S.l.
[nitidulum.] C. 4, t. 125, /. 1194.
E.M.*.394,/4. Senega).
48 neriteum 3481 nerite-shap. G.t.65,f.C.I. C.5, .166,
/. 1602. E. M. t. 394,
/9. Mediterranean.
49 Ilarpa 3482 Harp L. t. 994, /. 57. G. t. 29,
/.C.E&G. C.3,M19,
/ 1090. E. M. t. 404,
/.t-4. E. Indies.
C.10,#.152,/.1453. Tranquebar.
P.#.28,/.A.4. C.3,M19,
/.1093. Philippines.
X. f. 987,/. 46. G. t. 51,
/.H.L. C.3, r69,/.760.
JS.M.f.397,/1. Persian Gulf.
3483 widemouth i. ?. 989,/. 49. G. t. 51,
/.E. C.3,*.69,/.758-9.
W. Indies.
3483 spine-lipped F.*.27,/. D.I. C. 3, ^.69,
/. 761 & 10, t. 154,
/1469-70. E.M.f.396,
/.3. Cape Horn.
C.10,M52,/. 1449-50.
New Zealand
50 cancel lattim 3482 latticed
51 costntum 3482 ribbed
52 Persicum 3482 Persian
53 patulura
54 Monodon
55 Haustorium 3498 Scoop
B U C C I N U M.
Linn, names. Gin. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
56 Concholepas 3697 limpet-shap. F. 1, p. 543, t. 4, II. 3.
[P. Lepas.] C.10, p. 320,/A.B.
Str. of Magellan.
57 Haemastoma 3483 red-lipped L. t. 988,/. 48. G. *. 51,
/. A. C. 11, *. 187,
/.1796-7. Mediterranean.
58 armigerum armed C.ll, M87,/.1793-9. S. Seas.
59 luteostomum pallid C.H,U87,/1800-1. China,
60 lamellosum 3498 lamellar C.10,p.l79,/.A.B. N.Zealand.
61 crispatum wrinkled
62 Lapillus 3484 purple-
63 filosum
64 sulcatum
65 sertum
L. /.965,/. 18,19. C.3,
M21,/. 1111-2. D.I,
Ml. M.p.239. Britain, &c.
3486 threaded C.3,M21,/.1113-4. u.
3491 grooved X.^.976,/31. C.4,^.124,
/1 170-1. Tranquebar.
chesnut-stained.*.986,/45. C.3, #.121,
/.iq5-6. E.M. t. 397,
66 Smaragdulus 3484 Emerald L. .831,/. 55. G. t. 43,
/.X. C.3,*. 120,/. 1104-
67 varium 3486 varied JK.6, #.23,/.3. C.3 ? .121,
/.1 106, u.
68 Tuba 3484 lengthened C.3, <.94,/.908. Indian Ocean.
69 Pyrum 3484 pear-shaped C.3, .94,/.909-10. Red Sea.
70 plqinbeum double-grooved C.11^.188 ? /.1806-7. California.
B U C C I N U M. 109
Linn, names. Gm. Eiigl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
71 spailiceum 3485 chesnut C.3, .94,/.91l. W.Indies.
7L> umbilicatum 3485 umliiicated C.3, *.94,/.915. U.
73 candidum 3485 white C.3,j9.191,/.3. u.
74 crnssum 3485 thick C.3,^.120,/1099,1100. U.
75 Qrbita 3490 glohose C. 10, t. 154, /. 1471-3.
E.M.f.398,/.l. N. Zealand.
76 Scula 3486 broad-beltedL..1059,/.2- C.3, M18,
/. 1Q8Q. . M t. 422,
/4. E.Iudics.
77 spiratum 3187 acute-spired L. t. 983, f. 42. c: P.Cr.
M01,/.13. CA,t.lW x
f. 1118. . M. . 401,
78 Zevlanicum 3489 Ceylon L. . 982,/. 42. G.f.51,
[glabratum /S.J /B. C.4,*.122,/.1119.
JE.M.#.401,/3. Ceylon.
79 glabratum 3489 glossy i. ^. 974,/ 29. G. .43,
/.T. C.4,#.122,/1117.
E.MJ.401,/1. Tranquebar.
80 turgitum 3490 red spotted C.10, M54,/.1475-6.
New Zealand ,
81 scutulatum 3498 streaked M. U. C. 2, t. 55. C. 10,
82 testudineum 3498 tortoise- C.10,.152,/.1454. E.M.
shell .399,/.2. -
83 Cataractu 3498 long-striped C. 10, M52,/ 1455.
C. of Good Hope.
84 laevissimum 3494 polished C.4, .127,/.1215-16.
Indian Seas.
B U C C 1 N U M.
Jjinn. names. Grn. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
85 cvaneum blueish C.10,#.152,/.1448. Greenland.
86 lave 3488 smooth C.4,#.124./1150. E.Indies.
87 igneum 3494 red streakedC.4, #.127,/.1217. u.
88 plumatum 3494 painted L. t. 822, /. 41.b. C. 4,
#.127,/.1218-20. Jamaica.
89 ocellatum 3488 white-eyed C.4, #.124,/.1160-1. E.Indies.
90 glaberri- 3488 litt!e,smoothC.4, #.125,/. 1177. U.
91 Nucleus small i.#.976,/.32. New Zealand.
92 lineatum small, lineated C.4, #. 125,/. 1118. D.I,
#.15. Af.p.245. Britain.
93 exile 3497smaH,slenderC.4,#.125,/. 1190-1. u.
94 prasrosum 3489 carious C.9, #.12 1,/. 1035-6.
Aqueduct at Seville,
95 Cochlidium indented spireC.ll,#.209,/.2053-4.
Islands in the S. Seas: L.
96 australe 3490 southern B. #. 13, / 18, 19. C. 9,
#.120,/. 1033-4. JE.Af.
#.449,/. 1.
New Zealand. Fr.w.
97 undosum 3490 undulated JL.#.938,/.33. C.4, #.122,
/. 1126-7. E.M. #.422,
fb. Amboyna.
98 affine 3190 brown-strip.Ji.2,#.14,/.4,5.C.4,#.123,
/.1 135. S. Seas.
'99 Fumosmn smoky C.4, #. 123, upper/. 1145-
6. V.
B U C C I N U M.
Linn, names.
100 In die urn
101 Tranqueba-
102 verbicolor
103 cruentatum
104 Bezosir
105 hulbosum
106 gkiciale
107 urulatum
108 papyraceum
109 Tahitense
110 porcatum
111 lyratum
112 Pyrozonias
Gin. Engl. names. Synonyms. Hulilut.
3495 Indiuu C.4, M23,/.1138-9. E. Indies.
3491 Trauquebar C.4,M23,lower/. 1146-9.
E.M.*.422,/.6. Coromandel.
3491 lurid C.4, M23, lower/. 11 45.
E. Indies.
3491 red spotted C.4, M23,/. 1143-4. U.
3491 Bezoar C.3, *.68,/.754-5. China.
bulbous L./.894,/.14. K.5, f.21,
/. 2. C.3, f.68,/.750-3.
jE.M.f.434,/1. Tranquebar.
3491 keel-ridged C. 10, t. 152, / 1446-7.
E.M.t.399,f.3. D.5,
*.154. M.Suppl.p.109.
Northern Ocean.
3492 wave ribbedL. t. 962,/. 14. F. *.32,
/.D. C.4,/. 126,/. 1206-
11. D. 3, t. 104. M.
p. 237. E. M. t. 399,
/.I. Britain, &c.
paper i.f.963,/17. C.4, f. 126,
/. 1212. E. M. t. 400,
f.3. Norway.
3498 Otaheite C.10, *.154,/1477. Otaheite.
3494 rugged C.4, f.126,/1213-14.
Coast of Mexico.
3494 lyre C.4,M27,/. 1221-2. u.
C.3,M09,/.1017. u.
3488 double-
113 textum 3493 rurreted C.4,M25,/.1201-2.
112 B U C C I N t M.
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyws. Habitat.
114 clathratum 3471 latticed P.t. 56, f. 5. B.t.9,f. 17,
18. E.M.*.:J94,/.5. E.Iiuiies.
115 niveum 3495 cancellated C.4,4.122,/. 1122-3. Tranquebar.
116 Lima acuminated C.ll, M88,/.1808-9. E. Indies,
117 reticulatum 3495 reticulated Z* .966,/ 21. G. . 44,
/.C. C.4,*.124 r /.ll62-
4. D.3,.76. M./; '240.
Bi itain, ccc.
118 arabiguum small, plicated G.t. 44,/. V 7 . C.4, f. 124,
/. 1165. M.^.242, /.9,
/.f. Britaiu.
119 Macula spot lipped M.p.241,^ 8,/4. i.T.8,
p.138, tA,f.4.
120 stolatum 3496 brown- C.4,.124,/.ll67-9. Tranquebar.
121 cinctum minute, girdled Mp.246, t. 15,/. 1. i.T.
8, p. 139. Britain.
122 minimum minute, chesnut M .p 247, t.Q^f.Q,.
123 plicatulum 3496 plaited G. t. 44, f. E, F. t. 33,
/. V. 2. C.4, ^. 124,
/1 158-9. E. Indies.
124 Piscatorium 3496 knobbed G. t. 43. M. C. 4, . 124,
/.1 15 1-2.
125 S ti Mauritii 3496 six-toothed C.4, f. 124, /.1 153-4.
Island of St. Maurice.
126 armillatum 3496 brown-pimp. C.4,M24,/. 1155-7. . r.
127 nitidulum neat bandedG.^.52,/.C. A,t.9,f.%7.
128 ventricosum 3498 ventricose M.U.C.2, t.47. St. George's Bay.
iTiinn. names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
129 raaculatum 3499 spotted L. <.846,/. 74. G. t. 56,
/.I. C.4,.153,/. 1440.
E.M.t.4OQ,f.l. Asia&Africa.
ISO oculatum ocellated P. Amb. t.<2,f. 4. F. tAO,
/.Z. C.4,.153,/1442.
E. Indies.
131 subulatum 3499 awl-shaped L. t. 842,/. 70. G.t.56,
/.B. C.4,f.l54,/.1443.
J2.M.f.402,/.2. Amboyna.
132 tigrinum 3502 tiger G.t.56,f.G. C. 4, t. 154,
/.1448. u.
133 crenulatum 3500 crenulated L. t. 846,/. 75. G.t.57,
/.L. C.4,*.154,/.1445.
E.M.tAQ2,f.3. China.
134 hecticum hectic C.tl,M88,/.1817-18. Africa.
135 geminum 3506 divided L.M.p.55Q. v.
136 proximatum 3505 proximate L.M.p.550. U.
137 Monile 3505 Necklace L.M.p.55Q. u.
133 vittatum 3500 ribbon L. t. 917, f. 34. F. t. 40,
/. C. 2. C. 4, t. 155,
/. 1461-3. EM. t. 402,
fA. Cejion.
139 digitale blucish bandedL. t . 977, f. 33. F. t. 40,
/. C. 1. C. 4, f. 155,
/. 1468-71. Coromandel.
140 strigillatuiu 350| strigillated i.^.845,/73. C.4,f.l55,
/.1456. Asiatic Ocean.
141 concinnum belt-spottedG.f.57,/.O. U.
114 BUCCItfUM.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Hall tat.
142 duplicatum double-whirledL. t. 837,/. 64. G.t.57,
/.N. C.4,M55,/.1455.
Indian Ocean,
143 cinereum 3405 steel-gray B.p.267,MO,/.ll,12. Amboyna.
144 succinctum 3502 girted C.4, M54, /.1451. E.Indies.
145 Acus 3502 Needle C.4, f .154,/.1449. u.
146 lanceatum 3501 Lancet G.t.56,f.G. P.Amb.t.lS,
/.20. C.4/.154,/1450.
147 dimidiatum 3501 orange and JK. t. 57, /. I.M. F.t.40,
wh. striped /.Y. C-4, M54,/. 1444. China.
148 murinum 3502 mouse-col. L.S.N.p.1%06. Africa.
149 pcrtusum bellow dottedB.MO,/. 13. C. 4, f. 155 7
/1457. V.
150 hastatum 3502 Javelin C.4,M54,/.1453-4. U.
151 Phallus 3503 sinuated C.4, M55,/. 1464-5. E.Indies.
152 bifasciatum 3504 two-banded P.f.53,/.5. .
153 radiaturn 3504 radiated G..52,/.D. C. of Naples.
154 virgineum 3505 fresh-water L. 1. 113, /. 7. P. t. 104,
y.8. Rivers in Virginia.
155 Acicula roinute-pointedGJ.6,/. B.B. M.t.8,f.3.
Britain, &c. in dry moss.
156 asperum 3503 rough L.tMo. u.
157 Chalis 3497 Chalis M. U. C.4, M25,/. 1192. IT.
158 iianum 3497 dwarf M.U.C.4, *.125,/.1176. V-
159 nigropunc- 3497 black-dottedG.^41,/.F. U.
tat am
S T R O M B U S.
.Linn, names. Grn. Engl. names. Synonyms.
160 striaturn 3477 striated Gr.Z.t.W t f.l8.
161 trifasciatum
162 unifasciale
163 Norwcgicum
164 maculosum
165 Turris
red-banded G.f.44,/.A.
single-streaked E.M.t.397,f.6.
Norwegian E.M.*.399,/5.
stained E.M..400,/.7. U.
spiral tower C. 4, t. 124, /. 1 172-3 &
M25,/.1 174-5. EM.
.394,/.6. Guinea.
166 imbricatum imbricated E.M.t.396,f.l. U.
167 crassilabrura thick-lipped.E.M.>.396,/.2. U.
168 cingulatum belted E.M.^.396,/4. U.
169 dentatum toothed E.M.I. 396, f.5. V.
170 gemmulaturn folded E.M.t-.S97,f.3. V.
171 Pseudonum false-toothedB.E.C.p.!84, i.26,/.2. U.
172 strombiforme strombus^shapedB.E.C./>.184 ; f.26,/.3. IT.
1 Fusus 3506 Spindle i.^.854,/12. C 4, .158,
/. 1495-6. E.M.tAll,
/I. Red Sea,
2 Unicornus Unicorn L. t. 916, f. 9. F. t. 34,
/. B. 3. C. 4, t. 159,
/.1 500. Kindles.
3 6ssus slit F.t.79,f.Y. C.ll,f. 195.
A./.1869. V,
3 T 11 O 31 B U 9.
Linn* names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
4 Pcs-Pclecani 3507 4-fingered L. t. 365 & 866 ,/. 21. b.
G.t.53,f. A. B &C.
C.3, f .85,/.848-50. D.
l,.p.4. M/7.253. Britain, &c.
5 Chiragra 3507 Devil's clawL. t. 870,/. 24. G. f. 53,
/.B. C.3, f.86,/853-4.
&87,/.856-7. China.
6 Scorpius 3508 Scorpion
7 Lambis 3508 Spider
L. t. 867,/. 22. G. ^. 36,
/.C. C.3, f.88,/860.
L. t.866,f. 21. G. ^ 36,
/.A.B. C.3, f.87,/858-
9. E.H.tA\0,f.2. Batavia.
8 Bryonia 3520 blunt-tippediJ.882,/. 4,& Z.931. F.
t.21,f. E. 1.&2. C.3,
*.93,/.904-5. E. Indies.
9 Millcpeda 3509 Millepede X.^.868-9. P.#.22,/.A.6.
C. 3, t. 88, /. 861-2.
-E.AU.410,/1. Coromandel.
10 lentiginosus 3510 pink-lipped L. t. 860,/. 17. F. t. 20,
/.B.2. C.3, f.82,/833-
4. Jamaica.
11 polyfasciatus many-bandedC.10/.155,/.1483-4. Red Sea.
12 Callus 3511 Plough L. t. 874, f. 30. G.f.32,
/.M. C.3,f.84,/.843-5.
^. 408, /. 1, &
13 Papilio Butterfly C.10/,158,/. 1510-11, E.Indies.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
14 fasciatus 3510 banded L. t. 860, / 17. F. #. 20,
/.B.2. C.3,#.82,/.833-
4. W. Indies.
15 laciniatus sinuated C.10/.158,/. 1506-7. E.Indies.
16 Auris Dianie3512 Diana's ear L. t. 872,/. 28. G. #. 32,
/.D.H. C.3,#.84,/.838-
9. E.M.#.409,/.3. Amboyna.
17 Pugilis 3512 thick,spinedG. #. 32,/.B. C. 3, #. 81,
/. 830-31. E.M. #.408,.
/4. W. Indies.
18 mar^inatus margined L.S.N.p.12Q9. China.
19 Luhuanus 3513 Lohoebroad-L. #.850 & 851. G. #.31,
lip /H.I. C.3,#.77,/789-
91. -
20 gibberulus 3514 Pouter L.#.847,/l. G.#.13,/.NT.
C.3,#.77,/.792-4. Amboyna.
21 Oniscus 3514 Wood-lousel. #. 791, /. 44. G. #. 22, ^
/.I. C. 11, #.195. A,
/ 1872-3. W.Indies.
22 Gigas 3515 Giant l.#.886-8. G.#.54,/M.
C.3, # 80,/.824. r-
23 latissimns 3516 ' broad GiantL.#.856& 862. C.3, #.82,
/.832 & #.83,/835. China.
24 Accipiter spinous i.#.863,/. 18. C. 3, #.81,
/.829. Asiatic Ocean.
25 Epidromis 3516 mottled fawni. #. 853,/ 10. F. #. 20,
/.A.6. C.3, #.79./821.
26 minimus 3516 least G.#.31,/. L. C.10, #.156,
S T R O M B U S,
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat,
27 Canariuin 3517 Partridge L. t. 853, /. 9. G. t. 32,
/.N. C.3,.79,/.8 18. Amboyna..
28 vittatus 3517 ribbon JLf.852,/8. P. G. t. 98,
/.12. C.3, f.79,/819-
20 &. 822-3. .E. M.
29 sulcatus sulcated L. t. 852,/. 8. F. t. 20,
/.A.4. C. ll,f. 195. A.
/1870-1. China,
30 succinctus 3518 girdled L. t. 859,/. 16. G. . 33,
/.B. C.3, <.79,/.815-
16. Amboyna.
31 Fissurella 3518 slit-lipped F.t.79,f. Y. C.4, t. 158,
/. 1198-9. EJU.*.411,
/.3. E. Indies.
32 Urceus 3518 Pitcher L. t. 857, f. 13. G. f. 32,
/. E&G. C. 3, f. 78,
33 Erythrinus nodulous C.I 1, .195. A,/. 1874-5.
Red Sea.
34 tridentatus 3519 3-toothed L. t . 858,/. 14. G. .33,
/. C. D. C. 10, f. 157,
/.1503. Amboyna.
35 dentatus 3519 toothed C.10, f.157,/1501-2.
Isle of France.
36 Vexillum 3520 Banner C.10, *.157,/.1504-5. E.Indies.
37 Norwegicus 3520 Norwegian C.10/.157,/. 1497-8. Norway.
38 tuberculatus3521 tuberculatedC.4/.157,/.1490. Mediter,
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
39 palustris 3521 marsh L. t. 837, f. 63. F. t. U t
f. A. 1. C. 4, t. 156,
/.1472. E. Indies.
3521 black i. J. H5,/. O. P. t. 61,
/. H. 11. C. 9, if. 35,
^.1227. Marshes in Amboyna.
3522 eared Z.M21,/.l6. C.9,?.136,
/ 1265-6. Guinea. Fr.w.
3523 livid C.9,M36,/ 1269-70. u.
ribbed D.3,.94. M.p.<255. Britain.
40 ater
41 auritus
42 lividus
43 costatus
44 raniuus
thin-lipped K.6, #.
1 liaustellum 3524 Snipe L. t. 903, / 23. G. t. 30,
/.E. C.3,M15,/.1066.
2 Motacilla 3530 Nightingale C.10,M63,/. 1563. E. Indies.
3 Scolopax thorny SnipeC. 11, *.189,/. 18 19-20. Red Sea.
4 Tribnlus 3525 thorny L. t. 902,/. 22. G. /.31,
Woodcock /.A. C.3,M13,/1053-
6. Amboyna.
5 cornutus 3525 horned L. t. 901,/. 21. G. t. 30,
Snipe /.D. C.3,*.114,/1057.
6 Brandaris 3526 short-beak. L. t.900,f. 20. G. .30,
Snipe /.F. C.3,*.114,/1058-
61. JVlediterranean.
JJnn. names.
7 Trunculus
8 Rosarium
9 Pomura
10 miliaris
11 Tnelanoma-
12 raniosus
13 fuliatus
44 Lingua
15 tripterus
v. names.
3526 Tyrian dye JL f. 947,/. 42. G. t. 31,
/.C. C.3,M09,/.1018-
20 Mediterranean.
Rosary C.10, f.161,/1528-9. u.
35'27 apple-simp. JL.944,/.39.a. #3, .9,
/.I. C.3,*.109,/.1021-
3 & 110,/. 1024-5.
3536 scabrous X.3,.29,/.5. C.10,f.l61,
y!l532-5. Nicobar Islands.
3527 black-spinedC.3, f.108,/1015. E.lf.
*.418,/.2. E. Indian Seas.
3528 branched L. t. 946, f. 41. G. t.37,
f. D.G.H.I.L. C. 3,
#.102-6,/.980-97. W. Indies.
3529 foliated C.10, *.161,/.15S8-9.
Nev Zealand.
Sheep's tongueC.10,f.l61,/.1540-l. Goree.
3530 subtriangu- B. t. W,f. 18, 19. C. 3,
lar tA10,f. 1031-2. E.M.
f.417,/.3. Batavia.
16 triqueter 3530 3-\varted C. 3, Ml I,/. 1038. JE.JH.
f .417,/. I & 4. China.
17 Scorpio 3529 Scorpion G. t. 37, f. M. JP. f. 36,
/.G.3.G.4. C. 3,f.l06,
/.998-1003. Amboyna.
18 saxatilis 35-29 Endive JF.<.36,/.K. X.3, t.9,f.2.
Cj,t.lQ7,f. 1004-10. - -
Linn, names. Gm.
19 erinaceus 3530
Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
rough ridged G.tA9,f.H. C.S,M10,
/ 1026-8. E.M. .421,
/.I. D. 1,*.35. M.p.2^9.
Britain. &c.
20 Sacellum 3530 corded
21 Rana 3531 Frog
Nicobar Islands.
L. t . 995, f. 58. G. t. 49,
/.L. C.4,#.133,/1268-
71. E.M.t.412,f.3. Amboyna.
22 spinosus 3531 spiny Frog i. t. 949, f. 44. E. #.32,
/.B.2. K.3,t.7,f.5.
E.M./.412,/5. Trauquebar.
23 crassus thick Frog P.^.32,/. B.4. C.4, M33,
/. 1272-3. Madagascar.
24 Gyrinus 3531 whirled L. t. 939, f. 34. G. t. 49,
/.E. C.4,*.127,/.1224-
7. E.M.Z.412,/2.
25 bitubercularis 2-knobbed E.xH.412,/.6.
26 bufonius 3534
toad-shapedF.i.32,/.B.l. C.ll,.192,
/. 1845-6. E.M.f.412,
/.I. S.Seas.
27 Argus 3547 Argus K.5, t.3,f.3. C.10, #.160,
/. 1522. E. M. t. 414,
y.3. Amboyna.
28 Lampas 3532 granulated i.#.1023,/. 88. G. t. 50,
/.D. C.4,#.129,/1238-
9. E.M.t.420,f.3. Mediter.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat,
29 Olearium 3532 OilJar L. t. 937,/. 32. G. t. 49,
/.G. C.4,t. ISO,/. 1242-
3. Mediterranean.
30 Parthenopus tawny-yellowX.5, t.<2 !,/.!. C.4, #.131,
/. 1252-3. .31 1.4 16,
/.3. Bay of Naples.
31 lyratus 3531 lyre-shaped C.10, #.167,/.1634.
New Zealad.
32 Femorale 3533 triangular L. t. 941, f. 37. G.t. 50,
/.C. C.3,#,lll,/.1039. Ceylon.
33 cutaceus 3533 rough-skin. L #.942,/.38. C.3, #.118,
/. 1085-6. E.M. #.414,
/.2. W. Indies.
34 Lotoriuni 3533 angulatcd L. t. 934, f. 29. F. t. 34,
Oil Jar /. G. 4. C. 4, #. 130,
/. 1246-9. E.M. #.4 15,
-f.2. Amboyna.
35 Pileare '3534 nodulous G.#.49,/. A. C.4, #.130,
OilJar /.1243& 131,/.1250-1.
JE.M.#.415,/.3-4. Mediter.
36 couditus 3565 mottled C. 10, #.162,/. 1544-5. u.
Oil Jar
37 rrmculosus 3548 spotted L.t. 1022,/.86. F. t. 33,
/. X. 2. C. 10, #. 162,
/. 1552-3. .E.M. #.4 16,
j\\. Amboyna.
38 Spenglcri Spengler's C.ll,#.191,/.1839-40.
New South Wales
T.inn. names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
39 Pyrum 3534 Pear G..37,/.F. .F.*.34,/.A.2.
X. 2, t. 7,f. 2, 3. C. 3,
.112,/.1040-4. Coromandel.
40 Clavalor club-shapedC.ll,.l90,/.1825-6. Ceylon.
41 caudatus 3535 caudated i..893,/.B. C. 3, .112,
/. 1045-7. Coromandel.
42 Rubccula 3535 Footman G. t. 49,/. F. & I. .F..34,
/. G. 1. & G. 3. C. 4,
.132,/.1259-67. Reel Sea.
43 Scrobiculator3535 violet- L. t. 943,/. 39. G. .49,
throated /.B.C.10,M63,/.1556-
7. E.Af.f.414,/.l. Mediter.
44 rcticularis 3535 reticulated L. t. 935, f. 30. G. . 49,
45 Anus 3536 Grimace L. t. 833,/. 57. G. . 37,
/.B.E. C.2, .41,/403-
4. E.M..413,/.3.a.b.
46 Mulus Mule O. . 3 1,/. D. F. . 31,
/.II.2. C.2,.41,/405-
6. Coasts of Ilitoe.
47 ncritoideus 3537 Mulberry i.J.804,/12, 13. ^..24,
3 & t. 102, /. 976-7.
.E.M.f.395,/7. Coromandel.
48 Nodus 3537 Chesnut L.t. 991, f. 53. P. t. 19,
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
49 Fucus 3538 black-eyed L. t. 990,/. 50. G. t. 66,
. /. B. B. C. 3, t. 100,
/.959-60. Guinea.
50 Hystrix 3533 Porcupine G.t. 28,/l R. C.3, . 101,
/.974-5. E. Indies.
51 Riciiius 3537 Spur G. f.28,/.N. K. 1, .25,
/.5,6. China.
52 Mancinella 3538 Mancinella L./.957,/.9. C.3, #.101,
y.967-8. Amboyna,
53 Hippocasta- 3539 Horse-ches-P.^w?/;.^.4,/. 12. JF.^.24,
uuin nut /.C.I. C 3,^.99, /.945-
6. E.M.tA32,fA } 5. Batavia.
54 nodatus 3536 knobbed M.U.C.2,t.51. N.Holland.
55 lacerus carinated -i.f. 958,/. 11. I J . t. 101,
/.18. C.3, f.100,/951-
3. Guinea.
58 plicatus plaited C.3, MOO,/.954-5. E. Indies.
57 morbosus marbled L. t. 990,/. 51. b. & 991,
/.52. C.4,M23,/.1140.
W. Indies.
58 senticosus 3539 cancellated G. . 5 1,/. G.I. F. t. 31,
/.L. C.4,.155,/.1466-
7. E.M.f.419,/3. Amboyna.
59 Melongena 3540 open-mouth L. t 904,/. 24. G. #. 26,
/.F. C. 2,.f. 39,/. 389-
92. E.M.^.435,/.3.a-e.
60 calcaratus 3540 brownish- P.Amb.t.8,f. 11. G.f.31,
white /F. C.2,^.40,/.398-9.
MUREX. 125
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
Cl Consul 3550 ventricose C. 10, t.\ 60, /. 15 16-17. E.Indies.
62 stramineus 3542 straw-co- F.t.79,f.S. C. 10, .160,
loured /. 1520-1. New Zealand.
63 Virgo corded E.M..439,/.2. u.
61 clavatulus crowned TowerC.ll,.190,/il831-2. Guinea.
65 gibbosus 3564 gibbous C.ll, . 190,/. 1829-30 &
1833-4. lied Sea.
66 virgineus Vir-in TowerC.ll,.190,/ 1835-6. Guinea.
67 Babylonius 3541 Tower of i..19,/.ll. G..52, f.N.
Babel C. 4, t. 143,/. 1331-2.
T7* ~t\ -T * A f* f\ f
68 Javanus 3543 Javan JF..33./.C.5. C.4, .143,
\_Turris.] /. 1334-5. B.E.C..18,
/5. E.M..439,/3. Java.
69 tornatus 3541 white TowerC.4, .143,/.l336-8.Tranquebar.
70 dubius 3543 doubtful C.4,. 150, /. 1396-7. U.
71 Colus 3543 Spindle L t. 917,/. 10& 918. G.
t. 5?,f.L. C. 4, .144,
/. I339& 1342. E. M.
72 colosseus great E.M..427,/.2.
73 longicaudus long-beakedL.<.918. E.M"..423 7 /.2.
74 striatulus 3557 transverselyC.4,M46,/.1351-2. u.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
75 Lancca 3556 narrow C.4, .145 Jc /.1347. Amboyna.
76 versicolor 3556 changeable K. 3, M4,/.i. C.4, f. 146,
jf.1348. E. Indies.
77 verrucosus 3557 warty C.4,2.146,/.1349-50. Red Sea.
78 Morio 3544 Helmet L. t. 988,/. 22. R t. 35,
/. B. 1. C. 4, t. 139,
/. 1300-1. E.M. .430,
/.3,4. W. Indies.
79 Cochlidiuiu 3544 brown- C.IO,M64,/.1569. E.M.
streaked .434,/.2. E. Indies.
80 Tuba 3554 Trumpet C.4, M43,/. 1333. E.M.
*.426,/2. China.
81 Spirillus 3544 blunt-tippedIif.4 5 /.24,/.3. C.3, .115,
/. 1069. E. M. t. 437,
/.4. Malabar.
82 canaliculatus 3544 channelled L.*.878,/.2. G.f.47,/.A.
C.3,t.67,f. 742-3. E.M.
<.436,/.3. Canada.
83 Carica 3545 keeled L. t. 880,/. S.b. G. /. 47,
69, /. 756-7. E. M.
f.433,/.3. U.
84 cariniferus wave-edged E.M..423,/.3.
85 Ficus 3545 fig-shaped* G.f.26,/.N. C. 10, .163,
/. 1564-5 &!!,*. 193,
/.1853. Red Sea.
86 cIandcstiuusS4?l double- L.t. 940,/. 36. JC.6, .29,
lipped /.5. C.11,M93,/.1856-
M U R E X.
Linn, names. Cm . Engt. numcs. Synonyms. Habitat.
87 Aruanus 3546 spine-crown. F.f.35,/. M. C.4, p. 143,
/.D. China.
88 perversus 3546 reversed L. t. 907,/. 27. F. t. 23,
7. E.M.tA33,fA. W.Indies.
89 antiquus 3546 antiquated Z..913,/4. C.4, #.138,
/. 1292-4. E.M. .426,
/. 5. D. 1, t. 31. M.
/J.256. Britain, &c.
90 Magellanicus3548 leafy ribbedC.4,.139,/.1297.M.E/:C.
91 acanthopterus foliated
92 fornicatus 3547 arched
93 despectus 3547 despised
Str. of Magellan.
-E.M.f.417,/2. u.
C.4, M38,/.1295. Greenland,
E. M. t. 426, f. 4. D. 5,
.180. Northern Ocean.
94 subantiquatus
95 Tritonis 3549 Triton
great, worn C.4, *.138,/.1293& 1296.
J3.4, 1. 119. M.p.257.
i.T.8,/>.147. Britain.
X. Jf. 959,/. 12. G. *. 48,
/.A. C.4, MS4,/.1277
cSc ^. 135, /. 1282-3.
E.Af.f.421,/.2. Amboyna.
96 vulpinus
97 Pusio
3558 foxy
3550 Wreath
i.f.914,/7. G.f.52,/.l.
JPJ.53,/I. C.4, f. 147,
/. 1537. E. M, t. 426,
J.i. Mediterranean,
M U R E X.
Linn, names.
98 Tulipa
99 clathratus
100 lamellosus
101 Scala
J02 Fiscellum
103 undatus
104 virgatus
105 Corona
106 Dolarium
107 corneus
103 lineatus
109 sexcostatiis
110 Nassa
Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
3550 Tulip L.t.9W&91l. G.t.46,
/. A. E. C. 4, t. 136,
/. 1286-7. E.M.t.431,
/.2. W. Indies.
3551 ribbed iJ.926,/.19. Iceland.
3536 lamellar .F.f.37,/. H.I. JK.4, .30,
/. 2. C. 11, t. 190,
/.1823-4. Str. of Magellan.
3551 Ladder C.4,p.l,/.a.b.c. E.Indies.
3552 short-beak. C.10/.160,/.1524-5.
Pulo Condore,
waved C.ll, t- l-2,/. 1851-2.
nodulous C.4,M23,/. 1441-2. E.Indies.
3552 crowned C. 10, t. 161, /. 1526-7.
),/.2. G. of Mexico.
3552 narrow-belt..K.2, f.24,/.5&5^.3,/.5.
C. 3, t. 118,/. 1087-8.
.M.#.420,/.l. Portugal,
3552 slender horn L..913,/.5. C.4, t. 141,
/.1312-13. JE.M..429,
/. 2. X). 2, *. 38. Af.
J9.258. Britain, &c.
3559 lined C.10, .164,/1572. E.M.
^429 Jt /.4. New Zealand.
6-ribbed ^.M.i.441,/.l, u.
3551 rough J.828 7 /.50. .6,^.20,
f.7. Guinea,
MUREX. 129
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
111 Amplustre American flagC.ll, tA91,f, 1841-2.
Friendly Islands.
112 Trapezium 3552 striped L. t. 931, /. 26. G.t.46,
Tower /.B. C.4, M39,/1298-
9. jE.M.J.431,/3. Aroboyna.
113 polygonus 3555 mauy-angledC. 4, t. 140, /. 1306-9 &
M41, /.IS 14-16 E.M.
f.423,/.l. Isle of France.
114 Vespertilio 3553 reddish- i. t. 884,/6. a. F. . 23,
brown /. L. 2. C. 4, ^. 142,
/. 1323-4 & 132G-7.
E.M.tA34,f.Q. Tranquebar.
115 Scolymus 3553 flesh-colour.C.4,M42,/.1325. U.
116 Ternatanus 3554 Ternate L. t. 892,/. 12. F. t.35,
f. B. 6. K.4, t. 15,/.4
& f .26,/.l. Isl. of Ternate.
llf Columbarium3559 wh.-belted C.10, M60,/.1637-8.
Friendly Islands.
118lnfundibulum3554 funnel- .*.921,/.14. C.4,p.l43,
shaped /.A. E. M.I .424,/2. W.Indies.
119 Syracusanus 3559 Syracuse _F.*.34,/.D.2. C.10,/.162,
[asperrimus.] /. 1542-3. Mediterranean.
120 Perron 3559 shelving C.10,f.l64,/1573-4. S. Seas.
121 craticulatus 3551 net-whirled L.t. 9 19,/ 13. K. 2,t.3,
/.6. C.4, #.149,/1382-
8. E.M.f.429,/3. Mediter.:
122 Pardalis 3557 Leopard X.2,^.3,/4. C.4, <. 149,
/.1384. F.
M U R E X,
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonym*. Habitat.
123 prisraaticus 3559 prismatic C.10,M69,/. 1635-0.
Friendly Islands.
124 Maroccensis 3558 Morocco F.t.33,f.A.6. C.9,M05,
/.89G. Morocco.
125 Harpa 3554 Harp C.4,/.142,/.1328-30. U.
126 Baraffius Bamffian D. 5, t. 169./ 1. L. T. 8,
p.\49. AlSuppl.jt.H7.
127 gracilis elegant D. t. 169,/. 2. M. p. 267
&580, M5,/.5. Britain.
128 attenuatus tapering M.p.WQ,t.9,f.G. L.T.
p.}43. -
129 Nebula clouded M.p.QG?, M5,/.6. X T.
130 costatus
131 proximus
high-ribbed D.3,<.91. Alp.265.
.JW. 11 8, *.30,/.8.
132 septangularis seven-angled D.5, tA79,fA. M.p.168,
133 Turricula small towered M.p.262,f.9,/l. i.2'.8,
134 rufus red M./>.263. L.T.B,p.U5.
135 sinuosus channel-lipped M.p. 264, i.9,/8. i.T.8,
136 linearis linear M.p.Wl, t.9,fA. L.T.8,
137 purpureus purple 3f.j?.260 ; t.9 f f.3.
MUREX. 131
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
138 muricatus rasp 71/^.262, f.9,/. 2. Z.T.8,
J9.149. Britain.
139 uiinutissimus minute Jlf.p.273. L.T.3,p. 65&
110 arenosus 3558 sea-sand S.Einl.l, p.644. India.
141 Scriptus 3554 Character JLS.JV.j9.1225. Mediterranean.
142 Obelisctis 3542 Chinese JL. f. 1018,/80. G.t.56,
[Slnensis.] Obelisk /M C.4,M57,/.1489.
E.M.^.443,/4. W.Indies.
143 Vertagus 3560 curve-beak. L. M020,/. 83. G. ^.57,
/.D. C.4, M56./.1479
&157,/.1480. E. M.
<.443,/.2. Amboyna.
144 curvirostris cross-beaked C.4, <.156,/.1748. '-
145 plicatulus 3561 vvh.-plaited L. t. 1017,/79. G.^.57,
/A. C.4,M57,/1488.
1-16 Aluco 3560 Caterpillar L. t. 1017,/79. G.t.57,
/.A. C.4,.156,/.1478.
147 nodulosus nodulous i.f.1025,/. 87. G. .57,
/.G. C.4,M56,/1473-
4. E.M.tA42,f.3.
148 A^ansoni Adanson's G.t.57,f.B. A.t.lO,f.<2,
Iliver Gambia.
149 Clava 3565 club-shapedC.10,p.233,/.A.B.
Pulo Condore.
150 uncinatus 3512 grappling S.Fluss.t.B,f.l5. V.
151 atratus 3561 blackish JBp.327, Ml ? /.17,18. U.
M U R E X.
. Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
152 alucoides marbled L. t. 1019. G. t. 56, f. L.
F.t.39,f.C.l. Mediterranean.
153 ebeninus deep black F.t.79,f. lower N. C.10,
M62,/. 1548-9. E.M.
f.442,/1. New Holland.
154 fuscatus 3562 prickly L. M21,/. 17. F. t . 30,
/. C. 19. C. 9, t. 136,
/.1 26 7-8.
Senegal : mouth of rivers.
Z.M21,/.16. C.4, #.157,
/. 1486 & 10, t. 164,
/. 1575-6. E.Indies.
L. t. 122,/. 20. G. #.58,
/.F. C.4, M55,/. 1459.
Rivers of Senegal, within reach
of the tide.
margined G.'.56,/.H. E. Indies,
serrated M.U.C.2, #.58. Friendly IsK
3563 rough-grain.X. #. 1020,/. 84. F.t.39,
f. C. 18. C.4, *. 157,
/.1483. W.Indies.
grained P.Amb.t.7,f.M. C.4,
t. 157, f. 1492. E. M.
#.442, fA. Asiatic Ocean.
155 torulosus 3563 ringed
156 fluviatilis 3562 river
157 marginatus
158 scrratus
159 asper
160 grnnulatus
161 Moluccanus 3563 grooved L. M021,/. 85. GJ.57,
/.E. C.4, M57,/. 1484-
5. . MJ.442,/2. Moluccas.
162 semi-grano- half-grained.J/^.143 ; /l. New IlolJaud.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habilut.
163 literatus 3548 lettered G. t. 56, f. N. B. Ml,
/.14,15. Guadaloupe.
164 hexagonus 3548 six-ribbed C. 10, t. 162, /. 1544-5.
E.M.tAlQJ',3. S. Sea.
165 reticulatus reticulnted G. t. 58,/. G. M.p.Q7 c 2.
X.T.8, p. 150. Britain.
166 tubercularis pimpled Jl/._p.270& Suppl.p. 116.
JL.r.8,/>. 150.
167 advcrsus left-handed IF. M.S. fA 8. D.5,M59.
M./> a 7 1 & Suppl.p. 1 15.
i.'f.8,jt>.151. Britain, &c.
163 stibulatus awl-shaped M.Suppl. pA 15, ^.30, /.6.
Scotland, ia sea srihd,
169 decollatus 3563 decapitated E.M.i.458,/3. u.
170 Afer 3558 African A. 1, p. 125, ^.8, /. 18.
E.i\l.tA26,f.6. Senegal.
171 sinistralis left-handed E.MJ.424,/1. U.
1 Niloticus 3565 large marbl.L. t. 617,/. 3. G. t. 59,
/. B&C. C. 5,t. 167,
/. 1605 & 168,/.1014,
E.M.tAM^f. I . Amboyna,
2 Conm 3569 conic X./.63!,/18 F./.13,/!.
C.5,MC7,/.1610. E.Indies.
Linn, names. Gm. EngL names. Synonyms. Habitat.
3 spitiosus 3570 thorny F.M2,/.B.3. C.5, f. 167,
/.1611. New Zealand.
4 jujubinus 3570 mottled .F.M2,/. L. C.5,f. 167,
f.W 12-13. W.Indies.
5 maculatus 3566 spotted L. t. 632,/. 20. G. t. 61,
/.D. C.5, M68,/. 1615-
18&69,/.162S-4. Madagascar.
6 Alveare 3570 Bee-hive G.t.60,f.P. C 5,2.168,
/.1619&1622. Isle of France.
7 concavus 3570 concave baseC.5,M68,/. 1620-1. Coromandcl.
8 vernus 3571 green C.5, M69,/1625-6.
E. Indian Seas.
9 conspersus 3571 Poppy
10 Tentorium 3571 Pavilion
11 ochroleucus
G.*.60,/.B. C. 5, M69,
12 stellatus
13 Spengleri
14 costalus
15 inaequalis
16 regius
17 verrucosus
18 cyliailrtcus
19 radiatus
3571 whitish- C.5, t .169,/.1629.
3571 starred C.5, M69,/1630.
3571 Spenglcr's C.5,M69,/1631.
3571 ribbed C.5, *.169,/. 1633-4.
G.*.60,/.O. F.tA2,f.D.
C.5, t.llQj. 1635-6.
C.5, .170, /. 1637. u.
C.5,M70,/1638. E.Indian Seas.
3572 unequal
3572 royal
3572 warty
3572 sub-conical C.5, t.!70,f. 1639. U.
3572 radiated C.5, J.170,/. 1640. W.Indies,.
T R O C H U S.
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
20 viridis 3572 green-bead. C.5,M70,/.1643-4. N. Zealand.
21 rusticus 3572 blackish- C.5,/.170,/.1615-6. China.
22 nigerrimus 3573 black C.5, M70,/.1647.
23 Fanulum 3573 Pagoda P. f. 156,/ 1 . 15 F. t. 13,
/.O. C.5,*.170,/1648-
9. Coasts of Fernambuca.
24 strigosus 3573 black-tippedC.5, M70./.1651. Morocco.
25 Pyramis 3573 pyramidal C.5, f.170,/165 '-3. U.
26 deprcssus 3573 depressed C.5, .17 1,/. 1668-9. U.
27 laevigatus 3573 smooth C.5, f. 171, /. 1670. U.
28 Groenlandi- 3574 Greenland C.5, M71,/.1671. Greenland.
29 cruciatus 3567 cross-rayed C.5, .17 1,/. 1674. Mediter.
30 Pharaonius 3567 Strawberry L.f.638,/.26.G.?.63./.B.
C 5, t. 17 1,/. 1672-3.
E. M.tA47,f.7. Red Sea.
31 corallinus 3576 coral-bead. A.p. 183, .12,/.4. Mada!e.nlsl.
32 Guineensis 3574 Guinea C.5, f. 17 I,/. 1680. Guinea.
33 carneus 3574 flesh-colour.C.5, t.\7\,f. 1682. U.
34 Magus 3567 tuberculatedL. /.641,/. 32. G. t. 62,
/.L. C.5, 1. 17 1,/. 1656-
9. D.\,t. S,f. 1. 3f.
p. 283. Britain, &c.
35 Capensis 8573 Cape C.5,f.171,/.l6fil-2.
C. or Good Hope.
36 Afer 3577 grey marble,^./). 184, tA2,f.6. Senegal.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
37 Modulus 3508 keel-whirledLj.653,/52. JF.f.S./D.
C.5,M71,/.1665. W. Indies.
38 TEgyptius 3573 Egyptian C.5,f.l71,/. 1663-4. Red Sea.
89 muricatus 3568 prickly G.f.64,/.H. Mediterranean.
40 roseus 3574 rose-colour. C.5,M7 1,/1675. C. of G.Hope.
41 tumidus tumid -M".p.230,MO,/.4. L.T.8,
p.153. Britain.
42 viridulus 3574 necklace- C.5, f.171,/1677. U.
43 urbanus 3574 broad purp. C.5, .171,/.1679. U.
3568 rough C.5, *.171,/.J667.
square spottedC.5, *.171,/. 1683.
44 scaber
45 quadratus
46 croceus
3584 saffron-co- C.5, #.17 1,/. 1684.
47 varius 3568 varied S.Einl.l,p.659. Mediterranean.
48 umbilicatus 3575 obliquely- C.5,M71,/.1685 D.f.74,
[obliguatus.'] rayed 3 middle figures. M.
p. 286. L.T. 8,jo.l53.
Britain, &c.
49 cinerarius 3568 ash-colour. .f.641,/.St C.5, f.171,
/. 1686. D, 3,.74. Jlf.
50 neritoideus 3577 reddish-col. Fub.F.G.p.393. Greenland.
51 albidus 3576 white B.f41,/.19,20. V,
52 vittatus 3575 ribbon J'./^/.E.S. C.5,M71,
/.1687, U,
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
53 divaricatus S568 divaricated Fab.F.G.p.SM. Mediterranean.
54 fuscatus 3576 brown JB.M2,/.1,2. u.
55 umbilicaris 3568 umbilicated C.5,/. 171, /.1666. Mediter.
56 Arcola 3575 red square G.5, 1. 173, /. 17 10-11. u.
57 cincreus dark ash-coloured L..633,/ 21. JF. 2,/.13,
/ M. D.5, t. 155,/.3.
M.p. l 289. . Britain, &c.
58 fasciatus 3576 banded B.rf.12,/2 3. u.
59 variegatus 3575 variegated C. 5,*. 173, /1 708-9. U.
60 infundibuli- 3575 ram's horn C.5, .173,/.1706-7. u.
61 hybridus 3567 hybrid C.5, f.173,/. 1702-5. Mediter.
62 perspectivus 3566 stair-case L. t. 636, f. 24. G. t. 65,
f.O.C.5,tA72.f 1691-6
& 11,M96,/. 1384-5.
E M.f.446,/1 & S.Amboyna.
63 stramineus 3575 straw-co- L.t.635,f. '3. C.5, ^.172,
loured /.1699. Tranquebar.
64 Indicus 3575 Indian C.5,?. 172,/ 1697-8. E.Indies.
65 planus 3576 ftattish C.5, *.174,/.1721-2. U.
66 Solaris 3569 sulcated, i.<.662,/.9. K. 6, t. 26,
sun /4. C.5,?.173,/1700-
1. E. Indies.
67 ipermis 3576 short-spinedC.5, #.173,/.17 12-13. W. Indies.
68 imperialis 3576 imperial C.5, f.173,/1714 & 174,
/.1715. New Zealand.
138 TftOCHUS,
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
69 conchylio- 3584 Carrier F.#.12,/. C.1 &C.2. C.5,
phorus #.172,/.1688-90. W.Indies.
70 Tectura 3569 arch-lipped L. #. 653,/. 51. F. t. 9,
/. M. 3. C. 5, t. 165,
/ 1567-8.
71 perlatus 3577 tooth-lipped *Lf .654, f. 5*. F.t.?>,f.D.
C. 10,*. 1 65, /: 1583-4.
72 Pumilio Dwarf C.ll, *.1?6, f.1838-9. Africa.
73 terrestris 3645 land iJ.61,/58. P.#.22,/.10.
[H.elegans.] C.9,#.120,/.1045. D.4,
t.lll. M,p. c 287. Britain, &c.
74 bidens 3642 double- C.9, f.122,/,1052.
[fj. bidentata.] toothed Botanic garden at Strasbourg.
75 fragilis 3577 brittle S.EinlA,t.3,f.l6. U.
76 callosus 3577 keeled C.9, #.122,/.1501.
Bayreuth. Fr.w.
77 flumineus 3587 river S.Fluss.p.2Q2,t.6,fA'2.
, River Huines.
78 vestiarius 3578 flattened i..650-2. G.*.65,/.F-IL
C.5, M66,/. 1601. a. to
h. Mediterranean.
79 grandinatus 3585 studded C.10, i.169,/1639.
Palmerston's Island.
80 Lubeo 3578 double- JLf.584,/.42 & 645,/37.
lipped F. 2,#. 8,/. A.2. C.5,
#.447, /.I. Amboyna.
84 asper 3583 rugged F.t.Q,f. A.3. C. 5, f.166,
/.35S3. New Zealand.
J/mn. names. " Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
89. quadricari- four-keeled C.I 1, M9G,/1892-3. Mediter.
83 tessellatus 3583 tessellated C.5,MGG,/.1583. Bay of Naples.
84 turbinatus turbinated L.t. 642, /. 33-4. G.f.63,
/.D.E.&G. G.5,t.l66,
/.I 584. Isle of France.
85argyrostomus3583 Ink-horn C.5,M65,/.1562-3. N.Zealand.
86 Sinensis 3533 Chinese JF.f.9,/B.l. K.5,f.3,/.l.
C.5, M65,/.1654-5. China.
87 crassus Hair-streakedlf.j9.281. L.T.8, p. 154. Britain.
88 Tuber 3578 large mot- i.f .G46,/88. P. #.9,/.C.
tied C.5,M65,/.1572-G. W.Indies.
89 melanosto- 3581 black- C.5, f.161,/1526. S. Ocean.
mus throated
90 striatus 3597 small Z.f.616,/.2. O..G1,/.N.
striated C. 5, ^. 161,/. 1527-8.
D.M55,/.l. M.p.%78.
Britain, &c.
91 cxiguus 3581 crimson- i. t. 681 ,/. 8. F. ^. 12,
[erythroleucos.] tipped / N. 2. C. 5, . 162,
/. 1529. D. V.8,/2.
92 punctulatus 3581 little rose- I 1 .M2,/.N'.l. C.5,M62,
coloured y!l530. Morocco.
93 Conuliis 3579 conical C.5,f.l66,/.1588-9. Mediter.
9d Zizipliinus 3579 livid L./.616,/.!. G.t.6l;f.C.
C 5, <. 166,/. 1592-4.
D.2 ; i.5?. Jlf./>.274.
Britain, &c
14O? T.ftOCHUS.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat,
95 papillosus granulated G.f.61,/.G.M. C.5,M6S,
/. 1597-8. D. 4,M27.
M.^.275,.10,/'.3. Britain,&c.
96 dolarius fluted C. 10, t. 165,/ 1579-80.
E. M.t .445,/. 1. N. Zealand.
97 Granatum 3584 Tiger C.5,M70,/.1654-5.
98 virgineus ringed JF./.79,/. 1. C. 10, M65,
99 diaphanus 3580 thin, ches- C.5, f.161,/1520-1.
100 ccerulescens blueish E.M..444,/.2.a.b. N.Holland.
101 selectus red & whiteC.ll, f.196,/1896-7.
grained New Zealand.
102 purpureus 3582 bright-purp.C.5,.162,/. 1538-9. u.
103 Americanus 3581 American C.5,f.l62,/.1534-5. W.Indies.
104 imbricatus 3581 imbricated L. t. 628,/. 14. G.t.60,
/.Q. C.5, M60,/. 1531.
105 ca3latus 3581 scaly JL.;.647,/.40. F.^.8,/.M.
C.5, #. l62,/1536-7.
106 inaequalis 3585 olive-green M. U". C. 1, t. 31. C. 10,
^.287,/.A.B. New Zealand.
107 Mauritianus 3582 great-tooth. L. t. 6'25,/. 11. G. ^.61,
/.D&F. C.5,*. 163,
/.1547-8. New Guinea.
fencstratus 3582 sma!l-too th.G.J. 60,f. N. F.^.12,/1.
C.5, M63,/.1549-$0.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
109 Obefiscus 3579 Obelisk X.I, f.12,/,4. C.5, M60,
/.1510-12. E. Indies.
110 faveolatus 3530 Sugar-loaf L.t, 626,/. 11. a. G t.59,
/.A. C.5,f.l61,/1518-
19. New Guinea.
111 virgatus 3580 rose-stripedL. t. 631, /. 17. G. f. 61,
/.E. C.5,M60,/1514-
15. Amboyna.
112 Co.okii 3582 Cook's C.5,.163,/.1540&M64,
/.1551. Friendly Islands.
113 Iris 3580 Iris F.t.79,f.G. C. 5, *. 161,
/. 1522-3. New Zealand.
Ill clegans 3581 elegant S.Einl.l, p.6S2.
115 notatus 3581 marked S.Einl.l f p.6Q2. S. Seas.
116 Zic-zac 3587 Zig-zag i.f.583,/.38. C.5, .166,
/1599. W.Indies.
117 obtusus blunt ' C.ll, M96,/.1894^5.
Indian Seas.
118 crocatus 3584 saffron- B.M2,/11,12. U.
119 hortensis 3587 Garden C.9^.122,/.1055-6.
Gardens in Southern climates^
ISO Telescopium,3585 Telescope L. t. 624,/. 10. G. t.60,
/. D. &E. C.5,*. 160,
/.1507-9. E.Indies.
121 Terebellus little Auger .<.844,/.72. G.t.4,f.M.
Barbadoes: L.
J22 ifolobratus 3585 Zebra F.t.65,f. L. C, 5, t. 167,
/. 1603-4. Africa: L.
142 TURBO.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
123 perversus 3586 left-handed L.S.N.p. 1231. Mediterranean.
124 pusillus 3586 minute, re- S.Einl.l,p.751.'E. Indies: in sand.
125 undulatus 3586 minute, C.9, M13,/.967.
126 ventricosus 3586 minute, bel- C.9, f.113,/968.
127 annulatus 3587 annulated C.9, *.113,/.969.
128 punctatus 3587 dotted L.S.N.p.lVSl. Mediterranean,
129 striatellus 3587 violet-tip. -L.S.JV.p.1232.
130 lunaris 3589 minute,hornC.9,^.113,/971. U.
1 bbtusatus 3588 blunt C.5, f.l85,/.l854.a-f.
Northern Ocean.
2 neritoides nerit-shapedG..45,/.F. Mediterranean.
3 Nicobaricus 3596 Nicobar B. t. 13,/ 16, 17. C. 5,
*.182,/.1822-5. Nicobar Isl.
4 nigerrimus 3597 black C.5, i.185,/. 1848. S.Seas.
5 littofeus 3588 Periwinkle L. t. 585,/. 43. G. t. 45,
/.G. C.5, f.185,/ 1852,
1-8. Z>. 1, /. 33. M.
p.301. Britain, &c.
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
6 tencbrosus chocolate .M.p.303, t. <20,/.4. L.T.
8,j?.160. Britain.
7 rudis sordid D.I, t .S3,/.3. M. p. 304.
L.T. 8,^.159, f.4,/13,
8 muricatus prickly Z..30, t /*.28. G..45,/.E.
C.5,M77,/: 1752-3.
Southern Europe.
9 .TEthiops 3596 black-ami- C.5,M82,/. 1820-1 E. If.
white f.447,/.5. New Zealand.
10 punctatus 3597 wh.-dottcd ^./. 163, . 12,/. 1. P.
*.n,/.A.l.A.2. Goree.
11 jugosus lineated M.p.5Q6, t. 20, f. 2. L.T.
8,p.l58, tA,f.7. Britain.
12 crassior coarse D.M78,/.4. M.JP.309&
13 petraeus small rock M.pAQS. L.T.8, p. 160.
14 fulgidus bronze-banded M.jo.332. Z.T.8,/>.161.
15 Citnex 3589 Bug G. f.44,/.X. D. 1, t . 3,
/.I. Mp.315. Britain, &c.
16 calathiscus cancellated M.Suppl.pAS2,t.30,f.5. Britain.
17 Pullus 3589 painted U.l,f.2,/.2-6. M.^.319.
L.T.a./j.ie^. Britain, &c.
18 Pertholatus 3590 Serpent's JL. *. 584,/. 39. G. t. 64,
skin /.F. C.5, #.183,/.1830-
5. Amboyna.
144 TURK O.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
19 Cidaris 3596 Turban JU.8,/.C.1. &C.2. C.5,
*.184,/. 1840-7. E.M.
f.448,/5. China.
20 helicinus 3597 green and i.p.348, f.l2,/.23-4. u.
21 Cochlus 3590 Camelo- L.*.584,/.40. C 5, .182,
pard /.1 805-6. E.Indies.
29 Sraaragdus 3595 green C. 5, t. 182, /. 1815-16.
J5.M.*.448,/.3. N. Zealand.
23 chrysostomus3591 golden- G.*.62,/.H. JF.f.9,/.A.2.
mouthed C.5,.178,/1766. Amboyna.
24 Tectum-Per-3591 little Pago- G.*.60,/.M. F.f.l3,/.F.
sicum da C.5, .163,/.1543-4.
Asiatic Ocean.
25 trochiformis white-grained C.5, .163,y. 1545-6. S. Ocean.
26 unicarinatus single-keeledE.MJ. 46 !,/.!. u.
27 Pagodus 3591 Pagoda L. t. 644,/. 36. G.f.62,
/. B. C. C. 5, t. 163,
y.1541-2. Amboyna.
28 Calcar 3592 Spur G. t. 65, f. N. F. t. 13,
/.C.3. C.5, 1. 164. lower
29 stellaris 3600 starred C.5, .164. upper/. 1552-
3. S. Seas.
30 aculeatus 3600 pointed C.5, U64,/. 1556-7.
Nicobar Islands.
31 stellatus 3600 spined C.5, U64,/.1558-9. u.
TURBO. 145
Linn, names. Gm . Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
32 armatus armed L. t. 608,/. 46. a. C. 5,
M80,/.1786-7. Mediter.
33 rugosus 3592 large, silver-Z. t. 647,/.41. G. .63,
mouthed /. F. H. C. 5, t. 180,
34 marmoratus 3592 large, green L. t. 587, /. 46. G. t. 64,
/.A. C,5,M79,/.1775-
6. .E.M.J.448,/1.
Asiatic Ocean.
35 Sarmaticiis 3593 large, knob.F.^. 8,/. L. C. 5, *. 179,
/. 1777-8 & *. 180,
/.1781. Moluccas.
36 Olearitis 3593 large,keeledG.f.68,/.A. F.t.8,f.K.l.
C.5, M78,/.1771-2.
:37 cornutus 3593 lnrge,horned P./.Sj/.G.l. C. 5, 1. 179,
/. 1779-80. China.
.38 radiatus 3594 radiated C.5, M80,/. 1788-9. Red Sea.
39 imperialis 3594 imperial C.5, t. ISO,/. 1790. China.
40 corotiatus 3594 crown F.t.8,f.O. C.5, . 180,
p /. 1791-2. E.M.J.448,
/.2. Moluccas.
11 canaliculatus3594 grooved F.t.9,f. A A. C. 5,M81,
/.1 794.
42 setosus 3594 Leopard G.*.64,/B. F./.9,/.A.l.
C.5, f. 181, /*. 1795-6.
.M.^.448,/4. I. of France.
43 Sparverius 3594 pearly- C.5, M81,/1798. E.Indies.
146 T IS R B O.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
44 Molkianus 3595 Moltkian C.5, M81,/.1799-80. u.
45 Spengleria- 3595 Spengler's C.5,M81,/.1801r2. E.Indies.
40 castaneus 3$95 chesnut C. 5, t. 182, /. 1807-8 &
/1813-14. W. Indies.
47 mamillatus nipple D.5, t.173. L.T.8, p.W6.
M.Suppl.p.l l 26. Britain.
48 crenulatus 3595 crenulated C.5,M81, /.1811-12. u.
49 papyraceus 3596 paper C.5, M82,/.1817-18. E.Indies.
50 semicostatus minute, ribbed M. p. 326 & Suppl. p.129,
51 ruber minute,redL. T. 3, t. IS,/. 21 & 22.
52 vitreus minute, glassy M./>.321, #.12,/.3.
53 Punctura minute, puncturedM.j9.320, f.12,/5.
54 arenarius minute, sandM.M2,/.4.
55 unifasciatus minute, banded JW.p.327, ^.20,/.6.
56 uivosus minute, white M./7.326. i.r.8,p.!63.
57 labiosus lipped M.tAS,f.7. L.T.S,p.i64.
58 UlviB Sea-weed M.^.318. L.T.8. p.164. -
59 ventricosus bellied M.p.3l7 f t.l^f.l3.L.T.
8, p. 164.
60 subumbili- rainute, yellowish M.p.3 16. L.T.8, p. 165.
6^ Cingillus minute, girdledM.p .328, M8,/.7.X.r.a,
T U K B O. 147
Linn, names. Gm. EngL names. Synonyms. Habitat.
62 interruptus minute, streakedi.r.5,p. 3,M, /. 16,17.
Mjp.329,*.20,/8. D.5,
*.178,/.2. Britain.
63 semistriatus minute, \\a\f-M.Suppl.p.l36.
64 albulus 3609 minute, pel-Pat. F.G.p.394. Greenland.
65 Pica pied L. t. 6-10, /. 30. G. f.68,
/.B. C.5, *.176,/1750-
1. VV. Indies.
66 nodulosus nodulous U.f.l3,/.l,2. C.5, f t 178,
/.1 769-70.
67 dentatus 3601 toothed C.5, M78,/.1767-8. u.
68 auricularis eared M.p.^08. L.T.8, pA6Q. Britain.
69 vinctus small brown Mp.307/.20,/.3. i.T.8,
banded jD.167.
70 quadrifascia- small four- M./>.328,f.20,/.7. Z.T.8,
tus banded p. 167. * .
71 sanguineus 3598 scarlet C.5, M77,/.1756-7. Mediter.
72 atratus 3601 black-grain. C.5, 1. 177, f .1754-5.
Nicobnr Island*.
73 Anguis 3602 Snake Af.l7.C.2, t. 70. E.E.C.
/j.168. S. Seas.
74 Diadema 3601 Diadem C.5,/>.145,/.A.B. N.Zealand.
75 undulatus 3597 waved C.10, jf.169,/1640-1.
New Holland.
76 argyrostomus3699 wrinkled F. t. 9,/. A.3. K. 1, t. 3,
silver^mouth /.3. C.5, M77,/.1760-
1 & 1763-5. Indian Seas.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
77 margarita- 3599 greenish wh.C.5,f.!77,/.1762. Frederick Tsl.
ceus pearly mouth
78 Porphyrites 3602 Porphyry AJ.l7.C.2,f.70. C.5,M76,
/.1740-1. New Caledonia.
79 Mespilus 3601 Medlar C.5,.176,/.1742-3. S. Seas.
80 granulatus 3601 granulated C.5, f.176,/1744-6.
81 ciutreus 3601 ash-colour. B.M2,/.25-6. U.
82 lorquatus 3597 thready C.10, p.293,/.A.B. N.Zealand.
83 Dclphinu* 3599 Endive leaf L. t. 608, f. 45. G. t. 68,
/. C. D. C. 5, t. 175,
/.1 7 27-35. E.M.1.451,
/.I. Amboyna.
84 nodulosus 3600 rough- C.5, M74,/.1723-4. E.Indies,
85 distortus 3600 distorter! C.5, *.175,/. 1737-9. V.
86 crenellus 3602 crenated L.5.JV.^.1236. r.
87 fontinalis 3603 fresh-water D.3, M02. M.p.348,^.22,
[thermala.] /.4. i.T.8,^.168. Britain.
88 scalaris 3603 WcntletrapG.MO,/ZZ. K.4, ^.20,
/.2,3. C.4,i. 152, 1426-
89 principal
QO Clathrus 3603 latticed
lowers/I 1. Amboyna.
C.4, M52,/.1428-9& 11,
f. 195. A./. 1876-7.
X.#.588,/.51. G.J.58.H.
C. 11, t. 195.A,/.1878-
9. E.M.t.451,/. 3 & 5.
. Britain,&c.
T U 11 B O.
Linn, names. Gin. Kngl. names. Synonyms,
91 fnnbriatus furbelovved .E.Af.f.451, f'A.
Habitat .
92 clathratulus little, latticed IF. M.S./.45. M.p.197 &
Suppl.p.Mt. Britain.
93 pulcher
94 ambiguus
95 crenatus
9G lacteus 3G04 milky
9? clegantissi- elegant
98 simillimus similar
99 parvus
white ribbedi.f.5S8,/.50. W. Indies.
3604 doubtful L.S.N.pA%37. Mediterranean.
3604 knobbed JU.588,/.53. C.1M-195.
whirl A, /.1 880-1. W. Indies.
L.S. IV.p.1233. Mediterranean.
D.5,M79,/.l. M/j.298,
.10, /^ Britain.
little GuernseyD.f.90. M.p 310. L.T3,
#. 13, / 29, 30, & 8,
p. 171. Britain.
100 striutuhis 3604 minute, M.MO. L.T8,pA72.
101 reticulatus reticulated L.r.3,p.66,<.13,/.19,20.
M./).322, t.2 !,/.!.
102 Bryereus Bryer's JW.p.313,M5,/8.
103 coniferus small, marginatedM.p.314,M5,/.2. L.T.8,
104 dendculatus small, toothed M.p.3 15. L.T.8,p.l73.
105 marginatus small, margined M.Suppl.p. 128. Guernsey.
106 striatus mhiute, striatedZ.T. 3, t. 13, f. 25-6. M.
^.312. Britain.
107 cobtatus minute, ribbed IF. M. S.f. 47. L. T. 3,
p.65,M3,/.13,14. AT.
T 1) R B O.
Linn, nauteii. Gin. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
108 unicus minute, convex W. M. S.f. 40. M.p.299,
M2,/.2. Britain.
109 indistinctus indistinct M.Suppl.p.129. -
110 Uva
111 Mumia
112 albearia
113 Cylindrus
3604 Berry G.t.58,f. D. JF..65,/.B.
1 1. Coasts of Bretagny.
double-toothedi. t. 588,/ 48. Br.E.M.
/?.348. America.
white-mouthed J,..588,jf.4 9. Guadaloupe. L.
cylindrical i..21,/.17. C.ll,*.209,
/.2061-2. Jamaica. L.
114 croceus 3655 orange C.9, M35,/.1233. E.M.
[H.crocea.] t.46l,f.6. u.
115 sulcatus 3610 sulcated i.2 T .588,/.47. C.9/.135,
/.1231-2. Ceylon. L.
116 corneus 3605 horny L.S.N.p.1238. u.
117 reflexus 3605 reflected L. S.N.p.lWQ. u.
118 elegans intersected L..27,/.25. G.t.4,f.A.
C.9, M23,/.1060 d. &
e. Britain, &c. L.
119 Lincina 3605 bordered L. t. 16, f. 24. P. f. 118,
/.ll. C.9, M23,/. 1060
b.c. JE.M.461,/.2.
Jamaica. L.
120 Labeo 3605 wh.-lipped .f.25,/.23. B.tA3,f.5-
6. C.9,M23,/.1061-2.
JB.M.^461,/4. - L.
!21 lunulatus moon spottedS.F/^.w.p.seS. u.
Linn, names. Cm. En.vl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
122 ligatus ligature C.9,M23,/.1071-4. U.
123 foliaceus leafy C.9, J.I 23,/. 1069-70. u.
124 limbatus 3600 shouldered C.9, *.123,/.1075. Coromandel.
125 earinatus 3601 keeled i.^.28,/26. B.t.l3,f.3,
4. C.9,M26,/1103.
Jamaica. L.
126 Separatista three-keeledC. 10, t. 165,/.l 589-90.
Indian Seas.
127 niveus 3598 snowy C.10, M65,/.1587-8.
Nicobar Islands,
128 helicoides 3602 brown zig- C.9,*.123,/.1067-8. u.
129 imbricatus 3606 irabncated G.t. 58,/. E. K. 6, t. 25,
/2. C.4,*.152,/1422.
130 replicatus 3606 large screw C.4,M51,/.1412. Tranquebar.
131 acutangulus 3607 sharp- G. t. 58, /. B. K. 3, 1. 19,
angled /.5. C.4, t.151,/1413.
132 duplicatus 3607 double-rib. L. t. 591,/. 58. G. t. 58,
/C. C.4,#.151,/.1414.
EM. ^.449, lower/. 1.
D.4, 1. 1 12. Mediterranean.
133 torcularis brown spottedE.p.358, M3,/8. u.
134 Turritella Spindle .M.^.449,lower/.2. u,
135 obsoletus 3612 obsolete L.f.589,/53. B.t.l3,f.7. u.
136 exoletus 3607 ribbed screwC.4, M52,/. 1424. Guinea.
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat,
137 Terebru 3608 Auger screw L. t. 591, /. 57. G.J.58,
/.A. C.4,f.l51,/1418-
19. E.M. t. 449, lower
/.3. D.I, f.22,/2. M.
p.293. Britain, ike.
138 Archimedis Archimedes'C.10, M65,/.159l. China.
139 variegafis 3608 variegated XJ.152,/60. C.4, M52,
/.1423. Southern Europe.
140 Terebellum little screw C.10, t.!65,f. 1592-3.
Nicobar Islands.
141 annulatus 3609 little white G.f.58,/.L. u.
142 TurrisThomaj little tower C.I 1, .213,/.3022.a-d.
Island of St. Thomas.
j.178.*.5,/.3. Britain,&c.L.
143 bidens
144 larainatus laminated L. t. 41, /. 39. A. G.t.4,
f.C. C.9,f.ll2,/001,
no. 1. M.p.359, t.\},
f.4. -- L.
145 biplicatus double plaitedC.9, t.ll$,f.96Q no.Q. M.
p.361,t.n,f.5. --- L.
146 corrugatus wrinkled C.9, M12,/.961-2. Spain. L.
147 nigricans black L.t.4l, least/. M.p.357,
Ml,/7. L.T.8,pA80.
Britain, L.
148 labiatus lipped -U/;.362, Ml,/. G. L.T.
8,^.180.' * - L.
TURBO. 153
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
149 perversus 3609 reversed F.t.65,f.EA. C.9, f.112,
/.959.a. M.p.355,f.ll,
/12. Britain. L.
150 quinqueden- 3612 five-toothed G.t.4,f.G. F.t.65,f.E.
tatus 12. B.M3,/.9. France. L.
151 tridens 3611 three- G.*.4,/.F. M.p.S38,Ml,
toothed /.2. Britain, &c. L.
152 Juniperi Juniper-bushC. 9, t. 135,/. 1236. M.
p.340, *.12,/. 12. L.T. ,
8,p.l82. L.
153 Muscorum 3611 Moss C.9,M23,/. 1076. D.3,
t. 80. M. p. 335, t. 22,
/.3. L,
154 quadridens 3610 four-toothed L.t .40, /. 38. C. 9, M12,
% /'.965. France. L.
155 sexdentatus six-toothed M. p. 337, 1. 12,/.8. JL.T.
8, p.183. Britain.
156 Vertigo 3644 Vertigo Mj9.363,M2,/.6. X.T.8,
p.183. L-
157 Carychium 3665 minute, M.p.339, i.22 ? /.2. -L.T.8,
toothed p.184. L.
158 Auriscalpium3611 Ear-picker i.S.IV.p.1240. Mediterranean.
159 politus 3612 polished D.M77. Mp.S98. i.T.8,
p. 210. Britain, &c.
160 subulatus awl-shaped D. 5, *. 172. M. Suppl.
J9.142. Britain.
161 decussatus decussated M.p399,t.l5,f.7. L.T.3,
p. 209.
" : Y '
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
162 Nautileus 3612 Nautilus W. M. S.f. 20, 21. C. 9,
f.123,/. 1077. M.t.V5,
f.b. Britain, &c.
163 cristatus small crested M.vign. 1, f. 7,8. L.T.8,
p. 169.
164 depressus minute, flattishM. t. 13, f. 5. L. T. 8,
p.170. Britain.
165 serpuloides Serpula M.Suppl.t.Vl,f.3.
166 Ludus green, spotted C.5, M76,/. 1748-9. S. Sf;as.
167 Marginellus pale reflectedC.9,^.123,/.1063. u.
1 Scarabaus 3613 Cockchafer L.*.577,/.31. G.#.4,/S.
C.9, M36,/. 1249-50.
Mountains of Asia.
2 Afra 3651 African A.t.l,fA.
3 Lapicida
Hock i.f.69,/68. C. 9, 1. 126,
f. 1107. D.2, t.39,f.%.
M.p.435. Britain, &c.L.
4 marginella 3622 white- JB.f.14,/7, 8. C.9, .125,
margined /.1097. Jamaica.
5 cicatrico&a 3614 flat, re- F.tj63,f.K. C. 9,f.l09,
versed /. 923 & 11, t. 213,
/.3012-13. L.
HELIX. 155
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synom/ms. Habitat.
G Cornu large horn C.ll, .208,/.2051-2.
New Zealand. L.
7 Oculus-Capri3615 Goat's eye L.t.75,f.75. C. 9, M23,
/.1064-6. Asia. L.
8 Involvulus 3638 white, re- M.F.2,p.84. u.
9 alhella 3615 flat, whitish Z.T.64,/62. G.*.3,/.N.
C.9, Z.126,/. 1102.
Rocks in Europe.
10 albina 3615 minute, i..86,/.86. U.
11 radiata 3633 small ra- i.M058,/.tl.A. G. *.3,
[rotundata.] dialed /.Q. M.p.423,f.24,/.3.
Britain, &c. L.
12 striatula 3615 transverselyL.5.iV.jt>. 1242. Algiers. L.
13 Algiri 3615 yellowish L.t79,f.8d. G.t.3,f.G.
14 Lcucas 3616 purple 15nerlI,.5.I^.p.l242. Africa.
15 Isvipes reverse whirledC.9, M08,/.915-16. Guinea.
16 exilis 3616 wh.-striped C.9, f.129,/1149. Tranquebar.
17 vermiculata 3616 rough dottedG.M,/.G. JF.^.64,/.K.l.
& K. 2. C. 9, t. 129,
/.1 148. a.b.c. Italy.
18 incarnata 3617 flesh-co- C.9, M33,/.1206. Denmark. L.
loured lip
156 HELIX.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
19 Cantiana Kentish D.5, .157,/.2. M.f.422,
Britain. L.
20 rufescens reddish L. t. 71, lower/. A. D.5,
t. 157, f. 1. M.p. 420,
.23, /.2. L.
21 caperata 3617 black tipped L. t.85,f. 85. C.9, if. 133,
[crenulata.] /.1207. M.p.430, .11,
/ll. Britain, &c. L.
22 annulata 3622 ringed S.Flws.p.%44, .5,/30. u.
23 planata 3617 keeled E.M..462,/.5.M/).451,
[Planorbis.] .25,/.l. L.T.8,p.l89,
Ponds in Britain, &c. Fr.w.
24 complanata 3617 flaturabili- L. t. 138, /*. 42. G. . 4,
cated /. E. E. C. 9, . 127,
/. 1121-2. M. jo. 450,
.25,/.4. JL.r.8,p.l88,
25 fontana " fresh-water M.p.462, t.6,f.6. L.T.8,
26 ringens 3618 toothed lampi. t. 99, f. 100. F. t. 63,
/. F. 10. C. 9, t. 109,
/.919-20. Brazil. L.
27 plicata plaited F.t.63,f..ll. X.5, .26,
/.5. CM1 ? *.208,/.2048.
E. Indies.
28 punctata 3622 punctured i.*.93,/.93. JP.i.63,/2.
B.f.14,/17,18. Virginia.
HELIX. 15?
Gm. Engl.namc*. Synonyms. Habit fit.
SG18 sinuous L. t. 97, f. 98. F. t.63,
/.F.8. B.f.14,/. 13, 14.
C.9, f.126,/1110-2. Jamaica.
3619 lamp-sh:iped.L.f.96,/. 97. C.9, 1. 126,
/. 1108-9. E.M.J.462,
/.I. E. Indies.
3619 top-shaped L.t. 90, /!90. Jamaica.
3619 Onion Z.f.88,/89.
3619 orange lip C.9,*.208,/.2044-5. u.
3619 large brown L.f.63,/. 61. G.t.3,f.I.
C. 9, t. 125,/. 1090-2.
E.M..462,/2. America. L.
single-toothedC.11,^.208,/2049-50. Ceylon.
3610 Bugle-horn F.t.64,f.C.2. C.9, #.129,
/.1 142-3. Germany.!.
3622 spotted B.t.14, f.13,16. u.
3623 wrinkled C.9,<.133,/1208. Otaheite.
3620 Snake's skini. t. 66, / 64. F. t. 63,
/. G. 3. C. 9, f. 208,
/.2046-7. S. America.
3620 Vortex L. t. 138, /. 43. G. t. 4,
/. G. G. C. 9, t. 127,
/.1127. D.3,^.75. M
Linn, names.
29 sinuata
30 Lucerna
31 Lychnuchus
32 Cepa
33 Lampas
34 Carocolla
35 unidentata
36 Cornu-mili-
37 tnaculosa
38 corrugata
39 Pellis Ser-
40 Vortex
Britain, &c. Fr.w.
41 planorbula notch lipped .Af.#.46 1,^.3. U.
42 scabra 3620 rough C.9, f.210,/2074-5. Jamaica.
Linn, names.
43 Gothica
44 Gaulteia:ia
45 Turcica
46 Avellana
47 Faba
48 cornea
Gm. Ertgl. names. Synonyms.
3621 doubtful L.S.JV.p.1243.
Sweden. L.
49 -siinilis
50 spirorbis
51 polygyra
52 contorta
53 alba
3621 Ganlter's G.f.68, f.E. B.M3,/.12,
13. C.9, J.126,/. 1100-
1. Spain. L.
Turkish C.I 1 ,.209,/.2065-6. Morocco.L.
3640 tlazel-nut C.5,M88,/.1919-20.
New Zealand.
3623 bean-shaped MIT.C.2, .67.
3623 horn L. t. 137, f. 41. G. f. 4,
/. D. D. C. 9, I. 127,
/.1 113-15. E.M.J.460,
,/:i,2. D. 2, f.S9,/. 1.
M./>.448. Britain, &c. Fr.w.
3625 similar M.V.2,pA66. Denmark. Fr.w.
3624 small-con- Mp.455,if.25,/.2. i.T.8,
p. 191.
Britain, &c. Fr.w.
3624 many B. t. 14, f. 19, 12. C. 9,
whirled M27,/. 1124-5. u.
C.9, f. 127,/ 1126. D.3,
f. 99. M^. 457,^. 25,
f.Q. Britain, &c. Fr.w.
3625 pale horn- P.f.92,/. 7. 5. J^/z/w. #. 5,
colour / 12. M. p. 459, t. 25,
/. 7. L.T.8,p. 192.
54 paluvlosa 3635 Bog
1J.JJ.440. L.T.8,p. 193,
f.5, /'.5. - Fr.w.
HELIX. ] ,>Q
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
55 Cornn-Arie- 3625 Rum's horn L./. 136, /. 40. C 9, M12,
tis / 952-3. E. M. t. 4 GO,
/3. Amhoyna. Fr.\r.
56 Cornu Vena- Hunter's hornC.9, .127, /*.! 132<'. U.
57 Ericetorum 3632 Heath L.t.78,f.78. G J.3,/ P.
C.9,M32,/.1193. 7).
5, .151. Af.p.437,/.24,
/.2. Britain, &c^ L.
58 cingenda 3632 girdled M.^.418.^24,/4. L.T.8,
[strigata.^ pA95, t.5,f.Q. L.
59 virgata 3631 striped Lt.59,f56. G.t.2,f.L.
[Pisana.] D. 2, t. 65. M. p. 415,
60 lucida 3633 pellucid L.t.71, two upper/. G.
[nitens.'] t.2,f.G. A/./?.425, ^.23,
/4. L.T.8,p 198,^.5,
61 tenuis 3641 thin S.Fluss. p. 258, ^.5,/. 32.
< Fr.\v.
62 obvoluta 3634 small white G. 1. 2,/. S. C. 9, t. 127,
lipped /.1 128. Italy. Fr.w.
63 minima 3666 minute S.Fluss.p.32l,l.7,fA3. u.
64 hispidu 3625 hairy P.f.P3,/.13. C.9,^.122,
/'. 1057-8. M. p. 423,
^.23,/3. Britain, &c. L.
65 umbilicata umbilicated Mp.434,M3,/.2. i.T.8,
H E L 1 X.
Linn, names. Gin. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat
66 costata 3633 little cross M.F.2, p. 31. Denmark. L.
67 pulchella 3633 little,striatedMF.2,y?.30.
68 trochiformis trochus-shaped M.p.427, 1. 1 1,/.9. L.T.8,
p.200. Britain. L.
69 spinulosa 3638 prickly C. 9, t. 133,/. 1209. M.
70 Lacuna gutter-lippedM.p.428,.13,/.6. L.T.8,
p.201. Britain.
71 ampullacea 3626 smooth L..130,/.30. G.t.i t f.R.
girdled C. 9, t. 128, / 1133-5.
Amboyna. Fr.w.
72 Urceus Cocoa-nut L. t. 125,/. 25. F. t. 61,
/. D. 10. C. 9, *. 128,
/. 1136. E. M. t. 457,
./.2. America. Fr.w.
73 glauca 3628 grayish L.t. 129,/. 29. K . 5, *. 5,
brown f.S. C.9, M29,/.1144-
5. Guadaloupe. Fr.w.
74 vitrea 3622 brittle E. t.l5,f. 15, 10. C. 11,
f.210,/.2072-3. u.
75 Sultana variegated C.ll, i.210,/. 2070-1.
New Zealand.
76 Pomatia 3627 edible L.tA8,fA6, G.t.i,f.A.
C.9, t. 128, /. 1137-8.
J). 3,^.84. M.pAQ5.
Britain, &c. L.
Linn, names.
77 scalaris
78 cincta
79 rosacea
80 extensa
81 citrina
82 Rapa
83 castanea
84 Globulus
85 incisa
86 Lucena
87 Fruticum
88 Arbustorum
89 fulva
90 Epistylium
01 Papilla
92 nemorensis
3628 sulphur-
Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
3652 produced F. t.76,f. L. C. 9, t. 128,
/.1139.m>.l. France. L.
3630 red-banded M.V.%,p.58. u.
3636 flesli-co- M.V.2,p.lQ. u.
3631 four-whirledM.F.2,/>.60. U.
L. t. 54, /. 50. G. t. 3,
/. D. E. C. 9, t. 131,
/.1167-75. Jamaica. L.
3629 single-band. C.9, .13 1,/. 1176. u.
3629 chestnut C.9,f.lS1,/ll77-8. u.
3629 globular C.9, f.130,/1159-60.
3630 slit mar- F. t. 64, f. S. C. 9, 1. 130,
gined /.1166. E. Indies. L.
3636 transparent F.f.64,/.M.l. C.9,M30,
/.1 155. Tranquebar.
3635 six-whirled C.9, MS3,/.1203. Denmark. L.
3630 brown sinlei^.56,/.53. C. 9, 1. 133,
streaked /.1202. D.4,J.136. M.
J9.413. Britain, &c. L.
3630 amber M.F.2,p.56. Denmark. L.
3630 Bee-hive L. t. 62,/. 60. F. t. 64,
/. O. 4. C. 9, t. 122,
/.1049-50. S. Sea Islands. L.
3660 Nipple C.9, M22,/. 1053-4. U.
3632 polished B.M6,/.1,2, C.9, ^.129,
: *^ f. 1140 7. E. Indies. L.
162 HELIX.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms.
93 vittata 3636 ribbon
X.5,.21,/.4. C.9, .132,
f.1190-2. Coromandel.
94 zonaria 3632 zoned G. t. S,/. L. K. 5, t. 21,
/3. C.9, .132,/1188-
9. South of Europe. L.
95 striata 3632 striated S.Erd.p.183, .2,/20.
Saxony. L.
96 ungulina 3635 tawny-horn C. 9, t. 125, /. 1098-9.
E.M.tA62,f.6. India.
97 Lusitanica 3636 Lusitanian G.t. <2,/. T. C.9, .108,
/. 1684-5. S. of Europe. L.
98 maramillaris 3636 mammillaryl. . 566,/. 13. F. t. 11,
/. H. 3. C. 5, . 189,
/. 1926-7. Guinea. Fr.w.
99 Hispana 3637 Spanish L.S.N.p.1.246. S. of Europe.
100 lutaria 3637 mud JLS.JV.p.1246. u.
101 ovalis 3637 oval ..1055,/.l. C.9, .119,
/.1020-1. E. Indies. L,
L. t. 23,/. 21. B. t. 15,
/. 21-22. C. 9, . 119,
/. 1022-3. W.Indies, L.
I..578 ; /.33. C.9, .119,
/. 1024-5. Guinea. L.
Kambeui A.p.l4,t.l,f.l. Senegal.
3637 red & yellowC.9, . 1 22,/. 1 046-8. TJ.
106 trifasciata 3642 three-band. 0.9, .134,/ 1215. Tranquebar.
102 oblonga 3637 oblong
103 flammea 3637 Zebra
104 Kambeul
105 Pileus
HELIX. 163
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
107 Bontia 3642 broad F.t. 65, upper/. L. C. 9,
mouthed M34,/.1216-17. Tranquebar.
108 labiosa 3645 lipped G.t. 4,/. R. C. 9, t. 135,
/.1234. India.
109 trochoides 3642 angular C.tO,M73,/1686. E.Indies.
110 Otaheitana coffee-coloured C.9, *.112,/.950-1.
Otaheite. Fr.w.
111 heva 3641 party-co- L. t. 33, f. 31. F. t. 65,
loured /.A.3. C.9,f.lll,/.940-
9. E. Indies.
112 aurea 3643 yellow L. f. S4,/.S3&35,/. 34.
[dextra.] G.t.5,f.P. C. 9,t. 110,
/.928-S3. W. Indies. L.
113 recta 3643 straight G.f.5,/.O. X.5, *.2S,/.5.
114 interrupta 3644 tessellated F.t.65,f.A..6. C.9, f.134,
/.1213-14. F.
115 arenaria 3644 minute, sandC.9, #.113,/97 2-3. Rimini.
116 lanthina 3645 violet L. t. 571, f. 24. G. *.64,
/.(). C.5,M66,/1577-
8. E.M.tA56,f.l.
1U Jamaicensis 3644 Jamaica L.tA%,f. 40. X. l,f. 21,
/.3. F.#.63,/.M. C.9,
M29,/.1140-l, Jamaica.!.
118 Rhodia ' 3645 Rhodes C.9, f.133,/. 117 9-80.
Island of Rhodes. L.
Y 2
Linn, names. Grn. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
119 vivipara 3646 viviparous L .1055,/.6. G..5, f.A.
C. 9, t. 132, /. 1182-5.
E.M. t. 458, f. 1. D.3,
.87. M.p.386.
Britain, &c. Fr.w.
120 fasciata 3646 banded G..5,/.M. Italy. Fr.w.
121 dissimilis 3647 dissimilar S.Einl.2, p.253, .4, f.W.
122 angularis 3661 angular C.9, .134,/.l222-3.
Canton. Fr.w.
123 nemoralis 3647 varied .L..57,/.54. G.. 1,/lP.
C.9, t. 132,/. 1196-8.
D.I, .13. Mp.411.
Europe. L.
124 Cartusiana 3664 Chartreuse Geojf.p.33, f.2. Near Paris. L.
125 Lucorum 3649 brown-lipped G.t.l,f.C. Europe. L.
126 hortensis 3649 garden _L. t. 49, /. 47. F. t. 62,
[grisea.] /.D.2.D.3 & D.4. C.9,
t. ISO,/. 1156-8. JD.4,
.131. M.p.407.Britain,&c. L.
127 haemastoma 3650 rose-lipped L. t. 1055, /I 2. F. . 64,
/. A. 4. C. 9, . 130,
/.1 150-1. E.M. .462,
/.4. S.America. L.
128 lactea 3629 milky i..95,/. 96. C.9, .130,
y.1161. Jamaica. L.
129 picta 3650 painted JB.f.l5,/.17,18.C.9,.l30,
/.1 162-5. Amboyna. L,
H E L I X.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
130 versicolor 3651 diversified B.tA6,f.9,W. u.
131 aperta 3651 gaping B. t. 15, f. 19, 20. C. 9,
MS3,/. 1204-5.
Island of St. Croix.
132 fusca brown M.pAZ4,t.l3,f.l. L.T.8,
p.209. Britain. L.
133 fuscescens 3639 glossy S.Erd.tA,f.ll. Denmark.!.
134 consolidata square-tippedC.9, .136,/.1258. Surinam. L.
135 decollata 3651 truncated L.t. 17, f. 12 & 18,/. 13.
G. t. 4,f. O.P.Q. C.9,
i.136,"/. 1254-5.
S. of Europe. L.
F.t.65,f.B.lO. C.9,.136,
/. 1256-7. * St. Domingo. L.
L.t. 14, /. 9. G. t. 6,/. 1.
C.9, t.135, f. 1226. E. Indies.
136 truncata flag
137 calcarea chalky
138 cuspidata 3655 pointed
.M18,/13. G t.Q,f.\l.
C.9,t. 135,/1228. India. Fr.w.
139 plicaria
140 undulata
141 aspera
3654 wh.-spotted B.t.W,fA4.
3645 wave striped B.t. 16, /'.1 5. '
3656 roughly C.9, #.136, f.1259-60.
striated Coromandel. Fr.w.
142 Vibex 3522 red marked 5.Em/.2, J9.199.
[Str. Vibex.]
143 crenata 3655 crenated C.9, #.135, /. 1230.
Madagascar. Fr.w.
144 fuscata 3654 shining X.M16,/.ll. C.9, M35,
brown /.1 229. E. Indies. Fr.w.
166 HELIX.
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
145 lubrica SGG1 glossy M.p.390,#.22,/6. L.T.8,
p.213. Britain, &c. L.
146 Stagnorum 3653 barleycorn Bast.2,p.17, t.7,fA.
Holland. Fr.w.
147 obscura 3661 small brown M.p.391, .22,/5. L.T.8,
7?.212,#.5,/.ll. Britain. L.
148 Lackharnen- Lackham M./>.394 ; #.ll,/.3. L.T.8,
sis p 212.
149 octanfracta 3668 8-whirIed M. p. 396 & p. 588, t. 11,
[peregrina.]. /8. L.2 T .8, j?.21 1. Fr.w.
150 octona slender i.i.20, /'15. C. 9, t. 136,
/.1624. M.Suppl.p.144:.
L.T.8, p. ( 2 11, t.5,f.W.
W. Indies. L.
151 Columna 3653 Column i.*.39,/.37.b. C.9,^.112,
/. 954-5 & 11, #.213,
/. 3020-1. E.M. f .459,
y.5. Guinea. L.
152 incumbens 3524 tawny strip. M. V. 2, p. 149. B. stria-
[Str. xtriatus.] turn. U.
153 Pella 3654 small red -LS.JV^.1248. Iceland.
154 bifasciata double bandedD.l, #.10. 3f./).346,.22,
J'.l. T.fasciatus. Britiiin.&c. L.
155 Carinula 3655 brown linedC.9,*.136,/.1263, wo.1-4.
Guadaloupe. L.
156 detrita S660 smo.382 &
coloured SuppL p. 140. L. T. 8,
J9.222. Britain, &c.
3663 Baltic L.S.N.p.1250. Baltic.
3663 neriteshapedGU.64,/.I. -
3663 large-mouth. L.S.N.p. 1250. Mediterranean.
3663 Venus' ear C.I, .
3665 ambiguous A.t.l3,fA. F.t.lQ,f.GA.
brittle acute-B.E.C.j!?. 183, ^.26,/.l.
1 Canrena 3699 varied
2 Candida
L.t.560,f.4. G.t.67,f.V.
M.Suppl.p.148. E.M.
#.453,/. 1,2. &.455,
/. 3-5. L. T. 8, p. 223.
D.5, .167. Britain, &c.
C. 5, t. 187, /. 1887-91.
E.M.*.453,/.3. Moluccas.
N E R I T A.
Linn, names. Gm.
3 cancellata 3670
4 sulcata 3673
5 gjaucina 3671
6 Vitellus 3671
Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
latticed i..566,/.16. C.5, M88,
/. 19 11-14. W.Indies.
grooved JB.f.l7,/.5,6. u.
livid L. t. 568, /. 19. G. t. 67,
/. A. B. C. 5, t. 186,
/. 1856-9. D. 1, *. 20,
/.I. M./;.469. Britain, &c.
clouded L. t. 565, f. 12. G. t. 67,
yellovy /.L. C.5, f.186,/. 1866-
7. Amboyna.
7 ipadicea 3672
8 rufa 3672 reddish
chestnut- C.5, f.187,/1872-3. Mauritius,
i.*.606,/34. C.5, *.187,
/. 1874-5. -M. SM/?P/.
p. 150, ^.30,/.3. Britain, &c.
9 punctata punctured C.ll, t.197,/. 1903-4.
10 fulminea 3672 zig-zag
11 orieiitalis 3673
12 cruentata 3673
13 rqgosa 3673
14 Marochiensis3673
15 arachnoidea 3674
16 vittata 3674
J7 Albumen 3671
X. t. 567, f. 17. G. t. 67,
/.M. C.5,f.l87,/1881-
4. Moluccas.
Eastern C.5, f.188,/. 1898-9. E.Indies,
red spotted C.5,*.188,/.1900-l.Tranquebar.
wrinkled C.5, f.188,/. 1902-3. W.Indies,
wave strip. C.5, ^.188,/.1905-10. Africa,
spider raark.C.5, f.188,/ 1915-16. u.
ribbon C.5,#.188,/.1917-18. Morocco.
liver-co- P. Amb. 1. 10, f. 14. C. 5,
loured U89,/. 1924-5. Amboyna.
N E R I T A.
Linn, names.
18 Zebra
19 Mammilla
20 Papilla
21 paUidula
22 Corona
23 Radula
24 Magdalense
25 cornea
26 fluviatilis
Gm. Engl.names. Synonyms. Habitat.
Zebra JE.M.f.455,/.S. u.
3672 Nipple . *. 571,/. 22. G.t.67,
f.C. C.5, *.189,/.1928-
31. E.M.*.453,/5. W.Indies.
3675 pap-shaped C.5, .189,/.1939. Tranquebar.
pallid D.1,M6,/.l. .M.J0.468.
.T.8,;>.226. Britain.
3675 Eastern JF.f.61,/.D.7. C.9, f.124,
crown /.1083-4. Ganges&China.Fr.w.
3676 rough-rib. B.M7,/.7,8. C.5, .190,
/. 1946-7. Amboyna.
3677 Magdalen A.t.l3,f.5. Magdalen Islands.
3676 horn
3676 river
27 littoralis 3677 strand
5.C(mc//.l,p.323. Red Sea.
i.^. 141, /. 38 & *.607,
/.43. G.tA.f.L.L. C.9,
/.2. M.p.470.
Britain,&c. Fr.vv.
.^.607,/.39-42. GJ.64,
/.N. C.5, f.185,/. 1854.
D.1,f.20,/.2. Mp.467.
^8 lacustris 3677 lake G.^.4,/.M.M. Europe. Fr,w.
29 dubia 3676 black mark.C.5,f.l93,/2017- 20. u.
30 marginata 3677 margined S.Eml.Q,tA,f.l6. V.
31 pulligera 3678 reddish L. t. 143,/. 37. G. t. 4,
/. H. H. C. 9, t. 124,
/. 1078-9. E.3O.455,
/'.I. i.iviu Fr.vv.
N E R I T A.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
32 aculeata 3686 spinous C.10, f.169,/1642. India. Fr.w.
33 Pupa 3679 black and L. t. 605,/. 31. P. t. 15,
white J".S. Jamaictt.
34 bidens 3679 double- F.t.W, lower/.R. N.Zealand.
35 flavescens yellowish C.10, .165, /. 1594-5.
Nicohar Islands.
36 viridis 3679 green i.f.601,/.18. C.9, .124,
/.1089. W. Indies. Fr.w.
37 virginea 3679 zig-zag L. t. 604, /. 24-7. C. 9,
J.124,/. 1086-7. a-l. -
38 turrita 3686 turreted C.9, M24,/. 1085. VV. Indies.
39 polita 3680 mottled L. t. 602,/. 20. G. t . 66,
/.G. C.*.195 ; /.2002-3.
40 litterata 3685 streaked C.5^.193,/2016-18. E. Indies.
41 Piperina triangular spotted C.I 1, .197,/.1905-6. Malabar.
42 Larva 3679 broad-band.C.5, .193,/2017. Araboyna.
43 atrata 3683 smooth F. t. 70, f. F.l.F.2. C. 5,
black .190,/.1954-5. VV. Indies.
44 aterrima 3679 thick opakeC.5,.192,/. 1985-6. u.
45 Antillarum 3685 wrinkle lip. C.5, *.192,/1987. W.Indies.
46 Paloronta 3680 purple- .f.595,/.l. G.t.66,f.Z.
streaked C. 5, 1. 192, /. 1 977-84.
47 Alticella
3681 pimple lip. L. t. 600,/. 16. F. t.ll,
/.F. C.5,.193,/.2000.
a-h. C. of Good Hope.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
48 maxima 3683 great black C.5, f.190,/. 194 2-3. U.
and yellow
49 textilis 3683 thrush L.t.598,fA4. C. 5, .190,
f. 1944-5. Tranquebar.
50 Histrio 3681 tooth lipped L.f.598,/.ll. C.5,*.190,
/ 1948-9. E. Indies.
51 plicata 3681 wrinkle- Z..595,/.3. G.t.66,f.V.
lipped C. 5, t. 190,/ 1952-3.
.E.Af.f.454,/5. Tranquebar.
52 Ascensionis 3683 Ascension C.5, .19 1,/. 1956-7.
Island of Ascension.
53 lineata 3684 lined C.5,M91,/.1958-9.JE.M.
t .455,/.4. Str. of Malacca.
54 versicolor 3684 purple .F. t. 10,/S. C. 5,t. 191,
tessellated /. 1962-3. E.M. *.454,
/.7. W. Indies.
55 Pica 3684 pied C.5, M9 1,/. 1964-5. Amboyna.
56 flammea 3685 spotted C.5, <.192,/.1992-3. W.Indies.
57 costata 3684 ribbed C.5, M91,/.1966-7.
Nicobar Islands.
58 bizonalis two-zoned E.M..454,/.S. u.
59 grossa 3682 red thrush P.
/. 1968-9. Asiatic Ocean.
60 Chamseleon 3682 Chameleon GU.66,/.X. P.Amb.t.ll,
f.r. C.5,*.192,/.1988-
91. Moluccas.
61 Stella black ray ed C.ll,*.197,/. 1907-8. E. Indie*. .
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
62 undata 3682 waved L.t.596,f.T. G.t.66,f.P.
C. 5, t. 190,/ 1950-1.
.E.M.f.454,/6. E.Indies.
63 undulata 3678 thin waved C.5,t. 191, /'.1 970-1.
64 Exuvia 3683 Exuvia ..596,/.5. K.3,t.l,f.5.
C. 5, t. 191, f. 1972-3.
E.M.tA54,f.l. Jamaica.
65 quadricolor 3684 four-colour. C.5, #.19 1,/. 1974-5. Red Sea.
66 Malaccensis 3684 Malacca C.5,.192,/.1976.
Str. of Malacca.
67 fulgurans 3685 lightning C.5, M92,/. 1996-7. W.Indies.
68 tessellata 3685 tessellated C.5, M92,/.l998-9.
69 Stercus mus- dotted C.5, f.187,/1894. E.M.
carum f.453,/6. America.
70 auriculata eared E.M.tA55,f.6. u.
1 Mida 3687 leafy .I.f.6l3,/.5. G.#.69,/.B.
C.l,#.14,/. 136 & .15,
/.141. E.Indies.
2 pulcherrima 3690 white and M. U. C. 2, t. 62. C. 10,
rose-coloured J.166,/. 1605-6. S. Sea.
3 virginea 3690 iridescent C.10, f.166,/. 1607-8.
New Zealand.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
4 tuberculata 3687 common X.f.611,/.2. G.t.69,f.I.
C.l,f.16,/.l46-9. D.I,
*.5. M.p.473. Britain, &c.
5 striata 3688 wrinkled C.I, M4,/. 138. Asiatic Ocean.
G bistriata 3689 double-linedX.f.612,/. 3. C. 1, *. 15,
/.142. Africa.
7 varia 3688 rough X. t. 612,/. 4. G. ^. 69,
striated /.L.M. C.I, #.15,/. 144.
E. Indies.
.8 marmorata 3688 marbled i.f.614,/6. G./.69,/.A.
9 glabra 3690 smooth C.10,.166,/.1602. B. of Naples.
10 asinina 3688 Asses ear X..610,/.l. G.t 69,/.D.
C.l,?.16,/150. Amboyna.
11 australis 3689 rough C. 10, t. 166,/. 1604 &
plaited 1604 a. New Zealand.
12 gigantea 3691 gigantic M. U. C. 2, t. 63. C. 10,
*.167,/.1610-11. N. Holland.
13 Iris 3691 Iris M. U. C. 2, t. 61. C. 10,
t.!67.f. 16 12-13. N.Zealand.
14 Cracherodii Cracherode'sX.B'.M.ljp.lSl, .58.
15 ovina 3691 chestnut C.10,M66,/.1609. U.
16 parva 3689 small orange F. t.5,f. D. C. l,f. U,
/.HO. China.
P A T E L L A.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms.
17 Guineensis 3689 decussated S.Einl.V, p.388, J.4,/18.
18 imperforata 3690 imperforateL. 1. 1056, f. 6, 7. F. t. 5,
1. E.M.t.450,f.l. E. Indies.
19 imbricata imbricated E.M..450,/.2. u.
20 phyanotis irregular E.M.t.450,f.o. U.
21 planulata oblong, mottled.E.M..450,/.4. u.
1 equestris 3691 cup-and- i.^.546,/38. G.t.9,f.Z.
saucer CM, ?.13,/.119,120.
2 Neptuni Neptune's capF. t. 4,/. B.S. C. 1, 1. 13,
/.117-18. St. Domingo.
3 Tectum Chinese roof F.^.4,/.B.1. C. 10,^.168,
/. 1630-1. China.
4 Sinensis 3692 Chinese i.*.546,/.39. C. 1, .13,
bonnet /. 121-2. D. 4, *. 129.
M.^.489,^13,/4. Britain ? &c.
5, auricula 3694 ear-shaped P.#.21,/.ll. C.10,.168,
/. 1628-9. W. Indies.
6 trochiformis 3693 trochus- F.tA,f.A.l. C.10, i.168,
shaped /.1626-7. Tranquebar.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
7 trochoictes wave ribbedf 1 .tA,f. A. 2. C. 1, 1. 13,
/.135. U.
8 neritoidea 3692 chambered .L.f.545,/36. C. 1, f. 13,
/. 133-4. Indian Seas.
9 porcellana 3692 brown spot.i.f.545,/34. C. 1, . 13,
/. 127-8.
10 fornicata 3693 slipper i.*.545,/.33&35. C.I,
M3,/. 129-30. Mediterranean.
11 aculeata 3693 spiny ribbedf.^4,/F.2. C.10,*. 168,
/.1624-5. W. Indies.
12 Goreensis 3694 Sandal C.l,*.13,/.131-2. Goree.
13 Crepidula 3695 transparent L.S.N.p. 1257. Mediterranean.
14 laciniosa 3695 white-eyed F.t.%,fA. C.l,f.lO,/.81.
. Amboyna.
15 plicaria 3708 plaited JB.M8,/.l. U.
16 monopis 3707 chesnut C.l,#.9,/.80. W.Indies.
17 saccharina 3695 star L. t. 532,/. 10. G. t. 9,
f.lM. C.l,#.9,/.70&
76. Amboyna.
18 angulosa 3707 angular JU.2,/C. C.l,/.8,/.69. France.
19 repanda 3707 small sun F.t.2,f.G.l. Island of Cerigo.
20 tenuis 3708 thin amber P.f.2,/.A. C.l,*.10,/.87. U.
21 margaritacea3707 great sun G.?.8,/.L. F.^.2,/.G.2.
C.1,MO,/.85.A.B. Patagonia.
22 barbara 3696 toothed K.5,t.l3,f. 5. Falkland Islands.
Linn, names. Gin. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat,
23 Cypria 3698 white ribbedF.M I,/. D. 1. C. 1, t. 9,
/.79. New Zealand.
24 Oculus Goat's eye G.t.9,f. H. P. t. 2,/. M.
C.l,f.lO,/.86. Mediterranean.
25 pentagona 3708 five-angled B..18,/.4,5. U.
26 granularis 3696 wh,-grainedi. t. 536,/. 15. JP. . 3,
/.4.D. C.M.8,/.61.
C. of Good Hope.
27 granatina 3696 garnet .f.534,/.lS. G.t.9,f.V.
. C.I,
28 chlorosticta 3707 pigeon's C.I, *.10,/.84.A.B. Jamaica.
29 tigrina 3707 tiger C.I, f.9,/.78. u.
30 ornata adorned C.ll, #.197,/.1914-15.
New Zealand.
31 raelanogram-3706 black-ribbed C.I, ^.8,/.67. U.
32 ferruginea 3706 rusty JF.*.3,/.D.2. C.10, f.168,
/.1616. Str. of Magellan.
33 crenata 3706 little grey G.t.9,f.G. F.t.2,f.E.
34 Umbella 3706 rose streak. X.f.538,/21. J*.#.1,/.H.
1&2. C.l,f.8,/.63. Africa.
35 Ulyssiponen-3706 Buckler C.I, i.8,/.62. Lisbon.
36 radiata radiated C.ll,*.197,/.1916-17.Moluccas.
37 lugubris 3705 black P.U,/.M. C.I, f.8,/.60.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
38 vulgata 3697 common L. t. 535, f. 14. C. 1, t . 5,
/. 38. D. 1, f. 14. M.
jo.475. Britain, &c.
39 tuberculata 3697 wh.-pimpledL.S.JV.p.l259. u.
40 Cochlear 3721 horse-shoe B.M8,/.3. K.2,f.26,/.S.
.F.f.79, upper/.B. N.Zealand.
41 ungarica 3709 bonnet G.f.9,/.V.&VV. P.f.4,
/.E.2. C.I, f.12,/,107-
8. D.I, *.!,/.!. M.
J9.486. Britain, &c.
42 militaris hooked Z<.f.544,/.32. 1T.*.4,/.B.
D.5, *. 171. M. p. 488,
43 mitrula 3708 small i.f.544,/.SO-l. C.1,M2,
imbricated /. 111-13. M. p. 485,
44 cochleata white ridgedC.ll,M97,/.1919-20. S. Seas.
45 Calyptra 3712 helmet M.U.C.t.l*. C.10,*.169,
/. 1643-4.
N.W. Coast of America.
46 intorta 3713 inclining C. 1, t. 12,/. 115. D. 5,
[Pectunculus.] M46. M.Suppl.p.154.
i.T.8,/?.231. Britain, &c.
47 cassida lentil seed F. t. 4,/. C. C. 1, f. 12,
/.1 16. Otaheite.
48 Tranqueba- 3714 brilliant X.i.530,/. 8. C. 1, *. 12,
rica /-114. i'i*^ Tranquebar.
49 mammillaris 3709 nipple i. t . 537,j^ ^ F. t. 3,
/.F.I. ^#.7,/58-9.
W. Indies.
* A 2
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
50 leucopleura 3699 small, rayed L.t. 539, f. 22, C.I, .7,
F.56-7. W. Indies.
51 tricarinata 3710 small three-C. 10, i.168,/1622-3.
keeled New Zealand.
52 pectinata 3710gray,striatedS.Em/.2,j?.418,.5,/.3.
53 fusco-lutea yellowish brownB..18,/.8. u.
54 lutea 3710 yellow F. t. 5,/. E. C. 1, t. 17,
f. 154-5. Amboyna.
55 perversa 3714 reverse, C.I, *.12,/114. A.B. Goree.
56 lacustris 3711 lake X. t. 141,/. 39. G. t. 4,
[fluviatilis.] /.B.B. D.5, 1. 147. M.
J9.482. J,.r.8,p.232.
Britain, &c. Fr.w.
57 oblonga 3710 oblong G..4,/.A.A. D.5, .150.
[/fic^m.j L2'.8,p.233.
58 pellucida 3717 pellucid blueC. 10, 1. 168,/. 1620. M.
rayed pA77 & Suppl.p.153.
Britain, &c.
59 cseruleata opake blue rayed L.t .542,/.26 & 543,/.27.
C. 10, t. 168, / 1621.
60 radians grey, mottledC.10, M68,/.1618. N.Zealand.
61 Rota 3720 roundish C.10, *.168,/.1619. W. Indies.
62 testudinaria 3717 great tor- JLf.531,/. 9. G.t.8,f. B.
toise-shell C.I, ^.6,7:45-8. E. Indies.
63 testudinalis 3718 small tor- C. 10, t. 168,/. 1614-15.
toise-shell F.*.1,/.Q.2. Greenland.
Linn, names. Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
64 compressa 3718 flat-sided L, t. 541 ,/. 25. F. t. 3,
/.B.3. C.I, f.12,/106.
C. of Good Hope.
65 Afra 3715 African G.t.9,f.C. C.l,#.5,/34. Goree.
66 Lusitanica 3715 narrow- G. . 8,/N.M.P. F.t.l,
ribbed /.I. C.I, *.5,/.35-G. Portugal.
67 Jamaicensis 3715 orange linedC.l, f.5,/.37. Jamaica.
68 stellifera 3719 brown and C.10, M68,/.1617.
white starred Friendly Islands.
69 fusca 3719 sugar-loaf F.t. I,/. A. 2. C. 1, t. 5,
/.40. Falkland Islands.
70 areolata 3716 pyramidal F. 1. 1,/. A. 1. C. 1, t. 5,
/.41. Str. of Magellan.
71 flammea 3716 agate F. 1. 1,/. P. 2. C. 1, f. 5,
/.42. Falkland Islands.
72 Indica 3716 Indian G.t.Q,f. E. F. 1. 1,/. G.
C.l,*.7,/.49. E.Indies.
73 vitellina 3716 yellow X.l, f.20,/2. C. 1, f . 7,
/51. u.
74 Isvigata 3717 white tippedC.l, t.7,f.54. u.
75 Surinamensis3716 brown rayedC.l, .7,/.54. Surinam.
76 punctulata 3705 dotted C.I, f.7,/55. U.
77 notata 3719 whent-sheafC.10./>.320,/.C.D. W.Indies.
78 cruciate 3719 white cross S.Einl.2,pA3%, f.5,/.6. U.
79 reticulata 3719 reticulated S.Einl.2,pA33,t.5,f.7.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
80 casca 3711 little white M.Z.D.l, .12,/l-3. Norway.
81 virginea 3711 red rayed D.l,i.21,/. 2. M.pAQO.
i.r.8,/>.235. Britain, &c.
82 tessellata 3711 tessellated M.Z.D.l, *.12,/.6,7. Norway.
83 fulva 3712 orange M..D.*.24,/.l-3.
84 ambigua white duck's billC.ll, f.197,/1918. N. Holland.
85 umbellata 3720 Chinese F.t.3,f.tt. C.I, t.6,f. 44
parasol & 10, M69,/.1645-6. China.
86 Fissura 3728 slit i. f. 534,/. 28. F. t. 4,
/.M.I. C.I, M2,/.109-
10. D. *. 8,/. 2. Af.
p.490. Britain, &c.
87 incisa reticulated slitC.ll, f.197,/1925-6.
Falkland Islands.
88 fissurata rose-coloured slitC.ll, i.!97,/.1929-30. Ceylon.
89 apertura 3728 perforated C. 11, t. 197, /. 1927-8.
[fissurella.] M. p. 491, t . 13,/10 &
Suppl.p.165. L. r. 8,
p. 236. Britain, &c.
90 Pustula 3728 doubtful X.^.528,/3. C. 10, #.168,
/.1632-3. W. Indies.
91 Grzeca 3728 cancellated X.*.527,/.2. G.t.9,f.N.
C.I, Ml,/. 98-9. D.
f.21,/.3. M.^.492. Britain,&c.
92 atricapilla black ring L.f.528,/. 5. C. 1,*. 12,
/104. Barbadoes.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonipns. Habitat.
93 nodosa 3731 tuberculatecl^.528,/6.jP^.3,/.D.
[spinosa.] Barbadoes.
91 perforata 3730 partridge L.t. 528,/. 7. C. l,f. 11,
/.93, 96-7.
95 Caffra 3730 African C.I, f.l l,/.95. C. of G.Hope.
96 Pileolus open cap C.11,M97,/.1922. u.
97 Scutellura 3731 Scutcheon P.f.3,/11. F.t.3,f.A.l.
Falkland Islands.
98 picta 3729 painted F.t.3,f. A. 4. C. 1, t. 11,
99 nimbosa 3729 scaly ribbed G.*.9,/.R.S. JU.3,/.A.3.
C.l,^.ll,y.91-2. Martinique.
100 nubecula 3729 variegated C.I, #.12,/.105. Mediterranean.
red and white
101 Porphyrozo- 3730 Porphyry C.I, f.12,/102-3. 1ST. America.
102 Macroschis- oblong pcrforatedC.il, .197,/.1923-4. Japan.
1 rectum 3738 straight P.*.95,/.ll. G./.10,/H.
C.1,M,/.4.A. Indian Seas.
2 5lephantinum3736 fluted ele- L. t. 547, upper/. 1. G.
phant's *.10,/.l. C.1,*. l,/5.
A -
3 aprinum 3736 white,ribbedC.l, M,/.4.B. _
Linn, names, Grit. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
4 striatulum 3738 striated i.f.547, lower/. C.l,f.l,
/.5.B. D.5, #.162. M.
SuppLp.1.55. Britain, &c.
5 Dentalis 3736 curved, F.t.5,f.E.4. ikf.jy.495.
striated L.r.8,p.237.
6 Entalis 3736 common L. t.54T,f. 2.& 1. 1056,
/.4. G.MO,/.E. D.2,
.48. Mp.494.
7 corneum 3737 horn-co- S.Ein/.2,/?.523,.6,/.16.
loured African Ocean.
8 politum 3737 ringstriatedG. t. 10,/. F. C. 1, *. 1,
/3.A. India,
9 eburneum 3737 smooth ivory L.S.N.p. 1264.
10 fasciatum 3737 banded F.t.5,f.E.2. C.l,t.l,
/3.B. Sicily,
11 Gadus Hake's M.pA96,t.l4 t f.7. L.T.8,
J9.238. British Channel.
12 iraperforatum minute,truncatedTF.MS./. 15. M.p. 496.
L.T.8, p.238. Britain.
13 Trachea minute, windpipeM. />. 497, t. 14, f. 10.
14 glabrum 3737 minute, smoothM/;.497. i.T.8,^.239.
15 pellucidum 3738 pellucid S.Einl.p.529, t.6,fA7. N. Seas.
Linn, names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
1 stellaris 3747 rayed pin's Fab.F.Gr.p.383. Greenland.
2 Semilunum 3739 small seed G.MO,/.S. W.M.S.f.l.
M.p.520. Britain, &c.
3 incurvata incurved W.M.SfAl. M.p.518.
4 planorbis 3740 flat L.S.N.p.M64. Europe: on shells.
5 Cereolus 3745 bougie F.t.6,f.D. C.I, f.S,/20.
E. W. Indies.
6 Spirillum 3740 minute C. 1, t. 3,/. 20.C.D. M.
spiral p.499. L.T.8,p.2W.
Europe : on corallines.
7 minuta minute M.p.505. jC.T.8,p.241. Britain.
8 spirorbis 3740 tapering JLf.553,/5. G.t.W,f.O.
spiral C. 1, f. S,/. 21. A. B.
D.I, f .9. M.pAQQ. Britain,&c.
9 triquetra 3740 three-sided G.tAO,f.P. C.I, #.3,/.25.
D.3, *.95. M.p.511. '
10 carinata keeled Jkf.p.502. L.T.8, p.242. Britain.
11 granulata 3741 grained D. 3, t. 100. M. p. 500.
12 cancellata 3746 grooved Fab.F.Gr.p.383. Greenland.
^3 heterostro- reversed JW>.503. L.T.8,p.%&2. Britain,
14 corrugata wrinkled M.p.502. i.T.8,p.242.
JAnn. names. Gm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
15 lucida shining M.p.507. L.T.8,p.%4>3. Britain.
16 vitrea 3746 brittle Fab.F.Gr. p.38,2. Greenland.
17 contortupli- 3741 twisted F. t. 6,f. E. 1. C. 1, t. 3,
cata /124.A. Mediterranean.
18 nebulosa clouded tawny JF..6,/.l. American Seas.
19 Goreensis 3745 intestine ^.f.6,/.E.2. Goree.
20 glomerata 3742 glpmerated O.f.10,/. T. F.t.6,f. Q.
C.I, .6,/.23. Mediterranean.
21 lumbricalis 3742 flexuous L. t. 548,/. 1. G. t. 10,
22 conical
23 arenaria
24 Afra
55 Volvqx
26 anguina
27 echinata
28 annularis
Elephant's trunkF.*.5,/.C. C.l,*.2,/.15. -
3743 solitary roseG.MO,/.L.T. F.t.6,f.P.
C.1,#.3,/.19.A.B.C. India.
C.I, f.3,/.20.A.B. Goree.
3745 smooth
Caterpillar P..16,/. 32.
3743 serpent
E. Indies.
3744 prickly
i.J.548,/2. F.t.6,f.G.1.
C.I, *.2,/.13.B.C. Amboyna.
G.MO,/.R. C.l,#.2,/.8.
Indian Ocean.
ringed snakeJF..6,/.G.2.C.V.2,/.16. ,u.
29 Cornu-copiae 3745 Cornucopia B. t. 13, f. 10, 11. C. 11,
f.211,/2092-3. Mauritius.
SO decussata 3745 decussated i.f.547,/. 4. F.t,6,f.L.
C.1, #.2 ; /.17, Araerioa-
Unn. names. Om. EngL names. Synonytos. Habitat.
31 vermicularis 3743 round D. 3, t. 95. M. p. 509.
_L.2 T .8,p.243. Britain, &c.
32 tubularia awl-shaped 3f.p.513. L.r.8,p.244. Britain.
33 denticulata 3746 toothed S.Einl.V,p.570, t.6,f.!8.
34 Aquaria S744\vatering-potL.*.548,/.3. G.t.W,fM.
F. t. 5,f. B. C. 1, t. 1,
/.7. Amboyna.
55 Ocrea 3744 boot-shapedP.^6. t . 20,/. 12. JP.^.5,
/.D. C.l,M,/9. E.Indies.
56 proboscidea 3745 proboscis C.I, *.2,/.18.B; u.
37 protensa 3744 lengthened P..5,/.F. C.I, i.2,/.12.
A. Amboyna.
38 gigantea 3747 great conicalPa//.M.S.p.l39,*.10,/.2-
toothed 10. Caribbee Islands.
1 gigantea 3742 great bifur- JP. 1, t. 5,f. N. C. 1, t. 1,
[S. polythalamia.'] cated y. 6&11. Island of Cerara.
2 navalis 3747 ship JF.*.60,/.C.1.C.2.&C.3.
Suppl.pJ. E.M.t.l6T,
f, 1-3. Bottoms of ships.
Linn, names* Cm. Engl. names. Synonyms. Habitat.
3 Utriculus 3748 timber Kam.Cab.Rudolst.p.7, t.\.
In wood in the sea.
4 Clava 3748 club-s>hapedS.*w/.2, p. 574, f.0,/.20.
'a. 8.
Anomia 54
Area 44
Argonauta 62
Buccinum 103
Bulla 85
Carclium 24
Chama 41
Cliiton 1
Conus 67
Cypraea 79
Dentalium 183
Donax 31
Haliotis 174
Helix 154
Lepas 4
Mactra 28
Murex 119
Mya 10
Mytiius 56
Nautilus 63
Nerita 1 69
Ostrea 47
Patella 176
Pholas 8
Pinna 59
Serpula 185
Solen 13
Spondylus 41
Strombus 115
Tellina... 16
Teredo 187
Trochus 133
Turbo 142
Venus 33
Voluta . . 89
Anomia 54
Ark 44
Barnacle 4
Borer 187
Clamp 41
Coat of Mail..... 1
Cockle 24
Cone 67
Cowry 79
Dipper 85
Gaper 10
Hinged Oyster 41
Limpet 176
Mactra 28
Muscle . . , 56
Nerite 169
Oyster 47
Paper Sailor 62
Piercer 8
Razor 13
Rock 119
Sailor 63
Screw 115
Sea Ear 174
Snail 154
Tellen 16
Tooth Shell 183
Top Shell 133
Venus 33
Volute 89
Wedge 31
Whelk 103
Wing Shell 59
Worm Shell 185
Wreath .. .142
Page 21, No. 66, for balustina read balaustina.
* 21, 71, radula read Radula.
53, 77, semiaurata redd semiaunta.
- 82, 39, - Errones read erronea.
90, 15, Coifeae read Coffea.
109, 80, turgitum read turgidum.
120, 11, melanomathos read melanamathes.
- 124, 55, lacerus read lacer.
141, 122, dolobratus read dolabratus.
172, 46, Pqloronta read Peloronta.
176, 20, - phyanotis read phimous-.
Lately published in one Volume, of the same size with this
Price 16s.
Illustrated by 28 Plates, drawn from Nature,
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